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上周是美国图书馆协会的年度“禁书周刊”,同名庆祝活动是美国检查员和压力团体禁止的书籍。 虽然这次活动的目的是关注那些对印象深刻的人来说太危险的书籍,但今年展出的大胆作品包括 哈克贝利·费恩 女侠的故事,其电视版本本月初横扫了艾美奖。


去年二月 世界犹太人大会 Yad Vashem大屠杀博物馆成功说服了自由主义者杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos),应该使像卡洛·马托尼奥(Carlo Mattogno)和杰玛·鲁道夫(Germar Rudolf)这样的主要修正主义者的书籍从亚马逊的网页上消失,因为亚马逊的网页已经被出售了很多年。 几乎没有媒体报道禁止该禁令,似乎使贝佐斯先生只删除了三本书。,实际上实际上有数百个被禁止(部分列表 看到这里).

我们联系了美国图书馆协会的知识自由办公室,以及美国书商协会禁书周的共同赞助人,要求了解他们何时以及如何打算在亚马逊上纠正大规模禁书的丑闻。 由于对奥斯维辛集中营毒气教条的修正主义评论被怪异地歪曲和妖魔化,因此在我们的通讯中,我们包含了一个在线pdf链接。 鲁道夫先生博学的史学巨著, 大屠杀讲座。 我们所获得的回报就是臭名昭著的沉默待遇。

伪善令人叹为观止。 左派树立了巨大的反抗新闻自由的门面,给人以好战的提倡,鼓吹倡导那些思想small弱的非利士人和有力的游说者books毁的书籍,但出于对警察的关注,这些作品却闪闪发光。被虚拟化的东西,并由所谓的阅读我们所希望的权利的拥护者赋予文学遗忘。

被禁书周禁止的禁书? 它还能获得超现实主义吗?
如果我们考虑当前有关Google操纵其搜索引擎结果的争议,答案是肯定的。 目前关于谷歌对其搜索引擎的腐败之争也被禁止使用“大屠杀否认”,这只800磅的大猩猩在被禁书方面不能被提及。

去年杰夫·约翰·罗伯茨(Jeff John Roberts)在 运气 (20年2016月XNUMX日),揭示了Google伪造的原始动机:

“近几个月来,谷歌面临着一个新的,令人不安的趋势:有关大屠杀问题的热门搜索结果导致了新纳粹网站……谷歌发言人周二告诉谷歌。 运气 它正在做出一些改变。 发言人说:“判断网络上哪个页面最能回答查询是一个具有挑战性的问题,我们并不总是正确无误。” “我们最近对算法进行了改进,这将有助于在网络上显示更多高质量,可信的内容。 随着时间的推移,我们将继续更改算法,以应对这些挑战。”

“…这些变化是在有新闻报道称Google的“大屠杀发生了吗?”的顶级搜索结果之后发生的。 是白人至上主义者组织Stormfront的页面:随着Stormfront网站的删除,算法的更新似乎已经开始了,最重要的结果是美国大屠杀博物馆的链接。”

本周早些时候, “纽约时报” 报道了谷歌的搜索引擎降级了一个极左集团,世界社会主义网站,这种算法修补的起源-Google试图禁止访问质疑“大屠杀”礼仪的网站的尝试-被省略了。

记者若林大介(Daisuke Wakabayashi)向Google提供了很多弹药,但仅与伪造左派网页的搜索引擎结果有关:

数字营销机构iQuanti的搜索策略师Michael Bertini说:“他们真的在滑冰上滑冰。” “他们控制着用户所看到的。 如果谷歌控制着他们认为是假新闻,那我认为是偏见。”

我们同意。 但是,为了检验这些自由主义者情绪的诚意和力量,不应将有关“大屠杀否认”是Google操纵搜索引擎的首当其冲的受害者的数据,不应从有关争议的报道中予以禁止。


迈克尔·霍夫曼(Michael Hoffman)是九本书的作者,其中包括 大屠杀审判:对西方最神圣的文物提出怀疑的权利的地标战, 以前由加拿大政府取缔并由加拿大海关扣押和销毁的作品

• 类别: 思想 •标签: Amazon.com, 检查, 大屠杀, 第二次世界大战 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 哇,UR上发表了一篇关于历史修正主义的文章!我当然没想到会这样;该网站再次兑现了报头的主张:“有趣的、重要的和有争议的观点基本上被主流媒体排除在外。”

  2. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    Truth cannot be stopped.

    Holocaust Handbooks & Documentaries, Videos

    “大屠杀”故事情节是有史以来最容易被揭穿的叙事之一。 这就是为什么那些质疑它的人遭到逮捕和迫害的原因。 这就是为什么暴力,种族主义和特权至上的犹太至上主义者要求进行审查。 拒绝言论自由和寻求真理的自由是什么真理? 真理不需要受到审查。

    “ 6万犹太人,其他5万犹太人和毒气室”是可笑的,从科学上讲是不可能的欺诈行为。

    • 回复: @Anon
  3. anon • 免责声明 说:

    Information contra vaccines and other pharmaceutical goodies our masters want to force on us is also getting harder to find.
    There used to be a site that kept tally of the numbers of people in America who had died after taking Nurofen- haven’t seen it for years.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  4. Mark Green 说:







    • 同意: Rurik
    • 回复: @Jim Christian
    , @anonymous
    , @Z-man
  5. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Tuesday, a Google spokesperson told Fortune it is making some changes. ‘Judging which pages on the web best answer a query is a challenging problem and we don’t always get it right,’ said the spokesperson. ‘We recently made improvements to our algorithm that will help surface more high quality, credible content on the web. We’ll continue to change our algorithms over time in order to tackle these challenges.”

  6. polistra 说:

    heretofore libertarian Jeff Bezos ?

    Nope. Bezos has heretofore and hereafter and always and forever been an absolute tyrant. From birth he dreamed of being Emperor Of The World, and he’s getting there fast.

    The people who call themselves Libertarians are always tyrants. They want freedom for the super-rich and starvation for losers.

    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @Wally
  7. m___ 说:

    Important the notion of quality knowledge. Censuring rewrites history. Another case of “if conventional” most certainly biased, intent to censure. From the middle ages Catholic Doctrine of burning books, till today, censuring is rule.

    Could there only be alternative channels of knowledge, ‘people being people'(a nice way of presenting the mean), tend to flock to commercial middle-men in the illusion of getting “more”, “everything is there”, convenience. The chase should be for quality, the few nuggets that kindle the fire of creativity rather. To make at least a single relevant point: formatting has more to do with inspiring knowledge than thought of. The “Microsoft” concept of Amazon, the lube to slippery redirects, are the tools of choice to ignorance. Raw searcheable data, by one’s own algorithms would pearce the fluff most certainly.

    Where censuring is utmost efficient is in deadening the singular ones that hidden in the masses might get to good comprehension of systemic society and since left behind might pop up with a vengeance. The search for quality sources of information is guerilla warfare. To add a precious dongle: Universities globally are a prime source of censureship and castrating brighter minds.

    Looking again at numbers versus quality: whatever is read by most is of little relevance, what is accessible does, with regard to the quality minds that are sparsly, unconnectedly hidden within the major population. To them, quality christalized knowledge is prime nurture, as opposed to innate processing power.

  8. Randal 说:

    伪善令人叹为观止。 左派树立了巨大的反抗新闻自由的门面,给人以好战的提倡,鼓吹倡导那些思想small弱的非利士人和有力的游说者books毁的书籍,但出于对警察的关注,这些作品却闪闪发光。被虚拟化的东西,并由所谓的阅读我们所希望的权利的拥护者赋予文学遗忘。

    It is of course exactly that – hypocrisy.

    And not the arguably good sort, either (the “tribute vice pays to virtue”). It is the profoundly nasty and corrupting, cynically dishonest sort that involves people claiming virtues that they are in fact knowingly acting against and actively undermining in the public sphere, for their own political and material benefit.

    False claims by establishment leftists of devotion to free speech, liberty and opposition to censorship should be called out at every opportunity.

    • 回复: @Verymuchalive
    , @Miro23
  9. Anonymous [AKA "bluebagger"] 说:

    Still available from Amazon UK, 2 left.

  10. Antifa, the thuggish group making headlines with their brazen, sadistic attacks on those bold enough to wear a “MAGA” hat or dare to use their Free Speech rights, have been given a free pass by the largely Jewish owned MSM. Many of the Antifa leaders are Jews.

    Jews are also the ones that never tire of reminding us GOYIM that only Jews suffered and died in WW II, turning their holocaust into a state-sanctioned religion that demands worship of dogma that can not be questioned. Dare to write a historical book about WW II and it will never see the light of day, forever damned to the Memory Hole, while the number of holocaust museums and shrines in the USA grows to 150, with most of them needing our tax money to exist.


    So how is it that a segment of American society that numbers around 2% can wield so much influence over the other 98%?

    • 回复: @helena
    , @lavoisier
  11. The American Library Association fronts itself as a professional association when in reality it is all about hard-core left wing agit-prop. Its annual conferences usually feature lefty celebs as keynote speakers. In years past when I used to go I remember the likes of Michael Moore and Gloria Steinem. The 2017 ALA annual conference keynote will be the Big Kahuna herself, Hillary Clinton.

    The composition of ALA memberships goes a long way in explaining its left wing immersion: academic libraries that employ the shaggy, sandal-clad, latte-sipping types from Oberlin, UC-Berkeley and Ann Arbor wearing their Che tee-shirts; public, black-run, big city libraries (enough said); and the massive complex of federal libraries that support the vast administrative and judicial machinery of government.

    ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom is the chief propaganda outlet, staffed appropriately with a tedious bunch of preening, self-righteous, virtue-signalers.

  12. @Mark Green

    Listen, Green, remember this: Washington Post says in the banner “Democracy Dies In Darkness”. Bezos owns and sanctioned the banner and the Post.

    What could possibly go wrong? Holocaust denial? What’s THAT compared to all the other lies?

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Trevor Hardy
  13. 向 Ron Unz 致敬,感谢他演绎了勇敢的 Michael Hoffman 的这首作品。

  14. @Randal

    We’ve had the odd disagreement, but on general principles, I can’t agree with you more, as in this case.
    Amazon is a beneficiary of Deep State policy. During the Reagan Era about 50 c0mpanies owned 90% of outlets, now its 6. This was greatly facilitated by Clinton’s Telecommunications Act 1996.
    Amazon is a CIA contractor, and its rise has been aided by the CIA and other Deep State agencies.
    T he same is true of Google and Facebook and others. In return, these oligopolists do what these agencies want. As in this case.
    Obviously, the correct legal solution is the reinstatement of proper competition laws and the drastic reformation of Deep State agencies, indeed abolition of whole agencies ( CIA, ATF etc). I don’t need to tell you how difficult this will be to achieve.
    Long term, the emergence of competitors which will respect Freedom of Expression must be the aim. In the short term, avoidance, as far as possible, of these oligopolists is surely the best policy. I personally have never used Amazon or Facebook and use Google as little as possible.

    • 回复: @Randal
  15. helena 说:
    @Greg Bacon

    The London Imperial War Museum is having ***Holocaust*** rooms added and there is a plan to erect a memorial outside Parliament to the ***Holocaust***. The number of erevs is also increasing. The Met Police are being trained by Israel and Israeli self-defence courses are fashionable in London. Jewish premises may still be receiving additional police protection. What on Earth was the point of the Church of England if it just sat back while Islam and Judaism took over the land? Where in the New Testament does Jesus say, ‘give all your goods and land to those who seek 不能 to enter the kingdom of heaven’?

  16. 多么及时的文章——为我节省了大约 260 欧元/美元(包括邮费)。路易斯·斐迪南·赛琳 (Louis Ferdinand Celine) 是最受喜爱的作家之一。多年来,我一直认为他的《屠杀的小事》被列入了第二次世界大战胜利者制定的禁书清单。很多年前,我通过亚马逊(我认为)发现这本书还活着,而且还很好,但它被运到美国,由于我的法语水平不佳,它一直没有被阅读。我知道有一个德语版的“Bagatelles”,即“Juden Verschwörung in Frankreich”(法国犹太人的阴谋)。在德国,它仍然是违禁品。如果警察(例如斯大林)发现您拥有一本副本,您将被逮捕并被起诉,这本书将被烧毁,等等。几天前,天哪,我进行了搜索,发现差点就买了,但没有买,因为我需要买一双新舞鞋。所以,今天早上,当我读到这篇文章时,我想看看亚马逊在“法国的 Juden Verschwörung”上可能有什么内容。我什么也没指望。而什么也没得到。但奇迹发生了。有一个“Bagatelles”的英文翻译,你可以在亚马逊上以 2 美元的价格买到。主的道路是奥秘的!

    • 回复: @FLgeezer
  17. RobinG 说:


    “The people who call themselves Libertarians are always tyrants. They want freedom for the super-rich and starvation for losers.”

    • 回复: @iffen
  18. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    To celebrate Banned Book week local library in our city featured Diary of Anne Frank.

    I expressed my amazement to the librarian; public school kids are required to read Diary of Anne Frank. How’s that Banning, I asked.

    He explained that the book had been banned in past because it had examples of Anne sassing her mother; fear was that it would make children think it’s ok to disrespect parents.

    but I had googled “ban Diary Anne Frank” and found:


    Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl is still sometimes taken off shelves or reading lists. Not because students might get nightmares to read how the Frank family had to hide in an attic until they were dragged into Nazi death camps, but because at one, brief point, 14-year-old Anne describes her maturing anatomy.

    & the year earlier, from Guardian:


    A mother of a seventh grader . . . in Michigan said late last month that Frank’s depiction of growing up in hiding as a Jewish teenager during the Holocaust, which has sold millions of copies worldwide, contains “pornographic passages” . . . “inappropriate material”. She pointed in particular to a passage from the “definitive” version of Frank’s diary - 包括 around 30% of extra material left out of the original 1947 edition by Anne’s father Otto – in which the young girl discusses her anatomy.

    “Until I was 11 or 12, I didn’t realise there was a second set of labia on the inside, since you couldn’t see them. What’s even funnier is that I thought urine came out of the clitoris,” wrote Frank. “When you’re standing up, all you see from the front is hair. Between your legs there are two soft, cushiony things, also covered with hair, which press together when you’re standing, so you can’t see what’s inside. They separate when you sit down and they’re very red and quite fleshy on the inside. In the upper part, between the outer labia, there’s a fold of skin that, on second thought, looks like a kind of blister. That’s the clitoris.”

    I mentioned this other issue to librarian, that it wasn’t about “sassing parents” but about “discovering clitoris & labia . . .”
    Librarian explained that there are various versions of Diary of Anne Frank —

    How did Anne Frank, cooped up in an attic, learn those terms. Did she ask her mother whom she otherwise sassed? Maybe she googled them on her iPhone?

    And it’s really intriguing that there’s a “definitive version” w/ “30% more material” .
    When will we discover that Anne Frank was a closet lesbian?
    Or is Diary of St Anne like a CVport that those in charge of doctoring our children’s minds can use to inject whatever cognitive adjustment is deemed necessary?


    My copy of Germar Rudolf’s “Holocaust Lectures” arrived in the mail last weeks. Thanks GR.

  19. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Mark Green

    Regarding the double-standards, to paraphrase McLuhan “Who controls the media controls the message.”


    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  20. Obviously it’s just a matter of time before any number of “unapproved” topics run afoul of the gatekeepers: racial/gender differences, IQ, historical revisionism in general (not just as it concerns Jewish losses), CIA criminality, etc.

  21. Z-man 说:
    @Mark Green

    My agree button wasn’t working. Well said Mark Green.

  22. @anon

    Information contra vaccines and other pharmaceutical goodies our masters want to force on us is also getting harder to find.

    Agree. Good info is getting more difficult to find bout nearly everything, especially about the crimes of our masters.

  23. 好文章。

    For those interested, the topic has also been very well dealt with by H.E. Barnes, here,https://mises.org/sites/default/files/rampart_spring1966_2.pdf and I highly recommend it. The piece by Rothbard is excellent as well. In fact, the whole issue is packed with worthwhile info.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  24. anonymos 说:



    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @Alden
  25. El Dato 说:

    “Algorithmic tinkering”

    Makes it sound complex and difficult.

    It’s quite likely more like “weight juggling”.

    Really, I can tell you with 95% assurance that the “algorithmic tinkering” is basically the changing of a cell’s value in an Excel sheet. 0.90 instead of 1.00 or something. That should do it. Goothanasia.

  26. @anonymos


  27. schrub 说:

    The solution to Google’s censoring and tracking is not to use it.

    使用 duckduckgo.com as your default search site.


  28. @anonymous


    True as far as getting the message out, but the receivers need to learn the proper tuning.

    Unfortunately, seduction has pretty much always ruled the world.

    “Mankind are, in all ages, caught by the same baits: the same tricks played over and over again, still trepan them.”

    – David Hume, Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary, Part II, Essay IX,31, OF PUBLIC CREDIT, (1742)

  29. 非常有见地的文章。
    Fascinating that important books are being banned while we are being told how
    free we are. Thank you for the article.

  30. Wally 说:

    A totalitarian communist just spoke

    My money is mine, not yours or the government’s to steal.

    Give away your money if you like, move “losers” into your residence, no one is stopping you.

    • 回复: @TomSchmidt
  31. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    Anne Frank’s fake “diary” debunked here.

    You’ll love the various examples of different people’s handwriting, not to mention the ball point pen.



    “大屠杀”故事情节是有史以来最容易被揭穿的叙事之一。 这就是为什么那些质疑它的人遭到逮捕和迫害的原因。 这就是为什么暴力,种族主义和特权至上的犹太至上主义者要求进行审查。 拒绝言论自由和寻求真理的自由是什么真理? 真理不需要受到审查。

    Scholar Dr. Arthur Robert Butz:

    • 回复: @Wally
  32. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    See the fake & laughable Anne Frank “diary debunked here:

    Anne Frank’s Diary Gains ‘Co-Author’’s / and more

    You’ll love the examples of different people’s handwriting, ex.:


    Scholar Dr. Arthur Robert Butz:


  33. @jacques sheete

    Yes. James J. Martin is another American libertarian revisionist who’s always worth reading.

    • 同意: jacques sheete
  34. I believe the disappearance on hundreds of Revisionist books from Amazon and other company websites has to do with the December 2016 announcement by British Prime Minister Theresa May “Government leads the way in tackling anti-Semitism” which announced that the British government and its agencies would formally adopt a new and expanded definition of Antisemitism as put forth in the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee Tenth Report on Antisemitism in the UK.

    Included in the definition of Antisemitism was,

    Also ominously included was,
    Anti-Semitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of anti-Semitic materials in some countries).

    So expressing Revisionist thoughts (even if true) has been defined as “Antisemitic” per se and
    may open companies up to criminal prosecution in many jurisdictions like Germany, France
    or Israel. Germany has passed harsh new laws making companies and the company officers
    liable for allowing “hate” on Facebook and Google.

    I think that politicians like German Justice Minister Heiko Maas or Theresa May (along with many others) are most responsible for the banning of Revisionist books.

    No wonder Amazon is pulling books!

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  35. Tbbh 说:

    Rwandans killed a million people in just over three months with machetes in a land of mud huts but Germans were unable to kill 5 or 6 million in 12 years…That seems highly true…

  36. @David Merlin

    Makes sense. Bezos didn’t just suddenly become concerned about these books after selling them for years, presumably someone whispered in his ear (not that he ever had any principled commitment to open debate anyway, he is a crony capitalist after all).

  37. I have (anonymously) edited the Wikipedia article “Amazon.com controversies” several times to report the number of titles banned in Amazon’s action of March 6, 2017. Sayanim have repeatedly pounced on my edits and reverted them in a pattern that at this point is starkly telling.

    My most-recent edit, linking to THIS (unz.com) article, may be seen at https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Amazon.com_controversies&oldid=804230693. To view the CURRENT version, which will by that time have been “corrected,” go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon.com_controversies; you’ll find my edit gone. Consult the article’s History to view my previous attempts to get this information in.

