艾哈迈德·塔米米(Ahed Tamimi)较早时候与一名以色列士兵对峙。 Haim Schwarczenberg摄影。

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在本周有两个巴勒斯坦妇女在被占领的纳比·萨利赫村庄打以色列士兵的视频后,以色列左翼组织“现在和平” 发推文说 士兵们因为没有做出激烈反应而成为“英雄”,并发布了一份 声明 赞扬这些士兵“在试图使以色列的形象变黑的特技面前表现出道德上的坚毅”。

那些妇女打士兵的那天,他们14岁的堂兄是 射在脸上 以色列士兵的血,“像喷泉一样”从他的头中涌出,他不得不进行长时间的手术。


两名年轻女子后来被捕。 16岁的艾哈迈德·塔米米(Ahed Tamimi)可能面临冗长的刑期,以使以色列能够保持其荣誉。 现在的和平组织尚未发表有关此事的声明。

我觉得这很令人沮丧,很难一字不漏。 但是人们应该知道:这是犹太复国主义创造的世界。 其中一个左翼组织关心犹太士兵保持其荣誉和纯正的武器; 对于被占领的,受约束的人民的侵犯人权行为,也没有什么可说的。

这是一个关于犹太人身份植根于创伤的故事。 我们要花多长时间才能克服这种创伤?

今天的巴勒斯坦经历很像100年前犹太人的大屠杀经历,而东欧则更多。 当犹太人在国家的祝福下被抢劫团伙殴打和杀害时,美国犹太人并没有保持沉默。 犹太人采取了行动。 我们的领导人去了白宫。 重要的犹太组织成立了。 世界上最有权势的犹太人,银行家雅各布·希夫(Jacob Schiff)支持俄国革命,因为他讨厌沙皇。 世界上最聪明的犹太人弗朗兹·卡夫卡(Franz Kafka)从布拉格的办公室出来,看到犹太人遭到殴打,他参加了犹太复国主义会议。



犹太人与巴勒斯坦人隔离是一种幻想。 就像美国的白人与黑人分开一样,以色列是20%的非犹太人; 它统治着容纳5万巴勒斯坦人的领土; 尽管全世界已经决心将犹太人从阿拉伯人中“解救出来”已有70年了,但随着以色列犹太人淹没西岸并建立越来越多的犹太人殖民地,社区之间的纠缠比以往任何时候都更加紧密。

这些犹太人殖民地及其军事护送给目标人群造成了无尽的创伤。 艾哈迈德·塔米米(Ahed Tamimi)显然受了创伤; 在她短暂的一生中,她一次又一次地遭受暴力侵害。

两年前,艾哈迈德·塔米米(Ahed Tamimi)著名地试图保护她的兄弟免受以色列士兵的袭击。

AHED塔米米,左,28月2015日,XNUMX年(照片:穆罕默德Torokman /路透社)
AHED塔米米,左,28月2015日,XNUMX年(照片:穆罕默德Torokman /路透社)


艾哈迈德·塔米米(Ahed Tamimi)今天上午在军事法庭上,来自塔利·夏皮罗(Tali Shapiro)的推特新闻。
艾哈迈德·塔米米(Ahed Tamimi)今天上午在军事法庭上,来自塔利·夏皮罗(Tali Shapiro)的推特新闻。




占领肯定在精神上摧毁以色列。 但是,它实际上是在摧毁谁呢,巴勒斯坦人。 自由派和左翼派的美国犹太人永远都知道这一点。

七年前 一个的视频 巴勒斯坦男孩追捕父亲,因为据称以色列警察将父亲拖走,原因是父亲涉嫌从被占领领土内的犹太殖民者那里偷水而获得国际关注,然后以色列也说录像是上演的-彼得·贝纳特 受那一刻启发的一本书, 犹太复国主义的危机.

并没有任何改变。 犹太人处于危机之中,巴勒斯坦儿童长大了,受了更多的创伤。

唯一的问题是为什么犹太人不行动? 鉴于这些无休止的迫害证据,为什么贝纳特和《和平现在》没有出台更强大的手段来打破占领? 巴勒斯坦人的残骸算得上什么吗?

这些自由主义者嘲笑做证人的想法。 现在的美国人争取和平仍然是AIPAC的董事会成员。 它可能明天退出并发送消息。 没有。 而且我了解分区的要求。 民族主义是危险力量。 但是分区工作已经崩溃了70年,而最后25年的认真努力是一个惨痛的失败。 仅仅要求分区是不够的。

像艾哈迈德·塔米米(Ahed Tamimi)这样的巴勒斯坦人呼吁美国人支持抵制以色列。在我们不断发展的历史中,该工具曾多次被使用,以产生煽动效果–最近由于跨性别进入北卡罗来纳州的浴室而使用。 但是犹太人争取和平的声音是唯一一个支持抵制的庞大犹太人团体,而JVP则是叛徒。 正式的犹太社区领袖杰弗里·戈德堡(Jeffrey Goldberg), 涂片JVP 对以色列有“杀人的冲动”; 然后他就摆脱了。

因为在某种程度上,年长的犹太人致力于建立犹太国家的思想,以此作为对上个世纪大屠杀的最大创伤的历史补偿。 这是可以理解的愿望,希望获得世界大国对上个世纪的恐怖的修正。

但这最终归结为身份形成中的自私问题。 我们今天在西方有多安全? 安全,授权。 在什么条件下我们是安全的? 人人享有平等的民主原则。 甚至班农和特朗普对反犹太人的放纵也无济于事。

那就是现代犹太人的状况。 但是我们不能承认这一点,更不用说巴勒斯坦人的状况了。 不,我们受到了创伤; 因此,我们坚持认为,一个现在生活在一个没有前途的被占领村庄中的女孩与一个全副武装的占领军在某种程度上处于平等的地位,后者在那里阻止她的家人进入春天,而他的三年结束了。并且他已经完成了一年的印度代偿吸烟药,去了Technion,然后参加了一家科技创业公司,而他的弟弟用盔甲代替了他。

这真令人沮丧,无法用言语表达。 每一个过年回家的年轻美国犹太人都必须与父母谈谈对艾哈迈德·塔米米(Ahed Tamimi)的迫害。 这只是在美国犹太人的祝福下发生的。

感谢Allison Deger。

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忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 这篇文章体现了我曾经理解的犹太教传统、温和、进步的精神。 相信小小的以色列将永远能够主宰中东,那里居住着超过 300 亿阿拉伯人,其中大部分是年轻人,这难道不是妄想吗? 再加上波斯伊朗,以色列 70 万的死敌,以及北非和亚洲的 XNUMX 亿穆斯林。
    所以,是的,年轻的美国犹太人应该和他们的父母谈谈对 Ahed Tamimi 的迫害,以及在全副武装的以色列占领军的手中谋杀和残害成千上万像她这样的孩子。

    • 同意: TonyVodvarka
  2. Anonymous [AKA "Miliia18"] 说:

    One Israeli state that includes the West Bank Allow the Palestinians to become citizens. What’s more likely is a fake Palestinian authority, beatings, expulsions, land theft, military detention, and eventual full ethnic cleansing. A large percentage of American Jews are as bigoted toward Palestinians as any southern cracker was toward blacks in the 1950’s.

    Most Jews are only concerned with Jewish suffering. No one else matters. If you don’t believe me count the number of Hollywood movies that concern Palestinian suffering under Jewish occupation in the West Bank.


    • 同意: Druid
    • 回复: @MarkinPNW
    , @anon
    , @Ace
    , @OilcanFloyd
  3. utu 说:

    Perhaps you are setting too high standard on Israelis.

    If you slapped a cop in the US most Americans would accept you being subsequently shot as justified.

  4. MarkinPNW 说:



    • 回复: @Dan Hayes
  5. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    “This is the kind of article that exemplifies the traditional, gentle, and progressive spirit of Judaism as I understood it at one time.”

    可笑。 没有/没有这样的事情。 犹太复国主义的谎言一直是问题所在。

    “Because at some deep level older Jews are committed to the idea of a Jewish state as some historical compensation for the greatest trauma of the last century, the Holocaust. That’s an understandable desire, to gain some amendment from the world’s powers for the horrors of the last century.”

    There was no ‘6M Jews’ except when they started trying that fake crap in 1869, see below.
    Jews have been faking the ‘6,000,000’ lie since at least 1869:

    • 回复: @Heros
    , @Anonymous
    , @anarchyst
  6. anon • 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @VICB3
  7. 很快,美国年轻人将在与伊朗的战争中死去,这只会使以色列受益并摧毁美国。


    • 同意: Digital Samizdat
    • 回复: @n230099
    , @Low Voltage
  8. Dan Hayes 说:


    The old trope that holds for Weinstein’s producing Miral: No good deed ever goes unpunished!

  9. Good propaganda does not tell lies, but tells just the facts that suit the propagandist.
    Around 1800 Poland was divided, not for the first time, the majority of world jewry came to live in tsarist Russia, five million.
    Around 1900 was the tenth resignation of the tsarist assimilation committee.
    Around the same date count Witte said to Herzl that he would gladly drown five million jews in the Black Sea, but it could not be done.

    Solsjenytsyn, in his last published book, he waited with publication till his death was near, for obvious reasons, explains how jews in Russia resisted all attempts at assimilation.
    Alas there is just a german translation of the book.
    Dutch journalists interviewed Solsjenytsyn shortly before his death, and wrote an article in which they stated ‘that the book had caused great irritation in the west’.

    They did not write that the book contains lies, the book resembles Mearsheimer and Walt on AIPAC, the number of references is unbelievable.
    Many are from jewish sources, such as a jewish encyclopedia.
    It is interesting to see how this encyclopedia follows Orwell’s ‘1984’, whenever it seems necessary the facts are changed.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Anon
  10. BozoB 说:


    • 回复: @Art
  11. @utu

    America is indeed different from other First World countries, not least in its attitudes to the use of violence and guns in particular, but I would be interested in what evidence or argument you could muster to support that view. I think you raise the bar for justification when you say “subsequently”. I can see some possibility of “self-defence” if the girl was throwing herself at the soldier (especialy a female as in the picture) and, after being fended off with the barrel of the gun made another rush at the soldier or grabbed the barrel. Otherwise no excuse for shooting a lone attacker.

    • 回复: @utu
  12. Realist 说:

    The Israeli is not a cop. She is military and does not belong in Palestine

    • 回复: @anon
  13. Karl 说:

    5 MarkinPNW > one that touches on the suffering of the Palestinians,”Miral”, produced by Weinstein

    he told me that he did that flick for the sake of getting a few new pieces of ass

    I’ve done quite a bit of time at US military bases in the PNW, and you are pretty cuck’d if you choose to live there. Maybe you’d like to emigrate to Sweden next?

    By the way, the blond chick is in the uniform of a cop, not a soldier.

  14. Close to 200 nations in the world, yet all we hear about–in the West–on a daily basis is how Israel reacted to this or how Netanyahu views that or will Israel invade Lebanon AGAIN or maybe bomb Iran.

    I for one am sick and tired of hearing constantly the whining, self-pitying, war mongering and aggrandizement coming from Israel and her Jewish supporters.

    It’s like we’re all trapped in a lunatic asylum with the biggest loony always babbling about how their pain is the only pain that counts.

    No wonder Jews have been kicked out of over 100 nations over the centuries.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Druid
  15. Logan 说:

    Clearly the Israelis are showing great cultural sensitivity by applying the Arab Muslims’ own rules for treating the conquered, reducing them to dhimmitude.

    • 回复: @Ace
  16. wayfarer 说:

    Israel, the self-serving trust-fund nation has sealed its karmic fate. Having made the same mistake as the Nazis, the Zionists too have tried to bite off way more than they could possibly ever chew.

    Greed. You had it all, but that just wasn’t good enough for your spoiled privileged children.

    Humanity, knows all too well of your selfish cold-blooded crimes and your absolute guilt.

    It’s now only a matter of time, before a cosmic tide begins to slowly sweep this toxic Zionist ideology from the face of the Earth.


  17. n230099 说:



    很快 最笨的笨蛋 美国年轻人将死于与伊朗的战争。

    直到美国人说,不,我们将不再参与这种胡说八道,哑巴将继续死去。 从好的方面来说,至少他们不碍事。

    • 回复: @Wally
  18. Renoman 说:

    In any group of 100 people anywhere in the World 99 will hate the Jews and 100 will hate the Arabs. Just let them go at it and get it over with, nobody cares.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  19. Desert Fox 说:

    Zionism is an elitist cult that worships satan and is driving for a world government that is controlled by the Zionists and we goyim are just cattle to be slaughtered in wars for the benefit of Israel and their god satan.

  20. @RealAmerican

    第一个错误是你假设犹太人和阿拉伯人可以在同一个国家和平生活。 正如heartiste所说,多样性加上邻近性等于战争。我认识很多穆斯林,我什至认为他们对我的人民的威胁比犹太人小,但是你应该知道,当他们诚实时,他们会告诉你整个中东必须成为穆斯林,这对他们来说尤其意味着以色列必须不再存在。 所以你给他们的任何一英寸都是在你最终毁灭的方向上一英寸。 实际的解决方案是驱逐每一个阿拉伯人,你永远不会更糟,就像你想让每个白人死他们都想让每个犹太人死一样。
    但是你更愚蠢的错误是你为什么应该以摧毁以色列的方式行事的道德基础。 因为过去邪恶的白人大屠杀你,这让你疯狂到与马克思主义的犹太政治哲学合谋,在白人国家发动犹太人领导的恐怖革命,谋杀比希特勒任何时候都多一个数量级。_所以你应该从大屠杀中学到了一些关于分享的东西(当然不是从凶残的共产主义中学到的,你在文化马克思主义/多元文化主义的重塑下仍然存在,导致世界大战和你几近毁灭)。 你似乎什么也没学到你应该从历史中学到的是多样性加接近等于战争。 你应该学到的是,犹太人是非常糟糕的邻居,最终会考验他们的主人耐心,直到他们被迫离开,但你的声誉先于你,没有人想要你,然后是你节省建设和维护国家资源的策略而是寄生于其他国家,同时利用您的资源瞄准其他国家的重要财富和权力中心,这将成为一个致命的错误。 你似乎终于想通了这一点,并在一个受人喜爱的地理位置建立了一个真正的国家。你们所有的闪族人都是流浪的骆驼骑师,但如果你认为这很重要的话,犹太人对该地区的宣称至少已经有数千年历史。 它没有。 取得和持有的权力是唯一的道德所有权,在你的妄想下,意大利将拥有中东,而美国人将不得不向红皮投降。 正确的是可能。 以色列拥有以色列,并且有能力驱逐穆斯林的遗骸,应该这样做,因为我们在西方的耐心再次被你的小白人特权游戏耗尽你的日子已经屈指可数了,而不必重新开放营地,只需将你与你的股票和债券并挥手告别。 但是白人以一种或多种方式醒来,知道谁是摧毁我们的左派背后的人,不久之后你就会被要求离开

    • 回复: @RealAmerican
    , @Anon
  21. Heros 说:

    Bravo Wally.

    I might add that he shouldn’t be coming to Europeans peddling his “pity the Palestinians” on one hand while propagating the eternal holocaust guilt meme on the other.

    If the Palestinians want to throw Germany under the anti-semite hate bus, then they should expect the same treatment in return.

  22. 按时间顺序排列的地图,恶毒地扩张以色列,缩小巴勒斯坦

    • 同意: Kiza
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  23. Che Guava 说:

    Merry Christmas, y’al!l Apologies to Mr. Weiss, will reading in detail tomorrow.

  24. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Most Americans would say they had it coming if they shot your family in the face.

  25. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Yeah, if people did know, they might be more sympathetic. Therefore, the usual suspects make sure we don’t.

  26. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    , nobody cares.

    LOL! So says, presumably, a white satanist, whose kind has been wantonly executing its limitless Greed and Psychopathy around the world.

    Comeuppance for all that, including your “nobody cares” attitude, will be forthcoming.

  27. MEexpert 说:

    The only question is why Jews do not act?

    No, the only question is why don’t the Muslims act? The rich Gulf monarchies have sold out their souls to the Jewish and American masters. They are only interested in saving their hides. Palestinians and other suffering Muslims be damned.

    Why, given this endless evidence of persecution, haven’t Beinart and Peace Now come out for something stronger to break the occupation?

    They are under no obligation to do that. They tried and see what happened. Bannon is out of the White House. This is the power of the Jewish Lobby.

    Does Palestinian human wreckage count for anything?

    It hasn’t so far. Palestinians have been killed and displaced from their homes for the past 70 years. The Arab monarchies have only provided some lip service to the Palestinian cause. Their own leader, Mahmood Abbas, is on Israeli pay roll. His term expired long time ago but he is kept in place by Israel so that he can control the Palestinians in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza.

    My only concern is the US policy towards Palestine. With all the talk of human rights and Responsibility to Protect, when it comes to Palestine, the US remains silent. I know the American people are getting fed up with the Israeli control over their politicians but they are powerless to do anything about it. Unless that hold is broken, nothing will be achieved in the Middle East. There will be wars and more wars , instigated by Israel and funded by the US. Israel/US/Saudi Arabia can always fund and arm another ISIS or Al-Qaeda to shed more innocent Muslim blood.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @Anon
  28. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    So those misled American guys deserve to die for “that shitty little country”, ‘Israel’?


  29. Z-man 说:

    First, Jews, Zionists et al, are hypocrites. That’s it.

  30. The day those women slapped the soldiers, their 14-year-old cousin was shot in the face by Israeli soldiers, blood pouring from his head “like a fountain,” and he had to undergo a lengthy operation.


    that, ladies and gentlemen, is the perfect example of an attempt at controlled narrative.

    I hope it will help you guys spot the same crap in the future.

    • 巨魔: iffen
  31. JustJeff 说:


    • 哈哈: Z-man, Twodees Partain
  32. Anonymous [AKA "O\'stein"] 说:

    More like a Ukranian girl slapping a Russion soldier after he shoots her dad- what would you do if an enemy soldier shot your loved one?

    • 回复: @Kiza
  33. 这是一篇有趣的文章; 从几个方面来看,这似乎很奇怪,几个问题的冲突,对任何因 1850 年犹太复国主义活动而没有的家庭血统的当地公民身份的要求的默许,和/或非中东种族,即可萨人血统(其中包括超过 95% 生活在巴勒斯坦土地上的“犹太人”)等。

    锡安之战“由 道格拉斯·里德(Douglas Reed) (可以通过标题和作者在互联网上轻松搜索),是对该教派当前化身历史的务实、公正的回顾和分析。
    阅读 ”锡安之战” 最好能说明本文的背景以及许多其他误导性的暗示和主张。

  34. @Greg Bacon


    迈克尔·沃尔夫森 (Michael Wolffsohn) 于 Judenhass-Import-Weltmeister

    Translation ‘Wolfssohn on the record holder of importing hate against jews’.


    • 回复: @jack ryan
  35. mike k 说:

    统治老布尔什维克、谋杀和折磨牧师、摧毁教堂、处决和饥饿数百万人的犹太人并不是危机中的“犹太复国主义者”——他们是犹太人……他们的宗教教导说,他们应该向世界传授“上帝” ’并主宰地下世界。




    • 回复: @edNels
    , @Wally
  36. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Well, well. The ‘most moral army on earth’ strikes again. When will we ever get tired of subsidizing this sh*t?


  37. anon • 免责声明 说:

    Jordan occupies 78% of “paLiestine”

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Anon
  38. anon • 免责声明 说:

    摩洛哥杀害超过 40,000 名西撒哈拉人
    巴勒斯坦人被以色列杀害 23,000


  39. @Logan

    Oy vey! They’re both blonde shiksa-looking types. Meanwhile, in in Miss Universe we get something like this:


    Must be propaganda. Yeah, I know. Miss Iraq isn’t a Palestinian. Didn’t see a Miss Palestine anywhere. Maybe they should send Miss Tamimi.

  40. @Colleen Pater

    在阅读了 Saker 的最新专栏“意识形态无人机的心态”后,我有点沮丧,它应该很快就会出现。 不再。

  41. iffen 说:

    he had to undergo a lengthy operation.

    What was the nationality of the doctors that did the operation? And in which hospital?

    If he wanted a Palestinian doctor, he likely would have had to come to one of the hospitals in my area and line up with all of my fellow rednecks in the emergency room to get treatment by a Palestinian doctor.

