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当你住在一个有200年历史的房子里时,你最好每隔几年对它进行一次彻底的检查。 敲打墙壁,拉下一些旧墙纸,爬进阁楼,然后进入爬行空间。 检查屋顶,检查外墙,检查地基。 您正在寻找腐烂的迹象:腐烂、发霉、昆虫、啮齿动物或只是简单的老化。 运气好的话,你会发现一两个小问题,然后修补它们,一切都会好起来的。 不幸的是,有时一切都不尽如人意。 有时,您会发现重大且无法修复的腐烂迹象。 在这些情况下,尽管可能会很痛苦,但您必须准备拆除房屋并重新开始。 任何更少的东西都将是一个失败的原因,一个完全徒劳的行为。

今天的美国是一座拥有 245 年历史的房子——一座拥有许多房间的豪宅,坐落在一个非常广阔而辉煌的庄园中。 从外面看,从远处看,它仍然很好看:炫目、迷人、富有、强大、令人兴奋。 它仍然从其善意(如果有缺陷)的开端中承载了很多。 但我们的检查证明并非如此。 当我们敲打墙壁,或爬上天花板,或爬到地基上时,我们会震惊地发现广泛而无法修复的腐烂迹象。 支撑建筑物的主要木材布满白蚁; 屋顶漏水; 地基开裂,下面的沙子正在侵蚀,各种害虫在上面和下面肆虐。 简而言之,这是一个可怕的混乱。 我们试着在这里和那里的洞上抹灰泥,并偶尔涂上一些新油漆,但腐烂不可避免地暴露出来。 根据任何合理的计算,该建筑物处于倒塌的边缘。 它可能会自行下降,或者我们可以积极主动地将其删除,但它会下降。

任何有生命力的国家不仅是一座大厦; 它是一个有生命的实体。 它与其中的人一起生活和呼吸。 我们的房子是活的房子; 但遗憾的是,它病入膏肓。 年老、疾病、疏忽和卫生条件差的综合作用使其处于一种可怕的状态,显然无法恢复或修复。 房子必须倒塌; 美国必须死——为了一个新的房子,一个新的国家,出现。 这就是人生。

因此,值得回顾一下我对美国国家的简短“检查报告”,并诊断我们目前正在忍受的疾病。 如果我能够找到根本原因,这自然会导致我们可以采取一些既定的行动方案,无论是近期的还是长期的。 没有人愿意住在腐烂的房子里。 没有人愿意生活在一个衰败的国家。 没有人希望自己的子孙在这样的条件下长大。 我们有更好的选择。

在最高级别,我的检查报告发现了两个主要且相关的关注领域:(1) 人类平等的错误观念,以及 (2) 对民主学说的错误信仰。 进一步的分析表明,这两个方面已被强大的犹太游说团体无情和恶意地利用,以最大限度地为自己谋取利益。 在下文中,我将尝试概述这场影响深远且根深蒂固的危机的性质,并提出一些前进的道路。


1927 年,也就是他创作的四年前 美丽新世界著名作家、思想家和“休闲反犹主义者”奥尔德斯赫胥黎出版了一本引人入胜的小书,名为 适当的研究. 它以一篇题为“平等理念”的文章开头。 第一行是这样写的:

人人平等这一命题,在平时,没有一个理智的人会同意。 (第 1 页)

赫胥黎说,医生、编辑、官僚——任何人,在各行各业,都表现出明显的不平等。 人们在各种可以想象的方面都是不同的:技能、能力、兴趣、智力、外表、性格。 每个人都承认这一点,但同时他们也想坚持人类本质和内在的平等。 因此,赫胥黎写到人类思维“几乎无限的不一致能力”。 然后他描述了工作中的基本公理:

政治家和政治哲学家经常谈论人的平等,好像它是一个必要和不可避免的想法,这是人类必须相信的想法,正如他们必须从其身心构造的本质上相信这样的想法。重量、热量和光的概念。 洛克说,人“本质上是自由、平等和独立的”,[1]公民政府第二卷 (1690),第 8 章,第 95 节。 一个知道他不会被反驳的人的冷静保证。 从字面上引用数以千计的类似声明是可能的。 (第 2 页)

他在亚里士多德中确定了这一谬论的原始来源,他对人类本质的形而上学假设(作为“理性动物”; 尼古拉斯伦理学 I.8, 13) 意味着人类物种之间的某种平等。 对于赫胥黎,我们可以争辩说这并不完全符合; 所有人的共同和独特品质的存在并不意味着他们的社会、政治或生存平等,正如所有物质物体都有质量这一事实意味着它们都具有相同的重量一样。[2]事实上,亚里士多德后来对“有灵魂的人”的讨论(尼古拉斯伦理学 IV.3) 最终证明他相信人与人之间存在巨大差异。 赫胥黎也将一些责任归咎于笛卡尔,但同样,这可能是一种夸大的说法。 在 方法论 (1637),笛卡尔写道:

善意是世界上最好的分布式事物。 ……这表明判断力和辨别真假的能力——这就是我们恰当地称之为“理智”或“理性”——在所有人中自然是平等的。 ... [A]关于理性或意义,因为它是唯一使我们成为人并将我们与野兽区分开来的东西,所以我倾向于相信它完整而完整地存在于我们每个人身上。[3]笛卡尔的哲学著作,第一卷,剑桥大学出版社 (1985),第 111-112 页。


更重要的是,赫胥黎引用了基督教教义和教会的立场。 即使在基督之下授予“人的兄弟情谊”,“人的兄弟情谊并不意味着他们的平等。” 他继续说:“人在上帝面前的平等并不意味着他们之间的平等。” 即使上帝从他神圣而崇高的立场来看,我们所有人都是平等的,任何假定的人际平等“都完全无关紧要”。[4]事实上,圣经中没有明确的人类平等。 保罗在加拉太书 (3:28) 中声称,在耶稣之下“没有犹太人,也没有希腊人”,并且“我们在基督耶稣里都成为一体了”。 但这只是说,所有人都欢迎加入他新生的普救教会; 它不支持人人平等的观点。 更重要的是,有充分的理由相信保罗坚持最令人讨厌的犹太人至上主义形式,因此对人类平等一无所知; 请参阅我的文章“基督教:伟大的犹太骗局”和“尼采和基督教的起源”。 这更像是我们将所有蚂蚁或老鼠视为相同,而实际上它们都承认并承认它们之间存在巨大差异。

赫胥黎说(我将详细说明),所有这些对“民主宗教”来说都是不祥之兆。 它的“主要假设”是“所有人都基本平等”。 如果平等下降,民主也会下降。 他简明扼要地总结道:

上个世纪的历史和心理学研究,使得现代民主实践背后的理论完全站不住脚。 并非所有人的理性都相同; 人类属于因不可减少的差异而彼此分离的多种心理类型。 (第 12 页)


当然,赫胥黎谴责声称的人类平等并不是唯一一个。 尼采以更大的蔑视看待这个想法,并以更严厉的措辞写作。 我们发现,尤其是在 超越善恶,对这个概念的惊人否定。 他对人与人之间的“等级秩序”、“等级本能”、“高尚的灵魂”以及人类伟大的必要性的详细阐述,贯穿了整个作品。 举几个例子就足够了:

男人,不够高贵,看不到人与人之间极其不同的等级顺序,等级的鸿沟——这样 迄今为止,人们以他们“在上帝面前平等”的方式主宰着欧洲的命运,直到最终出现了一种更小、几乎荒谬的动物,一种渴望取悦的、病弱的、平庸的动物,今天的欧洲人. (第 62 条)

最高和最强烈的驱动力,当它们热情地爆发并驱使个人远远高于平均水平和群体良知时,会破坏社区的自信心,破坏社区对自身的信心,就像它的脊椎断了一样。 因此,这些驱动器最常被烙上烙印和诽谤。 高尚而独立的灵性,独立的意志,甚至强大的理性都被视为危险; 从今以后,凡是使个人超越群体并恐吓邻居的一切都被称为 邪恶; 以及公平、谦虚、顺从、顺从的心态, 庸人 欲望获得道德称号和荣誉。 (第 201 条)

迄今为止,“人”类型的每一次增强都是贵族社会的成果——一个相信人与人之间存在等级秩序和价值差异的长阶梯的社会。 (第 257 条)

平等的概念最终具有破坏性,因为它宣称,不仅没有人比其他人更糟,而且更重要的是没有人比其他人更糟 更好 比任何人都好——是的,没有人 能够 会更好。 如果我们都是平等的,真正的自我改善和自我提升就变得不可能了。 不管你做什么,你仍然只是,永远,是男人中最卑微的。 这个教义不仅是错误的; 这是对更高目标和目标的完全可鄙和破坏性的。 这意味着人类的死亡。 我们不上升的地方,我们下降; 这是尼采的基本观点。 可悲的是,它符合我们今天生活的现实世界。

在上面的最后一段中,尼采指出了一个核心事实,从而指出了一个可能的解决方案。 如果人类和社会的每一次进步都发生在贵族社会——也就是说,由 最好的——那么我们应该合乎逻辑地使用这些作为我们的模型。 能够将人分为更小或更大的类型并有效地做到这一点的社会是人类进化的驱动力。 他们追求伟大,他们创造伟大。 即使是朝这个方向迈出的最小的一步——比如希特勒在他的国家社会主义德国所采取的——在今天也会取得如此大的进步,任何国家即使试图这样做也可能会蓬勃发展; 事实上,这正是从 1933 年开始在德国发生的事情。 其余的崇尚平等、受犹太人启发的世界是如此震惊,以至于他们被迫驱使剩余的工业国家反对希特勒并摧毁他,如此可怕是他成功的前景。

尽管如此,根深蒂固的神话还是难以根除。 在美国,我们拥有珍贵的《独立宣言》,其中宣称“不言自明”——那些知道自己无可反驳的人冷静地保证——“人人生而平等”。 正如我们所知,这充其量是虚伪的。 一方面,他们确实是指“男人”,因为女性既不能投票也不能担任公职。 他们的意思是“白人”,因为所有创始人都是白人盎格鲁撒克逊人,而且许多人是奴隶主或以其他方式支持奴隶制。 因此,那句名言的真正意思是“所有白人男性生而平等”——尽管正如我所论证的那样,即使这显然是不真实的。


赫胥黎说得完全正确:对现代民主的支持实际上更多是一种信仰体系,甚至是一种信仰,而不是基于历史、理性和哲学的东西。 像许多其他宗教一样,民主源自历史真相的核心——这里是古希腊——然后被神话、谎言和腐败层层堆积而变得面目全非。 今天我们有信念, 信仰,从各个方面来说,“左”和“右”都一样,[5]不过,正如我最近在“左派问题”中所说的那样,左派和右派都是“假的”,这就解释了为什么他们都坚持类似的废话,以及为什么他们都向犹太游说团恳求。 民主是一种毋庸置疑的美德,必须不惜一切代价捍卫它,它必须传播到全世界,即使是在枪口下。 这是一个根本的政治错误,建立在人类平等的错误和有害的观念之上; 如果我们要长期生存,就必须克服它。

民主并不总是一种宗教。 曾几何时,一开始,它是一种合理有效(尽管并非没有问题)的自治手段。 让我们花点时间研究一下古希腊的原始民主,看看哪些有效,哪些无效。

雅典民主是一个非凡的制度,与今天的民主制度截然不同。 首先,该州的人口(或 城邦) 很小——它在巅峰时期只有大约 300,000 万人,其中包括许多奴隶和外国人。 按照现代标准,这看起来很小,但在当时,它非常大。 在这个数字中,唯一的正式公民是本地出生的成年男性,人数可能为 30,000,仅占人口的 10%。 这些公民—— 演示,人民——是政治权力的正式基础,而不是一些富有统治力的精英(也称为寡头或富豪)或一些专制独裁者,就像在其他希腊国家中可以找到的那样。

公元前 500 年左右由克利斯提尼 (Cleisthenes) 创立的民主制度的运作方式与我们预期的截然不同。 一方面,有 没有选举; 所有领导职位(军队除外)都是从报了名的公民中随机抽签选出的。 这甚至包括议会的领导人——公民的集合体——他实际上是国家的总统,尽管没有太多的正式权力。 希腊人发明了一种叫做 克莱尔特里恩 名字被随机插入到小令牌上; 然后使用彩色骰子从各个部落或家庭中随机公平地选择名字。 该系统有几个优点:立竿见影的效果、没有代价高昂或腐败的竞选活动、公平、透明以及所有相关人员的平等参与。 希腊人显然必须善待他们所有的同胞(雅典男性)公民,他们中的任何一个人总有一天会拥有显赫的地位。

其次,有 没有代表. 雅典是一个著名的直接民主国家。 所有感兴趣的市民都聚集在一个叫做 Pnyx 的大型开放山顶上,大约每月一次,听取当天的问题。 当需要做出决定时,非常公开的举手决定了结果。 即使是最严重的事情,比如去战争,也是这样决定的。 当我们考虑到军队是由自己刚刚投票支持战争的人组成时,这一点就更加惊人了。 换句话说,当你投票支持战争时, 你亲自参战. 许多人再也没有回来。 我们只能想象今天美国的类似情况:支持下一场非法和不公正对外战争的国会议员和女性[6]实际上,在美国,我们不再有战争; 我们有“授权使用军事力量”或 AUMF。 这是国会在不必投票支持真正的战争的情况下代表他们的说客和赞助人杀死他人的懦弱方式。 将被迫登上进入战区的第一架战斗机。 我怀疑我们确实很少有战争。

总而言之,雅典的民主是小规模的、直接的、负责任的和透明的。 富有的精英们几乎没有能力引导事件对他们有利。 公民只包括本地人; 外国人在该州实际上没有发言权,即使他们的人数比实际公民多两到三倍。 因此,希腊民主是一种种族(欧洲白人)、种族(雅典)和性别(仅限男性)的统治体系。 它运行得非常好; 它产生并维持了我们今天所知的辉煌的雅典文化。


尽管如此,该系统还是有一些严厉而突出的批评者——尤其是柏拉图和亚里士多德。 柏拉图对民主有两个主要抱怨:首先,他问,为什么所有公民都应该对关键决策进行投票? 为什么他们都被平等对待,一人一票? 这是不合逻辑且适得其反的。 即使在雅典,他们也有一些笨蛋、笨蛋和堕落者。 为什么让这些人投票? 为什么不让最优秀、最聪明的人投票? 就此而言,为什么要投票? 为什么不直接确定谁是你最聪明的少数人, 让他们统治? 这就是柏拉图对贵族政体的看法,也是最理想的政府形式。 至少在理论上,它远远优于民主制度。

具有讽刺意味的是,柏拉图的第二个关注点是自由本身。 在民主国家,既然是“人民”统治,一切皆有可能。 人们想要什么,人们就会得到什么。 而人民——群众——很少想要他们想要的东西 应该 想要,即美德和纪律。 相反,他们想要拥有 开玩笑: 他们想一天做一件事,然后再做另一件事,因为这符合他们的喜好。 毕竟,它们是“免费的”。 他们想玩游戏,玩各种小玩意,填饱肚子,喝醉酒等等。 过去如此,现在也是; 两千年来,人性几乎没有改变。

柏拉图在他的攻击中被烫伤了。 “民主人”被各种琐碎和有害的欲望所淹没。 真实而深刻的思想从他的灵魂中被驱赶出来,“虚假和自负的自负和短语上升并取而代之”(共和国 黑色 8; 560c):

于是,少年回到食莲国,当众安居。 ......有一场战斗,[虚伪的吹嘘的话]占了上风,然后 谦虚他们称之为“愚蠢”,被他们耻辱地流放,并且 禁酒被他们戏称为“无男子气概”的,被践踏在泥潭中被抛弃。 他们说服男人 适度节俭开支 是粗俗和卑鄙的,因此,在一群邪恶的欲望的帮助下,他们将他们赶出去。

当他们清空并清扫现在掌握在他们手中并在伟大的奥秘中被他们启迪的他的灵魂时,接下来的事情就是带回他们的家 傲慢无礼无政府状态浪费厚颜无耻 排列整齐,头戴花环,大群陪伴,赞美他们,用甜美的名字呼唤他们。 傲慢 他们称之为“良种”,并且 无政府状态 “自由”,以及 浪费 “壮丽”,以及 厚颜无耻 '勇气'。 就这样,这个年轻人脱离了他在必然学校中受过训练的原始本性,进入了无用和不必要的快乐的自由和放荡。 (560d-e)

如果更聪明的想法来召唤,如果它们在他的灵魂中争夺主导地位,他就会变得困惑; “他摇摇头说 他们都一样,而 一个和另一个一样好。” 他已经失去了判断和歧视的能力,这让他的整个人生都蒙上了一层阴影:

他的生活没有规律也没有秩序; 他将这种心烦意乱的存在称为“快乐”、“幸福”和“自由”; 所以他继续说…… [H]e 全是“自由”和“平等”。

因此,民主的人。 他宝贵的自由,在不受约束的许可和缺乏纪律的情况下,转变为盲目和混乱的享乐。 他相信他有自由,他相信平等——但这是一个骗局; 这是一种虚假的平等和肤浅而乏味的放荡者的自由。 柏拉图用最引人注目的句子之一总结了民主的情况 共和国:

这些和其他类似的特征是民主所特有的,它是一种迷人的政府形式,充满多样性和无序性,并赋予平等者和不平等者一种平等。 (558c)

“迷人的”和“无序的”民主,如此“公平而光彩夺目”,都是摆设,没有实质内容。 它鼓励无纪律、不道德的享乐主义生活。 最重要的是,它“将一种平等分配给平等和不平等的人。” 他说,这样的民主只能导致最低级的政府形式,即暴政。

我没有时间详述,但总之,亚里士多德基本同意这种分析。 他确定了三种主要的政府形式,每种形式都有好的和坏的版本。 按降序排列,三个好的系统是 帝制 (一人一律), 贵族 (由少数聪明的少数人统治),以及一个 '宪法' (许多人有条件的规则)。 其中每一种的扭曲或不良形式是 暴政, 寡头政治民主.[7]政治 III.7。 从这个意义上说,对于亚里士多德来说,民主实际上是“最坏中的最坏”。 它由穷人和有需要的群众统治,而不是由最优秀或最高贵的少数人统治。


那么,当今世界的民主是什么? 我们有民主主题的变体,它们与雅典的原版相去甚远,几乎不配同名。 他们失去了原作的所有优点,但保留了所有的缺点。 今天的民主已经变成了一种我喜欢称之为的粗暴变态 工业民主. 其主要特点如下:

3) 多种族——所有种族都可以投票。

在每一点上,这都与雅典模式相反。 我们投票,但通常只投票给少数预先确定的候选人或非常有限的公投。 我们的代表按比例缩小了数千或数百万; 一个像加利福尼亚一样大的州,拥有近 40 万人口,获得了所有两名参议员。[8]它确实有 53 名联邦代表,但即使在这里,每个代表平均也代表 750,000 名非常多样化的个人的利益。 每一个半聪明、没受过教育的无知者都会得到他或她的投票——他们的人数远远超过受过教育的人和聪明人。 (而且我们想知道为什么政治运动的智力水平如此之低。)每个种族的人都可以投票,而且他们经常为了自己的种族利益这样做,从而保证了分裂和冲突的政府。 也许最关键的是,雅典公民团体最初规模很小,大约 30,000 人,现在将近 250 亿——符合条件的美国成年人的数量。

代表的庞大规模和规模确保了数十亿美元的腐败资金流经该系统,甚至扭曲了最有道德的立法者,并保证了媒体混乱、宣传和“假新闻”的泛滥。 工业民主是 金钱统治: 那些钱最多、愿意花钱的人统治。 在美国,我们知道谁在领导这场比赛:犹太游说团体,他们做出了贡献 至少50% 民主党竞选资金和 至少25% 共和党的资金。 富有的美国犹太人在竞选、广告、捐赠和各种其他活动上花费了数亿美元,所有这些都是为了朝着他们喜欢的方向影响结果。[9]请参阅我在“左派问题”和“对抗犹太统治”中的详细说明。 英国、加拿大、法国和澳大利亚的情况类似,所有这些国家的犹太人口都相对较多且富裕。[10]我强调“相对”。 这四个国家的犹太人比例从 0.4% 到 1.0% 不等。 通常这应该是无关紧要的,但是对于富有和有害的犹太人来说,它会带来实质性的问题。 这里的教训是,任何寻求摆脱犹太游说的国家最好将犹太人的人数限制在远低于 0.1% 的范围内。 古希腊人——至少他们中的大多数人——会震惊地看到他们珍视的民主已经发展到什么地步。

事实上,我们现在有了柏拉图所预言的:民主即将退化为各种形式的暴政。 我们有富人的暴政、犹太教的暴政和大科技的暴政,他们都在争夺权力,并根据需要进行合作,以确保像透明和负责任的政府那样的事情永远不会发生。 富人的主要目标是保持富足,维持或扩大他们与群众之间的贫富差距; 差距越大,他们拥有的相对权力就越大。 Judeocracy,即犹太权力精英,其主要目标是充分削弱和损害民族精神,并在基因上使民族多样化和枯竭,以便在不完全破坏民族财富生产能力的情况下保持最大限度的控制。经济。 在工业民主下,未来确实是严峻的。

可悲的是,美国已经完全被这种有害和阴险的政府形式所吞没。 这个国家由可以想象的最底层、最堕落、最无能的人统治。 与此同时,它正被人类的虚伪所淹没——仅在 2021 年 212,000 月,南部边境就发生了超过 XNUMX 次逮捕(“遭遇”,在政府委婉的宣传中)。[11]当然,并不是所有的非法移民都是人渣。 但从我们所知道的一切来看,他们中有很大一部分来自人类中最低等、最不聪明和最犯罪的阶层。 由于几乎所有人都不是白人,即使是最好的人也会改变我们传统的白人社会的性质。 还有多少逃避“遭遇”非法入境,我们不得而知。 除了这些数字之外,我们还必须加上大量非欧洲、非白人的“合法”移民,他们不可避免地使国家的性格变得更糟。 综合效果是戏剧性的。 一种 最近的一项研究 说美国现在有惊人的44万外国出生的人,其中大约75%是合法的,25%是非法的。[12]尽管非法移民的实际人数可能远高于假定的 11 万。 最近的一项研究认为,真实数字可能高达 29 万。 这些数百万人中有近一半出生在五个国家:墨西哥、中国、印度、菲律宾和萨尔瓦多。 在这 44 万人口中,肯定不会超过百分之一或两个是白人。 就在我们说话时,美国的宏伟大厦正在倒塌。

因此,是时候接受现实,放弃美国了。 收起你的旗帜、别针和所有红白蓝相间的用具。 扔掉你的 MAGA 帽子; 美国永远不会“再次伟大”。 任何告诉你不同的人都是骗子或傻瓜。 这个国家从上到下都在腐烂。 害虫从高处发号施令,人类的碎屑冲刷边界。 古罗马就是这样灭亡的。 这是许多帝国的末期。


如果这份关于美国致命状况的报告接近标准,它也建议必须采取纠正措施,以恢复理智和稳定的公民生活,至少对于在大部分时间建立和管理国家的白人欧美它的存在。 必要的行动几乎不是秘密。 基本的想法已经在互联网上流传。 一方面,安德鲁·安格林(Andrew Anglin)在他的 最近关于移民的文章. 他的结论:

我们要解决这个[移民]问题的唯一方法是通过两方面的解决方案:1) 重新划定国家边界,以及 2) 从物理上移走数以千万计的人。 没有任何情况下,这两种东西在未来都不是必需的。

他是完全正确的。[13]现在,如果我们只能让安格林放弃对犹太-基督教上帝和那个死去已久的犹太拉比的忠诚,他会好得多。 这是在当今白人中恢复理性政府的两个必要条件,但不是充分条件。

更具体地说,我的上述分析建议采取以下步骤: (a) 将现有的美国分解为更小、更有凝聚力、更同质且更易于管理的单位。 (b) 在这些新单位中,鼓励所有非白人,尤其是所有犹太人,尽快移民。 (c) 摒弃有害的人类平等观念,取而代之的是对更高、更高尚和最优秀的赞颂。 (d) 用类似贵族的东西代替工业民主。 最后,让我对每一个进行详细说明。

如今,越来越多的人似乎认识到美国部分地区分裂以及建立新的独立民族国家的可取性和必然性。 事实上,随着国家的不断瓦解,到了某个时候,人们将别无选择; 因此,与其等待一些混乱的未来崩溃,不如现在就计划。