    The “disappearing” act incited by Yad Vashem et al at Amazon is being supported (by “disappearing”) by most of the media, including the sayanim in control of Wikipedia.


    • 回复: @Wally
  38. Alden 说:

    Diary of Anne Frank was actually written by a very popular and prolific author named Meyer Levin. He wrote more than 20 books in the mid 20th century.

    There actually was a Frank family and all but the Father, Otto were arrested and died in the concentration camps.

    The father, Otto went back to their hiding place and packed up their things, including Anne’s diary. He was “rescued” by a Jewish refugee agency and ended up in New York. He contacted Meyer Levin about ghostwriting and publishing the embellished diary. One can assume there was a lot of arrangements between Otto, the Jewish refugee organization, other Jewish propaganda organizations and the author, Meyer Levin.

    Otto Frank and Meyer Levin drew up a contract. Levin was to be paid $50,000, a huge sum at the time for ghostwriting the book.

    Otto Frank didn’t pay Levin. So Levin sued Frank for his pay. It went to court. At the trial Levin produced the original diary written by Anne and the published work written by Levin.
    The judge ruled that Frank had to pay Levin the agreed sum of $50,000 because the published diary was written by the prolific author Levin, not the 12 year old Anne Frank.

    Levin wrote the book Compulsion. It was his most widely read book. It was a fictionalized version of the murder of 13 year old Bobby Frank in Chicago by 2 gays Bobby teased too much , Loeb and Leopold. A movie was adapted from the book in the 1950’s, great movie, great book

    I remember when the “revised ” version of the Diary came out. My Jewish friends were all excited. I assumed the sex parts were added because as everyone knows, sex sells. There was something in the book about Anne being attracted to a teen age boy around their hiding place/home.

    And of course the reason the “revised” version came out was to get the rapidly aging holocaust haunted donors and activitists all ramped up again.

    Is there anyway to disable spell check? It kept changing Levin to Kevin.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  39. FLgeezer 说:
    @Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften


  40. @Tbbh

    The 1M for Rwanda is on the high end of estimates, the true number could well be half that. The Rwandan situation was very different from the Eastern Front during WW2, and at any rate there is far more evidence supporting the claims of the scale of genocide in Rwanda than there is against the Germans in the SU.

  41. Alden 说:

    None of the banned books were ever banned. Some black parents (followed by every reporter in town) objected to the N word in Huck Finn. But they never bothered to read Twain’s other books which freely used the N word.

    I leafed through the ridiculous Handmaids Tale when it first came out. It was the most ignorant ridiculous piece of insane lefty feminazi propaganda I ever read. Anyone who knows anything about history and human reproduction knows that throughout history the infertile wives of the ruling classes get shoved aside in favor of the fertile other women.
    Even in Catholic Europe it happened all the time. In the rest of the world, even a low level class 5 harem girl who had a healthy baby boy and managed to keep him alive was elevated
    to Sultana or whatever.

    The book was just anti having children propaganda propaganda by the feminazis.

    And who was behind their feminazi puppets? The great corporations of America who wanted a docile, anti Union, thrilled to work 60 hours a week for 40 hours pay childless female work force.

    It was blatantly obvious in 1970 that the feminazi don’t have kids devote yourself to your cr**py job movement was orchestrated by the Evil Exploitive Cannibal Capitalist Employers of America Association.

    Well, they succeeded. Wages have stagnated since 1970. The 60 hour week for 40 hours pay has been standard for decades.

    Did the Evil Exploitive Cannibal Capitalist Employers of America Association anticipate that their carefully engineered stagnant wages anti having children campaign would result in bringing in turd world workers to replace Americans?

    Probably, very probably.

  42. @Alden

    The more interesting aspect of the Anne Frank story is that, even though she was interned at Auschwitz (supposedly a death camp), she caught typhus and was transferred to Bergen-Belsen for treatment, where she died. As with Elie Wiesel, whether or not her dramatic story is 100% accurate, what is true about her experience contradicts some central tenets of the Holocaust narrative.

    • 回复: @Alden
  43. Anonymous [AKA "NicDonin"] 说:

    Why hasn’t an English translation of Solzhenitsy’s ‘Two Hundred Years Together’ been published?

  44. Alden 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    At least she was a real person, a young girl who died in a concentration camp. The story was bad enough without hiring someone to write the Diary. The family did flee Germany with enough money to restart the Father’s business. They did go into hiding when the Germans arrived. All but the Father were killed in the concentration camps.

    The 300AD Christian bishops proclaimed that “Martydom is the seed of the church” Anne Frank is a jewish adaption of St Agnes, St Barbara, St Felicia and all the other pretty early teen girl martyrs who may or may not have existed.

    • 回复: @Wally
  45. Alden 说:


    I just walked into my local Los Angeles neighborhood library to meet a friend. And guess what is prominently displayed at both the check out and information desk.

    It’s a big red 12 by 12 inch sign with Know Your Rights in Spanish and English. There is a holder with bright red cards advising everyone to take one and keep it in case of “problems”

    Here is what is on the card. It is obviously for illegal aliens to keep and give to any ICE agents who might confront them.

    “I do not wish to speak with you, answer your questions, or sign or hand you any documents based on my 5th amendment rights under the United States Constitution.

    I do not give you permission to enter my home based on my 4th amendment rights under the United States Constitution unless you have a warrant to enter signed by a judge or magistrate with my name on it that you slide under my door.

    I do not give you permission to search any of my belongings based on my 4th amendment rights.

    I choose to exercise my consitutional rights. ”

    These rights and cards are for citizens and non citizens alike.

    Why am I in this little neighborhood library today? The SJW lesbian librarians have turned the place into an obnoxious homeless haven by refusing to enforce any rules against the crazies and homeless but strictly enforcing them against the normals. For instance, there is a table near the door where the homeless sit all day with huge big gulp glasses and food including pizza boxes.

    They are allowed to jabber loudly on their cell phones as long as they have several bundles to signify they are homeless. But anyone else takes out a cell phone just to look at texts the librarians are immediately all over them. it is soooo obvious. It’s just like the public schools in which the black thugs are allowed to do anything they like but a White kid smokes at the bus stop or makes any noise in class and they are subject to discipline so as to prevent disparate impact of suspensions and expuslsions.

    My friends want me to make a big complaint about how this particular local library uses unequal enforcement of all the library rules such as sitting all day with food and drink and violations of CPC 647, ( masturbation) to drive out the normals and keep it for their beloved crazy black homeless.
    BTW, there are several White homeless who are in this library all day long but they just sit and read and use the computers.

    I have the names of the library commissioners. Every one is a woman. None are black. The rest are sort of asian hispanic whatever. Their resumes are posted. Everyone has spent her adult life working in various SJW organizations.

    My friends plan to document the eating and drinking and the librarians refusing to do anything about it. I told them to quietly go into the bathroom and report the CPC 647 violations along with a good description and location but of course they want me to do it all.

    2 books that need to be destroyed and all references removed from everywhere. “Of Mice and Men” and “Kill a Mockingbird” I was about 10 when I read Mice and Men. I knew immediately what it was all about. “Rich” women were fair game for the poor downtrodden farm workers. Mocking bird was just propaganda for the “black men aren’t really rapists adn White women desire black men because White men arent’ sexy or some liberal propaganda c**p.

    Black on White rape was rampant when I was a probation officer. The Mockinbird propaganda was so strong it was hard to get a conviction and difficult to get a prison sentence. In fact, Alameda County Ca (Oakland) DA’s office had a deliberate policy of not prosecuting black on White rape for about 15 years because they knew it would just result in a riot. That was when the scum bag David Horowitz was communist party liason to the black panthers and other even more criminal black organizations.

    Much as I dislike feminazis, that was one good thing they did. They reversed the lenient rape laws. Of course they focused on the White police, investigators and prosecuters as being mean to the victims. They never mentioned the race of the rapists. But it did work.

    Of course the jewish ferminazis and communists created the lenient rape laws starting in the 1920’s.
    It was a kick to see those jewish women ACLU type attorneys turn on a dime from defending black rapists by claiming that their victims wanted the black rapists so badly they would do it at the bus stop to campaigning against rape.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  46. @anonymous

    What 14-year old knows what a clitoris is (then or now)? How much of the diary is authentic, I don’t know (or care to be honest), but no doubt sections like this were put in by the editors, sort of a two-birds-with-one-stone thing.

    • 回复: @Ivy
  47. iffen 说:

    They want freedom for the super-rich and starvation for losers.”

    RobinG thinks about the sans-culottes.


  48. Svigor 说:

    I think Wally could sell holocaust heterodoxy better. A couple of suggestions:

    When you drop in that boilerplate comment with links, drop in a different heterodox tidbit every time. Or at least have enough of them on hand to drop in with the boilerplate that it 容貌 like you have a different one every time. Put the boilerplate and a few dozen tidbits into a text file and rotate the tidbit every time. It would be like a fortune cookie, and generate a bit of interest, instead of prompting readers to just scroll past. Tidbits would obviously be some pithy, thought-provoking thought or fact that encourages heterodox thinking.

    Your tone’s a bit off. Instead of aggressively announcing that the holocaust is a fraud – trying to force a horse to drink – try leading him to water. Show, don’t tell, to put it another way. People like to do the last bit of math themselves, and letting them do so tends to make things much more persuasive, IMO. Sometimes a more disinterested tone is more persuasive. E.g., I find my own position more thought-provoking than outright holocaust denial; in a nutshell, it’s “I’m agnostic about the holocaust, but damn if the orthodox narrative doesn’t stink up the place; did you know that xxx, yyy, zzz? Makes you think, doesn’t it?” I think it works because it keeps it light, and doesn’t force the reader to choose a position or join a camp. It encourages him to think of holocaust history the same way he thinks of history in general, which is an eminently fair position. For the record, I really am agnostic about the holocaust – it’s not a pose. I don’t see how people can be so certain about most of what they’re seemingly so certain about, and that cuts in both directions.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @helena
  49. Svigor 说:

    The more interesting aspect of the Anne Frank story is that, even though she was interned at Auschwitz (supposedly a death camp), she caught typhus and was transferred to Bergen-Belsen for treatment, where she died. As with Elie Wiesel, whether or not her dramatic story is 100% accurate, what is true about her experience contradicts some central tenets of the Holocaust narrative.

    Yes, these are great tidbits:

    Did you know that Anne Franke was moved from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen? That Elie Wiesel was interned at 4 (or whatever) different camps? Strange way of killing people, I’d say.

    Did you know that Anne Frank died of Typhus, in an infirmary?

    Did you know that all references to gas chambers are either 2nd hand, or speculative?

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
    , @Alden
  50. Miro23 说:

    It is of course exactly that – hypocrisy.

    And not the arguably good sort, either (the “tribute vice pays to virtue”). It is the profoundly nasty and corrupting, cynically dishonest sort that involves people claiming virtues that they are in fact knowingly acting against and actively undermining in the public sphere, for their own political and material benefit.

    This could also be an accurate description of the Bolsheviks, with all their blah about class enemies, exploitation, everyone equal etc., while they moved into St Petersburg´s aristocratic mansions and bought themselves Rolls Royces (Lenin had nine in his garage).

    • 回复: @Randal
  51. Mulegino1 说:

    The twin Manichean myths – the “Good War” and “the Holocaust” are the foundation of the EU, USRAELI/ NATO dominance and Atlanticist hegemony. They are the absolutely critical linchpins of the unipolar world of modernity and its accoutrements – namely, infinite linear progress, absolute equality and perfect democracy, i.e., the negation of real history and humanity itself.

    The truth sets one free- provided one’s mind is disposed towards freedom and not servility. But factual and historical truths are, more often than not, at total variance with received superstition that props up the indispensable contemporary beliefs among the broad masses, which is necessary for social control and maintenance of an interventionist and imperial weltanschauung. That is, of course, nothing new. But the odious nature of the Allied and Zionist propaganda pertaining to the Second World War is manifest, because it calls upon those of European and Christian provenance to literally despise their past, to spit upon it and to celebrate its destruction.

    Therefore, revisionist literature pertaining to origins of the Second World War and to the manifest lies about the sacrosanct “6 million” must be suppressed, since if the truth ever got out, it would create a crisis of conscience and belief among those Americans who still have a sense of historical continuity and who are not totally focused on the NFL or on the entertainment industry. The idea that their forebears who invaded France and Europe – albeit with courage and the best of intentions – did not contribute to that continent’s liberation but to its cultural and demographic downfall – would be too much to bear for many of them.

    • 同意: Zumbuddi
    • 回复: @Alden
  52. @Svigor

    As well, Wiesel and his elderly father (who was in the Auschwitz infirmary) chose to evacuate with the Germans rather than be “liberated” by the Soviets.

  53. Svigor 说:

    Rwandans killed a million people in just over three months with machetes in a land of mud huts but Germans were unable to kill 5 or 6 million in 12 years…That seems highly true…


    Jew: “The holocaust was the execution of a plan to exterminate the Jews.”
    Goy: “So why did they do such a shitty job of it?”
    Jew: “Well the plan was to use them as slave labor, then kill them later, you antisemite.”
    Goy: “So, the holocast was actually the execution of a plan to enslave the Jews, then kill them afterward. Please revise your story.”
    Jew: “K.”
    Jew, the next day: “The holocaust was the execution of a plan to exterminate the Jews.”

    Actually, a lot of conversations with Jews go kinda like that…

    • 回复: @Anon
  54. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    The alleged Rwanda ‘1M’ was supposedly done by means that are actually possible.

    Whereas the alleged ‘6M Jews, 5M other, & gas chambers’ are simply scientifically impossible.

    Remember, we’re talking about an alleged ‘6M Jews & 5M others’ … 11,000,000.
    Supposedly killed in very centralized & allegedly known sites.

    There is not a single verifiable, displayed, excavation of the alleged enormous mass graves with contents actually SHOWN, not just claimed.

    Recall the claim of 900,000 buried at Treblinka, 1,250,000 at Auschwitz, or 250,000 at Sobibor, 34,000 at Babi Yar) even though Jews claim they still exist and claim to know exactly where these alleged enormous mass graves are.


    • 回复: @Tbbh
  55. RobinG 说:

    Just curious, what do you think of Horowitz now? The conservative convert ultra Israel supporter.

    • 回复: @Alden
  56. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    Back pedaling and retreat does not work against the extremely aggressive, violence prone, massively well funded “Holocau$t Industry”.

    The ‘usual enemies of free speech’ have acquired power and they’re not about to relinquish it without some serious, perhaps confrontational efforts by all of us.

    ‘In your face’ is what they understand and nothing else. Sad but true, as shown in numerous articles & posts at righteous Jew, Ron Unz’s https://www.unz.com

    And given the horrendous abuse and tactics used against myself and the others, a little edge should be understandable, in fact, required.

    French revisionist Prof. Dr. Robert Faurisson beaten for his opinions:
    How would you feel if you spent years in prison because of an opinion like master chemist Germar Rudolf, free speech advocate Ernst Zundel & countless others.

    I sense you have no idea what has happened to good people who merely spoke up, what IS happening as we speak.

    I am but one of millions out there who have awakened from retreat.
    http://www.codoh.com for much more

    I believe in science over religion. Simple. And you?

    The alleged ‘6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible.

    I suggest you’re under going a case of ‘cognitive dissonance’, uncomfortable to be sure, but it’s what happened to all Revisionists, who 所有 used to be True Believers.


    • 回复: @Alden
    , @anonymous
    , @Anon
  57. Alden 说:

    The Jewish publications blame every European country for the holocaust. It wasn’t just Germany, it was all European countries that planned and plotted and gladly suffered the war and occupation by Germany to kill off the Jews.

    Israeli schools now teach that it was the Poles, not the Germans who were solely responsible for the camps located in Poland.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  58. @Tbbh

    It should also be pointed out that, even according to official historiography, the mass killings carried out by the Germans occurred over a period of 3 years or so (from the invasion of the SU in 1941 to the Red Army conquest of Poland in 1944), not 12.

  59. Alden 说:

    I still think the most interesting part of the Anne Frank story is that she didn’t write the published diary. It was ghost written by prolific author Meyer Levin for $50,000.

    The Germans were responsible for her death. Had she not been sent to those horrible camps she would not have died of typhus. The Germans killed her. If a nation is going to put millions of people in prisons and concentration camps that nation is responsible for the health and safety of the prisoners

    America has huge numbers of people in city jails, county jails and state and federal prisons. They don’t die of easily prevented communicable diseases. As far as I know, there have never been any typhus, typhoid or cholera epidemics in the Anerican prison system except in the POW camps during the civil war.

    It’s unethical for the Jews to publish that fraudulent book. But it’s a terrible sin of murder for the Germans to kill her by putting her in those camps.

  60. Alden 说:

    Check out what the Israeli tour groups security guards aka thugs do on the pilgrimages to memorials in Poland.

    They are notorious for attacking and beating random passers by on the grounds that all Poles are vicious anti Semites and the Israeli tourists are not safe in Poland.

    A lot of hotels and bus charter bus companies won’t deal with Israeli tour groups any more because of the thugs attacking and beating employers and other customers. Which of course raises cries of anti Semitism.

  61. @Alden

    I think eventually every European country, and probably the US, will be accused of complicity in the Holocaust.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @JackOH
  62. Though I consider outright holocaust denial to be utter BS, I support the right of deniers to deny. What’s more, these “hate speech” bans chill honest scholarship. For example, would it be illegal to change the sacred 6M number to 5M?

  63. Alden 说:


    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  64. @Alden

    Her story is unquestionably tragic, as is the death of any young person. But why does it carry any more significance than the millions of such deaths that occurred in WW2?

  65. Alden 说:

    The recommended way to look at one’s genitalia is to lie down with legs spread and use a big hand mirror. That’s what all the feminazi lesbo books recommend. I think a man using an anatomy book wrote that passage.

    Being a lesbian or gay is sooo outdated. In a few years we will hear that Saint Anne the Virgin martyr was really transgender.

  66. nsa 说:

    Anyone else ever wonder why the conniving jooies never change their behavior and at least attempt to blend into society at large? Instead, they insist on owning and running everything, and end up getting whacked periodically and run out of every host country. Take the USA…..the jooies dominate banking, finance, publishing, entertainment, the vile TV box, congress, porn, white house, etc and use these assets to promote self-serving wars and their own narrow interests. How long before the ultra pushy US jooies get whacked or evicted here? Or possibly “this time it’s different” and the obese American masses are so subservient and bovine they embrace serfdom and never cast off their jooie chains.

  67. @Alden

    America has huge numbers of people in city jails, county jails and state and federal prisons. They don’t die of easily prevented communicable diseases. As far as I know, there have never been any typhus, typhoid or cholera epidemics in the Anerican prison system except in the POW camps during the civil war.

    A 很多 of Germans were on starvation rations during the war because of the Brit blockade of Germany and were susceptible to diseases such as that.

    Not only did Churchill instigate the war, but he’s responsible for the resulting crimes. That sicko was a monster and so were FDR and Stalin.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  68. @Fidelios Automata

    Though I consider outright holocaust denial to be utter BS…

    Not even to be able to question any aspects of the story is an even bigger load of BS. The holocaust pimps seem to be afraid that their story won’t hold up to scrutiny. If they had nothing to hide, they’d 鼓励 people to ask questions, no?

    That alone makes the story suspect.

  69. @Alden


    They were only needed to put pressure on goy businesses. Once they were gone, it became safe to ignore them.

    I’m not making that up. I believe Murray Rothbard detailed how it worked but i don’t remember all of it at this time.

    It was just a political move in the battle between the Morgans and Rockefellers for commercial supremacy if I remember correctly. If you’re interested I’ll try to look up a reference.

  70. Tbbh 说:

    But Katyn DID happen, because it was Soviets…

  71. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Svigor offered some good advice.

