 罗伯特·魏斯伯格(Robert Weissberg)档案

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至少根据马萨诸塞州美国地方法院法官艾里森·伯劳斯(Allison Burroughs)的说法,种族偏好的僵尸仍然存在,该判决维持了哈佛大学的入学政策,即其相对于亚洲人而言,其学历较低的黑人和西班牙裔美国人受到青睐。 我们是 告诉,这是第XNUMX次,尽管他们的学术记录不佳,但黑人和西班牙裔人士应被接纳为合格的白人和亚裔,以促进所有重要的多样性。 用法官的话说:“被哈佛录取并选择参加的学生将在各种各样的人的包围下生活和学习,他们拥有各种经验,信仰和才能。 他们将有机会在种族之外彼此了解和理解,因为整个人都有独特的历史和经验。”

该案正在上诉中,很可能会提交最高法院,但如果过去的司法推理对未来有任何指导意义,那么赤裸裸的种族偏见将以某种令人信服的国家利益继续存在。 它们的存在可能需要欺骗(“整体”入场筛查等同于香肠制作),但它们可以生存。 毕竟,包括最高法院法官在内的哪个有思想的人可以反对多样性及其所有奇妙的利益? 当然不是大学专家-大约37个高等教育团体提出了 法庭之友简短 认可整体入学的“哈佛模式”。

在多样性庆祝中不言而喻的是一个显而易见但从未提出的问题-如何 究竟 黑人和拉美裔的加入与其他同样多样化但肤色不同的学生相比,是否能显着提升学习水平? 例如,接纳一些贫穷但聪明的阿巴拉契亚白人无疑会使他们的同学暴露于常春藤盟校很少见的独特价值观,这似乎是有道理的。 黑人和西班牙裔是否类似于某种秘密调味料,以增强大学经历的“风味”? 校园混合的“香料”要远胜于一些拖车场的垃圾可能会增加的香料?

原则上,确定多样性“香料”的价值并不是特别困难。 哈佛大学的一些白人孩子说,哈佛大学可以首先根据非种族标准招募一些多元化的申请人。 异国宗教教派。 对于十几个或更多类别的学生来说,在校园中的存在将是一个新奇事物,这几乎不难。

然后,哈佛大学的招生办公室将评估这些多个非种族多元化的入学者的学业成就,例如他们的专业,年级以及随后进入顶尖研究生课程的情况。 然后,招生办公室将计算所有非种族多元化招生的费用,包括额外的辅导,为单独的住房提供资金或创建全新的学术专业以促进其毕业。 (这种核算也可能包括处理校园破坏的成本。)对老年人的出口调查可能会询问正规录取生如何从与这些非种族多样性的本科生的接触中受益。 谁知道,这些年长者可能从南部的五旬节派白人布巴(Bubba)或库特(Cooter)那里学到了很多东西,而不是从富有的非洲裔美国人的后代中学到了更多。

再往前走一步,就各种多元化学生在课堂上所做的贡献,可以对教职员工进行调查。 例如,黑人学生在课堂讨论中带来了新的,非显而易见的见解,或者暗示了曾经被他们的讲师和白人中产阶级学生忽略的话题,这是真的吗? 或者,在总账的另一端,仅仅是黑人学生的出现是否将某些重要的种族敏感问题推到了议程之外? 此外,按照哈佛关于“太多”亚洲人的弊端的说法,是否有很多亚洲人的教室缺乏激烈的辩论,这是真的吗? 基于我自己数十年的课堂经验,大多数教授都充分意识到,即使是极少数的“醒着”学生的存在也将如何影响所教的内容并进行坦率的课堂交流。

要全面考虑多样性的贡献,还需要比较通过偏爱录取的黑人与没有偏爱录取的黑人的学习经历。 与哈佛同学相比,SAT成绩低于平均水平的黑人是否比接受过类似考试成绩的黑人在接受过学术研究的机构中接受更好的教育? 毕竟,多样化的好处应该使所有学生受益,包括非裔美国人,而不仅仅是白人。 遇到他们原本不会遇到的超级聪明的同学会有什么影响? 几乎总是处在最底层的感觉如何?

将来对旧母校的捐款又如何呢? 与第一代越南移民由于他们的多样性而被接纳相比,非裔美国人给予什么呢? 当然,那些在校友关系方面的人也知道在帮助招募优秀学生或组织当地筹款人方面存在群体差异。

如此广泛的多样性评估很难为“显而易见”辩护。 每条数据都是多样性防御的基础,而且比提供通常的关于掌握当今多元文化世界所需技能的虚空证明更为重要。 确实,Burroughs法官 应该坚持要求哈佛进行这项研究,以证明其“整体”入学政策是合理的。 并且,并且在很大程度上,驳斥了哈佛的纯粹修辞辩护,称其为“仅是推测”而没有佐证确凿的数据。 毕竟,哈佛大学要求对《美国专利法》第XNUMX篇的明日规定作例外处理。 1964民权法案 对于哈佛大学来说,坚持认为这样的例外情况应完全基于大学管理者的无保证保证(“所有人都知道”的辩护),将是一件奇怪的事。

至于哈佛大学可能反对这种基于事实的辩护超出了学校的资源和能力,这是胡说八道。 例如,令人难以置信的是,哈佛大学没有意识到学生在学术上的平权行为,他们的专业,留任成本和毕业后的贡献。 教授们非常了解如何引导课堂讨论“热门”种族话题,以避免职业生涯终结事件。 当然,学校'肿的多元化官僚机构可以收集这些数据,尤其是在进行法律辩护时。


毋庸置疑,哈佛或任何其他追求多样性的学校极不可能将其多样性定义扩展到包括任何背景的白人,更不用说尝试凭经验衡量一个群体相对于另一个群体的净多样性利益了。 结果可能令人尴尬。 试想一下,即将毕业的老年人是否声称从遭遇乡巴佬中受益最大? 然后招生办公室会派遣招聘人员到肯塔基州农村寻找下一个吗? JD万斯? 在当今政治上正确的环境中,科学地衡量多样性的利益的整个想法显然是不可想象的。 数据证明录取的学术水平低于黑人和西班牙裔的人按要求工作的几率是多少? 坚持陈词滥调。

现在要振作起来:这种对评估多样性的好处不感兴趣的事实强烈表明,种族偏好只是对一个所支持的选区的政治回报,与向农民提供乙醇补贴或为房地产开发商减税没有什么不同。 las,只有勇敢的勇者才敢在公开场合承认这一点,但至少在原则上,好消息是,这种认罪并不是特别令人讨厌。 政治家喜欢为迎合自己的选民而声名狼藉。

一群希望通过色盲入学标准无法获得声望文凭的人有什么不道德之处? 回想一下,几十年来,哈佛大学为富裕的WASP的后代提供了学位。 对这种要求的默许也只是美国多元主义的一部分,在这种多元化中,所有(或几乎所有)利益都通过政治进程得到解决。 只需将其视为乙醇补贴的道德等同物即可帮助保护浪漫的家庭农场。 总而言之,这是无数政治腐败例子之一,其理由要求撒谎,尽管撒谎尤其令人尴尬。

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 学院, 平权行动, 哈佛 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 亚洲团体可以对这一决定提出上诉吗?

    是否有任何白人团体会为白人辩护,这比亚洲人更具吸引力? 等待上诉成功吗?

    ChiComm 主导的常春藤联盟是否比犹太人主导的常春藤联盟更难吃? 两者都不好。

  2. TRM 说:

    Instead of reserving spaces at the top end why not offer free tutoring in math and English for all kids in poor families? Doesn’t matter what color you are, if your family are poor you get help.

  3. animalogic 说:

    Just one way more of undermining the US Tertiary sector. As if bloated bureacracies, grotesque Admin pay levels, equally grotesque spending on sporting coaches & their absolutely necessary “infrastructure” & the whole trillions plus Student Loans & fees fiasco were not enough!

    • 同意: Realist, TomSchmidt
    • 回复: @Euripidoze
    , @Richard P
  4. HBDestiny 说:

    We all know that positive discrimination/racial quotas/affirmative action etc is based on the false premise that all races are equally competent. However, I’m not sure if there’s been any discussion of unintended benefits of these policies from a HBD perspective. Here’s two I can think of:

    When education and employment are based on merit, the high IQ races get an inflated view of the low IQ races, since they will tend to work and go to university with only the few people from the low IQ races that are equally competent to themselves. This of course leads to disastrous political views. With positive discrimination, the high IQ races get a much more accurate picture of the low IQ races. This would also apply to desegregation policies in general, I’d guess there’s not many white SJWs living among poor blacks. You might call it the “Familiarity breeds contempt”-theory, perhaps someone here can offer evidence for or against it.

    Secondly, women have fewer children the more educated they are, regardless of IQ. Therefore, positive discrimination in education will reduce the birth rates of low IQ races while increasing the birth rates of high IQ races. (Source: https://inductivist.blogspot.com/2011/09/most-important-predictor-of-reduced.html)



    The fact that low IQ minorities often live segregated from the rest has protected the high IQ races, but it has also insulated them from the consequences of diversity. What is better, being forced to face the problems of diversity right away while they’re still manageable, or remaining mostly insulated as the low IQ minorities gradually take over?

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @MBlanc46
  5. Dan Hayes 说:

    Prof Weissberg,

    As pointed out, Harvard knows the post-graduation financial contributions of their affirmative action students. Academic studies have established that blacks are notoriously meager restaurant service tippers. I am sure that this same “cheapness” holds for their post-graduation contributions. I am even surer that Harvard will not release these results.

    • 同意: TKK
    • 回复: @loren
    , @TKK
  6. 维基百科:

    Judge Burroughs is most notable for her order putting a hold on President Donald Trump’s travel ban in January 2017…

    Appointed, of course, by the gay muslim kenyan.


  7. 黑人的种族偏好将保留。

    离任前不久,我听了奥巴马总统的访谈,说“种族主义”“仍然是我们传承的基因的一部分”。 “我们DNA的艺术”? 我喜欢受教授影响的“科学”戒指吗? –听起来很有权威性,客观性和决定性。 被迫时,他从理科教授转到医学病理学家:“种族主义。 我们还没有治愈。” 在我看来,这六个令人难以置信的词并没有得到应有的重视,因为它们奠定了美国种族关系的未来,而不是令人高兴的。 甚至我的两根蜡烛的力量也足以解释这些隐喻,并把握即将离任的,两次选举获得白人支持的第一位黑人美国总统郑重宣布美国社会的黑人道德优越/白人自卑安排仍然牢固到位。

    没有“治愈”的奥巴马的“我们”并不是真正的“我们”,而是“我们”,美国白人,鉴于它存在于我们的“DNA”中,而不是他的,这是一个非常安全的赌注,即“治愈” ”还有很长的路要走。 而且,美国黑人将扮演流行病学家的角色,然后说我们的 DNA 是干净的并且治疗已经奏效。 所以,“我们”不应该屏住呼吸。 解码的底线是:暂时的好人仍将是好人,并在他们拆除“白人至上”纪念碑时不断提醒我们坏人我们曾经有多糟糕,并教导我们“白人特权”要求赔偿他们被迫参与一个被白人摧毁的机构,而这一机构在 750,000 年前以 XNUMX 人的生命为代价。

    而我们现在的罪责将更加严重,因为我们错误地和愚蠢地认为种族主义不再渗透到美国社会的每一个缝隙,并为种族社会地位的每一个差异负责。 “总有一天我们会克服的。” 总有一天你会知道谁的第二次到来。 我们可以说,即将卸任的总统正在“利用集体负罪感”遥遥无期。

  8. gotmituns 说:

    Just burn these “colleges” down and forget about it.

    • 回复: @Arnieus
    , @Bill Jones
  9. Archangel 说:

    在哈佛大学学习的最大优势之一是可以在科学,法律,医学等领域获得真正的良好学习。 只要有兴趣学习。 即使在诸如政治学之类的不实科目中,人们也可以学到很多社会学,民意测验,选举分割,有效的宣传等知识。有才智的学生永远也不会错失这种学习机会,享有盛誉的文凭和“坦率”的学费下降。辩论。 在“安全空间”和PC告密氛围中撒些东西,并让智能型瘫痪的舌头综合症。 因此,教授和管理人员对缺乏“坦率”辩论的哀叹不光是不屑一顾,而且还意味着将责任从他们身上转移到了学生身上。 责任倒置的另一个例子。

  10. Realist 说:

    College entrance should be based on merit…the ability to perform academically at the college level.

    • 回复: @Justvisiting
    , @Moi
  11. Realist 说:


    What if they are stupid…you can’t fix stupid.

    • 回复: @bruce county
  12. Realist 说:

    Secondly, women have fewer children the more educated they are, regardless of IQ.

    Attending college does not mean you are educated.