目前关于分裂国家的一些谈话有正确的意图,但可悲的是软弱和误导。 人们可以找到诸如“美国还是我们的国家吗?” 和“分离,”但这些都是可悲的三心二意。 分裂现有国家但留在美国是完全不够的分裂形式。 这 ”6 加州” 想法很薄弱; “大爱达荷州”是善意的,但远远达不到目标。 这些都没有明确主张脱离美国并组建新国家。 只有彻底的分裂才有希望找到问题的根源。 执政的犹太教知道这一点,这就是为什么他们竭尽全力诋毁这个想法。

(b) 点对于恢复有效和合理的治理是强制性的。 黑人、亚洲人、西班牙裔和犹太人都有原籍国; 他们需要尽快返回那里。 在短暂的自愿遵守之后,需要施加越来越大的压力,直到他们遵守。 是的,理论上白人可以返回欧洲,但白人创造并建立了美国的当前文明(如现在),因此获得了留下和驱逐闯入者的权利。[14]是的,非洲黑人奴隶和中国苦力“建造”了美国早期的一部分。 但他们只提供低端的蛮力劳动,而不是国家的组织或智力基础。 给他们建立美国的功劳就如同给早期开拓者的牛和马功劳一样。 美洲原住民当然在欧洲白人之前就在这里,这种优先权需要得到尊重,例如通过真正自治的家园。 由于黑人被强行从非洲带到这里(有大量犹太人参与)[15]参见 Louis Farrakhan 的书 黑人与犹太人之间的秘密关系 (3 卷)。),我不会反对通过补贴旅行安排、一次性小额现金付款或利用非洲的政治影响力帮助他们遣返他们返回非洲。 我们可以缓解过渡,但他们必须离开。

最难对付的当然是犹太人。 以他们的政治影响力、财富和牛头人的坚韧,他们将很难被根除。 由于我们所谓的“保守权利”无法以有意义的方式解决犹太人问题,因此任务变得更加困难。 大多数著名的右翼个人和组织都像魔鬼逃离圣水一样逃离问题。 正如我在别处指出的那样,福克斯新闻和工作人员——卡尔森、汉尼提等人——从未明确提及犹太人,从未将他们排除在外,也从未以任何方式批评他们; 事实上,汉尼提向后弯腰讨好。 亚历克斯琼斯从不批评或排斥犹太人。 贾里德·泰勒也是如此。 美国文艺复兴 不会认真处理犹太人问题。 Breitbart 至少讨论了它们,但总是以中立或积极的态度讨论。 遗憾的是,真正的批评者寥寥无几。 重申我最近写的内容,我们需要非常感谢 西方观察家, 乌兹网, 国民先锋队,以及像安格林这样的人,他们都愿意就犹太人问题说出残酷的真相。

(c) 点显然来自上述讨论。 我们必须放弃所有关于人类平等的讨论,取而代之的是宣传和庆祝人类的独特性和人类的伟大。 这需要在公共话语、媒体和学校课程中明确说明。 我们需要庆祝和赞美人类的天才,同时强调这样一个事实:大多数人不是天才,永远不会成就伟大,但他们仍然可以拥有有意义和有价值的生活。 当人们理解人类从来都不是,也永远不会是平等的,那么所有人都可以自由地发挥他们的全部潜力,并且对于那些成功地改善自己的人来说,可以获得非凡发展的回报。 在一个公正的社会中,杰出的个人将获得额外的权利,但与较小的人相比,他们也将承担额外的义务。 永远不会期望或强制要求不同人群的“平等”表现——以性别、年龄、社会经济地位、种族等为特征。 “种族平等”将不是问题。

最后一点,很明显,无可救药的腐败工业民主必须去。 我们也可以确信,像贵族这样的东西将是一个巨大的(如果不完美的话)改进,即使在具体细节上有很大的余地。 如果我们允许“智者治”优于“大众治”,那么我们有很多方法可以实现这样的制度。 在最简单的层面上,我们可以保留公职人员的选举,但只允许更聪明——更聪明、受过更多教育、更有成就的人投票。 这可能是非常基本的:例如,要求选民获得大学学位; 或在智商测试中得分高于平均水平; 或以其他相关方式区分自己(相比之下,杰出的运动员在政治问题上没有发言权)。 被剥夺权利的人不会感到自卑; 相反,他们会接受这样一种符合所有人最佳利益的制度。

在更复杂的层面上,我们可能会采取类似柏拉图式教育系统的方式,如 共和国. 在那里,他勾勒了一个 50 年的培训计划,涉及适龄学校教育、技能培训、身体素质和实践经验,既教育群众,又充当筛选过程,以确定谁是真正最聪明、最有能力的领导者。 一系列通过与失败的标准逐渐减少了合格候选人的数量,最后只剩下少数在压力下反复证明自己的人。 在未来的贵族制中,每年可以向某种执政的国会中增加一小部分“最好的”,然后他们将被无条件授权制定和执行所有法律和政策。 在一个固定的治理期限之后,每个人都将被迫轮流退休。 同样,这只是实现这种系统的一种方式。 变化可能包括找到方法来识别和授权真正杰出的个人——或者可能是一个人——并赋予他们相应的特殊权力来统治。

在任何情况下,该系统都需要被绝大多数人认可为有效且理想的解决方案。 从这个意义上说,它会保留一点传统民主的味道。 “被统治者的同意”可以奏效,只要人口不是太多,只要我们不必与相互竞争的少数族裔或犹太人的金融腐败作斗争。 但这种同意与普选或群众统治相去甚远,它永远行不通,而且总是堕落。

这就是我对前进道路的基本轮廓。 显然,需要说的还很多。 但这是一个开始,它解决了我们当前危机的根源。[16]在其他地方,我认为希特勒的国家社会主义也可以成为前进的典范。 他的民族主义创造了一种基于种族的团结感和目标感,远远超过盲目的爱国主义,他的社会主义是不受约束的金融资本主义的解毒剂。 那里有很多很好的经验教训。 有兴趣的读者应该从我最近的版本开始 我的奋斗,以及我对阿尔弗雷德·罗森伯格 (Alfred Rosenberg) 的经典作品的新修订版, 20 世纪的神话th 世纪.

我以这样的想法结束:就美国曾经的伟大而言,这是因为一开始,它粗略地模仿了雅典的原版。 早期的美国政府有性别、种族和民族——主要是北欧血统的白人男性。 并且这种状态保持了近 100 年。[17]黑人男性在 1866 年获得投票权,女性(所有种族)在 1920 年获得投票权。 一开始著名的美国“多样性”是 白人的多样性:英国人、苏格兰人、爱尔兰人、荷兰人、德国人和斯堪的纳维亚人在早期都会有代表。 是的,从 1600 年代起,美国有大量的黑人和犹太人,但他们的政治影响力有限或没有。 宗教是次要的。 是的,一开始它在名义上是一个“基督教国家”,但在创始人中很少有人具有深厚的宗教信仰——帕特里克·亨利、塞缪尔·亚当斯和约翰·杰伊是例外——而且大多数都是持怀疑态度的信徒或自然神论者,如果不是功能性无神论者。

因此,早期的美国繁荣昌盛 尽管,不是因为,基督教; 尽管,不是因为,黑人和犹太人; 和 尽管,不是因为,平等原则。 黑人、犹太人、“平等”和基督教是这个年轻国家脖子上的磨盘。 这证明了我们最初的性别和种族治理,我们在早年取得了如此大的成就,要承受如此巨大的负担。 两个世纪后,这些磨石被证明是我们的废墟。

美国正在缓慢而痛苦地死去。 让我们安乐死这个长期受苦的民族,重新划定界限,重新思考指导原则,然后重新开始。

托马斯·道尔顿(Thomas Dalton)博士撰写或编辑了多本关于政治,历史和宗教的书籍和文章,特别着重于德国的国家社会主义。 他的作品包括新的翻译系列 我的奋斗以及书籍 永恒的陌生人 (2020) 世界大战中的犹太手 (2019), 辩论大屠杀 (4th 编,2020 年)。 最近,他编辑了罗森伯格经典作品的新版本 20 的神话th 世纪 和一本新的政治漫画书, 泛犹大!. 所有这些作品都可以在 www.clemensandblair.com。 对于他的所有著作,请访问他的个人网站 www.thomasdaltonphd.com.

[1] 公民政府第二卷 (1690),第 8 章,第 95 节。

[2] 事实上,亚里士多德后来对“有灵魂的人”的讨论(尼古拉斯伦理学 IV.3) 最终证明他相信人与人之间存在巨大差异。

[3] 笛卡尔的哲学著作,第一卷,剑桥大学出版社 (1985),第 111-112 页。

[4] 事实上,圣经中没有明确的人类平等。 保罗在加拉太书 (3:28) 中声称,在耶稣之下“没有犹太人,也没有希腊人”,并且“我们在基督耶稣里都成为一体了”。 但这只是说,所有人都欢迎加入他新生的普救教会; 它不支持人人平等的观点。 更重要的是,有充分的理由相信保罗坚持最令人讨厌的犹太人至上主义形式,因此对人类平等一无所知; 看我的论文“基督教:伟大的犹太骗局“和”尼采与基督教的起源设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

[5] 虽然,正如我最近在“左派的问题,”左派和右派都是“赝品”,这就解释了为什么他们都坚持类似的废话,以及为什么他们都向犹太游说团祈求。

[6] 实际上,在美国,我们不再有战争; 我们有“授权使用军事力量”或 AUMF。 这是国会在不必投票支持真正的战争的情况下代表他们的说客和赞助人杀死他人的懦弱方式。

[7] 政治 III.7。

[8] 它确实有 53 名联邦代表,但即使在这里,每个代表平均也代表 750,000 名非常多样化的个人的利益。

[9] 请参阅我在“左派的问题“和”面对司法制度设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

[10] 我强调“相对”。 这四个国家的犹太人比例从 0.4% 到 1.0% 不等。 通常这应该是无关紧要的,但是对于富有和有害的犹太人来说,它会带来实质性的问题。 这里的教训是,任何寻求摆脱犹太游说的国家最好将犹太人的人数限制在远低于 0.1% 的范围内。

[11] 当然,并不是所有的非法移民都是人渣。 但从我们所知道的一切来看,他们中有很大一部分来自人类中最低等、最不聪明和最犯罪的阶层。 由于几乎所有人都不是白人,即使是最好的人也会改变我们传统的白人社会的性质。

[12] 尽管非法移民的实际人数可能远高于假定的 11 万。 一 最近的一项研究 认为真实数字可能高达 29 万。

[13] 现在,如果我们只能让安格林放弃对犹太-基督教上帝和那个死去已久的犹太拉比的忠诚,他会好得多。

[14] 是的,非洲黑人奴隶和中国苦力“建造”了美国早期的一部分。 但他们只提供低端的蛮力劳动,而不是国家的组织或智力基础。 给他们建立美国的功劳就如同给早期开拓者的牛和马功劳一样。

[15] 参见 Louis Farrakhan 的书 黑人与犹太人之间的秘密关系 (3 卷)。

[16] 在其他地方,我认为希特勒的国家社会主义也可以成为前进的典范。 他的民族主义创造了一种基于种族的团结感和目标感,远远超过盲目的爱国主义,他的社会主义是不受约束的金融资本主义的解毒剂。 那里有很多很好的经验教训。 有兴趣的读者应该从我最近的版本开始 我的奋斗,以及我对阿尔弗雷德·罗森伯格 (Alfred Rosenberg) 的经典作品的新修订版, 20 世纪的神话th 世纪.

[17] 黑人男性在 1866 年获得投票权,女性(所有种族)在 1920 年获得投票权。

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  1. Thomas Dalton: ” Indeed, explicit human equality exists nowhere in the Bible. Paul claims in Galatians (3:28) that “there is neither Jew nor Greek” under Jesus and that “we are all one in Christ Jesus.” But this only says that all are welcome into his nascent universalist church; it does not support the idea that all are equal.”

    When two or more things are “one”, they are necessarily equal to each other, because a thing is equal to itself by definition. This plain meaning is also supported by the Christian’s belief that he is not his body, but rather a “soul” only temporarily inhabiting a body. He regards this “soul” — a purely imaginary object — as being the only thing of importance. (Cf. Mark 8:36, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”) Because this “soul” is imaginary, he is free to suppose it equal to other “souls” in any way he pleases. No one can possibly prove otherwise. Race, otoh, is a property of the body, not the “soul”. It’s easy to prove human races are unequal. Christians don’t care about that though. The Christian is concerned only with his “soul” and its fate, so to him race is necessarily unimportant.

    • 同意: Raches, RVBlake
    • 不同意: Fr. John
    • 谢谢: ThreeCranes, Thor Walhovd
  2. 在容易操纵且腐败不可磨灭的“民主”体系下,任何重建美国的方案都将失败。当烂房子最终倒塌时,“民主”将堕落为拥有对社会绝对控制的一切手段的寡头暴政。对 vaxx 指令的盲目接受就是最好的证明。数十亿人的领地将被生活在普遍最低收入的虚拟宇宙中的人们的贫民窟所包围。区块链美元和全国范围的基因分型护照将确保该系统的稳定性。

    • 同意: JM, Old and Grumpy
    • 回复: @JM
  3. Derer 说:

    As long as the backroom criminals in Washington, who send young boys to die in the ME on a pathetic lie, are not punished the USA is not a democracy. As long as the sinister elite is able deceive the public about the killing of a popular elected President or the 9/11 attack, the USA is not a democracy. The USA is absolutely not in a position to police others on corruption.

    • 同意: GomezAdddams
  4. Anonymous[366]• 免责声明 说:

    Dalton, like most “far-right” thinkers is only slightly right about the reasons behind the decline of the West. Yes, quasi-religious belief in equality is an ideological failing of Western societies, but that’s not why the West is going down.

    What’s killing the West is capitalism, the belief that greed and selfishness should be regarded as virtues instead of vices, prioritizing individual short-term interests to the detriment of collective long-term ones, and the vain attempt at maximizing consumption, comfort, individual rights and life expectancy.

    America started as an ideological mix between capitalism and Christianity, but in time capitalism won out and smothered Christianity. Now Christianity is a false belief system, but false as it is, it did a good job of tempering the excesses of capitalism. Now that Christianity is basically dead and waiting to be buried, the West will finally reap what it has sown. P.T. Anderson’s “There Will Be Blood” illustrated this well allegorically.

  5. The equality of man predates Aristotle by at least 1,600 years in written texts from Ancient Egypt. There is no contradiction in that AE was a hierarchical society centered on divine monarchy built on a foundation of Maat.

    A harmonious society is one in which people of different talents work together for the common good. The person who is well gifted also has greater responsibilities for how those gifts are used and the nobility were insistent that they did their duty to the needy – their eternal life depended on it. It was dumb to think what a genius they were for that which was a gift.

    The Jewish money man Ivan Boesky was the inspiration for the “Greed is Good” mantra of unregulated capitalism towards the end of the 20th century. Jewish Bolshevism was a catastrophe visited on Russia and a synthesis of both now rules and is the ruin of the West.

    All this now seems just like going round in wordy circles. It would take divine intervention of the most spectacular kind to save it and there is no sign of that. Instead everything is gravitating into a cultural black hole. If you are spiritual then this glimpse of hell then surely helps clarify what are the options.

    • 同意: Abdul Alhazred, HdC
    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Erzberger
  6. anonymous[398]• 免责声明 说:

    Absolutely right. America must die. Fuck America.

    The reasoning, though, is too fixated on fusty canonical musings. You’ve lost touch with the modern civilized world and how it works. That’s why you used democracy in such a delusional sense.

    Do you know what a democratic society is? No so-called americans do, so we will tell you. In customary international law and therefore in US state and federal common law, a democratic society is in conformity with the UDHR. Look for 2 seconds and you’ll see obviously, the US is not a democracy. It’s a kleptocracy propped up by a police state. So democracy has nothing to do with the USA’s manifest state failure.

    And if you think America is too equal, prove it to us, go out and smoke crack till your teeth crumble, bone fat Ukie hookers and record it, lose a gun in a dumpster, make millions trading in influence for overt abuse of function, and see how that works out for ya. You will find you are not equal to brain-damaged meth zombie Hunter Biden.

    That Saint John’s canon shit is OK for a callow youth, but you got to mature and face the world as it is now. It’s like this.


    You’ll find it’s a straightforward application of Kant’s categorical imperative. And it tells you exactly where your shithole regime went wrong.

    • 同意: CSFurious
    • 巨魔: Bro43rd
    • 回复: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  7. 这篇文章因引用赫胥黎的内容而偏离了轨道。 所有的人都被赋予某些不可剥夺的权利。 这就是美国基本文件中所主张的平等的程度。受到我们作为造物主统治下的凡人的平等地位的启发,以及对生命、自由和对财产的同样渴望,我们的创始人承认我们的自然权利,并为他们提供了保护。保护。 没有暗示或意图有其他类型的平等。

  8. Mr. Sanjay 说:



    Also, the author talks about how Plato/Aristotle noticed the low Industriousness, low intelligence, low Altruism, and Neuroticism of the masses, masses that should not be allowed to vote. And the author argues that the nature of people today is the same, indicating that humans remain genetically the same over centuries/millennia. However, Dr. Woodley of Menie’s theory is that civilizations genetically rise and fall and they cycle between relatively Group Selected to relatively Individually Selected. Plato/Aristotle may have noticed the relative transition of the masses towards an Individually Selected state. Rome then had its group selected state, then transitioned to the opposite, resulting in its collapse. Then once again from 1400s to 1700s Europeans again became increasingly Group Selected, only to then reverse during the Industrial Revolution. Therefore, what we are experiencing now among current European-Americans is an extreme state of Individual Selection, one in which collapse has been postponed due to unprecedented amount of technology keeping all the genetic degenerates alive. Since rigorous Darwinian Selection is being postponed, mutated and dysgenic genes are accumulating more than ever before in European and human history to a point to which no recovery may even be possible. In other words, this time when Western nations collapse, they may just all go extinct. I wrote an “article” (if one can even call it that, as opposed to the ramblings of a mid-wit), where I describe this process among the Ashkenazim, but which can be extrapolated to Europeans, here is the link:
    https://www.unz.com/article/beyond-the-bell-curve-richard-lynns-race-differences-in-psychopathic-personality/#comment-3786343 (It’s no longer at Reddit since those forums were banned, but the whole ‘article’ is posted at Unz, you just have to click on the “[MORE]” link.

    Final thought: Mr. Dalton does not value religion, however, it may be a biological requirement for religion to be innately present for a race to choose to practice Group Selection/ethno-nationalism. Without a feeling of spirituality/immortality, the pure emotionless acceptance of the observable laws of physics would lead to a conclusion that there is no ‘purpose’ to life and we all just die anyway, so why bother to reproduce? Why continue the misery of human existence? With all the pain in the world, why not just commit suicide? This problem does not exist in Group Selected animals such as bees, ants, wolves, birds, and apes, who lack the general intelligence to actually ponder upon such thoughts as the meaning of life (and, perhaps Africans can’t do this either, which is why they don’t need religion to have high fertility). But for Europeans, just consider the extreme environmental tortures they had to endure, such as mass starvation, plagues, volcano eruptions, freezing mass deaths, foreign invaders wiping out extremely large amounts of the population, etc. What European would be motivated to struggle to survive when suicide would be much less painful? It would require religion to give them this motivation – put up with the pain now and do God’s bidding, and be rewarded in the After-Life, among other things. Religion takes that which is evolutionary adaptive, and makes it the Will of God.



    • 谢谢: Sarah, CelestiaQuesta
    • 回复: @Traddles
    , @anon
  9. obwandiyag 说:

    All this babbling persiflage is all based on a stupid fallacy of incongruity, the overly broad kind.

    The Western idea of human “equality” means “equality before the law,” duh.

    Not “equality in waist sizes or penchant for basketball or ability to do double-entry bookkeeping” or any other type of equality. Just equality before the law.

    Nobody but idiots and people trying to pull the wool over other people’s eyes confuses A with B.

    • 同意: Carolyn Yeager
    • 回复: @The Anti-Gnostic
  10. TheBAG 说:


    在更复杂的层面上,我们可能会采取类似《理想国》中规定的柏拉图式教育体系的做法。在那里,他勾勒出一个为期 50 年的培训计划,涉及适龄教育、技能培训、身体健康和实践经验,既教育群众,又作为筛选过程,以确定谁是真正最明智、最有能力的领导者。


    • 回复: @follyofwar
  11. follyofwar 说:

    Plus, according to the World Atlas, 91.59% are Han Chinese. The number of the citizens of the country (over a billion in China’s case) may not matter so much when there is homogeneity. Diversity is not our Strength, it is our Curse.

    The US will inevitably fall, probably sooner than later, but Dalton paints too rosy a picture. Endless war abroad is what the US knows. This time there will be war at home. In fact, it started in earnest last year, with the Covid lockdowns, morphing into the summer’s riots, followed by the stolen election. The death of George Floyd on Memorial Day was just a convenient excuse for the rioting and looting by Blacks and Antifa that went on for month’s, and are still ongoing.

    Now the US is ruled by a senile tyrant who hates his own ethnic group, and is determined to make Euro Americans a minority ASAP. Dalton’s trite proposal of sending blacks back to Africa is a pipe dream. Ain’t gonna happen. The most that Heritage America can strive for is to carve out a mostly homogenous new country (or countries) of like-minded individuals, with as little bloodshed as possible. Keep the borders well-fortified. Let the rest of the former USA sink or swim without us.

    • 同意: Realist
  12. 如果美利坚合众国的分裂阻止了美国人将他们的国家视为对两大洲共同感兴趣和具有重要意义的国家,那也不是什么坏事。有一个有趣的帐户 旧巴塔哥尼亚快车 保罗·塞洛克斯在南美洲的火车上与一名男子的对话。塞洛克斯询问该男子是否曾在“美国”坐过火车。该男子回答说,他乘坐火车走遍了很多地方,参观了很多地方。塞洛克斯随后问他是否曾经去过纽约、华盛顿、芝加哥等地,以及一长串其他美国城市。对于每次询问,该男子都回答“否”,他没有去过那个地方。最后,塞鲁克斯一脸困惑地问他去过美国的哪个地方,该男子回答了同样长的南美城市清单。


    • 回复: @Franz
    , @Ace
    , @Luus Kanin
  13. 是时候让犹太人问犹太人问题了

    道尔顿是一位充满热情但最终被洗脑的左翼分子,他完全忽视了他的进步主义和将进步乌托邦强加给世界的精英的问题。 苏联有很多东西,进步不是其中之一,那就是纳粹德国。 希特勒的德国是第一个大规模的、积极进步的乌托邦尝试,这自然使我们想到一个问题:为什么有这么多犹太人,至少是精英阶层,支持进步主义。 事实证明,它对德国人和犹太人来说是灾难性的,但今天却重新获得了合法性和受欢迎程度。 我不知道如何反驳这一点。 这是一个简短的评论,希望能激励人们研究什么是真正的进步主义,并尽最大努力与之抗争。

  14. @obwandiyag

    But we don’t even treat people the same under the law: insanity, mental retardation and tender years all get differential treatment from, say, Martha Stewart. Of course, as things get progressively more Progressive, “historically oppressed” will be considered in sentencing, and probably the substantive charge as well.

    The context for Jefferson’s statement is the hereditary aristocracy, so of course it’s a much narrower statement than it’s ballyhooed version but Progressives will never draw that line. “E Pluribus Unum” is another founding phrase that’s exploded from, “13 Crown colonies uniting to become their own country,” to, “Diversity is our strength.”

    Classical liberals are fighting a (losing) rearguard action. Nobody is going to listen to them pleading, “But that’s not what Jefferson meant!”

    • 同意: TKK
    • 回复: @TKK
    , @Corvinus
  15. @follyofwar


    Do you mean Stand-In President Biden? He doesn’t rule anything, even his own mouth. We have other rulers, including (((those chosen by God and, especially, themselves))).


    What is “trite” about it? Do you know what the word means? “Diversity is our strength” … now, that’s trite.

    • 回复: @Petermx
  16. von Frey 说:



    “美国”是政府的名称。 “美国”和“美国人”专指我们作为世界各地的一个民族。任何使用“美洲”来指称非洲大陆的阿根廷人都是在自欺欺人。南美洲(或加拿大)的任何城市都不能以任何有意义的方式被称为“美国”。

  17. It’s like the Jews, with their “israel” mistake. It’s not necessary for all the
    “israelis” to die, but they cannot live in Palestine. Similarly, it’s not necessary for all the
    USers to die, but they must not continue to murder in Asia. America must butt out of Asia, so that people can live.

