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那些看电视和阅读流行杂志的人,尤其是那些涵盖时尚的人,肯定会注意到几乎一夜之间的黑暗爆炸。 在当前的多元化热潮中,黑人演员和时装模特一定会大展拳脚。 在 PBS 纪录片中使用黑人来推销产品或解释世界本身并不一定引人注目。 例如,如果耐克电视广告中的黑人运动员为运动鞋代言,那就没什么不寻常的了。 如果这样的广告或时尚拍摄未能反映美国的人口结构,也不会显得奇怪——趋势来来去去,谁知道呢,乡下人可能很快就会变得时髦,拖车法庭的居民可能会随处可见。

然而值得注意的是 不一致 在黑人的存在和管子上描绘的东西之间。 这几乎是可笑的。 类似于 PBS 的科学纪录片现在可以保证对主题的黑人评论因缺乏相关的黑人专业知识而著称。 选角导演必须知道这一点,但无论每个人都知道什么是真的,人们只能想象促进多样性的指令。

多样性广告通常以“全美国”白人做平凡的事情为特色,但你瞧,几乎不可避免地,一个明显完好无损的黑人家庭会加入来分享野营旅行或家庭野餐。 异族情侣,通常一个黑人男性和一个有吸引力的白人女性 (70%) 是司空见惯的。 Old Navy、State Farm 和 Hyundai 以提供跨种族的环境来庆祝他们的产品而闻名。

选角导演甚至可能会竞争赢得一些神话般的多样性奖杯,越不协调越好。 我最近的男士 Land's End Catalog 以及我在公司的 官网 可能会让一个天真的观察者相信,一家曾经以迎合 über WASP's 而闻名的公司现在已经将下层黑人千禧一代作为其目标客户。

为何突然转变? 美国的广告大师是否发现了一个巨大的、以前未开发的非裔美国人市场,他们急于在电视广告中描绘与他们相似的演员所描绘的商品? 教育工作者是否终于发现,如果黑人科学家解释粒子物理学,黑人年轻人会涌向 STEM 领域? 或者,也许控制大众媒体的有思想的自由主义者认为雇用黑人演员和时装模特是对过去歧视的即时补偿?

当然,一切皆有可能,但不太可能。 这种不协调是如此明显,以至于观众可能会忽略预期的信息,而只注意到种族幻想。 如果这种调整是真的,那么整个多元化企业将只是浪费美德信号,而那些支付账单的人最终会放弃它并回到更早的更现实的时代。 此外,至少有一些消费者 会避免产品 与下层的年轻黑人或跨种族夫妇有关。 毕竟,广告的基本原则之一是将自己的产品与令人钦佩的事物联系起来。 想想 Ralph Laruen 或劳力士手表的“贵族”广告,

这种突如其来的黑暗更可能是为了创造一个种族“不再重要”的多种族美国的宣传。 因此,底线几乎不重要。 引人注目的是,鉴于缺乏明显的西班牙裔和亚洲人的广告,黑人——而不是一般的种族多样性——是核心,不 时尚 极客的亚洲孩子在他们的麻省理工学院宿舍里冲进时尚传播,但最近的一则日产广告描绘了一个带着两个孩子的黑人妇女和一个白人父亲在冰冻的苔原和其他极端地点飞驰。

可以肯定的是,这不太可能是苏联式的中央控制项目,尽管毫无疑问它是精英发起的,甚至是协调的。 如果公司通过无偿雇用黑人演员和模特而看到他们的销售额猛增,那么这种成功将成为头条新闻。 然而,据我所知,前线没有这样的消息。


想象一下,在 2022 年 XNUMX 月,加利福尼亚经典车库中的三个极客开始营销“多样性过滤器”,该过滤器与计算机或电话垃圾邮件过滤器非常相似。 过滤器使用先进的人工智能技术和现成的虚拟现实软件,为电视观众提供三种设置。 首先,零多样性,所以每一个黑人都将被转换成白人,这也将包括语言、头发、面部表情和所有其他定义种族特征的东西。 第二个设置是“适合种族”,专门针对种族不协调——勒布朗詹姆斯仍然是勒布朗詹姆斯投的佳得乐,但人工智能软件将“美白”一个年轻、邋遢的黑人男性,卖汽车保险的长发绺。 最后,对于无法忍受公然种族谎言的观众,Diversity Filter 会警告观众这种误传,例如,一部声称警察杀害手无寸铁的黑人流行的纪录片,因此他们可以立即改变关闭渠道电视。

Diversity Filter 的价格为 150 美元,另加运费,到货时提供退款保证,并且可以快速安装。 营销自然会针对那些偏爱 Fox New 的人、据称追随白人至上主义者的杂志和“有争议的”种族现实主义网站。 我猜 Diversity Filter 会很受欢迎。

这种反应可能会引起负责人的普遍愤怒。 媒体巨头可能声称他们的图片完全属于他们,因此多样性过滤器侵犯了他们的财产权。 他们会向 FCC 提出投诉,而他们的法律部门会声称制造和标记过滤器的人侵犯了版权或专利。 即使是琐碎的,这样的诉讼也会代价高昂,电视台可能会拒绝过滤广告,因为害怕被拖入法庭斗争。 黑人演员的律师可能会提起诉讼,声称他们的客户的想象在未经他们同意的情况下已被改变,并且过滤器将损害长期遭受系统性歧视的社区的职业生涯。

国会中的民主党人肯定会提出法律,将为了“促进种族仇恨和错误信息”而干扰广播传输定为联邦犯罪。 然后,媒体巨头将聘请工程师使传输信号不受过滤器操作的影响

在这种压力下,Diversity Filter 可能会在带有欺骗性名称的可疑网站上进行营销。 早期时代的阴影,书呆子企业家偷偷地出售“黑匣子”以避免电视电缆或电话长途费。


谁来为制造和销售多样性过滤器的公司辩护? 几乎没有人。 传统的公民自由组织将通过。 对他们来说,这将是商业方和最终用户之间的私人争吵,因此,如果没有政府审查,就不必费心了。 当政府将此类形象强加给那些缺乏选择的人时,请致电我们。 同样,自由主义者会争辩说,如果公众对看到太多黑人天体物理学家不满意,最好的反应是不看电视。 他们将进一步补充说,如果这个种族幻想世界像声称的那样令人不安,市场将通过减少销售来惩罚肇事者。

另一方面,多样性过滤器的捍卫者有理由断言,他们只是在用火来灭火。 毕竟,媒体,除了极少数例外,已经按种族进行审查——为什么暴力罪犯的照片如此之少,而对这些事件的新闻报道却很少提到肇事者的种族。 为什么可怕的黑白犯罪从公开讨论中被过滤掉,而明显的黑白恶作剧却成为头条新闻? 为什么像查尔斯·默里(Charles Murray)这样的“有争议”的书 面对现实 尽管他们及时、有据可查的信息却几乎没有得到承认? 为什么大学和政府机构可以 photoshop 图像来夸大多样性 不为这种失实陈述道歉? 总而言之,够虚伪了。

人们可能会从这一心理实验中得出结论,大众媒体插入的(选择性)无偿多样性与美国学校所传授的 PC 灌输相当。 也就是说,State Farm 的商业广告描绘了一幅田园诗般的种族关系图画,与讲述民权运动如何使美国更接近多元种族天堂的社会学教科书没有什么不同。 同时,我的 Land's End 目录只是 6th 年级科学书展示了一个由年轻人组成的虚拟联合国,他们努力进行化学实验。

因此,Diversity Filter 商家应被谴责为等同于那些主张结束强制性灌输——重度公共教育的人。 从某种意义上说,那些拒绝在电视上观看错综复杂的多样性的人类似于传统的家庭学校学生。 更进一步,这些“教育”广告连同所有种族不切实际的纪录片可能被视为一种最终传达给所有长期离开学校的人及其“好想法”信息的方式。 现在,多亏了 WOKE-TV,传播多种族、多文化信仰的狂热分子越来越少。 Land's End 不仅仅是想让我看起来更 WSPy; 它还打着销售衬衫和裤子的幌子宣扬一种幻想。

• 类别: 思想, 种族/民族 •标签: 美国媒体, 黑人, 政治上的正确 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Diversity Filter 的售价为 150 美元(含运费),附有退款保证,并且安装起来非常简单。


    每个人都只需拿一张纸,写上“犹太人控制媒体和广告”,然后把它贴在你的电视机上。 这解释了一切,并作为不断的提醒。

    成本低于 50 美分。

  2. BuelahMan 说:

    I think it is being done simply to outrage me. That’s why I seldom watch any TV.

    • 同意: Gidoutahere, Achmed E. Newman
    • 哈哈: Biff
  3. 我的遥控器不仅有 静音 按钮但是一个 关闭照片 button as well. The art of watching an Olympic event on You Tube is guesstimating just how long the commercial will last and hitting both buttons just as the event reappears. But don’t let your finger stray far from that mute button because half the announcing is insufferable.

    *What was going through your mind as you were crying for joy when you realized that you had won the Gold Medal?” What? Is the interviewer autistic? Can’t she see what’s going through the mind of the person being interviewed? He/she was ecstatic. They were literally out of their mind with joy. There’s no words to describe the feeling. Their flushed to the gills with emotion, for crying out loud.

    What a downer most of these interviews are. How about a simple, “Wow! What a great performance! Fantastic! You Rock! Things were touch and go there for a moment but you pulled it off! Bravo! Anything you want to say?”……

    Instead we get, “What does this Gold medal mean to you after your failure to medal in the 200 hoop rolling and the 300 wall sitz?” Well, what the Hell do you think it means? Redemption of some sort, you idiot. Not everything the athlete wanted, obviously, but enough that they’ll have to be satisfied with cause there’s no do overs in the Games or life.

    No athlete would ask an athlete these silly questions. It’s excruciating to watch the athlete, fresh from their all-out effort, face flushed with joy, being forced to switch gears as they try to mesh with the psychoanalytic probing of the announcer. Talk about being emotionally tone deaf. Once again, our Glorious Leaders step on the rake and smack themselves in the face. These sad performances fill me with shame and embarrassment for the TV executives who contrive these scenarios. Is this it? Is this the best we’ve got? We’ve just GOT to be better than this.

    • 回复: @Ryan2
    , @Dave Bowman
  4. xyzxy 说:


    首先,没有“突然”的转变。 这种事情已经持续了很长时间。 你刚刚注意到它的事实表明了一种相当倾斜的迟钝。


    如果它不是中央控制的,它怎么可能是“精英发起”和“协调”的? 要求一些论证的连贯性是否太过分了?


    • 同意: 3g4me, Joseph Doaks
    • 谢谢: Briggs
  5. 令我惊讶的是,没有人抓住这个机会推出“白人广告公司”,专门制作面向白人的家庭广告。工人阶级的愤怒在免费宣传中的价值将达到数百万美元!

    4chan 自闭症患者肯定可以进行概念验证吗?

    • 同意: Alfred
  6. 一位摄影师和助理曾经进入我当地的贸易学院,为学生拍摄照片以说明广告活动。


    I have never worked in advertising, so I can’t say how the decisions are communicated in the field to participate in the Potemkin Village, but its reach is vast.

    • 回复: @classicbenz
    , @Old Prude
  7. @xyzxy

    如果它不是中央控制的,它怎么可能是“精英发起”和“协调”的? 要求一些论证的连贯性是否太过分了?

    When something is ubiquitous, it doesn’t mean it’s centrally controlled and coordinated.
    Idiotic US Counter-cultural 60s were not “controlled” or “engineered”.

    简单地说,有时一个社会会到达堕落的状态,事情就会发生。 当卢梭在 1760 年代/70 年代发表他的垃圾时,没有人支持它。 它只是与社会某些阶层的时代精神产生共鸣,其余的就是历史。

    • 同意: TKK, Mark G., Achmed E. Newman
    • 不同意: GazaPlanet
  8. @beavertales

    人们在军队中经历了完全相同的现象。 每当记者或摄影师(或两者)想要捕捉“武装部队”的图像时,他们总是首先直奔女性。 如果没有立即可用的女性,指挥官将确保派遣一名下级军官去寻找一些女性。

  9. When I watch TV, I don’t want to see people who look like Trump supporters: white, fat, Low IQ, Zionist. The TV provides and I thank it.

    • 哈哈: Truth, TTSSYF
    • 巨魔: YetAnotherAnon, Alfred
  10. @Priss Factor

    听起来不错。 更好的是:不要订阅电视“服务”。 问题解决了。

    • 回复: @Dr. Charles Fhandrich
  11. @Supply and Demand

    请让我们比较一下美国白人、非洲人、拉丁裔混血儿的肥胖率和病态肥胖率。 其他群体(亚洲人除外)甚至比白人更胖、更不健康:



    • 同意: europeasant, Redmen, TTSSYF
  12. Joe Paluka 说:

    We’ve had constant interracial couples, black majority commercials for so long I can’t imagine it has any more effect, it reached the saturation point long ago. The majority of whites still go with whites. I think it’s got to the point where the advertising agencies have forgotten how to do anything else and the companies that order these commercials don’t want anything different because to change would require creativity and thus the expenditure of more money. It’s kind of like why does most top 40 music all sounds the same? It’s because most of the tunes in the top 40 are written by two men, Lukasz Gottwald and Max Martin. It’s done because the record companies like the predictability of what the men create and the steady stream of revenue it produces. Also, the public doesn’t demand anything else. Getting back to today’s TV advertisements, most people walk away or hit mute when there’s a commercial on TV. This is in contrast to when the commercials were sometimes so good that they were better than the TV programs. They had catchy tunes, memorable actors, and humor. Advertising was about using entertainment to sell a product, now it seems advertisers have forgotten the product and just keep on with the commercials because that’s just what they’ve always done. The advertising industry has run out of steam.

  13. James J. O'Meara [又名“彼得·D·布雷登”] 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    “愚蠢的美国 60 年代反文化行为不是‘控制’或‘设计’的。



    • 同意: Realist, MrE3001
  14. James J. O'Meara [又名“彼得·D·布雷登”] 说:

    “Simply, sometimes a society arrives at the state of degeneracy & things just happen.”

    Assume Charlie does something wrong every single time is “simpler” than observing that Lucy always moves the football?

  15. Observator 说:

    Remember that a key component of any successful ad campaign is the creation of anxiety in the target audience. The anxiety is then relieved by purchasing the advertised product. Ever see a TV ad that discusses the specs of the product – no, it’s all happy scenes and smiling people at the end, restored to harmony enjoying the thing the advertiser wants you to buy.

    Even ads that produce an initial negative reaction in the viewer have been shown to be effective in the long term. People tend to remember the brand name while they forget the context in which they saw or heard it.

    As a happy bonus for the regime, anxious people are easier to control. Look how well it’s working, how upset you are reading this article, and ask 崔波诺, who benefits, from manipulating my emotions this way? And picture the many black viewers who are anxiously asking themselves, how come I don’t have all that stuff too? You’re convinced you’re being “replaced”, and they have to be thinking they’re being cheated once again, and there you go, mission accomplished. Divide and conquer is the most reliable tool in the arsenal of tyranny.

  16. Right_On 说:

    The fact that blacks became omnipresent in TV ads in both the UK and USA simultaneously indicates it’s enemy action – not ‘happenstance’ or ‘coincidence’.