    • 回复: @TomSchmidt
  13. conatus 说:

    Everyone wants to graduate from the Ivy League so they will be hired by the top firms and make a lot of money, get a lot of power and prestige.  But wasn’t it the U. S. Supreme Court which created this monster of Higher Education? In Griggs v Duke power, by not allowing general testing for employment purposes and labeling those tests as discriminatory, SCOTUS forced businesses to turn to the proxy of a college degree.  Now, rather than spend 200 dollars on a simple test to hire people, business uses college ranking  and thus parents are forced to spend 250,000 dollars on  Higher Education(preferably super selective Ivy)  for businesses to use as a proxy for a test  to select their applicants. Rather than a 200 dollar aptitude test, SCOTUS Grigg’s decision forced us all to spend 250K on Higher Ed.Way to go judges…you know better than us.

     Forbes had an article ‘Think (or blame) the Supreme Court for credential inflation’ by George Leef in 2014 discussing this decision….”A 1971 Supreme Court decision, Griggs v. Duke Power, had a lot to do with it, by giving employers a strong incentive to use educational credentials as a proxy for aptitude testing.”

    • 同意: Rich, Alden
    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Polymath
  14. Realist 说:
    @Stephen Paul Foster

    Racial preferences for black are to stay.

    Not if Whites find their balls.

    • 回复: @KenH
  15. Anonymous[364]• 免责声明 说:

    The anti-white agenda seems to be gradually becoming an anti-Asian agenda in North America. It’s like the elites realise that the North American white is more or less done for and has moved onto the next target, Asians.

    I notice that mass immigration and multikulti propaganda is being ramped up in East Asian countries all the time. East Asians were never going to be spared the agenda, once the elites are finished with whites, East Asia was always going to be next.

  16. @Sick of Orcs

    Gay Muslim Kenyan Communist.

    • 同意: Sick of Orcs
    • 回复: @Cyrano
  17. Sean 说:

    I suppose the idea of a university is not to produce the next Shockley or Noyce, but rather the liberal humanist conception that we should be developing through varied personal experiences into a fulfilled nuanced individual.


    Most readers associate evolution with Darwinian natural selection, but Wagner points out its limited creative capacity. In natural selection, a better adapted organism produces more offspring. This preserves good traits and discards bad ones until it reaches a peak of fitness. This process works perfectly in an “adaptive landscape” with a single peak, but it fails when there are many—and higher—peaks. 征服最高的——真正的创造力——需要跌入山谷并再次尝试。自然选择永远不会选择更差的而不是更好的,所以它不会下降. Wagner devotes most of his book to the 20th-century discovery of the sources of true biological creativity: genetic drift, recombination, and other processes that inject diversity into the evolutionary process. His final section on human creativity contains less hard science but plenty of imagination. The human parallel with natural selection is laissez faire competition, which is efficient but equally intolerant of trial and error. Far more productive are systems that don’t penalize failure but encourage play, experimentation, dreaming, and diverse points of view. In this vein, American schools fare poorly, but Asian schools are worse.

    Shockley was a failure in his later ventures, probably due to a mechanistic cast of mind from both his parents being technical specialists (Noyce the master administrator had ministers of religion on both sides). I suppose the Chinese will have more Shockley types swarming out of their associative mating and breeding grounds than Noyce types, so how good Shockley actually was becomes more than academic. According to a recent article by Professor Simms, “China — one of the most protectionist economies in the world — is now celebrated at Davos as the avatar of free trade … an apparent poster boy of political stability and governability. […] By the time the easily diverted West finds itself in open conflict with Beijing, we will have lost our relative advantage.”

    • 回复: @bomag
    , @Carroll Price
  18. sally 说:

    To tell the truth this whole idea of academic admissions has become a historical problem. its no longer a rational argument about college or graduate school admission.

    Today the entire world can enter just about any school over the Internet. everyone can challenge the course experiences from the same professors at the same time, and everyone can take the same examinations at the same time.. world wide even laboratories can be shared. Its the fault of the university, and an elite controlled system of governance that demands society sort out those allowed to succeed from who to be denied that keeps segregated differentiated admissions policies in existence. Competitively , outcomes from Harvard experience is not over until the fat lady sings.

    Every student of any kind wishing to challenge Harvard or any other degree granting institution should be allowed to do so, my bet is that persons Harvard never dreamed of will be life-time star performers.

    Education is a bureaucracy, learning is a biological response to experience. The two are related only through experience. Give everyone the Harvard experience .. and quit complaining about admission differentials.

  19. Arnieus 说:

    That is crazy. All those buildings could be homeless shelters.

    • 哈哈: bomag, 216
  20. Walter 说:

    I would regard academic performance with skepticism…

    Lazy or stupid, rich whites get “a gentleman’s c”. Professors are under pressure to falsify grades…for several categories…”blacks” are merely one…then there’s fags and so forth…very democratic…sorta…if you mix ad hoc policies with intimidation and fakery…and call that democratic and see that as good.

    I cannot speak of Harvard, but I know what happens when unqualified graduate students admitted according to their race fail their exams at UCLA – because it happened.

    What happens is that the dean calls the professor and desires their grades to be raised.

    Then if their grades are not raised, the professor’s parking space is moved to a new assigned space as far as possible from her office.

    Then the professors quits…

    And the unqualified graduate students’ grades are raised by the new professor.

    Then, presumably, when they graduate and take the bar exam, and fail, they make the bar exam easier…

    Same for the engineering examinations, I hear…

    How this benefits either the students, their future clients, or the State remains mysterious, eh?

  21. “种族主义”这个词是共产主义的发明,专门用来压制那些被视为阻碍共产主义目标的人。


    America has become by definition “A Communist Country”. Racial Preference is a true form of racism. We are all “commies” now.



    • 同意: Carroll Price
    • 回复: @anon
    , @Richard P
  22. @Realist

    College entrance is a great learning experience for young people.

    They learn quickly that what matters is the color of their skin and _not_ the content of their character.

  23. “…just a political pay-off to a favored constituency…”

    雅认为吗?? 😂😂😂

    • 回复: @Paw
  24. Anon[227]• 免责声明 说:

    Harvard, like much else, is ruled by a certain minority with an underpinning interest in such policies (and the hypocrisy that is their grounds), with the much-needed, never-in-shortage co-operation of the narcissism of most well-to-do, high-IQ Caucasians.

    So, no, it’s not going to change. More broadly: school and university are not going to be back to being school, and university for real (because you have the whole privilege to women thing that is still more harmful than racial privilege to blacks and Hispanics).

  25. bomag 说:
    @Flint Clint

    Is there any white collective that will make the case for whites…?


    “Holistic admissions” should be a way to favor Whites, since they punch above their test score weight when it comes time to build a society in which people want to live.

    But that coin is currently being spent on behalf of Blacks and Latinos etc, and we’re reaping all the improvement that is rendering.(sarc)

    • 回复: @anonymous
  26. TomSchmidt 说:

    Yes, yes, we know. Cheap rhetorical point. I don’t doubt you agree with the original commenter’s point, based as it is in data. It just takes longer to type “the more years of higher education a woman has, the lower her fertility.”

    • 哈哈: Twodees Partain
    • 回复: @Realist
  27. @TRM

    几年前就尝试过免费辅导(亚洲人非常喜欢的补习班)。尽管为让黑人孩子入学做出了巨大努力,但只有 6% 符合条件的人报名了。我没有关于他们数学成绩提高的比例的数据,但我敢打赌不到一半。

    • 回复: @The Dark Night
  28. 魏斯伯格先生,


    • 同意: loren
  29. Rich 说:

    I think part of this obsession of American elites to continue the nonsensical affirmative action route is that by separating the “smarter” Negroes from their brethren, they prevent Negroes from working together as a group. The Romans always took in the children of foreign leaders, educating them, in effect turning them into Romans, the Brits and the French did the same. This also helps foment tension among the lower classes and prevents, at least to their thinking, the possibility of violent revolution. Whites vs Black vs Hispanics vs Asians, is ingenious, in a way. It’s wrong, and I think it’s bound to fail as affirmative action morons rise up the ranks and destroy our society, but it’s working for them right now.

    Bridges collapse, buildings collapse, trains break down, ships crash into each other, the lowering of standards due to affirmative action hurts society in general, but barely has an effect on America’s elite.

    • 回复: @bomag
    , @Alden
    , @Ancient Briton
  30. zogborg [又名“clusterfuck”] 说:


  31. bruce county 说:

    Oh… but “we” can fix stupid. Our government has made sure the fix is included in everything we say and do. Right down to the penny on our taxes. We pay and things get better so we are asked (told) to believe.
    Life is hard.. Its harder when you’re stupid.

    • 回复: @zogborg
  32. bomag 说:

    Far more productive are systems that don’t penalize failure but encourage play, experimentation, dreaming, and diverse points of view.

    True to an extent, but one must be careful of having too much of a good thing.

    When such systems get administered by mechanistic types, you get a push for more and more “diversity” (or play, or experimentation, or dreaming) until the system chokes to death.

  33. bomag 说:

    …they prevent Negroes from working together as a group

    Our elites are happy to organize and lead the Negro masses as shock troops against political opponents.

    • 同意: Robert Dolan, bruce county
    • 回复: @Rich
  34. zogborg [又名“clusterfuck”] 说:
    @bruce county


    • 回复: @Richard P
  35. Bookish1 说:


    • 同意: Alden
    • 不同意: Sam Coulton
  36. nymom 说:

    The irony of the whole situation is that people exposed to black students actually like them less than people who rarely if ever encounter them. Thus, you have the phenomenon of students from upper class families (who never went to school with or interacted in any meaningful way with a black student) supporting all of this ‘woke’ nonsense. Whereas working class kids who interacted with black students on a regular basis dislike them intensely and want nothing to do with them as adults…

    It throws out the whole scenario painted by liberals that young people who interact with each other as kids are better able to handle a diverse society. It appears to be just the opposite…

    Same for Asians…I actually used to work with a woman who immigrated here from China and she told me she liked black people a lot more when she just knew about them in China versus coming here and having her son beat up by them every day in school…

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @KenH
    , @Ben the Layabout
  37. Realist 说:

    Yes, yes, we know. Cheap rhetorical point.

    It’s a factual point…your point?

    • 回复: @TomSchmidt
  38. Moi 说:

    In this new America, diversity is to be valued over merit/performance. We are just about all the way down the proverbial shit-hole.

    • 回复: @Realist
  39. anonymous[403]• 免责声明 说:

    how exactly does adding blacks and Hispanics so dramatically upgrade learning vis-à-vis other students

    Hah, in actual practice being in the same classrooms and schools with those groups degrades the educational experience. Busing destroyed public school systems everywhere. This is the reality, far removed from diversity wonderland fantasies.

  40. Realist 说:

    We are just about all the way down the proverbial shit-hole.


  41. 我希望有人反对基于布朗诉教育委员会的平权行动。

    在布朗,斯科特斯推翻了50年以上的原则,即“分开但平等”。 法院裁定,没有分离而是平等的事情,因为分离行为损害了某些人。

    好的。 那么什么是平权行动却“分开却更好”?



    • 回复: @Alden
  42. Wally 说:

    – Indeed, so called “liberals” overwhelmingly live as far away from blacks as possible.
    GIS studies using census, race, & income data prove that conclusively.

    – Most send their children to schools where there are very few blacks.

    They know the truth, but are afraid to openly admit it.

  43. unit472 说:

    Given the size and wealth in both the black and Asian communities their is no reason ( beyond the difficulty in finding first rate negro faculty) in funding their own elite university. Harvard maybe over 300 years old but William and Mary is too and it doesn’t have Harvard’s cachet. OTOH Stanford didn’t open its doors until 1891 when it was called Stanford Junior University but today its is as prestigious as Harvard or Yale.

    No reason LeBron James or Shaquille O’Neill couldn’t use their money to create a ‘Black Stanford’. If they pulled it off it would put paid to the idea of negro academic inferiority which is probably why no one will ever attempt it.

    No one doubts Asian academic acumen though so it is puzzling why wealthy Asians have not said to hell with Harvard and its anti Asian admission policies and put their money and names on a university where they call the shots

    • 回复: @Anonymouse
  44. 哈佛是一所商学院,让更多智商较低的学生学习容易教授的课程,比引入更多智商较高的学生学习难于教授的课程是一种更好的商业模式。
    It’s far better have just a few higher paid professors with a few students. This is expensive, but the economics are like a lottery. A lot of fools pay in and only a very few win, but when they win, they win big.
    Grievance studies professors are in much lower demand with a much higher supply and lower salaries. It’s much more profitable to have lots of humanities professors teaching lots of students.
    If you truly have a good grasp of business, why stay at a university when you could be making millions in the private sector? There’s a reason why a lot of company founders drop out of school early. They quickly realize that their time is better spent making money with the knowledge they have, then spending time to acquire more knowledge that they may not need.

    • 回复: @Robert Dolan
    , @Euripidoze
  45. anonymous[348]• 免责声明 说:

    a society in which people want to live

    That does appears to be true. But, how did you get there?

    Your most beautiful cities were built on plunder and suffering of billions around the world.

    Your society also functions on various forms of ungodly degeneracies. No wonder many people love to be a part of that.

    Keeping that in mind, you are all headed for a great big fall… if not here, most assuredly in Hell.

    Enjoy for now… I assure you, it won’t last.