  18. Biff 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Try and refute that it’s 难以置信的.

  19. True, right, loyal;


    Right is loyal (ty to the true).

    One truth!
    True law (is right law).
    Left is never right; hence left is always wrong side of the law (the right).

    Nature is true.
    Nature is good (Goohhd).

    Every loyal, rightously true man (not wo-man) must keep his voice at all times
    (and not give it up at neglections, not give it to a stranger for four and more years).

    (“Liberté” screws the loyal, the right, the true; “égalité” screws Goohhd; “fraternité” plays Goohhd).

  20. TKK 说:
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    But we don’t even treat people the same under the law: insanity, mental retardation and tender years all get differential treatment from, say, Martha Stewart. Of course, as things get progressively more Progressive, “historically oppressed” will be considered in sentencing, and probably the substantive charge as well.

    Even four years ago, I could put a white young man in a suit, have his parents, employer and minister there for sentencing, and 99% of the time- keep him out of prison for serious law breaking.

    If I had the same charges with a black defendant, who refuses to take his corn rows out, and wore the suit around his hips that I bought for him at Wal Mart, and had no family to show, and who mumbled and made no eye contact with the Judge, prison was going to be on the menu, unless I could do a passionate dog and pony show.

    Now, BLM lunacy and demonic influence is seeping into sentencing. In some judges, usually female or liberal men, I see a hard set to their jaw and eyes if my client is a clear MAGA rural white male. I see contempt. I see punitive sentencing.

    With the sacred blacks, they are bending over backwards to appear magnanimous, even preferential, in sentencing. Right now, it is critically important where you live. Local is life. The sheriff where you live decides if BLM can burn down your house while his deputies play Candy Crush.

    The kill shot of “democrazy” in this country is POLITICALLY MOTIVATED CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS. There is no stronger indicia of a banana republic.

    Who you voted for determines if you are imprisoned or free, hated or revered.

    It is terrifying.

    • 谢谢: The Anti-Gnostic
  21. ghali 说:

    Many people (billions) would be happy to see America dies a painful death. It is a criminal enterprise that have committed unspeakable and horrendous crimes against people all over the world. I can’t wait fo that beautiful day and say good riddance.

    • 回复: @Badger Down
  22. Curle 说:

    “我们在美国拥有珍贵的《独立宣言》,其中宣称“不言自明”——那些知道自己无可反驳的人冷静地保证——“人人生而平等”。 正如我们所知,这充其量是虚伪的。”

    该宣言是一份新闻稿。 有必要向欧洲国家证明脱离王室是正当的。 提到平等是洛克对君权神授的拒绝。 为了与这个主题保持一致,文件的其余部分记录了乔治国王所谓的不端行为。 整件事有一个统一的目的和一个主题,那就是乔治国王。 这种将其视为关于平等的哲学论文的现代做法完全是胡说八道。

    • 同意: John Regan
  23. Miro23 说:





    Excellent article showing how Western “Industrial Democracy” channels power into the hands of a Jewish activist elite (the real power holders).

    • 回复: @Anonymike
  24. @follyofwar

    91.59% are Han Chinese. The number of the citizens of the country (over a billion in China’s case) may not matter so much when there is homogeneity

    One needs to understand the context of this “homogeneity”.

    The Han Chinese identify as Han Ren or “people of Han” because the were proud of being part of the Han polity. The Han Dynasty was one of the greatest of the Chinese dynasties and was the rough contemporary of Imperial Rome and roughly the same size. It too was composed of many peoples with their own languages and cultures.

    While the Roman empire fell, the Chinese polity did not. If the Roman empire had survived till today, people would not be calling themselves French, or Spanish, or English. They would all be calling themselves Roman.

    So it is with the Han. Over 2000 years of unity have caused some blending of culture and language. But the fact is that the different Han “dialects” are still as different as French from Italian. They are only called “dialects” and not distinct languages because the government has a policy of fostering unity amongst the peoples.

    So…..if the USA does manage to hold together for another 2000 years, perhaps the peoples would not be thinking of themselves as white or black or hispanic etc. They would just be American.

    If it holds together.

  25. 这就是犹太至上主义统治下的正义。

    But Trump tells us that it’s great that Congress is controlled by Jews, the very people who bitchslapped him out of office. So much for America First. More like Americuck First.

    • 回复: @William Gruff
  26. obwandiyag 说:

    Yeah, that life expectancy. Real evil stuff.

  27. Pamela 说:

    你有没有民主并不重要。 你认为自己是否平等也无关紧要。 它们是要考虑的错误属性。 这就像试图通过检查糖衣来了解蛋糕有什么问题。
    重要的是一件事。 你是文明吗? 忽略这个领域的马克思主义大师 V. Child 并深入考虑一个文明的个人特征和统治范式,你会发现你没有文明,也没有 90% 的人是文明的。 像现在的大多数人类一样,你们是一群野蛮人。 野蛮人是控制情绪和完全自私地放纵理性平衡的人的人:因此,野蛮人没有正直、自律、同情他人和实践理性常识的统治范式。 所以你看你是野蛮人,他们开发了先进技术的天赋,然后自欺欺人地认为这让你变得文明。 我不怕。

  28. anon[307]• 免责声明 说:

    i can always count on thomas dalton to get things exactly backwards.

    At the highest level, my inspection report finds two major, and related, areas of concern: (1) a false notion of human equality, and (2) misplaced faith in the doctrine of democracy.

    1. the US has never even been an approximation to a democracy. it is less democratic today than it was 90 years ago.

    2. the people with power in the US don’t actually believe in idpol. they’re psychopaths who use it to distract from economic inequality. the msm are 器官。

    3. the solutions to america’s problems is democracy and more equality. it has ever been thus.

    is thomas dalton a high school graduate?


    • 不同意: Bro43rd
  29. C’mon Teddy Boy, tell us about the cabal that controls Biden. Otherwise, shut up.


  30. Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and Jews all have countries of origin; they need to return there with all due haste. After a short period of voluntary compliance, increasing pressure will need to be applied until they comply. Yes, Whites could theoretically return to Europe, except that Whites created and built up the present civilization (such as it is) of the USA, and thus have earned a right to stay and to evict the interloper

    In other words, everybody else is the interloper except me? LOL

    If this argument were valid, then the Jewish settlers “developing” the occupied Palestinian territories would be entitled to stay.

    What about China “creating and building” islands in the SCS? Perhaps they add this to their basis of their claims.

    Native Americans were of course here before the White Europeans, and that precedence needs to be respected, such as via truly autonomous homelands.

    So you agree to the idea of precedence. This is why you have more claim than the Asian and Indian?

    If this is true, then the Spanish have more claim than you do. Why should Anglos claim the Spanish discovery of the Americas as part of a White discovery, then later boot the Spanish from their claims in the USA. I am sure they will be pleased to get Florida back.

    I have not even mentioned the Mexicans and Hawaiians.

    And if you admit that the Native Americans have precedence, then why are they relegated to “homelands”? No doubt these are the least rich parts of the lands? They own the whole continent! Why should they be confined to “reservations”?

    The beginning of your article was good with many points I could agree on. Sadly the conclusions showed the lack of strength to recognise what is right. You appear to use flimsy argument to justify holding onto ill gotten lands.

    America once inspired the world. But the world has opened their eyes in the recent years to American hypocrisy and moral failings.

    You have used a 200 year house as your analogy. We would have been much more impressed if Americans expressed candour and admitted their deep problems and aimed to repair and strengthen the house, instead of just papering over rotten and mouldy structure of the house and claiming “oh it was just a local defect, once we get rid of this little Chinese water stain here, and that African chip in the plaster over there, everything will be perfect”.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  31. Dumbo 说:

    Not a good article. A digression on an obscure quote by Huxley that isn’t even a great insight.

    “Equal” can mean many things. Some ideas of equality are good and coherent (such as equality under the law, or equality as part of the same human species), others (that men and women are equal, that all races or peoples are equal), not so much.

    Even the idea that “all are equal under the eyes of God” is also a fallacy, since according to the doctrine some (a few) are going to Heaven and some (a lot) to Hell. So Christianity is not about equality at all.

    But he’s right that America needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.

    • 回复: @G J T
  32. Anon[159]• 免责声明 说:





    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
    , @G J T
  33. Anonymous[744]• 免责声明 说:

    The death of the Republic does seem to be at hand. Obviously party democracy is dictatorial essentially as you state. The controllers of the parties select the candidates so the choice among candidates is seriously restricted. In fact it would be far better to say the US is an oligarchy run by some rather maleficent oligarchs. Not a democracy at all.

    Thus modern America is not a model of democratic illegitimacy but of aristocratic illegitimacy. What remains of democracy consists only of superficial forms. The worst aspects of modern America have been implemented under the oligarchy.

    I have thought that one of the great failings of the Founders in the Constitution was the failure to discuss the nature of the electorate and what it should be. In short there should have been a recognized fourth branch of government to go along with the Legislative, Administrative, and Judicial branches. Call it the Electoral Branch in which the Constitution would have defined who the electorate would be, how candidates for office would be selected, and how elections would be conducted both to select office holders and remove them. The goal is to select worthy people in an effective manner with as little special pleading by advocates and elites as possible.

    The race issue which you bring up is as pernicious as it has always been throughout history whether used in behalf of whites or against them. I suggest all the race based social legislation be repealed or eliminated. What is needed are office holders that truly act with the interests of the polity in mind, a way to find and empower them, and ensure the integrity of the electoral mechanism. Perhaps the Athenian mechanism needs consideration. Certainly all men are not created equal but doing more than is necessary to deal with the fact would be unwise.

    The rest is dross. We are not going back to the 18th century. If anything we are headed into the universal civilization phase of Spengler’s historical theory. This argues that world empire or civilization wide empire will have only local semi-autonomous governments. Therefore effective functioning democratic governments will help make the situation palatable. This would presumably mean the efficient removal and even execution of those found execrable whatever their personal background.

    • 回复: @Old and Grumpy
  34. Petermx 说:
    @Etruscan Film Star

    我从来不知道有一天我会站出来捍卫“白人”和美国。 50 或 60 年前,当有人谈到美国人时,那就是白人的代名词。他们占绝大多数,与犹太人一起,他们掌握了美国的所有权力。白人建立了美国并使之成为一个强国,他们仍然拥有相当大的权力,犹太人是另一个拥有权力的群体。




    • 同意: Montefrío
    • 回复: @Carolyn Yeager
  35. Ace 说:

    You are in the grip of your “short-term” interests, namely, food, shelter, heat, transportation, sanitation, clothings and medical care. These “capitalism” supplies efficiently with the aid of souless, money grabbing toads who are in fact providing a foundation for any life worth living. 366 would weep inconsolably we’re his short-term interest in such pedestrian things denied and he would not give a dog for any “collective” interests.

    • 同意: Bro43rd
    • 回复: @Ace
  36. One of the better articles I have read.

  37. Franz 说:
    @William Gruff




    As of now, whether we call ourselves Americans, British, Canadians matters little. The USA is on a course to break down. Done wisely. real countries will arise. Done badly, it’ll be Mad Max time and our name will be the least of it.

  38. Ace 说:
    @William Gruff



    • 同意: TTSSYF, von Frey
  39. sb 说:

    I’m not so sure that Australia has a relatively large Jewish population .

    It’s certainly a wealthy community – maybe seven or eight of the wealthiest ten people in the country are Jewish – and maybe a third of the wealthiest 200 are – but there are only about 100,000 Jews in Australia ( say 0.4% of the population )

    The deputy leader of the governing party is Jewish and maybe there are 4 or 5 in the national Parliament of 227. One judge of seven on the country’s highest court is Jewish but he is the first since WWII

    I’d say that there are plenty of people who have never met a Jew especially those from outside Melbourne and Sydney and I’m not sure I would have myself if I hadn’t done certain courses at certain universities which lead to certain employment etc .

    I have noted that Jews with a central casting look generally turn heads in the street outside their Jewish neighbourhoods . They aren’t a common sight

    The Australian Jewish lobby certainly has the ear of both major parties who when told to jump just ask how high . It’s pretty well acknowledged that their loyalty is to Israel but some gentiles are apparently quite OK with this

    • 回复: @Abbybwood
  40. JM 说:
    @Anon from NC

    This state of affairs arises as much from changes in the economic structure of the US and world economy as from the political set-up. These changes, running in parallel with the application of revolutionary technologies to “production”, including in its perverted modern manifestations, are essential to the concentration of power need to bring about the servitude to it at the social and political level.

    For what it’s worth, I recently encountered the suggestion of the existence of an historical analogy between the “servitude” that followed the “Covid Crisis and in the “Great War”, when, starting as an adventure which would, provided the right measures were taken” would “soon be over” to a realization that service on the Front was a likely death sentence. The latter ended in national ruin, revolution and in some nations…hyper-inflation! The present events are yet to run their full course.

  41. “美国必须死——这样人民才能活下去”




    2) 或者,至少,将其缩小到其最初的、严格限制的宪法功能,即其规模约为目前的 5%。


    “政府是一种伪装成自己的疾病的疾病” Robert LeFevere


    • 同意: BAP
  42. PJ London 说:

    The answer has been known for 60 years.
    It is Apartheid!
    People collect in their own culture, their own ethical and moral climate, their own laws.
    A system of Cantons with freedom to move from one to another as long as you abide by the mores and norms of the one you choose.
    The only punishment in any Canton is expulsion, banishment for ever.
    There was never any problem with blacks living in a white south Africa, as long as they kept to the norms of the whites. (millions did)
    There was no problem with whites living in the homelands as long as they accepted the culture of the blacks.
    The author equates culture with race or ethnicity or religion this is clearly not true.
    I don’t care what race or religion you are as long as you share my culture and do not want to enforce your culture on me.
    If all the counties of USA were autonomous with only defence being shared then it would be simple to have a thousand different choices. Defence (against the British imposition of laws and taxes) was the only reason that the states united in the first place.
    You will get some counties with corrupt Sheriffs and Judges. It is their problem let them sort it out. If you live in such a county and can’t, or can’t be bothered, to fix it, then move to the next.
    This was the basic organisation that made USA great.
    I have met many Jews who share my core beliefs, and I have had fair and honest dealings with them. I have met many others.
    Because of my experiences I will not have any dealings with Israelis or any who espouse Zionism. I reject any coercion on this or any other position I choose to take.
    If your County wants to close the border and kick people out, that’s fine.
    If another County wants to welcome unlimited immigration fine, as long as they do not impinge or invade another County
    The USA is large enough for both Galt’s Gulch and Chicago.
    Which one to stay in should be a matter of choice.
    PS The Counties which support the current 2nd amendment and form true Militias will like the Spartans, last 600 years.

  43. miha 说:

    奥尔德斯·赫胥黎的《正确的研究》。您可以从以下位置下载免费副本(pdf 等)

    • 谢谢: Sarah
  44. Mr Anatta 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    耶稣可能是一位精神大师,来自他的艾塞尼迷幻药物崇拜时代,精神大师被教导“在这个梦想世界中没有分离”,其中物质只是一种振动或全息图,看起来非常真实,但并不存在于其中。无论如何,肉体并不比劳拉·克劳馥在 Play Station 中的冒险更真实,所以“一切都是一”,或者更准确地说,“一切都是虚无”。


  45. Mr Anatta 说:




    • 哈哈: littlereddot
    • 回复: @Anon
  46. Michael Korn [又名“Mevashir”] 说: • 您的网站

    Yes, it was nominally a “Christian nation” at the start, but few among the Founders were deeply religious—Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, and John Jay being the exceptions—and most were skeptical believers or deists, if not functional atheists.

    Thank you for clarifying this. My impression is that all men are created equal is an argument for Meritocracy vs. Aristocracy, that self-made successful white American males are equal (and in fact superior) to white male British aristocrats who inherited their wealth through luck rather than talent.

    I think your plan is idealistic but impractical. In a multi-ethnic multi-racial society such as America today, there is no organizing principle apart from money. In fact if we are honest we will admit that from its very inception America was a plantation, with a wealthy owner class overseeing hoards of low-class menial laborers. And truly this is America today: a gigantic plantation with a small financial and managerial owner class supervising a vast horde of menial laborers, most of whom for the most basic amenities of life, including meaning value and virtue, hence:

    WANT = W命中 Are N跳蚤 Too

    Since you write that aristocracy is preferable to democracy, it’s surprising that you avoid the question of the legitimacy of the original Revolution. Perhaps we would have been better off staying within the British Empire. America was founded by a group of violent rebellious men against the very forces that legally and financially had bankrolled their colonial enterprise. You avoid discussing any of this.

    Also the elephant in the room you avoid discussing is that no one ever surrenders power willingly, and those who hold power today in America are so overwhelmingly predominant that it’s inconceivable that they would willingly lay it down for the betterment of the less powerful.

    Secession also is not possible, because the military-industrial state has carefully scattered its resources to add every region of the country so that all regions are dependent on the federal teat. Likewise the dependency on federal welfare and transfer payments.

    What you are really hoping for is a total Messianic transformation of the present system, but because religion does not factor into your calculus this too is foreclosed to you.

    I think the cruel reality is that America is very close to the Athenian democracy you’ve described whereby only 10% of the population are voting citizens. This is the reality here. Noam Chomsky cites studies showing that the American political system completely ignores the lower 70% of the population on the income scale and caters only to the wealthy.

    So in America today perhaps 10% of the population have the practical rights of citizenship and maybe 1% exercise true influence. This is precisely the Athenian model you’ve described. The problem is that the elite ruling class are almost all Jews and you as an excluded person are resentful of your slave situation. I imagine in ancient Athens there was much resentment. I have read that many of the tutors and teachers were actually slaves. So we can presume that some of the most educated and intelligent people were disenfranchised from the Athenian political system. And that might well describe Mr Dalton and many other people here: highly educated intelligent and articulate people who are excluded from the rights of citizenship and suffer under the ignominy of slavery.

    Maybe this is karmic retribution and you were a Solon or a Pericles in a previous lifetime?

    So dream of Hitler and a mythical pure Aryan race as you enjoy your degraded slave status!

    • 回复: @Ford
    , @anon
  47. Anon[159]• 免责声明 说:
    @Mr Anatta

    If that’s the best you got, I stand correct.

    That was an event… not a problem.

    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
  48. gotmituns 说:

    America Must Die
    It’s my guess, America died about the time of WW2. From then on we’ve been an empire. Just like Augutus Caesar during the time of Rome, we kept all the trapping of a republic in place but they never had any real power anymore. It has been rule by jews ever since then. But now that people in general have been made so stupid, they need not even go through the motions of staying within the bounds of constitutional law any longer.

  49. Having actually read Dalton’s piece, I honestly found his diagnosis and prognosis essentially sound, but his description of the ultimate causes (as opposed to symptoms) flawed. Also, I found the description of the cure almost worse than the disease itself (a race/color based aristocratic ethno-state based on an Athenian model). I was also deeply disappointed in how he seems place so much emphasis on collective and cohesive ‘white’ identity as the both the reason and cure for all of America’s countries ails while blaming, inexplicably, Christianity for all that is wrong with America while at the same time blaming Jews. Its obviously non-sensical. Also I am not sure whether Dalton mistakenly or intentionally misleads his readers with his description of ‘equality’ as the source of the problem and big mistake. Is it just me, or did he attempt to conflate all of mankind being equally born with the God given right and capacity to reason, liberty (due process), life, and right to pursue happiness with being equally endowed with various biological and/or inherited traits?

    The point of equality in legal and constitutional sense is completely different from biological equality obviously, but he seems to suggest that because people may be different biologically, this implies some moral and spiritual inequality and thus entitles one group to rule over the other accordingly (e.g. ‘racialism/color-ism’). Essentially, this logically fallacy involves attributing metaphysical differences to biological differences and conveniently using this mismatch to create a system of racial or ethnic aristocracy. Does this sound a bit familiar? Like the pot calling the kettle black. Yet he complains about unbridled, unaccountable Jewish power (in America) which is based on the essential premise? Isn’t that what is it is all about? The ‘chosen ness’, the obsession with I.Q. This appears to be the same ‘racial’ and ethno-supremacist thinking that got Anglo- Americans into the place it is currently in? It started with the subversion of Catholic England into a Protestant sinkhole of unbridled Q finance capitalism, which endorsed chattel slavery and ethnic cleansing, something Jews incidentally promote in the Old Testament against non-Jews based on the curse of Ham (the ‘blacks’) and the mythical story of stealing Esau’s inheritance and destruction of Edom (‘whites’, Europeans, and ‘Christianity’) No coincidence there? Yet, in the same breath, Dalton is calling for the exact same solution, based on the Athenian model? Other scholars like Dr. E. Michael Jones (EMJ) have clearly described how the Greeks, for all their accomplishments, ultimately collapsed because of these flaws in their capacity to truly understand Logos (practical reason, morality, and order), which required the advent of Christianity and the universality and brotherhood mankind as a principle. It was this concept that ultimately gave birth to a mostly unified Christian Europe, despite all the flaws and contradictions in practice. Also, I was deeply disappointed he did not mention EMJ once as one of the most fervent critics of unaccountable and corrupting Jewish power elites, yet mentioned all his ‘white nationalist’, National Socialist colleagues. It seems like Dalton was to have white version of Jewish supremacy, so he condems Christianity, rejects the essential accomplishment of Greek and Athenian civilization (LOGOS-Reason) and calls for the very thing which ultimately brought down these great civilizations (ethno-centric, morally repugnant and exploitative aristocracies masked as rule by the betters among us). Moreover, America already has this now. When you look at what Dalton is suggesting, it is essentially the Shabbat Goy version of the Secular Israel (with ethnic cleansing, oligarchy and militarism for ‘whites’). This is no different that Nazism (National Socialism) and Fascism, which despite some of its economic accomplishments, it was wedded to a hyper-racialised form of nationalism which so alienated and freightened its neighbors that it was forced by necessity to bind with an even worse ideology, which continues to this day. Yet despite this, I agree with Dalton that for the above reasons, America is primed for break up as the peoples are divided by all these pathologies of the mind and soul. My hope is for some form of genuine Christian or Catholic awakening (for the European majority especially which seems have been completely Judaised (paganised and anti-Christian in both morality and economic principles). Despite having a growing presence due to immigration and birth rates, I do not see the Muslims (or any other groups) being large enough in number or influence to have a positive impact at this stage.

    On another point, Dalton also seems to suggest that it was Europeans that ‘built’ America ‘in spite’ of Blacks and ‘Jews’. Also, he suggests that ‘Blacks’ mostly arrived from Africa and we should return to our homeland. Maybe he is just saying this out of ignorance or obfuscation? Obviously, ‘blacks’ to the extent they were actually brought here as ‘slaves’ to begin with, were not brought simply to watch European immigrants build the country. 这是荒谬的。 Black and Jews, as well as many Asians played a significant part in the building of America which cannot be dismissed simply because we may find some of their behavior, influence and politics displeasing and destructive. Again, its not a racial thing, but its more religious and ethnic conflict when you look beyond the veil of color and identity politics. We are dealing with a difference in values and cultural subversion, not mere biological determinants. The Europeans Protestants and Catholics played a major part of building America, with significant and material contributions from ‘blacks’ and Jews, which continues to this day. However, despite this obvious fact Dalton seems to think we can wave a magic wand and simply go back to a ‘white’ ethno state. 这是一个愉快的幻想。 Much like the Nation of Islam black supremacist idea of a carved out black ethnos state. No one has apparently informed Dalton, who seem very well read, thoughtful and articulate, that only 6% of the Africans slaves arrived in America, the rest were already here before the Europeans arrived, as either as Moors, African traders and explorers, indigenous ‘black’ tribes that mixed with the Mongoloid types which were also pre-existent. There many articles and books this subject from both the past and present which document this. They were subsequently enslaved and reclassified. Moreover, there were many European settlers from Scandinavia and Levantines from ancient Phoenicia that came before the other Europeans. So it’s not a question of ‘going back to Africa, or Europe. These so called ‘whites’, ‘blacks, are no longer ‘Africans’ and ‘Europeans’. They neither speak their ‘original’ language, share the original culture nor are even capable of doing so. Europeans and Africans, truth be told, do not want us bringing our problems to their countries.. What remains, if at all, is religion. This is the point of migration and geography, after several generations, it changes your identity. There is no ‘going back’. These people are Americans, which is why so much effort has gone into subversion of their national ethnic identity and religious values. For some reason this escapes the ‘racialists’ and ‘biological determinists’. If you look at Russia, the reason they have somewhat recovered from the effects of Communism and Neo-liberalism, is due to the re-embrace of their national, ethnic-religious identity. Obviousy, the battle will be among the various groups to learn to live together or die separately in conflict. 别无选择。 Moreover, the Latinos, or Mestizos, have a much better chance at ‘staying’ given their overwhelming numbers and birth rates. Protestants (‘whites’) by their hatred of large families and worship of less savory aspects of liberal Jewish culture (e.g. abortion, usury, sodomy, population control, while pretending they hate it), will only accelerate their demise UNLESS they return to some form of UNIVERSALISM (e.g. Catholic teaching). In essence , they have learn to live and not feel obliged to wage war on and dominate the rest of humanity in order to justify their existence.