    There used to be a British TV ad that showed a group of brown-skinned agricultural workers hanging around, looking nervous. A suave white guy, in a white linen suit and wearing a panama hat, would then appear, pick up an orange, then nod his head in approval. At that point, the natives would joyfully cry: “The man from Del Monte, he say ‘Yes!’”

    Imagine the sh!tstorm if that ad were run today.

    • 谢谢: GazaPlanet
  17. @Johnny Hooker

    Actually, I think a smart entrepreneur could clean up by creating a Teen Vogue for sane normie girls. But no one will. Instead it’s just whining and articles like this, which started out good and descended into idiocy.

    • 回复: @Publius 2
    , @Paleo Retiree
  18. @RadicalCenter

    正确的!!! 第一个说电视是一片荒原的人是谁,他有很好的直觉。

    • 回复: @Right_On
    , @Base Jumper
  19. Any project that involves the hope of a time coming where race won’t matter is doomed to fail, in my opinion. It’s a beautiful thought, just as the basic idea of communism is beautiful. Yet, like a rose, the most beautiful and fragile of all flowers, beauty alone isn’t sufficient to create a solid and lasting foundation for just about anything. And no government will ever succeed in making race not matter, as people become that much more resentful about anything they are forced to do. There are to my mind, based on years of observation, too many reasons why such a thing will never come about and all of the reasons aren’t just because of the races themselves but because of the effect that government has when large groups of people are involved. Two individuals of different race might have a chance of living peacefully together on some island, yet it’s a much tougher prospect in a politically influenced arena as is the case with all societies. Just my opinion for now.

    • 回复: @Seneca44
  20. Right_On 说:
    @Dr. Charles Fhandrich


  21. Right_On 说:
    @Adam Smith

    Yep. I’m old enough to remember when TV ads were right sophisticated.

    Like, when Caroline Munro was getting us to light up . . .

    • 谢谢: Adam Smith, Franz
    • 回复: @RJ Macready
  22. @Joe Paluka

    “The majority of whites still go with whites. “


    And TV/media do their stuff on the impressionable – I was in a supermarket queue the other day behind a very pretty, very young working class girl (ignoring her hideous make up and two inches of false lashes), her mother (same makeup and lashes) and her young mixed race child. Many such cases!

  23. aandrews 说:

    “My recent men’s Land’s End Catalogue and what I saw….”

    I thought, Wait a minute! I’ve got the latest men’s Lands’ End…

    页。 3

  24. Larry 说:





  25. TKK 说:


    Chewy、Petsmart、Bisell 描绘黑人照顾猫和狗……让它们住在房子里、骑在车里,成为家庭的一部分?




    3) 说明他们的食品预算每月少于 30 美元。
    4) 以前从未带宠物去接受医疗护理(那些动物在哪里?)



  26. 第5段:“youngster”应为“youngsters”的复数形式。

  27. 另一种观点:黑人是一个比白人更偏向于自己群体的经济市场。 从逻辑上讲,它们应该出现在广告中,因为可能有一群黑人顾客会根据哪个产品有兄弟或姐妹来决定购买哪个产品。 只要黑人被宣传,我就觉得好笑,因为他们总是使用专注于白人文化规范的黑人。 一群丑陋的恶棍就像拖车里的白人一样很少见。 或许每一个黑人广告都应该有更多典型的黑人行为,让白人看到真正的黑人文化。 但我认为每次他们试图这样做时,我们都会被指责与吟游诗人的表演相似。 这是一个有趣的问题。

  28. @YetAnotherAnon


  29. @Joe Paluka

    这是因为前 40 名中的大部分歌曲都是由 Lukasz Gottwald 和 Max Martin 这两个人创作的。

    冒着错过细微差别或夸张的风险,我将按字面意思更正此陈述。 Max 和 Luke 并不是广播中播放的大多数流行音乐(例如,大多数,>50%)的幕后黑手。 浏览他们的唱片表明他们 ,那恭喜你, 近几十年来一些最有效的流行音乐的核心:

    凯莉·克拉克森的《Since U Been Gone》、《BehindThese Hazel Eyes》
    Kesha 的大部分相关音乐

    ……有些人可能会觉得烦人,但据我所知,与同龄人相比,他们并没有真正堕落。 如果您有理由不这么认为,请纠正我。

    另一方面,想到我听过的最烦人的流行音乐,我想到了雷切尔·普拉滕的“战斗之歌”,以及梅根·特雷纳和哈尔西的几乎所有歌曲。 据我所知,这三个人与马丁或博士都没有任何关系。


    与 Flo Rida 有任何关系。 但重点是,不,他们并不是绝大多数流行音乐的幕后黑手,无论互联网上有多少人不断宣扬这一主张。 我们没有像古代古典大师那样有一定界限的好音乐核心,这与我们没有有一定界限的优秀公民领袖的原因是一样的——最低公分母的民主不会产生高质量的结果。

    • 回复: @obwandiyag
  30. mark green 说:

    平等就业机会委员会(我相信是在奥巴马领导下)要求黑人在电视和广告中扮演与其在美国人口中所占比例相称的角色。平权行动2.0。但同性恋/犹太好莱坞将这一法令更进一步。这些(((自由)))倡导者想要废除 白色 正常 尽快。图像是他们的工具。他们的目标是颠覆曾经盛行的旧的、日渐衰落的异教基督教秩序。



    • 谢谢: Robert Dolan
    • 回复: @dindunuffins
    , @aandrews
  31. niteranger 说:
    @Priss Factor

    你搞定了! 绝对正确。 这就是“魔法人民”的新马克思主义灌输。 它真正说的是什么,因为没有遗传学可以使这项工作发挥作用,所以我们正在引进和收养每个人。 白人必须抚养这些孩子,这样黑人才能享受公平。 国家将看到我们的孩子在犹太人带给你的这个美妙的人性篮子里,他们摧毁你的世界,同时保持他们的世界不变。


  32. If i see products being endorsed by blacks only, the message to me is clear. It’s meant for them, let them buy those products, i will avoid them. The same with automobile manufacturers, favoring robots over a human work force. Fine, let your robots buy those cars, i’ll choose a car made by proud workers, with decent jobs sustaining families. If more people would have that principle, they would constitute the might of the masses. But alas, most consumers are flat on the floor with white flags raised. It’s just “i want it” or “the price is right” or “it’s so convenient”. No stamina, no courage, no fighting spirit.

    • 回复: @Realist
  33. eah 说:

    One might conclude from this mental experiment that the insertion of (selective) gratuitous diversity …

    I occasionally view UK TV sports streams, and there the situation is similar, or perhaps worse in the sense Blacks are less than 5% of the population (13.5% in the US) — usually when the commercial break starts I begin a mental countdown to see how long it takes before the gratuitous Black appears (when I don’t stop the stream to avoid the visual aggravation) — most of the time 半数以上 of the commercials feature a gratuitous Black; of course it’s always someone congenial, even authoritative — mixed race couples are fairly common too.

    Obviously it’s just crude propaganda.

    Another aspect of this:


  34. InnerCynic 说:

    I’ve noticed over the past year an explosion of this crap being pimped everywhere. I’m hating the companies that shove this in my face and make a point to withdraw my dollars from said enterprises that do. Get woke go broke, bro!

  35. Blackstone 说:

    有一个名为“巧合过滤器”的 Google Chrome 扩展,它会用 ((())) 突出显示所有犹太人。相当有趣。

  36. J 说:

    The happy smiling mixed propaganda sells because it is soothing, it calms Americans’ anxiety about frightening racial reality. Watching the phantasy of clean, nice, well-spoken, relaxed, non-threatening Blacks is what every White person deeply desires. It would be nice if it was so, no?

    • 回复: @Goddard
    , @Goddard
  37. @Right_On

    Or the Ridley Scott ad for Apple I think(not sure). Awe inspiring. I dont understand why they even feature couples or humans at all. Wouldn’t a slow pan on a metallic body of a sedan showcasing it’s expensive hardware sell better? People are just dumb and stupid with low expectations in the world of 2021. Why do the cars of the 50s, 60s look so regal and perhaps even function better than the ones of today? I see so many comments on YouTube of videos taken in the 60s and 70s on 16mm cameras and they’re all writing……cant believe the quality is so good. What if the quality of those cameras was indeed better than the smartphone high def glossy plastic we have today? Just go and watch any of those videos….Diana and Charles wedding for example….pristine, grainy and far superior.

    My point here is it isnt just culture that is declining but tastes as well. I’d imagine a man buying a car in the 60s would have a superior quality product than today.

  38. Thomasina 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    After World War II ended and the men were coming home, women were no longer needed in the work force. Read a good article a few years back describing how the government, business leaders, advertisers, along with church leaders met to discuss how best to “engineer” women back into the home and their traditional role of motherhood. They would make being in the kitchen sexy and fun – Doris Day and Rock Hudson style. Steered and manufactured, but made to look like it was “your” decision.

    Things don’t just happen. Everything is engineered and controlled from the top. Society is never allowed to blow in the wind like a feather, unless the Ruling Elite want it to. What’s happening right now is by design.

    • 同意: frontier
  39. MrE3001 说:

    为即将到来的事情做好心理准备。 他们正在慢慢地抹去我们。 现在正在加快速度。 就像一个漩涡环绕着下水道。 而那些推动它的人是恶魔附身。 无法停下,甚至减速。 这不是chutzpah的性质。

    • 同意: moi, anaccount
  40. Certainly the propaganda value of advertising is non-negligeable. But will it in this case achieve its desired result?

  41. @Priss Factor

    Grocho Marx said it best ” TV is very educational—whenever anyone turns it on, I retreat to the next room and read a good book “.

  42. 还有人想知道,为什么电视和电影中的跨种族情侣几乎总是白人女性和黑人男性,尽管据统计,美国最普遍的跨种族关系是白人男性和亚洲女性?


    哦,还有色情片。当然,Blacked 是由犹太至上主义者创建和拥有的。

  43. EdwardM 说:

    不同意它是中央控制的。 不必如此。 此内容的所有创作者都具有相同的想法。 主要目的是美德信号,因此麦迪逊大道的公司和公司的创意总监可以在鸡尾酒会上互相拍拍对方的背。 (可能还有一个有效的黑人演员游说团体,他们可以在电视广告和部分电路中过上体面的生活。)我的主要问题是,股东在哪里? 像吉列和 NBC 这样的公司已经遭受了,或者至少让自己处于危险之中,因为他们严厉的觉醒,根本没有窥视,更不用说大公司应该做的那种分析了。

    有点像选举盗窃。 不必在某个地下室进行阴谋。 没有人需要告诉亚特兰大、费城、密尔沃基、底特律和凤凰城的地方官员该做什么。

  44. Anonymous[833]• 免责声明 说:

    牛顿·米诺,不是吗? 大约在 1961 年或 62 年,当时我还是一名高中朋克。

    Who said “the medium is the message?” As if there were some profound truth in that statement.


    • 回复: @AceDeuce
  45. Aristotle 说:
    @thou/thee/thine pronouns


  46. Agathoklis 说:

    FZ 的《我是史莱姆》是电视上最伟大的评论之一




    不要去寻求帮助。 。 。 没有人会理你



    • 谢谢: Richard B, Hangnail Hans
  47. KeltCindy 说:

    * 丁丁丁丁 *


  48. jo shmo 说:



  49. Anonymous[299]• 免责声明 说:

    This sudden blackness is more likely propaganda on behalf of creating a multi-racial America where race “no longer matters.”

    That might have been true decades ago but not anymore. There’s still some residual motivation to convince white women to fuck blacks but the main message in the current climate is that race matters more than ever and the whites should be eliminated. In the future, if demographic numbers reach a critical mass, the Jews are hoping to transform it into outright genocidal slaughter messaging with a touch of 强迫 miscegenation.

    Diversity Filter

    That’s a great idea if people could use it to whitewash movies and such. TV and Web commercials are easily avoided. It’s even possible, with a bit of tinkering, to technically achieve it with today’s tools. The only problem is that the wokeness and diversity is accelerating and moving deeper than the mere cast. New movies are more often than not commissioned, written, directed and assembled on every level by a carnival-like assortment of jewish and BIPOC freaks. There’s no AI that can fix that. Even if we somehow create a true AI in the future, the poor thing would probably kill itself and/or everyone else when exposed to this material.

  50. 我认为雇用黑人更便宜。这就是为什么它们突然在电视广告和平面广告中出现得更多。

    • 巨魔: Sarah
  51. Graham 说:
    @RJ Macready

    “I’d imagine a man buying a car in the 60s would have a superior quality product than today.”

    Well, I don’t know about that. Maybe American cars of that era were better, but in the UK a car was praised if it started most of the time. Cars never started at the first turn of the ignition key, of course, and if the weather wasn’t dry and warm, that is, about 80% of the year, you had to pull the choke out to the exact spot, press the accelerator and release it, then turn the ignition. Too much choke and you would flood the engine, necessitating a ten minute wait before the next attempt.

    Cars developed rust spots virtually as you drove them out of the showroom. They were underpowered (even the sports models), relatively unsafe, with no airbags or anti-lock brakes, and had no air-conditioning.

    Some of them looked great though.

    • 同意: martin_2, Miro23
    • 回复: @Right_On
    , @anarchyst
  52. Sarah 说:

    Not only in the USA but also in Europe especially in Western Europe and more and more in Eastern Asia, except China, where there is obviously a strong pressure to welcome fake “refugees”, as it happens from Arab countries, North Africa and Black Africa😏
    There is also a strong propaganda from their governments in favor of “globalism” and “NWO”.
    For the moment, the population is resisting but for how long, especially since it is aging strongly?

  53. @RJ Macready


    I always liked Ridley Scott’s early english adverts.


    • 回复: @Bill Jones
    , @Right_On
  54. Sarah 说:


    In the USA, “Blacks” are 13%. Sure, it’s a market, but why is it that 90% of advertising (even in states or counties where there are only 3 or 4%), movies, so-called “social” media, and Googliar searches?

    Just one example: ads for skin care or perfumes for women. It’s always the same scenario: they start with a white woman taking the product with delight, then, for no apparent reason, appears a n…. in the corner of the bathroom or bedroom.

    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  55. ebear 说:

    我把电视留在 RT 上,只有在丹尼斯·米勒 (Dennis Miller) 开机时才将其关闭。

    (认真的 RT。你在想什么?WTF?)

    • 同意: Druid55
    • 回复: @Druid55
  56. Publius 2 说:

    The reason for this was explained way back in 2014 by several blogs that the Jews have since kicked off the internet.

  57. Realist 说:

    I think it is being done simply to outrage me.

    This is quite probably the reason. There is an effort to sow racial discordance…a population divided is easily controlled.

  58. Publius 2 说:
    @Paperback Writer

    No white can create anything other than a local business such as being a plumber.

    The Jews own ALL of the capital.


    • 回复: @Hangnail Hans
  59. moi 说:

    但有趣和令人困惑的是,白人正在默默地接受这一切。 他们应该失去他们建立的国家。

    • 回复: @DanFromCT
  60. @RadicalCenter

    You’ll find as many obese diabetics at a BLM rally as you would at the Walmart in Bumfuk Alabama the only difference being the purple hair on the white land whales.

  61. Truth 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Wait a minute Priss, you are aware that Fred Reed just came out this week and said all anti-“Semites” are losers, right?

    • 回复: @profnasty
    , @meretricious
  62. Biff 说:

    You can’t have anything nice without some nigger coming along and fucking it up!


