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埃里克·考夫曼(Eric Kaufmann)的《怀特·怀特》:压制白人行不通—也许太平洋会

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参见 埃里克·考夫曼(Eric Kaufmann)对Brimelow,O'Sullivan和The Paleos的怀抱

改编自 《社会契约》 2019年夏季刊 杂志

埃里克·考夫曼(Eric Kaufmann) Whiteshift:民粹主义,移民和白人多数的未来 是一本有关西方国家白人多数群体的未来的书,由某人撰写,其传记读起来像是多元文化主义的产物: 香港 给一个犹太父亲和哥斯达黎加/中国混血母亲,在 温哥华,他花了八年的时间 东京 在成为伦敦大学政治学教授之前。 考夫曼教授并不反对白人,但他的药方不可能满足真正的白人。 重视西方文明。

这本书的第二段引起了审稿人的怀疑: 国王独奏 可以统领潮流。” 显然,美国的《哈特-凯勒法案》(Hart-Celler Act) 消失了 拥有国家原产地配额的国家,没有 导致 从...的自由行动 菲利普·哈特(Philip Hart)众议员伊曼纽尔·切勒(Emanuel Celler); 相反,它就像在美国的海岸上滚动一样 即将来临的浪潮 1965年的一天。


在东亚, 自动化 以及利用东南亚劳动力的客工计划确保该地区的人口赤字不会产生多元文化的民族国家。 这些国家仍然存在 我称之为封闭的种族民族主义,在这种种族主义中,说明性边界与旨在维持多数族裔主导地位的移民政策共存。

这就提出了一个显而易见的问题,即为什么美国人和欧洲人不能 控制自己的人口统计未来 就像 日文韩国 是做。 考夫曼从未告诉过我们,但是像所有呼吁不可避免的人一样,他支持他希望读者认为不可避免的趋势:

我不是在说[西方]应该采用独家的东亚模式。 更好的解决方案是在自由派和少数派对更多移民的偏爱与多数派保守派的限制之间取得平衡。 关键是大多数人是开放的而不是封闭的种族。

然而,在537页中,作者从未间断地向读者解释为什么现代西方是世界历史上最开放,最普遍的社会。 有义务的 变得更加开放和普遍,而其他所有人都没事。 但是在这本书中,就像在当代政治中一样,这始终是假设。

这本书的标题用词不当:目前发生的唯一人口变化是 远离 从白度。 考夫曼(Kaufmann)预测种族混杂的比率将大大增加:

在一个世纪中,混血儿将成为英国和美国等国家中最多的种族。 在两个世纪中,生活在西方城市地区的人很少会有混合种族背景。

他并不认为这样的改变是可取的。 在这一点上,我们回到了不可避免的言论。 他将允许我们的唯一自由是关于我们如何应对这个不可避免的未来。

考夫曼区分了四种可能性,他 电话 战斗, , 逃跑加入.

  • “打架”是指试图避免不可避免的事情,因为 日文 通过保持继承的多数,神奇地做到了。
  • “压制”是指 强化国家压制 of 白人反对派 自己在与“种族主义”作斗争的色彩下被剥夺。
  • “逃跑”是指具有 早就知道 as 白色飞行 白人在他们占据多数的地区定居。 “加入”是指巴西人接受外加剂的方式,因此即使大多数人在某种程度上混合在一起,白人仍将继续作为一种社会类别存在。
  • “加入”是考夫曼自己的偏爱:首先,要说服白人相信抵抗是徒劳的(因此不可避免地产生了对立),其次,确保他们的混血未来不会那么糟糕。

考夫曼希望“画出 of 右翼民粹主义”,但他意识到仅靠镇压是无法成功的。 “Conservative whites need to have a future,” he warns, because “even if [they] don't win elections, they are in a position to obstruct change, damage social cohesion and, perhaps, pose a security threat.”



但是, 第1部分:战斗该书占据了本书的一半以上,从未认真尝试想象成功的反白人剥夺战略将是什么样子。 对于日本人来说,这样的方法可能还不错,但考夫曼(Kaufmann)不会在西方考虑这种方法。 因此,我们得到的基本上是关于右翼民粹主义崛起的报道。 美国分为两章:第一章概述了从该国最初的盎格鲁-撒克逊新教文化核心向二十世纪更普遍的“白人”文化核心的过渡; 第二篇讲述了唐纳德·特朗普的崛起,这是四面楚歌的白人多数派的抵抗运动。 然后,焦点转移到英国,讲述法国国民党的兴衰和英国退欧运动的意外成功。 一章记载了欧洲大陆民粹主义权利的兴起,另一章记载了加拿大和澳大利亚的事态发展。

In 第2部分:压制,考夫曼(Kaufmann)将两章专门研究他所谓的左派现代主义。 这大致对应于我们从 南方贫困法律中心:专制主义者(如果不是) 极权主义)伴随的白色剥夺计划 严厉的压制 任何 积极的白人种族身份的微光。

值得称赞的是,考夫曼明确认识到,将非白人身份的肯定与抑制白人身份相结合是不可辩驳的双重标准。 来自当代学者,这是一个慷慨的承认。

同样在第2部分中,作者试图从口头通货膨胀中挽救“种族主义”一词,这位审稿人认为这是傻瓜的事。 在考夫曼的用法中,“种族主义”是指 总括术语 对于他认为在道德上令人反感的三点不同:对种族外来群体的反感,对种族歧视的追求 种族纯洁 和种族歧视。


考夫曼(Kaufmann)的“同情种族群体”的原则例子是“攻击穆斯林”,他指的是批评他们。 他声称,禁止穆斯林作为一类人移民将对他们产生敌视并威胁他们的安全,从而伤害他们。

一个人真的不知道从哪里开始:我们可能会指出 穆斯林不是种族群体, 当然,或者这种反感不同于批评(不同于“攻击”)。 此外,禁止某团体的移民不一定意味着对该团体有反感:我可能会禁止 生病的人 从进入我的家以保持家人健康,而不是出于对病者的任何非理性的反感。 但考夫曼(Kaufmann)的话似乎是美国注定要允许至少一名该州居民移民。 食人族海岸 为了避免 产生敌意 对于 食人族.

但是,这是仅适用于西方国家的那些原则之一。 考夫曼无处批评 局限性 以色列的 回报法则 犹太人,也没有要求 基督徒 受到欢迎 沙特阿拉伯。

考夫曼还拒绝任何对他所谓的“种族纯洁”的担忧,称其“导致 外面的人群被视为污染物, 导致少数群体受到虐待,种族灭绝的风险增加。”

但是,什么样的人才算是种族主义者? 麦迪逊格兰特,谁 思想 任何有一个 1024th 非洲血统的一部分应该被视为“黑人”,这是显而易见的候选人。 但是保守的方式 拉塞尔柯克谁在 保守思想 表示 “对人类生存的多样性……的情感,” 并害怕 有价值的东西会丢失 在完美融合的人类中? 或普通人不 想要他的女儿 结婚 “那些人?”之一

这些态度中的任何一种都不同, 可能 被称为种族纯粹主义者,考夫曼(Kaufmann)没有为我们提供任何规则来确定哪些是非法的(“种族主义者”)和哪些是可以接受的。

但是他确实说过,他的原则禁止西方国家将自己定义为白人或基督教徒。 再一次,没有关于同一原则如何或是否适用于非西方国家的消息。 做 利比里亚公民法, 将归化限制于 非洲黑人血统, 导致其他种族被视为污染物,还是增加了种族灭绝的风险?

正如考夫曼(Kaufmann)承认的那样,甚至谴责种族歧视也可能是个问题:法国餐馆是否应有权只雇用法国服务员? 黑人歌手是否应该可以自由地只雇用黑人支持的音乐家,以便在舞台上创造出全黑的“神情”?

我们被迫得出结论,作者未能成功提供 有用或可行的种族主义。” 但是后来都没有 其他人.

考夫曼只用一章 第3部分:逃跑。 白人有移到比他们离开的地方更白的地方的可测量的趋势。 作者提到唯一的族裔群体 在大伦敦地区 成为 更多 在本世纪前十年与其他人隔离的是 白英! 他们在仍然令人放心的英国地区徘徊,而非白人则在越来越缺乏白人的超级多样化地区相互摩擦。

白人逃亡与政治偏好并没有很好的关联。 其中大部分涉及有进步见解的人,而更保守的白人甚至在人口变化的情况下,对他们所居住的社区的依恋也更强。 而且所有白人,无论其位置或政治观点如何,都维护着比例过高的白人社交网络。 随着郊区的褐变,白飞战略的任何延续都将越来越需要重新定居农村地区。

第4部分,加入 概述了考夫曼希望通过混合婚姻和扩大的“白人”概念看到西方进化的方式。

与许多种族混合运动的拥护者不同,他深知通过完美的泛滥一劳永逸地“解决”种族问题的所有希望是乌托邦式的幻想。 持续混合的实际结果将是 我们在巴西观察到的是: 这是一个更加模糊,界限模糊的社会现实,但是人们仍然通过种族来识别,并且这种识别继续以各种方式“重要”。

作者指出,人们对自己祖先的理解不可避免地过于简单化。 例如,土耳其人喜欢想象自己来自中亚,因为这是土耳其语的起源。 实际上,他们的大多数血统都来自安纳托利亚。 希腊人有 “吸收了大量的人口入侵” 几个世纪以来斯拉夫人和其他人的生活,但仍然认为自己是古代希腊人的后裔。 可以引用许多类似的例子。

一些混合血统的美国人已经认同美国主流。 确实, 轮询 表示 少数共和党人 更多 遵循...的白人传统 美国民族白人民主党人。 考夫曼期望 巴西西部的未来混合种族人口 将以类似的方式继续在文化上认同欧洲。

考夫曼称其为“白人身份的一种开放形式”,并希望写道:“当大多数人认为自己拥有很大程度上是混合种族的未来时,它可能会变得更加开放给移民。” 因此,看起来白人在接受掺合料方面的奖励在将来会受到更大掺合料的打击。 可以预料到,白人混血人会在不断缩小的农村地区生存一段时间,而不是像盖尔语那样的人坚持在爱尔兰偏远的角落生活,但他们更像是博物馆的标本,而不是文明的标本。

一位作家最深刻的信念常常来自于其明确的论点,而不是来自随便的,乱扔的言论,而且在p上特别显眼。 451之 白移:“美国州几乎可以与任何种族或宗教形态合作,采用任何官方语言,并且仍然运转良好。”

考夫曼不相信制度能够反映创建制度的人的特殊性。 他认为种族只在人们认为有影响的情况下才重要。 由此可见,西方将继续受到某些人的“认同”而生存下来。

这可能使我们对未来的公民和平和减轻种族紧张有一些希望,这是作者的主要关切。 但这对于欧洲人历史悠久的独特发明和充满活力的社会的生存不是一个好兆头。

马丁·威特克[给他发电子邮件] 是 独立的哲学家。

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忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Ron Unz 说:

    这些种族/民族问题传统上是我关注的主要领域,我喜欢考夫曼之前的英美书籍,所以几个月前我订购了这本书并看了看。 不幸的是,我很失望,只用了他的 600pp 就放弃了。

    我不能真正判断他对欧洲背景的分析,但是他在美国的讨论确实显得过于简单和错误,这可能反映出他缺乏熟悉。 我感觉到他采访了几位Alt-Rightist领导人和激进主义者以及一些“反种族主义”类型,并试图在不了解美国社会的情况下理解情况。

    毕竟,我认为他从来没有住过这里,看一些 FoxNews 和一些 MSNBC 并不能完全弥补这种不足。

  2. Rational 说:







    • 同意: geokat62, Robert Dolan
    • 回复: @DanFromCT
    , @Charles Pewitt
  3. Alfa158 说:

    I haven’t read the book but I think you have caught the jist of it succinctly in your closing paragraph.
    “This may allow us some hope for civil peace and reduced racial tension in the future, which is the author’s primary concern. But it does not bode well for the survival of the uniquely inventive and dynamic societies Europeans have historically created.”
    How far off am I in reducing the 537 pages down to the following synopsis?:
    1. The future of White majorities mentioned in the subtitle is the same as the future of the Carrier Pigeon. They don’t have a future.
    2. That’s perfectly OK.
    3. Here are some potential approaches for boiling the frog with as little unseemly splashing, disruption, and attempts to jump out of the pot as possible.
    4. Once the frog has been boiled and the carcass disposed of there is no reason to think things will not go on as if nothing had changed.

    • 同意: TTSSYF
    • 回复: @ben tillman
  4. Not a nazi 说:

    Can’t wait to hear what other Nazis think about this book!

  5. After all…..he’s just another anti-white jew.

    • 同意: Sick of Orcs
    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Sick of Orcs
  6. Agathoklis 说:

    “The Greeks have “absorbed massive demographic incursions” of Slavs and others over the centuries, but still think of themselves as descended from the ancient Hellenes. Many similar examples could be cited.”

    Based on the evidence so far, this is simply incorrect.

    Genetics of the peloponnesean populations and the theory of extinction of the medieval peloponnesean Greeks




    This meme is a favourite of multi-culti and globalist morons hoping that Greece gets inundated by millions of foreigners

    • 回复: @F. Roger Devlin
  7. sally 说:

    “Whites can not hold back location demographics =sum the ratios ((ethnic element/total ethnic density)) for local each area selected and

    “location specific tidal exclusion from tidal demographics [“closed ethnic nationalism”] interrupts the inevitable tides suggests the tides are no more inevitable than the appearance of a sunny day every day for ever.

    Eric Kaufmann’s demographic world view model may lack a few influential variables. but the idea raises the ?,
    what does control “exclusion”. I think awareness of the power of demographics and the unwillingness on the part of those with sufficient control to intercept and redirect tidal demographic <=suggests the global default setting to be indifference to tidal demographics, but that preference dynamic can be set to exclude <=by conscious effort of the locals.

    In ans to the obvious question of why Americans and Europeans cannot control their own demographic future just as the Japanese and South Koreans are doing suggest federalism plays a major part in denying to the locals the power needed to reset and maintain the demographic setting = exclude.

  8. Nick J 说:




    • 同意: Montefrío, bruce county
    • 回复: @AlbionRevisited
    , @Whitewolf
  9. Svigor 说:

    This reviewer’s suspicions were aroused from the book’s second paragraph: “Whites can no more hold back demography than King Canute could command the tides.”

    Sounds pretty hostile to me: “lay back and think of England as (((we))) give you a fatal dose of morphine, goy.”

    “It isn’t happening.”
    “It’s happening, but it’s good.”
    “It’s happening, and it’s bad, but you deserve it, goy.”
    “It’s inevitable.”

    These seem to be the four main messages Jews give to goyim who notice.

    Note how nothing is inevitable for Jews except they’re exempt from all of this.

    “It’s inevitable” is kind of an obvious lie, btw. E.g., I don’t make a habit of going ’round disabusing people of their delusional beliefs about things they think they can change, but I think are inevitable. That would be kind of pointless. I might do it for someone I love, who I think is wasting his time, but Jews sure as fuck don’t love pro-Whites.

    On the other hand, it makes a metric fuckload of sense to tell your enemies to give up and surrender, because their defeat is inevitable.

    • 同意: Herbert West
  10. niteranger 说:

    I have not read the book but if your piece is accurate I agree with Ron that it’s naive to say the least. The first thing that strikes me for a guy that was raised and lived in various places is his simplistic outlook on how societies evolve and the history of such societies. If you look at the so called “colored” whatever that refers to from Africa to the rest of the world these places are not where you would want to live due to poor infrastructure, disease, crime, and host of other problems. I am not referring to the US government’s crime of trying to bomb the rest of the world but the civil crime of these nations. And the statistics are worse than they show because of a number reasons including a lack of truth in reporting factual data.

    He basically believes in the “Magic Dirt Theory” that these people will just blend in. In most instances and sorry Ron to your love of Mexicans but once these people arrive in the US crime increases within their group and overall. Real reporting of the facts including counting Mexicans as white in some areas as well the charging of lesser offenses is rampant in this country. They also drain the social system by staying on welfare and other services. He must be from “Women of Color Congresswoman” that everything is free. Checkout what these wonderful illegal immigrants cost America (over 135 billion a year). The Left, Government and Media continually underestimate the total number of illegals in this country. They claim 11-12 million when it’s actually closer to over 30 million.

    机器人、人工智能和新硬件的复杂性将消除很高比例的工作。 中世纪的疾病现在正在美国许多城市卷土重来,这是由于系统的压倒性造成了大量的无家可归、犯罪和禁区。 他相信这会消失吗?

    The only purpose of immigration and illegal immigration is for cheap labor and to wipe out Western Civilization and whites from existence. Their Multicolored Utopia wont work because if it did Africans wouldn’t keep killing other Africans of different color as well as the violence in this country against their own. Hell, it’s almost impossible to get 5 blacks in the NBA to pass the ball to each other let alone not play “King of the Hill” in the real world.

    No one knows what the future in these domains will bring or if mankind even has a future. But this guy should realize one thing: If disease, civil unrest, and severe environmental problems occur he might be a bit surprised that many of the “White Folks” might not just go “Softly into this Good Night but will Rage and Rage against the Color Light.”

    • 同意: TKK
  11. leomarka 说:

    I have always had sympathy for the idea of Greatness of a “people” because such thinking leads away from bean-counterism and its close ally, militarism. I sometimes lose my sympathy when I contemplate the Battle of the Somme. There the Greatness’ hold on the people led to slaughter of the people themselves, not because of mindlessness but because of an excess of mind beholden to the idea of Greatness. Is something wrong with Greatness?

  12. Reg Cæsar 说:

    Kaufmann devotes just one chapter to Part 3: Flee. Whites have a measurable tendency to move to places whiter than they left.

    A trait they share with immigrants.

    Well, not the Poles. But the rest of them.

    • 回复: @schrub
  13. leomarka 说:

    That pesky 1024th fraction again. I sense a connection between Madison Grant and Elizabeth Warren, yet I cannot believe Warren has the mind to connect it herself. She is no ironist, that is for sure.
    I have always hated the term “white flight” because it obviously implies whites are fleeing in a cowardly fashion and somehow by default other-than-white are then simultaneously ennobled, when in actuality given the race-baiting that occurs it seems weirdly incongruous that non-whites would want to be around whites at all.

  14. J.Ross 说:

    Interesting that he uses King Cnut; Asian rulers rarely have any doubts about the extent of their power.

  15. Reg Cæsar 说:

    We are forced to conclude that the author has not succeeded in providing a useful or workable definition for “racism.” But then neither has anybody else.

    Weapons don’t need a “definition”. Just aim.

  16. syonredux 说:
    @Ron Unz

    毕竟,我认为他从来没有住过这里,看一些 FoxNews 和一些 MSNBC 并不能完全弥补这种不足。

    根据他的维基百科简历,他在 2008-09 年是贝尔弗中心的研究员。 此外,他在加拿大长大,加拿大在文化上属于英美(嗯,至少是非法语国家)。

    As for the book, I thought that it was too sanguine. Of course, my perceptions are colored by the fact that I work in an environment (academia) where anti-White hatred is the norm….

    • 回复: @Sbaker
    , @Svigor
  17. Yadayada 说:


  18. Miro23 说:

    He does say, however, that his principle forbids Western nations from defining themselves as either white or Christian.

    So China may not define itself as Chinese and the historic home of the Chinese people, or Africa may not define itself as African and the historic home of the African people.

    This is familiar Jewish sophistry to legitimize minority ethnic Jewish power in the West.

    And, Kaufmann will of course, make a point of avoiding Israel , where Israelis define themselves as Jews and claim that Israel is the historic and exclusive homeland of ethnically Jewish people.

    The problem here, is that most Jews are actually mixed race, maybe not so extreme as Kaufmann, but they’re still mixed race and don’t like it. They don’t like being part Semite and lash out against pure Semites (Arabs), and they’re not really Europeans either and do the same to pure European whites.

    The general rule is, “If I’m mixed-race, then you’re going to be mixed-race too – and preferably Anglo-African that I can feel superior to, and since we have the power, this is what you’re going to get (open frontiers + multiculturalism + SJW + media/education propaganda)”.

    • 回复: @sally
  19. Anon[276]• 免责声明 说:

    In the case of the U.K, since the level of immigration was 5 times lower before 1998 and the population of a small city is being added to the population of the country every year through immigration at the moment and for the last several years, I think it’s quite reasonable to ask the government to lower immigration back to the level it was before 1998.

    The politicians that have increased immigration by 3, 4 and 5 times the level since 1998 and done nothing to reduce it at least back to the level it was before this deliberate change under new Labour (whose leadership has been discredited in many ways) do not work in the interests of most of the British public. Only in the narrow interests of certain business owners who want to keep wages down, make it easier to hire and fire people and have more potential consumers in the country, but even that doesn’t explain the governments reckless willingness to allow or invite so many people from certain groups that consistently seem to have certain elements of their families that are a lot less likely to work.

    It’s completely reasonable for the public not to want the governments immigration policy to allow immigration at a level that replaces the British public within a few decades, especially when a lot of the people they invite into the country aren’t even worth replacing anyone with imo…

  20. I think Kaufmann’s “solution” is a reflection of his own (troubled) mixed identity, plus of course the typical anti-White attitude which he has inherited from his Jewish side. Whites should mainly disappear due to miscegenation (which is as “inevitable” as any natural phenomenon), but the resultant mixed people still could “identify as White” and thus keep Western civilization going on. Thus people like Kaufmann himself could still profit from a comfortable lifestyle while the rest of the population devolves into a kind of Brazilian situation (which is : a mainly racially mixed population with the darkest types at the social bottom and the lightest types at the top, rampant corruption, mismanagement and crime, with a rich bandit elite at the top). To promote such a “reasonable Utopia” and prevent concerned Whites from stopping it, Kaufmann has written his infamous book. Well, thank you very much !

    • 同意: Miro23
    • 回复: @Herbert West
    , @attilathehen
  21. Altai 说:

    Kaufmann calls this “an open form of white identity,” writing hopefully that “when the majority sees itself as having a largely mixed-race future, it may become more open to immigration.”

    I don’t know why he wrote a whole book, this one sentence is all he appears to have written. The ‘immigrant’ identity has self-determination to terraform the country, but the native does not. Isn’t this outcome exactly why natives resent immigrants and descendants of immigrants getting involved in politics and the outcome they seek to avoid?

    Similarly, he is obsessed with racial purity as if the difference between Iceland admitting 1 West African and 50,000 doesn’t exist. But doesn’t this line of thinking just imply that it’s like a dumping ground, eventually people stop trying to clean it up, it’s mentally lost to any sense of value. Ultimately this is somebody pleading that any sense of identity or ethnic ownership of the country is invalid because they feel excluded and is classically Jewish.

    It would have been nice if he contemplated his own ancestry constrained as it is almost entirely from a population that emerged only several hundred years ago from a tiny pool of people. Does he regret his existence? Would he wish to be an ethnicity other than Ashkenazi Jewish or perhaps a modern composite man with no identity? Would he have considered attempts to make his own ancestors melt away into their host societies a problem?

    Kauffman also doesn’t mention that the institutions which worked pretty well in the US were the federal ones that had clear mandates. State and local governments in the US in places which bore heavy immigration became exceedingly more corrupt from both the great wave and current immigration. New York and New Jersey come to mind. Can you imagine if California was an independent country? Even if you absolved it of all the poverty and inequality it has imported, it would be hugely corrupt and inept by Western standards. Has he been to what were until recently ethnically homogeneous countries in Northern Europe? America is highly corrupt and inefficient in it’s institutions by comparison. Their very ethnic homogeneity is what causes such strong social solidarity, sense of duty and trust in the first place.

    Hell, much of the relative lack of noblesse oblige present in the English upper classes can be traced to their sense of themselves as descendants of the conquering Norman invaders. And let’s not even deal with India.

    It’s simply astounding to me to see a prominent Jewish public intellectual write a book about managing the ethnic displacement of the native peoples of Europe and whites in the US because that is the price they have to pay for hosting a Kaufmann and not realise that this is why people hate you, this is a bad thing to do to them and for no mainstream media to comment on what could easily be a 4chan parody.

    • 同意: Bill Jones
  22. Richard B 说:
    @Ron Unz

    您在 TUR 是否有关于这个主题的任何文章,可以引导您的读者阅读?

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  23. Germanicus 说:
    @Ron Unz




  24. Anon[276]• 免责声明 说:

    “Whites can no more hold back demography than King Canute could command the tides”

    If they can’t it is only because there are people in control of immigration policy that don’t want to.

    Otherwise they could reduce the level of immigration back to a reasonable level that existed before 1998 (in the U.K anyway) and place an emphasis on having a family.

    Obviously birth rates aren’t what they were before the introduction of contraception (should they be?), but infant mortality rates are far lower than they were in the 18th century and as a result there are still far more British people in Britain today than there was in the early 19th century (despite the much higher birth rate in those days).

    Also, I never really see anyone question if all the people being encouraged to move to places like Britain are actually worth replacing the British public with.

    The only two groups that I can see that tend to be particularly hard workers are eastern Europeans and men from India, correct me if I’m wrong…

  25. Alfred 说:

    I suspect that a society that is under real stress will have no difficulty demonizing those with different origins and sending their descendants back to their “homeland”.

    All it needs is for control of the mass media and social media to change hands. People are infinitely malleable IMHO.

    • 回复: @sulu
  26. GMC 说:

    Many of us commented for years , that when the Jewish lobby pushed their Open,Unlimited,Unvetted Immigration/Refugee Laws in 65 – it was the end to the chance for an educated European/American society. This is what the author was referring to, when we read ” the incoming tide in 65. Before Washington/Johnson destroyed our successful immigration laws, 80% of our immigrants were picked from Europe and only 700,000 were let in – out of the 100% limit. Afterwards , only 8% Europeans were let in, and as the Jewish lobby said – ” Open the Flood gates”. Today we have a 330 million Heinze 57 society, instead of 240 million European Society, that would have been quite a match for the Zionist bastards. Of course, we can thank all the greedy traitors that have walked the Halls of Washington and the corrupt Supreme Court as well. Europe never got the drift either – now they will look like a Heinz 57 society – Shortly. Thanks Unz Rev.

  27. Vinnie O 说:

    I would note that the “mixing” approach has repeatedly NOT worked in any city in which it was attempted. That is, in places like Baltimore and Detroit when the White majority finally becomes a minority, they vote with their feet and quietly move away, perhaps saying, “OK, it’s yours. Keep it.” The city then collapses in poverty and violence until even the new majority Minority don’t want to live in a city of their own creation.

    • 同意: sulu
  28. Renoman 说:

    You seem to forget, we have most of the money, most of the guns and are the meanest Son’s a Bitches in the Valley. When the blood starts running the vast majority of it will not be white.

    • 回复: @sulu
  29. Amasius 说:

    在本书的第 230-231 页上,考夫曼对 2015 年穆斯林大规模入侵欧洲这样说:

    如果我站在他们的角度并且有胆量,我也会做同样的事情,而且很难不被他们的毅力和勇气所打动。 在电视上观看时,我们中的许多人都希望他们成功,我相信他们被赋予了不成比例的创业精神、智慧和勇气。

    他几乎没有写过针对所有年龄段的妇女和小男孩的强奸圣战、恐怖主义以及在水池中排便。 在第 250 页,他简要提到了《查理周刊》和《巴塔克兰》,以及 2015 年科隆大规模骚扰事件,其中“据报道,许多肇事者是移民”。 与罗瑟勒姆无关。

    • 回复: @Yadayada
    , @Jonathan Revusky
  30. Ron Unz 说:
    @Richard B

    您在 TUR 是否有关于这个主题的任何文章,可以引导您的读者阅读?

    Sure. Over the last 25 years, I’ve published hundreds of thousands of words on race, ethnicity, and social policy, probably more than just about anyone else in America, and all of it is available on this website by clicking my name and exploring my personal archive. Probably a dozen or so of those pieces ran in the NYT, WSJ, or LAT.

    My most substantial articles are conveniently grouped together in a Race/Ethnicity collection listed on the Sidebar:


    You might be especially interested in a long article I published back in 2011 on a theme somewhat similar to Kaufmann’s:


    • 回复: @Richard B
  31. Richard B 说:

    “The American state can work with almost any ethnic or religious configuration, adopt any official language, and still function pretty well.”

    How can he possibly know this?

    It’s never happened before. Not the way it’s happening now. And, as far as that’s concerned, as things stand at the moment, the country’s not functioning well at all.

    The USA is already the most multicultural country ever and is also the largest debtor nation in the history of nations.

    Meanwhile, racially homogenous countries like China and Israel are doing ok, relatively speaking. Same with Japan and South Korea.

    But what really gets me, what really sticks out in books and commentary on the subject of race, nations, social-institutions, etc. is how shallow they are.

    One mostly gets a lot of superficial sophistication and magical thinking dressed up in fancy talk designed to impress the easily impressed. In short, propaganda.