    I’m a uuge fan of Germar Rudolf, participate/donate to CODOH, but most often I breeze past your comments, Wally, because, frankly, it’s annoying to read “level playing field” a gazillion times; just makes one feel pissed off, not willing to investigate.

    If the goal is to expand awareness of the importance and availability of holocaust revision, and to persuade more people to dip their toe in, why not test drive some of Svigor’s suggestions.

    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
    • 回复: @utu
    , @Wally
  72. @Fidelios Automata

    don’t know much about a lot of things, least of all doing serious history, or authentic investigative reporting. but I used to be a big fan of Perry Mason and Colombo programs. as I remember them, it frequently turned out that the ‘theory of the crime’ was entirely different from the narrative first presented by both prosecutor and defense. so Paul Drake would waste tons of time sneaking into an abandoned warehouse to get the evidence, and the bad guy would make it difficult for him to do that so he’d think that was where the evidence was, when in fact the crime scene/evidence etc. was on the other side of town.
    applied to holocaust, that means that the holocaust industrialists are delighted to keep folks fussing over “5.8 million or 6 million,” and pleased as punch to see people putting their entire lives on the line to prove there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz. I think they laugh at those arguments/claims/battles. They know the whole business is a fraud, but as long as sincere people spend their efforts sniffing around those relatively minor frauds, which the Abe Foxman network will duly condemn and excoriate and hyperventilate about, the real, enormous crime that we are living continues on its merry way.
    THAT enormous crime, imho, is the overthrow of US government by AngloZionists beginning w/ the Wilson admin — the beta — and fully implemented in FDR’s administration.

    The USA that FDR created and set in motion is radically different from what Founders envisioned. Jews/Zionists and Anglophiles played the major role in the overthrow of US government — I haven’t figured out if FDR was a willing participant, a dupe, a Faustian actor, or someone who thought he could outsmart the cartel/criminal gang — whatever: FDR effectively turned USA over to Anglo-Zionist central bankers, spies, covert operators, warmongers, and propagandists.
    THAT’s the crime the holocaust smokescreen is concealing. (In addition to the enormous crimes against the German & Japanese people, & later, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, etc.

    Sometimes I try to imagine what USA would look like if Wilson had not taken USA to war, and FDR had also resisted the war drums. We’d live in a vastly different world.

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
  73. @Alden

    In the cemetery where my parents are buried there’s an entire section — acres and acres, all the same type of headstone, some with no name– for those who died in influenza epidemic around WWI. The epidemic started in a training camp in the USA, iirc.

    And if I’m not mistaken, among Allies, more people died of disease and infection in WWII than from actual military causes.

  74. utu 说:

    Wally is an automaton. You can’t expect too much from him. Certainly if one wants to contest the orthodox narrative of Holocaust more nuanced approach is needed. Is Wally’s approach useful? I doubt it.

    Were there special regulations targeting Jews in Germany and country occupied by Germany making the conditions and treatment of Jews worse than other groups? Absolutely.

    Jews were sent to concentration and labor camps. Were there gas chambers? Probably not.

    Jews were executed en masse in Ukraine and Belarus and Baltic States. How many got killed in this way? We can’t believe the official numbers.

    What was the primary cause of Jewish death? Probably malnutrition, overwork and disease before intentional executions.

    How many Polish Jews out of pre WWII 3 millions survived the war? Again we do not know but it is likely that more than the official 300,000 (10%).

    How many Jews died during WWII? 6 mil number can’t be trusted.

    • 回复: @Wally
  75. Wally 说: • 您的网站
    @Jett Rucker



  76. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    “All but the Father were killed in the concentration camps”


    None were killed.

    You have no proof they were. Simple as that.

    • 回复: @Anon
  77. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Truth cannot be stopped.


    The only parts of your post which are inaccurate. Quite the contrary, in fact, the noose is tighter than ever as the Internet rapidly follows the path of the MSM into ‘controlled territory’.

    These little corners of freedom such as unz.com are being shut down, or haven’t you noticed?

    • 回复: @Wally
  78. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Washington Post says in the banner “Democracy Dies In Darkness”

    Since they’re the ones propagating the “Darkness” I’d say they’re spot-on.

  79. Wally 说: • 您的网站


    Think repetitive promotions. Say what you will, but they work, the message gets in there.

    Once you’re told the ‘holocaust’ is impossible BS you never forget it.

    You may “breeze past”, but others will be hit by the unmitigated gall, and that’s good. Learning the truth can be a painful experience.

    And what’s wrong with a level playing field for change? Is that a problem for you?

    I invite everyone the CODOH forum for a reason, full debate here is just not practical.

    Actually see what I’m talking about, register and discuss. Simple stuff, really.


  80. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    And Japanese Americans died aplenty in US concentration camps, Christians died aplenty in Communist gulags, on & on.

    Concentration camps were not a particularly German thing. They were the norm of the period and much before by everyone.

    The % of Japanese Americans sent to US concentration camps was higher than the % of Euro-Jews sent to concentration camps by the Germans.


  81. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Svigor offered some good advice.

    He did indeed, and it’s sad that it goes unheeded.

    • 回复: @Wally
  82. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    LOL! Not to mention the fact that the Germans were actually paying Jews to 移民 for most of the previous ten years. Strange thing to do if you actually wanted to 他们。

    • 回复: @utu
  83. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Naturally. Since ‘whiteness’ is the crime, all white countries must be destroyed.

    The third-world minions you see doing the dirty work are just shock troops.

    Thanks to the mass media, it really is ‘different’ this time. Total Control.

  84. Wally 说:

    An “automaton” that can kick your butt in debate. Sorry, you asked for it.

    You naively said:

    “Jews were executed en masse in Ukraine and Belarus and Baltic States. How many got killed in this way? We can’t believe the official numbers.”


    The Industry now claims that ca. 2,000,000 Jews were shot by the Einsatzgruppen into huge pits, so, anyone, please show us the actual excavations, the enormous mass graves, & remains that are claimed to exist, their locations are allegedly known.

    Think you know better? Then bring it where we can chat better. Don’t be afraid. 所有类型 Revisionists used to be believers.


    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Anon
    , @utu
    , @anonymous
  85. @Tbbh

    It happened not just because the Soviets eventually confessed to it, but because the Germans conducted a proper forensic investigation of the crime scene at the time with outside observers, something the Soviets never permitted in the “death camps”.

  86. @jacques sheete

    Agreed. Ridiculous to compare American peacetime prisons (as bad as they are) to German concentration camps during wartime.

  87. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    The death rate of humanity is approximately 8 per 1,000 per year. About 100,000 Japanese Americans were interned for three years. We would expect that approximately 2,400 would die.

    Less than 2,000 people died in internment camps from all causes, including old age.

    Stop making this ridiculous comparison.

    • 回复: @Wally
  88. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    He moderates the CODOH forum.

    • 回复: @Wally
  89. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    So now Anne Frank didn’t die at all? Don’t give me some bullshit about the Nazis not killing Anne Frank. She should have never been in a concentration camp. That she died in one is the Nazis’ fault. Period.

    It’s no wonder people hate you.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @anonymous
  90. Ivy 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Editors get paid the big bucks to publicize the hot-button issues.

  91. utu 说:

    Germans were actually paying Jews to emigrate for most of the previous ten years.

    Not true. However over 50% German Jews emigrated from Germany before WWII. There was also the Transfer Agreement according to which Jews had to pay (leave their property) to emigrate. Those who remained in many ways were treated better than Jews in occupied countries because they were German citizens but eventually with some exceptions (intermarried Jews) were sent East.

  92. utu 说:

    No, Wally, you are an automaton. As an automaton you are incapable to know what it means to not be one. You just play one flat key w/o any abilities to tune your argument to the level appropriate for your interlocutor. I think you are not very intelligent and your Weltanschauung is that of a simpleton. Which is not surprising because you also subscribe to libertarian views and rhetoric. This is very unfortunate because the official Holocaust narrative certainly is to large extent false but automatons certainly will not have any impact on bringing this fact to the awareness of public at large.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @anonymous
  93. Wally 说:

    I’m sure that is your hope.

    Can you say ‘Gorsuch’?

  94. Wally 说:

    I replied, pay attention, Zionist.

    BTW, your little boys aren’t doing so well here, LOL

  95. @Anonymous


  96. Wally 说:

    Your weasel words ‘internment camps’ are noted.

    Your strawman argument is also noted.

    I made no numerical comparison of deaths for Japanese Americans, after all the Allied terrorist bombing campaign prevented medicine & food stuffs from reaching the German camps.

    I noticed you dodged the massive Communist gulag deaths.

    I also find it revealing that you would deny the brutal hardships that Japanese Americans endured.
    No surprise, you do the same for the Palestinians.

    The % of Japanese Americans sent to US concentration camps was higher than the % of Euro-Jews sent to German camps.

    There I fixed it for you, again.

  97. Wally 说:

    No, I definitely do not.

    “ 6,000,000万犹太人”的谎言和墨西哥笑声:

  98. Wally 说:


    IOW, you’re admitting you cannot debate me.


    I notice you’re afraid to debate at:


    Of course, there’s no name calling allowed. So that leaves you out. LOL


    “Jews were executed en masse in Ukraine and Belarus and Baltic States. How many got killed in this way? We can’t believe the official numbers.”



    The Industry now claims that ca. 2,000,000 Jews were shot by the Einsatzgruppen into huge pits, so, anyone, please show us the actual excavations, the enormous mass graves, & remains that are claimed to exist, their locations are allegedly known.


    • 回复: @Vendetta
  99. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    You’re losing your composure again.
    That’s understandable though. There’s a lot sympathetic posts here which have you in a panic.

    And do stop sucking up to others here. Only lying Zionists like you hate me.
    As if I care. LOL.


    Frank was not killed.

    She was transported 输出 of the alleged ‘pure extermination center of Auschwitz’.
    Given treatment, inspite of the Allied illegal terrorist bombing of medicines & food stuffs into the German camps.

    No doubt you have no problems with killing Palestinians

    “6,000,000 名犹太人,5,000,000 人和毒气室”的欺诈和可笑的故事情节使以色列/犹太复国主义者/至上主义犹太人的权力得以实现。


    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Anon
  100. @Alden

    The Germans did a pretty good job of keeping infectious diseases like typhus under control until Allies bombing raids totally destroyed Germany’s railroads highways, and medical facilities over which medical and sanitation supplies (including poison gas used to kill fleas) had been previously delivered to work camps.

  101. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Sounds like you are one of those peeps who was emotionally conditioned — very difficult to overcome an emotionally impacted brain; reason doesn’t do it. that’s why Anne Frank is insidious.

    You are aware that Jewish partisans deliberately spread typhus and other diseases in the camps, are you not?

    It was particularly difficult to keep Polish Jews from becoming ill: they were filthy, lived like pigs. Patton was disgusted with them, and so was Eisenhower: in Ike’s book, he commented on how Polish Jews did nothing to take care of themselves, just sat huddled together in filth.

    otoh — About a year ago in another one of those trials of a 90-year old German — this one a baggage handler — an 86-year old Jewish woman who was a “witness” said that she and her sister were in a “death camp.” She got sick, was taken to the camp hospital. “Dr. Mengele stood at my bedside; he said I would die. I knew if I died they’d kill my sister, too, to study us . . .”

    Obviously, the dingbat woman did not die: she received medical care from the nasty Nazis and lived to a ripe old age.

    A lot of people should not have died. 15 000 Lebanese were killed by Israelis in the early 1980s; Israelis routinely kill Palestinians — they call it “mowing the lawn.” When Jews don’t kill people directly, they get someone else to do the dirty work: Americans have killed a million or more Iraqis on behalf of Jews.
    Jews are not automatons like Wally; they have sophisticated PR methods, bought and paid for with US tax dollars; Jews know how to say “the Palestinian children ran into bullets that they forced our moral troops to fire,” and people believe it.

    The Anne Frank schtick is sickening, one book that should be banned: US schoolchildren should not be forced to be psychologically manipulated with that mawkish stuff. Elie Weisel for children.

  102. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    y’know, Wally, Germar Rudolf, the late Ernst Zundel, Faurrison, others like them — they’ve suffered enormously in service of what they believe is a truth that needs to be told.

    You may mean well, but you are having the effect of shitting on their sacrifice.

    • 回复: @Wally
  103. @Tbbh

    But Katyn DID happen, because it was Soviets…

    ..and unlike the millions of holohoax victims, the Katyn Forest victim’s bodies where still right where they had been buried, to be exhumed and examined during the mid 1990s.

  104. Seraphim 说:

    And Elie Wiesel’s ‘La Nuit’ was ghostwritten by the oh so ‘Catholic’ French novelist, dramatist, critic, poet, and journalist, member of the Académie française and laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Francois Mauriac.

  105. @SolontoCroesus

    Sometimes I try to imagine what USA would look like if Wilson had not taken USA to war, and FDR had also resisted the war drums

    It became impossible for Wilson (or anyone else who happened to be president) to avoid taking the USA to war once the Federal Reserve Act became law. Counting the Cold War, the US has maintained a state of perpetual war ever since.

  106. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    IOW, you’re a Zionist in a panic trying to deflect & shoot the messenger.


    法庭上的“ Holocau $ t Industry”:

    “请尊敬,确实有数以百万计的遗骸被埋在巨大的万人坑中,我们知道这些万人坑在哪里,但是,但是,嗯,我们无法向法院展示。 您必须相信我们,我们是犹太复国主义者。

  107. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Really? Your own people hate you.

    For all your lip service for Palestinians, you show your true colors here by attacking Arabs and Muslims. I’ve done more for their cause than you ever will. All you do is undermine them.

  108. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Your lies are here for all to see.

  109. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Wally’s Mossad (even Mossad has 49% below average, and they have to do something with ’em).

    he sure as hell is not doing any good for authentic revisionists.

    • 回复: @utu
    , @Wally
  110. Anonymous [AKA "mallik"] 说: • 您的网站

    In Germany they held a big Parthenon of BANNED BOOKS in September 2017 and at the close on dismantling it gave one copy of each book to the spectators/audience. “THE PARTHENON OF BOOKS – get your own book – On Saturday, September 9, Artist Marta Minujín completed the *Parthenon of Books* by adding the last title to the construction. Today, Sunday, September 10, at 10 am, Minujín will start redistributing the books to the public. The Parthenon will be dismantled bit by bit until the end of the exhibition. Visitors are invited today to collect their own book directly from the Parthenon. Minujín will give a short speech at 12pm, noon.” Link: https://www.facebook.com/documenta14/photos/pcb.891595914340507/891594091007356/?type=3&theater

  111. Randal 说:

    I think cynical hypocrisy is rather built into the Marxist world-view.

  112. Randal 说:

    We’ve had the odd disagreement, but on general principles, I can’t agree with you more, as in this case.

    Disagreements are to be expected and should not be a problem, although as far as I can recall we’ve probably agreed as much as disagreed in general.

    However, some issues should require a united response, one of them being on the need to resist the ongoing suppression of dissent by the left and the lobbies that exploit it.

  113. @Anonymous


  114. Svigor 说:

    So now Anne Frank didn’t die at all? Don’t give me some bullshit about the Nazis not killing Anne Frank. She should have never been in a concentration camp. That she died in one is the Nazis’ fault. Period.

    It’s no wonder people hate you.

    “It’s no wonder Jews hate you; you go around telling the goyim that Anne Frank died of typhus, in an infirmary!”

    I mean let’s be honest, most people, jew and non-jew alike, assume Frank was gassed, but that’s not even what the orthodox narrative says. It’s a very interesting tidbit; one of my favorites. Frankly, I suppose her entire diary is interesting; is it filled with her tales of productive manual labor for the Germans? If not, why was she fed, moved from one camp to another, sent to infirmaries, etc., etc., etc?

  115. Svigor 说:

    Wally, I agree with your assessment of the general Jewish character, but arguing with Jews is a small part of the picture, is it not? I would be content with the rest of the world revising their opinions of the holocaust narrative to reflect facts and logic, and Jews carrying on believing whatever they like. I think the main part of holocaust heterodoxy should be aimed at persuading non-Jews, not Jews. Which is, thankfully, a much more attainable goal.

    America has huge numbers of people in city jails, county jails and state and federal prisons. They don’t die of easily prevented communicable diseases. As far as I know, there have never been any typhus, typhoid or cholera epidemics in the Anerican prison system except in the POW camps during the civil war.

    If America were fighting a two-front war vs bigger countries, being carpet-bombed, and facing food shortages, etc., they might. Even of typhus.

    For example, would it be illegal to change the sacred 6M number to 5M?

    It would certainly be holocaust denial, and thus utter BS. 😉

    Being a lesbian or gay is sooo outdated. In a few years we will hear that Saint Anne the Virgin martyr was really transgender.

    New edition! New passages discovered! Hot off the presses!

    Jews were sent to concentration and labor camps. Were there gas chambers? Probably not.

    我不知道。我知道我从未见过毒气室的蓝图或图表。我从来没有见过任何关于其中一个的法医证据,或者一张关于其中一个机制的照片,或者听到过关于它们如何工作的合理解释,甚至没有人向我解释过毒气室作为一种灭绝方法是如何有意义的。 ;有更清洁、更安全、更快、更便宜的方法可供使用。


    Think repetitive promotions. Say what you will, but they work, the message gets in there.

    I agree, repetition and brevity are probably the main keys to persuasion. But, this is text on an internet forum. This medium hasn’t been tested to the extent that more traditional promotion. The rules aren’t written in stone. I think [boilerplate]+[teaser] is a good formula for this medium.

    I do know that links need a teaser. When you drop a link these days, you need to give people a reason to click it. A tidbit, if you will.

  116. Svigor 说:

    I believe in science over religion. Simple. And you?

    Very much so. But a big part of science is not being certain, when you don’t have good reason to be.

    I’m fairly certain that orthodox historians have not provided forensic evidence of 12m (6m Jewish) corpses as a result of the shoah. That is the starting point of my holocaust heterodoxy. But I phrase it as a question: “where is the forensic evidence? If it exists, present it.” Same goes for gas chambers, etc. This is a scientifically rigorous approach, because it is impossible to prove a negative. One may assert that there is no Santa Claus, but one cannot prove it. The burden of proof is on the person asserting there is a Santa Claus, for precisely this reason.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  117. Svigor 说:

    我不知道。我知道我从未见过毒气室的蓝图或图表。我从来没有见过任何关于其中一个的法医证据,或者一张关于其中一个机制的照片,或者听到过关于它们如何工作的合理解释,甚至没有人向我解释过毒气室作为一种灭绝方法是如何有意义的。 ;有更清洁、更安全、更快、更便宜的方法可供使用。

    Really the whole narrative makes little sense. Even if you accept the gas chamber narrative; why keep the method of extermination within a work camp? Wouldn’t sort of undermine the camp’s efficiency as a work camp? Wouldn’t it be better to round up the people marked for death and simply “disappear” them (from the point of view of other internees) by walking them out, ostensibly to, say, move them to another camp?

    And don’t get me started on how silly it is that the supposed gas chambers were perfectly disguised as showers, right down to the breakable windows and wooden doors. That’s just eye-rollingly bad.

    The whole thing is a murder mystery writ large. It’s easy to sell people on mysteries, and I think that’s how to sell holocaust heterodoxy; appeal to people’s inner detective.

  118. Svigor 说:

    I have tested the basic method I outline. The agnostic/curious/interested/rigorous/emotionally detached method is interesting and persuasive because it flips the script; instead of trying to persuade believers and advocates of the orthodox narrative, it forces them to try to persuade me. I am then in a position to pass judgment on what is relevant, and what is not, what is admissible evidence, and what is not, etc. E.g., no, pictures of pits filled with emaciated corpses are not evidence of the systematic extermination of 6m*. It is instructive for normies to watch this kind of conversation play out.

    And at the end of it all, you are simply an agnostic. You are neither a holocaust believer, nor a holocaust denier. In fact, when people accuse you of being a holocaust denier for simply being an agnostic, 他们 come out looking bad, not you.