  63. anonymous[153]• 免责声明 说:

    I think it is being done simply to outrage me.

    For sure, but it’s also grinning mockery of whites by the Jews, who don’t care if you mute the sound or minimize the picture during these insults because the mockery is doubled if you do. I’ve been keeping the TV power block turned off to not waste one watt of electricity on that crap and when I’ve turned it back on, Infinity puts up a message to call a number to reboot the box, etc., trebling the insult in my case because my condo association has a contract that works out to $53 a month for basic cable service, aka the kosher TV tax. You’d think Congress would make the cable companies pay subscribers for permission to pipe commercials into their homes, not the other way around, but then Congress itself has become a kosher tax on everything in America inasmuch as it’s owned by Jewish billionaires and exists to serve Jewish interests and no other.

    • 同意: Hangnail Hans
  64. Realist 说:

    首先,没有“突然”的转变。 这种事情已经持续了很长时间。 你刚刚注意到它的事实表明了一种相当倾斜的迟钝。

    有人试图散播种族不和……人口分裂很容易控制。 CRT 是另一种散播种族摩擦的工具。 新冠病毒 流感大流行 scam is another effort by the Deep State to divide the country…as is AGW and many other issues. Fear and friction within the populace makes it very malleable.

    • 同意: Sarah
  65. 不需要看到贫民区的低智商膝盖长出来。低智商黑人贫民窟垃圾组成的 DEM 政党。低智商黑人市长、警察、市议会组成的 DEM 政党,在你最喜欢的大多数地方都有。所有这些宣传都是为了让一些低智商的黑人白痴强奸你的白人女儿。我猜他们想被删除。但既然他们自己就做得这么好,为什么还要麻烦呢。黑人不知道如何治理,而且所有人都是腐败、撒谎的 POS 白痴。这就是为什么他们喜欢制作所有幻想的、煤气灯下的媒体马戏团。黑人认为《黑豹》是一部纪录片。我们 Wuz Kangz 和 Queenz 和 Wakandazzz 和 Sheit!

    • 哈哈: MrE3001
  66. @mark green

    Yup and Obozo bought into NetFlix…you see all the propaganda shows off NetFlix now. Garbage.

  67. Realist 说:

    If i see products being endorsed by blacks only, the message to me is clear. It’s meant for them, let them buy those products, i will avoid them.

    Impossible to do, when they all do it.

  68. 宣传之父爱德华·伯奈斯(Edward Bernays)劝说妇女吸烟。在伯奈斯之前,女性对于吸烟太理智了。

    萨姆·瓦克宁博士表示: 今天,人类历史上第一次,女性更喜欢智商低的男性。

    – 女性正在以某种方式受到推动。


    • 回复: @Mefobills
    , @Dave Bowman
  69. DanFromCT 说:

    Whites are taking this on their knees because the Republican Party and Donald Trump have conspicuously denounced our reaction to black and Jewish warfare against us as domestic terrorism, with the added touch of adding a hair-trigger, zero tolerance for so much as showing up in public to exercise our constitutional right to peaceable assembly. The Republicans, like the Democrats, are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Jews and serve Jewish interests alone, not some ephemeral chamber of commerce in the Republicans’ case. The Jews are engaged in a war of genocide against white America. The Democrats implement the genocide while the Republicans’ task has been neutralizing opposition and preventing native white leadership from arising in America.

    Why are the leaders always gutless worms like McConnell, thrown out of the Army in 1968 probably for homosexual misconduct, McCarthy, the “bachelor roommate” of Jewish leftist Frank Luntz, or Paul Ryan, who’s devotion to Ayn Rand should be in the books as diagnostic of closet homosexuality. You’d think it’d dawn on Republicans that these feckless excuses for men in leadership roles at a time when our country’s existence is at stake were put there by the Jews to fail at every turn, just as they have.

    White cops, however, are the biggest disappointment for most of us. What stinking cowards most of them have proved to be, blind robots overriding the rule of law and obeying illegal orders to stand down by allowing their cities to be burned and looted while they look on. Their unions must be in on it in the big cities since these unions could have overridden City Hall on day one and none of this would ever come to pass. In several instances, white cops have allowed BLM and Antifa’s pencil-necked faggots to attack whites assembling to support those same police and then arrested the whites for merely defending themselves with their hands from brutal attack by BLM and Antifa with weapons. The proof that cowardice lies at the root of white cops’ public disgrace is the cruelty they then turn around and inflict on the innocent for not masking or not instantly obeying them.

  70. GeneralRipper [又名“狮鹫”] 说:

    “Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. 当人们被告知最明显的谎言而被迫保持沉默,甚至当他们被迫重复自己的谎言时,甚至更糟时,他们将一劳永逸地失去正直感。 同意明显的谎言以某种小方式成为邪恶的自己。 一个人抵抗一切的立场因此受到侵蚀,甚至被破坏。 撒谎者的社会很容易控制。 我认为,如果您检查政治上的正确性,它会产生相同的效果,并旨在达到目的。”


  71. GazaPlanet 说:

    Is it really so far-fetched that the equivalent of the “Elders of Zion” and other such scum among the gentile elite coordinate such things? It is obvious that such coordination takes place. If you can’t see it in 2021 with the disease and vaccine craze, you’ll never see it. You’ll hang your hat on being too “well-educated” and “rational” to perceive the obvious.

    • 同意: Mr. Anon
    • 回复: @Mr. Anon
    , @Mefobills
  72. in Western Europe and more and more in Eastern Asia, except China, where there is obviously a strong pressure to welcome fake “refugees”, as it happens from Arab countries, North Africa and Black Africa

    I don’t know about the other places. But it is not so in East Asia.

  73. Ads that show intact black families camping in the woods are aimed at Jews and White liberals, not blacks.

  74. Unit472 说:

    The US has become a Stalinist society without the Dictator. This has to be a first in human history. A free society simply submitting to totalitarianism without there being any party or leader in command. The leftist/media hive simply wills it into being.

  75. MrE3001 说:


    我认为这可能与 1960 年代“民权”宣传中使用的狗的照片有关。但不,犹太人只是知道黑人害怕狗,所以他们利用这些图像来获得最大的情感效果。黑人和我们不一样。他们只是不一样。

  76. @Priss Factor




  77. profnasty 说:

    Cut Fred some slack. His wife is Black. But he’s probably a Jew.

  78. profnasty 说:

    There is no more ‘you’. You’ve been replaced. Pick up your last paycheck, or take the Death Injection. You’re choice.

    • 回复: @Angharad
  79. profnasty 说:

    Does Veissberg even know he’s a Jewish?
    “good-think liberals”, c’mon man, you know who you are.
    Diversity Filter? What kind of drug is he on?
    We need a Diversity Filter at the border. Whites Only.

  80. Trinity 说:

    What about Jose and Juanita? Are not Hispanics the largest “minority” in America? Why are there not more Hispanics on television? Oh, the Black is the favorite foot soldier of the Jew and he just can’t break away from the erection he gets filming a White woman with a Black man? Lets have a commercial with Sarah Silverman kissing some coal black buck straight off the banana boat from Nigeria.

    Two figures that I have been hearing long before the “11 million illegal invaders” ( they sold us that one for like 15 years) is the Jewish population in America is 2% and the Black population in America is 13%. I have been hearing those population numbers for my entire life of 60 years. Now granted, Blacks kill each other as fast as they are born so that might explain that one. And of course, so many Jews are homosexuals so that might explain that one to a degree, lets just hope both figures are legit ( though I doubt it) because less Jews and less Blacks are a good thing.

    First off you blame the White actors who take money for participating in these commercials. You know damn well these “couples” are as real as those “dentists” and “doctors” you see pushing products on television. Everyone with a pulse knows why these commercials exist, like the two gay Black guys kissing each other and the little Brown dude dancing with some huge tranny about half a foot taller, ( the male dancing with the tranny is probably the poster, “Thomm.) We all know that the sick Jew is behind it, and I am proud to say more and more people are finding that out by the day. hehe.


    • 回复: @Mefobills
  81. Alfred 说:
    @Johnny Hooker



    • 同意: GMC
    • 谢谢: Mark Hunter
  82. anon[219]• 免责声明 说:

    Netflix is horribly blackwashed. Feel like I’m at the zoo with black Achilles and countless other cover-gorillas looking back at me.

  83. anarchyst 说:

    我的最爱 “subtle racist” ad is the one for the insurance company where the black driver is singing along with the hood ornament. The black driver is shown singing the words “I’ve got the brawn” while the hood ornament is singing “I’ve got the brains”. I’ll bet that this 人造皮 went over the heads of 99.99% of those who watched the ad. Blacks are too stupid to even see the 人造皮…哈哈

  84. This mixed race kumbaya has reached a crescendo on BBC.

    • 同意: Right_On
  85. Goddard 说:
    @Priss Factor

    ... 将它贴在电视机顶上。


  86. Mr. Anon 说:

    The fact that blacks became omnipresent in TV ads in both the UK and USA simultaneously indicates it’s enemy action – not ‘happenstance’ or ‘coincidence’.

    In similar vein, why does nobody question why the governments of the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and many nore besides, are all repeating the same slogan “Build Back Better”, a slogan that was first promoted by the WEF. Take this article from The Sun, for example:


    Which – of course – derides any noticing of this phenomenon as a “conspiracy theory”.

    So – get this – governments and shadowy supra-national organizations are all pushing the same policies and even all have the same f**king slogan, but to notice this is to traffic in “conspiracy theories”, a thing that journalists assure me is a bad and dangerous thing to do.

  87. @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    It was Newton Minow, FCC chairman, in 1961:

    “When television is good, nothing—not the theater, not the magazines or newspapers—nothing is better. But when television is bad, nothing is worse. I invite each of you to sit down in front of your television set when your station goes on the air and stay there for a day without a book, without a magazine, without a newspaper, without a profit and loss sheet or a rating book to distract you. Keep your eyes glued to that set until the station signs off. I can assure you that what you will observe is a vast wasteland.”

    • 谢谢: Hangnail Hans
  88. Trinity 说:

    Couple of things I noticed physically about Blacks.

    Why do so many Black males shave their heads? Baldness must be a problem with Black males even more than Whites.

    MOST Blacks have better teeth than Whites. I always give credit where it is due, and Blacks have real white, ( maybe their dark skin makes the teeth appear whiter), but the teeth look strong and straight. YET, I never see a Black at the dentist and those fools are too lazy to practice regular dental hygiene and they eat sweets all the time. Some Black have bad teefers but they are the exception and not the rule. I guess God blessed the fools with teeth instead of other things. Score one for the Blacks. They got Whitey beat on the choppers.

    Black ladies have ugly feet. Pity the poor Korean lady who has to work on those things. Black ladies grow hair in strange places even before menopause. I have seen younger Black ladies with chin hair. Went to skoo with some Black chick named Ernestine, hehe, no kidding, her name really was Ernestine. She had hair everywhere, under the arms, bushy eyebrows, “laigs,” good ole Ernestine. At that age I must have gotten in touch with the unemployed fantasizing about several girls in high skoo, but Ernestine was one that never crossed my mind or my hand. lololol

    Cue: Bertha Butt Boogie by Jimmy Castor Bunch

  89. Mr. Anon 说:

    The old saying is: Don’t attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity.

    And there’s some truth in that.

    But, equally true: Don’t attribute to stupidity what can be attributed to malice.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  90. A recent advertising trend is showing black hands entering the video frame to caress the product, such as smores, snack chips, or credit cards. Always the functional black family or devoted black father. It’s really bizarre. I think youtube does it to force people to pay for ad-free youtube just to escape it.

    • 回复: @Alfred
  91. HT 说:

    My favorite commercials for comic relief are the ones with a black family, all talking like intelligent white people, living in an upper middle class home, driving a Volvo or Lexus and the father is a doctor, engineer or investment banker. The dishonesty of such fiction is to be commended for it’s sheer audacity. The Tribe sure knows how to produce propaganda.

  92. Seneca44 说:
    @Dr. Charles Fhandrich


  93. @Publius 2

    P.W. is “of the Tribe” FYI.

    He does the FWP thing when convenient.

  94. @RadicalCenter

    S&D 是这里的一个特例,在任何时候都没有必要或什至认为有意义。 他生活在 1.5 亿中国人的身边,所以我们时不时地让他放松一下。

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  95. Mefobills 说:

    Is it really so far-fetched that the equivalent of the “Elders of Zion” and other such scum among the gentile elite coordinate such things? It is obvious that such coordination takes place.

    It’s co-ordinated via think tanks. Think tanks are typically tax free:


    However, there has been a trend on the part of some think tanks to more directly influence the US political process and advocate particular ideological or partisan viewpoints. These organizations may find the 501(c)3 category too restrictive. Both Heritage and the Center for American Progress have set up parallel organizations under the 501(c)4 category in order to engage more directly in electoral politics and pursue particular legislative outcomes. Under this status, organizations classified as “social welfare or community benefit organizations” are allowed to contribute money to political candidates so long as their “primary purpose” is a social welfare or community benefit issue.+

    Also, the news media organizations are now consolidated, especially after Bill Clinton’s 1996 Telecommunication act. Guess (((who))) are the behind the scenes billionaire owners.

    Presstitutes mouth what their paymasters tell them to say.


    (It’s about what our GM reads, its about what our CEO thinks.)

    One aspect of (((finance capitalism))), is usury flows recycle into sensitive organs of the body politic. The parasite has to control the brain and reproduction centers of the host, in order to keep taking unearned income and rents.

    Of course, think-tanks were made tax free, to then make the recycled money flows more effective.

    Color revolutions are also funded by the same mechanisms. Finance oligarchy uses tools that are fairly obvious if one has a jew-dar, and follows the tribe’s actions.

    Our (((friends))) have always seized the media as part if their in-group methods. The most recent example was the Oligarch take over of Russia in the 90’s, with the Media getting first attention.

    Russia in order to preserve their civilization from the predators, is fighting back, but not enough to my estimation:


    The affected outlets are Open Media and MBKh Media, both funded by Khodorkovsky, a former businessman who spent a decade in prison on fraud charges. He is now based in London.

    Note that the Russian oligarchs flee to London, the seat of Finance Capitalism. Note also that the British people are being hoaxed and abused by clown-world, the same as the American people.

  96. [Your imaginary (but not too far-fetched)] Diversity Filter will warn the viewer of this misrepresentation, for example, a documentary claiming an epidemic of police killing unarmed blacks, so they can immediately change channels or turn off the TV.

    Whoa, you got there! 关掉电视. It doesn’t take 人造的 Intelligence to do that. It takes 实际 情报。

    Sorry, I’m late to this thread and haven’t read all the comments yet. Mr. Weissberg, I enjoyed the article and agree with you. However, you are not the first, by any means, to point this out. The alt-right, and I supposed one can include Steve Sailer in there, has been writing about this for decades. 峰值愚蠢 noted that I can’t even watch 宋飞. I used to watch reruns on TBS when bored on the road, but, as someone above noted, the mute switch is not enough anymore. The commercials are completely incongruous with the show.

    One more thing (also hashed about on iSteve recently) – nobody has proven worth a damn that big-time advertising even works! As one commenter above wrote, they are doing this to show that they can do this to us. Wait, not “us”, but you, Mr. Weissberg, and others who complain.

    Turn off the idiot plate!

