我们的 Facebook 禁令:致命的 0.2%

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就在一个月前,我热烈庆祝我们的替代媒体网络杂志稳步上升。 一世 自豪地指出 我们的访问量现在已经远远超过了古老的访问量 新共和国,这是一个百年历史的出版物,已经成为美国最有影响力的民意杂志数十年了。

但是骄傲在堕落之前就消失了。 XNUMX月底,我们突然被全球领先的社交网络Facebook清洗和禁止。 我们不仅删除了基本的Facebook页面,而且我们网站内容的所有最后一项都被宣布为非法,并删除了所有过去和将来的链接。 现在,任何将我们的资料发布到Facebook上的尝试都会产生一条错误消息,报告内容“滥用”并且违反了“社区标准”。


起初,我对这一意外的发展感到惊讶。 毕竟,我们已经花了多年的时间发布具有极大争议性的文章和帖子,特别是包括我自己的文章和帖子。 美国Pravda系列。 早在2018年,我的著作 被袭击了 尽管这个臭名昭著的组织在谴责中显得有些敷衍和残酷,但它还是由ADL提出来的。 在这段时间里,我们没有受到任何Facebook的处罚,但是现在我们突然被完全禁止了。

一个明显的解释是持续的Covid-19流行病。 失业人数已经达到大萧条的水平,已有80,000多美国人丧生。 在如此巨大的国家危机期间,经常会采取强有力的措施来维持社会控制,而Facebook承受着巨大压力,要求阻止其网络上危险错误信息的分发,该公司的最高领导层很快承诺要这样做。

现在,“错误信息”这个词有些模糊,而且我们对冠状病毒的广泛报道几乎没有提出美国人喝漂白剂或给自己注射Lysol的建议。 但是批评家经常将这类医疗保健错误与他们认为的有关Covid-19及其起源的“阴谋论”联系起来。 最近有一个新组织 整页广告 ,在 “纽约时报” 强烈谴责了这些概念,声称这些想法几乎和病毒本身一样危险,并且传播速度很快,因此要求领先的社交网络禁止它们。


确实,就在我发布Facebook禁令之前 7,400字的文章 提出了大量的间接证据,表明我们的国家灾难可能是美国对中国(和伊朗)进行的极为鲁less的生物战袭击所造成的意外打击,这大概是由Deep State Neocons或我们国家安全机构内的其他流氓分子组织的。 这篇文章产生了巨大的早期访问量,比我以前的任何文章都多,也许是Facebook Likes的两倍。 以下摘录提供了我介绍的材料的味道:

随着冠状病毒逐渐开始蔓延到中国境外,另一件事情发生了,这大大增加了我的怀疑。 这些早期病例中的大多数都发生在与中国接壤的东亚国家中,正如人们所预料的那样。 但到二月底 伊朗已成为全球疫情的第二个震中. 更令人惊讶的是,其政治精英受到的打击尤其严重, 整个伊朗议会的整整10%即将感染 和至少 十几个官员和政治家 死于疾病,包括一些 相当高级。 确实,推特上的Neocon活动家开始兴高采烈地指出,他们仇恨的伊朗敌人现在像苍蝇一样下落。

让我们考虑这些事实的含义。 在全世界范围内,唯一遭受重大人员伤亡的政治精英是伊朗的政治精英,他们很早就去世了,甚至在中国以外的世界上几乎任何地方都没有爆发大爆发之前就已经死亡。 因此,我们在2月XNUMX日让美国暗杀了伊朗的最高军事指挥官,然后在几周后,伊朗统治精英分子的大部分被一种神秘而致命的新病毒感染,其中许多人很快因此丧命。 任何理性的人都可能将这仅仅是巧合吗?



例如,美联社调查组最近对据称是基于中国机密文件的那些早期事件进行了相当详细的分析。 挑衅地有权 “中国没有在6个关键日警告公众可能大流行”,该作品分布广泛,正在运行 删节形式 ,在 纽约时报 和其他地方。 根据这次重建,中国政府于14月20日首次意识到这场公共卫生危机的严重性,但将重大行动推迟到XNUMX月XNUMX日,这段时间里感染数量成倍增加。

上个月,五人一组 WSJ 记者制作了非常详尽和透彻的 4,400字分析 在同一时期, 纽约时报 已发表 有用的时间表 那些早期事件中也是如此。 尽管重点或小意见分歧可能会有所不同,但所有这些美国媒体都同意,中国官员最早在11月中旬至XNUMX月中旬就意识到武汉市发生了严重的病毒暴发,第一例已知死亡发生在XNUMX月XNUMX日,终于在同月晚些时候实施了重大的新公共卫生措施。 显然没有人对这些基本事实提出异议。

但是由于后来我们自己的政府无所作为的可怕后果是显而易见的,我们情报机构中的人员试图证明他们不是在转瞬即逝的人。 本月初, an 美国广播公司新闻 故事 引用四个不同的政府消息来源透露,早在 XNUMX 月下旬,我们国防情报局下属的一个特殊医学情报部门就发布了一份报告,警告称中国武汉地区正在发生一场失控的疾病流行,并广泛传播。将该文件分发给我们政府的高层,警告应采取措施保护驻扎在亚洲的美军。 故事播出后,五角大楼发言人正式否认了 XNUMX 月报告的存在,而其他各级政府和情报官员拒绝发表评论。 但几天后, 以色列电视台提到 美国情报部门确实在XNUMX月与北约和以色列盟友分享了有关武汉疾病暴发的报道,因此似乎独立地证实了《美国广播公司新闻》原始报道及其政府的多个消息的全部准确性。

因此,国防情报局的人员似乎比中国政府本身的官员早一个多月就意识到武汉发生了致命的病毒性暴发。 除非我们的情报机构率先采用预知技术,否则我认为发生这种情况的原因可能与纵火犯最早了解未来火灾的原因相同。

A 泄露的CDC报告 最近估计,到本月底,美国的死亡人数可能会增加到每天3,000人,如果这样的话,到夏天结束时,我们可能会遭受数十万人的死亡,经济也将遭受重创。 如果美国人开始怀疑这场无法想象的国家灾难可能是完全由自己造成的,后果可能是爆炸性的。 我很容易理解,为什么任何有罪的政党及其亲密的政治盟友都会采取一切可能的步骤来防止这种想法获得牵引力,包括阻止其在Facebook上的流通。

因此,在考虑了这些因素之后,我对Facebook感到失望,但并不完全感到惊讶。 毕竟,在世界许多其他地区或历史时代,秘密警察的午夜突袭和古拉格的单程票可能是我挑衅性著作的回应。 相比 这种报复,仅仅让我们的网站被一个非常受欢迎的社交网络列入黑名单就等于喝了很多茶。


但是,几天前有人引起了我的注意 Facebook的报告 记录他们在XNUMX月份消除“不真实内容”的步骤。 尽管其中提到了我们自己的情况,但我对讨论的性质感到非常惊讶。

显然,受制裁的组织中绝大多数是外国组织,要么来自伊朗和俄罗斯等国家,要么来自那些卷入内部暴力冲突的国家,例如格鲁吉亚,毛里塔尼亚或缅甸。 他们的网站几乎都没有被提及,大概是因为它们的规模是如此之小且晦涩难懂。 我浏览了Facebook的几份以前的报告,这些报告看起来非常相似。

我几乎不是Facebook上的专家,但是如果我们的出版物是迄今为止规模最大,最受欢迎的全部内容都被禁止的出版物,这也不会令我感到惊讶。 然而,在这份非常详尽的文件的29页中,我们的案子只是在最简短的讨论中讨论的。

例如,展示了包括四个屏幕截图在内的四个整页,以证明禁止SouthFront的合法性。SouthFront是一个据称总部在克里米亚的网站,提供乌克兰和叙利亚冲突的亲俄观点。 但是,尽管我们自己的访问量增加了好几倍,但仅用两个分散的句子提供了禁止我们所有内容的说明:

我们的调查将该网络链接到以发布反移民内容而闻名的VDARE网站,以及与类似网站The Unz Review相关的个人。

尽管此行动的幕后人员试图掩盖他们的协调,但我们的调查将此网络链接到以发布反移民内容而闻名的VDARE网站,以及与类似网站The Unz Review相关的个人。

因此,绝对禁止任何指向我们数百万页独特内容的链接,包括 数百本美国领先民意杂志的档案将近齐全 据称,在过去150年中,有理由认为我们与VDare(类似于一个以发布反移民内容而闻名的网站)“相似”。

我觉得这种解释很奇怪。 我们确实与包括VDare在内的数十个左右媒体网站建立了重新发布协议。 但是自从今年年初以来,我们压倒一切的精力一直放在外交政策问题和冠状病毒的流行上,所以我们只运行了41个VDare。 这些中很少有与移民有关的,在此期间,它们仅占我们0.2个文章和职位的约1,751%。 VDare是否拥有如此强大的品牌,通过向我们提供0.2%的近期内容,我们必然变得“与众不同”?

而且,正如Facebook文档正确强调的那样,VDare是一个反移民网络杂志,而我什至不记得上次我们刊登过一篇以该主题为主题的文章。 尽管我们自己的访问量大了十几倍,但VDare似乎已成为该禁令的主要目标,我们自己的网站仅在暗中席卷而来。

Facebook肯定会投入大量资源来监管其内容,他们的报告称这是由200多名专业人员组成的团队执行的。 因此,我很难相信,禁止我们的整个网站(也许是有史以来规模最大的网站)的决定是出于如此荒唐的态度和如此荒谬的原因而做出的。

提供的解释似乎更有可能只是避免解释真正原因的借口。 如果有史以来最大的Facebook网站因宣传“ Covid-19阴谋论”而受到惩罚,那么这样的宣布可能会引起人们对所陈述事实的不受欢迎的关注,可能会带来严重后果。 毕竟,在我们当前的灾难中,Facebook员工和高管与美国其他所有人一样遭受了痛苦,我们提出的某些观点甚至可能已经成为活跃的内部讨论的主题。 因此,断定我们的网站因重新发布VDare的反移民内容而被禁止,即使这仅占我们总数的0.2%,这可能更安全。

尽管如此,有时还是会犯粗心大意的错误。 几天前Facebook 公布 它的新 “监督委员会” 裁定这类问题,所以我想我将尝试与他们联系以澄清这个问题。

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Harvey 说:

    你为什么要把 Vdare 扔到公共汽车下面? 我们必须一起上吊,否则我们将分别上吊。

  2. andwat 说:

    Your website is a place of proper debate and hypothesises. Please keep it going, whatever happens. Best wishes to all.

    • 回复: @paranoid goy
    , @sally
    , @MLK
  3. Anon[369]• 免责声明 说:

    由于 Facebook 面临着禁止所有“冠状病毒阴谋论”的巨大压力,这就是我们下架的明显原因。

    我同意它与冠状病毒有关,但我认为我们在这种情况下看到的是深州对大型科技公司的影响。 恕我直言,Unz Review 是中国对 COVID-19 起源的抵制不可或缺的一部分,因此它(UR)被 Deep State 标记为 PNG(正如我的幽灵朋友所说)。

    我相信我们都看到过关于某个国家安全问题或其他问题的解密 (TS/SCI/BAR) 信息。 当源和方法被编辑时,我们可以看到内容。 总是如此引人注目的是它是多么不起眼。 其中一些甚至引用新闻文章来确定事实。 如果使用相同质量水平的信息和分析作为 Unz Review 专栏的基础,评论者会野蛮地嘲笑和嘲笑。 然而,在政府工作的人却虔诚地对待这堆无用的废话。

    相反,在许多关于 UR 的文章中,尤其是评论部分,您会发现一些真正令人瞠目结舌的信息或情报,您认为它们不可能是真的,但经过进一步研究,您可以验证为真。 很快就会出现一个与官方叙述大不相同的清晰模式。

    从一开始,UR 就挑战了深州官方关于武汉冠状病毒的说法,并暗示这是一种生物武器假旗。 惠特尼·韦伯 (Whitney Webb) 的出色作品确实让事情进展顺利。 RU 在这个主题上的出色工作是深州的最后一根稻草。

    当中国政府开始反抗西方的宣传并开始暗示 COVID-19 是美国驻武汉军事人员的美国生物武器时,我立即知道中国政府情报机构正在阅读 UR。 那时我也知道深州会针对 UR 或 RU 进行取缔。

    所以我们来了。 禁止在 FB 上使用 UR 是该活动的第一阶段。 就像一架 F-117A 隐形战斗机取出雷达和广播站。

    • 回复: @Levtraro
    , @Vinnie O
    , @Derer
  4. Realist 说:

    Although I personally don’t use Facebook or other social networks, billions of people do,…

    And that is the problem…when billions of people believe or agree with something…run the other way.

    您被禁止使用 FB 的原因可能是您宣传和发布了反犹太文章和评论。 扎克伯格是一名犹太人,可能与您对犹太人的态度不同。

    FB 只是在过去几十年里降临在这个国家的另一个讽刺。

    • 同意: Ace, Dutch Boy, Druid
  5. 正如本文所示,美国副总检察长希望将故意暴露和感染他人 COVID-19 病毒的行为归类为恐怖主义行为:


    在这一点上,集体抗议政府基于新冠病毒的限制的美国人、那些不与他人保持六英尺距离的人,或者那些无视政府规定的其他限制(包括社会隔离和自我隔离)的人,从技术上讲都可能被视为参与其中故意传播 COVID-19 病毒,发现自己被指控犯有恐怖主义行为。

    • 回复: @Richard B
  6. Truth3 说:

    Mr. Unz, it’s simple.

    Facebook是摩萨德行动。 从一开始就一直在。


    当心不可避免的汽车炸弹、信件炸弹、线路故障引起的房屋火灾、耳朵中毒、16 英里外 F-100 轰炸目标的空袭。

    • 回复: @MLK
    , @Potemkin Villiage Bank
  7. Realist 说:

    I should have added to my original comment that…FB is a tool of the US government to get around the First Amendment. FB and other social media are propaganda tools used to promote the US government position on issues, mainly by averting anti propaganda from the public, but also by allowing the dissemination of the of government approved propaganda.


    • 同意: Michael888, idrankwhat
    • 回复: @Timmy75
  8. Anon[369]• 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @Thomasina
    , @mark green
    , @Mikhail
  9. Jake 说:

    “An obvious explanation was the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic.”

    That was just the convenient excuse. Every little totalitarian, like very humongous totalitarian, knows to never let a crisis go to waste. And that goes double for a fake crisis or an overblown crisis or managed crisis.

    Globalist Totalitarianism – which could make the USSR at its worst seem almost pastoral – intends to murder all populist opposition. Globalist Totalitarianism is much more Brave New World than it is 1984. Globalist Totalitarianism intends for large swaths of the hoi polloi to have easy access to becoming stoned, because the doped are very easy to control in ways that matter to billionaires. Globalist Totalitarianism requires Sexual Revolution in all its facets, because that too makes multitudes easy slaves to control.

    Globalist Totalitarianism requires total control of mass media, big tech, big pharma, food production and distribution. If the masses keep avoiding the propaganda, they can be starved into submission and denied medicines. They even can be weeded out, their numbers cut significantly, by illnesses created in labs owned and operated by the Globalists.

    Historic nationalities, ethnicities, and folk cultures have no meaning, no rights, before Globalist Totalitarianism. Masses of humans – slaves to the economic desires of the Empire’s Elites – are moved around the Empire as its Elites desire, both to produce cheap labor and to disrupt, implode, any entity that could become more than a minor irritant to the Empire’s Elites.

    Globalist Totalitarianism has been erected upon the frame created by the British Empire, which created the nascent forms of globalist corporatism right down to corporations owning entire nations and sub-continents: see the East India Company.

  10. 450.org 说:

    具有讽刺意味的。虽然扎克伯格禁止 TUR,但以下内容完全可以接受、启用和支持。扎克的真面目再次闪耀。太不可思议了。自然选择已被非自然选择所取代。硅谷是反自然的,因此涉及非自然选择。世界上的扎克伯格是被一个正在取代自然世界的非自然世界非自然地选择的。在自然世界中,世界上的扎克伯格一家即使足月足月,也无法在母亲子宫外存活一年,更不用说一个月或一周了,如果不是非自然世界,许多人都无法足月他们因非自然的叛教而被选中。

    • 回复: @Druid
    , @Anonymous
  11. Bradley 说:

    那里存在很大的分歧,许多人仍然感到困惑,看不到到底发生了什么。那些购买据称是新冠肺炎死亡人数的人首先列在了名单上。非常聪明的人,我该争论谁。然而,这些聪明人却错过了这一场景,这一事实令人难以置信。 《UNZ Review》的删除很可能与上述文章无关,而更多的是一个机会和第一步,以消除和以其他方式边缘化 UNZ 过去和现在的“违法行为”。无法把握即将发生的事情,已经开始的事情……。例如,当提供内容的人被禁止进入 YouTube 或 FB 时,那些有能力运营流媒体网站的人就赢得了时间。而已。个别网站(为什么不是 UNZ?)将被及时定位和删除。审查制度只是一个开始。它之所以获得如此势头,是因为聪明、有成就的人们未能抓住这一事件的本质,被新冠病毒的干扰——实现新世界的机会——蒙蔽了双眼。或者,至少,一个新的西方,蒂埃里·梅桑(Thierry Meyssan)等人(例如,作为计划而不是意外而故意破坏国家结构)认为,世界将出现巨大的鸿沟,而两者之间几乎没有互动。西方已经采取了完全的极权主义和人工智能的完善,智能电网的发展和对人口的有效监管(根据顺从性和对疫苗的服从等给予奖励和惩罚)。反击罗恩。生气。这是你对自己和我们最后的机会。

  12. 罗恩
    “假为”的哪一部分 ****” “你不明白吗?

  13. Saggy 说: • 您的网站

    Unz 并不是因为 VDare 或新冠病毒而被 Facebook 退回,而是因为许多反犹太人的文章而被退回。醒来 !自从明确禁止亚马逊上的所有全息骗局书籍以来,犹太人正在采取一种不太直接的方法来净化网络的其余部分。

    • 同意: mark green, FLgeezer
    • 回复: @Kevin Barrett
    , @Black Picard
  14. Gunga Din 说:

    Little wonder that the (((powers that be))) at Faceberg would ban Unz. And, I read an article about who the oversight board members are going to be: typical liberal joos.

  15. 让脸书见鬼去吧。我喜欢你的网站,我从来没有看过你的脸书。我不会在FB上发表任何新闻或观点。 FB 是您与基诺沙疯狂的二表弟保持联系或回忆 2 多年前与幼儿园恋人的美好时光的工具。就是这样。这些人所要做的就是直接访问您的网站。对他们更好,我不知道这对你是否更好。

    • 回复: @Emslander
  16. “…Our investigation linked this network to VDARE, a website known for posting anti-immigration content, and individuals associated with a similar website The Unz Review…”

    So Big Brother has decided that any opposition to unrestricted open borders is doubleplusungoodthink.

    The war against free speech has become relentless. Soon, as another commenter has suggested, we will be reduced to samizdats. It might be a good idea to stock up on typewriters and mimeograph machines while they are still available at fleamarkets and the like.

    • 同意: Omegabooks
  17. Delta G 说:



    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Joe Levantine
  18. anon[185]• 免责声明 说:

    Facebook 员工和高管在我们当前的灾难中遭受的痛苦与美国其他所有人一样多

    说什么? 你能找到一个面临财务破产的粪便吗?

    • 回复: @Czarlazar
  19. Max Powers 说:

    写信给 F 书的委员们,罗恩。收集他们的回应。建立你的案例。然后将他们告上法庭。你可以轻松获胜。你会赢得大奖!

  20. Max Powers 说:

    是的,vdare 是一个有影响力的品牌。特朗普宣布的所谓“暂停移民”想法(被女儿和女婿大规模淡化为无,以允许与印度和中国的裙带交易继续进行)来自vdare。就连斯蒂芬·米勒也因在手机上滚动浏览“敢于挑战”网页而受到“自由媒体”的嘲笑……

  21. Realist 说:
    @Delta G


    I agree that Zuckerberg is a turd and that FB is garbage…how does that reflect on the 10’s of millions of Americans that use it?
    As to Zuckerberg’s intellect I do not know. I do know the brains behind Microsoft was Paul Allen and the brains behind Apple was Steve Wozniak.

    • 回复: @Getaclue
    , @TomSchmidt
  22. Please allow me to set the record straight. Our report originally read,

    “Our investigation linked this network to people who noticed the overwhelming open source evidence showing that CIA mad scientists made Frankenstein germs in a lab, infected Americans with them to whet their appetite for human flesh, picked out the deadliest mutations, and went and coughed on Chinese people to wipe them out but it didn’t work and instead we started dropping like flies.”

    But then Mr. Zuckerberg said, ah, let’s, ah, put it more concisely. Thanks for understanding!

    Yael Glavlit, Content Associate, Facebook

    • 哈哈: Craig Nelsen
  23. willem1 说:

    I’ve never been on Farcebook. I follow your website and my other favorites via RSS, which can never be censored. I would urge all who want to make sure their preferred websites aren’t silenced to use RSS, and all websites to include an RSS feed as an option.

  24. 这可能只是一个在每个人都被病毒分散注意力的情况下压制不同的声音,并以病毒为契机,为未来施加更大的控制权创造先例。

    有趣的是,我知道有人在链接到 Unz 关于病毒的文章后被 Instapundit 网站禁止访问。

  25. Anon[369]• 免责声明 说:

    The reason you were banned from FB is, probably your promotion and publication of anti-Jewish articles and comments.

    No, this is obviously not the case. The most unacceptable stuff on UR has been on the site for years. Some of those columns (especially America Pravda installments) have been outside the bounds of would be considered politically acceptable yet apparently it was never a problem. But those prior America Pravda installments— even though they would be considered much more offensive— only challenged the official narrative regarding 历史的 事件。

    The key difference here, with these recent China Coronavirus articles, is that these articles challenge the official narrative in a 当前 propaganda campaign and covert war against China. UR and RU has been deemed hostile to Deep State’s operation and thus needing to be silenced.

    When I first heard Chinese government officials using information which was originally published on UR I knew Deep State would be targeting UR and/or RU. Since RU apparently doesn’t drive much I knew the first strike by Deep State wouldn’t be similar to the Michael Hastings case. But now we know Deep State has begun to engage in a campaign to silence UR and RU.

    As as disconcerting as all this is, is also confirms that, a) that there is an active Deep State operation and covert war against China, and b) UR articles, especially RU’s recent American Pravda installment, contained accurate info deemed which was deemed a threat by Deep State.

    • 同意: Miro23, TomSchmidt
    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Dutch Boy
  26. @Harvey

    你从哪里得到 Unz 将 Vdare 扔到公共汽车下的想法?

    你读过这篇文章吗? 有领悟? 甚至一个 ?

    • 回复: @Jake
  27. anon[648]• 免责声明 说:

    Maybe we should set up a diaspora instance for Unz readers who want social network functions, and duplicate facebook’s features without pimping out their personal data or censoring them. Natural News did that and now it’s a superior substitute for facebook.

  28. Jimmy1969 说:

    我只被一个网站禁止:Facebook。 禁令是对以色列政策和支持他们的强大美国犹太复国主义组织不断批评的结果。 具有讽刺意味的是,我用来支持我无情批评的许多事实来自以色列时报或耶路撒冷邮报或犹太裔美国作家和知识分子。 Facebook 在某些方面是犹太复国主义利益的代理代言人。我想你知道罗恩。
    这是生活中另一个险恶的事实,没有人具体阐述过关于 Facebook 的事实。在世界上数以万计的小镇报纸的许多评论网站上,您需要 Facebook 才能进入。 Facebook 通过预先筛选评论为这些媒体免费做肮脏的工作。但这意味着,在加拿大阿尔伯塔省北部的一个小镇,或者加拿大魁北克省的一个矿村,或者美国乡村的无数个城镇,以及世界各地的无数个地方,如果出现一点分区纠纷,或者一座高层建筑拔地而起,人们就会领口下有点热……他们可能会被旧金山地下室里的一些极客拒之门外。以我表弟居住的加拿大为例……他已经向政府人员提出了数百起投诉,称一家加州美国旧金山公司控制着加拿大的新闻评论。加拿大显然对其与南方大象有关的主权非常敏感和脆弱……但每次我的表弟教授写信给贾斯汀·特鲁多和其他组织有关 Facebook 控制加拿大知识分子生活的事情时,他都没有得到回复……你可以直接说这一点还有数百个其他国家。

    • 谢谢: Iris
    • 回复: @Olorin
    , @JWalters
  29. @Harvey

    He is not attempting to throw VDare under the bus. He is just pointing out how ridiculous the Facebook excuse for banning Unz Review is by linking Unz Review to VDare. It is known as the logical fallacy of “guilt by association” and in this case the association is tiny.

  30. anon[259]• 免责声明 说:

    For once, I think the simplest explanation is probably correct: the “200 professionals” at Facebook’s censorship department simply aren’t especially effective, and have only just got around to banning VDare and associates.

    You might think that these people think “Know thy enemy” and therefore carefully research all aspects of what they believe to be the discourse of hate. And that therefore they must have been aware of this website, and made a conscious decision not to ban it, before reversing that decision recently. And so you’ll look for what might have caused them to change their mind.

    But actually they’re probably just a bunch of fat nerds and trannies who spend most of their time off sick hobbled by their emotional problems. They probably simply hadn’t read any VDare before a few weeks ago. Once they did, and once they’d stopped crying, they banned it and anything associated with it. Simple.

    (This is based on my own occasional brief encounters with the internet thought police: they generally don’t seem to be wrapped too tight, nor too on the ball.)

    • 同意: Kratoklastes, dimples
    • 回复: @Anon
  31. Still, careless mistakes are sometimes made. A couple of days ago Facebook announced its new “oversight board” to adjudicate these sorts of matters, so I suppose I will try to get in touch with them to clarify this issue.

    Do you have in mind a % bet on the chances that FB’s “oversight board” will admit their “careless mistake” and restore Unz to the Facebook pantheon?

    回覆: “Just over a month ago I was riding high and celebrating the steady upward progress of our alternative media webzine.”

    “Kill all the best ____”
    One other thought: you’re steady patience with your adversary is so turn-the-other-cheek-like. (Hope you’ve protected those cheeks sufficiently.)
    Quite a model and inspiration.


  32. @Saggy

    UR 多年来一直在发表关于犹太人、移民和种族等主题的政治不正确文章(以及许多不那么非 PC 的东西),而没有触发审查。 显然,它将 COVID-19 暴露为美国/犹太复国主义可能对中国和伊朗进行的生物攻击导致了 FB 禁令。

    关于改变世界的深层国家犯罪的极其敏感的秘密往往会在危机刚刚结束时受到最无情的审查和压制,当时公众的看法仍然是可塑的。 在肯尼迪遇刺后的最初几年,实施了残酷的审查制度,数十人甚至数百人被杀,其中包括玛丽·迈耶和多萝西·基尔加伦等作家,他们被谋杀以阻止出版揭露罪行的书籍。 同样,在 9/11 事件发生后不久,在袭击前夕调查以色列在美国的大规模情报行动(有史以来针对美国发起的最大的外国情报行动)的联邦调查局特工受到了巨大压力; 研究人员报告说,他们面临着极端程度的骚扰和阻挠。 例如,百万富翁吉米·沃尔特(Jimmy Walter)资助了《纽约时报》和 WaPo 的整版 9/11 真相广告,他因威胁和攻击而逃出该国,此后一直流亡国外。 即使是一个相当不起眼的芝加哥穆斯林,在那个社区只有中等影响力,也因为他在 2001 年秋季出现在电台上称 9/11 是假旗而被流放。

    到 1960 年代末和 1970 年代初,马克·莱恩等人出版了揭露肯尼迪政变的畅销书。 到 2005 年,9/11 真相运动开始升温并被容忍。

    因此,几乎可以肯定 UR 因及时且可能破坏稳定的方式暴露冠状病毒生物战而被禁止。

  33. @Yael Glavlit

    The Onion would be proud to produce such a body of work.

  34. David 说:

    In the last week or so, Facebook has started funding some of the regional news sites I read, ostensibly to get them through the lockdown. So they are working both ends of the problem as they see it. Funding what they like while snuffing what they don’t.

    • 回复: @Craig Nelsen
  35. res 说:

    A couple of days ago Facebook announced its new “oversight board” to adjudicate these sorts of matters, so I suppose I will try to get in touch with them to clarify this issue.

    I suspect this process will add some clarity. But not about this specific issue.

    In any case, good luck (sincerely) with getting Facebook to revisit their decision.

  36. So the absolute prohibition of any links to our several million pages of unique content, including the near-complete archives of hundreds of America’s leading opinion magazines of the last 150 years, was allegedly justified by our being “similar” to VDare, “a website known for posting anti-immigration content.”

    I find this explanation utterly bizarre.

    Do you think that a human in the Facebook organization chose to do this, or do you think it was the output of an algorithm? I am pretty sure one of their goals is that every corporate action that can be automated will be automated as soon as can be managed.

  37. Trinity 说:

    FaceBerg is mostly used by just the old farts nowadays anyhow. I have tried to persuade some of my fellow old farts for years to dump FaceBerg and to quit patronizing Starbucks, that is some weak ass and extremely overpriced coffee.

    We can see how our First Amendment is being slowly taken away. First they came for the Nazis, then they came for….. haha.

    • 回复: @TGD
  38. Levtraro 说:

    Interesting, but why would Chinese IAs need to read UR to come up with the attack hypothesis? Don’t you think they can come up with that on their own?

  39. @Kevin Barrett

    I have been a staunch 9/11 truther since the get-go but this is not 9/11. 9/11 was about physics and engineering. Covid is about biology and organic chemistry. Two entirely different things. Non-organic science vs. organic science.

    I do not think Covid was man-made. There are lots of biological and organic chemistry reasons for this conclusion. Energy is not a life form. Mathematics is not a life form.

    I am against blaming China for this mess. The biological and inorganic chemistry evidence supports the conclusion that Covid was not man-made.

    I have already made posts where geneticists have concluded that the original A strain, now called D614, originated in Southern China not in Wuhan. Not near any war games. Not in the US either, but in Southern China where the bats are. I have also shown posts where geneticists have concluded that all the “insertions” in the Covid genome were already in bats in Southern China in 2013.

    But people who hate the Deep State want to beat up on it regardless of the evidence to the contrary. And since the Deep State is also comprised of our major corporations who profit immensely off of cheap Chinese labor to the detriment of ordinary Americans, one has to ask oneself, which “Deep State” are we talking about.

    FYI. Here is a map of the two major strains D614 and G614. If this was man-made, why are there two strains? Why did the designers choose a virus that was so susceptible to mutations? Are they that fucking dumb?


    • 同意: Brás Cubas
    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
    , @Ron Unz
    , @res
  40. Realist 说:

    Read my follow up comment #7

  41. This is the only attempt at an objective anti-UR “assessment ” that I have encountered to date, apparently at the request of Facebook itself: https://public-assets.graphika.com/reports/graphika_report_vdare_takedown.pdf

    tl;dr is (1) a network of Facebook pages run by unknown people heavily reposted UR and VDARE posts (and were apparently especially enthusiastic about promoting one blogger here in particular) in a coordinated fashion, and (2) these posts were in turn liked by people who were more likely, on average, to have been involved with “state-sponsored information operations” and “white supremacism.”


    Moreover, they even admit that themselves, if in a turnabout way, noting that there’s no evidence in at least one particular case that UR/VDARE (which are, as Ron says, substantially conflated – here as in Facebook’s own report) were coordinating with the Facebook page managers:

    在其中一篇帖子中,一个归因于秘密 IRIB 网络的 Facebook 页面放大了亲克里姆林宫博客 The Vineyard of the Saker 上的一篇文章,该文章称《Unz Review》将重点报道美国了解新冠病毒的说法。 19日,中国政府发现疫情之前就爆发了疫情。 这表明对不同和不同群体之间传递的某种叙述有共同的兴趣;不应将其视为表明它们之间存在任何组织联系。

    I assume that Graphika, the company which produced the report, wants to keep Facebook as a client and thus toes the line on their censorship decisions. But it’s telling nonetheless that the sum of the “evidence” they managed to produce is so meager. So perhaps not surprising it doesn’t seem to have especially promoted, I for one only saw it on the Twitter TL of Ben Nimmo, Graphika’s “Director of Investigations”: https://twitter.com/benimmo/status/1257742342901112832

    • 回复: @Morton's toes
    , @PNWmossback
  42. I have not ruled the possibility that COVID-19 is man-made; after all, there are some well-qualified scientists out there who lean in that direction. But one thing about Unz’s theory needs serious explaining: why is the death toll so low for what is supposed to be a bio-weapon? Why would the MIC go to a lot of trouble to, in effect, reinvent the flu? I know the MIC is famous for wasting money, but still …

    • 同意: Alden
    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  43. @davidgmillsatty

    Oops. Meant to say biological an organic chemistry evidence… Duh.

  44. lysias 说:


    • 同意: AKAHorace
    • 回复: @Enemy of Earth
  45. Ron Unz 说:
    @Kevin Barrett

    在肯尼迪遇刺后的最初几年里,实施了残酷的审查制度,数十人甚至数百人被杀,其中包括玛丽·迈耶和多萝西·基尔加伦等作家,他们被谋杀以阻止出版揭露罪行的书籍……到 1960 年代后期和1970 年代初期,马克·莱恩(Mark Lane)等人出版了揭露肯尼迪政变的畅销书。

    实际上,我认为另一个关键的区别是是否涉及“内幕消息”。 例如,似乎确实有强有力的证据表明基尔加伦被谋杀并且她的手稿被盗,但那是因为她是一位高调的记者,她声称已经获得了可以破案的爆炸性新证据。

    相比之下,莱恩的一篇很长的文章在暗杀事件发生一个月后出现,并在 1966 年出版了他的畅销书,但除了试图抹黑他和骚扰他的出版商之外,他什么也没发生。 那是因为他所做的只是根据媒体提供的公开信息以及后来的沃伦委员会报告对官方报道提出质疑。

    同样,我长文中所有“有争议”的材料都来自 MSM 来源,如纽约时报或华尔街日报,这是我关于当前疫情的主要信息来源。 我所做的只是稍微分析一下新闻报道并尝试指出一些明显的含义。

    我的猜测是,对于 XNUMX 月份的 DIA 报告告诉 ABC 新闻的那四个秘密情报来源,“深州”更受关注……

    • 同意: Mike P
    • 回复: @lysias
    , @Skeptikal
  46. UK 说:

    Like the clown at the end of the second part of the remake of “It”, some people’s egos just cannot take being ignored!

    Quick, write some even nuttier articles…

  47. Ron Unz 说:

    I do not think Covid was man-made. There are lots of biological and organic chemistry reasons for this conclusion.

    I’ve seen numerous claims on both sides of this question, and I just don’t have the expertise in microbiology or biodefense to be able to evaluate them.

    However, I think it’s very important to distinguish between the Covid-19 outbreak as a “bioweapon” and as “biowarfare.” The former would tend to imply a laboratory-produced virus, probably genetically-engineered, which is apparently a very complex and difficult procedure for a Coronavirus.

    But simply using standard techniques to select a particularly dangerous strain of an existing Coronavirus is certainly much easier, and it could then be deployed in a biowarfare attack. For example, anthrax or smallpox can be used in biowarfare without any need for genetic engineering.

    For these reasons, I had emphasized in my article that I was leaving aside the very complex and sharply-disputed scientific questions about the virus and focusing only on the plain facts of the outbreak, which I think do tend to support the American biowarfare hypothesis.

