 尼古拉斯·斯蒂克斯(Nicholas Stix)档案
泰莎·梅杰斯(Tessa Majors)的谋杀案只是纽约市犯罪冰山的一角

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早些时候: 斯蒂克斯辩护! 学术界,杂志证实大城市警察正在“消失”犯罪

终于, 拉沙恩·韦弗(Rashaun Weaver)被捕 是因为他在11年2019月XNUMX日谋杀了巴纳德学院的学生泰莎·梅杰斯(Tessa Majors)。请记住,警察拘留了韦弗,但让他走了[埃德加·桑多瓦尔(Edgar Sandoval)在Tessa Majors案中免费释放14岁的青少年, “纽约时报”,26年2019月13日]。 第二名嫌疑人XNUMX岁的扎耶尔·戴维斯(Zyairr Davis)已被起诉,但在家庭法院[法官为泰莎少校刺杀死亡案的青少年男孩设定谋杀审判日期,作者:Anthony M. DeStefano, “新闻日报”,2年2020月1980日]。 第三名嫌疑犯,也受到质疑但也被释放,仍然没有释放。 这种痛苦的步伐是纽约市市长比尔·迪布拉西奥(Bill DiBlasio)种族歧视政策的直接结果,我预计该政策可能仍会否定少校的正义。 这是冰山一角:很快就不可能掩盖我们回到XNUMX年代的高犯罪时代。

在少校案中,纽约市警察局也发挥了作用。 显然,与 诺克斯维尔恐怖片,执法工作使戴维斯一伙抢劫犯在该地区横行,直到他们谋杀了她。

并且,作为 纽约 帖子 报道,韦弗

在林上呆了两个多星期,然后警察在星期四在布朗克斯区将他抓了起来。 ……调查人员认为他可能一直待在地下直到他的手指愈合为止

[嫌疑人可能杀死了泰莎·梅杰斯,因为她咬了手指:警方消息人士,由Tina Moore,Khristina Narizhnaya和Laura Italiano撰写,27年2019月XNUMX日]。


执法部门谨慎的一个可以理解的原因:杀手们的粉丝正在使案件政治化,目的是拉动新的 中央公园五骗局。 他们已经诽谤了主要侦探[涉及Barnard学生Tessa Majors案的侦探面临指控,他在其他案件中捏造了证据,由CNN的Alec Snyder发表,23年2019月XNUMX日],毫无根据地断言戴维斯的认罪是被强迫的,因为侦探“ bad”了他[律师对男孩关于谋杀巴纳德学生的言论持怀疑态度,由Jan Ransom撰写, 纽约时报, 17年2019月XNUMX日]。

警察知道 比尔·德布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)将不会退缩。 他的纽约是超级捕食者的重新崛起之城,这个词在1990年代由犯罪学家广为流传 约翰·J. 迪尤利奥 描述 越来越年轻的男孩, 多数是黑人,是精神病犯罪机器。 左派妖魔化并歪曲了这个概念,DiIulio感到害怕,问题被颠倒了。 现在,黑人超级掠食者是“受害者” [超级掠食者的归来由Brian Johnson撰写, 杰克逊自由报,30年2006月XNUMX日]

并非de Blasio创造了这个世界。 建筑师是黑人精子捐献者,他们把他们的工作撞倒了。 女友 但是到了抚养孩子的时候消失了, 和母亲 故意提出种族主义,暴力的重罪[谁可以让雨停?, 尼古拉斯·斯蒂克斯未经审查,15年2008月XNUMX日]。

当然,我们已经看到了几代关于它的决斗神话。 根据左派最喜欢的神话,各个年龄段的黑人罪犯都是无辜的 “种族主义的受害者。” 而共和党人则以奇迹般地减少犯罪而称赞—在我看来,《纽约客》本身就是神话。

因此,在1990年代中后期, 每日新闻“新闻日报” 一次又一次地揭露一个伪造的伪造丑闻,包括纽约警察局的烹饪犯罪统计,但通常表现为不同的丑闻无关。 从1996年开始,我在一系列展览中展示了这些模式[1996, 2002a, 2002b, 2004, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2012b, 2012c, 2012d, 2014a, 2014b]。 这是另一个例子:

纽约警察局奇怪的习惯“重新分类”几十年前发生暴力事件的谋杀案,使谋杀率大体持平。 但是,这座城市坚持认为总体犯罪率保持在历史最低水平,这听起来越来越自夸,而不是自夸,这似乎是我们所能做的最好的事情。

[在纽约如何忽视犯罪,事故数据在10天内导致三人死亡,作者:妮可·吉利纳斯(Nicole Gelinas), 纽约邮报,最后更新时间:23年2019月XNUMX日]

考虑到她的经典文章,格林纳斯比她说的要了解得多 犯罪 in 新奥尔良 [谁在杀死新奥尔良?, 城市日报,2005年XNUMX月]。 但是无论如何,当纽约警察局的官员被任命为警察局长或在全国范围内聘请顾问演出时,普通警察会沦为专业骗子,制造伪造的假货,并伴随着犯罪规则的传播。


(但是,相比之下, 按书 合理的 杀人 在哪个警察 捍卫 自己现在 “谋杀。” 当然,这不鼓励 诚实守法 更)。

观察者如 希瑟·麦克唐纳德 对于(假定的)减少犯罪只有两种可能的解释:停止提问-取消和 “窗户破” 维持治安 攻击 低层的,“生活质量”轻罪(泛装,做 逃税, 上市 排尿 和公众 饮用水).


德布拉西奥几乎 截至 Stop-question-frisk,这使纽约街头的数千支枪走了。 一开始就破坏了“残破的窗户警务”。 法官通常会撤消生活质量的指控,而检察官通常会在他们到达法院之前就将其撤消。[ 纽约市的来信| 犯罪故事 编年史,1996年XNUMX月]

在de Blasio统治下,这座城市的罪犯享受着 刑事大赦 专门为黑人和西班牙裔煮熟的 “不同的影响” 诡辩。 据报道,另外一个即将推出[刑事司法改革将给成千上万的人一个清白的条件—如果只有他们可以适用的话,由大卫·布兰德(David Brand) 布鲁克林每日鹰,25年2019月1980日]。 顺便说一下,大赦早在XNUMX年代就已经制度化了。 轻罪将获得ACD(考虑解雇的裁决),帮助清洁城市公园几天,不被再次逮捕而连续六个月,并且逮捕将被撤销。

De Blasio还为40岁以上的毒品犯罪分子构思了一项免费犯罪计划[禁毒警察下令停止逮捕40多名嫌疑犯,由丹尼尔·普伦德加斯特(Daniel Prendergast),肖恩·科恩(Shawn Cohen)和杰米·施拉姆(Jamie Schram)撰写, 纽约邮报, 20年2015月XNUMX日]。 他几乎消灭了大多数人 学校纪律。 有了他的祝福,黑色和棕色的暴徒现在可以诅咒老师,从事暴力活动并阻止所有教育。

同样,纽约州刚刚通过“刑事司法改革”为黑人和棕色暴徒创造了重罪者的天堂, 保释金实际上已经结束了 这样暴徒可以更快地犯下更多罪行[在反犹太人袭击浪潮中,纽约保释金改革备受抨击,福克斯新闻(Ross News)的罗恩·布利策(Ronn Blitzer)于2年2020月XNUMX日发布]。 根据de Blasio, of 反犹太人攻击b y 黑人 是“白人民族主义者”和特朗普总统的过错[最新的反犹太人攻击清楚表明:对犹太人的仇恨不仅来自白人至上主义者,作者:贝丝·贝利(Beth Bailey), 华盛顿考官,30年2019月XNUMX日]。

黑人纽约总检察长 莱蒂蒂亚·詹姆斯(Letitia James)的贡献 要求纽约警察局停止逮捕黑人敲诈者, 实际上是对犯罪的垄断。

即使当 城市或地区 承认为 我地区的 确实在2018年XNUMX月,七项“索引犯罪”中的两项(重罪袭击和入室盗窃)有所增加,他们坚持认为“ 犯罪减少 包含了本月令人不快的事件” [尽管犯罪减少,但袭击仍在继续, 雷·范恩(Ray Vann) 海浪,30年2018月XNUMX日]。

三个月后,纽约市警察局在全市范围内讲了类似的故事。 去年年初,凶杀案猛增了37%,而强奸案的发生率达到了19%。 然而,“尽管谋杀案有所增加,” 每日新闻 报道说:“该市的整体犯罪率在11月份下降了9%,在一年中下降了XNUMX%” [受二月份惊人的37%飙升的推动,今年迄今为止,纽约市的凶杀案增长了50%,作者:Rocco Parascandola和Graham Rayman,4年2019月XNUMX日]。



其他五个类别的下降幅度如何,以致整个犯罪率下降了? 在现实世界中,犯罪爆炸袭击了所有领域。 强奸和谋杀的重罪犯也常常在抢劫和抢劫中被抢劫和入室盗窃。 同时,.

2010 年,一位名叫 Adrian Schoolcraft 的纽约警察局官员揭露了真相并为此付出了代价。 他记录了妥协的谈话,并向上级抱怨虚假数据。 他知道的下一件事是,黄铜让警察破门而入,绑架了 Schoolcraft 的公寓,并强迫他在精神病房里呆了六天。 最终,纽约警察局向 Schoolcraft 支付了 60,000 美元的和解金。

格雷厄姆·雷曼(Graham Rayman) 左撇子的 乡村之声,现在是 犯罪作家 每日新闻 写了一系列 一本书 关于Schoolcraft和fakestats。 但是什么都没有改变。

雷曼提供的 音色 以主管的报价打开:

“你知道,我已经做了八年了。 我看了很多。 人们会竭尽全力去不报告,或者不报告七个主要罪行。 所以没有什么让我感到惊讶了”

[NYPD录音带:位于Bed-Stuy的第81分界线内,作者:格雷厄姆·雷曼(Graham Rayman),4年2010月XNUMX日]。


尽管我们都听说过1990年代中期鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)领导下的这座城市开始了低犯罪率的复兴,但我在这里告诉您这件事从未发生过。 尽管de Blasio和他的前任Mike Bloomberg都说过,纽约并不是美国最安全的大城市。

泰莎·梅杰斯(Tessa Majors)也会告诉你,但她不能。

现在为自己的君主比尔·德·布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)统治街道的超级掠夺者看到了这一点。


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  1. 苔丝·梅杰斯是一个反白人的叛徒。没有必要把我们的同情浪费在她这样的人身上。


    • 不同意: El Dato
  2. eah 说:

    At long last, Rashaun Weaver has been arrested for the murder of Barnard College student Tessa Majors back on December 11 2019. Remember, the police had Weaver in custody but let him go …

    For those who did not follow the case before, he was released while awaiting the results of forensic tests:

    Tessa Majors scratched and struggled like hell against the teen with a knife who took her life during a botched robbery in Morningside Park last year — and now his DNA, recovered from under her fingernail, has helped implicate the boy who investigators are “confident” is her murderer。 ......

    Investigators say the boy — who is the son of an incarcerated father and a mother who also has a stabbing on her rap sheet from 2006 …

    Weaver’s own arrest was delayed by his going into hiding for several weeks last year, including in The Bronx, Shea said. Investigators also had to get a court order to obtain Weaver’s DNA, which was done in late December.

    I don’t think the police ever had any doubt he was the killer, and would have preferred he remain jailed.

    The article also answers the question/speculation re what she was doing in the park after/near dark:

    Sources have told The Post that she had just purchased a small amount of marijuana — which would be stolen from her by the young muggers. …

    “快跑! 把手机给我!” 根据对韦弗的投诉中引用的一名目击者的说法,一名抢劫犯大喊大叫。

    “You got some weed, gimme that, too!” he yelled at Majors.

  3. Hibernian 说:

    Even if he said that, it doesn’t mean she had marijuana, just that he thought she did, or might. Not to mention the issue of the reliability or lack thereof of the “ear-witness.’ And “after dark” was late afternoon/very early evening at a time of the year when it gets dark very early at that paralell of latitude. You have already been called out repeatedly in another thread for your extreme sympathy for the attackers and disdain for the victim.

    • 回复: @eah
    , @Alden
  4. Steve Sailer has oft noted that murder is the crime that can be hidden the least due to the dead bodies, which usually belong to someone. He’s got a point, but then your observations that the NY police have been writing off murders as accidents, suicides, or whatever, is a good refutation of that. Do you have any numbers on whether the NY City suicide rate is higher or accident rates of certain sorts are? I know the latter especially may be hard to get and hard to prove anything with.

    Additionally, other big cities may have the same thing going on, to make the stats look good. That doesn’t refute your point though, as (and I’ve read this before from you) your point is that there has been no big break in violent crime in NYC from the Giuliani times forward.

    Maybe all this “safest big city in America” bit is true only for the case of the downtown Manhattan financial center and the areas with the fancy restaurants. That’s all the Globalist elites care about anyway. Unless they’ve got to get through it with the car service on the way to La Guardia, they couldn’t give a damn what happens in Queens.

  5. Nick, this is a more personal, advice post to you. I’m just going by recollection, but don’t you own your own house somewhere down near the L.I. Sound shoreline (I remember your take on the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy)? I don’t know if you have other work than writing, or if your wife has some good job there.

    NY City had a reprieve, even if not in crime, at least in status and wealth, from the late ’80s through the recently election of the racist Commie. That’s over with now. The thing is, even when crime was known to be bad, NY City was still the place that many young people would still enjoy and maybe help them get far in life, as depicted “Bright Lights, Big City” with Michael J. Fox and the Wall Street type movies. That was when the city still had quite a few white people.

    It may be time to let go, Nick. You aren’t a young guy that doesn’t mind living in a closet, eating Top Ramen and Jello for months (trying to make it big, you know!), and scraping up the money to party hardy on the weekends. Why stay there?

    You need to plan your own “Escape from New York” well before the place ends up like THAT movie. Americans should just leave that city as a great example of what the 3rd World is about – no middle class, just the high rollers in finance that take limos, helicopters, and jets around, and the 3rd-worldly peons in the streets that do all the actual work for them. There’s perhaps no place for a white middle class in New York City now. Let it go, Nick…


    PS: Just met a guy yesterday that is from Queens. He’s a white guy in construction. He was telling us how he misses the place while here visiting the family. Young men, haha! Yeah, go ahead, bite the Big Apple, don’t mind the maggots!

    “I’ve been shattered, splattered all over Manhattan ….”:

    • 回复: @Nicholas Stix
  6. eah 说:

    Even if he said that, it doesn’t mean she had marijuana, …

    Go read the article; I already excerpted the relevant part: Sources have told The Post 她有 刚刚购买 a small amount of marijuana …” — from that one can reasonably assume she had the weed on her, even that she went to the park specifically to buy some — there was speculation about this before (back in Dec), including that one reason she was robbed was that the “teens” saw her buy the weed and decided they wanted it too.

    Re the time of the “botched robbery”, this new story says: It was a quarter to 7 on a Wednesday night, and Majors had just walked across the park. — whereas I recall in Dec it was said the “botched robbery” happened well more than an hour earlier, closer to 5:30pm — ? — anyway, in early Dec it is certainly dark in NYC at “a quarter to 7”, and getting dark at 5:30pm.

    You have already been called out repeatedly in another thread for your extreme sympathy for the attackers and disdain for the victim.

    I have huh? — by whom? — and exactly where did I express “extreme sympathy” for the killers of Tessa Majors? — this should be easy for you to answer: I believe Stix is the only person on unz.com who’s covered her killing — ? — so go there and review my comments, and point out where I showed “extreme sympathy for the attackers and disdain for the victim”.

    Maybe you’re confused: I showed understanding for the verdict in the Sean Schellenger case (Philadelphia), because numerous eyewitnesses testified that Schellenger attacked the defendant (Michael White) — there was even a video of the attack, which was played in court and surely helped convince the jury (you know, the people who found him not guilty) that White acted in self-defense — I never expressed “disdain” for Schellenger; I said his actions were foolish, probably in large part due to the fact he was intoxicated — I also said 明确地 1) I had more sympathy for the deceased than for the defendant, and 2) a guilty verdict for an “unreasonable act of self-defense” would also not have been inappropriate.

    I do have some disdain, but not for victims: I have disdain for morons like you.

    • 回复: @Hibernian
  7. anarchyst 说:

    I’ve been to New York City once and would never go back.

    I realize that there are many who like the “lifestyle”–good for them.

    Almost anyone who lives in New York City doesn’t OWN anything of real value, (especially real estate), most real estate being owned by a small number of oligarchical fat cat jews.

    When a 350 square foot “walk up”, (7 stories up without an elevator) goes for $3500 a month, with the tenants remarking that it is a “good deal”, something is seriously wrong.

    Nope, New York City will not be on my list of destinations.

    • 回复: @Hibernian
    , @Alden
  8. eah 说:
    @Priss Factor



    如今,大多数在美国“成年”的白人孩子都是在一个他们几乎是少数群体的国家长大的(在某些地方他们已经是少数群体了),看到的新闻(种族/犯罪)受到审查,并被社会灌输“反种族歧视”的观念。从小就进行“种族主义”宣传(此外,她的父亲是一名学者)—— 在什么年龄 您是否期望年轻的白人,尤其是年轻的白人女性(她们往往更有同理心),能够对种族等敏感话题形成观点,从而避免被称为“反白人种族叛徒”?


    就我个人而言,我认为最好尝试用令人信服的论点来接触年轻的白人,让他们有时间体验更多的生活和世界, 是时候对种族等敏感问题形成更现实的看法了,然后将他们视为“反白人叛徒”。

  9. Hibernian 说:

    It has nothing to do with Schellenger; I remember an article here concerning him and that at least one poster commented on him in a negative way. I didn’t remember it was you; now you’re telling us it was.

    I certainly never disputed that it was dark when Majors entered the park. I simply pointed out that this was at a time of the day when, in the winter in a Northern clime (such as Chicago where I live, which is at about the same latitude as NYC), it’s much too early to concede public spaces to criminals. Many 白班 workers are getting off work at about that time, including me. If I was to abjure taking the subway (we have one too) at that hour, I’d have to find another way to get home.

    I’ll leave it to others to judge your attitude. I think most people will agree with me.

    • 哈哈: eah
  10. Hibernian 说:

    I think that, with the possible exception of the (clearly exorbitant) rent, this is at least a slight exaggeration. At least the number of stories. Even in NYC, 6 stories is the maximum for a walkup. (In Chicago its 4, and even that is rare.)

  11. @Achmed E. Newman

    You are absolutely right. And they often display callous indifference to the experience that the rest of us have in the less-protected parts of “their” cities.

    I worked a long stretch for a lady here in Los Angeles who is part of the lower echelon of the economic and social elite in this country. I know her and her husband quite well, having been to their home numerous times and out to dine with many times. She is a childless and bitter professional “woman” who left the Midwest and feels superior to the people she left behind, while he is a “born rich and got richer” RINO California native. They have two paid-for homes, one in LA and one near the coast. They drive, or are driven, everywhere.

    Their life is a series of pleasant little trips between their homes, offices, LAX airport, exorbitant restaurants, and their equally rich heartless friends’ homes. Naturally no trips to church (which they look down on) or to volunteer work, from what i have gathered, and almost never a trip to visit her family. Certainly no walking amidst Hoi Polloi.

    When I was physically attacked and injured (apparently permanently) right outside our workplace, in broad daylight, by a much younger African who called me a white bitch, she had no sympathy. She acted annoyed to have to hear about it. That was a perfect illustration of “adding insult to injury.” She seemed to imply either that I was exaggerating the extent of the fear and injury caused by the attack, or that I was overreacting. It was hard to believe what I was hearing, even from her.

    They … do … not … care … whether we live or die.

    • 回复: @animalogic
    , @Bert
    , @JackOH
  12. anarchyst 说:

    A relative of mine lives in a NYC building on the 7th floor. The elevator hasn’t worked in years…

  13. @eah

    “快跑! 把手机给我!” 根据对韦弗的投诉中引用的一名目击者的说法,一名抢劫犯大喊大叫。

    Seeing as how I don’t speak Negrotic Gibberish, I was wondering if anyone had any idea what “运行你的狗屎!” would mean in this context?

