不,没有新病毒。 流感被重命名为“Covid-19”。

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所以,又到了那个时候。 大约每个月都会发生的时间,当我精心解释没有新病毒的证据时,更不用说“大流行”了。

有时我可能会使用夸张的语言,但我一直说“冠状病毒”可能是流感的一些新趋势。 但是每年都有新的流感病毒。

每年都有人死于流感。 美国每年有数万人死于流感。 根据疾病预防控制中心的数据,2018 年有 80,000 人死于流感。

在 2018 年流感季节,“医院不堪重负”,没有将大部分工作人员送回家,也没有解雇拒绝接种疫苗的人。 “流感医院不堪重负”是你可以玩过时的谷歌搜索游戏的又一回合,我将在适当的时候给出完整的说明。

这意味着人们在医院里,死于呼吸道病毒,在那些你可以在这些新闻文章下面看到的日期。 就像你在 CNN 上看到的流感病房视频一样——这些视频已被重新命名为“covid 病房”,因为所有呼吸道感染现在都是“covid-19”——生病并死于“covid”。 那些年里,有护士四处奔波,有亲人死去的家属哭泣。 因为在 2020 年之前就存在致命的呼吸道感染。

唯一的区别是,现在会有更多的人使用致命的呼吸机,因为当疾病预防控制中心将“流感”的名称改为“covid-19”时,他们改变了让某人戴上呼吸器的标准。 他们大概是这样做的 更多的人会死. 虽然无法证明,但也想不出其他的理由。 每个死于呼吸机相关性肺炎或呼吸机引起的任何其他并发症的人都被记录为“covid-19 死亡”。


  • 诊断患有 covid-19 的人
  • 将被诊断患有 covid-19 的人放在呼吸机上
  • 在死亡证明上写上“covid-19”

我真的不想在这点上说得太细,但这里有一份来自 ABC 新闻的 2018 年流感报告,该年被归类为“流行病”。 您会注意到,这与任何每日冠状病毒报告几乎完全相同。




流感基本上从未接受过检测,因为它很容易通过标准症状识别。 我在 2020 年 XNUMX 月的最初论点是,他们可能已经确定了标准的年度流感毒株,然后声称它是一种“新病毒”(而实际上每年流感都是一种“新病毒”)。 在这一点上,我完全没有信心绘制病毒的基因组图谱,但这是一个小细节。

PCR 测试绝对是个笑话,因为我们都一遍又一遍地经历过。 自从他们开始使用它以来,我们就知道这一点。 发明 PCR 检测的诺贝尔奖获得者卡里·穆利斯(Kary Mullis)表示,它不能用于检测传染性病毒,自他这么说以来,这项技术没有发生重大变化。

他们告诉你,所有这些没有症状的人实际上都因为这个测试而感染了病毒,这一事实应该足以让你用眼睛观察到这是胡说八道。 这个骗局的全部基础是“无症状传播者”的理论,PCR 测试证明了这一点。 “无症状传播者”在 2020 年之前从未被认为是一件事情(至少不是相关的事情)。 这是安东尼·福奇所说的。

当然,我不在乎 Anthony Fauci 说什么,因为我知道他是一个愚蠢的骗子、精神变态的骗子和比尔盖茨的伟大重置特工。 但是,如果您相信无症状传播者,您必须关心他所说的话,因为他是提出这个概念的人(同样,在 2020 年初否认之后)。

如果没有这种公然荒谬的理论,即没有疾病症状的人会偷偷地患上疾病并能够传播它(怎么样?),我们不会有封锁、社会疏远、口罩、疫苗强制要求或任何其他废话——相反,如果一个人生病了,他们只会呆在家里,这就是结束。 无症状传播者的荒谬和不科学的理论是使整个骗局起作用的根本谎言。 它之所以可行,是因为这个愚蠢的 PCR 测试系统。


如果你研究他们在世界经济论坛上所说的话,那么你不能说我所说的关于地球上最有权势的人利用所谓的病毒作为改变全球社会的手段的计划只是一个事实. 这不是有争议的事情。 你可以阅读克劳斯·施瓦布关于此事的两本书——”第四次工业革命“和”Covid-19:大重置。” 它们是非常容易阅读的书,因为他专门编写它们以使它们很容易翻译成各种语言。

你也可以在 WEF YouTube 频道上观看他们的论坛,在那里他们公开讨论这些内容。 还有许多其他智囊团正在讨论这个问题。 你可以一路回到 1970 年代的罗马俱乐部,谈论制造业危机,一路回到 20 世纪之交,然后是国际联盟的成立,看看全球政府的计划由少数精英管理。 人口减少是其中很大一部分。

您还可以在 2019 年 XNUMX 月观看这段视频,其中包括 Anthony Fauci 和其他政府科学家谈论他们需要如何制造危机才能开始部署 mRNA 疫苗。

然后你可以查看 事件201,由约翰霍普金斯大学和比尔盖茨担任。 这是关于如何应对冠状病毒大流行的练习。

如果你认为所有这一切都是在几十年的时间里精心计划的,然后在“大流行”开始前的几个月里精心准备,然后他们所说的确切类型的冠状病毒完全是靠运气从蝙蝠身上出现的汤,或者实验室意外泄漏,那么不幸的是你是个白痴。 我是认真的。 如果你相信这一点,你既是妄想,也是愚蠢。

因此,您会因“他们故意释放它”而陷入困境-但是为什么呢? 做什么的? 如果他们释放了一种几乎无害的病毒,或者他们只是将流感重新命名,然后清洗了一堆死亡病例以增加计数,那会有什么不同呢?


信徒要做的是试图声称有一些特定的症状可以定义“covid”并使其与其他呼吸道病毒不同。 自 2020 年 2019 月以来,我玩了一个小游戏,您将 Google 搜索设置为仅搜索 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月之前的帖子,然后输入“流感 [所谓的新型冠状病毒特有的症状,但从未由流感引起]。”

请理解:我已经这样做了两年了,每当出现“独特的covid症状”这个问题时,我都会鼓励其他人这样做。 最近,在 Gamer Uprising 论坛上,有人来找我说“长期covid,兄弟——流感从未有过挥之不去的影响”,我有一个小小的崩溃(我并不为此感到骄傲)。



这不是我第一次通过“长期covid”声明进行此练习。 我还对“严重的肺损伤”、“嗅觉丧失”、“潜在的心脏损伤”以及人们提出的所有其他冠状病毒独有的说法进行了处理,每次,你都会找到关于冠状病毒的科学论文。流感在极少数情况下可能会导致这些问题(就像它们是所谓的冠状病毒的罕见病例,媒体因恐惧歇斯底里而炸毁)。

如果我生气并扔炸弹,那就是为什么 - 我这样做了很多次。 鉴于提出这些声明的人是愚蠢的,我实际上已经了解并解释了如何在 Google 上设置日期范围,以便他们在尝试自己执行此过程时不会感到困惑。


步骤1: 在您的“网络浏览器”中输入“Google.com”(网络浏览器已经安装在您的“计算机”上)。

第二步: 输入“流感”一词,以及据称由“covid-19”引起的新症状或病症。

第三步: 单击 Google 互联网网页顶部最右侧的“工具”一词。

第四步: 将眼睛移回“互联网”屏幕的左侧,然后单击“任何时间”,然后向下滚动到“自定义范围”。

第五步: 通过在框中输入日期(1 年 2019 月 XNUMX 日是一个很好的结束点),输入在所谓的冠状病毒出现之前结束的自定义范围,然后使用计算机“鼠标”单击“开始”一词。

第六步: 查看有关流感的文章和科学论文列表,媒体告诉您它是冠状病毒独有的。

是的:你刚刚被谈过,好像你是智障一样。 如果你已经理解了这个小游戏,你可以玩媒体的“不同于流感骗局”,那么我很抱歉像你是个智障一样和你说话,但我希望它能让你开心。 如果你仍然不明白这一点,并且还在谈论“新冠病毒与流感有何不同,因为你失去了嗅觉”,在读了我两年后给你解释了这个,那么 你真的是智障你应该像一个智障一样被交谈.



当我告诉一些在 Sunoco 工作的人时,“这只是一个大骗局——他们只是给流感重新命名了”,标准的回答是“伙计,这就是我一直在说的!”



  • 它不是来自蝙蝠汤
  • 它不是来自实验室
  • 政府公开伪造数字
  • 政府公开向医院支付虚假号码的费用
  • 医院正在获得报酬让人们使用呼吸机杀死他们
  • 它并不比普通流感更致命(由于所有的伪造,我们无法知道确切的数字,但你们都不知道有谁死于它)
  • 它没有以前流感中没有记录的独特特征
  • 据称它被孤立的方式是荒谬的,并没有证明
  • PCR测试是个笑话
  • 抗体测试可以检测普通感冒的抗体,这也是一种冠状病毒
  • 广泛分发的疫苗现在正在导致一种与“covid-19”无法区分的疾病


  • 如果媒体和政府没有提到一种新疾病的存在,那么没有人会注意到一种新疾病。 这包括医院。

会有关于意大利流感爆发和印度疟疾爆发的封底新闻报道,就像每年都有关于区域疾病爆发的封底文章一样。 医学期刊上可能会发表关于 2020 年流感病毒链差异的论文,但这不太可能,因为与我们一直拥有的正常呼吸道病毒相比,“冠状病毒”没有可识别的独特特征。 就这样。


他们希望你停止工作,希望你使用数字货币 UBI 系统,他们希望将你塞进高层公寓,在那里你可以观看 Netflix 和色情片直到死去。





在 2020 年的“大流行高峰”期间,总死亡率根本没有增加, 根据CDC官方数据. 现在他们已经增加了,但那是因为大量的自杀和药物过量,谋杀,只有上帝知道有多少人死于疫苗。



  • 饮食不健康(在许多情况下达到极端程度)
  • 在家躺着
  • 少出门
  • 增加体重
  • 被拒绝接受各种医疗,包括所有选择性手术和慢性和潜在绝症的治疗
  • 生活在增加的恐惧和压力中(通常是完全的躁狂症,现在经常导致精神病发作)
  • 参与较少的社交活动
  • 因疏远、戴面具、恐惧和歇斯底里而被社会孤立和疏远
  • 被反对家庭成员(特别是在引入vax和政府/媒体的鼓动之后)
  • 少工作
  • 喝更多的酒
  • 服用更多药物
  • 一般来说,心理上的转变
  • 经历分手、离婚、家暴等家庭问题
  • 戴口罩会限制呼吸并导致人们吸入自己的二氧化碳(您不必成为科学家就能意识到这会对呼吸系统健康产生非常负面的影响)

更不用说vax了。 所有这些都会严重影响你的健康,当你把它们结合在一起时,你的死亡率会显着提高,而且——令人惊奇的是——免疫反应会显着降低,从而导致更多的季节性呼吸道感染。

所以我希望人们的健康会少很多。 我预计 2022 年的死亡人数将超过 2019 年。




(从重新发布 每日斯托默 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 思想, 科学 •标签: 美国媒体, 反vaxx, 阴谋论, Covid 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Athena 说:

    Total mortality rates did not increase at all during the “height of the pandemic” in 2020, according to official CDC data. They have increased now, but that’s with a massive dose of suicide and drug overdoses, murders, and God only knows how many deaths from the vaccines.



    =The above essay describes only the beginning of an enormous worldwide program of depopulating the earth, a real and frightening genocide on a global scale that is in silent execution today, an apparently unrecognised but integral part of globalisation. It led not only to the vast program of eugenics taught in American universities, the forcible sterilisations the Carnegie Institute’s gas chambers. It led directly to Henry Kissinger’s US National Security Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), a viciously aggressive plan to prevent, at apparently almost any cost, the populations of non-Western countries from having children.”

    ”It led to USAID and Reimert Ravenholt sterilising at least 100 million unwitting women, killing tens of millions in the process. It led to hundreds of thousands of American women being rendered permanently sterile and millions of sterilities and deaths in undeveloped countries, from the Dalkon Shield. It led to Robert McNamara’s Project 100,000, where about 500,000 low-IQ individuals were conscripted into the US army and sent to Vietnam, few returning.[33] It led to the WHO using tetanus and polio vaccinations produced by Rothschild’s Sanofi-Connaught laboratories seeded with the female hormone hCg supplied by the US CDC, to surreptitiously sterilise perhaps 150 million women in developing nations without their knowledge and certainly against their will.[34] It became part of the US Biological Weapons program, much evidence suggesting SARS, MERS, and perhaps AIDS were created for this purpose, part of the World Bank’s “private department” with persistent house of horrors rumors. ”

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Richard B
  2. Rich 说:

    The shots have been proven not to prevent a person from catching, transmitting or being hospitalized from the virus, and yet governments keep pushing the shots. At the beginning of this virus the governors of NY and NJ sent sick people to nursing homes, causing older, sicker people to catch the virus, raising the numbers and scaring everyone. The same thing would have happened if they’d sent people with the flu to these nursing homes. The only thing that matters to these maniacs is that they give this experimental Mrna drug to as many people as possible and that they never give up the various “emergency” powers they picked up. None of it makes any sense, unless there is something nefarious going on with the forced shot.

    • 回复: @rgl
    , @animalogic
  3. Anonymous[811]• 免责声明 说:

    You may be right. It is important to note then that Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc protocols are cures for the flu. Something sought for a long time and hardly to be sneezed at.

    However, the only important question is when will armies march on Washington and New York and pull down the murderous, depopulation government and its lying media cronies? That is the real issue.

    Calling the population a bunch of morons which is a step up from your claims is very reasonable. When this all began I could not help but think of C. M. Kornbluth’s science fiction story, 行进的白痴.

    In that story a childish carrot and quest narrative was offered to get the population to commit suicide while in the current round a childish fear and scare story is offered. Still the result is much the same. Stupidity, credulity, herd mentality, inability to judge what is really happening, and a lemming like move over a cliff.

    Having seen what is happening these last two years I cannot say that the advocates of depopulation do not have a point.

    Having said that it is still important that action be taken. The problem is that talk is cheap no matter how cogent. Those armies must march.

  4. 谢谢!
    I have had many, many one-sided discussions (Branch Covidians [B.C.] like to virtue signal rather than discuss) where I end up calling them scared spoiled children, or better! No F-bombs… yet!

    You explanation is all there is to CoVid1984. Everything else is $$$ creating useless dis-informatoional narrative.

    One other point: “How often has any government declared that Nature is to be feared?”

    One semi-discussion with a B.C. on the above, said, “Science doesn’t have all the knowledge to fully understand CoVid19!!”

    Me, “So… they are executing all these illegal, non-democratically assented “measures” because they haven’t a clue? How about, “If one doesn’t know what they are doing, then DON’T DO IT!””

  5. My GP offered me vaccination against the flu and the CV-19.

    • 回复: @bike-anarkist
    , @meamjojo
  6. anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:


    That’s the problem. There’s millions upon millions who never check anything out but are spoon-fed whatever the propaganda apparatus is blaring at them. They get their info from mainstream media and that’s it. Otherwise they just follow what sports or Hollywood celebrities are saying. These mobs are dangerous as they can be convinced that dissidents pose a danger and thus become increasingly threatening to them. It’s pretty much a snitch culture as it is. With all the censorship and lockdowns the mask has come off the soft dictatorship we’ve had as the screws get turned harder.
    They did a pretty good job killing off a lot of people with those ventilators. The ‘do no harm’ edict was pretty much abandoned a long time ago. Now the mainstream organized medical establishment have become willing executioners for pay. Yeah, it’s a real deadly disease whereby a person feels nothing, supposedly asymptomatic, and can pass this do-nothing disease on to others who also feel nothing. This is why they can sell any misbegotten war to the public, tell them some third world country thousands of miles away threatens us. The way people act so fearful when you encounter them on the street, in stores, etc, makes a person get really disgusted.

    • 同意: meamjojo, Sulu
  7. Buckaroo 说:




    不过,说到 Euroweenies,您对 euromomo 数据有何看法?从 2020/21 年的死亡人数来看,最多比前几年略有增加(遗憾的是,汇总数据只能追溯到 2017 年),尽管时间和模式略有不同。当然,这只是眼球观察。没有做过统计测试之类的事情。然而,当我向人们指出这一点时,他们的立即反应是“这只是因为所有的干预措施!”如果没有口罩,我们都会死”。我能做的最好的就是在 Twitter 上指向 ianmSC 和他的图表,但这会很累。

  8. I’ve been saying this all along. As a student of history, I can tell you that this alleged “pandemic” doesn’t approach even the Asian Flu of the 1950’s in terms of seriousness.

    • 同意: bike-anarkist, Marcion
  9. Curmudgeon 说:

    It is important to remember that drugs like Ivermectin and HCQ are used to treat symptoms, not necessarily a specific disease. When Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier was ordered by the French government to stop using HCQ in his (successful) treatments, he questioned why, since he had been using it successfully for many years to treat other flus. He understood early on that there was something much more sinister happening.

    • 同意: Exalted Cyclops, Marcion
  10. SafeNow 说:

    The power of “A friend who works at a hospital said” is an important observation. I call this the power of the personal anecdote. I even have to fight hard to resist it myself. Sometimes I learn all about a disease by reading real medical journal articles. I understand the causes, symptoms, and management, right down to the subgroups. Then I hear the details of a case that a friend of a relative suffered from. The anecdote threatens to overwhelm all of my medical research, and I need to make a conscious effort to disregard the former.

  11. Mr.Craker 说:

    Yes, it’s the flu. I realized early on that I would be better of not arguing or even discussing the matter with people.

    • 同意: Ralph B. Seymour
    • 回复: @Jack Sparrow
  12. Trinity 说:


    • 同意: Sulu, walker
  13. Anglin is right. The still-unvaxxed are right. Now we wait for the grubers to catch up.

  14. Tony Hall 说:

    At this stage the need is great to deal with the growing body of evidence that the real bioweapon in this unprecedented saga of medicalized murder and mayhem, lies in the new generation of coronavirus injections being systemically misrepresented as vaccines. Too bad UR is becoming a backwater in the larger global discussion. It didn’t have to be this way.