    • 同意: GazaPlanet
    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
    , @utu
  48. 罗恩-

    Please for the love of knowledge, you have to really fight this. The banning of content here represents to me, a new dark age. If I were rich, I would fight this hard with top lawyers in court. This cannot be allowed to stand. The Unz censorship is to me the greatest act of censorship of all, because many of society’s brightest lights are here.

    乌兹网 became censored, my view has been that our political process in America is invalid and will never be valid again as long as all these minds are censored. I will have no choice but to teach my children that the American political system is essentially not legitimate because of censorship.

    This is worth a millions of dollars lawsuit. ***It really unfair and capricious to ban a vast number of people over one post by one person. *** If a particular post violates some policy, due process requires dealing with that post. Why don’t they deal with that one post? It is not reasonable to censor an entire domain that hosts much of the output of many of the world’s most important intellectuals.

    Perhaps certain content violates some policy. It is not reasonable to ban speakers and it is not reasonable to ban a whole domain, especially a domain that has such a wide collection of intellects. Remember, Facebook is a kind of monopoly. There is not, and for network-monopoly reasons cannot be, an English language competitor. The market expects one common platform in the space Facebook occupies.

    Perhaps they will come to their senses and be persuaded without a fight, but I can imagine no fight more important. I really wish the most powerful people would fight this censorship but you have ended up as the most important defender of free speech that there is.

    Until this fight is won, the American political system is essentially not legitimate because of censorship.

    • 同意: Skeptikal, Joseph Doaks
    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  49. Ron Unz 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    But one thing about Unz’s theory needs serious explaining: why is the death toll so low for what is supposed to be a bio-weapon? Why would the MIC go to a lot of trouble to, in effect, reinvent the flu?

    Actually, I discussed that in my article. Since the Covid-19 fatality rate is only 0.5%-1%, it certainly is useless as an anti-personnel bioweapon. However, it’s very effective at severely damaging an economy, as America has now discovered to its great misfortune. A (purported) 40-year veteran of American biodefense made that important point in his analysis that I had republished:

    One important point he made was that high lethality was often counter-productive in a bioweapon since debilitating or hospitalizing large numbers of individuals may impose far greater economic costs on a country than a biological agent which simply inflicts an equal number of deaths. In his words “a high communicability, low lethality disease is perfect for ruining an economy,” suggesting that the apparent characteristics of the coronavirus were close to optimal in this regard. Those so interested should read his analysis and judge for themselves his possible credibility and persuasiveness.



  50. lysias 说:
    @Ron Unz

    DIA 报告显然是在 2019 年 XNUMX 月上旬撰写的。以色列报告称,XNUMX 月的第二周。

  51. @Anatoly Karlin


    Guilty by association is the prime directive of CIA counterinsurgency technique. The social network algorithms foundational to facebook and the Phoenix Program are identical.

    Also see police narcotics squads. It isn’t what you know that counts. It’s who you know!

    • 回复: @Hibernian
  52. @Ron Unz

    罗恩那篇论文的问题在于,之前只有两种自然发生的冠状病毒特别致命,即 SARS 1 和 MERS,而且都没有很强的传染性。 他们很快就死了。 两者都杀死了不到一千人。

    That is the problem with very deadly viruses. Once the population understands they are deadly, everybody avoids them “like the plague.” And so they tend to die out.


    我的观点一直是 Covid 具有传染性,但不是很致命。 那么为什么要武器化这样的东西呢?

  53. @lysias

    我不知道。 就我个人而言,我宁愿被绞死也不愿被绞死。 但这只是我。

    • 回复: @Anon
  54. Anon[603]• 免责声明 说:


    移民是个大问题。 不是每个人都想要更多的移民,他们为什么不能这么说。 为什么 Facebook 甚至应该参与其中?

    • 回复: @216
  55. Hrw-500 说:

    Vloggers Styxhexenhammer666 and timcast posted some interesting rants about Facebook latest move.

    At this rate, Facebook will became relevant as MySpace.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  56. @Ron Unz

    But you can’t control it. You can’t control the mutations, and there is an extremely good chance it will backfire on you.

    And if we did it, it backfired on us. So then you have to conclude that our people were willing to wreck our own economy in order to wreck the economy of some other government.

    • 回复: @lysias
    , @Ron Unz
  57. It seems far more likely that the explanation provided was merely an excuse to avoid explaining the true reason. If the largest website ever banned from Facebook had suffered that penalty for promoting “Covid-19 conspiracy theories” such an announcement might draw unwelcome attention to the facts being presented, perhaps with serious consequences.

    Actually, here is an excerpt of the Facebook document you linked to in comment #321 to your previous piece:

    Most recently, this network shared COVID-19-related conspiracies and hate speech about Asian Americans.

    That “network” is described in the following paragraph of that document:

    our investigation linked this network to VDARE, a website known for posting anti-immigration content, and to individuals associated with a similar website The Unz Review.

    • 回复: @Brás Cubas
  58. lysias 说:

    They may have thought our economy was going to collapse soon in any case. This way, the blame could be diverted, to a virus and/or to China.

  59. utu 说:
    @Ron Unz

    ” I was leaving aside the very complex and sharply-disputed scientific questions about the virus” – I was impressed with Yuri Deigin’s analysis: “Lab-Made? SARS-CoV-2 Genealogy Through the Lens of Gain-of-Function Research.”


    • 同意: James N. Kennett
    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Ron Unz
  60. lysias 说:

    The UR network shared hate speech against Asian Americans? Well, I have certainly seen extremely Sinophobic comments on this site that were not deleted. But the views were the commenters’. I assume they were not deleted because of this site’s free speech policies. I have seen nothing Sinophobic from RU or in any of the pieces posted here.

    I now wonder whether those unreasonable Sinophobic comments were posted precisely to serve as an excuse for censoring the site.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  61. Perhaps more apropos header image if not for the crappy [not-even] Photoshop job:

    • 回复: @216
  62. Getaclue 说:

    DARPA had a very near Facebook type thing going “Lifelog” that closed the day Facebook was started: https://www.wired.com/2004/02/pentagon-kills-lifelog-project/

    Facebook does exactly what the Government spies were attempting at “Lifelog” “an ambitious effort to build a database tracking a person’s entire existence” — privacy issues closed it down supposedly — to then be opened “privately” to accomplish the same thing? As to all these “geniuses” such as Gates, the Google founders, Bezos…– there are these murky connections as to all of them– in funding and otherwise — if you research thoroughly–that seem to indicate that there are “Intelligence Agency”/DARPA/Deep State connections and “help” given to them — the well known cover story as to Gates “outsmarting” IBM is laughable, his Mother knew all the players there, his Grandfather was on the Federal Reserve Board, his Father, a well connected Lawyer, was head of the Eugenic abortuary Planned Parenthood and is co-chair of the Gates Foundation although you never hear a word as to him —

    Bill Gates has now come out fully and “emerged” as a front man for the NWO Agenda in this Medical Martial Law roll out, leading to mass Vaccinations/chipping/24/7 “health” monitoring, that we are now seeing unfold daily….– all of these “geniuses” then work finally for Globalist type goals after “privatizing” what the “Intelligence” Agencies/Deep State NWO Government can’t do otherwise– funny how that works out. The head of DARPA actually went to work for Facebook having previously worked at Google– nothing to see there of course….

    This video of James Corbett lays it out nicely as to Facebook/DARPA “coincidences”: https://www.corbettreport.com/the-weird-darpa-facebook-coincidence-you-never-heard-about/

    — funny you hear all about “Conspiracy Theories” but to accept all of this you have to be a “Coincidence Theorist” — the truth is all need to be Conspiracy Realists– the idea is to take all freedom from the Peons as they have in the NWO Globalist ChiCom “Model” where you need a “green” light to walk out your door daily and if it red you stay in until it is green….– we are seeing this all become our “reality” here in the USA every day now. People need to wake up?: https://vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/the-true-agenda-of-the-who-a-new-world-order-modeled-after-china/

    • 同意: TheTrumanShow
    • 谢谢: Realist
  63. sarz 说:

    It wouldn’t hurt to get UR on to the Russian owned Facebook clone, VK, at vk.com. So far it’s uncensored. Pepe Escobar for one has an account there, that he set up in response to censorship at Facebook if I remember correctly. The more that our sort go over to VK the more useful for us it will get.

  64. Ron Unz 说:

    But you can’t control it. You can’t control the mutations, and there is an extremely good chance it will backfire on you.

    And if we did it, it backfired on us.

    Well, that’s a perfectly logical argument, but I tried to address it in my long article:

    When considering the hypothesis of an American biowarfare attack, certain natural objections come to mind.  The major drawback to biological warfare has always been the obvious fact that the self-replicating agents employed will not respect national borders, thus raising the serious risk that the disease might eventually return to the land of its origin and inflict substantial casualties.  For this reason, it seems very doubtful that any rational and half-competent  American leadership would have unleashed the coronavirus against China.

    但是,正如我们在每日新闻头条中看到的绝对事实所表明的那样,美国现任政府表现得怪诞而明显 无能, more incompetent than one could almost possibly imagine, with tens of thousands of Americans having now already paid with their lives for such extreme incompetence.  Rationality and competence are obviously nowhere to be found among the Deep State Neocons that President Donald Trump has appointed to so many crucial positions throughout our national security apparatus.

    Moreover, the extremely lackadaisical notion that a massive coronavirus outbreak in China would never spread back to America might have seemed plausible to individuals who carelessly assumed that past historical analogies would continue to apply.  As 我写的 几周前:



    2002年底,中国爆发了SARS,这是一种相关病毒,但致命得多,其他特征也有所不同。 该病毒杀死并杀死了数百名中国人,然后传播到其他几个国家。 对美国和欧洲的影响可以忽略不计,只有少量的案件散布,只有一两人死亡。

    因此,如果美国生物战分析家正在考虑对中国冠状病毒的袭击,难道他们不会对自己说:由于SARS从未大量泄漏回美国或欧洲,我们同样会保持与冠状病毒的隔离? 显然,这样的分析是愚蠢和错误的,但在当时看来如此令人难以置信吗?

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  65. AnonFromTN 说:

    What else is new? Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wiki, NYT, WaPo, The Guardian, CNN, State Department, CIA, MI6, and many others of their ilk are run by the same forces that promote their propaganda lies and are never interested in truth.

    The only thing that surprises me is that Facebook did not ban Unz Review earlier. Clearly an oversight of their censors.

    • 同意: acementhead
    • 回复: @Biff
  66. 216 说:

    The stated reasons were

    The people behind this network used fake accounts to create fictitious personas, post in Groups,
    manage Pages, drive traffic to off-platform sites, and evade enforcement

    Most recently, this network shared COVID-19-related conspiracies and
    hate speech about Asian Americans.

    Although the people behind this operation attempted
    to conceal their coordination,

    Merely being anti-immigration is not banned, yet.

    Are the Facebook ToS worthless and undeserving of respect, yes. Ideally we would nationalize the company.

    But they will police violations of their silly rules, and its our fault if we attempt ban evasion.

    It also appears that claiming “the media lies about white death rates” really set their alarm bells ringing.

    • 回复: @bomag
  67. AnonFromTN 说:

    Agree 100%. BTW, Google searches cannot be trusted, either. Yandex does a lot more honest job.

    • 回复: @sarz
  68. 216 说:
    @Matthew Kelly

    The left will construct epicycles to claim they are not in favor of open borders.

    On the mainstream platforms, ideas have to be presented abstractly, group based condemnations are verboten, and if someone isn’t a celebrity you can’t criticize them personally. And even criticizing celebrities runs the risk of “targeted harassment”, so I wouldn’t even bother.

    So we can say “I oppose immigration”. But its very limited to what we can say about “why” we oppose it.


    -It helps the left
    -Its bad for the environment
    -It lowers wages (in time this argument will be banned as “misinformation”)
    -Increases traffic congestion and housing prices

    What is not OK:
    -Anything tagged as a conspiracy theory
    -The fact that immigrants tend to be more male than average
    -Attacking the immigrant, and not immigration

    One can imagine they will also get angry at “Immigrants vote Democrat”, so always qualify with “Most immigrants vote Democrat”.

  69. Ron Unz 说:

    UR 网络分享针对亚裔美国人的仇恨言论?

    Yes, I saw that in the Facebook report, but it didn’t seem to make any sense, so I assume that the reference might have been to some VDare articles, like most of the section was focusing on. I suppose you could stretch a point with some of the John Derbyshire articles that we republish, but his wife is Chinese, so that would be a strange argument.

    For example, last week I republished my long China/America article from a few years ago, which got lots of nice traffic, and I doubt any objective reader would put it into that category. By contrast, I’d think that ordinary rightwing websites like Breitbart publish 1000x as much “anti-Chinese hatespeech” as we do:


    It seems to me that either Facebook was looking for some possible excuse to ban our website or the Facebook banning-people are just much more incompetent than I’d assumed.

  70. Dutch Boy 说:

    The American political and economic establishments have been working with China and demonizing Russia for decades (there is no money to be made exploiting Russian labor). Claims that China is the ultimate source of Covid and then covered it up would work against their interests. People would think twice about our economic dependence on China and support repatriating American industries. That is the last thing our overlords would want.

  71. Dutch Boy 说:

    另一种可能性: unz.com has started publishing material by E. Michael Jones. Dr. Jones really brings out the beast in SPLC and ADL types and they would be strongly tempted to lean on Zuckerberg to limit the reach of Jones’ articles. As for FB itself, it’s a nice place to share family photos and info and catch up with old friends but I wouldn’t sweat too much about being banned there.

  72. anon[358]• 免责声明 说:

    Reaching the passive facebook livestock is only one thing this site does well. It also draws the kind of people who get censored – like people who know what’s going on.

    back in 2017 there was a very productive multinational leapchat on the general theme of state crime that collated a ton of helpful evidence on illegal CIA biowarfare. It spread onto Tor hidden services, Crabgrass, Protonmail, and i2p. The impetus was the prototype of Barrett Brown’s Pursuance Project.

    We have some very plugged-in people here so if it would be helpful to break off, you know, just between us girls, we can set that up again.

  73. res 说:

    FYI. Here is a map of the two major strains D614 and G614. If this was man-made, why are there two strains? Why did the designers choose a virus that was so susceptible to mutations? Are they that fucking dumb?


    Viruses mutate. Whether designed or not. There are far more than two strains out there, it is just that D614 and G614 are subgroups which seem to vary in significant ways. For anyone interested, GISAID has a database of over 5000 virus genomes. Here is their browser if you would like to see how much variation there is. The dots are color coded by country and there is a map in the lower panel.


    Maybe try to learn something about what you are talking about before characterizing others as “dumb”? Otherwise it just looks like projection.

    • 回复: @Brás Cubas
  74. A new organization had recently taken out a 全页广告 in the New York Times that denounced these latter notions in very strong terms, claiming that such ideas were almost as dangerous as the virus itself and spread as rapidly, therefore demanding that they be banned by the leading social networks.

    That organization is 网站. Its website’s “关于我们” page quotes The Guardian as saying “Avaaz is only five years old, but has exploded to become the globe’s largest and most powerful online activist network.” The page continues with nauseating drivel about its “ethic of servant leadership” and how it is funded by its members.

    The reality is a bit different. According to https://www.ngo-monitor.org/ngos/avaaz/ it was founded in

    2007 by “Res Publica, a global civic advocacy group, and 移动网站,” a George Soros-funded organization involved in ideological and political campaigns in the United States.

    They’ve seen the future of alternative media and political activism, and unfortunately it is not ourselves.

    • 回复: @YetAnotherAnon
  75. Coincidentally, Antonia Staats is employed by avaaz.org网站. She is the woman whose lockdown-breaking visits to Neil Ferguson forced his resignation as a government advisor.


  76. Hibernian 说:
    @Morton's toes

    I was briefly trained in this type of analysis in the service. It’s common sense and shows up in cop shows such as Law and Order and NCIS. Guilt by association is unjust; suspicion by association is necessary to catch wrongdoers. If there’s a convicted drug dealer recently released from prison who has gone back to drug dealer behavior, hanging out in drug areas, etc., the people who call him on the phone often are rightly suspected of being his customers or suppliers. Arrest and conviction rightly require real evidence. Zuckerberg is a monopolist who has power approaching that of the head of a government agency. There’s a need for a competing social network which doesn’t practice censorship except when outright calls for the violent overthrow of the government or hard core pornography are involved.

    • 回复: @sarz
  77. Nate_K 说:


    奇怪的是,我不认为这是问题所在,而他只是想避免媒体上关于传播电晕“阴谋论”和“仇恨言论”的负面报道,我真的认为如果他按照自己的方式行事,几乎一切都会被允许在 facebook 上——更多的用户,更多的钱。

    • 同意: Usura
    • 回复: @Realist
  78. anon[146]• 免责声明 说:

    No sympathy. Conservative losers are greedy individualists who only care when things personally effect their pocketbooks or their ability to go out to a restaurant and stuff their faces with hamburgers. They knew about censorship since 2016 at least and did nothing about it. They’re getting what they deserve. I hope Google follows up by banning more of them from their search listings. Twitter, too. Why wouldn’t they? Conservatives won’t care. They’re too busy celebrating the return of grilling season as maybe another 100k people die by August. Losers.

    • 回复: @lysias
  79. @Jake

    Many necessary observations of extremely harsh truths here, Jake, so much so that the punch line was only tangentially skimmed and not expressly stated:

    Globalist Totalitarianism – which could make the USSR at its worst seem almost pastoral – intends to murder all populist opposition.

    Expressing the punch line:

    Globalist Totalitarianism is a Jew initiative being executed by Jews aided by (((their))) shabby goyim who are either Jew-duped Golem or Jews’ hirelings.

  80. Jake 说:
    @Jett Rucker

    Harvey doth protest way too much.

  81. Jake 说:
    @Ron Unz

    As I say when looking at the insoluble problems of black (Bantu) run cities and nations: it is virtually impossible to separate the incompetence and laziness from the corruption. They feed one another.

  82. anon[191]• 免责声明 说:

    “Facebook surely invests substantial resources in policing its content, which their report claims is performed by a team of more than 200 professionals.”

    “Professionals” in what? A degree in Internet Policing obtained from the ADL university? To get such a job at Facebook, males would just be required to have a Manbun with a Hipster beard and wear skinny jeans at all times with a letter of recommendation from their previous job as a Barista at Starbucks. Females would be required to have a tattoo on their arms that says, “Stop Hate” and the same letter of recommendation from Starbucks.

  83. lysias 说:

    Anybody who uses the word “loser” as a term of abuse exposes himself as a vulgar materialist.

  84. Anon[357]• 免责声明 说:

    Read/scrolled through it. Wish he’d spent more time analyzing possible drugs/treatments or specified the peptid the Chinese are looking into.

  85. Iris 说:
    @Kevin Barrett

    The other gatekeeper website Twitter is also up in arms against non-conventional Covid-19 discussions, so you must be right.

    Twitter anoints itself arbiter of coronavirus truth with pledge to label even ‘disputed’ & ‘unverified’ claims as disinfo


  86. trelane 说:

    Facebook traffic, large as it may be, is low quality traffic.

  87. JasonT 说:

    ” So why weaponize something like that?”

    To provide the context for a fearmongering campaign to implement lockdowns, transfer the wealth and control of entire nations to a few well-healed and to provide the environment for totalitarian control over the populations of those nations – without actually making it dangerous for those who benefit from the lockdowns, wealth transfer and control.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
    , @Paul C.
  88. Biff 说:

    What else is new? Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wiki, NYT, WaPo, The Guardian, CNN, State Department, CIA, MI6, and many others of their ilk are run by the same forces that promote their propaganda lies and are never interested in truth.

    Lies and truth are not collectively as important as being able to control the narrative at all times. Bans and purges with accusations of “fake news” are acts of desperation to get back in control of the narrative, and I got a hard whiff of that desperation the day Donald Trump was elected president, and again as the pandemic began to grip America. Desperado would be the song to sing as they turn you into a blank slate.

    The mainstream media institutions are now on the ropes with viewership dwindling and credibility shot due to the promotion of neocon lies – even dumb Americans have bullshit limitations. This makes the empire scared and nervous, and ultimately, unpredictable.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  89. swamped 说:

    “毕竟,在世界的许多其他地方或历史时代,秘密警察的午夜突袭和古拉格的单程票很可能是对我的挑衅性著作的回应”……例如在极权主义的中国,UR事实上,Facebook 也被禁止,因为所有 Facebook 以及许多其他网络媒体和服务在中国都被禁止,这是中国暴君的心血来潮——并且没有监督委员会联系以“裁决”任何差异。 但也许 UR 可以继续代表中共审查人员进行宣传,谦虚地恳求他们加入新浪微博,在微博上,关于美国深层国家在对中国生化武器的阴谋诡计中双脚开枪的阴谋论总是受到赞赏。 有趣的是,在美国的中共旅友如此迅速地为美国媒体巨头的审查而沸腾——这是正确的——但仍然不受中国公然审查的影响。 美国的深层政府当然有很多令人讨厌的地方,但如果他们想打倒可恶的中共,那至少是对他们有利的一件事,并祝他们好运。

    • 回复: @denk
  90. SteveK9 说:

    罗恩,我认为你在疫情问题上完全脱离了轨道(就连普京也这么做过)。但是,过去几年我真的很喜欢你的页面。我打算在这里继续阅读。我想我几年前创建了一个 Facebook 页面,因为我想在某个地方发表评论,但我从未看过它,也根本没有上过 Facebook。现在,我看到他们正在严格审查内容,我不打算开始。

    这是最近的一个例子:21st Century Wire 链接到 Facebook 上的一段视频,视频中一名警察谴责使用武力限制公民的人身自由。没有咒骂,什么也没有,只是对美国宪法的合理理解,以及他自己对这对我们社会造成的负面影响以及这些行为的错误的看法。几天后回去,发现它因违反社区标准而被删除!

    如果类似的东西可以被禁止,我认为我们需要 Facebook 的替代品。您似乎同意应该容忍一些审查制度。是对的吗?我不希望任何内容受到审查。我可以自己决定某件事是否有意义、是否可能是真实的、是否有趣……。


  91. Ron Unz 说:

    Yuri Deigin 的分析给我留下了深刻的印象:“实验室制造?通过功能获得研究的视角了解 SARS-CoV-2 谱系。”

    嗯,我把这篇16,000字的长文看完了,还看了几十个复杂的图表。顺便说一句,该分析似乎相当有说服力,即 Covid-19 很可能是在实验室中进行生物工程的,尽管该文章的主张相反 的性质。 但这恰恰凸显了我不太关注这些复杂且相互矛盾的科学论点的原因。

    (1) I don’t have a sliver of the necessary expertise in microbiology or virology to evaluate these claims. All the dozens of complex charts and graphs are just colorful pictures to me. Would a real expert accept the author’s analysis? Maybe, maybe not.

    (2) Even aside from the analysis, I can’t possibly check all the dozens of sources he cites. Are they correct or misleading? If some of his charts and graphs were straight-out fabricated, how would I ever know?

    (3) 当前关于 Covid-19 的争端至少涉及两个科学技术非常先进的国家(美国和中国)、数万亿美元的经济损失和潜在索赔,而且很可能还涉及一个或多个情报机构。数万亿美元是捏造各种数据和雇用人员撰写很长且看似有说服力的科学文章的强大动力。

    (4) If the author of the article were a top professor at an elite university, I’d tend to take him more seriously since he would have a personal reputation to protect. But as far as I can tell, he’s a fairly young gerontology blogger. That doesn’t mean he’s wrong, but it also raises the possibility that someone put him up to it, especially since it seems to point the finger of suspicion towards a leak at the Wuhan lab. Maybe he’s just a very sharp young guy who got so tremendously interested in the subject that he did the massive personal research needed to produce a 16,000 word article…but maybe not.

    (5) My assumption all along has been the US, China, Israel, and various other nations probably all have secret biowarfare programs going, and I’ve seen claims that bat viruses are supposedly among the most popular.

    (6) I’ve never had a strong opinion one way or the other about whether Covid-19 might have been bioengineered. Various people, many of whom have far more expertise than myself, have taken strong positions on one side or the other, and I can’t properly weigh their arguments. Instead, I focus on those items that I can more easily evaluate.

    例如,假设这篇 16,000 字文章中谨慎暗示的假设是正确的,Covid-19 是在武汉实验室进行生物工程设计的,然后不知何故意外泄漏。那么如何解释以下三个问题呢?


    (2) 武汉爆发的 Covid-19 疫情发生在中国最糟糕的时期,即大规模农历新年旅行之前不久。显然,意外泄漏会发生在一年中的任意时间。

    (3) Our DIA reported the existence of a “cataclysmic” disease outbreak in Wuhan well over a month before anyone in China was apparently aware of it.

    Suppose the Gambinos in NYC were in the middle of a bloody gang-war against the Bonnanos and the Colombos, and on Tuesday night the police found the bodies of a Bonnano capo and a Colombo capo, both shot to death. Perhaps an extremely technical 16,000 word analysis of the autopsy and bullet wounds would completely change our assumptions of what likely happened…but probably not!

    在某些方面,这种超技术分析让我想起一些肯尼迪刺杀研究人员或 9/11 真相者投入了非凡的时间和精力来解决这些事件中最复杂的技术问题,而不是退后一步,专注于大局,我认为这一点更为重要。

    • 谢谢: utu
  92. You can post an unz.com address to Facebook as follows:



    (Copy-paste into your browser. Facebook doesn’t allow a direct link to websites it deems too controversial.)

    whatever X is.

    It works because %2E is the hexidecimal code for period and all browsers recognize it as such. But Facebook won’t recognize the line as a website address.

    (At least until the people who run Facebook figure out what’s going on.)

    • 回复: @Kratoklastes
  93. AnonFromTN 说:

    There is something in that. Cornered rat is dangerous.

  94. ‘… If Americans began to suspect that this unimaginable national disaster…’

    It’s…it’s as bad as the 2017-2018 flu season.

    We all remember how that wracked America. how we found it necessary to impose a totalitarian regime and artificially force the nation into a major depression.

    Or have we forgotten already? Are people going to claim that didn’t happen?

    • 巨魔: L.K
    • 回复: @Alden
  95. @Brás Cubas


    Although I showed that Ron Unz is wrong in stating that Facebook is hiding the Covid-19 conspiracies factor to his having been banned, it’s obvious that Facebook is not being honest in their explanation of motives. Let’s look at that sentence again:

    Most recently, this network shared COVID-19-related conspiracies and hate speech about Asian Americans.

    So, let’s say that Ron Unz writes an article about a COVID-19 conspiracy and Steve Sailer writes a post ridiculing the anti-white animus in a New York Times op-ed written by an Asian-American woman. That would give that quoted sentence a semblance of truth, but a specialist in discourse analysis would easily notice that the message that they are trying to pass here is entirely different. Anyone who reads that sentence will immediately associate “COVID-19 related conspiracies” and “hate speech about Asian Americans”, and, without having read any article on this website dealing with COVID-19 or with Asian-Americans, would probably conclude that this website specializes in theories accusing China of being responsible for COVID-19 or for the virus, or something along those lines, even though that kind of theory is not advanced by Ron Unz or, to my knowledge, in any article published on this website.

    The only question for me is: who are they trying to fool?

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  96. A couple of days ago Facebook announced its new “oversight board” to adjudicate these sorts of matters, so I suppose I will try to get in touch with them to clarify this issue.

    I doubt Alan Rusbridger and will lend a sympathetic ear. The Brits have little interest in free speech and the Jew and black stuff at UR is just the kind of speech they eagerly smother. Writers like Paul Kersey and Striker would probably be banned from even visiting the UK.

  97. @Brás Cubas

    ‘…The only question for me is: who are they trying to fool?’

    If they were honest, they’d say ‘people pressured us to ban Unz评论, so we banned Unz评论.’ Per se, they could care less what’s on the site. No pressure: no ban. Pressure: ban.

    Unz评论 could concern itself with adorable kittens and how to make them happy. The only difference that would make is that Facebook would really have to dig to come up with a pretext to ban the site.

    • 同意: Kratoklastes
  98. Iris 说:
    @Ron Unz

    but it also raises the possibility that someone put him up to it, especially since it seems to point the finger of suspicion towards a leak at the Wuhan lab

    Of all the possible sources of the virus, the Wuhan lab option is one of the most implausible for the following reason:

    The phylogenetic tracing of the SARS-CoV-2 virus carried out by the Cambridge geneticist showed that its ancestor form (Strain A) was present in only two samples taken in Wuhan, while it was found in larger numbers in other Chinese locations (Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou) as well as in Taiwan, the US, Australia and Belgium.


    Then this ancestor Strain A generated Strain B, which caused the bulk of the Wuhan outbreak and finally got authorities to realise that a new virus had appeared.

    So the virus, allegedly leaked from Wuhan lab under Strain A, would have travelled all over China and to 3 other continents, but of all places it was 成熟 to have existed, it would have chosen precisely Wuhan to mutate under a more active and deadly form? How likely is that?

    This hypothesis would have some plausibility only if Wuhan presented a zootic environment somehow favorable to coronavirus’ mutations. But we know this is not even true, as the preferred bat hosts inhabit the Southern part of China.

    The possibility of a virus leaking from a Wuhan lab, then spreading all over the world, to finally mutate into a more transmissible and deadlier form in Wuhan precisely, of all places, seems extremely implausible and far-fetched.

    To use the gangster analogy, if a crime boss had, unbeknownst to anybody, fathered criminal sons over 4 continents, what would be the likelihood of one of the unaware criminal grandsons to come back and establish a large crime syndicate in his grand-father turf, of all places?

    Nobody rational can believe in such a coincidence, that BOTH the accidental initial release AND deadly mutation happened in the same place just by chance. Most likely, the Wuhan Lab played no role whatsoever in the pandemic.

  99. Thomasina 说:

    I remember her, although I wish I didn’t.

    “On December 4, 2019, Karlan—alongside law professors Noah Feldman, Michael Gerhardt, and Jonathan Turley—testified before the House Judiciary Committee regarding the constitutional grounds for presidential impeachment in the Impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.”

    Jonathan Turley was the only one who made any sense and he argued successfully against the other three on the Left. Karlan definitely has an agenda.

    Time for someone to seriously challenge Facebook.

  100. Daniel H 说:

    Related: This comment, to a friend’s post, just got me a 30 day ban from Facebook. Damn, I was hoping for a 6 month ban.

    For a while I thought that this tranny nonsense may recede into the background now that we have real, important matters to deal with, but no. These narcissists will find a way to promote themselves no matter.

  101. MrTea 说:

    让我想起了我在 C-Span 上与 Facebook 高管以及其他网络巨头一起观看的国会听证会。众议院议员马克斯·罗斯 (D-NY)(因阿富汗战争老兵和犹太人而闻名)听了 Facebook 正面的言论,讲述她为消除“极端主义”分子所做的油腔滑调的努力,然后举起他的智能手机,上面加载了 Facebook 页面:


  102. @andwat

    Ditto. Frankly, the Facebook icon was my ‘proof’ that this site is a limited hangout. Unz got rid of a parasite….

  103. @davidgmillsatty

    My point has always been that Covid is contagious but not very deadly. So why weaponize something like that?

    This has been answered many times (in this thread, and elsewhere).

    It’s analogous to why wounding an enemy is tactically more useful than killing an enemy; enemy wounded tie up enemy resources (platoon mates prior to evac; the evac resource; treatment resources) and have negative effects on enemy morale. A gut-shot comrade in excruciating pain awaiting medevac does bad things to his unit morale.

    A good rule of thumb is that each enemy wounded takes enemy 8 personnel out of play (temporarily). In a very real sense it’s bad tactics to shoot to kill, if you’re involved in a standard infantry engagement. (This is why Blitzkrieg worked so well… armour breaks the enemy defensive line at speed, leaving large numbers of 负伤 enemy defenders in its wake).

    Having a low-lethality but quite contagious pathogen is much more useful tactically than, say, Ebola.

    A weaksauce pathogen like SARS-nCoV-2 generates large numbers of not-very-sick people – but more than enough tie up health infrastructure and generate widespread civilian panic. The political class will then flail around doing fuckwitted shit; civilian morale will be degraded; industrial activity will crater.

    This is kind of the lewisite and/or sulphur mustard model: exposure to those 能够 be fatal, but the real benefit (as a weapon) is that it injures people badly enough to take them out of action. Contrast that with VX or Sarin, which are more reliably lethal.

  104. sarz 说:

    I have the Yandex browser because it’s Russian and I thought their search engine would be a good alternative to Google and Bing. But it’s not that different. The one that I am haopy to have discovered recently is https://www.startpage.com/. A lot of the politically sensitive stuff that the going search engines have carefully buried shows up on the first page.

  105. @Mark Hunter

    tinyURL(免费); ow.ly(免费*); bit.ly ($) 和其他 URL 缩短器也可以正常工作。

    I just posted a bitly link to an UR page, on my own FB ‘wall’ – it appears to have worked. It probably shocked the monitoring algorithm; my FB account exists solely to prevent ID theft, and the last time I used it was in 2017 to try and find a lost cat.

    https://bit.ly/2SYXufJ (the story about the Slovenian antibody test)

    Ron could use the bitly API and add a ‘copy short link’ button to each article.

    It would take some time before FB’s Grand inquisitors discovered it, even if he only used bitly.

    There are also ‘self-hosted’ ways to generate your own shortlinks (e.g., https://shlink.io/ ) instead of using subscription APIs – but that would require owning a separate domain for the shortlinks (unz.com is plenty short enough but of limited usefulness in trying to avoid the scrutineers).

    * ow.ly is free unlimited shortlinks, but has no API and requires a Hootsuite account. From memory there’s a Python way to automate it without the API; I’ll look tomorrow.

    • 谢谢: Mark Hunter
    • 回复: @Mark Hunter
  106. Renoman 说:

    That’s what you get for being the best and telling the truth. Sure sign that you are right over the target.

  107. sarz 说:

    There’s a need for a competing social network which doesn’t practice censorship except when outright calls for the violent overthrow of the government or hard core pornography are involved.

    There already is one. Of course it is not American or part of the West (minus Iceland). It’s Russian, so it comes with some protection from forces of the empire. And it already has a hundred million users. It makes no bones about being a clone of Facebook. You can even log in with your Facebook or Google ID.


    • 回复: @SINCERITY.net
  108. @Ron Unz

    Fair enough. But from where I sit, it seems that the bulk of the economic damage was done by the lockdown, rather than the virus. There was no need for the government to overreact; they chose to do that. The Chinese, as I recall, only locked down one of their 34 provinces, not the entire country. Sweden, Iceland and Japan have placed only minimal limitations on public commerce, while Belarus does not seem to have imposed any at all–in fact, they just had their annual VE parade a few days, as they do every year. Yet none of these countries seem to have fared much worse than the rest.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  109. Bumpkin 说:

    Honestly, this site should just lean into it, though I don’t blame Ron for giving it one last shot given their flimsy excuse. Once they stonewall you or continue with the dumb excuses, I’d just put prominent notices saying “Banned by Facebook” on this site and other social media like twitter, and attract the many people for whom that’s a positive, like me. I’ve never had a FB account and have been warning people for a decade that it was sure to have serious privacy breaches and scandals, all of which came true over the last couple years.

    I stopped frequenting any legacy MSM sites many years back and Unz has become a daily visit for me since last year. You already have a critical mass of readers like me sharing links to posts from here on other sites we frequent. I found this site because of a link in a comment from an economics blog I read.

    This could be a Streisand moment for this site, my advice is to use this ban for all it’s worth.