    • 谢谢: littlereddot
  50. G J T 说:

    过去几年我越来越清楚,世界犹太人对美国 ZOG 系统的长期生存不感兴趣。我们所目睹的并不是一个颓废帝国的自然衰落,也不是那些妄想无药、笨手笨脚、摸索着走向灾难的“领导人”。相反,我们在美国看到的是犹太霸主在二战后夺取了完整且不受挑战的统治的有控制的破坏。美国确实会灭亡,因为他们希望如此。

    唯一的问题是他们有多大勇气加速这一进程,以及他们能否将这一进程拖得足够长以取代欧洲白人成为人口多数。为了彻底粉碎和消灭美国遗产的最后残余,他们必须以比现在更加谨慎和克制的方式行事,因为就目前情况而言,我们走下悬崖的速度比大多数人意识到的要快,而且仍然有150 多名美国白人离开了。我们有足够多的人来重建更好的东西。


  51. G J T 说:





  52. reading 说:

    因为美国政府不仅仅是美国政府。 它也是世界政府。 所以他必须摆出左派和多元化的面孔。 否则,他又如何操纵世界,获得利益?

    大英帝国不得不提拔一批印度议员。 如果连各国的酋长、部落首领等一批精英都不愿意购买。 他们不提供口头承诺。 太赤裸了谁会和你一起玩? 没有好处。 只有棍子。 那不是瞬间回到奴隶星球吗? 美国能把世界变成奴隶星球吗?

    所以你不想要上面丰富多彩的多样性。 你想要美国地球君主的宝座吗? 美国公民的隐性和显性福利和竞争优势又如何呢?




    相传在印度神话中有一对姐妹女神。 她的妹妹非常漂亮。 她的妹妹丑得像个恶魔。 但是如果你想娶你的妹妹,你必须接受你的妹妹

    有两种方法可以抵抗。 一种是犹太人的方式。 与神争战的以色列成为魔鬼,千方百计爬上来

    另一种是战神Questo之道。 黄昏时发射诸神杀死神族……为了最后的审判

  53. G J T 说:



  54. Mr Anatta 说:



    • 同意: littlereddot
    • 回复: @littlereddot
  55. Anon[192]• 免责声明 说:

    不,道尔顿先生,你的解决方案是错误的,它会摧毁剩下的白人中产阶级。 它将摧毁白人基督教、白人文化和欧洲人的历史感。
    来芝加哥或印第安纳波利斯或堪萨斯州或北卡罗来纳州或新英格兰。 你将白人愚蠢的白痴种族主义医生统治和占据他们在洛约拉、拉什或杜克等医院不配的职位。 你会看到耶鲁、哈佛、卡内基梅隆、匹兹堡或密歇根大学的教授无能,但因为白人种族而崛起。 在多样性的模因中,少数民族被要求相互竞争,并保持白人的权利完整和持久,
    种族歧视在弱智者中极端恶劣。 这些白人加入警察和消防队,享受市政厅的合同或联邦合同。 他们最终还为沃尔玛或亚马逊工作,在那里他们向现在的白人同事发泄种族主义,因为他们无法在提供养老金和懒惰的腐败臃肿低效的警察部队或消防部门工作。

    你声称白人建立了美国过去 200 百年的历史,这在错误的框架中得到了解决和呈现。 这是一个不完整和部分的会计。 更完整的画面将削弱您在塑造过去 200 或 500 年事件的历史受益者地图上的专属白色中心投影。

    不过祝你好运! 白人至上正在为大规模的混乱做准备,这将使他们处于罗马崩溃和詹姆斯敦定居点之间的位置。


  56. Dr. X 说:

    Dr. Dalton’s analysis is correct in many ways. However, his proposed solution to the problem is not nearly as simple as he makes it sound. I have three criticisms:

    First, book VIII of Plato’s 共和国 tells us that democracy is the fourth worst in his schema of five types of regimes, and it is invariably superseded by the worst regime, tyranny. The tyrant appears as a figure who is a “man of the people” and gains absolute power by offering to flatter the will of the people, and to mend the chaos created by the democracy.


    Second, though Dr. Dalton cites many learned philosophers, he does not cite Karl Marx. I am not an advocate of Marxism by any means, but the fact is that “mass democracy” is actually a form of communism, and it is made possible by the fact that in the post-industrial world the democratic masses can and do demand a share of bourgeois wealth in exchange for their votes.

    Mass democracy as we know it is in fact a product of the Industrial Revolution and a product of bourgeois capital. While I disagree with Marx’s belief that the democratic/communist future will be a human paradise (it will almost certainly become a dystopia instead) the fact remains that we cannot do away with mass democracy and all its attendant ills without doing away with the industry and the capital that make democracy possible, as well.

    Third, Dr. Dalton’s belief that whites can and will unite against blacks and Jews is much too simplistic. In the U.S., blacks are about 13% of the population while Jews are about 2%. If the other 85% united against this 15%, we would not be having this discussion. But of course the blacks and Jews are only successful in undermining traditional America because they have a very large number of white allies who regard white racial solidarity as the sum of all evils.

    The fact remains that if whites united by geography and by loyalty to their state governments and to their state militias, willing and able to wage open war for four years, were unable to create a premodern, pre-industrial southern Confederacy against their fellow Northern, “progressive” whites in the 19th century, the probability of a white secession movement and a white geographic homeland in the 21st century is even more remote.


    • 同意: Thor Walhovd
    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
  57. tomo 说:

    这面旗帜上的裂缝让我想起了柏林那座纪念碑上的无数大裂缝(与在二战中丧生的犹太人有关)——Branderbug Gate/JUSSA 大使馆旁边一块丑陋的灰色、自大狂的混凝土立方体。
    我上次看到它们是在大约 5 年前——许多立方体都布满了不断扩大的裂缝——就像上面的美国国旗一样。

  58. Observator 说:

    We’ve heard this argument before. In 1861 it turned out to be the world heavyweight champion of really, seriously, catastrophically bad ideas.

    The issue of “equality” is a matter of semantics. No two things in nature are equal, but all human beings are of equivalent value. Some people, unfortunately, in fact more than a few, are just assholes. There is no reliable way of identifying such individuals except by interacting with them, one at a time. Such people are the termites, eating away the timbers in that old house metaphor, and they, whether ghetto thugs, police officers or corporate CEOs, forfeit their claim to the ordinary protection of civil government. I would put politicians at the head of that list, because well-adjusted people do not seek to control or exploit others. Lord Acton famously said that absolute power corrupts absolutely, but he did not grasp that seeking power over others is inherently corrupt. The founders figured this out, and their plan worked for a time, but when their government came to be run by men who did not live by an Anglo-American gentleman’s code of honor, the system became a mockery of itself.

    • 回复: @HdC
  59. 上帝创造人类是为了爱和敬拜……上帝。

    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
    , @von Frey
  60. Traddles 说:
    @Mr. Sanjay


  61. The Peul 说:




    • 回复: @SimplePseudonymicHandle
  62. anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:

    I would estimate roughly that the average national IQ is going to drop by 5 points in 2050 versus what it was in 1950.* At the same time due to high IQ immigration, the top 5% of the country got a lot smarter. Since the top 5% contributes a lot to GDP per capita, I don’t know to what extent mass immigration by dragging down average national IQ is going to bring down the economy. But obviously, there won’t be an economic collapse since the IQ situation is not hopeless. There probably won’t even be a long-term economic contraction from where we are in 2021. The economy will just suffer from low growth for several decades.

    *1950 年:90% 白色,10% 黑色
    2050 年:45% 白人,36% 西班牙裔/混血/其他,13% 黑人,8% 亚洲人
    粗略计算一下,我假设 100 年和 1950 年白人的智商为 2050,黑人为 85,亚洲人为 105,西班牙裔/混合/其他人的智商为 90。 基于这些假设,我计算出 5 个 IQ 点的下降。

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  63. traducteur 说:

    why have votes at all?

    Who decides whether I am just too dumb and pleasure-loving and generally unenlightened to have anything to say about the government that rules me? Can’t say I fancy Plato’s ideal republic at all. Someone else decreeing that I am to be subjected to coercion for my own good: sounds like a liberal.

  64. The US has 6% of the worlds population and uses 50% of the world’s oil refined into gasoline…that’s about 330,000 million people using 50% of the gasoline. There are many examples with food and other resources similar to that as well.

    The world is approaching 8 billion people and few want to live as indigenous tribes but the majority want to live like a modern western society of which the US has been the bell weather of that since post WW2……….

    but we can’t have everyone living life like Americans on this planet without exhausting the sustainability of it……….

    So we are faced with a dilemma………..

    1) Reduce the population so that what remains can continue some type of Western consumption/life style in balance with a sustainable rate of the planet’s renewal of resources…..(Georgia guide stones anyone?)


    The plandemic seems to play into #1…………………..and build back better agenda seems to play into #2.

    I liken the situation to the Earth as a petri dish with a solution of water/sugar being the environment/resources and humanity a bacteria growing in that petri dish.

    What happens in the disk when the bacteria growth is at its peak at the moment it is absorbing all the water and runs out of sugar?

    I’m thinking people who consider themselves in control of this world are thinking about this and what to do about it……………..and now we are getting near that point of peak bacteria, maximum absorption of water and collapse of the sugar supply within that dish.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
    , @denk
  65. TTSSYF 说:

    This article is merely more wishful thinking. None of those things listed by Dalton are going to happen and, at any rate, he doesn’t tell us how we should even begin to go about making them happen.

    To avoid overt, bloody civil war or drawn-out guerrilla war, I’ve been recommending for years that we quietly self-sort over the next decade or two, making purple or red states overwhelmingly red and making the blue states bluer than ever. It then might come to the point where both sides agree to formally establish separate federations.

    • 回复: @GeneralRipper
  66. Thomas Dalton is a persuasive and well-informed author, but he’s profoundly mistaken on several key points, perhaps because he’s a National Socialist and a Jew.

    Alfred Rosenberg’s 二十世纪神话 is absurd Talmudic propaganda suited for the Terrorist Theocracy of Israel.

    But Rosenberg’s 犹太人的千古踪迹 should be mandatory study for all voting citizens.


    Why doesn’t Thomas Dalton offer 犹太人的千古踪迹 on his websites?


    • 回复: @where_are_the_bones
  67. Mr Anatta 说:
    @Dr. X



    • 回复: @Old and Grumpy
    , @Anonymous
  68. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    > “…the Christian’s belief that he is not his body, but rather a “soul” only temporarily inhabiting a body.”

    I concur, but there is one counter-argument that an honest debater would present. How come Islamists can profess a similarly idealist, Jewish ideology while remaining fairly firmly grounded in reality? They seem to relegate such theory to the vague background, almost like the inherently-anarchic and rootless Marxists who managed to build a relatively totalitarian state in the USSR and China.

    On another note, I still don’t understand how you reconcile such purely cultural approaches as in this post above with your general anarcho-primitivist point against technology. Coincidentally, this argument already covers said part, for both Soviet Russia and Maoist China were fairly industrialised (whatever you may say about the Arab world).

    My answer would be the secularisation of Christian church during the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolutions, consummated in the Holocaust of the Germans. Any successful religion, no matter how insane on paper, will necessarily conform to reality, trimming its madness. The newborn liberalist hyper-Christianity, however, is wild and ephemeral. The unfortunate part is that the Aryan race doesn’t seem to survive the cultural red giant’s eventual demise.

  69. Agent76 说:

    A very good and accurate article.

    Types of Government, Explained

    This video explains the political spectrum in SIMPLE, RATIONAL terms, what is meant by (right/left wing), and what they stand for.

    George H.W. Bush New World Order Speech

    The New World Order is an unofficial name for certain types of organizations, globalists, and people in and out our government that want to destroy our US Sovereignty and get rid of our constitutional rights.

    • 谢谢: Sarah
  70. Mr Anatta 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman


    • 哈哈: Jeffrey A Freeman
  71. neutral 说:


    • 回复: @Adûnâi
    , @von Frey
    , @anon
  72. @Anonymous

    The Republic was slowly tortured to death starting with the Civil War and ending with the earned income tax.

  73. @Mr Anatta

    你确实知道这里发现的最古老的人类 DNA 是欧洲人的。这也是美国(又名非原住民)印第安人击败竞争部落,然后奴役剩下的部落的原因。不是好人。

  74. @Mr Anatta



  75. KenH 说:

    Therefore, it is time to accept reality and give up America for lost

    The late Wilmot Robertson said that America is lost and the goal must now be to save the remnants of the founding white racial stocks with ethnostates. America must die because we are under a Jewish occupation government and Jewish elites have and continue to remake America in their nefarious image and likeness which will lead to white genocide.

    And the work won’t be done if and when whites ever get ethnostates since Jewish elites will begin plotting against them like they have against enemies of Israel in the Middle East. So they will have to be stripped of their wealth and power since they invariably use it to damage white racial interests and white nations.

    • 同意: Katrinka
  76. anon[222]• 免责声明 说:

    I’ve lived in a 150-year old house for the last 20 years.

    What Dalton did not account for is that when this house was built, and when the US “democracy” was established 200+ years ago, the construction concept was for a small piece of territory and, more importantly, there was extensively more territory as a pressure-relief valve where similarly ambitious people could work out their ideas on new territory.

    My neighborhood was originally built and settled by persons of some wealth — not billionaires, but certainly persons with an entrepreneurial spirit who had been successful. They were successful enough that when, after a rather short time, the atmosphere surrounding them became unpleasant, they abandoned the neighborhood and created another new, grander, more carefully designed place to live just 15 miles away.

    The original neighborhood was derelict for many years — grand homes became houses of prostitution, or rooming houses (as mine was). Many were totally abandoned: roofs fell into the basement that became flooded with rainwater.

    About 50 years ago, one- by two- by five-young families purchased one of these derelict buildings and applied sweat equity and a lot of cash to renovating and restoring the house, then the house next door, then the street, then the block, then a ten block neighborhood. They established rules: certain elements of the original structures had to be retained.

    Today that gentrified neighborhood is one of the most desirable in its city. It’s a registered historic district.
    It’s a pain in the ass to live in and maintain a house that’s a century-and-a-half old — What shall it be this year: new windows? new roof? update the electrical system? You have to accommodate to sweaters in winter.

    I’ve lived in and restored simple houses built in the 1960s- to -1980s and it’s easier to do (and easier to heat and cool), but takes almost as much time and expense to maintain. No matter what is done, it looks like Home Depot. You don’t say Ahh! when you walk into a 1970s split-level like you do when you open a 12′ stained-glass door onto a hand-carved walnut staircase.

    The original structures in the 150 year old neighborhood are still standing, but already, many, many of the 1970s split levels have been demolished and “modern” homes constructed (of even cheaper and less durable components) on their footprint.

    Living in a parable.

    • 谢谢: Jeffrey A Freeman
  77. @anonymous

    Have you seen Idiocracy? I highly recommend it. The message is prescient…but Terry Crews steals the show with pure entertainment value.

  78. @Anonymous

    Bingo. It’s The Lorax and Marilyn Manson on an extended date until the music stops.

    Plus, what made the USA great was a near-virginal land teaming with an obscene abundance of life and resources in the form of land, animals, water power, minerals and ores, etc. that was easy picking after the white man’s infectious diseases and guns devastated the native populations. Salmon and buffalo so thick no modern USAnian can fathom it, thick black soil several feet deep, clean water, beaver, and many more vanished riches.

    We indeed may shift into several smaller nations over the next few centuries, but nobody alive today in this wasted age, nobody who refers to this gluttonous and arrogant beast consciousness that still smugly refers to itself as “America” (a group of 35 nations over a vast territory, please get over yourselves) will have anything to do with that arrangement.

    Until then, the white folks and their Jewish banker pals who laid waste to the greatest and richest wilderness left in the world, with their guns and leaching tentacles so efficiently trained on the whole world since WWII, will keep on doin’ what they do ’til they can’t do it no more.

  79. Ann K 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Actually, it is an explicit Christian heresy to prioritize the soul over the body.

    Christians believe that God created everything—including the material world—and pronounced it “good,” and that our physical bodies will be resurrected in the life of the world to come.

    • 同意: The Anti-Gnostic, RoatanBill
    • 回复: @Jack McArthur
  80. 我建议您参考anacyclosis理论: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anacyclosis





  81. anon[179]• 免责声明 说:

    There is a very strange trend of American blacks claiming they are the real indigenous American Indians who had their identity stolen and were lied to think they were African-descended slaves…..is it a coincidence this is becoming popular when “America” is collapsing? Thats right Tyrone and Shaniqua are wuz Cherokeeez n shieet. What a subhuman era to be living in.,…

  82. saggy 说: • 您的网站

    I haven’t read the article or comments, but I plan to. But just skimming the article I see one horrendous problem …. the history of Europe has been dominated by the religion of the Jews, in the form of Christianity. When it comes right down to it, Juduaism as per the Old Testament is death cult. G– is forever demanding human and animal sacrifices throughout the book. The Jews in Israel are planning on resuming animal sacrifices soon. The Christians replaced animal sacrifice with symbolic human sacrifice in the form of Jesus, who ‘died for our sins’. We lived with this all our lives and see it as perfectly normal, but … what kind of God demands human and animal sacrifice? Ans: a God of death, Judaism and Christianity worship killing. The most religious thing a Jew can do is sacrifice an animal to God. Christians worship Jesus on the Cross, a symbolic human sacrifice.

    There is certainly no chance of uniting the ‘whites’ against the predations of the Jews as long as they both worship the same God of death. And practically, there is no chance of uniting the whites against the Jews as long as the both practice what is essentially the same religion.

    That is another tough, probably impossible, nut to crack.


    1 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron:
    2 “This is a requirement of the law that the Lord has commanded: Tell the Israelites to bring you a red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke.
    3 Give it to Eleazar the priest; it is to be taken outside the camp and slaughtered in his presence.

    • 同意: Jonathan Mason
  83. @Critical Thinking




    If you really want reduce the population of the world, here is the solution…it is counter intuitive to US foreign policy, but it is clear………prosper the third world rather than keep buggering it.




    • 同意: Deep Thought
  84. HT 说:

    America died awhile back actually. All that is Left now is the Jewocracy and its pets living off weak foolish people whose ancestors founded and built the country.

  85. geokat62 说:

    A combination of old age, disease, neglect, and poor hygiene have put it in a terrible state, one that is evidently beyond any hope of recovery or repair.

    None of that is the root cause. A certain group of people have placed dynamite at the foundations of our western homelands…

    ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.’ – Willi Munzenberg of the Frankfurt School

  86. @neutral

    > “And ideally Washington, the very center of that cancer, being reduced to radioactive rubble.”

    Ditto, but what always pains my heart in such otherwise-innocent genocidal fantasies is the destruction of cultural artifacts, many from the previous eras – such as the 171 mil. items kept in the Library of Congress.

    > “…the Atlantic touching states Russian satellites (there would be no EU without a US)…”

    Do you honestly believe the atomic-arms-possessing Islamists of England and France, and the Turks and Kurds of Germany to lie down and go gently into the night? After they achieve majority? When the entire petrodollar system comes down in a worldwide crash, they will fight for their place under the sun.

    > “Better would be having the Pacific touching states become Chinese satellites…”

    My pet dream is such a scenario in which the rabid, cultish American people descend into the anarchy of civil wars, and the remaining imbecilic élites decide in desperation to invite Chinese intervention to restore order. The magnitude of stupidity would be fitting for the transvestite paradise. My only hope is for the Mongoloid race to show no mercy in acquiring their Lebensraum in the East.

    • 哈哈: littlereddot
  87. This article is part of the new conspiracy to weaken America by encouraging hate and intolerance. And the narrative is designed to Balkanize America. A Balkanized America is far easier to be controlled by foreign powers. Perhaps Mr. Dalton can share the statistics of so-called genius population in STEM research by ethnicity and national origin. Lol!!! Oops. Come on guys – just face it. The inferiority complex of white men – of being less intelligent than Asians/Jews and less physically/sexually attractive than Blacks/Latinos – is overwhelming. And everyone understands that white women adore minorities (hence the trophy wives). But that shouldn’t lead to dividing the country. Just do your little militia thing on the weekends, wear your MAGA hats, and ride your bikes. That’s all you can do on your own in the modern world anyway.

    • 回复: @GenFranco
    , @littlereddot
  88. @Old and Grumpy



    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
  89. Mr Anatta 说:
    @Old and Grumpy


    • 回复: @GenFranco
  90. @Anonymous

    为贵族拉皮条是件好事,随着时间的推移,贵族给了我们​​很多持久的价值。问题是柏拉图谈论的并不是查姆斯伯里第三代伯爵赫伯特·温普尔弗斯。潜伏的恋童癖者和鸡奸者。 (是的 - 我刚才发明了这个角色 - 但你知道我在说什么。)他在谈论尼采的超级人。作为一个人,谁是一个乌托邦。 Uberman 是一个海市蜃楼。希特勒不是这样的。 Niether 是奥迪·墨菲 (Audie Murphy) 或拉格纳·洛斯布鲁克 (Ragnar Lothbrok)。

  91. Mr Anatta 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman




  92. Anon[254]• 免责声明 说:

    Did the Poles, Lithuanian and Romanian who arrived here after 1990 build this country or did something else ?
    Where will they go back ? May be Hungary ?
    UK has sent them back or they left after graffiti started showing some in areas outside main cities .

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  93. Corvinus 说:
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    “But we don’t even treat people the same under the law: insanity, mental retardation and tender years all get differential treatment from, say, Martha Stewart.”

    Put that on a bumper sticker. That will sell just like the solar-powered flashlight.

    “The context for Jefferson’s statement is the hereditary aristocracy…”

    Let us be more precise, shall we? Jefferson’s statement represented a broader context–the non-hereditary aristocracy (the “regular” people) no longer would be grounded to the nub by the whims of the titled nobility (the “elites”). Rather, they could determine for themselves how to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of mammon. The logical extension of this ideology occurred under the Jackson Administration, which promoted that political participation should be open to (white) males of age (the “regular” people), not exclusively property-owning males of age (the “elites”). This action was also radical and progressive. Now, I’ll leave it to you (foolish on my part, but maybe you will surprise me) to correctly figure out what was next step in this human political evolutionary process.

    • 回复: @The Anti-Gnostic
  94. funny 说:

    “我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的,人人生而平等,造物者赋予他们某些不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。”——来自《独立宣言》 .
    从出生开始就平等并不意味着所有人在各方面都是平等的。 我们在法律面前人人平等,并拥有实现目标的相同权利。 有些人会,有些人不会。

    • 同意: HdC
  95. What I think is…

    China and Russia want all 50 states handed over intact. It’s the job of all the embedded ethno-racists to make that happen.

    Because why? Because they can ask a higher price for selling their captives as a big 50 state package.

    You think any of them do what they do for free? You think that ugly dude in the 5-Star Admiral skirt isn’t expecting massive remuneration?

    No matter what they say, they are all part of greater Soviet empire.

  96. HdC 说:


    • 同意: littlereddot, BAP
    • 回复: @littlereddot
    , @Nancy
  97. 是这个领域通往上帝的唯一道路

    A powerful and readily accessible way perhaps, but you don’t really mean the ONLY way do you?

