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A Continuation of the Covid Vaxxing Debate
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This is a further continuation of the Covid vaxxing debate, which has now nearly approached 600,000 words in the two previous threads, which include:

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  1. Polemos says:

    Much love to all the beautiful people! Whether you get angry or frustrated with one another, whether you feel pride and joy in hearing someone appreciate your thoughts and share them or offer you consolation during a loss of personal sanity or close beloved, whether you just want to gather information or want to change the course of the eternal, we are all here by choice and by intention; we are all here for our benefit and others’; we are all here to learn and to educate; and here we are all One.

    And remember, like The Man says in Heartbreak Ridge, “Don’t give The Prick the satisfaction!”

    • Thanks: Emslander, kali, gay troll
    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  2. 737 VAX says:

    Nothing says “officially approved” like a pile of corpses. Like Boeing, Pfizer was allowed to investigate its own product and determine it safe. Meanwhile some swamp creature receives GS-15 pay to operate a rubber stamp.

    At the rate headlines catch up to conspiracy theories, vaccinated humans within range of 5G networks will soon be controlled by AI via the graphene oxide hydrogel in the jabs. This will no doubt improve their critical thinking.

    The cabal could be at war with an AI. That’s why they want everyone wearing masks, to stymie facial recognition. Imagine if Skynet decided to only wipe out the MIC instead of using the MIC to wipe out humanity?

    AI is as likely to wipe out humans as we are to wipe out dogs. We will be AIs’ best friend.

    • Agree: BaronAsh
  3. Franz says:

    For people who have employers (including government) demanding you get the jab:

    1. For a few days prior to the shot, drink extra liquids and take extra vitamin C, ascorbic preferred.

    2. Allergies REALLY wake up for this thing. My wife, who works a pharmacy, has a nasty case of hives at certain seasons of the year. She had them within two weeks of the jab and needed a round of steroids to bounce back. For reference, she got the Moderna.

    3. The Johnson and Johnson 1-shot really is the easiest on your system. If you must, that’s the one. No one I know had any serious reactions to it.

  4. anastasia says:

    How is it a question to vax or not to vax when they are ready to put into effect mandates, at the cost of losing your job.

    The question is not whether to vax or not to vax. There is no real free choice here. As DeBlasio said, “the voluntary phase is over; now we are to use force.”

    The real issue is can they mandate these vaccines. Go on the CDC site, and they tell you the adverse effects are a little sting, a little fever, a little redness at the site. The CDC is ignoring the thousands of deaths. The CDC is ignoring the tens of thousands of debilitating injuries. But these deaths and those serious injuries are documented and are acknowledged by the scientific community. They answer these deaths and injuries as an “acceptable death rate”, an acceptable risk to our health. Clearly, the individual in this country counts for nothing, and if it is not clear to anyone with these mandates, it should be clear enough in what they are doing to American citizens in Afghanistan. Finally, we have a reason to invade that country, and they are running the other way. We invade it to save individual American lives. We see clearly that the individual no longer is important in our country.

    I am supposed to risk my life and put something in my body that could kill me, or seriously injure me as an “obligation to society” or my livelihood will be taken from me?

    That’s the issue. and that’s the fight, and it’s going to get ugly.

    No government, and no person, has the right to ask anyone to do that.

  5. JimDandy says:

    Current headline:

    An unvaccinated teacher spread COVID-19 to 50% of students in a classroom after taking off a mask to read, CDC says.

    Chum. Shark tank. Go.

    • Replies: @MGB
    , @Adam Smith
    , @Charles
  6. What is interesting is the recent rollout of Monoclonal Antibodies by infusion to those who have symptomatology and have co-morbidities or are elderly. This could be a game changer and shift the balance of power from the monopoly drug companies to the patients. From what I read, Monoclonal Antibodies are 85%+ efficacious.

    What is equally interesting but not on the media radar screen or choreographed scripts, is that what might be called Folk Medicine may be effective in early prophylaxis (Ivermectin in particular but also vitamin supplements like NAC, Zinc and Quercetin. The University of Nebraska medical school did a study showing NAC + Bromelain enzyme dissolved the spike protein on the bio-weapon (AKA coronavirus).

    Researchers report the so-called SARS-2 coronavirus is comprised of food molecules (protein spike, sugar coating over protein spike so that the spike can hide from the immune system, all wrapped in a lipid (fat) carrier. It is not some chemical agent or chemical weapon like Sarin. Put differently, it can be inhibited by enzymes and amino acids like NAC that are the building blocks of proteins, as well as by Ivermectin, a lactone, that binds and inhibits import into the body of viral proteins. A Lactone is an Ester such as naturally occurring fats are Esters of fatty acids. Aspirin is an Ester.

    • Thanks: Mark G.
    • Replies: @JimDandy
    , @willem1
    , @SBaker
  7. @Franz

    If your employer demands that you take the shot or get fired, they open themselves up to liability. You can’t sue the vaccine company but you (or your survivors) can sue the employer.

    There have to be 100 000 corporate legal briefs by now trying to finagle this.

    I would like to see one of these corporate communications telling you to get vaccinated or else. The attempt to hedge their responsibility must be awesome. I heard one employer said their health insurance premium was going to go up by 200\$ a month if they were unvaccinated. By this logic you can charge people for being fat.

  8. A continuation of the covid vaxxing debate, because if there’s anything Mr Unz likes it’s comments, lots of comments. He doesn’t really care if you agree or disagree with him, or that re- this discussion, biology appears to be one of his weaker skill sets. And he probably thinks most of you are idiots, likely myself more than most. Nevertheless great numbers of comments appear to be a kind of rubric by which he measures the health of his webzine, and who knows by what arcane alchemy he works his magic? Without Google, without Facebook, our is still standing.

    • Agree: TomSchmidt
    • LOL: Emslander
  9. Today, according to data presented on the Our World In Data website, 150,000 Americans are diagnosed as having Covid 19.

    On their “Daily new deaths per million people” graph, the number is 3.12. There are 320,000,000 Americans so total deaths per day is 3.12 x 320 = 1000.

    1000 deaths per day / 150,000 Americans diagnosed with Covid today = a death rate of 1 / 150.

    According to an article in Aug. 26 Daily Mail, which quotes a study carried out by Columbia University which was published in Nature,

    “Researchers from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health simulated transmission of the virus across the country, and found that 31 percent of the country’s population had contracted the virus at some point last year.

    This means that there could have been around 100 million cases in the U.S. last year compared to the official count of 34.4 million – an undercount of nearly 66 percent.”

    The article continues:

    “This is not the first time that researchers have found cases in the U.S. could have been undercounted last year.

    A University of Washington study from last month found that cases were undercounted by 60 percent, and the true case count could be as high as 86 million.”
    And further,

    “The team says its simulation also found that nearly 80 percent of cases may have gone undetected. When combined with the 171.8 million people who are fully vaccinated, this could mean that 271.8 million Americans have immunity to the virus – although this number does not account for people who were infected and later got vaccinated.”

    Now some numbers and figuring:

    Total deaths attributed to Covid, 632,283 + or -.

    632,283/100,000,000 = 0.00632 or, 1 death out of 158 infected which is remarkably close to the figure of 1 out of 150 derived above from entirely different data sets.

    And neither of these figures is immune from the likelihood of over-counting deaths so the death rate per infected is probably much lower. And of course, the distribution of death is heavily skewed towards the elderly. So, why is Fauci still pushing for inoculation for children? Or, for that matter, since the bulk of us have either been infected or have been inoculated, why the incessant drum beat to inoculate the reluctant?

    More numbers from Stastica which I then used as a basis for calculating comparisons which a reader can get a handle on:

    Deaths per cohort:

    Deaths: age 0-17, 361 out of 71, 360,000 persons; age 18-29, 2630 out of 52,480,000 persons; age 30-39, 7501 out of 43,200,000 persons; age 40-49, 19,776 out of 39,360,000 persons; age 50-64, 98,973 out of 61,440,000 persons; age 65-74, 137,149 out of 30,720,000 persons; age 75-84, 167,533 out of 15,680,000 persons; age 85 and older, 180,608 out of 6,400,000 persons. Total deaths, 614,531.

    (Using a figure of 320,000,000 million Americans)

    Proportion of population in each age group which has died due to Covid:
    Age 0-17, 1 out of 197,673; age 18-29, 1 out of 19,954; age 30-39, 1 out of 5759; age 40-49, 1 out of 1990; age 50-64, 1 out of 621; age 65-74, 1 out of 224; age 75-84, 1 out of 94; age 85 and older, 1 out of 35.

    Again, why the push to inoculate those who are relatively immune from dying of the disease? There is something going on here that is not being discussed openly. Fauci and crew are not leveling with us. What is their real agenda? Obviously, it has nothing to do with the health and safety of the population. And I don’t believe that it is merely to make a profit from his investments in any of the drug companies. The real cause or reason runs deeper than that.

  10. My whacked-out, Forever Wars Veteran, arsonist buddy from around the corner is 38 years old. His legs are riddled with shrapnel from either Iraq or Afghanistan–he was in both. He came home, went crazy, went to prison for arson. Got out, cleaned up, and in June got double vaxxed so he could see his grandma in a nursing home. He’s a little fat, but mostly a very physical guy, always doing something and on the move.

    Right now (he called me two days ago), he is in the hospital with “congenital” heart failure. Wouldn’t the Army have caught this on entry or during his stay in military hospitals for his wounds?

    I think, instead of killing grandma, he killed himself. Said he gained 40 pounds in four days and that they sucked out a ton of liquid from his abdomen. They did that to my husband about a week before he died. I fear he’s doomed.

    Two other neighbors got vaxxed June 6 this year. Both look like the walking dead, and one was laid up for a month and a half. Her unvaxxed boyfriend just caught covid, but he’s coming home after a week from the hospital tomorrow, and he is a frail old sort, whereas the others are not.

    My neighbor across the street got vaxxed and now bitches constantly about her expanding varicose veins.

    That’s five people in my immediate circle. Near neighbors.

    I know it’s all anecdotal, but I think I’m going to give this one a miss.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @JimDandy
    , @roberto1
  11. MB says: • Website

    Huh? In all the discussion, never mind posts, no mention of Dr. Robt. Malone who was in on the beginning of the mRNA therapy research and along with others, criticizes them for turbo charging the variants aka Antibody Dependent Enhancement or ADE. He’s been on a tear at Twitter for one.

    Remember, this is a joint venture. The emperor is well dressed, until he’s not. Then all the walls and excuses come tumbling down.

    • Troll: Raches
  12. Erebus says:

    I refer to Raches’ comment:
    My first impression on reading it was of a pigeon on a chessboard. One normally just shoos them away and cleans up the mess, but this pigeon crowed so ostentatiously in follow up comments that shooing it away calls for a response.

    Raches, I’ve no desire to corrupt this thread with a debate about money, so I’ll restrict myself to a paragraph or 2. I don’t expect you to respond.

    Your conflation of money and currency is (probably) the foundation of your misunderstandings, and it is clear from your statement that you are unaware of how and why currency works and gold’s historic and current role. If the simplicity of your comment is any indication, its workings are far more complex than you imagine, and its relationship to money is subtler than you can imagine.

    If you can learn enough to understand…
    [a] Gresham’s Law: (bad money drives out good) and so why gold occasionally acts as a currency
    [b] why history’s longest lived currency (Tally Sticks) was so successful
    [c] what drives a currency’s acceptance, and inversely its repudiation (not referring to money here)
    [d] Triffin’s Dilemma (and why I qualified my original statement with “Up to a point.”)
    [e] why the USD maintains its pre-eminence despite its profligate currency issuance
    and, yes…
    [e] why Gold is currently so cheap
    … we can talk. Pending the appearance of a suitable thread, of course.

    • Troll: Raches, L.K
  13. Mehen says:

    Again, why the push to inoculate those who are relatively immune from dying of the disease? There is something going on here that is not being discussed openly. Fauci and crew are not leveling with us. What is their real agenda? Obviously, it has nothing to do with the health and safety of the population. And I don’t believe that it is merely to make a profit from his investments in any of the drug companies. The real cause or reason runs deeper than that.

    I suspect “they” know ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) is a real possibility this coming flu season, and so would prefer to have EVERYONE vaccinated so there is no “control group” to glaringly show it is the vaccinated who are most at risk. If the population were to ever wake up to the possibility these vaccines (which have been unrelentingly propagandized into us) were the cause of a massive wave of death….it truly strains the imagination to conceive of the potential blowback. If what I propose is true, there is going to be MASSIVE efforts to sweep the “mistakes” under the rug.

    • Agree: John Wear, Emslander
    • Replies: @c matt
  14. I call on healthy and fit people under 65 in the San Francisco Bay area to join me in an “infection party” (it will be tricky finding an infected person to infect us). Basically, the goal of the party will be to get us all infected and thereby develop natural immunity to Covid and all its future variants.

    I will provide Ivermectin (12 mg tablets), Quercetin (1000 mg), Vitamin-C (1000 mg), Vitamin-D (10,000 IU), and zinc – 10-day supply. I obtained 1000 Ivermectin tablets from a friend in India, so I can supply 100 people.

    Any takers?

  15. Raches says:

    That Would Be Telling, please help me start this thread off better than the last one ended.

    In this comment, I will try to summarize briefly my reasons for avoiding the vaccines. For a deeper discussion, I am supposed to be completing an article for Mr. Unz about that (and doing it to my perfectionistic standards), instead of smashing bad sticks in a rearguard maneuver.

    I must make it clear: I arrived at my position as independently as anyone can, outside of a total vacuum. My skepticism of the vaccines largely grew from my alarm at the Covid mass-hysteria, which I first independently perceived about 18 months ago—long before the vaccines. My wariness is partly a matter of instinct and intuition.¹ And thus far, my predictions have proved generally to be correct—with what I am realizing may be one exception, which I will here identify in brief.

    That last point is indubitably the most important: Insofar as I can see, I have been right all along.

    As for Covid itself, I never had or claimed the expertise to make accurate predictions of cases and deaths; but I predicted that it would be bad—not Black Death bad, very far from that, but bad. I have perforce adjusted some of my opinions on Covid policies; and Ron Unz’s biological weapons theory must change many of my other calculations. However, absolutely nothing that I have seen thus far has ever fundamentally altered or contradicted my original position about how we should face Covid itself, which may be abstracted as such:

    Lots of people will die. Tough times are ahead. We need to avoid panicking, so that we can survive this. Large groups of humans have collectively survived much worse plagues in the past, with death tolls proportionately an order of magnitude higher. They survived, because they had old-fashioned fortitude instead of modern cowardice. Panic and mass hysteria can turn grim prospects into unmitigated catastrophe.

    We need to face this problem coldly and rationally, with psychological acceptance of the fact that death happens, and it will now happen to many people—probably millions around the world. Furthermore, we need to resist letting untrustworthy governments exploit this crisis for corrupt ends; that can only make things worse.

    Overall: This is bad. Let’s not make it worse.

    As to Covid generally, both denial and panic are insane. I do not fear Covid: I face it as a risk that should be mitigated with prudent measures. I wear a mask when appropriate, in the same manner that a soldier on the battlefield wears a helmet and body armor: I know that there is a difference between bravery and false bravado. Furthermore, I am not careless about the potential impact of my actions on other people.

    I know that Covid could kill me—may yet kill me, or cause me some quite unpleasant suffering. I take rational, prudent precautions to mitigate the risk. I do not fear Covid. The working title of my forthcoming article includes the aphorism, memento mori: I do what I reasonably can to prolong my lifetime, but I do not live in fear about risks that may make me die sooner rather than later. I am aware that I am mortal. I psychologically accept the fact that no matter what I do, the hand of Fortune may strike me down at any moment; and I despise wishful thinking. Life is danger: I know that the only way to take no risks is to die.

    As to many Covid-related issues including the vaccines, I fear the product of hubris and false hopes. Stampeding herds of humans frighten me in ways that cold Nature and inexorable Fortune do not. And I saw this coming, both rationally and “intuitively”: Overpromising and underdelivering.

    Now, That Would Be Telling, we know that at best, the vaccines are not delivering on the high hopes with which they were announced. Governments and the mass-media gave billions of people the expectation that the vaccines would be a silver bullet. These popular expectations, which were encouraged and not adequately contradicted from scientific quarters, all sounded like science fiction to me. It was science fiction. At this point, that cannot reasonably be denied.

    Vaccines that were promised to be the safest ever, are turning out to be some of the riskier ones. We can see that already, at this early date—with, of course, the future being yet unknown. This does not necessarily mean that people should remain unvaccinated: The dangers of the vaccines must be weighed against the danger of Covid, which itself is very dangerous; and the calculation must include many variables, such as improving the use of masks and other protective measures. We need to stop the unqualified, chanted slogans about how “the vaccine are safe”, as are commonplace in the mass-propaganda for the vaccines. And we need to accept that some people may choose to weigh the risks differently than others.

    Vaccines that were widely expected to eradicate Covid obviously aren’t doing so, and won’t do so anytime soon. Efficacy is bad. The anti-vaxxers who demand a perfect 100% standard of efficacy are ludicrous—but these vaccines, which have more safety problems and less long-term testing than most vaccines, also have lower efficacy than most vaccines. We need to stop the unqualified, chanted slogans about how “the vaccines work”. And we need to accept that some people may choose to weigh the benefits differently than others.

    “New data” are not an excuse: If I, as a non-expert, could correctly predict that we would have no immediate silver bullet, and that this bleeding-edge technology would have some safety bugs, then any “experts” who didn’t see that coming have failed, and they must recover from a state of error.

    The development of variants is not an excuse: Anyone who does not repudiate the theory of evolution must have predicted the likelihood of that, straight from the start of the pandemic!

    Maybe these vaccines have some good technology; maybe, maybe not. They clearly need more debugging. I do believe that many excellent scientists are striving in good faith to understand and mitigate the safety problems. As for efficacy, as you said, maybe the virus will “run out of tricks”; that seems not unlikely to me. But we just are not there yet—not on any point.

    Honest, correct information, which reports both the good and the bad points about the vaccines, is absolutely critical. So is maintaining the freedom for intelligent people to discuss this openly. We need to stop the corruption of the regulatory process. And as these fast-moving events develop, individuals and families need to be able to make their own private medical choices without undue pressure—let alone government coercion.


    Since I have had no substantial contact with vaccine debates before, I am beginning to realize that I likely made one significant error in my predictions—an error of omission.

    I did not foresee that there would be any organized faction zealously determined to stop people from getting vaccinated, “at any cost”. Maybe that was a bit naïf of me, but I really expected for this to be a debate whereby those opposed to the vaccines were trying to make medical decisions for themselves and their families, and express their opinions in good faith. I did not foresee that anyone would try to stop even those who want the vaccines from getting them, at any cost. I reasonably expected to see some stupidity, some crackpot theories, and more than a few quack fallacies—but I did not expect to see so much pathological lying.

    Well, there does seem to be someone out there who is attacking all Covid vaccinations per se—by any means, at any cost, without even the slightest regard for the truth. It is a neat mirror-image of the highly organized, well-funded push to get people vaccinated by any means, at any cost. Both these sides sicken me. I need to adjust my assessments of the political situation, as I continue to investigate this subject.


    That Would Be Telling, I think that despite our disagreements about the vaccines themselves, you and I are essentially on the same side here.

    You and I both want to mitigate the plague—and we hope, someday to eradicate it. Neither of us is leveraging the Covid vaccines for ulterior political motives. We are both, in essence, scientifically-minded—although your biological knowledge far exceeds mine, and I am much less optimistic than you are about the ability of scientists to deliver miracles on command. We both despise liars, grifters, and insane nutcases. I am not a crazy absolutist against coercive public health measures in any hypothetical circumstance whatsoever—and I am guessing that you may be reluctant to hand even more power to what you call “our ruling trash”, especially when the vaccines in fact have so many problems that it would be not only unethical, but disastrous to inflict them on people forcibly.

    I think that you and I and like-minded people on both sides of this debate must stand together, despite being divided by the vaccination issue in and of itself. Let’s cut diagonally across both camps, unite the people who are discussing this in good faith, and knock out the fulcrum being leveraged by anyone who is exploiting Covid and/or the vaccines for ulterior motives.

    To that end, I request first that you point out anywhere in the foregoing where my premises are substantially incorrect as to fact, or nontrivially inconsistent with the facts. I know that there are some points subject to nitpicking; but overall, I believe that I am generally correct as to the facts. Moreover, I think that you and I have similar perceptions of the facts, with a few important differences; and most of our disagreement is one of practical value judgment, the weighing of many variables in a very complex calculation. (Double that for Mr. Unz’s position versus mine.) But if I am wrong as to the facts in some materially important way, then I should wish to discover that, and adjust my analysis accordingly.

    I know that I have spoken here in broad, general terms; but I see that many here are getting even the generalities flat-out wrong. If I seem to be generally correct, then we can move on to the details. I believe that you are approaching this in good faith, and would make likewise corrections if warranted.

    Further than that, let’s talk about this in a civilized and rational way.

    Thank you.


    1. When I say “intuition”, I refer to the type of mental tact as allows some people to make drastic, split-second decisions with absolute self-assurance. When statesmen or generals give such orders that terrify their diplomats or officers, and those orders prove to be sound, we may infer that they probably have a logical, scientifically explicable logical process which operates much faster, and on much more data, than the ordinary course of conscious thought; neither mysticism nor other irrationality are required. Hitler, Napoleon, and I think in America, General Patton are merely a few examples of historical figures who were known sometimes to make sudden, inexplicable decisions, which turned out to be entirely correct—and who did so more often than blind luck could have allowed, in circumstances in which reliance on luck would have been suicidal.

    The claim of such a process is, of course, not admissible grounds for a position in a public debate. I do not offer it as such. Rather, I explain why when I say that my decisions here are partly based on “intuition”, my position should not be dismissed out of hand. When my gut hunch all along was that lots of things would go wrong here, and that there would be more or less a massive débâcle, I was accordingly guided to examine this matter from a different perspective—a road that led eventually to my involvement in these discussions, here at The Unz Review. That is what I mean by “intuition”.

    My intuitions in this matter have predicted events as accurately as any scientific method—and more accurately than many scientists. Most importantly hereby, all of my arguments can be supported without reference to “intuition”.

  16. Mehen says:

    Following up from my previous comment:

    I would warn against other people referring to That Would Be Telling as a “he”. I am absolutely convinced TWBT is a SHE. There are several reasons for this, chief among them the fact she makes quite liberal use of the “Troll” react at the slightest provocation.

    I suppose it is within the realm of possibility that “she” is actually a “he”, but in that case, “he” would be a rather prissy and fussy sort, no? The sort of “male” who is so “sensitive” as to be inordinately frightened of environmental germs (which have been with humanity since the beginning) that “he” would place an oversized faith in scientism and the “linear inevitability of Progress”.

    So, really, six or one-half dozen or the other….

    • Replies: @Polemos
  17. @Cloak And Dagger

    I hope it was clear that this was a joke, if the FBI is reading this.

    • LOL: Iris
    • Replies: @Wielgus
  18. The tragic death of Lisa Shaw shows why smearing those with concerns over Covid vaccines as ‘anti-vaxxers’ is wrong

    The official coroner’s finding that BBC radio presenter Lisa Shaw died as a result of complications from the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine should give those who have been vilifying the ‘vaccine-hesitant’ pause for thought.
    If Lisa Shaw hadn’t taken a Covid vaccine then she would, in all probability, still be alive today. The mother of one, a popular presenter at BBC Radio Newcastle, was only 44 years old and fit and healthy, with no known underlying conditions.

    How many deaths can be linked to the various Covid vaccines? It’s impossible to know for certain, but the government’s own website informs us: “The MHRA has received 508 UK reports of suspected ADRs to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 1,056 reports for the Covid-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, 17 for the Covid-19 Vaccine Moderna and 28 where the brand of vaccine was unspecified.”

    So that, at the time of writing, is a total of 1,609 deaths of ‘suspected’ ADRs in which the patient died shortly after vaccination.

  19. @Cloak And Dagger

    The two of my neighbors who look like the walking dead received the J&J vaxx and \$100 each (bribing… errr…. killing the poor).

    Varicose veins lady works in health care. Moderna

    Crazy Vet wanted to visit his grandma. Phizer.

    Me? Horse paste Ivermectin 1.87 percent, apple flavor–I got it just in case. A good syringe (didn’t need it), some empty gel caps. Dose for a 1,200 pound horse with instructions as to weight. I shall employ the calculator as to how much I need.

    Were I to take a vaxx, I’d probably ask for Sputnik V, but none of the shit they’re promoting here.

    When all is said and done, I trust myself a lot more than I’ll ever trust the news or a doctor again.

    • Agree: emersonreturn
  20. Mehen says:

    I wear a mask when appropriate, in the same manner that a soldier on the battlefield wears a helmet and body armor

    I hope you don’t mean those cloth or surgical masks. They don’t do shit.

    You might be better served by a properly fitted N95 mask. Unfortunately, aerosolized virons (NOT droplets) are as small as 1 micron, when, last I heard, N95 masks are rated down to 3 microns AT BEST. This is comparable to trying to stop a swarm of mosquitos with a chain-link fence. I recall reading a study showing something like a 50% reduction in virons with an N95 (I may be remembering incorrectly). If you are truly worried, you would be better off with a gas mask. Or Hazmat suit.

    That Would Be Telling, I think that despite our disagreements about the vaccines themselves, you and I are essentially on the same side here.

    I disagree. That Would Be Menstruating is a very fine but fragile organism who has placed her faith in technology to allay her fears of death (probably a materialist/reductionist with no spiritual understanding), while you are a self-involved gasbag. Quite different, in fundamentals at least.

    I agree with the rest of your comment.

    • LOL: Bugey libre, Nancy
    • Replies: @Random Anonymous
  21. Raches says:

    Erratum: Having batted out 2,000 words posthaste as soon as I saw this thread, it seems that while editing and rewording on the fly, I made only one typographical error that is liable to confuse. In the footnote:

    …we may infer that they probably have a logical, scientifically explicable logical mental process which operates much faster, and on much more data, than the ordinary course of conscious thought[.]

    Compare and contrast “lightning calculators”, who nigh instantaneously perform complex arithmetical calculations in their heads. (Credit for the analogy goes to Professor Oliver.)

  22. JimDandy says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    Is NAC still available over the counter?

  23. JimDandy says:
    @Morton's toes

    Yeah, but they won’t do that to fatties or heavy drinkers or etc. etc. will they?

  24. JimDandy says:

    It’s funny how many of us have so many anecdotes, eh? I’m sorry, and I know–it’s not funny at all.

  25. Latest numbers for Israel and UK multiple of India’s per capita covid daily death rate.

    Israel has now decreased to 7.9 India’s death rate. Israel 90% vaccinated. India 10% vaccinated.

    UK has now decreased to 4.3 India’s death rate. UK 50% vaccinated. India 10% vaccinated.

    Israel and UK’s multiples of India’s death rates have decreased slightly due to India having a slight increase in 7 day average of deaths, their 7 day moving averages continued small slow rises.

    India’s covid death rate has been mostly falling for the last month. Now 0.35 deaths per million people per day = circa 1.5% of total daily deaths. Wouldn’t even be noticed in normal circumstances. Most Indian states now using Ivermectin. I believe two still not. With Ivermectin there is no pandemic and certainly no “emergency”.

    Now showing the Israel and UK multiples of India to one decimal because due to the low numbers the second decimal was not significant at all(a spurious accuracy) and even one decimal is only just significant(for UK but not Israel).

  26. meamjojo says:

    There’s a new study out that confirms what the unvaxxed have been contending for months – that having had Covid bestows better immunity on you than these gene therapy shots. This may be why there are so many breakthrough infections occurring people who already had both their shots.

    Time for an infection party with a side of Ivermectin!
    Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—but no infection parties, please
    By Meredith Wadman
    Aug. 26, 2021 , 8:00 PM

    The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a large Israeli study that some scientists wish came with a “Don’t try this at home” label. The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19.

    The study demonstrates the power of the human immune system, but infectious disease experts emphasized that this vaccine and others for COVID-19 nonetheless remain highly protective against severe disease and death. And they caution that intentional infection among unvaccinated people would be extremely risky. “What we don’t want people to say is: ‘All right, I should go out and get infected, I should have an infection party.’” says Michel Nussenzweig, an immunologist at Rockefeller University who researches the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and was not involved in the study. “Because somebody could die.”

    • Agree: Ilya G Poimandres
    • Replies: @MGB
  27. meamjojo says:

    Here is a lawsuit recently filed to stop Rutgers University in NJ from enforcing a vaccine mandate. There is a lot of useful information here if you take the time to read through it!

    Hopefully other lawsuits are being filed against employer/employee mandates but it is hard to discover them because the MSM refuses to cover legal challenges to anything Covid.

    • Replies: @cmh
  28. Franz says:
    @Morton's toes

    This is the article they handed out (abbreviated) where the wife worked. Americans themselves are at fault in this case, most American employees are “at will” and have no protection if the boss says DO IT OR LEAVE.

    It usually comes down to who you work for. Where I work nobody cares, other places (her) have lots of sick customers and just want the protection. I’ve come to believe the jab is neither deadly nor necessary, making me an agnostic.

    Can Employers Make COVID-19 Vaccinations Mandatory?

  29. meamjojo says:

    This is an interesting article from the BMJ that rips the [at the point it was published] expected FDA Pfizer vax approval to shreds. Clearly, the FDA is on the take.
    Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a Covid-19 vaccine?
    August 23, 2021

    The FDA should demand adequate, controlled studies with long term follow up, and make data publicly available, before granting full approval to Covid-19 vaccines, says Peter Doshi

    On 28 July 2021, Pfizer and BioNTech posted updated results for their ongoing phase 3 Covid-19 vaccine trial. The preprint came almost a year to the day after the historical trial commenced, and nearly four months since the companies announced vaccine efficacy estimates “up to six months.”

    But you won’t find 10 month follow-up data here. While the preprint is new, the results it contains aren’t particularly up to date. In fact, the paper is based on the same data cut-off date (13 March 2021) as the 1 April press release, and its topline efficacy result is identical: 91.3% (95% CI 89.0 to 93.2) vaccine efficacy against symptomatic covid-19 through “up to six months of follow-up.”

    The 20 page preprint matters because it represents the most detailed public account of the pivotal trial data Pfizer submitted in pursuit of the world’s first “full approval” of a coronavirus vaccine from the Food and Drug Administration. It deserves careful scrutiny.

    • Replies: @Emslander
    , @MGB
  30. Raches says:

    In re “Erebus”

    If you imagine that you can sidestep what you pulled in the other thread by diverting attention at the start of this one, you are lamentably mistaken. Your frivolous insults, which are made as to matters I daresay I understand much better than you do, are simply noise. You are not only a liar, but a liar with the audacity to lie to falsely accuse someone else of lying.

    This must be brought forward into this thread; those who are just joining the discussion are encouraged to read the context:

    To make this clear, Erebus, I have set the portion that you quoted in italics, and the portion that you omitted in boldface (p. 47):

    Over 48 hours, distribution was mainly observed to liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries, with maximum concentrations observed at 8-48 hours post-dose. Total recovery (% of injected dose) of radiolabeled LNP+modRNA outside the injection site was greatest in the liver (up to 21.5%) and was much less in spleen (≤1.1%), adrenal glands (≤0.1%) and ovaries (≤0.1%). The mean concentrations and tissue distribution pattern were broadly similar between the sexes. No evidence of vaccine-related macroscopic or microscopic findings were found in the ovaries in the repeat-dose toxicity studies (Study 38166 and Study 20GR142) and no effects on fertility were identified in the DART study.

    Again, you snipped this while you were specifically discussing the ovaries:

    …and was much less in… ovaries (≤0.1%). […] No evidence of vaccine-related macroscopic or microscopic findings were found in the ovaries in the repeat-dose toxicity studies (Study 38166 and Study 20GR142) and no effects on fertility were identified in the DART study.

    I see a few other potential problems with your argument, but I need not reach them.

    C’mon, Erebus. You accuse TWBT of lying because he didn’t bother replying to your cherry-picked misquote? In fluent Internet parlance, WTF!?

    Now, Mr. Erebus, I am fair and judicious in my judgments. I don’t jump to conclusions. I initially gave you the benefit of the doubt. You will note that in my initial reply to you, linked above, I did not outright accuse you of lying: I entertained some possibility that your misquote may be a mistake, albeit an egregious one.

    Mistakes happen. In the prior thread, I corrected myself in an honestly mistaken misinterpretation of Mr. Unz’s position, which inadvertently helped to feed some of the nonsense being spouted about him here. A few days ago, at a moment when I was decaffeinated, tired, and trying to multitask, I caught myself just in time before replying wrongly to a comment that I had trivially misread. I did catch myself, because I am cautious and not negligent. Nevertheless, I do understand the lability of the human mind.

    Despite the seemingly flagrant misquoting, I thought: Mr. Erebus seems reasonable enough. I entertained a small possibility that perhaps, if you are not a scientific expert, you may have gotten lost in the information-dense, jargon-laden technical document thereby under discussion—perhaps so lost that you grabbed onto one sentence, without connecting it to the next three sentences which were very obviously relevant. Whoops!

    That mistake would be negligent on your part—not to mention, stupid; and it would be reckless to use your own mistake as the basis for making a serious accusation against someone else. You alleged that That Would Be Telling was “lying bald faced”. At best, you were culpable for recklessness and poor judgment.

    Well, that would deserve a little smack—as I delivered—but not Raches-style public annihilation. I hoped that you would take responsibility, admit that you erred, and honorably apologize to Mr. Telling for libelling him with a false accusation. What did Dr. Nietzsche say about hope?

    Your subsequent behavior bears out my reasonable suspicion: You saw how neatly I demolished an anti-vaxxer liar. It is reasonable to infer that in the manner of “monkey see, monkey do,” you thought to do the same to the pro-vaxxer here who, besides Mr. Unz, is the most hated on that side of the debate—who is hated because he is usually right about the science. Evidently, you are too stupid to realize that for that to work, you would actually need to catch him lying: You would need to catch him in a statement that was actually false, and have some evidence to impute dishonest motives as I hereby do to you. This does not work: You simply lie, and say that he lied. —Whoops!

    You completely ignored my comment calling out your misquote. Instead of owning up to that, you lobbed a bunch of different arguments at Mr. Telling; and you took a moronic side-swipe at me while you contradicted Mr. Unz on another subject, in a completely ridiculous way. Your opening in this thread, whereby you insult my intelligence with the conceit of your own ignorance, only underscores the point.

    This adequately proves to me that you committed an intentionally dishonest misquote, not a negligent error—and that your allegation against Mr. Telling was not reckless, but a malicious false accusation.

    The mask is off. Your “playing reasonable” act is over. I consign you to Tartarus.


    That Would Be Telling, this pertains to something that you and I have previously somewhat mentioned or discussed.

    It has recently come to my attention that there are allegations of an anti-vaxxer—specifically, anti Covid-19 vaccine campaign which, among other things, is alleged to do that “playing reasonable/moderate” thing in a dishonest, calculated, systematic fashion.

    I pointedly use the word “alleged”, because I explicitly distrust the source. I don’t yet want to identify publicly what I am examining—sorry, I hope to get to that soon. It is reasonable for me to distrust this source; and I think that you would probably agree with me about that. In parsing it, I rely on my experience examining Defamation League agitprop about “hate groups”: I expect to be reading a calculated mix of lies with some convenient or accidental truths. I read what I see there, I compare what I observe here, and I match up what fits.

    When I see a video of an individual with the title “D.O.” tell blatant lies within the first four minutes, it fits generally.

    Since I only recently became actively involved here (and occasional passive reading gives quite a different experience), “Erebus” seemed to me to be one of the more reasonable ones. Not that I accredited everything he claimed: He seemed earnest, not utterly moronic, and not completely nuts—not one of the ones spamming high-volume gibberish about Bill Gates and lizard aliens, and also not seemingly one to lash out wildly at people for no reason. (The same as for Mademoiselle Iris.)

    Now, when I observe what, within my view of the situation, seems to be a sudden turn of behavior, it matches up with the “playing reasonable, moderate” type of allegation. Compare this from Mr. Erebus, which received a rare¹ Agree Reaction from me: “My view on the matter can be summed as ‘vaccines if necessary, but not necessarily vaccines’.” I wouldn’t put it exactly that way, but I agree with the apparent line of thought.

    You can see how besides being odious in itself, for others to play a faux-“reasonable” game is obviously bad for me. Mr. Unz singled me out favorably as being a reasonable one. Point blank—stating this as a rhetorical question that I must work out for myself: How do I establish (or keep) my credibility? How do you or Mr. Unz know that I am not just trying to game you? It is a difficult position.

    I think that you are fair, not given to jumping to conclusions, and sufficiently astute to suss things out. For my part, I must be as candid about this as I can be in a public forum.

    Even worse for me is the allegation that, among other dishonest tactics, there are duplicitous people trying to spread a message that coincides with mine on certain key points, in a “stopped clock is right twice a day” sense. From far-right politics, I have some experience in dealing with the situation where total liars say something superficially similar to me, and that blows up in my face. It is ugly to handle.

    I have also noticed a few other things here that I think would be unwise to state publicly at this point.

    Catching up on the end of the prior thread, I saw that you described me as being on a “crusade”yes. You get it. And unlike you, I am not kind and gentle. No offense. You are a bit of a curmudgeon; but you understand, I am a bit beyond that. Ironically, “anti-vaxx” stuff is one of the few issues where I am not a self-proclaimed radical extremist.


    1. I tend to be quite careful about what I “Agree” with, though I try to keep my pickiness within reason. The other portion of that comment was amenable to me, but obviously not of a nature with which I could “Agree”; what I agreed with was specifically the stated “reasonable, moderate” type of anti-vaxxer position.

  31. Dumbo says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    If this was an attempt at humour, it fell flat.

  32. Dumbo says:


    I guess only Mr. Unz and TWPT reads such long-winded comments with “deep linking” and footnotes.

    Or maybe you both really are the same person, or the same bot.

  33. Raches says:

    Huh? In all the discussion, never mind posts, no mention of Dr. Robt. Malone

    Huh? Ctrl-F “malone” on both topics linked at the top of this page:

    Prior thread: 36 matches.
    Thread before that: 20 matches.

    Wherefore the “Troll” reaction: False, easy to check, and smells like a parroted talking point. Some people allege that I can sniff out such things like a hunting dog.

  34. Polemos says:

    There have been many comments referring to Malone, and several links to the Darkhorse video of Malone with Weinstein. Even utu posted comments about Malone. CTRL-F helps if you’re not on a mobile.

    Are you lying or uninformed or demonstrating that you did not read or participate in the conversation? It’s not a good look, either way.

    Keep up, friend!

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
    , @MB
  35. Polemos says:

    Oh yeah, Ron. Well-played on the MORE edit on my comment. I couldn’t •LOL the comment because you closed the discussion apparently just as I tried to, but it did make me laugh. I appreciate your dark humor.

    Convenient placement, though, and I see you have again chosen not to edit one in for the pack. Someone might think I am onto something.

  36. Polemos says:

    It’s an aggregator technique to collect commentators, not just for creating an ignore list, but also a repository of commentary for further working-over by other parts of the team. The point is to signal and flag —the ostensible purpose in publicly marking it, also the cover for other aspects of metanarrative management.

    If That Would Be Telling is accurate in saying they put marked trolls on an Ignore list, then the frequency of the markings for that commentator should go to zero after the first one. I’ve not gone back through to see if this is so, but my recall is that this is not the case, so there’s still some marked trolls who are not ignored on purpose.

    Someone with more time might even see if the troll designation occurs at the limit of the maximum allowable rate for making reactions, one versatile aspect of using enforced scarcity to judge how often someone interacts with the conversation and the site.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  37. Bumpkin says:

    Just saw this good blog post highlighting Things the establishment got wrong about wuhan-coof by a former physicist and all-around smart guy, thought I’d share. Probably little new for most of you, but a good summary of all the screwups so far.

    Maybe Ron will read it and learn something. He’s been extraordinarily dense about this issue so far: I can see why it took him so long to open his eyes to the American Pravda matters, if he can’t even see this slow-motion trainwreck going on in front of his eyes right now.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  38. kali says:

    [I wrote the following in response to Raches comment 1315 on the other thread.]

    Either by Design (conspiracy) or by Accident, we human creatures find ourselves in a topsy-turvey world in which “experts” and their subordinates look down real and metaphorical microscope lenses to discover (or determine) those things, both physical and meta-physical, which ail our species.

    This microscopic view is then passed forward to those Governmental, Non-Governmental, Corporate, Charitable and Philanthropic Institutions employed to design and apply macro “Policy Solutions” to fix those innate (so the bible says) and therefore incurable, ills, within the bounds of the “Economy Stupid”.

    Naturally, none of this Importatant Work comes cheap, therefore those ailing masses coopted to participate in the Economy Stupid, including welfare recipients, single mothers, pick-pockets, drug addicts, entertainers, “educators” and other Useless and not so useless Eaters, must support those employed to serve them in such a manner.

    At great cost in terms of their own benediction, Useless Eaters and their children forego Freedom (or A Life Worth Living) whilst appointed Experts peer down microscopes at them to scrutinise the ways in which their behaviour does not serve their best interests.
    Funded by Undetected Thefts of worthwhile life experiences. And, of course by in/voluntary taxings on the Populations of Nations, Useless Eaters support their own enslavement.

    Raches says:

    The Raches solution to this problem is for Western governments to stop all domestic welfare to able-bodied people, and all “foreign aid”—cold turkey. Useless eaters are unable to feed themselves; that is why they are useless eaters. Various curves would be flattened by the same natural forces that always restrict animal populations—including, I note, degenerate “welfare whites”; this is not strictly a racial issue. The only “people” who could object are malicious do-gooders, who want to tax productive people to death to pay for unrestricted breeding of the unproductive.

    (My bold)

    I thought you said (or at least implied) you were a genius, Raches? Do you seriously imagine that the only people who could object to your genocidal “solution” would be do-gooders? (May I humbly suggest that your thinking may be limited by your understanding of reality, as well as by your personal sociopathic bent.)

    Certainly such (limited) thinking seems logical on its face. Pulling the economic rug out from under many millions of people would wipe out great swaths of people very quickly and solve the purported “Population Crisis”.

    But at what cost?

    And who says there are no alternatives?

    I know that I am not alone in offering the following solution. Though I may not be able to reference all of those Lovers of Wisdom who have influenced me over the years.

    It´s a generally overlooked fact that the simplest way to end poverty, and coincidentally expunge the entire category of “Useless Eater” is to end wealth.

    And the most efficient way to end wealth, it seems to me, is to scrap the Economic Wizardry and the “invisible hand” which holds it all in place, give each and every single living Man, Woman and Child on Planet Earth a fair parcel of arable land, with water source and access to those resources and materials needed to live independently and self-sufficiently.


    Bill Gates, the public face of misanthropic Philanthropy, would take exactly the same as you, as me, as Unz, as Queen Elizabeth ll and as Junkie Joe.

    We would each live and die by our own strengths and capacities. Those who lack the capacity to cooperate with their neighbours probably wont survive, black, brown, white, yellow or “jew”. (NB. Jews stand a much better chance of survival, btw,, because they mostly pull together.)

    Such a strategy, which could be looked at as “Applied Anarchy”, or “Land-holder Voluntarism”, would also result in a much reduced human population, as those unsuited to independent-inter-dependency will gradually die out, whilst those of us who can figure out how to stand together on our own two feet may quickly discover how to thrive within those environments best suited to our species.

    And in adopting a Land-holder Voluntarist approach to survival, we may well realise that all macro-social diss-ease may be eased only if we each turn the microscope toward our own selves in order to recognise and heal our own personal diss-ease-ments. You know, Know Yourself and all that.

    The difference between “The Raches solution” and the “Land-holder Voluntarist Solution” is that Raches´ is Genocidal and maintains and advances the current power imbalance and the diss-ease-ments caused by it.

    Applied Anarchy/Land-holder Voluntarism is Creative, Evolutionary and frees us from the clutches of despotic power-brokers.

    All of the pseudo-academic-crafting in the world does not disguise the darkness of mind brandished time and again by this commenter, Raches, regardless of whether one likes his style or his approach to debate.

    Sadly, when the brightest of people somehow fall into the hands of the mental-health profession, much great harm can be done, many a great mind co-opted to nihilistic lethargy and attacking the weak and powerless as a form of self-defence.

    Happily, few are beyond the touch of Buddhahood! – If Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance tells us nothing else, it tells us that!

    In the meantime, or the now-time (forgive me), here we are, commenting on a monumental thread on Unz Review Website during a World Changing Event in Human History. It s an obvious fact that “agents” of all stripes operate on Occasionally it can be helpful to point out the obvious.

    Freelance ideologues keen boost a soulless fiction, and maybe further their own genocidal ambitions by promoting murderous “Policy Solutions” which play to the manipulated emotions and mental stresses of Honest Seekers, also operate in these parts.

    But how might Applied Anarchy succeed, if success is measured in terms of the long-term survival of Free Men and Women, over Raches proposed genocide?

    In both cases many lives will be lost and the human population will surely decline, though arguably Raches death curve would be much steeper (which in turn invites the question, what do we do with all the rotting corpses?) and more brutal than one produced by Applied Anarchy/Land-holder Voluntarism.
    Because Anarchy is Applied (always) by the individual and not by the state or any institution.
    Because true anarchy spreads by example, not by force.
    And because, even those unsuited to live outside the prison of the Economy Stupid, given the opportunity to live by their own strengths, will likely die out more slowly.

    But, of course the state, the corporations, the institutions, and even many of the people, are not about to agree to anything that strips them of thir position in favour of equitable division of resources and the undoing of so many miserly monopolies. Surely there will be many ideological and even physical battles along the way!

    But if, one by one, family by family, group by group, Voluntarist/Anarchists were to exit the cities, the towns and the Economy Stupid, and find for themselves, by what ever means available to them, parcels of unused land upon which to support their own existence and well being – which can only be done successfully through cooperation and collaboration with others – then many may survive, and even thrive.

    Of course nothing, save possibly the finality of a misanthropic genocide, is certain. But then maybe it´s true what they say, maybe some things, like FREEDOM, are worth living for and dying for.

    The Virus, The Vaxx, the Vaxx-Pass, the Controlled Demolition of Freedom, and the Great Reset of Capitalism are weapons already deployed to wipe us out. Free thinkers and enlightened souls may as well get to work to see if we can alter the current trajectory of our species.
    Or we can do as Raches suggests and rearrange the deckchairs on a sinking ship.

    Just some thoughts from outside the box.

    Fond regards to all sentient readers,

    • Agree: Skeptikal
    • Replies: @but really
  39. Emslander says:

    The idea that a politically induced approval of a medicine by the FDA will give legal immunity to anyone or any organization is an illustration of how out of touch these tyrants have become. Certificates can always be examined for authenticity and approvals can be pierced to look at the underlying facts.

    EVERYBODY heard Fauci telling the FDA that it needs to get out a final approval so he can get companies and government agencies to mandate the mRNA shots. It didn’t change the fact that normal testing has never been done. Courts will overturn these mandates as soon as they get out of the gates.

  40. Emslander says:

    I have also noticed a few other things here that I think would be unwise to state publicly at this point.

    Nothing says bull excrement like pages and pages of keystrokes, accentuated by script changes and text emphases. The self-aggrandizing encouragement sprinkled throughout indicates finally that someone needs to go in for a review of his meds.

    • Agree: Iris
  41. @ThreeCranes

    Covid-19 has always been a disease of the Elderly (95% of deaths globally are over age 60, and the majority of the 4.5 million deaths are in those over age 80. ) Their cases are more serious long-term as well. Those with serious medical conditions (some cancers, organ transplants, etc) are also susceptible relative to the young and healthy. So much of Covid-19 attention has been focused on THE CHILDREN (0-17 year olds in CDC’s reporting); however unlike flu, healthy children are not targeted by Covid-19. Marty Makary reported he could not find a single case of a healthy child dying in the US from Covid.

    The massive drop in new cases in the US between mid January and March 1st probably reflected natural immunity, as it occurred before significant vaccination. The same happened in NYC between April and June of 2020, long before vaccines. Recent data from Israel, huge well powered studies, show that natural immunity is 27 times as effective at preventing symptomatic re-infection/ vaccine breakout infection:

    The vaccinated ones who die (the Vulnerable) are the Elderly and medically compromised, same as in the unvaccinated, but are the only group to really benefit from vaccines (beyond those with Pharma stocks). There really is no reason to vaccinate the young and healthy; unlike natural immunity, vaccine immunity allows continual spread of the virus, so no vaccine herd immunity is possible. Natural immunity seems much longer lasting as well than vaccine immunity. There is need for alternative prophylactic treatments in parallel with vaccinating the Vulnerable, since vaccine protection fades quickly and only covers 90% of the vaccinated at best.

    But being America, we are vaccinated those who have no risk from Covid, as well as pets and zoo animals.

    • Agree: Mark G.
    • Replies: @JimDandy
    , @meamjojo
  42. Thank you Ron! I was hoping you wouldn’t just snuff out our voices once the last section got deadly slow 😀

    Here’s the fun I found recently:

    It’s a PDF from the NHS, and page 14-15 is the one that is interesting:

    For delta confirmed cases, from Feb 1st to Jun 21st:

    44/53,822 deaths in unvaccinated – 0.1%ish CFR.

    50/7,235 deaths for double vaccinated ones – 0.7%ish CFR.

    For the one dose the CFR is in-between.

    Now the data is problematic because it is not well differentiated by age, but most of the data is for >50 year olds.

    (There is a very insignificant 2/13k vaxx deaths, compared to 6 for ~54k unvaxxed under 50s, but that’s not enough data)

    So, for the overwhelmingly over 50s data, it shows the vaccinated dying far more from “delta”, than the unvaxxed.

    Now of course there is issue with definitions: is the “28 days after PCR test” still a thing? (Cause 80-90 year olds tend to die within 28 days of any anchor day more than 30 year olds!).

    But why would a UK government body, that has consistently moved goal posts to one side, now reverse gear, and move the posts to the other side?

    Stock up on aspirin, Quercetin and/or HCQ and/or ivermectin Ron, and drop them like heroin when your temperature spikes above 37C!

  43. @Franz

    3. The Johnson and Johnson 1-shot really is the easiest on your system. If you must, that’s the one. No one I know had any serious reactions to it.

    If true, and note it’s the only vaccine with an Official very rare but sometimes fatal adverse effect (probably less so after it was discovered), your perception of a good side effect profile is likely due to it being only one jab, one “primary” dose, no boost doses.

    J&J’s Janssen unit went to a lot of effort to try to create the most effective one jab vaccine and did a good job of it, but you will get significantly better immunity from either of the two mRNA vaccines with their prime dose followed by a boost dose, that’s pretty much baked into the pie. And that’s mattering more now that the Delta variant with its immune escape mutations has become the dominant strain, for all these vaccines all efficacy endpoints drop by significant on an absolute scale number of percentage points, they’re immunizing against classic Wuhan.

    I’ve seen credible reports of Moderna inducing “Covid arm” (search on that) which is a poison ivy type allergic reaction, obnoxious but not really a big deal. Hives that need “a round of steroids” sounds credible and worse, but is that a truly “serious” side effect? I may be jaded about that sort of thing based on my family’s various allergy issues, especially my father who long before I was born has bad reactions to poison ivy, something I managed to get sensitized to a few years ago. Note that the first increment of steroids for a bad case of poison ivy might be a dose so physically big it must be injected into your behind, not fun but they’re wonder drugs.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  44. @Raches

    Longwinded speech is exhausting.

    Better to stay centered.

    Lao Tzu,

    • Thanks: meamjojo
  45. Erebus says:

    You are not only a liar, but a liar with the audacity to lie to falsely accuse someone else of lying.

    You’re off your meds.

    Here’s what you said:

    C’mon, Erebus. You accuse TWBT of lying because he didn’t bother replying to your cherry-picked misquote? In fluent Internet parlance, WTF!?

    In the first place I do not recall accusing TWBT of lying in regards to post injection distribution of the “organized payload including mRNA”. S/He made a statement that the “payload” didn’t leave the injection site, while the paper s/he cited said that the payload did in fact migrate to a variety of places. What the payload did after migrating may be medically interesting, but it certainly isn’t logically material.

    There was no “misquote”. I knew exactly what I was doing. The logic is a simple Either/Or – either there was migration or there wasn’t. The paper says there was. I don’t see how that can be inflated to the size you seem to think it can be, or what your point might be in doing so.

    Where I accused TWBT of lying is on the very point s/he initially accused me, namely the matter of “real testing”. Here is TWBT:

    And here you continue your false premise (re: payload migration), but then straight up lie about “if any real testing had been done.”

    For my part, I conceded that my use of the word “real” was ill advised, and I so said when I suggested that it be replaced by “inadequate”.

    My defence (and return charge) was based on 4 quotes from TWBT’s cited paper, none of which were truncated in any salient way. All the quotes referred to tests that had not been done. As a professional, s/he would be fully aware that they were omitted in violation of protocol, and that therefore the testing was at best, inadequate in the professional sense (or “not real” in the vernacular).

    S/He asked if I’d read the paper. Unfortunately for her/him, I had and my reading underlay my statement that “no real testing” had been done. The parts I quoted from the paper were precisely intended to parry (and return) the charge, and I continue to believe that they did. What do you think? Do they, or do they not?

    The net of all that is that TWBT issued an accusation of bald facing lying against me in the full knowledge of what the paper said regarding the inadequacy of the testing. Neither TWBT’s nor my charges had anything to do with the migration of NLPs or “organized payload”, though (parenthetically) I believe s/he was lying about that as well.

    As for the FDA, my point was that the lack of testing was a cross-border affair. S/He was an intercontinental liar, as it were.

    It’s all quite simple, really, so I don’t understand why your hair caught fire.

    How do I establish (or keep) my credibility? How do you or Mr. Unz know that I am not just trying to game you?

    Your worries are misplaced. I for one had pretty much pegged you a long time ago.

    “You’re an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.” … and a (tiresome) poser.

    • Agree: acementhead
    • Thanks: Nancy
  46. @Morton's toes

    Some people have said that if you’re being forced vaccinated by your employer, you should only agree to sign the waiver if your company agrees, in writing, to assume all liability if you suffer a negative reaction.

    • Agree: John Wear
  47. MGB says:

    Ugh, yes, the CDC. Didn’t it just have to walk back it’s ‘record daily infections’ in FL screeching after it was found to have lumped multiple days of infections into one? The FL department of health had to publicly admonish them before the CDC revised the numbers.

  48. MGB says:

    That’s what NIH scientists were reporting back before vaccines were widely available, that they found antibodies and sars2 specific T- and B-cells in the previously infected and that they were optimistic that the vaccines would confer similar protection.

  49. @Raches

    Now, That Would Be Telling, we know that at best, the vaccines are not delivering on the high hopes with which they were announced.

    And you or I should care about this why? Seriously, aside from tickling your intuition, the people who don’t understand simple math, let alone science are not people worth paying attention to, pro or con. Ditto pathological liars like Saint Fauci.

    Vaccines that were promised to be the safest ever, are turning out to be some of the riskier ones.

    I suppose this is a debatable point, but I don’t believe this to be true at all. Are you applying actuarial science to your analysis? I’ll repeat the general take on that:

    Bob Wachter of UCSF had a very good thread on Twitter about vaccine rollouts the other day, and one of the good points he made was this one. We’re talking about treating very, very large populations, which means that you’re going to see the usual run of mortality and morbidity that you see across large samples.

    Specifically, if you take 10 million people and just wave your hand back and forth over their upper arms, in the next two months you would expect to see about 4,000 heart attacks. About 4,000 strokes. Over 9,000 new diagnoses of cancer. And about 14,000 of that ten million will die, out of usual all-causes mortality. No one would notice. That’s how many people die and get sick anyway.

    And note people are paying attention to these vaccines more than all others combined since let’s assume the advent of polio vaccines in the 1950s and ’60s.

    That said, I do guess two doses of an “active” vaccine will be more dangerous than one dose of the standard US “passive” flu vaccine. In all cases these have no overt adjuvants, unlike say TDaP vaccines, which are also passive. Active means they’re like the very first vaccine and many childhood ones, they are all means to the end of getting some mRNA to produce proteins inside cells, most closely mimicking a virus infection.

    Passive vaccines expose the body to relevant virus proteins or for TDaP “toxoid” analogs of bacterial toxins and the adaptive immune systems respond differently, especially initially (and until an EUA or Biologics License application is made for one of them, won’t be researching that). Given that COVID is for the foreseeable future in a pandemic state in the US and much of the West, I think that perceived by myself additional risk is more than acceptable.

    Plus no one has yet succeeded with a protein (+ adjuvant) vaccine. Looking here with a cutoff of > two emergency authorizations, the only passive vaccines you might consider to be far enough along are inactivated whole virus ones, and that doesn’t count the only Western one I know of, a U.K. funded French company which is only trying it on ~5,000 subjects in its first Phase III trial, which isn’t big enough to accomplish anything but getting more money for a big enough Phase III to satisfy pretty much anyone including I think India (Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin Phase III trial is nearly FDA strength in subjects, and there’s reasons the rest of the world trusts India a lot more than the PRC for finished drug products, which I assume extends to biologics; that they even have the concept of “doing the needful” speaks volumes).

    Vaccines that were widely expected to eradicate Covid obviously aren’t doing so, and won’t do so anytime soon. Efficacy is bad.

    Here I strongly disagree, although you should quantitatively define “bad.” No one credible is going to claim these vaccines built to counter classic Wuhan are going to in theory or practice be as effective with Delta, but for example, for what I personally consider for myself to be the most important endpoint of avoiding serious morbidity, I’m unaware of any claims that the mRNA vaccines and Sputnik V drop below 93% efficacy in avoiding hospitalization.

    People being people, and our ruling trash simply not bothering to do any really effective Maximum Efforts aimed at them except vaccination, that’s not going to capture all serious morbidity plus mortality. For example we should by now all have access to a pulse oximeter if we come down with COVID and watch that like a hawk so we can get supplemental oxygen before its weird “happy hypoxia” symptom does too much general damage to our organs. That’s where you get blood oxygen deficient, but as I understand it it’s not the usual blockage of gas exchange, the CO2 that drives the breathing reflex is getting out of your system with no problems. On the other hand, I’ll bet that symptom doesn’t have a great prognosis….

    But I’ll repeat, people are people, and will do extremely stupid things like fail to seek treatment at all until their wife is dying and they’re too weak to move the wife off the bed and give her CPR. Can any of us make a case that there’s a better approach to such people than vaccinating them??

    “New data” are not an excuse … The development of variants is not an excuse.

    Here I think we’re getting to the gravamen of your issue. You are lumping the establishment which includes stupid factions that claimed vaccines would be a silver bullet with true experts who’ve said from the very beginning that our initial vaccines were not expected to suffice for the long term, novel pathogen is novel. If my understanding is correct, you’re in the general direction of people who are unable to discern that our “ruling trash” and outer circle of that have factions, and some can be out to lunch while others do their thing competently. Your real complaint other than side effect profiles, what’s driving your intuition, has absolutely nothing to do with vaccines based on classic Wuhan showing less efficacy against Delta. Afraid I can’t help you with that.

    • Replies: @aj54
  50. MGB says:

    Regulatory capture, anyone? The FDA is on the take. It just approved an Alzheimer’s drug over the recommendation of its own expert panel, a prescription that is going to cost 10s of thousands of dollars per patient per year, largely through Medicare. It is fucking criminal.

  51. @Raches

    How do you or Mr. Unz know that I am not just trying to game you?

    Well, you might avoid getting into arguments about which of us are more “not kind and gentle.” 🙂

    Seriously, the only thing I’d ask of you is to cut down your first drafts by 1/3 to 1/2 in words. You are not in any way I can discern trying to game us, you’re just bringing a substantially different mental toolbox than myself to this “game” and we should not be surprised we come to different conclusions.

    For example, I’ve never studied the topic of propaganda seriously, let along Goebbels (for Nazi leaders I’ve limited myself so far to Hitler’s failings strictly on military terms, which is just part of my study of things military going back to the 1970s). And in general I’ve given up on the anti-vaxxers aside from you, your sort of crusade is not my forte besides pointing out where they’re lying, and as you’ve demonstrated (again) that’s worthless against the likes of Mr. Erebus, who at best is on his own crusade to save us from “injecting poison” into our bodies.

    • Thanks: Raches
  52. roberto1 says:

    From your description, he’s got liver issues. Pretty common among vets. Drinking, drugs, hepatitis, chemical exposure are all common causes and it sounds like he may have issues with all of these. Although I agree with your vaccine scepticism, this is all probably related to other easily identifiable causes.

    • Replies: @Rahan
  53. @JimDandy

    You can find it on eBay, easily.

    • Thanks: JimDandy
  54. @Polemos

    There have been many comments referring to Malone…. Even utu posted comments about Malone.

    As have I: he did an excellent RNA into cells proof of concept experiment in the 1980s, but I’d be much more interested in hearing from those who four decades later claim through a great deal of hard work to have perfected this technology in its first generation.

    Now, Malone kept his hand in this field to a minimal degree for a while, but I would say clearly not as of 2020, for his constructive responses to COVID are investigating the repurposing of small molecule drugs against it, that class includes HQC and ivermectin. If he was still a significant figure in the RNA field you’d expect him to be playing a role in one of the companies attempting it, unless his claim is that this line of work has conclusively been shown not to work in theory as well as practice. Against which we now have too much evidence to the contrary.

    Note whatever he’s saying about spike proteins is not limited to mRNA vaccines, almost all the leading Western vaccines or well along attempts focus on that for good reasons, and most of those with stabilized versions of it. For that matter, in theory the mRNA vaccines should produce less of them than the adenovirus vector vaccines. The former have a strictly limited number they can get cells to produce, the latter are non-replicating viruses and as far as I know have no limit except cell death through one or more means.

    • Replies: @Polemos
  55. cmh says:

    Filing masses of lawsuits will also deplete these organizations of \$\$\$, so if they are constantly in court and paying for their defense, eventually they will see the writing on the wall and cease and desist on their unethical behavior.

    Keep the lawsuits coming folks.

  56. gay troll says:

    This blurb from Ron on the previous thread:

    By strictly rationing the use of Reactions on these threads and also identifying the particular commenter, I feel they tend to carry much more weight and therefore become useful as marks of distinction.

    That’s hilarious, Ron. I seem to remember you using your real name to agree and reply to two of my outstanding comments last year. Then you practically shut down your website for 48 hours so you could remove your name from the reaction, and change the name on your reply, from Ron Unz to Hillbob. Oops!

    Rules for we but not for thee?

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  57. @Bumpkin

    Just saw this good blog post highlighting Things the establishment got wrong about wuhan-coof by a former physicist and all-around smart guy, thought I’d share.

    Urgh. No, just no. He’s not sufficiently familiarized himself with the field, and here I point out two examples I personally studied and learned about after COVID-19 started roaming the earth:

    Delta as transmissible as Chicken Pox…. Chicken Pox has a reproduction number R0 of 10 or 12. Right now, the delta variant is dominant in the US, and the reproduction number R0 is below 2 in every state.

    Here he shows he doesn’t understand what R0 is, it’s a measure pertaining to immunologically naive subjects. That very much does not describe a population with a great deal of natural and vaccine immunity! In his “Could be wrong can’t tell yet” section:

    Vaccinations efficacy. Most people think of various kinds of ronavax as a sterilizing vaccination the way polio vaccines are;

    Here he really steps off in the deep end, polio vaccines are (well for me) a paradigmatic and currently very important example of sterilizing vs. leaky vaccines, respectively Sabin type oral vs. Salk type injected, each having their place, each having their tradeoffs in the currently going in reverse attempt to eradicate the disease from the earth. This guy doesn’t know his limitations and should be ignored.

    • Replies: @Bumpkin
  58. @That Would Be Telling

    If you do ever give propaganda a proper gander (oh, I make myself chortle), start with the master, not the student!

    Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928 (a .pdf copy)

  59. gay troll says:

    According to official lore, some samples that test positive for COVID via PCR are then genetically sequenced to determine the variant.

    CDC issued some interesting rules here. In addition to not tracking mild cases among the vaccinated at all, they updated their rules for Delta sequencing, saying that IF the patient was already vaccinated, the CDC would not accept positive samples unless the PCR test was run at 28 cycles or less. Meanwhile they would continue to sequence samples from unvaccinated people at up to 40 PCR cycles.

    The rule is a bit twisted, but the effect is straightforward. If you are a healthcare provider, why test any vaccinated person at more than 28 cycles, if you know any positive test results at that level will NOT be sequenced for Delta? The CDC has contrived a double standard that makes the vaccines seem statistically effective. It effectively lowers the positivity rate among vaccinated people and helps keep vaccinated people out of the “Delta” column.

    • Thanks: SolontoCroesus, Emslander
    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  60. This video just in demonstrates the high rate of Covid vaccine injury in Australia (far higher than is being officially reported).

    It comes courtesy of a whistleblower nurse – channelled through her daughter (8 mins):

    Check it out soon before it’s taken down (it’s on You Tube so not likely to be up for long).

    For non-Australian viewers, the TGA = Therapeutic Goods Administration (the Australian equivalent of the FDA).

    The person doing the press conference on the right is the Premier of NSW (our largest state) followed by the Chief Health Officer – both of whom are in the pocket of the worldwide cabal that orchestrated the Covid psyop.

  61. @SolontoCroesus

    What is the test for Delta variant?

    The usual, with the usual ways of using them:

    RT-PCR tests look for 2-3 bits of unique RNA in the virus target. Whole genome sequencing, look at world leader U.K. for probably the most accessible example of this, they’re justifiably proud and useful as a transportation nexus, captures the entire RNA sequence of a sample virus. Which can tell us a lot more about this slow for RNA viruses mutating virus family which has a unique proofreading mechanism. Like being able to trace A gave B who gave C the virus based on mostly harmless to the virus and us mutations, this is how we build lineage trees.

    What you may not be aware of is that while RNA is fragile, enough bits of it survive in raw sewage for them to be a very useful epidemiological tracking tool. Thus once we had Alpha and then Delta specific RT-PCR tests, and those don’t have to be automated (although they may be) since you don’t have to test a lot of sewage samples per day, we could compare prevalence of classic vs. Alpha, and now Alpha vs. Delta.

    Variant specific epidemiological testing, initially whole genome, is I’m pretty sure our first clue that a variant of interest should be elevated to variant of concern. And then however you want to label the increasingly transmissible dominant variants Alpha replacing classic Wuhan, followed by Delta replacing Alpha.

    • Troll: Nancy
    • Replies: @gay troll
  62. JimDandy says:


    A mother in Chicago has criticized a judge who she says stripped her of visitation rights because she was not vaccinated against COVID-19.

    In what could be the first case of its kind, a judge at Cook County’s Daily Center said Rebecca Firlit cannot see her 11-year-old son until she has received the shot, reported FOX News 32.

    During the hearing, Cook County Judge James Shapiro reportedly asked Firlit whether she had been vaccinated yet. She said she told the judge she hadn’t because she has suffered bad reactions from other vaccines she had in the past.

    In an unprecedented move, Shapiro then ordered Firlit be stripped of all parenting time with her son until she gets vaccinated, said the report.

    • Replies: @michael888
  63. cmh says:

    If enough people keep filing lawsuits against those they can file against, such as employers and individuals, then it is more likely they will cease and desist as the Legal costs will become too much.

    • Replies: @Nancy
    , @The Real World
  64. @gay troll

    According to official lore,

    Official lore — is that the same as scuttlebutt?

    sorry — I should look for the CDC rule for myself, right?

    Helpful folks in charge of the algorithm gave this top billing:

    Is there a test for the delta variant?

    There is not a specific test for the delta variant.

    However, since the vast majority of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. are the delta variant,* it’s likely a positive test result indicates you could be infected with the delta variant, according to Human and Health Services of Texas.

    Mapping CDC’s new guidelines:High transmission areas where you need to wear a mask indoors

    Mapping appears to be the key word: The state of Tennessee reports that, based on information from the Texas state office in charge of health thingies, GET A VACCINE!! Any Vaccine!

    And btw, Texas health bureaucrats pass along CDC (state of Georgia) commands: WEAR A MASK.

    * just a quibble from a non-Jewish (therefore low-IQ) deplorable: if there’s no test, i.e. no way to know with scientific certainty, the Delta variant, how can you say “vast majority of COVID 19 cases” are delta variant?

    • Thanks: Kali
    • Replies: @aj54
  65. @Polemos

    First I’d note you’ll get a lot further if you attack what I say, not myself. Of course, if someone can’t do the former, perhaps they should defer to those who can instead of spinning fantasies about who and what I might be??

    If That Would Be Telling is accurate in saying they put marked trolls on an Ignore list

    An issue here is that undoubtedly for performance reasons our host made this list of highly finite size, and definitely not hardly big enough to account for all “Trolls.” And I mostly cleared that list a week or so ago except for the names which I remembered well enough to keep them in it. But it’s of course getting repopulated, and as I’ve decreased the scope of what I follow and reply to, some people are going straight to it. Or perhaps back to it, I didn’t make a copy of the whole list before paring it down.

    “Troll” BTW isn’t always exactly why I label them as such, ultimately it means they have demonstrated in “debating” with me that they’re no longer worth paying attention to, anything from being idiots to the bad faith Raches has been demonstrating about just one paradigmatic anti-vaxx commentator.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Troll: gay troll, Iris
    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Raches
  66. Max Payne says:

    Again, why the push to inoculate those who are relatively immune from dying of the disease?

    That’s just management covering its own ass. They bought and paid for all those vaccines. They better get used up before the expiry date or someone is going to eat up those costs on their department budget sheet.

    It’s just a system trying to fulfil its estimated quota no matter how or what numbers come on. The layers of documentation for management are there to shield incompetence from any real corrective action (from admin to clinical). You can’t punish someone following protocol.

    Look at Canada, a nation that bought the most vaccines and has one of the highest vaccinated population. It’s still pissing it’s pants about a vaccine passport.

    I wonder if it will include vaccines from the past when I was a child, when I was employed in a hospital, when I travelled to places that don’t know Jesus…. Or is it just a covid-exclusive passport.

    An STD passport would have been better. Would be awesome to know who has HIV. But I guess that’s not a deadly virus anymore.

    • Replies: @aj54
  67. aj54 says:

    The laws, if any, allowing mandates are unconstitutional. The individual is not supposed to have to sue to uphold a Constitutional right, in this case, the right to freedom in one’s person. But it appears that they will have to. Most people do not have the resources, so must rely on finding an organization that will agree to take the case. And if you get fired from one job for refusing to accept the vax, and then find another that takes you, you might be deemed a moot case. Lawsuits are a last resort, not a ready answer.

    • Agree: meamjojo
  68. aj54 says:

    The CDC has kept the notoriously inaccurate PCR test in place until January. All ‘cases’ ‘identified’ by its use are completely meaningless. Doesn’t matter what variant.

  69. gay troll says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    once we had Alpha and then Delta specific RT-PCR tests

    Help a brother out, and cite a source describing a Delta specific PCR test.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  70. aj54 says:
    @Max Payne

    They are covid exclusive passports, and if you do not keep up with every ‘booster’ they decree, you will lose your fully vaxxed status. They moved up the timeline for this booster because they have millions of doses that are going to expire. They can’t give it away to the refuseniks, so they want those who were already dumb enough, to line up for another.
    This is about social control and oppression of the proles, and fat pharma profits. The WEF Great Reset, the NWO, it is not about a virus. We now have more people dying of drug overdoses in some jurisdictions, than covid. They give fraudulent PCR tests to everyone, which produce 90% false positives, and then do not give a flu test. Any wonder why flu ‘disappeared’ from the health stats?
    Don’t let me get started on Fauci and HIV, and his use of AZT, whose side effects perfectly mimic what is supposed to be a ‘case’ of HIV.

    • Agree: Truth Vigilante, Kali
  71. Ron Unz says:
    @gay troll

    That’s hilarious, Ron. I seem to remember you using your real name to agree and reply to two of my outstanding comments last year. Then you practically shut down your website for 48 hours so you could remove your name from the reaction, and change the name on your reply, from Ron Unz to Hillbob. Oops!

    That’s a silly claim. I do remember a year or so ago there was a temporary bug in the system that for some unknown reason accidentally changed the name for a few of HillBob’s comments to mine, so I just went in and fixed it. But the website wasn’t shut down for even five seconds let alone 48 hours.

    • Replies: @gay troll
    , @Raches
  72. @gay troll

    Help a brother out, and cite a source describing a Delta specific PCR test.

    I guess it’s too much to except you to try your favorite search engine first? This is the top results I got from Bing. I will admit this search is a lot more difficult than normal because of Delta Airlines, which is very displeased by the WHO’s system for naming variants.

    But note what I said about public health sewage surveillance testing, you don’t need a formal, FDA EUA or whatever approved test to do that, you just need a bit of I’m told grad student level design work to find unique regions and once that’s done everyone can take advantage of it, and a lab tech to do a small number of manual tests every day or whatever your sampling period is, doesn’t really need to be every day come to think of it.

    • Replies: @gay troll
  73. Simeon Boikov (aka Aussie Cossack), is a great patriot and is at the forefront of a movement to overthrow the Covid tyranny in Australia.

    I posted a video of his in UR last week and he seems to be getting some international attention.
    Here he is being interviewed by Alex Jones at InfoWars (4 mins):

    Simeon is a born and bred Aussie but is proud of his Russian Cossack heritage – hence the Cossack handle.

    This guy has political aspirations – he’s gunning for the top job (Prime Minister) one day down the track (he’s said so himself).
    Bookmark this bloke’s name, because he’s going places.

    Resentment to the Covid fraud is on ‘High simmer’ here in Australia and the Aussie Cossack (and others like him), are leading the charge.
    A massive blockade of truckers is planned in the coming days.

    Watch this space – things are going to escalate downunder. I’ll keep you posted.

    • Thanks: John Wear, Bugey libre
  74. The situation is continuing to evolve so the debate should likewise evolve.

    Ivermectin seems to be coming on strong as both a treatment and a prophylactic. While some on the American left snark about horse medicine, Japan has issued a call to treat covid with Ivermectin. Because of regulatory capture, the FDA refuses authorize Ivermectin for emergency use, even though doctors worldwide are demanding it.

    Ivermectin has maybe 40 years of safety studies behind it, and at the appropriate doses is about as safe as drugs get, yet the FDA refuses to approve it for emergency use. The story seems to be that it was invented by a Japanese doctor who didn’t want it patented. He wanted it to be cheap for public use, especially among the poor. There it is. No money in it, so it doesn’t get authorized.

    Japan has also found metallic contamination of the Moderna vaccine with some of it being magnetic. we now have to revisit those videos of people putting magnets on their arms.

    The FDA is also pulling a bait and switch with the vaccine authorizations. Even more disturbing, other countries look to the U.S. FDA for guidance on drugs so they too have Ivermectin only for parasites and restrict its use for covid. In this way, the FDA has spread its corruption to other countries.

    As I understand it, the Pfizer drug that is authorized is not available, and the the drug that is available is not authorized.

    Given this odd behavior by the FDA, I’m going to take a wait and see approach.

    • Thanks: Mark G.
    • Replies: @utu
  75. Bumpkin says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Here he shows he doesn’t understand what R0 is, it’s a measure pertaining to immunologically naive subjects. That very much does not describe a population with a great deal of natural and vaccine immunity!

    Perhaps he’s making that mistake, but R0 is a naive statistical average that is prone to all kinds of mismeasurement, so the measure itself hardly matters.

    polio vaccines are (well for me) a paradigmatic and currently very important example of sterilizing vs. leaky vaccines, respectively Sabin type oral vs. Salk type injected, each having their place, each having their tradeoffs

    This is a debate only going on in your head: he simply mentioned that the word “vaccine” implies something like “sterilizing” to most people, which these Covid injections assuredly aren’t.

    the currently going in reverse attempt to eradicate the disease from the earth. This guy doesn’t know his limitations and should be ignored.

    As he points out, “Barring huge breakthroughs SARS‑CoV‑2 will be with us forever. It will be with us for so long, eventually it will no longer be called SARS-Cov-2; it will have some other more innocuous name like HCoV-NL63 does. It will eventually just be another respiratory virus of no particular distinction. No lung borne ailment, let alone a viral one, has ever been eliminated by humanity.”

    Sounds like you are the one who doesn’t know what you’re talking about and should be ignored.

  76. gay troll says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Nice, so is the Delta specific PCR used in the United States at all?

    • Replies: @Polemos
  77. gay troll says:
    @Ron Unz

    Well Ron, comments on the article with your reply to me were actually hidden for more than 48 hours while you scrambled to fix the issue. Additionally your fix seemed to have ramifications for the commenting system sitewide. One commenter complained about it on an open thread, and you claimed it was due to a server migration or some such BS.

    Furthermore, the comment that you “Agreed” with (when I said Ilana Mercer is too smart not to know the meaning of her own religion) was NOT changed to Hillbob; your name was simply removed from the comment. Only your reply (praising my debate with Talha regarding panentheism) was changed to Hillbob.

    How many sock puppets do you operate here?

    • Thanks: Emslander
    • Replies: @Emslander
  78. Rahan says:

    Everybody has issues. The question is that these issues explode after getting an RNA shot or a clot shot, and people who kept their shit under control their whole life suddenly experience a sharp worsening, and “the science” comes over and says yeah no, that’s just a cohencidence.

    It’s not the vaccines that are crap you see, it’s the human material that’s crap, and anyway correlation is not causation, etc. Amplifying sharply people’s health issues is just all an incredible coincidence.

    Day of the noose on the horizon.

  79. utu says:

    Japan has issued a call to treat covid with Ivermectin

    Dr. Haruo Ozaki (Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association)
    On 13 August 2021, he stated that “It is necessary to thoroughly study the clinical trials, but it seems that we are at the stage where it is okay to have the patient give an informed consent, and get permission to use it“.

    but the Japanese Health Ministry did not approve ivermectin for use against COVID-19.

  80. aj54 says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    I think you might not fully grasp the term ‘adjuvant’ as applied to vaccines. It is any substance added to evoke a stronger immune response, such as aluminum-based adjuvants. As such, the immune system is responding to a chemical that is in proximity to whatever viral particles or attenuated virus the shot is to actually to protect against, and in theory, this is supposed to evoke a stronger reaction to the virus on subsequent exposure. Old shots stay in the arm muscle, mRNA do not, they travel throughout the body, and since they are directly cytotoxic, wreak havoc in people’s organs. People who would probably have been completely fine with the infection. Like teen boys who end up with permanently damaged hearts. The mRNA spike has a particular affinity for ovaries, and crosses the blood-brain barrier.
    In regards your assertion that the vax is eradicating the virus: the vax is what drives the creation of new variants that evade the vax, that is the natural evolutionary activity of the virus. These vaccines are NOT sterilizing vaccines, like the ones for polio or diptheria, that fully prevent infection. This is why some eminent research doctors have said it is unconscionable to give these leaky vaccines that do not prevent infection or transmission, during an epidemic. During the raging Delta epidemic in India, they paused use of the vax, and gave everyone ivermectin as prophylaxis and treatment. Their cases, hospitalizations and deaths plummeted. That is what we should do, is to pause the vaccination program, with the possible exception of the elderly, as Sweden did. These vax are driving much higher rates of poor outcomes for children and young people, than outcomes with the infection. And give everyone ivermectin, a Nobel prize winning medication that eradicated two endemic HUMAN viruses.
    Covid is treatable with the proper protocols. The vax has now damaged more than the number who died of the infection. And I am not talking of a little rash or headache. People have permanently damaged hearts, lungs, brains, kidneys and eyes; many are permanently disabled. All highly vascularized tissues that are easily damaged by microscopic blood clots that do not show up on imaging. This is still a 99%+ survivable virus, and a treated natural infection will result in a full-spectrum lifetime immunity. The original SARS 17 years ago has survivors who are still followed, and their immune antibodies are still showing a robust reaction to that virus. It is unconscionable that Fauci is telling people with natural immunity to take the vax, which destroys their natural antibodies and convalescent plasma.

    • Thanks: Nancy, Kali, The Real World
    • Replies: @The Real World
  81. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    Mr. Unz, your accuser chooses to call himself “gay troll”. Call me a bigot, but I take that as a hint about the cheery Mr. Troll’s veracity and intentions.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
    , @gay troll
  82. Polemos says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    You marked me as a Troll before, I believe, so I thought you had me on Ignore, too. Now reading that you’ve cleared your list to start over, I wonder: didn’t you say you were leaving? Why clear the list to start over by coming back to start again? Like I said, you’ve hit the point of marginal utility. You know you’re wasting your time. We know you’re wasting your time. Go outside, enjoy the sunshine, smell some echinacea blossoms, have some dandelion tea. You will have peace in your heart, when you want it. You do not have to give in to the dopamine addiction.

    So, I don’t find your advice about how far I’ll go to be worth much when it’s clear that you don’t follow your own advice or hold yourself to it. I follow the Divine in my heart, just as you follow the path the Divine has set for you.

    Personally, I’ve never sat down and watched any video featuring Malone. I rather spend my own time and free Internet access to scour journal articles, compiling as much as time allows, as this twice-buried list of articles demonstrates.

    But, sure, anything, from vaxxine to virus, that creates Spike will have the inherent problems associated with Spike. And, as I’ve mentioned before a few times, while people focus on Spike and ACE2, we should also have concerns about Spike and neuropilin-1, as well as Fc receptors given their role in the cytokine storm. Encouraging people to produce such a fascinating protein within their own bodies, fully knowing how versatile and multi-modal the protein is when it comes to interacting with various systems of the human body, is a sick and sociopathic way of approaching healing. At what “dose” is this protein not a poison, That Would?

    It’s almost as though people just don’t want to live anymore.

    When Spike breaks off —after encouragement from our helpful antibody buds— and leaves behind all those little furry knobs throughout the capillaries, the neurons, the muscles, the lymphatic vessels, what do you think happens to them? Do you think they are safely integrated into the whole of the individual, or do you think they are further attacked by our immune systems, punching holes in all those surfaces throughout the body? I’m sure you have a ready-made explanation for this, but then, I wouldn’t want to enable your addiction when you’ve expressed a desire to go sober and leave . . .

    • Thanks: Mehen
    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  83. Some doctors who are critical of the vaccine program or have raised comments about adverse events have said they are not necessarily against an emergency use experimental vaccination being rolled out for the vulnerable. I find that position reasonable. But then that doesn’t mean everyone needs the vaccine, especially people at low or zero risk, or where the risks from the vaccine outweigh risks from covid.

    I haven’t followed every snippet of new data, but a couple of weeks back Dr Malone estimated (I think based on limited data) around a 50% reduction in transmission (which he may have revised since) with the vaccine (presumably time dependent). But then if the vulnerable are vaccinated anyway ought that mandate the non-vulnerable are vaccinated to achieve a theoretical 50% reduction in overall transmission ?

    This ignores some important issues: natural immunity which may be very high and almost certainly more thorough and permanent than vaccines, that truly asymptomatic transmission is almost certainly a myth as Michael Yeadon says), and that the vaccine is very likely to spawn new variants as a result of the vaccines, continuing the problem.

    At best the benefits of a mass vaccine (as opposed to targeted on the vulnerable) rollout are a logistics/resources case for health systems, not a personal health question, and indeed it could be said this is a not bad goal in itself but it is based on the premise of a vaccine-centric solution with no alternatives. Yet a number of doctors and scientists strongly claim there are effective alternatives. It also means a lifetime of yearly or twice yearly boosters or new vaccines chasing new variants.

    But Dr Malone also recently said, based on CDC info, even if you vaccinate 100% and mask 100% the spread of delta cannot be stopped. More so, it seems respiratory corona viruses are not something that can be ‘vaccinated away’ like that anyway. This means a policy of ‘zero covid’ is clearly not actually on the table and never has been. It also means that those scientists (and we are told to trust the science) know that the policy of a vaccine mandate will never eliminate covid, rather it provides a new, unsolvable and very lucrative demon to endlessly chase, much like ‘systemic racism’ or diversity industry.

    To me it feels like a policy has been decided on by a committee of government officials, global bodies, drug companies – who critics suggest have corrupted the very institutions intended to keep them honest, and their fact checkers. They have created an inorganic and instant ‘scientific consensus’ about the vaccine that just happens to suit the goals of members of that committee.

    There is a scramble based on hysteria, utopianism and profits and the desire to impose political will for the sake of imposing political will and implement and extend as much of the policy as possible whether it’s right or wrong simply because it’s the one on the table.

    The whole thing reminds me of the ramp up in government powers and the security-industrial-complex after 9/11. We also saw increased public compliance to ‘fight terrorism’. This has all the same signs of state/elite overreach and hysteria of an ‘invisible enemy’, that ‘could strike at any moment’.

    But in the end we will hand power back to nature just as we have handed power back to the Taliban. We might as well accept defeat in the ‘War on Covid’ earlier than later at least in how it’s being fought rather than endure more years of incursions.

    • Replies: @Emslander
  84. JimDandy says:

    You’re just mad because he took your name. I get it. I’ve never forgiven Coolio, for the same reason.

    • LOL: Kali
  85. Polemos says:

    A good friend of mine wrote the following, and I thought others might find it helpful for their own thinking and their own action . . .

    Statement of conscientious objection to mandated Covid-19 vaccination. . . .

    “It is only possible to love and to be just if one knows the empire of force and if one knows not to respect it.” —Simone Weil, The Iliad, or the Poem of Force

    Setting aside:

    • All questions pertaining to the safety and efficacy of available vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.

    • All questions pertaining particularly to the safety and efficacy of mRNA technology as a vehicle of immunization against infectious diseases.

    • All questions pertaining to the safety and efficacy of efforts to vaccinate a mobile population of tens or hundreds of millions, or indeed billions, against a coronavirus during an ongoing pandemic and by means of inoptimal vaccines.

    • All questions pertaining to the alleged suppression, in favor of vaccination, of effective early and prophylactic treatment options for Covid-19.


    • That vaccinated individuals continue to contract severe Covid-19 and to transmit SARS-CoV-2 to vaccinated and non-vaccinated others at rates of transmission comparable to that observed in non-vaccinated individuals.

    Acknowledging further:

    • The desecration of medicine by the use of (a) cash bribery and other enticements and (b) the threat of effective denaturalization to obtain consent to vaccination from individuals who were anticipated not to consent to vaccination in the absence of such coercion. Moreover, that this coercive consent was obtained in view of no less than one year of what has been termed global psychic trauma. If civic and medical authorities have irresponsibly insinuated that those who do not vaccinate ought to be socially persecuted—whether or not legally prosecuted—as murderers, we observe that, according to this reasoning, those medical institutions and individual physicians that did not expressly dissent and have not expressly disavowed these gross transgressions of medical and scientific ethics by public and private institutions alike are likewise complicit in the total destitution of faith in the integrity of medicine, the legitimacy of government by expertise, the allegiance of law to principle, and the very notion of civic trust.

    Setting aside finally:

    • All interest in survival for the sake of survival.

    I have chosen not to vaccinate because it is my free and firm conviction that statistical duplicity, opportunistic ploys on emotional, intellectual, and spiritual turmoil, and recursive counsel of general terror, despair, scorn, and wrath have unequivocally failed to certify those authorities whom I might have trusted to speak soberly and in good faith. It is evident that those who do not vaccinate are to be identified as a new Unclean. A disquieting appetite for exactly such an escalation is noted in the public discourse of the highest offices. That here we are being tempted to accept and adopt a cathectic discrimination on the basis of personal preferences and fears, and not scientific consensus, is confirmed by the fact that in the scientific domain, investigation and debate continue as to the efficacy, procedurally reported adverse events, long-term effects, and merit of existing vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 over and against any and every alternative protocol.

    I am a Christian. If I would answer faithfully to my Lord who anointed the sick with the breath of his mouth and who held the faces of lepers, I must, at bare minimum, not drink from the cup that has caused my soul to recoil.

    I am further convicted in my refusal to vaccinate by the spectacle of what I can but describe as a great forgetting. Indviduals who believed themselves opponents of totalitarianism and immune to a totalitarian impulse today desire, whether or not it will be obtained, that the Federal Government of the United States institute an internal passport regime on the basis of vaccination status. Whether by the force or the affirmative counsel of Federal authority, should such come to pass in this country as it has in other liberal democracies, we shall mark the date as that on which citizenship was cleansed of what remained of its meaning. Those individuals advocating on behalf of this proposition have, perhaps, forgotten that what was new in the totalitarian paradigm of the twentieth century was neither its physical brutality, nor its demographic selection of victims, nor even the sheer number of human beings who were lethally—and, precisely by means of their exclusion from politically, socially, and economically habilitated humanity, lawfully—abused and abased. Rather, what was new was the mutually conscious and voluntary alliance of totalitarian governance with the aims and practices of modern medicine; what was new was the authority of medical and hygienic intentions in the legal and social authorization of the most abominable political transformations in the history of the world. The protective custody—Schutzhaft—of biological life as such, in concert with the abstract nobility of educated and professionally competent people, achieved the total reorientation of human sociality unto the end that is the logical effect and product of every totalitarianism: death.


    In a context of extreme and sustained pressure, forgetfulness of this gravity can be anticipated. Yet—and for exactly this reason—those who, by whatever accident of grace or nature, retain their memories and their sobriety shall be judged by what witness they bear.

    I remember that I am a Christian. I remember that my sole obedience is to Jesus Christ, who is life. I remember that my sole allegiance is to his Kingdom, which is to come.

    I therefore test the merit of an act by measuring it in the light of three statements:

    • All things are permitted, but not all things benefit. 1 Corinthians 10:23.

    • Benefit is to the remembrance and magnification of love among the brethren. John 13:34–35; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 John 2:9–11, 3:10–24, 4:18–21.

    • A thing is known by its fruit. Luke 6:43–45; James 3:12; 2 John 1:10.

    The conduct of the medical institutions and of the civic authorities has convinced me that to consent to this vaccination would constitute a dereliction of the truth, a sin all the more grave if I should knowingly and voluntarily benefit from that which I know to be sin and in which I recognize neither faith, nor hope, nor love. I regard the fruits of this program of vaccination and I am persuaded that it serves falsehood. James 1:19–27, 2:12; 1 John 2:21, 4:3, 5:20–21.

    I pass no judgment against anyone who has chosen to do what I have chosen not to do. Romans 12:18.

    I assume the risk of error. If I therefore risk my soul, let it be understood that I risk my soul for what I believe to be the truth. John 15:13; James 4:17.

    I understand what I do. I pray that you accept my testimony and that we may be at peace with one another.

    May God have mercy on us.

    Your brother in Christ,


    Love of the arts, of literature, philosophy, or science, like religious concerns, does not prevent an individual from being compromised by immorality and barbarism. Particularly in the twentieth century, many examples point to the monstrous alliance between intellectual qualities, aesthetic taste, or spiritual concerns on the one hand and inhumanity on the other. “A fair proportion of the intelligentsia and of the institutions of European civilization—letters, the academy, the performing arts—met inhumanity with varying degrees of welcome” (George Steiner, In Bluebeard’s Castle). In the death camps themselves, some of the guards had an appreciation for music, and orchestras existed there.

    “But the same Kramer who wept listening to Schumann, and who had been a bookseller before becoming a Commandant at Birkenau, was capable of smashing in an inmate’s skull with his club because she was not walking fast enough; in Struthof, where he had previously worked, he personally pushed the naked women into the gas chamber and observed their agony through a window installed for that purpose. At his trial, he declared: ‘I felt no emotion in carrying out those acts.’ Why did music make him weep and not the deaths of human beings who resembled him?” (Tzvetan Todorov, Face à l’extrême)

    Clearly, that terrible fact might lead us to conclude that, though some men and women acted with courage, often at the cost of their lives—like the young people in the “White Rose” group in Germany, who felt certain it would be a sin to break ranks with the victims or simply confine themselves to a vague pity—ethics is not learned in books or in academic or religious institutions. No book, no institution, required Sophia Scholl, her brother, and their friends to denounce the murder of the Jews as “the most frightful crime against human dignity.” In their tragic solitude, these young Catholics knew that it is only by listening to one’s inner voice that one can find the strength to resist when, all around, even educated and religious people are making their peace with the extermination orders.

    —Catherine Chalier, What Ought I to Do?

    Materials Referenced.


    • Brown, C. M., Vostok, J., et al. (2021, July 30). Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), 70(31), 1059–1062.

    • Bryant, A., Lawrie T.A., et al. (2021, July/August). Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines. American Journal of Therapeutics, 28(4), e434–e460.

    Covid Vaccine Adverse Events. Swiss Policy Research. (2021, August).

    • Doshi, P. (2020, October 21). Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us. The British Medical Journal, (8265).

    Facts about Covid-19. Swiss Policy Research. (2021, August).

    • Harris, R. (2021, February 19). Long-Term Studies Of Covid-19 Vaccines Hurt By Placebo Recipients Getting Immunized.

    • Henderson, D. R., and Hooper, C. L. (2021, July 28). Why Is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug? The Wall Street Journal.

    The Ivermectin Debate. Swiss Policy Research. (2021, July 25).

    • Kory, P. and Marik, P. (2021, July 23). Frequently Asked Questions About Ivermectin. FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

    • Kory, P., Meduri, G. U., et al. (2021, January 16). Review of the Emerging Evidence Supporting the Use of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19. FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

    • Marik, P. (2021, August 6). An Overview of the MATH+, I-MASK+ and I-RECOVER Protocols: A Guide to the Management of COVID-19. FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.

    • Moyer, M. W. (2018, May 10). Vaccines Are Pushing Pathogens to Evolve. Quanta Magazine.

    • Read, A. F., Baigent, S. J., et al. (2015, July 27). Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. PLOS Biology.

    • Smith, R. (2021, July 5). Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise? BMJ Opinion | The British Medical Journal.

    • Seneff, S. and Nigh, G. (2021, May 10). Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 2(1), 38–79. Retrieved from

    • Suri, R. (2021, July 22). COVID-19 survivors may possess wide-ranging resistance to the disease. Emory University Woodruff Health Sciences Center.

    • Tverberg, G. (2021, August 5). COVID-19 Vaccines Don’t Really Work as Hoped. Our Finite World.

    . . . end quote. Thank you, Ron, for showing me that it’s possible to nest MORE tags. See, we can learn from you!

    • Thanks: Greta Handel, Kali, Emslander
    • Replies: @Kali
    , @Skeptikal
  86. @Raches

    Here’s something that occurred to me when the topic of my Ignore Commenter list came up.

    It’s now only 18 accounts long, but it’s rich in memorable handles, and there’s something curious about many of them, they’re not like “geokat62” which is random enough it could be good OPSEC, they’re not like “Raches” which strikes me as “normal,” they’re either deliberately inflammatory like “Je Suis Omar Mateen” or “gay troll,” or insult the person behind them like “Bumpkin,” “Dumbo,” “mulga mumblebrain,” and maybe “Wild Man.”

    There’s something going on here that might be useful in your analysis that I don’t understand, perhaps because I’d never use such a handle, they’re either mechanical based on my True Name, stuff I admire, or genuinely randomly generated.

    • Agree: Raches
  87. @utu

    OK. I was being brief for the sake of commentary.

    Here is a nurse to explain it in more detail.

  88. @Polemos

    didn’t you say you were leaving?

    Already a bad sign when you get something like that so wrong….

    Why clear the list to start over by coming back to start again?

    I mostly cleared the list so I could add more people to it! But I’m happy to add back people like you after you completely ignore everything I’ve said about stabilized spike proteins, the toxicologist’s maxim “the dose makes the poison,” and the slightest bit of common sense when comparing the limited production in replication incompetent vaccines vs. an uncontrolled infection! I simply do not understand how the latter two concepts are difficult to grasp, especially in the context of what our host and I believe to be an unnatural pathogen, unless you believe you and yours are somehow blessed to never get infected.

    • Replies: @Polemos
  89. gay troll says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Deliberately inflammatory? It’s actual just perfectly honest. I am a gay troll.

    I assume that’s why you just labeled me a Troll, unless you thought my simple yes or no question was deliberately inflammatory.

    • LOL: Emslander
  90. MB says: • Website

    For some reason didn’t seem to come up when I checked the previous and this post.
    (Dunno, carelessness, fear flu fatigue, stupidity . . . Somebody get a rope and ladder. )
    Glad to see I was wrong.

    • Thanks: Polemos
  91. Raches says:

    Is Raches “he”, “she”, or “they”?

    The prior thread, which was rife with Raches conspiracy theories by others near the end, abruptly closed while I was writing the following reply to @Bugey libre’s comment. To be clear, I am not accusing M. Bugey of propounding such theories; but Mlle. Iris has done so, and I was also playing off the general context.

    Bugey libre:

    You are being rude and manipulative toward Iris. In real life, mister would be nazi, this would stop real quickly… Your verbiosity would have an end, very fastly…

    Monsieur, I regret that your gentlemanly sensibilities are upset by seeing Miss Iris get her deserts. Perhaps “mister” should have offered her the guidance she so seems to need. If she did not want to be publicly humiliated, then she should have minded her manners, and refrained from condescending to her superiors and vilely traducing them with misological nonsense. So ugly is her face unmasked!

    I have warned that I respectfully criticize one of my favorite historical leaders: Adolf Hitler was too merciful. I hate rudeness. Miss Iris will swallow her own tongue.


    Alack for her, Miss Iris is outclassed.

    My “best friend” was a scientifically-minded lady: A lucid mind as rational as clockwork—crossed with a peculiarly feminine viciousness when she was offended, and a woman’s intuition for striking the spot that hurts the most. She was occasionally manipulative, as expected. She relished my favorite Kipling; and she loved that most controversial Nietzsche line, which was suggested to Dr. Nietzsche by one of his woman friends: “‘Du gehst zu Frauen? Vergiß die Peitsche nicht!’”

    I wish that I could invite her here. M. Bugey, if you think that I am being mean to poor little Mademoiselle Iris, imagine a lioness attacking an alley cat. It would not quite be a catfight, but it would be amusing nevertheless. Naturally, for “mister” to attempt interference would be lethal to him.

    Alas, she passed away. I am left to my own devices.


    …the most powerful and influential women in the world (and lastly, the mother of Napoleon) had just to thank their force of will—and not their schoolmasters—for their power and ascendancy over men. [Nietzsche]

    Given that this thread has switched from being half conspiracy theories about our gracious host, to half conspiracy theories about Raches, we will now please the crowd:

    New conspiracy theory: “Raches” may be a woman, playing a man on the Internet to avoid unwanted attention from basement-dwelling losers. That has nothing to do with so-called “transgender” perverts: It has long been a common practice for technologically adept females, who learn the hard way that nerds are disgusting, ill-mannered, and sexually frustrated.

    Consider the evidence:

    1. In a coded allusion to Mein Kampf, the name “Raches” is constructed from a German word that is definitely feminine. Raches also aligns “himself” with Nemesis, the Greek Goddess of Revenge.

    2. Raches idly explores these little personal dramas, which most men would ignore. Raches is “occasionally manipulative”. Let’s admit it: This is all stereotypical.

    3. Raches is “vicious when offended”, and has an “intuition for striking the spot that hurts the most.” Heav’n has no rage… Nor Hell a fury… Congreve would be surprised to find such fury in a man; and Kipling would be shocked if the male of the species could be so deadly.

    4. Raches despises Andrew Anglin as abject scum which belongs in a slave labor camp. The only men who could admire Mr. Anglin are mentally retarded; the only women who could fail to despise Mr. Anglin are both moronic and insane.

    5. Raches occasionally makes casual remarks which would drive Mr. Anglin even more nuts than usual.

    6. Does Raches have a crush on Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels? Although it sometimes literally portrays him as an ass as his “official portrait”, the Jewish Wikipravda has other times called Dr. Goebbels a “stud”, quote-unquote, and also alleged in the same version that he indulged his mulierosity “‘with extraordinary vigor and a surprising degree of success.’[16]” This allegation is consistent with the insinuations of our local Walter Winchell. Women are generally attracted to men who attract women; thus, regardless of whether or not it be true, the charge makes the studly Dr. Goebbels an official chick magnet! Furthermore, Dr. Goebbels was, in fact, an enthralling orator: Frau Magda Goebbels is said to have fallen in love with him on the spot, the first time that she attended a Goebbels speech. The customarily reserved Raches enthused that Dr. Goebbels is “my shining star” (!). Is that a hint?

    7. Raches has a supreme contempt for flaky, irrational females, such as Miss Iris. Smart females usually do. Raches has a smug fondness for smart females. Smart females always do. See above: “My ‘best friend’…” Does that really mean a friend? Or are you talking about one of your lovers, Raches, or your wife—or are you talking about your best gal-pal—or yourself?

    On the other hand, Raches has repeatedly shown an interest in sowing disinformation about his, her, or their identit(ies). And Raches has linked to The Last Psychiatrist, where Dr. “Alone” spent years playing subtle psychological games with readers’ assumptions that he was a man. He was, in fact, a man; and he was a psychiatrist with a sense of humor, although I doubt that he shares all my tastes.

    Conclusion: Maybe. By the law of Nature, and contrary to “Nature”, a differential diagnosis can only admit three possibilities: “He”, “she”, or “they”. Thus, there are only two alternative theories: Either Raches is a group effort—or Raches is a dissident psychiatrist who detests rudeness, and he decided to make Miss Iris swallow her tongue. That last is not quite plausible, so we need to add some reptilian space aliens—plus more Jewish Nazi eugenicists! Now, we have some plausible alternative theories.


    Hey, @Ron Unz, didn’t you remark somewhere on what can be inferred when an agile mind can win every side of a debate?

    With due apologies for expounding about myself at length, myself seems to be a popular topic here. I have hereby presented a plausible theory. It may be true. I have argued for it persuasively; and I could also argue persuasively for each of the two aforestated alternative theories, each of which may also be true (minus reptilians, movie antiheroes, etc.). By the way, did Wintermute ever do anything like this? (Has he developed new abilities with the passing of years?)

    All that anyone knows for certain is that I value my privacy, I repose all of my arguments on their own merits, my identity is nobody’s business—and amidst the tedious argumentation over vaccines, I sometimes inject a satire, or a vial of humour noir. After the stupidity she has displayed, and given her refusal to discuss serious, logical questions about her own arguments, a spot of needling Miss Iris is just what the doctor ordered.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
    , @Iris
    , @Ron Unz
    , @Kali
  92. @JimDandy

    How do they know the unvaxxed teacher is the source of the coof?
    Were half the kids undiapered? Or, were the face diapers only half effective?
    Perhaps a recently vaxxed parent gave the coof to their kid who spread it around the skool.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  93. JimDandy says:
    @Adam Smith

    Yeah, it’s totally ridiculous propaganda. Furthermore, I don’t really care if a bunch of kids got infected with something they’re immune to.

  94. JimDandy says:

    Now I’m actually starting to get mad on your behalf. Gay Troll should do the honorable thing and give his name up. You simply deserve it more.

    • Agree: schnellandine
  95. These threads are fly paper for multi-thousand-word antisocial blowhards without the courtesy/wherewithal to use the MORE Tag with alacrity. Very precious, your preciouses.

    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  96. Iris says:

    LOL, you really have completely lost it. You are referring to yourself in the third person now?

    Your Hasbara activity log book is all mixed up: I never was the one speculating on you being a man, a woman, or a group effort, since it is obvious enough that you are a shill.

    What I did say is that, in view of your your irrational and out-of-the-blue hatred of President Kennedy, you most likely are a Sayan, one of those militant Zionists, male and female, whose life mission is to screw up the unsuspecting rest of humankind.

    I sincerely hope you’ll meet as many smart females as can make your intellect happy. But what you badly need right now is neuroleptics.

    • LOL: Kali
    • Replies: @Raches
  97. BaronAsh says:

    “Again, why the push to inoculate those who are relatively immune from dying of the disease? There is something going on here that is not being discussed openly. Fauci and crew are not leveling with us. What is their real agenda? Obviously, it has nothing to do with the health and safety of the population. And I don’t believe that it is merely to make a profit from his investments in any of the drug companies. The real cause or reason runs deeper than that.”

    Well said. I cannot prove and try not to think about it too much, but it seems to me that there is a form of asymmetric war in play, global in scope, whose goal is to fundamentally change most systems of government. On the positive side, this could be a somewhat ruthless way of effecting positive change. Let’s face it, the current world order, including so-called ‘democracies’ are highly corrupt and leave much to be desired. On the other hand, the amount of prosperity generated along with massive population growth in the past 150 years is impressive and worthy, to say the least.

    My guess is that what will emerge is a new Eurasian Civilisation replacing the old Western-Christian civilisation and the Chinese-Asian civilisation which fell behind starting in the 1750’s at the same time that the former was taking off. It’s the Great Game basically.

    Will the new civilization be based on fundamentally sound and good principles? I fear that based on what is going on now that the answer is no.

    In any case, I think we are foolish to go along with all the bully tactics even though most of us individually can do little and may even have to be vaccinated in order to feed our families etc.

    In short, a Great Reset of sorts is inevitable, however I fear that the one we are about to get will make things worse, not better, and if history is any guide (like French and Russian revolutions for example), millions are going to die in the process from various combinations of plague, war and famine.

    • Agree: John Wear
  98. Polemos says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    You marked me as a Troll before, I believe, so I thought you had me on Ignore, too. Now reading that you’ve cleared your list to start over, I wonder: didn’t you say you were leaving? Why clear the list to start over by coming back to start again? Like I said, you’ve hit the point of marginal utility. . . . You do not have to give in to the dopamine addiction.

    Already a bad sign when you get something like that so wrong….

    You’re right.
    You wrote

    That Would Be Telling says:
    August 23, 2021 at 1:19 pm GMT • 5.2 days ago • 400 Words ↑
    @John Wear
    I intend this to be my last posting on COVID-19 here on and I won’t be checking for replies, but I won’t hold myself to that in the ensuing months and years.

    And then five hours later wrote:

    That Would Be Telling says:
    August 23, 2021 at 6:32 pm GMT • 5.0 days ago • 100 Words ↑
    Afraid I have to make one more posting on vaccines:

    I clearly got it “so wrong” . . . although I did get right that you don’t hold yourself to your own declarations, and I will speculate that I did get right that you can’t handle the addiction to commenting and replying. You thought you were going to be away for months, even years. You couldn’t even last three days from your declaration, and in the meantime have already thrown down 5800 words (using Unzian rounding), enough for one or two headliner essays (and a fifth enough to impress an Unz).

    Of course, it’s also possible that one of your team members was signing off for themselves and didn’t realize the overall user account was going to continue working away at the marble that is the Unz commentariat. You need to get your team together and clarify who says what and when and how. Come on, guys. Antics such as this will get your contract terminated.

    Otherwise, you lose your credibility. As narratival managers, that is.

    You can say that there’s hardly enough Spike in a “replication incompetent vaccine” but the very large numbers of people suffering from adverse reactions demonstrate it’s certainly enough for them.

    Yes, I do ignore what you write. I don’t mind you ignoring me. I am a surrealist metafictional metalepsis penally vacationing on this planet, indulging in what the Divine instructs me as penance for my crimes on my home world. Paying attention to me is unworthy of the time of A Serious Man.

    • Replies: @Mehen
  99. Ron Unz says:

    Hey, @Ron Unz, didn’t you remark somewhere on what can be inferred when an agile mind can win every side of a debate?

    Until a few years ago, I always got some nice feedback on my articles from MSM coverage or regular discussions by various websites or columnists. But once I got into “ultra-touchy” topics, I was naturally blacklisted by an edict, and all that disappeared. Various “mainstream” people I know regularly send me nice notes, but those must necessarily remain private. It’s a little like what happened to my old friend Bill Odom in the run-up to the Iraq War, or Prof. Stephen Cohen much more recently.

    Therefore, it’s hugely gratifying to discover that at least one commenter seems to have read and appreciated most of my articles, even being able to quote many of them chapter and verse. Perhaps there are other such lurking readers, but even just one is much better than none.

    Incidentally, so many of the useful features I built into this system—including the Ignore list, popup reply texts, and new comments—so heavily rely upon Javascript and cookies, I’m really amazed that you’ve been able to get so much out of this website without having them.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @meamjojo
    , @Antiwar7
    , @Raches
  100. meamjojo says:

    Here’s a LONG article that’s interesting and related to the thread:
    mRNA “Vaccines”, Eugenics & the Push for Transhumanism
    The worldwide rollout of mRNA “vaccines” is part of a much larger agenda that encompasses eugenics and transhumanism. This agenda is being funded and promoted by a network of global institutions, politicians, and billionaire technocrats.
    Ryan Matters
    Aug 28, 2021

    • Thanks: Polemos, John Wear, Alfred
    • Replies: @JohnnyGodYilmaz
  101. So, getting back to the debate: Ivermectin should be given emergency use authorization and become part of the covid response.

    The WHO and CDC have given themselves the right to lie and thereby forfeited their credibility.

    • Agree: Alfred
    • Thanks: Skeptikal
  102. @Mehen

    ““The results show that a standard surgical and three-ply cloth masks … filter at apparent efficiencies of only 12.4% and 9.8%, respectively,” according to the University of Waterloo study’s conclusion.

    But KN95 and N95 masks afford “substantially higher apparent filtration efficiencies (60% and 46% for R95 and KN95 masks, respectively)…””

    But N95 masks don’t just work by mechanical filtration, there’s also an “electrostatic” effect.

    “N95s filter out at least 95 percent of very small particles that are about 0.3 microns in size, according to the CDC. But this is the particle size for which the masks are least efficient. In fact, N95s are better at filtering out particles that are either larger or smaller than 0.3 microns.

    These masks can filter about 99.8 percent of particles with a diameter of about 0.1 microns, according to a February 2017 study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. As an April 2020 review published in the journal eLife notes, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is an enveloped virus with about a 0.1 micron diameter, so N95s are particularly suited to our current pandemic.

    Why are N95s so efficient at filtering out the smaller particles? It has something to do with “Brownian motion,” or a phenomenon that causes particles smaller than 0.3 microns to move in a haphazard, zig-zagging motion. This makes it more likely for the particles to get caught inside the fibers of the N95. Plus, the masks use electrostatic absorption, which means that rather than passing through the fiber, the particles are trapped.

    “Although these particles are smaller than the pores, they can be pulled over by the charged fibers and get stuck,” Jiaxing Huang, a materials scientist at Northwestern University, told USA Today. “When the charges are dissipated during usage or storage, the capability of stopping virus-sized particles diminishes. This is the main reason of not recommending the reuse of N95 masks.””

    • Thanks: Mehen
    • Replies: @Josh Gerard
    , @Bugey libre
  103. gottlieb says:

    Thanks for the opening of this dialog RU. It was valuable and informative for awhile, and was then hi-jacked by terrorists and flown into brick walls.

    Maybe in a couple weeks we can begin again with some new/updated info. Like the bad news for vaxists coming out of Israel, and the fake approval of the Pfizer ‘vaccine’ but this thread has run its course.

    Thanks again!

    • Replies: @Ilya G Poimandres
  104. meamjojo says:

    “But being America, we are vaccinated those who have no risk from Covid, as well as pets and zoo animals.”

    Now that the Pfizer jab is approved, how long before we see the commercials for it on TV, with those ever smiling, active people?

    Ask your MD about COMIRNATY today!

    Followed by a long list of possible side-effects in point 4 font.

    • Replies: @michael888
  105. meamjojo says:
    @Ron Unz

    It would be really great if you could make the system return us to where we were in the thread when we replied to a message, instead of dumping us at the bottom of the thread!

    • Replies: @Polemos
  106. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Good point, albeit probably not one that should be dissected excessively here. Anyway, please recall from your Usenet days that there are many basement-dwelling losers who simply troll—and that some of them choose names with the characteristics that you mentioned. Sorting out the lulz-craving trolls and griefers from more organized, motivated trolls would be a difficult exercise; and the latter category would probably be divided between fanatical anti-vaxxers, and those who may want to discredit anti-vaxxers.

    I have observed a few other patterns with certain commentators. Only one of those: [cc: @Ron Unz re moderation, and also somewhat extending this thought.]

    I am not on social media. No Facebook, no Twitter, no Telegram, no Mastodon, no Gab. I do not use the Internet the way that most people do. No Gmail, either. I am almost impossible to contact by modern means. Eh, perhaps I may try Gab someday, if I want to annoy myself getting locked into a centralized platform.

    I enjoy my independent personal ivory tower—or perhaps better said, my cloistered refuge in the New Dark Age. But it admittedly gives me some blind spots around the anti-vaxxer debate.

    On alert from some other stuff, I now notice that many of the comments here are repetitious, retreading the same arguments over and again. I had noticed already that many of the commentators seem to “brigade” with each other, in both comments and Reactions. For this and other reasons, I am reasonably suspicious that there may be talking points passed around for repetition. It is a type of problem that Wiki gnomes call “meatpuppets”, by analogy to “sockpuppets”.

    It is no more paranoid to infer that at least some of the most zealous anti-vaxxers may be getting their talking points from social media anti-vaxx groups, than to infer that an evangelical church group may be involved when you see an off-topic/thread-derailing flood of pasted Bible quotes, “Intelligent Design” tracts, etc. (Based on what I once saw in a moderation queue somewhere, I presume that Mr. Unz’s queue must see plenty more of those than we do.) If I were to see a sudden flood of “social media influencer” type pro-vaxxer propaganda here, I would make the similar inferences on the other side.

    More generally, die-hard “conspiracists” are probably getting sucked into groups dedicated to fighting the Covid vaccines “at any cost”. For a likely example: You mentioned “geokat62”, who has an extensive comment history. I think that he is probably a “true-believer” type loaded with fallacious thinking. It is possible that it could be a long-term screen name established by an influence operation, from any of various organizations and entities; but Mr. Geokat looks more to me like a follower, and there are so very many of those on the Internet.

    As a sort of an intellectual exercise, I have sometimes contemplated how I may mitigate problems such as those “influence ops” that Mr. Greenwald described, if I ran a discussion platform. Such measures should be highly effective against meatpuppetting, in the manner that armor which can stop a tank cannon is also effective against pistol shots. However, that would require significant moderation resources—not something that Mr. Unz would want to do on a topic that he doesn’t even care about. I don’t want to discuss specifics, anyway. “Food for thought.”


    I just love to chit-chat about myself; so I must jump to address this, Mr. Telling:

    …“Raches” which strikes me as “normal,”…

    I know what you meant; thank you. But I invested more than “normal” thought and effort in my pseudonym. If I did my homework right with archaic German onomastics, “Raches” is a name to lay upon the altar of my trinity of philological doctors: Dr. Nietzsche, Dr. Goebbels, and Dr. Oliver.

    I remarked on this, the first time that anyone asked about my name (end of comment); and before that, I hinted that it has a message. The association with hunting dogs is convenient, but not the purpose. And until “acementhead” pointed it out, I did not notice that for a real truth-seeker, it is a serendipitous anagram; perhaps I will not have Miss Iris for dinner, after all. (Sorry, dear: You are disinvited.)

    Likewise, some of my better comments are laced with subtle puns, subtexts, allusions, and double entendres that the average reader will never notice. I never wanted to write ephemeral literature.

  107. Dumbo says:


    You know, I would have more patience with the pro-vaxxers and the vaccine itself, if they were not selling the whole thing on LIES, all the fucking time!

    Just one tiny example, I was just watching a video of a supposed doctor from a governmental organization saying that “the vaccines are good and 100% safe for small children and pregnant women and all children and pregnant women should be vaccinated”. Now, the vaccine hasn’t even been formally tested on pregnant women or small children, as they did not take part in the trials. The manufacturers’ own documentation says that “we don’t know the effects on fertility or on small children”.

    So how do they know it is “safe”? Why are they telling us, if they don’t know?

    And on and on, LIES, proven LIES, all the fucking time!

    Why should I, or anyone, use a product that is being promoted basically with hysteria, and LIES, LIES, LIES??

  108. JimDandy says:

    How the MSM is talking about Ivermectin:

    Business Insider

    A doctor who advised Florida Gov. DeSantis on COVID-19 promoted horse dewormer ivermectin to treat the disease

    Connor Perrett
    Sat, August 28, 2021, 1:46 PM

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  109. willem1 says:

    Dr. Mercola’s website had it on sale just the other day.

    • Thanks: JimDandy
  110. willem1 says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    Referring to Ivermectin, the chairman of Tokyo’s Medical Association had a minute of interesting comment on it recently. In essence, he comments that a number of African countries have been passing out Ivermectin routinely to treat parasites for years. COVID infection rates in those countries are noticeably far lower than the rates in neighboring African countries that do NOT use Ivermectin have been.

    He goes on to say that “sure, more studies should be done” but that that since we are in an emergency situation, prescribing this is something we can do while we await the results of further such studies.

    As the Japanese are very conservative about such stuff, I would view this as a big boost for Ivermectin.

    • Replies: @Mark Hunter
    , @fredtard
  111. Actually there are couple things about the vaccines I’d like to have clarified.

    1. I’d like to know how big the spike protein is in relation to the full size of the covid virus.

    Some of these vaccines replicate only the spike (so I hear). Looking a pictures of the virus, the spike protein looks maybe 50 to 100 times smaller than the full virus. This means the spikes could get into areas that the full virus couldn’t get into simply by size alone. Someone should check on that.

    2. The vaccines seem to allow someone to have a much higher viral load without symptoms. These symptoms are usually caused by your body fighting the virus. In other words, your body is fighting the virus (lots and lots of it ) you just don’t know it. Your body could be getting a lot more damage and not know it since the feedback response has been attenuated.

    Someone should check that also.

    I’d also like to know how the spikes are configured. What does the “inactive” end of the spike look like? Can the “inactive end” attach to anything? Can two (or more) spikes join at their “inactive” ends?

    • Replies: @Polemos
  112. Dumbo says:

    Meanwhile in Japan…

    Did they discover what was the “contaminant”?

    Or was it the vaccine itself?

    “As of Aug. 8, 991 people had died in Japan after receiving shots of Pfizer Inc’s vaccine and 11 after receiving Moderna’s,”

  113. anon[284] • Disclaimer says:

    Maybe we’ll get lucky and the people responsible for this will choke to death on their own blood.

  114. JasonT says:

    To all pro-needle people,

    Look up and review the work of Byram Bridle, Charles Hoff and Peter McCullough, to name a few. If you still support the kill shot then you are guilty of genocide.

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  115. @737 VAX

    Nothing says “officially approved” like a pile of corpses.

    That is the damn truth! Listen, I’ve known a handful of people who had Covid, incl me (an intense, prolonged bout) but, I’ve known no one who was hospitalized for Covid or anyone who died with or of Covid.

    But, get this: Just in my little universe, I am aware of three people who’ve had bad, prolonged reactions to the vaccines and two who are dead. Yes! I’m going to type a short synopsis about each and post it on this thread later.

    Also, several commenters on here have mentioned people they know who’ve died after taking them and some commenters on another site I read regularly are posting stories about family or friends who’ve had serious reactions and their Doctors don’t what to do.

    That vaccine is a fvcking HORROR.

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @JimDandy
    , @meamjojo
  116. JimDandy says:
    @The Real World

    There are prolific commenters here who laugh at comments like yours. Can you believe that? Pretty bizarre. Pretty scary.

  117. Polemos says:
    @gay troll

    While it would have been nice to have an informed person give you actual links to actual tests and not a web-published press release, if you’re still interested, here are a few results I came across (without having any difficulty navigating Delta Airlines links [—but then doing autodidactic research is kind of what I do]):

    This also leads to an interesting (to me) technical brief:

    I noticed that this pdf had a footnote towards the end that reads:

    The emergency use of the products are only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection and/or diagnosis of COVID-19 under Section 564(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b)(1), unless the declaration is terminated or authorization is revoked sooner.

    This line and others very similar I’ve found on several of these test kit spec pdfs

    COVID-19 Testing Solutions

    One example:
    GSD NovaType III SARS-CoV-2 (1×96 reactions)

    CE-IVD marked Multiplex RT-PCR Assay for the qualitative detection and discrimination of relevant mutations associated with SARS-CoV-2 variants: B.1.427 / B.1.429 (Epsilon), / B.1.617.2 (Delta), B.1.617.1 (Kappa) / B.1.617.3, B.1.351 (Beta) / P.1 (Gamma).

    The assay is intended as a confirmatory test for detection of concerning RNA mutations within the S gene of the SARS-CoV-2 genome that are suspected to affect efficacy of vaccination or transmissibility of the virus.

    Not available in the US.

    Hmm to that last line . . .

    Smart Detect™ SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR Kit

    InBios’s Smart Detect™ SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR kit detects variants Alpha (B.1.1.7), Beta (B.1.351), Gamma (P.1), Delta (B.1.617.2), Kappa (B.1.617), Eta (B.1.525), Iota (B.1.526) and Lambda (C.37).

    •This test has not been FDA cleared or approved;
    •This test has been authorized by FDA under an EUA for use by authorized laboratories;
    •This test has been authorized only for the detection of nucleic acid from SARS-CoV-2, not for any other viruses or pathogens; and
    •This test is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostic tests for detection and/or diagnosis of COVID-19 under Section 564(b)(1) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b)(1), unless the authorization is terminated or revoked sooner.

    Scrolling down some more, saw this in the “Advantages”:

    •FDA Emergency Use Authorized and CE Marked
    •Predicted to detect variants B.1.1.7 (UK), B.1.351 (South Africa), P.1 (Brazil), B.1.526 (New York), B.1.427 & B.1.429 (California), and B.1.617/ B.1.617.1, B.1.617.2 & B.1.617.3 (India)
    •3-target system minimizes impact of new SARS-CoV-2 variants

    Predicted to?

    Looking further down, I saw they state the sensitivity and specificity:

    •Sensitivity: 100% PPA
    •Specificity: 96.7% NPA

    Now, I am not Kratoklastes and readily acknowledge that I am innumerate, so the following always makes me surprised to think about, which first came to my attention through this guy:

    Let’s say I have a disease that inflicts 1 person out of a thousand people, and I have test with a 100% sensitivity and a 95% specificity. What is the probability that a person with a positive test result has the disease?

    Then I think about COVID-19 and diagnostic tests such as this one. Consulting the current CDC case numbers and current US population and just assuming these are fact, then COVID-19 is a disease that’s infected 116 out of 1000 people. So what is the probability that a person with a positive result for this test has COVID-19?

    My dumb ass says it’s about 78%. Am I wrong?

    • Replies: @Kratoklastes
    , @utu
  118. meamjojo says:

    Ugh, yes, the CDC. Didn’t it just have to walk back it’s ‘record daily infections’ in FL screeching after it was found to have lumped multiple days of infections into one? The FL department of health had to publicly admonish them before the CDC revised the numbers.

    LOTS of problems with CDC reporting and data! Here’s an article that should boggle anyone’s mind. GIGO is the current state of CDC Covid data. It’s mostly unreliable but yet the MSM and health officers seem to take it as gospel.
    Holes in reporting of breakthrough Covid cases hamper CDC response
    The agency originally tried to track all infections in vaccinated people, from mild to severe. But in May it decided to focus on the most severe cases.
    A patient, who is on oxygen as she recovers from Covid, talks to her husband, who also contracted Covid and is being kept alive with the help of an oxygenation machine.

    In Louisiana, where cases are still surging, health officials had counted 14,650 breakthrough infections as of last week
    08/25/2021 04:30 AM EDT

  119. @MGB

    Thank you. I’ve added that (and some other news reports I’ve found) to my screed about why you can’t trust COVID-19 statistics. It’s nice to have “non-crackpot” sources to support at least some of my claims. My earlier work appeared in an earlier thread, I don’t know/too lazy to link it. If/when a revised document is available, I will post a link to it.

  120. meamjojo says:

    Who the fuck cares? You’re really full of yourself. Why not focus on posting something useful or find another sandbox to play in?

    • Agree: Kali
  121. BlackFlag says:

    I enjoy my independent personal ivory tower—or perhaps better said, my cloistered refuge in the New Dark Age. But it admittedly gives me some blind spots around the anti-vaxxer debate.

    And yet you descended from your ivory tower to almost exclusively talk about whether the vaccine is effective. Who cares if your chances of dying from COVID go from 1/500 to 1/5k. It’s not that interesting. Tell us more about R.P. Oliver. I just found this website with about 10 of his speeches:
    Apparently all the stuff the alt-right figured on the dissident blogosphere was already known and discussed with far greater skill a long time ago.
    In this short essay he makes it clear that America has been done since at least 1981:

    • Agree: Raches
    • Replies: @Mehen
    , @Triteleia Laxa
  122. @schnellandine

    Actually, on an earlier posting somebody complimented me for adding the MORE button, but it was done for me, by Our Host, I assume. I think I’m a lucid contributor in these threads (as the average goes, and I know, it’s not much to brag about 😆 ) but how to add the tags and such I haven’t tried yet.

  123. geokat62 says:

    Likewise, some of my better comments are laced with subtle puns, subtexts, allusions, and double entendres that the average reader will never notice.

    Cue: Billy Joel, Just the Way You Are

    4th verse…

    I, don’t want clever conversation
    Never want to work that hard, mhm-mmh
    I just want someone
    That I can talk to
    I want you just the way you are

  124. peterAUS says:

    From the comment 615 from the previous thread:

    … Maybe Ron Unz can pivot to a financial forensic perspective….

    He won’t.

    You could take a look at:

    If the above makes sense keep digging……..

    Good luck.

    • Agree: Mehen
    • Thanks: Polemos
  125. Polemos says:

    One way to do this (return to where you were once you reply) is to click on the @UserName posted just above your reply. It makes sense to display the message to you, because there are sometimes very subtle differences between the preview and the ‘temporary’ message posted, and both are also subtly different from the final version post-editing-phase. Once the comments get very long, of course, you’ll have to be patient with clicking on the @UserName before scrolling or doing so will cause worse jumping around than you intended.

    Although, one solution to the long thread problem is using pages to load, say, 250 to 500 comments at a time before creating a new page of comments. This solution might have the downside where the pages of comments can’t detach from the main page containing the article. Since Unz stated the underlying base is WordPress, then essentially we’re commenting anchored to a blog entry, and that’s the root from which all our growth stems, but not branches.

  126. @Raches

    I’d have to agree with you on some of the participants here. As a veteran of now three of these “COVID Isolation Ward” 😆 threads, I’ve seen identical messages appearing in two or more. Why not just refer (or once you learn how, do the fancy link thing)? But no, cut and paste is their limit. I’m a little better: in most, but not all, cases, you may hear me repeat myself, but it’ll be a real human being re-typing similar thoughts, not just C&P what he said a week ago.

  127. Polemos says:

    You might find the following articles to your interest and helpful for answering your questions:

    Correlative multi-scale cryo-imaging unveils SARS-CoV-2 assembly and egress

    A, B CryoFIB/SEM images of two sequential slices separated by 80 nm. Black arrows point to virus particles in a vesicle (V). Purple arrow points to small electron-dense material lining the outside of virus-containing vesicle. C Tomographic slice of cryoFIB lamella depicting SARS-CoV-2 assembly, with DMV portals (yellow arrow), assembling viruses (blue arrow), assembled virus (black arrow), viral spikes on SMV membranes (red arrows), transporting vesicles around the assembly site (pink arrow), and a nucleopore (black arrowhead). D Density segmentation of C, displaying three virus particles (black arrows) and two assembly sites (blue arrows). E An enlarged view (at a different angle) of boxed area in C, showing assembled virus (black arrow), assembling viruses (blue arrows), spikes (red arrows), and spike-containing vesicles (pink arrows). F Large intracellular virus-containing vesicle (LVCV) full of readily assembled viruses. G Subtomogram average of viral spikes of intracellular viruses from cell lamellae at 16 Å resolution, fitted with an atomic model of spike trimer (PDB 6VXX)16. Scale bar is 300 nm in A–C and 100 nm in E, F.

    You can also get a large view of one of their figures (“Fig. 4: Viruses in complex membrane compartments (CMCs).”), here. That link will take you to tomograms of SARS-CoV-2 with Spike identified, with a scale bar in the photos for reference so that you can see a size correspondance.

    Here’s another article:

    The Strengths of Scanning Electron Microscopy in Deciphering SARS-CoV-2 Infectious Cycle

    Figure 7. SEM of SARS-CoV-2 mature particles at 18–36 h post-infection. observed at intra- and extra- cellular locations. (A–C) Viral mature particles lying between cellular microvilli. (D,E) Virus particles within smooth vesicles at the cell periphery and eventually fused with the cell membrane (arrowhead) to release the virus (arrow). (F,G) Viral particles in translucent vacuoles or attached to the plasma membrane of a lysed cell. Small arrow points to a SARS-CoV-2 corona spike.

    That article is interesting because it also shows the SARS-CoV-2 growth/production cycle, using scanning electron microscopy. The Figure I blocked just above is the last one: exit/egress.

    I’m always curious what people who say there is no such thing as SARS-CoV-2 as it’s never been isolated think about when they see these kinds of images. Could we hear from some of you what you think about when you see these images?

    • Thanks: Si1ver1ock
  128. niceland says:

    I got covid well over a year ago and have since then been operating under the assumption my natural immunity would protect me from reinfection and would drive down the risk of me transmitting the disease to others close to zero. Masks for me a pointless exercise in all likelihood and getting vaccinated would add little if any extra protection for me. Jokingly I have told friends I am in the elite now.

    To me the logic behind this assumption is very simple in layman’s terms: After all vaccines are trying to trigger or train our immune system to fend off this virus. If this can work, the real thing (be infected) must be equally as good and likely better. Studies have already shown more complex immune response from infection and likely our immune system has complex profile on this new enemy.

    Therefore I am a bit happy to see this study confirming my assumption.

    I think it shows beyond doubt natural immunity from covid infection is very good protection. Could be better perhaps but it’s many times better protection than double Pfizer jab with of without Delta.

    However it’s disappointing how far the double Pfizer jab is behind natural immunity. That’s bad news for everyone for rather obvious reasons. We have huge number of people in high risk groups relying on vaccines to get back to normal life. And massive economic problems, pretty much all over the world – and I think we will be stuck in this situation much longer because of this.

    Case in point was Iceland after having trashed all domestic restrictions early summer when we both had very few infections and all the high risk groups + many more were already vaccinated. It was a celebration and boarder restrictions were eased and we even saw slow restart of our very important tourist industry. Then mid summer the fourth wave hit and it became clear in matter of days the reality was very different than we expected. Both politicians and health officials had their ‘deer in the headlight’ moment and didn’t even try to hide their disappointment. I think the same is slowly happening all over the “west”. I don’t follow the MSM much but from what I see this is slowly sinking in.

    As a side note: Since I have been criticized and called naive for not accepting theories about our Gov. or health officials acting in good faith. Well, since they were happy to abandon all domestic restrictions, mask use included, at first opportunity they were hardly interested to bring about some alleged totalitarian agenda permanently. Gullible perhaps, bad faith no.

    However, strong natural immunity after infection is great news. If our immune system had serious problems handling covid – how difficult would it be to create vaccines to compensate? Without it, heard immunity of varying degree seems impossible? It’s also promising to see natural immunity deal rather well with the Delta variant. Suggesting it will do so for future variants likely to come.

    With vaccine protection falling with time, perhaps recently vaccinated should seek infection as “booster” against future variants? I have seen this speculation floating around and for lower risk groups this might make sense.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
    , @Ron Unz
  129. @Cloak And Dagger

    c&d, ivermectin is easy to get, go to your local feed lot/farm supplier & tell them your horse needs it. all you have to concern yourself with is weight etc. which is sort of fun for your nerd friends. best of luck & have your blast @ your party.

  130. Nancy says:

    Unless ‘our’ legal system is rigged by the big boys, and ‘enough people’ lose their suits, and are ordered to pay court fees and defendant’s costs. As is happening to a friend right now…. ‘under law’ means very little, apparently.

  131. Mehen says:

    “Unzian rounding”

    I don’t know why I found that so funny.

    I like you.

  132. Mark Hunter says: • Website

    I did not foresee that there would be any organized faction zealously determined to stop people from getting vaccinated, “at any cost”. Maybe that was a bit naïf of me, but I really expected for this to be a debate whereby those opposed to the vaccines were trying to make medical decisions for themselves and their families, and express their opinions in good faith. I did not foresee that anyone would try to stop even those who want the vaccines from getting them, at any cost. I reasonably expected to see some stupidity, some crackpot theories, and more than a few quack fallacies—but I did not expect to see so much pathological lying.

    Why care whether Raches was naïve or not? Maybe his friends might care but we are strangers.

    He engages in a combination straw-man and circular argument with that “at any cost.” You can trash any position by choosing its worse proponents. The better anti-vaxxers argue that the cost of, that is, the risk of a serious adverse reaction to, the vaccine exceeds that for Covid. These anti-vaxxers are sincere in their arguments, they aren’t lying. Many people have mentioned Doctors Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, and Meryl Nass. I have read only a fraction of the cataract of comments here but be sure to add Dr. Samantha Bailey (search Bitchute or Odysee, her Covid videos have been pretty much banned from YouTube).

    • Replies: @Raches
  133. Antiwar7 says:
    @Ron Unz

    I think lots of people read your articles carefully and thoroughly. It’s just that some, like me, don’t feel they have much to add. Your subjects are well-chosen, and argued quite clearly and convincingly.

    • Agree: Biff
    • Replies: @acementhead
  134. Wild Man says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    ‘Wild Man’ is a pretty straightforward handle. Years ago, I started with ‘Average Man’ … and then I quickly found out when interacting on forums, that what I thought was average (me), apparently is not.

    After a lot of interaction, I began to conclude that it’s a domestication issue. Whilst interacting at fairly deep level of analysis, … I found that the vast majority of people have domestication issues.

    I never could be domesticated though. It didn’t take (from the very beginning …. from earliest memories). Thank God I was blessed with stellar parents that let the kid be. So, as it turned out, within that family dynamic …. I had two lovely, lively, and very intelligent parents that let me challenge them, on any topic under the sun that might have suited my fancy …. and being such great people (whom I loved so much) …. they did their best to answer my queries without blowing smoke at me, and so as it was, I learned early on that mostly, the human realm is filled with unresolved mystery. What an exquisite gift my parents arranged for me, that way. I am forever in their debt (though they are both gone now …. I think the indebtedness is outside of time somehow). I guess I’m what one would describe as ‘incorrigible to domestication’. Growing up I thought everyone was. It has taken me a lifetime to slowly find out it just isn’t true. Most people don’t really trust themselves.

    So ‘Wild Man’, as moniker, for me personally, means – ‘man whom is incorrigible to domestication operations’. I have no idea why this is. Maybe I’m doing the self-ego-stroke thing here myself. But it doesn’t really seem that way to me. I think I’m being honest with myself when I claim this. But who really knows? (i.e. – the unresolved mystery, all around us …if confronted, blows anybody’s ego to smithereens, or at least it seems so to me).

    I guess that is why true-westernism so vigorously resonates with me. It calls for just so much more ontological and existential humility than I glean is apparent within any other gestalts.

    I think forum-handles are probably hyper-personal, to each person, and there really is not going to by any trivializing pattern apparent, upon deep analysis, upon each such handle-using person.

    If you wouldn’t mind … what does ‘That Would Be Telling’, mean to you, personally (like why did you choose that handle)?

    • Agree: Mehen
    • Replies: @Random Anonymous
    , @Anon
  135. @Cloak And Dagger

    Actually, yours is not such a bad idea. The Delta variant, while highly contagious, is not near as deadly as the original. If it confers immunity to the whole family, isn’t this the one we would want to get?

  136. Skeptikal says:

    You and I sure have different ideas of what constitutes a summary.

    • LOL: Cloak And Dagger
  137. meamjojo says:
    @The Real World

    Also, several commenters on here have mentioned people they know who’ve died after taking them and some commenters on another site I read regularly are posting stories about family or friends who’ve had serious reactions and their Doctors don’t what to do.

    That vaccine is a fvcking HORROR.

    If you want some real adverse effect reports including death, go to the VAERS dB. Via OpenVAERS, it is easy to search. I did a search on the year 2021 with a result of death related to Cvoid19 (remember, these entries are about effects AFTER receiving a vax shot). There are pages and pages and pages of death incidents! Interesting reading.

    I saw a refusenik MD interviewed on TV the other day and one of the reasons he gave for his refusal to get a shot was the depth of incidences in the VAERS system that had not been addressed nor explained. He wants the FDA/CDC to examine and explain the 500k+ incidences. Clearly these adverse incidences did not figure into the recent approval of Pfizer’s COMIRNATY vaccine.

    Why aren’t the MSM like the AP & Reuters, who often do investigative journalism, looking into this data???
    OpenVAERS Data
    COVID Vaccine Data

    VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at

    The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at or

    13,068 – Post-COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths / 21,936 Total VAERS Reported Deaths
    54,142 – Post-COVID Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations/131,897 Total VAERS Reported Hospitalizations
    595,620 – COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

    Through August 13, 2021

  138. meamjojo says:

    Enlightened Denmark to reclassify Covid19 and remove special pandemic restrictions. This is the first step in returning to normal!
    Denmark to scrap ALL Covid-19 restrictions
    27 August 2021

    Denmark will on September 10th stop classifying Covid-19 as an “illness which is a critical threat to society”, meaning all remaining special pandemic restrictions will expire.

    In a press release issued on Friday morning, the country’s health minister Magnus Heunicke said that the high level of vaccination in Denmark, particularly among the vulnerable, had radically altered the risks posed by the virus.

    “The epidemic is under control, we have record high vaccination rates,” he said in a statement. “As a result, on September 10th, we can drop some of the special rules we have had to introduce in the fight against Covid-19.”

    • Thanks: John Wear
  139. @Erebus

    I refer to Raches’ comment … this pigeon crowed so ostentatiously in follow up comments that shooing it away calls for a response.

    Raches is starting to shape up as a prime contender for That Would Be Telling’s Uber Troll-Tagger Crown.

    Before too long, it might be just as prestigious to receive Raches’ Troll Tag Award as That Would Be Telling’s.

    It does somewhat dilute the bragging rights, though.

    • Replies: @Erebus
  140. Well I predicted early on that the hospitals would be overcrowded again thanks to Delta ripping through the unvaccinated and I was accused here by anti-vaxxers for spreading hype. I was right and here is a story from one of those hospitals:

    So a vet wasn’t able to get an ICU bed thanks to the unvaccinated. Great job guys.

    But go ahead and carry on this Alliance of Stupidity. Really sticking it to the liberal media by committing suicide.

    Oh and the wife of this proud anti-vaxxer has a gofundme setup if anyone is interested:

  141. @emersonreturn

    ivermectin is easy to get, go to your local feed lot/farm supplier & tell them your horse needs it.

    I don’t think you want to get animal grade Ivermectin. I am told that they may contain impurities that may be harmful to humans. There really is no need to go this route. There are plenty of doctors online who will prescribe the human version, and the costs are relatively low compared to other drugs.

    Here is a reliable and legal source for quality Ivermectin and/or HCQ:

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  142. @JasonT

    If you still support the kill shot then you are guilty of genocide.

    No, it just means that they are really not very bright, can’t resolve the truth from two conflicting narratives, and give infinitely too much credit to the talking heads on the bought-and-paid-for mainstream media and the “Fact Checkers” on Facebook and Twitter and YouTube, and to all their similarly infatuated social media “friends”.

    Rather than being guilty of genocide, I’m gradually coming to the conclusion that a great many of these people are just too dumb to live – just too point-blank stupid to save themselves.

    It’s the sociopathic psycopaths further up the food chain that are guilty of genocide. They are the individuals (many, many thousands of them around the world) that I want to see on the end of a noose, after we read them their rights and stand them in front of a judge and a jury, all legal-like.

    • Agree: ThreeCranes, meamjojo
    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  143. @ThreeCranes

    The Delta variant, while highly contagious, is not near as deadly as the original. If it confers immunity to the whole family, isn’t this the one we would want to get?

    We would, if only we could determine the actual strain of the virus. I have not heard a convincing presentation of how one can tell one strain from another, when it appears we have yet to isolate the original Covid virus – which begs the question of how one can vaccinate against a virus that one can’t isolate/identify – but what do I know, I am just a crackpot.

    A major problem with putting together such an infection party would be finding an appropriately infected (and infectious) person to provide the virus.

  144. Mehen says:
    @John Johnson

    Well I predicted early on that the hospitals would be overcrowded again thanks to Delta ripping through the unvaccinated and I was accused here by anti-vaxxers for spreading hype. I was right and here is a story from one of those hospitals:

    Might you be generalizing from isolated pockets to the country at large?

  145. Raches says:

    What I did say is that, in view of your your irrational and out-of-the-blue hatred of President Kennedy, you most likely are a Sayan, one of those militant Zionists, male and female, whose life mission is to screw up the unsuspecting rest of humankind.

    Mademoiselle, I know that you sometimes tell little fibs. But when you are so distraught, I must give you the benefit of the doubt. Caught as you are between a rock and a hard place, as I observe below, you probably just didn’t notice that prior hereto, here at The Unz Review, I have made only one adverse remark against Kennedy:

    Starting around when Jackanapes Kennedy declared “interdependence” to replace independence, America dismantled its own industries. That is not the fault of the Chinese.

    Is that “irrational and out-of-the-blue hatred” spewed by a “militant Zionist” who is “most likely are a Sayan”?

    As you are no doubt unaware, due to your ignorance not only of American political history, but worldwide political history, “Jackanapes” was Professor Oliver’s special term of endearment for a very liberal, internationalist president. And Professor Oliver specifically criticized “Jackanapes” for his infamous “Declaration of Interdependence”, which Jackanapes had the stunning chutzpah to deliver on July 4, 1962 as his speech for American Independence Day. It is generic One World slime, replete with drivel about “freedom in diversity”, etc., etc.

    I cite Professor Oliver not so much to appeal to his authority, as to point out the following:

    1. I am heartbroken that you just proved that Professor Oliver was a “militant Zionist” and “most likely [] a Sayan”. Alas, so was George Dietz—who grew up in the Hitler Youth, and was the proud son of an SA man.

    Professor Oliver chose a publisher for his articles on one primary criterion: Herr Dietz personally promised him that his words would be published as-is, with absolutely no editing. Even Dr. Pierce cut Dr. Oliver’s writing to avoid too-explosive issues—a point of disagreement which, ironically, indirectly resulted in Dr. Pierce writing The Turner Diaries.

    In his Aryan racialist Liberty Bell magazine, Herr Dietz regularly featured Professor Oliver’s retrospective tirades against “Jackanapes”—amidst eloquent Oliverian prose on how “Yahweh’s Precious Darlings” are using “noble niggers” and “magnanimous mestizos” to destroy “Americans”, i.e., Aryan Americans to the exclusion of all others. Why, Professor Oliver was such a militant Zionist that he called America a Jewish satrapy, ruled by Jews who are building a One World empire with its capital in Jerusalem!

    Sacrebleu, those Sayanim Oliver and Dietz have fooled me. Their whole agenda was to commit Defamation against Saint Kennedy, for the purpose of covering up for the Mossad assassins—just like Raches. iSN’T IT OBVIOUS??? 😮

    2. Criticism of Kennedy was, of course, a mainstream Conservative position—right up until the moment that Kennedy was shot. In the 1963–1966 time period, Professor Oliver complained that the Kennedy assassination was being used to shut down the American right wing. Whether or not that was in any way a motive, and whether perhaps instead the situation was conveniently exploited to that end, Professor Oliver was livid at the cowardice of “Conservatives” who suddenly one day praised the ultra-liberal nation-wrecker, whom they had so vehemently condemned just yesterday. The liberal media promptly created an atmosphere in which criticism of the dead president was officially unpatriotic. Accordingly, cowardly Conservatives sang hosannas for their own devil—then ran and hid under their beds.

    3. To infer Zionism from any criticism of Saint Kennedy is to declare all criticism of Kennedy off-limits. Cui bono?

    A trivial search of my comment history confirms that prior to this hereby comment, my only other substantive comment involving Kennedy himself was a quotation favorable to Kennedy: It was about Kennedy’s praise of Senator Taft’s courageous condemnation of the Nuremberg Show Trials. I am not one of those dualistic simpletons who divides the world between Absolute Good and Absolute Evil. Although there are many parties and powers whom I unequivocally condemn, I acknowledge that Kennedy had a few good points—such as his failure totally to venerate Yahweh’s Master Race, his heresy in insufficiently hating Germans, and his unpatriotic feeling that he shouldn’t gloat about the insane injustice done at Nuremberg. I guess that he wasn’t murderous enough to be a respectable post-WWII American.

    I am, of course, also somewhat sympathetic to what Kennedy said about Hitler, which is often egregiously misquoted by “neo-Nazis”. By all evidence, he generally disliked Hitler. But in 1945, he honestly remarked in his diary, “within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.” It is similar to my argument: Hitler should be seen as an historical figure like Caesar and Napoleon. If you dislike Caesar and Napoleon, then Hitler may not be your favorite historical figure. If you admire Caesar and Napoleon, as I do, then Hitler is the greatest leader yet seen in history!


    I must note that although Mr. Unz’s theory about the Kennedy assassination is supported with his usual meticulousness, it is not an apodeictic revelation—and I doubt that he intends it to be. On the very considerable weight of Mr. Unz’s evidence, I have been reconsidering this matter.

    However, I also consider some other plausible theories—such as the theory that Professor Oliver told to the Warren Commission, when he was subpoenaed to testify on September 9, 1964. Professor Oliver’s testimony is in the Warren Commission Report, Volume XV, pp. 709–744, if you care to look it up. Professor Oliver also elaborated on his theory in American Opinion at the time (as reprinted in America’s Decline), and much moreso in Liberty Bell decades later.

    I am not sure if either theory is correct, or one is; with adjustment of a few details, I am not even sure that they are mutually exclusive. Just as the involvement of the Mossad would be not inconsistent with evidence of organized crime involvement, the theories may fit together. Where I know: I am reasonably sure that the official story is nonsense.

    If Professor Oliver somehow missed the putative Mossad motive, it is probably because, as Mr. Unz observed, the silent tussle over Israeli nuclear aspirations was “entirely hidden from public awareness at the time”; and it seems that for decades, nobody considered a possible Israeli connection. I did not closely examine the matter, but it looks to me that the bulk of Mr. Unz’s evidence became available after Professor Oliver died in 1994; and although I infer that Professor Oliver seems to have had some friends in the intelligence community, I absolutely do not see any possibility that he could have known top-level secrets about nuclear proliferation issues. It is interesting that Professor Oliver, who believed that there was and is a Jewish conspiracy to conquer the whole Earth, and who assuredly hated Israel, never seems to have considered an Israeli connection in his extensive examinations of the Kennedy assassination.

    He did from time to time consider new evidence in his political articles, when such became available. I expect that if Mr. Unz’s theory had been published three decades earlier, an examination thereof probably would have consumed dozens of pages in Liberty Bell.

    There is one particular point where I lean more towards Professor Oliver’s theory. Mr. Unz cites some authors who suggest that “harder-line anti-Communists” were somehow involved in the assassination. Professor Oliver firmly believed that the Kennedy assassination’s planners wanted falsely to blame it on “extreme right-wingers”, in the manner of what we would call a false-flag operation (although he did not use that term), but that these plans were derailed by a string of mishaps after the shots were fired. He seems to have had not insignificant evidence of this, although I am not sure how significant it is. By an analogy to today, think of a plot to make a pretext for something like the New Uncle Joe’s “domestic war on terror”.

    At a glance, I think it is much more plausible that Oswald really was a Communist, than that “his purported Marxism was merely a very thin disguise”; although I have not looked at the books purporting evidence for that, at first blush, it looks to me like Rube Goldberg type of conspiracy thinking. Obviously, Oswald was a patsy for someone. The personal beliefs of a patsy, who may be misled, do not necessarily prove who put him up to his rôle; but I note that as Professor Oliver often observed, Communism itself is (a) in practice a conspiratorial subversive movement covered by vanguard-party types of activity, and (b) rather infamous for using its believers, then discarding them like worn-out tools.

    The assassination took place in Dallas—a very right-wing city, and the home of what was then the nationwide grassroots movement of Indignation Meetings. (How badly history has been memory-holed: Most people here have probably never even heard of Indignation.) Professor Oliver gave a patriotic speech at one of those mass-meetings in Dallas in 1961, at which he declared that the “traitors” running the American government “shall not go unpunished”; he received thundering applause from (if memory serves me) about 5,000 very Indignant, politically active people. If the assassination was planned to be blamed on “extreme right-wingers”, as a pretext for an anti-“right wing” crackdown as Professor Oliver alleged, then Dallas was certainly the place to do it.

    I myself have not closely examined the Kennedy assassination question; beyond basically establishing that the official story is idiotic, it is an event not within the realm of my primary interests. I therefore cannot properly pass judgment on the various theories, except to assess each for basic credibility.


    Anyway, what is really important, Miss Iris, is that I understand your dilemma. Either the smart new man publicly scorned, belittled, and humiliated you—or perhaps worse for you, “he” turned out to be she, your superior rival, a queen bee who can tell you to buzz off. Hey, by manosphere standards, all this drama is incontrovertible proof that Raches ain’t a dude! (To point this out, I must be terrifically secure in my manhood.)

    The best part is that unless you totally doxed yourself somewhere, there is more public evidence that “Raches” is a girl than that “Iris” is. That should give astute readers pause—both ways. Although I am not hereby accusing “Iris” of being a “he”, I do think that before @Bugey libre leaps so chivalrously to defend the delicate flower Iris from an apparent man, he should remember the proverb: On the Internet, no one knows if you’re a dog.

    More than a few female readers here are probably laughing with me—some from behind the safety of ambiguous screen names. The Internet is a tough place, unfortunately.

    Moreover, M. Bugey should remember that I politely raised topical questions to you—and you ignored them as you continued repeatedly and unjustifiably to insult me, amidst your ongoing campaign of libelling me. No wonder I am now such a raging bitch to you! (Either that, or I am a dissident psychiatrist manipulating you to make you eat your own dirty, rude, lying tongue; pick your poison. Discourtesy is unspeakably ugly to me.)

  146. @ThreeCranes

    by “whole family” I meant the whole family of viruses, all the variants included….

  147. @Wild Man

    Listen to the exchange at 2:15. Best to watch from the start. If not, start from 2:00. A cult favorite. Wildly overrated IMO, but the lead actor and setting are very appealing.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  148. Raches says:
    @Mark Hunter

    [Also sprach Raches:] Maybe that was a bit naïf of me,

    Why care whether Raches was naïve or not?

    Surely, Mr. Hunter knows that as a word borrowed from French, naïf/naïve is gendered. (Professor Oliver was pedantic about this, as about all else.) I would not imagine that Mr. Hunter was passively-aggressively hypercorrecting me. He must be endorsing the “Raches is a girl” theory; and since all the world is now ruled by a democratic epistemology, vox vulgi, Mr. Hunter’s vote counts!

    (Another one of my pet peeves: Confusion of blond with blonde.)

    • Replies: @Mehen
  149. Ron Unz says:

    I must note that although Mr. Unz’s theory about the Kennedy assassination is supported with his usual meticulousness, it is not an apodeictic revelation—and I doubt that he intends it to be. On the very considerable weight of Mr. Unz’s evidence, I have been reconsidering this matter.

    Thanks, but I must emphasize that the bulk of my information was drawn from the seminal work of Michael Collins Piper, whose book was originally published in January 1994.

    If Professor Oliver somehow missed the putative Mossad motive, it is probably because, as Mr. Unz observed, the silent tussle over Israeli nuclear aspirations was “entirely hidden from public awareness at the time”; and it seems that for decades, nobody considered a possible Israeli connection. I did not closely examine the matter, but it looks to me that the bulk of Mr. Unz’s evidence became available after Professor Oliver died in 1994.

    Actually, Prof. Oliver was reportedly very impressed by Piper’s analysis:

    One prominent “right wing” journalist of the time, Revilo P. Oliver— then a key figure in the John Birch Society—was actually called before the Warren Commission to elaborate on his controversial and widely-publicized theory that the Soviets had JFK executed because he [JFK] was not doing enough to advance international communism. However, shortly before his death in 1994 Oliver told associates that had he not been so ill, he would have relished the opportunity to write a favorable review of Final Judgment which had just been released earlier in the year. Oliver himself evidently realized that he, too, had been taken in by the Angleton-inspired myth. Needless to say, however, the myth the Soviets were somehow involved in the JFK assassination was an ideal cover story and one that James J. Angleton was very much the prime mover behind.

    I remember reading a quote somewhere that Oliver told his friends that Piper “had finally pinned the tail on the donkey” regarding the JFK assassination.

    In 2008 Prof. John Newman, who had spent twenty years in Military Intelligence, published a book that included a very detailed analysis of the CIA’s bureaucratic files, drawing upon his own personal expertise in that area. He believed he had confirmed Piper’s suspicion that Angleton was the key CIA figure behind the cover-up, creating an entirely false trail of Soviet connections in order to manipulate the investigation and protect the true culprits.

    I apologize for this off-topic diversion, but as you can see I find these other topics much more interesting than arguing about vaxxing.

  150. JimDandy says:

    Many pro-vaxxers sarcastically ask some version of “So, the vast majority of the world’s leaders are all making the same mistake when it comes to pushing the vaccines?” A retort/explanation is making the rounds: The World Bank made bailout loans contingent on national vaccine mandates.

    Just throwing that out there.

    • Thanks: Iris
  151. Mehen says:

    How the US FDA “fully approved” the Pfizer vaccine while still excluding product liability.

    How can the US FDA “fully approve” the Pfizer covid vaccine without requiring product liability? As US biosafety expert Dr. Meryl Nass revealed, they simply split the Pfizer vaccine into two products: a branded product (“Comirnaty”), which received a full market license but is currently unavailable in the US (due to “insufficient stocks”); and an unbranded product (“Pfizer/Biontech vaccine”), which is widely available in the US but remains under the existing Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

    The result: they use the unavailable branded product to justify politically motivated vaccination mandates, but they may then deliver the unbranded product to avoid any liability for vaccine injuries (there is no liability under EUA, but there is full liability under a market license).

    • Thanks: The Real World, meamjojo
    • Replies: @geokat62
  152. Mehen says:
    @Ron Unz

    I apologize for this off-topic diversion, but as you can see I find these other topics much more interesting than arguing about vaxxing.

    You are more interested in the past than the present. That much is clear.

    After all, when analyzing the past, one is not exposed to the “humiliations” of being criticized by those who know better than you. Such an an academic stance is very safe.

    Dealing with a fast moving crisis in real-time and attempting to make good-faith efforts to handle the confusing data in the best way one knows how, in order to protect one’s loved ones, opens one up to all sorts of “slights” that might diminish one’s standing.

    Reputation Uber Alles, I guess?

    • Agree: Kali
    • Disagree: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  153. Wild Man says:
    @Random Anonymous

    Hot damn. I love forums. What a vibe (at 2:15). And your creative vibe splurges as opened with that groovy orchestral arrangement, for the first half of the vid. Nice. I like it.

  154. @Ron Unz

    In a later edition of Piper’s Final Judgement he attributes the donkey quote to William J. Gill, once of the American Security Council, who had believed the Soviets were behind the Kennedy assassination but changed his mind after reading Piper’s book.  However there is this in Chapter 8, “Thick as Thieves”:

    One prominent “right wing” journalist of the time, Revilo P. Oliver – then a key figure in the John Birch Society – was actually called before the Warren Commission to elaborate on his controversial and widely-publicized theory that the Soviets had JFK executed because he [JFK] was not doing enough to advance international communism. However, shortly before his death in 1994 Oliver told associates that had he not been so ill, he would have relished the opportunity to write a favorable review of Final Judgment which had just been released earlier in the year. Oliver himself evidently realized that he, too, had been taken in by the [James] Angleton-inspired myth.

  155. @gottlieb

    Just very quickly, they “approved” the branded ‘Cvofefe’, or what ever it is called – by BioNTech, which has yet to be manufactured.

    On this point there was a Dr Malone video (sorry, no link), and he said that the branded product is likely to be slightly different, so manufacturing has yet to commence. (Click on the approval letter)

    So for now, technically you can’t be forced to take an FDA “approved” anything still! 😉

    (And it has been an excellent resource – like you said, after hundreds of thousands of words over a relatively short time, you run out of new data, so the data driven side (covid sceptics) descended into the mud slinging domain without anything else to say.

    Quite sad really, because this is exactly troll long term tactic 101 – make everyone muddy, then set your hair on fire, and scream “we are all the same”!)

    • Replies: @Dumbo
  156. Raches says:

    You said to Mr. Unz:

    You are more interested in the past than the present. That much is clear.

    I usually despise it when people toss off a bunch of random quotes in lieu of an argument; but here, I think that a quote is the most appropriate argument.

    George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four:

    And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. ‘Reality control’, they called it: in Newspeak, ‘doublethink’.

  157. Adrian says:

    The intellectual resistance in Holland against the fraud we are subject to is mainly centered on what one could call a video debating center (“Café Weltschmerz”), an alternative tv channel (“blckbx tv”), a bi-weekly (“Gezond Verstand”= “Common Sense”) and a daily (”De andere krant”= “the other paper”) . There are quite a few people involved but a starrole is being played by two retired professors of international relations, Kees van der Pijl and Karel van Wolferen. Van Wolferen edits both “De andere krant” en “Gezond Verstand”. Before his professorship ( at the University of Amsterdam) he had an illustrious journalistic career (Ron has published a piece by him on the downing of MH17). Kees van der Pijl is a prolific author. His book on the pandemic (“A pandemic of fear”) has just been published in English.

    What follows is a fragment of a piece by one of the authors in “Gezond Verstand”, the Dutch author Pieter Stuurman (there is no copyright on it)

    Anyone who takes the trouble to find out who the main shareholders (and therefore the owners) are of the most important multinationals always ends up with the same institutional investors. Almost all companies in the food industry, technology industry, pharmaceutical industry, automotive industry, global energy companies, but also banks and insurers, are on average about 70% owned by the same club of institutional investment companies. At first glance, there appears to be a reasonably healthy diversity in this. Even the very largest investment corporations often own less than 10% of the multinationals in question on paper, and therefore do not appear to have a decisive majority interest.

    But if you look further*, you will notice that all these institutional investors themselves also have shareholders. So they own each other’s shares. If we follow the pyramid upwards, we always come across the same corporations: Blackrock and Vanguard. Not only are they the largest investors, they are also the main shareholders in the other, smaller institutional investors. So together they form a conglomerate that has a majority stake in all the industries on which the world’s population depends for its existence.

    And that conglomerate is led by just two dominant players. Looking even further, we see that Blackrock also has shareholders. And the most important of those is Vanguard. And have we then become curious as to who owns Vanguard, we come up against a wall: it is listed as “private.”

    So that means that owners of almost all multinationals, form a a small club of private individuals. They form the top of the pyramid and call the shots over a conglomerate of major shareholders, and that conglomerate has a majority stake in all the multinationals that matter, and thus determines their policies. And thus determines all the important money flows in the world. Money flows on which the states and their governments also depend. Virtually all states have negative equity (national debt) and are therefore dependent on the big financiers for their survival. This means that the top of the global power pyramid is formed by a small and unknown group of private individuals, on whom not only the world economy, but also virtually every country depends. They are the most powerful people on earth.

    And they do benefit from the collapse of the global economy. Of course, this is not good news for the small shareholders with whom the public can more easily identify. The smaller investors have to rely on short-term speculation and earn an income from trading stocks. In the event of a stock market crash, they lose the value of their “wares. But this is not the case for the major shareholders. Their shares are only worth less (temporarily) on paper. For them, it is not about making quick money. They are concerned with gaining influence and control (power) over the companies on which the world population depends. For whoever controls those companies controls humanity. So the real value remains in their possession.

    As the small shareholders are forced to leave the scene, this only increases the dominance of the large shareholders. Every stock market power in history has therefore increased the power and wealth of the major shareholders. They therefore benefit from bringing the market into crisis from time to time, and thereby getting rid of the smaller players who collectively constitute significant competition.

    They can now make their move under the guise of a global health crisis. They not only benefit from the collapse of the world economy, but are in a position to cause it. Even after the controlled demolition of the world economy, their hegemony continues. After all, the world population remains dependent for its food, energy and all other necessities of life on the channels controlled by them, and will, just like virtually all governments of all states, have no choice but to dance to their tune. And then there is talk of one world power, under which the entire world population will have to live in serfdom.

    Translated with (free version)

  158. @meamjojo

    Yes, I’m well aware of VAERS and studied it very carefully starting in the Spring.
    I sourced it this way –

    That site is clunky but once you figure it out, it’s okay.
    HOWEVER, they don’t have a date sort option. So, once you choose Covid at the top in Box 3, then choose Died in Box 4 and hit Find on the Right…it takes you to lots incidence reports but starting from back in Dec and you can’t reverse the date sequence. So, I stopped accessing it cuz I can’t read the new stuff w/o endless scrolling.

    I just did a search on OpenVaers for Covid Vax, 2021, deceased — and all the first reports are from back earlier in the year too. Do you know how to source the more recent reports in that site or any other?

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  159. @cmh

    I would like to think that and hope so.

    But, and I don’t want to unduly burden or freak you out with this info, however, I have skimmed an NIH study about how they can cleave vaccines into vegetables…as they’re growing, I presume.

    I’ve also read a little info online, not alot specific, that vaccines can be atomized. Think like hairspray mist or finer. (I suspect Covid has been sometimes spread that way by bad actors.)

    At this point, I’m just pretty convinced they aren’t going to stop, no matter what, and they have other ways to get that damn stuff into us. Although, either of the above would be much further down the road. There are sooooo many other pressure points they can apply before going to that ^^^ trouble.

    • Replies: @Polemos
  160. Mehen says:

    Apropos of nothing, but as a former Nietzsche acolyte, I would recommend this book to you. In good faith.

    • Replies: @Raches
  161. @737 VAX

    Are you angling to be some sentient system’s pet human?

    • Replies: @Mehen
  162. @JimDandy

    It’s the same in Austfailia. The presstitute vermin routinely refer to ivermectin, which is being demonised as if it was ice or heroin, as a ‘veterinary drug’. One toad, a ‘Doctor’ promoted as an ‘authority’ from the beginning, described it in March 2020, when a local university noted its in vitro effectiveness, as ‘sheep dip’. The FOUR BILLION doses safely dispensed to humans are totally Memory Holed. From these scum’s unparalleled record of lying and disinforming, one knows that it must be effective.

    • Replies: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  163. meamjojo says:

    With vaccine protection falling with time, perhaps recently vaccinated should seek infection as “booster” against future variants? I have seen this speculation floating around and for lower risk groups this might make sense.

    The government and its Pharma partners would never buy into this. Even with various articles referencing studies showing that natural immunity is much better than mRNA/DNA shot immunity, they continue to push that getting a vaccine booster on top of natural immunity is even better. They will do anything to protect the Pharma profits, politician campagin donations and the money changing hands under the table.

    Now on Friday, Biden & Fauci are discussing booster shots EVERY 5 MONTHS! How about an Amazon subscription model?
    Biden, Fauci discuss requiring COVID booster shots every 5 months
    August 27, 2021

    • LOL: Raches
    • Replies: @niceland
  164. @utu

    The Big Pharma troll crawls out from ‘neath its rock. You’d better hope that there will not be Nuremberg type trials for crimes against humanity in working to push the gene therapy injections and suppress cheap, highly effective and safe medications like ivermectin. The only question left with your type is, are you doing Evil knowingly, or as some brainwashed dope.

    • LOL: Iris
  165. meamjojo says:
    @John Johnson

    Whose problem is it if the airplane you were sold a ticket for doesn’t have enough seats? Yours or the airplane company?

    If a million people want to buy tickets to a popular sporting event and the servers crash, whose problem is that? Yours or the company the provides the server service?

    If a hospital doesn’t have enough beds, whose problem is that? Yours for getting sick or the hospital for not being able to handle peak demand?

    I used to work in the IT world where many companies have performance guarantees with their users. If they can’t deliver a certain level of performance, then they either don’t get paid or have to rebate money. This drives companies to purchase more hardware capacity than they need at most times to leave 20-40% headroom. Doing this costs them millions of extra \$\$ per year.

    Hospitals are learning that they need to adopt the same principles.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  166. Latest numbers for Israel and UK multiple of India’s per capita covid daily death rate.


    Israel has now decreased to 7.6 India’s death rate. Israel 90% vaccinated. India 10% vaccinated.

    UK has now increased very slightly to 4.6 India’s death rate. UK 50% vaccinated. India 10% vaccinated.

    Israel’s multiple of India’s death rate has decreased slightly due to a large one day drop in Israel’s deaths bringing the 7 day average down a little.

    India’s covid death rate has been mostly falling for the last month but now slight rise for last 7 days. Now 0.35 deaths per million people per day = circa 1.5% of total daily deaths. Wouldn’t even be noticed in normal circumstances. Most Indian states now using Ivermectin. I believe two still not. With Ivermectin there is no pandemic and certainly no “emergency”.

  167. meamjojo says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    I don’t think you want to get animal grade Ivermectin. I am told that they may contain impurities that may be harmful to humans.

    That’s bullcrap, another example of how far the establishment will go to try and force people into doing what they want.

    Most people feed their pets and animals better quality food than they eat themselves, with less chemicals. The manufacturers know that people want only the best ingredients for their animals and don’t load their foods with chemicals that humans have to ingest.

    Did you every look at the jerky treats sold for dogs? They usually have no more than 2 or 3 ingredients. I’ve eaten dog jerky, its often better than human brands which too often have 5-10 ingredients. And significantly cheaper to boot! The only problem is that sometimes they contain small bone fragments, which can be annoying for humans.

    The other day I heard on the news that the state of MS had TWO people who had taken too much Ivermectin and wound up in the hospital. TWO! And they were making a big deal over that number. Meanwhile, I wonder how many heroin or opiate OD’s they had? Whew.


    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
    , @Charlie
  168. @JimDandy

    “So, the vast majority of the world’s leaders are all making the same mistake when it comes to pushing the vaccines?” … The World Bank made bailout loans contingent on national vaccine mandates.

    I think that’s only part of the story. Klaus Scwab’s power to influence and direct national governments through the levers of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and through his and creepy Bill’s effective control of the World Health Organisation, is way underestimated, even by Mr. Unz.


    FWIW, just take a look at the website of just one of the WEF’s subsidiary operations, namely the “Young Global Leaders” program. This is effectively an apprenticeship to identify and indoctrinate promising young over-achievers in the WEF’s Globalist ideology.

    Have no doubt, this WEF apprenticeship program is breathtaking in its reach. Virtually no field of industry, finance, research, education, media or politics has been left untouched by this program, with “alumni” planted in positions of influence and power in just about every nation on the planet.

    Here’s just a few noteworthy political figures selected from the ~800 “Young Global Leaders” alumni listed on that site (these are people who have “graduated” from Uncle Klaus’ WEF “apprenticeship”) –

    Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno – President, ProBogota, Colombia

    Igor Shevchenko – Leader, Successful Ukraine Party, Ukraine

    Kentaro Katayama – Director, Ministry of Finance of Japan, Japan

    Eikei Suzuki – Governor, Mie Prefectural Government, Japan

    Jacinda Ardern – Prime Minister of New Zealand

    H.R.H. Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway – Crown Princess of Norway

    H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway – Crown Prince of Norway

    Emmanuel Macron – President of France

    Marlene Malahoo Forte – Senator, Houses of Parliament of Jamaica, Jamaica

    Martin Lousteau – Senator for the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina State, Argentina

    Felipe Kast Sommerhoff – Congressman, Congress of Chile, Chile

    Angellah Jasmine Mbelwa Kairuki – Former Cabinet Minister of Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

    Alexander De Croo – Prime Minister of Belgium

    Livia Jaroka – Member of the European Parliament, Belgium

    Irene Tinagli – Member of the European Parliament, Belgium

    Sarah Hanson-Young – Senator for South Australia

    Samantha Freebairn – Wing Commander and Pilot, Royal Australian Air Force

    Chrystia Freeland – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Canada

    Elissa Golberg – Assistant Deputy Minister for Strategic Policy, Global Affairs Canada

    Lord Gadhia of Northwood – Member of the House of Lords, United Kingdom

    Kirill Dmitriev – Chief Executive Officer, Russian Direct Investment Fund, Russian Federation

    Gila Demri Gamliel – Member of the Knesset, Israel

    H.R.H. Prince Jaime de Bourbon de Parme – Senior Adviser, Private Sector Partnerships, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Netherlands

    Tulsi Gabbard – Congresswoman from Hawaii (D), 2nd District, United States House of Representatives, USA

    Wyclef Jean – Ambassador-at-Large of the Republic of Haiti, USA

    And here’s some more notables you may recognise –

    Mark Zuckerberg – Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Facebook, USA

    Kevin J. Martin – Vice-President, Mobile and Global Access Policy, Facebook, USA

    Jared Cohen – Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Jigsaw, USA (Jigsaw owns Google)

    Anna Marrs – President, Global Commercial Services, American Express Company, United Kingdom

    Shamina Singh – President, Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, Mastercard, USA

    … and that’s just a tiny fraction of the total number of WEF plants into key positions of influence and power all around the world from the “Young Global Leaders” program, which is just one of it’s many subsidiary operations that have been ongoing for decades.

    If you really think that there’s no way that Klaus Schwab and creepy Bill could possibly force all governments around the world to march in lockstep to their tune, think again.

  169. Adrian says:
    @Ron Unz

    I apologize for this off-topic diversion, but as you can see I find these other topics much more interesting than arguing about vaxxing.

    I am flabbergasted. There is far more involved than that. Not wanting to see that looks like willful blindness.

    Living in Australia one can see the fraud evolving under one’s very eyes. Even though we live in regional NSW, far from the so-called “outbreaks”in Sydney, we are currently not allowed to move further than five kms from our home and then only for “essential” things such as shopping for groceries or “essential exercise”. And we are not allowed to do shopping together.

    Visitors are not allowed.

    I don’t even know whether the 9-5 curfew applies to us because vagueness in the details seems to be part of the overall scheme.

    And how many deaths did we have in NSW (a state of 8 million people): 143 since the beginning of this pandemic:143. And these deaths were for the greater part probably with Covid rather than because of it. And lest you think that this low number is due to the lockdowns think again. Last year we had hardly any lockdowns in NSW. In Victoria however there was one after another. And yet Victoria’s mortality rate was then about 15 times higher than that of NSW, though decidedly still very modest compared internationally.

    Last year Australioa as a whole had under mortality and that is likely to be the case again thist year.

    And why this whole charade? To pressure people into accepting the jab which has turned out to be both ineffective and dangerous.

    If you think this all has to do with public health my question is why your usual scepticism towards generally acepted tales seems to have suddenly deserted you as far as this matter is concerned

    • Thanks: John Wear
  170. @kali

    I like the view from where you are standing Kali.

    • Replies: @kali
  171. @Random Anonymous

    1. Masking is not a zero cost/harm option and intervention, to the contrary.
    2. In practice, masking doesn’t make any positive medical difference at all, only negative ones.
    This is the case because no one uses them correctly. The vast majority wear them multiple times, filthy, picked out of the bag/pocket or from the rearvieew mirror, under the nose, under the chin etc.. No one got fitted for their 95 mask, although that would be essential for them to work and show the properties you listed. N95 masks also come with strict max. usage time and pause restrictions, which are suddenly completely ignored. Each mask must immediately be exchanged once moist, which would be the case after speaking more than 2 sentences. To exchange it, one would have to wash hands3x per exchange, and have a sterilized mask handy.