    The reason for this is that the intellectual fundamentals of rigorous thinking, consistent reasoning and cautious judgment, applicable to all subject matter, is not taught anymore, anywhere.

    Nor are the rudiments of thought, the fuction of language and the conditions of explanation.

    One odd result is that you have people who are essentially professional explainers who can’t explain Explanation itself.

    Not knowing its conditions they don’t know how it works. Specifically, they don’t know how it works in the one place it matters most, our social-institutions.

    Here’s a simple exam question:

    What connects language to the world?

    And one could add, “And what does that have to do with anything?”

    Of course, it has everything to do with everything. But this is obviously not the place to go into that.

    The point is we have a legion of professional explainers who can’t explain Explanation itself and so know nothing about its relationship to the social-institutions those explanations are attempting to control (by the very thing that connects language to the world) telling us under no uncertain terms that their explanation of the world is unambiguous, perfect and final and that as a result their predictions about things as complex and abstract as “Race” and “The State” are going to come true simply because the say so!

    Never before in history has an elite been this powerful and incompetent at the same time.

    It’s because of this that human beings shouldn’t laugh at the dinosaurs for getting themselves extinct.


  32. Anon[276]• 免责声明 说:
    @Not a nazi

    “Can’t wait to hear what other Nazis think about this book!”

    Goebbels might have said something like…

    “Kaufmann has nothing to say about German questions. He is a foreigner, an alien, who only enjoys the rights of a guest, rights that he always abuses”

    I’m not a nazi either, but I’d tend to agree with a statement like that…

  33. El Dato 说:
    @Not a nazi

    While my swastika underwear is being ironed, consider:

    1. 飞行。
    2. Repress
    3. 逃离
    4。 加入

    But there is also “Remove from Premises”. Societal change can happen suddenly and without warning.

  34. Richard B 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Thank you for your response and for the links. I look forward to reading them.

    • 回复: @syonredux
  35. gotmituns 说:

    The time for reading books is at an end. It’s time to Lock & Load.

  36. Anonymous[230]• 免责声明 说:
    @Robert Dolan

    Exactly. Unsurprisingly, he’s trying to sell the lie that the euthanasia of the white race is inevitable, mostly painless and ultimately beneficial. None of those things are true.

  37. schrub 说:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Here is a perfect example of whites holding out particularly well while living in that multi ethnic paradise known as Brazil:


    89% white! The most prosperous area in the entire country. The world’s second largest Oktoberfest celebration after Munich’s.


    • 回复: @Agathoklis
    , @Reg Cæsar
  38. @niteranger



    工业革命很久以前就达到了收益递减的地步。 在这一点上进一步尝试自动化不会提高生产力; 他们导致生产力 损失. 尽管任何关心它的人都可以很容易地观察到这一点,但这个想法不是一般意识的一部分,因此从未被提及。 因此,它与人口统计数据一起是导致全球经济停滞的隐藏因素之一。 如果有的话,它甚至比人口统计更像是一个禁忌话题。 移民、老龄化、出生匮乏和种族差异都有其编年史,但 没有人 挑战更多技术必然等于更大、更好和更快的观念。

    但仅仅因为人们不知道某事并不意味着它不存在。 我认为 2020 年(一个不错的整数)最终将成为一个转折点,尽管大多数人只有在回顾时才能看到。 人们很快将需要应对这样一个事实,即在计算机化和数据收集上花费越来越多的资金并没有得到回报。 这些钱我们没有得到任何回报; 这笔钱正在消失在硅鼠洞中,并填补了一些越来越脱离现实的科技亿万富翁的财富。

    这种认识的文化影响将是巨大的,确实是翻天覆地的。 我不认为政府,政策制定者或公司甚至不追求“更多技术”,而是会做任何事情。 唯一的前进道路在于不同路线的想法根本没有,而且很可能 不能 发生在他们身上。 真的没有文学,没有哲学,当然也没有实用的经济或政治理论致力于探索当我们撞上收益递减之墙时会发生什么。

    我在这里冒昧地指出,我不是在谈论对进一步技术发展的限制。 如果您愿意,您可以继续寻找将更多处理器压缩到固态芯片上的方法,例如,就像您可以创建一个用于翻转汉堡的 Rube Goldberg 装置(如今这就是“机器人技术”的全部领域)总数是)。 但我是说,这些努力将不再有利可图。 与机器本身节省的时间相比,继续维护机器需要更多的资金、更多的劳动力和更多的时间。 实际上,我们最终都会“为机器工作”——并且比以前更努力地工作,工资更低——四处奔忙执行机器继续做所需的辅助任务 它的 工作。

    一旦获得这些条件,市场力量最终将使效率更高,技术含量较低的公司胜过其浪费性的高科技公司。 到那时,机器的统治将有效结束,但是文化危机将刚刚开始。 对于西方人来说,这台机器从来就不是真正意义上的效率 本身; 它是我们整个思维和生活方式的象征。 当这位神死后,整个被称为“科学”的事业,被我们的学者错误地认为是人类智慧储备中普遍有效的补充,也必须消失。 技术会保留,但理论不会。 将来会有化工厂,但不会有“化学”工厂,而会有“物理”工厂。 所有人都会成为手工艺品。 科学本质上只是对因果关系的沉思,科学一旦认为形式世界已经完成就可以得出结论。

    但与此同时,数以百万计的人所依赖的经济增长即将结束。 它们将不会被自动化所取代,而是被一无所有。 随着机器的消逝,那个呼唤存在和意义的世界也在消逝。

    • 同意: Fuerchtegott
  39. @Richard B

    “…Never before in history has an elite been this powerful and incompetent at the same time…”

    I don’t think it is “incompetence”, I think it is deliberate deception, and that to an audience that has been deliberately dumbed down for that purpose.

    • 回复: @Richard B
  40. I can’t believe you’re taking a sociologist seriously. This is a guy who can’t do math or write fiction but nevertheless had to have an advanced degree so he could please his parents. He cranks out this insulting drivel looking for a fight to distract him from his self-loathing. Don’t take the bait. Let him live with his pathetic self in silence so his thoughts about his insignificance are all he has to keep him company.


    • 回复: @Eric Novak
  41. @Robert Dolan

    Getting advice or help from one’s enemies isn’t recommended.

    Reminds me of pre-Trump (and post) Retardicans trying to communicate ideas. Not only are they bad at it, after 60+ years they still haven’t figured out fake news hates them and will twist their already- flimsy messages.

  42. I started to read and…ceased. Another guy projecting his personal preferences as a kind of scientific inevitability. Pass the salt.

    • 回复: @anon
  43. DaveE 说:

    I haven’t read Kaufman’s book, but gosh, what a great review! An HONEST review, not paid for by Amazon or the like…. so rare these days. I highly doubt I would be more enlightened by the book than by this review!

    I’m not sold on Kaufman in the slightest, but Martin Witkerk is a name to remember.

    Thanks once again for a great truth-nugget.

  44. Agathoklis 说:

    There are many isolated European communities that endure in the most trying of places:


  45. @Franklin Ryckaert

    我注意到混血儿倾向于对“每个人都是混血儿”的未来前景感到兴奋,他们认为这是非常可取的事情。 他们也会对任何阻碍他们理想未来的人(即“种族主义者”)非常生气。 这一切都非常自私。

    • 回复: @Bookish1
    , @marylou
  46. mikemikev 说:

    born in Hong Kong to a Jewish father and mixed Costa Rican/Chinese mother

    Wasn’t Lenin a similar blend?

    • 回复: @War for Blair Mountain
  47. THE NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS CAN NOT ADAPT to the demands of the Democratic Party….How exactly does one adapt to WHITE GENOCIDE?

    • 回复: @sulu
  48. DanFromCT 说:

    忘记考夫曼吧。福克斯新闻的令人揪心的声音是通过我们的电视 24/7 巧妙地传达出来的严重的习得性无助。他们告诉我们,多年来的通俄门事件和持续不断的政变,我们对此无能为力,除了听卢·多布斯和他软弱的客人的空洞的抱怨。民主党正在公然围绕仇恨白人种族主义者的杀人联盟塑造 2020 年后的未来,而我们被告知,通过投票保证更多的相同内容是解决方案。对以色列来说,每借入一美元,我们的私人经济就会损失三美元,以色列的战争告诉我们,要为以色列人民做好准备,为更多的战争做准备,因为以色列人民对美国造成的间谍破坏比我们历史上所有官方敌人的总和还多。 。我还在福克斯上注意到,他们以前高涨的爱国主义正在转变为对自身的病态反思,我猜这是为了嵌入这样一种观念:开放的爱国主义现在是危险的行为,应该避免,因为铅笔颈极客和来自 Antifa 的胖子现在占领了我们城市的街道。

  49. White Shift?………..


  50. @mikemikev

    No…..Lenin was of cockroach-bedbug ancestry…..

    • 哈哈: Svigor
  51. sally 说:

    while the end demographics are as you say, the question seems to me to be about control power over polices designed to exclude or impose gated admission criterion.. and for that I see federalism (as the great resistor).. where there is a central government over a mass of highly differentiated states (as in the USA or in EU) you find those small states lack sufficient power to control selection or impose gates. America began to homogenize just after the Civil War 1865.. Jewish invasions began in earnest in 1890s. before that it was the Irish. the Dispersion of Jews by the Ottoman following failed Zionist (not the same as Jewish) controlled CUP coup attempt, in 1908 and then the great Salonika fire about 1913.. and so forth..

  52. Agent76 说:

    20年2015月XNUMX日,国家的周期(作者Daniel Sanchez)


    丹尼尔·桑切斯(Daniel Sanchez)结合了罗伯特·希格斯(Robert Higgs)和汉斯·赫尔曼·霍普(Hans-Hermann Hoppe)的理论,形成了国家循环的理论。

    Sep 4, 2015 Corporations versus The Market

    我阅读了 Roderick Long 在 Cato Unbound 上发表的文章。


    该视频由“ GeoShifter”创建和提交,是最近的视频竞赛的获胜者,目的是了解谁可以制作出与叙事相辅相成的最佳视频。

  53. Sic Semper 说:

    在这一点上很明显,“坏奥地利人”确实看到了未来,并尽其所能阻止它实现。 剩下的“最伟大的一代”现在必须在他们的暮色中感到恐惧,因为他们如何实现他们被告知他们正在战斗的破坏。


    真的很伤心。 他们所有的努力都是为了让他们的孙辈受到最大伤害的议程。

    • 回复: @sulu
    , @Sunshine
  54. @Rational

    埃里克·考夫曼(Eric Kaufmann)的《白移:民粹主义、移民和白人多数的未来》是一本关于西方国家白人多数的未来的书,作者的传记读起来就像是多元文化主义的讽刺:出生在香港,父亲是犹太人,科斯塔混血。他的母亲是黎加人/中国人,在温哥华长大,在成为伦敦大学政治学教授之前,他在东京度过了八年。


    Eric Kaufmann’s obvious hatred of European Christian nations and European Christians in general is highly representative of the hostile Jew component of the evil ruling classes in European Christian nations who are flooding their nations with non-Europeans and non-Christians. Jews have infiltrated and infested may of the ruling classes in England and Australia and the USA and France and many other European Christian nations, and the Jews in these ruling classes are always agitating for nation-wrecking mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration.


    Eric Kaufmann’s hatred for European Christians brings up the JEW QUESTION.


    犹太人在他们居住的任何地方都组成一个国家。 当犹太人在遗传和文化上倾向于将犹太民族的利益置于其所居住的大国的利益之上时,是否可以认为他们是其所居住的大国的一部分?

    • 回复: @Bookish1
  55. Bookish1 说:

    The jew Kaufman isn’t saying anything different than any other white hating jew is saying. He is simply trying to present the end of whites with a supposedly different angle to the general argument why the world would be better off without whites.

  56. Bookish1 说:
    @Herbert West

    If you were bred into inferior genetics wouldn’t you resent the pure races that retain their superior qualities.

  57. Republic 说:

    White replacement type books, such as Whiteshift, by Jewish/white leftists writers seem to be very popular among the Jews, who seem to have an insatiable appetite or addiction for such publications , as it fulfills their relentless tribal quest spanning centuries to destroy the Whites.

    The term, White replacement used to be used only by obscure white nationalist sites, but now the term is increasingly being used by the mainstream press, and so it raises racial awareness by the Whites who were heretofore unaware of what was happening to them.

    Indeed some Jewish activists have warned against informing the Whites of this danger

  58. @niteranger

    perhaps, pose a security threat

    Laughing out loud at that one–there won’t be any “threats” when it gets to that point because the only competent security professionals will turn out to be “enemy” moles who act.

  59. sally 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein


    教育是一种官僚主义,学习是一种只能由(真实的、想象的、动画的等)经验力量激活的生物活动。 (经验是一组力量?)自动化至今还没有智能化,即使是所谓的智能机器人,也大多是预编程上传指令。 没有可延展的结构,也没有一组又一组的子结构供自动机处理其经验以从其所有先前的经验中发展出迷宫。 需要自行开发的方法将这些经验消化成所谓的知识<=当这种情况发生时,学习努力将产生一个对自动机的自我功能具有一定效用的数量..我预测时代即将到来..机器人很快就会能够思考,计划人类......不仅仅是在像国际象棋这样的封闭系统中。 学习是一个多方面的、分阶段的、高度混合的、高度交互的、大多数二进制生物加权算法自我涌现过程,它们以自己的方式进入认知工作空间。 <=没有人可以把它们放在那里,它们必须由机器人本身开发......从多次接触真实经验......要做到这一点,需要一个类似于在生物物种中起作用的生物处理系统的操作系统。 模仿生物暴露于经验的过程是任务。 只是该系统的发展将取代失去的工作。 我们正在学习编写像生物系统一样工作的程序。

    但自我自动机可能正在取代经济学本身。 经济学是一种所有者:奴隶意识形态,只为富人服务……并且假设大多数人必须为垄断权力的公司之一工作,就像被称为工作的夹克一样。 面临挑战的不是失业社会,而是根本对工作的需求。

  60. TyRade 说:

    For your entertainment, my review of Kaufmann below…bumped by Amazon (probably because of the ‘pickaninnies’ references, even though I was quoting Kaufmann quoting Enoch Powell):
    No White Wash

    44 Post-it tags for memorable and/or enraging statements; multiple margin scribbles (just below tagging status) on almost all the 537 pages – I could not say this painstakingly balanced, so potentially bland tome left me unmoved.

    It’s a hard book to like though. The very first sentence “We need to talk about white identity”, is the the high point, stylistically. Uneven style means it’s hard to warm to the substance. Why didn’t prof Kaufmann learn from the pithiness of Margaret Thatcher, whose “tough language” in 1978 he quotes: “if you want good race relations, you have got to allay people’s fears on numbers”? 15 words making as much sense as 537 pages. Or follow the forensic thinking of a power in the first Thatcher government, David Willets, here quoted on diversity grating against solidarity: “If values become more diverse…then it becomes more difficult to sustain the legitimacy of a universal risk-pooling welfare state”?


    Deterrent too are the awkward analogies. Eg. “like a nuclear plant, people who live close enough to diversity to be comfortable with it, or too far away to think about it, are less radicalised that those just close enough to be fearful.” And the Chernobyl moment?!

    For all that, I think prof Kaufmann should be cut considerable slack. His biggest achievement is that he straddles bubbles, balances biases – quite an intellectual acrobat!

    He throws a now compulsory yet perfunctory bone to the Left – minorities are “vibrant”, majorities “enduring”. Signals his virtue blatantly – “when I give my charity contributions each year, it always goes to those at the very bottom of the pile”. Ticks several diversity boxes, in bold – he’s “quarter Latino”, “quarter Chinese”, part “Hispanic” (“Costa Rica, one of my ancestral homelands”). And he parts “company with those on the right who believe group sentiments are a problem and we should simply identify as individuals.” What, like Dr Martin Luther King?!

    But these few forelock tugs to the Left are more than balanced by his academic cahones. Even raising white interests these days is to risk being de-platformed or de-fenestrated; ‘punching down’, so Verboten. “It’s time to pull back from this cosmopolitan overreach” is almost a Jordan Peterson-ism. “The religion of anti-racism ministers to white progressives’ symbolic need for the absolution of sin” is heresy. And “the drive to purify language of putatively offensive speech reduces expressive liberty” evokes the spirit (if not eloquence) of Orwell. Meanwhile “it may be that liberals and conservatives both have ethnic preferences but liberals are less willing to own up to them” is red meat to the black hooded on campus. Undeterred, he advances: “Invoking the history of races to justify harsher treatment of whites reflects a Hatfield-McCoy theory of justice that leans on pre-Hobbesian notions of inter-generational culpability, collective punishment, eternal sin and retributive justice.” In short: “one cannot visit the sins of the fathers on the children.” Tell that to Democrats now baying for reparations? Or on CNN? Only with bodyguards. As for “Countries have a right to regulate membership”, Open Borders zealots just declared open season on him.

    So plough on, through teeth-grating howlers like: “right wing populism dominates the news” and “affirmative action…doesn’t usually apply in Europe”. Grind through inexplicable lapses in research. Eg 1: he claims Enoch Powell in his 1968 ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech used “a derogatory term suggesting blacks are inferior” when, in fact, Powell was citing a letter from a constituent observing “charming, wide-grinning pickaninnies”; and Kaufmann left out the “charming” too. (Fast forward 40 years from Powell, as Kaufmann does, to a verbatim record of a conversation between a Midlands Labour MP and a constituent complaining about immigration in her face; “Margaret, would you please live here for two or three weeks and see what it’s like?” The MP sloped off. So ‘that was a ‘no’ then’.) Eg 2: The claim that “other racial groups are outbreeding whites…can be dispensed with fairly quickly.” Well yes, if you ignore the data! Total fertility rates, ie babies per woman (UN data) today are: Africa 4.43, Central Asia 2.56, Europe 1.63. Trends are lower, but the ‘outbreeding’ now, and for some time, is fact. Kaufmann himself un-dispenses with his contention ‘fairly quickly’: “In 1950 there were 3.5 Europeans and North Americans for every African. The UN’s medium projection tells us that by 2050 there will be two Africans for every Westerner, and four Africans per Westerner by 2100. This is probably an underestimate.” Pre-order your copy of ‘The Scramble FROM Africa’ on Amazon… Oh, and “the future is unknowable, but the safest prediction in the social sciences is that the West can only become less white.”

    You’ll be rewarded with ice-breakers at your next Cosmopolitan party like:

    – Randolph Bourne a century ago overlaid WASP self-loathing onto multiculturalism: “ethnic minorities should preserve themselves while the majority should dissolve itself.” And essentially wrote the Democrat party platform 2020.

    – “the demographic momentum of decades past will continue to drive ethnic change [in the US] for half a century even if Latino immigration slows to a trickle.” Too late…to ‘build that wall’, Mr President.

    – “Whites gravitate to neighbourhoods that are over 85% white.” Which includes white elites mouthing hypocritically about diversity being who ‘we’ are, presumably.

    – 19 out of 21 studies from 1995 to 2016 measuring ethnic change “found this to be associated with native white opposition to immigration.” In global warming ‘debate’ terms – ‘science proves immigration is unpopular’. By now the BBC would have banned dissent.

    – Similarly, of 90 studies of “diversity and social cohesion” “diversity was linked with lower neighbourhood trust in the majority of studies.” David Willetts indeed has two brains.

    – the ratio of liberals to conservatives among US psychology academics was 4 in the 1960s to 1980s and it’s o 14 now. “The 2010s represents a renewed period of left-modernist innovation, incubated by near-universal left-liberal hegemony among non-STEM faculty and administrators.” Institutionally left-liberal, then.

    – according to “ethical experiments”, “liberals are significantly less willing to sacrifice a person with a black-sounding name to save white lives than to sacrifice an individual with a white name to save black lives. Conservatives, by contrast, are colour-blind.” Who knew, reading the NY Times or watching MSM?

    And you’ll be treated to a peep at a more or less scary future. Hobson arguably had better choices. For “English Canada”.. it’s either “Guyana or Belize”. For the UK: Nicaragua by 2200, and Bolivia by 2300 (at 350,000 pa immigration) or Mexico/Costa Rica by 2200 and Brazil by 2300 (at 50,000 pa immigration). Plus all the attendant, vibrant cultural benefits (unstable government, juntas, drug cartels) one hopes. More generally, there’s a “positive-sum outlook” for whites if they “adopt a Hawaiian/Creole strategy, opening up to those of mixed background who identify with their European roots.” But if white men can’t jump, can they hula hula or play jazz?


    斗争? 粗暴地总结一下,这是部落的,历史的方式,太糟糕了。 请注意,白人即使消亡,也可能“阻碍变革,破坏社会凝聚力,并可能构成安全威胁”,那么“未来威胁”是“历史性罪行”的继任者吗? 然而,考夫曼在这里的分析是不合逻辑的:他暗示哈莱姆黑人可以抵抗或缓慢的“高档化”(白人),但白人反对大规模移民(非白人)的“去高档化”则不然。

    抑? 应用 PC 噱头,让多样化的色情片淹没你。 但是,考夫曼认为,你不能在潜意识上纹身禁忌。 因此,“从长远来看,允许更自由地表达大多数群体的文化失落感……可能比压制他们更危险。” 告诉 Repression Inc,今天的“边缘联盟”,对他们来说,反对“异端”(即首先是直白男性)的“狂热”提供了“一个内部替罪羊,以团结一个群体反对”。

    逃跑? 在这种情况下,白人围着货车,用脚投票,因为其他形式不被提供或允许。 开始掸去“阿特拉斯耸耸肩”。 考夫曼有用地暗示白人最好的“隐藏山谷”在摩门教犹他州。 拥有宗派是白人种族生存的一种手段。 事实上,到 307 年,美国可能会有 2265 亿多产的阿米什人,考夫曼戏弄道。 更严重的白色防腐剂可能是 Haredi 犹太人的例子。 他们反对被出生率极高的“敌对者”包围。 当然,正确的瑞典人不能在这里教很多未来的白人吗? 好吧,在“开明的土地”中,“瑞典的住宅隔离……是瑞典多数人做出的决定的结果,他们倾向于聚集在瑞典密集的社区,避免移民密集的住宅区。” 显然,“这并不是说白人自由主义者是逃避多样性的伪君子”……哦不,完全不是。

    加入? 有更多的性爱,在种族之间——“为了和平而去”,“米色是颜色”。 这是考夫曼的首选,双方同意的选择。 有趣的是,这种“融化”、同化的前景——尤其是白人与西班牙裔的融合——导致一位“中左翼”作家“修改了他的论点,即美国不断变化的人口结构将在未来自动产生民主党的胜利。” 与此同时,在启蒙之地,由于瑞典的穆斯林移民在种族上不同,“符合条件的穆斯林伴侣的数量”减少了,因此他们“以更高的比率与非穆斯林结婚”(比比利时、荷兰的单一种族穆斯林)。 但他们肯定必须确定已经逃离这种多样化报价的瑞典人吗?

    很大程度上,如果不是全部,取决于今天的少数族裔在明天确定“白人”。 这反过来又假设提供了一个白色的欢迎垫子/床; 如果“亚洲群体通常对异族通婚持更严格的禁令”,那么未来白人为什么不会从一个有据可查的高智商群体中学习呢? 过渡到这种混血田园诗还需要“文化工作,使白人多数神话的起源和符号系统适应新的混血人口。” 但这已经在进行中了——看看电视广告和节目,甚至是古代历史,你的谷歌主页上的粗略“beiging”正在发展,这些广告和节目正在庆祝低于牛顿成就的少数人。

    考夫曼的拿铁咖啡未来也取决于“对称多元文化主义”,即(勇敢/古怪/异端 - 根据偏见删除)白人也具有值得尊重的种族身份的观念。 但这不取决于一种“公平竞争”的感觉,迄今为止的一个概念,可以说是白人国家的垄断? 至于“多声理解”——Babel,有人吗? 在让我们“庆祝我们共同识别的不同方式”的背景中,您几乎可以听到 Kumbaya 合唱团。

    种族间的忧虑可能会比考夫曼所暗示的更安静地“融化”吗? 查尔斯·默里(Charles Murray)在他的《走向分离-1960-2010年美国白人状况》(尽管穆雷始终设定最高基准,这本书比这本书要好得多)中指出,除非成功的白人“达到他们的实践水平” –如此偶然地建立起白人,白人,家庭和诚实的价值观-下层阶级(这里只检查白人)将陷入破碎的家庭闲置中,使国家失望。 因此,要求移民“加入”的“文化”可能不会对“成员资格”设置如此高的门槛。 我们应该笑还是哭?

  61. Sbaker 说:
    @Not a nazi

    我们可以假设您是闪族人吗? 穆斯林还是犹太人?

    • 回复: @Not a nazi
  62. Sbaker 说:


    告诉我更多。 这正是我接受终身买断的原因。 嗯,钱也考虑了。 对正常白人男性的敌意是显而易见的。 第九条律师已经接管了教育,他们正在打击白人男性。

    • 回复: @JackOH
  63. anon[108]• 免责声明 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Another guy projecting his personal preferences as a kind of scientific inevitability.

    which guy are you talking about, Kaufmann or Witkerk?

    Germanicus said it first, #23:


    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  64. niteranger 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    I have no idea which world you live in but you appear to be a non conscious being from another planet. You can’t compare the Industrial Revolution to what is happening now. It just doesn’t work! Your world may eventually happen but it won’t for a very long time and if it ever makes it to that time there may be enough wars to send us back to a more primitive time.

    Total automation in some fields will have machines building other machines with little help real people once they are built. Many of these machines will require little maintenance. Replacement of computer boards and other lightweight stuff that anyone can do. You confuse Analog with Digital. You also confuse “Science” with “Technology.” There is a difference. Science isn’t going anywhere. You have obviously never built anything. You also confuse “Machines” with a generic domain. All “Machines” are not alike as an example 3 D Printing. What took a massive amount of money and huge factory to build guns can be done in one’s basement. Three D printers are capable of producing an entire AR-15 without a factory and the printers are cheap! This will open up new markets. Of course, the government will step in to stop this stuff because they want control of the “market place.” Intelligent men will always figure out how to build things whether it’s Henry Ford or some kid down the street who has figured it out when no one else has by thinking outside Society’s Reality. When Western Civilization collapses it will cause a domino effect because no other group has shown more innovation and ingenuity in building things.

    Your theory on “Market Forces” is another Utopian Dream. There is no such thing as a free market. If there was we wouldn’t have a Military Industrial Complex which is funded by Governments for Corporations.

    You assume this world will take place in some linear fashion but that won’t happen either. These systems are chaotic and unbalanced. Disease, environmental disasters, wars, overpopulation and just plain stupidity will collapse society before we reach your point of some Science Fiction Narrative.

  65. escobar 说:

    为什么美国的犹太人(其中 5 1/2 百万人)想要“摧毁”一个对他们如此好的社会? 犹太人的第一条诫命“你必繁荣”已被遵守。 犹太人已成为机构“内部人士”——从基辛格(哦!)到自里根以来历届政府中的高盛男孩。 犹太牙医在为这个最伟大的国家提供世界上最好的口腔健康方面发挥了重要作用。 他们娱乐美国,从杂耍到宋飞。 他们在每个(是?)成员学院都有犹太校长。
    而这就是他们想要摧毁的? 为了什么——一个充满犹太人吹毛求疵和自我厌恶的世界? 对于一个注重健康的专业阶层来说,不断的冲突和熟食店的复兴? 他们是愚蠢还是自毁?
    而且,考虑到他们忙于赚钱,追求专业服务,更不用说追求十几岁的年轻 shiksas,如果您的名字从 Ep 到 Wein 以“stein”结尾,他们甚至有时间(和精力)来策划这种破坏吗?斯坦。

    • 回复: @Omegabooks
    , @Miro23
  66. I’ve done some research on the recent Neo-Nazi movement. What I found most shocking was the fact that many Asians and Latinos were for it until learning that they weren’t going to be around after the Final Solution. For follow up, I’ll demonstrate that Slavics/Russians must be behind this racially eclectic white supremacism as they were also not preferred by the original Nazis. There were some comments about inclusiveness and that they didn’t realize Nazis had anything to do with the holocaust.

  67. Anon[304]• 免责声明 说:

    It’s a legitimate question to ask. What if these writers advocating replacement of whites are being paid by the Chinese, etc to push these ideas? Someone had been start investigating their finances.

  68. @anon

    Kauffman. It’s “because I have a problem with identity, everybody should be like me”. And his theses are idiotic:

    The American state can work with almost any ethnic or religious configuration, adopt any official language, and still function pretty well.

    Alright, let’s get it straight.

    Russian state can work with almost any ethnic or religious configuration, adopt any official language, and still function pretty well.

    So it goes with China.

    Also, Israel.

    Also, Saudi Arabia.

    Also, Morocco.