    *: (emaciated corpses are themselves evidence against an extermination plan; waiting for people to starve to death is possibly the stupidest extermination plan imaginable, heavily implies the goal was other than extermination).

  119. Anonymous [AKA "Sababu"] 说:

    [In comments, allcaps is shouting. Stop shouting.]


    The devil earth agents of Satan are entrenched but can be defeated with full exposure of TRUTH about their history as Satan’s earth agent devils and how their evil presence has caused such damning harm to our lives and destiny. It’s now or never that we do what must be done.

  120. utu 说:

    I am not sure about Mossad but clearly Wally is useless and possible harmful to the cause of historical revisionism. I would have him removed long time ago. How come Rehmat was removed (I presume) and Wally is still here? Rehmat comments covered large body of knowledge and often were a propos while Wally is automaton. A bot could do a better job than him.

    • 回复: @Wally
  121. anarchyst 说:

    如果一个国家死于种族灭绝,为什么他们会保留记录? 为什么他们要在数百英里(甚至数千英里)以外的地方修建“营地”,配备卫生设施,住房,娱乐,医疗和其他辅助设施。 仅通过“消除”这些麻烦而不经历所有这些麻烦,难道不是一件容易的事吗? 犹太共产主义者布尔什维克就是在共产主义轨道上被征服国家的非共产主义平民中做到这一点的。
    Something BIG “stinks” in this whole jewish“holocaust ™” deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made “deals” with the Nazis in order to make life “uncomfortable” for jewish Germans.
    建立“家园”是 1800 年代以来犹太复国主义者的“梦想”。 有什么比让“德国社会的精英”(犹太人)为难的更好的方式来鼓励“移民”到陌生的土地? 关于所谓的犹太“大屠杀™”的真相已经出炉。 . .
    所谓的犹太“大屠杀™”已经变成了事实上的“宗教”,不允许偏离正统。 事实上,在大多数欧洲国家,独立调查
    在罚款和监禁的痛苦下,严格禁止犹太人的“大屠杀™”真相。 在美国,情况并没有那么糟糕,只有那些害怕犹太“大屠杀™”真相被曝光的“部落”人手上的失业和个人和职业破坏是显而易见的。
    关于人类历史上这一小事件的真相将改变世界上许多人的看法,这些人将这一事件当作“摇钱树”的“摇钱树”。 。 。 “没有像“ SHOAH业务”这样的业务。
    奇怪的是,犹太利益集团会追捕并监禁一名 90 多岁的德国“营地守卫”,而当他们的“同类”卷入真正的野蛮行动时,他们会另眼相看。 想到营地“capos”和“sonderkommandos”(主要是犹太人)。 这些犹太“合作者”中没有一个被绳之以法。 以为血浓于水。 对于真正残暴的犹太屠夫,看看贝拉·库恩和卡加诺维奇……
    当今审查制度的一个很好的例子是等待那些敢于质疑“官方”犹太“大屠杀”正统观念的人的命运。 大多数欧洲国家已将任何偏离“官方”犹太“大屠杀”故事的思想定为犯罪。 为什么?? 事实上,当涉及到“大屠杀的所有事情”时,真相并不是防御。 一位 79 岁的德国祖母因质疑“大屠杀™”而被监禁。
    Ask指出二战研究员David Irving,为避免受到惩罚,他被迫撤回TRUTH。 。 。
    In fact, TRUTH cannot be entered into evidence if it contradicts the “official “holocaust ™” orthodoxy. Every “kangaroo court” that prosecutes “holocaust ™” skeptics and truth-seekers has ruled that evidence that counters the falsehoods in the “holocaust ™” story cannot be introduced into evidence.
    如果人们只知道(在那些“被选中的人”中)策划了犹太人的“大屠杀”,就会发生大规模的大屠杀。 你看,犹太人的“大屠杀”是
    必要的,以迫使建立一个犹太国家。 在这种情况下,ENDS 证明了 MEANS。 纵观人类历史,有许多“大屠杀”带来了更大的痛​​苦,但犹太人的“大屠杀”是唯一重要的。 . .
    为它下辈子。 . . 他们从造物主那里复仇,并自命为复仇者(违反马赛克法,但不违反他们的反外邦犹太法典)。
    许多犹太人是记仇的人,他们永远不会放弃通过从金钱或财产中榨取外邦人(goyim)来“赚钱”的机会。 犹太人在德国因在两次世界大战之间利用非犹太人的德国人而受到憎恨。 当他富有的犹太邻居用粮食换土地时,普通的德国人没有一壶可以撒尿。 . . 利用德国的犹太银行家情况。
    看看所谓的犹太“大屠杀™”的“商业化”,而更大的共产主义(真正的)大屠杀被方便地遗忘了。 为了确保犹太人“大屠杀™”“幸存者”的持续供应,犹太人在他们的子孙后代身上纹上了他们的 ATM(哎呀,我的意思是“营地”号码)。
    自从“世界犹太人”(Judea)在 1933 年(是的,1933 年)对德国宣战后,德国别无选择,只能完成将德国犹太人边缘化的犹太复国主义计划(至少可以说)。这实现了犹太复国主义强迫德国人的计划。犹太人移民到巴勒斯坦,同时让世界授予犹太人一个“家园”——以色列。
    犹太复国主义者在过去 6 年里一直在预测一个犹太人的“家园”,同时在同样的时间内预测 731,000 万的“大屠杀™”。 欧洲战区非战斗人员的实际死亡人数约为 6,而不是 XNUMX 万(国际红十字会官方数据)。 事实上,国际红十字会可以进入所有营地,而且一次都没有提到或注意到任何“毒气室”……
    关于“大屠杀™”“奥斯威辛集中营”,所谓的“气室”的设计存在工程上的矛盾。 门不是气密设计的; 这样就不可能取回尸体,在所谓的“加气”发生之后,就没有办法使房间通风。” 从工程的角度来看,这些都是非常严重的错误,将导致这些所谓的“气室”的“操作员”死亡。
    美国执行专家弗雷德·勒赫特(Fred Leuchter)前往奥斯威辛集中营,秘密地从所谓的“毒气室”获得了样本,对其进行了测试并发表了他的结果。 除一个样本外,所有样本中均不存在亚甲蓝,这证明“气室”不存在。 从用于消毒衣物的房间中获取一个阳性样本。
    勒赫特先生因对“真相”的追求而受到奖励,他的职业和个人品格遭到“部落”成员的暗杀。 他失去了所有联邦和州的合同,并因马萨诸塞州一项晦涩难懂的“无证从事工程技术”的“法律”而受到起诉。该法律以前或之后从未使用过。 。 。
    工程上的矛盾证明,这些“死亡集中营”是为共产主义宣传目的而重建的。 德国人是优秀的工程师,因此不会犯明显的工程“错误”。
    是的,那里极度匮乏和痛苦——许多人丧生。 然而,死亡的主要原因是斑疹伤寒。 由于盟军轰炸摧毁了大部分基础设施,斑疹伤寒正在流行
    水平。 这就是造成大量人类死亡的原因。 . .不放气。
    当德国人先于盟军逃离营地时,营地占用者选择与德国人一起去,而不是与迎面而来的苏联军队一起。 这说明……
    二战结束后,德国平民被拘留。 这些德国平民比“营地”的“占领者”遭受更大的剥夺和痛苦。 事实上,犹太人控制着这些营地,在
    盟军的遗嘱,并且在对待被拘留者时非常恶毒。 事实上,被拘留的德国平民尽管是平民,但被定义为“解除武装的敌方战斗人员”,因此日内瓦公约规则不适用于他们。
    实际上,第二次世界大战后是由JEWS负责拘留营的。 我想报仇是他们的报复,因为德国人一生中第一次做犹太人的工作(营地的体力劳动)……

    • 回复: @utu
  122. TomSchmidt 说:

    What is “your money?” A ledger on a computer somewhere whose value is not under your control. It can be arbitrarily set at the whims of the issuer. If it is gold and sliver coins, it can also be seized.

    Face it, it’s “their money.” They encourage you to use it so they can rake off value via inflation and taxes.

    • 回复: @utu
  123. utu 说:

    There are no Holocaust deniers in Eastern Europe. Nobody questions the fact that Jewish communities were destroyed completely. In Poland 3 million Jews lived before WWII. There were villages and towns that were 80% Jewish. Jews “vanished” and they have not returned after the WWII. These Jews did not reappear in Israel or the US because they died. Officially it is estimated that 10% of Polish Jews survived. It is possible that the number is too low but there is no question that the vast majority of Jews in Eastern Europe (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belarus, Ukraine, Baltic States) was destroyed.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  124. utu 说:

    They encourage you to use it so they can rake off value via inflation

    That is not logical. Would you keep you money in your mattress to fight inflation this way? Or even better, if you really want to hurt THEM burn money right after you get it so THEY will not get it back.

    • 回复: @TomSchmidt
  125. Tbbh 说:

    Holocaust deniers deny that Germans found efficient ways to kill jews, but have zero problem with the 3-3.5 million soviet POWs dying of exposure, malnutrition, and disease. So the jews were treated BETTER than soviets? I would rather be gassed immediatly than starved.

    Is the argument “the nazis cared more for jews than soviet POWs?” I call bullshit on that.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  126. @Svigor

    Not to mention that the means of gassing at Auschwitz were completely different from those said to be employed at the Reinhard camps (Treblinka et al.), neither of which were particularly efficient for the claimed task.

  127. @utu

    Doubtless a great many Polish Jews died during the war, but keep in mind the Polish name change decree of 1946, that permitted anyone to change their name legally, no questions asked. Presumably this law was motivated to obscure the number of Jews who comprised the post-war Communist government, but it seems likely many Holocaust “survivors” availed themselves of it as well.

    • 回复: @utu
  128. utu 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    In post WWII Poland many Jews joined new pro Soviet regime and many collaborated in state power apparatus. Then there were emigrations in several waves. Still the numbers of Jews after WWII in Poland is around 300,000 which is 10% what it was before the war. It is possible that the number is too small.

    Yes, I read that names were changed though they did not fool many but what is important this applied to already assimilated Jews who often survived because they could hide among the so called “Aryan” population or they survived in the Soviet Union. Majority of Jews before WWII were unassimilated, they did not speak Polish, they did not have Polish, Ukrainians or Belarusian friends or even acquaintances as often they lived in virtually 100% Jewish towns and villages, they were strict orthodox and Hassidim. These Jews vanished. They certainly could not vanish because of name changes.

    I repeat my first point: there is no Holocaust denial or even challenge to most points of the official narrative in Eastern Europe and there is good reason for it. People there had the first hand knowledge what was happening to the Jews and they had first hand knowledge of the landscape after the WWII that was completely devoid of Jews. However the stories of gas chambers, I think, did not exist during the WWII and Auschwitz was not seen as an extermination camp but as vast archipelago of labor camps and a prison camp in the very industrial part of Poland that was out of reach of Allied bombers till late 1943. In Silesia there were many families who had relatives who did time in Auschwitz including those who were released during the WWII because they finished their sentences. People talked. There were rumors but no rumors of extermination via gas chambers. Still after WWII people there accepted the gas chambers narrative.

    What happened to Jews who were first kept in ghettos and then in 1942 and 1943 they started to be evacuated to various places like Treblinka, Belzec,..? We do not know what exactly has happened there. But we know that at least 500,000 Jews of Warsaw Ghetto did not survive and there were hundreds of towns that had their ghettos created by Germans and at some point the ghettos were liquidated. The Jews were take out and never returned.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  129. Tbbh 说:

    “Beef the might have” has fallen silent on my question…

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  130. Jaye ryan 说:







    • 回复: @Mulegino1
  131. Svigor 说:

    There are no Holocaust deniers in Eastern Europe. Nobody questions the fact that Jewish communities were destroyed completely. In Poland 3 million Jews lived before WWII. There were villages and towns that were 80% Jewish. Jews “vanished” and they have not returned after the WWII. These Jews did not reappear in Israel or the US because they died. Officially it is estimated that 10% of Polish Jews survived. It is possible that the number is too low but there is no question that the vast majority of Jews in Eastern Europe (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belarus, Ukraine, Baltic States) was destroyed.

    1. I don’t really care what “nobody questions.” It’s irrelevant.
    2. If you can’t prove death, it’s almost impossible to try a murder; why should it be different for 3m murders. Censuses are a pretty lousy way to “prove” deaths occurred, much less how they occurred. Can we reliably track exactly how the xx other million people who died in that war met their ends?
    3. There was a world war going on. Even if we assume someone died, who’s to say he didn’t die fighting, or at the hands of the Soviets, or from a bomb dropped on him, or from any of a number of different causes?

    Holocaust deniers deny that Germans found efficient ways to kill jews, but have zero problem with the 3-3.5 million soviet POWs dying of exposure, malnutrition, and disease. So the jews were treated BETTER than soviets? I would rather be gassed immediatly than starved.

    Is the argument “the nazis cared more for jews than soviet POWs?” I call bullshit on that.

    I am no more wedded to the orthodox narrative of what happened to Soviet POWs than I am to the orthodox narrative of what happened to Jews.

    A much better argument would be to wonder why we accept the Holodomor/Soviet genocide narrative and numbers when we question the German Holocaust numbers. To which I’d respond, “I don’t, but denying Soviet genocide won’t get you into trouble…”

    I deny the idea that anyone denies that Germans found efficient ways to kill Jews. I do deny that they used any efficient methods. I came up with a far more efficient method than camps and gassing in five minutes, on the back of a cocktail napkin; put them on trains and park the cars underwater. They’re all dead in 15m with no mess and no expensive camps, their corpses already loaded into train cars for transport and disposal wherever you like.

    Shooting them en situ would’ve been more efficient, too.

    • 回复: @utu
  132. Svigor 说:

    I repeat my first point: there is no Holocaust denial or even challenge to most points of the official narrative in Eastern Europe and there is good reason for it. People there had the first hand knowledge what was happening to the Jews and they had first hand knowledge of the landscape after the WWII that was completely devoid of Jews.

    A great deal of the eyewitness testimony displays this kind of sloppy logic. “Everybody knew” (that people who were around 1 day and not the next were gassed, not transferred to another camp, dead of natural causes, etc; that every march was a “death march” intended to kill people by walking them to death, not simply a march westward to escape the Red Army’s advance – that even the march was deliberate, the Germans having enough cars around but preferring to make Jews walk; etc.). It’s endless. In fact, it seems to be the only thing eyewitness testimony offers.

  133. Svigor 说:

    “Everbody knew” that starving Jews meant deliberate starvation, not food shortages. “Everybody knew” doesn’t hold up in a courtroom, for good reason.

  134. @utu

    Fair enough re. the unassimilated nature of the Polish Jews. I am still not clear on your point, though? You acknowledge the official narrative is largely false, how is it relevant how many Eastern European revisionists there are? (FWIW I would not be surprised if many of the Jews sent through the AR camps did indeed die somewhere else in the SU, but there is little evidence they were gassed, buried, disinterred, and burned by the millions at those camps, as the official story holds.)

    • 回复: @utu
  135. Svigor 说:

    The gas chambers were supposedly made indistinguishable from showers so as to trick the Jews into compliantly filing inside; wouldn’t Germans in gas masks and sealed suits (yes, you need equipment to handle gassed corpses without being affected by gas-impregnated corpses) dragging gassed corpses out of the “showers” on a regular basis sorta tip the prisoners off? This is why the orthodox narrative portrays the clever, sane Germans as stupid and insane; fewer will question the silliness of the narrative; stupid/crazy people will do anything.

  136. Mulegino1 说:
    @Jaye ryan

    Bingo! The “Holocaust” is a pseudo-religion. As such, it is the foundation of the liberal world of modernity, which includes NATO hegemony, the EU, what we call the “New World Order”” and the reign of the US dollar as reserve currency. It is also the most lucrative extortion racket in history, as it involves entire nations in its ever expanding net of “guilt reparations.”

    As a pseudo-religion, it depends upon faith and authoritative pronouncements, not facts or empirical evidence. It has its own high priests (Eli Wiesel, Simon Wiesenthal); its own martyrs (Anne Frank et al) its own temples – Simon Wiesenthal Center, Museum of Tolerance, etc; its saints – the sacrosanct “survivors” and its devils and demons, e.g., Hitler, Himmler, the ubiquitous Mengele, etc. Its entire foundation is upon absurd, ridiculous and physically impossible claims, since the pseudo-religion in question eschews supernatural causality.

    Christians believe in Christ’s Resurrection, but they acknowledge that their belief is faith based and not empirically based and that this unique event was due to a miracle caused by God. On the other hand, the “Holocaust” religion expects – in fact, demands- that people accept the fact that the laws of physics and common sense were suspended in 6 discrete locations over a period of 4 years or so, but they can only invoke very vague causes like “the German Method” and “unique evil.” The legend of the 6 million is the greatest “blood libel” in the history of mankind.

  137. utu 说:

    I don’t really care what “nobody questions.” It’s irrelevant.

    I take their opinion and beliefs anytime over singular nobody like yourself. The issue that I brought up was the question about what happened to the Jews of Eastern Europe. The majority did not survive the war. I do not insist that the the canonical Holocaust narrative is correct. How did they die and how many of them died? Personally I gave plenty of doubts about the gas chambers and the canonical number of 6 millions. They are part of the official narrative that was transformed into a cult. But the question of how millions of Jews died remains. This is the question that most of the so called revisionist or Holocaust deniers do not want to deal with because they simple do not have an answer. David Irving however, who never directly dealt with the Jewish deaths during WWII until he was forced to because of the trial that he brought on himself investigated the issue and concluded that the number of 6m is exaggerated but millions died, remained skeptical about gas chambers but did not challenge research of people like Browning about Einsatzgruppen and their role. Unlike you he is not nobody.

    There was a world war going on. Even if we assume someone died, who’s to say he didn’t die fighting, or at the hands of the Soviets, or from a bomb dropped on him, or from any of a number of different causes?

    Even if we assume someone died – are you for real?

    a number of different causes – What matters that Jews were in German custody locked up in ghettos and camps.

    “If you can’t prove death, it’s almost impossible to try a murder”; “doesn’t hold up in a courtroom”

    You have probably watched too many courtroom dramas and think they represent reality where the truth is being established and that OJ is innocent. Very typical for some childlike Americans. But here it is the case bad faith.

  138. TomSchmidt 说:

    Would you keep you money in your mattress to fight inflation
    Some people hold hard assets, like gold, to keep from having the value of their money taken by inflation. It’s not possible to steal value from gold directly by inflation; you have to either seize it via an order, as FDR executed, or slap onerous capital gains taxes on it when people sell.

    Is there anything not logical in my assertion that I do not control the value of the asset we call the US Dollar? Do I in fact control that asset? Who DOES control that asset?

    Now, there’s a leap in my logic, perhaps: that someone who sets the value of an asset that I own will depreciate that asset so as to “buy” it back from me at a lower price, when I exchange that asset (money) for other goods. Surely no asset holder would do that?

    if you really want to hurt THEM burn money right after you get it so THEY will not get it back
    I don’t need to burn my dollars and would do no such thing. I merely point out that the value of the dollar is not under my control (or the market’s) but it IS under the control of the suppliers of “dollars.” They are slowly “burning” that value.

    My point to the original commenter: you cannot consider something “yours” if someone else has possession of the means to deprive you of the value of it the way that dollar issuers can do to dollars.

  139. utu 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    how is it relevant how many Eastern European revisionists there are?

    There is a collective memory that is experience based. They saw their Jewish neighbors taken to camps or ghettos and then they saw ghettos evacuated and when WWII ended the Jews did not return. And many gentiles there were inmates in camps and some there worked for police helping round up Jews and some there participated in the executions.

    My chief point is that millions of Jews died. Jews were subjected to a special treatment no other group (except for some Gypsies) had to suffer. They were in German custody practically from the day one when occupation of those countries started.