    • 哈哈: Wally
    • 回复: @bomag
  46. KenH 说:

    Not if Whites find their balls.

    Well conservatism, inc. lost theirs decades ago and most whites are still looking for their set as of this writing when it comes to challenging racial preferences for non-whites .

    • 回复: @Realist
  47. KenH 说:

    It throws out the whole scenario painted by liberals that young people who interact with each other as kids are better able to handle a diverse society. It appears to be just the opposite…

    Familiarity breeds contempt and the only whites who have a positive view of blacks are those who’ve had no or very limited experience with them. Or those that are so hopelessly brainwashed that they’re suffering from a psychological break with reality.

    The (((media))) and the smart set endlessly lecture us that whites who are wary of blacks are just motivated by blind racism and ignorance but in fact it’s because those whites have had contact with blacks and have learned that they aren’t mirror images of ourselves in every way albeit with chocolate coating. In general blacks are dumb, surly, attitudinal, prone to violence and no fun to be around which is why lots of people of various racial types, not just whites, tend to avoid them.

  48. @Boiled Brain

    Harvard doesn’t care about making money. In fact, making money is not even on their radar.

    The elite schools have billions of dollars in endowments that were earned by white Christian men over the centuries. Then the jews took over the schools and turned them into marxist anti-white indoctrination centers.

    The elite schools are now centers of propaganda for the jewish internationalists. and their main goal is to disenfranchise/ demonize/atomize white Christian people.

    • 同意: steinbergfeldwitzcohen
  49. Rich 说:

    You are exactly right. Negroes, in general, aren’t a very intelligent people and always vote for candidates who favor more immigration, legal and illegal, which drive down most Negro wages and makes finding and holding a job even harder for them. Meanwhile, those Negroes, who, through affirmative action, are able to get higher paying positions, always parrot whatever lines are fed to them by their elitist masters because they know that if they lose the support of the masters, they’ll be unemployed, and forced to live among their own people.

    The use of “Negro shock troops” is a great tool of American elites because it makes Whites, Hispanics, Asians and civilized blacks support more police power and a stronger state.

  50. bomag 说:

    Your most beautiful cities were built on plunder and suffering of billions around the world.


    Okay, but then Whites have done more with plunder than anyone else.

  51. beau 说:

    bullshit, amerikan style, is the reality.

    politics ruins everything it touches, it touches everything and it is quite obvious this is so.

  52. S. Handle 说:

    On the face of it, diversity is the opposite of university.

  53. anonymous[217]• 免责声明 说:

    Are there countries out there not subject to the Griggs decision that use IQ testing to hire non-university graduates? I can’t think of any. I think it’s highly exaggerated to blame Griggs.

    • 回复: @conatus
    , @Alden
    , @Dan Hayes
  54. Haha 说:

    Exactly, you nailed it in a few sensible words. Offering free of cost extra tutoring is not only non-discriminatory and therefore ethical, but the only sensible educational strategy. But then we are not living in a sensible age. It is politically more expedient to simply print diplomas and hand them out like candy – strictly per racial or diversity quotas of course. The resulting age of semi-literacy and mass idiocy is of no concern to the powers that be. And while at it, why not hire professors not by merit but to further the cause of diversity. Stupid is as stupid does!

    • 回复: @Alden
  55. Realist 说:

    Well conservatism, inc. lost theirs decades ago and most whites are still looking for their set as of this writing when it comes to challenging racial preferences for non-whites .

    Yes, and many issues as well.

  56. Anon[212]• 免责声明 说:

    I love when you IQ fetishists call political science “fluff” while bemoaning the state of … politics. I guess some “fluff” is kinda important, eh? Too bad all you high-IQ types went into physics since everything else was so infra dig, leaving politics to the dumbassses.

  57. 216 说: • 您的网站

    The big question is whether or not a Chinese academic model can displace the Western model.

    Few Westerners want to learn Mandarin and study in China, and it would be ill-advised for China to sponsor English-language faculties which would prove a subversive element.

    But the Chinese might be able to make a digital proctoring system work, as they have less tied into the prestige gambit of American academia.

    That’s a game-changer, if it means that conservative parents don’t have to shoulder the cost of four-year residential institutions, or the higher taxes to provide “free college”

  58. Liza 说:

    是的。 JD万斯 unquestionably did benefit from rubbing shoulders (and I guess a whole lot more) with his fellow students at law school. Mind you, some would consider his wife a notch or two above the Hispanics and Blacks and more than a few notches above the girls from his home town. Just saying, you understand.

    Vance is married to one of his former law school classmates, Usha Chilukuri, an Indian-American woman

  59. TomSchmidt 说:

    You’re nitpicking semantics with someone who agrees with you. Good way to lose an ally. Who in fact believes the same thing you believe, but phrased it differently.

    You think your enemies bother to nitpick semantics while confronting their enemy? It’s only when they think they’ve won that we get the amusing circular firing squad on the left, or whatever it is nowadays, since the old left wasn’t as concerned with identity politics as economic issues.

    The time for the circular firing squad on the right isn’t here. It may never be here, but at least you’ll have made your minor rhetorical point, I guess.

    • 回复: @Realist
  60. conatus 说:

    Bryan Caplan had a post on that in 2013.
    There were countries in 2013 that allowed IQ tests for employment according to the commenters.

  61. 白人/保守派没有理由忍受这一切。如今有许多学校可供选择。家庭教育、私立学校、社区/团体学校、导师、贸易学校、学徒,当然还有在线培训。人们只是懒惰,宁愿抱怨、找借口,也不愿重建文化。我对你们这些失败者感到非常失望。

    • 回复: @Alden
  62. @TRM

    I think remedial help help has been available for those who need it. There’s no excuses.

  63. Negroes have tried to create black Harvards–they’re called Spelman and Howard and they are laughingly lousy. Affirmative action is basically a parasitic survival strategy Negroes have embraced because they know deep down that they are society’s losers and need lots of help from smart races.

  64. TKK 说:
    @Dan Hayes

    The original use of niggaredly was cheap or meager.

    I just read ” Life on the Mississippi” by Mark Twain and a working boy on a barge complained:

    The cook gave me a niggared portion of taters and rice.

  65. This article managed to avoid stating the real issue: a powerless minority, Asians, are being denied their quota by Jews, a very powerful minority. Affirmative action is just the excuse. Affirmative action must be relegated to the dust bin of history, despite the babblings of homosexual, muslim, faux presidents like Soetoro.
    It’s time for the Majority of White Americans to demand a ‘birthright’ Amendment. It’s ours. We built it. 65% or greater must reflect the historic, European nation at all public institutions.
    We must then proceed to hire each other., exclude others and make no apologies. They will leave or shut up.
    Simultaneously, of course, we must implement ownership requirements for all Media to reflect the dominant culture. This is how we retake our society. The failure to do so will result in more Balkanization, more insanity and more corruption.
    Immigration reform. No more anchor babies. Send them back. Etcetera.

  66. 我读到了文章的最上面......




  67. Realist 说:

    You’re nitpicking semantics with someone who agrees with you. Good way to lose an ally. Who in fact believes the same thing you believe, but phrased it differently.

    Nitpicking? Your comment #26 to my comment #12, that wasn’t even addressed to you, is as follows:

    Yes, yes, we know. Cheap rhetorical point. I don’t doubt you agree with the original commenter’s point, based as it is in data. It just takes longer to type “the more years of higher education a woman has, the lower her fertility.”

    You’re a great ‘ally’. Don’t ‘help’ me again.

    The time for the circular firing squad on the right isn’t here. It may never be here, but at least you’ll have made your minor rhetorical point, I guess.

    You need to figure it out and stop guessing .

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @TomSchmidt
  68. @Bookish1

    All the things Jews complain are stereotypes: superiority complex, greed-based, racial nepotism, control of The Narrative via media and (re)education, diversity for all but themselves, are greatly admired by the Asian.

    • 回复: @Sam Coulton
  69. Marcus25 说:

    Not buying your premise in your last sentence. The white Christian male is the antithesis of who they are, and it’s the Jewish fear of non-existence which drives them.

  70. Beau Nydle 说:


  71. niteranger 说:
    @Flint Clint

    Not only do the Jews dominate the Ivy League they dominate who runs the Ivy League. Over 75% of all Presidents, Deans, Chairmen, and higher administrators are Jewish. How is this diversity? The entire argument that there is diversity when you put students from diverse backgrounds that benefit the university no matter what their academic status is total nonsense. At these so called “melting pots” of diversity the blacks hang with the blacks, the Asians with the Asians and the Jews with the Jews. The Jews even have their own Kosher Dining Halls I believe at Harvard.

    This is just another game to put people who can’t make it academically to give them fake degrees for their so called minority status. The damn country is done. Instead of a society based on merit and skill set we will have a world based on some birthright of color or minority status.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  72. Harvard, Yale, Columbia and the others should be declared Historical Black Colleges (HBCs). We now know these institutions were built by black slaves. These HBCs should educate only African-Americans and black trans women of color. There are plenty of other colleges that can be used to educate Asian-Americans and the dwindling number of white people that graduate high school. We should make an exception for Jewish white people and allow them to attend the new HBCs, due to the Holocaust and the pervasive anti-semitism faced by this population.

    It’s all about equity and making sure we have a level playing field.

  73. Euripidoze 说:


  74. Euripidoze 说:
    @Boiled Brain


  75. Cyrano 说:

    You don’t know s**t about communism. Communism was not about equality between races, it was primarily about equality within a nation. Your North American brand of “communism” is purely Anglo-Saxofon invention. Enjoy it.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Richard P
  76. Anonymouse 说:

    Different kinds of Asians would require different colleges.

    The jews founded Brandeis Univ.and Yeshiva Univ. to compensate for jewish quotas in admissions to traditional universities.

    • 回复: @Dan Hayes
    , @Alden
  77. Can we please base skills and talent on skills and talent; not color, a penis or vagina?


  78. @nymom

    Interesting points. Often unmentioned is the follow-on problems that racial preferences or quotas creates. Sidebar: I continue to be amused that (so I understand) the Civil Rights Act specifically bars racial quotas! But exceptions abound…as this article shows. Anyway, the problem of saying that Jamal with his SAT of 1000, or Miguel with his of 1050, is on par with the better White’s or the even better East Asian’s is precisely that: you are claiming that measurably unequal things are equal (intelligence, or more likely, chances of succeeding academically). Yes, the unqualified Black, Latino or Lesbian Transexual Entity ends up above his/her/its head. This has both a downside (unqualified or stupid person in a position of authority = chance for mischief or outright danger to self/others) but also an upside (the more duds in important positions, the sooner the corrupt system will collapse, as well as remaining smart people will take the “red pill” whether they like it or not). Finally, and perhaps the only one in the room to feel sorry for, is the very rare but genuinely qualified Black, Latino, etc. that could have competed on the same level as Whitey or Chinaman, but will be lumped in with all the moron-with-a-degree that represent the vast majority of his ethnic/racial cohort.

  79. Alden 说:
    @Gordon Pratt


    推翻现有的法律,制定新的法律,他们随心所欲。 除非您是可能在更高的州或联邦法院审理案件的律师,否则不值得考虑。


    1956 年,布朗 5 名白人男性法官发现,托皮卡 KA 黑人孩子必须步行 14 个街区才能到一所仅由白人组成的学校,而这所黑人学校就在附近,这违反了第十四修正案。

    因此,法官命令所有在Topeka KA的孩子都在最近的公立学校就读。

    10 年后,下级联邦和州法院
    全国各地的学童被要求在离家 40 英里的地方上学,而纳税人每年为此花费数十亿美元。

    这与布朗的发现完全矛盾,布朗的发现是,在离家较近的地方将孩子送往遥远的学校,这违反了布莱克的第14修正案权利。 后来发生的学校销毁案发现,送孩子到最近的学校违反了布莱克的第14修正案权利。

    那是英国普通法制度的美国版本。 从本质上讲,法官只是在遵守法律的过程中制定法律。

    成就? 黑白成就差距相同。 黑人在学校的行为变得糟糕了一千倍 上学的白人超过 5% 的黑人因为他们的行为而鄙视他们。

    成就? 随着白人逃离恐怖和暴力,每个黑人拥有超过15%的学区遭到破坏,美国大城市遭到破坏

    FYI Topeka和以前的学校融合案例由谁来资助? 美国犹太人委员会。 原告布朗不是黑人父母或子女,而是埃斯特·布朗是白人犹太人的民权律师。 反怀特一方的大多数律师当然是犹太人。



    该国的销毁诉讼是由旧金山华人提起的。 1966 年,他们以毁坏学校为由提起诉讼。他们败诉并上诉; 上诉败诉 他们再次提起诉讼,败诉,上诉败诉,再次提起诉讼。 它进入了几十年。 提交,松散,上诉,松散,提起新的诉讼。 它持续了数十年。

  80. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Very good point Cyrano , old soviet communism was still a clasical ideology , a totalitarian ideology of course , but did not interfere too much in many personal things , it was ” old fashioned ” , ” mechanical ” , according to Dalmacio Negro .

