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埃尔帕索(El Paso)和代顿(Dayton)发生大规模枪击事件后,要听福克斯新闻(Fox News)的几乎所有记者以及大多数企业媒体专家的讲话,您会以为唐纳德·特朗普总统需要做的正是牧师吉米·斯瓦加特(Jimmy Swaggart)牧师所做的一些事。多年前:在电视上哭泣并大喊大叫,并在情感上道歉:“我犯了罪! 我犯罪了!” 然后加上:“我内心深知我是'白人民族主义者',并发动了所有这些可怕的暴力和谋杀! 我对此感到非常深切,深切,永远,深切的歉意。” 最后 政变恩典:“从现在开始,我将成为一名优秀的保守党保守主义者,我将倾听诸如……嗯……的伟大思想家。国家评论 大卫·法国(David French),本·夏皮罗(Ben Shapiro)和乔纳·戈德堡(Jonah Goldberg)。 我将永远住在马丁·路德·金和全国有色人种协进会的房子里!”

只有塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)发出了各种异议。 根据他在国家电视台上几乎孤单的声音(“Tucker Carlson今晚,” 6月XNUMX日):

“如果您要整理一份清单,那么这个国家面临的各种问题的关注层次,白人至上主义将列在清单的什么位置? 就在那里和俄罗斯在一起。 在美国,这实际上不是真正的问题,”卡尔森指出。 他补充说,整个美国所有白人至上组织的成员总数很可能会容纳在大学橄榄球场内。 卡尔森说:“这是一个普通人越来越穷的国家,自杀率急剧上升。”他借鉴了美国人面临的实际紧迫问题。 随着俄罗斯勾结幻想不再受到关注,这是政治机构企图妖魔唐纳德·特朗普并执政的另一种尝试。 “这是个骗局,就像俄罗斯的骗局一样。 这是一种阴谋论,用于分裂国家并保持权力。 这就是正在发生的事情。”

当然,加入福克斯并不能阻止卡尔森受到其他福克斯人物的攻击,毫不奇怪,最直接的打击来自谢泼德·史密斯。谢泼德·史密斯是个臭名昭著的左派主义者,在下午处理福克斯新闻。 在没有具体命名卡尔森的情况下,史密斯 归零 杀死:

与卡尔森的评论形成鲜明对比的是,史密斯[赞同乔·拜登(Joe Biden)对总统为种族主义者的批评]要求我们“认识到白人民族主义是真实的,白人民族主义正在崛起,白人民族主义无疑是非常美国的严重问题,[我们必须] 击败那些 谁会帮助促进和鼓励它。” [斜体字]


国家评论协会(National Review Institute)的资深作家,资深研究员戴维·弗兰奇(David French)令人难以忍受。 这是他对特朗普以及过去支持他的人所说的一些选择。 一世 详尽地引用他 因为他象征着“保守运动”的主要声音在说什么:

美国现在正面临着由邪恶的白人民族主义恐怖分子组成的相互联系,激进的在线组织社区的致命挑战。 他们像圣战分子一样邪恶,并且以几乎相同的方式激进化……。[至上]至上主义者的恐怖……一种新的仇恨青年运动……“另类右翼”……针对犹太人,针对非裔美国人和西班牙裔,它的目标对象是唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的批评者。 它沉迷于边界南部的移民。 它使用诸如“入侵”之类的词来描述移民,并使用诸如“替代”之类的词来描述美国白人的想象命运。 特朗普的言论令人振奋,而且特朗普运动的某些部分立刻就爱上了它。

想想他们从当地最高职位上所经历的快感,活力和灵感……自从特朗普于2015年从自动扶梯上下来以来。他的宣告演讲将移民普遍地视为危险和缺乏,只有“一些”例外。 他经常使用入侵的语言,甚至引起军事反应……。

对特朗普的Alt右派支持并不是随机的。 这不是武断的。 这与他的言辞直接相关,并且 由他的盟友培养,之所以得以培养,部分原因是它是一种新的战斗方式……。[O]您国家的领导人需要关注和解与团结,以及 如果他们不能胜任其工作的最基本和最基本的方面,则必须将其更换。 [斜体字]

然后,很少有本·夏皮罗(Ben Shapiro)幻想自己是模范化身和苍白运动中一个崭露头角的主要参与者。 夏皮罗没有采用法国人使用的色彩缤纷的左派词汇,但他仍然设法抵制“白人民族主义者”。