    I would not be surprised if many of the Jews sent through the AR camps did indeed die somewhere else in the SU

    The death count for Auschwitz was reduced from 4mil to circa 1mil. This was the result of shift occurring in the official historiography of Holocaust from camps to further East. The center of gravity was no longer Auschwitz. The shift of attention from camps and gassing to Einsatzgruppen activities in eastern Poland and western SU. I think good work was done by Browning in Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 where he collected interviews and testimomien of Germans policemen mostly form Hamburg are who actually were doing the mass executions of Jews in eastern Poland. More recently Timothy Snyder in 血腥之地:希特勒和斯大林之间的欧洲 shows the picture of what was going there that was largely unknown in the West but Russians, Ukrainians and Poles were quite familiar with. In some Jewish circles Snyder book was not received well because he paid lots of attention to other no Jewish victims.

    We still do not have a number of how many died that we could trust. How much lower is the number than 6mil? Is it 5, 4 or 2.5mil? Yad Vashem is trying to create database of all names of Jews who died where were they from. I am not sure what is their progress (4 million names?) but survivors of various townships and shtetls that vanished created archives and lists of people who they think died. But we do not know what was the cause of their death. How many because of old age, malnutrition, overwork and diseases and how many as a result of deliberate executions.

    As far as gas chambers in Auschwitz the most puzzling is the fate of Hungarian Jews. What happened to 400,000 Hungarian Jews who allegedly were shipped to Auschwitz in 1944? I think it is pretty well established that they did not survive. Or perhaps it is not? If there were no gas chambers how were they were killed. It was in time when the Red Army was already in the eastern Poland and they could not be shipped East as other Jews in 1942 and 1943.

    Before Katyn was discovered in 1943 by Germans, Stalin was inquired by Polish authorities about the fate of Polish 1939 POWs in the SU because the contact with them was lost in spring of 1940. No letters to families, no Red Cross… Supposedly Stalin said that perhaps they escaped, perhaps to Manchuria because Soviet Union is so large that nobody can be sure. This callous and cavalier attitude of Stalin reminds me of attitude of some revisionists/deniers when asked about, so what happened to the Jews of Warsaw or Lodz or Bratislava, where TF did they go? Again to Manchuria?

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  140. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    it’s my understanding the Soviet POWs starved because there was no food available, & the numbers of surrendering Soviet troops was so large they could not be accommodated.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
    , @Tbbh
  141. @utu

    You appear to be quite knowledgeable on this area of holocaust, but have you incorporated the many instances of non-Jewish Poles killing Jews — and vice versa — in Poland? Both groups are working hard to smooth over those events, and the easiest way for both Poles and Jews to emerge spotless from the embroglio is to blame it on the Germans. For some reason, the Soviets are held blameless in deaths of Poles and Polish Jews. Tim Snyder holds that position — “the Germans done it.”

    As well, Jewish Telegraph Agency & others report that as many as 1.75 million Polish Jews fled to Russia, and also that 300,000 Polish Jews crossed from the German sector to Soviet occupied Poland. Thus, Germans would have had ‘access’ to max. 1 million Jews in Poland.

    When Allies liberated camps in April – May 1945, they found 700,000 persons (alive), 100,000 of them Jews. Where were they from? Who knows. Where were the other 600,000 from? Who knows. I’ve often wondered if some of the camp internees were Germans who had been “de-housed” — 7 million Germans were rendered homeless by bombing campaign, that deliberately sought to destroy civilian residence.

    Add to that the name changes mentioned above, as well as the known propensity for Poles — Jewish and non-Jews — to fabulize, like the lady who pooped diamonds, and the claims for total obliteration, by Germans, of Polish Jews becomes less and less credible.

    Having seen Timothy Snyder address Ukrainian Christians and strongly caution them against raising the matter of Holodomor as “disrespectful of Jews,” I have a hard time granting him much respect/credibility: he gets published because he satisfies Jewish requirements; if he didn’t, he wouldn’t get published.

    The matter of the Hungarian Jews remains one of zionist Jewry’s most closely guarded secrets: that’s why Eichmann had to be found and killed: he knew too much: he knew which zionist leaders sold out which Hungarians and saved which Hungarians; who got the money, who got rescued, and why Hungarian Jews were transported in the first place.
    CODOH apparently has some things to say about Vrba & Wetzler that the customary narrative rejects
    On the other hand, Prof Ruth Linn says that Israelis are not told the whole story about Vrba and Wetzler because zionist leaders are intent on covering up their complicity in something very big

    (nb. I’ve not read all of Hannah Arendt, but I don’t consider her the last word on Eichmann; neither do many Jewish people, but for opposite reasons. She had access, and an assignment, but I think she pulled her punches. It’s also not unlikely that Eichmann was heavily drugged or otherwise mind-bent to tell a story that would satisfy Ben Gurion and his audience. Does the dopey face he presents on the usual photo of him look like someone who was conniving enough to do deals with Nazis, with zionists, with Hungarians, and then to escape and live for nearly 20 years? Or does he look like a doped dupe?

    I’ve just discovered what you & many others may have known about all along: Stalin set aside — and even financed — Biro Bidjan, in Eastern Russia. Jewish agencies in charge of settlements there were incompetent; Jews who migrated there complained that the work was too hard, the accommodations were inadequate; men failed and turned once again to trading rags, women turned to prostitution; many returned from Biro Bidjan to their former homes. Jewish agencies determined that they needed to settle 900,000 Jews in Biro Bidjan, but getting Jews to go there and stay there was painful.

    I haven’t worked out a chronology or found evidence to back up my speculation, but I wonder if Eichmann’s job was to round up Hungarian Jews and transport them East to Biro Bidjan? And that by that time the bombing campaign was so intense that transport was impossible. So what happened to 400,000 Hungarian Jews? Hard to say.

    But the greatest body of evidence against credibility of the holocaust narrative is the cockamamie tales and “scholarly analysis” spun by holocaust “scholars.” Their sins of omission are big enough to float an aircraft carrier through, and their attempts to “get into the mind of Hitler” reflect a kind of demonic projection. I’m working on a series of lectures by David Engel that make me alternately howl with laughter and howl with pain and outrage. When such outrageous — and self-contradictory tales are told, in oh-so-serious and faux-cultured tones; and key ‘facts’ are so easily debunked, it reduces the credibility of the ‘scholar’ to zero.

    Why do they feel they have to lie, and lie so painfully obviously? When I hear people like Engel speak, I think of baboons in tutus, with their asses hanging out. They think they’re divas. and that people are adoring them, but their audience — if they have a shred of very basic common sense — is silently thinking, , O my F ing god this man is insane, why do we let him teach our children?

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
    , @utu
  142. @anonymous

    Yes. The fate of Soviet POWs was horrible, and the Germans cannot be completely absolved of guilt for their treatment. However, the Soviets were not signatories to the Geneva Conventions and at least twice rebuffed German offers to negotiate fair treatment of prisoners. (The Red Army committed atrocities against Wehrmacht soldiers from the very beginning of the war.) The Germans had no realistic means of providing for the millions of Soviet prisoners that they took in the opening months of the war, and however cruel and tragic their fate, this sad chapter in no way supports claims of German intentions to conduct genocide in the East.

  143. @SolontoCroesus

    Good comment. The question of the Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz is akin to the question of the Jews sent to the AR camps: there is not a definitive or conclusive revisionist answer to what happened to them, but it is highly doubtful they were killed at these camps as claimed. (BTW, didn’t Eichmann claim at his trial that a captured Soviet submarine engine (!) was used for gassings at Treblinka?) I believe you are heading in the right direction by suggesting some degree of Nazi-Soviet collaboration, curious though it may seem.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  144. utu 说:

    degree of Nazi-Soviet collaboration

    Obviously there was a direct collaboration between Gestapo and NKVD before June 1941. Some believe that actions against Polish intelligentsia in the German zone of occupied Poland were coordinated with similar actions in the Soviet zone.

    This trail may also suggest that Germany might had knowledge of Katyn or even some involvement in Katyn. The ammunition used in Katyn was allegedly German made. However why would they wait till 1943 to “discover” it? In October 1941 Wehrmacht already was in Smolensk. It would be perfect time to announce Soviet War Crimes still before the Pearl Harbor.

    Gestapo–NKVD Conferences

    German–Soviet military parade in Brest-Litovsk (there videos on YT)

    The collaboration was going back earlier before Molotov-Ribbentrop as Russia allowed Germany to do some military testing/training/maneuvers in Russia to circumvent Versailles treaty limitations.

    But after June 1941 I just can’t imagine anything going on between Germany and SU. SC’s suggestions about Eichmann, Birobidzhan and Hungarian Jews connection is just a manifestation of some phantasy that is untethered by reality and probably driven by a desperate need to acquit Germans. Nonsense!

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  145. @utu

    The Germans didn’t care about Katyn in 1941 because they were winning the war, as that changed it became in their interest to broadcast Soviet crimes, esp. as they concerned an ostensible Westen ally.

    The Eichmann-Soviet link is indeed speculative (and FWIW I have no particular sympathy for the Germans). However the claims of mass killings at these camps are even more unbelievable, so upon eliminating (so to speak) the unlikely, etc. etc.

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @Tbbh
  146. utu 说:

    (1) non-Jewish Poles killing Jews — and vice versa – Rounding error effect. 3 orders of magnitude too low to affect the balance.

    (2) Tim Snyder holds that position — “the Germans done it.” – No, he talks about various pogroms and the role of Ukrainian and Baltic States auxiliaries but as far as Holocaust it wa sGerman project, planning and execution. What would you expect? He also talks of killings by Soviets and about the non-Jewish victims like Poles massacred by Ukrainians in Volhynia.

    (3) 1.75 million Polish Jews fled to Russia, and also that 300,000 Polish Jews crossed from the German sector to Soviet occupied Poland. – I do not know the exact numbers but keep in mind that Soviets occupied part of Poland that had very high density of Jewish population. When this part was overrun by Germans in June 1941 there was no large scale evacuation of Jews into Russia. Many ghettos were established there later. Though there were mass deportations by Soviets earlier but they chiefly affected Polish not Jewish population which to large extent collaborated with Soviets. Germans conducted quite a few exhumations of mass graves left by Soviets. Some photographs from these events were mistakingly placed in the exhibition Wehrmachtsausstellung (in 1990s) allegedly showing German officers doing executions but upon the discovery by Polish and Hungarian historians the exhibition had to be halted and revamped. Obviously it was whitewashed. It was a part of Goldhagen offensive in Germany.

    (4) When Allies liberated camps in April – May 1945, they found 700,000 persons (alive), 100,000 of them Jews. – Again I do not know numbers but what of it. Is it too many or too little for you. If the US was defeated tomorrow they would find close to 3 millions of people in jails and prisons. And if the defeating took some time many of them would be starving and sick. BTW, in 1939 Germany had incarceration rate (prisons and concentration camps) about 4 time lower than the US in 2016. If you exclude African -Americans that rate in the US would be still 2 times higher than in the Nazi Germany 1939.

    (5) 柳树 – escaped at least one month before first transports of Hungarian Jews. Like many professional witness/holocaust survivors he is not very reliable. Supposedly he was compromised during Zundel trial but I do not know details.

    (6) I’ve not read all of Hannah Arendt – certainly this was a very important book. It was not published in Israel for years. At that time the Holocauts narrative was not yet firmly defined. Her revelations (it was all in New Yorker) about despicable behavior of Jews in Ghettos and that of Judenrats were shocking, however she lifted it all from Raul Hilberg’s manuscript of yet unpublished The Destruction of the European Jews w/o acknowledgement. He was pissed. On the other hand Eichmann is not shocking in her book. You know, the banality of evil. Nothing interesting there folks. But she talked about all what we know now about what was going on in Hungary but it was mainly from Hilberg. Did she hold the punches? We do not know. I suspect that some decisions were made about historical policy and narrative after the trial and the second rate hacks started producing Holocaust stories and films. This was further intensified after 1967 war when Jews got great boost of PR and the resulting confidence.

    (7) 艾希曼 – Certainly he held secrets that Zionists would not like to be revealed. The dealing between Nazis and Zionists were going way back (Transfer Agreement). Then there was Kastner train and the deal about military trucks that did fell through. Who knows what else was there? Was he drugged? Hard to say. We do not know how people behave in such situations. Case of Cardinal Mindszenty started Manchurian candidate ideas in the US and CIA. Clearly Israel wanted to have the PR effects rather than just having the inconvenient partner/witnesses killed that they could have done very easily. So perhaps he was not as inconvenient as one may think so they took a risk and kept him alive.

    (8) Eichmann-Birobidzhan-Hungarian Jews – I say, nonsense.

    (9) Prof Ruth Linn in the link you gave: “She stumbled upon the story in 1987,” “Linn was shocked: Here she was, a highly educated Israeli scientist, and she had never heard about this important aspect of the Holocaust.” – there is nothing new what she wrote. All can be found in Arendt and Hilberg books that however were suppressed in Israel. There was a play about it in 1960s in Europe but it was fought by Jews and eventually forgotten. I am just shocked they have so ignorant professors in Israel. This is a good lesson however, because a lot can be explained by pure stupidity and ignorance and obviously by years of the narrative control. Not always the lies that are repeated over and over again have to be attributed to bad will. After all Linn tries to rectify it.

    (10) cockamamie tales and “scholarly analysis” spun by holocaust “scholars.” – There is a lot of nonsense. Careers can be made on Holocaust. Hoax memoirs are written. Fake survivors go on lecturing tours. Shabby dissertations, and books, schlocky and schmaltzy movies year after year. And most importantly this is a matter of very serious Jewish and Israel historical policy so there are big budgets to be spent. Most of it should be ignored. Still these nonsense is not a proof that nothing happened. Just like fake cancer patients that seek compassion and money are not the proof that cancer does not exist.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  147. helena 说:

    The period from 1918 onwards seems to be key to understanding later events. But that is now out of bounds too.

  148. Tbbh 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


    Holocaust deniers deny that Germans found efficient ways to kill jews, but have zero problem with the 3-3.5 million soviet POWs dying of exposure, malnutrition, and disease. So the jews were treated BETTER than soviets? I would rather be gassed immediately than starved.

    ***Is the argument “the nazis cared more for jews than soviet POWs?”*** 我称之为废话。

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  149. Tbbh 说:

    They left them in barbed wire corrals with no food or shelter but they built camps to keep their despised jews in good health…I call bullshit.

    • 回复: @anon
  150. Seraphim 说:

    You can’t prove a negative. The positive assertion is that Santa Claus existed. Santa Claus is no other than:
    “Saint Nicholas (Greek: Ἅγιος Νικόλαος, Hágios Nikólaos, Latin: Sanctus Nicolaus); (15 March 270 – 6 December 343) also called Nikolaos of Myra, a historic 4th-century Christian saint and Greek[5] Bishop of Myra, in Asia Minor (modern-day Demre, Turkey). Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nikolaos the Wonderworker (Νικόλαος ὁ Θαυματουργός, Nikólaos ho Thaumaturgós). His reputation evolved among the faithful, as was common for early Christian saints, and his legendary habit of secret gift-giving gave rise to the traditional model of Santa Claus through Sinterklaas.
    The historical Saint Nicholas is commemorated and revered among far more Christian sects than just Orthodox Christians. The Anglican, Lutheran, and Catholic Churches revere him. In addition, some Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and other Reformed churches have been named in honor of Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, archers, repentant thieves, children, brewers, pawnbrokers and students in various cities and countries around Europe.
    His earthly remains are kept in a crypt in Bari. In the summer of 2005, the report of measurements of the bones was sent to a forensic laboratory in England. The review of the data revealed that the historical Saint Nicholas was 5’6″ in height and had a broken nose. The facial reconstruction was produced by Dr. Caroline Wilkinson at the University of Manchester and was shown on a BBC2 TV program The Real Face of Santa and it matches the traditional icon.
    It is said that in Myra the relics of Saint Nicholas each year exuded a clear watery liquid which smells like rose water, called manna (or myrrh), which is believed by the faithful to possess miraculous powers. After the relics were brought to Bari, they continued to do so, much to the joy of the new owners. Vials of myrrh from his relics have been taken all over the world for centuries, and can still be obtained from his church in Bari. Even up to the present day, a flask of manna is extracted from the tomb of Saint Nicholas every year on 6 December (the Saint’s feast day) by the clergy of the basilica. The myrrh is collected from a sarcophagus which is located in the basilica vault and could be obtained in the shop nearby…”

    So, it is proven beyond reasonable doubt.

  151. @utu

    Some links to the JTA claims about Soviet evacuation of Jews can be found here:


    • 回复: @utu
    , @Seraphim
  152. @Tbbh

    It is really irrelevant whether the Germans liked Soviet POWs less than Jews (and even less what your preferred method of death would be). The claim isn’t that the Germans failed to “find” efficient means of killing, it’s that the officially accepted claims are absurd for a number of reasons (part of which concerns the inefficiency of pesticides or diesel exhaust for the task of killing millions).

  153. Alden 说:

    Loathed and detested him then, loathe and detest him now. He, his parents and grandparents were communist activists and spies.

    When the black activists kicked out their Jew commie leadership, Horowitz applied to be an agent for the government of Israel.

    His Discover The Networks is an excellent source. But he is still the horrible. If CAIR offered him more money I’m sure he would become an anti Israel agitator.

  154. @Greg Bacon

    Because far too much of that 98% is either ignorant, misinformed, or masochistic.

    How do you explain the braindead white liberal ethnomasochist?

    No good answer beyond that.

  155. Tbbh 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    If you ship, DOCUMENTED, over a million people some place and end up with 200,000 living, then they must have been all UFO abducted…seems perfectly reasonable…

  156. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    Yep, that’s what lying Hasbarists always say when the try their old ‘divide & conquer’ routine.
    We’re onto you.

    “6,000,000 名犹太人,5,000,000 人和毒气室”的欺诈和可笑的故事情节使以色列/犹太复国主义者/至上主义犹太人的权力得以实现。

    “ 6万犹太人,其他5万犹太人和毒气室”是可笑的,从科学上讲是不可能的欺诈行为。

  157. Wally 说:

    Like the typical Zionist fraud, you dodge all the points I made. Telling.

    “只有一个事实,即人们可能不会质疑犹太人的“大屠杀”,而且犹太人的压力已在民主社会上施加法律以防止问题-同时不断提倡和灌输同一场无可争议的“大屠杀”,这使这场比赛无处可寻。 证明这一定是谎言。 为什么不容许有人质疑呢? 因为它可能冒犯了“幸存者”? 因为它“使死者感到耻辱”? 几乎没有充分的理由禁止讨论。 不会,因为暴露这种头号谎言可能引发对其他许多谎言的质疑,并使整个摇摇欲坠的捏造过程崩溃。”
    –杰拉德·梅纽因(Gerard Menuhin)/修订家犹太人,著名小提琴家的儿子

    BTW, thanks for opportunity to post more here. LOL

    It’s panic time in Tel Aviv.


  158. anon • 免责声明 说:

    there’s a certain logic to feeding civilians rather than uniformed combatants, in a situation when both cannot be accommodated.
    Granted, POWs are supposed to be treated better than uniformed combatants, but Stalin had not signed Geneva Conventions, so Germany was not bound to abide by Geneva in treatment of USSR POWs.

  159. Seraphim 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    All these questions have been addressed on this blog so many times, that it would be a waste of time to repeat all the data regarding the fate of the 2 mil Jews refugees who have been evacuated beyond the Urals at the very beginning of the war and who returned to their places at the end.
    Just a personal memory. It happened that I met in the flesh a few Hungarian Jews from Transylvania who have been deported to Auschwitz and who returned to their homes after the war. One of them was the husband of a friend of my mother. I remember that when ‘Holocaust’ histories started to sprout (long after the event) she and other friends were saying bemused and chuckling (it was still permitted): ‘Do you want to know how it was at Auschwitz? Just ask Tibi’.