    • 哈哈: Grandpa Charlie
    • 回复: @Anon
  42. “犹太人与巴勒斯坦人的分离是一种错觉。这就像美国的白人与黑人分开一样,以色列有 20% 的人是非犹太人;”





    犹太人和穆斯林在穆斯林摩尔人占领的西班牙共事了 700 年。犹太人被驱逐或置于西班牙宗教裁判所之下,转而皈依天主教,很大程度上是因为他们站在阿拉伯穆斯林摩尔人一边反对西班牙白人天主教徒,因为他们是穆斯林的收税员,将白人女孩卖给阿拉伯/穆斯林作为性奴隶。犹太人也在做同样的事情,统治着硬核色情行业。





  43. Z-man 说:

    And when one occupying Zionist Jew gets killed in Palestine, it’s the ‘end of the world’ in the MSM, in ZOG, EVERYWHERE!! And god forbid you don’t mourn this ‘innocent’ life!

    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  44. @jilles dykstra







  45. @anon

    You again. Shouldn’t you stick to one username?

  46. Just posted this on another thread about Achilles, but relevant here too:




  47. utu 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    My comment was alluding to attitudes among Americans to killings by the the law enforcement. The “self-defence” and “fear for life” is almost always successfully invoked. Over 1000 are killed per year. Only 0.3% of cops are convicted of some crime. 99.7% are never charged or are acquitted by the jury of their peers who believes that killing was justified because of “self-defence” and “fear for life.”




    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Ace
  48. edNels 说:
    @mike k

    Really! Seeing how effective it was for Jesus when he won so many hearts and minds after being ”Victimized” and Kilt, Well then, what’s a better thing than “Let’s us hijack that. Let’s us steal the Victim Card!”

    Sort of like when… Big brother wails on Little brother, and off Little goes to a big sympathy fest, leaving Big to think about it in a corner, (“Well shoot! That didn’t work out too good!”)

    But the big brother can’t get that kind of sympathy attention so he must learn 不是 一个该死的恶霸,事情好转,学会巧妙地操纵就好。

    Not saying’ anybody ain’t clever, just say’n all that decades of victim imaging, cattle cars rattlin’with loads of raggedy, nashin’of teeth, off to hell, (how bout some new material?)

    嘿,提醒我了,当时那是什么? 圣诞怪杰 ”Stole Christmas” about then?

    Wouldn’t be a real Good story if nobody wants to steal it… !


  49. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    So, face-shot– funny; gas oven– not funny?

  50. DB Cooper 说:

    Support Eva Bartlett and give voice to the voiceless Palestinians.


    • 回复: @L.K
  51. @Mis(ter)Anthrope

    It might be that both Israel and the “United States” (actually the Confederacy, since the South and the British eventually won the civil war) are both just provinces of the British Empire.

  52. There are so many things wrong with this article I don’t know where to start.

    Now, kudos to Weiss’ sympathy for Palestinians. In US politics, Sympathy for Palestinians is forbidden and taboo. No mainstream politician will dare show any sympathy for them folks. They are all into Israel First, Israel First, Israel First.

    But Weiss’ solutions are the problem. Indeed, they were the problems that led to this. Weiss is a universalist-imperialist who condemns nationalism and pushes for globalist open-borders. He fails to admit that violation of nationalism has been the true curse of the 20th century.

    Indeed, the current mess with Palestinians began with and under imperialism. That part of the world failed to develop into a viable political entity under the Ottoman Empire. And then, the British Empire allowed Zionists to ‘immigrate’ there and take over from Arabs. That was the origins of the disaster. It all happened under Imperial Rule. And of course, Israel is now backed by the US that is no longer a national entity but a war-mongering(culturally or militarily) hegemon that invades other nations militarily and financially and is invaded by other nations demographically.

    Weiss says the current plight of Palestinians is like what Jews suffered 100 yrs ago, but that’s a misconception.
    For one thing, Palestinians are in their own lands, from which they’ve been evicted or on which they are occupied. Jews in Europe, in contrast, were living in other people’s lands. The violent reactions against Jews in Europe were, in some respects, like Palestinian intifada against Zionists. This was made all the worse due to imperialism. Why did the worst outbreaks against Jews happen in Imperial Nations? Because so many ethnic groups felt occupied and came to regard Jews as collaborator agents. Any non-Austrian gentile who resented Austrian rule came to distrust Jews as the middlemen serving the empire. Or, it could be the other way around. The ruling ethnic group could come to regard Jews as radical agitators riling up the other groups against the imperial status quo.

    Despite certain ambivalence and even hostility toward Jews, sovereign nation-states treated Jews much better: UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, and etc. France was known for ‘notorious antisemitism’, but it didn’t have outbreaks of pogroms like in Eastern Europe where nationalism was suppressed by empires, either Germanic or Slavic. Granted, sometimes, Jews found the Imperial Order to their benefit. Diversity, as in Austro-Hungarian Empire, made it difficult for all gentiles to unite against Jews, as later were to happen in National Socialist Germany. The various gentile groups were too busy squabbling with each other to unite their forces against the Jews. But on the other hand, because so many groups felt so disenfranchised, occupied, and denied national sovereignty, they grew ever more bitter and came to scapegoat Jews as the source of all problems. Imperialist Diversity weakens national unity among goyim, but it also intensifies their rage and bitterness, and that can provide dry wood for massive conflagration. And even though National Socialism was a severe case of nationalist antisemitism, the origins of Hitler’s rage were imperial. He grew up in the Austro-Hungarian Empire where ethnic tensions were intensifying due to Slavic and other hostilities. If he’d grown up in a secure Germanic nation, he might have regarded Jews as just a minority that should be tolerated. But he got radicalized in the Austro-Hungarian Empire where politics was so hostile along ethnic lines because non-Austrians felt oppressed by Austro-Hungarian elite power. And since this bitterness was directed at ALL Austrians, even an ordinary civilian like Hitler could become ultra-ethnic in hostility. And WWI was the result of clash of empires, not of nations. Germans put pan-Germanicism above all else, and Russia pandered to Pan-Slavicism. And UK joined with France and Russia because it saw the rise of Germany as a threat to British Imperial Hegemony.

    Hitler had a chance of making National Socialism work, but because he grew up under Imperial Mentality, his ambitions spilled across German borders and targeted Czech nation, then Poland, and then even USSR. That was his undoing. He wasn’t satisfied with German Nationalism. National Socialism turned into Imperial Racial Socialism for the ‘Aryans’.

    But Jewish reaction to antisemitism also made the problem worse. It was right for powerful and influential Jews to do SOMETHING to help out their less fortunate brethren around the world. But what did Jacob Schiff’s support of ‘Russian’ Revolution lead to? A totalitarian terror state where millions of people were sent to Gulag and where 100,000s were summarily executed by secret police. Pogroms were terrible but 1000s died. In contrast, the Soviet Revolution, considerably led by Jews, killed millions and destroyed tens of thousands of churches. It even killed every member of Tsar’s family. Even the kids. This bad behavior on the part of Jews led many European conservatives to side with Fascists and National Socialists as the lesser to two evils. And given the record prior to WWII, that would have been the sane assessment since most of the mass horrors by then had been committed by communists, many of whom were Jewish.


    Here, Weiss sort of hints at how today’s problems are rooted in past reactions. Kafka obviously wasn’t the only Jew who reacted to events by showing interest in Zionism. Zionism was a strange hybrid. It was a reaction against both Imperialism and Nationalism. In some ways, Jews were jumping on the Nationalist Bandwagon. With each ethnic group demanding their own nation-state and sovereignty — further emboldened by Woodrow Wilson’s idea of national self-determination following WWI — , Jews figured they should demand their own nation too. But there was one problem. While Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, Croatians, Poles, and etc could look at the soil beneath their feet and claim it as their ancestral homeland, Jews could make no such claim in Europe. So, they had to look elsewhere, the most meaningful place was obviously the Holy Land from which the Jewish people and culture originated.

    但是,即使犹太人加入了呼唤自己家园的外邦团体,他们也在对外邦民族主义做出反应。 在帝国统治下,犹太人可以作为一个游牧的善变团体继续在不同的人中间充当中间人。 但随着国界的兴起,这种模糊的身份变得站不住脚。 外邦人的民族认同可能会敌视犹太人,甚至这种敌意也具有双重性。 它厌恶犹太人是一种顽固的古老身份,拒绝与外邦人同化并皈依基督教,但它也厌恶犹太人作为一种善变的泽利格人,可以适应任何时间和地点。

    Anyway, because European Jews couldn’t claim any land in Europe as their own, they couldn’t just oppose imperialism. If Poles wanted Poland, all they had to do was oppose Russian and German imperialism. Once Russians and Germans were gone from Poland, it was Poland for the Polish.
    相比之下,即使帝国没落,犹太人在欧洲仍然没有自己的国家。 他们不得不在别处声称自己的家园,那就是圣地。 由于它由非犹太人主宰,犹太人需要帝国主义的支持才能进入这片土地。 犹太人在奥斯曼帝国时期陆续涌入,但在英帝国主义统治下,犹太人开始大量涌入这片土地。 犹太人希望在帝国主义的帮助下建立一个民族主义国家。 因此,以色列是以最矛盾的方式被创造出来的。 本来是要建立犹太人的民族主权,但只能通过帝国主义的力量剥夺土著人的民族主权。

    This was all the more complicated because European Jews were both the most powerful and least powerful people. They were least powerful because they were minorities in all territories and had no land to claim as their own. Serbs and Slovaks were far less successful than Jews and had far less reach in financial & other terms, but they still could claim the soil under their feet as their homeland. They were rooted whereas Jews were rootless. This rootless was a huge disadvantage to Jews, but it was also why they’d grown so powerful. Unable to stake their wealth on rootedness to soil, Jewish wealth developed via networks. It was ‘cloud-wealth’, like Google offers cloud-computing. So, even if Jews got kicked out of a certain nation, they might still have wealth stored in international networks. Even if they lost their homes and personal properties, their bank accounts could be in London or Paris. In contrast, if a ‘dumb Polack’ lost his home and property, he really had nothing left. Jews had Cloud Wealth wheres gentile simpletons had Earth Wealth. To be sure, not all Jews had Cloud Wealth, and many in Eastern Europe were dirt-poor. But because the Jewish Network existed, they soon learned how to use it.

    This duality of Jews as the most powerful people(with financial stake in just about every European nation and kingdom) and least powerful people(as a folks without homeland) made things all that more complicated in relation to Zionism. On the one hand, it was weak Jews pleading for a homeland of their own. They were unfortunate unlike other European folks who could claim the land under their feet as their own. On the other hand, it was powerful Jews manipulating and bribing the Great European Empires to do the bidding of Jews… like what God did in the Exodus. Open up the seas and let Jews enter the Promised Land. It was a replay of Exodus — and even called such by Leon Uris the novelist — because the ancient story itself is paradoxical. On the one hand, Hebrews are a weak people in flight from the powerful Egyptian Military. On the other hand, Jews have God on their side, and the Egyptians have no chance.

    Anyway, if Weiss’ point is that today’s Jews must act on behalf of Palestinians like past Jews did for Jews-suffering-pogroms in Europe, he should think again because those efforts 100 yrs ago backfired horribly. It led to rise of communism and death of millions, and then the counter-reaction of rise of National Socialism that led to WWII. Looking back, Jews should have been sober in taking action. Jews overreacted and falsely blamed the Russian Tsar for the pogroms. This led to worldwide Jewish support for communism, the horror unleashed by which was many times worse than pogroms. And didn’t Zionism that reclaimed the Holy Land lead to the current mess? If Jews really wanted a land of their own, rich and powerful Jews should have pooled their resources together to buy some land in some empty part of the world. A land the size of Israel in Australia, Canada, or some other part. With the power of the Rothchilds in the UK, I’m sure something like that could have been arranged. But Jews wanted the Holy Land. And this entailed war and ethnic cleansing. Worse, it led to occupation and Zionist imperialism on Muslim nations. Zionist nationalists asked for the white horse than took the cuddly pig. It’s like the scene in VIVA ZAPATA where Brando’s character offers a Mex kid a pig but the kid insists on the horse.


    Jews could have asked for a nation in some inhabited part of the world, and then it would have been a peaceful piggy-wiggy nation. But they wanted the War Horse of the Holy Land, and they’ve been riding that horse and trampling on stuff all over.

    That said, what is done is done and can’t be reversed. But Jews failed to do it right. Jews could have done two things. Call for peaceful co-existence with Arabs, but then this would have entailed NO MORE JEWISH IMMIGRATION. Arabs could have accepted a Jewish-Arab Holy Land IF Jews would stop immigration. But Jews wanted endless Right of Return to all Jews around the world to Palestine, and that was something Arabs could not accept.

    So, the inevitable result was war. But Jews didn’t do this right. If you gonna ethnically cleanse a people, go all out. Kick them all out, like what Andrew Jackson did with the Indians. Instead, Jews expelled most but kept enough to cause lots of trouble. The Rule of History is, “If you are gonna do it(even if morally dubious), do it ‘right’ and go all the way, but if you feel it’s wrong or not worth doing, don’t do it at all.” It’s like US military involvement since end of WWII. It’s been confused, with US committing enough to get embroiled in a big way but not doing enough to really finish the job. Look at the mess in Iraq. And before that, it was Vietnam. Kennedy was wise about Cuba. Once he decided it’s not worth intervening, he gave up on it after of Bay of Pigs. It’s like Chechnya. Russians had two choices: Just let it go and give it independence OR go in big and totally crush the rebellion. Neither is morally ideal, but there are times in history where being half-hearted about something leads to more problems.

    At any rate, if the purpose of Zionism was Jewish nationalism, Jews shot themselves in the foot by letting too many Arabs remain in Israel and then occupying West Bank. The ONLY sensible reason for Israel’s conquest of West Bank in 1967 would have been to push the remaining Arabs in Israel into it. Instead, Jews colonized the land, and now Jews got Diversity Hell in both Israel and West Bank. Diversity leads to trouble.

    和平现在敦促分离: “占领侵蚀了以色列及其形象,并将持续下去,直到以色列从巴勒斯坦人手中解脱出来。” 犹太人与巴勒斯坦人隔离是一种幻想。 就像美国的白人与黑人分开一样,以色列是20%的非犹太人; 它统治着容纳5万巴勒斯坦人的领土; 尽管全世界已经决心将犹太人从阿拉伯人中“解救出来”已有70年了,但随着以色列犹太人淹没西岸并建立越来越多的犹太人殖民地,社区之间的纠缠比以往任何时候都更加紧密。

    If separation is a delusion, how were Jews able to carry out Nakba in 48? The real delusion is that Peace can be arrived via Diversity. Weiss has a good heart about Palestinians but he’s being naive. Justifiably or not, Arabs are PISSED. If Jews were to go for one-state-solution and allow Arabs equal rights, it will be the end for Israel. Palestinians who outnumber Jews in West Bank will rise up and commit horrible acts of violence once Apartheid regimen is lifted. And if Arabs have equal rights in Israel, then it will mean Arabs should be allowed to immigrate to Israel as well. The Right of Return for Palestinian Diaspora will spell doom for Israel as a Jewish state.
    If you want lasting peace, Peace Now is somewhat correct. Its only problem is it doesn’t go far enough. All Arabs in Israel should be pushed to West Bank and all Jews in West Bank should be repatriated to Israel. It may be politically impossible, but such is the ONLY lasting solution. It’s like the only sensible solution for South Africa was separation. Let whites be HERE and let blacks be THERE. Instead, the rainbow nation turned into bloody nation. Palestinians have a right to be spitting mad at the Jews, and for that reason, any notion of long-lasting peace under Diversity is a delusion. Weiss’ is being willfully naive and hopeful to stoke his ego as the Good Jew denouncing Bad Jews. There can be no ‘good Jews’ or ‘bad Jews’ in the current situation. It’s between sensible Jews and delusional Jews, and Weiss is also delusional.

    Weiss mentions blacks in America and says it’s delusional to call for separation between whites and blacks. Weiss may be right about that. It could well be that whites are stuck with blacks. But then, why is this the case? Because of Diversity created by Imperialism. The US could be black-free IF whites had not practiced the Atlantic Slave Trade under imperialism. (Granted, later British imperialism did some good things by banning the slave trade of the Spanish empire.)
    Anyway, the biggest problem of the US — the ghastly blacks — is the result of imperialism.
    Diversity leads to problems, down the road if not here-and-now. Whites understood this about Indians, which is why Indians were expelled as whites expanded territories. Whites knew it’d be problematic to integrate with red savages getting drunk, scalping skulls, and hurling tomahawks. Also, Indians had a legit claim to this land since their forefathers had hunted bison and gophers on it. So, for there to be peace, whites had to drive out the Indians and create a white nation. Even Emma Lazarus understood this, which is why she supported Manifest Destiny. She wanted more whites and Jews to come to America and turn red savages into wretched huddled refuse in Reservations. “Better you than me.”

    But if whites got rid of white-red diversity, they increased white-black diversity? Why? Because if whites confronted reds as warrior savages, whites brought blacks as slaves in chains. So, whites figured they’d always have power over the Negroids. With blacks, it was white masters ruling over black slaves or servants. But whites didn’t consider the future where blacks might be freed and then use their stronger muscles and bigger dongs to destroy white manhood and colonize white wombs. It goes to show Diversity ends in disaster one way or the other.

    Anyway, even if Weiss is correct that Jews in Israel and whites in the US must make do with Diversity since we can’t turn back the clock, he(and others like him) are foolish because they want to INCREASE DIVERSITY.
    It’s one thing to argue that some nations became diverse due to certain accidents or events in history, and therefore, people in such nations must try to make the best of it. Okay, fair enough.
    After all, look at the US and EU. It’s not about ‘racism’ vs ‘anti-racism’. It’s about Paleo-racism vs Neo-racism. Conservatives are Paleo-racists who want white nations and white-majority nations to emphasize white identity, heritage, and power. Progressive Neo-racists, contrary to being for racial equality, are for the supremacism of Jews and blacks over other races and for whites to be attacked and blamed for everything. Look at the phenom of ACOWW or Afro-Colonization-of-White-Wombs being pushed by PC. It’s not about racial equality. It means that white women should reject white males as pathetic dorky cucks and surrender their wombs to the superior dongs and seeds of Negroids. Why does BBC series on the Fall of Troy feature Zeus and Achilles as blacks? Why are Christmas commercials showing white women going with Negroids? It’s not about racial equality but about how white women should go with black men as superior to white males. PC is just neo-racism with new configuration of superior races and inferior races. Most people are either Paleo-racists or Neo-racists. Only a few are Tru-racists or Race-ists. The thing about Paleo-Racists and Neo-Racists is they deny their own racial biases and accuse OTHERS of ‘racism’ whereas Tru-Racists or Race-ists admit that everyone is consciously or subconsciously race-ist since it’s impossible not to see race and racial differences and their effects on society.

    Even Weissism is a form of Neo-Racism because even if Weissism were to be implemented 100% in Israel-West-Bank, the result will be Jewish domination. Why? DNA. Ashkenazi Jews are much smarter than People of Sand. Just consider. The US has tons of smart and capable Anglos and Germanics. But Jews beat them all. So, how are the Sandfolks supposed to compete with Jews? Even if Israel were totally meritocratic and treated everyone in colorblind manner, Jews will totally dominate. It’s like blacks totally dominate sports cuz genetics in sports biologically discriminates against slower/weaker races. Israel would just go from Paleo-Racism that officially favors Jews over Palestinians to Neo-Racism where biology favors Jews over Palestinians. For Palestinians to live in a nation of Arab dominance, it can’t have lots of smarter Jews. In a Weissian future Israel, the ONLY hope for Arabs would be the power of numbers and demography. Currently, Israel bans Muslim immigration, welcomes Jewish immigration, and pays special money to horny rabbinical students to have lots of babies. But under Weissism, there can’t be special Jewish privileges on immigration. And special money for Jewish breeders would go against the spirit of equal treatment under law. I mean, if horny Jewish rabbinical students should be funded to breed, why not for horny Islamic students?