    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
  98. Agent76 说:

    23 年 2015 月 93 日 美国 222% 的时间都处于战争状态——239 年中有 1776 年——自 XNUMX 年以来

    The U.S. Has Only Been At Peace For 21 Years Total Since Its Birth In 2011, Danios wrote: Below, I have reproduced a year-by-year timeline of America’s wars, which reveals something quite interesting: since the United States was founded in 1776, she has been at war during 214 out of her 235 calendar years of existence. In other words, there were only 21 calendar years in which the U.S. did not wage any wars.


    • 回复: @HT
  99. @Petermx


    Wishful thinking only. No evidence for that. I’ve been hearing that refrain for 20 years, while the “bad enough” line has been passed by several times with no “had enough” reaction. That’s largely because Jews and what you’re calling White liberals anticipate such a reaction and make sure laws and systems are in place to prevent it.

    All these White men Thomas Dalton is depending on to secede and form their own nations are in no way, shape or form prepared to actually do such a thing. It’s been nothing but talk all along from frustrated weak men (with many infiltrators in the mix).

    Otherwise, I like and agree with your comment–especially “some Blacks have this bizarre idea that they made the USA into a great country. […] They actually say this on nationwide television and no White dares point out how retarded such a statement is.” Yes, this IS outrageous and reveals submissiveness to political correctness.

    • 回复: @Petermx
  100. @HdC





    They can’t understand how they can have the Best Possible System in the world, and yet suffer so much in their daily lives. So they start looking for other people to blame. Then the media steps in and offers a plethora of Others to blame.

    Chinese, Mexicans, Blacks, Communists, Fascists, Muslims……ad nauseum.

    But don’t worry, this problem will all be solved at the next elections when we vote our guy in.


  101. Anonymous[371]• 免责声明 说:

    Forcibly deporting you is going to be enjoyable.

    • 回复: @Anon
  102. HdC 说:

    “Anglo-American gentleman’s code of honour”…
    Surely thou jests? Even during Roman times the moniker Perfidious Albion was applied to those “gentlemen”.

  103. HT 说:

    Most of them related to Jews in one way or another after 1900.

    • 回复: @Agent76
  104. Anon[982]• 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  105. I remember when I was 8 to 10 years old I used to have intense discussions and arguements about building rocket powered vehicles with my young friends. All your arguements are in the same category.
    The systems of goverence can be myriad (i.e capitalism or Communism) and but the oversight and governance should be transparent. This is an impossible task and will always be corrupted gradually.

    Anyway, enough of the heavy stuff, here’s a story by Kurt Vonnegut that’s very relevent and will make you smile. This is from his anthology of shorts ‘Welcome To The Monkey House’. Buy the actual book, you will be able to read it again and again in sunlight.


  106. Anon[982]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jack McArthur

    什么是 unregulated capitalism?

    • 回复: @Jack McArthur
  107. @The Peul









    当人们自欺欺人时,这是有帮助的。 不需要消耗更多的能量。

    如果那是 Unz评论 MO——好人。继续努力吧!

    • 回复: @GenFranco
  108. Traddles 说:

    很高兴看到针对未来系统提出了一些实际的想法,而不是无休止地重复错误的地方。我认为道尔顿很清楚为什么在美国曾经一切顺利。他可能在其他一些事情上是错误的,但我很欣赏他为诊断所做的努力 规定。




  109. Mr Anatta 说:

    唯一可能的其他方法(据我所知)是将自己置于完全的黑暗中数天,但松果体可能需要很多天甚至数周的完全黑暗才能引导精神与5克干蘑菇的强度相同,这或多或少是一种即时的上帝体验,如果一个人像佛陀那样在冥想水平上掌握了精神,那么随着经验的积累,这种体验只会变得越来越好,越来越强大。 。


    • 回复: @littlereddot
  110. anon[282]• 免责声明 说:
    @Mr. Sanjay


    • 同意: BAP
  111. Nancy 说:

    Haven’t read all comments yet, hopefully this has already been surfaced. Perhaps the lemmings, identified by the submissive vaxxed, will be happy in the Reset (owning nothing, living in the Meta world with soma – secure and comfortable.. why not?)… and those who aren’t will live in the ‘favelas’… hopefully, smaller than typical and farther apart, closer to Dunbar’s number, and content with our original ‘mutual obligation’ economy (and primitive lifestyle) as described by Graeber, for one.

    ‘Freedom’ has a price, and maybe it is a life less comfortable and secure than the current …. which means that the vaaast majority will be happy with ‘submission’ as cattle in the ‘Termite World. And the Independents will not threaten the Termites… except in the Termites’ psychopathic view?.

  112. anon[282]• 免责声明 说:

    阅读“为什么国家会失败”一书。 美国正逐渐成为一个政治、经济和社会自由受到限制的榨取式社会。 榨取式社会的明显症状是越来越富有的精英拥有大部分一切! 人类历史的大部分时间都是这样。 美国一开始不是这样的,美国基本上是一个包容的社会。 采掘社会与包容性社会形成直接对比,人们被赋予自由,尤其是成为企业家的经济自由,而向上流动是努力工作和成功的结果。 现在在西部的大部分地区没有向上流动,因为精英们正在关闭他们身后的大门。 这在人类历史、古埃及、罗马帝国(共和国通常是包容性的)和苏联总是发生过。

    看看这个事实,根据美联储的储备数据,美国前 10% 的家庭现在拥有美国家庭总财富的 70%。 这个数字只会随着时间的推移而增长。 美国正在成为香蕉共和国,美国人正在变得贫穷。

    • 同意: BAP
    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @Francis Miville
  113. Ron Unz 说:

    阅读“为什么国家会失败”一书。 美国正逐渐成为一个政治、经济和社会自由受到限制的榨取式社会。



    • 谢谢: Raches
  114. @Corvinus

    “Hello, fellow high T white men!”

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  115. Goddard 说:


    分裂“尽可能少流血”需要有进取心,而我在颓废的美国白人中看不到这种情况。 在我们幻想《最后堡垒的共和国》之前,我们会做一些更实际的事情,比如还清债务、切断电缆、拒绝体育运动、瘦身和建立抗离婚的婚姻,每个婚姻都会产生三到四个非衣衫褴褛、成绩优异、彬彬有礼的孩子?

    • 同意: Carolyn Yeager
    • 回复: @Exile
  116. SafeNow 说:

    I am old. I remember 1962, and it was just fine, despite the factors identified in the essay.There are multiple chunks in the U.S. now where it is still 1962. Recently I dealt with a small company in a small city in Alabama, and they treated me with competence, courtesy, and care, answering my foolish questions with infinite patience. I suppose Folly’s concept is the best hope, i.e., separating-out the chunks. But I am pessimistic about his hope that effective borders for the chunks could be achieved.

    • 回复: @Mike Tre
  117. Nancy 说:

    That’s the trouble with Capitalism… there is no ‘moderation’. “Laissez faire” only lasts until the plutos discover that ‘collaboration’ is more profitable than ‘competition’, and buy/capture the regulators, etc, etc, etc. Yes, the heat/light from the fire is great… unless is started on the living room floor, instead of the fireplace. Now, how to guarantee that… and the Termite Tribe has proved indefatiguably successful.. hence, dozens of attempted expulsions… Edward, Isabella, Adolf, et al. I think this is beyond dispute… ?

    • 回复: @HdC
  118. Abbybwood 说:



  119. This is probably the best article I have read since I have been reading the Unz review and that has been almost since it’s inception. Top notch!!! It explains exactly why we are in our current predicament.

  120. Petermx 说:
    @Carolyn Yeager

    You’re probably right. As I was writing the comment I was thinking that I’m not confident about what I wrote.

  121. 所有文明都进入了破坏阶段。共产主义国家直接加入其中。美国在“新政”下建立了福利国家。美国的消亡不会阻止分裂阶段,反而会加速衰落。


    • 同意: BAP
  122. A divorce is needed but the exploiters aren’t going to go quietly back to Tel Aviv. There will be war.

  123. gT 说:

    有趣的是,罗马沦陷是因为人类的碎屑冲刷了边界。 我记得是白日耳曼部落越过罗马边界摧毁了罗马。 然后花了 1000 年的黑暗时代,这些白日耳曼的碎屑反过来变得文明,如果人们遵守普遍接受的时间表的话。 正是那些日耳曼白人的碎屑在他们变得文明时造就了现代社会。

    黑人妥协了,就像美国的 12%,犹太人大约 2%。 那么怎么可能一切都归咎于黑人或犹太人。 问题在于大多数美国人口,即白人。 他们中的大多数都是浪费白皮肤,用南非的表达方式。 白人允许犹太人在美国随心所欲,白人允许黑人在美国随心所欲,白人允许开放边界政策导致其他人涌入该国。

    白人必须接受一些白人有能力,而大多数人并不比黑人强。 过去的白人保护主义政策和福利妄想导致当前这批白人无法应对逆境,甚至无法动脑筋看周围发生的事情,因此一直投票支持支持,甚至与那些想让他们死的人一起游行。


    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Raches
  124. @Priss Factor


  125. Mike Tre 说:

    Many haven’t noticed, but people of European descent are not allowed to have anything of their own. That is a globalist dictate. Anywhere racist Europeans go, oppressed negroes, asians, mestizos, and jews have the inalienable right to follow them and claim oppression.

    Not to mention how bad the things are that Europeans have created. Our culture, technology, infrastructure, engineering, they are all vastly inferior compared to back in Africa, Asia and Central America. That’s why so many people from those places come to Europe/the US, and not the other way around, because they feel they need to tell us so. How selfless they are indeed! to come live down at our level.

    Look at the comments of this website, for example. Every article is inundated with comments about how great China, Mexico, etc are from presumably people from those places. Why they don’t stick to commenting on China’s equivalent of TUR is never explored, but I’m sure something along the lines of “shut up” is the answer.

    • 谢谢: Katrinka
  126. GeneralRipper [又名“SnidelyWhiplash”] 说:

    To avoid overt, bloody civil war or drawn-out guerrilla war, I’ve been recommending for years that we quietly self-sort over the next decade or two, making purple or red states overwhelmingly red and making the blue states bluer than ever. It then might come to the point where both sides agree to formally establish separate federations.

    That’s an excellent suggestion but the Powers That Be are not going to allow it to happen. They’re busy importing more Blue voters as we speak. And Senile Joe’s “infrastructure bill” is going to fast track them into Red States whether anyone likes it or not.

    • 回复: @TTSSYF
  127. Anonymous[162]• 免责声明 说:



    • 回复: @Francis Miville
  128. mephisto 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    我一直在告诉犹太人教派摆脱犹太人,但他们无法做到。 最好崇拜尼采。 可作者所吹捧的红脖子,却是傻了才意识到这一点。
    1)贵族,看看英国。 现在是罗斯柴尔德的基地。 是英国的威廉弗雷德里克国王允许罗斯柴尔德开店,英国允许罗斯柴尔德统治世界以对抗希特勒。 所以贵族制是行不通的。
    2)作者忽略了白人太弱而无法掌握权力的事实。 他们的心很容易腐化。 美国的情况是一场内战,在效忠犹太人和金钱的白人(你的例子是正确的:卡尔森、汉尼提等)和效忠于自己种族的白人之间。 等到中国人接管世界,犹太人和黑人就会消失。 怀特将被寄往欧洲。 中国人将像他们曾经做过的和希特勒试图做的那样统治世界一千年。
    3)只有一件事会导致系统崩溃:大规模饥饿。 在那之前,梦想吧。

    • 回复: @BAP
  129. Sollipsist 说:

    Democracy is the necessary evil that we invented to fight the necessary evil of coercion. Nothing drives this point home like the ongoing CoVid debacle.

    Everybody wants to be the expert who has the ability to force their better understanding on all the fools. Or, at the very least, to be smart enough to wish people would obey better experts…

    Almost nobody considers the possibility that they themselves are the fools more often than not, and most significantly when they are convinced otherwise. Whatever your criteria may be for putting the best people in charge, you’re making their abuses and corruption inevitable.

    Democracy leaves the door open, and of course a lot of crap gets in. I’m not crazy about anything that locks the door and traps us inside.

  130. BAP 说:




  131. Agent76 说:

    November 15, 2021 Covid-19 and the New World Order. Who Owns Planet Earth?

    In lieu of Covid-19 killer vaccines, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, MD, the acclaimed treating family physician for heads of state, has successfully cured over 6,000 Covid-19 patients with a combo of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, quercetin, Vitamin C and Vitamin D as an alternative treatment resulting in a 99% survival rate.


  132. Agent76 说:

    I do not profile people by color or religion. This is just me. Review the link I posted below for understanding. I take at specific people.

    Thus, consider Vanguard and Black Rock as a monopoly that owns everything. With due diligence you will discover that the major stakeholders of this monopoly are:

    Du Pont family
    Carnegie family
    Orsini Family
    American Bush family
    British Royal family

    • 回复: @HT
  133. Primum ceneo, ut Civilis genus supersit, Americam civitatem esse delendam; deinde censo, ut humanum genus supersit, Americanam homanitatem esse delendam ;一切都已结束,世界上所有的一切都已结束,美洲的情况仍然如此,美洲的时间是迦太基的,而不是罗马的时间。

    America is the modern world’s Carthage, not Rome. History cannot resume its pace until the world map is first rid of it. America is Amaliqa, the land of Amaleq.

    Talking of Greek democracy is of no purpose, except that the only big city of antiquity that had modern-style universal suffrage among two parties, albeit both controlled by the same oligarchical families, where the judicial branch of power reigned supreme over all others, where the world stock exchange (Bursa, the first of its kind in the West) was the hub of all public life rather than an agora or a forum, which counted on foreign-recruited mercenaries first and foremost for its military ventures and where foreign-recruited immigrants were considered better citizens than old-timers, was indeed Carthage, not Athens, not Rome. Demos in Athenian Greek meant party (or class) not people, so Athens was a one-party oligarchical republic of the 3% at the very most. You inherited your right to participate from both parents like being part of Koweit’s emir’s greater tribe entitles you you to participate in political debates there while most of everything built has been built by expats who want even less themselves to participate than they are barred from any such possibility : in the same way all the monuments you still see in Athens were build by non-citizens recruited as expats. America, like Carthage, was founded by and for a semitic elite (which by the standards of nowadays would qualify as Jewish, though not those of by then) having come from the Levant to open the place to mass immigration.

    • 回复: @BAP
  134. Ann K:“实际上,将灵魂置于身体之上是一种明确的基督教异端邪说。”

    这是一个真正奇怪的解释,会导致得出耶稣本人是异端的结论,因为他不仅说出了我上面引用的那段话,而且还说出了诸如“如果你的眼睛使你跌倒,把它挖出来”之类的警告丢掉”(太 18:9),以及“如果你的手或脚使你跌倒,就把它砍下来扔掉。” (太 18:8)

    Ann K:“基督徒相信上帝创造了一切——包括物质世界——并称它为‘好的’,……”

    上帝在圣经中哪里称撒旦为“好”? 他在哪里称罪为“好”?

    Ann K:“……而且我们的身体将在来世的生活中复活。”

    从而证明我的观点,一个基督徒相信这个现在的世界和它所包含的一切(包括他的身体)是短暂的,因此基本上毫无价值。 对他来说,重要的是他寄予所有希望的虚构事物,例如他想象的“灵魂”,以及同样想象的“未来世界”。

    • 同意: Raches
    • 回复: @Raches
  135. BAP 说:
    @Francis Miville


  136. Send these migrants to Hollywood.

    They sure know the art of manipulation. But then, the Jewish-controlled media operates just like Hollywood. Send the migrants to US media. They should make for ideal hiring.

  137. ricpic 说:

    Even if one agrees with the author’s prescription: the expulsion of blacks, Jews and hispanics, it would take an absolutely dictatorial regime to accomplish those expulsions. In other words we are in the realm of fantasy.

  138. Adûnâi: “How come Islamists can profess a similarly idealist, Jewish ideology while remaining fairly firmly grounded in reality? They seem to relegate such theory to the vague background, almost like the inherently-anarchic and rootless Marxists who managed to build a relatively totalitarian state in the USSR and China.”

    Islam and Marxism aren’t any less race-blind than Christianity. It’s just that Christianity, with its hypocritical blather about love and equality, has by most measures been more successful in empire-building 到目前为止.

    Adûnâi: “… I still don’t understand how you reconcile such purely cultural approaches as in this post above with your general anarcho-primitivist point against technology.”

    I’d say you still don’t understand it because you insist on sticking to a Christianoid view of man as a special creature, uniquely endowed with “free will”. Because of that, you’re neither fully a Darwinist nor a technological determinist, whereas, as I’ve pointed out before, I think we can more properly understand biological evolution itself as a kind of evolution of technology; a battle in which Nature pits various technologies (i.e., life forms) against each other. Christianity, Islam, and Marxism are only extensions of this battle, rival technologies that share certain fundamental features in common because they’ve been proven to work; most notably, growth by assimilation (including genetic assimilation) rather than extermination. That this growth is destructive to the continued existence of discrete races is just an unfortunate side effect. Eliminate the cause, and you get rid of the side effect.

  139. Bernie 说:

    I agree that we need separation. I would settle for a red/blue separation at this point. The people in control of the US simply hate white people and want us dead or in jail (see Rittenhouse and Arbery trials).

  140. 哇,现在我什么都看到了。 一个无神论者做了一个 *改变电话* 在他自己的论文中进行宗教招募。

    [13] 现在,如果我们只能让 [安德鲁] 安格林放弃对犹太-基督教上帝和那个死去已久的犹太拉比的忠诚,他的境遇会好得多。

    来吧安迪……放下那本圣经,读我的书! 你难道不知道((得到这个))……耶稣是一个 Jeeeeeeeewwwwwww!


  141. TTSSYF 说:

    Sigh. You’re probably right. Alaska may be our only hope. Or maybe we can help Trump buy Greenland and go there.

  142. Joe Paluka 说:

    Saying that Christianity’s dead and buried is silly. It’s still and always be a strong force in the world, the only thing is that the leaders of most of our western governments think that they are the strongest force in the universe and that people are accountable to them and not God. We are living in godless times and the western world is suffering because of this. Covid and all it’s attendant problems are going to force people to return to the basics because that’s all they will have. Religious faith becomes stronger in difficult times and becomes weaker in prosperous times, it’s human nature.

    • 回复: @Francis Miville
    , @von Frey
  143. Raches 说: • 您的网站
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    永远不要浪费时间与基督徒争论神学。 基督教教义意味着任何基督徒想要他们表达的意思; 整个计划就像争论达斯维达对卢克天行者的真实意图一样富有成效。

    不要忘记,在美国禁酒期间,一些基督教传教士“证明”耶稣在最后的晚餐“真的”喝了未发酵的葡萄汁,因此完全符合第十八修正案的圣令。 (关于这一点的有趣轶事在 Archive.org 正在审查的书.) 让我们先不谈废奴主义传教士如何撒谎,并且仍然撒谎,否认新约原文希腊文明确授权奴隶制。 为奇幻电影和小说争论不休的书呆子 好像它们是真的 实际上比典型的基督徒更有意义。 ®

    • 回复: @Francis Miville
  144. HdC 说:

    It’s been my observation in my career that spans 50 years and a number of different employers including 10 years of self employment prior to retirement, that meritorious individuals are able to make any system work well. On the other hand, political appointees and those in positions due to who the know or are related to, will foul up the best operating systems, be it business or government.
    That is why I advocate that voters pick their candidate from their own socioeconomic background, with an impeccable record in business operations. And the smallest electioneering budget so as not to be beholden to any money men.
    Without a functioning meritocracy society is doomed.

    • 回复: @The_MasterWang
    , @Nancy
  145. Raches 说: • 您的网站

    有趣的是,罗马沦陷是因为人类的碎屑冲刷了边界。 我记得是白日耳曼部落越过罗马边界摧毁了罗马。

    那是伪历史,显然在另类右翼的胸部中流传。 请参阅此处的讨论:


    在移民和无法繁殖之间,罗马人有效地取代了自己 几个世纪以来 在您所指的帝国晚期之前。 但我想将某些事情归咎于德国人总是很时髦的。

    黑人妥协了,就像美国的 12%,犹太人大约 2%。 那么怎么可能一切都归咎于黑人或犹太人。 问题在于大多数美国人口,即白人。

    在这里, 我基本同意你的看法。  白人需要 承担责任,并停止像一堆福利案件一样抱怨他们是如何受到压迫的。 这是只适合于的行为 Eine Minderwertige Rasse.

    如果雅利安人没有给犹太人权力,犹太人就什么都不是! 除了一些值得注意的例外,犹太人都是缺乏创造力的人。 典型的“反犹主义者”在谈到犹太人时就好像犹太人是某种全能的超人种族——或者也许, 仿佛耶和华的神选宠物真的是神族. 停下来! 把犹太人切成小块。 让我们甚至不说 有触发器的押韵. 如果你的奴隶因为你自己社会的弱点征服了你,那么谁是天生的奴隶,谁才是他们真正的主人?

    如果雅利安人开始表现得像真正的雅利安人,那么他们就可以像希特勒统治下的德国人一样控制局面。 等一下。 谁结束了这一切?  白种人。  最坏的人是最好的最危险的敌人。

    当白人拥有了 世界观 的强者。 这需要文化变革。 它需要根除民主病,并确认贵族原则为自然法则。 最重要的是,它需要摆脱 基督教的种族毒药——许多其他问题的根源,最重要的是平等主义、现代民主和(根据未来的博客文章)女权主义。 ®

  146. Anon[254]• 免责声明 说:

    Are you trying to enter again from Poland ?

  147. anon[275]• 免责声明 说:

    At the simplest level, we could retain elections for officeholders but permit only the wiser—smarter, more educated, more accomplished—individuals to vote. It could be very basic: require that voters earn a college degree, for example; or score above average on an IQ test; or distinguish themselves in some other relevant way

    America is already ruled by an aristocracy. These modern day aristocrats are the graduates of our elite universities. The graduates of these colleges that used to only accept rich WASPs went on to lead all the institutions in this country, from politics to business, education, law, media, entertainment, publishing. The Jews know from early on that education is where the battle is, which is why they worked hard to take over these elite universities starting in the 70’s.

    The nation’s top 12 universities – the Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, UChicago, Duke, are all run by Jews. In addition to training all the leaders of other universities and US society, these schools are also the origin of all the left wing lunacy. Whatever these schools do, all others follow. All of America’s problems begin with our elite universities. For America to survive, our universities need to burn to the ground, starting with the elites. We need to pass a law to make these left wing hypocrites eat their own bullshit by admitting 100% black students as reparation, until such time as black and Jewish wealth reach parity.

    Education is not a competition. But in this country, we made it a competition through the concept of elite universities. The competition to get into these colleges distorts the value of our society from the start. Instead of teaching our children to learn for learning’s sake, we teach them to get good grades so they can get into an elite college, so they can go on to an elite career in a lucrative field like law, finance, consulting, IT, politics, and make a fortune, that is the definition of success, a good life. These elite colleges serve as the golden handcuffs for our youth, to trap them into aspirations of financial success as definition of success in life. As a result, our best and brightest are the most willing to sell their soul, say what they need to say, do what they need to do to get there so they are not seen as failures.

    The Jews understood this well. These are the people who got rich selling fruit flavored tobacco to the austere Dutch in the 1600’s, seduced them with gluttony, then built huge mansions on prime riverfront properties in Amsterdam to entice the austere Dutch into wanting the same. That is always their way. By selling sin — tobacco, drugs, alcohol, gambling, prostitution, pornography, you can always make a buck by appealing to the lowest common denominator. Once they get rich, flaunt their wealth through ostentation – the luxury mansions, private jets, yachts, jewelry, expensive clothes, expensive restaurants, luxury hotels. Make the gentiles all want what you have, then they’ll willingly sell their soul to get these beautiful things you dangle in front of them.

    The elite universities are the country club where the Jews recruit and train our best and brightest to do their bidding. To save America, begin by burning all our elite universities to the ground. Make them live up to their own left wing hypocrisy of equality for all by admitting 100% black, until black and Jewish wealth reach parity. We all know what will happen to these schools once they become 100% black, but the Jews who run these schools will have us think otherwise, let them eat cake.

    • 回复: @Francis Miville
  148. @Mr Anatta



    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
  149. @Anonymous


    Don’t need to. I don’t live in that shithole.

    Time to learn Mandarin. Your future landlord will give you discount on your rent.