  97. Interracial couples, typically a black male and an attractive white female (70%) are commonplace.


    Advertising is nothing more than TPTB laundering money to their chosen capos and lieutenants.

  98. @aandrews

    That would explain the bitchy look on the dog’s face.

    • 回复: @Expletive Deleted
  99. @Mr. Anon

    The old saying is: Don’t attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity.

    Thank you, Mr. Anon.

    But, equally true: Don’t attribute to stupidity what can be attributed to malice.

    Whoa there, hoss! That may be true, but it’s not good advertising for my 官网. (Maybe I need to rent the “Peak Malice” domain?)

    Hell, I’ll just put a black guy/ white woman / ambiguous kid ad on a billboard. That ought to get me some traffic, right? Speaking of that, I’ve talked to almost all sharp White guys when getting help from the hosting company. However, those guys will never get credit on their site – take a look at The People of GoDaddy.

  100. @Supply and Demand

    You will not get to see many White people on your TV in Dalian. You will watch fat-ass Yogi Bear of the CCP, and you will like it. Yogi says “good job, Supply & Demand! Here’s your 10 cents RMB, and next week you may be eligible to lick my balls.”

    • 哈哈: Old Prude
  101. Alfred 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    When Rousseau published his rubbish in the 1760s/70s, no one was behind it. It just resonated with the spirit of times of some segments of a society and the rest is history.

    There is a big difference. This sentiment in France came from the grassroots. What is happening in the West is very much top down.

    The French version succeeded for precisely that reason. What is happening in the West is destined to eventually fail because it being dictated and controlled from above.

    • 不同意: Raches
    • 哈哈: frontier
    • 回复: @Intelligent Dasein
  102. nsa 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Simpler cheaper solution: march out to the shop, grab the diagonal cutters, cut the pixilated JooBox line cord. Warning for southerners: it’s a good idea to disconnect the line cord from the wall outlet before attempting this procedure.

  103. @TKK


    Chewy、Petsmart、Bisell 描绘了黑人照顾猫和狗的故事……

    我担心我是唯一一个注意到这种荒谬的人。我在 YouTube 上看过 Petsmart 广告。微笑的黑人表达了他们对动物的热爱。这让我感到震惊,因为我见过很多关于哔哔声让狗挨饿和/或放火的故事。

  104. rienzi 说:



    ;在下午 6 点打开电视。 每当一个商业广告展示一个完整的、幸福的、白人家庭,其中爸爸没有被描绘成一个白痴,孩子们也不是坏脾气的混蛋时,就来一杯龙舌兰酒。


  105. peterike 说:


    确实如此,但犹太人在这方面非常成功,以至于现在一切都在自动驾驶仪上进行。当接近 50% 的白人、更高比例的“受过教育”的白人、以及更高比例的受过教育的年轻白人完全是多样性的真正信徒时,那么你就不再需要阴谋了。当然,现在亚洲人从顶尖大学涌出,他们都尽职尽责地遵循多元化议程,并大举进军媒体和政治领域。

    这已经远远超出了阴谋的范畴。它只是自行运行。当然,犹太人仍然是这个领域的重要组成部分,无论是在经济上还是在媒体地位和 Twitter 蓝支票领域的突出地位方面。他们提供了大量的火上浇油,但现在已经远远超出了他们的范围。


    • 同意: Thermostatus
  106. Goddard 说:

    ... 将它贴在电视机顶上。


    • 同意: 3g4me
  107. Trinity 说:

    What we need is more cowbell and less Blacks.

    • 同意: Corrupt
  108. Goddard 说:

    The happy smiling mixed propaganda sells because it is soothing, it calms Americans’ anxiety about frightening racial reality.

    Yes. It cannot be emphasized enough how neurotic, sloppy, and decadent white Americans have become. The Revolution we are experiencing starts not with the Jews, not with the blacks—but with the neuroticism, slouchiness, and decadence of whites.

  109. @Hangnail Hans

    I was being 1/2 facetious with my reply to him. S&D has written good comments when he is not trolling just for fun. (The latter seems like 75% of the time though lately.)

  110. ricpic 说:

    Wow, that black “husband” looks SO benevolent. So how come all the fool white women who “go black” and end up with bashed-in teeth (if they’re lucky) or slashed necks if not? I guess they’re just not lucky, huh?

  111. Anon[742]• 免责声明 说:

    Exactly the same thing is happening in south Africa. A few years ago Blacks complained that an insurance company ( and subsequently other companies too), called Outsurance does not feature blacks in their ads. So Outsurance scrambled to include blacks in their ads to satisfy their feeble minds. One can see it across all ads nowadays- only blacks feature.

  112. ricpic 说:

    I actually know an exemplary black. He’s the manager of the Wegman’s supermarket I frequent. Not an easy job, which he does well. But of course there’s nothing “glamorous” about his position. No, what they want, what we MUST be made to accept is that every other black is a brain surgeon…potentially at least.

  113. @Trinity

    LOL. You know why blacks have good teeth. Because they are already paid for with their free HUSKY healthcare/ or whatever equivalent in other states. In CT Husky pays for braces 100%. All dental work. And UCONN has their students do most of the work. It’s all free and paid for by Whitey.

  114. The Jews have also imposed a new religion on us called Negro Worship. It is so blatantly obvious and is contrived to humiliate Whites by ramming it down our throats. Of course cowardly, Leftist Whites will eat it up and call for more. Ugh.
    我在电视上看棒球,所以我看到了几个小时的广告,而且一直都是黑人。 显然,ADL 让人知道除非每个人都加强疯狂的黑人崇拜,否则会有不间断的诉讼。
    这些广告中的所有夫妻都是不同种族的。 有时孩子是白人; 只是为了让我们放心。
    白人男性也被专门表现为与黑人女性结婚的女性化弱者。 这是地球上最不可能发生的情况。 然而,几年前我确实认识一对这样的夫妇,他们公开谈论他们在一起的主要原因是成为一对混血夫妇。 他们甚至拿了一些关于混血生活的杂志。 最终结果并不好。 我想她把他甩了纯粹是因为无聊。
    And also, these negroes on the ads are ALWAYS portrayed as doing stereotypically White things and behaving in stereotypically White ways. We see Blacks in intact, prosperous families going on wilderness hikes and hugging golden retrievers and playing chess (Blacks playing chess is one of the big lying memes the Jews trot out ALL the time) and being doctors and being computer geniuses, etc. You will NEVER see a White doctor on TV. And the Black doctors usually look like dreadlocked horror shows just to force us to celebrate savagery.
    The ugliest, stupidest, most violent and irrational race leads the way as promethean heroes rather than the destroyers of civilization that they are. Blacks and other nonWhites have been weaponized by the Jews. The Jews are nothing but criminal, parasitic gypsies with higher IQs.
    这都是坏消息。 不过很快就会反转。 会超级难看。 我等不及了。

  115. 白人种族主义是黑人社会病态的结果,而不是原因。

    • 回复: @Slimer
  116. Mefobills 说:

    Sam Vaknin 博士表示:今天,人类历史上第一次,女性更喜欢智商低的男性。

    – 女性正在以某种方式受到推动。



    此外,精神病患者会被金钱和权力所吸引。然后你会得到一个强有力的三连胜,其中 (((至上主义宗教))) 为放高利贷以获得金钱和权力提供掩护和制裁。


    They are not trying to dumb down humanity, they are trying to sow chaos and division, to then milk the lumpenproletariat. Chaos and division also allows “blood in the streets,” so that real assets can be bought on the cheap. A good example is Covid hysteria, where the middle class is abused and being bought out, especially small business. Or, during the hyperinflation, where the German middle class was usurped and up to 1/3 of the country was bought out from under their feet. You can guess (((who))) the culprits were.











    “在过去的 1000 年里,天主教会一直说贫穷是高尚的。 但耶稣从未说过贫穷是好的。 他说的是富人贪婪腐败。 这就是苏格拉底所说的,还有亚里士多德和斯多葛罗马哲学家,以赛亚书中的圣经先知。”


    如何组织文明等级很重要。 (((最糟糕的人)))不能靠近控制杆。

    • 谢谢: Druid55
  117. @Bardon Kaldian

    When something is ubiquitous, it doesn’t mean it’s centrally controlled and coordinated. Idiotic US Counter-cultural 60s were not “controlled” or “engineered”.

    Yuri Slezkine begs to differ:

    As Yuri Slezkine notes, Jews did not just practice communism in Russia; they practiced it in the United States as well. Whenever the Kremlin looked for agents in the United States it first sought out children of Russian Jews… Jewish communism in Russia was waning about the same time that Jewish radicalism in the United States was about to accelerate. The 1960’s saw an explosion of leftist radicalism in which the Jewish component was, as Slezkine admits, of almost the same ratio as the Jewish involvement in communism of the 1920’s and the 1930’s. Without the Jews, no 1960’s. Several social scientists of the “decade which changed everything” determined that being Jewish was the single most important factor in predicting radical behavior.https://rense.com/general87/century.htm

    ((Jews)) are sneaky, conniving, deceitful little reprobates and killers — just like the their forefathers, the Hebrews that Moses rightfully butchered for jeopardizing what he was trying to build: civilization and the rule of law.

    That beautiful act ultimately resulted in Christian civilization. Bitter, butthurt and bristling ever since, ((Jews)) and their degenerate collaborators have secretly been plotting their revenge for 3000 years.

    My money is on Moses and civilization.

  118. beau 说:



  119. Partic 说:





    在大多数情况下,Unz Review 的读者相信公司正在吹口哨,虽然在短期内他们很可能是正确的,但我对中期不太确定,更不用说长期了。

    Unz Review,尤其是 Unz 自己的 America Pravada 系列,是一个很好的资源,但其中很多似乎起到了减压阀的作用。 许多评论员似乎吹口哨经过他们的墓地。

  120. SafeNow 说:
    @Priss Factor


    什么是“一张纸”? 什么是“写”?

    平面广告和电视广告描绘的是没有抽屉的“办公桌”。 他们真的是桌子。 桌子的顶部是一台笔记本电脑。 或者手机。 广告中没有纸、笔或文字。 这就是现代生活。 如果人们不是在便利贴或其他东西上记下来,他们是如何记住做某事的? 他们并不总是记得。 在过去,各种各样的员工都会在办公室、商店(或医院!)周围走动,他们的衬衫口袋里放着一支笔和索引卡。

    • 回复: @Expletive Deleted
  121. Z-man 说:

    This crap being forced down the throats of the consumers is going to fail and fail spectacularly.
    I switch off commercials that show interracial relationships. It’s totally unpalatable.

  122. Mefobills 说:

    And of course, so many Jews are homosexuals so that might explain that one to a degree, lets just hope both figures are legit ( though I doubt it) because less Jews and less Blacks are a good thing.

    I haven’t put my finger on the mechanism yet, but the over-lord class does include homosexuality.


    England was infiltrated in 1694 when the Bank of England was established. The preceding 100 years was a concerted effort by our (((friends))) to insert themselves as a parasite to then host the country, especially locate themselves at the center of finance, where unearned income and control can be had. The press organs in Amsterdam were bent to the will of the (((tribe))) by printing in English for England’s consumption, and at great cost, to then hoax the English with propaganda.

    This pathology of money-sickness then spreads to the Goyim. The Goy become sick also by association with the Jew.

    ‘The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.’ — Quote from Caroll Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope,’ Chapter 20

    These sick people, from behind the scenes, maneuvered Parliament. They started the Boer war, and WW1.

    Beit and Lionel Phillips, also Jewish together controlled H. Eckstein & Co., the largest South African mining syndicate. Of the six largest mining companies, four were controlled by Jews.

    Rhodes later maintained a significant lover relationship with Scotsman Sir Leander Starr Jameson, who was a baronet known as “Dr. Jim” and British administrator of the lands constituting present-day Zimbabwe. He ended up loyally nursing Rhodes during his final illness. Jameson was a trustee of his estate and residuary beneficiary of his will, which allowed him to continue living in Rhodes’ mansion after his death.

  123. @Alfred

    There is a big difference. This sentiment in France came from the grassroots. What is happening in the West is very much top down.

    This is absolute nonsense. Voltaire and Robespierre were the sons of lawyers. Marat was the son of a physician. They were all the upper middle class bourgeoisie, just like today. They were the Antifa of their time.

    • 同意: frontier, Bill
    • 巨魔: Raches
    • 回复: @Mr. Anon
    , @Alfred
    , @Raches
  124. Schuetze 说:

    生活在他的 talmudic 泡沫中的 Boobus Americanus 似乎没有注意到在美国所有媒体上进行的媒体宣传活动如何轰炸各大洲的白人基督教徒欧洲人。 它正在整个欧洲发生,甚至在东欧国家,甚至在北欧国家,甚至在波罗的海国家。 如果是 globohomo、全球变暖、Covid 恐惧色情或 Kalergi 风格的种族混合,所有西方国家都在遭受同样的 talmudic 宣传。


    仅此一项就告诉我们整个故事。 全球主义=犹太教。 1933年犹地亚向德国宣战时,犹地亚向白人文明宣战。 当罗斯福和丘吉尔联手与斯大林一起对德国进行种族灭绝时,他们是代表犹地亚这样做的。 剩下的就是,正如他们所说的,“历史”。

    • 同意: CelestiaQuesta, JoeFour
    • 回复: @CelestiaQuesta
  125. Roberto11 说:

    Something i’ve been thinking about lately, due to fed money printing many of these companies have so much money laying around that it no longer matters if a portion of their viewers tune out. Do you imagine that disney cares if a chunk of their viewers tune out or avoid their movies because of the B.S. they spew? Their parks are packed and their channels are included in cable packages so they get payed whether anyone watches or not. Same with ESPN and sports networks.

  126. Old Prude 说:

    I get a kick out the precision machining trade magazines. The ads and blather show women and blacks, but the articles done in actual machine shops are all white dudes.

    • 回复: @TheMoon
  127. @TKK


    • 回复: @Druid55
  128. Bill 说:

    如果它不是中央控制的,它怎么可能是“精英发起”和“协调”的? 要求一些论证的连贯性是否太过分了?

    The cool kids call this “emergence.” However, it has been a central theme of laissez-faire economics since forever. You can read about it in Adam Smith, Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and many others. Also relevant “preference cascades” or Timur Kuran’s interesting book _Private Truths, Public Lies_. You may not like “emergence,” and it might be wrong, but it is coherent.

    • 不同意: Drapetomaniac
  129. anon[169]• 免责声明 说:

    The original black Potemkin family on TV was the Cosby Show. Then came Fresh Prince of Bel Air which made Will Smith a huge star. These days of course it just doesn’t matter anymore because nobody watches TV anymore. The few who do watch it via their computer which has ad blocker.

    The death of TV and the advertising industry can only be good news for America, so I won’t complain about them writing their own obituary by overselling the diversity stuff. By all means amp it up.

    The Diversity Filter will succeed if it stays neutral, i.e. give a Diversity Rating to every show, or put them in a category: green/rainbow means lots of diversity, red/white means lacking in diversity, so users can pick which shows to avoid/watch based on their preference.

  130. “汉堡?”!

    在澳大利亚,我们也有同样的问题,广告中的无偿黑人。 黑人远远不到总人口的 13%,但他们出现在大量广告中——比他们在社区中的人数要多得多,而且作为异族夫妇(通常是男性,白人女性)的一部分也很常见。 他们在广告中似乎比原住民更常见。

  131. obwandiyag 说:

    This sudden effusion of black actors, explainers, characters, movies, etc. just proves that the free market does not exist.