  110. Ron Unz 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    政府没有必要反应过度;他们选择这样做。我记得,中国人只封锁了 34 个省份之一,而不是整个国家。

    I don’t think that’s correct. From everything I’ve read, the Chinese locked down over 700 million(!) of their citizens, involving every city in their entire country. As I’ve repeated said, the Chinese effort was probably 1000x larger than the largest medical quarantine in human history. It got huge international coverage at the time, proving that either the Chinese government had gone totally insane or they felt they were confronting a mysterious and extremely dangerous new disease.

    And their lock downs were far more severe than anything we’ve done in the US. For that reason, they worked, and almost totally stamped out Covid-19 in China. I think the lockdown in most of the country only lasted a couple of weeks, and they’ve now been able to reopen Wuhan itself to almost totally normally life.

    Meanwhile, our half-hearted lockdowns haven’t worked, and millions of Americans are now infected. Personally, I think the plans to reopen the economy now are likely to be disastrous, but I suppose we’ll find out soon enough. When you have a highly-contagious disease with a 0.5%-1% death rate, and it spreads throughout your country, you end up with a lot of deaths.



  111. 上面的 K9 是对的。 这个页面完全脱离了关于covid的轨道。

    突然间,Ron Unz 在他的《美国真理报》专栏中告诉我们,他相信我们的主流媒体——我们的大型制药公司拥有的主流媒体——提供给我们的统计数据和流行病解释。 他不看监管捕获,他一点也不奇怪为什么我们的主流媒体一致接受恐惧,他要求没有一个病理报告的尸检发现,而且,在一个慢性儿童疾病与在扩大 CDC 儿童疫苗接种计划的范围内,他毫不犹豫地考虑了在甚至福奇博士所属的全球主义机构中公开声明的目标,即实现强制性成人疫苗接种。


    • 同意: AnonAnon, TheTrumanShow
  112. @sarz

    Your comment couldn’t be shared because this link goes against our Community standards
    Facebook now enforces their community censorship standards upon the entire Internet Universe. Though shalt not link to undesirable web sites. “Your comment couldn’t be shared …Read More »
    Here is our take
    I second the suggestion to meet at vk dot com, a very vibrant community

  113. Vinnie O 说:


  114. anon[294]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

    UNZ 请以违反合同为由对 FAANG 提起集体诉讼:未能成为所陈述或暗示的中立出版商和运营商。

  115. “Revealed: Facebook’s CIA connections …” stpaulsresearch.com . Isn’t Facebook a quasi-governmental agency which was financed by In-Q-Tel, a venture capital firm linked to the CIA ? As such it is not a private company and could be sued for violating the 1st Amendment . Doesn’t Facebook share personal information about its users with intelligence agencies ?

  116. 请注意以下对您的 Facebook 社区标准的修订:

    Footnote 62 to § 1248, ¶ 6.2.1 is revised to read: “hate speech,” [INSERT] “or ratting out CIA for shooting JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Walter Reuther, John Lennon, Ronald Reagan, Robert Vance, Gary Webb, Paul Wellstone, and Seth Rich, or for blowing up OKC, the Pentagon, the WTC twice, and the Boston Marathon, for infecting us with anthrax, for torturing people at industrial scale, or for controlling facebook with hi-res video of Zuck high on BZ bonking toddlers on David Copperfield’s magic island.”

    感谢您让 facebook 成为一个欢迎所有人的环境!

    Yael Glavlit,Facebook 高级内容助理

    • 回复: @Old Jew
  117. TomSchmidt 说:

    Complain if you want about Zuck, and I use no FB products, but he is apparently a first-class coder and has built a culture around it. For an amusing and thoroughly engaging view inside FB, I’ve found no better book than Chaos Monkeys. There’s a fascinating view in there of the plan to sell “quanta” of your attention to advertisers. The tech is designed to keep you isolated and frazzled for the ends of selling your mind to advertisers.

  118. AnonFromTN 说:


    In my experience, Yandex found many sites that Google intentionally did not find. The fact that Wiki often comes on top of Google searches is a fair warning: birds of a feather stick together. In any case, unaffiliated brother is better than an affiliated one, no matter with whom.

  119. @Harvey

    “你为什么要把 Vdare 扔到公共汽车下面?我们必须团结在一起,否则我们就会被分开吊死。”

    这是基本的,我亲爱的华生:Unz 是为了开放边界,但不足以适应控制 Facebook、Twitter、Google 和 YouTube 的中国霸主。

    • 回复: @sally
  120. AnonFromTN 说:

    That search engine does not seem any better than Google. I did a test search with “Donetsk people’s republic” and the first three hits are lying Wiki. Will keep looking for a better search engine.

  121. anon[152]• 免责声明 说:

    Hey AnonfromTN,


    (with useful proxy that works around Tor harassment)

    (one of many instances, you just need Tor Browser Bundle)


    None of them are perfect but you get a wider variety of hits when you let 1000 flowers bloom. Polymath fund manager John Hussman points out that there’s no barrier to entry protecting google’s search monopoly. You or I could set up the sparse-matrix manipulation procs with open-source tools. Key is to support everybody except InqTel’s spy google.

  122. @davidgmillsatty

    I think this was addressed very well by oldmicrobiologist. The article where Ron put together out of his comments on the saker. Still here on unz.

    Super contagious but not super deadly is the perfect weapon if you want to do economic damage and not to kill a lot of people. Cause if it is also super deadly, nukes would have flown and we would not be here already.

    The other important bit he mentioned was that China also has an offensive bio program.


  123. @Ron Unz

    … they [China’s severe lockdowns] worked, and almost totally stamped out Covid-19 in China.

    That may be what China’s government says but is it really true? The following is from  “Coronavirus Missives from Japan and the US”  by Linh Dinh dated a few days ago (May 8, 2020):

    The Chinese have been very dishonest about the state of Corona Virus in their country. They never did get it under any kind of control, they just pretended to for business reasons. Now it is in Beijing. They too are facing collapse of present society.

    He doesn’t say how he knows this.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  124. Ron Unz 说:
    @Mark Hunter


    Well, maybe Covid-19 isn’t really contagious and everything we read in the MSM is just a hoax. But otherwise, China has now almost fully reopened all of their cities, including Wuhan, and crowds are now even back at their Disneyland. So if they’re lying and the virus is still fairly widespread in their country, that would be a remarkably stupid thing to do, and we’ll soon see just how remarkably stupid.

    Since you seem a rather diehard “China skeptic,” you might want to read a couple of my old articles on the subject, as well as my most recent one, if you haven’t already done so:




  125. SafeNow 说:

    I will propound yet another banning theory. The hallmark of Ron Unz himself, and also of the other essayists, is writing an essay that is fastidious, thoughtful, and lengthy. Readers here tend to possess the intellect, sensibility, and attention span to deal with, and enjoy, the complexity of such an essay, and also the complexity and variety of the commentary. In contrast, the mainstream online media, such as Twitter and Facebook, are dependent upon simplified slogans and brief talking points.

    And now a related Covid theory. If Covid originated from an accidental spill at a lab, the reason might have been a lack of attention span to deal with safety protocols. It is worth remembering that the problem with infections caused by the use of contaminated endoscopes turned out not to have been their design; rather, it was the difficulty of finding people with the attention span to clean them properly. Similarly, the process of donning and then removing an ebola suit required the use of a “buddy” so that multiple people could redundantly preside over safety protocols. Perhaps the ultimate cause of Covid was the smartphone-generated, media-generated, attention span.

  126. @Ron Unz

    叫我波莉安娜,但你真的认为道德上的美国人,任何美国人都会参与生物战,意图杀死中国人和伊朗人吗? 我从未在军队或情报界看到过这种压力。 9/11 的大屠杀也是如此。 美国人或以色列人似乎不可能为一些邪恶的战争金戈犯下大屠杀。
    你个人认识有能力做到这一点的美国人吗? 你会参与大规模谋杀或生物战吗?

  127. @Ron Unz

    Any statement from the Chinese government should be viewed with suspicion and likewise any statement from the U.S. government. We need to “go into the field” and see for ourselves – or through a reliable reporter – what is really true.

    Linh Dinh claims that the picture in China is not as rosy as some believe. He doesn’t say how he knows this but because of his wide travels presumably he has some, to him, firsthand accounts. Then there are the news reports you mention, so what to believe?

    It would be hard for China to get away with lying about reopening its cities, and if what Dinh says is true that will lead to mass contagion. As you say, we will soon find out.

    I had read with pleasure and appreciation the three articles you referenced.

    • 回复: @lysias
  128. lysias 说:
    @Mark Hunter

    About a month ago, the day before the Chinese government expelled the Washington Post’s reporter in Peking for what that government alleged to be unfriendly coverage, a report by that reporter appeared in the Washington Post. He reported that Peking had largely reopened and that he had just eaten at a restaurant there.

  129. Anonymous[425]• 免责声明 说:

    It may owe more to Google search algorithm than Facebook.

    Unz on Facebook had less than 7,000 subscribers.

    I had a site that got over 2,000 visits daily.

    One day, I posted something ‘controversial’, and the site’s been getting 20 viewers a day.

    Google plays god with search monopoly.

  130. @Fran Taubman

    阅读  不友好的天空  和  欺骗美国  到了晚了 罗德尼·斯蒂奇(Rodney Stich) and you will understand how evil the “powers that be” can be.

  131. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Do you personally know any Americans capable of that?

    I know that every US president I remember is guilty of mass murder, on the scale from hundreds of thousands to millions. None of them killed the victims personally: American war machine executed criminal orders.

    Same goes for Israel. Every prime minister in living memory is a war criminal. The numbers of victims are smaller, mostly in the thousands. Not because of their moral rectitude, but because of their more limited criminal capabilities.

    • 回复: @SafeNow
  132. Glasnostra 说:

    You can understand the sensitivity of this particular topic. COVID-19 is the USA’s Chernobyl. The USA needs to be destroyed like the USSR – shred it into a thousand pieces (or at least six) and scatter it to the four winds. Exterminate the apparatchiks and ship their children to re-education camps. The US government’s a cancer on a perfectly good land mass. If there were any remaining halfwits who couldn’t grasp that, now even they caught on.

    The kleptocracy hopes to keep all the facebook lumpenproles busy trying to vote their way out of this, so the built-in futility of this fake democracy can save them. For that to work they can’t let you know that CIA infected you in America, pulled the deadliest strains out of your family’s corpses, and sprayed them on China in a sneak attack.

    China and Russia are the good guys. CIA’s the Nazis. Nuke their timmie coward balls and we’ll strew flowers and sweets.

  133. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    I have the Yandex browser because it’s Russian and I thought their search engine would be a good alternative to Google and Bing. But it’s not that different. The one that I am haopy to have discovered recently is https://www.startpage.com/. A lot of the politically sensitive stuff that the going search engines have carefully buried shows up on the first page.

    I’m not clear on just what constitutes “politically sensitive stuff,” but if you scroll down on the Startpage search page and look under the heading, “How we made search private,” you will find the following:

    You can’t beat Google when it comes to online search. So we’re paying them to use their brilliant search results in order to remove all trackers and logs. The result: The world’s best and most private search engine.

    Given the above, Startpage displaying different search results than Google would not make sense at first glance. Am I missing something?

    • 回复: @sarz
  134. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    There’s a fascinating view in there of the plan to sell “quanta” of your attention to advertisers. The tech is designed to keep you isolated and frazzled for the ends of selling your mind to advertisers.

    I seem to recall that zuckerberg was a double major: computer science 心理学。

    (Is that correct?)

    zuckerbook is, for me at least, far more a testament to zuckerberg’s understanding of human psychology than a tribute to his coding abilities

  135. @Ron Unz

    You’re absolutely correct on this – would be very weird if China had a raging pandemic, but all the international spread from March was coming from Italy and later on from the US and other European states. (A minor outbreak, since suppressed, was imported into Harbin from Russia).

    There’s recently been a second surge in Wuhan, so the Chinese are now rolling out ten million tests over the next ten days. That’s as many tests as the US has performed to date. Truly remarkable example of Sinotriumphalism and the extent to which Chinese state capacity seems to now outmatch that of the US or pretty much any other Western country.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @GazaPlanet
    , @Ron Unz
  136. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    There’s recently been a second surge in Wuhan, so the Chinese are now rolling out ten million tests over the next ten days. That’s as many tests as the US has performed to date.

    Are the Chinese tests more accurate than the American ones?

    If they are of the same +/- 30% variety as the American tests purportedly are, the results they obtain are not going to mean very much.

  137. @Anatoly Karlin

    Graphica 是一家有趣的公司。他们专注于识别沟通模式。



    合作伙伴包括 DARPA、奈特基金会、美国参议院情报特别委员会和国防部密涅瓦计划。

    说到公司——罗恩引用的在《纽约时报》上刊登广告的医生小组似乎是在 Avaaz 上或通过 Avaaz 组建的。根据 ResPublica 和 MoveOn 的维基百科页面,该组织于 2007 年由 ResPublica 和 MoveOn 合作成立。

  138. I’m not a diehard China skeptic but I do hate totalitarianism. Instead of succumbing to martial law or waiting for a dangerous rushed-to-market vaccine (see Paul Craig Roberts on that), concentrate on curing, or ameliorating the effects of, the disease.

    Faucci and co-conspirators should be tried for murder for willfully ignoring strong evidence that  Zinc (e.g. Zinc Sulfate)  +  Hydroxychloroquine  +  Vitamin D  +  Vitamin C  cure the disease.

    About the first two see Free Introduction.

    About the first see Free IntroductionFree Introduction.

    About the third and fourth see Free Introduction.  They also recommend anti-inflammatories.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @Biff
  139. @Ron Unz

    Since the Covid-19 fatality rate is only 0.5%-1%, it certainly is useless as an anti-personnel bioweapon. However, it’s very effective at severely damaging an economy, as America has now discovered to its great misfortune.

    Agreed. However, if the virus were created as a bioweapon, the only way to determine whether it had “useful” levels of contagion and fatality would be to test it on large numbers of humans. The danger to the weapon creator is that one or more of the surviving experimental subjects would talk.

    It seems more likely that, even if the virus were manufactured, its properties are the result of chance. We’ve been lucky – not as lucky as we were with SARS or Swine Flu, but still lucky not to be dealing with a viral plague.

  140. Jaylonw 说:

    A friend of mine was banned from Quora for posting a link from UR as well.

  141. @Ron Unz

    I don’t have a sliver of the necessary expertise in microbiology or virology to evaluate these claims. All the dozens of complex charts and graphs are just colorful pictures to me.

    Some of the information does not need expert knowledge. The description of the differences between SARS-CoV2 and the bat viruses, in terms of DNA base pairs and amino acids is comprehensible. The assertion that such modifications both occur naturally, and are routinely engineered in the lab, is something that most scientists have been afraid to make clear.

    Would a real expert accept the author’s analysis? Maybe, maybe not.

    We’ll have to wait and see what the reaction is to the article. In this case, silence gives consent. If for example the relevant genetic engineering steps are rarely attempted in the lab, or face technical challenges not mentioned in the article, then one of the prominent scientists who say the virus must be natural will step up and make sure we hear about it. I’m waiting …

    The article’s sting is in its tail. The author concludes:

    我希望这篇文章不被用来过早地指责或传播片面理论。我确实希望它强调的是病毒学领域已经和正在进行的危险的功能获得研究的规模。 Covid-19大流行确实暴露了其巨大的风险,但好处却很少:GOF研究并没有保护我们免受这次疫情的影响,也没有及时为我们提供任何有效的治疗方法或疫苗来挽救数十万人的生命。 CoV2,如果 GOF 研究导致整个事件的可能性只有 0.1%,那么这个可能性就太高了。


    Just before this conclusion, he quotes the virologist Ralph Baric who said that no animal reservoir species for SARS-CoV2 has been identified. It’s not bats, and it’s not pangolins – the viruses in these species differ too much from SARS-CoV2. Perhaps the animal reservoir will be discovered later. Or perhaps there isn’t one because the virus was made in a lab. Once again, the responses of prominent scientists to these claims will be of interest, and once again their silence will imply agreement.

  142. SafeNow 说:

    Regarding whether American rulers are capable of mass murder, I will repeat what I once posted about the psychological phenomenon known as the “Abilene Paradox.” This groupthink-type mechanism is the mechanism whereby a group takes a preposterous action, while at the same time no individual member advocating the action privately believes that it should be done. This is taught in business schools; it is a real thing.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  143. anon[317]• 免责声明 说:

    Not to dissuade you – what you’re doing is the only thing worth doing in this 3rd-world US shithole – but censorship is only the first line of defense, when you step on CIA’s toes. This by Catherine Austin Fitts shows what happens to you when you notice that your country is ruled by a criminal enterprise.


    If CIA can’t silence you – and they can’t, people will just abandon facebook for the authoritative source – they will

  144. GazaPlanet 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Isn’t Julian Assange locked up because he showed the world the US military’s culture of mass murdering psychopathy?

    • 同意: Ann Nonny Mouse
  145. Exile 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    The residents of New York City, Palestine, Germany, Japan, Italy, Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Korea, China, Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Columbia, El Salvador, Vietnam, Kuwait, Lebanon, Panama, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Russia, Ukraine and Venezuela, among many others, disagree.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  146. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Just does not seem possible that Americans or Israelis would commit mass murder for some nefarious war jingo.

    If you have ever wondered about the exact regard in which your own government holds you, read the book 乌鸦岩 by Garrett M. Graff.

    The book focusses on how all the Civil Defense business that the American government pushed for nearly half a century was pure propaganda, because that’s all the CD authorities could afford: the bulk of the money was spent on continuity of government, not American citizen survivability. This spending disparity continues even today.

    So while your own government would not be the ones committing mass murder (it is the other side, after all, who would be dropping the bombs/firing the missiles), you don’t have to read very far into the book to quickly realise that the officials who are ostensibly concerned with your safety are not in the least bothered by the prospect of your being vapourised and/or dying slowly from radiation poisoning so long as they are able to live on.

    It’s a book you’ll want to bear in mind whenever 21st century American politicians start gibbering about the importance of “homeland security.”

    • 谢谢: AnonStarter
  147. GazaPlanet 说:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    There is little doubt the western powers could do tens of millions of tests in short order if they made it a priority. It will not be made a priority, because the plutocracy really doesn’t care. The “lock-downs” can be milked for all they are worth, and old people dying is a feature, not a bug, as far as these people are concerned. Then again, when the affirmative action is reaching crippling levels, the slowness of the response is indicative of general incompetence as well as deliberate neglect.

  148. GazaPlanet 说:

    Let’s face it, the only way to explain the dereliction of the Trump administration (and the other Western powers) is that certain criminal elements WANTED to let the virus spread so as to create a predictable crisis with vast potential upside for those intending to exploit it.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  149. Ron Unz 说:
    @Mark Hunter

    Faucci and co-conspirators should be tried for murder for willfully ignoring strong evidence that Zinc (e.g. Zinc Sulfate) + Hydroxychloroquine + Vitamin D + Vitamin C cure the disease.

    Well, that seems a bit harsh to me. There are so many different conflicting views on the Internet— including the huge number of zealous people who claim Covid-19 isn’t much more dangerous than the ordinary flu—that if you executed everyone with “incorrect opinions” the body-count might easily exceed that of the virus itself.

    • 回复: @Mark Hunter
  150. Ron Unz 说:
    @Anatoly Karlin


    Well, I think America is still well ahead in propaganda, meaning that most people probably won’t recognize how totally incompetent our government has become until it finally collapses in a heap. For months, I’ve been thinking this seems like our own Chernobyl, but multipled by 100x.

    I really wonder what will happen with the current “economic reopening” that Trump seems to be promoting all around the country. I suppose by we’ll soon find out whether the Flu Hoaxers have been correct all along.

    And for those who haven’t already seen it, here’s a funny Chinese video I posted last week. Their propaganda is obviously still rudimentary, but it’s starting to improve:

    • 哈哈: Anatoly Karlin, vox4non
    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Jon Baptist
  151. Ron Unz 说:

    Let’s face it, the only way to explain the dereliction of the Trump administration (and the other Western powers) is that certain criminal elements WANTED to let the virus spread so as to create a predictable crisis with vast potential upside for those intending to exploit it.

    I suppose that’s possible. Though consider that the Trump people changed their very vocal public position on the virus several times in just a few months, which really made themselves look totally ridiculous and incompetent.

    When political leaders behave in ways that are extremely disastrous for their own country and also make themselves look totally ridiculous and incompetent, I think it’s usually because they *是* totally ridiculous and incompetent.

    • 回复: @GazaPlanet
    , @Wizard of Oz
  152. Realist 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Well, I think America is still well ahead in propaganda, meaning that most people probably won’t recognize how totally incompetent our government has become until it finally collapses in a heap.

    It has seemed to me that this country is on a shit slide to hell, for a few years. I have stated such on this blog.

  153. @Exile


    这些国家在不同的前提下以与美国人不同的道德运行? 那么美国人会犯下大屠杀而不是南斯拉夫吗? 还是俄罗斯或索马里? 那是你的意思吗?
    你认识美国人吗? 你知道任何会犯下大屠杀的人吗? 因为我认识很多同胞,我认识的人没有一个会犯下大屠杀。 没有人。


  154. This is old news (28th April) but I hadn’t seen it before:


    But just last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.
    The work entailed risks that worried even seasoned researchers. More than 200 scientists called for the work to be halted. The problem, they said, is that it increased the likelihood that a pandemic would occur through a laboratory accident.

    Dr. Fauci defended the work. “[D]etermining the molecular Achilles’ heel of these viruses can allow scientists to identify novel antiviral drug targets that could be used to prevent infection in those at risk or to better treat those who become infected,” wrote Fauci and two co-authors in the Washington Post on December 30, 2011. “Decades of experience tells us that disseminating information gained through biomedical research to legitimate scientists and health officials provides a critical foundation for generating appropriate countermeasures and, ultimately, protecting the public health.”

    Nevertheless, in 2014, under pressure from the Obama administration, the National of Institutes of Health instituted a moratorium on the work, suspending 21 studies.

    Three years later, though—in December 2017—the NIH ended the moratorium and the second phase of the NIAID project, which included the gain-of-function research, began.

    If this is an accurate account, it’s no wonder Donald Trump is sweating. Whatever his virtues, and whatever Obama’s vices, Obama suspended this work and it restarted on Trump’s watch. If SARS-CoV2 was developed by this partially US-funded program and released by accident from the lab in Wuhan, then the Chinese and American authorities must share responsibility.

  155. 我们的调查将该网络与 VDARE 相关联,该网站以发布反移民内容而闻名……

    那么,Facebook 有没有给出一个理由,说明为什么反对移民已经糟糕到足以完全禁止和从公共话语中删除? 除了这个网站的收视率之外,还有没有人在问这个问题,或者每个人都只是在这样的前提下运作,而不是不喜欢移民是双重加上错误的想法?

  156. AnonFromTN 说:

    Good to hear that this phenomenon was studied and even has a name. It is a paradox if you consider normal Americans. But, if you only take into account our elites, there is no paradox: they are all scum with no scruples (anyone with scruples never makes it that far).

    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  157. @Fran Taubman

    所以美国人会犯下大屠杀而不是南斯拉夫? 还是俄罗斯或索马里? 那是你的意思吗?

    他的观点太过分了,以至于 NORAD 正试图拦截它。 他是说,美国政客和被任命者与任何你能想到的独裁者或军阀一样,出于愤世嫉俗的目的,愿意也有能力犯下大规模谋杀和战争罪。 他列出的国家是他们已经做过或正在做的地方。 此外,他们有手段和资源来说服像你这样的人,即使你支持他们在电视上发生在你面前,美国人也不会考虑这些事情。

    你知道任何会犯下大规模谋杀的人吗? 因为我认识很多同胞,而且我认识的人中没有人会犯下大屠杀。 没有人。

    这是一位前国务卿为谋杀 XNUMX 万儿童辩护:

    • 同意: Exile
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  158. @David

    In the last week or so, Facebook has started funding some of the regional news sites I read, ostensibly to get them through the lockdown.

    That’s really bad news. You can be sure it will be permanent.

  159. Truth3 说:

    这是一位前国务卿为谋杀 XNUMX 万儿童辩护:


    Here’s another Jew justifying the murder of half a million children the Jews hate.

    • 同意: Exile
  160. Truth3 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Every Jew on the planet is complicit in the Tribe’s Hundreds of Millions, more likely Billions, or tens of Billions, or hundreds of Billions, or most likely Trillions, what the Hell… Quadrillions of crimes…

    Murder is right up there near the top of the list.

    The Day of Reckoning cannot come too soon.

  161. @AnonFromTN

    This is actually very true. Idealists are killed upon first contact in DC. They all get killed off within few days of working in DC.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  162. Old Jew 说:
    @Yael Glavlit



    文学和出版事务总局 (Glavnoe Upravlenie po Delam Literatury i Izdatelstv),称为 Glavlit,是负责审查苏联印刷材料的国家机构。 尽管印刷是其主要关注点,但它有时监督其他媒体的审查,包括广播、电视、戏剧和电影。 Glavlit 成立于 1922 年,旨在取代布尔什维克夺权后建立的不协调的军事和民事审查机构网络。 尽管苏联名义上存在新闻自由,但政府保留阻止某些材料出版的权利。 格拉夫利特被指控阻止发布被认为对苏联安全构成威胁的经济或军事信息; 这包括谷物收成、通货膨胀、疾病发病率和军事工业的位置等各种主题。 党和军队领导人编制了一份被视为秘密的事实和类别的清单。


  163. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    So, Seth Rich was not an idealist. He was killed only after a fairly long time working for DNC.

    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  164. @DonaldKrump

    I don’t know anyone who would commit mass murder. Maybe in James Bond movies.
    甚至独裁者也不行。 好吧,也许是玛德琳奥尔布赖特。 哈哈。

    • 回复: @Iris
    , @DonaldKrump
    , @Exile
    , @Anonymous
  165. GazaPlanet 说:
    @Ron Unz

    When the neocons were pretending to hate Trump to gain him support as well as to disclaim responsibility for the things he was going to do for them, I think it was a hustle. GW Bush also pretended to be stupid and also announced that he was against nation building in his campaign.

    For weeks I was dumbfounded at the way people were ignoring the potential for the spread of coronavirus to the US. It wasn’t by chance that it was ignored. PC Americanus and boobus Americanus are certainly capable of sticking their heads in the sand, but not the people in charge. They HAD to know what was going to happen. Even the stable genius himself.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  166. @AnonFromTN

    I honestly don’t know enough about him to comment. But for anyone to survive in DC, idealist he is not.

  167. Ano4 说:
    @Ron Unz


    I have some professional knowledge about these matters and I assure you that nothing prevents this virus from being thoroughly bioengineered.

    All the claims to the opposite non withstanding.

    They simply don’t want to scare the world population by acknowledging that Biotech/Biopharm/Syn Bio/Bioengineering officially entered into the existential risk territory.

    Since the last decade substantial drop in the DNA synthesis price, the advent of Gibson assembly and of course CRISPR, producing similar viruses is not an “exploit” anymore (in the biohacking meaning of the term).

    With proper funding it is doable in a reasonable timeframe.

    See for yourself what Gibson (of Gibson assembly fame) et al. managed to accomplish 10 years ago:


    Producing a virus with a genome of some 35 kb is today a level of magnitude easier.

    All this has obvious long-ranging and rather sad implications for our species and the future of our civilization.

    Maybe that’s why the Chinese reacted so strongly, they understood these implications and wanted to make a statement to the interested parties.

    In fact, I must admit that if I knew that we gonna get that far this fast, I might have thinked twice before having any children.

    Now I would not tell this to my kids of course.

    Anyway, it is too late now to think about this and hindsight is 20/20.

    Keep Calm And Carry On…

    • 回复: @Iris
  168. mark green 说:

    [Facebook] 监督委员会中最有名的人物,我认为最重要的人物,是斯坦福大学法学教授帕姆·卡兰 (Pam ​​Karlan)。


    扎克邀请卡兰担任 Facebook 审查委员会的重要成员是否会让任何人感到惊讶?

    卡兰能够决定在名为 Facebook 的社交巨头上表达(或不表达)哪些想法以及可以呈现(或审查)哪些文章,这不是很好吗?

    还有什么比一个浮夸且享有特权的社会正义战士在不知情的情况下虐待她更令人恼火的事情吗? 限制政治言论的权力 同时通过“反对仇恨言论”来包裹自己的道德美德?哎呀。

    卡兰和她在 Facebook 的志同道合的朋友们决定采取什么样的行动 是‘可恨’,是什么样的 是可以接受的“言论自由”。这是一份相当不错的工作,尤其是对于一个犹太壁花来说。

    Facebook 带有倾向性和政治化的“社区指导方针”对下一次选举的影响力将比任何邪恶的“俄罗斯干预”所能想象的还要大。然而,你可以用最后谢克尔打赌,美国很少有媒体评论家会注意到这个明显的事实。


    • 同意: Black Picard, KenH
  169. Iris 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Millions of Iraqis were murdered to further Israel’s geopolitical goals and deliver the Oded Yinon plan for the Middle-East, Taubman.

    石油内部人士加里·沃格勒 (Gary Vogler) 在谈到伊拉克战争时写道:“我发现和经历的石油议程是 向以色列供应伊拉克石油”。这些参与者是布什政府中的新保守派……保罗·沃尔福威茨、道格拉斯·费斯、刘易斯·利比、马克·泽尔等人


    Of course, I realise that millions of Iraqis don’t count as humans in your Superior Being’s eyes, but for the rest of us, they do, and their planned extermination is a mass murder.

    So how does it work for you? Do you have pictures of Fallujah’s children distorted bodies hang up in your lounge? Or may be on the ceiling of your bedroom even?



    • 回复: @Black Picard
  170. @Fran Taubman


    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  171. Iris 说:

    Producing a virus with a genome of some 35 kb is today a level of magnitude easier.

    Such a result was achieved in 2011, when a Dutch team working with American funding succeeded in modifying the Avian Flu H5N1 virus to adapt to Humans.

    They first edited the virus’ genome: with as few as five single mutations it gained the ability to latch onto cells in the nasal and tracheal passageways.

    They then run it several times through ferrets, the mammal which closest replicate the human epidemic reaction, and succeeded in making it airborne and highly transmissible after the 10th in-vivo generation.


    • 回复: @Ano4
  172. Biff 说:
    @Mark Hunter

    Faucci and co-conspirators should be tried for murder for willfully ignoring strong evidence that Zinc (e.g. Zinc Sulfate) + Hydroxychloroquine + Vitamin D + Vitamin C 治愈 这种病。

    “Treat” not “cure”

  173. Ron Unz 说:

    GW Bush also pretended to be stupid and also announced that he was against nation building in his campaign.

    For weeks I was dumbfounded at the way people were ignoring the potential for the spread of coronavirus to the US. It wasn’t by chance that it was ignored. PC Americanus and boobus Americanus are certainly capable of sticking their heads in the sand, but not the people in charge. They HAD to know what was going to happen. Even the stable genius himself.

    Well, if “W” was just pretending to be an idiot, he really deserved an Oscar. And the same for Trump and the people around him if they’re just pretending to be totally incompetent…

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Wizard of Oz
  174. @Ron Unz

    My response would be that we haven’t been incompetent enough yet to start World War III. This is not something you can use tactically so that blowback might be minimal.

    Consider this. I have read that the virus may have a billion replications per human. How many of those might be mutations in a single human? I have also read they have already found 11,000 mutations already.

    There is dumb and really dumb. Virologists know how these viruses mutate. I just don’t see any one giving the green light to something this dumb.

    If you know that this weapon may never be used as intended and your team could be the only team hurt, I just don’t buy the argument that this was incompetence.

    • 同意: Brás Cubas
    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
    , @Levtraro
  175. @DonaldKrump

    我们是谁? 我不认为战争是大屠杀的一部分。 为了控制该国,叙利亚内部正在发生内战。 我不认为意图是为了大屠杀而大屠杀,尽管有数百万人正在死去。 这就像说在二战中死去的数百万人都是大屠杀。

    我将大规模谋杀定义为非国家恐怖组织在没有宣战的情况下向平民投掷炸弹,除了谋杀无辜者之外别无其他目的。 我还考虑在战争中使用毒气或对平民造成大规模伤亡的生物武器。
    伊拉克战争是错误的,是基于错误的早产。 但实际上,萨达姆侯赛因在与伊朗的战争中造成了许多死亡,以及对他自己人民的谋杀和折磨。 他不是一个无辜的人物,他真的在和联合国检查组玩游戏,拒绝遵守大规模杀伤性武器检查。


    • 回复: @Exile
    , @Anonymous
    , @Truth3
  176. @Ron Unz

    Faucci and friends are not like the average man on the street.  They are in a position to do us great harm with their opinions and actions, and they are doing it.

    I’m not a “Flu Denier” but it is beginning to look as if Covid-19 if properly treated  will be no worse than an ordinary flu.  It has taken months for proper treatments to see the light, and the delay is in large part due to Faucci and friends.  They are still trying to obscure effective treatments and even make them illegal (witness various state governors). They are willing to let thousands die in order to keep people afraid of Covid-19.

    They seem to be using Covid-19 as an excuse to play dictator, or to run the economy into the ground in hopes of spoiling Trump’s re-election, or some other reason. They know that a simple cure would explode the excuse.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  177. 所有的社交媒体都在追逐千禧一代的钱,或者更确切地说,是追逐由此产生的广告收入。 出于这个原因,他们将自己的网站变成了左派的拥抱箱,并运用政治正确的原则,消除非左派观点。 这意味着你触动了神经,这意味着你做得很好。 几年前他们禁止了我,我认为这是一种恭维,就像我的 Twitter 禁令一样。 像 Gab 和 Pleroma 这样的言论自由网站正在增长,因为人们逃离了现在已经像旧媒体一样接管新媒体的宣传。 像我这样的其他人正在运行邮件列表、博客和聊天室。 让左派拥有他们的回音室,因为它会因重复而自行崩溃。

  178. Exile 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Exceptionalism and Whataboutism are two sides of the same shekel & Chosen means never having to say you’re sorry.

    The fact that you’re f-bomb-level triggered by these hatefacts means we’re over the target.

    Never forget that the goyim are Noticing, Fran.

  179. Exile 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Talmudry about the definition of “murder” vs. “just war” in 3…2…1…

  180. sally 说:

    Private parties that do the propaganda and support the bandit agendas direct those who run the USA.
    Oligarch Bandits=> “elected, salaried USA Officials” <= private media support for Oligarch Bandits.
    ___________________________ | __________________ | ______________________________ |

    its quite a show starring 425 Housekeepers + 100 Sentatation workers and 2 Article II Foreigners
    ___________________________ | __________________ | ______________________________ |

    ………………………………………………. 350,000,000 USA governed Americans…………………………….
    ___________________________ | __________________ | ______________________________ |

    It should be obvious government was privatized to avoid first Amendment rights.

  181. Exile 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Talmudry, as I expected.

    Shorter Fran: war isn’t mass-murder when my Tribe and its Fellowest Allies do it b/c reasons.

  182. GazaPlanet 说:

    How does Trump dodge responsibility for letting the virus spread? 1) Have his propagandists (many of them libertarians accustomed to making untenable arguments with a straight face) tell “the base” that it’s just the flu, just a hoax, a conspiracy, etc. What is the other technique? Play the fool. It’s not just Trump who plays the idiot. Look at Matt Walsh talking about the negro jogger checking out the construction site because of boyish interest in building. It’s a common tactic in the propaganda wasteland of political discussion. Where saying the right thing has little to do with being right, and even less with intelligence. No one in the mainstream can get away with stating that the virus was allowed to spread on purpose. The appearance of incomprehensible ignorance cushions the impact of the never serious, ridiculous “criticism” from the Left. The key to understanding Trump’s “survival” is that Trump isn’t really so offensive to the Left. Trump is the lightningrod and his white Christian supporters absorb the shocks.