夏皮罗(Shapiro)写道,特朗普在火上浇油 “异种” 其推文“在道德上和政治上都经常……是坏的。”

法国人和夏皮罗(Shapiro)的评论代表了一系列“保守”的回应,在这两者之间,您会发现史蒂夫·海斯(Steve Hayes),玛莎·麦克卡勒姆(Martha MacCallum),马修·康蒂蒂(Matthew Continetti)(嫁给热心的NeverTrumper Bill Kristol的女儿),卡尔·罗夫(Karl Rove)和其他人的名单,其中大多数是新保守主义者。

至少,第一步,他们要求总统全面谴责“白人民族主义”。 因此,特朗普总统确实出来了,并对此进行了谴责。 他不应该这样做。 这样的陷进永远不足以让他的民主左派批评家或弱势,意识形态毒害的“保守运动”中的许多批评家满意。

正如塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)几乎一个人指出的那样:白人民族主义问题是出于政治动机的指控,也是一个骗局。 统计数据证实了这一点,您将永远不会听到媒体(包括Fox)所引用的统计数据。

克里斯托弗·德格鲁特(Christopher DeGroot)进行了研究 这个问题,他发现了实际数字,它们与您所听到的相矛盾。 来自 大规模射击追踪器,这是信息(作者报告 丹尼尔·格林菲尔德)应该(但不是)进行讨论:

人们普遍认为,枪击案是“白人的问题”,因为白人枪击案往往会引起更多的关注。 而且,在公共场合大肆拍摄的扭曲的年轻男性符合某种媒体叙事。 但是,当我们实际研究2019年发生的大规模枪击事件时,很明显,帕特里克·克鲁斯乌斯(Patrick Crusius)和康纳·贝茨(Connor Betts)不是常态,而是畸变。

大规模射手没有特别的意识形态。 克鲁苏修斯和贝茨在思想上是对立的。 (尽管他们都非常关心环境。)大规模射手也不是白色问题还是黑色问题。 在同一个血腥的周末,非洲裔美国人威廉·帕特里克·威廉姆斯(William Patrick Williams)在法庭上露面后 被联邦调查局逮捕 计划用AK-47步枪射击德克萨斯州的一家酒店。

从中查看数据 大规模射击追踪器在撰写本文时,被媒体广泛利用的72名大规模射击者,是造成4人或更多种族死亡或受伤的枪击案的肇事者,其中21人是白人,37是黑人,8是拉丁裔,6是其他团体的成员。


DeGroot继续引用Colin Flaherty的话 美国思想家:

在为吉罗伊(Gilroy)进行的为期两周的准备中,从海岸到海岸还有其他36次大规模枪击事件,其中34名是黑人。 一是白人,一是西班牙裔。 这些结果呼应了2016年的《纽约时报》的报道,这让记者感到惊讶和and恼,每当有三名或三名以上枪击受害者时,美国75%的枪手都是黑人。

请注意,实际统计数据与您所听到的媒体统一播放的媒体之间存在极大的差异-媒体采取了一种不太巧妙的努力,向易受骗的公众施加虚假的,高度意识形态的叙事,该叙事是:(1)全部或几乎所有“家庭恐怖主义”都是白人男性的,(2)白人民族主义(白人至上)是造成这种现象的根本原因,(3)唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)向白人民族主义者发出了“狗哨声”。 记述是,机构“运动保守派”充分参与,即使他们抗议自己没有达到像疯子贝托·奥罗克那样的程度。

从何而来的是国内恐怖主义的最大危险,从何而来的是对我们本已受到深深威胁的自由和我们作为一个民族的传统的最大危险? 迄今为止,不仅对残破的美国宪法还有哪些主要威胁是谁,而且对我们个人和家庭的主要威胁是什么?