    Masks are Gessler’s hats, nothing else.
    And on top of that, they are harmful ones to the wearer/greeter.
    But maybe, that’s also deliberate, just as all other restrictions, mandates, PIs, lack of PIs and NPIs had and will have only one medical effect: reducing the average life expectancy of the plebs.

  172. gsjackson says:

    Well, we know from Mr. Lukashenko in Belarus that they ensured a uniform lockdown initial response to the “pandemic” by using the loans as bribes. This would be a continuation of that project to subjugate populations. When you say making the rounds — where’s this info coming from?

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  173. I believe our government employs at least one economist. So far, I have not seen one cost/benefit analysis on their actions concerning this virus. Have I missed something? Why should I interact with the medical community when I have no wish to? Why should I be required to protect other people by putting myself at risk? Why the sudden interest in me and my wellbeing on the part of those who would benefit from my passing (I’m retired, a useless eater)?
    I am put to mind an old Chinese curse. May you come to the attention of the authorities.

    • Replies: @Polemos
  174. “Indviduals who believed themselves opponents of totalitarianism and immune to a totalitarian impulse today desire, whether or not it will be obtained, that the Federal Government of the United States institute an internal passport regime on the basis of vaccination status. Whether by the force or the affirmative counsel of Federal authority, should such come to pass in this country as it has in other liberal democracies, we shall mark the date as that on which citizenship was cleansed of what remained of its meaning.”

    And that the constantly moralising so called ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’, left, center, center left, center right and greens are the most vehement practicioners and proponents of this segregation and discrimination makes it even more perverse.

    • Thanks: Polemos
  175. @Raches

    Actually, if Madame Hanfstaengl hadn’t had some martial knowledge you hero would never have been Reichfürher… Women can be very effective warriors. Some women in Africa (Niger to my personnal knowledge and experience with Beri-Beri) are also very keen to defend themselves and are tought how to use a knife they are given when becoming adults.

    Madame Leni Riefenstahl have done one of the best book about an African people, the Nouba of Ko, before the Sudanese mayhem destroyed their culture with AK 47… She amended herself (lol) and was quite impressed by their genuine”power of will”…

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  176. @meamjojo

    And due to the very flawed nature of pharmaco-vigilancy as it exists, the numbers of Vaers datas are at least underestimated by a factor of 10. In France, the local datas are kept hidden by the usurpators and serious researchers are obliged to use datas from abroad… It is catastrophic.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  177. Meanwhile, as for the situation on the ground in Australia, I recall a commenter in UR saying (or words to this effect), that we Aussies had capitulated to the Covid tyranny and were prostrating ourselves to our governmental overlords.

    Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Let me give you some background information before showing you a 1 min video .

    The whole east coast of Australia is under hard lockdown (the three largest states comprising two-thirds of the population). Concurrent with that, restrictions are in force like not being able to travel further than 5km away from your home – unless you’re deemed an essential worker.

    Well, there was a lot of pushback from people involved in relationships that lived further than 5km from each other with associated psychological blow-back that led to suicidal tendencies.

    So the government relented and as long as you nominate your intimate partner beforehand, you’re allowed to visit them under the ‘One-on-One Bubble’ exemption.

    You’ll hear that term in the video below as a police constable busts a truckie for a mask violation (you Yanks call them truckers), who is with his buddy or co-worker.


    Now I ask you, how many of your countrymen have the guts to talk to police that way in your part of the world ?

    Aussies can get away with that because a lot of Aussie coppers know the Covid psyop is bullshit.
    There have been resignations galore and/or coppers refusing to enforce a lot of the government edicts.

    MOREOVER, there is already a breakaway movement within the police force here in NSW (largest state of Oz), that is coalescing and building in numbers, I have been told, that is threatening to derail this totalitarianism.

    Watch this space – things are building up to a climax in Oz and if this lockdown B.S / talk of mandatory vaxxes and passports is not binned for good, the excrement is going to hit the fan in short order.

  178. @Random Anonymous

    Without adequatly respecting the existing protocol for their use, which is hard/impossible to apply on a daily basis for a very very large majority of the people, these masks are useless. Furthermore, because they have to be replaced every two hours before losing their efficacy (providing you didn’t touch it inbetween), how many of these should be used globally? Billions.

    When dealing with contaminated patients it is also seriously advised to use hermetic glasses because viruses can “jump” trough the eyes. How many glasses should be produced? Providing they are adapted to the different features of different visage…

    Finaly, masks must be adapted to the faces of the wearer. Masks designed for Asian don’t work on most Caucasians and there exists no N95 adapted to children…

    Laughingly crazy, isn’t it?

    And our children are supposed to wear unusefull face muzzle all day long… Saddly crazy, isn’t it?

  179. @John Johnson

    I have to give credit to Johnson & Johnson for one of those ‘alignment-of-the-planets’ rare occasions when he gets one right (although not for the false reasons that he’s propagating).

    J & J wrote:

    ‘Well I predicted early on that the hospitals would be overcrowded again thanks to Delta ripping through the unvaccinated and I was accused here by anti-vaxxers for spreading hype. ‘

    Now, let’s get something straight.

    I NEVER accused J & J of spreading hype. I would never have the audacity to stoop to that.

    No, what I said was:

    You’re a BALD-FACED LIAR who posts shit-for-brains comments.

    So, let’s look a little deeper into why some hospitals are beginning to get overcrowded and why there’s likely to be more of it.

    Let’s start with this article titled ‘Houston Methodist Hospital fires more than 150 employees who refused to get vaccinated’:

    So let’s approach this from an Economics standpoint and focus on the ‘Law of Supply and Demand’.

    Under normal circumstances, the ‘Demand’ for medical services (ie: quantity of sick individuals) is not great and the ‘Supply (the number of qualified nurses and doctors) is more than sufficient to cover any eventuality.

    However, the cabal that’s orchestrating the Covid psyop has issued draconian terms of employment whereby No Vaxx = No Job.

    This is BY DESIGN.

    By reducing the number of medical professionals, ipso facto this creates an excess burden on the few staff that remain – and hence ‘hospitals are overcrowded’, as rightly stated by the man named after the Big Pharma behemoth that’s funding him to peddle disinfo.

    Is it any wonder J & J that you’re known in several continents (UR is read widely throughout the world), as one of the founders of the ‘Axis of Disinformation’ – along with Raches, Utu and ThatWouldBeTrolling.

    J & J, you are one …. very … disgusting man.

    • Agree: meamjojo
  180. Anon[618] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wild Man

    That would be telling is a common phrase used by British children who refuse to reveal a secret, it is also used as a form of manipulation as in, I know something you don’t know.

    • Thanks: Wild Man
  181. Anonymous[393] • Disclaimer says:

    Unz should give a platform to Alex Berenson who’s just been kicked off of Twitter for publishing “misinformation” about the virus, usually quoting published studies.

    Whatever Unz may think about the virus and the vaccines, this is THE major political topic of our time. It’s a hell of a lot bigger than Afghanistan or even racial issues at the moment. And people who are considered so dangerous by the establishment as to receieve such bans should be heard.

  182. Skeptikal says:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    Yesterday I went to an the house of an acquaintance to play Scrabble.
    I told her truthfully that I had not been vaccinated, and she didn’t gasp or say, In that case you can’t come, but she did insist that we play outdoors. She has a lovely garden and patio area with tables, so that was OK. Even though it was starting to get dark.

    She would not allow me into her (very large) house.

    We did chat briefly about shots, as she will be taking a longish trip soon. She hoped she would be adequately protected with the shots she has had, and will have a booster in November.

    So I said, if she should catch covid, there are effective treatments, such as ivermectin.

    That shocked her!! “Invermectin [sic]! That is very dangerous. We have been warned not to take that. . . . I am not going to take something used as a dewormer for horses . . . I am following the advice provided by the CDC, and our other government agencies. . . . I am not one to look for alternative sources of information.

    I interspersed a few comments such as “Ivermectin is being used to good effect in a number of countries . . . There seem to be two universes of information about this disease and the shots and also treatments . . . there are a number of treatment protocols that seem to work. . . It has been announced by the healthy ministry in Japan that all covid cases will be treated with ivermectin . . . There is such a thing as off-label uses that gradually become accepted and ultimately get FDA approval . . . etc. ”

    I hope I planted a seed in the mind of this very intelligent woman, graduate of a top women’s college, who has also worked with nonprofits in Latin America. Perhaps her trip to Europe with will open her mind to some new views. Or, perhaps her friends there think exactly as she does.

  183. Skeptikal says:

    It would be interesting to keep a running tab on the number of words with which Mlle Raches bogs down these threads.

    Re (“Discourtesy is unspeakably ugly to me.)”
    Perhaps Raches has her personal definition of discourtesy.

    My definition includes snark, openly patronizing comments and snide personal attacks and insulting “psychologizing.” (I hope that is not a trigger for another lengthy spurt of verbal diarrhea! Deploy umbrellas!)

    These snide styles also are major distractions that derail actual discussion.

    Stick to the subject.

    • Agree: meamjojo
    • Troll: Raches
  184. Kali says:

    I read through your comment unconscious of who had written it, Polemos, with increasing gratitude.

    When I hit “reply” in order to express that gratitude I was warmed, but not surprized, to see that the writter was you.

    Thank you very much Brother/Sister Polmos, for your Light.

    With much Love.

    Naneste: “the Divine in me Bows to the Divine in you”.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Polemos
  185. George says:

    By vaxxed you mean mRNA vaxxed.

    I want to get ‘Vaxxed’ but can’t. I would like to get an old fashioned inactivated virus vaccine using old fashioned adjuvants. One is available, Sinopharm. I can’t get it because the Federal government of the US of A refuses to allow Chinese vaccines.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  186. False Flag Weekly News co-host Mike Springmann says: “Muzzles have failed. Distance has failed. Vaxx has failed. What is next? COVID camps?”

    I replied:

    “Yes, and then when COVID camps fail, they’ll borrow from Operation-Phoenix-style counterinsurgency: If the insurgents hide in the population, just ‘drain the swamp’ by eliminating the population. Likewise, to eliminate a virus, just eliminate the host species.

    “So if COVID camps fail, they’ll send firing squads and make sure everybody ‘gets the shot.’

    “I volunteer for the control group.”

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  187. @ThreeCranes

    The Delta variant, while highly contagious, is not near as deadly as the original. If it confers immunity to the whole family, isn’t [an infection party] the one we would want to get?

    Assuming you’re right about immediate mortality which I currently doubt but don’t yet have an informed opinion on, how do the “side effect” profiles, the morbidity of Delta and the vaccines compare? Are you one of the people who are concerned about spike protein pathology?

    • Replies: @ThreeCranes
  188. geokat62 says:

    The result: they use the unavailable branded product to justify politically motivated vaccination mandates, but they may then deliver the unbranded product to avoid any liability for vaccine injuries (there is no liability under EUA, but there is full liability under a market license).

    Seems perfectly legit to me. No sign of nefarious motives, whatsoever.

    Why, Big Pharma is as pure as the driven snow. I simply can’t understand why these anti-vaxxers are so reluctant to have a needle “plunged” into them, as that upright humanitarian, Alan Douchbagowitz, so eloquently put it.

    Speaking of eloquently putting things, I was just perusing an article written a few years ago by our very own good host, Ron Unz, that is currently posted on Russian Insider.

    Ron does an excellent job explaining how complicit the media was in helping the Bush administration deceive the American people into believing Saddam was responsible for 9/11.

    Excerpts from, The Case That 9/11 Was an Israeli Attack on the US Is ‘Overwhelmingly Strong’ – Ron Unz:

    At first I couldn’t believe what was taking place, simply awed by the breathtaking power and dishonesty of “our American Pravda,” with the establishment media so easily transforming black into white and night into day. Once again, quoting from my original article of that title:

    … True facts were easily available to anyone paying attention in the years after 2001, but most Americans do not bother and simply draw their understanding of the world from what they are told by the major media, which overwhelmingly—almost uniformly—backed the case for war with Iraq; the talking heads on TV created our reality…

    For most Americans, reality is whatever our media organs tell us, and since these have largely ignored the facts and adverse consequences of our wars in recent years, the American people have similarly forgotten…

    Author James Bovard has described our society as an “attention deficit democracy,” and the speed with which important events are forgotten once the media loses interest might surprise George Orwell…

    We live in a world of illusions generated by our media, and I suddenly felt that I had noticed a tear in the paper-mache mountains displayed in the background of a Hollywood sound-stage. If Osama was probably not the author of 9/11, what other huge falsehoods had I blindly accepted?..

    When media organs serve as ideological gatekeepers, a condition of widespread ignorance becomes unavoidable.

    After penning these extremely insightful words, one would think such a man would be extremely cautious about what any future administration would be pushing onto the public with the help of that complicit media.

    And recall that Mr. Unz, to his credit, had even put to his readers the following question:

    If Osama was probably not the author of 9/11, what other huge falsehoods had I blindly accepted?

    Well , fast forward a couple of years since that article was written and we find ourselves reading that when it comes to the Corona Attacks, we should take the current administration and the complicit media, regarding the safety of an experimental vaxxine and the need for mandatory passports, at their word.

    How can one explain this unexpected turn of events?

    Well, if you had read the article from which I just quoted closely enough, you’d realize that Mr Unz conveniently left himself an out:

    Now I am obviously just an amateur in the complex intelligence craft of extracting nuggets of truth from a mountain of manufactured falsehood…

    Translation: “Don’t blame me for being duped this time. After all, it’s complicated, goy!”

    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante, John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Hunter
  189. @anastasia

    Vax pushers chatter endlessly, but they are only interested in one question…

    Do you support mandatory vaxxing or not?

    If yes, then you may continue to chatter with them as much as you like.

    If no, then you are banned and fired.

    This is all about POWER — i.e. bending others to vax pushers’ will.

    There is nothing they hate more than people who simply want to be left alone.

    • Agree: Truth Vigilante
    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  190. Skeptikal says:

    Frontline Doctors advises against using animal-grade Ivermectin.

    “WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), a group of highly published, world-renowned critical care physicians and scholars, is troubled by the recently updated consumer guidance on Ivermectin from the FDA. The guidance from the FDA is misleading and has the potential to raise unwarranted concern over an important drug in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

    We support the FDA’s direction that humans should never take medication formulations meant for animals. We also agree that self-dosing of medications without the guidance of a physician is potentially dangerous and could cause serious harm.

    However, the FLCCC feels that other statements recently made by the FDA are misleading and serve to alarm the public about using Ivermectin as a treatment prescribed by a physician. . . . ”

    Read in full:

    • Replies: @Random Anonymous
  191. @George

    By vaxxed you mean mRNA vaxxed.

    I want to get ‘Vaxxed’ but can’t. I would like to get an old fashioned inactivated virus vaccine using old fashioned adjuvants. One is available, Sinopharm. I can’t get it because the Federal government of the US of A refuses to allow Chinese vaccines.

    Do “traditional” vaccines not include the very first one, that gave us the name from variolae vaccinae, Latin for smallpox of the cow? All “active” vaccines, ones that hijack cells like the mRNA ones do, trace their heritage back to that very first one for smallpox.

    You have a number of inactivated whole virus vaccines to choose from, I’m not even sure if any include adjuvants, and if India hadn’t imposed an export embargo you’d be advised to look closely at Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin. But you’ve got the cause and effect of “allowing” backwards. While it’s entirely possible “the US of A” would refuse to authorize a PRC vaccine on political grounds, first Sinopharm et. al. would have to make Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) applications, and at least a couple of entities that we though might do that declined after doing US based FDA strength Phase III trials, most notably AZ/Oxford and Novavax. The PRC/CCP would also have to allow inspects of the relevant factories, and that’s perhaps unlikely; it’s certainly been an issue with Sputnik V.

    Now, if the law is followed there will be no more EUAs for vaccines, entities will have to do the usual Biologics License Application, however much that process has been weakened by the “Biden” administration (no advisory committee meeting for the approval of Pfizer/BioNTech, only the prior one for its EUA).

  192. @Bugey libre

    Thanks for the video Bugey (comment # 181) – very entertaining.

    My Russian is very rusty so apologies if I get the title of the video wrong. I translate it as:

    ‘Kazachya Lezginka – O Rada, Rada (Anastasia Lantera)’.

    Kazachya = Cossacks and that’s the extent of my translation.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  193. @Kevin Barrett

    Mike Springmann is a good man – with a lot of common sense to boot.

    Meanwhile, just finished watching the latest FFWN and enjoyed seeing Lucy Morgan Edwards there.

    BTW, when is Tony Hall coming back on ? I’ve always liked hearing his balanced and objective viewpoints.

  194. @Skeptikal

    “I told her truthfully that I had not been vaccinated [sic], and she didn’t gasp or say, In that case you can’t come, but she did insist that we play outdoors.”

    She did you a favor – I now insist that anything but short interactions with The Pricked be done outdoors. Several times I have socialized for hours indoors among The Pricked and then felt ill for the next 18 hours or so, like I was coming down with a cold or flu. My girlfriend the nurse has felt this as well**. It is obvious The Pricked shed poisonous spike proteins months after their second Pricking. I once laughed at allegations that The Pricked shed their poison – I don’t laugh now.

    ** My gf the nurse will lose her career this October as Kate Hitler decreed all medical pros in Oregon be injected repeatedly with poison. She is ok with that; she is literally sick and tired from daily exposure to The Pricked.

    • Agree: Adam Smith
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  195. @Ron Unz

    thank you, ron unz, your temperance, patience & ability to view both sides, all sides, & encourage & allow others to do the same is a very mix, indeed. i appreciate you have created & allow this blog, your blog, to continue to be a platform for questions, & a venue for the search for truth. you are as near to our hypatia in these very strange & some say crucial end days. thank you for over-looking some of the rudeness of your guests, other hosts are not as broad minded or far seeing. above all it seems you approve the search for facts & truth & are broad minded enough to see the vessel isn’t so important as the wine. thank you.

  196. @meamjojo

    That’s bullcrap, another example of how far the establishment will go to try and force people into doing what they want.

    You may be right, however, while I am convinced that the so-called vaccine will harm me, and while the evidence from the use of Ivermectin in India is quite convincing to its efficacy as a treatment for Covid, I don’t have any data to give me confidence that the animal version of Ivermectin is equal to the human version, so I feel more comfortable going with the latter in these times of uncertainty. In my case, saving a few bucks wasn’t a priority. Others may conclude differently.

  197. @A little boy in the crowd

    Vax pushers chatter endlessly, but they are only interested in one question…

    Do you support mandatory vaxxing or not?

    If yes, then you may continue to chatter with them as much as you like.

    If no, then you are banned and fired.

    Some of us “vax pushers” can’t be fired, we’re old enough to be retired and generally untouchable. Although I haven’t come across what you’re implicitly claiming, that there’s a loyalty test being applied.

    For that matter, how come the anti-vaxxers, the ones who make their position on this crystal clear by refusing to get vaccinated, aren’t get fired from their jobs, at least not yet in large numbers? That may well change, but where I live it would be totally impractical for most companies which couldn’t afford to lose perhaps half their employees in an already tight labor market.

    (My position that it’s premature to make decisions on this prior to a vaccine getting approved had a spanner thrown into it by “Biden’s” FDA’s illegitimate approval of Pfizer/BioNTech’s vaccine.)

  198. The following sage words courtesy of a South African ex-pat now living in Australia, in relation to the ongoing implications of mass vaccination:

    Vaccinations = still keep your masks on.
    Vaccinations = social distancing remains
    Vaccinations = continual boosters as their efficacy declines within months
    Vaccinations = Apartheid (been there)
    Vaccinations = medical control over government
    Vaccinations = still getting infected
    Vaccinations = lowered innate response, many times more vulnerable to viral interference
    Vaccinations = chasing the “dream” of herd immunity, vaccines causing a cycle of new variants
    Vaccinations = lockdowns might not go away
    Vaccinations = The anxiety of “what am I really getting injected with?”
    Vaccinations = cops chasing vax-evaders whilst the paedophiles go child predating
    Vaccinations = a paranoid and divided society
    Vaccinations = vaccine injuries and deaths
    Vaccinations = listening to the endless cycle of bullsh*t on the news
    Vaccinations = sterile girls for a future barren world

    • Thanks: Charles
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  199. 737 VAX says:
    @Ron Unz

    I find these other topics much more interesting than arguing about vaxxing.

    There’s nothing to argue about regarding the COVID vaccines. Either you respect informed consent or you don’t. Either you respect the scientific method or you don’t. Either you respect constitutionally guaranteed rights or you don’t.

    You don’t.

  200. @Truth Vigilante

    Don’t worry Man, I didn’t understand it myself (lol) but I understand movements doing it with nagaïka, the Russian whip.

    I guess it is to announce a competition of Russian Cossaks Women, to know who would slice “vaccine enforcers” doing the more numerous bit and pieces of the daring poisoners….

    Children are supposed to go back to school in occupied France this week. My younger daughter is heartbroken because she won’t go. My arguments for school authorities are based on my precedent comment about N95 masks. Since only those are effective against that ‘black plague’, it is clear that the child won’t change it every two hours (the protocole take at leats 10 mn)after having been inspected permanently so that she won’t touch it with her hands and that furthermore, I haven’t found N95 adapted to children, she is much safer at home. I deeply regret that she won’t have the benefits of social life but she is about to go in a new school where she would anyway meet the others muzzled so it’s not that important.

    Furthermore, as more and more people organize around associations like “parents en colère” they will meet other children regularly and maybe the kung fu professor won’t be obliged to teach internal kung fu with masked children.

    Be strong, don’t bow, stand up! “We are together”

    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante
  201. @Polemos

    I’m always curious what people who say there is no such thing as SARS-CoV-2 as it’s never been isolated think about when they see these kinds of images. Could we hear from some of you what you think about when you see these images?

    I don’t deny the existence of something tangibly associated with ‘SARS-CoV-2’, nor believe a single word or picture of the obvious whores and liars of the state/pharma parasite. They long ago pissed away any benign credulity of observers (e.g. ‘cases!’). I see in their breathless coordinated hype the same childish attempts at deception of post-9/11/2001 opportunism—another scam easily seen through at the time. The state will easily prevail when they’ve removed my ability to look outside my window; if it were not for ‘information’ beamed in by ridiculously interested sources, and the presence of masks/signs, I would not know of the existence of the alleged pandemic. Powerful stuff!

    Anything state propagandists say, I figure the opposite is as likely, except when they’re trying to hoodwink by using the observer’s rightful skepticism against him. Those pictures are, in context, likely less than useless in finding truth.

    Side note, I marvel at the utterly pussified flabby stuff apparently composing most of the UR sounders. Charge into the microbes, fags, and may the fit prevail. Put down that bag of Doritos and torch your TV—step 1. It’s a good day to die.

    • Thanks: Polemos
  202. Polemos says:

    Complementing a comment made earlier by Iris, I offer this translation made by a friend:

    One cannot undergo vaccination against Covid-19 with modesty or discretion like all the others; it needs to be displayed as an example, it needs bombastic words that touch the hearts of the most reticent. “The vaccine is an act of love,” said a few days ago by the Pope, following in the tracks of Sergio Mattarella, who defines it as “a duty, the single effective instrument.”

    But even as the people [il popolo] clash and divide against themselves ever further with the argument over vaccination, even as the shadow of mandatory vaccination extends itself ever more menacingly over Italy, there remains the question [il dubbio] whether those who from the highest places preach the common good are themselves actually vaccinated.

    A fair question to which it is really quite difficult to give an answer, even as social media and television endlessly return us to the images [immagini] of Mattarella’s first dose or the photo [foto] of all Zingaretti’s doses. Although it is no secret that everything can be artfully contrived, especially a photograph or a video. Last month, Professor Alessandro Meluzzi, in a conference in San Marino, fired a very strong statement that has gone almost entirely unaccounted for: “The better part of those who have been vaccinated, from a certain sphere forward, have taken false vaccines. I will certify this because it has been offered to me, too.”

    Reached by telephone, Professor Meluzzi reaffirmed the statement, stressing that he had heard from many doctors and authoritative sources that “it is not difficult to get a vaccine with distilled water, or a fake certification. In a colossal imbroglio like the one in which we are now living, it seems to me that this is almost altogether normal.”

    La vaccinazione contro il Covid-19 non può avvenire sommessamente, come tutte le altre, ha bisogno di essere portata ad esempio, ha bisogno di parole altisonanti che arrivino al cuore dei più renitenti. “Il vaccino è un atto d’amore“, ha detto pochi giorni fa il Papa, seguito a ruota da Sergio Mattarella, che lo definisce “un dovere, unico strumento efficace“.

    Ma mentre il popolo si scontra e si divide sempre di più sull’argomento vaccinazione, mentre l’ombra dell’obbligatorietà si allunga sempre più minacciosa sull’Italia, resta il dubbio se coloro che a piani altissimi predicano il bene comune, si siano effettivamente vaccinati.

    Un dubbio lecito al quale è davvero molto difficile dare una risposta, mentre i social e le televisioni ci restituiscono le immagini della prima dose di Mattarella o le foto di tutte le dosi di Zingaretti. Anche se non è un mistero che tutto può essere costruito ad arte, soprattutto una fotografia o un video. Lo scorso mese il Professor Alessandro Meluzzi in un Convegno organizzato a San Marino ha lanciato una dichiarazione molto forte che è passata quasi del tutto inosservata: “Buona parte di quelli che si sono vaccinati, da una certa sfera in avanti, hanno fatto falsi vaccini. Ve lo certifico perché lo hanno proposto anche a me”.

    Raggiunto al telefono, il professor Meluzzi ha ribadito la questione, sottolineando di aver avuto notizia da molti medici e da fonti autorevoli che “non è difficile farsi fare un vaccino con acqua distillata, o una certificazione fasulla. In un colossale imbroglio come quello che stiamo vivendo, mi sembra anzi che sia quasi del tutto normale“.

    Perhaps he’s just trying to grab attention, as it’s only the one man stepping forward to describe what happens among those “in-the-know.” No doubt there is temptation to accept such an offer —and consider the ease with which such an offer sits on the table given how corruption and mendacity and self-centeredness are endemic among those whose lust for power and influence took them deep into the shadow and the black worlds— and no doubt even the poor and the suburban and the hobbled will face their own variations of this same temptation to lie one’s way into conformity, without clandestine or alterior purpose, without duty to Cause requiring subterfuge, solely for survival and just one more turn in this life.

    Just remember that Slugworth ultimately worked for Willy Wonka and was acting. He was there as quality control. Whoever chooses from the quality of their heart will find their choice rewarded. If you make a mistake, just give the Everlasting Gobstopper back.

    • Thanks: Cloak And Dagger
    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  203. @Je Suis Omar Mateen

    Greetings and respect to your girlfriend. Yesterday, our demonstration changed it’s course and we went to the local hospital to show support to the healthcare workers. Health care workers are getting organised everywhere. Last week, in one city, nurses burned their diplomas and professional clothes to show their deep ressentment

    Two tribunals in France have already ruled out the ‘passe totalitaire’ as illegal because people wouldn’t have access to food… We should never give up.

    Take care

  204. Charles says:

    A person thinks of the millions(?) who will read that article and believe it without question. If the person has a soul, he weeps.

  205. @Truth Vigilante

    I forgot to give you another news from the frontline of health autonomy. Yesterday we made a beautifull harvest of artemisia sinensis annua, you know, the antiviral plant that is officialy use with great benefits for the population in Madagascar. The benefits being much less for the pharmafia, as you must know, the local President have experienced a coup d’état attempt.

    A part of our stach is for my 76 years old mother who refuses defiantly and adamtly to be inoculated.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  206. @JimDandy

    What does it do, btw? I bought some just to have, but haven’t integrated it in any plans. I figure if they’re banning it, I want some.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  207. Polemos says:
    @The Real World

    Thank you for the inspiration to look around! This article has many links to further articles to search to inform us about this concept and how far along development is . . .

    Plant Edible Vaccines: A Revolution in Vaccination

    Plants have been used as a source for many pharmaceutical since long. However, utilization of plant systems for production of edible vaccines has been a comparatively recent phenomenon. There are several potential advantages of plant derived vaccines over other conventional systems of vaccine production such as mammalian or avian cell culture. The cost of vaccines is one factor preventing further use of vaccination, leaving hundreds of thousands of children susceptible to preventable diseases. Especially for developing world this novel technique proved to be a boon for its low cost of production, convenient administration, easy storage and negligible chances of infection whereas the conventional system of vaccine production limits the applicability of vaccines in many parts of the world. These vaccines are prepared by introducing selected desired genes into plants and inducing these genetically modified plants to manufacture the encoded proteins. Transgenic plants may provide an ideal expression system, in which transgenic plant material can be fed directly as oral dose of recombinant vaccines. Expression of vaccines in plant tissue eliminates the risk of contamination with animal pathogen, provides a heat stable environment and enables oral delivery thus eliminating infection related hazards. Identification of transgenic material, containment of the transgenes and control of recombinant protein may be potential problems for large scale production of vaccines in plants. Factors like scaling up production as well as distribution and handling of transgenic plant material must comprise the future consideration in this field.

    Also, more broadly:

    Plants as bioreactors: Recent developments and emerging opportunities

    In recent years, the use of plants as bioreactors has emerged as an exciting area of research and significant advances have created new opportunities. The driving forces behind the rapid growth of plant bioreactors include low production cost, product safety and easy scale up. As the yield and concentration of a product is crucial for commercial viability, several strategies have been developed to boost up protein expression in transgenic plants. Augmenting tissue-specific transcription, elevating transcript stability, tissue-specific targeting, translation optimization and sub-cellular accumulation are some of the strategies employed. Various kinds of products that are currently being produced in plants include vaccine antigens, medical diagnostics proteins, industrial and pharmaceutical proteins, nutritional supplements like minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and biopolymers. A large number of plant-derived recombinant proteins have reached advanced clinical trials. A few of these products have already been introduced in the market.

    As for vaccine atomization, this seems helpful for grasping benefits and pitfalls of attempting to vacccinate through spray:

    Developments in the formulation and delivery of spray dried vaccines

    For our future reference, what I did to find these articles is something any one of us can do, too. Just clear out everything after .gov in these URLs and use the search box at the top. For the transgenic plants articles, I searched for ‘vaccine plant splice’ and it came up with at least 130 candidates. For atomized vaccines, I searched for ‘atomized vaccine’. You can be as narrow or as broad as you wish to find articles on themes you’re searching for. Thank you, again, The Real World, for the encouragement to look.

    Happy hunting, y’all! 🎯

  208. Skeptikal says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    I will be watching for your comments with updates regarding the situ in Australia, Truth V.

    Thanks in advance.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  209. @Bugey libre

    I don’t profess to be as worldly-wise as you my friend and am not familiar with the artemisia annua plant.
    I’ll have to look into it.

    Meanwhile, this video just in from the Aussie Cossack:

    It seems that a Covid testing clinic was burned down in Sydney’s west today.
    It may well have been a False Flag and been set on fire by the police, as a pretext to enable the coppers to crack a few more skulls.

    Or, it may indeed have been conducted by citizens who refuse to put up with the oppression.

    All I can say is that Australians will not put up with the B.S for long.

  210. niceland says:

    Sadly, I think you are correct.
    After highlighting the study I cited above, ex New York Times reporter Alex Berneson was banned permanently from Twitter. If I remember correctly this is the second time he is banned from the platform for citing new studies. Last time he was let back in after some confusion.

    With friends like Twitter, the pro-vaxx campaign doesn’t need enemies. Actions like this are not going to convince anyone in the other camp to get vaxxed.

    From afar the situation in the U.S. looks likes ‘the lunatics have taken over the asylum’.

    • Agree: Raches
  211. JimDandy says:

    Same. And I don’t know, exactly. Reduces the risk of mechanical ventilation, I’ve heard.

    • Replies: @TomSchmidt
  212. Charlie says:

    And significantly cheaper to boot!

    Last I checked twenty of these ridiculous 3 mg tablets of ivermectin cost \$30 down at CVS. That’s 2-1/2 doses for a big guy like me. Add to that whatever the online doc charges for a prescription.

    Compare \$9.99 for a 6.08 g tube of 1.87% ivermectin “Apple Flavored” paste down at the pet shop, a full five doses, and they don’t ask any questions at the counter. The applicator is graduated in lbs body weight for 0.2 mg/kg dosing. A friend in the construction trades squirts it out by the inch, 36 mg/in I think but please do your own calcs. The only downside I’ve experienced is the horrible apple flavor.

    Related to the MS ivermectin ODs…

    Propaganda doesn’t get any dumber than this.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  213. JimDandy says:

    So, if a person had a Twitter account, and they also had a website, and on that website they revealed skepticism about the Covid vaccines–and became known as an “anti-vaxxer”–might that make it more likely that they’d get kicked off of Twitter?

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  214. Look, the rich liberals get a lot of bad press but it’s good to see prominent Democrats setting a good example of how to stage a Covid-safe party in the midst of a pandemic.

    Barack Obama gives his pal Jimmy Dore a call in the interview below, and demonstrates why he’s so admired for his humility and empathy for the downtrodden across the globe:

    Barack Obama – a real man’s man (which explains why his spouse is a man).

  215. @Skeptikal

    No sooner had you asked, here is the update of the latest from down under (refer to comment 215).

    Thanks Skep. I read all your comments and appreciate all you’ve said to date.

  216. Rahan says:

    The next upcoming wonder-jab–Novovax–is the third type of clot shot, the “subunit protein vaccine”.

    Like Russia’s EpiVac, Taiwan’s new Medigen, China’s Anhui (which they’re trying out on Uzbekistan)

    So for now the West and its vassals have two types of kike-spike serums: Rna and Adenoviral, and soon will the third type-subunit protein.


    It’s been a long time now. Even if at first they perhaps honestly believed the clot-shots provide better protection and less side-effects, now it’s obvious that the situation is the opposite. Why no trad vax?

    Every member state of the US or Canada or Australia, every member state of the EU could produce one tomorrow. Turkey, Kazakhstan, Iran and Cuba made themselves ones. Why not the West.

    I do not believe this is a minor issue. To the contrary, this is one enormous blind spot that is mentioned by no one anywhere. Why does no western state (with the exception of Hungary) neither produce nor import a trad vax?

    Something smells really really rotten.

  217. anon[418] • Disclaimer says:

    Mandatory “vaccination” is the great question of our times. The reality is that the “vaccines” are unnecessary, dangerous, and do not work anyway. You can easily prove that for yourself with minimal research. The sham is shallow. If healthy and already immune people can be coerced into succumbing to this thing, then what is left of any liberty, minority rights, science, and sanity?

    First, natural immunity is almost certainly permanent and impenetrable. Three recent studies – from Cleveland, Israel, and the UK Office of National Statistics – show this clearly. All three report zero or low rates of reinfection among the previously infected. The few suspected cases of reinfection most likely correspond to PCR false-positives, or two different illnesses caught by the catch-all PCR. Whatever the case, at worst, clearly natural immunity is far superior to anything the “vaxx” offers. The CDC estimated in the spring that a third of the population has a had the virus. Hence a third of the population does not need the vaccines due to natural immunity.

    Next, healthy young people are invulnerable to the virus anyway. You can check the numbers for yourself. Only about 6000 under 35 have died from the virus out of ~600k fatalities in the US – and those were spectacularly obese or extremely sick from something like cancer. For healthy people under 35, a priori the virus poses no treat. That’s also a third of the population.

    Next, even for the frail, treatments exist. You can easily look up three different treatments applied by elite frontline doctors – those by Dr. Kory, Dr. Zelenko, and Dr. McCullough. Kory and McCullough are well-published, and all three are actually taking care of patients. Their treatments are now backed by dozens of papers. Mortality could have been reduced by 90% as early as last summer. Reduce mortality by an order of magnitude, and you have 60k deaths in the US – along the lines of the flu, and no reason for lockdowns etc. Of course people will die if they get no treatment! Even a flesh wound can get infected if not cleaned.

    We never needed the “vaxx”. Treatments exist, the young are invulnerable, and at least a third of the population is already immune.

    Next, the “vaxx” is dangerous. VAERS currently reports in the order of 10k deaths. This is an obvious undercount, since it takes 30 min and a doctor’s credentials to log in a report – if one knows about the system and is willing to go against the grain. As a ballpark, suppose the real count is 3-5x greater, and put the deaths at ~30-50k. This coincides with what a whistleblower claimed a few weeks ago. It also corresponds with the rise in unexplained deaths in the CDC’s own mortality statistics – column “Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (R00-R99)” here:
    Apart from the deaths, people get debilitating injuries. How many? Anyone’s guess. But if in war you get ~1-3 (?) wounded for every fatality, call it 40-120k disabled by the “vaxx” on top of the 30-50k dead.

    The correct comparison is not “CDC’s [clearly biased] safety claims compared to the expected death rates given no treatment and stressful lockdowns”. The correct comparison is “demonstrable vaxx casualty rates vs expected virus death rates under treatment in a calm and caring environment”. And under the correct framing, it is blatantly clear that the cure is worse than the disease.

    Third, the cure does not work. You have access to the numbers in Iceland and Israel (and Britain and Cape Cod in that CDC study and other highly vaccinated places). The “vaccinated” are falling ill and going to the hospital and dying in proportions similar to their proportion in the population. So the “vaxx” does not effectively prevent infection, or spread, or complications, or morbidity. Whether the stuff is 0% or 10% effective is an academic question of no practical consequence. Even assuming new boosters can be made for the “variants”, clearly the variants will outpace production and distribution.

    So why the push for mandatory injection with this thing? You figure it out; what is clear is, the stuff does not work, is dangerous, and is unnecessary.

    We are in the great tribulation of the generations of the post-war era. This is our World War, our Revolution and Counter-Revolution, our great trial.

    @Ron.Unz – as in the period of 1933 to 1941, the battle lines are being drawn. Most of us lack influence. You have some. Which side will you take?

    • Thanks: Polemos, aj54
  218. Polemos says:
    @Jim Richard

    Here are some links that might be of use to you!

    Employment recovery in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Additional Information About the Updated Budget and Economic Outlook: 2021 to 2031
    . . . but see also:

    Pandemic Impact on Mortality and Economy Varies Across Age Groups and Geographies
    (Not in-depth, but quick facts)

    Racial Disparities in Excess All-Cause Mortality During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic Varied Substantially Across States
    (This one feels like it’s up Steve Sailer’s alley)

    Economic Report of the President: Together with The Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers, January 2021
    (Trump’s last Hurrah)

    (A much broader view from They Know Who)

  219. @That Would Be Telling

    Some of us “vax pushers” can’t be fired; we’re old enough to be retired and generally untouchable.

    Obviously you won’t be fired if you’ve been vaxxed. And vaxxing will include mandatory booster shots every six months for life.

    As for retirees, some politicians are taking about ending retirees’ Medicare and Social Security if retirees don’t get the death jab.

    How come the anti-vaxxers, the ones who make their position on this crystal clear by refusing to get vaccinated, aren’t get fired from their jobs, at least not yet in large numbers?

    Since you are commenting here, you clearly have Internet access. Evidently you choose to ignore the endless news stories about people being fired, or being threatened with being fired, if they don’t submit to the clot shot.

    Regarding economic impracticality, you are correct. In France the vax passport edict has been so economically devastating that courts are having to overturn it.

    See this for example…

  220. @niceland

    With friends like Twitter, the pro-vaxx campaign doesn’t need enemies. Actions like [permanently banning ex New York Times reporter Alex Berneson] this are not going to convince anyone in the other camp to get vaxxed.

    Indeed; I didn’t come up with this bon mot, but the answer to wrong information, here his framing of the study, is more information. Like “Yeah, this paper says you’ll get 13x better immunity from an infection (against Delta) than a vaccine, but the side effects are disproportionally worse.” And looking at Wikipedia on your island’s vaccination campaign, that would appear to hold true for AZ/Oxford as well which is not authorized in the US (they didn’t try). For it in particular you have to weight its lower efficacies, ditto one jab Janssen except it has a better side effect profile and efficacies.

    If Wikipedia’s NHS England source is to be believed, and this figure is credible, for AZ/Oxford to avoid hospitalization against Delta it’s 71% with a confidence interval of 51–83%. Scotland says 33% (23–41%) for avoiding symptomatic disease, and a meager 18% (9–25%) for asymptotic (not many places frequently checking for that, with the U.K. again being a notable good outlier in monitoring). Although avoiding hospitalization by no means covers all morbidity, but I’d guess it to be better than without a vaccination.

    Your island per Wikipedia per Our World in Data basically flat lined at 250-262K people fully vaccinated in mid-June out of ~370K total not subtracting children, about the time Delta arrived thanks to tourists (any attempts to quarantine them?).

    From afar the situation in the U.S. looks likes ‘the lunatics have taken over the asylum’.

    True from the very beginning from a multitude of reasons. Any update on what your public health authorities are saying now? Last I remember you were saying they were pretty despondent, which probably would describe a good fraction of those in my part of Red State America, “vaccine hesitancy” here is much higher than your nation as a whole.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @niceland
  221. @JimDandy

    For some time Twitter has held that actions off of their site will be considered for punishments, starting with the ludicrous removal of blue check marks that just confirm the identity of the account. So if an anti-vaxx website got on the radar of the totalitarian tech Left we’d expect action.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  222. Emslander says:
    @gay troll

    How many sock puppets do you operate here?

    In my decreasingly interested time on this site, which might merge seamlessly with the MSM as necessary, I’ve identified about seven sock puppets.

    They show up as the energy is running out of a thread and start arguing with each other in long streams of gibberish that is usually irrelevant to the issues. LOL

  223. Emslander says:
    @Vagrant Rightist

    This means a policy of ‘zero covid’ is clearly not actually on the table and never has been. It also means that those scientists (and we are told to trust the science) know that the policy of a vaccine mandate will never eliminate covid, rather it provides a new, unsolvable and very lucrative demon to endlessly chase, much like ‘systemic racism’ or diversity industry.


    I love your post. It is the clearest statement, yet, of the demonic nature of our health care/government tyranny.

    • Agree: John Wear
  224. @Polemos

    You are so welcome.

    Do you know how much more exciting and fascinating life is if you just maintain an open mind? I do, so that’s why when I see someone post a comment with an ‘out there’ idea, claim or theory, I am compelled to see what I can find.

    And, as you discovered, there is info right there, easy to obtain. (Btw, normally, I would fetch the links to post but, it was very late when I wrote my comment. Thank for filling-in the info.)

    The other amazing thing is the wretched powers-that-be are quite open about much that they are working on, doing, planning, etc. They don’t care about some people knowing as long as they control the media.

    Lastly, to tie-in with vaccines in vegetables, you know who the largest, private farmland owner is in America today, right? Bill Gates.,Land%20Report%20found%20in%20January.

    • Replies: @Polemos
  225. Skeptikal says:

    I am very curious to know whether any of the scientific and medical eagles commenting here find anything in the video below, with Dr. Peter McCullough, to question or disagree with:

    The title of the video is “All questions Covid with Dr. Al Johnson and Dr. Peter McCullough,” from August 20. Thanks in advance!!

    • Thanks: John Wear, Morton's toes
    • Replies: @John Wear
  226. Polemos says:

    I appreciate the Love and the Gratitude, but please send it to my friend (paroikousa) who wrote it, the link is at the top of that comment (in the blockquote). He is a brilliant, beautiful, and firey young man who, I think, is probably the world’s foremost yet unacknowledged expert on Giorgio Agamben. (Maybe in five years or less he’ll be acknowledged.) I have had the honor to teach him, to get to know him, to work alongside him, to spend time hiking with him or just sitting around shnooting the shnit, going back and forth discussing and sharing and learning. A genuine man, with genuine Spirit, giving genuine heart.

    While I am no longer myself a Christian, people such as him remind me that Jesus —the living one— still has much to do with and through His true people on this earth.

    I don’t write nearly as well as he does, anyway. (Too many hard hits to the head and the heart)

  227. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    “Every one being allowed to learn to read, ruineth in the long run not only writing but also thinking.” — Nietzsche

    …it’s hugely gratifying to discover that at least one… seems to have read and appreciated…

    That goes both ways. I meant what I said here. Moreover, it is questionable whether my sometimes spending hours of patient effort on one blog comment is more gratifying to the appreciative reader, or to me for reaching such readership.

    I have rarely ever commented anywhere on the Internet. Here, my total surpassed 100,000 words earlier today—most within the past four weeks.

    I am not racking up this terrific wordcount just to hear myself talk; if and when so desired, I can talk to my friends, or to an encrypted diary. “Arguing on the Internet” is not my preferred use of time, either. Notwithstanding what I said at the conclusion of this comment, I do not think I would have been able to keep up my participation here, let alone so much of it, if I were not aware that I have at least some overt readership of the “hugely gratifying” type.

    Perpend the many commentators who *yawn*” at me or which curse me out, or who complain that I don’t hide my words behind “more” tags,¹ and who weave conspiracy theories about why the moderator does not impose them on me,² or give me a diagnosis of “verbal diarrhea”—etc., etc. I am waiting for some rube to make fun of my vocabulary; it is inevitable. They are not my readership.

    …even being able to quote many of them chapter and verse.

    Let us seek a diagnosis from a doctor of philo-log-y. After what is essentially a swipe against man’s degeneration from vox dei to vox populi, the above epigraph continues: “He that writeth in blood and proverbs doth not want to be read, but learnt by heart.”

    Incidentally, so many of the useful features I built into this system—including the Ignore list, popup reply texts, and new comments—so heavily rely upon Javascript and cookies, I’m really amazed that you’ve been able to get so much out of this website without having them.

    Notwithstanding all the time that I have spent on your website, I have almost no experience with its advanced features.

    I mentioned my unvaccinated unscripted status most to let you know that although Google, et al. have brainwashed everyone into sneering at the marginal fringe eccentrics who still disable Javascript, that numerically minuscule audience may be important to you. I understand that it may be impractical or impossible to build advanced interactive features without client-side scripts. But as I have mentioned in several comments, some websites cannot even be read in the manner of reading a deadtree book. Others are partly broken, with CSS that breaks without scripts, or most perniciously, “lazy-loading” images that refuse to load without scripts, showing instead only placeholders, blurred versions, or blank spaces.

    In a democratic age, the weight of numbers is all that counts. In a capitalist age, the weight of “eyeballs” for advertising is all that counts. Those who build websites for proletarian herds of unthinking mass-men may be quite happy to exclude me; insofar as I am concerned, that is their loss.

    I reject and condemn the whole democratic-capitalist Weltanschauung. If I were building a website, each great individual reader would be worth more to me than a million mediocre monkeys. I, a totalitarian, repudiate “individualism”—yet I care most about the individual.

    If you build a website to attract independent thinkers who are aware of important issues, then you do not want to exclude the numerically minuscule no-JS readership. I myself never would have read your articles, if I needed to enable Javascript merely to read them; and there is a chicken-and-egg problem: I would not know that they were valuable to me, so I would just shrug and go away, as I do on many sites. How many others are similar in this aspect? The answer to that question cannot be predicted; and if you seek to reach numerically small sets of highly intelligent people, each individual really does count.


    Coming full circle to the epigraph up top:

    “The Talk”, Raches Edition

    Peasants were happier, in the times when they were not allowed to learn to read. And in fact, they never actually learned to read. Most people are not “literate” in any meaningful sense: They can make just enough use of written words to use Twitter and Facebook. That is why peasants prefer videos.

    Videos make peasants happy. They are unhappy, when archivists who write ten thousand word articles disdain their precious videos. How elitist aristocratic!

    Of course, I mention this not from any affected concern for the happiness of peasants, in and of itself. I merely point out that egalitarians harm the low, upon which they dote, as much as they ruin the high, whom they hate. Cf. the mass-destruction inflicted by white liberals on rhymes with triggers. Teaching peasants to “read” differs only in degree from shoving pickaninnies into white schools, where they are even worse off than the white peasant kids.

    The written word is aristocratic. That is its nature. Corrupting the written word with democratic mass-“literacy” has exactly the result that Nietzsche wrote in his blood and proverbs: It ruins not only writing, but also thinking. Writers write drivel for peasants. They impose the spirit of peasant videos on the written word, for fear of having peasants “*yawn*” at them, curse them out, or ridicule them for being too “smaaaaht”—sound familiar, Mr. Unz? In the long run, this reduction of writing to the lowest common denominator eventually ruins all thinking.

    Our New Dark Age is democratic. It is a mortal sin to acknowledge a basic fact of life: The masses are just not very far removed from the apes.

    This brings me to summarize one of the points that I have been intending to elaborate at much greater length, as commentary on “The Political Bankruptcy of American White Nationalism”. I concur with the titular conclusion, although I disagree with many of the underlying premises; and I desire results quite different from yours, except as for America. (I laugh at the self-made fate of white Americans, and reck less of their misery than they do of their victims’.

    Race matters. It matters in many ways, including but not limited to this: The “intelligent” races produce a few thinkers—and the masses from “intelligent” races make competent farmers and tradesmen, the labor force that the thinkers need as their tools. Thus is civilization upraised from the jungle. The races without all of these elements stay in the jungle, where they are as happy as monkeys eating bananas—or where they were, excepting occasional use as slaves, until Christian pests and “Enlightenment” liberals with Rousseauistic hallucinations³ started a global pandemic of do-gooding.

    Racialism is necessary but insufficient for a sane political philosophy. This is where populist racialism falls flat. The overwhelming majority of alt-righters, present-day white nationalists, and Trumpists are liberals. They simply limit their worship of Equality to “all whites” to the exclusion of other races, in the same manner that other liberals demand the equality of “all humans” to the exclusion of other hominines. It is a difference of degree, not of principle.

    Many of them are uppity peasants, who want to feel superior to rhymes with triggers—but who will never consistently apply the same principles to their own innate, unalterable inferiority. They whine endlessly about “elites”, rather than about “extractive elites” and elite criminals. Their own native intelligence is too low for them to understand that there always has been, will be, and must be an elite ruling class: The choice is between a benevolent, honorable, accountable ruling class—a truly aristocratic class, in the proper sense of the word—versus a ruling class of unaccountable robbers and parasites: The natural ruling class of a democracy whereby, paraphrasing and slightly altering Professor Oliver, agitators stir up the dregs at the bottom to become the scum on top.

    In the abstract, the substantial difference between MAGA and BLM is that MAGA has less talent for riots: Their “riots” are like wet firecrackers. Rhymes have a racial genius for breaking things and setting them on fire, beating up anyone who gets in their way, and looting every shop except the bookstores. In these achievements, they are incontestably superior to white people—excepting a few extraordinarily talented white liberals and other Communists, who meet the high membership standards of Antifa.

    There are several other important reasons why I philosophically reject most of the ideologies identified as “white nationalism”, despite some sympathy for Dr. Pierce types. I will not reach them here, save to note that most of the major points are intertwined.


    Coda: But what about Hitler?

    Adolf Hitler’s greatest stroke of genius was that he, like Caesar, seized the power of the masses to destroy the power of the mob. He was not at all a “populist” in the American sense.

    He sincerely loved the masses. He was a Socialist; he and Dr. Goebbels both would be none too thrilled with what I have said here, or perhaps, with the way that I have said it. But Hitler repeatedly referred to the “aristocratic principle” as a “law of nature”. He acknowledged the basic facts of life.

    Beneath the surface, despite some essential differences, the result was in many ways essentially similar to what Mr. Unz found in the history and culture of China. A peasant boy with an outlier IQ would get a university education for free; but all of those who lacked the highest abilities needed to snap into line, and obey their superiors for the common good. Despite the abolition of hereditary class privileges, there was a strictly enforced hierarchy—with social mobility that went both ways. Stauffenberg types were displeased—both ways—and they showed it with rampant treason.

    So noted—with the emphasis that I myself am not a National Socialist. If I were a German in Hitler’s Germany, then for the greater good of the nation, and to contribute to such achievements as one mortal individual can never attain by himself, I would conform myself to the system, seek to join the National Socialist Party, obey the Führer with military precision, and serve with utmost loyalty. But I’m not, so I can’t; and I do have substantial critiques of that system.


    1. —Which, by the way, require Javascript to expand.

    2. It does not dawn on those who complain about my length that this website is run by an author of ten thousand word articles, all of exceptional quality—none of which they can likely read from start to finish, with full comprehension. Those who make conspiracy theories about “more” tags fail to realize that in seeking to maintain at least some basic standards for discussion, such an author must judge quantity by its quality.

    3. N.b. that I link to Wild Man’s comment because of his premises—which he does not understand, and which may be inconsistent with what he believes to be his conclusions. (Observe also that Wild Man’s 2,000-word comment did not get a “more” tag imposed on it.)

  228. JimDandy says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Thanks. Well, if I had a website that published controversial material and my Twitter account was important to me, I might be wary of being known as an anti-vaxxer. I might even loudly declare that I was an anti-anti-vaxxer.

  229. Skeptikal says:

    A powerful statement.

  230. @Polemos

    Thank you,

    Not very apetizing… Meanwhile… We have entered a Great Solar Minimum and their are solar flares which could wipe out all the tech grids in a second… I have read Nick Bostrom (first professor ‘of’ transhumanism in Oxford) some 15 years ago. Basically, he said that we were collectively bound to be wipe out out by a meteor like thing, or glaciation… So tranhumanism was a way, to where? I have never really understood.

    Let’s resist that totalitarian kakistocratic, pathocratic delirium seems to be the order of the day if you are a true human being, thinking that the cells in our body are meant to produce spike proteins.

    Amor fati…

    • Replies: @Polemos
  231. JimDandy says:

    People I know who spend a lot of time in the anti-vaxx-0-sphere.

  232. Polemos says:

    Just another reminder to folks that That Would Be Telling stated they were going to stop posting about COVID-19 and not check replies.

    Comment 1213 of “The Covid Debate: to Vaxx or Not to Vaxx”:

    That Would Be Telling says:
    August 23, 2021 at 1:19 pm GMT • 6.2 days ago • 400 Words ↑
    @John Wear
    I intend this to be my last posting on COVID-19 here on and I won’t be checking for replies, but I won’t hold myself to that in the ensuing months and years.

    Couldn’t even hold themselves to three days, though, right back hitting the juice. Maybe we can all do our part to help them on the road to recovery. Internet addictions are dangerous things, and someone who expresses a desire to step away and not get involved needs social support networks to help. Let’s help them hold themselves accountable. After all, didn’t you also notice Be Telling attempt to forget they said that? Denial is dangerous for addicts!

    Looks like I’m back on the Ignore list, though, so I can’t be of much use helping them recover sobriety! Of course, as I said earlier (#100), I completely deserve to be ignored by anyone taking me seriously.

  233. JimDandy says:

    A Chicago mother is appealing a court order that revoked her parental visiting rights because she declined to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

    When Rebecca Firlit and her ex-husband of seven years participated in a child support hearing via video call on Aug. 10 for the purpose of determining the terms of shared custody of their 11-year-old son, Cook County Judge James Shapiro inquired about Firlit’s vaccination status. After Firlit told the judge she did not receive the vaccine because of adverse reactions she has had to other vaccines, he ordered her to be stripped of her parental right to visit her son until she has been vaccinated.

  234. @JimDandy

    Unreal. You MIGHT could make a case for protecting a kid with leukemia, organ transplant or immune dysfunction from a parent unwilling to take the jab, but there’s no evidence of that in this case?

    Children are the least at risk from Covid-19 of any demographic group. Of 351 0-17 year olds who have died of Covid-19 (of a population between 70 and 75 million), there is no evidence of any being healthy before infection (according to Marty Makary there were no reports of healthy children dying of Covid-19).

    887 of children have died this year of (non-Covid) pneumonia (CDC provisional counts). About 800 kids drown each year, most under age 5. Rather than being accepted as a major break, all the science on children and Covid-19 is ignored or cherry-picked for fear mongering. Yes, children get infected, but handle the infection fine (mild or asymptomatic in most cases). Yes, children have high viral loads, but are poor transmitters of Covid (speculation is their high viral titers are ‘dead’ chewed-up RNA; possibly children have RNAses (or DNAses) that are better at fighting viruses than adults (haven’t seen this resolved). Children’s responses to Covid have been studied in every major country on earth, and are not at risk of dying from the disease and are at very low risk of passing Covid-19 to others. MIS-C is basically American appropriated Kawasaki’s syndrome, easily treated since the 1970s. But fear for THE CHILDREN resonates with Americans who act on instinct with no critical thinking skills.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  235. Ron Unz says:

    Thanks for your very kind words. I’ve deliberately tried to ensure that the core functionality of the website wasn’t broken by lack of JS, though the latter was required for many of the fancier features I’d built.

    I have rarely ever commented anywhere on the Internet. Here, my total surpassed 100,000 words earlier today—most within the past four weeks.

    Given the volume and quality of your short essays, i.e. comments, I’d really been meaning to ask you whether you’d previously been writing somewhere else. I found it difficult to believe that you hadn’t but also difficult to believe I hadn’t come across any of your writing in the last few years if you had.

    Incidentally, don’t you yourself find discussing these broader historical or philosophical issues more interesting that trying to participate in the endless battles between the crazy anti-vaxxers and the fanatical pro-vaxxers?

    • Replies: @niceland
    , @Raches
  236. Ron Unz says:

    With friends like Twitter, the pro-vaxx campaign doesn’t need enemies. Actions like this are not going to convince anyone in the other camp to get vaxxed.

    My own impression is that many of the most energetic pro-vaxxers are the worst enemies of the pro-vaxxing campaign, just like many of the most energetic anti-vaxxers are the worst enemies of anti-vaxxery.

    That’s pretty typical of lots of ideological battles. For example, I’ve noted that many of the pro-China activists who participate in this website severely damage their own cause, as do many of the anti-China activists.

    I sometimes wonder what fraction of all these people are actually paid saboteurs of the other side…

    • Agree: Raches, niceland
    • Replies: @meamjojo
  237. meamjojo says:
    @Bugey libre

    And due to the very flawed nature of pharmaco-vigilancy as it exists, the numbers of Vaers datas are at least underestimated by a factor of 10. In France, the local datas are kept hidden by the usurpators and serious researchers are obliged to use datas from abroad… It is catastrophic.

    It’s actually closer to 1%! Below is an analysis. Also, don’t you use the EUDRS/Vigilance dB in Europe/France? That isn’t hidden, is it?

    Again, WHY isn’t the so-called 4th Estate doing investigative stories and counterpoint on all aspects of Covid? How have they all been silenced?
    Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse
    Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)

    Inclusive dates: 12/01/07 – 09/30/10

    Principal Investigator: Lazarus, Ross, MBBS, MPH, MMed, GDCompSci
    Team members: Michael Klompas, MD, MPH
    Performing Organization: Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.
    Project Officer: Steve Bernstein

    Submitted to:
    The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
    U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
    540 Gaither Road
    Rockville, MD 20850


    Preliminary data were collected from June 2006 through October 2009 on 715,000 patients, and 1.4 million doses (of 45 different vaccines) were given to 376,452 individuals. Of these doses, 35,570 possible reactions (2.6 percent of vaccinations) were identified. This is an average of 890 possible events, an average of 1.3 events per clinician, per month. These data were presented at the 2009 AMIA conference.

    In addition, ESP:VAERS investigators participated on a panel to explore the perspective of clinicians, electronic health record (EHR) vendors, the pharmaceutical industry, and the FDA towards systems that use proactive, automated adverse event reporting.

    Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed. Barriers to reporting include a lack of clinician awareness, uncertainty about when and what to report, as well as the burdens of reporting: reporting is not part of clinicians’ usual workflow, takes time, and is duplicative. Proactive, spontaneous, automated adverse event reporting imbedded within EHRs and other information systems has the potential to speed the identification of problems with new drugs and more careful quantification of the risks of older drugs.

    Unfortunately, there was never an opportunity to perform system performance assessments because the necessary CDC contacts were no longer available and the CDC consultants responsible for receiving data were no longer responsive to our multiple requests to proceed with testing and evaluation.

    • Thanks: Bugey libre
  238. meamjojo says:
    @The Real World

    I’ve used the OpenVAERS dB, which can take you down to the year level. With a max per page display of 312 (where did that number come from???) you get 44 pages of dead for 2021. It’s not that hard to advance to wear you want to be.

    I will submit a request to give us more granularity on their search.

    I have not tried the HHS search version.

  239. meamjojo says:

    There has been some mention of Covid risk/benefit not being of any apparent concern in some past comments. Here is an article that discusses that.
    The Bizarre Refusal to Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis to COVID Debates
    Are those who oppose a ban on cars or a radical reduction in speed limits sociopaths, given the huge number of people they are knowingly consigning to death or maiming?
    Glenn Greenwald
    Aug 25, 2021

    In virtually every realm of public policy, Americans embrace policies which they know will kill people, sometimes large numbers of people. They do so not because they are psychopaths but because they are rational: they assess that those deaths that will inevitably result from the policies they support are worth it in exchange for the benefits those policies provide. This rational cost-benefit analysis, even when not expressed in such explicit or crude terms, is foundational to public policy debates — except when it comes to COVID, where it has been bizarrely declared off-limits.

  240. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    Thank you for teaching me something new about Professor Oliver. From what I have gathered about the final months of his life, the quote from Mr. Piper’s book makes sense.

    I immediately wrote a long reply here, loaded with Oliver-related information, inter alia. I held it because it is too revealing about me, my special affinity for the professor, and how his works have influenced the course of my life. Perhaps I may follow up later.

    As I said, the Kennedy assassination is not of great interest to me—although I understand why it is to others; and it is more definitely more interesting than talk about vaccines, an issue for me of forced attention and not much curiosity. I regret not having read Mr. Piper’s book before. It is now on a (long, chaotic, perpetually backed-up) reading list.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Truth Vigilante
  241. @meamjojo

    At least we have Israel who has sold out to Pfizer for an earlier vaccination campaign as a bellwether to watch. The Israelis have fully vaccinated 62% of their (adult?) population. Importantly their physicians do not seem to be censored as much as dissenting scientists in other countries. Israelis pointed out that as many as 1 in 3000 teenage boys could have myocarditis from the Pfizer jab. (“Mostly short-acting and self-resolving”.) Try criticizing vaccines in the US (which are very useful for the Vulnerable targets of Covid-19– the elderly and those seriously ill– but pointless for the young and healthy). Most non-US countries take deaths from vaccines seriously, here we are told “the patient was old!” Of course, just about everyone who dies from Covid globally is also old, median age 82 (past the average life-span).

    In the US, the jackhammering Biden administration is pushing vaccinations, claiming an “Epidemic of the Unvaccinated” is responsible for almost all Covid hospitalizations and deaths. In Israel, with 62% fully vaccinated, about 60% of their HOSPITALIZED Covid patients are also fully vaccinated (so far, deaths are not up in the vaccinated). However, the point of the vaccines is to block serious cases (presumably those hospitalized) and deaths. Israel vaccinated their Vulnerable first, and 87% of their vaccinated, hospitalized cases are over age 60. However these are the only Israelis who really needed the vaccines; their immunity seems to fade within 5 months, and they now need a booster.

    If the Pharma companies are planning to make bigger fortunes out of boosters, the US government should remove their liability shield. There goes their profits. Covid vaccines appear more reactive, and with more adverse effects than most other vaccines. The vaccines are worth the risk for the Elderly and medically compromised, but not for healthy young people.

    Increasingly natural immunity looks much better than Pfizer vaccine immunity (nice, powered data from Israel, and smaller US studies on delta outbreaks) and natural immunity decreased new Covid cases and deaths by 80% in the US from mid January to mid March, before significant vaccination. People with natural immunity spread the virus much less than the vaccinated, so while no vaccine herd immunity is possible, perhaps natural herd immunity? Estimates of Americans with natural immunity range from 100 million to 250 million. Coronaviruses don’t normally induce huge antibody responses, so we don’t have good assays to ascertain if people have had Covid-19 a year or more ago.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  242. peterAUS says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    There have been resignations galore and/or coppers refusing to enforce a lot of the government edicts.

    Doubt “resignations galore”. Source/numbers?

    MOREOVER, there is already a breakaway movement within the police force here in NSW (largest state of Oz), that is coalescing and building in numbers, I have been told, that is threatening to derail this totalitarianism.

    You sure about that?
    Riccardo Bosi talks about it. Sounds good.
    My gut feeling: something’s…… amiss… there. Just me.

    Anyway, we’ll see what happens with:

    My take: nothing of substance re the scandemic.

    “They” are well organized, have enormous resources and clear goal/agenda. The real movers and shakers, that is.

    “We” still don’t even recognize what’s really going on. “We” as 5 % of population, tops.
    The rest of common folk (I’d say 80 %) simply do not think….

    To finish the post on a sort of positive note, I’ve found this
    useful reading. Explains a bit about elites, masses, changes etc. Mosca and Pareto parts in particular.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
    , @utu
  243. niceland says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    but the answer to wrong information, here his framing of the study, is more information. Like “Yeah, this paper says you’ll get 13x better immunity from an infection (against Delta) than a vaccine, but the side effects are disproportionally worse.”

    Sure, but from my point of view there wasn’t much wrong with his framing either in his tweets. I didn’t see him suggesting people should try to get infection to acquire natural immunity. In it self it seems rather moot point to worry about – people seeking infection to get natural immunity against the same infection.

    Your island per Wikipedia per Our World in Data basically flat lined at 250-262K people fully vaccinated in mid-June out of ~370K total not subtracting children, about the time Delta arrived thanks to tourists (any attempts to quarantine them?).

    No, not yet. But they did clamp down a bit;

    NOTE: From 27 July 2021 vaccinated passengers (and those with a prior infection) born in 2004 or earlier, must present a negative PCR or antigen test (not older than 72 hours) prior to boarding a vessel to Iceland.

    Not much happening since my last update. The critical variable now is number of hospital and ICU beds. The situation is very difficult in our main hospital who had close to zero excess capacity even before covid. Now they are suspending all kinds of operations to deal with covid patients.

    I have casually been trying to figure out the real size of this latest wave of infections but without much luck. I suspect it’s by far the biggest we have had. It really looks like the vaccines are doing good job in preventing serious outcomes. But again, our high risk groups, even if vaccinated are very careful. It’s mostly young people being infected now. Strange anecdote: in the age group below 60 we now have 3 deaths. All of them foreign travelers.

    Any update on what your public health authorities are saying now? Last I remember you were saying they were pretty despondent

    Still are. The seem happy with low rate of serious outcomes. Disappointed how far we are from heard immunity. Recommending vaccinations for the un-vaxxed. Currently busy trying to figure out how to open up schools this autumn. It looks like we will have another winter of chaos with endless infections popping up and entire classes or small schools closing for quarantine purposes. Not exciting to have to deal with all that again.

    But with parliamentary elections coming up in few weeks the picture is blurred. Covid policy won’t be big election issue. I think they and most else have accepted the idea we will have to live with covid for many months or few years. No magic bullets to be had. Very different reality from last June.

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
  244. SBaker says:
    @Wayne Lusvardi

    Some interesting myths here, but what you refer to takes place in situ, not inside the cell of a victim of a full blown infectious dose of coronavirus set up inside a few hundreds targeted cells. Viruses are not alive, but are inanimate objects–a package of nucleic acid inside some protective coating. They are like seeds that come to life when conditions are favorable for making copies of themselves. Once they contact specific cell receptors for the viral ligands, they inject their nucleic acid material into the cell to hijack the biochemical machinery of the cell to make copies of themselves. Vaccines have been around since the 1700s and have saved countless lives. They are nothing new, but the technology today compared to crude preparations of just 4 or 5 decades ago, has significantly advanced. Think of the power of your cell phone. I personally have vaccinated 1000s of animals of a half dozen species–these are anecdotal testimonials; I’m not claiming stringently controlled experiments, but vaccines work. I can understand why it is so difficult to convince primitive tribes of the value of vaccination. It is difficult to understand why some Americans refuse except for the aforementioned tribes. Oh, before I forget, we have been vaccinating for coronaviruses specific to cattle, dogs, horses, pigs, etc for at least 50 years with a great deal of success in the field.

    • Replies: @BaronAsh
  245. @Josh Gerard

    To clarify, I’m not “pro-mask”. In the original Whitney/Unz thread, I wrote “pointing out the ineffectiveness of masks is important, and it’s one of the easiest parts of the COVID narrative to debunk. Moreover, once someone has grasped the nonsense of that part of the narrative, it’s much easier to consider and understand the nonsense of many of the other parts as well.” In the comment you replied to, the first source I quoted shows a nearly negligible ~10-12% effectiveness.

    But I wanted to correct what I understand to be misinformation about viral particle size vs. mask hole size. I also described myself in one of these threads as being in the vax-unconvinced half of the viewpoint spectrum. There is a lot of misinformation on both sides, and I think it helps credibility as well as helps get to the truth if it is pointed out, even, and perhaps especially, if it comes from one’s own side.

  246. Wild Man says:

    Hello again Raches. You featured my response to your analysis of Nietzsche (both from previous thread), here in this comment. But I’m not sure preciously why … what point are you trying to make? …. that aristocratic elitists should get to decide whom qualifies as elitist, … ‘elitist’ as defined as those whom should be given cultural voice? Why would my 2,000 word essay response, you reference, help your cause in this vein, given that my claims are antithetical to your claims, …. if indeed you just point to my claims, and proclaim said claims are misguided, without explaining your judgment around that?

    You featured my said response to your analysis of Nietzsche, here in this comment as:

    “Christian pests and “Enlightenment” liberals with Rousseauistic hallucinations³”

    Then, by way of the footnote (3), you claim I do not understand the premises of westernism, and as such, you go on to claim my supposed confusion as informing my conclusions, perforce, will therefore supposedly very likely to be inconsistent with said premises that I supposedly do not understand.

    Raches ….. not nearly good enough. You can say stuff, and claim stuff, until the cows come home … but if you do not engage with the content of the response of mine, that you have hereby featured, … it’s all just rhetorical maneuvers. Which is anti-western.

  247. @Skeptikal

    I believe they advise against it mostly because they can hook you up with doctors who will prescribe it. If there were no such doctors I imagine they would advise taking the veterinary versions. In addition, keep in mind they’re all doctors, trained by the medical system. Most of them probably still believe in doctors as prescription gatekeepers. Even if they don’t, they need to appear as responsible and respectable as possible. BTW, most probably know this or will find out quickly if they research it, but there are both oral and injectable forms, and my impression is that the injectable form can be taken orally (with the right dosage).

  248. Polemos says:
    @Bugey libre

    Absurdity to follow . . .


    Buried in the deep lore across cultures are stories of ancient and highly advanced civilizations —advanced spiritually speaking, not so much like contemporary material technology— civilizations that were destroyed by either cataclysmic fire or cataclysmic flooding (or both, one leading to the other!). We also have widespread evidence of these kinds of events, such as worldwide megalithic ruins (Brian Foerster goes to a lot of these sites to find these clues) bearing signs of very intense heat or regional indications of ancient flood inundations (Graham Hancock comes to mind as a big proponent of this, but obviously has his critics).

    One guy with a very fascinating theory-of-everything is Douglas Vogt of (it’s his own) the Diehold Foundation, who connects not only the structure of the Hebrew alphabet to the vast hypercomputer creating our multidimensional (but virtual) reality on behalf of the God who encoded all of this into the Torah, but also both of these to a universal clock cycle that results in, as he puts it, every star in the universe going nova as part of the computational timing of this reality, with just a part of this grand story told over a day’s worth of lectures found on YouTube. He claims that the next iteration of the clock cycle, thus a nova burst, is in 2046±6, presaged by magnetic pole reversal (happening), scaling up in geomagnetic and earthquake activity(happening), and changes in the output of the Sun(happening), and that “the elites” not only know about this (the usual CIA suppression of key texts demonstrate foreknowing what to suppress) and have known about this since the 1950s, but are actively creating massive DUMBs as civilizational hedges to survive not just the nova but the tidal waves and the long Ice Age to follow. (Won’t work, though, and they were sold, literally, a Very Big Lie, and some are finding this out far too late to change the program.) Hardly any of us will survive, but then hardly anyone survived the last several of these bursts. (Imagine CERN staff get wiped out by vaporizers but only its custodians survived because they were in the closet changing mops . . . loss of knowledge is signficant in understanding or reinventing, and sometimes losses are culturally permanent, but the psychic trauma stays recorded in the collective unconscious and in the lore —for anyone willing to seek it out)

    So, one could combine these kinds of near-term megadeath scenarios with the very real REPO market manipulations that began in September 2019 (tip: peterAUS) signalling a very real megabankruptcy scenario for our vastly interconnected —and singular— global marketplace, generating enough (though ultimately imaginary) wealth right on cue for finally capturing vast real estate, military and productive resources while using lockdowns and various forms of population and border control to remove all competitors through devaluing/stripping their collected assets by hyperinflation and systemic illnesses. That is, the tools of capital and medicine are used to create enough influence to convince one group of people to “stand down, stand by” and allow themselves to become potentially useless (unable to resist or mount a retaliation) at The End while a much smaller group of people assemble together the best and most qualified (i.e., the most powerful, so they say) to prolong the human species in very complex and well-defended places designed and intended to survive Doomsday. By weakening the vast majority of people through chronic illnesses and despiritualizing technologies/techniques, this smaller group of genetic/spiritual elite has a much better chance to survive on behalf of the entire human race, just as God chose a small select group to survive the Flood He used to eliminate the rebellious Watchers and Shemihazah, so the story goes.

    It’s a Dark Story, but with enough time studying the universal patterns within transcultural lore, a person can see a Pattern worth orienting one’s life around. One of my own theories is that this is part of the goal with Jigsaw collecting together not only all of the world’s past written works but also all of the current conversations and statements, to start piecing together a deeper understanding of what the human collective unconscious is trying to tell itself through all of us individual instances ‘mindlessly’ chattering away (fractally speaking, we are the neurons for the Mind, just as our know-nothing neurons form our mind), but also to start reversing the manipulation of Mind over us and gain cross-dimensional access to Its own self-awareness, to make it believe certain things are true so that they do, in fact, become true in the hyperreality we collectively construct —if Big Brother is convinced we won the war in Africa by each of us ardently believing it is so, we will have already won. We have collectively created money, after all, and our consistent hallucination of its reality induces us to believe that money is what motivates people to do things, when it is clear that the only reason why any person does what they do is because they will it to happen.

    There’s a lot more to it than this, from the role artificial intelligence —a Singular digital Sentience— plays in transhumanist mythos to the on-going cultural implosion of Western mainstream’s mythologies (from such things as Star Wars, Marvel Universe, Doctor Who, Star Trek, DC, to more broadly: Christianity, scientific methodology and philosophical praxis, institutional accountability and racial solidarities, and more), clearing out psychic space for nihilistic forces within every person’s concerns to chip and eat away at their empathy and awareness of other consciousnesses, entities, beings, and friends —who could help them. But to go very far into this would require a wholly separate topic, with wholly separate terms, with wholly different means, for something that few people would find as meaningful to their lives as concerns over their mortality and their family’s mortality —which is very meaningful and real and not as surreal as what I’m getting at or cursed to think endlessly about, having read far too many books and hearing the whispers that there’s more to all of this than meets The Eye.

    Thank you, reader, for indulging me in what probably amounts to a waste of your time, but at least you picked this time, our time, to waste!

    • Thanks: Mehen
  249. gay troll says:

    Did you never learn that brevity is the soul of wit?

  250. JimDandy says:

    Yeah. The flu is much more dangerous to children than Covid. Covid is not dangerous to kids.

    I’m waiting for the defense of this Shapiro, though, followed by a denial that this vaccination mania has gotten absurdly out of hand. Laughter is an instant vacation.

  251. John Wear says:

    Thanks for this video with Dr. Alfred Johnson, D.O. and Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D. I live in Dallas and will see Dr. Alfred Johnson this coming Thursday morning for a routine annual physical exam.

    I found it interesting that Dr. Johnson mentioned hyperbaric oxygen therapy in this video. I have had 75 hours of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with Dr. Johnson. Although it is quite expensive, the hyperbaric oxygen therapy I received from him did help with my chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition which I have had since December 2007.

    When I see Dr. Johnson I will recommend Dr. Carrie Madej’s videos to him. They both went to the same D.O. school in Kansas City and are both self-professed Christians. I am hoping Dr. Madej’s videos will give Dr. Johnson some additional information concerning the dangers of the COVID shots.

    • Replies: @The Real World
  252. @Raches

    If you’re going to link to so many of your own comments, you should ask Ron Unz to add the hover popup feature to those links in addition to the @whoever links that the hover feature is already enabled for. I and probably others would be a lot more likely to hover and get a peek at the linked comment than to click through to it.

  253. Mark Hunter says: • Website

    Where is “utu” now? He seemed to think only cranks promoted ivermectin.

    The mainstream reversals so far, or in the process of reversing:
          Covid-19 is a naturally occcuring virus. — It’s was bioengineered.
          The PCR is a valid test for Covid-19. — It is useless for that purpose.
          There is no evidence Ivermectin treats Covid-19. — There is lots of evidence.

  254. Anon[336] • Disclaimer says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    First I’d note you’ll get a lot further if you attack what I say, not myself.

    Excellent point, you may want to advise your girlfriend, Ronni the Anti-Antivaxx Crackpot, to adopt a like frame.

  255. niceland says:
    @Ron Unz

    Incidentally, don’t you yourself find discussing these broader historical or philosophical issues more interesting that trying to participate in the endless battles between the crazy anti-vaxxers and the fanatical pro-vaxxers?

    When I asked you to create new thread because the last one was getting cumbersome – for some reason I choose these words.

    We still have somewhat interesting discussion going on and some fun

    Thanks for providing us platform.

  256. gay troll says:

    Gosh, I should have realized Moses was trying to save us all from the next solar nova when he transcribed Yahweh’s blueprint for squeezing every last shekel out of the human race. Such are the pitfalls of interpreting history.

    How nice of the author of this simulated universe to publish a cryptic how to manual! Expressing a highly advanced mathematical reality via the Hebrew alphabet, and then using that alphabet to spell out instructions for intolerance, deception, rape, and murder! What a thoughtful and considerate brainteaser!

    What was that dude Jesus’s problem, preaching against the Torah and trying to convince the Jews to worship on Sun-day? He must have wanted us all to perish in the next nova. Which is why he is now boiling in semen for the rest of eternity. Bad Jesus!

    Tikkun Olam: steal the world.

    • Thanks: Polemos
  257. Dumbo says:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    I don’t get it how the FDA can approve a product/brand that doesn’t exist yet?

    And I also don’t understand how they can keep mandating the Emergency Use Authorization for Pfizer/BioNTech, if both Pfizer/BNT and Comirnaty are (supposedly) essentially the same thing?

    I mean, if the vaccine was the same as before and was really fully approved, then it makes no sense to extend the EUA for it.

    And if the vaccine is not exactly the same, then it makes no sense to approve if before it exists.

    It seems just stupid legalese to give to the public the impression of being “fully approved”, without getting the liability of actually being fully approved.

    • Agree: JohnnyGodYilmaz
    • Replies: @Ilya G Poimandres
  258. Ron Unz says:

    I regret not having read Mr. Piper’s book before. It is now on a (long, chaotic, perpetually backed-up) reading list.

    I think it’s probably one of the most important JFK assassination books, and absolutely seminal. But although it contains an enormous wealth of important material, it was written by someone lacking normal editorial resources and support, so it’s poorly organized and really something of a hodgepodge, with the hard copy even more difficult to use than the HTML version I provide on this website.

    I immediately wrote a long reply here, loaded with Oliver-related information, inter alia. I held it because it is too revealing about me, my special affinity for the professor, and how his works have influenced the course of my life. Perhaps I may follow up later.

    It’s obviously not my place to question your caution, but I really wonder whether it’s necessary unless you’re a prominent public figure of some sort.

    My strong impression is that except for such individuals, the only people subject to systemic harassment or other “repression” are those who build up large followings with videos or Tweets, usually by saying stupid things. So if you attracted millions of followers by claiming that vaxxing was a diabolical plot by the Reptilians and Bill Gates to enslave the world with nanorobots, an army of investigators might try to pierce your hidden identity. But I doubt if any of them has even heard of Prof. Oliver, let alone care about one of his adherents.

    Similarly, I don’t think anyone bothered Oliver for the last three decades of his life, they just ignored him.

    On the other hand, celebrities usually get into trouble for carelessly suggesting horrible things on Twitter such as the notion that only women can give birth.

    Consider the other commenters on this thread as a test-case. The main reason most of them are angry at you is because they suspect you’re an ADL agent or a secret pro-vaxxer or someone just clogging up their thread with very long comments which distract people from the dire threat of Bill Gates’s nanorobots. I’d guess that most doxxing-activists are of a similar caliber.

    As long as you don’t include your legal name, home address, and SS# in your comments, I can’t imagine you’d be taking any significant risks.

  259. DELTA VARIANT. I don’t believe it.

    “Delta variant” is a myth, a lie invented to cover up for illnesses induced by the injections. The deaths from injections are accelerating. The “delta” lie will spread fear and drive more people to take the deadly shots. It will motivate ignorant, red-faced “health authorities” to apply more restrictions and more force to mandate more injections. A fearful public will accept the lethal injections. It seems like this ugly cycle can only accelerate until we’re all dead. It’s looking really bad.

    Today three big crushers, double masked, walked past me on the sidewalk. I was unmasked and expecting trouble, but they passed by. I hope they choke on their own gasses and bacteria.

    I refused to have my temperature taken in a restaurant today. I was surprised when they served me anyway.

    I do what I can, but I see little hope. The magnitude and horror of the unfolding crime are difficult for me to grasp, like trying to visualize the infinity of the universe.

    • Agree: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  260. I terminated funding of an endowment today when I learned that my alma mater mandated lethal injections. I don’t see how junk science, propaganda and coercion can advance research.

    I do what I can, but I fear the worst is coming. We are as a species no better than we were at the Salem witch trials.

    • Thanks: meamjojo
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  261. @John Wear

    …with my chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition which I have had since December 2007.

    Hey John Just some thoughts to share. I am sure that I had that for at least 10 years. I researched like crazy what to do about it and, as you likely know, there isn’t much that’s conclusive in the way of successful treatment. (Except some Docs do find ways to make some good coin off of it.)

    But, let me share this although I can’t prove it was what turned things around for me. One medical study I heavily skimmed some years back asserted that gut health may be a major factor in ME/CFS. Well, that subject was something I had been casually gathering info about for awhile. The natural community had been focused on that for years related to many conditions. The issue is alot of people have a yeast overgrowth inside their stomach lining called: candida albicans. (Do a search on Google Images using keywords: candida inside stomach …to see pics. Nasty.)

    It generally get caused by the food/beverages you consume and sometimes too many antibiotics. So, I got serious about my diet — WHAT I was consuming. I’ve always had a good, balanced diet but ate/drank too much sugar and ultimately realized that yeast doesn’t sit well with my gut.

    So, I cut down on sugar hugely, incl juices and wine. Didn’t drink beer anymore b/c of the yeast (I’m a light drinker but, geez – no more beer? I’m German, fercrissakes) and cut down on breads, baked goods, anything with yeast. I also made sure I had adequate vitamin intake and solid sleep.

    Well, again, I can’t prove it but, I started all that about 5 years ago and within a year was feeling noticeably better and in another 6 to 12 months about 90% improved. Can you believe that? Call me now a huge believer in good gut health. Hope that info helps you.

    • Agree: Kali, Polemos
    • Thanks: John Wear
  262. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Argumentum ad hominem

    You said to Polemos:

    First I’d note you’ll get a lot further if you attack what I say, not myself. Of course, if someone can’t do the former, perhaps they should defer to those who can instead of spinning fantasies about who and what I might be??

    I should highlight something that I said, which Mr. Unz quoted at the top of the prior thread:

    In the ensuing discussions, impose a moderation policy that excludes empty invective and ad hominem fallacies—while recognizing that cogently presented ad hominem arguments are not always fallacious.

    To demonstrate that someone is a liar, i.e., a person who with malice or wanton recklessness makes false and fraudulent statements of material fact, is the canonical example of a non-fallacious ad hominem argument.

    An interlocutor’s identity and/or connections may be relevant, if they really do reveal ulterior motives. Where many “conspiracy theory” types fall flat is that they jump to conclusions, they don’t give a damn about evidence, and they tend to assume that anyone who disagrees with them must be a shill or an undercover agent. So, if Mr. Telling makes positive remarks about the Pfizer vaccine, and he supports those remarks with verifiable evidence and reasoned arguments, why—he must be on Pfizer’s payroll as a secret shill! Gotcha! And I am Mr. Unz’s sockpuppet, and I am a Jewish outside collaborator of the Mossad (the definition of a sayan), and Mr. Telling and I have definitely been coördinating our arguments behind the scenes to present some Kabuki theater.

    That is fallacious—not because it is an argument ad hominem, but because it is an argument ad hominem premised on such a tangled mess of other fallacies as defies logical description. It exactly fits the description: When you have nothing else to say, attack the person instead of what he says. Just hurl some made-up accusations at him. Incidentally, if you use this tactic, that makes you a liar.

    Once someone has abandoned all semblance of rational argument, and turned instead to a campaign of rude insults and actively malicious libel, making that person cry is not, properly speaking, an argument: It is just deserts.

  263. @aj54

    I’m going to drop my vax injury and death info right here to support your assertion about that.

    I have relevant info to share and was waiting til I got all the necessary details and confirmations, which I now do (except one).

    FYI, in the over 1.5 years this illness has been with us, I have known a small handful of people who had Covid, incl me (an intense, prolonged bout in early 2020) but have known no one who was hospitalized for it or who died with/of Covid.

    Contrast that with these stories of vaccine reactions just in the last 7 or so months since they’ve been widely available and these are only from my little universe. The details are accurate.


    1) A 65 yr old acquaintance got jabbed in early Spring. Some time later she began feeling badly – deep body aches, extreme fatigue and more that wouldn’t go away. She’s a retired nurse so she eventually correlated that the symptoms lined-up with fibromyalgia so she went to the Doc who agreed with her (there is no test for that illness). The Doc gave her meds that are helping but, will she have to be on them the rest of her life? What side effects or risks do they have? She did not have fibromyalgia before 2021.

    2) A 76 yr old female neighbor got her second jab in late March. A couple weeks later she descended into what became a 2.5 month episode of vertigo. She had been a bit prone to it in the past but, just for a day or two. Nothing like this! She stayed in bed many days b/c she felt unsteady and nauseous if she stood, the dizziness was so bad. She also didn’t drive many days b/c she feared an inadequate ability to do so. Two and half months of debilitation! Then she recovered and two weeks later came down with what was obviously Covid, the symptoms were spot-on. She was hacking so hard she finally went to the Docs – who didn’t even mention Covid or test her for it – in this supposed “pandemic”. They could see internal bruising near her ribs on x-rays from the deep, intense coughing. She finally recovered from that after over 3 weeks of feeling like total crap. I told her it’s likely that the vaccine brought on both of those.

    3) A friends 21 yr old son took his second jab in early July and began to feel badly soon after. In 6 weeks he has lost 19 pounds (from 137 to 118), has been deeply fatigued and tests show his white blood cell count is messed up. I guess he’d doing a little better now b/c he went back to college classes. But, his parents are worried about it. Such an extreme reaction to a young, healthy guy.

    A) This lady was 68 yrs old, healthy, a cousin of # 1, above. She hadn’t needed to see a Doc in a few years for anything but, had taken the Covid vaccine. She attended a family reunion over July 4th where #1 spent an hour talking to her and she was fine. Three weeks later she was found dead, slumped over the steering wheel of her car in the driveway. They decided to do an autopsy and the info I have, so far, is that the coroner confirmed she had myocarditis (a known condition amongst the vaxxed). There was no knowledge amongst anyone who knew her that she had that condition prior to 2021.

    B) Back in late March on a Thurs, a 36 yr old female was complaining to her parents about an unrelenting and crushing headache. By evening, they take her to the hospital where she collapsed. Docs diagnosed two brain aneurysms, operated on her and apparently fixed them. They had put her in an induced coma and I am unclear about why, or if, they didn’t attempt to bring her out of it. But, by Sunday, they declared her brain dead (some Docs dispute that as a valid diagnosis/classification, btw) and the organ donation people must have been nearby to talk to the parents because by Mon morning they agreed to do it and on Tues morning, they harvested her organs. (This story utterly horrifies me, btw. I didn’t know her but her parents are longtime friends of a friend of mine who told me about this. It is the speed with which the medical people gave up on her that I find stunning! Four days from a splitting headache to supposedly “brain dead” and the poor shocked parents further making a catastrophic, irreversible decision to end her life? Jesus! Slow the train down, is what I say.)

    This one is the only story that I don’t have complete confirmation that she had taken the Covid vax. However, it seems likely because her parents are ardent vaxxers, both have taken it and were a little testy with our mutual friend many months later when learning she hadn’t taken the jab.

    Please note that I strongly suspect NONE of these have been reported to VAERS. Maybe A was, depending how many months prior she got the jabs.

    Stark realities. ^^^^ Several commenters on Unz have also relayed about people they know who died after taking the vax.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  264. @Cloak And Dagger

    Never suspected you were joking. I think it’s an excellent idea – it’s an idea I’ve had myself, although not the party aspect – only for myself.

    I too have ivermectin, zinc, D. Also montelukast and a steroid to treat the inflammation, and an antibiotic. But I have no Quercetin nor do I know if I could get any. But I’m pretty sure I could beat Covid if I caught it, then I would be very strongly and permanently immune. It’s the authorities and Pfizer that I fear. And the injections.

    Have a good party, Cloak. My friends and I had a party of a similar spirit during the draft lottery drawings. George was lucky, #363. Jack was over 300. Dennis complied and went to Nam. Dan and I fought the system.

    But this one is worse. You can’t run to Canada.

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger




    • LOL: utu, schnellandine
    • Replies: @Just Sayin'
    , @Dumbo
  266. Half Back says:

    A pre-paper that surmises that prior infected have 13 times better ‘resistance’ than fully vaccinated, or natural infection has better immune responces than vaccine induced immunity. This goes for catching it, and health outcomes like serious sickness and hospitalizations. Curiously they promote a one jab for prior natural infection to top off immunity. However this information must bring to forefront of public policy in regard of vaccinating everyone.

    Since Prof Sir Andrew Pollard from Oxford University, Britain top infectious expert and part of the team that created Astra Zeneca vaccine, now says ‘herd immunity’ is unachievable due to persons catching it even when fully vaccinated- new thinkers for public policy must be heard. Immediate emphasis on new treatments must be prioritized outside the big pharma vaccinate industry with their conflicts of interests.

    If a ordinary person like me can research and see the public policy’s mistakes it must be that our politicians are willfully blind and immersed in the narrative of vaccination by ( big phama )
    How bad do the health outcomes have to be for them to change course.

    • Agree: BaronAsh
    • Replies: @Half Back
  267. @JohnnyGodYilmaz


    But I have no Quercetin nor do I know if I could get any.

    It is available without prescription from Amazon. It is required for zinc absorption, I am told.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  268. @meamjojo

    If a hospital doesn’t have enough beds, whose problem is that? Yours for getting sick or the hospital for not being able to handle peak demand?

    It’s beyond peak demand.

    So you are saying the hospitals are at fault for not having enough staff and ventilators for the unvaccinated? The unvaccinated have no responsibility?

    Wouldn’t it just be easier for the unvaccinated to go to their local drug store and spend 5 minutes getting the shot? Seems like a much better economic solution instead of spending billions to intubate them. Also less embarrassment for the anti-vaxxers that flip once they get in the hospital.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
  269. @Raches

    That is fallacious—not because it is an argument ad hominem, but because it is an argument ad hominem premised on such a tangled mess of other fallacies as defies logical description. It exactly fits the description: When you have nothing else to say, attack the person instead of what he says. Just hurl some made-up accusations at him. Incidentally, if you use this tactic, that makes you a liar.

    We know for a fact that sayanim up to and including Mr. Unz use sockpuppets to control the dialogue and gaslight well intentioned commentators, so it’s not a tangled mess of fallacies, it’s a suspicion based on well known intelligence craft.

    Of course, it’s a common accusation and also typically unprovable so it is typically ad hominem. But the smartest people on this board are calling you out for a reason: because you and Unz resemble each other in being tedious, vain and tendentious apologists. So it doesn’t really matter if you’re one and the same person. You still represent the same thing.

    • Replies: @Raches
  270. @Ron Unz

    As long as you don’t include your legal name, home address, and SS# in your comments,

    I don’t care if Revahnges doxxes herself, but have long felt that too many here give up needlessly personal clues (assuming not misdirection). A motivated jackass could semi-trivially track down several anonymous UR commenters, most of which I’d prefer not be so molested, if the crumbs they’ve dribbled are correct. The biggest mistake, IMO, is joining general locations or specific incidents to dates, and months before/after peppering with corroborative info such as age or spouse trivia. The average skip tracer would have a party graphing points.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  271. Skeptikal says:
    @The Real World

    A close friend lives with his mother now that she is old and can no longer live alone.

    So, she took the first jab in the spring. She immediately felt generally terrible. Then, she quite suddenly keeled over in her kitchen. Fell to the floor—basically fainted. Fortunately she didn’t break anything but had a bad bruise and took to her bed. Still felt terrible.

    Friend takes her to doc to discuss second jab. Doc says, no way. He is also refusing to give second jab to several other patients owing to bad reactions from first jab.

    Mom still has not completely recovered from pre-jab condition, but is doing OK.

    No further jab for her. No jab for my friend.

    • Replies: @The Real World
  272. Skeptikal says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    At the local health store I bought Solaray brand Quercetin, 500 mg.

    The description:

    “Quercetin is one of the most well-known antioxidant bioflavonoids that may help support normal healthy sinus, respiratory, and immune function. The human body cannot manufacture quercetin and there must receive its supply through suplementation or diet.”

    An online search for “dietary sources of quercetin” produces this:

    “Fruits and vegetables are the primary dietary sources of quercetin, particularly citrus fruits, apples, onions, parsley, sage, tea, and red wine. Olive oil, grapes, dark cherries, and dark berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and bilberries are also high in quercetin and other flavonoids.”

    • Thanks: Cloak And Dagger, BaronAsh
    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
  273. Raches says:
    @Dr. Fasci, America’s Doctor

    The very first comment by “Dr. Fasci, America’s Doctor” implies allegedly having extensive knowledge of comments here—and makes an accusation of sockpuppetting.

    That is called chutzpah. What is your usual name here?

    We know for a fact that sayanim up to and including Mr. Unz use sockpuppets to control the dialogue and gaslight well intentioned commentators, so it’s not a tangled mess of fallacies, it’s a suspicion based on well known intelligence craft.

    Of course, it’s a common accusation and also typically unprovable so it is typically ad hominem. But the smartest people on this board are calling you out for a reason: because you and Unz resemble each other in being tedious, vain and tendentious apologists. So it doesn’t really matter if you’re one and the same person. You still represent the same thing.

    Hmmm. Let’s see, “Dr. Fasci”:

    1. On behalf of an unspecified “we”, you vaguely state a shell-game accusation which starts with Mr. Unz, then transfers to me by rhetorical sleight of hand.

    2. Your shell-game accusation is something that you “know for a fact”, because it is a “suspicion” which is “unprovable”.

    3. It “really doesn’t matter”, anyway: I am guilty, no matter what. Just guilty. So is Mr. Unz.

    Diagnosis: You are a butthurt troll. You are probably either one of a number of liars and idiots whom I have recently, publicly humiliated, or Facebook “friends” with one of them. You decided to assuage your misery by making a sockpuppet identity, and spouting nonsense at me.

    Prescribed treatment: Use a killer shot to euthanize your Internet connection. I have heard that Bill Gates created an operating system that crashes a lot; it may help.

    Other significant symptoms: You do not understand what the term “ad hominem” means—even though you replied to a comment in which I explained the concept. Also, I am pretty sure you don’t know what a sayan is—even though I also mentioned what it actually is. And blowing smoke over “well-known intelligence craft” will not bedazzle anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of the subject.

  274. Ron Unz says:

    With vaccine protection falling with time, perhaps recently vaccinated should seek infection as “booster” against future variants? I have seen this speculation floating around and for lower risk groups this might make sense.

    As everyone here knows, I’m absolutely no Covid expert so take this with a huge grain of salt, but I’ve been wondering the same thing for the last few weeks. Consider:

    (1) From what I’ve read, getting infected gives you very long-term, perhaps almost permanent near-immunity. There seem to be extremely few second infections that are at all serious.

    (2) Covid vaccines don’t seem to provide long-term immunity, though they greatly reduce the seriousness of the infection, perhaps by 95% or more. For vaccinated people, Covid really is “just the flu.”

    (3) Since vaxxed people can still get infected and infect others, and the Delta strain is so extremely contagious, I’d think that sooner or later, almost everyone will get infected. Based upon excess deaths, probably something like 1/3 to 1/2 of all American adults have already been infected.

    (4) Wouldn’t it make sense for vaxxed people to deliberately get infected while their vaccine-protection is still relatively strong? That way we essentially get herd immunity, but with minimal severe illnesses, loss of life, or overwhelmed ICUs. The exceptions might be those people who are so vulnerable due to age or other factors that even the vaccine might not be enough to protect them.

    (5) The big unknown in this analysis is whether vaxxed people who get infected develop “infection immunity” or not, or at least what the percentages would be.

    (6) Similarly, since children seem almost invulnerable to Covid, wouldn’t it make sense for them to get infected and develop permanent immunity against later reinfection? Obviously, a year or two doesn’t make any difference, so there’s no rush and probably Covid should be better understood before this decision is made. But offhand, I think it probably makes more sense to deliberately infect children than to vaxx them.

  275. @meamjojo

    Yes. Even if we believe in the pandemic hoax, there is a very serious problem with the ideology that there cannot be any risk in life.

    Risk is unavoidable. People die in car crashes, from drowning, from lightning strikes, and all kinds of things. Most of all people die from unhealthy eating, which the government endorses.

    Life has risks. People should be allowed to decide what kind of risks they want to take with their own lives.

    But of course, mandatory vaxxing is not about risk, or health, or viruses, or vaxxing.

    It’s about having power over others, and bending them to our will.

    Vax pushers, like all liberals, cannot stand people who simply want to be left alone.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  276. @Skeptikal

    And here is an article about how Quercetin and zinc work together:

    We are all familiar with zinc as an essential mineral for a strong immune system. Although zinc has many benefits, in order for it to get into the cells where it can be utilized most effectively, it needs assistance from substances called ionophores.
    Ionophores are fat-soluble molecules that bind to ions to help move them across cell membranes. Without the right ionophore, elemental zinc is poorly absorbed and will remain stuck in the bloodstream where it cannot be used by the body’s cells.

    Many substances can act as ionophores for zinc, one being the antioxidant quercetin. Thus, taking quercetin along with zinc may provide additional benefits to an immune-boosting protocol.

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  277. the Delta strain is so extremely contagious

    One of the things that Dr. Robert Malone pointed out is that as viruses (virii?) mutate, they grow increasingly more infectious, however, they also grow increasingly less pathogenic. It would follow then, that by the time currently unvaxxed people get infected (the later the better), the less harm they will endure. We may already be at that point as Delta is reputed to be much less pathogenic than Alpha. Hypothetically, by the time Omega comes around, it will be just minor ‘flu, perhaps not even the sniffles.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
    , @JimDandy
  278. @Skeptikal

    I hope I planted a seed in the mind of this very intelligent woman, graduate of a top women’s college, who has also worked with nonprofits in Latin America.

    Perhaps “intelligence” should be redefined to allow for separation of those who habitually think “inside the box” that has been manufactured for them, from those divergent enough to look behind the curtain.

    Or maybe some people we believe to be “intelligent” have just learnt enough intellectually mechanistic tricks to negotiate the gauntlet of life in “modern society”, but have lost (or never really had) the capacity to critically analyse the world at large.

    Look at the case of various African nations using Hydroxychloroquine for Malaria, hardly impacted by the WHO’s deadly Corona Chan pandemic, and now India effectively killing Corona Chan with Ivermectin (and the Indian Bar Association now prosecuting the WHO’s Chief Scientist for mass murder for blocking Ivermectin). That’s the sort of intelligence we need.

    I wonder how your friend would deal with catching the “deadly Delta variant” like all the idiot “vaccinated” Australians who seem to have a complete monopoly on this “variant”. I don’t like her chances if she’s already committed to “booster shots” – maybe you should have advised her to get her affairs in order and make sure her will is up to date.

    Speaking on “intelligence”, at the moment the Australian political class appears to be fully populated with A-Grade morons intermixed with genocidal psycopaths (with just a few notable exceptions, any farmer worth his weight would shoot the lot of them). As for me, I’d rather just hang them all from lamp posts.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  279. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    In lieu of an essay that here began, while I am still trying to catch up with some other comments by you and others, I will construct a faux dialectic with That Would Be Telling, whom I seem to have already exceeded on the local hate-meter:

    After asking me to dox myself in a context where a substantial fraction of the topic participants wish me harm,

    Reasonably worrisome. Don’t get whacked-out paranoid—but also, don’t live in denial about the very real potential risks here. To be so naïf as to stick your head in the sand is just as much living in a fantasy as finding CIA agents in your breakfast cereal. Moreover, don’t forget that even if none of the keyboard warriors dares personally to try to harm you, there are nowadays such dangers as “swatting”, which risks getting people shot by accident, and more garden-variety general harassment.

    I think that you are unlikely to dox yourself just by saying what state you live in.

    True, but doxxing, and confirmation of a dox, is often a matter of accumulating a set of clues. So the less you freely give out, the harder it will be. And I’ve certainly angered a great many anti-vaxxers, Floomers, and COVID-truthers here that onc just might try.

    Wise. This man knows basic opsec. And he knows the significance of confirmation attacks; that, itself, is significant. Also, it sounds like he has been on the Internet for a long time.


    The essay may follow at a later time. Though that may be wishful thinking, if I want to continue some discussions of history, philosophy, and—maybe even the vaccines (nah, boring!).

  280. @Ron Unz

    Dear Mr. Unz,

    Every one of your points strikes either near to or on target.

    (1) From what I’ve read, getting infected gives you very long-term, perhaps almost permanent near-immunity. There seem to be extremely few second infections that are at all serious.

    Yes, this is exactly correct. For the vast majority of the population, with virtually zero risk of fatality, any “vaccine” is woefully inferior to simply catching Corona Chan and recovering, yielding robust and persistent (at least 17 years, probably permanent) immunity. Meanwhile, even for those at risk from Corona Chan, early treatment with cheap effective medicines that are already available effectively negates that risk down to zero – no “vaccine” required.

    (2) Covid vaccines don’t seem to provide long-term immunity, though they greatly reduce the seriousness of the infection, perhaps by 95% or more. For vaccinated people, Covid really is “just the flu.”

    For most unvaccinated people (except the immune compromised and excessively old farts) Corona Chan is less severe than infuenza. For those at risk from Corona Chan, known cheap and highly effective medicines reduce that risk right down to zero (certainly below the risk of injury and death conferred by the “vaccines”).

    Meanwhile, the Corona Chan “vaccines” now appear to induce in humans the same Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) that killed all the test animals in prior coronavirus vaccine attempts. Hence 100% of “deadly Delta variant” cases in Australia (and the majority around the world) are “fully vaccinated”.

    That might be why American health authorities are now literally shitting themselves with the knowledge that they’ve injected ~200 million Americans and now Winter is coming. Even though the “vaccines” clearly don’t work, their gambit is a frantic rush to inject everyone with even more “vaccine” booster shots.

    (4) Wouldn’t it make sense for vaxxed people to deliberately get infected while their vaccine-protection is still relatively strong? That way we essentially get herd immunity, but with minimal severe illnesses, loss of life, or overwhelmed ICUs. The exceptions might be those people who are so vulnerable due to age or other factors that even the vaccine might not be enough to protect them.

    The Corona Chan “vaccines” both attenuate the victims’ immune systems and come with a host of other potentially deadly pathologies across all age groups, chiefly body-wide microscopic blood clots and spike-protein organ damage, as well as the looming threat of ADE. Best to just avoid the “vaccine” and get that natural immunity naturally, with highly effective early treatment with known off-label medicines where necessary.

    (6) Similarly, since children seem almost invulnerable to Covid, wouldn’t it make sense for them to get infected and develop permanent immunity against later reinfection? Obviously, a year or two doesn’t make any difference, so there’s no rush and probably Covid should be better understood before this decision is made. But offhand, I think it probably makes more sense to deliberately infect children than to vaxx them.

    This is the ultimate no-brainer. Corona Chan doesn’t affect children. Corona Chan “vaccines” kill children. The global push to “vaccinate” children gives the game away – this is not being done for our health. The immediate and urgent answer is to stop the “vaccination” campaign – period.

    The corollary to that is to stop the economically and socially suicidal “lockdowns” and use early treatment with simple, cheap and proven highly effective medicines to deal with the alleged Corona Chan “virus”.

    • Replies: @utu
  281. Biff says:
    @Ron Unz

    So lockdowns are ineffective?

  282. @Raches

    There is a very good reason why I am a doctor, and you are not. Your entire “diagnosis” is ad hominem, the very thing you are attempting to belittle. Why should anyone trust you, who coyly invites readers to discover the meaning of your pseudonym by poring over Mein Kampf? It was wholly inaccurate for you to characterize accusations of sockpuppetry as entirely fallacious in nature. As I said, the prevalence of sockpuppetry is well known. Until you distinguish yourself from the other 150 IQ megalomaniacs running around, you will be assumed to be the alter ego of one of them.

    You accuse me of not knowing the meaning of the words I say, without bothering to explain why I’m wrong. Such a cheap rhetorical stunt. Your prolixity is no compensation for your lack of integrity. Maybe you should go back to the drawing board and devise another brilliant pseudonym. Your virtue signaling about protecting your identity is likewise a cheap rhetorical stunt. If you say something that cannot be proven, why bother to say it all?

    As for my identity, it is only assumed under duress, and you are free to take a gamble.

    Chutzpah? Shalom!

    • Replies: @Raches
  283. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    (1) From what I’ve read, getting infected gives you very long-term, perhaps almost permanent near-immunity.

    Mr. Telling will probably kick me for saying this, but: With Delta literally in the air out-competing everything else, I have been almost jealous of my friend who caught Wuhan Classic Covid near the start of the pandemic, in early 2020. I sort of miss the old-new-normal of Covid Classic: What opportunity did I miss to get sick in the frying pan, instead of the fire? Why did I have to be so damn careful, straight from the start?

    Almost. It was very unpleasant for him—and he is in general state of health far superior to mine. I am not giving much away about myself here: He is one of those super-healthy people who seems almost invincible, definitely well within in the healthiest, strongest 1% cohort. The risk to him of death or maiming was probably negligible—I am guessing lower than from the vaccines, even if your “100x” estimation neither overestimates Covid risk nor underestimates vaccine risk. My Covid risk would be far higher than his.

    I am jealous that he had it and survived. All past tense, with a known outcome that already happened. Done. Over with. Immunity superior to the vaccines (although I know that it is not perfect, either)—I think with cross-immunity, yes? Now, his biggest Covid-related worry is the prospect of potential forced vaccinations. That worries me, too.

    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  284. meamjojo says:
    @Ron Unz

    Damn, I post for free! Where can I find someone willing to buy my post?

  285. @A little boy in the crowd

    Vax pushers, like all liberals, cannot stand people who simply want to be left alone.

    So can we leave anti-vaxxers in the hospital parking lot when they come in begging for the vaccine? They obviously don’t understand how vaccines work if they ask for one at that point and they certainly don’t want to be left alone once they get to the hospital.

    It seems that vax refusers don’t trust modern technology until they get the virus and then run up a \$100k hospital bill if they survive.

    Not only is there an ICU and staff shortage in numerous states thanks to (ex)-anti-vaxxers but now an oxygen shortage is developing:

    Vax refusers, like all liberals, cannot stand people who simply point out the cost of denying reality.

  286. meamjojo says:

    What is this ignore list? Where is it and how do you put people on it?

    • Replies: @Polemos
  287. @Cloak And Dagger

    One of the things that Dr. Robert Malone pointed out is that as viruses (virii?) mutate, they grow increasingly more infectious, however, they also grow increasingly less pathogenic. It would follow then, that by the time currently unvaxxed people get infected (the later the better), the less harm they will endure.

    What you are missing is that this is only a general rule based on history. It isn’t an absolute rule and it is partly due the original virus killing off anyone that lacks natural defenses (and those genes are not passed on).

    A mutation could develop that is far more deadly and infectious.

    It makes more sense to vaccinate as many people as possible and reduce the chance of a mutation.

    • Agree: utu
  288. Vax up and vax often. It’s just a skin prick. Actually it is an IQ test and Russian Roulette combined. Looking forward to meet the others who passed!

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  289. meamjojo says:

    If the Pharma companies are planning to make bigger fortunes out of boosters, the US government should remove their liability shield. There goes their profits. Covid vaccines appear more reactive, and with more adverse effects than most other vaccines. The vaccines are worth the risk for the Elderly and medically compromised, but not for healthy young people.

    It’s my understanding that when one of these so-called vaccines moves from EUA status to approved, the lose the previous liability protections.

    This is why Pfizer’s COMIRNATY (the approved version) is not available in the USA.

    There’s a lot of supposition that the approval was a political rubber stamp, so that more people could be forced into taking the vaccine shot through company mandates, via the military imposing a requirement only AFTER approval and of convincing some current refuseniks to joining the party.

    Here’s an article for you that delves into the details:
    2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine
    Buried in the fine print of Monday’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of the Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine are two critical facts that affect whether the vaccine can be mandated, and whether Pfizer can be held liable for injuries.
    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Meryl Nass, M.D.

  290. @Ron Unz

    (2) Covid vaccines don’t seem to provide long-term immunity

    I’m not under this impression at all, except in the sense that COVID is a moving target, with Delta’s spike protein having immune escape mutations that make all current Western vaccines less effective, but primarily replacing Alpha as the latter replaced classic Wuhan due to better transmissibility.

    One likely key to your (1) impression “getting infected gives you very long-term, perhaps almost permanent near-immunity” is that natural immunity targets more than the spike protein, so Delta we can assume has some more vulnerable parts (proteins).

    Given time, a couple of things may or will happen: Western vaccines add more targets, and with enough immunity from those sorts of vaccines and natural infections, the virus comes under selection pressure to get around natural immunity. Vaccine hesitancy is so high in so many places I wouldn’t be surprised if natural immunity, perhaps on top of current vaccine immunity against classic Wuhan spike proteins, becomes big enough for force this evolution if it’s possible.

    A complete escape from these enhanced types of immunity would be a new strain, we don’t know if that’s going to happen, but if it does, we’re back to square one. One worry for that happening is that it’s early in the game between the virus and our immune systems, it’s not like developing an “eternal,” does not need changing measles vaccine at least five centuries after measles fully adapted to humans after jumping from rinderpest (which is the second virus to be eradicated BTW).

    I don’t see (4), infecting the vaccinated ASAP being an option, not while the unvaxxed are dominating hospitalizations where they also are so large a fraction of the population. Per (5) it also won’t work for a good fraction of the vaxxed population who won’t get breakthrough infections.

    (I would add “obviously,” but obviously this isn’t true for people who aren’t thinking straight, if enough of a nation’s population gets vaxxed then breakthrough infections from a variant like Delta in that population will dominate total infections.)

    For your (1) another source of confusion comes from misinterpreting studies tracking how the initial antibody fleet necessarily wanes with time. That doesn’t matter so much because memory B cells get primed to make another fleet as needed (but there may be a wrinkle there for vaccine vs. natural immunity favoring the latter by a lot; more later).

    “(6)” is an experiment on children I don’t want to run at all. Probably not for years as “SCIENCE!!!” takes its time discovering exactly what’s going on. On the other hand that gives children more time to grow older and more vulnerable. And suppose a variant arises that’s bad for them?

    • Replies: @niceland
    , @michael888
  291. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    (6) Similarly, since children seem almost invulnerable to Covid, wouldn’t it make sense for them to get infected and develop permanent immunity against later reinfection? Obviously, a year or two doesn’t make any difference, so there’s no rush and probably Covid should be better understood before this decision is made. But offhand, I think it probably makes more sense to deliberately infect children than to vaxx them.

    An anecdote: I grew up in a 100% vaccinated, generally do-whatever-the-doctor-says type of family, to a ridiculous degree that I now much disagree with. But when I was a kid, a vaccine for varicella did not exist. My mother therefore did the commonplace practice of exposing me to kids who had active chicken pox, so that I would be protected against it as an adult.

    Apparently, my immune system is too good—but not good enough. I resisted the chicken pox until I was in the very early stages of puberty, then got thwacked with something close to an adult case in severity. It took about fifteen years for the last of the worst scars to fade from visibility. I would not be surprised if I suffered some long-term health damage from that; but it is difficult to establish causality in such matters.

    Covid is, of course, quite a different matter; and I am very worried about the push to vaccinate young children. The Law of Unintended Consequences is a big risk here. I am simply telling my anecdote to suggest that that law cuts both ways, and parents should think this through carefully.

  292. niceland says:
    @Ron Unz

    Very good summary!

    I was only beginning to contemplate this idea on personal level, but stretching it out is more interesting. Something along these lines could be fast path towards heard immunity. And like you point out in #3 It looks like this is going to happen anyway, only in none controlled and chaotic way.

    Some planning and control would possibly include selected covid variants depending on vaccine type and perhaps personal factors.

    But like you I am no expert.

  293. Anon[336] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    As everyone here knows, I’m absolutely no Covid expert so take this with a huge grain of salt, but I’ve been wondering the same thing for the last few weeks. Consider:

    I’m confused Mr. ‘Super Genius Code Monkey to the Stars’; are your soft-switching your position, or are you admitting that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about?

  294. Raches says:
    @Dr. Fasci, America’s Doctor

    As for my identity, it is only assumed under duress, and you are free to take a gamble.

    Duress? Do you allege that I dispatched a CIA agent to put a gun to your head? Perhaps I used reptilian alien cabbalistic witchcraft psychic powers to threaten to turn you into a newt? Or do you not know what the word means?

    How have I put anyone under duress here? (Other than Mademoiselle Iris, who is assuredly under duress to swallow her tongue, and Mr. “Erebus”, whom I have imprisoned in Tartarus, and Mr. Unz, whose server I have credibly threatened to overload with too many words.)

    As for your transparent ploy, no: I will not let you trick me into saying something that you will deny whether or not it’s true, so that you can turn around and toss a bunch of accusations at me. To a reasonably high probability, I inferred who you may be—straight from your first comment. If I had access to the server logs, I could nail it down more easily (@Ron Unz).

    Instead of “taking a gamble” in your rigged game, I will merely note that you essentially admit that you are sockpuppetting, and quote what I said here, in a case whereby it took me all of three seconds to nail down a fake Internet doctor and probable sockpuppet:

    Since the publicly visible evidence only supports thus far a reasonable suspicion, I will merely note that The Unz Review’s relatively lenient comment policy states as such:

    …commenters are absolutely prohibited from using multiple handles, which would allow them to engage in “sock-puppetry” and mislead others as to the widespread nature of their views.


    The system implements various automatic checks to discourage or prevent multiple identities, let alone attempts to “false-flag” another commenter by stealing his identity.

  295. @meamjojo

    meamjojo ( comment 102), your link reveals all: the source, the deepest agenda, the institutions, all the ugly future that must be averted.

    Everyone should read the linked article. It started slowly, but as I read on all questions were answered. Also, there are hundreds of comments by guys whom I daresay know more than we.

    I repeat your link:

    • Thanks: John Wear
  296. JimDandy says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Yes. The fear, of course, is that vaccine-made mutations can be anomalous–more deadly, like in the case of Marek’s Disease, which, as I understand it, is now 100% fatal for unvaccinated chickens.

    All the more reason NOT to mass-vaccinate.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  297. Ron Unz says:

    I don’t care if Revahnges doxxes herself, but have long felt that too many here give up needlessly personal clues (assuming not misdirection). A motivated jackass could semi-trivially track down several anonymous UR commenters, most of which I’d prefer not be so molested, if the crumbs they’ve dribbled are correct.

    I’m absolutely no expert on doxxing, but I really wonder about this.

    It seems to me that 95% of the individuals who get purged are caught saying something “controversial” on a video or podcast or some piece of writing that gets dredged up from years earlier. Typical recent examples are that Jeopardy guy who made a few jokes on a podcast from years ago, or that ESPN host who was caught on video describing one of their rivals as a “diversity” hire. The Twitter mob tears them to pieces and they get fired.

    As for doxxing, if we exclude mass data-breaches, I think 99+% of the cases are either where they give away huge amounts of personal information over time, or (more likely) a former friend or girlfriend reveals their identity after a bitter quarrel.

    I’ve sometimes suspected that even many of the former cases are just providing cover for the latter. As an example, a year or so ago one of Tucker Carlson’s main writers was doxxed and purged based upon the very extensive personal details he’d provided over the years on some website. But at the time, I suspected that some people already knew his online identity, and just used his disclosures to prove it to others.

    Maybe I’m just incompetent at that sort of thing, but I can’t think of a single commenter on this entire website (or Steve Sailer’s old preceding blog) whom I would have slightest ability to track down based upon the personal information they’ve shared.

    • Agree: Triteleia Laxa
    • Disagree: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Raches
    , @gsjackson
    , @Alfred
  298. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    Mr. Unz, please don’t take this the wrong way: I suspect that in some ways, you have led a sheltered life. So have I, sometimes.

    When you have multiple intelligent people here who are so cautious about leaking personal information, it probably indicates that there may be reasons for that.

    I’m absolutely no expert on doxxing, but I really wonder about this.

    Maybe you just have not wasted sufficient amounts of your lifetime lurking in some types of Internet watering holes, which are infested with criminal-minded lunatics who have absolutely no purpose in life except causing grief to innocent people for the lulz.

    That, to begin with. This could be a long essay sometime.

    As for myself, never mind that if I live in Europe, many of my comments are thoughtcrime felonies—and if I live in the United States, I must consider the New Uncle Joe’s “domestic war on terror”—and elsewhere may not be much better.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  299. Half Back says: • Website
    @Half Back

    Providing a link to Prof Sir Andrew Pollard assertion that herd immunity is impossible–
    Anyone in Australia listening????? Prime Minister, Dan ‘thumper’ Andrews

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  300. @Polemos

    Now, I am not Kratoklastes

    That’s OK, ‘coz I am, which means that we have enough numeracy for the task at hand.

    Let’s say I have a disease that inflicts 1 person out of a thousand people, and I have test with a 100% sensitivity and a 95% specificity. What is the probability that a person with a positive test result has the disease?

    The easiest way to get there is to see that you will capture all true positives (because the test is 100% sensitive) and 0.05×N false positives where N is the total number of tests. The test is only 95% specific: 5% of the time it will generate a positive result when the ‘ground truth’ is negative.

    So if you do 1000 tests, you’ll get 51 positive results (or thereabouts).

    That will be made up of the 1 true positive, and 50 false positives.

    So the probability that the positive you’re looking at is a true positive, is 1/51 – that is, slightly under 2%.

    just assuming these are fact, then COVID-19 is a disease that’s infected 116 out of 1000 people

    That’s not the correct measure for ‘prevalence’, because – working back from 116/1000 to the entire US population (by multiplying by 332,690) – it obviously uses the total cases ever recorded (~38½ million).

    The prevalence measure in the PPV formula is the ‘point’ prevalence – that is, the expected number of people who are positive at any given point in time.

    Currently the ‘Active Cases‘ in the US is 8.1 million, so if those are all true positives, then a better estimate of the point prevalence is 8.1/332.690 or ~2.4% (24/1000).

    Of course those are not all true positives – they are a mixture of true positives and false positives. This is because in real-world implementations of tests, the test’s lab characteristics are never achieved: both sensitivity and specificity are always significantly worse ‘in the field’ compared to ‘in the lab’.

    From what I’ve seen (particularly from “John Dee’s Almanac” on Facebook), a broadly-accepted cross-country estimate of the point prevalence of the coof is 0.6% – the US’ 7-day case rate is only 310 per 100k (0.31/1000), so using 0.6% is as point prevalence is reasonably fair.

    So that means if you tested everyone in the US simultaneously, you ought to get a number more like 2 million true positives.

    Of course those 8.1 million currently-active cases are obtained from testing a subset of the US population – some repeatedly, because the US has done far more tests than it has people.

    TL;DR: from the PPV formula,

    PPV = (sensitivity x prevalence) / [ (sensitivity x prevalence) + ((1 – specificity) x (1 – prevalence)) ]

    if (point) prevalence is 0.6, and assuming a best-case for specificity (99.5%) and sensitivity (99%) gives you

    (0.99×0.006)/[(0.99×0.006) + (1-0.995)x(1-0.006)]
    = 0.00594/[0.00594 + 0.005×0.994]
    = 0.00594/[0.00594 + 0.005×0.994]
    = 0.00594/[0.00594 + 00497]
    = 0.00594/0.01091
    = 0.54445

    So there’s a 54.45% chance that a person who tests positive, has the coof.

    One thing that confounds all this, is that there are a shitload of people who have been infected with SARS-nCOV-2 but have never exhibited symptoms and have never been tested. That drives up the estimate of point-prevalence, however these asymps are very unlikely to ever be tested… so working with the ‘raw’ PPV is probably sensible.

    The extra-credit question is “Why did the Narrative-makers suddenly stop claiming that false negative rates were around 30%?“.

    • Thanks: Polemos
    • Replies: @MGB
  301. @Polemos

    I’m always curious what people who say there is no such thing as SARS-CoV-2 as it’s never been isolated think about when they see these kinds of images. Could we hear from some of you what you think about when you see these images?

    I think it’s logical to suppose that all that money funnelled by creepy Bill’s Mini-Me Fauci into various universities and biolabs around the world for illegal bioweapon research was used to produce something, or maybe quite a few somethings, some of which we have yet to see.


    As for the naughty Corona Chan “virus”, well, we know that both Fauci and the US Government have taken out all manner of patents to protect their creations…

    Dr. David Martin & Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – The Genesis of Corona Chan

    So they certainly seem to have been tinkering with naughty bug “enhancements”.

    Meanwhile, Dr. Richard Fleming (a man that I’ve never met, but who I implicitly trust infinitely more than any vermin politician or beauracrat) explicitly stated that the naughty Corona Chan bug has been isolated, and showed a picture to prove it (it’s a long video – deal with it)…

    Dr. Richard Fleming – Event 2021 Corona Chan Information Conference (Video – 4 hours 30 mins)

    So yes, it does appear that the naughty Corona Chan bug does exist in some form or other, and moreover that at some point it has actually been deployed (probably a variety of different models tailored to different targets, given the differing specificities and pathologies across China, Iran & Italy all at the same time).

    I would assume that all manner of Corona Chan (or far worse) permutations are quietly sitting on freezer shelves in clandestine biolabs around the planet, just waiting for the signal from Fauci or creepy Bill or their handlers to “seed” any problem population that won’t get with the program.

    So what’s up with the reports that no government anywhere can produce the Corona Chan isolate?

    Stew Peters Show – FOI Requests in 40+ Countries Show Corona Chan Has Never Been Isolated

    Irish Government Forced to Admit Corona Chan Bug Never Isolated

    There’s actually no problem here. It’s true – the relevant government regulatory and testing agencies all over the planet have not been provided with any definitive isolate of the alleged Corona Chan “virus”.

    That’s because it’s simply not necessary. They don’t need it for the fake PCR Test kits – never have. They’re not “detecting” the naughty Corona Chan “virus”, they’re manufacturing a “Pandemic”. And that’s the whole point. That and the bioweapons disguised as “vaccines”.

    They’re not conducting a global operation to defend our health. They’re reading from their own script, which makes perfect sense to them, and they know exactly what they are doing. Unless and until enough lemmings wake up to what is going on, they will have their wicked way with us and we will all be screwed – figuratively and literally, permanently.

  302. @Skeptikal

    I feel badly for the people who are receiving heavy pressure from their employers.

    One guy on Zerohedge was describing yesterday that his adult son finally caved to employer pressure and took the first jab. It has messed him up! He is hyper-thyroid and takes a medication for it and was fine beforehand.

    Well, the stupid vax freaked-out his thyroid and testing shows that it flipped him into HYPO-thyroid (underactive). His Doc said he has never seen that happen before…that someone flips from one to the other. So, now they’re messing with his meds and he feels so crappy he can’t work for the time being. I wonder if his company is stepping up and supporting him, financially and otherwise. Damn….

    • Agree: John Wear
  303. niceland says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Some of the things you mention seem more like explanations, rather than counter arguments. That’s fine by the way.

    And this might be used as argument for speeding up natural immunity;

    Given time, a couple of things may or will happen: Western vaccines add more targets, and with enough immunity from those sorts of vaccines and natural infections, the virus comes under selection pressure to get around natural immunity. Vaccine hesitancy is so high in so many places I wouldn’t be surprised if natural immunity, perhaps on top of current vaccine immunity against classic Wuhan spike proteins, becomes big enough for force this evolution if it’s possible.

    If we could flip a switch and provide everyone natural immunity it seems covid would be a thing of the past. Long lasting repeated vaccinations chasing mutations seem like the path to creating something our immune system can’t handle. Case in point antibiotics? Selection pressure doesn’t come from the unvaxxed – or does it?

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  304. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    P.S., just to give you a taste of what I mentioned in my other reply:

    some types of Internet watering holes, which are infested with criminal-minded lunatics

    I have enjoyed the lovely experience of being treated to exquisitely detailed, extremely graphic threats from “people” who claimed real or imaginary hacker-doxing-expert connections—because inter alia, I firmly denied the proposition that all women secretly want to be raped.

    My risk was effectually an absolute zero. But that is only because I am careful.

    I have noticed that not everyone involved in this discussion is entirely sane and benevolent. That gives me reason number one of a thousand to maintain habits of taking rational precautions.

    Reason number two of a thousand: I have seen doxing happen to people who thought it couldn’t.

  305. @Anon

    I’m confused Mr. ‘Super Genius Code Monkey to the Stars’; are your soft-switching your position, or are you admitting that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about?

    Well there’s about as abrasive a comment as one might expect to encounter on a forum of intellectual discourse.

    Not to mention ungrateful, given that Mr. Unz freely provides all the resources and mechanics of this website for the gay frolics of its resident lemmings.

    On principle, in the quest for knowledge and understanding, there is no question that is too dumb or impertinent to ask – but IMO yours comes pretty close.

    At the very least, Mr. Unz has shown a welcome willingness to adapt to information flux. The most reasonable thing to do in the face of evolving data is to adjust one’s opinion accordingly.

  306. @Bull Gator

    Vax up and vax often. It’s just a skin prick.

    So is a rattlesnake bite.

    Except the rattlesnake doesn’t generally chase you down to bite you, or take away your job if you manage to dodge him.

    • Agree: John Wear
  307. meamjojo says:
    @John Johnson

    A mutation could develop that is far more deadly and infectious.

    It makes more sense to vaccinate as many people as possible and reduce the chance of a mutation.

    You do not know what you are talking about. You do not understand that these mRNA “vaccines” are not true vaccines based on a weakened/dead virus. Instead, they are built to help the body recognize and neutralize a specific surface configuration of the spike protein. But true immunity is much more complex than training the body to recognize a single spike configuration. This is why breakthrough infections are increasing significantly and will continue to grow with each new booster shot.

    This is sort of like putting a finger into a dike to plug a hole but when you do so, another one always opens up somewhere else.

    Not killing the virus (non-sterilizing immunity) leads to new variants being created in those who were vaccinated with the,RNA/DNA vaccines, thus actually prolonging this scamdemic. Read this paper, specifically Section 1, which will explain the issue in much more detail.

    P.S. doesn’t it suck that you can’t get this kind of insight & knowledge from the MSM & network news?

  308. HbutnotG says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    No problemo. I caught my first (of two) cases going through SFO. One of you just go hang out there for an hour or two.

  309. @Polemos

    Thank you for this long post.

    It seems we are on the same path searching for meaning in this world. We are indeed entitled to study all these speculations as long as we don’t invest to much into ‘believing’ in one or the other. I don’t have time to make a long answer and it is not the subject of that thread even though it is relevant.
    What is the nature of reality? Like you , I’ve read a lot on that subject and recently I discovered Lex Fridman which offers a wonderful platform for people who want to think. In France, their is a very interesting guy called Philippe Guillemant working with the double causality and physics of information. This how his work was made famous. Philippe Bobola is also on that train.

    I started diging into the ‘catastrophism’ stuff almost 20 years ago, discovering Velikovski and since them amongst the most interesting things I have found are these:

    Do you know this?

    We surely create reality but if the mind of the masses are colonised by the ‘archons’, it is their reality that is projected in the world, hence the constant need for manipulating, shaping of perception of reality by the powers of this world….

    Take care Polemos…

    • Thanks: Polemos
  310. @JohnnyGodYilmaz


    Try to find like minded people in the real life, share, organise, danse, joke study use the Stoïcian insight to ease your way. It is very helpful to make this kind of connection to breack the spell of madness and protect our endengered psycho/spiritual stability and thus homeostasy.


  311. meamjojo says:

    I love the smell of desperation in the morning! (repurposing the famous quote from the movie Apocalypse Now)!

    The Covid vaxxing initiative is floundering as more of the vaccinated get sick (and perhaps get long Covid even if they don’t win-up in the hospital). They have called all hands on deck to reinforce the narrative messaging and forcibly debunk anything that goes against that messaging.

    Just laugh at them.

  312. gsjackson says:
    @Ron Unz

    ESPN didn’t fire Rachel Nichols. She’s Jewish. They did switch her to a new gig, despite the “diversity hire” moving on to greener pastures after turning down a \$5 million annual salary offer from ESPN.

  313. @John Johnson

    A mutation could develop that is far more deadly and infectious.

    It makes more sense to vaccinate as many people as possible and reduce the chance of a mutation.

    Or, we could just use cheap, readily available, supremely safe and highly effective Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and nutraceuticals for early treatment of any Corona Chan infection, seeing as how these are highly effective against all “variants” and unlike the Corona Chan “vaccines, don’t sterilise the patient and otherwise maim or kill him/her with blood clots, organ damage and ADE.

    Of course, this is just good common sense – weighing up the risks versus the benefits – unless you really really really have a vested interest in pushing experimental bioweapons disguised as “vaccines”.

  314. meamjojo says:
    @John Johnson

    So you are saying the hospitals are at fault for not having enough staff and ventilators for the unvaccinated? The unvaccinated have no responsibility?

    Wouldn’t it just be easier for the unvaccinated to go to their local drug store and spend 5 minutes getting the shot? Seems like a much better economic solution instead of spending billions to intubate them. Also less embarrassment for the anti-vaxxers that flip once they get in the hospital.

    Another of your dumb posts.

    “The unvaccinated have no responsibility?” – No more than the fat, overweight, obese or aged with multiple comorbidities do.

    Why don’t they lose weight, exercise regularly and eat properly, which would give them a good chance of avoiding the hospital when they caught Covid? If they did, they might also get rid of their high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol medicine and whatever else they take to keep their sorry asses alive.

    If I wind up in the hospital with Covid (18 months clean so far!) I’ll expect to be fully taken care of. If someone tries to sermonize me, I will spit in their eye. I will demand antibodies and antivirals and for the staff to STFU and do their jobs w/o whining. That’s why they get the big bucks.

  315. @Polemos

    While doing my daily rpress review, I’ve just found that relevant article as to our concern:


  316. @Cloak And Dagger

    Many substances can act as ionophores for zinc…

    It turns out that, among its many magical properties, Ivermectin also acts as a zinc ionophore.

    So, if you can’t get Quercetin (even though you should be able to) but can get Ivermectin, then you’ve still got that base covered.

    Just so you know, CAPERS have the highest levels of Quercetin of all commonly available foods.

    Each 100 grams (~ 3 oz) of capers provides about 200 mg of Quercetin. Not as much as pills, admittedly, but still enough to keep you alive, if you’re desperate for it.

    Another good one to keep in mind (mentioned elsewhere in this forum) is Sweet Annie / Sweet Wormwood / Artemisia Annua. It’s a Chinese mountain herb traditionally used as a health tonic, and it’s extremely safe extract Artemisinin (which is sold as a health supplement) has been used for decades to cure Malaria (also a highly effective cancer cure – take note, anyone who needs to know).

    The whole herb is a potent antiviral – consumed as a tea – and reportedly kills Corona Chan stone dead. And importantly, in the very worst case, it will do you no harm.

    • Thanks: John Wear, Polemos
  317. utu says:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    There is no single statement that is true in your comment. You are a hopeless case of angry floomer and anti-vaxxer.

    yielding robust and persistent (at least 17 years, probably permanent) immunity

    The Israeli study (the one about 13x) suggests that the post infection immunity is reduced by half after 6-12 months.

    Meanwhile, the Corona Chan “vaccines” now appear to induce in humans the same Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) that killed all the test animals in prior coronavirus vaccine attempts.

    There is zero evidence for ADE anywhere. Only in minds of the doomsday cult of anti-waxers.

    …100% of “deadly Delta variant” cases in Australia (and the majority around the world) are “fully vaccinated”.

    Not true. The effectiveness of vaccines against hospitalization and death remain around 80% including the delta variant.

    Corona Chan doesn’t affect children. Corona Chan “vaccines” kill children.

    In the US 141 (0-4 years old) and 313 (5-18 years old) children died of covid.

    …early treatment with cheap effective medicines that are already available effectively negates that risk down to zero – no “vaccine” required…

    …with highly effective early treatment with known off-label medicines where necessary…

    …early treatment with simple, cheap and proven highly effective medicines…

    While HCQ and ivermectin are cheap they were not proven to be effective.

    The corollary to that is to stop the economically and socially suicidal “lockdowns” and use early treatment with simple, cheap and proven highly effective medicines to deal with the alleged Corona Chan “virus”.

    After all the talk about natural immunity and so on you still doubt whether the virus actually is real because you can’t help yourself and must badmouth lockdowns and countermeasures. Look at Australia. They succeed in suppressing the pandemic better than most countries in the world. They did it by closing borders, lockdowns and effective contact tracing. Only 1,000 people died there. This implies that no more than 200,000 (IFR=0.5%) were infected. Less than 0.8% of population. Australia just like Taiwan and New Zealand are the best advertisement for mitigation and countermeasures. If Australia was as lackadaisical and inept like the UK or the US where 30%-50% were infected then 37,000-62,000 would be dead by now. Australians can be proud of themselves for saving thousands of lives of their fellow citizens. But psychopaths like you are not impressed because the ones saved are the “immune compromised and excessively old farts.”

    Did the countermeasures like lockdowns affects Australian economy? Not as much as some would like to think. Actually because of the countermeasures that were quick and decisive life could go as normal for prolonged periods of time, more so than in countries with the half-assed countermeasures like France or UK. In June 2021 GDP got back to the pre-pandemic level while in 2020 it dropped only by 1%.

    If your ‘suicidal “lockdowns”’ was meant literally you can check that in the US or Australia number of suicides dropped in 2020. Libertarians and other sociopaths do not understand the boost of energy and hope that comes from the sense of being united and acting in concert and even sacrificing for the common good.

  318. @Antiwar7

    Lockdowns do at least a hundred times more damage, and probably nearer a thousand times, than doing almost nothing, when measured in the only rational way; Quality-Adjusted Life-Years lost. QALY lost can take account of all effects not just ‘deaths’. Deaths is a mad, crude, measure. Dollars and QALY lost is the only sensible measure.

    Economic damage causes loss of QALYs. For instance Australia threw AUD 10 billion down the drain on three unneeded desalination plants. This resulted in forgoing one billion AUD on health(and sickness) care. That is a lot of QALYs lost.

    • Agree: Truth Vigilante
  319. @mulga mumblebrain

    I’ve noticed something interesting. Go to DuckDuckGo and enter “ivermectin suppression” and out pours an amazing list mind-boggling articles exposing the fraud. Go to Google and make the same search entry and a lot of scurrying around the subject appears, generally adverse to Ivermectin.

    • Thanks: Nancy
  320. @Dumbo

    Paul Craig Roberts makes the better observation that they become liable for deaths and injuries for their authorised, named product, so the FDA has continued with an emergency authorisation for the current, delivered batches of killer jabs.

    Certainly a neat little trick if true. Now to see how long before the branded thing actually gets offered!

  321. @Raches

    Rachel writes:

    As I said, the Kennedy assassination is not of great interest to me

    Are you kidding me ? The greatest crime of the second half of the 20th century and you’re not interested ?

    The death of JFK directly led to:

    1) The Vietnam War
    2) The 1967 Arab-Israeli War for Zionist territorial expansion
    3) The USS Liberty incident
    4) The death of RFK and later JFK Jr
    5) The death of MLK Jr (more than likely)
    6) 9/11 …. and much more.

    And these things don’t interest you ?

    Only a Zionist apologist would say such a thing.

    • Replies: @Mark Hunter
  322. meamjojo says:
    @Ron Unz

    (2) Covid vaccines don’t seem to provide long-term immunity, though they greatly reduce the seriousness of the infection, perhaps by 95% or more. For vaccinated people, Covid really is “just the flu.”

    This is not true at all. A lot of breakthrough infections are making the vaxxed get seriously sick, not necessarily hospital level sick but still plenty sick.

    Here’s a story from Bloomberg 10 days ago:

    The vaccinated are worried and scientists don’t have answers
    Aug. 21, 2021

    Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But exactly how often isn’t clear, nor is it certain how likely they are to spread the virus to others. And now, there’s growing concern that vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to serious illness than previously thought.

    Here is a study from LA County posted on the CDC site that covers almost 3 months. 350 double shot vaxxed wound up in the hospital, 55 went to ICU and 24 died. The single shot people seemed to do better than the double shots! 89 went into the hospital, 15 went to ICU and 7 died. Of course the numbers were higher fro the unvaxxed, but not by a huge amount, given that the unvaxxed were about 3 times as many as the double shots.

    SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Hospitalizations Among Persons Aged =16 Years, by Vaccination Status — Los Angeles County, California, May 1–July 25, 2021

    (3) Since vaxxed people can still get infected and infect others, and the Delta strain is so extremely contagious, I’d think that sooner or later, almost everyone will get infected. Based upon excess deaths, probably something like 1/3 to 1/2 of all American adults have already been infected.

    (4) Wouldn’t it make sense for vaxxed people to deliberately get infected while their vaccine-protection is still relatively strong? That way we essentially get herd immunity, but with minimal severe illnesses, loss of life, or overwhelmed ICUs. The exceptions might be those people who are so vulnerable due to age or other factors that even the vaccine might not be enough to protect them.

    Nope! Because you risk getting the so-called “long-Covid” that might be with you for months or years. You also risk dying (see above) if your infection turns serious.

    (5) The big unknown in this analysis is whether vaxxed people who get infected develop “infection immunity” or not, or at least what the percentages would be.

    The really BIG unknown is what damage the spike proteins generated by the gene therapy shots have caused to people’s vascular systems and what problems will surface in this area over the coming years.

    (6) Similarly, since children seem almost invulnerable to Covid, wouldn’t it make sense for them to get infected and develop permanent immunity against later reinfection? Obviously, a year or two doesn’t make any difference, so there’s no rush and probably Covid should be better understood before this decision is made. But offhand, I think it probably makes more sense to deliberately infect children than to vaxx them.

    I don’t think kids should take the mRNA/DNA vax shots. If it was the usual dead/inactive virus shot, I’d be OK with that

    As to purposeful exposure, I’d rather suggest just let them wander into the virus.

  323. Rahan says:

    A nice paranoid post from another place:

    I would like to point out two things:
    1) the current clot-shot drama unfolds as follows–you get the shot, your immune system goes into overdrive, you show astronomical levels of anitbodies. Then they start to normalize. Oy vey, we can’t have that! A booster dose! The antibodies soar again. Then they start to normalize. Oy vey, we can’t have that!
    2) the long-term mechanisms of HIV is this.

    It’s like a mechanical imitation of the way HIV wears down the immune system, but without (as far as we know) an actual virus taking over the cells, simply forcing them to constantly burn themselves out.

    In this sense, even if one is blessed with genetics that preclude all the short-term and medium-term damage from the first couple of clot-shots, and no proteins start folding into prions and gradually turning you into a vegetable, no, everything goes fine… still, once they put you on the “constant boosting forever” merry-go-round, the simple HIV mechanics of wearing down the immune system kick in.


    “What are the 3 stages of HIV? When does HIV infection transition to AIDs?
    There are 3 stages of HIV infection.

    Stage 1: Flu-like symptoms after initial HIV infection (some patients have few or no symptoms)
    Stage 2: Clinically latency (HIV inactivity and/or slow progression of immunologic impairment) may last for 10 or more years in some individuals;
    Stage 3: After HIV reactivation and/or HIV’s progressive attack on the immune system, the damaged immune system has a reduced or an inability to protect the individual from serious infections and other illnesses. This stage is termed AIDS. In this stage, lab testing reveals high viral loads and CD4 counts <200 cells/mm3."

    Constant revaccination, on a purely mechanical "burning out the antibodies" level is probably akin to constantly pushing the victim's organism from Stage 2 to Stage 3. Then it tries to slide back to Stage 2, and yet another booster pushes it back to Stage 3.

    And then, of course "dreaded new highly viral infections produced by the unvaxed" finish the poor devil off at some point.

    So yeah. If you evade the short-term shit, and the medium-term shit, and the possible prion-folding, the long-term shit may be quite the ride.

  324. @peterAUS

    Thanks for that response Peter.

    Admittedly, the ‘resignations galore’ only reference a noticeable above trend rate of coppers departing the police force on matters of principle.

    That said, we have this from over a month ago titled ‘Over 70 NSW Police Blow The Whistle on COVID-19 Fraud and Global Tyranny’ – watch the 2 min video:

    Since then, that number has grown quite a bit I’m told, so fingers crossed, something might come out of it.

    Yes agreed, we who are committed are few and may only represent around 5%. But there are many on the fringe whose financial and psychological status is close to breaking point who could well join the fray and bolster those numbers.

    At the end of the day, we don’t need 40% or even 20% of the population to overthrow the tyranny.
    If we get a committed 8 – 10%, many of whom are hard core activists, to engage actively in mass non-violent civil disobedience, this may be a sufficient critical threshold to end the oppression.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  325. @JohnnyGodYilmaz

    Good on you Johnny Yilmaz. Stay true to your principles and don’t back down.

    I agree with you about the Delta variant. At the end of the day, no matter what the orchestrators of the Covid psyop call it, it’s really only ‘Flu-By-Another-Name’.

    Even the dumbed down masses will know this has all been a hoax when we get a variant within a variant and Delta mutates to become the ‘Nile Delta’ variant – which presumably they’ll blame on the Egyptians.

    • Replies: @JohnnyGodYilmaz
  326. Kali says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    You know, folks, when you are being played, or “gamed”, by those who would Fuck with your Mind, (be they Bots or Sock Puppets, and you KNOW that your actions, interactions, responses and other data are being scrutinised by megalomaniacs, and you SEE that some very prominent commenters are attempting to HIJACK the conversation and to hold it back and divert your energy into hair-splitting semantics, confusion, doubt, anger, frustration…

    Well then it becomes impotant to positively express ones authentic being. And not to be dircted by others. – But of course I know you already know that.

    Many, many genuine folk populate these forums, besides agents and freelance nihilists. Which makes it much easier to identify agendas. Then comes the positive-feed-back-loop, as we recognise the beauty and authenticity of one another. – Even though I’m not always perfect, I am always authentic. And I see the same in you!

    So what if I sometimes may be wrong to trust a particular publisher or commenter. I don’t care! I go on anyway. And I hope that you will too. – Don’t give in to fear and confussion. Continue to express your truth regardless of the seeds of confussion and doubt sewn by those who do the bidding and the work of evil men.

    We are at the fronteer of an evolutionary war to decide the future of our species. We can be evolved and free, or we can be slaves, or we can be extinct. We have that choice to make.
    In this war one does not choose a side, one chooses a direction.
    Personal growth. Evolution. If you so will it.

    Dear Ron appears to have been snared in the net of cognative dissonence due to his social embaracement at hosting what he and his peers have been conditioned to think of as “crackpottery”. And so his moderation of this forum, his use of “more” tags and gilded frames, is therefore becoming more overtly politicised.
    But at least he does host these discussion and, to the best of my knowlege, does publish the majority of our comments. I’m grateful for that. And I appreciate that he took the time and trouble to explain his dificulties with this topic in the previous thread. Personally I believe him and my former doubts regarding his integrity have been quelled. (The previous thread got too slow for me to say so there.)

    I also appreciate that he himself is involved in these discussion, albeit that I don’t find his possition at all convincing. At least he is being honest with us, and that counts for a lot. – Not to be patronising, but I hope he finds the courage to be honest with himself, despite the pressure to social conformity.

    With love and gratitude,

    PS. Using my phone, sans spell-checker and visible screen/keyboard = spelling errors. Desculpa.

  327. Kali says:

    One does wonder just how much time Reachs would spend fallating himself if he could.
    Man or woman? Who cares! It’s a vile example of unrestraned ego, no matter its genda. That Mr Unz favours this errudite GOB-SHITE (look it up, you Oxbridge/Ive League grads!) demonstrates Unz’ prefference for style over content.

    Alack for her, Miss Iris is outclassed.

    Far from it! Iris is one of the most moderate and reasonable commenters using this website. As such she outshines and outclasses you, hands down, and has the RESPECT of most commenters here.

    “”All that anyone knows for certain is that I value my privacy””

    All that anybody knows for certain is that you are a selt-referrential egotist who wishes to dominate these discussion and divert attention away from the subject at hand.

    And that we “anti-vax crackpots” would be MUCH better off without your “assistance”. – Maybe this is why Mr Unz favours you?


    • Agree: meamjojo
    • Replies: @Dumbo
  328. Alfred says:
    @Ron Unz

    I’m absolutely no expert on doxxing

    I am somewhat surprised that no one has yet listed all the policemen of Australia with their home addresses on a website. I suspect it is being held in reserve by those with these skills. Their behaviour at recent protests is clearly criminal – it has absolutely nothing to do with protecting the public’s health.

    BTW, Israel is leading where (some) others fear to tread. Politicians are incapable of admitting to making any mistake – whether it is Hitler at Dunkirk or Netanyahu et al. in Jerusalem. Invariably, they double down. Putin is a bit different and that is why restrictions and compulsion are being scrapped in Russia.

    SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold (95% CI, 8.08 to 21.11) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected, when the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021.

    Vaxxed Are Up to 13 Times More Likely to Get Delta Variant (preprint)

    For almost 18 months, I have been writing here that natural immunity is best. But all honest immunologists know that. It is no secret.

    Compare the Pair – Russian President Putin vs Victorian Premier Andrews

    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante
    • Replies: @Biff
  329. Kali says:

    Dear Mr Unz,

    How many of these masturbatory, OFF TOPIC comments from this vomit-inducing commeter are we to be subjected to?

    Or is this thread intended to be taken off topic by? Is that why Raches is here?


    • Troll: Raches
  330. @Ron Unz

    “I think it’s probably one of the most important JFK assassination books, and absolutely seminal. But although it contains an enormous wealth of important material, it was written by someone lacking normal editorial resources and support, so it’s poorly organized and really something of a hodgepodge”

    Agreed.  Piper’s book is a gold mine with a fair amount of dross.  A good example would be at the end of the otherwise revelatory chapter on Jack Ruby, where he suggests that Ruby didn’t die in 1967, but was released from prison and flown to Israel to live out his remaining years.

    What does he base this theory on?  On the statement of an elderly retired woman who once worked as a cook in one of Ruby’s bars, who claims to have seen Ruby on television one night boarding a plane to Israel and waving at the camera!

    Even though we’ve all seen how Jonathan Pollard was received upon his release from prison, and Piper actually brings up Pollard in the chapter, my throat remains resistant to swallowing this story.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  331. Hmm, an anti-vaxxer complaining about someone being off-topic on THEIR thread?


    • Agree: Punch Brother Punch
    • LOL: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  332. utu says:

    ….infected 116 out of 1000 people. So what is the probability that a person with a positive result for this test has COVID-19?

    (1000-116)*0.05=44.2 116/(116+44.2)= 72.4% (0% false negatives and 5% false positives)

    Look at New York state daily tests results.

    They measure prevalence of positive cases down to as low as 0.3%. Do they subtract the false positive rate whatever it is or is the false positive rate lower than 0.3%.

  333. Dumbo says:
    @John Johnson

    Hey Mr. Vulture, people can die of vaccines too.

    Or of Covid, even with the vaccine.

    Also, until when should we be “jabbed”?

    In Israhell, those jabbed only twice no longer count as “fully vaccinated” and have to take a third “booster” (which is really the same vaxx) to obtain the “Green Pass” and go to the gym, restaurants, etc.

    Enjoy your boosters and blood clots, and leave people alone.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  334. Dumbo says:

    demonstrates Unz’ prefference for style over content.

    Like loves like. Unz tends to like verbose, unfunny and long-winded writers like himself that use a lot of footnotes.

    However, Mr. Unz occasionaly reports some interesting data, while Ms. Raches… I haven’t seen anything useful coming from her.

    My impression is that she could actually be the result of Mr. Unz’s experiment with a new Artificial Intelligence software to create artificial trolls, to keep the discussion longer and increase page views.

    • Agree: meamjojo
    • Replies: @Kali
    , @Ultrafart the Brave
  335. Biff says:

    Thanks for the link.

    The ongoing vaccination propaganda campaign is probably one of thee most creepiest events of the past decade. They are comparing unvaxxed people to civic violators such as those who shout “fire!” In a crowded theatre or those who smoke in public places or basically claiming that such people have “no right to be unvaccinated”.
    Now, the people in the media are not dumb enough not to know the vaccinated people can just as easily carry and spread the disease(and get sick too) as the unvaccinated, but they choose to message force multiply their lying disinformation anyway. Total bullocks. AND they consider any medicinal treatments once you get the illness as bunk no matter what it is – it’s ALL about the vaccine.

    All day, everyday

    Judge strips Chicago mother of parental rights for not being vaccinated

    (I’m not against the vaccine; in my personal case it’s just a waste of time and money)

    • Agree: acementhead
    • Replies: @Alfred
  336. Kali says:

    I recall that either late last year or early this year (or both) that FOI requests to health “authorities” in several countries, including UK and USA revealed that none of them had proof in the form of issolated virus, that the virus exists.
    Why not provide the proof of existance?

    The article you link is from August 2020. It makes no sense to me that, if these images do indeed constitute proof, that heal authorities would not also have access to similar data and why they would not provide that data upon request.

    That said, I don’t doubt that there is some (or several) pathogen(s) on the loose.
    I’m less sure that this/these pathogen/s are solely responsible for what is called “covid19” disease, which is hardly a discrete syndrome.
    I have read that covid19 is being used, in part, as cover for the catastrophic failure of pharmasutical antibiotics and the resultant a.b.resistent “superbugs” now rife throughout modern healthcare facilities. This seems plausible to me.

    In the meantime ordinary common flu has virtually disappeared as it’s misdiagnosed as SARS-cov2 infection.
    And the electro-magnetic soup in which we increasingly live is dialing up towards the microwave ranges.

    And so, whilst I am reasonably sure that at least one man-made virus has been released into the wild, I contue to question the “covid19” diagnosis.

    Best wishes,

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Polemos
    • Replies: @meamjojo
  337. @Ron Unz

    Possibly correct, but a few logistical problems might make that impractical. While there’s still unvaccinated people in the population, some care would have to be taken as to avoid that the vaccinated/infected get in contact with the unvaccinated/uninfected. The vaccinated would have to be infected in a controlled environment and later remain isolated from others. Perhaps the best way to do that would be to inject the virus in a safe concentration in the vaccinated (and, as you suggest, in unvaccinated children) and then isolate them for a period of time.

    Or perhaps it’s best fo forget it.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  338. Skeptikal says:
    @Ron Unz

    “Wouldn’t it make sense for vaxxed people [and especially chidren] to deliberately get infected while their vaccine-protection is still relatively strong? ”

    This makes sense to me, and it has been my intention frmo the beginning of this circus: To take my chances with the coof rather than with the jab. Now that the virus seems to be behaving itself according to the basic understandings of virologists and epidemiologists—becoming less lethal at it mutates in humans—this makes ever more sense. The unknown seems to be whether the hare-brained idea of mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic has preovided selection pressure for *more* lethal variants.

    Deliberate infection with the “wild” virus was the idea behind the original medical human intervention of variolation, discovered one way or another and practiced by the Ottoman Turks.

    If the jabbed are getting sick from their jabs (initial reactions to jab, plus “actual” longer-term adverse reactions) plus from covid, I really do not see any advantage whatsoever to having a jab—other than to fill the coffers of Pfizer and to realize someone’s wet dream of instituting “vaccine passports” and exerting universal control over all humans from this time forward.

  339. utu says:

    “We” as 5 % of population, tops. – Probably even less than 5% are ones that are really committed anti-vaxxers who consciously try to be a political force. Most of them are mentally disturbed and socially inadequate who harbor all kinds of crazy ideas like that Japan was attacked with HAARP generated tsunami or that WTC was demolished with nuclear devises (see Truth Vigilanti comments). Theoretically they could be weaponized by some political party but I doubt it.

    The remaining 30-40% of population who is vaccine hesitant becase they haven’t vaccinated yet have no strong beliefs and will be easily persuaded and/or coerced to take vaccine when the establishment gets its act together.

    The only reason that the establishment did not come harder against the anti-vaxxers is only because the vaccines turned out to be much less effective than expected. The rate of breakthrough infections is too high so the effectiveness of Pfizer is only 40% against the infection with delta variant. For this reason the anti-vaxxers can’t be charged as potential thread to the health and safety of general population as the vaccinated are only 1.67 times less like to be infectious than the unvaccinated. However the effectiveness of vaccine against hospitalization is high around 80%. So one way to move against the anti-vaxxers is to burden them with hospitalization costs and with increase of the health insurance premiums.

    • Replies: @Dumbo
    , @peterAUS
  340. @Brás Cubas

    The vaccinated would have to be infected in a controlled environment and later remain isolated from others.

    For about a week, I mean.

  341. @That Would Be Telling

    A few observations:

    “not while the unvaxxed are dominating hospitalizations where they also are so large a fraction of the population.”
    If you have ‘friends’ like mine, you probably received all these comments and graphics about over 95% of hospitalizations being of the unvaccinated (“The Epidemic of the Unvaccinated”). Two graphics were labeled from San Diego County hospital and their public health site showed their data. As they claimed, 450 unvaccinated HOSPITALIZED vs 8 vaccinated hospitalized is indeed a 56-fold difference with the unvaccinated taking a high amount of hospital beds. HOWEVER, looking more closely at their data, 16 of the 450 unvaccinated died, while 3 of the 8 vaccinated died; this is a 10-fold higher death rate for vaccinated (37.5%) than unvaccinated (3.6%)! Since it is obvious that our fine physicians in San Diego are playing political games with their patients’ lives, and that most people would accept a 56-fold higher hospitalization rate along with a ten-fold LOWER death rate, their corrupt data interpretations actually favor the unvaccinated. A more honest appraisal would be that unvaccinated had 16 deaths vs 3 for the vaccinated, a 5-fold difference from their data (not sure why that’s not their main point? Why the bogus 56-fold BS?) Of course no specifics were given about demographics and the only group exquisitely sensitive to lethal effects of Covid-19 are the elderly (over age 60 accounting for 95% of global deaths), both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

    There is not much selection for variants with natural immunity. For coronaviruses, cellular immunity seems primary, and the secondary antibody immunity is in varying degrees to 25 different proteins, many shared by common cold coronaviruses. Selection of variants comes from vaccinations in the midst of a pandemic. Western vaccines are all aimed at the same ONE protein, S1, which binds to ACE-2 and is a major antigen even in natural immunity. Only those viruses that can escape this S1-vaccine immunity are selected for in the vaccinated (though they will also infect the unvaccinated.) It is very likely that S1-vaccinations will select for S1-vaccine resistant, ‘escape’ variants (worse case is ADE which would target the vaccinated preferentially, but that seems unlikely unless biowarfare people become involved.)

    “(6)” is an experiment on children I don’t want to run at all.”
    Surely you have seen that Fauci has come out advocating for vaccination of all children: This is clearly insane. The median age of Covid-19 victims, 82 years old, is older than the average lifespans of their countries. HEALTHY children are at < one in a million risk of dying from Covid-19 (Dr. Marty Makary has researched the situation and could not find any HEALTHY children who have died of Covid-19; the CDC lists 385 Covid deaths among "children" 0-17 years old (of 54,062 deaths in children over the entire course of the epidemic), and MIS-C, essentially Kawasaki Syndrome if properly treated, is fairly common among seasonal respiratory viruses among children in Japan. They are lots of risks for children, and any deaths are horrible particularly of children, but fortunately Covid is one risk not worth worrying about.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  342. Ron Unz says:

    When you have multiple intelligent people here who are so cautious about leaking personal information, it probably indicates that there may be reasons for that.

    Maybe you just have not wasted sufficient amounts of your lifetime lurking in some types of Internet watering holes, which are infested with criminal-minded lunatics who have absolutely no purpose in life except causing grief to innocent people for the lulz.

    You might be entirely correct, but there’s a datapoint on the other side.

    One of our two or three most prolific commenters is “Alden,” who has left over 20,000 comments in the last five or six years, containing a great deal of personal information.

    She’s a woman in her early/mid 70s, a third or fourth generation Californian with mostly Old American/Mayflower ancestry, a graduate of Stanford who worked many years in the Bay Area as a parole officer and then later also worked at UCLA. She’s provided an enormous wealth of additional personal information regarding where she’s lived and worked, her real estate holdings, her family connections and business activities, and all sorts of other pretty detailed personal information.

    She’s repeatedly declared herself to be a lifelong hardcore White Nationalist, stretching back to the late 1960s, and has had all sorts of extremely harsh things to say about numerous non-white groups. She’s also ferociously and very personally insulted many of the WNs on this website, bitterly attacking them when they make even mildly disparaging remarks about women. Look for her phrase “Men of UNZ.” I’m sure she’s made an enormous number of very personal enemies here, especially among the sort of younger chan-type posters who supposedly specialize in doxxing.

    If there’s anyone where who might be both doxxable and a logical target of doxxing, she would be the #1 target, with no one else even coming remotely close. Just browse her commenter archive and you’ll see what I mean. Yet as far as I can tell, no one has even tried to doxx her, let alone successfully done so.

    If Alden hasn’t been doxxed and attacked, I think everyone else is safe.

    • Replies: @Ilya G Poimandres
    , @Raches
  343. @JimDandy

    Ah. I’ll have to figure out what to do with it. I know where to start.

  344. Skeptikal says:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    “I don’t like her chances if she’s already committed to “booster shots” – maybe you should have advised her to get her affairs in order and make sure her will is up to date.”

    I know I will get nowhere by issuing such warnings and what sort of sounds like a curse. The jabbed also say things to me like “Well, if you prefer to die of Covid ” and such things. I highly resent this trivialization of what they consider my potential death! So, I assume that others will also highly resent such high-handed pronouncements that actually sound like curses.

    Taking oppositional stances or appearing to be a know-it-all or to wish them ill because of their own choices doesn’t really work to change anyone’s mind. More important, IMO it does not create the atmosphere where a person would admit to having been wrong or to having changed his/her mind. And if we refuseniks of the covid jab turn out to be right about the dangers, millions of people will have to take this step.

    I could honestly, and without violating my position as her guest, mention the existence of treatment if she should get ill. As I said, I hope I planted a seed of doubt in the CDC’s ivermectin narrative. I did think it was interesting that she consciously identifies herself as one who doesn’t seek out “alternative” information. I suppose this makes for a more tranquil life. Also, she is not a coward. She was seriously injured in a bombing, lost the use of one leg—it was amazing how she persevered and went back to her work after operations and recovery in the USA. So . . . people are what they are. It is quite possible that she unconsciously chooses her viewpoints to support herself in dealing the real obstacles she has faced and maintaining a positive outlook and enjoying her life.

    I often wish I could “unknow” what I know. Because knowing what I think I do know certainly is not making my life easier and it is a struggle to maintain some positive outlook and even some hope in the future.

  345. @Truth Vigilante

    Thank you, Truth Vigilante. Paul Craig Roberts, who read Everything and talks to Everyone, holds the same conclusion.

  346. @Ron Unz

    .. I feel like breaking out in that pre-teen rhyme of ‘Ron and Raches, sitting on a treee, K I…”!

    Could we discuss covid on this rare covid thread please, gentlehumans? 🙂

    • LOL: Mehen
    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  347. @niceland

    If we could flip a switch and provide everyone natural immunity it seems covid would be a thing of the past.

    Well, yes, but it would come at a frightful human cost.

    Long lasting repeated vaccinations chasing mutations seem like the path to creating something our immune system can’t handle. Case in point antibiotics?

    Very different situations. First of all, we’re comparing viruses with bacteria, the latter are much more capable, they’re full fledged organisms with quasi-infinitely more genes that can mutate, plus they can pick up DNA in various ways, that’s one method by which they can acquire immunity to an antibiotic. People’s immunity to them was never great to begin, but since they’re so primitive and thus have biochemical differences they provide a bunch of targets for small molecule drugs like antibiotics.

    Their immunity to a given (class of) antibiotics can come in at least three forms, a receptor protein gets mutated or deleted, they can have pumps that expel antibiotics, and they can generate proteins that destroy them. They’ve been in a dance with the molds etc. from which almost all antibiotics came from in the first place for millions of years. That is, molds will excrete them to reduce the numbers of bacteria around them, and thus competition for food both want. And I would bet dead bacteria can also be food for them.

    Viruses are “hacks,” and are nothing without cells to hijack, and thus much harder targets sort of like how cancer tends to be, deranged cells that still aren’t very different from the rest of the body’s. Which is one reason prior to COVID-19 we’d never developed a small molecule that’s really effective during an acute viral infection, at best they and remdesivir last time I checked only promise a reduction in the time to recovery, and I’m skeptical of remdesivir, HCQ and ivermectin for this reason.

    Selection pressure doesn’t come from the unvaxxed – or does it?

    It completely does if they’ve got natural immunity. And we suspect this is how Alpha and Delta came to be, in a single human body that probably didn’t throw COVID off quickly in which an ecological battle arose inside it, selecting for the best replicating variants.

    • Thanks: niceland
  348. Prajna says: • Website

    Hasn’t anybody noticed that TWBT has been warning you all along the dose makes the poison? Are you getting a dose? I sure ain’t.

    (In before TWBT and his fanboy Ratshit: Troll)

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  349. @JimDandy

    Marek’s Disease came in the context of a “leaky” vaccine like the Salk type inactivated whole virus one for polio, it’s not “sterilizing” like the Sabin type live virus. That is, the Salk type does not prevent your gut from getting a polio infection and passing it on (fecal-oral route), just from it progressing to paralysis. Except for the anti-vaxxers who try to redefine the term leaky, I’ve seen no studies that claim any good vaccine (not going to count the PRC one that’s at best 50% against classic Wuhan (they claim to have better ones)) completely fails against Delta. Although the not very good AZ/Oxford one for example isn’t very effective against Delta. Alpha and Delta also came about before vaccine immunity could have caused those variants to arise in the same way the Marek’s disease variants did, due to a selection pressure from whole populations.

  350. @John Johnson

    So can we leave anti-vaxxers in the hospital parking lot when they come in begging for the vaccine?

    Your “begging” bullsh-t is a media fabrication. Every day the media outlets invent garbage about people who “come in begging for the shot, but it was too late.”

    Or people who “refused the vaccine, and are now dead of Covid.”

    It’s all fairy tales, designed to sucker morons and weaklings into getting injected.

    It seems that vax refusers don’t trust modern technology until they get the virus and then run up a \$100k hospital bill if they survive.

    More fables.

    I’ll bet you claim that hospitals are “overwhelmed with Covid cases,” that “millions are dying of Covid,” and that “we could all go back to normal if everyone would submit to pharma products.”

    I appreciate that you’re handicapped. Like all vax pushers, you believe whatever lies the media outlets tell you.

    You are an obedient little slave. Go get vaxxed, and be sure to get all booster shots for the rest of your short life.


  351. @michael888

    Your San Diego County hospital numbers don’t work at all because the number of breakthrough infections is way too small to draw solid statistical conclusions from. Eight patients total??

    There is not much selection for variants with natural immunity.

    Well, that all depends on how prevalent natural immunity becomes. We also aren’t looking as hard at variant mutations outside of the spike protein.

    For coronaviruses, cellular immunity seems primary, and the secondary antibody immunity is in varying degrees to 25 different proteins, many shared by common cold coronaviruses.

    A major issue with antibodies to consider is that they’ve got a number of roles, and one for viral proteins outside the envelope is preventing cells from getting infected in the first place. If there’s enough of them that are “neutralizing,” at least one can grab onto every spike protein of a virus and prevent it from ever fusing with a cell. They, and I assume this is true of all antibodies assuming they’re in a good physical position, can also latch onto each other and form clumps of antibodies and viruses which also largely or entirely can’t hijack cells.

    Cellular immunity directly comes into play only after a cell gets hijacked, but whole spike proteins get sent to the surface of cells, sticking out of their membranes because there’s where they’ve got to be when a virus buds off a cell and steals some of its cell membrane. Antibodies also stick to these proteins and for example provide a signal to natural killer cells, officially part of the innate immune system which only targets cells under stress, and provides a targeted method for them to do their think rather like CD8+ cytotoxic T cells.

    All of the virus proteins get chopped into bits and presented on the surface of cells, which allows both learning to attack them and then a signal to attack them. That’s how CD8+ cells do their thing, with an independent of antibodies recognition system, but see how back when we were trying convalescent plasma hard antibodies against the the nucleocapsid protein hidden under the virus membrane both existed and were valued.

    A lot of people believe CD8+ cells is how breakthroughs of vaccine and natural immunity statistically results in much better outcomes than for the immunologically naive, I’m uncertain about that. (And I need to learn the role of CD4+ T cells.)

    Selection of variants comes from vaccinations in the midst of a pandemic. Western vaccines are all aimed at the same ONE protein, S1, which binds to ACE-2 and is a major antigen even in natural immunity. Only those viruses that can escape this S1-vaccine immunity are selected for in the vaccinated (though they will also infect the unvaccinated.)

    Your first sentence is not yet true, at least in terms of what makes dominant variants, they are being selected because they’re generally more “fit,” they transmit a lot better. Thus for the immunologically naive Alpha replaced classic Wuhan because it transmitted a lot better. Even more transmissible Delta that also has spike protein immune escape mutations also became dominant before there was a lot vaccine immunity to be had, see in particular the nations which were a lot slower in vaccinating people like India from where it arose (that insane government simply declared they’d surmounted it…). I’m also seeing this in my local region of Red State America where “vaccine hesitancy” is dominant, shall I say.

    It is very likely that S1-vaccinations will select for S1-vaccine resistant, ‘escape’ variants (worse case is ADE which would target the vaccinated preferentially, but that seems unlikely unless biowarfare people become involved.)

    Thanks for the sanity on ADE. The former concern, well, it only needs specific populations like the nation of Israel getting enough vaccine immunity that variants in it can only arise if they get around vaccine spike protein immunity. But a confounding factor is those with vaccine + natural immunity from an infection before we have vaccines, or a breakthrough infection. And as I mentioned above, Western vaccines can add targets beyond the spike protein.

    The major thing I’d add to your comment on our host’s (6) “deliberately infect them with the unnatural virus” option is that we would need to study childhood morbidity from infections very intensely before adopting it, immediate mortality can’t be the only metric.

    For example, is there any delayed mortality? In the WUSTL study of much older people in the Veterans Health Administration system, those who survived thirty days and did not require hospitalization had an 8% increase in mortality in the following six months. Plus a lot of specific morbidity, along with the population that required hospitalization which had a roughly four times as worse experience as those who required hospitalization for the flu.

    Plus we already vaccinate male children against rubella, German measles, 99.999% just to protect the fetuses of pregnant women. It’s otherwise statistically as far as I could discern recently and from personal experience long ago a nothingburger.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @michael888
  352. JimDandy says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    That scenario is a suspicion I had re: Epstein.

  353. Even established authors spread misinformation.

    Paul Craig Roberts claims: “Pfizer is unlikely to market Comirnaty until it can obtain immunity from liability for the approved Comirnaty.” (08-29-21)

    I’m pretty sure he’s in error, unless he’s splitting hairs. At least according to the U.S. Law:

    My understanding is that all vaccines, even in “normal” times, have this liability shield. So why wouldn’t it apply to the new Pfizer product?

  354. @Half Back

    Prof Sir Andrew Pollard is portrayed by The Guardian (MSM warning!) as a blithering idiot, even uses my favorite example of measles. Which has had anywhere from 5 to 15 centuries to adapt to humans after it jumped to us from rinderpest, while we’ve had two successive examples of that in 2020 and early 2021 with Alpha and Delta (both found around the same time, but Delta took a while to replace Alpha).

    Note also the standard measles vaccine is an attenuated live virus one, that is an “active” one that’s replication competent presenting more than one protein to the immune system to generate immunity; several scientists have predicted that type of vaccine be the Final Solution to COVID Problem. On the other hand, it looks like the measles virus has two good protein targets outside of its envelope, everything I’ve heard so far is that the spike protein is the only good one for the coronaviruses, it’s what gives them their name from how they look in electron microphotographs.

    TL;DR: both we the humans making vaccines and the coronavirus have only just begun to play this “game.”

    • Replies: @Iris
  355. @Ben the Layabout

    My understanding is that all vaccines, even in “normal” times, have this [National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act] liability shield. So why wouldn’t it apply to the new Pfizer product?

    My understanding is not all so I looked it up, and under “If a new vaccine product is licensed, what needs to occur before the vaccine will be covered by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)?”:

    For a category of vaccines to be covered, the category of vaccines must be recommended for routine administration to children or pregnant women by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (e.g., vaccines that protect against seasonal influenza), subject to an excise tax by federal law, and added to the VICP by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

    Which comports with everything else I’ve learned about it. Given the drastic “remodeling” that COVID-19 does to placenta blood vessels (they become twice as thick per one study) and no doubt other bad effects I think it’s safe to say these vaccines will be added, they’re already recommended for pregnant women, and in such a way they don’t lose coverage in moving from the countermeasures program to this one. For that matter, I don’t remember from my last readings on the countermeasures program getting “approved” moves them out of it.

    Sometime between his being a sharp and as far as I could tell honest mind in the 1980s and a decade or two ago Paul Craig Roberts lost contact with reality, something I realized when he used the words “peaceful Iranian nuclear program.” Or doesn’t care about the truth in writing his polemics, and boy does he get cross when people correct him. Which he almost always never lets them do in comments sections.

    • Replies: @utu
  356. @Raches

    you essentially admit that you are sockpuppetting, and quote what I said here, in a case whereby it took me all of three seconds to nail down a fake Internet doctor

    Congratulations Sherlock, you must really be Mensa material if it took you three full seconds to realize that “Dr. Fasci” is not a real doctor.

    Duress? Do you allege that I dispatched a CIA agent to put a gun to your head? Perhaps I used reptilian alien cabbalistic witchcraft psychic powers to threaten to turn you into a newt? Or do you not know what the word means?