  14. Alden 说:

    第一个发现垂死的泰莎的警察将她发现泰莎的时间记录为 1727 年或下午 5 点 27 分。这意味着她一定是在下午 5:10-5:15 左右遭到袭击

    大多数 UNZ 评论都无休止地谴责泰莎晚上外出。其他人则严厉批评泰莎和她的父母将她送入排名前十的大学。其他人只是沉溺于他们标准的厌恶女性的仇恨之中。

    白人妇女阿戈斯蒂尼和加西亚在万豪酒店酒吧被黑人保安和顾客殴打,黛博拉·斯克鲁格斯遭到大力水手员工袭击,导致 25 根骨头骨折,人们对此感到欣喜,而泰莎·梅杰斯和她的父母则无休止地将她的死归咎于泰莎·梅杰斯和她的父母,加上绝对的惩罚。憎恨 UNZ 男人的厌女症妇女们对梅杰的死感到高兴,对爱泼斯坦无休止的无罪释放感到高兴,并通过单手打字表达了对他 14 岁的荡妇和妓女的纯粹仇恨,这些憎恨 UNZ 男人的厌恶女性的妇女表明自己是白人的卑鄙叛徒。

    顺便说一句,联邦调查局针对儿童的互联网犯罪部门已经在追踪 Harbinger 和其他主张与未满同意年龄的女孩发生性行为的爱泼斯坦评论者,以调查这些评论者是否真的在对未成年人做他们主张在 UNZ 上对未成年人做的事情。

    白人男子对白人妇女的殴打和谋杀感到高兴。这就是 UNZ 的男人们。

    我从 1997 年?98 年开始就在互联网上关注你?尼古拉斯.我们交换电子邮件已有多年。但这确实不是提高人们对黑人对白人犯罪认识的网站。
    被关起来的老混蛋的反应总是责怪白人受害者,无论是男人还是女人。他为什么晚上 10:30 出去(下班回家)。他为何来到一个黑人人口众多的城市?为什么不把前面的1个后面的2个射死呢?他不应该停下来加油。

    泰莎·梅杰被 UNZ 男子谋杀的欢欣鼓舞令人震惊。为爱泼斯坦辩护并鼓吹与 14 岁女孩发生性行为引起了执法部门的关注。不应该在互联网上传播您的非法性生活,以猥亵未成年人为荣。


    • 同意: TKK, West Reanimator
    • 不同意: YetAnotherAnon
    • 哈哈: Lol just lol
  15. @Alden


    It didn’t take some imbeciles long to resume the “She had it coming” trope.

    However, the main defense will come from white liberals trying to, as Nicholas says, “retcon the Central Park 5 Hoax.”

    I expect to see “He’s just a child and should be in Juvenile Court.”

    • 回复: @Alden
  16. anonymous[269]• 免责声明 说:

    The problem is really loony-left crackpots like DiBlasio and others who are white but have handed over the keys to the pro-criminal elements. The white population has just given up and won’t try to take back control. It’s open season now and crime will expand until it hits a barrier. This perp kid’s parents are a perfect example of the dysfunctional breeding taking place, cranking out mentally defective born criminals. It’s one or the other, the functional and criminally dysfunctional can’t co-exist.

    • 回复: @Alden
  17. Alden 说:

    Most White conservative men are adamantly against birth control and abortion, especially the misogynist women haters of UNZ.

    Fascinating to read the rants of these eunuch incels against birth control and abortion who’ve never done the deed that conceives a baby.


    But then, conservatives are as anti White as the liberals.

  18. anon[371]• 免责声明 说:

    How long before”Colin Wright” joins the conversation and it and ”Alden” play ping pong with the Strawman?

  19. Alden 说:

    People in San Francisco and the Bay Area are getting $3-3500 a month for a small 100 sq ft bedroom with kitchen privileges A converted garage with kitchenette and tiny bathroom goes for $5,000 a month.

    That’s what happens when the entire population the earth is invited to invade.

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
  20. Alden 说:

    So possessing weed deserves being murdered. Weed’s legal in several states you know. Another White women hating Man of UNZ. What else is new?

    As for the anti dairy protestors, they are paid protestors who work for the non dairy White beverage industry. They’re paid by the manufacturers of Almond milk soy milk and all the other White beverages erroneously labeled milk.

    Same with all the plant produced artificial beef and butter substitute manufacturers and their lobbyists. How can you be so naive to believe that the anti dairy milk protestors don’t work for the White beverage producers.?

    • 回复: @Hippopotamusdrome
  21. 她是一个坚强独立的女性,不需要男人,所以我怀疑她会希望任何人,尤其是顺性白人男性,在她受到攻击时介入并拯救她。

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Hippopotamusdrome
  22. @Priss Factor

    OK, maybe when you get raped and murdered, somebody who never met you will say, “That’s OK, he was an asshole”. What comes around, goes around, Prissy.

    • 同意: El Dato, Saggy
  23. Hibernian 说:

    Why was he out at 10:30 PM…


    • 回复: @Alden
  24. Alden 说:

    I’m gob smacked boulversed shocked.! There’s a true crime program on the Oxygen channel. It’s about the Wichita Massacre and actually describes the murderers as 2 black men. Unbelievable unheard of.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @Rurik
  25. Alden 说:

    It’s always the victim’s fault according to dey black mammas of the criminals and some of the Men of UNZ

    Why fo he tuhka da bus? Why she cawwy a pus? I guess Whites have no right to live in cities or be out in public according to some UNZ commenters.

  26. Alden 说:
    @Michael Tomac



    • 回复: @TKK
  27. @Alden

    大多数 UNZ 评论都无休止地谴责泰莎晚上外出。其他人则严厉批评泰莎和她的父母将她送入排名前十的大学。

    她晚上出去了 哈林区 以邮政编码 (10026)其中白人占 22%。不,天黑后你不准出去 哈林区不好意思


    +1 for “misogynist”.

    • 回复: @Alden
  28. @Alden

    As for the anti dairy protestors, they are paid protestors who work for the non dairy White beverage industry. They’re paid by the manufacturers of Almond milk soy milk and all the other White beverages erroneously labeled milk.


  29. @Alden

    Read my comments about the practical effect of abortion in the USA, both here and at The American Conservative (where some of the suicidally naive “principled” “pro-life” Christians were SHOCKED, I tell you, simply SHOCKED).

    But incentivizing or requiring sterilization of Africans would be far preferable to allowing them (and others) to murder their children once already conceived.

    • 回复: @kerdasi amaq
  30. @Hibernian

    Absolutely not an exaggeration of the rents there.

  31. @Michael Tomac


    Not to speak ill of the dead, but for everyone’s edification…

    被谋杀的纽约市大学生 Tessa Majors 是一名激进的左翼分子,试图在刺伤前对毒品进行评分

    她的父亲英曼梅杰斯是詹姆斯麦迪逊大学的一名英语教授,他鼓励女儿采取自由主义立场。 在 2017 年的反特朗普集会上,他穿着一件支持计划生育的 T 恤庆祝他的女儿:
    Majors 在她的 Pinterest 帐户上发布的图片显示,她是 LGBT 议程的肇事者、骄傲的荡妇、激进的女权主义者、多元化和多元文化主义的支持者,以及男性权利的敌人。
    [Instagram 图片:
    Black woman in bikini with “Black Lives Matter” written on her stomach. Hearts with “Eliminate Girl Hate”. Button with “Fuck Fascism”. Neon sign with “Slut”. Hair beads with “Cat Lady”, “Poop”, “Hole”. Poster with “I will not go quietly back to the 1950’s”. Three black power fists, one pink, one black, one brown. Protest sign with “Cuz Only Very Fragile Egos Fear Equality”. Protest sign with “Love is love. Black lives matter. Climate change is real. Immigrants make America great. Women’s rights are human rights.”. Two women kissing. Two women kissing.]
    Majors 还曾在 Augusta Free Press 实习,这是一家在弗吉尼亚州运营的极左报纸,致力于宣传 ANTIFA 宣传。

  32. @Twodees Partain

    somebody who never met you will say, “That’s OK, he was an asshole”

    Well, I am in no position to hold that against anyone.

    Certain segments of the population, with a left-leaning bent, if they knew you read Unz articles, voted for Trump, and participate in online forums discussing black crime, would say precisely that. That’s kinda the whole point to the schadenfreude expressed in this case you decry so much.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
    , @Herald
  33. @RadicalCenter

    You really can’t solve moral problems by resorting to genocide. The self-serving inability of liberal Democrats to impose social discipline on their black wards is the problem.

    • 回复: @Negrolphin Pool
  34. @Alden

    I’m a woman and I resent you insulting me by claiming I watch Oxygen channel because I’m a woman.

    你是否 lie to me then, Alden? I tend to believe people on the internet until they do this. Hopefully, this is just that woman’s prerogative to change her mind thing.

    And please guys, shut about TV. Your showing your age. No one under 60 watches TV anymore. One of the misogynist women hating old codgers wrote something to Rosie about the Oxygen channel. The old whiner disapproves of Oxygen channel.

    I’ve never even heard of Oxygen channel. I don’t watch TV at all. Yet the old codger scolded me and Rosie for watching Oxygen channel. How does the old grumpus Know so much about the Oxygen channel?

    Yeah, damn liar. I need to find that ignore feature some time. This really pisses me off.

    • 回复: @Alden
  35. @Hippopotamusdrome


    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  36. animalogic 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Out of interest: does the NYPD fiddle around with arrests, prosecutions & statistics where the victim or offender is white, European etc ?

  37. animalogic 说:

    Dear RadicalCenter, I think you have been treated appallingly. I am truly sorry that someone of your obvious intelligence & sensibility should be treated in such a manner. These so-called humans are almost worse (almost) worse than your attacker. I hope circumstances improve for you.

  38. animalogic 说:

    I just do NOT GET the attitudes raised by this case.
    I dont give a FUCK what type of person the victim was, nor is it strictly relevant what her behavior was: NO ONE deserves to be stabbed to death for ANY reason other than that they are a imminent threat to the life of another.
    Nor do I give a shit for the race, religion, gender or toothpaste preference of the murderer. If a jury finds him guilty after an unbiased trial, competently handled by both prosecution & defence, then I hope the guilty party goes to goal for 20 + years.
    There appears to be no legal niceties in this case: no self defence, no provocation etc. The fact that it was dark, in harlem & the victim may have or did purchase pot are irrelevant to guilt or innocence.
    I’m not all that keen on the “Woke”, but I’ll be damned if i’d use that to justify the murder of anyone, especially a young person.

  39. @Servant of Gla'aki

    Quite simple,young man,to…look it up.
    It means to take care of your business,as in when I confront you and demand your money you better be wise and quickly hand it over.
    It brings to mind Jack Benny’s famous line. When a crook puts a gun in his back and says,”Yer money or yer life!”
    Benny doesn’t respond.
    The angry crook says,”WELL?”
    Benny responds,”I’m thinking! I’m thinking!”

    • 回复: @Alden
  40. @animalogic

    Those are more questions for the writer here, Nick Stix, but I couldn’t tell if you meant to ask me directly. I don’t live anywhere near NY City.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  41. @animalogic

    As I tried to get through the skull of commenter Alden in a previous thread, none of the commenters are saying that this girl Tessa DESERVED to die. Read the very first comment, and tell me that he said that. Bull.

    Commenters have said that things to the effect of “it’s no great loss”. Some of the things that young Tessa stood for and protested about are indeed absolutely actions of an enemy of the White people. However, I agree with those who understand that she was a young girl, and lots of young people do and say some really stupid stuff. Her death was a great loss to her parents and friends obviously. No, in no way did she 值得 to have this happen, period.

    Then there is the argument of whether Tessa should have been there. Yes, in a free country with a unified white population, she probably could have gone there. Was it stupid? I don’t know NY City, so I can’t say. However, commenters have been right before regarding other such cases in saying that possibly a victim’s naivety DUE TO her being such a SJW is what got her to ignore her inner voice warning of danger and go to certain locations, because “we are all the same.” If that’s the case here, it’s not good she learned the hard way, no.

    Nobody is justifying her murder. I think the problem here is one of interpretation.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Bardon Kaldian
  42. @Hippopotamusdrome

    “That’s kinda the whole point to the schadenfreude expressed in this case you decry so much.”

    That’s a strange comment. Priss made a trollish comment about a murder victim, which had absolutely nothing to do with the topic of discussion, which is the way NYC prosecutors and police handle charges and I responded. How is that decrying anything “so much”?

    Thanks for your response, though it made no sense to me at all.

    • 同意: Jim Christian
  43. @Michael Tomac

    So, it’s OK to murder someone if they happen to be “woke”? Is there a special category of homicide that should be classified as a misdemeanor, even if it’s an aggressive act with no self defense motive involved? I don’t think that there is, or even that there should be such a classification.

  44. @Hippopotamusdrome

    “Majors also interned at the Augusta Free Press, a far-left newspaper.”

    废话。 这 法新社 used to run my column, and its editor-publisher (can’t remember his name) lavishly quoted me condemning Barry Bonds’ racism in an article many years ago.

    • 回复: @Hippopotamusdrome
  45. @Achmed E. Newman

    Achmed, my hunch is that murders were reduced, for a time, due to Stop-Question-Frisk under Bloomberg, but de Blah Blah Blah has all but eliminated that.

    Under Giuliani, many (?) guns were seized by the Street Crimes Unit, but black supremacist policeman Eric Adams (who I’m convinced was already a Nation of Islam plant) got it disbanded, after the fatal 1999 shooting of panicking, illegal alien Amadou Diallo.

    When Adams was still on the force, he bragged to 纽约杂志 that he only joined the NYPD, in order to infiltrate it, at the behest of the Rev. Herbert Daughtry (a riot preacher and fake Christian). I recently found public statements by Adams going back to 1994, in which he supported the NOI, and a year or two ago, found a video on youtube in which he appeared wearing a black bow tie, and calling for black men and boys to stop wearing their pants on the ground.

    • 同意: Jim Christian
  46. Alden 说:
    @David In TN

    There’s also the DNA evidence is inconclusive the video is murky and waving To Kill a Mockingbird Emmett Till and the guilty as charged Scottsboro Boys. And being 25% black NYC in Manhattan which means Harlem, there’ll be blacks on the jury and massive pressure on them.

    And not only blacks. NYSLIMES readers who think fighting racism is more important than the life of Tessa Majors.

    I wonder what the reaction of all the Jewish liberals defending the murderers would have been had the victim been Tessa Margolies and the daughter of a Brandeis rather than a UVA professor.

  47. Alden 说:
    @Father O'Hara

    Tessa was grabbed from behind. She had no warning until she was grabbed. The creatures didn’t demand her money. She had no chance to give it to them.

    She wasn’t fighting to keep her money, phone and whatever else she had. She was fighting to save her life.

    What a misogynist women hating piece of shut you are. Now Tessa is responsible for her murder because she fought back.

    Your ignorance about street crime is appalling.

    It’s always 3 robbers against 1 victim. That’s so the victim can be easily overpowered if he resists. Another thing I know from 27 years experience. Most victims of street robberies beatings, and murder are men, not women. A strong young man can be overwhelmed and beaten or killed by 3 men as easily as Tessa was.

    Especially as it’s usually an attack from behind.

    • 回复: @David In TN
    , @Father O'Hara
  48. @Achmed E. Newman

    Thanks for your expression of concern, Achmed. And you’re absolutely right. However, for reasons I’d rather not get into at present, moving away is not an option.

  49. @eah

    What follows was my original lede, prior to the arrest of Rashaun Weaver:

    On Pearl Harbor Day, 2018, a couple of black boys who couldn’t have been older than 12 tried to mug me in Brooklyn.

    It was 5:30 p.m., the Flatbush Junction street was full of blacks heading home from work, in a neighborhood that 20 years ago, although black, was safe.

    A huge black woman opens her purse, and hands some change to a black boy of about eight, who sprints away. Her son?

    Seconds later, a little boy (A) approaches on my right, accosting me for money. As I say “No,” a second boy (B) crossing to my left, body slams my left shoulder, and stops a few feet past me, while the first is still in my face. I shove A, and turn to partially face B, calling them both “racist punks.” A husky, bearded black man of about 30 tells the boys to beat it, and they and the man are gone. The whole episode lasted seconds.

    The black man ignored me. He wasn’t doing me any favors, not that I needed any help. My hunch is that he deluded himself he was saving the two veteran muggers from “getting caught up in the system” of “mass incarceration.” Maybe he thought I was an off-duty cop, a mistake blacks have sometimes made.

    Apparently, the muggers had expected me to reach for my wallet to give money to A, at which point, B’s slam would cause me to drop it, whereupon whoever was closest would grab it and scram.

    Their technique showed much practice and timing.

    Officially, the crime never happened.

    That’s Bill de Blasio’s New York, city of super-predators. For communists like de Blasio, black and brown criminals comprise an army of racial genocide.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Jim Christian
  50. @Alden

    The “Tessa Majors Deserved It” crowd are actually in tune with the a segment on the Left. A trope for some leftists is that blacks are “entitled” to murder whites, or it’s “excusable.” They don’t say it directly, usually, but in a roundabout way.

    The ESPN O.J. Simpson documentary a few years ago was an apologia for the acquittal in the criminal trial.

  51. @Alden

    Alden, I know menopause is a challenging time of life. Have you tried black cohosh?

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @anon
  52. Alden 说:
    @Father O'Hara

    You are a piece of shit with your comment that Tessa should have handed over her possessions when the hyenas told her to.

    You didn’t even read the articles that clearly stated that according to suspect Zaire Davis and the park camera video, she was attacked from behind. You’re just happy a White woman was killed and like the other Men of UNZ blame her.

    Pompous asshole with your stupid comment about how Tessa could have avoided death by handing over her possessions.

    You need to get out of your retirement home sometimes and learn about real live. Hopefully you’ll be jumped from behind by 3 hyenas.

  53. Alden 说:
    @Nicholas Stix

    Would be nice if all these naive rural suburban Men of UNZ blaming Whites attacked by blacks read your post. I don’t know why UNZ is classified as racist right with so many men of UNZ blaming White victims of black on White crime. They’re perfect defense jurors. They remind me of every big fat black mamma or black preacher blaming everything and everybody for what the black hyenas did.

    “ whu fo she cawy a pus? whu fo he tu da bus?

    Yapping about the military term situational awareness. What asshole idiots. It’s not the situation of being in a parking lot or on a sidewalk. It’s the fact that there are black males of any age around.

    The Men of UNZ ignorantly yapping about situational awareness are very similar to those feminazi self defense classes claiming women of any size can defend themselves against men of any size. Those feminazi classes are as ignorant as Father O’Hara and the Men of UNZ in that they assume it will be just 1 assailant accosting them face to face.

    When in fact it’s almost always 3 or more and an attack from behind.

    Posting black on White crime articles on UNZ is useless to raise consciousness about black in White crime. The Men of UNZ blame the victim, just as duh big fat black mammas, black preachers and NYSLIMES liberals do.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
    , @Dannyboy
  54. Alden 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I remember that. You wrote something about me watching Oxygen channel. I responded I’d never heard of Oxygen channel. That’s true. Your comment was the first I ever heard of Oxygen channel.

  55. anon[373]• 免责声明 说:
    @Father O'Hara

    Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s tried plenty of Black Cohosh, though it’s never been attached to a Black.

  56. @Nicholas Stix

    I believe the ANTIFA article he is referring to may be this one:

    Antifa, terrorists? What about the MAGAs?
    …Aug. 18, 2019
    Donald Trump wants the Justice Department to declare antifa a domestic terrorist organization, which, sure, let’s go with that.
    how many people have died as a result of domestic terrorist incidents perpetrated by MAGAs?

    Didn’t see that one coming, did you?
    over in Charlottesville, three died in the 2017 neo-Nazi rallies.
    You don’t even know what an antifa is.

    You know angry white people. Their Don’t Tread on Me license plates give them away.

    Investigate them.

    Would a a far-left newspaper say that?

    Would a a far-left newspaper say that Trump is Hitler and [white] America is NAZI Germany?

    Sam Ben-Meir: America’s Weimar moment
    America – the new old Germany
    The jackboots are coming: Mass arrests, power grabs and the politics of fear


    Sam Ben-Meir: America’s Weimar moment
    By December 11th, the United States was officially at war with Japan, as well as Germany and Italy. The war lasted four years, and by the end over four hundred thousand Americans were killed – approximately sixty million people worldwide.

    It is perhaps not an exaggeration at all to say that we are perceptibly succumbing – in word if not in deed – to the same ugly 反动 forces that brought on that war: fascism, the politics of racial superiority, anti-Semitism, and militarism. The so-called alt-right, a still relatively small but growing white nationalist movement, is slowly creeping into the mainstream of American politics. In fact, given that it has a line to the White House (through the president-elect’s appointment of Steve Bannon as Chief Strategist) we can expect that it will continue to gain followers in this country.
    If racially motivated extremists have not received explicit or direct support from Trump himself, they have undoubtedly benefited from the widening spread of Trumpism, which continues to embolden their movement.
    America is experiencing something like a Weimar-moment, the liberal-democratic Germany that governed during the inter-war years, and was ultimately overcome and destroyed by the forces of fascism which geminated and was allowed to grow to infect the civil and political society within its borders.

    The jackboots are coming: Mass arrests, power grabs and the politics of fear

    …President Trump announced that the government would be making mass arrests in order to round up and forcibly remove millions of illegal immigrants—including families and children—from the country
    is tracking very closely with what happened in Germany in the years leading up to Hitler’s rise to power.
    The mass of ordinary Germans did know about the evolving terror of Hitler’s Holocaust…Likewise, the mass of ordinary Americans are fully aware of the Trump Administration’s efforts to stigmatize and dehumanize any and all who do not fit with the government’s plans for this country.

    America – the new old Germany
    Yet it’s bigger than just Fuhrer Bush, (not that his stone and barbed wire fence along the southern border should bring anything particular to mind: “Papers, you hef papers, ja.”)

    If you squint, you’d swear Karl Rove is Joseph Goebbles reincarnated. Goebbles was the Nazi propaganda boss, and there isn’t a trick he used that wasn’t picked up and made nastier by Rove. The politics of hate and separation, and let’s not forget homophobia and racism…it’s too bad Rove left office before he could blame everything on the Jews again.

    • 回复: @Nicholas Stix
  57. @Hippopotamusdrome

    Thanks for the excerpts. Well, at some point, Chris Graham did stop running my my column. He and his wife, Crystal, must have jumped on the racial socialist bandwagon.