    参见 Mike Whitney 的新文章,尚未在 UR 上发表。


  15. Smarby 说:


  16. Anonymous[309]• 免责声明 说:

    这导致了罗伯特·麦克纳马拉(Robert McNamara)的“ 100,000项目”,其中约有500,000智商低下的人被征召入伍,并被派往越南,很少返回。

    Well now, the first comment contains an egregious error. Over the entire course of the war ~500,000 troops were deployed there with ~50,000 dying. So in your world 90% returning is “few”???
    @A.A. “simply a fact” should be “不能 simply a fact”. Work your way through the sentence.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  17. @Buckaroo

    — read Andrew Joyce, Tragic Fate of Hershel Fink. https://www.unz.com/article/the-tragic-fate-of-hershel-fink/

    — listened to Joyce discuss Merchant of Venice (h/t Nancy). https://www.unz.com/article/the-tragic-fate-of-hershel-fink/#comment-5096285

    — in that discussion Joyce mentioned Moshe Kantor’s Tolerance Manifesto;

    — found Joyce’s 2020 essay on said Manifesto,

    — Intro to Joyce’s essay recites the experiment in which Harvard students were instructed to count WHITE shirts activity vs BLACK shirt activity.




    莫西·坎特(Moshe Kantor) 和他的 安全宽容宣言?

    well fuck me for a moron. There is no new virus, it’s the flu. duh.

    • 回复: @Buckaroo
  18. Liza 说:


    A lot of those surgeries and treatments do nothing more than drive the illness deeper. In other words, removal of symptoms does not equal a cure.

    But, go and get yourself cut to pieces if it helps you psychologically. I have a relative who has had 14 cancer operations and being a nurse with her snoot up the medical system she is oh-so-grateful. But she has hardly any body parts left, and takes tons of medicines to stay alive one day after the next.

  19. SingingSam 说:

    I not 100% convinced. Maybe that makes me a moron. But I’m not aware of other forms of influenza that are characterized by thrombotic effects in some cases. I wonder why Andrew Anglin did not mention this symptom.

    So we’re supposed to believe it is a flu and untouched by human intervention in a lab?

    Standing by for rant proving I’m a complete idiot.

  20. Thera 说:

    Thank God i do not feel so alone anymore. The amount of people who have, to quote Anglin, “chuckled smuggly” at me for saying this while also providing ZERO evidence that i am wrong is frankly astonishing. It really is a bellcurve moment, idiots and very intelligent people completely understand what i’m saying, midwit redditors do not. What a fucking shit show.

    • 同意: Johnny Smoggins, Kratoklastes
  21. @Anonymous

    据推测,拉里·罗曼诺夫不相信美国在越南死亡人数的官方数据。 在战争期间,通常的做法是在官方媒体报道中尽量减少自己的伤亡,同时最大限度地增加敌人的伤亡,以保持士气。 你知道……事实是战争的第一个受害者……等等。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  22. You could play the same game with AIDS. Name one previously unknown illness/disease associated with AIDS of which any AIDS patient has died. There isn’t one – hence the “syndrome”. However, they don’t include car accidents, overdoses, suicide and murder in the syndrome if an HIV infected person dies of one of these – but with Covid-19?

    • 同意: bike-anarkist
  23. Zorost 说:

    该骗局的另一次测试是 2016 年的“天鹅座演习”。它模拟了天鹅流感袭击英国的情况,以及如何处理它,包括如何处理公众的看法。


  24. joesixpack 说:

    听完利亚姆·谢夫 (Liam Scheff) 对脊髓灰质炎的看法后,我做了一些研究,不到两分钟,我发现

    • 回复: @milosevic
    , @Alexandros
  25. rgl 说:

    感谢 Rich 指出这种所谓的流行病的明显但未说出口的方面。


    显然,情况并非如此。 显然,吸毒的人仍然需要害怕没有吸毒的人。 这告诉我这个vax没用。

    我必须说我不是 *不是* 一个反vaxxer。 传统疫苗挽救了无数人的生命,其中包括脊髓灰质炎和天花。 然而,我反对这个vax。 在我看来,这是一个骗局。

    • 同意: Exalted Cyclops, Rich
  26. anon[358]• 免责声明 说:


    No one came to you arguimg. You made that up .

    You saw your spitting image on the shadow cast by the combinations of your creative unscientic knowledge base regarding virus,epidemiology,medicine,and inferential and Baysean statistics .

    Gates and Shwab or big pharma are out to make money and gain power .It doenst mean the levers and the nodes of the foundatuons they are using are lies and nonexistent. . Its your job to prevent them from profiting from the pandemic . Its your duty to prevent politicans from amassing unaccounatble powers from it .

    Next time put up a beter argument like you informing us that you did resaecrh on the ” so called Covid-19″ patients ,who contracted , who suffered,who died,who survived and all along without exception you found out that there were no Covid- 19.

  27. KWSterling 说:

    流感没有更名为Covid。 这几乎是不科学的。 流感和冠状病毒是两种截然不同的病毒,尽管它们都会攻击呼吸系统。 刺突蛋白是任何冠状病毒的标志,而且一直如此; 它不是 Covid 形式的冠状病毒所独有的。 就此而言,Covid 也不是独一无二的,SARS-COV-2 之前是 SARS-COV-1。 (顺便说一句,它共享 85% 的相同 DNA,并用 HCQ 治疗并迅速击败。)

    然而。 我们所做的是在没有确认培养的情况下使用以前从未用于诊断的“测试”。 PCR 测试非常敏感,但不够特异,所以它基本上可以捕获鼻子中的任何东西并放大它,无论它是否还活着。 这可能是杂货店里遇到的死病毒的产物,但检测呈阳性的可怜树液并不知道这一点。 对阳性病毒样本的研究表明,假阳性率从 40% 到高达 90% 不等,而 CDC 早在夏天,就在背后咕哝说,好吧,PCR 测试无法区分黑白 Covid流感和因此医院被命令在 31 月 XNUMX 日之前停止使用它。然而,它被取代的内容尚不清楚——但我们知道盖茨和索罗斯早在夏天就收购了一家大型检测公司。 所以结果将继续被操纵。

    福奇、盖茨、索罗斯等人同谋制造了一种病毒,该病毒完全由美国北卡罗来纳大学资助和制造,然后在 GOF 被发现后转移到武汉,当时 GOF 研究在美国被禁止。 中国人也是同谋,但他们并不是这项研究的发起者。 美国人做到了。 美国人创造了一种足够致命的病毒——尽管实际上并不是很致命——如果有适当的信息传递、经济激励和政府的合作,人们会害怕到愿意自愿给自己注射真正的生物武器,那就是疫苗,其目的是大规模的、受控的大规模谋杀。 看看接种疫苗者的全因死亡率——这已经是正常的好几倍,而且我们只是在第一轮加强免疫。 英国表示,虽然 vaxxed 的 Covid 死亡人数较高,但未接种疫苗的 Covid 死亡率较高 - 尽管存在一些我不会在这里讨论的问题。 这可能是真的——尽管考虑到 ADE 的真实现象,我对此表示怀疑——vaxx 减少了因 Covid 死亡的可能性,但它肯定会增加因血栓、中风、心脏病发作等而死亡的可能性。甚至4 期癌症在接种疫苗的人群中急剧上升,并且非常高比例的孕妇在接种疫苗后流产。 还有一些证据表明疫苗会攻击生殖器官并可能导致不育,但关于这一点的信息尚未确定。 因此,疫苗以多种方式杀死,并且在注射后的不同时间段内,人们尚未将这些点联系起来。

    Gates, Soros, Fauci (look up his vaccine glycoprotein patents at 正义网) are all making millions from the vaccine. As are NIH, the CDC, and others. Is it that far-fetched to think that they created a virus in order to scare the world into taking the actual weapon, the actual means of mass destruction and at the same time the very thing that is increasing the wealth of the elites exponentially? This two-horned goal is the reason they’ve deliberately squashed any talk of known treatments, why they have actually been willing to kill people via studies designed to deliver toxic doses of HCQ and ivermectin, just to “prove” that those don’t work (anything will kill people if you force enough of it into them). While these monsters enrich themselves, they also vastly decrease the world’s population (one of Gates’s stated goals), all while training us in communism (masks to dehumanize us, destruction of individual rights and freedoms in the name of “societal good”), destroying our economy so that we’re willing to swallow govt. rule, and generally making us far easier to govern as people who are cowed, obedient, and no longer with any sense of freedom or rights, willing to do whatever they say in exchange for whatever crumbs they offer us. THAT is the real story.

    • 同意: SurfingUSA, Biff K
    • 谢谢: meamjojo
  28. @Ann Nonny Mouse

    How long was the pier you asked the GP to take a long walk on?

    • 回复: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  29. @anon

    I sincerely hope that at the end of this (there WILL be an end) you are able to look in the mirror and forgive yourself for being a gullible coward.

    • 同意: Pierre de Craon
  30. @SingingSam

    I wonder why Andrew Anglin did not mention this symptom.

    He shouldn’t have to.

    My personal experience is that in 1977, 1988, 1998 and 2019 I developed a heart murmur due to long stretches (> 5 days) of +40 C body temperature. Also, I lost taste and smell for period later – maybe 5-7 days after the ling haul sweat. I don’t expect anyone to mention it.

    • 回复: @anon
  31. Rahan 说:

    Didn’t quite make sense of the sentence structure in this post, but the overall tone was delightfully dominant. My nipples explode with delight.

    • 哈哈: Alrenous
  32. @KWSterling

    I think you’re closer to the mark on this than Anglin is. A you are likely aware, there’s a whole series of fine articles on this site which essentially make the same case. The evidence presented for a bioweapon designed and released by the Imperial deep-state is persuasive in both details and its sheer extent. In one sense it doesn’t matter. The bad actors are still bad actors, their evil agenda is still evil. The whole truth of the matter may never be known – any more than we’ll get to the bottom of the 9/11 false-flag any time soon.

    The total subversion of medical and drug studies is increasingly evident as well. More serious journalism (which is not practiced by any of those who are ‘professional’ journalists) is needed. Perhaps some journalist outside the empire’s control has already done some research. Putting Wall Street in charge of the medical system was a bad idea – we were warned about this long ago of course. All just more signs of a collapsing empire – may it fall soon. As Murika’s Andropov drools his way into a hot war at the behest of his Neo-Con owner/operators, the search for truth becomes more important than ever.

    • 回复: @Sam J.
  33. Ron Unz 说:
    @Tony Hall

    太糟糕了,UR 正在成为更广泛的全球讨论中的死水。 它不必是这样的。

    参见 Mike Whitney 的新文章,尚未在 UR 上发表。


    撇开意识形态和信仰不谈,有时还有基本能力的问题。 “新”迈克惠特尼文章“尚未在 UR 上发表”实际上在一个多月前以完全相同的标题在这里发表,吸引了大量读者和超过 600 条评论:



    • 哈哈: Smarby, walker
    • 回复: @anon
  34. 这是一个思想实验。

    在考试、大合同或迫在眉睫的最后期限期间; 无论你在工作中必须做的最密集的工作,我希望你选择一首歌,编排一个舞蹈套路,练习这个套路,然后拍下你自己的动作。 此外,您必须与其他十几个人协调,并且您必须使其尽可能复杂,包括使用道具等事情。

    问问自己,你能在你生命中迄今为止最紧张的工作时期做到这一点吗? 答案是否定的,你必须选择一个或另一个:你不可能成功地完成你的工作并执行舞蹈程序。






    • 谢谢: Johnny Smoggins
    • 回复: @SurfingUSA
    , @aldasfail770
  35. 新冠病毒是流感的更名。


















  36. 我还整理了安德鲁关于“流行病”的文章清单。这是真正令人兴奋的写作,我认为他提出了一个非常有力的案例。这是有史以来最重要的新闻报道之一。



    安德鲁·安格林 (Andrew Anglin) 谈新冠病毒和疫苗:















































    • 同意: Emslander
    • 谢谢: Johnny Smoggins, Rahan
    • 回复: @johnnyuinta
  37. 你说的一切都是对的,但你赢不了。






  38. Buckaroo 说:


  39. @Buckaroo


  40. Anonymous[309]• 免责声明 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    据推测,拉里·罗曼诺夫不相信美国在越南死亡人数的官方数据。 在战争期间,通常的做法是在官方媒体报道中尽量减少自己的伤亡,同时最大限度地增加敌人的伤亡,以保持士气。 你知道……事实是战争的第一个受害者……等等。

    Not buying it. Military graves registry, VVAW, The Wall, Rolling Thunder … and the infinitesimally small number of families asking “What happened to Junior? He never came home.” … and all that.

    The figures given in the quote are so wrong as to be beyond wrong and in the realm of just lies. I was alive and following the news in those days and I know about inflated body counts. If so “few” came home, are all the Vietnam veterans crisis actors?


    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @Resartus
  41. JasonT 说:

    The ‘flu’ is a term that has a colloquial meaning and a scientific meaning.


    The colloquial meaning is anything that contributes to seasonal respiratory illnesses (i.e., the ‘flu’ season). In any ‘flu’ season, the viruses that contribute can be any combination of different viruses including influenza viruses and corona viruses, among other viruses.

    Anglin’s point is that the entireties of the recent flu seasons in the colloquial sense have been attributed to COVID-19. Essentially, the Powers that Be (PTB) weaponized the flu season, as they are now in the process of weaponizing the common cold with their ‘Omicron variant’.

    • 同意: Pierre de Craon
    • 回复: @_dude
  42. lloyd 说: • 您的网站

    Tom Hanks in Summer time in Australia became hospitalised from “the flu”. That doesn’t happen to fit healthy people. He switched to marmite and water and made a good recovery.

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  43. @Buckaroo


    这些不是布兰代斯下令从德国驱逐的德国犹太人,亚瑟·鲁平需要他们的技能和财富( Ruppin was an eugenicist who set the parameters for the “human material” needed for the “new Jew” to populate the zionist project; Eastern European Jews occupied the “less desirable” tail of that metric).

    凯文·巴雷特 (Kevin Barrett) 在他最近的播客中提到 “zionists created the world wars in the first place.” (@ 8:05 ) It is my hypothesis that those Jews who did die in the World Wars were those that zionist elites considered “surplus;” they were deliberately culled — just as Levites killed fellow Jews at Mt Sinai, the “zionists who created the world wars in the first place” knew very well, perhaps intended, that defective Jews be killed in the 战争迷雾.

    HorriblyDepressed 说得更简洁@#40: “One of the principles of Zionism is that “Lesser Brethren may be sacrificed to the cause”.

    It is HorriblyDepressing indeed the millions of innocent people — mostly non-Jews — whose lives were destroyed to bring about the zionist carbuncle in the Levant.

    PS To the extent that “Jews have high IQ,” it is the result of systematically killing off low IQ Jews.

    • 回复: @Sepp
  44. @Bing Bong Trump


    这些文章应该能让我在一段时间内远离我妻子的头发和冰箱。我决心在春天之前减掉至少 15 磅。想要恢复到 1961 年高中毕业时的体重。

  45. Athena 说:

    Anxiety, depression, substance abuse. Why people give up.

    How we ”learn” to become helplessness, how how ”learned helplessness” can be overcome:

    ”In 1965, Martin Seligman conducted a series of experiments showing that dogs could be conditioned into accepting electric shocks, even when they were easily avoidable. This is the essence of learned helplessness, and like so many other findings, it is easily applicable to our own situation. Humans, too, can learn to accept the “shocks” of corrupt governments or economic catastrophes or TSA groping or the NDAA or online censorship…but just as people can learn helplessness, they can learn the exact opposite. Join us tonight on Corbett Report Radio as we explore the solutions to the learned helplessness conundrum.”

    请参见: https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-900-the-bfp-roundtable-discusses-public-apathy

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  46. anon[138]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ron Unz

    令人难以置信的是,我们仍在否认 Covid 的现实。 希望作者能尝试一些更有意义和建设性的东西。 我们知道我们在 Omicron 的位置吗? 变种经过高峰和低谷循环后,是否预示着大流行的结束? 这是否意味着进一步突变为更致命和更具攻击性的传播菌株的可能性? 设置另一个专注于 Omicron 的 Operation Warp Speed 是否有意义,它的突变比 Delta 多得多? 我们需要每 2 个月 6 次助推器吗? 我们是否应该通过向世界其他地方分发必要的技术来使疫苗和药物制造社会化? 我们可以控制这一点的唯一方法是读取 95% 的免疫力。 但病毒仍会潜伏,并会导致当地可控的突破性病例。

    Covid -19 对于那些从 2020 年最初令人困惑的时期开始的被误导和顽固的遗留物来说并不真实,他们宁愿成为躺在停尸房里的死冷尸体,也不愿承认掩蔽、社会疏远、疫苗和药物的组合本可以提供一种不同的命运。

    X 射线晶体学和电子显微镜已鉴定出 Covid 酶和病毒形态。 核苷酸序列已证明它是一种不同于流感 A、B 或 C 或 D 的 RNA 病毒。形态和 RNA 序列也将其归入 β 类别,而不是 alpha 或 gamma 或 delta 冠状病毒。 从那时起,我们已经确定了 Corona 的不同突变体、变体和菌株。

    甲型流感是最混杂的,任何时候都有超过 100 种毒株在流行,它是每年冬季引起流感流行和非大流行性流感的原因。 如果有人想杀死人类,似乎他或她选择了错误的病毒。 这并不意味着实验室泄漏是不可能的。

    鉴于隐藏脚印的技术细节可用,因此无法说是人为还是自然。 我们所能做的就是要求暂停对致命病原体的研究,除非我们让所有国家都参与其中,并且正在进行的工作对公众开放。

  47. @Trinity

    and blacks who are the new Joooos who cry about Whitey and want to wipe him out…Just like the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    • 巨魔: Hangnail Hans
  48. aleksander 说:




    1. 手机和智能手机已成为保持社交距离的重要工具。你明白这一点。
    2. 事实上,电视对于保持社交距离效果更好。它比第一部手机早几十年就已存在。你知道这很愚蠢、虚假,而且破坏了家庭纽带。 “电子保姆。”
    3. 事实上,汽车是社交距离的最初形式。它非但没有让你们走到一起,反而让你们分开。阿米什人不喜欢汽车的一个主要原因是:年轻人坐上汽车,开走,再也没有回来。
    6. 电视是最初的面具。
    7. 然后手机和智能手机就成了更有效的口罩。
    8. 物理冠状病毒口罩只是下一个合乎逻辑的步骤,已经酝酿了数十年。
    9. 几十年来,疫苗一直导致自闭症、目光接触减少和社交距离增加。
    10. 几十年来,宗派政治一直导致目光接触减少和社会距离增加。
    11. 电视是最初的虚拟世界。
    12. 不,电话是最初的虚拟世界。
    13. 现在笔记本电脑、耳塞、Ipod、Airpod、智能手机和虚拟现实耳机都是元宇宙。
    14. 当扎克伯格宣布他的“元宇宙”时,人们实际上感到很惊讶,就好像它是新事物一样。但你已经沉浸在虚拟宇宙中 70 多年了。你的文化只不过是干扰。你喜欢让上帝远离你。
    15. 当你把科学和政治混合在一起时,你就会得到政治。
    16. 现在澳大利亚广泛分布自动除颤器。因为,你知道,心源性猝死现在太常见了。
    17. 有很多电视节目颂扬医生、医院和“急诊室”。一切都在为 2020 年 XNUMX 月做准备。乔治·克鲁尼对我们来说太酷了。不幸的是,他合乎逻辑的最终结局是让爷爷死于他不需要的呼吸机,因为这种冠状病毒并不存在,除了在雷切尔·玛多、唐·莱蒙和安德森·库珀(你知道,Globohomo)的脑海中之外。普京在这一点上是正确的。
    18. 没有人是无神论者,因为除了相信和服务他人之外,没有人否认上帝
    神代替他的位置。而那个神是一个假神。例子包括快乐、权力、金钱和统治。如果这听起来有点像 Globohomo,那么您已经开始明白了。
    19. 政府一直对控制医生非常感兴趣,因为他们代表了一个受过良好教育、聪明的群体,有权力反对他们。因此,必须让他们保持沉默并受到威胁。我家里有一位医生,他在美国工作过一段时间。他离开了。
    20. 你无法将人们从所有新冠宣传(口罩、社交距离、注射疫苗、助推器)中唤醒的一个重要原因是,它为那些几乎没有社区意识的人提供了一种社区意识。孤独和孤立使这一切成为可能。你已经被雾化了。与上帝、遗产、民族纽带和民族社区分离。个人的原子化始终是目标。折断一根棍子要比折断一堆棍子容易得多。尝试一下。
    22. 如果不寻求上帝的宽恕,人们就会成为自己的罪孽。这会导致孤独和抑郁,从而使人们更容易接受集体服从,以换取社区意识。永远不要相信委婉说法。 “同性恋”的人痛苦、生病、疲倦、孤独和沮丧。为什么他们有数百个性伴侣。他们在寻找什么,又找不到什么。他们已经成为他们的罪孽。他们没有与之抗争。
    24. 这就是为什么注射假疫苗是一次灵魂考验。神想知道你是否愿意相信他或玛门。你不能两者都选择。
    27. 医生和护士强制接种流感疫苗是现在强制接种冠状病毒疫苗的前身。他们一直在训练他们接受强制性疫苗。他们已经找到了解决办法。我哥的看法。
    28. 西方世界到处都在否认。你否认冠状病毒是一个骗局,共产主义正在占领地球,就像它占领我们一样。但如果政府不让上帝远离你,你就接受这一切。神不是你生活的一部分。你已经拒绝了他。现在你有一个大问题。
    31. 我以我的同名者结尾:


    • 谢谢: DevilAdvocate
    • 回复: @Emslander
  49. milosevic 说:


    您可能会对这本书感兴趣。 (剧透:“脊髓灰质炎”是另一种恶作剧疾病,在 1950 世纪 XNUMX 年代炮制,旨在掩盖农药中毒的真实流行,其中大部分是滴滴涕,具有相同的所谓症状)



    • 巨魔: Realist
  50. The Club of Rome ‘quote’ looks a blatant fake.

  51. @Athena

    Seligman, in league with Israeli torture experts (gained from decades of torturing Palestinians), were instrumental in setting up the US torture program after 9/11. It was cynically hidden behind the ludicrous pretense that it was training the torturers to ‘resist torture’, in what was called the SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) Program.. Seligman got a $31 million ‘no-bid’ contract from the Pentagon in 2010 for his expertise. As with many serial killers, Seligman began with animals by torturing dogs into ‘learned helplessness’ then moved on to ‘human animals’.

    • 同意: Kratoklastes
  52. 你好,安格林先生,
    我在一家医院实验室工作,我们运行一个 PCR-NAAT 系统,使用相同的检测盒对单个患者样本进行甲型/乙型流感、冠状病毒-2 和呼吸道合胞病毒检测。我们得到的四项测试中任何一项的结果都可能呈阳性,一些患者可能对 CoV-2 呈阳性,而对流感 A/B 呈阴性,反之亦然。无论如何,我们使用了来自不同公司的 QC 材料,这些材料产生的正确 QC ​​结果与测试盒制造商提供的 QC 相同。您是说所有测试和质量控制生产公司都参与了某种阴谋,欺骗世界人民并给出错误的结果吗?
    运行 QC 需要从预先确定的已知样本中获得所涉及的每项测试的阳性和阴性结果。没有人能够解释为什么所有呈阳性的甲型或乙型流感患者的 CoV-2 检测结果并不呈阳性,根据您的文章,他们肯定应该对两者都呈阳性。谢谢

    • 同意: Realist, Jonathan Mason
  53. @lloyd

    Marmite!!! Ye gad! Vegemite, please.

    • 回复: @Kratoklastes
  54. aleksander 说:


    太多的“正常人”,即普通、不肥胖、总体健康的人,在 2 年和 2020 年的某个时候病了大约两周。肯定是有什么东西让他们生病了。这不仅仅是季节性流感。这些人并不是在正常流感季节期间患病的人。

    阅读彼得·布雷金斯的新书, COVID-19 和全球掠夺者:我们是猎物。



  55. @bike-anarkist

    I simply said No Thanks and asked him to prescribe Ivermectin as a prophylactic. He said that would cost him his career, but went on to mention a country where Ivermectin was widely available.

  56. In order for Anglin’s claim that there is no new virus to be true, it would have to be the case that researchers such as these:


    are not really sequencing a new virus, but are part of some vast conspiracy he claims involves Gates, Schwab, Fauci, et al. Either that, or both those researchers and the other experts who think there is a new virus (probably the majority) are simply ignorant and incompetent, and Anglin has virological expertise superior to them all. Who wants to bet it’s Anglin who’s right? LOL.

    We’d also have to ask ourselves if we really believe that Gates, Schwab, Fauci, et al. are brave enough men to try to hoax the entire world without at least releasing a new virus first. I, for one, do not think so. Another problem: If population reduction and a “Great Reset” is the goal, and this was an intentional release, wouldn’t it make more sense to release a very deadly virus, instead of a relatively tame one as this one appears to be? Answering this question in the affirmative would seem to rule out a conspiracy, at least by conspirators who were at all thinking things through.


  57. Richard B 说:

    Without this blatantly nonsensical theory of people with no symptoms of a disease secretly having a disease and being able to spread it (how?)

    Interestingly, we could keep the basic structure of the above sentence and rewrite it to direct attention to another one of their scams, White = Racist.

    Without this blatantly nonsensical theory of people with no history of racist behavior secretly having racist thoughts and being able to spread them (how?)

    What we’re witnessing is a full return to superstitious thinking in its most barbaric form.

    或者,正如哈伊姆·魏茨曼曾经说过的那样, the old evil in a new and horrible guise.

    In any event, the main point is that this is the basic structure of their thinking, whatever it is they’re talking about. That’s why they’ve pretty much abolished free speech. Exactly because it would be so easy to expose the structure of their thinking – about everything – and reduce each and everyone of their BS narratives to rubble.

  58. anon[358]• 免责声明 说:

    Yes,one can develop a heart murmur during excessive flow of blood through heart tvalves caused by hyperthermia . One can hear this also in patients sufferring from anemia and also in thyrotoxicosis .
    Infection can give rise to hyerthermia . Infection can cause endocarditis causing both functional mumrmur and murmurs from strucurally damaged valves.

  59. @anon

    With its moral preening, pseudoscientific prattle, and slightly too obvious implications of the author’s omniscience, the comment of anon[138] reads like an audition piece for a consultancy post at CNN or one of the big three network “news” outfits.

    Utter shamelessness!

    • 同意: Liza
    • 回复: @anon
  60. Anon[280]• 免责声明 说:

    …The paradox – The one’s following orders are the one’s getting killed (by the vax etc.)

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  61. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    … wouldn’t it make more sense to release a very deadly virus, instead of a relatively tame one as this one appears to be?

    When was the last time you or anyone else heard a media talking head characterize COVID-19 as relatively tame?

    Were you to ask mask-wearing pedestrians in any American city to assess the threat to public health—and to their own health—represented by the virus by choosing one of three characterizations,

    A. Relatively tame
    B. Comparable with earlier mass viral outbreaks
    C. Unprecedentedly grave

    would you be so bold as to claim that more than 20 percent would choose A or B?

    Call the virus what you will, the societal revolution of which it is a critical part is as real as it can be.

    Like other apologists for this hoax, you adjust “truth” to better manipulate the audience you address.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @JM
    , @Kratoklastes
  62. anon[358]• 免责声明 说:
    @Pierre de Craon

    Show us what is pseudoscientific . Dont quote yourself as evidence or explanation. Meanwhike learn the differnce between RNA and DNA and between + ve strand and – ve strand RNA virus ,between segemnted and unsegmented virus , between nuraminidase ,hemagglutinin,and spike protein or antigen.

  63. @Anonymous

    I used to listen to US services radio during the Vietnam war and the reports of battle casualties were few US dead, many more Vietnamese. I didn’t listen to Hanoi radio for casualty reports of the same battles but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the reverse of American reports. The enormous death toll of the Vietnamese was probably mostly civilians deliberately or casually murdered by the Americans. Anyway, I can’t say I know the truth but I would doubt the official figures of either side in a war.

    • 回复: @republic
  64. AKAHorace 说:


    You write about the CDC, as if the US was the only country that was going through this. There are governments around the world though that are reporting serious problems with Coronavirus. For your view to be true, the Russians, Peruvians, Israelis, Iranians, Indians, Argentinians …… would all have to be involved. Even the Swedes, disagreed on how to handle Coronavirus, but said that it was a real thing.

    I don’t think that a conspiracy like this could work, the incentive for anyone govt to tell the truth would be too much.

    • 同意: Realist
    • 不同意: Alrenous
    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Fred Herrington
  65. Pierre de Craon: “When was the last time you or anyone else heard a media talking head characterize COVID-19 as relatively tame?”

    Just heard it again today on nationwide talk radio. Maybe you should stop watching television. Try it! Your IQ may go up. The information about the low lethality of the virus isn’t hard to find, and it is, as I wrote, even admitted in government statistics. It’s just that, like you, most people are easily panicked and can’t think critically.

    Pierre de Craon: “Call the virus what you will, the societal revolution of which it is a critical part is as real as it can be.”

    Stupidity, hysteria, and conformism aren’t revolutionary. They aren’t even unusual.

    Pierre de Craon: “Like other apologists for this hoax, you adjust “truth” to better manipulate the audience you address. ”

    Never look for conspiracy to explain that which can be explained by the confluence of ordinary human stupidity, hysteria, and conformism.

    • 回复: @Pierre de Craon
  66. lastdance 说:


    • 回复: @peterAUS
  67. meamjojo 说:

    Good article! I might read more of your articles if you stayed away for the Jew bashing.

    Here’s a theory I haven’t head from anyone else – maybe the Covid (renamed flu) scamdemic was actually created to test the mRNA shots on the public and also to facilitate the removal of Trump from office? They succeeded but don’t have an end game, so don’t know how to terminate the farce.

  68. meamjojo 说:
    @Ann Nonny Mouse

    My GP offered me vaccination against the flu and the CV-19.

    Don’t laugh. They are working on this. They want to change the flu shot technology to mRNA because it is cheaper and easier to manufacture.

  69. anon[652]• 免责声明 说:

    On a personal level, you’re preaching to the converted. However Ron Unz would class you as an uneducated crackpot. Why is he so belligerent & intransigent on this topic?

  70. meamjojo 说:

    Speaking of the flu, noe that the CDC has not updated its flu statistics since April 4, 2020. Further on Dec 3, 2020, they claimed not enough flu hospitalizations to even estimate an update burden. Now, after an additional 13 months, there are still no updates on the CDC flu page for incidence of flu during 2020 or 2021.

    You would have to be a real idiot to believe that flu infections virtually disappeared simply because people started wearing masks and socially distanced while waiting in ever-present lines to get into stores where everyone then mingled together yet these same measures were ineffective against Covid, as witnessed by the ever rising case and death numbers throughout 2020 and 2021.

    2019-2020 U.S. Flu Season: Preliminary In-Season Burden Estimates

    NOTE: April 4, 2020 was the last week in-season preliminary burden estimates were provided. The estimates below are not the final 2019-2020 cumulative season burden estimates. The preliminary cumulative burden estimates for the 2019-2020 season have been released. In-season preliminary burden estimates are scheduled to resume for the 2020-2021 season this winter.

    Update as of December 3, 2020: The model used to generate influenza in-season preliminary burden estimates uses current season flu hospitalization data. Reported flu hospitalizations are too low at this time to generate an estimate.


  71. animalogic 说:

    I think you’ve touched on something key here.
    Let’s say that covid 19 is simply another variation on the flu or the common cold.
    Now, if it’s simply a new flu, then why the M-RNA vax’s? Every year we get a “new” flu Vac — ie a traditional VAX using dead or disabled viruses.
    But, sorry, world, we can only supply a largely experimental VAX that employs gene tinkering….
    Perhaps the mRna Vac itself was the point all along….
    Or perhaps the virus is a version of the common cold (ie no existing vax)…. Perhaps Cov19 has amongst other goals, the point of encouraging people to take a mRna Vac — 每周 year (every 6….3 months ?)for the…. common cold?
    Heroin? Cocaine? Chicken feed in comparison (naturally, over time WE will contribute more & more to the vax costs)

    • 同意: Rich
  72. @Dr. Robert Morgan





    我认为他们正在对冠状病毒家族的各种病毒进行测序,这些病毒大约占流感的 10-15%。我们看到了新的变种,他们说还会出现更多变种,就像流感一样。


  73. Gordo 说:

    The only difference would be that more people now would be on deadly ventilators, because the CDC changed their standards for putting someone on a respirator

    Yes the ventilators killed a lot of people, neglect caused by media induced panic in old folks homes caused a lot of deaths, switching off routine treatment for illnesses causes a lot of deaths, the vaccine causes a lot of deaths.

    Oh and Covid19 causes some too.

    A massive two year long demonstration of the incompetence or worse of the ruling class, and the utter subservience of the lickspittle media.

    • 回复: @Flying Dutchman
  74. Realist 说:

    People that have had symptoms of Covid…know it is not the 流感.

  75. Realist 说:

    I agree with you and the statement that: It does not have unique characteristics that have not been recorded in previous flus. is absolute bullshit.

    I had Covid and throughout my life have had the flu numerous times…especially as a child and Covid has many characteristics not found in the flu. Two are total loss of taste and smell for months and viral pneumonia.

    The efficacy of the vaccine is open to discussion.

  76. Alexandros 说:



    • 回复: @Peter Rabbit
  77. Emslander 说:

    (W)您对 Euromomo 数据有何看法?

    Whenever you get some MSM information on “the rest of the world”, assume that it’s a bunch of lies and that, out there, they’re all laughing their heads off at the USA. Except for Germany, which has US troops occupying their country in order to keep them from developing into the model of ordered civilization, the “rest of the world” is in a statistical dead zone.

  78. walker 说:

    冠状病毒是 纯粹 一种心理现象,作为控制这个世界的卑鄙者故意煽动的关键策略,作为他们与其他所有人战争的一部分。


    任何陷入关于实验室起源 (lol)、变体 (lol)、病毒进化 (LOL)、病例、护士、医院、症状等无休止的八卦的人都在听从这个骗局的肇事者的吩咐。

    感谢本专栏。 做得好。

  79. Emslander 说:

    Correct spelling and grammar would make your “scientific” observations a little bit more believable, but not much.

  80. Sepp 说:

    In his book “The Seventh Million”, famous Holohoax scholar ((Tom Segev)) goes into detail into the Havarra agreement. ((Segev)) explains that the Zionists ONLY wanted the “best” Jews for their new chicken swinging paradise in Palestine. There was a very detailed selection process set up to Zionist requirements for finding the “good” racial supremacist Jews. Segev explains that the Zionists started accusing the NSDAP of exporting lesser, low quality Jews, so they threatened to restart the embargo. In the end, the NSDAP had to scrape the bottom of the matza bowl to find those elusive “good jews” who would become the founders of the genocidal apartheid nation.

    This is from Ernst Zundel’s “Another Voice of Freedom Series” series of over 200 broadcasts, each 30 min long. Zundel produced a sub-series called “The True Story of German Jewish Relations”, 12 Episodes.

    In Episode 1-5 Zundel covers “The Seventh Million”. (AVOF 186-191). It is quite fascinating, and quite revealing how much “good jews” despise “bad jews”. Rest in Peace Ernst.

    这里 is AVOF 186. Skip forward to about 20 min for the beginning of his review of The Seventh Million.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  81. John DoeYo 说:





  82. @Realist


    • 回复: @Realist
  83. Emslander 说:



  84. @AKAHorace

    看这篇文章 https://www.unz.com/runz/rfk-jr-as-americas-1-hiv-aids-denier-and-the-sounds-of-media-silence/ 和其他人(关于 UR)关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病骗局/阴谋。如果全世界都可以参与这种欺诈行为并使其持续 40 年,为什么现在不能再来一次呢?一路走下去,没有什么可失去的,反而会得到一切。当然,与官方叙述相矛盾的信息很容易获得,但这些信息的来源没有官方叙述者所拥有的平台/扩音器。此外,某些无关紧要的国家的一些总统和总理一开始就试图反击。他们中的大多数人神秘死亡和/或失踪。

  85. @SingingSam

    你想知道为什么他没有提到 您的个人宠物具体症状?你真的能读懂吗?去。尝试一下练习。现在做。

  86. Publius 2 说:

    他在这里写的都是 明显 真实的。


    • 谢谢: walker
  87. walker 说:

    他们怎么知道自己感染了新冠病毒? 因为假测试告诉了他们? 或者,因为他们的药品推销员 docwhores 宣称是这样?