    While our western liberalism or social -democracy or whatever you want to call it , it is mainly an anglo-saxon ideology , as you say, thats what Negro says too , and he thinks it is derived from Darwinism , it is a bioideology . Bioideology is the modern ideology which goes further than classical communism because it intervenes in everything bio , human , animal and earthian ( see the climate crusade ) .

    Modern bioideology feels legitimated to intervene in anything biological , human , animal , earthian ….what means in anything : if you are a man or a woman , in races and racial differences
    , in ” sexist ” language , in medical and health matters , in sexual identity , sexual desires , in old and young ages , in reproduction , in everything bio , that `s to say in everything in all the aspects of the live of people , including the environnement .

    The spanish intelectual Dalmacio Negro has a book ” El mito del hombre nuevo ” , 2008 , ( The myth of the new man ) in which he explains the rise of bioideologies , and the myths of modern man . It is a magnificent book , unfortunately as far as I know it has not been translated to english .



  81. Alden 说:

    Most of the western world uses merit testing for jobs. Griggs( hire the dumbest) only applies in America and to a lesser extent, Britain. In many countries there’s corruption and nepotism that favors some. But no country will admit total retards and illiterates to college. Except America.

    Griggs wasn’t even about testing. It was Duke Power’s requirement that trainee applicants for the lowest level jobs had to have finished 6th grade. 6 th grade! How difficult is that. ? And it was 1971, not 1871 when lots of rural southerners didn’t go to school at all.

    Kaiser vs Weber 1979 was about testing. It also ended Kaiser’s requirement that a steel mill foreman needed experience as a steel worker, a high school diploma and the ability to read memos instructions and figure out simple math problems and solve work problems.

    Here’s a typical work related question for the job of steel mill foreman. It was discriminatory because it required the ability to read the question. And blacks couldn’t read the questions. That inability if blacjs to read is the reason courts struck down tratibg

    You have a crew of 23. You can’t function with less than 19. It’s flu season only 17 show up

    A. Do as best you can with 17
    B send everybody home close up
    C Notify your supervisor
    D Notify HR
    F Notify both the supervisor and HR
    Correct answer is of course F

    The entire written test was found to be discriminatory because it required the ability to read.

    Another requirement was a foreman applicant had to have a high school diploma. In 1979!!!!
    That requirement was found discriminatory.

    If nothing else, high school diploma shows the ability to get out of bed in the morning , get somewhere and remain in school or workplace all day. Come back after lunch follow directions behave like a normal human being, no insane outbursts of rage no fighting etc

    Because it was Kaiser Steel Mill, knocking down the test was insane.

    Making steel is a complicated process and extremely dangerous. The foreman aren’t the chemists and engineers who make the formulas but they have to have experience, a basic understanding of the process and normal patterns of behavior and intelligence. In those days no computers. They’d have to send the work sheets with correct overtime etc in to payroll. They’d have to make up vacation schedules and figure how many of the crew could be off at any day. They’d have to read management memos and write memos for their crews.

    The test was totally reasonable

    That’s probably why there are no steel mills in America anymore.

  82. Alden 说:

    Endless tutoring won’t help kids with average black IQ of 85. It won’t help the IQs of the 40% blacks whose IQs are under 80. That used to be deemed retarded . It’s the cut off for disability for the retarded developmentally disabled whatever this year’s term is

    The 4th protocol in the 1890s edition I read is absolutely accurate about what Jewish attorneys and lawsuits ramming the retarded into government have done since 1968 the affirmative action laws.

    “ We shall see to it my brothers, that they appoint only the unfit and the incompetent to government positions so we shall conquer them easily when the time comes”

    That’s affirmative action as anyone can see in every government office. Ever been in downtown DC at 5/pm around those big government buildings? Blacks and nothing but blacks streaming out of all the government buildings .

    • 回复: @Haha
    , @Mr McKenna
  83. Bill Jones 说:

    Harvard should have been burned to the ground when the college created to train Christian Ministers appointed its first Jew.

  84. Alden 说:
    @Roberto Masioni




    自共和党理查德·尼克松 (Richard Nixon) 1970 年的费城计划以来,拥有学徒制的工会一直受到盖世太保的平权行动的控制。




    除了 1970 年的费城计划外,理查德·尼克松 (Richard Nixon) 还签署了一项行政命令,创建拉美裔种族,并使他们有资格享受平权行动。

    不要责怪约翰逊、他的副总统汉弗莱(他负责处理这一过程)以及 1968 年的国会和参议院只是为了平权行动。这只能归咎于理查德·尼克松费城计划的两项行政命令,以及为最糟糕的平权行动创造了西班牙裔种族。


    大学文凭本身在四年内仍然具有价值。迫不及待地希望学生们开始起诉大学,要求其提供毫无价值的文凭,包括 STEM 文凭。如果 STEM 工作只针对非白人移民,那么在没有适合白人 STEM 学生的工作的情况下,大学接受白人 STEM 学生的学费就是不诚实和欺诈的。

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  85. Alden 说:

    There’s a major difference between low fertility a strictly medical issue and a conscious decision to have none or just one or two children.

    For most White women not welfare mammas, the decision to have children involves a husband and father, not a sperm donor. If White men want White women to have more children marry a White woman and participate in the process.

    As for the argument that Whites are losing because of non White immigration and native blacks having more children than we do, I must remind you that all the damage was done by 3 court cases 1956, 1971 and 1979 when America was about 88 percent White.

    The judges in Brown 1956 were all White men. So were the Judges in Griggs and Kaiser.

    The president Vice President and senate of the 1964 civil rights act, 1965 non White immigration act and 1968 affirmative action act were all White men Of 435 congress critter’s there were only about 5 women and a couple blacks the rest were all White men.

    The worst president for Whites was a White male republican Nixon with his affirmative action executive order for Hispanics and anti White male Philadelphia Plan Then there was White male Republican Ronald Regean and his many pro non White immigration executive orders.

    And don’t forget entire industries run by White men who hire as many below minimum wage supported by their kid’s welfare illegal non Whites instead of American Whites.

    • 回复: @Realist
  86. Alden 说:
    @Flint Clint

    They can appeal. They’ll probably lose.

  87. Anonymous[231]• 免责声明 说:

    Asians don’t seem to think in terms of race as such. Most Asians would be offended to be compared to another Asian nationality in any way, they don’t seem to regard each other as ethnic or cultural kin at all.

    There is no Asian equivalent of white nationalism. Asians are only ethnic nationalists in terms of their own nationality, not in terms of the Asian race generally.

  88. anarchyst 说:

    You are correct about the union trades being unavailable to whites.

    Some fifty years ago, I attempted to “break into the trades” (electrician) by applying to my local union (IBEW). I was informed that unless I “knew someone” or was a relative of a union official, my chances to gain an apprenticeship were almost nil. In those days, “knowing someone” was one way in…the other way was to be of “minority status”. A helpful union official told me as such.

    At that time, president Nixon had also ordered “affirmative action” to be the “law of the land”, reducing my chances even further.

    Always having a knack for “all things engineering” my employer was instrumental in recording my hours so that I could take the municipal (state) electrician exam, passing it on the first attempt and gaining my state electrical license.

    I never gained electrical union membership, but nevertheless was successful in my career, even being able to run circles around “union electricians” both on work and technical expertise. It was their loss.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
    , @Alden
  89. Dan Hayes 说:


    When kept out of NYC’s “Waspitals”, Ashkenazi Jews founded Mount Sinai Hospital!

    When kept out of Mount Sinai, Orthodox Jews founded Beth Israel Hospital!

  90. Anonymous[140]• 免责声明 说:

    They can fight the system by demanding real diversity or a true merit based system. If there are quotas, it should apply to everyone equally. Or none at all.

    Either should achieve the same results: fewer Jewish/white numbers and an increase in Christian/white admissions.

    The ginormous overrepresentation of Jews is the real sticky problem here, not the marginal set asides for blacks and hispanics.

  91. Dan Hayes 说:


    I believe that Israel IQ tests quite heavily for their redundant military-industrial-academic complex.

  92. Affirmative Action is the adult version of Head Start which didn’t work either.

  93. Alden 说:

    It’s a complete lie and fraud the the prestige universities had discrimination quotas for Jews. By the 1920’s the Ivies and other prestige universities had as much as 15-20% Jews when Jews were only about 4-5 at most percent of the population. That’s way way over quota. There’s articles showing the statistics on the internet. Try amren occidental observer.

    My mother went to Cornell in the late 1930s. There was a big Jewish presence there Jewish fraternities religious clubs Zionist clubs communist clubs. Maybe it was proximity to Jewish fortress of NYC.

    • 同意: Rich
  94. Sam Coulton [AKA“ SM Coulton”] 说:


    LOL! And Asians haven’t been?

    • 回复: @zogborg
  95. Sam Coulton [AKA“ SM Coulton”] 说:

    And how did you come to that fucktarded conclusion? White males are the majority of leading roles, a remarkable fact considering that the majority of consumers of media in this country are nonwhites. Disproportionately so.

  96. Anonymous[648]• 免责声明 说:

    Years ago two Chinese kids my kids’ ages in Chappaqua (father an IMB engineer from China) spent their Saturdays at Chinese school where they learned test taking itself as early as the 4th or 5th grade. Despite articles here purporting to show Asian intellectual superiority, it’s a fraud. Their generally nasty kids are being prepped from an early age to appear a lot smarter than they are. My kids were also in school with Indians—same thing.

  97. Sam Coulton [AKA“ SM Coulton”] 说:
    @Sick of Orcs

    Obviously not as Asians live in the most diverse neighborhoods and outmrarry the most (and to the most diverse assortment of partners), control none of the media and show little sign of attwmpting to advance in media in this country, and generally don’t have a superiority complex.

    此评论部分中的整个 lotta 白色垃圾。

  98. Skeptikal 说:

    This new influence of Jews explains the jihad against final clubs at Harvard.
    And, I believe, they are behind the destruction of the old house system in the pursuit of an ideological agenda, which is to micromanage and engineer the social life of students in a way that reduces their choices, their freedom on assocation, and probably the quality of both their Harvard education and “experience.”

    Actually Harvard is practicing diversity in a less publicized form in its sheltering of the criminal Andrei Schleifer.
    I would not now aspire to attend Harvard.

  99. @Sean

    As you probably know, Shockley’s undoing was publically stating that human intelligence depends primarily on race.

    • 回复: @Sean
  100. I thought that the quotas at Harvard were 25% Jewish, 20% Asian and 15% non-Jewish European American (please correct me if I’m wrong). Surely it has less to do with African and Latin Americans than Jewish privilege and bigotry. You can’t have non-Jewish European privilege when there is no such power at Harvard and you can’t have justice for Asian or non-Jewish European Americans when US judges support Jewish bigotry. I suspect the judge is Jewish but only because she ignored the quota for massively over-represented Jewish Americans and virtue signalled about African and Latin Americans. You need a lot of cheek to ignore an elephant in the room and not everybody is that cheeky. Of course, she could just be ignorant; there are an astonishing number of Yanks who know nothing about their own country except the corruption (I’ve never met one who didn’t say “We have the best politicians that money can buy”). [电子邮件保护]

    • 回复: @Carroll Price
  101. Any white with ANY Iberian ancestry can claim Hispanic (that’s the federal standard any way). Also, I continue to expect more white men to convert to Islam, and work that into their narrative, for college apps and jobs.

  102. PeterMX 说:
    @Flint Clint

    The author does not mention the extremely high numbers of Jews at the Ivy League schools. There are higher numbers of Jews (which comprise about 2% of the American population) than whites at “each” Ivy League school. There are eight schools. Another reliable website, The Occidebtal Observer, cited Ron Unz’s study of the Ivy League, which demosstrated that Blacks and Latinos were getting preferential treatment over Asians, as also demonstrating that less qualified Jews are getting admitted to these schools over whites.

    The Ivy League schools were founded by and dominated by the majority white population the US had for centuries. No more. Furhermore, these schools were founded by religious Christians, particularly Harvard. But whites no longer run Ivy League schools. Like most halls of power in the US, Jews are the administrators at the Christian founded Ivy League schools now. So there is a twofold problem and just as with foreign policy, the elephant in the room (Jewish power) is being ignored.

    Although two highly qualifed academics (Walt and Mearsheimer. from Harvard and the University of Chicago respectively) demonstrated decisively in their bestselling book The Israel Lobby, published in 2007, that American foreign policy was run by Zionists for Israel and that the wars in the middle east were not fought for oil, but rather for Israel, American mainstream media continues to lie nnd ignore the elephant in the room, Jewish power and how it incited these wars. Everyone has seen the mega billionaire and arch Jewish Zionist Sheldon Adelson (who said the US should drop an atomic bomb on Iran if it doesn’t do what the US wants – this is also on Youtube), being faugned over by all the Republican Presidential candidates and have seen the entire US Congress getting up out of their seats to applaud Israel’s Netanyahu with standing ovations about 20 times (no other foreign or American leader has received such accolades) in a speech. As Pat Buchanan said many years ago, Congress is Israel occupied territory. This was all on Youtube and still is to the best of my knowledge, despite the mass censorship Youtube, Amazon and other companies now practice. But night after night, the mainstream networks continue to lie and claim these wars are for reasons other than the real reason – security for Israel. Even the fantastic Tucker Carlson won’t invite Mearshemer or Walt on his program, and for good reason. The Zionist Murdochs (and probably also Jewish) would fire Tucker soon after that program. And Adelson is just the tip of the iceberg. Israeli citizen Haim Saban is the top donor to the Democrat Party. There is so much more. When people realize the lies that the entire US media and establishment have repeated night after night for decades (at a minimum), I would expect a mass explosion of anger.