    Also, Argentina.

    Also, France.

    Also, Denmark

    Also, Mexico.

    All I can say abut that kind of “reasoning” is:

    • 回复: @Germanicus
  69. 我正想发表这样的评论…… “让美国再次成为非犹太人”




    • 回复: @jack daniels
    , @Wally
  70. Anon[346]• 免责声明 说:

    “He does say, however, that his principle forbids Western nations from defining themselves as either white or Christian”


    英国 是一个白人国家 (was about 99.9℅ white up to about the 1950’s, was about 92.1% white in 2001 and was about 81.9% white in 2011), and has been a christian country for about 1300 years, although there are also agnostics and atheists.

    There are only about  290,000 to 300,000 jewish people in Britain, and all other religions other than christianity are recent additions that were not in Britain in any significant number before the 1950’s.

    Immigrants that have chosen to move to Britain, regardless of if they aren’t christian or white themselves, knew that before choosing to move to Britain. And those thinking of moving to Britain should be aware of this, and if it is a problem for them, should consider moving elsewhere where the culture and people suit them better. Because the British public don’t have to change for them. Although I do appreciate that the impression that the British public 应该 change because outsiders who don’t even live in Britain yet or recent immigrants have a problem with them is fed to them by the vacuous, delusional, sneering and contemptuous (towards the British public) liberal elite and most would probably not be thinking that way if it wasn’t for the propaganda that the ‘liberal’ establishment put out.

    If the way the British public are before you move to Britain is really not to your liking or preference, then find somewhere else to move to that’s more to your liking.

    Most of the British public are too busy to realise what game’s being played, but when they’re made aware most of them don’t appreciate it and their opinion doesn’t usually conform to the ‘liberal’ propaganda…

  71. follyofwar 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Thanks so much for the excellent review Mr. Witkert. And thanks also to Mr. Unz for his follow-up comment. Even halfway thru the review, I had decided that I wouldn’t waste my time reading the book.

  72. Yadayada 说:

    是的,强奸、谋杀和种族灭绝是勇气和智慧。 典型的犹太人口。 无论做什么来摧毁我们的人民,对夏洛克来说都是机智的高度。

  73. Anon[242]• 免责声明 说:
    @miss marple

    “I’ve done some research on the recent Neo-Nazi movement. What I found most shocking was the fact that many Asians and Latinos were for it until learning that they weren’t going to be around after the Final Solution”

    That’s interesting because most people aren’t aware of this ‘recent neo nazi movement’ you’re referring to, it must be a very small ‘movement’.

    “For follow up, I’ll demonstrate that Slavics/Russians must be behind this racially eclectic white supremacism as they were also not preferred by the original Nazis”

    You’ll have evidence for that it take it?

    • 回复: @jack daniels
  74. syonredux 说:
    @Richard B

    Thank you for your response and for the links. I look forward to reading them.

    请记住,罗恩喜欢用 POC 取代白人的想法。

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
    , @Richard B
  75. @Anon



    • 回复: @Anon
  76. option one 说:











    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Justvisiting
  77. Bill Jones 说:

    “Kaufmann” huh?

    Every Fucking Time,

  78. @Intelligent Dasein



  79. Germanicus 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Half the countries you named are financuially broke and sucked dry by the Jews.

    I doubt a muslim China would work, or a Hindu Argentina, France whatever.
    Multicultural mess the Jews enforce has never worked, never, it is a weapon to destroy the host population.

    Also, Saudi Arabia.

    It is perhaps why the Saudi deported a million plus foreigners back home where they came from.

    Also, Israel.

    Are you proposing a Christian Palestine? Afaik, the Israeli Jews rip the NT apart in their Knesset. Are you a bit deluded or what? They sterilize the Ethiopian Jews.

  80. anarchyst 说:

    “We need to talk about white identity”
    NO! “We need to talk about jewish supremacy”…

    • 同意: geokat62
  81. Jason Liu 说:

    他之所以不对东亚国家采用同样的标准,是因为他希望西方国家符合西方的价值观。 没有你想的那么矫情。 西方的自由和个人主义价值观是否优于其他地方的集体主义民族主义还有待观察。

    • 回复: @jack daniels
    , @Saxon
  82. @Nick J


    • 回复: @bookish1
    , @Corvinus
    , @Nick J
  83. @miss marple


  84. I have no problem with Hispanic immigration in small numbers but I don’t want to walk into a McDonald’s in Virginia and find I am the only native English speaker in the room. I welcome Muslim immigrants because I am a reactionary on social policy and welcome the addition of “people of color” who oppose feminism and gay lib. Even more, I welcome the addition of any people who will dare to talk back to the all-powerful Jewish lobby. Before Tlaib and Omar there were zero critics of Israel out of 541 senators and congressmen. Since the public has always had a decent-sized minority siding with the Palestinians, the 0-for-541 number testifies to an amazing ability to squelch dissent where it matters.

    I am surprised that I am nearly the only right-winger around (save Patrick Little!) who would like to see more Muslims. For that matter, I would like to see more Hispanics if only they were observant Catholics and fans of sharply-drawn sex-roles. In Ann Coulter’s latest column she complains about Latin machismo driving young immigrants to ignore traffic laws. But Ann, isn’t that a small price to pay if they pinch girls’ asses, wolf-whistle, and make gay jokes? I’d love to see a crowd of mixed Latinos and Muslims with torches and pitchforks storming the local office of the NEA to complain about Tranny Story Hour. One could die of old age waiting for us whiteys to complain, especially with college football starting up. I’m sure Ann would agree if she took the time to reflect.

    • 回复: @Anonymous Jew
    , @comprimarius
  85. @Jason Liu

    Not only is there “collectivist nationalism” but there is “individualist nationalism” which is what “populism” amounts to. Populism places a high value on maintaining a coherent culture but wants this to happen through voluntary alliances of average individuals rather than through a government or elite ramming a national agenda down the throats of the little people. Populism is the higher synthesis of collectivism and individualism. It allows people to keep their liberties while having government policy that promotes a shared vision.

    To make populism viable it is helpful to limit immigration on the part of people who don’t share the nation’s defining values, which in America’s case are mainly Christian and Anglo-Saxon in origin.

  86. @Agathoklis

    That may be true of the Peloponnesus, but Slavic admixture is much greater in Northern Greece.

    • 回复: @Agathoklis
  87. Not a nazi 说:

    No, my father’s side of the family all come from Germany, my mother’s side from several different western European countries. I’m neither muslim nor jewish, I’m a christian atheist (jesus as a moral philosopher, not a god). And it’s the moral philosophy of christianity, and it’s focus on loving our neighbors and caring for refugees that brought me here. I’m just really surprised that there are so many people openly espousing racist views. To me, racism is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus. I really don’t understand what leads a white person to feel they are superior to others. After reading the comments here, I still don’t know.

    • 巨魔: German_reader
    • 回复: @sulu
    , @jack daniels
  88. Saxon 说:
    @Jason Liu

    不过,它们不是“西方价值观”。 这就是最近 astroturfed 自上而下的指令。 去读书的路上,比如说,塞西尔·罗德谈到了他自己的人。 不是很个人主义。

    • 同意: ben tillman
  89. @Anon

    大多数当代白人民族主义者理所当然地认为他们应该对所有非白人怀有敌意。 然而,希特勒本人主要关心的是犹太人。 他与日本和波斯尼亚穆斯林结盟,尽管他入侵了波兰,但在向苏联推进时得到了乌克兰和波兰人的相当多的支持。 (同样处于守势的白人民族主义者知道批评犹太人比抱怨穆斯林危险得多,所以他们倾向于强调后者而淡化前者。)在我看来,犹太人的问题在于,被视为作为一个群体,他们拥有所有错误的政治(根据我的标准),但能够通过受害者和反种族主义的言论将非白人少数族群武器化,从而主宰政治格局。 非白人投票支持民主党,然后民主党实施犹太人偏爱但非白人不赞成的激进性议程。

    白人民族主义者为了对穆斯林、黑人、拉丁裔、斯拉夫人和天主教徒进行无意义的攻击而无视 JQ 付出了可怕的代价,他们可以成为将犹太左翼力量减少到可管理水平的斗争中的盟友民主投票。

    • 回复: @Not a nazi for sure
    , @Anon
  90. bookish1 说:

    True that race is more important than culture. Study nature and see what mother nature says about the race question. All animals mate within their own kind and their own kind only. A ‘blue bird’ would never mate with a Robin even if the ‘blue bird’ couldn’t find another ‘blue bird’ to mate with. Never. It would die before it would mate with another species of bird. Even sub-species(if my terminology of species is correct) never mate with another bird of a like sub species. For instance there are more than 40 sub species of Warbler birds. They look a lot alike but there are a few subtle differences like one sub species might have a certain color somewhere on its body that other Warblers don’t have. But none of those sub species will ever mate with any other sub species but their own. If they did there wouldn’t be over 40 sub species of Warblers. There would be only one if they all mixed. So whats wrong with that? Mother nature says there is something wrong with that and that is why they don’t mate across sub species lines. So what is mother nature telling us about race. Mother nature is telling us that race is the most important thing in the world. We are born, live and die for the purpose of continuing our racial species. Learn from nature.

  91. @Patrikios Stetsonis


  92. @jack daniels


    • 同意: Bliss
  93. sulu 说:

    Agreed. The recent Trump rally where the White crowd was chanting,”Send them back” was such a clear and spontaneous message that even Trump took some effort to distance himself from it. It tells me that Whites are looking for a leader that will embrace that and other more radical sentiments. All that would be necessary to embolden the White majority in America would be a leader that had the guts to nationalize the media and change the message 180 degrees. The Jewish narrative that has taken decades to carefully construct would be reversed in a year. I have some slight hope that Trump might do such a thing in his second term but I wouldn’t hold my breath. If Trump is not the man then my fervent hope is that Trump is merely John the Baptist and a man with true vision and a plan of action is yet to come.
    I don’t know how realistic it is to say that America might eventually descend into an actual Civil War but for the last decade it has been my opinion that America looks more and more like Wiemar Germany every day. I see this similarity accelerating with little chance of reversal. If we do not have an actual armed conflict I could see a Balkanization of America with California becoming its own country. The one good thing that might happen as a result of this would be the remainder of the country would occupy the far right while those on the far left would flock to California.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  94. @bookish1

    Humans are all the same species. I’m white, my wife is Asian, and our child is awesome. Racism is stupid, my brother. You can do better.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Anon
    , @Wolfsangel
  95. Corvinus 说:

    “Race is more important than culture.”


    • 回复: @sulu
    , @Kudzu Bob
  96. Corvinus 说:

    “Mother nature is telling us that race is the most important thing in the world. We are born, live and die for the purpose of continuing our racial species. Learn from nature.”

    Humans have learned from nature since they, unlike the Warbler birds, employ reason and logic. They are well equipped to make their own decisions about race and culture.

    Indeed, from a psychological standpoint, we have an easier time identifying and sympathizing with people who look like us or who belong to the same in-group as us, even though that grouping ultimately was constructed arbitrarily. Recall that in the 1800 and 1900’s race group divisions were based on skin color and physical appearance according to scientists, and then divided into white, black, yellow, and red. Then scientists stated there were more gradient subtypes based on other characteristics. Where is this line drawn between “the races”? Does it not lead to a potential fractioning all the way down to the individual? Think about it. Attempts to divide humanity into race has used as few as three, then up to more than thirty. Humans have been migrating back and forth across the continents for over 200,000 years. Genetic traits have been mixed and remixed over and over. So it really boils down to how many races of humans exist depends on one’s meaning of the word…race.

    Spoke another way–Hans F. K. Günther, in his work Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes (1929), came up with five sub-races: Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean, East Baltic, and Dinaric. He defined each subtype general physical appearance and their psychological qualities including their “racial soul” – referring to their emotional traits and religious beliefs, and provided detailed information on their hair, eye, and skin colors, facial structure, and body type, as well as their typical behaviors. On the lower end of the totem pole, those groups were identified as possessing undesirable traits.

    Furthermore, the Anglo-Saxons were insistent that certain European groups were utterly incapable of understanding republican values . Even Alt-Right leader Vox Day makes the case–Europeans, most notably the **德国人,爱尔兰人,意大利人和波兰人**,缺乏理解和实践盎格鲁撒克逊理想的能力。 然而,那些祖先在 1850 年代和 1890 年代被本土主义者认为“不适合”美国融入的人,今天声称拥有延续西方文明所需的内在品质。 本土主义者持有这些团体** 他们蔑视“异族生活方式”,却凭借魔土的力量,化身为原住民中的一员。


  97. Corvinus 说:
    @option one

    “Whites designed societies where power grids, water infrastructure, distribution of clean foods and other large scale requirements to keep the masses alive…”



    “BTW…….Asians have the IQ but lacked the culture and behavioral traits to develop modern first world countries until Whites pretty much showed them how to…”


    “The only real solution is to limit the reproduction of non-Whites so that their overpopulation misery of problems is reduced first and foremost for their own sake and for Whites as well…..”


    • 回复: @Bookish1
    , @option one
  98. If take the existence of other minds as a fact….and believe that Folk Psychology is obvious and a fact(notwithstanding what the very fucking stupid and very creepy and bombastic Philosopher Pat Churchland thinks)…….we can conclude with 100 percent certainty the following:

    When Professor Emeritus of MURDER-KILL WHITEY!!!!!!! Studies Noel Iganatieve dreams at night he dreams this and only this:”WHITE MALES YOU MUST DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE YOU DERSEVE TO HAVE YOUR FUCKING SKULLS CRUSHED IN!!!!!!”

    You don’t have to be Psychic mind reader to know that Professor Noel Iganatieve has these thoughts…every night……

  99. sulu 说:
    @Not a nazi

    “I really don’t understand what leads a white person to feel they are superior to others.”

    Perhaps you should reflect on the demonstrable fact that the White race has invented more things that are instrumental for civilization than any other race in the world. Whites basically invented civilization and all that goes along with it. Cell phones, computers, cars, refrigerators, antibiotics, calculus, space travel, all are a creation of the White mind. But we are constantly invaded by people of color that played no part in any of it yet are quite content to use all the things afforded them by White culture. And while that in itself might be tolerable if the invaders were relatively benign instead they attack us with violence at every turn and then have the temerity to decry us as devils and oppressors in our own land while feeding their children with the charity afforded to them by the labor of our hands. This attitude is one that has lead to some of the worst pogroms in history and I can even now see the slumbering giant that is White America waking up to the threat.
    I once saw a couple pictures that I found quite illustrative. The first was a black riot with about three blacks jumping up and down on a police car. The caption was,”When blacks have had enough.”
    The second was a large group of B-29’s in formation from horizon to horizon obviously flying off to annihilate some target. The caption read, “When Whites have had enough.” The message is quite clear but I know in my heart it is wasted on the intellect of the brown invaders. They will have to learn the hard way.

    • 回复: @Not a nazi
  100. Wally 说: • 您的网站
    @miss marple



    有“纳粹”,而不可能的“ 6万犹太人,5万其他人和毒气室”,也有“纳粹”,没有不可能的“ 6万犹太人,5万其他人和毒气室”。

    “我应允许提交犹太复国主义计划,以 犹太问题的最终解决方案。”
    ——“犹太复国主义之父”西奥多·赫茨尔,22 年 1899 月 XNUMX 日致沙皇的信。

    战时德国文件和著作中提到“最终解决方案”: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12296


  101. @jack daniels

    Not certain if you’re facetious, but demographics are a lot harder to reverse than cultural and religious trends. The ‘Current Year’ is a a religious fervor, and like others it will eventually pass. Maybe not for the better – because the human instinct towards religious-type thought can manifest itself in many different ways – but it will pass. By contrast, the situation in California will not pass. Along with the Southwest it is essentially lost, and as beautiful as it is I’m not really sure we want to pay the price to have it back (all out war).

    In an alternate universe where slavery never happened, or Blacks were repatriated – whatever, and the US was, say, 94% White and 6% various browns and Asians (but not a single large minority as we have with Hispanics today) I could actually live with the SJW frenzy. Yes, it’s really annoying, but like bell bottoms, witch burning, and facial hair (I’m a bearded Jew fwiw) it’s only temporary. And in a majority (90%+) White country things will basically work just fine short adopting actual communism.

    But yes, for pure schadenfreude I do enjoy watching the Muslims push the SJWs to the limits of cognitive dissonance. I’m also neutral on the Middle East (ie it’s none of our business and we shouldn’t take sides one way or another) so I even enjoy them fighting the Israel lobby/orthodoxy.

    • 回复: @jack daniels
  102. Agathoklis 说:
    @F. Roger Devlin

    Probably slightly higher but do you have any evidence for you claim?

    • 回复: @F. Roger Devlin
  103. The Democratic Party says:”When it comes to Working Class White Males…..the proper labor policy for them is CHATTEL SLAVERY!!!!”


    What could MECHA possibly mean by that?

    The Democratic Party=THE MECHA PARTY!!!!

  104. Wally 说:
    @Patrikios Stetsonis

    “Professor of Judaism” and discredited True Believer Deborah Lipstadt supports strict Israeli immigration laws which specify JEWS ONLY, while demanding massive 3rd world immigration into the US & Europe.

    Deborah Lipstadt的谎言和欺骗,由Germar Rudolf撰写: https://codoh.com/library/document/4637/

  105. @option one


    Great points–and of course the “progressives” are the ones who will end all progress with a boot on our faces–forever.

  106. Wally 说:
    @Not a nazi for sure

    – Is that why Asian countries do not accept the absurd mantra of “diversity”?

    – Is that why Israel allows in Jews Only?

    -You come off as a beat down loser who calls himself “white” rather than European while you call your wife “Asian” rather than yellow.

    BTW, your “Nazis” did not do what is alleged and you have no proof they did.

    • 回复: @Not a nazi
  107. Segar 说:




    • 回复: @Not a nazi
    , @E. Macher
  108. sulu 说:
    @Sic Semper

    我的家人都有叔叔,还有一个在二战中当过美国士兵的父亲,还有我父亲的几个表兄弟,他们都在欧洲战场上过战场。 我生命中最痛苦的顿悟之一是意识到美国站在冲突的错误一边。 当然,日本必须被打败,但美国和英国应该站在德国一边。 这将使德国人能够继续击败俄罗斯人并统一欧洲。 当你考虑到德国在被美国和英国日夜轰炸成碎片的情况下战斗了多长时间,如果他们没有受到如此大的阻碍,他们可能会粉碎俄罗斯人,这似乎已成定局。 而那是他们自己。 如果他们有美国和英国的积极帮助,结果是毫无疑问的。

    这场战争中最令人费解的事情之一是,英国向德国发出最后通牒,如果德国入侵波兰,他们将宣战。 事后看来,这似乎是一种极端无能和愚蠢的行为。 尽管如此,希特勒似乎仍在寻找解决两线战争的方法。 如果鲁道夫赫斯的逃亡没有误入歧途,人们只能推测历史会如何发展。

    我意识到我的结论可能会使某些人感到恐惧,并且为了对此观点idea之以鼻,倾向于指出战争期间德国所犯下的某些暴行。 我的辩解是毕竟是战争。 战争是暴行的时机。 身穿制服的美国男子在战时犯下了野蛮行径。 没有人比Mi躺在那里作插图了。

    但我认为,在德国制服欧洲和俄罗斯之后,法治就会建立,暴行也会停止。 而且,在一代人的时间里,一个巨大的战斗机器将让位于一个最终将在很大程度上变得温和的庞大官僚机构。 老兵将退休,取而代之的是一代从未见过战争,也不太愿意打仗的官僚。 我怀疑如果历史以这种方式播放,世界现在可能会变得更好。

    • 回复: @Not a nazi
    , @Miro23
    , @Bookish1
  109. Anon[242]• 免责声明 说:
    @jack daniels

    “White nationalists pay a fearsome price for ignoring the JQ in order to make meaningless assaults on Muslims, blacks, Latinos, Slavs, and Catholics, who could be allies in the struggle to reduce Jewish left power to manageable levels”


  110. @niteranger

    Well put niteranger. Kaufmann is just another smug, arrogant leftist academician. He probably is like Karl Marx by never getting his fingernails dirty. He is actually very naive and stupid about what really goes on in our worlds outside academia.
    It is too bad that 440,000 American service members died in WW2 and the majority were these whites he so despises.
    When I think of what my father, his two brothers, and millions of other men went through in WW2- hearing loss, life long tinnitus, a few mssing limbs, trenchfoot, lung injuries, it was not worth it. We did have a country united . Race relations were not the horror that the media makes it out to be. I am white and grew up in a mainly black area.
    Cowards like Kaufmann have no idea about what white men have done for him so that he can get on his throne and pebble his leftist trash. Hopefully someday people like Kaufmann will no longer have clean water, flush toilets, electricity, and hot showers.
    Iserved in US Marine Corps and the US Army. I would tell young men and women to do nothing for these leftists. Do not fight in wars or go out of your way.
    Kaufmann and Bill Maher and millions like these two are not worth doing anything for-smug, spoiled, well paid, arrogant. Enough is enough.

    • 回复: @Richard B
    , @Germanicus
  111. Not a nazi 说:

    I’m actually pretty sure fighting against the fascists was a good thing.

    • 回复: @sulu
    , @sulu
  112. Not a nazi 说:

    Dude. War is over. Nazis lost. Get over it.

  113. Not a nazi 说:

    You know there is a holocaust museum in DC if you want to learn about it. Let me guess: Fake News?

    • 回复: @Theodore
    , @anarchyst
  114. Anon[242]• 免责声明 说:
    @Not a nazi for sure

    Complaining about the governments irresponsible and reckless immigration policy is not ‘racism’, nor is complaining about politicians trying to use immigration as an anti democratic weapon against the public.

    A lot of countries have nowhere near the liberal immigration policies of countries like Britain.

    种族主义 the public complaining about immigration levels that are 5倍 than they were before 1998 and the population of a small city being added to the country every year, and politicians, the mainstream media and phony ‘academics’ using some of these new immigrants as a weapon in identity politics and race baiting in order to weaken democracy in the country and play divide and rule, and distract the public from other issues. They have a right to complain about that.

    The word ‘racism’ either works all ways or can’t work at all, and it’s so often incorrectly used that it’s becoming redundant anyway. And people less and less have the luxury to indulge these accusations.

    Again, a lot of countries have far stricter immigration policies…

  115. Not a nazi 说:

    Well, I understand that you seem to pay attention only to the accomplishments of white people and ignore those of others. That kind of close minded thinking could certainly lead one to the fallacy that white people are somehow better. But I am very optimistic for the future. Previously, white people would shout this racist drivel in public, but now it is relegated to anonymous online forums. You’re losing and you’re scared. Good. Confederacy? Losers. Nazis? Losers. Jim Crow? Largely undone. Society is slowly moving in the right direction, and there is still time for you to join the winning team.

  116. Art 说:

    The key is that the majority be an open rather than a closed ethnic group.

    Total BS!

    The key to Christian Western success is local cooperative communities – where the well being of the community comes first and personal activity is moderated by Christian idealism.

    Open societies where anything goes, degenerate into chaos and police states.

  117. Are ‘ ever shrinking rural areas’ “ inevitable “ too?

    Zero population growth is the only viable subject matter and the most effective argument for immigration cessation.

  118. Nick J 说:

    种族? WTF 是种族吗?是的,白人拥有共同的 DNA,但这并不排除其他输入。我的妻子是白人,金发碧眼,但她有六代人以前的非洲血统。谁会知道或关心?她的文化是英国文化的核心。


  119. Miro23 说:

    One of the most bitter epiphanies of my life was the realization that America was on the wrong side of the conflict. Of course the Japanese had to be defeated but America and England should have sided with Germany. That would have allowed the Germans to go on to defeat the Russians and unify Europe.

    Not really. Stalin had disposed of the Bolshevik Jews by 1938. Ethnic Russians were fighting for their survival against German Imperialism. It came to be known as the Great Patriotic War. The existential battles of Stalingrad and Kursk are engraved in the minds if Russian nationalists. Russians did not want to be a colony of Imperial Germany.

    • 回复: @jack daniels
  120. @Not a nazi

    “Superior” is half-way between being a factual term and a moral term. The factual part, pertaining to IQ or disease-resistance or whatever is open to scientific investigation, and a number of investigators such as Murray and Herrnstein have found significant differences between races. As to what to do with that information, if it is true, that is obviously up for debate.
    As for Jesus, if you reject his divinity, why is it important to follow his teachings? Your position boils down to: “Jesus agrees with ME.”

    • 同意: Herbert West
  121. sulu 说:

    “Culture is more important than race.” Poppycock!

    When I hear someone say, “Race is more important than culture.” What I hear is, “Genetics is more important than culture. When I hear someone say, “Culture is more important than race.” What I hear is, “Culture is more important than genetics.”

    If you will allow me that rather obvious interpretation then by simple scientific method(ie observation) it is quite obvious that genetics is more important than culture. If it were the other way around you would think that blacks, once exposed to years of White culture might become de facto Whites. That is they would emulate White culture and their crime rate and rate of education and achievement would soon be much the same as Whites. This, however, is not the case. Despite all the help in the world and years of association with White culture blacks continue to be, in most part, a dysfunctional minority embedded within White society.

    As a more extreme thought experiment if culture trumped genetics then one might suppose that all one had to do would be to expose a horse to college level mathematics or to the control room at NASA and in no time at all said horse would be performing calculus and planning trips to outer space. Of course no one would suppose that would really happen. In other words a canary may study all he wants he will never be a hawk.

    Genetics(race) is quite obviously orders of magnitude more instrumental in determining what a creature will do as opposed to culture.

    Oh, by the way. In my second paragraph when I said,”If you will allow me that rather obvious interpretation…..” Please don’t suppose you can seize upon that and disallow it to negate my argument. I was just using polite language. I was not asking your or any one else’s permission to equate race with genetics. The two are so obviously the same thing that I find it hard to imagine any one with a scientific education that would try and honestly refute it. In my experience people that try and do so are either abysmally ignorant and probably uneducated on the subject or they are being disingenuous for their own selfish reasons.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  122. buckwheat 说:

    白人文化的消亡将导致文明的消亡。 看看非洲或墨西哥,看看这两个是多么糟糕。 唯一的希望是黑人和棕色人种互相残杀,它的工作有点但不够快。

  123. @Anonymous Jew

    I was sort of half-serious, half-joking. The issue of which is the worse evil reminds me of Woody Allen’s “My Address to Graduates.”

  124. @Franklin Ryckaert

    He’s not troubled by his mixed identity. He knows he’s a Jew and thus he is not a Western male. What he thinks about himself does not matter. Jews are not Western and he needs to move to Israel. He’s using the typical Jewish tactic of positioning himself from both the left and right side of an issue.

    I’m sure he believes he is “chosen.” He is a miscegenated, meshuggah shmegegge.

  125. sulu 说:
    @Not a nazi

    If you want to accuse me of ignoring the achievements of other races please feel free to list them in comparison to Whites. I would love to see a list of inventions by non whites compared to Whites. The only other race that has any achievements are Asians. The invention rate for blacks is so close to zero to be considered zero so they don’t count at all.

    What I find hilarious is the fact that you are now using an invention of the White race (your computer) in an effort to refute the superior invention rate of Whites. The hypocrisy of that is overwhelming. But of course you don’t want to see that, so you won’t.

    And as far as “joining the winning team is concerned” no one can switch sides. You were born wearing your uniform. You can’t take it off.

    As for being scared? No, not at all. I’m an old man and the odds are I won’t live to see the carnage that is probably coming.

    If you think by winning you mean the eventual extinction of Whites, I have news for you. Before that happens there will be a major conflict. Perhaps even a World War. And if you happen to be a person of color I will have to point out that even if you win by your own definition you will have lost. The reason being when you look at several American cities, Baltimore, Detroit, whenever the percentage of blacks goes over a certain amount the entire city goes straight to hell for the simple reason that black are simply not capable of running a city. If Whites were to suddenly disappear from the globe tomorrow the standard of living for everyone left would plummet. Latinos, blacks, Asians, all would suffer. Hell, if White people vanished tomorrow the blacks would no longer have their free checks from the government and would starve. America would descend into anarchy.

    For better or for worse you need to accept the fact that at present the White race is carrying the torch of civilization. And if we are some how forced to pass the torch who ever tries to take it will drop it.

    Oh, and if you happen to be among the chosen people please keep in mind that population wise you are about 2% of the US. I wouldn’t be too confident if I were you.

    • 回复: @Not a nazi
  126. sulu 说:
    @Not a nazi

    Wow! Amazing! You managed to refute my entire argument with one sentence. How did you do that? Oh, wait, you didn’t.

  127. Theodore 说:
    @Not a nazi

    Most of what is there is not “The Holocaust” and doesn’t prove the “Deniers” wrong at all. They mostly resort to the fallacy of equivocation, it’s a trick

  128. Not a nazi 说:

    “I’m an old man and the odds are I won’t live to see the carnage that is probably coming.” At least there was one sentence in there that filled me with good cheer. Good riddance to racist trash.