  88. 安德鲁·安格林再次错了。

    PCR 检测在区分 SARS-CoV-2 和流感病毒方面具有高度特异性和准确度。

    是的,大规模检测实验室的质量控制相当差,有很多误报,但 Covid19 不是流感。

    不幸的是,就在 SARS-CoV-2“发明”之前,他去世了。

    是的,他确实说过 PCR 测试无法判断病毒是否具有传染性,但科学家们一直都知道这一点,这就是为什么需要细胞培养来确定阳性结果是否具有传染性或死亡的病毒颗粒。

    是的,他确实说过 PCR 可以检测任何东西,但他指的是感染多种病毒的艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者。

    PCR 可以测试您编程的任何内容。 RT-PCR 测试中用于检测 SARS-CoV-2 的独特部分序列是 CCAGGTGGWACRTCATCMGGTGATGCBBQ

    卡里·穆利斯 (Kary Mullis) 不会毁掉他发明的、并因此获得诺贝尔奖的测试。

    是的,Covid19 与流感有相似但略有不同的症状。训练有素且合格的医务人员可以发现其中的差异。

    2020 年初,卡梅伦·凯尔-西德尔 (Cameron Kyle-Sidell) 医生在纽约急诊室发布了一段著名视频,他在视频中将 COVID-19 描述为“一种对我们来说毫无意义的疾病——一种我们通常的治疗方法不起作用的疾病。 ”



    凯尔-西德尔还表示,“据我所知,COVID-19 肺部疾病不是肺炎”,而似乎是“某种病毒引起的疾病,最类似于高原反应”。


    是的,一些流感病例可能被误诊为 Covid-19,但数量并不多。

    是的,全球精英出于邪恶手段夸大了 SARS-CoV-2(其全基因测序超过 6 万次)的严重性。

    是的,实验性疫苗接种是令人厌恶的,但这并不意味着 Covid-19 是流感或不真实。


  89. @Buckaroo



    你认为像墨西哥和土耳其这样的地方的普通人吗 support gay pride parades or is it something they must grin and bear because if they don’t, not only will they be “left out” of the current cultural zeitgeist, but they will also face the economic and military might of Uncle Shlomo.

    I lived as an expat in Asia for a decade and it always amazed and disappointed me how people would just accept whatever crap comes out of America without questioning it because they’ve been conditioned to think that America = good, cool, prosperous.

    • 同意: The Wild Geese Howard
  90. @Realist

    There are many who have had Covid-19 without any of the symptoms you experienced. Some even claim to have had gastrointestinal instead of respiratory symptoms as a result of Covid-19. Anyway there have been deadlier flu pandemics in the past so I suppose we could call it a kind of flu. After all there are bird flu, swine flu, and other types of flu that have made people sick and dead.

    • 回复: @Realist
  91. @Tony Hall

    太糟糕了,UR 正在成为更广泛的全球讨论中的死水。

    你在说什么? UR 是少数几个网站之一 在世界上 每日斯托默对冲为零 是我所知道的仅有的另外两个。 其他所有人,包括福克斯,都只是听从。

    Ron himself seems to be generally on the side of people who believe in all this and yet he’s still willing to publish articles that contradict what he believes. That says a lot about his willingness to stay true to his core mission – “to publish voices excluded from the mainstream press”, including Anglin, who has been banished from the internet almost entirely.

    • 回复: @republic
    , @SurfingUSA
  92. @GlassHalfFull



  93. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    My money is still on this whole panicfest being a product of ordinary, run-of-the-mill human stupidity, hysteria, and conformism.

    Don’t forget greed too. Big pharma saw an opportunity to make a ton of money from all the fear and panic and jumped on it. They knew they’d rushed out an untested, flawed product so they got legal immunity for themselves first.

    I too am not (yet) willing to accept the “depopulation theory”, but that doesn’t mean that the whole thing isn’t a scam.

  94. A lot of what’s going on seems to be about generating fear in society. Michael Chricton published an interesting novel some time ago 恐惧状态 but dealing with global warming and environmental warfare/terrorism rather than biowarfare. In the novel he tackles pseudoscience and the politicisation of science discussing eugenics and Lysenkoism in an appendix.

    A Prof. Hoffman in the book tells the main protagonist:

    “There was a major shift in the fall of 1989. Before that time, the media did not make excessive use of terms such as crisis, catastrophe, cat­aclysm, plague, or disaster For example, during the 1 980s, the word crisis appeared in news reports about as often as the word budget. In addition, prior to 1989, adjectives such as dire, unprecedented, dreaded were not common in television reports or newspaper headlines. But then it all changed.”

    “These terms started to become more and more common. The word catastrophe was used five times more often in 1995 than it was in 1985. Its use doubled again by the year 2000. And the stories changed, too. There was a heightened emphasis on fear, worry, danger, uncertainty, panic.”

    “I am leading to the notion of social control, Peter. To the require­ment of every sovereign state to exert control over the behavior of its cit­izens, to keep them orderly and reasonably docile. To keep them driving on the right side of the road—or the left, as the case may be. To keep them paying taxes. And of course we know that social control is best managed through fear.”

    因此 恐惧状态 – continuous and permanent.

    • 回复: @SafeNow
  95. Andreas 说:

    “但是,为什么以色列几乎是宗教般地拥抱恐慌、封锁、限制和疫苗呢?这一切都是为了非犹太人而弥补的吗? “


    • 回复: @Pat Kittle
  96. JasonT 说:

    “The unique partial sequence used to detect SARS-CoV-2 in the RT-PCR test is CCAGGTGGWACRTCATCMGGTGATGCBBQ”

    I searched for the source of this sequence in the NCBI nucleotide database and found only entries to various bat coronavirus isolates and to sarbecovirus isolates from bats. The publication date entries for all of these was late 2021. All of the isolates sequenced were from bat samples. All of the entries were from Asian groups, almost all from Chinese groups.

    No other entries are listed in the NCBI database. There were no entries for sequences from samples collected from humans. Perhaps you can point to the data showing the isolation and sequencing from human samples that led to identifying that this sequence is a unique partial sequence for SARS-CoV-2 in humans. And perhaps you can show me that this data was collected and then a primer set for the sequence developed and implemented in test kits in time for all of the testing that was done in 2020.

  97. Thomm 说:

    This article from Anglin directly contradicts RUnzie Baby’s claim that Covid-19 was an overt bioweapon attack by the US against China. Not the other way around, mind you, but by 美国 China. Suffice it to say, outside of TUR, this theory gets virtually zero purchase anywhere else.

    Ron Unz has always been a ‘Poor Man’s Steve Kirsch’, but this has taken TUR in a direction that has gotten rather weird.

    • 巨魔: Mulga Mumblebrain
    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  98. jsinton 说:

    实际上,它既不是“流感”也不是“COVID”。 是疫苗。 印第安纳州保险公司报告称,18 年 65 至 40 岁客户的死亡人数增加了 2021%! 如果我们估计 30% 的客户从未接种过疫苗,那么我们估计实际上让大多数人接种疫苗需要 12 个月,对于 100 至 2020 岁的健康人来说,到 18 年的死亡人数实际上是 65%! 这意味着叙事现在将改变。

  99. Resartus 说:



    似乎只有 25% 的部队(在冲突的 10 多年里)是应征者……

    Cols/Cpts/Lts/NCOs 不算入伍,即使他们最初的入伍是,因为他们有机会在头两年后离开......

  100. obwandiyag 说:

    Well, you do c&p some scientific-sounding gobbledegook.

    But you can’t write an English sentence.

    Thus, you are wrong.

  101. obwandiyag 说:

    During the Spanish flu of 1918, my grandmother’s straight hair all fell out and grew back in curly.

    Gee, that doesn’t sound like any flu symptom I ever heard of.


    • 回复: @Realist
  102. SafeNow 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    A lot of what’s going on seems to be about generating fear in society.

    True, but it is actually “anticipatory anxiety,” a separate mental state. It has been imaged. The human brain has been called “an anticipation machine.” “Fear” is when the tiger is right in front of us, whereas anticipatory anxiety is when we get all wound up about the future. This not merely semantics because the management of the two phenomena is different for each. It’s too bad that throughout Covid virologists etc. have been the ones weighing-in on human behavior; this is not their expertise. A psychiatrist or psychologist would never think to opine on infectious diseases.

    • 谢谢: Commentator Mike
    • 回复: @bike-anarkist
  103. obwandiyag 说:


    What he said was that Covid symptoms are no different from flu symptoms.

    And he challenged you to find on that was different.

    Your post did not mention a single symptom of Covid that differs from flu.

    Also, you did not mention that the PCR test that they have been using has been repudiated by everybody, including the CDC. In other words, any information, all statistics whatsoever, gleaned from PCR tests are totally, utterly bogus. As the CDC, your buddies, admits.

    Thus, this is just typical troll diversion.

  104. @Gordo

    neglect caused by media induced panic in old folks homes caused a lot of deaths

    Don’t forget that NY’s Cuomo and many other governors forced symptomatic “Covid”-positive patients into care facilities as a deliberate euthanasia campaign.

    And the neglect wasn’t just in treating old folks but was near universal in all hospitals and medical facilities anywhere “Covid” allegedly was present.

  105. @anon

    Prattling on what obviously anon[358] read from a Biology 100 text.

    Ya need to to understand what you regurgitate.

  106. @SafeNow

    Also known as “Pre-traumatic Stress Disorder”.

    Does anyone have any corespondence from Gilad Atzmon?

  107. Anonymous[290]• 免责声明 说:

    Dr Richard Fleming: Breaking the Science Back to the Basics


    From 16m 30s – 20m 30s

    He talks specifically about the virus being isolated and how unhelpful it is to have a “there is no virus” branch within the anti-COVID vax movement. I’m pretty sure he also rubbishes certain studies / news coming out of Spain elsewhere in the video, which I assume is the source Anglin is relying on.

    This is a cardiologist / nuclear cardiologist warning against the vaccines, so definitely not a shill for the mainstream narrative.

    Why Anglin seems to want to declare war on the virus-is-real anti-COVID vaxxers I daren’t speculate. Presumably it’s to do with the moronic meme at the top of his article. Apparently Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine is also in the way of the “virus isn’t real, only my politics are” theory as they were in the way of EUA for vaccines.

  108. republic 说:
    @Ann Nonny Mouse

    Get the animal version in any farm supply store then research the proper human dozage

  109. republic 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Hard to believe today but in those days the BBC did honest reporting.

  110. republic 说:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    Global research and Lew Rockwell also good sources for truth

  111. @bike-anarkist

    The pandemic has been used in a multi-faceted campaign of psychological terror targeting the public. Fear and hysteria are stoked every day. Here in Austfailia the MSM vermin, the various ‘medical’ thugs, the ‘regulatory’ Mafiosi and the plague of ‘epidemiologists’ are STILL furiously refusing to admit that Omnicon is much less harmful. If the ‘pandemic’ becomes a mere endemic cold, there goes their power and influence, so, as is typical of our pathological ‘elites’, they are just lying ever more flagrantly.
    That, of course, is why the totalitarian censorship and Thought Control regime is so essential. The MSM scum, as ever, speak or, in the case of the young and Woke feminazis in utero, squeak, with one voice, with ZERO nuance, let alone dissent or discussion. The public are, unless they have some nous and resources, bereft of any information but that which oozes from the Ministry of Truth, ie the MSM and the Internet cyber-fascists. That it is all lies, misrepresentation and disinformation, often refuting diktat from months, weeks or even mere days before, is never mentioned. A 180 degree change of direction is met with but a murmur of criticism, then it’s ‘Move on! Get with the New Program!’.
    The totalitarian vaxx mandates, totally denied as a possibility a year ago, and utterly contradicting the Nuremberg Principles, the Helsinki Accords of the WMA, the UNESCO Declaration on medical bio-ethics, are taken as a given. Medical bio-ethics? What the fuck is that? You’re suspended! Permanently! To see an Evil and deranged, anti-human system reaching its hideous End-Stage is really a thrilling experience, like being eaten alive by a shark, while staring into its dark, cold, eyes.

    • 同意: Kratoklastes
    • 回复: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  112. @jsinton

    病态者发动的心理恐怖运动会造成过多的死亡。 封锁、无情的恐惧散播、社会孤立等产生了深远的影响,导致更高的死亡率和发病率,在药物过量死亡、延迟健康治疗和身心障碍中可见一斑。 当然还有基因治疗注射。 然后还有数十万人本可以通过使用维生素 D 进行预防,以及使用安全、有效且廉价的羟氯喹和伊维菌素进行早期治疗而得救,但他们却遭到了最恶毒的谎言、欺诈性“研究”和诽谤的攻击可以想象。

    • 同意: jsinton
  113. @Thomm

    The bio-warfare attack BY the USA ON China, ie the TRUTH, gets little traction in the brainwashed West because the Western MSM is a lying, hate-mongering, propaganda machine, which would not tell the truth in a fit, and the public are comprised in large part of racist, Sinophobic, cretins like you, who’ll believe ANY black propaganda targeting your race enemy.

  114. SBaker 说:

    The are many errors, misconceptions, and disconnected observations; so how can you not be 100% convinced? Corona viruses are common causes of respiratory tract infections in a dozen species, beside humans. However, this novel (new) Corona is a different and more debilitating pathogen, like the first SARS corona that came out of china in 2002. Making the absurd pronouncement that corona is the flu is painfully ignorant. Coronaviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses while influenza is a segmented RNA virus–which makes this virus incredibly subject to rapid change. Most of the people commenting here have no idea that viruses are not even living organisms. They are inanimate particles, that must come in contact with specific cellular receptors to trigger the release of their nucleic acid that then enters the target cells, and takes over the cells biochemical machinery (a sort of hijacking) to make copies of itself. Once the cell reaches some bursting pressure from all the copies, the infecting cell is ruptured releasing viral offspring that invade adjacent cells to repeat the cycle. I’ve written enough, and people here don’t believe it anyway.

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  115. @GlassHalfFull

    是的,实验性疫苗接种是令人厌恶的,但这并不意味着 Covid-19 是流感或不真实。

    The “abomination” is based on absurdities!
    The absurdity #1 is that SARS-CoV-2 actually exists!
    All the Medical/Media/Military/Money Industrial complex has done is taken the scientific literature that describes “Seasonal Communicable Illnesses”, due to the fact that most people cannot properly understand what Immunity is, and that it is NOT a element of human biology that requires intervention. Why? Because there is NO evidence that “Seasonal Communicable Illnesses” require intervention with “vaccines”, and there NEVER has been one that remotely shows efficacy.

    Re-read Alexandr @ #50.

  116. SBaker 说:

    Science is not acceptable here, besides, you are addressing Pierre, a male queer, that denies the existence of AIDS as primarily a scourge for the rimming and felching population.

    • 哈哈: JM
    • 巨魔: Pierre de Craon
  117. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Lukashenko has claimed that the World Bank and colleagues attempted to bribe him, offered nearly a billion dollars if he would impose a harsh COVID lockdown in Byelarus.

    If true it might explain why Dictator Dan has acted in such a brutal way. He might not be insane after all: he might have a very rational motive, might be wheeling billion bucks to bank, brutal beast.

    • 回复: @dimples
  118. peterAUS 说:


    Nothing those on the losing end of the game can do, I’d say.

    Why those on the top of this game don’t mind vaccines, boosters and, even for them, annoying levels of control (masks, distancing etc) ? Even Larry Fink has to wear mask, take vaxes/boosters, comply to distancing and the rest.
    My take: they see it as a “cost of doing business”. Extremely lucrative business.


  119. Realist 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    There are many who have had Covid-19 without any of the symptoms you experienced.


    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  120. Realist 说:

    During the Spanish flu of 1918, my grandmother’s straight hair all fell out and grew back in curly.

    What’s your point? That doesn’t prove Covid is flu.

  121. Realist 说:
    @Fred Herrington


    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
  122. AKAHorace 说:

    The efficacy of the vaccine is open to discussion.

    Discussion about COVID tends to get very polarized (in case you have not noticed). It is either the bubonic plague or nothing more than the flu to a lot of commentators. So discussion about preventative measures tends to go the same way. My view is that

    In many places lockdowns were way overdone. The damage that they did to the economy and health outweighed any benefit that they had in reducing COVID. If a new variant comes along which is actually serious it is now very difficult to get people to take lockdown seriously.

    I am not sure about vaccines. They seem worth it for anyone over 60, the obese (which is a pretty significant group in North America) and diabetics, but not for children. The minor risks for children of side affects are more than the infinitesimal risks of COVID. In between cases, I don’t know. I am also not sure if mRNA vaccines present any new dangers.

    I love masks. Even if they didn’t work they don’t do any harm. They have been used by doctors and in Asian countries for years. I like the way that they give me permission to hide my face, this may be a useful precedent in a surveillance society. I have worn them since March 2020 and not got my seasonal winter colds which I usually get in the fall and early spring.

  123. And yet, you have “experts”, MD’s like Robert Malone and Peter McCullough going on and on as if Sars CoV 2 actually exists along with all the ridiculous variants.

    I completely agree with Andrew Anglin. Covid 19 is nothing more than a psychological operation. This is a common sense question. There is no virus.

    • 回复: @Ralph B. Seymour
    , @JM
  124. @SBaker

    Someone’s tender feelings have been bruised, I see.

    For your sort, foul-mouthed lies seem a more sensible first resort than learning to think and learning to write.

  125. @SBaker

    I note that your slurs failed to include “filthy Jew.” I can guess why.

    • 哈哈: bike-anarkist
  126. Travagline 说:





    此外,请记住旧的 PCR 测试已经完成,但新的 PCR 测试才刚刚开始。

    CDC 的流感 SARS-CoV-2 多重检测和所需用品 _ CDC


    今年的流感“疫苗”和 2019 年用来掀起这场狗屎炫耀的该死的“疫苗”是一样的!美国2021-2022年流感季季节性流感疫苗供应_CDC

    2021-2022 年季节,预计生产的疫苗供应量将 100% 为四价(4 组分)疫苗。不会有任何三价流感疫苗可用。那么,让我用英语向您解释一下(4 成分)四价“疫苗”中的内容


    • 2 型 – A 病毒(毒物)(H1N1 和 H3N2) H1N1 是猪流感 https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html

    H3N2 是甲型流感 甲型流感 H3N2 变种病毒(也称为“H3N2v”病毒)带有 2009 年 H1N1 大流行病毒的基质 (M) 基因,于 2011 年 XNUMX 月首次在人类中检测到。

    • 2 种B 型病毒(毒物) 乙型流感病毒进一步分为两个谱系:B/Yamagata 和B/Victoria。

    流感实际上不存在,因为 CoVid-19 是类固醇流感。






    Moderna 于 9 年 2021 月 19 日星期四宣布,作为其“新型呼吸道疫苗计划”的一部分,它计划生产一种单剂量疫苗,作为针对 COVID-XNUMX 和流感病毒的加强剂。


    • 使用的狗肾细胞系可能感染了冠状病毒(又名寄生虫)。

    • 这就是为什么我相信伊维菌素对于治疗 CoVid-19 效果如此之好。 https://travag.blog/2021/02/11/dont-be-a-mask-hole/

    流感疫苗会增加 COVID-19 风险吗? (是的!)