    • 回复: @utu
  160. utu 说:

    I remember that when ‘Holocaust’ histories started to sprout (long after the event) she and other friends were saying bemused and chuckling (it was still permitted): ‘Do you want to know how it was at Auschwitz? Just ask Tibi’.

    The “‘Holocaust’ histories” were in public domain from the very beginning in media, film and literature. What is the time frame for your story/confabulation? How old were you?

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  161. Svigor 说:

    You have probably watched too many courtroom dramas and think they represent reality where the truth is being established and that OJ is innocent. Very typical for some childlike Americans. But here it is the case bad faith.

    Well, you’re clearly an asshole, if your comments are any guide. But that is neither here nor there; your logic is sloppy as Hell. Your point seems to be that one bad result, via jury nullification, indicts good legal practice as a whole, which it doesn’t. It also seems to imply that if one legal practice is bad, they must all be bad, which is also nonsense. E.g., refusing to indict someone for murder without proof of death is good practice.

    Protip: your logic is scheisse. Up your game.

    • 回复: @utu
  162. Svigor 说:

    If you ship, DOCUMENTED, over a million people some place and end up with 200,000 living, then they must have been all UFO abducted…seems perfectly reasonable…

    Well, there’s documentation, and then there’s forensic evidence. The latter carries a Hell of a lot more weight in a court of law; a corpse beats a death certificate 7 days a week, and twice on Sunday.

    “Your honor, neither the victim, nor his remains, nor proof of death, can be found. Please find the defendant guilty. I rest my case!” This isn’t a recipe for success.

    The fact is, there should be physical evidence for 12m deaths, but not only has none been provided, but AFAICT, none has even been sought. This smells of rat to me.

  163. Svigor 说:

    there’s a certain logic to feeding civilians rather than uniformed combatants, in a situation when both cannot be accommodated.
    Granted, POWs are supposed to be treated better than uniformed combatants, but Stalin had not signed Geneva Conventions, so Germany was not bound to abide by Geneva in treatment of USSR POWs.

    IIRC, Stalin kinda made a point of refusing to come to an agreement with Hitler over the treatment of POWs.

  164. Seraphim 说:

    “Je vous parle d’un temps,/Que les moins de vingt ans,/Ne peuvent pas connaître,” (Charles Aznavour, ‘La Bohème’- 1965).
    The time frame is the one between the Trial of Eichmann (1962), which “helped raise public awareness of the Holocaust” (along with Elie Wiesel’s fake memories – 1962 and Hannah Arendt’s pseudo-objective ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil – 1963) and the “explosive input that propelled Holocaust historiography into becoming the field of Holocaust studies and catapulted the latter to the center of theoretical-epistemological debates in the 1980s and 1990s [which] was not a scholarly debate, but a cultural event, namely, the broadcasting of the NBC television show ‘Holocaust’ (1978) around the world”* – (“There’s no business like Shoah-business”) along with renewed demands for compensations by descendants of ‘Holocaust survivors’.

    *’Probing the Ethics of Holocaust Culture’, edited by Claudio Fogu, Wulf Kansteiner, Todd Presner, 2016, p.7.

    • 回复: @utu
    , @L.K
  165. utu 说:

    I made a mistake thinking that your case is that of bad faith. You are indeed a fool.

  166. utu 说:

    From 1962 & 1963 to 1980 & 1990s is a pretty wide frame to locate your actual memory of your mother’s friend and her husband Tibi. Eichmann trial and Arendt book brought very negative aspects such as Judenrats, Jewish Police and others Jews like Kastner or Rumkowski cooperation with Germans which may not have been commonly known in Eastern Europe including Transylvania but the general story of extermination was told there from the very beginning w/o help of Arendt and Wiesel. The issues were dealt in literature and cinematography in 1950’s in Eastern Europe and Russia, so to many people from there Arendt or Wiesel were not news and the intensified American interest in 1970s and 1980s was rather puzzling.

    I will make a supposition that the way you are dancing around my specific question about Tibi indicates that my initial hunch you were confabulating was correct. Very disappointing in light that you are a person who writes about Christianity and other lofty ideas.

  167. L.K 说:

    You are of course, correct, don’t expect utu to concede any points though.

    • 回复: @utu
    , @Seraphim
  168. utu 说:

    Not well known mind blowing story. I learned about it just few months ago. Former women prisoners of Ravensbrück KL helped escape the SS-women Johanna Langefeld (in charge of Auschwitz women camp) from prison in Poland in 1946 (she was handed over by Americans to Poland) and sheltered her for 10 years in convents and private families until she could get back illegally to Germany in 1957. It took incredible courage to save Johanna Langefeld life who probably would be executed otherwise and it is amazing that it was successful. This happened during the most intense police terror in the post war Poland where Stalinist authorities were consolidating their power and when the anti-German propaganda was at its peak. To get the idea of the background against which these women operated one can see the film (it was on YT until several days ago) about revenge on Germans in the post WWII Czechoslovakia in the BBC documentary The Savage Peace:


    Somebody in Germany tried to make a movie about Johanna Langefeld and her rescue. Here are previews:


    but it seems that the project was not completed at least I could not find more about it. I am not sure why this story would be inconvenient to Germans or Poles but certainly it is inconvenient to the general narrative in which 90 plus year old men with dementia are being dragged to courts for serving as a guard or an accountant in Auschwitz. BTW, Johanna Langefeld worked in Auschwitz and ran into some conflict with Rudolf Höß which she won because Heinrich Himmler sided with her:

    Rudolf Höß, the Commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp, recalled his relationship towards Johanna Langefeld as follows:

    The chief female supervisor of the period, Frau Langefeld, was in no way capable of coping with the situation, yet she refused to accept any instructions given her by the leader of the protective custody camp. Acting on my own initiative, I simply put the women’s camp under his jurisdiction.

    During the visit of Heinrich Himmler on 18 July 1942, Langefeld tried to get him to annul this order. In fact, Rudolf Höß admitted after the war that “the Reichsführer SS absolutely refused” his order and that he wished “a women’s camp to be commanded by a woman”. Himmler ordered that Langefeld should stay in charge of the women’s camp and that in the future, no SS man should enter the female camp.

  169. L.K 说:

    It is incorrect to define holocaust revisionism as right wing scholarship;

    Holocaust Revisionists, politically, range from the extreme left to the extreme right and all in between.
    In France, for example, organized Jewry has agonized over the fact that many French revisionists have been leftists.
    One of the first influential holocaust revisionists was Paul Rassinier.

    Rassinier’s background and experiences topple the widely held stereotypes of Holocaust revisionists; he was a Holocaust survivor, a member of the French Resistance, and a Socialist member of the French assembly.
    Rassinier participated in the founding of the Libre-Nord organization during the German occupation of France. This organization resisted Nazi rule by, among other things, smuggling Jewish refugees over the Franco-Swiss border into Switzerland. As a result of his activities, Rassinier was arrested by German authorities who had him deported to the concentration camp at Buchenwald. He was later moved from Buchenwald to the camp at Dora where he survived through the end of the war.

    As for Rudolf’s “Lectures on the Holocaust”, it is certainly one of the best, if not the best, revisionist book for beginners, far more accessible to the average person than the often extremely detailed avg revisionist tome.

    It works as a dialogue, sort of like a conversation/debate, and it is easy to read.

    • 同意: SolontoCroesus
    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  170. Seraphim 说:


    I appreciate your delicateness in using circumlocutions to avoid accusing me directly of lying. I am sorry if I have disappointed you (you are under no obligation to believe me), but I can live with it. I have disappointed scores of people in a life longer than you expect, and I am still alive.
    I suffer from the silly coquetry of trying to look younger than I really am, so I would not disclose my age, but ‘my dancing’ was the response to your specific question which was ‘What is the time frame for your story/confabulation’.
    In Eastern Europe people were much more aware than in the West that the stories of ‘extermination’ of Jews were Soviet war propaganda.

  171. utu 说:

    don’t expect utu to concede any points though

    Apparently you haven’t read what I wrote here so far. I do not believe in the canonical Holocaust narrative that entered the popular consciousness via countless books, films and survivors’ testimonies. But I do believe that many Jews died. The question is how many, how and when and where. How far down can we push the 6m number? What is the lower bound? Personally I do not believe it can be lower than 3 millions. By current standards I am a Holocaust denier, however, I am more educated than, say Wally here and thus my approach is much more judicious and nuanced, though I doubt it would be counted as a mitigating circumstance in German or Israel’s court, so I could end up having a dubious pleasure of sharing the same cell with Wally.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
    , @JackOH
  172. BTW, on the complicated relationship between Zionists and the Soviets during WW2 (in particular Zionist concern with tilting the demographic balance in Palestine), see


  173. @L.K

    The American (Jewish) libertarian Murray Rothbard was probably a Holocaust revisionist.

  174. Seraphim 说:

    It looks that I pushed some wrong buttons, so that it is not clear that the post @176 was the reply to the slightly ridiculous ‘avuncular’ rebuke of utu@172.

  175. @utu

    The question is how many, how and when and where. How far down can we push the 6m number?

    imo the most important question is Why, second most important is By Whom & under what circumstances.

  176. Seraphim 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    It is worth knowing what the links cited by Beefcake said.
    Here are the direct words of James N. Rosenberg made in 1943, direct from the horse’s mouth!
    JTA of Jul. 1, 1943:

    “Russia Helped 1,750,000 Jews to Escape Nazis, Says James N. Rosenberg”:

    “俄罗斯从纳粹灭绝中拯救的犹太人数量是世界其他地方加起来的十多倍,”美国犹太领袖詹姆斯·N·罗森伯格 (James N. Rosenberg) 今天在这里发表欢迎辞时宣布,他在Astor Hotel 致 Solomon Mikhoels 和来自俄罗斯的犹太文化代表团 Itzik Feffer。 来自不同犹太组织的数百名代表出席了招待会。
    Emphasizing that he based his estimate of those saved on facts gathered by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Mr. Rosenberg quoted the organization’s journal as reporting that “of some 1,750,000 Jews who succeeded in escaping the Axis since the outbreak of hostilities, about 1,600,000 were evacuated by the Soviet Government from Eastern Poland and subsequently occupied Soviet territory and transported far into the Russian interior and beyond the Urals. About 150,000 others managed to reach Palestine, the United States, and other countries beyond the seas.
    “我们犹太人,”罗森伯格先生说,“正确地感谢无数同情犹太人的决议,这些决议是由对我们人民的可怕悲剧感到震惊的好心人和团体通过的。 俄罗斯选择了行动。 她为广大的犹太人口提供了生活、庇护、面包和住所。 这些事实还不够清楚。 让这个国家的每个犹太人都知道他们是俄罗斯战争救济犹太人委员会的一项极其重要的任务。 我需要问一下,如果俄罗斯把他们留在原地,那些犹太人会怎样?”
    Number of Jews in Europe in 1939 6.5 million. Minus 1.75 million saved by SU equals…6 million ‘exterminated’. It is less known that in March 1940 600,000 Polish Jews refugees to the SU were granted Soviet citizenship. I let you do the maths. I’ve done it so many times that I got tired.
    And it’s not all. For instance, out of the 3-4,ooo,ooo of Jews from Romania-Hungary ‘exterminated’… 380,000-400,000 were still in Romania at the end of the war (including the returnees from the camps in Transnistria).

    • 回复: @utu
  177. JackOH 说:

    utu, years ago I did a rough guesstimate of how many European Jews died during the 1939-1945 period as a result of the war. My guesstimate was 2 million, many of whom would be Jewish combatants in Allied forces, Jewish shopkeepers who took an artillery shell, and, of course, those who died at Auschwitz and other camps. But, you’re right, of course, that the established Holocaust narrative is likely more “brittle”, or “deoxygenated”, than most of us would like to think.

  178. utu 说:

    many of whom would be Jewish combatants in Allied forces, Jewish shopkeepers who took an artillery shell

    This is a wrong track. 2 orders of magnitude too small effect. Combatants you can easily estimate by looking at Allied combatants losses and taking fraction proportional to Jewish population in a given country. Civilian population killed during combat and bombardment again does not add up to much either. The bottom line is you can’t have a minority sustain higher losses than majority due to random acts or war and combat.

    Jews were treated differently than other population in occupied countries. Thew were kept in closed ghettos, they were rounded up and they were deported.

    • 回复: @JackOH
    , @Beefcake the Mighty
  179. JackOH 说:

    utu, can you offer your own figure and brief discussion?

    • 回复: @utu
  180. utu 说:

    Europe in 1939 6.5 million – more like 9.5. Poland and European USSR was about 5.5

    out of the 3-4,ooo,ooo of Jews from Romania-Hungary – Hungary 450k, Rumania – 750k

    It is less known that in March 1940 600,000 Polish Jews refugees to the SU were granted Soviet citizenship. – The estimate of refugees, i.e., those who left German zone to Soviet zone of occupied Poland is 200-300k. I do not know how many accepted citizenship, but those Polish citizens (including Jews) who did could avoid deportations into the SU. This was one reason why people were accepting the citizenship. Still there were some Jews deported to SU though majority of deportees were non-Jewish Poles.

    Now, the article you citing here is an interesting piece of pro Soviet Propaganda. Probably it was part of the effort to double down the pro Soviet lobbying and money collection particularly form non-communist Jews who were not in love with Stalin and who remembered that Soviets were responsible for Germany attacking Poland in the first place unlike the communist Jewish contingent in New York which until June 22, 1941 was vehemently opposing the war and was on the side of America First on orders from Moscow because of Ribbentrop-Molotov pact that Stalin respect to the dot.

    我们犹太人,” Mr. Rosenberg said, “rightly 谢谢 for the innumerable resolutions of sympathy for Jews, adopted by well-meaning men and groups horrified by the hideous tragedy which has befallen our people. 俄罗斯选择了行动。 她为广大的犹太人口提供了生活、庇护、面包和住所. These facts are not sufficiently known. To make them known to every Jew in this country is a task of supreme importance 等加工。为 Jewish Council for Russian War Relief. Need I ask what would have happened to those Jews had Russia left them where they were?”

    The numbers 1,750,000 or 1,600,000 may approximate Jewish population in Eastern Poland plus the 200-300k of refugees from Western Poland. However, there was no purposeful evacuation of Jews when Germany attacked in June 1941. NKVD was more concerned with killing off remaining prisoners in their facilities and evacuating themselves.

  181. @utu

    It is true that Jews were subjected to particularly harsh treatment. There were mass shootings (in the course of anti-partisan actions), mass deportations, and the overall context of war on the eastern front was scorched earth policies employed by the Soviets (who used their disregard for their subjects as a weapon) in which all civilians suffered terribly. But the 2M ballpark number for Jewish deaths (including both normal war casualties, anti-partisan warfare, and anti-Jewish demographic policies) is quite reasonable IMO. It’s essentially the number Walter Sanning derives in the only real systemic study of the issue:


    • 回复: @L.K
  182. L.K 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    My late friend, Mr. Heink, wrote a piece on the silly hoaxter’s tactic of asking, where are they, then?
    Jews served in the Red Army – a number of them were killed – how many we don’t know. Jews fought as partisans – a number of them were killed – how many we don’t know. Jews were deported by the Germans, forced to serve as slave labour – a number of them died – how many we don’t know. Jews fled ahead of the advancing Germans or were evacuated by the Soviet authorities – how many we don’t know. Jews fled via other countries – how many we don’t know. Jews hid in the forest – how many we don’t know. Jews converted to Catholicism – how many we don’t know. Jews were helped to escape/emigrate by the locals – how many we don’t know. Jews changed their names – how many we don’t know. Jews were helped following the war by various organizations to relocate – how many we don’t know. Etc., etc.[ this is also a big one, bc very large numbers of East European Jews ended up, incrementally over many years, in the US, Israel, Argentina, Brazil, Canada and many other countries. I saw a case of a family that at first, went to Cuba, right after the war, and then later, in the 50s or 60s, moved to the US. Heck, it is impossible to know how many Jews there exist today anywhere, except for Israel ]
    It is therefore impossible to construct a “Holocaust by demographics”, because of the many unknowns. Thus, the question: “Well, where are they then?” is a moot question. If we are to believe that “The Holocaust” happened, a solid case for mass murder has to be made. So far this has not been done, and those who claim that “it” did happen, have to realize that it cannot be proven simply by repeating ad nauseam the question: “Well, where are they then?”
    In reality, the question is a declaration of bankruptcy, because by asking it is admitted that no solid case for mass murder can be made, for if it were, there would exist no need to ask the question.

    • 回复: @utu
  183. utu 说:

    The list of rhetorical “we do not know” – questions may work on ignorant ones when given in theatrical speech or sermon. Yes, definitively it belongs to a sermon. Was your friend, Mr. Heink a preacher? Many of these questions have answers and/or good estimates. They do not belong to we do not know list.


    Jews served in the Red Army – Get number of killed soldiers and multiply by the fraction of Jewish population in the USSR. Probably it will be an overestimate as it is believed that Jews often avoided draft or when drafted frequently could find themselves in non combat positions.

    Jews converted to Catholicism – It did not work because of Nuremberg laws. Judenrats often were giving the list of converts to Gestapo even if Christians wanted to protect the converts.

    Jews hid in the forest; Jews fought as partisans – irrelevantly small numbers

    Jews were helped to escape/emigrate by the locals – The awards of the Righteous Among The Nations can give you an idea how many people were helped and survived and were ready to point to gentiles who helped them. You can safely multiply this number by 100 or even 1000 to get the actual number. The estimates of saved Jews who were kept in hiding are available. Though each country tend to maximize this number while Jews rather want to minimize it.

    East European Jews ended up, incrementally over many years, in the US, Israel, Argentina, Brazil, Canada – correct but these numbers we actually know.

    forced to serve as slave labour – a number of them died – This is the crux of the matter. How many of them died because of bad conditions in labor camps and how many were intentionally killed and then whether the bad conditions leading to death were intentional? For Jews this distinction is irrelevant, however it would be good to know what percent of death was due to executions.

  184. utu 说:

    utu, can you offer your own figure and brief discussion?

    3 million dead (30% of European Jewry) is a minimum that can be arrived via very conservative demographics of countries that lost most Jews in Europe like Poland, SU, Hungary, Germany, Lithuania, Holland. Yad Vashem claims they have a list of over 4 million names of Jews who did not survive WWII.

    Small fraction of Jews died as results of participation in active combat duties. For instance Poland had 150k military casualties. This would imply 15k Jews at 10%. The SU allegedly lost 11 millions soldiers. This would imply 374k Jews at 3.4%.

    How many could have died as result of collateral damage like bombings in cities. Again one can go by percentage of Jewish population in various countries but the number need to be lowered because Jews were being deported during the war. Or like in Germany from 0.75% in 1993 because of pre WW II emigration the number was reduced by 1/2 at least in 1939 and then Jews toward the end of war were deported from Germany. So not many Jews could have died in Allied bombings of Germany the country was bombed the most. Poland and Eastern Europe was not bombed by Allies that much.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Anon
    , @JackOH
  185. JackOH 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Beefcake, that ship has already sailed. Used to be a former Office of Special Investigation guy (Ryan?) working the lecture circuit talking up American corporations’ “complicity” in the Nazi persecution of Jews. IBM, Ford Motor, all that. The opportunistic “loophole” is that the U. S. and Nazi Germany were nominally at peace until Hitler declared war in 1941, so, yeah, IBM sold products to the Reich. Not sure that conduces to complicity. Plenty of people sold Bonnie and Clyde postage stamps, canned beans, and gasoline without being complicit in their murder and robbery spree.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  186. Seraphim 说:

    @Jews toward the end of war were deported from Germany

    Like Elie Wiesel who preferred to walk the ‘Death March’ from Auschwitz TO Germany, rather than be ‘liberated’ by the glorious Red Army? And he was not alone!

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
    , @utu
  187. @Seraphim

    Indeed, he was accompanied by his father, who had been in the Auschwitz infirmary!