  183. Jiminy 说:
    @Kevin Barrett

    After I read your stories about the JFK saga, I decided to look back on the Zapruda film.
    What was strange , Zapruda , a clothes maker, designer, seller or similar, was there standing on a three foot high wall out in the open, with his camera up to his eye and not once did JFK leave the view. Shots were being fired, people were running and diving onto the ground, but still Zapruda soldiered on like an old war correspondent. Compare that to the myriad of youtube videos of mass shootings where the person is hiding under the table and just as shots fire out they drop the phone and all you see is the ceiling. A telling .difference. I’m sure he was told to be there to capture the occasion for prosperity. And as for releasing a virus that doesn’t kill people large scale, I think you could compare it to an anti-personnel mine, it basically achieves the same result only biologically. But to the question of why would an unstable virus be released, I would think that it would make the prospect of developing a successful vaccine even harder.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  184. @sarz

    It wouldn’t hurt to get UR on to the Russian owned Facebook clone, VK, at vk.com. So far it’s uncensored.

    相当多的白人民族主义者在 VK 上建立了页面,认为它不会受到审查,他们的页面和频道因其“种族主义”内容而被封锁。此外,除非您使用与真人关联的帐户的电话号码,否则 VK 不会让您创建帐户。 VoIP 电话号码被拒绝。

    Telegram 看起来至少在政治方面没有受到审查,但它并不是 Facebook 的克隆。 Telegram 允许您使用任何类型的电话号码。

    • 谢谢: Brás Cubas, Inverness
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  185. @sarz

    I’d like to see this happen too. However, the only way to avoid a repeat of a facebook-style deletion is to focus on the primary site.

    Own the farm – otherwise you’re just a share cropper.

    • 同意: Skeptikal
  186. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    I don’t know anyone who would commit mass murder. Maybe in James Bond movies.
    甚至独裁者也不行。 好吧,也许是玛德琳奥尔布赖特。 哈哈。

    I see. So e.g. Russians are capable of mass murder, but Americans are not?

    But human beings are incalculable and he is a fool who tells himself that he knows what a man is capable of. –William Somerset Maugham

    I admit it: it has taken me an embarrassingly long time to realise why websites like zuckerbook are so obsessed with controlling so-called hate speech: because they want to keep people like you and me in ignorance of the way the world is vs. the way they want us to 认为 它是。

    Your saying what you did in the way you said it has helped to shift my own perspective; that is something that does not happen very often. I see now that the distance between the way you think and the way I once thought (until recently) is not very great at all and I thank you for making me aware of this.

  187. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    But really Saddam Hussein was responsible for a lot of deaths in his war with Iran, as well as the murder and torture of his own population.

    Odd, then, isn’t it, that Donald Rumsfeld was filmed and photographed shaking hands with such a man?


    He was not an innocent figure, he really played games with the UN inspection teams, and refused to abide by weapons of mass destruction inspections.

    Correct me if I am mistaken, but I was led to understand that the reason the West made such a fetish of weapons inspections is because western governments had all the receipts for the weapons of mass destruction they had either a) bought for him outright or b) sold him the chemicals and equipment for to allow him to make such weapons for himself.


    Perhaps western governments handing dictators like Saddam the weapons they need to perpetrate mass murder might be indicative that they find the idea of mass murder perfectly acceptable?

    Saddam was, after all, their poster child for a decade (1980-1990) mass murder, torture, and all until he started believing he was his own man and made the mistake of biting the hand that fed him.

    • 同意: Fran Taubman
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  188. Truth3 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Murderous Jew Bitch. Go to Hell.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  189. Renoman 说:

    What’s the best way to fight this Ban? We have to get you back on air my friend, the World needs you.

  190. Ano4 说:

    I am aware of this.

    And I also read the 2015 chimeric coronavirus paper.

    I know it’s doable anytime.

  191. anonymous[342]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ron Unz

    在英式英语中,Anti-Asian 的意思是反印度人,Facebook 说得有道理。

    I have seen several articles by some columnists here with a an anti-Indian/anti-Hindu point of view on Unz (for example, alleging that Modi/BJP is fascist, or comparing him implicitly with Hitler/the Nazis, for example in the article “Muslims Are Being Murdered in India”).

    By contrast, I don’t remember ever having seen articles here with a pro-Indian/pro-Hindu point of view.


    但反印度/反印度教的报道是 MSM 的主流,包括美国的 MSM。

    如果 Unz 真的致力于寻求有趣的、重要的和有争议的观点,而这些观点基本上被排除在(美国)主流媒体之外,那么它也应该涵盖这里的其他观点。

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @DB Cooper
  192. Jimmy1969 说:

    Facebook 有赢家,也有输家。就像马、马车和犁一样。

  193. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    Murderous Jew Bitch. Go to Hell.

    Condemning people certainly helps relieve a lot of nervous tension, doesn’t it? I don’t think I am going out on a limb when I say we are all a bit nervous right now (perhaps more than a bit).

    It is worth recalling that the words that are posted here are posted by people. Not by demons, not by abstractions, but people. And if there is one power we all have available to us as people, even at a time like this, it is the power to 更改. To change both ourselves and others.

    The political left believes that you win by bullying people and trying to shut them down; unz.com getting the push from FB is merely the latest example of this. And that approach might seem to work, at least in the short-term.

    Ultimately, however, they are wrong: bullying people into silence doesn’t really work because it only serves to make people angry, resentful, and more likely to shut out ideas that aren’t in line with what they were already thinking.

    You do not win if you destroy people: you only win by changing their minds. I hope the clever, perceptive folks on this site grasp this, even if the billionaires at FB cannot.

    • 回复: @Truth3
  194. sarz 说:

    Yes, it could be that you’re missing something. I had wanted to find reports from the time, 2002 I believe, regarding Warren Buffett taking the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger over to England to be vetted by Lord Rothschild before he ran for governor of California. Buffett, on the front page of the Washington Post had spoken disarmingly of how this was the most natural thing in the world. There was a large color picture of the three of them. Other papers also gave the visit prominent play. But quite a few people were scandalized and said so. Gradually, the whole topic disappeared from the major originating search engines. At least for me they had disappeared. But there were millions of responses, so buried beyond my everyday capacity to trace they were probably there—at least that’s what your quote from Startpage would suggest.

    I tried the Russian browser and search engine Yandex and I got a single germane result, a Pinterest photo of the three. For quite a while that was the best response I got.

    Startpage was a pleasant surprise. It gave me the results in abundance and in plain view. I’m guessing that they are accessing the results that Google helpfully crawled and stored, and using them for purposes that Google would not approve of. This is my semi-educated guess. I have no idea how the concerned algorithm might be constructed. Maybe this state of affairs will ultimately lead Google to kill rather than bury inconvenient results.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  195. 我不知道 Facebook 的理由是什么,但现在人们普遍认为,极右翼的内容应该被禁止而不是被容忍。 言论自由最多延伸到安库尔特。 右派和中派在原料充足的情况下未能对共产主义进行污名化,因此只有极右翼的言论被宣布为可憎的,所以几乎没有双重标准感。 事实上,对共产主义暴行的诚实描述可能会被视为仇恨言论。

  196. Truth3 说:

    FT is a murderous Jew Bitch, and YOU can go to Hell with her.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  197. @Fran Taubman

    我们认为自己是一个好人的国家,但总是有异常值,他们往往最终进入政府。 看看广岛和长崎的轰炸或英国对德累斯顿的燃烧弹,隐蔽而现在公开的酷刑使用。 看看诺斯伍兹行动,这是一个对美国公民实施恐怖主义行为以将他们归咎于古巴的阴谋。 即使是美国,也有杀人不眨眼的分子愿意用成本效益道德来证明他们的行为是正当的。

  198. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    I’m guessing that they are accessing the results that Google helpfully crawled and stored, and using them for purposes that Google would not approve of.

    Interesting (as was your post; I did not know that about Schwarzenegger). Now you have got me wondering how much longer the arrangement between Startpage and Google is going to last.

    (With any luck, the people who run SP are wondering, too, and are working on their own search algorithm in anticipation of the day Google permanently withdraws their approval.)

    • 回复: @sarz
  199. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    FT is a murderous Jew Bitch, and YOU can go to Hell with her.

    It is nice to be thought of in any case.

  200. @Ron Unz

    Ron, I have just experienced the Facebook cancellation in its most aggressive mode.

    I wanted to tease an old Labor government minister of my acquaintance who had posted a link to a Guardian article by an eloquent Sudanese Muslim female opinion journalist who opined that the US and UK were the worst sufferers from COVID 19 because of their long history neo liberal privatizing etc. So I sought to post a link to James Thompson’s UR article which pointed to the common failure to stop plane arrivals.

    The link was immediately removed and I was advised that because of whatever breach of rules or standards I had attempted my post couldn’t be shared.

    The reason I write this is to suggest that you work out the the best systematic workarounds that Facebook will have trouble catching up with, and propagate them.

    My workaround was primitive with little time and thought given to it. I simply replaced the U in unz with an asterisk and then went back to the main text and made sure that the omission could be guessed by spelling your name as U*z. It worked.

    I have no idea what triggers are built in and I didn’t experiment with e.g. Unzdotcom or variations on that. Maybe you could experiment and then encourage your readers to adopt a few of a large range of possible variations that any dimwit could interpret. E.g. T+1NZdotcom, S+2NZdotcom…..UNA+25dotcom

    It would be very interesting to see how long it would take for Facebook to catch up. I suspect that the longest time would be taken with some person first having to notice a few examples of the simple code – I was going to say the “dot” instead of the period symbol but I think that had better be ditched anyway because it may well be the object of automatic AI search.

    Alternatively. Instead of encouraging your readers to try such simple variations on a subterfuge you might prefer to use a more sophisticated version for Unz Review postings to Facebook. In that case I suppose you would need to include in the message the right way to make use of e.g. You En Zed with a period and a truncated comma. Generic instructions should work for the not too dim. They should be able to decipher Reverse of ZED (a l’anglaise) EN YOO before Period and com.

    If you do decide to test Facebook I hope you will tell your readers the result.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  201. @Wizard of Oz

    UNA+25 somehow suffered an amputation.

  202. TGD 说:

    FaceBerg is mostly used by just the old farts nowadays anyhow…

    I’m an “old fart” and I’ve never been on the Facebook. Recognized it early for what it was- a data mining operation.

    Facebook flagrantly violated the FTC’s 2012 order by deceiving its users and allowing pay-for-play data harvesting by developers. …the Federal Trade Commission fined Facebook $5 billion for mishandling user’s personal data…

    Evidently, they’ve already paid the $5 billion fine and they didn’t bat an eyelash! Tells you how valuable the info they collect on you is.

  203. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @David riskanalyst

    此外,除非您使用与真人关联的帐户的电话号码,否则 VK 不会让您创建帐户。 VoIP 电话号码被拒绝。

    那么,VK 是否会在帐户注册过程中通过“真实”电话号码致电潜在帐户持有人呢?

    • 回复: @David riskanalyst
  204. DB Cooper 说:

    “但反印度/反印度教的报道是 MSM 的主流,包括美国的 MSM。”

    你生活在哪个星球上? MSM 中任何地方都没有反印度/反印度教的报道。尽管时常有关于克什米尔贫困、种姓制度和侵犯人权行为的报道,但如果 MSM 真的报道真实的印度,那么报道将会更糟糕。我可以告诉你,MSM 是基于叙事的,如果新闻不符合某种叙事,MSM 充其量只会忽略它,最坏的情况会扭曲它。

    这是 MSM 从未报告过的事情。那就是印度是英国大暴徒催生的小暴徒。一旦英国大暴徒离开次大陆,小暴徒就做了它的老主人一直在做的事情。这就是掠夺和欺凌邻国,因为印度将自己视为该地区的新帝国。印度是少数几个入侵并掠夺其每一个邻国土地的国家之一,这就是为什么印度在自己的邻国中受到仇恨。 MSM 从未报道过此事。以下是印度自 1947 年建国以来从邻国窃取的土地精选清单:


    1972年吞并孟加拉国的Tin Bigha:


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Morton's toes
  205. @DB Cooper

    I don:t believe you. Democracies don’t go to war unless attacked😎

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @AnonFromTN
  206. @Ron Unz

    This may contain nothing that is new or helpful to you. Bait in case it does here is some kind of potential remedy being provided by Facebook:


  207. @Anonymous

    那么,VK 是否会在帐户注册过程中通过“真实”电话号码致电潜在帐户持有人呢?

    是的,6个月前确实如此,当时我无法在那里创建帐户,这并不是因为使用隐私VPN,因为即使在透露了我的真实IP之后,它仍然不允许我创建帐户,他们的页面只是一直告诉我尝试不同的电话号码。比 FACE、GOOG 或 TWIT 更具侵入性,这些都允许我使用 VoIP 一次性电话号码。


  208. @Anonymous

    I agree and we are very stupid to have provided and supported him with Weapons when he was fighting Iran. Did the US supply chemical weapons to him for sure? Then turned on him when he threatened us.
    The only people that I see that deliberately commit mass murder as a weapon to terrorize, and inflict damage similar to the Taliban trying to kill a school girl on the way to school (not mass murder) or blowing up a wedding which they often do, or ISIS burning people in cages is Islam.
    I do not see anyone in the West committing mass murder in the name of religion, nor do I think anyone would. It is not in our DNA. The West always acts in accordance with trying to prevent human casualties and protecting life. Wars have been misjudged and wrong but they were not started with the intent of committing mass murder as it’s prime objective.

    • 哈哈: Iris
    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Biff
    , @anonymous
  209. DB Cooper 说:
    @Wizard of Oz



    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  210. @davidgmillsatty

    Here is an article that shows just how significant the mutations can be.


    Here we report functional characterizations of 11 patient-derived viral isolates, all of which have at least one mutation. Importantly, these viral isolates show significant variation in cytopathic effects and viral load, up to 270-fold differences, when infecting Vero-E6 cells. We observed intrapersonal variation and 6 different mutations in the spike glycoprotein (S protein), including 2 different SNVs that led to the same missense mutation. Therefore, we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity.

  211. @Kratoklastes

    So much of what you just said has been disproven by further study of Covid. An example:


    Here we report functional characterizations of 11 patient-derived viral isolates, all of which have at least one mutation. Importantly, these viral isolates show significant variation in cytopathic effects and viral load, up to 270-fold differences, when infecting Vero-E6 cells. We observed intrapersonal variation and 6 different mutations in the spike glycoprotein (S protein), including 2 different SNVs that led to the same missense mutation. Therefore, we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  212. @Mark Hunter

    Maybe you should think again about this being an easily treatable disease. Here is an abstract of a recent article. After reading it tell me whether finding an easy treatment for this is going to be the piece of cake you suggest:


    Here we report functional characterizations of 11 patient-derived viral isolates, all of which have at least one mutation. Importantly, these viral isolates show significant variation in cytopathic effects and viral load, up to 270-fold differences, when infecting Vero-E6 cells. We observed intrapersonal variation and 6 different mutations in the spike glycoprotein (S protein), including 2 different SNVs that led to the same missense mutation. Therefore, we provide direct evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 has acquired mutations capable of substantially changing its pathogenicity.

    • 回复: @Mark Hunter
  213. @DB Cooper

    I don’t think it is as much a case of a little thug created by a big thug as a victim of abuse having all humanity and decency and spark stomped out of it by centuries of relentless abuse. Kind of like a mad dog except dogs are redeemable.

  214. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Wizard of Oz


    真的吗? 美国上一次遭到袭击是在 1941 年(珍珠港)。 美国在过去的 80 年里发动了多少场战争? (提示:两只手上的十个手指不足以数出它们)。

    • 同意: Biff
    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @tomo
  215. 我从来没有上过faceberg,因为我从一开始就知道这是一次情报行动。 硅谷所有的一切都是由深州情报部门培育和资助的。 我们有言论自由,但不适用于私人论坛。 随着我们所有的言论都转移到互联网上,TPTB 能够通过消除主要社交媒体工具中不喜欢的言论(((他们)))来利用这个漏洞。

    我喜欢 TUR,因为它发表了许多不同的观点,任何人都可以在下面发表他们的政治不正确意见。

    • 同意: Commentator Mike
  216. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    I do not see anyone in the West committing mass murder in the name of religion, nor do I think anyone would. It is not in our DNA. The West always acts in accordance with trying to prevent human casualties and protecting life.

    如果你是 严重 about discovering what the West does in actuality (vs. what it it does), you can start here:


    美国最致命的出口:民主——美国外交政策及其他一切的真相 is a book written by William Blum, formerly with the US State Department. Blum has written other books (扼杀希望:二战以来美国军方和中央情报局的干预 is another good one), but I would suggest you start with 美国最致命的出口 然后从那里去。

    If, on the other hand, you believe you would find the knowledge that a great deal of America’s foreign policy is decidedly 不, “in accordance with trying to prevent human casualties and protecting life,” difficult to accept then please disregard the above: it will only upset you.

    Make no mistake, America is a much-beloved country and don’t let anyone ever fool you: there is a reason people from all over the world go to great lengths (and in some cases, risk their lives) to go there. However, it is also hated and feared and, I am sorry to say, not always irrationally so, as Mr. Blum points out step-by-step in his books.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  217. sarz 说:

    Sadly, maybe it’s not a matter of having the right algorithm. It’s the data that has already been collected by Google (and Bing). Most of it is no longer accessible to a new search engine. But I see that Google itself is not offering up archived pages. Minus archives, what Google is offering is more extensive crawling. That advantage cannot be overcome by a better algorithm. It costs money. I don’t know what Startpage’s business model is. Whatever it is, it’s hard to compete with the internet advertising monopoly.

    I think if Startpage gets big enough to make a difference, Google will terminate the deal. (Unless Startpage is not what it seems.)

    It’s insane to tolerate this monopoly interfering in politics in such blatant ways. It needs to be nationalized and run as an accountable public trust

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  218. @Anonymous

    I am not saying that the West and the US in specific has not done horrible horrible things, starting with the Native Americans, slavery etc. Every human in every era is responsible for horror. It is human nature. American’s foreign policy has been awful and misguided from Vietnam onward, to its invasion of Islamic countries. The British Empire etc.

    I am not here to defend what you are engaging me on foreign policy. My point is much much more basic and stupid then foreign policy nuance. My point is that psychological staple people who inhabit and govern the West do not set our to be suicidal martyrs in a quest to inflict mass murder for a religious philosophy as expressed in Islamic religious doctrines by Islamic religious leaders such as the Muslim brotherhood founder Said Q’tub in his Magnus opus 在古兰经的阴影下 volumes of books dedicated to destabilizing the west for the emergence of Islamic hegemony thru mass murder. Is there a Western document that is similar to that?

    • 回复: @Iris
    , @Anonymous
  219. @davidgmillsatty

    From the abstract of that Chinese article:  “… no mutation [of SARS-CoV-2 aka Covid-19)] has been directly linked with functional changes in viral pathogenicity.”

    I don’t know if that refers to how contagious the disease is or how severe, but in any case, is it true?  Some of the comments at the bottom of the linked to page cast doubt.

    I’ve posted about this before but it’s worth repeating.  The source is Luc Montagnier, co-winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in “Physiology or Medicine” when he was a professor at the Pasteur Institute.  He says that Covid-19 is an ordinary flu virus salted with several short but working excerpts of HIV.  The virus is mutating as it spreads, yes, but the inserts are disappearing along the way and the virus is becoming less and less harmful. He and his collaborator Jean-Claude Perez say this shedding is typical of unnatural changes to a natural virus.

    Though it’s not the main point of this post, Montagnier says the insertions must have been made artificially, by human agency. He conjectures that Covid-19 was the result of an attempt at making an HIV vaccine.


    The Coronavirus Is Man Made According to Luc Montagnier the Man Who Discovered HIV

    Luc Montagnier Insists That the Virus Came out of a Lab

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  220. @DB Cooper

    即使我添加了表情符号,你也错过了这个笑话/讽刺! 😎


    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @DB Cooper
  221. @AnonFromTN

    I’m disappointed in someone as smart as you. I even used an emoji 😎 to double flag my appreciation of his long list.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  222. @davidgmillsatty

    I don’t think you have answered Kratoklastes point. In fact many small and frequent mutations would add to the expense and difficulty of responding effectively with vaccines, antiviral drugs and well-timed ICU treatment.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  223. GazaPlanet 说:

    We (at least I am) the proles. The media targets the Outer Party. It is the people in the Outer Party, who are news junkies, who take the news seriously. The Outer Party people have enormous inertia and a fair degree of pride in their status as members of the Party. Nevertheless, censorship is required lest they start to lose confidence in the system. The faithful Outer Party types in DC still believe in elements of the Russia Hoax.

  224. @Mark Hunter

    Those inserts were highly challenged as being HIV inserts. In fact they were only parts of HIV and many other viruses had these same things as well. This all started with an paper by a group of Indian researchers that took down their paper.


    And after the researchers got bashed to shit they took the paper down.

    I will post a few choice comments:

    ............................................................ ..

    If you read the comments, these guys cherry picked matches to HIV that aren’t even in the top 100 matches. It’s a nonsense paper that is utterly irresponsible.


    One issue with putting so much emphasis on the “inserts” (which, I should note, are actually NOT present in their entirety in HIV; if you compare the inserts in fig. 2 to the inserts actually matched to various HIV-1 seqs in Table 1, the latter sequences are actually shorter, and only the first two match 100% even after being shortened to 6 nucleotides) is that 1) HIV-1 mutates a lot, and 2) there are a ton of HIV-1 sequences in the database.

    In other words, there’s a fairly good chance that virtually ANY sufficiently short sequence of amino acids that is in any way compatible with being a functional RNA virus will be found in some HIV-1 sequence somewhere. This is an expected artefact of the amount of time/money that has gone into studying HIV-1 via sequencing.


    Those are not insertions. It is “DELETION” of SARS clade.


    Dr. Konermann of Stanford just checked their results. The similarity is spurious. Out of 4 inserts they identify between NCov and SARS, 2 are found in bat coronavirus. Of the remaining two, only one is most similar to HIV, and is so short (6 AA) that the similarity is not higher than chance given database.


    In the supplemental Fig S2, the author mentioned that “the Bat-SARS Like CoV in the last row shows that insert 1 and 4 is very unique to Wuhan 2019-nCoV”. In fact, the Bat-SARS Like CoV, discovered in 2013, contains all the four insertions. Insertion 2 and 3 of 2019-nCoV are identical to Bat-SARS Like CoV. Insertion 1 involves two synonymous and one Thr-Ile mutation. Insertion 4 contains one synonymous mutation and a 12-bp insertion. Therefore, the two viruses have very high sequence similarity, and are likely evolutionarily related, naturally. Indeed, the four identified insertions are the result of the pair-wise comparison of Wuhan 2019-nCoV and 2013 SARS virus (Fig 1), and are an artifact when comparing only two viruses. The ‘insertions’ regions also appear in other coronavirus, as indicated in the multiple comparison in Fig.S1, possibly functionally important.

    • 回复: @Mark Hunter
    , @Herald
  225. @davidgmillsatty

    卢克·蒙塔格尼尔 is well aware of the Indian paper business.  He did his own evaluation of the viral sequence.

    Maybe avidgmillsatty is right, maybe he is wrong, virology, or any biology, is not my field. Still, I think Montagnier deserves better than the criticism I have seen.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  226. @Wizard of Oz

    I think it is becoming quite apparent that Covid will be very difficult to treat due to all of its mutations. But that does not equate to it being designed by humans. Just the opposite. It means hopefully a designer would realize the uselessness and futility of weaponizing something that you cannot possibly control.

    • 同意: Brás Cubas
    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  227. @Mark Hunter

    Well if he did his own evaluation, then he should publish it if he thinks it will stand up to scrutiny. That is how science is supposed to work.

  228. Why are we being bombarded with obsessive amateur technical minutiae by a fucking lawyer? I don’t care that Davidgmilssatty’s brother went as a scientist for 3rd grade halloween. The only reason anybody murders their soul in law school is they can’t do math or science.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
    , @davidgmillsatty
  229. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Well, who looks at emoji? People hold lots of weird opinions. E.g., I personally know otherwise intelligent people who still believe that Russia interfered in 2016 elections. Or than Iran is aggressive. Or that Maduro is a drug trafficker (even though DEA own data show that only 6% of SA drugs reach the US via the Caribbean corridor, that includes Venezuela, Surinam, Guyana, French Guiana, and the easternmost province of Colombia, whereas the other 94% go via Western corridor, i.e., our “friends” Colombia and Ecuador). Even though these notions are about as sensible as the idea that the Earth is flat, it appears that you don’t need to be a retarded moron to believe these things.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  230. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Heres your insertion zzip squoosh

    The only reason anybody murders their soul in law school is they can’t do math or science.

    You forgot money: there is nothing comparable in science. The only problem is, you cannot be a successful lawyer if you have any morals or scruples.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  231. DB Cooper 说:
    @Wizard of Oz



  232. @Kratoklastes

    ‘My point has always been that Covid is contagious but not very deadly. So why weaponize something like that?

    ‘This has been answered many times (in this thread, and elsewhere)…’

    I think two possibilities are more plausible. Both account for the lack of lethality.

    1. The virus was a work in progress that got out by accident. Think about it; it’s going to be a lot easier to work with a virus if you get all the other attributes you’re seeking first and amp up the lethality last rather than the reverse. No one wants to deal with something where one dropped beaker means everyone in the lab dies an agonizing death.

    2. It’s a threat. ‘Look what we can do; now, what happens if we make it more lethal? Don’t want that to happen? Let’s talk tariffs. Let’s talk Taiwan.’

    Either way, one reason I do favor the weapons lab variety of explanation is that this virus seems to have the very militarily useful property of spreading in advance of any actual symptoms appearing. The other is that the virus showed up in the same city where China’s biological research program is centered. I’m not saying that is the explanation; merely that it strikes me as a distinct possibility.

    In any case, I’m impatient with the ‘it couldn’t be from a lab; it’s clearly a bat virus’ argument. Of course it was 本来 from some natural source; the weapons designers aren’t trying to prove they can play God here and create life. They’re going to take something already in nature and begin modifying it to meet their needs.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  233. Art 说:


    Am sure this has already been noted – but this FB banning has nothing to with coronavirus or Vdare immigration. This is a false flag maneuver.

    This ban has everything to do with UR’s publications about Israel/Zionism/Jews.

    By attacking UR over “Vdare” – they are avoiding having to attack you over Jews —- PERIOD!

    A 20% drop in traffic is a serious matter. Clearly injury has occurred.

    Perhaps there could be a class action discovery process, where FB would reveal with transparency their banning selection process, backed up by documentation.


    p.s. Warning – with that said – I am no one to give out legal advice.

    • 同意: Brás Cubas
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  234. @davidgmillsatty

    Well there you have a rational point to weigh in the balance…. not conclusive though.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  235. @Ron Unz

    In a relatively democratic medium sized prosperous country with quite sane politicians I experienced a stroke of clarity early on.
    Politicians supposed to be in charge had to avoid, above all, being blamed for deaths and prolonged disability caused by the health system being overloaded. Why should that not apply to Trump and the governors?

    In Trump’s case it is unwise to assume one has really understood his thought processes but it is worth looking at his performance this year as also motivated by the need to be largely untouched by blame for disaster in November. Rationally that might make him understand that, even if the decisions of 50 state governors and legislatures cannot rationally be assigned all the blame for disasters he should be able to get away with telling his base and some new voters that the other leaders are to blame, safe in the knowledge that sorting out the truth in the weeks up to the election will be far too complex for 99.99% of voters.

    So… not so much “totally ridiculous and incompetent” as extremely callous. Will Trump be really upset by the Deaths of say 1 per cent of half the population? Because the aged and infirm will do most of the dying it would be a positive economic factor in his second term.

  236. @AnonFromTN

    “you cannot be a successful lawyer if you have any morals or scruples”

    Where and since when has that proven true? And what is your evidence?

    I am so much a critic of the legal systems of America that I wouldn’t allow extradition to the US in 99% of cases and I have never been an enthusiast for the way American lawyers, leading the world, have gone about drumming up business. But in my country, and, I believe, many others in and outside the Common Law world, it is absurdly wrong to my personal knowledge. I don’t take you to be one of those primitives who would deny the services of counsel to clients thought to be guilty. The rule still is, I believe, that, if counsel actually knows his client is guilty [e.g. because of a confession that he believes] he may still represent him if he can do so without saying or adducing in evidence something he knows to be untrue. Of course most lawyers don’t appear in court and also don’t practise criminal law. Comparable ethical rules apply. For example one could not put questions to your client which were designed to be answered with known falsehoods.

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  237. @AnonFromTN

    I have long taken the view that the US completely stuffed up its potential relationship with Russia probably starting with the dishonored assurance to Gorbachev that NATO would not take over in Eastern Europe. When Putin took over more opportunities were probably missed. However I happened to see a 2018 film “Active Measures” on TV which made a very coherent case for the view that the KGB, under Czar Vladimir, has taken over and also enriched themselves enormously while keeping the remaining Russia based oligarchs under close control. It seems logical for a coolheaded, disciplined, KGB officer who regarded Russia’s loss of empire as a disaster to have pursued absolute power fortified by great wealth (for practical reasons, not display). I could see nothing implausible about that but, what about interference inn US politics?

    A priori I would regard Russian (and Chinese) interference in US politics as no less probable than Israeli interference or that of the UK and Germany in the late 1930s. And the alleged Putin tactic of waging war as the weaker party without military action seemed to fit his intelligence, background and character too. It seems that he is playing a long game sniping away at fringe targets with no problem of ideology inhibiting him from supporting right wing nationalists, especially in the EU. And, if one believed the extent to which Trump depended on Russian money to prop up his facade of being a successful billionaire businessman, of course it would be Trump who would be supported.

    I couldn’t remember the exact name of the film as I prepared to reply to you. When I did a search I think I found at least three recent substantial films or series which as far as I could see, painted much the same picture of Putin’s Russia. I would be interested in your thoroughly considered and researched review of those productions. As an Australian I am much less concerned about American foreign policy bungles wrt Russia than with China and the ME but I fear it is too late on all fronts.

    By the way, you sent that Iran is aggressive. Isn’t that taking things too far when one considers the events of 1979 and continuity with the régime then installed which supports the destruction of Israel, at least in rhetoric? Also its attempts to establish a pipeline route through Syria by armed support of anti Sunni majority forces?

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
  238. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    A 20% drop in traffic is a serious matter. Clearly injury has occurred.

    Can you please clarify how the 20% figure was obtained?

    Is this something that Ron Unz himself has said? Or is it something that e.g. Vdare has said about its own traffic and you are assuming it applies to TUR as well?

  239. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    I don’t know what Startpage’s business model is.

    I don’t either. Or at least the bit I do understand does not make complete sense.

    From what I can gather, Startpage is offering search results for free, but is hoping users will pay money to subscribe to StartMail (~$60 a year), their “private,” encrypted email service. $60 a year, of course, breaks down to $5 a month, a sum anyone can afford.

    The question is: how many people are willing to , no matter how nominal the fee, for email? My view is: not nearly enough to allow a search engine of any real size to remain a going concern.

    Where, then is their money coming from? Or is it simply a matter of Startpage being so small (Startpage’s press center claims six million searches daily, which is nothing in relative terms) that they haven’t had to worry much about it yet?

    Your guess is as good as mine. In fact, I would would love to hear your guess because it is probably a good deal better than mine.

  240. Biff 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Is your new line of work ‘comedian’ because you are quite funny. Haha…. ha.

  241. Nodwink 说:

    It looks like you’ve made a new friend, Ron. Mazel tov!

  242. AnonfromTN 235, there’s nothing comparable in science, certainement, but math has its reward. To exploit mass illegal evictions or bust out hundreds of going concerns you need to know your gaussian copulas. To systematically loot municipalities you need the mathematical maturity to manipulate Black Scholes. Lawyers can do the contracting scutwork but they need constant supervision by the modelers who designed the tricks and traps.

  243. Gina first 说:

    “This is worse than Pearl Harbor. This is worse than the World Trade Center.”

    Yeah, and CIA did it to us. Let’s hang those fuckers.

    There’s something about institutional impunity that makes you push it and push it until you’re a cornered rabid dog that has to be put down. CIA’s compulsive shredding of the rule of law has made them enemies of all mankind, including nuclear-armed allied P-5 powers, and now they’re panicking. They’re trying to blame their COVID-19 germ warfare on China. They’re trying to blame 9/11 on Trump by tying al-Jarrah to him. They’re trying to blame their illegal surveillance on Biden by making him the poster boy for their giant ‘unmasking’ loophole.

    War is CIA’s only hope of getting away with their crimes. War with China, war with Russia, internecine civil war, they don’t give a shit, anything to keep their flabby coward asses out of prison. Let’s just give the last four DCIs a lethal injection of acetylthiofentanyl, spray a little into the NHB, and let bygones be bygones. Transitional justice!

  244. @Wizard of Oz

    True. But my post at 229 shows that these “inserts,” which everyone seems to be relying on for evidence a human design, were all found in a bat carona virus in 2013 and Covid 2019 would be an evolutionary descendant of that virus.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  245. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    My point is much much more basic and stupid then foreign policy nuance.

    Can it really be said that the aspect of a foreign policy that cuts such a wide swathe of destruction and has killed tens of millions over a period of decades is a mere nuance of that policy? Is it possible that killing people, stealing their resources, and ruining their countries is the entire 国家存在的理由 of that policy?

    My point is that psychological staple people who inhabit and govern the West do not set our to be suicidal martyrs

    If the leaders who govern the west are psychologically stable, I haven’t seen much evidence for it. If you’ve been focussed on their rhetoric, I would invite you to instead redirect your attention to their actions, which would appear to suggest something other than psychological stability.

    in a quest to inflict mass murder for a religious philosophy as expressed in Islamic religious doctrines by Islamic religious leaders

    Do you suppose it might be possible to condone and engage in mass murder as the result of adhering to an 思想 outlook rather than a religious one?

    While it would certainly save a lot of time and trouble if all the nutters could be identified by the Qur’ans in their hands, I can’t help but notice that the countries carrying out large-scale drone strikes and bombing raids are all western ones (with the noteworthy exception of the Saudis who, let’s face it, could not have meddled in Yemen for longer than ten minutes without western support).

    such as the Muslim brotherhood founder Said Q’tub in his Magnus opus Under the Shade of the Quran volumes of books dedicated to destabilizing the west for the emergence of Islamic hegemony thru mass murder. Is there a Western document that is similar to that?

    It is a decidedly secular document, but do take a look at the Statement of Principles released by the Project for the New American Century. You can find it here:


    In the 23 years since it was released, America has gone on “to challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values” (among other things), just like it says on the tin.

    (Alas, in the haste to “challenge regimes” and “promote the cause of political and economic freedom abroad,” America has concomitantly abandoned the principles that once made it so admired and respected throughout the world and has, in large part, destroyed itself.)

    In light of what has happened since it was written nearly a quarter-century ago, the Statement of Principles is an impressive document indeed. No doubt Sayyid Qutb did his best, but his Shade of the Qur’an 占用 30册 and who is going to stick around to read all that? I ask you.

    The PNAC chappies got to the point in the space of a single page.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  246. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    See, I told you: you don’t need to be an idiot to believe idiotic fairy tales. And that’s after inglorious flop of Mueller “investigation” and the whole Russiagate thing.