    归根结底,魏斯主义与新保守主义几乎没有什么不同。 魏斯是一个全球主义帝国主义者,他嘲笑国家认同、国家主权和国界。 他支持欧洲被大量的非洲人和穆斯林淹没,而没有意识到欧洲人的命运将与被犹太人大规模移民淹没和摧毁的巴勒斯坦人的命运一样。

    Where Weissism is different from Neo-conservatism and most forms of Liberal Zionism is that he calls for the destruction of ALL nations, Israel included. I must admit there’s an admirable quality about such moral consistency, in contrast to Neocons and Liberal Zionists who denounce identity and nationalism among goyim(in the name of spreading ‘liberal values’) but demand that goyim serve and support Israel as a Jewish state.

    虽然道德一致性比道德虚伪要好,但魏斯主义的核心是全球主义,这意味着没有国家权利,没有国家安全,没有任何民族的国家主权。 魏斯似乎认为自己的价值观会导致一些列侬的想象世界,但会产生相反的效果。 它将把整个世界变成西岸和加沙的地狱。

    乌托邦主义是思想的帝国主义。 它过于雄心勃勃和被迷惑了。 真实和现实的是人民、文化、遗产和国界。 我们需要更多。

  53. Wally 说:
    @mike k

    “Guilt is kept at bay by exaggerating and even fabricating a perpetual Jewish sacred innocence as Eternal Victim.”

    They refuse to allow others to live as they wish, yet they invent and accuse others of absurd tales of persecution and ‘extermination’ against them.



    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  54. Michelle 说:

    The West has a lot of problems with Jews, but Jews ain’t trying to blow us to smithereens during marathons, concerts, what have you. Palestinians and their allies have nothing to recommend to me, nothing whatsoever. They are a bunch of ignorant hillbillies. Why pick their side over Israel? Yes, an injustice was served by the UN, giving Arab property over to Jews, but that is all water under the bridge. Life is not fair, as most of our dear, departed mothers used to say. Palestinians need to deal with reality and move along. Just as European, Asian, Black and Hispanic Americans are not going to give up their land to Native-Americans, Israeli Jews are not going to give up their land to Palestinians. The Palestinians need make the best deal possible under the circumstances.

  55. mr meener 说:

    michelle if it were not for the jews forcing the west to kill 100’s of thousands of arabs and making tens of millions homeless THEY WOULD NOT BE ATTACKING US. that is if you really believe the false flag attacks.

    • 回复: @CalDre
  56. mr meener 说:

    I see the tribal member Weiss thought it was an act of heroism that the demonic Jacob schiff (in the back) financed the Bolshevik takeover of Russia where over 60 million Russian Christians were slaughtered with Bolshevik jews in charge of it

  57. Why was the fourteen year old shot?

    It’s only a sin to misrepresent the facts when the eeeeevil jooos do it. It’ll turn out the same way these things always do: the left wing f-knuckles will tell us the teen was an innocent child with a bright future, and when the facts come out it’ll turn out that he had a rap sheet as long as your arm, and was trying to kill someone when some IDF saint put the Palestinkian down.

    The Palestinians lie like sidewalks too,

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Druid
  58. VICB3 说:


    想象一下,如果以色列不存在。或者,如果杜鲁门听取了他自己国务院的建议,不承认犹太国家。 (我们暂时先不考虑这个问题,在当时以及当时美国一些人的心中,苏联可能承认锡安的后果。)想象一下,如果我们没有像我们那样救助他们,那么,好吧,无数次?想象一下,如果以色列不在那里的话。

    我们真的会关心中东吗? (除了能源之外,我们正在内部生产越来越多的产品。)中东(和其他地方)的人们也会同样程度地讨厌我们吗?我们会有同样激进的伊斯兰教吗?我们是否会年复一年地浪费财宝和鲜血,没有任何好的目的,而且看不到尽头?我们会开始吗?我们会陷入像现在这样深的财务困境吗?

    我们现在所经历的自由受到同样程度的侵蚀吗?我们会有 TSA 吗?




    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @anon
  59. @Priss Factor

    Very thought provoking post, although I am not sure that I agree with your entire treatise, but I do with enough of it for me to spend more time thinking about your premise about rejecting the increase of diversity. I do, however, share your dismissal of Weiss’ globalist solution.

    Your point that Israel should have either not tried to oust the arabs from Palestine or ousted them all, is correct from a clinical standpoint. However, I have a moral objection (and you noted that) of taking land by imperial force (although history is replete with that), and then doing so by ethnic cleansing in order for the subsequent nation to succeed, irrespective of the plight of those ousted.

    Whether I agree with it or not, your essay is very well written and worthy of deeper consideration. Thank you for that.

  60. utu 说:

    but Jews ain’t trying to blow us to smithereens during marathons, concerts, what have you

    Have you heard about false flag operations, poor woman? Like for instance the Operation Susannah when Isareli operatives were planting bombs in public places in Egypt:

    As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American, and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, “unspecified malcontents” or “local nationalists” with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt’s Suez Canal zone.

    Fortunately the operation was quickly compromised and the plotters were arrested.

    The Operation Susannah took place in 1954. Are you sure there were no other operations conducted by Israel or the US since that were terrorist in nature? Are you sure that 9/11 was not a false flag?

  61. Art 说:



    巴勒斯坦人是闪米特人,犹太人也是。你的说法是谎言。 ME属于中东人。

    The world sees the Palestinians as the good guys – they are the guys with right on their side. The Jews are disparaged because they disserve it. The Jews had the world on their side after WWII – but they squandered those good feelings with the mean way they have treated the Palestinians.




    • 回复: @white noise
  62. Realist 说:

    What has that to do with Israeli military presence?

  63. geokat62 说:


    Wasn’t Zionism supposed to resolve the JQ? If there is no Israel, how do you propose to resolve the JQ?


    • 回复: @iffen
    , @Anon
    , @Druid
  64. Art 说:

    The Palestinians lie like sidewalks too,

    The Jews are the champion liars – when a Jew talks to you – he is manipulating you – that is the way of his people.

    In their screwed up culture, lying is how they save their miserable hides from the whole of humanity wanting to kill them. How dark! What a way to live.

    Imagine your parents telling you at the age of five, “that everyone wants to kill you.” Those poor little formative minds are ruined forever.

    We must take that into account went the people of that inferior tribe are judged. Jesus was right when he said “forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”


  65. utu 说:
    @Priss Factor

    You forgot about the most important part. The creation of the Jewish state whether in Israel or anywhere else (Uganda or Madagascar) should have been permitted under one condition that all Jews would relocate there, i.e., no more diaspora Jews. Jewish state makes only sense if it frees gentiles from all the blessings of having Jews in their own states.

    Hitler saw through Zionism:

    犹太人在该州的统治似乎如此放心,以至于他现在不仅可以再次称自己为犹太人,而且还残酷地承认自己的最终民族和政治设计。 他的种族的一部分公开宣称自己是外国人,但即使他们在这里说谎。 因为犹太复国主义者试图使世界其他地方相信犹太人的民族意识在建立巴勒斯坦国中找到了满足感,但犹太人再次狡猾地欺骗了愚蠢的戈伊姆。 为了居住在巴勒斯坦,它甚至没有进入他们的头脑以在巴勒斯坦建立一个犹太国家。 他们所想要的只是一个中央组织,以骗取自己的国际主权,并拥有自己的主权,并摆脱了其他国家的干预:一个被判有罪的恶徒的避风港和一个正在萌芽的骗子的大学。

    • 回复: @Anon-og
    , @jacques sheete
  66. iffen 说:

    how do you propose to resolve the JQ?


    You don’t seem to be doing all that great in drumming up support for your “solution.”

  67. Art 说:

    The West has a lot of problems with Jews, but Jews ain’t trying to blow us to smithereens during marathons, concerts, what have you. Palestinians and their allies have nothing to recommend to me, nothing whatsoever. They are a bunch of ignorant hillbillies. Why pick their side over Israel?

    What a shallow understanding of reality.

    Muslims are attacking us because we are killing their people every day all over the world – for the benefit of Israel.

    The US Jews manipulation of our democracy, brought 9/11 to our shores.

    We support the Palestinians because they are the victims of Jew aggression.

    You need to wise up and get a informed.


    • 回复: @Michelle
  68. joecbart 说:

    “巴勒斯坦人被以色列杀害 23,000”




    • 同意: Cloak And Dagger
    • 回复: @anon
  69. 如果类似事件发生在美国,一名阿拉伯人袭击
    犹太媒体会宣布该警官有罪,并 24/7 进行宣传。

  70. Kiza 说:

    Is it on the Kolomoyskyi planet that a Russian soldier shoots an Ukrainian’s father? Because on this planet it was the shell of the Zionists supported and financed Ukrainian Nazis which has blown half the head off a 16-year old Russian speaking Ukrainian girl. She could not slap anyone.

    It is the usual alternative reality of the Zionist scumbags.

  71. DB Cooper 说:

    Also the bombing of the British headquarter at King David hotel , by Irgun member and future Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin.


    Begin was wanted by the British because of the bombing.

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @Karl
  72. anon • 免责声明 说:

    America gives money and financial support to :Indonesia , Sudan , Morocco , Turkey and Nigeria. So in the addition to the “genocide ” of 23,000 PaLiestinians you are also an accomplice in the real genocides of :Biafra 2million , Papua 500,000 , , Darfur 1million + &c. &c.


    • 回复: @Anon
  73. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Thanks, Wally. I was waiting for your post. The holocaust is not a proven fact and should not be passed off as one!

    • 回复: @Wally
  74. The occupation surely is destroying Israel spiritually.

    I would like to hear or read some evidence that there was anything spiritual about the abominable anachronism, the state of israel, ever.

    It was and is a total fraud and a usurper and as such its days are numbered.

    • 同意: Twodees Partain
  75. @MEexpert

    No, the only question is why don’t the Muslims act?


    I know the American people are getting fed up with the Israeli control over their politicians 但他们是 无力 对此做任何事情。

  76. @Z-man

    The vomiting of Israel onto the people of Palestine was the biggest fuckup since WWII.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Druid
  77. Anon-og 说:

    Wow, I have to read that book…what an unbelievably accurate excerpt.

  78. Anon-og 说:

    Forever shape shifting …..in the late 1800’s :

    “o beg it of the Sultan himself, and if it be impossible to obtain this, to beg that we may at least possess it as a state within a larger state; the internal administration to be ours, to have our civil and political rights, and to act with the Turkish Empire only in foreign affairs, so as to help our brother Ishmael in his time of need.


  79. CalDre 说:
    @mr meener

    Trying to convince a Jew supremacist that Jews aren’t the “chosen, best ones” is like trying to convince an ISIS fighter that Allah does not exist.

    Of course they hate Palestinians, because Palestinians oppose their rule. But their hatred is not limited to the Palestinian resistance, or other forces in the ME who oppose their barbarism and savagery. Even in their host countries they ceaselessly attack anyone critical of Jewish supremacism, Jewish rule, Jewish “exceptionalism”. They cannot do it in the same way they do to Palestinians, but if they could, they would (and when they can, they will – as happened in Bolshevik Russia). Because all non-Jews are inferior to them, like Arabs are to the rednecks who joke about “turning the ME into a sheet of glass”.

  80. anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Bill Jones

    Stalins purges , Maos purges , Pol Pot , Castro and Che , Rwanda genocide , Biafra genocide , South Sudan genocide , Darfur genocide , Papua genocide , Suhartos communist purges , Chechen genocide , Chinese occupation of Tibet and Xinyang , North Korea starving its own population…………. By the way Israel controls only 22% of Palestine . We vomited Saudi Hashemites from Mecca on the other 78% ¡¡¡¡¡¡

    • 回复: @Anon
  81. Anon-og 说:

    This Christmas, Santa Is Barred From Gaza for ‘Security Reasons’

    Some of the Mideast’s most embattled Christians have little to celebrate. After 11 years of blockade, only 1000 Christians are left in Gaza, and the call to join relatives in exile grows stronger every year


  82. The world fails to realize that Israel was created by and for the same group of people who owns and run the US “Federal” Reserve. The Israeli-American symbiosis has been meticulously orchestrated.

  83. anon • 免责声明 说:

    I couldn’t agree more with you. Truman has a great deal to answer for.

  84. The writer (((Weiss))) is a jew, and knows better than anyone that jews only care about other jews. The reason jewish organisations aren’t speaking out about the treatment of Tamimi is quite simple: they don’t give a damn. Hand-wringing from this writer is mere distraction, nothing more. Weiss knows how bad the optics are, and has penned an article expressing ‘deep concern’ for the purpose of counterpoint. But deep down in his shriveled black jew heart, he cares as little for what happens to the Palestinian goyim as the rest of his tribesmen. Do not fall for jewish tricks.

  85. Anonymous [AKA "Mystified"] 说:

    Is the author a self-hating Jew or a Muslim pretending to be one? Or just a concerned citizen on a planet in this galaxy?

    Punching below one’s weight is so passé as an argument.

    • 巨魔: L.K
  86. @Michelle


    Israeli Jews are not going to give up their land to Palestinians.

    It’s the Palestinians’ land, that the Jews stole, by brute force, with the complicity of the British… Get over it? I don’t think so. The worst (for Israhell) is yet to come.

    Are you Jewish or just a generic troll?

    • 回复: @Michelle
  87. @Michelle

    @ Michelle

    “but Jews ain’t trying to blow us to smithereens during marathons, concerts, what have you”

    All the terrorist attacks in America and Europe are masterminded and at least partially operated by Mossad, Israel’s ‘intelligence’ agency.

    You’re a troll, aren’t you?

    • 回复: @Michelle
  88. @Art


    The Palestinians are Semitic people, as are the Jews.

    The Jews are not Semitic, they are Khazarian, therefore Turkic/Slavic/Mongolian. Plus, a lot of European mixture.

    “Jew” is a modern term invented by them. The old Judean peoples are long extinct.

    These are imposters…

    … As evidenced in DNA tests. The (Askhenazi) “Jews” are white. The Semitic peoples are not precisely white.

    • 回复: @Anon
  89. mcohen 说:

    Well well well p weiss has got himself a slot on unz Desperate days indeed.

    As i posted on mondoweiss i will do the same here.the last paragraph is an eye opener


    “This entire brouhaha about Jerusalem — including the staged tactical violence by Palestinians — is entirely the fault of a single vengeful individual who put personal pique over American policy: Barack Obama.”

    Personal pique indeed.hopefully donald trump can restore stability in the middle east.peace is possible

  90. mcohen 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Good essay.you did underestimate the power of relegion and that prevented the all out ethnic cleansing.the utopian concept of a holy land meets imperialism.vatican?mecca?
    Judaism will have its holy land.in jerusalem.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  91. @utu

    for quite a few Mossad operations, one of them to fool Reagan into bombing Tripolis, trying to kill Ghadaffi.

  92. @utu

    Point taken. Sickening isn’t it? Considering some cases in Australia where the mentally ill (white like the victim in the case you link) have been shot by young armed police I think the main conclusion to draw is that young police need to be much much better trained, with every shooting regarded as prima facie a failure especially if fatal.

    • 回复: @utu
    , @Twodees Partain
  93. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “…the greatest trauma of the last century, the Holocaust.”
    The greatest traumas of the last century were Bolshevik revolution, the WWII, tthe US war against Vietnam, and Cultural Revolution in China. The WWII Holocaust targeted evenly Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, and communists. The Russians, Vietnamese, Chines, Ukrainians et al have been no less traumatized than the supremacist group that claims today both special victimhood and supreme morality, while having neither.
    As for the bloody Bolshevik Revolution, ethnic Jews made 80% of the first Bolshevik government. They were particularly prominent in organizing security services (CheKa, NKVD), concentration camps (GULAG), and collectivization in Ukraine; the latter had led to Holodomor there (7 million died). That was systematic elimination of the flower of Russian intelligentsia and officer corps. At least 20 millions perished in Russia due to the Bolsheviks’ policies.

  94. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Indeed, the east European Jewish shtetls of 19th century wer akin the Arab ghettoes in western Europe today. It is unfortunate that the ancient animosity between these two blood cousins, Jews and Arabs, has saddled the US and EU with enormous problems.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Druid
  95. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    “Solsjenytsyn, in his last published book, he waited with publication till his death was near, for obvious reasons, explains how jews in Russia resisted all attempts at assimilation.”
    The world would have been a much safer place if the truth about the “most moral” and “most victimized” were widely available in print. The hard facts afford no place for the mythology of ziocons.

  96. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Colleen Pater

    “…using resources to target key centers of wealth and power within others nations…”
    在图片中: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovo_T0KqdYg
    “寄生宝石黄蜂 (Ampulex compressa) 使用蟑螂 (Periplaneta americana) 作为其后代的活生生食物供应。黄蜂将毒液直接注入蟑螂大脑以控制其行为。在这部电影中,我们展示了这种惊人的捕食者的生命周期,最终以蟑螂缓慢而可怕的死亡告终。”

  97. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @white noise

    照片中那个金发碧眼、纯白的PaLiestimian 就是这样一种异国情调的棕色!!!!!!

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Anon
  98. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    The modern Palestinians are the direct descendants of ancient Jews. – They are locals. They are natives. Whereas your pompous Mielkovsky (of Polish origin), Moldovan felon Avigdor Lieberman, and other Frenkels coming from families of GULAG organizers in Russia, are imposters of uncertain origin. They are suffering from an oversized lust for money and power and they are never tired of quetching on “eternal victimhood.”

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @edNels
  99. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Hmmmmm were Jewish ghetto dwellers driving trucks into crowds , shooting up concerts and jihading it up ???

    EU problem is being Islamophiles while simultaneously having .007 tfr. Bad combination. Don’t need Jews to screw over the eu when they can do a great job all by themselves. The more they are cheerleaders for Islam the worse off they get by the hands of Muslims . But they will never learn.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  100. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Why don’t you factor PNAC and Yinon plan into your list and why don’t you ponder for a minute on the spectacular results that were achieved (under the tender care of the Lobby) by the most Christian Bush & Obama & Clinton against the Christian communities in the Middle East?
    “The Clique that Sold Us the Iraq War:” http://zfacts.com/node/297
    “Israel sees Assad winning Syria war, urges more U.S. involvement:” https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-israel/israel-sees-assad-winning-syria-war-urges-more-u-s-involvement-idUSKCN1C81BK
    “Israel Prepares for War in Syria against Iran”: http://www.meforum.org/6946/israel-prepares-for-war-in-syria-against-iran–

  101. L.K 说:
    @DB Cooper

    Brave woman, Eva, she is also done a lot to expose the Empire’s lies about the war in Syria… which, btw, is largely another war for Israel… in this case fought by Wahhabi proxies supported by the ZUS coalition.


  102. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    “If you gonna ethnically cleanse a people, go all out. Kick them all out, like what Andrew Jackson did with the Indians. Instead, Jews expelled most but kept enough to cause lots of trouble.”
    Right. Expel the progeny of ancient Jews and invite economic migrants of uncertain ethnicity from all corners of the world. — And do nor forget to use the usual master-race phraseology.

    • 回复: @Art
  103. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “…but Jews ain’t trying to blow us to smithereens during marathons, concerts, what have you.”
    — Yes. They simply arrange the US/EU boys and girls to go to blow others to smithereens (mostly civilians, of all ages) and to become blown to smithereens themselves, occasionally. See the genesis of Iraq war (illegal war of aggression). See the mass slaughter in Libya and Syria (mostly civilians, of all ages). And do not forget the targeted assassinations of Iranian scientists. By the way, Michail Ledeen (of aluminum tubes fame) is an influential ziocon and former member of Nazi-professing Gladio, a terrorist organization famous for blowing Europeans to smithereens.
    “Why American Jewish groups support war with Iraq:” https://www.salon.com/2002/09/14/jews_iraq/
    “Iraq: A War For Israel:” http://www.ihr.org/leaflets/iraqwar.shtml https://consortiumnews.com/2012/09/13/neocons-regroup-on-libyan-war/
    ” Iraq, Libya and Syria destroyed for Israel:” https://rehmat1.com/2016/03/01/us-analyst-iraq-libya-and-syria-destroyed-for-israel/

    • 回复: @Michelle
  104. Art 说:

    照片中那个金发碧眼、纯白的PaLiestimian 就是这样一种异国情调的棕色!!!!!!

    The fact that the girl has been wronged must not be talked about.

    With the Jew, it is always about organic identity – divide divide divide – conquer conquer conquer.

    They never want to talk right and wrong – those arguments they always lose.