  103. Skeptikal 说:

    I recently had a rewiring job done on my house.
    It was somewhat complicated.
    They did a great job and I found it pretty interesting to see how they worked.
    One master electrician, one smart fellow currently preparing to get his master electrician license, and two other guys who were Hispanics. Don’t know whether these two are planning to become master electricians.

    I have the greatest respect for those who know how to work with the elemental force that is AC current. Get a whole house set up with all the switches of various sorts, “fish” them through walls from attic down to the electric panel and get that whole thing set up, then connect it to the current from the street (my guy did this ‘live”—phew!).

    I would not want to have a dummy fiddling around with electric stuff in my house, that is for sure.

    • 同意: anarchyst
    • 回复: @Dan Hayes
    , @Alden
    , @Jim Christian
  104. Haha 说:

    I can reconcile to “endless tutoring” as the lesser evil. Look, if you go on throwing peanuts at certain creatures but those creatures don’t have the brains to pick them up and eat them, their stupidity gets revealed. Stupidity, alas, is not the preserve of any single race or tribe these days, though its dispersion does seem to favor certain segments of humanity. Good God, how do we thrust stupidity out when our age is stuffing stupidity into us? Why is it that the formerly bright races are now gorging on a feast of stupidity?

  105. More snobby blacks with little intelligence will be produced and they will join their white
    liberal allies in keeping the Democratic Party in power.

    Give poor blacks scholarships for vocational training. What good was a Harvard law degree
    to little, poor, ol’ Obama? He couldn’t even pass the bar exam and he still can’t fix a car or unplug a toilet.

  106. Dan Hayes 说:


    In NYC’s Queens County there are many Jewish Master Plumbers.

  107. zogborg [又名“clusterfuck”] 说:
    @Sam Coulton


    • 回复: @Sam Coulton
  108. Affirmative action is the govt mandated persecution of white people and the biggest hate crime in america. But libs tell us AA is not racism but in fact is how we FIGHT racism. Straight out of orwell.

    • 同意: Whitewolf
  109. Richard B 说:
    @Flint Clint

    Better for us to cut the BS so we can all just cut to the chase.

    Since it’s obviously true, we might as well make it official.



    Jewish Supremacy Inc. (JSI) knows this. Of course, it’s what they started with.

    Hence the 24/7 White Man Bad propaganda and the laughably self-refuting, logic-defying, reality-denying accusation of White Supremacy made by people with the power to outlaw “Antisemitism.”

    Hence the elimination by exportation/importation of jobs for millions of Whites to the Chinese and Mexicans who both partner with JSI to have herion from Aghanistan (guarded by US Military) sent to China to be processed and then to Mexico to be muled across the border by Cartel employees masquerading as “Dreamers” and “Families” who then sell the drug to the now down and out Whites who have lost their jobs to the Chinese and Mexicans thanks to JSI.

    The only bright spot in all of this is that we’re witnessing The Pyrrhic Victory of JSI.

    Because their rise to power has been in direct proportion to the collapse of the very civilization that power controls.

    And one of the reasons for that collapse is found in our universities. Especially in The Ivy League.

    Which now, thanks to JSI, is The Poison Ivy League.


    Because they have betrayed The Mission of the University.

    The Mission was never to moralize a wicked world

    It was to impart knowledge and develop intelligence through the teaching by example and precept of rigorous thinking, consistent reasoning and cautious judgment across all disciplines and forms of instruction.

    Because the mission was never to “change the world.”

    It was to develop the attributes of wisdom such as,

    intellectual insight
    prolonged problem-exposure
    and the ability to maintain calm under situations of great intellectual stress
    to maintain one’s humanity and sense of justice while engaged in debate
    to look for situations that encourage high-level problem-solving and significant innovation

    Who’s learning these things today? No one! Because there’s no one to teach them.

    Both teachers and students today aren’t just brainwashed. They’re brainsoiled.

    The hostile elite today would rather die than think because they’d rather just “believe!”

    And at a time when the civilization they “control” is more complex and unpredictcable than ever before.

    That’s why our social-institutions are in free fall. All of them.

    They might have been good at infiltration, subversion, disintegration, destruction and death.

    But they’re no good at social-management. At all. Just look around you.

    When one considers the destructive force of JSI and the inability of the host population to stop them we shouldn’t laugh at the dinosaurs for getting themselves extinct.


    • 回复: @Houston 1992
  110. Paw 说:
    @Kolya Krassotkin


  111. getaclue 说:
    @Flint Clint


    • 回复: @Richard P
  112. MBlanc46 说:


    • 同意: Richard P
  113. joe862 说:

    asian males aren’t relevant enough to be mentioned. Asians make impressive children and nothing else.

    • 回复: @Richard P
  114. Polymath 说:


  115. Richard P 说:

    我完全同意。任何自称传统主义、有任何自尊和尊严的白人男性都不应该观看 J 管。

  116. Richard P 说:


    的确。这就是为什么亚洲和中国女性崇拜我这个典型的美国人, 白色 我住在华盛顿特区时是个坏孩子。她们不尊重她们柔弱的男人——包括她们的丈夫。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  117. @Richard B

    I agree with this post. AJs lack perspective or wisdom. And many WASPs have assimilated their world view.

  118. Mr McKenna 说:

    Exactly. You can offer all the ‘free tutoring’ you want to poor students, but by and large the only ones who’ll profit from it are White and Asian. That will be directly contrary to the goals of our current Ruling Class.

  119. Mr McKenna 说:
    @Stephen Paul Foster

    It’s pretty funny. They believe in DNA except for the things where DNA actually applies.

  120. Richard P 说:

    同性婚姻是上帝所憎恶的。 同性恋和跨性别是有罪的、越轨的行为。 他们是退化的,因为同性恋者和变性人不能生育——因此他们没有生育能力。 此外,上述行为是自私和非正统的,因为它们与正统基督教不相容。

    撇开宗教原因不谈,同性恋和跨性别主义是退化和自私的行为,不应以任何能力被容忍。 它们是我们高度性感化环境的产物,也是公然暴露的标志 个人主义 -埃弗拉(Evola)警告我们的现代癌症。

    • 回复: @Anon
  121. Alden 说:

    Residential is simple.

    We got a piece of the refit for green planet saving electricity on the Golden Gate Bridge. They did it all hanging off the towers and upside down in 80 mile an hour wind. The cost of the refit is supposed to save money eventually Someone figured it would take 40 years for the savings in electricity to equal the cost of the refit

    All this green planet saving is just a scam for the construction industry to make money. I read the trade newsletters It’s all cheer cheer for green electricity. The county of ….. plans to refit all county buildings for green electricity. Billions of dollars!!! A piece of it for every contractor in town!! Jobs overtime !!! Estimate it will take 3 years

    I mean, it’s good for us, but bad for the taxpayers who pay for it. It’s commercial industrial buildings no Home Depot parking lot illegals, just licensed Americans

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  122. @Skeptikal

    I have the greatest respect for those who know how to work with the elemental force that is AC current.

    Pretty easy stuff, actually. Especially residential. Your job, the artwork was the snaking. Commercial electrical is hard, demanding work, everything to a completely different standard with everything either metal-clad or in conduit, another piece of artwork (pipe-benders are geniuses) and most of it attached to concrete. Yeah, as the phone-bizz started slowing down, I took up electrical work and you know you did a days’ work doing electrical on a commercial site.

    • 同意: anarchyst
    • 回复: @anarchyst
    , @Alden
  123. @zogborg


    So they’re greasy are they? Who knew?

  124. Anonymous[140]• 免责声明 说:
    @Richard P



  125. Anonymous[196]• 免责声明 说:

    The rich Asian countries like China and Japan hate each other but also look down on the poorer Asian countries like Thailand and Vietnam as practically savages.

    There’s no North East Asian/South East Asian unity like there is Western European/Eastern European unity. In fact even Koreans are treated as second class citizens in Japan and generally denied citizenship.

  126. Anonymous[648]• 免责声明 说:

    绿色建筑实践中唯一绿色的是自我认证的绿色建筑专家向公众勒索金钱的颜色。绿色也是(几乎)密封建筑物中的居住者的苍白,这是由工业废物和回收塑料垃圾制成的合成建筑材料的废气造成的。现在的密封需要机械通风,即使是绿色建筑“专家”也承认,在大多数情况下机械通风要么无效,要么安装不当,从而加剧了这些 ERV 旨在解决的问题。由于成本超支、安装错误、改造和维护问题,LEED 认证建筑的能源效率比旧的、通风良好的建筑要低。然而,令人作呕的塑料模具、地板、装饰、门窗却是对当今反文化生活方式的完美补充,非常适合物质主义的受益者在他们巨大的麦棺材中。

    • 回复: @anarchyst
    , @Alden
  127. Realist 说:

    I’m not sure why you are addressing your comments to me.. I agree with you, but I will add some.

    As for the argument that Whites are losing because of non White immigration and native blacks having more children than we do, I must remind you that all the damage was done by 3 court cases 1956, 1971 and 1979 when America was about 88 percent White.

    Agreed Whites allowed it. I have had extensive discussions with quite a few on Unz Review who claim Jews are to blame and while some Jews do have culpability…Whites allowed it to happen.

    The worst president for Whites was a White male republican Nixon with his affirmative action executive order for Hispanics and anti White male Philadelphia Plan Then there was White male Republican Ronald Regean and his many pro non White immigration executive orders.

    White democrat Johnson,who signed Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 also known as the Hart–Celler Act, and White democrat Congress members, through the years, have much blame.

    And don’t forget entire industries run by White men who hire as many below minimum wage supported by their kid’s welfare illegal non Whites instead of American Whites.

    Agreed, but again I am not sure why you are addressing this to me.

    • 回复: @Alden
  128. The Dark Night [又名Sagi Harari] 说:
    @Robert Weissberg




    • 回复: @Justvisiting
  129. This is how the system plays the color game. AA was never intended to advance unqualified people for positions.

    Ir was a simple proposition, of schools government funded engaged is not accepting blacks or native prima facie then there were cease doing so and consider those populations regardless of race and there was no expectation to lower standards save as they would apply to other populations.

    This play about qualifications plays out as though there are not qualified blacks and native americans who would be qualified to attend. So we get these bizarre scenarios in which guilt ridden, lazy stems which are guilty of discrimination based soley on color lowering standards as if that’s the only mechanism to recruit from said populations.

    And frankly, I don’t buy it. I think if Harvard or any other school wanted to enroll previously barred students based on skin color they could do could find them. The same applies for women, which is the real reason for the lowered standards. The play made by women, half the population has been the real cause for lowered standards.

    But it is far easier politically to scapegoat blacks.

    Might want to include that the country has managed to preference whites in every aspect of life, regardless of their qualifications.

  130. anarchyst 说:
    @Jim Christian

    You are correct about residential electrical systems being “easy”.
    However, please do not discount those of us who who update old houses, with minimal disruption and damage to existing plaster, lath, grid and other ancient and obsolete building methods.
    It takes careful planning and execution of work to achieve the update without punching holes in walls and disrupting existing systems.
    Although I spent most of my career as a commercial and industrial electrician, my retirement is now spent in planning and retrofitting of antique residences and other buildings.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  131. anarchyst 说:




    这不仅限于暖通空调系统,还包括照明系统。 LED 照明与白炽灯和荧光灯有很大不同,因此必须修改现有的照明标准。


    • 同意: Richard P
    • 回复: @Richard P
  132. Michael888 说:

    如果我没记错的话,罗恩·乌兹(Ron Unz)的研究启动了常春藤盟校对亚洲人的歧视诉讼,指出:1)白人男性比亚洲人受到的歧视更严重,2)这种针对“最优秀和最聪明”的歧视的受益者是成绩不佳的犹太人,东北的新婆罗门。

  133. anon[114]• 免责声明 说:
    @Johnny Walker Read



    • 回复: @Sean
    , @Richard P
  134. Sean 说:
    @Carroll Price

    I have sometimes thought Shockey very similar to William L Pierce. They did not know how, and did not much care to try, to navigate the social environment. In China the mechanistic cast of mind is much more common.

    He said it but hardly was alone in knowing it. Shockley got a Nobel so was not only brilliant, but hard working brilliant. He alienated everyone including the best of his subordinates on the purely technical projects he tried to lead. I think his own mechanistic style of thinking (doubtless inherited from his engineer parents) was the problem. He lacked people skills, which is why Noyce (from ministers of religion of both parents’ sides) did so much better as a force for fostering innovation and growth in the tech sector.