    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @sulu
  129. Bookish1 说:
    @Charles Pewitt

    To answer your question, no they cant because they cannot change the genetics of who they are. Why doesn’t George soros just retire and relax in comfort like most retired folk do. Because he Carrie’s the same destiny inside him as all Jews do.(or most jews).

  130. Bookish1 说:

    Nobody with any knowledge of the situation would be horrified at your conclusion because it is becoming common knowledge now.

    • 回复: @sulu
  131. marylou 说:
    @Herbert West

    啊,是的,Kalergi 在同一条船上。

    • 回复: @Herbert West
  132. Bookish1 说:

    Here we go again trying to hijack white achievements. Whites were in China over 1,500 years before Marco polo got there. So who invented the compass, gunpowder, etc. Chinese? Then all of a sudden they stopped inventing for thousands of years? My guess it was whites who invented those things and never stopped inventing. Same with India and middle east.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  133. Robjil 说:
    @Not a nazi

    The winning team so far is the Top crazies. Darwin said that humans are a wild species. Why? They are led around by a wild group of people at top. He thought humans needed to be tamed by an alien species.

    No alien species is coming down soon. Muslims and Christians think Jesus will come down and tame the top people of our species.

    There is another way to tame our top people – Free speech.

    I think you are one of many people who listen to lala news. It is not lala land in the nations that the US sanctions, bombs, invades, sends in terrorists, etc.

    It is not lala land in the world. The top people are wild and crazy dangerous. This site exposes the wild crazies at the top of our society.

  134. @marylou

    我什至没有想到Kalergi! 如此真实。 他几乎就是原型。

  135. Robjil 说:
    @Not a nazi

    You are not a wise old man then. Little people are not the problem and never were. It is the top people who are the problem.

    In a sane world we would have the Nulandberg trials.

    Some items addressed at the trials.


    Wars against Yugoslavia

    1991 and 2003 War against Iraq

    2011 war against Libya

    Sanctions against Russia, Iran, Venezuela


    Why Purim date used to start or end wars in Iraq and Libya?

    Why did US/Israel create Al-Qaeda and Isis?

    Why did US/Israel do nine eleven?

    Why the US/Israel does coups in Latin America, Ukraine,etc?

  136. anarchyst 说:
    @Not a nazi

    “Holocaust museums” are taxpayer-funded “jewish freak shows” and have no place anywhere on earth…

    • 回复: @Not a nazi for sure
  137. Theodore 说:
    @miss marple

    For follow up, I’ll demonstrate that Slavics/Russians must be behind this racially eclectic white supremacism as they were also not preferred by the original Nazis

    Of course. The original “Nazis” and in fact the only “Nazis” ever (Nazi = member of the NSDAP) were German people. It was a movement for Germany, for the German people. Slavs are not German, nor are Russians, although various Slavs did volunteer in WWII to fight against Bolshevism with the Germans.

    Regardless, Hitler did consider Slavs and Russians to be “Aryan” (or, in other words, “White people”) so long as they didn’t have Mongoloid (typically “Asian”) admixture; and only a minority did/do. The Slavic languages are in fact Indo-European or “Aryan” languages, just like German and English; the word “Aryan” was replaced with “Indo-European” after the Second World War. So Hitler certainly recognized Slavic people as Aryan, although Russians were enslaved to Jewish Bolshevism at the time.



  138. @Not a nazi

    You are saying you cheer the disappearance of freedom of speech, since racist drivel is more popular now than 50 years ago. Yes, the racist majority is running scared of the racist minority that hates them and is morally comfortable with locking them up.

    What should it matter to you if people prefer the company of their own race? It seems to be a widespread phenomenon, by no means limited to the USA. What you object to is honesty. How many Americans would prefer to live in a society where they were a tiny racial minority? Race is mainly a proxy for other characteristics that actually matter, such as language, religion, national or regional culture, and so on. What does your neighborhood look like?

  139. Theodore 说:
    @miss marple

    What I found most shocking was the fact that many Asians and Latinos were for it until learning that they weren’t going to be around after the Final Solution

    White Nationalism, often fraudulently called “White Supremacism” or “Neo-Nazism” is a separatist movement. It means separate living spaces for White people.

    If you oppose that, it only means you believe “White racists” (with guns of course) should be forced to live around Blacks, Browns, and Jews. They shouldn’t be allowed to live in all-White neighborhoods, they should be forced to live in the same neighborhoods, with their guns, and watch Black and Jewish children walk to school every day. These “armed, white racists” should be forced to go the the exact same grocery stores as you, and your Black/Brown/Jewish neighbors. Isn’t that delightful?



  140. @Miro23

    I’m no expert on Russian history but you may be exaggerating the “achievements” of Stalin. When I was in 8th grade one of my teachers visited the Soviet Union and gave a talk on what he had found. Since the school was mostly Jewish the issue of persecution was central. The teacher, perhaps somewhat biased, reported that the persecution of the Orthodox Christians was by far the greatest evil. This was in the mid-sixties. That would be an unlikely situation if Russian nationalism was by then the dominant ideology.

  141. Theodore 说:

    There are only about 290,000 to 300,000 jewish people in Britain

    And where do their loyalties lie?

    There are 100 British Jews fighting in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces): https://archive.is/asqz3#selection-632.0-632.1

    There are only 60 Jews in the British army: http://web.archive.org/web/20190831013829/https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/315082/PUBLIC_1391420325.pdf

    and another 10 each in the Air Force and Navy, making a total of 80… Still, 100 is greater than 80.

    Really makes you think!

    • 回复: @Anon
  142. Art 说:

    The book’s title is a misnomer: the only demographic shift presently occurring is one away from whiteness.


    Tucker Carlson is totally right, “white supremacy” in America is a hoax? What supremacy?

    (The anti-Christian West) — Jews and elitist whites are giving everything away.

    Our children attend liberal government schools – coming away with their heads bowed and genuflecting to other inferior “victim” cultures.

    We are living a Jew divide and conquer identity cabal.


  143. AWM 说:

    Whites are excellent and efficient killers, certainly the best in history by a large margin.
    And they have an organizational and scientific abilities unmatched by any other group.
    The cream always rises to the top.
    The news of their death is premature, very premature.

    • 同意: Sick of Orcs
  144. @Agathoklis

    I cannot cite genetic studies, but I know that there are still some Slavic speakers in Northern Greece and that there used to be many more than there are now. They have partially assimilated linguistically, but are of Slavic descent.

    • 回复: @Agathoklis
  145. Svigor 说:

    As for the book, I thought that it was too sanguine. Of course, my perceptions are colored by the fact that I work in an environment (academia) where anti-White hatred is the norm….

    What’s interesting to me about that norm is that it’s enforced. E.g., at the least, if you are pro-White you’re persecuted and if you’re anti-White you’re tolerated, encouraged, rewarded. So what we have is not anything genuine, but a bunch of conformist trained seals performing for massa.

    Not that this will avail them on the day of cordage.

  146. @anarchyst

    Yes! I can feel your antisemitic rage! You are truly … ok you’re just an ignorant racist. Good news is I think we will have fewer and fewer of you racist incels. You don’t reproduce because no woman would touch with a 10 foot pole.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  147. sulu 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    They want Whites to go quietly into that great night. I will be happy to disappoint them.

  148. sulu 说:
    @Not a nazi

    If I were you I would kiss your computer screen and thank it for keeping you safe. If you said such a thing to my face were I bare handed or with weapons I promise you that you would suffer. When I said I was an old man it’s just in relative terms. But you are a coward and if what you have stated about yourself is true a race traitor to boot. Perhaps I am mistaken and what is to come will be soon. If so I hope I have the chance to “wink” at you.

  149. sulu 说:

    Thank you. Your reply is like a drink of water when you are in the desert. The Jews have vilified Hitler from even before WWII started. They (Judea) declared war on Germany in March of 33. Now I’m sure it was economic war as opposed to actual war but it does easily explain Hitler’s treatment of the Jews. If you have individuals living in your country that are members of a group that has declared war, economic or otherwise upon you, you would tend to view them with suspicion and eventually with open hostility. It prompted Hitler to state, “Soon these Jews will know whom they have declared war upon.” One of my favorite WWII quotes.
    But the Jews learned their lessons from WWII and they have been committing slow genocide on the White race ever since. For the simple reason that we are the only race numerous enough and smart enough to destroy them. The sad thing is with the Jewish mastery of propaganda most Whites are only dimly aware of what is happening. Or not at all.

  150. Richard B 说:

    请记住,罗恩喜欢用 POC 取代白人的想法。

    Yes. Unfortunately, that’s true. And I think he’s wrong to feel that way.

    But I’m grateful for his website and it never hurts to be polite.

    • 回复: @Sean McBride
  151. Agathoklis 说:
    @F. Roger Devlin

    There are a very small number of Bulgarian speakers that either did not side with the Communists during and after WWII and there are Grecomans who identified with Hellenism/Romiosyni although they are of Slavic heritage. However, the presence of a very small number of Slavic speakers does not mean that neighbouring Greeks in that region have a very high Slavic admixture. It is just slightly higher than Pelopnesian Greeks and higher than Cretan and Cypriot Greeks which never experienced Slavic raids in the Middle Ages.

  152. Richard B 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    I don’t think it is “incompetence”, I think it is deliberate deception, and that to an audience that has been deliberately dumbed down for that purpose.

    There’s a lot of truth in that. There’s no question about the deliberate deception or about the dumbed down and gullible who fall for their deception hook, line and sinker, every time.

    But I also have no doubt that there is a lot of incompetence going on.

    The explanation for this can be found in a number of things.

    First, it can found in the very thing that accounts for their success (in infiltration, subversion, deception and destruction), ie; their Single-Mindedness of Purpose.

    Second, their Myth Of Innocence. Which says, in effect, “We never do anything wrong. Things are done to us.”

    A third explanation, connected to the second, but worth distinguishing, is their Delusion.

    They actually believe their own lies.

    Fourth, their Over-Conformity.

    And the shadown of conformity is stupidity.

    Stupidity has nothing to do with intelligence in this case. It has to do with judgment.

    So, between their single-mindedness, myth of innocence, delusion and conformity they have never learned to quesiton their own assumptions. They are incapable of genuine self-criticism.

    They basically think they’re perfectly competent in every situation when that’s obviously not true.

    Plus, it has to be said, that many who are against them still insist on attributing supernatural powers to them. As if they’re insuperable and invincible. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    They might be able to come up with new and improved methods of deception. But even that doesn’t work like it used to. Our brief exchange here is only too apt an example. Here’s two people who don’t know each other having an exchange about what we know about them. And we’re both hitting the bullseye from different perspectives.

    Anyway, all in all, and beyond the deception, there’s lots of incompetence.

    Nothing quite fails like their success. Their great achievement, the acquisition of Western civilization, is turning out to be the greatest Pyrrhic Victory in the history of the world.

  153. Richard B 说:
    @Lost american

    One of the best comments I’ve ever read on this site. Thanks.

    My father and uncle served in WWII. My uncle didn’t make it back. My father did. But it pretty much destroyed him. He put on his best brave face. No one talked about their time in the war or complained. It just wasn’t done. But it was clear that the impact was devastating.

    Fortunately, his son found a way to go No Contact with the Kaufmann’s and Bill Maher’s of this world.

    Happiness in life depends in large measure in avoiding such people.

    But I’m well aware of the fact that I’m one of the lucky few.

    Not everyone figures it out or is able to get away if they do happen to figure out what’s happening to them and who is doing it and why.

    Thanks again for your comment. It really hit home.

  154. E. Macher 说:




    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
  155. Reg Cæsar 说:

    Nearby Curitiba is held up as a progressive, environmental model for the rest of us. And they appear to deserve some acclaim, especially in their part of the world. What the press neglects to inform you is that the population is 75% white, and the rest? Probably one of the many, many gradations on the way to black, and maybe a few Japanese, of which Brazil has more than America.

    By the way, if you want to tell friends about this place, be aware that the T is pronounced CH. Just like in “Portuguese”.


  156. Reg Cæsar 说:
    @E. Macher


    That’s what iSteve is for.

    • 同意: Bubba
  157. Martin Witkerk: “Apparently, America’s Hart-Celler Act, which did away with National Origins quotas …”

    The Hart-Celler Act, which superseded the 1924 Immigration Act, established quotas by country for immigration from Europe, but not for any countries in the Western Hemisphere. In fact, immigrants from the Western Hemisphere were classified under the 1924 Act as “non-quota”, or in other words., allowed in unlimited quantities. In relevant part, the Act defines them:


    秒4. (c) 出生在加拿大自治领、纽芬兰、墨西哥共和国、古巴共和国、海地共和国、多米尼加共和国、运河区或中美洲或南美洲的独立国家的移民和他的妻子,以及他 18 岁以下的未婚子女,如果陪同或跟随他加入;

    请注意,该规定还在法律上体现了臭名昭著的“链迁移”的中心思想。 凯文·麦克唐纳(Kevin MacDonald)值得称赞,因为他把对1924年法案的误解推广为一件好事,这是美国白人的一种明显的自卫种族行为。 他还声称该法案是反犹太的,尽管法律文本根本没有提到犹太人。如果禁止犹太人入境是其目的,那无疑是一个好奇的疏忽。

    The United States essentially laid claim to the entire Western hemisphere with the Monroe Doctrine of 1823. This Doctrine, along with its corollary concept of Manifest Destiny, was used to justify the acquisition of the several states acquired by the US victory over Mexico in the Mexican war, including both Texas and California. It has since been used to justify all sorts of interventions in Latin America, e.g., in Cuba, in Panama, Nicaragua and El Salvador. In effect, the United States has treated the Western hemisphere as its own property for a long time now, and as the border with Mexico dissolves, this is becoming more and more obvious. The mixing of populations is an integral part of having an empire. If America had truly wanted to remain a white country, it should have turned away from this path. Instead, today’s demographic realities are making it clear that American whites have chosen their own racial obliteration.

  158. Germanicus 说:

    In context to many Jews openly calling for genocide, here is the legalese by the criminal muppet show and war alliance U(nited)N(ations).


    The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948 as General Assembly Resolution 260. The Convention entered into force on 12 January 1951



    — Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[4]

    Article 3 defines the crimes that can be punished under the convention:

    — Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 3[4]

    According to this statue, what the Jews do, Mrs Specter, Rabbi Touitou and others, actually matche the definition of genocide.

  159. anarchyst 说:
    @Not a nazi for sure

    I am PROUD to be a “racist” and thank you for noticing…
    Shalom, hasbara…

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  160. @Amasius


    Well, that would show good judgment on his part. All of that “rape jihad” or “Muslim rape army” narrative is just bullshit, a typical product of Islamophobia, inc. — Paul Joseph Watson, Pam Geller, Breitbart… Gatestone Institute…

    这件事的简单道理是,大多数欧洲国家的犯罪率都处于数十年来的最低点。 当然,在德国,这是:





    As for defecating in swimming pools, I never even heard about that. But it doesn’t matter. How can anybody take that kind of thing seriously? I mean, obviously, there are people out there who must be paid six-figure salaries to just sit around and make up malicious stories. (Though one must think they were having a bit of a “creative crisis” when they came up with stories of people shitting in swimming pools.)

    在第 250 页上,他简要提到了查理周刊和巴塔克兰,


    2015 年科隆大规模性骚扰事件



    Well, funny that he (briefly) mentions 3 obvious hoaxes and then doesn’t mention Rotherham, the one event that, as far as I can tell, really did happen.

    当然,对罗瑟勒姆的指责基本上是数不胜数。 罗瑟勒姆是英格兰北部一个约有 100,000 人的小城市,英国有 66 万人口,因此大约 0.15% 的英国人口居住在罗瑟勒姆,或者说大约是欧洲人口的 0.03%。 英国有 1.2 万巴基斯坦族裔,罗瑟勒姆事件涉及该族裔的十几个罪犯。

    • 回复: @Germanicus
    , @Anon
  161. Corvinus 说:

    “Here we go again trying to hijack white achievements.”


    “Whites were in China over 1,500 years before Marco polo got there.”


    “So who invented the compass, gunpowder, etc. Chinese?”

    Yes, the Chinese.

    “Then all of a sudden they stopped inventing for thousands of years?”

    Actually, they were continually inventing things.


    “My guess it was whites who invented those things and never stopped inventing. Same with India and middle east.”

    A guess is not truth.

  162. Germanicus 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    The truth is in between. The right wing Jews such as Geller or the AfD etc exaggerate, while the leftist Jews of “Green” and the Red sickness downplay it.
    It is neither invented, nor are the official numbers worth anything.
    These numbers have been politically adjusted by a criminal occupation regime made up of former communist Agitprop Stasi criminals, eg Merkel.

    You want to claim nothing is happening? Try again, I will counter it, I have first hand information on that, and how massively angry the “THE POLICE”(TM) corporation have become due to political dictates.
    Go home with DW sources, ridiculous.

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  163. @Richard B

    请记住,罗恩喜欢用 POC 取代白人的想法。

    Ron Unz 在哪里表达了这些观点?引号?指向特定文章的指针?

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @syonredux
    , @Richard B
  164. Anonymous[308]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ron Unz

    恩茨先生我本打算为您写一篇文章并提交。 但我认为这对我来说太过向前,在初稿后退出了。 我想到的文章似乎触及了您感兴趣的问题。 这是草稿享受!


    The problem with American “White” Nationalism.

    核心信念是错误的。 美国是作为一个移民国家成立的,引进了移民,欢迎低质量的移民,并由自然神论者建立。 声称这是南非或罗得西亚等白人至上主义/种族隔离主义国家是无效的。

    The world faces a real refugee crisis, people fleeing for their lives but sending refugees to new parts comes at the cost of juxtoposing people with different cultures in values and the conflict that arises from that. What would be the ideal solution would be to declare some country refugee-stan and the price of admission be that the citizens would have to accept certain precepts as new members of this state, in short a proposition nation. Real refugees being people fleeing for their lives would gladly accept this and it would be required to keep the peace among the various ethnic and racial groups. But I thought what nation would be so generous to donate land to such a project. Then I realized that such a state already exists and although its intention wasn’t to be a refugee-stan by creating a proposition nation it functions as one. That state is the united States of America. The evidence points to it being a proposition nation, but one that was not focused on creating a new society for the world’s dispossesed, but one instead focused on creating the world’s most powerful market entity, at all costs especially the immigrants exploited by the market, the immigrants who were enslaved and brought here against their will, the immigrants who fought and died in various market expanding wars.

    This history of the united States makes ethnic nationalism impossible in the United States. First there is no ethnicity known as American, therefore a made-up term “white” is used, despite the fact that there has never been a “white” nation-state. There has been nation-state of ethnic groups that “white” proponents claim as their own, such as the German state, the Swedish state etc. But a state composing all “white” people in the world under one flag has never existed, to be fair, that is a high bar and the last state that did include most “white” people in the world was the Holy Roman Empire. Quite simply “white-nationalism” is an American creation born from heavily mixed European descended Americans being unable to end imperialism at home and abroad. What I mean by imperialism at home is the side-effects of globalization(loss of domestic industry, military-industrial capture of the state, loss of family and community life, increased wealth inequality, untrustowrthy media), White-theorists propose that there exists a “core” set of Americans that should remain in the majority at all costs(they believe if the core population dwindles then Democrats will control the government, then they will institute a combination of race-war and communism which means loss of domestic industry, military industrial capture of the state, loss of family and community, increased wealth inequality, untrustworthy media), they point to WASPs as the core and as their guide and their saviors. However it is these market oriented WASPs that have brought about the economic displacement and mass immigration white-theorists blame on others(Jews, bleeding heart liberals, communists). No one forced the WASPs to engage in imperial wars starting from the Mexican-American war, no one forced the WASPs to bring in African slaves(the allegations that Jews were the slave-traders can easily be countered by asking who bought the slaves? and who permitted such an awful trade in the first place? If one accepts the idea that slavery in America is an exclusively Jewish plot then the Mexican-American war was fought for the expansion of Jewish power and the civil war was fought to on the Union side to halt such a Jewish practice), to recruit Chinese workers, to destabilize Latin America for cheap labor and products. Had Latin America gone communist, they would have paid for a border wall themselves. But can the WASPs afford all third world countries propping up an Iron curtain around the territory and people? The real threat of communism wasn’t one of war, it was the fact that Westerners would have to face a drop in living standards because the world refused explotation. The nukes came into the picture as a threat to any country that dared oppose the West and understandably those countries built nukes as deterrents.

    I give this background on WASP elite actions, because you need to understand that the supposed “core” population will not save you, Enoch Powell is remembered for his anti-mass-immigration speech, but men should be remembered for their actions and not soley their words, Enoch happily imported south Asian nurses to help break the anglo-nurses union in his homeland. I personally do not place my faith in an elite that is so cynical. Nothing will ever be done about immigration, because both political sides can’t afford to lose such a voter mobilizing issue and furthermore both political sides can’t financially afford to lose the backing of the individuals who rely on cheap immigrant labor(illegal and legal) for profits and foreign women for marriages.

    二、 文化

    One issue that demonstrates the loss of European character and mixed-origins of the Americans. Is that white-theorists place themselves as the victims of an international conspiracy of globalist (or the less-PC might name as Jews), at issue is not the validity of such a conspiracy but of what motivates it. Unable to remove themselves from the center of the world white-theorists claim they are hated by Jews, that Jews harbor an irrational hatred of ‘white’ people and they are teaming up with all non-“whites”, who also harbor an irrational of “whites.” What white-theorists fail to imagine is that “whites” might simply be a punching bag to keep racial tensions simmering so that the populace at large cannot unite to end the privilege of elite Jews and other elites.

    Had white-theorist retained the best of European modes of thought they would have realized that anti-whiteness in the media does not originate in a plot to destroy “white” nations, but a plot to destroy all nations and all communities. To make the Earth into one big international market. But such a view would require one to conduct analysis that accords with the facts instead of concoct conspiracy that strokes the ego of its victim. “White” civilization is not under attack because of some great nobleness that obliges that Jews destroy it out of jealousy or evil. All local barriers(national and cultural) to a global market are being erased. Had white-theorist been a little less self-centered they would realize that as much as Westerners fear “browning” or Islamization, brown people and Muslims fear westernization. Not too mention the unfortunate who live in countries where they also have to legitimately fear western drone missiles and Western-backed terrorists.

    At issue is also the making into an enemy of regular brown people. It is absolutely idiotic to think that the brown people you see in the street give a fuck about displacing “white” people. The immigrants come here for a better life, the blacks are just looking to survive, I am not saying they always do these things in legal and noble ways. But it is ridiculous to think someone in rural Central America wakes up one day and decides he or she wants to displace “white” people for the glory of Moctezuma. That is not to say these people are being used as puppets of the global market expansionist, but they certainly aren’t being motivated by hatred or jingoism. Desperate poor people don’t flee towards race-war. No one is coming into the U.S seeking race war, they are seeking respite from poverty and violence. It is also the case that by second and third generation children of immigrants are already heavily Americanized and don’t even speak the language of their grandparents. It is the immigrants who lose their culture not the natives.

    I do not intend the above to be a dismissal of claims of Jewish malfeasance. Quite the contrary. It is my critique that American “White” nationalism is so fucked because it relies on approriated Zionist and Jewish arguments for supremacy and also into falling into the discourse trap of “white”-privilege, A trap that unfortunately brown people also fall into, particularly the ones that serves as content for Jewish owned media’s ire-inducing rage hormone manipulating articles intended to keep the brain from reaching higher levels of thought. The appropriation of Jewish arguments also makes it impossible to confront the core from which Jewish malfeasance originates, that is Jewish supremacism. More pathetically the arguments for “white” supremacy are even stronger for Jewish supremacy and even stronger for East Asian supremacy. The nationalist argument that nations should be left alone to pursue their own destiny without foreign intervention, clearly does not apply to Israel where such ideals were thrown out of the window when Palestinians were removed from their lands, and does not apply to the United States that has done the same to many peoples and has been engaged in colonialist wars for most of its existence.

    Every single argument that Zionist make is the same as American “White” nationalist make. Why should “whites”/Jews have dominion over land(United States/Israel) that natives contest is being stolen from them? The answer: “because we are more stronger or more civilized” In essence colonialism is okay because we can. The reliance on such an argument makes the two natural allies, which is why American “white” nationalism will forever be plagued by its inability to become independent from Israel. Sadly, such American brand thinking has spread into Europe where the nationalist cozy up to the Zionist oblivious as to the reason why there are refugees in the first place.

    As a result of the above the American “white” nationalist cannot oppose Jewish control of the media. The other factors as to why is the Market-orientation of the American “white” nationalist that prohibits any action or even analysis to question the distribution of ownership of private property(such as media companies) and the Christian and “white” Zionism partially born out of identification with Jews and Zionism but being unable to accomplish a similar return to Europe because of loss of European heritage due to mixing and remaining in the new world for generations and thus having to do as the Zionist do and claim a stolen land as exclusively yours. Once again I do not advocate open borders, but the recognition that this land was never exclusively anybody’s, but the Indians who were mostly vanquished.

    Claims of racial superiority based on things such a IQ, income and noncriminality can even be de-racialized and turned sideways to justify elitism, where the role of “white” or “core” is played by an elite class of mixed ethnicities. If brown people are to be either removed from their land(as is the case of the Palestinians) or deemed too dysfunctional for Western civilization because they are too stupid, criminal and poor then what logic is to prevent the removal or expulsion of low-income “whites”? Why not evacuate low-income regions of the U.S to build golfcourses and inland seas for yacht racing? Do you now see the distinction between elitism and nationalism. The nationalist respects that people may be inferior or superior in various qualities, but they have a right to be left alone. Which is why I support calls for closing the border, but not imperialism and expulsion.



    远离市场并取消雇用非法劳工的能力。 结束帝国主义战争和制裁。 接受命题国家的想法(我知道这是不自然的,它没有历史先例,但美国别无选择),对全球化和移民的更有根据的分析,而不是证据不足的阴谋。 阴谋确实存在,但在此之前,它必须有充分的证据。 如果不是暂停移民,那么明智地审查移民确实相信美国的主张,当然还有终止未来出生的出生公民权,我听说过终止那些已经出生的人的出生公民权,这似乎非常具有惩罚性和严厉性,并不是必需的结束这种迁移的动机。

    • 回复: @Anon
  165. Germanicus 说:
    @Lost american

    Iserved in US Marine Corps and the US Army. I would tell young men and women to do nothing for these leftists. Do not fight in wars or go out of your way.

    Please tell them the same for the right wing Jews that control the US equally.
    Its not the US’ business to play the policeman on this planet, it will return as a boomerang one day. Especially if the US has been run by a crime syndicate since at least 1913.

    What I don’t get, what motivates a US soldier to fight wars in foreign lands for Israel/Jews? Is there such a low awareness within the US troops regarding all these destructive adventures and the pretty obvious reasons behind it?

    Why have the US been basically almost all of its existence at war somewhere with some other people? About iirc 30 years peace in only 250 years existence. Why? Is there no reflection on these facts within US military, and if it correlates to the US decline? Why have “US values”(better said masonic values) to be spread by force?

  166. sulu 说:

    I like your attitude and I agree with you 100% The left, as usual, have no clue who they are dealing with and don’t realize that if they start it Whites will finish it.

  167. Ron Unz 说:
    @Sean McBride

    请记住,罗恩喜欢用 POC 取代白人的想法。

    Ron Unz 在哪里表达了这些观点?引号?指向特定文章的指针?

    Well, here’s a link to my most recent article on that topic. Those so interested are welcome to read it and decide for themselves:


    • 回复: @Germanicus
    , @Sean McBride
  168. Eric Novak 说:
    @miss marple

    Kaufman is a political scientist. I suffered through all 600 pp. of the book if for anything, to grasp the full workings of this kind of mind and to have a look at all of its research references.

  169. Germanicus 说:
    @Ron Unz

    There is from my own experience a problem with militarized walls.
    They can serve to keep people out, but they can also serve to keep people in.
    Any attempt to pass the wall is answered by minefields and shooting.
    What happens, if the US drift fully communist, say Sanders or a nutty AOC 2024? Would this wall be repurposed eventually, eg to prevent dissidents from traveling, social credit score too low? Does a wall prevent the cocaine trafficking by the CIA?

    In my opinion, a wall changes nothing in a broke and corrupt system. The system is rotten from within, in fact treason, not only in the US.

  170. Anon[346]• 免责声明 说:

    “Still, 100 is greater than 80.

    Really makes you think!”

    It is a bit worrying when you consider some of the people in government…

    “Ms Patel’s spectacular fall from grace began last Friday, with a report that she held two meetings, with an Israeli politician and a disability charity, during a family holiday in Israel in August.