  58. @animalogic

    I think these people have ulterior motives or are just trolls when they luridly say “alt-right misogynists say she DESERVED to die” in feigned outrage.


    1. I think the killer should be sentenced to death by hanging.

    2. The accomplices should also be sentenced to death by hanging.

    3. The judge should be required by law to say “you will be taken hence to the prison in which you were last confined and from there to a place of execution where you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead!”

    3. The hanging shoud be in a public place.

    4. The hanging shoud be broadcast on PBS, right after “Racism in the United States: Who’s Responsible for Fixing the Problem?”

    5. If some form of political or legal chicanery is used to prevent their hanging, an angry mob should be formed to publicly protest their displeasure. Overturning dustbins is not ruled out. Don’t want citywide riots to be a monopoly of Blacks after all.

    • 同意: bluedog
    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
  59. The third “teen” involved in the murder was arrested today (Wednesday, February 19).

    His name(https://nypost.com/2020/02/19/third-suspect-arrested-in-killing-of-barnard-student-tessa-majors/) is Luciano Lewis, age 14.

  60. anarchyst 说:

    It is long overdue to correct the record of the so-called “civil-rights” era, especially when it comes to the icons of the so-called “civil rights” movement.
    这是关于所谓“民权”运动的“图标”的真实(更正)故事。 。 。

    There is much more to the “埃米特·蒂尔(Emmett Till)” story that is not widely known. Killing Till made him into a “martyr” of the black “civil-rights” movement, but–it is not generally known that 埃米特·蒂尔(Emmett Till) was a strapping young man of about 160 lbs.–NOT a “little boy” as some media types tried to portray him.

    他是一个众所周知的好色之徒,并试图采取他自大的“芝加哥方式”与南方深处的女性打交道。 他被送到南方的亲戚住,因为他的芝加哥亲戚无法应付他。 他有一种“自大的态度”,并吹嘘与白人女性“相处融洽”——这在南方不是一个好主意。 . .

    根据公开的资料,蒂尔先生不仅对一个白人妇女“吹口哨”,而且还抓住,操纵和抚养了一个已婚白人妇女。 在南方文化中,这曾经是,现在仍然是不尊重的最终形式。

    Despite Mr. Till’s relatives’ attempts to spirit him “out of town” to avoid retribution by the woman’s relatives and townspeople, his cocky attitude “got in the way”, similar to the way that “young master Trayvon’s” attitude got him killed. Despite being given numerous “chances” to apologize for his behavior, he was defiant to the end.

    IF he had apologized for his behavior, he would still be alive today. In fact, one of his killers was a black man.

    有趣的是,埃米特·蒂尔(Emmett Till)的父亲因多次强奸而被美军处决。 也许“苹果没有从树上掉下来”。 。 。

    罗莎·帕克斯 不是所谓的历史学家使她成为“普通”黑人妇女的人。 她是全国有色人种协进会的组织者,并被“植入”,以推动成功的黑人“民权”事业。

    大约一年前,罗莎·帕克斯 (Rosa Parks) 乘坐公交车并拒绝腾出座位,一名真正的普通黑人女性也做了同样的事情。 这位黑人妇女没有得到全国有色人种协进会或其他黑人“民权”组织的宣传或支持。 你看,她是一个有孩子的未婚黑人妇女。 根据黑人民权人群的说法,这是行不通的。 他们想要一个“干净利落”的人,没有任何“行李”。

    实际上,坐在她身后的“白人”是“装置”的一部分。 他是UPI的记者,签约“主持”了这次活动……不仅如此,在照片中公交车上没有其他人了。 帕克斯女士可以坐在她想去的任何地方。

    因此,罗莎·帕克斯(Rosa Parks)创造了(虚构的)历史。 。 。

    马丁·路德(迈克尔·金) was well-known for frequenting prostitutes, beating and abusing them while exclaiming that he “finally felt like a white man”. His own associates have stated as such. He also plagiarized his college papers and doctoral thesis. Of course, this was overlooked because of his status. King was also a communist.

    杰西·杰克逊 曾经向他的同事吹牛说他将如何在他工作过的餐厅的白顾客的食物中吐口水。

    还有更多的历史造假被用来为所谓的“民权”运动提供“合法性”。 。 。

    还有更多。 。 。

    • 回复: @Alden
  61. Alden 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Achmed you fool. I don’t comment on UNZ for discussion of racial issues affirmative action black on White crime, anti White studies or any other ways the American elites use to destroy American Whites since Brown vs Topeka.

    UNZ is first a conservative site. Conservatism is as anti White as liberalism is UNZ is a free speech site. No other conservative race realist or pro White site would post the endless attacks on White women by White men as UNZ does.

    UNZ is a refuge for worthless White men who are unaware of affirmative action, are too stupid to realize how it affected their own careers, are oblivious to black on White crime, and are oblivious to how the government judiciary media and liberals aid abet and encourage black in White crime

    It’s a site of pearl clutching old codgers who worry more about White women’s hair fashions than affirmative action and black in White crime. Then there is the ignorance.

    There are thousands of ignorant comments that only college educated White feminazis get abortions when in fact it’s first Hispanics then black women who get the majority of abortions.

    Go back and read the comments about another White woman victim of black on White crime , Deborah Staggs. She was severely injured by a black Popeyes employee. The video showed the black man twice her size picking her up and viciously slamming her into the ground and breaking 25 bones.

    Read the comments by the misogynist White women haters of Men UNZ. Several claimed she called the Popeyes creature the N word. Others claimed her injuries were caused by her obesity when in fact she’s thin.

    Most of the misogynist women hater church ladied that it was Deborah’s fault because she went into a Popeyes, and lived in Tennessee with its big black population. The comments about Deborah Staggs were as viciously misogynist as the comments about Tessa Majors.

    Another thing I’ve noticed is the comments about White men victims of black on White crime. I don’t mean just Schellenberger. The White Men of UNZ have the same excuse as every big fat black mamma and defense attorney.
    “ The White victim shouldn’t live in or near a city shouldn’t ever leave his house shouldn’t work a swing or night shift should have the ridiculous situational awareness; its always the White victims fault it’s always the White victims fault it’s always the White victims fault”

    That’s the Men of UNZ. Whites should give up and not even go to and from work for fear of blacks. The Men of UNZ preach surrender and cowardice.

    The misogynist White women hating Men of UNZ would have their White women hating comments banned on other sites. So you all come here after you’re tired of watching your black man White woman porn which you think is real life.

    At first I commented on UNZ for the same reason I comment on amren TOO etc and have followed Steve Sailor and Nick Stix all over the internet for more than 20 years. To raise White awareness that every part of American society wants us dead.

    But the Men of UNZ hate half the White race and blame White women for what elite White men did to us in 1953, 1961, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1973, 1979, 1982 and 1984.

    Most of you don’t even know what was done to White Americans in those years by White man presidents judges senators and congress critters.

    Now I just comment to be as rude crude and nasty to you misogynist White women haters as you White women haters are to us. I’m not serious. I just enjoy being a troll and hating you all as much as you hate White women.

    I don’t come her for any kind of discussion with you ignorant women haters. I just come here to harass and stir you ignorant women haters up.

    Hate me I hate you back. And the Men of UNZ hate White women.

  62. @Alden

    I don’t hate you to begin with, Alden. You just lack reading comprehension and are somewhat slow on the uptake and a liar to boot. You also pick and choose your comments to read, as Ron Unz does, and miss the big picture of the commentary because of that. Being a woman makes you moody as all hell, and I’ve seen it right in your comments, as a record. I don’t like dealing with that shit.

    I know everything about the evils of Affirmative Action, don’t argue about abortion, and read all the comments under that Popeye’s Chicken post. I don’t know what word the women called these violent creatures (being of course no cause to body-slam her) but if someone pointed it out, it was to get at the truth. You keep going on about your having been in the Law or prison system, yet you don’t care about the search for truth. You have to pay attention to detail.

    Read my comment again, and tell me which part you don’t agree with. You obviously didn’t understand it. Should I reword it? Too obtuse for you?


    BTW, unz is not at all a Conservative site. Have you ever read the Commies on here? They are off the deep end.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
    , @Alden
  63. Alden 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I enjoy being a troll and giving back to the women haters what they write about women. You pretentious misogynist women haters delude yourselves that you’re being all logical intellectual and reasonable about your women hate. You all take yourselves so seriously as you blame the plight of the White race on teen sluts who have hairstyles of which you disapprove.

    I just have fun being a troll.

    • 巨魔: Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @Father O'Hara
  64. Alden 说:

    那么,三个无用的黑兽人在 3 点 5 分到 10 点 5 分之间(当她被发现时)谋杀一名白人是可以的吗?

    您在 5 年 10 月 5 日 27:11 到 19:XNUMX 之间到底在做什么?全部都锁在你的堡垒里并且安全吗?或者在公共场合下班回家。



    • 同意: West Reanimator
    • 回复: @Euripidoze
  65. Alden 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Did you see the video of the Popeyes workers cavorting about like monkeys in the video? And you defend them.

    Your hatred of women overwhelms the facts that she was seriously injured and that the N word was not heard in the recording although all the howling and yowling of the monkeys was loud and clear.

    What cowards you Men of UNZ are. Cower to rude black counter help who go out of their way to be nasty to White customers and avoid cities because blacks live in cities.

    • 同意: TKK
    • 哈哈: Jim Christian
  66. Johnwho 说:


    • 回复: @Johnwho
  67. Johnwho 说:


  68. Anonymous[369]• 免责声明 说:

    Yeah ok buddy. Mount your high horse white knight and go rescue millions of young white girls from themselves. They drink the liberal koolaid by the gallon. Brainwashed essentially since birth, there is no point in men wasting their time trying to help unthinking females. Not only is it a losing battle, but it’s exhausting trying to convince just one of their stupidity. Ask any man who had an incorrigible wife.

    How much time do we have to wait around for women to “develop more realistic views about a sensitive topic like race” buddy?



    任何愚蠢到试图拯救女人的男人都应该得到他所得到的一切。女性是最终用户。 70-80%的离婚是他们发起的。他们在法院和父权政府的帮助下勒索男人,并通过编造最明显的谎言剥夺男人探望孩子的权利。



    • 哈哈: Jim Christian
    • 巨魔: West Reanimator, eah
  69. Alden 说:

    First you proclaim Tessa deserved to die because she was not locked in the college dorm between 5:10 and 5:27 PM when the police found her and because she went to a college in the Harlem part of Manhattan. Said college built long before Harlem turned black and dangerous. Like the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago and the USC neighborhood of Los Angeles, and thousands of other neighborhoods all over America, Harlem was developed as a neighborhood for the wealthy upper class.

    Now you proclaim her murderers should be hanged. Why? They did what you wanted, killed White woman you hate. Make up your mind.

    What’s wrong with a planned parenthood T shirt? Had 3 useless black sows used birth control at the right time, the 3 useless Orcs who murdered Tessa would never have been born. If you anti birth control fanatics had your way, we’d have 25-30 percent, instead of just 12.5 percent criminal and affirmative action useless Orcs in this country.

    Where were you between 5 and 5:27PM December 11?

    Locked in your fortress safe from Orcs? In your armored car with a body guard? Or like most people coming home from work and in parking lots cars roads streets buses subways sidewalks and trains vulnerable to roaming bands of Orcs? Where were your women co workers relatives friends and neighbors at 5 PM December 11.?

    • 回复: @Hippopotamusdrome
  70. Alden 说:

    I’ve seen your posts on TOO and other pro White sites. Always glad to read your posts.

  71. TKK 说:

    Ahhh… a few nights in the county jail with some black body odored shredded up bucks would have these posters trying to pull a Shawshank.

    Stabbed in the neck with a pen over a 3 day old sausage biscuit? Check!

    Forcing an old white man to remove his dentures to perform fellatio on them? Check!

    Stealing their canteen and then sh*tting in their bed if they file a complaint? Check!

    You cannot reason with, cajole, placate or befriend them. They only back off from grotesque displays of violence. If the jails were only white, they would be quietly miserable, with a few exceptions that the GP would correct.

    But the blacks and browns make it Darfur. It’s another world you cannot imagine.

  72. @Servant of Gla'aki

    另外,让我提醒大家,2016 年伯尼桑德斯的吉祥物黑人代言人杀手迈克是嘻哈二人组的成员,名为 Run the Jewels,这是黑人劫匪对受害者所说的话,意思是“交出价值。” 我在西雅图还没有遇到任何人觉得这令人反感。 事实上,我不记得有任何记者提到过它。

  73. Bert 说:

    I am sorry to hear about the criminal attack that you suffered, but thank you for your real-life report on the attitude of your employers. Many posters offer data-free but sweeping claims about the reality or, alternatively, the illusory nature of putative social pathologies. I find, however, that reports of experiences from observant, articulate persons like you are more relevant and more feasible to evaluate.

  74. Alden 说:

    Make up your mind. Either Majors deserved to die because she’s a White woman or the 3 Orcs who killed her deserved to die because they murdered her.

    Every day thousands of Whites are ambushed and robbed beaten raped and even killed by the standard 3 Orcs against 1 lone White. Usually SJW Whites and blacks defend the Orcs and blame the White for living in a city, being in a parking lot using public transit instead of a car, walking alone and with Majors, being out after dark. How dare she violate the unwritten rule that blacks rule the streets of America’s great cities. She was found at 5:27 PM, after dark.

    You might be afraid to be out and about at 5 PM, but Tessa wasn’t. And she had the balls to fight back instead of meekly handing over her belongings as another misogynist women hating Man of UNZ Father O’Hara advised.

    It’s blacks who always blame the victim for being attacked by blacks. Just as you do.

    • 同意: anarchyst
  75. Alden 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Blathering and babbling on the internet is not a search for truth. Watching the Monkey Island display of the clerks at Popeyes isn’t a search for truth. Intently listening to the tape hoping to justify the attack on Staggs because she uttered the Nword is a search for truth. But she didn’t utter the dreaded Nword. Yet you and the misogynist women hating Men of UNZ listened and watched the video and falsely claimed you heard her say the Nword and that justified the vicious attack.

    If you want the truth about the Staggs attack just listen to and watch the video. No Nword. Just the Orc picking her up and slamming her down.
    That’s the search for truth, look and listen. Not blathering and babbling and surmising and assuming as you do.

    The video and tape are what’s known as clear and present evidence, not assumptions and surmises about the Nword by the women hating misogynist Men of UNZ happy to see Deborah Staggs attacked and seriously injured by the Orc.

  76. 我在晚宴上评论纽约市长的政治正确政策将如何导致此类犯罪活动激增,而 (((晚宴客人))) 有点生气。 她说拦截搜身是违宪的,因为它对黑人的影响更大。 我说黑人犯罪更多。 她简直气得浑身发抖。

    我们必须坚持自己的立场,说实话,但讨厌被媒体洗脑的愚蠢女性,并希望通过迎合黑人和移民来证明自己的美德(而不是实际上有美德)无济于事。 我们生活在一个不道德的时代。 罪恶滋生愚蠢。

  77. JackOH 说:

    “They … do … not … care … whether we live or die.”

    Yep, RadicalCenter, agree, more or less.

    There’s a streak of soullessness and cruelty among some of our money and political elites that, in my opinion at least, rivals the same thing in nasty imperial Europe of yesteryear, or maybe the same soullessness and cruelty of the bureaucrats in the 20th century’s totalitarian regimes. Insulated by wealth or corporate position, they can dish it out without fearing strong pushback.

  78. anon[221]• 免责声明 说:

    Didn’t you say you spent 29 years as a Probation Officer?
    Did you ever become aware that many, if not most Probation Officers are Pederasts?

  79. @Alden


  80. @eah


  81. jsinton 说:

    I hate to say it, but the answer to the problems of violence such as these is to allow concealed carry by registered, law abiding citizens. Concealed carry is an overwhelming success in Florida. Don’t try to shoot up my Wal Mart, you’ll get 10 lawful citizens trying to shoot you down. I live in the most peaceful place you can imagine.

    • 同意: Alfred
  82. Herald 说:

    Well now, for a start you could stop voting for assholes like Trump.

    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  83. @Alden

    Crimeny! Let me paste this part you didn’t read back in. It’s been hours, so even some kind of detail-oriented lawman like yourself may have forgotten already:

    … and read all the comments under that Popeye’s Chicken post. I don’t know what word the women called these violent creatures (being of course no cause to body-slam her) but if someone pointed it out, it was to get at the truth.

    I remember the discussion under that post. Go ahead and paste me in (with a link) one comment that said these violent Popeye’s workers had a right to body slam that lady because she called them their least favorite appellation. I heard nothing in the video, but I thought the commenters meant inside the restaurant. Either way, not one comment said that’s why they had a right to beat the crap out of the lady. I didn’t defend a one of them, not here and not then.

    NO, now READ PLEASE, I think the commentary was pretty practical, as in if you fought back* or shot a one of them like they deserve, you’d be all over the media as a racist, so best to not frequent places like this. That IS the situation now. You’re not gonna come out ahead, no matter how “within your rights” you are. You can go all Paul Kersey (from the movie), but with cameras everywhere, you’ll not get away easy. If you do, I guess you are done with that city. If you don’t, you will do jail time with guys that will rape and/or kill you in prison.

    How does that mean “avoid the big cities”? I don’t live in one, but I’d guess you’d better know which parts to stay out of. That’s just the reality of it now, maybe for the last 50 years in American inner cities. Part of the practical commentary about the SJWs (I’m gonna repeat myself just in case it gets through your skull this time ’round), was about the point that this adherence to the idea that we are all the same, and it’s racist to avoid certain dark parts of the city could have been a contributing factor in getting some of these people killed. It doesn’t mean anyone DESERVES what happens.


    * It’s true you might have come out OK just displaying your CC weapon for a second. That can help one avoid trouble, but with this big crowd and the entire establishment against white people, I don’t think it’d do anything but get one arrested and on TV

  84. @Alden

    I just mashed the [Troll] thing in fun earlier because you called yourself that, Alden. If that’s really the case, I wonder why you like wasting the time of people that want to explain things to you. Is it for the attention?

    Yes, you’ve definitely wasted my time and got my attention, as I was fooled thinking that you don’t get the simple point here and I needed to explain better. Nice work!

    (If that’s not the case, you need to go online to Raz-kids or something that will help you with reading comprehension.)

  85. gotmituns 说:

    对我来说,什么样的人被杀很重要。如果这个人是一个善良的白人(一个爱自己和他们的白人兄弟姐妹的人,那么我对他们被杀感到悲伤。但如果这个人是他们自己同类的仇恨者,那么我对他们的去世不感到悲伤. 没有人需要这样类型的人。

    • 同意: Hippopotamusdrome
    • 回复: @nymom
  86. KenH 说:


    Tess Majors likely would have likely screamed “racist” in your face if anyone tried to talk to her about the dangers of blacks males and racial mixing. She may have grown out of her leftism and presumed anti-white worldview but integration with blacks will never give her that chance.

    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @eah
  87. @Hibernian

    Alright! So he exaggerated a story or two but point is on the point. My old walk-up in lower East side that I used to pay several hundred about ten years ago is now indeed going for a few thousand; three to be exact. Yes, it’s true that most New Yorkers do not own real estate but there is something in the air about living in the city that brings exhilaration to those who live here. And no matter how many cows pastures they can own won’t make them move to Iowa or Wisconsin.

  88. @Herald

    The choice was asshole Trump or asshole Hillary. Asshole Trump was promising to end the stupid wars, bring the troops home, end the open borders to the turd world and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. Trump hasn’t delivered those things but that was what was on offer at the time.

    • 同意: Dannyboy
    • 回复: @Herald
  89. nymom 说:

    纽约市的人口统计数据发生了巨大变化,据官方统计,白人仅占 30 个波罗斯人的 5%……这就是犯罪统计数据增加的原因,并将继续如此。我们比以往任何时候都更加贫穷、更加黑人、更加第三世界。



    • 同意: Bardon Kaldian, Miro23
    • 回复: @ricpic
    , @flashlight joe
  90. nymom 说:



    她终于开了自己的公司,现在已经 40 多岁了,正准备买房子,猜猜看:她要搬到新泽西州一个可爱的社区,离总统的度假屋很近……美国唯一的黑人附近都是主要的体育/娱乐人物。没有第 8 条规定的住房,没有街头流浪的无家可归者,没有乞讨者乞讨一美元……



    • 回复: @gotmituns
  91. @animalogic

    “I’m not all that keen on the “Woke”, but I’ll be damned if i’d use that to justify the murder of anyone, especially a young person.”

    Then step aside and do your virtue signalling elsewhere boomer because there’s a war on and the left would have all night parties in the street if Trump, Tucker Carlson or anyone else deemed “a nazi” (which you are for reading this site) were murdered.

  92. @Alden

    It doesn’t matter what Miss Staggs called these violent Popeye’s workers. It doesn’t justify what they did. I! GET! THAT! I listened to whatever videos people embedded and couldn’t catch half of it. I don’t know what happened inside the restaurant. Maybe you have better hearing or speakers. My point was that the commenters were writing about that part of the incident for discussion. No, nothing getting discussed there is gonna help heal the lady’s bones.

    However, I didn’t misinterpret the commenting as you did. None of these people are prosecutors in the case, and neither are you, Alden.