    Tell you what, if there were a way to swing $2 billion election for a few hundred thousand in ads, the person discovering it would become a god of American political manipulators.

    As to Trump-Hillary choice, if I had to make it, I’d choose Trump over Hillary every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Even though I have no relations with KGB/FSB (except that KGB likely had a file on me in 1980-91, as I used to say what I think, not what the government wanted me to think). Hillary is corrupt to the core warmonger, possibly mad (at least her mad witch cackle when she talked about grisly murder of Gaddafi suggests that). She is a liar, too, but that distinction she shares with Trump. She cheated Sanders out of nomination. What’s more, she is a criminal under American law: keeping SecState emails on a private server is a federal crime. Luckily, in TN you don’t need to vote: Dem nominee, whoever s/he is, has no chance.

    Aggressiveness of Iran is a neocon invention. Iran did not attack anyone for many centuries, in sharp contrast to neocon-run US or its “friend” Israel. Besides, it was not Iran who wanted a pipeline across Syria and financed jihadist scum to make it happen. BTW, Syrian government army mostly consists of Sunnis. In fact, Syrian Sunnis who had a misfortune to live in jihadist-controlled areas now vehemently support Assad: compared to the forces propped up by the US, its vassals, and Israel, Assad is a godsend, a paragon of democracy and exemplary observer of human rights.

    Accusing Maduro of drug trafficking is even more ridiculous, especially considering what the US is doing in Afghanistan and what the US “friends” Colombia and Ecuador are doing.

    • 回复: @Jazman
    , @Wizard of Oz
  247. @Anonymous

    Of course, the United States must be prudent in how it exercises its power. But we cannot safely avoid the responsibilities of global leadership or the costs that are associated with its exercise. America has a vital role in maintaining peace and security in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. If we shirk our responsibilities, we invite challenges to our fundamental interests. The history of the 20th century should have taught us that it is important to shape circumstances before crises emerge, and to meet threats before they become dire. The history of this century should have taught us to embrace the cause of American leadership


    I see nothing in that document promoting mass murder. The West defeated Communism without firing a shot. Stood by Europe in WW1 and 2, and defeated slavery during the civil war. We also defended Muslims in Serbia with the brake up of Yugoslavia. I would stand by the principles of democratic countries in the West, and work to defend them. That is not to say that we did not make a lot of mistakes. I do not see a mass murder scenarios.

    In light of what has happened since it was written nearly a quarter-century ago, the Statement of Principles is an impressive document indeed. No doubt Sayyid Qutb did his best, but his Shade of the Qur’an takes up 30 volumes and who is going to stick around to read all that? I ask you.

    Obviously it has spurred a lot of Islamic fundamentalism. Al Qaeda, ISIS., Hamas, to name a fes.

  248. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    就刑法而言,OJ Simpson 的案例表明,一个有很多钱的凶手是可以脱身的。 他的律师从他那里拿走了他所有的钱,这是诗意的正义——至少凶手现在很穷。

    但大多数法律资金并不用于刑事司法。 严重的鲨鱼有两个主要区域。 一个是公司法,另一个是针对富裕实体的诉讼。 有罪的公司支付律师费用主要是为了庭外和解。 Vioxx 的案例就是一个很好的例子。 第二个方向的最好例子,包括集体诉讼(律师也获得了最大份额的赏金),是一个女人将热的麦当劳咖啡倒入错误的孔口的案例。

    • 回复: @Alden
  249. Levtraro 说:

    Regarding SARS-CoV-2 being prone to mutate (would that be mutatious?) in fact coronoviruses are one of the few RNA viruses sporting a genomic proofreading mechanism to weed out mutations that could weaken it. So antivirals that cause mutations (e.g. ribavirin) don’t work with coronaviruses.

    What they do though is to recombine. So if one type of coronavirus finds itself with another type of coronovirus in the same cell, they happily swap chunks of RNA, potentially giving rise to new abilities like infecting other types of cells or jumping to other species.

    However, replicating trillions of times will indeed in all likelihood eventually lead to advantageous mutations that will be kept instead of being removed by the proofreading mechanism.

    • 谢谢: davidgmillsatty
    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  250. DB Cooper 说:

    以下是 MSM 从未报道过的一些有关印度的文章:


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  251. Wank Tank 说:

    Statist obsessives like davidgmilsssattyy will fixate on amateur bafflegab for people who last took science in eighth grade. Then statist obsessives at the Atlantic will point and jeer at gmillsssatttyy and everybody who takes him seriously, “Ha, ha! Conspircy nuts! Thr-Ile mutation! 12-bp insertions! Ha ha Ha Ha!” That is exactly what they did to hide the JFK coup, with ballistics bullshit, and 9/11, with WTC demolition minutiae – fixate on trivia like a nut and ignore the big probative picture.

    That works good – until you piss off great powers with superior missile technology and industrial base. Then this happens, leaving davidgmillsssattty to wank furiously in cyberspace till corona kills him.


    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  252. @Wank Tank




    • 回复: @Billy Shears
  253. For somebody who’s “trying to understand,” you’re awfully sure that it wasn’t a BWC-illegal biological weapon, so don’t gimme that high-dudgeon shit. It is telling that you avoid the big picture so intently. In your outrage you conveniently forgot to address the link with Russia and China’s official public démarche adverting to the documented pattern of behavior of CIA biosecurity. You lawyers, we can tell you’re lying cause your lips are moving.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  254. @Wank Tanker

    Really? It might surprise you to know that I initially thought it could well be a bioweapon. Serious investigation into the matter changed my mind.

    I really try hard not to let ideology bias or prejudice my investigation into the facts.

    I am completely open to the idea that this could be a bioweapon if someone can come up with some virology research that indicates that. All I have ever seen is the Indian paper that suggested it might be the case. The paper was quickly withdrawn when challenged. The challenges seemed very legit.

    I have yet to see any other research that suggests this virus was man-made. Have you got a link to some research that indicates it is?

    And the ad hominems don’t help your argument. It’s also not civil.

  255. @Levtraro

    That is fascinating. You obviously understand this stuff. I have looked at what you have written. From now on you write and I will read.

  256. We don’t take assignments from random yammering internet schmuks. You’ve been sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling “NA-NA-NA!” every time someone puts a relevant link in front of your nose. Even for a lawyer, you’re remarkably dishonest and manipulative. This is not like your old brown-shoe shyster law firm, there are smart people here. That passive-aggressive shit don’t work. You have again avoided the link that started this exchange under cover of more nasal whining.

    You clearly have no experience of relevant collateral so you’re talking out your ass from the get-go. You don’t even know what collateral is, Do you? You are even ignorant of the open-source background such as MacQueen’s The 2001 Anthrax Deception, or this,


    which shows that you have no idea what you’re talking about. So fuck off.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  257. @Iris

    Jews are not mass murderers Iris, Muslims are not all Muslims. But Islam does allow for mass murderers and celebrate suicide bombers as martyrs, and name streets after them.
    You must be feel so awful about this that you need to project this on to someone else to ease your guilt.
    The 19 pilots were Saudis. Planes flew into the buildings. Sorry Iris enjoy your fantasies. If it makes you feel better.

  258. anon[402]• 免责声明 说:

    imo UR deserves to be banned for running articles by Corona-deniers and ageist scum like Heiner Rindermann who want the elderly to die, so young assholes can continue with mindless hedonism and promiscuous sex.

  259. Beau Nydle 说:

    我怀疑《Unz Review》本身现在也刚刚在澳大利亚被屏蔽。大约 12 个小时以来,我一直无法查看该网站,除非我使用将这个 pooter 定义为位于外国海岸的 VPN。我不应该感到惊讶的是,世界上监管最热情的国家之一,如此骄傲地顺从的民众增强了监管者丑陋的信心,竟然轻易地认为这种沉默是维持道德健康观念所必需的,而这种观念几乎完全是道德健康的。自己的建设。明天开车上班时我会想起这一点,看到几乎没有车辆超速每小时一公里,许多车辆的速度低于每小时 5 公里。不敬的必要性不仅限于舒适的社交聚会、娱乐媒体和单口喜剧表演,这一点在澳大利亚唐德兰地区得到了鲜明的体现。

  260. d dan 说:

    The deep state has sent so many agents, on so many occasions, in so many ways, to persuade, nudge, seduce, threaten, warn and reason with Ron Unz to drop his biowarfare theory. Ron steadfastly refuses to budge to all those commenters.

    Hence the ban.

  261. @Fran Taubman

    The West defeated Communism without firing a shot. Stood by Europe in WW1 and 2, and defeated slavery during the civil war. We also defended Muslims in Serbia with the brake up of Yugoslavia. 

    Madam, this is not even ridiculous.

    The US killed millions of civilians in Korea and Vietnam.

    “… stood by Europe …” — is that your way of saying “… gave Eastern Europe to the Bolsheviks …”?

  262. Huskynut 说:

    Early in the Covid conversation I asked whether there was a means you could present alternate information/viewpoints with a means to sort them by argument rather than having to read every single post on every single thread.
    “A big ask” I was challenged (not by you) and yes it was.
    I’ve reflected on it, and here’s a suggestion – what if there were a means of contributors creating “memes” to compete.
    Each meme needs (a self-created) specification, including nuances, edge cases/exceptions etc. Eg for Covid, the meme might include a correlation model (eg with population density).
    External (thread) participants can assess and challenge the merit of specific memes. Meme owners can defend and/or modify their memes in response.
    The purpose is to host a platform which facilitates the development of the most merit-worthy meme, and crowd-test it against the global data. It’s most certainly not AI, but at the current point of AI development (ie pattern recognition at best), it’s almost certainly more accurate and functional than AI (on these kinds of topics)
    I live in NZ, which has done well by life-lost standards, but has also done poorly in terms of over-reaction vis-a-vis Australia. There is currently little (effective) way to have this discussion – a competing models “arena” would provide this.

  263. @Delta G

    扎克伯格是基佬吗?或许。更像是一个半自闭症患者。当深州公主亲吻青蛙时,青蛙就会变成王子。贝索斯和其技术源自 DARPA 的其他人也面临着同样的故事。

  264. @res

    I think the bottom line of what davidgmillsatty is saying is that a supposed virus designer would have had enough knowledge to know the consequences of his act. That would include the mutations. Your only disagreement seems to be that he is possibly implying that the mutation propensity could be manipulated, whereas you apparently say it could not. That is a minor point, and actually strengthens his argument, as the designer would have to be even dumber if that propensity was *不是* subject to control by him.

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
  265. @Wank Spanker

    If this comment was meant for me here is my response.

    To lazy to investigate? Anthrax is not coronavirus. Period. Huge differences between the two.

    9/11 dealt with physics and engineering and I have been a 9/11 truther from the get-go. Going on 20 years. But life sciences are entirely different from non-life sciences. So just because I accept one position on 9/11 doesn’t mean I should accept the same position on coronavirus.

    And if the coronovirus is man-made there seems to be better evidence that it was made by China researchers not American ones. I am looking into that. But genetics is extremely technical stuff.

    You have an agenda and anything that doesn’t fit it, you throw out. Or stick your head in the sand. I try not to have agendas. I try to go with facts and let the chips fall where they may.

  266. 179.Fran Taubman 说:


    真的吗?好吧,你的好朋友马德琳·奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Albright)故意针对供水系统并批准替代品,导致至少 500,000 万伊拉克婴儿死亡。在《60 分钟》节目中,她说了句著名的话:“是的,这是值得的”——她的意思是其中的乐趣。





    • 谢谢: Ann Nonny Mouse
  267. Yngvar 说:
    @Ayatollah Smith

    好吧,你的好朋友马德琳·奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Albright)故意针对供水系统并批准替代品,导致至少 500,000 万伊拉克婴儿死亡。

    人数是 250.000,但无论如何,责任完全归咎于伊拉克独裁者萨达姆·侯赛因没有理会世界其他地区的理性呼吁。




    But still the world persist, India and China foremost, ignoring this ‘truth’, because it does not conform to reality.


    You don’t now anything about the manual. And its not that.

    • 巨魔: Iris, Colin Wright
    • 回复: @Art
  268. Art 说:
    @Ayatollah Smith



    The only way we can expressive ourselves – is with the vote. Our power is our organized vote. The place to start is local.

    If you live in a Dem district – then join the Dem Party – ditto the Republican Party. Show up – speak out – defend America vigorously – demand a vote – go to the next meeting – you will lose until you don’t!



    • 同意: FLgeezer
  269. Art 说:



    Go play with yourself in Hasbara land!

    Israel is full of trash just like Little Jew you — always willing to get in our face and LIE.

    You represent the inferior Jew culture.

  270. 277.英瓦尔说:

    “人数是 250.000 万,但无论如何,责任完全归咎于伊拉克独裁者萨达姆·侯赛因没有理会世界其他地区的合理呼吁。”

    当然,您一定对您的评论的恶意和愚蠢有所了解。 “如果你不讲道理,我会杀死你国家的所有婴儿,这都是你的错。”是的,至少有五十万人死亡,更不用说死去的老人和体弱者了。





    你的辩论技巧是无与伦比的。 “我是对的,你是错的。我赢了。”给我你的电子邮件地址,我会把照片发给你。我还有加沙近 50 所学校的照片,这些学校被以色列国防军炸成废墟,其中包括联合国学校和几所国际学校,而孩子们仍在里面,害怕地躲藏起来。我还有几十张犹太定居者在以色列国防军士兵的严密保护下砍伐和焚烧巴勒斯坦橄榄树的照片。我还有以色列国防军士兵开车经过巴勒斯坦农场并射杀所有农场动物的照片。我也会把它们发给你。


    I also have screenshots of Israel’s “50-cent army”, where the Israeli government offers to pay US$0.50 to every Jewish student who can make a positive post about Israel or the Jews, or who can post a lie to deflect criticism.


    我还有更多。事实上,这些内容填满了一本即将印刷的 600 页书。给我你的地址,我会给你寄一份副本。

    • 谢谢: Commentator Mike, Art, Robjil
    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  271. 278.艺术说:





    如果您不相信这一点,请查看所有国会议员和参议员的投票记录。找到一个投票反对向以色列提供无限免费军事物资的人。找到一个投票反对将首都迁往耶路撒冷的人。找到一个投票反对犹太人迫害巴勒斯坦人的人。甚至找到一个对以色列说过任何批评的话的人。保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨是对的:华盛顿是以色列占领的领土。在你们国家政府的 600 个最高职位中,有 400 多个由犹太人担任。您所需要做的就是查看列表。


    这里有一些值得思考的事情。每个人都知道,犹太人被逐出一个又一个国家,至少有 1,000 年之久。这并不是因为反犹太主义,而是因为他们的罪行,主要是白人奴隶贸易和包税。似乎很少有人意识到欧洲国家经历了两轮革命,而不仅仅是一场。国际金融犹太人安排革命来摆脱各国的君主,因为他们厌倦了被驱逐出如此多的国家,但这并没有帮助,因为他们对新君主也有同样的问题。



    • 同意: Commentator Mike, FLgeezer, Nuncle
    • 回复: @Art
    , @Nuncle
  272. Vojkan 说:

    A hundred folks signing a full-page ad on the NYT and supported by a progressive NGO from the Soros nebula, well, https://www.thefreedictionary.com/conspiracy. They sort of defeat their own argument.

  273. @AnonFromTN

    Thanks for reply. I think the trivial Russian interference with the 2016 election would be consistent with Putin assessing it as very low risk and as a learning experience and experiment. Now here is an interview on Australian ABC Radio National which is always hosted by a lefty, even when Phillip Adams (who resigned from the Communist Party in 1956) isn’t available. This time the person interviewed is Catherine Belton, a Moscow correspondent for about 20 years. Her book “Putin’s People” seems to be a well informed account of Putin’s rise but also how the smart KGB people who knew by 1990 that the Soviet Union couldn’t compete with the West without faster economic reform than Gorbachev had initiated had decided not to arrest Yeltsin but instead prevented the hardliners smashing him and the would be democrats who supported him.

    Any quibbles with that?

    PS Apparently KGB/FSB money laundering led to there being $800 billion cash in the West – mostly London (and supporting Trump?) – and the same in Russia! One of the ways the network of KGB people ended up with serious money was that they persuaded the Communist Party toilet them protect its assets by turning them into cash in London. Then the Communist Party imploded and the money remained with the launderers.

  274. anastasia 说:

    Why in the world would they be banning your site in regard to Covid-19? Your site is promoting the party line completely.
    You should complain.

  275. @Ron Unz

    I don’t know, this is the merest speculation on my part, but perhaps, assuming that this was a bioweapon loosed on Wuhan during the Games by an American agent; perhaps his or his controllers’ thought was, that it would cripple the Chinese economy and after that the US would be well able to keep it out and deal with any specimens that managed to get in. After all, they gave the WH plenty of time to do just that and they had no idea, no reason to think, that Trump’s response would be so lacking in urgency.

    So what I am suggesting is that there may have been two major miscalculations that led to the present situation. The first miscalculation was of the speed, scale and effectiveness of the Chinese response and the second was the failure to factor in the possible lackadaisical response of the USG.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  276. @Ayatollah Smith




    赫奇斯虽然提到以色列“在 1967 年之后获得了该营地的控制权”,但他似乎故意忽略了提及——自 1994 年加沙-杰里科协议以来,以色列对汗尤尼斯营地不再拥有任何权力。巴勒斯坦权力机构确实如此。如果说该营地自 1994 年以来一直未能扩大,那完全是因为巴勒斯坦权力机构。
    值班士兵已经紧张起来,他们意识到,当天,看似无辜的巴勒斯坦人试图炸死加沙地带其他地方的其他以色列士兵。 但赫奇斯甚至懒得在他的“日记”中记录旨在杀害以色列人的自杀式爆炸事件。
    同样,12月16日,一个巴勒斯坦武装团伙在加沙地带拉法镇枪杀了一名18岁的巴勒斯坦儿童。当时身在加沙的赫奇斯也没有提及此事。 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日,《耶路撒冷邮报》报道:
    昨天,巴勒斯坦人承认,周六拉法附近另一名 12 岁男孩的死亡是由以色列造成的,巴勒斯坦人承认该男孩是被在拉法活动的武装反对派杀害的。据报道,巴勒斯坦安全官员与在拉法亚姆附近向士兵开枪的武装团伙之间爆发了争端。
    巴勒斯坦安全官员要求武装团伙离开,当他们驱赶团伙离开时,团伙成员开始随意开枪,导致车内 12 岁的苏利曼·马萨里 (Suliman Massari) 死亡,并打伤了其他几名乘客。
    • 值得注意的是,纽约时报 Hedges 的同事 Thomas L. Friedman 写了一篇专栏文章(“Saudi Royals and Reality”,16 年 2001 月 XNUMX 日),其中可能暗指 Chris Hedges 的谎言和“加沙日记”中的欺骗。
    [T]o 暗示以色列正在屠杀巴勒斯坦人进行体育运动,就好像那里没有发生战争一样,以色列没有提起诉讼,双方的平民都被杀害……这只是谎言。
    弗里德曼补充说; “通常这种随意的谎言不会打扰我。 这是中东政治的主要内容,但这个特定版本很危险,因为它掩盖了一个可能伤害我们的更深层次的谎言。 我称之为“处女生育问题”。 弗里德曼指的不仅是过去一年困扰以色列的巴勒斯坦暴力事件,还有 11 月 XNUMX 日被带回家的阿拉伯人对西方的仇恨这一更大的问题,阿拉伯人缺乏问责制。

    • 巨魔: GazaPlanet, Nuncle
  277. Art 说:
    @Ayatollah Smith







    I agree with your facts– but – not your total hopeless pessimism. Rome fell and it was replaced with a period of local city state rule that was relatively peaceful. The great nation state “Rome” was replaced by something better – Christian based idealistic local control. That is Western history. Now we have reverted back to nation state empire. The pendulum must swing again.

    西方国家正在接近犹太人金钱的完全农奴制。他们将遭遇灾难性的失败,原因显而易见。 (特朗普及其华尔街经济复苏只是延长了结果。)


    • 回复: @Black Picard
  278. @Ayatollah Smith

    我还有更多。事实上,这些内容填满了一本即将印刷的 600 页书。给我你的地址,我会给你寄一份副本。

    开放主题 #2 在这里:


    We’d like to see you there, and, if possible, please make your material accessible to us without the need for email correspondence. I, for one, am very interested in acquiring a copy of it.

    Also, there’s a hot thread on the anniversary of The Nakba here:



  279. @Ron Unz

    If anyone cares to go and look at the articles republished in Yahoo! from the Independent, Guardian, Daily Mail, Reuters, Bloomberg and all the rest it is a real hate-fest of anti-Chinese diatribe and outright lies. The correspondence about the articles has even more concentrated hate. I doubt that anyone in any sort of authority is going even to remark on it, never mind close it down.

  280. Ron Unz 说:

    I don’t know, this is the merest speculation on my part, but perhaps, assuming that this was a bioweapon loosed on Wuhan during the Games by an American agent…So what I am suggesting is that there may have been two major miscalculations that led to the present situation. The first miscalculation was of the speed, scale and effectiveness of the Chinese response and the second was the failure to factor in the possible lackadaisical response of the USG.

    Sure, that’s very much my own reconstruction of what happened, as I presented in detail in my long article of a couple of weeks ago:


    • 回复: @Monty Ahwazi
    , @Bert
  281. Olorin 说:


    Another example is the “keep in touch with your neighbors” product NextDoor…which is in fact a massive and granular voter tracking and election strategy tool.




  282. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    I see nothing in that document promoting mass murder.

    That is unfortunate, because very few people who are about to embark on a course of mass murder are obliging enough to announce their intentions in crystal-clear language beforehand: it’s poor salesmanship. Rather, the tendency is to dress the mass murder up in high-flown rhetoric. The PNAC was no exception.

    When the PNAC folks were talking about “challeng[ing] regimes hostile to our interests and values,” I hope you were not under the impression they intended to do it by writing a few green-ink letters to the NYT and leaving it at that.

    Sadly, by the time that group was done, tens of millions of people lay dead, Iraq and Afghanistan were ruined (admittedly, one could hardly tell in the latter case), and America was hated and feared to an extent hitherto unknown.


    The West defeated Communism without firing a shot.

    Madam, when communism finally collapsed, it was in 尽管 of what the West did, not 因为 of what the West did.

    I’m guessing the name of Antony C. Sutton doesn’t have much currency around here (though I would prefer to be mistaken about this, and delighted to hear from anyone familiar with his work). Well, Mr. Sutton did what scholars like to give the 印象 of doing, and what scholars enjoy being 称赞 for doing, but which they almost never, in actuality, do: he told the truth. What Mr. Sutton told the truth about was the relationship between the communists and the West.

    Specifically, he told about how the West funded the communists in the very beginning (https://archive.org/download/pdfy-L83jbkzuI6b1FZ2y/Sutton%20-%20Wall%20Street%20and%20the%20Bolshevik%20Revolution%20%281974%29.PDF) and went on to support them with the loans and technology transfers (https://archive.org/download/BestEnemyMoneyCanBuy1986/best%20enemy%20money%20can%20buy%20%281986%29.pdf) that were critical to keep them going for the next three-quarters of a century until the USSR collapsed under its own weight.

    Naturally, his letting the cat out of the bag about how the communists were actively supported by the West went over like a lead zeppelin. Mr. Sutton had enjoyed a career as a research fellow at the Hoover Institution for half a decade, a career which scarcely lasted half an hour after his first book came out detailing how it was that the USSR was very much a Western construct, and how the MIC was working hard to support the very people it ostensibly was trying to prevent from harming Western interests.

    Anyway, I’ve given the links to his two most popular books if you would care to read them. Whether you choose to is, of course, up to you.

    Stood by Europe in WW1

    My own (possibly faulty) understanding of American intervention in the First World War is this: the American financier JP Morgan organized a syndicate of about 2,200 banks and floated a loan of $500,000,000 to the Allies. Sometime in 1917, the Allies had a chat with him that went something like this:

    “Mr. Morgan, after three years of fighting, the outcome of the war is still very much in doubt. Suffice it to say that if we, the Allies, lose the war, you, Mr. Morgan will lose your money, because all of the loans you have extended to the Allies will then become worthless.”

    American troops appeared in Europe shortly after.

    Put another way: American intervention in WWI had a lot less to do with the Americans standing by Europe and a lot 更多 to do with standing by JP Morgan to make sure he and his consortium of banks didn’t lose their money.

    4th 和5th 轴车削中心

    I am not entirely convinced that pointing to America’s treatment of Europe in WWII as a good thing is such a hot idea. I’ve noticed how Americans are quick to talk about defeating the Nazis (and well done, that), but what is almost never mentioned is the fact that the Americans defeated the Nazis only to immediately hand Eastern Europe over to the Russians so that the Europeans could live under the iron heel of the communists for the next half-century.

    You could call the American conduct of the war a lot of things, certainly, but “standing by Europe” would not appear to be one of them.

    and defeated slavery during the civil war.

    The sad fact of the matter is that Lincoln cared nothing for the slaves; I do not ask you to take my word for this. Rather, you can read A. Lincoln’s letter to Horace Greeley (editor of the influential “纽约论坛报”), written in 1862, in which he lays out in unmistakable terms just what he thinks of the slaves:


    Lincoln himself said in the above letter that he was fighting to preserve the union (i.e. his ability to issue edicts to the rest of America and have them obeyed). If the slaves were freed, it happened as a mere by-product of his desire to maintain federal power over the rest of America. As he said in his own words, if maintaining slavery would have maintained the union, he would never have freed so much as a single slave.

    I would stand by the principles of democratic countries in the West, and work to defend them. That is not to say that we did not make a lot of mistakes. I do not see a mass murder scenarios.

    If I may take the liberty of saying so (and at the risk of sounding unkind), your writings convey the distinct impression that you are the sort who would not be able to see a mass murder scenario were it taking place before your very eyes. With any luck, I have badly misconstrued what you have written and the fault lies entirely on my end.

    In any case, you need not worry about my making a nuisance of myself any more: with the exception of the below Parthian shot, I have no future plans to respond to any more of your posts (what would be the point when your mind is already made up?). I only wrote the above in a (no doubt misguided) attempt to underscore the fact that it isn’t what you know that gets you into trouble, but rather, it’s the things you 相信 you know that are not so: those “principles of democratic countries” of which you speak might not be the same ones you yourself have in mind when it comes to how you would like your own country to be perceived by other countries.

    You know, apart from asking the odd question or two, I rarely engage with people on message boards for a reason: because, with few exceptions, people on message boards are seeking affirmation of their pre-existing views and are not seeking newer, possibly better information that might lead to their having to change those views. As my writing no doubt indicates, I am not a very clever chap and, as a consequence, I frequently lose sight of the above. I thank you for recalling me to myself and reminding me of what is actually important (note to self: it isn’t quibbling with strangers on message boards).

    [Sayyid Qutb did his best, but his Shade of the Qur’an takes up 30 volumes and who is going to stick around to read all that? I ask you.]

    Obviously it has spurred a lot of Islamic fundamentalism. Al Qaeda, ISIS., Hamas, to name a fes.

    I can assure you that, without question, the greatest recruiting tool the Islamists were ever given was American foreign policy in the Middle East. Until the Americans invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, Bin Laden could only rant and rave about how the Westerners were “crusaders” who were out to kill them.

    After the Americans appeared and the bodies started stacking up, however (the bodies, more often than not, being the wrong ones), Bin Laden could then point to what the Americans themselves had done and tell the Arab world, “See? Told you.”

    Compared to America’s “own goal” in the Middle East, Sayyid Qutb was just wasting his time.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  283. Richard B 说:


    That seems like an odd thing to say given the Overview and Mission Statement of TUR as stated in “Why The Unz Review?”

  284. Richard B 说:
    @Sally Snyder

    集体抗议政府基于新冠病毒的限制措施的美国人,那些不与他人保持六英尺距离的人,或者那些无视政府规定的其他限制措施(包括社会隔离和自我隔离)的人,从技术上讲都可能被视为参与了故意传播感染了 COVID-19 病毒,发现自己被指控犯有恐怖主义行为。



    However, it’s also turned out to be self-refuting and self-incriminating.





  285. Alden 说:
    @Colin Wright

    I’m with you. Covid hoax is just a normal flu season.

    The lockdown because of the hoax is something else entirely.

    • 回复: @Mark Hunter
  286. As a pointer SouthFront has been named a psyop by the Russian government too, because they criticise their decision making as well.

    Also, amazingly it’s not just FB – you can’t even send p2p links on FB messenger either, which is a new development to me! That really was the last straw for me, so I locked myself out with a fake email and fake passwords, so I could never even consider re-entering that pit.

    I think they know the blackout strategy though. It limits the Streisand effect. ADL may have shouted in 2018, but if FB banned Unz then, you’d get more flow. Better to wait till the website is not in the public consciousness, and quietly sweep it under the rug.

  287. Turk 152 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Are you that thick? The average American has absolutely nothing in common with their criminal aristocratic rulers? You have never met an American who is capable of mass murder because Dick Cheney, the Bushes, the Clinton’s, the Rockefeller’s, the tiny few who reap all the benefits dont pal around with commoners.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  288. @Iris





    • 同意: Biff
    • 谢谢: Iris
  289. sally 说:
    @James Solbakken

    RU提出了一个假设 : “The Defense Intelligence Agency were aware of the deadly viral outbreak in Wuhan more than a month before any officials in the Chinese government itself. ”


    机构 — an Agency of, or any branch of any government that supports or directs the governance of human occupants resident in America, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Israel, or Germany.
    病毒–a virus named SARS CoV-2, (Severe, Acute Respiratory Syndrome the 7th in a series of CoronaVirus, sarbecorona (orthro corona/virinae) virus, which infects its victims by contact of its spike (S1 and S2) protein with ACE-2 surface protein on airway and respiratory epithelial cells (as described in Nature, Science and elsewhere), and which infection is suspected to cause in humans blood clots, Pneumonia, Ischemia (acute hypoimea) and associated to vascular diabetes, obesity, age, hypertension, (and to enhance risk of kidney damage when ventilators are used).

    1 年 1919 月 XNUMX 日之前,没有任何机构知道该病毒正在人群中传播。 请证明 1 年 1919 月 XNUMX 日是一个错误的日期。

  290. Kapyong 说:

    “Complain if you want about Zuck, and I use no FB products, but he is apparently a first-class coder and has built a culture around it.”

    Is he really ?
    Apparently no-one ever actually saw him code, but somehow he solved the intractable social media scaling problem working in his spare time for a few weekends. (He says he doesn’t code any more.)

    Seems it was really stolen from Michael McKibben’s Leader Technology with help of IBM’s Eclipse program and crooked lawyer James P. Chandler III.

    Zuckerberg’s comment : “let the hacking begin”.

  291. @Ayatollah Smith

    ‘Really? Well, your good friend Madeleine Albright killed at least 500,000 Iraqi infants by deliberately targeting the water supplies and sanctioning replacements.’


    All your claims about Israel are valid. Too bad you led off with a demonstrable falsehood. Demographically, Iraq is a rather modest in size: itts population was around fourteen million people at the time sanctions were imposed, if memory serves. Even assuming a population growing at twice the replacement rate, there would still have only been around 400,000 ‘infants’ in the country altogether. So Albright 不能 have killed 500,000; indeed, unless you can show total demographic collapse occurred as a result of the sanctions, the death toll couldn’t have been even a fraction of that.

    …and total demographic collapse didn’t occur in the nineties; just the opposite.



    exaggerate; it’s shooting yourself in the foot, rhetorically. I learned this — rather painfully — in adolescence. If you must lump in Albright’s actions with Israel’s crimes, I’d go with ’caused the death of thousands of infants…’ — that’d be much more defensible, and the same end would be served.

    • 回复: @Iris
  292. @Saggy

    哦,太好了! FaceCrack 将非洲视为目标。扎克和他的公司建立了一个基础设施,用于对大多数太容易被“社交媒体”欺骗的天真的非洲人进行洗脑,这真是太棒了。我确信浏览 FaceCrack 不会产生任何宽带资费。

    Facebook 正在非洲周围建造一条大型水下电缆,努力让非洲大陆 1.3 亿居民中的更多人上网……
    诺基亚旗下的电缆系统提供商阿尔卡特海底网络公司 (Alcatel Submarine Networks) 负责建设海底电缆。 Facebook 声称,这条电缆全长 37,000 公里(约合 22,991 英里),“几乎等于地球的周长”。

    来源: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/05/14/facebook-building-undersea-cable-in-africa-to-boost-internet-access.html

    天哪,我们完蛋了!当庞大的深州“自由电缆”全面投入运行时,有趣的宣传时代即将到来,是吗? 🤔👀

    尽管如此,Facebook 的举动凸显了硅谷公司对非洲的兴趣日益浓厚,认为这是一个高增长的投资机会。 Twitter首席执行官杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey)去年表示,他计划搬到该地区——尽管最近由于冠状病毒的爆发,他不得不“重新评估”这一雄心。

    非洲永远无法摆脱西方殖民主义。 “资源诅咒”仍在继续。

  293. @Anonymous

    I see nothing in that document promoting mass murder.’

    It’s bleakly amusing to note that Fran is essentially adopting the same argument Holocaust deniers rely on: ‘no written order from Hitler explicitly calling for the extermination of all Jews exists, so we know the Holocaust didn’t happen.’

  294. niteranger 说:

    Unz is clueless about Facebook and his Jewish relatives. MIT (Technology Review) just went after Archive and the Wayback Machine claiming they should not save anything the Magic Jews don’t want. Now the idiots at Archive are going to put warning stickers on stuff etc. and make you sign in (so they can track you).

    Unz can’t see the Forest before the Trees. So you are going to talk to the Commies that Zuckerberg has installed to monitor Facebook. Good Luck! The reason they came after you now is because you have done a good job informing the public what’s really happening. Before they thought you would never get the readers and the influence you and your site now have.

    They want total control and they will get it unless we fight back. The Khazars are starting to get nervous because more and more people in the world are realizing what they really are and everything they control.

    • 同意: Richard B
    • 回复: @Richard B
    , @Anonymous
  295. @Art



    为什么美国必须因其针对伊拉克的战争罪行而受到起诉 – 作者:Eric Zuesse


    美国领导人欺骗美国公众对一个从未威胁过美国的外国(伊拉克)进行入侵和占领;因此,这次入侵和随后的军事占领构成了“侵略战争”的缩影——无理和非法的国际侵略。 (希特勒与乔治·W·布什类似,如果他没有撒谎或“欺骗”人民,入侵和军事占领从未威胁过德国的外国,他将永远无法获得人民支持入侵,例如比利时、波兰和捷克斯洛伐克。这——希特勒基于谎言的侵略——是纳粹所追求的核心,但美国现在却这么做了。)……

    29 年 2015 月 1,000 日,我的标题是“盖洛普:‘伊拉克人是世界上最悲伤和最愤怒的人口之一’”,并链接到盖洛普对全球 148 个国家/地区的 XNUMX 人进行的调查,该调查发现伊拉克有最高的“负面体验得分”。该分数包括“悲伤”、“身体疼痛”、“愤怒”和其他类型的痛苦——而伊拉克在美国入侵后,得分为全世界最高……


    来源: https://theduran.com/why-u-s-must-be-prosecuted-for-its-war-crimes-against-iraq/

    另见: https://www.nickturse.com/articles-1

    • 回复: @Art
  296. Nuncle 说:
    @Ayatollah Smith

    I would argue that Switzerland has a form of democracy. It has citizen-initiated referendums that are actually BINDING ON THE GOVERNMENT. Referendums mean nothing (as we saw from the Brexit debacle) unless the government is obliged to follow them. Switzerland is, I believe, the only country where this can happen. If we got to that point, we would be a lot closer to democracy – especially if laws were enacted to deregulate media and guarantee freedom of speech.