    Wherever there is wrongful dirty dealing, wherever there is something dark – you will find a Jew.

    Currently they are leading humanity backwards into more hate and more war.


    • 回复: @MEexpert
  105. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “Wasn’t Zionism supposed to resolve the JQ?”
    — If only… Picture the voracious Lobby in the US and the treasonous Friends of Israel in the UK. They do not want to live in Israel with other Jews. They want to live with gentiles.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  106. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “…you are also an accomplice…”
    Yes, some Americans are deeply disturbed by the neocon-ziocon’ murderous exploits in the distant lands. However, it seems that you want to see Americans feeling very-very guilty. — Still soaking in the eternal Jewish victimhood? — You need to check the names and ethnicity of the major cheerleaders for the wars of aggression this this century.

  107. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “Israel controls only 22% of Palestine…”
    — Should be zero %.
    And your lot has proven to be genocidal towards Russians (see the prevalence of Jews among the leading Bolsheviks) and Arabs (see the ongoing wars for Israel in the Middle East).

    • 回复: @Anon
  108. L.K 说:

    The modern Palestinians are the direct descendants of ancient Jews. – They are locals. They are natives设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    Indeed. Two Israeli historians who write about this basic fact are Ilan Pappe in his ‘Ten Myths About Israel’ and Shlomo Sand in ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’.

    Basically, the ancient Hebrew population at first converted to Christianity and, later, to Islam.

  109. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “…That blonde , blue eyed…”
    Well, look at this pic: https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/israels-money-machine/?highlight=Israel
    All the Israel-firster ladies on this pic are blond, including the exceptionally ugly Streisand and ridicuous Mrs. Adelson.

  110. Art 说:

    Expel the progeny of ancient Jews and invite economic migrants of uncertain ethnicity from all corners of the world. — And do nor forget to use the usual master-race phraseology.

    Oh my’ – how do the Jews do it – three giant lies in one sentence.

    progeny of ancient Jews – sorry the Euro Jews are mostly Euro. They are the Zionist creeps that rule Israel.

    invite economic migrants of uncertain ethnicity from all corners of the world – the return of Palestinians is what the world wants.

    do nor forget to use the usual master-race phraseology – the Jews are on the top of the criminal race.


    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @Anon
  111. nickels 说:

    So since Jews can have a pure, racial reich where they are the masters of a segregated state, whites in America today, as well as Germans circa 1940 certainly have the same right.

  112. geokat62 说:

    If only… Picture the voracious Lobby in the US and the treasonous Friends of Israel in the UK. They do not want to live in Israel with other Jews. They want to live with gentiles.

    This is the crux of the matter. To avert a backlash, Diaspora Jewry must choose between two options:

    1. make Aliyah; or
    2. assimilate to the dominant culture by dismantling The Lobby.

    Now, bear in mind the following quote about The Lobby “American Style” was made over 20 years ago:

    Goldberg (1996, 38-39) 指出,目前美国大约有 300 个全国性犹太组织,总预算估计在 6 亿美元范围内——一笔, Goldberg notes, greater than the gross national product of half the members of the United Nations. – Prof. Kevin MacDonald Ch. 7, 批判文化

    Does anyone doubt that The Lobby has only grown stronger over the last 20 years?

    Bottom line: they must come to the realization that they can no longer have their cake and eat it too.

  113. L.K 说:

    The incident described in the above article involved 2 IDF male soldiers(who were at the family’s home!), not the female shown in the photo above the article.

    Why did Ahed Tamimi, who lives under a long & ILLEGAL Israeli occupation hit the israeli sissies?
    If Americans Knew blog has an article telling us why…

    “The logic of occupation”:
    (1) Shoot a boy in the face, leaving him gravely injured, and shoot tear gas into the family home, breaking several windows.
    (2) Arrest his 16-year-old female cousin who angrily slapped an Israeli soldier (for the shooting her cousin and attack on her home) and told him to leave their property.
    (3) Make the arrest in the middle of the night, using about 30 soldiers.
    (4) Arrest the girl’s mother.
    (5) Arrest the girl’s female cousin.
    (6) And then say that they deserve to spend the rest of their lives in prison.

    Israeli forces imprison 16-year-old Palestinian girl, her mother, and her cousin – after shooting another cousin in the face

    Vid of the incident. starts with the middle of the night arrest and later shows footage where Ahed slapped the zionist sissies standing in their property after shooting tear gas into their house.

  114. L.K 说:

    Ahed’s(the girl who was arrested) village in occupied West Bank has suffered many zionist raids over the years, including night raids… Here’s an example of the heroes in action at Ahed’s village in 2014;

    If I were a Palestinian I woulda long ago joined Hamas or any other armed militia and would do my best to kill these fuckers…

    • 回复: @Anon
  115. L.K 说:

    Ahed Tamimi – Living Resistance Tour

  116. @Wally


    Those apply and “deranged” comes to mind, but there really are no words sufficient to describe it.

    Books of words hardly scratch the surface, in fact. That’s why it’s so difficult to explain, and people don’t, can’t, and won’t believe it until they experience it directly.

  117. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Hey , Russians don’t need Jews to help them with their suicide, they are capable on their own . Russians have figured our splendid ways , constant vodka consumption, Krokodile , tfr of zero , homicide rate many times the Western rate.

    Arabs are good at killing themselves too. Assad regime has killed half a million , Bashir regime has accomplished even more and on a non state level , Muslims commit suicide bombings and jihading attacks daily .

    Hashemites occupy 78% of PaLiestine and anyway you don’t care about PaLiestimian at all anyway , you Just hate Jews.

    • 回复: @Anon
  118. @Michelle

    The West has a lot of problems with Jews, but Jews ain’t trying to blow us to smithereens …

    Well, who do you think did the attack on the USS liberty and 9/11 and many of the other false flags, for instance? One could also make a good case that the attack on Pearl Harbor and sacrifice of the lives there was deliberately provoked as a way to get the US into the war against Germany. Ever wonder why the US got involved in that massacre of fellow Christians?

    Ever hear of the Bolsheviks and the bankers who backed them?

    What are Israel’s nukes for?

    Why bother blowing “us” goyim to smithereens when we’re more useful, for the time being, as slaves?

    • 同意: Cloak And Dagger, L.K
  119. RobinG 说:

    progeny of ancient Jews …

    I believe this “Anon” was referring to Palestinians.

    Did you get the sarcasm of the comment? Hard to tell. This whole thread is emblematic of the problem with anon posting. [Ex. comment #121, Anon v. Anon.]

    • 回复: @L.K
  120. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “” I woulda long ago joined Hamas or any other armed militia and would do my best to kill these fuckers””

    What is stopping you other than the fact that you are an impotent liar and a sissy . You are capable of displaying your impotent rage and frustrations by posting comments online , nothing more lol. Do you wear a keffiyeh when you post your rants looollllololzlzlLz

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @jacques sheete
  121. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “Expel the progeny of ancient Jews and invite economic migrants of uncertain ethnicity from all corners of the world.”
    1. Palestinians are the progeny of ancient Jews
    2. The Soviet alia has been mostly economic migrants; the Jewish Africans would love to relocate to Israel but the master-race does not like black people (if they are not African-Americans)

    • 回复: @Art
  122. edNels 说:

    The victims of the 受害者 were the victims of the (victims.)

    The modern Palestinians are the direct descendants of ancient Jews. – They are locals. They are natives.

    Who’s yer Uncle? Who’s on First?

  123. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “you just hate Jews”
    — The eternal special victimhood on display. You could try alia ?

  124. L.K 说:

    Agree, anon postings should not be allowed.

    • 同意: Cloak And Dagger
  125. @Priss Factor

    [Weiss] 没有承认违反民族主义是 20 世纪的真正诅咒。 . . [B]因为[在哈布斯堡帝国]有如此多的群体感到如此被剥夺权利、被占领和被剥夺国家主权,他们变得更加痛苦,并开始将犹太人作为所有问题的根源。

    部分同意你上面所说的,但正如彼得德鲁克在他的书“新现实”中令人信服地描述的那样,哈布斯堡帝国对构成它的非奥地利和非匈牙利民族施加了相对较轻的束缚。 对自治和最终独立的最强烈要求不是来自下层阶级,而是来自受过教育的中产阶级,他们从帝国的超国家经济计划中受益最多。 德鲁克写道,哈布斯堡帝国和其他帝国的历史表明,“[a] 人民变得‘西化’、更富裕、更具流动性、受教育程度更高,他们变得越来越民族主义。”

    1867 年匈牙利人获得政治、语言和文化自治后,其他民族——首先是捷克人,然后是意大利人、克罗地亚人、斯洛文尼亚人、波兰人——开始要求类似的待遇。 德鲁克写道,帝国中开明的自由派精英以两种方式应对这些压力。 一是奉行“把经济发展作为超民族团结纽带”的政策。 其次,他们对各民族的文化和政治自治做出了许多让步。 根据德鲁克的说法,“奥地利帝国有一半的大学是非德语的:[即] 匈牙利语、捷克语、斯洛文尼亚语、克罗地亚语、波兰语和乌克兰语”,“奥地利议会接受任何数量的语言”,以及军队中的士兵除了一些必须学习和使用的德语命令词外,他们可以自由使用自己的民族语言。

    经济政策在提高生活水平方面取得了巨大成功。 德鲁克写道,波西米亚的捷克中心地带在 1870 年之后经历了惊人的工业增长,到 1914 年在生活水平上已经赶上德国并超过法国。 斯洛文尼亚和克罗地亚在那个时期也出现了快速的经济增长,波兰克拉科夫周边地区也是如此。

    但富裕和相对的政治和文化自治并没有安抚民族,反而增加了对更多自治和最终完全独立的要求。 德鲁克写道,这些要求并非来自农民或无产阶级,而是来自资产阶级,“尤其是受过教育的商人、工厂经理、专业人士等受过教育的中产阶级”,他们是经济增长的第一批受益者。

    德鲁克写道,在英属印度发生的事情遵循了同样的模式。 英国人决定通过修建铁路和港口、建立农村合作社和工程学校、鼓励印度农作物出口以及成立将英国人和受过教育的印度人聚集在一起的印度国会来促进经济发展,以便为印度人提供英国统治的切实利益。来实施这些政策。 经济和社会成果是巨大的,但在政治上,这些努力催生了 1947 年推翻英国的印度独立运动。 几乎所有独立运动的领导人都曾在印度国会任职。

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  126. DB Cooper 说:

    By the way in case people here don’t know, Europeans altitude toward Israel were rather ambivalent until the massacre at Sabra and Shatila in 1982 in which thousands of Palestinians, old and young, women and children were rounded up and massacred in the refugee camps. This changes EVERYTHING. For the first time after WWII Europeans demonstrated en masse across major European cities protesting Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians. Like Chas Freeman has said, the present policy of Israel is unsustainable and whatever backlashes the Israeli faces in the future they have no one to blame but themselves.

  127. L.K 说:

    You are projecting, scum.

    Liars and sissies are assholes such as yourself, who support this ongoing obscenity done to the Palestinians by “Israel”.

    You guys are good at tormenting women, children & civilians in general… when faced by people who know how to fight back, then it is a different story…

    This interview with a Hezbollah soldier who fought in the Battle of Ayta ash-Sha’b, sums up the IDF sissies best, @2:35
    With a smile, the Hezbollah trooper says:
    我们已经看到他们(以色列士兵)像绵羊一样逃跑。 可能这只羊最后还是适应了轰炸的声音,不再受它的影响了。 当以色列士兵遭到攻击时,您可以听到数百米外的尖叫声设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    • 回复: @mcohen
    , @Anon
  128. mcohen 说:

    [Proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar are strongly encouraged if you want your comments published. Also, allcaps is shouting, and too much shouting may get your comments trashed.]

    The double amputee story disappeared quickly and now the 16 year old abed story is streaming…..thats why this article is called “never ending”

    continous palestinian PROPAGANDA. .THE never ending stream of made for internet streaming.also known as FINE

    youtube videos…THE SLAP…..in the year of the meto#.so where is this all leading.i tell you where.
    abed tamimi is being primed to accuse israeli soldiers of sexual harassment.solely as a propaganda strategy to appeal to anerican woman

    • 回复: @iffen
    , @Druid
  129. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    那么你什么时候报名参加哈马斯,娘娘腔? 你曾经威胁要大声笑。 你杀了我表现强硬哈哈。

    • 巨魔: jacques sheete
    • 回复: @L.K
    , @Jaime
  130. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Requiem: “All those who sacrificed their lives to save Syria”
    “The man and women who gave their lives to save Syria did not just die fighting against arguably the most evil, maniacal and deranged terrorist insurgency in history (Daesh aka ISIS aka al-Qaeda aka al-Nusra and aka all the other rebrandings), but also against the AngloZionist Empire, against CENTCOM, against NATO, against the degenerate Gulf States and against the Zionist Entity. That is truly a formidable list of enemies and a truly abominable one.
    I have never had the chance to visit Syria, but I have had Syrian friends and I know how beautiful the Syrian people are. Make no mistake, these people faced total annihilation, no less, irrespective of whether they were Christian, Muslim or secular.”

    Comment section: Larchmonter445 — “Imagine the great human nobility of giving up one’s life for a foreign nation, for a nation attacked by overwhelming evil. Heroics does not explain the exquisite beauty and horror that such sacrifice entails. …. Only Russia could save the nation of Syrian peoples. And it has. Alawites, Armenians, Shiites, Christians, Sunnis, Kurds, and the tiny faiths and tribal elements that make the embroidery of SAR have been saved.
    Alas, the Hegemon and crazed neighbors of Syria are still determined to destroy Syria and remove the central government of Assad. We are in for more death and destruction in 2018. Lesson of Syria is there is no compromise possible with Evil. It must be vanquished completely.”

  131. Mark Green 说:
    @Priss Factor








    事实上,官方所呈现的“大屠杀”叙述是有组织的犹太人的一种操纵性尝试,旨在将 1)纯粹的犹太人纯真和 2)独特的犹太人苦难的概念提升并注入到人类历史上最血腥的事件(第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战)中。它值得真正的降级。然而,这并不容易。犹太人的庞大政治权力在很大程度上依赖于“大屠杀”。但诚实地解读历史对于我们重新掌控自己的文明至关重要。






    • 同意: Cloak And Dagger
    • 回复: @mcohen
    , @Twodees Partain
  132. iffen 说:

    Damn, the brain maggot is claiming many victims at unz.

    • 回复: @mcohen
  133. MEexpert 说:

    照片中那个金发碧眼、纯白的PaLiestimian 就是这样一种异国情调的棕色!!!!!!


    The late Shah of Iran was descendant of these Aryans and one of his many titles was “Aryamehr,” i.e. the Light of the Aryans.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @angustry
  134. @RealAmerican

    Do you really think for half a second that Phil Weiss wringing his hands about the obvious conflicts of Zionism is actually going to change anything here? A few names might bring you to your senses: Saban, Adelman, Kushner, Miller, Gordon, Friedman, Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, Zuckerman, Marcus…

  135. mcohen 说:

    Indeed and whats really a shame is that salafi ideology is slowly but surely chewing away at their testicles on the quiet.

    Oh ,the chains ,the chains.

  136. L.K 说:

    I threatened to join Hamas? Really? Where, Pinocchio?


    If I were a Palestinian I woulda long ago joined Hamas or any other armed militia and would do my best to kill these fuckers…”

    Obviously I’m not a Palestinian. I’m a Westerner with no ties to the Middle East. I care about what you maggots do to them just like any informed, decent person would.

    I do not live under your jackboot. If I did, having the chance, I would opt for armed resistance, which in this case translates into self-defense, legal for anyone under an illegal occupation.

    • 回复: @Anon
  137. Druid 说:

    Facts please, or do you just choose to lie, Ziofascist troll

  138. Druid 说:

    Easy. By send the Ziofascists to your home town

  139. Druid 说:
    @Bill Jones

    Yes, and followed by Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria. The last three the dirty work for the Zios

  140. This is from Uri Avnery’s take on the situation.

    军队对两名士兵没有射杀女孩感到震惊。 它承诺进行调查。 当晚,女孩和她的母亲被拘留。 士兵们正在接受谴责。


    Avnery is a reformed Irgun (Zionist) terrorist and is always well worth a read.

    UR ought to publish him as well.

  141. @MEexpert

    In my travels around the Mediterranean, I’ve noticed more than a few light skinned, blond, blue eyed folks as well.

    I guess it comes as a shock to some that the Palestinian goyim are human beings too!

  142. Druid 说:

    Those “ghettos ” we’re self-made by their rabbis because they did not want their guys to assimilate. This crap about imposition of ghettos on them is a Zio lie! Then they use the lie to their advantage. Win both ways, the Jewish way!

  143. @Anon

    What is stopping you…

    What’s stopping all the Izzie -first cheerleaders from joining the lethal and sadistic pack of cowards known as the IDF?

    And what’s stopping the IDF gang of thugs, terrorists and extortionists from fighting their own wars with their own bodies and treasure?

    • 回复: @Anon
  144. @utu

    Utu, excellent job, sir! Fan-flippin-tastic.

    He also saw through the international bankster scam and rebuilt Germany, (during the Great Depression no less), outside of its clutches. That alone made him more eligible for crucifixion than the carpenter’s kid.

  145. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    You don’t care about occupation or struggles , because if you did PaLiestine would be at the bottom of your list.
    Nigerian occupation of Biafra:2million+ killed
    Sudanese occupation of Darfur 1million + killed
    Indonesia occupation of Papua 500,000+ killed
    Israel PaLiestine conflict 23,000 killed

    You only whine about one . The one with the least amount of casualties. Least by far. If you care so much about them join Hamas and cuck for Islam. They accept WN cucks to be their useful idiots. Grab your posting keffiyeh and buy a ticket !!!

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  146. mcohen 说:
    @Mark Green


    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  147. @mcohen

    Judaism will have its holy land.in jerusalem.

    It will? When?

    You think the Zio-creeps speak for all, or even many, Jews? And why would violent, sadistic, deranged, fanatic, terrorist, 无神论者 provide a “holy” land for Judaism? Especially since Jews were living in Palestine and shared a holy land there long before the Ziofreaks stuck their noses where they had no business?

    Wouldn’t that be a job for Yahweh, or at least for people who actually 相信 in the dude?

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @L.K
  148. @Anon

    Hmmmmm were Jewish ghetto dwellers driving trucks into crowds , shooting up concerts and jihading it up ???

    Maybe not the ghetto dwellers themselves , but have you ever heard of terrorists blowing up hotels and placing bombs in market places? How about the attack on the USS Liberty? What were those white vans with pictures of planes flying near skyscrapers that Israelis were driving in NYC around the time of 9/11 used for? You think they were merely bagel delivery vans?

    You may want to Google “Irgun,” “Palmach,” and “Mossad” for starters. Curiosity can be a friend…

  149. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @jacques sheete

    You whine a lot Jack. If Israel’s army is bad , how much worse is : Russia’s , Chinas , Indonesia’s , Turkeys , Sudan’s , Nigeria’s , Moroccos . All have killed 100x more civilian than Israel has. Now why haven’t I seen you whine about them ,?

    Really pathetic to see WN guys admit defeat and just turn into cucks/cheerleaders for Islam.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @Anonymous
  150. @Anon

    You whine a lot Jack.

    Coming from the “eternal victim’s” chorus, that’s quite a charge.

    Why are you whining about my “whining? “Sounds like projection to me, and I’m being generous.

    Sigh, I guess “whining” is not for the goyim; whining’s only for the”chosen” victims. Sorry, I keep forgetting.

    Really pathetic to see WN guys admit defeat and just turn into cucks/cheerleaders for Islam.

    It’s even more pathetic to claim victory when the fat girl ain’t done singing, and worse to apologize for thugs who have no interest in your welfare. I guess the Izzie-first dupes aren’t too bright after all, even if they claim victimhood and special “chosenness.”

    Why are you cucking out for the Zio-swine? It’s as risible as it is sad.

  151. @mcohen

    C’mon! The guy is obviously superior to the rest of us and the rules are for everyone else!

    Geez, ed, can’t you give special treatment where it’s obviously due? 😉

  152. @Anon

    You only whine about one .

    So yer whining about the paucity of whining? That’s interesting.

    How do you know that any of us whine about only one?

    Do you yourself whine about any holocausts other than the Shoa?