就有关代顿和埃尔帕索枪击事件的热烈讨论正达到高潮之际,来自NBC环球影城的消息传出,它将在XNUMX月份在全国范围内发行一部大型电影。 标题 “打猎,” 影片以图形方式描绘了一个“杀人游戏”,富有的豪华轿车左派百万富翁在豪华的度假胜地休假,从事狩猎,残酷折磨和谋杀“可悲者”的运动,也就是说,像你我这样的人反对对我们的文化进行曲折的进步主义攻击。

这是Brandon Showalter在 基督教邮报 描述电影:

“制片人杰森·布鲁姆(Jason Blum)的百隆豪斯(Blumhouse)[制片公司]制作的暴力级R影片,跟踪了XNUMX种MAGA类型,它们在清算中醒来,并意识到他们受到精英自由主义者的追捧,” 好莱坞记者 著名的。 电影中被认为是猎物的角色被称为“可悲的”,前国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)这个术语用来形容2016年大选期间总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的支持者。

“有没有人看到我们的粗俗人干的?” 电影中的一个人物问道,显然提到了特朗普总统。 “至少狩猎正在到来。 没有什么比出门庄园和屠杀十二个可怜的人更好的了,”另一个角色回答。

当这部电影及其预告片的消息浮出水面时,人们感到非常愤慨。 NBC环球试图解释它。 拖车被撤回了,最后九月的发行日期被无限期地推迟了,但是很重要的是,这部电影并没有永久地固定在六边形上。 环球影业(Universal)穿着狂热的意识形态裤子,抓狂地试图解释,好吧,你看,这只是讽刺,并不是真的那么严肃(就像凯西·格里芬(Kathy Griffin)抱着唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)血腥,割断的脑袋模型一样,还记得那个“讽刺”吗?)。 即使是保守派 国家评论 对弱讽刺的解释有所了解,并再次指责总统拍摄这部电影,“(实际上)对特朗普选民表示同情”,被搁置了。


但是,这个想法……电影中传达的想法,不管是否讽刺……已经以生动而令人作呕的色彩出现在那里,随时可以出发,如果没有人注意到,如果没有流行的反应,它就可以了。 已被释放。

那么为何不? 毕竟,主要记者NBC国家安全专家撰稿人Frank Figliuzzi已经弄清了一切, 解释了 给NBC主持人Brian Williams(当然,他全都接受了):

我今晚在《纽约时报》上发表一篇文章,可悲的是,如果我们不破坏激进主义的链条,我想接下来会发生什么。 我们必须了解我们正在处理的对手和威胁。 而且,如果我们不了解他们的想法,我们将永远不会了解如何遇到他们。 因此,重要的是小事,语言和消息传递。 总统说,我们将在半旗升旗,直到8月8日。 那是8/XNUMX。 现在,我不会暗示他是故意这样做的,但我将其用作白宫所表现出的对对手的无知的一个例子。

数字88在新纳粹和白人至上主义运动中非常重要。 为什么? 因为字母H是字母表中的第八个字母,所以对于它们来说,数字88一起表示“希特勒”。 因此,我们将在8/8黄昏时将旗升起。 没人在想这个。 没有人给他建议或他拒绝建议。 因此,了解您的对手以对抗对手。

因此,这里的逻辑当然是不可避免的,并且直接源于“猎杀”的信息,过去两年半中关于将非法分子放进纳粹式集中营以及所有类似的纳粹和白人民族主义模因的言论。 :

  1. 特朗普总统和“悲惨人”是纳粹分子,或者至少是隐含的纳粹支持者(以及“白人民族主义者”,没有区别);
  2. 纳粹当然是最终的恶魔,只能通过消灭它们来解决。
  3. 因此,特朗普(但更重要的是,“可悲的人”)必须“应付”,并且所有方法都是合法的,从羞辱,鬼xx,面对面和暴力示威,禁止上网(在我们讲话时一直在发生) ),法律诉讼和诉讼,是的,甚至涉及人身暴力。 在新的全球主义美国中,不允许使用“纳粹”。

这不是真的吗 威廉·范·斯普朗森(Willem van Spronsen)尝试 会在13年2019月2017日发生,当时他以煽动罪名袭击了华盛顿州塔科马市的ICE办公室(并被左派celebrate道为烈士)? 或者,在XNUMX年XNUMX月企图谋杀史蒂夫·斯卡利塞斯(Steve Scalise)代表, 数十起暴力的左派袭击 自2017年XNUMX月起?