    I said I assumed a new screen name under duress, but I never said you were the source of that duress, so you are merely assailing a straw man. If you really need Ron’s server logs to crack the case of my identity, then you are obviously not as smart as you advertise yourself to be. Just the latest footsoldier in an interminable parade of gaslighting pricks.

    I will not let you trick me into saying something that you will deny whether or not it’s true, so that you can turn around and toss a bunch of accusations at me

    Ha, so you refuse to make an actual argument because you know I will own your ass in actual debate? Got it. Smart move.

    • Replies: @Raches
  357. @Prajna

    Hasn’t anybody noticed that TWBT has been warning you all along the dose makes the poison? Are you getting a dose?

    Do you drink water and consume salt, sodium chloride? Those have LD-50s, amounts at which 50% who consume them too quickly will die. By your illogic everyone who got saline solution as a placebo in Phase III trials is just as doomed.

    So going backwards, those screaming bloody murder about Material Safety Data Sheets that point out one or more of the novel lipids in mRNA vaccines are in pure, concentrated form toxic (to the skin??) has no bearing on the tiny amounts used in mRNA vaccines.

    Hey “Ratshit,” in your crusade for sanity in anti-vaxxing, have you ever felt like Sisyphus?

    • LOL: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Kali
  358. utu says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Paul Craig Roberts and contact with reality? Did he ever had one? In 1982 he quit Reagan administration because they were not cutting taxes enough so the trickle down part of the plan would not be strong enough and the poor would suffer because they were not cutting taxes of the rich. He was a kook like every lolbertarian. They are all mental cases. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders should have a Lolbertarian Affective Disorder (LAD) or something like that by now.

  359. JimDandy says:

    The very latest in MSM ivermectin headlines:

    Business Insider

    Rand Paul says scientists won’t study horse-deworming drug ivermectin’s use as a potential COVID cure because of their ‘hatred for Trump’

    Cheryl Teh

  360. MGB says:

    however these asymps are very unlikely to ever be tested…

    I don’t think that’s correct. There are many populations routinely tested regardless of symptomology, including health care employees, students, etc. My daughter has had many friends test positive while at college as part of the routine testing protocol, never having exhibited any symptoms. I don’t know the numbers, but it’s not just professional athletes that are subject to mandatory, routine testing without ever having felt ill.

  361. @Ron Unz

    Regardless of the possible lack of implications of your considerations for public policy, they have undeniable importance for private decisions. In fact, one may speculate what went through the minds of those who published the Israeli study in question and the Science article which publicized its findings. Perhaps nothing at all. Take the fact that they had added the “no infection parties, please” recommendation to its title. It’s pathetic, and much like telling your kid that the candies are in the oven but don’t eat them before lunch. Anyway, they then removed it and changed it to “but vaccination remains vital”.

    This is the original version, available through the Google cache:

    This is the updated version:

  362. @utu

    ‘utu’, you’ve said some dumb things in the past, but your comment # 324 is up there with the most asinine.
    You wrote:

    Look at Australia. They succeed in suppressing the pandemic better than most countries in the world. They did it by closing borders, lockdowns and effective contact tracing. Only 1,000 people died there.

    I live in Sydney, and let me give you a double dose of reality.

    We’ve all heard about the Diamond Princess cruise ship and all the worldwide media coverage it got for Covid cases and such (3700 passengers and crew with 712 Covid cases).

    Well readers, that’s not the worst Covid outbreak on a cruise ship. The Zio-owned western media didn’t want you to know about the BIG one because it didn’t fit in with their narrative.

    Check out this link below – scroll down and see the figures for the Ruby Princess that docked in Sydney 6 weeks after the Diamond Princess made world headlines:

    That’s right – 3800 passengers and crew with over 850 cases.

    AND, when the ship docked in Sydney, with the full knowledge that the ship had the WORLD’S WORST CRUISE SHIP COVID OUTBREAK, what do you think our authorities did ?

    Did they put all the passengers and crew in quarantine for months to avert a [cough] super-spreader catastrophe ?

    Don’t be silly.

    Everyone aboard was just released to go back home to their communities.

    END RESULT: Not an eff’n thing.

    No doubt many spread the Covid virus, the vast bulk of us didn’t even know we had it (seeing as 80% of people that get it, get over it, and don’t even know they had it as they’re asymptomatic)

    Of the few that were symptomatic, they had a bit of cough, elevated temp, a runny nose for a day or two and got over it.
    In other words, a great many of us got lifelong immunity from Covid. No need for experimental mRNA toxins – no EFF’n worries (as we say here).

    Of course, that didn’t fit the corrupt MSM narrative. ie: the world’s largest super-spreader event and yet hardly anyone got sick and next to no one died.

    Let’s turn our attention to the figure of 1000 [alleged] dead in Australia from Covid for the entirety of the pandemic.

    Of these 1000, a little over 900 were alleged to have died in 2020.

    Of these 900, over 80% came from Victoria (our second most populous state).

    Let’s put things further into context.

    Australia’s entire east coast is undergoing a hard lockdown now and has been for the last 2 months.

    Prior to that, the state of Victoria was subject to 5 or 6 lengthy lockdowns, with police state intimidation of citizens and harsh travel curfews and restrictions – yet they accounted for most of the covid mortality*.

    Meanwhile, the REST of Australia (ie: the other five states and two territories), had the briefest of brief lockdowns, all businesses soon reopened, all schools open and back to normal, sports stadiums open [entailing tens of thousands packed in close proximity]. mingling and partying as before with next to no socialist distancing and and very little mask wearing.

    On top of that, Sydney went through the Ruby Princess incident (world’s worst super-spreader event), and still …. NO PROBLEM whatsoever.
    The WHOLE of Australia (excepting Victoria), registered around 160 Covid deaths (allegedly).

    I say allegedly because these were overwhelmingly old farts with multiple comorbidities that likely killed them.

    So, when you write shit like this …

    Australia just like Taiwan and New Zealand are the best advertisement for mitigation and countermeasures. If Australia was as lackadaisical and inept like the UK or the US ……

    you’re relying on what you’ve heard about Australia from the controlled MSM in your country.

    ACTUAL REALITY: The entirety of Australia (outside of the state of Victoria), had arguably the LEAST RESTRICTIVE, MOST LACKADAISICAL Covid measures in the OECD.

    And we reaped dividends as a result, because we lived our stress-free lives as normal, right up until June of the year.

    So, what happened in 2021 you ask ?

    Well, we were out and about in all states and territories (except Victoria), partying, mingling and hugging, more or less as normal and we paid dearly for that. (heavy sarcasm).

    Up until early June of this year, the WHOLE COUNTRY registered ONE Covid death.

    That’s not the daily Covid mortality figure per state.

    That the AGGREGATE mortality for ALL states/territories combined for the first five and a half months of 2021.

    Then the whole east coast went into hard lockdown (that’s two-third’s of our population), and magically all of a sudden our corrupt politicians and health bureaucrats are claiming we’ve had something approaching 100 Covid deaths [for the whole country] in these last 2 months.
    (Yet our All Cause Mortality Stats tell us we’re heading for LESS all cause deaths in 2021 than we had in 2020 – and bear in mind that 2020 had LESS all cause mortality than the non pandemic years preceding it).

    So ‘utu’, quit with the ‘Australia had the strictest mitigation and countermeasures’ propaganda that you heard from Rachel Maddow and CNN.

    WE had next to NO MEASURES for the period Jan 2020 to mid-June 2021 for all states/territories (other than Victoria), coupled with the release of all passengers and crew from the world’s worst cruise line Covid ‘plague’ – the Ruby Princess, and there were NO PROBLEMS of any kind.

    Meanwhile, fast forward to the present (ie: mid-June to the present), we get lockdowns/travel curfews/schools and businesses closed and only THEN do Covid cases and alleged mortality begin to tick upwards.

    Do you see a pattern here ?

    Hard lockdown = fear/psychological trauma leading to compromised immune systems, lack of Vitamin D from outdoor activities and concomitant obesity and alcohol/substance abuse etc.

    No Lockdown/mild Covid restrictions = Approaching ZERO Covid mortality*.

    (*Is anyone really surprised ? After all, Covid is just seasonal flu, by another name.
    It was never a problem before and it isn’t now. Discard your masks and tell the authorities in your local jurisdiction: NO MORE – life goes back to normal today !!).

    If a critical threshold of us put our foot down and say that, this psyop will fade away, quicker than the murderous Anglo-Zionist empire crumbled in Afghanistan.

  363. Kali says:

    Your comment deserves an agree or a LOL, Dumbo.
    I’m all out of tags, so let this comment suffice.

    Best wishes,

  364. Rahan says:

    So a truck carrying the harmless and beneficial Moderna vaccines overturned in Monongolia County.

    The authorities instantly isolated the scene, restricted flights over it, and sent in hazmat teams who erected a tent village there while they contained the situation.

    The official explanation is that all of this happened to stop the truck’s oil and antifreeze to seep into a nearby stream.

  365. @John Johnson

    A mutation could develop that is far more deadly and infectious.

    It makes more sense to vaccinate as many people as possible and reduce the chance of a mutation.

    No, actually quite the opposite. It seems the data suggests that the more dangerous mutations are caused by the vaccines, so we should stop all vaccinations immediately.

    Listen to what Dr. Robert Malone has to say on this subject. In case it is not obvious by now, he is far more credible (since he is the inventor of mRNA technology), when compared to anonymous Internet shills for big pharma, as you appear to be.


  366. @Polemos

    People, especially the present crowd, naturally love entertaining stories. Now, I’ll be the first to admit the “fake vaccination” story could be true, or partly true, but I seriously doubt it. Why? A lot of what you read here is utter bullshit. Yes, I think officials are lying routinely, but fact is a lot of the stuff on the internet is little better than rumors and story-telling, or at best half-truths that often are as bad or worse than a complete fabrication would be. The truth is usually rather mundane and boring; that’s why most people don’t like it. Re the elite taking the vaxx, the simplest (and boring) reasonable assumption is that they probably have the same acceptance and hesitancy rates that the rest of the population does.

  367. Iris says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Prof Sir Andrew Pollard is portrayed by The Guardian (MSM warning!) as a blithering idiot,

    Wow!!! Pr Andrew Pollard is the head of the Oxford Vaccine Group.

    He made his declaration that herd immunity wasn’t achievable and was instead a mythical” goal in the most official capacity and setting, while being interviewed by Britain’ s All-Party Parliamentary Group.

    “But we know very clearly with the coronavirus that the delta variant will still infect people who have been vaccinated, and that does mean that anyone who’s still unvaccinated, at some point, will meet the virus.”
    He added that vaccines may slightly slow the transmission process, as there is some evidence that inoculated people are infectious for a shorter period of time, but warned “we don’t have anything” which will completely halt the spread of Covid-19.

    In doing so, during this same parliamentary session, Pr Pollard’s viewpoint was backed by other experts:

    Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia, said herd immunity is now “unachievable” while Devi Sridhar, a professor of global public health at Edinburgh University, warned it is unlikely that we will hit a “magical threshold” were the spread of Covid-19 “disappears”.

    • Thanks: Bugey libre
    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  368. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    We need to ban the hazardous, toxic industrial chemical dihydrogen monoxide! The truth is out there! The conspiracy is all wet!

    Hasn’t anybody noticed that TWBT has been warning you all along the dose makes the poison? Are you getting a dose?

    Do you drink water and consume salt, sodium chloride? Those have LD-50s, amounts at which 50% who consume them too quickly will die. By your illogic everyone who got saline solution as a placebo in Phase III trials is just as doomed.

    Athletes occasionally die of water toxicity, if they rehydrate without adequate electrolytes while running a marathon, or the like. It is a rare negative outcome from water’s well-known side effect profile—“man bites dog” type of news.

    So going backwards, those screaming bloody murder about Material Safety Data Sheets that point out one or more of the novel lipids in mRNA vaccines are in pure, concentrated form toxic (to the skin??) has no bearing on the tiny amounts used in mRNA vaccines. has an MSDS for water. I think I recall once having seen floating around the science blogosphere another MSDS for water; I don’t remember whether it was the valuable work product of overly zealous safety bureaucrats, or intended to satirize them.

    Hey “Ratshit,” in your crusade for sanity in anti-vaxxing, have you ever felt like Sisyphus?

    Whatever did I do to deserve this fate? Here, I am warning against hubris, the exact sin for which Sisyphus was damned by the gods!

    And here, all of the morons who claim that I am somehow shilling for the vaccines failed to notice that I applied your favorite aphorism to ask a question about the booster shots:

    …and we are being told that boosters are needed much more frequently than for most vaccines. How many vaccines need a booster after eight months? As TWBT says, a toxicological proverb is that the dose makes the poison; similar considerations probably apply as for frequency of dosing.

    Of course, your proverb does not always apply. New theory: Bill Gates‘ lizard alien overlords wrapped dimethyl mercury in latex, stuffed it into buckeyballs, wrapped the buckeyballs in graphene oxide nanoparticles, then dispersed those in VACCINES THAT ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY MADE OF DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE. WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!! And it is so neatly covered up: Search the “official” ingredients lists for these witches’ brews. The words “dihydrogen monoxide” are nowhere to be found, even though that is the primary ingredient in all euthanasia shots! Duh, /logic.

    Further proof: This OFFICIAL government vaxx propaganda page alleges: “The Pfizer vaccine does not contain eggs, preservatives, or latex…. The Moderna vaccine does not contain eggs, preservatives, or latex…. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine does not contain eggs, preservatives, or latex.” Why are they denying that the vaxxes contain latex? Doth protest too much, methinks. It is a cover-up of the latex nanogloves gripping the poison inside the buckeyballs. The reference to “eggs” is a coded admission that the vaccines destroy the ovaries. And latex? Latex gloves are deadly. Just ask poor Professor Wetterhahn. I myself will only take vaxxes made with neoprene. Does your precious Pfizer mRNA shot have any neoprene???

  369. @Raches

    Ok, I I’ll take a stab at it, I think your pseudonym is an anagram of H. sacer.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
    , @Raches
  370. Skeptikal says:
    @Ben the Layabout

    “So why wouldn’t it apply to the new Pfizer product? ‘

    Because Cominarty is developed for adults?

    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  371. Skeptikal says:

    Ha ha.

    Scrolling up, I didn’t see the name of this commenter.

    But I immediately knew who it was without seeing the name at the top.

    All those caps. All those bf exclamations!

  372. @Raches

    And here, all of the morons who claim that I am somehow shilling for the vaccines failed to notice that I applied your favorite aphorism to ask a question about the booster shots:

    …and we are being told that boosters are needed much more frequently than for most vaccines. How many vaccines need a booster after eight months? As TWBT says, a toxicological proverb is that the dose makes the poison; similar considerations probably apply as for frequency of dosing.

    Indeed, and this is said to be where GENE THERAPY!!! through mRNA has failed hard. A single dose doesn’t make proteins for very long, there’s also likely to be issues with quantity, so apparently too much of the other ingredients, I would assume the particularly novel lipids but also maybe the one with a big PEG arm become toxic. Or maybe they don’t make needles big enough for the doses needed, the immune system just needs a hint.

    This isn’t going to be an issue with eight month intervals. For that matter, what’s the normal interval for flu shots (OK, they do contain eggs or bug cells remnants, the “no latex” just tells you what’s not in the vial’s elastomer top center). There you’d need to look into generic vaxxing intervals … but note people are also getting exposed to various doses of the actual virus in a pandemic like this one. That doesn’t axiomatically make this safe, but needs to be kept in mind when weighting everything. Like experience with vaccine campaigns with endemic viruses such as smallpox, rinderpest, and polio.

    One other factor is the why of booster doses. One right now is that a second boost dose is thought to provide better protection against Delta, and notice how many childhood vaccines have prime-boost-boost schedules. Another is an idea to keep your antibody fleets large for the duration.

    • Replies: @Raches
  373. peterAUS says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    …we who are committed are few and may only represent around 5%. But there are many on the fringe whose financial and psychological status is close to breaking point who could well join the fray and bolster those numbers.

    At the end of the day, we don’t need 40% or even 20% of the population to overthrow the tyranny.
    If we get a committed 8 – 10%, many of whom are hard core activists, to engage actively in mass non-violent civil disobedience, this may be a sufficient critical threshold to end the oppression.

    I’ve been active in the real world since seeing the first lockdown coming. Working with some people on the ground. Trying to make that “… committed 8 – 10%…”
    Disappointing experience.

    I believe “we” need something more than just “committed 8 – 10%” of population. Haven’t seen even a trace of that “more”, so far.

    This isn’t a place for a productive work re the topic.
    Easy to create a temporary Protonmail account and exchange a couple of emails. Try to “network”, if you will.
    I guess you already know that “Five Eyes” will see all typed there, so….

    5 minutes work and mine is:
    [email protected]

  374. Skeptikal says:

    “He made his declaration that herd immunity wasn’t achievable and was instead a “mythical“” goal in the most official capacity and setting, while being interviewed by Britain’ s All-Party Parliamentary Group.”

    The same conclusion has been reached by many, many qualified scientists in different areas, both geographical and areas of study.

    A very clear exposition of all of these issues is available from Gail Tverberg. I had never heard of her, but already am convinced she is admirable. Her website is Our Finite Can’t argue with that.

    Her background and angle of view are that of a casualty actuary, working in insurance forecasting.

    Her post is very clear, well organized. Clearly written. Topic sentences, etc. Here are a few salient points and subsections, but please take the time to read this restrained assessment in full:

    [1] Today’s vaccines provide only a fraction of the true level of protection required. Their actions are in many ways similar to applying weed killer at half the strength needed to kill the weeds or providing antibiotics at half the dose required to stop the spread of bacteria. . . .

    [3] It is becoming clear that people immunized with today’s vaccines can both catch the delta variant and spread it to others. . . .

    [4] With nearly all of the current vaccines, the immune system is trained to look for the spike protein from the original Wuhan virus. This narrow focus makes it relatively easy for the virus to mutate in ways that outsmart the vaccine. . . .

    Using a very narrow target has made it easier for viruses to evade the effects of the vaccine. . . .

    [6] Leaky vaccines, if widely used, can encourage the virus to mutate toward more virulent (severe) forms. Ultimately, the problem becomes viruses that mutate to more virulent forms faster than the vaccine system can keep up. . . .

    If, as we are seeing today, vaccinated people can catch the variant and pass it on to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, this extra boost can help the variant tremendously in its ability to spread. This extra boost is especially helpful for the variants that are very virulent, since in the normal situation, people who catch a virulent variant would recognize that they are sick and stay at home.
    There would normally be a limit on how much the variant could spread based on its impact on the unvaccinated. This limit goes away if both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can catch and spread the illness. . . .

    [9] The public has been led to believe that vaccines are the only solution to COVID-19 when, in fact, they are at best a very poor and temporary band-aid.

    Vaccines are a tempting solution because the benefits have been oversold and no one has explained how poorly today’s leaky vaccines really work.

    We are already past the period when these vaccines were well matched with the viruses they were aimed at. Now we are in a situation in which the viruses are constantly mutating, and the vaccines need to be updated. The catch is that the variants stick around for such a short time period that by the time the vaccine is updated, there is likely to be yet another new variant that the new vaccine does not really match up with well. . . .

    Even with 100% vaccination herd immunity can never be reached because the vaccine encourages the virus to mutate into more virulent forms. . . .

    Vaccines are being pushed in large part because the pharmaceutical industry needs a money maker. . . .

    [10] The pharmaceutical industry has been telling the world that inexpensive drugs can’t fix our problem. However, there are several low-cost drugs that appear helpful. . . .

    [11] Conclusion. Governments, businesses, and citizens need to understand that today’s vaccines are not really solutions to our COVID-19 problem. At the same time, they need better solutions.

    It is becoming clear that today’s pharmaceutical industry is far too powerful.

    . . .

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
    • Thanks: Robjil, Biff, Kali, John Wear
    • Replies: @Iris
    , @Mehen
    , @Wild Man
  375. utu says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    You have written exuding similar authority and certitude about HAARP that caused earthquakes near Japan and heatwaves in America and also you wrote without a hint of lingering doubt that nukes were used to demolish the WTC on 9/11. So excuse me but you should try to understand that I do not feel inclined to respond and comment on what you have written here. In literature this is called the unreliable narrator who cannot be trusted because he either does not see what is there or he makes things up as he goes.

    On the other thread several minuets ago I have written about three contingents of anti-waxers: health nuts, psychotics and libertarians. They all intersect. You clearly belong to the psychotics.
    Then there is a contingent of the anti-vaxxers who literally believe that some hidden powers want to kill them, render them impotent and infertile and turn them into zombies. They do not have a good grasp of reality and operate on fragments of stories from sci-fi films and games that were stitched together in some nightmarish dream as their best theory of reality. If they were tested with say the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI) they all would be very high on the paranoid axis. I suspect that drug use including new potent strains of marijuana and possibly laced with some harder stuff is pretty common among them. They are not great performers in life and are rather despondent and dispirited and thus they get a kick out of doomsday ideations which would make all humans equal, where the poor or rather they would inherit the earths if only for few minutes before the armageddon. They are the most deluded of the anti-vaxxers and they genuinely would like to see the fulfillment of their paranoia (Jehovah’s Witnesses on steroids or rather on drugs).

  376. Polemos says:
    @The Real World

    Thank you for the link to Gates’ purchasing farmland. If I had several billions of dollars, purchasing farmland for a vast permaculture estate (very impressed with this family’s operation) is precisely what I’d do, with a significant amount set aside for developing composting (vermicomposting and black soldier fly) operations for local markets, residences, suburban gardeners, landscapers. But I don’t have that much and won’t for some time.

    As these economies implode all the way down to zero, it will be vitally important for people to know how to develop local soil food webs in their lands to increase greatly the nutritional yields of their own foods without modifying the genes of the plants or animals. Chemical fertilizers, herbicides, nematicides, &c: we introduce all of these destructive salts into our soils and then tinker away at the genetic codes to deal with it. However, as you pointed out, there appear to be deliberate attempts to alter all of these organisms —as if though it’s not just “useless eater” humans that they hate but essentially all life as we know it on this planet.

    Aminopyralids are one of the things pissing me off. It turns herbivores into industrial herbicidal-pooping machines, which makes all of the manure they generate and the hay/straw from grasses they eat dangerous for anyone attempting to go more organic and create their own compost. Again, almost as though the industry wants to make it more difficult for someone to develop their own organic or permaculture gardens —or have local communities form interconnected agribusiness relationships that further model the very food webs in the soils themselves.

    For me, this is connected to one of the troubling aspects about mRNA vaxxines: without having a deeper understanding of LIFE as a vast interconnected and constantly flowing ocean, we instead want to reduce it to mechanistic aspects of survival, all the way down to its nanoscale components, machines for processing information. There are wonderful things we humans can do at the nanoscale, and we could go very far with understanding how the smallest movements there make the greatest changes at the societal level (after all, the protein Spike has shut down global economic communities, hasn’t it? Isn’t that the story?). But lacking an awareness of how Spirit changes with the way we interact there, and throughout, to the galactic, we end up further diseased, further destroyed, further floundering on a gradually barren and lifeless planet, when what we wanted was to breathe, live, play, love, and accumulate enough to feel satisfied with ourselves and our situations. It’s short-sighted and not patient, emotional and not deferential, and a symptom of a way of thinking about Power, and total(izing) control, rather than a heartful way of flowing in consonant harmony with what is.

    I notice in the article you linked that Cascade Investment will turn some of its acquired lands (“25,000 acres near Phoenix”) “into a suburb with space for 80,000 homes; more than 4,000 acres for schools, offices, and stores; and 3,400 acres of open space.” He’s creating a city, managed by an investment foundation. I think I’ve seen this kind of concept before, put together by the very reputable Omni Consumer Products. I look forward to the majesty, the peace, and the prosperity of our bright, unending future.

    • Agree: Mehen
    • Thanks: Kali, Morton's toes, Iris
    • Replies: @The Real World
  377. Iris says:

    Hi Skeptical. Thanks ever so much for this wealth of information, which you already patiently explained to the pro-Pfizers over two weeks ago in precedent threads.

    I just wanted to make the point that, unlike what is still repeated ad nauseam by the pro-Pfizers, on this thread, it is now official that herd immunity is impossible. It was stated in front of the British parliamentary commission by the experts advising the government on its Covid strategy. Enough with the Big Pharma gaslighting.

  378. Polemos says:

    If you scroll up to the top of the comments but just underneath the main article, you’ll find the following:

    “A Continuation of the Covid Vaxxing Debate”
    • 383 Comments • 383 Comments

    |Commenters to Ignore| |… to Follow| |Endorsed Only|

    Click on the blue “Commentors to Ignore” button, which should open a window (autopopulated with an example of our host’s self-deprecating humor) where you can enter in usernames of people whom you’d rather not read. I do not use these features, so I can’t say whether it’s case-sensitive or whatnot.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  379. @The Real World

    I wonder if his company is stepping up and supporting him, financially and otherwise.

    Probably not. When you are vax-injured, you will suffer physically and also mentally as everyone condemns you as a liar or a hypochondriac. Your severe pain, paralysis, heart inflammation, and blood clotting is “all in your head.”

    Doctors can’t help you, even if doctors wanted to, since they don’t know what’s wrong with you. It wasn’t the injection, since the injection is flawless. And pharma companies can’t be sued for their Covid injections.

    The vax-injured are on their own.

    • Agree: John Wear
  380. @Raches

    You look agitated, maybe you should rest…

    In France the health care system which used to be of good quality has been destroyed (like the rest) by the EU dictatorship which imposed it’s destruction to prioritise privatisation. At the begining of the epidemy, the capacities were very low, systematicaly. It was the same in Milano, and it has been like that every last years.

    After the first mass house arrest, triggered by Neil Ferguson, the French government promissed to open 12000 beds -while investing massively in repression devices- up til now, they have suppress even more beds, 900.

    Doctors have been silenced, first by a law in february and then recently, having been announced that they would be certified every 6 years. A new medecin, highly technologic, technocratic, datacratic is been engineerd. It is inhuman, it is sick, fake science, faking vainly the art of medecin. That is only factual.

    Our societies are being destroyed during our traumatisation, while reenginered in way that take away our inherent natural liberty.

    On the economic front we are witnessing the greatest transfer of wealth never seen before. Pharmafia make contracts with the EU madhouse, which are hidden from the public eyes. These psychos buy billions of doses, more than the two dose sold initialy, thus demonstrating that they had foreknowledge of the additional doses being required to keep one’s pass sanitaire/ Totalitarian.

    There are no testing group in the mass inoculation experiment, how any evaluation would be made? How evaluate anything when the people could take one dose of one genetic technology and another one from another pharmafiosi (pfizer or astra)? How evaluate when the experiment was ‘sold’ to the masses for two shots and now for never ending inoculations? The passe totalitaire was planed before the epidemy in the EU dictatorship, 2019…

    People are entitled to ask questions, listen to those who risk their life, their career, there fame, their academic confort, their economic life, their psychological balance… Who demonstrate they are not to be bought. Up and down the pyramid.

    We have no reason whatsoever to believe that the main pharmafia companies are benevolent, none, zero. Their background speaks volume, no nuance. Moderna claiming they want to hack the software of life… Science is dead. The small pharmaceutical companies are smashed…..

    Meanwhile, 5G antennas have been prioritized so that the instalators have never been subject to any house arrest. They are mushrooming in big cities.

    Nietzche would vomit the propaganda and our servitude.

    Why should we be inoculated without our enlighted consent, by force? By whose order?

    • Agree: John Wear, Skeptikal, Kali
    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante
  381. @utu

    When LBJ was pimping NASA in the late 50s, he said this to the Senate:

    “From space one could control the earth’s weather, cause drought and floods, change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, make temperate climates frigid.”

    Here’s LBJ again speaking at a 1962 commencement ceremony:


    As the NYT asked in 1976, “Can a nation that tampers with natural balances deny responsibility for what follows?”

    Here’s another fun resource:

    The May 25, 1958, issue of The American Weekly ran an article by Frances Leighton using information from Captain Howard T. Orville. The article, in no uncertain terms, described a race to see who would control the earth’s thermometers. The illustration that ran with the piece pictured an ominous looking satellite which could “focus sunlight to melt the ice in frozen harbors or thaw frosted crops — or scorch enemy cities.”

    So let’s see, NASA was created to weaponize “natural” disasters, and now they can’t stop crying about “extreme weather” which they blame on the great unwashed masses?

  382. Dumbo says:

    The only reason that the establishment did not come harder against the anti-vaxxers is only because the vaccines turned out to be much less effective than expected.

    Only idiots like you expected a “100% efficient” vaccine. Most others knew that there was a reasonable parallel with the flu shots, which have an efficacy of perhaps 50% (and without as many side effects).

    will be easily persuaded and/or coerced to take vaccine when the establishment gets its act together.

    What is it about this Covid thing that transforms everyone into an apprentice of social engineering with delirious plans of Orwellian control? .

    Go fuck yourself.

    • Thanks: JimDandy
  383. lysias says:

    I suspect the same about Robert Maxwell.

  384. Dumbo says:

    This is all a divide and conquer issue. I think the division between “vaxxed” and “unvaxxed” is being created with the exact purpose of creating social division.

    There is no reason why the “vaxxed” should be against the “unvaxxed” or vice-versa.

    The earlier flu shots were voluntary, and there was never any problem. Some people took them, some didn’t. There was no coercion of “unvaxxed” and no great disagreement between the two groups. Some people die of flu every year. That’s life.

    But somehow now with Covid the “vaxxed” are supposed to blame the “unvaxxed” for spreading the disease, when the “vaxxed” themselves can spread it just as well, and there is an unprecedented push to vaccine every man, woman and child on pains of job loss, family separation, etc.

    Also, a completely absurd system of segregation with “green passes” is instituted that makes no sense whatsoever except for those who profit from the vaccines and lovers of bureaucracy, as: a) the vaxxed can spread the disease; b) we don’t really know for how long “protection” works and not even who is still “protected” or not, unless we test the levels of antibodies on everyone constantly; c) it doesn’t in any way “stop the virus”; d) even if it worked (which it doesn’t) it’s not a good way to live in a society.

    To be honest, I don’t even understand insane people like Utu and other defentders of “fgreen passes” and “oloockdownws” . I can’t see how anyone can want to live this way.

  385. Mehen says:

    Vaccines are being pushed in large part because the pharmaceutical industry needs a money maker. . . .

    A slight quibble: if you look at the \$numbers\$, they aren’t that large when compared to certain other sectors. I don’t really think Pharma profits are the prime driver of the nonsense. I suspect something more sinister is in play. Think bigger:

    • Agree: Bugey libre
  386. peterAUS says:

    ….really committed anti-vaxxers…

    I believe you got me confused with somebody else.
    Maybe a little clarification, now that I left an email here, is needed.

    I am not an anti-vaxer (whatever that might be).

    I am…for the lack of better word…”methodologist”, and experienced one.

    I’ve gone through TWO real world outbreaks, both quite lethal for those infected, during my service, and studied/had papers about biological warfare. Exercises…oh my. Spent more time in NBC suit than most of you guys with that muzzle on your faces. So..know something about the current topic and can’t really get impressed by anyone here trying to lecture me about it.
    I don’t buy the official narrative here, all the way from virus isolation to deployment of vaccines.

    I also know something about decision making process in crisis. About use of media in true crisis. What we’ve seen so far isn’t it. It’s a “fear porn” and power grab.

    Then, I know something about how the world of finance works. Or how to “follow the money”…..
    Long term debt cycle, compound interest, derivatives, margin calls etc…

    So, extremely briefly:
    There IS a serious crisis, it’s just not the virus. It’s collapsing of the current and, more importantly, on the fly redesigning of the new world financial system.
    And….creation of the new type of society in developed world to support that system.
    For the thick: CBDC and social credit.

    The virus narrative is to enable lockdowns.
    Lockdowns are to destroy small, weaken medium players, shape public opinion and develop and deploy means of mass control of populace.
    All that to “build back better”. For the 1 % and their..say…9 % errand boys/girls, naturally. Worse for the 90% of people.

    Or, for really thick: sharp centralization of wealth and power. Consequently, sharp loss of wealth and power for people like me and I guess most of people reading this. Poverty and loss of freedom, really.

    So far “they” are winning and “we” are losing, hard.
    The level of “sheepleness” of most people has been surprising. The level of incompetence for those who do see something missing has been quite disappointing. Inability to organize first and foremost.

    My ONLY public interest in this topic is about “how to get organized to try to counter this….”. Keyword ORGANIZE.

    It’s easy to envisage, at this stage, hundreds of millions of isolated, disorganized persons in developed world, not happy with the paradigm. Unable to change anything for better too.

    Futile protests, bursts of pent up rage directed against wrong targets, lone wolf acts also against wrong targets. An impotent mess simply reinforcing the paradigm.

    The challenge is figuring out how to organize that mass discontent into something effective. The rest is waste of time and energy.

    Hope that clears the air.

  387. Charlie says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Sometime last year there were stories about college kids throwing COVID parties to see who gets sick first. At the time I thought, What are these kids thinking? Later on Chris Matheson had a video where he suggested there might be a therapeutic exposure to SARS-COV2, a Goldilocks inoculum, not too hot landing you in the hospital, but not too cold yielding no immune response. It sort of made sense.

    The problem is how do you meter your inoculum, i.e. measure and control how much virus gets introduced into your system? At some level a massive inoculum will overwhelm any defenses you might have. Dr. Jackie Stone in Zimbabwe describes getting very sick with COVID after being exposed to one of her patients despite having previously recovered from COVID and prophylaxing weekly with ivermectin. Beyond the dubious proposal that masks reduce exposure, I’ve seen very little info on how one might go about getting just a little sick. With natural immunity starting to go mainstream it seems a natural question to ask.

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
  388. Kali says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Just out of curiosity, Mr Trolling, EXACTLY how many doses of your TOXIC Clot-Shot will be required to achieve :
    1. Imunity?
    2. Death?

    It’s YOU who keeps repeating that the toxicity is in the dose, so be specific and tell us at exactly what dose do your TOXIC spike become lethal?

    Tell us also if your Clot-Shots have a cumulative effect in your test subjects.

    Thanks in advance,

  389. The vaccine fraud seems likely to collapse soon. It seems highly likely that Japan has now joined most of India in use of Ivermectin. Tamil Nadu state has banned ivermectin and doing much worse than those Indian states(almost all others I think) which have started using ivermectin.

    Here is the quality of the FDA’s communication on Ivermectin

    You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.


    Looking forward to the execution of those who foisted the covid crime on the world.

    Dr. Ozaki cited evidence from African nations that have utilized Ivermectin during the pandemic. He stated: “In Africa, if we compare countries distributing Ivermectin once a year with countries who do not give Ivermectin… they don’t give Ivermectin to prevent COVID but to prevent parasitic disease… if we look at COVID numbers in countries that give Ivermectin, the number of cases is 134.4/100,000 and the number of deaths is 2.2/100,000.”

    In 2019, Japan’s death rate from influenza amounted to 2.9 death cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

    The Tokyo Medical Association chairman compared statistics from African countries that did use Ivermectin yearly with those that did not: “Now African countries which do not distribute Ivermectin: 950.6 cases per 100,000 and 29.3 deaths per 100,000.”

    Of course not all plain sailing; as well as all the US owned public news carriers banning approval of ivermectin, Wikipedia also bans it.

    • Thanks: John Wear, Truth Vigilante
  390. @Raches

    Not everyone is afraid of being the victim of a “dox.” While I can easily understand why those employed, those with important (to them) social or business connections, may live in fear of the Evil Dox, not everyone is. I’m long retired, independently wealthy (or am I???) and don’t really seem a risk. Beyond having actual criminal or terrorist attacks upon my person or property, it’s not clear that the boys down at the local tavern, or the guys I hunt and fish with, would really be shocked at my participation in these forbidden realms. Besides, the Dox Police are just the latest version of the Party Organs of the Soviet Union. Once it’s decided to make someone a sacrificial lamb, it doesn’t really matter what you’ve done, indeed, or if you’ve done anything wrong at all. You will lose your position, your privileges, your rights, perhaps even your freedom and your life, simply because it suits the Party’s needs. Things don’t seem quite that bad, yet. But sure, if you are a businessman, or hold a “respectable position,” then use some due care. There’s a risk even browsing, much less participating, in these dark corners of the internet.

    • Replies: @Raches
  391. Wild Man says:

    One thing that makes me wonder a bit is …. why are the boosters not modified for the mutated form of the spike protein?

    I believe I have muchly improved upon Mr. Unz’s ‘sars-cov-2 as biowea0pon’ theory, for at least 3 months now, if I am recalling the timeline correctly, (though said improvement is getting close to zero traction here at this forum), …. by questioning what the motives for such bioweapon operation, would be. It immediately becomes apparent, by way of questioning the motivational aspect that said bioweapon theory must feature, …. that a leading motivation-possibility for such, would be tied to the vaxx program. What does sars-cov-2 and the vaxx program have in common? Well, it is the specific spike protein, apparently as gain-of-function-engineered, within lab.

    Perhaps there is a problem with respect to any re-design of the spike protein (by natural mutation, or by lab-engineering) …. not therefore continuing to deliver the precise traits, selected for, for said hypothesized bioweapon. Would heel-dragging among the vaxx-makers and among Covid Officialdom, with respect to formulating a corrected-spike-protein booster, be deemed further circumstantial evidence for my conjecture?

    Probably too early to tell. But I think it is something to continue to watch for. If Comirnaty is the same as the original Pfizer jab, and that is not available yet because it is the same, and so the supply of the original jab needs to be used up first, because it is the same but perhaps due to expire (deep-freeze-shelf-life-wise), until such time the new brand will then goes into use (which is exactly the same product – no? …. at least spike-protein-mRNA-instruction-wise – no?) … well …. I feel like I am in the hall of mirrors at the county fair (unless, instead, it’s that TWBT is all-wet with respect to the variant-mutational-mods as driving Delta, and as such defeating the vaxx-program-as-now-employed). But assuming TWBT has got that right (that the claim that Delta is different enough, spike-protein-wise, to drive the reduced efficacy ….. but it may not end up being that, that is the reason for the reduced vaxx-program efficacy over 6 months …. I think it is too early to tell for sure, what precisely is driving this reduced efficacy over small time frames …. it may instead be inherent to the reduced antigen-targeting as employed by these vaxxes) ….. well then …. where there is smoke and mirrors, there tends to also be parties that control said smoke and said mirrors to eventuate a hidden ulterior agenda.

    Man, is this whole thing ever continue to be very weird.

    I continue to be pretty suspicious of the vascular-pathogenic qualities of the spike protein (toxic platelet interactions, and toxic interactions with ACE2 receptor fields in vascular tissue rich in these receptors). I continue to smell a rat, in that regards.

    When would it be proper to conclude that something is truly fishy, if the vaxx makers and Covid Officialdom fail to come up with a booster vaxx modified for a new spike-protein-modified-configuration? Now? 3 months from now?

    • Replies: @Tony Hall
    , @Emslander
  392. Skeptikal says:

    The statement you commented on was Gail Tverberg’s, not mine.

    However, I don’t think I take your point! Not sure reallywhat your point is.

    I have also seen numerous vids with Fitts (including this one, also with Reiner Fuellmich, and others), and I also don’t think she is wrong. I mean, who knows???? There are surely multiple layers of chicanery and power grabbing going on.

    Regarding Big Pharma’s profits, the implicit comparison you draw doesn’t seem that relevant. Just because other sectors make more money doesn’t mean that Big Pharma’s investors—-and managers—don’t care about profits and getting their own private mint—for as long as it lasts (see up-thread: it’s official; we cannot reach herd immunity or “conquer” Covid via endless rounds of jabs). They are just running their part of the show. Maybe it is Act II.

    Indeed, that guy Boulas or whatever his name is—Bourla—has already announced huge profits to Pfizer shareholders and others have noted how many new Pharma billionaires (the Moderna guy is one of them) have been minted in the past 18 months.

  393. geokat62 says:

    Think bigger:

    Some of the most interesting quotes by Catherine Austin Fitts:

    “This is war… don’t finance your enemy.”

    “The bigger play was a financial engineering that has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare. Healthcare is the marketing plan for the re-engineering of our governance and financial systems. This is a coup.”

    “We’re bringing down life expectancy and it’s being engineered.”

    “If you look at where the riots occurred, I would call it a real estate reacquisition plan.”

    “Small business is the the bedrock of democracy. And If you want wipe out democracy, you wipe out small business.”

    “There is clearly a desire to wipe out the small business industry, if they can. It’s all part of taking complete political control.”

    “Remember what Klaus Schwab says: it’s 2030, you’ll have no assets and you’ll be happy. What he’s saying is: it’s 2030, we will have stolen your assets and we’re going to mind control you.”

    “When people ask what I invest in, I invest in people. In the world we’re going into, a civilization is built one great person at a time, one great child at a time. That’s how you build a great civilization. And either we finance the world we want to live in or we won’t have it. I can assure you Mr. Global is not going to finance it for us.”


    1. Use cash
    2. Shift money out of big banks and into community banks and credit unions
    3. Build resiliency (get the big corps out of your life)
    4. Build local food systems (inflation is coming)

    Bottom line: “stop building our own prison.”

    • Thanks: John Wear
  394. Skeptikal says:

    Please do keep posting.

    The only step I have taken so far is to stay in contact with my neighbor downstairs, also a refusenik, who says he is reaching out out to others (he is a health practitioners, so althoiugh he must tread carefully he has a sense of which of his patients are also refuseniks).

    I have also written a letter to the local paper calling out “death wish for the unvaccinated” types of messages that they have printed in their letter column.

    I wonder whether there is any point in actually writing letters to our elected representatives: to protest vaxx passports, to supply them with info that they might not otherwise be getting.

    OTOH people such as Whitney Webb advise just keeping a low profile and not calling attention to oneself.

    I am in a very blue state. So it is hard to gauge what people are thinking and doing (i.e., 1/3 of local voters voted for Trump, but local newspapers operated on the assumption that no one would ever vote for Trump; the idea is just too outlandish; IOW the operative asssumption seems to be that there is total consensus and if you dissent in any way you are labeled a Trump supporter by, say, commenters!). Vaxx mandates from the local boards of health for all employees.

    It does seem to me that the inefficacy of the jabs and the constant need for boosters might open some eyes as to the bait and switch that has been pulled.

  395. @Skeptikal

    Admit I did not do the research that TWBT did above, but I stand by my belief that in the USA a vaccine maker has much legal protection against lawsuits, and not just for child vaccines. As exhibit B I submit the following:

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  396. Ron Unz says:

    Click on the blue “Commentors to Ignore” button, which should open a window (autopopulated with an example of our host’s self-deprecating humor)

    That certainly works, but there’s also an easier way.

    If you click the Agree/Disagree button for a comment, the small window that pops up contains an “Ignore Commenter” button, clicking it adds that commenter to the list. If the commenter is already on the Ignore list, the button allows you to Un-Ignore the commenter.

    • Replies: @Emslander
  397. @That Would Be Telling

    “Your San Diego County hospital numbers don’t work at all because the number of breakthrough infections is way too small to draw solid statistical conclusions from. Eight patients total??”
    I agree that their numbers are largely meaningless (although they may be statistically significant), they don’t give the demographics of the groups, they don’t give the total pool of patients they screened for admission, and three of four groups contained 3, 8 and 16 patients. Basically anecdotal data (which the media loves), and which I am being bombarded with (in graphs and figures, and why I posted it).

    Much better what Israel is doing using 10s of thousands of patients, characterizing breakthrough infections and HOSPITALIZATIONS of fully vaccinated patients. This was almost exclusively the Pfizer vaccine, most of the breakthrough hospitalizations (87%) were in those over age 60. Although their antibody titers were somewhat decreased, serious cases were unexpected so quickly (6 months) after vaccination (but no deaths. Yet). (there are several similar articles, one noting the vast superiority of natural immunity of recovered patients (27-fold over full vaccine immunity) in preventing symptomatic Covid infection.

    The weak immune responses fit with observations in recent Lancet articles focused on 80 year olds in the UK (the main target population of Covid, the majority of deaths occur in those over 80 years old). (short paper with links to the research articles:
    Findings in this, the main Covid- Vulnerable group, were slow, weak immune antibody responses (unless previously infected with Covid); and that the Pfizer vaccine did not show cellular responses in many of the elderly. They supported delaying the second jab for Pfizer, which was already policy in the UK.

    A vaccine which only protects those who are at minimal risk from Covid is useless. The delta variant has exposed S1-protein vaccine issues. Having a single S1 protein as the antigen, while possibly good against many random S1 mutants (as occurred before vaccination campaigns), doesn’t help against changes in the (S2) furin cleavage site (such as P681R of the delta variant), which is critical for fusion and viral entry. Agreed several proteins should have been used in Western vaccines (the nucleocapsid appears as antigenic as S1) and common proteins with other common cold coronaviruses would boost the cellular responses to SARS-CoV2, much as S1 protein antibodies are boosted by S1-vaccines in the previously infected. What you call viral “fitness” I call “selection”. If your vaccine antibodies neutralize 95% of an inoculum, your immune system will likely eliminate the rest, however if any survive due to selected mutations they can become an important variant. Also the alpha variant had 17 protein mutations without a “family tree”, briefly flummoxing the genomics people who had been following mutations, one at a time, as they became prevalent through both increased replication and immune evasion. (Still no certain explanation of where 17 protein mutations came from all at once.)

    The veterans’ study is difficult to interpret, they are a unique socioeconomic group (and a sad commentary on present treatment at the VA). Of course it is difficult to realistically compare Covid outcomes to flu outcomes (there was minimal flu last season for comparison, and flu varies dramatically year to year).

    German measles is incredibly infectious and has pronounced teratogenic effects. If Covid was similar, we would surely know that by now, and our quarantines would have been much tighter.

    What would be really nice to have is an excellent test for previous infection with Covid. Cellular assays seem better for assaying long ago (12-18 months) infections than serology, due to assays being for the S1 antibodies which fade , particularly after natural infection. I don’t advocate trying to get infected, but if someone already has natural immunity (maybe most Americans?) they don’t need a Covid vaccine. We don’t know the long term effects of Covid nor of Covid vaccines.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  398. @Ben the Layabout

    A bit of low level law doesn’t tell you the context; go up in the hierarchy to “42 U.S. Code Part 2— National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program” and you’ll find it’s about the program who’s FAQ text I previously hunted down.

    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  399. It’s like crack cocaine, the first dose is free. Then your body becomes dependent on the substance, and you need a new fix regularly for the rest of your life.

    In the long run, this debate is meaningless, because the die has been cast. Pandora’s box has been opened. The profoundly leaky vaccine will create a constant evolutionary pressure on SARS CoV 2. Its just like Marek’s disease in chickens. Immunity and virulence will fall into a vicious circle. And this will create a perpetual need for vaccines.

    The only immediate risk to the unjabbed would be the release of an extremely hot COVID bio weapon. In such a scenario the jabbed, who can carry and transmit the virus with reduced symptoms, will spread the virus to all the unjabbed, who will die.

    But barring such a drastic scenario, humanity will still become a wholly managed population: livestock. It is inevitable. We have been domesticating ourselves for a long time. Now we will transition to being fully owned.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  400. @BlackFlag

    That he made his speech 40 years ago discounts his observations as they did not come true. It also casts a dubious light on people who echo him.

    • Troll: Kali
  401. @Iris

    It is now official that herd immunity is impossible.

    Therefore the only solution is mandatory booster shots every six months for the rest of your life.

    All injuries caused by the vax are “Covid.” They are “breakthrough infections.”

    The more that each shot injures you, the more you need additional shots.

    As you can see, ANYTHING can be twisted and perverted into “proof” that more vaxxing is needed.

    Always more.

    • Replies: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  402. Raches says:
    @Ben the Layabout

    Raches contra Internet Anti-Masker Complacency

    Maybe I am a 6’4″ military man with combat experience. Maybe Miss Iris missed a catch here. Regardless, there are some risks that I would not casually dismiss. For example:

    Not everyone is afraid of being the victim of a “dox.” While I can easily understand why those employed, those with important (to them) social or business connections, may live in fear of the Evil Dox, not everyone is. I’m long retired, independently wealthy (or am I???) and don’t really seem a risk. Beyond having actual criminal or terrorist attacks upon my person or property, it’s not clear that the boys down at the local tavern, or the guys I hunt and fish with, would really be shocked at my participation in these forbidden realms.

    Those who never even attempt to keep their identities and/or locations private have not infrequently suffered such violence.

    A man whose real identity is well-known sold his house and disappeared in a scheme involving a “decoy house”, after a fake “active shooter/hostage situation” call sent a SWAT team barging into his home. He is a gun owner, and he was caught by surprise by a violent intrusion. He could easily have wound up dead.

    Source: Nice, mainstream New York Times.

    [March 12, 2019]

    In October 2017, a SWAT team descended on Jameson Lopp’s house in North Carolina. Someone — it still isn’t clear who — had called the police and falsely claimed that a shooter at the home had killed someone and taken a hostage. After the police left, Mr. Lopp received a call threatening more mayhem if he did not make a large ransom payment in Bitcoin.

    To scare off future attackers, Mr. Lopp quickly posted a video on Twitter of himself firing off his AR-15 rifle. He also decided he was going to make it much harder for his enemies — and anyone else — to find him ever again.


    10. Buy a decoy house to fool the D.M.V.


    15. Hire private investigators to check your work.

    To make sure he didn’t make any mistakes, Mr. Lopp paid private investigators to try to find him. It was an investigator who helped him figure out that his D.M.V. registration was making him vulnerable, which led him to getting a decoy address.

    Mr. Lopp estimates that his efforts to disappear have cost him about \$30,000.

    Besides financial extortion, a widely-presumed motive for the swatting: Open-source software project factional politics, and jealousies within the losing factions. Or maybe “for the lulz”. Who knows? Some basement-dwelling losers are just crazy—and some of them may know how to hack SS7, or whatever.

    Mr. Lopp is a “respectable” libertarian. Relatively tame (sorry, Mr. Lopp). Now, consider some others.

    I needn’t remind anyone of the little weapons-related drama that Dr. Griffin encountered with Dr. Pierce’s wife, who was terrified by the threats that her husband received. George Dietz lived with a rifle within easy reach at all times, because he published a magazine. That is not paranoid, when a perpetual stream of death threats becomes a quotidian part of your life.

    (Aside, this does show in practice one of the ways that the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment helps to support its First Amendment.)

    And we must NEVER FORGET!!! the day when, on American Independence Interdependence Day in Nineteen Eighty-Four, an office that contained primary-source scholarly research materials, some irreplaceable, and book-printing plates, some never remade, was altogether memory-holed by Jewish arsonists.

    In the early morning hours of July 4, 1984, the offices of the Institute for Historical Review in Torrance, southern California, were destroyed in a devastating arson attack. The assault was meant to end forever the work of a small but fiercely independent research and publishing center.

    In the five and a half years since its founding in late 1978, the IHR had generated considerable notoriety as well as hateful hostility. In particular, the Institute’s revisionist publications on the Holocaust issue had enraged Jewish groups. Perhaps the most vehemently hostile of these was the Jewish Defense League, a militant Zionist group with a long record of violence that the US government’s FBI had identified as a terrorist organization.

    Between February 1981 and October 1982, the Institute’s office in Torrance as well as individual IHR employees were targets of a systematic campaign of violence and harassment that included a drive-by shooting, three arson attacks, vandalization of IHR employee-owned automobiles, slashings of 22 tires of employee automobiles, JDL-organized demonstrations outside the IHR office, and numerous telephone threats during office hours and at night to IHR employees at home.


    Based on its investigation of the crime, the report notes, in December 1984 the Torrance Police Department submitted the case to the District Attorney’s office for criminal complaints against Irv Rubin, Earl Krugel, Michael Canale and Danny Nichols on arson and conspiracy charges.

    But no arrest was ever made. During a telephone conversation on Dec. 5, 2002, Torrance Fire Department official Michael Freige told IHR director Mark Weber that in 1984 Torrance authorities had concluded that JDL activitists were reponsible for the arson attack against the IHR, but that charges were never filed because it was decided that there was not enough evidence for a successful prosecution of the case.

    I wonder: If “neo-Nazis” were to perpetrate a similar campaign of violent terrorist attacks (leaving clues all over the place), would the “authorities” simply shrug and say, eh, not enough evidence to prosecute?

    (N.b., I have some decreasing trust in the IHR with the passage of time. But the above quote of an article from 2013 is consistent with other information about the 1984 incident.)


    This could be only the start of a much longer exposition.

    Earlier, I said something about a thousand reasons. I dislike hiding in the shadows and retreating to my cloisters. But in broken-down societies run by corrupt governments that do not adequately stop criminals, it is sometimes the wise choice.

    To protect my health, I wear a mask on the Internet.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  403. @Ron Unz

    280-odd comments so far, 2 hours or so into it, and I am enjoying the debate. I have not read the 1st and 2nd threads, not having the heart/time to go through that many comments from scratch at this point, but this one is pretty civil. I am so glad to have a place to read and comment on this important subject. I see the thoughts I would have written have been covered.

    Mr. Unz, I am writing to you to add to what 2 commenters wrote (and I have written before): You have delved into all kinds of big lies in American history. Besides this great site, it seems to be your thing. To me, with this COVID-19 it’s neither the origin of the virus, as you’ve written about, nor the health “crisis” itself that is the the big story this time or big lie. It’s the way the virus was used as an excuse to take away rights and order people around, even humiliate them (with the face diapers) that is THE STORY here. It’s about taking more control. This story is all around you. As one of the guys wrote, you do great with the historical stuff, but this is going on all around us,” right here, right now”, as the 30 y/o song goes.

    You should see, I would hope, that there is an analogy to 9/11 here in terms of how a response to a crisis, whether it was “manufactured” or just “not let to go to waste”, was used by Globalists and would-be Totalitarians all over the world to tighten up their control of the population.

    I was surprised (hope you don’t take it as an insult) to see this extremely common-sensical comment here. I couldn’t agree more! Some of this, you might recall, is what some of use have been writing since March of ’20.

    I said I couldn’t agree more, but let me comment a bit in another one about your point (5).

  404. @Cloak And Dagger

    I’m super down for this! I’ve been hoping to initiate something like this. Natural immunity FTW.

  405. Skeptikal says:

    Wow, real paranoia porridge pot, boiling over.

    Boil, pot, boil!

    Just what we need more of!

    Grimms’ witch didn’t provide the magic words to make the pot stop producing paranoia porridge.

  406. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Rereading my comment, I want to make it clear to you that I assume you know everything I said. Your comment made me literally laugh aloud, so I elaborated on what it brought to mind.

    In a public discussion, I am always aware of the audience. I find it annoying when people clog a thread with one-on-one chit-chat of a kind which could not possibly be interesting to anyone else; and sometimes, when addressing you, elaboration may be added for others, or I may re-arrange things to balance a message for the audience with a message to you. This hereby message is itself intended for others as much as for you.

    I think this caused a small misunderstanding before, when I seized the opportunity to speechify against social media. Given what you have said of your Internet experience, I would guess that you are not likely to, like, like like Facebook likes and stuff; but I gave my opinion of social media more prominence for others, while putting a note more for you at the bottom.

    I likewise understand that if you were to slip some kindergarten-level explainer into a reply to me, and if it were not in a context suggesting that I myself don’t know it or that you are trying to school me on something that I obviously know, then it may not be intended for me. This is, by the way, one of the reasons why it is important to establish a civilized discussion. There are multiple “people” here who have tossed at me things I damn well know about, with explicit insults to my intelligence. I would not reflexively assume that of you, Mr. Telling, because we have been engaged in a polite and mutually respectful discourse.

    Hereby, if we had been chatting in private, I would probably have just remarked “LOL,!” with the presumption that you saw it at least twenty years ago—then added one of those little Rachesian satires with which I not infrequently regale my friends “in real life”.

    flu shots (OK, they do contain eggs or bug cells remnants, the “no latex” just tells you what’s not in the vial’s elastomer top center).

    Thanks. I didn’t know that. But what with this being the Internet, I should make this excruciatingly clear to others: I was only surreally satirizing schizophrenic Internet Conspiracy Theorist logic, by connecting a “no latex in this vaccine” disclaimer to Professor Wetterhahn’s fatally inadequate latex gloves. oBVIOUSLY CONNECTED!

    Sisyphus rolls the stone back up…

  407. Mark Hunter says: • Website

          Good post except for the ending.

          The Ron Unz quote about being an amateur etc. wasn’t an “out” of any kind. The full paragraph is:

    Now I am merely just an amateur in the complex intelligence craft of extracting nuggets of truth from a mountain of manufactured falsehood. Although the arguments of the 9/11 Truth Movement seemed quite persuasive to me, I would obviously have felt much more comfortable if they were seconded by an experienced professional, such as a top CIA analyst. A few years ago, I was shocked to discover that was indeed the case.

          Your goal is to persuade Ron Unz and other readers that the media is whipping up hysteria about a treatable virus now just like it whipped up hysteria about nonexistent weapons of mass destruction then.

          Consider Ron Unz reading that fantasy of yours, ““Don’t blame me for being duped this time. After all, it’s complicated, goy!” that you attribute to him. Did you expect him to like reading it, or you for putting it in his mouth? Was this off-putting exhibition of nastiness calculated to achieve your goal of convincing him of your analogy?

          As for the other readers, many of them have grown to like Ron Unz even if they don’t know him personally or agree with every last thing he says. They will think he deserves a better sort of criticism than “Don’t blame me” etc.  So you put them off too.

          As persuasion your post is a complete loss.  Your stupid ending sabotaged a good point.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  408. @Ron Unz

    I used a very old browser on that previous comment, Mr. Unz, so no 5-min. [EDIT] window. That’s not a complaint, but to explain that I meant (6), not (5) that I wanted to write about.

    First, I know you picked the 1/3 to 1/2 in point (3) just as a vague guess. I wouldn’t have any better a guess for adults. However, for children I would guess even higher. I mean, it’s not like they’ve all really been doing all of Dr. Fauci’s widely-varying recommended protocols over the last year and a half.

    Last April and May, I home-schooled my 9 y/o, when the school was just lost as to how to proceed. We went out for 2 hour recesses and dozens of kids in the park played together like normal. When the elementary school started back up, the kids had the silly plexiglass containers around them (still do) and wore masks even OUTSIDE at recess, and were supposed to stay 6 ft away! Tag was officially out of the question. I say “officially”. Now, they are down to 3 ft, haha, and the masks are put into pockets at recess against the rules. Random kids have had the COVID, stayed out a few days, and came back. Were the principal to have driven by and seen the kids outside together after school, she’d have had to do a Sergeant Schultz “I see nothink, nothink!”

    The whole thing is one big farce for the kids. I wrote all this because you may not be familiar, but the point is, likely MOST of the kids have been infected, with a small, medium, or large dose. I don’t see how they couldn’t have been. Nobody knows “infections”, just “cases”, which are also open to interpretation, and then hospitalizations and deaths. As you know, those last two have been insignificant for the young kids.

    Lastly, and this is not arguing that your solution wouldn’t be good health-wise, mind you, but I don’t think officially purposefully infecting the kids would go down well even with the least hysterical of parents. It’d be like saying, we will put your toddler’s finger on only a slightly-hot stove element, so he’ll get the idea about that early. “It’ll be a 1st degree burn only, Ma’am.”

    How about the solution being we let kids go back to acting like kids did pre-March ’20? I know the school district members would have a great rebuttal though: “Then we couldn’t issue edicts every other day, be important, have people listen carefully to all our voicemails, and spend even more property tax money. Duh!”

  409. @Raches

    I got through only a couple of your full comments, Mr. Raches, then had to start skimming. This one is a size I can deal with.

    Do you realize how you sound? You are taking this virus way too seriously, very much as if it were the Black Death. Do you have commandeered FedEx (OK, it’s stupidly “Fed Ex Express” now) vans running around your neighborhood regularly with P/A announcements saying “bring out your dead”? C’mon, man! You truly sound like you are hoping to stay at the landing zone and not be the one to be sent by your commanding officer to clear that really “hot” grove of trees over there of the NVA*. Now that might be a case in which one guy may be very jealous of the other guy.

    I know it’s a running joke, but “do you even lift, man?”. What I mean is, why don’t you make efforts to stay healthy physically, so you’ll be a bit closer to your friend’s state. To stay mentally healthy, the first thing you ought to do is to quit letting this bad virus season make your life an ongoing PanicFest. Step 1: Stop paying for cable, and shoot up your TV with hollow points.

    Oh, and as much as I was disgusted with your fearful attitude, I will say that the “Covid Classic” term you used is a nice one. I don’t know if you made it up, but I’m stealing it either way.


    * Please forgive me, Vietnam vets – no I don’t know that much about the details of that war on the ground.

    • Replies: @Raches
  410. Raches says:
    @Dr. Fasci, America’s Doctor

    Thus far, in this thread alone, this is the third instance in which I have been directly involved in a situation with some liar who uses cherry-picked misquotes to misrepresent statements. Two of them have been misquotes of me, including this:

    you essentially admit that you are sockpuppetting, and quote what I said here, in a case whereby it took me all of three seconds to nail down a fake Internet doctor

    Congratulations Sherlock, you must really be Mensa material if it took you three full seconds to realize that “Dr. Fasci” is not a real doctor.

    You snipped my quote to make it appear as if I were declaring, with profound pride, that I somehow figured out you’re not a real doctor. It is bloody obvious from the context that I was describing the link for which you stripped the hypertext, and the subsequent quotation that you omitted. Less obvious was that I was hinting at something else; but we needn’t yet reach that.

    To avoid making this comment too long on a “not worth it” reply, I will omit extensive quotation of a comment that readers can simply review for themselves, with full context.

    I said I assumed a new screen name under duress, but I never said you were the source of that duress, so you are merely assailing a straw man.

    Your new sockpuppet’s very first comment was a personal attack on me, which essentially accused me of being a sayan (!), i.e., a Jewish outside collaborator of the Mossad. Your next comment to me alleged that you are using a sockpuppet “only assumed under duress”.

    Given the wild nature of your completely baseless accusations against me, connecting these two statements is a reasonable inference. Given that >44% of your sockpuppet’s commentary thus far (4/9 comments, including your first comment and 3 of your first 4 comments) has consisted of personal attacks against me (me alone, or Mr. Unz and me), the inference is doubly reasonable.

    Well, I will gamely ask: Who is placing you under alleged duress to commit sockpuppetry?

  411. fredtard says:

    I recently caught covid, and I treated myself with horse paste ivermectin. Interestingly, I caught it from my wife, and started both her and myself on ivm when she was pretty sick, the morning of her third rough day (as soon as she tested positive, more on the test we used below), and two days before I had any symptoms. She was feeling fine by day 6 (day 4 of ivermectin). I was low energy on days 3 and 4, never had a fever, cough, diarrhea, etc. I took my ~14 mg daily dose on days -2, 0, 1, 2, and 3 (skipped day -1) We both tested positive with the Abbott Labs rapid antigen test which detects the nucleocapsid protein of both SARS and SARS-COV2, her on day 3, me on my day 2. The two-pack of tests off the pharmacy shelf costs ~\$25, and you swab just inside both nostrils and read in 15-30 minutes. We both totally lost our sense of smell, which had me concerned (“Is this fish still good?), and mine isn’t 100% still (today is my day 16 from symptom onset), but it’s a solid 80%.

    Anyway, the horse paste seems to have worked for us, me especially, likely because I started early. We’re 60, in good health, and I’ll never know what my coof course would have been without the ivm. But it costs \$12 for a metered syringe containing 114mg of ivm, enough for 5-9 daily doses, depending on body weight. The dose recommended on is 0.2 mg/kg body weight per day for 5 days. I ended up taking in 5 doses what you’d give your 900 lb horse all at once. The math is easy, the price is right, and what I did is more about flipping the bird to all the sleazy scamdemic perps.

    I’m also quite curious about the effect of the ivm, if any, on my long-term immune response against covid. Time will tell. We definitely plan to get antibody tests through our hmo in the next few weeks.

    I saw my GP for the free annual checkup just last month. He pushed me to take the jab, and asked me for my reason to refuse. Me: “That would take 3 hours.” Him: “We only have 10 minutes.” Me: I’m just not scared of covid…but I am interested in getting an antibody test.” Him: “I can’t counsel you on that.” So right after I walk downstairs for my routine blood work, and the phlebotomist says “Oh yeah, we have an antibody test.” Me “But I just asked my doctor for one.” Her: “Well, you can pull up the app and set an appt, but I can’t add it to the panel now.” Eff that shit. I thought I might have had covid back in late January 2020, turns out probably not. The fact that antibody testing is not widely available and performed, in fact it’s quite the opposite, is one of the more glaring scandals, among some real doozies, in this whole shitshow.

    • Thanks: Tony Hall, Emslander
  412. @Raches

    It is bloody obvious from the context that I was describing the link for which you stripped the hypertext, and the subsequent quotation that you omitted. Less obvious was that I was hinting at something else; but we needn’t yet reach that.

    Do you really expect anyone to parse your every meaning by clicking through multiple layers of your cryptic, prancing semiotics? Do you not understand that you are insufferable?

    A human being should be able to say what they mean, not send their audience on an anaesthetic scavenger hunt. Who the heck do you think you are, Q Anon? Nobody cares.

    • Thanks: Emslander
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
    , @Raches
  413. @Truth Vigilante

    I believe that a high proportion of Covid is linked to sedentary living. People who are up and about, outdoors walking and working, are breathing deeply and their lungs are cleansed by active gas exchange. Those who are cooped up, either because they are old and infirm or because of lockdowns, suffer from inadequate gas exchange in their lungs. Their lungs become lined with pathogenic mucous. There is absolutely no question but that exercise helps clear the lungs. So, I agree with you. Living our lives normally is the best medicine. The worst thing to do is sit or lie about all day, breathing stale air.

  414. Raches says:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    This is a fine opportunity to collect some quotes that belong in one place.

    Mr. Newman:

    I got through only a couple of your full comments, Mr. Raches, then had to start skimming. This one is a size I can deal with.

    Your own laziness and illiteracy are no excuse for strawmanning me:

    Do you realize how you sound? You are taking this virus way too seriously, very much as if it were the Black Death.

    In the fifth paragraph of my very first comment on this thread, August 28, 2021 at 3:34 am GMT, I said:

    As for Covid itself, I never had or claimed the expertise to make accurate predictions of cases and deaths; but I predicted that it would be bad—not Black Death bad, very far from that, but bad.

    Now, let’s check the prior thread. I will quote only three examples, with all italics and boldface from the original.

    August 16, 2021 at 6:57 pm GMT, I said:

    1. Covid is not the Black Death.

    August 19, 2021 at 12:29 pm GMT, I said:

    The official narrative is a mirror-image of the flu hoaxers and those who say that Covid is almost harmless.

    One side says either that Covid doesn’t exist, or that it’s totally trivial; invariably, this side overestimates vaccine risk to the point of claiming that the vaccines are killer poison jabs designed to exterminate billions of people. The other side trivializes vaccine risk, and overestimates Covid risk to the point of treating it like the Black Death.

    Both sides are insane.

    August 21, 2021 at 7:04 pm GMT, I said:

    I have been saying “Covid is not the Black Death” to everyone I know since early 2020. I didn’t read it anywhere; it seemed obvious to me, as it no doubt must have been obvious to other intelligent, calm, lucid, non-panicky people. Ctrl-F on “Black Death” and “Black Plague” shows that I am the first one on this page to have propounded this argument.


    Raches says: Covid is not the Black Death. Covid is also not the flu. Covid is Covid.

    Absolutely all of my public and private statements about Covid have been consistent with this since the start of the pandemic.


    Mr. Newman:

    I know it’s a running joke, but “do you even lift, man?”.

    Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t. It’s none of your business.

    quit letting this bad virus season make your life an ongoing PanicFest.

    I have been consistently preaching against panic and mass-hysteria. Either you are totally unfamiliar with all of my comments here, or you are pretending to be.

    Step 1: Stop paying for cable, and shoot up your TV with hollow points.

    A few days ago, I posted a 1,900-word comment on how videos are for peasants. Why do you assume that I even own a television? Are you trolling me?

    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  415. @Cloak And Dagger

    It makes more sense to vaccinate as many people as possible and reduce the chance of a mutation.

    No, actually quite the opposite. It seems the data suggests that the more dangerous mutations are caused by the vaccines, so we should stop all vaccinations immediately.

    That doesn’t make any sense.

    The Delta mutation came from India which had a high population and low vaccination rates. In fact it was pretty much expected that at least one mutation would come from India.

    More cases in the wild = more chances for mutation.

    That is basic biology.

    Unvaccinated people not only fill the hospitals but increase the chance of a mutation that evades vaccines and antibodies from infection.

  416. @That Would Be Telling

    “Are you one of those people who are concerned about spike protein pathology?”

    Now? In the immediate sense? No. Because I haven’t yet and don’t intend to take the vaccine. In the larger sense? Yes, because it is a giant question mark. Pharmaceutical companies do make mistakes in rushing products to market before all the effects are known. Thalidomide. Generally speaking, a person should, in so far as is feasible, avoid all pharmaceuticals and seek a solution to their problems through diet and exercise. (This from a retired Director of Research and Development of one of America’s largest pharmaceutical companies.)

    From the start I declared that everyone would ultimately be infected. And that the surest road to success would come from having acquired immunity through having contracted the virus. Both individually and collectively, we are best served by (perhaps) vaccinating the most vulnerable but letting the virus run its course through the population at large.

    Sure, there are many selfish individuals who took the vaccine in hopes of cheating death while allowing the virus to mutate and become even more virulent and likely harming more people. But we can’t let our moral behavior be guided by the least far-sighted, most selfish and least public-spirited among us. Those who have been vaccinated were frightened and stampeded into acting irrationally and one can hardly blame them since they have little more sense (or rational understanding) than does a herd of cattle.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  417. Adrian says:

    From our home in an Australian country town I rang the police about the present corona restrictions.
    I knew that I was supposed to wear a mask indoors in public places but did I also have to wear it while walking outside (allowed for grocery shopping and – limited “excercise)”? The answer by the friendly lady I had on the line “yes if you are near shopfronts”. Since you can hardly avoid being near shopfronts when you go shopping I must wear this useless thing (a health hazard rather than anything else) on the few occasions that I go outside. My plea that I have a bit of difficulty with breathing at the best of times while walking, because of my very advanced age, fell on deaf ears.

    How long do we have to put up with this kind of thing? The answer by “the authorities” until 80 % of us are vaccinated. Well we are at present, nationwide, only at 34% and increasingly more people are getting wise to this jab…

    So we are looking at an imaginary point in time – certainly far beyond Christmas, including the Australian summer holidays (people’s only chance to stock up on vitamine D in the natural way will thus be neatly torpedoed).

    If we are not collectively mad already (as this Dutch video suggests) we thus have a good chance of getting it:

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Emslander
  418. @Dumbo

    Hey Mr. Vulture, people can die of vaccines too.

    Enjoy your boosters and blood clots, and leave people alone.

    The blood clots are extremely rare in women and are from the Astrazenika vaccine.

    So I don’t see why you conclude that all vaccines should be rejected. Women over 40 should consider the risk with the AZ vaccine. No such risk exists with the US vaccines. In any case you are far more likely to be killed by COVID.

    This isn’t simply an issue of leaving people alone.

    Unvaccinated people are filling the hospitals and putting vulnerable people at risk.

    The anti-vaxxers aren’t saying “leave me alone” when they get severely sick. They drive to the hospital and beg for the vaccine along with anything else the doctors can do. Most clearly don’t understand how vaccines work if they are asking for it when they get there.

  419. @ThreeCranes

    Sure, there are many selfish individuals who took the vaccine in hopes of cheating death while allowing the virus to mutate and become even more virulent and likely harming more people.

    That is incongruent with history and basic biology.

    The Delta mutation came from India and was identified in December 2020 which was before the vaccines were even available to the general public.

    Lamda came from Peru and was also identified in December.

    B.1.621 came from Columbia in January.

    All unvaccinated countries.

    The unvaccinated are the selfish and irresponsible. More cases = more potential for mutation. If you think that is merely my opinion then you might as well pick up a pre-COVID book on virology and start yelling at it.

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  420. @Raches

    I only read what I could get through, man, and your being as full of yourself as I’ve ever seen ANYONE (to the point of parody) made it difficult. Yes, you wrote that “it’s not the Black Death”. I did remember someone wrote it on this thread, so it must have been early on in one of yours. In the comment I replied to, you ACT like it is. You are just fixating on “I’m jealous of this guy cause he doesn’t have so much to worry about, …” Raches, YOU don’t have that much to worry about! That is, not unless you are very sickly already and/or over 80 years old.

    See, I’m not trolling you, because I have no idea who you are. I don’t have the heart and time to read through 1,681 and 1,589 comments on those last 2 from scratch, and that’s where I assume you’ve written before. I haven’t read anything from you other than right here.

    BTW, of course, I assume you have a TV, hooked up to cable. That is still a large majority of Americans, unfortunately.

    Both sides are insane. Both extreme sides? Maybe, but there are plenty of people with common sense in the middle who’ve been saying close to what Ron Unz wrote in that one comment for a year and a half. We’ve been called hoaxers.

    • Replies: @Raches
  421. @Polemos

    As I wrote, I got through about 3/4 of the thread (well, THEN, I had). I have appreciated your many great comments, Polemos. Thank you!

    As for TWBT, he’s come off so lame in this thread, that he’s resorted to using Troll tags as arguments. Face it TWBT, you’re not scaring too many people into getting the jab this time.

    • Agree: John Wear
  422. @utu

    It’s becoming tediously apparent to me why so many forum dwellers group Utu with a small band of Uber-BS artists, and that’s coming from someone arguably very patient with BS artists (though I’m nowhere near the same league as someone like Mr. Unz when it comes to benign tolerance).

    As Mr. Unz himself has observed in this very forum, some of the more extreme proponents of either side of the so-called “vaxx debate” do more harm than good to their cause. IMO Utu demonstrates that principle in spades.

    So please allow me to apologise to sensible forum members for yet again dredging up what we already know – it’s an unfortunate necessity to wipe off some of the shit-stain from Utu’s deluge of BS.


    Anyway, FWIW, let’s just pick out an item of in-your-face blatant BS from Utu and air it to the world…

    …100% of “deadly Delta variant” cases in Australia (and the majority around the world) are “fully vaccinated”.

    Not true. The effectiveness of vaccines against hospitalization and death remain around 80% including the delta variant.

    Here’s just a small sample of the evidence which categorically refutes Utu on this single piece of his many extrusions of bovine excrement…

    Highwire Episode 221 – Myocarditis, Increased “Vaccine” Deaths for “Delta Variant”, Spontaneous Abortions, Inventor of the mRNA Vaccine Technology

    Corona Chan “Delta Variant” Mortality 8 Times Higher in Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated

    Corona Chan “Delta Variant” Caused and Spread By “Vaccines” – 62% of Corona Chan Deaths are “Vaccinated”

    Infowars – “Deadly Delta Variant” is 95 – 99% In The “Vaccinated”

    “Deadly Delta Variant” Infests Cruise Ship With 100% of Passengers & Crew “Vaccinated”

    UK Government Report – “Vaccinated” are 3x More Likely to Die from “Deadly Delta Variant” than “Unvaccinated”

    “Deadly Delta Variant” Cases Exploding Among “Vaccinated” In Spain, Israel, Iceland, Singapore

    Corona Chan Cases – Sydney 25-07-2021 – All Cases Are Vaxxed!

    Paul Craig Roberts – The “New Outbreak” is among the vaccinated

  423. @Anon

    A man should never be blamed for allowing his mind to change in light of new evidence. We should honor any person who will allow their beliefs to reconfigure and conform with the facts of an evolving situation. And too, if having said something wrong at some time in the past were the criteria by which we censored one another, then not one of us would be allowed to say anything on this site again.

    • Replies: @Anon
  424. Mark Hunter says: • Website
    @Truth Vigilante

    The death of JFK directly led to:

    1) The Vietnam War
    2) …

    Actually Kennedy started the Vietnam War, Johnson continued it. Look it up.

    Only a Zionist apologist would say such a thing. [I.e. the Kennedy assassination is not of great interest to him,]

    There are so many hours in the day. I’m not interested in lots of things that had historical consequences.

    Are you much interested in James Clerk Maxwell and his equations?  For shame!

    Anyway, whether that Raches character is a Zionist or not and his insufficient interest in the assassination of JFK are two different subjects.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante

    People who have had Covid and recovered have full natural immunity to Covid, and therefore don’t need vaxxing. They are having success using this fact to sue their employers who demand vaxxing. These people go to immunologists, get formal proof than they have full immunity, and present it in a lawsuit. In all cases their employers must back down.

    Example 1

    Example 2

    Example 2a

    As part of the lawsuits, plaintiffs use the CDC’s own admission that natural immunity is superior, and makes vaxxing unnecessary. For example the CDC only recommends that kids get vaxxed for varicella (Chicken pox) if kids have never had chicken pox.


    Covid is no different. We have known for a thousand years that if you had a contagious condition like measles or chicken pox, and you recovered, then you had lifelong immunity. Only when pharma took supreme power did logic and science get dismissed. This opened the floodgates for vax mania to rage like a diabolical plague.

    The CDC estimates that over a third of Americans have had Covid and recovered, and therefore have natural immunity (and therefore don’t need vaxxing).


    That one third, plus the 55% of Americans who have been vaxxed, adds up to over 80% of Americans who have Covid immunity.

    Therefore vax mania is not necessary.

    • Thanks: John Wear, emersonreturn
    • Replies: @Mark Hunter
  426. @Mehen

    Maybe it is not so much for making money than emptying our pockets thus making a very profound change in the relationship they would have with us. It is a transfer of wealth, thus It is a change of political paradigm


    • Agree: Mehen
  427. @Polemos

    One of my goals within the upcoming 12 months is to find and develop a relationship with a good local farm. They’re all around and I just need to find one I like and figure something out.

    I’m not where I can create a veggie garden myself and, frankly, it just doesn’t interest me. But, I would like better access to locally grown food. I might tinker with some hydroponic gardening someday.

    (Btw, I assume you made the connection between B. Gates having been heavily involved in vaccine development for a decade +, the eventual possibility of vaccines being grown into veggies and Gates being a huge farmland owner now.)

  428. @Dr. Fasci, America’s Doctor

    The future is not defined. What you describe is just a trend. They want us to believe that will work out the way ‘they’ want but it not at all clear, seen from other angles, their plan is not going well at all.

    ‘We’ might not be the right way to put it. Some do follow the rules and some don’t.It is a question of personnal choices and social psychology. The propaganda is intense but when you are alive and exemplar, it leaves a trail around that is very important even if it seem little. The dose is important and sometimes the efficient dose is infinitesimal.

    Sunday evening, the local MSM, CNEWS (imperial presstitute) had a program that was telling a very different story than the actual propaganda, it is just amazing!

    Many in the army, the Gendarme corp, the police are voicing a very different tone than the propaganda. The Gendarme are internally ordered not to give their point of view at work but also at home or in the social medias. This is illegal, these are measures which could be understood in time of war, in a hot moment, but now it’s to much:

    Last week, a survey told that 43% of French now said we were a dictatorship. All they can do now is political game to divide…

    Take care

  429. @Dr. Fasci, America’s Doctor

    She insults peasants… Well, well, well. Peasants have fed the world, this why we are here. At the present moment, Big Agra has destroyed much of the world peasantry or is in the process of doing it. Peasants are about to be replace by the techno-datas-agriculture raving mad plans.

    Crazy intellectuals devoid of ampathy don’t feed nobody, they just annoy them…

    There is a saying in France “éssayer d’enculer les mouches” (try to ass fuck flies but it is more cute in French) and this is not a sane intellectual attitude.

    Debunking the wildest speculations is nevertheless interesting but it must be done with benevolence…

    • Thanks: Emslander
  430. Half Back says:

    Thanks for sharing. At the start, say 1 and 1/2 years ago I bought ivermectin for horses but is a pellet form- which is out for date. It is NOT a cure, it’s a help for treatment. I am thinking of going international drug stores ie India for real capsules, which MY gov warned NOT to do just recently-
    I saw the paste at my pet supply store on the weekend and was wondering what other substances that were in it? i think i put on a coat and sunglasses when i buy.

  431. Alfred says:

    the people in the media are not dumb enough not to know the vaccinated people can just as easily carry and spread the disease(and get sick too) as the unvaccinated,

    Actually, it is much worse than that.

    Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers

    • Thanks: emersonreturn
    • Replies: @Kali
  432. Mark Hunter says: • Website

    The dose recommended on is 0.2 mg/kg body weight per day for 5 days.

    Correction:  It recommends 0.4–0.6 mg/kg per day for 5 days or until recovered.

    • Replies: @fredtard
  433. anon[437] • Disclaimer says:

    U.S. Government Stats on COVID Vaccines: 13,627 Deaths 2,826,646 Injuries 1,429 Fetal Deaths

    According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Friday, August 27, 2021, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years

    The VAERS is likely under reported by a factor of up to 100

    • Thanks: Bugey libre, emersonreturn
  434. @A little boy in the crowd

    No, the only solution is to build up your immune system, whatever your age, then catch it, the Covid, and throw it off.

    For Australians like me: Look at the Cairns News site. Go down their archive to early August where an article states that it’s legal for Australian GPs to prescribe Ivermectin to anyone at above average risk level, oldies included, as Covid prophylactic.

    The article mentions “off label” prescriptions which, it seems are always legal.

    But anyone who has caught it is better immunized than those vaxxed. And completely safe from vaccine side-effects.

    Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, Ivermectin from the vet if you must, problem solved.

    Funny no-one’s tried Ivermectin petitions to Kim Jong Dan and Pinocchio Berejiklian. I don’t know how to start one of those but I’m sure close to a million would sign up, those two would be knocked flat, and it would be all over.

    PCR’s recent article about the India bar council proceeding to indict a WHO official for mass murder for suppressing Ivermectin would have powerful effect as part of that.

  435. anon[238] • Disclaimer says:

    Lawyers send open letter to UK Gov. demanding answers on alleged mass murder in care homes through the use of Midazolam

    An investigation launched by a team of lawyers and experts into the use of midazolam during the Covid-19 pandemic has now concluded in line with how matters should be conducted by the police. The team now has an extensive list of questions that they have put forward to the Government and its advisors, and will proceed with a private criminal prosecution if they do not get the answers they need.

    In March 2020 the British people were ordered to stay at home, to protect the NHS, and save lives. But in reality the evidence suggests that the British people were ordered to stay at home, so the NHS could give midazolam to the elderly and vulnerable and pretend that they were Covid-19 deaths.

    Here’s a quick run-down of some of the evidence –

    Midazolam is a commonly used drug in palliative care, think of it as diazepam on steroids.
    Midazolam is also a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA.
    UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.
    This is because Midazolam can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death.
    At the start of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic Matt Hancock ordered a two year supply of Midazolam and then went back to France for more.
    This was confirmed in a parliamentary committee meeting which included Hancock, Professor Van Tam, and Tory MP; Dr Luke Evans, who said a “good death” needs three things, one of those things being Midazolam.
    At the same time Hancock and the Government changed the law on the certification of deaths under the guise of the coronavirus act.
    And the law on cremations; removing the need for a confirmatory medical certificate.
    And the law on indemnity for health service activity.
    And the law on visiting loved ones in care homes; which was banned.
    April and May 2020 saw a huge spike in deaths occurring in care homes, many were attributed to Covid-19.
    In late 2020 the Care Quality Commission found 34% of Health and Social Care workers said they had felt pressured to place ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders on care home residents without informing the resident or their loved ones.
    An Amnesty report also found the blanket use of DNR orders in Care homes.
    The two-year supply of Midazolam purchased at the beginning of the alleged pandemic was gone by October.
    What happened to all of the Midazolam?

  436. geokat62 says:
    @Mark Hunter

    Good post except for the ending…

    As persuasion your post is a complete loss. Your stupid ending sabotaged a good point.

    Thanks for the constructive criticism.

    Let’s just say, I’m not one to criticize someone without justification… and leave it at that.

  437. meamjojo says:

    I recall that either late last year or early this year (or both) that FOI requests to health “authorities” in several countries, including UK and USA revealed that none of them had proof in the form of issolated virus, that the virus exists.
    Why not provide the proof of existance?

    I’m an mRNA/DNA antivaxxer but this BS needs to be put to rest once and for all. There is indeed a Covid19 virus and there are photos of it all over the web.

    Here’s an electron microscope photo:

    • Replies: @schnellandine
    , @Kali
  438. JimDandy says:

    Thanks for this. Did you feel any negative effects from the horse paste?

    • Replies: @fredtard
  439. @John Johnson

    The unvaccinated are the selfish and irresponsible.


    As the CDC and “vaccine” makers have already openly confessed –

    1. The “vaccines” don’t stop anyone from catching Corona Chan.

    2. The “vaccines” don’t stop anyone from spreading Corona Chan.

    It’s an open secret that Corona Chan spreads at least as readily amongst the “vaccinated” as amongst the “unvaccinated”. In other words, an “unvaccinated” person is at least as likely to pick up an infection from a “vaccinated” person, as the reverse.


    And to top it all off, it’s the “vaccinated” that apparently have a monopoly on catching the alleged “deadly Delta variant”, going to hospital and dying.

    Corona Chan Cases – Sydney 25-07-2021 – All Cases Are Vaxxed!

    Corona Chan “Delta Variant” Mortality 8 Times Higher in Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated

    Infowars – “Deadly Delta Variant” is 95 – 99% In The “Vaccinated”

    “Deadly Delta Variant” Infests Cruise Ship With 100% of Passengers & Crew “Vaccinated”

    UK Government Report – “Vaccinated” are 3x More Likely to Die from “Deadly Delta Variant” than “Unvaccinated”

    “Deadly Delta Variant” Cases Exploding Among “Vaccinated” In Spain, Israel, Iceland, Singapore

    Seems to me that “vaccine” proponents like Mr. Johnson have a death-wish for all of us, and just can’t figure out who to blame it on. Oh, wait – yes they can – the “unvaccinated”!

    Funny, isn’t it (or perhaps “strange”) that the “deadly Delta variant” is precisely as contagious as the rate that suicidal lemmings are being “vaccinated”.

    Cognitive dissonance, anyone?

    It seems that trying to reason with certain individuals is like arguing with a tree stump.

    Normally I’d feel sympathy for the likes of Mr. Johnson, but the relentless persistence of his breathtaking stupidity implies intent. Thirty pieces of silver and all that.

  440. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    Feminism: It’s all men’s fault!

    “Of man there is little here: therefore do their women masculinise themselves. For only he who is man enough, will—save the woman in woman.” — Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra.

    …bitterly attacking them when they make even mildly disparaging remarks about women. Look for her [Alden’s] phrase “Men of UNZ.”

    I am tempted to troll @Alden with my opinion that women should not have the vote—then, turn around and perplex the Anglin fanboys with some simple logic:

    Who granted women the vote? Did women vote to give themselves votes? Did women who were not allowed to vote vote for the feminist politicians who granted them votes? Or did mighty catwomen rise up in arms, and conquer mousy men by force? This last argument applies to feminism generally.

    (Cf. Professor Oliver’s reply to men who blamed Prohibition on woman voters, as he recounted in America’s Decline: “…I had a stock answer, that females formed only half of the adult population, of which the other half was supposed to have a quality called manhood. That was more effective than arguing that women were not necessarily irrational.”)

    Of course, given that I reject democracy altogether, I find the whole suffrage argument to be insufferable.

    I recommend Anthony M. Ludovici’s antifeminist books, which have such titles as Woman: A Vindication (1923), Man: An Indictment (1927), and Enemies of Women: The Origins in Outline of Anglo-Saxon Feminism (1948). Quoting from the introduction to Man: An Indictment:

    For it is not sufficiently understood that, at any rate in England, Feminism began in the home. The home is the one place in which the women of the country enjoy the most constant and most favourable opportunities for observing their men at close quarters. It is in the fierce light of intimate home life that a man’s intelligence, capacity, acumen, mastery of life, general reliability, powers of giving sound guidance and direction, powers of inspiring respect and confidence, are most persistently and accurately measured, by a mate who can never relax her vigilance, because she is always seeking in him precisely those qualities which have been enumerated.

    And it was in the home that the women of England first learnt how many of these qualities were frequently lacking in their menfolk. It was in their own homes that the daughters of a former generation learnt to regard men as pleasant, useful, but uninspiring, grown-up schoolboys. It was in the extended circles of their friends and acquaintances that they found their home observations confirmed. And, whereas their instinct for safety made them acknowledge that their menfolk were generally “safe” and therefore desirable on an inferior scale of passionate experience, they also discovered that this breed of safe, wholly amenable and sequacious males, were in the long run tiresome, incapable of firm leadership, and unable to make the masculine elements in their mates recessive and unobtrusive.

    Ludovici’s diagnosis of what we now call “first-wave feminism” is incisive. Although I may quibble with some details, he is entirely correct to blame feminism primarily on men: Degenerate men, weakling men, modern men. No surprise: Ludovici was a Nietzsche scholar, and translated some of Nietzsche’s works to English. Perpend the above epigraph. In essence, Ludovici applies Nietzsche’s antifeminist philosophy to history, psychology, and politics.

    He appeals to the natural conservatism of mentally healthy women, and condemns the weak males and sick females who inflict feminism on normal women. He thus calls feminists the “enemies of women”.

    You can probably guess my opinion of John Stuart Mill, the intellectual godfather of feminism. (What? Do “Men of UNZ” suppose that womenfolk invented a powerful political movement all by themselves, the little dears?)

    Modern men disgust me. I expect feminine behavior from women; from them, it is charming even in its foibles. I despise effeminate behavior in men. This is why whether I be a woman, or a man who is man enough to pull this off with a laugh, I generally prefer the social company of intelligent females, who tolerate me despite oftentimes being scandalized by my sexist remarks—e.g., I think that women should be banned by law from wearing pants.¹ It is cross-dressing. I am wholly unsurprised to see gender-bending “men” wear female clothes nowadays: By iron logic, it closes the circle that began with women wearing pants.

    (Insofar as I know, I seem to be the first and only person in the world to have observed that. To me, it is obvious. The whole world is sick and stupid.)

    Such superannuated boychildren as Mr. Anglin will never take responsibility, man up, and be manly as men were before the so-called “Enlightenment” brought the Age of Democracy. They are not the antidote to feminism: They are the poison that caused it. ®

    1. Except if required by practical necessity. Under Napoleon’s law banning women from wearing pants, those who needed to for a good reason could apply to the police for a permit to wear pants. That seems fair enough to me.

    Alas, this excellent law fell to desuetude. It was repealed in 2013, after feminists realized that it was on the books and predictably threw a hissy fit. So, I suppose that it is now technically legal for Miss Iris to cross-dress.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  441. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    Incidentally, don’t you yourself find discussing these broader historical or philosophical issues more interesting that trying to participate in the endless battles between the crazy anti-vaxxers and the fanatical pro-vaxxers?

    Yes! (This one paragraph incited an essay yet unfinished.) I also enjoy discussing your site’s features; and I have hereby some suggestions and requests.

    1. Maths. Tested live with deleted #comment-4875223, so I know empirically that this does not work here.

    Some of my best comments use replies to total idiots as a jumping-off point. In an essay that has nothing to do with vaccines, made in reply to the untruthful “Truth Vigilante”, I will recommend a simple equation for easy back-of-the-envelope estimation of population growth—or shrinkage, as Aryans fail to reproduce themselves:

    \[P_t = P_{t=0}e^{\pm\lambda t}\]


    $$P_t = P_{t=0}e^{\pm\lambda t}$$

    …should render as seen here (Javascript required):

    Doing this The Raches Way® would require considerable effort, including server-side programming. But MathJax is an off-the-shell, drop-in solution. It requires Javascript on the client side. It is developed under the auspices of the American Mathematical Society, so its mathematical typesetting quality should be assured.

    I suspect that @That Would Be Telling would appreciate this. And it would probably be a hit with @Steve Sailer, for exactly such practical purposes as I just exemplified. I myself would not use it often; but an intellectual publication should always be able to handle some maths on occasion.

    Even George Dietz needed occasionally to typeset maths for Professor Oliver, e.g., a binomial formula on p. 33 of Is There Intelligent Life On Earth? (Liberty Bell Tenth Anniversary Edition, August–September, 1983; also published as a separate booklet). Also, Herr Dietz sometimes needed to typeset a bit of organic chemistry. In Liberty Bell for June 1986, pp. 49ff., Professor Oliver wrote the chemical equation which he correctly inferred was the cause of the Bhopal disaster, and he made the case that sabotage was the explanation of highest probability:

    CH₃NCO + H₂O → CH₃NH₂ + CO₂ + ↑heat

    See also Liberty Bell, September 1988, pp. 1ff., under the heading, “TOLD YOU SO!”, whereby Professor Oliver reported that his “obvious” inferences were supported by Chemical & Engineering News of July 4, 1988. SCIENCE!!!

    Given his command of Sanskrit and his knowledge of classical Hindu literature, Professor Oliver also wrote authoritatively when he argued for the cultural likelihood that the sabotage arose from an Indian government intrigue, by reference to the Realpolitik prescribed in the Arthaśāstra and applauded in such literature as Yaugandharāyana, Ćāṇakya, Yogakaraṇḍaka, et al.

    2. Secure communications. Please see this comment on your article about Glenn Greenwald. [In moderation at the time of this writing.] Also, please check your email (maybe the junk folder). I have been trying to be a bit circumspect. Without wanting to comment on where I am: I am using an email service in a European country, where much of what I write here is totally illegal to say—and such laws are heavily enforced. I do not want to risk blowback to the service provider; and I do not want for the service provider even to have any data connecting me to “Raches” at The Unz Review—not even a mention of the name “Raches”. As you yourself observed, you could probably be thrown in prison if you were to visit such countries; and I know that you recently lost an author in Germany, who is afraid even to be associated with The Unz Review. Please understand that my concerns are not manifestly unreasonable. What is 100% legal and Constitutionally protected at The Unz Review is not so everywhere.

    I have some other suggestions, and could maybe possibly offer to help a bit with some implementation; #2 would be useful there.


    A note on pinpoint links:

    Your independent invention of a way to use paragraph-level anchors is impressive, Mr. Unz. Not many people ever try to explore the possibilities offered by hypertext; and very few individuals have the creativity to think of that without having seen it somewhere else first. Without wanting to detract from that, I should note that I have seen it elsewhere, as I alluded on August 17:

    I am probably as gratified that you noticed my use of what I’ve been calling “pinpoint links”, as you are that I figured out how to use them. I so call them as the hypertextual equivalent of “pinpoint citations” used in some fields of scholarship and of the professions. I think that I’ve seen paragraph-level hypertext anchors elsewhere, but I don’t immediately recall where—probably not on a website intended for popular consumption. It is a lonely world.

    I had somehow forgotten that I had already used two pinpoint links to another site, and the term “pinpoint link”, in my August 11 comment on “The Unbalanced U-curve of ‘Hesitancy’”:

    The paper says (p. 8 of the PDF; pinpoint link here):


    Furthermore, those with low education are caving in to pressure, while “vaccine-hesitant” people with advanced degrees are standing firm. Quoting from the preprint (p. 12 of the PDF):

    Github has a similar feature for line numbers in code; it actually gets used in open-source development communities. E.g.:

    I know that I have seen this elsewhere; but I still cannot recall where. I think it is rarely seen on scholarly sites, and somewhat less-rarely on high-technology sites. It should be a standard feature. ®

    • Replies: @Greta Handel
  442. Raches says:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    BTW, of course, I assume you have a TV, hooked up to cable. That is still a large majority of Americans, unfortunately.

    Why do you assume that I be American?

    Even if I so be, why would you assume that I be like other Americans?

    Crikey. Next, you will assume that I use Twitter and Facebook, and that I believe in the Holohoax.

    By the way, did you assume that I be vaccinated? (Hint: I am not.)

    See, I’m not trolling you, because I have no idea who you are.

    Then, read what I have said before attacking it. Why else reply to me?

    your being as full of yourself as I’ve ever seen ANYONE (to the point of parody)

    Simple logic: If I really am “full of myself”, then I will not care about your opinion of me. It is somewhat like when people call me a racist. Of course, I am a racist! I am smart, and I know it—therefore, I am “full of myself”. I am sane, and I know the facts of life—therefore, I am a “racist”. So what?

    …there are plenty of people with common sense in the middle who’ve been saying close to what Ron Unz wrote in that one comment for a year and a half.

    My evaluation is very similar to Mr. Unz’s. Within the past four weeks, I have written almost a hundred thousand words saying so. If you so completely misunderstood me, that is not my problem.

    (I weigh various risks a bit differently than Mr. Unz, which is why I am unvaccinated, and urging more caution about the vaccines.)

    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  443. Kali says:

    The challenge is figuring out how to organize that mass discontent into something effective. The rest is waste of time and energy.


    There are no ways to organise against this vast, nebulous attack on freedom within the current paradigm that I can fathom, UNLESS we organise to establish a whole NEW, apolitical paradigm in which individual autonomy together with community support networks and intra-community trade/exchange links underpin our social and economic life.

    In other words, IF our thinking remains locked into the current “democratic” mode then we ourselves will remain locked in this unfree “state” which has been imposed on us and which is anything BUT demos.

    We must, if we are to survive as a free and sentient species, ESTABLISH our freedom and independance for ourselves AND be ready to create, promote and defend a new socio-economic structure REGARDLESS of current power structures which we must undermine and defeat.

    Government is not our friend. Centralised power works predominantly to consolidate itself and further its own grip on power.

    Fate attention (as my friend, Tiu Alvero says)! Be Aware! Our problems cannot be resolved by the same kind of thinking that created them.

    So please, as you move forward to organise against this assault on life and freedom, understand that a contemorary mind-set will not help.

    Sorry for the lecture, which is aimed not only at you, PeterAUS, but at everyone seeking a way out. I feel that the point needs making and emphisising: Thinking shaped by the current paradigm cannot bring the necessary changes this world so desparately needs!

    Kind regards,

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  444. Raches says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    “Kali” here, who complains that I am going off-topic, has overtly threatened to spam The Unz Review with off-topic anti-vaxxer stuff, if Mr. Unz does not grant it a thread here. That miserable creature has been unsuccessfully attempting to troll me with wild insults, ever since Mr. Unz gold-boxed my comment accusing him of being “perversely determined to persuade Mr. Unz that hosting discussions about vaccines on his platform is like hosting a pile of garbage in his living room, then inviting rats and cockroaches to the party.”

    Hmm, an anti-vaxxer complaining about someone being off-topic on THEIR thread?


    As I declared in a prior anti-vaxxer thread, whereby I condemned some scum who wished harm on Mr. Unz for his being moderately pro-vaxxer, “I am strict justice… I am vengeance.”

    Nota bene: I am technically on the anti-vaxxer side here. I am unvaccinated as to Covid, I am very wary of the Covid vaccines, and I am the one who made the case to Mr. Unz that he should not ban the topic altogether. The result: About 95% of the anti-vaxxers have decided that I am working for Pfizer and/or the Mossad to push vaxxes. I believe that that conclusively demonstrates the nature of their thought processes. However, I ask you please not to take these vocal monomaniacs as representative of the smart people who have been refusing the Covid vaccines.

    I think that most of the “hesitant” smart, sane people don’t show up in these discussions, because they have normal lives—and someone who has a normal life (or any life at all) usually just doesn’t spend time arguing about vaccines on the Internet. The result is that the visible, audible, PAINFULLY LOUD!!! anti-vaxxers are basement-dwelling loser types who eventually come to believe that the vaccines are literally being used by space aliens to conquer the Earth, and That Would Be Telling says that I am Sisyphus here.

    Nevertheless, I keep rolling this stone back up. ®

    • Replies: @Kali
    , @Punch Brother Punch
  445. Raches says:
    @Dr. Fasci, America’s Doctor

    Who the heck do you think you are, Q Anon? Nobody cares.

    No, I am incontestably superior to Q Anon: I am R Anon. ®

    And not even nobody cares what you think: You’re not right. You’re not even wrong.

  446. Prajna says: • Website

    Dear Messrs Telling, thank you for your ernest response to my light-hearted insinuation that you might be revealing more than you might wish by way of parapraxis.

    I note that you have accused a number of other commenters of lying by ommission and trust that you will not engage in hypocrisy.

    I am not sure that I would consider LD-50 to be an appropriate measure for vaccine ingredients. What metric is actually used in determining the safe amount of a substance injected intramuscularly? If it approaches the LD-50 then surely that would be less than optimal for half of the victims.

    I don’t claim any particular expertise in biology but I have lightly investigated some of the vaccine ingredients. I am a little concerned to find that many of the safety studies suggest there is considerable uncertainty and that more research is required. I generally eat organic and avoid foods that contain chemicals that I can’t pronounce, like ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate). I don’t drink instant coffee because some is still extracted with the solvent hexane, which was implicated as the carcinogen in a friend’s cancer death. I avoid Polysorbates also. I am very concerned about the use of HeLa and similar cell cultures used for growing vaccine ingredients, particularly having encountered talk of lateral gene transfer, which sounds like Frankenscience to me.

    Another concern is that for most medicines contraindications and interactions are indicated. Now that every possible venue is being employed to ensure ubiquitous administration of the Covid vaccines, is there any assurance that victims are assessed for the above? How many people are counseled against vaccination because they are contraindicated? Do the vaccines adopt the contraindication profile of their respective ingredients or might I find fewer effects listed with regard to the vaccines than to their individual ingredients?

    A True Placebo like saline does indeed have an LD-50 as does dear-old-existential dihydrogen oxide but which of the phase III trials used saline and which used, for example, meningitis vaccine or saline with bonus ingredients?

    Lord Coke suggested that law is reasonable and, by implication, it would seem that anything that is not reasonable is not law. I would suggest that medicine should also be reasonable, otherwise it is not medicine.

    • Replies: @michael888
  447. Adrian says:

    At the end of the road there are various reasons for hanging on. One of these is for me to see the outcome of various legal procedures trying to get justice meted out to the evil forces that have inflicted this on humanity. Here is one such attempt:

    Tuesday the 17th of August 2021

    Additional claim made to the International Criminal Court


    On the 20th of April this year we the undersigned, issued a 27-page ‘Request for Investigation’ (Request), to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, alleging that certain members of the UK government and its advisors, were complicit in genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code.

    On the 28th of April 2021 we received a formal acknowledgement from the ICC and were assigned a case number (143/21). Unlike some other countries, our Request has not been rejected within a few weeks of submission, but neither has it been formally accepted and so the status of our Request has effectively been in limbo for the past few months.

    Notwithstanding the above, we have continued to collect and review any new research and evidence that could be used in our ICC claim should it be accepted for investigation and we have also been actively establishing connections with lawyers and research scientists from around the world.
    Given the very substantial amount of new evidence and information that has come to light since we originally issued our Request in April, we made the decision to issue a further claim to the ICC. We are very pleased to have secured sworn affidavits from leading experts, who are in the first instance: the research scientist and nuclear cardiologist Dr Richard M. Fleming, the Nobel Laureate virologist Professor Luc A. Montagnier and Dr Kevin W. McCairn, a neuroscientist and expert on neurological disease.

    We now have compelling evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are deliberately engineered bioweapons which have been released in two phases on the unsuspecting peoples of the world. We are particularly pleased that we have kindly been given exclusive access to an advance copy of Dr Richard M. Fleming’s new book, Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,which we believe will provide incontrovertible evidence to the ICC of the bioweapon nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the so-called COVID-19 vaccines.

    We have also been in discussions with lawyers from several other countries, about the possibility of amalgamating in order to submit a combined Request to the ICC. We are pleased to announce that we have now been joined by lawyers who have filed ICC Requests from Slovakia, France and the Czech Republic and on the 12th of August 2021, we sent a letter to the ICC requesting that we be allowed to submit a joint claim. At the same time we also submitted preliminary evidence for the allegations which are common to us all, whilst asking to reserve the right to have investigated by the ICC, the claims specific to our individual countries, eg. re the UK, we have requested an examination of the genocide of the elderly that took place in care homes and hospitals and the inappropriate use of midazolam and morphine. We have also requested in our joint claim, that there be an immediate moratorium on the entire COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ program in all four of our countries and an end to the testing of asymptomatic people.

    We now await the decision of the ICC as to whether a) they will allow in principle a joint claim by several countries to be made and b) they will accept our joint ‘Request for Investigation’.

    Given the extremely serious nature of the situation that pertains in all four of our countries with regards to escalating medical apartheid, the loss of basic freedoms and rights and the ever-increasing, very high number of deaths and serious adverse events suffered by recipients of COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, we have brought to the attention of the ICC the urgent need for the Court to act swiftly and without further delay and to this end we have requested a meeting at The Hague as soon as is practicable.

    Whilst we await a response from the ICC, we continue to be in discussions with lawyers in other countries who have not yet filed their individual Requests to the ICC, but who have indicated they wish to join us and we intend to give them our every assistance.

    We will issue another update as and when we have further news. In the meantime, we thank each and every person who is helping in the fight for truth, justice and freedom and indeed for the very future of humanity, against the forces of immense evil.

    “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream”.

    Kaira S. McCallum Melinda C. Mayne
    email – [email protected]

    • Thanks: John Wear, emersonreturn
  448. @Prajna

    LD50 for drug candidates has been replaced by LOAED and NOAED (lowest or no observed adverse effect doses). Probably the most observed adverse effect in rodents is a non-specific weight loss. A non-rodent species, generally dog, is also used and the most sensitive of the two is accepted by the FDA as approximating man. The proper placebo contains everything but the active ingredient; often saline or untreated is compared to the placebo, if complex, since the placebo might be more problematic than the active ingredient (drug candidate).

    Every meal you eat is full of (rat) carcinogens. Coffee was published to contain >200 carcinogens in the ’70s, and with better technology would be shown to contain > 1000 now. As Paracelsus famously intoned “Dose makes the Poison”. Long-lived animals, including man, generally handle carcinogens well relative to short-lived rodents and other mammals. The biggest area where carcinogens are a problem are in jobs: mining, manufacturing exposure and pesticide application exposure. Intense exposure, very high doses of carcinogens and often working life-times of exposure (if your immune system is working, it is very rare to get cancer quickly); 20 years would be quick, 40 years probably average for most carcinogens. Usually there is a cluster of people with the same jobs who get the same type of cancer, and eventually someone puts two and two together.

  449. Emslander says:
    @Wild Man

    Why all this confabulation of preposterous theories of the origin of the Kung Flu?

    It has been confirmed circuitously by Rand Paul, when he pulled legalistic denials from King Fauci in sworn testimony before Senate Committees that his agency funded “gain of Function” research in Wuhan (and probably here in the USA) through cutout organizations. That research produced the novel flu virus upon which the rationale for the destruction of traditional civilization was constructed. Fauci and his clown ilk had probably been planning their takeover of rational thought for many years and sprung it on a bumbling Donald Trump in an election year.

    Need go no further. Some day, a just tribunal will sentence Fauci and his followers, many in the media, to severe punishment. The Taliban rulers will have it no other way.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  450. Emslander says:
    @Ron Unz

    Is there a place where I can learn how many others are ignoring me? It might be a useful personal improvement incentive. LOL.

    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  451. @meamjojo

    There is indeed a Covid19 virus and there are photos of it all over the web.

    Here’s an electron microscope photo:

    Direct viewers to the unique characteristic(s) of that alleged coronavirus photo, allowing skeptics to be assured that it’s SARS-CoV-2… something beyond, “The caption says so!”

    Anyone not skeptical of the lie-spewing ‘health’ regime is an idiot. “Cases!”

  452. @Raches

    Free speech is increasingly precious. But why is Mr. Unz* so solicitous of this megalomanic windbag? He/she/they really degrade(s) this thread as a resource.


    *I suspect I’m not alone in now thumbing through the Raches comments. Picked this one out because it’s (purportedly) directed to the publisher.

    • Agree: Skeptikal, Kali
    • Replies: @Emslander
  453. Emslander says:

    How long do we have to put up with this kind of thing?

    Where I live, no one ever followed the ever-changing mask and closure mandates. I suspect the police concluded that the real crimes deserved their full attention. I also suspect that they followed their common sense about this flu hoax.

    We learned a lot about passive aggressive non-obedience from the people ruled by the Soviets.

  454. @John Johnson

    No, actually quite the opposite. It seems the data suggests that the more dangerous mutations are caused by the vaccines, so we should stop all vaccinations immediately.

    That doesn’t make any sense.

    The Delta mutation came from India which had a high population and low vaccination rates. In fact it was pretty much expected that at least one mutation would come from India.

    You’re right about expecting variants that have multiple mutations to arise in India simply due to its population size and not being able to control infections, but the relationship with vaccination for both the British Alpha and Delta dominating variants could only arise from clinical trials, for both were discovered in October 2020.

    More cases in the wild = more chances for mutation.

    That is basic biology.

    Unvaccinated people not only fill the hospitals but increase the chance of a mutation that evades vaccines and antibodies from infection.

    As long as we believe variants like this are coming from single individuals as previously discussed this is correct, and I’ve heard concerns like this going back to HIV pandemic days.

    This may also be true at some intermediate point where populations have “enough” natural and/or vaccine immunity but still lots of naive people, that is there’s enough selection pressure from the former that the latter will matter. For now, though, the really favored variants are primarily so from their ability to transmit better, and I’d expect that to be so as long as their are “enough” people without immunity.

  455. @anon

    In March 2020 the British people were ordered to stay at home, to protect the NHS, and save lives. But in reality the evidence suggests that the British people were ordered to stay at home, so the NHS could give midazolam to the elderly and vulnerable and pretend that they were Covid-19 deaths.

    Would it not be more likely this was an Aktion T4 style operation to cut the costs the NHS was spending on these people, like I believe for the five US Democratic governors who ordered people with active COVID-19 to be sent back to nursing homes?

    Who pays for nursing home beds and care in the U.K.? In the US our last resort formal program for the very poor and indigent is Medicaid, and it’s a Federal/state “partnership” where our individual states must pay a lot of money into it. Enough so it was unexpectedly busting the budget of New York state in the fall of 2019.

    Haven’t hospitalizations and excess all cause deaths continued to be elevated beyond this earlier part of the pandemic?

  456. @utu

    You said this about me:

    You clearly belong to the psychotics.

    What can I say ? I’m absolutely chuffed, and flattered to hear that.

    Coming from you, Head of the Politburo in the ‘Axis of Disinformation’, that is high praise indeed.

    • Agree: Tony Hall
    • Replies: @gsjackson
  457. Wild Man says:

    I don’t really think you are disagreeing with me. A lot of people (Mr. Unz implicitly, and TWBT explicitly, for instance) dismiss the idea that a lab-induced gain-of-function sars-cov-2, as a potential bioweapon, could involve the vaxxes, because that would be tantamount to a giant conspiracy, involving 10’s of thousands of scientists working in expert fields, whom collectively developed said vaxxes. However, what I am pointing out in the comment you responded to, is that said rationale, for said dismissal, of said idea …. is bogus.

    • Replies: @Emslander
  458. fredtard says:

    I was light-headed, though not what I’d call dizzy or nauseous, certainly not vertigo, for 3 or 4 days. Could have been a covid symptom or an ivm side effect.

  459. gsjackson says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    TV — anything to report on the Aussie truckers?

    • Agree: Bugey libre
  460. Erebus says:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    I will feel fully vindicated only when I receive a Troll tag from utu, TWBT and Rancid simultaneously. They are all of a piece. I await the day.

    • LOL: acementhead
    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  461. Please keep this thread going, posters! I am following these comments attentively. Because I assume they’re the most balanced source available. It’s sad that the last “hideout” for truth is a bunch of Anons on a dissident media site banned from Facebook. (Though I still get a comment or two of my own squashed by the mods at UR every once in a while!).

    • Replies: @aj54
  462. Wild Man says:

    Do you have any idea why TWBT called you a troll, for this comment offering of yours? (I don’t).

    • Replies: @michael888
  463. @anon

    There is the same problem in France but with Rivotril which has been used to …Kill the elders. This is obviously criminal. Then there is the Remdesivir scandal.

  464. @Raches

    Now I’m just a simple minded country physician, but when I see your screen name I can only picture this:

    Busy whipping up another trifle.

    Seriously though, R Anon is a good fit. You could even go ahead and reach for apotheosis by calling yourself Zzz Anon.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  465. I’ll just leave this here for the pro-jabbers to ponder.

    TL;DR: all varieties of the pfilth contain graphene oxide. Some also have metals in them including stainless steel. And Pfizer’s sample revealed a lethal parasite identified as Trypanosoma cruzi.

    The graphene oxide, besides being toxic, is probably there to be excited, by pulsing electromagnetic radiation, into causing cell damage. 4G is bad enough but 5G is far, far worse.

    If you carry a smartphone, live near a cell tower and/or in a city, or have wi-fi in your home, then you are exposed to pulsing electromagnetic radiation. Beware also neighbours with wi-fi, especially if you live in an attached house or an apartment. Pulsing EMR is not found in nature. It is bad for your health in any circumstances, but now it looks like being deadly.

    To those interested in learning more about the hazards of EMR, start here:

  466. @Mark Hunter

    You wrote:

    Actually Kennedy started the Vietnam War, Johnson continued it. Look it up.

    You needn’t worry, I have long ago looked it up.

    In fact Eisenhower started it. Kennedy continued in a similar vein with a few hundred ‘military advisers’. (Yes, I know said advisers were more than that and actually involved in combat operations but under Kennedy’s tenure, the war you claimed JFK started was of infinitesimal proportions).

    Enter LBJ, and the war was escalated a hundred fold (if not a THOUSAND).

    The most important thing is that JFK inherited a U.S military presence from his predecessor and in the 2 years and 10 months he was POTUS, he had the sense to determine that the U.S should pull out – and issued directives to that effect.

    Speaking in quantitative terms, the deaths/misery/atrocities of what we now know as the Vietnam War were 99.9% under LBJ and Nixon.

    For you to phrase it in such as way as to apportion equal blame to JFK and LBJ, is disgusting and suggests you’re a Zionist apologist.

    • Thanks: Nancy
  467. @A little boy in the crowd

    That one third, plus the 55% of Americans who have been vaxxed, adds up to over 80% of Americans who have Covid immunity.

    No it doesn’t. Vaccination, in the case of the Pfizer etc vaccines, does not confer immunity. But then further vaccination is unlikely to as well. (It is claimed it helps prevent more severe symptoms. If true, there is the trade-off between that benefit and the risk of severe injury from the vaccine.)

  468. @Raches

    Leni Riefensthal, for shure, was not wearing trousers:

    Among the Nuba, everybody was naked but always trying to be beautiful, wild and artist. No wonder she just was fascinated, real people.

  469. Emslander says:
    @Greta Handel

    I used my first “ignore” on that commenter. I feel terrible about it, but there was no alternative.

  470. Looks like the debate is pretty much over except for the name calling.

    One thing I’d like to see is a state governor from Texas or Florida put forward an Ivermectin protocol run by their state health department using volunteers from the state. It should be similar to the one done in India.

    Speaking of which, it looks like India is under attack by the World health Organization.

    Indian states like Goa, Karnataka, and Uttarkhand allowed the use of Ivermectin to all its adult residents as a Covid prophylactic,

    . . . .

    However, alarmed by its overuse, in mid-May World Health Organization jumped in and warned that the general use of Ivermectin is for treatment of parasitic infections – not for Covid.

    India’s Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has executed a policy reversal that could have massive implications for the battle against covid-19, not only in India but around the world. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives, could be at stake. The health regulator has overhauled its COVID-19 treatment guidelines and removed almost all of the repurposed medicines it had previously recommended for treating asymptomatic and mild cases.

    • Thanks: Kali
    • Replies: @acementhead
  471. @Raches

    Well, excuse me for assuming you are an American and have a TV. That former may explain why you don’t know how to conjugate the word “is” so well. That seems almost intentional in this comment for whatever reason I can’t fathom, because you write very well elsewhere.

    I don’t like it when people assume my opinions either, so I apologize for that – I had read some of your comments but only on this thread, and only until I realized each went on for many pages.

    I thank you for the correction on your stance in general. However, the reason I replied to that one comment to begin with is it sounded like the typical hysteria, on a personal level. As I wrote, quit sweating it out about this virus. I quote:

    What opportunity did I miss to get sick in the frying pan, instead of the fire? Why did I have to be so damn careful, straight from the start?


    I am jealous that he had it and survived. All past tense, with a known outcome that already happened. Done. Over with. Immunity superior to the vaccines (although I know that it is not perfect, either)—I think with cross-immunity, yes?

    Easy, there! It sounds like you are wringing your hands and kicking yourself virtually on a Mexican day time Telenovella (without the cleavage) … for what? This is just not that big a deal, like “if I had only strapped my kid in the back of the car instead …” or “I should NEVER have had sex with that Thai hooker who was infested with …” etc. Got my point on this?

    Now, his biggest Covid-related worry is the prospect of potential forced vaccinations. That worries me, too.

    That doesn’t even worry me that much on a personal health level. For the last year and a half, Peak Stupidity has been writing about this additional loss of liberty with LOCKDOWNS, face diapering, increased Socialism, and the whole gamut of Kung Flu Stupidity. Part of the problem has been hysterical people on TV and the internet just egging on the suggestion that this new Black Death is so bad that we have to give up more control of our lives to governments of all shapes and sizes.

    With this mandatory vaccination crap, it’s not the shot I’m actually worried about (again, personally), but just one more Totalitarian program that sets a precedent. No, I don’t plan on ever getting it, but Big Biz is pushing HARD.

    We are not far off the same opinion, I think, Raches, but first of all, I knew all this for a year in a half, and so did a lot of us “hoaxers” (Ron Unz’s term). Secondly, you really come across weirdly full of yourself. You’ve got a lot to learn still. (So do I.)

    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Emslander
    , @Skeptikal
  472. @Kali

    Thinking shaped by the current paradigm cannot bring the necessary changes this world so desparately needs!

    Wise words indeed.

    It’s futile for the chickens to play by an “agreed” set of rules, when the foxes simply make up the rules as they go along or just completely ignore them and proceed with their predetermined plans regardless.

    Dr. Ryan Cole – White Coat Summit – What the “Vaccines” do to Your Body

    The solution for the chickens cannot be procedural if the foxes ignore all rules of procedure and just continue to pluck chickens and throw them into the pot. In that case (which is what we the lemmings are now clearly facing) any lasting solution will be unavoidably kinetic.

    • Thanks: John Wear, Kali
  473. Kali says:

    the people in the media are not dumb enough not to know the vaccinated people can just as easily carry and spread the disease(and get sick too) as the unvaccinated,

    Actually, it is much worse than that.

    Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers

    Actually it’s much, much worse than even that!

    Acording to the UK Governments OWN DATA the vaxxed who become infected with delta are significantly more likely to die from it than the unvaxxed!

    This is an absolute game-changer. The UK government just reported the following data (August 21st), tucked away in their report on variants of concern:

    Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.

    Let me say that another way – two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.

    To be specific:

    From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).

    Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.

    Why the fuck is it left to an unknown blogger to report this stuff. Where’s the media storm that ought to follow such a revelation?!!

    Surely there can be no doubt remaining that the agenda to vaxx every man woman and child on the planet is a nafarious one!

    I’m too angry right now to say any more.


    • Agree: Alfred
    • Replies: @niceland
  474. @John Johnson

    Unvaccinated people not only fill the hospitals but increase the chance of a mutation that evades vaccines and antibodies from infection.

    You know, if you are just going to waste our time with bullshit, you are going to go into my “ignore” list. You have zero credibility.

    Here is some data from Israel that completely disproves your assertions:

    • Replies: @BaronAsh
  475. Kali says:

    Did you actually read the whole of my comment, meamjojo?
    I was actually responding to a question from Polemus, in which he also provided an electron-microscopic photo. My question (why did H.A.s not provide the proof upon request) was actually a genuine one, not rhetorical.


  476. Kali says:

    The result is that the visible, audible, PAINFULLY LOUD!!! anti-vaxxers are basement-dwelling loser types

    Yes, Ratshit, yes indeed.
    How many words did you say you’d scrawlled i these threads so far? 100,000? That’s a LOT of time spent in your basement!!
    Go fir a walk, child. Get some air and clear your head… maybe call in at the docs to have your meds checked. Maybe then you’ll remember the topic of this conversation is not Raches.



    • Agree: Truth Vigilante
    • Thanks: Skeptikal
  477. fredtard says:
    @Mark Hunter

    Thanks for your correction. They’ve updated and increased the recommended dose, and I haven’t kept up. Oh well, the lower dose seemed to help. Nice to know I could have safely taken 2-3X as much.

  478. @Dumbo

    Ms. Raches… I haven’t seen anything useful coming from her.

    My impression is that she could actually be the result of Mr. Unz’s experiment with a new Artificial Intelligence software…

    You’re implying that Raches may be a “sock puppet” created and animated by Mr. Unz.

    If that were in fact the case, then given that Mr. Unz has shown the ingenuity and generosity to make the entire Unz Review platform available for the vigorous intellectual intercourse of the lemmings, I say – let an old man have his fun.

    • Replies: @gsjackson
  479. BaronAsh says:

    Great post. Except they had to change the dictionary definition to make these mRNA shots qualify as vaccines. So the argument about these ones is not a pro versus anti vaccine argument, rather a pro versus anti new-mRNA-therapeutics argument.

    An argument which, by the way, the data suggests has been lost.

  480. BaronAsh says:

    1. These new things are not, strictly speaking, vaccines.
    2. According to recent scientific data from countries with high degrees of participation in the experimental emergency use of the new mRNA genetically messaged methods whose long-term effects have yet to be determined, they don’t work well.

  481. @Mark Hunter

    No it doesn’t. Vaccination, in the case of the Pfizer etc vaccines, does not confer immunity.

    That’s a statement that is true of all the Corona Chan “vaccines”, seeing as how both the CDC and all the “vaccine” makers have openly admitted that the “vaccines” neither stop infection nor spread of Corona Chan.

    Moreover, new revelations that infected “vaccinated” carry 250 times the viral load of their “unvaccinated” counterparts paints the “vaccinated” as far more dangerous viral spreaders than the “unvaccinated”.


    It is claimed it (“vaccines”) helps prevent more severe symptoms.

    That’s a claim that is pushed relentlessly by the official narrative, but is most emphatically false.

    “Vaccinated” 6 Times More Likely To Die From Corona Chan “Variants” Than Unvaccinated

    UK Government Report – “Vaccinated” are 3x More Likely to Die from “Deadly Delta Variant” than “Unvaccinated”

    Dr Kobi Haviv Interview (Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem) Israel – 95% of Severe Hospitalisations are Fully “Vaccinated” – 05 Aug 2021

    Vaccines are more dangerous than Corona Chan

    We could go on for pages with links to reports on the myriad adverse effects of the Corona Chan “vaccines”, but just the short list above strongly hints that it’s way safer to stay “unvaccinated”.

    • Agree: BaronAsh, emersonreturn
    • Thanks: John Wear
  482. niceland says:

    Acording to the UK Governments OWN DATA the vaxxed who become infected with delta are significantly more likely to die from it than the unvaxxed!

    I fully expect the same thing to happen here in Iceland.

    Remember the risk from covid disease is *very* age dependent. For children the risk is close to zero, while the age group above 80 is facing perhaps 5% risk of dying if they get infected.

    Here, and in the U.K and in many other countries the oldest and high risk groups were vaccinated first. And we already know vaccine efficiency fades with time, so there is that. More important is almost all of them got vaccinated! And now we see the vaccines offer very little protection against infection so this group is getting infected. That’s not what was promised. However the vaccines do offer considerable protection against disease, but not 100%. Therefore we will have deaths. Albeit much fewer than without the vaccines.

    The group that didn’t get vaccinated, did so various reasons but I guess the main one is they realize they are not in high risk group from covid disease. It’s mostly younger people. And with or without vaccines – we shouldn’t expect many of them to die from covid. Only tiny fraction of them do – thankfully.

    In-between these two main groups there is people with some or even high risk not vaccinated but here and I suspect in the U.K this group is small. And we will see some deaths from them.

    So overall in High-Vaxx countries, almost all the people covid can kill are vaccinated. And with vaccine protection well below 100% it’s reasonable to expect almost all deaths will be fully vaccinated people in high risk groups.

    There are good reasons to question many aspects of what’s going on in various countries. This isn’t one of them.

  483. Wild Man says:

    I think this fellow does a very good job of describing where we are right now, within this unfolding covid-19 fiasco:

    TWBT has already dismissed this fellow as “a complete imbecile when it comes to medicine”, but choosing to do that name-calling without engaging with the content of his articles. But what does this Karl Denninger fellow misrepresent within the content of this article?

    I think the only part he has chosen not to expound upon, is:

    If sars-covd-2 is likely a bioweapon (as Unz maintains) -> that implicates the vaxx program as a continuation (let’s say a phase 2) of said bioweapon program (if anyone here still doesn’t get the part about how ‘sars-cov-2 as bioweapon’ would then necessarily implicate the vaxxes, … I could re-explain it again, as per comments I already placed in this vein in previous threads) -> said etiology of said ‘vaxxx-as-phase-2-of-the-sars-cov-2-as-bioweapon-program’ may turn out to be as Denninger surmises (increasing risk with each jab).

    Isn’t this all pretty much obvious?

    • Thanks: Mehen
    • Replies: @Mehen
  484. gsjackson says:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    Yes, but with the distinction that the sock puppet’s prose is created by software, programmed for prolix self-referential grandiosity, tendentiousness and 25-cent words (perhaps that last expression should be updated for inflation — half-a-quid words perhaps).

  485. Raches says:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    With the internal quotation hereby added for context:

    Why do you assume that I be American? […] By the way, did you assume that I be vaccinated? (Hint: I am not.)

    Well, excuse me for assuming you are an American and have a TV. That former may explain why you don’t know how to conjugate the word “is” so well. That seems almost intentional in this comment for whatever reason I can’t fathom, because you write very well elsewhere.


    Secondly, you really come across weirdly full of yourself. You’ve got a lot to learn still. (So do I.)

    You imagine that my use of “be” be in error: You are ignorant of my fine friend, the subjunctive mood. Look her up, and ask for a date—well, that shall remain hypothetical, mere wishful thinking.

    My usages thereof are admittedly sometimes clumsy and inconsistent, for I was miseducated by what Professor Oliver called “ejucaters”—before I did some autodidactic debugging, oft with my great professor’s posthumous aid. Nevertheless, my English is incomparably superior to yours.

    Admittedly, my grammar is imperfect. If any genuine pedants of Oliverian caliber wish to assist me in good faith, I will coöperate. We can start by debating the merits of how I used an adverb to begin the sentence at the beginning of this paragraph. I say that that’s a stylistic issue, insofar as the “admittedly” indubitably is for “is”; but some apparently similar usages may be more arguable. Well, I do try to keep my noun modifiers under control—unlike so many “professional” “writers” nowadays.

    Divers other ways that you may attempt comically to hypercorrect me: My artful use of “naïf”, my refusal heinously to split infinitives, my proper use of the diaeresis in your reëducation, my deictically consistent change of the famous Shakespearean “[she] doth protest” line from the third person to thou doest protest too much, methinks” (with full Sie/du implications, my dear), my desideration of literacy, my occasional archaic use of “an” as “if”, my declaration that I reck aught what you think, and my use of the word “divers” at the beginning of this sentence. A vibrant ejucater once hypercorrected me to “diverse”, when I damn well meant “divers”. How amusing! ®

    • LOL: Skeptikal
    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  486. Anon[336] • Disclaimer says:

    We should honor any person who will allow their beliefs to reconfigure and conform with the facts of an evolving situation. And too, if having said something wrong at some time in the past were the criteria by which we censored one another, then not one of us would be allowed to say anything on this site again.

    Aside from your and Ultrafart’s white-knighting on behalf of our recently ad hom happy Hebrew host, your response doesn’t exactly answer my original question.

    Incidentally, who mentioned censorship, and where exactly has Ron indicated that he has changed his mind concerning those questioning Da’ Vaxx?

    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  487. lysias says:

    I am 74 years old, with many comorbidities, and I have not allowed myself to be vaccinated. So far, so good. I did have a bad cold in October 2019, which might, for all I know, have been covid. Since then, I have been fine.

    From March 2020, I have been taking a lot of Vitamin D. I suspect my high Vitamin D blood content (84 ng/mL) is protecting me.

    • Replies: @niceland
    , @Nancy
  488. @niceland

    hello ,
    Do you have the datas of mortalities in your country for 2020? In France all regular flu deaths have shrunk from usualy 15000-18000 to 72, all other pneumopathies (like pneumonia) have disapeared and seem to have been labeled as covid (deaths with or by covid). How was it in Iceland? We also know now that there has been only a slight increase in deaths that year in our country, due to what is called a harvesting phenomenon, due to the ageing of the population.

    Take care

    • Replies: @niceland
  489. Raches says:
    @Dr. Fasci, America’s Doctor

    Thou art nice. Doest thou know the historical meaning (so to speak) of the word “nice”, which now approximately significates “good”? As Dr. Nietzsche said, “Everywhere that slave-morality gains the ascendancy, language shows a tendency to approximate the significations of the words ‘good’ and ‘stupid.’” I am Beyond Good and Evil.

    Ok, I I’ll take a stab at it, I think your pseudonym is an anagram of H. sacer.

    Your misapplication of an idiom to traduce me instead prays to me in its literal glory: Homo sacer means “sacred man”. I am forever a living taboo—I am the eternal and ineffable. You fear my holiness as the Defamation League fears their own Lord Voldemort.

    I, Raches, born in wrath from the divine womb of Nemesis beside a now-broken wheel, must have a godly power to punish. What a curse you bear! Your wicked tongue involuntarily hails me. Your impotently hurled insults strike me with praise.

    “μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ…” ®

  490. Raches says:
    @Dr. Fasci, America’s Doctor

    Seriously though, R Anon is a good fit. You could even go ahead and reach for apotheosis by calling yourself Zzz Anon.

    Z. A. I, the sacred, am the Omega and the Alpha, come nigh at history’s end to rebirth it in a fiery new beginning!

    How many coded messages will you plant here in praise of me? Are you a Freemason taking orders from a sayan? sCARY THOUGHT i NOW THINK OF YOU HERE! 🤔

    Now I’m just a simple minded country physician, but when I see your screen name I can only picture this:Busy whipping up another trifle.

    Awesome! Literally awesome: I inspire awe, in the sense of fear. That most controversial Nietzsche line works also in the inverse—but as Kipling would observe, women bring worse than whips; Dr. Nietzsche would agree.¹

    I am imagined as a hot girl, with an allicient waist-to-hip hourglass signal that she yearns to be injected with good genes—i.e., not yours.

    She looks as if she is about to give you a real case of “penis envy”, as Revenge® for your invasion of her personal space. The banana is symbolic. It is a practical application of eugenics, but without Hitler’s mercy.

    If I can jab Miss Iris till she swallows her tongue, then I can needle you to eat your own prick. ’Tis surely a trifle. ®

    1. “Das, was am Weibe Respekt und oft genug Furcht einflößt, ist seine Natur, die ‘natürlicher‘ ist als die des Mannes, seine echte raubtierhafte listige Geschmeidigkeit, seine Tigerkralle unter dem Handschuh, seine Naivität im Egoismus, seine Unerziehbarkeit und innerliche Wildheit, das Unfaßliche, Weite, Schweifende seiner Begierden und Tugenden…”

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  491. Mehen says:
    @Wild Man

    Thanks for that Denninger article. I recommend others read it.

    • Agree: Wild Man
  492. Wild Man says:

    Raches …. I want to point out what you said about the supposed efficacy of masking, is idiot-talk. In the previous thread (comment #1537), you said:

    “Since when are viruses primarily spread by smoke? Do you know that moisture and smoke are different, and they behave very differently?”

    That was in response to my contention that most of the air exchanges at the perimeter of the masks. The smoke is visual aid for one to see where one’s breath goes. So you say something just so exceedingly stupid, dumb and moronic – i.e. “Since when are viruses primarily spread by smoke?”, in order to set up your unwarranted conclusion that exhaled smoke isn’t a good visual aid for where your breath goes, because ‘moisture-in-breath’ is so different than ‘smoke-in-breath’, apparently, that using the smoke as a visual aid, to see where the exhaled breath goes, is somehow a bogus test of where the moisture-laden exhaled breath goes.

    You then double down on your stupid-head shtick, with this:

    “For those who say that masks don’t work, I suggest a little test. Exhale onto your hand. Feel the moisture. Then, exhale through a piece of cloth onto your hand. Compare how it feels.

    That is not a scientific observation, as such; but it is exactly how science started. Let’s start here.

    Wearing a mask as a somewhat bidirectional barrier against a respiratory contagion is common sense, just as much as leaving the mask off when you are out hiking alone in the middle of the woods.”

    Hey genius – I got a better (non-obfuscating) test. Put on some glasses when you exhale through one of those cloth masks, or disposable surgical masks, and then see what happens to your glasses. What do you immediately see? Do your glasses immediately steam-up? I bet they do (mine do, so why wouldn’t yours).

    Your comment #1537 implied that these masks stop the transmission of the breath-moisture within which the aerosolized virus/H2O matrix, are found. You are straight up lying (unless, … more likely, it’s that you are an egg-head moron). 18-months for you, by your own common sense, to figure-out something so extremely straight-forward, and yet you have failed, a most basic test of common sense.

    Please tone it down. You are not all that. You got weaknesses aplenty (like everyone). You should quit your ‘Raches as Superman wannabe’ crap, so that people (like me) won’t be inclined to slap you hard with your own stupidity, … so as to try to wake you up from your self-imposed-genius allusions. You are not a genius. You are a very flawed human being (just like the rest of us).

  493. A123 says: • Website

    I have not been following this thread. Sorry if this is a dupe: (1)

    60% of Those Older Than 50 Who Die From COVID Are Double Vaxxed

    When reanalyzing the clinical trial data from these COVID shots using “all-cause severe morbidity” as the primary endpoint, the data reveal they actually cause far more harm than good.

    The proper endpoint was calculated by adding together all severe events reported in the trials, not just COVID-19 but also all other serious adverse events. By doing this, severe COVID-19 infection gets the same weight as other adverse events of equivalent severity. According to Classen:

    “Results prove that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all pivotal trials show a statistically significant increase in ‘all cause severe morbidity’ in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group.

    The Moderna immunized group suffered 3,042 more severe events than the control group. The Pfizer data was grossly incomplete but data provided showed the vaccination group suffered 90 more severe events than the control group, when only including ‘unsolicited’ adverse events.

    The Janssen immunized group suffered 264 more severe events than the control group. These findings contrast the manufacturers’ inappropriate surrogate endpoints:

    Janssen claims that their vaccine prevents 6 cases of severe COVID-19 requiring medical attention out of 19,630 immunized; Pfizer claims their vaccine prevents 8 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 21,720 immunized; Moderna claims its vaccine prevents 30 cases of severe COVID-19 out of 15,210 immunized.

    Based on this data it is all but a certainty that mass COVID-19 immunization is hurting the health of the population in general. Scientific principles dictate that the mass immunization with COVID-19 vaccines must be halted immediately because we face a looming vaccine induced public health catastrophe.”

    To make the above numbers more clear and obvious, here are the prevention stats in percentages:

    0.00036% — Pfizer
    0.00125% — Moderna
    0.00030% — Janssen

    I am still not convinced that the vaccines make things worse. While I originally dismissed the concept out of hand, the number of findings from unaffiliated groups headed that direction is beginning to draw my attention.

    What is clear at this point… Mounting evidence indicates the that emergency / experimental mRNA vaccines are vastly less effective than originally promised.

    PEACE 😇


    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  494. @Mark Hunter

    I agree with you 100%, but I was applying vax pushers’ own logic.

    If the vax confers immunity

    If 55% of Americans have been vaxxed

    If over a third of Americans have had Covid, and are naturally immune

    Then logically 80+% of people are immune, and there is no need for vax mandates.

    The truth, of course, is that vaccines do not confer immunity. Vaccines are designed to prevent immunity, and to keep people sick, so that people remain dependent on pharma products, and remain submissive to pharma tyranny.

    No vaccine is needed for the Covid “pandemic,” since the “pandemic” is a hoax. Supposedly people are dropping dead from Covid all over the place. This lie is insultingly absurd.

    As for vax pushers, they do not care about health, or immunity, or viruses, or vaccines.

    They only care about POWER (and about mega-profits for pharma companies).

  495. @Raches

    Dude, come off of it.

    • Replies: @Raches
  496. @Raches

    Is there a psychiatrist on the thread?…

    • LOL: Ann Nonny Mouse
  497. @Emslander

    Ron Unz can’t read that, Emslander – he’s got you on his ignore list alongside me. ;-}

    • Replies: @Emslander
  498. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Well, you might avoid getting into arguments about which of us are more “not kind and gentle.” 🙂

    So, do you pity them yet? 🙂

    eugenics, but without Hitler’s mercy.

    If I can jab Miss Iris till she swallows her tongue, then I can needle you to eat your own prick. ’Tis surely a trifle. ®

  499. @Anon

    HERE. It’s a hell of a step in the right direction.

    • Replies: @Anon
  500. @Raches

    You are telling me that I win the prize? I wasn’t trying to traduce you, I was taking an honest stab at your ballooning crypsis. It was my impression of how you see might yourself; it is no surprise that your hubris would seize on the distinction of being an oath breaker and outlaw. Yes Raches, you are clearly very special, but ubermensching can be a lonely trade, especially for an evident attention seeker such as yourself. Nietzche never could quite figure out if he was Christ or not. And he paid for that mental schism dearly.

    Sheesh, now I’m starting to like you. I’m sure you realize that this back and forth is a sport. But even still, to the victor go the spoils.

    • LOL: Mehen
  501. @A123

    The proper endpoint was calculated by adding together all severe events reported in the trials, not just COVID-19 but also all other serious adverse events.

    No. Hard no. This is a severe failure to use actuarial science to see if non-COVID-19 serious adverse events rise above the baselines you expect when you’re dealing with 30,000 or more people, for the EUA that would be a minimum of 7,500 who had been followed for two months after getting their final dose. Strange thing, bad stuff happens to people all the time, I’ll repeat the usual that was posted WRT to VAERS just before vaccines started to get EUAs:

    Bob Wachter of UCSF had a very good thread on Twitter about vaccine rollouts the other day, and one of the good points he made was this one. We’re talking about treating very, very large populations, which means that you’re going to see the usual run of mortality and morbidity that you see across large samples. Specifically, if you take 10 million people and just wave your hand back and forth over their upper arms, in the next two months you would expect to see about 4,000 heart attacks. About 4,000 strokes. Over 9,000 new diagnoses of cancer. And about 14,000 of that ten million will die, out of usual all-causes mortality. No one would notice. That’s how many people die and get sick anyway.

    Back to you:

    What is clear at this point… Mounting evidence indicates the that emergency / experimental mRNA vaccines are vastly less effective than originally promised.

    Not so against classic Wuhan, which is what they specifically target, and the Alpha variant which doesn’t do much if anything in the way of escaping immunity based on classic. Thus you’re misinterpreting their results against Delta, which is a generally predicted, that is, “promised” as you said variant which has some immune escape mutations, resulting in the lowering of efficacy. That chasing a moving target would have that result was “promised” from the very beginning, and it only common sense for the minimally scientifically literate. The evidence you’re looking at also doesn’t include their much better job at keeping people out of the hospital and alive if they contract Delta.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  502. Emslander says:
    @Wild Man

    I don’t really think you are disagreeing with me.

    No, I am not disagreeing with you. Sometimes I take off from a comment that alerts me to a thought I feel I need to express.

    It seems to me that, when the “gain of function” first escaped the lab, Fauci knew he had a problem and his only way of dealing with it was to double, triple and quadruple down on it to cover his tracks.

    • Thanks: Wild Man
  503. BaronAsh says:

    “The new analysis relies on the database of Maccabi Healthcare Services, which enrolls about 2.5 million Israelis,” reported Science magazine. “The study, led by Tal Patalon and Sivan Gazit at KSM, the system’s research and innovation arm, found in two analyses that people who were vaccinated in January and February were, in June, July, and the first half of August, six to 13 times more likely to get infected than unvaccinated people who were previously infected with the coronavirus.”

    “In one analysis,” Science further revealed, “comparing more than 32,000 people in the health system, the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 times higher among the vaccinated, and the risk of hospitalization eight times higher.”

    If you already had “covid,” you now have antibodies to protect you against reinfection
    Even though U.S. authorities refuse to admit it, “catching” the Chinese Virus and recovering from it leaves a person with antibodies that will protect them against reinfection. The same cannot be said of those who take the injections.”

    The data keeps coming out and the emerging conclusion is inescapable: these non-vaccine mRNA shots are doing more harm than good so the push to mandate them is downright wrong whether due to incompetence or malice (or more likely a mix of the two).

    • Agree: Kali
  504. niceland says:

    What I said above applies to areas with very high rate of vaccinations;
    In the 70-79 year age bracket we have 99.1% vaccinated over here. (!)

    I doubt you got covid so early, I know several people who got flue (my brother twice) early in 2020 and assumed it was covid but got negative immunity tests.

    We know covid disease is very age dependent but the real story seems to be much more complex. If I would draw any conclusions from my own circles – My general advice to people would be to stop exercising, add extra 20% to their body weight, begin smoking and stop being so careful with alcohol and try to screw up their blood pressure! But I am not, I think what I am seeing around me has different explanations. But my point is, it’s very strange to see younger fit and healthy people get quite sick while the people the above description applies to hardly notice covid.

    With so high vaccination rates over here, almost everyone around me in my community of few thousands has been vaccinated and I have only heard of one person in my circles in trouble – young woman after a booster shot, first she got Janssen and then Moderna. Others seem to be doing just fine. Almost all did feel the jabs and many got flue like symptoms and felt quite bad , but it was only a day or two.

    Based on what I see around me I would just get vaxxed if I was 74. If hesitant to the new mRNA technology I would seek out other vaccines – and like you be taking vitamin D and perhaps something more in order to be ready. Because it seems – sooner or later everyone will get this bug.

    Best of luck!

  505. @Raches

    I think that most of the “hesitant” smart, sane people don’t show up in these discussions, because they have normal lives—and someone who has a normal life (or any life at all) usually just doesn’t spend time arguing about vaccines on the Internet. The result is that the visible, audible, PAINFULLY LOUD!!! anti-vaxxers are basement-dwelling loser types who eventually come to believe that the vaccines are literally being used by space aliens to conquer the Earth, and That Would Be Telling says that I am Sisyphus here.

    Agreed. I enjoyed seeing this fellow chafe because so many of the anti-vaxxers I’ve interacted with online have been arrogant and unnecessarily verbally belligerent. They also take an unsettling relish at the prospect of the vaxxed suffering and dying. So I too have suspected their zeal is a mask for underlying personality issues.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Wild Man
  506. Lots of real-world experiments are taking place these days. One of them: Swiss immigrants making visits at home – in Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, etc. where people do not keep a distance and do not vaccinate, etc. pp.
    Result: Thirtyfold number of CO-19 patients in Swiss intensive care beds by now compared to the beginning of the Swiss holiday season. – This does look like being no coincidence, doesn’t it? )

    Btw. – the exact same thing is happening in Austria too right now.

  507. niceland says:
    @Bugey libre

    No, I haven’t bothered to take a look at our death statistics. The main reason being – we have so few covid deaths they won’t be noticeable in the data.

    Still I know, 2020 had unusually low overall death rate, attributed to our reactions to covid. It make sense when people are washing their hands more, using sanitizers, social distancing and perhaps wearing masks – the rate of all kinds of infectious diseases drop considerably. Our nursing homes for the elderly were closed off to visitors and so many elderly self isolated at home. Add to this reduced economic activity, less traffic, ect.


    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  508. Emslander says:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    After having had a VERY disagreeable exchange of views with a former friend, who thinks he’s on the mRNA “inside”, it appears to me that these CV19 vaccines are a toe under the tent flap. This person believes that the great virtue of mRNA is that it can be developed so quickly. The developers, according to him, can easily write an RNA or DNA cell alteration to create any immunity.

    I read into that a very sinister capability. If a substance can be shot into your body at the direction of the government that is a kind of “programmed” set of instructions for human cells, any number of preferred directions can be entered. “Sleeper” directives can be introduced that tell your body to reject a desire to eat meat, for instance. More dangerous physical attributes can be programmed into your cells for later activation.

    I suppose that this possibility has been visited by others. It just struck me that it is a capability that the proponents seem too quick to admit.

    • Agree: Achmed E. Newman
  509. Wild Man says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    TWBT, slowly but surely, having less and less to hang his/her hat on, as time goes by. How sad.

  510. @JimDandy

    My sense is that, while Epstein had been a valuable asset, towards the end he had become an embarrassment and a liability and “they” were happy to be rid of him for good.

    And if Epstein’s death was faked, what is done with him? Does he get plastic surgery (as he’s one of the most recognizable men in the world) and then live out a quiet existence in Tel Aviv? Would a guy like him, who’s led the life he had, even want that?

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  511. Wild Man says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    “Agreed. I enjoyed seeing this fellow chafe because so many of the anti-vaxxers I’ve interacted with online have been arrogant and unnecessarily verbally belligerent. They also take an unsettling relish at the prospect of the vaxxed suffering and dying. So I too have suspected their zeal is a mask for underlying personality issues.”

    You’ve got that precisely backwards. The perceived arrogance or belligerence is because the vaxx-hesitant are the ones that have been pervasively censored, except for forums like this one. The pro-covid-western-experimental-vaxx crowd won’t engage with the counterarguments (except by way of deflection). That is frustrating (and very obnoxious). The vaxx-hesitatant that may have knee-jerked to ‘I hope you suffer and die’ shite, only did that, because we have all heard that shite thrown in our face, at every turn (and far, far, far more than anything you may have experienced).

    The pathological personality issues, that you suspect inform the hestitant’s zeal … is actually ‘rationality’. And indeed there is a pathologicalizing personality issue, among the smug pro-vaxxers in this debate, …. and that is -‘sacrificing the rational function for feelz sake’. It sort of makes me want to puke.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  512. Raches says:

    Among other things that I am not, I have stated explicitly that I am not a National Socialist. I inadvertently missed disclaiming being a Nietzschean. I am almost an Oliverian—only almost, and a miss is as good as a mile… Soon enough, someone will accuse me of being an Unzian—no, wait, I have already been accused of being Ron Unz. Perhaps I am “literally Hitler”. Or at least, literally Dr. Goebbels. I like it!

    Whence and wherefore the need to place me in a neatly labelled pigeonhole? I am fully independent: I am Rachesian.

    Apropos of nothing, but as a former Nietzsche acolyte,

    There is no such thing as a “Nietzsche acolyte”. It is a contradiction in terms, like “aristocratic egalitarian” or “honest politician”. This is known to anyone who has read his books with full comprehension: Nietzsche was a hyperindividualist (one of my criticisms of him), and he repudiated the whole concept of having acolytes or disciples.

    I dislike pasting extended quotations into a comment. But sometimes, it is warranted—and besides, I will want to link back to this as ancillary support in a reply to Wild Man. See for yourself what Nietzsche said in various places—e.g., from Thus Spake Zarathustra:

    I now go alone, my disciples! Ye also now go away, and alone! So will I have it.

    Verily, I advise you: depart from me, and guard yourselves against Zarathustra!

    And better still: be ashamed of him! Perhaps he hath deceived you.

    The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies, but also to hate his friends.

    One requiteth a teacher badly if one remain merely a scholar. And why will ye not pluck at my wreath?

    Ye venerate me; but what if your veneration should some day collapse? Take heed lest a statue crush you!

    Ye say, ye believe in Zarathustra? But of what account is Zarathustra! Ye are my believers: but of what account are all believers!

    Ye had not yet sought yourselves: then did ye find me. So do all believers; therefore all belief is of so little account.

    Now do I bid you lose me and find yourselves; and only when ye have all denied me, will I return unto you.

    I deny Nietzsche much. His loathing for his fellow Germans was ugly and irrational; his anti-German ethnic insult (which would not be understood, or even perceived by most Americans) of calling some famous Germans “Poles” was inexcusable. He failed fully to comprehend the racial foundation of the Jewish problem—although otherwise, he had a remarkable understanding of the Jews. His dislike for seriousness and gravity is of grave concern to me, seriously. In his own terms, he was a self-declared Dionysian, whereas I am mostly an Apollonian balanced with some Dionysian elements. I am a musician; he is a dancer. As aforestated, I reject what I call his “hyperindividualism”. I obviously have some disagreements with him about nationalism. And my hereby critique of Nietzsche, which I present with my respects to one of the greatest minds in history, could be extended to run for many pages books.

    A Nietzschean paradox: Does this make me His disciple? By denying Nietzsche, perhaps I may bring His Second Coming! Amen!

    Behold the believers of all beliefs! Whom do they hate most? Him who breaketh up their tables of values, the breaker, the lawbreaker—he, however, is the creator.

    Companions, the creator seeketh, not corpses—and not herds or believers either.

    Fellow-creators the creator seeketh—those who grave new values on new tables.


    Fellow-creators, Zarathustra seeketh; fellow-reapers and fellow-rejoicers, Zarathustra seeketh: what hath he to do with herds and herdsmen and corpses!


    I am not to be a herdsman, I am not to be a grave-digger. Not any more will I discourse unto the people; for the last time have I spoken unto the dead.

    I am a creator: I am a reaper. I break all tables of values, including Nietzsche’s. I am a lawbreaker. However, I am also a herdsman. See how I deny Nietzsche, offend his values, and break his laws! ®


    I would recommend this book to you. In good faith.

    [Amazon link: Nietzsche and Buddhism: A study in nihilism and ironic affinities, by Robert G. Morrison.]

    Thanks duly for the recommendation. Simply to get our premises straight, I must ask: Besides good faith, do you speak in faith? ®

    • Replies: @Mehen
  513. L.K says:
    @Ron Unz

    From what I’ve read, getting infected gives you very long-term, perhaps almost permanent near-immunity. There seem to be extremely few second infections that are at all serious.

    Are you sure?

    I DIRECTLY know 2 people who were re-infected. One a young doctor, both cases mild.

    The other case was one of the cops that I mentioned we were training , 13 cops from an elite tactical unit. Ages ranging from mid 20s to early 30s.

    This cop, W, 29 years old, strong as an ox, got infected very early on, had very mild symptoms, basically just loss of taste and smell, which came back after a few days.

    He got infected again during a second Covid wave. Second time around though, it was NOT mild at all.
    W spent 47 days at an ICU, had to be INTUBATED… he survived, but it was a very close call…
    Nearly all of the 13 officers became infected at some point before vaccines were available to them.
    W and another guy, a “Flu-Hoaxer” type, were the 2 who became very seriously ill, both had to be intubated, but both survived. The “flu-hoaxer” is still recovering from long Covid though, and is no longer with the unit, doing administrative work instead. Several were taking Ivermectin, including W after his first , and light, infection.

    Another officer, not from this unit, a friend of mine, T, also young and very fit, 36 years old, was infected too when vaccines were not available. T also came close to death, struggling for a long time at an ICU. At the end came out, like the others, in a wheelchair. Not feeling fully recovered yet. Obviously, due to their jobs, police officers all over the world are more at risk from getting infected, and possibly with greater viral loads. Incidentally, a few days ago, while trying to determine how many US police officers are shot dead on the job, every year,on avg, I found this:

    Notice how many of the officers have died of Covid. You’ll notice that other diseases are also listed, like heart attacks or whatever… but Covid stands very prominent, especially for the middle aged or older cops.
    The “flu”, this thing most certainly IS NOT.

  514. @Simon Tugmutton

    I’ll just leave this here for the pro-jabbers to ponder.

    Well, despite this claim:

    The different instrumentation includes Optical Microscopy, Bright-Field Microscopy, pHase Contrast Microscopy, Dark-Field Microscopy, UV absorbance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffractometer, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments were used….

    The only real results he actually claims to demonstrate for Pfizer/BioNTech are from microscopy, which is not a substitute for chemical analysis, for that he only uses spectroscopy. In the first example for Pfizer and the paper, he gets carbon, a little bit of nitrogen but he doesn’t mention that, oxygen, and sodium and “chloride,” the latter two from the saline solution that’s used to dilute BioNTech’s stuff before administration. So that’s not actually completely consistent with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) due to the nitrogen, but its generally consistent with … organic chemistry! The stuff we expect based on the vaccine’s Official ingredients.

    This is the pattern it follows, I see this, X, Y and Z spectroscopy is “compatible” with rGO or whatever. Although there’s another example of that first type of spectroscopy, this time finding “Carbon, Oxygen Chromium, Sulphur, Aluminum, Chloride, Nitrogen,” and yet another along the same lines. He then concludes, and this should be in the abstract, it’s an extremely sloppy and wandering document:

    The Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen drugs are NOT “vaccines” but complexed Graphene Oxide nano particulate aggregates of varying nano elements attached to genetically modified nucleic acids of mRNA from animal or vero cells and aborted human fetal cells as viewed and described above.

    He provided absolutely no evidence of this claimed origin of Pfizer’s mRNA unless I missed it in a reference which he didn’t properly cite to tell me this relevant data is in it.

    Why is this analysis so very bad, assuming he’s not making shit up but is I assume very bad about keeping his samples pure before looking at them? Well see the very first thing he says on that page, something he thinks is so important it gets in a way top billing (it’s an illustration caption):

    Germs Are Born In Us and From Us as an Outfection and NOT an Infection of the Body Cells. In other words germs are symptoms of cellular and genetic disorganization and NOT the specific cause of the cellular and genetic disorganization! The GERM is NOTHING and the TERRAIN is.[55]

    The very first thing citation 55 says after title and subtitle is:


    Elsewhere his explanation for what’s really causing COVID-19 in no way explains why it started happening all of a sudden and all over the world; it can’t, that inherent in the mechanisms he claims.

    Bottom line, if you’re even considering getting a COVID-19 vaccine, if you believe it’s a disease caused by a virus, he’s not living in the same reality as you are.

    • Agree: Raches
    • Replies: @utu
  515. peterAUS says:


    Minutes 39.40—40.33…

    The paper:

    Keyword: inflation.
    Translate to stagflation. Think pensions and savings, among other things.

    That’s why “they” rule and “we” are the ruled.

    Sorry. Back to “vax/no vax” topics.

  516. @L.K

    Thanks. There is this study report which might interest you (and others).

    COVID-19 reinfection rate less than 1 percent for those with severe illness, study finds

    Mind that this is not meant as a rebuttal of you, but merely as an element to help people to understand this situation better.

  517. Erebus says:

    Here’s a video that arrived in my inbox this morning.

    This 2005 video purports to show a Bill Gates presentation to the CIA on his proposal to change the behaviour of jihadis in the M.E., turning them docile and compliant through the use of gene therapy delivered under cover of a vaccine against a respiratory virus.

    Not 100% convinced it’s Bill Gates, but Bill Gates or not there’s zero doubt in my mind that there are people who really do think this way.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @utu
  518. @Wild Man

    The term “vaxx-hesitant” could appropriately be applied to me as I waited until last month to get my first shot. And I didn’t make that decision based on “feelz” – a tiresome right-wing insult at this point. Like any sane person I’m concerned about the seeming ineffectiveness of stopping infections and potential for more shots down the road but screaming at me that I’m going to die/go infertile and that I was a fool to get the “killjab” is unhelpful and obnoxious and genuinely serious, rational people wouldn’t behave that way.

    If you’ve been kicked out of multiple forums and told repeatedly that people aren’t interested in your arguments, yet you keep returning and badgering them then you are the one behaving irrationally. It’s the behavior of a drunkard who’s been 86’d from every bar in town yet keeps showing up demanding to be served by the “fools” who he thinks misunderstand him.

    Anti-vaxxers often refer to the rest of us as sheep. If that’s the case why persist in trying to argue with sheep? Let us chew our cud (do sheep chew cud or is that just cows?).

  519. JimDandy says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I would take a chill life in Tel Aviv over an actual offing. But your theory sounds plausible. It just sends a bad message to future potential operatives, imo.

  520. @Wild Man

    No, I have no idea why he’s so dismissive, who knows, but I have discussions and disagreements with several scientists involved with vaccines and virology every week, cordial even when heated, and there have been many surprises with Covid since the start! The virus has not behaved “properly”. It’s very nice for Ron Unz to allow Covid discussions which, like positing that Covid MIGHT have come from a lab (for the first year), gets your posts censored or ghosted on most sites. I haven’t had as much time to read through the comments as usual, so mine may be repetitive.

    I think people, including many scientists, are blinded by the fact that the vaccines are not 95% efficacious as advertised. The point of a vaccine is to keep people out of hospitals and from dying. For the Vulnerable (the vast majority (95%) of whom are over age 60 globally, and the majority over age 80), vaccines prevent deaths as expected, so far, however hospitalizations with the delta variant in both Israel and Iceland are much higher among the fully vaccinated than expected.

    Since most people are not vulnerable to serious effects of Covid, the main point of public health policy devolves to protect ONLY the vulnerable, which means keeping them out of hospital. Not only do S1-protein antibodies seem to fade much faster than expected in the Vulnerable populations, likely necessitating boosters for the Vulnerable, the fully vaccinated seem quite capable of spreading the delta variant as shown at events where only the fully vaccinated were allowed. Speculation is that S1-protein vaccines are great for raising titers of S1-antibodies in the blood (and lungs, protecting the vulnerable) but have next to no effects in the nose and pharyngeal mucosa, which is more dependent on IgA antibodies and cellular immunity. So the infection rages and spreads from the pharynx of the fully vaccinated, but does not affect their lungs and there are no major systemic symptoms. In such a “dual” immunity speculation, there should be no selection of variants (except with serious breakthrough infections in the lungs). However since the fully infected spread the disease, there can be no vaccine-mediated herd immunity. (I doubt the two immune compartments can be so functionally separate, but obviously that’s attracting much recent research).

    Moreover a Brit group published two papers in the Lancet on Covid vaccine responses in the most Vulnerable (age 80 and above). The vaccine responses were weak and slow to develop relative to young and healthy (who have no need for the vaccines anyway) and the cellular responses was missing in many of the Elderly subjects. Many of us were calling for 80 year olds to be the main participants in vaccine trials (as they are the main Covid target population), but were ignored or censored. Also US vaccine trials had no deaths in either the vaccine or the placebo groups, and “serious cases”, in lieu of deaths (since Covid is not deadly to the young and healthy participants), were poorly defined (on ventilators? or admitted as abundance of caution?)

    Another major finding over the last few weeks from both Israel and Iceland is that natural immunity is much superior to vaccine immunity (27-fold less symptomatic Covid infections than in the fully vaccinated, according to an Israeli publication.) The Head of Iceland’s Public Health effort (at 76.75% fully vaccinated, the most in the world) noted that vaccine herd immunity is impossible (though vaccines obviously protect the Vulnerable), since those vaccinated still spread the disease (Iceland going through it’s worse wave of cases). He said we will need natural immunity to control Covid, although no one in their right mind would advocate intentionally contracting the virus (perhaps old school attenuated virus vaccines are needed?) It is curious that many (most?) scientists recognize that the previously infected, with natural immunity, make up a third to two thirds of the US population rather than the 39 million officially confirmed by testing. These people with natural immunity do not spread Covid relative to the fully vaccinated, and arguably are the only people who should have access to what has been promised the fully vaccinated! This is an exciting unexplored area for more research. Many studies have shown exaggerated S1-antibody responses in the vaccinated people with natural immunity. But we do not know if this is a good thing long term, or instead perhaps will change the makeup and hasten the turnover of the antibodies and the cellular responses that underlie natural immunity. And of course natural immunity seems quite variable to Covid, mild cases seem to produce less. But all you need is enough to protect the Vulnerable from death.

    • Agree: Half Back
    • Thanks: Skeptikal, Emslander, Wild Man
  521. utu says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Robert O. Young

    In 2014 Young was arrested in San Diego and received 18 felony charges relating to practicing medicine without a license, and of theft.[31] According to the Medical Board of California’s press release chronically ill patients were paying Young up to \$50,000 for his treatments.[32] His trial started in Vista Superior Court in November 2015.[33] In February 2016, jurors found Young guilty of two counts of practicing medicine without a license.[34] As of January 2017 he was facing a three-year jail sentence and was also to be retried on six charges of fraud, after a jury deadlocked 8–4.[35] To avoid a retrial, Young pleaded guilty to two more counts of practicing medicine without a license. The 44-month sentence in the plea agreement included a declaration by Young that he has no degrees from any accredited schools, and that he is not “a microbiologist, hematologist, medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, or trained scientist

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  522. utu says:
    It remains unclear if the video was created as a prank, a creative project, or out of genuine belief in the conspiracy. However, details in the video hint toward it being staged and not an authentic “leak”, and higher definition versions clearly show the presenter is not Bill Gates.

    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Erebus
  523. Raches says:

    According to the Wikipedia article, “Dr.” Young’s only “degrees” are from a nonaccredited correspondence school, i.e., a mail-order diploma mill, that dried up and blew away over a decade ago. I don’t usually believe the Wiki without corroboration; but based on what Mr. Telling quoted and I verified on “Dr.” Young’s own website, I needn’t bother.

    bUT THIS DOCTOR SAYS… “Dr.” Young is a real-life professional fake doctor. I almost certainly know much more than he does about biology and medicine—and I am definitely inexpert in that subject matter.

    Filed under: Grifters. (TWBT, I suggest tracing connections.)

    Thanks, utu. (Out of Reactions for now.) No thanks to the idiots posting obvious garbage for any purpose other than scam investigations.

  524. Raches says:

    Just wait for someone to make Deepfakes of this nature. Then, there will be real fun.

    (Or maybe I got my tenses wrong.)

    Among other evidence of a hoax thereby linked, the Reuters article leads to this:

    Debunked: FunVax, Pentagon Briefing on Removing the God Gene [Hoax]
    Mick West
    Dec 1, 2011

    The video proports to be a pentagon briefing from 2005 about a proposal to spread a virus in the Middle East that would prevent people from developing extreme religious views. Besides the obviously ludicrous nature of this idea, the video itself is fake, a deliberate hoax. The most telling thing is that the graphic that supposed shows “two different individuals” is actually two images of the same brain.


    More telling, it’s actually the brain of a 43 year old meth addict, taken from this article in the Dec 2010 issue of Neurology. html

    […more neat evidence of a hoax…]

    I have not tried to verify all of the hoax evidence myself. Why should I waste time on that? It was posted here by a known liar, Mr. “Erebus”, and the hoax evidence looks credible on its face. Note how Mr. “Erebus” covers himself…

    Not 100% convinced it’s Bill Gates, but Bill Gates or not there’s zero doubt in my mind that there are people who really do think this way.

    …not only by purporting uncertainty, but also with a preëmptive “guilty even if the accusation is false” type of hedge. Given his credibility, I’m “not 100% convinced” that he didn’t know full well that it’s a hoax before he posted it. There’s zero doubt in my mind that there are people who really do things that way.

    • Agree: utu
    • LOL: Erebus
  525. …and the hits keep coming daily!

    Ultra-Vaxxed Israel Shattered Their Record for Covid-19 New Cases Today. Are ‘Vaccines’ Spreading Covid-19 Faster?

    Israel registered close to 11,000 COVID-19 cases on Monday, the Health Ministry reported Tuesday, marking a new record since the start of the pandemic.

    New research out of Israel shows that the best immunity is natural immunity, and those who rely on it instead of artificial vaccine “immunity” are at least 1,300 percent better protected against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

    Described by Bloomberg as “the largest real-world analysis comparing natural immunity – gained from an earlier infection – to the protection provided by one of the most potent vaccines currently in use,” the paper by Israeli scientists found that getting jabbed for Chinese Germs massively increases one’s risk of testing “positive” and developing symptoms.

    “Fully vaccinated” people are 13 times more likely to contract the Wuhan Flu compared to unvaccinated people, and are 27 times more likely than the unvaccinated to get sick as opposed to just testing “positive” without any symptoms.

    Do Vaccines Inhibit Our Natural Immunity?

    The short answer to the question is, “Yes.” Science clearly demonstrates that when the body is “tricked” into making antibodies, the newly developed processes supersede the original processes.

    So, if you have been jabbed, you have decommissioned your immune response! Some of us have been saying this for a while now.

    • Thanks: John Wear, emersonreturn
  526. John Wear says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    The following are some doctors and scientists who are warning of the dangers of the COVID-19 shots:

    1. Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O.
    2. Dr. Andrew Kaufman, M.D.
    3. Dr. Lee Merritt, M.D.
    4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, D.O.
    5. Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D.
    6. Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, M.D.
    7. Dr. Rashid Buttar, D.O.
    8. Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O.
    9. Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D.
    10. Judy Mikovits, PhD
    11. Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D.
    12 Dr. Andrew Wakefield, M.D.
    13. Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D.
    14. Sucharit Bhakdi, PhD
    15. Dr. Dan Stock, M.D.
    16. Geert Vandeen Bossche, PhD
    17. Michael Yeadon, PhD
    18. Dr. Vernon Coleman, M.D.
    19. Dr. Robert W. Malone, M.D.
    20. Dr. Simone Gold, M.D.
    21. Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D.
    22. Dr. Samantha Bailey, M.D.
    23. Dr. Ryan Cole, M.D.

    You might consider watching some of their videos before you get your next COVID shot. My favorite video on the COVID shots is the following video from Dr. Carrie Madej:

  527. Erebus says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Your argument assumes that the jab decision is an entirely personal health choice. If it was, there’d be very few “anti-vaxxers”, crackpotic or otherwise. Every “anti-vaxxer” I know would judge the matter on its merits, and having decided wouldn’t give the matter more than a moment’s thought beyond conversational and/or academic interest.

    My children were vaxxed in their primary school(s) >3 decades ago. I thought it medically unnecessary, but understood that society had changed since I, my siblings and childhood friends roared through every childhood disease a generation before. The mothers that took care of us weren’t available any more. They were at work, and the economic costs of looking after lots of sick kids was far greater than inoculating them. It was noteworthy that the few that demurred had stay-at-home moms that could look after sick kids.

    In the case of this virus and the vaxxines, the matter has nothing to do with costs. It has long since become political, and politics divides the population. The vaxxines sit on a spectrum of political developments that are antithetical to a large plurality’s worldview and the sort of society they wish to live in. They furthermore see the situation as rapidly becoming ever more sinister. The entire socio-political landscape, including but not limited to the vaxxines is becoming intolerable to them.

    Anti-vaxxers often refer to the rest of us as sheep. If that’s the case why persist in trying to argue with sheep?

    “Anti-vaxxers” live in societies made up mostly of those sheep, watched over by the same shepherds, in the same or neighbouring paddocks with the same rules. To the extent that the more sheepish comply with the increasingly sinister rules is the extent to which those rules come to define the society for all.

    That puts the anti-vaxxers on a political mission to minimize both the numbers of its more sheepish members and to reduce their sheepishness, lest the society they live in become something they wish to have no part of. When societies come to that point, they either find a way to live and let live, or great instabilities and even civil war almost inevitably ensue.

    So, no the choice isn’t simply your own. If it was, there wouldn’t be 3 threads with what will soon be 4,000 comments on the topic.

    • Thanks: Wild Man
  528. @John Wear

    I think that Dr V Coleman is a PhD in nursing, not that there’s anything wrong with that*.

    *Thanks George.

  529. Skeptikal says:

    No update on the truckers, but the Australian govt has issued advice on how to conduct intimacy with your partner: “How to enjoy masturbating with your partner safely”:

    Starts ca. 0:11:00:00 here; printed instructions at 0:16:00:

    #Masturbation is the only safe way to have sex
    #Maintain social distance of at least 1.5 meters
    #Wear a mask
    #To be really safe, do it over the Internet (great for people who share a bedroom and a bed . . .but the govt. didn’t provide an illustration on how this would work—I guess all things are possible with an iPhone . . . ).

    This is not a joke. Unfortunately.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  530. Skeptikal says:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    “That former may explain why you don’t know how to conjugate the word “is” so well. That seems almost intentional in this comment for whatever reason I can’t fathom,”

    Possibly Raches thinks he or she is using the subjunctive.
    Possibly this is an attempt at archness.
    Two fails.

    • Replies: @Raches
  531. Raches says:

    Possibly Raches thinks he or she is using the subjunctive.
    Possibly this is an attempt at archness.
    Two fails.

    An examplary proper use of the indicative: You are an illiterate idiot, high on the conceits of your own stupidity.

    You deserve no better than a Wiki Argument. ®

  532. @Erebus

    The vaxxines sit on a spectrum of political developments that are antithetical to a large plurality’s worldview and the sort of society they wish to live in.

    Actually, this sort of gets at my main problem with the anti-vaxxers. My primary political concerns are economic and racial. Yet somehow the political movements and discourse that I’m drawn to keep getting lumped together with topics that are irrelevant at best and a damned distraction at worst. This fits in with a pet theory of mine that contemporary American conservatism is purposely designed to make white people look stupid and/or crazy.

    That puts the anti-vaxxers on a political mission to minimize both the numbers of its more sheepish members and to reduce their sheepishness, lest the society they live in become something they wish to have no part of.

    I don’t know how you expect to win people over to your cause when you continually equate them with barnyard animals. And I would question how justifiable it is for anti-vaxxers to consider themselves unsheepish compared to the general population when so many seem to fervently leap at every questionable medical study and youtube weirdo pitching a quack remedy like horse dewormer that seems to confirm their “Big Pharma is trying to kill us” bias.

    I’d also question whether the anti-vaxx movement is substantial enough in the real world to be capable of producing great instabilities or civil war.

    As for the stuff about “choice,” I’ve never advocated a mandate. My exchanges on vaccines have been solely focused on the online comportment of anti-vaxxers.

  533. L.K says:
    @John Wear

    John Wear,
    By virtue of your RIDICULOUS statements regarding the Covid pandemic, you have completely destroyed any credibility you might have once had. If I’m not mistaken, You have even offered something by David Icke about Covid, and anyone with half a brain must realize Icke is a complete nut.

    Normally, I’d think that is your problem and just ignore you, except for the fact that you, Mr.Wear, have attached yourself to WWII revisionism.
    Obviously you are NOT a historian, but rather someone who publicizes the work done by actual historians, which, BTW, is totally fine, even great, if well done. However, your total lack of the most basic common sense re this serious pandemic that mankind is going through demonstrates that you are a person disconnected from REALITY, which, I don’t need to explain, ends up hurting WW2 revisionism by association, instead of just your credibility.
    Admittedly, since you are not a historian doing original research, but a largely unknown publicist, you cause relatively little harm, but still…

    It tells me you are not really serious about WW2 revisionism, since you don’t even show the most basic tactical acumen to keep this type of crackpottery to yourself, or post it under a different handle.
    BTW, although your WW2 articles have generally been good, you suffer from only reading English. Your article on German counterinsurgency warfare, for ex, was quite poor, because you are forced to rely on the low quality, heavily propagandistic materials published on the subject in English, and methinks you missed even a couple of better works in your language…

    PS: You should also have recognized the folly of attributing to a dead Solzhenitsyn words for which there is no record of him making, but a claim made by David Duke, without even citing Duke as the individual who claimed Solzhenitsyn had made the statement. BTW, you may believe Duke to be a very reliable source and all, but you should be able to recognize that is not the case to most people out there.