    … hoping to justify the attack on Staggs because she uttered the Nword is a search for truth. But she didn’t utter the dreaded Nword.

    For the 5th time just in the last couple of days, NOBODY was justifying the attack. They may have stated that it was bound to happen, because they have been around the block at time or two. You CAN’T have been in any serious position as a Lawman, if you don’t get the distinction between DESERVES and “likely to happen” (Yes, I know those aren’t legal terms.)

    Lessons learned: Firstly, it’s not worth it to go into a Popeye’s in a part of town like this, no matter how much you LUV that greasy fried chicken*. If you want that chicken nonetheless, and get in some argument over the condiments or screw-up of the order whatever it started about, and things get nasty, just back off, even if you lose your money for your meal. It ain’t worth it. If you get out of there, then make a mental note on the first lesson. Don’t bother going in places like this again. (Even if the people are as friendly as they get, which still means carrying on conversations with each other non-stop even while taking your order, the chance of the food being as requested is only about 1 in 3.)


    * NO, I’m not saying the lady deserved to be body-slammed because she likes fried chicken! (cause I know that stupidity was coming … just trying to cut it off at the pass…)

  93. gotmituns 说:

    No we won’t but odds are she died an enemy of our White race.

    • 回复: @nymom
  94. @Alden

    Virtue-signal toward the women from that White horse much, Alden? Lemme give ya a clue, dummy. When Blue City/State feminist women stop hating on the White men so much, perhaps the reverse will occur in men who hate em right back like they deserve. Meantime, fuck em, they aren’t my type and there are plenty of others out in the world. For sympathy, Blue State feminists will have to go elsewhere. Because for sure, ‘sympathy’ is found in the dictionary right there between ‘shit’ and ‘syphilis’ and after African American.

  95. @Achmed E. Newman

    I don’t live anywhere near NY City.

    That’s always been my retirement plan, heh..

  96. @Alden

    Hate me I hate you back. And the Men of UNZ hate White women.

    You’re just so…retarded, Alden. Tell me, was your mother a smoker, did she drop you on your head? Drugs? One wonders what drugs a person could possibly take to either produce a child such as yourself, or even to make one take so many conflicted viewpoints in one post.

    I love women to death. But Blue City/State White Feminist Democrat women are not women. They are a hostile, profane and violent political oddity that has had some real power in Western society for 60 years now. They HATE White men and make no bones that they are my sworn enemy for pretty much my whole fuckin’ life. Now, simple humanity should make a fellow cringe from the recent beatings and whatnot suffered by White women in Blue Democrat cities and States lately, but White feminists certainly are not owed that humanity, not from White men. Sorry.

    Clue for you, Alden. Look up “male feminists are creepy” in Google, read Cosmo, Jezebel, Thought Catalog and others, let it rattle through your drugged-out brain and consider that which you defend, Feminist damsels in distress. Get an idea of the depravity of White feminists who are SO hateful towards men, they even find their male Feminist defenders to be creepy. That you miss these obvious points leads one to suspect you’re either retarded, dropped on your head or on serious meds. That’s my impression.

    Therefore, you have MY sympathy, the sort that’s found in the dictionary between ‘shit’ and syphilis’.

    • 同意: Poco
  97. @Achmed E. Newman

    Maybe all this “safest big city in America” bit is true only for the case of the downtown Manhattan financial center and the areas with the fancy restaurants.

    Murders per hundred thousand, Achmed. That’s how they bullshit ya. Look at Baltimore with 600-odd thousand population which had more murders in real numbers than NYC and its 6 or 7 million official population. But it’s all Black-on-Black/White murders in both cities. You’re right about treasured locales, though. In my circles in Boston, Washington and down here in Florida where I am now, recent visitors to what Taki calls The Bagel decry how far downhill has gone Time’s Square with the filth, the kinkies running around hassling tourists and lately, squeegee guys, which is simply a strong-arm operation. Rudy cleaned up that part, midtown, the Square, but the rest of the city continued(s) its decay.

  98. Walter 说:

    Assumption about race can lead to poor choices.

    Last time a trio of men “of color” attacked this white fella they all got hurt. In seconds. I suppose their “motivation” was based on race, but if so, they “discovered” that their assumption, that it takes 3 colored to overpower one white, was incorrect. One fella was able to run away. One was left sleeping on the side-walk. Another crying and holding a ruined knee. I walked away.

    My own assumption, formed immediately after being bashed on the head with a 2 x 4, was that these three guys would be improved by getting badly hurt. I made no assumptions about racial quality, being from an abolitionist family. Perhaps my great grandfathers help their great grandfathers escape slavery…

    Lincoln’s Policy of Colonization (to repatriate the Negros to Africa) might have prevented much racial trouble…alas the English-sponsored conspiracy to murder Lincoln brought the US to a highly schismatic and metastatic condition.

    Those young fellas were misinformed. Pity.

    • 回复: @The Grim Joker
  99. @Nicholas Stix

    Hey Stix! OT, but nice blogspot. Add a follower. I’m ugly, but I mean well..

    • 回复: @Nicholas Stix
  100. @Alden

    I blame the parents. The chick was just a moron. Food to pit bulls, nothing more.

    • 同意: Dannyboy
    • 回复: @Alden
  101. nymom 说:




  102. @Walter

    Yes I pity them too. Sniff sniff ! I was in the Caribbean and about to overtake a minibus when the guy just made a right hand turn from the inside lane right across my lane demolishing the front left of my car. The driver and conductor (the conductor is generally a tout who hustles up passengers and intimidate them into entering the minibus) jumped out and approached. A crowd had gathered because a white man was going to get beaten up that day.

    When I suggested calling the police to get an accident report the driver told me ” Before the Police get here I would assault you”.

    Like your situation, they unfortunately assumed that 2 burly black guys could overcome one white guy. I had some friends with me though, a Mister Smith and a Mister Wesson. When these two Bros of mine made an appearance those darkies both calmed down considerably showing a great deal of humility.They became well……….very reasonable and accommodating.

    Surprise: the minibus did not have insurance so he got a charge up his ass ! However….

    The repairs to my car were also done expeditiously and the driver graciously paid the bill without much fuss. I got friends to discretely tell him and his conductor buddy that the Grim Joker was unstable and had a lot of mental issues.

    Unfortunately, this is the language these dudes (anywhere in the world) understand. There are a lot of decent hard working blacks. But then again there are a few that need to be put in their place and the only way to do that that they understand is to have some friends in your waistband.

    • 回复: @Walter
    , @Walter
  103. ordinary cops degenerated into professional liars

    Cops have always been professional liars. They are trained to lie to citizens. Only a fool would trust any word out of a cop’s mouth.

  104. Agent76 说:

    12年2019月XNUMX日,无需保护警察; 他们需要服务吗?

    在489 US 189(1989)的DeShaney诉Winnebago县社会服务部中,美国最高法院裁定,宪法要求的唯一照料职责是那些受政府约束从而无法保护自己的个人的职责。 。 其中包括囚犯和非自愿精神病人。


    Oct 27, 2019 Ex-Police Officer Exposes The Reality of Race & Policing | Brandon Tatum | POLITICS | Rubin Report


  105. @Hippopotamusdrome

    不管这位年轻女子的政治观点如何,她都是谋杀受害者。 我作为治安官在南加州工作了 30 多年。 我接触到的大多数暴力犯罪受害者的性格或行为都使他们陷入不幸的境地。 无论我和我的同事对他们个人的看法如何,我们都尽我们所能为他们伸张正义,让他们的家庭结束。 New Yawk 和其他共产党经营的 Blue Hives 的这种情况是腐败的政治黑客的直接结果,他们被愚蠢、自私自利的选民和宝座背后的富有精英上台。
    这名年轻女子的谋杀案应该给她的同龄人和其他蹒跚、发短信、下巴松弛、嘴巴呼吸、脑死亡、抽电子烟的购物中心僵尸千禧一代上一课。 外面有野蛮人会因为你口袋里的零钱而杀了你。 生活不是电子游戏或政治正确的情景喜剧。 还有她的父母,无论他们的梅毒、马克思主义政治观点如何; 将不得不在他们的余生中忍受这种损失。 我见过太多这些可悲、可怕的罪行。 我希望正义得到伸张。

    • 谢谢: Mr McKenna, Twodees Partain
  106. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    If American blacks all disappeared tomorrow, would anybody actually miss them?
    It’s a shame there’s no virus that primarily affects American Negroes, Lord knows the violent crime rate would practically disappear.

  107. Bookish1 说:
    @Priss Factor


    • 同意: nymom
  108. @Alden

    “the misogynist women hating Men of UNZ”

    Jesus. A dozen times already. We get it, we disappoint you. I guess that’s why you feel compelled to clog the comments.

    I can only pray a couple dozen more karmic reincarnations will enable me to entertain some remote proximity to your grandeur and I may no longer be a misogynist women hating Men of UNZ.

  109. Walter 说:
    @The Grim Joker

    I myself never carry a gun… But I am delighted that many do… ’cause it creates Doubt. And prevents thereby many serious errors in judgement.

    Oddly enough, my old dad had a similar experience with a pair of armed thugs back 1948. Pop was not armed…and he was bloodied, but the two thugs got quite badly hurt…he had to chase them down to do that…which made pop a “criminal”… not that anybody would, in those days, have paid any attention to that. You pull out a piece and make threats and get hurt? TFB.

    Those two were white guys…it was union politics…

  110. Trinity 说:

    I had the best of both worlds when I was young. I lived on Governors Island when I was stationed in NYC during the 1980’s. Admittedly I had some good times there but then again I didn’t have to pay rent, and could always escape away from the city after a couple of hours exploring back to the Island to live among more peaceful surroundings. Maybe when Jew York City reaches its peak in degeneracy, the elite will set up camp at Governors Island. I always thought that would have made a great place to charge people astronomical prices to live after they closed down the Coast Guard station there. You could experience the Big Apple without having to actually live in the Big Apple. You could pretend you were Snake Plissken for a day or so, watch some crazy guy talk to himself, be threatened for your jacket, watch some dude dropping a deuce on the train, before going back to your pad on the Island.

    Back to the story. I, too, don’t get the hate for the victim. Let me go out on a limb and call this a “hate crime.” Yeah, I know that only Whites commit “hate crimes” and Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, and Musskies never, ever have hate in their hearts against Whitey, it is just ” a random robbery gone bad.” Black guy throws a little white boy off a balcony in a Minnesota mall, no “hate crime” here folks. Black lady abducts a 12 year old frail white boy and burns him to death with a blow torch, no “hate crime” here folks. Blacks abduct an autistic small white boy, slap him around, call him racial slurs, post it on Facebook, yep, no “hate crime” here, folks, Wichita Massacre, Knoxville Horror rape-torture murders, yep, you guessed it, no “hate crime.” Whether this girl was white traitor trash or not, she was sliced and diced because of her skin color. I am sure the perps didn’t ask to see her Antifa card. This was an attack against people with white skin, so why anyone would take joy in this child’s murder is pretty damn sick. I dislike white traitor trash with a passion, but these animals would have attacked ANY WHITE GIRL THAT DAY REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL LEANINGS. Believe me, come down to the state of JawJah and I will show you some of the most radical and hate-filled Blacks around. You think those Baltimore and NYC thugs are racist? Sheeit, you taint seen nothing yet.

    • 谢谢: Rurik
  111. S 说:

    Whether this girl was white traitor trash or not, she was sliced and diced because of her skin color.

    If they are going to insist on having ‘hate crimes’, every last one of the tens of thousands of Black on White rapes which take place yearly in the United States should be counted as such.

    • 同意: Trinity
  112. melpol 说:

    Thousands of unreported assaults take place in the NYC black ghetto. Street rape is common and the predators are never caught also the incidents are never reported. Mugging, kickings, stompings go unreported, so is home invasion. Black ghettos are unique domains and the NYC police force should declare them no go zones. Crime statistics coming from the Black Ghetto are just guesswork. Changing the way blacks interact is a waste of taxpayers money.

    • 同意: Bardon Kaldian
  113. Anon[307]• 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    What made you think she was a race traitor? I’ve read nothing about her that indicates she was.

    How many more young women have to be attacked before they stopped walking in Central Park (or any park) alone at night? It’s called common sense, ladies, look into it.

  114. Anon[307]• 免责声明 说:

    Defense attorney Hannah Kaplan…


    (((The enablers))). Every. Single. Time.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  115. @Chris Mallory

    It’s such a damn shame that so many on the dissident right don’t see cops for the enemy that they are and go gaga like teenage girls mooning over their favourite heartthrob whenever the police are mentioned.

  116. Rurik 说:

    It’s about the Wichita Massacre and actually describes the murderers as 2 black men. Unbelievable unheard of.

    Former FBI Special Agent Michael Tabman told “Killer Siblings” that trying to comprehend the Carr brothers’ crime spree or find a motive would be futile.

    “You wanna ask and answer the question, ‘Why?’” he said. “What was their motivation? And we can’t answer that….


    The reason they can’t answer the question ‘why?’, is because the obvious answer would leave them as psychic zombies, drooling and pissing on themselves.

    由于 *明显* reason these animals raped and tortured and assassinated these handsome young white people, is because they’re full to the brim with unhinged racist hatred.


    Today’s blacks don’t take a breath, that isn’t infused with racial resentment (, as you get to the lower classes). They wake up hating whitey, and they go to bed hating whitey, and they hate whitey with pretty much every breath in between.

    And for the vast majority, most of that is all a carefully constructed hate-fest straight out of the bowels of Hollywood, the universities, and our cultural elites. (I left off the ((())), because I guess they’re becoming redundant anymore ; )

    But because of the mendacious idiocy that permeates our fundamentally dishonest society, everyone dances around the issue, all carefully pretending that a black thug might play ‘knock out game’ on whites, but that his victims are all 随机 selected white people. And race has 没有 to do with it!!!

    As for the tragedy of Tessa Majors,

    (and so many thousands of other victims) –


    She was just a child, who’d had her little soul filled to the brim with feel-good lies, by her SJW parents.

    It is these SJW parents who are directly to blame for their children’s horrific deaths.

    Because those parents wanted to 感觉 oh-so-smug, for their status as socially superior to gender-specific racists and homophobes. They would rather their children get cut to pieces, than tell them the truth, if that truth is considered somehow inconvenient to their being accepted by the NYT / Bill Maher / the Squad’ crowd of snarky, smug superior wokeness’.

    I’d like to think that Tessa’s parents are in a special kind of hell. I’d like to think that they replay her horrible death, over and over in their minds, 知道 deep down, that it was them, who placed her at death’s door. Because their status as SJW in good standing was more important than their little girl’s safety.

    I’d like to think that they’re descended into a kind of catatonic, existential, hellish meltdown, staring into the blank abyss, for all time. Unable to grunt that they need their diapers changed, and have to rely on the stink, for the orderlies to change them.

    That’s what I think of parents, who treat their children as disposable symbols of their status as morally superior- to lowly deplorable, run-of-the-mill white guys, (racists), who’re strangely unlikely to butcher pretty young girls (of any race) in order to steal their stuff.

    They should relive the horrific death of their daughter, over and over and over. Feeling the knives, plunging in, the blood spurting and the agony of the wounds and her knowing her young life is draining out.

    感觉 it parents. Feel it good and long and deep.

    完全 did that to her, as well as if you plunged the blades in yourself.

    Was your smug, worth it?

    • 同意: Mike Tre, West Reanimator
    • 谢谢: bruce county
    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @Poco
    , @Alden
  117. Omegabooks 说:

    Sounds like NYC is the new Gotham and needs a new “Batman”…or is de Blasio the new “Joker”?

    Time for all whites to move out, and all white teachers to teach somewhere else.

    • 回复: @Sick of Orcs
  118. Rurik 说:

    only Whites commit “hate crimes” and Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, and Musskies never, ever have hate in their hearts against Whitey, it is just ” a random robbery gone bad.” Black guy throws a little white boy off a balcony in a Minnesota mall, no “hate crime” here folks. Black lady abducts a 12 year old frail white boy and burns him to death with a blow torch, no “hate crime” here folks. Blacks abduct an autistic small white boy, slap him around, call him racial slurs, post it on Facebook, yep, no “hate crime” here, folks, Wichita Massacre, Knoxville Horror rape-torture murders, yep, you guessed it, no “hate crime.”


    And I bristle at the ubiquitous lies and sanctimony of our fundamentally dishonest society, all carefully built on racial hatred, and all directed at one (generally powerless, officially discriminated-against) demographic.

    If you hear about this crime on NPR, the tone they will take, will have everyone listening wondering when will the white man’s racism ever end?!

    Those poor black teens, were given no opportunities, in a racist society, where ‘walking while black’ can get you executed by (racist) cop!

    It is any wonder they succumbed to violence?!, when all they’ve ever known is racism, racism, racism?!?!?!

    I wish I was kidding. I listen to NPR sometimes, and they’ll have a gang member from Honduras on, or his mother, and they way they speak about the ‘violence he had to encounter, is all narrated as if it was white, American men with Confederate flags on their F150s, that created all the violence in Honduras, and now these racist white men don’t even want to allow this poor gang member asylum, because there’s just no end to their racism!

    I’ve hit the saturation point, where their unilateral, anti-white hatred on acid, has left me a bit cynical.

    And I don’t blame the blacks or browns of even the Jewish supremacists, really.

    I blame the white liberals, and cucks in the GOP, and all the white people who sell their fellows down the river, for a few shekels more, or even worse, so they can strut with SJW pride, at how smug they are.


    • 回复: @Trinity
  119. Trinity 说:

    Just ANOTHER COHENCIDENCE. (((They))) always seem to pop up to stir “the pot” (pun intended) of racial division and hate like they did in South Africa, maybe write a book or lecture us about “race relations” “White racism,” or why multiculturalism is a must for every White nation in the world, but not for Israel. Of course, they specialize on defending the poor, innocent, Dindu Nuffin’s when we dare to ask that they be tried for the murder of America’s second class citizens aka White Gentiles. It is so funny, that only, “anti-Semites,” “neo-Nazis,” and just plain old “racist” White folk notice that the Jew is always front and center leading the way when it comes to defending Black criminality, pushing anti-White hatred, and flooding our borders with nonwhites who are then indoctrinated to hate White Gentiles, etc., etc. Surely you aren’t suggesting that Jews have a problem with racism when it comes to White Gentiles, we all know that Jews are the most righteous of human beings, and they are only looking to bring us all together for the betterment of mankind. lololol. I mean look at how they have suffered so much trying to bring peace to the Middle East by tolerating and trying to appease those “anti-Semitic” Palestinians.

    • 回复: @flashlight joe
  120. @Alden

    Margaret Sanger knew what she was doing. That woman was doing us a favor. However I do wish Plan Parenthood use their sizable profits to fund itself.

  121. My cute, strawberry blond niece went to Columbia for her masters in social work. She now works with trouble youths in NYC. I, like her very liberal parents, hope she tires of job. If anything happens to her, I hope no one here thinks she had it coming. She was raised in liberal CT, and wants to save people. Foolish… but not worth being hurt or worse. Just like the late Tessa Majors possibly buying pot, or even Molly Tibbetts jogging alone, neither deserved being murdered.

    Cops serve the politicians, who serve the elite. Of course they will cook the books for the desired political impact. Cops are not the friend of anyone on the right despite knowing they are safe around us. They have bills to pay too. It is easy way to understand it.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  122. Trinity 说:

    Yep, IN THE END, Whites have only themselves to blame. WE have sat back and ALLOWED ourselves to become second class citizens in a nation WE built. The only White guilt I have is for the American Indian, and sometimes I wonder if this is karma for our treatment of Native Americans. Well, give the American Indian this much, he fought for his land and didn’t just allow it to be taken from him like the white man is doing now. As for Blacks, Jews, mixed race Hispanics, Muslims of tall various nationalities, skin tones and races, Whites owe these groups NOTHING, especially when it comes to Jews and Blacks, the two biggest REAL racist groups of folks in America. I honestly can’t think of another race of people who would have tolerated the abuse that has been heaped on White Gentiles in America and Europe in their own homelands no less. I am sure Koreans, Chinese, Japanese and other intelligent races of people think Whites in America and Europe are VERY SICK PEOPLE, and WE are at the moment. Until Whites start taking to the streets and demanding their civil rights just like Blacks did in the 60’s, WE will continue to be treated like dirt. “Our” cucked white traitor trash leaders sending their children to schools where their children attend classes that are majority Black, they aren’t taking the subway to work, they aren’t riding on city buses to work, hell, most of them have their own drivers. “Our” own President will tell you what he has done for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, etc., but he won’t dare mention what he has done or intends to do for White America.

    • 同意: Rurik
    • 回复: @anon
  123. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    Believe it or not, there are a whole bunch of youtube channels where American blacks claim they are not African, but are the indigenous peoples of America who were brainwashed into thinking they were descendants of African slaves….Thats a whole new level of “we wuz kangz” delusion.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  124. 我在南加州长大,但与兽人并没有真正的接触,我把我的警察父亲视为彻头彻尾的种族主义者(“让那个黑鬼滚开我的电视”是他最喜欢的一句话——桑福德父子公司、杰斐逊家族、鲁茨家族等)。 ),所以我仍在试图弄清楚事情,并认为人就是人,肤色并不重要。

    在美国陆军服役后,我对兽人产生了强烈的仇恨,后来搬到了伯利兹(心想,嘿,这是一种与我们自己有毒的氛围不同的文化),我的仇恨只增不减,现在我对伯利兹怀着紫色的热情, 同样地。显然,黑人到处都是可怕的。谁打的?