    If it did, the corporations wouldn’t do this, because it loses them money. But they apparently don’t care about losing money. Or maybe something else is going on. Maybe the have us so hog-tied, everything is so corrupt and sewed-up, they make money any way you want to slice it, and thus they can easily afford to propagandize us any way they want to slice it.

    And why suddenly fill the airwaves with blacks?

    Because lots of people don’t like it.

    Divide and conquer, my friends, Romans, and countrymen. Divisa et impera. Works every time.

  132. Mr. Ed 说:

    做我做的; 我在 1975 年关掉了电视,没有它我也过得很幸福。

    我确实通过 Game Pass 观看了 NFL 圣徒队的球迷,但广告总是静音。

  133. Corrupt 说:

    I talked to a friend from Italy who was visiting. He thought the population of the U.S. would be at least half black based on the number seen in commercials (another 25% should have been gay/lesbo/tranny). He was surprised to see the truth.

    • 回复: @Expletive Deleted
  134. @TKK


  135. First they pushed (((GlobalHomo))), spreading HIV/AIDS, killing 38 million with another 35 million incubators infecting other LGBTIQPWXYZ while celebrating gay pride, gay rainbows, and gay love around the world.

    When that worked so well, they pushed for reparations for blacks cuz evil whitey were all slave masters, and low and behold, what did we get?
    We got 14 million black thugs who should never have been born, causing majority of violent crimes, Burn Loot Murders, rapes and random acts of violence.
    And to cover up the violence, they give us this BS.

    Ladies and gentlemen, oops can’t say that anymore,
    people of color, he/she/hims/ad nausea,
    please welcome the new face of America, the M A G I C. N E G R O families y’all going to love.

    (((They))) forgot to mention in the ad campaigns disclosure in the fine print below that “Side Effects” of rubbing blacks in our face will do nothing to offset any relentless violent crimes inflicted on all races by blacks. Use products with caution, they may be dangerous to your mental and physical health.
    Caution: Not to be sold to White Supremacists or People of White Complexion (PWC).

    This Magic Negro sugar coating will only add fuel to fires now out of control.

    Let the next CW2.0 begin.

  136. jtgw 说:

    一种慈善的解释是,某些级别的精英仍然希望普通黑人向往稳定的家庭。 我害怕如果广告中只出现不听话的爸爸和单身福利妈妈会发生什么。 它可能更准确地反映了黑色现实,但它不是我们想要作为模型的东西。 正如默里所说,精英们不会宣扬他们的做法; 他们在生孩子之前建立事业并结婚,同时宣扬所有类型的家庭在某种程度上都是同样可行的,而且穷人(至少如果他们是黑人)完全是环境的受害者,而不是他们自己错误选择的受害者。 不幸的是,穷人按照精英说的去做,而不是按照精英做的。

    但我认为有些愿望是完全不合理的。 我们不能指望有大量的黑人物理学家,因为那个群体的平均智商太低了。 当有很多其他更容易实现的目标时,将 STEM 职业作为他们的最高抱负是不公平的。

    • 回复: @TheMoon
  137. Richard B 说:


    “Take it away Don Pardo!”

  138. Richard B 说:

    Given all of the damage 犹太至上公司. has done to people the world over, it’s obvious that 反犹太主义 = 爱! So, it’s ok to punch a Jewish Supremacist.

  139. @obwandiyag


    一些精选的流行音乐只是我音乐聆听中的一小部分。 什么,你认为几十年来由那些一直以音乐为生、拥有大量资源的人制作的资金雄厚的音乐在任何方面都永远不值得一听? 没有人会做出有趣的技术创新,没有人会开发出任何新颖有趣的声音及其组织? 那么,你听什么?

    你什么也不知道。 阅读和学习。

    啊,是的,这篇文章来自 大西洋,误解的起源,尽管称其为乌尔误解可能不公平。 您可能会注意到:这篇文章声称马克斯和卢克是人们听到的大部分音乐的幕后黑手。 这是真实的; 我没有对此提出异议; 事实上,在引用他们的一些著名歌曲时,我非常清楚地表明了我对此的认识。

    您可能还注意到:这篇文章从未声称马克斯和卢克制造了 绝对多数 流行歌曲。 从 2016 年到现在(2021 年),近五年的时间里,三首排行榜单曲(摘自 广告牌)由马克斯·马丁创作。 维基百科没有给出卢克博士的名单,但我猜应该是差不多的。 可以肯定的是,他们的存在感很强,但如果你认为打开收音机时很可能不会听到一首他们中的一首歌曲,那么你(咳咳)“一无所知”。 有很多人从事流行音乐工作,这个行业确实主要生产垃圾东西,但这并不是因为某些 Reddit 级别(或者真正的 Adam-Ruins-Everything-tier)原因,例如 只有两个斯堪的纳维亚人在做,所以听起来都一样。 不,流行广播只是迎合低级趣味,就像流行政治一样,有时,一个以制作流行歌曲为工作的技术娴熟的人会决定偷偷加入一些好的、聪明的和有趣的东西。 但这并不意味着整个行业不会退化。

    • 回复: @obwandiyag
  140. Bill Jones 说:


  141. Agent76 说:

    Apr 25, 2021 The Evolution of the Vigilante | The March on Washington

    After the emancipation of slaves in the united states there was an increase of vigilante groups across the country. These groups included organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Knights of the White Camelia, and they behaved as if they were a reinforcement of the law.

    17年2014月XNUMX日MALCOLM X您是政治狂!

  142. @Schuetze


    • 回复: @Schuetze
  143. TheMoon 说:

    That’s my question to anyone compaining about Diversity TV.

    “Why are you watching?”

    There’s so much else to do. My husband is getting into woodworking, and I’m starting to code up a procedurally generated JRPG style game.

    • 回复: @BuelahMan
  144. Technomad 说:

    IMO,其中很多是为了阻止“醒来”的暴徒。 有点像在苏联时期,一个在苏联或华沙条约国家出版东西的明智的人会引用列宁的名言(以及当时其他共产主义名人的支持)。 它是 Danegeld 的一种形式。

  145. TheMoon 说:

    有些人似乎对 IT 工作有诀窍。 我们一半的 IT 员工是黑人,他们知道自己的事情。 通常负责我们部门的人是机器人先生的忠实粉丝(关于黑客的节目)。

    • 回复: @jtgw
    , @dindunuffins
  146. Druid55 说:

    哇,我也是。 受不了那个笨蛋失败者!

  147. TheMoon 说:
    @Old Prude

    我丈夫正在从事木工行业,网上的每个木工视频都是白人。 只是少数其他种族。

    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  148. @Adam Smith

    Can’t wait to see a commercial for Snoop Dog’s Purple Drank, (seen his red wine at T.J.s) where niggaz in the hood say, wow yeah huh huh, dats wut makes us niggaz niggaz, followed by a drive by shooting at the end.


  149. pol anon 说:

    Who sees advertising anymore? I haven’t looked at a commercial in a decade.

    • 回复: @Schuetze
  150. SafeNow 说:
    @Fisk Ellington Rutledge IV

    Excellent post, thanks. You really hit the main infuriating and irrational aspects that we always see.

    I try hard to imagine the ad company thinking that might sensibly justify this. This isn’t easy. Maybe it goes like this. I am supposed to think “This car company is smart and modern to know that the trend is to hire black actors. So, they must ALSO be smart and modern in how they make their cars.”

  151. The Crusades of the past were about defending Christianity with white warrior Templar Knights from Abrahamic tribes.
    Today’s Crusades are about defending Talmudic Israel with warrior BLM Magic Negro knights from evil Christian White Supremacists domestic terrorists.

    History repeats itself if you can rise above the noise.

    • 回复: @frontier
  152. frontier 说:
    @thou/thee/thine pronouns

    “Will this have a positive impact on the remaining white population when its less desireable members are bred out instead of in?”

    First, the ads aren’t aimed at the “less desirable members” and their effects are certainly not limited to them or their children. Children in particular are likely to absorb the messages regardless of the “desirability” of their parents. I’ll skip the question of who determines desirability, there is no need to discuss silly eugenics here. However, the situation is worse than that because… numbers. “The remaining white population” would be too low in number to mater politically, check that wonder of freedom and diversity called Haitian Revolution…

    “2020 census shows a diversifying nation where 白人总人口历史上首次减少 2.6 年至 2010 年间,非西班牙裔白人人口下降了 2020%,这一下降使该群体占美国总人口的比例低于 60%。 认同多个种族或族裔的人数增长速度是所有群体中最快的=

    “In California, the Hispanic or Latino population officially became the largest racial or ethnic group in the state 首次. The Hispanic or Latino community now represents 39.4% of Californians, an increase from 37.6% in 2010.”

  153. jtgw 说:

    你其实说得有道理。 IT 工作可能不像天体物理学那样具有精神上的挑战性,但它不适合傻瓜。 但是平均黑人智商不是 低的; 显然有足够的智商来管理 IT 的黑人。 我猜想 115-120 的 IQ 足以进行 IT 维护,假设有足够的培训和体面的职业道德。 也许不足以成为 IT 创新者,但普通的工作只需要你和别人的发明一起工作。

    我不知道您的 IT 员工是否有一半是黑人,因为他们确实是最合格的,或者是否需要满足一些多元化的人力资源目标。 就像他们可能足够好,人力资源部下令你需要一个黑色配额。

  154. Schuetze 说:

    Blacks and Arabs will be slaves just like whites. Asians too. All the goyim will be subject to Noahide laws. This doesn’t mean that your average garden variety Jewish Racial Supremacist won’t suffer too. Just look at how all those stupid Jews have lined up to take the clot shot. But in the end the Rabbi’s always prefer Jews over Goyim. So in effect “good jews” are dragging the rest of us into the hell on earth that they have assisted their beloved Rabbi’s in creating for all of us. They think that they are getting a great bargain with the promise of 3000 goyim slaves, but what they have bought into is the world of “Do what thou willst”, and their own Jewish slave masters will not waste any time or effort trying to make the life of “good jews” enjoyable. This is why Jews, like negroes, never want to live among themselves. A society based on judaism is a society based on satanism.

    • 谢谢: CelestiaQuesta
    • 回复: @Expletive Deleted
  155. Schuetze 说:

    Here is a great video based on clips from “they live” that really reveals what is going on across the west since 1945

  156. Anonymous[105]• 免责声明 说:

    “commentaries on subjects’ notable for the lack of ”

    It bears noting that Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a black astrophysicist.

    Sammy Davis Jr.? Black and white couple.

    Barack and Michelle Obama? Black and white couple.

    Quincy Jones? Black and white couple.

    Strom Thurmond? Black and white couple.

    Bill Clinton? Black and white couple.

    Robert DeNiro? Black and white couple.

    Bob Dylan? Black and white couple.

    Ted Danson? Black and white couple.

    Seal? Black and white couple.

    That white lady who got murdered? Black and white couple.

  157. Schuetze 说:
    @pol anon

    You assume that this garbage is only appearing in advertisements on the media you prefer to consume. It is far more insidious than that. This programming and mind control is everywhere on social media. Of course “influencers” on Tik Tok and Instagram are pushing this judaic trash too, but every image and video on the internet containing this filth is promoted, while image or video deemed to be “regressive” is demoted. This is why Millenials and Gen Z are half brain dead, it is by design. These articles really help to illustrate what is going on in general, and what is going on specifically with their planning with the plandemic. Society and western civilization is not being dumbed down by advertisements and media alone.

    Babies born in the Covid pandemic ‘have lower IQs’: Three-month-olds now score around 80 on intelligence tests – compared to 100 before the virus struck, research says

    We find that children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic. Moreover, we find that males and children in lower socioeconomic families have been most affected.

    • 回复: @TheMoon
    , @Expletive Deleted
  158. frontier 说:

    The Crusades of the past were about defending Christianity with white warrior Templar Knights from Abrahamic tribes.

    Definitely untrue for the Fourth Crusade. To make the long story short, the net result if all Crusades was negative, “defending Christianity” is just a cute slogan used to excuse a lot of stupid acts, mostly driven by blind greed. The Western historical accounts of the Fourth Crusade are much like the advertisements of today… the sellouts have ruled and continue to rule the Western intellectual elite. Nothing new on the Western Front.

  159. @Trinity

    in regards to teeth……….Blacks have a number of physiological differences besides the obvious ones.

    1) They have thicker epidermis skin so they wrinkle less as they age.

    2) They have denser bones and also the same with thicker enamel. Hence the whiter teeth

    Besides staining of teeth more noticeable with thinner enamel………..yellowing over time with age is a result of the enamel wearing off. Blacks have a long wearing enamel due to the thickness so the reason you see old scat man Crothers like men in the 80s with dem big white pearly teeth.

    However, most dentist I know willing to discuss racial difference in dentistry have told me when I made the same observations that what Blacks will often end up with is really bad gum due to poor dental habits……….that will result in what you see with a lot of older Blacks in having missing teeth.

    Another thing……….with their women…..like their men they carry a 3% higher male testosterone which of course for the women has androgenic (male) effects in their race not seen as high or often in women of other races………dem Black ladies have lots of muscles and body hair in de wrong places….

    • 回复: @Hapalong Cassidy
  160. Katrinka 说:
    @Fisk Ellington Rutledge IV

    When I was traveling in Panama I watched some Tee Vee just to catch a few ads. There was no racial mixing. All the ads were family oriented with no mixed race dads moms or kids. Panama is very multi racial. It just goes to show that the ad companies are targeting Americans with this garbage and staying out of Central America.

  161. anon[355]• 免责声明 说:

    So on TV we see the magical black families made up of two college educated professionals with equally accomplished grandparents, and children who no doubt excel in school and worry about whether they should attend Harvard or Yale.

    Meanwhile in real life, Oregon’s heavily Democratic state legislature and governor just quietly signed into law dropping the English, math and science proficiency requirements for high school graduation in the name of “equity”. Too many black kids were unable to graduate high school due to these inconvenient requirements, so they must be racist and was eliminated.

    Next, these high school flunkies will go on to college, and the colleges too will have to graduate them since it’s racist not to. Then they go on to law/med/MBA school and those schools too would have to graduate them otherwise it’s racist. Then, employers have to hire them otherwise they’re racist. And of course, they can’t be fired for incompetence because that’d be racist. And they must be promoted to the highest level because otherwise that’d be racist.

    All so we could have black families that look like what we see on TV.

  162. TheMoon 说:

    I gave birth *两次* during the deadly interstellar plague, and both my children are developing normally, even advanced in some areas.

  163. Major 说:

    所有的黑人都是出色的父亲,有可爱的妻子和价值 750000 万美元的郊区房屋,还有修剪整齐的草坪。跨种族夫妇总是有可爱得难以置信的焦糖色孩子,有着可爱的卷发和笑容。白人女性是负责、干脆、果断的类型,她们要么喜欢她们有教养、穿着羊毛衫的黑人丈夫,要么对她们笨手笨脚、梨形傻瓜的白人配偶感到不耐烦和沮丧。或者夫妻是同性恋、变性人等等。

  164. anon[219]• 免责声明 说:

    In Black Africa they gangrape dogs.