    这一切是否都是一种卑鄙的方式,目的是为了让他们的致命 mRNA 基因疗法获得批准,并以两用 CoVid-19 流感疫苗为幌子,将其列入年度疫苗计划?



    • 回复: @Smashed Squash
  127. Biff 说:

    There are over a dozen different kinds of coronavirus’; is the PCR test able to single out which is which?

  128. @Ralph B. Seymour

    That would explain the concurrent hit on Iran’s leadership, too. Israel maintains a MASSIVE bio-warfare apparatus, and worked for years with its apartheid twin, Afrikaaner South Africa, on ‘ethnically specific’ bio-weapons, and God knows what else. It was all covered up by the slimy Tutu’s ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ white-wash.

    • 回复: @Ralph B. Seymour
  129. @SBaker

    We know that SARS CoV2 is a chimera, an amalgam of a bat corona-virus and a pangolin corona-virus, with the infamous furin cleavage site added. It is plainly man-made, almost certainly somewhere in the VAST US bio-warfare establishment. It appeared ready to infect people, plainly having experienced ‘serial passage’ through humanised mice or cell cultures. It exists, and it is man-made. The first of many to come.

  130. So Covid is the flu…….and the flu mutated into Omicron….is that right?






    每个人都会得到 Omicron。 如果你想生病一周,那就玩得开心。


    • 回复: @cylindrical crown
  131. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    I think Anglin’s position – though I wished he’d stated it more plainly – is that the bad actors (Fauci, Gates, et al) employed the flu virus as an excuse to release their vaccines – which will ultimately prove to be the bioweapon, or possibly released an engineered COVID-19 virus as an excuse to deploy the vaccines. A third possibility would be that the full bio-weapon is 二进制 in nature – requiring both the virus and the vaccine to be effective in achieving the evil objectives of folks like ‘Satan-Klaus’ Schwab and the rest of the Davos set.

    The unanswered question in all this is where do Xi and Putin stand on all of this? Are they both in on the deal with Schwab and the other “Masters of the Universe”, or do they oppose them. There is evidence for both arguments.

  132. @Realist


    • 回复: @Realist
  133. @AKAHorace

    I love masks. Even if they didn’t work they don’t do any harm. They have been used by doctors and in Asian countries for years. I like the way that they give me permission to hide my face, this may be a useful precedent in a surveillance society. I have worn them since March 2020 and not got my seasonal winter colds which I usually get in the fall and early spring.

    I also didn’t get the colds but I’m not sure that isn’t causing harm. It probably isn’t good for our immune systems to rarely be activated. We know in fact that allergies have been tied to completely sterile environments. What happens is that your immune system never gets a sample and then overreacts when it finally does.

    I also find the masks to be dehumanizing. Even if they are medically harmless they are still terrible for morale and social interactions.

    They also favor criminals. All kinds of crimes haven’t been solved because the criminal was able to walk around masked.

    I am really sick of the masks. They don’t even seem to work against Omicron so what is the point?

    I would really like to go to a bar or restaurant that doesn’t look like a hospital ward.

  134. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Vox claims Mossad operatives were used to move bioweapons via diplomatic pouch to strategically poison the world.

    Because Covid is the lynchpin of the Jew World Order.

  135. @bike-anarkist

    Does anyone have any corespondence from Gilad Atzmon?

    No idea but Fred Reed is now on the Saker’s site.


    And the Saker had this to say self about himself leaving the UR:

    The other decision I took was to sever all my ties with the Unz Review. Again, I did that for a host of different reasons, but just like with internal US politics, not having to think about the frankly toxic environment at the Unz Review has freed a lot of time for me to focus on what is important: the struggle for the next international order.


  136. @Ralph B. Seymour



    LOL I know two anti-vaxxers that had it. The one with messed up taste buds will tell you that it isn’t a con.

    He still won’t get the vaccine so…..is he in on the con?

    This is the worst conspiracy theory since flat earth. There isn’t even a semblance of a consistent theory.


    The virus exists/doesn’t exist and vaccines don’t work/do work but will cause judgement day eventually.


  137. @Dr. Robert Morgan



    结晶:细胞群被假定的病毒感染。 > 有意破坏细胞 > 离心所有以前的细胞内容物 > 通过计算机连接的激光对所得层进行光谱分析 > 计算机根据原子比及其编程来推测蛋白质结构 > 计算机/程序推测实际上可能是更罕见的正常细胞结构的病毒成分,或其他病毒的组件,或前编程层的工件。现在,计算机程序员通过两层弱解释或“解释”,根据其结构的先入之见来“隔离”病毒。



    加分点:“Covid-19”所有所谓的“新颖”特征在 2014 年之前都被 CDC 和几家合作的生物技术公司非法申请了专利,作为冠状病毒和 SARS(冠状病毒的一种)的组成部分。非法的?因为在美国,为自然产生的遗传物质申请专利是非法的,这意味着专利本身要么是非法获得的,要么是疾病预防控制中心/生物军团非法产生的生物战机制的专利。




    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
  138. @John Johnson


  139. Marcion 说:
    @John Johnson

    He didn’t say covid is nothing. Andrew said it was the flu or a cold.

  140. SurfingUSA 说:
    @Bing Bong Trump

    哦,但那是令人惊奇的事情,我们的一线护士可以处理黑死病,并在停机时间制作 TikToks。

    • 哈哈: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • 回复: @Bing Bong Trump
  141. Anon[219]• 免责声明 说:

    The loss of smell is called anosmia. It’s a symptom of the flu.


    • 回复: @statsman
  142. Stats 说:


    • 同意: Emslander
    • 回复: @Emslander
  143. Sam J. 说:
    @Exalted Cyclops



    “……我认为你比安格林更接近目标。 您可能知道,该站点上有一系列精美的文章,它们基本上是相同的情况。 帝国深层政府设计和发布的生物武器的证据在细节和范围上都具有说服力……”

    我碰巧知道有人感染了冠状病毒,但不是流感。 现在它可能有流感的一些症状,因为他们是这样设计的,但这不是正常的流感。(我称之为电晕,因为我相信他们用新冠病毒来隐藏它的天意)


    我衷心同意,无论电晕是什么或来自它,都被用来驱使 vax 并谋杀尽可能多的人。

  144. @SurfingUSA

    他们也有时间参加 BLM 抗议/骚乱,尽管没有社交距离、没有疫苗和一些表演性掩饰,他们还是以某种方式批准了。


    聪明的保守派认为,护士们并不关心 BLM 抗议活动,因为新冠病毒是流感的更名,整件事只是社会针对我们的武器。

  145. RoatanBill 说:
    @Pierre de Craon

    Common sense says that option C is an outright joke. Deaths from Covid are minimal. The entire outrage over Covid is a manufactured event designed for control of the population via fear and the profit motive for Big Pharma to cooperate fully in the event.

    Gov’ts are run by politicians, which means they are run by assholes. They are control freaks that continuously make up “laws” to refine their control over anything and everything that exists. A pandemic is the perfect opportunity for them to do what they do best – issue edicts that they themselves are excepted from. They took a relatively harmless bug and catapulted it into a world ending plague when the plain truth is that it’s a relatively harmless bug that in any previous age would have been generally ignored.

  146. @Realist

    撇开所有其他说法不谈,没有人成功地为单一独特症状生成搜索结果。 重点是。

    • 回复: @SurfingUSA
    , @Realist
  147. @azureamaranthine


    这是对的。该病毒尚未被真正分离(因此尚未进行基因测序),也没有其他病毒如此。宣传机构的运作如此强大,以至于它准备对任何和所有争论提供答案——无论这种答案是否错误都无关紧要。怀疑论者回应他们的说法是“这个‘病毒’是什么?你到底有没有认清楚?”宣传机器回应道:“你怎么敢!?我们当然已经识别出来了!这里有一百篇文章提出了这一主张!”没关系,研究和文章中使用的“科学”和方法是完全可疑的。 这些人在撒谎。 我不知道为什么这很难理解。他们一次又一次地被发现撒谎,但即使是通常持怀疑态度的人也会不断地被他们的谎言所欺骗。被欺骗并没有你的错。当他们的谎言一再被揭穿时,你仍然继续相信这些人,这是你的错。



    @博士罗伯特·摩根(Robert Morgan)

    摘自 Tom Cowan 博士的《传染病神话》第 91 页:

    韩国爆发了 Covid-19”,作者表示:“我们无法估计
    在文章“从首例 SARSCoV-2 患者中分离出病毒”中
    纯化的。”12 研究人员采集了病人的鼻粘液(“鼻涕”)

    免费 PDF 下载:



    • 回复: @John Johnson
  148. @Travagline


  149. SurfingUSA 说:
    @Fred Herrington


    疾病的症状只有很多种,弄清楚一组症状表明哪种疾病是或曾经使医学成为一种艺术形式。 换句话说,几乎任何或所有疾病都存在重叠症状。


    • 同意: Realist
    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
  150. statsman 说:


    • 同意: Realist
    • 回复: @Anon
  151. @SurfingUSA



    这正是这篇文章的主旨,也是它上面的模因的要点。如果你相信有一种新型病毒会引起大流行,那么你就已经输了。现在每个人都迷失在争论 SARS-Cov-2-lgbt-lmnop69 是什么或不是什么以及应该或不应该采取什么应对措施的细节上。 季节性呼吸道疾病每年都会来来去去,而且一直存在。 你的宠物症状、刺突蛋白、基因序列和传染媒介与这个基本事实完全没有关系。 如果不承认季节性呼吸道疾病只是生活中的事实,我们就无法摆脱这种小暴政的泥潭。 但在我们用尽希腊字母之后,我们都会继续争论冠状病毒的微观结构细节,以及如何命名最新的变种。

  152. Wow! Great article! Almost exactly the same as what I’ve been saying at the local level for close to 2 years now.

    I have a large sign on my back pack when I go biking that reads:

    “COVID 19 IS A SCAM- YOU IDIOTS”, in large red letters.

    In that time I’ve experienced only 21 disagrees ( including 3 threats of physical violence), versus 151 agrees. 😎

    What some here may not know:

    TRUMP & COVID 19

    President Trump – months before the world had heard of Covid-19 – signed Executive Order 13887 on September 19, 2019 outlining a five year national plan to roll out mRNA shots and immunization.

    It was a militarized approach led by DoD tying public health to national security.

    The order directed actions to reduce US reliance on egg-based vaccine production, advance development of “new, broadly protective” vaccines (i.e. mRNA shots), and increase immunization.

    The surety that Trump didn’t write the order doesn’t exonerate him from “signing the death sentence for Americans in a criminal conspiracy.”

    And regarding the financial incentives issue mentioned by Anglin:

    The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH.


    在急诊室或入院时对每位患者进行“免费”要求的 PCR 检测,政府向医院支付费用。

    为每个阳性 COVID-19 诊断增加奖金。

    COVID-19 入院的另一个奖励。

    对于使用瑞德西韦而不是伊维菌素等药物的整个医院账单,Medicare 将“提高”20% 的奖金支付。

    如果 COVID-19 患者接受机械通气,则向医院支付另一笔更大的奖金。

    如果死因被列为 COVID-19,即使患者没有直接死于 COVID-19,也可以向医院支付更多费用。

    A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to Coroner’s.

    Socialized medicine, what’s not to like?

    “政府的一切都变成废话”林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)

    “政府是一种伪装成自己的疾病的疾病” Robert LeFevere


    • 回复: @gay troll
  153. 有人可以链接到 2020 年没有过多的死亡吗? 假设数字是正确的,根据疾病预防控制中心的数据,2020 年的死亡人数确实有所上升,这篇文章另有说法。 我错过了什么?

    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
    , @SurfingUSA
  154. SurfingUSA 说:
    @Fred Herrington


    冠状病毒刺突蛋白是一种多功能分子机器,可介导冠状病毒进入宿主细胞。 它首先通过其 S1 亚基与宿主细胞表面的受体结合,然后通过其 S2 亚基融合病毒和宿主细胞膜。 来自不同冠状病毒的 S1 中的两个结构域识别多种宿主受体,导致病毒附着。 刺突蛋白以两种结构不同的构象存在,即融合前和融合后。 必须触发刺突蛋白从融合前构象到融合后构象的转变,从而导致膜融合



    严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 (SARS-CoV)-2 的起源仍有争议。 基因组分析显示 SARS-CoV-2 可能是 嵌合,其大部分序列与蝙蝠冠状病毒 RaTG13 最接近,而其受体结合域 (RBD) 与穿山甲 CoV 几乎相同。 嵌合病毒可以通过自然重组或人为干预产生。 弗林蛋白酶裂解位点 SARS-CoV-2的刺突蛋白赋予病毒跨越物种和组织屏障的能力, 但以前看不见 在其他类似 SARS 的冠状病毒中。 可能 基因操作 为了评估穿山甲作为最初无法与人类受体结合的蝙蝠衍生 CoV 的可能中间宿主,是否已经进行过? 切割位点和特异性 RBD 都可能由定点诱变引起, 一个不留痕迹的过程。


    事实上,你、安格林和某些其他评论者不明白 covid-19 中存在弗林蛋白酶裂解位点,它是实验室制造的,它对心血管系统极其危险,作为一部分在刺突蛋白中,它可以使 covid-19 致命,而 vaxx 则加倍如此,相当可悲。

    • 谢谢: Realist
    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
  155. @Mike menard





  156. SurfingUSA 说:
    @Mike menard

    您说得对,您可以并且已经看到了美国总体死亡率的上升,最重要的是,印第安纳州的保险报告显示 18 至 64 岁年龄段正在发生惨败。

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  157. Realist 说:
    @Fred Herrington




    这是什么点??? 为什么症状差异对您如此重要???

    • 谢谢: SurfingUSA
    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
  158. gay troll 说:

    Although AA styles himself as a sworn enemy of the U.S. MIC, he nevertheless carries their water by denying that SARS CoV 2 is a novel virus. He thereby dismisses any possibility of a lab leak, on Chinese soil or otherwise. AA likes to slobber all over China but he obviously works for Langley. His role is to propagate disinformation.

    Like when he claimed David Bowie profusely apologized for the “homosexual undertones” of Ziggy Stardust. Maybe AA was running a high fever that day? Or maybe he’s a Larry Romanoff tier troll, casually asserting things that cannot be backed up by a source. He provides disinformation in a manner that some people find emotionally satisfying. Buyer beware.

    • 同意: Realist
  159. Thank you, Andrew, for once again beating your head against the wall to point out the nature of the hoax to the neurotics and obsessives out there.

    Before I go further, I think this video here is instructive. This guy says he got a printout of his brother’s PCR test and that they declared him COVID positive, but the actual diagnostic is for Coronavirus 229E which is simply a common cold virus that has been with us forever. In other words, whether or not there is a new virus called SARS_CoV2 that is making people sick, the pandemic numbers are being inflated by sleights of hand like this. A rational question would be, why would legitimate public health officials want to muck up the data they use to determine policy if their true objective were fighting a deadly virus?


    Human Coronaviruses 229E, OC43, NL63, and HKU1.

    HCoVs 229E, OC43, NL63, and HKU1 are commonly associated with the common cold, which is typically characterized by rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sore throat, sneezing, and cough that may be associated with fever.22,24,67,81–84 Together, the HCoVs are the second most common cause of the common cold after rhinoviruses.

    Let me say, I agree with Andrew that “there is no new virus.” Now, some might ask me, “Mario, are you saying definitively that there is no such thing as SARS-CoV2?” My answer is that while there seems to be evidence that no such thing has been isolated, it doesn’t really debunk the “no new virus” idea even if it has.

    Look, let’s not be too autistic here. What does “new” mean? If I told you, “Hey bro, come over to my house and meet my “new” dog, I mean truly “new”, like there has never been a dog like him before,” and you come over and he is a golden retriever that looks and acts just like very other one you ever seen, you’d feel like I had exaggerated, correct? And you would be right, even if technically there has never been a golden retriever “exactly” like mine ever before.

    Here is the thing, the “pandemic” is not rooted in actual and serious SARS-CoV2 infections and illnesses, whether they have occurred or not. The “pandemic” is rooted in a mass testing regime that produces false positives either directly or by mislabeling old shit as new. People who go into hospital with symptoms identical to things people always went into hospital with are being “treated” in novel ways based on assumptions and false, but financially incentivized, diagnostics, thus elevating the mortality rates for old illnesses that we have always had.

    Let’s put it another way, maybe there is a “novel” virus if we are using an autistically precise definition of novel. But COVID19 is not a new illness. It is a list of symptoms that can be caused by many things that we have always lived with and has been given a new name and has had a new cause attributed to it, but with very weak evidence to support that. It’s like how AIDS was actually GRIDS but then called something else when they decided that the only acceptable explanation for the symptoms was a novel retrovirus called HIV. And they only succeeded in that by censoring and destroying the careers of honest people. See a pattern, “novelists?”

  160. Realist 说:
    @Commentator Mike


    Wrong the lingering after-effects from Covid are very serious. Heart damage and strokes…are never found from the flu. A less serious symptom, but still serious, from Covid, is long-term loss of smell and taste.

    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
    , @Anon
  161. gay troll 说:

    President Trump – months before the world had heard of Covid-19 – signed Executive Order 13887 on September 19, 2019 outlining a five year national plan to roll out mRNA shots

    Sure, months before SARS CoV 2 appeared in China, but 2 months after the CDC sent a cease and desist letter to USAMRIID at Fort Detrick, firing the facility’s commander and shuttering its BSL laboratories for several months after discovering one or more containment breaches involving a redacted pathogen.

    They knew the spike protein was a smoking and/or loaded gun from day 1, and the mRNA vaccines were conceived with a singular purpose in mind: to mutate the bioengineered spike protein out of existence. The vaccines were never about protecting individuals against disease. They were about forcing mutations on the spike protein. Omicron is the result.