  297. Anon[797]• 免责声明 说:


    I think it works the same way that Google’s human readers work: mainly outsourced or subcontracted workers working to a manual and an online training course will tag sites for various violations. There are a zillion websites, and it takes them awhile took get around to every site. It’s rarely because of any recent content. There is a lot of leaked information about Google, due to AdSense being most site’s main source of income.

  298. @davidgmillsatty

    只是通过使用死亡率低的病毒在经济上摧毁一两个国家,或者减少人为杀死(哈哈)! 在这种情况下,两个敌人是中国和伊朗。 我相信中国很快意识到了这一意图,并且有能力相当快地控制大流行,然后通过鼓励来自某些已知地区的 COVID19 的人(如全额付费旅行)访问美国(关闭到 430,000 人)。 换句话说,原计划适得其反,但对伊朗这样的弱国却奏效了!

  299. Seraphim 说:

    It would be interesting to know whether Zapruder became prosperous after shooting his film!

    • 回复: @Jiminy
  300. @Ron Unz

    请记住,Phil Giraldi 也暴露了这种奇怪的关系,而 Z 可能会生气。 因此,通过对他们在 FB 的好友施加压力,他们又回到了 UNZ! 只是一个想法!

  301. Anon[164]• 免责声明 说:

    This is for Ron; Iran’s experience with covid is the cincher.

    Corona is probably either Deep State or similar to 9/11 in origin, but Id be damned if it was natural.
    Trump has survived everything they have thrown at him. All the advice respectable outlets gave Trump in January and February were very wrong. His Chinese travel ban was called racist and xenophobic. We were told repeatedly that the flu was what we really needed to worry about. We were told to empathize with those quarantined on cruise ships. We were even told masks were of little value for a while. New York has shipped oldsters off to nursing homes to be availed to a great deal of covid, practically ensuring higher death numbers, almost certainly on purpose.
    Trump is the strong horse nationalist candidate the world is looking to. Global labor arbitage and promotion of sensualist/gay lifestyles and massive non-Western migration is increasingly unpopular with the Western masses. The Russia hoax, the old-as-dirt special prosecutor, brow-furrowing/pearl clutching media-minifirestorms-over-little-etiquitte-gaffes have not worked to take out the orange horse. As long as Big Orange is out there, other nationalists the world over have something to point to for morale (Phillipines, Hungary, Brazil, Poland, Russia, Brexit, Catalan, Bersculoni in Italy, Greek nationalist, anti-globalization parties coming into being in all sorts of nations). Covid is a Hail Mary fourth quarter pass. It hitting the Iranians so hard is the giveaway. It makes it obvious.
    A really bad economy or more death are Trump’s options. I imagine this will be a very ugly summer and fall race politically. DJT did not ask for this virus to screw up his four years. The media has not given this man a moments peace since he declared himself a candidate. Biden is promising not to pardon him. Thats even worse than being banned from Facebook.

  302. Oh well Ron, you’ll never lose me as a daily visitor, thrice weekly reader and very occasional commenter. Possibly you’ll even attract a superior class of audience. For some intuitive reason I knew facebook was suss from the very beginning. Registered my name with it to prevent anybody else using it (my name) and have never visited it since. I told a few of my friends to stay away from it and now they say I was right. Same goes for twatter.

    Sincerely all the best and more strength to your arm and pen.

  303. Bruno 说:

    In most of Europe, if your site draw attention, god forbid, you would be banned for two major reasons :

    1- all JQ articles and N1 your Irving American Pravda serie wich could lead you to jail there

    2- all the articles linked to race analysis and in particular Sailer and Kersey

    That would be more of a total ban. So I don’t know wich % Europe represents but if I were you I would keep a low profile if you have been only Facebook hitted … worse could be coming.

  304. Pft 说:

    基本上,一场全球政变正在发生。 否则被称为第四次工业革命,它将导致基于 2030 年议程可持续发展目标的全球技术统治。 没有什么可以阻挡它,他们会用蒸汽滚过它。 对冠状病毒的审查正在加速进行。 一个网站 MOA 在评论部分发疯了。 仅仅提到一种维生素就会让你被禁止在那里。 哈哈。


    特朗普宣布 5G 是 2018 年的国家优先事项。 5 年,2020G 将在美国和亚洲大部分地区以及欧洲的大部分地区以 Warp 速度推出,在特朗普的领导下,国家人工智能和计算机科学研讨会 (NSAIC) 于 2018 年成立。 它由军事情报和科技工业综合体的顶级成员组成。

    2019年,他们建议美国经济和社会进行“结构性”变革,以在人工智能驱动的技术上跟随中国并超越中国,特别是大规模监控、自动驾驶汽车、车队所有权取代个人所有权、无现金社会、牧民进入高城市密度地区,消除店内购物等。他们呼吁建立民用 DNA 数据库是“合乎逻辑的下一步和基于人工智能的医疗保健以取代医生”


    特朗普随后签署了一份行政令,将人工智能发展列为国家安全的优先事项。 特朗普通过让我们在结构上像中国来证明他在人工智能竞赛中击败中国假敌人的计划是合理的。 尽管美国是开发人工智能技术的领导者,但由于结构因素和隐私权必须改变或删除,我们在采用阶段失败了。 最近,共和党参议院否决了一项旨在加强隐私权的修正案。 隐私已成为过去。

    在 2019 年的彼尔德伯格会议上,在“稳定的战略秩序”的座右铭下,议程明显与人工智能和监控技术相关,有几位与唐纳德·特朗普关系密切的著名参与者:他的女婿和高级顾问贾里德·库什纳 (Jared Kushner)与特定会议的另一位参与者彼得·泰尔 (Peter Thiel)、国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥 (前中央情报局局长) 和特朗普的密友亨利·基辛格 (Henry Kissinger) 的商业伙伴,后者是世界上最有影响力的全球主义者之一。

    像 9/11 这样的冠状病毒将使这种变化成为可能。 从混乱到秩序第四次工业革命必须打破现有秩序引入新秩序

    这次拆除现有订单的行动交给了生物技术军事工业园区,他们一直在努力开发和寻找新的病毒和疫苗技术,以及开发数字 ID、数字货币、跟踪、监视、数据收集和控制技术. 由比尔·盖茨、大型制药、军事、公共卫生和情报机构、大银行和大数据/技术/电信领导。

    在过去的几年里,他们一直在忙着计划搬家的蜜蜂。 最近注意以下几点:


    美国海军战争学院和约翰·霍普金斯大学的《城市暴发演习》(2019年XNUMX月)。 随后,美国政府成立了流感疫苗工作组。


    特朗普的一项任命特别有趣。 罗伯特·卡德莱克 (Robert Kadlec) 作为大流行准备和响应助理部长负责大流行,并负责分发库存以及为药物和疫苗的开发和采购提供资金。 的确,他是15年前的职位创造者,恰逢其时。 告密者 Bright 在 BARDA 为他工作 Kadlec 参加了 2001 年 XNUMX 月模拟生物武器攻击的演习,称为“黑暗的冬天”。

    有趣的是,纽约时报在最近的一篇文章中警告说,如果美国不迅速加强对冠状病毒的反应,2020 年布莱特说这将是“现代历史上最黑暗的冬天”

    与此同时,由以色列公司(Cyber​​eason)联合美国军事和安全机构领导的“停电行动”模拟仍在继续,预测黑客将关闭电网以取消选举。 特朗普于 1 月 XNUMX 日发布 EO 以保护电网。 毫无疑问,没有力量可以带来黑暗的圣诞节。

    选举前,得益于“快速行动”,“快速启动项目”和“ RAPID美国”行动,以及动员军队管理这些疫苗,疫苗已经准备就绪。

    在我们所有人都接种疫苗之前,甚至在那之后,仍在制定监测健康和实施接触者追踪的计划。 众议院的 HR 6666 法案于 19 月 1 日推出了“COVID-XNUMX 测试、接触和联系每个人(‘TRACE’)法案”,其中包含了启示录中被认为是野兽的数量。

    该法案向全国各地的实体拨款 100 亿美元,以“追踪和监控受感染者的接触者,并支持对此类接触者进行隔离”。

    奇怪的是,疾病预防控制中心去年秋天为20个地点的数十名检疫人员提供了招聘广告。 尽管隔离病历是疾病预防控制中心的职责,但对于如此庞大的新警员的需求却感到好奇,尤其是在没有大流行的情况下

    政府官员–贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner),副总裁迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)和卫生与公共服务部秘书亚历克斯·阿扎尔(Alex Azar)已在整个政府中“广泛分发”了与3家公司(集体医疗,PatientPing和Juvare公司)的提案有关的备忘录,以集体“提供政府提供有关“在短期内”在美国80%的地区向何处寻求患者治疗的信息。”


    还值得指出的是贾里德·库什纳 (Jared Kushner) 参与领导这项工作的重要性,因为他的妻子伊万卡·特朗普——总统的女儿——是去年一项名为卫生高级研究计划局 (HARPA) 的有争议项目的主要支持者之一。

    去年 XNUMX 月,特朗普提议成立一个名为卫生高级研究计划局或 HARPA 的新机构,该机构将设在卫生与公共服务部内。 据三位知情人士透露,其主管将由总统任命,该机构将有单独的预算。 该机构主要计划的主要支持者之一,称为“安全之家”(通过帮助克服心理极端来阻止异常致命事件),旨在开发一种基于人工智能的系统,该系统将分析从消费电子设备收集的数据以及信息由卫生保健提供者提供,以识别可能威胁他人的人。

    尽管 HARPA 最终未能获得关注,但现在正在推广类似的大规模监视系统,以冠状病毒现在取代大规模枪击事件作为官方理由。 可能由所谓的 COVID Lockdown Denier 引起的某些事件将用于获得对 HARPA 的支持

    司法部长威廉巴尔在过去几个月中一直在微调和实施“犯罪前”计划。 正式名称为“国家破坏和早期参与计划”(DEEP),旨在“在潜在暴力个人罢工之前”“识别、评估和参与他们”。 巴尔于去年 2020 月在一份官方备忘录中首次宣布了该计划,其中表示该计划将在 XNUMX 年的某个时候实施,并将涉及“一种高效、有效和有计划的战略,以通过所有合法的手段来扰乱动员暴力的个人”。方法。”


    联邦调查局最近在一份内部备忘录中表示,“阴谋论”正在引发一些国内恐怖威胁,一系列可疑的学术研究将“阴谋论者”与精神疾病联系起来。 因此,司法部甚至可以证明不盲目相信政府的叙述会对公共秩序构成威胁。 准备好因思想犯罪而对人们进行围捕和拘留。


    作为里根政府期间 COG 开发和规划的实际领导者,诺斯监督了一个数据库的创建,该数据库后来被简称为“主要核心”。 Main Core 数据库最初是使用被盗的 PROMIS 软件构建的,本质上是一份美国持不同政见者和“潜在麻烦制造者”的名单。

    今天的 Main Core 可能涉及每个美国情报机构和许多其他联邦机构现在使用的相同软件,这些软件由 Palantir 销售,Palantir 是一家由特朗普盟友 Peter Thiel 创建和拥有的公司。 Palantir 的软件拥有“预测警务”功能,并使用“颠覆性”标签跟踪一类人,这与 Main Core 的精神非常一致。

    鉴于冠状病毒危机,司法部最近要求新的“紧急权力”也存在犯罪前拘留的可能性,因为它特别要求这些新权力适用于“任何其他影响逮捕前的法规或程序规则”。 、刑事和少年诉讼以及所有民事诉讼和诉讼中的逮捕后、审判前、审判和审判后程序。” 包含“逮捕前”一词可能意味着“在法官决定紧急情况或公民不服从结束之前,您可能会被捕并且永远不会被带到法官面前。 “

    在盖茨资助的世界经济论坛 2020 年达沃斯会议召开前一周,世界经济论坛全球未来理事会全球公共产品 4IR 工作组发布了为全球目标解锁技术的报告。 该报告与审计和咨询公司普华永道合作编写,回顾了第四次工业革命 (4IR) 的先进技术将如何有助于实现联合国 17 个可持续发展目标 (SDG) 的目标。

    这项运动协调得很好,包括政府、国际组织和“公民社会”的代表。 大型科技巨头也在船上,他们都看到了“拯救和改善世界”的巨大利润机会(读作:数百甚至数千亿美元)。 一切都符合世界经济论坛的公私合作原则

    该报告展示了一个技术官僚社会,在人工智能、卫星、机器人、无人机、物联网和菜单上的人造食品的帮助下,整个世界都将受到控制和治理。 一个全球数字全景图,所有人类活动都将在社会信用的帮助下被记录、分析和纠正——是的,即使在西方!

    此外,就在 XNUMX 月份达沃斯会议的前几天,贝莱德创始人兼首席执行官拉里芬克向企业首席执行官发布了一份不同寻常的年度通讯。

    他在一封仔细阅读的信中写道,该信指导众多公司从贝莱德的 7 万亿美元中寻求投资,“气候变化已成为公司长期前景的决定性因素。” 芬克引用最近的气候抗议活动说,“人们的意识正在迅速变化,我相信我们正处于金融根本性重塑的边缘。”

    芬克告诉我们,“因为资本市场会推动未来的风险,我们会看到资本配置的变化比气候本身的变化要快。 在不久的将来——而且比大多数人预期的要快——资本将发生重大的重新分配。”

    贝莱德计划要求其投资 7 万亿美元的公司证明他们符合绿色环保要求,“使可持续性成为投资组合构建和风险管理的组成部分; 退出存在高可持续性相关风险的投资,例如动力煤生产商; 推出筛选化石燃料的新投资产品; 并加强我们对投资管理活动可持续性和透明度的承诺。”


    这很重要还有另一个原因。 最近有消息称,拉里·芬克 (Larry Fink) 作为顾问向美联储提供建议。 这是 WEG、洛克菲勒和盖茨喜欢推广的另一个公私合作伙伴关系吗? 控制美联储或至少影响他们肯定会有助于他的投资和推动绿色经济。


    • 同意: Hiram of Tyre
    • 回复: @Hiram of Tyre
  305. Bert 说:
    @Ron Unz


    Your “reconstruction” is nothing more than special pleading (That the U.S. or its Deep State would risk creating a wealth-destroying pandemic without being prepared within its own borders) and defended by ad hoc hypotheses (That the U.S. made two miscalculations).

    Your “reconstruction” does not meet the standards of logic (means, opportuntiy and motive) which are routinely applied to criminal investigations. And apparently you are not able to argue againist this criticism.

    Your valuable work on the dishonesty of the U.S. media, the nature of Judaism, and the origins of the World Wars is put at risk by your pushing of the biowarfare hypothesis.

  306. cranc 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Ron,你一直在重复这个疾病的感染死亡率为 0.5-1% 的说法。你不需要说明为什么你仍然坚持这个估计吗?自从中国封锁(然后立即公布)其“700亿”人口以来,已经公布了很多数据。这些数据在互联网上得到了广泛的审查和总结,它告诉我们,在数十项关注 IFR 的研究中,平均值约为 0.2%(仅相当于您估计的五分之一,即是相当可观的)。


    就我而言,认为国际竞争是整个事件的主要原因的想法毫无意义,而国际秩序的重组则毫无意义。 跨国 “Covid19事件”的破坏肯定会促进货币体系的发展。

    • 同意: thotmonger
  307. Hegar 说:

    “an extremely reckless American biowarfare attack against China”

    You can’t be serious. Take off the tinfoil hat and read up on the wet markets in China, which have repeatedly created disease.

    “But the Wuhan lab!” The one on the other side of the river? Which did NOT do research on this corona strain? There are several corona viruses.

    “But no bats live near the wet markets!” Nor did the bats that caused SARS. In both cases they were eaten by intermediary animals that were then sold at the wet markets.

    There is plenty more misinformation, leading to “China or the U.S. created corona!” No, it was the Chinese people who did it, in the wet markets.

    阅读 Takimag 的 David Cole 的文章了解这一点。





    • 回复: @mark green
  308. 您引用了一个名为 AVAAZ 的组织发布的贬义性整版《纽约时报》广告。如果您查看 2018 年国税局 990 表格,您会发现这支可疑组织向与恐怖分子有联系的白盔组织捐赠了 72,000 美元。


  309. Your love of China doesn’t protect you from the wrath of the Little Zukie in the hoodie and his chinadoll … better luck next time!

  310. Anonymous[661]• 免责声明 说:

    If things keep going the way they are it won’t be long before free speech supporters like Ron Unz (or the rest of us) will be sharing prison cells with free speech activists like Ursula Haverbeck.

    Unz Review is the best source for the free exchange of ideas that I have come across in years.

    I think it’s up to everyone to do everything they possibly can to defy the tyranny of censorship.

  311. 审查制度变得越来越普遍,甚至在我们当地媒体的致编辑信页面上也是如此。批评以色列侵犯巴勒斯坦人人权的信件会被回避,任何讲述犹太复国主义国家创建的信件也会被回避。

  312. Anonymous[374]• 免责声明 说:
    @DB Cooper






    But then again, you are not interested in simply advancing an alternative view, but more in pushing aggressive polemics. This “muh oppressed minorities” schtick is the oldest trick in the liberal diplomacy book, because diversity is a strength…if only your perceived enemy has it.


    On a final note, the reason why the MSM don’t cover India is because we are ultimately quite irrelevant and so do not pose a threat to the Western system because of our democratic nature, meaning politicians can be influenced by big money.

  313. Pft 说:

    我感谢 Ron 允许言论自由。 我们可能在某些方面存在分歧,但这是一件好事。 我们向那些不同意我们的人学习,反之亦然。

    不幸的是,言论自由之锤即将到来。 即使是UNZ和Ron也无法对抗它的力量。

    准备像过去一样通过纸张分发信息。 囤纸。 使用 2010 年之前(任意日期)的设备和 2010 年之前没有互联网连接的软件来准备您的想法。 将数字信息存储在免费(2010 年之前)的存储设备上。 收集书籍和视频的硬拷贝。

    另一种选择是接受我们的现实。 我们敬酒,拥抱矩阵。

    无论你选择什么。 上帝保佑。

  314. @Black Picard



  315. bomag 说:

    But they will police violations of their silly rules, and its our fault if we attempt ban evasion.

    Seems like the kind of things that happen on any large-ish website.

    Another example of political control by arbitrary rules/arbitrary enforcement.

  316. Anonymous[363]• 免责声明 说:

    Maybe the ban was decided by a bot counting the occurrences of words like kike, jooie, nigger, and holohoax in the comments sections rather than by a difference in opinion.

    When I see the sheer amount of comments promoting holocaust denial under Philip Giraldi’s column, I wonder if it is actually an attempt to discredit him b6 association.

    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  317. Emslander 说:
    @JustBrooklyn Here

    让脸书见鬼去吧。我喜欢你的网站,我从来没有看过你的脸书。我不会在FB上发表任何新闻或观点。 FB 是您与基诺沙疯狂的二表弟保持联系或回忆 2 多年前与幼儿园恋人的美好时光的工具。就是这样。这些人所要做的就是直接访问您的网站。对他们更好,我不知道这对你是否更好。


    Despite some of my early misgivings about UR and certain signs of resistance to ideas by Unz himself, I’ve come lately to this site more than any other. It’s not mentioned too much, but the basic structure and mechanics here are unmatched anywhere else. There are no flashup ads, shifting content or obnoxious interference with the basic textual approach. In addition, the comments sections are the best-engineered and most acceptable on the internet. As Unz, himself, has pointed out, you can’t identify a dominant ideology on this page.

    I’m not an especially big anti-zionist and I’ve spent enough time in strongly Jewish lines of work that I can’t work up any teleological point of view toward American Jews. They are what they are. The open commentary about Jews was, at first, shocking to me, but I’ve come to see it now as a healthy outlet for certain people.

    如果我是 Unz,我会继续走正确的道路,并假设 FB 会像任何腐败的企业一样枯萎消亡。

  318. Anonymous[330]• 免责声明 说:

    So… it has come to this. The only solution for the Unz Review is to ban links to Facebook. Take that, Facebook!

    Keep on trucking, Ron.

  319. MLK 说:

    I’m an old school free exchange of ideas guy. But it’s worth pointing out that hasn’t been my experience here.

    I was lifetime banned by Giraldi for noting that your former CIA columnist has remained almost entirely Radio Silent about the malefactions against the duly elected president.

    My terse comment noted that either Giraldi belonged to Brennan or he was simply No Profile In Courage. Perhaps both.

    I emailed you (Ron Unz) and received no response.

    Perhaps Facebook is just applying a wider version of practices you’ve put into place.

    • 回复: @Z-man
    , @thotmonger
  320. @Anonymous

    It is a form of slinging mud.

    All his articles are smothered by the huge amount of mud.

  321. dimples 说:
    @Ron Unz

    “(4) If the author of the article were a top professor at an elite university, I’d tend to take him more seriously since he would have a personal reputation to protect.”

    That’s not a very strong argument. The protection of his reputation is why such a professor will always toe the establishment line.

  322. MLK 说:


    That’s very funny. That must explain why this piece by Unz reads like a marketing piece.

    因此,我们让美国在2月XNUMX日暗杀了伊朗的最高军事指挥官,然后在几周后,伊朗统治精英分子的大部分被一种神秘而致命的新病毒感染,其中许多人很快因此丧命。 任何理性的人都可能将这仅仅是巧合吗?

    Could any rational, reasonably informed, individual regard it as mere coincidence that you’ve left out Soleimani’s operation using allied Iraqi militias to seize American hostages in a pitch perfect replay of the ’79-80 Iranian Hostage Crisis that sunk Carter’s reelection chances? Or the bone-chilling same page messaging from top Democrats and the Iranian regime’s leadership at the highest levels. Or Pelosi’s inexplicable delay during this period in transmitting the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

  323. Jiminy 说:

    I read that Zapruder sold the film for $150 000 after the killing to Time-Life, but later they returned it. Though eventually his family ended up with 16 million reasons to be happy, not bad, considering they wanted $30 million. There’s actually a few good articles on this website concerning the JFK saga. I think it was mentioned that Zapruder was involved with the Jewish underground as well. And mentioning Jews, I noticed that down here we don’t see much on the ABC news anymore of Israel and it’s attacks on the Palestinians. I think this came about at roughly the same time that the liberal government infiltrated the broadcaster and shut down one of the countries leading political programs, sending their star reporter off to some foreign corner of the world never to ask embarrassing questions of the political elite again. Apparently the Jews now take great pleasure in shooting Palestinians in the knees usually blowing off their leg. It’s considered more humane to be able to do this, and of course very good marksmanship. Finally it appears as if the supreme leader has begun his propaganda program, telling how China is now cyber spying to find a hidden cure for Maryland flu. Unfortunately if China’s idea of good propaganda is still a large red and yellow poster of a soldier standing alongside a farmer swapping ploughshares for rifles, then they have surely lost the propaganda war in the eyes of the American ignorant.

  324. schrub 说:

    I sin’t even know why people use Facebook.

    I abandoned it years ago when I discovered, quite by accident, that Facebook had managed to get into the Microsoft Outlook contacts list stored on my desktop computer.

    This discovery of FB’s invasion of another company’s software program became obvious when FB published something whose wording could only have come out of what I had previously thought was my private Outlook program.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  325. Z-man 说:

    I was banned from Breitbart, a long time ago, for obvious reasons… calling a Jew a Je err.. Zionist and so on. My time on The Hill might be short of this world also because I don’t tow the ‘snowflake’ party line. ‘Heaven forbid’ I get banned from here. (Wry grin)

  326. Bruno 说:

    Also as SPLC scheme has been unmasked by many Unz review writers, and they are still a prominent source of information on « hate », it would be quite logical that Unz would be a major target. Maybe you should have a pdf on SPLC – like you have on Harvard and Ivies pro-Jewish admission strategy – so that it can be spread through the internet.

    Repeating they are not qualified is the only strategy even if it seldom work. While Trump is president, you could try to have the administration investigate them or at least de-legit them …

  327. Desert Fox 说:

    Facebook is a zionist front org and so is youtube.

  328. Bill Jones 说:
    @Kevin Barrett

    One example of effective memory holing is the total disappearance of exploding Mohammads and the equally total lack of interest in or commentary on it.

    An existential threat vanishes: no big deal.

  329. Che Guava 说:

    I do not know why anybody ever read (or reads)
    The Onion. I understand English-language humour, most of the time, and contributed a little that worked (praised by 破解网), but not lately.

    No article on the Onion ever made me LOL, even in their early days.

    They are like some form of controlled opposition under the guise of humour.

    Ownership details would be interesting.

  330. Omegabooks 说:

    A badge of honor it is, Ron Unz! Don’t anxiety over it! Blessings! (Note: I only post happy whatever day and stuff about my novels https://omegabooksnet.com on Facebook) And mostly I use to to message friends and relatives.

  331. Omegabooks 说:

    Not only that but Ron Unz is also Jewish….which could be the reason he hasn’t been banned earlier than this April.

  332. Che Guava 说:

    They do all sorts of unethical stuff. Many bands in Japan, even if they have a WWW site, only use FB or Twit or both. They leave the site dormant. It is stupid.

    I have not logged in to FB once in my life, but they have one of my e-mail addresses (for no reason), and, since they have that, no doubt a list of whatever IP addresses they have been able to correlate with that.

    Nobody has ever contacted me by e-mail from an FB account.

    This makes me think that the idea that they keep a database of non-participants is true.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  333. Herald 说:

    That anyone would put their trust in Stanford or any other “paid for” scientists is quite breathtaking.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  334. Agent76 说:

    Jun 19, 2019 Inside the traumatic life of a Facebook moderator

    Former Facebook content moderators are speaking out about their working conditions in the United States for the first time ever.

    November 14, 2019 Facebook Is Secretly Using Your IPhone Camera While You Browse Your Feed

    A new bug on Facebook for iOS allows the app to secretly record through iPhone camera in the background, as users scroll through their personal feed, reports The Next Web.


    Sep 19, 2013 Zuckerberg Lap Dog for Surveillance State

    Abby Martin calls out Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, highlighting some of the company’s more questionable practices such as data-mining and tracking, and how the company has become another arm of the surveillance state.

  335. py wong 说:

    I found your article very informative and filled in some missing gaps on my study of the coronavirus problem. I quoted your article on my Facebook page. Initially, it went through, then mysteriously, it disappeared. Finally, I figured out that your website was banned. I eventually got round it by suggesting my readers google Ron Unz to find you.

  336. 790dB 说:

    从法律上讲,UR 可能没有机会,但无论如何,都要打这场法律战,直到最高法院。 Unz Review vs Facebook,或许会成为一个历史案例。机会仍然很小。

    作为用户,我们可以在 UR 本身不参与的情况下,与它进行事实上的斗争。我是什么意思?


    我不是 TCP/IP 或互联网专家,但我的想法如下;

    我们雇佣了一堆服务器,并且以不稳定的快速节奏进行更换。或者更好的是,我们使用 VPN 式的大型网络,其中包含大量休眠单元。这基本上将内容从 UR 转发到 Facebook。

    为了能够做到这一点,基于用户的 UR 影子网络有一个前端,如果我们中的一个人想要在 FB 上共享内容,您可以检索可能是一个加密的或每次唯一的 IP 地址,从哪里收集内容。我在 AWS 的弹性 IP 方面遇到了很多困难,这让我抓狂,但至少我的印象是很多都是可能的。

    当此影子节点从 UR 收集数据时,它会自动重新格式化链接到 UR 的所有超链接,并让所有流量或指向该流量的指针通过该节点进行中继。而且这个节点你可以非常频繁地跳跃。


    这是第一道防线,现在 url 的愚蠢拦截不再起作用了。

    下一步他们必须开始扫描内容,由于 UR 上的信息量巨大,这已经变得很困难。如果 Facebook 被发现抄袭 UR 的内容,UR 可以对其进行惩罚。



  337. 790dB 说:
    @Ron Unz






  338. Facebook? Hahahaha. you are losing readers because you have been lying about the flu for months.

  339. mark green 说:


  340. Given that allopathy has never defeated a virus, what exactly is considered fact rather than mere trial and error. Hence how can anything actually be a conspiracy? I doubt that argument will fly with the shadowy Facebook oversight committee, which in itself sounds like a conspiracy plot from a TV show like Chuck or Nikita.

  341. 尊敬的Unz先生,
    问候。你的文章带有和解的语气,这是可以理解的。如果他们恢复 Facebook 的 TUR,那么从长远来看,暂时的羞辱是值得的。然而,你足够聪明,明白TUR永远不会受到其战略敌人的公平对待。他们最终会压制 TUR,总会有借口的。移民是他们压制民族主义的选择方法。我们都知道,这确实是决定西方未来的“核心”问题。他们实际上是通过将 TUR 链接到 Vdare 来告诉您这一点。


    我们不应该指望我们的意识形态对手以电子方式(即时)发布战略上对立的思想,让全世界都能看到。 Facebook 依靠其 2 亿用户的低智商来赚钱和控制信息。

    让他们继续吧。这只会为他们公然的偏见增加更多证据。我相信,随着时间的推移,他们会滥用权力,私人网站将变得更加流行,FB 的替代品将会出现。我一直对那些被认为是聪明的操作员的无知感到惊讶,他们总是导致自己的最终灭亡。

  342. Ron Unz 说:



    This brought to mind some other very odd “coincidences” from a couple of years ago that occurred almost simultaneously with our sudden kidnapping of that top Huawei executive, but which were totally ignored by the MSM at the time:


    Although hard proof is obviously lacking in most of these cases, I think that such bevy of sudden and striking “coincidences” does tend to further support my own analysis of the likely origins of the Covid-19 epidemic mentioned above.

  343. Pussy War 说:

    The pattern of behavior Dr. Unz instantiates is compelling. Reminds me of the string of Russian diplomats who untimely died until Scott Stearney had that tragic heart attack.

    The chairborne raiders of JTRIG will try to fix your attention on a succession of minute facticles to keep you from seeing the big picture. But when you ignore them and step back from the mosaic, every piece fits with perfect consistency. And it shows a CIA regime determined to shit on rule of law. They call it ‘killing two birds with one stone:’ violate jus cogens with a wrongful act. They don’t just want to hurt the enemy; they want to discredit international law with a “Ha ha fuck you whaddaya gonna do about it?” So then their propagandists can say, “See? international law doesn’t work.”

    The common denominator of CIA’s acts is that they are asymmetrical and sneaky, the weapons of a weakling, because the US is outmatched by the SCO and its observers and nonaligned friendly relations. However, the SCO can control escalation with force disparities at every level of conflict up to general nuclear war. So the US will again get its ass kicked with a proportional response and end up increasingly gelded and bled white.

    And when the time is ripe the subject population will drag them out of NHB and give the SIS a Nicolae-and-Elena photo op.

  344. Richard B 说:

    They want total control and they will get it unless we fight back. The Khazars are starting to get nervous because more and more people in the world are realizing what they really are and everything they control.



    And what do we know?

    That David has become Goliath while still pretending he’s David.

    They know we know that there is only one real KKK in the world today, ie; them.


    And, above all, they know that we know what they want and who they have to destroy in order to get it, ie; us.

  345. @Ron Unz




    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @TRM
  346. Moreover, as the Facebook document correctly emphasizes, VDare is an anti-immigration webzine, while I cannot even remember the last time that we featured an article having that theme.

    But so what if you have published articles with an anti-immigration theme, or associated with an organization that habitually publishes articles on that theme?

    Immigration is a process subject to regulation by law. In a democracy, therefore, discussion of immigration, including whether it should be increased, decreased or totally prohibited, must be permitted.

    What sort of muddled or moronic thinking would lead FaceBook to ban reference to a publication that discusses what it is legal and indeed necessary to discuss in a democratic society?

    No rationale seems possible other than that FaceBook is a propaganda operation that should itself should be banned by anyone in a position to ban it. It is anti-democratic. It is for the suppression of free speech. It should be boycotted by every democracy-loving citizen of the free world.

    Screw FaceBook, and long-live free speech — not that we agree with nine-tenths of what free speech appears in the Unz Review.

    And sorry, if about 50 other people have already said the same, although the point is worth repeating endlessly, if that is what is necessary to get it through the befuddled heads of the dimwitted masses who subject themselves to FaceBook: FaceBook is an antidemocratic and poisonous propaganda operation.

  347. @Yael Glavlit

    Glavlit = Censor (in Sovietese) Yael – a common Jewish female name.

  348. @Ron Unz

    Definitely, Ron! It also proves that the Deep State power cares about Covid revelations much, much more than about Holocaust discussions. You never know how far you may go until you go too far)) And it is not only Facebook – it seems UR is downgraded (or what is the term) in the Google search, too. Google could not find “Shamir lockdown” though my article of this title was No. 1 in other search engines. That’s a new big problem!

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @CanSpeccy
  349. Pussy War 说:

    Astuteobservor II, 356, it might be weirdly quiet for years. The perps and their bosses will be looking over their shoulder all the while. Just ask that fun couple the Bennetts! Hubby bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade and got away with it for a good long while. Then all of a sudden bonk bonk splat!

  350. Incitatus 说:

    “Indeed, just before the Facebook ban I had published a 7,400 word article presenting the considerable circumstantial evidence that our national disaster may have been the unintended blowback from an extremely reckless American biowarfare attack against China (and Iran), presumably organized by the Deep State Neocons or other rogue elements within our national security establishment.”

    Perhaps Facebook would be more reluctant to ban 10,000 words of “circumstantial evidence”? Just kidding.

    Imagine a fire burning uncontrollably – some fight the fire, others spin self-aggrandizing theories on how it started.

    Facebook? Any unwise enough to subscribe deserve what they get.

    “If Americans began to suspect that this unimaginable national disaster may have been entirely self-inflicted, the consequences could be explosive.”

    No need for hyperbole. The numbers ably profile “explosive” mis-management, whatever the virus source. If the US was as prudent as Taiwan it would today have 6,102 COVID-19 cases [vs. 1,497,244] and 97 deaths [vs. 89,420].

    Something worth thinking about.

  351. Mikhail 说: • 您的网站

    Pam Karlan is one twisted you know what.

  352. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Turk 152

    Are you that thick?

    Perhaps it may not be strictly a matter of obtuseness. Like many unpleasant possibilities, the possibility that your own government is little better than a criminal gang no one dare bring to book is not something for which everyone is equipped to cope.

    The average American has absolutely nothing in common with their criminal aristocratic rulers?

    The same can be said for America’s media figureheads, who presently have much more in common with the aristocracy they are ostensibly reporting on than the common folk they are ostensibly keeping informed.

    Sometimes I find myself wondering which is more objectively disturbing:

    A) The media’s willingness to create a soft, fuzzy psuedo-world where the most important decisions are centred around which foods to avoid and which new mobile phone to buy.


    B) The willingness of vast numbers of people to inhabit that world and never glimpse beyond it.

    Perhaps the old adage that begins, “Where ignorance is bliss…” is the one to live by after all.

  353. @Alden

    Covid-19 really is a different and, with qualifications, more dangerous flu than a usual flu.

    Like a usual flu it is dangerous to people who are frail for whatever reason, and for those people it is more dangerous than the usual flu.

    It is also more contagious, but that by itself doesn’t make it worse than the usual flu.

    The hoax is in exaggerating the danger, especially to the hale and hearty, and that the hoax was made part of a political agenda, and that authority figures focus on vaccination rather than treatment, that they ignore or denounce or – what is criminal – make illegal what are promising treatments.