我们中那些有资格被视为“可悲者”的人越早了解,我们越早意识到与那些进步主义者和左派主义者之间就不可能有任何妥协-我们越早了解到,“保守党”建立的自任领导人不是我们的防守者,但5th 那么,专栏合作者,我们越早意识到 we 把握我们的命运和未来 我们的 手。

“ Ecrasez L'infame!” –“粉碎令人讨厌的野兽!” 伏尔泰谈到革命前法国教会国家的权威。 而且,尽管我是一位坚定的传统主义者,但绝对是100% 另一边 关于那个历史问题,这个词就适合这里:要么我们以某种方式压垮了对方,要么他们将最有把握地压垮我们。 它不再是“冷内战” —“全面战争”已经开始。

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 美国媒体, 集体射击, 政治上的正确 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. peterAUS 说:


    And then……what?

    What to do? How do to it? What to do first, second…etc…to get what I want. Which I don’t know now. Etc.

    I have something for the author and, perhaps 5 % of people blabbing in this pub: don’t you think we are getting into the phase where we could start DOING something about the problem, not just acknowledging, again and again, that we have a problem?

    Hehe…not good or something else. a?

  2. anonymous[339]• 免责声明 说:

    The PC-cult-think rhetoric has reached an incendiary level now, goading people into a state of mind where any spark could set things on fire. This is all very irresponsible and reckless, particularly in a country like the US with its political and racial divisions. Apparently they’re willing to tear the country apart in furtherance of their PC-cult-think future utopia which is just a fantasy to begin with. There has to be a fightback, everyone has to start becoming more outspoken as a first step. The educational system has to have all the generic Trotskyists purged from it. The media monopoly needs to be broken so as to have more independent voices available. These two are the major source of the mental contamination that’s infected parts of the population. Their rhetoric is shrill and threatening but the deplorables are the actual core of the country, the ones who make it run. There’s really no compromising with these people, they don’t want to do so anyway. Perhaps the silver lining will be that this extremism will push the deplorables out of their complacency and they’ll begin to stir. My money is on the patriots should they choose to react.

  3. @peterAUS

    司法部长巴尔正在寻求法律解决方案。 您是否希望在这里讨论法外解决方案?

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Trumpeter
  4. 对于我的一生,我永远不会明白白人民族主义有什么问题。白人是独一无二的吗 un-有权拥有自己的国家吗?自治、自由和主权?如果有人对白人民族主义有问题,那么他们要么对民族主义有问题,要么对白人有问题。

    当这部电影及其预告片的消息浮出水面时,引起了愤怒。 NBC环球试图解释这一点;但事实并非如此。预告片被撤回,最终 9 月份的上映日期被无限期推迟,但值得注意的是,这部电影并没有永久陷入困境。

    God, I hope it isn’t permanently deep-sixed! A movie like that would be invaluable propaganda for our side.

    The sooner those of us who qualify as “deplorables” understand that, the sooner we comprehend that there is no compromise possible whatsoever with those progressivists and Leftists …

    Well, Boyd, you’ll be glad to know that the progs aren’t interested in any compromise solution anyway. Their goal is 无条件胜利。所以现在怎么办?

  5. peterAUS 说:

    Legal solutions are being pursued by Attorney General Barr.

    They are? Imagine that……

    Do you expect extralegal solutions to be discussed here?


    A question for you?
    Do you expect that “Bar solutions” will work?
    If not, any other possible solutions coming to your mind? Just curious.

    • 回复: @WorkingClass
  6. Patricus 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    The hysterical reaction of the Establishment to the Trump presidency is going to help Trump. Ordinary people won’t buy into the “you are a racist”, “you are Hitler” themes. I remember the Nixon-McGovern campaign. There was hysteria but the silent majority gave Nixon a landslide victory.

    I listened to various Democratic candidates in Iowa on CSPAN. None of them had more than 50 people in an audience, at least half the crowds were media and campaign aides. If Trump visits Iowa there will be thousands or tens of thousands at rural gatherings.

    2016 finally convinced me polling is useless. They had Clinton winning by large margins. Almost all polls were wrong.

    Economic events might hurt Trump but the gloom and doom crowd are running out of time. If Trump supporters are Nazis and White Supremacist then everyone is.

    • 同意: TTSSYF
    • 回复: @Voter
  7. @peterAUS

    Barr could accomplish a lot with regard to exposing the criminality in the FBI and among the spooks although I doubt he will lock anybody up. Or his efforts might come to naught. I think it would help if the Democrats were prevented from winning the next election. But I wouldn’t call that a solution.