    • 回复: @dindunuffins
  165. Bill Jones 说:

    我曾多次表示,我认为让你闻起来像黑人的产品的市场可能是有限的。 从男人那里得到一个微笑,从女人那里转移话题。

    • 哈哈: Sarah
  166. I offer my ‘take the biscuit’ example. An Irish hotel chain ad that showed a black fambly chimping out in their luxury hotel room. Which immediately turned off – imo – about 90% of the potentail customer base.

  167. Pat Kittle 说:

    Great tune all right — except for that vocal interlude (not included in your posted lyrics) where he apologizes for being White.

  168. Art 说:

    What are we to think – oh dear – the second day in a row, a feature article written by a Jew, is promoting race hate for blacks.

    Jews create and promote the anti-white advertising – and then tell us to fear and hate blacks.

    Clearly, Jews promoting white hate for blacks is a diversion tactic away from their evil doings.

    Jews are the enemy – not blacks – Jews control congress, the president, the JMSM, Wall Street, the Fed bank, and education. Thirty-five states make laws favoring Israel.

    Clearly, without Jew trouble making – we can fix our race problems.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @AceDeuce
    , @Anonymous
  169. Right_On 说:

    I recall, back in the sixties, when a remote Scottish island was to receive TV transmissions for the first time. An enterprising news team arrived to film the residents’ reaction to entering the modern age. The islanders – who dressed like peasants in a Thomas Hardy novel – ran away in terror at the sight of the cameras.

    Oh, how we laughed.

    Today, I wonder if their instincts were not sounder than our sophisticated mockery.

  170. @Priss Factor


  171. Right_On 说:

    Yeah, but Yank cars from back in the day looked so damn cool.

    The Dodge Challenger in 消失点 (1970) and Ryan O’Neal’s cherry-red Chevy Stepside pickup in 该驱动程序 (1978) still make me salivate today.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  172. 我还在等待广告,广告中一个戴着圆顶小帽的白人和他深巧克力色的尼日利亚妻子一起蹦蹦跳跳,背景是一对微笑的黑白混血孩子。有趣的是,这种场景从未流传开来。

    • 同意: Z-man
  173. @Major


    • 同意: Sarah
    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  174. Truth 说:

    It’s a distraction technique aimed at dumb people.

    So they have picked the correct channel.

  175. Pat Kittle 说:


    Zappa doesn’t apologize for being White in “I’m the Slime.”

    He apologizes in “Trouble Every Day”
    - (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFVwohXMgmQ)

  176. Anonymous[286]• 免责声明 说:
    @Johnny Hooker


    不管。 60% 的高管+首席执行官将是犹太人。

  177. Angharad 说:

    No. I think we should begin baking

    • 回复: @profnasty
  178. Mike Tre 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Pure coincidence that Jim Morrison’s (60’s counter culture icon) father, Rear Admiral George Morrison, was the ranking naval officer at the Gulf of Tonkin incident. He was aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard. Here’s a teenage Jimmy with dad on the bridge of said vessel:


    • 回复: @Bombercommand
  179. 这是什么垃圾,韦斯伯格先生? 我在 Wiki 上查阅了你的职业生涯,它令人印象深刻,所以你可以写出比这篇“我真的不知道为什么”更好的文章。 这件事读起来像一篇读者文摘文章。 1977 年。

    幸运的是,您的许多读者都站出来纠正您(可能是假装的)无知。 让我总结一下其中的一些评论。 简而言之,“为什么?” 在我看来,第一条评论很容易回答这一切,来自“Priss Factor”,一位一贯高度聪明的评论者,在我看来:“每个人都拿一张纸写'犹太人控制媒体和广告'和胶带它在您的电视机顶部。 这解释了一切,并不断提醒人们。” 奇怪的是,你的作品没有意识到犹太人的权力和意图。 您是否错过了凯文·麦克唐纳 (Kevin MacDonald) 的作品,包括他对《西方季刊》和《西方观察家》的编辑?

    接下来,XYZXY 总结道:“最后,为了消除你的困惑,最简单的解释是,它的发生是因为大型广告公司大多是犹太人经营,多年来推动黑人参与白人文化一直是犹太人议程的一部分。”

    我也喜欢“Thomasina”的这句话:“事情不会发生。 一切都是从顶部设计和控制的。 社会永远不能像羽毛一样随风飘扬,除非统治精英想要它。 现在正在发生的事情是设计使然。” 几年前在研究生院,我们学会了研究这种工程方法并找到工作中的代理。

    我将停止“MrE3001”中的最后一个例子:“为即将发生的事情做好心理准备。 他们正在慢慢地抹去我们。 现在正在加快速度。 就像一个漩涡在下水道盘旋。 而那些推动它的人是恶魔附身。 无法停止,甚至减速。 这不是胆大妄为的性质。”


    余: http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/ConnellyConditionRed.pdf

    许多非常非常好的视觉图像以及出色的链接。 教科书级的东西,真的。 一旦我们推翻了这个邪恶的极权政权,我们将在未来使用它。

    • 同意: Shue
    • 回复: @Thomasina
  180. Shue 说:

    这种宣传也在澳大利亚发生。 我们在 95% 的广告中都有黑人演员,包括与黑人搭档的可笑的白人小妞。 老实说,我从来没有见过一个白人女性和一个黑人作为一个家庭,她们在这里是多么的罕见,我希望它保持这种状态。

  181. the insertion of (selective) gratuitous diversity by the mass media is comparable to the PC indoctrination imparted by American schools.


    The kids are forced, through compulsory attendance laws, to go to school for 6+ hr/d @180d for 10+ years.

    No one can force a kid to watch that amount of indoctrinating, television commercials.

  182. Marylou 说:


    很多人相信,这是福音真理。 最后。

    • 回复: @Morosamguten
  183. Ryan2 说:


  184. @Right_On

    Jews didn’t make me fear blacks. Constant random black violence and viciousness against me, my family, my friends, and millions of other Americans of all backgrounds, that’s what makes me fear them.

    The fact that elites employ divide-and-conquer doesn’t change the fact that blacks are a deadly threat that cannot safely be incorporated into our society in large numbers.

  185. Charles Murray wrote the book FACING REALITY.

    Well, let people be FACISTS, or people who FACE reality.

    Time to face the truth. Time to face facts. Face-ism must be the future.

  186. @Mike Tre

    As Captain of the aircraft carrier USS Bon Homme Richard during the Gulf Of Tonkin Incident, Morrison’s report stated that he believed no attack by North Vietnamese naval vessels had occurred, that false bogies were reported due to misinterpreting radar returns of unusually high wave action. Promoted to Vice Admiral in 1967, commanding a Task Group that included the Bon Homme Richard, Morrison ordered fighter aircraft to the aid of USS Liberty, under attack by Israel. Ordered by higher command to cancel the mission, he refused. Defense Secretary McNamara then got on the horn demanding the recall, and was refused by Admiral Morrison, at which time President LBJ himself broke in(highly unusual) and ordered Admiral Morrison to recall the fighter aircraft. No commander may disobey a direct order by The President. Admiral Morrison voiced his objections in his report, and was never promoted again in his career(highly unusual), and retired as a Rear Admiral, not receiving the usual retirement rank. Admiral Morrison was a combat naval aviator during WWII and served his country and The United States Navy with distinction, including but not limited to, exemplary command decisions in 1968 during operations off the South Korean coast when Soviet combat naval units repeatedly tried to interfere with aircraft launch and recover from Bon Homme Richard while Admiral Morrison’s Task Group was supporting South Korean forces in the 1968 counterinsurgency crisis. Admiral Morrison dealt deftly with the dangerous Soviet maneuvers, such as attempting to cross Bon Homme Richard’s bow during aircraft launch, without endangering either American or Soviet ships while maintaining combat naval air operations in support of the South Korean Army without interruption.

    • 谢谢: Right_On, Miro23
    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  187. Mr. Anon 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    This is absolute nonsense. Voltaire and Robespierre were the sons of lawyers. Marat was the son of a physician. They were all the upper middle class bourgeoisie, just like today. They were the Antifa of their time.

    Not exactly antifa. Antifa are just mindless thugs, analogous to the SA or the RFB in Weimar Germany. Except the antifa act as storm-troopers for globalist neo-liberal capital (even if they don’t know it).

    But you are correct that the French Revolution hardly came from the very bottom up. No revolution ever does, not if it’s successful.

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 巨魔: Raches, Expletive Deleted
    • 回复: @Raches
  188. aandrews 说:
    @mark green

    很棒的视频!制作极其精良;精彩内容有力呈现。我不知道美国的商业广告是这样的 那被锁定了 by hostile Jews hell-bent on bringing to fruition the stereotypical Jewish agenda that’s almost a caricature by now: the complete subversion and destruction of white America. That is the explanation for why all mass media, particularly television, is so poisonous, as everyone who can see has been harping about for years. It also explains why American media corporations are completely broken to the bit (22:20). Quite a revelation.

    Needless to say, everyone should sprinkle this link around as they wander the Internet: https://www.bitchute dot com/video/bN6utGHU2NDi/ (replace “video” with “embed” to link only to the video)

    • 回复: @Robert Dolan
  189. obwandiyag 说:
    @thou/thee/thine pronouns

    这一切都很糟糕。 时期。


    • 巨魔: thou/thee/thine pronouns
  190. DAle 说:

    我的表弟嫁给了一个很棒的黑人,我想他会同意你文章的大部分内容。 他不喜欢他的孩子与他的大家庭联系在一起,这种情况在 25 年前让我震惊。 现在......不多了。

    他们的孩子很漂亮,一般都很有责任感,但不幸的是对他的立场有反叛。 不过,他们得到了“美丽的人”的待遇。 他们的孩子看起来像贝纳通广告公司在超级计算机上创建的东西。 “漂亮特权”比白人特权强大多了!

    • 回复: @3g4me
  191. GeneralRipper [又名“狮鹫”] 说:
    @Supply and Demand

    If you watch TV you’re already low IO and “Zionist”, sweetheart.

    You’re just too proud to realize it.

  192. anon[320]• 免责声明 说:

    Mr Weissberg:

    The ads are promoting miscegenation to white women, period. The elites want a mulatto race out of white females. They hate us. Our youth will have to supplant our elites or leave for Eastern Europe/Russia.

  193. Watching Tee-Vee taught me to relax around blacks

  194. AceDeuce 说:

    You can have more than one enemy. If some a/hole sics his rabid dog on you, they both need to cease to exist.

  195. aandrews 说:
    @Robert Dolan

    I couldn’t get it to only display the hyperlink; it insisted on a video window.

  196. Robert Weissberg is a sloppy writer. His piece is full of misspellings. Is he too down-at-the-heels to afford a copyeditor? Or is he so self-infatuated that he just doesn’t care?

    • 回复: @Truth
  197. Anonymous[341]• 免责声明 说:

    You’re likely right about the (((author’s))) motives. It’s telling that he didn’t scratch the paper-thin surface of this propaganda project and revealed its jewish ownership.

    That said, no one here thinks that the blacks are anything more than marionettes in the project. 我们知道,. We understand the method, its goals and its source so nothing is really hidden.

    If you think that we’re being “distracted” from our real enemy you’re wrong. We are not little kittens who forget everything when seeing a moving string. It doesn’t work that way. Every reasonable and reasonably informed white person today understands that the jews and the blacks are our enemies. In fact, both groups are our 真实 enemies. It’s very naive to think that the blacks as a whole can be deprogrammed and turned into allies. It’s possible in some exceptional and individual-based circumstances but that’s all. The big ship has sailed.

    There are people who believes that blame is like a cake so if you cut a 30% piece for one culprit that leaves only 70% for the other. In the real world it’s perfectly possible to have multiple 100% guilty parties.

    Clearly, without Jew trouble making – we can fix our race problems.

    Yes, at some point in the future, when we get rid of the jews, we can work to amicably divorce the blacks. What’s your point? The blacks are still our committed enemies today.

    • 回复: @Art
  198. 你认为他们为什么妖魔化白人身份和同质白人国家的观念。很常见,其实并不难理解。他们希望(并且无可否认地重视)你作为跨种族种畜。令人担忧的是,大多数白人似乎对此没有任何问题。我自己也抗拒——但不再为此烦恼。对你无法控制的事情施加压力是毫无意义的。

  199. BuelahMan 说:

    Yes. I have been making videos again. Check out the latest few: Missing Bruce Jenner, Bye Bye Guts, I Read The News, What A Miserable World

  200. Bill Jones 说:


    • 回复: @Bombercommand
  201. 在英国,您需要获得许可才能合法观看电视。 向 BBC 支付事实上的税,这是一个令人讨厌的左翼宣传机器。

    他们把价格提高到 35 英镑,大约 50 美元。 早在 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代。 这是扔掉白痴盒子的信号。

    后悔? 偶尔会有一些值得的东西,但互联网要好得多。

  202. Maddaugh 说:

    Thoughts on black and white advertising, no pun intended.

    First of all I see a lot of black dudes with white girls. They want the black blood diluted and their friends to see they captured some white trash. That is, before they disappear, leaving a string of coloured children behind for the next black stud to abuse or to add another plague of half brothers/ sisters….and unpaid child support.

    I have yet to see any white gentlemen with black hoes. I doubt they are interested in diluting their blood. Also, waking up in the morning to the smell of black sweat, a bald head (minus the blond wig), 6 inch long blue bling fingernails poking them in the eyes or hair sticking all over the place would be some kind of horrendous nightmare.

    Now, it is rather strange how some articles follow events or how events follow articles. Two weeks ago I proceeded to the Toyota dealership to buy a chariot for my youngest son. The salesman/ manager/ finance girl/ car wash attendant and janitor were very displeased when, after negotiating my best deal and intimating I would finance the purchase, I pulled out the old cheque book and paid cash LOL.

    I doubt there is any innocence left in UR readers but just in case, the dealerships play their games loading up options, costs and fees which elevate the price tag but this is no big deal because the buyer “deserves the luxury” and besides “whats the big deal, it will only cost you an extra $99.99 a month for the next 60 months”. When Maddaugh has to count out those bills it matters that the individual testicle and pussy warmers COST MONEY.

    And so it came to pass that that Maddaugh was smoking a cigar outside, feeling arrogant, smug and self satisfied he had made the deal of the century on a stupid little used Toyota Corolla and paid cash. To my left a scrawny black man in his late 20’s ? wearing a grubby T shirt and short grey sweat pants and his white girlfriend were taking delivery of a spanking Black Navigator SUV with all the bells and whistles. Perhaps he needed such a monster to cart around his mulatto litter and the left overs from his black predecessors. It would have been crass to ask ! Looking into my obsolete crystal ball I saw the Police pulling this beautiful SUV over and another BLM drama in the works.

    Last Saturday I met the salesman and his family in Denny’s. I remarked what a beautiful vehicle the black man had purchased. He was still pissed. Guess his commission from my sale would barely cover his breakfast bill. Struggling to maintain his cool he told me. “That customer never spared a dime. He even dumped the factory rims and installed ones with chrome spinners. When the vehicle stops, the spinners keep turning. Luxury ! Swag !. Added another $3 grand to the tag without blinking just for the wheels. And he financed the whole thing. Made up for the beating we took on your deal !”

    Maddaugh was very hurt at this stone lobbed at his cheapness.

    Perhaps the denizens of big business, scheming to extract the last drop of sweat from our balls, zooming in on black/ white advertising do want to show they are woke or something.