    回到美国并获得一笔小额遗产后,我在华盛顿州西部的一个非常小的小镇(人口不足 1,500 人)买了一栋小房子。我唯一考虑的是人口统计。这里大约有三个兽人,而且数量也太多了。每次我看到他们中的一个,我都会畏缩并检查我的门是否锁着。我目前正在市场上购买一把霰弹枪。

    我有点讨厌自己变成这样,但我不后悔搬到这里,这是必要的,因为除非你知道这些兽人可以做什么,会做什么,否则你就是一个目标,除非你把自己移走。 FWIW,我是女性,独自一人,并且已经过了保质期。我现在拥有完美的态势感知能力,并意识到我父亲是对的。我什至不再拥有电视了,所以我不必担心看到那些兽人医生和科学家对我大肆攻击。现在你无法让我在任何类型的城市几英里之内。

  125. @Alden

    Where were you between 5 and 5:27PM December 11?

    Um, was at least 20 minutes drive away watching 1917, uh, but I didn’t keep the ticket…I have never done any drugs, um, but some people I know do and they’re not very hygenic and they sometimes might touch my clothes and stuff… um, I don’t even own a gun and never have never fired one… and, um… I don’t want to make any statement without my lawyer present.

    people coming home from work and in parking lots cars roads streets buses subways sidewalks and trains vulnerable to roaming bands of Orcs? Where were your women co workers relatives friends and neighbors at 5 PM December 11.?

    白色飞行. 天桥国家.

    The contiguous 48 states comprises 3 million square miles. The diversity tends to concentrate in certain select neighborhoods. There are many towns, cities, and even whole states where minorities are still in the minority. Although SJWs and leftists and Democrats (like Tessa) are working hard to change that through immigration and housing programs.

    Come over to the Dark side…

    “Roll em’ up”.

    • 回复: @Alden
  126. Rurik 说:
    @Old and Grumpy

    Molly Tibbetts jogging alone, neither deserved being murdered.

    no, she certainly did not.

    But consider her dad. When asked about the assault and murder of his daughter, and the fact that the orc was in this country illegally, he came out in support of the illegal immigrant agenda.

    So, status-whoring his woke’ credentials, trumped his daughter’s life, (and all the other American girls that will be assaulted and murdered in the future, by orcs in this country illegally).

    When balanced against Mexican food, (Molly’s father intimated) her death, (and the ones to come) are a small price to pay when balanced against tacos and burritos.

  127. 接下来是什么?

    I’ve said the only black-on-white murder the MSM made into a National Morality Play was the O.J. Simpson criminal trial, in which the coverage encouraged the acquittal.

    I don’t think this trial (if there’s no plea bargain) will get exorbitant coverage. In these cases, a news blackout descends, then months (or years) later the trial begins. With DNA and some kind of surveillance video, it will be hard if not impossible to pretend the suspects are “innocent.”

    这个 (https://time.com/5787119/14-year-olds-plead-not-guilty-tessa-majors/) is from Time Magazine.

  128. @Rurik

    That was a POWERFUL comment, Rurik. It should be a post of its own.

    • 谢谢: Rurik
  129. Trinity 说:

    Hahaha. Yeah, one time I saw a video where a couple of “kangz” claimed that Shakespeare and Kang George were black as well. And now we have Hollywood telling Americans that three black ladies helped send America to the Moon. smdh.

    • 回复: @anon
  130. She was obviously not very smart

    Absolutely. She must have been extremely stupid. I suspect that most of these liberal lefties who espouse all these anti-racist ideologies and scream these silly slogans are actually hypocrites as they’re very well aware of the true situation but just don’t want to publicise it to others. Otherwise we’d be seeing many more of these lefties straying into black areas at night and getting killed. They very well know they should stay away from blacks but just don’t want to say so in public. So in a way this girl was set up by all those liberal friends of hers who never told her the truth that they all very well knew.

  131. ricpic 说:

    If you’re white and you are surrounded by blacks and hispanics YOU GET OUT. I did. I spent the first 40 years of my life in Brooklyn and Queens and even though I was never assaulted – pure luck – the hostility, you could cut it with a knife. So finally, after much too much hesitation, I got out. And those who say they can’t get out due to the job or family, they are lying to themselves and DOOMING their children. You CAN get out. Do it. Start living. Stop existing in terror next to THEM.

  132. Poco 说:

    Those piece of shit parents will instead blame you and me for the oppressive society that we inflicted upon those poor little black boys. Forcing the monkeys to act that way. Smug safely intact. Gah how I hate them.

  133. Slimer 说:

    How many of you will demand a public denunciation of black on white crime from the congressional black caucus? Their contact info is below:


  134. anon[837]• 免责声明 说:

    If I were an American rival state like Russia or Iran, I would be conflicted between taking a look at American society and thinking America is a joke and a paper tiger, or worrying that America must be so powerful that it can afford to have such an infantile deranged culture and society.

  135. 我不认为西班牙裔是问题所在。我从未感到受到他们的威胁,但理所当然,我从未生活在黑社会里。天哪,我什至和一个人结婚了12年。他是个混蛋,但他从来没有打败过我(虽然我长高了三英寸,但仍然如此)。我从未感受到他的家人或朋友的威胁,而且其中也有一些完全的犯罪分子。对我非常尊重。



    那里的西班牙裔人讨厌他们(我怀疑还有一点嫉妒,因为所有愚蠢的白人女孩都与你能想象到的最肮脏的兽人勾结——可爱的白人女孩!),而白人(和中国人)则被积极追捕。中国人(还有印度人)拥有所有的商店,西班牙人做了所有的工作,白人,如果不是近亲繁殖的、头脑简单的(严重的)富有的门诺派教徒,有效地封锁了他们的城镇(西班牙瞭望台),就是老年退休人员或游客,黑人只是掠夺者、小偷、毒贩和好斗的乞丐。在我居住的小镇上,大约有 7,000 人,6 年里,我认识了大约 12 个人被谋杀。虚幻。我几乎是一个隐士。这些是我周围的店主和邻居。被该死的兽人谋杀了。每一次。


    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  136. KenH 说:

    People better not clutch their pearls and disavow when the next Dylan Roof goes postal on black people. What happened to Tessa Majors and the countless violent crimes committed against other unfortunate white victims by remorseless black savages and the refusal of the authorities to acknowledge and address the problem is what radicalized Roof to commit violent acts.

    When the government refuses to defend white people it creates a vacuum and people like Dylan Roof will step into that vacuum.

    And don’t fool yourselves about all the “good blacks” who you mistakenly believe are just as decent and pacifistic as you. Stacy Abrams is a fire breathing anti-white bigot who wants to erase Southern history just for starters and 90% of Georgia blacks voted for her. Obama was only slightly less radical than she and he garnered 95% of the black vote.

    The only thing we owe the black population is summary execution for violent crimes against whites, sterilization and quarantainment. An inherently savage people only understand and respect the language of force and a mailed fist.

    • 同意: Alden
    • 回复: @JackOH
    , @Alden
  137. Slimer 说:


    Sounds like you’re in the market for a company keeper 😉
    I can bring my own TV and rub your feet while we watch Sanford and Son, if you don’t like science and medical programs.

    • 回复: @Pissedoffalese
  138. eah 说:

    Tess Majors likely would have likely screamed “racist” in your face if anyone tried to talk to her about the dangers of blacks males and racial mixing.

    You don’t know that, but with your juvenile intellect you’re willing to 承担 it in order to malign a dead 18 y/o white girl whom 你甚至不知道 — which more than anything shows what a fucking piece of shit you are.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @KenH
    , @Alden
  139. bruce county 说:

    拿起霰弹枪并拿起一把好手枪。 1911 .45ACP 将阻止大多数物体移动。瞄准质量并点击两次。 。无论如何,加入枪支俱乐部并在靶场消磨时间。这些小技巧有一天可能会挽救您的生命。作为退伍军人,我猜你已经可以使用武器了。


    • 回复: @Pissedoffalese
  140. Euripidoze 说:



    • 回复: @Alden
  141. anarchyst 说:

    你是绝对正确的。 “Around blacks, never relax”...


    我住在底特律,与我认为是“好”邻居。 请注意,不是“好黑人”邻居,而是只有肤色不重要(看起来很重要)的好邻居。 我们在可能的情况下互相帮助,互相照顾,并有友好的关系,共同的家庭活动,烧烤和其他社交活动。




    要求他们离开自己的举动遭到了f#ck you“的回应和其他贬义的回应。 在与我的“好邻居”讨论情况后,他几乎告诉我“男孩将成为男孩”并“克服它”。

    My friendly relations with that neighbor cooled, as he was not willing to straighten out his “ghetto rat” relatives. Soon after, these “ghetto rats” found new avenues in which to ply their criminal “stock in trade” in the neighborhood- breaking into and ransacking houses–easy (white) targets…


    THIS is why it’s perfectly legitimate for whites to not want the “nice black couple to move into their neighborhood”…and is most certainly a legitimate concern.

    • 谢谢: Change that Matters
    • 回复: @Pissedoffalese
  142. Euripidoze 说:

    距离他被起诉已经两天了。我预计到明天黎明,泰莎要么 a) 使用了黑字,要么 b) 咬了小野性的手指 第一.

  143. eah 说:

    Tessa Majors probably went to the park to buy weed; maybe she’d done it before, maybe not, I don’t know (she hadn’t been in NYC that long) — when/if there’s a trial this will probably come out — she came from a middle class, even upper middle class area, where buying a bag of weed, usually from a peer, is just a 商业交易: you pay the money, you get the weed — everyone is cool, no one wants any trouble — but in that park in NYC, the sellers are likely all ghetto dealers, mostly Blacks, many of whom probably normally carry a gun (and not 只是 for protection): you give them the money, maybe they give you the weed, maybe not — so they’re not just drug-sellers, they’re also thugs and (otherwise) criminals, people you shouldn’t be dealing with for any reason, especially as a young woman — not only that, there are no doubt very often other armed criminals in the park ready to commit violent robbery, which can easily turn into a “botched robbery”, as here.

    So Tessa Majors was naive and careless — she should have known she “wasn’t in Kansas anymore”, and she should never have gone to that park to deal with such people for that (assumed) purpose at any time of day, let alone when it was dark or getting dark.

    But she didn’t deserve to die for being naive and careless — her murder was brutal, senseless, and over so little: a phone, a bag of weed, a little bit of cash.

    I feel sorry for her friends and family, most of all her parents — to raise a daughter for 18 years, and have her life end like that…

    • 回复: @Alden
  144. @Slimer

    完全不在市场上寻找伴侣。我有一只非常漂亮的小狗。此外,如果你要带电视,你肯定会在预赛中被淘汰。只是'说'。 🙂

  145. @bruce county






  146. @eah

    He said “likely”. It’s very likely. You’re the one with the comment that told us that it’d be better to reason with the SJWs. Maybe it would be “better” if you could, but, Ken is right that these people will just call you names and also try to get you shitcanned or kicked out of the class, whatever the case may be.

    From Hippo’s comment way above it seems like she’s of that type, but again, in case Alden’s ready to go ape-shit again, that’s not to say exactly what Tessa would have said to you. We can’t know now. If you think you can reason with the SJW types, you have not been around. Some may grow up and wiser, and others may have to learn the hard way, but hopefully not the latter.

    • 同意: KenH
    • 回复: @Miro23
  147. JackOH 说:

    “People better not clutch their pearls and disavow when the next Dylan Roof goes postal on black people . . .”.

    “When the government refuses to defend white people it creates a vacuum and people like Dylan Roof will step into that vacuum.”

    Good points, KenH, and I agree that some of these horrible White-on-Black shootings are arguably a consequence of America’s three-generations’ long policies and practices of institutionalized racism against White people. Most of us just grind our teeth; some act out. I publicly speculated on that idea in a published letter to the editor in my local newspaper a few years ago.

  148. @Pissedoffalese

    You’ve got a couple of fans already, Pissedoffalese, and I’m married, but I really like your attitude, most especially about ditching the TV and living out in the sticks.

    I won’t ask where exactly, but Western Washington State is beautiful – just gotta like moss and nothing ever drying the hell out! I like Stehekin, and places on the road to Mr. Baker in the Cascades, but also Pt, Angeles, Sequim, Pt. Gamble, Pt. Townsend on the Olympic side. If you really want to go where nobody goes, you go out to Forks, and places right up at the corner of the country. It’s only Indians and wet, wet, country.

    • 回复: @Pissedoffalese
    , @nsa
  149. @anarchyst


    一年后,一位邻居告诉我,有人看到警察的大儿子(孩子大约 12 岁)爬进我的窗户偷我的屎。





    • 回复: @The Grim Joker
  150. “Crime Iceberg” is unwieldy.

    Try “Nigburg.”

  151. Bookish1 说:

    I can relate to what you aresaying. When l joined the ymca in this town of 73000 there were no black members. But now blacks are more common and the tension can be felt. Of course the white racial traitors are all cozy with the blacks. If the blacks become 10% of ymca members it’s done. Destroyed.

  152. @Omegabooks

    I agree 100, but in the long game there is nowhere to run.

    The Dakotas/Pacific Northwest will be the last Whitopia to fall.

    I hope the good South Oregonians who want to merge with Idaho get their wish.

  153. @Achmed E. Newman


    这里有一家杂货店、两家酒吧、两家加油站/便利店、一家图书馆、市政厅、不断经过的火车(我喜欢)、青蛙、乡巴佬、鹿、负鼠、浣熊、鸡、马、山羊、疯子(以一种好的方式)。差不多就这样了。我们位于奇黑利斯(Chehalis,拥有沃尔玛的大城市)稍南一点的地方,如果这能告诉您什么的话,但不是在 5 号州际公路上。镇上有一家餐厅(墨西哥餐厅),位于这座疯狂的小山上(如果你没有车,就无法步行——我没有),还有一家新的披萨外卖店。哦,还有一个邮票大小的滑板公园。就这样。这里没有公共汽车、火车或出租车服务,因此,如果您没有汽车,则需要步行或搭便车离开道奇。




    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  154. KenH 说:

    You don’t know that, but with your juvenile intellect

    I never said I had a crystal ball, moron, and neither do you although you write as if you were in Tessa’s inner circle and know exactly how she thinks and would respond if someone, perhaps a charming person like yourself, had a fireside chat about race relations with her. But Barnard College isn’t exactly a bastion of pro-white racial activism and the odds are that white girls who attend Barnard and sometimes dye their hair green are probably SJW types.

    And I think you’re the pajama boy who was defending Scott Schellenger’s black murderer on one of Paul Kersey’s threads so I’m surprised you’re not arguing that since Tessa Majors bit the finger of her black assailant that he was actually acting in self defense by stabbing her to death and that he was an uphill slog in the “systemically racist” justice system to prove his innocence.

  155. @Pissedoffalese


    Hey, I’ve been up some hills out there on a bicycle in which the front wheel comes off the ground in LOW GEAR (both the angle and the torque reaction). Yeah, I know where Chehalis is. I’ve been there, but then, 我到过这片土地的任何地方.

    • 回复: @Pissedoffalese
  156. Some woke karen got killed by the diversity she rooted for while trying to indulge in the lowest degeneracies of drugs, and presumably fornication and alcohol? Amirite?

    Cry me a deep and wide river.

  157. 右翼分子热爱他们的大政府。和军事化的警察国家/监视国家,只要它被用来对付他们不喜欢的人。



    几乎就像它只是在 SHTF 时保护他们一样。

    • 同意: Euripidoze
  158. nsa 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    You have a romanticized idea of Western Washington state. First, Stehekin is in Eastern Washington, at the tip of Lake Chelan with access by boat only. You mention Forks “where nobody goes”. That’s nuts….at least a couple hundred thousand tourists visit the town every year even though the Twilight craze is drying up. Forks is on the loop around the Olympic Peninsula and sees heavy traffic in the spring / summer / fall months, with tourists visiting from all over the world. The Olympic Peninsula was as you describe before they built the Hood Canal Bridge in 1961….that was 60 years ago! Now the Olympic Peninsula is just another overpopulated part of Pugetropolis, which stretches from Vancouver BC, through Seattle / Tacoma all the way down to Olympia. There are numerous military installations as well as Boeing, Amazon, Microsft, etc….and many millions of humans doing what humans do. The fish have been wiped out, the orcas are dying from lack of feed and pollution, and wall-to-wall asshole humans destroying what is left.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  159. bruce county 说:

    我的选择是雷明顿 870 泵机。我拥有 2 台和一台雷明顿 11 型。它是第一款也是最好的自动装载机之一。



    • 回复: @Pissedoffalese
  160. @Father O'Hara

    Yep, so did I a few months ago. That lady definitely has issues.

  161. @Trinity

    My sentiments exactly. Hate crimes by blacks against whites are far more common than the ones fictionalized by the media of white bigots attacking innocent black honor students. That obvious fact is why I own pistols and carry one routinely. I’ve also armed my wife and daughter.

    There are murderers walking among us and pretending that they don’t exist is suicidal.

  162. @nsa

    Nah, I’ve been there quite a bit, and not 60 years ago (maybe 15?) Forks was dead, but that was probably not in tourist season. I should have said “where nobody stays”. It was really quiet and desolate. Neah Bay, Sequi, etc., they are also off the beaten path.

    Yes, I know that Stehekin is not truly in Western Washington, but it’s still in the Cascades. It’s said to be the most remote town in the lower 48 due to that 50 mile boat ride up the lake to get there. One can fly in though – short strip, BIG TREES. The Olympic peninsula with the towns along the Hood Canal to the east, and Pt. Angeles/Sequim to the north, is a beautiful area. Sequim has been a big retirement destination, so, yes, I’m sure it’s not as nice as it was 25 years back.

  163. @Pissedoffalese

    我有一辆 Mossberg 500 12ga。如果 12 的后坐力超出您的承受能力,它还有 20ga 的版本。或者您可以购买短 12 GA 弹以降低后坐力。矮个子在散装枪方面表现更好,所以也许是 20 ga。会更适合你。

    就价格而言,莫斯伯格通常是最划算的。雷明顿 1100 是我在较低价格范围内最喜欢的自动装弹机。其中任何一个都是自卫的不错选择。

  164. @animalogic

    Two cases from the 80s come to mind.

    There was Bernard Goetz, a Jewish nerd who shot a group of black would-be muggers late one night on the subway. (A variation of this was reenacted in Joker, but with Joaquin Phoenix blasting a few drunken Wall Street yuppies who are taunting him.)

    Another was a young white man named Robert Chambers. He was having consensual kinky sex with a girl in Central Park and somehow she ended up dead. Since he was a Wasp and she was Jewish, the NY press went insane and he was vilified for years in the press as “the Preppy Killer” and his life was basically ruined.

    Both of these cases were huge stories, but if the races/ethnicities of the perps and victims were reversed, they likely would have been forgotten overnight.

    • 同意: Father O'Hara
  165. Miro23 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    If you think you can reason with the SJW types, you have not been around. Some may grow up and wiser, and others may have to learn the hard way, but hopefully not the latter.

    True enough, you’re dealing with a religion here. It’s all about dogma with believers and non-believers. SJW religious types run education and the media where politically correct attitudes are mandatory.

  166. @bruce county



    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  167. @Achmed E. Newman

    我从华盛顿州贝灵汉买了这个地方,那只是可怕的山丘。我假设这个地方是平坦的。不是!我对脚踏自行车有点老了,所以我买了电动自行车。喜欢它,而且它可以爬山,所以墨西哥餐厅对我来说并不是遥不可及,但大多数地方都可以步行 10 分钟内到达。不过,我确实希望天气更像贝灵厄姆。那里风很大,很冷。这里只是下雨,不停。有点像俄勒冈州的塞勒姆。布莱赫。


    对我来说幸运的是,Winlock 有一个 Facebook 页面,所以他们总是发布他的照片和他在哪里。我不在 Facebook 上,但我的邻居(养鸡的)总是告诉我,杂货店的人也是如此,等等。我喜欢这个小镇。


  168. @Pissedoffalese

    I know of many white towns pop. 7,000 – 30,000 where there hasn’t been a single murder in more than 10 years. If they bring in the immigrants that’ll change, for sure.

    • 回复: @KenH
  169. Anon[398]• 免责声明 说:




    • 回复: @silviosilver
  170. @Pissedoffalese

    I am shocked ! As I said in another post this is a frequent occurrence. Soon Terrels’ friends, relatives, distant acquaintances and not so distance acquaintances and all THEIR friends and relatives will move from the slum they now occupy and into your area.


    Anywhere blacks go it is the same thing and moving does not seem to help. They follow white folks, looking to escape their hell hole and wanting a better life away from all their fellow black animals….only to recreate the ghetto they fled.


  171. @Buck Ransom

    There was Bernard Goetz, a Jewish nerd

    Bernard Goetz was Jewish?

    Goetz’s father was Lutheran; his mother, who was Jewish。 是。

    Maybe that explains how he was treated with kid gloves by the media. I always thought that was a little irregular. Example: Goetz laughing it up with popular radio shock jocks: The Opie & Anthony Show – Bernie Goetz (12/23/04).