    A string of subsequent revelations about many more undisclosed meetings, including with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and reports Ms Patel had suggested breaking UK policy by sending aid to the Israeli army, finally sealed her fate”

    Priti Patel RESIGNS: Patel quits Cabinet after Theresa May showdown at Downing Street

    “But Ms Patel’s promotion will raise eyebrows due to the manner of her departure from government less than two years ago, which involved a plan to funnel UK foreign aid money to the Israeli army, while she was international development secretary”

    普里蒂·帕特尔(Priti Patel):曾支持死刑的前任部长曾被鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)任命为内政大臣

  171. @Ron Unz

    我在你的文章中没有看到任何证据表明“罗恩喜欢白人被 POC 取代的想法。”





  172. Eric Novak 说:
    @Not a nazi

    Segregation is de facto law in the United States.

  173. Anon[346]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    I agree that a lot of the ‘islamic extremist’ attacks of only about 2 years ago were false flags in order to try and manipulate public opinion and try and provide an *外貌* of ‘justification’ for attacks on muslims countries (2 of them in Britain actually appeared to be designed to affect the outcome of the 2017 general election, and happened in the 2 weeks preceding it), I also think that 9/11 was a false flag.

    And I also think that most of the current ‘right wing extremist’ attacks are psyops to also try and manipulate public opinion.

    It’s interesting how the ‘Al Qaeda’ attacks suddenly changed to ‘ISIS’ attacks and then we didn’t hear much from ‘Al Qaeda’, and then how suddenly ‘ISIS attacks’ quickly changed to ‘right wing extremist’ attacks in keeping with current establishment agendas.

    Of course they still want to *出现* ‘justified’ for the attacks in muslim countries they still want, but they also want continuous mass immigration and the ‘Al Qaeda’ and ‘ISIS’ terror attacks can’t have been doing much to gain public approval of that…

    They now want to *尝试* and discredit those who critise immigration policy, hence ‘right wing extremist’ attacks. Though in real life it’s not only ‘right wing extremists’ that have criticisms in regard to immigration policy…

    There was more to the muslim grooming gang thing than just Rotherham though…

    “Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle with “arrogant persistence” after police appeared to punish victims while letting the perpetrators walk free, a case review has found.

    The report into the response by authorities to child sexual exploitation found that before a large-scale police operation was launched in 2014, officers’ actions were sending an “unhelpful” message to perpetrators”

    Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle after police appeared to punish victims


    “So far those towns have included: 

    * Rotherham – The issue of child abuse in the town first came to light in 2010 when five Asian men were jailed for sexual offences against under-age girls.

    A 2014 inquiry found there were more than 1,400 victims of grooming and sex exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.

    * Rochdale – The trial of nine Asian men for grooming young white girls for sex attracted widespread public outrage and sparked a national debate when they were convicted in 2012.

    The gang received jail sentences of between four and 19 years for offences committed against five girls – aged between 13 and 15 – in and around Rochdale between 2008 and 2010″

    ” * Oxford – In 2013, five members of a sadistic paedophile ring were handed life sentences, while two others were each jailed for seven years at the Old Bailey.

    The court heard how six girls, aged between 11 and 15, were plied with alcohol and drugs before being forced to perform sex acts.

    All of the men were of Pakistani origin apart from two brothers, who were from north Africa.

     Bristol – Some 13 Somali men were jailed for more than a total of more than 100 years after they were convicted in 2014 of running an inner city sex ring.

    Victims as young as 13 were preyed upon, sexually abused and trafficked across Bristol to be passed around the men’s friends for money.

    * Aylesbury – Six Asian men were jailed in 2015 for grooming vulnerable under-age white girls between 2006 and 2012.

    The Old Bailey heard victims would be plied with alcohol and forced to perform sex acts for as little as “the price of a McDonalds”.

    * Peterborough – A total of 10 men were convicted of child sex crimes in the town, including “predatory” restaurant boss Mohammed Khubaib, who was originally from Pakistan.

    He was jailed for 13 years at the Old Bailey in 2015, after he was found guilty of forcing a 14-year-old girl to perform a sex act on him and nine counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation, involving girls aged from 12 to 15, between 2010 and 2013.

    And now, of course, Newcastle has been added to the list”

    The list of Britain’s towns and cities shamed by Asian grooming gangs

  174. Omegabooks [又名“ anon”] 说:

    Best Comment on UNZ ever! I just wish the world would understand that all Jews are is a collective WALKING CONTRADICTION–even the non-Talmudic ones! So, if the Jews destroy whites (heck they’ve already destroyed blacks…you think rock music is sickening? Rap and hip-hop and Jay-Hova and his satanic crew make rock music seem almost classical!), then who is next? Asians? They are already messing with China, leaving the west in the dump…gee thanks, Jews, for stealing western culture and now wanting to steal Asian…Chabad Lubavitch helping to destroy Philippines now that they’ve destroyed Brazil…the Syn of Sat strikes again…come quickly dear Jesus. You said the tribulation would be shortened…

    • 回复: @Anon
  175. Ron Unz: “Well, here’s a link to my most recent article on that topic. ”

    Overall, a good article, especially the point you lead with. The 1924 Act certainly wasn’t a defense of the white race, and its 1965 replacement was not as big a deal as some people would like to pretend. I think probably you are being faulted for not showing sufficient concern about whites losing demographic supremacy in their country, and this is interpreted as “Ron likes the idea of Whites being replaced by POC.” But then, why should you care about whites? Whites themselves apparently don’t care. A quibble though: Your stats don’t (and can’t) take account of unreported crime, or jiggered crime statistics. Government-produced stats are always suspect, or should be, given its history of lying.

    Also, there’s a perceptible vibe of hostility toward whites that emanates from these immigrants, probably not noticeable to you living as you do in upscale Palo Alto. But your typical white nationalist/white advocate/racist does not live in Palo Alto, and is quite conscious of that hostility, perhaps even presently experiencing its effects firsthand. How much of the “hispanic” crime is directed at whites, and how much stays within their own communities? I didn’t see an attempt to answer that question in your article. Having lived in California myself, the impression I got was of a slow-burning race war. If most of the “hispanic” crime is directed at the hated gringos, while the reverse is not true, the crime rates of “hispanics” and whites might superficially appear to be roughly equal, but the practical result would be quite different than what your article might lead one to suspect.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @syonredux
  176. Ron Unz 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Your stats don’t (and can’t) take account of unreported crime, or jiggered crime statistics. Government-produced stats are always suspect, or should be, given its history of lying…If most of the “hispanic” crime is directed at the hated gringos, while the reverse is not true, the crime rates of “hispanics” and whites might superficially appear to be roughly equal, but the practical result would be quite different than what your article might lead one to suspect.

    No, I think you’re entirely incorrect. I actually went to great pains in my Hispanic Crime analysis to circumvent the exact “measurement problems” you describe, and I’m quite confident that I generally managed to do so. You really should consider reading a couple of my detailed articles focused on exactly those issues:



    Also, there’s a perceptible vibe of hostility toward whites that emanates from these immigrants,

    I’d strongly disagree here as well, and I think I have strong statistical evidence supporting my contrary position. Here’s another article you might consider reading:


    I really should emphasize that for nearly all of the last 25 years, these exact issues of race, ethnicity, and social policy were my overwhelming focus, and I’ve probably published something like 400,000 words on the topic. I think there are very few other writers anywhere who can match that.

  177. Corvinus 说:

    “it is quite obvious that genetics is more important than culture”.

    That’s called an opinion, not fact.

    “If it were the other way around you would think that blacks, once exposed to years of White culture might become de facto Whites”.

    Definitional error on your part. It’s not “white culture”, it’s American culture.

    “That is they would emulate White culture and their crime rate and rate of education and achievement would soon be much the same as Whites.”

    You are discounting significant historical and environmental factors.

    “Despite all the help in the world and years of association with White culture blacks continue to be, in most part, a dysfunctional minority embedded within White society.”

    A segment of any racial and ethnic group is dysfunctional.

    “I was not asking your or any one else’s permission to equate race with genetics. The two are so obviously the same thing…”

    种族与生物学息息相关; 种族与文化息息相关。 种族是一种生物和社会建构。 种族是一种社会建构。 种族是给定地理区域内的人们的文化的术语,包括他们的语言,传统,宗教和习俗。 成为一个种族群体的成员就是要遵守其中一些或全部做法。 当然,种族和种族是重叠的,但它们是截然不同的。 例如,一个日裔美国人可能会认为自己是亚洲人的一员,但是,如果他不参加其祖先的任何习俗或习俗,他可能不一定会认同该种族,而是会考虑将自己视为种族。是美国人。

    当然,美国人不是一个“种族”,它是一个由不同种族群体组成的集合体,它们具有共同的文化纽带。 斯堪的纳维亚人来自白人,是几个不同(北)日耳曼部落的后裔。 通过通婚,他们形成了一套独特的习俗,融合了古北欧传统。 因此,简而言之,种族是指具有相似和截然不同的身体特征的一群人,而种族是指基于共同的祖先、文化、民族和社会经历而认为自己与其他群体不同的一类人。 .

    请记住,自然科学是由精神结构组成的,其目的是解释我们世界的感官体验。 人们会贴标签来理解我们的环境。 例如,加利福尼亚斑点猫头鹰是动物,即生物学构建体。 该生物的名称是人类的称呼-西洋蓟(strix occidentalis),即人类的构造。 也就是说,二项式命名法是指人们开发的正式系统来命名物种。 直到有人真正并专门为其贴上标签,加利福尼亚猫头鹰才算是“加利福尼亚猫头鹰”。 种族,生物学,种族–都是人类创造的概念,是一种组织工具,可以使人们观察到的自然世界保持一致。

  178. syonredux 说:
    @Sean McBride

    请记住,罗恩喜欢用 POC 取代白人的想法。

    Ron Unz 在哪里表达了这些观点?引号?指向特定文章的指针?

    为什么不直接问问 Ron 对美国成为 POC 多数国家的看法呢?

  179. syonredux 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    The 1924 Act certainly wasn’t a defense of the white race, and its 1965 replacement was not as big a deal as some people would like to pretend.

    The ’65 Act marked the point the USA decided that people could not be barred from immigrating to the USA on the grounds of race/ethnicity/national origin. That’s a big deal.

  180. syonredux: “The ’65 Act marked the point the USA decided that people could not be barred from immigrating to the USA on the grounds of race/ethnicity/national origin. That’s a big deal.”

    Given that the 1924 Act permitted unlimited immigration from any country in the Western Hemisphere, this is nonsense. It’s true that the first Naturalization Act, in 1790, limited naturalization to whites only, but that was abolished by the Fourteenth Amendment, which granted citizenship to anyone born in the United States, whatever their race or national origin. So the ’65 Act was no turning point. The turning point occurred long before; actually, even before the Civil War when the Monroe Doctrine made a claim to the entirety of the Western Hemisphere, as I mentioned above in #160. This represented a turning away from race as the highest value (if it ever was, which is dubious in a nation shaped by Christianity) towards empire.

    Also, a great many non-whites became citizens automatically when states such as California, Texas and Florida were added to the Union, and in all of the future states ceded by Mexico to the United States as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. So, there were a couple of ways to become a US citizen other than just naturalization. If whites had truly wanted to keep the country for whites only, they wouldn’t have followed such a course of action.

    • 回复: @syonredux
  181. Kudzu Bob 说:


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  182. Bronson 说:



    • 回复: @Intelligent Dasein
  183. syonredux 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    syonredux: “The ’65 Act marked the point the USA decided that people could not be barred from immigrating to the USA on the grounds of race/ethnicity/national origin. That’s a big deal.”

    Given that the 1924 Act permitted unlimited immigration from any country in the Western Hemisphere, this is nonsense.

    Nah. Immigration from Latinx America was quite low prior to the ’60s. Plus,prior to the ’65 Act, the USA was still willing to engage in a little old fashioned ethnic cleansing:



    The turning point occurred long before; actually, even before the Civil War when the Monroe Doctrine made a claim to the entirety of the Western Hemisphere, as I mentioned above in #160.

    Rubbish. Ruling over a territory doesn’t mean that you have to accept aliens as citizens. Again, note how Latinx immigration was minimal prior to the ’60s.

    Also, a great many non-whites became citizens automatically when states such as California, Texas and Florida were added to the Union, and in all of the future states ceded by Mexico to the United States as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.

    Lightly populated regions that were swamped by European immigrants.

  184. syonredux: “Nah. Immigration from Latinx America was quite low prior to the ’60s.”

    Even so, there was no concern for race, and no statutory limitation on the number of non-white immigrants accepted regardless of race, so long as they were from the Western Hemisphere. The fact that American whites didn’t foresee the population explosions that would come later and drive non-white immigrants north, or the improvements to transportation networks that would make such migrations easy may be unfortunate, but even after the fact it hasn’t meant they’ve become more racist. They’ve continued on the same course, and if anything, they are much less racist now than they used to be, as your links show. Even in the past though, their racism was always very situation-dependent. The Mexican repatriation and Operation Wetback were more responses to economic problems than based on racism. The granting of citizenship and the vote to negroes after the Civil War was nothing less than a proclamation by American whites that they no longer regarded race as being of prime importance; it was a formalization of the idea of the US as a proposition nation.

    syonredux: “Ruling over a territory doesn’t mean that you have to accept aliens as citizens.”

    You may not have to, but if you want to build an empire, you do; and as I wrote, the US was already doing it. It’s important to remember that the US government was laid out on the Roman model, a republic which also became an empire, and the Romans made citizens of all inhabitants of the empire following the decree of emperor Caracalla. Unless they are willing to engage in genocide, empire builders can’t afford to worry too much about race.

    syonredux: “Lightly populated regions that were swamped by European immigrants.”

    And now are being demographically swamped in reverse. This is a cost of empire.

    • 回复: @syonredux
  185. Anon[346]• 免责声明 说:

    ” ‘syonredux: “Ruling over a territory doesn’t mean that you have to accept aliens as citizens.”

    You may not have to, but if you want to build an empire, you do; and as I wrote, the US was already doing it. It’s important to remember that the US government was laid out on the Roman model, a republic which also became an empire, and the Romans made citizens of all inhabitants of the empire following the decree of emperor Caracalla”

    Not all empires have been the same as the Roman one, the British empire wasn’t, and I don’t think that English people were allowed to just up sticks and move to Rome when England (I think it was called ‘Britannia’ at the time) was under Roman rule.

    The government decides immigration policy, not immigrants themselves and the U.S has a good enough army to keep people out if the government 我想, they don’t want to, they want mass immigration and encourage it so they don’t.

    The Mongol empire was the 2nd biggest empire in the world and it didn’t feel the need to accept anyone it didn’t want to…

    “Though foreigners now make up less than 0.4 percent of the population, Ulaanbaatar has used high fees and quotas to rein in immigration”

    Mongolia lawmakers to consider strict immigration cap

    If a government of a country doesn’t want to accept people into the country and has the means to protect it’s borders, they don’t have to accept them.

    The U.S government does want immigrants though, to help keep wages down, make it easier to fill job positions and fire people, and have more potential consumers in the country…

  186. @Germanicus

    The truth is in between. The right wing Jews such as Geller or the AfD etc exaggerate,

    No, not really. People like Pamela Geller and Gatestone Institute and the lot are not 夸大 some existing crime epidemic in Germany. They are simply 说谎.

    These numbers have been politically adjusted by a criminal occupation regime made up of former communist Agitprop Stasi criminals, eg Merkel.

    I’ve seen it claimed in right-wing circles that the official crime statistics in Germany are falsified and there really is this horrendous crime wave taking place, women getting raped all over the place, but I have never seen a shred of proof of this.

    Besides, obviously, if you are going to claim that there is some huge crime wave, and it is nowhere to be found in the official statistics, by logical necessity, you then have to claim that the official statistics are false.

    But, again, there is this matter of proof.

    You want to claim nothing is happening?

    Well, not “nothing”. After all, there are 80 million people in German. At least that is what they say. I assume that is from the census data. I suppose you think there may be 40 million people in Germany. Or 120 million, maybe, that these data are falsified, but I actually do believe that there are roughly 80 million people in Germany.

    Regardless of that, in a country with millions of people, there has to be some crime, but the claims that there is some big crime wave, more specifically some “Muslim rape epidemic”, these are really just obviously lies.

    I have first hand information on that

    Oh really? What specific “first hand information” are you referring to?

    I was in Germany a couple of months ago. Well, not for long and I was only in a couple of places, in Bavaria but I know people who spend much more time in Germany and know the country. Nobody has ever described Germany as a dangerous crime-ridden place at all. In fact, any run-of-the-mill German invariably scoffs at the very idea.

    But, you say you have first-hand information, so I am curious as to what this is…

    Go home with DW sources, ridiculous.

    Oh, c’mon, dude, that’s soooo weak. It’s completely irrelevant that one link I gave was from Deutsche Welle. In that piece, DW is simply reporting the official government statistics. Those numbers, like inflation and unemployment or how many traffic fatalities there were last year, or whatever else, would be the same whether reported by Deutsche Welle or Spiegel or Stern or whatever other publication. Or you can just get such data directly from the website of the government ministry in question.

  187. syonredux 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    syonredux: “Nah. Immigration from Latinx America was quite low prior to the ’60s.”

    Even so, there was no concern for race, and no statutory limitation on the number of non-white immigrants accepted regardless of race, so long as they were from the Western Hemisphere.

    Because no one anticipated the flood that was to come*. And Big Agro interests in the Southwest were keen on making sure that they had access to docile Mestizo stoop-labor.

    and if anything, they are much less racist now than they used to be, as your links show.

    That’s the problem. Back in the ’20s, people knew that the USA was a White Man’s country.

    The Mexican repatriation and Operation Wetback were more responses to economic problems than based on racism.

    More like economic problems + racism.

    The granting of citizenship and the vote to negroes after the Civil War was nothing less than a proclamation by American whites that they no longer regarded race as being of prime importance; it was a formalization of the idea of the US as a proposition nation.

    Nah. That was just Radical Republicans shoving their beliefs down the nation’s throat.If only the South hadn’t attempted to secede…..

    syonredux: “Ruling over a territory doesn’t mean that you have to accept aliens as citizens.”

    You may not have to, but if you want to build an empire, you do;


    and as I wrote, the US was already doing it. It’s important to remember that the US government was laid out on the Roman model, a republic which also became an empire, and the Romans made citizens of all inhabitants of the empire following the decree of emperor Caracalla. Unless they are willing to engage in genocide, empire builders can’t afford to worry too much about race.

    That’s nonsense. Just don’t let them into the Metropole.No need to kill anyone.After all, Britain only started getting large numbers of South Asian immigrants after they granted independence to India…..

    syonredux: “Lightly populated regions that were swamped by European immigrants.”

    And now are being demographically swamped in reverse. This is a cost of empire.

    No, it’s a choice.We went over 100 years without a major influx of Latinx from Mexico and Central America. Our traitorous elites have decided that they want to make the USA majority POC.

    *Maybe Lothrop Stoddard. I seem to recall him presciently noting that a future influx of Latinx was a possibility that needed to be guarded against….

  188. Mihilus 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    人们非常倾向于为了自己的利益合理化事物。 正如您无法说服大多数散居在外的犹太人多样性是有害的一样,您也无法说服大多数白人认为技术有其局限性或资本主义不能制造聚宝盆。 正如您在对评论的回复中所看到的:它毫无意义。

    有时我想知道是否所有全球发展都只是某种明智的计划的结果,即使用荒谬的还原手段来破坏这些神话。 我当然可以看到这一结果即将实现。 可悲的是只有大规模毁灭和死亡之后。 但是话又说回来,人口减少也可能是该计划的一部分。 因此,它签出。

    • 回复: @Anon
  189. @anarchyst

    Not a nazi for sure and Not a nazi seem to be very new to this site and are probably just your typical normies who have stumbled upon UR and haven’t had time to think about things properly and are shocked by what they read. The world is full of them – not necessarily hasbaras. No need to alienate them.

    Sulu is also brand new on UR according to his posting history and he’s brimming with confidence and certitude that the whites will win and survive, but are they even aware and fighting? According to what we read on this site we find that the views of the regulars on UR are not widespread in society.

    Both types need working on, and those like Sulu have to persuade some of those Not a nazis if they want to get things going. But then he’s got problems recruiting to his doctrinaire HH, 18, 88 column too – doubt he’ll raise an army on that.

  190. JackOH 说:

    Sbaker, I’m something of a close observer of my local less selective state university.

    At first dazzled. Ph. D.’s, life of the mind, search for truth. All that. A non-academic myself, I respond to that sort of vibe. Then I learned. I was horrified.

    I am 99+% certain the state attorney general has quietly demanded corrective action of the university administrators regarding irregularities in moneys, and wholesale falsification in writing and oral statements under oath. There’s plenty more, trust me.

    I’m sort of mildly confident that student loan debt delinquency, if nothing else, has politicians and maybe federal prosecutors wondering what’s going on in higher education.

    “The hostility for normal white males is palpable.” I think something like 38% of the student body is made up of White males of European extraction. In other words, they’re a minority, and likely a declining one. There’s no way in the universe they can form a campus minority identity group without appearing KKK/Nazi and all that. Won’t happen.

    Still, whenever there’s a diversity kerfuffle, it’s about women, Blacks, and international students, who together constitute a majority. I’m nowhere close to being a redneck, but I don’t know what to say to this sort of rubbish.

  191. Germanicus 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Oh, c’mon, dude, that’s soooo weak. It’s completely irrelevant that one link I gave was from Deutsche Welle. In that piece, DW is simply reporting the official government statistics.

    That is the problem. Official “government” statistics are manipulated to match the red dogma. You are either naive, or totally clueless about occupied Germany.

    As official media reported, Police have started to reporte the ethnic background of criminals again. There had been a blockade on this information in official statistics and media.
    It then happens, that “cultural enrichment2 from Africa are reported to be German. That is absurd.

    You are obviously a genocide promoter, in line with the occupation regime, run by a former Stasi agitprop spy called Merkel.

    Your claim that the event that transpired in Cologne was fake is ridiculous It could only happen, because Police were commanded to stand by.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Jonathan Revusky
  192. Anon[279]• 免责声明 说:

    “People are extremely inclined to rationalize things for their own benefit. Just as you cant convince most diaspora Jews that diversity is bad, you also wont be able to convince most whites that technology has its limits or that capitalism cant create cornucopia”

    Judaism is a belief system, ‘white’ is a colour or shade, and a description of appearance, not a belief system. The entirety of views held by the various many people that happen to be white are not necessarily displayed on this comment section.

    A lot of people believe what they’ve been conditioned to believe by the people around them, and often the mainstream media and education system, though what people are conditioned to believe can vary from place to place…

  193. Anon[279]• 免责声明 说:

    I can’t speak for what happened in Germany, but it wasn’t a surprise to me when I read about it either, though I did think it might have been sensationalised a bit.

    When I was in Amsterdam in 2004 at new year as well, me and my friends encountered 很多 of sleazy muslim men, my friend commented ‘it’s as if there’s this machine that just churns out sleazy men’, lol (I found the situation in Amsterdam mildly amusing at the time, though I can see that many wouldn’t, especially if one of these men got someone on their own)…

    So I wasn’t surprised at the German case, though I did wonder if it had maybe been sensationalised a bit…

    • 回复: @Germanicus
  194. syonredux: “That’s the problem. Back in the ’20s, people knew that the USA was a White Man’s country.”

    A “white man’s country” in which negroes and many other non-whites were already full citizens. A white “man’s” country in which women had just (in 1920) been given the vote. Your narrative is the standard right wing one. Radical Republicans … traitorous elites … big agro interests … feminists (you forgot to mention) … rising tide of color — to you everything is a conspiracy against the white man. You see the white man as a helpless victim of external forces, while I see him as agent, the creator of empire, the source. But empire has costs as well as benefits.

    syonredux: ” Just don’t let them into the Metropole.”

    The metropole comes to them. That’s how empires grow. If we look carefully, we can already begin to discern the image of some future American President extending American citizenship to everyone in the Western Hemisphere, a region where independent nations, if they still exist at all, will only exist as vestigial relics of no practical importance.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @syonredux
  195. Eric Kaufmannstein
    Author of………
    “White Shift”
    Living parody.

  196. Anon[423]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “syonredux: ” Just don’t let them into the Metropole.”

    The metropole comes to them. That’s how empires grow. If we look carefully, we can already begin to discern the image of some future American President extending American citizenship to everyone in the Western Hemisphere, a region where independent nations, if they still exist at all, will only exist as vestigial relics of no practical importance”

    That sounds more like a union than an empire.

  197. @Jonathan Revusky


    I don’t get it. So according to you they invite all these hordes of immigrants who then behave like model citizens, and then they invent all these false flag hoaxes of terrorist attacks and make up all these rapes and murders to turn the public against the immigrants. Why bother? With what purpose? There must be a reason for doing this. To turn the public against the immigrants and send them back after just having invited them in? If what you claim is true there must be something more to it. So what is it? Whatever it is, the same purpose could be served by actually having these immigrants doing the terror attacks and going on their crime sprees instead of having to make them up. Can you elaborate on why in Germany they have to pull these hoaxes on the public. Or Sweden, the UK, France, Italy, etc.

    • 回复: @Franklin Ryckaert
  198. Anon[279]• 免责声明 说:

    “The world faces a real refugee crisis”

    I don’t know if it’s a similar case with America but most of the people that have moved to Britain haven’t actually been ‘refugees’.

    In Britain the level of immigration tripled after 1997 under New Labour due to a deliberate change in immigration policy, the level of immigration to Britain is now about 5 times higher than it was in 1997, and higher than it’s ever been.

    That said, although ‘refugees’ don’t account for most immigration to Britain, I do think that we need to get to the root of what is behind this ‘refugee crisis’ and put a stop to it and take action against those responsible. Because it can’t continue to go on.

    P.s I don’t actually know that most American white nationalists are talking about throwing people that aren’t white (other than very recent immigrants or illegal immigrants) out the country, it seems to me that most of them want their own country, which would seem to imply dividing the country rather than taking the whole lot and just throwing people that aren’t white out, that would be very unlikely to work in real terms, the only practical option would seem to me, if certain people want to be separate so bad (and the way certain politicians and the mainstream media are carrying on at the moment I wouldn’t blame them just now), to be to divide the country or have a section of it break away to form a separate country…

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  199. @Commentator Mike

    穆斯林的恐怖袭击有些是真实的,有些是虚假的。 假旗是由各自政府上演的,以保持“全球反恐战争”的想法,然后为以色列(伊拉克、利比亚、叙利亚、伊朗等)摧毁穆斯林国家“辩护”。 但另一方面,大规模非白人移民进入白人国家也被提上议事日程,需要压制对它的抵制。 因此,白人国家政府采取了一种矛盾的政策:一方面妖魔化穆斯林,另一方面与“伊斯兰恐惧症”作斗争。

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Jonathan Revusky
  200. Anon[423]• 免责声明 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    穆斯林的恐怖袭击有些是真实的,有些是虚假的。 假旗是由各自政府上演的,以保持“全球反恐战争”的想法,然后为以色列(伊拉克、利比亚、叙利亚、伊朗等)摧毁穆斯林国家“辩解”。 但另一方面,大规模非白人移民进入白人国家也被提上日程,对它的抵制需要被压制。 因此,白人国家的政府采取了一种矛盾的政策:一方面妖魔化穆斯林,另一方面与“伊斯兰恐惧症”作斗争


  201. Corvinus 说:
    @Kudzu Bob


    • 回复: @Kudzu Bob
  202. Ben 说:


  203. Anon[390]• 免责声明 说:

    On the narrow sub-topic of music, Jewish influence has really failed with Jazz. The music is vibrant and fresh amd largely devoid of Jewish promotion. I am listening to it as I write.

  204. @Franklin Ryckaert


    No, they’re all fake.

    我曾经和你一样思考,并考虑过一些事件是真实的可能性,但在某个时候我突然意识到它们真的必须是假的。 这与他们控制叙事有关。

    • 回复: @Jon Orton
  205. Anonymous[308]• 免责声明 说:

    I don’t think most migrants to U.K and the west are actually refugees. But there are many refugees but they tend to live in refugee camps in the middle-east and africa, Turkey has taken in the most syrian refugees, while hypocritically the gulf arab neocolonies have not. But there is a refugee crisis, and in all honesty there does need to exist some sort of refugee-stan for real refugees especially when in large numbers.

    the only practical option would seem to me, if certain people want to be separate so bad (and the way certain politicians and the mainstream media are carrying on at the moment I wouldn’t blame them just now), to be to divide the country or have a section of it break away to form a separate country

    here is the crux of the problem that might be called minority/diaspora-nationalism. people without a majority in a state or in states they find themselves outside of, want the land of that state but they are too much of a minority to breakaway or to have any appreciable land without ethnic cleansing. That is why american-white-nationalism is so joined at the hip with zionism. Zionists were a minority everywhere, they couldn’t have a state because they simply were not concentrated and in high enough numbers to make it viable, thus they relied on imperial powers and the balfour declaration. well american-white nationalist are a minority, the majority of white americans find ethnic cleansing or separatism untenable and will oppose it. Unfortunately for the american white nationalist the reigning superpower(the U.S) won’t support their version of zionism, so they are stuck with the present situation. Because a white-american-ethno-state never existed(there were always blacks, natives and cheap labor from foreign countries being imported, with no ethnic restrictions on citizenship in the constitution or laws, blacks and basically anyone else (maybe not natives) have always been able to become citizens) the white-american nationalist is yearning for a non-existent state like the Jews yearning for Israel which disputably might or might have not existed, but certainly didn’t exist for more than a thousand years and whose original genetic make-up has been diminished and lost in the zionist of the 20th century.