    It is not obvious to me that 100% percent indigenous research teams in China will not be able to surpass 种族地 diverse scientists in Harvard. The kind of diversity that is good for making economic and technological leaps is pure research conducted by people quietly working away in long chains of innovation with a eclectic perspective, while not narrowly focussed on immediately comercial results or political correctness. I think the Chinese will have an advantage.

  135. @Anonymous

    There’s no North East Asian/South East Asian unity like there is Western European/Eastern European unity.


    I knew a British guy who hated the influx of Poles to his native land.

    As someone of Polish extraction, I really wanted to tell him-
    2) The Poles are not your 真实 问题。

  136. @The Dark Night


    Tried–and failed.


    Affirmative action must end immediately–it cannot and must not be negotiable.

  137. To the commenter averring that blacks are the scapegoats in this affirmative action debate: underperforming Negroes have been putting pressure on the United States for a long time to lower standards EVERYWHERE except sports. Think back to the disgusting Negro-led campaign that produced a National Book Award for the lightweight Toni Morrison. The discussion we should be having is not what whites owe the Negro but what Negroes owe whites. If there were a real accounting of the cost of the massive crime and degradation brought here by Africans . . .

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  138. Richard P 说:



    布朗斯坦是他的假设 俄语 姓名。 1917 年 29 月革命爆发时,XNUMX 名杰出的犹太人被赋予了俄罗斯名字。上述犹太人是某些苏联组织的阴谋家,他们夺取了俄罗斯民间的领导权。


  139. Richard P 说:



  140. anonymous[170]• 免责声明 说:

    In fact even Koreans are treated as second class citizens in Japan and generally denied citizenship.

    Zainichi Koreans in Japan have Special Permanent Resident status, which gives them more privileges than any other foreign group. On top of that, they are free to apply for Japanese nationality anytime they wish. About 11,000+ zainichi gain Japanese citizenship every year, but the majority refuse to do so because they do not want to assimilate and “lose their Korean identity”. And despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of zainichi already have South Korean citizenship, they’d rather live in Japan than in (what they themselves consider to be) their own country.

  141. anarchyst 说:

    It’s not “negroes” but JEWS who have pushed the so-called “civil-rights (for some)” and affirmative action movements. Their motives were (and still are) to dilute any sense of white solidarity, weakening and eliminating any sense of white cohesiveness and social power. Jews FEAR us…


    几乎所有“民权”工人和示威“操纵者”都是有说服力的-纽约左派共产主义犹太人。 他们并不关心真正的“公民权利”,而是在那里制造仇恨和不满情绪(他们太愚蠢或天真,以至于看不到他们被用来颠覆和摧毁合法的政府和社会,这是他最喜欢的共产主义者)策略)。

    这些位于纽约的“ carpetbaggers”激起了他们的憎恨和不满,只是成为了未来的“民权”律师,种族骗子和讨厌美国的左派共产主义者……并且发明了ADL和$ PLC。

    我们这些在“民权”革命中处于中间状态的白人说过一句:“在每个黑人的背后,都有一个犹太人”。 没有说出更真实的话。


    所谓的“非暴力民权示威”绝非“非暴力”。 抢劫,强奸和其他犯罪行为很普遍,但从未有过报道,因为即使是“主流媒体”也在“参与其中”,并且在暴力行为发生时很方便地关闭了相机。 您甚至可以看到,“制造危机”仍是议程的一部分。

    美国的“末日开始”是对白人美国人使用联邦部队,这本身就是对“正当行为”的违反,即禁止将联邦部队用于国内“执法”目的。 由于大多数白人(现在)仍然遵守法律,他们(我们)被联邦军队用来镇压诚实的异议而“被压制”。 我们从未从那些违宪行动中恢复过来。 从那里到那里都是下坡路...


    • 回复: @Anon
  142. 拿着现代手机的手掌里的知识比整个哈佛还要多。


  143. Alden 说:

    Sorry, I must have been sleepy or someone called or something. That’s my thing, anti affirmative action. Hasn’t done any good, But I try to raise consciousness.

    • 回复: @Realist
  144. @anarchyst yes, there were many Jews who helped/are helping the Negro agenda–that said, the Jews have made, overall, a tremendous contribution to America and Americanism–the Negroes? LOL

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  145. Alden 说:

    The British royal family trust financial arm made a profit of £100 million just this year from its investments in green construction and power.

    Now we know why Prince Charles’ been preaching green and sustainable for the last 40 years. And why the Spares, Harry and Meghan are doing it too, they can take up the cause when Charles dies. I’m sure Prince William’s younger kids will take up the cause too.

    When the industry first built those sealed windows buildings a lot of people got sick from the recycled air. It was known as sick building syndrome. Lots of mass tort attorneys made money off it because it was true. Spending 8,9 hours a day breathing everybody’s germs plus building materials made people sick.

    Not replacing filters often enough had something to do with Sick Building Syndrome but only slightly.

    When electricity was turned off for 2 days during the high winds in S California , people were shocked to find their solar panels didn’t provide them with electricity.

    Because, electricity generated by solar panels doesn’t go into your building. It goes directly into the gird. Which means, the customer pays for installation and maintenance of solar panels. So the customer generates the electricity, gives it to the power company for free. Then the power company sells it back to the customer.

    Recent article that solar panels generate immense amounts of toxic waste. Plus maintaining is costly. And needs replacing after 20 years.

    I always thought solar panels were a crock. Unless you have an electric dryer and heat and keep the air conditioning on all summer if temp goes over 72F and heat at 80F all winter the electricity doesn’t cost that much. After all, most people are at work during the day and asleep by 11 5 days a week. Most people have gas furnaces hot water tanks and dryers.

    Every thing liberals advocate turns out badly.

  146. Alden 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Subway tunnels are now dug by massive electric drills controlled by a very complicated panel which controls the surges. To work on those panels requires both a written test the day before and 4 hour trial under close observation. Licensed experienced inside wiremen often don’t make the cut and are laid off after a couple hours observation.

    I don’t know the details. I’m neither an E. Engineer or wireman. Just a black woman corporate officer that keeps the affirmative action gestapo off our backs.

    I don’t know the details of green electricity and sealed building HVAC either. But it’s academically and practically complicated and requires all sorts of new courses and certifications in this and that.

    As per usual, costly for the consumers good for the suppliers. From the copper mines to the ships that carry it to China to make cables the ships that carry the cables and fittings back to America, to Leo Daly and Peter Kiewit down to the smallest contractor licensed electricians assistants who work in the shop selecting materials for each job, green electricity is a total bonanza for the entire industry.

    Not so good for the taxpayers who pay for all those green refits for government buildings and infra structure.

    I’m sure the industry is madly lobbying in DC every state Capitol and every County Board of Supervisors to save Mother Giai with massive electrical contracts.

  147. Alden 说:

    My opinion, AA is to keep the middle class from rising to upper middle and upper middle from rising to and replacing the upper class.

    That’s essentially the history of the western White world isn’t it? Upper class being replaced by rising middle class.

    Affirmative action prevents the White middle class from ever rising and often makes unemployable which means poor under class.

    • 同意: Rich
    • 哈哈: Truth
  148. @Donald A Thomson

    Preferential treatment toward Jews and Israel is considered good and apparenly desirable by most Americans. With this being unique in that it applies to virtually no other group or nation. A good example is the current hot topic of foreign interference in US elections, where nary a mention is made by anyone of Jews and Israel campaigning for, financially supporting, and openly bribing US candidates through all-expense paid trips to Israel, being one of the more obvious.

  149. Druid 说:
    @Sick of Orcs

    I’m not a fan of Obama but to call him a “gay Muslim kenyan” is a very bad reflection on you and your credibility

  150. @Druid

    1. there’s nothing wrong with being gay 2. there are many credible reports that Obama likes older white men–that doesn’t make him “gay”–my guess he’s bisexual 3. name calling usually exposes a 2d-rate mind

  151. melpol 说:

    High status schools are not based on intellectual merit bu on social skills. If Asians want a great education they should apply to MIT or Cal Tech. Harvard education provides a snobbery environment and it would be downgraded by low status Asians. Jews are not accepted in Park Avenue apartments not because of Jew-Hatred but because its high class status is downgraded. Snobbery is permitted in the US and it is American as Apple Pie.

  152. @Druid

    and I have always thought that the best characterization of Obama–one that has defined his entire career–is affirmative action Barry Soetoro.

  153. Richard P 说:
    @Johnny Walker Read


    的确。要对上述主题进行更深入的分析,我建议阅读 托洛茨基的白人黑人:经过审查的大屠杀 作者:迈克尔·沃尔什。

  154. Anon[311]• 免责声明 说:
    @Richard P


  155. Anon[311]• 免责声明 说:

    Have you given yourself any explanation why all what you say has worked so fine so far?

    • 回复: @anarchyst
    , @Alden
  156. anarchyst 说:

    事情 是不 working fine for white gentile males and have not been since the inception of the civil-rights (for some) laws and affirmative action.
    正如我之前所说, it’s ALWAYS the jews starting trouble for everyone else.
    The one reason that makes jews so successful is that they formulated and enacted laws (civil-rights for some) that deny us whites the right to look after our own self-interest while they flout the laws that are imposed on the rest of us. THAT, my friend is a reason for their “success”.

    犹太人蔑视“民权”法是一个很好的例子,其中包括纽约的基里亚斯·乔尔(Kiryas Joel)的犹太人社区。 如果您不是犹太人,则不能在那里购买财产,也不能将非犹太人的孩子送到(仅限犹太人的)“公立”学校。

    不仅如此,占领基里亚斯·乔尔(Kiryas Joel)社区和其他“仅犹太人”社区的大多数犹太人还利用了“社会服务”和“福利”计划,其比例与他们的人数不成比例。 几乎每个犹太人都对美国的“社会福利制度”产生某种“骗局”。

    您会看到,“多元文化和多样性对您有好处,但对我而言却不是”,这是犹太人的口头禅,是破坏文化和文明的主要方式。 他们缺乏道德会严重影响他们的成功。 犹太人丝毫不认为要搞砸“家伙”。 对他们来说这只是“正常的生意” ...

    犹太人是唯一缺乏道德成分的群体。 犹太人非常不道德,不要想从金钱,财产甚至声誉或生活中“捣蛋”。 您会看到,犹太人的手掌将犹太人比其他人提升了很多,“ goyim”是“有灵魂的牲畜,只为服务犹太人而生”。

    这种道德是犹太人生活中的重要组成部分,部分原因是犹太人的成功。 当一个人没有道德上的指南针来定义和区分“对与错”时,THAT本身就会给犹太人更大的自由度,可以“得到他想要的东西”,因为犹太人在获取利益方面可以做些什么“没有限制”。几乎任何情况。 犹太人生活中缺乏道德成分是文明社会犹太人至高无上的主要原因。


    被犹太人的利益如此高度重视的这种文化和社会凝聚力被温和的白人所否认。 犹太人对一个人将竭力否认他们自己对异教徒白人具有同样的文化和社会凝聚力,因为这是犹太人目的的重要组成部分-消灭异教徒白人文化,这比任何犹太文化或社会社会都优越。 如果犹太人不具备这种权力,那么他们很可能是抹布商人,白酒商人或家具商人,仅此而已。

    如我先前所述,犹太人的成功基于文化和社会的凝聚力和孤立性,而不是“聪明”或“ IQ”。 一旦有足够多的犹太人在劳动世界或教育系统中占据一席之地,他们就会雇用和晋升自己的犹太人,甚至绕开更有资格的温和白人候选人。


    同时,犹太人提出了种族“平等”的概念(但仅限于温和的白人),并由政府强制执行的“公民​​权利”和“平等住宿”法律作为后盾,但仅针对白人。 这些“民权”法被用作针对外邦白人的“撞墙”,以弥散和分裂可能出现的外邦白人团结和凝聚力的任何相似之处。

    一个对付犹太人的大算盘即将到来。 随着外邦白人的边缘化程度越来越高,被指责为“种族主义者”或“大屠杀否认者”的指控正在迅速丧失其“戒备”。

    犹太人越来越警惕被“召唤”和被承认为“犹太人”。 有人可以称犹太人为害羞的人,叫狼人的人,银行家,犯罪分子或做得井井有条的人,它会像鸭子的水一样从他的背上滚下来,但称犹太人为“犹太人”,他会反感恐怖。 ,被“发现”。

    • 回复: @Meretricious
  157. Ronnie 说:

    作者写道:“一个团体想要通过色盲录取标准无法获得声望文凭,这有什么不道德的? 回想一下,几十年来,哈佛都向不太聪明的富裕 WASP 的后代授予学位。” 他没有提到目前哈佛班级中有 25% 是犹太人。 我认为,美国人口中2%的犹太人被哈佛大学的学生所代表的人数超过12倍,这一事实在讨论此话题时被作为一种禁地而被混淆。 显然,这样做是为了保护犹太人免受批评。 唯一在哈佛代表过多的其他群体(与美国人口的百分比相比)是亚洲人,相比之下,他们的代表仅高出约 4 倍。