    A hostile media could easily portray him as an evil racist who gunned down a group of blacks just for asking “How are you doing?”, on par with Till who was “whistling at a white woman”. The media controls how many details the public knows about the event, they could have chosen to conceal that this was a mugging. The media chooses to not disclose that the Charlottesville driver’s car was struck with a baseball bat, and portrays it as an unprovoked attack.

    • 回复: @Buck Ransom
    , @Nicholas Stix
  172. Trinity 说:

    Sorry, but I don’t buy into the RUNNING AWAY, eventually THERE WILL BE NOWHERE TO RUN TO AND HIDE. Blacks, and now an assortment of other turd world WMD inhabit OUR country thanks to the Jewish 1965 Immigration Reform Act penned by the Kosher Twins known as Emanuel Celler and Jacob Javits. Of course at around the same time Whites were told that the Mother Earth was becoming too populated and that caring people should have smaller families. That all proved to not work quite fast enough or maybe it was working at the right speed considering how Whites sat around and didn’t take notice that they were slowly losing ground in the country they built with their own blood, sweat and tears. Now we are only one step or two away from a REAL LIFE NON-FICTION VERSION OF CAMP OF THE SAINTS. And look who is still there pulling the strings? The ones leading the way at flooding our countries with nonwhites aren’t brown, they aren’t black, they aren’t yellow, they are Jews, comprende?

    My father left Baltimore back in the ’70’s but that had more to do with family issues and other personal issues than it did with RUNNING AWAY. Hell, he moved to an even blacker part of the country, Georgia. So it isn’t as if he was running away to escape TNB, because Georgia was far worse than Baltimore, at least Essex, Md., where we lived. I had a handful of Blacks in my school in Essex in the 70’s, not so where we moved to in Georgia. It was at least 35-40% Black in my school. There were 4 public high schools in the city and the others were even darker. Whites could move to the Moon and eventually the Jew and his nonwhite foot soldiers will chase you down so they can continue to reap all the benefits of being first class whiners, contributing nothing while being catered to and served by a bunch of gullible “racist” White goyim.

    North Dakota sound nice? How about Wyoming? Okay, I get that there are still some hardcore country folk and REAL cowboys left, but what are the rest of you going to do out there for a living? Want a nice seafood dinner, where are you going to go? Red Lobster, if they even have that? What happens when moving down another exit is no longer an option? Look at Miami now? Look at Los Angeles? At one time those cities were nice places for Whites to live and work and they still could have been if so many Whites would have stood their ground instead of running away. I was watching President Crumb’s “Keep Israel Great” rally last night and before Crumb arrived they were interviewing Whites who had been camped out for 2 days in the frigid cold to listen to this Israel First clown. Anyhow, these Whites were saying all the people running away from Mexifornia and moving to cities like Boulder and Denver were helping to ruin Colorado. I saw the same thing happen to Florida, “Yankees” moving from New York, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, even country bumpkin states like Indiana, and complaining that Florida should be more like the places they ran away from. Well, needless to say that Florida is nothing like it used to be thanks to these roving gypsies.

    • 回复: @Bookish1
  173. @Pissedoffalese

    Buying online isn’t illegal under federal law, you just have to get a FFL holder to receive the gun for you. The online sales venues have lists of FFL’s in your area who will take delivery of your purchase for a small fee. The one in my area is about 4 miles from where I live, which is in a rural area where the nearest grocery store is almost 20 miles away.


  174. @Trinity

    About a month ago SNL had a Weekend Update skit where Colin Jost made fun of Jared Kushner and then the punchline referred to him as a “privileged white man”, rather than the privileged jew that he is. Just another example of the (((you know jew))) controlled media stirring up racial animosity between blacks and whites and protecting the kosher nostra from public view.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  175. Walter 说:
    @The Grim Joker

    Long time ago a lawyer who I knew from the Scouts said to me about racial relations in the USA>

    “They have their rights, and I have my rights”.

    When somebody steps over that line, they’re stealing rights that do not belong to them.

    Up close it’s probably too late for a gun to be much use… I favor Putin’s formula> “When a fight is inevitable, attack first.” – but these days that’s only permitted if you’re of the “right” race…

    Multiculturalism creates conflict – that’s why it’s forced on us. Divide to Rule…

  176. @nymom


    “It’s all driven by demographics.”

    …or, it’s all driven by the kosher nostra, which controls the financial system, the judicial system, the educational system, the media, and the internet technology companies.

    The way to solve the deteriorating social environment is to counter the above by getting rid of taxes on jobs, refusing to support or patronize these monopoly/criminal businesses, forget government schools and instead use home, community, or private schooling, engage in community activism to help and teach families about financial predatory practices, home economics, planting a garden or buying food locally produced, … you get the point – back to the basics of society.

    此外,聘请在人口统计上具有社区代表性的男女警察。并停止训练警察,让他们表现得像军事占领军一样。 (我听说我们的警察部队正在弗吉尼亚州匡蒂科接受摩萨德的训练。我希望知情人士提供一些证据。)

    Martin Luther King was bringing the blacks into a peaceful movement to better themselves and gain their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Then the FBI killed him. Now the peaceful blacks are leaderless and need someone to fulfill Martin Luther King’s vision. Like any group of people, without a leader they are lost.


    • 哈哈: West Reanimator
    • 回复: @Alden
  177. Trinity 说:
    @flashlight joe

    (((They))) never stop do (((they?))) Haven’t watched SNL since the 1980’s but IF this show is supposed to be “edgy,” “hip,” and “woke,” then why doesn’t it name the Jew? lololol. Yep, that is really “woke” and “edgy” claiming that a SUPER ZIONIST like Kushner is a “privileged white man.” The sad part is that a good portion of America, whether black, white or candy stripe will buy into the line that Kushner is the poster child for “white privilege.” You have to be a moron to even believe there is something like “White Privilege” in modern day America anyhow, nothing could be further from the truth. Jewish Privilege and Black Privilege are VERY REAL, “White Privilege,” not so much.

  178. @Hippopotamusdrome

    Yeah, the NY media had a bit of a conundrum with Bernie Goetz. They were kind of ambivalent about him in a way they never would have been if he were a Lutheran like his father. On the one hand, they did dub him “the subway vigilante” and they ran with that for a number of years, IIRC. But they did not hack him to pieces and feed him to the dogs like they did with Robert Chambers. Another factor was that a large percentage of Whites in NYC sided with Bernie (this was several years before Mayor Rudy came onto the scene to clean up the place) when he decided to preempt his beat-down by a pack of Feral Urban Yoots.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  179. Trinity 说:

    Kind of hard to feel sympathy for Robert Chambers, he proved himself to be a POS. I remember 4 particular cases that really stood out in the 1980’s in NYC, at least in my mind they did, and that was the Goetz case, “the Preppy Murder Case” w/Chambers, Lisa Steinberg murder and Hedda Nussbaum domestic violence at the hands of Joel Steinberg, and the Larry Davis case. All these cases garnered lots of media coverage back in the day. That Steinberg creep was a real POS. My gawd, you hit a small child and kill her and then abuse your wife like that. What kind of demons exist in “people” like this?

  180. Bookish1 说:

    Only hope that I see is the bottom dropping out of the economic system at which time they will need the real americans to save us.

    • 同意: Trinity
  181. KenH 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    I know of many white towns pop. 7,000 – 30,000 where there hasn’t been a single murder in more than 10 years. If they bring in the immigrants that’ll change, for sure.

    Back in the late 90’s 时间 Magazine wrote an article about the impact illegal immigration was having on small Iowa towns. One town hadn’t had a murder in 45 years but were averaging about three annually due to illegal alien gang and drug violence.

    People said they would not let their kids alone out after about 5 or 6pm, especially the girls, because of the perverted Latino men making crude sexual remarks to them.

    It was said because based on how the people described the towns as virtual Mayberries prior to the arrival of illegal aliens and they were angry and heartbroken over it.

    • 回复: @Alden
  182. @Hippopotamusdrome

    “A hostile media could easily portray him as an evil racist who gunned down a group of blacks just for asking ‘How are you doing?’”

    But that’s what the media did, aided and abetted by DA Robert Morgenthau, who was at the head of a conspiracy to suborn perjury (by the failed muggers), and who destroyed Goetz’ life.

    • 回复: @nsa
    , @David In TN
    , @anarchyst
  183. nsa 说:
    @Nicholas Stix

    Bernie Goetz is still alive and runs a society dedicated to saving urban squirrels in trouble. He would not have been prosecuted if witnesses hadn’t reported that after shooting all four “youths” with four rounds, he stood over the ringleader and announced “you don’t look so bad off” and dumped the fifth and last round from his S&W snubbie into the creep. The wrong Bernie is now running for public office……….

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
    , @Nicholas Stix
  184. Herald 说:

    Trump’s election pitch had some merit and so many voted for him, just because he wasn’t warmongering witch queen Hillary. All very understandable in 2016, but since then Trump has done little, other than throwing money at the military, while keeping his ancient knees always bent in the direction of Israel.

    This time around the Dems will likely field yet another warmonger and then not voting for either party, seems to be a very logical choice.

  185. Dannyboy 说:

    If a white man did what Jewboy Goetz did in NYC he’d be in prison for life, or executed by now.

    • 同意: Commentator Mike
  186. @Nicholas Stix

    Goetz was treated by Morgenthau as a Great White Defendant, what elected DA’s like him are on the hunt for.

  187. Dannyboy 说:

    A good portion of white women have made it very clear that they hate the white Patriarchy and everything it stands for. As a result, they’re no longer under our protection, and we mourn their loss.

    • 回复: @Alden
  188. I’m here to tell you it never happened.

    Oh please, as if you’re in any position to 其实知道 那。

    You’re a fucking joke, Stix.

    • 回复: @Nicholas Stix
  189. @Anon

    Even simpler, just Avoid The Groid, always.

    (And believe me, I hate ceding any turf to these bastards, but you can’t be a one-man army, so at least for now that means maximum feasible avoidance is your best move.)

  190. @Trinity

    I just don’t see why I can’t both denounce an anti-white hate crime thrill to the death of an anti-white SJW POS.

    Sorry, but I just love it when white SJWs are taken out by one of their pet groids. I’ll never stop loving this outcome. Doesn’t mean I don’t believe the groids should hang.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  191. Trinity 说:

    I actually LOVE to see a SJW white traitor trash experience some “diversity,” HOWEVER, I am sure these little animals had no idea what this girl’s politics were and attacked her for your white skin ONLY. I will have to admit that as much as Whites fall victim to TNB, that these animals kill each other at an even higher rate. I see Black on Black violence every day on the Apelanta news. Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, both were quoted as saying that no other races are so polar opposite as the White and Black race and that both suffer living in the same society. Both stated that the Black race and the White race could NEVER live together in a functioning society. Of course what did these “racist” old white men know.

    As disgusting as SJWs are and how destructive they have been at being the Jew’s ultimate lackey, even more so than the nonwhite foot soldiers, I think our focus should still be on the perpetrators violent racism towards Whites. Believe me, this time it was white traitor trash, the next time it could be one of our daughters, ( I have two sons, and I think they will at least fight back.) IF you ever had to deal with TNB, you know that these Black racists will go out of their way to force their Black Privilege down your throat. They will walk straight into you at a mall and expect you to either step aside or be ready to fight, you pull up to a fast food restaurant and practically have your number #1 thrown at you by the cashier, ( I had mine purposely dropped on the ground.) I kept honking the horn until the Black manager came out and told him I want my money back and then went home and called corporate. IF you have had the pleasure of living and working around some grade A “black folks,” you will know damn well they don’t act like they do in all those commercials on the Talmudvision. IF any of you want to see TNB on steroids, I suggest you live where they are the majority or at least 30% of the population. Whites better take a good look at South Africa because that is where we are heading. Not that Blacks will ever have that much power or be the majority here, but Whites will be ruled by a conglomerate of nonwhites headed by Jews. Take a look at your next choice for President. You can vote for Capitalist Jew, Little Mikey or Communist Jew, Bernie, or you can vote for Donald J. Crumb the Super Shabbos Goy con man.

    • 回复: @silviosilver
  192. @Trinity


    但目的又是什么呢?据推测,是为了减少反白人主义的频率和/或强度,对吧?那么,SJW 不是实现这一目标的主要障碍之一吗?如果您同意 SJW 是主要障碍之一,那么我想您也会同意 SJW 越少(或前 SJW 越多)越好。那么就SJWS而言,当反白人仇恨犯罪涉及SJW时,我认为庆祝SJW的死亡比抱怨反白人仇恨犯罪更有成效。

    当 SJW 听到白人抱怨反白人仇恨犯罪时,在他们看来,这只是白人至上主义者抱怨黑人“种族主义”。它所做的最后一件事就是让他们质疑自己的信仰和价值观。他们忽视我们是轻而易举的事。但如果他们看到我们庆祝 SJW 的死亡,即使是滑稽、夸张和不真诚的(例如“给那个粗人一枚奖章”,“让他自由地再次罢工!”),我们会更加激怒他们,对他们来说会变得更加困难忽视我们。我认为这样,他们中的一些人更有可能质疑自己是否真的被愚弄,并开始缓慢地重新审视自己的价值观。

    海报“eah”在上面建议,与 SJW 辩论和推理比庆祝他们的死亡更好。好吧,只要 SJWS 实际上愿意推理,就无论如何用人类已知的各种形式的理性论证来打击他们。但如果他们不愿意——绝大多数人都不愿意——那么如果你的伎俩里只有理性,那你就倒霉了。

    至于这个特殊案例中的奖品样本(苔丝),那个网格绝对是金子。你不知道当得知她是真正的 SJW 交易时,这是多么令人振奋。我也想向她的反白人左翼父亲表示衷心的幸灾乐祸,愿这位 POS 在他的余生中因女儿的去世而在痛苦中挣扎。

    • 同意: Lol just lol
    • 回复: @Trinity
  193. Trinity 说:

    点已采取。毫无疑问,我宁愿 SJW 经历这种事情,也不愿经历亲白人的男人或女人。然而,正如明尼苏达州小男孩被从商场阳台扔下或 12 岁白人男孩被成年黑人女性挥舞的喷灯绑架并烧死的案例一样,很多时候受害者都是受害者。只是没有特定政治倾向的白人,有时他们只是孩子。如果这个女孩是一个激进的 SJW,我确信在她在地球上的最后时刻,她发现她所接受和相信的所有废话都只是谎言。

  194. anarchyst 说:
    @Nicholas Stix

    Goetz should have kept his mouth shut and went on with his life rather than acceding to and cooperating with the “justice system”. They would have never found him. It is interesting to note, that like the Charles Bronson “Death Wish” films, subway crime dropped considerably for an extended period of time after Goetz’s actions.

  195. Tessa Majors is a CIA recruit. Her name backwards is “Asset.”

    She couldn’t get into Columbia so she went to BARNard College. She is from “Virginia.” Her “Star Shone Brightly” according to WaPo. She had a roommate named “Gabrielle” who said she “sang beautifully.”

    She was assaulted at 116 Street in Morningside Heights (cf Morgenstern) and was taken to Sinai Hospital.

    It’s all fake news based on Advent II created by mafia intelligence in order to sell NY Parks and Rec on those stupid blue-light emergency alert systems.

    • 谢谢: Sya Beerens
  196. sayless 说:

    All true, but she was only eighteen, and these days that’s younger than it used to be. I didn’t come to my senses until I was twenty-eight.

  197. @silviosilver

    Hey, you learned how to curse!

    Does that mean your life was not in vain? No, it was in vain.

  198. Alden 说:

    I believe the pretty White girl who was kidnapped gang banged and dumped into the alligator creek by the Orcs went to that beach town against her parent’s orders. They told her not to go. She went anyway.

  199. Alden 说:

    I did my part, sent thousands of Orc criminals to maximum terms in state prison.

    What have the misogynist women hater Men of UNZ done? Nothing nothing nothing

  200. Alden 说:

    Ken’s a Man of UNZ . That’s how they feel about White women.

  201. A leading anti-white politician, “AOC,” has weighed in on the Tessa Majors murder–With the standard excuse/rationalization. She calls it “a tragedy on multiple levels.”

    This means the killers are also “victims.” A paradigm of the left.

  202. Alden 说:

    Considering the black on White crime rate, White men gave up on protecting themselves long ago.

  203. Alden 说:
    @Buck Ransom

    The girl Chambers was with died of a drug overdose according to her autopsy report. Chambers didn’t cause her death. Her father sued the hospital where she died for not saving her life.

    • 回复: @Nicholas Stix
  204. Alden 说:

    Don’t forget why the illegals are in Iowa. They’re there to work on farms and food processing plants. Blame the capitalist pigs who brought the illegals to Iowa. The murderer of Mollie Tibbets worked in a big farm.

    • 回复: @Trinity
    , @KenH
  205. I don’t think the majority of UNZ readers don’t care about the death of Tessa Majors. They likely feel bad but they are exasperated with the actions of these leftists. I am happy that Alden put murderers, thieves, and other criminals behind bars.
    Is this action by New York City’s Mayor Blasio and New York’s governor to free hardened criminals and also to not have to pay bail something authorized by the big shakers and movers with their New World Order? Is it another method to cause CHAOS and division among the people (like divide and conquer)?

    Cuomo is simply an apostate Catholic and radical leftist. The term Catholic should no longer be applied to the likes of the Cuomos, Pelosis, Comeys. I am Catholic. It is clear that some of the worst politicians were born Catholics but that is just a birth thing. True Catholics have nothing in common with these types. These politicians are liars and narcissistic sociopaths themselves.

    I was born in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn and worked there till I was 17. Bed Stuy at that time was rated in the top 10 most dangerous neighborhoods in America. When I was 10 years old on Christmas eve 1960 while entering the entrance to the Ralph Avenue A train subway station we were attacked in the dark (probably no moon out that night) by four black men. They laughed and cursed as they almost beat my father to death. We often walked 3/4 of a mile to get a bus but this night like others we decided to walk to the subway.

    My father got out of his store in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn because he said things were getting worse. He said it would reach the point where they would kill people whereas in the past the criminals were “pros” and would not hurt you as long as you just turned over the money.

    The politicians and parents have created this chaos. The parents are the major blame. You have children breeding children and they are not taught discipline and good behavior. Things have changed since I was a kid- things are worse and it is sad that we still cannot enter many neighborhoods. For those of us who walked these dangerous streets this is just common knowledge, common sense.

    This girl Tessa was like most leftists- a “know it all” and arrogant and thought that her radical leftist ideology would protect her. I blame her parents. Her parents are responsible for putting unrealistic ideas in her head. Her parents are radicals and responsible for her death and the stupidity of young people. Blame the parents and their grandparents. It is these narcissistic creeps from the “great 60s” like the Clintons that have poisoned this country. Let them reap what they sow.

    • 哈哈: eah
    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
  206. Trinity 说:

    Didn’t Mollie Tibbets make a tweet about “hating white people?”

    I find it hard to celebrate anyone being slaughtered by these hate-filled black and other nonwhite racists, lest we forget, European women are being raped and abused by an assortment of brown and black biological WMD. And certainly not all these female victims are race traitor white trash. For every female white traitor trash someone could point out, I could point out a white male cuckold or a white male traitor as well. Hell, my brother’s first wife was Vietnamese, but that was his choice, and I am not about to tell someone who they can or can’t marry. He is now married to a white woman. I can tell you as a man, that a lot of these men condemning some of these white women dating or having sex with nonwhite males are the same men who will lay down with anything with a vagina despite the color of the female. When it comes to sex, MOST men have double standards. Admittedly, back in the day before I became more racially conscious, I found caramel skin toned or light almost white skin Hispanic females gorgeous. Hell, lets be honest, I still do, but I drew a line for myself and started thinking about the future of my race. HOWEVER, NEVER, have I went against my race the way some of these race mixers do, I just admired the beauty of some Hispanic women. Black women? Oh HELL NO. Forget that. Asian women? NOPE, no yellow fever with this boy.

    I don’t hate women in any shape or form, HOWEVER, I can see some of these guys points, but that has nothing to do with the victim being female. I just wonder if they would feel the same way if or when the victim is a male white traitor trash or when a male dates or marries outside of his race. Let he that is without sin cast the first stone. I loved my senoritas back in the day, ( still preferred white women overall though) but that was another time and place. Ain’t no shame in my game. But even then, I was proud to be white, and was never on board with hating my own, Desperate times call for desperate measures. By the way, if anything, I am more DISGUSTED with the COWARDICE of the average white male than I am with the race mixing trashy white women. Both are disgusting, but something about a cowardly white male kissing up to nonwhites and Jews is so damn repulsive it makes my skin crawl.

  207. @Buck Ransom

    As late as 2002, some New Yorkers would still refer to defending oneself with a gun as “doing a Bernie”. I don’t know whether that’s still a saying today, but it was then.

    • 回复: @Hibernian
  208. Anon[188]• 免责声明 说:

    The School of Darwin is pass/fail only.

  209. Hibernian 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    Now having a Che Guevara poster on your wall is “doing a Bernie.”

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  210. As I expected, the New York Times just editorialized against charging the two 14-year old’s as adults:

    “Even 14-year Old’s Who Kill Are Not Adults.”

    No, they are still unrepentant murderers.

    • 谢谢: eah
  211. Alden 说:

    Blacks are in the minority in NYC, every state and the entire country.