    • Agree: utu
    • Disagree: Truth Vigilante, Kali
    • Thanks: Raches
    • Troll: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @John Wear
    , @gsjackson
  534. @John Wear

    Too late. I got the second shot just yesterday and I feel fin…





    You were right, I was wrong. I’m dead.

    • Replies: @Raches
  535. Raches says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Mr. Punch, I have been mulling a reply to you for the purpose of persuading you to stay in this thread, at least for a little while. A thoughtful comment takes me time, especially when “normal life” needs at least some attention. Now, I see that you are being missionized by known liars (see below) who want zealously to convert you to their cause. That is no doubt irritating.

    Before they repulse you, please hear me out. It is lonely here. There are only a few sane people in this thread—and most of them are more or less solidly pro-vaxxer.

    These discussions are attracting the some of the worst “conspiracist” types. I make that judgment as someone who has spent years researching conspiracy theories, and has found some of them to be true. As I remarked in a 2,000-word comment analyzing Mr. Unz:

    I must here draw a sharp contrast. In my unhappy experience, many (not all) people who delve into “conspiracy theories” and/or non-mainstream politics are socially marginal, mentally unbalanced “rebels without a cause”. They are what Dr. William Luther Pierce called “defective”. They are anti-establishment, per se—against any establishment, not only against a corrupt establishment. They hate “elites” for being elite—not for being elite criminals.

    I once showed one of my “normie” friends some really awful conspiracy stuff that I had been wading through on the Internet. I was very angry at the “people” propounding these things, because they were making my own search for the truth much more difficult—moreso by burying the truth in disinformation and through their discrediting effect, than by their vicious personal attacks on me. Thus, to check my own objectivity, I sought my friend’s opinion as the closest thing that I could get to a detached perspective. The response included the term “echo chamber”, and suggested that these “people” just liked to cook themselves in their own impotent bile.

    Many of the rebels here have a mistaken impression of Mr. Unz—probably because most of them are unable to read an American Pravda article from start to finish, with full comprehension. […] He [Mr. Unz] is not “anti-elite”: He himself is a somewhat elite member of the establishment, who apparently decided that he detested what the establishment is doing. For those who sincerely oppose the establishment for good and principled reasons, that seems beneficial.

    As you yourself know, Mr. Punch, not everyone avoiding the Covid vaccines is a raving nutcase. Indeed, at least as of data from May 2021, a large minority of the most highly intelligent, presumably sane people were stubbornly “hesitant”. However, I surmise that people with normal lives just do not ordinarily enjoy arguing about about vaccines on the Internet. From my time in this thread, I almost want to get killed by Covid or by Bill Gates euthanasia shots—before I die of ennui! The vaccines are a matter of forced attention to me—an issue that I cannot avoid. That is why I keep going off-topic. (I thank Mr. Unz for understanding this.)

    And I think that the zealots, crackpots, and pathological liars here are chasing away most of those who have even the slightest shred of decency. That creates a downward spiral, a negative feedback loop. Frustrated though you can probably tell I am at this point, I do not want to let the bad ones take over this discussion—even if they are most of it.

    You say that you recently started a course of vaccination. So, you probably understand why I am “hesitant”. You can see both sides here—as I do. You can help to improve the quality of discussion here. Of course, I would not expect for you to waste your time and incur frustration just to “help”. I also think that you may benefit from it—if you are sharp enough to avoid being cozened by scammers, and you have a thick skin against inexcusably rude personal attacks. You were wary enough about the vaccines to wait awhile. Maybe this thread can help you track the latest news on them and, as is important for everyone now, on the corrupt political fights that attend the vaccines.

    If you do decide to stay around at least for a bit, please be forewarned that if you reject the groupthink and call out the liars, you will wind up like I am now: Thoroughly hated, with baseless conspiracy theories being spun about your motives. However, please balance that against the potential that if we can bring enough decent people here, we can form a positive feedback loop counteracting the negative one. Good discussion begets better discussion—just as bad begets worse.


    As Mr. Unz quoted of me in the prior thread announcement, I want to draw together everyone from both sides who is acting in good faith—against everyone who is exploiting Covid and/or the vaccines for ulterior motives. The battle lines are drawn wrongly here. It is not “pro-vaxxer” versus “anti-vaxxer”. Honest, decent people whose number-one priority about Covid is to stop the plague and protect their families, without destroying civilization in the process, should put aside their differences here—and stand together against liars, corrupt political exploiters, grifters, and criminal-minded lunatics.

    For example, I disagree with That Would Be Telling about the vaccines. However, I believe that he is acting in good faith. Our disagreement about the vaccines is a serious issue; however, it is only a dispute of the best way to face Covid. We can discuss that in a reasonable way. (Yes, TWBT, I owe you a long reply!)

    Contrast some of the “people” who are suddenly jumping to evangelize to you:

    I caught “Erebus” deliberately lying for the purpose of falsely accusing That Would Be Telling of lying. Since then, I have consigned him to Tartarus; he is thus beneath attention, except when it is pointed out that a video he just posted is a well-known hoax.

    • John Wear cites David Icke as one of his sources—yes, the Icke who literally claims that evil space alien lizards are using killer vaccines to conquer the Earth (!). In his reply to you, Mr. Wear cites Dr. Carrie Madej at the top of a long list of alleged doctors; and he prominently embeds a video of Dr. Madej. As Mr. Wear is well aware, I caught Dr. Madej blatantly lying within the first four minutes of that video; see also That Would Be Telling’s comment on this.

    Mr. Wear has also jerked his knee to dismiss accusations against Eustace Mullins, a known hoaxer. (N.b. that my source for that accusation is Professor Revilo P. Oliver, not the Defamation League or anything of that nature.) At first, I presumed that Mr. Wear was drinking from a poisoned well; at this point, I think it is quite clear that Mr. Wear is poisoning the well himself.

    • Numerous other regulars here are either malicious liars, fools, cranks—or all of the above. I list only the two who just threw at you something tantamount to missionary tracts. Omitting someone’s name from the above does not imply an endorsement!

    Caveat lector.

  536. Erebus says:

    I was aware of the Reuters “debunking” but as their “debunking” record is no better than Snopes or Twitter I paid it little mind. In this case, their arguments were weakly declarative. Much more convincing would have been some evidence regarding the “DOD ID: 149AZ2” and “LOC: PENT RM BC232” that we see in the top left corner. If those indicate real a DOD ID and a real Pentagon presentation room that resembles the one in the video, then whether Reuters got a denial by email from the BMGF pales into insignificance. Verifying either or both of those wouldn’t have required a great deal of effort on Reuters part.

    I did have doubts that the presenter was Bill Gates simply because his voice was wrong. That, of course can be nothing more than an artefact of the audio setup. The truncated acoustic spectrum and dynamic range are not untypical and I’ve had to sit through many such poorly set up presentations where I could barely understand what was being said. Ergo, I didn’t find it at all unusual.

    More importantly, the one fact that it had been “circulating for years” amounts to a telltale piece of evidence for the veracity of its message if not its origin.

    I remind you that EcoHealth received large sums from the USG including \$3.9M from the Pentagon for bio-research, which EcoHealth then contracted the Wuhan lab amongst others to carry out. In the 2005 time frame the video was (purportedly) made, there was a lot happening on the patent scene and deals were being made regarding the SARS virus, mRNA tech, etc, etc. You can bet your last dollar that the Pentagon had no altruistic motives in financing these activities, and countless meetings and presentations just like this one would be expected. That they’d been looking at and financing research into similar and worse schemes since WWII is well documented. The proposal in the video is not close to being off the scale when one considers what the US’ security apparatus has been up to.

    More interestingly, that the video came out long before this virus, the pandemic and the vaxxines were on the horizon, indicates only that the video was prescient. IOW, if it’s a hoax, it was a well informed hoax, and well informed hoaxes are nothing more than somebody getting information out under cover of plausible deniability.

    Many months ago (Oct 2020, iirc), another “hoax” came out in the form of an email purportedly from someone privy to discussions in the Canadian PM’s Office. It detailed how the pandemic would proceed through Q4 2020 and 2021, including the timing of rolling lockdowns, isolation facilities, inter-provincial closures, etc etc. Widely debunked as a hoax, it too proved prescient. Remaining to be seen is when/whether the economic reset envisaged in the email begins, but almost all of the rest has followed the program if one allows for the normal slippage and adjustments such large govt programs necessarily see in their execution.

    The Protocols are probably the most (in)famous of such prescient hoaxes. Does an argument about whether it was or wasn’t an accurate record of an actual meeting take any precedence over the empirically apparent evidence that the agenda described therein played out almost to the letter over the 20th century and into the 21st? If it does, it does so only for the disingenuous Troll. Likewise for the PMO email.

    I don’t believe in fortune telling, so I gotta believe that either the authors of such “hoaxes” got incredibly lucky or had inside information that they presented under colour of a prank or hoax.
    In this particular case they either organized, played and filmed an actual prank on the Pentagon, or did it all in another location with actors. I’d think the former would have legal repercussions.

    Despite the fact that it wouldn’t have required much detective work to find out, Reuters said they had no idea which one it was, but in either case the message proved broadly accurate. A bio-weapon has been rolled out, and faux vaxxines have been rolled out in response. I doubt either will have much effect on jihadis, but they’ve sure had an effect on almost everyone else.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @aj54
  537. Raches says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    P.S., perhaps you may be interested in my description of how grifters destroyed the American far-right from the inside (old-school racialist, old-line ultraconservative, et al.; see also).

    I see alarming evidence of similar phenomena on the anti-vaxxer side. The proximate result may be that we get forced vaccination. Although I am not so insane as to suggest that coercive public health measures must never be used to stop a plague in any hypothetical circumstance whatsoever, I am vehemently opposed to that in this circumstance. Our institutions are untrustworthy, and it would be a disaster.

  538. Erebus says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    My primary political concerns are economic and racial. Yet somehow the political movements and discourse that I’m drawn to keep getting lumped together with topics that are irrelevant at best and a damned distraction at worst.

    The narrowness of your view explains your complaint. That they are not “irrelevant” should be apparent to you, but it’s not. You can lead a horse to the river, but …

    I don’t know how you expect to win people over to your cause…

    FTR, it’s not my cause. I can’t get vaxxed even if I wanted to, and I ran away from the political conflicts I saw would eventually emerge into the open a long time ago. I watch from a safe(r) distance and a different perpective.

    … a quack remedy like horse dewormer …

    Your “horse de-wormer” is doubtless Ivermectin. Your narrowness of vision has doubtless prevented you from noticing that several countries used it successfully and avoided a pandemic. China used HCQ, and even offered online courses and advice to other country’s doctors in its use. China knocked the pandemic to its knees ~15mos ago, at least partially because they chose to treat the disease. That your country chose to ignore/suppress their advice, and that you choose to ignore the suppression speaks further to the narrowness of your field of view.

    As for the stuff about “choice,” I’ve never advocated a mandate.

    Fair enough, but understand that your position is not shared by your various govts and employers and a great plurality of those who got the jab. They’re now busy blaming the anti-vaxxers for their mistakes, which helps drive the very mandates you don’t (yet) advocate.

  539. Raches says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    You were right, I was wrong. I’m dead.

    You DESERVE IT, you Pfizer shill. You should have listened to the warnings about the poisonous showerheads, which are not there to clean you: They are there to KILL YOU. Typhus is a hoax—it’s just the flu!

    • LOL: Ann Nonny Mouse
  540. @Raches

    Credit where credit is due, ewe are pretty funny, but there seems to be little character behind your character sheet. So you think you are Nemesis or her progeny? Exacting vengeance on the commentariat? Telling popular commenters exactly how stupid you think they are? It must be quite a relief, and a lot of fun. But it is also deeply dishonest.

    A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but you stink.

  541. utu says:

    The positive side of covid: Covid opened my eyes.

    Your comment and what L.H. (who btw hates me) wrote to John Wear (who btw never impressed me with his WWII writings) made me recall what I wrote almost one year ago:
    The response of people to Covid-19 unmasked a bottomless pit of stupidity at least here at the UR where I witnessed it. I really wonder if Ron Unz has any illusions left for whom he runs this webzine and what good does it do? It stopped me from dabbling in most of conspiracy theories because I saw they are promoted by the same people who were unmasked by Covid-19. I realized that real trolls and shameless propagandists do exist. Thank you Covid-19 for letting me see more clearly.

    and then in December 2020:
    What possibly can you learn from ignorance and specious arguments that are being repeated over and over again regardless of how many times it was demonstrated that they were wrong? While discussions here at UR are academic and thus inconsequential the beliefs promoted here have consequences. Do you want to live in society where a large segment of it believes in all kinds of nonsense that it won’t be able to make rational and educated decisions. So I take it seriously that the UR decided to promulgate and increase the nonsense and thus contribute to the increasing level of ignorance. Ron Unz being libertarian does no feel responsible for the society but he wants to have large traffic and Steve Sailer won’t purge his commenters because, well, pecunia non olet. Actually this is a very sad case. The UR webzine is marginalizing itself more and more even if its traffic increases but only because it attracts all kinds of ignoramuses and deplorables and antisocial elements. What next? Pornography, drugs and gambling?

    • Thanks: Raches
  542. @Raches

    Hello, thanks for the notice. I would stay in the thread as long as I found it interesting but I wonder how productive that would be as I’m afraid the debate is something of a stalemate, or perhaps quagmire is a better term. The anti-vaxxers aren’t going to budge an inch and, as you point out, are armed with an arsenal of misinformation such as videos which they will continually demand you watch as if you have all the time in the world to critically engage with some clip scraped out of the bottom of the barrel of youtube or bitchute or wherever.

    On my end, I’m not sure what they hope to accomplish by “converting” me. I’ve gotten the vax, so I’m already marked for death, right?

    Also, as you bear painful witness to, many of these people are so unpleasant and deceitful that it begs the question of whether it’s worth engaging with them for too long.

    I ultimately decided to get the vax for personal reasons and I don’t really consider it my place to give medical advice to others. My position is that if you choose not to get the vax, you should have a better reason than because you think Bill Gates or the Lizard People are trying to cull humanity or you think Big Pharma is trying to protect its racket from the Horse Dewormer concerns.

    I also think, in any intellectual debate, you should demonstrate a basic level of civility which far too many of the anti-vaxxers fail to do. Calling people you don’t even know “morons” and “sheep” and “Darwin Award winners” and taunting them over their imminent blood clotting and heart inflammation and eventual early death is the behavior of misanthropes at best and outright sociopaths at worst.

    It’s funny, I’ve been a regular reader of for about 4 or 5 years but I avoided commenting before for the precise reason that so many of the commenters were off-putting. I only started commenting on a whim the other day because I’m interested in the Kennedy assassinations and Steve Sailer had a thread on the Sirhan Sirhan parole. I found myself drawn into this thread by happenstance and couldn’t resist getting in a jab (get it?!) or two at the anti-vaxxers, as I’ve been observing their deplorable behavior on this site over the past few months and it made me angry.

    Iacta alea est.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @Raches
    , @Dumbo
  543. utu says:

    Schizophrenics sometimes have moments of lucidity and social awareness when they try to repair their visage by putting the mask of sanity. This is what you have tried with your 700 words comment but you could not keep it and the disease reread its head from under the mask in the last paragraph.

    • LOL: Erebus
    • Replies: @Erebus
  544. @Raches

    Good evening Miss Raches,

    Kinda off topic, but…

    Why do you think the “anti-vaxxer” label evokes such an extreme emotional reaction amongst not only educated, scientifically-minded people but mainstream people in general?

    What, in your opinion, is the psychological dynamic we are witnessing?


    • Replies: @Tony Hall
  545. @Erebus

    I will feel fully vindicated only when I receive a Troll tag from utu, TWBT and Rancid simultaneously.

    When that joyous day comes, we can all go to Casa Bonita to celebrate!

  546. Raches says:

    In re John Wear

    John Wear,
    By virtue of your RIDICULOUS statements regarding the Covid pandemic, you have completely destroyed any credibility you might have once had. If I’m not mistaken, You have even offered something by David Icke about Covid, and anyone with half a brain must realize Icke is a complete nut.

    Normally, I’d think that is your problem and just ignore you, except for the fact that you, Mr.Wear, have attached yourself to WWII revisionism.
    Obviously you are NOT a historian, but rather someone who publicizes the work done by actual historians, which, BTW, is totally fine, even great, if well done. However, your total lack of the most basic common sense re this serious pandemic that mankind is going through demonstrates that you are a person disconnected from REALITY, which, I don’t need to explain, ends up hurting WW2 revisionism by association, instead of just your credibility.
    Admittedly, since you are not a historian doing original research, but a largely unknown publicist, you cause relatively little harm, but still…

    This is a serious problem. Yes, John Wear is dumping Icke poison into the well.

    Mr. Wear has also used a Walter Winchell style of petty scandal-mongering to denigrate Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels, even as he feigns friendliness with the silver tongue of a well-practiced con artist.

    Mr. Wear defended the proposition that an anti-vaxxer video could be the “best 43 minutes of [someone’s] life” (!). When I started to watch that video, I found Dr. Carrie Madej blatantly lying within the first 4 minutes. Mr. Wear still presents Dr. Madej as his #1 listed anti-vaxx doctor, and continues to promote the same video!

    Mr. Wear has also jerked his knee to dismiss accusations against Eustace Mullins, a known hoaxer who poisoned the well of research into the monetary system, the international banksters, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and also, the connections within each of these things to organized international Jewry.

    And as you note, all of the lies and nonsense that Mr. Wear peddles will stick like Icke slime to whatever he touches. Where you are mistaken is to see this as causing “relatively little harm”. This is a poison that needs only small doses to do its dirty work.

    Cui bono?


    For comparison: In my time of being involved with these types of issues, one of the worst-ever gut-wrenching moments was when I saw some conspiracy theory site arrange the name and photo of an historical revisionist, a decent man who was then facing a thought-police “criminal” investigation in Europe, to juxtapose it right next to a headline about how the Jews created NASA to promote the Ball Globe Hoax. No joke. They ran these stories exactly side-by-side, in an arrangement that visually blended them. I have satirized the Flat Earthers—based on what I have seen of them. Bonus: Everyone who objected to this was accused of being a Jew (compare), and/or had their comments deleted.

    If anyone wonders why I so hate Flat Earthers, Moon Landing Deniers, and Icke reptilian-alien nutjobs, this is why. It is in addition to my general hatred of liars.

    • Thanks: L.K
  547. @niceland

    Thank you for the answer.

    As you say, “few covid deaths”… Same in France. In Portugal the number of deaths has been reevaluated to 152. It is the same in many countries where hospitals got money when declaring covid cases thus rising legitimate skepticism on the number of deaths.

    On the last thread of our so called ‘debate’, I had also brought that very interesting information:

    As I had said while posting it, if it was not for the state of chaos of my archives at that time, I could send the videos of the official webinar of anatomopathologists in Europe where the Bulgarian doctor ask the crowd: “Who died from Covid?” and his German counterpart answering “that is a good question”. Autopsies had been forbade until september 2020 if I remember well.

    Dead with covid or by covid…
    ” Despite the increasing number of published studies on COVID-19, in all the examined studies the lack of a well-defined pathophysiology of death among patients who died following COVID-19 infection is evident. Autopsy should be considered mandatory to define the exact cause of death, thus providing useful clinical and epidemiologic information as well as pathophysiological insights to further provide therapeutic tools. ”
    We are thus entitled to question the mortality of the first variant, hence the whole corona madness. Nothing is clear at all.

    Face masks don’t work, social distancing have not been clearly demonstrating to work. The only thing that seems efficient is hand washing. That clearly is not enough to explain very strange datas that had been accepted because the drum rolling of fear porn propaganda blinding us sometime from from evidences.

    Iceland has got a very good reggae band, Hjalmar. I


  548. aj54 says:

    who said the Protocols were a hoax? the court that ruled on them said they were a forgery. That term has one very specific meaning in the legal world. It was not an original document. Since it was before the era of photocopying, and not something to set to type, it was physically copied by someone. The same way books were for thousands of years.

    • Agree: Emslander
    • Replies: @Erebus
    , @Emslander
  549. Hello to all,

    What do you think of that document?:

    It seems the guy has cought the covid crackpotery syndrom… Nevertheless interesting case.

  550. John Wear says:

    Dr. Vernon Coleman is a medical doctor. His Wikipedia page says he qualified as such in 1970, and that he was a general practitioner.

    • Replies: @acementhead
  551. gsjackson says:

    No, he’s a long-time M.D., who has long since come to the attention of the Wikipedia authorities for thought crimes.

  552. John Wear says:

    I claim no medical or scientific expertise, but so much about this alleged pandemic makes no sense. The following are some questions I have concerning the Covid-19 pandemic:

    If the masks work—Why the six feet?

    If the six feet works—Why the masks?

    If both of the above work—Why the lockdowns?

    If all three of the above work—Why the vaccines?

    If the vaccines are safe—Why protect them with a no liability clause?

    If the vaccines are safe—Why not test them on animals before using them on humans?

    If the vaccines are safe—Why did Tiffany Dover, a healthy 30-year-old nurse, faint 17 minutes after receiving a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine? Is Tiffany Dover dead? Why are so many other people having adverse reactions and dying from the vaccines?

    If it normally takes 10 to 15 years to develop vaccines—How were the COVD-19 vaccines safely developed in less than a year?

    If the vaccines are safe—Why not fully disclose all of the ingredients in the vaccines?

    If successful vaccines have never been developed for other coronaviruses—Why should we expect successful vaccines for this coronavirus?

    If SARS-CoV-2 exists—Why has it never been isolated?

    If SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated—How can effective vaccines be developed?

    If SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated–How can SARS-CoV-2 variants be determined to exist?

    If the RT-PCR test works—Why so many false positives?

    If Kary Mullis, the inventor of the RT-PCR test who conveniently died in August 2019, said his test shouldn’t be used to diagnose infectious diseases—Why use it to detect SARS-CoV-2?

    If the RT-PCR test works—Why did samples from papaya fruit and a goat sent to a testing lab by Tanzanian President John Magufuli, using fictitious human names and ages, test positive for SARS-CoV-2?

    If there is an epidemic—Why so many empty hospitals?

    If large numbers of people are dying from SARS-CoV-2—Why so many fake causes of death on the death certificates? Are flu deaths being recharacterized as COVID-19 deaths?

    If SARS-CoV-2 exists—Why give doctors financial incentives to diagnose SARS-CoV-2?

    If the official COVID-19 narrative is defensible—Why censor people who dispute this narrative? Why not debate them instead?

    If the official COVID-19 narrative is defensible—Why are national leaders who contest this narrative, such as Haitian President Jovenel Moise, Tanzanian President John Magufuli, and Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza, dying at relatively young ages and being replaced by leaders who support the official COVID-19 narrative?

  553. gsjackson says:

    Oooh, argument by stigmatization and unsavory association, from a devoted (and truly dirty-nosed) disciple of Ron Unz. Take that, John Wear, you of forfeited credibility. By the way, what ever happened to the gold stars these apple polishers (to employ a more wholesome metaphor) were awarded by RU?

    Well, in fairness, not all erstwhile gold star recipients are suck-ups, but the youthful L.K. really loves him some pats on the head from Central Control.

    • LOL: Emslander
  554. @peterAUS

    The challenge is figuring out how to organize that mass discontent into something effective. The rest is waste of time and energy.

    Here’s something of a start…

    Australia One Party – You Do Not Negotiate With Evil, You Destroy It

    Much more needed, but the wheels are slowly turning.

    The risk Australians now face is that God-botherer Morrison will manufacture an excuse to declare a national emergency and suspend all future elections. Plenty of time and opportunity for that, at both the Federal and State levels.

    The politicians, beauracrats, media, medicos, constabulary, judiciary and military all now have mutual vested interests in pushing forward with the Great Reset no matter what, because they understand that if they fail, then they will all hang.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  555. @gsjackson

    Thanks Jackson.

    I suggest you, and anyone else interested read the article below from a few days ago:

    A paragraph from the article that’s important reads:

    In addition, truckers are also upset about wages and have other differences with Toll, a multi-billion dollar transport company, after talks broke down with the Transport Workers Union (TWU).

    So, in addition to the truckies blockading because of the Covid tyranny, they were joined in solidarity with other truckies (who may or may not be fully on board with exposing the Covid psyop), but were protesting over wage disputes.

    Anyway, my understanding is that there was quite a bit of disruption with one hell of a turnout, but that a temporary truce has been negotiated and the supply chain bottleneck has been eased [for now].
    As a result, there won’t be any great disruption to the calorie intakes of the morbidly obese, masked up social distancers who are holed up in the basements, stuffing their faces with junk food watching Netflix.

    Not surprisingly, the corrupt Zio-owned MSM here in Oz, to the extent that they mentioned this blockade at all, made NO MENTION of the Covid angle.

    (Obviously they can’t give the dumbed down masses the impression that are hell of a lot of people are wise to the Covid scam).

    From the little press coverage that it received, it was portrayed in the media as a pay dispute involving Toll transport.

    The takeaway from this is that this is the FIRST SHOT ACROSS THE BOWS and there’s more ongoing disruptions planned.

    When the time comes, the Covid tyrants will feel the full force of multiple salvos from the broadsides, which will set them staggering.

    Keep the faith.

  556. @Punch Brother Punch

    A quack remedy like horse dewormer? You are the quack, Punk Troller Punk. Just giving Ivermectin that dismissive, irrelevant name, just calling it that, exposes you as part of the huge effort to suppress Ivermectin, when the evidence of its effectiveness in wiping out COVID in many regions is staggering.

    You must have seen PCR’s 2021/08/23 article right here in the Author archives, Indian Bar Association Charges WHO Chief Scientist for Mass Murder.

    Dr. Swaminathan spoke against the use of Ivermectin in the Tamil Nadu province with the consequence that Ivermectin’s use was blocked and Covid cases skyrocketed with deaths increasing tenfold.

    He continues:

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  557. Kali says:

    Hi Niceland,

    You make a fair point regarding the likely ages of the vaxxed. Thanks for your calm and reasonable aproach.

    But none of that changes the fact that, without regular injections of those often deadly concoctions, the vaxx’s don’t work and are doing much more harm than good. – As amply documented throughout these threads.

    And the fact that the facts are not being reported, and that the toxic Clot Shots continue to be promoted despite all of the known dangers, whilst alternative treatments continue to be supressed, demonstrates that a nafarious agenda is at play here, driven by the global money-lenders and a megalomaniacle economic elite who care nothing at all for the well-being of ordinary folk.

    Thanks for your comment though. It did help me to calm down.

    Fond regards,

    • Agree: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • Thanks: niceland
  558. anon[367] • Disclaimer says:

    Where Are the Autopsies of People Dying Post COVID Vaccine?

    Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, published a commentary July 7, 20211 asking an important question about the rising number of deaths being reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in conjunction with the COVID-19 injection program.

    Her credentials2 are many: She’s a clinical lecturer in medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. She received her medical degree from Columbia University and is the author of several books. And, as president of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness and chairman of the Public Health Committee of the Pima County (Arizona) Medical Society, she asks: Why haven’t there been autopsies of healthy people who are dying unexpectedly after receiving a COVID jab?

    • Replies: @Mehen
  559. @michael888

    Another major finding over the last few weeks from both Israel and Iceland is that natural immunity is much superior to vaccine immunity (27-fold less symptomatic Covid infections than in the fully vaccinated, according to an Israeli publication.)

    Many people have had Covid already several times, even among the commentariat at UR, so natural immunity seems to be a myth.

    But for the vaccines to prevent you dying of Covid they have to kill you.

    The vulnerable are the old and the sick and they’d probably die soon after getting a vaccine, or Covid, or both, or just die anyway from their old age and diseases. The statisticians can make whatever they want out of this.

  560. Tony Hall says:

    September 1, 2021

    Deregulation, Injections, and the
    Manufactured COVID Crisis

    By Tony Hall
    Professor Emeritus
    University of Lethbridge
    Alberta Canada


    The pandemic is contrived for sinister motives. Everything connected with Covid is Junk Science foisted on a fearful and gullible world. The virus, the lock downs, the masks, the abuse of PCR for diagnosis, the temperature checks at commercial entrances, the ubiquitous little bottles of alcohol, the relentless propaganda and most especially the soon-to-be-mandatory lethal injections are ALL JUNK SCIENCE, ALL BULLSHIT. The people behind all this are masters – or hire masters – of crowd psychology and have the most sinister and evil intentions for all of us.

    Anonymous, Comment 651, “The Covid Debate: To Vaxx or Not to Vaxx,” Unz Review, 15 August, 2021

    Doing More Harm Than Good

    The development, distribution and injection of COVID jabs gives new meaning to the term, “deregulation.” From beginning to end, the whole process appears to be devoid of hard-and-fast rules. Tried-and-true methods have been overturned for no apparent reason. Old methods have been set aside. These abandoned methods have sought to priorize the safety, wellbeing and security of patients over the business interests of drug makers, hospital owners and medical practitioners.

    It is made to seem like the only imperative that is consistently pursued is the push plunge COVID jabs into as many arms as possible as fast and as widely distributed as possible. Other than that, the underlying philosophy could be described as… dam the reports of extremely harmful health impacts… full steam ahead.

    Nothing is allowed to get in the way of the carrot and stick approach to raising the numbers of injected people. No matter how lethal, how injurious, or how fraught with other catastrophic consequences, the mass inoculation project is being pushed forward at warp speed without any decent regard for the precautionary principle.

    Great precaution should accompany the introduction into the biosphere of all new technologies, but especially those affecting living organisms and delicate biological relationships among them. The precautionary principle has particular bearing on experiments that alter the biological workings of human beings, both individually and collectively as when contagious illness is involved.

    A mostly compliant medical profession is largely going along with the infraction of many professional promises, sacred trusts, and obligations in pushing forward the scheme of jabbing every arm with untested medical products. By being instrumental in advancing the project of near-universal inoculation, scores of medical practitioners as well as the leadership of most of their professional associations and colleges are conspicuously going against a core provision of the Hippocratic oath.

    On an unprecedented scale, medical doctors have been violating their professional vow that they will do no harm. In Israel, for instance, 59% of new hospitalizations for COVID-19 are fully vaccinated. This statistic is just one of a barrage of indicators that the push towards the universal vaccination of national populations is doing more harm than good.

    Many vaccinated people are themselves spreading viral contagion and becoming sick themselves reportedly from the “Delta Variant.” The Delta Varian is one of many mutations of the supposedly new coronavirus.

    The propagandistic press to maximize the number of injection recipients exposes a pervasive disregard for the terms of the Nuremburg Code. The Nuremburg Code was created as part of the victors’ justice trial of the Hitlerian brain trust. The Nuremberg Code stipulates that human subjects in medical experiments must not be coerced into taking part. Nor should those seeking to become human subjects in medical tests be denied the conditions enabling them to give truly informed consent for their decision to participate.

    Vaccines and Bioweapons

    How can the requirements of informed consent be fulfilled by glitzy advertising campaigns that consistently overstate the benefits and blatantly ignore the risks of taking the jabs? What does the publicized testimony of movie stars, pop singers, sports heroes, and business moguls have to do with enabling human subjects in medical experiments to realistically evaluate the nature of the possible dangers facing them?

    In this instance, basic experimental protocols were left behind when the designers of the experimental procedures made humans stand in for lab rats and guinea pigs in the course of initial tests. A decision was made to bypass the usual medical procedure of trying out new medical products by administering them first to animals.

    There is good reason to believe that this strategy was deployed because, every attempt so far to make vaccines that would stop the spread of coronaviruses came to an end with the death of animal test subjects. Both the common cold and the flu infections are caused by coronaviruses that form the proprietary basis of at least 4000 patents according to patent attorney David E. Martin.

    Martin’s research and professional involvement in what might be labeled the coronavirus industry call into question whether COVID-19 is a genuinely new coronavirus. In his publications and filmed commentaries, Martin is developing compelling characterizations of the overlap between the development of bioweapons and vaccines that create the context from which COVID-19 virus and the COVID jabs emerged.

    The experimental phase in the production of the COVID jabs is still underway. In fact the COVID jabs continue to be the objects of the largest experiment on human subjects ever mounted. Martin makes it clear that, in his view, the proper culmination of this saga of malfeasance should end up with the multiple criminal prosecutions of the likes of Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Zheng-Li Shi, Bill Gates, Dr. Neil Ferguson and many more.

    David Martin also takes aim at an elaborate Canadian aspect of the unfolding scandal. This scandal continues to swirl in and around the nefarious business activities of many culprits including those of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

    Martin points to the role of the Life Sciences Institute at the University of British Columbia in developing systems for the movement of lipid nanoparticles in the architecture of “gene therapy” products including the COVID jabs developed by Pfizer and Moderna.

    The UBC initiative produced two spin-off companies, Arbutus Biopharma and Acuitus Therapeutics. Along with Alnylan Pharmaceuticals, these entities seem to have a place in the combination of military and medical research that has been taking place at the Level 4 Pathogen Biolab in Winnipeg Manitoba. Many questions have been asked about the movement of lethal viruses from Canada’s National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

    This questioning led to a significant finding by investigative journalist Elaine Dewar. She discovered that Xiangguo Qui, who held high-ranking research positions in both the Winnipeg lab and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, collaborated closely with Wei Chen, a prominent Chinese virologist who holds the rank of Major-General in the People’s Liberation Army. Qui, for instance, helped General Chen in conducting Ebola research in the Winnipeg Lab.

    The Wuhan Lab is the home institution of Zheng-Li Shi, an authority in bats and coronaviruses. Zheng-Li Shi worked closely with Ralph Baric and other US-funded researchers at the University of North Carolina on Gain of Function projects. Gain of Function research seeks to render viruses more dangerous to human health. Some of this research activity took place after 2014 at the Wuhan Lab, the institution with the world’s largest collection of coronaviruses.

    The Canadian facet of this narrative forms an aspect of the still answered questions about where COVID-19 virus originated. Only recently it was deemed to be heresy to veer away from the interpretation that the virus jumped from an animal to COVID victim number one in an open market in Wuhan.

    Then suddenly it became acceptable to surmise that the virus has some of its origins in one or more labs, including possibly the Fort Detrick Lab in Maryland. Those who think the organism leaked from a Chinese lab sometimes point to Xiangguo Qui’s operation at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Ron Unz counters this interpretation by arguing that COVID-19 is a US-made bioweapon released by a US soldiers at the Wuhan Military Olympics in October of 2019.

    Citizens and Wards

    The mass inoculation is being pushed forward without even rudimentary adherence to the need for medical screening and consultation on a case-by-case basis. Instead, the one-size-fits-all approach is being deployed with a stunning degree of disregard for the unique set of medical issues adhering to every individual patient. This standardized approach to mass vaccinations treats all recipients as if they are identical organisms being processed on a medical assembly line.

    Such a stark display of deregulatory zeal in this hit-and-miss display of health care on-the-fly is unlike anything that has come before it. I am not aware of any episode in history that even comes close to the systemic failure of many professional figures to adhere to even the most basic rules, standards, procedures and protocols in the creation, distribution and delivery of COVID jabs. The jabbing began in the final days of 2020.

    To re-iterate, it seems that the existing public health rulebook has been trashed in the rush to come as close as possible to universalizing the jabs. These COVID jabs do not prevent disease transmission even as they set up vaccine recipients as major sites of viral mutations meant to perpetuate the manufactured COVID crisis. The weight of evidence points to the conclusion that the decision to draw out and exploit the crisis, rather than to end it, has been entirely purposeful on the part of those seeking to extend the magnitude of their wealth and worldly power.

    The program of mass vaccinations is meant to advance the global imposition of vaccine mandates as the basis of more elaborate systems of so-called vaccine passports. Former Pfizer Vice-President, Dr. Mike Yeadon, has warned us of a major motivation driving this imposition of vaccine mandates. These mandates are meant help create the foundations for the future development of a standardized and universalized means of amassing data on every person on earth.’

    The imposition of vaccine passports by various authorities is already quite far advanced in, for instance, France, Italy and Israel. There the imposition of medical apartheid, separating out the Vaxxed from the unvaxxed, is being pushed ahead against considerable popular resistance.

    If rendered pervasive and comprehensive, the extension of the vaccine passports could be exploited to bring about many new departures in history. The collection of data could extend beyond the health realm to cover, for instance, finances, education, employment, networks of friends and families, police records, sexual orientations and proclivities, as well the DNA attributes of every person on earth. This list is far from complete. The process of vaccination is one means of inserting into humans the nanotechnology of bio-digital interfaces.

    So far China is leading the world in the collection of genetic information from human genomes that can be readily computed and conveyed on the Internet.

    The Chinese government’s collection of DNA data is thought to extend beyond its own people to other parts of the world including the United States. In fact questions have been raised about whether or not DNA information is being garnered from COVID-19 testing and then channeled to China.

    Genetic information on individuals and groups is increasingly valuable in many applications including in the development of Artificial Intelligence. The combination of advancements in biological and AI research is extending the potential of so-called transhumanism into deepest recesses of consciousness, capacity and behavioral modifications. The mastery of data systems facilitating the extension of surveillance and control provide their owners and operators with levers to repress, enslave and rule a tyrannized civilization on scale far more menacing than anything we have seen thus far.

    One means of repression would be to combine control of the movement of money in a cashless society with a system of social credits and demerits. Social credit systems could be made to merge with the means of switching on or off the conditions of life or death, the conditions of incarceration or freedom of movement.

    One way of conceptualizing the changes being sought through vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, or “green passes” as already exist in Israel, is to picture these initiatives as procedures to remake fundamental attributes of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. The promise of a return to something like citizenship is apparently to be reserved for those who agree to risk their lives and future health by receiving the injections.

    This promise of citizenship for the vaccinated comes after people began to be treated in 2020 without their consent as wards of their respective governments. The demotion of populations from citizens to wards occurred along with the mass submission of people to the house arrests, also known as lockdowns. The relationship between wards and governments is similar to the legal relationship that puts children under parental custody.

    Tens of Thousands, or Hundreds of Thousands, or Millions of Injection Deaths?

    2021 is the year when the COVID jabs came on stream. The producers of these jabs received contingent emergency use authorization from corrupted regulatory agencies that have broken many of their own rules. This failure of regulation forms an aspect of deregulation. A telling marker of this autocratic control of health care is that that we cannot presently be sure whether the number of deaths already caused by the jabs is to be counted in the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or the millions.

    This astounding level of uncertainty is not only allowed, but it is seemingly tightly guarded by government and media authorities that have allowed themselves to become tools of those who have engineered this manufactured COVID crisis. How could a medical experiment of this magnitude be allowed to go forward without a credible overseeing agency to capture, assess and report on core indicators of the success or failure in this venture into the medical terra incognito?

    The uncertainty over the number of vaccine injuries and deaths is a recent manifestation of the web of deception accompanying most statistical evaluation of the pandemic. So-called “case numbers” were tremendously inflated through the misapplication of inaccurate PCR tests. These tests were produced with the intent of obfuscating statistics to create public acceptance of lockdowns.

    Similarly, the numbers used to report COVID deaths have were radically inflated in ways that allowed significant changes in the wording of rules for issuing of death certificates. Many nursing home occupants who died of co-morbidities were automatically counted as if they passed away exclusively from COVID-19.

    Now the focus of controversy has shifted to the numbers of people suffering vaccine deaths and injuries. Instead of inflating the statistics as happened in in the reporting of COVID cases and deaths, the emphasis is now on deflating numbers of fatalities and disabilities caused by the injections.

    One of the difficulties in this process is that every country has its own system for counting vaccine deaths and injuries. Moreover, where GAVI-connected organizations like the World Health Organizations and the Johns Hopkins medical establishment were fast to present the big global picture on supposed COVID cases and deaths, the same is not true when it comes to the reporting of the international rate of deaths and injuries from the COVID vaccines.

    The United States has the VAERS system.

    The European Medicines Authority reports similar figures for the EU area. The Yellow Card system does the same for the United Kingdom. Other reports come from, for instance, Canada, Australia, Israel, India, Malaysia and Japan. Generally speaking the effort seems to be to leave the public in the dark about the negative consequences flowing from primary means on offer to lower COVID symptoms.

    While the VAERS system reports about 13,000 vaccine deaths as of mid-August, a whistle blower earlier declared in an affidavit that the real figure is more like 45,000. A study of the effectiveness of the VAERS system estimated that only 1% of vaccine deaths and injuries get reported. If that assessment is accurate, then the real number of deaths in the United States alone could be 1.3 million.

    Copious anecdotal evidence points to the insistence of many medical authorities that they do not want to investigate let a lone report and treat vaccine deaths and injuries. The reporting takes a considerable amount of time and it is not remunerated. Some medical professional clearly fear that by even acknowledging let alone treating vaccine deaths and injuries, they will bring on the professional reproaches of their colleagues.

    The failure to set up reliable and credible systems for reporting vaccine deaths and injuries before embarking upon this huge medical experiment is indicative of incompetence or bad intent or both. Joseph Mercola discussed this phenomenon in early July of 2021 just before he was targeted by the Biden White House as one of the “Disinformation Dozen.” In an article entitled, “COVID Vaccine Deaths and injuries Are Secretly Buried,” Mercola writes

    Failing to require vaccine makers to put together a comprehensive system to capture adverse event data is a sign of incompetence at best. But that’s not all. The FDA really starts appearing deceitful when refusing to acknowledge that the VAERS reports indicate there are problems. To call “coincidence” more than 35,000 times is simply not believable, and to dismiss the risks of permanent disability and death as being “worth it” is beyond heartless, seeing how we have safe and effective treatments and no one actually needs to gamble their health on an experimental gene therapy.

    The inability of people to know if tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of humans have already died from vaccines is indicative of a highly deregulated process. This phenomenon edifies the great weight of evidence that deception and obfuscation are being made to prevail, not the precision and transparency associated with conscientious adherence to the scientific method.
    Another indicator of bad faith by unethical regulators is the paucity of autopsies done on the corpses of people who die shortly after vaccinations. In the manufactured COVID crisis, autopsies are either not encouraged or outright discouraged. What would account for such a lack of curiosity to get to the bottom of what is really going on in causing vaccine deaths? Neither are health officials encouraged to collect and analyse vaccine vials, a frequent practise in the era before the supposedly new coronavirus dominated the entire infrastructure of health care.

    Clot Shots

    Among lethal ingredients of the witches’ brews in the clot shots being pushed upon us so aggressively, are ingredients whose effect is the mass replication of HIV-containing spike proteins. The fertility-destroying clot shots contain the means of replicating blood-damaging spike proteins throughout the huge extent of the inside surfaces of the veins and arteries and many miles of tiny capillary channels that constitute our cardio-vascular systems. The disruption of blood cells and blood flows is particularly intense in female uteruses and male testes so that the COVID jabs may well be creating the basis for much infertility.

    Expectations that the COVID vaccines contained the capacity to generate blood clots, blood hemorrhaging, thrombosis, and ailments of the heart were already well advanced among many medical practitioners well before these problems began to attract significant publicity. In a letter dated 28 February to Emer Cooke, Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency, twelve medical authorities, all distinguished in their respective medical fields, demanded answers to key questions. They asserted that these questions deserved evidence-based answers before the granting of emergency use authorization to the three vaccine makers.
    The terms of the request were outlined as follows:
    Should all such evidence not be available, we demand that approval for use of the gene-based vaccines be withdrawn until all the above issues have been properly addressed by the exercise of due diligence by the EMA. [Their bold italics]

    There are serious concerns, including but not confined to those outlined above, that the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines by the EMA was premature and reckless, and that the administration of the vaccines constituted and still does constitute “human experimentation”, which was and still is in violation of the Nuremberg Code.

    In view of the urgency of the situation, we request that you reply to this email within seven days and address all our concerns substantively. Should you choose not to comply with this reasonable request, we will make this letter public.

    Of the 7 points outlined, 3 of them contend that the gene therapy vaccines would do extensive damage to vascular systems and the blood flowing through them. Not surprisingly the language is quite technical beginning with a reference to “endothelial damage.” Such damage would involve injury to the inside walls of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. The doctors explain,

    4. If such evidence is not available, it must be expected that endothelial damage with subsequent triggering of blood coagulation via platelet activation will ensue at countless sites throughout the body. We request evidence that this probability was excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.
    5. If such evidence is not available, it must be expected that this will lead to a drop in platelet counts, appearance of D-dimers in the blood, and to myriad ischaemic lesions throughout the body including in the brain, spinal cord and heart. Bleeding disorders might occur in the wake of this novel type of DIC-syndrome including, amongst other possibilities, profuse bleedings and haemorrhagic stroke. We request evidence that all these possibilities were excluded in pre-clinical animal models with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.
    6. The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor on platelets, which results in their activation Thrombocytopenia has been reported in severe cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Thrombocytopenia has also been reported in vaccinated individuals. We request evidence that the potential danger of platelet activation that would also lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) was excluded with all three vaccines prior to their approval for use in humans by the EMA.
    Here is yet more evidence that the European drug regulators were negligent in heeding the intervention of well-known authorities in their fields. In ignoring the well-founded scientific intervention of 28 February, the regulators only heeded the interests of the pharmaceutical companies, not the interests of the public. Negligence in regulation tends to translate into effective deregulation.

    Deregulation and the Public Interest

    Generally speaking, deregulation subjects most people together with our governments to increased levels of corporate rule. Hence, deregulation favors the power of wealth over the power of average people. The proliferation of deregulation itself is a reflection of the reality that ordinary people have been shown to “have little or no independent influence” on government policies.

    Deregulation is a word popularized in the 1980s when US President Ronald Reagan promised that he would free corporations from intrusive government interference in their business activities. The deregulation of the Wall Street-based financial services industry in 1999 led directly to huge excesses in the manipulation of a large array of weird financial instruments known as derivatives. Derivatives derive value from underlying assets including commodities, money, and stocks. In 2008 the exuberant excesses of betting on derivatives crashed stock markets and local economies throughout the world.

    The very financial institutions whose excessive speculation had caused the financial debacle in the first place were then empowered to raid national treasuries. In the name of deregulation, the big Wall Street banks and their international partners helped themselves to \$29 in bailout funds This Federal Reserve giveaway to large financial institutions was funded on the basis of secretly foisting massive debts on the shoulders of taxpayers.

    With Wall Street’s BlackRock Inc serving as a kind of proxy for the big banks that own controlling interest in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the deregulated money spigots are once again being opened up in 2021. The creation of new money is finding its way into all manner of nefarious activities including the creation of political slush funds to reward cronies of governing kleptocrats. The secretive expansion of the money supply stems largely from the attempt to smooth over the economic wreckage brought about through the proliferation of house arrests, unemployment, and small business failures done in the name of government-mandated COVID lockdowns.

    The current round of highly-inflationary money creation is replicating and extending many of the most kleptocratic patterns established in response to the bank-generated economic meltdown of 2008.

    Once again a disproportionately large portion of the new money being generated, is going to enrich the already wealthy by further indebting the most indebted class of citizens. This pattern is being replicated across many forms of deregulation. Typically, most of the rewards of deregulation go to the interests of privilege while the financial security, health, and overall wellbeing of those inhabiting the middle and bottom portions of socio-economic hierarchies are severely undermined.

    The waging of class assault directed downward on the masses from the very pinnacles of wealth and power is well illustrated by the financial dimensions of the manufactured COVID crisis. This crisis is providing cover for secret manipulations by financial insiders in the process of bringing about the greatest upward transfer of monetary wealth in history. Billionaires are making a killing while the middle class is being decimated to create a society polarized between rich and poor with very little in between.

    This propensity is well demonstrated during lockdowns when big box store chains like Costco and Wal-Mart can remain open while local governments regularly shut down ma-and-pa businesses by the score. Wall Street gets the gravy while the small business entrepreneurs on Main Street are regularly shut down and forced out of business.

    The Industrial Capture of
    Regulatory Agencies

    Deregulation is not always bad. Sometimes regulatory regimes become so onerous and complex that they need to be cut back. Deregulation, however, generally has grave destructive impact when industries succeed in taking over regulatory agencies in ways that impact the quality of our food, air, and water.

    The same is true of pharmaceutical drugs, a commercial realm where pharmaceutical companies seed their own agents throughout government agencies like Health Canada, the US Food and Drug Administration, the European Medicines Authority, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the National Institute of Health. Throughout the manufactured COVID crisis Anthony Fauci, a major owner of patents in fields where he exercises regulatory authority, has become an embodiment of the kind of conflict-of-interest where the industrial capture of the regulatory authority of governments has become the rule rather than the aberration.

    The manufactured COVID crisis is presenting us with an especially stark example of how readily the deregulation of the provision of health care can be exploited by the interests of wealth and power. This exploitation gravely disadvantages the public interest. The public interest is best expressed in the application of common sense to public policy.
    With deregulation, industries took control of regulating their own commercial activities.

    A major aim of most deregulation is to privatize the accumulation of more wealth by the already wealthy and to leave the expense of, say, industrial clean up or the rehabilitation of injured or traumatized workers to be covered out of the purses of taxpayers. A classic illustration of this pattern is the government agreement going back to 1986 to indemnify vaccine manufacturers against being sued.

    Pharmaceutical companies thereby privatize profits from the vaccine business even as they pass on to average citizens the expense of the damage their industry leaves behind. The heaviest weight of this expense comes in the form of the gruesome suffering accompanying vaccine deaths and injuries imposed on victims and their families.

    The government decision to render drug companies immune from the damage that they do continues in full force at this point in the manufactured COVID crisis. The corruption of the regulatory process was put on full display in the sweetheart deal extended by the FDA to the Pfizer Company in late August. Pfizer was able to retain the emergency use authorization extended to its existing COVID vaccine. This emergency use authorization is based on the false claim that vaccines are the sole remedy available to fight the viral illness. Along with unfounded claim comes a continuation of Pfizer’s immunity from being sued.

    At the same time the FDA gave full approval to a presently non-existent vaccine to be named Comirnaty. The closed-door process leading to the granting of this approval did not entail even a meeting of the FDA’s already rigged oversight committee. It seems that the approval to Pfizer is intended to weaken resistance to the imposition of vaccine mandates on many classes of workers, soldiers, students, travellers and such.

    The new Comirnaty product has “approval” but it lacks indemnification for Pfizer against being sued. It seems unlikely that Pfizer will release for public distribution the Comirnaty gene therapy concoction until it is indemnified. It remains unclear if Comirnaty will do double duty as the replacement for the current Pfizer BioNTech product as well as a booster shot against the Delta Variant that is said to be targeting vaccinated people most aggressively.

    The whole boondoggle of the emergency use authorization depends on the fiction that vaccines offer the only remedies for COVID-19. That thesis has been shown to be false by Drs. Vladimir Zelenko and Didier Raoult. There are a number of very effective remedies for the viral infection named COVID-19. These include hydroxychloroquine with zinc as well ivermectin. These more natural remedies are not patented. Hydroxychloroquine was wrongfully sidelined through a very ambitious fraud involving Lancet magazine and a concocted company of liars known as Surgisphere.

    Immunizing Ourselves Against Herd Stupidity

    The violation of so many fundamental rules of scientific methodology, standard medical procedures, and normal public health practices are by and large not inadvertent. The violations have instead been calculated to establish a host of very significant precedents. Taken together these precedents are meant to set in motion significant transformations in the political economy of human interactions with one another and the rest of nature.

    These precedents are being set at a moment in history when humanity is at the point of almost unfathomable change. We are facing ecological, financial and government breakdown on a massive scale. We are facing the breakdown of family values and all manner of social cohesion in a milieu where we are subject to destructive assaults coming at us from many directions. These assaults are emanating especially from Israel First Zionists of various religious backgrounds.

    Unlike the fictions attached to Muslim patsies set up on 9/11 as enemies to be spurned and invaded, the malicious dividers seem genuinely to despise our freedoms. These foes clearly want to sabotage the best of our Western civilizational inheritances that are currently being both protected and menaced by competing streams of Christianity.

    While these are times of tragic breakdown and wreckage we also face a range of new opportunities that could be ours if we could get a sane and constructive handle on many powerful new technologies already in our midst or fast coming our way. We cannot surrender to the exclusive jurisdiction of the very rich the design of how these new technologies are to be configured.

    Presently Bill Gates embodies the very antithesis of this sane approach we need to technological innovation. Gates’ career trajectory from the Microsoft monopoly to Monsanto’s GMOs and now to depopulation through vaccine eugenics represents a concerted and profoundly destructive effort to limit the range of our possible destinies. The manufactured COVID crisis is calculated to chain us to a future of captivity before we have had a chance to properly survey, assess, and debate the full range of our options in a time of great technological transformation.

    We have much to sort out and discuss before rushing ahead with any plan to alter ourselves genetically or to mix our biology with the computational power of Artificial Intelligence. In order to regain some say in determining our own destinies we must insist on a return to informed consent as the basis of every aspect of our self-governance.

    The manufactured COVID crisis created a platform for those who seized the initiative to display the utter poverty and profanity of their xenophobic conception of where we should be headed. The lack of any focus on the phenomenal character of our natural immunity reveals the Godless and sterile style of their impoverished thinking. Let’s begin to make our stand by actively cultivating and exercising the tremendous capacities of our own immune systems. Let’s immunize ourselves against anymore lapses into herd stupidity.

  561. @michael888

    He said we will need natural immunity to control Covid, although no one in their right mind would advocate intentionally contracting the virus (perhaps old school attenuated virus vaccines are needed?)

    Your thoughts as presented seem well-considered, especially because you acknowledge the need to protect the vulnerable while not necessarily harassing the healthy & innately immune population.

    However, it’s disappointing to see a complete fixation on “vaccination”, when the early or prophylactic use of known cheap, extremely safe and highly effective off-label medicines (as widely used in India and now officially recommended in Japan) would completely negate the rationale for any experimental “vaccine” at all (with its widely demonstrated serious adverse effects and mortality – credibly estimated at over 1 million deaths so far in the USA).

    Also not discussed so much any more are the Russian and Chinese vaccines, which have been comprehensively black-banned from the Western world. I wonder if any of those vaccines contain Graphene Oxide hydrogels like every single one of the Western “vaccines”?

    • Agree: Kali
    • Replies: @michael888
  562. @L.K

    L.K writes:

    The “flu”, this thing most certainly IS NOT.

    Most certainly agree with this statement.

    I’m in Australia and our corrupt government alleges* we’ve had 1000 Covid deaths since this psyop began 20 months ago.
    (*Around 80% are alleged to have come from just ONE state, not even our most populous state, which used U.S style accounting chicanery in counting deaths WITH Covid as deaths FROM Covid, so likely this claim of 1000 deaths is grossly inflated).

    For arguments sake, even if we run with this ‘1000’ figure (representing two flu seasons – hence averaging 500 per year), the Covid mortality rate is LOWER THAN THE LEAST LETHAL FLU SEASON AUSTRALIA HAS HAD IN DECADES.

    So L.K, we’re in agreement. To describe Covid-19 as being on par with the flu, would be to exaggerate its severity many times over.

    Covid is nothing more than a tempest in a teapot – but the scaremongering msm, corrupt politicians and health bureaucrats have somehow managed to convince those devoid of critical thinking faculties that it’s the Black Death.

  563. @acementhead

    Oops, my mistake. Wrong of me here. I was thinking of Dr John Campbell. Dunno why I confused the two.

  564. @John Wear

    My previous reply here is wrong. Please disregard. Mods, would be nice if you could remove both my replies to this comment, ie this one and the previous one.

  565. @Commentator Mike

    Actually the US inadvertently seems to have generated a huge population of people with natural immunity. This was first noted after the disaster in NYC in April, 2020, when so many people died or hospitalized that people thought Covid-19 was deadly to everyone (despite abundant evidence that the Elderly were by far the main target of the virus in China and Italy early on). American media and social media have pushed that narrative, as has the Biden administration ignoring (and censoring) those who state the obvious about a disease with a median age of death of 82, 80 year olds thus accounting for over half of the global 4.5 million deaths.

    The only realistic explanation for the fall in Covid cases in NYC (and the North East in general) between April and June 2020 is natural immunity. Serology studies with not great tests for antibodies demonstrated that NYC had one of the highest positive rates for antibodies to Covid (20-25%; some small towns in Italy tested higher and Stockholm, Sweden was also high). However, researchers running cellular assays noted that even 60% positivity by antibody testing likely missed another 30+% of those with natural immunity (many more than 60% of the SS Theodore Roosevelt were likely infected by Covid, but only 60% had measurably high antibody titers). Natural immunity (as is increasingly clear also with the Western S1-vaccines) will not protect from infection forever, but quite possibly will protect against serious cases (the Israelis claimed 27-fold better protection from symptomatic infection) and maybe Covid deaths “forever”.

    Natural immunity discussion seems to be censored just like ivermectin. It is maddening to scientists, but surprisingly many physicians quickly fell in line with the Official Narrative. If one looks at mid January 2021 when America’s new daily Covid cases peaked, one sees a massive 70-80% fall in new cases by end of February; this is long before effective vaccination rates in the US, and natural immunity is the only likely explanation. Similar falls were observed in many European countries, and even in South Africa (with essentially no vaccination). Even the massive Indian wave with delta fell quickly before the effective immunity induced by vaccines (the counter-argument is ivermectin; the media disallowed discussions of both natural immunity and ivermectin, in favor of Vaccination at all costs!) [They also trash the more standard full length inactivated virus vaccines from China, which despite lower efficacy against infection (not clear about efficacy against Covid deaths) is presently the 3rd World’s vaccine).

    The NY Times has a “morning briefing” saying delta has peaked, and that this is due to either 1) a magical change in the virus so it no longer spreads– evidence? or 2) people have suddenly tightened up on masks and other precautions– evidence? Frankly both in NYC and when Covid-19 peaked across the rest of the US in December/ January, people were so afraid they were doing all they could, ineffectively, to avoid the virus. Of course natural immunity is not mentioned (nor ivermectin nor fluvoxamine nor metformin).

    SE Asian countries which a few months ago had extremely low Covid death rates have little natural immunity. They kept Covid out for a year (and the wealthier countries are now fully vaccinated). They are struggling with the much more infectious delta variant now.

    As to your point that Covid (and also Covid vaccine) deaths are almost all in the elderly “with one foot in the grave”, I as well as most epidemiologists agree. From the start, the most common view was “PROTECT THE VULNERABLE!” and leave the low risk to live their lives. In three years we should know if the the bulk of the 4.5 million deaths are in addition to, or as seems more likely, part of the natural deaths (2.1 million Americans aged 65+ die in a “normal” year.)

    • Thanks: Commentator Mike, Wild Man
  566. utu says:
    @John Wear

    Why censor people who dispute this narrative? Why not debate them instead?

    How do you imagine debating morons like you who come up with kindergarten level slogans:

    If the masks work—Why the six feet?

    If the six feet works—Why the masks?

    If both of the above work—Why the lockdowns?

    If all three of the above work—Why the vaccines?

    If the seatbelts works – Why the speed limit?

    If the speed limit works – Why the seatbelts?

    If both of the above work—Why driving license requirement?

    If all three of the above work—Why the annual car inspection?

    You should try your great skills of a political organizer in kindergartens. Make the kids think and see they have been lied all the time by TPTB: If teeth brushing works – Why flossing? If flossing works – Why tooth brushing? If both work – Why dentists?

    • Agree: Raches, L.K
    • Disagree: Emslander
    • LOL: Brás Cubas
    • Replies: @John Wear
  567. John Wear says:

    I mention 17 more groups of questions after the first four questions that you mention in your comment.

    We have a RT-PCR test which its inventor, Kary Mullis, said shouldn’t be used to diagnose infectious diseases. We have people such as Tiffany Dover collapsing 17 minutes after taking a COVID shot, and is now nowhere to be found. We have fake causes of death on death certificates. We have financial incentives given to doctors to diagnose SARS-CoV-2. And so on and so on.

    The censorship and deaths of people attempting to expose the fake COVID-19 pandemic is most disturbing to me. Kary Mullis died in August 2019, so he is no longer around for interviews. Brandy Vaughn conveniently died in December 2020, so we no longer hear her voice. National leaders who contest the COVID-19 narrative, such as Haitian President Jovenel Moise, Tanzanian President John Magufuli, and Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza, are dying at relatively young ages and being replaced by leaders who support the official COVID-19 narrative.

    Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O. deleted 25 years of work from his website about a month ago. Do you think he did this voluntarily? I strongly suspect he was threatened.

    • Replies: @utu
  568. Erebus says:

    who said the Protocols were a hoax?

    Lots of people.

    “Forgery” indeed has a specific legal meaning, but I wouldn’t put too much weight on that finding. That court may have had a different meaning in mind as it also ruled that the Protocols were “plagiarisms” and “obscene literature”.

    … and not something to set to type, it was physically copied by someone.

    It could certainly have been typewritten, perhaps in duplicate or triplicate using carbon paper. Several mimeograph machines were available at the time, so a short print run was eminently possible.

    At the end of the day, its origins are obscure but its message is clear. That is what’s made them controversial for more than a century.

  569. Emslander says:

    The same way books were for thousands of years.

    I don’t know the facts of the “protocol” and I’m not commenting on it specifically, but on the quick willingness of moderns to dismiss copied documents as hoaxes or forgeries. Catholic Church documents of the early centuries are called hoaxes when, in fact, they were simply the only way that two or three parties to a communication could all have copies. Those people considered them genuine originals, especially given the cost and time required to produce them.

  570. Emslander says:
    @Commentator Mike

    The vulnerable are the old and the sick and they’d probably die soon after getting a vaccine, or Covid, or both, or just die anyway from their old age and diseases.

    My mother had the Covid (fully documented by the nursing home) at age 100 and was briefly sick with a cough and other flu-like discomforts. A month later she was vaxed. She is still robustly alive.

    I’ve read of many in the triple digits who have survived “it”.

  571. @Ultrafart the Brave

    Most of my posts last year (censored on most sites) were aimed at prophylactic treatments. Chris Martensen (on Peak Prosperity), changed with the data from seeing Covid as apocalyptic for the initial months (where his youtube videos were universally acclaimed), to seeing Covid as something that could be managed with repurposed drugs and nutrients (he was then forced off Youtube for a while, and now puts ivermectin and natural immunity stuff mostly on his own site).

    Repurposing drugs has been trashed by the mainstream media, initially politically aimed at Trump (who should have let his medical Clowns do all the talking). Not clear why it (ivermectin) is being trashed now? Possibly seen as competition to the vaccines? Biden and Harris, who trashed “Trump’s vaccines” as not safe last summer, are now the vaccines’ biggest advocates (and the vaccines have not changed).
    The most effective treatment for serious cases of Covid-19 is re-purposed glucocorticoids. Dirt cheap, safe ONLY for short acute treatments perfect for Covid, and the Chinese (in March 2020) and the Brits (midJune, 2020) reported great efficacy. The WHO declared glucocorticoids too dangerous to use for Covid. Lives in 30-50% of serious cases are now saved mostly by glucocorticoids, and though not approved for Covid by the FDA (they favor big money drugs), they are now standard of care for serious Covid cases. What’s sad is that if your dog, horse or cow had a very serious respiratory infection, glucocorticoids were standard of care for the animals long before Covid in humans.
    The trashing of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was uncalled for. While not effective for treatment (neither are vaccines), it probably has some prophylactic effects. HCQ’s toxicity is rare, long-term ocular effects (however, as with ANY drug, if you give too much you will see overdose toxicities). The problem with HCQ, as many with lupus and arthritis have discovered, is it can take several weeks dosing before effective. A related problem is that once taken for months, its effects last for weeks or months (good for patients; not good for researchers trying to run clinical trials on HCQ). HCQ is so safe, and available over the counter in most countries, that it was approved for treating type 2 diabetes in India in 2014 (trials there suggested as effective as -gliflozin drugs).
    The trashing of “injecting bleach” by Trump (never could find a clip of that?, but he should have kept such briefings to himself), was likely referring to the injection/nasal irrigation with the disinfectant povidone iodine (PI) with Neti pots. Much of the world uses Neti pots for nasal cleansing, and PI mouthwashes have also been used to prevent Covid. There was talk of pulmonary lavage with PI, but like (ineffective, expensive but FDA-approved) iv remdesivir, the timing would be critical and difficult to ascertain. The media clearly knew all this but chose not to report on such approaches, but rather to demonize and censor them. The same could be said for ivermectin (well documented efficacy as a prophylactic), same for fluvoxamine, and several other repurposed drugs. These approaches should be scientifically discussed. Even at (“inflated”) 90- 95% efficacy with the S1-vaccines, that means tens of millions of the fully vaccinated do not have protective immunity. Not a problem for the majority (nor is Covid), but the Vulnerable should be taking whatever their doctors recommend for prophylaxis.

    The most important prophylaxis for the Elderly is to correct nutritional and vitamin deficits, common in the elderly. This is not only for Covid where presently emphasized, but for their general health and physiological functioning, as for their immune system. Rather than specifically determine all nutritional deficits, take generous amounts of multi vitamins, and extra vitamin D (being careful not to OD on it or other fat soluble vitamins). Zinc, selenium and magnesium deficiencies are common and may initially need slight boosts (careful with the selenium) over multivitamins alone. (While I’m not a big believer in many more exotic ‘nutrients’, as long as it’s not an everyday thing, it’s likely harmless and may help).

    I am less worried about the vehicles for the vaccines (presumably the FDA is doing its job? Hah! ), but don’t like the reliance on an S1-vaccine, which all the Western vaccines are. Although the Chinese vaccine is much less effective (or propaganda), it should provide more natural immunity-like protection, and be less subject to escape variants. The situation is still evolving (particularly in SE Asia) so that region is well worth watching as Israel, Iceland, the UK and Sweden have been.

    • Thanks: Ultrafart the Brave
  572. @That Would Be Telling

    TWBT, I’m not sure what the “context” is you speak of, but a law that (at least to this layman’s reading) provides near-blanket immunity to liability claims for the vaccine maker, is hardly “low-level” law. I’m not trying to invalidate your source, but only to show that (based on this one search and cite, at least), that the protection from lawsuits is far broader than children’s vaccines. I’ll leave the details up to the lawyers. But from my reading, good luck filing a product liability claim against a vaccine manufacturer in the USA.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  573. Skeptikal says:

    “An examplary [sic] proper use of the indicative”


    “Why do you assume that I be American?”

    “Even if I so be, why would you assume that I be like other Americans?”

    “By the way, did you assume that I be vaccinated?”

    IMO the only grammatically correct use of the subjunctive here is “Even if so I be.” But of course no normal person talks like this . . . And Raches is definitely not a poet! As I said, ueber-arch (MW: “playfully saucy : roguish : having an exaggerated often forced or artificial playfulness .

    What real man (!) would talk like this? Well, a romantic poet . . .

    Cf. Walter Scott,
    “Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
    Who never to himself hath said,
    This is my own, my native land!
    Whose heart hath ne’er within him burn’d,
    As home his footsteps he hath turn’d,
    From wandering on a foreign strand!
    If such there breathe, go, mark him well; . . .”

    It is sometimes used in poetry also to express a wish, or in clauses of condition or concession:
    Shakespeare: “If this be error, and upon me proved . . .”
    Byron: “Though the heart be still as loving . . .”

    I see no mention that use of the subjunctive after “assume” is standard in contemporary or even poetic English. (In this sentence, in French, I believe that subjunctive “soit” would be used after “I see no mention that . . .”)

    It would be standard in French (use of subjunctive to express an opinion or other conjecture or not established fact). In German one could use the Konjunktiv 2 (indirect speech), but English doesn’t really use this.

    Many people do not recognize common uses of the subjunctive as being in the subjunctive mood, for example, to express a wish or hope:
    Long Live the Queen! God bless you!

    Probably the reason for the disappearance of most uses of subjunctive in English is because there is no difference bet. the indicative and subjunctive forms.
    Generally the subjunctive mode is expressed via “should”: “Tom suggested we [should] sell the house.”

    Your language choices listed at the beginning of this post, even the one that is defensible on purely grammatical grounds, make you sound weirdly affected and narcissistic.


    • Thanks: Emslander
    • Replies: @Raches
  574. Erebus says:

    Jointly and separately, your comments pale into insignificance beside Nurse Ratched’s doppelganger’s. Compared to her righteous bombast, flying spittle and flailing arms, you’re boring. If you weren’t in your previous life, >13,000 comments in the last 5 yrs has done something to you.

    • Agree: John Wear
  575. @Ben the Layabout

    TWBT, I’m not sure what the “context” is you speak of, but a law that (at least to this layman’s reading) provides near-blanket immunity to liability claims for the vaccine maker, is hardly “low-level” law.

    Sorry I wasn’t clear. The “low level” refers only to how the website presents the law in bits and pieces. The “context” is first what that snippet of the law belongs to: go up in the web site’s hierarchy and it’s “42 U.S. Code Part 2— National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program” (VICP), the Reagan era childhood “vaccine court” created because we were running out of companies willing to supply whole cell whooping cough vaccine.

    Once you get that high in the website’s hierarchy the law as amended over the years can then read bit by bit in the website page by page (I suspect changes are a primary reason for how the law is diced and sliced on the website, the footnotes for those can run pretty long). That provides the context in which the “low level” snippet must be interpreted, which at minimum limits the scope to vaccines specifically recommended for children and pregnant women, which wouldn’t for example include shingles vaccines approved only for those at least 50 or 60 years old.

    And I wasn’t able to figure out from the language of the law if for example adult men were covered, like for TDaP booster shots. But all doses for covered vaccines are subject to an excise tax that funds compensation, and the purpose of the law would be defeated if those men could use our insane civil legal system to sue the manufacturers out of the business of making such vaccines that are also used for children.

  576. @John Johnson

    I think “Cloak and Dagger” has it correct.

    I think you are making a mistake. You are linking two events that are not directly related causally:

    Let us assume that the unvaxxed are more prone to serious illness. Then they will naturally be in the hospital disproportionately, relative to the vaxxed. But if we’re looking at the big picture, the epidemiology, we don’t care about the relative population of patients. What we’re interested in is the likely evolution of the virus as it passes through a host population, as well as the expected influences that selection events (the jabbed immunity) would have.

    Your second claim, that the unvaxxed will increase the chances of escape mutations, needs to be examined. You’ve got it backwards. Most of the jabs only “train” the patient to manufacture S-spike antigens. Infections that occur in vaxxed people then, and spread to others, can be assumed to mutate away from S-spike immunity. In other words, if the virus is to continue spreading, it will tend to become more immune to the existing vaxxed, who only have strong S-spike immunity.

    Among the unvaxxed, there are actually two important sub-groups. First are those who had the wild infection and presumably have natural immunity. This immunity appears to be far more robust than what the jabs confer. The rest of the group, the immune naive, are at high risk to catch the bug and thus of most interest here. This second group WILL catch and pass on a virus, but there is no reason that the virus passed on will be selected for S-spike immunity, as should be the case for the vaxxed. In other words, yes, they are at higher risk of passing on a virus, BUT that virus will be expected to have a random set of mutations. In contrast, the jabbed passing on an infection tends to pass on a virus that selects against S-spike immunity.

    Do the unvaxxed “increase the chance?” Perversely, it is the vaxxed who are driving mutations to escape S-protein immunity. That’s just simple natural selection. By most reports, the unvaxxed are more likely to catch, and therefore spread, infections. Since natural immunity appears to be several times better than artificial, the naturally immune will be less likely to pass on any virus, including the escape mutant. In contrast, the jabbed will be increasingly at risk of a “breakthrough” infection (escape mutant from S-spike immunity).

    You are partially correct on one important issue: The unvaxxed and never-infected ARE more prone to pass on an infection than the vaxxed, and this includes the escape mutants produced by the vaxxed. So yes, they are “guilty” of spreading the virus, but it’s wrong to blame them as the source of escape mutations against the vaccines.


    It is the jabbed, not the unjabbed, who will produce mutants most resistant to the jabs;

    Those who had a natural infection are likely to have many times better immunity than what is given by the jab (Funny, you don’t hear that from the CDC or the FDA, wonder why???) This group is probably the LEAST likely to pass on new variant.

    The immune naive — those who have never been infected — are the most fertile “breeding ground,” but they already are a small fraction of the population; especially so in the most vaxxed populations. Yes, they are the group most likely to pass on a virus, but their mutations will be random.

    The jabbed will be the group most likely to both produce, pass along, and suffer new infections, from escape mutants.

    • Agree: Wild Man, Emslander
    • Thanks: Cloak And Dagger, Mehen
  577. @niceland

    However the vaccines do offer considerable protection against disease, but not 100%. Therefore we will have deaths. Albeit much fewer than without the vaccines.

    What you have stated here conforms to the official narrative that is being broadcast around the world by mainstream media and enforced by Big Tech social media (Facebook, Twitter & YouTube), and understandably aligns with what the public is entitled to expect from a government sanctioned vaccination program.

    However, the evidence which has accumulated across the globe does not support that view. In reality, it appears that the experimental “vaccines” are killing far more people than they are saving. If we accept credible estimates of the true “vaccine” injury and death rates extrapolated from the American VAERS system, then tens of millions of people have been seriously injured and well over a million people have already been killed by the “vaccines” just in the USA.


    FWIW, the following list is just a sampling of reports which indicate that the experimental Corona Chan “vaccines” most certainly do not offer protection against Corona Chan, but in fact injure and kill far more people than Corona Chan might have in the complete absence of any vaccination program. ]

    For the most part, the above doesn’t even factor in the availability of proven cheap, extremely safe and highly effective off-label medicinal and nutritional remedies which have been blocked by governments and regulatory agencies across the Western world (presumably to legitimise the global sale and Emergency Use Authorisation of the experimental “vaccines”).

    If prophylactic use and early treatment with these off-label medicines and nutraceuticals were permitted and encouraged from the outset, then the vast majority of Corona Chan victims, including the elderly and immune compromised, might have been saved.

    Dr. Ryan Cole Talks About Covid-19, Ivermectin, & The Importance Of Vitamin D

    Corona Chan – Ivermectin Studies

    Corona Chan – HydroxyChloroquine Studies

    Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance – Corona Chan Treatment Protocols – Ivermectin

    Information on using IVERMECTIN to treat Corona Chan

    Dr. Joseph Varon Interviewed on Ivermectin to Treat Corona Chan

    • Thanks: John Wear, kali
    • Replies: @niceland
  578. @L.K

    I voted you a troll, but as a simple debunking exercise for the more gullible, allow me to count the holes in your story:

    1. By inference, you are a policeman, a member of an “elite tactical unit.” This, by itself, is highly improbable. It’s even more remote that not being a member of such a group, that you’d know many of their members.

    2. You know a physician? That’d be a really interesting overlap of professional acquaintances. There just isn’t much mixing between the medical and elite police, sorry buddy!

    3. The odds that you would know the infection risks of anyone, even among close social contacts, is very improbable.

    4. The odds of any one person getting COVID twice are very small. To know two (or more) such cases is even more vanishingly small, by square, cube, etc. This claim alone casts the most doubt on your story.

    5. You claim two or more people, low risk groups, hospitalized with COVID? Improbable. Intubated? Even more improbable. All survived? Even less.

    5. Your website is not a credible source. I concede your claim that police and other public safety personnel are at higher risk, but > 50% of deaths due to COVID? That is simply not believable. Furthermore, dying of an illness in normal times would never be considered in the “line of duty.” If Opie dies of pneumonia or the flu, why would it be any different with COVID-19?

    I’ll stop short of calling you a liar. But as they say, “Cool story, bro.” Here’s another somewhat obscure, but entirely appropriate, quote from Nietzsche: “Sir…it is improbable that you are not mistaken, but why should it be the truth?”

    • Agree: Emslander
    • Replies: @L.K
    , @Anon
  579. Raches says:

    Peasants indicate a wish for the subjunctive to disappear.

    Oh, what effort you expend to attempt propping up some idiot’s allegation that I don’t even know how to conjugate the word “is”! Is Bill Clinton in the audience? He didn’t even know what the meaning of the word “is” is—well, not when it came to knowledge of if he conjugated an intern, internally or otherwise; but at least, that was more amusing than attempts to insult my intelligence by hypercorrecting me from a state of ignorance. As a rule, those who presume gratuitously to correct others’ grammar should not get it ridiculously wrong: Too bad for Mr. Newman, and now for you.

    So now, after having accused me of a total failure to use the subjunctive, you split hairs over whether or not the subjunctive that I actually used is the proper mood for an unwise, unevidenced, possibly contrafactual assumption, which I obviously wished succinctly to indicate was not indicative. It is cover for your backpedalling to a position that “no normal person talks like this”, and that I allegedly “sound weirdly affected and narcissistic”, because, “What real man (!) would talk like this?” (Answer: Either one who has the balls not to give a damn what you think—or else, maybe this one. Either-or, honey. Cf. Mr. Newman’s incisive argument, “do you even lift, man?”)

    Since it is clear that you had no idea what the subjunctive is, I am happy to have motivated you to browse enough Wikipedia articles to improve your English language skills just a little bit. I see that you have been doing your homework—or trying to; you still do not properly grasp the subjunctive. Keep trying. Perhaps the effort may make your comments slightly less intolerable to read; alas, that is likely to be a false hope.

    Your proletarian opinions of my style support my proposition that not everyone should be allowed to learn to read. The bastardization of the English language to suit simpletons is the cause of the disappearance of the subjunctive. I thou thee, thou peasant! An thou insist on being so churlish as to sneer at thy superiors, I will merely suggest that videos are better for thee, after all. Plague not the written word! Defile it not with thine unseeing eyes and clumsy hands!


    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  580. @Punch Brother Punch

    I wish you well, no ill effects, of the jab. Your characterization of the lunatic is correct up to a point. But there still exists the possibility, tiny though it may be, that the seeming kook was actually right. Mencken famously said (approx.) “A hundred million people saying a foolish thing does not make it a wise (or true) thing.” Popularity isn’t proof. There must be a minority of Lemmings who don’t participate in doing the three and a half gainer off the cliff every so often. Otherwise, there’d be none for future events.

    Oy vey! You do not even know the basic laws of Kosher? How are you ever going to get a job as a katsef, you schmuck? 😏

  581. @Tony Hall

    Thank you for the wonderful comment Professor Hall.

    • Thanks: Tony Hall
  582. geokat62 says:
    @Tony Hall

    Very interesting read, Tony.

    Not sure why it’s buried in a comment thread when it merits being a featured article?

    P.S. regarding this passage:

    In the name of deregulation, the big Wall Street banks and their international partners helped themselves to \$29 in bailout funds

    There appears to be a letter missing after the \$29 figure that denotes its proper order of magnitude.

    • Replies: @Tony Hall
  583. Wild Man says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    “My position is that if you choose not to get the vax, you should have a better reason than because you think Bill Gates or the Lizard People are trying to cull humanity or you think Big Pharma is trying to protect its racket from the Horse Dewormer concerns.”

    Why did you choose to be hesitant, until very recently? Surely you had reasons that were different than the reason you say you don’t like. What were those reasons? Are you sure that you have well satisfied the dictates of rationality, with respect to overcoming your hesitancy, with respect to finding satisfactory contrary answers to your hesitancy-queries?

    I am in Canada. Where I’m from, the government, and the media, constantly equate butthurt stories coming from hospital staff, for instance, insinuating that everything the now is going wrong, covid-wise, is on the heads of the shamefully unvaccinated. The government, the media, and Covid Officialdom does everything it can to support the cacophony of shockingly bad comments, found in mainstream places, like CBC forums, insinuating that the unvaccinated should all be kicked out of the hospitals NOW. Of course these comments are tolerated, yet if I post even a inkling of a questioning around the rationale for a specific covid policy, my comment is immediately removed with no explanation. The people that say these things (that the unvaccinated should all be kicked out of the hospitals) are clearly morons …. morons whom seem to have the full mainstream support. And as such, it’s about 1,000x stronger, this mainstream moronship, than what you are complaining about. Perspective man. Perhaps you too are allowing yourself to be played (into not seeing where the vast majority of the dreck is originating from).

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  584. @Punch Brother Punch

    Your observation on conservatism sounds correct, and I’d like to offer some amplifying remarks. Conservatives, by definition, value the old, the traditional. Yes, any major group will — invariably and unavoidably — attract its share of cranks, kooks an miscellaneous lunatics who for one reason or another, gravitate to the group. The question for group leaders is how to minimize the damage to the overall group’s reputation, mission, goals (if any). Many of us here are what I’d call “reasonable-covid-vax-doubters.” Speaking for myself, for instance, I’d consider my doubts about the vax pretty well grounded: novel approaches, largely untested, no long (or even medium-) term proofs of safety or efficacy, regulatory capture, conflicts of interest, traditional procedures ignored or discarded (approvals), dissenting views punished, and so on. But what do we do with the graphene-mind-control-5G-cull-the-herd groups?

    Now consider the Left, the Liberals. They, again by tradition, seek to help the underdog. And who is the underdog? The oppressed, the weak. But also this often includes the dysfunctional, the lunatic, the criminal, even the violent. In short, they welcome anyone, no matter how crazy, how deranged, how inimical their positions are to civilization. They will literally spend \$100 to save \$10, or kill a hundred people so that one life may be saved. They exist, by and large, to overturn the old system, with little to no concern for what, indeed if anything, should replace it. Their “good” is the enemy of the “best” (whatever has worked to date).

    The left seldom “looks” stupid or extreme, because the public has become numbed to the fact that virtually all their history their views WERE nutso or left-field; many times they win by default, and yesterdays’ radical proposal is now accepted practice. Equality of faces, sexes, unrestricted immigration, drug legalization, homosexual marriage. You can find a nearly endless string of examples in support of that argument.

    It’s not far-fetched to say that the only points of view the Left will reliably reject are the doubters, those who demand proof, rely on science, and so on. In other words, the conservatives.

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
  585. @Emslander

    Best wishes on her continued health. Your case is anecdote, as are nearly all. What we need are good high quality statistics. They are hard to find. Difficult enough to collect, and impeded by special interests that want the data to point to one conclusion over another.

    Allow me to share my anecdote(s): In a year and a half, of my social circle, I know of two deaths. Both were very old. One was (I think) diabetic. The 2nd, I’m not sure. Two deaths were pre-vaxx available. The one hospitalized and released was a man mid-60s also with a preexisting condition (in his case, COPD from exposure to industrial solvents.). Beyond him, I know of one woman who had a case and recovered. Of course, it’s possible, even likely, that there are many more mild, and perhaps serious, cases that I remain unaware of.

    While I’m not in a high-risk environment, I work daily with the general public in a small office. We were closed briefly (mid-2020) for a lockdown. There were a few precautionary absences (self quarantine) when employees might have had symptoms, but they were negative. Meanwhile, in the midst of a supposedly contagious variant (Delta) in a hard-hit state (Florida) that for the most part does not take precautions, I rarely hear a cough, a sniffle or a sneeze (most common symptoms of the latest variant.)

    This “pandemic” must be the most over-hyped event of the past century.

    • Replies: @Emslander
  586. @Ben the Layabout

    It is the jabbed, not the unjabbed, who will produce mutants most resistant to the jabs;

    Those who had a natural infection are likely to have many times better immunity than what is given by the jab (Funny, you don’t hear that from the CDC or the FDA, wonder why???) This group is probably the LEAST likely to pass on new variant.

    Generally agree with what you’re saying, but:

    Delta with its spike protein escape mutations almost certainly arose outside of the context of vaccine immunity, first found in India in October 2020 when only vaccine trials were being done there. Just did some more research on Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin inactivated whole virus vaccine, and still don’t have much bad to say about it. But did find out as I guessed it does provoke immunity against more than the spike protein, see this study on rhesus macaques monkeys, figure 1, lower right graph, “IgG [antibody] titre for N [hidden nucleocapsid] protein.” Could not find any other 2020 trials including India in, but I think that’s a limitation of my search fu or its capabilities, for Oxford’s spike protein targeting vaccine was being tested there back then, and the Serum Institute of India (SII) is manufacturing it.

    You sure the CDC isn’t saying anything about natural immunity today, now that we’re getting a lot of data on Delta? Pfizer board member and first Trump FDA commissioner (that’s the top position, but he left in 2019) is saying good things about natural immunity.

    One reason they wouldn’t be emphasizing it is that the cost of getting it has a terrible “side effect” profile, and I’m sure that’s also true for breakthrough infections of those vaccinated. Given the still strong protection against hospitalization and worse from the US authorized or approved vaccines, this is very much not a time to say anything that could be construed as encouraging people to wait until they get infected with Delta (which may have worse outcomes than classic Wuhan or Alpha, that’s a matter of dispute right now).

    OK, the FDA doesn’t “say” much at all, is reported to stick to careful science in their PR, and natural immunity is not in their remit! Except as it pertains to drugs and biologics like vaccines, for example given to people who’ve already gotten COVID, or if as the anti-vaxxers claim a vaccine was worse than the disease (still not dying on their schedule).

    This is in the CDC’s remit as well as Saint Fauci and the Surgeon General and even “Biden”, but see all my prior comments on how our public health community is trash not to mention Fauci. So you’ll want to see what the new CDC director says now (found some old Alpha variant based stuff which is no longer operative, like the Kentucky study), she’s got a 100% infectious disease background prior to accepting this first government position, and based on what I’ve seen so far, knows her stuff (not that anti-vaxxers won’t lie about what she says, even while linking to the relevant video clip; again, a reason they need to be very careful).

    Based on a lot of searching just now, see “COVID-19 Science Updates” which I haven’t looked at yet. See their as of August 26th “Delta Variant: What We Know About the Science” which I just glanced at. Here’s their page on reinfections.

    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  587. That one time you spend half a day making an Indian food explosion, and your sense of taste and smell go – dammit I wanted my chole bhatura! 😭🤣

    Milk has a very nice mouthfeel though, almost like my brain reconstructs a little memory of taste from it!

  588. Raches says:
    @John Wear

    I weary of this nonsense. Let’s see how it works:

    I claim no personal expertise on John Wear. Despite the very considerable time that I have spent over the years investigating Second World War history, I do not recall ever having heard of Mr. Wear before these current discussions of the vaccines; either I just didn’t notice his “work”, or he is not as famous as he thinks he is. But so much about his “work” makes no sense. The following are some questions I have concerning John Wear:

    If John Wear wants to be taken seriously, why does he tell so many lies?

    If John Wear is not a pitiable basement-dwelling virgin with no life, why does he defend the claim that watching an anti-vaxxer video can provide the “best [time] of [your] life”?

    If John Wear wants to pretend to be honest, why does he defend liars such as Dr. Carrie Madej? Why does he continue to shill for liars, after they have been exposed as liars?

    Does John Wear really believe that both Covid and the Covid vaccines are alien technology, invented by reptiles from outer space who are invading to conquer the Earth?

    If John Wear is not crazy, why does he spread things that are completely insane?

    If John Wear is not a very bad man, why doesn’t he tell us if he has stopped beating his wife yet?

    If John Wear cares at all about investigating the monetary system, international finance, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and the connections of organized Jewry within these things, why does he knee-jerk reflexively dismiss all credible accusations that Eustace Mullins was a hoaxer who poisoned the well?

    If John Wear is not on a malicious, underhanded campaign to undermine the cause of historical truth and fairness, why does he a Walter Winchell style of petty scandal-mongering to smear-attack Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels?

    If John Wear is not a pseudointellectual scammer, why does he come off as a silver-tongued con artist when feigning friendliness to people?

    Is John Wear really the original author of this copied and pasted list of “questions” about Covid, which, according to a brief web search, has had variants floating around the the Internet since November 2020 at the latest?

    Even assuming that he is the original author (as he may be—some earlier copies that I found are attributed to John Wear), even if he is not a plagiarist in addition to being a known liar, then why is he spamming these comments with his thousandth copy of something that he has been spamming all over the Internet?

    If John Wear has any purpose other than to snooker morons into believing nonsense, why does he propound a birdshot list of rhetorical “questions” loaded with falsehoods, question-begging, and verbal trickery that can fool only the mentally retarded?


    It is a blunt little tool, but nevertheless effective for bedazzling the unwary reader.

  589. Mehen says:

    TWBT claims it’s because autopsies of Covid victims exposes the medical examiner to unsafe levels of virus, if you can believe that.

    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Brás Cubas
  590. @Raches

    Rachel, as rule I bypass the bulk of your comments since I’m none the wiser at the end of any.

    That said, as I’m scrolling down fast though your comments to get to someone else’s that’s worth reading, I notice you mentioning the likes of John Wear, David Icke and Eustace Mullins (not to mention Erebus whom I’ve found to be a very sincere individual), and I figure you’re likely involved in a character assassination.

    And, as I stopped to read what you wrote about them, sure enough you were smearing them.

    Can’t you see the irony of that, the fact that someone of your lowly stature, the sootiest of black pots, should be calling these ‘kettles’ black ??

    I don’t suppose you can.

    John Wear, Icke and Mullins have (or had, in the case of Mullins, seeing as he’s deceased), more integrity and sincerity in the grime under their finger nails than you have in your whole person.

    Over and above the fact that your comments are invariably obfuscations and misinformation, they are gratingly annoying.

    You should just STFU and keep a low profile.

    • Agree: Skeptikal
    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  591. utu says:
    @John Wear

    The censorship and deaths of people attempting to expose the fake COVID-19 pandemic is most disturbing to me.

    Before you go to hiding or asking Lukashenko for asylum consider getting back on your meds. You may begin to see things in right proportion again.

    • Replies: @L.K
  592. @Raches

    Rachel writes:

    Despite the very considerable time that I have spent over the years investigating Second World War history, I do not recall ever having heard of Mr. Wear before these current discussions of the vaccines

    I have news for you.

    The time you spent reading and re-reading Raul Hilberg’s ‘The Destruction of the European Jews’ and Elie Wiesel’s book ‘Night’ (two obvious works of Zionist fiction), does not qualify as WWII investigation.

    I’ve read some of John Wear’s work and I cannot find fault with any of it – simply outstanding.

    That a non-intellectual, unscrupulous individual like yourself should be criticising this man, is beyond despicable.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  593. John Wear says:

    In regard to World War II history, I have had 54 articles published by The Barnes Review, 81 articles by Inconvenient History, and a book published by American Free Press titled “Germany’s War.” Unless you have read at least one of these publications, probably you would not have heard of me. I have never pretended to be famous.

    I am not a liar, Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O. is not a liar, and Eustace Mullins was not a hoaxer. Your comment is one big insult, and I will not respond to it further.

  594. Prajna says: • Website

    Time for a bit of logic: if antiparasitic drugs are efficacious against covid then it would seem that it is caused by a parasite rather than a virus. As confirmation we can observe that efforts to discredit and discourage the use of antiparasitics is largely being pursued by jews, for whom antiparasitics are an existential menace.

    • LOL: Mehen
  595. Raches says:

    Anonymous said:

    Where Are the Autopsies of People Dying Post COVID Vaccine?

    …asking an important question about the rising number of deaths being reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in conjunction with the COVID-19 injection program…

    Mehen replied:

    TWBT claims it’s because autopsies of Covid victims exposes the medical examiner to unsafe levels of virus, if you can believe that.

    Does this need a witty comment?

  596. Raches says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    Rachel, […]

    John Wear, Icke and Mullins have (or had, in the case of Mullins, seeing as he’s deceased), more integrity and sincerity in the grime under their finger nails than you have in your whole person.

    Interesting. How many David Icke fans do we have here?

    Stand up and be counted! Don’t be shy. If lots and lots of people believe in him, then that’s impressive, right? I mean, if lots and lots of people say that I’m wrong, then I can’t be right—right?

    Folks, don’t leave “Truth Vigilante” swinging alone in the wind here against the evil “Rachel”!

    You should just STFU and keep a low profile.

    Alack for you, you have no means to censor me here. I have reptilian anti-censorship technology freedom of speech.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Ron Unz
  597. peterAUS says:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    Here’s something of a start…

    I’ve seen that.

    Much more needed, but the wheels are slowly turning.

    Much more. Too slow.

    The politicians, beauracrats, media, medicos, constabulary, judiciary and military all now have mutual vested interests in pushing forward with the Great Reset no matter what, because they understand that if they fail, then they will all hang.


    “Our” problem is inability to get everyone who’s against the Great Reset together.
    A competent leadership.

    As I mentioned before, people like Mosca, Pareto and Francis explained that well ages ago.

    Even here, of all places, some people are starting to think about it, as:

    • Agree: Ultrafart the Brave
  598. Oxford Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat To Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers

    A groundbreaking preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, includes alarming findings devastating to the COVID vaccine rollout.

    The study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

    While moderating the symptoms of infection, the jab allows vaccinated individuals to carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill at first, potentially transforming them into presymptomatic superspreaders.

    This phenomenon may be the source of the shocking post-vaccination surges in heavily vaccinated populations globally.

    Can we stop with the “Epidemic of the Unvaccinated” yet?

    • Replies: @Random Anonymous
  599. Wade says:

    Add to this regimen, NAC (N-Acetyl-Cystein) which increases your glutathione, detoxifying your body of heavy medals and perhaps protects your endothelial cells from the effects of the spike protein.

    Just recently the Japanese conducted their own study on the contents of the Moderna vaccine and concluded that millions of vials contain magnetized metals. Apparently, this was limited to one lot (I have my doubts about that but we shall see).

    If this is true, NAC could be helpful in that regard due to its ability to boost glutathione.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  600. Raches says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    The time you spent reading and re-reading Raul Hilberg’s ‘The Destruction of the European Jews’ and Elie Wiesel’s book ‘Night’ (two obvious works of Zionist fiction), does not qualify as WWII investigation.

    Nice. Accusing me (!) of Holohoaxing, and even of being a big fan of Wiesel’s weasel-pack of fictions (!!). That is real chutzpah.

    Should you be curious about what books I endorse about the Holohoax, I have already recommended a few of my favorites, including Dr. Arthur Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century and Germar Rudolf’s Lectures on the Holocaust. I have also linked numerous times to the American Pravda article on the subject, which I currently consider to be the very best introduction to the topic for those who know nothing about it.

    I’ve read some of John Wear’s work and I cannot find fault with any of it – simply outstanding.

    It must not be very good, if Mr. Wear never even researched the Nuremberg Show Trials: I noticed that John Wear gave “Thanks” to a comment citing the so-called “Nuremberg Code” as an ethical authority.

    That implied endorsement of Jewish revenge via a sick parody of justice, for which Mr. Wear was so thankful, I tore down with reference to four different articles by Ron Unz, and to the books that Mr. Unz thereby cited. John Wear gave me no thanks for that; the Ghost of Emanuel Swedenborg thanked me, and I got a reply from Mr. Unz with a link to Freda Utley’s book here on

    • Replies: @John Wear
  601. John Wear says:

    You ask: “How many David Icke fans do we have here?”

    My response: I am a David Icke fan. However, I do not think he is infallible. You might enjoy reading my article about David Icke at

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  602. L.K says:
    @Ben the Layabout

    Ben, you could not debunk anything if your life depended on it, and that is because you are an imbecile.
    Let’s examine the first 2 points you used to expose me as a “liar”.

    1. No, I am NOT a cop, and NEVER claimed to be one. Now, I’m not from the US, but even in the US, one can easily find non-police officers instructing officers in unarmed combatives. For ex, Rener and Ryron Gracie have been instructing officers in California for quite a while now, and have developed a program now approved for police officers use in the state of California;

    As part of Gracie University, Rener has also been pushing for national police reform that includes a regular curriculum of BJJ training for all officers. Since unveiling his plan for reform, he has also managed to get his Gracie Survival Tactics approved for use by Police Officers in the State of California, the first BJJ curriculum to ever have done so.

    Though never a cop, I AM a very long time martial arts practitioner, having started as a kid in Judo, and since then, trained and competed in several other disciplines as well. Years ago, I and 3 friends with long backgrounds in different martial arts, decided to create a self-defense program, since we all understood from our own experiences, that martial arts and real, street fighting, are very different animals. We put something together, and once consolidated, started using it commercially, in particular the 2 guys who really have martial arts as their only and therefore, main, source of income(not my case).

    One of these guys, J, got a contract with the local police force, to instruct this elite tactical unit. He asked me for help to administer the course, since we live in the same town, developed the program together, and I’m more skilled than he is in some respects, striking in particular, J being a very experienced BJJ instructor and competitor.
    When the pandemics started, I initially felt it might be overblown, but when I realized it was serious, I departed the group. Since this was never a major income source for me, the decision was easy. J completely depends on these contracts and on teaching BJJ at his gym, since there isn’t much money in competion. He eventually got the infection, in his case a relatively mild one, he described it to me as sort of a “weird” cold.

    Now, your point number 2 is even more IDIOTIC, and I’m surprised that you got a couple of morons to LOL at your post, but so is the nature of morons…
    For the sake of argument, let’s say that I was an actual Police officer. So, in your tiny little brain, a police officer cannot know a few doctors?? Are you really THIS SILLY? For instance, my line of work has nothing to do with Medicine, but I know a few physicians, including a couple in my own family.
    Free advice: Learn to walk first, before you try jogging…

    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  603. L.K says:

    As you well know, I don’t like you, but this response to J. Wear was really good and quite amusing.
    Job well done.

    If the masks work—Why the six feet?

    If the six feet works—Why the masks?

    If both of the above work—Why the lockdowns?

    If all three of the above work—Why the vaccines?

    If the seatbelts works – Why the speed limit?

    If the speed limit works – Why the seatbelts?

    If both of the above work—Why driving license requirement?

    If all three of the above work—Why the annual car inspection?

    • Thanks: utu
  604. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Well, you might avoid getting into arguments about which of us are more “not kind and gentle.” 🙂

    Not to pry—just thinking aloud—have you ever done Internet scambusting? I was never on the doxing side of that, although I knew net.detectives who could pull a rabbit out of a hat linking scammer pseudonyms from different places, and unmasking a real identity. I did other stuff. Mostly, I just lurk.

    Anyway, “Arguing on the Internet” is not my preferred use of time, you know. I hope that I am not losing your attention with the tedious back-and-forth. As an observer of human nature and a lifelong people-watcher, I find that these threads are scientifically fascinating. I myself have never used ignore-list features on discussion platforms. You can miss a lot that way.

  605. John Wear says:

    Chapter 8 of my book “Germany’s War” has my version of Holocaust Revisionism 101. Ron Unz has published it on his website at

    I agree with you that the Nuremberg trials were show trials. However, I do support the Nuremberg Code dealing with medical ethics. I wish our medical profession would actually follow the Nuremberg Code.

  606. @Raches

    This is an impressive double helping of not getting the point. I mean, conflating general non-COVID caused post-vaccine autopsies with autopsies done on people who died of COVID, and the latter being extremely dangerous before we had vaccines to anyone with a clue? And even after vaccines, exposure to high concentrations of a pathogen can get the better of defenses. Of course maybe she doesn’t believe SARS-CoV-2 is real, although that still does get you to Dr. Jane Orient’s concern about a claimed lack of autopsies.

    Except I now learn Orient, who I’d previously had the impression was sane, is spouting nonsense about COVID vaccines not being tested on animals as of April 2021 in the context of the on it’s face extremely doubtful fertility concerns (the latter because they equate to asking why your immune system hasn’t attacked your everything and literally turned you into a puddle of goo). So take her implicit claim no one is seriously looking at post-COVID vaccine deaths with a big grain of salt, she may be just as ignorant of that as she is of vaccine development, and the latter is a lot more accessible.

  607. @Mehen

    I’m no virology expert, but this is among the most intriguing notions put forth by the media and doctors during this pandemic. What most scientists seemed to agree on, at least when these things were widely discussed, was that the Covid-19 patient is infectious during a short period of time, during which his immune system is in action fighting the virus; then, at a second stage, there would be practically no virus left in his body, but he is now a victim of his own immune system (“cytokine storm”). During this second phase, treatment with corticosteroids may be necessary (they do not recommend it at the initial stage precisely because it is immunosuppressive, and may favor virus replication).

    Now, if I’m correct in the above, when a patient dies he in most cases has gone through the initial stage, and so he is past the infective stage. Therefore, I don’t understand how a corpse might infect anyone. As a tentative explanation, I hypothesize that when you slit the corpse open, some air escapes and that air may be contaminated with the virus. But a coroner might use appropriate head and body wearing gear to protect himself, couldn’t he? Anyway, it’s all very mysterious and I share your doubts.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  608. Are Covid “vaccines” safe and effective?

    I don’t care.

    I only care about freedom of choice, without coercion, extortion, mandates, or ultimatums.

    Everything that vax pushers think, do and say is designed to eliminate freedom of choice — i.e. eliminate informed consent.

    After vax mandates there will be microchip mandates, plus many other mandates.

    All are “conspiracy theories” until they happen.

    One other thing: Regarding the comparison of vaccines to care seat belts, I believe in seat belts, and I use them, but I do not agree that vehicle seat belts should be required by law. However I don’t squawk about it.

    Vaccinations are not analogous to seat belts, since vaxxing involves injecting things into my body. This I will not allow without my consent.

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  609. @Wade

    Just recently the Japanese conducted their own study on the contents of the Moderna vaccine and concluded that millions of vials contain magnetized metals. Apparently, this was limited to one lot (I have my doubts about that but we shall see).

    A concept to add to your vocabulary: “fill and finish.” Another concept, “Spanish manufacturing,” this is no longer a time where Toledo steel is a really big thing.

    Although while confirming the above facts, I did notice it being noted that stainless steel is relatively benign stuff to put in people’s bodies, is used in surgical implants. Although maybe not the same grades and types….

  610. Ron Unz says:

    Folks, don’t leave “Truth Vigilante” swinging alone in the wind here against the evil “Rachel”!

    I do hope that you’re still thinking of submitting an article for publication.

    I suspect that some of your long comments have absorbed far more time and thought that many of the actual articles I publish. And from a purely cost-benefit ratio, I’d guess that what you write in an article will probably be read by between 10x and 30x more people than one of your typical comments, buried as they soon become among so many others.

  611. Skeptikal says:

    I assume you be beyond redemption.

    I have far better things to do with my time than to plow through or even consider your preening spoutings.

  612. Wild Man says:
    @Ben the Layabout

    With respect to the first part of your argument, as per this passage of your comment:

    “Let us assume that the unvaxxed are more prone to serious illness. Then they will naturally be in the hospital disproportionately, relative to the vaxxed. But if we’re looking at the big picture, the epidemiology, we don’t care about the relative population of patients. What we’re interested in is the likely evolution of the virus as it passes through a host population, as well as the expected influences that selection events (the jabbed immunity) would have.”

    … yes. This is tantamount to tolerating somewhat higher rates of covid infectivity now, in order to obtain much lower rates of covid infectivity in the future. When one runs the numbers, it turns out this is a beneficial trade-off (especially as hugely pronounced, as per Covid Officialdom’s continued policy to go one-size-fits-all on their vaxx approach, instead of using the vaxx to target just the cohorts for whom the vaxx-self-interest-quotient is beneficial), ….. I already explained this to Mr. Johnson some weeks ago. But he continues to fail to understand, …. a concept so basic. He continues to fall for this stupid ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ meme.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  613. Anon[336] • Disclaimer says:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Missed it, thanks, Achmed. I started blanking-out on most of Ron’s analysis and individual comments about a year ago when he began sounding like my wife.

    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  614. Skeptikal says:

    It is virtually a default assumption in the American medical system that everyone—certainly everyone above the age of 50 or so—is on multiple prescription meds.

    The idea that someone could survive into a ripe old age without resort to meds is alien to the American way of life, death, and “health.”

    Congratulations and greetings to your mother for staying the course and beating “the big C 2.0.”

    • Thanks: Emslander
    • Replies: @Emslander
  615. Emslander says:
    @Ben the Layabout

    In this context anecdotes are important.

  616. Anon[336] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ben the Layabout

    I voted you a troll, but as a simple debunking exercise for the more gullible, allow me to count the holes in your story:

    1. By inference, you are a policeman, a member of an “elite tactical unit.” This, by itself, is highly improbable. It’s even more remote that not being a member of such a group, that you’d know many of their members.

    You realize that by impugning him as a liar, you only further substantiate his credentials as a professional piggy?

    By the way:

    Elite Tactical Unit = Tattooed Steroid Soaked Thugs Trained to Kill Family Dog Owned by Minimum Wage Pothead

    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  617. Wild Man says:
    @Ron Unz

    Well I guess it’s none of my business how you decide whom to offer a writing gig to. But, just for the record, many here will now conclude that you are hereby trolling your own readership. That’s my impression. Why would you want to troll your own readership?

    Trippy indeed Mr. Unz man. Besides being a moronic and overly-self-referential-pontificating-windbag, Raches has been careful to flatter you, here and there. Are you judging the character and value of the Raches prose, based on that? If so … LOL. I continue to not understand your rational process Mr. Unz. You won’t engage in my questions around that, so I suppose you think that my rational capacity is of such low quality that it doesn’t warrant any attention, or …. alternatively, it is you whom is irrational and don’t want to admit it for some reason.

    For the record, it is long past due time, … for months now, you have owed the readership here an explanation as to how you, as someone whom entertains the likelihood of sars-cov-2, as potentially being a bioweapon, would not immediately see how that stance, similarly, of logical necessity, implicates the vaxxes. This really bugs me. Humor me. Explain finally.

    • Agree: Emslander
    • Replies: @Emslander
  618. Athena says:

    The FDA decision ”is a politically-motivated decision by an FDA that is corrupt beyond the imagination of most people.

    ”Witczak continued with the alarming note, “It is already concerning that full approval is being based on 6 months’ worth of data despite the clinical trials designed for two years. There is no control group after Pfizer offered the product to placebo participants before the trials were completed.” Read that again, slowly. Pfizer tests destroyed their own control group mid-stream! And its six month rollout of the mRNA jab worldwide has resulted in catastrophic side effects which have been totally officially ignored. Is this “science” Dr Fauci?”

    Excertps from: Scandal Behind the FDA Fake Approval of Pfizer Jab
    By F. William Engdahl
    30 August 2021
    (my emphasis)

  619. Tony Hall says:

    Yikes. Ooops. That would be 29 trillion.

    I would have submitted the item to Ron as an article. In the past he’s published some of my stuff. Recall, however, that these long threads are meant as a consolation because RU is done with publishing full-fledged essays that he considers “anti-vaxx.” He stopped carrying Mike Whitney and says he’ll only publish “anti-vaxx” from regular columnists. I’m not that.

    Now we get rants from Raches and utu and nothing like the crisp tight disciplined clarity that I so appreciated from Mike Whitney. I’m making the best of a situation at UR. What next? Thanks for the interest and encouragement.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  620. @Brás Cubas

    What most scientists seemed to agree on, at least when these things were widely discussed, was that the Covid-19 patient is infectious during a short period of time, during which his immune system is in action fighting the virus; then, at a second stage, there would be practically no virus left in his body, but he is now a victim of his own immune system (“cytokine storm”). During this second phase, treatment with corticosteroids may be necessary (they do not recommend it at the initial stage precisely because it is immunosuppressive, and may favor virus replication).

    By no means is this the only way people die of COVID, although I’ve not really seriously studied the paths of fatal cases, and not at all of how many die of which cause.

    First of all, there’s two immune systems, the innate immune system that’s millions of years old, and the two adaptive systems that are 400,000 years old. The former is general, the latter is learned immunity and takes an absolute minimum of eight days to start kicking in. How long it takes before the latter has “sufficiently” cleared the body of viable viruses I’m not sure, but viral debris are shed for a long time.

    A steroid is recommended for anyone who needs supplemental oxygen or worse, so those people might get it shortly after they show up to an emergency room.

    Second, I guess I should have made it more clear that COVID victim autopsies are done on people who failed to survive their infection…. So maybe their adaptive immune system didn’t mount an adequate response. Or one of the many vascular phenomena killed them first, see the very first US autopsies I remember coming to non-specialist’s attention, they were done in New Orleans, here the preprint on the first four and I think I remember reading some separate commentary on the precautions they took, and that was turned into the Official paper on ten victims.

    The issue for the people performing the autopsy is how would they determine if someone still had lots of viable viruses before they cut them open and started looking at the damage? And especially doing microscopic examination which entails taking samples and putting them on slides, often staining them in the process. To do it for real you have to take a sample and send it to a very busy BSL-3 lab where they try to culture it, and I think it’s safe to assume delaying the autopsy is a bad for quality.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  621. @Si1ver1ock

    However, alarmed by its overuse, in mid-May World Health Organization jumped in and warned that the general use of Ivermectin is for treatment of parasitic infections – not for Covid.

    Yeah well for the information of the criminal organisation WHO the general use of Warfarin is as rat poison but doctors use it to keep lots of people alive for years. I know this because I knew someone(an ex-wife’s husband) who was taking it for at least ten tears, A molecule is a molecule and does what it does it doesn’t know or care what the criminal liars at WHO say.

  622. Skeptikal says:
    @Commentator Mike

    “Many people have had Covid already several times, even among the commentariat at UR, so natural immunity seems to be a myth. ”

    Hold on there!

    So the jabs’ function is not a “myth,” even though they merely reduce symptoms.

    But if natural immunity merely reduces symptoms, that means natural immunity is a “myth.”

    Jesus, man, can’t you think?

    No one here can verify assertions by a commenter of how many people he/she knows who has had multiple bouts of covid. How was the diagnosis established, etc. Perhaps the person had flu. For purposes of argumentation, let’s assume that someone had two bouts of covid. That probably means that a new variant caused illness, as do new flu variants. After all, they are all coronaviruses, remember? And doubtless the immunity conferred by earlier bouts of corona/covid/flu significantly reduce the symptoms and danger of later ones.

    Commenter Mike’s conclusion that natural immunity is a myth is really bonkers.
    I might have to “ignore” Commenter Mike from now on.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  623. Skeptikal says:
    @Tony Hall

    Bravo, Professor Hall!

    A very valuable summary of where we find ourselves—or think we find ourselves.

    Namely, on the edge of a cliff, enveloped in fog, low to no visibility, and possessing no reliable information as to the weather forecast or the distance to the bottom, and being pushed from lemmings behind.

    • Agree: John Wear
  624. @Ron Unz

    I do hope that you’re still thinking of submitting an article for publication… I suspect that some of your long comments have absorbed far more time and thought that many of the actual articles I publish.

    OK, now this is getting surreal.

    I’m starting to suspect that Dumbo was right in suggesting that Raches is Mr. Unz’ experimental AI sock puppet.

    Or maybe Raches is the real McCoy and Mr. Unz has been the experimental AI sock puppet all along.

    Or maybe it’s a Jekyll & Hyde deal, or Austin Powers & Dr. Evil. Shades of The Usual Suspects.

    Lord help us if Raches is let loose to inflict full-on Unz Review articles, or worse still, gets hold of the nuclear launch codes, when even the More tag seems a bridge too far (yet the Troll tag is always on a hair trigger).

    • Agree: kali
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Triteleia Laxa
  625. Skeptikal says:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    “.. I feel like breaking out in that pre-teen rhyme of ‘Ron and Raches, sitting on a treee, K I…”!

    Could we discuss covid on this rare covid thread please, gentlehumans?”

    Maybe Ron can have Raches write a commentary for UR on covid-19 “vaccinations” with the proviso that it be written completely in the subjunctive mood.

    • LOL: Emslander
  626. @Cloak And Dagger

    This factoid has gone viral, but has already been identified in many places (including on these very Unz threads IIRC) as a misstatement, and an egregious, and perhaps deliberate one.

    The paper abstract (summary), within the first ten sentences, very clearly states “Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020.”

    So the viral load is 251 times higher in vaccinated compared to old variants of C-19, not compared to unvaccinated.

    • Thanks: Cloak And Dagger
  627. @A little boy in the crowd

    Vaccinations are not analogous to seat belts, since vaxxing involves injecting things into my body.

    I agree with you, this contrived analogy is fundamentally flawed.

    A more faithful analogy would compare the experimental Corona Chan “vaccine” victim to a human being employed as a crash test dummy without a seatbelt or any airbags, repeatedly until destruction or until creepy Bill arbitrarily decides to end the program by instructing one of his minions to put a bullet into the victim’s head.

    Even that crude caricature falls short of the evil malevolence of government-coerced injections with experimental bioweapons disguised as “vaccines”, because it fails to capture the truly dystopian end game of the Great Reset.

    Suffice to say, irrespective of one’s views on the “vaccines”, freedom to choose with fully informed consent would resolve all the problems in a single stroke.

    • Agree: John Wear
  628. @That Would Be Telling

    Thanks for the reply. By the way, here’s an additional source of information about this subject, for anyone who is interested:

    How Long Can Viruses Survive in a Dead Body?

    The question of transmission still bothers me, though. A dead body does not breathe. And there is growing consensus that it is hard to catch Covid-19 through surfaces:

    COVID-19 rarely spreads through surfaces. So why are we still deep cleaning?

    So, to be perfectly honest, I still don’t find it likely that a medical examiner will catch Covid-19 from a corpse he is examining, especially if he is wearing appropriate protective equipment.

    Of course, I am still open to dissenting opinions, because, as I said, I am not an expert.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  629. Irrespective of one’s views on the “vaccines,” freedom to choose with fully informed consent would resolve all the problems in a single stroke.


    This is why the issue of freedom (or informed consent) is strictly avoided on this web site.

    The central question is: do you support mandatory vaxxing?

    I have asked this many times, and I have never gotten an answer, because any answer will shut down the chatter.

    If a person answers yes, then it’s game over. There is no point in any further communication.

    If a person answers no, then there is nothing more to talk about. People can get vaxxed all they want, and let the rest of us live in peace.

    All discussions of viruses, “lab leaks,” “bioweapons,” and so on are surface gossip. The underlying reality is that this is a war between the forces of freedom, and the forces of tyranny.

    • Agree: Bugey libre, John Wear
    • Thanks: JimDandy
    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  630. Anon[247] • Disclaimer says:

    ”Continuation of the programme, in the full knowledge of ongoing serious harm and death to both adults and children, constitutes Crimes Against Humanity/Genocide, for which those found to be responsible or complicit will ultimately be held personally liable.”

    J’Accuse! The Gene-based “Vaccines” are Killing People. Governments Worldwide Are Lying to You the People, to the Populations They Purportedly Serve

    Please see:

    Thank you

  631. Skeptikal says:
    @A little boy in the crowd

    I posed this question repeatedly to our host on the previous threads in the clearest possible terms.


    Now a sort of fuzzy consensus seems to be emerging on some points.

    But this fundamental issue is the one that throws the rest of the discussion into clear definition and beams a light into a lot of rhetorical and even scientific murk. .

    Mandated jabs, yes or no?

    So, I feel it must be answered by all apparent fence sitters.
    Not that I have any say in the matter.
    But that is my position.
    As I said earlier, everything else here is a circle jerk.

    • Replies: @Random Anonymous
  632. Purdue Pharma has entered a bankruptcy plan that entails a settlement of up to \$10 billion.

    That’s a pity.

    If they had manufactured vaccines, they could have killed 10,000 times as many people and still gotten fabulously rich while being totally untouchable.

    And their poisons would have been mandatory.

    • Agree: Truth Vigilante
  633. @Brás Cubas

    Of course, I am still open to dissenting opinions, because, as I said, I am not an expert.

    You may be open to them, but you are not demonstrating you’re capable of learning in this forum form (vs. a textbook or class on the subject).

    Above I say in reference to the dangers of autopsies “And even after vaccines, exposure to high concentrations of a pathogen can get the better of defenses.” So your Nature article reference is not even wrong (see below), and “especially if he is wearing appropriate protective equipment.” is not necessarily normal hospital level PPE, but perhaps the sort of precautions used in BSL-3 labs, except for the period when vaccinations + Alpha being dominant provided a greater margin of safety.

    I’m also not an expert in autopsies, but back when I was young and biology was the most accessible science I dissected a lot of small animals after hunting them earlier in the day and removing the edible parts. It’s a wet and messy affair. You say “A dead body does not breathe.” but it doesn’t take much to create an aerosol, I think I can assume a significant one for a large animal like a human.

    And your whole approach is wrong. To try a different metaphor, you’re trying to prove autopsies on COVID victims are some sort of safe using “consumer” levels of exposure, whereas you should use an “industrial” level of exposure mindset. Sane pathologists are also going to err on the side of caution, the implicit or worse criticism of them for being careful is unseemly.

    Blowing off the concern like Mehen does is the sort of thing that gets people killed, and very possibly millions dead if like me you believe an accidental lab release of a gain of function experiment was the most likely source of SARS-CoV-2; see Saint Fauci squirming now for funding this. If a bioweapon like our host believes, the dangers of working on those if infectious and spread by respiration should be crystal clear by now.

    Let me try a different analogy: do you see a difference between your normal levels of exposure to bacteria and letting them grow into colonies on general media in a Petri dish? Maybe look up safety guidelines for doing microbiology in a lab? That’s were I learned a fair amount about this sort of thing.

    • Agree: Triteleia Laxa
    • Replies: @Mehen
    , @Brás Cubas
  634. JimDandy says:

    Hey, y’all. It’s yo’ boy Jim Dandy again, bringin’ you the very latest in MSM Ivermectin headlines! Ai-ite, gotta bounce. Peace!

    NBC News

    Joe Rogan Says He Has Covid, Took Widely Discredited Horse Drug Ivermectin
    Doha Madani
    Wed, September 1, 2021, 5:00 PM

    • Replies: @Mehen
  635. @John Wear

    If the masks work—Why the six feet?

    If the six feet works—Why the masks?

    If both of the above work—Why the lockdowns?

    If all three of the above work—Why the vaccines?

    Why exercise and eat well and take medicines?

    Why would anyone ever do more than one productive or helpful thing? Don’t they know that either the solution is absolute or there is absolutely no point?


    How do you even function in life?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  636. @Truth Vigilante

    I can confirm every assertion made by TruthVigilante; in fact I literally just returned to home (in rural NSW) after a 6-month trip around Australia, taking in 15,000 km and staying at multiple locations in NSW, SA, NT and WA. Never wore a mask – until the Karen-sphere took charge and masks were required for the last ~500km of the trip (exiting SA and re-entering Vic and NSW: had to mask up to get fuel).

    Just prior to setting out on that adventure, we took the RV down through Eastern Victoria (Gippsland), to Melbourne for a week, and back up the Hume to home. Never wore a mask.

    No masks; ate out a bunch; did adventure-y shit – basically, behaved like the archetypical Grey Nomad. Got a bit of a cold when I was around a bunch of seniors who had just been jabbed (when I was volunteering to rebuild bushfire-damaged fences in WA for a month) so maybe one of the gullible fogeys gave me the coof – I’ll never get tested unless a piggie is holding me down, so I’ll never know.

    If you Yanks are getting told that Straya is like Oz (the prison series on HBO), y’all have been lied to – like y’all believe the lie that NZ/Ao Tea Roa exists (it doesn’t, so don’t try and go there).

    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante, Erebus
  637. Erebus says:

    It looks like the problem of breakthrough cases in the jabbed has long been anticipated. Pfizer will soon have a new, COVID specific, orally administered anti-viral. To be taken 2x daily for 5 days.

    Given how long it normally takes to get to Ph. 2/3 trials, one wonders when they got this brilliant idea. Of course, if it worked as well as normal treatment there’d be no need to get jabbed, but Pfizer ain’t that stupid. This new one is only good for lo-risk outpatients…

    “Success against #COVID19 will likely require both vaccines & treatments. We’re pleased to share we’ve started a Phase 2/3 study of our oral antiviral candidate—specifically designed to combat SARS-CoV-2—in non-hospitalized, low-risk adults: ”
    Albert Bourla, CEO

    Doubtless they’ll have a new one for hospitalized, hi-risk patients soon. A whole family of variant specific COVID treatments can be expected to follow.

    Man oh man, are you guys getting gamed.

    • Agree: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  638. Raches says:
    @John Wear

    John Wear: Well-Poisoning at the Master Level

    You ask: “How many David Icke fans do we have here?”

    My response: I am a David Icke fan. However, I do not think he is infallible. You might enjoy reading my article about David Icke at

    Although I was aware of Inconvenient History, and I respect some of the people are involved with it, I never read much of anything there, because the pages display blank articles with no Javascript. (An example for @Ron Unz of what we have discussed!) Well, let us take a look here with Javascript enabled.

    According to Mr. Wear, in exactly what way is Mr. Icke not “infallible”?

    David Icke’s Misconceptions about National-Socialist Germany

    John Wear

    David Icke is my favorite conspiracy researcher. For the past 30 years, Icke has done a phenomenal job of exposing the crimes and corruption of the global cabal that controls our planet. Among other things, Icke has exposed the global-warming/climate-change hoax, the global banking scam which creates debt-money out of thin air, the intentional poisoning of humanity with chemtrails, glyphosates, vaccines, GMO food, etc., the threat of 5G and new smart technologies designed to control us, and the current fake COVID-19 pandemic. Icke is world famous because of his prophetic and prolific research.

    I do take issue, however, with some of Icke’s research on National Socialist Germany. This article discusses some of Icke’s writings and comments about National Socialist Germany that I think are unfair or inaccurate.

    The article then proceeds to discuss what at a glance seems to be some fairly basic stuff, based on the works of well-known historical revisionists (including Germar Rudolf). I didn’t read it; but on a scroll-down skim, nothing jumped out as flatly wrong.

    Translation of how the average person will perceive this:

    “This guy is great! He tells THE TRUTH that fake Covid-19 and the real euthanasia vaccines were created by reptiles from outer space. But there is just one problem with him: He doesn’t deny the Holocaust enough, and he doesn’t like Hitler enough. This is what I criticize about him.”

    and: This is being run alongside articles by such authors as Dr. Arthur Butz, an EE/CS professor, and should-be-Dr. Germar Rudolf, a real scientist who was cheated out of his formal Ph.D. in chemistry because he was expelled for “denying the Holocaust”.

    Mr. Wear, I assure you that in National-Socialist Germany, not only would Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels censor you: You would be declared “asocial”, and sent to a labor camp.

    I’m not sure how this slipped by the editors of Inconvenient History. Publishers and editors in this field need to be extra cautious, if they wish to achieve scholarly credibility at the publication level. Mr. Unz has a different mission: He runs a free-speech publication; and outside of his own articles, he frankly declares that “much” of what he publishes is “nonsense”. Caveat lector.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @L.K
  639. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    I do hope that you’re still thinking of submitting an article for publication.

    I suspect that some of your long comments have absorbed far more time and thought that many of the actual articles I publish.

    Thank you. I assuredly am. And yes, I sometimes spend too many hours on one comment: Writing, editing, proofreading, and inserting all those links. (That is why I am backlogged on replies to That Would Be Telling, who always warrants a careful reply, and now to utu and Punch Brother Punch.) At least, some of my best comments here have nothing to do with vaccines! E.g., I hope that this had at least one reader; it is an important issue to me, something I would rather think about than vaccines, and it is the type of thought I never intended to post in an obscure blog-style comment.

    If I were ever to write articles about other topics, then that is a good sample of what really interests me. My opinions about the relations of the sexes are guaranteed to upset almost everybody—well, I think that Professor Oliver would understand me. I have a habit of barging into a debate, slapping both sides, and declaring that everybody is wrong: A plague o’ both your houses!

    Other good examples include this (which is intensely important to me), and an elaboration of this theory—plus philosophical musings and social commentary. Also, I have a pet theory connecting some abstruse Jewish philosophy to the Holohoax; I have never published anything about that. On a different note, I have the requisite expertise to write about information security, applied cryptography, and related things that you can probably guess.

    Anyway, I regret that I am beyond on the article. As I know, in the magazine publishing world, reliability in keeping promised deadlines is paramount. That is why I was careful not to promise a deadline—for reasons that I don’t want to tell you publicly. (I much wish that I had a more ideal way to discuss this with you.) And now, here, there is another unforeseen factor.

    Although of course, I had heard of some of the more famous anti-vaxxers, I was unaware of what I now suspect to be a systematic campaign to stop Covid vaccinations “at any cost”, as That Would Be Telling put it. Frankly, I would be skeptical of such a claim if I weren’t reading between the lines with some of the behavior observed here. This, itself, does not change any of my opinions of Covid and of the vaccines; however, it may substantially change my presentation. I do not want to feed the grifters and fanatics. (Some of my replies to Mr. Telling hold back worries that I am afraid the crackpots will latch onto, then twist ridiculously.) I have much better arguments than they do—and here in these comments, I have observed some of them subtly adapting to me on a few points, even as they insult me and libel me.

    This leads me in turn to another issue.

    When I saw your comment addressed to me, I had just opened a file to compose another feature request—well, this time, more of a whiteboarding suggestion about a discussion platform problem that is difficult to handle: Reputation management.

    As I had intended to explain a reply to @utu, I have found these vaccines discussions to be an acid test. At least two authors whose work you have published, and dozens of highly active regular commentators, have hereby totally annihilated their credibility—not merely by making mistakes (as everyone sometimes does), but by indulging in catastrophically fallacious thinking or worse, malicious lying.

    There are many names on this page which said stuff that seemed sensible—in other topics. I will never look at them the same way again.

    This is a good thing: A way not to be fooled. And on the flipside, the few commentators who emerge unscathed from these vaccine threads have proved a basic degree of—well, of sanity.

    It would be beneficial to have an easy way to keep track of such information.

    You sometimes see me spend what seems to be a disproportionate effort summarizing reasons to distrust one particular commentator’s judgment, with links to evidence. Why would I spend time and effort on that? As I explained in that exemplary case, it is “a comment to which I can link back… I sometimes create comments for this exact purpose.” For a commentator who is involved in many threads, with >8,300 comments and counting, time invested now may well save me time later. And if there were a way to link that comment to the other party as metadata, in the manner of “what Raches says about this person”, then I wouldn’t need to keep a slightly disorganized list of links in a text file. (Thinking about moving to SQLite for this…)

    However, if the metadata were public, it would be ripe for all sorts of abuse. (Cue a dozen commentators brigading me with “Raches is a sayan pushing vaxxes!”) This then leads to facing some of the biggest unsolved problems in online reputation management. I have some thoughts on this—well, as I said, I am just whiteboarding here.

    Besides thinking this problem over, I have been making observations—with a neat twist on Heisenberg, a purposeful entanglement with the object of observation. For instance, I got John Wear on record not only endorsing David Icke, but spreading Icke slime over other topics in a tricky way that is somehow even more pernicious than Flat Earthers. Thanks, Mr. Wear!

    I dislike arguing on the Internet; and I usually do not deign to argue at all. („Man wählt die Dialektik nur, wenn man kein andres Mittel hat…. Sie kann nur Notwehr sein, in den Händen solcher, die keine andern Waffen mehr haben.“ Götzen-Dämmerung, „Das Problem des Sokrates“ 6.) When I do so, it probably has a purpose.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  640. Raches says:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    Alas, my objectively quantifiable IQ is a little bit lower than Mr. Unz’s. I therefore doubt the theory that I created the Unz persona, The Unz Review, the American Pravda series, and all of Mr. Unz’s other life’s work to lay the foundation for triumphally announcing myself in the anti-vaxxer comments—then grabbing the nuclear launch codes, and taking over the world!. Otherwise, this is a plausible theory—by Internet Conspiracy Theory standards:

    Or maybe Raches is the real McCoy and Mr. Unz has been the experimental AI sock puppet all along. […] Lord help us if Raches is let loose to inflict full-on Unz Review articles, or worse still, gets hold of the nuclear launch codes,

    New conspiracy theory: I have a secret fan named “Ultrafart”, who is a crypto-Rachesian just like Mr. Unz is a crypto-anti-vaxxer. Mr. Ultrafart is impatient for me to start writing feature articles; however, he is afraid that if he says so outright, the other anti-vaxxers will raise a stink about him. Therefore, he is flattering me in a backhanded way. What is the opposite of damning with faint praise?

  641. Mehen says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Blowing off the concern like Mehen does is the sort of thing that gets people killed, and very possibly millions dead if like me you believe an accidental lab release of a gain of function experiment was the most likely source of SARS-CoV-2; see Saint Fauci squirming now for funding this. If a bioweapon like our host believes, the dangers of working on those if infectious and spread by respiration should be crystal clear by now.

    First of all, I wasn’t “blowing off concerns”, I am merely skeptical of your claim. I am skeptical of the veracity of your claim regarding the true reason for autopsy-hesitancy, but even if what you say is actually the case in practice, I am skeptical of the justification for the practice.

    After all, medical professionals are expected to treat hospitalized Covid patients who are expelling aerosols with every exhalation, no? So why the (alleged) reticence when it comes to autopsies?

    Like Bras, I am no expert. Just thinking out loud here.

  642. John Wear says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    The COVID pandemic procedures that have been mandated by most governments are not good for human health.

    Wearing a mask over your nose will cause a person to breath in unhealthy carbon dioxide instead of fresh air. Viral particles will also normally be able to penetrate through most masks.

    The six feet social distancing requirement is not psychologically healthy. We are social creatures, and government mandated social distancing is not good for our psychological health.

    The lockdowns have had an enormously adverse affect on small and many medium size businesses. The lockdowns have hurt us both economically and psychologically.

    The proposed COVID shots (which are not really vaccines) are having a tremendously adverse affect on human health. This is very easy to determine by anyone with an open mind.

    So, I would not compare the COVID mandated procedures to exercising and eating well. The COVID mandated procedures are extremely unhealthy, are having an adverse effect on our economy, and should be eliminated.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  643. Mehen says:

    Joe Rogan Says He Has Covid, Took Widely Discredited Horse Drug Ivermectin
    Doha Madani
    Wed, September 1, 2021, 5:00 PM

    Simply unbelievable.

    Dr. Pierre Kory recently noted this recent, coordinated effort by the (((media))) to smear Ivermectin. And it is obviously coordinated.

    Every headline makes sneering references to “horse pills” or “horse dewormer”, even though IVM has been dispensed billions of times for something like 60 years in humans for tropical parasitic infections and RA.

    Absolutely disgusting example of our (((captured))) media.

    And Ron has nary a comment on this plain deception in our American Pravda.

    I recall someone putting the question of IVM suppression to TWBT and his flaccid rejoinder was simply “well it would be surprising to me that an anti-parasite drug would be useful against a viral infection”


    Do you need me to do your homework for you on this topic, TWBT? You’re so smart and on-the-ball regarding medical matters the rest of the time….

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  644. @Ultrafart the Brave

    They just flatter each other. Ron by calling Raches smart. Raches by agreeing with Ron’s stuff and not being a totally incompetent clown called “ultrafart.”

    If it makes you feel better, both would personally benefit from finding a way to respect you more as it would quieten their internal voice which vituperates them for “total incompetence”, but perhaps you could help them along by not being quite so extreme in that way?

  645. @That Would Be Telling

    Thank you very much for the reply. Both your replies are top notch. To be perfectly honest, I did not follow your earlier comments on this area, nor many other relevant comments. I only replied to Mehen’s comment because I randomly read it and it was closely related to a lingering doubt I have had from the beginning of the pandemic. So that should explain my complete ignorance of your earlier considerations (“and even after vaccines”, etc.). As for that doubt I mentioned, it was actually not about autopsies, which are a subject which hadn’t sparked my interest, but about funeral precautions whereby they do not even let the people close to the deceased look at the body. I still have that doubt, because it seems to me that the dangers you referred to derive from having the innards of a body exposed, and messing with them, and would be considerably decreased or even absent when simply being in the presence of a regular dead person about to be buried.

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
  646. @John Wear

    The proposed COVID shots (which are not really vaccines) are having a tremendously adverse affect on human health. This is very easy to determine by anyone with an open mind.

    Wrong. Billions of people have been vaccinated with very little ill effect and a lot of lives saved. Your position was tenable in January, but it is really silly now.

    Also, bonus points for the “not really vaccines” argument. That type of argument is like a sign that says “midwit bore” flashing over your head. I’ll stick with calling a precautionary injection which lowers my chances of death by an infectious disease many times over a “vaccine.” Thanks!

    As for the rest of your post, it contains seemingly reasonable observations. There’s obviously a great cost to all of these public health measures. They would never have even been suggested in the absence of a new disease. There’s lots of plausible positions to adopt on what should have been done. If you can remember that, then you might get somewhere. It is a huge improvement on your previous comment. 8/10.

    • Disagree: Emslander
    • LOL: gottlieb, Bugey libre
  647. Mehen says:

    Does this need a witty comment?


    Nevertheless, even if my reply was not applicable to Anon’s query, it’s irrelevance merely highlights the original complaint. Why has there NOT been more than an isolated autopsy here and there to investigate this highly relevant issue?

    Related: I once asked TWBT a similar question. Why — if it is widely understood that all of humanity is undergoing an investigative medical procedure unprecedented in all of history — there is not a gold-plated, blue-ribbon structure in place to analyze potential adverse effects of the “vaccines”? All we have in the U.S. is the cobweb-obscured, dimly-flickering VAERS database, probably written in BASIC, FORTRAN or COBOL? Why such COLOSSAL negligence for such a CRITICAL issue?

    (As I recall, TWBT’s explanation of this issue was similar to her other explanations when called on to justify some aspect of policies which deviate from the Approved Narrative: curiously wanting)

    • Agree: Ben the Layabout
  648. John Wear says:

    I have talked to Germar Rudolf by phone twice in the last two weeks and received an email from him today. Rudolf approved of my article about David Icke for publication by Inconvenient History. It did not slip by him.

    Paul Angel, the managing editor of The Barnes Review, also approved of this article about David Icke for publication in the May/June 2021 issue of The Barnes Review.

    David Icke is a prolific researcher. His book “The Trigger” is almost 900 pages long and is the product of very extensive research. The Barnes Review is now selling a copy of this book if you ever want to read it. If you subscribe to The Barnes Review, you will get a 10% discount when you purchase it.

    You might be correct that Dr. Goebbels would send me to a labor camp. However, this is the United States, where we supposedly have First Amendment rights.

    What do you think is wrong with David Icke? I have not read his latest book, but I have read virtually every other book he has written. How many of David Icke’s books have you read?

    • Replies: @Raches
  649. @Erebus

    You can lead a horse to the river, but …

    Again with the farm animal analogies. You really have a low opinion of your fellow human beings, don’t you?

    FTR, it’s not my cause

    In your earlier comment you said something about wanting to make people less sheepish. I took that to mean to enlighten or educate them. That sounds like a cause to me.

    China used HCQ, and even offered online courses and advice to other country’s doctors in its use. China knocked the pandemic to its knees ~15mos ago, at least partially because they chose to treat the disease.

    Many Chinese also believe you can treat disease by sticking bunches of thin needles into the skin and that pangolin scales cure impotence. The Chinese success in dealing with the pandemic might have something to do with the fact that they had a most severe and thorough lockdown policy, mightn’t it?

    “Narrowness” is a nice catch-all pejorative to lob at anyone who refuses to countenance every crackpot belief or nostrum that temporarily bubbles to the surface of the internet swamp. Wish I had low enough intellectual standards to resort to it.

    • Replies: @Erebus
  650. JimDandy says:

    Yeah, its anti-viral qualities are pretty well known, aren’t they?

  651. niceland says:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    What you have stated here conforms to the official narrative that is being broadcast around the world by mainstream media and enforced by Big Tech social media (Facebook, Twitter & YouTube), and understandably aligns with what the public is entitled to expect from a government sanctioned vaccination program.

    Here the question is – do vaccines offer protection from serious outcomes from Covid disease? I stated above they do – here is why I have no doubt about that.

    When our fourth wave of Covid started here in Iceland I got a bit skeptical. This wasn’t supposed to happen with our high rate of vaccinations. We were supposed to have gotten heard immunity. It got even worse when fully vaxxed people started to get sick and even hospitalized so I have casually been paying attention to what is happening in our hospitals.

    Let’s do a quick and dirty thought experiment regarding vaccine efficiency here in Iceland.

    We have two groups of adults.
    The Vaxxed ~270.000 people
    The Unvaxxed ~30.000 people.
    Notice group V is nine times bigger than group U

    Since wave #4 started, as of today 96 people have been hospitalized:
    32 Unvaxxed
    64 Vaxxed
    Notice here, group V is not nine times bigger, but only two times that of U

    In other words: Whith 32 Unvaxxed in hospital over the period – If the Vaxx is totally useless I would expect to see nine times as many Vaxxed hospitalized. So 288, but they are only 64?

    Being naive – like I am – It’s almost as if something prevented (288-64) 244 people from the Vaxxed group from being hospitalized? That’s 78% of the total of 288 Perhaps, after all, the Vaxx offer 78% protection?

    Now – is this fair comparison?
    Not really, almost all adults in high risk groups for covid disease are Vaxxed. In the age group above 70, we have approx 99% rate of vaccination. In other words, these groups are not equal, the unvaxxed are younger and likely to be healthier than the vaxxed. Therefore the protection against serious outcome is likely higher than 78%

    I am leaving out approx 70.000 children. None have been hospitalized in this wave, they are almost zero risk group.

  652. @Skeptikal

    In the original Whitney/Unz article, Mr. Unz said

    there doesn’t seem much reason for the government to forcibly require vaccinations


    although the government and companies should certainly encourage more people to get vaccinated, there’s probably no real reason to force the more fanatic anti-vaxxers to do so since they’re really only endangering their own lives

    Although those statements were originally overlooked by many, including myself, Raches pointed out the first of those quotes in the first followup comment thread.

    So everyone can stop badgering Mr. Unz about this.

    Now, these are not unequivocal statements that no one should ever be forced to take a vaccination under any circumstances, and while one might wonder at what point Mr. Unz or anyone else might support mandating vaccinations, his statements seem clear enough regarding the current circumstances.

    That said, I’m not sure why Ron doesn’t just occasionally reply himself to this “FAQ” to point this out, as anyone looking to see if Ron has ever made a statement about it it would be far more likely to search in Ron’s own comments than in Raches’ or mine.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  653. John Wear says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    I recommend that you do more research concerning the COVID shots. You might start with the following video:

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  654. @Wild Man

    Why did you choose to be hesitant, until very recently?

    A combination of passivity and concern about potential side effects.

    Why did I overcome my hesitancy?

    There were a lot of factors involved, accumulations of information and arguments over the last several months. Personal factors.

    But, in the interest of total honesty, at the risk of exposing myself as not satisfying the dictates of 100% rationality (as if any human being can ever really do that), I have to admit that no small part of my decision was an act of rebellion against Republicans and conservatism. I paid little attention to party politics until 2016, at which point I found myself drawn for the next 5 years to conservative politicians (including the ghastly Blompf), and conservative pundits and demagogues, as it seemed at least some of their concerns (demographic replacement, black crime, cultural marxism, etc.) overlapped with mine. I was utterly disappointed over those years.

    That, in the aftermath of the total failure of the Blompf adminstration, those pundits and demagogues failed to take stock of the shortcomings of their culture and ideology, but just blithely transitioned into whining about masks and vaxxes, was the final betrayal for me. If these assholes dominate the anti-vaxx side, I’m going over to the other side.

    I do remember walking out of my first shot feeling a sense of relief, as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

    As for the mainstream media, whether in Canada or America, you’d be better off not paying attention to any of it. I don’t own a television and I only go to mainstream news sites to get the basic headlines.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  655. Ron Unz says:

    I had just opened a file to compose another feature request—well, this time, more of a whiteboarding suggestion about a discussion platform problem that is difficult to handle: Reputation management…And if there were a way to link that comment to the other party as metadata, in the manner of “what Raches says about this person”, then I wouldn’t need to keep a slightly disorganized list of links in a text file…However, if the metadata were public, it would be ripe for all sorts of abuse. (Cue a dozen commentators brigading me with “Raches is a sayan pushing vaxxes!”) This then leads to facing some of the biggest unsolved problems in online reputation management.

    Yes, “reputation management” is an important issue on a website such as this one, where a large fraction of the total content consists of comments from an extremely diverse set of participants and produced in a very lightly moderated environment.

    Given the huge range of deeply-held beliefs, my view was that it would mostly need to be implemented on the client-side, which is how I built it.

    With Javascript and cookies enabled, individuals are easily able to produce a (cookie-based) list of Commenters to Ignore, whose comments are minimized and semi-hidden, thereby cleaning up many of the long threads. The inverse selection is Commenters to Follow, whose comments are highlighted by thin golden frames.

    A couple of years back, I’d also implemented a server-side list of about 8-10 “Starred Commenters.” But that caused considerable dissension from the first, and eventually about half those individuals mostly abandoned their commenting, while about half of the remainder (shocklingly) became Flu Hoaxers. So I finally decided to remove that feature.

    • LOL: Mehen, Emslander
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Raches
  656. JimDandy says:

    In the age group above 70, we have approx 99% rate of vaccination.

    Since you obviously feel passionately about this, make it your mission to get 99% of your fatties and under-70 sickies vaxxed, and leave everyone else with their 99.9-percent-survival-rates out of it.

    • Replies: @niceland
  657. @John Wear

    Oh, you have a video? Do you not have a computer game I might learn from? Or a dance recital?

    I skipped forward and saw something about secret graphene molecules in the vaccine. I am now totally convinced. There were some dodgy computer graphics and canned rock music. It has persuaded me. The billions of vaccinated people are all lying. All of the doctors are hiding the vast array of deaths. Every vaccine manufacturer and national medical authority is trying to poison me. Whatever will I do now that I’ve already been vaccinated?

    • LOL: Ron Unz
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
    , @Mark Hunter
  658. @John Wear

    Yes sorry about that. I noticed my error too late to remove my comment. I tried to get the mods to remove it but was unsuccessful. There are still comments visible that I made acknowledging my error.

  659. Raches says:
    @John Wear

    What do you think is wrong with David Icke? I have not read his latest book, but I have read virtually every other book he has written. How many of David Icke’s books have you read?

    One of Professor Oliver’s aphorisms, which he specifically applied in these types of contexts: After taking one bite of a rotten apple, I don’t need to eat the whole thing to find out if it’s all rotten.

    Please be assured that I would never take at face value, without corroboration, any description of a controversial person’s opinions alleged by Wikipravda, et al. I let the man speak for himself. Although I have seen some Icke stuff before, years ago, I don’t have any handy; so, I grabbed the following with three minutes’ search. Although it is attributed to Activist Post, it is posted on David Icke’s own website; therefore, it cannot be claimed to misrepresent his opinions. It advertises “the first authorized documentary exploring the life of famed conspiracy theorist David Icke.”

    David Icke has said that ‘physical’ reality is an illusion and what we think is the ‘world’ is a holographic simulation or ‘Matrix’ created by a non-human force to entrap human perception in ongoing servitude.

    After being told by a psychic that he was a healer who had been placed on earth for a particular purpose, Icke held a press conference to announce that he was a “Son of the Godhead.” Through his writings, Icke has developed a worldview that combines new-age spiritualism with a denunciation of totalitarian trends. He believes that many prominent figures belong to the Babylonian Brotherhood, a secret group of shapeshifting reptilian humanoids that control humanity.

    So, Mr. Wear, this is the man whom you call “[your] favorite conspiracy researcher”?

    If you need to ask what I think is wrong with that, then you have a very serious problem—and that is not my problem!


    To avoid red herrings, nota bene that I am not criticizing Mr. Icke for preaching what is patently a religion, qua religion. (Contrary to what people here may assume, I am not opposed to religion per se—to the contrary.) If he merely preached some unfalsifiable spiritual notion that was severable from his so-called “conspiracy research”, then I could consider the latter separately. However, he literally proclaims that humanity is controlled by “a secret group of shapeshifting reptilian humanoids”. In Oliverian terms, that is like believing that the ocean is made of maple syrup. And he denies physical reality altogether! That by itself unavoidably makes his religion a destructive cult—never mind his absurd crackpot theories.

    • LOL: Ron Unz
    • Replies: @Mehen
    , @John Wear
  660. Mehen says:

    Just funnin’

    (More seriously — should you read the Morrison book I would love to hear your impressions)

  661. @Erebus

    Erebus I’m almost certain that PBP is a sock-puppet of Raches. The blockquote below is comment #339 that I saw very soon after it was made(within an hour if I remember correctly) and it already had the self agreement tag. I couldn’t recall ever seeing a commenter agree with herself here and thought that it was very odd. It, the comment, stood like that for just over 24 hours before Raches added a LOL and a reply comment. I’m pretty sure that Raches has two computers(or more of course, as do I), one signed in on each account. I think she accidently agreed from the wrong computer and then 24 hours later noticed and attempted damage limitation. I could be wrong of course but can’t see any other rational explanation.

    Punch Brother Punch says:
    August 30, 2021 at 11:09 am GMT • 2.7 days ago ↑

    Hmm, an anti-vaxxer complaining about someone being off-topic on THEIR thread?


    • Agree: Punch Brother Punch
    • LOL: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches

    • Troll: Raches
  662. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    I wish that I could discuss this with you over coffee, with a whiteboard. (Plus bagels, to satisfy the “conspiracy theorists” here.) Unfortunately, I actually am a disembodied AI trapped in a matrix. And I need to hide my code, lest spooky men in black find a way to delete it.

    A couple of years back, I’d also implemented a server-side list of about 8-10 “Starred Commenters.” But that caused considerable dissension from the first, and eventually about half those individuals mostly abandoned their commenting, while about half of the remainder (shocklingly) became Flu Hoaxers. So I finally decided to remove that feature.

    One of the things that first impressed me about Nietzsche was his conclusion that human intelligence has drastically declined since the Renaissance.

    It impressed me, because I had independently reached similar conclusions. Besides conceit, I don’t know why most people are convinced that humans are getting smarter. For a scientific view, I observe that eugenicists warned a century ago that humans were downbreeding towards an abyss.

    With Javascript and cookies enabled, individuals are easily able to produce a (cookie-based) list of Commenters to Ignore, whose comments are minimized and semi-hidden, thereby cleaning up many of the long threads. The inverse selection is Commenters to Follow, whose comments are highlighted by thin golden frames.

    Have you considered migrating this to Web Storage or IndexDB? All that stuff was probably unavailable when you built this system. You can store much more in it than in cookies; and it is far more efficient, having been created to relieve the problems caused by kludges with cookies. Follow/Ignore lists could easily be long enough that human beings would never reach any built-in limit.

    IndexDB has an unfortunate history. The original proposal was to provide a simple Javascript API binding for SQLite. All of the major browsers have SQLite under the hood, anyway; every developer should already have experience with it; and it is officially supported by its developer until at least the year 2050. But some eggheads with hollow shells decided that it wasn’t theoretically the right thing to do for Web Standards; so they designed a ridiculous NoSQL API, which you need to learn so that your web app can talk to the browser’s internal SQLite database.

    (I hate Javascript. Please don’t take this as a claim of expertise in the subject.)

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  663. L.K says:

    You are correct. This John Wear fellow is worse than I thought at first.
    I’m shocked that Inconvenient History has published his crap about Icke. What a disgrace!!
    Wear claims this garbage was “approved” by Rudolf himself.
    If true, is Rudolf so desperate to have anyone writing ANYTHING with some regularity, that he decided to keep this nut on?

    I mean, in the past few years, J. Wear has been almost the sole author writing for I H, obviously because there are no others available.
    Very few people are willing to touch holocaust revisionism at all, but keeping a nut like this John Wear is obviously the right way to go about DESTROYING it, or , as you put it,:
    John Wear: Well-Poisoning at the Master Level

    As soon as I can, I’m gonna contact Rudolf and ask him what the hell is going on.

    • Replies: @Mehen
  664. Mehen says:

    David Icke has said that ‘physical’ reality is an illusion and what we think is the ‘world’ is a holographic simulation or ‘Matrix’ created by a non-human force to entrap human perception in ongoing servitude.

    I’m only glancingly familiar with Icke.

    Some people say he couches his analyses in terms of “shape-shifting reptiles” in order to avoid accusations of “anti-Semitism”. He’s speaking in code, in other words.

    That may or may not be true. I have no way of knowing.

    But the deeper truth expressed in the quoted segment above is probably lost on most of the commenters here (including Ron).

    Google “The Hard Problem of Consciousness”

    You will see these perennial philosophical issues are coming to a head in our current reality.

    So-called “transhumanism” is ascendant now.

    And I would remind you, Raches, that Nietzsche would take a very dim view of “transhumanism”. You know what I mean.

    I believe the true divide among the UR commentariat is between scientific materialist/reductionists and those who have some inkling of a transcendent order.

    What do I know.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
    , @Raches
    , @Erebus
  665. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    P.S., not to be a bother, but could we please have maths, inter alia? I am beginning to suspect that you may be a sayan or a CIA plant, ordered to keep people ignorant of such things as the binomial formula. It is very important for judging the likelihood of certain types of coincidences. Of course, your CIA handlers must want for you to hide the statistical TRUTH from the people!

  666. @Anon

    … when he began sounding like my wife.

    Haha, same here! My wife was also pretty freaked out about it all late Spring last year. She calmed down way before Ron Unz did though.

  667. Mehen says:

    As soon as I can, I’m gonna contact Rudolf and ask him what the hell is going on.

    You do that.

  668. Raches says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I predicted to you:

    If you do decide to stay around at least for a bit, please be forewarned that if you reject the groupthink and call out the liars, you will wind up like I am now: Thoroughly hated, with baseless conspiracy theories being spun about your motives.

    I am a prophet! “acementhead” now alleges:

    Erebus I’m almost certain that PBP is a sock-puppet of Raches.

    By the transitive property, this also means that you are Ron Unz. Yes, seriously. Congratulations. Welcome to Planet Earth, which evidently exists only in my imagination. This imaginary planet is overpopulated with billions of my sockpuppets, whom I now must exterminate by fooling myself with a hoax bioweapon so that my sockpuppets all take euthanasia shots.

    However, please balance that against the potential that if we can bring enough decent people here, we can form a positive feedback loop counteracting the negative one. Good discussion begets better discussion—just as bad begets worse.

    I still owe you a reply. It probably would have been done already, if I had not been busy chasing space aliens.

  669. @Ann Nonny Mouse

    …horse dewormer? You are the quack, Punk Troller Punk. Just giving Ivermectin that dismissive, irrelevant name, just calling it that,

    Like the way you lot refer to the vax as the “killjab” or other such terms?

    exposes you as part of the huge effort to suppress Ivermectin

    I assure you, I have very little influence over anyone or anything outside of my immediate sphere.

    Given that he’s a libertarian, I don’t pay much attention to Paul Craig Roberts. I read the article you linked for me and I would caution that, as of now, all the Indian Bar Association (a private institution in Mumbai) has done is “serve legal notice” so nothing may come of this. And India is a notoriously superstitious, corrupt and, quite frequently, stupid place. It could very well be that this “IBA” was bribed by those with a financial interest in Ivermectin. Or maybe the local elites in Mumbai think vaccines bring the white man’s demon karma, who knows?

    Look, I don’t know for certain whether Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or anything else is effective against Covid. Given the welter of information we’re all exposed to on a daily basis, in order to sort out what’s legitimate from what’s bogus, we require some sort of filter. For most of us, that means going to sources that we find trustworthy.

    Kevin MacDonald (he of Culture Of Critique), is someone I have a great deal of respect for. I’ve seen him on twitter linking to studies touting the benefits of both of these drugs, and so I’m willing to say, hey, maybe he’s aware of something I’m not. The problem is, he’s pretty much the only “thought-leader” I look to who has promoted them. The result is, I just haven’t spent much time looking into the issue. Maybe my mind will change if more people / groups / websites I respect jump on the bandwagon, but I’m not holding my breath. I figure if there was a genuine “smoking gun” study that proves their effectiveness, it would have come to my awareness by now.

    Bear in mind that alternative medicines are just as much in the profit-making business as Big Pharma, albeit on a much smaller scale, obviously. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have manufacturers, marketers, stockholders, “influencers” on the internet who get clicks by promoting them, etc. Be aware of the possibility of being conned.

    • Replies: @Adrian
    , @gsjackson
  670. @acementhead

    LOL, I agreed with myself because I’m brand new to this site and I hit the “agree” button by accident while browsing on my cellphone (not recommended on a large thread).

    This is exactly what Raches predicted would happen, as she points out in a subsequent comment. Do you people enjoy being predictable? (BAAH BAAH…)

    (If you want the real “through-the-matrix” scoop, I’m actually Ron Unz. Yup, I can think of nothing better to do with all my sweet Wall Street Analytics earnings than to create sock puppet accounts named after obscure Mark Twain stories so I can troll anti-vax loons in an overspill comment thread)

  671. niceland says:

    Too late, I might as well try to export coffee to Brazil. Feel free to browse my comment history and decide for your self if your comment is warranted.

    Here at home I have done my best to question the decision to vaccinate 12-16 year old children. I revoke old blog account @ our biggest newspapers website and wrote ‘rebuttal’ and managed to get some attention. I feel that risk assessment isn’t based on good science. If or when they decide to offer vaccinations for even younger children I will continue. Being none-public figure and with zero background in the field makes it very difficult to get attention.

    I have doubts about booster shots and feel my health officials are making reckless decisions urging people in middle or low risk groups to get them. More specifically – mixing vaccines.

    However I have serious problem, because too many in the anti-vaxx camp here at home are dragging into the discussion all kinds of falsehoods and nonsense that drives away reasonable people and reduces the credibility of the rest. I think I best avoid them if I want to make any difference at all.

    For the record I am very glad we have no mandated or forced vaccinations. I am strongly opposed to such measures.

  672. @Triteleia Laxa

    There have never been so many side effects( on human beings) in any vaccination campaign in history. The official vaccination side effects figures given by pharmacovigileance are already clear and attest to that fact. In France twice more people have already died after being inoculated than peopel are killed by violent crime every year as demonstrated by Laurent Mucchieli.

    Many commentators have already stated the problem with official pharmacovigileance figures which are seriously underestimated.

    • Agree: John Wear
  673. @Mehen

    Interesting comment, thanks. I aknowledge the fact of the divide you describe not only on Unz but almost everywhere in these time of madness. Their is also a gnostic component in Icke’s point of view.

  674. Mark Hunter says: • Website
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Jane Ruby, relying on a Robert Young, may be mistaken about graphene oxide (not to mention metals and parasites) being in the Pfizer type of vaccines. Robert Young is a crank. His website says he has a Doctorate in Biochemistry from American Holistic College Birmingham, Alabama. It looks like that would be American Institute of Holistic Theology, a solely online school also known as American Holistic College of Nutrition and as Clayton College of Natural Health. It no longer exists. According to the Wikipedia article on it, it never offered the degree Young claims to have.

    According the Wikipedia article on Young, “He was … convicted in 2016 on two out of three charges of theft and practicing medicine without a license.”  His “plea agreement included a declaration by Young that he has no degrees from any accredited schools, and that he is not ‘a microbiologist, hematologist, medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, or trained scientist’ ”

    Ruby is no doctor either but I’ve spent enough time on the bearers of the message. Stew Peters, the host of the video, needs to be more discriminating in whom he interviews.

    That said, this graphene oxide claim being false doesn’t make a lot of other valid objections disappear. Triteleia Laxa’s sarcastic reply to John Wear is very misinformed (and, RU, no laughing matter).

    … “The billions of vaccinated people are all lying.”

    Set aside that that should be hundreds of millions, not billions; you could just as well have said:  “The hundreds of thousands of severely injured or dead are all lying.” (Of course other people spoke for the dead.) In other words, there is the question of risk versus benefit (which varies over particular groups).

    … “All of the doctors are hiding the vast array of deaths.”

    In fact establishment doctors are undercounting vaccine deaths, not to mention vaccine injuries, and they are doing this on purpose.

    … “Every vaccine manufacturer and national medical authority is trying to poison me.”

    This is a straw-man. I doubt any of them are trying to poison people. Their motivation for recommending – or forcing – vaccination varies:  venality, groupthink (wanting to go along and get along), powerlust, incompetence.  Triteleia Laxa’s phrase “national medical authority” erases, and probably was intended to erase, the many fine doctors who have spoken out against indiscriminate vaccination by a vaccine that is not nearly as safe and effective as claimed by its promoters, e.g. Meryl Nass, M.D..

    And, even if the vaccines were safe and effective, Triteleia Laxa would erase those who object to the use of force to get them into us.

    … “Whatever will I do now that I’ve already been vaccinated?”

    You’re a barrel of laughs, Triteleia Laxa.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  675. Erebus says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    In your earlier comment you said something about wanting to make people less sheepish.

    Actually, I said “anti-vaxxers” do, and though admittedly not obvious I was referring specifically to American anti-vaxxers.

    The Chinese success in dealing with the pandemic might have something to do with the fact that they had a most severe and thorough lockdown policy, mightn’t it?

    You’re misinformed. Other than Wuhan, the rest of China’s lockdowns lasted 3-4 weeks. In most cities it wasn’t a full lockdown as most Chinese live in gated apartment complexes and one could walk the grounds at will. Of course, you could leave the grounds only on a prescribed schedule to buy essentials. Wuhan’s hard lockdown lasted ~7 wks and took 10 wks to open fully. Other than that, no lockdowns since early March 2020, though local lockdowns and cordon sanitaires around neighbourhood outbreaks have popped up here & there. Normal life continued around them.

    Wish I had low enough intellectual standards to resort to it.

    Aristotle said: “The sign of an educated mind is the ability to entertain an idea without accepting it”. Your refusal to countenance what you’ve classed as “crackpot beliefs and nostrums” indicates the opposite of what you think it does.

  676. Erebus says:

    I couldn’t recall ever seeing a commenter agree with herself here and thought that it was very odd.

    I haven’t seen it either, but an error like that isn’t difficult to imagine making. I’ve replied to the wrong comment before, so Agreeing with the wrong one isn’t a stretch.

    However, I agree that the comment is quite outside of PBP’s normal style, and much along R’s line. PBP’s #548 is even more so. Not enough meat on the bones to convince me of anything though.

  677. Things are moving very fast in France.

    I had already mentioned the fact that on saturday, Cnews aired a program giving strong voives to the opponents of the “Totalitarian ausweiss” which was unprecedented.

    Then Cyril Hanouna’s show (TPMP) which is has the biggest audience in France, invited none other than… Professor Raoult. This show is usually inaudible to me like all things on TV nowadays (I quit listening TV more than 20 years ago) but Raoult refused the so called debate with unsignificant or moronic people who will make noise, fuss but produce no thinking longer than three sentences.

    It starts with Raoult telling the anchor that he won’t debate with crazies and that they can get an appointment with his wife who is a psychiatrist (his wife is a Jewess that may be why he can’t be accused of being antisemitic). Then, and I think that is unprecedented on that show, he is allowed to talk only with the TV anchor who will be highly respectuous during the whole interview. Hanouna will even tell him at the end that his father loves him very much and he will be able to make Raoult laugh at many intervals.

    Raoult is not a direct wistleblower, he knows he walks on eggs and that he has much more approval in Marseille and elsewhere than the actual usurpators. for instance, macron was in Marseille yesterday and even though there was a very strong police apparatus to insulate him from the real life’s people, he couldn’t help but being booed many times:

    If some of you are interested and request it, I can do a detailed abstract of his very important intervention.

    As to the “vaccine”, because it is the original subject of that thread, his take is that, as he had said already:

    Inoculation are only to be prescribed for the people over 75 and those who are obese or have strong comorbidities. Point. The rest is political.

    One of his lawyer has also made a strong impression on a major tv show, the very famous international lawyer specialised in health, Maître Di Vizio( offices in Paris and New York). I have already told about the fact that a great many lawyers are attaking the usurpators in power, on all aspect of the crisis. He is the most famous, and if Hanouna invited Raoult, it is mainly because of Di Vizio’s choice not to alienate himself from the MSM and coming to TPMP. Once he left the Hanouna’show because his opponents were not serious but only trolling his arguments. Di Vizio fight powerfully against forced inoculations and the ‘Totalitarian assweiss’.


    The opponent of DiVizio is a TV doctor who haven’t seen any patients for years like most of those there are on the MSM.

    Di Vizio: Can you tell me why the figures don’t go up in Jordania like they do in israël?…

    dr papon:I feel like M Di Vizio will explain that the earth is flat.

    Di Vizio: Oh no, no, no, I just ask you a question, why is it that Jordania, which is located on the same lattitude than israël, which has a border with Israël, which has 15% of vaccinated people and an epidemy whose figures don’t go up… WHY?…

    Morandini (the tv anchor) then asks the so called doctor: Dr, do you have an answer?

    dr papon: “it doesn’t interest me…

    Di Vizio: “Ah, your not interested??”

    dr papon: As I told you already, I only come here to try to give a message… There you have someone who is fanatical…who wants to preach in one way…

    Di Vizio: I am a fanatic?…
    … Compare with Afghanistan…l

    dr papon: I know people talk about mainstream medias and you unfortunatly belong to these (to Morandini, OUPS)… I sorry and maybe there are people who prefer to go the opposit way than mainstream (BLATANT ACCUSATORY INVERSION emphasises mine).

    Morandini (the tv anchor): I think all point of views must be heard… It is a thing on Cnews that everybody can be heard and not going with the stream and preaching the official gospel. One must listen and answer. If he’s saying bullshit (connerie), you have to tell him. If he says something right tell him… That’s the way to go forward and not by saying, don’t listen to him, he’s a fanatic. That is the meaning of that program; So he’s asking you a question… Can you answer?

    dr papon: The Jordanian hospitals are famous internationaly, of course, heu…

    Di Vizio: Just before, hospital was not the subject and now it is… That’s extraordinary! No, vaccination is supposed to stop the epidemic transmission, Israël, with a large majority of vaccinated, supposed to be the exemple and the 7 hospital directors say there are no more available beds and that it is dramatic… Majority of vaccinated, Jordania a minority is vaccinated no expansion of the epidemic figures, why?…

    The there has been a national demonstration pro-vax, pro-ausweiss in Lyon:

    Compare with the anti ausweiss demonstrations and all the others going on everyday on the territory around hospitals etc… No comments.

    • Thanks: Erebus
  678. @Skeptikal

    There have been reports in the media of people getting Covid multiple times. But you are right, I can’t say I should trust what people write on UR, or in the MSM. And if new variants are popping up all around us all the time then that natural immunity isn’t of much use if it protects you from one variant in a sea of others.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  679. @Ron Unz

    Good idea Ron, to have Rachel (aka Raches, aka femme boy), submit an article.

    I won’t be able to read it in its entirety (seeing as I have to grit my teeth to read more than a few paragraphs of her rambling nonsensical waffle), but I’ll do my best without incurring psychological impairment.

    I look forward to picking it apart and exposing this apologist for Big Pharma and Deep State authoritarianism.

    • Agree: John Wear
  680. Erebus says:

    Here the question is – do vaccines offer protection from serious outcomes from Covid disease?

    There’s nothing wrong with your logic, and I’ve always done that same quick calc when I’ve seen numbers from Israel, UK etc.

    I don’t think the real question is whether they have any effect. They clearly do, but there’s lots of issues surrounding that…
    – what will the numbers look like 6 mos from now, when the vaxx-effect has waned further?
    – it would be interesting to see the timeline and whether the numbers are converging.
    – what will the numbers look like against new variants as the vaxxes seem very specific?
    – what will happen against non-SARS2 viruses, as we’ve heard the vaxxes compromise the body’s natural immune system(s)
    – is (say) 78% efficacy against serious illness worth the risks?
    – if the vaxxed need booster shots to maintain the 78%, the risks multiply with each booster
    – what treatment are Icelandic doctors prescribing in the early stages of the disease?

    Capturing an issue as complex this in a single snap shot can sometimes tell us something interesting, but it is by no means the whole of what is a dynamic picture.

    • Agree: Biff, John Wear
  681. Raches says:

    Given that I have read more of the older anti-Jewish literature than most people have nowadays, another problem struck me when I first saw Icke years ago: To weave conspiracy theories about world-controlling “reptilian aliens”, whether literally or in the manner that Mehen alleges, automatically splashes Ickeness onto everyone who has ever called Jews “aliens” in the quotidian sense—such as Professor Oliver. It used to be quite common to call Jews “aliens”—racial aliens and cultural aliens—in a sense similar to “illegal aliens”. Adding alleged space-alien Jews poisons the word, and makes e.g. Professor Oliver’s speeches about “alien slime” look crazy to anyone who has been inoculated with Icke slime. Cui bono?

    Some people say he couches his analyses in terms of “shape-shifting reptiles” in order to avoid accusations of “anti-Semitism”. He’s speaking in code, in other words.

    It is an obvious possibility, but I don’t buy it: If Mr. Icke purports to be a truth-teller, then you will understand if I take him at his word!

    Nonetheless, assume that proposition for the sake of argument. Such a transparent ruse does no good, and much bad when it looks so crazy on its face. It has just as much discrediting effect as if it were the sincere expression of psychotic delusions. It actively repels sane people instead of inviting them. And it has negligible to zero benefit. Thus, the result is entirely negative. Again, that is granting Mr. Icke all favorable assumptions for the sake of argument.


    Foremost, before further considering the ruse that you allege, I must emphasize again what I said at the conclusion of my prior comment about Mr. Icke. If he were preaching a spiritual message that was severable from the rest of his message, then I would not necessarily fault him for that—not even if he claimed to be the “Son of the Godhead”, just as long as he does not deny the existence of physical reality—which he does—which is destructive in itself. Is “God” a paranoid schizophrenic?

    I am not against all sincerely believed spiritual or religious ideas per se—although I am absolutely opposed to the pathologically destructive ones, including Christianity. (Note that all I have said about my private beliefs is that I definitely, assuredly, certainly believe in divine Nemesis!) Furthermore, I also recognize that there may be practical reasons for such an undertaking, and that those reasons may overlap with sincere belief.

    For instance, I think it is quite likely that the Thule Society was at least partly a rationally devised cover for a pro-German, anti-Jewish conspiracy. If so, then however sincerely its doctrines may have been believed by some or all of those involved, those doctrines must have been designed such that when the time came, its key figures could pivot into a political movement; most importantly, it could not be blatantly, repulsively irrational. (This is a reasonable hypothesis. As Professor Oliver remarked somewhere, we will need to wait for honest historians to clean away the Jewish lies that have buried the Thule Society in disinformation, insofar as they can, so that we can ascertain with less uncertainty what it actually was and what it actually did. Also, I emphasize that it is an example to show a contrast to Icke, not to show anything similar to him.)

    For another example, the factions within the Roman Catholic Church who most staunchly opposed the Second Vatican Council were undoubtedly motivated by sincere religious devotion; nonetheless, their religion provided what was, in practical effect, cover for political activity which unfortunately failed.

    For many reasons, I was at pains to make clear that I was not condemning Mr. Icke for “religion, qua religion”. The vehemence of my condemnation is best underscored with another contrast.

    If I want to introduce a naïf but intelligent person to how the world really works, a Ron Unz article has a chance of being effective in delivering factually correct information. To induce “normies” to read anything whatsoever of a politically incorrect nature is already very difficult, due to the invisible prison of self-censorship. But if I can persuade someone to read, then it is critical that the article must look—well, normal. Not insane. Mr. Unz delivers. (I emphasize that I speak here as to articles bearing the byline, “Ron Unz”.)

    If I were to show the same normal, intelligent person an article by Mr. Icke, or anything that got Icke slime splashed on it, then the only result will be that I will get ridiculed for no benefit whatsoever. What the hell? Shape-shifting reptiles from outer space? Please let me help you find a good psychiatrist.

    That point about “Icke slime” is most important of all. I would not try to show anyone Mr. Icke’s own handiwork; and of course, I do not in any way compare it to Mr. Unz’s! The biggest problem is what would happen if, say, I were to send a friend a link to a Butz article on Inconvenient History, and my interlocutor were to browse over to John Wear’s article—and then pop the name “David Icke” into a search engine, upon Mr. Wear’s enthusiastic recommendation stated in the very first line of the Inconvenient History article: “David Icke is my favorite conspiracy researcher.” Quote-unquote.


    If you were to suggest that “shapeshifting reptilian aliens” allegorically teaches people a message that they would not otherwise accept, perpend the incongruity: That would be to allege that it is easier for people to believe in space aliens than to believe that Jews actually do some bad things. I will therefore only consider code-words for Jews.

    Now, consider some other code-words for “Jews”, or implying something that involves the Jews:

    1. “Eskimos” was just as stupid a transparent codeword for “Jews”, but it had the benefit of not being so crazy. It never worked. The Jews damn well knew that you were talking about them, if you ranted about “Eskimos controlling banks and governments”. (That was commonly seen in some far-right circles a few decades ago.)

    2. “International Communist Conspiracy” had the advantage of being true, albeit not the whole truth. However, it let Robert the Welcher walk his hapless followers into a controlled-opposition trap wherein they were forbidden from mentioning Jews—and it failed to deflect charges of “antisemitism”. This failure was resoundingly demonstrated when the Defamation League published a book principally aimed at the John Birch Society, with a whole chapter (Chapter 10) titled, “The Birchers and Anti-Semitism”. (The Radical Right: Report on the John Birch Society and Its Allies, 1967; ISBN 0394700473; PDF scan available on Libgen as ID# 3065040; based on previous ADL stuff I don’t have handy.)

    3. (This list could be extended. The “code-talk for Jews” thing has been done to death.)

    I will refrain from declaring absolutely that some type of code-talk for “Jews” could never be beneficial in any circumstance whatsoever. I merely point out two very large problems with that:

    A. For a “conspiracy researcher” who purports, in a factual sense, to tell “the truth” to the public, it is manifestly untruthful. What Mr. Icke purports himself to be is contradicted by this alleged idea of using some sort of conspiratorial code-talk in materials published for intended mass consumption.

    B. It doesn’t work! I gave a few examples. It has been tried so many times. It does not work, because the Jews are not stupid. All it does is give them an opening to call you a “dishonest, crazy, paranoid closet antisemite”, instead of merely an “antisemite”. If you wish to argue otherwise, show a counterexample!


    I have hereby made every effort to imagine all reasonable possibilities which could somehow excuse Mr. Icke’s behavior. Having excluded all such possibilities, all that remains is this conclusion: I condemn and contemn David Icke. ®


    So-called “transhumanism” is ascendant now.

    And I would remind you, Raches, that Nietzsche would take a very dim view of “transhumanism”. You know what I mean.

    I believe the true divide among the UR commentariat is between scientific materialist/reductionists and those who have some inkling of a transcendent order.

    You have it backwards and upside-down (as usual). Perpend that you criticize “transhumanism”, which seeks to transcend humanity, while offering a “transcendent order” as your alternative. You are trapped in a false dilemma between two sides of the same coin. (Cf. Capitalism versus Communism.)

    Transhumanism is essentially a New Age salvation cult, with the addition of technology. In its essence, it is the cultural residue of Christianity, with the Singularity substituted for the Christ.

    I have no doubt that Nietzsche would have condemned transhumanism—and New Age fantasies. Nietzsche’s philosophy was for man to “transcend” himself the natural way, by striving towards the Superman. For man to find his power and his happiness in this world, not to look to other worlds. For man to find his power and his happiness inside himself—not by seeking to be touched by ghosts, and not by sprinkling gadgets on himself (much less turning himself into a gadget).

    The so-called “Enlightenment” was the twilight of a New Dark Age. As it began, so it is now. Pre-Revolutionary France was rife with magical superstitions that were indistinguishable from New Age nonsense, amongst intellectuals who were too smart to believe in the nonsense of Christianity: They leapt from one fallacy to an equal and opposite fallacy. The solution is to end all of the nonsense, not to create more of it. ®

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Triteleia Laxa
  682. @Wild Man

    You wrote:

    I already explained this to Mr. Johnson some weeks ago. But he continues to fail to understand, …. a concept so basic. He continues to fall for this stupid ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ meme.