    Do you ever whine about the tens of millions of Christians murdered as a result of Bolshie agitation?


    Hint: The topic on this thread is what?

  153. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Come on Jack . As a caring humanitarian who has spilt gallons of tears for PaLiestinians , do tell why you care not for these conflicts and occupation which all have death tolls 100x higher than Israel ?

    If Israel’s army is bad , how much worse is : Russia’s occupation of Chechnya , Chinas occupation of Tibet , Indonesia’s occupation of Papua , Turkeys occupation of Cyprus and Kurdistan, Sudan’s occupation of Darfur , Nigeria’s occupation of Biafra, Moroccos occupation of Western Sahara . All have killed 100x more civilian than Israel has. Now why haven’t I seen you whine about them ,?

    Btw I never claimed victory only that the WN crowd admitted defeat and now resigns itself to cuck/cheerlead for Islam . Pathetic actually. Wake up White man lololzlzlz

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @Zumbuddi
  154. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    Certainly, and Merry Christmas.

    Get involved, let’s bring the Big Lie monstrosity down. It’s just not that difficult.

    ‘Matter of Censorship should be a worry to us all’
    By French Singer Alison Chabloz

    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Beefcake the Mighty
  155. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Your work is bearing fruit Wally. In my kids school they replaced the Holocaust and WW2 curriculum with a new course entitled “Holohoax 101” . I hear they are going to roll it out for the whole public school system for the whole country in 2019 school year !!!!

    Can you make a website dedicated to the French Revolution hoax and also A WW1 hoax site ? Let’s not waste the momentum !!!!

    • 巨魔: Beefcake the Mighty
  156. L.K 说:
    @jacques sheete


    “You think the Zio-creeps speak for all, or even many, Jews? And why would violent, sadistic, deranged, fanatic, terrorist, atheists provide a “holy” land for Judaism?”

    Let’s say the Zio-creeps do speak for a considerable number of Jews. All the odd 300 Jew organizations in the ZUS do support Israel, as do most Jew organizations in the diaspora outside the ZUSA.
    These organizations in turn, are supported by a significant contingent of the chosenites… plus another contingent of really disgusting Shabbos goyim(these are the worst for me).

    You are certainly correct that many Zionists are atheists, but a lot of them, even more so in Israel, are not.
    Nor is it a problem only with the Ashkenazi Jews.

    Israeli Sephardic leader & Rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, famous for his brilliant statements, such as – “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” – died in Israel in 2013 and was honored with “Israel’s largest ever funeral procession”…

    • 回复: @Anon
  157. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “”””Shabbos goyim(these are the worst for me).””””

    A cuck/cheerleader for Islam dislikes Shabbos goys ???

    Oy vey , that takes the cake !!!!
    Hey cakes go in ovens !!!! Double oy vey it’s a cakeacaust hoax !!!!

  158. @Priss Factor

    Priss, I think you are naive about Weiss. I don’t think he really cares about Palestinians. Hell, he just put their plight on par with the “struggle” for tranny access to restrooms in North Carolina, for God’s sake.

    Weiss is posturing, as usual, and is full of crap. What Weiss really cares about is maintaining Jewish power. He differs from Zionists in where he wants the power based, and whom he wishes to occupy.

    Has Weiss ever expressed any concern for the mostly white and Christian soldiers in the American military who are also victims of AIPAC and Jewish power? How about the deceived and fleeced American masses? No, he doesn’t really give a damn about them. To view them as a cohesive group with interests of their own would be dangerous, as it would make them equal to Jews.

    When push comes to shove, I seriously doubt that Weiss would wish to see Israel harmed, or Israeli Jews defeated and forced to stay in Palestine for a final stand. He’s a tribal Jew to his core. In the end, it’s really about what’s good for the Jews for Weiss. I don’t consider Weiss a fellow American.

    • 同意: Zumbuddi
    • 回复: @Anon
  159. L.K 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Israeli dissident Gilad Atzmon wrote:

    As we all know our Jewish ‘anti’ Zionists (JVP, IJAN, Mondoweiss etc’) insist that Zionism should be regarded as an anomaly within the wide context of Jewish culture and religion. They are clearly spinning – Israel is the Jewish State, it kills and slaughter in the name of the Jews, its airplanes and tanks are decorated with Jewish symbols, its crimes are, unfortunately, consistent with some bloodthirsty Old Testament and Talmudic verses. As I mention before, some Orthodox Jews interpret those vile verses differently. However, Israel clearly transforms Deuteronomy into a murderous practical reality.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  160. @Anon

    do tell why you care not for these conflicts and occupation which all have death tolls

    Do tell why you insist on repeating such an absurd and asinine charge?

    Do tell why you can do no better than make specious claims and silly equivalencies.

    Do tell why you answer none of my questions.

    Do tell why you apologize for Izzie crimes.

    Note: In the future, if you don’t want to be ignored, then attempt to make a reasonable statement and add something to the discussion. And quit whining.

  161. Ace 说:

    . . . as any Southerner or Northener was toward blacks in the 1950′s.



  162. @L.K

    Atzmon makes many good points, but I still say that any clown can misappropriate and pervert anything.

    Look what’s been done in the name of Christianity and the USA for instance. I say the Zio-crazies and Israel firsters are usurpers and frauds at a minimum.

    The uniformed thug oppressors in Palestine and their butt kissers are wrong whether they’re Jews or not in any case.

    I wonder what Bro Nathaniel would say about this.(He’d probably agree with Atzmon…) 😉

  163. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Of course Weiss doesn’t care about PaLiestinians , but you should understand that as well as anyone because you don’t care about them either. paLiestinians are nothing but a handy tool , Weiss has his use for the tool and you have yours.

    You don’t care about PaLiestinisns , you just hate Jews and PaLiestinians are a convenient tool on that end . You will gleefully invent caveats for why you intensely”care” about a minor conflict with a very low loss of life or land but at the same time ignore other conflicts with body counts in the hundreds of thousands or millions :

    Indonesian occupation of Papua, Nigerian occupation of Biafra, Chinese occupation of Tibet , Russian occupation of Chechnya, Sudanese occupation of Darfur, Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara , Turkish occupation of Cyprus and Kurdistan.

  164. @Anonymous

    A large percentage of American Jews are as bigoted toward Palestinians as any southern cracker was toward blacks in the 1950′s.

    Thart sounds good, and I’ve heard such claims often, but American blacks were never threatened with expulsion, genocide, or war, in any section of the nation. Neither the U.S. military nor the state or national guards were turned loose on blacks. However bad life for blacks in America was, they never faced bombings from aircraft or artillery, tanks, napalm, missile strikes, routine torture sanctioned by the state, blockafes, etc, as the Palestinians face at the hands of Israel, all of which is largely supported by American Jews.

    • 回复: @mcohen
  165. mcohen 说:

    All good . said what i needed to say

  166. Ace 说:

    Ha. Well said. Israel leads the way in demonstrating the correct way to avoid ethnic and racial inundation, i.e., national suicide. Only sappy non-Jewish Westerners worship foreigners and minorities and actively hand over their countries and their lives to them. What is infuriating about non-Israeli institutional Jewery is that they beaver away Barbara Lerner Specter-fashion to arrange for host nations what is anathema for them where the nation of Israel is concerned.

    I have no fondness for Israel. They sought to set up shop in a hostile area trumpeting nonsense about some kind of ancestral entitlement and took what they wanted in the time honored ways employed by practically every other nation on earth. They and their American supporters play the U.S. like a one-note ukulele and personal piggy bank to help them hang on to it. Inter alia.

    That said, it’s downright delicious to see them serve up a heaping, steaming helping of unadulterated dhimmitude for the enjoyment of their Muslim population, that which Muslims jammed down the throats of surviving infidels throughout 1400 years of conquest, rape, and slaughter. Arabs P&M about a postage stamp-sized nation in the M.E. while sitting on half a continent of land their ancestors stole. Cry me a river.

    • 回复: @Logan
  167. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    “Really pathetic to see WN guys admit defeat…
    — You mean the exposure of Israeli’ perfidy in Syria? Or you want to remind the readers about Israeli brass’ open admission of their preference for ISIS over sovereign Syria?
    In the Middle East, the ongoing wars for Israel produced some 4 mln deaths, mostly civilians of ALL ages. And yet you are quetching about alleged insensitivity and even injustice towards the bloody supremacist Israel. Your parasitic Lobby has corrupted the US Congress and military: http://turcopolier.typepad.com/sic_semper_tyrannis/2017/11/have-the-us-militry-gone-zionist.html
    Why don’t you deal with your cousins, the Arabs, on your own, without spilling American/European blood and looting the US treasury?

  168. Jaime 说:

    你似乎有阅读理解问题。 我完全明白 LK 的意思。

  169. Ace 说:

    An artfully chosen example. Representative, of course, of the psychopathic American police officer.

    Here’s another example of that psychopathy:


    With luck the video’s still there. It’s quite interesting. And that @#$&+*% cop will get away with it!

    This post does have the video:


    • 回复: @utu
  170. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    “…you just hate Jews.”
    Could you stop quetching, for Christ sake? Read the pornographic PNAC and murderous Oded Yinon plan to come to senses. The illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East have been promoted by neocons (a lot of Jews) & ziocons. The “chosen” have been robbing the US taxpayers, while bribing the US legislators and military, for the make-belief of Eretz Israel. The Lobby is the most vicious anti-democratic institution in the US/EU; the Lobby should have been registered under FARA long time ago already. The Lobby has been in arms against the freedom of speech (see BDS) and against controlled emigration (but a tight control over non-Jewish emigration to Jewish State is OK). It is vitally important for the US to remove all dual citizens (Israel-firsters) from important governmental positions.

    • 回复: @Anon
  171. Anonymous [AKA "hope"] 说:

    actually UNR 181 remains the only recognized borders – everything else is a temp. armistice lime

  172. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    I have more respect for an approach such as yours . At least You aren’t pretending to care about PaLiestinians .

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  173. @Presocratic


    That may well be true, but it is when the ‘oppression’ is lightest that the opposition is most confident.
    Historians say the British were very tolerant of the American Colonies, but the revolutionaries made a mountain out of a molehill. And look at BLM. Blacks were less rebellious when the oppression was real but are now flipping out over the most trivial thing because they feel confident in badmouthing ‘honkey’.

    奥地利人作为帝国主义者是宽容的,但这只会给激进分子和革命者增加更多的动力。 俄国沙皇也是一样。 与斯大林相比,他是非常宽容的,但他被推翻了,而人们都向斯大林低头。

  174. mcohen 说:

    However bad life for jews in America was, they never faced bombings from aircraft or artillery, tanks, napalm, missile strikes from there arab neighbors in 5 wars that israel has had to face.

    • 回复: @OilcanFloyd
  175. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I question the sincerity of liberal jews like Phil Weiss, but that aside, it is true that every crime committed by jews against the Palestinians is sanctioned by the American jewish community as a whole. And how long will this last for? As long as American jews control our foreign policy and therefore our Empire’s strides across the mideast. But take heart, Empire is now losing its stride – this article here breaks down Empire’s current geopolitical status in the world:
    Empire of Gunpowder and Glass: https://platosguns.com/2017/12/24/empire-of-gunpowder-and-glass/

    • 回复: @RobinG
  176. Alfred 说:

    The Jews were given a choice between Patagonia, Uganda and Palestine – by bought-up British politicians. They made a bad choice and it seems that a British Jewish Billionaire is planning on a wholesale move to Patagonia.

    “What is Israël’s project in Argentina?”


  177. utu 说:

    I got more examples for you.





    Police shoot and kill […] during a well-being check


    手无寸铁的 73 岁患有痴呆症的祖父凌晨 12.30 点 XNUMX 分在自家街区闲逛时被加州警察连开九枪身亡


    费城送货员被警察误射 14 枪获得 4.4 万美元和解








    警察在如何杀死汽车抛锚的黑人音乐家时被抓到“撒谎”:检察官声称,当警察拨打 911 寻求支援时,受害者已经死亡,而他的“求救”的新录音已发布






    'F*** 这个家伙,我要打他”:行车记录仪的镜头显示,警察试图碾压一名患有精神疾病的无家可归者,然后向他开了 14 枪致死



    了解更多: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3797132/Dashcam-video-shows-moment-unarmed-pastor-shot-dead-police-tasered-despite-hands-air.html#ixzz4KkNTIHzV



    Yes, some policemen are psychopaths. Lots of them are not well trained and deconfliction is not emphasized in training. And majority of them are not too smart. But the biggest problem is the impunity. They get away with what they do. This leads to awful corruption and moral derangement. Killing with impunity is an ultimate power and we know that ultimate power corrupts absolutely. To large extent this is so because of morally desensitized and misguided cucks like you. Americans do not find killings as abhorrent as people in other cultures so they do not disapprove of killings by police that in most countries would be unthinkable.

    “The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.” – D.H. Lawrence

    • 同意: jacques sheete
  178. utu 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Yes, it is sickening. This is really a cultural difference issue. Most Americans will somehow justify it w/o getting sick. Training like deconfliction, etc. would help but it is unlikely to occur. Actually we may expect that police forces in other countries will become more like American police. American culture spreads like cancer. In good old times in Europe the police rules of engagement were to (1) make a warning shot and (2) shoot to disable but not to kill (like legs) and (3) never to shoot at suspect that runs away. In the Eastern Europe after communism collapse police forces were trained by American outfits and these rules were abandoned and now the policy of shoot to kill was adopted, which means shoot at torso as many bullets as you can.

    Clearly American police would benefit from a basic training:

    阿肯色州警察因意外开枪自杀,起诉格洛克 75,000 美元


    Florida mother, 73, is accidentally shot and killed by a cop in front of 34 people during role play exercise after officer playing a ‘bad guy’ loaded live rounds into the gun instead of blanks


  179. Logan 说:

    My comment was to a considerable extent meant ironically. It’s amazing how often the standard litanies of the sins of the West fall apart when examined.

    For instance, let us take the horrific practice of racism by the British conquerors of India. To a rational person the Brits were simply following the ancient native custom of caste, just slipping themselves in as the top caste. How a people following caste customs could object with a straight face to the relatively mild race discrimination by the British is beyond me.

    Or the constantly repeated propaganda about the horrific atrocities by US troops at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee, where women and children were killed in quantity.

    Let us assume the very worst stories about these events are 100% true. In that case, the US troops were simply showing cultural sensitivity by applying native customs rather than imposing their own.

    In truth, of course, the routine practices of most Indian tribes in timeof war were far worse then the extremely few cases of something similar by US troops. AFAIK there is not a single case of US troops or even civilians taking captive Indians back to camp to leisurely torture them to death over several days.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  180. @Anon

    I don’t hold being born Jewish against amyone, but I dislike Jewishness and Jewish power. I’ll leave it for you to figure out how that works, Einstein.

    Though you would likely consider Weiss to be a self-hating Jew, here you come defending him, in a back-handed way, as he would likely do for you in a similar situation. Tribalists to the end.

    I freely admit that I don’t care about the Palestinians, though I understand that they are the victims of Jews everywhere. If the U.S. weren’t being subverted to support Israel, the situation would be as minor as the other conflicts you mention. However, that’s far from the case, and you know it.

    Weiss has a platform, and is supported in bogus use of the Palestinians. It’s all a fraud. My using the Palestinians for anything is your fabrication. I don’t in any way consider Palestinians my allies, since Palestinian activists in the West generally side with people like Weiss against the interests of the natives. I’d like to see both Jews and Muslims bottled up in the ME to continue their dance of death together in peace. I don’t care for either group.

    How’s that for using using Palestinians as a tool? Is that really on par with Weiss’ crocodile tears?

  181. @Wizard of Oz

    Training police is obviously not the answer, if it is done in response to a homicide or assault by the police officer. The proper response to such an act by a cop is to fire him, and ask that he be prosecuted in the same way any other person would be prosecuted for a homicide or armed assault.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  182. @Mark Green

    Priss’ (note proper punctuation) comments are usually articles that he would post on his own site if he could get anyone to read them there. The trouble with such comments in a comment section is that it uses column space that must be scrolled past if the reader isn’t interested in reading such a long entry.

    A long response isn’t always out of order, as long as it’s on topic. An article length response, on the other hand, isn’t necessary and can be a little off-putting to participants who aren’t interested in reading it.

  183. angustry 说:


  184. Angusry 说:

    WHY does America support the ORIGINAL nazis and War God worshippers?
    Dump the “WWII guilt” ……. Jews are conducting TWO genocides RIGHT NOW
    Jews instigated the muslum invasion of Christian Europe

    申命记7:16,20:16“你必消灭主你的上帝要交付给你的一切人民。 你的眼睛不可怜悯他们……你应将呼吸中的任何东西都保存下来。”


    数字c.5 v.2-4
    利未记c.20 v.13好,整个章节
    出埃及记c.32 v.27
    数字c.11 v.1-2
    数字c.21 v.5-6
    民数记v.26 v.10
    号码v25 v.4-8
    申命记c.14 v.2
    民数记c.21 v.03迦南人
    民数记c.21 v.24亚摩利人
    民数记c.21 v.33-35 Bashan
    民数记c.32 v。更多亚摩利人
    申命记c.2 v.34
    申命记c.3 v.6确实是整章。 Threescore城市
    民数记c.21 v.25
    民数记c.32 v.39
    民数记c.33 v.53
    数字c.33 v.31-34
    申命记c.7 v.2
    申命记c.12 v.28-30
    申命记c.20 v.11-16
    申命记c.2 v.2
    申命记c.7 v.1
    他们用刀刃彻底摧毁了城里所有的人,不论男女老少,牛,羊,驴。 。 。 (约书亚记6:21)
    Also here – http://www.bintjbeil.com/E/occupation/robert_fisk_qana.html

  185. @Twodees Partain

    That too. But do you think that is going to do much of the education and deterrence needed before people are wrongly shot?

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  186. donaldo 说:

    犹太复国主义者渴望为他们的大以色列获得哪些土地?在创世记第15章中,上帝据说把西南尼罗河到东北幼发拉底河之间的所有土地都赐给了以色列人。如果这是犹太复国主义扩张主义的目标,那么世界将面临又一个几百年的战争。为什么周围的阿拉伯国家不成立一个委员会来计划联合军事行动,将以色列赶回联合国批准的 1967 年边界。军事力量似乎是 AIPAC 和其他以色列支持者承认的唯一“现实事实”。

  187. Art 说:

    “Expel the progeny of ancient Jews and invite economic migrants of uncertain ethnicity from all corners of the world.”
    1. Palestinians are the progeny of ancient Jews


    Sorry I got that 100% wrong – that has happened before – will happen again – I apologize.


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  188. @Anon

    I think he does care. He wouldn’t have pursued this issue for so long if he didn’t.

    But his solutions — destruction of Israel along with the West — are worse than the problem in the long run.

    Best solution is for Zionism to become a nationalism than imperialism and for Jews to accept that Poland and Hungary are right to want to preserve their national integrity rooted in blood and soil. People overlook the fact that Nazism’s main crime was not blood and soil. It was violating the blood-and-soil of OTHER peoples: Czechs, Poles, Russians, etc.

    Israel is somewhat different from other non-European cases because Jews do have some kind of historical claim to the land. Granted, if every people decided to reclaim lost homelands, we’d see WWIII, WWIV, and etc.
    But if Jews were to limit their influence to Israel, even the Muslim World could learn to live with Israel as Jewish State. But if Zionism remains in ‘neocon’ imperialist mode, there will be more troubles ahead. It led to Iraq War, Libya disaster, hell in Syria, Russian involvement in Syria, and now more tensions about Iran.

    This is why America First is an essential agenda. As America is the global hegemon, there will be less globo-imperialism if US focuses on its own affairs than serving as (corrupt and bribed) policeman of the world. US as policeman would be more tolerable if it were a fair policeman. But US politicians and Deep State are whores of the ruling elites with their globo-Zionist agenda. And that ruins US reputation around the world as a fair enforcer of the peace and justice.

    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
    , @Ace
    , @OilcanFloyd
  189. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Well, there is no major difference between the Nazi and neo-Nazi thugs and the “most moral” IDF. The Lobby (including Friends of Israel in the UK) is a voracious parasite on a body of western civilization. You quetching re Palestinians (the native descendants of the ancient Jews — as compared to the motley and ethnically unconvincing crowd of modern Israelis) is akin to quetching by a thug about too much light exposing his thievery and premeditated murder.