    The best writer on the fact that Covid-19, or as she prefers to call it, SARS-CoV-2, is not the usual flu is Dr. Meryl Nass:  anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com

  354. Ron Unz 说:
    @Astuteobservor II


    如果我是中国,美国的高价值目标也是免费游戏。 因为通过不报复,它向美国政府发出信号,它可以不受惩罚地暗杀。

    Well, most of these incidents do have “plausible deniability.” It does seem *极其* suspicious that the Chinese ambassador suddenly died, but perhaps it was just a random heart attack.

    Anyway, PRC leadership generally seems very pragmatic and cautious, and obviously retaliatory assassinations of American government officials would become the absolute centerpiece of Trump’s MSM war against China, certainly much more plausible than all the crazy nonsense about the Chinese “covering up” the Covid-19 outbreak.


    But look at it from a different angle. Every year, China grows stronger and every year, America grows weaker, with the process vastly accelerated by the Covid-19 outbreak. I think there’s a pretty good chance that at least a couple of hundred thousand Americans will die and our economy will be wrecked for years. So it probably makes sense for the Chinese to avoid “provoking” us while we’re flailing about irrationally and possibly collapsing.

  355. Ron Unz 说:
    @israel shamir

    不仅是 Facebook——似乎 UR 在谷歌搜索中也被降级了(或者这个词是什么)。

    Hmmm… You’re right. It does looks like Google may have severely deranked our webpages. I checked a couple that have always been very high in searches, and they’re now nowhere to be found, but still just as high in Bing and DuckDuckGo searches. Quite unfortunate…

    • 回复: @idrankwhat
    , @Wizard of Oz
  356. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Black Picard





    I prefer to take the view that she’s a fill-in for TD whenever he is indisposed; a sort of second-stringer who lacks the master’s touch. Call it a flight of fancy if you like (I won’t argue).

  357. @israel shamir

    In the 70’s, CIA Director, Colby, said “we control every major media asset.”

    在当前时代,我们可以假设中央情报局拥有所有主要的另类媒体资产:显然,FaceBook,但也拥有像 Unz Review 这样的疯狂阴谋网站。

    如何最好地推广像 Unz Review 这样的网站?

    以粗鲁和公然的方式压制其读者群,例如,让中央情报局资产 Facebook 删除所有指向它的链接。

    That’ll convince the crackpot readers of the Unz Review’s of the authenticity of the Unz Review’s crazy conspiracy theories — for example, that Covid19 is a US bioweapon accidentally unleashed upon the American people but intended to devastate China.

    Why would the CIA want to promote crackpot conspiracy theories? (1) To distract attention from the conspiracy theories that are true; and (2) To discourage belief in, or even consideration of, conspiracy theories by painting those who do as crackpots — which mostly they are!

    • 同意: Incitatus
    • 哈哈: Ron Unz
    • 巨魔: L.K
    • 回复: @Usura
    , @Iris
    , @AnonStarter
  358. Incitatus 说:

    “After all, as my article pointed out, it soon became universally known that the US had deliberately bombed the Chinese embassy in 1999 and killed a few Chinese diplomats, and China never retaliated.”

    Retaliation? China-USA trade under Trump 2017-2019 brokered a $1,140,567,000,000 deficit 7.71%增加 over Obama 2014-2016 [$1,058,971,000,000]. Maybe China found comfort in thus sating themselves.

    Trump’s miracle NAFTA Mexico reach-around is even better. His 2017-2019 $251,711,000,000 deficit is an 增加41.44% from Obama’s 2014-2016 deficit ($177,968,000,000).

    Rescuing American jobs? Don’t think so.


  359. anastasia 说:

    ” Although there may be some differences of emphasis or minor disagreements, all these American media sources agree that Chinese officials first became aware of the serious viral outbreak in Wuhan in early to mid-January, with the first known death occurring on Jan. 11th, and finally implemented major new public health measures later that same month. ”

    The question is “do you agree?” The new virus strain was found on December 31, 2019, which means that the search was started sometime before that date. Of course, this is well before any inundation of patients into the hospitals, and they would not recognize the patients anyway because the symptoms were so diverse in the people who were “infected” with the new strain.

    Are you or is anyone suggesting that the Chinese government who funds this kind of research did not know of the new strain until mid-Jan AFTER it was filed with the WHO on January 3? You have to ask yourself why they looked for a new strain to begin with. Nowhere in the clinical studies does it say that they were inundated with patients with the same symptoms. The symptoms were diverse. Nowhere do they say in the clinical study that the people were not treatable.

    Dr. Drostein of Berlin, within three days of filing the new strain, created a new test for it, in partnership with the Chinese. Many new strains of virus are filed with the WHO every year, and most do not have special tests.

    And with all of this funding and state requirements of accountability, far more than any western country, the Chinese government was completely unaware of what was happening until January 14? Not only were the Chinese government aware of the research, but I havenews for you. The western media was there in China from the beginning.

    Why would facebook take your site off because of corona virus? It’s ridiculous. You are not saying anything that has been greatly discussed in the mainstream media, eg. China made it in their lab; vs. US made it in their lab. It is what the authorities in our government have been accusing the Chinese of almost from the beginning, and which is published in every newspaper. Why would they take umbrage over what you wrote about corona virus. I would complain. I would tell them, “I am not saying anything everyone else is saying.” Have them read your articles. There is nothing objectionable from the viewpoint of facebook or anyone else.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  360. @Ron Unz

    Well, most of these incidents do have “plausible deniability.” It does seem *极其* suspicious that the Chinese ambassador suddenly died, but perhaps it was just a random heart attack.

    Oh so lets kill the Chinese ambassador and maybe no one will notice. And that would be for what purpose? How does that fit into the scenario of the US spread Covid to China as bio warfare?

    This is the worst conspiracy theory you have come up with since more Americans are hurt then Chinese. I would call that bio program a failure.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  361. cranc 说:
    @Ron Unz






  362. Timmy75 说:

    “深层政府确实存在。” 是的,但只是在你被操纵的头脑中。 没有“深层政府”,只有“国家”,而且已经烂透了。 随心所欲地排干沼泽的想法,但要充分意识到,实际上有同样的恶棍在等待机会跳入并四处飞溅。 任何愚蠢到赋予其公职人员奢华、特权生活方式的社会都可以完全期望这个世界的 Elmer Gantry 像流浪汉一样出现在聚餐上,空手而归,我的,哦,我的,他们是如何说话的。

    • 同意: Bert
    • 回复: @Bert
    , @Vojkan
  363. idrankwhat 说:
    @Ron Unz

    As a precaution, would you consider publishing a downloadable or DVD archive of all of your online content, so that it would be more difficult to completely censor?

  364. Miro23 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Although hard proof is obviously lacking in most of these cases, I think that such bevy of sudden and striking “coincidences” does tend to further support my own analysis of the likely origins of the Covid-19 epidemic mentioned above.

    One thing for sure, is that the MSM provided a detailed and instant story regarding the Chinese culpability for Covid-19 (no investigation necessary) – very similar in fact to their detailed and instant “Arab terrorists Bin Laden” story on 9/11 (also no investigation necessary).

    The difference this time is that China is being set up, rather than Iraq, which is dangerous given the size and power of China.

    Iraq and Iran were targeted to gain control of their oil (protect the petro/dollar) and please the Zionists. China doesn’t have any problems with Israel , but it does have a petro/dollar problem with the US. China is now the world’s largest oil importer, and it is also Iran and Saudi Arabia’s main trade partner – with an expressed desire to conduct its oil trade outside of the US dollar, with this position being supported by Russia.

    If this desire became a reality, than the US dollar could no longer realistically be the world’s only reserve currency – with all the implications for the US economy, US debt issuance etc.

    Then there are also US Deep State operations around the globe, that seem to regard it as an automatic right of the NSA to access the world’s communications – an access now threatened by China’s Huawei:

    Washington has asked Ottawa to arrest Meng Wanzhou and to extradite her. This young woman is the financial director and daughter of the founder of Huawei, the Chinese Telecom Giant. She was arrested on 6 December in Canada.



    The Five Eyes is a system of electronic espionage by Australia, Canada, the United States, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. They have begun to exclude Huawei from their auctions.

    https://www.voltairenet.org/article204264.html 7年2018月XNUMX日

    All of this may not be the whole story, but petro/dollar reserve currency status is of primary importance for the debt ridden “financialized” US economy.

    • 同意: idrankwhat
  365. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    MIT (Technology Review) just went after Archive and the Wayback Machine claiming they should not save anything the Magic Jews don’t want. Now the idiots at Archive are going to put warning stickers on stuff etc. and make you sign in (so they can track you).

    Do you have a link to a write-up on these soon-to-come “warning stickers” and other measures?

    Sailer’s piece from the first of the month gave the impression this thing wasn’t much different from the usual “tempest in a teacup” type rubbish that the Archive crew is used to simply letting blow over; a look at the archive.org blog did not reveal any mention whatever. Did I miss it?

  366. @Fran Taubman

    This is the worst conspiracy theory you have come up with since more Americans are hurt then Chinese.

    Its no worse than supposing, say, that the United States might have accidentally dropped the first atom bomb on Chicago, rather than Hiroshima. I mean, it could have happened, although it’s true the corona virus blowback, if that’s what it is, has done the US more damage than would a small misdirected nuke.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  367. Facebook块 乌兹网 伟达网 yet allows websites on Facebook which support the racist supremacist Israel and its illegal, inhumane concentration camp for Brown people, who don’t speak Spanish, known as Gaza, the West Bank is also terrible.

  368. anon[278]• 免责声明 说:


    Chinese were the victims.

    The US government responded to this historic atrocity by hiring the vivisectionists of Unit 731 and using their practical know-how on Chinese in the Korean War.

    Now the US is widely and reasonably suspected of a biological sneak attack on the city of Wuhan. Does anybody think that China will take this lying down?

  369. TRM 说:

    在一些在线讨论中,一些人建议使用“超额死亡”来了解 covid-19 疾病的影响,我认为这将是一个合理的方法,因为它可以避免“死亡”问题。

    使用这些数字,除了德克萨斯州比平均水平高出约 10% 外,没有任何具有统计意义的“超额死亡”。这使得封锁根本没有理由,更不用说继续封锁了,充其量是狡猾的。


    纽约:预计 50,319 / 实际 39,005
    格鲁吉亚:预计 27,699 / 实际 27,161
    伊利诺伊州:预计 36,138 / 实际 37,870
    德克萨斯州:预计 60,408 / 实际 66,071
    华盛顿:预计 19,599 / 实际 19,270
    俄勒冈州:预计 12,028 / 实际 11,834

    2020 年迄今为止的所有死亡病例均来自 CDC 页面:
    单击该州,然后浏览第 1 周至第 16 周,然后从右下角获取“死亡总数”。

    纽约:每年死亡人数为 150,959 人(2013-16 年),预计 4 个月平均死亡人数 = 50,319 人 https://apps.health.ny.gov/public/tabvis/PHIG_Public/lcd/reports/#state

    乔治亚州:每年死亡人数为 83,098 人(2017 年),预计 4 个月平均死亡人数 = 27,699 人

    伊利诺伊州:每年 108,414 人死亡(2015-18),预计 4 个月平均死亡人数 = 36,138

    德克萨斯州: 181,226 个月平均每年死亡人数为 2012 人(15-4 年)= 60,408 人

    华盛顿:每年死亡人数为 55,796 人(2015-18 年),预计 4 个月平均死亡人数 = 19,599 人

    俄勒冈州:每年 36,085 人死亡(2015-18),预计 4 个月平均死亡人数 = 12,028

  370. @Herald


    But more importantly, what scientific lab exists where no one can not claim the lab is not bought and paid for?

    Who has the large sums of money just lying around who will spend it on something they have zero financial interest in? Where are those dollars, because that would be the dream of many scientists, to do research without ever having to have a thesis about what might the results be when he does an experiment?

  371. Druid 说:


  372. @Pft

    You, Sir, as they say, “Hit The Nail”- hard and clear. Never have I read a comment, by anyone on the internet to date, that most accurately assess the current and upcoming (grim) reality.

    I read the various unknown and/or unspoken of information you have presented in this comment and in your other 130 comments here on Unz throughout the years in different references (be it the Fabian/Tavistock’s machinations, Sutton’s technology transfer from the US to the Soviet Union in the first (fake) Cold War, Wood’s “Technocracy Rising”, the UN’s Agenda 2030, Devos’ plans, etc) but never connected in the way you have done. Hats off.

    That said, what are your thoughts on Trump’s withdrawal of the Paris Agreement? To me, it seems counterintuitive to the Climate Change/Green Economy.

  373. Vaterland 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    do you really think that morally Americans any Americans would engage in Bio warfare with the intent on killing Chinese and Iranians?

    100% YES. You yourself bragged about how glad you were for all the bombs which the allies, including your own father, dropped on the German civilian population. Everything to stop muh “Nazi war machine”, right?!

    Do you personally know any Americans capable of that? Would you ever be involved in mass murder or bio warfare?

    See above, “moral” American.

    How interesting that a jignat hasbarist is so very concerned about this theory. Maybe I’m going to buy into it after all…

  374. @CanSpeccy

    The entire Ron Unz US biowarfare conspiracy sounds like Bulwinkle the Moose with Natasha and Boris Badenoff. I mean who is going to wreck there own country and kill the Chinese Ambassador in a Zionist country.

    • 回复: @Vaterland
  375. @Ron Unz




    • 回复: @bluedog
  376. Rurik 说:

    Facebook announced its new “oversight board” to adjudicate these sorts of matters, so I suppose I will try to get in touch with them to clarify this issue.

    for some reason, I thought of this

  377. Skeptikal 说:


    “We must all hang together or we’ll all hang separately.”

  378. TRM 说:
    @Astuteobservor II



    让中国情报部门相信 SARS-Cov-2 病毒是最有价值的病毒。




  379. gsjackson 说:

    Setting aside the very necessary business of venue shopping, i.e., finding receptive courts in which to bring the action, case law does leave these social media sites susceptible to a First Amendment challenge, even though they are private companies. From a couple of angles.

    First, the company town line of cases. If a private company owns the public square in which people would express themselves — protesting on the company-owned streets, for example — then the company can be characterized as government and subject to a constitutional challenge. These social media sites essentially are the public square at the moment.

    Secondly, a couple of cases that redefine First Amendment protection of speech and press in a way that I think most people are completely unaware of. Most fundamentally these rights inhere in the general public to be exposed to a broad array of diverse information and opinions so that they can be fully informed citizens fit to participate in a democracy. Yes, there is a right of publishers of media content not to be told by government what they should publish or allow to be published, but that right is subordinate to the public’s right to be fully informed, and if private companies have in effect achieved a monopoly over the public discourse and used that monopoly to create a dysfunctional communication environment, then they can be regulated by Congress or the courts. See Red Lion Broadcasting v. FCC and Turner Broadcasting v FCC, cases authored by centrist judges — White and Kennedy — who were often swing votes.

    • 回复: @gsjackson
  380. Richard B 说:
    @Ron Unz

    certainly much more plausible than all the crazy nonsense about the Chinese “covering up” the Covid-19 outbreak.

    Why do you consider it crazy nonsense?

    Is there an article of yours or of other TUR writers debunking that notion that you could recommend?

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  381. Skeptikal 说:
    @Ron Unz

    ” For example, there does seem to be strong evidence that Kilgallen was murdered and her manuscript stolen, but that was because she was a high-profile journalist who claimed to have obtained explosive new evidence that would break the case wide open. ”

    In JFK and the Unspeakable, James K. Douglass provides info on a number of people who decided to give evidence regarding the events in Dallas—people who were in a position to provide new, highly relevant evidence—and mysterious died just before the scheduled meeting with investigators or an elected official or someone like that. In one case, I believe the person had quite explosive evidence, it was literally the night before a meeting that the person had finally agreed to when he suddenly had a heart attack. It is no wonder that people who actually know something keep their mouths shut. And idiots out there in America-land keep saying things like, “If there was some kind of conspiracy you wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret.” Well, yes, you can keep things secret if you off the people who finally work up the courage to provide evidence and eye-witness reports.

  382. Skeptikal 说:

    I agree that someone must start to pushback on Facebook and other social media censors.
    There is a story at The Saker blog on the total deplatforming of Sayed Hasan by both FB and Vimeo.


    Everything is getting censored by these social media Draculas.

  383. anonymous[905]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    The only people that I see that deliberately commit mass murder as a weapon to terrorize, and inflict damage similar to the Taliban trying to kill a school girl on the way to school (not mass murder) or blowing up a wedding which they often do, or ISIS burning people in cages is Islam.

    You write terribly. Was your point, that it is only Islam which commits mass murder?

    A complete whitewash about US’ invasions & drone strikes, Israel’s genocidal & murderous actions… ??!!

    Judenscum’s 楚兹帕… it will be your accursed kind’s undoing.

  384. holy 说:

    Negotiating with the terrorists ? Why not cut off your balls yourself? It would be cheaper, and less painful.

  385. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:
    @Che Guava

    I have not logged in to FB once in my life, but they have one of my e-mail addresses (for no reason)

    I am sorry to say that there is indeed a reason Facebook has your email address, even if you did not explicitly hand it to them. It likely happened one of two ways:

    Way #1: Someone who knew you put your email address into their contacts list and Facebook obtained it when this person deliberately synced up all their contacts with their Facebook account (something that Facebook “encourages,” if not outright demands, their users do).

    Way #2: Someone who knew you put your email address into their contacts list and did 不能 deliberately sync up all their contacts with their Facebook account. However, Facebook obtained it 无论如何 because they had the Facebook app installed on their smartphone, the Facebook software “phoned home” and…transmitted their list of contacts to FB entirely 也完全不需要 their knowledge.

    (And, yes, FB did actually do this some years back on an older version of the Android OS [at 最少] until enough people discovered it, and complained about it, that they were forced to stop the practice after all the adverse publicity.)

    This makes me think that the idea that they keep a database of non-participants is true.

    Indeed it is true. The practice you describe is known as “shadow profiling,” and, while FB has denied doing it in the past, it is widely known that Facebook does keep tab on non-account holders.

    All it takes is for someone, anyone, who has a FB account to have a single data point about you (e.g. a name or email address). Whenever that name/email address appears online, FB will record it (and anything associated with it) as part of the process of building your “shadow” FB profile.

    你可以在这里读更多关于它的内容: https://theconversation.com/shadow-profiles-facebook-knows-about-you-even-if-youre-not-on-facebook-94804

    They do all sorts of unethical stuff.

    Based on their conduct over the past decade and a half, Facebook’s 手法 seems to be:

    1) FB wants to do something (e.g download all your contacts), so they start doing that “something” without bothering to tell their account holders (or anyone else).

    2) FB continues to do whatever-it-is until the complaints start forming a trickle, then a flood, then a mountainous complaint tsunami. Then and only then does FB issue a cursory, boilerplate apology and, finally (at long last), stops doing whatever it was they probably shouldn’t have been doing in the first place.

    3) FB sees something else they want to do and the whole cycle begins anew.

    Why FB’s multi-billion member user base doesn’t seem to have twigged to any of this is a mystery to me. Perhaps there has been a Covid-19-like strain of masochism circulating for the past 15 years?

    • 谢谢: Commentator Mike, Che Guava
  386. Smartass 说:

    Not surprised at the ban. The stuff you write here is nonsense and I come here periodically just to be amused.

    • 巨魔: Che Guava
  387. Vaterland 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    I had to think about that particular comment of yours which I originally replied to. And there is a catch 22 with building a world order on lies: you will always need another lie to cover for the former one, and then another one to cover the lie you used to cover the lie. And give it enough time, let’s say 75 years since the end of WW 2, and you are stacked lies upon lies. And before you know it, especially when your propaganda department runs your government, you buy into your own lies and have nothing left but them. You too are playing your role in a movie script your own elite has written out for you. And then, on that one fateful day, when the curtain is lifted and it all comes crashing down, you cannot believe what you see. But yet there it is: that which remained when you stopped believing in it. Unbiased, incapable to be tricked or to be manipulated, like granite it stands there and as unforgiving as gravity it comes catching up to you. And kicking and screaming you are dragged into the street and into the light.

    May it be your Chernobyl! May it be a 1000 times Chernobyl! And may the ghosts of Dresden, Baghdad, Gaza and the Gulags rise from their graves and stand shoulder to shoulder to bare witness: I too have seen the end.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  388. gsjackson 说:

    I would just amend this to point out that the prime candidate to regulate a dysfunctional communication environment would be Trump’s FCC. Since much of what is being banned by the social media sites can be seen as broadly favorable to Trump, you’d think such an effort might be at least gestating in his administration. But since he apparently restocked the swamp instead of draining it, no such luck.

    There is some sensitivity to First Amendment issues in his administration, as they were trying to use it to shoot down political correctness speech codes in colleges. But not enough.

  389. Ron Unz 说:
    @Richard B

    Is there an article of yours or of other TUR writers debunking that notion that you could recommend?

    Sure, in my article I linked to several long articles from the NYT, WSJ, and AP that provide a pretty thorough timeline of the outbreak in China, which seems pretty reasonable to me. They do try to “spin” the story to highlight alleged Chinese malfeasance and cover-up, but at most they’re talking about maybe 6 days of delay back in mid-January. Afterwards, the Trump people ignored the whole problem for 60 days, leading to our current national disaster:


    I’d also say this short cartoon video from China provides a fairly accurate—and funny—description of what happened:

    • 回复: @Biff
  390. Skeptikal 说:

    The guy who talks about FB being on the way out and no longer “in” with young people seems to be ignorant of the prime function of FB, which is to mine data on ALL the apps etc. that any FB user uses. Not *只是* FB data, but ALL data.

    任何出于任何目的使用 FB 的人都已经打开了他们的设备,可以对他们所做的每一件事、所到之处、他们遇到的每个人、发短信或交谈的每个人、他们所有的财务信息(如果他们进行网上银行业务)、他们的信用进行数据挖掘卡信息和记录等等等等。
    Facebook is a portal to ALL of a person’s data.

    • 回复: @YetAnotherAnon
  391. Ron Unz 说:

    The new virus strain was found on December 31, 2019, which means that the search was started sometime before that date….And with all of this funding and state requirements of accountability, far more than any western country, the Chinese government was completely unaware of what was happening until January 14?

    It’s all discussed at considerable length in the long WSJ, NYT, and AP articles I linked in my piece, whose factual accounts seem pretty plausible to me.

    The new viral disease was indeed discovered in Chinese patients in late December and reported to the WHO. But until mid-January, there wasn’t evidence of human-to-human transmission, which made the illness much more dangerous. Also, the first death didn’t occur until then.

    Wuhan is a city of 11M, and if a few dozen people come down with strange new illness, it only becomes much more “serious” when there’s evidence that people can infect each other and it can have fatal consequences. Otherwise, it could have been the equivalent of food poisoning.

    • 谢谢: bluedog
  392. UR 会被禁止使用 Facebook,一点也不奇怪。 我很惊讶 UR 允许发表关于二战、大屠杀、各种以色列恐怖行动、肯尼迪和 9/11 事件的深思熟虑的文章和公开对话,仅举几例,它被允许拥有一个互联网域。

    我很高兴 UR 运作。 但我不太明白权力如何没有关闭它。

    • 回复: @denk
  393. Saggy 说: • 您的网站
    @Kevin Barrett

    UR has published politically incorrect articles on such topics as Jews, immigration, and race for many years (alongside lots of less un-PC stuff) without triggering the censors.

    All that is well and good. The holohoax however is a different story. UR was marked from that point on.

    By the late 1960s and early 1970s, Mark Lane among others was publishing bestsellers exposing the JFK coup.

    Preposterous. Mark Lane didn’t expose anything, he was a hack. Absolutely nothing has come from his vacuous books. I not too long ago read Lane’s book, there is not even a suggestion of real evidence in it.

    因此,几乎可以肯定 UR 因及时且可能破坏稳定的方式暴露冠状病毒生物战而被禁止。

    Good grief, UR didn’t expose anything, it, Unz, as he in wont to do, floated a wild hypothesis with not a suggestion of direct evidence.

    It is obvious that the Jews are scrubbing the net and the CV pandemic has given them a great cover to extend their control dramatically.

    While you continue to promote the holohoax, and look the other way while the Jews strangle the internet.

  394. 毫无疑问,脸书监控者不知道加勒特·哈丁博士关于美国独特人口问题的论文; 移民开始了1970年代的风格。

    就这样吧。 几年前,随着 FB 的兴起,我的雇主坚持让我参与 FB 发帖活动。
    我辞职了,开始了自己的生意,没有 FB。 我的自由党妻子出于各种原因避开 FB,FB 监察员可能不会容忍全面披露。

    如果它有效的话,FB 现在可能会面临一波法律挑战。

    罗恩,祝你摆脱困境。 向前!

  395. @Vaterland

    Wow that sounds thrilling. I hope we see each other there. Such a scary dude. You should write some horror movies.

  396. I’m currently reading the other article pushed to the top today, wherein Michael Hudson explains plainly how the 99% are getting screwed while the 1% are getting an unimaginable bailout. Again. This was published on April 21st. You don’t think this may have something to do with Facebook giving you the boot?

  397. Iris 说:
    @Colin Wright

    所以奥尔布赖特不可能杀死 500,000 万人; 事实上,除非你能证明制裁导致人口总体崩溃,否则死亡人数甚至不会是其中的一小部分。

    These were figures from the UN’s UNICEF, who were present in Iraq at the time. Not sure why the condescendance, patronising and dismissal of Iraqi children’s suffering.

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) – A senior U.N. official said Friday about half a million children under the age of 5 have died in Iraq since the imposition of U.N. sanctions 10 years ago.

    Anupama Rao Singh, country director for the U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF), made the estimate in an interview with Reuters.

    “In absolute terms we estimate that perhaps about half a million children under 5 years of age have died, who ordinarily would not have died had the decline in mortality that was prevalent over the 70s and the 80s continued through the 90s,” she said.

    联合国儿童基金会 5 月份公布的一项调查显示,在制裁期间,伊拉克政府控制的伊拉克南部和中部地区 XNUMX 岁以下儿童的死亡率增加了一倍多。


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  398. Usura 说:

    -什么才算是“主要”“另类”媒体资产? 有了足够模糊的定义,任何断言都可以听起来是真实的。

    -科尔比(据称)在半个世纪前的主流媒体非常非多元化和顺从的背景下发表了这番言论; 互联网时代是不具有可比性的,在这种情况下的历史比较不足以安全地做出你的假设。

    如何最好地推广像《Unz Review》这样的网站? 以粗鲁和公然的方式压制其读者群,例如,让中央情报局资产的 Facebook 删除所有指向它的链接。

    这实际上是相当明显的 相反 推广像 Unz review 这样的网站的最佳方式。 最好的方法是不断地将其所有文章放在显眼的地方,并向数百个新闻台、学者和傀儡账户付费,让他们重新发布和讨论这些文章,无论有多少人将这些内容标记为“滥用”。

    如果你的理论是正确的,并且禁止 Unz 的动机是为了巩固和扩大对其“疯狂”理论(将 COVID-19 视为转移注意力的理论)的普遍支持,那么 Unz 的读者群应该 提高 脸书禁令之后。 这与所发生的情况完全相反。

    为什么中央情报局要宣扬疯狂的阴谋论? (1) 转移人们对真实阴谋论的注意力; (2)通过将那些阴谋论的人描绘成疯子来阻止人们相信甚至考虑阴谋论——他们大多数都是疯子!

    你所说的双重目标存在矛盾。 如果 分心 如果成功了,那么就会有更多的人更加关注Unz的理论。 这意味着更少的人会认为这些理论是疯子。 如果 令人沮丧 如果成功的话,就会有越来越多的人认为翁兹的理论是疯子。 你的中央情报局恶魔似乎不可能同时想要这两件事,同时保持逻辑一致。

    更简单的说法是:该禁令既不是为了分散注意力,也不是为了泄气,而是为了 隔离 并压制。

    • 同意: Astuteobservor II
  399. @davidgmillsatty


  400. Gast [又名“ Gast(沉浸式)2”] 说:

    @罗恩·恩兹(Ron Unz)

    如果我从字里行间看出你愿意牺牲“致命的0,2%”吗?如果 Facebook 撤销禁令,你会要求他们放弃反移民材料吗?


    我当然不是 VDare 人群的忠实粉丝,但这并不是因为我支持移民。我鄙视那些作者,因为他们忽略了问题的本质犹太角度。总是描述症状而不研究根本原因,是一种智力上不诚实的方式,很快就会变得无聊。


    但我想强调的是,言论自由政策对我来说至关重要。如果你因为与 Facebook 的交易而开始审查人们,我会立即离开这个地方。

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  401. Iris 说:

    (1) To distract attention from the conspiracy theories that are true; and (2) To discourage belief in, or even consideration of, conspiracy theories by painting those who do as crackpots — which mostly they are!

    These ideas are neither new, nor original. It has long been obvious, and often stated on this website, that some conspiracy theories are deliberate institutional damage control.

    What is new, however, is that this is a rare occasion where a possible conspiracy is being discussed and analysed in real time. As proven by past conspiracies, it is during the unfolding and short process where a conspiracy is being executed that details can get out of control, compromising information can slip, and revealing anomalies be noticed by the public.

    Discussing the origins of Covid-19 is a no-go zone.

  402. Art 说:
    @Black Picard


    Agree 100% — it is to late to do anything on a national level.

    But – we can know our neighbors and our local political systems – so when everything goes to hell nationally, we can have a measure of self control over our neighborhoods.


    • 同意: Poco
  403. newsradio 说:
    @Ron Unz


    近几个月来,在冠状病毒爆发之后,中国转向了更积极主动的外交,它称之为“战狼外交”。 这在一定程度上挑战了美国关于冠状病毒的反华言论,并无疑激怒了美国政府。




    • 回复: @Iris
    , @Alden
  404. James Kirkpatrick, a writer at 伟达网, 最近建议 two things the president or Congress could do to fight Tech Totalitarians:

    1. Remove the Section 230 protection of the Communications Decency Act from Facebook, Twitter, etc. That section gives them immunity from publisher liability. In other words, treat Facebook and Twitter as the publishers they are because they have decided to exercise editorial control over what they broadcast.

    Last year Senator Josh Hawley (R Missouri) proposed such a bill:

    2. Nullify the federal contracts of Amazon and other Tech Totalitarians unless they adopt a First Amendment-like policy. (I don’t know if Facebook and Twitter have any federal contracts but Google and Amazon do.) The president could do this using the Defense Production Act.

    • 回复: @Miro23
    , @gsjackson
  405. @TomSchmidt

    “Complain if you want about Zuck, and I use no FB products, but he is apparently a first-class coder.”

    “Zuck” may be a first-class coder, but Facebook is functionally a piece of crap, just like Gates’ Windows.

    • 回复: @Alden
  406. @Gast







  407. Miro23 说:
    @Mark Hunter

    1. Remove the Section 230 protection of the Communications Decency Act from Facebook, Twitter, etc. That section gives them immunity from publisher liability. In other words, treat Facebook and Twitter as the publishers they are because they have decided to exercise editorial control over what they broadcast.

    This is a good idea, but of course, it’s going nowhere since political power lies with Facebook, Twitter and their NWO friends.

    The US actually needs a much more fundamental change in the political landscape.

  408. Iris 说:


    他们说这位 57 岁的中国大使会在睡梦中死于心脏病。 据我所知,唯一一次发生类似的事情是俄罗斯驻联合国大使在纽约市死于心脏病,这是一个令人不安的平行事件。

    中国外交官一直带头回应针对中国的 Covid-19 指控; 这个死亡看起来像一个消息。 或者警告不要在以色列即将吞并约旦河西岸时采取任何行动?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  409. @Fran Taubman

    “… no one I know would commit mass murder. No one.”

    Others have thought otherwise…

    “Homo sum, nihil humanum mihi alienum puto.” Terence.

    All dogs have teeth and all dogs can and will bite in the right circumstances.

  410. All conservatives should go to Gab. I have never used FB and dropped twitter 5 years ago.

  411. thotmonger 说:

    Vanity of vantities. All is vanity. – Ecclesiastes

    (Being ignored is not exactly the same thing as being censored.)

    Meanwhile, unlike with Judeo Lese Majeste, everyone and their cousin criticizes the Trump Administration every day — and gets away with it. It is a national pass time. So how can RU’s essay be such a “bombshell” when he was not really pressing for anything substantive? Thus, I am unpersuaded his essay on CV19, or the 0.2% anti-immigration stuff on UR, has anything to do with the banning by FB.

    I think it was just a test*. In biology (the intrusive types anyway) a main way to determine if something is alive or not is to irritate it. Poke it, burn it, chemically assault it… make it move on its own one way or another. It might be the same with political science where investigators test the body politic, asking as they shut down this, and censor that, “How alive really is this democracy, the living Constitution and its organ The First Amendment?”

    Frankly, I do not much evidence in the way of irritation. Rather, RU along with most others these days, writes in the most tepid way imaginable:
    “So I suppose”
    “To get in touch”
    “To clarify this issue…”

    I am a great fan of the humble, and the understated plan of attack. But maybe something a bit more spirited is in order?

    *If you really want to figure out why UR got banned, look to where U most rocked the boat. My guess is Israel 1st and JLM; and of course the counter punch comes at an odd time!

  412. I probably disagree with 95% of the material posted on Unz and I have repeatedly called it an outlet that teems with racist sewer dwellers; however, the remaining 5% is worth the rest of the alternate media put together, and I treasure the fact that I can say anything I want in the full knowledge that I will not be censored. As such I am certain that Unz’ coronavirus articles were merely an excuse to silence it, and that the actual reason was the fact that it has never toed the Wall Street zionist owned regime line on anything. So this ban was predictable, and will certainly be followed – if it has not already happened – by a ban on Twitter, and possibly shadow banning by Google.

    By the way, anyone still using Fakebook is doing so in the full awareness that it’s a zionist controlled surveillance platform. So I don’t recommend that anyone continue on it. I deleted my own account in 2017.

  413. Biff 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Is someone/anyone able to post that video clip to their Facebook page, and would it stick?
    (I would try myself, but I don’t do FB)

  414. @James N. Kennett

    Interesting Economist portrait/hagiography of the Avaaz founder here.


    Patel 持有加拿大和英国护照。 他的父亲是肯尼亚裔印度人,他的母亲是英国人,拥有俄罗斯和犹太血统。 他的曾祖父母包括华沙犹太教堂的康托尔、维多利亚女王的裁缝和古吉拉特邦的商人。


    牛津大学毕业后,他去了哈佛,在那里他的研究生论文——关于冲突地区平民的非军事保护——由后来成为加拿大政治家的知识分子播音员迈克尔·伊格纳季耶夫监督。 在约翰·肯尼迪政府学院,实习是课程的一部分,帕特尔通常在联合国为当时的秘书长科菲·安南实习。

    像你一样做。 我想那些得到这些演出的人确实是非常仔细地选择(培养?)。


    The Facebook committee contains names like Alan Rusbridger, former Guardian editor, whose “Comment Is Free” policy is well known for banning consistent opposition to the liberal party line. Posting “人口统计学是命运” will get you banned from commenting.

    Helle Thorning-Schmidt, aka Mrs Stephen Kinnock (son of the former UK Labour leader and EU apparatchik), is the woman who used her position as head of the Save The Children charity to press for a no-fly zone over Aleppo. There’s a chap from George Soros’ Central European University, another from Soros’ Open Society Initiative for West Africa, another from the Soros-funded Human Rights Watch.