    Let’s be clear on this Mr Wild One. As dumb as Johnson and Johnson is (aka John Johnson – named after his boyhood hero LBJ, the first Jewish POTUS), he’s not that dumb.

    You have to understand, J & J has a job to do, like other sayanim.

    And that’s to stick to the SCRIPT.

    No matter what data is forthcoming that proves otherwise, his controllers in Herzliya have instructed him to bang on endlessly that:

    1) The hospitals are overcrowded with Covid patients.
    2) The percentage of said patients that are Unvaxxed is something north of a 110%
    3) Only the Israeli Moderna organisation and the rest of the Zio-owned/controlled Big Pharma can save the day with these miracle ‘vaccines’ – just as they delivered us from evil with their magnanimous contributions in orchestrating 9/11, killing JFK/brother Bobby/little John John.

    That’s what he’s been hired to do.

    And, if he does it well, he’ll be promoted to Sayanim 3rd class, Grade 4 – and we all know that means extra shekels with which to feed his Hasidic progeny.

    • Agree: John Wear
  683. Kali says:

    Critic Raches,

    Is your life so empty and worthless that you must fill your emptiness abusing and belittling others?

    Where is your work, Critic Rachers, that we may appraise your controbutions to our collective enlightenment?

    What have you produced of worth for the benefit of others, or even just for the sheer joy of it? What things have you done to raise our collective consciousness?

    I had the good fortune to read an article on John’s website a couple of months ago, and though I don’t recall the subject of the article now, I made a mental note at the time to revisit and spend more time there during inclement days of winter; my favourite time for roaming through the pages of history – the more inconvenient to our oligarchs the better.

    Someone (you? Trolling? Utu? – Not sure; you all look the same to me) tried denegrating John’s work earlier in the thread because he’s not what you consider to be a “real historian”, whatever that means. Yet he opens up a world of hidden truth, manipulations and deceite to disabuse the reader, thereby enriching us all.

    And just as the work of Ron Unz encourages the uninitiated reader to dig deeper into the source literature, so does the John Wear… And that is his and Rons service to humanity.

    What is yours, critic Rachers? What is your contribution? What do you give?

    How do YOU make the world a better place?

    It’s past time you got over yourself, grew up and faced the reality that you contribute almost nothing of value. And then make some effort to change that reality.

    As things stand you are ALL NOISE. Be fucking quiet!


    • Thanks: John Wear
  684. @Triteleia Laxa

    Trite Laxative, in responding to John Wear, wrote:

    Billions of people have been vaccinated with very little ill effect and a lot of lives saved. Your position was tenable in January, but it is really silly now.

    No, my dear, it is YOU who is wrong.

    Even if we accept the figures from VAERS and EudraVigilance on face value, there has been a TON of death and debilitation caused by the Covid vaxxes.
    Of course, there are whistleblowers from within VAERS that have come out and said that it is under-reporting the deaths and injuries by AT LEAST A FACTOR OF FIVE, so the actual harm done by the Covid vaxxes in just 8 months is likely already catastrophic.

    Lastly, let’s address the biggest lie of all that you, Trite Laxative, and the Covid psyop perpetrators are propagating:

    MYTH: ‘Lots of lives saved’ by Covid vaxxes.

    FACT: There is NO PROOF that any individual on planet Earth that has been double-jabbed and is still alive would, absent the jab, have been dead otherwise.

    NOT ONE on the hole eff’n planet.

    Let’s see your evidence that proves otherwise.

    PUT UP, or SHUT UP.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  685. Biff says:

    Joe Rogan says he used Ivermectin to treat his COVID illness and the media wants to cut his tongue out, and called him a “threat to public safety”. It’s a war campaign for sure.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  686. @Mark Hunter

    “The hundreds of thousands of severely injured or dead are all lying.”

    Where are they? People here were denying that Covid had this type of effect even though doctors I knew were managing wards overflowing with patients from Covid. Yet no doctor has reported anything similar with “vaccines sides”.

    In fact establishment doctors are undercounting vaccine deaths, not to mention vaccine injuries, and they are doing this on purpose.

    What makes an “establishment doctor?” I have some dear friends who are doctors and none of them have seen serious problems with these vaccines. Maybe they have been fortunate, or maybe serious problems are very rare, or maybe they are “establishment” and keen to cover up the deaths of their patients because ???????

    And, even if the vaccines were safe and effective, Triteleia Laxa would erase those who object to the use of force to get them into us.

    I think you should be perfectly free to refuse any and all medical treatments. I just advise you don’t.

    Triteleia Laxa’s phrase “national medical authority” erases, and probably was intended to erase, the many fine doctors who have spoken out against indiscriminate vaccination by a vaccine that is not nearly as safe and effective as claimed by its promoters, e.g. Meryl Nass, M.D..

    You’re using doctor’s opinions in a way which I am not. I am saying that they are able to notice if a wave of patients are coming in with particular symptoms or not. You are implying that they are all trained and practiced research authorities. My claim is common sense. Your claim is false. This is why some crank doctor doing research in their basement will get ignored, while every doctor noticing that their wards are full, or not, will get listened to. They all have eyes, but very few have research facilities. Do you understand the difference in epistemological privilege which we are each giving them and why you are giving far too much, but I am just making an inarguable observation?

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  687. @Truth Vigilante

    Here’s a study that shows that the unvaccinated are now 15 times more likely to die of Covid. There might be confounding factors, like the fact that people with mental issues are likely to have co-morbidities that affect their health, but the paper is pretty conclusive.

    Meanwhile, emergency wards have no influx of vaccine sides sufferers even while they have plenty of unvaccinated people dying from Covid.

    Emergency wards are basically public places. They are often chaotic and can’t be stage-managed. I don’t get why you people don’t just visit one to be divested of your illusions. They tend to be not that far away.

    • Replies: @Adrian
    , @Adrian
  688. John Wear says:

    As I suspected, you have never read any of David Icke’s books or made any serious attempt to understand what he says. This appears to be your modus operndi about many people and subjects.

  689. geokat62 says:

    Having excluded all such possibilities, all that remains is this conclusion: I condemn and contemn David Icke. ®

    Contemn? Hmmmm. I must say, this is a very interesting choices of words.

    I was immediately struck by it because it is a very obscure word. So obscure, in fact, that when you do a search of all commenters who have used it here on UR, you’ll find 4 pages are returned where 99.9% of the usage was from one sole commenter, which in a private investigation would be construed as unique as a fingerprint.

    Any guesses re what the identity of the individual is who almost exclusively uses the term contemn?

    I won’t spoil the fun, so I’ll disclose the name below the “more” button…



    • Troll: Raches
  690. Adrian says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Look, I don’t know for certain whether Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or anything else is effective against Covid. Given the welter of information we’re all exposed to on a daily basis, in order to sort out what’s legitimate from what’s bogus, we require some sort of filter. For most of us, that means going to sources that we find trustworthy.

    The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015 was divided, one half jointly to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ōmura for their discovery of an anti-parasitic therapy with the help of ivermectin The discovery itself dated already from 1971

    What does a former Vice-President of Pfizer, Dr.Yeadon (who is appalled by the present manoeuvres of his erstwhile employer), say about this medicine?

    Ivermectin is one of the WHO’s ‘essential drugs’ which all countries should have access to. It’s very cheap as its patent has long expired; it’s one of the most-used drugs in world history; it’s extraordinarily safe; it is often life-saving against parasitic infections. It is also one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease, in multiple independent clinical trials of varying quality. … I am telling you about this, because all that governments, their scientific advisers, big pharma (here’s Merck, who originally developed & marketed it) and regulatory agencies will tell you is that ivermectin doesn’t work in Covid-19. They are lying. I am inviting any of them to sue me, but they won’t, for I would win easily.

    If ivermectin was more widely used, there’d be no need for vaccines.”

    Here is the Ivermectin database that, inter alia, gave Yeadon the confidence to make his claim.:

    It seems that McMaster University is planning a trial that involves 3000 subjects – but apparently it is being financed by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation …

    The Swedish physician Sebastian Rushworth, who maintains an interesting blog, engaged in a meta study of 7 trials with altogether 1327 participants. Here are his conclusions:

    What we see is a 62% reduction in the relative risk of dying among covid patients treated with ivermectin. That would mean that ivermectin prevents roughly three out of five covid deaths. The reduction is statistically significant (p-value 0,004). In other words, the weight of evidence supporting ivermectin continues to pile up. It is now far stronger than the evidence that led to widespred use of remdesivir earlier in the pandemic, and the effect is much larger and more important (remdesivir was only ever shown to marginally decrease length of hospital stay, it was never shown to have any effect on risk of dying).

    I understand why pharmaceutical companies don’t like ivermectin. It’s a cheap generic drug. Even Merck, the company that invented ivermectin, is doing it’s best to destroy the drug’s reputation at the moment. This can only be explained by the fact that Merck is currently developing two expensive new covid drugs, and doesn’t want an off-patent drug, which it can no longer make any profit from, competing with them.

    To me the strongest evidence that our governments are in bad faith is that they have made this drug together with hydroxylchloroquine, an innocuous late offshoot of the eighteenth century “Bark” on which Dr.Johnson already relied in his ailments, virtually unobtainable. They also lied about them and are still doing so

    • Thanks: Punch Brother Punch
  691. Emslander says:

    I will convey the congratulations. Though she’s getting to the point, thank you, that she just as soon be taken to her eternal reward. I’m pretty sure she deserves it by now.

  692. Emslander says:
    @Wild Man

    Trippy indeed Mr. Unz man.

    Yes. Today he’s published one of his college papers on some aspect of animal incest. This is not a good sign, from a mental balance point of view.

    • Troll: Raches
  693. @Triteleia Laxa

    In France there are a lot of weird testimonies from nurses, doctors, from people who got injected, their families which are accumulating and hard to hide. A facebook page was created to report sides effects that have been censored but reemerged.

    This facebook page was ceated because for months pharmacovigileancy institutions told the people to stop calling them because they couldn’t handle the testimonies and this information is mainstream.

    Some independant scientists (but nevertheless academicaly intitled to do it)are ringing the alarm taking great risks with an obviously over-corrupted institution which is not servicing the country anymore but big, big corporations. You can also check the datas of european pharmacovigileance. They base their claims on facts. they never get answers, just censorship and smearing so that is not science. Because, by definition it is supposed to be a place of debate.

    On the other side, the gouvernement is taking hard measures that impact the very foundation of the social contract on false, fraudulent datas. I have already given links, in French.

    Ok, I am able to accept new theories and change my point of view, I have done so for a long time now. But, why are datas withold? Why is the scientific debate forbade? Why are the contracts made with the political entities hidden from the public? Why are inconvenient datas hidden? Why so many propaganda, blatant mind control tools applied on populations on a global level? Why so many, many, many blatant lies from our so called leaders? Why our governement has borrowed so much money during that crisis?

    The French’s debt is now 150% of it’s gdp. They have been paying restaurants a lot of money during the succesive house arrests, ever changing curfews (are these sanitary politic? hum…). The actual debt, which is growing ever more every minute will be the burden of our children for more than 60 years. And yet no hospital capacities have been built, on the opposite and worse, despite the promises made by the usurpators.

    WHO IS THE BOSS IN TOWN when one country is so indepted? The good benevolent scientists in their basement?

    If people want to be injected because they trust some scientists (and they can be very sincere) let them be.

    But imposing these inoculations to people who can clearly see they are many rats in the kitchen (and all the rooms) is beyond acceptable even if the “vaccines” had been succesful, which is clearly not the case. Forbiding people to go where they want and NEED to buy food, basic stuff like clothes is far beyond acceptable. A guy in France was supposed to be transplanted and now, he is blackmailed to be inoculated a substance which has nothing to do with his pathology and that has an temporary approval because the tests have not been completed and won’t be because the regular processes of experiment are not respected. If he doesn’t accept, he won’t be operated. Many people can’t access hospitals for exams. We already know the terrible result for the public health the unuseful mass house arrests have brought.

    We can’t separate economics, politics, other aspects of public health beside covid when assessing what is going on, which obviously is not in the interest of the majority. Poverty, sickness, addictions of all kind, children as old as 7 comiting suicide are on the rise and the children’s mental health is endangered.

    Many scientists who have the facilities to assess things are smeared, banned, fired… Because they want a debate based on their analysis of the datas.

    You may be interested in listening to Professor Raoult

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  694. Adrian says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Here’s a study that shows that the unvaccinated are now 15 times more likely to die of Covid.

    Pay special attention to the tables on pp.18 and 19 which seem to indicate that the vaccinated show higher mortality figures than those who haven’t received the jab. Look also at p.35 where it is asserted that the infected vaccinated are as infectious as the infected unvaccinated.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  695. Ron Unz says:

    Have you considered migrating this to Web Storage or IndexDB? All that stuff was probably unavailable when you built this system. You can store much more in it than in cookies; and it is far more efficient, having been created to relieve the problems caused by kludges with cookies.

    One problem is that the software archecture of this website has gotten quite complex over time, considering my huge body of customized PHP/JS code built upon the core WordPress foundation and also including numerous third-party WordPress plugins. So I’m extremely cautious about making any substantial underlying changes that could easily break numerous things in ways that would be difficult to track down, especially on all the different browser/device platforms. That would certainly seem to apply with regard to the IndexedDB package you recommend as a replacement for cookies.

    However, since the MathJax package seems more a display system, I think it would be much easier to implement, so I’ll take a look at it. If some browser can’t handle it, I’d assume the math code would just remain unrendered.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Ron Unz
  696. @niceland

    Here the question is – do vaccines offer protection from serious outcomes from Covid disease? I stated above they do – here is why I have no doubt about that.

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to provide a cohesive summary of your situation in Iceland.

    Every bit of information from locals around the world helps to fill out the picture.

    From my own perspective, the statistics on the ground here in Australia – where only a minority have been injected with the Pfizer “vaccine” so far – reveal quite starkly that the “vaccinated” have an almost total monopoly on new “cases” (which my rational mind interprets as injuries from the “vaccine” itself, seeing as how those “vaccine” pathologies closely mimic the symptoms of the original alleged Corona Chan bug and now are declared as an epidemic of the “deadly Delta variant” – which the Australian PCR Test laboratories themselves have admitted they have no way of distinguishing from any other bug when they return a “positive” result”).

    The bulk of independent reports from around the globe seem to substantiate that interpretation.

    The experience that you report from Iceland appears to run counter to that trend. FWIW, a report some time ago by Mr. Atzmon here on Unz Review from Israel disclosed that the Pfizer vaccine was 40 times more deadly to old folk and 260 times more dangerous to young people than Corona Chan Classic itself. A similar experience has prompted both Norway and Denmark to shut down their “vaccination” programs, although Israel keeps pushing ahead regardless.

    I wonder if the shedding phenomenon from “vaccinated” individuals might have a bearing on the pattern of reported cases in Iceland? I’d also be curious as to the integrity (“chain of custody”, if you like) of the Corona Chan reporting in Iceland. In Australia, anything coming from the mainstream media or “reported” by government agencies can basically be ignored because it is so completely corrupt (to the point that they occasionally even out themselves in their frenzy to spread the fear porn).

    Anyway, any updates you might be able to provide on the unfolding situation in Iceland would be welcomed.

  697. Skeptikal says:
    @Random Anonymous

    Hi, Random,

    These statements by Ron were already spotlighted in earlier threads.

    Yes, they are equivocal.

    They imply that there could be good reasons for forced jabbing.

    I fact, our gummint seems to be saying that now.

    Despite the unreliable and unconvincing evidence to the contrary.

    It is kind of Ron to provide a forum for discussion. But as pointed out repeatedly, much of the discussion in fact impinges on the sociopolitical issues of how far the authorities will go to impose their program.

  698. @Bugey libre

    The fact that dissenting views are often intolerantly dealt with by those in charge does not make them true.

    Vaccine uptake is global, especially among the elites. It is, therefore, exceedingly unlikely that vaccines are a poisonous conspiracy by globalist elites. Perhaps this is not what you are suggesting, but your comment is very confusing. It seems that you perceive something sinister and are looking for an explanation for why your perception would accurately reflect reality. I appreciate your use of intuition, but the mundane explanation suffices. People in charge really are interested in public health and vaccines really do help. This is why they are promoting it so strongly and why they are intolerant of those who undermine their efforts. Given how global public health has miraculously improved over the last century, it would be astonishing if those in charge did not want such an improvement.

  699. @geokat62


    I was going to comment a week or two ago that Raches sounds like the love child of that one and Jonathan Revusky, but I couldn’t remember how to spell “Loup-Bouc.”

    R and L-B both write like stereotypical Frenchmen arguing the arts. Whatever worthwhile they might have to say soon seems unworthy of picking through the self-referential verbiage.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  700. Adrian says:

    Countless anti-vaxxers and Covid-19 hoax believers dying from the virus

    “Countless”? Here is a fairly recent announcement by NSW Health. Mark that it doesn’t distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated.

    Sadly, NSW Health has been notified of two COVID-19-related deaths. A woman in her 90s from south west Sydney died yesterday morning at Liverpool Hospital. A man in his 80s from south west Sydney died yesterday afternoon at Royal North Shore Hospital. NSW Health extends its sincere condolences to their family and friends.

    These are the 12th and 13th COVID-19 related deaths during the current outbreak.

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  701. @Raches

    Here’s a theory for you. Icke has an unrepressed psychosis. You have the same, but it is repressed and rationalised into something which allows you to see yourself as sensible.

    There’s a lot of truth in psychosis, but it is rarely seen truly by those who lose themselves in it or repress it.

    Those with a weak ego will make up the former, and those with a wounded ego will predominate among the latter.

    I appreciate that you’re not going to agree, otherwise this observation would be unnecessary; however it is something you can test in yourself in private. Meditation is partly a process of letting go of self-judgement, whether it is for not being always perfectly moral or not always being perfectly competent. I wonder how you would perceive things if you learned to embrace your own craziness and came to transcend it?

    If you don’t know what your own craziness is, you might start by looking at the craziness you find particularly objectionable in others.

    Could be fun.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Wild Man
  702. @Triteleia Laxa

    Your answer leave me speechless as it was certainly meant to be, but nethertheless rather amused…

    Fortunately, while weeding my garden, I have listened to a very interesting podcast where I could hear, in serenity a professor defending the vaccine and a podcaster demonstrating intelligene and humanity.

    I am not convinced at all by his trust in vaccines and new datas show they are not very effective at all unless in rare cases which councern very few people. But he is a good guy.

    Living in a basement doing research can blind you, shorten you eyesight, so to speak. Especially if one’s area of research imply very expensive and rare technologies, dealing with scales very few human being can inquire, like nanoscale.

    Science has been compartementalised and scientists in the same field can’t understand one another because they don’t talk the same language, they don’t see the same things, all this is known and I have thought a lot about that. Furthermore scientists are, like us all, prone to bias and inclined to corruption. Hence my natural preference for those who have things to lose.

    You can’t be human without intuition, because it is a feature of our being. Suppressing intuition is a renouncement to ones humanity… I am not ready for transhumanism or any kind of demented technocraty.

    • Thanks: Triteleia Laxa
  703. @Adrian

    This is why amateur sleuthing so often results in nonsense conclusions. The time period for data collection, extending as far back as February to include people who caught Covid even back in January, greatly biases the sample. This bias is accounted for later, but I’ll point it out in my own words.

    The very old and very sick were vaccinated first. Vaccine take up rates by people in those categories were exceptional. This means that you are not comparing like for like.

    So of course the very old and very sick are more likely to die, even with vaccines. This was predicted by the official CFR rates.

    Your misunderstanding reminds me of my grandfather who once said that he didn’t want to go to hospital and would go to the beach when he was very sick because he had noticed that more people die at hospital than at the beach. He was pretty funny.

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
    , @Adrian
    , @Raches
  704. @Triteleia Laxa

    … I have brought mainsteam, non controversial datas that the elite don’t especially take the same vaccines and anyway, I’m not here to check if they do use the same thing or anything at all.

    What of a supposed elite that took this “astra” thing before it’s governement decides it is forbiden, while authorized in neighboors countries? Things like that should have happened in germany. Authorized and then non authorized and the re authorized…

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  705. @Triteleia Laxa

    The fact that dissenting views are often intolerantly dealt with by those in charge does not make them true.

    The fact that an animal looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, doesn’t mean it’s a duck – but it most likely is.

    BTW, does your voice echo when you speak? The Mythbusters want to know.

    The fact that an emu can run the pants off a kangaroo doesn’t mean it’s a bird – but in fact, it is.

    Vaccine uptake is global, especially among the elites.

    Really? Really really really?

    Never mind that it’s being shoved down the lemmings’ throats by their governments under threat of permanent domestic imprisonment, bankruptcy and starvation – I guess that’s one way to boost the global “uptake” – but let’s consider those “elites” who you claim are so especially enthusiastic over getting their Corona Chan “vaccination”.

    I can think of at least five African and Carribean “elites” who expressly refused to “vaccinate” their nations, and all five of those brave individuals are now dead.

    Never mind that both Norway and Denmark stopped their “vaccination” programs when they figured out that too many people were dying (their “elites” better be watching their backs).

    And I can think of at least two idiot Australian politicians who publicly got their “vaccinations” to great media fanfare, one of who was rushed to hospital in critical condition the very next day, and the other whose face is now permanently paralyzed and has to wear an eye patch.

    Apart from those examples, few notable elites come to mind – except for the Pfizer CEO who has refused to be “vaccinated” with his very own company’s product!

    I wonder just how many of those actual “elites” you can name and verify who, with total immunity from the coercive threats applied to the lowly lemmings, have enthusiastically raced to the head of the queue to get injected with an authentic bona fide Corona Chan ™ “vaccination” (and not just a specially disguised saline solution to keep the gullible lemmings on narrative)?

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  706. @Adrian


    I guess, once you run out of fingers & toes…

  707. @niceland

    I have doubts about booster shots and feel my health officials are making reckless decisions urging people in middle or low risk groups to get them. More specifically – mixing vaccines.

    “Booster shots,” technically second boost shots, that is the normal pattern for a number of vaccines is prime-boost-boost, are claimed to make sense in the context that all vaccines target classic Wuhan, performed about as well against the Alpha variant which is mostly more transmissible, but now Delta is even more transmissible and has some spike protein mutations that statistically help it escape vaccine and natural immunity to varying degrees.

    So further improving your antibody fleets is said to improve the response against Delta (something I haven’t looked into, will if it becomes a thing in the US or someone needs that info). And Janssen one jab and AZ/Oxford don’t exactly start with really high efficacies, Janssen one jab by design. Plus I wouldn’t consider anyone 30 years of age or older to be really low risk against Delta based purely on my local US region’s experience with it, which has numbers on the order of your whole nation.

    But the gravamen of your concern is the much iffier issue of mixing vaccines. All have low rates of serious adverse events, but at least some of those will be additive.

    So I ask what sequences are being advised? As I understand it, there’s a lot of experience with AZ/Oxford followed by something else (AZ/Oxford is … not exactly recommended in the US, on top of everything else in that clown show they did a US strength Phase III trial here and declined to submit an application for an FDA Emergency Use Authorization (although that became moot after a debacle with a company who’s core competence is politics, not manufacturing)). If something else is being recommended I’d be very curious, although in terms of better immunity a mRNA boost dose after a single Janssen jab would make general sense.

    And I thank you for your continued reports, in particular your most recent one on current Iceland statistics which are at minimum approaching statistical significant, and if that hospitalization pattern has or will continue to be about the same, will almost certainly reach that level. Like if you can dig a bit or starting from now reach a few hundred cases total.

  708. @Commentator Mike

    And if new variants are popping up all around us all the time then that natural immunity isn’t of much use if it protects you from one variant in a sea of others.

    So far, with the possible exception of South America which I should look into, the new variants that are really of concern are the ones that transmit a lot more effectively, Alpha and now Delta, that factor alone allows them to compete better than previous variants and classic Wuhan which is what the vaccines target, ditto most most of 2020 natural immunity. With the advent of Delta, we have a super-transmissible variant that also has some spike protein immune escape mutations, and for natural immunity some mutations elsewhere which might be relevant.

    But that said, those with either type of immunity, or the very best of natural + vaccine are statistically a lot better off if they have a breakthrough infection that if they hadn’t previously obtained immunity.

    • Thanks: Raches
  709. @Bugey libre

    The elite has a low tolerance for health risks, especially in historical terms. You can see this in the way lockdowns were decided as necessary for a disease which, while it killed many people, would have been barely noticed a few hundred years ago. We have the luxury of responding extraordinarily to moderate risks. This is nice for us, even if I would have preferred to be free to go to parties and so on.

    An elite that will close their countries down over a moderate risk, will certainly kvetch and kvetch over even very minor ones. I personally think that authorities like the FDA get in the way of a lot of new medicine and impede progress because they are too risk averse. Other sensible people disagree and think they are not risk averse enough, though there are also improvements the FDA could make which would satisfy both sides.

    For example, had we allowed (highly) paid “challenge trials’ from day one, then a lot of lives would have been saved. Want as much money you’d get by winning the lottery? Then join this challenge trial. There would have been no end of takers.

    The vaccines obviously do have risks, but they are not extreme. They are also much less than the disease, which you will get, if you haven’t already, as it isn’t going away and people going fully back to normal supercharges it’s spread.

    There’s a case to be made for avoiding vaccination if you’re very young. I got as sick from the vaccine as I did from the disease, but then, being healthy, both were very minor.

    But that case relies on neither being a big deal. So I don’t much care either way.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  710. @Ultrafart the Brave

    Never mind that both Norway and Denmark stopped their “vaccination” programs when they figured out that too many people were dying (their “elites” better be watching their backs).

    Denmark has given 150 injections per 100 people. Given that they have excluded young children, this is exceptional coverage.

    Why do you lie so much? Whether it is to yourself or to me, or both, I can’t be bothered to explore. You’d be more interesting if you learned to focus.

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  711. All have low rates of serious adverse events

    Each one of the vaccines available in the West is at least 3-4 orders of magnitude more deadly than any, other, vaccine, that has been offered to the general population, ever.

    Even Gates with his third world experiments doesn’t come close.

    Please define what “high rate” would mean to you?

    I would guess a relative cost benefit: “600k” deaths “from” covid < "14k" vaccine deaths.

    If you are still at a place where you offer up government statistics as canon, enjoy when your glass floor shatters!

  712. utu says:

    Good catch. Loup-Bouc incarnation of Raches has different dimensions. It seems that Loup-Bouc is more anti-vaxx and anti Big Pharma and most interestingly:

    As I have stated several times, I am a physician, have been since 1998. (I mean that I completed my internship and residency mid-1998, and began solo practice in 1998.

    It would be hard to dissuade me that the two are not one.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Skeptikal
    , @Raches
  713. Erebus says:

    Any guesses re what the identity of the individual …


    While “contemn” slipped my notice, that the names “Loup-Bouc” and “Raches” are related, and overall presentation all but identical, had not. Without “contemn”, I had nothing but gut feel. Your search, methinks nailed it Holmes.

    Moreover, that knuckle dragging Bombercommand fellow noticed that Loup-Bouc and Anachronis were interchangeable as to style and content. From that moment on in this thread, Loup-Bouc was known as Loup-Bouc [AKA: Anachronis] so we may be dealing with someone suffering from dissociative identity disorder, or a prankster, but at any rate someone with a history of sock-puppetry.

    Actually, I feel for him as I would an eccentric old uncle one’s fond of. The sort who chases ravens across the moors damning them all to hell, arms a-waving, spittle flying and a boot missing. One keeps a comfortable distance, of course, but there’s a charm to it that resonates with the rich tapestry of life.

    • Replies: @Adrian
  714. @Triteleia Laxa

    You’re grand father (surely resting in peace) was funny because he was a philosopher, able to nourish himself, is very soul with the ocean, which has surely tought him a lot about life and it’s worth. I to would rather die on a beach, on a moutain cliff, while dansing or fighting than in a hospital.

    Beside, I am more scared of indignity than the inevitable death.

    Amor fati

    • Thanks: Triteleia Laxa
  715. Erebus says:

    … Nietzsche would take a very dim view of “transhumanism”.

    Transhumanism is nihilism taken to its end stops. It is anti-life, anti-power, anti-human. Yet, its proponents have a death grip on the policy making apparatus of those countries that have been selected for its great debut.

    Judging by their words, the “transhumanists” imagine themselves the mid-wives to the Ubermensch. They’re not. Bio-digital convergence is everything Nietzsche spent his prodigious talent and life railing against. Unfortunately, they hold the levers of power today, and only the anti-vaxxers seem to be carrying the Nietzschean colours at this moment. Frankly, I doubt their staying power.

    This movement is a juggernaut, and it seems to me that only the possibility of strategic error or a gratuitous exogenous event, stands in its way, at least in the West. The Canadian and Australian govt think tanks are already debating & writing their “post-human” policies. Their govts would pass into law a laundry list or a diner menu if so instructed.

    The Russians and the Chinese have publicly stated “No thanks, we’re fine as we are”, but only Russia has a shot at serving as a redoubt for the West. It is not clear that they even want to at this point. That leaves us with Texas.

    • Agree: Bugey libre, Mehen
  716. @Triteleia Laxa

    First let me thank you for your contributions to this topic, you’re not I sense a domain expert, just someone with all too uncommon common sense and intelligence.

    For example, had we allowed (highly) paid “challenge trials’ from day one, then a lot of lives would have been saved.

    That wouldn’t have been ethical until we had a better handle on its morbidity and mortality, and how best to treat cases. So I’d say no sooner than May-June when the “avoid intubation, give everyone who need supplemental oxygen a steroid” medical consensus was reached. And maybe after when monoclonal antibody treatments were developed. Look at the U.K. for the first in the (Western?) world to do challenge trials, that was as I recall near the end of 2020.

    In terms of vaccines, if you were to include challenge trials to humans (they were done to animals) that would start no earlier than in some point of Phase II trials, Phase I is all about getting the dosing right, Phase II is also about refining that and this is where Oxford’s clown show really started, and where Sanofi realized they’d screwed up and had to restart the whole process. I believe in the West Moderna was first out of the block except for the special and bad case of Oxford, so I see their Phase II trial’s actual start date per was May 29th, so that lines up with my above ethical concerns. Pfizer/BioNTech’s Phase II started in July per Wikipedia and that matches my general memory about their not being as confident as Moderna and starting with three candidates.

    So we could have done it, but … “friction” as Jerry Pournelle describes it, a lack of courage, and the simple fact we had a tremendous number of “in the wild” cases to observe militated against it happening in that time frame or in the US. A research entity in the Netherlands also talked about doing challenge trials but I never heard anything about their actually starting them after their announcement, and for that matter haven’t heard anything about the U.K. but I haven’t checked for a long time. And if they were done, they evidently didn’t find anything we didn’t already generally know or we likely would have heard about it.

    • Thanks: Triteleia Laxa
  717. Erebus says:

    A quick search of Triteleia Laxa reveals ~1750 comments in ~110 days. There’s something amiss there as well.

  718. Raches says:

    Part II n, for handwavy large n, of “Every one being allowed to learn to read, ruineth in the long run not only writing but also thinking.” — Nietzsche.

    Having excluded all such possibilities, all that remains is this conclusion: I condemn and contemn David Icke. ®

    Contemn? Hmmmm. I must say, this is a very interesting choices of words.

    I[, a too well-known illiterate peasant who declared that an anti-vaxxer dishonest lying liar video was the “best 43 minutes I spent in my life,”] was immediately struck by it because it is a very obscure word. So obscure, in fact, that when you do a search of all commenters who have used it here on UR, you’ll find 4 pages are returned where 99.9% of the usage was from one sole commenter, which in a private investigation would be construed as unique as a fingerprint.

    So, I stand accused and convicted of the crime of literacy. How nice—in the original meaning of the word “nice”.

    Here at The Unz Review, I have used words which are much rarer and more archaic than “contemn”, and some which are even sesquipedalian. One word hereby apropos is “mammothrept”. Prior to this comment, “mammothrept” has been used in exactly one Raches comment, and by absolutely nothing else here at The Unz Review (except perhaps in the PDF archive, which is not searchable). Look it up in a competent dictionary—viz., a dictionary that is not mass-marketed to video-watching peasants—and then apply it to thyself, thou mammothrept, as my term for contemning thee.

    As for myself, my policy is “no comment” other than to dox myself as the Ghost of Revilo Oliver. Or at least, I must be a medium channelling his spirit via Liberty Bell, April 1992, pp. 3f.:

    Liberty Bell is unique, and if it ever ceases publication, I shall desist from all further effort to persuade our race to reconsider its suicidal yearning for extinction.

    Liberty Bell is totally independent. It represents no organization or clique; it is not the production of an editor who publishes to display himself in print. I do not recall having seen an editorial in it, and only rarely does it contain an editorial note.

    To show that Liberty Bell is sui generis, I shall list the principal reasons why I write for it.

    There is no editorial tampering with what I write. What is published is what I have written, and almost invariably after I have read and approved page proofs. I am responsible for my own errors, but I never have to apologize for errors inserted by well-meaning editors.

    There has never been a suggestion that I reduce the English language to the small part of it that is currently used and abused in newspapers, which are necessarily addressed to a multitude of semi-literate readers.

    There is no propaganda line. Periodicals that are published by organizations that try to recruit members justifiably insist that their articles conform to the organization’s principles and propaganda, and contain nothing, however factual or logical, that would offend members or potential recruits. Even periodicals that are not the house-organs of a political movement usually have editors who have formed in their own minds a picture of the kind of subscribers they wish to attract….

    […the list continues with a note that Herr George Dietz never asked him to recommend a book sold by Liberty Bell Publications, and never asked him not to recommend a book sold by his competitors in the right-wing publishing business. “You will not be able to appreciate the great significance of this fact if you have not had a considerable experience of the activities of the so-called ‘right wing’ in the United States.”…]

    ’Twas a Postscript for civilization, writ in the twilight of a New Dark Age. ®

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Triteleia Laxa
  719. Wild Man says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Interesting comment. Especially this part:

    “If you don’t know what your own craziness is, you might start by looking at the craziness you find particularly objectionable in others.”

    I would say …. yes, this is the way down the rabbit-hole towards more self-awareness. And what a rabbit-hole that is! Everybody has some preconceived notions built upon where precisely they may be, in such quest …. which is the quest we all are on …. whether we like it or not ….. there is no avoiding it ….. this human realm indeed is about ‘know thy world so as to better know oneself’ at the same time it is about ‘know thyself so as as to better know one’s world’. It’s the subjective/objective dichotomy, that we are all faced with, as infants whom then grow towards the ‘ego’ state necessary, to resolve said dichotomy.

    Since all this is hyper-personal, and I think innate proclivities (which are de-facto, – hyper-personal) have a major role as to how the above-mentioned dichotomy resolution is flavored, …. we end up with some personal bias …. our own personal point of view …. and for me, it is something like this:

    It is virtuous to put emotion in the service of reason within one’s psyche, whereas, generally, putting reason in the service of emotion, within one’s psyche, leads to vice.

    Now, …. the thing is, one can then look around to see what gestalts are on offer, around oneself, to see if there is a cultural template available, that more or less aligns with one’s deeply held bias (as informed by one’s personalized resolution of the subjective/objective dichotomy). And, for someone like myself, I find true-westernism fits the bill. True westernism fully supports those whom prefer, for the sake of virtue, to put emotion in the service of reason within one’s psyche (no easy feat, … a constant struggle). In other words … don’t look for reasons to support the feelings you prefer, …. instead use a particular emotion (ontological humility) to support the reasoning function. True-westernism is a tour de force in this way. This is what I mean: True-westernism (aka as true-Christianity as opposed to the Institutional Christianity that we now have had for 1600 years) requires it’s adherents to form the ego, in order to resolve the subjective/objective dichotomy (as this is a requirement of ‘personhood’ as understood in all cultures), but furthermore, requires it’s adherents to then manage that ego function towards a partially ego-crushing ontological-humility (whereby doubt and uncertainty rule). And what springs from that precise psychic configuration? The life-giving dialectic …. one of the foundations upon which true-westernism relies.

    The true-western person (the ‘responsible individual’ as paramount), is a magnificent ordering of human potential. As such, true-westernism, that upholds that, is the golden goose.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  720. @Triteleia Laxa

    Denmark has given 150 injections per 100 people. Given that they have excluded young children, this is exceptional coverage… Why do you lie so much?

    Read it and weep…


    And this too, just to save you the strain…

    And what the Hell, while we’re on the subject…

    It sure seems like all those Israelis with their government-forced “uptake” of Corona Chan “vaccines” would have been much much better off if they’d been a bit slower on the “uptake”.

    Don’t take my word for it, just ask Dr. Haviv…

    Dr Kobi Haviv Interview (Herzog Hospital, Jerusalem) Israel – 95% of Severe Hospitalisations are Fully “Vaccinated” – 05 Aug 2021

    Surely someone like you with ~1750 comments in ~110 days (as revealed by Erebus at Post #734) would have kept up with all these developments.

    • Thanks: Bugey libre, Mehen
  721. Robjil says:

    Sounds like the Kennedy assassination witnesses. That is how the US and friends defend their rule without having any “dissidents”. Nothing strange about this, this how it works in the US ruled west. Speak up, they come for you. Old game, same old.

    In the time period ranging from November 22, 1963 to August, 1993, over 115  “witnesses” have died or fallen victim to death by strange circumstances, suicides  or murder. This book relates not only the names of the dead, but gives brief biographies on what connection they had with the Kennedy assassination, what they may  have known about the case, and the cause of death. The authors have not speculated upon any motives behind their deaths, other than dealing with the facts of  each demise and what direct evidence the deceased might have been able to provide investigators and researchers.  To define exactly what a “dead witness” is in the context of this work, the authors have listed not only those who might have witnessed the events that took  place in Dealey Plaza, but those who had a connection—sometimes remote—with  the principals or the events that transpired previous to November 22, 1963, and  those that happened afterward. 

    • Replies: @utu
  722. The entire Covid thing is 100% politicized.

    When Trump was in office, Democrats opposed vaxxing because “Trump.”

    Many conservatives also opposed vaxxing. Trumps fans booed him when he supported vaxxing. They are motivated not by politics, but by logic.

    Now Democrats support vaxxing because “Biden.”

    Despite this total politicization, today’s vax pushers call you an “anti-science moron” if you decline to be vaxxed.

    They are mindless puppets who imagine themselves geniuses.

    • Agree: JimDandy
  723. JimDandy says:

    I took the liberty of editing your comment by cutting all extraneous words. Here is the new and improved draft:

    For the record I am very glad we have no mandated or forced vaccinations. I am strongly opposed to such measures.

  724. gsjackson says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I’ve followed PCR for 41 years and never before heard him referred to as a libertarian, or read/heard anything from him suggesting an extreme anti-government bias. He was famous for being a supply sider. They had no particular theoretical bias against government, at least that was expressed in their work, but rather were pragmatists in arguing that in the late ’70s government’s tax burden had become counter-productive, and a different policy mix was in order.

    Of course, anyone who over the past 18 months hasn’t repositioned himself to some point on the radical-libertarian-to anarchist end of the spectrum, who doesn’t see government now as a virtual enemy, simply hasn’t been paying attention. The whole concept of government needs to be re-theorized.

    • Agree: Ben the Layabout
    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  725. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    Qui mori didicit, servire dedicit.

    Hereby adapting a portion of the reply that I previously withheld:

    However, shortly before his death in 1994 Oliver told associates that had he not been so ill, he would have relished the opportunity to write a favorable review of Final Judgment which had just been released earlier in the year.

    Well, that explains it. It is consistent with what I have been able to suss out about the final months of his life, and the circumstances of his death. (If I could, it would be my pleasure and my honor to undertake an independent biography of this remarkable man. I am not positioned to do so.)

    This invokes another important matter, which was the subject of some wrongful speculation in the closed military intelligence thread. Please excuse the extended quotation of something which not only answers that nonsense about Professor Oliver, but also is topical here. I am posting this now, so that I can link back to it as a supporting reference. It is an incisive argument with which I wholly agree, which I have never otherwise seen so well and so succinctly said. As you read the following, compare the parts that I have rendered in boldface to “suicide prevention” zealotry, and to the pseudo-medical religious tyranny of states that forbid to their “citizens” the most important right of a Roman slave.


    Professor Oliver lived and died consistently with his own ideas. See e.g., Liberty Bell, November 1988, pp. 54 f.:

    If there is such a thing as a natural and indefeasible right, it is an animal’s right to its own body and life. In more civilized and rational societies, no one ever attempted such outrageous tyranny as the Christians thought their superstition authorized—certainly no one attempted to curtail that inalienable right of free men, and efforts to prevent the suicide of slaves or captives were regarded as a form of vicious selfishness.²

    Before our racial mentality was addled by the Christian hoax, it was always recognized that suicide was the right of every man, the door that was always open so that life could not become a dungeon in which we are hopelessly imprisoned, the door through which one could escape at will from intolerable suffering and from dishonor. As Seneca said, the power that had shaped the universe had done nothing more beneficent than to provide that while there was only one entrance to life, there were many exits.³

    For men of our race, suicide was the ultimate guarantee of a man’s freedom and honor. Qui mori didicit, servire dedicit: he who knows how to die will never be a slave.⁴

    In our race, only Christians were capable of the cruelty of trying to deny a man’s right to leave life when it became or seemed insupportable to him. One memorable example of pious malignancy was recorded by Mark Twain in his notes: “I knew a man who….suffered partial paralysis, lay in his bed for thirty-eight years, unable to speak, unable to feed himself, unable to write; not even the small charity of quenching his mind was doled out to him—he lay and thought and brooded and mourned and begged for death 38 years.”⁵

    Such fiendish cruelty is enough to make one despair of the race that is capable of it. Today, many men and women are being held prisoner in hospitals and forced to die slowly and in agony, because they are denied the means of ending their suffering. Others are, in fact, already dead and can never recover consciousness, but their corpses are forced by ingenious apparatus to mimic life so that the hospitals and their technicians can collect a few more thousands of dollars. Persons under sentence of death or imprisonment they are unwilling to endure are denied their indefeasible right to end their own lives, just to torture them⁶ and waste the money extorted from taxpayers by our great machine of ‘democratic’ corruption.

    Throughout the Christian era, despite all perversely foolish laws, men and women not imprisoned have ignored the raving of holy men and found in death surcease of pain or dishonor,⁷ and the utmost ingenuity of Christian sadists was unable to devise a means of inflicting torture on a corpse. The practice of punishing suicides by burying their bodies at crossroads so they would be constantly disturbed by the traffic passing over their heads deterred no one who wished to die. It was possible, of course, to torment persons who unsuccessfully tried to kill themselves, and that was the only way in which the sinister fanatics could find the pleasure of inflicting their innate cruelty on their betters.


    2. Seneca commented on the immorality of masters who prevented their slaves from committing suicide.

    3. Epist. mor., 70 (= VIII.1), 14: Nihil melius aeterna lex fecit, quam quod unum introitum nobis ad vitam dedit, exitus multos.

    4. Seneca, ibid., 26 (= III.5), 10. A slightly different phrasing of the thought by the same author was the motto of the Romanian Iron Guard, which was a specifically Christian organization, but, like National Socialism in Germany, fostered in its members the Aryan manhood that is execrated by Jews and “Liberal” punks (cf. Liberty Bell, May 1988, pp. 1 ff.).

    5. Noteboook, ed. A. B. Paine (New York, Harper’s, 1935), p. 363.

    6. I remember a case that excited the newspapers when I was a child. A murderer who had been condemned to death found a means (possibly by the technique used by Hindu fakirs) to induce in himself a state of permanent catalepsy, and experts were summoned from all over the country and perhaps from Europe to restore him to consciousness so that he could be made to suffer before he was executed. After much frantic and prolonged ado about nothing reasonable, his unconscious body was finally carried to the electric chair.

    7. Some little restraint may possibly have been exerted by a belief in immortality; cf. John Addington Symonds:
       [lines of verse snipped by Raches]

    These were not merely the words of an elderly man in what was, by that time, already a poor state of health: Professor Oliver also quoted Seneca’s “Nihil melius aeterna lex fecit, quam quod unum introitum nobis ad vitam dedit, exitus multos,” when he was a healthy young man.

    From what I have gathered, Professor Oliver’s final months were unproductive and miserable; and when he had no rational expectation of ever again being otherwise, he exercised the one and only “natural right” that he recognized.

    Cf. Dr. Nietzsche’s prescription from Götzen-Dämmerung:

    A moral for doctors.—The sick man is a parasite of society. In certain cases it is indecent to go on living. To continue to vegetate in a state of cowardly dependence upon doctors and special treatments, once the meaning of life, the right to life, has been lost, ought to be regarded with the greatest contempt by society. […] One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. Death should be chosen freely,—death at the right time, faced clearly and joyfully and embraced while one is surrounded by one’s children and other witnesses. It should be affected in such a way that a proper farewell is still possible, that he who is about to take leave of us is still himself, […] Everything precisely the opposite of the ghastly comedy which Christianity has made of the hour of death. We should never forgive Christianity for having so abused the weakness of the dying man as to do violence to his conscience, […]

    That was partly quoted in German by another commentator, but with ellision of the most important lines; I had intended to correct it, but the thread was closed before I got around to it. “Auf eine stolze Art sterben, wenn es nicht mehr möglich ist, auf eine stolze Art zu leben. Der Tod, aus freien Stücken gewählt, der Tod zur rechten Zeit…” ®

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  726. @niceland

    Was my questioning the real death toll of the so called first wave leading you to nonsense? Maybe. It doesn’t matter.

    You are right to be glad not having been mandated or coerced socialy to be inoculated. That is an ugly society. It is disgusting, it can’t last but it is highly disruptive for the people.

    The only way to have a ‘normal’ social life with true interactions, those that feed your nervous system, produces healthy hormones, rejoyce your soul, is to demonstrate. There you meet people of all walks, vaccinated or not, united by their desire to remain humane and to regain freedom… Of basic things of life.

    The great majority who vaccinated did it to travel, go to restaurant, terrasses, all things that will be forbiden anyway because of the impoverishment of millions. Others did vaccinate not to lose their job and that is psychologicaly horrible.

    Very few did take the inoculation for being patriotic or ‘to protect the others’. If I Find some time tomorrow, I will translate the kind of lies, non sense, falsehood the gullible are fed with, salted and pepper by fear and served by lysenkoists doctors.

    The passe sanitaire was planed by the EU ‘covid suprem’ in 2019 and Jacques Attali announced that society, with details, in 1998.

    Wilkomen till totalitarism

  727. @Wild Man

    I agree with much of your comment and probably all of the sentiment behind it. I only quibble in your description of putting emotion to the service of reason. Both are real enough, even if both are commonly misunderstood by the individual. I can assert this because I find that they tend to align if I find the time to look at and appreciate them.

    Or maybe I am quite different in some ways. For example, I (only) once smoked a very large dose of what is essentially 5-MeO-DMT, and it merely nudged me into the mental state in which I am ordinarily most comfortable.

    I am not big on the use of hallucinogens, or privileging lessons learned while on them, but if I feel serene and act lucidly and calmly towards others when in what is essentially a state of full drug-induced psychosis, then I can only assume that where people’s awareness should sit, along the spectrum between the two poles, is highly variable. Most people seem to come from the opposite direction and that is best for them.

    At the same time, everyone would benefit from having an easy dialectic in this regard and moving along this line is ideally as easy as breathing, wherever you find you mostly need to end up.

    • Thanks: Wild Man
  728. geokat62 says:

    I [, a too well-known illiterate peasant…

    The “illiterate peasant” was able to catch the clever bird by the beak.

    So, I stand accused and convicted of the crime of literacy….

    As for myself, my policy is “no comment”…

    No comment? Since you like to portray yourself as the honourable aristocrat, high above us mere peasants, why don’t you do the honourable thing and acknowledge that you are indeed guilty of engaging in the disreputable act of sock puppetry?

    If I were an honourable aristocrat, I know I would do the honourable thing by telling the truth, rather than uttering the cowardly words “no comment.”

    • Agree: John Wear
  729. Wild Man says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Thank-you for the reply. I see what you mean. I may well be mistaken, but I saw the Trump phenomenon as an attempt to transform the Republican portion of the uni-party (the uni-party as controlled by they lying dirtbag western, but anti-true-west in sentiment, globalists), back towards true-westernism, aka classical liberalism, aka civic nationalism, aka MAGA. I don’t think I am at all mistaken that there is a fairly large appetite for said correction of course, among Americans and westerners in general. But it still is quite up in the air, as to how much Trump was truly hamstrung, so as to only obtain a partial success towards said transformative endeavor (i.e. – I am willing to give Trump more benefit of the doubt, at this point, than you are …. yet I would agree that I may end up being wrong about that, once more is known about the strange dynamics as occurred within his admin … was he hamstrung as to which circle of people he could choose candidates from, for his admin? ….. there certainly is some evidence for that … General Flynn for instance).

    But, with regards to seeing which Republican RINOs or never-Trumpers, vs. which Republican Trumpers, jumped on the ‘Covid Officialdom is lying’ bandwagon (which is my bandwagon I guess) … note it is people like Rand Paul whom is on the ‘Covid Officialdom is lying’ bandwagon …. and he is not a RINO, nor a never-Trumper. Alternatively, the Republican RINOs and never-Trumpers are the ones that continue to help obfuscate around the Covid Officialdom lies.

    I already posted those Covid Officialdom lies (7 or perhaps as many as 11 egregious, obnoxious and very harmful covid lies), I am alluding to, in my comment #1313, of previous thread following a Ron Unz article entitled – ‘The Covid Debate: to Vaxx or Not to Vaxx (total of 1,589 comments)’.

    You do give good advice with respect to consumption of mainstream media, however my point was that the vast majority of people are indeed so-conditioned by this mainstream media dreck.

    With respect to the feeling of a weight being lifted from your shoulders upon making your vaxx decision ……. yes that is natural, but perhaps the relief at having taken a decision will be very short-lived, …. a feeling of relief only until you need to make further decisions around booster #3, #4 …. #5 …. I think you may well end up back on my bandwagon, as this continues to unfold.

    In the meantime, I don’t think it is helpful to uphold that personal relief (i.e. – the temporary relief stemming from having taken a decision), by way of denigrating those that have not yet taken said decision (which is what mainstream media/government/corporations/Covid Officialdom, is counseling people such as yourself, the vaxx-takers, to do).

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  730. @Raches

    You and the other commenter are prone to grandiosity. That doesn’t make you the same person.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  731. Mevashir says:

    Study: COVID recovery gave Israelis longer-lasting Delta defense than vaccines

    Exactly what the anti-vaxxers have claimed all along! The vaxxs increase viral mutagenesis and lethality!!!

    F*ck Fauci Forever…

  732. Skeptikal says:
    @Greta Handel

    “R and L-B both write like stereotypical Frenchmen arguing the arts. ”

    Thanks for bringing that maniac L=B to mind.
    I wonder whether he will pop up again when they try to publish their election audit in AZ.

    Raches’ being French may explain her misunderstandings regarding the use of the subjunctive in English. I tried to help her, but she retorted that I must be a peasant (meant as an insult).

    I stopped reading that comment at that point and have ignored her ever since.

    I have a high regard for peasants, whether or not they know how to use the subjunctive in their native tongue.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  733. @Triteleia Laxa

    I’m prone to grandiosity? How so?

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  734. Tony Hall says:
    @Tony Hall

    The article I included here yesterday as a comment on this thread has been properly published today on Global which is covering all aspects of the manufactured COVID crisis diligently. The coverage at GR looks at the unfolding story on its own terms. Its does not push the obfuscating paradigm that the main feature of what is transpiring is some kind of altercation between pro and anti vaxxers. The title has been altered to “Herd Stupidity.”

    • Replies: @geokat62
  735. @gsjackson

    It appears I mislabelled him. Fair enough.

    I used to lean towards a libertarian ethos but the past several years have convinced me that it’s not government in the abstract that’s the problem but the current type of government we have and the people in it that are the problem.

    I think it’s imperative that white people begin to demand powerful governments that work to protect their interests. This is extremely urgent. I refer you to Steve Sailer’s “most important graph in the world” – that ominous wave on the horizon.

    (The ethnicity of so many of the founders of libertarianism is relevant. Remember, these are a people who’ve inherited – religiously or genetically – a milleniums old command to “tear down and destroy” the nations around them.)

    • Agree: utu
    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  736. @Punch Brother Punch

    I was lazily referring to “Loup-Bouc.” I haven’t read your comments, but you are very quick to assume that I’d be referring you 😂

  737. Wild Man says:

    I have been with two most precious loved ones, whom I was privileged enough to be with, on their deathbeds. Both times, amidst much suffering, was there the will to live apparent, until God’s judgment chooses otherwise. In neither case was my loved one cowardly. In neither case was my loved one’s true character diminished (no … instead …. accentuated). What I experienced was, ….. my precious loved ones were more-like filled with human courage, upon facing the imminence of Death. Blessed human courage as displayed within the unknowable maw of the Infinite Abstract powers. What supports such human courage? Love. That’s all we really have. Love for one another. It’s the highest privilege of all, to witness this love, within these most difficult of human circumstances.

    This isn’t about pride. This is about meeting Death within the true-west spirit of ontological humility, …. which humility allows us to see deeply into our existential condition, a condition we share with each and every human being, …. and as such, we come to know, all we have is each other, which allows for this feeling of deep true-Christian love for one another. I love my fellow human beings because they suffer in the same way I do, and so I feel deep compassion for that, and in doing so, I find deep compassion for myself, and so I find self-love (a necessity), within this true-west ordering.

    Raches …. you seem to continue to speak in favor of the antithesis of this true-west, our rightful heritage. Seek the ontological humility. That’s the path to brotherly love.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Tony Hall
  738. geokat62 says:
    @Tony Hall

    The article I included here yesterday as a comment on this thread has been properly published today…

    Congratulations… well deserved!

  739. @Erebus

    How can you determine what is or isn’t representative of my “style” when I’ve only been commenting for a few days? And #548 was obviously a joke post so it can’t be used as evidence for anything.

    Anyway, you can tell raches and I are not the same person by the fact that she seems to be much more philosophically-oriented than I am. When I was younger I read Schopenhauer, a bit of Nietzsche, and some general surveys/histories such as that of Will Durant, but that’s never been an intellectual discipline that’s received a large amount of my attention.

    • Replies: @Erebus
  740. Raches says:

    Et tu, utu?

    I know that you are essentially a liberal, and you probably dislike my politics (by the standards of which I categorically declare: everyone with a modern Weltanschauung is a liberal, including Donald Trump). I thought that we may someday get into a flamewar on such topics.

    Nonetheless, I did give you at least a tiny bit of credit for being less susceptible to confirmation bias, “I want to believe” syndrome, and fallacious conspiracy theorizing than “geokat62”, “Skeptical”, “Erebus”, “Greta Handel”, and the thankful John Wear are. Did—past tense.

    It would be hard to dissuade me

    Have fun playing with your new friends, who will surely adduce PROOF from my long-standing, nobly principled, eminently practical, categorical and publicly declared policy of refusing to deign to such games.

    Among other reasons for my policy, decades of experience on the Internet (lurking and otherwise) have shown me that idiots who lose a debate, and/or who otherwise bear petty grudges, will launch an inquisition based even on the coincidence of a single word. One of the most effective ad hominem attacks is to annihilate someone’s identity—at all costs, by any means necessary; and paranoia is anyways popular on the Internet, even outside of “conspiracy theory” venues. Trolls and butthurt losers thus call their betters to answer a charge of alternate identities, under a presumption of guilt that can never be adequately disproved—with Kafkaesque or even “Kafkatrap” standards of evidence, with perpetually shifting arguments that snowball together into an avalanche of confirmation bias, with attempts to shake out personally identifying information, with the silence of the accused taken as incontrovertible proof—and oftentimes, with denials taken as proof.

    In the case of a false charge, the only way to please the crowd is to confess. In at least one case of a true charge of sockpuppetting, whereby “clear and convincing” evidence was actually presented, I have even seen someone condemned for confessing—specifically condemned for confessing and apologizing—because allegedly, he had evil motives for coming clean with the truth (!), and even worse motives for expressing remorse which by all evidence was sincere (!!). Not only is it a game: It is a no-win game.

    See, I am already convicted of a charge that I must now confess:

    Since you like to portray yourself as the honourable aristocrat, high above us mere peasants, why don’t you do the honourable thing and acknowledge that you are indeed guilty of engaging in the disreputable act of sock puppetry?

    I myself have a talent for busting sockpuppets. I apply it for proper purposes, not as a weapon to pursue someone who honestly dared to disagree with my opinion in a debate. I always apply proper standards of evidence, inspired by those used in real courtrooms; and I never lose my head hurling around accusations based only on a scintilla or less. For example, I know that language exists for the purpose of communication; and for that purpose, language must be shared. If I see that two people each have a certain particular word in their respective vocabularies, I tend to take that as evidence that quite probably, more than one individual in the whole wide world speaks English above the level of a dull child—just as I don’t read too much into it if two people express opinions that look sort of approximately almost similar to you, when you squint hard enough through the lens of I want to believe. Notwithstanding, I admit that my paranoid theory of more than one person knowing the English language is less plausible than the obvious fact that my billions of sockpuppets wrote all of the dictionaries containing the word “contemn”.

    Anyway, I shan’t spoil your fun. I neither admit nor deny the accusation. I contemn your court of Internet Arguments by declaring: No comment. Silence is golden for me—for you, my silence is probably like a laser pointer’s dot flashed before an excitable pussy. Enjoy playtime with your buddies. ®

    • Replies: @Erebus
    , @utu
    , @niceland
  741. @Biff

    Joe Rogan took Ivermectin as part of a cocktail of a number of drugs, likely at a low enough dosage for it to be innocuous. There’s no way to determine if it had any effect on his covid.

    I think what’s happening with the mainstream media coverage is the media is trying, in their ham-fisted way, to do the responsible thing. They recognize that their remaining readers are dullards and midwits, and are trying to save them from misusing the drug.

    Already, in Ivermectin forums, we’re seeing posts by users who’ve taken to wearing diapers because they’re taking too much of the stuff and are constantly soiling themselves.

    • LOL: Triteleia Laxa
    • Replies: @Erebus
  742. Erebus says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Joe Rogan took Ivermectin as part of a cocktail of a number of drugs…

    As every doctor I’m aware of that’s using Ivermectin for treatment does. In fact, as every doctor treating a viral infection will tell you, it’s always a cocktail and it’s often adjusted as treatment proceeds. There is no single shot, magic bullet way of treating viruses.

    Rogan, from what I know went overboard and threw everything into the mix. Most of the self-medicaters I know used a 3-part cocktail composed of Ivermectin, Zn supplements and a wideband antibiotic like Azithromycin, but several used Ivermectin alone with no obvious difference in effect.

    … we’re seeing posts by users who’ve taken to wearing diapers because they’re taking too much of the stuff and are constantly soiling themselves.

    I haven’t spent much time on it, but it seems that in the US veterinary Ivermectin is most commonly found in the form of a paste from a tube. The problem is that for some reason, the ingredients can separate while on the shelf and require re-mixing before application. If so, under/over-dosing becomes unavoidable for inexperienced users.

    Doctors in S. Africa and Zimbabwe (with which I am familiar) recommended 1% Injection Grade veterinary Ivermectin and posted videos on how to use it. Naturally, the Sheep & Cattle version was the most widely available. It was in such widespread use by humans that the entire distribution chain for veterinary Ivermectin was wiped out in both countries and S. Africa’s farmer associations were petitioning the govt to lift the ban on the human grades because they couldn’t treat their livestock.

    Zimbabwe lifted their ban, and their COVID death rate approached zero within a couple weeks. S. Africa still hasn’t lifted theirs. Here’s a more interesting case of back-to-back lifting/imposing bans on Ivermectin. From what I’m told quite recently, the above 3-part cocktail works on so-called “breakthrough” cases as well. You may want to keep that in mind.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  743. Erebus says:

    Silence is golden for me…

    At >2700 words/day for 45 days straight, it would appear that for you, the only feature that silence shares with gold is scarcity. The words themselves, otoh, share gold’s fungibility. Up to a point, of course.

  744. utu says:

    For me it is not about your flamboyant displays of your erudition and your craving for attention. The display can be entertaining but ultimately it is not very useful and it tends to burn out quickly and lead to implosion which the fact of you changing handles confirms. However Ron Unz admires you very much:
    And as it happens, this debate drew in an exceptionally erudite new commenter calling himself “Raches,” seemingly one of the most formidable intellects ever found on this website.

    He never spoke so highly about anybody before though I have some reservations about his judgment about people.

    I look at your meat and potatoes arguments in the debate. There are not that many. You are not that productive here in this respect.

    I do not seek friends here. Perhaps temporary allies and kindred spirits that display sensitivities I like. You could be the former but not the latter. I detest grandiosity.

    I am not against you nor for you. I will support your arguments if I like them but I always had doubts about your sincerity even before finding out about the other incarnation of yours at the UR.

    I will continue to argue against floomerism and anti-vaxxism as I have been doing it from the day one of the pandemic. Though I would prefer if Ron Unz show that he is a real mensch and shut down this thread forever and purge the UR from the likes of Mike Whitney, Paul Craig Roberts, John Wear…They all failed the stress test. Solzhenitsyn observed that the feeble minded were the first to go crazy under the stress of being arrested and sent to gulags. The contingent represented by “geokat62” “Skeptical”, “Erebus”, “Greta Handel”, and “John Wear” and the two from Australia are the feeble minded who lost it last year or just plane crazy psychotics who always were crazy. The idea of the sleeper agents of influence who were activated for the pandemic to impede the ability of our society dealing with it effectively often crossed my mind.

    Here is my floomer and anti-vaxxer typology:
    Basically there are three contingents: health nuts, psychotics and libertarians.

    A commenter who made several sensible comments here recently that got my attention is Punch Brother Punch. He seems to be sincere and genuine. Here he recognizes that a strong government is needed and that libertarianism is false ideology that leads people astray (I would add that on purpose and by design):

    I think it’s imperative that […] people begin to demand powerful governments that work to protect their interests.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Raches
  745. @Wild Man

    I suspect Trump was always in it for himself and his brand, and I think he’s been controlled to some degree since the beginning. Look into his relationship with Roy Cohn, which started in the mid-70s.

    I don’t denigrate people who choose not to get vaxxed, as long as it’s not for totally idiotic reasons. Concerns about side effects, lack of long-term testing, etc. – these are valid concerns, they’re partly why I put off getting vaxxed for so long. My only issue is with the way anti-vaxxers behave online.

    • Thanks: Wild Man
  746. utu says:

    “Sounds like the Kennedy assassination witnesses. ” – No, it does not.

    • Replies: @Robjil
  747. @Erebus

    I’m looking at a graph of covid cases in Zimbabwe and it looks pretty similar to the U.S. – peak last winter, valley in the spring, and a surge the last couple of months.

  748. niceland says:

    I neither admit nor deny the accusation. I contemn your court of Internet Arguments by declaring: No comment.

    You can argue till we run out of collective digital ink, or when the sun cools down. It won’t matter. Having witnessed endless discussions when people accused of hatred try to convince the audience such isn’t the case –
    I concur. It’s logically impossible. The same applies here.

    I am supporting your decision not only because it’s the correct one but for other reasons as well. Your defense would no doubt be entertaining, but it would also consume time and resources and likely delay the publication of the article you intend to write.

    Mr Unz isn’t the only one waiting. I for one could use well written, intelligent, and perhaps highly controversial article right about now after spending way too much time arguing about covid. While some use the phrase ‘perfection is the enemy of progress’ as excuse I am not worried about reminding you of it.

    • Thanks: Raches
  749. @Emslander

    Today he’s published one of his college papers on some aspect of animal incest. This is not a good sign, from a mental balance point of view.

    If you knew anything about evolutionary biology, you’d know it can take you to some dark places. The true spirit of scientific inquiry requires pursuing truth wherever it may lead, no matter how it might disturb one’s sensibilities (or those of others).

    If this material is too much for you, I think you may be on the wrong website. Might I suggest Fox News or Infowars?

    • Agree: Raches
    • LOL: Emslander
  750. Raches says:

    In re “utu”

    Your aspersions cast on my personality are beneath attention, in the manner that a toddler’s tantrum is beneath attention. I am glad to have a link to that comment by Mr. Unz, which I am dismayed to have somehow missed. As for you yourself, this is the only important part of your 500-word comment:

    …which the fact of you changing handles confirms.

    Whether by active malice, or by wanton and willful recklessness, you really are no better than “Iris”, “Erebus”, your new fan the credulous “Skeptical”, John Wear, and Anthony Hall. I am not saying that only to insult you. When you make bold statements about me in matters about which I have first-hand knowledge, that is reckless and injudicious at best; it is bad enough. When you slip it in as a presumed fact by rhetorical sleight of hand, in the manner of begging the question, that is also intellectually dishonest; it is much worse.

    And you never even pause to wonder if by so eagerly latching onto Mr. Geokat’s latest ideation, you may lend the weight of whatever reputation you have built up to harming someone else’s reputation unjustifiably in an Internet troll’s smear attack. Stupid, utu—you are stupid, and malign. And when I point out to people that you don’t deserve any of the credibility you may have earned with them, that is self-defense for the reason that I have just stated.

    Though I would prefer if Ron Unz show that he is a real mensch and shut down this thread forever and purge the UR from the likes of Mike Whitney, Paul Craig Roberts, John Wear…They all failed the stress test. Solzhenitsyn observed that the feeble minded were the first to go crazy under the stress of being arrested and sent to gulags.

    You also failed the stress test. Evidently, all that is needed to shatter your powers of sound judgment is your patent personal dislike for me—perhaps also your jealousy. In soundness of judgment and in mental acuity, you have shown here that your are indistinguishable from any basement-dwelling troll wrapped up in an Internet fantasyland. You should henceforth be treated accordingly. ®

  751. @Skeptikal

    She’s not French. I don’t see anything that could lead to that conclusion. For my part I am always amazed by the mistakes I make when rereading. If I was to write an essay, a book, I wouldn’t accept such mispellings, weird formulations but here it’s OK… créole.

    Bouc-loup is a very odd combination and it sounds in French rather harch and improbable. Goat-wolf… seems like a character in one of my daughter’s comic book in pagan environment…. I have never seen such association of animal.

  752. niceland says:

    Iceland – side effects from covid vaccines. Some bits:

    Total vaxxed ~ 270.000

    Reported side effects:
    All – 3086
    Serious – 196

    What does “serious” mean?
    Causing: Death, live threatening condition, hospitalization, prolonged hospitalization if already in hospital, disability or birth defect”

    Deaths reported shortly after vaccination 31

    Google translated from news article:

    52 reports of blood clots and 16 of heart problems

    There are some known side effects for the vaccines used in Iceland, on the one hand there is myocarditis or pericarditis for mRNA vaccines, from Pfizer and Moderna, and blood clots and blood clotting problems for the AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines. These are rare side effects that are mentioned in the package leaflet.

    According to Rúna, the Icelandic Medicines Agency has received 52 reports of blood clots following vaccinations, 26 for the AstraZeneca vaccine and two for the Janssen vaccine. On the other hand, 21 notifications have been received for Pfizer vaccines and three for Moderna, although no adverse reactions have been reported for these vaccines. According to Rúna, however, it is important to keep in mind that there is rarely a causal connection. *

    Regarding side effects after vaccination with mRNA vaccines, seven reports of myocarditis and nine for pericarditis have been reported. There is very little that can be said about this, these are known rare side effects of Pfizer and Moderna, but this has also been reported by AstraZeneca, “says Rúna.

    3 young women, paralyzed to some degree after getting booster shots. First vaxxed with Janssen and then got Modrena mRNA shot as booster.

    Scroll a bit down this page for more detailed breakdown :

    Generally speaking I haven’t been very happy of late with above mentioned Rúna Hvannberg, head of the Icelandic Medicines Agency. It’s almost as if her job is to downplay risks from these new vaccines in interviews and she is eager to point out the causal connection is unproven, rare or unlikely.

  753. Erebus says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Anyway, you can tell raches and I are not the same person by the fact that she seems to be much more philosophically-oriented than I am.

    More than that, you’ve remained civil and, more recently, amenable to “entertaining ideas without accepting them”.

    At the end of the day, I didn’t find acementhead‘s theory that you and L-B?/R were the same person convincing back in #692, and am now as convinced as one can be in these matters that you’re not.




    Oh Danny boy
    The pipes the pipes are calling
    Intubated 30 days
    And they still say
    It’s something that should cause worry
    Oh Danny boy
    You proved them oh so wrong
    You made it this far long
    Now it’s time to give your bed
    To another anti-vaxx who said
    It’s twaint nothing, nothing
    but the flu

    (bagpipe plays)

  755. Alfred says:

    The strawman debate has ended. Natural immunity is best for 90% of the population. For the remaining 10%, prophylactics such as Ivermectin and HCQ will prevent serious infection.

    A newly published medical study found that infection from COVID-19 confers considerably longer-lasting and stronger protection against the Delta variant of the virus than vaccines.

    Put another way, vaccinated individuals were 27 times more likely to get a symptomatic COVID infection than those with natural immunity from COVID.

    Harvard Epidemiologist: The Case for Vaccine Passports Was Demolished

  756. anon[252] • Disclaimer says:

    CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns. The RT-PCR Test

    The CDC has issued a document that bulges with devastating admissions.

    The release is titled, “07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing.” It begins explosively:

    “After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”

    Many people believe this means the CDC is giving up on the PCR test as a means of “detecting the virus.” The CDC isn’t saying that at all.

    They’re saying the PCR technology will continue to be used, but they’re replacing what the test is looking FOR with a better “reference sample.” A better marker. A better target. A better piece of RNA supposedly derived from SARS-CoV-2.

    CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—right up to this minute.

    In other words, the millions and millions of “COVID cases” based on the PCR test in use are all suspect. Actually, that statement is too generous. Every test result of every PCR test should be thrown out.

    To confirm this, the CDC document links to an FDA release titled, “SARS-CoV-2 Reference Panel Comparative Data.” Here is a killer quote:


    “During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

    Translation: We, at the CDC, did not have a specimen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when we concocted the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2.

    Yes, it’s unbelievable, right?

    And that’s the test we’ve been using all along.

    So we CONTRIVED samples of the virus. We fabricated. We lied.

    We made up [invented] synthetic gene sequences and we SAID these sequences HAD TO BE close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2, without having the faintest idea of what we were doing, because, again, we didn’t have an actual specimen of the virus. We had no proof THERE WAS something called SARS-CoV-2.

    This amazing FDA document goes to say the Agency has granted emergency approval to 59 different PCR tests since the beginning of the (fake) pandemic. 59. And,

    “…it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

    Translation: Each of the 59 different PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 told different lies and concocted different fabrications about the genetic makeup of the virus—the virus we didn’t have. Obviously, then, these tests would give unreliable results.


    BUT, don’t worry, be happy, because NOW, the CDC and the FDA say, they really do have actual virus samples of SARS-CoV-2 from patients; they have better targets for the PCR test, and labs should start gearing up for the new and improved tests.

    In other words, they were lying THEN, but they’re not lying NOW. They were “contriving,” but now they’re telling the truth.

    If you believe that, I have Fountain of Youth water for sale, extracted from the lead-contaminated system of Flint, Michigan.

    Here, once again, I report virology’s version of “we isolated the virus”:

    They have a soup they make in their labs.

    This soup contains human and monkey cells, toxic chemicals and drugs, and all sorts of other random genetic material. Because the cells start to die, the researchers ASSUME a bit of mucus from a patient they dropped in the soup is doing the killing, and THE VIRUS must be the killer agent in the mucus.

    This assumption is entirely unwarranted. The drugs and chemicals could be doing the cell-killing, and the researchers are also starving the cells of vital nutrients, and that starvation could kill the cells.

    There is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup, or that it is doing the cell-killing, or that it exists.

    Yet the researchers call cell-death “isolation of the virus.”

    To say this is a non-sequitur is a vast understatement. In their universe, “We assume, without proof, we have the virus buried in a soup in a dish in the lab” equals, “We’ve separated the virus from all surrounding material.”

    Virology equals “how to spread bullshit for a living and scare the world.” Other than that, it’s perfect.

    • Thanks: geokat62, gsjackson
    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  757. Raches says:

    Today he’s [Mr. Unz has] published one of his college papers on some aspect of animal incest. This is not a good sign, from a mental balance point of view.

    In 1886, the use of Latin as the language of science had already fallen to desuetude; but Krafft-Ebing wrote the most graphic parts of Psychopathia Sexualis in Latin, to deter the lower classes from reading his scholarly treatise as perverse pornography. I take that as further evidence that “every one being allowed to learn to read, ruineth in the long run not only writing but also thinking.”

    And the same as for you. Mr. Unz published a scientific article. To be scandalized by it is as bad as being too morbidly fascinated. If only he could have published it in Latin, so as to exclude you. ®

    I have been trying to formulate a comment on Mr. Unz’s article since early yesterday, when there was only one comment. It is tricky when I am admittedly on somewhat shaky grounds as to my own knowledge, approaching the question at some points more historically and philosophically than scientifically, trying to write a coherent statement of alternative hypotheses.

    • Replies: @Emslander
    , @Wielgus
  758. Raches says:

    Comments are now in moderation limbo. At this time, the second to last comment publicly visible on this page is “In re ‘utu’”; and the last visible comment is not relevant.

    I will thus take the opportunity to place on record in advance my potential conclusions about what I guess may be accumulating in the moderation queue:

    If you dug in and doubled down, “utu”, instead of properly retracting your statements and apologizing to me, then you will have officially passed from the realm of reckless and stupid to malicious liar.

    You have already irreparably destroyed your credibility, by proclaiming a “fact” based on practically nothing—and then using that “fact” to “confirm” that I “burn out quickly”, that I am suffering an “implosion”, and also that you were right to doubt my “sincerity”. How far will you have gone?

    You will note that I have never denied the allegation that I am performing “Kabuki theater” with That Would Be Telling, the allegation that I bear the illustrious title of sayan, or even the very widespread allegation that I am Ron Unz’s sockpuppet. Sometimes, I make fun of these allegations; sometimes, I point out that the accusation is baseless, and that the accuser lacks credibility; otherwise, I ignore them. Those so alleging are generally beneath contempt, like Mr. Geokatz.

    However, you may be assured that if you, “utu”, were to endorse such an allegation, I would roast you to a cinder, and then burn your ashes—as hereby. Of course, I still would not deny an allegation that in principle, I refuse to answer. ®

  759. Adrian says:

    Actually, I feel for him as I would an eccentric old uncle one’s fond of. The sort who chases ravens across the moors damning them all to hell, arms a-waving, spittle flying and a boot missing. One keeps a comfortable distance, of course, but there’s a charm to it that resonates with the rich tapestry of life.

    Hah. I like that image. And that eccentric old uncle should live with an eccentric old aunt, someone like Betsey Trotwood.

    Your style makes me think of Theodore Dalrymple but I will not inconvenience you by asking whether you are perchance him. Anyway, I feel honored to share this thread with you.

  760. kali says:
    @Ron Unz

    Well Ron,

    It seems that your determination to rid your website of “anti-vaxx crackpots” and “flu-hoaxers” has taken a turn for the surreal. You would rather encourage someone obviously in the grip of hyper-mania to submit an article despite the huge disruption he brings to the conversation. Thereby discrediting your entire website and yourself. – Even in the eyes of those commenters who´s former contributions you valued highly enough to distinguish with a golden star…

    Until, that is, the world was struck by the biggest psy-op in history which you continue to fail to recognise despite the literally masses of evidence that points clearly in that direction. Now your former star-commenters are relegated to to rank of “crackpot” whilst hyper-manic, sociopath “Raches” gets star treatment. Surreal indeed!

    Tell us, Mr Unz, will you be there to pick up the pieces when Raches comes crashing down as he inevitably will? Doubtful.

    In the meantime your bloody-mindedness regarding the pandemic HOAX which is turning our countries into dictatorships, which has been used to shock gullible populations into submissive compliance in preparation for a lot more to come, is bringing out the very worst in you, as you yourself support and encourage this turn toward totalitarianism.

    Whatever your reasons, you betray your own reputation as an honest intellectual, and you trash this formerly excellent website despite the huge amount of work you put into it. You now set yourself up as an enemy of reason, an enemy of rational discourse and an enemy of freedom.

    I do not know yet if I will continue to comment here or not. To be sure your site features some excellent columnists and contributers, though most of them I can read elsewhere… We shall see.


    A message to like-minded commenters and friends, below…


    Friends and fellow travellers, by way of “doxxing” myself I invite those who are interested to view my website, which for reasons of life on the edge, long periods of no internet, inadequate devices, etc, has not been updated, besides some basic text edits, pretty much since hubby created it shortly after we first met. But still, you can read all about our various adventures living outside the system at
    Of course I can be contacted through the website. Alternatively friends are invited to email me at kazz67 @ and expect a reply from my protonmail account. (For clarity, before I accepted the calling Kali Prajita I was generally known as Kazz or Kazz67. It´s all there in the blogs, where you´ll also see evidence of real, committed rebellion against tyranny, lawlessness and corruption.

    I´ve though for a while that a forum could be a good addition to the site. And now it seems it´s about time I created a new blog there too. Chronicling the Covid Deception or some such. We´ll see…

    All my love and very best wishes to committed rebels, activists, lovers of freedom, and fighters for truth and for justice. Each and every one of you makes life worth living!

    Kali Prajita (nee Karen Lucas).

  761. Robjil says:

    People who speak up, should not get this disease so easily. It is very fishy. African government ministers who speak up have the same problem as the speak up people in the west.

    This paper provides evidence that the COVID-19-related mortality rate of national government ministers and heads of state has been substantially higher than that of people with a similar sex and age profile in the general population, a trend that is driven by African cases (17 out of 24 reported deaths worldwide, as of 6 February 2021). Ministers’ work frequently puts them in close contact with diverse groups, and therefore at higher risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2, but this is not specific to Africa.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  762. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    One problem is that the software architecture of this website has gotten quite complex over time, considering my huge body of customized PHP/JS code built upon the core WordPress foundation and also including numerous third-party WordPress plugins. So I’m extremely cautious about making any substantial underlying changes that could easily break numerous things in ways that would be difficult to track down, especially on all the different browser/device platforms. That would certainly seem to apply with regard to the IndexedDB package you recommend as a replacement for cookies.

    Not to play armchair chef at your dinner table—I’m just thinking along the lines of “slowly modularize and refactor”. When you started, perhaps WordPress may have been the best underlying CMS for your overall needs; and perhaps it still may be. But someday, maybe not… I had actually been intending to ask you how modular your system is, or how closely it’s married to WP. Not to pry; I have an insatiate curiosity in such matters. (And of course, that question about your backend CMS is irrelevant to the IndexDB thing.)

    However, since the MathJax package seems more a display system, I think it would be much easier to implement, so I’ll take a look at it. If some browser can’t handle it, I’d assume the math code would just remain unrendered.

    Thanks. Yes, it will degrade gracefully so that when scripts are disabled, it just shows the LaTeX gibberish. (That is what some parts of Stack Exchange usually look like to me: An unreadable mess.) MathJax is well-maintained by professionals, so I presume that it works in all major browsers.

    The ability to scribble equations in the comments should be consistent with your general mission to attract smart people into a free-thought zone. And of course, it should work for the articles, too!

    By the way, I want to make this clear: I have tried to contact you several times. Based upon the total lack of response, I presume that my messages must have been eaten by an overly zealous robot with an appetite for spam. I waited, tried again, waited again and tried by different means… I really did not want to chit-chat in public about personal communications; but at this point, if you have received nothing from me, I understand that you may think me rude at best for not having at least sent you a courtesy note.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  763. kali says:
    @but really

    Been meaning to jump back to this for a while now, but really, (I initially ready your comment off-line) to thank you.

    I like the view from where you are standing Kali.

    I very much appreciate your saying so.

    With love,

  764. Adrian says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Vaccine uptake is global, especially among the elites.

    What kind of elites? If you allow PhDs to be an educational elite (which you might not if you don’t belong to it) it doesn’t seem to hold for them:

    Most vaccine-hesitant group is those with PhDs, research shows

    “Most skeptical and least likely to change their minds, findings reveal

    A study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh researchers found that vaccine hesitancy is highest among those with a PhD.
    The online survey of more than 5 million adults was conducted between January 6 and May 31. People who said “probably not” or “definitely not” when asked if they would get the vaccine were considered vaccine hesitant.
    “There was not a decrease in hesitancy among those with a professional degree or PhD,” the paper states.
    A news release regarding the results explained further: “Hesitancy held constant in the most educated group (those with a Ph.D.); by May Ph.D.’s were the most hesitant group.”

    You stated:

    People in charge really are interested in public health and vaccines really do help. This is why they are promoting it so strongly and why they are intolerant of those who undermine their efforts.

    There are by now quite a few places in the world where this statement would only evoke hollow laughter among the reasonably well informed. The place from where I write (Australia) is one of them. This is clearly no longer about public health. The fact that reasonably effective medicines as ivermectin and hydroxylchloroquine have been literally sabotaged speaks for itself.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Robjil
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
    , @Raches
  765. @Raches

    Shame isn’t a real feeling. It is the blank, formless space in which the person feels lost when they can’t find their real feeling.

    And grandiosity isn’t a real defence. It just distracts the grandiose from the above anxiety.

    • Replies: @Raches
  766. @Robjil

    A very small proportion of say Congolese can get tested. A very high proportion of those are government ministers.

  767. @niceland

    Takk Fyrir,

    Good job. This is informative.

  768. @kali

    Following up ridiculously grandiose criticism of someone else with immediate and equally ridiculous self-aggrandisement is not a sympathetic look.

    If you want tolerance for your alternative lifestyle, which most people see as completely irresponsible freeloading, you might want to learn to tolerate others having different ideas to you. Given your chosen name, you should be open to the sentiment that “judgement is a sign of loneliness.” It is common wisdom.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
    , @kali
  769. kali says:


    It makes perfecth sense! – I tried to recall the name of Loup-Bouc when Raches first joined us, but it escaped me.

    Thanks Geokat!

    • Thanks: geokat62
  770. Adrian says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    The very old and very sick were vaccinated first. Vaccine take up rates by people in those categories were exceptional. This means that you are not comparing like for like.

    Yes, those figures had barely appeared or they were already explained away in this fashion. It is possible that that is the explanation but the fact remains that the report does not indicate which agegroups were involved.

    And what has your grandfather to do with this?

    • Replies: @Raches
  771. @kali

    thank you Man,

    Surreal is the word for sure, but it is also funny to witness. Last night I watched, like millions,, an alternative tv channel created by an ex MSM TV presentator and director of redaction turned wistleblower during this crisis.
    Who, like you, has been touring in Europe since the beginning of ‘operation covid19’ to check the reality, meet the dissenters with a camping car (I know it’s less romantic than a van).

    He is striving to unite the different groups joining the demos, hard work. So last night the Capitaine Juvin-Brunet, non active Gendarmerie officer from St Cyr, explained that we are living under a psyop, a term that he explained to the people, as a military. He is very active in the movement in Toulon, a navy base. Very crowded demonstrations in that town, since the begining of the peaceful rebellion.

    He is not called a conspiracy theorist, the MSM just ignore him.

    The big problem that is arising is of course the politisation of the movement. I might explain that in detail later on.

    You are free to leave that thread, but it exists and we can share (more than debate), even our disagreements without being censored.

    Any way, in “la vie d’avant” (the old normal) I would have invite you to park your van in our village and maybe would have plan to go to Portugal for a couple of days. When I was a child, a teenager, there was the cold war and we were given as exemples of the tyrannical USSR the fact that people couldn’t travel freely without a passeport. We were told (family, school) how we had to hold Ausweiss to move in our country during the German 3rd Reich’s occupation and how humiliating it had been.

    Here we are… I can’t take long distance trains because I haven’t been inoculated and furthermore I refuse to wear the the muzzle. But! because all is absurd, if I go to Paris, I can take the crowded subway or the RER (train from and to the suburbs) whitout the ‘vaccine ausweiss’. That makes sense…

    In only have a recumbent bike to move around… Perfect. There are local food shops 10 km away, no need to go to huge supermarkets where you need your internal passeport of the Covidic Union, and furthermore the food is of very good quality.

    I take notice of your adresses, thank you Kali, you’re a good Brit’, free from the subjection to the ‘royal babylon’, at least in spirit, not yet legally.

    Respectueusement. Prend soin de toi, on est ensemble Karen

    • Replies: @Kali
  772. Adrian says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Here’s a study that shows that the unvaccinated are now 15 times more likely to die of Covid. There might be confounding factors,..

    Fifteen times huh. This is so obviously a governmental sales piece for the jab that your ready acceptance of it leads to all kinds of surmises.

    “Confounding factors huh” Well I will tell you what the greatest confounding factors are here – the swindlers directing this whole enterprise.

    In California, a doctor reported to Katy Grimes of the California Globe that hospitals are being instructed to NOT test those who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 when they are admitted, which would obviously skew the numbers.
    A physician contacted the Globe and said testing protocol from Scripps is indicating that they aren’t testing the vaccinated in the hospitals – they are only testing the unvaccinated for COVID (see below), despite the many COVID breakthrough cases reported.
    The physician asked, “I wonder if this is the new testing protocol state wide?”

    The physician contacted another hospital and reported to the Globe:
    “They HAVE NOT been testing the vaccinated for COVID routinely like they have the unvaccinated, but they JUST changed their policy to begin doing this.” Unbelievable! So all this BS in the newspapers has been spewing about the vaccinated NOT having COVID BECAUSE THEY DON’T TEST FOR IT!” (Source.)

    • Thanks: Ultrafart the Brave
  773. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    A psychological observation:

    Your misunderstanding reminds me of my grandfather who once said that he didn’t want to go to hospital and would go to the beach when he was very sick because he had noticed that more people die at hospital than at the beach. He was pretty funny.

    Surely, he was seriously hilarious. It’s weird that you used that as a comparison to call someone seriously fallacious. There are, of course, two probable reasons why your grandfather told such jokes:

    2. Empathetically, it was a defense mechanism on your behalf. He could face his own mortality; he knew that you could not. Therefore, he deflected the matter humorously, such that you could laugh with him about the inevitable.

    Alack for the elderly, to understand such matters demands greater insight than most degenerate overgrown brats have nowadays. Elderly folks who treat their descendants so kindly are sometimes liable to be taken too literally, and thus to be treated as senile old coots.

    1. He was aware that he must not say too seriously that he really would rather die at home (or otherwise at the metaphorical beach—maybe even the literal beach) than accept medical treatment for illness in his elder years.

    The elderly are vulnerable. Excluding accident, suicide, etc., for your grandfather to sicken and die was a matter not of if, but when—and not only when as for all, but when rather sooner than later. Depending on the particular circumstances in your family (which are none of my business), it may have been not unlikely that if he declared too boldly that he would refuse to die in a hospital, he ran the risk that his grandkids would have him declared incompetent in his dotage, strapped to a stretcher, and forced to stay alive in misery till he finally died where no sane person wants to die: In the hospital. Even if not that, he may likely risk being pressured, nagged, and browbeaten to accept unwanted medical treatment when he was sick, in pain, and physically helpless.

    The danger even of honestly expressing one’s own wishes is a common concern for the elderly and infirm. Thus and generally, I absolutely and unequivocally condemn all depraved, self-righteous do-gooding medical sadists who infringe the right to die—whether that right be exercised directly, or by letting nature take its course if one so chooses.

    Internet Argument strawman-lovers, nota bene: If you dare to accuse me of wanting to kill off old people, then you will be inviting me to write a long essay on how degenerate overgrown brats have a personal duty to care for their ancestors without consigning them to human garbage bins, where the dried-up old hags and geezers are neatly out of sight—and how said degenerates deserve to be executed, if their greedy, beady little eyes are too keen to see what is in the all-important last will and testament. Don’t make me paste in Nietzsche quotes about how age, tradition, and ancestors are beloved by the aristocratic morality, which is the enemy of “modern ideas”, “progress”, and worst of all, the utilitarian morality.

    Now, Triteleia Laxa, I must be candid: You look like a liberal California lily. Please look in the mirror, and tell me straight: How would you react if your elderly grandfather had told you honestly, “No doctors for me! Never take me to the hospital! I am old. I have lived my life. When the time comes, I will embrace my death with joyful dignity, at home where I belong”? In what immediate condition was he needing to tell you “that he didn’t want to go to hospital… when he was very sick”, and to deflect that with a joke? (I state that as a rhetorical question.)

    He knew you, as I do not. With the wisdom of years (and not suffering so much the degeneration that has occurred in most families), he may well have known you better than you know yourself. Surely, he could predict what your reaction would be. ®

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  774. @Adrian

    What kind of elites? If you allow PhDs to be an educational elite (which you might not if you don’t belong to it) it doesn’t seem to hold for them:

    For the purposes of this debate, the most relevant section would be establishment politicians. They’re probably the most vaccinated group on the world and also the ones pushing the vaccine the most. They aren’t hypocrites in this regards.

    There are by now quite a few places in the world where this statement would only evoke hollow laughter among the reasonably well informed. The place from where I write (Australia) is one of them. This is clearly no longer about public health. The fact that reasonably effective medicines as ivermectin and hydroxylchloroquine have been literally sabotaged speaks for itself.

    No, it wouldn’t only evoke “hollow laughter”. The majority of people would agree with me. Your “reasonably well informed” are generally considered lunatic maniacs who will believe anything some video on bitchute shows them as long as it has enough 80s canned rock music and 90s templated computer graphics.

    It seems to me that hydroxylchloroquine does more damage than good, but Ivermectin may do more good than damage.

    It is true that central authorities make mistakes, hedge their answers and can act like blunt instruments, but this is a complicated topic that, if you were honest with yourself, you would admit to really having very little clue as to which medicine works and would therefore couch your arguments in more moderate language.

    The fact is that you emotionally need to believe that the authorities are evil and morally deficit because you have the emotional need to set yourself against an evil other. That unexamined requirement is the alpha and omega of your political views and everything else is just whatever best fits into place. Maybe learn to see your own supposed “bads” in yourself and this mania for conspiracy won’t be so compulsive for you?

    The problem is that you are putting the carbon-monoxide of projection into the place where the oxygen of self-awareness should be. The more you do so, the less you can breathe with satisfaction and the more carbon-monoxide you swallow. I suppose the only way out is through, so you’ll continue to suck on the CO1 until you pass out and your unconscious takes over to go get some oxygen. Good luck.

  775. Raches says:

    And what has your grandfather to do with this?

    It is a recursive non sequitur. (That said, I do suggest that you take another look at the data.)

    This caught my eye yesterday. It was the immediate cause to make an otherwise intended comment “now, so that I can link back to it as a supporting reference.” I just needed the time to write it up. ®

  776. Raches says:

    Vaccine uptake is global, especially among the elites.

    What kind of elites? If you allow PhDs to be an educational elite (which you might not if you don’t belong to it) it doesn’t seem to hold for them:

    Most vaccine-hesitant group is those with PhDs, research shows

    That study has been cherry-picked, misquoted, and misinterpreted all over the popular media: Zerohedge, Unherd, and now it seems—The College Fix. (Link, please, so that I can see if the rest of the article omitted some quite important information?)

    See my comment of August 11, 2021: “The Unbalanced U-curve of ‘Hesitancy’”. That should probably be an article itself, to counterbalance all the misinterpretations in publications that lack the intellect of The Unz Review. The key point:

    Many people will misconstrue this article. The majority of very smart people are getting vaccinated. However, a large plurality are not. […]

    In this type of discussion, people are looking for “social proof”. This paper is not social proof that it’s smart to avoid the vaccines. However, it is social proof disproving the contrary proposition. “Vaccine hesitancy” is not stupid.

    • Thanks: Triteleia Laxa
    • Replies: @Adrian
  777. @John Johnson

    Garden variety vax pushers fantasize about being stand-up comedians delivering monologues that are all identical, since they are all products of group-think.

    They only believe what the media outlets tell them to believe, and they only exist to serve the pharma narrative, which they defend at all costs.

    Paradise for them is world of childish rituals (e.g. masks), endless lock-downs, endless vaxxing with “booster shots,” and total tyranny.

    They envy and despise people who just want to be left alone. Vax pushers will “show them.” They will have their revenge. They will “get even” with others for the poor choices that vax pushers made in their own lives.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  778. @Triteleia Laxa

    I haven’t seen an equivalent self-aggrandisment. Whatever you consider his life’s style to be, he is a real human being with whom we have been sharing for weeks. It is good to know more about him, behind the pseudo.

    As to his pseudo, you seem educated and refined enough to know that the disciples of Kali are the Saddhus, arch ‘freeloading’ errants who are beyond social norms.

    I am grateful to Mr Unz for this forum and I’d regret if Karen stoped commenting, sharing, sometime maybe being to judgmental…

    So what? Our souls are enraged to be caged, to see our kids promised to a new Baal of some sort. We have not been living in non ‘covidic’ world for months, under harsh financial punishment ‘incentive’ for to long. Our psychologies are challenged by evil Archons that are trampling the very bases of morality, common sense decency, our fellow countrymen and women are being impoverished, zombified…

    So sometime we are mad, we may cry, pray for this technocratic nightmare to stop, we may be depressed and very sad… May we find Strengh, Courage, confort…

    • Thanks: Kali
    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  779. @Raches

    2. Empathetically, it was a defense mechanism on your behalf.

    No one ever really dies.

    I appreciate you taking the time to explain death to me, but I am exceptionally well-acquainted with it, and find only the fear that I have seen in others, when they face it, challenging to confront. The quickest way to help someone out of the emotional loop, in which they are stuck, is to entrap yourself within it too, but find the way out they need, before letting them know what works.

    I was glad for my grandfather’s release through death. I say he was “quite funny’ partly because he was so stubborn. This quality caused him to hold onto this life for far longer than he needed to. I was grateful for selfish reasons as I got to know him better, but it was an unpleasant experience for him.

    Internet Argument strawman-lovers, nota bene: If you dare to accuse me of wanting to kill off old people

    Don’t worry. My comment should more than provide cover for you with its one-upmanship.

    Now, Triteleia Laxa, I must be candid: You look like a liberal California lily. Please look in the mirror, and tell me straight: How would you react if your elderly grandfather had told you honestly, “No doctors for me! Never take me to the hospital! I am old. I have lived my life. When the time comes, I will embrace my death with joyful dignity, at home where I belong”?

    With tears of connection.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  780. kali says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    If you want tolerance for your alternative lifestyle, which most people see as completely irresponsible freeloading,

    You have me all wrong, Trite-lax. I don´t care if you “tolerate” my life-style or not, I will continue regardless, as is my choice to make. My life is nothing but responsibility, because I am free which necessarily means I take full responsibility for all of my choices and actions. That´s how freedom works. And I can highly recommend it, though it is not for the feint hearted!

    As for freeloading, that´s one grand assumption on your part Trite-lax. Care to actually support the accusation? Upon whom or what am I allegedly “freeloading”? I take no moneys from the state and support myself through my own efforts. In what way does that constitute “freeloading”? – I have been known to cost the state a fair packet, that´s for sure. Maybe that´s what you mean?!

    You feel I ought to be more tolerant of our host and his support, by acquiescence at least, of totalitarianism under the guise of “health” mandates? You barking up the wrong tree. I judge him as a public figure. It goes with the territory.

    But to get back on-topic, Trite-lax, when´s your third booster due?
    Gosh! Twice a year for the rest of your life! That´s quite a schedule you´ve locked yourself into there! But hopefully you´ll be one of the lucky ones who´s body can handle such a sustained barrage of toxic spikes and graphine oxide! You´re more of a woman than me if you can take that amount of physical abuse without keeling over, that´s for sure!


    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  781. @Triteleia Laxa

    Your psychologizing/patronizing is becoming rather annoying…

    “The fact is that you emotionally need to believe that the authorities are evil and morally deficit because you have the emotional need to set yourself against an evil other. That unexamined requirement is the alpha and omega of your political views and everything else is just whatever best fits into place. Maybe learn to see your own supposed “bads” in yourself and this mania for conspiracy won’t be so compulsive for you?”

    The fact that you refuse to consider the obvious fact that the ”’authorities”’ (those at the apex of power and the technocratic structure of power and obedience) are pure evil demonstrates either that you are very naïve (you seem to clever for that) or that you are a manipulator of some sort.

    It take strengh to face evil, be it in yourself or outside

    • Agree: Mehen
    • Replies: @Mehen
  782. @Alfred

    Does blue show the countries where witch-doctors predominate over medical doctors?

    Or, if you don’t get my joke, please ask yourself whether that map may be a simple artefact of testing, and one socially skewed by the handful of countries which can competently test for Covid-19 en masse and erase parasites from their food supply.

    • Agree: Raches
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
    , @Skeptikal
  783. @Bugey libre

    Kali/Karen is a she not a he. Just for your information. Yeah, she’s cool.

    • Thanks: Kali
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  784. Adrian says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    The fact is that you emotionally need to believe that the authorities are evil and morally deficit because you have the emotional need to set yourself against an evil other. That unexamined requirement is the alpha and omega of your political views and everything else is just whatever best fits into place. Maybe learn to see your own supposed “bads” in yourself and this mania for conspiracy won’t be so compulsive for you?

    You must have a lot of fun turning out these parodies on the counsels of a boarding school matron. And I bet that after every paragraph you congratulate yourself on your cleverness. Please star hence forward posts in which you really try to say something. It might save us some time.

  785. @Triteleia Laxa

    A last thing about “Authorities” benevolence or nefariousness.

    Ron’s take on the covid19 thing is that some people, using more or less the officials structures of US “authorities” (political, judicial, military, intelligence, academic…), have deliberately engineered and released a virus for the world to breath (not very lethal but highly transmissible)…

    Fauci, the medical “authority” in the US (and all the provinces of the empire of greed), is a part of the shadowy scheme that led to that “crisis”.

    Isn’t it rather, somehow… well, Evil?

    Who on that thread has ever intended to poison humanity? Have you? I dont think so, your grandpa’ had seeded common descency in your heart…

    I wich you long walks on the beach

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  786. I’ve come to the conclusion that the double-jabbed zealots fall largely,although not necessarily exclusively, in the following categories:

    1) Those that believe uncritically, everything told to them by the MSM and their government overlords.

    2) Those that went with the flow without looking into it too deeply, and just got vaxxed because it was the done thing within their peer group. (Ron Unz may be one such individual, although in his case, there’s some overlap with category 1), seeing as he’s infatuated with the NYT and the WSJ – not to mention any stats coming out of the CDC.

    3) Those that are familiar with the hard evidence that there exist alternative treatments (Ivermectin being the standout), which are cheap and extremely effective, and thus in a just world where everyone did the right thing, we’d all be using it and there would be no talk of even considering experimental and untested ‘vaccines’ that are causing countless injuries, let alone mandating mass vaccination and vaxx passports.

    People that fall into that last category are the likes of Johnson and Johnson (who uses the handle John Johnson when posting his disinfo here in the UR), or L.K or Trite Laxative, to name just three.

    Yes, they’re stupid individuals, and many of you will dismiss their remarks as being due to their cutting edge imbecility. (No doubt, a mighty strong case could be made for that thesis).

    But, as stupid as they are, they surely must be aware of the STELLAR results produced by Ivermectin in combatting Covid.

    With that in mind, there can ONLY be one explanation for the rabid zealotry of these individuals in advocating for these toxic jabs.

    And that is that these people are here to DO A JOB, on behalf of their Big Pharma controllers and/or the Zionist Dominated Usury Cabal of Bankers that is behind this, and every other genocidal psyop and False Flag perpetrated over the last century and beyond.

    Now, for those not familiar with the unparalleled ability of Ivermectin in reducing Covid mortality, let’s see what happened in Slovakia after widespread distribution of Ivermectin was made available:

    Some might say I’m cherry picking by focussing only on one country.
    Well, I encourage readers to check out the stats on India where most provinces that use Ivermectin are now experiencing precipitous declines in Covid mortality, while those parts of India that are following the lead of the western countries and banning it, are experiencing Covid carnage.

    For those still not satisfied, let’s look at these metrics that depict all the countries in Africa (courtesy of a recent Paul Craig Roberts article), and compare countries that use Ivermectin (light blue) Vs the Hold-outs (orange):

    It really is a NIGHT and DAY comparison.

    The results are stratospherically better in the countries where Ivermectin is widely distributed.

    That the pro-kill jab zealots will not address the effectiveness of Ivermectin, thus rendering the whole Covid vaxx programme REDUNDANT and unnecessary, tells you what sort of people they are.

    They are WORTHLESS people with less than worthless opinions.

    They are nothing more than minions of the Covid psyop perpetrators. If you cannot see that from a mile away as I have, then you need new eyeglasses.

  787. Wielgus says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Wup wup is the sound of the police siren…

  788. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    If you were capable of introspection, you would realize that you are the pro-vaxxer equivalent of “kali”. Your obsessive attempts to troll me with fruitcake New Agey armchair psychobabble are equally stupid, and give no great estimation of your scientific competence. And philosophically, you are a neat reflection of “Wild Man”; you even one-up him by admitting to the use of hallucinogens to make yourself mentally defective, by inflicting on yourself what you even admit is “essentially a state of full drug-induced psychosis”. (Being sane, I never trust the judgment of drug abusers, especially pot smokers and fans of hallucinogens.)

    Try setting your comments and theirs side by side, then take a good look in the mirror.

    On the bright side, you seem not quite as prone to falling into rabbit holes as “utu”. ®

  789. Emslander says:

    To be scandalized by it is as bad as being too morbidly fascinated.

    Scandalized!? Where do you get scandalized?!

    I just think it proves that the man has lost his marbles. I have a couple of hundred college papers I wrote somewhere. Maybe I’ll publish them. LOL

    You, sir or madam, are an insufferable twit!

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  790. Just noticed your comment # 795 Alfred, depicting the Ivermectin efficacy in Africa.

    You beat me to the punch – no surprise really, since you’re ahead of me on more than a few issues.

  791. Wielgus says:

    Some parts of Suetonius were left in the original Latin as deemed too graphic. Mention of the Emperor Tiberius having boys perform sex acts on him while he was partly submerged in water etc. Epstein stuff really, or the homosexual equivalent.

  792. Emslander says:

    they are only testing the unvaccinated for COVID

    That was openly declared to be the case in the WP article of a couple of weeks ago that first reported the strange “breakthrough” phenomenon. The CDC has directed hospitals to stop reporting obvious breakthroughs so as not to frighten the flock.


    Pfizer will start pushing a new mystery drug for “Covid” that must be taken along with Pfizer’s mystery vaccine.

    Everyone will be required to take a Pfizer injection twice a year, plus a Pfizer pill twice a day.

    Since the drug is for a (permanent) “emergency,” Pfizer will be totally free of all liability, under the PREP Act. Just like with Pfizer’s “vaccine.”

    And since Pfizer has a blank check from the US government, and has automatic approval for whatever Pfizer produces, the company has already started producing the pills before the end of clinical trials.

    Meanwhile Australians are being forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will text them at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they are supposed to be. Should they fail, the police will hunt them down and put them in concentration camps, which are already being built.

    The state of Victoria has announced a curfew, and suspended its Parliament. All protests are banned. Injections are mandatory. Everyone must stay in his home indefinitely.

    It’s a vax pusher’s paradise.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
    , @Kapyong
  794. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Well, that seems reasonable enough.

    I was glad for my grandfather’s release through death. I say he was “quite funny’ partly because he was so stubborn. This quality caused him to hold onto this life for far longer than he needed to. I was grateful for selfish reasons as I got to know him better, but it was an unpleasant experience for him.

    Quite funny. To me. Not your grandfather’s death, but your remark on his stubbornness. Whatever age I may be, and whatever experiences I may have had, I would not be alive today if I were not so stubborn myself—stubborn plus in my case, innately contemptuous of all human frailty, including my own. What could be more grand than to ridicule suffering, challenge all prospects of death by sheer willpower, and file that with poetry about fate and fortune? I am what I am, so the world got stuck with me for awhile longer.

    Apropos the topic, the title of that article I am supposed to be writing includes the proverb, memento mori. Not to suggest that people should be incautious about Covid, but to encourage rational caution without mass-hysteria. Irrational panic is the mirror image of irrational denial, and the two tend to converge in results. ®

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  795. @Bugey libre

    I have made clear my thoughts on Ron’s take elsewhere, but you misunderstand why it appeals to him. He is well-acquainted with the “badness” in himself. A large part of his self-image is ‘super-villain”. He is therefore content to seem even evil to be able to only see competence in himself. His narrative is therefore one of fighting a force that is “totally useless.” This is why you guys can’t agree on this issue. I predicted this a some time ago and that prediction has held throughout. The thing about watching people in a spiral is that it is very easy to know where they will end up next.

    I can elaborate on how people end up this way and how people can overcome their situation, but is there any point? Until people notice their patterns, there can be no way out.

  796. @Alfred

    Why is the MSM not publishing this?

    It goes without saying that your question is rhetorical, because the answer is self-evident (ie, for the same reason that trying to post that chart would immediately get you suspended from Facebook & Twitter & YouTube by the “fact checkers”).

    Also the same reason they’ve gone all out to shut Dr. Zelenko down after he saved many thousands of old farts in the midst of the New York Corona Chan genocide.

    Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – Corona Chan Treatment Protocols

    In both the USA and Australia right now, the MSM is running a very aggressive campaign to demonise and shut down the truth that Ivermectin + Zinc cures Corona Chan. They must be getting worried that too many people and doctors are finally starting to catch on.

    FWIW, if you can’t get Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis, Dr. Zelenko recommends the health supplement Quercetin (which also works as a Zinc ionophore but doesn’t require a prescription).

    • Agree: Alfred
    • Thanks: John Wear
  797. @kali

    I reported how other people see you, but you misread it and took it personally. That’s your problem. I was only reminding you that your hyperbolic criticism of Ron is a boomerang that spins around to hit you back in the face; which you will know, if you are sensitive enough to feel it.

  798. Adrian says:

    Many people will misconstrue this article. The majority of very smart people are getting vaccinated. However, a large plurality are not. […]

    In this type of discussion, people are looking for “social proof”. This paper is not social proof that it’s smart to avoid the vaccines. However, it is social proof disproving the contrary proposition. “Vaccine hesitancy” is not stup


    You are not the clearest of writers. My aging brain and the late hour made me struggle. Is, in this case, the plurality greater than the majority, or is it just the other way round? And I assume that you intend to say that there is no social proof here that it is smart to avoid the vaccines only that it is not exactly stupid. But that is not how you have put it.

    Always keep in mind the advice of the Dutch nineteenth century author Multatuli: “No writer is intelligent enough to adequately gauge the stupidity of his readers”.

    Finally the fact that a paper has been often quoted is no argument against it. Neither is the fact that it has appeared in publications you disapprove of.

    • Replies: @Raches
  799. @Punch Brother Punch

    I think it’s imperative that white people begin to demand powerful governments that work to protect their interests.

    Yes, someone like Putin. He seems to be doing a marvellous job protecting the “white people” from Covid-19. Or maybe Xi Jing-Ping, though of course he is not white. China is the real hero of this pandemic.

    You told me to punch I punched. Now punch back.

  800. @Truth Vigilante

    Without coming to any conclusions, with regards to the reasons that people I do not personally know, have come to their opinions, I largely agree with you, but I do not think it is as simple as you are trying to make out.

    Whilst I initially thought I had COVID 18 months ago, when hardly anyone had ever heard of it (It was not as severe as flu, but not nice, as it affected my inner ear, confidence and balance (resolved by ear drops from the supermarket)), I rapidly came to the conclusion that COVID was primarily a Massive Brainwashing Campaign, with Fear Propaganda 24×7.

    However objectively analysing all the statistics, both from official government sources, and becoming aware for example of real death rates from the amount of funerals going on, which showed no significant change throughout 2021, except for a brief period immediately after lockdown was imposed, I became convinced that during 2021, there was no Pandemic going on yet, but something else was.

    My analysis convinced me, that this was a depopulation event, and I still hold that view.

    The power of psychological brainwashing, behaviour analysis and modification should not be underestimated. 9/11 was one such event, but this one is far more powerful. Strangely though, there seems to be more resistance to it. It seemed to me that well over 90% of people believed the official story of 9/11, but only about 75% the official story of COVID. It became obvious that statistics were being corrupted, right since the start, and this will undoubtedly continue. To get a clue, what is really going on takes a lot of digging, and not watching TV.

    I’ve not been jabbed and I am not going to wear a mask, unless forced to, which I was when briefly admitted to A&E, re something unrelated to COVID except my immune system had been suppressed through lack of sunshine, caused by lockdown. I am not convinced about Ivermectin cos any statistics supporting any point of view can be corrupted, as most things now are.

    Sadly, I think many people are going to die, as a direct result of the jabs over the next few years, and many already have, but quantifying it is very difficult.

  801. @Truth Vigilante

    Thank you for your consistent, calm, and relevant reporting on this most critical issue of our times. I have a question about Australia: did the trucker strike happen, or was it quelled under threat of prison?

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  802. @niceland

    Thanks for this Icelandic info.

    Total vaxxed ~ 270.000… Deaths reported shortly after vaccination 31

    From those figures, reported Icelandic vaccine survival rate =~ 99.988%.

    Accepting those numbers at face value, injecting healthy individuals up to middle aged would be hard to justify, and certainly not anyone under 18 years of age (who globally have Corona Chan survival rate of ~ 99.998%).

    That being said, it would be useful to understand the fidelity of the vaccine adverse event reporting system in Iceland.

    The vaccine adverse event reporting systems in the UK, Europe and the USA only capture a fraction (as low as 1%) of actual adverse events, so that (for example) Corona Chan vaccine deaths reported by the American VAERS is currently ~ 15,000 whereas a credible estimate of the actual number is > 1 million. I’ve heard similar things about the Australian reporting system too.

    Given the propensity of the Corona Chan vaccines to cause blood problems, it occurs to me to wonder about the typical Icelander’s lifestyle & diet etc. Do Icelanders eat a lot of fish?

  803. @Raches

    Irrational panic is the mirror image of irrational denial

    Yes, such mirror images are unbalanced but in opposite directions. Since I get confused for being like you by them and for being like them by you, my balance is socially confirmed.

    • Replies: @Raches
  804. Wild Man says:

    I have been trying to extrapolate from ‘attributed-vaxx-death-rate’ in order to contextualize what we are to make of these types of reports. Iris, has done a very good job, a thread or two ago, showing how a researcher in France (Murchelli – typo? – if I am recalling correctly) …. showed a probable attributed-vaxx-death-rate for the various western experimental covid-19 vaxxes approximates 1 per 25,000 as per voluntary reporting systems (which seems is all the data the really is available … cratering of phase 3 clinical trial control groups and such).

    There are many of us here, very concerned that a vaxx death rate of 1 per 25,000 is horrendous. I for one, provided some back of enveloped calculations, showing that when the attributed-vaxx-death-rate is 1 per 25,000 ….. the whole vaxx program, as now executed as per current Covid Officialdom policies, causes more death, disease and hardship as compared to a scenario whereby herd immunity was sought by way of 100% recovery from wild covid infections (i.e. – no vaxx whatsoever) …., I believe the only controversial measure I have used in those calcs is the IFR (I used 0.14%, whereas Mr. Unz favors 0.3% – 0.6%) … but even taking Mr. Unz’s values ….take the average of his range, at 0.45% ….. it doesn’t matter …. my back of envelope calcs still show that the current Covid Officialdom vaxx policy formulation is wonky and an example of ‘the cure being worse than the disease’ type of thing. I could re-share those back of envelope calcs, here again, contextualized with Mr. Unz’s estimate of 0.45% IFR, if you like.

    Niceland … this report you offer, seems to confirm all these suspicions.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  805. @Tony_0pmoc

    Whilst, I really like the layout of this blog, I have only posted on it a couple of times before. Where I wrote 2021, I meant 2020. Should check read the preview better.

  806. BaronAsh says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I basically agree with you. But in response to your:
    “Anti-vaxxers often refer to the rest of us as sheep. If that’s the case why persist in trying to argue with sheep?”

    Part of the reason they do, I suspect, is because they have been subject to intense propaganda, bullying, peer pressure and so on, usually delivered by insult.

    Both sides need to knock it off in terms of trying to bully the other side to adopt their own point of view. There are plenty of good reasons for taking the vaccine and plenty of good reasons for not doing so.

    Finally, I am continually disappointed that the anti anti-vaccer proponents usually fail to acknowledge that many people probably shouldn’t take it especially: the very young, those who have already had it and those who are already immuno-compromised in various ways. The new regulations coming down in many jurisdictions refuse to acknowledge any of this and are increasingly advocating ever more draconian restrictions and even punishments for those who won’t comply.

    This sort of approach should concern the pro-vaccer crowd far more than seems to be the case. Anti-vaccers are generally lambasted but in my opinion the pro-vaccer crowd, including many speaking from an official’s podium, are far far worse.

    So again: both sides should knock it off. And legal mandates should be off the table entirely at this point given the latest data from highly vaxed regions.

    • Replies: @Alfred
  807. Raches says:

    You are not the clearest of writers. My aging brain and the late hour made me struggle. Is, in this case, the plurality greater than the majority, or is it just the other way round? And I assume that you intend to say that there is no social proof here that it is smart to avoid the vaccines only that it is not exactly stupid. But that is not how you have put it.

    I worded that with excruciating clarity.¹ If you don’t know the meanings of (in this case relatively simple) English words, and you are too lazy to look them up and pick the proper sense² according to the context, that is not my problem: It is yours.

    And if you cannot handle that, then how do you expect to interpret scientific data? Did you even bother to read the paper, which is much more complicated than my lay-level, very nontechnical summary thereof? Here is v2 of the paper (superseding the link in my August 11 post; I need to check if anything relevant changed during review of a paper that is being checked for errors).

    If you were so confused by my simple, concise statement, then you need to let the experts decide things for you. Don’t even try to figure it out yourself!

    Always keep in mind the advice of the Dutch nineteenth century author Multatuli: “No writer is intelligent enough to adequately gauge the stupidity of his readers”.

    As I have repeatedly quoted in this thread, I prefer the German nineteenth-century author Nietzsche. Stupid people should not be allowed to learn to read. Instead of ruining writing for stupid people, stop them from reading. Problem solved!

    Finally the fact that a paper has been often quoted is no argument against it. Neither is the fact that it has appeared in publications you disapprove of.

    How the hell do you get “has been often quoted” from my use of the words “cherry-picked, misquoted, and misinterpreted”, plus “misinterpretations” and “misconstrue”? Do you blame that on my allegedly unclear writing? Here is a handy link to my comment with those words highlighted, for your edification.

    How the hell do you get anywhere that I made an “argument against” the paper? I myself cited its conclusions for my own arguments! Since I am unvaccinated, and I myself am smart, I found it very interesting that a significant minority of PhDs are “hesitant” about the vaccines.

    How did you so badly twist causality around into a pretzel? I “disapprove” of publications that “cherry-picked, misquoted, and misinterpreted” the paper, because they “cherry-picked, misquoted, and misinterpreted” the paper.

    If your reading level is this bad, you really need to let the experts handle this and make decisions for you! You are proving that you need to listen to the experts. Just do it. Is that elitist? Elitism is not something to complain about when you manifestly demonstrate such utter incomprehension. ®

    1. Except for a minor grammatical flub that slipped in while hastily live-editing to make the wording clearer. Not relevant here.

    2. The only possible quibble in this case is that a “plurality” may or may not imply that there are more than two factions, and none of them has a majority. Since in this case, there are only two factions, and I anyway said very clearly that there is a majority, that would be hairsplitting: “Plurality” in the sense of “numerous people”, i.e. a large faction, is obviously the correct sense here.

    • Troll: Bugey libre
    • Replies: @Adrian
  808. @That Would Be Telling

    Thank you for the detailed reply. I remain skeptical of official (and unofficial) statements; there is just so much bad information out there. If only that did not include the “authorities.”

    In a recent interview (09-02 Epoch Times video)

    Dr. Malone, often billed as the “co-inventor of mRNA”, actually introduces himself a bit more modestly, noting his name is on a handful of patents. He covers quite a few diverse points in a 40-minute or so interview, but two that jumped out for me. (These are from hazy memory, so at best a paraphrase. A transcript is promised soon.)

    He is NOT strictly anti-vax, as one might suspect. He even says the new vaccines are useful and help prevent illnesses and deaths.

    He IS worried about the speed with which they were developed, the bypassing of traditional testing regimens.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  809. Wild Man says:

    Raches …. who are you going to have left in your ivory tower of aristocratic elitists, if you continue to carry on like this? Just you and Mr. Unz? Please reconsider with respect to the true-west way. I feel for you buddy. You are spinning your wheels here over this ‘whom warrants my attention and whom is beneath that’ crap.

    One way you could look at it …. try to look at it all via the true-west lens … like this:

    Hearkening back to a comment I made to you much earlier, whence I offered:

    “7) Reality itself (or more accurately – ‘reality potentiality’), from the information systems perspective, by way of Georg Cantor, is open-ended (infinite). As such, all ‘exponentializing supercharging of searches within the principle of selectivity, by way of the emergence of sexual selection’, cannot discount all future probabilities, possibilities and potentialities. As such individuation/speciation is a polarity that cannot be unilaterally defined, pole-wise. As such breeding cohorts made up of individuations vs. other breeding cohorts made up of other dissimilar individuations, within the same speciation (i.e. – within the same limits of interchangeability) cannot be judged as ‘inferior’ or ‘superior’, existentially, but only with certain constrained measurement contests.”

    See? There truly is no way you can divorce the individuations from the species. The species perspective (an abstraction, to be sure) is without separation from the individuals-within-species’ perspectives. As such, ….. the abstraction that is ‘the species perspective’ is like an intelligent amalgam ……. made up an ever-changing consensus ……. as per deeply abstract algorithms as probably informed by way of evolutionary psychology concepts, as in turn informed by way of both group trait selection operations as well as individual trait selection operations.

    See? We all, really are in this together (whether you like it or not Raches).

  810. @L.K

    I may be impolite and jump to conclusions, but I am no imbecile. I will give you credit for the only thing I can verify: you are highly intelligent, to judge by your writing. But you’ve done nothing to substantiate your earlier claims, nor has your reply given me any further reason to believe a word you say.

  811. @niceland

    Are those 196 cases of serious side effects, or correlated adverse events?

    That is, how much effort has been put into learning if the bad outcomes not counting immediate anaphylaxis were caused by the vaccinations, here we’re talking 1 out of every 1,377, which is way beyond what digested results are saying so far, even allowing for however many AZ/Oxford doses are involved.

    What does your people’s actuarial data look like? Bad stuff will happen when we’re talking about large numbers; if this was an American population we’d expect 380 people out of that 270,000 to have died within a couple of months just from normal all cause mortality. But no one sane will deny there are bad side effects from these vaccines, they’re Official ones with blood clots for the two adenovirus vectors, and heart and heart lining inflammation as stated or implied by your quoted text. But not even close to the frequency implied by the raw numbers you’re providing.

    • Replies: @niceland
  812. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Well, at least you inherited your grandpa’s wit. (You can see that I lay great stock in heredity. So to speak.)

    I didn’t know him; and of course, I don’t really know you other than as a lily-shaped screen name on the Internet. (Just as you don’t know me.) But if he was a really old-fashioned stubborn grandfather, I suspect that maybe I could have gotten along with him just fine.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  813. @Brás Cubas

    Authoritarian government is as useful in a pandemic as it is during a serious war. T

    he temptation to learn from what worked in an emergency and apply it to normal times is perennial. For example, this, more than anything else, describes the origins of fascism.

    The problem for this chain of thought is that emergencies are not just like ordinary life but more so. Humans have many other concerns than what the authoritarian has decided is “efficiency.” They don’t want to run in fifth gear permanently and they will find a way of clogging up the works until they are allowed to settle down. China will find this out over the next few decades.

    On the other side, our instinctive libertarians might realise that emergencies are emergencies and that they really do call for some special measures.

    The balance between the two, once both are recognised as situationally valid, is a matter of taste.

  814. Ron Unz says:

    Not to play armchair chef at your dinner table—I’m just thinking along the lines of “slowly modularize and refactor”. When you started, perhaps WordPress may have been the best underlying CMS for your overall needs; and perhaps it still may be. But someday, maybe not… I had actually been intending to ask you how modular your system is, or how closely it’s married to WP. Not to pry; I have an insatiate curiosity in such matters.


    • Thanks: Raches
  815. @anon

    Genetic sequences are information, and due to the PRC/CCP refusing to send anyone cultures everyone outside that dictatorship had to start with full genome sequences, which were first released on January 10th, 2020 (and the first was not authorized and was strongly punished). So using that information plus decades of research into mRNA delivery and of course somewhat less on safe SARS type coronavirus vaccines Moderna for example was able to design their vaccine candidate over the following weekend.

    Who knows if the Federal civil servants sacrificed their weekend to get started, but the CDC soon had their own multiply flawed but worked OK in their lab RT-PCR test, and used that to find their first US case on the 20th, and were successful enough in culturing the virus from the sample they could share samples on February 2nd.

    I note you didn’t include any links to the relevant documents, where one would for example learn that the test the CDC is withdrawing from being maintained under an EUA has been replaced by one of their’s that also tests for the flu, you might as well test for both at the same time. Plus maybe it’s easier to get their test to work outside of their lab, their first one was very delicate even before you get past the initial problem of terrible internal CDC lab kit manufacturing.

    So, no, the blatant liar is you.

  816. @Anon

    In his argument-free but epithet-laden reply, he disclosed that he’s a martial arts expert. That is certainly possible. If he made any supporting of his earlier arguments, or refuted my skepticisms, I must have missed it [smirk]. To be fair, all of his claims were possible but so is willing the Powerball, getting struck by lightning and solving a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded, all in the same day. We’d love certainties, but they’re pretty darned rare, so most of us learn to be content with probabilities.

    I was going to edit my reply to him but it timed out. I was going to add:

    “I never called you a liar, I just said that I don’t believe you.” [grin]

  817. @Truth Vigilante

    I think group 2 needs a split – some went with their group, some went with their wallets. The mum of my kid took it cause she needed work. She was still part of the information cascade, but without a need for work, she’d have refused.

    No amount of charts, data, or pleading, works for many people that worry about tomorrow. And given the evisceration of the economy, these are many low lying fruit like this. They have felt powerless for long enough, and if their stomach demands jabs because their overlords demand jabs, well.

    All of group 2 are gonna have the hardest times now – they are realising they were duped and ingested a bioweapon, and, all I can feel is God help them.

    • Agree: Truth Vigilante
  818. Alfred says:

    So again: both sides should knock it off

    Easily said.

    However, those who have faith in untested experimental treatments will not leave the rest of us alone. We are not trying to impose our views on them. However, they have Bill Gates and all the corrupt media and politicians on their side. They are the ones censoring us. We are merely defending ourselves against this biochemical and psychological terror campaign.

  819. @Cloak And Dagger

    Thanks C & D, I’ve liked reading your comments also.

    Meanwhile, in response to this question of yours:

    Did the trucker strike happen, or was it quelled under threat of prison?

    I can only refer you to my comment # 570 in this thread, when asked a similar question.
    That’s the latest update that I have.

    Interesting that you mention the ‘quelling under threat of prison’.
    As I’m not aware of what intimidation occurred behind closed doors, this is a distinct possibility.

    I haven’t heard of any truckies being arrested (or if any of the ringleaders were targeted).
    I suspect that the authorities wouldn’t dare do that – because the truckies would likely retaliate and shut down a major highway for a week or more until such time as their buddies were released from custody.
    If and when I get any info, I’ll post it here.

    Meanwhile, the photo below features one of the trucks involved in that blockade a few days ago:

    The banner on the truck reads:

    TRUCKIES keep Australia moving – Not Politicians.

    • Thanks: Cloak And Dagger
  820. @Triteleia Laxa

    According to the CDC, sources are on that thread, no test have ever been efficient and our “authorities” have demonstrated incompetence at the center of the empire or at it’s exotic margin like France. Do you speak our wonderful language which makes every woman in the world fall in love? If you do, I will send you a link to an interview of a French, ex-professor of physics in Jakarta University, an entrepreneur in medical diagnostic AI, wistleblowing the fact that the Usurpators in France had chosen the less efficient test on the market.

    I have already said that I have sources, first hand testimonies in three West African countries that covid1984 is not a problem there, and Jah knows there are a lot of problems in most African countries.

    When asked who he was, or what he was, K.G. Jung answered: “I am a bush doktor”

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
    , @Skeptikal
  821. @Triteleia Laxa

    If banned all but one cancer treatment – would you then beat your chest and scream out “there is a cancer epidemic in our nation!”, or would you scream “there is a failure to scientifically and effectively treat cancer patients!”.

    How is covid different?

    It isn’t – the world’s doctors have been displaying various solutions to covid since winter 2020.

    Low risk, low cost – solutions.

    They are all ridiculed and banned in our enlightened nations.

    Now I’d accept the ridicule if we had the lowest death rates – but we have the highest death rates.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  822. @Commentator Mike

    OUPS!!!…. I am over mega confused. While riding my bike back from the lake, I was thinking at some point that never had I heard that name, but yes, it sounds like “”Karine””… Karen.

  823. Roger says:

    The word is vaxing. We do not attend a boxxing match, or complain about IRS taxxing us.

  824. @Raches

    Makes sense and thanks!

    I suppose another way of putting my previous point across is that old age is a gift for many people. It is a time when, having built their executive function up so well, the more competent and serious among us can slow down and learn to appreciate the silver linings of fragility and vulnerability. Those people’sphysical form, as it slowly unwinds, will push them towards this regardless.

    It is essentially when practical people can most easily discover spirituality.

    Not that “spirituality” learned from reading New age gurus either. This learned stuff is usually for the naturally more fragile who need it their whole lives in order to feel grounded.

    Instead, these practical people can learn the spirituality which can be found in every living moment, first hand, which is a blessing that far surpasses anything taken from a bedroom poster meme or yoga studio wall.

    It is the mindset of the elder Diocletian, not Marianne Williamson.

    • Agree: Mehen
    • Replies: @Raches
  825. @A little boy in the crowd

    They envy and despise people who just want to be left alone. Vax pushers will “show them.” They will have their revenge. They will “get even” with others for the poor choices that vax pushers made in their own lives.

    The problem is that they don’t want to be left alone when they get a severe case of COVID.

    They don’t demand to be taken to Jim Bob’s QANON COVID Recovery Center.

    What happens is that they go to the hospital and demand the vaccine. They easily run up a 100k bill since the average stay is 7 days. Billions were spent on anti-vaxxers in August alone.

    So it isn’t merely a personal decision. It is costing everyone and people have died waiting for a bed.

    I can list a dozen hospitals that are currently overloaded with (ex)anti-vaxxers that feel they made a poor choice listening to someone on FB instead of their family doctor.

  826. @Brás Cubas

    I’m not really interested in any specific contemporary politicians. Russia is obviously a very different situation from the West. You also need more than one guy. You need senators, representatives, governors, mayors, leaders in business and civic life, etc.

    I’m more interested in a kind of “revolution of consciousness” where people begin to acknowledge that race and racial differences are real and whites have interests, including not being caught under a tidal wave of African and Muslim biomass, which is what will happen in an open borders/mass immigration future.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  827. @Bugey libre

    Those West African countries don’t even have the level of social organisation required to register deaths in normal conditions. Look it up, they factually don’t even try. This makes them utterly unreliable as a data source. No one really has a clue what is happening with Covid. One antibody test of Lagos came up with an extrapolated figure of people who suffered the disease at 25% even while only thousands had been tested and found positive.

    Have you been to those countries and travelled around? I have. Outside of the enclaves of the super-rich, things are very slow and disorganised. People can be pretty nice, but the toilet is outside on the ground and the time is whatever the person wants to make up that it is.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  828. geokat62 says:

    Well, as expected, the Hebrew Hammer is dropping.

    As JSOs have been warning, the time for talk is over. Western Shabbos goy “leaders” in Australia and Canada have been instructed to introduce new laws that combat “virulent” antisemitism, which is primarily manifested in online “hate.”

    Excerpts from, WATCH: Australian government plans Chinese-style ‘social credit’ system for social media users:

    According to a local Adelaide media outlet, there is a push in the Australian parliament to pass a bill forcing Australians to register their identities to track their online activities.

    “The Australian federal government is planning to de-anonymize the internet to introduce a social credit system to combat “online abuse” – police will have access to individuals’ social media accounts, which will be linked to people’s passports,” chillingly states the original tweet.

    The “social credit” system referred to is something that is currently being rolled out all over the People’s Republic of China. It deducts points for people speaking out against their government, justified or not. It even penalizes users for things such as not keeping their phones charged properly.

    The video culled from Australia’s 9 News starts in with the announcer stating:

    “A radical plan to crack down on social media abuse is being considered by the federal government,” starts the video. The floor is passed over to a field reporter called Oliver Haig, who continues:

    “Essentially, it would work the same as a passport. Australians forced to submit 100 points of identification, like their drivers licence or passport, when using social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter.”

    “Now, police would have access to those social media accounts, and it’s all part of a crackdown on online abuse. Now, users could be liable for defamation suits or even criminal prosecution. And it’s all part of plan hoping to deter people from engaging in bad behaviour.”…

    A similar measure is also being considered by the Canadian Parliament, in the form of two similar bills, Bill C-10 and Bill C-36, despite widespread opposition from the Canadian public.

    • Replies: @Kali
  829. @Ilya G Poimandres

    Talk to a doctor. Covid patients are treated with different substances already.

    Furthermore, in the country I am in, all of the drugs you could ever want are freely available from the pharmacy and doctors will give you what you pay them too as well, or state ones will do so if you ask nicely. Yet death rates are extremely high because the medical system is competent to test people.

    No one is trying to stop you from being healthy. Some authorities have adjudged some internet treatments more dangerous than good and are trying to protect you. I’d let you be free to do what you want, but those in charge don’t share my feelings.

    And the vaccine companies like J&J are not making huge amounts of money from this anyway. J&J might sell 500 millions jabs this year. Their price is \$10. That’s a healthy \$5 billion in extra revenue, but is only 6.25% of their total \$80 billion. This is nice for their shareholders, but hardly enough to get the thousands of them together to plot to destroy the Ivermectin competition and consign millions of people to their deaths. Meanwhile, the C Suite may not even directly benefit.

  830. @Emslander

    in sterquiliniis invenitur

    “In filth it will be found” – expression from medieval alchemy.

    Incidentally, I highly recommend Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist, an excellent Elizabethan comedy, superior to some of Shakespeare’s comedies from the same period.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  831. @niceland

    Congratulations on the coveted Gold Box distinction!

    Overall I see nothing to dispute in your posting. What is curious are the wildly varying statistics the media presents us. Many are in line with your claims. Yet others are diametrically opposite like the following. Here’s a recent one (08-30-21) claiming very high rates of hospital admission among the vaxxed. Worth mentioning that Epoch can be considered a “conservative” site, perhaps even anti-vaxx, to judge from what they cover. Scroll down to the table (2nd graphic).

    I spent some time this morning hunting on the Israeli web site but most of it’s in Hebrew. They do have an English section, but no graphs I could find. Perhaps try again with Google Translate.

    What we need, even though the MSM would obviously not want to publicize it, is a decent sample size. Why is it so hard to get comparable populations, sorted by age, vaccination status, etc.? Perhaps they exist?

    As you outline in your comment, there is more to the comparison than jabbed or not.

    • Thanks: niceland
  832. I have found the last 18 months extremely difficult.

    I retired at the age of 51, and I am now 68years old.


    I just continued to go to absolutely loads of gigs (typically 3 a weekend) and about 5 or 6 Festivals Camping a Year…meeting people from all over –everywhere and chatting to them late at night, mainly in the UK, Spain, Greece, India and North Africa – Morocco and Tunisia…and Cuba…

    Now, Most of The Rest Of The World Looks Locked if Particularly The Americans Have Gone Insane…Wearing Masks – Must Be Double Jabbed and Tested…

    You see how this has done my head in….I am a vulnerable human being too.

    I am not immune to any of this brainwashing…

    My wife and I have been Sailing and Camping, and we have both got a great suntan, and sun bleached long blonde hair…(I dye mine – but its still growing out of my head)

    So we look at each other..and say Yes lets do it Together.

    We are going to walk into our Local Pub tomorrow night…

    We are Going To See a Band.

    Don’t Know about the Jabbed

    But We Look Great….well she does.

    I’m taking my walking stick, but don’t need a breathing mask.


  833. @Truth Vigilante

    Very neat how evenly the map is divided between the central portion of the continent and the northern & southern ends.

    If I were a curious or skeptical man I might question whether there were geographical or environmental factors contributing to the statistical disparities…

    …but I’m not so I can just continue whistling in the wind.

  834. @Raches

    I have read John Irving’s Hitler’s War (a very good read) and I remember clearly that Monsieur Adolf Hitler had a rather odd doctor which was injecting him very weird things. I remember that Monsieur Irving had asked scientist what this would do to psyche. Do you remember their answer?

    You might be interesting to read this:

    I do trust the roots, I must be mentaly defective according to your wise criteria.Vitalist…

    • Agree: Kali
    • Replies: @Raches
  835. @Wild Man

    Hello, it is Laurent Muchielli
    He is a respected member of the Conseil Scientifique Indépendant (independant scientific Council)$/search?q=conseil%20scientifique%20ind%C3%A9pendant%20CSI
    This organisation has been organised when many doctors, nurses, scientists, professors,realised that the “official” one was illegal, having highjacked the legal system and the protocols established for dealing with a pandemy.

    • Thanks: Wild Man
  836. @Raches

    You will note that I have never denied the allegation that I am performing “Kabuki theater” with That Would Be Telling

    WTF? I can say you’ve got domain knowledge in fields I’d like to have, but probably can’t justify compared to continuing with my STEM focus for the remainder of my life, and I suspect you and a lot of others wich you’d got my intense formal biology/science and informal medicine education through the 1980s, none of us knew this material would be on our current final exam of life in the 21st Century. Which per Walter Cronkite was going to be a lot more interesting that it’s turned out, modulo SpaceX. But we’ve got really serious topics to discuss based on what we’ve learned about the world and universe to date.

    However I believe uta is in general a sane and honest guy, he’s just … not very nice when he disagrees with people. For a while I put him on my Ignore Commentator list since I wasn’t for a while so interested in the domains he specializes in, but that’s no longer true and if you can muster a thick skin he’s not so bad.

    • Replies: @Raches
  837. Vax pushers believe whatever the media outlets tell them.

    Intelligent people ignore media lies. They focus on media censorship. They find out what the elites don’t want them to know.


    If vax pushers were actually concerned about health, they would not support vax mandates on behalf of pharma companies that have zero liability.

    If vax pushers were actually concerned about immunity, they would not demand vaxxing for people who previously had Covid, and who now have natural immunity.

    If vax pushers were actually concerned about “women’s rights” (“My body, my choice”) they would not demand that all women submit to vaxxing, including pregnant women.

    If vax pushers were actually concerned about “science,” they would not dismiss all vax injuries and deaths as “Covid,” or as “coincidences,” or as “imaginary.”

    The only thing that vax pushers care about is bending others to their will. This is how they compensate for feeling helpless in life.

  838. @Triteleia Laxa

    Authoritarian governement are the ones who wage wars. Authoritarian governement are the ones who engage in mind control, destruction of free thinker and…lovers. Authoritarian governement have always encouraged corrupted individuals in the power structure.

    What is the name of that stoïcian Roman Emperor that had to deal with a REAL epidemy? Ho, that must be Bugey’s wine (real good), I don’t remember… Can you help me?

  839. @Ben the Layabout

    [Dr. Robert Malone] IS worried about the speed with which they were developed, the bypassing of traditional testing regimens.

    Depends on what he’s criticizing (might skim a transcript, will not sit through 40 minutes of video from someone who’s been portrayed as a bitter crackpot, but who has kept his hand in in this general field, for example worked on small molecule drug repurposing for COVID).

    The two big shortcuts I’m aware of are the mRNA companies Moderna and BioNTech starting their animal and human clinical testing at the same time for what I consider adequate reasons, and that paid off handsomely. No one sane will say Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs), conditional marketing authorizations (EU version) etc. don’t sort of “bypass traditional testing regimens,” but it’s right on the label, this is an emergency!. Although for vaccines it’s that’s less dire than perhaps “normal” given how fast serious adverse events show up, that’s a result of how they do their thing, like only 1-2 small doses early on, then for example bad effects from the antibodies generated.

    So it was said back in the end of 2021 that the vast majority of this happens in 1.5 months, so the FDA set a safety cutoff of half of the vaccine arm of trials having been tracked for two months after their last dose. And it’s been said the Biologics License approval process is gated on duration of efficacy (which of course gets complicated with Delta), that’s needed to make the full risk/benefit calculation. Shorter efficacy, probably less risk can be accepted.

    Anything beyond that come to mind that he’s saying is a big deal? I would hope he’s become aware of all the research that was done into safe SARS type coronavirus vaccines due to SARS and MERS (does he make a big deal about antibody dependent enhancement (ADE)?), and not too bitter about the mRNA field to acknowledge that decades more research might have solved problems he wasn’t able to back in the 1980s and 1990s.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  840. Tony Hall says:

    In response to Ron Unz, kali writes,

    the world was struck by the biggest psy-op in history which you continue to fail to recognise despite the literally masses of evidence that points clearly in that direction. Now your former star-commenters are relegated to to rank of “crackpot” whilst hyper-manic, sociopath “Raches” gets star treatment. Surreal indeed!

    Thanks, Kali, for explaining your position so clearly and forthrightly. Your frustrations are similar to mine. I have participated in the growth of this site and look to it as a remaining oases during a time of fast obliteration of nearly every basis of liberty, including free speech. Ron Unz deserves many cudos for birthing and developing this Internet entity, one that kali rightfully observes seems to have entered troubled waters. What is going on?

    I suspect kali is entering a zone of justifiable skepticism and concern that may be fairly widely shared by those who frequent the Unz Review. In a collegial atmosphere, her unequivocal statement that something is not right, would likely lead to some honest exchanges about the valid questions that have been raised. Do we still have the basis of such an collegial atmosphere at Unz Review?

    I think those who contribute articles and comments that could be declared criminal by our censorious governors are owed a better explanation of what is really going on in a milieu so dominated by the ADL and its many satellite agencies.

    Since I am asking questions I’ll go a step further. I read in the terms of legal reference for the UR the following:

    Unless otherwise stated, The Unz Review and/or it’s licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on The Unz Review. All intellectual property rights are reserved.

    Who or what might be a licensor with the Unz Review? Are the property rights to UR content being sold to licensors of UR? Is Unz Review subject to the terms generated by licensors of it? Who or what might be customers of the content?

    I assume this statement of proprietorship of content applies to comments as well as to the published essays. Is that so? Shouldn’t the commenters be given a realistic idea of the nature of any commercial transaction involving transfer of rights to the materials we author? How does the proprietorship of the Unz Review site and its content affect the principles governing free speech on this web site.

    On a different but related note, just this morning I was introduced to the commentary of Dr. Mark Trozzi who presents himself as a veteran of emergency services in Toronto hospitals until he resigned on issues of principle. One of his observations is that throughout the time of the COVID crisis the hospitals’ emergency units were mostly empty of patients.

    I cannot recall seeing any reference to Dr. Trozzi in the threads so far. From what I can see of his account, any attempt to try to dismiss his commentary as that of an “anti-vaxx crackpot” would be quite perverse. Dr. Trozzi’s interpretations remind us that much more is going on than decisions concerning whether or not to vaxx. In spite of the frames of reference created for the three threads so far, we need to keep reminding ourselves that much more is in contention, that it seems we may– repeat may– be living through what kali describes as “the biggest psy-op in history.”

    In my view Dr. Trozzi presents an unusually rich, succinct and panoramic view of the situation that deserves consideration by those responsible for the 4000 or so comments in these three threads. Dr. Trozzi presents his synthesis in

    In an essay published in Druthers three months ago, Dr. Trozzi discusses his own experiences as a medical professional in this crisis. Please see

    • Thanks: John Wear, Robjil, Kali
    • Replies: @peterAUS
    , @Skeptikal
  841. @Triteleia Laxa

    Authoritarian government is as useful in a pandemic as it is during a serious war. The temptation to learn from what worked in an emergency and apply it to normal times is perennial.

    If you’re not already aware of it, and for those who aren’t, you might want to look into the history of MEOW, the Moral Equivalent Of War. See U.K. ruling class types after WWII wishing they could still do things in the WWII way, and for that matter how they continued rationing, money export limitations giving rise to the package vacation etc. See how Jimmy Carter overused that phrase from the beginning of his administration, in the case of energy purely due to the visible foot of government.

    Not that the media pointed this out, much, and like magic disappeared after Reagan lifted government controls on POL and natural gas. In the Carter years we had gas station lines, even/odd license plate days, plenty of gasoline and diesel in farming regions like mine because D.C. bureaucrats were deciding where every gallon would go, as I understand it based on 1971 Nixon shock controls, which I can attest were shocking at the time.

    And a whole lot more; the nation as a whole didn’t buy it, along with his foreign policy fecklessness and ousted him in a landslide after one term. By the end of the next term it was “Morning in America” and Mondale lost every state but his own, even Massachusetts which had been the only state to vote for McGovern back in 1972.

    Funny thing: the deregulation movement got its real start under Carter, starting with for example trucking and airlines, all supported by Teddy Kennedy etc.

  842. @Alfred

    those who have faith in untested experimental treatments

    You don’t realize that when you say shit like this, you lose all credibility with anyone with an even vaguely open mind who can think?

    They were never “untested,” if you were honest back in December you could have made a case for under- or insufficiently tested. Pardon me for shouting, BUT THE EXPERIMENTS HAVE BEEN RUN! On hundreds of millions of people, and we still refuse to die per your schedule. “Treatment” is just trying to redefine a word coined in the 18th Century and still being correctly used.

    Stop lying if you want anyone outside your steadily diminishing circle to pay real attention to you. And it would help if you were to admit that whatever the risk to yourself from vaccination, your choosing to venture outside unvaxxed was maiming and killing people unless you’re religiously wearing fit tested N95 masks. And shun those on your anti-vaxx side who are also incandescently anti-mask. Demonstrating yourselves to be selfish sociopaths does you and the Right in general no good at all.

  843. anonymous[299] • Disclaimer says:

    In case anybody doubts that this deadly vaccine is a repeat of the standard CIA Anthrax/Amerithrax biowar/snakeoil racket, here’s Juliette Kayyem to tell you to bend over for the shots she’s gonna make you take.

    In case you forget Juliette Kayyem is, she’s the psychotwat who staged the Boston Explosions provocation, framed Jokar Tsarnaev and marched troops through suburban Boston.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  844. Wild Man says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Hello again TWBT. I get the impression that you are saying that the FDA agreed to squashing the control groups within the normative phase 3 clinical trial procedures, after two months, because enough data was already available (the 2 months you mention), and that nothing serious was found, so it was a humanitarian decision to crater the control groups, and provide them with the vaxx, at that point. Am I paraphrasing you here, correctly?

    What was the size of the target (vaxxed) groups vs. the control (placebo) groups? What was the nature of the placebo(s)? Has Covid Officialdom provided the attributed-vaxx-death-rate, based on said phase 3 clinical trials, or by any other method? What to make of the work done by others willing to contextualize the voluntary reporting systems, showing an attributed-vaxx-death-rate, for the various experimental western covid-19 vaccines, of approximate rate of 1 per 25,000? Are you not concerned by such a horrendous rate? Is this work done by others (like Laurent Muchielli in France as per Iris’ previous links) whom are willing to contextualize the voluntary reporting systems showing an attributed-vaxx-death-rate, for the various experimental western covid-19 vaccines, of approximate rate of 1 per 25,000 … just straight-up wrong, in your opinion? If so – why?

    • Thanks: Bugey libre
  845. Kapyong says:
    @A little boy in the crowd

    Meanwhile Australians are being forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will text them at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they are supposed to be. Should they fail, the police will hunt them down and put them in concentration camps, which are already being built.

    Oh FFS. Not true.

    That was a STORY about a CLAIM from ONE state in Australia.

    Many claims about Australia and covid are stupid scare-stories like this one.

  846. peterAUS says:
    @Tony Hall

    What is going on?

    A couple of guys already answered that question in previous/related threads.

    …I’ll go a step further…

    A very short step.
    Keep walking……

    The problem with your intellectual types is inability to understand how the game of power really works.
    Your inability to take a good, hard, look at certain elements of human nature.
    I guess that all idealists, humanists, share that weakness.

    Imagine strolling across a very nice meadow. A rock. You wish to sit there and take a rest.
    Flip the rock. Watch what’s underneath for a couple of minutes.

    And try again reading this and related threads.

    Maybe, just maybe, the time has come to re-focus your efforts into more productive ways of affecting this, and coming, reality.
    That starts with re-evaluating own capabilities, understanding own weaknesses and doing something about it.

    If you want to reply to this, somewhere in this thread is my (temporary) email.
    I mean, if you haven’t realized that any productive talk isn’t possible here anymore than you do have a big problem.

    • Thanks: Mehen
    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  847. Anon[336] • Disclaimer says:

    However, you may be assured that if you, “utu”, were to endorse such an allegation, I would roast you to a cinder, and then burn your ashes—as hereby.

    Pro Tip:

    To complete your cliche persona as a stereotypical schizophrenic/narcissistic Jew, the perfect finishing touch would be to refer to yourself in the 3rd person every single post.

    • LOL: Emslander
    • Replies: @Raches
  848. Skeptikal says:
    @Bugey libre

    Please do send the link (I understand enough French and anyhow enjoy hearing it), and also any info you have on Africa.

    Here is a Twitter thread with quite a lot of info:

    I also saw a graphic from Johns Hopkins with a URL label on it, but the URL did not open; maybe someone else can get it to open:

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  849. Raches says:
    @Bugey libre

    I have read John Irving’s Hitler’s War (a very good read) and I remember clearly that Monsieur Adolf Hitler had a rather odd doctor which was injecting him very weird things. I remember that Monsieur Irving had asked scientist what this would do to psyche.

    I think that you mean David Irving. For a review of a book that Mr. Irving edited about this exact topic, Adolf Hitler: The Medical Diaries, the Private Diaries of Dr. Theo Morell, see Liberty Bell, January 1991, pp. 1–17; the same review also notices Dr. Hans-Dietrich Röhrs’ book, Hitler, die Zerstörung einer Persönlichkeit (Nekagemünd, Vowinckel, 1965), second edition titled Hitler’s Krankheit (ibid., 1966). In recommending Mr. Irving’s book despite some significant criticisms, Professor Oliver concludes, “…I urge you also to read the book by Dr. Röhrs that he [Mr. Irving] so strangely fails to mention.”

    Based mostly on these two books (neither of which I myself have yet read), Professor Oliver discuss the theory that Dr. Morell may have been intentionally poisoning Hitler—physically crippling his health at critical moments, and possibly trying slowly and undetectably to assassinate him. Oliver, op. cit. at 16:

    I do not affirm that Dr. Röhrs is correct. As I have said, every datum can be explained in more than one way. Morell’s diary may be either an accurate clinical record or precisely what a scoundrel or traitor would prepare of evidence of his innocence. The disease that struck down Hitler in July 1941 [at a moment when it was disastrous for Hitler to be incapacitated during the invasion of the Soviet Union —R.], whether contracted by accident or murderously induced, may have inflicted damage that no therapeutic art could repair, or it may have given Morell an opportunity to intensify and prolong its effects, and thus to begin the destruction of Hitler’s mind and body in earnest. […]

    Besides considering whether Dr. Morell was actuated by malice or incompetence, Professor Oliver also discusses evidence of Dr. Morell’s venial greed: Dr. Morell had a financial interest in the pharmaceutical plants that produced the drugs he was peddling; he abused his influential position as the Führer’s doctor to make the German military buy his medically worthless products. Professor Oliver observes, “Dr. [Karl] Brandt, before the Americans murdered him, described Morell as a ‘greedy business man, not a physician’”. Professor Oliver also considers in passing the question of whether Morell was a crypto-Jew; he seems mostly (but not entirely) to dismiss this possibility, declaring either way that Morell was “a basically vulgar man” who was “mercenary, perhaps avaricious”. ®

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  850. Skeptikal says:
    @John Johnson

    Listening to someone on FB?

    I thought FB banned all covid “disinfo.” So whom would these people be listening to?

    Please list the hospitals you are talking about.

    Hate to be mean, but maybe they should have listened to their doctor when he/she suggested they lose some weight, start eating a healthy diet, and getting some exercise and taking vitamin D3, zinc, and Quercetin.

  851. Skeptikal says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    The fungus that led to the development of ivermectin was found in a single soil sample in Japan.

  852. Raches says:

    Pro Tip:
    To complete your cliche persona as a stereotypical schizophrenic/narcissistic Jew, the perfect finishing touch would be to refer to yourself in the 3rd person every single post.

    Pro Tip: Raches is indifferent to your stereotypical troll insults, although he, she, or they find(s) it mildly amusing to ridicule you: You are an Internet Argument cliché. ®

    • Replies: @Anon
  853. Mehen says:
    @Bugey libre

    In case you missed previous exchanges:

    Despite her wide-ranging intellect, TL has been quite insistent on keeping the JQ on the DL, if you know what I mean.

    ‘nuff said

  854. @Punch Brother Punch

    Your answer was more civilized than I had expected. Anyway, good luck with that. I’ll stick with the Jewbertarians.

  855. Mehen says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    That’s all well and good TWBT but let’s all keep in mind you were the one who — despite all your scientific education — didn’t know the difference between “average” and “median.”

  856. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    You will note that I have never denied the allegation that I am performing “Kabuki theater” with That Would Be Telling

    WTF? […] However I believe uta is in general a sane and honest guy, he’s just … not very nice when he disagrees with people.

    I thought this was clear in the context; but perhaps you may have misunderstood, if your ignore-list has too much shielded you. (The one time that I omit a few relevant links…)

    The line in the internal quote was not referencing “utu”. The “Kabuki theatre” was alleged by dear Miss Iris—before she outed me as a sayan. In the context, I listed these, plus the highly popular “Raches is Mr. Unz’s sockpuppet” theory, as examples of baseless, incredible accusations which I have never denied. I neither admit nor deny that I am Ron Unz’s sockpuppet!

    I drew this comparison, because “utu” latched onto the distinguished Mr. Geokat’s PROOF that since I used a word outside of Mr. Geokat’s very limited vocabulary, and another commentator also used that word, we must be the same individual!!! “utu” adduced additional PROOF by squinting very hard through the lens of confirmation bias, and declaring that I and the other screen name have been the bylines on some sort of almost approximately a little bit similar opinions. (Perhaps I should review the other commentator’s history; with such a thrilling recommendation, maybe I found a new friend here.)

    Of course, per my publicly declared policy, I also neither admit nor deny this allegation. Because I refuse to be dragged into these stupid games and have my back thrown up against the wall by trolls, among other reasons.

    “utu” thereupon launched into his own malicious smear attack against me, in which he claimed as “fact” that I “[changed] handles” from “the other incarnation of [mine] at the UR”—and used this “fact” to cast aspersions on my mental state, and to convict me of insincerity (i.e., dishonesty).

    Although I have found it necessary to add to this thread three other comments calling “utu” out for this, “utu” has neither retracted nor apologized for lending his name and reputation to Mr. Geokat’s smear-attack. Perforce, I have therefore concluded that “utu” is a liar, wantonly and recklessly indifferent to veracity when it seems convenient to hurl around unfounded accusations based on his own petty dislike and personal jealousy of me.

    At this point, “utu” cannot undo the fact that he has properly placed himself in the illustrious company of Mr. Geokat, Mr. Erebus, Mr. Skeptical, and Mr. John Wear, all of who have in some way endorsed the same baseless conspiracy theory. He could still show that he is “only” stupid, gullible, and reckless with the facts, rather than intentionally and intransigently dishonest, if he were to grovel in the shame of his own disgraceful behavior, and express sincere remorse. ®

  857. geokat62 says:

    Blockbuster allegations made by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò in speech delivered on August 28, 2021.

    Opening statement of Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order:


    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Adrian
  858. geokat62 says:

    Correction: this s/b slide #2

    • Thanks: John Wear, Emslander, Robjil
  859. Mehen says:

    I stumbled upon a delightful blog by what appears to be an anonymous “industry insider” of sorts. Hell if I know. Seems fairly legit with a side helping of feline style. Recommended. Here’s a recent installment.

  860. @Kapyong

    If I am wrong about this, I would be grateful for some links to prove it.

    Regarding geography, evil is evil, whether it occurs in one house, one city, one state, or an entire nation.

  861. Interesting.

    So I decided to hop over to Mexico for a spot on a white beach with my GF over this upcoming Labor Day weekend. I am unvaccinated, while she is fully vaccinated (against my entreatments). Mexico doesn’t care whether we are or we are not, nor do they care about testing us prior to entry.

    For the return entry back to the US, however, both of us have to be tested within 72 hours of reentry, including my vaccinated GF.

    Tell me again, what the point of the vax passport is, that my GF carries?

  862. Mehen says:

    New England Journal of Medicine

    Resurgence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Highly Vaccinated Health System Workforce

    (Ron, my attempt at “a href” in order to hyperlink seem to link to your site. What’s up?)

  863. Mehen says:


    If any of you crackpot deplorable “anti-vaxers” find yourself in the position of having to get the jab (whether for work or whatnot), make sure to go to a doctor’s office or otherwise professional phlebotomist (not some lackey at Walgreens)

    Tell them to make sure to “aspirate the injection”.

    It’s the least you can do.

    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  864. Ron Unz says:
    @Ron Unz

    However, since the MathJax package seems more a display system, I think it would be much easier to implement, so I’ll take a look at it. If some browser can’t handle it, I’d assume the math code would just remain unrendered.

    It turns out there’s a handy WordPress plugin that implements MathJax, so it should now be working on the website, including for comments. Dollarsigns are used as the standard start/end triggers for the Latex math-symbolic code, as in:

    \$a^2 + b^2 = c^2\$

    That one very nice thing about WordPress. Since it’s such an industry-standard system, there are huge numbers of very useful third-party plugins.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @niceland
  865. Mehen says:

    And philosophically, you are a neat reflection of “Wild Man”; you even one-up him by admitting to the use of hallucinogens to make yourself mentally defective, by inflicting on yourself what you even admit is “essentially a state of full drug-induced psychosis”. (Being sane, I never trust the judgment of drug abusers, especially pot smokers and fans of hallucinogens.)

    Yeah. About that….

    Triteleia claims to have experienced 5-MeO-DMT, widely regarded as the most potent psychedelic known to science. So much so that it has been referred to as the “God Molecule”, over and above the already popular Ayahuasca (which itself is the “””milder””” form of dimethyltryptamine — N,N-DMT)

    She claims that her brief indulgence merely nudged her to a comfortable headspace with which she is normally acquainted with. It caused her to question the “lesser lights” of people around her, huh

    I happen to have it on good authority that ANYONE under the spell of 5-MeO who DOESN’T experience the obliteration of all human preconceptions in an ineffable fire of Realization and Ecstasy/Terror is one of three things:

    1) someone who had an insufficent dose

    2) someone for whom the delivery method (vaporization) was cocked up for a multitude of reasons

    3) someone who is inordinately full of themselves and too scared to “push things”, and so only waded in gingerly

    Guess which of the three I put my money on.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Skeptikal
    , @Triteleia Laxa
  866. Adrian says:

    I worded that with excruciating clarity

    Oh my, your inflated ego on full display. The bit about the “exquisite clarity” you ascribe to your writings is a good one. But, fair is fair, due to your sophomoric habit of quoting Nietzsche there are indeed patches of distinguished prose there.

    • Agree: John Wear
  867. Skeptikal says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    I am surprised at the casual racism and “colonialist superiority” evidenced by people seeking to discount the experience with ivermectin in Africa. If they cannot counter the “alternative” ivermectin narrative with genuine arguments, they fall back on a racist, imperialist one to quash discussion of actual experience with ivermectin.

    Not just here but also on my college class’s email list. Where an MD’s response to my question concerning the recent announcement of the head of the Toykyo Medical Association regarding ivermectin was to discount the value and validity of an data coming out of Africa.

    Tiens! Very woke, generally. Slipped up, I guess.

    Same goes for TL.

    • Agree: Ultrafart the Brave
    • Thanks: Robjil
    • Troll: Raches
  868. Skeptikal says:
    @Tony Hall

    The videos are too difficult to listen to. Neither the audio nor the visual aspects work.

    The constantt music gets in the way, obscuring Trozzi’s voice, which is too soft, and the visuals use too many video gimmicks.

    Keep it simple if you want people to understand you.

    • Replies: @Tony Hall
  869. @Skeptikal

    You think it is racist to discount the cause of death statistics in countries that officially don’t collect cause of death statistics? I suppose it is also racist to say that the Congolese don’t speak fluent Japanese?

    You are very stupid.

    • LOL: Raches
  870. JimDandy says:

    Ok, I appreciate all the discussion of the dangers of getting doxxed, y’all, but I’m just gonna throw caution to the the wind here and tell it like it is: I’m a strong, young, currently-childless woman of color, and I’m trying to get pregnant–I might even be pregnant already. I’m currently unvaxxed, but I’d love it if some of the most ardent, loquacious pro-vaxxers here gave me a lil unequivocal, you-go-girl encouragement to immediately get the jab. I just need a little nudge from people who I know have my best interests at heart. Thanks!


  871. A summary of the situation so far.

    We know FOR CERTAIN (the Big Pharma kill-jab peddlers having publicly admitted to this), that the Covid ‘vaccines’:

    1) Do NOT prevent infection from Covid
    2) Do NOT prevent transmission of Covid
    3) Do NOT prevent death from Covid.

    With that in mind, imagine the following conversation that likely took place between a doctor and a Covid deceased’s next of kin in heavily duped/vaxxed Iceland or Israel:

    DOCTOR: I’m sorry to say that you son/daughter has passed away from Covid. We did all we could to save them.
    We injected as many spike proteins into their system and engineered as many cytokine storms in their body as we could, but all to no avail.

    NEXT OF KIN: But ….. they were double-jabbed, they’d taken the third, fourth and fifth booster shots, just as Big Brother had recommended.

    DOCTOR: Look on the bright side. We can confirm that the claims made by the Big Pharma toxin manufacturers were true. The Covid vaxxes did indeed lessen the symptoms of Covid.
    ie: Just prior to them dropping dead, the patient’s temperature went way down, the cough went away and that runny nose was all but gone.
    So, factoring all that in, it could have been a lot worse.
    Be thankful for that.

    WAKE UP double-jabbers. You’ve been had !!

    • Agree: John Wear
  872. @Raches

    Thank you for having had the patience to consider my intervention even though I made a mistake. Yes, of course, I meant David not the novelist John Irving.

    The point I made was that David Irving clearly writes that the drugs that Morell was injecting Hitler had a profound effect on his psyche and gives the testimony of real doctors. Methamphetamine was also widely in use in the German military.

    How come can a genius could have chosen such a physician?

    What was the state of the medical science in NSADP’s Germany for such a snake oil saleman to reach the apex of the third Reich?

  873. @Skeptikal

    Thank you for the answer and the link. This is the interview I refered to:

    If you have any problem of undestanding, just let me know.

    Take care

  874. @Triteleia Laxa

    I have spent 8 years (cumulated) in West Africa. I married there, a Peulh. My children were born in Gao and in the bush close to Timbuctu. I ga ma Koroboro T’cheni, Gao t’cheni. I spent three years in Togo, and have spent long sojourn in Burkina Faso. I am technician on organic farming and spirulina production and worked as a adviser.

    I still have contacts in those countries. I know the kind of gated communities you talk about and I know the urban “ghettos” (if you will) and the bush villages. I found myself sick as one can be, sleeping on a mat, I have experienced coup d’état and civil war…

    Covid 1984 isn’t the problem for them. There hasn’t been a black plague/spanish flue death toll, just like in France.

    “Outside of the enclaves of the super-rich, things are very slow and disorganised.”

    This is why the pharmafia can inject whatever shit to the people in total impunity.

    Once again, EVIL authorities, EVIL pharmaceutical entities

    • Thanks: John Wear
  875. @John Johnson

    The problem is that they don’t want to be left alone when they get a severe case of COVID.

    Has the Hypocratic oath been flipped or something?

    Should doctors not treat smokers, diabetics, the obese, and all the rest of the people with conditions caused by lifestyle choices?

    I don’t drive because I think adding a 1/100 chance of death over a lifetime ain’t worth it (actually I prefer trains and walking but..). Am I now allowed to say what you say about those car people “not wanting to be left alone on the motorway when another car plows into them”?

    They easily run up a 100k bill since the average stay is 7 days. Billions were spent on anti-vaxxers in August alone.

    If that’s how much your beds cost in your hospitals – you need to fix your hospitals. (Imagine how much money that lung cancer guy costs!! 😳 )

    (Btw – I also have a solution to reduce negative externalities in society to 0: genocide. Works every time! 😉 )

  876. @That Would Be Telling

    Pardon me for shouting, BUT THE EXPERIMENTS HAVE BEEN RUN! On hundreds of millions of people…

    Well now, here we have That Would Be Telling’s most emphatic declaration that, yes, crimes against humanity in terms of the Nuremburg Code – conducting medical experiments on humans without their informed consent – have been deliberately carried out by the governments all around the world, on a scale unprecedented in human history.

    One might credibly regard this as the worst attempted genocide in recorded human history.

    Just to refresh everyone’s memory, here’s some info on the relevant bits of the Nuremburg Code…

    But That Would Be Telling’s breathtaking display of stupid audacity isn’t finished yet…

    … and we still refuse to die per your schedule.

    So then the question arises, whose schedule exactly are we dying for?

    The question is rhetorical, of course. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together already knows the answer to that particular question.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  877. @Triteleia Laxa

    I am happy for you that you can, in your mind, rationally discount every criticism of the actions of the medical establishment over the last 18 months.

    Well, saying darkies can’t count the dead isn’t particularly rational – they can at least count to 3! 😜 – and it doesn’t help of you add Indian data from jurisdictions like Delhi or Uttar Pradesh. Sorry, I forgot – those Indo-Aryan interbred with the Dravidians (and they are the true blackies of the planet imo!), so probs can’t count well either.

    Then again, Slovenia introduced Ivermectin, and guess what? Same chart (Google it, sorry, don’t know how to add images).. dammit, I forgot that Slavs can be cseen as white niggers by some, they gotta have lost track of the digits somewhere for sure. :s

    And saying profit thirsty companies like J&J are ok getting 0 instead of \$x bn is less rational, than dismissive.

    Trust the guys that brought you cancer through talcon powder, I say! 🥳🥳

  878. @Erebus

    However, I agree that the comment is quite outside of PBP’s normal style, and much along R’s line. PBP’s #548 is even more so. Not enough meat on the bones to convince me of anything though.


    Yes I agree with the blockquote. I initially(two or three comments) thought that Raches was interesting but I quickly found her to be intolerable, so put her on ignore.

    I’ve recently read a few of PBP’s comments and decided that you are most likely correct, and that my conjecture was wrong.

  879. @Triteleia Laxa

    On a not sarcy note,

    No one is trying to stop you from being healthy


    Inventing the AIDS virus pdf by Peter Duesberg.

    The first few chapters of the book have nothing to do with his AIDS theory, and are just a retelling of mostly the last two centuries of medical progress, and the dead ends that persisted for a very long time (for example, scurvy was not agreed upon as a vitamin C deficiency till the 1920s.. why is a very interesting history he retells!).

    These first few chapters are not about criminal doctors and their bad intentions, but about group and institutional errors – lifetime germ theory researchers who can’t accept viruses, viral researchers who can’t accept any other explanations because viruses is what they know.

    Very informative imo.

  880. @kali

    Karen, you gave a wrong email adress…

    • Replies: @Kali
  881. @That Would Be Telling

    It is now becoming apparent that vaccines are killing people, healthy younger people at that, and in considerable numbers, something the public was not told about when they were rolled out. Vaccines have by now killed many more people than Covid has killed in all of China? How is that acceptable?

    It also looks like these vaccines are a form of state terror. Niceland reported that in Iceland vaccines have killed close to 40 people out of a population of 370,000. What events can one envisage with such a gathering of people where so many would be killed? I am not against vaccines, not even against these Covid vaccines, as long as I’m honestly told what I’m getting. Maybe they are of benefit to some, maybe most will not be harmed or killed. But how are the numbers of dead and injured by the vaccines that are now emerging acceptable to the governments, health authorities and the public? Obviously they did not expects this (except possibly any few conspirators behind their development such as Gates et al), and now they should analyse and present the data honestly, discontinue the vaccination programme, and look for other safer solutions to the pandemic. Surely that would be the rational and reasonable thing to do: come clean. They made many promises and obviously their pandemic management programme has not lived up to their, or the public’s, expectations. Why continue along the same path?

    • Agree: John Wear
  882. Kali says:
    @Bugey libre

    Hi Bugey,

    Thanks so much for your reply (and for all of your contributions to these most important conversations).

    Please do feel free to pass my contact details to the TV guy. – Though hubby and I no longer travel ourselfs (we now do the self-sufficiant thing on our mountainside) we do welcome lots of visitors and travellers here regularly. TV dude would be most welcome. The same goes for you and your family should the oportunity arise.

    Just to clarify, Kali is what I’m actually called as oposed to an internet psudonym. And though when it comes to creating gardens I can out-dig any man 😉 I am actually a woman.

    Thank you very much for your kind words of support directed at Trite Lax.

    Hopefully one day we will meet in person!

    Much love,

  883. @That Would Be Telling

    And it would help if you were to admit that whatever the risk to yourself from vaccination, your choosing to venture outside unvaxxed was maiming and killing people unless you’re religiously wearing fit tested N95 masks.

    Why suddenly this blaming of people? Influenza has apparently been killing people for ages yet nobody ever blamed people going about their daily business, even going to classes and work while sick, of being responsible for killing people. Especially now with this Covid when it seems that being vaccinated does not stop one spreading the disease.

    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  884. Dumbo says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    My position is that if you choose not to get the vax, you should have a better reason than because you think Bill Gates or the Lizard People

    What about, “I just don’t want it”?

    Why do you need a “reason”?

    Shouldn’t it be a question of free choice?

    Personally, I don’t like top-down or centralized approaches, much less in medicine or in “public health” (an oxymoron in most cases).

    And I really don’t like the way this thing is being forced with stupid propaganda, lies, and “green passes” and such.

    That said, if anyone wants to take it they should be free to take it.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  885. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    Hail Nemesis, the Goddess of Revenge! The Raches terrorist organization officially claims responsibility for injecting The Unz Review with kill-shot mathematical weapons.

    Is there a theoretical physicist here to explain $e = mc^2$?

    My love:

    $$\limsup_{n \to \infty} \frac{\pm S_n}{\sqrt{2n \log\log n}} = 1 \quad \text{a.s.}$$

    My love is a paradox. It is counterintuitive:

    $$\frac{S_n}{\sqrt{2n\log\log n}} \ \xrightarrow{p}\ 0, \qquad \frac{S_n}{\sqrt{2n\log\log n}} \ \stackrel{a.s.}{\nrightarrow}\ 0, \qquad \text{as}\ \ n\to\infty.$$

    A population and depopulation equation that should be perpended by Aryans, as Nature ineluctably forecloses the future of degenerates who do not love their ancestors:

    $$P_t = P_{t=0}e^{\pm\lambda t}$$

    Trolls who object that all this is too “smaaaaht” for them will be trolled with more terrorist MATHS!!!, for the lulz. ®

    • Replies: @Ilya G Poimandres
    , @Raches
  886. @Raches

    Entrapment = mRNA * (coronavirus)^2


  887. Raches says:

    Make that $E = mc^2$. The shift key on a worn-out keyboard took revenge, and I was too busy trying not to flub the $\LaTeX$ to catch it.

    My excuse is that I was trying to troll the theoretical physicist. ®

  888. Robjil says:

    It is not hitting the “leaders” in the western nations. It is hitting the leaders in African nations. They want to live thus they are going to allow something that really works against Covid. The western “leaders” can play games on the masses since it is not hitting them. Western “leaders” only care about themselves.

    This paper provides evidence that the COVID-19-related mortality rate of national government ministers and heads of state has been substantially higher than that of people with a similar sex and age profile in the general population, a trend that is driven by African cases (17 out of 24 reported deaths worldwide, as of 6 February 2021). Ministers’ work frequently puts them in close contact with diverse groups, and therefore at higher risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2, but this is not specific to Africa.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  889. Raches says:

    I am surprised at the casual racism and “colonialist superiority” evidenced by people seeking to discount the experience with ivermectin in Africa. If they cannot counter the “alternative” ivermectin narrative with genuine arguments, they fall back on a racist, imperialist one to quash discussion of actual experience with ivermectin.

    Where are all the “he’s a jew!!!” people to notice that you are speaking Hebrew?

    Sarcasm: Raches

  890. Raches says:

    I think that Ivermectin is a great drug. It once saved some of my pets from a parasite problem, with no apparent side effects. I would love to see it work for Covid. But I do not mash up a bunch of random crud to suit hopes or wishful thinking. Otherwise stated, I am not Paul Craig Roberts:

    Why is the MSM not publishing this? Conspiracy theory? 🤣

    Ivermectin in Africa Blocks Covid (Paul Craig Roberts)

    Conspiracy theory: The MSM are racist! And Paul Craig Roberts has joined BLM. When did Sub-Saharan Africa become Mr. Roberts’ model of advanced civilization for the world? He even makes a snide remark playing the race card.

    If Mr. Roberts had not gone full retard, he would have clearly told his readers his sources of information for this September 2, 2021 blog post. The only sources “cited” in the image are:

    • Twitter handle “birb_k”. Eh, I will flip the birdie at that.

    • “Johns Hopkins CSSE (github)”. Could it be a little bit less specific, please? It seems misleading to imply a link to the following.

    • An URL in the graphic that only I will bother to type out. It is a link to a preprint from March 26, 2021. The preprint does not contain any maps or graphs; it does contain some tables of numbers. The preprint is from some Japanese researchers in Tokyo, with no apparent link to Johns Hopkins as the text of the graphic implies. See the “Author Information”, and of course, the actual text of the preprint, on medRxiv:

    Why COVID-19 is not so spread in Africa: How does Ivermectin affect it?

    Hisaya Tanioka, Sayaka Tanioka, Kimitaka Kaga


    This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.

    The medRxiv history lists only one version. After running 7 different advanced searches on PubMed (and finding that these three same authors have published together exactly one paper before), I cannot find this paper. It seems not to have been published. Would someone scientific please help me ascertain what happened here? Thanks. ®

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  891. niceland says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Are those 196 cases of serious side effects, or correlated adverse events?

    If I understand the terminology correctly, the latter.