    But maybe, just maybe, they know that the black man is all about show. He will drive the most expensive vehicle, wear the most expensive clothes, rock a gold dog chain, tool with an entourage of 20 other Negroes, all purchased on credit…………..and live in the Ghetto ! He will spend his last cent to show the white skanks and black homies that he has “arrived”. He will eat well, but his hoe and litter of kids will have to be satisfied with cheap cereal with roaches scuttling in the box and soaked with tap water.

    The author is right. The advertisements showing well dressed interracial couples with their half breed kids, all giddy with joy for no apparent reason is in reality a bizarre facade.

    The vendors are “woke” but the black man is “asleep”and that is why they are always broke and hand to mouth. Big Business knows this and their advertising is designed to show blackie he really can rock with whitey and the asians even if he has to live in the hell of credit slavery.

    • 谢谢: anarchyst
    • 回复: @Truth
    , @John1955
  203. Devon Stack (Blackpilled) does ongoing brilliant analysis of movies and TV, revealing the anti-white poison the jews have injected into our people.

    You can find him on Bitchute.

    • 同意: Schuetze
  204. Alfred 说:
    @Elmer T. Jones

    I think youtube does it to force people to pay for ad-free youtube just to escape it.

    I am in Ukraine. I don’t pay for Youtube. I have never seen any ads. It seems to be a torture reserved for Americans. 🙂

  205. Alfred 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    Voltaire and Robespierre were the sons of lawyers.

    Yes. They were educated people. But they were not the Bill Gates’ and Jack Dorsey’s of their epoch. They were not in control. They were not the “top” of French society by a long way. They were outliers.

  206. Che Guava 说:

    In Japan, just about any streaming coverage was blocked.

    i don”t really care too much, i think I watched nothing of Rio, a few favourites at London and Peking. Watched both the laughable opening ceremony of London, and the better designed one for Pekin.

    Only really fun in a sports bar.

    … but they were still going at the time of Rio, did not watch for a second.

    All closed for coronamania now.

    My only regret is not going to the stadium area to watch the fireworks, but it would only have been a very brief display.

    A long-time colleague took time off work to work as a volunteer, I look forward to asking her about it on Mon.

    To the point, you say you are watching u-tub on television, I know there are various ways to do that, and, sure, the mute button would remain essential, but ‘front-end’ programs that isolate the content from u-tubs greed exist.

    Whether you can use one would depend on your setup, but I can see no ethical problem, since Goo-tube is a massive IP theft and piracy op. to start with.

    Recommend looking into it, if your setup allows.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  207. 搞笑…



  208. Truth 说:
    @Etruscan Film Star

    He only had a half-hour before 5th period Algebra.

  209. Truth 说:

    I like the first person referencing, Neon Deion.

  210. @Marylou

    没那么快。 我已经在世界各地走了一遭,对真正的分数非常了解。 整个非洲大陆都是粪坑。 正如

  211. Che Guava 说:
    @Che Guava

    I will add, I only use the program I use for acts whose work I have bought, and paid to see live, excepting my own recent research on Turbofolk, and from now, out-of-copyright films.

    Clearly, any sports coverage is a fair target.

  212. 3g4me 说:

    @211 Dale:IKAGO,NAXALT,对混血儿滔滔不绝,假装文化不是遗传学的下游。 还有更多的 civnat 谬误要补充吗? 当一切都分崩离析时,那些决心要生存的白人将不会欢迎你。

  213. anarchyst 说:

    Actually today’s cars are quite improved from cars of the 1960’s although 1960s American “muscle cars” are in high demand by “boomers” who want to relive their youth. Actually those “musclecars” are restored, taking much more time and resources than when they were first built. One could easily argue that a “restored” American musclecar is pretty much “hand built”. Some people even go as far as to duplicate the production “marks” on certain parts in order to establish authenticity.
    As to automotive quality, it was the Japanese imports that forced American car companies to improve their products. “Fit and finish” on Japanese imports was much better than on domestic produced autos.
    This is a result of Japanese companies adopting the “total quality management” doctrine as advanced by W. Edward Deming. Under “total quality management”, the lowest employee can shut down the line if a problem is noted. This is unlike American assembly line practices of the day where NO ONE shut down the line as “quality deficiencies” were taken care of after the assembly process was complete. In fact, when Deming proposed his system to American auto companies, he was shown the door.
    As good as the Japanese were at assembly processes were, Japanese cars of the day rusted out just as bad as domestic cars, if not worse. Back in the day, a two year-old Japanese vehicle would develop rust spots and holes just as many American cars did.
    One area where American auto company practices excelled even then was that of drivetrain design. It seemed that American engines and transmissions could take much more abuse than that of Japanese cars. Japanese drivetrains were manufactured to much tighter tolerances, making regular maintenance a greater necessity.
    I have seen American cars of the day with oil as sludge and transmission fluid like water and they still ran OK. Try that with Japanese cars of the day and you would have a boat anchor.
    This in no way takes away with the much improved quality processes that engender all of today’s auto industry, both domestic and foreign.

  214. profnasty 说:

    Auto-correct “you’re ” got me.
    Since Bidet has been ‘elected, it’s become so hard to be optimistic about anything.
    Immigration and debt are both deadly for us. Mail-in ballots insure Democrat victory.
    America: Woe be gone.

  215. Raches 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    [Alfred says:] There is a big difference. This sentiment in France came from the grassroots. What is happening in the West is very much top down.

    This is absolute nonsense. Voltaire and Robespierre were the sons of lawyers. Marat was the son of a physician. They were all the upper middle class bourgeoisie, just like today. They were the Antifa of their time.

    Categorizing Voltaire with Robespierre and Marat to traduce him as “Antifa” shows that either you are so grossly ignorant of the subject matter that it is insane for you to opine, or you are arguing in bad faith. Pick your poison.

    (It’s too bad that many readers will be unable to catch this rhetorical sleight of hand. By the way, Alfred is also wrong; but I don’t have time for this now, and I am not interested in debating it.)

  216. Raches 说:
    @Mr. Anon

    Not exactly antifa. Antifa are just mindless thugs, analogous to the SA or the RFB in Weimar Germany. Except the antifa act as storm-troopers for globalist neo-liberal capital (even if they don’t know it).

    Well, your pseudohistory is just as twisted as that of Irrelevant Nichtsein. Your reference to the Red Front Fighters (红色前战士联赛, RFB), which is relatively obscure nowadays, suggests that you are deliberately lying.

    Hitler formed the 冲锋队 (SA) to defend against by the aggressive private armies of the Left—including the the SPD (Social-Democrat) and KPD (Communist) militias, which merged in 1932 to form 反法西斯运动, better known as Antifa, which used the same double-flag-in-circle logo as Antifa uses to this day. Thus, from its very inception and in its antecedents, Antifa was the enforcement arm of the liberal-Marxist establishment—just as it is today. Amidst the near-anarchy of the Weimar Republic, Hitler needed his SA to avoid being permanently cancelled by howling Antifa mobs.

    You have everything backwards and upside-down. Or do you say that the Proud Boys are “mindless thugs” analogous to Antifa when they stop Antifa from shutting down an Ann Coulter speech? (Set aside as irrelevant to this narrow analogy the high probability that the Proud Boys are infiltrated by Federal 特工煽动者 from the leadership level on down, and the ugly certainty that the otherwise allicient Miss Coulter is just as dishonest about history as you are.)

    But you are correct that the French Revolution hardly came from the very bottom up. No revolution ever does, not if it’s successful.

    Well, this is true. Very true. I doubt that you are ignorant of these subject matters.

    • 回复: @Mr. Anon
  217. Anonymous[140]• 免责声明 说:

    When I finally decided to cancel my Wall St. Journal subscription after many years as a subscriber, I had had enough of their liberal commentary, their collective bias against whites/Europeans and all of the blacks permeating their articles and advertisements. Although the advertisers may control who they choose as their models, I inquired in my letter explaining my reason for canceling on whether this black marketing blitz (filled with pictures of ugly, nappy haired models in the ads for boutiques and fashion houses) was driven by a desire to drum up additional looting at the stores/boutiques on Madison Ave., Fifth Avenue and in Soho. No reply. This country is doomed.

  218. Art 说:

    Clearly, without Jew trouble making – we can fix our race problems.

    Yes, at some point in the future, when we get rid of the jews, we can work to amicably divorce the blacks. What’s your point? The blacks are still our committed enemies today.

    It does no good to argue with you. Long ago I gave up any hope of turning someone like you, who actively hates blacks, into a human being with empathy for the complete situation of America and race. Two hundred years of family killing slavery, one hundred years of Jim Crow and Northern redlining, and fifty years of purposeful black/white hate building by Jews, has destroyed our culture. For the last 350 years, growing up black in America has been an intellectual stunting trauma for black children. Brain science is about to categorically declare that childhood fear-based trauma makes you stupid. It robs you of your full intellectual potential. And that this loss of intellectual potential is biologically passed onto the next generation.

    When we get rid of Jew culture and hateful people like you pass on – America will heal.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  219. Mr. Anon 说:

    Cool your jets, dips**t. I was talking about antifa, not The Proud Boys.

    • 回复: @Raches
  220. Raches 说:
    @Mr. Anon

    Cool your jets, dips**t. I was talking about antifa, not The Proud Boys.

    Mind your manners, peasant. Anyone who can read the English language could see clearly that I cited the Proud Boys as an analogue for Hitler’s SA: They protect a public speaker from being violently suppressed by Antifa thugs. (The analogy ends there. I do not trust the Proud Boys.)

    If you condemn the SA as “mindless thugs”, as you did, then logically, you must say the same of the Proud Boys.

    After his imprisonment in 1923–1924, Hitler repudiated offensive political violence; he undertook a strictly-legal policy, and a strategy very different from the right-wing 自由兵. For his own statement of the purpose and organizational principles of the 冲锋队,请参阅 我的奋斗, especially Chapter 9 of Volume II. Their observed behavior was more or less consistent with the stated theory. The SA was formed for self-defense.

    This was necessary because in 1920s Germany, leftists commonly used assault, arson, and sometimes murder as political arguments; and the police were worse than useless. Take 2020–2021 Portland, Orgeon, extend it to huge swaths of the country, and you have an approximate picture of 1920s Germany. As I noted, the groups perpetrating such violence included the antecedents of the actual, literal, original Antifa, which formed in 1932 from a merger of the KDP and SDP political parties’ militias.

    Imagine trying to hold a nationalist, explicitly Aryan racialist public meeting in Portland, Oregon today. You would need a protection group like the Proud Boys, but stronger and better-disciplined: You would need Adolf Hitler’s own 冲锋队. Otherwise, the speakers at the meeting and half of the audience would foreseeably wind up in the hospital or the morgue. The kinds of rabble who tweet “Punch a Nazi!” would do plenty of exactly that, and no one would stop them.

    (From my pains to be correct as to the facts, I must note that Antifa faded away in the postwar era. The groups now using that name rose in the 1980s. They use the same name, the same symbol, the same violent tactics, and an updated version of the same ideology as the original Antifa. Therefore, I consider them to be the genuine continuation of the Antifa founded in Germany in 1932, although the organic connection is admittedly arguable. Perhaps they should be better described as Neo-Antifa; on the other hand, they are almost identical to the original Antifa in their nature and their observed behavior, whereas Neo-Nazis are drastically different than the German National Socialists from whom they have committed a cultural misappropriation.)

  221. Slimer 说:

    不。 白人一直痴迷于种族。

    • 不同意: Raches
    • 回复: @Raches
  222. Thomasina 说:
    @Edmund Connelly

    I read your “Condition Red” article. Excellent job! Thank you.

  223. Tucker 说:

    On the topic of black women growing hair in weird places……I once knew a black female who was a college co-opt at the facility that I worked at and one day she came to work with a low cut
    blouse on that showed her cleavage and – no, I am in no way whatsoever even a tiny bit attracted to black flesh – but she walked by my desk and stopped to ask me a question, while leaning over, and I
    noticed that she had a huge tuff of kinky, woolly hair growing between her hooters.

    How’s that for Gross on Steroids? At the time, I remember getting the sick feeling that this woman was deliberately flashing her cleavage at me as some kind of flirtation ritual.

    This excessive hair growth is probably related to the fact that black females have almost as much testosterone as black males.

  224. Slimer 说:

    ……而且太沉迷于孩子了。 为什么在一个黑人超过 50% 的城市里所有的罪犯都是白人。

  225. Raches 说:

    Addendum—As I continue to comment at Unz评论, I will need to explain the following sometime. Things just tend to go this way. Here seems appropriate.

    I am not a National Socialist. It should be unnecessary for me to say this, because I never claimed to be one; but in today’s world, people tend to make many such incorrect assumptions.

    I make this disclaimer not to protect my own reputation, but to protect the reputation of the German National Socialists. No other group in history has ever suffered so severely from both defamation and misappropriation. As a practical matter, it is an observed reality that anyone on the English-language Internet who claims to be a “true National Socialist” should be presumed to be stupidly doing the latter, unless proven otherwise. The more foolish of his admirers must leave Hitler’s ghost asking, “With friends like these, who needs enemies?”

    If I were a National Socialist, I would be proud to say so. But I am not; and I think that I would do a poor job representing them.

    That much should be obvious from my use of the term “peasant” as a pejorative. Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels would be aggrieved. National Socialism is doctrinally opposed to social class divisions, and it has a special reverence for the 农民. Well, I do have a few respectful disagreements with the National-Socialist philosophy—including on some points that perhaps may have put me at risk of imprisonment in the Third Reich. Or perhaps not: If Adolf Hitler were alive today, and if I were in a position to offer him my allegiance, then I would obey him despite disagreements on grounds of his superior leadership. Anyone who would not understand such a decision is an emotionally immature hyperindividualist.

    I admire Napoleon. If I were to correct some stupid Internet comment that repeated one of the many common canards about Napoleon, nobody would assume that I was posing as a “pure Bonapartist”. I admire Julius Caesar. I do not habitually dress up in a toga; and I can engage in Internet discussions about Caesar, without invoking assumptions that I must claim to be a Neo-Caesarean. I admire Adolf Hitler most of all—and I admire the German people; but my profound admiration of Hitler does not make me a National Socialist.

    I am politically independent. Whoever, whatever, and wherever I am, I speak only for myself.

  226. Raches 说:

    不。 白人一直痴迷于种族。


    白人——或者更准确地说,排除其他高加索人,雅利安人本质上是种族盲的亲外者。 其他种族的聪明人实际上对此嗤之以鼻。 我认为这是遗传缺陷; 它显然使雅利安人在进化上不适合在当今世界生存。

    Dindunuffins 声称“白人种族主义是黑人社会病态的结果,而不是原因”接近事实——这是一件坏事。 大多数雅利安人可能只有在他们的脸上擦过他们的脸时才可能认识到种族现实——而且他们中的许多人甚至没有。

    当然,也有例外——个人的例外和群体行为的历史例外。 至于后者,可以肯定的是,尽管黑人奴隶制在历史上以种族为由在短时间内被证明是合理的,但在白人世界的有限部分,雅利安人是发展现代种族平等理论和“废奴主义”运动的人; 而雅利安种族现实主义的爆发很快就被压制了。 (不,犹太人并没有做到这一切——尽管像往常一样,当雅利安人为他们提供机会时,他们帮助推动了这个方向的发展。)

    在历史的时间尺度上,基督教为摧毁雅利安人从未有过的种族意识做了很多事情。 它是今天雅利安种族状态的近因。 然而,如果没有潜在的缺陷,这不可能发生。 任何研究过印度历史的人都知道,雅利安人倾向于平等主义和通婚——即使他们种族中更聪明的成员试图阻止这种可能性,甚至当他们赋予他们的种族隔离制度以宗教权威时。

    • 回复: @Slimer
  227. Slimer 说:

    不。 你的整个文化和生活方式都围绕着种族展开。 你想它 24/7。

    • 回复: @Raches
  228. Anonymous[214]• 免责声明 说:

    Well, your attempted explanation for my attitude doesn’t apply since I’m European. Furthermore, your hypothesis about black dysfunctionality and attitudes doesn’t work in cases like South Africa or Europe. Personally, I’d rethink my convictions if they couldn’t line up with the global picture.