  162. @SurfingUSA

    Thanks. I used to read Vox but got turned off when he had a tantrum a few years ago after getting his ass kicked by Anglin in a debate. Glad to see that he’s come around to his senses again.

    • 回复: @SurfingUSA
  163. Anon[144]• 免责声明 说:

    You got any proof that the “covid” is in some way different to the flu?

  164. SurfingUSA 说:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    我完全同意约翰尼。 Vox 无处不在——在 Covid 上精彩绝伦,世界一流,在婴儿潮一代中是一场灾难,他对爱国者人群的尖刻刻薄,有时对他的评论者充满敌意,甚至到了精神病的程度。

    此外,他网站面向公众的部分失去评论也是一个巨大的打击。 评论者提供了关于 Covid 和 vaxx 在他们的工作场所或他们拥有的公司中的反应的精彩轶事证据。 现在只有 ZeroHedge 有一个面向公众的评论部分,有一定的价值,IMO。

  165. @Realist


    独特的症状——通常不会与流感重叠或不太常见的 COVID-19 症状包括:


    日期 11/1/2015 – 11/1/2019 的搜索结果:
    气短 https://www.google.com/search?q=flu+shortness+of+breath&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A11%2F1%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A11%2F1%2F2019&ei=OmbUYeHtHoyvqtsP3Yed8Aw&ved=0ahUKEwjh8oins5j1AhWMl2oFHd1DB84Q4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=flu+shortness+of+breath&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCAAQgAQyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46CQgAELADEAgQHjoICAAQsAMQhgM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6BQgAEJECOggIABCxAxCRAjoECAAQQzoICAAQgAQQyQM6BQgAEJIDOggIABCxAxCDAToICAAQgAQQsQM6BwgAEMkDEAo6BwgAELEDEAo6BAgAEAo6BwgAEIAEEApKBAhBGAFKBAhGGABQ8wZYkBlgyBpoAXAAeACAAV2IAf8IkgECMTmYAQCgAQHIAQbAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

    流鼻涕或鼻塞 https://www.google.com/search?q=flu+runny+stuffy+nose&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A11%2F1%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A11%2F1%2F2019&ei=4WXUYbD4KaOwqtsP9MqwyAM&ved=0ahUKEwjw7Nv8spj1AhUjmGoFHXQlDDkQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=flu+runny+stuffy+nose&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6CAgAEIAEELADOgkIABCwAxAHEB46BwgAELADEB46CQgAELADEAgQHjoICAAQsQMQgwE6BQgAEJECOgcIABCxAxBDOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToECAAQQzoFCAAQgAQ6CAghEBYQHRAeSgQIQRgBSgQIRhgAUKkQWIQhYKQkaAFwAHgAgAFziAGFCpIBBDE1LjKYAQCgAQHIAQrAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

    咽喉痛 https://www.google.com/search?q=flu+shortness+of+breath&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A11%2F1%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A11%2F1%2F2019&ei=OmbUYeHtHoyvqtsP3Yed8Aw&ved=0ahUKEwjh8oins5j1AhWMl2oFHd1DB84Q4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=flu+shortness+of+breath&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCAAQgAQyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46CQgAELADEAgQHjoICAAQsAMQhgM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6BQgAEJECOggIABCxAxCRAjoECAAQQzoICAAQgAQQyQM6BQgAEJIDOggIABCxAxCDAToICAAQgAQQsQM6BwgAEMkDEAo6BwgAELEDEAo6BAgAEAo6BwgAEIAEEApKBAhBGAFKBAhGGABQ8wZYkBlgyBpoAXAAeACAAV2IAf8IkgECMTmYAQCgAQHIAQbAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

    颤抖和发冷 https://www.google.com/search?q=flu+shaking+and+chills&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A11%2F1%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A11%2F1%2F2019&ei=ambUYaSqEuzB7gLRyrCoDw&ved=0ahUKEwikh-69s5j1AhXsoFsKHVElDPUQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=flu+shaking+and+chills&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIGCAAQFhAeMgUIABCGAzoHCAAQsAMQQzoECAAQQzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEEMkDOgUIABCSAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOggIABCxAxCDAToFCAAQkQI6CAgAELEDEJECOgcIABDJAxAKOgQIABAKOgcIABCxAxAKOggIIRAWEB0QHkoECEEYAUoECEYYAFCfBljLGmDcG2gBcAB4AIABT4gB6AmSAQIxOJgBAKABAcgBCsABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

    失去味道和气味 https://www.google.com/search?q=flu+loss+of+taste+and+smell&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A11%2F1%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A11%2F1%2F2019&ei=ZmfUYYO_BfOnqtsPgreq4AQ&ved=0ahUKEwiDiva1tJj1AhXzk2oFHYKbCkwQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=flu+loss+of+taste+and+smell&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCAAQgAQyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB46CQgAELADEAgQHjoICAAQsAMQhgM6BwgAELEDEEM6BAgAEEM6BQgAEJECOggIABCxAxCRAjoFCAAQhgNKBAhBGAFKBAhGGABQvwRYmyBgzCFoAXAAeACAAVaIAcwMkgECMjOYAQCgAQHIAQPAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp


    这是什么点??? 为什么症状差异对您如此重要???

    文章中的断言是 没有新病毒. 症状与流感相同。 [在引入疫苗之前]没有额外的死亡。
    如果没有进行“测试”,也没有媒体的围攻,没有人会注意到与其他流感季节的任何不同。症状与流感相同。死亡人数与流感相同。这是流感。如果 Covid-19 的一切都与流感相同(抛开所谓的测试和宣传),它有何独特之处?是什么让它成为大流行病?危机是什么?

    • 回复: @Realist
  166. @Realist



    嗅觉和味觉长期丧失 https://www.google.com/search?q=flu+long+term+loss+of+taste+and+smell&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A11%2F1%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A11%2F1%2F2019&ei=fGfUYbLDOf-vqtsPk-2swAU&ved=0ahUKEwiy8ejAtJj1AhX_l2oFHZM2C1gQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=flu+long+term+loss+of+taste+and+smell&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCAAQzQIyBQgAEM0COgcIABCwAxBDOggIABCABBCwAzoJCAAQsAMQBxAeOgkIABCwAxAIEB46BAgAEA06CAgAEA0QBRAeOggIABAIEA0QHjoFCAAQhgNKBAhBGAFKBAhGGABQvwhY9SJgrChoAXAAeACAAViIAYMGkgECMTCYAQCgAQHIAQrAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

    心脏损害 https://www.google.com/search?q=flu+long+term+loss+of+taste+and+smell&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A11%2F1%2F2015%2Ccd_max%3A11%2F1%2F2019&ei=fGfUYbLDOf-vqtsPk-2swAU&ved=0ahUKEwiy8ejAtJj1AhX_l2oFHZM2C1gQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=flu+long+term+loss+of+taste+and+smell&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCAAQzQIyBQgAEM0COgcIABCwAxBDOggIABCABBCwAzoJCAAQsAMQBxAeOgkIABCwAxAIEB46BAgAEA06CAgAEA0QBRAeOggIABAIEA0QHjoFCAAQhgNKBAhBGAFKBAhGGABQvwhY9SJgrChoAXAAeACAAViIAYMGkgECMTCYAQCgAQHIAQrAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp


    @Realist More like Surrealist, amirite?

  167. St-Germain 说:

    干得好,斯托默。令人耳目一新的是,除了 PC Roberts 和 Mike Whitney 之外,Unz Review 上还有人对真实新闻产生了足够的兴趣,删除了所有无关的废话,回到了我们这个时代在不断发展的西方世界的巅峰故事。这是一项孤独的工作,考虑到至少有 100 万受贿的医学博士、博士和其他尖头的“科学”书呆子——整个国家都充满了他们——显然仍然一意孤行地用令人安慰的伪医疗来迎合不正当的机构。巫毒。






  168. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    那里有我的。 不含运费、手续费和银行手续费,每粒药丸的成本为 0.25 美元。 由于盖世太保 - USPS 现已介入关闭该出口,我不知道如果需要我是否可以通过另一批。

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  169. @John Johnson

    新年前夜检测呈阳性。 没有vax。 唯一的症状:累。 我服用维生素 C 和 D、锌、伊维菌素、褪黑激素和布洛芬。 我 75 岁以上。 期待我的自然免疫力。

    • 回复: @Biff K
  170. @John Johnson

    LOL I know two anti-vaxxers that had it.

    How would they know they had Covid? Because they were tested?

    You must not be paying attention.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  171. Realist 说:
    @Fred Herrington


  172. @gay troll

    Give up the recycled dis-information!
    Re-read the article, put your biases and lack of investigative support on the back burner for more important issues.

    It was ALWAYS, “The ‘Flu, Bro’!”

  173. @Fred Herrington

    It won’t matter much the way it’s going. Even if they ever confess that Covid-19 is just the flu all the draconian measures they introduced aren’t going away.




    The lunacy never ends. Maybe one day they’ll be charging people with murder for passing on the common cold and they’ll be on the lookout to arrest serial cold spreaders.

    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
  174. @SurfingUSA

    印第安纳州的保险报告显示,18 至 64 岁年龄段的人正在经历一场惨败。


  175. Elena T. 说:

    Bilderbergers who have profited from covid-19:

    Virus R & D: Bernard Cazeneuve, Emmanuelle Charpentier, Sean Parker, Avril Haines, Judith Rodin, Vittorio Colao, Christopher Liddell, Matthew Pottinger, Kathleen Sebelius, Jeffrey Zients, Mark Carney, Andrew Liveris, Laurence Boone, Sylvia Burwell, Mitchell Daniels, Paul Polman, Jeffrey Sachs, Tidjane Thiam, Philip Zelikow

    Social change and lockdowns: Alberto Alesina, Cathy Berx, Stefano Feltri, Demis Hassabis, Bill Morneau, Norbert Röttgen, Erna Solberg

    数字化服务与平台: Frans Timmermans, Margrethe Vestager

    面膜: Dianne Feinstein

    社会疏远: Orit Gadiesh

    跟踪跟踪: Louise Arbour, Dido Harding

    控制叙事: Regina Dugan, Henry Kissinger, Charles Michel, George Soros

    学院: Arild Underdal

    Big media: Juan Luis Cebrián, Andrew Coyne, Mathias Döpfner, François Lenglet

    Promoting Panick: Oliver Bäte, Shiraz Maher

    Opinion polling: Renate Köcher

    检查: António Guterres, Jared Cohen, Reid Hoffman, Robert Kimmitt, Patrick Pichette, Eric Schmidt, Jens Stoltenberg

    “Vaccines” : Werner Baumann, Trine Eilertsen, Jens Spahn, Audrey Azoulay, Carl Bildt, Ana Botín, Melinda Gates, Luis de Guindos, Rolf Soiron, Bill Richardson, John Bell, José Manuel Barroso, Clément Beaune, François-Philippe Champagne, Leif Johansson, Alex Karp, Jared Kushner, Peter Thiel

    Scapegoating of non-recipients: Maurizio Molinari, Michael O’Leary

    授权: Mario Draghi, Christoph Franz, Lilli Gruber, Bernard Kouchner, Ursula von der Leyen, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Olaf Scholz, Tom Tugendhat

    “疫苗护照”: Dominique Anglade, Tony Blair, Ana Brnabić, Gunilla Carlsson, Sharon Dijksma, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, George Osborne, Mark Rutte

    ”Great Reset”: Magdalena Andersson, Børge Brende, He Liu, Thomas de Maizière, Mario Monti, Klaus Schwab, Johan Rockström, Ignazio Visco

    COVID handouts: Gordon Brown, Luis Garicano, Kristalina Georgieva, Austan Goolsbee, Christine Lagarde, Stephen Poloz, Nout Wellink

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  176. @SurfingUSA

    对不起。 我忽略了你的回复。


    来自 virology.ws(文章日期 4/30/2009)

    流感病毒粒子(称为传染性颗粒)大致呈球形。 它是一种包膜病毒——也就是说,外层是一个脂质膜,取自病毒在其中繁殖的宿主细胞。 插入脂质膜的是 “尖峰”,它们是蛋白质——实际上是糖蛋白,因为它们由与糖相连的蛋白质组成——称为 HA(血凝素)和 NA(神经氨酸酶)。 这些是决定流感病毒亚型(例如 A/H1N1)的蛋白质。 稍后我们将讨论如何为 HA 和 NA 指定子类型编号。 HA 和 NA 在针对病毒的免疫反应中很重要; 针对这些的抗体(我们为对抗感染而制造的蛋白质) 钉鞋 可以防止感染。 NA蛋白是抗病毒药物Relenza和Tamiflu的靶点。 脂质膜中还嵌入了 M2 蛋白,它是抗病毒金刚烷(金刚烷胺和金刚烷胺)的靶标。

    这只是 5 秒的搜索结果。我确信我们可以走得更深入。
    你说是刺突蛋白让它与众不同。然后你继续移动球门柱 在同一条评论中 并说“弗林蛋白酶切割位点”使其与众不同。你想说服谁?我还是你自己?


    可以? 它在报价单中字面意思是 你自己提供



    是否已经进行了基因操作以评估穿山甲作为最初无法与人类受体结合的蝙蝠衍生 CoV 的可能中间宿主?

    所以中国人、深层国家或爬行动物利用他们所有邪恶的力量来设计一种可以从一个地方移动的病毒。 穿山甲 (在西方世界几乎无处不在的家庭宠物) 蝙蝠 (常见的休闲食品动物)对人类和 然后 给那个人一种季节性流感。 卑鄙!


    基本上你是说,某个实体——拥有几乎无限的权力和影响力——A) 释放了一种生物武器 (Covid-19),它将与 B) 声称是你被迫的疫苗的虚假产品一起变异,并且被欺骗接受,然后C)生物武器和未知注射物质的变异组合会杀死你。好吧,也许这是可能的。但这可信吗?如果这个实体有能力和资源制造一场流行病,就用虚假的测试协议向我们发送垃圾邮件,发动广泛的媒体闪电战(这里没有真正争论的点),并利用这一切或多或少强行注入很大一部分世界人口的一半——那么为什么还要费心使用一种只会让人们感染流感的生物武器呢?

    死亡人数/病例数是伪造的。传染病的信息/身份是伪造的。没有合法证据表明正在发生任何流行病。然而,无论如何,世界上一半或更多的人口都赞同这整个骗局。他们的行为是基于恐惧和对权威人物的错误信任。但你想要声称,在假证据(检测、病例数、死亡人数)背后还有一些其他秘密证据(刺突蛋白、切割位点),在假疾病(Covid-19,以前称为流感)背后还有一些其他秘密证据。秘密疾病(突变生物武器)和假疫苗物质(除了产生大量收入之外,效果未知的未知物质)还有其他一些秘密物质(与突变生物武器协同作用的诱变软泥)。好的。但何苦呢? 每个人都会遵守,因为他们有条件这样做。 保密和生物工程实验室以及多种物种可传播突变的意义何在?

  177. anon[266]• 免责声明 说:

    Um…this is just batshit nuts





    What about ALL the scientists who’ve sequenced the mfing thing and fuck around with its genome to test infectivity of different mutations?

    For fuck’s sake, the entire world is not in on this conspiracy to fake a pandemic

    • 同意: AKAHorace, Realist
    • 哈哈: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  178. peterAUS 说:
    @Elena T.


    How did you come up with this list? Feels…..incomplete.

    For example, can’t see Fink, from:
    or Buckley, from:

    Or, to put it bluntly: no people from the “Going Direct Reset” re the “Great Reset”, as in:

    • 回复: @Peter Rabbit
  179. @Commentator Mike

    即使他们承认 Covid-19 只是流感,他们采取的所有严厉措施也不会消失。


  180. Emslander 说:


    I’ve had the “A” variant and the Omicron. I Haven’t had the vaxes and I’ve been happy with my natural immunity. I’m feeling very healthy.

    In both cases, I knew it was nothing natural. It’s hard to describe, but it felt like a robotic disease, systematically going through its paces, almost by the hour. My body dispelled it, but it took about 48 hours, with strange effects and discomforts. I can imagine how the damn mRNA could be programmed that way.

    It’s something like the flu, but more intelligently directed. Fauci ought to be criminally prosecuted for the parts he played in both the Franken flu and the Franken vaccine.

  181. @John Johnson

    Where are your butt buddies Twat Would Be Shilling and utu? I expect those shills to be scribbling half the comments on this topic.

    Or are they on furlough until mid-February when the clotshot for the Moronic variant [sic] debuts?

    • 回复: @Dumbo
  182. Dumbo 说:

    Anglin is right. “It’s just the flu, bro.” It was pathetic to watch all the clowns here from Sailer to Karlin panicking about “six billion deaths”.

    But, even if it wasn’t the same old flu, even if it is a novel virus – it should be treated the same way the flu was treated. There was zero reason for lockdowns, social distancing, masks, mRNA vaccines, vaccine passports etc – all things that, predictably, DO NOT WORK to contain it, and only make life more miserable for everyone.

    This tells me that these “radical solutions” and this mad control of everyone were the actual objective of the operation, and the pandemic was just the excuse. Just like 9/11 was the excuse for a lot of new controls and wars.

  183. Dumbo 说:
    @Je Suis Omar Mateen

    LOL. I guess Utu and TWAT were so crushed to find out that their beloved mRNA vaccines and their beloved lockdowns are so ineffective and actually make things worse for everyone, that they are embarrassed to comment now. J&J is a bit slower on the uptake, but he’ll get there, give him time. Perhaps in a few years, after “Gamma” and “Epsilon”.

    • 哈哈: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  184. @anon


    Perhaps this will get your imagination working.

    In 2003 researchers at the Australian Institute of Criminology dug through a decade’s-worth of old newspaper records, undercover police operations, and homicide databases to study the price and motivations of hiring a hitman.

    According to this study, the average payment to a hired killer was about $15K (converted to US dollars) and over half of all hitmen got less than $9K for their services.