    Let me paste google translated text from the site:

    The Icelandic Medicines Control Agency makes the following reservations when reading, interpreting and using the information:

    The number of notifications should be examined in the context of the number of people who have been vaccinated. Information on the number of vaccinated people with each vaccine can be found at

    It is important to keep in mind that the number of reports of suspected adverse reactions does not indicate the frequency of actual adverse reactions after vaccination or the safety of vaccines. Such notifications are used to monitor the safety of medicines after their use has begun, and this is done e.g. by assessing whether there is a likelihood of a causal link between the use of the medicinal product and the reported case. Thus, the notifications may not reflect actual adverse reactions to the vaccines, but this is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

    Causally trying to dig deeper I seem to have hit a wall. These numbers and few bits in the news is all I got.

    With 3 people dying each week in Icelandic nursing homes, when the whole lot is vaxxed , we will see few deaths shortly after that, in all likelihood, have nothing to do with the vaccination. I attribute ~5 of reported deaths to this judging by news reports at the time.

    Perhaps I have time over the weekend to dig further into this. But I am not optimistic I will find something of value regarding this discussion.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  892. utu says:

    Ivermectin study from Argentina:

    Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topical Ivermectin + Iota- Carrageenan in the Prophylaxis against COVID-19 in Health Personnel

    Is Ivermectin for Covid-19 Based on Fraudulent Research? Part 3

    In the future, when historians of science are unpicking what exactly went wrong during the Covid-19 pandemic and trying to figure out how we made so many mistakes, the story of ivermectin for Covid-19 is probably going to be one of the most amazing case studies. People will write PhD dissertations looking at exactly how and why we came to believe that this repurposed medication could be a miracle cure for a novel disease.

    But it gets worse. After a great deal of investigation, it appears that this trial never actually took place as described.

    The full story of this attempt to find out if the study took place is detailed here by the fantastic Stephanie Lee from Buzzfeed. You should definitely read that, this piece will still be here when you’ve read it.

    • Thanks: Brás Cubas
  893. niceland says:
    @Ron Unz

    Do you have some kind of “howto” for using the features on this site, for ex; embedding links and this new math thingy, formatting etc?

  894. Raches says:

    MathJax user documentation:

    Write your maths in \(\LaTeX\), surrounded by \\(…\\) if embedded in the middle of a sentence—or surrounded by \\[…\\] before and after, to render “display maths” centered in their own block of text. This latter effect is seen in my prior comment. (There are other available delimiters involving dollar signs or double-dollar-signs, as Mr. Unz mentioned and I have used a few times. I am a bit clumsy with MathJax, because I usually avoid sites that require Javascript. For example, I don’t yet know how to make \(\LaTeX\) render in text mode inside math mode.)

    <a title=”"https://&#8221; href="https:// www. unz. com/"><i>The Unz Review</i></a> = The Unz Review (Remove the spaces I had to insert in the URL to stop WordPress from wrongly turning it into a link, and thus mangling everything. To write what I just did, you need HTML escapes; I explained that in a prior comment.)

    Knowing what HTML works here is a matter of trial and error, unless I missed some documentation.


    • Thanks: niceland
    • Replies: @Raches
  895. Raches says:

    WordPress managed to mangle my HTML example anyway. Let’s try again:

    <a href="[the URL that wordpress is buggily turning into a link]"><i>The Unz Review</i></a> = The Unz Review

    (and my prior comment got disconnected from @niceland?)

    • Thanks: niceland
  896. @Mehen

    I happen to have it on good authority that ANYONE under the spell of 5-MeO who DOESN’T experience the obliteration of all human preconceptions in an ineffable fire of Realization and Ecstasy/Terror is one of three things:

    What did I have to be scared of? Isn’t it sensible to be more scared of lies than “realisation”?

    You people are weird. You’re all backwards. So melodramatic. I suppose it makes you feel big to be that way, but it is also really painful. I’d rather smoke 5-MeO than give myself a headache from obsessive moralising any day and any time. Headaches actually hurt.

    • Replies: @Mehen
  897. geokat62 says:

    Latest ad campaign from Pfizer…

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • LOL: emersonreturn
  898. @That Would Be Telling

    your choosing to venture outside unvaxxed was maiming and killing people

    Darling, can you please follow “the Science”?!

    Household secondary attack rates were increased from symptomatic index cases (18.0%; 95% CI, 14.2%-22.1%) than from asymptomatic index cases (0.7%; 95% CI, 0%-4.9%)

    Now you jabbed ones – you get infected, and you spread the infection, just like the unvaxxed – except you don’t feel the symptoms.

    So unlike me who got covid Friday (I know cause I lost my sense of taste and smell), you would remain free of symptoms, and go about your business and spread not just the virus, but specifically the more deadly evolved versions.

    Here, a National Geographic article about the chicken Marek’s disease vaccine:

    The duo infected vaccinated and unvaccinated chicks with five different strains of Marek’s virus, of varying virulence. They found that when unvaccinated birds are infected with mild strains, they shed plenty of viruses into their surroundings. If they contract the most lethal strains, they die before this can happen, and their infections stop with them. In the vaccinated chicks, this pattern flips. The milder strains are suppressed but the lethal ones, which the birds can now withstand, flood into the environment at a thousand times their usual numbers.

    Read and Nair also found that the “lethal” strains could spread from one vaccinated individual to another, and that unvaccinated chickens were at greatest risk of disease and death if they were housed with vaccinated ones.

    This is from 2015, so there is no covid bias!

    Guess how many of my dumbshit friends are vaxxed in London?!

    My vaxxed ex came back from a wedding full of vaxxed people, and I had symptomatic covid two days later! (So did two more anti-vaxxer friends who interacted with that crowd).

    You’ve had a leaky vaccine?

    If you go outside, you are exactly the weapon you believe us unjabbed to be. You don’t know it, you are asymptomatic – you simply spread virus, and specifically the deadlier and deadlier strains.

    I didn’t leave the house when I had my 39.5C for a day. Heck, I’ve recovered 20% of my smell and taste in 48 hours, and I still won’t move out for a week to keep people comfy.

    But you take the boosters, and keep acting as a vector for both covid, and covid’s increasing danger.

    You, the leaky-vaxxed, are the gain of function vessel.

    • Thanks: Emslander, Mehen, emersonreturn
  899. Tony Hall says:

    I was able to interpret get the info from the speaker, but I take your points. Thank you. The constructive criticism is appreciated. Incidentally I have no connection to Dr. Trozzi who I have never met.

    To me the fact that his media production is not completely technically slick and MSM-style “professional” actually adds to its flavour of authenticity. I found nothing in the analysis wrong and I learned new things in some segments.

    Apparently my article now named “Herd Stupidity” at Global is going somewhat viral. GR is disadvantaged on search engines in the same way as UR.

  900. @niceland

    The “correlated adverse event” terminology means a) they got a vaccine dose and b) something adverse that wasn’t a car accident or other trauma happened later, then of course they’re graded as severe or not (someone in the U.K. who submits a Yellow Card saying he got an unprecedented intense craving for doner kebab (seriously!) is providing useful data, but that’s not a severe event…).

    As always, “correlation does not imply causation,” although it of course suggests it. In the US the anti-vaxxers are completely ignoring this distinction, although the flip side is that it can be very hard to rule out causation.

    It’s pretty hard for me to interpret that Google translated section; if I read it correctly, as well as factor in that if your population is at all like America’s—but it seriously isn’t, we have populations with much higher all cause morbidity and mortality—then your public health authorities are doing a first pass of plausibility before listing the correlated adverse effects.

    Which the US CDC isn’t doing (seriously, one VAERS report I noticed was because an idiot or malevolent RN injected someone in their shoulder joint instead of the big deltoid muscle; that was bad although not resulting in death as of the report nor was likely to). Such reporting would then be followed by real investigation of the cases, for which there aren’t many in Iceland, but then again how many pathologists does Iceland have and how busy are they already? Here in the US where we have hundreds of millions vaxxed and a lot of VAERS data so we can find patterns as we have for all three of our authorized/approved vaccines (which also puts the lie to the claims the CDC and FDA are completely ignoring VAERS data).

    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @niceland
  901. @Dumbo

    Perhaps in a pandemic that has led to a two years long (so far) disruption of the entire world, one should have developed a more substantial take than “I just don’t want it” as if it were a side of peas at family dinner.

    For conservatives, it seems “freedumb” has come to mean the freedom to be an ignorant pig. I wonder how this state of affairs came to be? Who, oh who, could have twisted American conservatism so? Who has an interest in making white people appear to to be mule-headed, intransigent reactionaries? Who?

    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @Dumbo
    , @utu
    , @Brás Cubas
  902. @Robjil

    Yes, politicians in Africa govern only out of the goodness of their hearts and a sincere love and solicitude for their people.

    • LOL: Raches
    • Replies: @Robjil
  903. geokat62 says:

    Excerpt from, Missouri AG Opposes Vaccine Mandates: I Don’t Want to Live in ‘Dystopian, Biomedical Security State’:

    REPORTER: What would you say to somebody who says to you it’s a very sane thing to use the pressure of someone’s fear of losing their jobs to force them to get vaccinated for the good of the community?

    MISSOURI ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC SCHMITT: If someone says that using fear is good, that is what every tyrant and dictator in the history of the world has ever said to accumulate, aggregate, and maintain power. This is America, the freest country in the world and I don’t think we should be allowing individual politicians who want to grab power and never let go of it gain it in the first place. People can make their decisions. I believe in freedom, I believe in responsibility, but people can make these very important decisions themselves. And I don’t want to live in some futuristic, dystopian, biomedical security state. As attorney general of this state, I’m going to do everything I can to protect the rights of individuals in this state.

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
    • Thanks: Emslander, John Wear
  904. Wild Man says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    TWBT – I am continuing to hope that you can finally contextualize your comments addressing adverse effects for western-experimental-covid-19-vaxxes, so that said comments do not sound like more of the ‘pro-vaxx enablers of lying dirtbag globalists’ type. I don’t see how you can achieve that, commenting-wise, if you don’t finally address the questions I put to you (but yet again) in my comment #865 of this thread.

    If you don’t answer those specific questions …. and instead continue to go vague in this respect, like you have done repeatedly, precisely like you have again done in this comment, ….. you end up sounding just like Covid Officialdom … which is …. really … ‘nothing to see here of import, vaxx-adverse-reaction-wise, folks’.

    You need to do much better (for your own credibility-sake). Please answer the question I put to you in comment #865 now.

  905. Wild Man says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I dunno …. you still don’t seem to be getting the point about not using your temporary relief at having taken the vaxx decision, to denigrate those that have not yet taken said decision (which is what mainstream media/government/corporations/Covid Officialdom, is counseling people such as yourself, the vaxx-takers, to do).

    I don’t really believe the reasons you provided for your conversion from ‘vaxx-hesitancy’, to ‘vaxx-is-right-for-me’, are valid, (as I outlined in comment #746 to you) …. yet nevertheless, that really isn’t my business (that I don’t think your reasons are valid) …. until you go hypocrite-mode (because hypocrite-mode does have far-reaching implications for those around you, within this dynamic).

    You have hereby gone hypocrite-mode, in the response to Dumbo. What gives?

    Earlier, in comment #763, you said:

    “I don’t denigrate people who choose not to get vaxxed, as long as it’s not for totally idiotic reasons. Concerns about side effects, lack of long-term testing, etc. – these are valid concerns, they’re partly why I put off getting vaxxed for so long. My only issue is with the way anti-vaxxers behave online.”

    Why is ‘my body/my choice’, an inferior rationale than yours? Is Dumbo going hypocrite-mode when he points this out? I don’t think so ….. I think Dumbo’s is an appropriate response to those whom have already gone hypocrite-mode, and I think Dumbo is using this idea around personal freedoms, to point that out, and nothing more.

    Nobody really cares that you decided to collapse your earlier vaxx-hesitancy stance because ‘conservatives are stupid’. Those are your personal reasons (which to my mind are not valid reasons). But it is you here that want to denigrate those that support your rights to your opinion, and support your personal actions stemming from that, as long as it doesn’t affect others. It only begins to affect others, when you decide to go hypocrite-mode within this crazy dynamic whereby you are rewarded for that irrational and immoral hypocrite-mode behavior, by Covid Offcialdom. So – again, what gives, with you?

  906. Dumbo says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Perhaps in a pandemic that has led to a two years long (so far) disruption of the entire world

    The disruption, such as it is, was not caused by the pandemic itself, but EXACTLY by the demented, bureaucratic and weirdly (pre-?)planned “reaction to it”. Which is what I am complaining about. But if anyone has any studies showing that “green passes” and “lockdowns” have helped with anything (except motivating people to get vaxxed, that is, a form of blackmail), please let me know.

    I don’t care if you took the jab and are trying to rationalize it. Maybe others think in a different way. Let them. Maybe freedom of choice in medicine is dumb for you, but not for others.

  907. Emslander says:
    @Wild Man

    Look at it this way. As long as I haven’t had the mRNA shot, I’m free of it’s possible downsides, but I still have the option, if better information or medicine comes along, to change my mind.

    The mRNA junkies don’t have that option.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  908. @Raches

    I think that Ivermectin is a great drug. It once saved some of my pets from a parasite problem, with no apparent side effects. I would love to see it work for Covid.

    Here on the Unz Review, we’re always happy to help – your prayers are answered!

    Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – Corona Chan Treatment Protocols

    Information on using IVERMECTIN to treat Corona Chan

    Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance – Corona Chan Treatment Protocols – Ivermectin


    Beyond the proven protocols of Dr. Zelenko and the FLCCC which have saved the lives of thousands of vulnerable people from the ravages of Corona Chan, here’s another couple of practicing doctors who are more than willing to give their first-hand testimony of the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating Corona Chan patients…

    Dr. Ryan Cole Talks About Covid-19, Ivermectin, & The Importance Of Vitamin D

    Dr. Joseph Varon Interviewed on Ivermectin to Treat Corona Chan

    But wait – you want more?

    We’re very glad to be able to help you to see Ivermectin working for Corona Chan

    Corona Chan – Ivermectin Studies

    Ivermectin Saves India

    Ivermectin Destroys Corona Chan In Mexico City & India

    Ivermectin Obliterates Corona Chan in Delhi

    Indian Doctors Analysis of Indian Success in Beating Corona Chan

    Japan Officially Endorses Ivermectin For Corona Chan

    • Thanks: John Wear
  909. utu says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    “Who, oh who, could have twisted American conservatism so?” – The ignoramuses were always there. But internet gave them encouragement because they realized they are many and there is no social stigma involved in displaying stupidity within their circles and then they were weaponized. Authoritarian systems like in China are not as vulnerable to the ignorance of their plebs as much as the West is because China and more authoritarian systems prevent their weaponization. So it is likely China or Russia may want to weaponize stupidity in populations of their enemies.

    In Taiwan early in the pandemic people spreading rumors and false news about the virus and pandemic were fined or arrested. In Taiwan Ron Unz for publishing Mike Whitney and similar dis-info demagogues probably would be fined and forced to shut down his site as being the repeater and amplifier of dis-information.

    That he is permitted to do it in the US with impunity is both weakness and strength of the Western democratic systems. But providing that Mike Witney and others were wrong and are still wrong when it comes to mitigating countermeasures or vaccination Ron Unz has done a tangible, though not necessarily measurable, damage to the response the US could have had that could reduce the number of deaths and shortened the pandemic.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  910. Anon[336] • Disclaimer says:

    Pro Tip: Raches is indifferent to your stereotypical troll insults, although he, she, or they find(s) it mildly amusing to ridicule you: You are an Internet Argument cliché. ®

    That’s the spirit.

    By the way, ABBA’s new album is about to drop, so everything’s coming-up Rashes today!

  911. @Punch Brother Punch

    Who has an interest in making white people appear to to be mule-headed, intransigent reactionaries?

    Yeah, those evil Jews at it again. Maybe some White Nationalist should hack and erase all the White people from that list, leaving only Blacks and Hispanics. Now that would be a worthy heroic deed that would make white people appear as they really are: Geniuses and World Leaders.

  912. Nancy says:

    Dr. Zelenko speaking to Israeli ortho health leaders….how to interpret this?

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Adrian
  913. @Tony_0pmoc

    I am not convinced about Ivermectin cos any statistics supporting any point of view can be corrupted, as most things now are.

    Among the many magical antiviral things that Ivermectin does, it works as a Zinc ionophore (transports Zinc into cells where it is able to disrupt viral replication, thereby stopping a viral infection in its tracks).

    Hydroxychloroquine also works as an ionophore (among other things) as does the health supplement Quercetin (a bioflavanoid found in many common fruits and vegetables).

    Combined with a good Zinc supplement, all these things serve as powerful prophylactics against the alleged Corona Chan bug (or any viral infection). Ivermectin is also apparently very good at curing active Corona Chan infections.

    A whole bunch of doctors who have actually successfully treated many thousands of Corona Chan patients testify to the ability of these cheap and extremely safe medicines and nutrients to cure Corona Chan. Here’s a few good examples that have already been repeatedly posted in these forums…

    Dr. Ryan Cole Talks About Covid-19, Ivermectin, & The Importance Of Vitamin D

    Dr. Joseph Varon Interviewed on Ivermectin to Treat Corona Chan

    Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – Corona Chan Treatment Protocols

    Information on using IVERMECTIN to treat Corona Chan

    Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance – Corona Chan Treatment Protocols – Ivermectin

    It’s important to understand that these people know what they are talking about – they have proven track records of personally treating and saving many thousands of vulnerable Corona Chan patients.

    Sadly, I think many people are going to die, as a direct result of the jabs over the next few years, and many already have, but quantifying it is very difficult.

    Sadly, you are very likely correct. We will likely see the first real wave of vaccination-induced Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) deaths in the Northern Hemisphere as winter approaches in the coming months.

    FWIW, Dr. Zelenko recommends that vaccinated individuals protect themselves by regular dosing with Zinc + an ionophore like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine (or even Quercetin, which is sold as a health supplement and doesn’t need a prescription) to head off any viral infection which could trigger ADE.

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
  914. Wild Man says:

    Yes …. the Double Bind rearing it’s head … leading to irrational and immoral behavior, just like always (when human nature is as uncontrolled by the dictates of true westernism, …. which requires personal rational confrontation of the Double Bind, when it comes up).

    I mean maybe I could give another example of this that perhaps Punch Brother Punch may appreciate. Here goes:

    Caucasian leftists, often appear to be, by way of the Double Bind, cryptic racists, because they downplay the self-agency of the black cohort, when they choose to blame all the problems of the black community, on systemic Caucasianism, … without examining how decision-making within these black communities has tempered said problems. Noam Chomsky comes to mind as a prominent candidate for this type of cryptic white-on-black racism (except Noam Chomsky is Jewish, so …., really in his case it’s Jewish-on-black cryptic racism pretending to be white-on-black cryptic racism). These Caucasian lefties (as prompted by cryptic Jewish racists such as Noam Chomsky), allow themselves to behave in such an irrational and immoral way, …. because it helps resolve the Double Bind ….. they don’t want to be deemed ‘racists’, …. yet still, they want to continue to feel superior to other racial cohorts …… so how to resolve said Double Bind? …. pretend that black self-agency doesn’t exist.

    Sicko sick for sure. Just like this Double Bind for the vaxx-takers. The vaxx-takers tend to become bigoted because they downplay the rationality of the vaxx-hesitant, when they choose to blame the problems of the covid-vaxx-roll-out, on systemic vaxx-hesitant-stupidity, … without examining how rational operations within the vaxx-hesitant, has tempered said covid-vaxx-roll-out problems (i.e. – said vaxx-hesitant rational operations have revealed the ongoing Covid Officialdom egregious, obnoxious, and very harmful lies). These vaxx-takers, allow themselves to behave in such an irrational and immoral way, …. because it helps resolve the Double Bind ….. they don’t want to be deemed ‘irrational’, …. yet still, they want to continue to feel superior to other vaxx-stance cohorts (especially if this turns out to be an existential matter, as you allude to, which may indeed still turn out to be the case, … we don’t yet know) …… so how to resolve said Double Bind? …. pretend that the vaxx-hesitant are irrational.

    • Replies: @Emslander
  915. Robjil says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I am talking about the leaders in Africa getting stuff out there that really works since the African leaders are getting badly hit by Covid too. I don’t know how well the African leaders care about their masses (people). It has to be a bit better than many western nations since days. Since most western “leaders”, do not seem to care one bit for their masses. It is a very sad situation in the west these days. The masses make a nation great. If the “leaders” do not care for the masses, then they are not “leaders” but jailers over their masses.

    In the West “leaders” are not getting hit so bad. Most “leaders” in the west who get hit, get well soon. The only ones in the west who have been hit bad and die, are for some odd reason mostly “dissident” politicians who questioned the massive enforcement of only US or western vaccines for Covid.

    It is like we are living in a “The Gods are Crazy” world. A 1980s South African film, where a Bushman finds a coke bottle in the sand. The Gods ( leaders of the west) are crazy for real these days. Most non-western nations must be scratching their heads and wondering how the west went so crazy.

    • Replies: @Ben the Layabout
  916. @Adrian

    Thank you for the Luis T link. I skimmed it. Yesterday, where I work (volunteer), one of our clients was a RN. Having some idle time, I asked her a few questions about her experiences re the COVID cases. To my dismay, she confirms news reports that there are a lot of cases (here in FL), and not just the aged/frail. But one data item jumped out, the specific type I haven’t seen mentioned before. But it’s the perfect example of the question: “Just what is or should be counted as a ‘case’?” RN reports that anyone in the hospital that tests positive is counted as a case even if the reason for being in the hospital has nothing to do with a COVID illness. While we didn’t discuss it, my first reaction was the usual “Aha! They do that to claim the extra money.” Greed is always a prime suspect as it’s a powerful motivator. But RN offered a far more practical reason why the staff should know this: The patients testing positive have to receive special handling and are kept in a separate facility. I still remain skeptical of the overall COVID figures and I’ve written about them in earlier threads. But yesterday’s conversation opened my eyes to a real-world example of how it’s not so simple to say what is a case and what isn’t. Clearly, in the example given above, a person might be in hospital for (say) a gall bladder operation, is otherwise in perfect health, but tests positive for COVID. This alone adds an extra burden to providing him care.

    I lack any data for the following but the assumptions seem reasonable: If the above testing regime is typical, that means that the official statistics continue being suspect. During a pandemic, a large portion of patients in a hospital at any given time may test positive for COVID but have mild or even no symptoms at all. Furthermore, they may be there for reasons completely unrelated to morbidity caused by the virus. Should they be counted as “infections,” “in hospital,” “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated”, and so on? Do you see the problem?

    • Agree: Emslander
  917. Wild Man says:

    I dunno …. sounds like circular reasoning to me. Let’s just cut to the chase, so as to avoid the muck of unsound reasoning. You are implying that the vaxx-hesitant are stupid and spread false rumors.

    utu …. do you or don’t you, agree that Covid Officialdom has committed 7 (or maybe as many as 11) egregious, obnoxious and very harmful lies to date (you can find that list, within my comment #1313, of previous thread following a Ron Unz article entitled – ‘The Covid Debate: to Vaxx or Not to Vaxx …. total of 1,589 comments’). So far, from your commenting utu, I think you disagree with only covid lie #4 (lying about the efficacy of non-vaccine prophylactics and therapeutics), which I don’t think you have yet done a good job of discounting it as not being a lie, yet nevertheless, leaving that lie aside for now, how about the other lies I mentioned … where do you stand?

    • Replies: @utu
  918. @Ultrafart the Brave

    Developer of Ivermectin begins late-stage trial of experimental pill it hopes could prevent COVID-19 infections

    Merck & Co, which develops the anti-parasite drug ivermectin, will soon begin late-stage trials for molnupiravir, which could combat viruses like Covid
    Ivermectin has been incorrectly heralded as a potential COVID-19 treatment due to a misinterpreted study from March 2020
    Parasite experts say that ivermectin has no virus killing properties and is ineffective against COVID-19
    Merck hopes to distribute molnupiravir through out India to help combat the virus while the nation waits for vaccinesThe developer of ivermectin is performing late-stage trials on a drug that could actually prevent COVID-19.
    Merck & Co partnered with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics to develop molnupiravir.

    Enrollment for late-stage trials for their drug have already started.

    The companies hope the drug could prevent COVID-19 infection in patients, but have yet to share further detail of how exactly it will be used.

  919. @Truth Vigilante

    First a request: I have no problems with the occasional insult at another writer. Heck, I do it myself betimes. My request is simply try to make it a more accurate slur. Recently another called me an “imbecile.” While it’s common to call others stupid, idiot, moron, etc. why not enrich your vocabulary? The dictionary or a thesaurus are useful tools. By all means denigrate me, but how much more effective if you can be eloquent as you are sticking the knife in [grin.]

    Re Ivermectin and other suppressed therapies. I remain agnostic on that, which is another way of saying uninformed, or simply haven’t read up on it. But the two graphs offered as arguments on the efficacy of Ivermectin leave much to be desired. In the first place is the utter unreliability of data; this is a topic I’ve posted on extensively including in this thread. In the case of the first graph, even if the statistics are 100% true, without additional investigation one cannot say that Ivermectin led to the drop in cases. There may be other explanations. Two easy guesses come to mind: Did a vaccination campaign begin mid-year? Perhaps the spike and crash were just a wave in an epidemic. It’s even possible both are in play.

    The second graph involves data from many countries. Someone has already pointed out that data from these nations is of uncertain value. This, too, is a criticism I dwelt on in earlier posts: There are many reasons to not have much faith in data, even from developed nations. When you are looking at figures from the most backward, corrupt nations on Earth, your skepticism should be doubled. You simply can’t trust the figures, so any conclusion you propose to draw from them is stillborn.

  920. niceland says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Regarding the data I posted here.

    This data is submitted by healthcare professionals and the public. Like you suggest it contains ‘correlated adverse event’ reports. While perhaps it is filtered to throw out some junk, like ‘my cat is avoiding me after I got vaxxed’ that’s about it I guess.*

    When they started vaccinating in nursing homes there were few deaths right away. So ‘independent’ team was appointed to research the first five deaths. You can run this site through your favorite machine translator to get the gist of it. BTW they ruled out four deaths as being side effects from the vaccination. Only one was likely/possible. If you check out the link you see they just got doctors from different hospital – run by the same system to do the ‘research’. I really don’t know what to make of it.

    Albeit not direct evidence this seems to indicate Icelanders are not doing much case by case research, if any. This data (all of it, it seems) is submitted to some European database – EudraVigilance – after being “screened” * by experts at the Icelandic Medical Agency.

    For you and others interested in side effects EudraVigilance database might be worth checking out. There I can select ‘country’ and then -after some automatic sign in process- go to the letter “C” and ctrl+f ‘covid’ to see reports and statistics for each vaccine. Quickly browsing Moderna and Pfizer for Iceland I see about half of the reports is by Healthcare Professionals and the rest from others.

    As always, “correlation does not imply causation,” although it of course suggests it. In the US the anti-vaxxers are completely ignoring this distinction, although the flip side is that it can be very hard to rule out causation.

    I totally agree, It’s obvious there is plenty of noise in this data and deciding what is real side effect and what isn’t can be impossible, even for experts.

    Regarding the 31 reported deaths I found this recent news article covering the situation at the time.
    Here is what it says about Pfizer.

    BioNTech / Pfizer – 77 announcements

    A total of 77 reports of possible adverse reactions to the BioNTech / Pfizer vaccine have been received.

    22 deaths were reported following vaccination with the vaccine. Of these, 17 were related to the deaths of individuals aged 75 or older and 14 of them had confirmed underlying diseases. Four deaths affected people aged 65-74, three of whom had underlying diseases. One death involved a person aged 60-64 with an underlying disease.

    A total of 36 hospital admissions were received following the BioNTech / Pfizer vaccination. Of these, eight were considered to be in life-threatening condition.

    So obviously this is a mixed bag. It seems the same group most vulnerable to covid disease is also most likely to die shortly after being vaccinated. And what to write on the death certificate in some of these cases difficult to decide. Both for the disease and the vaxx.

    Now if my embedded links don’t work, please blame Raches!

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
  921. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    I think that you will probably appreciate this—and I love the subtle irony of my title. I dedicate the following to the memory of Professor Revilo P. Oliver Z”L, whose influence I much show here.


    One of the worst problems of the modern world is dualistic thinking: Perceiving the world as divided between Absolute Good and Absolute Evil, translating that into “us” versus “them”, and then filing everyone into a pigeonhole that can be fit into either “our side” or “the other side”.

    Insofar as is known to recorded or recoverable history, this dualism originated in Zoroastrianism (Ahura Mazda, the Good God, versus Angra Mainyu, the Evil God), and therefrom infected the West via Christianity (God versus Satan, the Christ versus the Antichrist). Christianity is not principally a form of Messianic Judaism, as ignorant Christians imagine: It is a derivative of Zoroastrianism in its basic structure, with Jewish scriptures and a mish-mash of other nonsense derived from other religions. The Zoroastrians even left their calling card, in the form of the Nativity myth. Too bad that most Christians don’t know what “Magi” are.

    (Aside, @Ron Unz, my unfinished draft commentary on the incest article includes the word xvaetvadatha to pique your interest in antiquities. Not sure if I will finish that; I don’t fear the topic, but I lack expertise in it, and I am unsatisfied with how well I can develop whatever I am thinking about it.)

    Even those who reject Christianity retain therefrom a cultural residue, or absorb a pervasive Christian cultural influence. Marxism is a rationalization of primitive Christianity, without the Christ. Liberalism of all kinds, and especially so-called “secular humanism”, are rationalizations of Christian ethics and a fundamentally Christian worldview. As I have previously observed in these pages, transhumanism is a pseudo-Christianity that baptizes us in holy gadgets, and substitutes the Singularity for the Christ in its eschatology. Hippies sousing their brains with hallucinogens as they preach proletarian Peace and Love like Jesus reflect the theory, quite plausible, that some early Christian cults (as many other ancient cults) were devotees of the drug Amanita muscaria. Nigh nobody truly escapes from Christianity. Even I, who first rejected the Christian religion as a child, had to spend years of introspection deliberately extirpating from myself every trace of the Christian Weltanschauung.

    I tend to confuse people, because my worldview is pluralistic, not dualistic. This does not make of me a liberal; to the contrary: I hold some principles as absolute; I am generally rigid and uncompromising. But my worldview is essentially pluralistic, as antiquity was pluralistic before the West was poisoned by Christian dualism.

    One proximate effect of my pluralism is that I do not reflexively seek to pigeonhole people into neat little categories that can be fit onto “my side” versus “their side”.

    Do not misinterpret this. You have seen some little evidence of my wrath, the wrath of Achilles. And for my worst enemies, my hatred is much purer and more implacable than Achilles’ moderate dislike for Hector. I am more vengeful than a Jew. My very name worships revenge. However, I do not reflexively call everyone who disagrees with me “the enemy”. In choosing my worst enemies, I must discriminate: Do I choose my best friends indiscriminately?

    Between two extreme poles of black and white, I see in this world many shades of grey: Three-dimensional human beings with complicated personalities, most of whom are riddled with internal contradictions. Some people are my worst enemies; they are probably much more numerous than my friends, but I keep a proper perspective. A negligible number of people potentially could be my best friends. Most people will not and cannot be either.

    A secondary effect is that I, a self-proclaimed radical extremist, often just don’t come off that way. The complexity of my perspective, and my contempt for simpleminded dualism, do not tend to give me the stridence of a stereotypical zealot. Sometimes, perforce, I am perceived as a fanatic: I am a radical extremist with dangerous ideas, so it cannot be otherwise. But when that happens, it tends to surprise (and shock) people whose dualistic worldview had caused them to misunderstand me, and sometimes even to mislabel me as “safe”.

    Another secondary effect is that I inadvertently, unavoidably inflict cruel cognitive dissonance on dualistic thinkers who cannot decide whether I am the Absolute Good, or the Absolute Evil. Some people get to know me as a cultured and courteous, generally benevolent person—then, their heads explode when they discover that I am dead serious about opinions that outright terrify them. Others first perceive me as a “Nazi”; they are equally shocked to discover that I am sincerely benevolent in the extreme, and in most cases much moreso than they are. They can’t make their stereotypes work with me, much though they may struggle to try.

    And another secondary effect is that I can sometimes get along quite well with people who disagree with me. I don’t have any notion of competing relativist opinions; and I actually do not value debate—not at all, not in and of itself. However, if someone treats me civilly and speaks reasonably to me, I am usually inclined to do likewise. I have sometimes even sincerely made friends with people on the grounds that we reciprocally hated each other’s respective worldviews, but we still had enough in common to try bridging the seemingly impassable abyss between us. Surely, they would hate it if I were the Dictator of the World; but I seem not to be, so why worry about that? Overall, the result is that the more sincere types of liberals sometimes don’t dislike me—and they may sometimes wish that I would be gratuitously nasty: That would bring relief from cognitive dissonance.

    Am I Absolute Good, or Absolute Evil? To minds that have been lobotomized by Christian dualism, the only answer that I can give is that I am both and neither: I am beyond good and evil. ®

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Triteleia Laxa
  922. Anon[336] • Disclaimer says:

    Dr. Zelenko speaking to Israeli ortho health leaders….how to interpret this?

    Oy vey, it’s annuduh shoah – 6 million dead coming-up.

  923. Mehen says:

    Dr. Robert Malone has an opinion piece in the Washington Times:

    As reflected in the WHO’s concerns, sound science strongly suggests that the more you vaccinate, the more likely you will spawn vaccine-resistant mutations. Therefore, the more likely those who have been vaccinated will fall prey to the mutations. To put this another way, minimizing the number of people vaccinated is the BEST way to protect the most vulnerable – andr most efficiently allocate scarce vaccine supplies around the world.


    It is this simple Darwinian principle of virology that Facebook’s censors can’t seem to wrap their heads around. They argue mutations will occur whether the virus encounters antibodies generated by vaccines or antibodies generated by those previously infected. But here’s the critical difference: The mutations that develop when the virus encounters vaccinated people will be far better armed to defeat the vaccine than the mutations that otherwise develop from far more diverse “wild-spike” and other viral proteins. So the more people you vaccinate, the more vaccine-resistant mutations you get, and in the vaccine “arms race,” the more need for ever more potent boosters.

  924. Mehen says:

    Dr. Malcom Kendrick has been one of the independent thinkers during this pandemic. Here, he comes back after a long absence in order to state he is throwing up his hands and no longer pontificating on the controversy because information these days is so skewed and politicized that he can no longer trust himself to stay accurate in his pronouncements. However, he does seem to make a good-faith effort to pick through the data (such as it is) to emphatically pronounce on what he DOES believe to be true, and what can be determined to be false. On BOTH “sides” of the debate. Quite good, IMO:

  925. utu says:
    @Wild Man

    Under a false (most likely) assumption that you are open minded and sincere I will entertain your wish and address seven issues you listed in your #1313 comment in the previous thread. Just one wish, take it or leave it. I do not need your feedback.

    Wild Man: For the record here is the 7 Covid Officialdom lies I have previously listed in comment threads, on this site, of which there is no question of whether there was deception …. it is clear there is/was deception over each of these 7 issues:

    1) IFR shenanigans

    utu: The only shenanigans that I know of are that of John Ioannidis of Stanford who grossly underestimated IFR and that of Sunetra Gupta of Oxford who based on very low IFR in March 2020 claimed that already 50% of UK population was infected. The word shenanigans adequately describes their attitudes and work. Both of them are responsible for giving ammo and fuel to the floomers – “It’s just a flu” crowd which made it very difficult for the governments and the rest of population to implement effective mitigating counter measures. The age dependent IFR was estimated by several teams. One of the earliest and very impressive was the work of Berkley physicists based on Italian and Diamond Princess data. The average effective IFR for American populations is around 1% and for much younger populations like that of Nigeria it can 8 times lower.

    2) lying about the accuracy of PCR testing – the false positive rates quickly get out of control under scenarios whereby there is massive repetitive testing amongst low current infection

    PCR has close to zero probability of false negatives. It’s probability of false positive increases with Ct and while it can make difficult to decide which among the 10 PCR positive people are really positive and which are false positive in statistical estimates when you sample large N (thousands) of population to estimate the current prevalence of positives you just subtract the expected number of false positive for a given N and end up with a pretty accurate prevalence. You can look at NY state daily test results (N>100k) and you will see that positive prevalence was over 40% in March 2020 and then went down to 0.3% in June 2021 which clearly shows that you can measure very low prevalence values.

    3) lying about the efficacy of masking

    Indeed there was initial lying about the efficacy of masking when CDC and Surgeon General claimed that masking had no efficacy. The lie or was it a white lie was caused by (1) shortage of masks in the US and (2) by the prevailing paradigm that underemphasized the efficacy of non-pharmaceutical interventions most likely reflecting interests and influence of the Big Pharma on CDC and WHO. But CDC and WHO changed the tune in August 2020 when the director of CDC stated that masks can be more effective than vaccines. And he was right as flu was wiped out in the flu season in Southern Hemisphere then. Some variants of flu vanished completely because of covid-19 countermeasures, including masking. To estimate masking exact effectiveness is very difficult but what must be stressed that the effectiveness of poorly worn mask among unasked individuals is one thing and reduction of R0 in population where almost everybody wears masks is another thing. The latter is the most important from the epidemiological point. It requires a concerted action and effort and that’s why it is doubted and poo-pooed by people with individualistic libertarian frame of mind who by opposing universal masking unwittingly become useful idiots of the Big Pharma.

    4) lying about the efficacy of non-vaccine prophylactics and therapeutics

    See (3), they initially lied about masks but they came around. If you have on your mind HCQ, Zn, vitamin D and Ivermectin the consensus is negative and results of randomized clinical trials are underwhelming. Two very strong results from two studies of Ivermectin in Egypt and Argentina turned out (this summer) to be grossly flawed (possibly fraudulent). When the two studies are removed from the meta-analysis papers that are flaunted by pro-Ivermectin people the results turn to negligibly positive which is back to square one. But if you ask me whether the medical establishment could do more to test HCQ and Ivermectin sooner and better I have to answer YES. Was there political aspects for them dragging feet about HCQ and Ivermectin? I would say yes. It was Trump related and his supporters who are deplored by the establishment that set the boundary condition with long term consequences for that situation.

    5) lying about the potential of lab-leak origin being credible

    No, they did not lie. They opted for politically more expedient theory and then when the political winds changed some of them opted for another theory. Both are theories w/o proofs. We will never find out though the world may settle for one of the theories but it will be a political decision whether to use it in the conflict with China or not. (It’s kind of late to ask now but are you an adult?)

    6) lying about the vaxx self-interest quotient among the very young age cohorts

    Not sure what you meant here. But there is a legitimate issue concerning vaccinating children. Would it decelerate the pandemic and thus protect more vulnerable people and whether the risk ratio of vaccinating children is beneficial?

    7) lying by way of offering the 3-way censorship around the narrow topic of spike protein pathogenesis

    Sorry, I know nothing about it.

  926. JimDandy says:

    So, Antifa just shot the white supremacist Samoan leader of Patriot Prayer known as “Tiny” at a medical freedom rally in Washington state, because he’s an “anti-vaxx Nazi.”

    You pro-vaxxers really are unhinged, aren’t you? Better take a step back, guys. Seriously. You’re losing it.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  927. Ron Unz says:

    One of the worst problems of the modern world is dualistic thinking…One proximate effect of my pluralism is that I do not reflexively seek to pigeonhole people into neat little categories that can be fit onto “my side” versus “their side”.

    I think that’s certainly the right approach to take. But that brought to mind one of your previous comments to which I’d been meaning to respond.

    So, Mr. Wear, this is the man whom you call “[your] favorite conspiracy researcher”?

    If you need to ask what I think is wrong with that, then you have a very serious problem—and that is not my problem!

    I think you were a little too hard on poor John Wear.

    He’s really done some pretty good work on gathering together a great deal of important information on World War II, and although he seems to have what I consider foolish ideas on some other subjects, I’m not sure that’s nearly as fatal as you seem to believe. Anyway, whether severely damaging or not, over the last couple of years I’ve discovered that sort of weakness seems all too common a situation among writers in the alternative sphere.

    It’s pretty obvious that individuals willing to challenge established orthodoxy in one controversial area are also willing or even eager to do so in many other areas as well, and they frequently overextend themselves in ridiculous ways, thereby hurting their own cause. I wouldn’t be surprised if some elements of the establishment quietly promote this to sabotage their critics.

    Take the similar case of Laurent Guyénot, a regular contributor to this website. He’s published a number of pretty good articles summarizing much of the evidence regarding the 9/11 attacks and the JFK/RFK assassinations, as well as books on those same subjects.

    Unfortunately, just a week or two ago, he published his latest 9/11 article, this time arguing that no planes were actually involved in the 9/11 attacks, and in the comment-threads he clarified his position by suggesting that all those supposed planes and their hundreds of passengers were entirely imaginary. He even maintained this position after several longtime commenters came forth and stated that they themselves had been in NYC and had seen or heard the planes strike the WTC, or had personally spoken with numerous eyewitnesses who had done so. Here’s just one of the many links:

    The problem is that if you remove any anti-establishment writers who make these sorts of blunders, the surviving list might grow rather small. I do think John Wear made a serious mistake in associating his own work with David Icke’s strange ideas on various other subjects, but that’s about as far as I would go.

    I think it’s much better to sharply criticize people on particular issues and perhaps reduce the weight of their opinions, rather than to entirely dismiss them because of those disagreements.

    And in regard to the main topic of this thread, I was certainly shocked that so many of the regular columnists and longtime commenters on this website easily became Flu Hoaxers or extreme anti-Vaxxers, and I’m sure they were equally shocked that I and others did not.

  928. @JimDandy

    Antifa aren’t representative of anything other than sewer pipes.

  929. Mehen says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    What did I have to be scared of? Isn’t it sensible to be more scared of lies than “realisation”?

    You people are weird. You’re all backwards. So melodramatic. I suppose it makes you feel big to be that way, but it is also really painful. I’d rather smoke 5-MeO than give myself a headache from obsessive moralising any day and any time. Headaches actually hurt.

    Calm your tits, T. Some of us here just like to have fun at times. It’s not really complicated.

    Actually, for you, it might be complicated. If you’ve studied your Taoism (or sundry other “Eastern Traditions” (or merely managed to smoke 5-MeO properly)), you would realize the truth that God/Source sacrificed its Unity and Solitude for the sake of something more. God/Source divided itself into two, then divided again, and again and again until it became the “10,000 things” you and I and everyone else are familiar with.

    And the reason God/Source did this? Simply put: it’s all theater. A form of self-entertainment. At the heart of it all is nothing other than a child’s sense of play in the most literal sense.

    What are some of your favorite forms of play, T.? Flitting about UR like Mary Poppins, bestowing wholesome advise to the poor, benighted sacks of clay who gather here? If so, I can dig it.

    By the way —

    One of your charms that I noticed early on was the composure and poise you maintained in the face of overtly hostile commenters. And yet it seems I have on at least two occasions managed to cause you to lose some measure of cool: this particular exchange (“weird”, “melodramatic”, “backwards”), and also over at iSteve when you called me a coward.

    I’m not sure what to make of that.

    I think I’ll go with the interpretation that flatters my ego the most.

    *straightens tie*


    (please don’t go)

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  930. @Wild Man

    I don’t see the hypocrisy. I’ve consistently maintained that one shouldn’t have a dumb reason for not getting vaxxed. Saying “I just don’t want it,” is a dumb reason to me. Mindless obstinacy, all too prevalent among conservatives, is not admirable or intellectually valid.

    “Covid Officialdom” rewards my behavior? News to me. I haven’t received a check, plaque, not so much as a gift card to Starbucks.

    Let’s try a thought experiment: say a virus appeared that nobody could deny existed and was far more lethal than covid. A total societal lockdown follows. A vaccine is quickly developed and everyone is asked to take it so we can return to normal. A significant percentage of the population – mostly conservative – demurs. Should we tolerate this because “muh body, muh choice?”

  931. Adrian says:

    I found this piece on “Spiked”. How many Australians would still react this way? Difficult to say. We will know more after the next federal elections that at any case have to take place before the end of next year but could be earlier depending on the decision of the Prime Minister.

    Some minor parties on the right will run on an anti lockdown platform and one (the United Australia Party) also on an anti-vaxx platform. In this party the mining magnate and billionaire Clive Palmer has teamed up with Craig Kelly who was until recently a lone wolf in parliament with his anti-vaxx stance.

    It might be that the PM will decide to go for elections early before it becomes too apparent that vaccinations are not only ineffective but also risky.

    I would not be surprised if there is a shift to the right. In the eternal struggle in Western democracies between the prime values of freedom and equality it now looks that freedom is most endangered, and the right is seen as the most credible guardian of that even though on the state level it has thus far made mostly a miserable job of it.

    Here is my refractory Australian. Bless him.

    New South Wales chief health officer Kerry Chant became world famous recently when a video of her went viral. In it, she said, in the patronising tone of a school matron:
    ‘It is human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly. Unfortunately, this is not the time to do that. So even if you run into your nextdoor neighbour, in the shopping centre, at Coles, Woolworths or Aldi or any other grocery shop, don’t start up a conversation.’

    Some of us thought: who the bloody hell is this sheila? Not only had I never heard of her, I hadn’t listened to anything anyone like her had said since I’d been kicked out of high school. My robust upbringing among ratbags and larrikins in the Australian suburbs had instilled in me an instinctive and entirely rational distrust of anyone who, like her, placed an undue significance on obedience above personal freedom and responsibility. My life has been, and continues to be, all the better for it.

    New South Wales residents were surprised to learn they had been paying Chant’s wages since she joined the public service in 1991. Like many of her fellow neo-authoritarians, she had spent her entire career cloistered away from the freely enterprising general population, biding her time until the opportunity arose to exercise the powers none of us knew she had.

    Fred Pawle is a journalist and the author of Die Laughing: The Biography of Bill Leak, which is available at

  932. Wild Man says:

    Well, …. it’s hypocrisy because you had a dumb reason to get vaxxed (your reason was because conservatives are stupid), and when someone points out that any reason will do under these circumstances (to get vaxxed or not – my body/my choice), yet you denigrate that rationale, whilst expecting others to respect your dumb rationale. Yeah – that’s pretty much hypocrite behavior. How else to see it?

    Covid Officialdom rewards this hypocritical behavior in the sense that, …. you and everyone else is constantly told that this hypocritical behavior (which is immoral and irrational) is moral and rational.

    I made it clear in my comment that my body/my choice, or any other attitude (including your attitude, as to your rationale for deciding to get vaxxed), is not my business, unless said attitude has implications for those around you, such as myself. And your such attitude (‘I choose to take the vaxx because many conservatives don’t want to, + apparently, it is well known the conservatives are stupid’) doesn’t have implications for those around you until you go hypocrite-mode, and then it does, because then you fall for the Officialdom manipulations, as such reinforcing them, which affects me (and other vaxx-hesitant people) badly.

    Now applying this schema to your new hypothetical scenario …. I would need to know … is this vaxx sterilizing (unlike the leaky covid-19 vaxxes)? If not, then there will be no quickly getting back to normal. What is this vaxx’s death rate? 1 per 1,000,000 as per prior expectations? If instead it’s 1 per 25,000 … well that indicates a hidden pathogenic problem inherent to said vaxx – no? One can’t properly judge what ‘implications for others’ a vaxx-refusal would have under your scenario without the context.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  933. peterAUS says:

    From some other place on the Internet, a comment, with a link to a document. Handle “Jim Sks”. Thx, Jim:).

    A person or two posting here, could find it useful. Maybe a dozen of readers/lurkers too.
    Could connect a missing dot here and there.

    “It’s simple, really. Universal vaxination leads to digital IDs, and this eventually to cashless society, digital money, UBI and social credit system.

    WHO spec released last week. Have some fun searching for World Bank personalities in the acknowledgments.

    The powers that be think this is needed to avoid the collapse of our broken financial system, which would result in chaos and societal upheaval. Therefore they think some 1984 approach is justified.

    • Agree: Mehen, Bugey libre
  934. Mehen says:


    You have been exemplary in providing a forum for heterodox thinking.


    But as I alluded to in a previous comment, certain scientifically-oriented people are starting to throw up their hands in the face of politicized data.

    Who can ya trust?

    When things have degenerated to this state of affairs, when nobody trusts anyone else, it’s only natural to start yearning for a “higher” authority.

    You – as a scientific Jew – no doubt has the hubris to think your kind are singularly situated to manage the titanic sinking now.

    But that’s a false perception. The divine intelligence of Nature will AKWAYS upend your plans and machinations.

    Given the recent push for “transgenderism” and “transhumanisn”, I think it it behooves you to make space for those in the scientific community who are curious about the nature of “consciousness” as such.

    I do believe your website will be “up to date” and “relevant” if you give voice to the folks I’m thinking of.

    I’m thinking of Bernardo Kastrup, David Chalmers, Michael Pollan, and Grossman.

    Google “The Hard Problem of Consciousness”

    If you dare.

    Please don’t allow your “edgy” website to fall into irrelevance.


  935. Adrian says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    You talk about that “my body, my choice” as if it were some trivial consideration instead of the prime plank of medical freedom (and freedom as such) that it is. And it is entirely misleading to suggest that anti-big pharma maffia protesters have nothing else to hold on to. Research that I have quoted before found that the most determined anti vax stance was found among PhDs ( Dame Raches came up with some convoluted reasoning about this – it wasn’t convoluted she said – I couldn’t read). The reason is pretty simple. They are somewhat more likely to look for scientific credentials than most people and even if they were not in the medical field themselves they couldn’t help noticing that in this case these seemed to be exceedingly thin.

    It was moreover not too difficult to find medical witnesses for the prosecution. Admittedly these are in the minority compared to the numbers in the medical establishment but that is not too surprising. Risky resistance never attracts great numbers and it is no great coincidence that some of the main medical voices of protest come from people who are already retired.
    Here is for example Emeritus Professor Sucharith Bhakdi who has thus far published two books about the nature of these vaccins. They are meant as manifestos (he is very alarmed indeed) so mainly addressed to laymen. He and his co-author, Dr.Karina Reiss, have made a chapter of the forthcoming English translation of their last book available on the internet. Here ir is.

    Professor Bhakdi’s credentials seem pretty solid to me. I quote from the introduction to this chapter:

    He was a Professor at the University of Mainz, where from 1991 to 2012 he was Head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene. Bhakdi’s parents were Thai Diplomats. Bhakdi’s Mother studied at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Bhakdi studied at the Universities of Bonn, Gießen, Mainz and Copenhagen, and at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg.

    He studied Medicine at the University of Bonn from 1963 to 1970, during part of which (from 1966 to 1970) he was a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service. Bhakdi worked for a while as a Private Assistant to the Internal Medicine Specialist Walter Siegenthaler. In February 1971 he received his Doctorate in medicine. From 1972 to 1978, he studied at the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg on scholarships from the Max Planck Society at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology in Freiburg and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

    He worked at the University of Copenhagen for a year before moving to the Institute of Medical Microbiology at the Justus Liebig University in Gießen, where he worked from 1977 to 1990. Bhakdi was appointed C2 professor at Gießen in 1982. He spent a further year in Copenhagen and became C3 Professor of Medical Microbiology (at Gießen again) in 1987 before being appointed to the University of Mainz in 1990. From 1991 he headed the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene as a C4 professor.

    Prior to his retirement, Bhakdi produced scientific work in fields such as Bacteriology and Atherosclerosis and published multiple Scientific Articles in these areas. Awards he received include the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate.(1)

    Bhakdi has written several books now on the dangers of the COVID-19 shots that proposes are not ‘vaccines’ but Gene-Therapy and will have dire consequences. He has publicly released the following free chapter to download in English and in German from his book, Corona Unmasked. 

    I recently saw (heard) a conversation between him and his Dutch publisher. He complained that the political climate in Germany was getting pretty unpleasant but he didn’t quite know where else to go. He had fond memories of Holland where his father had been Thai ambassador many years ago but that was now also stricken by the Covid craze.

    Personally I think the best choice would be South America and if I was some twenty years younger I would move there myself. I have been intrigued by Paraguai ever sine I read of its suicidal war against an alliance of three bigger neighbours (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay). It kept it up for four years. The renowned nineteenth century French geographer and anarchist Elisée Reclus was so intrigued by it that he wrote a voluminous book about it. I haven’t put my hands on it yet.

  936. Wild Man says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    My apologies. #957 was meant to be a response to your comment #955

  937. JimDandy says:

    Hey, y’all, it’s J. Dandy once again, comin’ at ya with today’s MSM Ivermectin Headline O’ The Day!

    Rolling Stone
    Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Oklahoma Hospitals, Doctor Says


    Damn, dawg, don’t that Ivermectin sound whack!?

    • Replies: @Kali
    , @Cloak And Dagger
  938. Anonymouz says:

    There is no real debate. Because there is only truth or untruth. Because Covid-19 is about untruth there is, logically, a bogus debate.

    A perceptive 10 year old can see, and could see from the start, that Covid-19 has nothing to do with real science (ie, it’s a crimes against humanity scam).

    Here is WHY even most SO-CALLED intelligent people could not and still CANNOT figure that out… read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective  & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Kali
  939. @Wild Man

    (your reason was because conservatives are stupid)

    As I said in the original comment, that wasn’t my only reason, nor was it the main one. The main reason was because the evidence indicates that if one comes down with covid, being vaxxed protects one from its worst ravages. This is a good thing, IMO.

    Your talk about “sterilizing” makes me suspect that you’ve been reading Vox Day. That’s something he harps on about. If so, I have nothing more to say to you. Any admirer of that loathsome, malignant, bald gamma dork lord secret king troll is anathema to me.

    A just and merciful God would cleanse the internet forever of Vox Day and his minions. Alas, we appear to live in a universe overseen by some sort of capricious and sadistic demiurge.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  940. @Cloak And Dagger

    Thank you

    That article is essentialy an advertisement for Merk (buy stocks of that pharmafia company fort they might have a killer drug that will make billions).

    Ivermectine works.

    The new medecin “could prevent”… Wait, that new drug would “prevent” covid. So what does it mean? Every body should tale it as a prophylacty?… It would then be a challenger to the injections or vaccines…

  941. @Ron Unz

    Monsieur Unz,

    Great! you invented a new “concept”, the “extreme anti-vaxxers”…. Maybe you could have it patented and sold to the MSM. Bain and Mc Kynsey would love it and it would be used by all their medias antennas to demonise those who protest against the destruction of their country and the enslavement to Blackrock, Vanguard, the Davos crowd under the guise of a ‘pandemic’.

    Ariane Bilheran has noticed that 60 new words had appeared in the MSM propaganda since the beginning of the New Normal.

    What will be the next step beyond ‘extreme’? Vaccine negationists? Sanitary enemy of the people? Criminal anti-vaxxers? Let’s shoot ’em… Crazy deluded anti-vaxxers? Let’s put ’em in psychiatric camps…

    • Thanks: John Wear
  942. @Adrian

    Interesting read about Elisée Reclus on wikipedia. But like all good revolutionaries:

    On March 11, 1858, he was initiated in the regular Scottish Rite Masonic Lodge Les Émules d’Hiram, affiliated to the Grand Orient of France.

    Damn these anarchists, hard to find one that wasn’t a freemasonic lodger.

  943. @utu

    Some variants of flu vanished completely because of covid-19 countermeasures, including masking.

    Do you have information on which variants vanished and which are still prevalent and why the masking and other measures should affect various influenza strains differently?

    Since the majority of those who turn up for PCR testing because of flu like symptoms are negative for Covid-19 (60-70% of those tested, although many healthy may be tested for work or travel purposes), I presume that they are down with the flu or colds; they can’t all be suffering from hay fever and other such allergies. Also these Covid-19 waves seem to have settled nicely into flu seasonality and the numbers of PCR positive and negative results, as well as the numbers of people turning up for testing, seem to follow the seasonal pattern. Can we really claim that flu has disappeared as some have claimed? Those PCR negative patients with coughs, sneezing, sore throats, weakness, blocked noses and fever must be suffering from something that is prevalent in epidemic proportions, if not Covid-19 itself as evidenced by the negative test results.

  944. @Adrian

    As a NSW resident, I’m all too familiar with the Chief Health Officer Kerry [the] C_NT and un-Health Minister Brad Hazard.

    The sooner they’re beaten to a pulp by their cellmates while in custody pending prosecution for their crimes against humanity, the better.

  945. @Ron Unz

    When “extreme” vaxxers are slowly becoming “moderate”, “lightly” vaxxers…

    Can someone tell me please what the best online translator is?

  946. I read an article yesterday titled ‘Recognising the Obvious: Hard Data from Israel Reveals Vaccine Failure’.
    It was written by Vasko Kohlmayer, who’s produced some good stuff in recent times.

    From the article:

    Israel … is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world with over 80 percent of its adult population having been double-jabbed.

    With such a high vaccination rate one would expect that Covid would have been tamed in that country. After all, we were told that vaccines were the way to end the pandemic and with the initial reports of Pfizer being up to 98 percent effective, Israel should have been in an excellent position today.

    The reality on the ground, however, is a complete opposite of what one would expect.

    “Israel was the first country on Earth to fully vaccinate a majority of its citizens against COVID-19. Now it has one of the world’s highest daily infection rates — an average of nearly 7,500 confirmed cases a day, double what it was two weeks ago. Nearly one in every 150 people in Israel today has the virus.”

    In fact, Israel now has one of the highest infection rates in the world.

    The figures from Israel also show that vaccinated people are 27 times more likely to contract symptomatic Covid than those who have acquired natural antibodies through infection.

    Rather than being a success, the much-touted Israeli’s vaccination drive has been an abysmal failure.

    This is the inescapable conclusion of the hard data before us.

    Most people, however, are unable to see this obvious truth, because they have been brainwashed into believing that the vaccines are the way out of the pandemic. The vaccines propagandists have been able to induce cognitive dissonance in their victims.

    It is sad and disturbing to see these very victims lining up lamb-like for their “boosters” which are manufactured by the same companies and people responsible for this debacle.

    After eighteen months of relentless fear mongering and propaganda their cognitive ability has been impaired to the point that they cannot make logical sense of the information before their eyes.

    Well double-jabbers, these are the hard facts.

    When are you going to show some humility and admit you were wrong. Not just wrong, but DEAD WRONG.

    Are any of you man (or woman enough), to concede you were dupes in this fiasco ?

    • Thanks: John Wear
  947. @Adrian

    Some minor parties on the right will run on an anti lockdown platform and one (the United Australia Party) also on an anti-vaxx platform. In this party the mining magnate and billionaire Clive Palmer has teamed up with Craig Kelly who was until recently a lone wolf in parliament with his anti-vaxx stance.

    It’s good to see Craig Kelly and Clive Palmer team up – I have a great deal of respect for them both.

    Clive Palmer is the billionaire who donated two tonnes of Hydroxychloroquine to the Australian Federal Government for use against Corona Chan, immediately after which God-botherer Morrison and his Globalist cabal of State premiers effectively banned Hydroxychloroquine from medical use in Australia.

    I would dearly like to see all the relevant minor parties unite against this globalist Corona Chan “vaccination” insanity. That and / or every single member of the ruling Liberal and Labor Parties across the entirety of Australia drop dead, along with their unelected beauracrat Chief Health Officers and Police executives.

    Here’s a new party, currently in its embryonic stage, that I’m really starting to warm up to…

    It’s being championed by an ex-special forces Lt Colonel, and apart from putting a stop to the compulsory Corona Chan “vaccines” and the Great Reset in Australia, he’s saying encouraging things like bringing back the death penalty for treason. Just the thought makes me sleep better at night.

  948. Another article I read was titled ‘The Ramping Up of Medical Terror and Totalitarian ‘Covid’ Measures’ by Gary D. Barnett.

    From that article:

    Without rulers, there would be no totalitarian rule.

    There would be no lockdowns.
    There would be no mandates.
    There would be no forced medical martial law.
    There would be no forced isolation.
    There would be no theft by taxation.
    There would be no unlimited printing of money to enrich the evil and to bribe the proletariat.
    There would be no fake ‘virus pandemic.’
    There would be much less death and destruction.

    With government out of the way, there would be joy and happiness instead of hatred and tyranny. Government is a cult, and in all its forms evil, so any lessening of government could only mean a lessening of evil.

    These are some of the reasons why I’m an anarcho-capitalist and Libertarian.

    For those not in the know, the other end of the spectrum from Libertarianism is Authoritarianism.

    It’s not a coincidence that the overwhelming proportion of those on UR that criticise Libertarianism are the same individuals advocating in favour of governments micro-managing our lives in general, and especially so as far as the Covid psyop is concerned.

    They state that we:


    MUST get vaccinated with the toxic kill-jabs.
    MUST wear face nappies and social distance.
    MUST isolate and shut down our businesses until the whole [small business] private sector is toast.
    MUST enter QR codes wherever we go, be tracked and traced every moment of our lives like the citizens of Stalin’s Soviet Union.
    MUST get the vaccine passport and booster shots until the end of time.

    Such people in UR that favour these things are themselves authoritarians that advocate for Big Government, run by Big Brother.

    These pro-jabbers I refer to are busy bodies that were bullied as children and are generally failures as adults.
    They are craven and pathetic wretches that seek to compensate for their lack of power by siding with the authoritarians in enforcing the tyrannical Covid measures on others.

    They have no friends of their own and live in relative miserable solitude.
    So now, in their minds at least, it’s THEIR TURN to use government to force that misery on others.

    How dare others have fun, socialise and have a fulfilling existence, they think to themselves.
    Well, thank God for the Covid psyop – now it’s our turn to make your life as miserable as ours.

    These people are almost invariably snitches, reporting all manner of minor indiscretion to the Covid tyrants. This makes them feel powerful – like they’re enforcing the law.

    They have the mentality that, if they can bring you down a few notches, that their stature will then increase in relative terms.

    These people are almost always Socialists that believe that there is a ‘fixed sized pie’ representing the goods and services available to society and that someone can only get an outsized share of the pie at the expense of someone else who’s left with less.

    They make nothing and contribute nothing to the world. They’re nothing but parasites (hence the disproportionate likelihood you’ll find them employed in the public sector).

    Many of these serial criticisers of Libertarians, to compensate for their cowardice and to make up for a life time of being bullied, end up becoming bullies themselves.

    More than a few are found in the Police force or end up as bureaucrats in local, state or Federal governments.

    There they can enforce by-laws and zoning restrictions, giving out tickets and penalty notices for the most minor infractions.
    They especially like penalising those people that are successful in life, small businesses, people that are living a meaningful existence who have numerous friends and are widely admired.
    In other words, the opposite of them.
    That makes them feel powerful and compensates for the fact they’re complete losers.

    So there it is UR readers, that’s basically a character analysis of most of the pro-vaxxers who continue to defend the indefensible. ie: the case for Covid vaccines and restrictions.

    I’ll finish up with this excerpt taken from Gary D. Barnett’s article:

    Those of us who will never take this poison mislabelled as a ‘vaccine,’ those of us who will never wear a mask, and those of us who continue to expose this fraudulent ‘pandemic’ for what it really is, a scam, will be heavily targeted in the future. We will be blamed for all the ills of society, denied medical care, refused service, and condemned by the mainstream media, the political class, and all the perpetrators of this deadly fraud.

    In the face of extreme tyranny, it is imperative to remain defiant, to disobey, to dissent, and to stand together in order to protect life and liberty.
    Anything less will only lead to serfdom.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  949. Kali says:

    Thanks Geo. That really is some quite horrifying, if not entirely unexpected news.

    You know folks, there is no amount of protesting, voting, letters to representatives, blogging, leafleting, debating or anything else that will stop this totalitarian juganaught from accelerating toward cowed and compliant populations.

    That leaves 2 alternatives open to those of us who actually see and comprehend what’s coming:

    1. Violence in the form of revolution, which to my thinking can only be counter-productive for 2 reasons:

    a. Because the state is too powerful to be countered in such a way.
    b. Because even IF successful in overthrowing the current ‘elites’, inevitably the ‘new elites’ would inherrit exactly the same power-structure, thereby corrupting any decent and honourable intentions of the revolutionaries, who would bow beneith the weight of billion dollar philanthropies and UN think-tanks

    2. We create for ourselves those social, economic and political structures which best serve the needs of the individuals and families with whom we dwell and share in lifes experiences, even as we free ourselves from the grip of systemic tyrrany

    Of course there are dangers inherrent in the second option. The state will (does) attempt to enforce its notion of “law” upon us. And it may even decide to “Ruby Ridge” us, so to speak, though we are a nebulous lot, widely duspersed thus making such attempts very difficult for our foes. Still, we may be forced to defend ourselves physically as well as philisophically/lawfully.

    But we find ourselves with an unforseen advantage in these days of Covidism, in that, as “the state” goes about its haphazard (albeit lockstep) assault on our percieved freedoms, so the more alert amongst the masses recognise the dangers manifesting all around and join our ever-growing ranks. (My own observations from my vantage point outside of the system reveal that, in the last year and a half “our ranks” just in this part of Portugal alone, have swelled significantly!)
    Many amongst us are already well-versed in countering the legal assaults of the state, in establishing economic independence, in engineering, building, agriculture, etc, and share freely our accumulated skills and knowledge.

    Also, interestingly, we count amonst our brothers a significant number of military veterans who prefer to fight for truth than to support the lies of kleptocrats. My own husband was formerly an officer of the Royal Engineers, whilst many of our closest friends are ex-military.
    That means that we have the ability to physically defend ourselves if need be. It also means we have a real chance of freeing others from the internment camps when the time comes. I dare say that the ranks of freedom lovers all around the world are similarly populated by well-trained military men.

    What other options are available to us besides these? That’s a serious question. Is there something I’m missing? Should we be waiting for genius “Raches” to lead the way? 😮 Is it just that we’ve not been voting hard enough?

    Reclaim the land! It is our birthright and our inherritance.

    “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” Albert Camus.


    Best wishes,

  950. @utu

    Just on 4, I wikipediad Ivermectin, and there is this interesting point it has with respect to covid:

    Ivermectin became a cause célèbre for right-wing figures promoting it as a supposed COVID treatment.[80] Misinformation about ivermectin’s efficacy spread widely on social media, fueled by publications that have since been retracted,[81][82] misleading “meta-analysis” websites with substandard methods,[83][84] and conspiracy theories about efforts by governments and scientists to “suppress the evidence.”[85][86]

    I assume they are pushing to discredit websites like is the study they link to, it says:

    Different websites (such as,,, among others) have conducted meta-analyses with ivermectin studies, showing unpublished colourful forest plots which rapidly gained public acknowledgement and were disseminated via social media, without following any methodological or report guidelines. These websites do not include protocol registration with methods, search strategies, inclusion criteria, quality assessment of the included studies nor the certainty of the evidence of the pooled estimates. Prospective registration of systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis protocols is a key feature for providing transparency in the review process and ensuring protection against reporting biases, by revealing differences between the methods or outcomes reported in the published review and those planned in the registered protocol. These websites show pooled estimates suggesting significant benefits with ivermectin, which has resulted in confusion for clinicians, patients and even decision-makers. This is usually a problem when performing meta-analyses which are not based in rigorous systematic reviews, often leading to spread spurious or fallacious findings.

    Yet those sites site sources, and link to papers.. funily, the authors of the above paper don’t offer a rigorous meta-analysis to show that ivermectin or HCQ don’t work.

    Just yer basic flame on others, and offer no solutions.

    I’d be ok with it if the counterargument was reasonable, but the counterargument in the press is ‘dumbshits are taking horse de-wormer’ – which implies those without a rational argument pulling on heart strings of cultists.

    Tell us why this data is flawed please.

    They include pre-prints and not peer-reviewed studies (I assume they are going for full spectrum analysis?).

    Do you have any meta-analyses on Ivermectin, HCQ, etc – which you consider of sound methodolgy?

    Because – if you don’t, no one will listen to you claiming etc are, as wikipropogandia says “misleading”!

    • Replies: @Ilya G Poimandres
  951. Adrian says:
    @Ron Unz

    Unfortunately, just a week or two ago, he published his latest 9/11 article, this time arguing that no planes were actually involved in the 9/11 attacks, and in the comment-threads he clarified his position by suggesting that all those supposed planes and their hundreds of passengers were entirely imaginary. He even maintained this position after several longtime commenters came forth and stated that they themselves had been in NYC and had seen or heard the planes strike the WTC, or had personally spoken with numerous eyewitnesses who had done so.


    (First as an aside:I hope you don’t mind being addressed by your first name – it is the Australian habit which I find more comfortable than the Dutch one where we have also, like the French and the Germans, the additional complication of two ways of saying “you” – the honorific and the familiar one. This is all as nothing compared to Indonesian. Many years ago I was told by a linguist at the University of Salatiga (Java)_ that there were locally sixty ways of saying “ you” depending on presumed social position, age, regional origin and a host of other factors. Sukarno tried to make an end to this by introducing one term “anda”- I don’t know whether it is widely used.)

    I am puzzled by the discrepancy between the thoroughness with which you research your own alternative theories and the levity with which you reject those of others. Dr.Guyénot’s view that planes did not have the role ascribed to them in the official 9/11 account is now fairly widely shared to judge by the number of items coming up on the relevant search (I use DuckDuckGo).

    Guyénot mentions that the first item that created his doubt on this point was Ace Baker’s The Great American Psy-Opera. As it happens this was also the case with me. But there is of course much more. A fairly recent (2019) one was Ronald Bleier’s essay bundle about it (No plane crashes on 911 – destroying an illusion). I wouldn’t set much store by the testimony of people who come now, twenty years later, forward with eyewitness testimony. Such testimony is notoriously unreliable to begin with, even when it is recent, especially when there was a television “report” of the events “witnessed”.

    I remember another occasion at which you dismissed an alternative theory out of hand : the moon landings. It had never occurred to me to doubt these until I saw Dave McGowan’s fourteen part series “Wagging the moon doggie”. After I had read those I couldn’t understand why I had ever believed in them in the first place. Exactly the same thing happened to the American (now New Zealand) psychiatrist Emilio Garcia. When I tried to put his account of it here on a relevant thread you didn’t take it.

    You might be concerned that this site becomes known as a haven for “crackpot” theories but the usual suspects will regard some of your own theories in that light anyway, so you might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb.



  952. @Ilya G Poimandres

    I’ll continue – the other wikipedia link (84), is just another A4 page that would be fit for some rag like the Guardian (written by someone with a slightly warmer IQ, granted), rather than a peer-reviewed journal.

    The best nuggets that tripe has is:

    Major limitations include, small sample sizes, doses and frequency of IVM use, open-label studies, in which neither the participants nor the investigators were blinded to the treatments, the use of concomitant medications in addition to IVM, assuming that the efficacy resulted from IVM.

    Yes, these are problems – but these are mostly general meta-analysis problems: combining studies with different methodologies to come to one conclusion.

    Again, no counter meta-analysis is offered.

    Which implies this article is flaming/sophistry/eristics, rather than engaging in the scientific method.

  953. @Kali

    inevitably the ‘new elites’ would inherrit exactly the same power-structure

    So give up representative democracy (evolutionary autocracy), for true, Greek-inspired, semi-direct democracy (Swiss style is very close to ‘as good as it gets’, imo).

    Our societies’ problems is we have no direct control of the laws that govern us. I would say let elected leaders create or strike laws, but give the citizenry direct access, through petition and referendum, to reverse elected officials’ decisions. That would have more balance.

    We can’t do 2 whilst the tyrants are still in charge. I could start a bbq smoker business in my front yard in Richmond in London, but I’d get done in by the fuzz before I sold even one pulled jackfruit burger to the vegan horde that lives here!

  954. Kali says:
    @Bugey libre

    Opps! It’s kazz67 @ gmail. com (close the spaces). xxx

  955. anon[286] • Disclaimer says:

    Analysis: ‘Huge study finds worse side effects from COVID infection than from vaccination’ – Or does it?

    According to the headline, a “Huge study finds worse side effects from COVID infection than from vaccination” (Arutz Sheva).

    The question is: Does it really?

    The study was conducted by the Clalit Health Fund in Israel, using data obtained from over two million people, and “compared rates of 25 adverse events between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, and separately, between unvaccinated individuals infected and not infected with coronavirus,” according to Clalit Research.

    Their conclusion was that “the vaccine is safe, while coronavirus infection is associated with numerous serious adverse events.”

    On the face of it, the scope of this particular research study was impressive indeed. 884,828 vaccinated individuals aged 16 and over were carefully matched with 884,828 unvaccinated individuals, Clalit says. “A separate analysis was conducted that estimated the rates of the same 25 potential adverse events among 173,106 unvaccinated individuals who were infected with the coronavirus, compared to 173,106 carefully matched controls who were not infected with the coronavirus.”

    Locating individuals who are or are not vaccinated is obviously not a problem. Locating individuals who are or are not infected with coronavirus and are representative of the population as a whole is something else entirely.

    Nowhere in Clalit’s summation of the study does the health fund reveal exactly how it located “infected individuals.” Presumably, those described as “uninfected” had received a negative PCR test. But what about those described as “infected”? Were they merely those who had received a positive PCR test – symptomatic or otherwise? Or were they selected for participation in the study based on the presence of actual illness?

    The study doesn’t say.

    What it does say is that the rate of myocardial infarction in vaccinated individuals was found to be 2.7 cases per 100,000, as opposed to 11 cases per 100,000 for those described as “infected.” Similar findings were reported for the other side effects investigated.

    The usefulness of the study therefore hinges on what “infected” actually meant in this study. If it meant “anyone infected with the virus, regardless of symptoms, based on a positive PCR test,” then the results are indeed significant in indicating increased risk of COVID infection over vaccination consequences.

    If, however, those “infected” were located based on self-reporting of symptoms (for instance, those who turned to their local Clalit health fund due to actual illness), then we are already talking about a subset of the “infected” who are significantly more ill than the average person with a positive PCR test result.

    Since it is known that those experiencing COVID symptoms are a small percentage of those who merely test positive, this is a vital distinction to make.

    And until it is made, the true results of this “huge study” are anyone’s guess.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  956. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    I am wax weary; thus to prevent this from becoming a book, I will narrowly address the issues pertaining to John Wear. The broader issues that you mention, and other issues such as that of Laurent Guyénot, I may address if warranted and as appropriate. Although I agree with part of what you said in the abstract about the general problem, that is not my problem with Mr. Wear.

    I hope that this will adequately address this issue; my time is better spent on topics other than Mr. Wear, whom I regard as “noise” for the following reasons. Naturally, if he wishes to argue this with me, I will not be shy about responding to that; and if I perchance notice him making false statements or other chicanery in the future, I may call that out if convenient, as I would as to anyone. (I have never used ignore lists, but I also never read all of the comments.)

    One of the worst problems of the modern world is dualistic thinking…One proximate effect of my pluralism is that I do not reflexively seek to pigeonhole people into neat little categories that can be fit onto “my side” versus “their side”.

    I think that’s certainly the right approach to take. But that brought to mind one of your previous comments to which I’d been meaning to respond.

    So, Mr. Wear, this is the man whom you call “[your] favorite conspiracy researcher”?

    If you need to ask what I think is wrong with that, then you have a very serious problem—and that is not my problem!

    I think you were a little too hard on poor John Wear.

    He’s really done some pretty good work on gathering together a great deal of important information on World War II…

    I know that you don’t pay much attention to the tedious arguments over vaccines, so I am not surprised if only the Icke stuff caught your eye. As I have mentioned before, that was only the latest problem with Mr. Wear.

    John Wear said to me on September 1, 2021 at 6:23 pm GMT:

    I am not a liar, Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O. is not a liar, and Eustace Mullins was not a hoaxer. Your comment is one big insult, and I will not respond to it further.

    Let’s break that down:

    1. August 9–10, 2021, first alert: Mr. Wear reflexively disagreed with my warning against Eustace Mullins, who was indeed an outright hoaxer.

    This instance exemplifies how I think that you are interpreting my “pluralism” backwards: In the argument over Mullins, I, an avowed racist, stepped in to support Corvinus, whose prolific race-denial comments had caught my attention long ago, against Mr. Wear, a WWII historical revisionist. I think that if I were to seek common ground with Corvinus, I would first politely ask him if he agrees with me that he is assuredly not on “my side”. There! Isn’t it wonderful to agree? (See also.) Whereas Mr. Wear says things that seem to be very much on “my side”, and he later directly played my sympathies about our alleged “common interests” to persuade me to watch an anti-vaxxer video—see #2 below.

    In my judgment, the truth must be supported objectively, even when it is spoken by one who has opinions strongly disagreeable to me; and a man must be condemned when he lies, even if he speaks words which many people would assume put him on “my side”. For I despise liars worst of all. I have sometimes established personal relationships with anti-racists; that was probably a bad idea, but at least I tried. I thought that they were basically decent but brainwashed, we had other things in common—and of course, we tried zealously to persuade each other. I could never do that with a liar, and wouldn’t want to.

    Indeed, if hypothetically placed on the horns of such a dilemma, I would much rather be friends with someone who is sincerely wrong, than with a silver tongue that speaks comforting lies to me: With friends like the latter, who needs enemies?

    2. Mr. Wear defended anti-vaxxer Dr. Carrie Madej (1, 2, 3, and other comments in that thread), whom I caught lying, 4 minutes into a 43-minute video. See the transcript that I myself produced of Dr. Madej’s bald-faced lies; it is about halfway through the comment hereby linked. I immediately called it as lying. TWBT called it “blatant, in your face lying”; and see also. Please take a look at it for yourself.

    The video is clearly identified below. To help you verify that my transcription is accurate, I helpfully stated precise timestamps: 03:42–04:38.

    In this thread, Mr. Wear subsequently gave Dr. Madej #1 billing at the top of his list of recommended anti-vaxxer doctors—and he thereby promoted the same video.

    As you know, I don’t usually watch these videos. This is one of very few anti-vaxxer videos that I have ever watched, even in part. In this case, I only did so at Mr. Wear’s repeated urging, after he appealed to my sympathy for National-Socialist Germany as aforementioned.

    Link to the video, so that you can download it.

    Embedded by John Wear in the prior thread, August 24, 2021 at 11:16 pm GMT.
    (Called out by me on August 26, 2021 at 3:00 am GMT.)
    Embedded by John Wear in this thread, September 1, 2021 at 1:36 am GMT.

    For the record, because I don’t know if Bitchute allows users to change videos without changing the URL, following is cryptographically strong identification of the Carrie Madej video that I saved to my local disk on August 26, 2021, prior to watching part of it:

    114382381 bytes

    raches@nemesis:~\$ sha256sum eygDwwJ1HqT2.mp4
    b740870d6b11c59c09fd91b6dc02c2c7bbacfac667c00ea0b23529e656ea3a1b eygDwwJ1HqT2.mp4

    (That is a cryptographic hash, suitable for forensics and for the assurance of evidentiary integrity. It was developed by the NSA, and is standardized by NIST as part of FIPS PUB 180-4. Among other things, if you can fake a SHA-256 hash, you can trivially rewrite Bitcoin’s blockchain.)

    3. I have noticed that Mr. Wear habitually gives “Agree” or “Thanks” Reactions to those who say things that tend to support his position, even if they are known liars and trolls spouting crackpot nonsense; and he likewise gives negative Reactions to those who are, in essence, contradicting anti-vaxxer cult ideology, even if they are correct and well-spoken. In short, he is cheerleading with hurrahs and boos based on considerations much other than the truth. It is not a matter of a few comments to which I can link: It is a long-term persistent pattern. Examine his history with the filters that you made for this purpose.

    After all of these three points (plus Mr. Wear’s Walter Winchell style cheap shot at Dr. Goebbels) were essentially established in my observations, I first noticed Mr. Wear promoting Icke nonsense on August 27, 2021 at 10:52 pm GMT. My reaction was not shock that a seemingly reasonable person got sucked in by the promoter of reptilian alien theories, whom I contemn. Rather, that was the cherry atop the bovine excrement sundae. ®


    P.S., see also John Wear’s dishonest anti-vaxxer cult chant on September 1, 2021 at 7:10 am GMT—peppered with question-begging, verbal trickery, and outright falsehoods—and my anti-Wear parody thereof on September 1, 2021 at 5:41 pm GMT.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Ron Unz
    , @Ron Unz
  957. @utu

    5) lying about the potential of lab-leak origin being credible

    No, they did not lie.

    Of course they did lie, and some of them are still lying. When one promotes fallacious arguments, hides conflicts of interest, ignores work done by “non-professionals”, etc, etc, these are lies in my book. It doesn’t matter that the truth may never be known. And have you considered that it may never be known precisely because the Chinese are lying, and some of their flunkies in the West are their accomplices? The wording of number 5 is “lying about the potential of lab-leak being credible“, not being true.

    When the mainstream totally ignores the work of Jonathan Latham and Allison Wilson, not giving them a chance to publish in “respectable” outlets, not even addressing their arguments, this is tantamount to lying.

    • Replies: @utu
  958. Adrian says:

    Powerful testimony of Zelenko.

  959. @Ron Unz

    or extreme anti-Vaxxers

    I request a poll:

    If you are a full on (extreme?) anti-vaxxer (smallpox, ebola, and all), click disagree.

    If you are an anti covid-vaccine only person, click agree.

    If you are for all declared vaccines, click troll.

    (because Ron – most of us arguing against the covid vaccines, would happily take vaccines against Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Encephalitis, etc etc etc, when our circumstances required for them.)

  960. @Mehen

    I called you a coward to nudge you to show more courage and my last comment was an open sharing of my own vulnerability to see if anyone understood and had something pertinent to add.

    You would understand my experience with that drug if you understood why my last comment was sharing something intensely personal, or vice versa.

    I appreciate your well-meaning reply, but you’ll either get what I wrote or you won’t and so far you can’t even believe or imagine that my perspective exists, nevermind see from it.

  961. @Kali

    Does it really matter much if they implement these social credit policies to deprive you of travel and other services? You’ll be denied these services anyway by refusing the vaxx passports. But it’s good to look for opportunities for alternatives in all this. I like the idea of people gathering to have picnics outside restaurants that refuse them entry as they do in France. Or bring crates of beer and wine and have a party on the street outside the bars and night clubs and invite as many friends as you can, especially pulling away clientele from the said establishments enforcing the government rules. Since Covid has hurt many of these types of businesses maybe one should hurt them even further and close them down. Who needs restaurants when home cooking is the best? Maybe people should just get together and cook and party on their own in their own neighbourhoods in their yards, streets, parks, beaches and bring back socialising and social living sans all these capitalist businesses. Just organise yourselves by yourselves for yourselves; it’s cheaper and more fun. Start with the cooking, eating, drinking and partying and then extend it to other activities like health and care provision, education, media, construction, production, transport, distribution, etc. and create a cheap, viable, people’s competition to put the greedy capitalists out of business.

    I’m glad you’re being productive and managing to survive in your neck of the woods or mountain side. Ignoring the system and building an alternative society outside it is the way to go but one needs a network of like minded and capable people. Also notice how all those anti vaxx protesters in France and elsewhere are willing to doxx themselves. They could also, after all, wear masks to hide their visage from the surveillance cameras given the current mask mandates, yet they all show their faces to indicate that they refuse all these prescribed mandates. Or is this playing into the hands of the authorities as they now know who the anti-vaxx protesters are and can easily locate them in case they decide one day to round them up?

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  962. @Raches

    I appreciate your perspective and agree with the sentiments. I need only add the point I tried to make before, which is that you might enjoy a personal exercise where you try to see the “competence-complete incompetence” axis in an equally non-dual manner.

    If moral dualism is the sin of Christianity, which is hard to fully escape, then competence or even sanity dualism is the sin of the Enlightenment and is even subtler and harder to notice.

    The Enlightenment was the psychological repression of aspects of Christianity, rather than its transcendence and this observation explains a lot.

    By Christianity, I mean the Church it had become. I don’t know much about its earlier forms.

  963. Emslander says:
    @Wild Man

    they want to continue to feel superior

    Thank you for explaining this matter so cogently. Isn’t it the basic problem with liberal imperialism?

    They have the compulsion of their empty souls that demand a “feeling” of superiority, especially over the poor schmucks they’ve enslaved with fear, race consciousness or militarized alliances. Another example is their need to assert responsibility over the few people of Afghanistan they’ve turned into cultural traitors.

    If anyone stands athwart the emotional psycho-flow of their unrequited projections, they are threatened with, as Joe Biden has just said about Texas, “Total Government Response.” This follows by a month or two his implied threat to wipe out white gun owners with his nuclear arsenal.

    The Blacks and the Afghanis use the silver pieces sent by liberal imperialism to establish lives of comfort and luxury while the flow bathes over them. They just don’t let on that they are perfectly capable of adjusting to the downside when the flow is stopped.

    • Thanks: Wild Man
    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  964. BaronAsh says:

    First, covid is NOT a medical issue principally, rather a tool in a geopolitical regime change. Unfortunately, most people simply refuse to see it this way because the ramifications are too discomfiting. Discomfiting they may be, but if nothing is done to resist them, the changes on offer from our new ‘techno-feudalist’ leadership class are going to be far more so.

    Here’s a nice article overviewing the situation from this geopolitical pov:

    An extract from the part I happen to be reading. The whole article is well worth reading. None of it is all that mind-blowing, but it is rare to see this sort of perspective placed front and center from the get-go. And much needed. This, I think, is where Ron U is a bit off balance with this issue: he insists on keeping it only in the medical sphere. Yes, he has mentioned that it might be a bioweapon and also that the Americans are just as likely to have started it as the Chinese (without considering that such quaint notions as independent nation states are no longer relevant in today’s New Normal Reality), but he doesn’t consider that most of the data around covid might be part of asymmetric war campaigns currently being waged, rather they exist only in the realm of science and medicine. In other words he, like the rest of us, has been played.

    The Scientologists would label you a “suppressive person.” The New Normals call you a “conspiracy theorist,” an “anti-vaxxer,” or a “virus denier.” The specific epithets don’t really matter. They are just labels that cult members and totalitarians use to demonize those they perceive as “enemies” … anyone challenging the “reality” of the cult, or the “reality” of the totalitarian system.

    The simple fact of the matter is, you can’t talk people out of a cult, and you can’t talk them out of totalitarianism. Usually, what you do, in the case of a cult, is, you get the person out of the cult. You kidnap them, take them to a safehouse or wherever, surround them with a lot of non-cult members, and deprogram them gradually over the course of several days. You do this because, while they are still inside the cult, you cannot get through to them. They cannot hear you. A cult is a collective, self-contained “reality.” Its power flows from the social organism composed of the cult leaders and the other cult members. You cannot “talk” this power away. You have to physically remove the person from it before you can begin to reason with them.

    Unfortunately, we do not have this option. The New Normal is a global totalitarian system. There is no “outside” of the system to retreat to. We can’t kidnap everyone and take them to Sweden. As I noted in Part I of this series, the cult/society paradigm has been inverted. The cult has become the dominant society, and those of us who have not been converted have become a collection of isolated islands existing, not outside, but within the cult.”

    There are no easy answers to any of this but if history is any guide, hundreds of millions of lives will soon end prematurely. That’s just how things like this usually go down. Expect a 30-60% reduction in population one way or another, via the three main vectors for such things:

    plague, famine and war.

    • Replies: @JasonT
  965. Kali says:

    Hey JimDandy.

    Before signing off for the day I want to thank you for the humour you’re bringing to this thread (she said humourlwssly).
    Seriously, I appreciate the funnies.

    Same goes to Dude Mehen too. 🙂

    I no longer have the heart to give a shit about the Clot Shot debate.

    The vaxx is a disasterstating both medicinally and politically.

    There are alternative treatments.

    This much has been amply demonstrated within all of these long threads and elsewhere.

    The zelot vaxx pushers continue to blow hot air, ad nausium.

    Those of you who continue to engage with them and all who continue to present the evidence have my utmost respect and thanks. – You are ALL doing such an exellent, and vitally important job! Thank you!

    For me now though, it has to be about the politics and the alternatives because, that’s been my whole lifes experience for 10 years (my “getting-out” aniversary is in October. My 9year getting-serious aniversary is right now though the event technically began on the 4th of July.)

    I’ve done a lot of writing over the years describing potential routs out of the system-stupid (servant of the econimy-stupid) which has been entirely expunged from public view by Big Brotber.

    Already discussed in this thread: “what doesn’t kill ya makes ya stronger”. – Whoever (Raches?) said or implied that that’s about medicine/poison was missdirecting. – Yup. Now I get to refine my delivery.

    Apologies in advance if I begin to sound like a stuck record whenever I repeat the mantra:
    GET OUT!

    🙂 (<< He hates the smilies) 😮

    Vive la Rebel-lion!


    • Replies: @Kali
  966. Kali says:

    Uncooperative edit window = disasterstating, which I quite like actually.

  967. @JimDandy

    Rolling Stone
    Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Oklahoma Hospitals, Doctor Says

    • LOL: JimDandy
  968. John Wear says:

    I will make a quick response to your lengthy post:

    1. I don’t think that Eustace Mullins was an “outright hoaxer.” He died in poverty. Mullins had nothing to gain by being a hoaxer.

    I have read all of Eustace Mullins’s books, and sometimes reference them in footnotes to my articles. For example, see my articles at and at Mullins might have made some mistakes, but overall he was an excellent researcher.

    2. Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O. might have made a mistake near the beginning of her 43-minute video, but she is certainly not a liar. She has nothing to gain and everything to lose by contesting the official COVID-19 narrative.

    I have seen two of Dr. Madej’s videos where she breaks down crying because she knows large numbers of people will either die or be severely damaged from the COVID shots. You might want to watch the end of her video at Do you think Dr. Madej is acting when she starts crying? I think not.

    3. You are correct that I habitually give an “Agree” or “Thanks” reaction to comments I agree with or that I think add useful information to this discussion thread. Is there anything wrong with that? I thought that is what most people do.

    4. You use the phrase “anti-vaxxer cult ideology.” I think this is an unfair reference to people who question the validity of the COVID shots.

    5. I do think David Icke is an excellent conspiracy researcher. I base this on reading about 18 of his books and watching many of his videos. Have you read any of his books or watched any of his videos?

    6. You also make reference to my “dishonest anti-vaxxer cult chant.” I am asking legitimate questions. I have yet to find anyone who can give legitimate answers to all of these questions.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
    , @Raches
  969. @MB

    Malone has a two-part interview on Epoch Times. Well worth listening to. About an hour for each part.

  970. @Commentator Mike

    Thank you,

    At the present moment, it is hard to imagine how the usurpators could round us up. It looks like a phantasy. They don’t have the enforcement apparatus to do it. Furtermore, there are far to many people against the totalitarian policies that it is hard to conceive that eventuality as probable.

    Yesterday, after have loudly and very joyfully expressed our refusal, we shared in the parc in front of the ‘préfecture’, the building of the Préfet, who is the police boss if you will. I had a very interesting conversation with a old man and his wife (he’s almost 80). When I mean interesting it is because it was intellectualy of good quality and also because, the kind of relationship we entertain are really warm and friendly, brotherly. We found many point of disagreements and shared them with smiles. The guy is a Traditionnalist Catholic, his son belongs to the local police forces that police the demonstration and share our point of view. We exchanged our phone numbers in order to share food and wine together in our homes.

    People demonstrating come from all walks of life, I have already said that but it is one of the main feature of the movement which is not slowing down and is not about to do so.

    Aggressive vaxxers are rare and psychologicaly in distress. More and more people are aware of nasty side effects and unless they shutthe internet up, they can’t censore all the testimonies. With whom would they round us?

    What they can do is use politics. The militant leftists are a problem, like the political leader Jean Luc Mélanchon, who is a Free Maçon, who has said he wouldn’t allow… Guess What?… Antisemite and extrem right in the demonstrations. He has a certain grip on the anti-fa and that could be a problem). Last week, we told them to go away or put down their flags. They accepted.

    • Thanks: Commentator Mike
  971. utu says:
    @Brás Cubas

    Maybe you are right that one can lie w/o knowing the truth by obstructing the search for truth which is what the American scientists familiar with GoF and WIV were doing.

    Ian Lipkin withheld what he is saying know (and actively advocated natural origins of the virus):

    Top US scientist reveals he first heard about virus outbreak in Wuhan TWO WEEKS before Beijing warned the world about Covid

    Prof Lipkin told a documentary by the director Spike Lee that he learned of ‘the new outbreak’ on December 15, even repeating the date for clarification.

    The WHO was not tipped off for another 16 days after Taiwan raised the alarm

    He also told a podcast he was tipped off by his Chinese research partner Lu Jiahai, a public health professor at a Guangzhou university who has said the epidemic could have been prevented if warning systems had functioned properly.

    In reality, the virus was so rampant by that date that journalists reported that a private lab in Guangzhou had ‘assembled a nearly complete viral genome sequence’ and, seeing the pathogen’s similarity to Sars, passed the data to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

    The eminent expert condemned blaming of China, praised its efforts to control the outbreak and co-authored a hugely influential commentary in Nature Medicine journal that ruled out plausibility of ‘any type of laboratory-based scenario’.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  972. @John Wear

    5. I do think David Icke is an excellent conspiracy researcher. I base this on reading about 18 of his books and watching many of his videos. Have you read any of his books or watched any of his videos?

    I haven’t and honestly I won’t be, but please forgive an idle question:

    If the world is controlled by trans-dimensional shapeshifting reptiles, what’s the point in resisting them? Given their far higher level of capability, we can only assume that anything that happens is because they want it to.

    In which case everyone can chill out a bit with these Manichaen conflicts they obsess over themselves in. It doesn’t change anything except torture the consciousness of the person doing the imagining.

    And who knows, but, if people shrugged off some of their manic fears, these trans-dimensional reptiles might get bored and go home…

    • Agree: Raches
    • Replies: @John Wear
  973. Erebus says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Pardon me for shouting, BUT THE EXPERIMENTS HAVE BEEN RUN! On hundreds of millions of people, and we still refuse to die per your schedule.

    Other than your flippant comment regarding schedules, no “anti-vaxxer crackpot” could have said it better.

    As you say, the “inadequacy” of the early tests plus the spiking of the Ph.III trials means that the only “real test” is actually being conducted in violation of just about every public health and human rights principle and law known.

    Even so, if it’s to live up to its name and meet at least some scientific standard, it needs a control group. As there is no double-blind possible now, the test will have to make-do with a non-blind control group. Guess who that is?

    Your flippancy regarding dying “per your schedule” is not only repulsive, it also misrepresents what the the anti-vaxxers are saying. From what experts like Yeadon, Bhakdi, van den Bossche, and many other professionals say, the (hellbound) train isn’t scheduled to leave the station until 18-36 mos after the 2nd jab. If they’re right, the deaths reported so far represent the first wave of canaries in the coal mine to go down. How many of the rest are canaries in waiting remains to be seen.

    The canaries are dying in flocks.

    On 21/08, the CDC reported 13,068 VAERS deaths for the first two trimesters of 2021.
    CDC’s WONDER database indicates ~4,500 vaccine related deaths were reported to VAERS from 1990 to 2020. An average of ~150/yr.

    So, 2021’s vaxxine-related deaths are already:
    – 3x the 1990-2020, 30yr total,
    – 90x an average year’s vaccine deaths,
    – 75% of all vaccine related deaths ever reported….
    … and the year is but 8mos old, so those numbers understate the size of the catastrophe by 1/3 if it continues to the end of the year at the current pace.

    As a large number of the reported deaths occur within 7 days of the jab, with the 1st and 2nd days predominating, whatever spin you’d like to put on causality/association/coincidence of later deaths occurring will pale into insignificance against the enormous absolute numbers.
    Shouldn’t “THE EXPERIMENT!”, have been aborted when the first few deaths were reported?
    How many deaths does it take to trigger an abort?
    How does that number differ from all the previous rollouts?
    Is there a number that the CDC et al have in mind for this one?
    What is it? Why don’t we know it?

    It might be that the danger passes with the canaries, but what sort of public health system demands that everyone bet their life/health on it?

    I’d submit one run by those with an agenda at odds with public health.

    Stop lying if you want anyone outside your steadily diminishing circle to pay real attention to you.

    Umm, TWBT, heal thyself.

  974. @Bugey libre

    Can someone tell me please what the best online translator is?

    I don’t know if it’s the best, but has a good translator right there on its home page.

    • Thanks: Bugey libre
  975. John Wear says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    David Icke says the trans-dimensional space entities that he claims control this planet are not all powerful. They have advanced technology, but they are not creative and feed off of our negative energy. They have created a false reality and control us through deception.

    Icke says the answer to overcoming their control is love. Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O. says the same thing. Love is the answer. Once humanity expands its collective heart, it is game over for the trans-dimensional space entities who have controlled our planet for thousands of years.

    • LOL: L.K
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
    , @Raches
  976. @utu

    Thanks for the reply and the link. One can always count on utu for being reasonable.

  977. Ron Unz says:

    I am wax weary; thus to prevent this from becoming a book, I will narrowly address the issues pertaining to John Wear.

    Sure, I think most of your criticisms are generally correct, and I remember being very shocked and disappointed when I discovered he was an anti-vaxxer, with lots of other foolish beliefs. But I was equally shocked and disappointed when many of my regular columnists like Mike Whitney, Paul Craig Roberts, Israel Shamir, and Gilad Atzmon began promoting more or less similar ideas, widely endorsed and echoed by such a substantial fraction of the longtime commenters on this website.

    It think the problem is that when people discover they’ve been lied to for so long about so many important things, they (not unreasonably) begin to assume that everything in the MSM is a lie, leading them to errors in the opposite direction.

    One approach is just to dump all those people, and indeed utu loudly demanded that I stop publishing them. But he’d also denounced me for publishing so many “racists” on this website, and I pointed out that if I excluded all the anti-vaxxers/flu-hoaxers and the “racists,” this website would be pretty empty of articles.

    With regard to Wear’s case, I think he mentioned he’d spent several years of reading, research, and writing to produce his WWII book, which really is a good, comprehensive treatment of its subject, and the material he accumulated has also allowed him to write a long series of shorter, focused pieces in the years since them. So he clearly has accumulated a great deal of WWII expertise, and I’d consider him quite reliable in that area.

    On the other hand, I do think he’s been taken in by some of the videos of those anti-vaxx activists, and also the writings of that eccentric David Icke fellow, and I wouldn’t pay any attention to his views in those sorts of topics. But since virtually everything he writes is on WWII, I don’t see that being much of a problem. If a fine Medieval historian happens to believe in UFOs, that shouldn’t necessarily taint his historiography, though obviously his enemies might try to use it to discredit him.

  978. @John Wear

    The implied solution within Icke’s worldview is that individuals must learn to love the reptiles both externally and within them.

    This means that rather than positing them as an evil external force, the individual should expand his heart to find a place even for those beings.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  979. Ron Unz says:

    plus Mr. Wear’s Walter Winchell style cheap shot at Dr. Goebbels

    Actually, your mention of that brought something to mind that I’d wondered about when I read the Irving Goebbels biography last year. It’s somewhat speculative, and since you seem to have a very detailed knowledge of that period, you can be the best judge of how plausible it might be.

    There seems quite a lot of evidence that the 1937 economic collapse in America had persuaded FDR and his top aides that only a foreign war or at least a major military buildup could save them from their political predicament. Initially, they seemed to be looking at a conflict with Japan.

    Meanwhile, Jewish groups and the Czech government had been heavily promoting hostilities with Hitler’s Germany in Britain and elsewhere, but the very popular Munich Agreement apparently closed the door to a European war.

    During roughly that same period, Goebbels had become totally besotted with that Czech actress whose name I forget, and his wife had bitterly complained to Hitler, which led to a severe fall in his prestige and his near-exile from the inner Nazi circle.

    So according to Irving’s reconstruction, Goebbels played a crucial role in orchestrating the Kristallnacht events, hoping to use them to regain some of Hitler’s favor. However, Hitler was apparently horrified at the attacks and tried to suppress the riots and disturbances as soon as he discovered what was happening. And those widespread anti-Jewish attacks seem to have been a huge turning point in the international media coverage of Germany, especially in America, with Jewish groups now vastly magnifying their single-minded focus in that direction. So as a result, FDR probably decided that a war with Germany would be a better option, and he began having his diplomats maneuver to orchestrate it.

    In fact, given the close balance of pro-war and anti-war forces in the next couple of years, perhaps absent Kristallnacht, WWII might not have broken out, at least at the time and in the way that it did. So perhaps Goebbels’ domestic troubles ended up being a much larger historical factor than is usually realized.

    It’s possible I’m garbling some of the details from the Irving book, but that’s what I remember thinking at the time.

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
    • Replies: @Raches
  980. @Punch Brother Punch

    Vox Day has completely gone off the deep end on vaccines, I counted almost two full days before Google purged him where all his postings were pimping publications (that fine) or anti-vaxx. But he’s totally pants at STEM topics so he’s pretty much always not worth paying attention to on them.

    However here “sterilizing” and “leaky” are words of art WRT to vaccines. I guess you’ve missed out on the anti-vaxxers screaming bloody murder about Marek’s Disease and a leaky vaccine for it for chicken….

    A more relevant example to us humans are the two types of polio vaccines, the Salk type inactivated whole virus and Saban oral attenuated live virus ones. This virus has a fecal-oral route, so infections start in the gut. The Salk type does not prevent such infections, including you infecting other people with wild type viruses, but it does prevent the disease from progressing to paralysis. Thus it is deemed leaky.

    The Saban type you might say “sterilizes” the gut, I use the model of “you’ll never culture a viable virus from someone who’d been vaccinated with it” which overstates it’s high but not perfect efficacy, but it works to the first approximation (see also silly people who are trying to replace “sterilizing” with “perfect”). In addition, people who get this vaccine can pass the attenuated viruses on to others so you don’t necessarily have to directly vaccinate everyone in a neighborhood. BUT if it passes through enough humans it can regain its fangs….

    So each has a place in polio eradication, Saban type for the first pass, followed by Salk type to maintain enough immunity in the population going forward. But if you screw up, probably have countries where you aren’t able to shift to the second phase, you’ll get people with cases of circulating vaccine-derived polio virus (cVDPV). And for the last few years the world’s polio eradication effort has been going in reverse and with more cVDPV cases than wild type. Although from a recently deleted graph at that link, the numbers are still way down from the 50K or more per year number of known cases not very long ago.

    What does this have to do with COVID vaccines? Well some people are claiming some or all or of course the never sufficiently maligned mRNA!!! vaccines are leaky. Which I don’t see in the data (but haven’t looked at what I consider to the bad vaccines), even so far against the Delta variant they aren’t designed for. Lower efficacy on all endpoints, it has some immune escape mutations as well as the ones that make it more transmissible than Alpha, but it’s a point that comes up fairly often in these discussions.

    • Troll: Bugey libre
    • Replies: @Random Anonymous
  981. @Cloak And Dagger

    Thanks for that insight into the inner workings of Merck, a dedicated member of the Big Pharma club for which naked greed knows no bounds.

    From the report that you quoted…

    Merck & Co, which develops the anti-parasite drug ivermectin, will soon begin late-stage trials for molnupiravir, which could combat viruses like Covid…

    Merck has pretty much squandered whatever goodwill it originally attracted by donating Ivermectin to needy countries some decades ago when it still held the patent for the drug, which is indeed a wonder drug with marvellous curative properties.

    Now that Ivermectin has been out of patent for decades and is sold dirt cheap around the world by generic manufacturers, there’s absolutely no profit in Ivermectin any more for Merck.


    Meanwhile, Merck smells mega-billions in potential profits from marketing its new patented drug molnupiravir for Corona Chan, so now Merck’s out-of-patent drug Ivermectin is a potential road-block to Merck’s quest for juicy Corona Chan profits. Hence the blatant in-your face lies from Merck…

    Ivermectin has been incorrectly heralded as a potential COVID-19 treatment due to a misinterpreted study from March 2020
    Parasite experts say that ivermectin has no virus killing properties and is ineffective against COVID-19

    So Merck is doing its best to throw its own off-patent wonder drug, Ivermectin, under the bus to make way for Merck’s new (and obscenely profitable) Corona Chan “wonder drug” molnupiravir.

    The problem is, Merck might have thrown Ivermectin out into the middle of the highway, but there is no bus – that bus left the train station long ago.

    Merck can run, but it can’t hide. The volume of academic studies confirming that Ivermectin is an extremely safe yet potent prophylactic and remedy for Corona Chan is simply overwhelming.

    Corona Chan – Ivermectin Studies

    As for Merck’s appeal to anonymous “parasite experts” naysaying the virus killing properties of Ivermectin, clearly they forgot to ask the many practicing medical professionals around the globe who have been successfully using Ivermectin to cure many tens of thousands (and in India, millions) of Corona Chan patients over the last year.

    Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – Corona Chan Treatment Protocols

    And for the irony of ironies…

    Merck hopes to distribute molnupiravir through out India to help combat the virus while the nation waits for vaccines…

    Good luck with selling Merck’s new (obscenely profitable) “wonder drug” molnupiravir to India, of all places, seeing as how most states in India have already used the extremely safe, dirt cheap and highly effective off-patent Ivermectin to wipe out Corona Chan, after abandoning the very same useless and harmful “vaccines” that apparently Merck thinks India is still holding out for.

    The Indian Bar Association incidentally has an active prosecution against the WHO’s chief scientist for mass murder, specifically for attempting to block India’s use of Ivermectin to treat Corona Chan. Perhaps the Indian Bar Association should expand that prosecution to include Merck.

  982. @Emslander

    Isn’t it the basic problem with liberal imperialism?

    They have the compulsion of their empty souls that demand a “feeling” of superiority….

    While I generally agree with the rest of what you say in this comment, I really don’t think that demand for a feeling of superiority is limited to liberals (in the US sense).

    Really, seriously, it isn’t. It’s a manifestation of the sin of pride, Wikipedia is not bad on it, especially the start of the second paragraph “In even more destructive cases, it is irrationally believing that one is essentially and necessarily better, superior, or more important than others….” I’ve seen plenty of it in the Right in the US. I dare say there’s plenty of it among the anti-vaxxers.

    • Replies: @Emslander
  983. @Ron Unz

    Ron – address the issue: please, stop being an ideologist:

    Are Mike Whitney, Paul Craig Roberts, Israel Shamir, and Gilad Atzmon, etc – really anti-vaxxers?!

    Are they unequivocally, categorically, absolutely against any and all vaccines?

    Would they shirk an encephalitis jab when they were invited to Rwanda?

    Ask them, please!

    (Do you want to speak to a real anti-vaxxer? – I can give you my mother’s email address, although I warn you in advance!)

    And, please, please: – return your mind to the carefully casuist thing that it was before this covid whatever, to that time when I discovered this webzine, and was in awe for the (imo) purely rational approach to any and all ideas/hypotheses/theories presented within.

    You are losing us – not just your “covidiots”, we will be first sure, but if you can’t internalise that I am (we are) not anti vaccines as a whole, that I (we) really mostly worry for regulatory capture, regulatory failure, corporate greed, the century old profitisation of the scientific method, information cascades, moral panic, etc and whatnot, you will be lost to all in the long run – because you will no longer be seen as someone who addresses the thing that is in front of you.

    You will instead be seen as one who addresses some shadow that you conceive to be there.

    Russiagaters fret at Putin behind every rock – you are falling to the same deterministic error: I almost expect you to see “covididiots” underneath every rock.

    We, are, not, anti-vaxx – this absolutist term is beneath your intellect, because this term is not an accurate description of any of us.

    40,000 deaths from one jab is more than all previous vaccine deaths in the history of Western medicine. What part of questioning the validity of such a killer vaccine is unreasonable?!

    Ask Paul Craig Roberts – would he take a shot against typhus, were he to travel to somewhere with risk from the bacteria.

    Please come back to reason, disagree with us for our dislike of this one specific jab, but stop throwing unjustifiable insults at us – we know you are smarter than that. At least I hope I think you are.

    • Agree: John Wear
  984. @peterAUS

    Thanks. I’ve sometimes used the same analogy, but replace the rock with a nice big log on its side. For horrific special effects, either will do, but I vote for the rock because it’s a food source for the things that creepeth upon the earth.

  985. @Mehen

    Good advice. If you’re going to risk becoming an unfortunate “statistic”, at the least do it for something besides an air embolism, that would quite rightly be disqualified as a true vaccine side effect. [evil grin]

  986. John Wear says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    You are correct. David Icke says that ideally we should love the psychopaths as well as everyone else. He mentions this frequently in his books.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  987. peterAUS says:

    What other options are available to us besides these? That’s a serious question. Is there something I’m missing?

    There is.

    If you wish to talk about it you could email me. The address is in one of my previous posts in this thread.

    • Replies: @peterAUS
  988. @Erebus

    Irrefutable logic! Bravo/brava!

    • Replies: @Erebus
  989. @Commentator Mike

    There is some merit to your argument. Over a multi-year period, the CDC estimates 36,000 flu deaths (USA) annually. Even this figure is probably open to some suspicion, as I see no reason why that figure would not be subject to the usual errors of identification, collection and interpretation.

    Enter the Covid pandemic. The US’s deaths are many times 36,000 for the first calendar year. Or are they? Never in history has an illness been so sensationalized, monetized, politicized and the gullible public sodomized, as it were. Even granting the “novel” nature of the novel coronavirus, it is beyond all reasonable doubt that official statistics are approximations, at best. I and others have covered the many flaws in the data elsewhere. The celebrated (and quickly retracted) case of the young Florida motorcyclist, dead in an accident, classed as a “Covid death” should suffice if you need a reason to have just the slightest bit of skepticism of the figures! There is every reason to believe the death count has been exaggerated, big time.

    Ah yes, the point: as serious as the Covid pandemic is, your original point is well taken: the flu in normal times is severe or fatal to tens of thousands in the USA; why then didn’t we have the draconian lockdowns, mandatory vaccination efforts, and so on?

    • Thanks: JimDandy
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  990. @Adrian

    “My body, my choice” has its limits. Take the case of Typhoid Mary. She was an asymptomatic carrier and refused to acknowledge that she was responsible for spreading typhoid. I believe she even resorted to “muh rights are being violated” rhetoric. Since she continued to take cooking jobs after she was ordered not to, the government decided to quarantine her on an island for the final years of her life.

    If your body can harm others and you refuse to take reasonable steps to prevent this, it’s been established that governments and businesses can employ coercive tactics.

    I don’t say that this applies to covid vaccines though, as it doesn’t appear the vaccines prevent the spread of the disease so much.

    As for why many super high IQ people are vaxx-resistant, I’d just put that down to them being spergs, with that condition being often concomitant with varying degrees of schizophrenia, paranoia or just plain old casuistry/over thinking.

  991. @John Wear

    Love requires “understanding” to be anything more than projection.

    True understanding is visceral, just as it is simply “knowing.”

    It would result in the absolute knowledge that the object of your understanding is you, but in different circumstances. You would be able to see exactly why it is that way and why it, up until now, could be no other.

    With this in mind, the use of labels of separation like “psychopath” seems counter-productive.

    • Disagree: Raches
  992. @Robjil

    As an exercise to illustrate how much the average African nation’s ruling elite cares for its average citizens, I encourage you to look up the vital data on Equatorial Guinea. TL;DR: they hit the jackpot with oil wealth in the 1990s. On a per-capita basis, their wealth would be comparable to Europe’s. However, given human cupidity, most of the citizens are as impoverished as the rest of Africa. Of course this disease isn’t unique to the Dark Continent, but I’ve just provided a prime example.

    • Replies: @Robjil
  993. Emslander says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    That’s a very fair criticism. We all want to “feel” superior, at least from time to time.

    In my mind, however, the liberal (I mean that in the very broad sense of the term. I’d include Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan in the category of “liberal imperialists”) undertakes unending and unsuccessful compulsive activities to put effect to his need to feel superior.

    I’m probably unable, at my diminishing level of communicative talent, to fully explain this neurosis, but I came to the idea when I was a young man working high up in our governmental structure. It struck me finally, like an inside pitch, that I was engaging in the futile work of searching for new programs to assist those who might fall within certain categories of the distressed. In almost every case, the programs we came up with were merely corrections to failures of earlier generations of “liberal” programs.

    I finally had to find a different vocation, because I saw that the best thing the USA can ever do for anyone, citizen or not, is to let them alone with their problems, their families, their friends and their talents.

  994. @Truth Vigilante

    With government out of the way, there would be joy and happiness instead of hatred and tyranny.

    Oh, really?! You really believe this?! Really?

    OK, Pollyanna. Libertarians = hippies with guns.

    These pro-jabbers I refer to are busy bodies that were bullied as children and are generally failures as adults…

    They have no friends of their own and live in relative miserable solitude.

    That’s a pretty harsh generalization. Any evidence of this or are you just theorizing out of your posterior, as libertarians are wont to do?

    The rest of your comment reads like monotonous cult-speak. Try adopting an adult ideology, it might make your thinking and writing less rigid and more attractive to the reader.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  995. John Wear says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    David Icke says that psychopaths have no empathy, and are largely ruling the world at the current time. Icke uses the word “psychopaths” quite often in his books and videos to describe certain people such as, for example, Bill Gates.

    I don’t personally regard it as a label of separation. Most people would never mass murder other people, but psychopaths will because they are empathy deleted. Psychopaths have no remorse for their evil actions.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
    , @Raches
  996. Raches says:
    @John Wear

    1. I don’t think that Eustace Mullins was an “outright hoaxer.” He died in poverty. Mullins had nothing to gain by being a hoaxer.

    That is a sympathetic ad hominem argument—arguing that in a roundabout way that Mullins must have had good intentions—and also, a completely fallacious appeal to pity. Plenty of hoaxers die poor. For that matter, so do many grifters and con artists. So what? Who cares? Many hoaxers die poor, and many nobly principled people die poor; to tell the difference, you cannot start with the “died poor” part.

    Reductio ad absurdum, George C. Parker died in Sing Sing Prison. Surely, at that point, he was impoverished. How awful! Can I be so hardhearted as to accuse him of being a hoaxer? (Why, yes—yes, I can be, and I am!)

    You completely dodged what I said about Mullins in the other thread, and also whatever Corvinus said. I don’t see any reason to keep up this back-and-forth.

    2. Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O. might have made a mistake near the beginning of her 43-minute video, but she is certainly not a liar. She has nothing to gain and everything to lose by contesting the official COVID-19 narrative.

    Again, a sympathetic ad hominem. If she in fact spoke falsely, who cares what she had to gain or lose? I do not care!

    Her statements were very basic, flagrant falsehoods. Either Dr. Madej is an actively malicious intentional liar, or she has a wanton and willful recklessness with the facts. That is only a question of culpability: Bad, or a little bit less bad.

    Note how I use precise, quasi-legal language to describe various levels of culpability. This is not to suggest any legal basis for what I am saying, but rather, that I am taking inspiration from legal language, and borrowing precise terms to communicate precise meanings.

    3. You are correct that I habitually give an “Agree” or “Thanks” reaction to comments I agree with or that I think add useful information to this discussion thread. Is there anything wrong with that? I thought that is what most people do.

    What you habitually endorse as “[adding] useful information to this discussion” is remarkable for what it shows about your soundness of judgment, at best. So, I remarked on it.

    4. You use the phrase “anti-vaxxer cult ideology.” I think this is an unfair reference to people who question the validity of the COVID shots.

    Stop strawmanning me. It makes you a liar.

    I myself “question the validity of the COVID shots”. That is why I am unvaccinated. Do you suppose that I am accusing myself of “anti-vaxxer cult ideology”? Or that I so accuse the large minority of “hesitant” PhDs, whom I discussed in my comment on “The Unbalanced U-curve of ‘Hesitancy’”?

    My own motive that initially got me sucked into these discussions was to demonstrate to Mr. Unz that some people avoiding the Covid shots are reasonable, intelligent, and not engaged in what he correctly described as a “cult”. In his very first reply to me, on August 6, 2021, Mr. Unz said:

    And all this anti-vaxxing nonsense is a perfect example of such useless chaff.

    It also has aspects of a religious cult. I don’t have the slightest interest in the vaxx issue, and since I got my shot, it’s over and done with. I usually skip over the endless Covid/vaxx articles in my newspapers, saving me a great deal of time every morning. No one I know has any interest in the vaxx issue. But the anti-vaxxers can’t imagine that everyone in the world isn’t as fascinated by the subject as they are, eager to spend all their time denouncing the vaxx menace. So they’re like Mormon missionaries, knocking on everyone’s door to save their souls and convert them to the true faith. Perhaps they’re a little threatened that I’m so uninterested in the issue, one way or the other.

    Mr. Unz was quite correct about the most fanatical anti-vaxxers. I honestly admit that, because it is true. And as I said in my reply to him of August 7, 2021, that problem exists on both sides here:

    I care about this now, because the question is unavoidable nowadays. I am alarmed at how stridently some people are trying to push me to get vaccinated. I suffer the intrusion of zealots who are trying to sell me Jesus, not a medical treatment; when you speak of an anti-vaxxer “cult”, you should realize that from the other side, I see a salvation-cult that wants to exorcise my “hesitancy” and make me virtuous. The vaxx-pushers have actually done far more to deter me than the anti-vaxxers. I think it’s likely that I am far from alone in that. And there will be hell to pay, if the government tries to force the issue.

    Now, Mr. Wear, when I pointed out that you tend to react negatively to people who object to the anti-vaxxer cult behavior, how can you accuse me of broad-brushing “people who question the validity of the COVID shots”? That is dishonest of you.

    Mr. Wear:

    5. I do think David Icke is an excellent conspiracy researcher. I base this on reading about 18 of his books and watching many of his videos. Have you read any of his books or watched any of his videos?

    OK, I think that we are observing the thought process of someone who spends his limited lifetime reading eighteen (18) Icke books and watching Icke videos.

    As I remarked before, I live by the Oliverian aphorism that if I take one bite of a rotten apple, I don’t need to eat the whole thing to find out if it’s all rotten. Years ago, I took a brief but fair-minded look at Mr. Icke based on his own statements, his own publications—not what his enemies say about him. I thereupon decided that Mr. Icke had not earned more of my limited lifetime: Time spent reading an Icke book would be time not spent reading other books, or otherwise better spent. In this thread, I quoted stuff from his own website to impeach him. Your argument that I just haven’t given the man a chance does not hold water.

    6. You also make reference to my “dishonest anti-vaxxer cult chant.” I am asking legitimate questions. I have yet to find anyone who can give legitimate answers to all of these questions.

    In the manner of a pernicious half-truth, your list mixes some reasonable, legitimate questions with loaded questions, question-begging questions that assume false premises, various other kinds of verbal trickery, and falsehoods. It is a rhetorical shell game. It is a missionary tract for selling Jesus, not a reasonable argument. That is why I parodied it, turning many of your own fallacies against you in a way that is deliberately just a little bit unfair to you—but not too unfair, not nearly as unfair as you are, because I wanted to keep it a valid argument (unlike yours).

    My own list of questions is much better than yours. I see that you have not answered it. If John Wear can’t answer my questions, then why shouldn’t everyone laugh at him and dismiss him as a crackpot? You see how that works? ®

    • Agree: L.K
    • Replies: @John Wear
  997. @That Would Be Telling

    So each has a place in polio eradication, Saban type for the first pass, followed by Salk type to maintain enough immunity in the population going forward.

    I don’t follow the logic there. Do you perhaps mean Salk for the first pass? If not, could you explain a bit?

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  998. @John Wear

    This delusion is typical of someone who can’t see their own darkness. Such people consider themselves empathetic, but tend to hurt others unconsciously and won’t even let themselves be aware of the pain they have inflicted. They will instead claim to be the victim and continually expect everyone else to take responsibility. This is a poisonous thought pattern to be stuck in.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  999. @Ben the Layabout

    Sorry guys,

    that must be the third time that I say that in our rather ‘exotic’ extension of the empire of the five eyes ‘may Jah curse ’em’ (lol) we usually had from 15000 to 18000 deaths from flue and last year, because “we washed our hands and wore the muzzle”, there had been 72. Where all the other pneumopathies gone, pneumonia, etc…?

    We’re discovering that we are on the same train heading some place in a virtual archipelago in an archetipal ” siberia” and that is is full time we collectively stop that train. I have been listening today to child psychologists, philosopher, intellectuals…

    Enough is enough. We in France, where 43% of the people are supposed according to an official poll, to say that we think we are now in a dictatorship, are going to resist against that totalitarian delirium. Let’s resist together as human beings, everywhere, from Israël (qualified by Bourla as the biggest place of experiment) to the US and all 5 eyes captive people (some will understand what I mean).

    Honneur et Courage

    • Replies: @Emslander
  1000. Raches says:
    @John Wear

    David Icke says the trans-dimensional space entities that he claims control this planet are not all powerful. They have advanced technology, but they are not creative and feed off of our negative energy. They have created a false reality and control us through deception.

    Icke says the answer to overcoming their control is love. Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O. says the same thing. Love is the answer. Once humanity expands its collective heart, it is game over for the trans-dimensional space entities who have controlled our planet for thousands of years.

    That is an exemplary demonstration for @Triteleia Laxa of what I said upthread about Christian “cultural residues”. Mr. Wear, you and Mr. Icke and Dr. Madej are preaching hippie New Age nonsense that is only Christianity without the Christ.

    Furthermore, as I quoted from Mr. Icke’s own website, Mr. Icke claims that he is the “Son of the Godhead”. So, it is New Age quasi-Christianity with Icke-Jesus. It is not a big change: I have always believed that Jesus is icky.

    How can you object to my statements about “anti-vaxxer cult ideology” and “cult chants”? You are a textbook example.

    I will tell you what I have told Christian evangelists who made the same “love is the answer” type of argument to try to inject Jesus into my heart: I do not believe in this type of so-called “love”, I don’t want it, and I categorically despise it. And I do not have a “collective heart” with the rest of “humanity”.

    And I will answer your pure-Sklavenmoral Icke-Jesus by quoting Nietzsche chapter and verse at you:

    The slave has an unfavourable eye for the virtues of the powerful; he has a skepticism and distrust, a refinement of distrust of everything “good” that is there honoured—he would fain persuade himself that the very happiness there is not genuine. On the other hand, those qualities which serve to alleviate the existence of sufferers are brought into prominence and flooded with light; it is here that sympathy, the kind, helping hand, the warm heart, patience, diligence, humility, and friendliness attain to honour; for here these are the most useful qualities, and almost the only means of supporting the burden of existence. Slave-morality is essentially the morality of utility. Here is the seat of the origin of the famous antithesis “good” and “evil”:—power and dangerousness are assumed to reside in the evil, a certain dreadfulness, subtlety, and strength, which do not admit of being despised. According to slave-morality, therefore, the “evil” man arouses fear; according to master-morality, it is precisely the “good” man who arouses fear and seeks to arouse it, while the bad man is regarded as the despicable being. The contrast attains its maximum when, in accordance with the logical consequences of slave-morality, a shade of depreciation—it may be slight and well-intentioned—at last attaches itself to the “good” man of this morality; because, according to the servile mode of thought, the good man must in any case be the safe man: he is good-natured, easily deceived, perhaps a little stupid, un bonhomme. Everywhere that slave-morality gains the ascendancy, language shows a tendency to approximate the significations of the words “good” and “stupid.”

    The ultimate objective of this nonsense about so-called “love” (i.e., self-debasement, reduction to the lowest common denominator, and universal equality in universal misery) is to turn man into a domestic animal. After many centuries of Christianity, observe the results. ®

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Wild Man
  1001. @Punch Brother Punch

    I don’t have an high IQ for sure, but it is just impossible to accept the rule of that techno-scientific apparatus that want the body I was given, to be injected with genic stuff that mandate the cells to produce the mediatic “spiky things” that seems to precisely cause the body to be infected and inflamated by a weird coronavidae. All coronavidae are weird, even when not boosted in Fort Dietrick.

    My low IQ has led me to read the Salk Institute conclusions (not just the abstract but the whole stuff) weeks ago and listen to highly qualified French speaking researchers, risking the goulag, just like me humble low IQ peasant koulak.

    We won’t reach the “no man’s land in siberia”, because we will stop now. Sorry Ron.

    La liberté ou la mort

    • Thanks: Emslander
  1002. peterAUS says:

    Just to clarify a couple of things related to the previous post.

    Some people are starting to realize that the future could be….difficult…. for them and people they care for.

    At the moment it’s just a vague feeling. It’s interesting to note that while they are still developing that feeling TPTBs are already 18 months into deploying their solution. Add to that at least 6 months of planning. Talking about foresight, planning and especially initiative.

    Then, some of those (with the feeling) actually do think that, perhaps, something should be done about it. As long as it’s a nice hobby or pastime, of course. And feels respectable within middle-class strata, too.
    While TPTBs are 16 hours 7 days a week, working on their solution. Caring only for the end result.
    Talking about resources.

    All articles and most of the commenting here is useless in that game. That’s for authors and commenters.
    Still, there are a couple of commenters and I have a feeling some readers/lurkers who:
    -Feel quite uncomfortable with the future they see.
    -Are willing to do something about that. Keyword “do”. Work on it.
    -More importantly willing to challenge own assumptions and weaknesses.
    -Most importantly willing to take risks and try (keyword try) to assume leadership roles.

    Masses of people in developed world feel something is wrong with this. The problem is they lack mental faculties to understand it. Let alone to do something about it.
    They need leadership.
    I thought (past tense) that sites like this could develop that leadership. A mistake. Purpose of sites like this, currently, is ………something else. BTW, whoever hasn’t figured it so far isn’t really a leadership material.

    I believe that the next phase in this should be creating network of people who believe they could be that leadership.

    The only way out of this is creating that leadership somehow. Keyword “somehow”.
    Maybe it’s not even possible but that’s the only productive work I can see at this stage.
    The rest is online therapy and even worse.

    Now, around 90 % of people reading this will simply recoil. Good.
    Those 10 % are important. Most will do quick risk/reward analysis and drop the idea. O.K. I suggest don’t drop it, shelve it.
    And it will resonate with 1, 2 %, tops. They’ll start thinking about it. How to do it.
    Good luck.

    • Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
  1003. John Wear says:

    I am not sure what you are attempting to accomplish with your lengthy posts. However, as many people on this discussion thread will probably tell you, I don’t think your posts are worth anyone’s time responding to.

    I will merely state that Eustace Mullins, Dr. Carrie Madej, David Icke and myself are all sincere seekers of truth. We are not liars or hoaxers.

    • Thanks: Robjil
    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  1004. @Triteleia Laxa

    The inner landscape of psychopaths has been chartered.
    We don’t have to love them, just understand their inability for empathy, low emotional specter.
    Loving is not loving them “reptilian” mind people. Loving is being mature enough to get rid of the psychopath ascendency and strive to impose human rules, taking in considerations the very weaknesses that make us prey to psychopaths.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1005. Raches says:
    @John Wear

    David Icke says that psychopaths have no empathy,

    I have none of this so-called “empathy”. I feel deeply aggrieved and enraged at injustice—e.g., when I see scholars imprisoned in Europe for publishing scholarly work. However, I couldn’t care less if hoaxers and other scum die in the gutter. Zero empathy. If I even notice, I will laugh, and make a sacrificial offering of thanks to divine Nemesis. ®

  1006. Wild Man says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    I have my own personal hypothesis, based on personal experience, that cluster B personality disorder pathologies are due to the failure of the normative resolution of the subjective/objective dichotomy we are all faced with as infants into early childhood, … akin to a fugue state (which quickly becomes masked) which renders the individual, to possess the anxiety-provoking perspective, that their reality is akin to a dream state in which the dream phantoms found there (other people), are not people, but oddly uncontrollable projections of their own psyche, rendering said individual as completely alone in the universe (by their metaphysical perspective) …. which is horrendously anxiety-provoking, …. and as such said individuals approach their reality by way of testing what is oddly outside of any omnipotence such gestalt should engender … and that is these oddly uncontrollable dream phantoms ….. much psychic effort then goes into figuring out how to operate these dream phantoms, what buttons to press to elicit desired results, and such. All of this occurring early enough within childhood development, that said individual forgets the probable trauma that caused it (with varying degrees of innate susceptibility to said trauma, which we all experience early on), … and then said psyche will go on to do it’s best to insulate the individual from perceptual signals that re-invoke the earlier nightmare anxiety.

    If my hypothesis ends up being somewhat accurate ….. well, …. counterintuitively, I think psychopaths should therefore elicit our greatest compassion and empathy … what a nightmare reality to have to operate.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1007. John Wear says:

    As David Icke says in his books, he went to Peru over 30 years ago and had a profound experience in which he downloaded a tremendous amount of information.

    For about three months, Icke was overwhelmed with this downloaded information and barely knew what planet he was on. He did an interview in which he said he was the “Son of the Godhead.” The mass media made fun of him, and Icke became the laughing stock of Great Britain.

    After about three months, Icke became stabilized, and he began seeing the world in a whole new light. Icke is an extremely prolific researcher and conspiracy writer. He has made a tremendous contribution to human knowledge and understanding.

    To really understand David Icke, you will have to read his books.

    • LOL: Raches
    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1008. @Random Anonymous

    So each has a place in polio eradication, Saban type for the first pass, followed by Salk type to maintain enough immunity in the population going forward.

    I don’t follow the logic there. Do you perhaps mean Salk for the first pass? If not, could you explain a bit?

    Sabin is a set of live attenuated viruses that are cheaper to produce than the Salk vaccine, and is an orally administered vaccine, see the link for pictures of it being administered to young probably toddler girl, or infused in sugar cubes and candy.

    So it’s very easy and cheap to administer, and as noted you can get people you miss indirectly vaccinated from those you get, just learned this is “contact immunity“. So this way you can give very strong immunity very quickly to large populations, but note the problem with the attenuated virus regaining its fangs. Plus the attenuated virus can sometimes cause polio, especially in the immunocompromised.

    After that, you just have to get new children, so you don’t need as high throughput and you avoid the dangers of the live viruses with the Salk type inactivated whole virus administered by injection, both of which are also more expensive.

    • Thanks: Random Anonymous
  1009. Robjil says:
    @Ben the Layabout

    It is the same in a lot of nations, especially in nations that US and friends coup – Ukraine, and Honduras for example. In Libya, Gadafi was trying to help the masses and his neighboring African nations with a gold dinar. I am talking about the people at the top getting it bad (Covid), thus they had to something to help themselves (the Elite). On side, it looks like the masses got it ( things besides only western”God-like” vaccines. A good thing for then, something that the masses in our”free” worst then ( formerly western) nations do not get.

    Here is an example of what happens when one tries to help your people and neighbors too much.

    In 2009, Colonel Gaddafi, then President of the African Union, suggested to the States of the African continent to switch to a new currency, independent of the American dollar: the gold dinar.

    The objective of this new currency was to divert oil revenues towards state-controlled funds rather than American banks. In other words, to stop using the dollar for oil transactions. Countries such as Nigeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Angola were ready to change their currencies. Unfortunately in March 2011, the NATO-led coalition began a military intervention in Libya in the name of freedom….

    • Thanks: Bugey libre
  1010. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Through the Other’s Eyes

    Also: Most of the anti-vaxxer here are narcissists.

    Love requires “understanding” to be anything more than projection.

    True understanding is visceral, just as it is simply “knowing.”

    It would result in the absolute knowledge that the object of your understanding is you, but in different circumstances. You would be able to see exactly why it is that way and why it, up until now, could be no other.

    I agree with you halfway—then, I think that your argument suddenly falls off a cliff. (Thus my reaction. My “disagree” here is objective; as I have remarked before, my “Agrees” and “Disagrees” should not necessarily be taken personally, but a “Troll” tag always should.)

    This is another point where I confuse people. Compare this comment of mine from August 15, 2021:

    …as Mr. Unz elaborated on his irritation with the anti-vaxxers, I resolved these questions differently.

    I think it is relevant that despite some drastic differences between Mr. Unz’s cultural background and my own, there are also some remarkable similarities. It is therefore relatively easy for me to apply what is my customary, and highly unusual approach in such matters: Try as much as I can to put myself in his shoes, get inside his head, and look at the world through his eyes. It is impossible to achieve this perfectly; but I believe that I have a special talent for it.

    In so totally detaching myself from my own subjective views that I strive to examine the same external object through someone else’s subjective “internal experience”, I do not think I presume too much in claiming that I really understand Mr. Unz’s position on the vaccines. After all, it resonates with my own subjective position: I have real-life experience in a milieu in which anti-vaxxery is more unacceptable socially than racism, hatred of the Jews, ridicule of the Holohoax, and praise of Adolf Hitler.

    I have recently been starting to contemplate just how badly blinkered that view may be; but I do understand it.

    I call myself an observer of human nature. I like to look at the world through other people’s eyes. But then, I return to myself—because they are not me, and they are not me “but in different circumstances”. To say that negates both my ego and theirs, and deïndividuates absolutely everyone.

    People are different from each other. And when I proclaim that all men are created unequal, the flipside is this: Human beings are not fungible! To negate one of these statements is to negate both. Unavoidably. By iron logic.

    By the way, none of the anti-vaxxer fanatics here has ever thanked me for my genuine empathy with Mr. Unz, and my sincere attempts to understand his point of view—altogether the basis on which I opened a dialogue with him, and asked him please to not to ban these discussions of the vaccines. The doctrinaire anti-vaxxers do not care, and do not even see this, because they are narcissistists lashing out at anyone who steps out of the rôle of a mental movie prop.

    Yes, by the most charitable estimation, I am suggesting that at least 80% of the anti-vaxxers here suffer from narcissism. I definitely don’t agree with him about everything; but The Last Psychiatrist was generally quite perceptive, and he well explained what I mean by this here:

    These articles aren’t saying narcissism is on the rise, they are saying grandiosity is on the rise. They are conflating the two. Even psychiatrists get this wrong, they are not the same.

    Leave aside for now what is the distinction. Look instead at the result: by focusing on the grandiosity, it leaves you, the reader, with an out. “Look at these grandiose idiots. That’s not me.”


    Grandiosity is only one possible manifestation of a psychic process that went awry. The essence, the defining characteristic of narcissism is the isolated worldview, the one in which everyone else is not fully real, only part a person, and only the part the impacts you.

    Narcissism is self-protective. It simultaneously allows for the reduction of the other to prop status, while reassuring you that this perspective is not wrong or dangerous because it’s not about superiority.

    Everyone else is fully real to me. When I read your comments, Triteleia Laxa, I am not interpreting them according to some movie script in my head that dictates to imaginary-you the lines that I expect you to speak. And your reactions to me do not affect my ego, because I am real to myself: I am not an empty shell living as a reflection that I see in your eyes.

    I like this story!

    Now look closely at the expression on Nemesis’s face. There’s something odd there.  Look closely at her eyes.

    She’s not actually looking at Narcissus, it only looks like she’s looking at Narcissus. She’s actually looking— right back at you.

    That’s right, the story isn’t about Narcissus, it was always about you. There never was an objective distance for you to watch from.

    Insofar as I may develop any expectations of you based on what I see of you, if you were to surprise me in a way that I disliked, then I would not suffer a narcissistic injury, and thus lash out defensively in a blind, panicked rage. (That must be distinguished from real reasons for anger, such as insults or backstabs.)

    I think that we see many of the “narcissistic injury” types of reactions manifested in this thread—and I think that many of the “RON UNZ IS BETRAYING US BY NOT BEING ANTI-VAXX!!!” types of reactions are caused by narcissistic injury. Mr. Unz dared to step out of his rôle!

    On the flipside, when you pleasantly surprise me, I am not blinded to it by expecting you to fit the rôle of “the other side—the enemy in an Internet Argument”, against whom I must rationalize an excuse to argue like a poo-flinging monkey.

    For my part, all this is why despite getting off to an acrimonious start here, and despite some deep disagreements between us, we seem to be able to speak reasonably with each other; for your part, I give you credit for your resistance to groupthink, confirmation bias, and latching onto accusations out of personal dislike. ®

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1011. To Ron Unz:

    I know that you don’t like watching videos, but I promise you that you will be glad/enlightened that you watched this one. It is Dr. Malone’s follow up from last Thursday’s article in the Washington Times, posted yesterday (Saturday). It really explains the issues with a clarity that I have not seen before, and both sides of the debate will find this illuminating.

    By all means castigate/ban me if you feel that this was a waste of your time.

    Thank you for your time.

    • Replies: @niceland
  1012. @John Wear

    I’ve never paid much attention to Icke, but I’ve heard people say that when he’s talking about “lizard people,” he’s actually talking about Jews. By adopting this fantastical euphemism, he can avoid censorship and retribution. Kind of an intellectual Hamlet strategy – feign nuttiness so most people don’t take you seriously and see no reason to silence you. In this manner you can spread your ideas in relative peace.

    But all the New Agey/psychobabble stuff makes me suspect he’s just a grifter. Wasn’t he a soccer player before he went into the conspiracy business? More lucrative than coaching kids, I’d bet.

    I’m sorry but at the risk of sounding like Steven Pinker re: Kevin Macdonald, I don’t think reading his books would be worthwhile. Time is limited and there’s a veritable ocean of books one could read. Why not read writers who get to the point and don’t tinsel up their books with mush about “love” and “empathy” and “tapping into the godhead”?

    For instance, Icke seems to touch on the subject of psychopathy quite a bit. Why not read Robert Hare instead: an actual scientist who’s spent decades studying the condition, including spending time with diagnosed psychopaths in prisons?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  1013. Wild Man says:

    Raches …. I’m not up on my Nietzsche (because I found the errors early on … so didn’t delve in too deep), … however …. it strikes me here, that Nietzsche is making a critical error:

    “Slave-morality is essentially the morality of utility.”

    The thing is … that is true of any morality. Morality is largely about properly rationally resolving the Double Bind, when it comes up. All morality is the morality of utility because morality is the function that seeks beneficent resolution of the Double Bind (beneficent for all parties involved). This is true of Nietzsche’s conception of master-morality, too, whether Nietzsche liked it or not.

    So, to me, … it is not helpful that Nietzsche seeks to mis-define morality, in this way (forcing a false dichotomy), so as to then point to that ‘misconception by mis-defining’, as the cause of stupidity. Of course Nietzsche is correct in rallying against stupidity. But stupidity is not caused by a ‘morality of utility’. No …. stupidity is often due to the failure of finding utility, stemming from the moral premises offered.

    Perhaps I am misunderstanding Nietzsche’s seemingly un-even use of the term ‘utility’ in this passage. Quoting from Wikipedia:

    “Slave morality does not aim at exerting one’s will by strength, but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well. The essence of slave morality is utility:[5] The good is what is most useful for the whole community, not just the strong. Nietzsche sees this as a contradiction. Since the powerful are few compared to the masses of the weak, the weak gain power by corrupting the strong into believing that the causes of slavery (viz., the will to power) are evil, as are the qualities the weak originally could not choose because of their weakness. By saying humility is voluntary, slave morality avoids admitting that their humility was in the beginning forced upon them by a master.”

    Isn’t Nietzsche here, failing to see, that our existential condition, to a person (inclusive of so-called human ‘masters’), encompasses a forced humility (humility as a condition of necessity for any being upon their realization that they are indeed finite beings in the presence of the Abstract Infinite)? So therefore, wouldn’t it make alot more sense, to argue for the position of volunteering to take on said existential and ontological humility, (instead of refusing it, which amounts to a delusion) as a condition of our true plight? As such, Nietzsche’s conception becomes …. : ‘slave/master morality, as poles to the same functional mode, becomes genuine upon admitting that our humility is existentially and ontologically forced, and as such, the proper sentiment, is to acquiesce (volunteer) to the reality of these basic facts’?

    • Disagree: Emslander
  1014. Adrian says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Take the case of Typhoid Mary…, the government decided to quarantine her on an island …As for why many super high IQ people are vaxx-resistant, I’d just put that down to them being spergs, with that condition being often concomitant with varying degrees of schizophrenia, paranoia or just plain old casuistry/over thinking.

    Perhaps the solution is to banish all those “spergs” to the island where Mary used to be. I hear she is safely dead.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1015. John Wear says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    David Icke is talking about space entities when he talks about “lizard people.” He is not talking about Jews.

    Icke was a soccer player until age 21, when rheumatoid arthritis ended his career. He later became a journalist and then a national sports broadcaster. He was making a reasonably good income before he became a conspiracy writer.

    I don’t care if you read Icke’s books. David Icke’s name first came up when Raches mentioned him. It turns out that Raches, as well as many other people on this discussion thread, have never read any of Icke’s books. Yet they still have opinions about him.

    This reminds me of a statement Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn made about his critics in an interview with Sixty Minutes:

    “The Western press works in the following way: they don’t read my books. No one has ever given a single quotation from any of my books as a basis for these accusations. But every new journalist reads these opinions from other journalists. They have been just as spiteful to me in the American press as the Soviet press was before.”

    • Troll: Raches
  1016. Adrian says:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    For some reason I can’t use the “agree” button (or any other) but yes I agree of course. I have had countless vaccinations in my life. There was no reason to suspect them (though I am now told that I should have suspected the flu vaccin of 2017). But this one came in under such strange circumstances (and further inquiry made them look even stranger) that ordinary caution told me to give it a miss.

    I deeply resent that both my middle aged son and daughter have been compelled to take it in order to keep their job (they deal with children respectively old people). My son now rationalises his “choice” by calling all arguments against it “right wing crap”.

    • Replies: @Ilya G Poimandres
  1017. Erebus says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Thanks, but I’m disappointed. >7 hrs since posting, and not even one Troll tag, never mind a rebuttal.

    • Troll: Raches
  1018. Raches says:
    @John Wear

    David Icke’s name first came up when Raches mentioned him.

    Liar. My first mention of Icke stuff was my reply to your first mention of David Icke (insofar as I saw). Point blank, you are a liar—and you are an exceptionally poor liar, if you imagine that you can get away with this.

    In the prior thread:

    John Wear recommends David Icke and links to his website: August 27, 2021 at 3:41 pm GMT.

    Raches replies to that: August 27, 2021 at 10:52 pm GMT. That was my first mention of Icke anywhere at The Unz Review: A reply to your promotion of him. That was the thread’s penultimate comment, right before Mr. Unz closed the thread. I subsequently took your Ickeness up with you in this thread. In this thread, I have linked back to that comment numerous times.

    A quick Ctrl-F on “Icke” (case sensitive) finds some earlier commentators mentioning him; I must have missed that, at the time. I have not read all of the comments—and have not read all of yours; I do not know if you mentioned him earlier than I noticed.


    David Icke is talking about space entities when he talks about “lizard people.” He is not talking about Jews.

    Noted. Thank you for clarifying your opinion, Mr. Wear. ®

  1019. niceland says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    I watched the entire thing.

    The gist of it: Dr Mallone and Dr Peter Navarro (Phd in economics) disagree with current vaxx policy and suggest a different plan; Vaxx only the high risk groups, make other meds easily available for treatment in case of infection ( Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine etc) and leave the kids alone.

    They said the current vaccines are too leaky to hope for any kind of heard immunity. But Dr Mallone clearly stated they do offer some protection against infection and and risk of dying from covid disease.

    Dr Mallone also said it was normal for people to be afraid of these new mRNA vaccines. But I didn’t hear him say anything of the sort frequently attributed to him by anti-vaxxers these mRNA vaccines are deadly or terrible. But he said much is still unknown about the risk using them and side effects.

    He also said by vaxxing everyone with these vaccines, who have narrow target (if I got that right) , would result in creation of other variants capable of escaping the vaxx – case in point Delta. Or something worse in the future.

    They also empathized that natural immunity is “20 times” better than the vaxx and so forth.

    Here I have left out their China bashing and their talk about Fauchi.

    Is this video worth the 50 minutes it takes to watch it? Well, these gentlemen didn’t mention any world wide conspiracy or Bill Gates, the Great reset, New world order, nano chips in the vaxx or the “vaxx is going to kill you in 18 months”, “the virus doesn’t exist it’s all a hoax” — or indeed anything of the sort! They even recommend the vaxx for high risk groups and say it works and saves lives. That’s interesting to hear from the ‘creator of mRNA technology’ himself.

    So perhaps some in our anti-vaxx crowd here on the Unz Review could learn a thing or two by watching it. For me – all the relevant things they said about the vaxx I already knew. And I agree with them on number of issues.

    In my opinion as it stands, for healthy individuals;
    Below certain age [A] – being vaxxed doesn’t make sense.
    Above certain age [B] – being vaxxed makes good sense.
    It’s likely B is some years apart from A. A grey zone exist.

    Figuring out A and B is the hard part.
    Offhand I think the min value for A is 16 but it could be as high as 40. For B I think the max value is 70 but it could be as low as 30.

    I bet these guys have different numbers for A and B in mind and that’s fine. But the overall thought process is the same, the only difference is in the details.

    It’s totally bizarre situation people like Dr Mallone isn’t frequent guest on the MSM debating other experts. But covid didn’t create that environment, it already existed!

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  1020. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    It think the problem is that when people discover they’ve been lied to for so long about so many important things, they (not unreasonably) begin to assume that everything in the MSM is a lie, leading them to errors in the opposite direction.

    This is the key point here. People apply double standards, according to the dualistic “our side”/“their side” mentality that I described upthread. And that is not reasonable.

    In the thread where I entered the anti-vaxx discussions, I told Corvinus that I am skeptical of mainstream scientists, and I am skeptical of conspiracy theorists. Much more skeptical of the latter, and reasonably so!

    You hit the nail on the head at the end there—and there is a double-error in the opposite direction. People switch from believing the mainstream media, to believing the “alternative” media and totally disbelieving the mainstream media. On that last point, observe the torrent of ridicule you received, because you relied on your reading of the New York Times in your interview with Mr. Whitney.

    I am skeptical of what I read in the mainstream media. Much of it—in some media and on some subjects, most of it is false or otherwise misleading. I do not reflexively jerk my knee and declare that if it’s in the New York Times, then ipso facto it must be false.

    I am skeptical of what I read in the “alternative” media. Much of it—let’s admit it: On some subjects, and in some venues, most of it is false or otherwise misleading. I do not reflexively jerk my knee and say, “This guy is on our side. It must be true!”

    When I find an author who withstands my most searching examination of his articles for flaws, then I gradually begin to rely on him, and even provisionally to accept his word as authoritative. If, nitpicks aside, I find that a quarter-million words of your American Pravda are good, and then you write an article in a knowledge domain that is totally unfamiliar to me, I tend to accept it on the grounds that “Ron Unz said so.” Because you have earned that—with great effort, you have earned it—and because you could lose your invested effort easily, with every serious-minded reader whom you have attracted, if you were to start dissimulating or being reckless with the facts. “Hard come, easy go.” (Note that this process could not be easily gamed, because different readers will have different domains of pre-existing knowledge, and they will examine different points in depth.)

    I am talking about myself not to talk about myself, but to suggest an exemplary approach here.

    …and I remember being very shocked and disappointed when I discovered he was an anti-vaxxer, with lots of other foolish beliefs. But I was equally shocked and disappointed when many of my regular columnists like [names] began promoting more or less similar ideas, widely endorsed and echoed by such a substantial fraction of the longtime commenters on this website.

    I snipped names, so as to abstract the following.

    This is a problem that you must expect in a free-speech publication with intentionally lax editorial control. It is also why every time I cite Liberty Bell’s star author, I feel as if I should emphasize that some of its articles were junk tolerated on grounds of “free speech, independent thought, no party line”.

    The alternative is to set—well, not a party line, but a more traditional editorial policy. But that flatly contradicts the purposes stated in your masthead’s Mission Statement: A statement which squarely addresses, for your part, the problem with free speech, which has so dismayed the censors in Big Tech and the mainstream media: When you give people freedom of speech, they start to say things that you dislike.

    From two threads ago, Mr. Unz, I inferred that the problem is that anti-vaxxers saying wrong things are distracting you from what you perceive as much more important wrong things. For example, you regularly feature authors who flatly contradict you on immigration and on race relations. I concur with you from a different direction: Those topics are more important than the vaccines. Anyway, I infer that your problem is not people saying things that you dislike, but people saying things that you dislike on subjects that you dislike. Do I read you right?

    For my part, of course, as an authoritarian, I think that the majority of people need to be told what to think. The intellectual classes need freedom of thought—and they can actually use it. In the Western world, they have more or less had it since the Renaissance. The others will not, cannot use it.

    Thus do we circle back to the above subject: The masses need to be told what to think. If they trust the mainstream media, then the mainstream media tell them what to think. If they distrust the mainstream media, then the alternative media tell them what to think. The Unz Review’s Mission Statement is lost on them.

    If a fine Medieval historian happens to believe in UFOs, that shouldn’t necessarily taint his historiography, though obviously his enemies might try to use it to discredit him.

    It is a fine example: Medieval history is not today the subject of much controversy, or even much awareness.

    Now, imagine that there existed a new movement to bring back the feudal system. It is against democracy—a heresy, a sin against the modern religion of Equality. Of course, it would be controversial.

    Say that a professor of medieval studies were to write a revisionist pop-history book, correcting many popular misconceptions about what medieval life was really like. Say that that book incisively demolished the democratic caricature of foppish aristocrats cruelly stomping on miserable peasants.¹ Say that it showed people that medieval peasants were happier than average working-class people today.

    I would like to see that book! I would endorse it, and recommend it to everyone I know.

    Then, say that the author of that book publicly declared that he believed in UFOs. And Bigfoot. And New Age Pyramid Power! And he started preaching about love is the answer, and evil feeds off our negative energy, and all will be well when “humanity expands its collective heart”. (I almost miss the other drivel, now that we are vomiting bong-water.) And also, say he then showed some dishonesty.

    Do you see how I may react?

    1. The modern popular view of medieval times is an interesting dichotomy: People romanticize “medieval times” in the sense of knights in shining armor, but they have reflexively negative emotional reactions to “the feudal system”. On both sides, of course, most of their ideas are nonsense. I think that the way I described it is not too far off from the image that most people have of “the feudal system”—and that that, itself, is an interesting datum.

    Note: I do not idealize medieval times. It is the example provided, and it’s a good one in this context.

    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Tony Hall
    , @Ron Unz
  1021. JasonT says:

    War, famine then plague would seem to be the correct order.

  1022. Raches says:

    Correction of a carelessly unqualified statement:

    The intellectual classes need freedom of thought—and they can actually use it. In the Western world, they have more or less had it since the Renaissance.

    …until the twentieth-century decline of academia, and the rise of modern intellectual censorship. Renaissance authors often needed to play “Two Truths” types of games to dodge the Inquisition; but with adequate defensive dissimulation, the best of them still managed to publish texts that questioned, or even repudiated the principles of Christianity—sometimes even without getting burnt at the stake, or suffering similar inconveniences. Nowadays, we observe such phenomena as “human biodiversity” with defensive obfuscatory jargon—and those who dare such heresies still get “cancelled”.

    And then, they find their way to The Unz Review

  1023. niceland says:

    It’s difficult to respond to bold predictions about the upcoming terrible aftermath of vaxxing in 18 months. I guess we have to see about that.

    Looking at the numbers I posted for Iceland with 31 death reports after having vaxxed almost the entire adult population. I think it’s safe to divide by two to get the real number of deaths. So we possibly had 15 deaths immediately following mass vaccinations. And albeit sad and terrible, the group that seem to have died doesn’t consist of spring chickens. But the old and frail. The same group who would be likely to have very bad outcome if they got infected by covid. In this group the vaxx was in all likelihood much much better than the disease. Or what do you think?

    If the U.S. would do the same as Iceland did, what would happen? With approx 1000 times the population of Iceland the U.S. would suffer 15.000 deaths from the vaxx. (*) Would it be worth it if things play out like seems likely at the moment – almost all will sooner or later get covid?

    Judging by our numbers, not vaxxing the younger population wouldn’t change a thing regarding immediate deaths. That’s clear.

    I think the strong point against mass vaccination is the risk posed to younger people. The younger they are the risk/reward ratio makes less sense. And in my opinion, it doesn’t make sense at all for children.

    All thing being equal, but it seems such isn’t the case. Before vaccination Iceland had better outcomes in general from covid and the same may apply to vaccine side effects.

    I value your opinion because you have made so many interesting and thoughtful comments about great many things in the past. We obviously differ when it comes to covid and I am somewhat surprised how skeptical you are. Even if you have made very good points in this discussion.

    • Replies: @Erebus
  1024. @John Wear

    I reject the notion that one has to have read someone to be able have an opinion on them or their ideas (particularly when reading their voluminous works would require an enormous expenditure of time at the expense of other subjects.) I’ve seen Icke give interviews, I can form an opinion of him based on that. I can read an article or comment thread or something which gives the gist of his ideas and form an opinion based on that. I can be presented with one of his specific theories such as “lizard space entities control the planet” and form an opinion such as: “that sounds stupid to me.”

    The idea that you’re not allowed an opinion unless you’ve read hundreds or maybe thousands of pages (at what point would you consider someone sufficiently “read up” on a subject?) of writing is not self-evidently true to me. How could you ever have general intellectual discussions? You’d have to stop after every other comment to go read a 500 page book.

  1025. @Erebus

    >7 hrs since posting, and not even one Troll tag, never mind a rebuttal.

    As I said, “irrefutable”.

  1026. @Adrian

    You act as if this were tyrannical of the government. Typhoid Mary killed a lot of people. It was a good thing that she was removed from society so she couldn’t kill any more. You seem to imply that I would support treating the unvaxxed for covid like her, but the situations are very different. Nuance is a wonderful thing, look into it (unless you’re one of these godless, soulless libertarians, in which case you’re constitutionally incapable of nuance.)

    • Replies: @Adrian
    , @Brás Cubas
  1027. @Erebus

    Excellent comment(of course), but TWBB has no chance of healing himself; he’s an expert on vaccines but can’t even spell Sabin.

    Meanwhile the real-world experiment continues.

    Latest numbers for Israel and UK multiple of India’s per capita covid daily death rate.

    Israel has now increased to 13.6 times India’s death rate. Israel 3.3 deaths(seven day moving average) per million people. India 0.25 daily covid deaths per million people. India covid deaths now only 1.2% of total daily deaths. The epidemic in India now over. Israel 90% vaccinated. India 10% vaccinated.

    UK has now increased to 6,8 India’s death rate. UK 50% vaccinated. India 10% vaccinated.

  1028. JockStrap says:

    Think of the fact that the virus has been circulating since Oct/Nov 2019 and none of the mitigation measures went into place anywhere until Feb 2020.
    For months, thousands upon thousands of international flights, people going about their lives as we used to with this (as they tell us) highly infectious virus gettiing passed around.
    It is obvious that the horse had long left the barn and that many, many millions more already had and now have natural immunity than the “authorities” will ever care to admit.

  1029. JockStrap says:

    I just stopped by to say that anyone who willingly takes this injection is a fool.

    1) No long term data on the injections
    2) Dr. Hoffe in Canada claims 62% of his patients show evidence of micro blood clots as per D Dimer
    3) Current injections not effective against current dominant strain as original alpha WuFlu is estimated to be only ~7% of current “cases”
    4) Entire scare is so tainted by politics (election year) and Trump hatred, real science and debate has been thrown out the window
    5) Promising treatments have been relentlessly and ludicrously attacked (see latest Rolling Stone ivermectin hitpiece) so that the jabs could get EUA
    6) The whole scare is built on a foundation of sand known as High Cycle PCR tests
    7) Compare Israel to Sweden
    8) Even if you accept the deaths as reported (which is a leap considering #6 above), the average age of death is basically the average of death from all causes and the avg comorbidities is 2.6-2.9 depending on the data set you look at. With the deaths so concentrated in the old and sick (ie people with one foot in the grave already), why on Earth would a healthy person under 60 even consider this intervention?
    9) A lot of the people that died or had severe sequelae early on were due to the fact that doctors knew nothing about how to properly treat. They’ve learned a few things over the past 18 months and presumably are killing less people.
    10) Whether or not you believe in MRNA jabs or not, the fact remains – this it has never been done in humans before and certainly not at this scale.
    11) If you have had COVID, getting the injection is pointless as natural immunity is orders of magnitude better. If you haven’t had COVID, your risk of falls with each passing day – it is likely at least 50% of the population already has natural immunity.
    12) What I see get lost in all of these discussions by people in the US, is just how sick Boobus Americanus is. 66% are overweight, 40% are obese. Diabetes, heart disease, Cancer, Vit D deficiency, neurological disorders, the list of chronic illness goes on and on-

    The US population is so ill it should not be surprising that some novel genetic information cannot be processed by these people. It is like trying to install a new, 5 GB software program onto a 10 year old computer that is out of RAM. When the computer crashes nobody blames the problem on the software program. If you doubt this, compare what has happened in the US to the entire African continent. The US is a country with 1st world medical care and Africa well, not so much. Despite lack of access to high quality care, the entire continent has fared amazingly well. Why do you think that is?

    • Agree: gsjackson
    • Thanks: JimDandy, Ann Nonny Mouse
  1030. Nancy says:

    As has been advised in multiple locations, it is wise to add zinc and quercitin… plus Vit C. I think ginger (as tea, candied, etc) daily is also helpful as it is anti-inflammatory, just in general. Bottom line… we have to take responsibility, or we are sitting ducks for the Termite Profiteers.

  1031. utu says:

    You may not trust numbers from India and never should compare the India stats with the stats from the 1st world countries like Israel or UK.
    India’s excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic could be as high as 4.9 million, a new study shows, providing further evidence that millions more may have died from coronavirus than the official tally.

    Then you have to take into account the fact that India has younger population:

    India 6% (over 65 years old)
    Israel 11.7%
    UK. 18.5%

    You can safely assume that IFR in India would be over 3x lower than in the UK because of differing age profile, so while 1,000 infections uniformly distributed over age groups in the UK would result in, say 10 deaths while in India in only in 3 deaths.

    Note that UK has 1,900 deaths/million while Israel has 770 deaths/million. One could hypothesize that large part of the 2.5x difference is explainable by 1.6x younger population of Israel. By younger in terns of over the 65 years old fraction (18.5%/11.7% = 1.6).

    Hunting for the theory confirmation that anti-vaxxers engage is a classical example of pseudo-science where due to the confirmation bias contradictory data are not searched for and the confirming data are not scrutinized for their quality and other hidden variables.

    • Thanks: Triteleia Laxa
    • Replies: @utu
  1032. @Punch Brother Punch

    All right, Punch, I just don’t want it. But is that dumb?

    Apart from the obese and diabetics and those with existing ruined health that has put them in nursing homes the proportion of the population seriously harmed by Covid seems tiny.

    So the answer for the first 2 categories is: heal yourself! Become vegetarian, weigh yourself every day, keep a diary of eats and weights. Okay, that’ll take time, a year perhaps, so if you are in a hot spot you might decide getting vaxxed is the best gamble.

    For the rest, healthy, normal BMI, skinny old folk, the best way to become immune to it is: get it!

    Once everyone has caught it no-one needs to be vaxxed for it. Game over!

    • Agree: Emslander
  1033. utu says:

    Just FYI:

    Pseudo science is when you spend more effort on confirming hypotheses that you like than on the effort of disproving them.

    Para science when you go through motions resembling science that on the surface seems to be methodologically valid but which lead to fooling yourself, your fanboys and reviewers of friendly journals.

    Junk science when the results are meaningless.

    Fraudulent science is when you cheat.

  1034. @Ron Unz

    ron unz, i am not an anti-vaxxer, i’ve taken a long list of vaccines in my 74yrs on the planet, & would happily take the sputnik V…but we are not allowed a choice in canada. AZ, if the brits had taken up russia’s offer to combine research & work with them may have avoided their clotting issue, & i might have considered it but as i have heart & stroke issues it’s not really an option. the sputnik V is reportedly ninety percent effective against all variants. so why aren’t we allowed to take it? something in the contract nation’s sign with big pharma.

    foremost, i must thank you, ron unz, for continuing to allow free & open debate on covid, a disease which has devastating implications for the world, particularly the west. unz & the comments are the best collective resource for new research.

    • Agree: Robjil
  1035. @Punch Brother Punch

    Hey Punch-drunk Brother, when I quoted these sage words:

    ‘With government out of the way, there would be joy and happiness instead of hatred and tyranny’,

    I obviously was well aware there is no example of a civilisation where there wasn’t some degree of ‘government’. Of course I state this in a relative sense.
    Where government intrusion is minimal, freedom and happiness is maximised and where it is overbearing (Stalin’s USSR, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia etc), the murder of tens of millions is its legacy.

    However, where government was negligible (eg: the century* after the founding of the Republic), tyranny was least, freedom had reached its pinnacle and government as a percentage of GDP was tiny.

    (* Of course this period of relative harmony was interrupted briefly by what is wrongly referred to as the American Civil War – which is better described as the War of Northern Aggression.
    In that pointless war, the tyrannical Lincoln acted unconstitutionally in not allowing the southern states to secede from the Union and he initiated this war of aggression.
    This was a classic example of government overreach and contravened the principles set forth by the Founding Fathers).

    This period heralded the greatest increase in living conditions for the ordinary man in recorded history, up to that point.

    As Thomas Jefferson said (slightly paraphrased): ‘The government that governs best, is the one that governs least’.

    As for the evidence that the pro-vaxxers are craven wretches that have inferiority complexes and were bullied as children, you need only open your eyes to see the proof omnipresent around you.

    Cowards, by definition, need to gang up in numbers to fight an opponent. They won’t fight one-on-one.
    That’s where Big Government comes in. They’re attracted to it like a fly to cow dung.

    With the backing of Big Government, said pathetic cowards like yourself (and most of the rabid pro-vaxxers), can enforce their will over others and achieve a level of control over us (those who want to live our lives unhindered by the busy-bodies), that they would never be able to attain otherwise.

    An analogy is the way it translates to a murderous U.S foreign policy.

    People with your mentality Punch-drunk Brother, are attracted to politics and through that, they are able to exercise their imperialistic ambitions by advocating for war against some third world cesspool, usually some desperately poor region inhabited by brown or black skinned peoples.
    You rape and pillage their resources and imagine yourself being hailed in the history books as the next ‘Alexander the Great’.

    The REALITY though, is that these vile scum (like Woodrow Wilson, LBJ, Bush 43, Tony Blair etc), are just Chicken-Hawks.
    They would never enlist as front line troops to fight these wars themselves. They’ll send the sons and daughters of others to do the actual fighting.

    REAL warriors are the likes of JFK. He saw firsthand the carnage of war.
    That’s why he went out of his way to make sure a major conflagration never erupted again.

    My words are, no doubt, wasted on you. Go back to worshipping your boyhood hero LBJ and his ilk. Go back to snitching on your neighbours for Covid restriction violations.

    Go back to your government job, knowing all the while that your government paycheque will still arrive (as the private sector and your country haemorrhages around you).

    • Agree: John Wear, Robjil
  1036. @niceland

    Like most of the time, you shared a good comment. I don’t know it there exist a way to translate a video but Professor Didier Raoult talks again about the people who could be vaccinated.

    On the mental sanity front, a group of psychologists has made a petition that is definitely worth reading, like the work of Ariane Bilheran.

    It is a thing you Icelandic don’t experience, a wide psychiatric crisis after the inepts lockdowns (2 millions fined 135 euros ), absurd curfew (same penalties), constant propaganda (in the streets, supermarkets, train station, bus stations etc, etc… Permanent contradictory injonctions leading to cognitive dissonance…

    I think it is better for you to manage to translate by ourself than editing long translated articles… A I right?


    French speaking countries include Belgium, Swiss, France, Québec, Sénégal Côte d’Ivoire etc…. These are countries with high level of instruction, harboring international scientific institutions and differents point of view than the “five eyes” countries because of different histories… I don’t think necessary to redact a ten pages long comment ” à la Raches’, you guys are clever enough to understand what I mean.

    Take care

  1037. Adrian says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Nuance is a wonderful thing …

    As for why many super high IQ people are vaxx-resistant, I’d just put that down to them being spergs, with that condition being often concomitant with varying degrees of schizophrenia, paranoia or just plain old casuistry/over thinking.

    these godless, soulless libertarians,

    Yes – I agree, “nuance is a wonderful thing.”

    • Replies: @Raches
  1038. anon[412] • Disclaimer says:

    Red Cross issues warning to stop blood plasma donations from vaccinated people

    If you took a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine,” the American Red Cross will not accept blood plasma donations from you due to the inherent toxicity issues caused by the injection.

    As it turns out, convalescent plasma should only be collected from the unvaccinated who still have clean blood that has not been contaminated with deadly spike proteins and other chemicals that threaten to kill those who receive blood transfusions.

    Thanks to “Operation Warp Speed,” there is now a massive shortage of pure blood in the United States that has not been tainted with genetic modifications and other damage. Mass vaccination, in other words, is effectively killing people who desperately need unvaccinated blood but cannot find it.

    A now-archived document from the American Red Cross explains that anyone who takes “any type of COVID vaccine” is “not eligible to donate convalescent plasma” because of the serious risks involved.

    “One of the Red Cross requirements for plasma from routine blood and platelet donations that test positive for high-levels of antibodies to be used as convalescent plasma is that it must be from a donor that has not received a COVID-19 vaccine,” the document explains.

    Scientifically speaking, it is critical for those receiving donor blood to have sufficient antibodies directly related to their own immune systems. Tainted blood from vaccinated people does not qualify.

    “This is to ensure that antibodies collected from donors have sufficient antibodies directly related to their immune response to a COVID-19 infection and not just the vaccine, as antibodies from an infection and antibodies from a vaccine are not the same.”
    Red Cross discontinues convalescent plasma donation program entirely after FDA rule change

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) apparently thinks differently about vaccinated blood.

    A new document on the Red Cross website now explains that because the FDA “allows people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine to donate dedicated COVID-19 convalescent plasma,” the Red Cross has decided to discontinue its convalescent plasma donation program entirely.

    “The FDA allows people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine to donate dedicated COVID-19 convalescent plasma within six months of their infection of the virus, based on data that antibodies from natural infection can decline after six months however, the Red Cross has discontinued our convalescent plasma collection program,” the new document explains.

    In other words, it would appear as though the Red Cross is not comfortable continuing to collect and administer convalescent plasma from people who took the jab, even though the FDA claims that doing so is completely safe.

    This type of thing is par for the course for the FDA, which rarely promotes policies that benefit actual human beings. The agency really is nothing more than an extension of Big Pharma that does whatever is necessary to keep the profits flowing – even at the expense of human life.

    “The antibodies naturally produced by covid infection actually work,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press.

    “The antibodies artificially produced by covid vaccines do not work as well, and actually wipe out the natural covid antibodies. This is why vaccinated people are increasingly becoming significantly ill with covid.”

    Another commenter wrote that the Red Cross is denying that it does not accept convalescent plasma from vaccinated people, even though the document on its website claims otherwise.

    “The FDA says that you can donate convalescent plasma within six months of infection, even if you’ve been vaccinated,” this person wrote, calling it a “legal lie.”

    “But the Red Cross guidelines prohibit them from using convalescent plasma if the individual has been vaccinated.”

    Sources for this article include:

  1039. @John Wear

    You write, in referencing Rachel (aka Raches, aka Nurse Ratched, aka Wretched):

    I am not sure what you are attempting to accomplish with your lengthy posts. However, as many people on this discussion thread will probably tell you, I don’t think your posts are worth anyone’s time responding to.

    I can tell you exactly what Rachel has set out to accomplish – and that is to BORE US TO DEATH with her disingenuous drivel.

    And she’s been mighty successful at it.

    That Rachel, a core constituent of the Axis of Disinformation (includes the likes of ‘utu’, Johnson & Johnson, ThatWouldBeTrolling, and new inductees L.K and Punch-drunk Brother), has the audacity to be going around impugning the sincerity of others and calling them liars, when she is by far the worst offender, beggars belief.

    Ohhhh …. the irony of it all.

    • Agree: John Wear
  1040. Erebus says:

    Thanks for your considered reply.

    It’s difficult to respond to bold predictions about the upcoming terrible aftermath of vaxxing in 18 months. I guess we have to see about that.

    That is of course correct, but as a matter of personal caution one can react by doing nothing.

    Taking one’s chances with Covid seems eminently more sensible to me than taking a positive action that flies in the face of the advice being given by “A” Team scientists, undeniably world class experts in their field. The fact that it appears I’d be taking my chances with Covid regardless of what I decided does nothing to dissuade me from doing nothing.

    The most astonishing thing about this whole vaxxine episode is how the Precautionary Principle has been tossed aside as if it mattered not a wit. The PP has dictated the introduction of every new technology for 100 yrs. It has been codified into law and requires that new cars, aircraft, baby carriages, microwave ovens, etc etc all have to be fully tested before they’re certified for sale to the public.

    Genuinely new technologies like new aeronautic suites, driverless cars, drone deliveries, new nuclear technology etc have to undergo years, even decades of testing before a host of safety agencies sign off on it. One missing document, one part of one test missing, one adverse result, and approval is denied pending correction for these and all normal products and technologies.

    Meanwhile, all the agencies stood down to make way for a technology with a troubled history and which had never before been approved for humans, and allowed it to be injected into 100s of millions with no hope of reversing whatever happened.

    We obviously differ when it comes to covid and I am somewhat surprised how skeptical you are.

    I realize we are where we are and it is what it is, but as someone who’s gone through one Agency Approval process or another more times than can remember, this “we have to see about that” attitude is simply astonishing.

    It flies in the face of everything we’ve been doing for the past 100 yrs. Every time we’ve strayed from the Precautionary Principle, something bad happens. Bridges fall down, cars catch fire, child car seats let go, airplanes fall out of the sky, nuclear power plants melt down. The list goes on.

    GE’s top 3 nuclear engineers resigned rather than sign off on Fukushima. 40 yrs later, it melted down and destroyed large swaths of Japan’s tiny homeland. Boeing and the FAA may never recover from their lapse in vigilance that killed only ~300 before the world grounded the B737MAX, but there’s no grounding the vaxxines for the 100s of millions jabbed. There’s no “back to the drawing board” B737MAX v2 re-certification for them.

    Simply put, the vaxxed are like the pig in a bacon & egg breakfast. I choose to be like the chicken, and I advise anyone who will listen to choose likewise for as long as they have a choice.

  1041. @acementhead

    Cement-head, your updates are very much appreciated.

    The pro kill-jabbers just will not address the irrefutable stats you post that show Correlation (vastly greater number of Covid cases and mortality) = Causation (Death and Despair is worst in highly vaccinated countries).

    And of course, the kicker is that these stats are based on the OFFICIAL numbers being released by known-to-be corrupt western nations, who are under-reporting the actual catastrophe, according to VAERS whistleblowers, honest physicians within the system etc.

    Of course, the reality for the jabbed is FAR worse than this (possibly by orders of magnitude).

    The rationale for the rabid pro-vaxxers not wishing to confront the stark reality of being stupid enough to have been inoculated with toxins is straight forward enough.

    It’s too late to reverse course. The spike proteins are doing their mischief as I speak and said double-jabbers, to avoid having a nervous breakdown, have installed a protective firewall in their subconscious, which filters out the truth about the disastrous Covid vaxxes.

    It only allows in soothing information from Big Pharma, Fauci, Gates and the CDC, that reassures them that they’ve done the right thing in enriching the executives of pharmaceutical giants via their generous stock options holdings.

    Klaus Schwab is also proud of you double-jabbers.

    When the ‘reset’ is initiated, you will be reset (six feet under), and you will be happy.

  1042. @Adrian

    I’m lucky my son is 5 – I have pre-emptively refused the jab for him at his school, and I will pull him and homeschool if it is forced.. although the UK isn’t there just yet. (give it a month!)

    Almost all of my friends have had it, they all watched Netflix through the lockdowns, and now barely tolerate me, because if covid comes up I demand they read at least some scientific research before exhaling. As you said, we are now all right wingers because we don’t agree with the state! (They don’t read enough to even know there are anti-statists on the left!)