    分开才是解决之道。 废止/分裂。 可能需要也可能不需要法外活动的解决方案。 但这必须等到美国成为美洲的另一个大国。 俄罗斯、中国和伊朗正在与盎格鲁/齐奥帝国玩麻痹。 如果它不会导致核交换,则是一种制胜策略。

    我对 Deplorables 的建议是保持低调,保持干劲,并确定当地社区的潜在领导者。



  8. peterAUS 说:
    @Digital Samizdat




    事情 必须 得到 更糟糕 在任何事情发生之前。 没办法。
    There is no forward thinking/prevention here. “Let’s do this before it gets really bad”. No. It shall get bad and only then something could happen. Could.

    It’s…hehe…as guys who simply can’t quit smoking. And, after they do somehow survive a heart attack they quit in a second. Something like that.
    Of course, some don’t survive.

    • 回复: @Goddard
  9. peterAUS 说:

    Barr could accomplish a lot….But I wouldn’t call that a solution.


    分开才是解决之道。 废除/分裂。


    But that will have to wait …


    我对 Deplorables 的建议是保持低调,保持干劲,并确定当地社区的潜在领导者。

    I’d add “try to become that leader” too. In 几个 可能的情况。 从好到不太好到 不太好。


    Definitely. Teach them, also, things which could be useful in daily, or in the future, not so nice scenarios. Say…….how to fight, for example.



    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
    , @Will
  10. MB 说: • 您的网站

    White nationalism is merely a dog whistle/code word for the fact that this country was largely founded and run by Europeans – white people IOW – and not Eskimos. Or Chinese. Or Africans. Or Indians. Or Etc.
    But the truth and reality of the matter is hard to handle and really upsets our guilty white liberal elite who hypocritically ie. religiously believe in equal outcome – not equal opportunity. (For thee, but not for me.)

    So America has to go. Ditto “white nationalism”. If they can’t frame it and smear it, their fraud might catch up with them and they would also go down when it crashes and burns.
    May that day hasten.

    • 回复: @Parfois1
    , @sally
  11. 是犹太人,愚蠢。


    • 回复: @animalogic
  12. ” and [we must] beat down those who would help facilitate it and encourage it.””

    That’s rich, coming from Shep Smith, who couldn’t beat down a Barbie doll. Media twits like Smith as well as democrat politicians are shrieking about white nationalism as though it’s the same as white supremacy.

    Black nationalism would be fine with these same people and none of them would dream of mentioning jewish nationalism as it exists in Israel. Jewish supremacists managed to put together their own shitty little country by means of terrorism and that isn’t even worth mentioning as a problem, though it is obviously a huge problem for the entire Middle East.


    • 回复: @Geowhizz
    , @mark green
  13. When is Trump going to disavow Dr. Seuss’s hateful books targetting children?

    From the manifesto:

    例如,这种现象在几十年前的经典作品《 The Lorax》中得到了很好的描述。

  14. Golobki 说:


  15. Paw 说:

    在大约 20-30 年甚至更长的时间里,安全在我们在美国和欧洲的生活中扮演着重要的角色。 警察人数、调查人员、政府部门、联邦调查局、中央情报局、国家安全局和许多其他安全机构,无处不在,私人保安增加了数百万,再加上相机、飞机、无人机、天空卫星、监视一切的强大计算机,花费了数万亿美元,我们的世界变成了并且已经变成了其他任何东西,除了屠宰场。
    显然仍然没有足够的受害者......可悲。 接近不需要的。
    看不到尽头。 受邀重要屠夫进口增加……
    “保安”甚至爬进了曼哈顿监狱的保安……过去发生过一些巨大的种族灭绝和大屠杀。 布尔什维克,第一次世界大战,..第二次世界大战,越南,伊拉克,克里米亚战争,叙利亚,伊拉克,广岛和长崎新风格,核..