  150. Just a coincidence. LOL

  151. @Joe Paluka

    It turns out that it far from true : in two remarkable examples, India (traditional) and America, the richer you are the more prone you are, statistically, to indulge in religious activities, both as an ostentation of your success before God and local established churches, and also as a more authentic quest for some sort of personal experience of your own related to the supernatural. In India the correlation is exceptionally strong : belief in gods, or in the Abrahamic God, that doesn’t matter, go on a par with economic success, as if divinity and money were two close facets of the same thing, actually a direct contact with the supernatural is seen as a passport to rob riches from the great unwashed and unbathed. Even in the case of those Jews this site makes into a duty of denouncing day after day for their civilization-destroying propaganda and their heavy-duty selling of atheism, it happens that these Jews are the most faithful and active practicers of either Judaism either of some more exotic religion they might have adopted or invented as a means to write best-sellers about it. On the other hand agnosticism and serious doubts about the seriousness of belief in religion have always been rife in both country among the economically disoriented or the bohemian too educated for their level of fortune. What you should have said is that such a religiosity as is promoted by the rich to celebrate their success or to enjoy the luxury of a supernatural life or also to feel entitled as an elect to ruin your country for your soul and your group, cannot but bequeath more and more misery to the country at large and to the future generations.

  152. @HdC

    A meritocracy is inherently doomed. People who are good at doing their jobs can’t compete with people who are good at installing themselves in high positions. A democracy makes it all the more likely.

    • 回复: @BAP
    , @Miro23
    , @littlereddot
  153. von Frey 说:


  154. @Generalfeldmarschall von Hindenburg



    例如,新加坡曾经是一个贫穷的第三世界国家,人均GDP与加纳相同。 50年后,它超过了美国。韩国也有同样的趋势,中国也越来越如此。那么这是一种基于种族的现象吗?人们很容易这么想。

    Then we look at the recent impressive development of Rwanda after their devastating genocidal civil war. They have ambitions to be the “Singapore of Africa” and instituted policies to achieve it matched with will and discipline.

    Incidentally Singapore in its early years had the also ambition to be the “Switzerland of SE Asia”, and it too adopted policies to achieve it, also matched with will and discipline.


  155. @Raches

    You refer mostly to Saint Paul : he authorized and even sanctified slave employment relationships only when they were already in place, in the hope they might gradually transform into more amicable employer and employee relationships, but he also prohibited enslavement of free people, even oneself, on any circumstance, as well as slave-trading and acquisition of new slaves : they were part of the trades, usury being the first and foremost, that were strictly prohibited to all Christians, both as merchant and mere customer. You could neither open a pawn shop nor pawn your goods for money without committing a sin sanctioned by excommunication, neither have any dealing with slave trade or prostitution. This reputation of Christianity as a particularly slavery-friendly religion is like Catholic Christianity’s more recent reputation as the religion of pedophilia par excellence : it is made up by the academia in as much as it falls under Jewish influence. Both Judaism and Islam authorize slave-making and slave-trading when it comes to people outside the fold. The Hindu religion, as a prime representative of what would have existed in Europe but for the advent of Christianity, postulates that many people are natural born slaves by essence.

  156. BAP 说:



  157. von Frey 说:
    @Joe Paluka







    • 回复: @Katrinka
    , @Francis Miville
  158. Anonymous[414]• 免责声明 说:


    Let’s suppose that beliefs are exposed by actions, the “revealed preference” methodology. Marx pretty much invented “capitalism” as a concept, and generally described it as control of society by controlling the means of production (capital goods, labor, business). He pointed out that the controllers were not aristocrats or peasants, but rather “the bourgeoise. Bourgeoise are townies, people who work for a living by managing private businesses. Note the similarity to the “oriental despotism” theory of Wittefogal, who said that whoever controlled the irrigation system of irrigation dependent agricultural societies also controlled the entire society.

    One of the Marxist’s themes in the US was that the Capitalists had industrialized, and now the smart people (Marxists) would take control and run the industries better, and for the good of all. In the US, the theme of taking over a deserted mansion and happily living in it was a literary metaphor for the takeover of industry, and the “mixed economy” a way of taking control of industry while running it better than could its participants.

    However, Marxist practice has had very little to do with capital goods, labor, or business. USSR communists lost control of Russia because they did not understand capital goods, labor, or business. These things just were not of interest to Communists. They could not support their own workforce, and their manufacturing sector transformed valuable raw materials into unsalable artifacts and unusable military weapons. Eventually (late 1980s), they were rejected by their base society.

    Nor were capital goods, labor, or business of interest to the Western / US “mixed economy” politicians, who de-industrialized the United States. After 2021 the Afghanistan debacle ended any US influence in Asia, and after the 2021 effective disengagement from NATO in favor of AKUS (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/09/15/joint-leaders-statement-on-aukus/) the military dominance that had let the US live off the rest of the world ended, and the US is likely to recapitulate the USSR of the 1980s.

    What was of interest to Communists and “mixed economy” supporters was (and is) destroying competent people — anybody who claimed autonomy, an ability to manage his or her own affairs, anybody who might possibly be capable of existing outside of an authoritarian state. Successful farmers, engineers, businessmen, even Party members, were the target. Since the Communists said and perhaps believed that “capitalists” were their only victims, it follows that the “capitalists” were autonomous and competent individuals. Much the same people were victims in the “mixed economy”.

    The contemporary US system has been a bit softer than Communism, but targets the same people. In the West, the idea is more to enslave the capitalists than to kill them.

    They tell you to study hard, work hard, and obey the law.
    Then they give your money to people who do none of these things.

    and this one, which rephrases the same thought:

    From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs

    And that’s what Marxist practice reveals “capitalism” to mean: the set of all humans who can exist independently of politics. Therefore: the only people who have something that politicians can take.

  159. BAP 说:

    但揭露其可疑的起源、其对犯罪、精神疾病和战争的贡献、可疑的成员……可能会帮助一些人更好地理解它。过去几年我在 /pol/ 中尝试在一些帮助下这样做

  160. HT 说:

    The old money you cite in Blackrock like Rockefeller and Dupont is just trust funds and the like. They have no interest in the management of Blackrock. They are just dead people and their worthless descendants. Jewocracy kingpin Larry Fink calls the shots at Blackrock.

  161. @anon

    I would not only close down all universities in the US but instate very stringent affirmative action programs for those who never went there and criminalize any requirement or preference for graduates from these institutions. Having made any fortune from these institutions should be shamed like having got rich through negro slave trade. The only exception I would make would be for those who engage in superior studies related to their own religion or under their own religion’s close supervision. Jews should not be allowed to teach anywhere else than to believers in their own thing, so as Catholics and Hindus. I would consider certain brands of Marxism to be religions, though, in the same way Satanism is. But if you belong to a religion you solemnly renounce to all others and you have no business teaching anything to anybody outside your fold nor learning anything from anybody outside your fold : if you are a Marxist you cannot teach to people outside the party. If you do or teach yoga, you have to be a Hindu first, unless you do it for completely free with no formal degree in sight. When you get a degree in anything from a teaching institution attached to a religion you cannot be hired by anybody outside your religion while prevailing of your degree and formation given by that religion. In the best case you have to pass again the exams as given by your prospective boss’s religion’s teaching institution on the condition your conversion to that new religion is serious. If you come from Hindu India even after having been taught by secular institutions you cannot get employed in the US by a Protestant or a Jew unless you first convert very seriously to that particular form of Protestantism or Judaism. Secular humanism is not a valid religion as such though it is a valid opinion that can be taught as part of the curriculum of open-minded religions, in the same way music is not a religion though it is a valid art that can be taught as part of a religious practice. But all these stringent requirements I am listing I intend to make graduate studies as we know them outlawed for the most part and nearly all teaching institutions to close down.

  162. Johan 说:

    The house is in decline not because of old age, but because democracy equals decline. Democracy is the rule of the corrupt and the incompetent, it is endless mob rule, a tyranny of mediocrity, and constant destruction of culture and tradition guided by a long list of demagogues. To compare a culture with a house is a bad analogy though. A culture can have a birth period which can last centuries, a flowering period of centuries, and a decline period which can last for centuries. The US could have been the world’s highly cultured guiding light, but its culture went into corruption and decline far before it could flourish, dragging a great deal of the world down with it.
    Anyway, it is refreshing to see the all ruling religion of democracy being attacked. To add a few names to those who were against democracy: Voltaire and Rousseau. Aside of those there were many many other venerable an intelligent historical men (revolutionaries) who were against democracy (democratic propaganda has ‘filtered’ all that).
    All contemporary ‘democratic houses’ are currently corrupt, ruled by the incompetent, they are all culturally dying, if not next to dead already. It is merely a global propaganda of technological glamour and futurism which keeps it hidden from sight.

    The religion of democracy appears about all ruling, it is by far the most pervasive intensive contemporary brainwashing operation, perhaps even without historical precedent.

    • 同意: HdC
  163. Anonymous[414]• 免责声明 说:
    @Mr Anatta



  164. Katrinka 说:
    @von Frey

    The New Testament predicted a falling away. I Timothy 4:1. The “gates of hell” failed. Revelation 1:18.

  165. @von Frey

    If the gates of hell have triumphed over any church, it means that such a church never was legitimate the very day of its inception, as that is the case of all American religions such as Calvinism the day they touch ground on American soil : they were all heresies from the Pilgrim fathers onwards. The gates of hell haven’t prevailed over the Catholic Church while it was extant but the Catholic Church just renounced to most of its members during the Vatican II council, judging that nobody would listen and be saved anyway if they went on teaching : so they allowed an antipope (John XXIII) to seduce away all souls he could while a very little number went on underground with the true doctrine, mostly in Portugal and Portuguese speaking countries. Since 1960 the Catholic Church has opted to become underground again and what is now not underground, as for instance the New church that took over the buildings in Rome, is always heretical : anyway the use of modern media such as daily newspapers, theatre or film, even for the propaganda of true religious ideas, is a mortal sin. In any form of spectacular society where films and over-education are not strictly prohibited the Catholic church cannot exist any more than in a prostitution house (actually it is worse). A saint that doesn’t flee by instinct all cameras pointing at him or her (as all traditional peasants used to do without being taught in all previous civilizations) proves by that very fact to be rather a Hell’s Angel. When a church decides to go underground you don’t force her back into the open, that’s her decision and what she demands from you is the respect of its secrecy she needs for that particular phase of her work.

  166. GenFranco 说:
    @Reality is Self Related


    但它很幽默,我会说这么多。 祝你老婆好运。

  167. GenFranco 说:
    @Mr Anatta

    我相信水牛队很感激你在 2021 年站在他们一边。我知道我代表这里的每一个人说我们感谢你不断提醒我们你在我们其他人的左边,你喜欢每一个种族,除了你自己的.


    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
  168. anon[117]• 免责声明 说:

    It’s actually somewhat disturbing that people have to bash America like this. People either think the US is an absolutely awful place that should be scorned with every second or their free time, or the best society in history by far that’s above any criticism at all. Both are dishonest and misguided ways of looking at things, and should be discounted.

    The US is a great country, let’s be completely clear though, great doesn’t mean perfect, nor does it mean the US doesn’t have things that need to be rectified, this seems to be what the bash-america crowd fails to understand.

    1. Geography for starters, the US quite literally hit the geographic jackpot, as it’s surrounded by two large oceans, and is far away from any country that could be threatening.

    2. The US adopted the best parts of the British system, like common law, that allowed it to grow as a stable country. British style capitalism also allowed the US to grow wealthy.

    3. The American people themselves are a great group of people overall, and people don’t tend to realize it, but are some of the most giving people on the planet. Everyone in the US for the most part is, or has ancestors that came from somewhere else, which brought a wide variety of experiences to the country, and enriched it to a degree that cannot be overstated.

    Because of these, America today is a large country with a high standard of living, and a pretty good system overall, though obviously as the bash-americas are going to point out in the comments, it’s not a perfect country, nonetheless, it’s one we should all be thankful to be from.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  169. @Anonymous

    Rome didn’t fall to the Germanic tribes : Rome moved to Constantinople (in just a few years Rome passed from more than one million to less than 50 000 while Constantinople went from 50 000 to 600 000), as Rome’s site was getting uninhabitable due to malaria from the nearby spreading Pontine marshes nobody knew how to drain, and the fruitful business to be done was concentrated in that sunnier and healthier part of the empire. I was like moving the American capital city from DC to Colorado Springs, which any honest head of state would do right away so as to leave the marshes of DC to the black mobsters and eventually sell the land to some African country or ME Emirate when real estate prices have crumbled down to below zero.

  170. GenFranco 说:


    无论如何,您在这篇文章上花费了太多精力。 它甚至不聪明。 重读它并感到羞耻。

  171. anon[117]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    USA has several things going for it:

    1. USA is the world’s largest economy by nominal GDP. (Unfortunately, not by GDP PPP.) Immigrants flock to America for economic opportunities.
    2. USA has the world’s largest military. Its ability to project military power around the globe is second to none.
    3. USA has the best technology, especially in the areas of semiconductors, medicine, and space.
    4. USA has some of the best universities in the world.
    5. USA has massive global cultural influence, especially in language, movies, music, sports, etc.

    However, to call USA one of the greatest countries in the world on the above basis would be a real stretch. America is beset by many, many, many severe domestic problems. Nonetheless, the doom-and-gloom scenario presented in articles like these are disingenuous.

    Thomas Dalton is clearly a Russian agent.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  172. denk 说:
    @Critical Thinking

    1) Reduce the population so that what remains can continue some type of Western consumption/life style in balance with a sustainable rate of the planet’s renewal of resources

    减少 黄色 population …

    The original thinker
    He predicted the rise of China ….


    中国的人口肯定有七亿八亿,没人知道有多少,但无论如何很快就会有十亿。 世界上每一个白皮肤的人就有两个中国人…… 有传言说所有国家都在悬赏儿童以提高出生率,但被算术家们嘲笑和鄙视,他们指出中国在这方面太遥远了。朝着那个方向前进。

    Where have we heard that before? Smugly, China’s Emperor basically told the world, “Come and get us!” The Western nations set aside their differences and mobilized. The mission was for containment. 生物战做了肮脏的工作——一个相当严峻的结局。






    It’s my guess, America died about the time of WW2. From then on we’ve been an empire.

    Massachusetts Senator Henry Cabot

    “We have a record of conquest, colonization and expansion unequaled by any people in the Nineteenth century. We are not about to be curbed now.=

    They’ve never looked back since… [2]

    Agent76 ↑

    自 93 年以来,美国 222% 的时间都处于战争状态——239 年中有 1776 年

    tHAts another popular myth.
    They didnt account for all those covet wars….coups, assasinations, destabilisations, terrorism [cue the UIghurs death squads etc etc], deadly war games….

    America Has Been At War 100% of the Time since 1776



    The Australian Jewish lobby certainly has the ear of both major parties who when told to jump just ask how high . It’s pretty well acknowledged that their loyalty is to israel but some gentiles are apparently quite OK with this

    真的吗 ?

    FUKUS certainly has the ear of both major parties who when told to jump just ask how high . It’s pretty well acknowledged that their loyalty is to London/Washington but most gentiles are apparently quite OK with this<




    FUS Must Die—So That the world




    • 谢谢: littlereddot
  173. @Reality is Self Related


    Don’t forget the guns. Guns are therapeutic. The make the owner feel real powerful!

  174. I think the title needs to be fixed.

    It should be corporate america needs to die so the american republic can live. Corporate america includes the current political class, all of them.

  175. anon[771]• 免责声明 说:

    More moronic racist fantasies. Did this retard forget that Aztlan is many Hispanic’s country of origin? That’s only one of the many errors in this article. Is this all the White race is capable of? Maybe we already do live in an aristocracy of the best and brightest. The ones who are Chosen for greatness, if you will.

  176. @Anon

    No, it’s post-Scipion’s Carthage. It will be burned down all over. Every God is had adored (Biblical God, Jyaysus, demockracy, multiculturalism…) will be remembered as a demon in the new Pantheon to come. All its works of art, if you dare call that art, will be destroyed like so many voodoo dolls. All languages to come will take a great care not to borrow a single word from what used to be English. Only some technical works about computers, skyscraper controlled demolition or airplane construction will be retained. All other kind of book and film will be erased or burned with utter religious care. I hope there is no hope of a Renaissance for America because America is Carthage’s Renaissance, not Rome’s. Actually Carthage ended up, once everybody was sure that no single object made by former Carthaginians had escaped the thrash fire, quite rapidly 100% rebuilt as a more-Roman-than-Rome city, unilingually Latin like Rome couldn’t be, and Greeker than Alexandria by architecture : Hannibalistic Carthage had looked like old Mecca or Sanaa. If the Scipion to come is to come from China Chinese will be the only urban language while the local crowd and hillbillies working in the fields will be allowed Spanish. If he is a Muslim conqueror it will be classical Arabic for the citizens and Spanish for the dhimmis. Absolutely nobody regretted the blotting out of Carthage and of its culture from the world map, even the Phoenicians that still went on with their trade and cognate language, whereas when Rome fell everybody and especially the Germanic conquerors cried over such a civilization that was being lost, but went on flourishing actually at grassroots level, as the Romance language countries never ceased to be toured and imitated by all.

    • 回复: @Jack McArthur
  177. @anon

    America isn’t too bad a place to live I give you that. The problem is how America relates to the world

    It has 5% of the worlds population and consumes 20% of its resources

    It has an economic system based on taxing the rest of the world. This is through the Petrodollar/reserve currency system, and is enforced my the US military, which is in turn supported by a population wilfully oblivious that this is happening

    It has spent virtually all its existence in war. 239 out 244 years, the last time I checked it up. No other country comes close. Americans don’t realise how militaristic and warlike their country is.

    It says China and Russia are aggressive countries. Yet Russia has 21 and China has 1 overseas military base compared with the US that has upwards of 700.

    The US spends on its military as much as the next 15 countries combined, and that includes its allies.

    The US, refusing to abide by international law, now invents a new term “rules based order”….ie. I make the rules, you follow my orders.

    When foreigners ( I will not speak for the Americans) criticise the USA, it is not because it is a bad place per se, but because while it is so flawed, has no self awareness, zero humility, but instead casts itself as the Shining City on the Hill and saviour of mankind, deeming that others do its will otherwise be sanctioned/bombed “back to the stone age”.

    • 同意: Arthur MacBride
    • 回复: @denk
    , @Anon
  178. @anon

    America was from day 1 the epitome of an extractive society, with vast expanses of land like the West had never known suddenly being transformed in resource “belts” as they called them : this is the very proof that most of the land and population existed only for extraction’s sake, even though they were then being bribed into the system with high salaries. With the conquest of the Wild West as the one real foundational event you can’t expect any other kind of sequel. The constitution was written to make Europeans dream when French money in particular was badly needed, not to be believed in by Americas. Valuing the US constitution is like valuing Stalin’s constitution for USSR which was indeed the most democratic and humanistic ever in the world. Upward mobility was more important in the Ottoman Empire, to the point the Turks themselves were the rookies in armies where only the riffraff from Italy, Greece, Albania, Syria… could expect to rise one after another and impose their language such as Italian as the one orders were given in to the army. The Ottomans, extractive though they were, never went as far as to call Maghreb the crushed durum belt and Egypt the cane belt.

    • 回复: @anon
  179. Ford 说:
    @Michael Korn

    Your idea i think is absolutely right. We already have what he described its just that we are the slaves ! They follow no religious morals per say and we have the illusion of voting but they actually have the voting rights with there wealth! Great point

  180. Amarok 说:




  181. denk 说:

    It has an economic system based on taxing the rest of the world. This is through the Petrodollar/reserve currency system, and is enforced my the US military, which is in turn supported by a population wilfully oblivious that this is happening

    MIC, Big Oil, War street, had their fun,
    its BIg PHarma’s turn now…

    Pfizer reportedly asked governments in Argentina and Brazil to put up sovereign assets, including military bases and federal bank reserves, as collateral for potential future legal costs.

    Although most countries have offered indemnity to vaccine manufacturers in the pandemic, these Latin American government officials felt Pfizer’s demands went beyond those of other companies or the COVAX facility.

    According to government officials in Argentina and the unnamed country, Pfizer asked for liability protection not only against civil claims from citizens who suffer serious adverse events after being vaccinated, but also for cases brought due to Pfizer’s own negligence, fraud or malice. Documents from Brazil’s Ministry of Health suggest that Pfizer made similar demands of the Brazilian government.


    • 谢谢: littlereddot
  182. @ghali

    OMG! You’re talking about Cambodia and Laos: quiet little countries that posed no threat to the US, bombed mercilessly by that “american” Jewish freak Kissinger. Or maybe Korea, Japan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan, and all those other Asian countries attacked by the psychopath USA.

  183. AReply 说:

    骄傲男孩领袖要求提前释放监狱条件 | 华盛顿特区


    但是,道尔顿的整篇文章是一个红鲱鱼,因为“平等”,就像在美国宪法中一样,是对最低要求的观察。 IOW 平等是美国最起码的愿望,因为他们认为自由是人类精神成长的底线,而不是禁止的进步上限。 当不需要为达到它而奋斗时,你就会知道底线终于达到了,当最低限度是生命、自由和对幸福的追求,而不是通过压抑其他人来保护少数人的特权时。 想要看到一个更美好的世界,让底层成为一个你不介意生活的地方,实现美国梦。 至于最终被其他白人的贪婪所吞噬的白人,欢迎来到上帝天意的威严。

  184. Raches: “Never waste your time arguing theology with a Christian. Christian doctrines mean whatever Christians want them to mean; and the whole enterprise is as productive as arguing over Darth Vader’s true intentions towards Luke Skywalker.”

    Well said, and at times I’ve made similar remarks. However, as Professor Oliver observes somewhere, most Christians have never actually read the Bible, and I think it can be useful to showcase their ignorance. Not because it is likely to change their minds, but to advance the cause of stamping out Christian superstitions in the culture generally. Also, I love to vex Christians, if only to see the tortured logic they have to use to justify their absurdities. I doubt if I’ll get any such reward here though. I’m not expecting a reasoned reply from Ann K, because I don’t think she’s given the topic much thought. If she had she wouldn’t have blurted out such obvious nonsense. I suspect she’s one of those non-Bible-reading Christians the professor was referring to.

    Christianity is, as I’ve commented elsewhere, the Swiss Army knife of religions; a technique one can apply to virtually any situation. That’s a large part of the reason it’s been so successful. As you observe, it means whatever its votaries want it to mean, even when those things are diametrically opposed. But something that can mean anything really means nothing at all. Therefore, any “essence” it may appear to have is illusory. Its longevity as a religion is only a testament to the immortal qualities of human stupidity, greed, and hypocrisy.

    • 同意: littlereddot, RVBlake
    • 回复: @Jack McArthur
  185. anon[282]• 免责声明 说:
    @Francis Miville

    Before the civil war, Americans were generally wealthier than the average European (including Englishmen in England) in terms of income and property rights, this can only be because American society wasn’t as extractive to their citizenry in contrast to European and other noneuropean societies. You’re pivoting by mentioning the conquest of the west, the right of conquest is a right given to any conqueror, don’t like it then conquer the land back as the Spaniards did in the reconqiusta. Even with the robber baron thieves America was still the place to live and work in because you can with hard work make something of yourself which wasn’t the case at all for 19th century Ottoman Empire, or England.

    • 同意: HdC
    • 回复: @Francis Miville
  186. anon[410]• 免责声明 说:

    2 recent articles try to sum up the questions and the solutions that the author is trying also to identify, define and solve.

    Two articles in NY Times in Counterpunch :
    https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/29/opinion/normal-politics-gilded-age.html?searchResultPosition=1 , and the rejoinder to the article by Bacevich https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/11/17/the-last-progressive-biden-and-illusions-of-normalcy/

    touch upon the tumultuous period from 1860 to 1900 or 1920.

    One offers hope because it did not kill then and unlikely to kill now
    Second combs through the reasoning against the current situations and finds the hope unimpressive and unwarranted .

    There were dislocations and disruptions of lives on a much severe scale and scoring much higher than today’s same problems .Racism, poverty, and violence were regular fixtures between 1860 to 1920 and would continue to haunt until 1950.
    Do we have reason to hope that we will be able to act out the old past and reenact our previous existential solutions ? Bacevich looks gloomily and finds no hope nor offers a solution .
    It is interesting that we tend to think that repeat (of turn around) is possible just because we have seen it all before and survived .

    The world was waiting to be picked easily by America in 1900 . American geographical march with bountiful resources to the west was just getting started .
    America survived because rest of the world collapsed or made to collapse by USA .