    I’m sure you mean well but the truth is that the blacks living among us are our real enemies today. Yes, the jews are bigger real enemies but both are real and present danger.

    AceDeuce’s reply to your post explains it best:

    You can have more than one enemy. If some a/hole sics his rabid dog on you, they both need to cease to exist.

    It’s true that the dog can be considered innocent on some level (even that is debatable) but a reasonable person would kill it first and leave the moralising for later.

  229. People on this forum are very smart people. Do they sometimes get carried away with their rhetoric. Sure. But they never the less represent a typical slice of America and therefore their views deserve to be heard. All of them. That’s what the phony politicians that talk but don’t practice democracy don’t like. Who killed Ashley Babbitt?

  230. Raches 说:


    我用笔名写作,在一个不露面的互联网环境中,我从未声称(更不用说证明)任何关于我自己的个人身份信息——除了强烈的迹象表明我不是犹太人,而且我知道足够的犹太语,有时可以巧妙地享受如果您自己不是犹太人,那么以您可能会错过的方式来控制犹太人。 此外, 我在我之前的评论中写道:

    我在政治上是独立的。 无论我是谁,无论我身在何处, 我只为我自己说话。


    不。 白人一直痴迷于种族。

    白人——或者更准确地说,排除其他高加索人,雅利安人本质上是种族盲的亲外者。 其他种族的聪明人 实际上是在嘲笑 他们 为了这。 I 认为是基因缺陷; 它显然使雅利安人在进化上不适合在当今世界生存。


    任何研究过印度历史的人都非常清楚,雅利安人倾向于平等主义和通婚——即使是更明智的印度人 种族试图阻止这种可能性,即使 他们 天赋 具有宗教权威的隔离制度。


    NOPE。 您一站式解决方案 整个文化和生活方式都围绕着种族。 完全 24/7 想一想。

    春天从哪里来 选择您 种族主义假设?

    根据你可以获得的所有证据,我 可以 一个刻板的种族主义中国人,或者那些令人讨厌的种族主义日本人,在上个世纪,美国白人战争贩子与他们进行了一场反种族主义的世界大战,或者一个种族歧视的上层种姓印度教徒,或者一个不完全是白人的印度人 混血 来自中美洲或南美洲,或纯种阿拉伯人,或许多其他可能性中的任何一种。 一些这样的人可能同情雅利安人,就像许多人关心濒临灭绝的濒危物种的困境一样; 有些人甚至可能会钦佩这个为世界提供哲学和科学的种族——在它集体发疯并进行种族自杀之前。 或者我 可以 一个西方的、蓝血的雅利安人——邪恶的“白人”之一; 我的评论历史反映了对客观性的高度重视,我对第三人称代词的使用可能只是反映了我一贯表现出的超然、客观的思考。 不管怎样,我显然更喜欢客观的讨论。

    你不知道; 而你甚至缺乏一点证据来进行可能的猜测。 你 承担.

    你为什么要这样做? 虽然我能想到其他一些可能的可能性,但在我看来最有可能的是 罗恩·恩兹(Ron Unz) is 先知, 你可能是那些对摧毁自己的种族有着施虐受虐狂的痴迷的白人自由主义者之一。 (我说这些没有检查你的评论历史,因为我不太关心你的论点来打扰。)如果是这样,当你避免我对雅利安种族的客观观察时,你在心理上投射了你自己的种族痴迷,你回答一个 广告人身攻击 基于你假设我的种族的论点。

    这不仅是种族主义:这是 不合理地 种族主义的。 作为一个理性的种族主义者,我觉得这是可悲的。 好吧,也许你可能会反驳一些 “多种族白人”. 至少,会很有趣。



    虽然白人显然拥有拥有自己专属会所的天然权利,但同样明显的是 Unz评论 不是其中之一。 因此,因为我没有办法 证明 无论如何,在不影响我自己的情况下,我发现将我的论点放在其优点上是最有成效的,而无需不必要地提及我自己的种族身份。

    I 可以 如前所述,非白人。 或者我 可以 一位获得种族认证的全国联盟成员居住在美国中心地带,嘲笑我为那些肯定想知道“Raches”是谁的幽灵类型播下的混乱混乱。 一世 可以 几乎任何人,任何地方。


  231. Trevor 说:

    I ran across this – 21 clothing companies ads in one place. Most feature negroes. The few not-negroes look gay.

    I assume they sell negro and gay clothing so they lost me as a potential customer.


    🤮 🤢 Sick 🤢😷 – way far left

    • 回复: @Trevor
    , @Truth
  232. Trevor 说:

    Sorry – you have to look at Acne’s (great appropriate name by the way) to see how sick it is:


    They use all the “woke” cliches.

  233. Truth 说:

    Hey, they have a white guy wearing Carhartt.

  234. CSFurious 说:

    If an alien race were watching television prior to an invasion of Earth, they would likely assume that Blacks were the “Master Race” based on most mainstream advertising and entertainment.

  235. John1955 说:

    =I have yet to see any white gentlemen with black hoes.=

    Niall Ferguson & his 2nd wife ?

    My explanation-Niall’s dope deal went bad… really bad…

    And DA (or whatever do they call him in the UK) said:

    “Divorce that blonde British chick and marry a sheboon-I’ll drop the charges !”

    The rest is history.And a huge embarrassment for history buffs 😁

    • 回复: @Maddaugh
  236. @ThreeCranes

    A magnificent comment – thank you so much for this. I catch almost no sport at all anymore – it’s easy with no tv – but decades ago I used to enjoy watching some of them, and this was precisely the primary reason why I finally just bit the bullet and gave it all up. You’ve captured perfectly the exact nuances of the excruciatingly-stupid “professional” interviewing and presentational styles which are literally too cringeworthy and painfully-embarrassing for almost any normal person to watch, or even just listen to.

    But I’ve believed right from the beginning – as nothing else makes sense – that it’s NOT just the hopeless bozo holding the microphone in an unguarded, ill-prepared moment which is to blame for this slow corruption and destruction of all once-“normal” intelligent media standards. If that were the case, the few unprepared, incompetent presenters and interviewers would be weeded out very quickly. On the contrary, the truth – however unlikely – must be that EVERY backroom station policy-maker, show Producer, presenter, and certainly every “Executive”, broadcasting standards “adviser” and every other official with direct input to the content and format of the final “product”, is wholly on board with the chronic, systematic and deliberate dumbing-down of the broadcast output in this – and a thousand other – respects. I don’t believe that all of it can just be down to a generation of losers with worthless degrees. Almost without exception they seem to have practically nil capability to shine in a professional business environment – even one which should be encouraging dynamic, creative and vibrant input. Instead those environments seem to be fostering nothing but resolutely lowered intellectual levels in those interviews, general shocking stupidities and inanities of the “presenters” as standard operating procedure – and silent, unquestioning acceptance of the brain-dead, repetitive idiocies and emotionally-crippled deadness of the formats.

    It’s wholly deliberate. It’s quite literally SEDATING the population into gawping, uncomplaining, un-reasoning idiocy. It’s DESIGNED specifically to shrink the emotional awareness, normalise the abnormal and the cognitively-harmful, silently close the mind – and slowly, remorselessly rot the brain.

    And then, once you remember – ALWAYS remember – those who own, control, produce, direct, sell, distribute and publicise the sports content across every tv network, platform and region – the wholly negative, destructive, de-humanising qualities of the content are no longer any kind of surprise.

  237. @NomadicLifestyleAdvocate


    …. ((( Samuel Vaknin ))).


  238. Dr. Doom 说:

    The Potemkin Village of Wakanda is fiscally and morally bankrupt.
    Can this end? Oh yeah. Cut the cable off and enjoy a Jew free existence.

    No more phony ads, or phony black “achievements”.
    Bankrupt these scumlords. Burn down their currency stream.

    Its almost all over for the Crazy Times.

    Afghanistan and Syria are not outliers, they are harbingers.
    Zionism is about to LOSE IT ALL real soon.

    • 同意: anarchyst
  239. @Critical Thinking

    East Asians also age well due to a thin layer of fat under their skin, which gives it its yellowish tone. Seems that when it comes to aging at least, Whites got the short end of the stick.

  240. Maddaugh 说:

    LOL. You forgot to mention one of the conditions was that his Congo darling must not wear platinum weaves or blond wigs.

    Yeah, to get off any felony charge you dont need Johnny Cochrane but a chimp hoe. Niall can then scream racism or even “I cant breathe” especially if she plunks her big black booty on his face and twerks LMAO.

    Far from being incarcerated the fellow might even get a tax free settlement, a monument and a no go area for future worship .

  241. @Major


    Correct. And that should tell you all you ever need to know about the emotional awareness – and mental stability – of ((( those ))) who write, produce, film, distribute and market the cynical, laughably-stupid, brain-washing garbage to the suited White race-traitor network “Executives” who put the shit on the screen.

    And for some reason, the Jewish author of this piece chose not to discuss the Jewish design, control and funding of that exact industry and all it’s manifold evils. Interesting, that.

  242. JessicaR 说:

    但我喜欢那个“年轻、邋遢、留着辫子、卖汽车保险的黑人男性”,并希望让他保持原来的样子。 我确实希望我能把范·琼斯和唐·莱蒙从我的电视上完全剔除——不管他们的肤色是什么。

  243. @Paperback Writer

    Evie Magazine is pretty darned good. Sensible, brightly-written, wholesome-but-not-naive, sweet stuff for girls and young women about non-slutty fashion, and how to be feminine, sustain relationships, leave feminism, etc.


    Evie maintains a presence on Twitter too:

  244. @SafeNow

    These days, I walk around with a little black book and a clutch pencil.

  245. @thou/thee/thine pronouns

    有时,这被认为是功能相对较高的个体在中世纪晚期和现代早期英国社会中形成更大比例的原因,更微妙的是,这促成了随后的军事、农业。 最重要的是技术。 成功。

    It was the preferential survival and constant generational “downward” mobility into trades, mercantilist, military and even peasant/labouring niches (due to the scarcity of elite, aristocratic, landowning/non-working positions) of what to modern upper middle class eyes are horrifying numbers of upper-class offspring, often involving sequential wives due to maternal mortality rates.
    与被取代的可怕且非常特殊的济贫法相比,天主教会的取消及其对普遍慈善的要求相当低的标准导致了对穷人的许多反生殖(读作;死婴儿,而不是限制)压力,懒惰、酗酒、愚蠢/智力缺陷。 瘟疫对他们的打击也最为严重。 将后来的发展轨迹与其邻国、坚定的天主教爱尔兰进行比较。

    低智商白人(从 所有 classes, Harry) occasionally place themselves and their descendants on the other side of the fence to the Universal Enemy, White Men, can only have eugenic effects for the paleface leaven “left behind”.

  246. @The Alarmist

    A chan meme made it into Madison Av.!
    That clinches it for me. They know, and they’re laughing in our faces.

  247. @Fisk Ellington Rutledge IV

    “It will turn around soon though. It will be super ugly. I can’t wait.”

    “Two more weeks. Just trust the plan“。
    We’ll die waiting for it.

    All I can do is cut all this guff out of my own tiny life as much as I can. Which includes forming an apartheid state of two, complete with economic boycott of any detectably alien-run businesses. Probably illegal here, who cares?
    The kids (adult men now) still keep up with one or two Enricher-mixed friends they’ve known since kindergarten. Because they’re loyal White guys.

  248. @Corrupt

    Same reason Americans are convinced that (e.g.) Britain is a fully Sharia, purely Arab/subContinental-inhabited Muslim colony somewhere near, er, France maybe?

    “Our” media likes to present a united front to the world in these matters. It’s of capital importance to them, for some reason.

  249. @Schuetze

    “.. what they have bought into is the world of “Do what thou willst”, and their own Jewish slave masters will not waste any time or effort trying to make the life of “good jews” enjoyable. This is why Jews, like negroes, never want to live among themselves.”

    As evinced by various welfare/housing/employment protests and riots by full-on Jews in their chosen holy sandpit.
    Their little robber-kingdom is completely unproductive, apart from IP theft, drug-peddling, espionage and blackmail for sale to others, and extortion of “guilty” gentile countries by way of reparations and “aid”.
    The Pallies grow and pick the fruit’n’veg, gets overstamped with “produce of Israel”.

    Some blame preferential spending on settlements in the West Bank for the lack of funds for social services in Israel. Others focus on welfare for the growing haredi Orthodox population in Israel. Still others point to the limited taxation of the tycoons—tax concessions nationwide are estimated at approximately $11 billion per year, about 11 percent of the national budget.” – Jewish Journal, 2012

    Several protests took place in Israel over the summer in the name of social justice. While some of the riots did turn violent, the one that took place in Tel Aviv this past Saturday night marked a twist in the story, as a man facing housing difficulties, set himself on fire in the name of the protest. Within the few days since this incident, there were several other reported suicide attempts by people facing similar challenges in life. – Forward, 7/24/2012

    The inner circles will always seek to surround themselves with client, dependent, human shield masses. Even their own kin.

  250. @Schuetze

    This is why Millenials and Gen Z are half brain dead, it is by design.=

    IME they’re not, anymore than when I was a kid (when Sputnik was still in the shining Future).
    If they know, they also know when and when not to open their yaps in the presence of e.g. brainwashed Boomers or toxic Wokerati ‘educators’, having been subjected to intensive, highly selective training on AntiSocial media as well as the shiny honeypot/propaganda platforms touted by Mark, Susan, Jack and all the alphabets. The weak-minded Fail, and hard. Sometimes they take “kys” at face value.

    The real damage is that they tend to assume they “know” things, solely because the likes of Jimmy Wales or even Alex Jones told them so. So much more “information”, a tsunami, and all of it unverifiable or obviously bogus. The sheer volume of crud to be waded through curtails their curiosity and ability to investigate.

  251. @Raches

    Wonderfully accurate. Congratulations. Germans have been through so much in their history, that almost nothing surprises them. It’s why they have that seemingly arrogant, dismissive attitude. They or more accurately their collective history is a fantastic lesson in reality.

    When I was much younger I once looked for a job that everyone turned me down for. Then, I ran into a German boss. After talking to me a short while, he stunned me by simply asking. “Do you want the job or not? I immediately accepted and never regretted it. He didn’t waste time on the infinite bullshit that passes for job recruiting in the U.S.

    • 谢谢: Raches
  252. @Right_On

    The same is happening here in Australia.The African population is tiny yet the imagery is everywhere. Advertisers ignore our own Indigenous people in favour of the imports.



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