    “大卫和所罗门的扩张王国是犹太复国主义者提出领土要求的基础,但仅持续了大约 73 年……然后就分崩离析了……”

    “How Israel weaponizes archeology:” https://israelpalestinenews.org/weaponizing-archeology/
    “During the early years of Israel’s existence, bulldozers removed Ottoman and Mameluke remains, Arab and Crusader artifacts, Byzantine and Roman and Greek and Persian remnants—in order to find “pay dirt” biblical Hebrew artifacts. Zionist forces wiped out 400-600 Palestinian villages in the 1940s. Hundreds of historical monuments and places of worship (primarily mosques) were also targeted for demolition after the 1948 war. Cartographers were sent out to make a new map, renaming cities, villages, rivers, etc. with Israeli/Hebrew names to erase all vestiges of Palestinian presence. According to the Israel Government Yearbook, 5719, almost 60,000 homes and 10,000 businesses were appropriated during Israel’s early years…. many of Gaza’s most valuable artifacts have turned up in Israeli museums. The appropriation of archeological sites and their artifacts is, by definition, illegal, but Israel has a great deal of experience in flouting international law and getting away with it.”

  190. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Art, no problem. This is a forum by writing … no speech intonation.

  191. RobinG 说:

    Here’s Taxi’s comment on this article:

    Thanks Nancy.

    The story you’ve linked to about the young Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi driving everyone in israel nuts has indeed gone viral. Despite myself, I started to read the Mondoweiss article you linked on this subject but couldn’t get past the point where liberal jew-supremist Phil Weiss started singing the praises of Jewish Voices for Peace, whom I consider to be Controlled Opposition agents and the worst thing that has ever happened to the US Palestine solidarity movement. Yes, in my mind, Mondoweiss is ‘manicured’ enemy territory. And JVP is a Sabanist implant whose agenda is to silence gentile pro Palestinians in America whenever their voices err away from the Jewish boundary of ‘acceptable’ speech, meaning: no one is permitted to question jewish revisionism of history, or critique judaism itself and its nefarious hand in so very many wars and deaths throughout history. Any criticism that questions the established jewish narrative is deemed antisemitic in JVP’s eyes and they organize smear campaigns against ‘rebel critics’ in exactly the same way Aipac does in DC and elsewhere in the world.

    You must understand that American jews are always, always playing ‘good cop/bad cop’ with the goyim – but really, they all believe in their superiority and chosenness, even atheist jews believe in their chosenness. And this is why I never buy the fake/self-serving sympathy of jews towards Palestinians. I have zero trust in ANY so-called ‘friendly’ jews working the Palestine beat – especially ones who actually live in israel. If they really believed in justice for Palestinians, they’d pack up and leave the despicable, terrorist jewish colony and give back what rightfully belongs to Palestinians, which is the WHOLE of Historic Palestine, not just some of it. Partial colonization is still colonization; partial occupation is still occupation – and where the heck is the ‘justice’ in that?

    Some of JVP funding (and mondoweiss too) is non-transparent, but just take a look here at some of their transparent funders: https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/uncovering-the-jvp-funding-network/

    The Rockefellers are the major donors of JVP and the Rothschilds own 37% of the Rockfellers dynasty: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/9300205/Rothschild-and-Rockefeller-their-family-fortunes.html


    No, dear Nancy, neither Phil Weiss nor JVP are able to do ANYTHING for Palestine except act as gatekeepers and earn a good living off the backs of Palestinian suffering. I can’t tell you the depth of loathing I feel for such covert war profiteers.

    JVP talks the talk but does not walk the walk. Certainly, no Palestinian is waiting on American liberal jews to physically liberate them from jewish occupation. Only an utter fool would hand over their life and future to a two-faced monster like JVP and its string of associates and fake activists.

    • 回复: @Cloak And Dagger
    , @L.K
  192. Anonymous [AKA "far-rightviewer"] 说:

    This is the absolute truth….

    Philip Weiss dislike Zionism (Jewish Nationalism) because he (like many Jews before him) believes that Israel is not in the interest of Jews. Jews are historically a wandering minority without a state. They thrived in this condition and forged an extremely tight-knit community. Jews worked (they still do) in trade, banking, medicine, accounting, law, newsmen, wholesalers and as pawn brokers. They hired not only their friends and relatives but people within the tribe. So long you were a member of the tribe (and did not assimilate) you were fairly financially secure.

    While natives in the host nations couldn’t expect help from their fellow countrymen Jews received help from other Jews. Romani people (gypsies) are also a wandering minority that moved to West Balkans and Anatolia in the 12th century. These people worked as street musicians, fortune tellers and entertainers. Many were petty thieves and street hustlers. The Romani people did not have the educational culture and drive to thrive in Europe but they couldn’t go back to Asia. By the 18th century many Jews had become enormously wealthy. Most Jews were in the upper-middle class. The Romani people were still dirt poor. Hence, for Jews life without a nation-state has been a good thing.

    Recently, Philip Weiss and others in the liberal “anti-Zionist” movement have approached some new strategies. For example, they have partly redefined Jews as whites. Whites are not allowed by the J-community to practise ethno-nationalism. Has it been successful? Not at all as most Jews comfortable with the double standard and do not see themselves as whites. I have read articles, blogs and feeds from people within this “anti-Zionist” movement I think some have somewhat a soft spot for Russia. This is not because they have any love for Russia but because they want to break down the Zionist Western post-liberal hegemony. In the end these “anti-Zionists” wants to see is a remade world order were Jews once again are a wandering people.

    Most Jews are not that dumb that they would get rid of Israel. In fact, Zionism is since the 1950s imbedded in the Jewish culture together with the holocaust. I have visited Israel a few times and have a few Israeli friends. I will tell you, Israel is a great place to live so long you have some kind of reasonable income and most Israelis do. Yes, Israel has a problem with underunemployment among college graduates (similar to Western countries) and government spend too much on the military (although obvious as they are occupying land not belonging to them and wage proxy-wars around the region) but other than that I see no reason why Jews in Israel would pack their bags and leave. Jews can plunder all around the world and then when they need it just pack their bags and move to Israel. It is a wonderful thing so why give it up?

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  193. @Logan

    In truth, of course, the routine practices of most Indian tribes in timeof war were far worse then the extremely few cases of something similar by US troops.

    Well the story is that “we” are better, no?

    So why not have the balls to admit that Western “civilization” is a farce and bloody joke?

    Are you saying that these things are just fine, or what?

    FAIK there is not a single case of US troops or even civilians taking captive Indians back to camp to leisurely torture them to death over several days.

    You cannot prove that. Do you think it’s likely that anyone would’ve recorded it in any case? Anyway, setting aside the issue of Indians, but addressing the issue of torture, what have you to say about American treatment of Filipino freedom fighters who were betrayed by the USA and were subsequently subjected to torture including waterboarding? What have you to say about the sicko antics in Abu Ghraib? How about the treatment of chattel slaves in the US? Does that not count as torture in many cases? how about the use of napalm and WP against civilians?

    Bottom line, the US and Israel have been every bit as savage as anyone else, and whether anyone else engaged in such does not relive “us” of our guilt, but keep trying.

    • 同意: L.K
    • 回复: @Logan
    , @Ace
  194. Trav 说:

    Jews don’t act because acting would be not “good for the jews.” That is the lens that jews use to view the world, what is good for their kosher nostra.

    Schiff supported the Bolsheviks because his cousin, Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) was the leader of it, not out of some moral qualms about the czar. When has morality ever been a concern to this people? They are an ethnic mafia that behaves and takes power like an ethnic mafia would and who discount everyone’s interests but their own. They are adept through their media cousins at reframing self-interested acts in terms of some supposed higher morality, such as flooding white nations with brown people. Somehow, diversity is an unalloyed “good,” but really it only is so long as it serves jewish interests. In Israel, where “democracy” would threaten their ethnic state given multiculturalism, they staunchly oppose it, sometimes in the same breath as agitating for the demographic replacement of the West. The very same opinion writers can be seen writing articles strongly for or against immigration, depending only on whether the target State is Israel or a historically white nation.

  195. Trav 说:

    No, @michelle (57), jews aren’t trying to blow us up.

    They are just trying to slowly exterminate us and replace us with brown people. Feels so much better

  196. Michelle 说:
    @white noise

    Yeah, I came out <1% Ashkenazi on my Ancestry DNA test. So Jewish!!

  197. Michelle 说:

    Arabs attacked us before we agressed. I am very informed, thank you. Go take a hike!

    • 回复: @Art
  198. Michelle 说:

    You are too silly for me! Palestinians were having conniptions long before the Iraq war. I would much rather live in Israel than in any part of the Palestinian territories. Nuff said.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  199. Michelle 说:
    @white noise

    I’m not a troll, but you are a certifiable looney.

  200. Logan 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Welcome to the wonderful world of faux-sophisticate moral equivalency.

    I can’t prove that US troops did not routinely take Indian men, women and children captive in order to leisurely torture them to death over and extended period, therefore it must have actually happened.

    The false moral equivalency is easily seen in your own words. “Do you think it’s likely that anyone would’ve recorded it in any case?” Well, of course not, because for our culture it would be shameful to do such things. OTOH, for many/most Indian tribes it would have been a matter of pride, indeed in many tribes a skillful torturer gained great status.

    Filipinos were mistreated, but AFAIK for purposes of obtaining information, not for entertainment. The US record there, BTW, is overall not nearly as negative as it is sometimes portrayed. Certainly it’s better than the European colonists in the same area, much less the Japanese.

    Abu Ghraib was horrible, and those responsible, including senior officers who permitted it, should have been punished to the full extent of the law. But this itself again illustrates the difference in cultures. In our’s, it’s against the law and mores and when exposed is punished. In many others, it’s acccepted and even lauded.

    Chattel slaves throughout history everywhere have been horribly mistreated, in the US as well as elsewhere. More so as slaves become a greater threat due to their numbers relative to the masters. But there is excellent evidence of several kinds that southern US slavery was quite likely among the mildest in history. Horrible, but less so than elsewhere.

    Napalm is nasty, but I’m not entirely sure it’s all that much worse than being gutshot and left to die slowly.

    So, yeah, while recognizing our imperfections, I do think our culture is better than some others, at least in certain ways, among them the general disapproval rather than glorification of torture.

  201. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    “I would much rather live in Israel than in any part of the Palestinian territories”
    — What your desire to live in the apartheid state of “eternal victims” has to do with my post? –
    You statement: “…but Jews ain’t trying to blow us to smithereens during marathons, concerts, what have you.”
    My response: — Yes. They simply arrange the US/EU boys and girls to go to blow others to smithereens (mostly civilians, of all ages) and to become blown to smithereens themselves, occasionally. See the genesis of Iraq war (illegal war of aggression). See the mass slaughter in Libya and Syria (mostly civilians, of all ages). And do not forget the targeted assassinations of Iranian scientists. By the way, Michail Ledeen (of aluminum tubes fame) is an influential ziocon and former member of Nazi-professing Gladio, a terrorist organization famous for blowing Europeans to smithereens.
    “Why American Jewish groups support war with Iraq:” https://www.salon.com/2002/09/14/jews_iraq/
    “Iraq: A War For Israel:” http://www.ihr.org/leaflets/iraqwar.shtml https://consortiumnews.com/2012/09/13/neocons-regroup-on-libyan-war/
    ” Iraq, Libya and Syria destroyed for Israel:” https://rehmat1.com/2016/03/01/us-analyst-iraq-libya-and-syria-destroyed-for-israel/

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  202. Zumbuddi 说:
    @Priss Factor

    It’d be time well spent to read your stuff, PF, if you did something about that bug up yer arse re Germany.

  203. L.K 说: • 您的网站

    Great post by this Taxi, I didn’t know him or his blog, seems great.

    I 100% agree with him re Mondoweiss & JVP.

    I find it odd, but perhaps this ain’t surprising, that we have articles by Mondoweiss re-published here, but not the brave Alison Weir’s pieces, which are the real deal, she pulls no punches & tells it like it is.

    Anyway, thank you and the other person for the links.


    • 回复: @RobinG
  204. Zumbuddi 说:

    The destruction of culture, infrastructure and millions of innocent people in Germany, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon; threats to Iran — all go on Jewish – Israel scorecard.

  205. ANON • 免责声明 说:

    And even though National Socialism was a severe case of nationalist antisemitism, the origins of Hitler’s rage were imperial. He grew up in the Austro-Hungarian Empire where ethnic tensions were intensifying due to Slavic and other hostilities. If he’d grown up in a secure Germanic nation, he might have regarded Jews as just a minority that should be tolerated. But he got radicalized in the Austro-Hungarian Empire where politics was so hostile along ethnic lines because non-Austrians felt oppressed by Austro-Hungarian elite power. And since this bitterness was directed at ALL Austrians,

    I’m confused: first you say Hitler’s rage focused on Jews, then on Austrian empire.

    But since you validate Weiss’s reference to Kafka:


    making it OK for Jews to 采取行动 — Weiss insists — against the (perceived) oppressors, actions involving buttonholing the pharaoh, reprising a pattern as old as Joseph —

    As Jews were beaten and killed by marauding gangs with the blessing of the state — American Jews were not silent. 犹太人采取了行动。 Their leaders went to the White House . . .=

    — then why is it not equally OK for Germans to have taken action — non-violent action; actions that Breitbart and Lichtman call “semi-legal” actions under their own leadership to protect German people who were being oppressed?

  206. @Anonymous

    The Romani people did not have the educational culture and drive to thrive in Europe but they couldn’t go back to Asia. By the 18th century many Jews had become enormously wealthy. Most Jews were in the upper-middle class. The Romani people were still dirt poor. Hence, for Jews life without a nation-state has been a good thing.


    Max Nordau worked ardently for zionism precisely to “regenerate” the masses of Jews who were “physically and mentally de-generated.”

    German Jews were wealthy, educated & sound(er) of body; Eastern European Jews in late-19th to first part of 20th century were overpopulated, inbred, and repulsive to their own ethnic brothers.


  207. RobinG 说:

    UR has published a number of Alison’s articles, no problem.

    Taxi is a she, an ex-pat American living south of Beirut. The whole question of whether, and how, to work with the gatekeepers is an ongoing concern. Would you rather they didn’t exist? The Christian do-gooders present the same problem. Some of them recognize that they are de facto enablers of the occupation. This is why disarming the Israel Lobby here in US is so important.

    • 回复: @iffen
    , @L.K
  208. L.K 说: • 您的网站


    Few countries if any – maybe the British – can match the US in terms of lunatic war mongering, over 90% of its history at war, almost all wars of choice and Empire.

    Your “superior” civilization holds the great distinction of being the only to have nuked 2 entire Japanese cities, a totally unnecessary & cowardly war crime…

    The ZUSA is a completely lunatic, rogue state.

    PS: one day, eating dinner, I turn on the idiot box for some mindless “entertainment” and find this US cop show, recent one, Chicago PD, where the cop in charge is fond of using torture to obtain ‘intel’.
    It appears the torture always produces great intel, unlike in real life, and therefore the use of torture is justified.
    Considering the long use of torture by the US & Tv/movies such as the one I’ve mentioned, I find it doubtful that in the ZUS, there is real “general disapproval” of the use of torture.

  209. Ace 说:
    @Priss Factor

    ** People overlook the fact that Nazism’s main crime was not blood and soil. It was violating the blood-and-soil of OTHER peoples: Czechs, Poles, Russians, etc. **

    Your’s is a crucial point for people unenthusiastic about the E.U., supposedly created as a solution to “nationalism” but, in fact, an on-going project to create a totalitarian, leftist superstate, the cause of all the ills of the last century.

    The loathsome Peter Sutherland promotes “racism” as the cause of the world’s misery before WWII but he means nationalism, and a bastard version of it, if that. You can’t just love your country and your kinsmen but you must also necessarily have a desire for lebensraum and mass killing. It’s a pathetic lie but he and his friends have gotten a lot of mileage out of it.

  210. Ace 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Jacques your distorted hatred of your own kind is amazing.

    Perhaps Logan has in mind the story of the Jesuit captured by the Iroquois. They roasted him over a slow fire, dripped hot pine tar on his head, and cut off his lips. That was a public group project. Abu Ghraib was not and plainly against Army regulations.

    Your point that real horrors committed by your kinsmen would have been kept out of the records is laughable. As is your belief that the US military targeted civilians as civilians in Nam or later.

    You should take Isaac Bashevis Singer’s point to heart, Jacques: The world crawls with wickedness but it also has many wonders.

    The last part is key. Day in and day out, year after year, your people have done great things and shown much decency They do not live half in a cesspool. And never will build that perfect, flawless society that is your quest.

  211. @Ace

    Your point that real horrors committed by your kinsmen would have been kept out of the records is laughable. As is your belief that the US military targeted civilians as civilians in Nam or later.

    I was supposedly writing a book about Dresden. It wasn’t a famous air raid
    back then in America. Not many Americans knew how much worse it had been than
    Hiroshima, for instance. I didn’t know that, either. There hadn’t been much publicity.

    I happened to tell a University of Chicago professor at a cocktail party about the raid as
    I had seen it, about the book I would write. He was a member of a thing called The
    Committee on Social Thought. And he told me about the concentration camps, and about
    how the Germans had made soap and candles out of the fat of dead Jews and so on. . . .

    I wrote the Air Force back then, asking for details about the raid on Dresden, who
    ordered it, how many planes did it, why they did it, what desirable results there had been
    and so on. I was answered by a man who, like myself, was in public relations. He said
    that he was sorry, but that the infonnation was top secret still.

    I read the letter out loud to my wife, and I said, ‘Secret? My God-from whom?’ -Kurt Vonnegut, 屠宰场五

  212. @Wizard of Oz

    No, probably not. The best way to deter wrongful shootings by police is to eliminate police departments. Since that seems unlikely to happen, we’re left with dealing with the shooters after they have shot someone.

  213. @Ace

    Sure, American forces don’t slow-roast captives for fun. Point granted. Therefore the untold misery and destruction propagated by the the Americans, and before that their British ancestors, counts for nothing? Not getting your point here.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  214. @Beefcake the Mighty

    I should add: even if the Anglo-Americans don’t do these things themselves, they either create the chaos that permits such Mad Max scenarios (as in Iraq) or simply hire someone else to do it for them (as in Syria).

    • 同意: L.K
    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  215. iffen 说:

    The Christian do-gooders

    What other kind is there? (Christians, not do-gooders)

    I thought Christians were supposed to do good.

    You don’t count the “philosophical” ones like Arts, do you?

  216. L.K 说: • 您的网站

    “UR has published a number of Alison’s articles, no problem.”

    If you say so, I believe you, never seen any of her articles here though, so must be relatively rare…

    “Taxi is a she, an ex-pat American living south of Beirut.”

    Brave woman. The Zionist sissies have been threatening to carpet bomb Southern Lebanon again.

    “The whole question of whether, and how, to work with the gatekeepers is an ongoing concern. Would you rather they didn’t exist? The Christian do-gooders present the same problem.”

    It seems I agree with Taxi that the gatekeepers do more harm than good… they shape the narrative to their interests at the expense of truth.

    The more seasoned, better informed people, a tiny minority, know better, but the casuals end up being hoodwinked.

  217. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I’m old enough to remember when being a White Nationalists was about more than just being cucks for Islam. White Nationalism has degraded to a high degree in just one generation. This metamorphosis into cheerleaders for Islam is the final admission of defeat.

  218. @Priss Factor

    I think he does care. He wouldn’t have pursued this issue for so long if he didn’t.

    He cares about something, but it’s not necessarily the Palestinians, or only the Palestinians. His concern obviously isn’t about the Americans who are harmed fighting Israel’s wars, fleeced to support Israel, or the damage and corruption the support of Israel brings to the U.S. If Weiss really cared about Palestinians, he’d be over there fighting or volunteering like many Americans did in the service of the Brits during WWII. My guess is that Palestinians aren’t paying him to write, either.

    Some Jews have a historical claim to Israel, as do some Christians, Muslims, and others. But I seriously doubt that Weiss can make such a claim, not that it would make much sense 2000 or more years later. Who really knows who their ancestors were, or where they were, 2000 years ago, anyway?

    Good luck getting Weiss to support anything resembling an America First agenda. He’s the classic hostile Jew.