    This time is different.There is no external weakness, opportunism ,and affection that America can monetize or weaponize . America cant export its internal problmes .America cant import the veneer of some kind of exceptionalism and superiority that can glue the races together at home and hide or suppress the fault lines at home.


  187. Anon[357]• 免责声明 说:

    Boycott the all ‘elite’ institutions; especially the elite universities. Don’t quote their graduates, academics, nor give them any positive mention among your circle.

    Say something like ‘xYZ used to be a solid school but in the last 30 years it’s really gone downhill. It’s resting on its laurels now’

    Signed a double Ivy; undergrad and professional school. (47 years ago) As an aside, I can tell you very few of my classmates sent their children to their Alma Maters. It’s a unspoken topic that our Alama Maters are to be boycotted.

  188. Mr Anatta 说:






    • 回复: @littlereddot
  189. Anon[982]• 免责声明 说:

    So what if 5% of the worlds population consumes 20% of its resources?

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  190. Mr Anatta 说:



  191. Mr Anatta 说:



    • 回复: @Amarok
  192. @Anon

    So what if 5% of the worlds population consumes 20% of its resources?

    How generous you are.

    I suppose you are one of those who don’t mind that the small Jewish population of the USA owns a disproportionate amount of wealth and power?

    Your prophet taught you this…..What goes around comes around.

    What you do to the world, returns to you eventually.

    Only he used different terminology: Do unto others what ye would have them do unto you.

    He wasn’t teaching airy fairy moral principles. He was teaching real life laws of nature.

  193. @Mr Anatta




    The times I tried weed, I didn’t like it too much. It felt dim, dense and oppressive. A part of the lower astral realm perhaps? Maybe I wasn’t ready for it.

    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
    , @Mr Anatta
  194. Mr Anatta 说:


    如果你对完全、轻松地屈服于植物医学所需的适当冥想感兴趣,那么 adyashanti 确实通过他的“休息作为意识”冥想得到了它,我已经好几年没有看过了,但他确实有你的管视频。

    • 谢谢: littlereddot
  195. @Anon

    你会看到白人愚蠢的白痴种族主义医生统治和占据他们在洛约拉、拉什或杜克等医院不配的职位。 你会看到耶鲁、哈佛、卡内基梅隆、匹兹堡或密歇根大学的教授无能,但因为白人种族而崛起。 在多样性模因中,少数族裔被要求相互竞争,并保持白人的权利完整和持久。


  196. Mr Anatta 说:


    • 回复: @littlereddot
  197. HR 说:


    • 回复: @Rocha
  198. Rocha 说:

    现代民主是在他们建立英格兰银行的同一天发明的,这样公民就不能违背所谓的代议制政府以他们的名义与私人银行家签订的债务,他们在部分准备金制度下凭空变出金钱。 您投票以确认您作为债务抵押品的地位。
    他们还引入了所得税,以便政府总能有钱支付这些虚拟债务的利息。 从劳动创造的实际财富中支付的利息。
    他们还禁止独立的金匠运作,这样他们的欺诈性纸币发行骗局就没有竞争了。 9/11 事件背后的同样原因是入侵利比亚和暗杀卡扎菲,后者提议铸造一种基于黄金的新货币第纳尔。
    自 1694 年英格兰银行成立以来,此后的每一场战争和革命都是以提倡民主的愤世嫉俗的幌子将这种邪恶的制度强加于世界其他地区。
    封锁和新冠病毒骗局是银行家们希望为这个系统注入更多活力的手段,因为民主已经奴役了我们 300 年。

    • 同意: Arthur MacBride
  199. 白人民族主义者有一个巨大的问题。 我不是在谈论这个网站上的假犹太复国主义特工,而是像道尔顿这样真正有智慧的人:为什么要把黑人和犹太人,受害者和加害者归为同一类? 有人恐吓你,掠夺你所有的权力和金钱,接管你所有的机构,让你陷入灾难性的战争,破坏你社会的道德结构,腐蚀你所有的领导人,让你哭泣寻求帮助。 你恐吓的另一个人,剥夺了他们的一切,摧毁了他们的性格和人性,征服了无法形容的人,你让他们哭着寻求帮助。

    如果你想摆脱加害者,因为他恐吓你,为什么要把受害者和你的加害者放在同一类? 是因为他让你想起你的罪恶和犯罪,还是白人民族主义者永远无法逃脱恐怖大师的潜意识信息的力量,将白人民族主义者推入种族战争,而不是将国家从大师的残酷中解放出来-霸主?

  200. Rocha 说:

    自由主义是异端邪说。 美国将被摧毁,因为它建立在自由主义的异端之上。 有各种教皇通谕谴责自由主义,更具体地说,谴责美国主义。

  201. Erzberger 说:
    @Jack McArthur

    “It would take divine intervention of the most spectacular kind to save it and there is no sign of that.“

    Well, there’s Covid.

    Who or what was responsible for the sudden appreciation of hitherto unappreciated contributors to what you call a “harmonious society” – nurses, garbage collectors, truckers, grocery store staff etc etc – all were suddenly subject to standing ovations, and praise for the essential work they do.

    That’s quite an achievement for what many here view as a hoax for the purpose of restricting people’s freedom, or some bioweapon designed for nefarious purposes.

    If climate change is not a signal to curb greed, I don’t know what is. Also declared a hoax, of course, by people who would like to stick with their old ways: greed, capitalism, waste, conspicuous consumption, and who are simultaneously attacking greed and capitalism as sth inflicted on them by a certain tribe of a certain religion. For which they bear no responsibility, and have no other recourse but hoping for divine intervention.

    It’s already here. Cities are burning around the globe. And I am not talking about BLM riots. But go on focus on the latter, much lesser problem. It’s a useful distraction for sticks in the mud.

    • 回复: @Jack McArthur
  202. Miro23 说:

    A meritocracy is inherently doomed. People who are good at doing their jobs can’t compete with people who are good at installing themselves in high positions. A democracy makes it all the more likely.

    Park Chung Hee came to this conclusion in S. Korea. He initially expected politicians/political parties to align themselves with his national development objectives when they were given back freedom but found that it didn’t work:

    “Political parties activities were permitted to introduce conscientious political activities which enabled conscientious politicians to take steps to take over government. But it was indeed surprising to see their resurgence, their old shape had not changed one bit.

    旧的邪恶现在复活了。 他们已经休息了,变胖了,变得更强壮了。 ”

    “国家、革命和我”朴正熙,1962 年,Hollym Corporation:出版社,首尔,韩国

  203. Petr P. 说:



    • 回复: @littlereddot
    , @Amarok
  204. imnobody00 说:

    “是的,一开始它名义上是一个“基督教国家”,但在创始人中很少有人是虔诚的——帕特里克·亨利、塞缪尔·亚当斯和约翰·杰伊是例外——大多数是持怀疑态度的信徒或自然神论者,如果不是功能性无神论者。 ”

    是的,但群众是基督徒。 并且比欧洲群众更虔诚(参见“美国的民主”)。 这就是维持一个功能失调的政治体系的原因,例如开国元勋创造的政治体系。 基督教消失后,政治体制的功能失调开始在现实生活中表现出来。

    “我们的宪法只是为有道德和宗教信仰的人制定的。 这对任何其他政府来说都是完全不够的。” 约翰亚当斯。


    “我们销售的刀仅用于切割黄油等柔软的东西。 它完全不足以切割任何其他东西”


    • 回复: @Francis Miville
  205. @anon

    Many Americans were wealthier because of the resources and vast expanses of land made room for a much larger landowning or at least house-owning class. But the structure was extractive nevertheless. Actually, by that time you mention (Civil war and just after) Argentina seemed to do even better, together with Southern Brazil. As soon as the Frontier was closed for lack of space (a process that took time to complete), as soon as land became the scarcer commodity as is the normal condition of all human history, that was it and the American people lost because the illusion of infinite resources during the time of the Frontier, which took a long time to taper out to 100%, people neglected the necessity to develop political consciousness and considered only their own individual fate when dealing with the government however tyrannical.

    You have never been supposed as an American to care for the welfare of the great whole but only for that yourself and your closed ones and maybe your tribe, a mentality which in Europe rather characterizes narco-regions such as Sicily. The sad thing is that when you look carefully at what the Founding Fathers of the original institutions really wanted that was a collection of such egoisms and tribalisms indeed : the checks and balances were there to make sure that power would never escape the clutches of an unnamed but always present patrician class knowing each other, and in particular to prevent any brillant personality from without first to get there second to change the game. This translated into the fact that lobbying was always considered as normal and but rarely called for what it is : corruption. The proof of it is that whenever American influence exerted itself outside the US as a political model to get inspiration from (and not only as an imperial power to get backing from in exchange of goods or treason) it was ALWAYS in the direction of a state growing more and more mafia-oriented through the de facto legalization of corruption : the emerging of the Southern Italian mafia state was a most direct and purposely willed American decision completed during WWII (though prepared from long before) : it has nothing to do with anything specifically Italian or Sicilian.

    • 同意: nokangaroos
  206. @Erzberger

    古代世界有一个例子,瘟疫国的统治者承认他们受到惩罚是因为他的父亲违反了与埃及的神圣协议。 我还没有认为 Covid 是一种拯救设计的神圣行为,因为在我所能看到的最好的情况下,它已经放大并奖励了贪婪的商人。 如果它有任何神圣的背景,那么它似乎更像是离开这个怪胎表演继续自我毁灭,即保护被移除。


    I do not have an opinion on climate change because I do not know enough about the science behind it. I do know that the fall of the longest(?) lasting era of civilized nation state (Old Kingdom Ancient Egypt) is commonly thought to have been precipitated by climate change. Going much further back the “Cave of Swimmers” evidences a much more dramatic climate change – a change which some think gave birth to Ancient Egypt through migration to the Nile Valley from the once verdant Sahara.

    你倒数第二段剩余部分的意思对我来说是不连贯的。 如果你的意思是部落没有责任,那么我必须强烈反对,但如果你的意思是每个人的贪欲都有一席之地,那么我强烈同意。 话虽如此,该部落通过所有权或恐惧控制了西方媒体,因此缓解措施肯定会分配给他们的受害者。

    我不同意你 BLM v 气候变化的比喻。 每个人的问题都足够复杂,没有混淆。 我讨厌前者是因为它的种族主义/虚伪,而后者是因为我不知道。

    • 回复: @Rocha
  207. @Francis Miville

    “Rome fell everybody and especially the Germanic conquerors cried over such a civilization that was being lost,”

    Only because they had previously exterminated any significant opposition. Would you like some examples from the religious sphere?

  208. @imnobody00

    美国是由根本上没有宗教信仰的人建立的,同样也是从根本上不道德的人(即使我们撇开奴隶制问题不谈,华盛顿也是一个老吝啬鬼,一个需要一个新国家作为贵族的吝啬鬼;杰斐逊是一个激进的利己主义者)犹太人索罗斯很乐意选择作为导师;汉密尔顿本质上是一个贪污者和欺诈者,他剥夺了为他的共和国而战的退伍军人任何他承诺过的补偿和感激之情,就像亨利基辛格一样),另一方面,作为众所周知的启蒙运动哲学的基本信条,他们认为群众狂热的宗教信仰和严格的道德使共和国保持运作。 这就是撒旦教的本质,也是众所周知的犹太教特定学派的本质,耶稣谴责它是促使他的新宗教出现的主要邪恶。 仅此一项就证明 1776 年是接受了集体撒旦契约。 正如你所说的那样,有道德的人,即使是最低限度的,即使只是多元化,也根本不需要宪法。 要求绝大多数人都道德的宪法是邪恶的灵感,它所要求的特定道德也是邪恶的。

    The US state needs to be abolished, and destroyed military like Carthage was if it refuses. It is more evil in its very principle that the Soviet state was : even though the October Revolution had been a mere foreign-aided military coup, there had been brewing for years if not decades the desire for a particularly revengeful revolution in most of Russia : even though relatively few knew about Bolshevism they were ready to obey any Ivan the Terrible that promised to destroy the aristocracy and the intelligentsia. When it had become clear to all that the Soviet system could only be a lie for eternity, their privileged class dissolved it to preserve their own egoistical interests through privatization. Don’t count on such a relatively wise behaviour from the US elite : they prefer far more gladly the death of the planet and the replacement of their own persons by machines to the death of the US.

    • 巨魔: Corvinus
  209. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Reading your recent comments you come across as a fool who thinks he is clever Dr. Dumbass. That you have a minor satan in the miserific hierarchy rushing to agree with you says a lot.

  210. @Anonymous






    • 同意: HdC
  211. @Ann K

    基督教是道成肉身的,但同时也相信由于原罪,它在某种程度上被破坏了。 禁欲主义一直是基督教的一个方面,在 40 天的四旬期(就像沙漠中的耶稣一样)。

    沙漠之父,以及后来的修道运动,反映了一个极端,他们的牺牲值得他人的恩宠。 犹太人称耶稣为酒鬼和贪食者,在他复活的形态下,他非常尖锐地让多马觉得他不仅是一个精神,而且是真实的肉体。 他成为新的亚当,他的母亲成为新的夏娃(他在十字架上呼唤夏娃在花园里的名字)

    When Jesus says that it is better to cast off a limb rather than lose soul it is because the person who fails judgment loses the prospect of becoming a transfigured body. The heresies you allude to negate the body as being evil to it’s core but that was never mainstream.

    • 回复: @Rocha
  212. Rocha 说:
    @Jack McArthur

    150 年前,英国经济学家威廉·杰文斯(William Jevons)绘制了太阳黑子与商业周期之间的关系图; 更多的太阳黑子; 更活跃的太阳; 天气转暖; 更好的收成和更多的经济收入。
    他受到天文学家威廉·赫歇尔(William Herschel)观察到的启发,即在太阳黑子活动频繁期间,小麦价格下跌。 七十年代末,大学经济学课程中教授过太阳黑子与商业周期之间的关系,我可以亲自证明。
    苏格兰种植葡萄的罗马时期气温较高,中世纪温暖时期维京人殖民格陵兰岛,并在 14 世纪气温开始下降时放弃了该岛。
    在战后的欧洲,由于战后重建,空气中的二氧化碳含量增加,但温度从 2 年下降到 1946 度左右,以至于气候科学家用新的冰河时代威胁我们。
    占大气气体 2% 的 CO0,04 对气候没有任何影响。

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  213. anon[271]• 免责声明 说:
    @Michael Korn

    So dream of Hitler and a mythical pure Aryan race as you enjoy your degraded slave status!

    Well, you certainly dream of a mythical Holocaust as you enjoy the fictional “degradation” of a concocted victim status. My suspicion is that you harbor resentment for Mr. Dalton for blaspheming this dogma that you hold so dear and sacred.

  214. Rocha 说:
    @Jack McArthur

    天主教信仰是唯一教导上帝创造了一个美好世界的教条的信仰。 所有其他宗教或多或少都是诺斯替教的。 那些对清教主义和世界末日的痴迷的所谓传统天主教徒似乎没有听说过这个教条。 希莱尔·贝洛克。 大异端

    • 回复: @Jack McArthur
  215. @Anon


    Regulated capitalism allows private property so that a person is not dependent on an evil regime which exploits their absolute dependence as the Jews did to Christian Russia. It allows one person to support a family and provide for its education, health care and old age. It allows adequate time for rest, recreation and a spiritual life. It prevents the destruction of culture through control of who owns the media. I am sure you can think of much more. Even countries which ostensibly have laws limiting monopoly have now been ruined by the buying of the “peoples representatives”.

    • 回复: @Rocha
    , @Mulga Mumblebrain
  216. @Rocha

    Yes the bible does say that the world was made good but it also states that it is fallen therefore that has been the constant teaching of mainstream Christianity. There is a pre Christian era text from Ancient Egypt that refers to a golden era with no suffering and most certainly it is incarnational – it never went away.

  217. Rocha 说:

    你显然不明白天主教信仰中的教条是什么; 不可否认的东西,否则你就是异端! 天主教信仰是 1,500 年来西欧唯一的基督教信仰。 只有一种基督教信仰,那就是天主教信仰。 如果您有兴趣,那么阅读 Lerins 的圣文森特 (St Vincent of Lerins) 所著的《教条》(Dogma that Commonitory) 的重要性是再好不过的了。 不幸的是,大多数天主教徒也不了解教条的重要性,这就是梵蒂冈二世发生的原因。

    • 回复: @Anon
  218. @Anonymous

    在美国,上帝是绿色的,信使是贪婪的。 因此,美国的官员很容易被 Zio 货币腐蚀。 一旦国家彻底失败,Zio 就会收拾行装,前往下一个地方。 几千年来他们一直这样做,这就是被命名为“无家可归的流浪者”的原因

  219. Rocha 说:
    @Jack McArthur

    资本主义是国家资助的高利贷。 我们所有的问题都源于新教改革中高利贷的合法化以及英格兰银行成立后货币发行的私有化。 尼古拉斯的祖父沙皇亚历山大断然确认,他永远不会允许在俄罗斯领土上建立中央银行。 俄罗斯革命的原因可能是为了扼杀君主制,以此作为实现中央银行目标的障碍。

  220. The real enemy of the American people, and humanity in general, is the US Empire. Get rid of that, of the hypertrophied military-industrial money-burning machine, the one thousand overseas bases, the scores of bio-warfare labs scattered around the globe and the weapons of economic coercion, sabotage and subversion, and Americans would have several trillion a year to build a decent society, unlike the hideous dystopia that now exists and sits like a incubus on the back of humanity.

  221. @Jack McArthur

    To speak of ‘regulated capitalism’ is akin to speaking of ‘benevolent cancer’. Capitalism is a cancer, insatiable in its greed, lust to grow infinitely, its destructiveness and total indifference to the harm, ending in death, that it causes. Any attempts to ameliorate capitalism were only made out of fear of socialism, and when that spectre evaporated, capitalism returned to its innate, unchangeable, all-consuming true nature.

  222. Anon[357]• 免责声明 说:

    The Orthodox Christians might suggest they hold true to the orginal faith 🙂

  223. @Rocha

    人们永远不会厌倦邓宁-克鲁格笨蛋们令人厌恶的滑稽动作。 很早以前,科学就已经确定了为什么以及如何在地球系统中确定微量二氧化碳和甲烷、一氧化二氮和其他人造温室气体在地球系统中捕获热量的原因。 科学与任何其他科学一样得到证实。 但是你们这些愚蠢的无所不知,干脆拒绝它,因为猪的无知、意识形态的狂热和完全不值得的傲慢的古老混合体。
    太阳黑子表明太阳活动的水平,太阳活动是全球气候的重要驱动力,但它不是气候的唯一驱动力。 如果没有温室气体的吸热效应,我们会如此寒冷,以至于不可能有组织的文明,这对你的巨大大脑来说真的是太难以理解了吗?
    As for the fall in temperatures after WW2, that is generally put down to the particulate smogs in the then still industrialised West raising the planet’s albedo, thus reflecting solar radiation. Once the greenhouse effects of the greatest forcing of such gases in the atmosphere for 55 million years, since the PETM, overpowered that effect, now caused by industry in East Asia and South Asia mostly, the global temperature has rapidly escalated. And if Asia reduces its smogs, and their ‘global dimming’ impact, another degree or so, Celsius, is baked in already, sealing our fate.
    All the warmest recorded years in history have occurred since 1998, and the increase is accelerating, and is seen in greater weather extremes, melting ice-caps and glaciers, the spread of pests and diseases, ocean warming and thermal expansion, etc. You’re flogging a dead denialist horse, Dunning.

  224. Johan 说:

    The comments on this article, comments on media being a democratic hobby… in so far as I took the trouble to dig through that mess… confirm the philosophy of the article. Basically the commenters are unable to stick to the topic and its essence, dragging all their individual and non relevant obsessions in it, so that we end up with a Babylonic confusion, or should we say: a Democratic confusion.

    To add some comments on democracy from non mediocres, to make the reading of the comment section worthwhile:

    High hopes were once formed of democracy; but democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people. It has been found out. I must say that it was high time, for all authority is quite degrading. It degrades those who exercise it, and degrades those over whom it is exercised. When it is violently, grossly, and cruelly used, it produces a good effect, by creating, or at any rate bringing out, the spirit of revolt and Individualism that is to kill it. When it is used with a certain amount of kindness, and accompanied by prizes and rewards, it is dreadfully demoralising. People, in that case, are less conscious of the horrible pressure that is being put on them, and so go through their lives in a sort of coarse comfort, like petted animals, without ever realising that they are probably thinking other people’s thoughts, living by other people’s standards, wearing practically what one may call other people’s second-hand clothes, and never being themselves for a single moment. (Oscar Wilde)

    But alas! the rising tide of democracy, which spreads everywhere and reduces everything to the same level, is daily carrying away these last champions of human pride, and submerging, in the waters of oblivion, the last traces of these remarkable myrmidons. (Baudelaire)

    Contemporary conspiracy theories:

    When a democracy which is thirsting for freedom has evil cupbearers presiding over the feast, and has drunk too deeply of the strong wine of freedom, then, unless her rulers are very amenable and give a plentiful draught, she calls them to account and punishes them, and says that they are cursed oligarchs. (Plato – The Republic)

    Anti-culture mob rule of democracy:

    There is this to be said in favour of the despot, that he, being an individual, may have culture, while the mob, being a monster, has none. One who is an Emperor and King may stoop down to pick up a brush for a painter, but when the democracy stoops down it is merely to throw mud. (Oscar Wilde)

    Hey, an American..:

    Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. ( Henry Louis Mencken)

    Democracy, will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes, and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues, and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few. (John Adams)

    The more equal the conditions of men become, the less strong men individually are, the more easily do they give way to the current of the multitude, and the more difficult is it for them to adhere by themselves to an opinion which the multitude discard. A newspaper represents an association; it may be said to address each of its readers in the name of all the others, and to exert its influence over them in proportion to their individual weakness. The power of the newspaper press must therefore increase as the social conditions and cultural values of men become more equal. (Alexis de Tocqueville)

    I could go on for an hour quoting highly intelligent men.

    Aristotle by the way did not hold a high opinion of democracy (a formulation which is a euphemism), therefor he suggested, when it is unavoidable in times of decline, the foremost you should do is to limit the amount of politicians and the whole bureaucratic apparatus, in order to safeguard some freedom. Our modern democracies are hyper regulated though without historical precedent, consisting of armies of ambitious workaholic politicians, add to that armies of bureaucrats. Even dictatorships know and have known no such hyper regulation, and, worst of all, ubiquitous soft pressure.

    The above will of course be over-shouted by more mediocre wiseacre commenters who urgently feel the need to express their mental farts:

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  225. GeneralRipper [又名“安泰”] 说:

    The three cornerstones of Western Civilization.

    #1 Religion

    #2 Family

    #3 Private Property

    • 回复: @anon
    , @GomezAdddams
  226. Corvinus 说:
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    As I suspected, you choose to be silly rather than serious.

  227. anon[272]• 免责声明 说:

    But that’s been the cornerstone of all societies from the Neolithic to the early 20th century,

    • 回复: @GeneralRipper
  228. GeneralRipper [又名“KoolDiscoDan”] 说:

    But that’s been the cornerstone of all societies from the Neolithic to the early 20th century,

    Except for the human sacrifice, the polygamy and Demon worship…yeah.

    • 回复: @anon
  229. von Frey 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman





    • 回复: @Marcion
  230. Exile 说:


    Do we have the time and social space left to do them without some kind of “redoubt” though?

    It’s past time that White people started building parallel communities that go their own way for White interests. Worry about the formalities later.


  231. anon[272]• 免责声明 说:

    Demon worship? Early Neolithic societies worshipped their ancestors and the sun. The demon worship (Venus) and child sacrifices were apparent in fully degenerated sexualized societies that were eventually destroyed as this society shall be destroyed for the satanism and child rape/blood drinking.

    • 回复: @GeneralRipper
  232. Johan 说:

    Huxley had it exactly right: support for modern democracy is in fact more of a belief system, or even a faith, than something grounded in history, reason, and philosophy.