    Which brings up the last point, are zionist and white american nationalist arguing for separatism or supremacism/apartheid. when secession is impossible ethnic-cleansing and apartheid are the only option and both latter options are a form of supremacism combined with the American predilection for immigrants it is obvious why the WASP elite in the original article-comment is pursuing supremacist talk instead of nationalist talk, because nationalism is impossible in the American context and the loss of immigration would collapse many sectors of the economy(not that h1-b visa holders are necessary for the economy, but they are necessary for the greed of the WASP elite)


    • 回复: @Anon
  206. syonredux 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    A “white man’s country” in which negroes and many other non-whites were already full citizens.

    Back in the ’20s? It was a Black-and-White country. Non-Black minorities (Latinx, Amerinds, East Asians, etc) were utterly insignificant.And Blacks knew their place……

    A white “man’s” country in which women had just (in 1920) been given the vote.

    Were White women voting against White interests back then?

    Your narrative is the standard right wing one. Radical Republicans … traitorous elites … big agro interests … feminists (you forgot to mention) … rising tide of color — to you everything is a conspiracy against the white man. You see the white man as a helpless victim of external forces, while I see him as agent, the creator of empire, the source.

    Yeah. Big Agro is White. The guys who imported hundreds of thousands of Black slaves were White. Lots of feminists are White. White guys do a lot of stupid/short-sighted/evil stuff.

    But empire has costs as well as benefits.

    Yeah, but the costs that I’m complaining about (massive amounts of non-White immigration into the West) are self-imposed.

    syonredux: ” Just don’t let them into the Metropole.”

    The metropole comes to them. That’s how empires grow. If we look carefully, we can already begin to discern the image of some future American President extending American citizenship to everyone in the Western Hemisphere, a region where independent nations, if they still exist at all, will only exist as vestigial relics of no practical importance.

    You’re being too optimistic. I can foresee a day when the leadership of the USA declares that everyone in Africa has the right to immigrate to the USA….the ultimate compensation for the “national sin” of slavery……

    • 回复: @Anon
  207. Richard B 说:
    @Sean McBride

    请记住,罗恩喜欢用 POC 取代白人的想法。

    That’s not my quote.

  208. Anon[279]• 免责声明 说:

    “You’re being too optimistic. I can foresee a day when the leadership of the USA declares that everyone in Africa has the right to immigrate to the USA….the ultimate compensation for the “national sin” of slavery……”

    Even though it had been going on for many centuries longer in a lot of parts of Africa, despite flagrant cultural Marxist lies, they were often treated much worse in Africa, sometimes even purchased for food in some parts, and some leaders complained when the British government said British slave traders would no longer be buying slaves.

    Apparently one chief even suggested having the plantations in Africa instead of America…

    Slavery wasn’t made illegal in Ethiopia until about the 1930’s…

    Most ordinary people had nothing to do with slavery or the slave trade in America aanyway.

    I think this guy has an agenda though.

    He probably wants American people to conquer South and central America, do all the donkey work, thinking, it’ll really be zionists in charge once that’s achieved…

    Some ’empire’ that gives all the subjects the vote, lmao, yeah that’d work.

    Americans, regardless who they are, would probably find that their vote becomes irrelevant in a lot of cases in such a huge and widely spread territory…

  209. syonredux: “Back in the ’20s? It was a Black-and-White country. Non-Black minorities (Latinx, Amerinds, East Asians, etc) were utterly insignificant.And Blacks knew their place……”

    Every flood begins with a trickle. I wouldn’t call the Jews insignificant, and at the time they probably were a smaller part of the population than mestizos. Blacks knew their place? Already in 1912 a high-profile negro athlete named Jack Johnson had married a white woman. Not all states had segregation or laws against miscegenation.

    syonredux: “Were White women voting against White interests back then?”

    That depends on what you mean by white interests. Around the same time as Jack Johnson was publicly cavorting with white women, Margaret Sanger was spearheading the drive to make birth control available to women, without which modern feminism would be unthinkable. Scientific birth control has now reduced the white birth rate to below replacement levels. Was that in white interests? Certainly it was a political issue influenced by the woman’s vote.

    syonredux: “Yeah. Big Agro is White. The guys who imported hundreds of thousands of Black slaves were White. Lots of feminists are White. White guys do a lot of stupid/short-sighted/evil stuff.”

    My view is that virtually all the white man’s problems are self-caused. He likes the benefits of empire, i.e., of the technological civilization he invented and proliferated, but doesn’t want to pay the price.

    syonredux: “Yeah, but the costs that I’m complaining about (massive amounts of non-White immigration into the West) are self-imposed. ”

    If the path to empire is a choice, all the costs are self-imposed. Today the Christian churches are behind a lot of it. Christianity doesn’t value race at all, so that makes it an excellent ideology for a multi-racial empire. But its humanitarian and egalitarian notions are proving to be the white man’s undoing.

    syonredux: “You’re being too optimistic. I can foresee a day when the leadership of the USA declares that everyone in Africa has the right to immigrate to the USA….the ultimate compensation for the “national sin” of slavery……”

    Yep. A one-world government is the end to which all paths seem to be converging. The problems created by technological civilization won’t be soluble without it. Global problems demand a global solution. Unless technological civilization suffers a worldwide collapse, that result seems inevitable.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Anon
  210. Germanicus 说:

    So I wasn’t surprised at the German case, though I did wonder if it had maybe been sensationalised a bit…


    The true scandal is, that the Police was commanded by the red mafia politics to allow it to happen, they knew a bunch of North African animals besieged the train station long before it happened.

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  211. Tsigantes 说:

    The give away occurs in the first paragraph, that this crass Canadian propagandist with no ties to Europe is hired by the politics department at Birkbeck, University of London.

    This absurd and rubbishy pamphlet says everything about standards of British academia.

    • 同意: Commentator Mike
  212. Anon[128]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “If the path to empire is a choice, all the costs are self-imposed”

    Allowing free movement of people throughout an empire isn’t a necessary feature, it wasn’t for the British or Mongol empires, and I doubt the Roman one.

  213. Anon[128]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “But its humanitarian and egalitarian notions are proving to be the white man’s undoing”

    Not really, the government isn’t encouraging mass immigration for those reasons at all, it’s to make it easier to hire and fire people, help keep wages down, have more potential consumers and customers in the country and to increase GDP, not GDP per capita though.

    Some politicians also hope that it’ll be a way that they can affect people’s votes, I think this would be temporary though, so they want to continue with mass immigration permanently so the public are never settled.

  214. @Germanicus

    Official “government” statistics are manipulated to match the red dogma.

    Well, I asked you for some proof that the official government statistics were manipulated. Is your proof of the claim going to be to simply repeat the claim? (I suspect so, but you are free to surprise me…)

    Anyway, I was responding to your lame non-sequitir about the link being to Deutsche Welle. These crime statistics don’t come from DW and actually, they don’t come from Angela Merkel either. They come from the German civil service.

    I’ve looked into this question as best I can and I see no reason to think that the official crime statistics are falsified. I think they’re broadly correct.

    But if you say they’re falsified, then produce some proof of this claim. And to go around in circles simply repeating the claim as your proof of the claim…


    You are obviously a genocide promoter,


    Pointing out that there is no big crime wave taking place in Germany = Promoting Genocide

    Look, I know you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, but still, maybe you have the capacity to think a bit.

    Dude, what is the point of all this?

    I mean, c’mon. If you really are a German living in Germany you know perfectly that there is no big crime problem in Germany. You must know that. So what is the point of all this?

    Well, I understand the “Theory of the Big Lie” but is it lost on you that that really only works when you control the media. And you guys don’t control the media.

    Your claim that the event that transpired in Cologne was fake is ridiculous It could only happen, because Police were commanded to stand by.

    I really investigated the question of the event in Cologne and it clearly did not really happen. If you examine the timeline of the events, you can actually get a sense for what really did happen. There were some incidents, yes, but of a scale typical of these sorts of public festival days. In the days after, the police simply said that the festivities had gone off quite well and then they came under political pressure to go along with the emerging mediatic hoax that something incredible had happened that night.

    They compiled a police report that is 1532 pages long and if you look through it carefully, it’s all fluff. You can look at the official police report here:


    It’s deliberately massive and unreadable. It’s as long as the Warren Commission and the 9/11 Commission reports combined, by the way. I am not a native speaker of German, and even if I was, I wouldn’t read 1500 pages of this, but I recruited the help of a native German speaker to help me go through this. He scanned over it with keyword searches and stuff and wrote me the following executive summary:

    There is a grand total of one (1) young woman whose “body cavities” were penetrated with fingers. There is lots of arguing back and forth between different levels of officialdom whether this constitutes “rape.” After legal texts and experts have been consulted, the conclusion prevails that it does. That is the only case of “rape” there is in those 1352 pages.

    否则,数十起偷窃和摸索案件似乎没有争议。 您知道,这与每年科隆狂欢节上发生的一切并没有什么不同。

    就是这样。 基于对相关最终佣金报告的分析,这是官方对整个事情的最终决定。 一种“数字强奸”。 显然。 没有完善的普通强奸行为。 不是一个。 这就是在一个拥有数百万人的德国城市的一个大型公共节日那天发生的一切。

    That’s it. The whole 1500 page report is basically just a snow-job. They know nobody will read it. The reason I became aware of it and had the link to it is that some guy I was arguing with (a German guy) in private email pointed it to me and said “Here is the official report and look at how much stuff happened!” He obviously never really looked at it himself.

    It’s fairly clear that New Year’s Eve 2015 in Cologne was not very different in character from any previous NYE celebration. In fact, when the police reported in the days afterwards that everything had been normal they were telling the truth and then must have come under pressure to go along with the story. But they didn’t exactly lie. They produced a monster 1500 page report, that if you look at it carefully, shows pretty clearly that nothing much happened, but by design, it’s such that hardly anybody will really look at it!

    I have no idea if this is typical modus operandi of the German Civil Service in such situations, but I suspect it might be. Anyway, I explained in a short article that it’s really a case where it’s just Critical Thinking 101 to see through this Cologne hoax:


  215. @Germanicus


    伙计,这正是问题所在。 没有视频片段!

    Not only is there not “tons” of mobile video footage of this, there is not even a few seconds of video that corresponds to what they claim happened that night. Just go try to find it.

    实际上,这是一个多么大胆的骗局,在某种程度上确实非常鼓舞人心。 人们应该相信 数以百计 的女性在科隆中央火车站这样的开阔空间遭到性侵犯,甚至连几秒钟的视频片段都没有出现过。 2015 年底,每个人的口袋里都有一台摄像机。

    But the key to this kind of thing is not how transparent the hoax is. It has to do with people’s emotional commitment to believing it. And you see this continually — with 9/11, the moon landings.. If people have a desperate need to be duped by something, then they’ll believe it regardless.

  216. @Richard B

    Shallow is an understatement.

    This clown is a “professor of politics” who actually gets paid to engage in “scholarship”, and whose flimsy work product is full of contradictions.

  217. Kudzu Bob 说:


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  218. sleekster 说:








  219. Germanicus 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Funny gate keeping.
    You have no reason to doubt official statistics takes really the biscuit.
    Pure Chutzpah, you liar.
    Its hardly doable to find any mobile footage, all purged, censored, removed during the 2.5 years.

    Official Spiegel propaganda, a multicult and German hostile magazine, they can’t hide was is so obvious, roaming gangs of north Africans, Arabs, Kurds, Afghans, Gypsies, Eastern Europeans, clans fighting for territory, since years.

    The truth about crimes committed by illegal aliens (“asylum seekers”) had cost Kirsten Heisig, a Berlin judge her life. She wrote a book about the political dogma, and was murdered for it. “Suicided”. You know very well, the official narrative goes, these invaders are all engineers, doctors, highly educated “enrichment”. Why would someone manipulate statistics if this is the official dogma, you joker?

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  220. @Jonathan Revusky

    如果科隆的大规模强奸是你声称的“骗局”,那么人们不得不问:“为了什么目的?” 你和我一样很清楚,西方世界的所有政府都由一个热衷于促进大规模非白人移民的精英控制。 通常他们将移民描述为接收国的“丰富”。 对她们的女性的大规模强奸并没有完全传达这个信息。 任何人都不得违背自己的利益*)。 西方敌对精英不会通过将移民描述为强奸野蛮人来破坏他们自己的移民计划。 因此,这不是骗局,无论是否有视频记录。

    *) 对于这个想法,请参阅维基百科,反对利益声明:

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  221. @Germanicus

    You have no reason to doubt official statistics takes really the biscuit.

    Well, I asked you for proof that the official crime statistics in Germany were being falsified. You never provided any.

    Of course, the other aspect of this is that, as far as I can see, the reason you are insisting (with no proof) that hte official statistics are falsified is simply because they don’t show what you want them to show. I’m pretty sure that, if the official government statistics said there was some huge crime wave, then you would take them to be gospel. You would be pointing to them and saying: these are the official statistics, how can anybody doubt them?

    I’ve been around the block with people like you and I am so aware of how you guys burn the candle on both ends. You go through whatever data there is and then, if you find something that you think supports your argument, you run with that, but then if somebody points out other data that contradicts your position, you just say the data is falsified.

    But it’s not just the official statistics. Whenever you get into a conversation with anybody who actually lives in Germany or spends much time there, and this comes up, they invariably laugh at the idea that there is some huge crime problem in Germany. There is this huge crime problem in Germany but somehow the actual people living there are blissfully unaware of it. Go figure…

    • 回复: @Sunshine
  222. Corvinus 说:
    @Kudzu Bob

    LOL, doubling down on your necrophilia fetish ain’t no way to live.

  223. Spanman 说:

    犹太寡头政体是一个非闪族的可萨种族,他们将犹太教作为其全权委托,为圣地及其他地区签订伪历史房地产合同,与他们不相信的上帝和他们全心拒绝的弥赛亚签订。 他们是一个自我崇拜的“种族”,拒绝了“逻各斯”,渴望一个只有他们自己才能控制的世界秩序; 同时解构传统的西方基督教道德和成就。 他们是人类的敌人。

  224. “种族”是一个神话,自从 2001 年基因组图谱完成以来我们就知道了。但是,这个话题很热门,很畅销,看看这些评论就知道了。



  225. 在我最畅销的书《衰败的加拿大:大规模移民、多样性和欧洲加拿大人的种族灭绝》中(https://www.amazon.ca/Canada-Decay-Immigration-Diversity-Euro-Canadians/dp/1912759985/ref=dp_ob_title_bk),在 White Shift 出版之前,我对考夫曼得出了相同的结论:非欧洲群体有权保持分离而不是同化,而白人有道德义务欢迎多样性,在同化计划中花费数十亿美元,同时从不肯定他们的自己的种族完整性。 他认为文化马克思主义对自由主义的渗透以及多样性是这种意识形态的内在信条的荒谬观念是理所当然的。

  226. Sunshine 说:
    @Sic Semper

    “有必要为我的人民而死。 但是我的精神将从坟墓中复活,全世界将看到我是对的。”

    你可能会惊讶地知道我经常有理由引用这个。 那个奥地利画家是对的。 网上的评论都是一样的。 他的精神从坟墓中升起,世界开始看到他是对的。

  227. Sunshine 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Obviously someone with the last name ”Revusky”, is someone I’d totally trust to tell the truth to the stupid goyim. I’d worry that the goyim are starting to notice, if I was you. Hmm, that’s probably why you’re here.

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  228. Anon[128]: “Allowing free movement of people throughout an empire isn’t a necessary feature, it wasn’t for the British or Mongol empires, and I doubt the Roman one.”

    Both the technological situation and the understanding of race have changed quite a bit from those times. Owing to technological “advances” in transportation networks, masses of people can move between continents much more quickly. Demographic changes that would have taken centuries in Roman times can now be accomplished in only a few years.


    I’ll illustrate this using the example of chattel slavery in America. The economic relationship was established because using the negro as slave labor was of benefit to whites in their homeland. In order to use them, they had to be transported to America. This led to social mixing, particularly as the negroes began also to be used as servants within their masters’ house. Political rights were granted to them after the Civil War. Now the final phase of large-scale genetic mixing has begun.

    Is this progression “necessary”? It seems to be. There always seem to be compelling reasons to embark upon a course of action, or people wouldn’t do it. Of course, if people were other than what they are, and if human nature were different, things might turn out differently. But as it happens, they value wealth and prosperity over preserving racial purity. Also, they are lustful, and prone to race mixing when living in daily close contact with alien races. We can, perhaps, imagine a race of white people who have the genius to invent technologies of mass transportation, but not to use them to bring aliens into their midst in order to increase their own wealth; or even if they did, white people who are in control of their passions enough to live in close contact with alien races and not have sex with them. But, that wasn’t reality, nor is it likely to be. To bring the point home, we can translate your question of necessity into our own times. Is it “necessary” that the negroes (or any non-whites) continue to dwell in white societies? Couldn’t they be evicted? Of course they could, in theory. But anyone proposing that solution will run into a host of objections and practical problems. Similar objections and practical problems existed in previous eras too, and they weren’t overcome. I see no reason to think the pattern won’t repeat.

    • 回复: @Thinking in Code
    , @Anon
  229. Baregil 说:

    A Jew addressing the racial and ethnic issue, in historically white western nations, but ignoring Israel and the Jews in this regard, is a quite dishonest proposition, anyway you see it.

  230. @Sunshine

    Obviously someone with the last name ”Revusky”, is someone I’d totally trust to tell the truth

    Well, there’s no reason to trust anybody particularly, but offhand, I think that somebody who consistently signs his real name (and Jonathan Revusky is my real name) to what he writes is more likely to be honest than somebody who is too much of a coward to sign his name and always writes under an alias — like “Germanicus” or “Sunshine”.

    Anyway, the conversation you’re butting into is not about ME telling the truth. In fact, there is no issue regarding that. The official German statistics say what I said they say. I provided the link. As for whether those numbers are truthful, I have no way of being absolutely certain. But if you’re going to insist that they are falsified, you ought to have some proof, I think. And besides, as I said, you can’t really be citing whatever government statistics when you think they support your argument and then when somebody points out things that go against what you’re saying, you just turn on a dime and say the statistics are falsified.

  231. @Franklin Ryckaert


    好吧,是的,这显然是下一个逻辑问题。 而且,实际上,这是一个更有趣的问题。

    The question of whether the “mass rape” in Cologne is a hoax is not even very interesting really. Of course it is. I’m pretty sure that there is no way that anybody could investigate the question honestly and come to any other conclusion.


    您要做的只是认真考虑一下这样的说法:2015年,数百名妇女在某个广阔的露天场所遭到性侵犯, 绝对没有视觉记录. I’m pretty sure that people of my daughter’s generation (she’s 15) just can realize immediately how impossible this is. By that point in time EVERYBODY has a smartphone! Ergo, everybody has a video camera in their pocket. So, really, nothing of that scale can happen in a wide open space with hundreds or thousands of people around and produce absolutely no photographic evidence. It’s just a total non-starter.

    Anyway, I went the whole nine yards on this and even enlisted the help of a German friend to go through the 1532 (!) page police report and the whole thing is such a total snow-job, it’s crazy.


    Well… that’s a loaded statement. It is based on the assumption that the Deep State elements who orchestrate these hoaxes are a single group with unified, coherent agenda. That might or might not be. It could well be that there are different factions with different agendas. There is obviously a political faction utterly obsessed with demonizing Muslims. (The Ziocons basically.) There may also be a separate faction more interested in promoting immigration for whatever reasons, but they may not overlap that much with the other faction.

    Now, obviously, a common thread in almost all of these hoax events is the demonization of Muslims, so in that sense, it’s in-line. if the goal is to encourage open immigration of people who are mostly Muslims, then, it doesn’t further that agenda, so there, yes, your point is valid, but….

    Look, getting into first principles here…. the only thing that is necessarily consistent logically and factually is the truth. If people are going to perpetrate hoaxes, i.e. lie, then it is entirely possible (and probably even inevitable) that the falsehoods contain contradictions.

    Even leaving aside the question of different Deep State factions, one individual, if he plays fast and loose with the truth, could tell one lie one day and another contradictory one the next day. Like, if I was trying to get in some woman’s pants, I could try to mouth off exaggerating how rich I am. And the next day, I’m trying to negotiate the price of a house or car, and I exaggerate how poor I am. Different hoax narratives can serve different agendas at different times and they don’t have to be logically or factually consistent.

    在任何情况下,您可以看到某事是骗局这一事实并不意味着您确切知道背后的幕后黑手以及他们的议程究竟是什么。 将其识别为恶作剧只是第一步。 问题在于,所有这些人都只是在这样一个问题上一直否认显而易见的事实。 因此,对话永远不会超出第一步。

    西方敌对精英不会通过将移民描述为强奸野蛮人来破坏他们自己的移民计划。 因此,这不是骗局,无论是否有视频记录。

    LOL. So, let me get this straight. You are arguing that, since, based on your world view, you would not expect this “Western hostile elite” to run such a hoax, therefore it was not a hoax.


    Well, this is a certain kind of bizarre backward reasoning that I see frequently. You’re basically arguing that objective reality is constrained by your understanding of it. So, if you cannot readily understand 为什么 发生了什么事,然后没有发生。 通过这种推理,您可能会遇到一具子弹缠身的尸体,并且由于您无法弄清楚杀戮的动机是什么,因此它一定不是凶杀。

    Except it obviously was… (LOL.)

    Can’t you see that this is a very corrupted kind of ass backward reasoning???

  232. @Jonathan Revusky

    那么,如果人们 做了 在他们的智能手机上记录大规模强奸,他们必须将其发布到...... YouTube,谁又控制了 YouTube? YouTube 可以轻易拒绝发布它。

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  233. @Jonathan Revusky

    No video evidence was released of those attacks in US of August 3rd but I suppose most people were more concerned with trying to run away than hang around and record. So the German police wrote more than a thousand pages to report just one minor incident ?! I suppose they can be long winded. Still there is no denying that there have been instances of immigrant crime and those incidents would not have happened if they hadn’t been there, and it’s natural for people to be more revolted by crimes committed by foreigners, or it should be, if it isn’t in Germany or elsewhere in white society. But the presence of immigrants can contribute to violence statistics in other ways too, or should, when the local population retaliate with violence to their crimes, but again whites may have been denatured in this respect too, or at least to a great extent if not completely. By “should” I am not advocating it but merely commenting on how it was historically and how it is in more “natural” societies, although some may say more “uncivilised” societies but then it begs the question of why import people from such places.

  234. @Franklin Ryckaert

    好吧,如果人们确实在他们的智能手机上记录了大规模强奸,他们将不得不在……YouTube 上发布它,

    是的,因为 YouTube 是 仅由 互联网上可以发布视频的网站。

    YouTube 可以轻易拒绝发布它。

    Well, this is again an example of a very corrupt reasoning process. Rather than deal with the fact, which is that there are no videos, you start constructing stories, just stories basically, about there being the “tons” of video but YouTube suppressing it…


    嗯,是的,YouTube 最近审查了很多材料,臭名昭著。 但我们知道。 你有没有遇到过有人声称他们把这件事的视频上传了,然后被 Youtube 删除了?

    Again, rather than dealing with the facts of the matter, you start constructing stories. Like this Germanicus idiot…. you point out to him that there are crime statistics from the appropriate German ministry that show that crime in Germany is at multi-decade lows. Rather than deal with this fact, he just constructs the story that the data is manipulated.

    Proof? None, of course. It’s just that when the available facts don’t match work for you, you start constructing stories.


    (a) There is no video of the mass event in question because it didn’t really happen.

    (b) 德国政府的犯罪统计数据显示犯罪率处于数十年来的低点,因为德国的犯罪率实际上处于数十年来的低点。

    Constructing stories because you don’t want to deal with inconvenient facts… well, ultimately this is how you construct an unfalsifiable belief system.

  235. eah 说:

  236. eah 说:


    I see that dumb boomer faggot Jonathan Revusky is trying to soft-peddle Flüchtings- und Ausländer-kriminalität in “Germoney” again here on unz.com.

    I commented definitively about the events in Köln during Silvester 2015/2016 in a comment here on unz.com some time ago; I won’t waste any more time on it (or trying to unravel any misapprehensions that may have resulted from the way it was reported in English language media) — anyone interested can look at the German language Wikipedia page: 西尔维斯特纳赫(Silvesternacht)的SexuelleÜbergriffe2015/16 — it has a lot of detailed info from a number of official sources — use an online translator if you don’t read German.

    Below is a chart compiled from the latest Bundeskriminalitätsstatistik (2018) — it clearly shows that both “Ausländer” (foreigners) and “Flüchtlinge” (refugees) are over-represented in a number of different categories of serious crime — reading down, these categories are delineated by “100%” in the first column “Ingesamt” (total): “Gewaltkriminalität” (violent crime); “Mord” (murder); Vergewaltigung (rape); “Gefährliche und schwere Körperveletzung” (assault/battery resulting in serious injury).

    例如,“Flüchtlinge”因谋杀而被捕的人数是 13 倍,因强奸而被逮捕的人数是 11 倍,因袭击而被逮捕的人数是 10 倍——这与“澳大利亚人”(没有德国公民身份但不是难民的人)相似:他们占人口的 13%但 43% 的逮捕是谋杀罪,38.5% 是强奸罪。

    Keep this in mind: the BKA (Bundeskriminalamt) specifically says in their report that they don’t distinguish between Germans (“Deutsche”) with and without “Migrationshintergrund” (an immigrant background) — so the column “Deutsche” includes both “Biodeutsch” (ethnic Germans) as well as those with an immigrant background who now have German citizenship — this is like counting Hispanics as “White” in the US, and no doubt seriously overstates crimes committed by “Deutsche”.

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
    , @eah
  237. Commentator Mike: “But the presence of immigrants can contribute to violence statistics in other ways too, or should, when the local population retaliate with violence to their crimes, but again whites may have been denatured in this respect too, or at least to a great extent if not completely.”

    Yes, whites prefer to flee immigrant violence rather than fight back. At least, that’s how it is in America, where the phenomenon is called by the notorious name “white flight”. For example, according to census data, California’s white population dropped by over 2 million (over 12%) from 1990-2010, at the same time as the “hispanic” population almost doubled from about 7.5 million to over 14 million. This fits the scenario of a targeted crime wave I mentioned above in #178, unless you want to believe that all of the 2 million whites who fled California were leaving for other reasons entirely. “White flight” no doubt occurs for a variety of reasons, but I think actual crime committed by immigrants against whites has got to be high on the list.

    I think you’re right that some of this is due to what you’ve described as whites having been “denatured”. That’s one of the side effects of civilization. But it also should be considered by statistics mavens like Ron Unz that the system has been hostile to white interests and concerns for a long time now. If there is a conflict between a white man and a minority, the system will frequently take the minority’s side, many times even to the extent that they will charge whites with crimes related to defending themselves, as we recently saw in both the Proud Boys case and the James Fields case. Prosecutorial and judicial discretion are important ways that the system jiggers statistics to make minorities appear less violent than they really are, and whites more violent than they are. The net result is a system in which whites choose to flee rather than stand and fight, perhaps not even reporting crimes against them, since they correctly calculate that the system will probably do nothing to defend them in any case.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  238. Susan 说:


  239. Doesn’t matter what you think or what you decide, if you even get close to trying to administer this in my direction I will smack you down so fast your ancestors will be trying to pay me reparations.

  240. @eah

    例如,“Flüchtlinge”因谋杀而被捕的人数是 13 倍,因强奸而被逮捕的人数是 11 倍,因袭击而被逮捕的人数是 10 倍——这与“澳大利亚人”(没有德国公民身份但不是难民的人)相似:他们占人口的 13%但 43% 的逮捕是谋杀罪,38.5% 是强奸罪。

    我以前从未见过这些统计数据。 你有一个很好的图形,但是你有这些数字来自的原始网页吗?

    此外,这些显然是统计数据 逮捕。 关于什么 信念?