  212. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Like AOC the NYSlimes and all the other SJWs you blame anyone and everyone other than the black Orcs who murdered her. According to your theory, blacks are innocents and the victim and her parents are at fault. You’re just like all the big fat mammas of black criminals. Blame White for black crimes.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  213. @Alden

    According to your theory, blacks are innocents and the victim and her parents are at fault. You’re just like all the big fat mammas of black criminals. Blame White for black crimes.

    Drink much? You clearly haven’t read any of my stuff. Take out Black crime, we have crime so rare you need to write episodes of Law and Order to even see any crime. But for the record, our society taught this kid diversity is good, fooled her into thinking girls are strong, tough characters who can battle those much bigger and nastier and then denied her the one 实际 course (absent simply staying off those mean streets) of action that would have allowed her her safety, carrying a gun.

    Kid was killed by the culture in which she was raised and which she went to be ‘educated’. Doesn’t let the orcs off. Fry them, starting with these three. Remarkable they didn’t drag her off first and run a train on her.

    Yer all over the map, Aldie. If you were a prostitute, I’d have to say your trick-selector is off. When it comes to orcs and minority-crime, I don’t change neighborhoods, I change REGIONS.

    • 同意: Lost american
    • 回复: @KenH
    , @Alden
  214. @Hibernian

    Yep, Also, taking a bribe to fold your campaign is also doing a Bernie.

  215. KenH 说:

    Blame the capitalist pigs who brought the illegals to Iowa. The murderer of Mollie Tibbets worked in a big farm.

    I do and Big Ag is a huge part of the illegal alien problem.

  216. KenH 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Yer all over the map, Aldie.

    Alden needs another cat to play with and keep her busy.

    • 哈哈: Beefcake the Mighty
  217. Alden needs another cat to play with and keep her busy.

    I thought Alden was a whiny, mixed up boy with no father in his life, which come to think of it fits most of the women these days too. Ken, you sure it’s a she?

    • 回复: @Alden
  218. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    You’re a typical blame the victim liberal. That’s all. Those blacks killed her and you blame Tessa, NYC Columbia her parents society in general and anything and everything but the 3 Orcs who killed her.

    You’re either the typical big fat black mamma of a litter of black criminals or an ACLU liberal.

    Who killed Tessa? I say 3 black critters who never should have been born killed her.

    You, the liberal say Tessa killed herself and it’s all her fault. You’re just repeating the NYTimes editorials.

    • 回复: @kerdasi amaq
  219. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    I sent thousands of black criminals to maximum terms in state prison. What have you done to help Whites? Nothing

    In fact, like every White liberal and big fat black mamma of a litter of black criminals you blame the White victims of black crime.

    Blacks are everywhere. If not affirmative housing, the Lutherans are bringing Somalians into remote communities in the north west. You just might wake up someday and find a herd of blacks have been settled in your town. Or the local farmers have discovered it’s cheaper to import Hispanic criminals than buy a new tractor or manure gutter.

    Much of the hatred and rejoicing that Tessa was killed is because she’s a pretty White woman. The hatred of White women by the sexually frustrated loser wimp nerd afraid to live in a city because of blacks Men of UNZ is because they can’t get laid and pretty White women are out of their league.

    You incel misogynist women hating Men of UNZ rejoice in Tessa’s killing because of your sexual and emotional psychoses.

    If 3 blacks jumped you from behind would you be able to defend yourself? I doubt it.

    I sent thousands of black criminals to maximum terms in state prison because I’m a White warrior. You’re just a misogynist women hating POS who prefers POCs instead of his own race.

    How many black criminals did you send to prison???? How many White victims of black crime did you avenge by sending their assailants to prison you race traitor piece of shit?

    Or are you a big fat black mamma of a litter of thugs? That’s what you sound like blaming Tessa for being murdered.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  220. Alden 说:

    Let us compare and contrast White man teen Bradley Brown and White woman teen Tessa Majors, both killed by 3 black teen Orcs 3 is the typical robbery team for all you naive rural innocents who know nothing of crime and criminals. Less than 3 might not be enough to overpower the victim. More than 3 less profit for each.

    Bradley Brown a White teen. Bradley lived in a 61% black county and his parents sent him to the local public 60% black school. His father and 2 brothers are local police officers very familiar with local black crime. Bradley Brown had a long term association with his killers. Bradley invited the killers to his home. Bradley was aware his killers were criminals and had a gun with him for protection against his long term black criminal associates.

    Tessa Majors grew up in 65% White 18% black Charlottesville Va. Tessa went to a White all girls private school unlike Bradley who went to a 60% black public school. At the time of her death, Tessa lived in 24% black 42% -44% White NYC. Tessa did not know her murderers. Bradley had a long term association with his killers. Tessa fought back, bit the thing that grabbed her from behind so badly the wound took 2 weeks to heal and left enough DNA to be clear and present evidence.

    Yet the misogynist women hating wimp nerd blame Tessa her parents, feminazis and “ our society” for her murder and rejoiced in her killing by boys don’t say a word about why, how, and what led to Bradley’s killing by 3 Orcs.

    Bradley invited them to his home, he went to school with them. He had a long term association with them. He feared them enough to bring a gun to the meeting with his killers.

    Yet the misogynist women hating wimp nerd cowards blame victims of black on White crime Men of UNZ don’t write a word about Bradley’s life long association with black in his town and school and inviting his killers to his home

    The misogynist women hating wimp nerd cowardly Men of UNZ don’t write a word about Bradley’s parents raising him in a majority black area and sending him to a majority black public high school. You don’t write a word about Bradley’s long term association with his killers and inviting them to his home.

    Tessa grew up in a 65% White 18% black town. She attended a private White girl’s high school. She lived in 42% White 24% black NYC. She didn’t know her killers. Yet the sexually frustrated weirdo misogynist women hating Men of UNZ positively rejoiced at Tessa’s death. Some of you unspeakable race traitors even fantasied she went to the park to have sex with the Orcs.

    None of you ever did a thing for Whites. I did. I sent them to prison. Your hatred of Tessa is because she was a pretty White woman and you can’t get a pretty White woman. And many of you are so scared of blacks you are afraid to go into NYC.

    Compare and contrast the blame the victim posts about Bradley and Tessa. Tessa wasn’t a race traitor. All you Men of UNZ who rejoice at Tessa’s murder are.

  221. eah 说:

    EXCLUSIVE: Barnard Student Speaks Out, Blames ‘Diversity’ Push for Tessa Majors’ Death — The student scorched the New York City college

    National File has independently confirmed that Alex (a pseudonym used to protect the identity of the student, who is afraid of retribution from liberal classmates, professors, and staff) is currently enrolled at the private women’s liberal arts college, …

    Many years ago, Columbia/Barnard would warn students not to go to Morningside Park (where the murder occurred), because it is a hellhole ridden with violent crime,” Alex told National File.

    “现在,他们谈论晨边公园是多么美妙,因为它'多样化',”她继续说道。 “这些白人自由主义者不明白的是,这些‘多元化’的人讨厌他们,讨厌他们去哥伦比亚,讨厌自己是白人,讨厌自己侵占自己的领土,他们希望他们死。 令人作呕的是,学校宁愿迎合少数民族并推动政治议程,也不愿保护学生的安全。 他们应该说她的死是什么——三个黑人青少年的残忍谋杀。”

    • 同意: Twodees Partain, S
  222. @Alden

    Why would I do ANY of that? I made and make a point of staying away from those elements of the human condition. I don’t need it. And what is it with you broads and this catty-ass way of doing business on-line? I have an ex-wife and dozens of girlfriends in the recent past of my 62 years, I have educated children, grandchildren. You wouldn’t know that without I tell you, but this routine with broads where you go for balls with this incel thing is a little sick. It shows how depraved is your thought pattern. If I was a lawyer for defense, I’d be calling your judgement as a prosecutor into appeal.

    Further, we aren’t talking about the sexual depravities of females in this article or thread, so incel really isn’t part of the conversation. Fact is, later in life, it is the twats like you who are alone, dry, sexless, definitely incel. That’s you. You’re too nasty even to have a cat around the house.

    Alden, what a stupid username

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
  223. Alden 说:

    Because it is surrounded by one of the most criminal black neighborhoods in the country, Columbia is surrounded by a fence and there are security guard booths at each gate.
    The school has a policy that everyone entering after 11/pm must be student or staff and show college ID. April 2o19 a black student refused to show ID at the gate after 11/pm. He did so to cause a big fuss and charge racism.

    The White hating students and staff responded as usual with all sorts of charges of racism against campus security. A new minority woman head of security was brought in. If Columbia is like every other college in the country, I doubt it has any White security guards or campus police.

    So in the fall 2019 orientation, Columbia students were not told about the dangers of the surrounding neighborhood.

    That’s pretty standard. There are endless orientation sessions dealing with safety and the ludicrous term situational awareness. But never, never any mention of who commits the robberies rapes and assaults on every campus. Except for rape by White fraternity men which never happens.

    Situation it’s not the situation it’s the 3 black boys or men who rob assault beat rape and murder.

  224. Alden 说:
    @Lost american

    Are you a NYSLIMES editorial writer?

    Tessa wasn’t Killed by 3 black Orcs but by her parents?
    Like every other N word loving liberal, you excuse the murderers and blame the victim because she lived in New York or was out in public at 5/PM after dark, horrors or epitomizes all the pretty White girls who’ve rejected your misogynist women hating self.

    You’ve just written the script grunted by every big fat black mamma defending her murdering Orc son who should never have been born. You’re the perfect defense juror. It’s all the victims fault. Don’t blame the murderers.

    I sent thousands of black criminals to maximum terms state prison where for a few years at least they couldn’t hurt Whites.

    What have you ever done for Whites you misogynist women hater? Nothing nothing nothing. The Men of UNZ are despicable haters of White victims of black criminals

  225. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    It’s my surname before I was married. I sent thousands of black criminals to maximum terms in state prison where they couldn’t hurt Whites for a few years?

    What have you ever done for Whites? Nothing. And like every big fat black mamma of black criminals or idiot White liberal you blame Tessa for her murder because she dared to go to college in NYC and be outside in public between 5 and 5/27PM when she was found.

    I’m a White Nationalist Warrior woman and have been all my life. I defend White men and women when attacked by liberals Jews and non Whites. And I enjoy attacking race traitor misogynist women hating Men of UNZ when they attack White women victims of black crime like Deborah Staggs and Tessa Majors.

    When you despicable women haters attack Tessa Majors because she’s a pretty White woman I’ll defend her. No wonder the White race is in such trouble with men like you.

    Dozens of girl friends no wonder you hate women.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  226. @Alden

    Dozens of girl friends no wonder you hate women.

    Variety was on the menu, sorry. Bill Clinton’s Washington was a blast. But still, who do you think wrote the rules in that department after all? Duh. Women. We all had our fun. I got no regrets, heh..

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
  227. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    So you lived in Clinton’s DC? Thought you lived in some Never Never Land hundreds of miles from any black.

    You’re a race traitor with the mind of a big fat black mamma defending her litter of criminal son’s., they can be seen lined up for visiting at every jail in the country.

  228. Trinity 说:

    Lets go back to Mollie Tibbets, isn’t this the same girl who tweeted she “hated white people?” Now I am certainly no misogynist and but how in the hell could you feel sorry for someone like that? I don’t know about Tessa, but the proof is in the pudding for Mollie. Funny thing, I only saw Whites searching for Mollie Tibbets body and wondered why this one murder garnered so much attention, it was even a big deal nationwide until they found out the perp was an illegal invader. I wonder how much Mollie “hated white people” while she was being murdered by a brown skinned invader? Do I take joy in the murder of an anti-White racist like Mollie? Certainly not, but nor do I feel sympathy when she gets a racial reality wake up call. But lets not kid ourselves, there are plenty of white traitor trash who are identified as white males. Matter of fact, racial realists aka the people (((the media))) refers to as “White supremacists”, “Nazis,” “White nationalists,” “anti-Semites,” blah, blah, blah, usually aren’t VICTIMS of Black or other nonwhite on White criminality, particularly violent Black on nonwhite on White crime, because we know better than to put ourselves in situations and we are always on point when around nonwhites. And no I am not scared of NYC, Baltimore, or Atlanta, etc. Have lived near or in all three cities, took the train, city buses all the time in NYC in the 1980’s when violent crime was off the charts there. Had two close calls near the Brooklyn Navy yards and at the South Ferry in Lower Manhattan of all places, that area was usually safe as Mayberry, but you never know I guess. I do see good points made by Alden and I also see good points made by the men. I do still say when need to focus more on the Black perps than Tessa. IF this girl was white traitor trash, her death might wake up some of her cohorts to stop believing the LIES out there.

    • 谢谢: Alden
    • 回复: @Alden
  229. Those who were deemed incompatible with civilization once had writs of outlawry issued against them whereby they were declared outside the law entirely and stripped of all rights, particularly the right to life, then released to their fate.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  230. @kerdasi amaq

    Are you joking? According to the 犯罪色彩, removing blacks from NYC would reduce the crime of shooting, where someone is hit with a bullet during an unlawful discharge of a firearm, by 98 percent.

    Predatorily shooting someone is a moral problem. Ethnically cleansing blacks would effectively solve the problem. Soft genocide through sterilization is a particularly effective form of ethnic cleansing.

    Therefore, it would solve the moral problem. Q.E.D.

    Rinse and repeat for virtually every serious moral problem confronting the Republic on its deathbed.

  231. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    DC was still at least 70% black when you lived there. And you heap much hate on Tessa and her parents because she lived in a 24% black city when she was murdered.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  232. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    I have a husband, the Nordic God Who sired Nordic goddesses. You’re divorced. Who’s the loser? You brag you lived in DC when it was 70% black and slam Tessa for living in 24% NYC.

    You’re glad Tessa was murdered because she was a White woman and you hate White women as do many of the misogynist Men of UNZ.

    You old codger women haters aren’t pointing out the dangers of living in cities with blacks. You’re just heaping much hate on Tessa because she epitomizes all the pretty women who rejected you and your ex wives.

  233. Alden 说:
    @Lost american

    You blame Tessa’s parents for sending her to a top ten Ivy League college but don’t blame your parents for living in Bed Sty where your father was badly beaten and injured by 4 Orcs?

    Why didn’t your parents move out of Bed Sty when the blacks first moved in? I remember RFK’s photo ops vowing to pour millions into Bed Sty to save the blacks from themselves if elected president.

    Your father raised you in Bed Sty and you blame Tessa’s parents for sending her to an Ivy League school. Something very, very wrong with your reasoning process.

    • 回复: @Hibernian
  234. Hibernian 说:

    A school like Columbia or the U of C, at least at the undergraduate level, is really for kids from the big cities and their suburbs, preferably the same metro area that the school is in. They won’t need to be told the neighborhood is dangerous, although some, being young, will still take unacceptable risks. NYU closed its Bronx campus in the late ’60s/early ’70s because parents didn’t want to send their kids there anymore.

    • 回复: @Alden
  235. @nsa

    “He would not have been prosecuted if witnesses hadn’t reported that after shooting all four ‘youths’ with four rounds, he stood over the ringleader and announced ‘you don’t look so bad off’ and dumped the fifth and last round from his S&W snubbie into the creep.”


    • 同意: Twodees Partain
    • 回复: @anarchyst
  236. @Alden

    Every source I found said that Chambers strangled Levin. Nothing about a drug overdose.

    As for lawsuits, the few sites I found said Levin’s parents sued Chambers.

  237. Alden 说:

    It was a long time ago. I distinctly remember the autopsy report and her father blaming the hospital. Maybe it’s disappeared.

  238. Alden 说:

    Tessa was from a small city hundreds of miles from NYC. Columbia doesn’t advertise itself as being in high crime black Harlem. It advertises itself as being in glamorous NYC.

    I didn’t know Barnard was in Harlem when I was applying to college. I applied to Sophie Newcomb because it’s in New Orleans and I thought it would be all beautiful and romantic and dressy instead of frumpy. I had no idea New Orleans was and is a crime ridden black ghetto. Or that Columbia’s in Harlem

    All I knew about Barnard is that was a 7 sisters school full of ugly Jewish commie NY girls who dressed like frumps at the time. I wanted dressy, not frumpy. Barnard didn’t tell prospective students it’s in Harlem when I was 17 and it doesn’t tell them now.

    Barnard’s been a commie liberal school since at least the 1920s. It was originally a teacher’s college. The education department got humongous grants from the Rockefeller foundation to teach the prospective teachers what was called progressive education 100 years ago. Then the Frankfurt school profs took over.

    Did you ever see old 1960s Radcliffe, Wellesley Barnard Holyoke yearbooks? Uuuuggggllllyyyyy No wonder the first Feminazis came from those colleges

    Sweet Briar, Sophie Newcomb, Pembroke, Finch, Vassar, Sarah Lawrence, Manhattanville
    Trinity, Stephens , Newton,Tarrytown, Mt St Mary’s Old Miss, Mills, Barat, Duchesne, Lone Mountain, all the southern colleges ; the old yearbooks are just beauties beauties beauties.

    Radcliffe Barnard Holyoke Wellesly were just feminazi factories for ugly frumps.

    Go ahead blame the victim if it reinforces your hatred of White women. Not every high school senior living hundreds or thousands of miles from NYC knows Columbia is in Harlem. And Columbia sure doesn’t advertise the criminality of Harlem.

    • 回复: @Hibernian
  239. Alden 说:
    @flashlight joe

    My state and the 2 cities I live in are replacing blacks with Asian Filipino and Hispanic immigrants, especially for affirmative action government jobs. They are Angels compared to blacks. My Los Angeles neighborhood is very White but the local public schools are mostly Hispanic and I say Thank God. They just go to school and go home. They don’t maraud around the neighborhood robbing, stealing and assaulting as blacks do.

    Anything is better than blacks.

  240. Alden 说:

    1 Colleges are awash in weed and other drugs. No need to go elsewhere to buy it. Just ask.

    2 Drug dealers don’t hide out in parks. They have regular places, usually around a bus stop, parking lots and mini malls where they can be available to their customers. 133rd & MLK Blvd bus stop, 7-11 parking lot, corner Fremont & Lake st. Not go to the park and wander around.

    27 years in law enforcement I never heard of drug dealers hiding out in parks waiting for customers to wander around.

    Blame the victim blame the victim blame the victim blame anything and everything but the murderers Were you on the Kate Steinle or OJ juries? Same way of thinking.

  241. Alden 说:


    我喜欢激怒这些 POS 女性,这些女性讨厌 UNZ 的男性,因为她们对自己如此认真。她们。好有趣。

  242. The latest NY Times article (http://nytimes.com/2020/02/26/nyregion/tessa-majors-murder.html) on the Tessa Majors murder is behind a subscription wall, but I was able to read it by hitting “Print.”

    They are back to “retconning” the Central park Jogger attack. The lawyers for the 13-year old are trying to have the police interrogation thrown out, with the approval of the NY Times.

    • 回复: @Alden
  243. @Alden

    DC was still at least 70% black when you lived there. And you heap much hate on Tessa and her parents because she lived in a 24% black city when she was murdered.

    Tessa is a sad story, failed by her parents and society by not teaching her certain things. I don’t hate her, but I have disregard for her father, especially. As I do Fred Goldman, who forgot to teach his son not to screw around with mad cap women who are the wives of Blacks. Fred’s rage was partially toward himself for not teaching his son the basics about women. See, you never read my stuff. Also, I never lived in DC, I lived in Fairfax, Virginia. Grew up in Fairfax City, mostly lived in Fairfax County after I gave up the Navy. I worked in DC a lot, however. After the split of Bell Systems, I got good at PBXs, business phones, a few spy-wires, bugs, mics, Hiltons, every tony restaurant, law firms, every lobby in town, every single think tank, one time or another. Quantico, NSA, bio-labs, FBI, Capitol Hill, the works. Worked with and got invites to White House Communications (didn’t pay enough). They all needed a great phone guy. And I was the very best at what I did and flexible about the task if the money was good.

    Live in DC? Never. Made my modest fortune there and moved on? Yes, quite. And while there were a few instances where I had to rub up against the indigenous populations, DC, the part that matters, in Northwest, is blessedly, peacefully and prosperously White and Jewish.

    But your moods have outrun your meds, Alden, you wouldn’t know any of that. And now you’ve hurt my tender feelings.

    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @Alden
  244. Different countries, same patterns.

    Here is an example from Finland of a young woman who was killed and her head cut off by an asylum seeker from Israel. She may have engaged with her Hasan as early as at age 15, since Hasan had been denied asylum five years earlier but was still in Finland in January of this year.

    Tessa and Sanni had clearly been groomed by the same influencers.

    图片在这里: https://murha.info/rikosfoorumi/download/file.php?id=9815&sid=c795e8c6855b90dc16321a41b3068b1a

    Sanni was also in the rainbow coalition as seen here: https://imgur.com/cfXnaGw

    Sanni’s encounter with a racist lout, a native Finn but probably a fictional character:恩夏普 there is apparently a commercial enterprise that houses migrants. It has a vested interest in open borders. Some of these outfits, such as the Deaconess’, have been known to kick the homeless into the street to free space for more profitable clients from abroad.

  245. @Oikeamielinen

    Well, only the first one of my links works but you get the idea. Sorry about that.