    亚裔约占美国人口的 6%,占哈佛本科生的 22%。 白人(包括犹太人)占美国人口的 61%,占哈佛大学本科生的 50%。 犹太人占美国人口的 2%,希勒尔说他们占哈佛本科生的 25%。 剩下 25% 的哈佛本科生是白人(非犹太人),他们代表了美国 59% 的白人(非犹太人)人口。

    令人惊讶的是,犹太人在哈佛大学的代表人数超过了12倍。 同样令人惊讶的是,非犹太裔白人拥有25%的本科学位,而在哈佛大学的本科人数中却有50%的代表性不足。 黑人和西班牙裔美国人约占美国总人口的29%,占哈佛大学本科生的28%,因此他们的水平基本持平。 结论是,与犹太人和亚洲人相比,白人,黑人和西班牙裔美国人的人数明显不足,尤其是白人。 与犹太人相比,非犹太白人人口所占的比例非常低。 结论是,如果亚洲人的代表人数与犹太人的代表人数相同,那么其他群体几乎就没有席位了。 与非犹太白人相比,犹太人进入哈佛阶层的机会至少高25倍。 与非犹太裔白人相比,亚洲人进入哈佛大学的机会要高出八倍。 此外,在哈佛大学本科生中,犹太人的人数过多是亚洲人的三倍多,而亚洲人显然是统治精英阶层的人。

    自 1900 年以来,犹太人在哈佛的比例至少高出 3 倍。 哈佛的犹太人从 21 年的 1922% 增加到 7 年的 1900%。1922 年,哈佛校长 A.劳伦斯·洛厄尔 (A. Lawrence Lowell) 提出了 15% 的犹太人入学配额。 洛厄尔实际上认为,将哈佛的犹太人数量减少到最多 15% 对犹太人有利,因为限制会阻止进一步的反犹太主义。 哈佛委员会拒绝了犹太人的配额,但同意学生群体中的“地域多样性”是可取的。 到1931年,由于城市州的学生被农村地区的学生所取代,而农村州的学生在高中课程中名列前茅,哈佛的犹太人人数减少到15%,但到25年代后期又增加到1960%根据 Hillel 的说法,今天仍保持在 25%。 今天的标准已经改变,如果以贾里德·库什纳 (Jared Kushner) 为任何指标的话,根据一些出版物,哈佛大学 25% 的本科犹太人人口质量下降,现在可能与“富裕的黄蜂女的不那么聪明的后代”相媲美。 然而,如上所述,哈佛的犹太本科生比例和白人(非犹太人)学生的比例都在 25% 左右,而犹太人仅占美国人口的 2%,非犹太白人占美国人口的 59%。美国人口。

    犹太人的比例过高和白人同样不自然的代表性不足显然是与哈佛对待亚洲人有关的事实。 由于各种原因,将注意力放在房间里这些功能失调的大象身上,这在政治上不再正确。

    • 同意: Alden
  158. @anarchyst

    dude, to describe Jews as immoral is a F’n joke–the Talmud’s most important message is to look out for the needy. You need to take a course in the history of Jewish philosophy

    • 回复: @anarchyst
    , @Jeff Stryker
  159. Anonymous[369]• 免责声明 说:

    There’s no North East Asian/South East Asian unity like there is Western European/Eastern European unity.

    Unity is only expected from Westerners who think Asians are all alike. “Asia” itself is a misnomer.

    Europeans share a common religion, ethos and culture inherited from ancient Greece/Rome. Asia doesn’t have that except within the Sinosphere.

    But despite shared traditions, Europeans have been at each others’ necks since nearly forever.

    In fact even Koreans are treated as second class citizens in Japan and generally denied citizenship.

    Colonialism and war can do that.

  160. RaRay 说:

    They don’t want ‘equality’. Never did, never will. They just want a turn at playing ‘massa’ to White surrogates, punishing the descendants of those who supposedly cracked the whip 150 years ago.

    And what the hell purpose is served by admitting them if they can’t keep up with the rest once they guilt Harvard, et al, into letting them slip a size 12 ‘Jordan’ in the door? Doesn’t this just dilute the product? You really want to be known as the next ‘Cadillac’, Harvard? The next ‘CNN’?

    So damned tired of paying the ‘diversity tax’.


    BTW, La’Trina, NO, I don’t want to touch your disgusting hair. Can’t imagine where ya’ll got the insane notion that White people want to. We’ve got our own pubes, thank you very much.

  161. anarchyst 说:

    Jews ARE immoral. Your Talmud says as such. Screwing a “goy” is OK in jewish circles. Not only that, the Talmud regards us gentiles as “livestock with souls, born to serve the jews”.
    Are you a member of IDF unit 8200?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  162. Sam Coulton [AKA“ SM Coulton”] 说:


  163. @anarchyst

    However, please do not discount those of us who who update old houses, with minimal disruption and damage to existing plaster, lath, grid and other ancient and obsolete building methods.

    Easy, Anar, you’re good with me, I see your misery weekly. And I’m not discounting anything and in fact, if I ever get involved in a rehab of an old property, I usually throw in about a 40% surcharge for labor and more for consulting when it’s those sorts of homes and situations and I bet you do, too. There is lots of that rebuilding here in New England today and we had a lot of that in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia where the homes were 250-300 years old and were heavily protected by preservation regs and first order of business in a serious rehab was to replace the knob and tube electrical systems still in service. Those old houses burn down nightly around my region up here, big, spectacular, fast-burning fires from the old balloon-wall structures and complete lack of fire sprinklers. Lots of them were allowed to be converted to apartments and they go up quickly, often with lots of fatalities and the destruction of adjoining properties. If you want to study old-house fires and gain the benefit of the mistakes of others, New England is a good place to find case-studies.

    Bee Careful!

  164. @Druid

    I’m not a fan of Obama but to call him a “gay Muslim kenyan” is a very bad reflection on you and your credibility

    I love it when Obama fans start of with “I’m not a fan of Obama, but…”. Well, in the interest of falling short of your opinion of my credibility, let me say the Moronic Gay Mulatto, (with no birth certificate not composed in M/S Word/Adobe) has a tranny wife. Michael Obama’s junk shows when ‘she’ wears jeans, gowns, you name it. “She” has the muscular composition of Mike Tyson. I know a grown man when I see one. Major deception, all of it.

    There is no defense possible of the Obamas. Their own depravities, the racial divisions and hatreds they dredged up, the cashing-in, the corruptions and diplomatic and other failures throughout their time in Washington that took place under their very noses are all the worst of any President’s acts, bar NONE. But they’re Magic-Black and got a pass on all of it. Love to know what the bribe was to Harvard to accept their proxy-daughter to Harvard? The both of them, idiots, those kids. Comes from the parents.

    There I go, into Credibility Gap.

    • 同意: Sick of Orcs
    • 回复: @Truth
  165. @Meretricious

    Gentiles and particularly white Gentiles are mixture of bone-callous and hardcore individualistic which is why the Jews, Italians, Irish Catholics, Arabs, Asians, Indians, Hispanics and just about every other group who ever came to America has surpassed Anglo-Saxons in earning power.

    Italian-Americans and Arab-Americans-two groups who have a long and sometimes fractious history with Jews right up to today-have held their own.

    Culturally, Asians and Italians are all about family and tribal loyalty. Anglo-Saxons celebrate individualist loners like Clint Eastwood or John Wayne or Chuck Norris who treat others with contempt and ride off alone into the sunset. Because nepotism and tribalism rules the roost in a democracy, needless to say the atomized Northern European is out of luck.

    This is not to say that Chinese and Indians are not capable of callousness. They are. Incredibly so. But greed and self-interest usually results in a clannishness that Jewish influence over the media or finance cannot really penetrate.

    It is the same reason why Chinese dominate Southeast Asia.

    Also, whites who would probably fare better under some form of socialism are always Republicans all the way to the welfare breadline. The individualism is just bone-deep in Anglo-Saxon Americans.

    • 回复: @Europe natonalist
  166. Ed 说:

    Another thing dumb dumb conservatives didn’t address during Trump’s first two years in office, ending disparate impact or at the very least legalizing IQ tests for a broader range of jobs. These guys are just too incompetent.

  167. @Jeff Stryker

    The claim that all those groups surpass Anglo-Saxons in earning power sounds like rubbish. WASPs although declining are still just about the ruling class in America along with Jews.

    I highly doubt that Arabs, Hispanics, Irish and Italian Americans earn more than real Anglo-Saxon Americans on average. Just sounds very far-fetched to me. If Italians and Spanish people are so brilliant than why are both countries considerably poorer than the UK?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Alden
    , @Alden
  168. @anarchyst

    By Goy you mean a white. You’re not referring to Asians, Arabs, Indians or even Italian-Americans (Who seem to harbor some genetic connection to Jews).

    This leads to a question of why White Gentiles are so vulnerable to exploitation. More so than Asian-Americans, Arabs, Indians, even the wary and distrustful Italian-Americans.

    Why? Is it the fact that Northern Europeans came from high-trust agrarian societies as oppose to Jews or Asians or Italians whose civilizations were low-trust and corrupt since time immemorial?


    • 回复: @anarchyst
  169. @Europe natonalist

    There was a Scottish BBC presenter named AA Gill who went to visit his second cousins in West Virginia and he could not understand why they were so poor or trapped in a cycle of what we would call rural white trash stupidity. They all had the same great-grandparents, after all. All from Edinburgh. And yet upon arriving in the United States, his family had devolved into white trash.

    For that matter one could look at the great-grandson of a respected Swiss doctor and inventor-rap artist Eminem. How did he devolve into an icon for whiggers who behaved like ghetto blacks three generations in America?

    Italians come from an ancient low-trust mega-corrupt civilization. When they hit the steel canyons of the East Coast, it was nothing new. They seemed to thrive.

  170. @Rich

    The Romans slipped up with Arminius (Herman in German) in 9AD. “Varus, give me back my legions”, wailed Agustus late into the night.

  171. Delmas 说:

    呼。当我想到在所有这些多元化的胡言乱语全面展开之前,我是多么幸运能够接受大学教育。很高兴我做到了,并且取得了不错的成绩。平均3.0。三年后,我什至回去获得了德克萨斯州的教学证书,然后在德克萨斯州的学校里又教了两年,然后我就离开了那个州,离开了美洲大陆。我在法国抚养我的孩子们,虽然这一切才刚刚开始,但孩子们已经完成了大学学业并进入了活跃的世界。这对我来说简直就是一场闹剧,因为我已经快 2 岁了,亲眼目睹这一切给人们所谓的“世界上最伟大的国家”造成了严重破坏

  172. Delmas 说:
    @Stephen Paul Foster


  173. anarchyst 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Whites come from polar and subpolar climates, and as such, trust in each other was necessary for survival. Those who live in cold climates need each other to survive.

    It is TRUST that is necessary for survival that makes us whites vulnerable to the exploits of jews and others who live in low-trust societies.

    Add to that, the penchant for jews to exploit their supremacy over others (us “goyim”) which adds to the differences.

    A good example of trust in American society is the fact that most single-family residences do not have walls and courtyards to “keep out the riff-raff”, but are open and readily accessible. Only the rich have need for walls and other accoutrements to “keep out the riff-raff”.

    Those who live in tropical climates have much less need for shelter, and even food, as food supplies in tropical and subtropical climates are abundant in most cases.

    • 回复: @Liza
  174. Alden 说:
    @Europe natonalist

    Get used to Jeff He couldn’t make it in America. So he left. And now he enjoys sneering at White Americans. We’re all po’ White trailer park trash, low IQ, 7th grade dropouts, homeless, drug addicts, welfare moms, tattooed useless drunk worthless men. He claims he’s White but I have my doubts.

  175. Truth 说:
    @Jim Christian

    let me say the Moronic Gay Mulatto, (with no birth certificate not composed in M/S Word/Adobe) has a tranny wife


    • 哈哈: Alden
    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Alden
  176. it’s called, “black privilege”….

  177. name calling usually exposes a 2d-rate mind

    obozo–aka gay muslim kenyan–got off light since he’s also a traitor, appeaser, warmonger, thief, liar, stutterer, fraud and anti-White communist.

    The only jabroni who has a reason to like obozo is Jimmy Carter, for taking the title of ‘Worst Modern President’ off his hands.


  178. Rich 说:

    Wow,you compare a beautiful woman like Melania to that beast Michelle? Melania was a top flight, internationally known model, Michelle was an affirmative action do-nothing at a state hospital because her fake degree didn’t help much in the real world.

    Guess it takes all kinds, but if you think Michael is good looking, I know a few NFL linebackers you’re probably attracted to, too.

    • 回复: @Truth
  179. Alden 说:

    我已故的婆婆身高 5 英尺 11 英寸。因为她个子高,她真的是个男人吗?身高超过 5 英尺 7 的女性都是男性吗?

    • 回复: @Richard P
    , @Truth
  180. Alden 说:
    @Europe natonalist

    No one really knows how much money Italians have. That’s because they don’t report it. Going by the way they dress, their cars, homes etc I’d say they keep their money and spend it on themselves instead of giving it to the government.