  16. Paw 说:


  17. @peterAUS

    I have been saying the same thing in hard-right comment sections for years. After a few decades you wise up to the fact that the establishment right is just a bunch of shills, losers, and commercial exploiters of naive folks who wait eternally for the prosecution of Clinton, Clapper, and Comey. But after another decade or two you realize that the hard right too are mainly losers, if not shills. Maybe they were subliminally hypnotized by Hannity et al. to think that whining is the end goal of the movement. Or, worse, they take a sado-masochistic pleasure in being continually frustrated.
    Having said that, Alinsky would agree that mere taboo-breaking and mockery of the left (trolling) is one of the most effective tactics in building critical mass. The sort of over-the-top totally offensive trolling you find on Daily Stormer is a real danger to the left, which is why this website has been so heavily assailed.
    It’s an encouraging sign that the left, or whatever you want to call them, is so desperate that they are resorting to massive censorship, blacklisting, harrassment, abuse of the legal system, and vigilante violence against the right. What is essential in such a situation is to keep our alternative voice loud and clear, as much as possible. The attempt to deny the existence of White Supremacism is counter-productive because it would be better if people thought WS were indeed a growing movement, which it is, if you take that name as hyperbole. While few people would seriously call themselves White Supremacists, it’s clear that a significant community of anti-anti-white nationalists is forming and they have motive and means, if not yet opportunity, to discredit the left’s cultural mantras and in doing so recruit millions of adherents.
    As to what is to be done, the long-term goal is to attract followers by using skilled trolling to rally their spirits and cogent criticism of PC dogmas to persuade their brains, and gradually jimmy our way into legitimate electoral politics, not in disguised form as me-too conservatives but with a nuanced but unapologetic right-wing alternative.
    Some other goals are to create internet infrastructure, set up resources to care for our wounded, and build alliances.
    I am not partial to old-fashioned southern segregationism and I see no contradiction in the idea of a white nationalism on one hand, or neo-reactionary movement on the other, that makes alliances with nonwhites where practical. My goal is not to go back to Jim Crow or the Third Reich but the America of the 1950s and early 60s before the counter-culture ruined everything.

    • 回复: @Rogue
    , @peterAUS
  18. Richard B 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    “I will never understand what is so wrong with White Nationalism.”

    It’s a threat to Jewish Supremacy. That’s what’s “wrong” with it.

    • 同意: Robert Dolan, Charon
    • 回复: @jack daniels
  19. Paw 说:


    • 回复: @anon
    , @animalogic
    , @Druid
  20. niteranger 说:

    The is an excellent point: “The PC-cult-think rhetoric has reached an incendiary level now, goading people into a state of mind where any spark could set things on fire” The Bolsheviks and their slaves which are white, black, and a few latinos are definitely inciting and pushing people’s buttons. This is intentional because they know their Jewish owned Media will do their bidding. The article correctly states the data that will never be publicized in any meaningful way to a white audience that has been beaten into the ground with some type of “white guilt.” There is no doubt that along with Obama and his entourage they are pushing for a race war. They believe that they have intimidated enough whites in America that they will just fold to their gangbanging and they will take over like some tribalistic African leader in their Utopian Society.

    There is no compromise here. They want to kill all whites and destroy Western Civilization. Obama had the same immigration conditions at the border and these clowns said nothing. Obama carried on the wars of Bush and Cheney and murdered everyone including children but not one Hollywood Slut said anything. But now it’s a 24 hour attack against whites, Western Civilization and everything that we build. Mostly they are Jews but we knew that. This is the country where we are all evil while in Israel Jews are not allowed to marry Palestinians.

    The entire thing is nothing but a ruse that is played out with such intricacy it would embarrass Machiavelli. But of course the Jews have had thousands of years to practice. The idea that they would care about children and immigrants is a joke. Here’s a good video that some of you may have seen before about the truth of illegal and legal immigration:

    • 回复: @Paw
  21. Franz 说:


    So if you’re a “white nationalist” where do you 注册账户?你是谁 为...投票? What’s the party structure and who are 领导们?在哪里 投票 他们被列出来了吗?

    Okay, mostly joke questions. During my working life I have donated to David Duke, Vanguard News Network, National Vanguard, plus a few local outfits nobody here’s likely to have heard about.


    Tucker nailed it to the wall. Far all the good it does, there is no “white nationalism” in the USA and to pretend otherwise is pretty much a lie — or worse, self-delusion.

  22. GMC 说:

    Gotta keep the mice { public} confined to there cage and give them that circus wheel to run – round and round and round on. These topics of white supremacy, nazis, muslims, are all just a fom of distractions, MK Ultra, Propaganda – simple shit – because then the ” Mice” won’t get off their ass { wheel } and really think about what is happening. Of course its also a great advertisement in order to keep the Holocaust money coming in – also. Nazi’s, White supremacists are great reminders but don’t write about the Ukraine Nazi’s – they are doing Israel’s and America’s work – against the East Ukrainians that speak – Russian. Thanks Unz review.