    The money printer goes…

  185. @Mr.Craker


  186. @anon

    如果你留心的话,整个世界都不会发生任何事情。大多数非洲国家对此无话可说,印度和日本正在退出,但所有国家都有世界卫生组织,而正是他们在假装。你去一些非洲国家,没人相信。有一种真实的东西叫做流感。如果你不再称其为流感和 covid 19,那么就会立即出现假大流行。那么让我们来看看你们的“所有人”,是马其顿和挪威。这些国家,如果你可以说它们远非独立的话。美国和欧盟告诉马其顿和挪威的就去吧。他们没有独立于主人的领导权,他们也知道这一点。您认为马其顿可以对抗欧盟,一旦他们不同意这种说法,就会发动人道主义干预或颜色革命吗?秘鲁?你是否看到委内瑞拉因不按照华盛顿的要求而受到的对待?巴西的博尔索纳罗正在与之抗争,但在他自己的国家却遭到付费黑客的攻击。就连俄罗斯也被迫配合,而中国则没有配合,而是通过视频帮助宣传这一计划,而这些视频被证明是人们在街上倒下的虚假视频。联合国也是运作这件事的核心。棕榈树正在被涂上油脂,每个统治世界的人都完全支持它。每个人都在得到报酬。每个人都以某种方式与金钱联系在一起。他们要么是制造镜头,要么是人口减少议程的核心,或者只是为了带领他们的人民走向屠杀。世界各地的医院也在帮助推动这一目标。

    • 同意: Marcion, Robjil
    • 回复: @loren
  187. @Dumbo

    Jesus, Dumbo-gamma and epsilon are long gone. You’ve gotta fear OMEGA-the ultimate in smoking pleasure!

  188. @Fred Herrington


  189. @cylindrical crown

    Yes, the medical Gestapo had ivermectin deliveries from India intercepted by Customs as if it was heroin. Evil is a word that is now quite worn out from over-use and its inadequacy to clearly describe what is driving the medical Mengeles, the MSM vermin and the political psychopaths running this sordid excuse for a country. Latterly they have been gibbering about ‘informed consent’ to vaccination. ‘Get the vaxx or you lose your job and social life’, is ‘informed consent’. And now it is to be three-monthly ‘boosters’. Jung’s ‘psychic epidemic’ plus totalitarian media control equals DOOM.

  190. @gay troll

    I think that you may be confusing the mRNA vaccines with molnupiravir, Merck’s toxic sludge, that will cause so many mutations in the virus that it becomes non-viable, or something else entirely. Who knows? It’s the perfectly safe drug that also causes mutations in mammalian cells, but that only effects mammals, and who cares about those feckers?

  191. Biff K 说:

    Thanks for outlining this SCIENTIFIC, FACTUAL information. I’m sick & tired of being the only knowledgeable “redneck,” expounding on this topic here, and on a half dozen other sites, and apparently, nobody listening or capable of making sense of it. I wish you luck.

    The problem is dual: 1) sucker youngin’s who use the word (actually, prefix) “nano” a lot and consequently think they’re a rocket scientist, but works at a girlie job shuffling paperwork, forced to act Metro, and believes anything that some no-talent suit on CNN blats about; …vs… 2) the “scared to death of a fucking needle stick, no matter for what” hillbilly dude who drives around in a $50,000 oversized (overpriced) pickup truck (far as I can tell, to somehow make up for what he perceives as his “tiny” penis) and fills his big fat overhanging ketotic gut guzzling a 64oz sugar sweetened pop, or drinks cheap beer, which he guzzles, “just because….” and still forces himself to watch politicized, niggerized football games.

    It’s a world full of Jewlavision-brainwashed meatballs, which I find more annoying than anything else. The 21st century version of “keeping up with Joneses” only, this time, it’s not material; it’s mental. I never considered the average ‘murican particularly “smart,” but this has now, gotten downright ridiculous.

    For the umteenth time, no…it’s not a flu. (and it isn’t anything even remotely like Spanish flu, either).

    • 回复: @Marcion
  192. Biff K 说:
    @cylindrical crown

    I have a half interest in a health food store my hippie cousin opened up on Woodward Ave, back in 1989. We’re looking forward to you bending some plastic there. Business dwindled somewhat in the past 20 years. We just stocked vitamin D and vitamin B12 suppositories. 50% off if you let us watch.

    “sell a couple bottles of Dr Good…” from Cheryl’s song “Gypsies Tramps and Thieves”

  193. @Fred Herrington


    如果我们要给什么可信度 该视频 向我们展示,在稍后的某个时刻,即使人们 不想再遵守,这即使不是不可能(对于接种者)也是非常困难的。

  194. Anonymous[324]• 免责声明 说:

    In war, everybody’s soldiers die. In WW I the New York and Hamburg Warburgs lent money to both sides. That’s how one got called “Daddy Warbucks” in Little 孤儿 安妮。

  195. Anon[332]• 免责声明 说:

    People are calling the side effects of the mRNA drugs the ‘long-covid’

  196. @Alexandros


    Instead of NewThink?

  197. GeneralRipper [又名“Nemo me impune lacessit”] 说:

    I love masks. Even if they didn’t work they don’t do any harm.

    Now would probably be a good time to seek help with your mental illness through counseling and/or medication.

    • 同意: acementhead
    • 回复: @AKAHorace
  198. SurfingUSA 说:
    @Fred Herrington

    您提到流感病毒具有刺突蛋白的参考文献是孤立的; 我在任何地方都找不到任何其他支持。 看:


    两种病毒都具有不同的表面蛋白,这些蛋白是感染的重要毒力因子。 SARS-CoV-2 被刺突 (S) 蛋白覆盖 促进宿主细胞的入侵。 …

    流感 病毒依赖于 2 种病毒表面蛋白、血凝素 (HA) 和神经氨酸酶 (NA) 的协同功能 进入和退出宿主细胞。

    嵌合病毒几乎都是实验室制造的。 在自然界中,拉森火山国家公园显然只发现了一个,这让科学家们感到困惑。


    其余的都是实验室制造的,疯狂的科学家们正在制造 Covid,并可能试图制造一种埃博拉病毒与天花的混合体,而且可能有数十、数百或数千种嵌合病毒被制造为生物武器。




    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
  199. dimples 说:
    @Ann Nonny Mouse

    A problem with this theory is that a billion bucks would barely cover one day of Dirty Dan’s payments to his CFMEU overlords.

  200. @Bing Bong Trump


    The tik tok videos were the worst of the worst. Empty hospitals with mostly fat white women nurses supposedly fighting covid on the front line were openly admitting the entire thing was an epic hoax not with words but with effeminate dance moves. The medical establishment lost a lot of credibilty when they handed out opioids like candy to anyone who had a sore back and then took them away from everyone including disabled veterans and those with chronic injuries then called them all drug addicts to boot! But the tik tok videos were the final straw for me. I make sure to belittle and talk down to anyone in the medical field I run across. They are paid liars and don’t care about your health one bit but demand to be called hero’s because “they save lives”. The whole thing is pathetic.

    The most pathetic thing is the number of morons on this site still trying to claim covid is real and people are actually dying of covid. “Half my friends have had covid” some moron said to me in a comment here the other day. What a total liar! I guess at least %25 of his friends died then right? Well we will never know because the idiot refuses to answer. Meanwhile 2 years and I have never met anyone who has had covid and I ask friends all the time if they know anyone who had covid and the answer is always NO. But the internet “covid is killing everybody wear 6 million masks!!!” moron claims half of his social circle has had covid but won’t respond to if anyone died or not. Laughable!

    I guess I could still get covid; that is if I drown or get shot or get into a bad car accident. Then they can gloat that “he died of covid that’s why he stopped swimming”

  201. @AKAHorace

    “I love masks. Even if they didn’t work they don’t do any harm. They have been used by doctors and in Asian countries for years.”

    This is the exact same argument 15 years ago about gay marriage. They aren’t hurting anyone so just let them do it. Only later are we told that most of the time when gays adopt (because they are married) they put the children through years of sexual abuse. Yup gay marriage does not hurt anyone at all except now we have literal demon “drag queens” rolling on the floor of your local library tickling preschoolers with the braindead parents cheering every “accidental” inappropriate touch.

    If you love masks so much why do people like you insist I wear one and feed into your delusion too? Just like transsexuals normal people are forced to play into their fetishes. Your fetish is the mask, theirs is crossdressing and child molestation. Also if you do see me wearing a mask you better believe you watch what you say to me because I know I am masked and impossible to identify so I will take that liberty to knock your ass out. Good luck finding me because you will only have “he was white wearing a mask and clothes” to go on and no matter how hard the cops try to find their great white offender they won’t.

    • 回复: @AKAHorace
  202. Romy 说:





  203. Pat Kittle 说:


    (((You))) 最近嘲笑“将犹太人归咎于自己的病痛的白人”:
    - (https://www.unz.com/aanglin/jewish-pop-musician-antony-blinken-again-threatens-war-against-china/#comment-5046921)

    (((YOU))) ARE HAPPY “HOLOCAU$T DENIERS” ARE IN PRISON RIGHT NOW — just for questioning (((your version of WWII))).


  204. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    I don’t watch television. I last watched it on election night 2020. Your buffoonish sneers would have qualified you for a place that evening on one of the networks’ panels of experts.

    The media as such clearly matter to you, don’t they? Well, three or four days a week, I turn the radio on for no longer than two minutes at precisely the time a local NYC station gives the weather report. Today the report was bumped so that a non compos mentis gentleman named Biden could stumble through a speech declaring the critical importance for everyone who is not still an infant at the breast to get multiple vaccinations to protect himself or herself from the “deadly” covid virus, especially from its very dangerous omicron variant.

    To my surprise, senile Mr. Biden plainly forgot to say the words “relatively tame,” nor was his statement followed by a “fact check” wherein his use of the word 致命 was formally deprecated. Perhaps you, Dr. Morgan, could refer me to a “breaking news” report online to that effect, however.

    The covid threat is a hoax. The covid hoax is, ipso facto, a lie, and the people behind the hoax are liars. With remarkably little effort, they have gotten several billion brainwashed people to accept the lie that all human life is at risk from a penny-ante virus.

    When you step forward with your breezy dismissal of this centerpiece of the liars’ totalitarian conspiracy—for a conspiracy is what it is—as a “relatively tame” virus, what I see is a man who seeks to distract readers from the grave seriousness of the Deep State–orchestrated revolution that is happening in plain sight. You seem, in plain English, to be using a lie as an instrument to divert attention from the governing, all-encompassing lie. Thus, I suggest another multiple-choice question:

    (1) Is Dr. Morgan simply interested in relieving anxiety about the “relatively tame” virus; or

    (2) Is he worried lest anxiety grow to the point where (absit!) it might stimulate awareness of what people 应该 already see were they not as mired in self-satisfaction as he is?

    This contestant chooses (2).

    Addendum: What makes you think that “nationwide talk radio” is any different from or better than television—or less afflicted with tunnel vision than you yourself are, for that matter?

  205. AKAHorace 说:

    I love masks. Even if they didn’t work they don’t do any harm.

    Now would probably be a good time to seek help with your mental illness through counseling and/or medication.

    Would the counseling and medication turn me into one of those “brave heroes” who helped the authorities by not wearing masks while occupying the US capitol ? Why not go all in and tattoo your name on your forehead ?

  206. AKAHorace 说:

    If you love masks so much why do people like you insist I wear one and feed into your delusion too? Just like transsexuals normal people are forced to play into their fetishes. Your fetish is the mask, theirs is crossdressing and child molestation.

    Yup, you got me aldasfail. I am only supporting mask wearing because I want to see what you look like in a dress.

  207. Piglet 说:


    This is true. I know of no one who has died from this. An acquaintance in his early 80s, who really bought into the hysteria, says he knows three people who died from it and implored me to wear a mask. Since just about anything, to include deaths from gunshots and auto accidents, have been labeled as “Covid,” I have my doubts about his three. Also, when you’re 80+, people you know, who are in the same age range, have a habit of dying even on a good day.

    如果媒体和政府没有提到一种新疾病的存在,那么没有人会注意到一种新疾病。 这包括医院。

    Like the guy working at Sunoco, I’ve said this all along. Without the hysteria generated by the government and its allies in the news media, no one would have noticed anything going on.

    Just like most people haven’t noticed yet the surge in deaths caused by vaccines, not Covid. No official voice is telling them.

  208. @Fred Herrington




    • 回复: @Fred Herrington
  209. @SingingSam

    I am equally retarded. I agree generally with his concept in that Flu was eradicated in 2020 and most of 2021 and replaced with SARS COVID-19 but total deaths of 2020 were about equal to 2018&2019. 2021 total deaths increased due to the vaccine which mimicked or enhanced the unique damages of COVID-19 vs Flu. The circulatory, reproductive and neurological issues from the C19 virus were magnified by the vaccines. This is all different from Flu but Flu symptoms could be rolled into C19 easily thus magnifying C19 to the public. The vaccine contents also seem to have introduced numerous enhanced side effects both unique and the same as the virus. Hard to reconcile these differences between the two viruses themselves without them being unique entities.

  210. @Ralph B. Seymour

    LOL I know two anti-vaxxers that had it.

    How would they know they had Covid? Because they were tested?

    You must not be paying attention.

    Oh I give too much attention to this stupid movement. It’s a shame in fact that it graces once of the few websites willing to discuss the real of conspiracy our time which is establishment race denial.

    I really don’t care about the tests. Throw them out and you still have all these medical cases that can’t be explained by the flu.

    You tell me which year we had people walking around with permanently damaged taste buds from the flu. Or are you going to tell me that my anti-vaxxer friend is exaggerating? How about the anti-vaxx radio hosts that recanted upon getting COVID? All part of the conspiracy? How about the mass graves in India? All just dug for the conspiracy? The simple answer is that the virus is real and people have suffered because of it.

    There is a morgue about 45 minutes away from me that was backed up because of COVID. Some family business that must be in on the conspiracy? This is all so friggin stupid.

    The virus is real and the vaccines work. The most you can argue at this point is judgement day. Basically the day when us vaccinated mutate and the unvaccinated get to point their fingers and say SEE A LIBERAL LAWYER NAMED RFK WAS RIGHT THE WHOLE TIME.

    I’m sure that will happen any day now. Some loser liberal Kennedy in Malibu will be right and the entire medical establishment will be wrong. Yea keep watching the calendar on that one.

  211. Anon[246]• 免责声明 说:
    @John Johnson

    The loss of any sense of taste is called ageusia. It’s caused by an infection of the upper respiratory tract. It’s a symptom of the flu.

    What causes smell and taste disorders?
    Illness, for example, cold or flu…


    The covid is just the flu.

  212. @John Johnson

    Well I’m waiting for the day when the medical establishment, media and government declare victory against Covid-19 and give us back the old normal.

  213. JM 说:
    @Ralph B. Seymour

    And yet, you have “experts”, MD’s like Robert Malone and Peter McCullough going on and on as if Sars CoV 2 actually exists along with all the ridiculous variants.

    It is a huge move for anyone in the medical profession – even the best – to come out against “Covid”. There is a sharp distinction between the story presented by Robert Malone and the one by Peter McCullough. The latter has long been against the vaxx for anyone. Not so Malone who is against Mandates and the vaxx for children and he was originally – only a few months ago – recommending the vaxx for adults. OTOH both say that in the US alone, large numbers have died unnecessarily from being denied the extensive use of Invermectin and Hydroxychoroquine…Malone puts the figure at 500,000!!!! That seems ridiculously high but well and truly puts him in the camp of a Covid believer.

  214. Marcion 说:
    @Biff K

    Coronaviruses are colds. Calling it a virus is just to show a little respect for the custom spikes.

    • 回复: @Marcion
  215. JM 说:
    @Pierre de Craon

    A. Relatively tame
    B. Comparable with earlier mass viral outbreaks
    C. Unprecedentedly grave

    I’d agree on A and B being unlikely. But there is another option “D” which I’d say – as one (unvaxxed like all those I have influenced) who discusses this a lot with people – is nearer the mark than “C”:

    D. It’s serious and I/we want it over as quickly as possible.

    Because of this, I/we trust the main story in general and are prepared to do what the (“democratic”) government asks of them. Maybe a narrow majority support mandates for adults.

    Within this “obliging citizen” position, lies a tension which I’d say will break under the influence of one or more of these circumstances: i) on the basis the state or big business pushing mandates; ii) forcing eternal boosters; iii) the (expected) “pandemic” being prolonged beyond their expected time horizon.

    We have seen the enormous and relatively rapid growth of the anti-vaxx mass movement which has taken months, not years as was required in the Vietnam protest movement (which I quote purely as a comparable example of the growth of a mass protest movement). I believe this relates to the expression of the tensions above.

    • 回复: @Pierre de Craon
  216. JM 说:

    …besides, you are addressing Pierre, a male queer, that denies the existence of AIDS as primarily a scourge for the rimming and felching population.

    I don’t go much on your inferential abilities. Were your statement correct, at least for the French, including French Canadians, roughly a quarter would be inferred as homosexual.

    You might be nearer the mark if the subject of your calumny was American with a name like “Alphonse”; more so were he Australian.

  217. As I sit here recovering from what I would consider a bi-annual case of a bad cold, possibly a mild flu, I wonder whether I shouldn’t just visit the doctor and allow him to declare my covid symtoms. This way I could politely refuse the vax as it obviously will not prevent anything and could graciously receive a Covid-19 Proof of Recovery Certificate.


  218. @John Johnson

    Your frenzied self-medicating on these threads is increasingly pathetic.

    Oh I give too much attention to this stupid movement. It’s a shame in fact that it graces once of the few websites willing to discuss the real of conspiracy our time which is establishment race denial.

    The real shame is that, chomping racebait like a carp, you followed Derbyshire, Karlin, Sailer, down to the drug store, believing that the injections were “vaccines” to protect your proud, white ass. All the smart guys Noticed that blacks and the working class were disproportionately “反vaxx”! Case closed, Right?

    For better or worse, you’re 卡住. And your next dozen comments won’t change a thing about that.