    I don’t really view National Socialism as imperialistic, at least not in the same way that Germany was imperialist under the Kaiser. Hitler’s main concern was the Soviets, and that concern was shared by the many non-Germans from all over Europe who volunteered to fight for Germany against the Soviets. Western Europe had plenty of communist front groups operating within, so that conflict was coming one way or another, and wasn’t really an imperial endeavor.

  219. 你是对的,他们忘了在善行前面加上“天真”这个词。 这些基督教犹太复国主义者基于对“祝福以色列”的误解旧约圣经的思想,正在促成一个种族主义的种族隔离国家。 我经常想知道是谁渗透了这些福音派的中央智囊团并拥抱了这些法西斯犹太复国主义者的冒名顶替者,我猜他们得到了两个 fer,因为大多数新教教派也接受鸡奸和同性恋,在古老的圣经中清楚地称为可憎的事物新的。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @SolontoCroesus
  220. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @General Koofta

    “”””a racist, apartheid state. “”””

    Israelis and Palestinians are the same race , Caucasian, so it’s not possible to be racist against one another. An example of a racist state would be Islamic Republic of Sudan where they have a state sanctioned rape militia called the Janjawee . The are mandated to rape the black population in an attempt to Arabize the population. Ethnic cleansing.

    对于种族隔离的例子,您必须查看 50 多个伊斯兰国家中的任何一个,这些国家都实行宗教和性别种族隔离。 在这些地方,同性恋者也生活在种族隔离统治之下。

    I honestly do like how WN has been reduced to being cuck cheerleaders for Islam. It’s a very delicious outcome to behold.

  221. Karl 说:
    @DB Cooper

    74 DB Cooper > the British headquarter at King David hotel

    and the British ==were entitled to have== a military headquarters in Jerusalem because of…. what?

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  222. @General Koofta


    AIPAC “infiltrates” evangelical (and also ‘mainstream Protestant’) churches. Jews/zionists rely on ‘Christians’ that Jews have been exploiting for several hundred years —


    “In order to provide you with exclusive opportunities to learn from top scholars and policy makers [whose policy??] at Policy Conference, AIPAC 的犹太教堂倡议 提供各种专为讲坛拉比设计的程序...... .
    In addition, the Synagogue Initiative conducts workshops for rabbis during the conference that have focused on topics such as how to engage Israel in the congregation, Christian support for Israel, and bringing pro-Israel advocacy to the congregation.”

    Several years ago, when the Presbyterian Church proposed disinvesting from corporations that were involved in oppressing Palestinians, large numbers of Jews entered the halls where Presbyterians were meeting and pressured the Presbyterians. After several years of such efforts, the Presbyterians did vote to divest — https://www.pcusa.org/site_media/media/uploads/oga/pdf/kairos-palestinestudy-guide-final-6-14-11.pdf


  223. @Anonymous

    Israelis and Palestinians are the same race , Caucasian,

    I’m Not White — I’m Jewish.
    Ashkenazi Jews may be racially advantaged, but we are ethnically disadvantaged.

    2017 年 12 月 4 日
    写这首大满贯诗是为了表达这个种族优势的问题,但无论是哪一年,种族都面临迫害的威胁。 现在比以往任何时候都更重要的是,我们不要失去在与不容忍作斗争的过程中回顾并了解我们从何而来的能力。


  224. @Anonymous

    I suppose, better a cuck for a legitimate religion like Islam which, however incompatible with the West, has more in common with Christianity than Judaism, than a cuck for an alien and parasitical political entity like International Jewry, which describes most mainstream conservatives these days.

    • 回复: @anon
  225. @Karl

    Fair point, impossible to sympathize with the British Empire. But the larger point is, the Jews did the same thing then that they castigate the Arabs for doing now.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  226. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    A show of Jewish decency: https://www.rt.com/news/414459-israeli-teens-refuse-idf-occupation/
    “Israeli teens refuse to join army over settlement policies.
    The letter, signed on Thursday by sixty-three high school students from across Israel, is addressed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot.
    Pointing to Israel’s blockade on the Gaza Strip and illegal West Bank settlements, the letter states that “the army implements the policy of a racist government that violates basic human rights, which applies one law to Israelis and another to the Palestinians in the same area.” … the students wrote they “decided not to take part in the occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people, which separates people into two hostile camps. Because as long as people live under occupation that denies them human rights and national rights we will not be able to achieve peace.” The signatories also said that Israelis are exposed to a culture of “militarism” from a young age, and that they want to “change the entire system.”

  227. 文章中提到了雅各布·希夫。 俄罗斯革命是犹太裔美国人发起的,导致犹太统治下六千六百万多名基督徒被谋杀。


    第二次世界大战主要是由犹太银行家引起的。 希特勒和德国是好人,西方被愚弄而支持犹太共产党,但我们非裔正在觉醒。


    • 同意: Cloak And Dagger
    • 回复: @anon
  228. anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    better a cuck for a legitimate religion like Islam which, however incompatible with the West, has more in common with Christianity than Judaism,

    It really is delicious to witness WN guys admitting to being cucks , ever think of changing your name to “””BeefCuck the mighty “”” . I suppose it was inevitable as you guys were such complete failures. Islamists for all their myriad failings at least can kill and terrorize competently . When they go out to attack they can gun down hundreds of innocent unarmed civilians in a concert or kill hundreds by driving a truck through a crowd. When WN try they get Dylan Roof , killing nice old black ladies in a church that surely would have given him the shirts off their back if asked to do so . Or you guys go shoot up a Jewish community center , like Frazier Glenn Miller did and end up killing all goyim !!!!!

    As far as Islam being a legitimate religion , it certainly is curious that Judaism predates Islam by 3,5000 years , yet Islam saw fit to incorporate half the figures from Judaism into their religion. A legitimate religion copying an illegitimate religion ??? Claiming Islam is more legitimate than Judaism ,a religion whose themes and characters were copied and incorporated by Islam 3,500 years after Judaisms founding is next level cucking surpassing the vast majority on this site even . If you want to go to the next level , you can offer yourself up as a Bacha Bazi . The alt left and alt right are converging at break neck speed . It will be the battle royal of our times to see who can cuck the hardest for Islam !!!!!!!!!

  229. @anon

    There is too much idiocy in this comment to bother wasting much time in response, but I will note the typical ham-fisted attempt to conflate Judaism with Jewry. You are clearly unaware, one is a religion, the other is not.

  230. I see the new hasbara tactic of trying to appropriate “cuck” for those who don’t adhere to the Likudnik line on Islam. Blatantly stupid, I have to say. (No need to elaborate on how many terrorist attacks blamed on Muslims are clearly Mossad-run false flags.)

    • 回复: @Anon
  231. anon • 免责声明 说:

    第二次世界大战主要是由犹太银行家引起的。 希特勒和德国是好人,西方被愚弄而支持犹太共产党,但我们非裔正在觉醒。

    每一个。 单身的 。 时间 。 但你缺少一些,兄弟。

    波尔布特是一位犹太复国主义加密犹太人,对 2 万柬埔寨人的死亡负有责任(除非你喜欢波尔布特,然后柬埔寨种族灭绝是犹太人犯下的骗局,完全取决于你!!!)

    苏丹的奥马尔·巴希尔 (Omar Bashir) 是一名东梅犹太人,他对南苏丹造成 2 万人死亡的种族灭绝以及达尔富尔约 XNUMX 万人死亡的种族灭绝负有责任。 或者是犹太人为了诽谤穆斯林而编造的骗局,这又是你的选择。


    俄罗斯在车臣的种族灭绝(犹太人秘密接管并再次转向布尔什维克几年。)是的,犹太人控制的 MSM 永远不会告诉你这一点。


  232. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Too late , you already gleefully admitted to being a cuck for Islam in a previous comment !!! And further more you even cucked for Islam again in this comment attempting to minimize and distract from Islamic terror by blaming it on others .

    BeefCuck the mighty !!!!

  233. @mcohen

    However bad life for jews in America was, they never faced bombings from aircraft or artillery, tanks, napalm, missile strikes from there arab neighbors in 5 wars that israel has had to face.

    What? You’ve taken the conversation off the rails here, but I’ll go there with you, in hopes of righting the train.
    1. Israel is the aggressor/invader.
    2. Israel has never been at a disadvantage in those “wars.”
    3. Israel has suffered very little in those “wars,” (thanks to massive support from the West) and certainly has not had to put up with napalming, or much in the way of aerial, tank, artillery and missile attack, or land invasion.
    4. The Palestinians have no military, and largely represent fish in a barrel for the IDF. The so-called wars against the Palestinians are more like large-scale SWAT actions against civilians, that for some sadistic reason includes missile strikes, attack from attack helicopters and aircraft, naval bombardment and blockade, white phosphorus, attack with real missiles capable of doing real damage, modern tanks and artillery, etc… Yet you want to play the poor Israel victim card.

    Should we go on? If Israel does come up against a similarly armed foe that is the aggressor without being a previous victim of Israel, and Israel doesn’t have superpower backing, please post about it.

  234. @anon

    Is the new hasbara line to admit that non-Jews have been genocided in the millions also? This should be interesting! Are they going to count the deaths equally?

  235. RobinG 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    But not fair in every sense. International law changed in the interim.

  236. @Anon

    BTW, the Babylonian Talmud, which is at least as important to what we would consider contemporary Judaism as any Judean religious traditions that early Christians or Muslims may have borrowed from, post-dates the New Testament by several centuries and is more-or-less contemporaneous with Mohammed.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  237. @anon

    我纠正先生! 我不想让读者不知所措。感谢您的更新。

  238. Art 说:

    Arabs attacked us before we agressed. I am very informed, thank you.

    Me thinks you are very informed in Hasbara 101 talking points.

    Yes we know the story’ way back when, some cave man agressed Moshe, so god gave Israel to the Jews.


    p.s. When are the Jews going to compensate the Palestinians for their pain and suffering?

    p.s. That is the modern way to do things.

    p.s. Why are the Jews so inferior when it comes to morals. Why can’t they shake their tribalness?

    p.s. Is it because they indoctrinate their children at such a tender age?

    p.s. Maybe when you are filled with fear and hate at 5 – you can never overcome it?

  239. anarchyst 说:

    最近亚特兰大停电期间,一架以色列飞机未经美国海关检查就被允许降落和起飞。 这充满了秘密活动的味道……亚特兰大的“停电”是以色列施展后勤“花招”的便利借口。 也许以色列的一枚核武器刚刚被预先部署,为“大核”做好准备。 由于美国人厌倦了为以色列的利益而进行的所有外国战争,美国领土上的另一场“事件”将足以再次激励美国公众(就像WTC 9-11)支持另一场为以色列的利益而进行的战争。 如果不认真对待以色列的利益,以色列的“参孙选择”对欧洲或美国城市来说是一个真正的威胁。

    以色列拒绝遵守有关其核武器的国际原子能机构准则,因为它们已经散布在世界各地。 以色列将无法生产所有这些,因为其中大多数都不在以色列境内。 由于以色列的核武器已经“到位”,因此无需交付系统。 寻找另一种“假旗”行动,将责任归咎于伊朗或叙利亚。 您可以打赌在废墟中会发现一些伊朗或叙利亚护照。

    以色列还威胁要在美国几个城市引爆核装置。 谈论总精神错乱; 所谓的“参孙期权”就是这样。

    顺便说一句,禁止向尚未签署“核不扩散条约”或拒绝遵守“国际原子能机构”(IAEA)有关其核装置的准则的任何国家提供美国“外国援助”。 你猜怎么着?? 以色列不遵守“以太”原则,仍然获得了美国大部分的“外国援助”。 此禁令也适用于未在美国国务院注册其“外国政府代理人”的国家。 你猜怎么着?? 以色列(再次)与其“美国以色列政治行动委员会”(AIPAC)仍违反美国法律获得“外国援助”。

    有四十多名国会议员、参议员和数千名高层政策“专家”感染着与以色列持有“双重国籍”的美国政府。 这种双重国籍只会强化“分裂忠诚”,不维护美国利益,必须严格禁止。 持有双重国籍的人必须放弃上述外国国籍。 拒绝这样做将导致立即驱逐出境并丧失美国公民身份。 现任和前任双重国籍持有者不应被允许担任任何美国政府职务。

  240. @Logan

    Bottom line, the US and Israel have been every bit as savage as anyone else, and whether anyone else engaged in such does not relive “us” of our guilt, but keep trying.

    • 回复: @OilcanFloyd
  241. @Ace

    Jacques your distorted hatred of your own kind is amazing.

    As are your pathetic attempts to justify the unjustifiable. Do keep it up though; your feeble attempts are an education in and of themselves.

  242. @Beefcake the Mighty

    I should add: even if the Anglo-Americans don’t do these things themselves, they either create the chaos that permits such Mad Max scenarios (as in Iraq) or simply hire someone else to do it for them (as in Syria).

    Which is much the point of my initial comment, and which should be obvious to anyone with 2 or 3 functioning brain cells, but never will be to the willfully obtuse.

    You’d think the great moralists that they seem to be in their own minds would at 最少 understand that by approving the BS, they set themselves up for being the objects of such, but apparently that’s asking too much.

  243. @Ace

    Jacques your distorted hatred of your own kind is amazing.

    As are your casuistry and employment of simple-minded straw man fallacies.

  244. @Logan

    I can’t prove that US troops did not routinely take Indian men, women and children captive in order to leisurely torture them to death over and extended period, therefore it must have actually happened.

    Um, no, but nice try at ridicule instead of reason, but, fail.

    You can’t prove that US troops did not routinely take Indian men, women and children captive in order to leisurely torture them to death over and extended period because even if it did, and one could provide ample, glaring evidence for it, you wouldn’t want to admit it. Worse, you’d no doubt try to cover it up, or even justify it.

    You’re fooling no one, but keep trying.

    FYI, the treatment of the Plains Indians at the hands of the US military is just one example of leisurely torturing people through starvation and it was not only routine, but planned that way. Some call it intentional genocide in fact.

    The Brits, too, were famous for starving millions to death as well. White commies, too. Think Holodomor, for one.

  245. @Ace

    …laughable… is your belief that the US military targeted civilians as civilians in Nam or later.

    You wanna know what’s laughable? It’s your denial of the obvious. It’s pathetic, too.

    Who do you think are routinely targeted in the bombings of water treatment plants, schools, churches mosques, hospitals and densely populated urban areas? Do you really believe that dropping bombs constitutes ” surgical” striking?

    All of the above, and more, have been business as usual before, during, and are continuing long after ‘Nam. You’d think today’s military was on a perpetual mission to outdo Sherman in his march to the sea.

    Also, since we’re in an “anecdote war,” how’s this for fun?


    In Bolshevist Russia brutality assumed forms so monstrous that the modern man of the West shrinks from conjuring up a faint picture of them in imagination . Tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands were done to death in hellish ways by the orders of men and of women . Eyes were gouged out, ears hacked off, arms and legs torn from the body in presence of the victims’ children or wives, whose agony was thus begun before their own turn came . Men and women and infants were burned alive .

    Chinese executioners were specially hired to inflict the awful torture of the “thousand slices.” 1 Officers had their limbs broken and were left for hours in agonies . Many victims are credibly reported to have been buried alive. History, from its earliest dawn down to the present day, has recorded nothing so profoundly revolting as the nameless cruelties in which these human fiends reveled . One gruesome picture of the less loathsome scenes enacted will live in history on a level with the noyades of Nantes. I have seen several moving descriptions of it in Russian journals [describing the results seen by divers, of mass drowning committed by Bolsheviks].

    1 The condemned man is tied to a post or a cross, his mouth gagged, and the execution is made to last several hours . It usually begins with a slit • the forehead and the pulling down of the skin toward the chin . After the lapse of a certain time the nose is severed from the face. An interval follows, then an ear is lopped off, and so the devilish work goes on with long pauses . The skill of the executioner is displayed in the length of time during which the victim remains conscious.

    -狄龙,和平会议的内幕,p。 392-3 (1920)

    In case you may have forgotten, Wilson glossed over such crimes, and FDR ultimately supported the perps of such things. But hey, shit happens, right? It’s all good, no?

  246. Rurik 说:

    White commies, too. Think Holodomor, for one.



    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  247. @jacques sheete

    I’m with you about the savagery, but I can’t feel any guilt, since I didn’t join the military or make any of the decisions. I don’t think for two seconds that I could have had any affect on the wars, or how they are conducted. About all I can do is to disagree and refuse to enlist.

    At this point, though, I think it should be perfectly clear to anyone in the military, or thinking of joining the military, that they will be expected to wage wars of aggression, and that the soldiers and civilians that they kill will be innocent victims.

    That said, I don’t support the destruction of the U.S. or its people through immigration, military invasion, economic implosion/fleecing, or by any other means. However, I would love to see the crooks, traitors, and monsters who are ruling and destroying the nation, and much of the world, brought to extreme justice.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  248. goy 说:


  249. @Rurik


    My comment was merely referencing the dolt’s remark that I was essentially a self-hating white, which is a doltish charge even more ridiculous than it is specious. (Ace. Jacques your distorted hatred of your own kind is amazing.)

    No one with half a brain incriminates a whole race, as you’re no doubt well aware..

    Thanks for the Putin vid. I wonder what the audience was thinking. I bet more than a few were agreeing; at least the honest ones, that is.

    As for the comment about “guilt” (Oilcan #259), I don’t feel any guilt but I do harbor a permanent and deep resentment for having been duped and robbed. Never again!

    Note to Ace.: They ain’t my kind.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  250. Back off and let them fight it out.

    Israel is on the right side of this trade, vs Iran.

    • 回复: @OilcanFloyd
  251. @anon

    “anon” calls someone with trackable online identity a “cuck.” Precious.

    One of the hundred or so things that convinced me beyond all doubt that Jews deliberately ginned up a war on Germany with the intent to destroy not only Germany and Christianity there, but also with the intent to destroy “degenerated Jews” — mostly Polish and Russian inbreds, whom both Max Nordau and Valdimir Jabotinsky deplored (heh — Jews the original 一篮子可悲的) was the way Germany’s efforts to define the New Testament in their own terms, Jews, drove Jews crazy.
    看这里: Nazis Produce “aryanized” New Testament, Omitting Semitic Names
    1940 年 7 月 18 日


    LONDON (Jul. 17)
    Wartime preoccupations have not deterred the Nazis from continuing exhaustive efforts to remove Jewish “influence” from the Bible, reports reaching here today disclosed.
    After long years of work, the Nazis have been able to produce a revised edition of the New Testament which not only curtails Jewish influence to a minimum but leaves out all Semitic names. Jesus is called the “First Aryan” and Bethlehm and Jerusalem are not mentioned. No Jewish names appear in this literary creation. A similar “revision” is planned for the Old Testament.
    The Nazi-created Institute for the Research into Jewish influences in the Life of the German Church is cooperating in this work.

    雅利安耶稣:纳粹德国的基督教神学家和圣经 通过苏珊娜赫舍尔

    Why the f#*k does it bother Jews that Germans — or anybody — wants to have their own version of their religion?
    What does it tell us about Jews that they can’t resist the compulsion to vilify another peoples’s definition of their religious beliefs as distinct from the beliefs of Jews, particularly when Jews insist on singularity and separatism for their own people and beliefs?

    But Jews go even further: Not only did they kvetch and condemn and label as — wait for it: antiSemitic — Germany’s definition of Christianity without Jewishness, Jews also consider it their right and busy-body business to derogate the myths and folk tales of almost every other people on the planet.
    Jews can’t say “Wagner” without attaching “antisemite.” Well ya, Wagner was not a pro-semite; he thought Jewish musicianship was wanting. When’s the last time your local opera company staged Meyerbeer?
    Jews want the world to think that Hebrew scriptures — at least half of which are cribbed versions of older Mesopotamian etc. myths — are the One Book of all quasi-religious writing.
    Jews seem to want the world to think only Jews can produce the best music, or art, or science.

    It ain’t so. That doesn’t mean anything other than that the world is a big place, there are lots of way s of thinking about it, and Jews don’t have a lock on the truths or realities or ways of being in that big world.
    Why is that such a hard pill for Jews to swallow?