  23. Parfois1 说:

    所以美国必须走。 “白人民族主义”也是如此。



    • 回复: @Ned2
  24. anon[393]• 免责声明 说:

    Albanian name, what he’s doing in Australia in the first place is anyone’s guess.
    Certainly created a few problems for Australia’s compliant Media:
    On the one hand, he’s allegedly been reading ”White Supremacist” material, and on the other hand, he’s a Muslim.
    Looks pretty White to me, though with black hair and a head like a robber’s dog.

  25. @Richard B

    Exactly! I disagree with most of the scientific rationale and I’m not a defender of segregation, but WN has one very valuable characteristic: It justifies pushback against Jleft domination of national politics and it is very difficult for the Jleft to co-opt and control such a movement, since their pitch is based on demonizing its premises.

  26. gotmituns 说:

    Over ninety percent of the shootings by young men are tied to the use of the anti depressant SSRI series medications – Prozac, Ritalin, Xanax, etc.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Anon
    , @JimBeem
  27. animalogic 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    (As per Carlson) There is naturally, no problem, whether white or nationalist.
    Both “problems” are contrivenesses aimed at Trump. Essentially a domestic version of the “Russia-russia-RUSSIA !” “problem”.
    It’s worth noting again that the word “nationalist” in “white nationalist” has become simple code for “supremacist”. These two words do NOT mean the same thing (an example of “supremacist” can be found in the old Galacia or western Ukraine).
    As for the “mass” shootings? Someone made a useful point that the shootings are symptoms of a rage caused by alienation (& the now common “despair”) . Alienation is merely a clever word to describe today’s individual who exists within the (on going) breakdown of communal/family bonds which has been going on since the 60’s. Semi automatic weapons are facilitators for expressing that rage.
    Incidentally, the worst group for killing US citizens is possibly the US Police. Every year they rack up a bit over a 1000 deaths. And they are definitely non-racialist: they’re happy to kill anyone (although, probably for preference, blacks — less chance the corpse has a rich, powerful family or friends).

    • 回复: @Charlemagne
  28. Anonymous[141]• 免责声明 说:

    至少,第一步,他们要求总统全面谴责“白人民族主义”。 因此,特朗普总统确实出来了,并对此进行了谴责。

    What a moron. They’re deliberately equating white supremacism with white nationalism in order to preemptively criminalise unification of 白人 to save their 国家. It’s OK to be white – and it’s even better to be white nationalist.

    • 同意: geokat62
  29. animalogic 说:
    @Robert Dolan


    • 回复: @Paul C.
  30. animalogic 说:

    (assuming this not irony or sarc’) then WHAT terrorist attack?
    You mean the utter fucking nut-job who killed a prostitute with a knife (sorry, “sex worker”) & then ran around the streets, jumping up on cars, screaming his head off, & managing to stab some poor woman in the shoulder, until passer-by’s managed to subdue the moron with some chairs & a milk crate?
    恐怖分子! 我的屁股! 我他妈的不在乎那个小屁孩喊什么。
    If your goal is to render the word “terrorist” utterly meaningless then I congratulate you on your contribution.

    • 回复: @Paw
  31. The US Went Communist Long Ago

    “For most of the twentieth century, the United States tolerated a party openly dedicated to the violent overthrow of the government and the enslavement of its people. This party, the CPUSA was funded and directed by a hostile foreign government. It engaged in industrial and military espionage, trained guerrilla units on American soil, forcibly took over unions, raided their treasuries and controlled whole industries. It slandered, harassed and killed opponents; bribed police and judges and infiltrated the military.”

    “Obviously, it is sanctioned by the powers that be. Communism is monopoly capitalism with the government standing in for the central bankers (Rothschilds, Rockefellers.) These bankers, who happen to be Cabalists (Satanists), seek to extend their credit monopoly to power, thought & behavior i.e. our whole lives…….”

    “…….We were taught that Communism was an idealistic but discredited “working class” experiment, tried mainly in Russia and China.”

    “This misconception duped millions of unsuspecting socialists and liberals including myself. As recently as 1999-2000, I was singing the praises of Canadian Maoist dupe Dr. Norman Bethune to my English literature class.”

    “The Illuminati bankers created Communism to harness the working class to their program of a comprehensive world dictatorship (now known as “globalization.”) The Illuminati is a satanic cult (Jewish Cabalism.) It spawned Communism. They celebrate the same anniversary, May 1, 1776, and share the same satanic symbols.”