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @JackOH
  188. Seraphim 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    You got it! But still it’s no all.

    According to our trusted Wikipedia:

    “Apart from the [westward] evacuation of [millions] civilians, the Germans also evacuated Nazi concentration camp prisoners from the WVHA controlled enterprises, who were forced to walk to the Austrian and German borders as the Soviets approached from the east. The German SS evacuated camp after camp as the war drew to a close, sending at least 250,000 men and women on death marches starting in March and April 1945. Some of those marches to the geographical centres of Germany and Austria lasted for weeks, causing thousands of deaths along the road”.
    With the risk of exposing again myself to the derision of utu, I remember the words of an old Jewish lady who was deported at the beginning of the war to Transnistria, but was returned to Romania in 1944: ‘Do you know who saved us? The SS officers!” The circumstances in which he told me that story were of such a nature that her sincerity could not be put in any doubt whatsoever.

  189. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Butting in on this discussion, which to me is mostly relevant because we are still VERY aware, talking and fighting over Holocaust existence/real contours. The event is used today both as an instrument of power and to foster jewish unity.

    So there would be two types of knowledge that are useful:
    1) The numbers (how many were killed) and some definitions (labeled enemy of State, included women and children, ghettos, labor or extermination camps, etc. )This would define the contours of the Nazi policy towards the Jews, its results, and really should be a couple of paragraphs.
    2) The numbers that would put the Holocaust in context. This is trickier, but I’d suppose it would center around civilian or non combatant loss of life or disproportionate/unlawful suffering (Pow maybe?).

    Do you have suggestions for #2? Because if they lie about the 6m, but it was 3m, (and thus 30% of population and included women and children) that still seems disproportionate suffering and can be easily leveraged politically. And I personally don’t know how the 6m was obtained in the first place?

    Of course one could cite other genocides (Vendée, Armenia, Gulag, Ukraine), but ‘Holocaust’ is like Kleenex, it has the advantage of “first marketing”, i.e. brand name recognition.

    • 回复: @utu
  190. anarchyst 说:

    根据 国际红十字会 figures, approximately 731,000 people perished in the camps from ALL causes. This was particularly harsh at the end of the war because of typhus. NOT ONE RED CROSS OFFICIAL EVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT “GAS CHAMBERS” OR “OVENS”. As 国际红十字会 officials had free run of all the camps, certainly any evidence of “gas chambers” ovens, or mass killings would have been noted…another nail in the coffin of the “great holohoax” lie…

  191. @JackOH

    Edwin Black ??

    IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation

    Nazi Nexus: America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust

    British Petroleum and the Redline Agreement: The West’s Secret Pact to Get Mideast Oil

    • 回复: @JackOH
  192. JackOH 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    At least one “peri-Holocaustal” story I know has the making of comic shtick. A very elderly local guy who’d made good said his family left Czechoslovakia in the mid-1930s to escape the Nazis. As shtick in Brooklynese: “We wuz so damned scared of de Nazis, we ran from dem even when dey wuzn’t dere.” Czechoslovakia in the mid-1930s was pre-Munich Agreement, pre-entry of German troops.

  193. JackOH 说:

    utu, thanks for your reply. We have no quarrel here, and I don’t have any emotional skin in the game. I did my guesstimate with public library-quality reference books years ago as a way of exercising some citizen’s due diligence. I do agree with comment #195 that there ought to be some differentiation by, for example, lawfulness or unlawfulness of the death, as a way of getting at the degree of disproportionality of Jewish suffering.

  194. utu 说:

    I meant German Jews who were deported from Germany East. I wrote it in the context of death from Allied bombings. Then there was evacuate of KL’s in the East as Red Army was approaching in late 1944 and early 1945. Two different things.

  195. JackOH 说:

    S2C, yeah, I think I sort of recall seeing titles like that in my local Borders maybe twenty years ago. I wrote it off as Holocaust porno, laying the groundwork for big-bucks shakedowns of American companies for selling paper clips to uniformed guys with funny German accents. Not sure if there were any money settlements wrested from American companies.

  196. utu 说:

    Because if they lie about the 6m, but it was 3m, (and thus 30% of population and included women and children) that still seems disproportionate suffering and can be easily leveraged politically.

    I do not think that the official 6m number is coming down anytime soon. And you are right that they could get the same political leverage with 3m number. But Holocaust with its 6m number became Jewish Haggadah just like Exodus or Purim. The logic of Haggadah is different than in the western culture. In the western culture we make distinction between what is true and what is not true when it comes to history. In Haggadah there is no distinction between facts and metaphors. If it is useful, if it is good for Jews it must be true. When some memoirs were discovered to be hoaxes like the ones by Benjamin Wilkomirski or Misha Defonseca historian Deborah Lipstadt was forced to acknowledge that they were hoaxes but at the same time said that the books represent the truth and thus can be used in teaching about the Holocaust. So if we really could prove that Elie Wiesel made everything up nothing would have changed. They practiced postmodernism for centuries before it was invented. If the West did not force them out of ghettos in early 19 century they would still be there unaffected by accomplishments of Greek philosophy, Roman laws and Christian ethics. They belong to a different civilization. In Plato dialogs they would be the ones on the side of sophists who did not care about the truth but only about how to win an argument. What matters for them is a story and a text and what you do with them and not whether it is true or not. It must be true if it is useful. It is only because of gentiles and revisionists among them they are occasionally forced to engage in some discourse about facts in western sense because gentiles have some strange old fashioned attachment to the concept of truth. But w/o this challenge they would not bother. So when you watch some people who did record their memories for Spielberg project and find some of them incredulous do not think these people lie. In their minds they do not.

    • 回复: @Anon
  197. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Thank you. I have some experience with political leveraging of “PR facts”, so I was approaching it from that angle. The info above is part of what I would normally request. First step understanding the objective reality (truth) second the created one (including its merits, rethorical recipe and channels), third the political scenario on the ground, fourth choosing short and mid term strategies for one’s own message. Sometimes the adversary is powerful and chose well, so one can only contain the damage and march on. Fwiw, I think the Holocaust narrative has produced a fatigued public the world over. 

    As to truth in the modern world and winning arguments.. A human being is a wondrous creation. At the deepest levels, our minds are made for truth, and our hearts for purity. So, as somebody said, we must “Act as if everything depended upon our actions, and hope as if everything depended upon God’s.” Not that I wish to sound ‘lofty’, it’s just how I see it.


    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  198. JackOH 说:

    Thanks to utu and Anon (can you select a screen name?) for their special insights.

    Please allow me to add a few notes to this conversation. I believe in giving America’s Jews a fair shake. I believe in giving America’s Blacks a fair shake. And, I believe in giving America’s Americans–those troubled people, sometimes brilliant in their achievements and generosity, often sordid in their venality–a fair shake.

    Cut to the chase. America’s First Amendment is sort of a “foundational”/national DNA sort of thing. That’s what we do. So when S2C and Wally go on and on, I’m sometimes upset at their stridency and their single-mindedness, but I recognize an American who’s looking for an audience and who’s trying to make a pitch. I’m okay with that. What I’m not okay with is suborning America’s government to dictate a specific narrative under pain of punishment. That what some Jews appear to be doing, and that’s what some Blacks appear to be doing. Thanks for allowing this comment.

    • 回复: @MarcusW
    , @L.K
    , @SolontoCroesus
  199. @Anon

    “Political leveraging . . . for power and group unity” vs accurate history —


    “I have some experience with political leveraging of “PR facts”, . . .

    The info above . . . is part of what I would normally request.


    The event is used today both as an instrument of powerto foster jewish unity.
    So there would be two types of knowledge that are useful:
    1) The numbers (how many were killed) . . . This would define the contours of the Nazi policy towards the Jews, its results. . .
    2) The numbers that would put the Holocaust in context.

    END insert}

    First step understanding the objective reality (truth)
    second the created one (including its merits, rethorical recipe and channels),
    third the political scenario on the ground,
    fourth choosing short and mid term strategies for one’s own message.

    Thank you, anon, for explaining “political leveraging of “PR facts” as applied to Holocaust and its function: — power and group unity.

    The impression you convey is that you have professional (i.e. trained) skills and employment experience in applying “political leveraging of PR facts.”

    My perspective is far different and evolves from an untrained, amateur foundation; based on my understanding of the devastating consequences of misinterpreting ‘history,’ I think it is critical, even “Croesus-ial” that it be accurate; anything less and you lose your country.

    The first book on WWII/Hitler that I can recall — from nearly 30 years ago — was titled, “Psychopathic God.” The epigraph — thence the title — is from Auden’s “September 1939”:


    “Accurate scholarship” to discern what really happened seems a worthy goal. (For what it’s worth, imo the “numbers” are among the least important facts that “accurate scholarship” must unearth.)

    Your goals seems different from my own. Based on limited knowledge of what you do, but aware of the effectiveness of “political leveraging,” your goals seem to confound my own.

    Your goals may fulfill the purposes you identify in the short term, but in the long term, only accurate scholarship will satisfy the individual human heart and the entire family of man, as you eloquently stated:

    At the deepest levels, our minds are made for truth, and our hearts for purity.

    In 2011, Jeremy Ben-Ami discussed his book, “A New Voice for Israel,” about a then-new organization, J-Street. Toward the end of the event, Ben-Ami was asked:

    I was wondering if you would talk a little bit about teaching a nuanced view on the conflict
    for Jewish Day school and Sunday schools. How should teachers in your opinion go about teaching a nuanced view while remaining sensitive to the development of their people’s love for Israel?

    Ben Ami responded:

    Since you are going to one of the teachers of my kids, I better come up with a good answer for you, right?
    I think you have to tell the truth.
    You know, I think that is one of the things that I found in my own personal development that I resented — that I was never being given the whole story.the mythology is wonderful, but when you find out that it’s mythology, the reaction against it is far harsher and more extreme than the difficulties that you encounter if you hear the truth from the beginning.


  200. MarcusW 说:

    Will the Germans ever get a fair shake? Jews have pressured governments and others worldwide to censor historians and books about WW II with views they don’t like, in particular governments in Europe have been pressured. Wikipedia, a promoter of false history and biased in favor of Jewish interests, whatever the subject, lists 22 countries that ban “holocaust denial”.


    Organized Jewry have led the way in promoting censorship against historians and others whose views they don’t want available to the public. This includes historians like David Irving and many other experts in their fields. Before defaming and bankrupting him, David Irving was widely acclaimed as the leading historian on National Socialist Germany.

    When you compare the leaders of the two adversaries, Holocaust revisionists vs. mainstream Holocaust writers, the mainstream has virtually no technical or scientific people on their side, while the revisionists have many professors, scientists and engineers on their side, and they have virtually all been persecuted by those under the pressure of world Jewry. Those persecuted also include Jews that had an open mind, wanted to know the truth and whose opinions organized Jewry didn’t like.

    A few holocaust experts, all revisionists that have studied the so called holocaust from the scientific point of view:

    Arthur Butz – a professor of electrical engineering at Northwestern University, and author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, published in 1976

    Friedrich Berg – holds a degree in Mining Engineering from Columbia University

    Fred Leuchter – the leading expert on execution gas chamber technology in the USA before he was driven out of work for doing paid research at Auschwitz and providing evidence against the mainstream view. He was the first person to study the holocaust from a technical perspective.

    Germar Rudolf – chemist that was working on his PHD at the Max Planck institute in the early 1990’s, one of the leading scientific institutes in the world (at one time the unchallenged leading scientific institute with many Nobel Prize recipients on its staff) when he was fired from his position and then thrown in jail for the scientific paper he wrote that pertained to the holocaust

    Nicholas Kollerstrom – PhD (1995), history of science, University College London and fired from his position at UCL when his views became known. See here.

    There are many other highly intelligent lawyers, writers and PHD’s that studied the holocaust from a non-technical point of view that have been persecuted too. This includes Professor Joel Hayward, a Jew that Wikipedia describes as a “noted scholar of war and strategy” and “best known for his published books and articles on strategic and security matters, including the use of air power, his 2003 biography of Horatio Lord Nelson, and his writing and teaching on the Quranic (Islamic) concepts of war, strategy and conflict.” His award winning MA thesis in which he compared the two sides cases, mainstream holocaust historians vs. revisionists made him a hounded man, with his family being threatened with death for writing the thesis. He was persecuted for years before he caved in so he could have a normal life and career.

    There are many others with eloquent and informed points of view, including lawyer Sylvia Stolz, jailed in Germany for a second time for giving this beautiful speech (in Switzerland) to a free speech advocacy group.


    And scholars from other fields related to Jewry, whose expertise is not the holocaust are persecuted
    and banned too. The other day the fascinating English historian Andrew Joyce was banned from visiting the USA for his articles/books/speeches on Jews.

    Banned in America…A Sequel, by Andrew Joyce PH.D.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  201. L.K 说:

    There is no comparison whatsoever between organized Jewry and US’s blacks.

    Considering their cohesion, wealth, influence, Jews are by far the most powerful ethno-religious group in the ZUSA.

    They largely control the media, Hollywood, finance, have immense power in politics, etc, etc.

    Blacks have no real power and constitute an under achieving demographic.

    If anything, organized Jewry uses blacks – and other minorities – in their divide and conquer tactics… and it works too.

    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
  202. @MarcusW

    Marcus W,
    Thank you for posting Sylvia Stoltz’s speech.

    @ 54.45: “The times are over for the German people to be suppressed.”


    L.K @ 207:

    If anything, organized Jewry uses blacks – and other minorities – in their divide and conquer tactics… and it works too.

    Rabbi Stephen Wise founded the American Jewish Congress in 1918 with the purpose of influencing negotiations at Versailles such that Jews would acquire a “homeland for Jews in Palestine and guarantee of their rights in European states.”

    Four years earlier Rabbi Wise founded the NAACP.

    Jews emerged from Versailles with “a dual triumph” — Jews won WWI, acquired Palestine, gained effective control of post-revolution Russia, gained effective control of post-revolution Germany.

    What benefits did Blacks derive from Wise’s magnanimity?
    Take a look:

    “Non-economic liberalism” was a philosophy developed by the longtime white Jewish president of the NAACP, Joel Spingarn, for Black people’s social and political advancement without economic empowerment. “

    America’s Blacks are America’s Palestinians

    • 回复: @MarcusW
  203. @JackOH

    So when S2C . . . go[es] on and on, I’m sometimes upset at their stridency and their single-mindedness, but I recognize an American who’s looking for an audience and who’s trying to make a pitch. I’m okay with that


    The stridency is a failing that S2C regrets, inasmuch as it interferes with effectiveness.

    That S2C has been ineffective in core mission is painfully obvious in Trump’s statement that all but declared war on Iran.

    S2C’s core mission is to make broadly known that the same behaviors that involved USA in war(s) that destroyed Germany (and Japan, so much of France & Italy etc.) are being carried out by the same groups against Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran, with similar intent: to destroy target (aka 流氓) states spiritually, morally, economically, politically, culturally and physically, in order to bring them under US/Anglo-Zionist financial and cultural domination.
    (I speak stridently also to warn my own country: The pattern I observe also makes obvious that a key Mover in these affairs frequently destroys its prior ally/host.)

    Once again, apologies for the stridency. If I had the financial resources of The Predator (h/t Lady Michele Renouf https://justice4germans.wordpress.com) I would speak softly or let my wealth speak for me. As it is, having been denied a microphone, my choices are to remain silent or to shout.

    If I sit silently, I have sinned Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh

  204. orionyx 说:

    It took me months, but I finally tracked down a complete English translation online. At this moment I can;t remember where, so this comment only serves to encourage persistence.
    The Russia version is easily available, though, so perhaps you can invest that persistence in learning Russian instead. You’ll find there are plenty of books in Russian that can open Western eyes.

  205. J2 说:

    My Quora answer to the best proof that the Holocaust happened.

    No, I am not any Holocaust denier, but as Ron Unz published an article by Michael Hoffman, I could not help answering a question in quora. Maybe you as highly intelligent people can find reason I cannot sum some numbers to zero.

    Here is in my opinion the best proof, the one that convinced me, but you will have to do the calculations yourself. So, please do them. In 1939 Poland was divided into German and Soviet parts, call them West-Poland and East-Poland.

    Find the best figures of how many Jews were transported by Nazis from Western and Central Europe and could be taken to West-Poland. Maybe that is 1.126 million. Then divide Poland to West and East, maybe after taking account of escape to Soviet area, this is 1.84 million and 1.41 million. Then you find out how many were transferred from West-Poland to East (=East-Poland, Baltic, Belarusian) or inverse and maybe it is 0.06 million to West as the netto sum. Then you have 1.126+1.84+0.06=about 3 million in West-Poland. Next subtract all losses and survivors. Camp survivors are 0.41 million, and losses are 1.48 million to (Treblinka, Sobibór, Belzec), to Auschwitz 1.1 million, to Chelmno 0.15 million, ghettos in Poland, work camps in Poland, Majdanek, camps in Germany, Theresienstadt, killed in German attack to Poland and terror, killed in ghetto uprising, not captured by Germans in West-Poland, go on like this, all figures can be found from the Internet.

    This gives you a number, starting as 3–0.41-1.48–1.1–0.15-… Assuming you get close to zero, you proved Holocaust to yourself, but assuming it goes much under zero, that’s bad news. You just become a criminal by doing simple arithmetics. I encourage you try.

    From 29 upvotes in quora, I conclude that some people noticed what I mean. The sum of survivors and dead should equal the number of Jews who were in Nazi hands in West or hiding in West-Poland. At least, not more can die and survive than there originally were. We do not need to look in the East where data is not so precise. It is enough to look at Western and Central Europe, quite good data. The challenge in this calculation is that 3–0.41–1.48–1.1–0.15= -0.14. That is nicely close to zero, as it should be, so everything looks good, but when you supply the terms that I did not yet give, you will additionally have to subtract 0.614 million dead and 0.08 million survivors, and still get close to zero. That is pretty much impossible for a human, unless you change the 1.1 million and taking that way commit a crime in EU, which I refuse to do. I am not any denier.

    Why this proves the Holocaust? Because only Israel’s God could sum these numbers to zero. For God it was not an obstacle that more Jews died than there were. It was a miracle! I accept God’s miracles. Every Christian believes in miracles, since Jesus was miraculously raised from death. Every religious Jew believes in miracles, since Moses made miracles. Often a believer doubts, also I sometimes doubt, but we have the right to doubt – even apostles doubted. A non-believer has the right not to believe in miracles. First he has to meet God, only then can he believe. It is not for any court to forbid his rights. Holocaust was a miracle and it had to be so, since the prophets foretold that Israel would be reborn at the end of times and before that there would be great persecution of Israel and the holocaust.


    I will now supply the missing numbers. These are all from accepted sources, nothing from any deniers’ writings. Check them, please. Find an error of 0.7 million from them. I could not find it.

    Dead in ghettos and work camps in Poland, excluding Majdanek. Warsaw ghetto (76.000) before upraise, Łódź ghetto (43.800), Tarnow (10.000), Stanisławów (about 10.000), Kielce (6.000), Stryj (4.000-12.000), Tomazów Mazowiecki (4.000), Sieniawa (3.000), Pietrków Trybunalski (3.000), Zagórów (2.000-2.500), Minsk Mazowicki (1.300), Nowy Zmigrow (1.300) and Góra Kalvaria (300). Total 165.000-173.000 Jews. Let us select the lower bound 0.165 million.
    Majdanek, let us take the lowest official estimate 59.000.

    German attack 1939 and following terror 50.000 Jews. This is calculated as follows. In the 1939 German attack died 66.000 Polish soldiers and 150.000–200.000 civilians. In the terror were killed 61.000 civilians. In German POW camps died 120.000 Polish soldiers. In Soviet POW camps died 130.000 Polish soldiers. Of Poland’s population 8.89% were Jews by religion. There was a general conscript service, also for Jews. Estimating from these numbers, some 50.000 Jews died in 1939 attack, terror or POW camps, most from West-Poland, since German attack civilian losses are there.