    • 谢谢: Trinity
  246. Alden 说:

    Tessa and Sanni have nothing in common.

    Tessa never knew her killers till the biggest one grabbed her from behind.

    Sanni lived with her killer.

    Are you implying Tessa was sexually involved with her killers as Sanni was? That’s how your post reads.

    These White woman killed by blacks and browns comments just gets worse and worse. Where do you guys come from??

  247. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Lived and worked in DC metro when it was 70% black. Isn’t Fairfax getting blacker and blacker? I hope I hurt your feelings you POS misogynist White Women hater. You hate White women. I get to hate you.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  248. Trinity 说:

    Finland? Of all places. Is diversity that much of a problem in even Finland now? Sheesh, have these “diversities” invaded Iceland yet? Let me say again that white males aren’t perfect and I can point out plenty of white males who are traitor trash, but WE can’t ignore that there is a definite problem with white females abandoning white males for nonwhite males and it often ends up with a dead or horribly abused white female at the hands of their nonwhite suitor. First I have heard or read about this case, but plenty more just like it unfortunately. Thanks for the 411.

    • 回复: @Oikeamielinen
  249. Alden 说:

    The American Lutheran church would go bankrupt were it not for multi millions the government gives it to settle black African Muslims in America.

    • 回复: @Oikeamielinen
  250. anarchyst 说:
    @Nicholas Stix

    I must respectfully disagree with your assertion that Goetz would have been “caught”.

    To paraphrase a famous quote from the movie “守法公民”, “it’s not what you know, but what you can prove in court”. 唯一的 “司法系统” got on Goetz was an “illegal weapons violation” for which he spent a year in jail.

    To blacks, all of us whites “look alike”.

    If he had kept his mouth shut and went about his business, he would not have been “caught”.

    By the time they “caught up with him” there was be no powder residue or even a firearm as evidence.

    In fact, some police officers and even the prosecutors would have been willing to “step slowly” and “look the other way” in investigating this case.


    • 回复: @Nicholas Stix
  251. @Alden

    True, Tessa did not seek out her killer in the same way as Sanni but they do have something in common:
    1. They were groomed into a condition of tolerance and inclusiveness.
    2. Both put themselves into a dangerous situation.
    3. Both were killed.

    • 回复: @Alden
  252. @Trinity

    Finland is on the same path as Sweden. This case is one of a number.
    There is a cacophony of recitations about the wonders of multi-culti and wonderful diversity.

    The event in question here would have been hidden had it not been for the alternative press and various webloggers. These are often persecuted by the judiciary for having committed “hate speech.”

  253. @Alden

    The Lutheran church in Finland has become very corrupt and many are deserting it, thus removing some of its tax financing. There is a spate of resignations any time the Lutherans pull another stunt, such the Bishop of Helsinki handing out an award to a 15 year old boy for being ‘homo of the year’.

  254. @Alden

    All I bang is White women. And I moved out of Northern Virginia in 2009. I went to snowy-White New England when I left. Look at a Bruins’ game, a Celtics, Red Sox or Patriots’ game. The fans. All-White, all Right. We don’t cotton to Blacks here.

    And YOU are a fucking idiot. Beyond stupid.

    • 回复: @Trinity
    , @Alden
  255. Trinity 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Look at any NFL stadium, even places like Atlanta, Philadelphia, D.C. and Baltimore, and it is 95% White or even more. White men worshiping some negro because he can dunk a basketball or run with a football is just as much of a problem in this nation as white women who mix with nonwhites. The people of New England and/or Boston HAVE PROVEN to be some of the most TWO FACE, BULLSHIT SPEWING, HYPOCRITES ON THE PLANET. People in New England were white traitor trash when it came to integrating schools in the South but low and behold, those two face hypocrites threw a fit in the mid-70’s when it came time for their kids to be bused across town or God forbid their kid would have to sit in a classroom with more than one token black student. As pro-White as I am, the same prejudice and disgust the misogynist woman haters on this thread have for coal burners, I have for two face New England white trash. Sorry, but I don’t see that much difference in a white woman that poops on her race than the average PHONY “liberal” from New England. Those PHONY New England tight asses were some of the most vocal critics of Southern Whites wanting to keep their schools segregated and New England did more than their share of damage to this country by constantly voting for any leftist agenda that came down the pike. I actually hope New England experiences massive diversity in the future.

    • 同意: anarchyst
    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  256. Hibernian 说:

    Not every high school senior living hundreds or thousands of miles from NYC knows Columbia is in Harlem.

    Parents, teachers, priests, ministers, rabbis, and guidance counselors, ought to tell them. At least tell them it’s in Manhattan and that Manhattan’s no place for an 18 year old small town kid. Maybe at 21 or 22, as law, medical, or graduate students, if that’s what they want, and they can qualify, it’ll be OK.

    • 回复: @Alden
  257. @anarchyst

    “I must respectfully disagree with your assertion that Goetz would have been ‘caught.’”

    With all due respect, anarchyst, I never said that.

    • 回复: @David In TN
    , @anarchyst
  258. @Nicholas Stix


    We exchanged messages about Bernard Goetz in 2011 re a Biography Channel interview Goetz did with William Shatner.

    Goetz had gotten off the subway after the shooting and escaped. If he hadn’t come forward he would never have been identified.

    When he made himself known, Manhattan DA Morgenthau went after him.

  259. Alden 说:

    So you exonerate the 3 hyenas who murdered her and blame her parents, school counselors, teachers and every adult in her life for not preventing her for going to school in NYC?

    Do you realize what a coup it is to be accepted at an Ivy League school?

    I wonder why Kersey and Stix keep posting these black on White woman murders. They just generate a blast of perverted White men’s hatred of White women. Maybe all these aren’t White men at all but big fat black mammas on their cell phones waiting in line on prison visiting day.

    The sheer hatred of the victims is unbelievable.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  260. Alden 说:

    So Tessa killed herself by going out at 5/pm. You just exonerated her killers. It’s all Tessa’s fault. Nothing to do with the killers. And Madison Harris Killed herself by being at home.

    Why do Stix and Kersey keep posting articles about White women killed by blacks? . 99 percent of the comments blame the victim even if she was in her own home as Harris was and exonerate the blacks. 95 percent of the misogynist White women hating Men of UNZ just rejoice that a hated White woman is dead.

    Maybe it’s some weird form of sadism.

    • 回复: @David In TN
  261. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    And look at the players of the Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Patriots. Black black black.

    And the fans are White men paying hundreds of dollars for the tickets so they can worship in the cathedral of black athletes. The rest are sprawled on the couch all weekend gobbling potato chips and nachos and messing up the living room with crumbs and food scraps.

    Not only did you live and work in DC when it was 70% black, but you worship all those black Demi gods and saints chasing balls. And who wants to hear you brag about your sex life; if indeed there is one.

    Who’s a worse race traitor? A White woman ambushed and killed by blacks or a White man worshipper of black Demi god athletes.?

    • 回复: @bruce county
  262. @Trinity

    I actually hope New England experiences massive diversity in the future.

    Understand, outside of Boston and wherever Bostoners move to escape their own tax policies (we have many residing suburbs in Salem, N.H), New England is quite Conservative. There are more guns per household in New Hampshire, Vt. and Maine than there were in Northern Virginia when I moved up in 2009. Trump signs and flags everywhere up here for years now (you take the Conservatism you can find).

    The rest? Coal burners and such? Those aren’t my women. Otherwise, that’s a pretty ugly post, there, Trinnie old boy.

  263. @Nicholas Stix


    Yer riot, Styx. Someone said that to me first day I hit the Nimitz as a lad in 76. I had no idea what I was in for, heh..

    Hey, Styx? That deal in Texas up on your site tonight, how did someone on the jury NOT pull a race-based nullification? They had him cold, but guys get off on that stuff all the time. When the DC Snipers were about in 2001, got caught, John Muhummed was dead in 18, maybe 24 months. Every appeal, every stage, immediately rocketed to the top of every docket. The kid Lee Malvo went off to spend the rest of his days in some Federal Supermax down Richmond way. Now that Virginia is Blue, he’ll probably get out. Anyway, the link:


  264. @Alden

    I wonder what the hell is wrong with you, Alden. You come across pretty logical in lots of your comments, but did you take the torch from Rosie the Feminist? You’re completely full of it with your comparisons between comments in the cases of white women murdered and white men.*

    lookie here for instance. This post by Paul Kersey on the horrific 80-minute long murder of a St. Petersburg bartender by some Caribbean black guy has multiple comments that ask “why didn’t he fight back?” and “that’s what you get hanging out with guys like this, especially at 3 AM”, and so on, and so on.

    In addition, there was a post about some teenager of a cop family who got murdered while making a drug deal in his garage. There were plenty of comments deriding him for hanging out with the kind of people that did him in.

    Neither of these guys were the SJW type, but if they were (I’m sure I’ve read cases before), you’d better believe you’d read some comments about “that’s what you get….”.

    Oh, here’s the funny part. You were on BOTH those threads, commenting away!

    Almost all the commenters on this side of unz (away from the Commies/Socialists/I-hate-Americans-types) are pretty much in basic agreement on the fundamental problems in America. Why come up with a load of bullshit to divide people and get them angry at each other?


    * Also, comments from a Californian about the South also so a lot of ignorance from you.

    • 回复: @silviosilver
    , @Alden
    , @Alden
  265. @Negrolphin Pool

    North Carolina law still empowers the governor to make a declaration of a person as an outlaw which means that no citizen would be held to account for murdering the outlaw. I can recall at least two escaped felons being declared outlaw when I was a young man living in Charlotte.

  266. @Oikeamielinen

    young woman..killed and her head cut off by an asylum seeker… Hasan

    Toll: paid.

  267. @Alden

    Tessa and Sanni have nothing in common.

    They both are of the same class of SJW.

    They would both have the same word cloud in their social media:

    Immigrants make America great
    Antifa, terrorists?
    angry white people…Investigate them
    anti-Trump rally
    Fuck Fascism
    Nasty women for Hillary
    Eliminate Girl Hate

    • 回复: @Alden
  268. @Alden


    Are you aware of a sob story a month ago in the San Jose Mercury News about the last two (Cooks and Green) living “Zebra Killers?” The subtitle is “Bulk of killings motivated by Berkeley police shooting,”

    Which is a lie.

    Nicholas Stix has written extensively about the Zebra/NOI murders, archived at his site. He writes about crimes the MSM barely mentions, if at all.

    It’s mainly liberals who excuse/rationalize black on white crime.

    My understanding is you were in San Francisco when the killings were going on.

    • 回复: @Alden
  269. bruce county 说:

    You don’t watch hockey do you. There are no orcs playing on the Bruins team.

    • 回复: @Alden
  270. Alden 说:
    @David In TN

    Worked in the criminal court house 850 Bryant at the time. Lived in Marin. Moved back to the city a couple years later. We had a man , Joe Alioto for a mayor then. Also most of the Noo Yawk Jew Johnson Nixon carpetbaggers were about 25 years old living on their $800 a month non profit salaries and they were outsiders, out of the power structure. So they couldn’t interfere as they did later.

    The real horror was that there were a lot of black muslim police officers, district attorney secretaries and clerks, sheriffs etc who gave information to the black muslim leadership who passed information on to the killers. That’s why it went on so long. Affirmative action Black women clerks and radio operators employed by the police department informed the killers where the police traps were.

    But we had old San Franciscan Joe Alioto as Mayor and the White police and DAs were also old families. v Then the most powerful black politician in town didn’t sympathize with the black muslims. His district was heavily gay men. Because they go out at night more than most people, gay men are more often victims of muggings beat downs and robberies by black men. So Brown didn’t dare go against the voters who kept him in the state assembly for all those years. He supported the stop and frisk every person who resembled the killers: black men. As I recall, the blacks who weren’t black muslims didn’t mind it too much.

    4 little kids, house in Marin to decorate, rental properties to buy and manage, , we were pretty busy.

    State of California department of justice investigation found 271 whites were randomly killed by black muslims all over the state, just for being White.

    It was the restaurant theater owners who really went after the mayor to do something as weekend receipts plummeted due to both suburbanites and San Franciscans rushing home from work and never going out at night.

    If motivated by White Berkeley police shootings, why were 3 of the would be victims White children about 7-11 years old? The Muslims tried to kidnap them into a van after school but they ran to St Peters church and a priest sheltered them and called the police. I think that was the first thing alerted us something other than ordinary black on White killing was going on.

  271. Alden 说:
    @bruce county

    We never watched TV at all. We had a small TV so the kids could watch cartoons and Animal shows. I wouldn’t live with a White man who watched black sports. So blob all over the couch worshipping black athletes, get fat and make a mess of beer dribbles and potato chip crumps if you like. Nothing to do with me and mine and our little White redoubt in darkest California.

  272. Alden 说:

    Sanni lived with a black man for years. Tessa went to a majority White college and never met her 3 black killers until one grabbed her from behind and another was stabbing her.

    A White man rejoicing that 2 Whites were killed by blacks. You and the rest of these perverts are beneath contempt and traitors to the White race.

    Planned parenthood. Were it not for birth control and abortion the black population of this country would be 30 instead of 13 percent.

    I’m a White woman. You hate White woman, I get to hate you. And I have the Nordic God. What does your wife look like? Oh, you don’t have a wife or girl friend. Such a surprise!!!!

  273. @Achmed E. Newman

    I wonder what the hell is wrong with you, Alden. You come across pretty logical in lots of your comments, but did you take the torch from Rosie the Feminist?

    Come off it, you can’t possibly think Rosie’s in the same league as the obvious nutcase Alden. Love her or hate her (and I for one have never understood why she gets such a bad rap around here), at least Rosie responds to what people are 其实在说 rather than pretending to read their minds, like nutcase Alden.

    Alden, you stupid cow, get this through your head: of course I blame the blacks for murdering Tessa, but guess what — I am GLAD they bumped her off. She was an anti-white SJW POS, so there’s every reason to be glad.

    如果她 an anti-white SJW POS, then I wouldn’t be glad. See how that works? (Probably not. Grade school logic goes over your head, but you can’t blame a guy for trying.)

    Perhaps Tessa would have some day changed her mind. But perhaps she wouldn’t have. There’s certainly no guarantee she would have. Right now, what I see is one less anti-white SJW POS in the world, and that’s always good news.

    • 回复: @Alden
  274. Alden 说:

    And all I see is another White woman hating Pos sadist Man of UNZ.

    • 回复: @silviosilver
  275. Alden 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I’m not a feminist. I’m a White Nationalist Warrior who sent thousands of black criminals to state prison. And all you misogynist White women hating Men of UNZ do is fuddy duddy about White teen girls and advocate ceding the public ways to black criminals.

    You despicables are beyond contempt. You all hate me because I’m a White woman I get to hate you back. I have no respect for any of you White women haters.

    So wank away on your black man White woman porn and fantasize about Tessa Madison and their sex lives. Make all your comments degrading them and Bradley Brown and Scott Jennks. I’ll have a little fun going right back at you.

  276. Alden 说:

    The treason against Whites began long before any feminazis were adults, before most were born. White men passed laws, write presidential & executive orders and made court orders in just 20 years that we’re designed to destroy the White race in America. The feminazis are anti White.

    But so were theWhite Man Supreme Court, other federal and state judges, Presidents VPs senators and congress critters who wrote those laws EOs and court orders in 1953, 1961,1964,1965,1967, 1968, 1970 and 1973.

    Every one a White man, except less than 10 women Congress critters.

    The Men of UNZ just go beserk blaming the victim when Stix and Kersey post black on White crime stories. I don’t blame the victims, parents or anyone else but the Orcs

    Another term for them is Obsolete Farm Equipment OFE pronounced OFEE. Hyenas is good because hyenas are hideous vicious and always hunt in packs.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  277. @Alden

    There’s really no need to try so hard to convince us that you’re complete fruitcake.

    Trust me, we’re all very, very convinced already.

    • 回复: @Alden
  278. anarchyst 说:

    You are correct. It was white males from the “greatest generation” that did the most damage to civil society a they were holding “the reins of power”.


    Those of us who DID protest such policies were branded as “racists” and worse. I didn’t care at the time, and still don’t care. The name-calling did not bother me in the least as I KNEW that I was (and still am) right.

    I was one of the few who attempted to “educate” my brethren about the destructive policies and laws that were being put in place that were successful in disenfranchising us white males. Those who knew me back than (that I still associate with) realize that I was right, all along. They have told me as such.




    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
  279. @Alden

    The old scoundrels may only be distressed about the fate of young women who were so misdirected by their communities that they became vulnerable. Certainly, Sanni was betrayed.

    The present government in Finland has as its figureheads a coven of Intelligent Young Women ( IYW ), also called the Lipstick Brigade, who pursue open borders policies zealously as did the previous governments. They and their handlers and commanders in the EU and elsewhere are guilty of much mayhem.
    IYW don’t care a whit about their little sisters; that is clear.

  280. Alden 说:

    Yup, the greatest generation did it all in just 20 years from 1953 to 1973 when the oldest boomers were 27 and many not even born. I’ve posted the list several times , 2 Supreme Court decisions, 3 executive orders and 3 laws and it was all over for Whites.

  281. Alden 说:
    @David In TN

    I don’t see much difference between the NYTimes, the defense attorneys and the perverted Men of UNZ who rejoice when a White teen girl is killed by Orcs.

    At least the defense attorneys do it because it’s their job, NYTimes does it out of hatred of all the White goyim, men and women, boy and girl.

    But the Men of UNZ want the killers of Tessa exonerated because of their sexual pathology and perversions.

  282. Alden 说:

    PP is one of the wealthiest organizations in America. As a non profit, it hustles tens of millions in grants from local state and federal governments agencies plus all the do gooder anti White foundations

    The non profit sector is huge. It might be bigger than manufacturing. There are masters and even PHDs in social justice entrepreneurship. Also known as poverty pimping, grant hustling and plain old grifting.

    Maybe PP’s been so successful in reducing the population of Americans they need to import the scum of the earth who will need abortion and birth control.

    It’s unbelievable how much damage non profits can do; BLM, SPLC, gay marriage, funding pro criminal district attorneys, funding the trans movement. Non profits are worse than the judiciary. They make the Masons and Illuminati look benign.

    At least PP does one good thing. It promotes and defends birth control and abortion which keeps the black population at 12-13 percent. Think of it as Black Flag bug spray.

    As far as promoting immigration, anything is better than American blacks, anything.

    • 回复: @Nicholas Stix
  283. Alden 说:

    I did too. One thing I enjoyed in the late 80s early 90s when all my liberal friends kids were being turned down by colleges for which they were extremely qualified. I guess they thought affirmative action would never reach them. Ha ha ha.

    All 8 of our grandchildren were classified as black when they started kindergarten. They get letters begging them to apply to colleges first semester freshman year of high school because the colleges think they’re black.

    White feminazis and liberals are easier to convince than White men. Because of rape and the endless harassment from black men. Just keep reciting rape statistics until they’re convinced.

    I don’t care any more. I did my part by sending thousands of Orcs to prison. The Men of UNZ have revealed that many conservative White men hate half the White race, White women as much as SPLC, ADL and blacks hate all Whites. So f’ em all.

  284. Alden 说:

    How many black criminals have you sent to state prison? None.

    I’m pro White men and women. You’re anti White women. Hope you meet the same kind of black kids Tessa met someday.

  285. Alden 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    What’s wrong with you that you hate White teen girls murdered by black Orcs? Too much time spent watching black man White woman sadistic porn. You guys reveal your sexual pathology with every post about White women and what you imagine their sex lives to be. Why this obsession with strangers sex lives anyway?

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  286. @Alden

    Alden, you’re delusional. You need to take it easier. Cut up a lime, and kick back with a case of Corona … there’s plenty of it out there in San Francisco.


    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Commentator Mike
  287. @Alden

    Alden: “Maybe PP’s been so successful in reducing the population of Americans they need to import the scum of the earth who will need abortion and birth control.”

    I think the explanation is simple: They’re lousy with Reds.

    “As far as promoting immigration, anything is better than American blacks, anything.”

    Even Somalis? Congolese (from Column A or Column B)? Haitians? Hmong? Salvadorans? Hondurans? Guatemalans? Black South Africans?…

    • 回复: @Alden
  288. Alden 说:
    @Nicholas Stix

    Which is worse, Africans or African Americans? I have to think about it.

    You’re right that PP is a collection of reds and commies. Virtually every liberal cause is just a front for reds and commies. Something else, it’s a way to make a good living. They’re fundraisers and grant grifters. They sell themselves and their cause instead of useful products.

    • 回复: @Trinity
  289. Trinity 说:

    Virtually every leftist cause is just a front for anti-White Jewish Supremacists.


  290. @Achmed E. Newman


    您是否错过了奥尔登在上面的评论 #293 中泄露真相的日子?

    我们的 8 个孙子在上幼儿园时都被归类为黑人。


    • 哈哈: Lol just lol
    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @Alden
  291. @Commentator Mike

    I didn’t miss that, but it sure confused me. I guess I was done visiting the Alden crazy house on this thread.


  292. Alden 说:
    @Commentator Mike


    • 哈哈: Commentator Mike
  293. @Alden

    > 3 black critters who should never have been born

    Stupid argument. If those black critters hadn’t been born; a different set of black critters would have committed the crime.

    You could also say that if Tessa Majors had never been born, then this would never had happened either.



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