    Spain, I don’t know.

    • 回复: @Anon
  181. Richard P 说:

    我曾约会过一位身高 6 英尺 2 英寸、体重 125 磅、尺码为 0 的女士。她有着异国情调的外表和模特。虽然很多人认为她很漂亮,但也有一些人认为她是一个“男人”。当时我对此嗤之以鼻,但现在回想起来,尤其是当她极其自由并且深受 LGBT 人群欢迎时,我现在对此提出质疑。她很漂亮,很有女人味——而且她浑身湿透了,我想这会消除她变性的可能性吗?此外,她声称正在采取节育措施,并且通常不会因为她服用其他治疗各种心理健康问题的药物而受到打击。而且,她最终还想被我怀孕。除了异常大的脚和过高的身高之外,她的身体特征非常女性化。

    • 回复: @Truth
  182. Alden 说:

    It was very well known at the time.

    In the 70’s and 80’s when I worked in the criminal courts I couldn’t help but notice all the Jewish civil rights foundations and attorneys buzzing around and living off their do gooder “ work” for criminal and life long welfare blacks.

    Grant grifting and hustling is known as doing well by doing good.

    I most definitely do not mean criminal defense attorneys either private practice or public defenders. I mean all the other Jewish attorney grant grifter hustlers grifting government and charity money for non criminal defense lawsuits

    A few things I remember

    1. Jewish attorneys using ADL AJC ACLU and other Foundation money all during the 1960’s to the present to sue school districts.

    These lawfare lawsuits resulted in Judicial FINDINGS and ORDERS that schools could not, by JUDICIAL ORDER ; prevent the mayhem, assaults and batteries, beatings, rapes, robberies, occasional murders and other crimes committed by the black yout in the public schools

    The crime and violence allowed in black infested public schools is a DIRECT RESULT of Jewish attorneys funded by government and charitable educational foundation money With joyful cooperation by 75 IQ savage black yout of course.

    2 Another lawfare lawsuit by a Jewish attorney and Jewish assistants staffed grant grifter legal foundation against the County Housing Authority.

    Those lawfare lawsuits ended in judicial findings and orders that dangerous and disruptive tenants AND THEIR GUESTS could not be evicted from government housing projects for any reason including killing other tenants; let alone rape, robbery, beatings resulting in great bodily injury and mayhem, arson and even death. GUESTS could mean visitors or permanent roommates and family not on the lease.

    Those lawsuits were funded and paid for by the Johnson Nixon Carter Reagan War on Poverty trillions of taxpayers money. The names of the attorneys were mostly Jewish

    Conservatives complain about welfare and blame welfare.

    Extended welfare was the least of it. The real damage the War on Poverty trillions did was fund these endless hustling, grant grifting legal charitable educational foundations whose lawfare destroyed America via judicial findings and orders. ADL AJC no longer has to fund these lawsuits. The dumb goyim taxpayers do.

    3. Here’s another idocracy warfare lawsuit by Jewish attorneys funded by grant grifting the taxpayers money . Teen girls as young as 12 who had their own children got their own welfare checks separate from their mothers welfare checks. The mothers of the teens didn’t like it of course but the teens sure did.

    So a group of government supported Jewish civil rights attorneys thought it was a good idea to troll for plaintiffs and file a lawfare lawsuit. The object of the warfare lawsuit was teen girls with children would get their own apartments in the projects

    They found a plaintiff. The lead attorney was a friend I saw all the time. BTW she was a cousin of Edgar Bronfman if you know who he is.

    The plaintiff was 15, not yet 16. She had 3 children. She had been arrested for shank street prostitution several times. Her name was Debbi. Common name for girls of that era.

    I told my friend Ms B. that it was a dreadful idea. Debbi’s apartment would end up housing her pimp his other hos and his henchmen. It was just aiding and abetting under age prostitution.

    Ms B virtuous do gooder knew all about Debbi and her associates better than I did. She pursued the case and viola!!

    The retard judge FOUND that 15 year old Debbi by reason of being a mother was an emancipated Minor with her own welfare check

    The court therefore ORDERED that henceforth all teen girls in the county who had babies and their own welfare checks SHALL be given their own apartments in the projects.

    Those are just 3 results I remember Jewish attorneys did with grifted government money.

    Anarchyst is absolutely right The civil rights movement Freedom Riders and the rest was way way disproportionately Jewish.

    Those of us who were there observed it.

    My commie beatnik parents best friends were a Jewish couple. Husband was a Standard Oil heir through a late 19th century Standard attorney who was paid in Standard preferred stock.

    The husband directed millions of tax exempt trust Standard money to the Freedom Riders, lawsuits, lobbying, public relations and other parts of the civil rights movement. Even had fundraisers for James Baldwin in their home.

    I was young, but I remember it because my parents and their many commie Jewish friends never shut up about the poor suffering blacks of the south and that Noblesse Oblige mandated school destruction, unleashed black crime, and the rest of the Civil Rights For All But Whites movement.

    They also believed that no black man ever raped any women, ever.

    Anarchyst is right. You’re wrong.

  183. Truth 说:

    Michelle O. Is 6’0. You tell me.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @res
    , @Richard P
  184. Truth 说:

    Hey Sport, i’m not in the habit of rating one tranny’s looks over another, i’m just not into dudes.

    I would say that you must be blind or dumb if you insist that Male-Anna is anything but though

    And if you are repulsed by the black tranny and want to bungle the white one; more power to you.

    • 哈哈: Rich
  185. Truth 说:
    @Richard P

    Well, Old Sport; I’m sure the GHEY club will be proud to have you as a member…


    • 回复: @Richard P
  186. Anon[247]• 免责声明 说:

    It all changes when you consider the upper, or Southern, half of Italy.

    • 回复: @Alden
  187. Liza 说:

    A good example of trust in American society is the fact that most single-family residences do not have walls and courtyards

    Do you recall the massive wall surrounding the Corleones’ house in 教父? I wonder if it was because (Sicilian) Italians are a low-trust group or purely because they were involved in crime full-time. Or that the two somehow go together.

    Gated communities seem to be white people’s version of low-trust societies’ technique for self protection. Wishy-washy, mind you. Not the same as a 10-ft solid fence around your own individual house.

    I read the following on the internet:

    A gated community can also promote a general feeling of social paranoia, implying that other parts of the area are unsafe and the gated community is necessary to protect residents

    LOL. I’d say the (justified) paranoia came first.

  188. Alden 说:

    Who knows. Her brother is several inches taller He was a college basketball player. Her parents are both tall and had tall children

    5ft 11 Mother in law was definitely a woman. Her 3 children and granddaughters all look like her. So must have been her natural children

  189. Alden 说:

    I know, I know, I just didn’t want to get into it.

  190. Richard P 说:


    • 回复: @Truth
  191. Richard P 说:

    身高超过 5 英尺 7 的女性都是男性吗?

    上述说法引起了我的思考。一般来说,世界上所有以大量迷人女性而闻名的地区都会验证这一评估。东欧、俄罗斯、东南亚和地中海地区的大多数女性身高为 5 英尺 7 英寸或更矮。也许你的观察有些道理?

    • 回复: @Truth
  192. Richard P 说:


    虽然我同意那些财务状况不佳的人不应该被抛在一边,但就像其他人之前提到的那样,你无法解决愚蠢的问题——尤其是当某个人群的平均智商为 80 时。

  193. TomSchmidt 说:

    The ally wasn’t me, though I’m pretty sure we are agreed on the worthlessness of credentialism in education. Comment #12 was someone whose position aligns with yours. You raised what we might call in our extended version of Robert’s Rules of Order a Point of Minor Correction.

    Perhaps you disagree with the idea that higher ed reduces fertility in women? Dunno. Perhaps you believe reducing fertility in the kinds of women who have enough smarts to obtain a college degree is a good thing? Those might be on-topic responses to the original commenter. You might have chosen to sharpen the original commenter’s point, rewriting “women have fewer children the more educated they are” to “women have fewer children the more years of education they have”.

    You chose instead an opinion in response to a data-linked argument. You might consider whether that’s effective in dialoguing with people who choose data.

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @James Forrrestal
  194. Truth 说:
    @Richard P

    The two women in those videos ADMIT to being dudes. The second one is a spitting image for a certain First Daughter, who’s father organized her “beauty paegent.”

    That’s right, cough….cough… et tu Ivan?

  195. Truth 说:
    @Richard P

    我可以探讨一百万条支线和微妙之处,但底线是:如果你在电视或电影中看到一个女人,那么你正在看一个男人。 95%的时候我会说这个 teue。


    Apocalypse 这个词在希腊语中的意思是“揭露”。


    • 回复: @Richard P
    , @Ian Smith
  196. Realist 说:

    Perhaps you believe reducing fertility in the kinds of women who have enough smarts to obtain a college degree is a good thing?

    See there’s the rub. I believe many women, and men, who obtain a college degree aren’t as smart as you imply, particularly in the last 40 years or so. The intelligence of college graduates depends on their course of study. Over the last 40-50 years the tremendous increase in trivial, useless courses have allowed people of lesser ability to obtain college degrees thereby degrading the value of a college degree.
    The fact that women with college degrees choose to not have children, if it is a fact, may well be a good thing considering many graduate with degrees that do not require much above average intelligence…the same for men. The important thing is that men and women that graduate with degrees that require a high level of intelligence, have children…hopefully that is the case.

  197. Richard P 说:

    Apocalypse 这个词在希腊语中的意思是“揭露”。

    Kali Yuga 这个词在印度语中是“黑暗时代”的意思。我们正处于黑暗和分裂、仇恨和贪婪、战争和不平等的时期——但一旦我们度过了卡利年代,另一个黄金时代就在等待着我们。

  198. Richard P 说:



  199. Richard P 说:



    内布拉斯加州计划“Go Big”,斥资 155 亿美元建造 350,000 平方英尺的足球训练中心

    “弗罗斯特现在是内布拉斯加州主教练的第二年,他本人也正在开展一项重大计划建设项目,而戴维森现在是橄榄球队的副体育总监,周五,随着内布拉斯加州宣布了计划,这个想法离现实又近了一步。耗资 2 亿美元、占地 155 万平方英尺的北体育场扩建项目,将作为 Husker 橄榄球队未来的训练基地,并为校园内的每位学生运动员提供专用空间。”


    • 回复: @animalogic
  200. Richard P 说:





  201. @Sam Coulton


  202. Richard P 说:


    只有傻子才会认为那里有 种族之间的差异。

  203. @Stephen Paul Foster

    离任前不久,我听到奥巴马总统在接受采访时说,“种族主义”“仍然是我们遗传的 DNA 的一部分”。

    所谓的“种族主义”是生物现实。 当然,这是很大程度上由基因决定的具体“事物”……而种族仅仅是“社会建构”。



  204. @Sam Coulton

    此评论部分中的整个 lotta 白色垃圾。



  205. @TomSchmidt

    也许您不同意高等教育降低女性生育能力的观点? 不知道。 也许您认为减少那些拥有足够聪明才能获得大学学位的女性的生育能力是一件好事吗? 这些可能是对原始评论者的主题回应。



    看到有摩擦。 我相信,获得大学学位的许多男人和女人并不像您所暗示的那样聪明,尤其是在过去40年左右的时间里。 大学毕业生的智力取决于他们的学习课程。

    嗯。 让我们为您进一步简化它:

    – 平均而言,上大学的女性(控制种族)是否比没有上大学的女性更聪明?






    所有关于各种学习课程的价值或人口比例的困惑 应该 上大学等,与妇女的高等教育是否在人口水平上影响智力的问题完全无关。

    • 回复: @TomSchmidt
  206. TomSchmidt 说:
    @James Forrrestal


    是的。 如果用智商衡量的智力对一个社会很重要,那么,鉴于接受高等教育的女性的生育力较低,如果智力是可遗传的,那么将聪明的女性送到较高的教育水平就意味着社会智力的水平会降低。

  207. Dr. Doom 说:


    They serve no other purpose, nor can they…

    Nobody really cares for darkies, not really. They care not for each other…

    • 回复: @Richard P
  208. Richard P 说:
    @Dr. Doom


    不,他们肯定不关心彼此,这一点在过去 324,000 年里美国黑人谋杀了 35 名黑人这一事实中显而易见。暴行在美国没有立足之地。

  209. Alfred 说:
    @Sick of Orcs

    Please. Please. I was born in Africa. That Obingo guy had a Black American father and a White American mother. The Kenyan father story is rubbish.

  210. Dr. Weissberg:

    I enjoy your writing, but on Youtube you are a living advertisement for ‘anti-semitism’; I was unable to complete the viewing of a recent Cotto/Gottfried segment on which you were featured, due to your blatant bigotry. I am not a ‘hillbilly’ (as you describe Appalachian whites), but my parents were; I knew a great many such people in my youth. I saw nothing ‘wrong’ with them; they had their faults, as do we all, but they did not strike me as particularly ignorant or stupid. Your remarks could serve as a textbook example of why many whites dislike Jews.



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