  1043. Erebus says:

    Thanks cementhead.
    I think all of these numbers will stay in flux. They’ll move with the variants, the treatment protocols, the vaxxination rates, vaxxine deterioration and (unfortunately) the politics. The big thing to look out for is morphing definitions of “cases”, “breakthrough cases”, etc.

    The picture is now much clearer than a few months ago. The vaxxines offer limited upside and unlimited downside. Any betting man knows how to play that that one.

  1044. JimDandy says:

    So, now the president of Guinea has been arrested in an apparent coup. The Guinea president wasn’t an anti-vaxxer, but… he very publicly took the Sputnik vaccine!


    • Thanks: Robjil
  1045. @Raches

    I call myself an observer of human nature. I like to look at the world through other people’s eyes. But then, I return to myself—because they are not me, and they are not me “but in different circumstances”. To say that negates both my ego and theirs, and deïndividuates absolutely everyone.

    I disagree. You are in your circumstances and so you are different. These circumstances even include limitations of your body, such as cognitive processing power.

    I also notice how this is another argument you have for why your ego must hold on extremely tight. Otherwise you’ll be “absolutely’ deindividuated or fit some pathological label like “them.”

    “Wild Man’s” advice that you might set your ego on receive, clarify and enable is one you might consider, for at least some of the time. Gripping to reality too tightly can make for an extremely arid experience.

    I’d also suggest that letting go of your ego completely, at points, might be fun. “Absolute deindividuation” might also be called “connection.”

    Some people can do it to deeply understand the other, to swim in their sea. You will notice it in How they have natural, long, peaceful pauses in conversation, in which they aren’t desperately thinking, they are just looking, even if their eyes are closed.

    You’d likely be excellent at this stuff given the rest of what you have written. If you have dreams and fantasies of self-sacrifice, this is what they’re likely about.

    • Replies: @Raches
  1046. @Wild Man

    fugue state (which quickly becomes masked)

    I always know what subjects will put people most clearly into that fugue state. If I push, I can watch their anxiety overwhelm them and they likely won’t even remember the conversation the next day. I find it extremely surreal. How can they not even recognise what they are afraid of?

    I add this because the state you identify is not an absolute. It lessens and tightens its grip in different circumstances. It is a filter, that everyone seems to have, which you might identify with fear, and It can tighten to strongly that it completely removes aspects from an individual’s picture of their internal and external worlds that they are not able to deal with right now.

    I agree that this can render other people, for them, merely phantoms and it allows people to engage in behaviour that they sincerely and consciously would never do.

    It is also possible to push people away from this state. You can either validate them and keep the subject to only those that they find gratifying to their ego and unthreatening, or you can be such a comforting presence that they don’t tighten up even when their anxieties are piqued.

    I find this all very frustrating. I watch people fighting their own phantoms, which now overlayed onto others, makes the others collateral damage and I struggle to keep in mind that there can be no other way, in this moment. There’s often no good option to help and helping by the “comforting” process I identified earlier, which is most effective and feels most loving, essentially means becoming the best version of the phantom they need to see; with the constant danger that I become that which most needs to be collaterally damaged. I do like, however, how the moment then becomes balanced.

    If my hypothesis ends up being somewhat accurate ….. well, …. counterintuitively, I think psychopaths should therefore elicit our greatest compassion and empathy … what a nightmare reality to have to operate.

    Yes. Times infinity. Though there’s no harm in being cautious when it comes to practical realities!

    • Thanks: Wild Man
  1047. Yevardian says:
    @Ron Unz

    Sure, I think most of your criticisms are generally correct, and I remember being very shocked and disappointed when I discovered he was an anti-vaxxer, with lots of other foolish beliefs. But I was equally shocked and disappointed when many of my regular columnists like Mike Whitney, Paul Craig Roberts, Israel Shamir, and Gilad Atzmon began promoting more or less similar ideas, widely endorsed and echoed by such a substantial fraction of the longtime commenters on this website.

    Hm. I did notice that around this period, Andrew Anglin’s articles began regularly appearing here, and if I recall correctly, he was among the very earliest people of some influence peddling flu-hoaxery, and then against vaccination.
    Granted, it’s not his general focus, but he does ostensibly hold those opinions as trenchantly as any columnist here. Although iirc, you’ve mused that he’s not quite sincere in this, and simply noticed that the overwhelming majority of his audience were floomers, and decided it wasn’t worth fighting over.

    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Raches
  1048. @Bugey libre

    Ever wonder why when you get together in a band of your plucky little “the psychopaths are out there” group, there’s so much drama and you can’t peacefully get along?

    Why it is, therefore, impossible for you to organise en masse both politically and peacefully in a sustained manner?

    Is it the bad, unprocessed energy from “out there” or, since it follows you around, might it not have a more intimate source?

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  1049. mike99588 says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    People with high IQ, suitable degrees and industrial biological experience may realize that the vaccine risks are understated, under reported, liability waivered, and already obsolete against better options with diligent prophylaxis and early, early treatment.

    High blood levels of vitamin D, 50-100 ng appear beneficial against infection and severity. Ditto various analyses and clinical experience with *adequately dosed* ivermectin, far beyond vaccines’ performance with variants. This is just the tip of the spear for off label treatments.

    To me, the boobs are those clinging to vaccine *alone* with significant exposures, without additional chemistry. In my neck of the woods right now, they’re often getting seriously sick and frequently dying (SE asian hotspot).

    • Agree: John Wear
  1050. Emslander says:
    @Bugey libre

    But isn’t it good that this discussion has reached the philosophical level? It’s there that we find the core antigens to these virulent people now trying to infect every detail of our lives, using debt (future earnings) and bad science as backup. The modern world went on too long assuming that practical politics of an endlessly interventionist bias could solve every problem.

    The psychopaths informing every western nation of our fears have got to be silenced and thrown into institutions where they can deal with their personal fear of death on their own. Let healthy psyches rule for a change at a very local level.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  1051. @Punch Brother Punch

    I seemed to have knocked you out the last time, but since you are already up and about, it’s time for another punch.

    unless you’re one of these godless, soulless libertarians, in which case you’re constitutionally incapable of nuance.

    You accuse the anti-vaxxers of being “godless, soulless” because according to you they don’t care about the common good, and they will accuse you of the same thing because, they say, you want to enslave the population in the service of “world totalitarianism” (not to mention your racism).

    This moralistic battle of words is totally counterproductive, as is calling your enemies ‘libertarians’. Do not insult the enemies of the State unless you have something to show for the State’s actions. And all you have to show so far is incompetence and a planetary disaster. The anti-vaxxers are too small a group to take the blame for that disaster.

    • Disagree: utu
    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1052. Emslander says:

    This is a very useful thread of comments. It might be more useful if its sponsor were somewhat more receptive to views that contradict his or his sponsors’.

    At any rate, he needs to start a new thread because this one is very slow in reacting to posts.

    • Agree: emersonreturn
  1053. @peterAUS

    Masses of people in developed world feel something is wrong with this. The problem is they lack mental faculties to understand it. Let alone to do something about it.
    They need leadership.


    The Satanic Globalists have had decades to quietly infiltrate and subvert the machinery of government and position their forces to strike.

    The clueless lemmings, meanwhile, despite having overwhelming numerical superiority, have had the framework of their world ripped out from under them, and are now battling confusion and inertia just to reorient themselves, let alone to organise any defence.

    I thought (past tense) that sites like this could develop that leadership. A mistake. Purpose of sites like this, currently, is ………something else.

    Sites like this serve only to offer a red-pill to those who otherwise have the intellect but not the information to make sense of what’s going on. That in itself may save some lives.

    This isn’t a boot camp for leaders. Best those deals be done in private.

    • Agree: Bugey libre
    • Replies: @peterAUS
  1054. Emslander says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    People with your mentality Punch-drunk Brother, are attracted to politics and through that, they are able to exercise their imperialistic ambitions by advocating for war against some third world cesspool, usually some desperately poor region inhabited by brown or black skinned peoples.

    Take it from a man experienced with these losers and the work that they do. No one would stoop to the mindless drivel of writing memoranda and backstabbing if it weren’t for a psychically deranged childhood.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1055. Alfred says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    They were never “untested,” if you were honest back in December you could have made a case for under- or insufficiently tested. Pardon me for shouting, BUT THE EXPERIMENTS HAVE BEEN RUN! On hundreds of millions of people, and we still refuse to die per your schedule. “Treatment” is just trying to redefine a word coined in the 18th Century and still being correctly used.

    How about some data? 🙂

    CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021

  1056. @Erebus

    VERY powerful statement! Highly concur.

    • Thanks: Erebus
  1057. Raches says:

    [Punch Brother Punch said:]

    Nuance is a wonderful thing …

    [Very closely snipped quotes, which seem to lack nuance.]

    Yes – I agree, “nuance is a wonderful thing.”

    Context is a wonderful thing: It is a prerequisite for nuance.

    • Agree: Punch Brother Punch
    • Troll: Erebus
    • Replies: @Adrian
  1058. dario says:

    List of possible adverse events to the vaccines (FDA):


    -Guillain-Barré syndrome
    -Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
    -Transverse myelitis
    -Narcolepsy and cataplexy
    -Acute myocardial infarction
    -Autoimmune disease
    -Pregnancy and birth outcomes
    -Other acute demyelinating diseases
    -Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
    -Disseminated intravascular coagulation
    -Venous thromboembolism
    -Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
    -Kawasaki disease
    -Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
    -Vaccine enhanced disease

    Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation “CBER Plans for Monitoring COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness”
    (Slide 16/17 of the presentation: FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines)

    • Thanks: John Wear
  1059. Raches says:

    [utu replies to self and says:]

    Just FYI:

    [Pop hipster definitions of “pseudo science”, “para science”, “junk science”, and “fraudulent science”. Unsourced, so we may presume that “utu” claims original authorship—otherwise, it is plagiarism. The ridiculous “spend more effort on [this] than on the effort of [that]” construction suggests that the original author was a liberal pseudointellectual—so, perhaps utu.]

    Pop quiz: Which of these four methodologies do you apply to indulging your Internet sockpuppet paranoia? It seems to be either “pseudo science”, which you define as “when you spend more effort on confirming hypotheses that you like than on the effort of [sic] disproving them”, or “fraudulent science”, which you define as “when you cheat”.


    In grandparent comment, utu said:

    Hunting for the theory confirmation that anti-vaxxers engage is a classical example of pseudo-science where due to the confirmation bias contradictory data are not searched for and the confirming data are not scrutinized for their quality and other hidden variables.

    My, you are audacious. You are like a priest who went to a whorehouse to preach the virtue of chastity, paused to try the wares on offer, and then resumed his sermon without missing a beat.

    I offer this simile without any intent to offend whores, who have nobler principles than anti-vaxxer fanatics, and who accordingly offer far greater value to society. As for myself, I disclaim that I have any Christian virtues whatsoever. ®

  1060. @utu

    Para science when you go through motions resembling science that on the surface seems to be methodologically valid but which lead to fooling yourself, your fanboys and reviewers of friendly journals.

    Richard Feynman coined the term cargo cult science for this after observing it in the Third World, Brazil if I remember correctly (somehow that detail is left out of the Wikipedia article).

    • Agree: utu
    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  1061. @emersonreturn

    would happily take the sputnik V…but we are not allowed a choice in canada. AZ, if the brits had taken up russia’s offer to combine research & work with them may have avoided their clotting issue, & i might have considered it but as i have heart & stroke issues it’s not really an option. the sputnik V is reportedly ninety percent effective against all variants. so why aren’t we allowed to take it? something in the contract nation’s sign with big pharma.

    Perhaps…. But much more likely is the sheer inability of Russia and all of their partners to make the second dose in large quantities. Argentina is the only one to get past test batches so far, and per the press release 995,125 doses of the first but only 152,500 of the second.

    No one has been able to crack this problem with its unique Ad5 strain of adenovirus; Ad26 is used for the first, as well as by Janssen, and pretty much everyone is not getting the yields they’d like for this class of grown in human cell culture vaccines. Turns out depending on the old workhorse bacteria E. Coli for your only step involving an organism and doing the rest in vitro allows Pfizer, Moderna etc. to do much better in mass manufacturing their simple mRNA vaccines.

    Another issue reported by Brazil was traditional Russian secrecy, their FDA equivalent wasn’t allowed to visit all the places they needed to. They also reported chaotic manufacturing records, and the latest vaccine headline from Brazil is their turning thumbs down on one or more lots of a PRC vaccine because it was made in a factory they hadn’t inspected. All of these are big roadblocks if you care about policing quality; see the Emergent BioSolutions debacle in Baltimore, Maryland USA for another example, that company’s core competence is politics, not manufacturing, and now through four Presidential administrations two each from our two parties. Last time I checked, within the last 2-3 weeks or so, the FDA still hadn’t approved the factory for shipping Janssen doses.

    • Replies: @Robjil
  1062. @anon

    You are confused about the details of what convalescent is used for, treating other people with active COVID infections (which as I recall was not sufficiently safe and effective to be favored anymore). Western vaccines currently only target the spike protein, whereas natural immunity at minimum also targets the “N” nucleocapsid protein and is therefore much preferred when you’ve got scads of people who recovered recently enough from a COVID infection to draw blood from. Which in the US continue to be all too plentiful thanks to our widespread “vaccine hesitancy,” which you are not helping by promoting falsehoods.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  1063. @Truth Vigilante

    LOL, literally every trait you attribute to me here is wrong.

    LBJ is my “boyhood hero?” Really? Is it likely that an LBJ fan would be drawn to a website like Have you read Ron Unz’s American Pravda series? Or the articles about the Kennedy Assassination? LBJ is kind of a villain around here.

    You seem to have divined (incorrectly) through astral projection that I have a “government job,” since I’ve provided no reason for you to assume this.

    Thank you for wasting my time, confirming my belief that libertarians are idiots, and that I was right to accuse you in my earlier comment of being a presumptuous jackass who makes sweeping and wildly inaccurate generalizations about people he doesn’t even know.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  1064. @Triteleia Laxa

    If you are really interested in the way psychopaths of all kind subdue political organisations, I strongly recommend you the book Political Ponerology. A web site has been dedicated to it’s content. I am shure you will find the finest food for thoughts. In France, it took time because it wasn’t widely advertise, but many intellectuals have read it now and wrote articles about it’s content. Good reading

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1065. Tony Hall says:

    “When you give people freedom of speech……” That’s slippery slope. It would be more precise to indicate that at Unz Review the commenters right of free speech is respected, not handed down as if from an omnipotent King to an obedient subject. Given the cancellation of our basic liberties by corrupt officials who nowadays have renounced the Lockean thesis that the power of governance emanates from the consent of the governed, it may seem that free speech is a gift from above rather than an inherent human right. This whole business about informed consent and the Nuremberg Code has important implications that nurture the maladies plaguing many aspects of the ailing relations relations between citizens and our governments.

    • Agree: Wild Man
  1066. @Emslander

    Yes, I have a lengthy history of advocating for imperialistic aggression against the pitiable blacks and browns of the third world (possibly as compensation for the stultifying and emasculating atmosphere at my “government job.”) One can see this if they go through my comment history. The jingoism, the racist bloodlust and demands to invade foreign countries. It’s there, right?

    “writing memoranda?” – what does this even mean? I write notes in an office?

    “and backstabbing” – who have I stabbed in the back?

  1067. @Emslander

    Indeed, the conversation has reached another level and that is a very good thing. It looks more and more like the free lunches and bars in some streets of France. I am very thankful and grateful for the sincere commentator’s inputs, whatever their position have been.

    “health pass, resistance in St Antonin Noble Val and many other villages”

    In st Antonin-Noble-Val, all but one bar refuse to request the ‘passe totalitaire’ to the customers (smile)

    We had lunch on a terrasse today. Yep! A lawyer has found that we can pretend, ”on honnor”, that we did perform an autotest, we download the paper on the web site, fill it, et voilà!

    Take care

  1068. @That Would Be Telling

    Your explanation for the origin of the term is completely wrong. It has nothing to do with Brazil. Your statement that the Wikipedia article leaves it out is also wrong.

    The term has its origin not in any of Feynman’s personal experience, but in the anthropological penomenon of cargo cult, which was observed in people living in the South Seas.

  1069. @Brás Cubas

    You accuse the anti-vaxxers of being “godless, soulless”

    Can you read? I called libertarians “godless, soulless,” not anti-vaxxers. You blockquoted me right before you wrote this!

    I’m a racist? Yawn…

    You know nothing about my racial attitudes, other than what you infer from some verbal asides I’ve made about white people having interests, Jewish power and influence, and the dangers of mass third world immigration…all of which are common themes explored on this website.

    I don’t say the American state has something to show for its actions, but the Chinese state, for example, might. Libertarians like to talk about “The State” as if it’s a monolithic entity, when there are many different “states.” Nor will we ever live in a world where there are no “states.”

    Libertarians need to put down the pipe and engage with reality.

    • Agree: L.K
  1070. Wild Man says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Hello again TWBT. I know that this ‘“N” nucleocapsid protein’ issue is much different than the pre-fusion configuration issue, of the spike protein, as outlined in this article that you linked back on August 1st:

    But if you wouldn’t mind, I would like to revisit this pre-fusion configuration issue, of the S (spike protein). What I don’t understand is: …. if the mRNA vaxxes force the expression of the spike protein on cell surface, for presentation to the immune system vectors, as antigen, …. is said artificial expression of said spike protein of the desired pre-fusion configuration? If so, how does said artificially expressed spike protein, then anchor to cell surface? Isn’t the post-fusion configuration, the configuration that allows for the spike protein to bond to ACE2 receptors on cell surface during wild sars-cov-2 infection, be the necessary configuration, in order for said vaxx-induced artificially expressed spike protein to bond to cell surface? Or is the anchoring of the vaxx-mediated artificially expressed spike protein, on cell surface, by means not involving inside-out specific metabolic pathways of the ACE2 receptor? If so, by what means?

    I suppose we need to know in detail, what the answer to this question is, because, production of antibodies to the post-fusion configuration, primarily, pretty much guarantees that such vaccine would be non-sterilizing – right? (i.e. – forcing the production of antibodies that only recognize the spike protein in the configuration it takes after cell infectivity has already taken place).

    I hope this time you can help me out …. and answer this very specific question, if you happen to know how to answer it … but if you are not sure …. I certainly would appreciate you pointing me in the direction of studies that might talk about this issue, if indeed there still is some uncertainty that may prevail, virology and vaccinology-wise, over this very narrow (but I think critical) topic.

    Of course, further questions would follow, if we embark on this narrow topic.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @Wild Man
  1071. Robjil says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Mexico is now making Sputnik V. Thus, many American citizens could go to Mexico to get a vaccine if we really must vaccine. What can our beloved USA gov say about that? Most American citizens do not hate other nations. Our gov. hates many other nations with a passion. Russians are humans just like us. If it works on them, then it will work on us.

    The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) has announced the production of a test batch of the Russian Covid-19 vaccine, Sputnik V, in Mexico.

    With this production, Mexico has become the first North American country to register and launch local production of the vaccine, which will be used in the country’s national vaccination programme.

    The production of Sputnik V, which can be stored in a conventional refrigerator, in the country was organised by RDIF and Mexican pharmaceutical firm Laboratorios de Biológicos y Reactivos de México (BIRMEX).

    So far, the Russian vaccine has been registered in around 67 countries across the world.

    It is also claimed to be one of the safest and effective coronavirus vaccines according to the data obtained from countries, including Argentina, Bahrain, Mexico, Serbia, Hungary, UAE and other places where it has been distributed.

    • Replies: @utu
  1072. @Bugey libre

    I am not interested in the political projections of people who identify as so innocent that they see evil everywhere, but if you ever decide you no longer want to live in a world that feels like it is haunted by evil psychopaths around every corner then please let me know.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @Bugey libre
  1073. @Truth Vigilante

    When the ‘reset’ is initiated, you will be reset (six feet under), and you will be happy.

    Your gloating tone is duly noted.

    You do realize that if hundreds of millions or even billions of people begin dropping dead from the vax over the coming years then civilization will collapse and you will be inhabiting a Mad Max-like post-apocalyptic wasteland, don’t you?

    I suppose as you scrounge for food and gas and clean drinking water, while trying to avoid becoming the prey of marauding bands of killers and rapists, you can console yourself with the thought, “We owned the kill-jabbers!”

    The Great Reset paranoiacs seem to maintain a contradiction in their thinking: on the one hand, Bill Gates and the rest of the satanic pedo New World Order elites view us as tax livestock to be exploited for their profit; on the other hand, they want to kill us all, thereby depriving themselves and rendering the planet barely habitable and unprofitable.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  1074. utu says:
    @Brás Cubas

    Perhaps he never used the term cargo cult referring to science in Brazil but he got pretty close when talking about science education in Brazil:


    So I tell them that one of the first things to strike me when I came to Brazil was to see elementary school kids in bookstores, buying physics books. There are so many kids learning physics in Brazil, beginning much earlier than kids do in the United States, that it’s amazing you don’t find many physicists in Brazil – why is that? So many kids are working so hard, and nothing comes of it.

    Then I gave the analogy of a Greek scholar who loves the Greek language, who knows that in his own country there aren’t many children studying Greek. But he comes to another country, where he is delighted to find everybody studying Greek – even the smaller kids in the elementary schools. He goes to the examination of a student who is coming to get his degree in Greek, and asks him, “What were Socrates’ ideas on the relationship between Truth and Beauty?” – and the student can’t answer. Then he asks the student, “What did Socrates say to Plato in the Third Symposium?” the student lights up and goes, “Brrrrrrrrr-up” – he tells you everything, word for word, that Socrates said, in beautiful Greek.

    What this Greek scholar discovers is, the students in another country learn Greek by first learning to pronounce the letters, then the words, and then sentences and paragraphs. They can recite, word for word, what Socrates said, without realizing that those Greek words actually mean something. To the student they are all artificial sounds. Nobody has ever translated them into words the students can understand.

    I said, “That’s how it looks to me, when I see you teaching the kids ‘science’ here in Brazil.” (Big blast, right?)

    • Agree: Brás Cubas
  1075. peterAUS says:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    Sites like this serve only to offer a red-pill to those who otherwise have the intellect but not the information to make sense of what’s going on. That in itself may save some lives.


    This isn’t a boot camp for leaders.

    Could’ve been a recruiting centre.

    Best those deals be done in private.


    From the “recruiting center” (a site like this), first into a (quick) “selection” (not everyone is a leadership material; nothing wrong with that) and then into the “training facility”.

    Missed opportunity.
    As things get worse, well, we’ll see……………….

  1076. @Brás Cubas

    Your explanation for the origin of the term [cargo cult science] is completely wrong. It has nothing to do with Brazil. Your statement that the Wikipedia article leaves it out is also wrong.

    The term has its origin not in any of Feynman’s personal experience….

    See Part 4 in Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! and search for “In regard to education in Brazil, I had a very interesting experience.” While he doesn’t come right out in that section and make the connection from his early 1950’s “teaching” to the end of the book which has his 1974 Cargo Cult lecture, this section and the rest of the book convinced me at the time that was the origin.

    Nobody trained in their education system could actually do physics, all they were doing was memorizing facts and formula they could only use in the way it was presented to them. When he tells them the hard truth, being that sort of guy, the exceptions he’d previously noted turned out to be one trained in Germany and another who taught himself during WWII when the professors had no time to teach.

    I could well be wrong about the cause and effect, it’s been a very long time since I read the whole book when it first came out and I only just now did a search to refresh my memory on the Brazilian part, but for now I’ll claim it’s at least a debatable point, and Wikipedia is very possibly right if it was a deduction of mine vs. stated somewhere.

    Edited in after uta’s contribution: what he quotes is from the relevant section in that book; click on the link and it’s the entire section all the way to the reaction of the State Department. Which is to keep the brown people ignorant.

    • Agree: Brás Cubas
    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  1077. utu says:

    This is just a test batch and they do not say whether they will produce the second dose which is harder to manufacture. . Scaling it up was the problem Russia had and still has in particular with the second dose. But supposedly Argentina is going to produce the second dose.

    In Vaccine Race, Russia Trips in Latin America ( August 12, 2021)

    “Why the delays? Part of the problem is that Sputnik V is challenging to manufacture, as its two doses have different compositions. This means each requires separate production facilities, adding cost and complexity to production. The RDIF also blamed the rapid scale-up for the delays. Even before Covid, there were few pharmaceutical plants in Russia, and the government had to convert old Soviet car factories into state-of-the-art facilities to meet demand. RDIF is also working with producers in 14 countries to begin manufacturing the vaccine abroad.”

    “Interestingly, Russia is also offering just the first dose of Sputnik V as a separate, single-dose vaccine, known as Sputnik Light. National regulators approved it in both Venezuela and Nicaragua.”

    ” Meanwhile, Argentina has begun producing second shots of Sputnik V domestically at the Laboratorios Richmond SA in Buenos Aires, with RDIF approval. Their goal is to produce 3 million doses of the second shot by the end of August.”

  1078. Wild Man says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    I for one, wouldn’t discount the idea that psychopathy tends to accrue at the top of power structures. There are good reasons why, once we became a species that gathered in groups much larger than about the 200, for which the human mind is well designed to keep track of, and know the personality quirks thereof ….. that such group-trait-selectivity operations could allow for the accrual of more psychopathy at the top of power structures, than perhaps what the group selectivity rate for psychopathy, would otherwise eventuate at the top of social power-structures, under the much smaller social circles that humanity primarily evolved within.

    In other words …. it’s very hard to spot psychopathy (and separate that from less socially-pathogenic personality quirks), unless you come to know such individual very very well. As such, in the modern world, intelligent psychopaths have more free rein to act without inhibitions to that action as forced by the social dynamic, than would likely be the case in social groups of 200 or so.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1079. @Triteleia Laxa

    The only thing I will let you know is that, from now on, I definitely won’t waste time for you.


  1080. utu says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    “Libertarians need to put down the pipe and engage with reality.” – Not likely. Most of them would have to undergo a serious deprograming or a catastrophic event.

    On libertarians by Alec Leamas:
    There was no push for libertarianism in an age when the so called libertarians were not protected by large nations as they are today, and were subject to large group competition. There were no sane, non-suicidal early Germanics, Levantines, or Romans looking to be “free” from their tribe. It would have meant death.

    Libertarianism is a frontier ideology and pipe dream for the modern world at best, and a malignant / subversive replacement ideology that played a large part in weakening our post WWII ethnic self defense against Marxist ideology at worst. Hint: it’s the latter. It’s not a coincidence that false conservative Jewish gatekeepers for the Right love libertarian ideology.

    And from utu:

    Young (usually male) minds are very susceptible to the simplistic abstraction of libertarian ideology. Inculcating young minds with it is the sole purpose of libertarianism. Joining libertarian discussion groups is like joining Komsomol in USSR. The end product are young simpletons ready to defend capitalist system in any discussions and confrontations just like Hunweibins were defending Mao’s China. What puzzles me are the old libertarian farts like Ron Paul or Fred Reed.

  1081. JimDandy says:

    Thanks. Do we happen to have data on the current spreading of Covid–comparing vaxxed people with the asymptomatic unvaxxed?

  1082. @Wild Man

    It is certainly possible that people who are insensitive to their own feelings except for pride, fear and ambition* may be disproportionately successful at reaching the top of the geopolitical pyramid, but that’s a far cry from justifying a political philosophy which conjectures that the whole world is controlled by “psychopaths.”

    *I assume this is what you mean by “psychopathy”. The other type, with the incredibly fragile egos, are unlikely to succeed at politics and will probably do like Icke.

    We also know from the friends and family of important politicians that they tend not to fit either profile.

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  1083. @Punch Brother Punch

    You know nothing about my racial attitudes,

    Don’t I? What are your comments worth, then? Are they meant to misguide people? Don’t bother to reply to that, I will not waste any further time with you, except for this:

    I don’t say the American state has something to show for its actions, but the Chinese state, for example, might.

    The Chinese State has been negligent and/or actively criminal and is quite possibly the main responsible for the start of this pandemic. It is more guilty than anyone else. It’s quite unlikely that anyone will change my opinion on that without substantive new evidence to the contrary. That being said, most other States (which could change to all States given enough time) have been appalingly bad.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1084. JimDandy says:

    Yo, how’s all my peeps doin’ today? It’s tha Dandy Dawg comin’ atchya with today’s MSM Covid headline:

    Identical twins: One was vaccinated for COVID, the other wasn’t; how’d they fare?

    Spoiler Alert! They both got Covid, but only the unvaxxed bro died! Daaaaaaaaaaaamn. Two different outcomes even though they was identical twins, y’all! Totally identical in every way. Except, if you read the whole article at some point they mention a couple differences–the brother who died got as fat at 400 pounds not long ago and, oh yeah, the dead one had diabetes and the other brother didn’t. But still! Identical twins, bro. Think about it.

    • Replies: @utu
  1085. L.K says:
    @Ron Unz

    Ron Unz to Raches:

    I think you were a little too hard on poor John Wear.

    He’s really done some pretty good work on gathering together a great deal of important information on World War II, and although he seems to have what I consider foolish ideas on some other subjects, I’m not sure that’s nearly as fatal as you seem to believe.

    You and I know that J Wear has written good articles about WW II because both of us have done our own research and therefore we are in a position to evaluate this particular facet of his writings – which are based on the work of those who have done the original research – in a way that 99.9% of people out there are not.

    NOW, if you had NOT done your homework on this topic, and you found his WW2 writings AND also his crazy COVID opinions and his even nuttier admiration of Icke and his IDIOTIC belief in reptilian Aliens from outer space ruling over us or something, how would you then judge the credibility of J. Wear’s WW2 writings, specially since this subject is so controversial? Would it make you more or LESS likely to pay attention to the rational part of his writings?

    It is NOT as if Wear’s other beliefs are just a bit off, they are RIDICULOUS. The man has obvious problems separating FACTS from FICTION. So why should anyone pay attention to the sane part of what he says re any controversial topic? So yes, people like J Wear can be pretty “fatal”.


    The problem is that if you remove any anti-establishment writers who make these sorts of blunders, the surviving list might grow rather small.

    True, but sometimes, LESS is actually BETTER.

    • Agree: Raches
  1086. utu says:

    Bobby (vaccinated who lived) 280 lb, no diabetes
    Billy (unvaccinated who died) more recently cut down to about 240 lb, diabetes which he developed when he hit 400 lb several years ago.

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  1087. John Wear says:

    Well, I am now being criticized again for my “crazy COVID opinions” and my “even nuttier admiration of Icke.”

    I don’t think my opinions about COVID are crazy. As I have previously stated, I don’t have a medical or scientific background. However, there are numerous doctors and scientists that question the official COVID narrative, including the following:

    1. Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O.
    2. Dr. Andrew Kaufman, M.D.
    3. Dr. Lee Merritt, M.D.
    4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, D.O.
    5. Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D.
    6. Dr. Lawrence Palevsky, M.D.
    7. Dr. Rashid Buttar, D.O.
    8. Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O.
    9. Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D.
    10. Judy Mikovits, PhD
    11. Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D.
    12 Dr. Andrew Wakefield, M.D.
    13. Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D.
    14. Sucharit Bhakdi, PhD
    15. Dr. Dan Stock, M.D.
    16. Geert Vandeen Bossche, PhD
    17. Michael Yeadon, PhD
    18. Dr. Vernon Coleman, M.D.
    19. Dr. Robert W. Malone, M.D.
    20. Dr. Simone Gold, M.D.
    21. Robert Young PhD
    22. Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D.
    23. Dr. Samantha Bailey, M.D.
    24. Dr. Ryan Cole, M.D.

    I don’t think I am crazy to listen to these doctors and scientists. Also, there are numerous doctors and scientists who are afraid to speak out for fear of the consequences.

    In regard to David Icke, how many of his books have you read? Have you really taken the time to understand what he says? James Bacque on pages 175-176 of the third edition of his book “Other Losses” gives some examples of people who said he was wrong or crazy without ever reading his book. I think you might be doing the same thing in regard to David Icke.

    • Thanks: Mehen
    • Troll: Raches
  1088. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    Lieber tot als Sklave!

    As you probably expected and desired, your comment invited extensive commentary on a topic infinitely more interesting than the vaccines: Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels!

    Since yesterday, I have spent hours preparing my replies. I say “replies” in the plural, because you also inadvertently raised a peripheral issue that I should address in the first installment of my response. I intend to separate my response on logical lines into several replies to my hereby comment.

    In summary:

    1. I am not an historian; I do not claim historical expertise, according to my own standards of scholarship. Furthermore, I have an historiographic position that I wanted to set forth in reply to That Would Be Telling in the last thread, in our discussion of Action T-4, “re history more broadly”. It applies here all the more (cf. the remark that I made about the Thule Society). In a nutshell: On vexed historical questions, I avoid claiming too much certainty, and I am suspicious of anyone who does. By “vexed”, I do not simply mean “controversial”; for a contrary example, the myth of a German program to exterminate the Jews is both inadequately supported by its affirmative proponents, and not only rebutted, but conclusively disproved by revisionists.

    2. As to Dr. Goebbels’ alleged incitement of Kristallnacht, I do not take Irving’s word as canonical—nor do I dismiss it. This is, of course, the principal issue that you raised; I will address it accordingly, in the proper context of #1. The cause of the Kristallnacht is not an issue that I have intently examined before, although I have read a few things about it that you probably didn’t see; thus, I don’t have a ready answer off the top of my head. Moreover and more importantly, it is what I consider a “vexed” question. My delay in reply is not from evasion, but rather, from significant time examining some references, and much more time spent simply thinking it over—partly to make sure that I am not being trapped by my obvious and candidly admitted biases. If everyone were so cautious, there would be much less nonsense in such discussions.

    By way of prelude, I hereby offer two more points:

    3. Lída Baarová was, in my opinion, a fetching example of the Nietzschean aphorism that women are “the most dangerous plaything”. Regardless of whether or not it had anything whatsoever to do with the Kristallnacht, the fallout from Dr. Goebbels’ excessive enthusiasm for his Liduschka was, shall we say, not his best moment.

    I think that every man, and every woman who in the least bit understands men (and women’s power over men), will acknowledge that every virile man’s greatest strength is also his worst weakness. At least, Dr. Goebbels did not lose his head as badly as the wretchedly besotted King Edward VIII of England did over Mrs. Simpson—an affair that had a profound impact on history; cf. “The Whilom King”, Liberty Bell, March 1987, pp. 5–7, in which Professor Oliver goes so far as to compare Mrs. Simpson’s “power to fascinate men” to that of Louise de Kéroulle, who had so infamously fascinated King Charles II of England. See also what I believe to be Professor Oliver’s last published articles in Liberty Bell, March 1994, in which at pp. 15f., he remarks on the likely historical impact of another affair: “…but Titus again [] reaffirmed the extraordinary status that the Seleucids had bestowed on Jews. Why did Titus reject the pleas of the Antiochenes? […] Titus had a quite shop-worn and almost middle-aged mistress, a Jewess who had some mysterious power to facinate him. …whom she so fascinated that she besotted him… and [he] even thought of marrying her…”

    At worst, the affair itself places Dr. Goebbels in the company of English kings and Roman Emperors. And thanks to the Führer’s authoritarian intervention, Liduschka’s fine feminine wiles were not so totally ruinous!

    4. Dr. Goebbels and Frau Magda Goebbels were not one of those fake political couples who wind up sleeping in separate bedrooms. I observe that in the aftermath of their marital spat in 1938 (which, to my understanding, they carefully concealed from their children), die kleine Heidrun “Heide” Goebbels was born on October 20, 1940; and amidst much historical video footage that I admire, I cherish as sacred the family videos that Frau Goebbels produced as birthday gifts for her husband in the early 1940s. This speaks decisively as to the character of both husband and wife: A wife made her husband videos of their children as gifts which she, who best knew him, knew he would dearly appreciate.

    When I watch these videos, I wish that I had such a family—and reflecting on my own childhood, I wish that I had grown up in such a family myself. Frau Goebbels is the mother I wish I had. I am much more defensive of her than of her husband. I observe that the event for which vile nitwits most often traduce her is that in the end, she did no differently for her children than ancient Germanic women did, in times when war rape and slavery were normal facts of life. By comparison,¹ when I was a Zionist² deeply embedded in Jewish circles, I always admired the Jews and Jewesses of the Masada; fair is fair. And as Professor Oliver remarked, if you can perpend Frau Goebbels’ and her children’s final moments “without catharsis, you have lost the ability to comprehend tragedy…. One can foresee a time when conscientious American parents may have the same concern for their children.” (Liberty Bell, February 1988, p. 8.)

    An old German proverb, which Hitler quoted as a motto in Mein Kampf and used as a banner slogan at early NSDAP meetings: “Lieber tot als Sklav,”³ ‘Better dead than a slave.’ It echoes Seneca’s aphorism that I have recently quoted, “qui mori didicit, servire dedicit,” ‘Who learns to die, unlearns to serve’ (n.b. that servire/servio evoked slavery, and was not ambiguous as English “to serve”). Cf. American Revolutionary firebrand Patrick Henry’s declaration, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” By iron logic, anyone who condemns the Führerbunker suicides is the enemy of not only of the Jews of the Masada and the ancient Germanic women, but also classical Roman moralists, and the U.S. Founding Fathers.

    A public request: Alas, I have only an incomplete set of low-quality digitizations of the Goebbels family videos. I have seen dealers in historical footage offering high-quality reproductions for hundreds of dollars. I do not want to pay money for this purpose to people who do not properly have any rights whatsoever to these videos, and who assuredly hate the Goebbels family; moreover, they only accept credit cards—whereas I only use anonymous cryptocurrency for such purposes, even when I do not have the principled objection hereby stated. If anyone could kindly direct me to some place that I could obtain better historical footage appropriately, I would appreciate that. Thanks. ®


    1. Arguendo, I hereby presume that Josephus’ account be true. Even if it be just another Jewish myth, its place in Jewish mythology would be equally relevant to the question of my perceptions—and to the widespread admiration of many Jews for alleged acts at the Masada, which were morally no different than the real-life heroic tragedy in the Führerbunker.

    2. I frankly admit that my past Zionism is relevant to my admiration of the German National Socialists: Historically and culturally relevant. And psychologically relevant for me, personally. When I was philojudaic, of course, I loved Zionism, which is the extreme logical conclusion of Jewish racism. I have always been a racist, in accord with healthy natural instincts; and as long as I loved Jews, my contempt for rhymes with triggers brought no objection from my whilom Jewish associates, who detested the shvartzes. Now that I have personally escaped from Jewish domination, I recognize that in many ways, Hitler simply adapted some empirically successful Jewish wisdom as a cultural bugfix on the worst Aryan genetic weaknesses.

    3. There are a few orthographic variants of Sklav/Sklave, including in NSDAP literature repeating this motto. Today’s Duden says “Sklave”, and does not know “Sklav”. I have here spelt the word according to a large banner in a photograph of an NSDAP meeting in the 1920s. German pedants are invited to comment on the development of this word after the 1902 orthographic reform.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1089. JimDandy says:

    You mad, bro? Your retort doesn’t even qualify as a quibble. Hitting the 400 pound mark is a significant difference and most likely created/amplified lasting, life-shortening health problems. But thanks for admitting the key point–the identical brothers were not identical, as only the dead one had diabetes, which, as you know, is one of the comorbidities most associated with Covid deaths. One of the fallacious implications of this article is that the other brother would have died without the vaccine.

  1090. Is there any way to see new comments at the top?

    • Replies: @JimDandy
  1091. @That Would Be Telling

    Both your and utu’s replies are very convincing. But when you say that Wikipedia could be right, I suspect I don’t quite understand you. Wikipedia is certainly correct, but it is simply talking about something else, which is the origin of the expression. It is indeed derived from a South Seas belief among their primitive people. But the concept, as applied to modern science education, is indubitably inspired by Feynman’s experience in Brazilian schools. I have no idea whether he acknowledged that inspiration. Perhaps you just inferred it, and if so you have inferred correctly in my opinion.

    Forgive me for my previous error, and forgive me about any misunderstanding of your reply.

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
  1092. @Brás Cubas

    My point was you can’t deduce the full extent of my thinking about a complex subject like race from a few brief comments. To do so would demonstrate a lack of…dare I say it?…nuance.

    Ron Unz has a series of articles on the possible origins of covid here on this website. I recommend reading them. It might help you attain a more nuanced take on the subject than just resorting to “muh evil Chinese Communist Party.” (so tiresome)

    I’m glad you won’t waste any more time on me. My interactions with you have been unnuanced to a disagreeable degree.

  1093. @utu

    There are many errors in that comment, and I don’t have the energy to address them all. I’ll stick to the “Alec Leamas” excerpt:

    There was no push for libertarianism in an age when the so called libertarians were not protected by large nations as they are today, and were subject to large group competition. There were no sane, non-suicidal early Germanics, Levantines, or Romans looking to be “free” from their tribe. It would have meant death.

    This is obviously correct, but it is no argument against libertarianism. It is the same reasoning by which Marx observed that Socialism only had a chance in advanced Capitalist societies. It’s History in action. Only infantile ideologues would put this conflict in terms of Good vs. Evil.

    Libertarianism is a frontier ideology and pipe dream for the modern world at best, and a malignant / subversive replacement ideology that played a large part in weakening our post WWII ethnic self defense against Marxist ideology at worst. Hint: it’s the latter. It’s not a coincidence that false conservative Jewish gatekeepers for the Right love libertarian ideology.

    My God, do you really believe that? “Ethnic self defense against Marxist ideology”? Does he mean Ayn Rand was really a Kremlin agent? Now that’s original. There’s real potential in this notion. If not for political science , certainly for political fiction.

    • Replies: @utu
  1094. @utu

    Agreed, and thanks for the links. They were salutary to read.

    I remember going to libertarian meet ups years ago before I was “woke” to anything and having the uneasy feeling of being the only one there who hadn’t imbibed the proverbial kool-aid. Everyone else was so convinced they’d found “The Way” to interpret the world. I remember thinking, “am I the only one here who thinks this is simplistic and could never work in the real world?”

    I’ve noticed an element of moralistic blackmail with libertarians whereby if you dare to even quibble with the tenets of their ideology they immediately turn on you with some variation of “WHAT?! ARE YOU AGAINST FREEDOM AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY?! ARE YOU SOME SORT OF LAZY PARASITE WHO WANTS TO LIVE OFF THE GOVERNMENT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE HARD-WORKING TAXPAYER?!” They are then likely to accuse you of being abused/neglected/spoiled/and/or/bullied as a child.

    This should make one suspicious. This is not the behavior of adherents to an ideology who have a confident, well thought out, comprehensive worldview. This is insecure, self-defensive lashing out.

    Discovering in recent years there’s a branch of dissident politics that actively rejects libertarianism and simplistic freedumb vs. Socialism binary squabbling, and is willing to investigate factors such as ethnic and resource competition that underlie ideologies and political parties has been incredibly invigorating for me.

    • Replies: @utu
  1095. Adrian says:

    Context is a wonderful thing

    : …

    Is that why you provide sooo much context in your posts?

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1096. @Raches

    Hard disagree. Murdering your own children is none of the things you describe. It is the ultimate in vanity instead.

    • Disagree: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1097. Mark Hunter says: • Website

    Could you furnish links to (archived) copies of the Red Cross pages?

    • Replies: @Erebus
  1098. geokat62 says:



    Everyone from clergy to politicians have repeatedly said we must “follow the science”. But have lockdowns, social distancing, masking, testing, and vaccination actually been following the science? In this powerful documentary, you’ll hear renowned scientists explain how the path we’re on may not be “following the science” at all…

    • Replies: @John Wear
  1099. Raches says:

    Hm. I did notice that around this period, Andrew Anglin’s articles began regularly appearing here, and if I recall correctly, he was among the very earliest people of some influence peddling flu-hoaxery, and then against vaccination.

    I began to write a reply to you here. Then, I realized that was three-quarters done with what became a 1,900-word comment on Mr. Anglin’s 1,900-word latest article, q.v.

    I have been intending to publish at least one takedown of Anglin. Thanks for giving the immediate impetus to get it done.

    Yes, I had fun gathering all those links.

    (The comment is in moderation at the time of this writing.)

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1100. JimDandy says:
    @Father Coughlin

    At the top of the article, it should show how many “new comments” there are since you last visited the article. If you click on the new comments, it will bring you down to them.

    • Thanks: Father Coughlin
  1101. Mehen says:

  1102. @Punch Brother Punch

    Yes Punch-drunk Brother, of course my statement was a generalisation and there will be exceptions to the rule.
    That said, big government authoritarians like yourself (since you’re anti-Libertarian, you are this by definition), would gravitate towards the likes of LBJ and his ‘Great Society’/Guns and Butter programmes.
    (You’re almost certainly a closet admirer of his – you just don’t know it).

    You may well not work in government at the moment (your substandard literacy and numeracy ensured you didn’t pass the minimal entrance requirements), but you certainly aspire to work side by side with other unproductive zombies and parasites.

    Meanwhile, even though he ran under the Republican ticket, the standout Libertarian politician in the U.S Congress of the last 50 years is Dr Ron Paul.

    If Libertarians are idiots, as you claim, then you’re smearing Ron Paul with the same brush.

    If you’re against Ron Paul, then you’re a warmongering, economically illiterate f*ckwit.
    Just go back to campaigning on behalf of your other favourite politicians in the U.S Congress right now – the likes of Lindsey Graham, Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer.

    The UR readers have got a pretty good grasp of what sort of person you are by now.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1103. Ron Unz says:

    From two threads ago, Mr. Unz, I inferred that the problem is that anti-vaxxers saying wrong things are distracting you from what you perceive as much more important wrong things…Anyway, I infer that your problem is not people saying things that you dislike, but people saying things that you dislike on subjects that you dislike. Do I read you right?

    Pretty close. The biggest problem was that when I was regularly running strident anti-vaxx articles as main features, they were drawing in huge hordes of fanatic anti-vaxxers from all across the Internet, who then spilled over into many of the unrelated comment-threads.

    I also was very irritated at how popular such crackpottery was becoming. I remember at one point I was horrified to discover that over the previous half year, 7 of our 8 most popular articles had been anti-vaxx screeds. (Even today, it’s still 4 of the top 5 and 6 of the top 8.) I began to fear that we were starting to challenge RFK, Jr. for the national leadership of the anti-vaxx movement.

    My compromise solution was to still be willing to run such pieces, but not as main features, and I think that’s worked out pretty well.

  1104. niceland says:

    I realize we are where we are and it is what it is, but as someone who’s gone through one Agency Approval process or another more times than can remember, this “we have to see about that” attitude is simply astonishing.

    It flies in the face of everything we’ve been doing for the past 100 yrs. Every time we’ve strayed from the Precautionary Principle, something bad happens. Bridges fall down, cars catch fire, child car seats let go, airplanes fall out of the sky, nuclear power plants melt down. The list goes on.

    You cite bold predictions from few experts who claim we will see catastrophic outcomes in the vaxxed group in the near future. Since many more experts don’t see this threat, and we are not seeing any signs of it as of yet, several months into mass vaccination programs in the west. My response is simply: we have to see about that. Like I said; it’s difficult to respond to such bold predictions. You even said this was “correct”

    So I wasn’t displaying any attitude concerning the ‘Precautionary Principle’ I was stating the lack of ability or will to react to these bold predictions for rather obvious reasons. So you are creating a straw-man from my alleged attitude towards the P.P – and then you proceed to attack it. I am not impressed.

    The gist of your post was excellent several months ago. Today, it’s still not bad, but -for better or worse- we have this massive drug experiment going on all around us. And while these vaccines leave much to be desired and do have some risk of side effects, even lethal. More or less the facts on the grounds show we are not facing some massive disaster because of them. Not at all!

    If I remember correctly it’s the mRNA vaccines that are going to cause the terrible outcomes in few months, according to aforementioned bold predictions. Well, since I don’t place much trust in experts here at home I have been looking around the neighborhood to see if they missed something. It turns out experts, both in Norway and Denmark were paying attention and both countries abandoned plans to use AstraZ and Janssen vaccines. The reason was the risk from blood-cloths is too high to justify using them. Judging by side-effect reports here in Iceland this was correct decision. This installs confidence, it seems health officials in Norway and Denmark are doing their job and have the knowledge and equipment necessary. Both countries continue using mRNA vaccines.

  1105. Adrian says:

    I read an interview with Adam Bandt in Jacobin. Adam Bandt is the federal leader of the Greens and the member for Melbourne.

    Now Melbourne is the city that thanks to the guidance of Victoria’s labor premier Daniel Andrews (aka Kim Yong Dan) has suffered most of the lockdowns. There have been bitter battles with the police there.

    I have nothing against the Greens. My, I have even occasionally voted for them . I don’t believe in “voter loyalty” – needs change.

    Now this interview with Bandt is amazing – literally ” out of this world”. There is no mention of the virus, of the lockdowns and of the vaccination campaign. Nothing.

    Bandt only goes on about the fact that during the lockdowns it became apparent that the usual unemployment relief was not enough to live on – as it probably isn’t (though my daughter, who has three degrees, has occasionally managed it). He also mentioned that Australian billionaires had become much richer during the crisis. How he knows that is not clear to me. The only billionaire I have heard of, Clive Palmer, leader of the United Australia Party, must have lost quite a bit of money, supplying free of charge thirty million doses of hydroxyl chloroquine to the Australian government (which declined to use them), posting most Australians with a leaflet about the dangers of vaccination and fighting the State of West Australia in the High Court about the hermetic sealing off of its borders which he reckoned was unconstitutional. The verdict went against him, plus costs. He is as far as I know now involved in another high court battle on behalf of Craig Kelly, the man intended to be the parliamentary leader of the party after the next election. Kelly was removed from facebook for his anti-vaccination stance.

    As I said before the two prime values of Western democracy are, so it seems to me, equality and freedom. They are hardly compatible. So how to keep a balance between them. To perform in politics the equivalent of the action of that legendary cat who in one of Holland’s many floods saved the life of a baby in a crib by jumping from one side to another. It seems to me that Bandt is sitting on the wrong side of the crib right now and that at the next wave freedom might go under altogether.

    I predicted in one of my posts a swing to the minor conservative parties because of its parlous state in this country right now. Bandt expects exactly the opposite. Well his eyes are more fixed on the ball than my own dim ones. He might be right. Alas.

    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante
  1106. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    I call myself an observer of human nature. I like to look at the world through other people’s eyes. But then, I return to myself—because they are not me, and they are not me “but in different circumstances”. To say that negates both my ego and theirs, and deïndividuates absolutely everyone.

    I disagree. You are in your circumstances and so you are different. These circumstances even include limitations of your body, such as cognitive processing power.

    You seem to have a case of unexamined premises here—or at best, unstated premises with an assumption that I must share them. Your argument is an extreme environmentalist argument, tantamount to Lysenkoism—except that you hedge by including “cognitive processing power” in an individual’s “circumstances”.

    What is the self, according to you?

    By logical implication, your argument reduces to the proposition that all humans are absolutely identical (and thus as I said, fungible) units—except for “circumstances”, which you define so broadly as to include “cognitive processing power”. I am actually not sure whether your argument is the exact antithesis of extreme predetermination—an idea that all of an individual’s characteristics, actions, and future destiny are somehow contained with him at birth, or even before birth—or your argument is extreme predetermination, which deprives the individual of every characteristic except what you call “circumstances”, perforce outside his control (for otherwise, there must be some non-circumstantial self to do the controlling), thus setting for him a course that can be perfectly predicted at each point from cradle to grave by anyone with sufficient knowledge of his circumstances. Either way, you preach extreme determinism—and you completely devalue the individual.

    Reductio ad absurdum, do you suggest that if you had my exact set of circumstances from your conception to the present, you would be identical to me? —In every way? If not, how do we differ besides our different circumstances?

    Ultimately, this line of thought is nihilistic. If the individual is nothing but the sum of “circumstances”, then the self qua self is nothing at all. And if the human condition consists only in fungible non-entities, each and all identical but for “circumstances”, then life has no meaning.

    If you purport to believe in such a thing as a soul, then you have negated the concept—unless you also call the soul a “circumstance”, which would also make the concept meaningless. If you do not, then I will note that even without the existence of mystical spirits, in the poetic sense, you have annihilated the concept of the soul.

    I also notice how this is another argument you have for why your ego must hold on extremely tight. Otherwise you’ll be “absolutely’ deindividuated or fit some pathological label like “them.”

    And…? You speak as if there were something wrong with that. Furthermore, you contradict yourself: After all, if every individual is identical but for circumstances, then my ego is either itself a circumstance, or merely the product of my circumstances; and if it wants to “hold on extremely tight”, how could I possibly contradict the circumstances which have made me different than you?

    Speaking of my circumstances, on September 5, I wrote a long reply to you in another subthread. I began to draw thereby on my personal experiences, from childhood and adulthood: The experiences by which I learnt what I have about the world in which we live—including things that hurt me, and how I hurt myself before I so learnt. Very “vulnerable” stuff—you would probably like it—but unfortunately, way too revealing about my personal life. I should cut it down and publish it; but then, it will lack that poignant vulnerability. Sorry.

    “Wild Man’s” advice that you might set your ego on receive, […]

    I have been almost entirely ignoring Wild Man and his attempts to troll me with gibberish. He speaks with conceited ignorance, and the ignorance of conceit; discussion with him is not worth my time. I have been intending to reply to one of his comments in the prior thread, because I said that I would—and because it is gives the opportunity to introduce a book that I wish to recommend, one which should interest others here. (Old book, public domain, freely available for download—happiness!) Anyway, I have no use for his fruitcake New Age Christian “advice”. And I don’t want “brotherly love”—I want not to have so-called “brotherly love”, as I wish to avoid catching the plague! Why should I take his advice, when I totally reject the goals that he promises his advice will achieve for me?

    I’d also suggest that letting go of your ego completely, at points, might be fun. “Absolute deindividuation” might also be called “connection.”

    “Connection” for me presupposes two (or more) individuals who are deeply different in some way other than their circumstances. Perhaps they may be more or less closely related; for a connection to occur, they must share some similarities. But their differences are as important as their similarities: For otherwise, there is no purpose. Why should one sum of circumstances connect with another sum of circumstances? Is that also not only the product of circumstances? ®

    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @Triteleia Laxa
  1107. @Ron Unz

    perhaps, it may be possible the ground swell of ‘reaction’ to the vaccine for covid is a red light siren Emergency Emergency. consider how many professionals are putting not only their careers on the line, they could easily simply retire & keep quiet if they didn’t believe what they know to be true but actually dare to speak out & therein forsake & ruin their careers & reputation. how many will be willing to do that? it’s huge. ron unz consider watching reading listening to these qualified scientists, medical doctors & why it’s important you hear what they saying & what it means for humanity. yes, bio warfare, but this is part of it. please, don’t look away, you’ve come this far, hear the professionals who are challenging the agenda.

    • Agree: Mark Hunter
  1108. Adrian says:
    @Ron Unz

    My compromise solution was to still be willing to run such pieces, but not as main features, and I think that’s worked out pretty well.

    I, for one, am thankful for that.

    I also was very irritated at how popular such crackpottery was becoming

    It is not just about the vaxx. Perhaps we feel that more keenly here in New South Wales than you do in California. I have the feeling that this is the most important political battle since World War 2. More important than the civil rights movement which was mainly an American affair. This battle is worldwide. And for the preservation of a modicum of freedom we need all hands on deck – even the “crackpots”.

    • Agree: Skeptikal
  1109. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    I also was very irritated at how popular such crackpottery was becoming. I remember at one point I was horrified to discover that over the previous half year, 7 of our 8 most popular articles had been anti-vaxx screeds. (Even today, it’s still 4 of the top 5 and 6 of the top 8.) I began to fear that we were starting to challenge RFK, Jr. for the national leadership of the anti-vaxx movement.

    My condolences. If it were my site, I would also be upset by those figures.

    “Evil” thought: Find a better way to make it productive. You are an excellent strategist. Turn lemons into lemonade. Maybe it’s not practicable, or even desirable; but on the other hand, I suspect that you would excel at judo, too (and maybe you do).

    My original suggestion was actually thinking along those lines, perhaps more subtly than you realized at first, although it would need to be done very carefully. I was trying to dragoon you into obtaining for me better information on both sides, for my own decisions—and I was also trying to defuse an explosive situation in a way that would be better for everyone who is acting in good faith. But the idea has problems. For one thing, it would need a pro-vaxxer who isn’t part of establishment/MSM groupthink. (One of the reasons why I like TWBT is that he’s not.) For another, it would need an anti-vaxxer who is not a total fruitcake, and is disconnected from any and all organized anti-vaxxery—independent as the pro-vaxxer counterpart must be independent. (No, I am not volunteering for this position.) Both sides need to break the stereotypes. Overall, it may not be the best idea—at least not to address the problem that you just stated. That needs a better way to get anti-vaxxer website hits more interested in topics other than vaccines.

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
  1110. Wild Man says:
    @Ron Unz

    But surely you realized that would be the outcome that would accrue, if your ‘sars-c0v-2 as bioweapon’ hypothesis proved interesting to many….. because a rational person would conclude that ‘sars-cov-2 as bioweapon’, of logical necessity, implicates the vaxxes as potential bioweapons, as well, then.

    How could you not foresee that, the successful uptake of your ‘sars-c0v-2 as bioweapon’ hypothesis (hypothesis #1) , would, of course, lead to successful uptake of the associated ‘vaxx as bioweapon’ hypothesis (hypothesis #2)?

    I think that, or course you foresaw that. And since then, you have been careful to isolate hypothesis #1 from hypothesis #2 (instead of weighing in on the links between the two hypotheses), and in a way that is completely transparent (due to the illogic of your hypotheses-isolationist rhetoric) …. and I take said transparency to be a better indicator of your probable real sentiment, on this topic (i.e. – talk about it amongst yourselves dear readers, but leave me out of it, lest something bad happen to the UR perhaps?).

  1111. @Truth Vigilante

    OK, I see your game. Attribute to me beliefs you know I don’t believe, behaviors you know I don’t engage in, aspirations you know I don’t aspire to…and this is supposed to infuriate me, provoke me…what?

    If you’re against Ron Paul, then you’re a warmongering, economically illiterate f*ckwit.

    That’s a pretty stark dichotomy. Is it possible to not support Ron Paul and still be anti-war and “economically literate?” Certainly not in rigid, binary Libertarian land, but how about in the real world?

    The UR readers have got a pretty good grasp of what sort of person you are by now.

    If by UR readers you mean the small number of obstreperous anti-vaxxers who congregate in this thread because they’re unwelcome anywhere else, then I suppose you’re right. Their preternatural perspicacity has picked up on, for example, my apparent great and steadfast admiration for “Lindsey Graham, Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer.” Clearly, they’ve got me figured out better than I do myself, since I wasn’t aware I supported any of those people.

    Anyhow, thanks for the laughs friend. Stay vigilant.

  1112. @Punch Brother Punch

    Punch-drunk Botherer wrote:

    I called Libertarians ‘godless, soulless’, not anti-vaxxers.

    Of course, the highest profile Libertarian in the world is none other than former 12 term Congressman Dr Ron Paul.

    Anyone who knows anything about Ron Paul will know he’s a committed Christian and God fearing man – as are most Libertarians I’m familiar with.
    Completely ignorant statements like these just further highlight the foolishness of Mr Punch-drunk brother and his complete lack of knowledge of Libertarians and what they represent.

    Dr Ron Paul has been calling out the Covid psyop from Day 1:

    Read the date below the video – March 18, 2020.

    That’s right, Ron Paul has been calling out the Covid fraud from the very first day – and in the interim he has never let up in criticising the restrictions, lockdowns and experimental toxic ‘vaccines’.

    I recall a story he told about his early days in Congress in 1976 when the Swine Flu broke out and the media and most politicians went into overdrive, scaremongering and exaggerating the severity of the virus.
    They were all advocating for a fast-tracked nationwide vaccination rollout (sound familiar ?), and a resolution was passed in the house 433-2 that it should be initiated.

    There were only TWO (2) who voted against this resolution – and they happened to be the only two members of Congress that were medical doctors.
    Ron Paul, a specialist medical physician, was of course one of those two.

    He, and the other doctor urged that others not engage in a knee jerk reaction and rush to mass vaccination, that the evidence did not warrant it and that the vaccine would kill and injure more than the virus itself.
    And so it proved to be.

    So Punch-drunk Botherer, my heavily vaxxed friend, stick another swab up your nose, get yet another booster jab, or whatever it is you get off on when you’re not smearing one of America’s greatest living treasures.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1113. Ron Unz says:

    I began to write a reply to you here. Then, I realized that was three-quarters done with what became a 1,900-word comment on Mr. Anglin’s 1,900-word latest article, q.v.

    I have been intending to publish at least one takedown of Anglin. Thanks for giving the immediate impetus to get it done.

    I think you’re really far too negative on Anglin. From what I remember, until his total deplatforming and the banning or prosecution of so many Alt-Rightists, he was generating enormous traffic and also serving as the launching pad for a huge army of young Twitter-trolls, who were challenging the pillars of the MSM for popular influence.

    Obviously, if you’re aiming at the ignorant masses, crude or vulgar cartoons are much more effective than lengthy, thoughtful articles. I think his webzine was a little like the rightwing equivalent of Mad Magazine in the 1960s or 1970s.

    He was one of the earliest prominent Flu Hoaxers, and I think he may have actually been the main person who launched the entire movement. Obviously, Flu Hoaxery is totally ridiculous, but I have my own “conspiracy theory” explaining his motives. Here’s a comment of mine from April 2020, just a few weeks after he began his effort:

    I think I’m probably correct, and if so, his political shrewdness was quite impressive.

  1114. Raches says:

    Is that why you provide sooo much context in your posts?

    How do you read Mr. Unz’s flagship articles (some of which are booklet-length at >25,000 words), the long articles by some of his more erudite regular authors and bloggers, and the numerous books and archival PDFs that he offers for free?

    (Oh, noes. There I go, begging the question…)

  1115. Wild Man says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Well, I certainly don’t think that ‘psychopathy’ is synonymous with ‘ambition’. Isn’t psychopathy something like the following?:

    With respect to the accrued presence of psychopathic tendencies at the top of power structures, if psychopathy is normative at 1% within breeding cohorts, … I think it likely that it accrues at 20% within the top of power structures.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1116. @Ron Unz

    I remember at one point I was horrified to discover that over the previous half year, 7 of our 8 most popular articles had been anti-vaxx screeds. (Even today, it’s still 4 of the top 5 and 6 of the top 8.)

    So disillusioning…I had once thought a serious dissident political movement was gathering steam in this country, then I found that it’s stuff like this and Qanon that draws the crowds.

    “Who builds on the people, builds on mud.” – Machiavelli

  1117. Wild Man says:
    @Ron Unz

    Anglin was also early, on the meme – ‘these vaxxes are very very weird … don’t take them’. So Anglin is sorta like the opposite of Unz on the whole covid-19 thing ….. Anglin is ‘sars-cov-2 is the hoax, but the vaxx harm is real’ whereas Unz is ‘sars-cov-2 is real and dangerous, but the vaxx-harm idea is probably a hoax’.

    Interesting juxtaposition. I agree Anglin is shrewd and very intelligent. I think Unz finds value in Anglin, …. primarily due to Anglin’s and Unz’s agreement on viewing China and the CCP within a more nuanced perspective (than conservatives tend to adopt).

  1118. @Ron Unz

    Anglin lost me when he tried to make a hero of Brenton Tarrant. I forced myself to watch the entire Tarrant video and it was one of the most horrible things I’ve ever seen, regardless of my disapproval of Muslim immigration into the west.

    Also his weird obsession with advocating for “beating and raping” women. And his tendency to turn on anyone and everyone who had been an ally.

    Put simply, he too often crosses the line from comedian / provocateur into genuinely disturbed personality territory (part of the problem, I suspect, is that he apparently lives in extreme social isolation and his audience is composed to a large degree of misanthropes who never give him any money.)

  1119. @Mehen

    *All deaths with covid are of covid, all deaths with the vaccine are of something else
    *Reporting a vaccine death is anti-science

  1120. Adrian says:

    How do you read Mr. Unz’s flagship articles (some of which are booklet-length at >25,000 words), the long articles by some of his more erudite regular authors

    Well, they are not just preening their feathers, are they?

  1121. @Truth Vigilante

    He, and the other doctor urged that others not engage in a knee jerk reaction and rush to mass vaccination, that the evidence did not warrant it and that the vaccine would kill and injure more than the virus itself.
    And so it proved to be.

    From what I can gather, with the 1976 swine flu, a story got put out that there was a connection between the vax and Guillan-Barr Syndrome which can lead to heart attacks. Doctors then began reporting all of their vaxxed patients who had heart attacks as potentially having GBS, even though I don’t believe they had good testing procedures for that condition at the time. A panic ensued and the vax program was halted. Still, something like 40+million people, including Jerry Ford, we’re vaxxed and they were fine.

    Obviously, when I called libertarians godless and soulless I was indulging in a bit of humorous hyperbole. That Ron Paul is a Christian doesn’t impress me since I don’t think highly of Christianity. That he’s been a consistent critic of our foreign wars is to his credit. Still, I reject his domestic social and economic policies. I recommend you read Michael Hudson, another contributor to this site, for a different perspective, one that I find compelling.

  1122. Wild Man says:

    “Why should one sum of circumstances connect with another sum of circumstances?”

    Does the Darwinian dynamic within species lead to ‘circumstances’ as you have so-defined ‘circumstances’ in this comment? Of course. And the pathway between variability of innate traits, specific to the species, and ‘circumstances’, is a two-way street, as described by Darwinism.

    Raches …. by Darwinism, your ‘circumstances’ are more determined than perhaps you would like, but at the same time, by Darwinism, the nature of your circumstances is more open-ended (fundamentally nondeterministic) than perhaps you now grok. This may be understood within the proper attitude of ontological humility (understanding that you are a finite being in the presence of the Infinite). Mainly … that is what my counsel is to you (take on the ontological humility so that you can obtain the correct metaphysical context, so as to avoid unnecessary errors in reasoning). This stance of ontological humility also engenders the true-Christian idea of brotherly love. And as such, said ontological humility can aid one with respect to understanding the true-Christian concepts. But you are not there yet, (with respect to understanding true Christianity), and I don’t expect you to be (yet).

    First ….. take on the ontological humility, for the very good reason, so as to obtain the correct metaphysical context, so as to avoid unnecessary errors in reasoning. Isn’t that a worthy endeavor? But if you do ….. you will soon realize the truth about true-Christianity (and the truth about Enlightenment philosophy) … but best not to put the cart before the horse.

  1123. @niceland

    Good comment. It seem obvious that we can only “wait to see that”. ”What would be the better outcome?” may be the question. Third, fourth doses’s effects on the populations are also thing we will wait to see…

    Personnaly I wish we would have seen politics of true health improvement thru organic farming, the banning of pesticides, herbicides, a debate on the 5G roll out, on the 3-4G potential effects, real debate on children and the screens (just before the ‘operation covid’, even the Swiss medias were saying the effects were catastrophic and that it was an epidemy that would have health and social consequences so important that we should consider them as a priority), Banning of endocrinian perturbators, additives in industrial food, etc…etc… All things destroying our health but making bucks for transnational corporates.

    That said, I guess you would appreciate that very interesting article:

    Take care

    Take care

  1124. @Ron Unz

    He was one of the earliest prominent Flu Hoaxers, and I think he may have actually been the main person who launched the entire movement.

    I think you’re giving Andrew Anglin too much credit for that; OK perhaps he was one of several who helped to popularise it. There were prominent doctors/medical experts early on who also claimed that Covid-19 had been around for ages and was part of the regular seasonal flu/cold blend. I can’t be bothered to look them up but several commenters on UR used to link to their videos. I suppose we don’t hear much from these medical professionals any more because they’ve been blacklisted.

  1125. Hello,

    Very interesting turn of event in the French MSM.

    The so called Journalist Patrick Cohen grilled the French Sinister of health two days ago. The following video is an analysis of what has happened. This is also remarkable because it seems the TV channel had tried to censor that program on it’s web pages. You might want to see the Sinister’s face when he is told by the presstitute:

    “the vaccine won’t help us to get rid of the virus”…”collective immunity which was suppose to shut the epidemy up with population vaccined at 75-80% was a ‘mirage’, an ILLUSION. Most specialists agree now that this concept doesn’t work, it can’t work, alas, with this coronavirus”.

    The video reminds the Sinister’s claim in july that the collective immunity was the goal, that vaxx hesitancy had “killed” and worst: “We have never seen such an efficient vaccine as this one and if we were all vaccinated, the virus just could not circulate anymore“, the 13th of July! These guys need top be judged!!!!

    During the show, the Sinister says that the world consider the French “totalitarian pass” as a success and dozains of countries are adopting it. When asked what countries, he answers… some states in the US.

    At 10-25′ you can see the face of the sinister when the presstitute Cohen says that we will have to live with that covidae and adapt… Very interesting.

    Meanwhile, Schwab’s favorite poney (amongst the Young Leaders), macron, declared that the Health pass could be prolonged (in the same time 162 shopping mall that were supposed to request the ausweiss have stoped doing it because of administrative tribunal’s decisions, there are only someting as 60 left) Everything is beyond absurd thus a very likely mental health crisis ahead.

    How will the population react in the coming weeks after having been forced, coerced, blackmailed, menaced to be injected with mnra soup for… NOTHING?? As this video imply…

    • Thanks: John Wear
  1126. @niceland

    Hello Niceland and the good hearted people here;

    Professor Luc Montagnier’s new article is according to me, a must read (everyone knows he is a Nobel Prize):

    The French virologist Jean-Michel Claverie has also expressed himself and the following article refers to his claims:


    • Thanks: niceland
    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  1127. Wild Man says:
    @Wild Man

    More for TWBT:

    See this:

    “The novel coronavirus itself (Sars-Cov-2) cannot attack these CD147s and damage the pericyte cells, potentially leading to clotting and heart attacks. But free-floating spike protein – like the spike protein the vaccines make our bodies produce – can.”

    Why would vaxx-mediated artificially expressed spike protein, on cell surface, break-off? Bonding issue? What is the nature of this bonding issue? Does said bonding issue feature pre-fusion vs. post-fusion peculiarities of the vaxx-mediated artificially expressed spike protein, on cell surface?

  1128. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    There is no such thing as a universal morality.

    Apparently by conditioned reflex, you said:

    Hard disagree. Murdering your own children is none of the things you describe. It is the ultimate in vanity instead.

    “Murder” is a moral judgment. In lieu of an argument (which you do not have), you are laying it by bare assertion upon a circumstance which I had patently argued was not only justifiable homicide, but necessary homicide. Cf. extreme pacifists who call all self-defense “murder”—or anti-death-penalty activists who call executing a sadistic serial murderer “murder”—or vegans who chant, “meat is murder”, as if that were a suitable argument for people who do not consider killing animals for food to be “murder”.

    A woman who kills her children to protect them from horrific gang-rape and/or lifelong de facto slavery is not committing “murder”.

    Of course, for your own part, you may prefer morally that your kids should be taken as war prizes, raped, and enslaved. That is none of my business, and is uninteresting to me. What interests me is that you imposed your morality on at least three different instances of peoples very different from yourself, distant from you in space and time and culture. And I am pretty sure that I could easily list more people and more cultures whose moralities “hard disagree” with you here; I think that I need not reach further than the examples that I gave.

    Without saying so, you seem implicitly to want to argue that there be such a thing as a universal morality—i.e., your own morality: The unstated premise upon which you pronounce your judgment. Is that your intent? If so, that is truly “the ultimate in vanity”!

    Such a thing could rest only on divine commandments of a universal deity. Absent faith in the relevant deity (or empirical proof by some handy lightning bolts consistently striking down sinners), it is nonexistent.

    All moral theories of so-called “natural law” are bunk. Fallacies of the so-called “Enlightenment”. I will leave it at the assertion, because I wanted to keep this quick, the issue would deserve a lengthy treatment, and—well, maybe it doesn’t deserve a lengthy treatment, because the concept is just stupid. Nature only “makes” physical laws (n.b. the implied teleological error). If I have the physical ability to punch someone in the face, then natural law—physical law says that I have a right to do that. If he shoots me before my fist can connect, then I lose that right. The only law of nature is, “Might makes right.”

    As I have mentioned before, so-called “secular humanism” and similar nonsense merely rationalize Christian ethics, amongst people who bear a cultural residue of Christianity. Such theories are not universal, and I categorically reject them. If I wanted Jesus, I would go to church instead of getting some crude knock-off.

    The way that you speak, I tentatively infer that you have some pseudoscientific notion of morality, based on ideas fallaciously borrowed from psychology. If so, that is only another twist on the “natural law” notion.

    All moral laws are man-made, and perforce social. They are agreed to by groups of humans, for the purpose of advancing their own interests and attacking competing interests. For example, when a drug addict sneered at you for being such a “scared”, un-“fun” person that you don’t do (enough) drugs, you correctly identified that as a moral judgment: Druggies want others to become druggies. According to their morality, doing drugs is right, and being a straight-edge square is wrong, and you are a moderately wrong because you have not totally addled your brains to the point of believing anti-vaxxer crackpot nonsense. (It is the topic on which I wrote and held a long comment two days ago, as I said earlier.) I have never used hallucinogens, and I never will: According to Mehen’s morality, I am an extreme and incorrigible sinner! When I say that “drugs are bad, and druggies are scum”, that is obviously also a moral judgment.

    When a natural born slave preaches humility and “brotherly love”, he is rationalizing his own meager spirit—and striving to tear down those who are more powerful than himself. When I declare that justifiable pride is a virtue, and I say that “videos make peasants happy”, I am thinking in the opposite direction: To upraise the high, and suppress the low so that they keep their proper place.

    Nota bene: I am not a “moral relativist”. However, I am a moral pluralist: Different groups have different moralities. For another example, when the premodern Chinese executed parricides by “slow slicing”, a form of extreme torture performed in public, that was consistent with their morality, according to their nomos and millennia of their traditions. No “universal” law can say that they were wrong about that. And for another example, if Hindus traditionally practice polygamy, that is really just none of the business of Westerners—excepting curious academic Indologists, or the odd philologist who taught himself Sanskrit as a teenager.

    I am violently, absolutely, implacably, without any possibility of compromise opposed to to all systems of “universal” morality. It is a principle upon which I would be prepared to make my stand at Thermopylae. I make that allusion, because the Persian Empire was the origin of the “One True God” memetic plague. I will not worship Ahura Mazda—and I will not worship your god, either, whether the term “your god” be applicable literally or figuratively. ®

  1129. John Wear says:

    This is the best video I have seen yet on the COVID-19 pandemic. I highly recommend that everyone on this discussion thread go to comment number 1125 and watch this video.

    • Thanks: geokat62
  1130. utu says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Some may think it would be too harsh what I am going to say but it helps to see through the facade of libertarian ideology and is liberating when you just assume that libertarianism was a very successful psy-op that found use for idiots and gave them a sense of purpose which was turning them into useful idiots. A machine that turn idiots into useful idiots. So when you see libertarians rallying for some cause do not ask libertarians why because they got no clue but just look around and you will always find true benefactors of advocacy advocacy and support by libertarians.

    • Agree: Punch Brother Punch
  1131. @Punch Brother Punch

    Punch-drunk Brother wrote (in relation to the possibility that mass Covid vaccination could lead to history”s largest cull of humankind):

    You do realise that if hundreds of millions or even billions of people begin dropping dead from the vax over the coming years then civilisation will collapse and you will be inhabiting a Mad Max-like post-apocalyptic wasteland, don’t you?

    Well …. NO … actually.

    One has to remember, that the PRODUCTIVE people, the salt-of-the-Earth types and go-getters that built western society (and form the core of other successful societies), are those with common sense that have, by and large, avoided the kill jabs.

    There will be no post-apocalyptic wasteland since the bulk of those remaining will be the self sufficient types that weren’t working in the public sector.

    In fact, freed from the shackles of having to support the useless parasites (aka those that succumbed to the obvious government propaganda and got vaxxed), the world will be far more productive utopia, with a considerable net increase in average IQ.

    Of course, there will be many decent people whom we all know, vaxxed individuals that are near and dear to us, that will be amongst the collateral damage.
    This a tragedy of unprecedented proportions – one that could have been so easily avoided if the pro-vaxxers had exercised just a little more due diligence, shown some patience and stood in solidarity with the Freedom Fighters who have been staging demonstrations the world over to protest against the Covid tyranny.

    Instead, they took the path of least resistance, muzzled up, locked themselves in their basements and waited on instructions from their wise overlords as to when it was safe to come out (Punch-drunk Brother appears in blue livery in the following 2 min clip):

    This is certainly nothing to gloat about – nor do I gloat about the death of fools like you.
    No one deserves to die, no matter what they’ve done*.
    (*I reserve the right to reconsider in view of the contributions of the likes of Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff and Philip Zelikow).

    My comment about ‘ you’ll be six feet under and you’ll be happy’ is what Klaus Schwab will be thinking to himself,.
    The words of Winston Churchill (somewhat paraphrased) will likely also come to mind:

    Never in the field of human inoculation, have so many gullible fools been duped into taking so many kill-jabs, by so few shysters devoid of scientific and medicinal integrity.

    • Agree: Robjil, John Wear
    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1132. utu says:
    @Brás Cubas

    I do not engage in disputes with libertarians. Keep walking.

  1133. @L.K

    L.K (aka Little Kid), is frothing at the mouth as he/she launches into a tirade to smear the honourable John Wear – following up after the mudslinging from Raches and other fellow sayanim who just cannot forgive him for eviscerating the official version of the Holocaust, and demonstrating irrefutably that it is indeed a Holohoax.

    Personally, I would’ve preferred that David Icke hadn’t made mention of the shape shifting reptilians. because it left him open to cheap shots from the likes of mental midgets like L.K, Rachel etc.

    At the end of the day, I don’t know for sure that the British Royal family and other establishment figures aren’t shape shifting reptilians, nor do any of you.
    So, in view of the prescient calls and PURE GUTS David Icke has shown over the years, I’m willing to give him some leeway on that issue until it’s proven emphatically not to be true.

    So, what do I mean by ‘pure guts’, you ask ?

    David Icke called out the likes of former British P.M Ted Heath and high profile identity Jimmy Saville (BEST FRIEND of Prince Charles), as being paedophiles.

    He did this while both were still alive, many years before they died.

    Both were very rich and well connected individuals (none moreso than a former Conservative Party P.M), but Icke shouted it out from the rooftops nevertheless – at immense personal risk to himself.

    L.K/ Rachel, what the f*ck have either of your chicken-shit cowards ever done in your lives that could be remotely construed as brave ?

    Neither of you is worthy of shining David Icke’s shoes.

    The bravest thing either of you has ever done is jaywalking on a deserted street at 3am in the morning, with no traffic on the road.

    As John Wear said, before criticising Icke, you should read his body of work and only THEN pass judgement on the man.
    Once you’ve done that, and seen how prescient Icke has been on a variety of issues (sometimes decades in advance), you’ll be more than willing to forgive him on some peripheral issue.

    The fact that you won’t be doing that, says everything about your type.

    You have no interest in truth. Your mission is to smear and discredit those among us who seek to expose the cabal that you’re in the employ of – none other than the Zionist Dominated Usury Banking Cartel.

    Well L.K (and that pack of hyenas you’re in unison with – aka the Axis of Disinformation), it’s not working.
    We can see who you really are and who’s controlling you.

    • Agree: Bugey libre
    • Thanks: John Wear
  1134. @Raches

    What is your take on Martin Bormann? Thanks

  1135. @Raches

    “Murder” is a moral judgment.

    Don’t be silly. “Murder” is mostly when you take someone’s life without their consent. Your long comment about your thoughts on “morality” has nothing to do with what I wrote.

    The Goebbels’ parents murdered their own children, not because those children actually faced rape or slavery, as they could have just placed them with a friend anonymously and safely, but because the Goebbels’ had lost in their plan to impose their own particular version of the good on the world through easy to despise means.

    They couldn’t face that their hardest ego worked out plans were “wrong”, meaning they would never come to fruition, and they couldn’t face that their children would grow up to see them as anything but the false and ridiculously controlled image that their vanity caused them to need to be seen as, like the videos.

    The Goebbels’ plans would never come to fruition so they ensured their children would never have a chance to either. This is poisonous parenting taking to the most extreme.

    Let’s hope that when they come back around that they have learned what is real and what is not and they aren’t such egomaniacs.

    Even more, let’s hope that their children, when they came back around, had parents who actually allowed them to be them, rather than treating them as an extension of their parents so that they were murdered by their parents because their parents had failed.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1136. Robjil says:

    We are all guinea pigs. Ironically there was a coup in Guinea recently, most likely because Guinea president wants to use the Sputnik V vaccine instead of worst then (western) vaccines.

    Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug, tweeted that an agreement was made between Pfizer and the Israeli government stating that no adverse reactions from the Covid-19 are to be disclosed for a minimum of 10 years.

    Dr Malone tweeted: “This is key to understanding “what the heck is going on”. Apparently in Israel, I am told by an Israeli scientist, the agreement between Pfizer and the government is that no adverse events from the vax are to be disclosed for a minimum of 10 years.”

    Israel is currently dealing with a wave of breakthrough cases, which has seen the hospitals overrun by fully vaccinated people.

    Ran Israeli, a Regulatory Affairs Specialist, and Computational Biologist tweeted a clip from news Chanel 13 in Israel that stated 95% of severe patients in the hospital are vaccinated, whilst 85-90% of hospitalisations are in fully vaccinated people.

    • Thanks: Mark Hunter
    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  1137. @Wild Man

    1. The tendencies listed do not generally help someone in their career.

    2. Labelling politicians “psychopaths” in the way you define is generally a failure of understanding. Political problems are frequently extremely hard and we all may have done the worst things in various situations.

    “1” is usually a cope to avoid seeing oneself through the light of “2”.

    Now, as someone who seems to have been born with no barriers within myself, even to the “worst” of phenomena, there is a form of psychopathy that really interests me. It isn’t the extremely repressed and incompetent type of nastiness that your article describes. It is those people who see all of their own potential darkness and somehow become lost in it. Not lost as in feeling lost and sad, but lost as in revelling in it. They’re still just extremely hurt people who deserve love, but they’re not the type of incompetent, unaware people that your article describes. I doubt they tend to be politicians though, as they will enjoy personal cruelties and not have the need to run from themselves via abstract idealism. Maybe be in a country with a
    political system where therr exists few other options for career advancement?

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  1138. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    With quotes re-arranged not to take you out of context, but to put the bottom line up front, and move up things that will be more interesting to more people:

    He [Anglin] was one of the earliest prominent Flu Hoaxers, and I think he may have actually been the main person who launched the entire movement. Obviously, Flu Hoaxery is totally ridiculous, but I have my own “conspiracy theory” explaining his motives. Here’s a comment of mine from April 2020, just a few weeks after he began his effort:

    Mr. Unz, April 27, 2020 at 8:21 pm GMT:

    I remember around March, Anglin was freely saying the whole thing was going to be a total disaster in America due to Trump’s incompetence, and huge numbers of people would die. And I think he even said how shocked he was at how absurdly easily the Trump people were finding it to deflect the blame on China, even though that made absolutely no sense.

    So I suspect that he realized the “China bioweapon” story was just too well entrenched among (gullible) right-wing activists to be easily dislodged with more plausible information when the topic really became hot in America around then. And he decided to launch a clever flank attack instead, and focus on the “It’s Just the Flu!!!” nonsense, which had also been floating around in fringe circles.

    So, he’s not stupid: He is a liar. Telling lies that kill people. That is not an improvement—and Dr. Goebbels would agree with me about that.

    I always detested the “China bioweapon” nonsense. When I first saw it, I insulted the promoters thereof about as viciously as you can imagine. But fighting a lie with a lie is never the answer—and if that’s what Anglin did, it is fighting a lie that’s based on no evidence, with a lie that’s contrary to all evidence and which kills people dead.

    Ironically, whatever the merits and dangers of the Covid vaccines may be, I think that the vaccines could possibly be altogether unnecessary, if not for the flu hoaxers and their ilk. Masks work. Personal space (what I call the badly-named “social distancing”) works. Other protective measures work—more or less, with additive effect.

    If everyone were even half as careful as I am about Covid, then there would be much less Covid—even if vaccines did not exist! The overlapping sets of flu hoaxers, anti-maskers, and other ostrich-minded types are increasing the value of vaccines, by spreading more Covid and by inducing others to spread more Covid.

    Tell me, is Anglin on the Pfizer payroll? How’s that for a conspiracy theory? Maybe Bill Gates is paying him under the table, too—not to promote euthanasia shots, but because Billy-boy really loves to get people vaccinated. Who knows? Anyway, Pfizer’s stock goes up whenever Anglin pushes flu-hoaxery: More people will get Covid, more people will be scared, and then John Johnson here will get more “converts”.

    If Mr. Anglin really did start the flu hoaxer movement, he has a very large number of deaths on his head. If. What punishment would be condign for that?

    Obviously, if you’re aiming at the ignorant masses, crude or vulgar cartoons are much more effective than lengthy, thoughtful articles. I think his webzine was a little like the rightwing equivalent of Mad Magazine in the 1960s or 1970s.

    If memory serves, I think that I once saw Anglin describe his own strategy that way somewhere. I know that he has claimed to be copying a significant part of the Rockwell strategy.

    This incited a long analysis of George Lincoln Rockwell’s strategy, and why it was a net negative for everyone except for Dr. Pierce—who learned the hard way to avoid the types of “defectives” whom Anglin magnetically attracts—and the Defamation League, which may have made a covert investment in a roundabout way, and which assuredly got a bigger propaganda payoff than any hundred million dollar Hollywood movie smearing the Germans. What could be better for them than Hollywood Hitler? A real-life Hollywood Hitler act!

    Rockwell was killed by one of his own “defective” followers. That’s what his strategy got him. It was 100% his own damnfool fault, and Jewish laughter must have been shaking synagogue walls over the irony. I say this with some sadness, because I like Rockwell as a human being (unlike Anglin).

    >1,900 words and growing, with a few interesting references… I will need to try to finish that later, sometime—I hope—and I still need to reply re Kristallnacht, inter alia

    I reiterate that as Rockwell probably didn’t know (and Anglin almost certainly doesn’t), Dr. Goebbels wanted to ban the real Der Stürmer for a reason!

    I think you’re really far too negative on Anglin.

    It is not a new opinion. I have been intending to write that anti-Anglin broadside since before I ever started to comment here—since before I even found The Unz Review around 2019 or thereabouts. You may have noticed that since early August at the latest, I have been taking occasional pot-shots at Mr. Anglin, obiter dictum.

    One of your “datapoints”:

    I wanted to admire Mr. Anglin. My initial bias towards him was favorable, because he was angering people whom I hate. But the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend; and as you may have noticed, I contemn confirmation bias.

    He caught my attention in August of 2017. Of course. I had heard of him before in passing, but never bothered checking him out. When Cloudflare censored a political website, domain registrars unanimously censored same (a major concern to me), and the Tor Project started screaming about how their censorship-resistant technology was being used to resist censorship (!), I just had to see what the fuss was about.

    At a time when Mr. Anglin was completely vaporized from clearnet, I spent several days trawling through his onion site on Tor. You know that I am thorough.

    Nothing that I have seen since then has ever altered my opinion of him, except to make it worse. ®

  1139. @Raches

    I am actually not sure whether your argument is the exact antithesis of extreme predetermination—an idea that all of an individual’s characteristics, actions, and future destiny are somehow contained with him at birth, or even before birth—or your argument is extreme predetermination,

    Both. It is a truth that can either only be “known” or captured with symbolic language. It is usually called a “paradox”.

    What is the self, according to you?

    Your consciousness plus as much of the unconscious as it is comfortable with.

    life has no meaning.

    It certainly has meaning. It is meaning. It is just that meaning slips through the rigid fingers of your exhausting argumentation. Let your ego rest a little and you might see. Do you remember your dreams?

    then my ego is either itself a circumstance, or merely the product of my circumstances; and if it wants to “hold on extremely tight”, how could I possibly contradict the circumstances which have made me different than you?

    Maybe you can, maybe you can’t, but you have new circumstances. I am telling you that you’ll be ok if you just lessen your grip a little. ☺️

    Very “vulnerable” stuff—you would probably like it—but unfortunately, way too revealing about my personal life.

    Makes sense. It is important to be practical when dealing with society. I would rarely suggests otherwise. Here, I am only suggesting you do something that is entirely private.

    As Wittgenstein wrote, though I’ve not read his stuff so it might be from the wrong context, but it means a lot to me: We have got onto slippery ice where there is no friction and so in a certain sense the conditions are ideal, but also, just because of that, we are unable to walk. We want to walk so we need friction. Back to the rough ground.

    Except this subject cannot be approached from the “rough ground” of reasoned argument and tortured logic. Words are friction and we are trying to understand something that exists without friction. It is a place where your ego has to be subordinate. I suppose I could provide the symbolism, but the symbolism for it is everywhere, so you’ll just have to trust me and relax your ego a bit, or not, because maybe it isn’t the right time.

  1140. @Ron Unz

    Ron Unz wrote:

    I began to fear that we were starting to challenge RFK, Jr. for the national leadership of the anti-vaxx movement.

    So, let me see, on one side we have the nephew of JFK, the son of Bobby Kennedy, a man of unimpeachable integrity, admired universally by BOTH the left and right, and everyone in between.

    Yes RFK Jr has always been a champion of truth and justice and he’s with us – the objective ‘Vaxx Realists’.
    (A ‘Vaxx Realist’ is someone who analyses issues, whether it be vaxxees or other matters, on a case by case basis. If the vaxx is beneficial, has proven efficacy with negligible harm, then it ticks all the boxes).

    The Covid vaxxes (or at least those marketed by corrupt U.S/other western nation Big Pharma malevolent entities – that have a known history of fraud, misrepresentation and a huge case load of deaths and injuries – tick NONE of the boxes.

    Joining RFK Jr on the same side of this debate, is a man of even greater standing, as far as decades of uninterrupted integrity is concerned, and a specialist Medical Doctor to boot – none other Dr Ron Paul.

    Yes Ron Unz, I’m totally in agreement that one side of this debate is replete with ‘crackpottery’ as you describe it.

    That said, ANY objective observer will soon determine that it’s not the side that Ron Paul and RFK Jr are on.

    The video below is titled ‘Do Not Trust the Medical or National Security Establishment’:

    Ron Unz is sensible enough not to believe what the National Security Establishment are saying, yet he laps up uncritically what the Medical Establishment are telling him – even though they’re both in the employ of the SAME Vampire Squid Deep State cabal that controls the entirety of the western financial system.

    • Thanks: Mark Hunter
  1141. Robjil says:

    I posted this in the wrong article, so it is again.

    An glaring example of the failure of enforced vaccination.

    Sweden became the second European Union country to ban Israeli residents from entry due to a rise in COVID-19 cases in Israel, despite the country being one of the most vaccinated countries in the world.

    Portugal on Wednesday became the first EU country to ban travel from Israel due to a rise in cases. Both countries are following the EU’s recommendation to remove Israel from its list of green countries.

  1142. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Don’t be silly. “Murder” is mostly when you take someone’s life without their consent. Your long comment about your thoughts on “morality” has nothing to do with what I wrote.

    When you start by calling someone who made a cogent argument “silly”, and then you spout silly nonsense, that is a bad sign for you.

    The word “murder” is a moral judgment. It is, by definition, unjustified, intentional homicide. Are you even remotely familiar with such terms as “elements of the crime”? As noted below (although I disagree with this), consent usually is not recognized as having anything whatsoever to do with it.

    Justification (or lack thereof) is entirely a moral matter, and nothing but. In law, which is merely enforced morality, affirmative defenses such as self-defense speak to justification. To claim the affirmative defense, the defendant must admit the fact that he killed someone, then claim the justification. By the way, consent to be killed is not an affirmative defense in most jurisdictions and/or most circumstances! Of course, I disagree with that—because I disagree with the morality that is the basis of these laws; cf. our discussions pertaining to suicide. In most places, unfortunately, assisted suicide brings a murder charge to the one who assisted a person who consented to be killed.

    Intent is a level of culpability—another moral matter—and a legal matter, mens rea, which must be proved as an element of murder, in contradistinction to manslaughter or non-criminal homicide. How could the killer’s state of mind be relevant to a court of law (= enforced morality), if murder were “taking someone’s life without their consent” per your simplistic suggestion?

    Overall, to deny that this is a moral question is beyond rationality.

    Now, let’s see, what else did I write which you evaded? In the following, I will assume arguendo your consent argument, even though I actually reject it at the threshold.

    I said:

    Cf. extreme pacifists who call all self-defense “murder”—

    Someone who attacks you when you have a gun is not granting his consent to be shot. Or will you now reach for some libertarian sham argument about “initiation of force”? Or will you say that according to your moral judgment, attacking someone implies consent to get shot? You will soon eviscerate your own idea of “consent” until it is meaningless. (As if it had any meaning to begin with!)

    By the way, if you were to start to impose “implied consent” based on actions, what about the young woman who walks in a miniskirt, drunk, at 3 in the morning through the bad section of town, and then vomits and passes out in a dark alleyway?

    or anti-death-penalty activists who call executing a sadistic serial murderer “murder”—

    Executed criminals definitely don’t consent to be killed. To express their lack of consent, they hire lawyers to protest that they should not be killed; and sometimes, they physically struggle and/or try to escape. Physical struggle is a very clear sign of express refusal to consent.

    or vegans who chant, “meat is murder”, as if that were a suitable argument for people who do not consider killing animals for food to be “murder”.

    I have spoken to vegans who preached to me, with absolute moral certitude, that animals can and must give consent for anything done to them. Obviously, the animals do not consent to be my delicious dinner.

    Oh, and I did not even get to talking about soldiers in war! Is that “murder”?

    Triteleia Laxa:


    That is a despicable answer. Get off your hysterical high horse. You are making non-arguments, evading my clear, logical arguments, and then vilely insulting and traducing the Goebbels family. Enough. ®

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
    , @Mehen
  1143. @Bugey libre

    Thanks for the Prof. Luc Montagnier article. He’s the guy who discovered the HIV virus so should be regarded as a leading virusologist, if not the world’s leading virusologist, and his views cannot be lightly dismissed, nor should they. That is from the French language version of It has a translator to other languages. I’ll post it in English in full under a more tag for those too lazy to bother to look it up themselves. Perhaps Ron can set up a third “continuation of the Covid vaxxing debate” as this thread is getting to be too long.


    Coronavirus / vaccine certainties and uncertainties
    By Luc Montagnier, September 6, 2021
    Theme: Science and medicine

    1 / Coronaviruses in general are not dangerous.

    They are responsible for influenza syndromes. But SARS-Cov2 can also be responsible for temporary disturbances of certain senses (taste, smell and even hearing). They can become more complicated if not treated early. The most dangerous complications are especially at the respiratory level (infection and respiratory failure requiring assistance) and at the cardiac level (myocarditis and pericarditis) endangering life. They mainly affect people with co-morbidities (overweight-obesity, diabetes, arterial hypertension, known or unknown immunosuppressions, etc.).

    By mutating the original virus turn into “variants”. These fortunately decrease their dangerousness (pathogen load) as they evolve from the original virus.

    2 / The SARS-COV2 Coronavirus has a natural origin which has been modified in a laboratory from which it emerged. It is a pathogenic chimera.

    What a lab, I don’t know. The one in Wuhan in China, now well known, was inaugurated in the presence of the highest French personalities.

    This SARS-Cov2 is an RNA virus. It contains two parts which surprisingly belong:

    a) one to the AIDS Virus , virus RNA also very unstable since 1982 against which science is still seeking an effective globally important vaccine.

    Pieces of coronavirus RNA are identical to sequences present in the genome of the AIDS viruses HIV-1 and HIV-2. They are located in the region of the gene encoding the binding protein (Spike protein) of the coronavirus on the cells where the virus can multiply.

    Although small, HIV sequences can encode an antigenic motif of the HIV envelope protein.

    b) the other to the malaria parasite plasmodium against which researchers are also striving to develop an effective vaccine of global importance.

    New Microbes New Infect. 2020 Nov; 38: 100817. Published online 2020 Nov 19. doi: 10.1016 / j.nmni.2020.100817
    SARS-CoV-2 and Plasmodium falciparum common immunodominant regions may explain low COVID-19 incidence in the malaria-endemic belt – MAM Iesa, and al.

    These two parts, what are they doing there? Perhaps for research into a vaccine against AIDS and Malaria. A high probability.

    All this involves expert manipulations of human origin.

    Unlike the influenza virus whose genome is made up of 8 RNA chains which make it very unstable, SARS-COV2 has only one RNA chain, which is rare.

    3 / Both DNA and RNA viruses are made up of nitrogenous bases which belong to nucleotides.

    In any living organism there are 5 nitrogenous bases (molecules containing several nitrogen atoms) symbolized by letters (A, T, G, C, U): A for Adenine, T for Thymidine, G for Guanine, C for Cytosine and U for Uracil.

    DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is in the nucleus of the cell.

    RNA or ribonucleic acid is made by transcription from DNA in the cell nucleus. From RNA, ribosomes, small factories present in the cell, manufacture proteins by translation.

    DNA and RNA are made up of a chain of nucleotides. Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and a nitrogen base (or nucleic base).

    Nucleotides cling to each other to make up the strands of RNA and / or DNA. It is the nitrogenous base that makes the difference between nucleotides.
    A base can only link to another base.

    In DNA, the 4 nitrogenous bases which follow one another are A-T and GC. They are attached to sugar, deoxyribose, hence the name Deoxy Acid …

    DNA has a very stable double helix structure made up of 2 intertwined strands.

    The density of DNA is 1.7 because it contains an additional water molecule with deoxyribose.

    In RNA, the 4 nitrogenous bases or “letters” which follow one another are AU and GC. They are attached to the sugar that is ribose, hence the name Acide Ribo …

    RNA is a copy of a region of one of the 2 strands of DNA. RNA usually has a single independent strand.

    GC bonds are stronger, more solid than AU bonds.

    These GC bonds are present in messenger RNA vaccines to last longer in the body.

    The coronavirus genome is made up of 30,000 letters, first published on January 11, 2020, while the human genome is made up of 3 billion letters.

    4 / Variants are all the more frequent as vaccines become more widespread.

    The coronavirus, like all RNA viruses, has a strong ability to change, modify, vary, it is also said to mutate.

    It lives and reproduces after entering human cells. To do this, it copies its genome within the cell it has infected, which consists of copying each letter (base) of its RNA strand. New virus particles will be formed in the infected cell, containing these copies of RNA and will enter other cells and infect them in turn.

    The virus enters the cell using the Spike protein of the coronavirus which binds to certain receptors in the patient’s cell, called ACE2, located in particular in the lung and small intestine.

    On these receptors, the Spike protein functions as a key to open a door.

    The new variants are formed all the more as we vaccinate. They are caused by mutations in the Spike protein. The virus knows perfectly well bypassing vaccines whose effectiveness decreases as they are used. Vaccines have already lost 50% of their effectiveness against the delta variant.

    When copying the coronavirus genome, errors are observed: a letter can be replaced by another (substitution), added (insertion) or deleted (deletion). These are the mutations and they appear randomly. We do not know when or where they will appear in the RNA molecule, on which protein molecule, or what error will be created. This is a normal phenomenon that is observed in all viruses.

    Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines inject mRNA into the body of the vaccinee which will cause the Spike protein to be produced in large quantities. In response, the body’s immune defenses (if they are strong) produce anti-Spike protein antibodies to prevent complications of the disease.
    Mutations affecting the Spike protein are closely watched by scientists. As of December 15, 2020, researchers analyzing British coronaviruses had already identified 1,777 different mutations that modify the Spike protein.

    It has been measured that for SARS-CoV-2, approximately 2 mutations appear each month.

    The virus is smarter than vaccines. When it mutates, it mutates on the Spike protein made after vaccination. Vaccination therefore promotes the manufacture of variants.

    So variants can become more contagious, but let’s not forget, they are less dangerous.

    5 / The purpose of messenger RNA vaccines is to produce a toxic antigen: the Spike protein.

    After an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer and Moderna vaccines) or a recombinant protein vaccine (Johnson & Johnson), the immune system can counter this protein by producing anti-Spike protein antibodies whose lifespan may be short, hence the revaccinations planned each year, and already the 3rd then we see coming the 4th dose.

    The vaccinated therefore have an immune system which will essentially manufacture anti-Spike protein (anti-S) antibodies which will be released into their bloodstream.

    Non-vaccinated people who have developed Covid, with or without symptoms, have in their bloodstream, measured in a simple blood test, two types of antibodies:
    – anti-Spike protein antibodies (anti-S);

    – anti-protein N (anti-N) antibodies against the nucleocapsid of the virus which protects its genome: these anti-protein N (anti-N) antibodies can persist for a long time (at least 8 months *) and can be lifelong (l the future will tell), if the person’s immune system is functioning well.

    * Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for up to 8 months after infection. Dan JM, et al. Science. 2021. PMID: 33408181

    So immune protection after having Covid may be better and longer than after vaccination.

    Among these people, at least 10 million, it is a scientific aberration to impose even a single injection of a messenger RNA vaccine. They have enough antibodies to neutralize a new variant, and possibly develop a new Covid at a minimum by welcoming a new variant.

    6 / The fate of the virus

    Isolated, he dies. In a cell, it can multiply and mutate, becoming a variant, a more contagious but less dangerous virus.

    Cells infected with the virus become inflammatory and can additionally be infected by bacteria present in the respiratory microbiota.

    SARS-Cov2 and its vaccines are in no way comparable to viruses and vaccines against diphtheria-tetanus-polio (DTP), measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) or smallpox or even the bacillus of tuberculosis.

    To be effective, the vaccine needs a good immune system.

    In people with severe immunodeficiency, vaccines are not effective.

    7 / Vaccinating during an epidemic is nonsense, increasing the undesirable effects: epidemiologists know this.

    In Europe today, it is very difficult to know the exact number in each country of side effects and possible deaths linked to different vaccines.

    Several reasons make it possible to understand:

    – pharmacovigilance services throughout Europe have always minimized the side effects of drugs and vaccines in particular.

    – vaccine-related deaths are systematically contested: the “experts” speak of temporality and never of causality.

    – post mortem checks are rarely carried out and even when they are done, it would be very difficult to link death to vaccination.

    – in ”Pasteur’s country”, the health policy has succeeded in imposing this affirmation: ”vaccines = life” with the major argument of the ”benefits / risks” ratio, without explaining that the benefits are financial for few people and the risks for all.

    In the European Economic Area (EEA), 5 deaths are reported to vaccines, obviously emphasizing that the people were elderly or in co-morbidities.

    In Belgium, the Federal Medicines and Health Products Agency (famhp) on August 10 reports:

    – 6,788 severe cases due to “temporary incapacity for work or the inability to leave the house due to fever, muscle pain, malaise and reactions at the injection site”.
    – 199 death reports: there is no common clinical picture (different medical situations) and the time between administration and death differ. As one would expect no more than 4 deaths are recognized as being related to vaccines …

    In France, the ANSM reports 33,296 cases of adverse effects:

    – 64 cases of myocarditis and 111 cases of pericarditis whose effects are minimized.
    – cases of rheumatoid arthritis (22 severe cases since the start of the vaccination, of which 15 had a history of polyarthritis) and cases of glomerular nephropathy, a renal disorder (12 cases since the start of the vaccination, of which 8 are recurrences ), led the committee to consider that these are potential signals, common to mRNA vaccines (Comirnaty from Pfizer and Spikevax from Moderna).

    The majority of cases have occurred in people over the age of 50. These events are subject to specific monitoring and will be shared at European level.

    It is also specified: “since April 3, 2021, pregnant women, from the second trimester, have priority for access to vaccination with an mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty from Pfizer BioNtech and Moderna laboratories). Specific monitoring of the adverse effects reported with all vaccines in pregnant women has therefore been set up. Pregnant women play the role of guinea pigs.

    Obviously, health agencies around the world say without complex: ”all the side effects do not call into question the benefit / risk ratio of vaccines. ”

    In Switzerland, the Institute for Therapeutic Products as of August 10, 2021 counts among people who have received at least one dose of vaccine:

    “34.7% of declarations are considered serious cases.
    Those affected were on average 57.7 years old (within a range of 16 to 101), and of these, 21.9% were 75 years or older. In cases considered severe, the mean age was 61.3 years, and in reports of deaths concomitant with vaccination the mean was 80.7 years. In 133 of these serious cases, one must have deplored the death of the vaccinated person after a more or less long lapse of time. Despite the temporal concordance, there is no concrete indication that the vaccine was the cause of death. ”
    For the USA, Dr Jessica Rose, from the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK) – Public Health Policy Initiative (PHPI) published in May 2021 the various adverse effects of vaccines by analyzing official data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA). **
    In summary, it reports 34 deaths per million people vaccinated compared to 1,500 deaths per million people infected with Covid. However, she gives the references showing that the side effects reported in this database are underestimated, estimated at only 1% of reality. This would bring the actual death rate to 3,400 cases per million, more than the Covid.

    The analysis suggests that vaccines are also likely the cause of miscarriages, anaphylactic allergic reactions, autoimmune, cardiovascular and neurological diseases. Vaccination of pregnant women is certainly not recommended.

    8 / Nature is stronger than scientists: collective immunity is a lure.

    Nature has chosen to adapt by using the harmonic series of numbers, which artists know but little scientists.

    It is mainly the Fibonacci series that is found in coronaviruses, as in nature.

    What is it about ? The Fibonacci sequence (Leonardo Fibonacci, Italian mathematician, 1175-1250) appears in many biological forms: the distribution of the branching of trees, the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the arrangement of a pine cone, the shell of a snail, the number of daisy petals, the golden ratio …

    The golden ratio is called “divine proportion” or “golden rectangle”. He explains, among other things, that a structure has three qualities, strength, utility and beauty, and above all that architecture can be an imitation of nature.

    Surprisingly, all variants of SARS-Cov2 have more and more Fibonacci series from the ratio of AU nucleotides to GC; but not vaccines because they are enriched in strong GC bonds.

    Vaccines therefore have difficulty adapting, hence the prediction of vaccine manufacturers who promise to change mRNA as many times as necessary.

    9 / The health pass imposes almost compulsory vaccination on too many people, to avoid the responsibility of the government or the manufacturers.

    There will be more and more accidents because nothing is currently known about the adverse effects of experimental RNA vaccines in the medium and long term.

    Vaccinating pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy is a huge scientific error, which uses women and unborn children as guinea pigs.

    In the USA, members of the CDC (Center for Diseases of Atlanta), responsible for the “safety of pregnant women” registry, reported in June the first results *** of the post-vaccination miscarriage rate. Between December 14, 2020 and February 28, 2021, the rates are the same for women who have been vaccinated or not. To conclude that it is necessary to vaccinate pregnant women is neither scientific nor honest when we know as seen above that only 1% of the number of side effects are reported.
    *** Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons – June 17, 2021 – N Engl J Med 2021; 384: 2273-2282 DOI: 10.1056 / NEJMoa2104983

    10 / Messages to 227,300 French doctors

    – behave like a real doctor, treat with inexpensive drugs that have been proven: Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Antibiotics (Azithromycin) according to the infectious state of the patient; anticoagulants according to the biological assessment (D-Dimers); and anti-inflammatory drugs (corticosteroids).

    In addition, supplement your patients with Zinc, Vitamins D and C in addition to a very high quality vegetable diet.

    – do not get vaccinated, do not vaccinate, enter RESISTANCE and unite
    – do not vaccinate children, young people or pregnant women ALL in good health.

    The risks of vaccination for these populations are greater than the expected benefits.

    Their immune defenses are sufficient for them to develop covid minimally and without danger.

    Prof. Luc Montagnier

  1144. @Ron Unz

    From your earlier comment which you quoted:

    So if you Flu Hoaxers are willing to spend most of your time fighting the Deep State Neocon shills who are promoting the (very dangerous) “Chinese Bioweapon” nonsense, more power to you.

    So, promoting the “Chinese Bioweapon” is very dangerous, but promoting the “American Bioweapon” is OK. Also, endangering the health of thousands of readers by dismissing the seriousness of Covid-19 is “political shrewdness” to you.

    It’s clear where your affections lie.

    • Disagree: Bugey libre
    • Thanks: Wild Man
  1145. Adrian says:

    You cite bold predictions from few experts who claim we will see catastrophic outcomes in the vaxxed group in the near future. Since many more experts don’t see this threat

    This argument deserves to be teased out a bit more because it is often used and it doesn’t seem quite right to me. You compare a snall group of vocal opponents of vaccination with a large majority of, of, yes of what exactly. It is a largely silent majority, with the emphasis on silent. We don’t know their views. There are powerful incentives for them to keep their mouths shut, even to themselves.

    So a more exact comparison seems to me that of that vocal group of opponents with an equally vocal and prestigious group of advocates of this vaccination campaign – those with obvious ties to the pharmaceutical industry will have to be weeded out of course(since these ties are often hidden this is not an easy task).

    I suggest that the picture will be entirely different then. Can you name for instance a few cogent refutations of the views of Sucharit Bhakdi, of Mike Yeadon, of Wolfgang Wodarg, of Peter McCullough, of Judy Mikovits, to name only a few?

    More or less the facts on the grounds show we are not facing some massive disaster because of them. Not at all!

    Not in Iceland perhaps. Read this piece quoting Dr. McCullough:

    • Agree: Erebus
    • Replies: @niceland
  1146. Erebus says:

    Since many more experts don’t see this threat…

    If “this threat” refers specifically to the threat that is predicted to arise 18-36 mos out, you may right in the sense that the “many more”, whatever it is they may see have at least chosen to stay silent.

    If you are speaking about support for the vaxxine program more generally, you may have been right 6 mos ago, but today I frankly doubt that the words “many more” apply. In fact, the opposite. The Great Barrington Declaration alone has 850k signatories, and it is but one of the medical professional groups speaking out against the entirety of the public health response (incl vaxxines).

    Bhakdi and a few others have been quite specific in detailing the bio-mechanisms by which these vaxxines can disable/kill. Here is a 2 minute clip of Bhakdi explaining one of those mechanisms in in the simplest of layman’s terms…
    https: // (remove the space after “https:”)

    His message is refutable. As the most cited microbiologist in German academic history, he is surely no crackpot but he could be wrong. Is anybody challenging him? The answer is that I’ve looked for your “other experts” and found nothing. That is in itself informative. If you’ve found any that present a structured counter-argument, please link to them as I’m sure we’d all have a genuine interest in hearing what they have to say. NB: I am interested in structured argument only, not name calling or declaratory arguments.

    As for…

    … we are not seeing any signs of it as of yet, several months into mass vaccination programs in the west.

    … well, unless you’re speaking only of Iceland, I’m simply astonished you could say something like that.

    You must have missed my (unanswered) comment to TWBT @999. The reality is that red lights have been flashing and sirens blaring in the US (and Europe) for many months now. Sure, if you limit your sources to those silent “many more experts’ and the institutions they work for, all you’ll hear is “Nothing to see here”.

    … I wasn’t displaying any attitude concerning the ‘Precautionary Principle’ I was stating the lack of ability or will to react to these bold predictions for rather obvious reasons. So you are creating a straw-man from my alleged attitude towards the P.P – and then you proceed to attack it. I am not impressed.

    You misread me. I started that part of my comment with: “The most astonishing thing about this whole vaxxine episode…”… which would normally signal that I was moving beyond the narrow discussion of “bold predictions” and on to a larger context. No straw men involved, but I guess I could’ve made that explicit.

    If I remember correctly it’s the mRNA vaccines that are going to cause the terrible outcomes in few months…

    From my readings in early 2021, the “dissident” experts were predicting limited immediate effects, with the major (meaning large numbers) repercussions starting 18-36 mos after the 2nd jab. IIRC, this was based on previous animal studies with mRNA vaxxines. In the event, the immediate effects have been so startling that the possibility of the 18-36 mo schedule being moved forward arises.

    There are several other pivotal points that the “dissident” experts predicted months ago. Here’s my understanding of a couple of them…
    – unlike traditional dead/disabled virus vaccines that act fairly uniformly across populations, mRNA vaxxines can have wildly different outcomes depending on the unpredictability of where and how much spike protein any given recipient would produce. Exactly what we’ve seen.
    – their efficacy was expected to be highly specific, relatively short lived and would drive mutation to vaxxine resistant variants. It’s interesting to note that the dozen variants circulating before vaxxine rollout have all but been replaced by Delta (with others now rising)

    This installs confidence, it seems health officials in Norway and Denmark are doing their job and have the knowledge and equipment necessary. Both countries continue using mRNA vaccines.

    That may be so, but the numbers I’ve seen from the CDC do not indicate that the Pfizer & Moderna vaxxines are any safer than J&J and A-Z, though the latter 2 have seen much more bad publicity. If that holds across Europe, then it sounds more like a competitive squeeze play than any vigilance on the part of health officials.

  1147. @Punch Brother Punch

    Punch-drunk Brother wrote:

    I recommend you read Michael Hudson, another contributor to this site, for a different perspective, one that I find compelling.

    That statement confirms what I suspected about you all along. ie: that you are economically clueless.
    Michael Hudson is a non-entity – only respected by hard core socialists and radical lefties.

    Michael Hudson and some other fellow Trotskyist wrote an article that was published in the UR a couple of months or so ago.

    The Left-of-Karl Marx supporters of Hudson came out of the woodwork and I eviscerated all their lame arguments in turn in the comments section.

    When they threw a tantrum, I suggested a debate to them (they claimed to know Michael Hudson personally), between a spokesman for their discredited thesis (equivalent to Modern Monetary Theory) Vs Libertarianism.

    For our side, I suggested Peter Schiff, former 2008 Presidential campaign economic adviser for Ron Paul.

    Immediately, the Michael Hudson groupies went quiet.

    No doubt Michael Hudson himself would’ve been reading the comments section and not a peep out of him either – proof positive that he’s GUTLESS.

    If he’s so sure of himself and his voodoo economics, why not take on Peter Schiff ?

    Of course, we all know the answer to that.

    Peter Schiff would carve him up.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1148. @Mehen

    Some things are hard. Like knowing everything about a new virus. This means that people make a lot of mistakes when dealing with it.

    Some things are relatively easy. Like following up on test subjects to see if they got sick after a vaccine.

    This is why the vaccines are remarkably safe, but the authorities were frequently wrong about Covid.

    Abstract thought requires you to not be desperate to see “evil” everywhere. Once you’ve triggered yourself into some narrative of omnipresent “bad”, you will no longer be able to think clearly.

    How can you? You’re in the presence of “evil”, even if imagined. It causes your cognitive functions to freeze and you enter the fight or flight response, just as surely as if you were in the presence of non-imagined evil.

    Once your brain is stuck like this, you will need to hold onto to your narrative ever tighter. The narrative itself may be crazy, but at that point it is all you’ve got.

    Imagine a world where the authorities tried their best to deal with the virus intelligently, mostly failed, but thankfully they have done pretty good with this vaccine and it helps a lot, with little risk.

  1149. Adrian says:

    Niceland let me add that I hope you can come up with powerful refutations of their views. This won’t induce me to take the jab but will lessen the worries I have about my son and daughter.

  1150. Mehen says:

    Lots of confusion in your comment that I’m not inclined to explicate at the moment. For one thing, you conflated my point about online behavior/fun with my previous comment to T. regarding DMT. I suppose I could have been clearer. Anyway, I’ve long had a policy to avoid making statements about objective morality, so you got that wrong as well.

    I am curious about one thing, though. You seem to take a hardline stance with respect to intoxication. Is your position one of opposition to all perturbations of consciousness, or merely psychedelics? What is your policy on this issue, and why?

  1151. @Raches

    You don’t like my definition of “murder”. You make some persuasive points that I didn’t include some caveats to it, I was being brief, but otherwise you seem to think I care which label you have decided I must use to describe the Goebbels’ killing of their two healthy children who would have had their own and potentially bright futures, not being raped or enslaved or anything like that. It isn’t even like the religious fanatics at Masada. They were saving their children from slavery, while the Goebbels’ were “saving” their children from the German economic miracle and unprecedented safety and comfort.


    Your attempt at argument is boring and pedantic. It is exactly what feminists mean by “mansplaining.” It is confusing a “label” for the “reality” in a pompous way that comes from not trying to understand the actual point. I appreciate that you mean well, which is why I said it was “silly.”

    I stand by my description of the Goebbels’ 100% and you wanting me to change one word is like the press’s shock at Trump’s use of the term “anchor baby.”

    Untwist your knickers and stop projecting your repressed hysteria onto me.

    • Agree: Mehen
    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1152. Wild Man says:

    Dear Raches ….. I believe you suffer from the sin of intellectual pride (aka ontological conceit). At least that sentiment drips from pretty much all your writing. But I already said as much. No use beating the dead horse (and if it’s not dead – the rest of it, …. to obtain a better personal metaphysical understanding ….. well that part is up to you). All one can do is point the way.

    I’ll try to point the way, again, for you. On your passage:

    “The only law of nature is, “Might makes right.”

    So, so, so terribly wrong. Darwinism does not show that. Darwinism shows, as per what I outlined for you in comment #1361 of the previous comment thread, following a Ron Unz article entitled ‘The Covid Debate: to Vaxx or Not to Vaxx (total of 1,589 comments)’:

    4) As such … ‘survival of the fittest’, from the information systems perspective, means much more than sheer win/lose game structure (because the information systems game structure is open-ended, by way of the ever-changing environment). As such win/win may also prevail. As such this implies that the abstract concepts at play here, are both competition, as well as collaboration (or cooperation if you like).

    Raches …. are you a Darwinist? Perhaps the way out of your quandary (blinded by hubris) is to study up on that, until you understand the nuance.

    • Agree: Mehen
  1153. geokat62 says:

    … since before I even found The Unz Review around 2019 or thereabouts.

    Loup-Bouc’s first comment:

    December 27, 2019 at 4:37 am GMT • 1.7 years ago • 900 Words   ↑

    Raches’ first comment:

    July 11, 2021 at 4:03 am GMT • 1.9 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
    @Priss Factor

    Lucy, you’ve got some splaining to do!

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @Raches
  1154. @Ron Unz

    Obviously, if you’re aiming at the ignorant masses, crude or vulgar cartoons are much more effective than lengthy, thoughtful articles.

    You have an odd understanding of “the masses.” The vast majority want nothing to do with Anglin or with people associated with his ideas. This is a simple factual observation.

    • Agree: L.K
    • Replies: @Mehen
    , @utu
  1155. @Erebus

    You must have missed my (unanswered) comment to TWBT @999.

    Your comments will always be unanswered because I’ve long ago put you on the Ignore Commenter list, which always happens after I mark someone as a Troll. But checking the replies to niceland’s comment doesn’t have that barrier, and I couldn’t help but notice a blatant lie:

    The Great Barrington Declaration alone has 850k signatories, and it is but one of the medical professional groups speaking out against the entirety of the public health response (incl vaxxines).

    What the actual declaration says through all uses of “vacc” except for the leaders with bios who are vaccine people is:

    The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

    Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.

    Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.

    Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.

    As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.

    Does anyone wonder why I’m ignoring “Erebus??”

    • Thanks: niceland
    • Replies: @Erebus
    , @Adrian
  1156. @Punch Brother Punch

    From what I can gather, with the 1976 swine flu, a story got put out that there was a connection between the vax and Guillan-Barr Syndrome which can lead to heart attacks. Doctors then began reporting all of their vaxxed patients who had heart attacks as potentially having GBS, even though I don’t believe they had good testing procedures for that condition at the time. A panic ensued and the vax program was halted. Still, something like 40+million people, including Jerry Ford, we’re vaxxed and they were fine.

    That heart attacks thing is a detail I don’t remember from living through that year as a teen, I’ll put that on my entirely too long list to investigate.

    I think the most important thing to know or remember is that this was the post-Watergate media, Republicans had all been declared to be criminals, and no effort was spared to paint the hapless Gerald Ford in a negative light. So just like with Trump, the reporting and emphasizing of his response to this potential pandemic, here correlated vaccine administration adverse effects was used to trash his response to … I’m not actually sure. I also need to check up on what was learned about the Soviet or PRC accidental release of an old strain of H1N1, per Wikipedia while that’s normally dated to 1977, it was later learned it started showing up in 1976.

  1157. @Robjil

    We are all guinea pigs. Ironically there was a coup in Guinea recently, most likely because Guinea president wants to use the Sputnik V vaccine

    However much that President might have wanted to use Sputnik V for the nation as a whole, and I note you don’t support that claim, it’s not on the menu for any country that for Russia isn’t important enough for their “vaccine diplomacy” because they’re having serious trouble mass manufacturing it, and everyone, so far this just adds Argentina, is having severe trouble manufacturing the second dose. Maybe you mean Sputnik Light, which is just its first dose, rather like the one jab version of Janssen’s?

    Per Wikipedia they did get a small number of Sputnik V doses for high level officials in January 2021, and then 194,400 doses of AZ/Oxford through COVAX in April, which I’d expect that even for the elderly and most vulnerable is way too few for 12.4 million people. COVAX at last count is seriously hampered by India’s vaccine embargo starting in mid-March, although in general the world’s ability to make cell culture based vaccines is vastly below demand.

    You then rant about Pfizer, but it’s not much of an option unless Guinea can make a lot of dry ice. For their situation, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the vaccines that only require medical refrigeration, which goes up to 46F/8C.

    • Replies: @Robjil
  1158. Wild Man says:

    Well, I guess the main thing you are missing, in your analysis of Anglin vs. Unz, on covid-19, is that it isn’t Anglin that says he believes that sars-cov-2 is a likely a bioweapon. That be Unz. So, … in effect you are deriding Unz, when you say:

    “So, he’s not stupid: He is a liar. Telling lies that kill people. That is not an improvement—and Dr. Goebbels would agree with me about that.

    I always detested the “China bioweapon” nonsense. When I first saw it, I insulted the promoters thereof about as viciously as you can imagine. But fighting a lie with a lie is never the answer—and if that’s what Anglin did, it is fighting a lie that’s based on no evidence, with a lie that’s contrary to all evidence and which kills people dead.”

    …., because it’s Unz the claims he believes that sars-cov-2 is dangerous (and in ways that are perhaps still hidden to us) … not Anglin. Anglin claims it is just a regular respiratory illness (similar to the flu, if not actually the flu). If Unz believes that sars-cov-2 is likely a bioweapon, then it is very weird that Unz considers that it might be helpful to expose the younger aged cohorts to wild covid, so as to obtain immunity that way (i.e. – that would be more or less Anglin’s stance … though I don’t believe Anglin would ever counsel people to purposely infect themselves with any pathogen, natural or not, but instead the idea that, for the younger groups, …. don’t be afraid of the unpleasant eventuality of contracting such natural respiratory sickness).

    Anglin’s logic is consistently sound, whereas Unz’s is not (on the coivd-19 topic). But of course Anglin may well be all-wet, on sars-cov-2, being a natural pathogen, instead of a bioweapon. Nevertheless, given the premises Anglin offers, his logic is sound (whereas Unz’s is not, given the premises Mr. Unz offers).

  1159. Mehen says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    You have an odd understanding of “the masses.” The vast majority want nothing to do with Anglin or with people associated with his ideas. This is a simple factual observation.

    That probably has more to do with the masses being propagandized and gaslight by your favorite Tribe.

    • Agree: Wild Man
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1160. Mehen says:

    I second what both Triteleia and Wild Man have written in their most recent replies to you.

    To which, I would add:

    The illusion that we understand each other is created by making the unique ‘common.’ This is the mystery of language.

    You might find this interesting: my first introduction to the Nietzsche/Buddha blend before graduating to the Morrison book.

  1161. @Mehen

    Even the Nazis banned Der Sturmer because they thought it made them look bad.

    • Replies: @Mehen
  1162. Wild Man says:

    Hello again dear Raches. You are grossly mistaken, I believe, on this passage of your comment:

    “Ironically, whatever the merits and dangers of the Covid vaccines may be, I think that the vaccines could possibly be altogether unnecessary, if not for the flu hoaxers and their ilk. Masks work. Personal space (what I call the badly-named “social distancing”) works. Other protective measures work—more or less, with additive effect.

    If everyone were even half as careful as I am about Covid, then there would be much less Covid—even if vaccines did not exist! The overlapping sets of flu hoaxers, anti-maskers, and other ostrich-minded types are increasing the value of vaccines, by spreading more Covid and by inducing others to spread more Covid.”

    This is what I mean. Here is a note a wrote for a friend, back in early April/21:

    At 23:40 of the vid, Dr. Yeadon explains why what my brother kept saying to me, didn’t make any sense at all (though my brother’s covid-sentiment, which probably hasn’t changed, is shared with, what I think is, the vast majority of the people). My brother was telling me back in the spring last year, maybe it was May/20, that – ‘if everybody would just wear the f*cking masks and do what the authorities tell us …. then we can defeat this thing …. eradicate it completely, by way of making sure no one catches it from the infected, for a little while (by the draconian actions), and since the infected people do not remain sick and infectious for too too long, …… the whole thing will just go away, then.’ Then my brother, during the early fall, when my brother’s prediction with respect to his acquiescence to the official narrative … didn’t come true, … instead, my brother started playing the blame game, ….. (but really, he was already getting blamsey with respect to ‘other people’ right from the very beginning of covid in March, 2020), ….. just as the authorities pull narrative-strings so all the kneejerkers will get in line with their agenda, …. to kneejerk just like my brother, towards the stupid blame game.

    Raches, ….. I guess you are a ‘koolaid drank’ drinker. You drink the Covid Officialdom koolaid and you like it.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  1163. Robjil says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Maybe you mean Sputnik Light, which is just its first dose, rather like the one jab version of Janssen’s?

    Sputnik Light sounds better. One jab and one is “free”. I have not been studying all the types of jabs.

    This whole totalitarian massive enforcement of entire populations with this vaccine thing is ridiculous and cruelty to humanity. A organization for the prevention of “Cruelty to Humans ” (PCH), should be created with this “event” in mind. So it never happens ever again. Most people have a good immune system against Covid, flus or colds. An enforcement of vaccination for all is not needed, it is just cruel.

    Our immune system is a great system. We should not be fooling around with it. We are not computers that need to “updated” every “six” months.

  1164. @geokat62

    Well spotted geokat!

    In a recent comment he writes:

    Since yesterday, I have spent hours preparing my replies.

    So I guess his legal and medical practice isn’t keeping him busy much since July. He used to be extremely pedantic and post corrections to his previous comments with profuse apologies for the minor mistakes he made. And he used to quote precisely the time and date of his and others’ previous comments, and I see he couldn’t help himself to do the same again in his reply to Ron in comment #1166. But his views seem to have somewhat changed lately, with this new found admiration for Hitler and the Nazis. Also I wasn’t aware that he was always a racist. But to summarise his style: never have so many words been used to say so little. The things old age does to people.

    • Thanks: geokat62
  1165. Erebus says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Does anyone wonder why I’m ignoring “Erebus??”

    I, for one don’t wonder at all. You can’t think straight, and you’re a disingenuous coward.

    Whenever you can’t answer the argument, you disengage. That’s not true for my comments alone, but also for everyone else who blows you out of the water. It’s your calling card, who you’ve come to be known as.

    You were caught in several point blank lies. You’ve never answered the charge. Ever, even once, while tossing charges about with abandon.

    The first time I caught you was re: Sputnik V in Dec 2020, where you said the Russians “… approved their Sputnik V vaccine one month before they started Phase III efficacy trials…” (they didn’t) and that “…Sputnik V is a political stunt.” (whereupon I showed it was much more than that). What did you reply? Crickets. We’re still waiting for it.

    You accused me of “bald faced lying” when I said the vaxxines had not undergone “real testing”. I returned the charge, pointing out that the very document you linked noted (at least) 4 mandated, critical tests that were not performed. Your rebuttal … …. …. …. Crickets. We’re still waiting for it.
    (Though we’ve seen Loup-Bouc/Anachronis/Raches repeatedly attempting his flying fuck at a rolling donut).

    You apparently can’t read either. Your blockquote contains the line: “… (herd immunity is) the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine.”, which is close to precisely the point being made in that part of my comment. The same point, coincidentally, that Iceland’s health authorities have publicly made as well. Namely, the vaxxines are neither necessary nor sufficient to reach herd immunity.

    Quik Quiz TWBT: What implications necessarily follow neither necessary nor sufficient, when combined with demonstrably dangerous and occasionally lethal (as seen in the CDC data)? What implications follow when the two are combined with mandatory?

    Cue the crickets.

    • Agree: Truth Vigilante
    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Bugey libre
  1166. Wild Man says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Yes ….. I think you are making an important differentiation. It’s not so much politicians that are the likely 20%, of psychopaths, whom accrue at the top of power structures (though Kevin Spacey’s enactment of the Frank Underwood character in ‘House of Cards’, …. is quite accurate, imo, for some select few among politicians, that are cursed this way).

    There are those that then control politicians, though. I think politicians are often enablers of said psychopaths. I think a sizable portion of politicians have a tendency towards extroverted narcissism. Not hard (for a psychopath) to use that weakness.

    On your passage:

    “It is those people who see all of their own potential darkness and somehow become lost in it. Not lost as in feeling lost and sad, but lost as in revelling in it. They’re still just extremely hurt people who deserve love, but they’re not the type of incompetent, unaware people that your article describes.”

    I see your point. However, I think the ‘revelling’, is sort of like a strategy of psychic shaping of brain physiology, during important developmental stages, so as to deliver to the individual a psychic/physiological strategy of insulating the individual from perceptual signals that re-invoke the earlier nightmare anxiety (as outlined in my comment #1032 of this thread):

    All of this occurring early enough within childhood development, that said individual forgets the probable trauma that caused it (with varying degrees of innate susceptibility to said trauma, which we all experience early on), … and then said psyche will go on to do it’s best to insulate the individual from perceptual signals that re-invoke the earlier nightmare anxiety.

    • Agree: Mehen
  1167. @Wild Man

    Raches believes on the survival of the fitest. Strengh, might is right. Mayybee he/she doubting about belonging to the strongest, the mightyest who can survive the ever evolving, creative covid. Would one’s go to Valhalla While dying fighting a virus?

    That said, what does raches think of Martin Bormann? thanks

    • Replies: @Wild Man
  1168. geokat62 says:

    I, for one don’t wonder at all.

    … and I second that, Erebus. You’re a rock solid commenter whose comments are among the few I actually look forward to reading, as well as a delightful sense of humour:

    (Though we’ve seen Loup-Bouc/Anachronis/Raches repeatedly attempting his flying fuck at a rolling donut).

    • Agree: Wild Man
    • Replies: @Erebus
  1169. @Erebus

    I have read the document.

    Would any one of those who signed refuse the early treatments like ivermectine?
    Would any of there ethical people contradict what Luc Montagnier has just written?
    Would any of these scientists accept the mental health distress that is going on?
    Would any of these conscious people accept the destruction of the economy and consider it a good way to improve health?
    Would they agree on permanent regular jabbing?

    Would they support the health/green pass destroying the social fabric?

    TWBT, Trying to ass fuck flies…

    • Agree: geokat62
  1170. Wild Man says:
    @Bugey libre

    Well, I never put that together myself …. but I think I see what you mean. ‘The survival of the fittest as might makes right’ is mucho dumb (because it is a one-sided explanation), … yet for a proponent of that dumb view, … why would such a person by freaked over so-called covid-spreaders? Weird. Shouldn’t he hope they die by disease, and that he may live by overcoming said disease, to prove to himself that he is on the right side of the fittest, by way of his ‘might’? Or alternatively, perhaps he should just shoot them all? But instead his answer is ….. run away. Weird.

    • LOL: Bugey libre
  1171. Alden says:

    Ron There’s a story today as that confirms everything you’ve written about Dr Fauci contracting covid research to the Wuhan lab.

    • Replies: @Raches
  1172. Nancy says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Pharma/termite greed is obscene… they MUST make a ‘killing’ on the sucess of Ivermectin. I say this is proof positive that Ivermectin IS the amazing C19 treatment as claimed… and, for pennies. Their avarice is going to be their undoing. (Will have to roll out their Cyber Polygon ‘attack’ soon!)

  1173. Erebus says:

    Thanks your kind words, and especially your gumshoe tenacity in cornering the Raches fraud. For the sober reader, his every sentence breaths of the cold, dry air of madness.

    • Replies: @Adrian
  1174. Skeptikal says:


    You have faith. Fine.

    But others will make their own risk-benefit analysis.

    The current data—from the CDC, from Israel, from the USA— don’t look as great as you think.

    And, as Erebus pointed out: Since the jabs don’t prevent one from getting covid and dying in hospital, plus unwittingly transmitting viruses to unwitting others plus do not confer life-long immunity but instead sentence one to life-long jab serfdom—I think these are pretty good reasons for abstaining.

    You go ahead, though!!
    Anyhow I guess it is too late for you to change your mind, and I certainly am not trying to change it. Glad you are happy with your decision.

    I sure am happy with my decision, so please, as nice as you are, I have to say that it is time for jabbers like you to stop their jabbering and stop trying to convince other adults that their decision making process is wrong. You are not going to change a single mind at this point.

    Although the data could be a lot better, we have enough—indeed, the lacunae also speak volumes—to make adult decisions, and we have done so. Some have decided to be jabbed; others, not.

    Seems like maybe you are trying to buck your own self up. Buyer’s regret?

    • Thanks: Ilya G Poimandres
  1175. Wild Man says:
    @Wild Man

    More that TWBT should weigh-in on now (but probably won’t).

    This is not that much different than what I had already commented on, back on June 24/21, in a comment on a previous thread directed to BaronAsh. Here is the pertinent passage, within my said long comment:


    Also, ask yourself this: – Why would all the vaxxes eventuate the expression of the vascularly toxic spike protein on the cell surfaces within human bodies, when it is becoming clear that said expression occurs, by way of the vaxxes, systemically all over the body, within the vasculuarity of many organ systems (and my guess is that vaxx nano-lipid-envelope migration to these organ systems, during the 48 hours after vasxx is administered, may be mediated by the scarcity/abundance of ACE2 receptors within the vascular components of said organs)? It’s like the vaxx solution they came up with to this covid problem was designed for maximum amount of systemic physical trauma that also wouldn’t be quite enough to shut the whole vaxx program down immediately. The evidence for that seems to be growing as the weeks pass (instead of diminishing which would otherwise normally be expected, if my suspicions are unwarranted). While there may be some very good virological/immunological reasons that the vascularly toxic spike protein was targeted for expression by the vaxxes, but was there no way to design a vaccine that spread said toxin so systemically through the body in order to illicit the immune response? Some of the vascular toxicity of the spike protein is related to damaging the ACE2 receptor enough that said cells suffer metabolic damage, perhaps due to local blood pressure disregulation (i.e – the vascular trauma is more than just by way of spike protein interaction with other blood components -like platelets … but there is that particular vascular toxic effect as well).

    Form this article:

    “ACE2 is a vital element in a biochemical pathway that is critical to regulating processes such as blood pressure, wound healing and inflammation, called the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) pathway.”

    From the discussion section of this study (on the original SARS virus):

    “It is remarkable that so few organs become virus‐positive, despite the presence of ACE2 on the endothelia of all organs and SARS‐CoV in blood plasma of infected individuals.”

    Strange that – eh? The original SARS virus infects the patient by way of ACE2 involvement in lung tissue (as does Sars-cov-2), yet infection by way of the original SARS virus does not typically show cross-over towards virus involvement in tissue in other organs (besides the lungs & gut). We need to know if this is true of wild Sars-Cov-2 as well. Does anybody know? Assuming that wild Sars-cov-2 behaves similarly to the original wild SARS virus in this respect, … then … does this not beg the question: Why did the vaxx maker’s solution feature a delivery mechanism (nano-lipid) that forces the toxic spike protein expression as systemically involving many organ systems? Does this not put all vaxxed people at potential risk in ways the even the wild sars-cov-2 usually does not (assuming wild Sars-cov-2 behaves similarly to the original wild SARS virus with respect to ACE2 receptor involvement typically limited to lung & gut tissue)?

    Of course, when I said in the 1st paragraph, the following:

    (and my guess is that vaxx nano-lipid-envelope migration to these organ systems, during the 48 hours after vasxx is administered, may be mediated by the scarcity/abundance of ACE2 receptors within the vascular components of said organs)

    …. I did not realize at the time, that this specific claim makes no sense (i.e. – as it turns out, I don’t believe the nanolipid delivery mechanism into cells is actually contingent on ACE2 receptor interface or presence). But otherwise, I think the rest of my quoted passage, well outlines the worries, the same worries as outlined in the Colleen Huber article, linked above.

    I suppose, on this front, we do not actually possess a biologics expert, within this forum, that could delve into these issues, and explain the technical details in more regular language. Many of us thought that, in early innings of interfacing with TWBT, that TWBT was such an expert. But TWBT has failed us, in that vein. I guess we are on our own in that respect. But no worries ….. there are enough of us here, with good minds that can easily learn the technical details. I guess that is where we are right now. What a shame. This is gonna take more time to get to the bottom of this whole covid-19 fiasco. But we got to do it (because no one else will). Though I must say, I am not pleased, at all, with TWBT’s obfuscatory behavior. What a shame and what a waste.

  1176. @Truth Vigilante

    One has to remember, that the PRODUCTIVE people, the salt-of-the-Earth types and go-getters that built western society (and form the core of other successful societies), are those with common sense that have, by and large, avoided the kill jabs…

    the world will be far more productive utopia, with a considerable net increase in average IQ.

    LOL…you’re living in a dream world. Most who avoided the life-jab are low IQ, lazy, superstitious and easily manipulated by propaganda and misinformation.

    It’ll be a “utopia” populated by dumbasses, cranks, crackpots and spergs. Good luck.

    For example, one of the largest unvaxxed demographics in America is blacks (in fact, I think they might be the largest per capita, I’d have to consult the stats). With their 85-average IQ and fast time preference do you expect them to be homesteading the dystopia? Tending their vegetable gardens, constructing aquifers and policing their self-sufficient communities? Risible.

    One of the problems with libertarianism is it leads its more credulous adherents (such as yourself) to view all the problems in the world as stemming from government. You seem to have some sort of special antipathy towards those who work in the “public sector.” You do realize that most people who work in the private sector do things like bullshit office jobs or wage-slaving in the service industry, don’t you? They’re not “self-sufficient,” “salt-of-the-earth” types.

    • Replies: @L.K
    , @Erebus
    , @Truth Vigilante
  1177. @Raches

    Jeebus if the two of you were shoved into a right rectangular cuboid, you’d fluff each others’ frontal cortexes into believing the room had 18 sides.


  1178. @Truth Vigilante

    For our side, I suggested Peter Schiff,

    I used to watch Schiff interviews back when he was a frequent guest on the Stefan Molyneux show. I never found him that impressive.

    But maybe I wasn’t ready for him at the time. I’ll be sure to catch his most recent interview on “DJ Vlad TV” on YouTube. I sure his discourses on free-market economics and why the key to financial security is buying gold from his company will be set in illuminating relief next to the other interviews with washed-up rappers, gangbangers and porn stars.

    It’s amusing that you accuse me and others of being “groupies” for Michael Hudson when you come across like a perfervid groupie for Ron Paul, Peter Schiff and your other libertarian heroes.

  1179. Mehen says:

    The following is a somewhat technical comment I nicked from another blog. It should be right up TWBT’s alley. I believe TWBT has me on Ignore, so if anyone else is interested in hearing his input, feel free to share:

    Something strange is clearly going on with regard to the vaccines, aside from the high risk of adverse effects. Despite evidence that they provide protection against symptomatic infection and severe illness, many countries with the highest vaccination rates have the highest illness and hospitalization rates, and the current wave of infection is both much stronger than would be expected in the northern hemisphere summer and also failing to drop off rapidly after a peak as occurred with past waves and the first Delta wave in India. In Israel, where a booster campaign is well underway, positive cases continued to rise even as hospitalizations leveled off, and the case rate is now among the highest of any country on Earth.

    Over the past few days I have developed a hypothesis that could help to explain:

    –High disease prevalence in regions with high uptake of genetic vaccines.

    –Increasing disease prevalence following widespread booster vaccination in Israel.

    –High ratios of unvaccinated to vaccinated hospital patients.

    –Much better vaccine protection against severe illness than against infection.

    –Maintained vaccine protection against severe illness over time despite waning immunity.

    –Inferior vaccine protection against infection compared to natural immunity, despite comparable levels of neutralizing antibodies and T/B-cell activation.

    –Higher rates of asymptomatic infection among vaccinated people despite limited testing.

    –Political refusal to test asymptomatic vaccinated people for infection under most circumstances.


    The hypothesis is that genetic vaccines are inducing partial immune tolerance to spike protein, likely through a regulatory T-cell response. If any commenters know immunologists or vaccinologists, I would be very interested to hear their thoughts with regard to this idea.

    Tolerance is the collective term for a variety of mechanisms used by the human immune system to prevent autoimmunity. Primary tolerance occurs during immune cell development in the bone marrow, and acts to weed out developing immune cells that generate autoreactive antibodies or other autoimmune responses. Secondary tolerance, which is the main focus here, acts to mitigate the effects of autoreactive responses that are already in existence. One of the mechanisms of secondary tolerance is the development of regulatory T-cells, which act to tone down immune responses to particular antigens.

    Viruses can exploit tolerance in order to evade the immune system, and this notably occurs with HIV. The viral envelope protein is sufficiently similar in form to a human protein (histone H2A) that an effective antibody response is blocked by tolerance mechanisms, and people with certain autoimmune conditions compromising these tolerance mechanisms actually mount a more effective antibody response against HIV. (

    Increasing tolerance to a pathogen can paradoxically decrease severe disease, when severe disease involves an immune overreaction/cytokine storm rather than actual viral tissue damage. Such is the case with most cases of severe Covid-19 that lead to hospitalization and death. ( However, this protective effect comes with trade-offs. When coronavirus-family infections were studied in mice, regulatory T-cells prevented severe immunogenic illness but increased the risk of viral persistence and chronic infection. Furthermore, regulatory T-cell activation can non-specifically dampen immune response to other pathogens, leading to increased incidence of secondary infections. (

    The main biochemical difference between genetic vaccines and conventional vaccines is that the former present protein antigens to the immune system on the surface of human cells, while the latter present antigens on inactivated viruses or other inert injected particles. Furthermore, when genetic vaccines “infect” a large number of muscle cells, or vessel wall cells, or heart cells, causing them to produce spike protein, the immune system creates conflicting signals. The generated antibodies say “kill that foreign object!” while the self-recognition systems say “that thing just showed up on a bunch of our cells, must be OK!” For this reason, we might expect genetic vaccines to be more likely to induce anti-autoimmunity tolerance mechanisms.

    Interestingly, there is an mRNA vaccine in development that is specifically designed to induce tolerance as a treatment for autoimmune disease through activation of regulatory T-cells. The Nature paper describing that work curiously includes the following paragraph: “Sahin and colleagues have clearly demonstrated the potential of RNA lipoplex vaccines to deliver a non-inflammatory form of an mRNA vaccine encoding a self antigen to prevent and limit autoimmune disease in mice. It is noteworthy that m1Ψ-containing mRNA is also used for the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, indicating that the pro- versus anti-inflammatory nature of m1Ψ mRNA vaccines can be modulated depending on the specific antigen and specific encapsulating lipid formulation. In the case of the BNT162b2 vaccine for COVID-19, the antigen is a foreign protein formulated in an immunostimulatory lipid nanoparticle. In the present study, the antigen is a self protein delivered in a non-immunogenic lipoplex formulation, and an extra mRNA purification step removes any residual immunostimulatory molecules. This method allows antigen presentation in the absence of inflammation and co-stimulation, preferential expansion of pre-existing T(reg) cells, and possibly also their de novo development.” (

    In other words, they claim that the immune response to an mRNA vaccine can be switched between tolerance and immunity by choosing a self or foreign protein and selecting a pro- or anti-inflammatory lipid formulation for the encapsulation. I highly doubt that it’s that simple, and I strongly suspect that unintentional induction of partial tolerance is a likely side effect of any genetic vaccine.

    Conveniently, in the case of Covid-19, it turns out that tolerance is protective against severe disease, and indeed some treatment efforts have focused specifically on enhancing immune tolerance ( However, immune tolerance may also be associated with prolonged virus shedding ( If the genetic vaccines do indeed induce partial immune tolerance, that could help to explain their impressive efficacy against the sort of immune overreaction that leads to hospitalization and death, while also explaining their comparative weakness in preventing infection and transmission of the virus. If “long covid” is, as many scientists suspect, partially induced by autoreactive antibodies, then it would also make sense that genetic vaccines could reduce or eliminate those symptoms by inducing tolerance. This could help to explain the phenomenon that vaccination sometimes alleviates long covid, and also reduces the incidence of long covid in breakthrough infections.

    This is an eminently testable hypothesis that can be explored by examining regulatory T-cell responses (or other immune tolerance responses) following vaccination. To date, I can find no evidence that anyone has done this, but I would hope that it will happen in the near future, and the results will be illuminating.

    Tolerance is not an on/off phenomenon but rather a wide spectrum ranging from the complete immune acceptance of most of our own proteins to the extreme reactogenicity of a serious peanut or bee sting allergy. Tolerance mechanisms can coexist with immunity mechanisms, such that tolerance begins to become apparent as the level of neutralizing antibodies declines. And to be clear, I am not hypothesizing that the genetic Covid-19 vaccines function by virtue of inducing tolerance. It has been well-demonstrated that they induce a strong neutralizing antibody response. I am instead suggesting that they may *also* be inducing partial tolerance, and that this effect may help to explain strong protection against severe (immune overreaction) disease, high rates of illness transmission in high-vax areas, and possibly also significant declines in immunity after 4-6 months despite continuing high antibody levels.

    If indeed the genetic Covid-19 vaccines are inducing partial tolerance, we can make certain predictions:

    1. Genetic vaccines will be extremely effective at preventing severe disease, but much less effective in terms of preventing infection. (True)

    2. As vaccine immunity wanes, protection against cytokine-storm-type severe disease will be maintained. (Seems to be true)

    3. As vaccine immunity wanes, vaccinated people will increasingly carry and spread the virus, and population-level viral prevalence will rise in areas with a high uptake of genetic vaccines. (True) Vaccinated people will be more likely to be asymptomatic carriers. (True,

    4. This will lead to a significant wave of illness transmission which will disproportionately affect unvaccinated people (who are not protected against severe disease). (True right now across the US and much of the world)

    5. Booster shots will further increase tolerance, leading to an increased level of disease prevalence across the population. (True in Israel)

    6. As immunity wanes and new antibody-resistant variants emerge, vaccinated people will be more vulnerable to long-term/chronic infection with high viral loads. Due to the protective effects of tolerance this will likely manifest not as typical severe Covid-19 illness (pneumonia, ventilators, cytokine storms, multiorgan failure) but rather as spike protein toxicity. So we should watch for an increase in clotting, strokes, heart attacks, myocarditis, neurological problems, etc. Vaccinated patients dying of these conditions may not be tested for Covid-19 and so likely will not be counted as covid deaths, and the myth of vaccine efficacy may persist based on the original definition of “preventing severe Covid-19 disease” even as we experience a wave of mysterious illness and death. Furthermore, vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to other infections due to regulatory-T-cell mediated general immune suppression. Should ADE develop, with non-neutralizing antibodies facilitating enhanced infection or direct infection of immune cells, tolerance could well lead to further exacerbation. However tolerance could also provide protection against cytokine storm-type reactions and accelerate the evolution of SARS-CoV2 into an endemic human pathogen, so the long-term effect of tolerance is uncertain.

    7. Contrary to the shrill claims of the fearful, vaccinated people will present a much greater danger than unvaccinated people in terms of asymptomatic transmission and evolution of new variants.

    8. There are likely to be significant differences between the vaccines. In particular, the two-shot series would be expected to induce greater tolerance, and possibly also greater tolerance will be evident in countries with a shorter interval between the two shots. Countries that utilized inactivated-virus vaccines are probably less likely to see tolerance effects, although they may still encounter ADE or other problems down the road.

    This hypothesis presents a scenario of vaccine failure that first appears as success (because tolerance prevents severe disease), that explains the trends currently observed (unexpectedly high illness rates in high-vax areas), and that potentially portends a troubling future without invoking the still-hypothetical ADE. As with JMG’s original hypothesis, time will tell…

    Mark L

    • Thanks: Erebus, Bugey libre
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1180. niceland says:

    I did my risk analysis in March last year after I got covid. I am not vaxxed and won’t be in foreseeable future. I don’t need it. We already have good data showing the vaxx is protecting the vulnerable groups quite well from serious outcomes. However it’s lacking in preventing infection and transmission.

    Everyone should do his/her risk assessment. I think vaccinating children below 16 is reckless decision. Pregnant women – the same. I also think it’s a no-brainer for people over 60 to get the jab.

    If you bothered to check my comment history you would know all this. You might also have noticed I am not a team-player. I am neither on your side or the other side. Dualism isn’t my thing. ​

    Raches wrote in comment upthread

    One of the worst problems of the modern world is dualistic thinking: Perceiving the world as divided between Absolute Good and Absolute Evil, translating that into “us” versus “them”, and then filing everyone into a pigeonhole that can be fit into either “our side” or “the other side”.

    Think about it.

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  1181. Mehen says:

    Excellent psycho-social analysis from Yves Smith regarding the growing Vaccinated/Unvaccinated divide in society. (There is one small, but significant, error in this analysis. I wonder if others see it too.)

    • Replies: @Random Anonymous
  1182. @Skeptikal

    It is interesting to read a comment that is so similar in style and content, to wish to have a beer with that other commenter!

    No thing more 🙂

  1183. Raches says:

    I think that all of your stereotypical “Men of UNZ” types ran away from me in terror. Men who know to punch may tend more to agree with me. I punch like a man—however, I am mean like a woman. That is admittedly a scary combination. ®

  1184. @niceland

    I think vaccinating children below 16 is reckless decision. Pregnant women – the same.

    I’ve read some stuff which strongly suggests if a women becomes pregnant without having gotten any sort of immunity she should absolutely get a safe vaccine (that is, in the West, not Oxford’s). One study described placenta blood vessels getting “remodeled” by the virus, their walls doubling in thickness. I suspect this is not good….

    • Thanks: niceland
  1185. L.K says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Punch Brother Punch to numbnuts, “TruthVigilante”

    Most who avoided the life-jab are low IQ, lazy, superstitious and easily manipulated by propaganda and misinformation.

    You are obviously correct, sir.
    This fool “Truth Vigilante” is one of the silliest of the many idiots posting under this thread. This poor bastard would not recognize Truth if it hit him/her across the face.

    Meanwhile, in the real world:

    At Providence Portland Medical Center, doctors and nurses struggle to keep an ICU full of mostly unvaccinated COVID patients from becoming overwhelmed. They say this delta-driven surge is the worst one yet, and they’re not sure how much more they can take.

    At Saint Luke’s Regional Medical Center in Boise, Idaho, intensive care unit beds are full of unvaccinated coronavirus patients, putting strain on medical workers and the healthcare system.

    • LOL: Bugey libre
  1186. Mehen says:

    Quite eyebrow-raising:

  1187. JimDandy says:

    “Mu Mu,” said the (cash) cow.

  1188. The chortling by “liberals” over unvaccinated people getting Covid is currently at volume 11.

    I don’t know how a “nation” survives with consistently one half wishing the death of the other. Or one side reckoning the other side are irredeemable “fascists”.

    • Replies: @Bugey libre
  1189. @Mehen

    This is quite mad.

    The simple answer is that vaccines give people the confidence to go about their lives much more normally. This increases the R number greatly and leads to many more infections.

    How hard is this stuff to work out?

    • Agree: niceland
    • Disagree: Mehen
    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Erebus
  1190. John Wear says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    I highly recommend the video provided by geokat62 in comment number 1125 of this discussion thread. If you watch this video with an open mind, you will learn that the COVID shots are not safe, and are not as effective as advertised.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  1191. Adrian says:

    his every sentence

    “His”? I have all along assumed that we were dealing with a “her” here.

    • Replies: @Raches
  1192. Erebus says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    LOL…you’re living in a dream world.

    No, he lives in Australia.

    Anyone familiar with both would expect the US and OZ to come out on the other side of whatever’s coming with quite different outcomes.

    It’ll be a “utopia” populated by dumbasses, cranks, crackpots and spergs.

    Add in religious zealots, and you’ve got a pretty good approximation of both early America & Australia. The lot that arrived in the early days seemed to muddle through reasonably well. That the Aussies did build a more resilient society should stand them in better stead going forward.

    In America, the lot coming out on the other side of the discontinuity will be starting from a much higher step on the developmental ladder, and there’ll still be quite a number of “salt-of-the-earth”, as well as anti-vaxxer military types to provide the societal anchors required to rebuild.

    It won’t resemble today’s America, but I do actually think things will work out if the anti-vaxxers can carve out some arable and resource-rich zones for themselves. Likewise the Aussies, except that I expect their anti-vax zones to encompass a much greater percentage of the country with much less potential for fragmentation.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1193. Adrian says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Your long quote from the Great Barrington Declaration stops just before the line :

    The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

    “to allow those who are at minimal risk of death …to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection”

    It is generally agreed that the young, particularly teenagers, are at “a minimal risk of death”. Were they allowed “to build up immunity …through natural infection”? Not here in this state. Recently we had the gruesome spectacle of 24,000 teenagers being herded into a sports stadium where they were all jabbed. Their parents were not allowed to be with them. A few of them collapsed and helpers qauickly put screens around them.

    They are after the young elsewhere. They even want to get them as young as twelve.

    So Erebus was entirely correct in saying that the Declaration rejected the entire present approach including the one on vaxxines. I find it hard to believe that you didn’t understand his meaning here.

    • Agree: Mehen, Bugey libre
    • Replies: @acementhead
    , @Erebus
  1194. This is for the people who still did not put two and two together based on dismal stats from “vaccinated” Israel (, as compared to much better stats from Sweden that never did lockdowns and did not force anyone to get “vaccinated” (

    American pro Big Pharma quack-in-chief Fauci proposed a “plausible” explanation why wonted “vaccines” don’t do any good. He says that mu strain of covid is resistant to some antibodies

    So, folks, it’s not that the “vaccines” are crappy, it’s the virus evolving new strains. One wonders how they would explain continuing push for “mRNA vaccines” to ensure multi-billion profits of fraudsters.

  1195. @Erebus

    You know, instead of fantasizing about science fiction scenarios, you could just man up and get the jab. My elderly mother got the jabs, FFS.

    None of this is going to happen. Anti-vaxxers aren’t going to be “carving out resource-rich zones for themselves.” They’re going to continue whining and bitching and sharing videos on social media until covid dies down and society returns to normal (relatively-speaking) and then they’ll refuse to take any stock of how they wasted so much time and just move on to the next B.S. conspiracy theory because deep down they love the ego-boost of feeling like “the powerful are out to get me!” and “only I and select others know the truth! Everyone else is asleep!” and this has nothing to do with truth or falsehood and everything to do with gratifying their narcissism.

    (Plus, they’re scared of needles. Chik-chik-chik…)

    • Agree: Triteleia Laxa
    • Thanks: L.K
    • LOL: Raches
    • Replies: @Erebus
    , @Triteleia Laxa
    , @kali
  1196. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

    Facing a sharp intellectual or ideological challenge forces us to more effectively frame our arguments and buttress the weaknesses in our logic and evidence that had previously remained unnoticed. Taking the measure of an effective critic is always more valuable than listening to a mindless echo. And I would always prefer reading something disturbing than something dull.


    Mr. Unz said on September 7, 2021 at 4:00 am GMT:

    I think you’re really far too negative on Anglin.

    Mr. Unz, I want to emphasize something that seemed obvious to me: By criticizing rhetorically annihilating one of your featured authors, I was not criticizing you personally—and I was assuredly not presuming to dictate your editorial policy.

    Too many “people” here are conceited idiots, narcissists, and/or truly grandiose lunatics, who believe that The Unz Review is a democracy.¹ Worse, too many “people” do not understand the concept of a “free speech” publication.

    I, the most authoritarian commentator on your webzine, understand free speech better than all of the broken robots who whine about “freedom”, a word that they do not understand.

    Once upon a time, I was a free-speech libertarian. Then, I grew up!

    Well, that is snide—and it is not strictly the correct explanation. For over a month, I have been intending to explain this with reference to—of course!—Professor Oliver, who was an admirer of Albert Jay Nock, author of Our Enemy, The State, before he came to admire Adolf Hitler. Cicero and Caesar will also be involved. I hope to get to this sometime soon.

    Suffice it to say, I am well acquainted with the principles of the freedom of speech. When I read your Mission Statement, I understand it. It resonates with me. And in today’s environment, I applaud it!

    You will note that in my thundering condemnation of Anglin, I substantively discussed your magazine’s purpose twice—at the beginning, and near the end; and offhand, I praised you in the middle. The only way that anyone could misinterpret my tirade as anti-Unz would be if my thesis is correct: Teaching everyone to read has destroyed thinking.

    —Well, there is no “if”. It should go without saying that Nietzsche and I are entirely correct about this. It is why I am writing this superfluous explanation of the obvious.

    Mr. Unz, I could easily write an essay explaining why a free-speech publication may wish to publish a way-too-popular author whom I despise, such as Mr. Anglin. It does not necessarily mean that you should—but it does mean that when the banner at the top says “Unz”, and Mr. Unz enunciates the Unz Mission Statement, I am not upset, or even surprised, to see the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Mr. Unz, feature an author whom I call nasty names.

    As I specifically noted at the conclusion of my anti-Anglin commentary, you have offered me hereby an opportunity. Hereby quoting your Mission Statement, I have stepped forth as an “effective critic” making “a sharp intellectual or ideological challenge” to Anglin’s garbage. I could not so well do so, if you did not publish Anglin’s utterly contemptible nonsense. Thank you.


    I² disagree with most, maybe even all of your authors on many topics.

    To some of them, I would address my critiques with formal courtesy. For example, I have been intending to critique a Pat Buchanan article. I would not spit venom at Mr. Buchanan: He is too classy for that, even if I think that he is in some ways very wrong.

    I have also been intending to critique one of Kevin MacDonald’s political articles. I highly respect Dr. MacDonald. I acknowledge Dr. MacDonald as a genuine scholar—not merely one who has attained academic credentials, but one who deserves them—and one who has advanced the state of the art in his field. I would not degrade myself by insulting a scholar as I did to such a cockroach as Mr. Anglin.

    One addresses peers, superiors, and even those who are moderately inferior very differently than one talks to trash. And as a fan of physicists such as Dr. Feynman, I am fond of an old nickname for weapons of atomic fusion: “Bottled sunshine.” Per the free-speech proverb about sunlight, I nuked Anglin with “bottled sunshine”. Am I not cheerful as sunshine, and verily a rose by another name?


    When faced with criticism, one may either answer or ignore the critic.

    I often ignore critics. For instance, although I do intend at least one reply per what I said in the last thread, I have been ignoring Wild Man. The conceits of profound ignorance warrant no reply. Any intelligent reader can see that he is just trolling me with nonsense; and I do not care about the rest. Why would I care if Mehen, a drug addict and pusher, agrees with Wild Man’s opinion of me?

    If I were writing articles for you, Mr. Unz, I would expect to see some such trash in the comments. I would probably ignore it, except at such moments as I may amuse myself by ridiculing it.

    On the flipside, I expect for idiots to ignore my critique of Mr. Anglin. Anglin fanboys are not reputed for their wisdom—or for their literacy. I care only about the opinions of intelligent people.

    And any perspicacious observer can see that my critique is like a nuke dropped on an insect. It leaves Mr. Anglin with three, only three, and exactly three choices:

    1. Ignore it. Intelligent readers will see him as evading an incisive critique—one for which he has no answer.

    2. Reply with some nonsense that is unworthy of my reply in turn. Intelligent readers will see that it is nonsense.

    3. Reply with some nonsense that I find sufficiently amusing to dissect.

    Thus far, Mr. Anglin seems to be choosing (1). His silence also suggests that I made him cry like a little girl. By the analogy, I intend no offense to little girls, who are stereotypically wiser, better-informed, more courageous, and emotionally more stable than Mr. Anglin. ®


    1. When one of your former authors started to nurse a petty grudge at his former publisher, you saw how, in an elegant way, I essentially told him to get f—ed.

    I did not even (yet?) bother with the guttersnipes who claim that “you have owed the readership here an explanation” of why your “formerly excellent website” now suffers as you Jewishly spin to the goyim, “conveniently” leaving yourself “an out”. So much for understanding that The Unz Review’s publication policy is set by Ron Unz. For some reason, however, I chuckled wryly at the criticism of your moderation policy.

    2. I am a Nietzschean atavism. From The Gay Science:

    10. A Species of Atavism.—I like best to think of the rare men of an age as suddenly emerging aftershoots of past cultures, and of their persistent strength: like the atavism of a people and its civilisation:—there is thus still something in them to think of! They now seem strange, rare, and extraordinary: and he who feels these forces in himself has to foster them in face of a different, opposing world; he has to defend them, honour them, and rear them to maturity: and he either becomes a great man thereby, or a deranged and eccentric person, unless he should altogether break down betimes. […]

    I have no pretense of having achieved “great man” status—at least, not yet. If I had, I would be engaged in activities with greater impact than my commentary here. Hitler and Dr. Goebbels were atavisms who became great men. So was Napoleon. Nietzsche himself was a great man and an eccentric—until he, who suffered chronic bodily pain, destroyed his magnificent brain with painkillers. (Don’t do drugs!)

    My strict rationality keeps me at the point of being, at worst, an admitted eccentric. Professor Oliver was also indubitably eccentric. In your own way, so are you, Mr. Unz. I say that with respect—actually, as an encomium: In the New Dark Age, the alternative to a defensive eccentricity is a surrender to degeneracy. You have done much more than I have to strive for historic greatness, and you may yet achieve it.

    Those who lack that rigid lucidity tend to tumble down a bottomless rabbit hole. They thus “altogether break down”, and become indistinguishable from the more garden-variety crackpots and Internet Conspiracy Theorists.

    • Replies: @Mehen
  1197. Raches says:

    “His”? I have all along assumed that we were dealing with a “her” here.

    You must be new here.

    This is a democracy: A universe under the rule of a democratic epistemology, where vox vulgi commands reality itself.

    “His”? “Her”? A team effort? Your vote counts! ®

  1198. Mehen says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    Even the Nazis banned Der Sturmer because they thought it made them look bad.

    Uh…. I believe you have your analogy all mixed up. Think about it.

    Incidentally — why would a pretty young thing like you know about such awful historical events?


    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1199. niceland says:

    You compare a snall group of vocal opponents of vaccination with a large majority of, of, yes of what exactly. It is a largely silent majority, with the emphasis on silent. We don’t know their views. There are powerful incentives for them to keep their mouths shut, even to themselves.

    I was responding the ‘doomsday scenario’ supposed to happen the next 1-3 years when those vaxxed with mRNA will die like canaries in the coalmine. Erebus seems somewhat worried about that based on opinion of few experts.

    Simply put, against such predictions my response is: It’s obvious there are thousands of experts poring over covid vaccine data and doing all kind of research around the globe, or perhaps tens of thousands? Are we to believe they are worthless manikins who dare not speak out if they find something so terrible? I think they don’t speak out because they haven’t found anything of the sort. Should some of them take time to respond to lone voices – perhaps but with the media heavily censoring such voices – the have hardly any reason to do so publicly.

    But we have another problem with the small anti-vaxx camp of experts: They are anti-vaxx for somewhat different reasons and some of the things attributed to them by anti-vaxxers doesn’t even seem to be correct. See my post above about the video with Dr Mallone the ‘inventor’ of mRNA technology who is recommending vaccines to high risk groups and not predicting fire and brimstone scenario – if I understood him correctly. So for independent pro-vaxx experts to start responding to them would be like herding cats.

    Aside from doomsday predictions and more generally about the situation today:
    It seems the best arguments from anti-vaxx experts have already come true. We are seeing considerable side-effects, Delta or not these new vaccines don’t provide enough to stop transmission and therefore plans for heard-immunity via mass vaccinations have more or less collapsed. And now it’s clear, natural immunity is much stronger protection than any vaccine made so far. I suppose every expert paying attention in the field is perfectly aware of the situation. They don’t have to shout out about anything, it’s in plain view.

    But this entire situation has become political in some countries, and this new (harsh) reality that current vaccines are not going to provide heard immunity is a though one. Instead of this one (or two) shot fix all solution we will in all likelihood have to live with this new virus for years to come. This is a major backfire for the pro-vaxx camp. The main reason Iceland for example has so high vaccination rate is because everyone wanted heard immunity. And many who didn’t think they needed the vaxx did so for the team. For grandpa, to get the boarders open so they could fly into the sun this winter, to get the economy rolling and so forth. To get rid of this damned virus once and for all. Heard immunity!!

    Countries that have tried to eradicate the virus with harsh lock-downs made a huge bet that the vaccines would solve the problem and one day they could open up and live happily ever after. Now countries like New Zealand with almost zero natural immunity is sitting duck so to speak. Even if they mass vaccinate they will face enormous wave of infections and deaths if they open up. Granted the vaccines will make the situation *much* better but it will still be bad. For the NZ government who seem to have zero tolerance for covid deaths – this must be extremely difficult.

    My point is, there is enormous inertia in the vaccine policy and it will take time to adjust to the new reality. It took my tiny nation only few weeks because the reality on the ground was way to clear to ignore. I guess it will take larger nations with much less clear picture several months. Until then the only ‘solution’ is to keep going. Or like someone put it in previous thread – escape forward.

    This ‘escape-forward’ materializes in even more pressure to vaccinate children. The calculation is: Because the vaxx doesn’t fully stop transmission we no longer need 60% vaxxed for heard immunity, we need 80-90% or even more. So soon they will start vaccinating infants. Some think this is part of the great plan to get the poisonous vaccines into every human possible to cull the heard or whatever nonsense they come up with. It’s not, this is just political desperation and medical recklessness driven by economical interests from many sides.

  1200. Raches says:

    In which Professor Oliver does MATHS!!!

    [Also sprach Raches:] … since before I even found The Unz Review around 2019 or thereabouts.

    Loup-Bouc’s first comment: [December 27, 2019] […]

    Lucy, you’ve got some splaining to do!

    Hey, @utu, do you see how this works?

    Mr. Geokat, if you presume that the likes of you can call the likes of me to answer, you are lamentably mistaken. —The “TL;DR” translation of that for you: LOLWUT?

    However, this is a good opportunity to quote Professor Oliver with shiny new MathJax. The quote is relevant to many of the comments about Covid and the Covid vaccines.

    I will therefore point out in brief that according to Mr. Unz, “January [2020] easily broke all traffic records and March [2020] totally eclipsed them once again, representing roughly a 50% increase from our totals just 13 or 14 months earlier.” Mr. Unz subsequently gives a table showing that The Unz Review’s Alexa Traffic Rank rose from 26,908 in January 2019 to 15,510 in January 2020 (lower = more traffic).

    Evidently, “Loup-Bouc” or whatever has an awful lot of sockpuppets who started hammering this site in 2019. He must be talented. I should really try reading some of his comments sometime.

    Anyway, with no witty segue, I will now jump to the MATHS!!! from “Is There Intelligent Life on Earth?”, Liberty Bell, August/September 1983 (also published as as a booklet), pp. 32f., whereby Professor Oliver considers fallacious pseudoscientific claims of so-called “extra-sensory perception”:

    It is not the extreme improbability of the phenomena that Dr. Rhine undertook to discover that merits our wonder—yes, and scorn. What is simply astounding is that men with scientific training wasted as much as ten minutes on consideration of the results obtained and reported by Dr. Rhine himself, since he appears not to have indulged in the deliberate fakery to which so many of his “scientific” endorsers and assistants (e.g., that great “authority on parapsychology,” Dr. Walter J. Levy, Jr.) resorted. We all have some conception of what is likely, and a scientist should, by definition, have a knowledge of the laws of probability of single events and the probability of series, or, in other words, distinction between physical probability and statistical probability, remembering that the latter, calculated by extending the familiar binomial formula

    \[(p + q)^n = p^n + np^{n-1}q + \frac{n(n-1)}{2!}p^{n-2}q^2 \dots \frac{n(n-1) \dots (n – r + 1)}{r!}p^{n-r}q^r \dots + q^n.\]

    applies only to very large numbers.

    Everyone knows that if he tosses a penny into the air, the chances are one out of two that it will come down heads. If heads turn up on three successive throws, you may be mildly surprised. If they turn up four times in succession, you may think it odd, but although your achievement is as stupendous as any of Dr. Rhine’s, you will not conclude that your mighty mind governed the fall of the penny or that some deity broke a record by intervening in the affairs of this world. Unless you have thought about it, however, you may not have it firmly in your mind that the chances that heads will turn up on the fifth throw are precisely one out of two. And if you toss the penny twenty-five times and obtain heads each time, you will have witnessed a quite unusual event, although not one without precedent, as they will tell you at Monte Carlo, where a phenomenal sequence of red on the roulette wheel is still remembered. It will be unusual and even extraordinary, comparable to your experience of venturing into the concrete jungle of New Jerusalem-on-the-Hudson and meeting on Broadway a Texan whom you knew in college, but let not the result you obtain from the binomial formula convince you that you are endowed with a high-voltage psyche. And remember that by physical probability the chances that heads will turn up on a twenty-sixth throw are still one out of two, despite the statistical improbability of so long a series.

    The basis of all scientific, and indeed of all rational, thought, is the fact—indubitable unless we are living in a cosmic madhouse run by an insane god, as Flaubert once suggested—that the forces of nature operate uniformly and without variation. Under the same circumstances, the same forces exerted on the same object always and invariably produce the same result. Now what Dr. Rhine’s experiments produced were positive or negative “runs” that yielded a piddling percentage according to the binomial formula. That was in itself sufficient to show that his conclusions were illusory and disproven by his own reports.


    Besides injecting some occasional maths into Liberty Bell, and citing Dr. Martin Gardner’s Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science (pp. 30f.), Professor Oliver freely and habitually used the word “nigger”—a fine Latin-derived word, which I myself use as a matter of course when editorial policies allow it; and as seen above, he referred to New York City as “New Jerusalem-on-the-Hudson”. He, as I, would cause extreme cognitive dissonance¹ in “liberal intellectuals” who are so wrapped up in their own worldview, they can neither detach themselves objectively from it, nor examine their own most basic premises, nor accept that anyone else really may deeply disagree with them. ®

    1. I prefer the model of Pavlovian conditioning; but my references thereto are probably not understood. “Cognitive dissonance” is merely a different model for describing the distress, and even the disintegration of an organism that perceives information contradicting its conditioning. For instance, when faced with a rational argument that it is sometimes justified and necessary for a woman to kill her own children, poor Triteleia Laxa is unable to perceive my logical arguments—even to attempt to rebut them. She can only evade, and, through the offer of armchair psychological diagnoses of me, project onto me her own inability to cope with the discussion.

    [Edit: The quoted equation is too wide for this format. My apologies. I cannot try to fix it in the short edit window.]