    There is no philosophical rational argument in favour of the equality idea, it is based on psychology, based on envy. Envy is the psychological fundament of democracy. Be it the envy of fools, the envy of the ignorant, or the refined envy of those who are way more intelligent than the masses. Hence, the superior are everywhere attacked and kept down by the envious, be it openly demonstrated brutal envy, or subtle refined forms of envy. That is, if they even have a voice or podium, which is very very rare.
    Democratic culture is one GRAND CENSOR system of ubiquitous soft oppression, exclusion and decline, in the case of modern democracies, without historical precedent. The payment is and will continue to be the dumbing down of about the whole of humanity, as hardly anyone can escape the situation fully.
    It is obvious that there are various elite parties who benefit from this mass scale dumbing down. They keep their ranks closed, and they take care to breed intelligent offspring by providing them with favourable conditions, as they are in positions of wealth and power which makes this possible, while the rest of the world is ever more composed of dumb-phone, screen, consumerist and pop-trend-hype-sensation culture zombies.

    • 同意: Marcion
  233. Nancy 说:

    I agree with money out of politics (a hopeless goal, but we can try), and meritocracy, as long as ‘merit’ includes character, compassion, cooperation, etc, else we will get Gates, Yellen, Adelson, Buffet, Raft, et al as the epitomes of business acumen.
    And “political appointees and those in positions due to who the know or are related to, will foul up the best operating systems”, au contraire, the Termite Tribe that strictly operates according to who one knows, is married or related to, nepotism, etc. has been unbelievably successful in achieving it’s aims. Unfortunately, those aims do not include the enhancement of the general welfare.
    Too many ascribe to the “Greed is good” moral code, to the exclusion of all but profit ….maximization.

  234. GeneralRipper [又名“KoolDiscoDan”] 说:


  235. Marcion 说:
    @von Frey


    有理由认为宗教主要是垃圾,因为它确实是垃圾。主要是。我相信,当《道德经》的第一位英文翻译家理雅各在翻译“道”这个词时,他使用了“上帝”这个词。有些学校专门回答像您这样的问题。难怪大多数宗教毫无意义。您主题的关键词提示:dharmakaya、dharmadatu、svabhavikakaya、Tao、All Good One、advaita、Great Perfection/Dzogchen。从那里开始。

    • 谢谢: von Frey
  236. Johan 说:

    Greek democracy was thus a racial (White European), ethnic (Athenian), and gendered (men only) system of rule. And it worked incredibly well; it produced and sustained the brilliant Athenian culture that we know today.

    The writer is misinformed here, Socrates was put to death, Plato had to hide behind the dead Socrates, using him as his mouthpiece. The Republic is a veiled criticism of democracy, an open criticism could have cost him his life or freedom. The small clan of great people who’s heritage we can enjoy today were all at some point in danger because of the intolerant Athenian mob rule system. The Athenian democracy was based upon envy, mob rule, and demagogy, just as our democracies are, the fact that this democracy was limited makes no difference in terms of its basic character of mob rule, mediocrity and all that comes with it…
    These where also the days of the sophists, just as in our days we have an explosion of sophists. During Athenian democracy sophism got its highly negative connotation.. (think about that..).
    Conservative democratic Athens executed Socrates because they mistakenly thought he was a sophist, they took him for what in our times is called a ‘progressive’, hence, democratic Athens was subject to the same ‘progressive’ destructive forces as we are today, and the same conservative/progressive struggle.

    The writer in his view on democratic Athens is subject to refined democratic falsification of history, democratic propaganda. This is no wonder though, everyone is spoon fed with democratic rewriting and propaganda from birth. The democratic brainwashing is so almighty and pervasive that you might need several lifetimes so to speak to recover from its falsifications, delusions and illusions.

    • 同意: HdC
    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  237. @Mr Anatta


    I tried a low dose, 2 seeds i think. I found it gave strong mental focus or concentration, also a little more intuition came through. Unfortunately I had to lie flat on my bathroom floor because I got all woozy and nauseous…LOL




    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  238. @The_MasterWang

    People who are good at doing their jobs can’t compete with people who are good at installing themselves in high positions.

    From what I can tell about the current state of government in the collective West, is that the job of the politician IS to install themselves in high positions.

  239. Phoenix 说:



  240. @Petr P.



    It is like when a farmer takes a cart of milk cans to market but it topples over. There are people up and down the street and they notice the mishap. The first guy to get there kicks the farmer away and claims the milk cans. He turns makes nice beautiful row of milk cans on the ground admiring his loot. But when the rest of onlookers reach there, hoping to get some, he tells them to “get away, this is my beautiful row of milk cans which I made. You go back to where you came from, you parasites!”.


    • 回复: @Luus Kanin
  241. Luus Kanin 说:
    @William Gruff


  242. Luus Kanin 说:

    You seem to have unfortunately unremembered something about the milk, namely the cow. Oh, that’s right, Native Americans didn’t own any cows until Columbus brought them.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  243. @where_are_the_bones

    Jews and Israelis are National Socialists.

    Does the solution to a problem consist of replicating the problem?

    Adolf Hitler:  Evil Genius or Useful Idiot? 



    1 - 希特勒钦佩并效仿大英帝国。 

    2 – 希特勒阻挠德国发展核技术。 

    3 – 希特勒向美国宣战,而不是招募美国成为德国、西班牙、意大利、罗马尼亚、希腊、芬兰、瑞典、挪威、瑞士和其他反共国家的盟友。 

    4 - 希特勒未能在对苏联的战争中招募日本。 

    5 - 希特勒阻挠德国在敦刻尔克俘获英国军队。 

    6 - 希特勒阻挠德国生产喷气式战斗机,这对于有效防御英国对欧洲的轰炸至关重要。 

    7 – 希特勒在不列颠之战期间阻挠德国瞄准英国的军事目标。 

    8 - 希特勒阻挠德国从英国手中解放爱尔兰、苏格兰、威尔士和英格兰。 

    9 - 希特勒阻挠轴心国向北非隆美尔将军的装甲供应燃料。 

    10 - 希特勒将德国的东部师转移到列宁格勒和斯大林格勒,从而阻止德国占领莫斯科并从共产党手中解放东欧。 

    11 – 希特勒阻挠继续将犹太人驱逐到巴勒斯坦(1941 年后)。 

    12 - 希特勒将德国中央银行国有化,但他忽略了禁止部分准备金银行业务。 

    13 - 希特勒阻碍了领导德国抵御共产主义和法英帝国的有能力的替代方案。 



    但是,阿道夫·希特勒和其他国家社会主义者完全有可能是英国、苏联和世界犹太复国主义组织 (WZO) 击败德国的心甘情愿的傀儡和代理人,不是吗? 








    • 回复: @HdC
  244. HdC 说:
    @Jon Chance

    On the surface it may appear true what you assert…
    Operative phrase: On the surface…
    For example, the USA navy waged war on German shipping on the Atlantic plus aiding and abetting Britain at the same time. All this was occurring while the USA was officially NEUTRAL!
    In order to fight back effectively Germany had no choice to declare war on the USA so that from the German legal perspective Hitler could order the German navy to attack USA shipping and naval vessels.
    I certainly could make similar extenuating arguments for all other points you have raised.
    If you have a globe handy, examine it to see what Germany was up against when looking at the land mass of the USA, Soviet Union, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc., along with its population advantage of perhaps 5 or 6 to 1, to say nothing of the natural resources.
    I do agree, however, that the German military should have turned the beaches of Dunkirk, during the British retreat, into hamburger. This would have had, probably, a much greater influence on Britain suing for peace.
    That it took 6 years for the combined forces of the above, plus the original instigators France and Britain, 6 long years to defeat a small European country is unbelievable! What a people! What a country!

    • 回复: @Jon Chance
  245. @HdC

    Having created and manipulated the Soviet Union, the CCP, the Nazis, the UN, the EU, NATO, the Theocracy of Israel, Islamic Jihad, and other transnational terrorist organizations, the Synagogue of Satan has succeeded at enslaving most nations to perpetual world war, socialism, and “public debt”.

    Please examine George Orwell (1984) and the full public disclosure of Benjamin Freedman (1961).

    What’s the best solution?

  246. Beamter 说:

    Among a plethora of obvious attempts by federal intelligence agencies to track “white nationalists,” 乌兹网 is quite obvious; and the writings of Thomas Dalton are the most obvious. Can a political movement which is opposed by the nation’s military gather any steam? No, but this will not stop our “Nazi-hunting” fanatical government from pouring water on the least spark of nationalist sentiment. What a sad country, and what a sadder state of the world when political change has been rendered impossible by this regime of total surveillance!

    • 回复: @Exile
  247. @littlereddot

    I grew it once, and the monster vine covered the back of our terrace house quickly, but only produced a few yellow flowers, of the morning glory type (Ipomoea). No seeds, so I’ve stuck to the bright blue, and white, evening opening, types since.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  248. @Johan

    You don’t have to be a Plato or Socrates to see that mass ‘democrazy’ in a capitalist economy is a catastrophe. You need only have lived in Australia since 1972, and seen the cavalcade of buffoons, racists, religious fascists, imbeciles, and psychopaths that it throws up as leaders. And the increasing malevolence of the regimes that have misruled this failed dystopia.

    • 回复: @GomezAdddams
  249. @Johan

    The living exemplar of a superior system to ‘representative democrazy’ in a capitalist State where ALL real power belongs to the rich owners of that economy, is China, which is why the parasites hate it so very much.

    • 回复: @Johan
  250. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Keep the commandments and LOVE your neighbour as yourself? You still Lack one thing —“go sell everything you have –give these proceeds to the poor and then and come follow ME” —( the young rich man—turned the offer down). Same today as yesteryear when Christ spoke –Many will NOT qualify yet proclaim they are Christian…. Truth. Find the narrow gate ————–the big gate leads to perdition ?? Many in those days will claim that they are Christian BUT —still fail the judgement –I was hungry and you did what ?? ( think Iraq-Afghanistan- Libya- Syria)—I was naked and you did what ( Iraq- Afghanistan- Belarus border with Poland) I was in jail and you did what ( Bradley Manning – et al)————perhaps a resounding Zero. However –“Thing” is atheist and “Lurch” is Lutheran with Martin Luger ( second amendent revision) and regular attender at NRA Meetings weekdays and church sevices Sunday—claims he often falls asleep during those Sunday sessions —nothing but stories —long ago stories –with no real meaning….

  251. @GeneralRipper

    Read Book of Acts —-Chapter 4 —-couple was to sell land ( all of it) and lay the cash down to the cingregation ( collective assembly of believers) ALL land held in common but this couple kept back part of the proceeds and both died —Lying to Spirit ( that they retained part of the sale price –for themselves = Private Property???) It is in the Bible and to arge this is what Satan enjoys —

  252. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Scottie Morrison is one the best wombats to arrive in a long long time—to save Austailier. Now–Scottie is going to tag team with Canada to send 30,000 coal miners to dig that fuel and Canada benefits by building Fosters brewery to keep these Luke and Butch types ( Bushwhackers – earlier Sheepherders) tanked so they can slide off the mountain tops with those 80 ton bulldozers but land safely in the valley and market this coal back to Australia so Australia can build big boats —bigger than Noah’s ark and both countries will become rich—- Build Jobs for Australier —–Scottie’s Vision…

  253. @Luus Kanin

    So whats your point? You didn’t have potatoes before “Columbus” found them.

    You only remember what the whites gave the world. You forget what they received

    • 回复: @Luus Kanin
  254. Johan 说:

    Discard the pernicious concept of human equality and replace it by a celebration of the higher, the nobler, and the best. (d) Replace industrial democracy with something like an aristocracy.

    A long running democracy destroys and erodes culture, hence, to breed and build a new culture of excellence after such a long time of democracy will take a long time, decades, probably more than half a century.

    As of the democratic people themselves, they need to be convinced that they are not free, that they are subject to their own system which is a system of hyper regulation and control. They are not citizens and persons, but numbers in statistics of their own government and organizations. Foremost they need to be brought to reflection that it is their own system which makes them slaves. They are hyper managed, individually disempowered and need to take back control on the local and individual level, they need to restore their craftmanship (which is their work honour), get rid of the manager class, get rid of the armies of bureaucrats who control their lives and environment. They need to get rid of big government, get rid of all those laws and regulations which makes things rigid. Etc. They themselves have all worked at building monsters, the big government, the media etc. They need to stop blaming elites too, they need to learn to depend on themselves and their small circle. To take things in their own hand, instead of to organize themselves and so to create a monstrous government, bureaucratic apparatus and a monstrous media.

    When the democratic people stop feeding their own tyrannical monsters (governments, bureaucracies, and whatever organizations), when the tyranny of mediocrity becomes less, there will be more room to breed excellence. Meanwhile special schools need to be instituted, schools where people are free from the degrading all eroding democratic culture. These schools need to be without interference of institutions and government. Schools which do not engage in brainwashing or teaching all kinds of stuff people don’t need, they need to be schools where people learn to think for themselves.

    The line below in Plato’s Republic points to the tendency of democracies to regulate and manage everything, which stifles and kills cultural, collective and individual progress.


  255. Johan 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    China and the Western world are both heading towards a collectivist control system, governed top down by an elite and powerful organizations. These Western and Chinese elites will in time likely become friendly with each other, in order to collaborate. How many US global corporations are at this time even friendly with the Chinese? They want the US (as a culture and nation) to die too…

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  256. Luus Kanin 说:

    Fond greetings from the west! I did not take kindly to your quote, “Unfortunately the milk from that teet was stolen from the red man.” It seemed to me that you went and got a bee in your bonnet so then decided to make a pungent proclamation of simplistic proportion. You then followed up your reference of Native Americans with your saga of sour milk. I have had dealings with cows and natives, so am not so easily swayed by the everything was stolen from the noble red man argument. I simply mentioned you forgot about the cow to remind you that blanket statements don’t always cover up inconvenient facts and that one way streets can still be negotiated in an opposite direction.
    In the future, I would suggest not building a house of straw in a windy area, so that the first fool that comes along can blow it over.

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  257. @Luus Kanin




    • 回复: @Luus Kanin
  258. Exile 说:

    We need a comment option for “glowie.”

    The only thing that’s “obvious” is that you are a hasbarista.

    • 回复: @HdC
  259. HdC 说:

    On what information do you base your assertion? Or, how do you arrive at your conclusion based on what the poster has written?

  260. Michael Korn [又名“Mevashir”] 说: • 您的网站



  261. @Michael Korn



    • 回复: @anon
  262. anonymous[117]• 免责声明 说:
    @Michael Korn



    • 同意: HdC
  263. anon[117]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jack McArthur

    确实是假基督徒。 UR 上最不诚实的演员。他只是援引基督教来反驳所谓的“纳粹”或像托马斯·道尔顿这样的人,他显然鄙视托马斯·道尔顿,因为他们熟练地揭穿了标准的大屠杀叙事。有趣的是,他的类型不能只是直率和诚实地不喜欢人们认为的反犹太主义或纳粹主义。他们不得不诉诸这样的欺骗手段,因为直截了当地称人们为反犹太主义者会背叛他们完全以种族为中心的世界观。对于绝大多数人来说,世界并不是围绕着部落的极端民族主义派系的利益运转的,“反犹太主义”的指控根本没有多大分量,尤其是对UR来说。因此,他必须以某种幌子诋毁像托马斯·道尔顿这样的人,使他在知识上受到一定程度的尊重,这样他就不会因为自己是一个不诚实的演员而暴露出来。他必须以一种具有普遍性和对每个人都有效的方式来表达他对他人的出于种族动机的攻击,而不仅仅是一个想成为拉比的狭隘的不满。

  264. Luus Kanin 说:

    我确实承认我是个傻瓜,因为我知道试图让一个不讲道理的人理解“不幸的是,奶头里的牛奶是从红种人那里偷来的”这句话是愚蠢和愚蠢的,这是愚蠢的事情。沉迷于 MSNBC 的小学生会鹦鹉学舌。这块土地不是从红种人那里偷来的。没有一个红种人可以偷走这片土地,有数百个不同的部落生活在这片土地上,互相竞争、互相残杀、互相窃取土地,通过使用暴力和武力来夺取和保留土地。有时美国政府会偷窃土地,有时他们会从拥有土地的部落那里购买土地,这些部落通过杀死土地上的先前居住者来夺取土地。所有的土地都被征服了。美国政府仍然向作为美洲原住民的美洲原住民支付报酬。我当然希望 1980 年左右偷了我收音机的小偷从那时起就每月向我付款。
    这太复杂了,你无法理解,所以我一开始就承认我是个傻瓜。我对你没有敌意,我只是觉得是时候到此为止了。我建议偶尔换个 MSNBC 频道,找一集《袋鼠船长》的老剧集来观看,这会更有教育意义,对你的礼貌也有帮助。 Vaya con dios mi amigo/a。

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  265. @Amarok



    1. 美洲原住民被承认为土地的合法所有者,导致以下变化(不按时间或逻辑顺序排列)

    2. 国会设立了一个新议院……我们称之为长老会。它位于参议院之上,有权否决两院

    3. 在总统之上设立了一个新办公室……我们称之为“大酋长”。这是一个仪式性的角色,也许就像英国女王。然而,大酋长有权解雇和任命总统。

    4. 在最高法院之上设立了一个新的最高法院……我们称之为长老法官委员会。它的居民不一定是美洲原住民,但其成员是由该社区任命的。

    5. 美国解体,一个新国家诞生……我们称之为新美国或 NUSA

    6. 要成为 NUSA 公民,所有非原住民都同意遵守 NUSA 的新法律,而 NUSA 的新法律很大程度上源自美国的法律;至少在开始时是这样。

    7. 所有土地所有权安排实际上保持不变,但美洲原住民部落集体被承认为土地的最终所有者。因此,NUSA 国家税收收入的一部分作为租金支付给部落。



    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @anonymous
    , @Amarok
  266. @Luus Kanin






    因此,一个强人偷了一辆弱者价值 10 万美元的汽车,并付给他 1 美元,然后说:“看,我已经付给你这辆车的钱了。所以它是我的”。




    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Luus Kanin
  267. Anonymous[934]• 免责声明 说:



  268. Anon[830]• 免责声明 说:


    • 哈哈: littlereddot
  269. S 说:



  270. anonymous[247]• 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @littlereddot
  271. Luus Kanin 说:

    Littlereddot 我相信你是故意迟钝。 “事实很简单。土地被偷了。”完全基于情感而没有理性推理的简单结论。您如何调和据称从红人手中偷走的土地此前已被红人偷走的事实?科曼奇人不是通过杀死并驱逐他们离开自己的土地,从许多其他部落(例如黑脚人、基奥瓦人、波尼人、阿帕奇人等)那里窃取了大量土地吗?这只是一个不断重复的例子,一个较强的群体通过征服从一个较弱的群体手中夺取土地。在所谓的美洲原住民之前谁拥有这片土地?克洛维斯人据说是第一批拥有这片土地的人。现在已经发现了似乎是克洛维斯之前的遗址。谁偷走了他们的土地?

    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
    , @littlereddot
  272. Amarok 说:
    @Petr P.



  273. Amarok 说:
    @Mr Anatta


  274. Amarok 说:



    • 回复: @Mr Anatta
    , @littlereddot
  275. Bert33 说:


  276. Amarok 说:
    @Michael Korn


  277. Mr Anatta 说:
    @Luus Kanin

    你提出了一个公平和有效的观点,但请尽量不要给其他人贴上傻瓜的标签,从而在智力上不如你,因为我可以向你保证,智力优势与我们在这个领域的原因“绝对无关”,你应该请注意 lttlereddot 并没有弯腰用手指指着你。


    如果 Littleredot 能回复您,我期待着。

    • 回复: @Luus Kanin
  278. @Luus Kanin








    • 回复: @Luus Kanin
  279. @anonymous



  280. Mr Anatta 说:


    • 谢谢: Amarok
  281. @Amarok




    • 谢谢: Amarok
  282. 托马斯·道尔顿的另一部杰出作品。 我们需要更多像他这样的作家。 感谢 Ron Unz 转发此文!

  283. Anonymike 说:


    • 同意: HdC
  284. Luus Kanin 说:


    • 回复: @littlereddot
  285. Luus Kanin 说:
    @Mr Anatta

    阿纳塔先生,你当然是对的,我不应该给小红点贴上傻瓜的标签,然后暗示我在某种程度上智力上优越。我认为我应该更好地表达我的回答,这样人们就不会得出这样的结论。我并不是说他是个傻瓜,只是说他在有目的地写作时知道自己在做什么,就好像他是个傻瓜一样。我非常尊重在这里发帖的人,包括 Littlereddot。当然,我确实喜欢时不时地进行一场言语上的较量,并希望我的戏谑能被人理解,这不是恶意的,只是善意的戏弄。

  286. @Luus Kanin






    • 回复: @Luus Kanin
  287. Mishko 说:

    “德国必须灭亡!”由西奥多·考夫曼 (Theodore Kaufman) 于 1941 年出版。


    公平地说,我住在荷兰,所以我应该是 STFU。 =)

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  288. 哪里有关于分裂的讨论? 不知何故,这篇文章的关键部分丢失了。 我们需要美国各地积极的政治团体,所有人都在推动独立,并且互相支持。 这再加上推行亲白人政策,会给当权者带来真正的麻烦。

  289. @Mishko


  290. @Johan


  291. @littlereddot

    我给了一位习惯使用哌替啶的朋友,他用它与我交换了一些大麻。我对自我药疗持谨慎态度。我曾经在一所大学上过组织培养课程,最感兴趣的是所使用的植物是 Lophophora williamsii

  292. Fr. John 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan





    1)不存在“柔道基督教上帝”这样的东西。耶和华神是我们主耶稣基督的神和父。大多数“犹太人”都不想拥有这样的上帝。这句话是伯奈斯等犹太小贩在 20 世纪的“宣传策略”,用来(基本上)安抚那些仔细聆听查尔斯·林德伯格的美国人,看看他在国家社会主义德国看到了什么,并想要尝试化身为美国版!




    美国法律对非白人的禁令源自这种“化身纯洁”的构造。它一直持续到 1965 年。此后发生的一切都是圣经基督教淡化和美国生活犹太化的结果。




    “虽然福音已经向所有国家宣扬,但假装福音已经或能够被所有种族平等地接受,这既没有圣经、历史,也没有普遍经验的支持。该隐人和迦南人的强制种族灭绝、以色列的离婚和集体谴责、以及使徒传教士对黎凡特和欧洲的强调,都对它产生了不利影响。异化主义者可能会欺骗自己,但威斯敏斯特的教父们,在他们关于民族和天意的加尔文主义教义中,以及他们的生活是由反对罗马和西班牙所定义的,并不相信每个种族都与上帝的王国有着平等的关系。他们像大陆改革者和当时的所有基督徒一样,使用种族术语“土耳其人”和“犹太人”作为堕落的同义词。 – http://faithandheritage.com/2018/01/the-westminster-confession-is-kinism-part-2/

  293. HdC 说:

    我很难理解你在这里想说的是什么。感谢 HdC

    • 回复: @Fr. John
  294. Luus Kanin 说:

    最后,我花了很多功夫,但我终于让你承认存在细微差别,正如我在发给你的每一篇文章中所争论的那样。灯泡终于和你一起灭了。很高兴你终于能看到它,即使你在用这个词攻击我之前无法承认这一点。我很乐意忍受投石器和箭,这样你就可以得到启发,即使你只达到了 15 瓦。

    • 回复: @littlereddot
  295. Johan 说:

    反对民主的最好论据是与普通选民进行五分钟的对话。 (温斯顿·丘吉尔)

    反对民主和平等的最佳论据是花五秒钟浏览我文章的评论部分。 (托马斯·道尔顿)。

  296. @Luus Kanin




  297. Fr. John 说:


    1930 年代,林德伯格(和德国联邦协会)在美国大举入侵,其中既有德国血统的人,也有战争中的不干涉主义者,以将美国排除在外。罗斯福,奥托,想参战。

    犹太第五专栏作家(当时他们已经开始拥有报纸、媒体等)让林德伯格保持沉默,特别是在他 9 年 11 月 41 日在得梅因发表演讲之后,他公开点名犹太人,以封杀任何诚实的言论,就像媒体(扎克伯格、贝索斯、索罗斯、佩洛西等人)已经边缘化了任何敢于反对民主党、拜登、新冠病毒政权、废除越来越多美国自由等言论的人。


    • 回复: @HdC
  298. HdC 说:
    @Fr. John

    我仍然感到惊讶的是,80%的美国政治家和民众,他们坚决反对参加第二次世界大战,却“确信”最终站在了共产主义苏联一边! “经常重复一个弥天大谎……”

  299. https://youtube.com/watch?v=k8AX6_j2kBA ——布鲁斯·查尔顿博士的《战胜恐惧:基于信仰和希望的洞察力》的叙述。




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