    Yet Jews are willing, even eager, to kill by the hundreds of thousands and steal or destroy the music, art and science of anybody who demonstrates talent superior to their own. That’s why Germans found themselves in Jewish crosshairs. That’s why Iran is in Jewish cross hairs. Jews can’t compete on a level playing field. Nor do they have the guts to do the killing for themselves: they outsource their killing to dupes like USA.

    Hard to know who’s more pathetic: Jews who broadcast their inferiority thru their incessant kvetching, or Gentiles who put up with it.

    • 回复: @iffen
    , @RobinG
  252. @tradecraft46

    Netanyahu and the Israelis have made it clear that they don’t want any part of going it alone against Iran. Israel has trouble projecting across their own border against Hizbollah, and I don’t think they’d fare very well in a full-scale conflict against Iran. The Israelis want the U.S. to do the fighting for them, as usual.

    About the only war that I would support would be a war against Israel and Jewish interests, and I wouldn’t care one bit what happens to Jews in the absence of Israel or host nations. Social Justice and karma cut both ways.

  253. iffen 说:

    to destroy not only Germany

    Germany is one of the most advanced and modern countries in the world. The citizens have one of the highest standards of living ever. Destroyed doesn’t really describe Germany.

    • 回复: @OilcanFloyd
  254. @iffen

    You conveniently left out WWII. Germany was completely destroyed and rebuilt as a vassal state of the U.S. and subservient to Jewish interests. Of course, you know all of that. The fact that Germany is advanced and thrives is largely due to German abilities and industriousness.

    Israel, on the other hand, is a parasite nation that depends on Jews the world over subverting their host nations to sustain Israel and the Tribe.

    • 同意: SolontoCroesus
  255. RobinG 说:

    “….Polish and Russian inbreds, whom both Max Nordau and Valdimir Jabotinsky deplored ......“

    Not according to the HIR link you posted. Gil-White, while denouncing Rabbi Wise, lauds Jabotinsky for his efforts to preserve 所有 犹太人

    “Reform Rabbi Stephen Wise, the undisputed leader of organized American Jewry, called [Vladimir Zeev] Jabotinsky a ‘traitor’ for preaching evacuation of over a million eastern Jews. …Furthermore, Wise claimed, the Jabotinsky movement was guilty of bringing unselected, ‘unsuitable’ Jews to Palestine.”

    Wyman, D. S., and R. Medoff. 2002. A race against death: Peter Bergson, America, and the Holocaust. New York: The New Press. (p.19)

    This is [one reason] why I found it odd you cited Gil-White without several caveats. Right or wrong, you and he have serious divergences.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  256. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    因为在某种程度上,年长的犹太人致力于建立犹太国家的思想,以此作为对上个世纪大屠杀的最大创伤的历史补偿。 这是可以理解的愿望,希望获得世界大国对上个世纪的恐怖的修正。

    Your way of putting the Palestinian tragedy – as “an understandable desire, to gain some amendment from the world’s powers for the horrors of the last century.” Strikes me as utterly gross and blatantly untrue, if the innocent Palestinians, a peaceful and infinitesimal minority – against whom the ‘pure white’ Zionists appear to have a profound, quite possibly congenital apathy, are in the first place nominated, to my way of seeing it, for their offence of being in the real estate the Jews have been determined to possess for a very long time in history.

    In that light, the customary farewell exchanged by devout Judaists, which I remember from my youth, “Till next year in Jerusalem” sounds plausible, if nothing other than wishful thinking!

    A. Urs Eugster-Demetriades – [电子邮件保护]

  257. Rurik 说:
    @jacques sheete

    No one with half a brain incriminates a whole race, as you’re no doubt well aware..


    Note to Ace.: They ain’t my kind.

    sometimes when looking, gobsmacked at the antics of my fellow Americans, I sometimes wonder if they’re another species entirely

  258. @RobinG

    In his biography of Jabotinsky, Schectman reported that when the young Vladimir journeyed from his home in Odessa on his way to university in Rome, he encountered Jews living in squalor in Galicia and was appalled.
    That’s the basis for my comment that Jabotinsky viewed E European Jews as “deplorable.”

    The clip you quote reinforces a critically important, and studiously ignored reality: Rabbi Stephen Wise, Max Nordau, and toss in Arthur Ruppin for good measure — all three major leaders of the zionist movement, were eugenicists and racists in theory, ideology and practice.

    Wise, a Hungarian Jew, together with his mentor/capo Louis Brandeis, was among the several major agitators of a war to destroy Germany, once German Jews and their wealth had been transferred out of Germany to Palestine where it was desperately needed.

    The ineluctable corollary of Wise’s and Brandeis’s eugenic ideology and zionist agenda is that they knowingly, willingly, and perhaps deliberately set up Polish and Slavic Jews for destruction.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  259. @OilcanFloyd

    Thanks OilcanFloyd. I could only splutter at the mendacity of iffen’s comment. You nailed it.

    • 回复: @OilcanFloyd
  260. Weiss/ Deger: “Because at some deep level older Jews are committed to the idea of a Jewish state as some historical compensation for the greatest trauma of the last century, the Holocaust. That’s an understandable desire, to gain some amendment from the world’s powers for the horrors of the last century.”

    Do “older Jews” lose their ability to place events in chronological sequence as they age?

    The alleged holocaust allegedly occurred allegedly between 1942 and 1944.

    TelAviv was built by 1910; in 1917, Jews gained (then-)superpower protection and support for their project from the British.
    In 1910 and 1917, Jews lived prosperously and securely in Germany; no holocausting goin’ on.

    In early February 1933, Louis Brandeis, zionism’s most important leader, directed that “all German Jews leave Germany.”
    In 1933, Jews lived prosperously and securely in Germany; no holocausting goin’ on.

    In Spring 1935, Vladimir Jabotinsky spelled out three major aims of Revisionist Zionism; the third goal was that “the diaspora be liquidated . . . all Jews from everywhere to be ingathered to Palestine.” No holocausting goin’ on in 1935.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  261. @Beefcake the Mighty

    You are not only out of touch with reality and you live in the dreamworld. You are also total retard.
    Most of the new testament was written one hundred years after death of Christ. Koran was written apropo 700 years later

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  262. RobinG 说:

    That’s it? Squalor? Reportedly appalled by squalor? And from this you presumed to attribute to Jabotinsky a strategy of eugenics? This should give you pause. Collecting all the information in the world won’t help if you apply faulty analysis.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  263. RobinG 说:

    verb: appall

    greatly dismay or horrify.
    同义词: shock, dismay, distress, outrage, offend, etc.

    noun: squalor
    a state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect.
    同义词: grubbiness, poverty, wretchedness, meanness, neglect, dilapidation, etc.

  264. @RobinG

    No, I said — rather, the documents report — that
    ~Max Nordau, said by numerous Jewish scholars to be the real father of zionism;
    ~Rabbi Stephen Wise, whose racist/eugenic proclivities you helpfully highlighted; and
    ~Arthur Ruppin, identified by his TelAviv University based biographer Etan Bloom as the “father of Hebrew culture in Palestine,” and “an award-winning theorist of eugenics,” and also apparently a practitioner of eugenics inasmuch as Bloom narrates how Ruppin established criterion for the “human material” to create the “new Jew” that was to populate the zionist project in Palestine.

    Jabotinsky may or may not have been a eugenicist; closest I can come to that topic is his biographer’s observation that Jabotinsky was disgusted with his own physical appearance and worked diligently to ameliorate it. Jabotinsky shared with Nordau the vision of “regenerating Jews;” of “muscular Judaism.” Nordau’s model was the ancient, heroic biblical figures that enlivened his childhood; in Jabotinsky’s case, the model was Mussolini, whom he grew to admire during his sojourn in Rome, where he “found his spiritual soul.”
    Jabotinsky’s major contribution to zionism was the necessity of terror and violence, in addition to certain 使然 regarding what Jews — namely, all Jews — should live where — namely, Palestine — and that the 散居 应该 清算。

    Apologies for the “faulty analysis,” especially when there are so very many sources that declare with slam dunk certainty that Jews were perpetual victims and zionism popped up out of the blue in 1948 as a consequence of “every single Jewish man, woman and child that Hitler could get his hands on having been killed in gas chambers in a planned, industrialized frenzy of antisemitism carried out single-handedly by Hitler who left no records and knew nothing about it.”

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  265. @OilcanFloyd

    Speaking of how Germans have been thoroughly brainwashed, Thierry Meyssan offered this analysis of how a German think-tank and the United Nations’s Jeffrey Feltman conspired as early as 2005 to overthrow Syria

    [nb., to RobinG — I’m not smart enough to do analysis. I do research. Kinda like gathering pieces of a jigsaw puzzle & trying to put them together is best I can do. Others will have to apply If I Only Had A Brain long-term geostrategeric analysis.]


    Feltman was Victoria Nuland’s contact at UN when she and Geoffrey Pyatt chatted about who should be in charge of Ukraine.

    Hillary Clinton appointed Feltman to his position at UN after his successful management of several color revolutions in the season of “Arab Spring,” beginning with Tunisia and including the debacle in Egypt.

    Feltman had also been instrumental in funding and directing covert “NGOs” in Iran in advance of the 2009 attempted Green Revolution.

    No doubt Feltman has had a come-to-Jesus moment and recognizing how much suffering his meddling in other people’s affairs has caused, is not at all in any way involved in the current turmoil in Iran.

    Surely the protests are “spontaneous”


    and the PressTV analyst who said,

    “The sanctions that have been imposed on Iran for the past God knows how long have been so draconian and the aim of all sanctions is to create some kind of a chaos within the country from certain sectors and then they are going to manipulate that into some kind of a political issue and that is essentially the goal of all coercive unilateral sanctions,” Alexander Azadgan told PressTV in an interview on Saturday.” http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2017/12/30/547283/Iran-US-sanctions-Trump-administration-chaos

    is lying through his hijab.

    Ed Royce was just kidding when he said, in 2007, that the goal of sanctions on Iran was to cause so much hardship among ordinary Iranians that they would rise up and overthrow their government
    We know he was kidding because the United Nations Charter forbids interference in the internal affairs of member states.

    Donald Trump mistook Iran for USA when he twittered,

    “”The people are finally getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen and squandered on terrorism,” Trump tweeted about <strike 美国 Iran.”

    And only an addle-brained conspiracy theorist would allow himself to think for a nanosecond that the reported “strategic meeting regarding Iran” between the Trump administration and Israel even contemplated inciting riots in Iran. Heaven forefend.

  266. @SolontoCroesus

    durn it.
    didn’t complete the though in the first paragraph:

    should have concluded with, “Nordau, Wise, and Ruppin were definitely eugenicists; the evidence is conclusive.
    Jabotinsky? His position on eugenics is unknown to this writer.
    But yes, I think his revulsion at the sight of “my people” in Galicia hints ever so slightly at a certain sympathy with Nordau’s bold assertions that Jews were “degenerated, physically and spiritually” and in need of “re-generation.”

    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @OilcanFloyd
  267. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    And you lack basic reading skills. The Talmud was written around 500 AD, so nothing you say here is in conflict with what I wrote.

  268. RobinG 说:

    “I’m not smart enough to do analysis.”

    How very coy.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  269. @RobinG

    I would have said, “What a smart ass,” but your way of thinking never fails to intrigue; you take perspectives that never occur to me.

  270. @SolontoCroesus

    The early Zionists were eugenicists, and definitely didn’t want just any Jews to enter Palestine. There was a screening process in the early days. Jewish eugenics was about much more than just removing Arabs from the land, and it was in motion before WWII and the founding of the Nazi party.

  271. @SolontoCroesus

    You nailed it first. Iffen just had no real reply, so he went into BS overdrive. I just acted as a speedbump.

  272. Altai 说:

    I love how Philip Weiss has spent a career laying out exactly why people should be wary of Jewish elite power (They’re an alien group as a diaspora with high ethnocentrism and ethnic networking backing the most destabilising political entity in the world today) and then calls Bannon, a man who was a full-on philo-semite an ‘anti-semite’. He is eternally conflicted because he has the very same ethnocentric character of many Jews but high levels of empathy. Thus why he writes of feeling like a trespasser and being apologetic about it, about his fathers ‘anti-anti-semitism’ (No, Philip, your dad was just a bigot who didn’t like Anglo-Saxons and was so petty he insulted the woman who would later be your wife with a snide ethnic slur.)

    His stance that Jews collective behaviour is driven by ‘trauma’ is no different to the Israeli leftist group going on about how the occupation is really destroying Israel and not Palestine.

    Israel is not the result of the holocaust, the early zionists in Palestine came long before any of that and the Holocaust (The resentment that led to the Holocaust was due to Jewish comfort in Germany, nobody predicted it by any means) only became the big deal it is now a generation after Israel was founded and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. The settlers and others are very much in the tradition of Hasidism which treats outgroups with disdain to be treating unfairly at will with no moral problems relating to this.

    Weiss is just feeding this mentality when he goes on about it, do the Poles justify regarding non-Poles as inferior due to their experience during the war? The behaviour pattern existed prior to any pogram. Jewish anti-social behaviour and non-reciprocal morality is not a made-up thing, you can see it very clearly in the interface of Hasidic communities with gentiles and you can see it in more reformed and secular Jews like Netanyahu.

    The stuff like an Israeli school trip to Poland having a street closed and local man walking through to get to his own house being tackled by Israeli bodyguards and tied up is not normal. It’s the result of a culture going back hundreds of years. No other people sings songs about not needing the rest of the world and telling them to fuck off as folk songs!

  273. Weiss is a Jewish supremacist bigot, and his empathy is phoney. He cares About Jewish power over Israeli power, and his main concern is that Israel tarnishes the Jewish image/soul. Everything else is just crocodile tears and bullshit.

    Weiss is the ultimate product of privilege–Jewish privilege! Meritocracy, my ass.

    • 同意: Cloak And Dagger
  274. anarchyst 说:

    如果一个国家死于种族灭绝,为什么他们会保留记录? 他们为什么要在数百英里(甚至数千英里)以外的地方建造带有卫生设施,住房,医疗,娱乐和其他辅助设施的“营地”? 仅通过“消除”这些麻烦而不经历所有这些麻烦,难道不是一件容易的事吗? 如果目标是灭绝,他们为什么要利用有限的能源在后勤运输上投入大量精力? 事情不会“累加”……

    在整个犹太人的“大屠杀”交易中,有些“大发”。 犹太犹太复国主义者与德国政府进行“交易”以使犹太德国人的生活“不舒服”已不是什么秘密。 实际上,犹太犹太复国主义者的领导人首先提出,所有犹太人都佩戴“黄色大卫王之星”袖标,以便于识别。

    自6,000,000年代以来,与1800万人口一起建立“家园”一直是犹太复国主义者的“梦想”。 有什么比使“德国社会的奶油”(犹太人)困难的事更好的鼓励“移民”到异国的方式呢? 关于所谓的犹太“大屠杀™”的真相已经揭晓。 。 。

    所谓的犹太人“大屠杀™”已变成事实上的“宗教”,不允许偏离正统观念。 实际上,在大多数欧洲国家,在罚款和监禁的痛苦下,严格禁止对犹太人的“大屠杀”真相进行独立调查。 在美国,情况并没有那么糟,只有“部落”成员的工作丧失以及个人和职业毁灭才可以明显看出犹太人“大屠杀™”的真实真相暴露出来。 不能将真相用作防御程序,也不能在可以进行调查历史事件的“袋鼠法庭”中用作证据。 给您一个“大屠杀™”发起人的问题-为什么有法律将寻求真理定为刑事犯罪?

    当有关这一历史事件的真相问世时,它将改变世界上许多人对将这一事件当作“摇钱树”的“摇钱树”的看法。 。 。 “没有像“ SHOAH业务”这样的业务。

    当前审查制度的一个很好的例子是等待那些敢于质疑“官方”犹太“大屠杀”正统观念的人们的命运。 大多数欧洲国家已将任何偏离“官方”犹太“大屠杀”故事的思想定为犯罪。 为什么?? 实际上,当涉及“大屠杀”时,TRUTH并不是防御。 Ask指出二战研究员David Irving,为避免受到惩罚,他被迫撤回TRUTH。 。 。

    如果人们只知道为犹太人的“大屠杀”而进行的计划(在“选择的”计划中),那将是一个庞大的大屠杀。 您会看到,犹太人的“大屠杀”对于迫使建立犹太国家是必要的。 在这种情况下,ENDS证明了MEANS的合理性。 在整个人类历史上,曾有过许多悲惨得多的“大屠杀”,但犹太人的“大屠杀”是唯一重要的事件。 。 。

    看看“所谓的犹太“大屠杀™”的商业化,而更大的共产主义(真正的)大屠杀被方便地遗忘了。 为了确保犹太人“大屠杀™”“幸存者”的持续供应,犹太人在他们的子孙后代身上纹上了他们的 ATM(哎呀,我的意思是“营地”号码)。

    自1933年犹太人向德国宣战以来(是,1933年),德国人别无选择,只能完成将犹太人边缘化的犹太复国主义计划(至少可以说)。巴勒斯坦使犹太人成为世界的“故乡”-以色列。 有趣的是,德国抵制犹太人的活动持续了一天,而犹太人的抵制(实际上是犹太人对德国的宣战)始于1933年,一直持续到第二次世界大战的总和。

    犹太复国主义者一直在预测犹太人的“故乡”,而在过去的6年中,犹太人的“大屠杀TM”为731,000万。 在欧洲行动区中,非战斗人员的实际死亡人数约为6,而不是XNUMX万(国际红十字会的官方数字)。

    关于“大屠杀™”“奥斯威辛集中营”,所谓的“气室”的设计存在工程上的矛盾。 门不是气密设计的; 这样就不可能取回尸体,在所谓的“加气”发生之后,就没有办法使房间通风。” 有一个“气室”烟囱没有连接任何东西。 从工程的角度来看,这些都是非常严重的错误,将导致这些所谓的“气室”的“操作员”死亡。 由于德国人是优秀的工程师,因此很难观察到目前在这些“营地”中存在的明显的工程错误。

    美国执行专家弗雷德·勒赫特(Fred Leuchter)前往奥斯威辛集中营,秘密地从所谓的“毒气室”获得了样本,对其进行了测试并发表了他的结果。 除一个样本外,所有样本中均不存在亚甲蓝,这证明“气室”不存在。 从用于消毒衣物的房间中获取一个阳性样本。 实际上,所谓的“毒气室”的“烟囱”没有连接任何东西。

    勒赫特先生因其对“真相”的追求而受到奖励,因为他的职业和个人品格被“部落”的人暗杀。 他失去了他所有的联邦和州合同,并因马萨诸塞州一项晦涩难懂的“无证从事工程技术”的“法律”而受到起诉。该法律之前或之后从未使用过。 。 。

    毫无疑问,第二次世界大战后,苏联为了宣传目的而试图“建立”“死亡集中营”。 是的,那里有极端的匮乏和痛苦,许多人丧生。 死亡的主要原因是斑疹伤寒。 由于盟军炸弹摧毁了大部分基础设施,斑疹伤寒处于流行水平。 这就是造成大量人类死亡的原因。 。 不要放气。


    我敦促那些“大屠杀™”的信徒们自己检查这些事情-如果您敢。 您不会喜欢您发现的东西……

  275. Anonymous [AKA "Dr Frank"] 说:

    – “As Jews were beaten and killed by marauding gangs with the blessing of the state…”
    This is a legend. Hagada. Jews in Eastern Europe were highly privileged for centuries. Poland, for instance, was called “paradise for Jews, hell for peasants”. I sense dishonesty in the fact that while criticizing Zionism, you perpetrate old Jewish fairly tales.

  276. Anonymous [AKA "U Eco"] 说:


  277. Anonymous [AKA "3coyote7"] 说:

    Divide and conquer satan’s Goddamn jews by attacking their satanic belief system:
    99% 的犹太人都紧跟撒旦的犹太复国主义犹太人的命令。
    Any person (i.e., the jews) who takes the talmud as their holy book has been utterly brainwashed by PURE EVIL.

    WHY does he, the jew, make this choice, to be a jew, to be the enemy of all humanity?

    Jews CHOOSE to be the ENEMY of US, the non-jew.


    WHY, WHY, WHY would ANYONE want to have ANY association with this so-called religion of jews, this filthy judas-ism, this in-your-face PURE EVIL? WHY? It’s a satanic mind-control cult.
    WHY jew? Why do you CHOOSE to be a Goddamn jew?!!!



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