    Well, aside from that, there is another strange aspect to this. I thought all the official statistics were fictitious! That’s what Germanicus says. But now you’re using the official statistics (apparently,… I’m a bit dubious on whether this graph shows the real statistics…) to prove your case!


    • 回复: @Ricardo Duchesne
  241. eah 说:


    Here is a tweet with a foto of one of the more spectacularly gruesome and bloody recent killings by a Merkel Ehrengast — someone now known to be Jordanien entered Germany during the refugee chaos of 2015, claiming asylum as a Palestinian (the Germans regard Jordan as a ‘safe country’ and generally do not grant asylum to Jordanians) — here he is slaughtering his roommate with a sword on a street in Stuttgart (end of July) — at least one witness filmed the murder; this is a still foto — not much info has been released, other than the false identity — but it seems the roommate discovered his false identity and informed authorities — the faux Palestinian (who was “Polizeibekannt”, as they say: known to police due to other crimes) found out and stabbed and hacked the roommate to death right on the street — you might be able to find a video: it is ghastly, to say the least — the victim’s 11 y/o daughter was there and saw it all happen.

    I think the murder of the 8 y/o boy, who, along with his mother, was pushed in front of an incoming train in Frankfurt by an Eritrean, was fairly widely reported outside of Germany.

    • 回复: @eah
  242. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Dr. Robert Morgan,

    Under civilisation the citizens expect the government authority and its police and army to protect their security and safety from criminals and invading barbarians. But consider the situation in the West now – is that the case? Maybe some barbarism on the part of what are law abiding citizens is called for if government authority is failing in its duty to them. If the government fails the people what then? It still pretends that it does its job, and partly it does, but not much in this respect. The betrayal is quite unbelievable considering the government are the elected representatives of their own people, or the majority of their people, and not some minority or foreigners from wherever.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  243. @Jonathan Revusky

    Gatestone Institute 记录了德国移民、穆斯林和非洲人持续性侵犯的许多文章又如何呢?



    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  244. peterAUS 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    If the government fails the people what then?


    Preferable, apparently, is “do nothing”, at the moment. Well, apart from some online blathering, that is.

    There are some other options but it feels it’s too early to talk about them even on the Internet.

    In time things could change. Short time, preferably.

  245. @Ricardo Duchesne

    Gatestone Institute 记录了德国移民、穆斯林和非洲人持续性侵犯的许多文章又如何呢?

    ROTFL。 你有什么主意吗 什么 Gatestone研究所是???

    您不妨引用 Pamela Geller 或 Paul Joseph Watson 作为您的信息来源。

    • 回复: @Ricardo Duchesne
  246. Jon Orton 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky



  247. Commentator Mike: “The betrayal is quite unbelievable considering the government are the elected representatives of their own people, or the majority of their people, and not some minority or foreigners from wherever.”

    Betrayal is one way to look at it, but not the only way. It could simply be, as I’ve put it before, an expression of the white man’s civilizational confidence that these short term problems will work out and eventually result in a larger, stronger empire. For America, taking in the populace of the entire Western Hemisphere makes a kind of sense if, two hundred years ago, you laid claim to it all, as did the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. The resources of the N. American continent were sufficient for a while, but now the technological system needs more. It wants the whole hemisphere, indeed, even the world. It could be the elites are aware of this and are doing what they’re doing consciously, or it could be that they aren’t, and are ostensibly doing it for the “other reasons” Unz writers and commenters like to discuss so obsessively. In the end why they think they’re doing it doesn’t make any difference, so long as the system spreads. The technological system and its requirements are anti-human; it can’t respond to human values and needs and remain efficient.

    Of course, as we’ve touched on before, another side effect of civilization is atomization and estrangement, anomie. Even if the common man wanted to do something about what is happening, he can’t, because it’s virtually impossible to organize resistance. By himself, he’s almost helpless. The surveillance state that’s been set up by technological “progress” makes coming together with others of like mind difficult, but the combined ideologies of church and state, which dominate his worldview, make defiance impossible. Christianity-derived morality tells him to welcome the immigrants; to turn the other cheek if assaulted by them. The state tries to keep order by asserting a monopoly on the use of force, and would not hesitate to kill him if he resists, and he knows it, and even approves. So he does nothing except flee the incoming tide of human garbage if he can, and hope for the best.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  248. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Dr. Robert Morgan,

    The Far East is developing technologically and automating faster than the West and is even in far greater need of resources that the US. I heard ages ago that Australian scrap dealers and European recyclers were selling garbage to resource starved China to use as raw materials. This demand for resources could well lead to conflict as it has throughout history and whether this will prevent, or just delay, the NWO is hard to tell. In communist countries people were controlled and under surveillance, although not so much by technological means but by a widespread network of informers, stool pigeons, and spies throughout society from homes to the workplaces, but still they were able to rise up, unfortunately to install western liberal capitalism instead of moving in some other direction, so maybe others too could one day overcome their fear of authority. Yes we can note obvious trends but it’s hard to predict the future or settle on certain outcomes.

  249. Commentator Mike: “The Far East is developing technologically and automating faster than the West and is even in far greater need of resources that the US.”

    China and Japan are in the technological sense part of the Western empire. This is particularly evident in the case of Japan, which the US conquered by force just a few decades ago. Meanwhile China was once looked at as a great place to relocate Western factories because of its huge labor pool; but that is changing. Of course, they are all rivals in the political sense, and have slightly different interests, but as technology comes more and more to dominate life, that matters less and less. A shopping mall in Tokyo or Shanghai no doubt looks much the same as one in San Francisco or New York. Though local conflicts may stimulate demand, a worldwide nuclear war would be bad for business.

    Commentator Mike: “… a widespread network of informers, stool pigeons, and spies throughout society from homes to the workplaces … ”

    In the West, the network also exists. The people keep an eye on each other, policing themselves for forbidden beliefs. In practice they are the greatest supporters of the state. The ideology of universal brotherhood shares an ancestry with Christian churches, who are some of the biggest supporters of immigration. Racists are the new witches, who ritually are denounced and burned at the stake as a lesson to the rest.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  250. anonymous[404]• 免责声明 说:

    If California or parts of it becomes a country then I think coastal parts of Washington and Oregon will follow. Hawaii too. That’s good for America in another way. It diminishes US interest in the western end of the Pacific and a fight with China for dominance can be avoided.

  251. @Dr. Robert Morgan




    • 回复: @peterAUS
  252. @Dr. Robert Morgan


    I confess it’s hard to keep consistent in one’s views and convictions and we’re just exploring ideas in these discussions. The mood here on UR swings from pessimism to mild optimism, excepting some wild outliers, when one considers the range of opinions, assessments, and predictions presented by the authors and commenters. Still it’s good to partake in the debate for whatever it’s worth, even just increasing one’s knowledge.

  253. @Jonathan Revusky

    你犯了和你指责其他人一样的错误:我指的是 Soeren Kern 的文章,而不是 Geller 或 Watson: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/author/Soeren+Kern


    我理解盖特斯通的局限性,但至少他支持萨尔维尼,萨尔维尼站在我们这边, https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/14817/italy-matteo-salvini

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  254. peterAUS 说:
    @Thinking in Code



  255. Thinking in Code: ““Not. Going. To. Happen.” The last refuge of the condescending anti-white.”

    Optimism is good, but it’s no substitute for action.

  256. Anon[949]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    “The question of whether the “mass rape” in Cologne is a hoax is not even very interesting really. Of course it is. I’m pretty sure that there is no way that anybody could investigate the question honestly and come to any other conclusion

    All you have to do really is just seriously consider the claim that hundreds of women were sexually assaulted in some wide open space in 2015 and it produced absolutely no visual record”

    Let me guess, are you either a smug dishonest so called ‘liberal’ trying to evade reality in line with current perceived ‘liberal’ fads? (people like that are certainly ‘liberal’ with the truth a lot these days right enough).

    Or is it that you aren’t familiar with the subject matter?  Haven’t encountered many muslim men on a night out or spoken to women that have?

    ‘Rape’ and ‘sexual assault’ aren’t always described as the same thing, which I suspect you’re possibly aware of, and what is often described as sexual assault often either happens quickly or to areas of the body a lot of people wouldn’t be pointing a camera often.

    Yes there might be CCTV.  I’d be more surprised if a review of that after new years eve night in a busy city showed no creeps trying to grope people or in some way molest someone, I’ve seen similar behaviour myself quite a few times and spoken to people I know, that had no axe to grind, that have as well.

    If it is that you’re not being deliberately dishonest, and are just acting on presumptions of the innate goodness and civility of muslim men then I apologise, and I might suggest a little holiday in somewhere like Somalia or Morroco, I wouldn’t be so cruel as to suggest bringing your female family members or friends and have them wander out alone, but you can maybe get talking to some female tourists while you’re there, see what they have to say…

    “Sexual assault meaning

    According to the United States Department of Justice, sexual assault is “any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.” Sexual assault is basically an umbrella term that includes sexual activities such as rape, fondling, and attempted rape”


    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  257. Anon[213]• 免责声明 说:

    “I don’t think most migrants to U.K and the west are actually refugees. But there are many refugees but they tend to live in refugee camps in the middle-east and africa, Turkey has taken in the most syrian refugees, while hypocritically the gulf arab neocolonies have not. But there is a refugee crisis, and in all honesty there does need to exist some sort of refugee-stan for real refugees especially when in large numbers”

    If I was in that situation I possibly wouldn’t want to go and live in an enemy country anyway, although, with regard to Syria,Turkey was involved as well.

    The politicians causing this need stopped and brought to justice, it can’t be allowed to continue.

    I think the neo con agenda seems to be wearing down as more people have become aware of it and are a lot less likely to fall for the propaganda, but apparently the American government has a deal with Saudi Arabia that they can use the U.S army for their own objectives as well.

    A-R-A-B Countries Offered To Pay U.S. To INVADE S-Y-R-I-A

    It looks like the Syrian government are trying to get Syrians to return home now…


    “With the situation becoming ever more stable, Mr. Moualem invited the millions of refugees who have fled their homeland over the past seven years to return. “All conditions are now present for the voluntary return of Syrian refugees to the country they had to leave because of terrorism and the unilateral economic measures that targeted their daily lives and their livelihoods,” he declared.

    “The return of every Syrian refugee is a priority for the Syrian State. Doors are open for all Syrians abroad to return voluntarily and safely,’ he said, adding that thanks to Russian help his Government will spare no effort to meet the basic needs of the returnees”

    At UN, Syria slams US for ‘supporting terrorism’, thanks Russia for cooperation

    “well american-white nationalist are a minority, the majority of white americans find ethnic cleansing or separatism untenable and will oppose it”

    Yes from what I can tell, the concept of ‘white nationalism’ was a very very fringe thing that a lot, possibly most, people hadn’t even heard of until very recently.

    I don’t live in America and am not an American citizen, but it appears to me that very recently, within the last year probably, certain politicians and the mainstream media have been trying to mount a grossly dishonest hate campaign against white American citizens, and white people in general, and it’s relatively recent so a lot of people haven’t picked up on it yet, and most people are just too busy from what I can see. But when I’ve brought the issue up with ordinary people in Britain (they’ve been trying to use similar propaganda tropes in Britain too recently), they’re usually a bit baffled, they don’t understand the current ‘liberal’ dogma of ‘white’ = automatically ‘bad’, not white = automatically ‘good’ unless they go against ‘liberal’ dogma. It’s also obvious that these ‘liberal’ propagandists have little regard for the truth or reality. What’s important to them is spreading propaganda and dogma.

    I’ve also noticed some them suggesting that mass immigration is a way to get the public voting a certain way and in favour of certain policies. I think that it is possibly 他们 that are engaging in stereotypes there.

    True newer immigrants will possibly be a lot more likely to support further mass immigration because they would like to make it easier for others from the counties they came from to move to America as well, but once these new immigrants settle and have families in America, that opinion could eventually change. Hence one of the reasons why the establishment would want continuous mass immigration to try and counter changing views of current citizens and older immigrants that don’t suit them.

    (I know you have to have been living in America for about 6 years in order to be able to vote in the elections, but that’s not a particularly long time), although I find the view that people from certain racial groups will be more likely to vote a certain way for that reason alone in general presumptuous and stupid, if certain politicians actually believe that and that’s one of the reasons they support mass immigration (they also probably like to try and play different groups off against each other as a way of trying to distract from other issues and to try and make the public less likely to unite against them), I think that that makes a mockery of the idea of democracy. It’s like they’re saying ‘oh, the citizens of this country won’t give us what we want, let’s import a new electorate’. Democracy can’t work if the government can just import a new electorate when they don’t get their own way, or the opposition can use it’s influence in the mainstream media to spread propaganda in support of certain immigration policies with believing that it will eventually affect election outcomes in mind (at least if too much of the public aren’t aware of the extent to which the mainstream media and propaganda from certain politicians can be dishonest, manipulative and unreliable).

    Also, the democrats were in office for 8 years prior to Trump’s election, it doesn’t look like the electorate are that unwilling to vote democrat. And in the run up to the 2016 election I saw some people say that if they had to vote for either Hillary Clinton or Trump, they’d probably vote for Trump because they thought Hillary was more of a war monger.

    Also, if the current race baiting and hate campaign against the white population of America is going to be more than just a passing fad (it was muslims in the firing line only about 2 years ago) it could result in more tensions and a change in general attitudes to what they are currently.

    A lot of people that aren’t white in America probably don’t automatically subscribe to all mainstream media propaganda either, I’ve not noticed these attitudes with black Americans I’ve met, but you do see it online and in the mainstream media a lot.

    But if the race baiting continues and gets worse and it results in much greater animosity and tensions, attitudes towards dividing the country or a part of it leaving could change more and the notion could gain more support.

    There are quite a few precedents for countries or unions being divided due to seemingly irreconcilable differences between different groups.

    As for Israel, the area of Palestine was never big enough to house even a small percentage of jews in the world, and was apparently only big enough to take a small proportion of jews from Germany and the zionists knew that at the time (and it had been in the pipeline since WW1). America is a lot bigger than Palestine/Israel so I don’t think the situation of dividing the country or a portion of it leaving the United states (I’m not saying that it should happen, but hypothetically, and if it ever became an option to try and avoid worse issues and conflicts) would necessarily have to cause as many problems as there are with Palestine/Israel.

  258. @Ricardo Duchesne

    你犯了和你指责其他人一样的错误:我指的是 Soeren Kern 的文章,而不是 Geller 或 Watson: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/author/Soeren+Kern

    I don’t get your point. I know that Kern, Geller, and Watson are all different individuals! However, I am also aware that they are part of the same faction or configuration. They are basically all Ziocon shills.

    Now, I will be straight-out honest here. I very strongly suspect that you work for the Gatestone Institute. I’m not 100% sure of that, but this site is just infested with shills and my baseline assumption is that you are one of them.

    I know it’s pointless to ask, but I will anyway: Do you work for the Gatestone Institute?

    无论如何,Gatestone 是 Ziocon 的操作。 我认为艾伦·德肖维茨 (Allan Dershowitz) 是董事会成员。 有一段时间,约翰博尔顿是这件事的主席。

    The other day, I came across an interesting article about Judeo-Zionist infiltration of the alt-right. https://christiansfortruth.com/jews-are-leading-the-alt-right-white-nationalist-movements/

    Gatestone 在他们的名单上排名第四。 以下是他们对 Gatestone 的评价:

    Gatestone Institute 似乎是犹太教认可的反伊斯兰教网站中最大的。

    这些网站的目标很简单:通过批评伊斯兰教来领导反对派,但不要接近谁在促成、资助和支持穆斯林移民到西方的话题。 因为如果你去那里,那当然是反犹太主义的。

    这些就是我们所说的犹太十字军。 他们似乎反对伊斯兰教,但他们永远不会让你知道问题的根源。

    Gatestone Institute 完全脱离了创建虚假反对运动的犹太剧本:

    In any case, Gatestone (along with Breitbart, which is #2 on their list) is one of these Zionist outfits that is pushing this “Muslim rape epidemic” psy-op. Aside from their typical goal of demonizing Muslims, the purpose of the psy-op, I have to think, is to discredit the real white nationalist types. Obviously, as that above-linked article details, some of the WN figures are shills, but some of the ones who are not shills get all invested in this “Muslim rape epidemic” narrative and the main result of it is that they end up discrediting themselves. After all, basically everybody who actually lives in Germany knows perfectly well that there is no “rape epidemic” taking place, so the people going on and on about this just self-identify as wingnuts and it discredits anything they say that is actually legitimate!

    So that would be the other main purpose of the psy-op. But, actually, you know, you can even see right on this site, in the comments section that this is a Zionist psy-op. The same commentators who are always defending whatever Zionist BS are typically pushing this nonsense. It really is horrendous nonsense, you know. Like, here is one example of this “genre”:


    That one is one of very many, but it’s just staggering, like the article opens:


    It’s not even that one is claiming that no woman in Europe ever gets raped, or even that in some portion of the cases, the perpetrator is of a Muslim background, but this portrayal of the situation that women across Europe can’t walk on the street and yah dee dah. A friend of mine who speaks fluent German (he is half-German) was trying to talk to people (I mean, actual Germans) here in Spain about this a while back, asking them about this huge rape epidemic. They just all looked at him like he was nuts, told him that there was no such thing going on in Germany, it was perfectly safe.

    所以,所有这一切的大部分目的都是通过继续胡说八道来让愚蠢的白人男孩抹黑自己。 一定是。

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Ricardo Duchesne
  259. @Anon

    Let me guess, are you either a smug dishonest so called ‘liberal’ trying to evade reality in line with current perceived ‘liberal’ fads? (people like that are certainly ‘liberal’ with the truth a lot these days right enough).

    You know, it really just gets so tedious and tiresome. First of all, in any sane setting (which this site definitely IS NOT) it should be considered absolutely illegitimate to address somebody in this kind of personal way when you yourself are hiding behind a cloak of anonymity.

    Second of all, this is a straight-out factual question and has nothing to do with ME personally anyway.

    It also has nothing to do with the exact definition of “sexual assault”. The specific case of New Year’s Eve 2015 Cologne is really quite simple. Whatever your definition of sexual assault is, there is no way that hundreds of sexual assaults can occur in a Grand Central Station setting without producing any visual record. Not in recent years.

    I am satisfied that anybody who really thinks about this question in a serious way would have to see that it is impossible.

    And if it’s impossible, then it simply didn’t happen!

    • 回复: @Wolfsangel
  260. Anon[213]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “Broadly though, in the growth of any empire, there will occur four successive phases. First, an economic relationship between the metropole and the outlying peoples is established. Then, social mixing occurs. Then political rights are granted to the outsiders. Then, large-scale genetic mixing occurs. The speed with which these phases succeed each other and how quickly the terminal phase is arrived at can vary, but the progression itself appears inevitable”

    As I said, that didn’t happen in Britain with the British empire, which no longer exists, and immigration levels to Britain were relatively low (5 times lower) 低于1998 than they are today and the increase is due to a deliberate change in immigration policy after New Labour got in in 1997, a change that didn’t have to be made, but as yet doesn’t appear to have caused ‘large scale genetic mixing’.

    And doesn’t appear to have really happened in Mongolia either…

    “Though foreigners now make up less than 0.4 percent of the population, Ulaanbaatar has used high fees and quotas to rein in immigration”

    Mongolia lawmakers to consider strict immigration cap

    “I’ll illustrate this using the example of chattel slavery in America. The economic relationship was established because using the negro as slave labor was of benefit to whites in their homeland”

    Yeah, I’m sure it was beneficial to most of the ordinary public that didn’t own slaves, especially the many that lived in squalor until about the first half of the 20th century and often couldn’t afford the products produced in the factories, from materials grown on the plantations…

    “To bring the point home, we can translate your question of necessity into our own times. Is it “necessary” that the negroes (or any non-whites) continue to dwell in white societies? Couldn’t they be evicted? Of course they could, in theory. But anyone proposing that solution will run into a host of objections and practical problems. Similar objections and practical problems existed in previous eras too, and they weren’t overcome. I see no reason to think the pattern won’t repeat”

    Yeah yeah, with regard to Britain, they could simply put a limit on the level of immigration so that it is back to what it was before 1998, they don’t need to ‘evict’ people who came to Britain legally.

    America could also adopt a more sensible immigration policy, though there is probably more room in America from a higher level of immigration than countries the size of Britain.

    “We can, perhaps, imagine a race of white people who have the genius to invent technologies of mass transportation, but not to use them to bring aliens into their midst in order to increase their own wealth”

    Mass immigration or an increase in population can increase GDP, but doesn’t necessarily increase GDP per capita, and in Britain, as far as I’ve been able to discern, it seems to only really have been people from eastern and central Europe and Indian men that have been particularly hard workers, and again, while most people are ok with some immigration, it doesn’t need to be at such a high level as it is today, it wasn’t before 1998, and if extra workers are needed in certain areas they could be invited as temporary guest workers instead, which some people would see as an opportunity to see another country, make some money, and then go home, plenty people have done that in the past.

    “or even if they did, white people who are in control of their passions enough to live in close contact with alien races and not have sex with them”

    I think you probably mean white adolescent girls who are assertive enough not to cave into constant harassment from pervy creeps who probably see them as objects.

  261. Whitewolf 说:
    @Nick J


    Culture is an expression of a race/ethnic group. The culture you identify with is inseparable from the people who created it. The people who created it were Europeans. Asians and Africans have different cultures even in today’s more globalized world.

    Take away Whites from western civilization and you’ll find the new civilization will have a culture totally different from what it is now. Just try and imagine everyone in the US disappearing overnight except for African Americans. You might recognize the music in the new culture but the rest of it would soon resemble a random country in Africa. Better yet imagine just leaving Mexicans and the US would be indistinguishable from Mexico.

  262. Anon[398]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    “They just all looked at him like he was nuts, told him that there was no such thing going on in Germany, it was perfectly safe”

    Well I suppose if you view being followed and harassed by creepy men if you dare walk out alone in one of the cities in the evening, particularly in the evening, though not just the evening, as safe…

    • 巨魔: Jonathan Revusky
  263. @Jonathan Revusky

    只是一个逃避答复; 我们应该相信,既然 Gatestone 是犹太复国主义者,那么 Kern 收集的所有事实都应该被驳回。 更糟糕的是,仅仅因为我引用了一些包含多起性侵犯案件的文章,你就猜测我必须为 Gatestone 工作,这远好于你的结论,仅仅因为你住在安全地区的德国朋友告诉你,性侵犯几乎不可能成为现实所以。 所有的罪行都是少数人所为,只有相对少数人在德国遭受性侵犯; 这并不能否定这样一个事实,即移民对许多欧洲国家的性侵犯负有不成比例的责任。

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  264. option one 说:




    顺便说一句……当我们谈论设计病毒病原体时,我没有提到一些人,他们的工作目标是与种族构成相关的 DNA,可以使特定个体的遗传特征绝育……


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  265. Anon[213]: “As I said, that didn’t happen in Britain with the British empire, which no longer exists, and immigration levels to Britain were relatively low (5 times lower) before 1998 than they are today …”

    How anyone can look at the goings on in the UK and not understand what I wrote baffles me. What’s taking place right now is the fourth, terminal phase. From what I’ve read, even London is no longer a white city.

    Anon[213]: “… as yet doesn’t appear to have caused ‘large scale genetic mixing’.”

    You mean because Britain is still majority white, I guess. Don’t worry, that will probably change soon enough. The question you need to ask yourself is, “What is the trend?” Will the white race as it is today still exist in England in a century or two? If it does, likely it will have shrunk to a tiny minority of the overall population, if I’m correct. Most “whites” will by that time be of mixed race.

    Anon[213]: “Yeah, I’m sure it was beneficial to most of the ordinary public …”

    It doesn’t have to be, and I didn’t say or imply it did. A good course on reading comprehension might help you quite a bit.

    Anon[213]: “Yeah yeah, with regard to Britain, they could simply put a limit on the level of immigration so that it is back to what it was before 1998 …”

    Why don’t they then? Ah, that’s right. A host of objections and practical problems…

    Anon[213]: “I think you probably mean white adolescent girls who are assertive enough not to cave into constant harassment from pervy creeps who probably see them as objects.”



    Thanks for bringing that up and illustrating my point about the terminal phase. But I actually had in mind the white slave owners of early America, who did enough genetic mixing to contribute about 20% of the modern American negro’s DNA.

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
    , @Anon
  266. @Ricardo Duchesne

    只是一个逃避答复; 我们应该相信,既然 Gatestone 是犹太复国主义者,那么 Kern 收集的所有事实都应该被驳回。

    我从没有说过。 然而,我确实说过, 或至少强烈暗示,像 Gatestone 这样的犹太复国主义宣传机构不应被视为可靠的信息来源。 当然,这在逻辑上并不意味着他们所说的一切都是假的。

    但… 从逻辑上讲,这确实意味着他们所说的任何事情都应该经过仔细的事实检查!

    As best I understand, you are trying to represent that Gatestone is a reliable information source because, for some reason, you want very much to believe what they are saying. In this instance. Of course, if they separately say something you don’t want to believe, you will then dismiss it, saying that Gatestone is just a Zionist propaganda outfit! LOL.


    That’s literally how you guys operate! Just look back at the conversation I’ve been having. I pointed out that the German government crime statistics show that crime in Germany is currently at multi-decade lows. Then these guys, like “Germanicus” show up expressing indignation that I could believe this. Okay, I say, fine, what is the proof that the statistics are falsified?


    Then another guy, “eah” provides some statistics about arrests in Germany. Apparently people of a foreign background are arrested at a much higher rate for crimes than native Germans. Probably true. Of course, the statistics are not corrected for the different age/gender distribution of the populations and they are arrests, not convictions.

    但撇开这一切不谈,同一个人在另一次谈话中分别告诉了我与 Germanicus 相同的事情。 他告诉我,德国官方的犯罪统计数据都是捏造的。 然而,他的逮捕统计数据从何而来? 猜一下。


    I mean to say, the whole thing is a joke. The German government’s crime statistics are correct when you think they back what you are saying, but if you point out some statistics they don’t like, then all the government statistics are false. Go figure.

    It’s just ridiculous. That guy had separately claimed that there was some sort of “stand-down”, that the German cops were (God knows why… they’re just cucks…) just standing down and letting foreigners rape German girls. But now he’s saying that the German cops are arresting foreigners at 5 or 10 times the rate that they are arresting native Germans. So, hold on… where is the “stand-down”? There’s no logical consistency! And again, either the German government statistics are fabricated or they aren’t. But if they are, then you can’t really turn around and quote them when you think they back your argument.


    I didn’t express certainty about it. I asked you the question and you have not yet answered.


    Well, first of all, do you understand the “beg the question” fallacy? You are the one (along with the other jerks) claiming that there is a huge crime epidemic in Germany, when the official government data says there is not. Moreover, people who actually live in Germany or spend much time there invariably say that there is no big crime problem in Germany.

    So, if you are going to claim that there is this big problem, isn’t there an onus on you to actually provide some proof of this?

    But, okay, where do we stand on this? Rewind a bit… A friend of mine who speaks fluent German was curious about this. He asked various Germans about the horrid “rape epidemic” taking place in Germany and they told him it was bullshit.

    Okay, maybe they’re wrong and women really are getting raped all over the place, because these people (according to you) live in “safe areas” and are blissfully unaware of this. You, however, know better than people who actually live in Germany. You know that there is this huge problem. Why? Because Soeren Kern, who works for a Zionist propaganda outfit, called Gatestone, says there is.

    德国当局报告说,德国的犯罪率(一开始从来没有很高)目前处于数十年来的最低点。 但他们在撒谎,Soeren Kern 有更好的信息。 你知道最好不要相信德国政府。 首选人是 Gatestone Institute 的 Soren Kern。 他给你真实的事实。


    1. 如果盖特斯通研究所的 Soeren Kern 知道德国正在发生大规模的强奸流行病,但德国政府编制的官方犯罪统计数据中没有出现,那么:

    Soeren Kern 怎么知道这一点的?


    Does he, or Gatestone Institute, have some real research effort on the ground in Germany to get the data — the 真实 数据,根据你?

    2. You say that the regular Germans who are blissfully unaware of the huge crime problem because they live in “safe areas”. So…

    你能在谷歌地图上指出其中一些非常 不安全 在德国,女性到处都是被强奸的街区?

    I know that would take a bit of research, but we’re serious people here, right? So, can you do that?

    我认为上述问题是有道理的,也是重点突出的。 你愿意尝试回答他们吗?

  267. @Dr. Robert Morgan


    Rotherham is a town in Northern England. The conversation was about Germany.

  268. Anon[140]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    ”How anyone can look at the goings on in the UK and not understand what I wrote baffles me. What’s taking place right now is the fourth, terminal phase. From what I’ve read, even London is no longer a white city”

    The British empire ended decades ago, immigration levels were at a fairly reasonable level (most people aren’t against 一些 immigration) until 1998 (long after the British empire ended, and a huge amount of the immigration hasn’t been from regions that were even part of the British empire in the past anyway). The level of immigration was deliberately increased by New Labour as a matter of choice and without consulting or anywhere near properly informing the public.