  415. gsjackson 说:
    @Mark Hunter

    第一个只会导致这些网站删除更多材料,因为他们必须警惕诽谤内容,因为他们现在可能会因此被起诉。 根据普通的第一修正案分析,政府不能告诉出版商他们应该包括什么。

    I don’t know how much leverage the second would provide. Certainly sounds worth a try.


    • 回复: @Mark Hunter
  416. “Still, careless mistakes are sometimes made. A couple of days ago Facebook announced its new “oversight board” to adjudicate these sorts of matters, so I suppose I will try to get in touch with them to clarify this issue.”

    Have you actually appealed to FB and received a “final content decision” ? If so I hope you have your skates on.


    Appeals must be submitted within 15 days

    A person has a period of 15 days from the time when Facebook or Instagram sends an update about its final Content Policy decision to submit an appeal to the board. When the board selects a case to review, it will typically make its decision within 90 days of Facebook’s decision. This 90-day period includes the time required to translate information submitted by the person appealing, for Facebook to compile and submit supporting information, for the board members to deliberate their decision and for Facebook to implement any decision.

  417. I would think it a badge of honor in today’s culture to be banned from Facebook. Like Gilad Atzmon has said, “If they want to burn it, you want to read it…”.

    That being said, my own account on Facebook was deleted for no reason that I am aware of. The only thing I used the account for was for my software development announcements. As a result, the only thing I can think of was that Facebook was tracking my comments on those sites I used it to sign into and didn’t like them. Seems like a good case for an invasion of privacy. However, since I was never afforded a reason (or a reply) to the several queries I submitted to them, I have no proof of this.

    I read the Unz Review quite often and appreciate the in-depth analysis on Jewish and Israeli issues, most of which are now easily corroborated with other sources.

    However, I have noticed a “conspiracy theory” mentality in a number of articles regarding such topics as the recent COVID-19 virus and how it came about.

    I find the articles on these topics suspiciously lacking of quality corroborative sources leaving most conclusions to be inferred, based on what appear to be coincidental events. This not to say that such conclusions are necessarily false but are at the very least questionable.

    Nonetheless, there is absolutely nothing wrong with allowing credible authors to present their claims in such a forum as this one. And I applaud Ron Unz for creating it.

    I am also aware of how many people have begun to leave Facebook in disgust or who simply use it as several commenters here have mentioned; merely as a way to keep in touch with friends and relatives.

    Given this, I believe that there is now a window of opportunity to create an alternative to Facebook for a minimal amount of cost in terms of a prototyped application. Such alternative platforms are beginning to make a small mark around the world with a Russian platform being the most prominent one I am familiar with (and it is in English)…

    • 同意: Fran Taubman
  418. Alden 说:
    @Ron Unz

    指责你发表反亚洲言论 Ron 真是可笑。 作为世界经济和中国移民的霸主,你非常支持亚洲人,尤其支持中国。


    我从不看电视新闻或阅读报纸。 所以我没有看到媒体在为中国开脱或指责中国。 偶尔瞥一眼头条新闻,我认为这都是特朗普的错。

    昨晚点击通过频道在 MSNBC 上看到一位肥胖丑陋的黑人女性,旁边是拜登,她宣称到 XNUMX 月 Covid 骗局将如此恶毒,我们无法亲自投票。


  419. 粪便书是一种免费的病毒,

    旨在取消 02% 以上的订阅者


  420. Alden 说:

    周围有很多一流的编码员。 盖茨的窗户,病毒磁铁。

  421. Alden 说:

    我怀疑是美国人杀死了大使。 如果他真的被杀,那很可能是以色列人。 我阅读印刷品和在线犹太社区出版物。

    在过去的 15 年里,他们一直在谈论中国人和犹太人有多少共同点,鼓励犹太人与中国人结婚等等。我认为美国犹太人正在准备他们 150 年后的下一次大跃进。 1880 年俄罗斯到美国 2000 年为 2030 年跳到中国做准备。

    也许它没有解决。 也许中国知道犹太人的运作方式,不会让他们按时进入。 也许以色列人杀死大使是为了惩罚中国不服从欧洲人和美国基督徒一贯做的事。

    或者也许大使是自然死亡的。 Godfree Roberts 对中国卫生系统的赞美就到此为止。

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  422. tomo 说:

    我仍然在 FB 上发布 UNZ 文章
    我剪切并粘贴了文章中信息量最大的部分,然后附上了页面的屏幕截图,并告诉我的朋友在那里找到 URL 并转到 UNZ dot com 阅读其余部分。
    如果这篇文章有外部链接,如上面关于以色列说 USSA 警告他们等的文章 - 我也提供该链接

    它似乎工作它欺骗了 FB Orwellian 算法

  423. Ron Unz 说:

    我怀疑是美国人杀死了大使。 如果他真的被杀,那可能是以色列人……或者大使自然死亡。

    嗯,纽约时报有一个非常大的故事是关于庞培的以色列访问,他是特朗普政府的主要反华人物,也是前中央情报局局长。 访问期间的主要争论点是蓬佩奥要求以色列切断与中国的一些主要经济联系,包括向一家中国公司租用一个大港口,并为他们最大的海水淡化项目聘请中国:


    然后,几天后,58 岁的中国大使被发现死亡。 我当然不清楚这件事背后的确切动机和情况,但似乎 *异常* 难以置信的巧合。


    • 回复: @utu
    , @Usura
  424. utu 说:
    @Ron Unz


    试图找出大使死亡背后可能的动机或机制让我想起了一位南方政客曾经说过:“我输掉这次选举的唯一方法是,如果我和一个死去的女孩或一个活生生的女孩上床男孩。” 显然是胆大妄为和狂妄自大的迹象。 躺在床上的尸体是接触某些人所需要的。

    谁在床上醒来的死去的大使? 显然是前几天蓬佩奥直接告诉内塔尼亚胡的:


    以色列和中国之间的良好关系使华盛顿和耶路撒冷之间的关系令人痛心。 例如,在钱易手之后,以色列被迫取消了戴维营峰会期间向中国出售的“ Phalcon”机载预警系统。 以色列被迫为中国的取消提供赔偿。

    以色列安全组织非常关注中国的介入,尤其是在两个战略地点,它们的敏感性特别高。 一种是控制现在正在这里建造的轻轨列车,该列车经过基里亚(Kirya)附近,该站点包括国防部,以色列国防军总部和空军的高级指挥部。

    必须以非常艰巨的方式传达传达给内塔尼亚胡等顽固和腐败的人的信息。 因此,现在内塔尼亚胡躺在床上尸体已经有了一个理由和借口(中国人会理解的)来做庞培传达的信息中要求他做的事情。

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  425. @Skeptikal

    “任何出于任何目的使用 FB 的人都已经打开了他们的设备,可以对他们所做的每一件事、所到之处、遇到的每个人、发短信或交谈的每个人、所有财务信息进行数据挖掘,如果他们从事任何网上银行业务,他们的信用卡信息和记录等等等等。”

    你能解释一下它是如何工作的吗? 是不是,根据我的 Brave 浏览器,甚至 UNZ.com 有以下“跨站追踪器”吗?

  426. Ron Unz 说:

    必须以非常艰巨的方式传达传达给内塔尼亚胡等顽固和腐败的人的信息。 因此,现在内塔尼亚胡躺在床上尸体已经有了一个理由和借口(中国人会理解的)来做庞培传达的信息中要求他做的事情。


    我认为最好的比喻可能来自教父 I。强大的工作室大亨无视柯里昂家族的要求,醒来时躺在床上的获奖赛马被斩首。 柯里昂一家并没有反对赛马,而是想发出一个强有力的警告,这大概就是发生在中国大使身上的事情。

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  427. Usura 说:
    @Ron Unz

    以色列在一年多的时间里举行了三场没有结果的全国选举,内塔尼亚胡正面临从下周开始的腐败指控起诉。 蓬佩奥会议密切关注这些冲突的名义解决方案,其中内塔尼亚胡和甘茨将各自担任第 18 个月的总理任期,另一位担任“候补总理”。

    来自政治: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/17/israel-netanyahu-gantz-elections-262858


    令人惊讶的是,内塔尼亚胡在几个小时前要求 跳过 他的第一次腐败审判。 如果中国大使被以色列特工杀害,或者被以色列领导人允许的陪同蓬佩奥的美国特工杀害,那可能是为了换取美国在幕后保证内塔尼亚胡的豁免权,也许是在解决以色列内部政治斗争的全面帮助.

  428. bluedog 说:
    @Astuteobservor II


  429. @bluedog

    但正如罗恩所说。 甚至1999年轰炸中国也没有回应。


  430. anon[477]• 免责声明 说:



    这种弗兰肯斯坦臭虫极不可能在野外进化。 该病毒显然是为了适应人类而培养的,而不是基因剪接的。

    伯内特沃马克中心。 巴特尔。 中央情报局。 他们会为此而摇摆不定。

  431. Johan 说:

    Facebook当然是犹太复国主义犹太人聚集和捆绑外邦牛群以将他们作为数据奶牛挤奶的众多方式之一。 这是一个暴民系统,暴民级别。

  432. @Iris

    '......这些是联合国儿童基金会的数据,他们当时在伊拉克。 不知道为什么对伊拉克儿童的苦难居高临下、居高临下和不屑一顾……”


    但是在那里。 显然,我不得不暂停我的批判能力——以免被怀疑对儿童的痛苦漠不关心。


    我想有两百万人死了。 显然,我比你更关心、更同情、更人道主义。

    • 回复: @Iris
  433. Johan 说:




    总的来说,关于互联网上发生的审查。 智能审查需要智能,白痴无法明智地确定需要审查的内容。 他们只是一群人,他们在野外随机射击所有移动的东西,“看起来像”或闻起来像“敌人”。 根据他们脑海中的阴影,以及他们脑海中模糊的图像,根据联想,他们的反应往往就像巴甫洛夫的狗一样。
    因此,如果某些网站所有者认为他是明智的目标,因为他被理所当然地视为危险,这只是一种徒劳的自我祝贺,以及对智力的高估。 每天都有无数的网站和人通过蛇坑(媒体)被枪杀,无数人被审查,无数人被报道,基于上述,纯粹是愚蠢。

    所以,他们用冰雹射击(buckshot,或者你怎么称呼它用英语..),他们一直在射击,当有人挡路时,他可能会在某个时候被击中,通常甚至几乎没有理由,除了通过狂野的联想成为一组鸭子的一部分(他们不研究所有的文本和哲学)。 当然,意识到自己是个意外,更痛苦了……有些虚荣心挡在了这里,所以他们大多都大声抱怨……
    在其他时候,网站受到攻击的原因是因为审查员的困惑头脑已经学会与邪恶联系起来的关键词占主导地位。 这是他们可以做的最明智的有针对性的射击(审查)方式。


    所以,你有两个傻瓜阵营,在这两个阵营中都没有任何智能的连贯性,因此通常没有什么可以智能地瞄准......即使一方有一些聪明的事情要说,那些进行射击的人(媒体),最后审查制度缺乏任何智能来识别它(需要智能来识别智能),它们只是像训练有素的狗一样行事,而且这些狗对它们吠叫和咬的东西的辨别力并不高。 至少可以说..

    • 回复: @GazaPlanet
  434. @CanSpeccy



    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  435. @bluedog







  436. @Truth3



    由于穆罕默德不会读也不会写,它被留在那里未被发现另外 200 年



    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  437. @Potemkin Villiage Bank

    这是本周最好的帖子。 好笑。 伊斯兰教是摩萨德的植物。 穆斯林前往山上!!!

    • 回复: @Potemkin Villiage Bank
  438. Iris 说:
    @Colin Wright



    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  439. @Fran Taubman



    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  440. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    他们说这位 57 岁的中国大使会在睡梦中死于心脏病。

    呃,是这个活动吗 TUR 似乎暗示了如此难以置信的可能性? 大使们不是像歌剧演员一样,花费大量时间来享受丰富的食物吗? 我无法想象这是一个习惯于定期将奶酪和饼干铲入他的gob的人。

    卡路里炸弹饮食加上 57 岁的年龄并没有让我觉得他心脏病发作的可能性很大。 加上他是一个 大使对所有事情,对以色列,对所有地方(在最好的情况下肯定是一份压力很大的工作),而且他的突然退出似乎并不是拉斯维加斯的赔率制定者将赌注押在自己身上的那种事情钱反对。

    这个家伙是那些从饥饿的兔子嘴里偷走他所有食物并在周末参加铁人三项比赛的纯素食害虫之一吗? 这是我缺少的一点吗?

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
    , @Usura
  441. denk 说:
    @Just another serf

    [[[抽泣]]] 享受 我们的抱怨,


  442. GazaPlanet 说:

    Unz 是一个大网站,审查它的决定与禁止在 facebook 上随机出现的人的决定不同。 让我们明确一点:美国安全国家有大量从事互联网宣传的人员,直接或间接参与“监视”此类“威胁”网站的人与在其上发帖的人一样多。 可以使用大量、无限的资金。

    事实上,Unz 被禁的唯一坏处是,被禁有时是一种给予受控反对派可信度的方式。

  443. @Potemkin Villiage Bank

    欢迎本网站上的犹太人仇恨者只挑选对他们有用的阴谋。 这是一个以犹太人为中心的阴谋网站。 你破解了密码。 最终的阴谋使阴谋家发出嘎嘎声。 我喜欢它。 可见他们是多么的愚蠢。
    讨厌 RU 的犹太人网站。

  444. @Anonymous

    心脏病发作? 这其中的乐趣在哪里?

  445. @AnonStarter

    编辑: … 贴有标签的便利贴 明显偏执 异常可笑的贡献。

    感谢 Unz 先生确认这一点。

  446. 你和 Unzis 在一起,你已经加入了 Farrakhan、巴勒斯坦人、委内瑞拉人、伊朗人、厄瓜多尔、尼加拉瓜,甚至你非常讨厌的共产主义者,几乎所有帝国狗屎名单上的人。 尽管如此,他们允许的亲特朗普宣传/假新闻的数量总是让我感到惊讶,看到我的家人和朋友发布的一些东西,这很荒谬。 福克斯新闻关于类固醇...... 可能与拜登没有太大不同。
    Facebook = 建制派婴儿潮一代的故乡。 我远离..




    搜索我保存的文章会在 facebook 和审查制度上返回很多,其中一些脱颖而出:














    • 谢谢: Biff
    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  447. @gsjackson

    [取消出版商责任保护] 只会导致这些网站 [Farcebook 等] 删除更多材料,因为他们必须对诽谤内容保持警惕,因为他们现在可能会因此被起诉。

    那将是不切实际的,而且要花费一大笔钱。 他们不可能大量发布试图确定是否诽谤某人的帖子。 许多诽谤性的帖子肯定会通过。 我应该认为 Facebook 等会决定表现得好像第一修正案适用于他们以恢复他们的保护。

    • 回复: @gsjackson
  448. @redmudhooch

    我们什么时候可以在伊朗媒体上发布我们的英雄? 伊朗的言论自由是一个真正的婊子。

  449. denk 说:




  450. Alden 说:
    @Ron Unz

    削弱美国的并不是今年的流感季节。 正是我们最大的国家经济体的经济封锁将稳步削弱我们。

    据称,纽约马萨诸塞州泽西密歇根州和宾夕法尼亚州是受灾最严重的州。 但是谁知道这些数字是真实的还是只是为了谁知道什么邪恶目的而制造的大量谎言?

  451. Bert 说:


  452. Erebus 说:

    …… 2013 年的蝙蝠冠状病毒……


    如果是的话,已经提出了相当有说服力的论点,即 RaTG13 是一种完全虚构的病毒,在物理上从未存在过。


    • 回复: @denk
  453. tomo 说:

    他说民主国家——排除了 USSA

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  454. denk 说:



  455. gsjackson 说:
    @Mark Hunter

    好吧,我明白这可能如何运作,如果这是国会(霍利)的想法。 然而,很难想象众议院会同意其中的任何一项,尤其是考虑到社交媒体巨头必须在希尔上撒下多少谢克尔。 但是,很难想象有任何形式的公共政策有利于华盛顿的公众。

    • 回复: @Mark Hunter
  456. @gsjackson


    在第 230 条上支持霍利并像我之前的帖子一样使用《国防生产法》符合特朗普的利益。 科技极权主义者憎恨特朗普(即使他并不总是值得憎恨),如果他不采取一些行动,他们就会偷偷地反对他。

    Speaking of Google putting a damper on 乌兹网, they almost completely removed Richard Spencer’s Jihad Watch. It used to rank near the top when you searched “jihad,” now it’s so far down – even if you search “jihad watch” or “jihadwatch” – you give up before reaching it if it’s there at all. On the other hand, again as with 乌兹网, it’s still at the top using Bing or DDG.

    买的方式,在我的上一篇文章中,我输入了“pour of ever post”,但正在考虑“pour over every post”。

  457. @罗恩·恩兹(Ron Unz)


    比尔·盖茨是世界上最大的疫苗生产商 [1] 并且,自从美国总统特朗普在世界卫生组织对 SARS-CoV2 爆发的处理方式进行调查之前停止了美国的支持,成为世卫组织 [2] 和 CDC 基金会的最大单一捐助者 [3] XNUMX]。 这些机构现在正在为他的疫苗帝国营销武器,他以多种方式使用这些武器 控制 他的财务优势在全球范围内传递信息。


    2019 年 4 月,美国众议院情报常设特别委员会主席希夫致信 Facebook、谷歌 [5] 和亚马逊 [XNUMX],要求他们 检查员 “疫苗错误信息”,这个术语意味着对政府和行业关于疫苗安全性或有效性的声明的所有怀疑——无论是否真实。

    [1] 您需要了解的有关 COVID-19 疫苗的信息 https://www.gatesnotes.com/Health/What-you-need-to-know-about-the-COVID-19-vaccine
    [2] 世界卫生组织是如何获得资金的? https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/who-funds-world-health-organization-un-coronavirus-pandemic-covid-trump/
    [3] CDC 基金会获得 13.5 万美元的全球卫生赠款 https://www.cdcfoundation.org/blog-entry/cdc-foundation-receives-13.5-million-grant-from-gates-foundation
    [4] 希夫就反疫苗错误信息致函谷歌和 Facebook
    [5] 希夫就反疫苗错误信息致函亚马逊首席执行官

    背景故事:对于那些不记得的人来说,盖茨在微软时是不道德的,承诺提供产品,但 IT 用户实际收到的只是“使用许可”。 此外,该公司与小型科技初创公司合资,这是窃取其知识产权的策略。 没有支付应有的赔偿。

    • 谢谢: denk
    • 回复: @denk
  458. snag 说:

    UR 在 FB 上受欢迎的原因之一。

    “56 岁的普拉姆在 2017 年卷入了另一起丑闻,当时她在推特上发布了一篇题为“美国的犹太人正在推动美国战争”的反犹太主义文章的链接。 文章中的一句话是:“对于那些没有一丝正直的美国犹太人,应该要求媒体在电视屏幕底部出现时给他们贴上标签”,并将犹太人比作“老鼠药”。

    这篇文章来自 The Unz Review,这是一份定期发表反犹太主义材料的极右翼期刊,以及其他种族主义和白人至上主义文章?


    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @snag
    , @Wizard of Oz
  459. geokat62 说:


    [打击极端主义联盟] ACE 主席伊恩·苏格 (Ian Sugar) 说:“瓦莱丽·普拉姆 (Valerie Plame) 竞选国会议员令人震惊。 民主党人不会从白人至上主义网站兜售种族主义内容,也不会用否认大屠杀的人的支票来资助他们的竞选活动。 但显然瓦莱丽·普拉姆错过了那份备忘录。”

    “民主党是一个反种族主义的政党。 期间,”他说。 “它不应该提名偏执狂。 ……再多的钱也不足以掩盖瓦莱丽·普拉姆的仇恨记录。”

    将 ACE 添加到据称与“仇恨”作斗争的 JSO(例如 ADL、SPLC)列表中。

    • 哈哈: mark green
    • 回复: @Iris
    , @snag
    , @gsjackson
  460. Iris 说:

    我相信这是同一个瓦莱丽·普拉姆,作为一名中央情报局官员,她被 GW Bush NeoCon 集团和 WP 无耻地驱逐出境,她的生命受到威胁,以惩罚她的丈夫,当时的外交特使科威特,他敢于揭穿尼日尔铀的大规模杀伤性武器谎言销往伊拉克。


    • 回复: @Usura
    , @Alden
  461. snag 说:


  462. gsjackson 说:

    警告所有人:除非您想面对一些严重的认知失调,否则不要阅读当前虚假信息时代的政治光谱。 在支持特朗普的 Q 世界中,由于某些不太明显的原因,普拉姆被塑造成一个深州恶棍,是他们的沼泽生物之一,中央情报局的黑帽子现在正试图在国会中安顿下来。 尽管事实上她之前作为伊拉克自由行动中的一根刺引起了公众的注意,特朗普和 Q 应该带领我们摆脱这种干预主义。 显然部落不喜欢她。

    所以去图。 或者更好,不要尝试。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  463. snag 说:

    ......应该......在FB上不受欢迎。 - 对不起 ,…

  464. Vojkan 说:

    有一个“深状态”,那里有一个 BIG 状态。 在每个国家,无论其大小。 国家是必需品。 它是人民的工具,没有它就没有主权,没有主权就没有自由。 但是,要成为人民的工具,就必须保持透明,国家事务不能成为人民的秘密。 不得允许国家发展到超过其不再透明的规模。 然后它就不再是人民的工具,而是暴政的工具。

  465. @tomo

    相当。 当然,我是在讽刺/讽刺。

  466. @denk

    啊哈! 谢谢你不知道这一点。


  467. @snag

    实际上,Philip Giraldi 的文章并没有“比较犹太人吃毒药”。 它说以色列先民的倾向性著作应该被贴上老鼠药的标签。

  468. RudyM 说:

    罗恩,请不要错过 乌兹网 在这个反火焰的新墨西哥政治广告中提到:


    • 哈哈: Usura, Ron Unz, MEH 0910
    • 回复: @snag
  469. Usura 说:

    这个家伙是那些从饥饿的兔子嘴里偷走他所有食物并在周末参加铁人三项比赛的纯素食害虫之一吗? 这是我缺少的一点吗?

    不,但他也不肥胖。 当然,心血管疾病死亡的可能性是促使情报机构首先开发心脏病枪的原因。


    在一家中国公司阻止收购乌克兰国防公司 Motor Sich 之后,他 [杜伟] 也参与了谈判。 [7] [8]

    截至 2017 年,北京天瑞航空购买了 Motor Sich 41% 的股份,但在 2017 年 250 月,乌克兰法院出于国家安全原因冻结了该股份。 北京天瑞航空已同意向乌克兰工厂投资 5 亿美元,并在中国西南部的重庆建立装配和维修厂。 [6] 当美国当局批评乌克兰向中国出售Motor Sich的发动机时,乌克兰政客Oleh Lyashko表示,“如果美国不想让我们开始卖给中国人,那就让他们买我们的飞机发动机吧。” [XNUMX]


    换言之,杜伟参与了中国多次试图将美国的边疆盟友和代理人国家从华盛顿的经济轨道中拉出来的企图,并且是“一带一路”倡议扩张的关键参与者。 尽管美国成功阻止了购买,但他不会因 Skyrizon 交易的失败而被原谅,而且后来中共不得不将他派往以色列以促成类似的协议。

    他的死是 非常 从美国外交政策的角度来看很方便。

  470. Usura 说:

    滑板车利比 是布什任命的犹太政治特工(和沃尔福威茨的仆从)的名字,他被联邦大陪审团起诉并定罪,罪名是伪证、虚假陈述和妨碍司法,所有这些都与普拉姆的身份泄露有关。 他在 2018 年被特朗普完全赦免。

  471. snag 说:


  472. Anonymous[270]• 免责声明 说:

    很多“会”和“应该”,这是徒劳抗议的明显标志。 用一些“做过”和“完成”给我打电话。

  473. @Ron Unz

    当我建议您所在国家/地区的一些法律职业掠夺者可能会因为您给 Facebook 版主造成的精神压力而在针对您的集体诉讼中看到优势时,我只是半开玩笑。 毫无疑问,您知道 Facebook 与其受害员工达成的和解。 我首先在这里了解到它:

    如果您不完全了解 Facebook 的调节问题,这可能会进一步阐明该主题。

  474. Czarlazar 说:

    我也对这种说法感到困惑。 没有一名 Facebook 员工失业,该股创下历史新高。 此外,大多数人在家工作,因此他们的开支也较低。 骗局一直是 Facebook 的礼物,他们将继续从中受益,政治家也将如此。 一个非常成功的合作伙伴关系显然扩展到了 Twitter、Google/YouTube 和 MSM。

  475. Anonymous[419]• 免责声明 说:


    Plame 部分是犹太人。 我认为她有两个犹太祖父母。

  476. Half-Jap 说:
    @Ron Unz


    我不想假设一个开罐器(你知道那个经济学家的笑话吗?),但从冷的 CBA 角度来看,这将是理想的。 至少有有效的物质(例如VC、VD和锌——甚至可以在pubmed上找到很多),但不幸的是我没有看到中国部署它们或教育公众的任何东西,除了使用大剂量VC作为治疗。


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  477. @Ron Unz

    您可能需要考虑 Whitney Webb 在她最近的文章中提供的链接中提供的所有信息。 迄今为止,她的研究连接了最多的点。

  478. Lol 说:


  479. Arioch 说:

    据报道,Alphabet 的 YouTube 刚刚审查了许多俄罗斯和中国媒体和博主。


  480. cranc 说:

    当您患有死亡率为 0.5%-1% 的高度传染性疾病并在您的国家/地区蔓延时,您最终会死亡。

    既然连CDC都确认了在这些线程上无数次说过的话:新型冠状病毒的死亡率在流感的近距离范围内(IFR 0.26%),您会更新您的个人估计'0.5%-1%吗?死亡率' ?
    如果您这样做了,您是否会明确表示许多被您嘲笑为“流感骗子”的人只是试图从 XNUMX 月份开始指出这一事实,仔细阅读数据后得出了同样的结论?

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  481. @Iris



    你自便。 XNUMX 万伊拉克儿童死亡,人口增长曲线甚至没有出现中断。


    但把自己打倒。 继续向皈依者传道。 我想它已经足够无害了。

  482. JWalters 说:

    我同意,Facebook 显然被犹太复国主义者用作工具。 Disqus 也是如此,这家公司在众多网站上管理读者评论。 他们肯定会删除包含列入黑名单的链接的读者评论,包括指向以高效方式批评以色列的网页的链接。 这些页面通常包含许多可验证的事实,以及对历史的清晰解释。

    YouTube 对那些讲述太多以色列真相的视频也是如此。 先妖魔化,然后消失。 YouTube 和谷歌(YouTube 的所有者)都破坏了对一位专注于结束(以色列)“政权更迭战争”(图尔西·加巴德)的民主党总统候选人的搜索。

    垃圾邮件列表曾经被用来抑制淘气的言论。 现在他们已经习惯了压制明显不是淘气的言论,而且明显是政治言论。

    压制 Unz Review 显然是压制政治言论。 鉴于我们宪法保障的言论自由,压制政治言论应该需要一个明确而令人信服的理由,说明这是“不可接受的”政治言论。

    如果他们给出一个理由,那很有可能是“反犹太主义”。 他们会像往常一样回避提出的事实,这是一种战略上的不诚实。 他们试图把对以色列行为的批评等同于对所有犹太人的批评,这在事实和逻辑上都是错误的。

    在我看来,Unz Review 在任何裁决过程中都处于非常有利的地位。 Facebook 需要一个特殊的理由来暂停宪法。 除非他们想宣传自己有偏见,就像一个政治教会。

    我很欣赏 Ron Unz 作为科学家的背景。 我认为这对本网站在报告和分析中关注事实(即数据)有很大帮助。 人们真正致力于传统的“让事实随心所欲”的报告方法。 这就是它在科学中的做法。 这是了解真相的最直接方式。

    必须知道这一切的主流记者和专家,好奇和聪明的人是如何日复一日地板着脸掩盖的? 什么胡萝卜加大棒,贿赂和勒索,偶尔的谋杀? 也许并不难理解。 以下是这个“帝国暴徒”的简要历史、它的运作方式以及拆除它的方法: 战争奸商和以色列银行

    • 谢谢: Iris
  483. @Heres your insertion zzip squoosh

    事实上,我在科学方面做得很好。 我有化学的诀窍。 我只是不想成为实验室老鼠。 但是我在这里引用的所有这些文章,尤其是关于穿山甲冠状病毒的最后一篇文章,都非常引人注目,因为 Covid 不是人造的。 现在看来,Covid 极有可能是蝙蝠冠状病毒和穿山甲冠状病毒的重组; 就像 SARS 1 是蝙蝠冠状病毒和贪婪冠状病毒的重组,而 MERS 是蝙蝠冠状病毒和骆驼冠状病毒的重组。

  484. @cranc




    3. 许多死者从未接受过检测。 对在疗养院、家中或临终关怀中死亡的人进行尸检并不常见。 所以真正的死亡人数永远不会被知道。

    我们将得到的只是对 CFR 是什么的有争议的估计。 双方将有大量证据可以争论。

  485. Anonymous[263]• 免责声明 说:


    为什么罗恩对这种可能性视而不见? 中国对不和谐的信息和政府的批评有更严格的控制,因此他们很容易将 Corona Chan 抹黑并将她的所有行为归咎于流感或无处不在的既往合并症。

    我会在 anatoly karlin 文章中发布相同的内容,但他屏蔽了所有匿名者以及他不同意的其他所有人(他在苏联长大?数字。)

    • 回复: @Anatoly Karlin
  486. @Anonymous

    我只阻止那些向我发送垃圾邮件、dox 或直接侮辱我的人。 至于匿名者,发明一个名字和伪造电子邮件有什么困难?


  487. Alden 说:

    OJ并不穷。 一个收入来源是他的足球队的退休金,每月 29,000 美元,每年 360,000 美元,并且不受责任 b 的影响,因为这是一项判决证明退休金。 由于它是养老金,因此无偿律师等收账员也无法触及它。 他的退休金也不征税。

    他和他的孩子们搬到佛罗里达州后,立即投资房地产,将所有房产都放在孩子名下。 他的女儿是任何经营房地产业务的人的主唱。


    1 OJ 的养老金就是所谓的判断证明。
    2 他的其他资产在他孩子的名下。

    随着谋杀和其他审判的进行,他一定已经支付了他的律师费用。 他完全可以负担​​得起这些费用。

  488. Alden 说:

    在斯库特·利比 (Scooter Libby) 听说过普拉姆之前,叛徒中央情报局 (CIA) 男子奥尔德里奇·艾姆斯 (Aldrich Ames) 就将普拉姆告知俄罗斯人。 当中央情报局得知克格勃知道她的真实身份后,她立即被驱逐出比利时,并永远被分配到中央情报局总部进行安全可靠的办公室工作

    已出局的特工的 SOP。 她的丈夫退休了,这就是为什么她建议他检查黄饼铀的指控

  489. Derer 说:

    解释很简单,扎克伯格随犹太游说的反美曲调跳舞,而 Ron Unz 则不然。

  490. @Kratoklastes

    Facebook 对这种策略很明智。 我创建
    并将其放在 Facebook 帖子的末尾。 在大约几秒钟内,我收到了消息:




    • 回复: @Patagonia Man
  491. @Mark Hunter

    创建于 2006 年,我在 2010 年看到这个。

    注意低号。 意见 - 定期删除。 YT 归谷歌所有,记住。

    FB 是一个 CIA-DARPA(如果你知道 Darpa 是什么)情报收集公司,Zuck 只是“前线人员”。

    看看名字,例如 Anita Jones 博士。

    关于 Facebook 的真相

  492. anonymous[251]• 免责声明 说:

    我对冠状病毒“事情”的看法和对这个“事情”的阴谋论反应与我对 9 年 11 月 01 日伊斯兰恐怖主义屠杀我们国家人民的反应几乎相同。 是的 - 我真的不喜欢的各种团体和力量将这些真实事件用于他们的不良目的以及在这两种情况下都被极度夸大的真实事件。 新保守派犹太复国主义者利用 9 年 11 月 01 日对我们国家人民的真正恐怖屠杀来证明另一场新保守派犹太复国主义者美国对伊拉克世俗阿拉伯人的战争/干预是合理的。 萨达姆·侯赛因,伊拉克和叙利亚最极端的世俗阿拉伯人,与沙特/巴基斯坦逊尼派伊斯兰主义者(奥萨马·本·拉丹、穆罕默德·阿塔)策划和实施的 9 月 11 日恐怖屠杀没有任何关系。


    如果新保守派/犹太复国主义者在 1940 年代在美国掌权,那么在日本袭击珍珠港之后,我们就会……



    对于冠状病毒“事情”,情况几乎相同——我讨厌的权力使 CR 大幅限制普通美国人的自由,重创我们的经济 = 让家族企业摆脱困境——关押了很多下层阶级黑人,现在他们要打仗了** 疯狂,骚乱,抢劫,杀死所有人。


    不要让来自共产主义中国的 CR 谩骂人涌入我们的国家——我们应该像日本和以色列所做的/所做的那样,将这些外来人口拒之门外。

    我对 9/11/01 真实攻击的回应是一样的:



    我敢肯定 Ron Unz 会说这种伊斯兰极端主义移民对美国真的有好处,因为据推测他们比美国白人有更好的职业道德和更低的犯罪率,而且据说支持以色列或巴勒斯坦人都是我们的错——这无论如何,这就是沙特阿拉伯逊尼派伊斯兰皇室成员所做的。





  493. @Ron Unz

    罗恩,对不起,如果我错过了,但我没有看到你对 FB 新的[​​截至去年]监督委员​​会的跟进。 我们可以看看信件吗? 正如你指出的 VDare 联系完全是似是而非的,因为所有 FB 的伟大和善良(或他们中的无神论者)肯定都必须承认,所以现在可以反驳关于你的流氓美国演员关于武汉爆发的理论太危险的解释指出它已被数百万页的指责和讨论所淹没,并且没有认真的演员试图使用或滥用它。

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  494. Ron Unz 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    罗恩,对不起,如果我错过了,但我没有看到你对 FB 新的[​​截至去年]监督委员​​会的跟进。 我们可以看看信件吗?

    没有“通信”,因为 Facebook 的人自然没有回复。 我做梦也没想到他们会。 考虑到他们很快就禁止了美国在任总统,你真的认为他们会理会我的抱怨吗?

    • 回复: @WIzard of Oz
  495. @Ron Unz

    哇! 有一个监督委员会,但上诉法院甚至没有登记处,您可以通过提交上诉文件来启动上诉程序。

    即使您无法访问直接的个人电子邮件地址和 SMS 号码,也可以将电子邮件发送给监督委员会的优秀成员,地址是否认秘书已将其交给的地址会令人尴尬,尤其是如果您在邮件中包括高级职员(我在 ny 事故中留下了“e”,但事实上,为什么不使用挂号信给参谋长,例如?)

    你可能会说,我猜“我写信是为了解释 Facebook 监督委员会的工作是如何被取消的。 我写信是因为我认为您的 X 先生出于履行重要公共服务的目的真诚地接受了会员资格,因此会因为他被欺骗而认为他的角色是真实的而感到愤怒。

    “看来是这样。 如下表所示,Unz Review 是美国最成功、阅读量最大的网站之一。 因此,向监督委员会隐瞒其关切并不是在边际上的粗心大意的微不足道的罪行。


    “除了违反我们国家伟大的言论自由传统之外,还有效禁止数百万潜在受益者发现在 zunz Review 的刊头上宣传为可供免费访问的庞大而独特的档案。 这包括……”






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