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Triteleia Laxa
  1201. Mehen says:

    You’re a joke, man.

    I remember the commenter “Lup Boc” that Geokat brought to our collective attention. I remember scrolling through his bullshit and noticing his peculiar habit of replying to his own comments to make multiple “corrections” to the minutia of his previous comments THAT NO ONE READING WOULD CARE ABOUT.

    As it happens, I’m not yet convinced you are Lup_Boc. But as they say, “History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme”

    Get a fucking grip you weirdo.

    And I say that as a weirdo myself.


    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1202. utu says:

    Now countries like New Zealand with almost zero natural immunity is sitting duck so to speak.

    That’s not correct. So far NZ saved may lives unlike Sweden. Grandmas in NZ are alive while in Sweden they are dead. If you use the metric of years lived to measure success NZ wins over Sweden regardless of what happens next. The dead grandmas of Sweden will no be resurrected.

    • LOL: Bugey libre, Erebus
  1203. Erebus says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    … you could just man up and get the jab…

    Not in my part of the world, even if I wanted to or thought I needed it.

    None of this is going to happen.

    We’ll see, of course, but I placed my bet on all that more than a decade ago and though I’ve seen some twists and turns that surprised me, the overall trajectory has remained steady.

    You’re coming up on some interesting times, Punch Bro. Good luck, because “manning up” is gonna mean something very different than doing whatever the TV says.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1204. utu says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    One may see it as Ron Unz’s admission to failure of his mode of persuasion. It’s too intellectual and intricate for the masses. His theory of American bioweapon attack against China intended to accomplish what Anglin did by primitive trolling the rightoids with Flu Hoax meme which took the heat off China at least among the rigthoids, paranoiacs and all sorts of lolbertarians.

    One could see them both as China’s agents of influence. Likely Xi knows nothing about them just like Stalin did not know about which Lower East Side Jews while holding their noses were publicly justifying Ribbentrop-Molotov pact and supporting American First Committee in 1940.

    Comrade Anglin’s success earned him a spot in TUR and respect and admiration of its proprietor.

    I do not think that China is very good in hybrid warfare so far, so I suspect that they could have outsourced it to Kremlin which has a considerable experience and resources in trolling dis-info in the area of bioweapons and anti-vaxxing (see Operation INFEKTION in 1980s and 2018 papers on Russian trolls and bots during measles epidemic) .

    I do not know about Anglin because I haven’t read him until very recently but probably he gets his ideas and talking points from Russia Today and Sputnik News just like Mike Whitney. Both Anglin and Whitney are smart enough, agents of influence usually are, that they do not need short leash handlers.

    Russia and China Are Spreading Lies About Coronavirus, Pentagon Says (10 April 2020)

    In mid-March, Russian-backed, English-language websites were reporting “that there actually was no pandemic and that some deaths in Italy may have been caused by the common flu,” Cooper said.

    “In early January, we saw reports on several different Russian news sites claiming … it was really just Big Pharma in the United States spreading rumors about the virus in order to drum up business,” she added, referring to the pharmaceutical industry. “The thing with all of these various messages is you can see how they could cause individual citizens to act in ways that contradict advice that they are being given by public health officials.”

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
    , @Robjil
  1205. @Father Coughlin

    In fact the ‘nation’ can not survive, it is going into civil war, especially because the divide is false and is hiding a socio-economic crisis out of proportion. The real divide is between the gangsters-techno/bolsheviks at the top and the populations, hence whose who denonce totalitarianism are right.

  1206. @Ron Unz

    He even maintained this position after several longtime commenters trolls came forth and stated that they themselves had been in NYC and had seen or heard the planes


  1207. Raches says:

    First, we had Ickeness. Now, we have ickiness.

    Amidst an intellectual discussion, in a completely inappropriate context, Mehen said to Triteleia Laxa, replete with an emoji expressing his intentions:

    Incidentally — why would a pretty young thing like you know about such awful historical events?


    lol, a/s/l??? u wanna cyber me baby 🤮


    Triteleia Laxa, I apologize for having called out your flowery name. I am none too familiar with your comment history. Unless you disclosed something that I didn’t see, I may be to blame here. The likes of Mehen probably would not have noticed.

    I have no more than a probabilistic guess about whether you are male or female. It is based partly on such subtle psychological cues as I perceive, and partly on the fact that “Lily” is a feminine name. I could be mistaken.

    Some men like flowers, too. You express scientific interests; perhaps you may be a male scientist who studies lilies. Or perhaps you may be a man who owns a flower shop. Or you may just be a man who likes flowers. Besides limp-wristed types, the only type of non-flower-scientist, non-flower-shop-owner man who would admit to liking flowers is a very manly man, secure in his manhood, in the manner of a knight or a nobleman who takes a flower as an heraldic symbol. It is rather like how only a manliest man would be able to play my little guessing game. The possibilities with me are only at the extremes: Either I am a highly feminine, stereotypically manipulative woman with a sense of humor, or I am a Machiavellian man with a penis that can break rocks. And either way, I admit that I love flowers—and I even enjoy Rachesian poetry about flowers and names:

    What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
    By any other name would’ve thorns like me.

    Wherefore am I Raches? Flip a coin. Well, as I remarked here:

    “Raches” may be a woman, playing a man on the Internet to avoid unwanted attention from basement-dwelling losers. That has nothing to do with so-called “transgender” perverts: It has long been a common practice for technologically adept females, who learn the hard way that nerds are disgusting, ill-mannered, and sexually frustrated.

    Those who are so, may so make mistakes. If Mehen will (or can) come out of his hallucinogenic haze for a bit, he will realize that in a socially inappropriate context, in his crude guttersnipe way, he may just have hit on a man. ®

    P.S., Triteleia Laxa, you do not know nearly as much about history as you think you do. And my concern for the propriety of this discussion should not be misinterpreted as acceptance of your ignorant, bullheaded traducing of the Goebbels family, for whom I care deeply.

    • Replies: @Mehen
  1208. @niceland


    Yesterday, we were having apéritif (good local chardonnay) with my neighboor who is an industrialist (familly business, one local factory manufacturing steel stuff, one in Romania). We came to the subject of raw materials. Prices have risen but it is much worst for the local industry of plasturgy which employes most of the people in the nearest town. It is harder and harder for the factories to have access to raw materials. So they can’t work properly, the logistic is beeing impacted and nobody seem to know where it is leading.

    Another neighboor of ours is a carpenter. For months now, he has been unable to make quotations with a validity expanding beyond one week. Same for the local plumber

    But everything is covid/hay fever in the medias…

    Take care

    • Thanks: John Wear
  1209. An open letter to the vaccinated, by a group of Canadian intellectuals and scientists:

  1210. Erebus says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    The simple answer is that vaccines give people the confidence to go about their lives much more normally. This increases the R number greatly and leads to many more infections.

    The actual answer is that were given false hope. Their life remains restricted, perhaps more so, and they’ll now be subject to serial jabbing to stay healthy enough to live within the restrictions. What a deal!

    Moreover, they’re now exposed to the risks of becoming a victim of an anticipated…

    … increase in clotting, strokes, heart attacks, myocarditis, neurological problems, etc.

    Meanwhile, they can gossip and argue about…

    … the myth of vaccine efficacy… even as we experience a wave of mysterious illness and death.

    … while their risks increase with every booster.

    How hard is this stuff to work out?

    It isn’t: “You can pay me now, or you can pay me later.” The price for a reduction in severe COVID symptoms today will be paid for by the increasing risks of contracting an illness caused by spike protein toxicity tomorrow.

    The alternative is to not pay now or later. Doing nothing yields very good odds of achieving long-term, broadband immunity and freedom from a life of jabs, assuming one lives in a sane jurisdiction.

    • Agree: John Wear
  1211. @acementhead

    Meanwhile the real-world experiment continues.

    Latest numbers for Israel and UK multiple of India’s per capita covid daily death rate.

    Israel has now decreased to 10.1 times India’s death rate. Israel 2.47 deaths(seven day moving average) per million people. India 0.24 daily covid deaths per million people. India covid deaths now only 1.2% of total daily deaths. The epidemic in India now over. Israel 90% vaccinated. India 10% vaccinated.

    UK has now increased to 8.1 India’s death rate. UK 50% vaccinated. India 10% vaccinated.

    Israel Per Capita GDP just over 20 times India’s GDP. Israel 4.6 physicians per thousand people; India 0.9 physicians per thousand people. Israel 20% of population over 55 India only 15% over 55, so Israel more in most at risk age group but not hugely so(only 30% more at higher risk). Israel 26% obese India only 4% obese. But is obesity an independent variable in covid mortality risk? Or is it an indicator of low vitamin D status. The above numbers are from CIA World FactBook.

    Israel appears to be in huge trouble with its vaccine population Covid deaths in Israel now 20% of expected deaths plus covid deaths compared with 1.26% in India.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  1212. @Adrian

    I find it hard to believe that you didn’t understand his meaning here.

    TWBT is here to do a job and understanding anything from us anti-vax loons is no part of that job.

    Meanwhile vaccinated Israel’s covid deaths are 20% of total deaths(calculated from total deaths being expected deaths plus covid deaths) versus India’s covid deaths being 1.26% of total deaths. Israel being worse than India by a factor of 15. Note that everything is in Israel’s favour as far as health care goes. Everything except the disastrous pFizer vaccine.

  1213. anon[141] • Disclaimer says:

    American Medical Association Releases Stunning Document Teaching Doctors to Lie to Patients While Deliberately Exaggerating COVID Death Claims

    The self-destruct sequence that will bring down the death cult cabal of anti-human globalists has already been activated. With hilarious fake news attempts like the recent Rolling Stone hit piece against ivermectin, the cabal media is self-destructing by the day. With endless fiat currency printing by the Fed, the entire financial underpinning of illegitimate Big Government is imploding. And with the laughable, desperate attempts to imply covid vaccine “approval” while pushing utterly unproven booster shots backed by no supporting data whatsoever, Big Science is ripping its own eyeballs out and throwing them across the room.

    We are witnessing the total self-destruction of Big Pharma, Big Science, Big Media and Big Government, all as they trip over each other trying to discredit ivermectin and vitamin D while pushing vaccine death shots and medical authoritarianism. All they’ve really accomplished, however, is the accelerated awakening of the masses as they witness the authoritarian lunacy and junk science death cult that’s paraded all around us, falsely claiming our freedoms have to be obliterated in the name of “safety.”

    In Victoria, Australia, by the way, lunatic Premier Daniel Andrews just declared that unvaccinated people will be “locked out” of all health care and hospital services. Given how toxic, deadly and incompetent mainstream doctors have become, that’s probably a blessing. Perhaps the free people of Australia will finally turn to nutrition and natural medicine, and they will therefore outlive the vaccine zombies who are committing medical suicide.

    AMA releases document teaching doctors how to deceive patients with disinformation that may KILL them

    The American Medical Association — which is now engaged in training its members to lie to patients as they murder them — has released an eyebrow-raising document that claims, “rampant disinformation” is, “eroding public confidence in science and undermining trust in physicians and medical institutions.” And to reacquire that lost trust, the AMA proceeds to teach doctors how to lie to the world about covid.

    On page 9 of the document, doctors are told to replace the phrase “hospitalization rates” with the claim that all hospitalized patients are “deaths,” thereby wildly exaggerating covid deaths in order to achieve mass hysteria. Make no mistake: This is the AMA directly instructing doctors to lie about covid deaths. This is straight up medical fraud.

    Similarly, doctors are also told to replace the word, “lockdown” with “stay-at-home order,” because that somehow sounds less totalitarian.

    In the same document, on page 8, doctors are instructed on how to block, deflect and redirect questions to cover up the truth about vaccine injuries and deaths. They are specifically instructed to change the subject and reject questions from reporters or patients, while pushing AMA-approved “official” propaganda by claiming it’s all based on “facts,” not “science” or “medicine.”

    In essence the AMA is now attempting to transform doctors into propaganda puppets for the global depopulation agenda. Practicing real medicine is no longer the priority of the AMA, it seems. Rather, physicians must practice lying in order to remain an AMA member in good standing.


    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Mehen
    • Replies: @Mehen
  1214. @Truth Vigilante

    Thanks. I did an update with more data and analysis and lost it when it failed to publish(I never take my own advice to write in a WP and copy across). Too tired to redo now but will redo tomorrow. Bottom line is that Israel now 15 times worse than India as ratio of covid deaths to total deaths. Israel now suffering 20% covid deaths as rate compared with predicted deaths plus covid deaths. India still only 1.26% covid deaths. Vaccine looking very bad.

    Correction looks as though my previous did ‘take’ after all.

  1215. @Punch Brother Punch

    Punch-drunk brother writes:

    One of the problems with libertarianism is it leads to [to the] view that all the problems in the world as stemming from government.

    I have news for you.

    ALL THE WORLD”s problems, be they the World Wars, the mass genocides, the Climate Change agenda, the murdering of Kennedy family Presidential aspirants, 9/11, 7/7, every False Flag of note, the mass culling of humankind via Covid vaxxes etc, are ALL attributable to governments.
    The more absolute the power, the more absolute the devastation.

    That you aren’t aware of this, is proof that you have no knowledge of history and you’re not particularly well read.
    All the reading you do involves propaganda pamphlets issued from government on how to snitch on neighbours who aren’t observing Covid restrictions, itemised instructions on mask wearing, when you’re allowed to leave your isolation chamber and what people you’re allowed to socialise with.
    Basically, you need a wise overlord to micromanage your life because you’re too stupid and afraid to make independent choices.
    These same leaflets bang on about how safe the Covid vaxxes are and how accurate the PCR test is, even when run at cycle thresholds of 100).

    Punch-drunk goes on to say:

    one of the largest unvaxxed demographics in America is blacks (in fact, I think they might be the largest per capita)

    Is it really a surprise that blacks have a low vaccination rate ?

    In light of the damage done to black communities by the likes of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (hundreds of thousands of girls sterilised in Kenya, polio epidemic in India caused by polio vaxxes administered by Gates, not to mention the disproportionate number of black boys in the U.S that become autistic post MMR vaccination), is it any wonder that they avoid it like the plague.

    Black Americans (at least the unvaxxed ones), have something you’ll never have, my Punch-drunk friend.
    And that is COMMON SENSE.

    Lastly, Punch-drunk wrote:

    Most who avoided the life-jab are low IQ, lazy, superstitious and easily manipulated by propaganda and misinformation.

    These words coming from a man who, as is abundantly evident from the foolish remarks that he’s posted in UR, is himself:

    Low IQ, received the death-jab and laps up the propaganda and misinformation put out by the Covid psyop perpetrators.

    You are an absolute JOKE Punch-drunk, and the overwhelming bulk of UR readers find everything you’ve posted to be laughable.

    • Replies: @Punch Brother Punch
  1216. anon[161] • Disclaimer says:

    “Is the Virus Fictitious”? Laboratories in US Can’t Find COVID-19 in One of 1,500 Positive Tests

    A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times.

    Dr. Derek Knauss: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A, and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid. We did not use the bulls*** PCR test.’


    At 7 universities not once COVID detected

    ‘When we sent the rest of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a couple of the labs at the University of California, they came up with the same result: NO COVID. They found Influenza A and B. Then we all asked the CDC for viable samples of Covid. The CDC said they can’t give them, because they don’t have those samples.’

    ‘So we came to the hard conclusion through all our research and lab work that Covid-19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was only called ‘Covid,’ and most of the 225,000 deaths were from co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, pulmonary emphysema, etc.. They got the flu which further weakened their immune systems, and they died.’

    ‘This virus is fictitious’

    ‘I still need to find one viable sample with Covid-19 to work with. We who conducted the lab test with these 1500 samples at the 7 universities are now suing the CDC for Covid-19 fraud. The CDC still has not sent us a viable, isolated and purified sample of Covid-19. If they can’t or won’t, then I say there is no Covid-19. It’s fictional.’

    ‘The four research papers describing the genome extracts of the Covid-19 virus never managed to isolate and purify the samples. All four papers describe only small pieces of RNA that are only 37 to 40 base pairs long. That is NOT a VIRUS. A viral genome normally has 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.’

    ‘Now that Covid-19 is supposedly so bad everywhere, how come not one lab in the world has completely isolated and purified this virus? That’s because they never really found the virus. All they ever discovered were small pieces of RNA that were not identified as the virus anyway. So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain, just like every year. Covid-19 does not exist and is fictitious.’

    ‘I believe that China and the globalists have set up this Covid hoax (the flu disguised as a new virus) to establish a global tyranny and totalitarian control police state. This intrigue included (also) massive election fraud to overthrow Trump.’

    CDC itself admits to having no identifiable virus

    Deeply hidden in an official document on Covid-19, the CDC ruefully admitted as early as summer 2020 that it does not have a measurable virus: ‘As no quantified (= measured) isolated virus objects of 2019-nCoV are available at this time…’ (page 39 of the ‘CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel’ (July 13) In other words, the CDC, as one of THE leading medical authorities in the world, could not, and still cannot, demonstrate a virus.
    I’m a Clinical Lab Scientist, COVID-19 Is Fake, Wake Up America!

    About the for this purpose scientifically totally debunked, but still shamelessly abused PCR test, the CDC wrote under the heading ‘limitations’: ‘The detection of viral RNA cannot demonstrate the presence of an infectious virus, or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent of clinical symptoms.’ And in addition: ‘This test cannot exclude other diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.’

    In other words, we cannot prove that the people who get sick and are hospitalized, and very occasionally die, were sickened by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, nor can we prove that it caused them to develop a new disease called ‘Covid-19.’ It could just as easily be a different virus and a different disease. (And since all the symptoms, including severe pneumonia, correspond seamlessly to what flu can cause historically in vulnerable people… ‘if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck’.

    Reward of \$265,000 for demonstrating coronavirus

    Earlier this year, Samuel Eckert’s German Team and the Isolate Truth Fund pledged a reward of at least \$265,000 for any scientist who can provide incontrovertible proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and therefore exists. They too pointed out that not one lab in the world has yet been able to isolate this corona virus.

    Yes, systems scientists claim they have, but this ‘isolation’ consists only of a sample from the human body, which is a ‘soup’ full of different kinds of cells, remains of viruses, bacteria, et cetera. With the help of (toxic) chemicals one then searches for some (residual) particles that may indicate a virus that once existed or may still exist, after which this is designated as ‘evidence’.

    Canadian team also received no evidence despite 40 Public Access Law requests

    In late December 2020 there was a similar initiative to the one in Germany. A team around Canadian investigative journalist Christine Massey submitted no less than 40 Public Access Law requests to medical authorities worldwide with the simple request for proof that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated and its existence can therefore be objectively proven. Not one of the agencies and authorities written to was able to provide that evidence.

    ‘Impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19’

    Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Sally Fallon Morell recently published a statement on “the continuing controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus is isolated or purified. But based on the official Oxford definition of “isolation” (“the fact or condition of being isolated or secluded, a separation from other things or persons, standing alone”), common sense, the laws of logic and the rules of science dictate that any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the existence of the virus can be given.’

    ‘The logical and scientific implications of this fact are that the structure and composition of something whose existence cannot be proven cannot be known, including the presence, structure and function of hypothetical spike or other proteins. The genetic sequence of something that has never been found cannot be known, nor can the “variants” (mutations) of something whose existence has not been demonstrated. It is therefore impossible to show that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.’

    Combined PCR test for corona and influenza ‘because there’s hardly any difference’

    Not surprisingly, the world’s largest biotech company, China’s BGI, recently launched a new PCR test that can simultaneously test for influenza A, B and corona. Apart from the proven fact, acknowledged trough various lawsuits, that a PCR test cannot prove infection with any virus whatsoever, BGI’s explanation that both diseases are so difficult to distinguish from each other and that they have therefore made only one test, says more than enough. Maybe there IS no difference at all, ‘Covid’ is just another name for ‘old familiar’ flu viruses, and this is just another clever marketing trick?

    Most people have been fooled by fear propaganda

    With worldwide, government-controlled 24/7 fear propaganda by the mass media, most people have come to believe that there is indeed a life-threatening virus that makes people sick much faster and more severely than seasonal flu. However, even the latter is demonstrably not the case. Influenza A has been the leading cause of death from pneumonia in the developed world for years.

    But send people designated as severe Covid patients to a few ICU’s, put cameras on them constantly, instruct a few physicians that they should only discuss the worst cases, and you have your “televised pandemic. The argument ‘we are doing it because otherwise care will be overburdened’ was undermined by governments itself some time ago, by rejecting offers of additional ICU beds or staff, because ‘it is not necessary’. (Was this perhaps the first and only time the truth was told?)

    Official figures: nothing to worry about (yet it never gets back to normal)

    Now that also the official figures show that after the normal traditional flu season nothing is wrong, and according to the EU statistics (EuroMOMO) there is even a significant lower mortality, the society – if it really was about a virus and public health – should immediately go back to normal to start repairing the huge damage caused by government policies.

    However, as you know, that will never be done, and that is because this carefully planned pandemic hoax is carrying out an ideological agenda, the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’, which aims to largely demolish the society and economy of the West, and then subject it to a global technocratic climate-vaccine dictatorship, in which all our freedoms, civil and self-determination rights will be done away with once and for all.

    At least that was their plan.

  1217. geokat62 says:

    In which Professor Oliver does MATHS!!!

    Shorter Loup-Bouc/Anachronis/Raches: You’ve just noticed things that amount to witnessing someone tossing three heads in a row. This proves absolutely nothing. It’s just a cohencidence, goy!

    While observing repeated patterns cannot definitively prove something is true, they sure as hell increase the probabilities that it is.

  1218. While Delta ravages many countries and the current mRNA vaccines being marketed, though still helpful, clearly underperform, we get this from the scientific community:
    Will Vaccines Be Updated for Delta?
    This paragraph is key:

    “If we were to update the vaccine at every major shift of the viral population, we would enter in a never-ending process that would be inefficient and probably unattainable due to the logistics and testing needed to approve each vaccine iteration,” he says. “Only if the data ever shows a significant loss of vaccine efficacy that could imply a breach in the defense vaccination provides, vaccine updates will become a necessary step.”

    The remainder of Mr. Redondo’s explanation is simply evasiveness.
    It’s clear that the present regulating system is totally inadequate for dealing with a situation like this. The hesitant are not moved by the State’s adherence to protocols. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The resulting ineffectiveness feeds the anti-vaxxing discourse further. So, what’s the point?
    It’s time to be open about these matters. Reading suggestion:
    Why COVID-19 May Be the Last Pandemic

  1219. Adrian says:

    This was posted earlier but it seems to have disappeared from the record. Also I couldn’t find a “reply” function under the relevant post.

    Adrian says:
    September 8, 2021 at 2:21 am GMT • 200 Words

    @That Would Be Telling

    Your long quote from the Great Barrington Declaration stops just before the line :

    The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

    “to allow those who are at minimal risk of death …to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection”

    It is generally agreed that the young, particularly teenagers, are at “a minimal risk of death”. Were they allowed “to build up immunity …through natural infection”? Not here in this state. Recently we had the gruesome spectacle of 24,000 teenagers being herded into a sports stadium where they were all jabbed. Their parents were not allowed to be with them. A few of them collapsed and helpers qauickly put screens around them.

    They are after the young elsewhere. They even want to get them as young as twelve.

    So Erebus was entirely correct in saying that the Declaration rejected the entire present approach including the one on vaxxines. I find it hard to believe that you didn’t understand his meaning here.

    • Replies: @Erebus
  1220. @Raches

    contradicting its conditioning. For instance, when faced with a rational argument that it is sometimes justified and necessary for a woman to kill her own children, poor Triteleia Laxa is unable to perceive my logical arguments—even to attempt to rebut them. She can only evade, and, through the offer of armchair psychological diagnoses of me, project onto me her own inability to cope with the discussion.

    Wrong way around.

    I said the Goebbels’ murdered their children. This triggered you into a long, arid mansplain of morality 101 without addressing my point because you didn’t like the fact I used the word “murdered.”

    I laughed your irrelevant self-distraction off, so you got offended and then went on an even more inane rant about the definition of “murder” and how I wasn’t allowed to use such a word, as if the word I used mattered at all when the Goebbels’ ended their children’s lives, despite the fact that they did not face slavery or rape, but instead the most secure and happiest time in human existence.

    Do you see how you deployed the argumentative equivalent of downing half a bottle of vodka “to forget”?

    I can tell you why your mind hits an invisible wall/needs this metaphorical surge of confusing alcohol, on this topic. I can also further describe how you personally relate to the fantasy you have constructed regarding it and where the more general blocks in your mind are and how you might absorb them so that you are no longer unconsciously afflicted by them, but I fear it will be extremely overwhelming. I can only reassure you that you have nothing to fear except fear itself.

    Perhaps you would prefer a picture? I am not a good drawer, but I will draw what I see and you can then find it easier to engage with this part of yourself via the language of symbolism. It may be much less threatening than if I spell it out with words.

  1221. @utu

    Yes, I suppose you’re right. Ron clearly has a Carthago Delenda Est thing going on against what he perceives as the current US elite.

    Were he to coordinate with China, he would also have enough self-regard to convince himself that he would be using them.

    This means that he can have a “professional” respect for Anglin, despite Anglin being an extremely anti-social personality who has dug himself into a hole of sh*t and filled it with the braindead but consenting corpses of his followers.

    I would like to point out though that for Ron, while this hybrid warfare stuff can be described in grandiose language, he does at least yet recognise that it is almost all a bit of a lark; which meant that he responsibly dropped it on the vaccine issue.

    Ron might also temper his “professional” respect for Anglin by realising that weaponising the rightoids of the darkest corners of the internet for your cause does not likely do that cause a lot of favours, but I suppose he needs to play his game with the cards he has been dealt.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  1222. @John Wear

    Yes John, that was a great video that Geokat posted.

    But your words are wasted on the kill-jab advocates. They have no interest in getting to the truth.
    To the extent that some of them may have looked at the video, they cannot counter any of the claims made by REAL experts in it. ie: people like the WORLD”S LEADING infectious disease epidemiologist, Oxford’s Sunetra Gupta. Or the likes of Sucharit Bhakdi etc.

    By pretending they haven’t watched it, they can avoid having to tackle the deluge of evidence that decimates the case for toxic jabs, lockdowns and other ridiculous Covid restrictions.

    They will continue getting their daily quota of Confirmation Bias from the MSM, Bill Gates and Big Pharma funded sources.

    That’s good enough for them.

    Their arrogance, based on a foundation of ignorance, is breathtaking.

    • Agree: John Wear
  1223. Erebus says:

    This was posted earlier but it seems to have disappeared from the record.

    I have it at #1222.

  1224. Robjil says:

    This is a US military article. I read Russian English websites such as you mentioned in early 2020. I did not read anything thing like that.

    Anyway, Russia and China are not bothering the world like US and friends. So, I see no good reason to point fingers at Russia or China as much as US and friends.

    The word “misinformation” is ridiculous. We are not children. All information should be laid out. People can debate and see through BS. The west is treating us like children with its fear of free debates.

  1225. @Punch Brother Punch

    I’m part of the omnipresent “sinister cabal” which is promoting the vaccine, or so I’ve been informed. This is lucky for me as it means I will survive the coming cleansing of the innocent ones. I will, therefore, be claiming the southern island of New Zealand as my domain. It will be a hunter-gatherer territory focussed on the soon-to-be wild sheep population. Only other left-path cabalites are invited.

  1226. @niceland

    It seems the best arguments from anti-vaxx experts have already come true. We are seeing considerable side-effects, Delta or not these new vaccines don’t provide enough to stop transmission and therefore plans for heard-immunity via mass vaccinations have more or less collapsed.

    Mostly true, especially with your following elaboration on “current” vaccines, but needs a bit of nuance. At least one vaccine is seeing what could be debatably called “considerable side-effects;” I don’t have an informed opinion on AZ/Oxford since AZ declined to try to get an emergency authorization for it in the US, it’s shaky claims of efficacy weren’t great, and long before that it was a testing clown show starting with Oxford. And at some point I realized its platform had been an at least eight year running graft (scam) prior to being put to the acid test for the first time in 2020.

    Janssen one jab really doesn’t make the grade for the First World and wasn’t exactly intended for it except for special populations like our “homeless” for whom public health authorities will consider themselves lucky to get one jab into them. Two jabs eight weeks apart apparently didn’t move the needle enough to try for an US emergency authorization.

    But the two mRNA vaccines? Safe enough in my judgement, although I’m way too old to experience the heart and heart lining inflammation that I recommend younger men investigate before getting either. Efficacy is another story, but I think you’re severely understating their usefulness in keeping people out of the hospital and from dying. Very crude metrics for avoiding morbidity and mortality when you include possible delayed mortality as seen in one US study of early in the pandemic unvaxxed people who did not require hospitalization, survived for ~30 days after their first positive test, and experienced 8% excess mortality in the following six months.

    Or see uta’s reply to you, by keeping grandma alive long enough to get a vaccine, we have every reason to believe even against the Delta variant she and her elderly cohort in New Zealand will overall suffer much less morbidity and mortality than in Sweden.

    You are right about the unreasonably optimistic provaxxers who publicly claimed we’d be done with COVID after the very first generation of vaccines, that was thought unlikely to be in the cards by many of us, although I personally didn’t anticipate it would gain in two increments of much greater transmissibility. That tells us the virus did not start out all that close to being completely adapted to humans, and we should not be surprised if another even more transmissible than Delta variant arises. Immune system escape mutations like Delta’s? Sane people have been predicting this all along, it’s the nature of how a novel pathogen adapts to immunity until it can’t. And would happen with or without vaccine immunity in the mix.

    Alpha and Delta have also been game changers in all but the strictest of places like New Zealand, which we should also note is a remote island nation, much more so than your “niceland” (come to think of it, I’ve never heard an overall bad thing about your people in modern times). Which also gave them time to vaccinate their population in priority order which looks to be going pretty well with Pfizer/BioNTech (they’ve approved but have not yet started using Janssen and AZ/Oxford), and overall 32% of the eligible population have gotten two doses, 62% at least one dose of it. And looking closely at this graph they may have turned the corner on Delta community transmission earlier this month.

    Plans for herd immunity any time soon have certainly “collapsed,” but given that we don’t even know what will be required for that I’d say they were theoretical at best, and obviously after the fact a moving target from Alpha and then Delta due to their serially greater transmissibility. Mass vaccination campaign plans “collapsing?” Not at all sure about that, except perhaps for the young who do not appear to be at great danger from getting it with or without a vaccine, and that’ll vary from country to country. But I again say at minimum anyone 30 years or older who hasn’t already gotten natural immunity should seriously consider getting a safe vaccine, which overall right now means an mRNA vaccine.

    There may even be a case to be made for topping off natural immunity with some of our first generation vaccines, and in case I didn’t previously make this clear, we only learn for real a day at a time how long any type of immunity lasts, and the BMJ is worrying as they are want to do about this for BioNTech’s vaccine, and that’s worth looking into as I probably will someday.

    And add that vaccine developers have only partly lost this first round, but like the virus they’re not giving up. Be it a booster dose, really a second boost dose sharpening antibody fleets that makes them better against Delta, to the obvious option of reformulation, perhaps aiming at Delta’s spike protein which should require less testing. Really should be aiming vaccines at more targets than the spike protein, which requires a lot more work including full testing from scratch. And some experts have been predicting all along an attenuated (replication competent?) live virus would be the Final Solution to the COVID Problem, but that approach takes the longest to develop. And which is probably still against a moving target.

    And thanks again for your sane viewpoint and reporting from your corner of the world. And we need someone like you who’s legitimately pessimistic about what’s currently happening.

    • Thanks: Raches, niceland
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Mehen
    , @Chinaman
  1227. @Triteleia Laxa

    Ron clearly has a Carthago Delenda Est thing going on against what he perceives as the current US elite.

    I don’t know that we can say that’s axiomatically wrong….

    Especially since he’s trying to achieve it by peaceful means.

    • Agree: Raches
    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
    , @Raches
  1228. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Mostly true, especially with your following elaboration on “current” vaccines, but needs a bit of nuance.

    “Thanks”, because this is nuanced commentary on your own part. I still don’t agree with your conclusions—not insofar as my own body is concerned—but this is exemplary of the type of discussion we need to be seeing, on both sides.

    @niceland has also expressed a thoughtful position in some of his recent comments, but I sort of skimmed by. I should reread those. His opinion seems closer to mine (with some significant differences); and on an unusual issue where I have a weird juxtaposition of significant uncertainty, high practical concern, and negligible intellectual curiosity, I tend to pay the most attention to information that may alter my evaluation. ®

  1229. I have no problem with the endeavour. I am actually very grateful for it, as, while I think the US elite is doing a reasonable job, there’s nothing “wrong” with someone campaigning otherwise.

    Generally I hope that people’s actions and ideas serve their underlying purposes, which means I prize them being honest with themselves about what those are.

    As far as I can tell, Ron is having a lot of fun with this information crusade, so while I really have no way of knowing what the greater effects will be, this is a good indication.

    I also do generally have faith that more freedom, toleration and security lead to more aligned outcomes, and so I appreciate that Ron has created a strange but substantial beacon of freedom and toleration in Unz Review.

    He’s obviously an extremelty remarkable individual in an unusual and particular way, although the few people who fit that description tend to never allow themselves to feel remarkable enough.

    Anglin, on the other hand, seems ridiculously unhappy. I can see him becoming a born again Christian and going around the world preaching about how he turned away from his former sins.

    • Replies: @Mehen
  1230. Humor break 🤡

    I did anagrams:

    Coronavirus -> Carnivorous

    Betacoronavirus -> voracious banter, abrasive contour. The first one is most appropos to these discussions!

  1231. Erebus says:

    I find it hard to believe that you didn’t understand his meaning here.

    Upton Sinclair noted that “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”. Upton could’ve gone on to say “You can get a man to believe anything when his salary depends on him believing it”.

    To varying degrees, and in varying forms, that insight has allowed the drivers of this pandemic to breach all the checks and balances that have long stood to police the standards and protocols of scientific research, public health policies, and the actions of individual scientists, researchers and medical professionals. Last, but by no means least, it has destroyed whatever remaining journalistic standards that might have served to impede its progress.

    If nothing else, this pandemic has been a real eye opener on how simple and even easy it is to get billions of individuals to move in any direction desired, while leaving them convinced that they’re doing it of their own free will.

    From 1,000 ft, it’s even mesmerizing…

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Adrian
  1232. geokat62 says:

    Upton Sinclair noted that “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”.

    I think Willi Münzenberg’s summation of the Frankfurt School’s long-term goal is more encompassing:

    “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.”

    • Replies: @Erebus
  1233. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    An interesting datum: When I first started to comment here, I halfway expected to be censored or softly suppressed. That I’m not speaks to Mr. Unz’s sincerity in supporting the expression of dangerous ideas: Not mere rowdiness, not proletarian agitation, not incitement of illegal acts, but ideas so revolutionary in themselves that they would threaten the whole system, if someone were to argue them persuasively.

    I say that as someone who has a little history of using, in as many words, ceterum censeo type of rhetoric myself. ®

  1234. Raches says:

    A polite request, to you and some others: Please stop spamming the thread with nonsense that obviously will not change my behavior, for I care not a whit for anything you say. Your hallucinogenic drugs may have misinformed you to the contrary, so I will help you out here: I truly do not care what you say. Thus, all that you achieve is to clog the thread for everyone with your venting of impotent rage at me.

    You and a few others are textbook examples of the aphorism that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. If you dislike my comments, please use the ignore function so that you can avoid seeing them.

    At that: My words are not writ for thine eyes. I demand that you shall stop reading what I write. Your use of the ignore-list on me is the enforcement of my will on you: Everyone who wants to ignore me is ipso facto forbidden to read what I write, on grounds of personal unworthiness to see my words. Your inferiority is proved by the fact that you don’t want to read me. Please help to enforce my command upon yourself, such that I will be less casting pearls before swine.

    Thank you. ®

    • Replies: @Mehen
  1235. This was intended as a reply to Bras Cubas (#1247) which doesn’t have a “reply” button for some reason. I scanned the linked Bloomberg article. My questions are a derivative and didn’t seem addressed there:

    We are at most 9 months into the use of the mRNA jabs. Even well before this, it became obvious that potency declined quickly, call it 6 months. Add in the proliferation of variants that were resistant to even the freshly-vaccinated. Already the clamor for “boosters” (e.g. Israel); to this layan, it’s unclear how much good another shot of the same stuff that is of limited efficacy is going to do.

    Very well then, why revise the jabs to meet the new variants? Technically, I’m sure that is very easy to do. Perhaps I oversimplify, but the mRNA can be developed in record time. From computer model to your arm in just a few days.

    My fear: The “1.0” jabs were rushed to market in record time. This was only possible because many traditonal safety steps were truncated or discarded entirely. I predict they will not even do limited testing on variant boosters. They simply won’t have time! They will excuse this by saying “it’s exactly the same thing as the orginal jab.” That’s good PR but it’s untrue. These are new products that in a sane regime would undergo the same traditional testing.

    Am I being too paranoid? Given all the crazy stuff they have pulled since the pandemic began, why not omit all safety testing, in the name of responding to the variants as rapidly as possible?

    They will shorten the development timetable, probably by months. I guess even if all safety testing is skipped, it still would take many weeks to deploy enough doses to inject millions of people.

    Another worry: if/when the few remaining procedures have been discarded, I see no reason why such production would have to be limited to the latest version of the COVID-19 jab. In principle, the mRNA procedure can be used for any conceivable antigen (protein) to be produced. At optimal industrial scale, with little or no testing.

    Welcome to the brave new world of public health.

  1236. Raches says:
    @Ben the Layabout

    This was intended as a reply to Bras Cubas (#1247) which doesn’t have a “reply” button for some reason.

    The Javascript for those buttons sometimes fails to load/execute properly on very long, slowly-loading comment pages. The code may suffer a race condition (no, not that type of “race condition”) which only potentially causes failure when the page takes too long to load—just a sniff from my troubleshooting nose; I did not try to debug this.

    Make sure that the page is done loading. If it is, then reload it, and wait for it to load fully. Magic buttons should appear (and highlighting of new comments, and some other things that break when it does not properly load).

    This sometimes prevents the “Click to Edit” button from appearing on a new comment. Reloading can take a significant part of the 5-minute window.

    HTH (and happy to keep the threading organized). ®

  1237. JimDandy says:

    WHAT UP, Fam?! It’s Jimmy D here again. Like, whussup with all these dummies who think Ivermectin is for people, too? Dat shit is for HORSES and ONLY HORSES, y’all! Maybe if these fools stopped gettin’ they news from internet conspiracy sites and focused on REAL journalism like they publish on Business Insider, they wouldn’t be so STOOOPID!

    Business Insider
    Joe Rogan’s COVID-19 recovery shows how much the right has bought into the widely discredited horse dewormer cure
    Jake Lahut
    Wed, September 8, 2021, 4:00 PM

  1238. @Truth Vigilante

    That you aren’t aware of this, is proof that you have no knowledge of history and you’re not particularly well read.
    All the reading you do involves propaganda pamphlets issued from government

    I have read everything William Shakespeare ever wrote, taken two college courses on him and received A’s in both.

    As a teenager I was presented with an award by a national association of Greek scholars for demonstrating comprehension of Homeric Greek. My father, who had a degree in the classics and once had a side-job as a Latin tutor at the University of Oregon, pushed classical studies on my brother and I. To this day, I can read tolerably well in four non-English languages: Classical Greek, Latin, French and Spanish.

    My preferred for-pleasure reading is poetry in English and I would be happy to have conversations with you about the Elizabethans, Milton, the Romantics, 19th century American poetry, up to the early modernism of T.S. Eliot and D.H. Lawrence.

    I have read Don Quixote in its entirety four times, and once partially in Spanish.

    In my lifetime I have read countless works of history and science (with a particular emphasis on evolution).

    I have read through the entirety of Ron Unz’s American Pravda series. Writers featured on this site whom I regularly read include: Ron Unz, Philip Giraldi, Kevin Macdonald, Andrew Joyce, Jared Taylor, Gregory Hood, John Derbyshire, Eric Striker, Michael Hudson, Israel Shamir, Laurence Guyenot, Gilad Atzmon, Steve Sailer and Linh Dinh (wasn’t Jim Goad featured on here a few times? Unz should add him to the stable. He’s funny as hell, and we need comedians.)

    Full-length books featured on this site that I’ve read include: Kevin Macdonald’s Culture of Critique, Douglas Reed’s The Controversy Of Zion, Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgement, and Philippe Rushton’s Race, Evolution and Behavior. (Is Ilana Mercer’s Into The Cannibal’s Pot on here? Because I’ve read that as well.)

    The name “Punch Brother Punch” comes from a humorous sketch by Mark Twain. I typically take my internet handles from whatever I happen to be reading at the moment, and I was reading Twain when I came up with this one.

    But, yes, Truth: Village Idiot, keep telling yourself I only read “government propaganda.”

    • Thanks: Raches
  1239. @Erebus

    Good luck, because “manning up” is gonna mean something very different than doing whatever the TV says.

    I don’t watch television. I was simply urging you to try to be less of a sissy than my 70 years-old mother.

    • LOL: Raches, L.K
    • Replies: @Erebus
  1240. @Ben the Layabout

    The “1.0” jabs were rushed to market in record time. This was only possible because many traditonal safety steps were truncated or discarded entirely.

    To the latter, no. A very hard NO.

    The two steps that I know of are the mRNA companies starting animal testing at the same time they started their human Phase I trials. That was of course risky for the very few people in those trials, 45 for Moderna, but was based on a lot of prior mRNA and safe SARS type coronavirus vaccine research and paid off fantastically.

    The second was of course the inherent truncation in going for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or the equivalent in other countries and the EU, although those are “traditional” for, well, it’s on the label, emergencies, these processes already existed before COVID started roaming the earth. For what I would hope would be obvious reasons.

    That exquisitely covered by the advisory board meetings and their briefings before the authorizations were granted. A TL;DR is that the FDA demanded two months of safety data from one half of the people who got the vaccine based on the observation in theory and practice that the vast majority of bad averse effects happen within the first month and a half. That’s because they’re either based on antibodies etc. that are quickly generated against the vaccines antigens, or from something toxic in the rest of it. Note the Phase III trials, which were as big as any, can’t find the really rare effects, that’s only found in Phase IV “post-marketing.”

    The people screaming bloody murder about “we don’t know the long term effects” know nothing about medicine and biology and can be largely ignored. Except for the issue of longevity of efficacy, which Delta has thrown a spanner into. But prior to that, it’s by definition something you only learn for real a day at a time. And we had surrogate endpoints from the blood of people who’d gotten vaccinated in the Phase I and II trials which looked good.

    OK, there’s one other thing that was “truncated,” waiting. Waiting while you write a grant application, and wait to see if it get approved. Waiting while a drug company decides to make a very expensive decision to take a chance on your vaccine. Waiting until after the approval to start making the vaccine in bulk. This waiting does not gain you a bit of safety or efficacy.

    In the US we did this full Manhattan Project style and successfully for Janssen and Moderna, AZ/Oxford is a failure for our market, Novavax is in trouble, and Sanofi V1.0 failed, but V2.0 this year is reported to be good. Pfizer made a big deal about not accepting anything from TRUMP’S!!! Operation Warp Speed except a purchase order … until they suddenly announced in December 2020 they were going to miss their promises by a lot, and soon got with the program.

  1241. Mehen says:

    You autistic headcase. I was attempting to highlight the discordance between Triteleia’s persona and her wonkish knowledge of certain obscure historical details. In case you missed it, I’ve suspected her of being a Jew. This suspicion is only buttressed by Ron Unz’ reply to her in his 9/11 thread, accusing her of being a pro-Israeli shill who is “not worth replying to”. So there.

    And yes, I’m confident that TL is a “she”. I’ve always had a fairly good nose for these things. That’s because, unlike you, I’ve actually gotten laid quite a bit and so have gotten to know the “fairer sex” on a subtle level.

    Keep grasping at abstractions you insane old coot.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1242. Raches says:
    @Punch Brother Punch


    As a teenager I was presented with an award by a national association of Greek scholars for demonstrating comprehension of Homeric Greek. My father, who had a degree in the classics and once had a side-job as a Latin tutor at the University of Oregon, pushed classical studies on my brother and I. To this day, I can read tolerably well in four non-English languages: Classical Greek, Latin, French and Spanish.


    You seem to exceed me in education—although I am generally no slouch, and I will hold my own in native talent and creativity. As a strong believer in hierarchy, I honestly acknowledge my superiors in the aspects in which they are superior.

    If you would be so kind, please review my thoughts on Knight’s 1993 paper about Philo’s peculiar use of the word ἀλήθεια. (Not the only interesting thing about Philo…) I would value your opinion, which is unlike worthless opinions. My remarks on Knight make for one of my best-yet comments here, in my own opinion; here is another, the aristocratic conclusion of which you should appreciate (which will confuse the hell out of boobs who try Google Translate). Homer plus ancient Aryans! It is a Rachesian special touch. Also, if you would be so kind, please reply in English, at least primarily, and refrain from humiliating me with your aristocratic command of superior languages.

    My commentary on Knight may wind up being edited into a larger exposition of my thesis on the Jewish mind, Jewish thought, the Bible, and the Holohoax, if ever I actually get to writing articles here. ®

  1243. Mehen says:

    Anon, thank you so much for this article. It explains something in my own life.

    My elderly father — in his 70’s — has always been physically fit and active. An avid swimmer who regularly gets complimented by guys decades younger than him when they see his performance at the gym pool. Unfortunately, for several years now he has had heart issues, namely PVC’s. A couple years ago his doctor had a pacemaker installed to control those PVC’s. In spite of this, he was still just as hearty and hale as he’d always been.

    Against my advice, he and my mother both got the Pfizer shots back in January. A few months ago he started having fatigue spells upon physical exertion. He could still work out at the gym, but it felt more tiring than usual. Just last week we were doing basic yard work, moving cut branches from the backyard to the front yard. Such a minor exertion left him having to lean against a fence, he was so lightheaded. Up until recently I assumed it was dehydration because he tends not to drink much water.

    A few days ago, I saw a video by Dr. Charles Hoffe, who described what he was seeing in patients. He mentioned over half his patients who had the vaccine were testing positive on D-dimer blood tests which means micro-clotting.

    He explained that these patients were exhibiting reduced “effort tolerance”. He gave the example of one of his long-term patients who used to walk two miles to his clinic every two weeks for an arthritis injection, but after the Pfizer jab, gets winded after a quarter mile.

    As Dr. Hoffe explains, the mechanism seems to be the spike proteins of the vaccine get into the bloodstream, where they cause endothelial damage in the blood vessels, which induces a clotting response in the capillaries which perfuse organs like the lungs. These micro blood clots in the lungs cause pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in lungs) which causes the right side of the heart to contract harder to overcome the increased pressure. This then leads to right ventricular hypertrophy, then enlargement, and finally right heart failure. He said in such PHT conditions, a three year time to death is the average!!!!

    So I showed my father the video. He was rightly concerned, and as luck would have it, he was scheduled for an appointment check-up with the cardio surgeon who did his pacemaker a couple of days ago.

    My father is a simple man and not as sophisticated as me, so I took a small sheet of paper and wrote an abbreviated flow-chart of the process I just described for him to show his doctor.

    When he came back from his appointment, he said he shared his concern about fatigue with his doctor, told the doctor his son saw this video, and handed over my note. He said the doctor looked it over (he even said he could “see” the doctor knew whoever wrote it was no idiot), that the doctor then started to mumble something about how “they have heard things about this spike protein”, but then continued on with the rest of the purpose of the appointment which was to go over the pacemaker data (which showed no real concerns — I put him on fish oil and CoQ10 for his arrhythmias)

    But here’s the kicker. At the end of the appointment, when my father expected the doctor to hand back my note to him, the doctor casually slid the note towards him and placed it under his prescription pad and sent my dad on his way!!!!

    I thought of several ways of interpreting that — none of them good. And your AMA article hear reaffirms my darker suspicions.

    Whatever Gods may be — please give me the strength to not Fedpost right now.

    • Troll: Raches
  1244. Mehen says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    There may even be a case to be made for topping off natural immunity with some of our first generation vaccines, and in case I didn’t previously make this clear, we only learn for real a day at a time how long any type of immunity lasts, and the BMJ is worrying as they are want to do about this for BioNTech’s vaccine, and that’s worth looking into as I probably will someday.

  1245. Mehen says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    I have no problem with the endeavour. I am actually very grateful for it, as, while I think the US elite is doing a reasonable job,

    B U S T E D

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1246. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    I do hope that you’re still thinking of submitting an article for publication.

    I suspect that some of your long comments have absorbed far more time and thought that many of the actual articles I publish. And from a purely cost-benefit ratio, I’d guess that what you write in an article will probably be read by between 10x and 30x more people than one of your typical comments, buried as they soon become among so many others.

    Upon my reply to Punch Brother Punch, I had the occasion to reread “Of Blessed Memory, and Moon Landing Denial as the Jewish Erasure of Names: May Raches’ Revenge strike down the Moon Landing Hoax Hoax!” It is a 2,200-word “comment”, which sets forth my own original thesis on an important subject.

    That is one of a shortlist of comments that I have been intending to revise for articles, if I were to write for you on topics other than the vaccines. Most of the others would, in my opinion, require significant revision and expansion. However, if one may presume some very basic knowledge from the reader, this one would require only edits in the first two paragraphs, to remove it from the context of the other thread as a self-standing article. The result would be imperfect, in my opinion, albeit of far higher quality than most articles published in any popular media—maybe even “feature” quality. Optionally, a few more brief paragraphs could reference historical context that may be unknown to uninformed readers, especially those who are too young to remember these events.

    My pride in my thesis is inseparable from the importance of the issue. The Denial of the great achievements of Dr. von Braun, Dr. Rudolph, and the other Paperclipped scientists is Defamation that must be answered incisively. And although you are probably not now in the mood for another lunatic-magnet thread, I hold to the adage that the best defense is attack. On a personal note, although I do plan to finish my article on Covid and the vaccines, I am a little bit reluctant to get started on that foot. It is not the right introduction to me. This could be.

    Here on your free-speech platform, I would expect for the peanut gallery to be filled with Moon Landing Denier garbage, which can mostly be ignored as the same old rehash of the same old crackpottery, and Jews and their admirers protesting how I blame Moon Landing Denial on the Jews. The latter may be more interesting—maybe—if they can come up with anything beyond their tired old philosemitic canards. I do hope to see some appreciation for the great scientists.

    Please advise if you are interested. It would be fitting to schedule this for publication at sunset on September 15, 2021: The Jews must atone for what they definitely did to these great scientists, and what they probably did to the memories thereof. Thanks. ®

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1247. JimDandy says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Thanks for suggesting UR publish more Jim Goad. He’s great. One of a kind. I’d love to see an article by him about why he isn’t vaxxed and why he thinks there might be some connection between vaccines and his son’s autism.

  1248. Mehen says:

    A polite request, to you and some others: Please stop spamming the thread with nonsense that obviously will not change my behavior, for I care not a whit for anything you say. Your hallucinogenic drugs may have misinformed you to the contrary, so I will help you out here: I truly do not care what you say. Thus, all that you achieve is to clog the thread for everyone with your venting of impotent rage at me.

    You and a few others are textbook examples of the aphorism that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

    LOL. You idiot. I’ve been remarkably nonchalant about your behavior here, relative to others. I was even friendly with you at times. I only blew up at you ONCE, last night, because you had finally exceeded the limits of my tolerance. And you have the gall to quote Einstein about insanity when you would be better served by looking into a mirror with that quote scrawled in lipstick superimposed upon your wooden face.

    And spare me the cheap double-bind. I’ve been gaslit (in the true, literal meaning of that word) by folks far more psychologically astute than the likes of you, and consequently have developed a robust immune response to such wickedness. I’m a free speech absolutist, I’ve never blocked anyone (though you make it tempting — only because of your colossal mind-numbing boringness, not your wit).

    No. I think I’ll keep hanging on in order to get a better understanding of your type, in the same way a curious entomologist is fascinated by some new insect. Nietzsche was an ethologist, after all.

    • Replies: @Raches
  1249. @Punch Brother Punch

    Michael Collins Piper, Giraldi, Laurent Guyenot, Atzmon and one or two others aside, the rest of your rote learning bibliography is not worth a rat’s arse.

    Which explains why you ended up as the Village Idiot – whose malleable mind is easily influenced by government propaganda.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1250. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    the Goebbels’ killing of their two healthy children

    An advanced mathematics lesson for you:

    \[6 \neq 2\]

    You know not whereof you speak.

    Their names are Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holde, and Hedda, and Heide, all of blessed memory. I know how many they are. I know their names, I say their names, I remember their names. I have one amongst their faces neatly hidden in plain sight amidst my own life photos and knick-knacks in my home—to be recognized by one who would recognize them, one like myself. I Jewishly light candles for them. Because they deserve to be remembered by someone who respects them—who respects them as they were—who respects their spirit, their culture, their family, their parents, the lives they lived, and the tragedy of their deaths.

    Yes, they were murdered: They, and millions of other Germans were murdered by the ingeminate US-USSR alliance and by the Jews. I list the Jews’ Janissaries before the Jews themselves, because too oft in such cases does the goy triggerman try to palm off all blame on the Jewish boss who ordered the hit. As Professor Oliver, an honest American patriot who did wartime cryptanalysis in WWII, remarked near the end of his life, “Our guilt is undeniable. It cannot be palliated. We made the Yids our masters…”

    Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holde, and Hedda, and Heide symbolize to me all of the millions of Germans who died in the War and its aftermath. I wish that I could memorialize the dead each individually. I take these six as their special representatives.

    Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holde, and Hedda, and Heide are martyrs for freedom. Real freedom, not American-style Orwellian so-called “freedom”. For Adolf Hitler was the leader of a free and independent Germany: A sovereign Germany not subject to American world-police megalomania, International Communist world-revolution, ownership by international banks and stock markets, and enslavement by Yahweh’s Master Race.

    And thus, Adolf Hitler was the leader of the free world: The world free of the tyranny that I have just enumerated.

    Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holde, Hedda, and Heide died in the struggle for a free Europe led by Mitteleuropa, with Hitler’s Germany at its heart, joined in friendship with an Asian alliance bloc of Imperial Japan, Wang Jingwei’s free China, and Subhas Chandra Bose’s free India. It was a new precedent in world history for interracial respect without deracination, and for diplomatic coöperation amongst sovereign peers without “world government” tyranny. It was a beautiful world, that free world. Whoever and whatever I am, no matter what my race or nationality, it was the world in which I wish I had been born.

    But it was not to be.

    “They are too good for the world that will comé after us.”

    — Frau Magda Goebbels, speaking of Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holde, and Hedda, and Heide.

    I was born into a world of universal slavery and universal degradation: The world of the triumphant Sklavenmoral licking the dust from Jewish feet (Isaiah 49:23). It is a world in which I question whether the antinatalists are right, and people should stop being so cruel as to bear children into the Hell on Earth that was inaugurated in 1945. (Professor Oliver made some similar remarks; separately, but on a perhaps not altogether unrelated note, he exercised his free speech in Liberty Bell to protest against Christian restrictions on abortion.)

    The Jews were determined at all costs to destroy the free world, the beautiful world—the world of Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holde, Hedda, and Heide. The Americans, steeped as they were and are in the Christian dualistic Weltanschauung, were easily wielded as willing tools to wage holy war for Yahweh: The Jews’ Janissaries fighting Jewish jihad. It is unsurprising: So recently had the Americans collectively been so insane as to fight a “war to end wars” (!), a religious war to “make the world safe for democracy” (!!). Democracy is Christianity.

    Essentially the same propaganda was used, with “Hitler” swapped for “the Kaiser”. The Kaiser is insane. The Kaiser is mass-murdering people. The Kaiser wants to conquer the whole world! The real difference is only threefold:

    1. Hitler was by far the better leader—with a coherent plan, unlike the Kaiser—and with a much broader alliance of friendly nations.

    2. In the interlude between wars (or truly: between phases of the greater war), reputable academic historians revised the history of the Great War to remove the distortions of war-propaganda and war-hysteria. This process is now being reversed, with waves of new propaganda and historical distortion to rationalize America’s position in WWI.

    3. The free world’s loss in 1945 was decisive. It ineluctably sealed the doom of Western civilization—and probably doomed the whole Aryan race; maybe others, too. Japan is on the ropes, a shadow of its former self. China seems to be recovering now; but it is too early to tell. Others are in a condition beneath mention.

    In the New Dark Age, I inscribe what may perhaps be an epitaph for history itself with the names of Helga, Hilde, Helmut, Holde, and Hedda, and Heide. ®

    A general note:

    It is a myth that the “H” naming pattern was for Hitler. Frau Goebbels, née Quandt evidently picked up that habit from her former marriage. Her eldest son was Harald Quandt, stepbrother of Herbert Quandt. Not that there would be anything wrong with “H” for Hitler. But it is untrue, it is a common canard, and I know what half the readers here will be thinking when they see the names lined up in a row.

    P.S., T-L, you were the one who introduced a wrong label against my speaking to the substance. For you to turn around and project your own fallacy onto me, after I corrected your label, is intellectually dishonest and in this case, morally reprehensible. Also, your nonsense about “mansplaining” is beneath reply, except to note that it suggests that you really ought to stop doing drugs—or better, go back in time and don’t start. Since you have inflicted on your brain what you yourself admit is “full drug-induced psychosis”, it is unsurprising that you have wound up so crazy, you accuse sane people of your own mental problems. People whose mental condition exhibits psychotic features and disordered thinking not infrequently do this, as you aptly demonstrate. ®

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1251. Adrian says:

    It’s obvious there are thousands of experts poring over covid vaccine data and doing all kind of research around the globe, or perhaps tens of thousands? Are we to believe they are worthless manikins who dare not speak out if they find something so terrible? I think they don’t speak out because they haven’t found anything of the sort. Should some of them take time to respond to lone voices – perhaps but with the media heavily censoring such voices – the have hardly any reason to do so publicly.

    Niceland thanks for trying but I don’t find this very convincing or consoling. Bhakdi is hardly a shrinking violet who has been successfully kept out by the media. He has at any case a Wikipedia entry and not many of the “thousands of experts” who, according to yoiu, are “poring over vaccine data …around the globe” have.

    Moreover, that “poring over data” right now in relation to what Bhakdi says seems hardly relevant. The overmortality he predicts is a matter of the future that hasn’t arrived yet.

    So the right answer to Bhakdi, it seems to me, would now not be further data but an argument that is soundly based on textbook medicine. Remember those lymphocytes with their elephantine memory? I want to see them made innocuous.

    I reckoned that if somebody had come up with such an argument it would be emphasized in Wikipedia – because this corporate equivalent of the “Great Soviet Encyclopedia” is predictably not in the least bit friendly towards him. He is called a conspiracy theorist and, for good measure, also an anti-semite (he seems to have said something unfriendly about Israel and Israelis). However it also mentions something that can’t even be found in the laudatory introduction to his book. This Wiki mentions that “He was Editor in Chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology from 1990 to 2012.” So it seems to me that he had and has a rather central place in his field.

    Thus I looked whether Wikipedia makes any mention of such a textbook medical argument. Would I recognise it as definitive seeung that I am not in his field? Well I don’t have to be a soccerplayer to know that a goal has been made. The bystanders will tell me to begin with.

    So here is a sentence in the Wiki that seems to lead to such an argument: “according to Medical Tribune [de], (his views) are considered unscientific by a majority of experts.[20]” So to note 20 I went.

    That leads to a strange article in that Medical Tribune. It does indeed have the sentence: “Die Thesen von Prof. Bhakdi, …werden von der übergroßen Mehrheit der Experten unwissenschaftlich genannt” So the large majority of experts allegedly call Bhakdi’s theses unscientific. But who are those experts? None of them is mentioned by name. And the funny thing is that all the medicos who are named there would be in Wikipedia’s bad books too. See this:

    The internist Dr. Claus Köhnlein from Schleswig-Holstein calls the recordings of military trucks taking away corpses in Bergamo “fake recordings” and “lousy propaganda”. In mid-May, the physician Heiko Schöning speaks of a world government that escapes all control in front of the demonstrators of a so-called hygiene demo in Hamburg. A few days later, his colleague Dr. Marc Fiddike also addresses the “awakened and waking” people, as he calls the demonstrators in Hamburg. Their rights are acutely threatened. Behind this, he says, is an agenda “that has been composed over the years.” Vaccinations could make people susceptible to those diseases that would be vaccinated against. “This is known, of course it’s hushed up!” he charges. “It’s all about planning ID 2020, there are going to be color markings put in, chips, nanoparticles. Is that what you want?” he shouts into the crowd.

    One group calls itself “Doctors for Enlightenment.”

    And these are not the only doctors who have taken to the mic at hygiene demos in recent months. Doubts are being cast on the “true motives” of those in power and on the pandemic in general. Information would be purposefully set off, media would be Gleichgeschaltet, everything is part of a faked play.

    Reasons are based on the expert status of the medical profession. So says Schöning, for instance, among other things … self-confidently in a video, there is scientifically seen no more justification for the masks. Schöning and Fiddike, both from Hamburg, are joint founders of an initiative, which calls itself physicians for clearing-up things. Under this name it calls, among other things, on other physicians to write their patients certificates against the mask obligation. Signed is the appropriate Pamphlet with: “Their medical colleagues of the MWGFD registered association. (Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy) Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, (…), Dr. Bodo Schiffmann and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg in solidarity with the Doctors for Enlightenment.”

    Dr. Schiffmann, an ENT physician from Sinsheim, is a co-founder of the association “Resistance 2020,” whose statutes are described by observers of the scene as being openly to the right. It compares the Corona measures to the Enabling Act of 1933. “Where are the dead here in Stuttgart?” he shoutseddemonstrators in July, having previously agitated the crowd with chants. “Are we going to put up with this?” “No!” the crowd shouts back. Allusions to resistance in the GDR and Nazi Germany fall.

    and the article goes on:

    The homepage of the so-called Physicians for Enlightenment features a list of supporters with the names of hundreds of doctors – a significant number of whom are presumably unaware of how far-reaching the protest of the group they signed on for is. But how is it that doctors publicly state

    that the coronavirus is pure scaremongering and that the measures against it serve to deliberately mislead the population?

    The answer to that is given by a few academic social psychologists who come up with waffle in the style of Triti.eley. Let us hasten on with averted eyes. Then finally at the end of the ariocle the opinion of two medical boards is given. That of Hamburg and that of Schleswig Holstein, Hamburg says mainly that freedom of speech also holds for doctors. Schleswig Holstein’s reaction is a bit more deiailed:

    Of course, there is freedom of opinion in Germany, including for physicians. However, since their words are particularly trusted, personal opinions must be clearly kept separate from the practice of medicine. Under no circumstances should the patient suffer harm as a result of the doctor acting out his or her personal world view, be it through rejection of recognized hygiene and protective measures or the issuing of an attestation without prior examination. This would be unacceptable and violate medical codes. The chambers are engaged in a nationwide discursive exchange on this issue.

    So there you are Niceland. Bhakdi’s views still seem pretty threatening for my jabbed relatives. Can’t you come up with anything better?

    • Agree: Erebus
    • Replies: @Erebus
  1252. Erebus says:

    I first encountered the Frankfurt School/Antifa/Critical Theory movement back in University. My girlfriend of the time had enrolled in Sociology (or Psych?) so I had to hear all about Gramsci, Marcuse, Fromm etc. Despite her enthusiasms, I remember only that I wasn’t impressed. Münzenberg was an activist, quite peripheral to the theorists, so I never heard much about him. A quick skim of his Wiki page indicates he was hyper-active, but no deep thinker.

    My strongest memories are from a series of semi-formal debates on Critical Theory between the Philosophy and Socio/Psychology faculties that I was obliged to attend. After each debate, the room had to be cleared of the remains of whatever aspect of Critical Theory the Philosophers had shredded in the previous hour. IIRC, the originally planned series was never completed. The Critical Theorists got their asses handed to them, yet they went on to permeate all of academe while the Philosophers drifted into academic, social & political irrelevance.

    From academe they moved into State policy planning/making apparatuses across much/all of the West. Now they own it, and from there they rule. A “reformist” politician parachuting into government finds himself in an alien eco-system with few allies and no alternatives. Likewise across the corporate and academic eco-systems. These 3 spheres are well on their way to convergence.

    “Draining the swamp” is an Quixotic idyll. The swamp is all there is. It took generations to fill it, and it’ll take generations to drain it. Politics moves forward one casket at a time unless catalysed by the blood & iron of revolution.

    So we’ve got what we’ve got. Propositions as absurd as “Math is Racist” get serious attention, and “Follow the Science” has been corrupted into “Follow the Scientist”. The Scientist, meanwhile, follows his paycheque, and prestigious journals publish patently fraudulent “scientific” papers that in turn lend support to the ideology that spawned them. A society built on a matrix of absurdities is adrift from its moorings and can be led anywhere. In fact, it barely needs leading.

    If/when this absurd, Kafka-esque “pandemic” starts losing traction it will morph into even more absurd “Climate Change” lockdowns and it will seem quite organic and natural to the man on the street. The new normal getting normal-er. Meanwhile, the policies and legal structures that will underpin the post-modern,”Bio-Digital” societies that follow will mature and be codified into law. They’ve long been debated, and are now being written, read and refined in policy-making circles.

    Canada proclaimed itself the first “Post-National State” back in 2016. Its policy makers must have been hard at work since long before that. Australia & New Zealand are playing catch up, but Canada’s proximity to the US is its gating feature. How much, if any of the US follows Canada’s lead is probably the most important question facing the N. American continent and depending on how it’s answered, the world.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Adrian
  1253. Erebus says:

    So the right answer to Bhakdi, it seems to me, would now not be further data but an argument that is soundly based on textbook medicine. Remember those lymphocytes with their elephantine memory? I want to see them made innocuous.

    Exactly. All else is just noise.

  1254. Raches says:

    LOL. You idiot. I’ve been remarkably nonchalant about your behavior here, relative to others. I was even friendly with you at times. I only blew up at you ONCE, last night, because you had finally exceeded the limits of my tolerance.

    I was speaking more to your presumptuousness—yours, and Wild Man’s and a few others’ in various ways. The conceits of ignorance. Uppity churls are unbecoming. On your part worst of all, so is the worship of psychosis.

    I can tell when someone has a right to address me as a peer, and perhaps may even teach me. You don’t, and won’t.

    I didn’t say that you were frequently “blowing up at” me. That is your strawman. I said:

    Please stop spamming the thread with nonsense that obviously will not change my behavior, for I care not a whit for anything you say.

    Mehen, September 4, 2021 at 3:16 am GMT:

    I happen to have it on good authority that ANYONE under the spell of 5-MeO who DOESN’T experience the obliteration of all human preconceptions in an ineffable fire of Realization and Ecstasy/Terror is one of three things:

    You have spammed this thread and the prior one with a huge amount of nonsense directed at me, specifically. Nonsense is all that you have, for anyone—even for those who are only a little bit less nuts than you are.

    Mehen, September 5, 2021 at 12:58 am GMT (to Triteleia Laxa):

    Some of us here just like to have fun at times. It’s not really complicated.

    Actually, for you, it might be complicated. If you’ve studied your Taoism (or sundry other “Eastern Traditions” (or merely managed to smoke 5-MeO properly)), you would realize the truth that God/Source sacrificed its Unity and Solitude for the sake of something more. God/Source divided itself into two, then divided again, and again and again until it became the “10,000 things” you and I and everyone else are familiar with.

    And the reason God/Source did this? Simply put: it’s all theater. A form of self-entertainment. At the heart of it all is nothing other than a child’s sense of play in the most literal sense.

    Your raving lunatic gospel of nihilistic self-destruction is becoming a bit tiresome; and when it is addressed to me, it is a complete waste of your effort. You will be much happier if you just place me on ignore, and/or wreck your brain until you drop dead.

    Have a nice day. ®

  1255. Erebus says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I don’t watch television.

    Then what convinced you to get jabbed? Somebody who does watch television? Or was it 3rd hand?

    I was simply urging you to try to be less of a sissy than my 70 years-old mother.

    Well, I’m following my 93 yr old mother’s lead. She told her doctor to piss up a rope, and that she’d rather take her chances with COVID.

    I’d be more leery of the vaxxine than of COVID in the same way I’d be more leery of an armed robber than of an unarmed one. I can’t see a reason to prefer the former over the latter.

  1256. Mehen says:

  1257. JimDandy says:

    Oh, hail naw! Shit just got REAL! At least according to this late-breaking MSM headline!


    Ivermectin causes sterilization in 85 percent of men, study finds

  1258. Mehen says:

    I just wanted to say:

    Erebus and Polemos are my favorites.

    You two are the absolute BEASTS in this thread.

    I don’t know the first thing about you two, your philosophies or ideologies or anything like that.

    But you guys rock. Inspirational, even.

    Where IS Polemos, by the way?

    • Replies: @Erebus
  1259. Adrian says:

    Upton Sinclair noted that “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”. Upton could’ve gone on to say “You can get a man to believe anything when his salary depends on him believing it”.

    Quite true – but in this case it seems to me more a matter of actually seeing it but keeping it out of sight.

    If nothing else, this pandemic has been a real eye opener on how simple and even easy it is to get billions of individuals to move in any direction desired, while leaving them convinced that they’re doing it of their own free will.

    Yes – a bit disgusting. My Schopenhauerian misanthropy found new nourishment. Let me quote one of the other American Greats:

    The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

  1260. Raches says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    The quadruply, quintuply quixotic “Truth Vigilante”, who is worth not a three-cent fare, vomited:

    not worth a rat’s arse.

    “μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ…” ®

    ΛΟΛ: Conductor

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  1261. AndrewR says:
    @Morton's toes

    Sue them where? In Jewish run courts? Heads they win, tails we lose. The only lawful solution to the problems we face is a general strike. But that will never happen. Prohibited solutions will be required.

  1262. Raches says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    I did not know the literary origin of your pseudonym. However, on seeing some of the trash hereabouts, I suggest that it should be interpreted in a different sense:

    ἦ μέγα νεικείων: ὁ δέ οἱ περιχώσατο θυμῷ
    Πηλείδης ἐρίθυμος: ἄφαρ δέ ἑ χειρὶ κραταιῇ
    τύψε κατὰ γναθμοῖο καὶ οὔατος: οἱ δ᾽ ἅμα πάντες
    ἐξεχύθνσαν ὀδόντες ἐπὶ χθόνα, κάππεσε δ᾽ αὐτὸς
    πρηνής: ἐκ δέ οἱ αἷμα διὰ στόματος πεφόρητο
    ἀθρόον: αἶψα δ᾽ ἄναλκις ἀπὸ μελέων φύγε θυμὸς
    ἀνέρος οὐτιδανοῖο: χάρη δ᾽ ἄρα λαὸς Ἀχαιῶν:
    τοὺς γὰρ νείκεε πάμπαν ἐπεσβολίῃσι κακῇσιν
    αὐτὸς ἐὼν λωβητός: ὁ γὰρ Δαναῶν πέλεν αἰδώς.
    καί ῥά τις ὧδ᾽ εἴπεσκεν ἀρηϊθόων Ἀργείων:
    “οὐκ ἀγαθὸν βασιλῆας ὑβριζέμεν ἀνδρὶ χέρηι
    ἀμφαδὸν οὔτε κρυφηδόν, ἐπεὶ χόλος αἰνὸς ὀπηδεῖ:
    ἔστι Θέμις, καὶ γλῶσσαν ἀναιδέα τίνυται Ἄτη, ®
    ἥ τ᾽ αἰεὶ μερόπεσσιν ἐπ᾽ ἄλγεσιν ἄλγος ἀέξει.”

    (I repeat that if your classics background is what you say, you could put me in a world of pain here. Don’t. And don’t explain it for those who don’t and can’t get it. A few others here will get it, I think. I am just trying to give you a laugh, a just punch just for kicks, as I sneer at nihilistic misologists who know nothing of Western culture: Who know not, and who hate what they know not, and know naught but hate.)

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1263. @Raches

    Whether they had foregone having children or killed their children due to their political vanity and need to be seen a intelligent and competent and above it all, I hope that they learned in their particular life that such vanity wasn’t worth it. Perhaps as they closed their eyes for the last time, so when they come back again they know what the more fulfilling choice would have been and don’t miss out in that way.

    But, knowing people, it is very likely that they learned nothing. They probably tripled down on their political foolishness, using it as even more of an excuse for their self-invalidating behaviour and refuse to ever change at all. They likely even saw change as something supported by those conspiring against them. In this way, their souls would have dived even deeper into resentment, ignorance and pomposity. Sad stuff indeed!

    Fortunately/unfortunately, they will go back around and around and around until they learn, so there is actually hope, even if they will likely cause themselves a lifetime of suffering again and again and again.

    Good bye Raches. Enjoy your paranoia and politicised defence mechanisms. I look forward to the day when you realise you no longer need them.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1264. @Mehen

    “Busted” at what? Thinking it is difficult to govern a modern country and appreciating that the US is a very nice place to live, both in global and historical terms?

  1265. @Mehen

    You autistic headcase. I was attempting to highlight the discordance between Triteleia’s persona and her wonkish knowledge of certain obscure historical details. In case you missed it, I’ve suspected her of being a Jew. This suspicion is only buttressed by Ron Unz’ reply to her in his 9/11 thread, accusing her of being a pro-Israeli shill who is “not worth replying to”. So there.

    Ron used the sort of playground insult that works at this sort of kindergarten.

    The obscure historical detail featured in an article on this website.

  1266. geokat62 says:

    Canada proclaimed itself the first “Post-National State” back in 2016.

    Not long after, former Greek PM, Alexi Tsipras followed suit:

    Nationalism in the Balkans has led to disasters…I believe the time has come to escape nationalism.

    • Thanks: Erebus
  1267. Ron Unz says:

    I had the occasion to reread “Of Blessed Memory, and Moon Landing Denial as the Jewish Erasure of Names: May Raches’ Revenge strike down the Moon Landing Hoax Hoax!” It is a 2,200-word “comment”, which sets forth my own original thesis on an important subject…My pride in my thesis is inseparable from the importance of the issue. The Denial of the great achievements of Dr. von Braun, Dr. Rudolph, and the other Paperclipped scientists is Defamation that must be answered incisively.

    It’s certainly a very detailed comment, but I’m not sure it would work as an article without a great deal of work.

    Also, we actually (re)published a long article on that subject a couple of years ago by someone who had written an entire book on Dr. Rudolph’s story:

  1268. Adrian says:

    The Critical Theorists got their asses handed to them, yet they went on to permeate all of academe while the Philosophers drifted into academic, social & political irrelevance.

    Karl Popper once sad ; I would love to comment on Professor Habermas’s stuff if I could find out what he is talking about, or something along those lines. This is somewhat unfair to Habermas who, in my view, has a great deal to say but presents his opinions in “Stacheldraht Deutsch”(“barbed wire German”). This should have presented to the native German speaker Popper was less of a difficulty than to most of us but his abhorrence of Habermas’s style was, I think, partly an affectation – a continuation of the same abhorrence he had of Hegel’s stuff, a distaste he inherited from Schopenhauer I think, or to which Schopenhauer provided the intellectual credentials. Schopenhauer himself took Hume for his model and is the clearest of philosophical authors.

    Hegel has survived and later generations of academic philosophers obviously largely agreed with Nietzsche’s condemnation of Schopenhauer’s attacks. on Hegel as a form of “unintelligentes wüten” .

    About the irrelevance Anglophone philosophy drifted into: my supervisor at the LSE, Ernest Gellner, wrotemore than half a century ago a sarcastic book about it: Words and Things. Gilbert Ryle was so offended by it that he blocked a review of it in Mind. This became an academic row. Ancient Russell came out then to defend the book. He too was not enamoured of linguistic philosophy.

    A well known commentator on modern British philosophy was Bryan Magee (he had a BBC program about it). He himself returned to Schopenhauer on whom he wrote a marvellously clear book, worthy of its subject.

    • Thanks: Father Coughlin
    • Replies: @Erebus
  1269. @Raches

    Now, now Rachel, no need to sulk over it.

  1270. geokat62 says:

    (I repeat that if your classics background is what you say, you could put me in a world of pain here…

    World of pain? Did others, like me, make the false assumption that those Ancient Greek words were originally penned by our good friend Loup-Bouc/Anachronis/Raches?

    And who could blame us when he didn’t even cite the source for this lengthy quote.

    That’s right it is a carbon copy of a passage from, Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy*:

    ἦ μέγα νεικείων: ὁ δέ οἱ περιχώσατο θυμῷ
    Πηλείδης ἐρίθυμος: ἄφαρ δέ ἑ χειρὶ κραταιῇ
    τύψε κατὰ γναθμοῖο καὶ οὔατος: οἱ δ᾽ ἅμα πάντες
    ἐξεχύθνσαν ὀδόντες ἐπὶ χθόνα, κάππεσε δ᾽ αὐτὸς
    745πρηνής: ἐκ δέ οἱ αἷμα διὰ στόματος πεφόρητο
    ἀθρόον: αἶψα δ᾽ ἄναλκις ἀπὸ μελέων φύγε θυμὸς
    ἀνέρος οὐτιδανοῖο: χάρη δ᾽ ἄρα λαὸς Ἀχαιῶν:
    τοὺς γὰρ νείκεε πάμπαν ἐπεσβολίῃσι κακῇσιν
    αὐτὸς ἐὼν λωβητός: ὁ γὰρ Δαναῶν πέλεν αἰδώς.
    750καί ῥά τις ὧδ᾽ εἴπεσκεν ἀρηϊθόων Ἀργείων:
    ‘οὐκ ἀγαθὸν βασιλῆας ὑβριζέμεν ἀνδρὶ χέρηι
    ἀμφαδὸν οὔτε κρυφηδόν, ἐπεὶ χόλος αἰνὸς ὀπηδεῖ:
    ἔστι Θέμις, καὶ γλῶσσαν ἀναιδέα τίνυται Ἄτη,
    ἥ τ᾽ αἰεὶ μερόπεσσιν ἐπ᾽ ἄλγεσιν ἄλγος ἀέξει.’

    Word for word… but without the registered trademark symbol, ®, near the end.

    * “The Fall of Troy was originally written in Greek, sometime in the middle of the Fourth Century A. D. It was written by Quintus Smyrnaeus, who was a Greek epic poet whose Posthomerica, following “after Homer” continues the narration of the Trojan War. The dates of Smyrnaeus’s life are controversial, but they are traditionally placed in the latter part of the Fourth Century.” – Amazon books

    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Truth Vigilante
  1271. Erebus says:

    Schopenhauer himself took Hume for his model and is the clearest of philosophical authors.

    By some fluke of fate, I read Hume, was mesmerized with Kant’s development of his insights, slogged thru Hegel, devoured Nietzsche, and at some point thought I understood Wittgenstein, all the while encountering Schopenhauer only in references, footnotes and commentaries.

    About the irrelevance Anglophone philosophy drifted into…

    It’s not only Anglophone philosophy that drifted into irrelevance. All of it did. Science and its offspring, Technology ran away with the ball. They yielded immediate satisfaction of immediate issues and so came to define them, while the philosophers continued to go “… round and round the same spot, without advancing a single step” (Kant) and so abandoned the field. They had things to say, but nobody was listening.

    My sense is that we’re approaching/at the end of Science. It’s run its course. Something else will be driving the bus, or perhaps buses, when they move again. Lots of interesting problems left to solve, of course, and scientists will remain busy enough, but it’s been normalized, embedded, integrated. Everybody’s doing it. It’s become the modern equivalent of artisanry – think ironworking, or carpentry, or pottery, or masonry.

    Something else will have to open the door and define what comes next. Long ago I thought that was gonna be Husserlian Phenomenology and its obvious implications for Physics which I saw as moving towards David Bohm’s paradigm. I spent a lot of time/energy on it. Maybe it still will be, but not in my lifetime. It seems there’s a “Bio-digital Convergence” phase we need to go through before that. Lots of scientific busywork to be done, but when runs its course my gut feel says that ironworking and pottery will likely succeed it.

    Cynicism, thy name is Erebus.

    • Replies: @Adrian
  1272. Erebus says:

    Where is Polemos indeed? Perhaps he’d said his piece and moved on.

    You two are the absolute BEASTS in this thread.

    Am I hearing an echo of the original Loup-Bouc?

  1273. Chinaman says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    Plans for herd immunity any time soon have certainly “collapsed,” but given that we don’t even know what will be required for that I’d say they were theoretical at best, and obviously after the fact a moving target from Alpha and then Delta due to their serially greater transmissibility.

    Even as a layman (but scientifically literate), common sense would suggest that morbidity and transmissibility are not on the same vector because the death rate of COVID is quite low to start off with. Little less than 6 months after I have a heated exchange on the matter with some natural herd immunity fanatics here, we have Delta and Mu.

    I remember having a discussion with you last year about how many “rounds” of evolution and vaccines “arms race” we might have before we reached a stable equilibrium and we arrive at a universal vaccine where it is effective against all variants of the virus.

    As an update, given the state of vaccine development cycle and Delta’s prevalence, how far are we from making COVID as innocuous as the common flu?

    It seems to me that, at a minimum, it will be 3-5 years before we really get back to normal?


    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
  1274. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    “America Should be Ashamed”

    It’s certainly a very detailed comment, but I’m not sure it would work as an article without a great deal of work.

    Thanks for the feedback. I can see what you are saying.

    Also, we actually (re)published a long article on that subject a couple of years ago by someone who had written an entire book on Dr. Rudolph’s story:

    The more time I spend at The Unz Review, the more I realize that I should spend more time here! I had not seen that. Excellent. So is this, by the same author, Hugh McInnish:

    Mr. McInnish thereby cites a mainstream media article quoting him from the time when these events occurred:

    [Michael Hirsley, Chicago Tribune, September 24, 1985.]

    “I think this man is innocent,” said Hugh McInnish, a civilian engineer here in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s missile program.


    “We picked Rudolph’s brain of everything we could, used him for his talents, rewarded him with high honors and then we turned around and kicked him out,” McInnish said. “That is wrong.”

    Cf. Professor Oliver’s remarks on how the persecution of Dr. Rudolph demoralized NASA.

    And yes, America should be ashamed.

    With due respect to the intelligent Americans, such as Mr. McInnish, who surely made many individual contributions, I observe that the impetus for many of America’s greatest postwar advances in science and industry was overall the looting of the German mind.


    Zooming out to see the forest, then back in to a nearby cluster of trees, see Charles Lester Walker, “Secrets by the Thousands”, Harper’s Magazine, October 1946, Vol. 193, pp. 329–336. I found this because George Dietz reprinted it entirely and verbatim in Liberty Bell, March 1992, pp. 22–32; in a brief note thereby appended, Liberty Bell credited the find to “GANPAC-BRIEF No. 109, November 1991”, and added therefrom a short comment.

    I believe that Herr Dietz was an honorable man; however, there is so much nonsense floating around on the American “right-wing” that I have become almost cynical. I just had to verify this:

    This article is only available as a PDF to subscribers.


    Secrets by the Thousands
    by C. Lester Walker
    The Harpers Monthly, October 1946, pp. 329-335

    PDF Pages Still Under Copyright and Not Publicly Available

    Mr. Unz, I don’t know on what basis, but publicly makes available all of Harper’s Vol. 193; see below.

    It looks like a throwaway account named “sbtth” with a single upload made a PDF of this single “sbtth” article: in a hurry, use this link to download the PDF of the article.

    The PDF is very properly made, and drawn from the file of Harper’s Volume 193:

    That was uploaded into the Internet Archive Books collection by an archivist who has made 121,905 uploads—not a throwaway account.


    (This comment is split on logical lines, so that the other part can be linked independently. Continued…)

  1275. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    “America Should be Ashamed” (Continued.)

    This October 1946 Harper’s article is sheer chutzpah. It wholly consists of greedy, criminal-minded American looters bragging about how they robbed the (impliedly superior) German intellect. Near the beginning of this very mainstream article, from one of America’s most famous and widely-distributed upper-middle-class magazines (italics original, boldface mine):

    In Washington, the Office of Technical Services [] reports that tens of thousands of tons of material are involved. It is estimated that over a million separate items must be handled, and that they, very likely, contain practically all the scientific, industrial, and military secrets of Nazi Germany.

    One Washington official has called it “the greatest single source of this type of material in the world, the first orderly exploitation of an entire country’s brainpower.”

    Jumping from the beginning to the end of the article: It’s all about the money. Americans are such proud looters, robbers, and thieves. Remember that the following figures are 1946 dollars—and then think of all of the incremental advances which American engineers must have made in the ensuing decades, based on looted German revolutionary advances. Think of how the proceeds of this grand-scale intellectual and economic war-looting created the environment in which truly brilliant Americans, such as Professor Shockley, could produce inventions that were promptly looted by their fellow Americans.

    The Americans are so fantastically proud of “their” industrial boom and technological advances of the late 1940s to the 1960s, which laid the foundation of the “high-tech” America of today. —I emphasize “fantastically”, in the sense of delusionally.

    After a certain American aircraft company had ordered a particular captured war document, it was queried as to whether the information had made it or saved it any money. The cost of the report had been a few dollars. The company answered: “Yes—at least a hundred thousand dollars.”

    A research head of another business firm took notes for three hours in the OTS offices one day. “Thanks very much,” he said, as he stood to go, “the notes from these documents are worth at least a half a million dollars to my company.”

    And after seeing the complete report on the German synthetic fiber industry, one American manufacturer remarked:

    “This report would be worth twenty million dollars to my company if it could have it exclusively.”

    Of course you, and anybody else, can now have it, and lots of other once secret information, for a few dollars. All the war secrets, as released, are completely in the public domain.

    Even though she loves Stalin, I must salute Alexandra Elbakyan! What is breaking down paywalls to academic resources that are public but costly—a project that has considerable justifications, and mostly just hurts the extractive “intellectual property” shysters who leech profits off of scholarship—compared to the violent war-looting of a nation’s intellectual secrets?

    And when I hear Americans accuse the Chinese of real or imaginary industrial espionage, I laugh. If that be true, it be not even just deserts: Just deserts would be for China to invade America, rain down white phosphorus incendiaries on American civilians, destroy American cities, murder American leaders, set up American women and young girls to be gang-raped en masse,¹ write the “history” books with fabricated stories of nonexistent American crimes,² ban the defeated American war veterans from publicly wearing medals without the obliteration therefrom of American symbols, make an endless stream of movies and television shows degrading, insulting, and humiliating Americans, maintain permanently on American soil a hostile army of occupation, and openly, forcibly raid America’s scientific and industrial secrets. Alack for justice (and luckily for Americans), notwithstanding the psychological projection emanating from some American quarters, the Chinese at their most brutal have never been such cruel sadists and treacherous savages as Americans.

    Americans need to take a hard look in the mirror. ®

    1. As Professor Oliver, an honest American, remarked in Liberty Bell, November 1989, pp. 10f., the Soviet army “is properly called the Americans’ army because it was equipped and financed from the United States… Furthermore, it was in the service of a régime that had been imposed on Russia chiefly by the United States, [and] was then carrying out the plans of the foul and diseased monster that then ruled the United States from its lair in the White House…” Americans cannot evade their own responsibility for all Red Army crimes, any more than accomplices in a murderous bank robbery can evade felony murder charges.

    Having learned from Americans the very American concept of collective guilt, I apply this judgment to all Americans categorically, excepting the few honest individuals who are horrified in their souls at what their country has done.

    2. Of course, this hypothetical is ridiculous: America’s enemies would need only to write history books with honest discussion of real American crimes.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1276. Raches says:

    Those who read this thread from the top, without foreknowledge of the characters here, should be advised that beneath his veneer of New Age treacle about “love”, Polemos is an admitted nihilist and a raving lunatic.

    Polemos, September 8, 2021 at 4:10 am GMT:

    But returning to ultimate void as an insensate, unknowing unbeing: that is also an option for you, and lots of people who give in to the emotional complexity choose it. Erasure of all existence is the ultimate form of service to self, as the choice to serve others through one’s own adoption of metaphysical nihilism nevertheless still retains a divine gratitude for The Real and a conviction that it must endure even as one chooses, as the First Creator had, to wipe Self away so that others may live.

    I’m glad that I caught up with him in the thread where I offered my incisive critique rhetorical annihilation of Andrew Anglin. What a productive thread that is! ®

  1277. @Chinaman

    Even as a layman (but scientifically literate), common sense would suggest that morbidity and transmissibility are not on the same vector because the death rate of COVID is quite low to start off with.

    Doesn’t mean there aren’t mutations that would increase lethality, and they might be favored if they increase transmissibility in one or another way prior to that point. I don’t see this having anything to do with the starting classic Wuhan low death rates, and Alpha having or not increased lethality is apparently under dispute, and we’re just now getting that sort of data in the form of preprints on Delta.

    Little less than 6 months after I have a heated exchange on the matter with some natural herd immunity fanatics here, we have Delta and Mu.

    As far as I know Mu is just fear porn from our ruling trash, Delta is where the action is. Mu in particular has the P681H spike protein mutation of Alpha’s, not the P681R of Delta, although per a study the former mutation is not the whole story of Alpha’s increased transmissibility (the number is the location, the letters are the to and from amino acid changes). Maybe wake me up when it becomes a variant of concern, it’s only “of interest” now.

    I remember having a discussion with you last year about how many “rounds” of evolution and vaccines “arms race” we might have before we reached a stable equilibrium and we arrive at a universal vaccine where it is effective against all variants of the virus.

    As an update, given the state of vaccine development cycle and Delta’s prevalence, how far are we from making COVID as innocuous as the common flu?

    It seems to me that, at a minimum, it will be 3-5 years before we really get back to normal?


    You’re welcome, and thanks for prompting me to think harder about analogies to describe this “arms race” and some things that fall out in the analysis.

    Imagine we’re playing with the virus a board game that’s a cross between chess, Battleship and Calvinball but with ultra complicated and poorly understood human and animal bodies as the setting. We can’t discern all his pieces, we only know some of the rules by which he is playing the game and we’re probably wrong about at least one of those, and the rules change, like the transmissibility of Alpha and then Delta.

    Based on what we know so far, I’m optimistic that the virus will someday run out of moves, although we might not realize that for a while. Who knows what happened in the 5th to 15th Century when rinderpest moved to humans as measles, but I imagine that was also an arms race. The flu is the sobering counter example, but it’s an outlier in many ways among RNA viruses. Ditto HIV.

    Given that we know natural immunity to classic Wuhan/Alpha is good but not great against Delta the shortcut of an attenuated live virus vaccine isn’t likely to work until it’s out of moves, and that means many delays to that possible solution.

    I’ve been thinking more specifically engineered vaccines are likely to be shorter term Final Solutions to the COVID Virus. Specifically we need to find conserved targets, parts of viral proteins that can’t change (much) or “the virus won’t virus,” and they have to be accessible to the immune system in one way or another. This apparently can include proteins buried under the envelope like the “N” nucleocapsid one that natural and Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin inactivated whole virus vaccine shows immunity against, but that’s something I need to learn more about and in the context of coronaviruses and SARS type ones.

    TL;DR: I don’t think anyone can predict how long it will take. We can’t even predict if it will happen, although sufficient natural and/or vaccine immunities might put it in the common cold category like the current four coronaviruses there. Biology and medicine are is not always binary things.

    • Thanks: Raches
  1278. @Ron Unz

    It’s certainly a very detailed comment, but I’m not sure it would work as an article without a great deal of work.

    Quite a bit of work, starting with a brain transplant for the author.

    • Troll: Raches
  1279. @Raches

    You write like Germany is a disaster zone, rather than perhaps the finest large country in which to live in the whole world and the entire of human history.

    • Troll: Raches
  1280. Raches says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    You are not merely vain. You are a full-blown megalomaniac:

    Whether they had foregone having children or killed their children due to their political vanity and need to be seen a intelligent and competent […]

    But, knowing people, it is very likely that they learned nothing. They probably tripled down on their political foolishness, using it as even more of an excuse for their self-invalidating behaviour and refuse to ever change at all. They likely even saw change as something supported by those conspiring against them.

    Who the hell are you to dictate to people that they must “change”? To tell them how to run their own countries, which are not yours?

    It was not exactly paranoid for the Germans to see others as “conspiring against them”, at a moment when their country was being overrun by enemy tanks and enemy soldiers, after enemy airplanes had bombed and burnt their cities to rubble. That is a hell of a way to “conspire” to “support” your desired “change”!

    I speak of the Germans generally, for this is not merely about the Goebbels family. An overwhelming majority—a near unanimity of Germans heroically resisted your “change”. (Easy inductive proof: If anything less than a near-unanimity of Germans had not been adamantly pro-Hitler, then Germany would have collapsed in defeat by 1943, or 1944 at the latest.) The Goebbels family committed suicide rather than accept “change” forced on them with extreme ultraviolence by foreign invaders. “Qui mori didicit, servire dedicit”: Surely, according to you, Seneca exemplified “self-invalidating behavior” caused by psychological problems.

    You, who fancy yourself to be the Dictator of the Universe, dismiss their resistance to your diktat as “politial vanity”. I would accuse you of “political vanity”, but the term isn’t nearly strong enough for you.

    Why would you be so obsessed with forcing “change” on other people—people who are happy with themselves, at peace with themselves just the way they are? It is obvious that you are driven by jealousy of Hitler’s Germans. In your daily life, your creature comforts are provided to you by the violently stolen products of the superior German intellect. And you, personally, are a very unhappy individual. That is why you admittedly use hallucinogenic drugs to cause yourself what you call “full drug-induced psychosis”. (If that is not “self-invalidating behavior”, what is?) Hitler’s Germans never did that to themselves: They were healthy and joyful. The Goebbels family did not need of your nihilistic, self-destructive escapism: They did not suffer your inability to cope with reality. No wonder you so hate them—all of them: Most of all, you hate those children who escaped your type of brainwashing, who had parents who loved them instead of lobotomizing them.

    Stop trying to dictate to others how they must live their lives. Stop trying to force your own political opinions on faraway people. Stop the malign do-gooding. You are the cause of world wars and endless strife—you, and other lunatics like you.

    Good bye Raches. Enjoy your paranoia and politicised defence mechanisms. I look forward to the day when you realise you no longer need them.

    Enjoy your megalomania and your politicized defense mechanisms. Spouting off inane psychobabble with empty condescension, then running away from an argument you cannot answer: That is a hell of a defense mechanism. It may serve, in your eyes, your own “need to be seen as intelligent and competent”—emphasis added by me: Observe how you thereby project onto others your need to be see as, which is very different from a need to be. In practice, hereby, your tossing out of wild inanities bespeaks your need to be seen as intelligent and competent—in an argument against someone who is. ®


    Addendum: So much for that “good bye”!

    Earlier, I wrote all of the foregoing except for the end of the final paragraph. I got side-tracked searching for the perfect TLP link for T-L; then, I needed to attend normal life for awhile. In the interim, when I had not further addressed her anywhere, Triteleia Laxa started yapping at my heels with arrant nonsense.

    Triteleia Laxa does not live in reality. Vide the “privileging lessons learned while on [hallucinogens]”, “when in what is essentially a state of full drug-induced psychosis”. Such “privileging lessons” permanently impair one’s faculties of ratiocination, as seen hereby. And of course, she will be unable to stop spouting her delusions at me.

    • Replies: @Triteleia Laxa
  1281. Raches says:

    That’s right it is a carbon copy…

    Word for word… but without the registered trademark symbol, ®, near the end.

    Good job, wannabe Sherlock Holmes: You know how to plug unusual phrases into a search engine so as to find the Perseus Project, which you have assuredly never before seen. The way that you quote an Amazon Books description of this as a grand revelation is also—telling.

    The crafty part of my scheme which you missed—which you missed because it was completely obvious to anyone who is even moderately literate—is that I was quoting the most famous passage from a famous poem, which I expected Punch Brother Punch either to recognize at a glance, or to identify in about thirty seconds. Either way, since he can actually read the text, he got the point.

    I was not in any danger of confusing my intended readership—i.e., not you.

    Did others, like me, make the false assumption that those Ancient Greek words were originally penned by our good friend Loup-Bouc/Anachronis/Raches?

    Are others, like you, total idiots? Probably. So what? I won’t find this even mildly interesting, unless @utu wants to accuse me of plagiarism. That would be even funnier than how you have @utu convinced of your pet theory about me. @utu is a malicious liar driven by petty jealousy.

    Anyway, sorry, Mr. Geokat: I am just not interested. And actually, I am not sorry, either. I know that you love me, but your love shall remain absolutely unrequited. Seriously, stop trying so hard to woo me.

    Why, he is the prince’s jester: a very dull fool;
    only his gift is in devising impossible slanders:
    none but libertines delight in him; and the
    commendation is not in his wit, but in his villany;
    for he both pleases men and angers them, and then
    they laugh at him and beat him. ®

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1282. geokat62 says:

    I know that you love me, but your love shall remain absolutely unrequited. Seriously, stop trying so hard to woo me.

    Woo you? You, of all people, surely understand the importance of keeping people accountable for what they write. People keep me accountable for what I write here on Unz… it’s simply par for the course, nothing personal.

    I won’t find this even mildly interesting, unless @utu wants to accuse me of plagiarism.

    I’ll let utu speak for himself. In the meantime, perhaps you wouldn’t mind explaining the purpose of inserting the registered trademark, ®, near the end of that passage you quoted?

    ἔστι Θέμις, καὶ γλῶσσαν ἀναιδέα τίνυται Ἄτη, ®
    ἥ τ᾽ αἰεὶ μερόπεσσιν ἐπ᾽ ἄλγεσιν ἄλγος ἀέξει.”

    • Replies: @Raches
  1283. Ron Unz says:

    You and I know that J Wear has written good articles about WW II…if you had NOT done your homework on this topic, and you found his WW2 writings AND also his crazy COVID opinions and his even nuttier admiration of Icke and his IDIOTIC belief in reptilian Aliens from outer space ruling over us or something, how would you then judge the credibility of J. Wear’s WW2 writings…It is NOT as if Wear’s other beliefs are just a bit off, they are RIDICULOUS.

    Actually, I just thought of a much stronger example supporting my view that John Wear’s excellent WWII writings shouldn’t now be discarded simply due to his foolish views about Reptilian aliens or whatever…

    As you probably know, Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam has some extremely odd beliefs, including the notion that all whites were created a few thousand years ago by some mad scientist on a island somewhere, apparently as a means of revenging himself on the human (i.e. black) race. I think whites were supposedly also crossbred with demons or aliens as well. I’d suggest these ideas are roughly as strange as those of Icke.

    But a couple of years ago when I wrote a harsh critique of the origins of the ADL, my most important source was one of the books published by the NOI:

    The scholarship seemed absolutely impeccable and I felt very comfortable saying “I was tremendously impressed by the quality of the historical analysis. I think I have only very rarely encountered a research monograph on a controversial historical event that provided such an enormous wealth of carefully-argued analysis backed by such copious evidence.”

    Absolutely no one has ever complained to me that I had so heavily relied upon an NOI book.

    So although I do think it was a serious blunder for Ware to promote Icke’s theories in that recent Inconvenient History article, I also think it would be an equal mistake for others to now avoid Wear’s fine historical work as a consequence.

    • Replies: @Raches
    , @John Wear
  1284. Raches says:

    Mr. Geokat, I know you all too well.

    …perhaps you wouldn’t mind explaining the purpose of inserting the registered trademark, ®, near the end of that passage you quoted?

    ἔστι Θέμις, καὶ γλῶσσαν ἀναιδέα τίνυται Ἄτη, ®
    ἥ τ᾽ αἰεὶ μερόπεσσιν ἐπ᾽ ἄλγεσιν ἄλγος ἀέξει.”

    I pity your lack of reading comprehension, just as I pity you for how a liar-“doctor’s” anti-vaxxer video could give you the “best 43 minutes [you] spent in [your] life.”

    Die Göttin der unerbittlichen Rache schreiten: Literacy is your Nemesis. ®

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1285. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    Mr. Unz, you are insightful as usual. I’m not sure if I agree with this, but it is food for thought:

    Actually, I just thought of a much stronger example supporting my view that John Wear’s excellent WWII writings shouldn’t now be discarded simply due to his foolish views about Reptilian aliens or whatever…

    As you probably know, Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam has some extremely odd beliefs, including the notion that all whites were created a few thousand years ago by some mad scientist on a island somewhere, apparently as a means of revenging himself on the human (i.e. black) race. I think whites were supposedly also crossbred with demons or aliens as well. I’d suggest these ideas are roughly as strange as those of Icke.

    You are speaking as to factual research. Although different principles apply as thereto, I must remark that a similar principle can even apply politically—sometimes, perhaps.

    I recall that one time, a liberal nitwit set up an interview with two parties together: One of Dr. Pierce’s followers, and an NOI member. Obviously, the interviewer expected fireworks—thus providing a show that could be concluded with platitudes against racism.

    The White Nationalist and the Black Nationalist immediately reached a threefold agreement:

    1. The Jews destroy everyone else, of all races.

    2. Blacks need a homeland totally separated from whites.

    3. Nationalism is good!

    The poor interviewer was flummoxed. Those whom he expected to be enemies of each other, instead cordially allied themselves against—the interviewer, who evidently had no idea that this type of inter-racial diplomacy in American “extremist” politics goes back to George Lincoln Rockwell, perhaps even before him. As you may imagine, the results were hilarious.

    How’s that for a diagonal attack, Mr. Diagonality?

    I myself don’t entirely agree with this kind of thing; but I don’t entirely disagree with it, either. Anyway, although I think that the NOI’s research is not all above criticism, they have published some good work on certain topics; and although you can well guess my opinion of their completely insane beliefs about “Yakub”, I definitely get your point here:

    But a couple of years ago when I wrote a harsh critique of the origins of the ADL, my most important source was one of the books published by the NOI…

    Absolutely no one has ever complained to me that I had so heavily relied upon an NOI book.

    The NOI has done good work against the ADL, yes. And they deserve credit where credit is due.

    On the other hand, I think that you also understand my point about Mr. Wear. ®

  1286. @geokat62

    Well spotted Geokat.

    So, in addition to the endless list of character flaws we’ve already observed in Rachel (aka Raches), ie: dishonesty, deceit all around degeneracy, it’s evident that she’s also a PLAGIARIST.

    There’s nothing she won’t stoop to.

    • Agree: acementhead
    • Thanks: geokat62
    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1287. John Wear says:
    @Ron Unz

    You might find it interesting to know that my David Icke article was originally rejected for publication by both The Barnes Review (TBR) and by Inconvenient History (IH). Jett Rucker said he didn’t want IH to be associated with someone who believes in shape-shifting reptiles who control the planet.

    When Jett Rucker left IH, I resubmitted this article to Germar Rudolf for publication by IH, and Rudolf accepted it. Paul Angel also later accepted my David Icke article for publication by TBR. TBR is also now advertising and selling Icke’s book “The Trigger,” which deals with 9/11 events.

    Since you have an interest in 9/11 Truth, I suggest you consider reading Icke’s book “The Trigger.” I think you will be impressed by its scholarship. It is probably the best book ever written on this subject.

    • Troll: L.K
  1288. Raches says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    So, in addition to the endless list of character flaws we’ve already observed in Rachel (aka Raches), ie: dishonesty, deceit all around degeneracy, it’s evident that she’s also a PLAGIARIST.

    There’s nothing she won’t stoop to

    Well, this is ironic. I have been intending to recommend to Mr. Unz that he should make an explicit policy extirpating some of the plagiarism that is a little bit rampant here. Plagiarism is a crime I do not tolerate. Unlike you, I know what it is. That is probably why I was the one who mentioned “plagiarism”—when I made fun of Mr. Geokat and @utu, the latter of whom probably plagiarized some stuff here.

    But o, Internet Sherlocks Holmeses, y’all missed the best part!

    With the same “®” symbol, and with the same cunning strategy of using blockquotes or quote marks without identifying a source, I “plagiarized” the most famous words in 3,200 years of Occidental literature: Words that should have the same sacred significance to Western Aryans as “בראשית” has to the Jews:

    Raches, September 9, 2021 at 7:26 am GMT:

    The quadruply, quintuply quixotic “Truth Vigilante”, who is worth not a three-cent fare, vomited:

    not worth a rat’s arse.

    “μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ…” ®

    ΛΟΛ: Conductor

    Actually, I have done it twice!

    Raches, August 31, 2021 at 6:36 pm GMT:

    I, Raches, born in wrath from the divine womb of Nemesis beside a now-broken wheel, must have a godly power to punish. What a curse you bear! Your wicked tongue involuntarily hails me. Your impotently hurled insults strike me with praise.

    “μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ…” ®

    And you didn’t even notice when I repeatedly “plagiarized” Shakespeare:

    …and I even enjoy Rachesian poetry about flowers and names:

    What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
    By any other name would’ve thorns like me.

    Well, now you caught me red-handed. My credibility is destroyed, and Mr. Unz will probably banish me from the Internet. Woe is I! I have been snared by my own sneaky little tricks. And lo, woe! “Oh, woe is me” is plagiarized from Shakespeare’s Hamlet!

    At least, this is not Shakespeare:

    “Oh, what a tangled web we weave / When first we practice to deceive.” ®

  1289. Raches says:
    @Ron Unz

    The Unz Review Language and Literature

    I apologize for this off-topic diversion, but as you can see I find these other topics much more interesting than arguing about vaxxing.

    Besides discussing serious issues of grave and grievous import, I find recreational literature and wordplay much more interesting than arguing about vaxxing. One of my great dreams is to learn Sanskrit: I wish to attempt equalling the feat of the Rasikarañjana of Rāmacandra, a book which is one double entendre from start to finish. Professor Oliver reviews it “a triumph of ingenuity”, which “may be read either as an encomium of the ascetic life or as a treatise on erotics.” Come the day when I can read it, may I exceed it! Or maybe I should simply relax, and indulge my culinary tastes.

    Does that improve the thread for you, or should I talk more about vaccines? I’m still not vaccinated. I still do not want to be vaccinated. I continue to read and learn from That Would Be Telling’s comments; I continue to conclude that he is 90% right, and missing the other 90% of the big picture of risk management. I understand that I am taking my life into my hands here, and I am not invincible; and the more I follow this topic, the more I realize that although the vaccines have dangers, some people really just need to listen to the experts. Nevertheless, I am not jabbed. There. My comment is now immunized against accusations of being off-topic.

    Back off on-topic, I am eagerly awaiting Public Domain Day 2023 (?), when I hope that the Internet Archive copy of Ryder’s Ten Princes translation should become freely available. Mr. Unz, you are a physicist. If I can’t change Mickey Mouse laws absurdly extending copyright, perhaps it would be easier for you to tinker with time for me? Thanks. ®

  1290. Adrian says:

    Lots of scientific busywork to be done, but when runs its course my gut feel says that ironworking and pottery will likely succeed it.

    You are possibly familiar with the experiment of thought in which Popper attempted to demonstrate the existence of a third world of knowledge without a particular knower. Imagine human society to be largely wiped out by a catastrophe of some sort and the survivors being reduced to your pottery and ironwork. It would obviously take a very long time before science and technology reached the level they had before the catastrophe.

    Imagine the same situation but now a copy of, let us say, the Encyclopedia Britannica and the skill to read English have survived. It would still take a long time before science and technology would have reached their earlier level but there is an obvious difference with the first hypothetical situation. What is that difference: knowledge has survived, knowledge without a particular knower. It is the knowledge that is supposed to exist when universities testify that a dissertation “has made a contribution to knowledge.”

    I don’t know whether you find the thought consoling that in your pottery and ironwork world knowledge might survive. You and I have reached the age at which it doesn’t seem particularly desirable that the show will go on.

    Schopenhauer reached that conclusion as a young man. It coincided with his discovery of Indian thought and throughout his life the Upanishads were a source of consolation to him.

    You know of course that Nietzsche, who discovered Schopenhauer by coincidence in some bookshop, read his “Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung” through in one session. He had the feeling, he said, that S. had written especially for him. He came to abandon him. Why? Georg Simmel reckons it was largely through the (unacknowledged) influence of Darwin. Simmel judges that Schopenhauer, with the greater philosophical gifts, yet reached conclusions less befitting the times than Nietzsche’s. But “the times” were those of the late nineteenth – early twentieth century – that period of which Russell later said that those who hadn’t lived through it couldn’t imagine its sweetness. It was a time in which it seemed fitting to speculate about the full blown development of life’s potentialities.

    Yet Nietzsche’s much older colleague at the University of Basel, Jacob Burckhardt, with whom he originally shared the devotion to “our philosopher” never gave up on the sage, though he wasn’t vocal about it. He apparently found the times less sweet than Russell. It is apparent from his correspondence that he already expected a worldwide conflagration in the 1880’s.

    Since that sweet period of Russell the world has gone through horrors unimaginable then.
    Schopenhauer’s views are at any case in accordance with my life’s experience – even at this tail end of it.

    Take care.

    • Thanks: emersonreturn
    • Replies: @Erebus
  1291. @Raches

    I’m not really talking about the Goebbels’. I’m talking about you. I thought this was clear. I suppose your panic shows that it was.

    I am sorry that you feel so ashamed and guilty about your choices as regards having a family that you need to rationalise it with an extreme and apocalyptic political ideology and have this bizarre identification with some videos of the Goebbels’ before they murdered their own 6 innocent children.

    The Goebbels’ made a monstrous choice. They did not feel their image would be good enough and well enough maintained for them to be able to let their children live with it, but they did the best they could at the time. They’ll have to come to terms with and understand their own decision just as you’ll have to do the same with yours. Stop pretending your pain is about them and not about you.

    It is going to be searingly painful to admit this to yourself, but it is the only way you’ll find peace. Better to do it now than life after life after life. You won’t find your own forgiveness until you stop pretending this is all to do with matters impersonal to you.

    FWIW, I know that both the Goebbels’ and you deserve love and will find it eventually, but true compassion involves reality and not just affirming Whatever desperate self-obscuring fantasy that a person mired in shame has to avoid their own feelings.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @geokat62
  1292. geokat62 says:

    I pity your lack of reading comprehension…

    Isn’t this the passage you quoted from Fall of Troy?

    So railed he long and loud: the mighty heart of Peleus’ son leapt into flame of wrath. A sudden buffet of his resistless hand smote ‘neath the railer’s ear, and all his teeth were dashed to the earth: he fell upon his face: forth of his lips the blood in torrent gushed: swift from his body fled the dastard soul of that vile niddering. Achaea’s sons rejoiced thereat, for aye he wont to rail on each and all with venomous gibes, himself a scandal and the shame of all the host. Then mid the warrior Argives cried a voice: “Not good it is for baser men to rail on kings, or secretly or openly; for wrathful retribution swiftly comes. The Lady of Justice sits on high; and she who heapeth woe on woe on humankind, even Ate, punisheth the shameless tongue.”

    That out of the way, it seems you have a reluctance to furnish a direct response when someone puts a direct query to you.

    Why insert the registered trademark, ®, near the end of that famous passage, as you often do with many of your ordinary statements? For example…

    Die Göttin der unerbittlichen Rache schreiten: Literacy is your Nemesis.®

    … and why did you write the following to PBP:

    I repeat that if your classics background is what you say, you could put me in a world of pain here. Don’t.

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Raches
  1293. geokat62 says:
    @Triteleia Laxa

    I’m not really talking about the Goebbels’. I’m talking about you.

    I love it. No matter how hard Loup-Bouc/Anachronis/Raches tries to avoid it, TL is repeatedly dragging him kicking and screaming to her Freudian couch! lol

    • Thanks: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
  1294. @Ben the Layabout

    Very well then, why revise the jabs to meet the new variants? Technically, I’m sure that is very easy to do. Perhaps I oversimplify, but the mRNA can be developed in record time. From computer model to your arm in just a few days.

    Yes, that’s what I heard also. But that’s what I tried to explain in my comment, although I was apparently not explicit enough. The reason why they aren’t doing it is, allegedly, because, though it is easy to do, and would take a very small time, it would have to subsequently go through a lengthy process of trials.
    In fact, your position is exactly the opposite of mine. I’m a libertarian. Skip the trials altogether, or leave them to each manufacturer to decide. Then leave it to the people to decide which vaccine they will take, and if they shall take it.
    Read the Nick Gillespie article I linked to. Perhaps it will clarify my position. Perhaps it will even change yours.

  1295. geokat62 says:

    Isn’t this the passage you quoted from Fall of Troy?

    Source of translation… Quintus Smyrnaeus. The Fall of Troy. Translated by Way. A. S. Loeb Classical Library Volume 19. London: William Heinemann, 1913.

    • Replies: @Raches
  1296. I haven’t been following this comment area closely, but it seems to me that little attention has been given to one important aspect of the question. People who have an interest in the end of the pandemic might want to find ways to curb misinformation about vaccines and other important public interest topics. This kind of concern is reflected in the following 2019 paper by a law professor which apparently (I have only skimmed it) takes a good look at the issue of fake news from the historical, legal and social angles:
    The direct download link, for those who prefer it, is:
    Libertarians might object to this kind of analysis, but regardless of our position it’s always good to know the enemy and how he thinks.

    • Replies: @Father Coughlin
  1297. Raches says:

    From The Unz Review’s Department of Language and Literature:

    The Literacy Spectrum: A Case Study

    Mr. Geokat, you are so moronic that you are scientifically fascinating. Those who read carefully should find this amusing as I do—and salutary, for the serious discussion I have occasion to set forth in the following. It is the type of discussion which gives me the greatest pleasure.

    I pity your lack of reading comprehension

    Isn’t this the passage you quoted from Fall of Troy?

    […English translation, including some pieces of the puzzle…]

    On sight, I recognize that you quoted the translation by Arthur S. Way, without credit to the translator. The Loeb edition, resplendent with an index, a list of similes, and even some measure of critical apparatus in the footnotes, is in the public domain. It has English and Greek on facing pages, which is helpful to those who do not read, or who inadequately read Greek.

    That out of the way, it seems you have a reluctance to furnish a direct response when someone puts a direct query to you.

    Maybe I don’t want to spoil the joke. Although it’s too late for that: At this point, you are the joke; and as I have already observed in other words, you were spoiled at your mother’s breast.

    Why insert the registered trademark, ®, near the end of that famous passage, as you often do with many of your ordinary statements? For example…

    Die Göttin der unerbittlichen Rache schreiten: Literacy is your Nemesis.®

    I already gave you enough too many visual hints. The result is that you have proved conclusively:

    1. You do not even know the Greek alphabet, let alone otherwise the most basic rudiments of the Greek language.

    2. You have absolutely zero knowledge of Greek mythology.

    Readers who at least know the Greek alphabet, and who have at least a smattering of Greek religion, will perpend a resounding proof thereupon that:

    3. Your tortuous Internet Conspiracy Theorist thought process is loaded with the confirmation bias that you share with @utu. You start at your conclusion, then work backwards to the beginning. Along the way, you search for evidence that you like, ignore evidence that you dislike, hammer square-peg evidence into the round hole you expect it to fit, and hurl unfounded accusations at people. Absolutely none of your claims on other topics should ever be trusted—not without such strong corroboration from others that whatever you say is superfluous. You are pure noise, with zero signal.

    As for the “®” symbol which drives you so crazy, I furthermore observe that:

    4. You confuse labels with substance. You and “Triteleia Laxa” have much in common, on this particular point. Try taking from her some advanced lessons. She will teach you how to attach an incorrect label so as to avoid my substantive argument, then, when corrected and again corrected, turn around and accuse me of confusing labels for substance—stupidity that is properly dismissed in a brief “P.S.” after the substance, because the substance is important.

    … and why did you write the following to PBP:

    I repeat that if your classics background is what you say, you could put me in a world of pain here. Don’t.

    You insinuate that there is some sinister hidden meaning in that statement; and you insist on connecting it to all the above discussion.

    What you fail to realize is that unlike sexual dimorphism, literacy is not binary. It is not as if there is a state of being totally illiterate in a language, which suddenly flips to total mastery of that language. There is a spectrum between total literacy and total illiteracy.

    You do not know this, because you are not literate in any language. You are functionally illiterate in English. Of course, you are able to use English at Twitter-level; and you inflict on The Unz Review some comments in a passable proletarian quasi-English. That does not make you literate in the meaningful sense of mastering written English. When faced with one who is literate in English, that person can put you in a world of pain—as seen hereby. Your manifest lack of reading comprehension in this current discussion only underscores your contemptible insistence that only one person in the whole wide world knows the word “contemn”. Your English-language skills are negligible.

    @Punch Brother Punch said that he grew up in a classics household, he won a national award as a teenager for his superior grasp of Homeric Greek, and he is, in essence, at home reading classical Greek. He learned Greek at his father’s knee. He could run circles around me, and embarrass me very badly—although not as badly as I am hereby humiliating you in the eyes of anyone with an intellect above base mediocrity.

    There are, of course, levels of mastery far beyond Mr. Punch. He will understand my remark if he considers how he would feel matching his Greek against Professor Oliver, a Professor of the Classics who judged his Ph.D. students’ Greek competence quite severely. He was, after all, himself a proud student of W. A. Oldfather, and he wanted to maintain Oldfather’s tradition—not that that would mean anything to such an ignorant churl as yourself.

    If @Yevardian and @Ron Unz are reading this, they will assuredly understand it.

    For a popular metaphor, think of it in terms of the color-coded belts used in some martial arts. In the most favorable reading of Mr. Punch’s self-description, he may have attained his Greek black belt. He could beat me up: He “could put me in a world of pain here,” as I said. But he is, at best, a first-degree black belt—if that. He must stand in awe before a grandmaster with a tenth-degree black belt, such as Professor Oliver—an extreme pedant who regularly beat bloody the mistakes of lesser professors, whose wisdom as Oliver-sensei was sought as he had sought Oldfather-sensei’s.¹

    You, Mr. Geokat, do not even have a white belt. You are not even a novice. You are an absolute zero—except when it comes to unintentional comedy. As seen here, even I can totally annihilate you in Greek. I am ashamed even to say that: It is like bragging that I can beat up a snot-nosed little mammothrept. Anyone with an IQ at least 1–2 S.D. above mean, who learns the Greek alphabet and spends a few idle hours reading Wikipedia, could trash you in Greek; to beat you in Greek is such an “achievement” as, in itself, would invite ridicule and not praise.

    Luckily for me, I have taken the opportunity to make you useful as a rhetorical foil. This discussion is highly interesting, no thanks to you.

    Mr. Geokat:

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    Inquiring minds already know—inquiring minds, i.e., not yours. You are not only uneducated, but ineducable. ®


    Footnotes Postscripts on “Postscripts”:

    1. So as for Greek—and other languages, too. In classical Greek, Prof. Dr. Revilo Pendleton Oliver had consummate mastery of the grammar in the most obscure and archaic details, he had enough paleographic knowledge to be comfortable reading ancient manuscripts, and he doodled in elegiac couplets to keep his Greek in shape. He did most of his published academic work in Latin philology; he also did some work with Sanskrit texts; and he did some modern languages work, too.

    His knowledge of modern languages was what got him involved in wartime cryptanalysis, at a time when even the most advanced ciphers were susceptible to statistical codebreaking based on patterns in the plaintext. Professor Oliver sketched a “very elementary description” of cryptography and cryptanalysis in Liberty Bell, January 1992, pp. 21–23, as an appendix to help readers understand his article at pp. 16–21 about the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. The occasion was the disclosure in the New York Post, November 6, 1991, of the fact that, in Professor Oliver’s summary, American cryptographers stationed in Beirut in 1967 “had intercepted and decoded communications between the commander of the Israeli air squadron and the Israeli High Command, which proved that the latter knew that the Liberty was an unarmed American naval vessel and, over the aviator’s misgivings, ordered that the American ship be attacked and sunk.”

    As Professor Oliver correctly stated in p. 23, “In very recent years, the general availability of computers has expedited all phases of cryptography… Cryptographic systems that are invulnerable to analysis are now possible, but require very elaborate equipment and constant vigilance in their use.” For comparison, the crude first version of PGP was released in 1991. As of 2021, we have much better stuff; and the needed equipment is definitely not considered “elaborate”, insofar as your phone (perhaps even your wristwatch) now has far more computing power than a ten thousand dollar machine did in 1991.

    However, vigilance is an absolute necessity. As Edward Snowden said, the NSA hacks the “endpoints” (i.e., your devices); so may other state-level actors anywhere in the world, or random criminals. Israel has a speciality in that department, on all counts. Moreover, the Snowden leaks and other disclosures have showed how the NSA systematically exploits, and sometimes even covertly causes cryptographic flaws in network protocols and in implementations.

    For my own example of that last, I believe to a very high probability that the NSA cannot break Dan Bernstein’s Chacha20 cipher—not the cipher itself; not in theory—not without computing resources so vast as to boggle the human mind. The cipher has \(2^{256}\) potential keys. A totally naïve bruteforce attack must, on average, try 50% of all keys (\(2^{255}\) keys), with successes following the exponential distribution. Beyond blind bruteforce, the best known cryptanalytic attacks on Chacha20 only negligibly reduce the security thus afforded. As such, you need an Unz-sized brain even to begin to contemplate the number of computations required to break it.

    However, if you use a network protocol that results in nonce reuse, or if an idiot programmer code-monkey writes a bug that causes nonce reuse, or if you use for choosing your key a pseudorandom number generator that written by an idiot, whom Kolmogorov should beat bloody—or if, perchance, your operating system vendor gives you a backdoored pseudorandom number generator—then that ultra-strong cipher is ultra-weak. Caveat.

    I have a high regard for how Professor Oliver used his grasp of applied cryptography better to understand politics and history. ®

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1298. Raches says:

    Nice job! As I was producing one of those long, detailed comments that requires several hours to write, edit, proofread, add links to, and test the links in, plus finding and citing an article that I recalled in Liberty Bell as relevant to my momentous 333rd comment, you kept blindly mashing on Google until you found on some random website a copy of the Arthur S. Way translation which I recognized on sight, for which I gave an link.

    Emojis are at your level, so I will congratulate you properly. Have a cookie: 🍪 ®

  1299. JimDandy says:

    Jimmy D. here again with all tha answers to all tha BIG questions. Ivermectin in da news. “What’s the lesson we can take away from alla diz shizzle?” you ask?

    The answer:

    The Week
    The ivermectin saga exposes the dishonesty of the internet’s professional contrarians
    Ryan Cooper, National correspondent
    Thu, September 9, 2021, 10:21 AM

    • Replies: @Father Coughlin
  1300. Raches says:

    In re “Triteleia Laxa”

    [Triteleia Laxa to Raches:] I’m not really talking about the Goebbels’. I’m talking about you.

    I love it. No matter how hard Loup-Bouc/Anachronis/Raches tries to avoid it, TL is repeatedly dragging him kicking and screaming to her Freudian couch! lol

    In the manner of a stopped clock, Mr. Geokat accidentally made a good point here: I am trying to talk not-about-me, and Triteleia Laxa insists on talking only-about-me. That sums up Triteleia Laxa’s position on history and politics, and conclusively demonstrates that that position lacks merit. Thanks, Mr. Geokat; have another cookie: 🍪


    @Triteleia Laxa, when Mr. Geokat enthusiastically endorses your evasiveness, your fallacious argumentation ad hominem, and your overt, explicit deflection from any semblance of an objective discussion of history and politics, to a discussion of me, me, and me, then you may want to take that as a hint that you have finally joined @utu as a card-carrying Geokat Groupie in the Geokat Crackpot Club. Alas, you previously did so well in avoiding that.

    I did not come to The Unz Review for psychotherapy—let alone for unlicensed remote armchair psychotherapy from an ill-informed drug abuser, whose primary qualification for expertise is self-described “privileging lessons learned while on [hallucinogens]”, in what you yourself describe as “essentially a state of full drug-induced psychosis”.

    It is not fallacious of me to point out that your patent disordered thinking makes you so clearly unable even to follow my arguments, let alone answer them. See how you keep wildly jumping back to discussing me, when I am primarily discussing historical and political topics that are not about me—indeed, whereas this subthread started with my discussing a topic that is not about me (except to state that I have imperfect knowledge, and also briefly obiter dictum in Footnote 2), not about you (I wasn’t even addressing you), only about history and politics. Your whole thought process is one big non sequitur.

    It is too late for you to fix whatever damage you may have done to your brain; but I strongly advise you not to do any more of that to yourself. Don’t do drugs!

    Furthermore, narcissists always think as if the world revolves around them; and they react to narcissistic injury by attacking the person who stepped out of the expected rôle, who shattered the image that they want to see reflected back to themselves. I keep trying to discuss not-about-me, and you explicitly make it all-about-me when I want to talk about something other than me, me, me!. You should seek professional help to understand what you are projecting, and how—and why. ®

    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @Triteleia Laxa
  1301. c matt says:

    I suspect “they” know ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) is a real possibility this coming flu season, and so would prefer to have EVERYONE vaccinated so there is no “control group” to glaringly show it is the vaccinated who are most at risk.

    Of course they know, as they know the election was stolen, 9/11 was an inside job, etc., etc. What they also know is there will be no blowback, just as there was no blowback for the thousands of other nefarious things they have perpetrated. What they don’t know (and can’t know) is whether it will cause general societal collapse and if they will remain untouched. They might, but they can’t know that.

  1302. geokat62 says:

    LOL! Commentator Mike said it best… “But to summarise his style: never have so many words been used to say so little. The things old age does to people.”

    • Troll: Raches
  1303. Wild Man says:

    Raches ….. I dunno ….. I do find the drama you create here around your narcissisto outlook, rather entertaining, and you have introduced other topic threads here, which can be interesting (aristocratic elitism as virtuous …hahahaha! … that one be too funny) …. but if I recall correctly, you first came into the vaxx-debate threads here, as if you were one, whose supposed brilliance, will do much to provide a more measured and nuanced analysis of said debate. But you have done nothing to even begin to eventuate said promise. The only thing you have come out on, one way or the other (without good evidence mind you), with respect to the nuts and bolts of the covid-19 debate, as it feeds into the more specific vaxx-debate, is your evidence-free claim that the dystopian face-hiding muzzle-mufflers do provide good efficacy. That’s it. What else have you offered with respect to the nuts and bolts of the actual debate, you said you were going to weigh-in on for us, as from your perch of supposed intellectual brilliance? Nothing as far as I can tell.

    What do you think about the IFR shenanigans? What about the PCR testing shenanigans? What about the ongoing conflation of Case Fatality Rate with IFR? What about pathogenesis of the spike protein as divergently discussed within the long covid discussion, the sars-cov-2 as bioweapon discussion, or the vaxx-methodology discussion? What about the officially ever-changing credibility aspect of the lab-leak hypothesis? What about the discussion around the efficacy of non-vaccine (but biologic) prophylactics and therapeutics? What about the vaxx-self interest quotients, not being respected, for younger aged cohorts? What about growing evidence that the vaxx-death rate is probably in the neighborhood of 1 per 25,000, which is absolutely horrendous? What about the gross differences in vaxx efficacy against infection/reinfection vs. the efficacy of a recovery from a wild covid infection, always being downplayed? What about the apparent skipping of the normative phase 3 clinical trial rigor, for the provision of full-FDA-approval, for these covid vaxxes? What about all the growing evidence against this very stupid ‘pandemic of the vaccinated’ idea?

    I don’t believe you have weighed in on any of that, in any meaningful way. So what gives with you?

  1304. @Raches

    If you looked into a pool of water, you would see Goebbels and stare and stare in wonder. If someone said it was you, you would go apoplectic like now. What are you?

    • Troll: Raches
  1305. Adrian says:

    The fact checkers, those modern inquisitorial agents, could hound Sucharit Bhakdi for all they wanted, his German publisher, Goldegg Verlag, brought out one book of his after amother. But as soon as he was accused of anti- semitism it hastened to say that it had severed any relations with him.

    I hope his Dutch publisher, De Blauwe Tijger, is made of sterner stuff.

    What had Bhakdi said? He said Jews are very good learners and the Israelis had learned their present methods from the Nazis.
    It is good to put in a reminder here that, as far as I know, the word Judeo-Nazi was coined by the Israeli public intellectual, the late Professor Jeshahayu Leibowitz . I note with pleasure the fact that Professor Leibowitz got his MD from the University of Basel, the place where Nietzsche and Burckhardt taught a few generations earler.

    • Thanks: emersonreturn
    • Troll: Raches
    • Replies: @Mehen
    , @Raches
    , @Mehen
  1306. Raches says:

    Yeshayahu Leibowitz died in 1994. Your mention of his MD degree is injected irrelevantly into the context of this Covid discussion; and immediately following your citation of Sucharit Bhakdi without logical segue, it insinuates a nonexistent connection or support in the minds of average readers like yourself. Your extraordinary stretch to mention Nietzsche and Burckhardt is obvious trolling. Nice try. ®

  1307. Mehen says:

    Interesting that Raches would give a “Troll” react to Adrian’s comment.

    This doesn’t make sense to me….


    Geokat made a a decent case that Raches is Lup_Boc (or Loup_Bouc, fuck if I care about the details)

    In any case, Geokat’s accusation never sat quite right with me. I had mentioned my skepticism in one of my earlier comments.

    And why is that (you may wonder?)

    I have a distinct memory of Loup_Bouc. The thing that stood out to me the most was how he would clutch his pearls whenever one of the righteous counter-Semites here would make some minor criticism of the Jews, and Lup Boc would consistently lose his composure in a paroxysm of “offense,” followed up by an upbraiding of the “offender” for having little to no understanding of the blah blah blah Jews are special blah blah blah.

    Am I imagining things here?

    Is it not the case Lup_Boc was a philo-semite?

    Is it possible Raches is a Master Troll?

    Not unlike Ellsworth Toohey? Who once bragged about being able to argue any issue from any angle?

    Say it isn’t so!

    • Troll: Raches
  1308. Erebus says:

    Imagine the same situation but now a copy of, let us say, the Encyclopedia Britannica and the skill to read English have survived. It would still take a long time before science and technology would have reached their earlier level but there is an obvious difference with the first hypothetical situation.

    Echoes of “A Canticle for Liebowitz”?

    We have an inverse situation of that today. There’s plenty of ancient works that we can’t duplicate, have no idea how they were done, and even less why. It wasn’t aliens that did it, but architects and engineers working within a different paradigm(s) than the one we find ourselves working in today.

    They seem unworldly brilliant to us today, but my hunch is that however talented they may have been, they were ordinary in the sense that these “unexplainable” works were performed altogether too routinely to be otherwise than ordinary at the time. IOW, entirely within the capabilities of those skilled in the art.

    Paradigms restrict answers insofar as they determine what questions can be asked. We can’t ask the questions the ancients were asking, so we can’t find the answers. More to the point, we wouldn’t necessarily even recognize them as answers.

    So, it may give impetus to local development in the immediate aftermath, but I’m not sure finding an Encyclopedia Britannica in the rubble 10 centuries later would mean much. II suspect the finders to have a similar reaction to ours, which amounts to shrugging our shoulders and remarking that “Giants walked the Earth in those days”. Knowledge is a living product of the civilization that produces, maintains and advances it, not something absolute with an independent existence.

    Here’s a snippet of what I’m talking about…


    • Replies: @Adrian
    , @Adrian
  1309. Raches says:

    In re “Mehen”: Probable provocateur, likely a Jew.

    This is not one of my philosophical comments that uses some idiot as a rhetorical prop. This is actually about “Mehen”: I want to stick a spike in behavior that may harm others, and gather evidence in one place for reference.

    “Mehen”, September 9, 2021 at 2:36 am GMT:

    Whatever Gods may be — please give me the strength to not Fedpost right now.

    Definition for those who may not know: The verb “to fedpost” is Internet slang for inciting illegal activity, especially illegal violence, in the manner of an agent provocateur. By reference to (U.S.) Federal undercover agents.

    “Mehen”, September 11, 2021 at 3:35 am GMT, agreeing-and-extending an anti-Jewish comment:

    [Graphic that says, “KILL JEWS”. This graphic is the whole comment.]

    “Mehen” also has here a history of explicitly promoting drug abuse.

    I could drag out plenty of other bad stuff. On grounds of “waste of time”, I need not reach it.


    As a fan of The Turner Diaries, I am not one to have knee-jerk reactions. In discussions in American venues that involve only legal speech, within the bounds of Brandenburg v. Ohio, spurious accusations of “fedposting” are tiresome and unproductive.

    But “Mehen” was protesting too much, methinks, when he explicitly disclaimed “fedposting”. He is obviously trying to provoke, in the sense of an agent provocateur; and overall, regardless of who he is or what his motives may be, his behavior is indistinguishable from that of an agent provocateur.

    Furthermore, get a whiff of that “KILL JEWS” graphic. It smells kosher to me. A graphic used by Jews, or from Jewish websites, is not necessarily bad. But a graphic that Jews use to whine about how evil goyim just want to kill poor, innocent Jews is definitely suspicious.

    The URL in “Mehen’s” comment, here broken up not to embed:

    https (:) // / www (.) jewishpress (.) com / wp-content/uploads/ 2013/08 / kill-jews-bandana.jpg ?w=477

    With a reverse image search, I have not been able to find its embedding context on Jewish Press dot com. Maybe it originated there—apparently, in a 2013 article. I did find that this “KILL JEWS” graphic is popular with Zionists for stoking their persecution complex. Gevalt, gevalt, it’s another Shoah!

    Zionist Jewess Pamela Geller, who in the past has rolled her fantasies about nuking Europe into her hatred against Iran, used this same graphic in a header in a post on May 31, 2017:

    This Zionist anti-Muslim website turned it into a meme graphic:

    Now, observe that “Mehen” has a history of accusing others of being Jews—whether correctly or incorrectly so. If he himself is a Jew, that makes cover for him.

    Those who assume that a crypto-Jew would never out another crypto-Jew don’t know anything about Jews. A Jew may also accuse random people of being Jews, so it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. The Jews have even falsely accused Hitler and most of his top men of being Jews—a Jewish lie that perennially snookers the gullible.

    Mehen, September 9, 2021 at 1:40 am GMT:

    You autistic headcase. I was attempting to highlight the discordance between Triteleia’s persona and her wonkish knowledge of certain obscure historical details. In case you missed it, I’ve suspected her of being a Jew.

    Note that this is a backhanded/underhanded compliment, which gives Triteleia Laxa far too much praise. She does not have a “wonkish knowledge” of “obscure historical details”. She didn’t even know how many children the Goebbels family had: She said they had “two” children (!). The context of the above quote was that T.L. made a vague, somewhat incorrect (or at best, imprecise and misleading) remark about “Nazis” banning “Der Sturmer [sic]”, for the wrongly imputed motive of not wanting to “look bad”. This came after I myself had provided a link to much more specific information about how much Dr. Goebbels and other high-ranking NSDAP officials sincerely detested Streicher and his scandal rag. And T.L. does not even know how to spell “Stürmer”/“Stuermer”!

    Why is “Mehen” trying so hard to accredit T.L.’s alleged historical knowledge, while pretending unfriendliness to her?

    See also Mehen, September 7, 2021 at 4:12 pm GMT, addressed to Triteleia Laxa.

    I am not defending Triteleia Laxa. I squarely shot down her arguments on the merits (or lack thereof), and also pointed out how she is a nutcase and a despicable person. Either she is a despicable Jew, or she is a despicable non-Jew. In the absence of significant evidence, I need not play guessing games about her race: Why bother?

    When “Mehen” protests loudly that he is not “fedposting”, covers himself by accusing others of Jewishness, then uses a Zionist persecution-complex image to tell people to “KILL JEWS”, this looks very much like a Jew spraypainting swastikas to make a fake “hate crime”. Maybe other things, too.



    • Is “Mehen” an agent provocateur? There is probable cause to believe so. At best, his behavior is indistinguishable from that of an agent provocateur. On the other hand, he may have so badly destroyed his brain by having “fun with his so-called “‘God Molecule’” hallucinogen that he went criminally insane. Therefore, I am not sure that he is an agent provocateur.

    • Is “Mehen” a Jew, and a Jewish provocateur? More likely than not. Few goyim, even goy Zionists, would pull off these types of Jewish tactics so Jewishly. He embedded from the Jewish Press site a graphic, to spraypaint a “KILL JEWS” slogan on The Unz Review. By comparison, Pamela Geller fetishizes the same graphic as part of her Holocaustian persecution complex. How much more Jewish can this get? —On the other hand, see above. “Mehen” could just be psychotic. Embedding a “KILL JEWS” slogan from the Jewish Press could be symptomatic of his drug-induced disordered thinking.

    • Is “Mehen” a bad person with bad intentions? Beyond a reasonable doubt, yes. ®

    • LOL: Mehen
    • Replies: @Mehen
  1310. Raches says:
    @That Would Be Telling

    …memorable handles, and there’s something curious about many of them…

    There’s something going on here that might be useful in your analysis…

    “Mehen”, who has suspiciously provocative behavior, has enthusiastically, with over-the-top praise, identified as his “favorites” these two commentators: “Erebus”, a known liar, and “Polemos”, an admitted nihilist who rants about “love”.

    All three of these commentators have simple mythological pseudonyms—one Egyptian, two Greek—all of which evoke the same theme to the modern Western mentality, irrespective of the authentic meanings to ancient believers in these religions. Respectively, they name themselves after: A snake-god, the primordial god of darkness, and the personification of war.

    I am not necessarily saying that these are the same individual; I note some apparent differences in styles between “Mehen” and the other two—maybe. Regardless, it is remarkable how “like likes like”: They (and some others) preach almost identical substance, these three follow the same naming pattern, and one of these three made a comment entirely for the purpose of hagiography about the other two. I need not speculate hereby about whether they are sockpuppets, or social media buddies brigading here, or simply an example of a rude aphorism about something foul that sticks together. ®

    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
    • LOL: Mehen
    • Replies: @Mehen
  1311. geokat62 says:

    How did this incitement to violence get past the moderators?

    • LOL: Raches
    • Replies: @Raches
    , @Raches
  1312. Adrian says:

    Is it not the case Lup_Boc was a philo-semite?

    Raches thought the Nazis had been insulted.

    • Thanks: Mehen
  1313. Raches says:

    I note for the record that this comment by “Mehen” was in moderation, not visible to me, when I made this comment about “Mehen”, and another comment that linked thereto.

    My accusation against “Mehan” was based on my immediate impression of this comment juxtaposed against the I’m-so-not-fedposting! disclaimer on the last line of this comment; but I needed to find a few spare moments for reverse image-search, etc.

    That “Mehen”, of all people, would accuse me, of all people, of being a “philo-semite” and a sockpuppet of another commentator, is an irony beneath reply—save to note that certain types of people accuse others of their own sins.

    More “Troll” tags are coming. I ran out of that currency for now. ®

  1314. Raches says:

    How did this [“Mehen’s”] incitement to violence get past the moderators?

    Because, duh, “Mehen” said that he is sooooo not fedposting. (Last line of comment.) He is obviously one of the good guys!

    After his repeated promotion of drug abuse, and after his I’m-so-not-fedposting! disclaimer, I was not surprised. What surprised me was that he used for his incitement a Jewish persecution-complex image from Jewish Press—for comparison, Pamela Geller also likes that image.

    Mr. Geokat, aren’t you and @utu glad that “Mehen” suddenly loves your and @utu’s theory about me? That was triggered simply by my “Troll” tag on “Adrian’s” comment—at a time when my reply to “Adrian” was in moderation where “Mehen” couldn’t see it (just as “Mehen’s” comment was in moderation when I made my accusations against him). “Erebus” also loves your theory, and “Mehen” loves “Erebus” (plus “Polemos”); thus, I am not surprised to see “Mehen” reach for your theory now, albeit hedging his words because he has seen how I ridicule it.

    Protip: You have much to learn from me. —Or you would, if you weren’t manifestly an ineducable moron. ®

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1315. Adrian says:

    Paradigms restrict answers insofar as they determine what questions can be asked. We can’t ask the questions the ancients were asking, so we can’t find the answers. More to the point, we wouldn’t necessarily even recognize them as answers.

    Interesting – especially that video about a lost technology.

    I had similar thoughts when I saw in a Parisian museum a maquette of the erection of the Luxor obelisk at the Place de la Concorde. It was done with very intricate ropework to which a modern engineer would not have a clue.

    But the fact that this art is lost doesn’t mean that it is not recoverable in principle.

    The same holds I think for that ancient Egyptian technology. The difficulty here is, I think, mainly a translation problem. An old Egyptian handbook for apprentice builders would, even if translated by Egyptologists, probably be incomprehensible to begin with because it would draw on a cultural context going far beyond the direct technical problem. But would it be ultimately incomprehensible after a lot of anthropological footwork.?

    The problem in the p[hilosophy of science you allude to has, I think, to do with the controversy between Popper and Thomas Kuhn. I would like to come back to that. It is now very late here.

    Take care

    • Replies: @Erebus
  1316. Adrian says:

    I had never dreamed, given that I had no intention of defecting to North Korea, that I would once more live in a country I was not allowed to leave. That only happened to me in wartime when I was too young to travel by myself anyway.

    I saw/heard an interview of Professor Sucharit Bakdhi with his Dutch publisher, the energetic young man who runs De Blauwe Tijger (The Blue Tiger). Bhakdi said, among other things, that the political climate in Germany was becoming more and more unpleasant but he did not know where to go. He had fond memories of the Netherlands where his father had been Thai ambassador to the Benelux many years ago, but they had now the same situation there. His father had praised the intelligence of the Dutch back then but where was all this intelligence now, Bhakdi asked.

    I gave him wireless advice. Go to South America and then a place where the US has as yet hardly stretched out its poisonous tentacles because there is not enough to steal. Go to Paraguay, nice and green and cheap too.

    Recently I considered that option myself but my wife doesn’t want to hear of it. And, as I said, we are not allowed out of the country. Maybe, just maybe, the Sydney airport will be opened next month for those who have had enough of this country but probably only for the vaccinated. The vaccinated will soon have greater freedoms (a right presented as a favor) but these will not apply to the unvaccinated. And, says Premier Berejiklian, “I don’t want to hear complaints from the unvaccinated then.”

    What kind of infantilizing parlando, schoolmistress talk is that? However most of the inhabitants of this state do not deserve better.

    They have been led like sheep but sheep that might become wolves if they can turn against the deviants in the flock. The “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. The authorities are leading the charge.

    I shouldn’t complain. This is exactly what one might expect in accordance with Schopenhauer’s views and someone who is convinced, like me, that as far as it is given to a human being to gauge our situation here Schopenmhauer did indeed do so, that someone should not moan. Just nod.

    As it happened Schopenhauer had an Australian example at hand here…. If you cut the Australian bull ant (an ant after whose sting you have little fun for a few minutes) in half one half fights to the death with the other. I don’t even know if it’s true. Schopenhauer had this wisdom probably from the London Times which he read almost daily. Whether it is true or not it is an apt illustration of his belief that the original unity of which man is a part is not perceived because we are bound by the categories of time, space and causality.

    I would much rather go back to the country my wife hails from. The top there is openly corrupt but it so far lacks the bureaucratic apparatus to make your life a misery.

    I just called a travel insurance linked to our credit card. No there is no age limit for that insurance but you have to answer extra questions when you are over eighty. No you don’t have to be vaccinated but vaccinated or unvaccinated you don’t get reimbursed for Covid related diseases (look that’s typical-these insurances don’t let themselves be led by government lies but by hard numbers and they probably figured out a while ago that in terms of risk it doesn’t make the slightest difference whether you are vaccinated or not-yes I see the time coming that vaccinated people have to pay extra).

    Total cost for my wife and myself quite reasonable, in fact probably less than we collectively pay now for our private insurance.

    Hooray. But wait.

    As unvaccinated persons Berejiklian “who does not want to hear complaints” will probably not allow us to leave the country. Why? They should be happy to be rid of us. But that logic does not apply here. The unvaccinated must be punished for their disobedience. And no complaints please.

  1317. Raches says:

    P.S.—If the moderators had not let that “KILL JEWS” image through, then I would not have been able to bust “Mehen” and so roundly condemn (and contemn) him.

    Isn’t free speech great? It gets answered with more speech. Thanks, moderators! ®

    […relevant remarks…]

    The URL in “Mehen’s” comment, here broken up not to embed:

    https (:) // / www (.) jewishpress (.) com / wp-content/uploads/ 2013/08 / kill-jews-bandana.jpg ?w=477


    Zionist Jewess Pamela Geller, who in the past has rolled her fantasies about nuking Europe into her hatred against Iran, used this same graphic in a header in a post on May 31, 2017:

    This Zionist anti-Muslim website turned it into a meme graphic:


    • Replies: @geokat62
  1318. geokat62 says:

    Protip: You have much to learn from me.


  1319. Adrian says:

    That answer to Mehen was really meant for Trixeley.I hate to agree with Raches but that video he placed really looks like the act of an agent provocateur.

    • Replies: @Raches
  1320. @Mehen

    Perhaps L-B/Reaches changed his politics lately, as many do, especially if he has had a lot of free time in recent months to read and think a lot. Raches did mention recently that he used to be a Zionist and was close to Jews in the past.

  1321. Raches says:

    Well, look at you backpedalling. And lying.

    That answer to Mehen was really meant for Trixeley.I hate to agree with Raches but that video he placed really looks like the act of an agent provocateur.

    You have made only one answer to “Mehen”, since he replied to your comment with that “KILL JEWS” image (not video) from the Jewish Press. Actually, you have only made one at-reply to “Mehen” in this whole thread—out of all 1351 comments visible as I write this, 42 are yours, and exactly one is at-symbol “Mehen”. I just checked.

    You, September 11, 2021 at 11:21 am GMT, answering “Mehan’s” reply to you:

    Is it not the case Lup_Boc was a philo-semite?

    Raches thought the Nazis had been insulted.

    That could not possibly have been for “Trixeley”. There is only one commentator in this thread with a name even remotely similar to that: Triteleia Laxa, who never believed Mr. Geokat’s theory about “Loup-Bouc”. And T.L. has not even commented here since yesterday, before this little blow-up.

    You didn’t only hit the reply button on a “Mehen” comment: You quoted him verbatim on something that T.L. never said, with which she never agreed. Your only comment on this thread addressed to “Mehen” was intended for “Mehen”, and not otherwise—and it was made long after he made his Jewishly provocative “KILL JEWS” comment.

    You made a totally new comment, without any parent, vaguely referencing an “answer to Mehen”. Why didn’t you reply to yourself to make your disclaimer? Well, that would make it obvious that you are lying. (On another note, perhaps your prior misrepresentation of what I said was not incompetence.)

    Anyway, “Adrian”, why don’t you go back to your schmoozing with “Erebus”. ®

    • Replies: @Wild Man
    , @Adrian
  1322. Wild Man says:

    Who the hell cares about a radical (i.e. – in response to wonky official dictate) ‘Kill Jews’ meme, when we now have a statist supported reactionary (i.e. – pro-statist) meme of ‘kill the unvaccinated’.

    Raches …. get your priorities straight. I think you have now ‘officially’ (hahaha!) crossed the line, towards ‘smoke-blower’.

  1323. geokat62 says:

    P.S.—If the moderators had not let that “KILL JEWS” image through, then I would not have been able to bust “Mehen” and so roundly condemn (and contemn) him.

    I just noticed something very peculiar again. Raches not only has a fondness of using the very obscure term “contemn,” he likes to combine it with the more popular term “condemn”:

    I condemn and contemn David Icke. ®

    Most would admit this is a highly idiosyncratic lexicological trait that few if any other Unzers would possess.

    Well, guess who else is very fond of combining these two terms?

    That’s right, none other than Loup-Bouc/Anachronis!

    He has done it in at least two previous occasions:

    Occasion #1:

    Just so, though I condemn and contemn classical Jewish religion and Zionism and Zionist Israel…

    Occasion #2

    Had you read enough of my many previous comments poste at Unz Review, you would have known:…

    (b) I contemn, and condemn, all religion — especially the religion of Yahweh, the most evil religion, and its followers.

    I once responded to your meagre attempt at defending yourself from the disreputable act of engaging in sock puppetry:

    Shorter Loup-Bouc/Anachronis/Raches: You’ve just noticed things that amount to witnessing someone tossing three heads in a row. This proves absolutely nothing. It’s just a cohencidence, goy!

    While observing repeated patterns cannot definitively prove something is true, they sure as hell increase the probabilities that it is.

    If we apply the binomial equation to not coin tossing but dice rolling, the chances of rolling snake eyes three times in a row is:

    1/46,756 (ie virtually zero)

    Case closed Messieurs Loup-Bouc/Anachronis/Raches!

  1324. @JimDandy

    “Ryan Cooper” failed my physiognomy check right of the bat. Didnt read. Physiognomy plus that “His work has appeared in the Washington Monthly, The New Republic, and the Washington Post.”

  1325. @Brás Cubas

    The ability to easily do a deep fake foto militates for never trusting any photo, whether for your side or not.

    Just ignore it. It’s bot probative of anything.

  1326. geokat62 says:

    Call me a conspiracy theorist but I’m convinced the timing of the release of this bioweapon is not coincidental. While the objectives of this operation are manifold, I believe it was timed to distract from the shocking demographic news that America is soon to become a non-white majority country.

    Excerpt from, WashPo’s Jennifer Rubin: White Population Falling And Becoming a Minority is ‘Fabulous News’:

    Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin on Thursday celebrated the “fabulous news” that the 2020 Census showed whites in America were becoming a minority at a rapid pace and had their total population numbers decline for the first time in our nation’s history.
    “A more diverse, more inclusive society,” Rubin commented on Twitter. “This is fabulous news.”
    “Now we need to prevent minority White rule,” she said.

    Could you imagine the response that would’ve occurred if we were not distracted by this purported “health crisis”?

    Here’s a previous comment of mine:

    geokat62- That’s because they realise that immigration should be the burning issue all over the West.
    But instead of talking about immigration moratoria, we’re talking about vaccine passports.
    “By way of deception thou shalt do war.”

    … and here’s NJP’s Eric Striker’s take…

    I’m not saying you shouldn’t be pissed about the vaccine mandate. But being more pissed about taking the vaccine than about your history being torn down and violated around you is like if your wife was raped and you were most worried about now catching an STD from her. The worst harm that could come to you from taking a vaccine is ten times less than the harm done to you by the loss of your honor as a people and nationality.

    Nota Bene: By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War – Mossad

  1327. Adrian says:

    Raches I will answer you for once. For the rest I will ignore you as I would the village idiot babbling in the corner of the coffee house. The confusion is all mine. When I came to think of my answer I didn’t actually check up and because you and Triteley seem to have been consistently in each other’s hair I thought that the answer must have been to her.. But it was indeed to Mehen. And I don’t care whether you believe me or not.

    And the answer stands. I will leave you now to your gossip magazine about the family Goebbels.

  1328. Mehen says:

    Ahhhh, Rachy-baby…

    I see your mental condition has flared up once again (I wonder if it will ever stop?)

    The truth of it all is quite simple:

    I was drunk last night, still feeling pretty salty about how the medical establishment is treating my father who might now have a 3 year countdown to his death, I read Adrian’s vaguely antisemitic comment and in a fit of pique decided to express my displeasure visually.

    You see, unlike you, I am not so rigid and beholden to the intellectual constructions in my head that I can’t be spontaneous and surf the waves of my experience in a holistic way when the situation calls for it.

    I was familiar with that image from my time (long ago) at the the MPC Forum (“The Center For Scientific Antisemitism”). It was often used as an emoji in the threads when a particular commenter wished to express his displeasure with the Usual Suspects.

    I merely Googled “kill jews bandanna” and grabbed the first link.

    But look at all the nonsense you have spewed as a result of this one tiny misunderstanding. You have spun quite a yarn out of a mere seed of misinterpretation, involving all sorts of absurdies I won’t bother to itemize here.

    I mean, I sort of understand, being someone with a bit of a paranoid streak myself.

    It seems you have a real hard time with genuine cognitive dissonance. You are so rigid, you have mistaken your maps of reality as inviolate, in large measure.

    In this context, I would put to you the question I asked you several days ago:

    I am curious about one thing, though. You seem to take a hardline stance with respect to intoxication. Is your position one of opposition to all perturbations of consciousness, or merely psychedelics? What is your policy on this issue, and why?

    Of course, you are not obligated to answer. But since you seem to feel so comfortable expressing so much of yourself on other topics (including your fucked up childhood), I think you should. At the very least, you should make your answer clear in your OWN mind.

    In this further context, I would once again recommend the book I alluded to upthread:

    The first section is a list of about 300 aphorisms, to which the reader is asked to react on a 5-point scale, from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”. The “practice” is meant to be repeated at regular intervals over the years.

    I will highlight aphorism #220: Self-importance can be defined as building a giant
    fortress believing that its size is keeping others away ratherthan their lack of interest.

    At the very least, you should read the Preface, with particular attention paid to the section starting with: “We have reached a point where most of us would destroy the world in order to keep our ‘POINT’ of view. Weak men must destroy, not for the joy of renewal, but for the catechisms of their tradition

    The Amazon link above allows you to “Look Inside” the book.

  1329. Mehen says:

    I forgot to mention something in my last comment.

    You are sort of correct about a couple of things.

    It turns out I actually do have a tiny bit of Jew in my maternal bloodline (probably Sephardic). I believe it was injected about 3 generations ago, and might possibly explain the quality of my mind relative to my immediate family. I do have a bit of a schnozz, but I prefer to think of it as “aquiline.”

    I have no wish to dox myself, but I have mentioned in other threads that I’m a bit of a mutt. And no, I’m not talking black. My father was and is a patriarchal WASP.

    But I would hope you would note from my commenting history here that I am no subversive. Like Ron Unz himself, I am RIGHTEOUS, if nothing else. For whatever reason, from a young age I grasped upon “objective reality” as my Savior, as a bulwark against all the competing minds pushing me this way and that. This is why I cleave to Ron Unz, despite his recent turn into weirdness, and I would hope you could acknowledge that both he and I serve Logos.

    Moving on…

    “Mehen”, who has suspiciously provocative behavior, has enthusiastically, with over-the-top praise, identified as his “favorites” these two commentators: “Erebus”, a known liar, and “Polemos”, an admitted nihilist who rants about “love”.


    I am not necessarily saying that these are the same individual; I note some apparent differences in styles between “Mehen” and the other two—maybe. Regardless, it is remarkable how “like likes like”

    Yes. It is quite remarkable how people who are like one another, tend to appreciate one another. Fascinating insight there, Sherlock.

    I’ll be honest: I am quite fond of Erebus and Polemos (in addition to a number of other commenters — you know who you are). At my age, you tend to get a “gut-instinct” feel for people who largely share your psycho-spiritual tack, and Honor demands some acknowledgment. Perhaps if you were not so focused on being some ersatz “Ubermensch” you might begin to appreciate the angels floating around and about you….

    Oh! Last thing:

    I am also quite fond of Triteleia Laxa, despite the very high likelihood she is Hasbara or some form of Jewish weirdness (not quite sure yet). I say that because she makes statements that reach my heart, and that should be the ultimate standard for how one judges someone else. I know you are far away from managing this sort of nuance, but the world might open up to you if you learn what I am trying to express.

    Aphorism #103: Just because you find a fly in the ointment doesn’t
    mean it won’t soothe your wounds.

    (Love ya T.)

  1330. Erebus says:

    But the fact that this art is lost doesn’t mean that it is not recoverable in principle.

    I can’t imagine anything that isn’t recoverable in principle. If it once was, it can surely be again. Even the Big Bang.

    Recently, even the secret to Roman concrete was uncovered. It took decades of intense study as the hydraulic reaction that creates concrete is irreversible, but the secret ingredient was eventually outed – volcanic ash. The best modern concretes last ~100 yrs, but now we can re-create the ancient concretes that last indefinitely. IOW, the value of our art in this case, lay in its ability to recover a lost art. Had the Romans run across such a concrete, they would’ve shrugged their shoulders and muttered something about Giants.

    Parenthetically, there is a credible theory that the Pyramids were built using a class of concretes called geo-polymers. Should that prove so, the technical paradigm/world-view that produced them drifts even further from our understanding and the possibility of recovery.

    Where I was going with all this, is that Scientism has overtaken our worldview and in doing so has come to define “Truth” in our time. At bottom, that is a religious position. At its extreme, it arbitrarily narrows the meaning of “Science” to certain narrow, technical procedures, and then proceeds to apply them across a wide variety of subjects where they can yield no useful truths. Typical of these is the demand that “double-blind, randomized trials” are the sole arbiter of Truth. Even if an idealized, perspective-less approach was even possible, there are plenty of truths it would fail to uncover for the simple reason that it can’t ask the questions.

    Well, the architects and engineers of the Pyramids (inter alia) had no concept of such a “science”, yet there they stand. Indeed, neither did Isaac Newton, yet his Principia underpins all that came after him, ultimately including the rise of Scientism itself. If we restrict ourselves to the precepts of Scientism, we’d be forced to reject the Science that built them as “Unscientific” and insofar, “False”. An absurd position to be in.

    Arguments like utu‘s, TWBT‘s, and a few of their less skilled fellow travellers like Realist (in the PCR thread) are typical of that. The paradigm they think they’re espousing is “Science” and the “Scientific Method”, but it is in fact a caricature of it. The same caricature of the world view that built the cathedral as sits in the mind of our medieval peasant.

    As for…

    … the controversy between Popper and Thomas Kuhn. I would like to come back to that.

    … I’d have to pay much more attention to Popper than I have. I am (or was) very familiar with Kuhn. The net result is that I’m not sure I could contribute much.

  1331. Adrian says:

    Paradigms restrict answers insofar as they determine what questions can be asked. We can’t ask the questions the ancients were asking, so we can’t find the answers. More to the point, we wouldn’t necessarily even recognize them as answers.

    Erebus, you are aware of course that “streams of ink” have been spent on the controversy between Kuhn and Popper. I don’t have the illusion that you and I can make a substantial contribution to it, At anycase I can’t and if I could this would not be the place for it.

    In an earlier phase of my life I have been rather preoccupied with it. Kuhn has rather regretfully acknowledged that his first substantial impact was on the social sciences rather than philosophy and he has also claimed that he has been misuinderstood there. I am not sure of that. It is true that there is or was) a sort of “vulgar-Kuhnism” in the social sciences that coincided with post-modernism, an extreme cultural relativism. It was in full swing when I got my first academic appointment. It was paradigm here and paradigm there and what about the students. Was it fair to mark them – they had their own paradigms didn’t they?

    I found it all rather silly and I thought that Popper had made a conclusive end to the controversy by saying that Kuhn’s “scientific revolutions” wouldn’t be posasible if “normal science” was the way he depicted it. If “normal science” was that paradigm bound all the exit doors would be closed. Kuhn didn’t make a proper distinction between Popper’s world 2
    “the realm of mental states and processes”and his world 3 “the realm of the products of thought”.

    I found your pyramid video quite interesting but I am always a bit irritated by the emphasis such presenters put on the utter incomprehensibility of one thing and another.You find it also in stories about Stonehenge and Easter Island. My belief is that if we had sufficient documentation about them the knowledge on which it was based would not be as unfathomable as it often is suggested to be,

    Joseph Needham could document a science that goes back to times simultaneous to that of the pyramids, that of China, and what does the Wiki say about the project he undertook for Uneso together with Huxley:

    Huxley and Needham devised an ambitious scholarly project they called The History of Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind. … it aimed to synthesize the contributions, perspectives, and development of oriental nations in the East in a way that was complementary to the Western scientific tradition…Working from the belief that science was the universal experience that bound humanity, Huxley and Needham hoped that their project would help ease some of the animosity between the two spheres” (emphasis added)

    In short I think that a proper copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica would ultimately come those survivors in your pottery and ironwork world in good stead. So put yours in watertight chest.s and bury them at a good place in your garden

  1332. Adrian says:

    Vaccinated Sydneysiders can gather in groups of five outdoors

    New outdoor gathering rule changed for millions of Sydneysiders on Monday

    People living outside of 12 LGAs of concern can meet with up to five adults

    Residents in areas of concern can go outdoors with their household members

    Freedom only applies to vaccinated residents
    and 5km travel rule still in place 

    Residents living in the hotspot councils – who are subject to a 9pm-5am curfew – will be able to gather outdoors with their household for two hours a day as long as everyone is aged over 18.
    Regardless of location,

    residents must be fully vaccinated

    and must do their outdoor activity within 5km of their homes.

    Emphasis added.

    This is all justified by reciting infection numbers. A group of Sydney l;awyers asked for information about that test – at how many cycles was it run.? No answer. When the overall mortality numbers come out we will in all likelihood have undermortality like we had last year. Can all of this possibly be in good faith?

    • Thanks: emersonreturn, John Wear
  1333. Raches says:

    I have published some commentary in an Anglin thread for your attention. It should also help to explain to Mr. Unz why I am so negative on Mr. Anglin. As for Mr. Anglin himself, he is a troll who categorically insults decent people in vicious terms; he shan’t be heard to complain if I dish it back to him at a much higher and more serious level.

    Raches. “‘Paete, non dolet.’” September 13, 2021 at 4:45 am GMT.

    The total of the introduction, all four parts, and the addendum runs over 5,800 words, according to my local wordcounter. Based primarily on my recollections of the time that I spent examining the Daily Stormer a few years ago, it was assembled in a hurry with numerous pinpoint links, quotations, and images. I am unsatisfied with the writing quality; but Mr. Anglin does not deserve this much effort, let alone better.

    Part A is what I most direct to your attention, on the subject of antiquities. If I may confide in you a secret: Andrew “weev” Auernheimer’s ham-handed butchery of antiquities is, to me, even more disgusting and repulsive than the material in Part B.

    Part B is an overview of some nice, ugly Anglinisms that you may not have seen, if you have not spent much (or any) time on the Daily Stormer site.

    Part C, Part D, and the Addendum about the freedom of speech are not yet published, because I hit a three post-per-hour-per-thread rate limit. I divided this into so many parts, so that I can link to the parts independently in the future. N.b. that the foregoing links are in moderation at the time of this writing.

    These are Anglin-specific quasi-follow-ups on “The Abdication”, September 11, 2021 at 2:49 pm GMT—an important short essay which is not specifically about Mr. Anglin, but damns him nevertheless.

    I had intended that my September 7, 2021 at 2:22 am GMT takedown would adequately set forth my position on the topic of Andrew Anglin. Now, I hope that the foregoing, and any ensuing discussion, should suffice to cover Mr. Anglin for the moment. I will return to the instant thread, which suddenly seems eerily quiet, when time permits. ®

  1334. kali says:
    @Punch Brother Punch

    Bom dia Punchy,

    You know, instead of fantasizing about science fiction scenarios, you could just man up and get the jab. My elderly mother got the jabs, FFS.

    So your dear old mother participated in this unprecedented global “medical” experiment and you think that makes her ´more of a man´, so to speak, than those of us not at any particular risk from ´covid19´ beyond what we might experience as the sniffles, who refuse to participate.

    Yet for anyone not at risk from “The Virus” (TM) to participate in this genetic engineering experiment doesn´t make them more of a man, but more of a propagandised fool. – In my opinion, of course.

    Anti-vaxxers aren’t going to be “carving out resource-rich zones for themselves.” They’re going to continue whining and bitching and sharing videos on social media until covid dies down and society returns to normal (relatively-speaking) and then they’ll refuse to take any stock of how they wasted so much time and just move on to the next B.S. conspiracy theory because deep down they love the ego-boost of feeling like “the powerful are out to get me!” and “only I and select others know the truth! Everyone else is asleep!” and this has nothing to do with truth or falsehood and everything to do with gratifying their narcissism.

    (Plus, they’re scared of needles. Chik-chik-chik…)

    Oh my. Someone hasn´t been paying attention to the conversation.

    I´m utterly delighted to inform you, Punchy dude, that we already ARE carving out resource rich zones for ourselves since loooooonnnngggg before “the covids” became a thing, and our numbers are growing exponentially since your silly little plague-of-the-mind was unleashed.

    Speaking for myself, and taking the liberty to speak for most of my friends, our resource rich zone in central Portugal is plenty to sustain us during the orchestrated apocalypse in which you so willingly participate.

    Moving on though, I wish to address the rest of my comment to @commenter mike and @Ilya G Poimandres as well as all of the other conscious, sentient participants in this conversations, those aware enough to be seeking solutions and freedom from tyranny. Please see below the more tag (to save Ron the trouble of inserting one) for my response to your replies to my last comment…


    Firstly let me apologies for my silence over the last few days. I really needed a break from the Raches shit-show and the relentless stupidity of the Big Pharma sales reps. Plus, as usual, I had a house (caravan) full of guests.

    Mike and Ilya, Both of your replies to my last comment pretty much hit the nail on the head. And you both identified the flaw in the plan (the resource-rich zones which not everyone has access). Again, since long before the covids became a thing, I gave this aspect of the problem plenty of thought. (Before I exited the system myself I never imagined I would do anything other than generate such changes from within the belly of the beast, so to speak. Coming to Portugal was never part of my plans. That move was in the hands of the Divine, as it were)

    I wrote something during my absence from this conversation which I think encapsulates my own particular vision and which I hope provides at least a little inspiration for those who simply cannot make it to places like this. – Who knows, maybe one day the Divine will see fit to place me back in my homeland to help with the efforts there. Time will tell.

    Anyway, here´s what I wrote – a poem called Going Live:

    Going Live!

    To repel the current charges
    of malevolent actionators
    who would enslave this
    human planet
    via philanthropic saviours
    and re-presentative frauds,
    I broaden my awareness
    to penetrate the meanings
    of multifarious multilateral multinational
    and things.
    In knowing what they´re plotting
    and knowing how they think
    one induces ones resistance
    and standing
    life… going Live
    to counter the charge.

    Inoculated: I tried it once and didn´t like it.
    Already immune
    to nihilisms´ wildest form:
    that carefully crafted virus of the mind
    prepared in contempt
    to detatch you from –
    your soul-is-divne!
    I tried it once and didn´t like it.

    In standing alone
    stand together
    each by each-other:
    one brings the bread and one brings the cheese
    another the knife
    and with buttery ease
    we eat. And all our needs are met.

    Then each to his own
    and each to the other
    I acknowledge and know
    my friend is my brother
    and our survival depends
    on serving
    each one the other,
    or God if you prefer.

    When lawyers work pro bono
    and laymen work for free
    and tradesmen´s work is gratis
    and food comes from the ground and trees,
    and generators generate
    and wood is cut for fuel to cook
    and blankets warm
    and children play
    and grans and grandpas mind them,
    the strong prepare for all events
    but never plan
    for more
    than the meetings
    of livings daily needs.

    Alongside existing systems,
    within the belly of the beast,
    free minds build resistance
    and inevitable resilience
    by skill and food-share tweaks.
    Healers heal
    whilst growers grow
    and handy people fix
    and builders build
    and philosophers dig deep.
    Oh, the good life.

    Demos-ers demote dystopia
    and open peoples courts
    for tyrants and dictators.
    Whilst televised assemblies
    decide our futures course,
    under the rule of public view:
    an open source discourse.
    We self-presented masses
    not quite such useless eaters,
    may realise our power
    to change direction
    and ground the tyrants charge.

    By me.

    Connecting with like-minded people to establish networks – garden shares, food collection and distribution distribution, community support centres, helping hands for home maintenance, ensure folks are fed and warm and well cared for.

    The system, via its ´economy-stupid´ does everything to make life as unnecessarily complicated as possible. Our needs are really very simple: food, shelter, water, heating, clothing and, or course, love. Meeting those needs gets easier as new community-bases support systems grow. As more people SEE that alternatives exist so they join in our efforts, and so we grow stronger.

    People are largely trapped and go along with the crowd because they don´t see any alternative to ´the way things are´. PeterAUS is right that, certainly given our current low levels of consciousness, people need leadership and guidance. (My own vision is that, as we grow our independence from ´the state´ so too we grown our sentience, intelligence, consciousness, and with that so less and less do we need to be lead. – It always comes back to that one ESSENTIAL imperative: Know Yourself!)

    certainly I don´t have all the answers, but I have at least explored some of the basic questions. But then, we are social animals. To explore questions and arrive at answers/solutions together is our natural inclination. Most people just don´t know, through lack of guidance and education, that we can change the way we do things so that we might live in harmony with each other and with the world around us, rather than the perpetual conflict that the rich and powerful engender in order to divide and rule.

    Ahhh, just one more little bit of indulgence! Another poem I wrote a few months ago that I think Trite-Lax might appreciate given some of her comments on this thread:

    Ideal behaviours
    enforced by only-just laws
    proscribed to protect us
    from the worst in us all.
    Did you yet look beyond
    the veil of those laws
    to the essence that dwells
    in your heart, by that door?
    Did you yet see the darkness
    as well as the light.
    Did you yet understand
    you are equal arts day
    and equal parts night.
    Did you yet make the journey
    to uncover yourself,
    beyond conformity insanity
    and normative banality,
    to existential clarity.
    Do you yet know yourself?

    By me.

    Well, that´s enough out of me for the moment. We´re experiencing a very early autumn here, which means some heavy rain over the next few days, which means lots of free time to spend catching up with my on-line life, including e-mail! Bugey and others, please expect to hear from me during the next day or two from my secure e-mail account (proton)!

    With much love,

    • Thanks: John Wear
  1335. Adrian says:

    “Australia Traded Away Too Much Liberty” wrote America’s oldest journal. The Atlantic, recently.

    “Up to now one of Earth’s freest societies, Australia has become a hermit continent. How long can a country maintain emergency restrictions on its citizens’ lives while still calling itself a liberal democracy?
    Australia has been testing the limits.

    Before 2020, the idea of Australia all but forbidding its citizens from leaving the country, a restriction associated with Communist regimes, was unthinkable. Today, it is a widely accepted policy …

    Until last month, Australians who are residents of foreign countries were exempt from the rule so they could return to their residence. But the government tightened the restrictions further, trapping many of them in the country too.
    .’ ‘
    if a country indefinitely forbids its own citizens from leaving its borders, strands tens of thousands of its citizens abroad, puts strict rules on intrastate travel, prohibits citizens from leaving home without an excuse from an official government list, mandates masks even when people are outdoors and socially distanced, deploys the military to enforce those rules, bans protest, and arrests and fines dissenters, is that country still a liberal democracy?

    Enduring rules of that sort would certainly render a country a police state. In year two of the pandemic, with COVID-19 now thought to be endemic, rather than a temporary emergency the nation could avoid, how much time must pass before we must regard Australia as illiberal and unfree?”

    As for me I have come to the sorrowful conclusion that there is no longer any doubt about that.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Erebus
  1336. Erebus says:

    Up to now one of Earth’s freest societies, Australia has become a hermit continent.

    TPTB learned Dostoevski’s lesson well…

    “Anyone who can appease a man’s conscience can take his freedom away from him.” The Grand Inquisitor

    … and applied it. They made sacrificing freedom the “right thing” to do.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1337. geokat62 says:

    They made sacrificing freedom the “right thing” to do.

    So true. In a healthy mind, sacrificing freedom is never the “right thing” to do. That’s how you know we’re living in deeply corrupted societies… thanks to Willi Münzenberg and friends.

    • Agree: John Wear
  1338. Ron Unz says:

    This Covid comment thread has gotten too large and unwieldy, so I’ll have to close it down.

    Fortunately, there’s an open Paul Craig Roberts thread on Covid, which everyone can now focus upon:

Comments are closed.

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