    This isn’t hard for normal people to understand, those that pretend not to have an agenda.

    You say ‘even London’ as if you don’t understand that that would likely be one of the most, if not the most, popular place for people from other countries to move to, being the capital, and it’s 英国的 people that are no longer the majority in London, white people in general are still the majority for now.

    “Anon[213]: “Yeah yeah, with regard to Britain, they could simply put a limit on the level of immigration so that it is back to what it was before 1998 …”

    Why don’t they then? Ah, that’s right. A host of objections and practical problems…”

    Because the public have been generally mislead by politicians and the mainstream media about the truth of the issue and the implications of it.

    The government (Labour or Conservative) won’t solve the problem, because 他们是 问题, most, if not all, of the current mainstream political parties need to go imo.

    It wouldn’t be an issue if Labour hadn’t changed the rules around immigration in the first place.

    If Mongolia can adopt a strict immigration policy, then other countries can too, but as I said before, immigration levels returning to what they were prior to 1998 would probably suffice.

    “Though foreigners now make up less than 0.4 percent of the population, Ulaanbaatar has used high fees and quotas to rein in immigration”

    Mongolia lawmakers to consider strict immigration cap

    You are talking utter jewbberish.

  269. YelpMelp 说:

    If you’re of European descent and know the gist of the Kalergi Plan,
    you can’t find this book or the author amusing.
    I unwittingly bought a paper copy,
    read it, gouged out the red pills,
    and now use the thing as a doorstop

  270. Anonymous[593]• 免责声明 说:

    Frankly, many non-White and/or non-European minorities in America have a lot of gall to try to overturn Whiteness and take over (they’ll make a mess of things, of course).

    They are, of course, being helped by Democrats and the Left.

    Jewish Americans also hope to divide and conquer America and come out on top. And if that does not work they’ll all move to Israel and nuke the rest of the Middle East.

    It is just beyond belief that so many White Christians Americans, including Trump, are afraid of Jews and won’t speak up publicly. Fox News makes me sick. Only Tucker Carlson comes close to exposing Jewish and minority games.

    Hannity, Ingraham, and others such as Limbaugh and Anne Coulter know better but don’t have the guts to tell the truth about Jews. Will they keep their mouths shut forever?

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @anarchyst
  271. Anon[213]: “The British empire ended decades ago,…”

    Don’t be so dense. Just because it no longer calls itself an empire doesn’t mean anything. It may have changed its name to “The Commonweath of Nations”, but it still is an empire in the sense of having intricate economic, cultural, and demographic ties to foreign lands. I was trying to give you credit for having a little intelligence and thought you’d be able to work that out for yourself, but it appears I overestimated you.

    Anon[213]: “Because the public have been generally mislead by politicians and the mainstream media about the truth of the issue and the implications of it… [plus other excuses]”

    Yep. A long list of objections and practical problems, again proving my point.

    Anon[213]: “If Mongolia can adopt a strict immigration policy, then other countries can too,…”

    Non sequitur. Just because Peter can do something doesn’t mean Paul can do it, or would want to. What’s true for individuals is equally true for countries, which are just collections of individuals. Despite its past glory, Mongolia remains a poor country today; only about 3 million people in it. No economic need for bringing in immigrants. Nevertheless, during its heyday, the Mongols engaged in plenty of race mixing with their slaves. Genghis Khan himself sired hundreds children with conquered women. It’s estimated that about 1 in 200 Asian men, about 16 million all told, have him as a direct ancestor.


    The bottom line is that empire always promotes race mixing.

    Anon[213]: “You are talking utter jewbberish.”

    This juvenile level of discourse is more your speed.

    • 回复: @Anon
  272. Jonathan Revusky: “Rotherham is a town in Northern England. The conversation was about Germany.”

    Yes, your conversation was, but mine wasn’t. Since you’ve butted in though, let me ask you, do you believe Rotherham was a hoax too? If not, then why would you think that these same types of people would behave any differently in Germany than they do in England?

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  273. Anon[161]• 免责声明 说:

    It’s jewish people that have come in an set out to destroy America from inside in what they probably 相信 is in the interests of jews, and in the case of the zionists Israel.

    I don’t think America and so many other countries would be experiencing this is issue if it wasn’t for that.

    It used to go over my head, but the ‘project for a new American century’ was written by zionist jews, the neo conservatives were started by zionist jews, mostly to serve what they think are the interests of zionists and Israel, a lot of zionists tried to drum up support of the invasion of Iraq (although oil companies had interests in that too), but ‘the project for a new American century’ laid out a plan in 2000 that seems eerily similar to what’s been put into motion from 2001 onwards, and the twin towers and building 7 had recently been purchased by a man called Larry Silverstein who apparently insured them against terror attacks a few weeks before.

    Bare in mind no plane was claimed to hit building 7, and yet it went down in the exact same way as the other two buildings, like a controlled demolition. They try and claim that a bomb proof building (as building 7 apparently was) went down like that due to a small part of it catching fire and the fire spreading, that wouldn’t happen in reality.

    America apparently gives $10 million 一天 in aid to Israel, and yet a lot of the entitled i***** blame everyone but zionists or other s**** stirring jews for their problems, a country is ‘bad’ merely not for taking their side enough, even when it’s not deserved. Apparently there have been threats to nuke other countries if they won’t help Israel.

    This situation can’t go on forever, something has to be done to change the situation…

  274. anarchyst 说:

    Hannity has always been a jewish shill.
    I damn near fell out of my chair while listening to Hannity’s radio show when a caller inquired about the deliberate israeli attack on the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967.
    Hannity’s response was that “israel is our friend and would never have done such a thing”. The caller was cut off from responding after that.
    Hannity is just another shill in a long line of media shills for israel.

  275. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Since you’ve butted in though, let me ask you, do you believe Rotherham was a hoax too?

    No, I assume that Rotherham happened.

    Cologne, on the other hand, is obviously a hoax. This is for a very simple reason. Hundreds of sexual assaults cannot happen in a wide open place full of people in recent years without leaving some visual record. Since it is impossible, it did not happen.

    The Cologne event is actually a fairly trivial exercise in critical thinking, as I point here:



    Rotherham, on the other hand, is a completely different matter. All of the sex with underage girls would presumably have happened behind closed doors, in seedy motels or wherever, with no (or very few) witnesses and there is no reason to think that it would have left any photographic record.

    If not, then why would you think that these same types of people would behave any differently in Germany than they do in England?

    Well, that’s a ridiculous question really. First of all, my conclusions on Cologne are not based primarily on speculating about what different kinds of people would do. The most important indicator that it is a hoax is simply the lack of any visual evidence that such a mass event in an open public place would produce. That consideration does not apply to Rotherham.

    That is the main point. However, besides that, the question you are posing is based on some mentally squalid sorts of reasoning anyway.

    For starters: the Pakistani ethnics convicted in the Rotherham case are not “the same types of people” as the refugees in Germany. The Pakistanis in that case were mostly born in the U.K. or moved there as infants. The refugees in Germany are recent arrivals. Aside from that, Middle Eastern Arabs are actually completely different people from South Asians. The only thing that the Pakistanis in Rotherham have in common with Arabs in Cologne is that both groups are nominally Muslims, though I very much doubt that the Rotherham criminals were religious people!

    So, the two groups might have as much in common as Poles do with Mexicans insofar as both Poland and Mexico are majority Catholic countries.

    Another point, and probably the most offensive aspect of what you are insinuating is the notion that the behavior of a handful of criminals in Rotherham 表征 the behavior of Pakistanis in Britain. Actually, in Rotherham, you had about dozen criminals of that ethnic background, and there are 1.2 million ethnic Pakistanis in the U.K. and the overwhelming majority of them are law-abiding people.

    I am quite certain that you would never make the argument that the behavior of a dozen Italian-American mafiosos characterizes the behavior of all Italian ethnics. You would only make such a mentally squalid argument in the case of a non-European people.

    In any case, that, out of the 1.2 million Pakistanis in the U.K., you have a dozen of these criminals, now in prison, does not say anything even about the 普遍 behavior of Pakistanis in Britain, but it certainly says absolutely NOTHING about the typical behavior of Arab refugees in Germany.

    In other words, your implicit reasoning is multiple degrees away from making any sense at all.

    In short, you are a complete idiot. (But I already knew that from previous interactions with you.)

    • 回复: @Anon
  276. Anon[767]• 免责声明 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “Anon[213]: “The British empire ended decades ago,…”

    Don’t be so dense. Just because it no longer calls itself an empire doesn’t mean anything. It may have changed its name to “The Commonweath of Nations”, but it still is an empire in the sense of having intricate economic, cultural, and demographic ties to foreign lands. I was trying to give you credit for having a little intelligence and thought you’d be able to work that out for yourself, but it appears I overestimated you”

    The commonwealth countries aren’t under British rule and immigration from them is subject to control, there isn’t ‘free movement’ to Britain from the commonwealth countries, and they only account for about half of the immigration that comes from countries outside the E.U.

    “Nevertheless, during its heyday, the Mongols engaged in plenty of race mixing with their slaves. Genghis Khan himself sired hundreds children with conquered women. It’s estimated that about 1 in 200 Asian men, about 16 million all told, have him as a direct ancestor”

    Whatever they did it was mostly through choice, and they don’t seem to let agenda driven nut cases dictate their immigration policy now.

    Britain had little immigration until about the 1950’s, and even then it was at a relatively low level until 1998, when the level of immigration had tripled within a year of Labour taking office…

  277. Corvinus 说:
    @option one

    “Let me make this simple……………Whites discovered the scientific method of understanding their environment……”


    “….that resulted in the all the applied technologies implemented in 1st world existence of the West.”


    “There is a reason why Whites had infrastructure in place, split the atom and walked on the moon while the majority of Non-Whites were still trying to figure out how to source enough clean water and/or food to eat let alone what to do with their waste from that”


    “There are people whom I don’t mention who are working as we speak on designer viral pathogens that target DNA correlated to racial make up which can sterilize a given individual of that genetic profile…”


    “.. so it doesn’t matter whether I sit in an armchair or not………”


    • 回复: @Anon
  278. Anon[767]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    “So, the two groups might have as much in common as Poles do with Mexicans insofar as both Poland and Mexico are majority Catholic countries”


    “In any case, that, out of the 1.2 million Pakistanis in the U.K., you have a dozen of these criminals, now in prison”

    Rotherham wasn’t the only case…

    “Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle with “arrogant persistence” after police appeared to punish victims while letting the perpetrators walk free, a case review has found.

    The report into the response by authorities to child sexual exploitation found that before a large-scale police operation was launched in 2014, officers’ actions were sending an “unhelpful” message to perpetrators”

    Grooming gangs abused more than 700 women and girls around Newcastle after police appeared to punish victims

    “So far those towns have included: 

    * Rotherham – The issue of child abuse in the town first came to light in 2010 when five Asian men were jailed for sexual offences against under-age girls.

    A 2014 inquiry found there were more than 1,400 victims of grooming and sex exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.

    * Rochdale – The trial of nine Asian men for grooming young white girls for sex attracted widespread public outrage and sparked a national debate when they were convicted in 2012.

    The gang received jail sentences of between four and 19 years for offences committed against five girls – aged between 13 and 15 – in and around Rochdale between 2008 and 2010″

    ” * Oxford – In 2013, five members of a sadistic paedophile ring were handed life sentences, while two others were each jailed for seven years at the Old Bailey.

    The court heard how six girls, aged between 11 and 15, were plied with alcohol and drugs before being forced to perform sex acts.

    All of the men were of Pakistani origin apart from two brothers, who were from north Africa.

     Bristol – Some 13 Somali men were jailed for more than a total of more than 100 years after they were convicted in 2014 of running an inner city sex ring.

    Victims as young as 13 were preyed upon, sexually abused and trafficked across Bristol to be passed around the men’s friends for money.

    * Aylesbury – Six Asian men were jailed in 2015 for grooming vulnerable under-age white girls between 2006 and 2012.

    The Old Bailey heard victims would be plied with alcohol and forced to perform sex acts for as little as “the price of a McDonalds”.

    * Peterborough – A total of 10 men were convicted of child sex crimes in the town, including “predatory” restaurant boss Mohammed Khubaib, who was originally from Pakistan.

    He was jailed for 13 years at the Old Bailey in 2015, after he was found guilty of forcing a 14-year-old girl to perform a sex act on him and nine counts of trafficking for sexual exploitation, involving girls aged from 12 to 15, between 2010 and 2013.

    And now, of course, Newcastle has been added to the list”

    The list of Britain’s towns and cities shamed by Asian grooming gangs

    “Mehmood was jailed for life in October 2001 after he was convicted of murdering his girlfriend Lucy Lowe, 16, her sister Sarah, 17, and her mother Eileen, 49, in Telford.

    All three victims died in the blaze in Halifax Drive, Leegomery, after Mehmood, formerly of Manor Road, Hadley, used petrol to spark a fire.

    He was also convicted of the attempted murder of Mr Lowe, who escaped the fire by climbing out of a bedroom window.

    Mehmood was jailed for life and ordered to serve a minimum of 18 years – but last week top judges at London’s Royal Courts of Justice threw out an appeal to cut his sentence. He will not be eligible to apply for parole until 2019 at the earliest.

    Mr Lowe, who now lives in Wellington, said: “We knew absolutely nothing about the appeal.

    “I drink in The Station pub in Wellington and the first I knew of it was when I went in there and the landlord showed me the paper and asked me if I had seen it.

    “I had tears in my eyes, it brought it all flooding back.”

    The fire was started with petrol by Azhar Mehmood, the then 26-year-old boyfriend of Mr Lowe’s teenage daughter, Lucy.

    The 16-year-old had told her family earlier that day she was pregnant with the couple’s second child.

    They already had a 15-month-old baby, who was found wrapped in a blanket underneath an apple tree in the back garden while the fire was raging”

    Telford victim’s anguish over killer’s appeal snub

    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  279. Wolfsangel 说:
    @Not a nazi for sure

    You’re a fucking brainwashed idiot. Stop posting.
    Race is the ONLY thing that matters in this world. Everyone plays this game but brainwashed “White Trash”.
    You already fucked up with your asian wife, that’s why you HAVE to believe this kike crap. But you know deep down, you’re full of shit, and what’s coming can’t be stopped.
    And when it comes, your skin will be your uniform.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  280. Wolfsangel 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    You’re too arrogant to recognize your own glow, aren’t you?
    You’re so full of shit, it hurts.
    It’s beyond obvious you’re jewish.
    I know you can’t, but I’ll request it anyway.
    Stop lying, yid!

    • 巨魔: Jonathan Revusky
  281. Anon[151]• 免责声明 说:

    “Indeed, Europeans jackbooted the resources from Africa and Asia to fund that infrastructure and scientific endeavors”

    Is that how the rail ways in ‘Europe’ were built?

    The History of Steam Trains and Railways

    When Was the First Train Invented?

    Europe’s not a country like America, it’s a continent made up of several countries with various laws, backgrounds, histories, in case you didn’t know that.

    In the late 19th century a lot of areas of Africa still didn’t have written languages (christian missionaries helped create written versions of some African languages in certain areas), decent roads, wheeled transportation (so things mostly had to be carried by people and transport was usually on foot), some of central Africa was still uncharted, and practices such as human sacrifice, ritualistic killing, mutilation and even cannibalism were a lot more widespread.

    And a lot resources in Africa weren’t actually in use then, and some things, like the cocoa tree, were brought to west Africa from elsewhere.



    • 回复: @Corvinus
  282. Corvinus 说:

    “Is that how the rail ways in ‘Europe’ were built?”

    Red herring. The fact of the matter is that Europeans built railroads in Africa for one of three purposes to suit their own needs.

    1. Military domination: the line was built to quickly dispatch troops to quell native rebellions

    2. Mining: the line was built into the interior to further mining interests

    3. Cash crops: the line was built to connect agriculturally rich areas

    The colonial railroads in Uganda, built between 1896 to 1901, bypassed highly populated native areas in order to transport raw materials. In Kenya, railroad placement was to primarily transport coffee and tea. In Ghana, the gold-mining lobbies convinced the governor to built railroad lines in the early 1900’s for their interests.

    “In the late 19th century a lot of areas of Africa still didn’t have written languages (christian missionaries helped create written versions of some African languages in certain areas)…”

    Africa transmitted their history through oral traditions.

    “wheeled transportation (so things mostly had to be carried by people and transport was usually on foot)”

    This type of transportation system was not needed, since Africans traveled by foot and by boat.

    “practices such as human sacrifice, ritualistic killing, mutilation and even cannibalism were a lot more widespread.”


    “And a lot resources in Africa weren’t actually in use then, and some things, like the cocoa tree, were brought to west Africa from elsewhere.”

    Actually, gold, salt, and rubber were used by natives.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Anon
    , @Anon
  283. Corvinus 说:

    “Race is the ONLY thing that matters in this world.”

    Actually, religion and ideology trump race.

    “And when it comes, your skin will be your uniform.”

    I see you enjoy being an armchair warrior. Why aren’t you at the front lines taking matters into your own hands if things are so bleak?

  284. Anon[151]• 免责声明 说:

    ” “Is that how the rail ways in ‘Europe’ were built?”

    Red herring. The fact of the matter is that Europeans built railroads in Africa for one of three purposes to suit their own needs”

    I was actually referring to the railways built in ‘Europe’ in response to this…

    “There is a reason why Whites had infrastructure in place, split the atom and walked on the moon while the majority of Non-Whites were still trying to figure out how to source enough clean water and/or food to eat let alone what to do with their waste from that”

    Indeed, Europeans jackbooted the resources from Africa and Asia to fund that infrastructure and scientific endeavors”

    The first railroads in ‘Europe’ were built to transport raw materials too.

    “Africa transmitted their history through oral traditions”

    I dare say a lot of people did before they learned to read and write. It’s not particularly reliable though, information can get lost or distorted due to chinese whispers etc.

    Writing and reading are useful, people don’t just use it to record ‘history’, they use it to pass on information to people and record things so they can come back to it later, it means less things are likely to be forgotten, and reading can expand your mind/knowledge etc…

    “This type of transportation system was not needed, since Africans traveled by foot and by boat”

    Did they travel by boat in areas that weren’t near rivers or other bodies of water as well?

    Wheeled transportation and decent roads are useful too…



    “Actually, gold, salt, and rubber were used by natives”

    I said a lot of the resources weren’t in use, not none of them…

  285. Anon[151]• 免责声明 说:

    ” “practices such as human sacrifice, ritualistic killing, mutilation and even cannibalism were a lot more widespread.”

    Not as much as you think”


    泰晤士河上的躯干男孩被牺牲了| 英国新闻| 守护者



    莫桑比克赞比西亚中部省的警察指挥官阿方索·迪亚斯(Afonso Dias)说:“人们的信念是,一个光头男人的头上含有黄金。”






    “在这次非洲调查中,坦桑尼亚新闻记者Richard Mgamba,白化病社区代表Isaack Timothy和加纳的调查新闻记者Anas Aremeyaw Anas着手发现针对白化病的袭击背后的原因”

    非洲调查–白化病的魔咒– YouTube










    “这些人要'闭嘴'和'冻结他们的嘴'。 在一个卫生间的马桶后面藏着一个罐子,上面有一个社会工作者的胡椒照片。 床底下藏着另一个咒语。” ”


    “摩洛哥旅客伊本·巴图塔(Ibn Battuta)于1300年代中期参观了马里伊斯兰西非帝国的曼萨(皇帝)苏莱曼的宫廷,并报导说曼萨给一些“不信奉”的游客送了一个奴隶女孩的“热情好客的礼物”,他们屠杀并吃了东西。




    不到一年前,发生了类似的暴行。 在设定的日子里,有两千名可怜的农民被捕,用叉子固定住,用钢笔扎住,然后被谋杀,作为对前国王苏纳(Suna)逝世精神的一种牺牲。



    乌干达Mackay College Nateete,Mackay的生平


    这两个部落是贪食的食人族。 他们围绕着洛洛(Lolo)
    夜晚的村庄和黎明的最初迹象,扑向毫无戒心的Balolo,杀死了所有抵抗的人,并抓住了其余所有的人。 然后,他们选择俘虏的较强部分,并束缚他们的手脚以防止其逃脱。 他们杀死了其余的人,在彼此之间散布了肉。

    通常,经过一次突袭,他们形成了一个小营地。 他们放火烧掉,夺走了村里所有的香蕉,吞噬着人类的肉。 然后,他们行进到河上众多的奴隶市场之一,在那里他们与卢伦古河的奴隶商人交换俘虏,以换取珠子,布,铜丝和其他小装饰品。 奴隶贩子将奴隶装进独木舟,带他们到拥有更重要市场的卢伦古河上的村庄。

    Masankusu位于Lupuri和Malinga支流的交界处,是迄今为止最重要的奴隶交易中心。 Masankusu人民从Lufembe和Ngombe掠夺者那里购买奴隶,并从下游将其卖给Lulungu本地人和商人。

    这些奴隶在Masankusu的长棚子里出售,或者在裸露的杆子支撑的简单草屋顶下展出。 看到其中一个奴隶棚的囚犯令人心痛。 他们像许多动物一样挤在一起。”

    “乌班吉河和卢伦古河之间进行了大笔交易。 居住在乌班吉河口的人们在Masankusu和其他市场上购买了Balolo奴隶。 然后,他们将它们带到乌班吉河,并与那里的当地人交换象牙。

    这些原住民只是为了买食物而买奴隶。 购买了奴隶后,他们用成熟的香蕉,鱼和油喂养他们,当他们状况良好时,他们就杀死了他们。 每个月有数百名Balolo奴隶被带入河中并以这种方式处置。





    长老会联合会的E. Deas牧师证实了关于尼日利亚许多地方存在食人市场的许多报道,主教Crowther写道:

    前进的道路。 在Okrika部落中,有XNUMX名囚犯是从河对岸的一个部落中夺走的,并分派给酋长。


    《周六评论》的记者写道,西非,尤其是尼日利亚的部落成员对人肉有着无误的欲望,并补充说:“年轻的男孩从黑暗的内部被带进来,用笔围起来,在香蕉上加脂,最后被杀死。然后烤。” ”

    “All the Mambila groups were cannibal until recendy, and most  of them would be cannibal still were it not for fear of the Administration. They ate the flesh of their enemies killed in war, and among their enemies might be members of a neighbouring village with whom they had intermarried when at peace. Thus it might happen that a man would kill and eat one of his own relatives.

    兄弟在两个村庄之间的纠缠中。 但据指出,如果一个人杀害并吃掉了他的岳父,他将会生病并死亡。


    宗教思想在曼比拉的自相残杀中并不突出。 愿意回答问题的部族清楚地表明,他们吃肉完全是肉。

    当他们杀死敌人时,他们割下了他的尸体,并在没有任何手续的情况下就地原地吃掉了它们。 碎片被带回家,送给老人,他们从纯粹的肉欲中把它们吃掉了。 在这种情况下,肉可以生吃或煮熟。


    另一方面,据说年轻人被迫吃东西以变得勇敢。 这种观念显然是通过吃掉一个被杀战士的肉,他们吸收了他的勇气。

    敌人的头骨被保存了下来,当年轻人第一次参战时,他们被要求从其中一个头骨中喝啤酒和某种药物,以使他们无所畏惧。 但是,不允许妇女食用人肉,已婚男子也不得食用在袭击村庄时被杀害的妇女的肉。 但是没有妻子的老男人可能会吃掉有罪不罚的女人的肉。”


    宴会上,村里的每个杀人者都跳舞,通常一只手戴着头骨,另一只手拿着砍刀。 有时,敌人的尸体被完整地带走; 有时会预先切成小块以便于运输。


    在某些部落中,禁止妇女和儿童食用人肉。 在其他地方,例如在卡拉巴里(Kalabari)中,小屋的长姐被迫品尝,但无论她有多强烈,她都会提出抗议。

    在Abadja中,被杀死的人的整个身体通常被带回村里并在那里消费,尽管吃妇女或儿童是禁忌。 一个人只将自己的“杀戮”分配给自己的家人。

    切开尸体,用锅煮熟; 手指,手掌和脚趾被认为是最好的饮食。 有时,如果一家人感到满意,身体的一部分会被干燥并存放起来以备后用。

    当一名Nkanu战士将头转回头时,所有听到事迹的人都给了他一份礼物,许多棕榈酒被喝了。 奖杯被煮沸,肉被切掉。


    在其中某些部落中实行了很多残酷的对待。 例如,巴富姆-班索(Bafum-Bansaw)经常折磨囚犯,然后将其处死。

    将棕榈油在一个大锅中煮沸,然后通过葫芦灌肠将其泵入囚犯的肠子和胃中。 据说这种做法使尸体比原本的肉质更加丰富。




    卡内姆成立。 讲卡努里语的游牧民族建立了卡纳姆苏丹帝国,该帝国通过跨撒哈拉贸易获得了权力。 实行奴隶制,从南部俘虏奴隶,并从北非买卖马匹。

    尼里王国在Eze Nri的领导下崛起。 民主统治下,沙特王国村庄的男人和妇女偶尔参加了决策过程”



    直到15世纪,这些小国都处于该时代主要的苏丹帝国的外围。 他们向西边的松海和东边的卡内姆-博尔努不断施加压力,向他们表示敬意。 武装冲突通常是由经济问题引起的,因为豪萨州各州的联盟在中间地带发动针对朱库恩人和努佩的战争,以收集奴隶或为控制贸易而彼此对抗。

    “博尔努(Bornu)的繁荣取决于跨苏门的奴隶贸易以及盐和牲畜的沙漠贸易。 为了保护其商业利益,博尔努不得不干预卡纳姆,而卡纳姆在整个XNUMX世纪和XNUMX世纪一直是战争的舞台。”


  286. Anon[151]• 免责声明 说:





    联合国 7 月发布的一份报告发现,非洲是唯一一个大多数人比二十年前更加贫困的大陆”


  287. @Anon

    Rotherham wasn’t the only case…

    That is true, but even if you add it all up, once you ponder seriously that the U.K. is a country with 66 million people, you would probably have to admit that it is not a very major phenomenon on a national scale.

    If somebody told you that there are a few dozen Puerto Rican rapists in the Northeast of the United States, how would you react to that? Or a few dozen Mexican lowlifes abusing children in California….

    These aren’t good things, but to try to present things of that scale as characterizing the behavior of an entire demographic of millions of people…

    In any case, this all began when I pointed out that, at least according to official government statistics, crime in German is at a multi-decade low.

    Is your proof to the contrary going to be that there are some Pakistani criminals in Northern England?

    • 回复: @comprimarius
  288. eah 说:

    An Eritrean who arrived in 2015 is on trial for raping 4 different women:

    pi_news.com - Memmingen: Kriminologe findet Entschuldigung für Serienvergewaltiger

    In DE the national media generally does not report these crimes — they explain/excuse this practice by saying such cases are only of regional interest: “regionale Bedeutung”.

  289. Miro23 说:


    “什么是不同的性别身份?” 在为支持学校的个人、社会和健康教育 (PSHE) 课程而推出的九部新 BBC Teach 电影中,有一个小男孩问一个小男孩——他的校长回答说:“这是一个非常、非常令人兴奋的问题……”


    But children, insists the BBC’s Relationships and Sex Education teacher Kate Daniels in the film, might well find these too limiting…

    即使按照今天的皇帝的新装性别多样性叙事,100 也在推动它。 'Woke' Facebook 目前列出了 71 种复杂而有趣的重复选项,这些选项适合那些被过于还原的“男性”和“女性”束缚的人。


  290. @jack daniels

    I welcome Muslim immigrants because I am a reactionary on social policy and welcome the addition of “people of color” who oppose feminism and gay lib.

    May I suggest you come for a short holiday to Birmingham, England, spend some time in the majority-Asian areas, and then let us know if your socially-useful Muslims are as desirable as you claim.

    Oh, and BTW, don’t bring any young white females with you if you value their health and safety.

  291. @Jonathan Revusky

    Rotherham has the 20th biggest Muslim population in the UK.

    People who know the real extent of this problem estimate the potential victims of young girls and boys to number in the hundreds of thousands.

    These aren’t good things, but to try to present things of that scale as characterizing the behavior of an entire demographic of millions of people…

    If you were repeatedly drugged, beaten, raped and prostituted by men from a particular demographic, do you think you would consider it to be serious, or would your supercilious attitude protect you from physical and psychological injury?

    It may be a good idea in future to gain an understand of a serious issue before commenting.

  292. @Alfa158

    4. Once the frog has been boiled and the carcass disposed of there is no reason to think things will not go on as if nothing had changed.

    That can’t be right. The whole point of the exercise is to make things go differently by effecting a change.



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