    Warsaw ghetto upraise 1943, 7000 Jews died.

    Thus, from West-Poland died min. 165.000+59.000+57.000=0.281 million in these ways.
    In German camps died 390.000, but not all were Jews. This figure I calculated as Bergen-Belsen 0.05 million, Buchenwaldt 0.05, Ravensbruk some 0.09, Mauthausen maybe 0.08 (mostly non-Jews), Flossenberg 0.03, Dachau 0.027 its subcamp 0.01. The rest, that is Gross-Rosen, Stutthof, Sachenhausen, Neuengammen, Natzweiler, Mittelbau, etc. together maybe 0.05. These sum to 0.39 million. How many were Jews? I don’t know, I guess 0.3 million. It was not a minority, Jews were transported back to Germany at the end of the war, at that time inmates died in masses. There were still left 0.41 million Jews, mainly at camps in Germany.

    Theresienstadt 33.000 Jews died.

    Summing all gives 0.281 in Poland, 0.333 Germany and Theresienstadt. That is 0.614 million. Additionally there were 80.000 Polish Jews from West-Poland, who were not captured by Nazis. They showed up after the war in Poland and were not part of 410.000 Jewish camp survivors, who were collected from Nazi camps.

    So what numbers are wrong? Almost nothing can be wrong here. This is why it is God’s miracle!
    The numbers making 0.614 million and 0.08 million cannot be changed much. One can make the Jewish victims in German camps a bit smaller, but not enough. Treblinka, Sobibór, Belzec 1.48 million is solid. About this amount were transported to these camps and they disappeared from West-Poland. Chelmno 0.15 million is also well motivated, it is more like a lower bound. Jews from Lodz were transported to Chelmno, they disappeared from West-Poland.

    Maybe the small number of 0.06 million transported from places like Bialystock to West-Poland? It is too small to have any major effect, but let’s calculate it.

    To Bełżec 87.000 from East from the following Cilician ghettos and camps: Lwów ghetto (about 45.000), Stanisławów ghetto (about 10.000), Tarnopol ghetto (about 10.000), Kołomyjasta camp (18.000) and Czortkowista camp (4.000). To Treblinkaan from Bialystok ghetto 10.600. From Białystok ghetto also 8.600 to Majdanekin and Theresiastadtin ghetto. To Sobibór 13.000 from Minsk, Lida and Vilno. In total from East to West were transported 119.000 Jews.
    From West to East were transported small amounts. Two transports to Minsk: end of 1941 8.000 and May 1942 26.000. To Riga October 1941 – April 1942 25.000. From these we get West to East transports 59.000. Netto total is 119.000–59.000=60.000. This number is also well motivated. It could be a bit different, but everybody agrees that it is small, almost no effect.

    So maybe the figure 1.84 million in West-Poland is wrong? It cannot be much in error. The Jewish population in Poland in 1939 was 3.25 million according to AJY 1948–49. Estimates range between 3.2 and 3.3 million. In 1931 21.8 million Poles lived in the area captured by Germany in 1939 and 13.2 million lived in the area taken by Soviets. By mother’s tongue there were 8.5% Jews in Poland in 1931 and in areas captured by Soviet Union in 1939 there were 8.4% Jews by mother’s tongue. By religion there were 8.89% Jews in Poland in 1931. Calculating from these we conclude that by religion in the Soviet occupied area were 8.79% Jews in 1931, i.e., 1.16 million. Thus, in West-Poland in 1931 lived 1.954 million Jews. In 1939 the numbers had risen to 1.21 million and 2.039 million. But when Germany attacked in 1939 336.000 Polish people escaped to East-Poland. Of them 198.000 were Jews. These refuges were taken to Siberia and only a small number of them survived. So, 2.039–0.198=1.841 million Jews in West-Poland. This number is fine and solid estimate.
    So, maybe the number 1.126 million transported by Nazis from Western and Central Europe is wrong? But it is not 0.7 million wrong. The American Jewish Year Book 1938-39 gives the following Jewish populations: Belgium (60,000), Bulgaria (48,565), Czechoslovakia (356,830), Danzig (10,448), Denmark (5,690), France (240,000), Germany (691,163), Greece (72,791), Hungary (444,567), Italy (57,425), Yugoslavia (68,405), Netherlands (156,817), Norway (1,359), Luxemburg (2400). Austria is merged into Germany in these figures. These figures sum up to 2.216 million. The figure for Germany after annexing Austria is given as 691,163, but it is much too high. Emigration of Jews form Germany and Austria was an intentional policy of Hitler and strongly encouraged by the Third Reich before 1941. We will use the figure 300,000 for Germany and Austria from the 1939 estimate of the American Jewish Year Book for 1948-49 given on Table 6 on the page 697. Thus, the estimate for Jews in these countries is 1.83 million. From these countries Jews were transported to camps and eventually to West-Poland. How many Jews from West were not taken to Poland (=West-Poland).
    I found the following information:
    Country Quota Transported to Poland Left in place
    Belgium 60,000 less than half 30,000
    Bulgaria 48,565 none 48,565
    Czechoslovakia 356,830 divided (Germany, Hungary, Slovakia)
    – Slovakia 90,000 90,000 –
    Danzig 10,448 10,448 –
    Denmark 5,690 none to Poland, 500 elsewhere 5,690
    France 240,000 about a third 160,000
    Germany 691,163->333,892 about 320,000 14,000
    Greece 72,791 about 70,000 –
    Hungary 444,565->592,000 over 400,000 192,000
    Italy 57,425 8000 49,425
    Yugoslavia 68,405 none, 58,000 killed in place 10,000
    Netherlands 156,817 about three fourths 39,000
    Norway 1,359 800 (900 to Sweden) 900

    From this we can get a rough estimate of transports to Poland:
    Country Transported to Poland
    Danzig 10,448
    sum= 1,126,000

    As there were 1.83 million in the West excluding Poland, and 1.126 million were transported and some 60,000 killed in Yugoslavia, then 0.653 million survived in Western Europe under German rule excluding Poland. However, the estimate is rather imprecise because of the expressions “less than half” etc. Summing the figures in the American Jewish Year Book for 1948-49, Table 1 on page 693 gives the figure for European Jews as 831,500 in the areas occupied by Germans outside the Soviet Union, Romania and Poland. Many Jews returned home from DP camps or abroad after the war or escaped from East. This can be around 831,500-653,000=178,500 people. The figure 1.126 million is not precise, but not much wrong either. If this would be the source of the error of 0.7 million, then all of the Jews had been taken by Nazis, which is not true. The sum how much were left according to the table is 0.55 million. (Notice that Hungary gained some area during the war.) Wikipedia refers (or referred in its Holocaust page) to a study of Dawidowicz (1975). Summing his numbers from wiki gives 1.153942 dead for the mentioned countries. The figure includes those shot in Yugoslavia. When they are subtracted, the figure is 1.127942, not essentially different from 1.126 million in my calculation. Dawidowicz estimates the Jewish population of West-Poland as 1.857 million versus my estimate 1.83 million. Thus, these numbers are correct.

    What can be done apart from believing in a miracle? The only number that can be changed is the dead in Auschwitz. It should be 0.7 million smaller, so 0.4 million, but notice that everywhere I used lower bounds for other losses. Losses in Treblinka, Sobibór, Belzec, Chelmno and Majdanek could easily be 0.3 million larger. There could be 0.08 million more West-Polish Jewish survivors. There is no compelling reason to assume that losses in Auschwitz were any larger than those registered in the camp.

    I read some of the other answers to this quora question and many claimed that so called holocaust deniers use this or that dirty technique in order to cheat people. I am no denier, I believe in miracles. I also think that we should not any more persecute nonbelievers. There are no dirty tricks in this calculation. I honestly do not see how with human powers one can sum those numbers to zero, but God can do it. And do not claim that I am being ironical, I am indeed a reborn Christian and I do believe in miracles. Materia came out of nothing in the Big bang. Life came out of non-alive. Intelligence and consciousness just appeared just like that. Why could not the numbers have once summed to zero?

    Here is in my opinion the best proof, the one that convinced me, but you will have to do the calculations yourself. So, please do them. In 1939 Poland was divided into German and Soviet parts, call them West-Poland and East-Poland.
    Find the best figures of how many Jews were transported by Nazis from Western and Central Europe and could be taken to West-Poland. Maybe that is 1.126 million. Then divide Poland to West and East, maybe after taking account of escape to Soviet area, this is 1.84 million and 1.41 million. Then you find out how many were transferred from West-Poland to East (=East-Poland, Baltic, Belarusian) or inverse and maybe it is 0.06 million to West as the netto sum. Then you have 1.126+1.84+0.06=about 3 million in West-Poland. Next subtract all losses and survivors. Camp survivors are 0.41 million, and losses are 1.48 million to (Treblinka, Sobibór, Belzec), to Auschwitz 1.1 million, to Chelmno 0.15 million, ghettos in Poland, work camps in Poland, Majdanek, camps in Germany, Theresienstadt, killed in German attack to Poland and terror, killed in ghetto uprising, not captured by Germans in West-Poland, go on like this, all figures can be found from the Internet.
    This gives you a number, starting as 3–0.41-1.48–1.1–0.15-… Assuming you get close to zero, you proved Holocaust to yourself, but assuming it goes much under zero, that’s bad news. You just become a criminal by doing simple arithmetics. I encourage you try.
    From 27 upvotes, I conclude that some people noticed what I mean. The sum of survivors and dead should equal the number of Jews who were in Nazi hands in West or hiding in West-Poland. At least, not more can die and survive than there originally were. We do not need to look in the East where data is not so precise. It is enough to look at Western and Central Europe, quite good data. The challenge in this calculation is that 3–0.41–1.48–1.1–0.15= -0.14. That is nicely close to zero, as it should be, so everything looks good, but when you supply the terms that I did not yet give, you will additionally have to subtract 0.614 million dead and 0.08 million survivors, and still get close to zero. That is pretty much impossible for a human, unless you change the 1.1 million and taking that way commit a crime in EU, which I refuse to do. I am not any denier.
    Why this proves the Holocaust? Because only Israel’s God could sum these numbers to zero. For God it was not an obstacle that more Jews died than there were. It was a miracle! I accept God’s miracles. Every Christian believes in miracles, since Jesus was miraculously raised from death. Every religious Jew believes in miracles, since Moses made miracles. Often a believer doubts, also I sometimes doubt, but we have the right to doubt – even apostles doubted. A non-believer has the right not to believe in miracles. First he has to meet God, only then can he believe. It is not for any court to forbid his rights. Holocaust was a miracle and it had to be so, since the prophets foretold that Israel would be reborn at the end of times and before that there would be great persecution of Israel and the holocaust.
    I will now supply the missing numbers. These are all from accepted sources, nothing from any deniers’ writings. Check them, please. Find an error of 0.7 million from them. I could not find it. Moja culpa.
    Dead in ghettos and work camps in Poland, excluding Majdanek. Warsaw ghetto (76.000) before upraise, Łódź ghetto (43.800), Tarnow (10.000), Stanisławów (about 10.000), Kielce (6.000), Stryj (4.000-12.000), Tomazów Mazowiecki (4.000), Sieniawa (3.000), Pietrków Trybunalski (3.000), Zagórów (2.000-2.500), Minsk Mazowicki (1.300), Nowy Zmigrow (1.300) and Góra Kalvaria (300). Total 165.000-173.000 Jews. Let us select the lower bound 0.165 million.
    Majdanek, let us take the lowest official estimate 59.000.
    German attack 1939 and following terror 50.000 Jews. This is calculated as follows. In the 1939 German attack died 66.000 Polish soldiers and 150.000–200.000 civilians. In the terror were killed 61.000 civilians. In German POW camps died 120.000 Polish soldiers. In Soviet POW camps died 130.000 Polish soldiers. Of Poland’s population 8.89% were Jews by religion. There was a general conscript service, also for Jews. Estimating from these numbers, some 50.000 Jews died in 1939 attack, terror or POW camps, most from West-Poland, since German attack civilian losses are there.
    Warsaw ghetto upraise 1943, 7000 Jews died.
    Thus, from West-Poland died min. 165.000+59.000+57.000=0.281 million in these ways.
    In German camps died 390.000, but not all were Jews. This figure I calculated as Bergen-Belsen 0.05 million, Buchenwaldt 0.05, Ravensbruk some 0.09, Mauthausen maybe 0.08 (mostly non-Jews), Flossenberg 0.03, Dachau 0.027 its subcamp 0.01. The rest, that is Gross-Rosen, Stutthof, Sachenhausen, Neuengammen, Natzweiler, Mittelbau, etc. together maybe 0.05. These sum to 0.39 million. How many were Jews? I don’t know, I guess 0.3 million. It was not a minority, Jews were transported back to Germany at the end of the war, at that time inmates died in masses. There were still left 0.41 million Jews, mainly at camps in Germany.
    Theresienstadt 33.000 Jews died.
    Summing all gives 0.281 in Poland, 0.333 Germany and Theresienstadt. That is 0.614 million. Additionally there were 80.000 Polish Jews from West-Poland, who were not captured by Nazis. They showed up after the war in Poland and were not part of 410.000 Jewish camp survivors, who were collected from Nazi camps.
    So what numbers are wrong? Almost nothing can be wrong here. This is why it is God’s miracle!
    The numbers making 0.614 million and 0.08 million cannot be changed much. One can make the Jewish victims in German camps a bit smaller, but not enough. Treblinka, Sobibór, Belzec 1.48 million is solid. About this amount were transported to these camps and they disappeared from West-Poland. Chelmno 0.15 million is also well motivated, it is more like a lower bound. Jews from Lodz were transported to Chelmno, they disappeared from West-Poland.
    Maybe the small number of 0.06 million transported from places like Bialystock to West-Poland? It is too small to have any major effect, but let’s calculate it.
    To Bełżec 87.000 from East from the following Cilician ghettos and camps: Lwów ghetto (about 45.000), Stanisławów ghetto (about 10.000), Tarnopol ghetto (about 10.000), Kołomyjasta camp (18.000) and Czortkowista camp (4.000). To Treblinkaan from Bialystok ghetto 10.600. From Białystok ghetto also 8.600 to Majdanekin and Theresiastadtin ghetto. To Sobibór 13.000 from Minsk, Lida and Vilno. In total from East to West were transported 119.000 Jews.
    From West to East were transported small amounts. Two transports to Minsk: end of 1941 8.000 and May 1942 26.000. To Riga October 1941 – April 1942 25.000. From these we get West to East transports 59.000. Netto total is 119.000–59.000=60.000. This number is also well motivated. It could be a bit different, but everybody agrees that it is small, almost no effect.
    So maybe the figure 1.84 million in West-Poland is wrong? It cannot be much in error. The Jewish population in Poland in 1939 was 3.25 million according to AJY 1948–49. Estimates range between 3.2 and 3.3 million. In 1931 21.8 million Poles lived in the area captured by Germany in 1939 and 13.2 million lived in the area taken by Soviets. By mother’s tongue there were 8.5% Jews in Poland in 1931 and in areas captured by Soviet Union in 1939 there were 8.4% Jews by mother’s tongue. By religion there were 8.89% Jews in Poland in 1931. Calculating from these we conclude that by religion in the Soviet occupied area were 8.79% Jews in 1931, i.e., 1.16 million. Thus, in West-Poland in 1931 lived 1.954 million Jews. In 1939 the numbers had risen to 1.21 million and 2.039 million. But when Germany attacked in 1939 336.000 Polish people escaped to East-Poland. Of them 198.000 were Jews. These refuges were taken to Siberia and only a small number of them survived. So, 2.039–0.198=1.841 million Jews in West-Poland. This number is fine and solid estimate.
    So, maybe the number 1.126 million transported by Nazis from Western and Central Europe is wrong? But it is not 0.7 million wrong. The American Jewish Year Book 1938-39 gives the following Jewish populations: Belgium (60,000), Bulgaria (48,565), Czechoslovakia (356,830), Danzig (10,448), Denmark (5,690), France (240,000), Germany (691,163), Greece (72,791), Hungary (444,567), Italy (57,425), Yugoslavia (68,405), Netherlands (156,817), Norway (1,359), Luxemburg (2400). Austria is merged into Germany in these figures. These figures sum up to 2.216 million. The figure for Germany after annexing Austria is given as 691,163, but it is much too high. Emigration of Jews form Germany and Austria was an intentional policy of Hitler and strongly encouraged by the Third Reich before 1941. We will use the figure 300,000 for Germany and Austria from the 1939 estimate of the American Jewish Year Book for 1948-49 given on Table 6 on the page 697. Thus, the estimate for Jews in these countries is 1.83 million. From these countries Jews were transported to camps and eventually to West-Poland. How many Jews from West were not taken to Poland (=West-Poland). I found the following information:
    Country Quota Transported to Poland Left in place
    Belgium 60,000 less than half 30,000
    Bulgaria 48,565 none 48,565
    Czechoslovakia 356,830 divided (Germany, Hungary, Slovakia)
    – Slovakia 90,000 90,000 –
    Danzig 10,448 10,448 –
    Denmark 5,690 none to Poland, 500 elsewhere 5,690
    France 240,000 about a third 160,000
    Germany 691,163->333,892 about 320,000 14,000
    Greece 72,791 about 70,000 –
    Hungary 444,565->592,000 over 400,000 192,000
    Italy 57,425 8000 49,425
    Yugoslavia 68,405 none, 58,000 killed in place 10,000
    Netherlands 156,817 about three fourths 39,000
    Norway 1,359 800 (900 to Sweden) 900

    From this we can get a rough estimate of transports to Poland:
    Country Transported to Poland
    Danzig 10,448
    sum= 1,126,000

    As there were 1.83 million in the West excluding Poland, and 1.126 million were transported and some 60,000 killed in Yugoslavia, then 0.653 million survived in Western Europe under German rule excluding Poland. However, the estimate is rather imprecise because of the expressions “less than half” etc. Summing the figures in the American Jewish Year Book for 1948-49, Table 1 on page 693 gives the figure for European Jews as 831,500 in the areas occupied by Germans outside the Soviet Union, Romania and Poland. Many Jews returned home from DP camps or abroad after the war or escaped from East. This can be around 831,500-653,000=178,500 people. The figure 1.126 million is not precise, but not much wrong either. If this would be the source of the error of 0.7 million, then all of the Jews had been taken by Nazis, which is not true. The sum how much were left according to the table is 0.55 million. (Notice that Hungary gained some area during the war.) Wikipedia refers (or referred in its Holocaust page) to a study of Dawidowicz (1975). Summing his numbers from wiki gives 1.153942 dead for the mentioned countries. The figure includes those shot in Yugoslavia. When they are subtracted, the figure is 1.127942, not essentially different from 1.126 million in my calculation. Dawidowicz estimates the Jewish population of West-Poland as 1.857 million versus my estimate 1.84 million. Thus, these numbers are correct.

    What can be done apart from believing in a miracle? The only number that can be changed is the dead in Auschwitz. It should be 0.7 million smaller, so 0.4 million, but notice that everywhere I used lower bounds for other losses. Losses in Treblinka, Sobibór, Belzec, Chelmno and Majdanek could easily be 0.3 million larger. There could be 0.08 million more West-Polish Jewish survivors. There is no compelling reason to assume that losses in Auschwitz were any larger than those registered in the camp.

    I read some of the other answers to this quora question and many claimed that so called holocaust deniers use this or that dirty technique in order to cheat people. I am no denier, I believe in miracles. I also think that we should not any more persecute nonbelievers. There are no dirty tricks in this calculation. I honestly do not see how with human powers one can sum those numbers to zero, but God can do it. And do not claim that I am being ironical, I am indeed a reborn Christian and I do believe in miracles. Matter came out of nothing in the Big bang. Life came out of non-alive. Intelligence and consciousness just appeared just like that. Why could not the numbers have once summed to zero?

  206. @Jim Christian




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