    • 同意: Dumbo
  219. @SurfingUSA


    谷歌搜索“流感刺突蛋白”。 记得 使用自定义日期范围调整结果。您提供的链接日期为 2020 年 19 月。自从“Covid-XNUMX”出现以来,法庭新闻界正在全面控制有关感冒、流感、冠状病毒、病毒学、流行病等的所有信息。有些时候,主流网站甚至被抓住某些术语的旧定义等会被盗用记忆。我们一致认为有人不怀好意。我们只是不同意他们的诈骗机制。

    以下是日期范围 11/1/2015 – 11/1/2019 的一些首页结果:
    因此,SARS-Cov-2 被尖峰“覆盖”,但流感只有两个尖峰。我们在这里吹毛求疵。 “H”和“N”被(或曾经)称为“尖峰”。多少页带有讨论流感刺突蛋白的文章链接的搜索结果足以解决这个问题?另外,我还以为是“弗林裂解位点”造成的特殊……



    呼。我开始认为这篇文章是机器翻译的或者是人工智能写的。不管怎样,结论应该是自苏联时代以来已经生产了数十、数百或数千种嵌合病毒生物武器?哇,他们真的很擅长生物战。事实上,如此之好,以至于第一个在公共雷达上注册的生物武器必须捏造其存在的所有细节,捏造所有数字,并且两年来不间断地传播其存在的想法。知道了。因此,自 2 世纪 1970 年代以来,我们实际上一直处于由生物武器造成的持续大流行之中,而这些生物武器是如此狡猾、如此隐秘、如此高度安全,以至于我们甚至不知道它们被部署在我们身上。它们是如此阴险和致命,以至于我们甚至不知道自己已经死了。该死。

    最后,请允许我用奥卡姆剃刀来解释一下奥卡姆剃刀的应用:这种特殊情况是不是这么深不可测、巧合百出,最简单的解释就是 不能 最有可能是正确的——因此不应应用奥卡姆剃刀?或者最有可能的是,最简单的解释就是寻找最简单的解释?从构造一个句子来表达这样的概念的难度来看,我会选择后者。


  220. Marcion 说:

    I meant to say ‘calling it the flu…’

  221. @John Johnson


    是的。 这就是简短的答案。长答案更加微妙,但我认为对于这个设置来说这是可以的。
    说序列是 伪造 不准确。 错误 会更合适。为该测序获取样本材料的过程是伪造的。使用的病毒培养物含有多种物质,如猴肾细胞、细菌、真菌、人类
    细胞、细胞碎片、流产的胎儿组织等(取决于所使用的具体培养物),并且在对材料进行测序之前不会从该混合物中分离出病毒。因此,基因序列可以源自任何一种或多种这些附加物质。产生这些基因序列的实验室技术人员和“科学家”只是在错误的假设下工作。他们的方法论是垃圾科学,他们的结果也是如此。 该病毒在测序之前并未被纯化或分离。
    那么这些人“参与其中”了吗? 是的。 这就是简短的答案。长的答案是,他们只是在做他们被训练要做的事情或被告知是正确和准确的事情,但实际上是错误和不准确的。他们不是故意参与阴谋的恶意行为者,但他们仍然是行为者。这些人可能并没有从他们所有的垃圾科学中直接获得物质意义上的好处,但他们确实从“帮助”解决“流行病”中获得了自我提升和其他心理上的好处。
    另一方面,新闻媒体参与者大多是恶意的。不乏作家和专栏作家随时准备撰写虚假文章来回答怀疑论者提出的任何论点。通常他们会发布一些研究或学术论文,但通常没有人费心去阅读源材料。天啊,几乎没有人会费心去读标题。因此,当大量标题为 我们如何在实验室分离 SARS-Cov-2 这主要是从表面上看的。总是,当您阅读这篇文章,甚至(上帝禁止!)检查来源时,您会发现标题中的主张没有得到任何证实。因此,媒体也“参与其中”,而这个群体中的许多胆怯的人肯定也从物质上受益。然而,他们中的许多人与“科学家”一样受到欺骗、误导和斜视。
    当然,在日常对话中,告诉 Joe Sixpack“基因序列是假的”、“科学家参与其中”和“媒体参与其中”要简单得多。乔不太注重细微差别。

    整个现象不能准确地描述为 阴谋 因为这不是秘密。正在发生的一切都会被定期记录和曝光。事情肯定是在协调的,既有坏人,也有有用的白痴。但当协调、计划和渎职行为被曝光时,责任人只是说“不呃”或“那又怎么样?”并改变话题。毫无疑问,它是恶意的,但它也隐藏在众目睽睽之下。对我来说,这不符合阴谋论的资格。


    没有 病毒确实可以通过电子显微镜观察(虽然我个人没有观察过)。 但是,病毒与传染病之间的联系仅 必然的 并不是 因果。又来了一个长答案:没有任何病毒被证明可以满足 河流假设 这是一种 科赫的假设 但经过修改专门适用于病毒。科赫假设是用于确定特定微生物是否与特定疾病相关(即所述微生物是否是疾病的原因)的基本试金石。对任何特定疾病的检查都会发现携带细菌或病毒但没有表现出任何疾病症状的人, 以及(这一点至关重要)表现出疾病症状的人 但不携带细菌或病毒! 没有任何病毒或细菌被直接证明会引起任何传染病。正如那句话所说, 相关性不是因果关系。讽刺的是,这个概念是细菌理论的基础,这些假设现在被正式指定为过时的,因为没有任何传染病被证明符合标准。然而,医疗机构仍然坚持疾病的细菌理论,尽管其基础已经被抽离。他们扔掉了婴儿,保留了洗澡水。但是,再次告诉乔“医生在撒谎”仍然更容易。

    整个情况与人类迁徙到北美的“陆桥”理论或人类进化的“走出非洲”理论非常相似。如此多的科学共识都是基于这些理论,以至于任何出现的与共识相矛盾的新证据都会被压制、驳回、嘲笑或忽视。 这一切都是非常不科学的。 但科学不再是科学了。这是我们必须“相信”的超自然神谕。这些合作者经历了所有的拍拍、英雄崇拜和自以为是的道貌岸然的打扮,为什么他们会为了真相而放弃一切呢?

    • 回复: @mulga mumblebrain
    , @JasonT
  222. @Fred Herrington


    • 同意: acementhead
    • 回复: @Pierre de Craon
  223. GeneralRipper [又名“Nemo me impune lacessit”] 说:

    No thanks, just had my shoes shined.

    • 回复: @AKAHorace
  224. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Promite on sammiches; Vegemite on toast. This is the way.

  225. @JM

    Very fine comment; thank you.

    D. It’s serious and I/we want it over as quickly as possible.

    I quite agree that this excellent fourth choice would probably split the 98 percent of mask wearers who don’t choose A or B right down the middle. It might even be the winner.

    Where I differ from you is merely in how I read the tea leaves of vaxx resistance—specifically, the tea leaves I encounter in my routine interactions with neighbors and acquaintances, virtually all of whom are part of New York State’s beleaguered white Christian middle class. Until mid-December, my sense, like yours, had been that I was witnessing the “relatively rapid growth of the anti-vaxx mass movement.” That sense took a body blow when I saw the near-universal obedience to the girly governor’s reinstatement of the indoor mask mandate.

    Permit me to share two brief observations that contribute to my pessimism (or is it realism?).

    (1) As has been true since day 1 of the hoax in 2020, the most conformist, most craven, most gullible, most slavishly obedient cohort of mask wearers and advocates remains young white people, the very segment of the population least likely to become genuinely ill, let alone die. Of course, these are the very same people who, with media and politicians cheering them on, constantly congratulate themselves on their iconoclasm and reflexive resistance to authority. Figuratively speaking, until these kids stop marching in phalanxed lockstep, like the uncountable thousands in a Soviet Youth Day celebration in Red Square, the (((neo-Bolshevik Revolution))) strikes me as having a bright future.

    (2) I am a Traditionalist Catholic, and in the church where I regularly attend the old Latin mass, the priest who is the regular celebrant has been denouncing from the pulpit both mask wearing and the entirety of the covid hoax for more than a year. Despite his forthrightness, roughly a third of the attendees wore masks in church. Even after Cuomo waived the mandate, perhaps 20 percent, largely the healthy young and the frightened old,* kept their masks on. On the day the mandate went back into effect, alas, the conformist segment shot straight up to a third again. Most depressing of all, as I was leaving church, I heard an unmasked couple in their sixties listening patiently to a masked woman tell them that their exercise of their “right” to go maskless outdoors was endangering everyone who came near them. It is at a time like this that my failure to carry a concealed firearm is the only thing that keeps me from committing murder.

    I sincerely hope that the tea leaves you read tell both a truer and more optimistic tale than mine do.
    *I am old but not frightened, at least not of covid.

    • 谢谢: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  226. @mulga mumblebrain

    I disagree. We have little to fear from psychopaths, but we have a lot to fear from Jews.

  227. @AKAHorace

    I appreciate your reminder that there are drop-forged steel links between the covid hoax, the 2020 election theft, and the totalitarian program of the (((Brandon administration))).

    • 回复: @AKAHorace
  228. @Pierre de Craon

    Were you to ask mask-wearing pedestrians in any American city to assess the threat to public health—and to their own health—represented by the virus by choosing one of three characterizations,

    A. Relatively tame
    B. Comparable with earlier mass viral outbreaks
    C. Unprecedentedly grave

    Something broadly similar has already been done – and nobody should be surprised that the results are as wild-eyed and ignorant as should be expected when society is comprised of 99.5% innumerate mouth-breathing imbeciles.

    盖洛普: 美国成年人对 COVID-19 住院风险的估计 asked a bunch of US retards about the extent of ‘COVID19’ hospitalisation by jab-status, and tallied the numbers by political self-identification.

    The results display the fuckwittedness of the Mass Man, as starkly as can be.

    The questions are phrased such that a mildly-retarded 9 year old should be able to parse them:

     • As far as you know, what percentage of unvaccinated people have been hospitalized due to the coronavirus?
     • As far as you know, what percentage of fully vaccinated people have been hospitalized due to the coronavirus?

    First of all, let’s front-run the correct answer: the actual percentages of jabbed and unjabbed who have been hospitalised ‘due to the coronavirus’ is 不超过1%. (Leave aside whether the hospitalisation data includes shitloads of people who are actually admitted for unrelated complaints who subsequently test positive).

    As to the results:

     • almost 1 in 4 respondents believed that 50% of the unjabbed hospitalised. Stupid cunts are stupid.

     • 42% of people who favour being anally-raped by the (D) wing of the anal-rape machine, thought that 50% of unjabbed people had been hospitalised due to the ‘rona. Only 2% of (D) voters got within a bull’s roar of the correct answer. The median (D) estimate was 30,40%.

     • 22% of people who prefer to be ass-fucked by the (R) side, thought that 50% of unjabbed people had been hospitalised. 16% got about the right answer. The median (R) estimate was 10,19% (low end) – which, while significantly lower than the (D)-tard median, is still wrong by more than an order of magnitude.

     • those who asserted they were Independent of either wing of the rape-machine (they’ll make their minds up on the day, apparently) sat between the partisans: 26% thought that 50% or more of unjabbed had been hospitalised; 11% were in the right ballpark; the median response was 10,19% (the high end of that range).

    Your fellow creatures are fucking morons who are objectively, provably, irremediably, incapable of any analysis requiring more than a fourth-grade level of numeracy or literacy.

    One way in which the results can be explained, is if more than half of respondents got the conditionality wrong – i.e., they could not cognitively differentiate between
     • ”what proportion of unjabbed were hospitalised“和
     • ”what proportion of hospitalised were unjabbed“。

    I call that illiteracy.

    This is not purely a US phenomenon, either. It’s global.

    大多数人是 fuckwits who can’t read good, and it’s a near-certainty that it would be dysgenic to piss on them if they were on fire.



    As true now as it was 2500 years ago when Bias of Priene said it.

    • 同意: acementhead
    • 谢谢: Pierre de Craon
    • 哈哈: Mario Partisan
  229. AKAHorace 说:
    @Pierre de Craon

    I appreciate your reminder that there are drop-forged steel links between the covid hoax, the 2020 election theft, and the totalitarian program of the (((Brandon administration))).

    I am not sure how much the 2020 election was stolen in the sense of ballot miscounts/stuffing. What is clear though it that the announcement of the development of COVID vaccines was delayed until after the election to make sure that Trump could not claim credit for his operation “warp speed” to develop vaccines. See

    also Steve Sailer said the same thing.

    Vaccines went from something that Democrats deplored as the Trump administration was rushing them to believing that every Americans patriotic duty was to take them.

    Suspect we don’t agree on much, but all the best.

    • 回复: @Pierre de Craon
  230. @AKAHorace

    Suspect we don’t agree on much, but all the best.

    Thank you. I certainly reciprocate the good wishes.

    Furthermore, irrespective of whether the covid virus represents a genuine threat to public welfare or, as I think, is a full-blown hoax with malevolent intent, the points you raise are certainly both material and noteworthy—not to mention disturbing. Topol’s name and activity were both unfamiliar to me, and even though I recall how dismissive the entire Establishment was of the vaxx option prior to the 2020 election, Topol’s cold-blooded prioritization of political ends comes off as pretty appalling

    So thanks again. Whether the greater danger comes from the totalitarian impulse that lies behind the worldwide lockdowns or the possibility of mass deaths and genetic mutations resulting from the rushed-to-market vaxxes is something that should be much clearer by next New Year’s Day. God help us all.

    • 谢谢: AKAHorace
  231. AKAHorace 说:

    No thanks, just had my shoes shined.

    Glad to know that your shoes are nice and shiny. Before you go out to a demonstration though you should consider wearing a mask.


  232. Xevra 说:

    I had to make this meme to sum it up for me, which I have now also offered to vaxxed normies in my circle, to demonstrate a differentiation from the type of tripe Anglin is spouting:


    Someone of the more energetic retardwaffen here was spouting there is no evidence that any bacterial or viral illness has been proven to cause an infectious illness. I invite them to partake of a putrid ear infection infusion, STD infusion, whatever bacterial infection you might choose, HPV , haemophilus influenzae, streptococcus aureus, MRSA. Why stop there, does this person’s immaculate immune system, untouched by modern pharma, deny the existence of transmissible fungal infections?

    I can now understand Unz’s despair about the type of commentators he has on this site, even though I’m on the anti-vaxx side whereas he is on the pro-vaxx side. What I find interesting is that he’s giving a voice to Anglin, who surely is ‘beneath contempt’ by most objective standards. I mean, you’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel giving a voice to Anglin, and I’m wondering why you’d do that when you have other controversial voices like PCR available to you.

    As per Dr Flemings comments in post 111 – https://rumble.com/vqj73n-dr-richard-fleming-breaking-the-science-back-down-to-basics-with.html – the actual doctors and scientists can speak very eloquently of how the virus has been isolated and sequenced, and yet be against the vaccines.

    If somehow Anglin or a fan of his were invited in to a mainstream debate regarding the vaxxes and COVID, it’d be over before they even got to the subject of vaccines, as the mainstream would be slapping them down showing they’re completely wrong about their idea of COVID not even existing.

    I find it interesting that, just when Anglin starts seeming persuasive, he goes off on a phenomenal amount of hate against white women in articles not even hinting at this, and suddenly openly advocates an early-teen medieval
    marriage policy. This is interesting digging in to his past where I hear he went abroad and attempted to recruit other ethnicities to become his wives, which apparently collapsed.

    He also constantly berates any woman over, like, 25, as being an ancient hag, and berates anyone who has a BMI of over 25 as being a fat obese pig. It’s interesting he doesn’t turn his vehemence on men short of stature. I think I read him discounting some misinformation about him that he was 5’4″, when in fact he assured us he was 5’7″, or was it 5’9″? Either way, that’s in short man syndrome range as far as I’m concerned and might explain his entire outlook on life.

    To paraphrase what the openly gay guy said regarding this topic / columnist, his form of news reporting may be ’emotionally gratifying to some, but consumer beware’.

  233. Been saying this for 2 years on my own blog and… using the same methods of internet search. But most of it is just common sense… and looking at PATTERNS.

    Anyhow, it is amusing when I had the severe flu 31 years ago that put me down for almost 2 weeks, that I had all the never before seen or heard of “Covid” symptoms.

    “But, but… I’ve never been this sick before!” Believe me, I never had been that sick before, until I got that sick before.

    2 years of blogging on the “Covid” and I finally had to take a break. There is no cure for the Covid-Zombies.

    When it comes right down to it, it is just too simple stupid to not see that they exacerbated the influenza by various means, methods, and mandates, called it the “Covid”, for one purpose, to sell the “vaccine”. I predicted long before they released the “vaccine”, that they would not be the last, that they are the cornerstone, the foundation, that all other “Covid-Jabs” would be built upon. And here we are.

  234. I would agree with most of the statements in the article. Many of the deaths characterized as caused by Covid-19 were influenza deaths. Many were murdered by the use of ventilators when ventilators were not the correct intervention. Hospitals in the US earned as much as $100,000/Covid patient on ventilator who died labeled as Covid.
    However, the article does not recognize that excess deaths in the US have been over 400,000 in this period. These 400,000 deaths were caused by those factors that you had mentioned with a strong emphasis on deaths caused by the psychological stress.


    • 回复: @loren
  235. anon[268]• 免责声明 说:


    It is not the flu. This is the pernicious right-wing antisemitic trope ever to be uttered in malicious ignorance.

    It’s the sniffles.

  236. loren 说:
    @Jack Sparrow


    ‘They’ had to get rid of Trump. or get him out of the WH.

  237. You are correct that in that in layman’s terms Covid-19 is a kind of flu, but it is caused by different virus from what we traditionally call influenza, and produces different results in various lab tests, and some differences in symptomatology.

    This is a typical blogger’s or podcaster’s attempt to explain Covid-19, but you are unlikely to influence either medical researchers or field clinicians.

    However if it helps some people to understand that Covid-19 is a pretty serious and potentially life-threatening upper respiratory infection, then it is all good.

  238. Anon[310]• 免责声明 说:

    “The flu has basically never been tested for, as it is so easily identified by standard symptoms. My initial thesis, in March of 2020, was that they may have identified a standard annual strain of the flu, and then claimed it was a “new virus” (whilst in fact every year the flu is a “new virus”). At this point, I’m not confident that it is possible to map the genome of a virus at all, but that’s a small detail.

    The PCR test is an absolute joke, as we’ve all been over and over again. We’ve known this since they began using it. The Nobel laureate who invented the PCR test, Kary Mullis, said it couldn’t be used to test for an infectious virus, and nothing about the technology has significantly changed since he said that.”

    He didn’t say that: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-pcr/fact-check-inventor-of-method-used-to-test-for-covid-19-didnt-say-it-cant-be-used-in-virus-detection-idUSKBN24420X

    我将把这个留在这里: https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/viewpoint-here-s-why-covid-19-is-much-worse-than-flu

  239. @Tony Hall

    It did have to be this way. The site owner wants his site to be dominated by the covidtard theory of disease in which history can be divided into Before Covid and After Covid periods. UR was forced into the backwater you described as soon as the hoax was launched.



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