    “The program took a giant step forward in 1913 when these Luciferian London-based bankers gained control over America’s finances through the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. This gave them means and incentive to step up their covert war against humanity. The two world wars were the immediate result…..”:



  32. sally 说:

    整个白人至上主义者都可以容纳在大学橄榄球场内吗? 它不会是紧身的。

    @peterAUS 我同意群众已经认识到这个问题,并开始对此采取行动。 .

    The problem is our leaders.. the USA model of governance is excellent, it denies all people of whatever kind access to any part of government (except of course for the votes at election time) . But there is an exception to the rule that no non elected person can access the government. If one has sufficient wealthy and if that wealthy one pays a reasonable amount to one or more of the elected, then access is possible.. and if one advances a massive amount to the pockets of our leaders, the military of the government and the legal and rule making powers of the government can be directed to do things like bring down an oil rich foreign country or wipe someone off the map or give a drug lord a monopoly in pharmaceuticals.. There is nothing that can’t be done by the USA if enough money is delivered to the pockets of those who are among the elected.

    所以我建议我们通过修正从 COUS 中删除第一条和第二条中为那些竞选公职并获胜的人提供 527 个工作岗位的部分。 修改后,任何人都不能竞选公职,因此高层腐败将在高层被消灭。 This of course would make the bureaucrats and the Article III judges who are not elected but who do hold paid jobs in the government the corruptible. 如果第 I 条(425 人)和第 II 条(2 人)人都被 COUS 击退,则需要采取一些手段来控制这些官僚和第三条在职法官的腐败、无能和疏忽。

    也就是把每一个合格的选民都变成监督政府的一员,使他们每个人都成为政府审计员和政府错误的检察官。 选民(即监督政府)将对职能政府中的官僚和法官进行审计挑出并起诉因疏忽或无能而未能完成工作的官僚或第 III 条法官,并起诉他们(官僚、第 III 条法官、军队或政府承包商或以某种形式从事政府工作的其他知情人士)腐败。


    A special court called the voters court would be established. It would be independent of the functional government, but funded by amending the COUS to make sure the people’s court got 10% of the total tax revenue the functional government takes from the masses. In that way, the Special voters court, would have the money and powers it needs to prosecute and punish those in the functional government who commit any of the three INC crimes ==> 1. incompetence 2. negligence 3. corruption.

    我相信两个政府,各自拥有不同的权力,但各自并行运行将消除民选政客造成的问题。 双重政府将民选领导层全部淘汰。不需要政治家来运行功能性政府。


    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @m___
    , @RoatanBill
  33. USA 1943 说:

    为什么这么多白人在说出自己的信仰时如此胆怯? 唯一看起来诚实和/或政治不正确的白人是帕特·布坎南(Pat Buchanan)——说出他所相信的,并使用历史和统计数据来证明他的观点,塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)——主要揭露左派的谎言,保罗·克西(Paul Kersey)——化名,他谈论差异来解释为什么有些地方永远不会改善,有一个新人约翰马克似乎有一个关于为什么不同群体投票的理论,并认为由于人口变化,特朗普将成为2024年后最后一位共和党总统,并且他认为,左派正在让白人异性恋男性成为恶棍,除非国家分裂或内战,否则左派将永远虐待他们。 特朗普总统似乎是唯一真正的总统或候选人。


    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
    , @Jake
  34. Intrinsic.

    Lesser (heads per planet) global population, automatically lowers migration.

    The deplorable is a liability to itself, but an asset in the short term to the “rich-poor´´(very imprecise token) gap.

    精英 of the West are measured in possession of hard assets, causing accumulation of debt ( pollution, toxicity, living space and air). They are getting poorer, but they do not understand this as such.

    Cognitive ability in Western societies is harnessed at best and incarcerated, at worst in real live prisons (朱利安·阿桑格). Elites do no longer stand for ability (ability always includes superior morals, since supreme ethics is but a synonym of opportunism at it´s optimum) but for sludge. The ones on the first row of profiteering, our Western European politicians are jesters to the sludge.

    Complex society has steered above evolution (Dutton E. a jerk of the public domain by himself, but his gut feeling pointing to psychopathy). Brute forcing, not by design, no one to credit.

    Now as to a solution, in that order, Nature, then entropy of human interaction, Elites enlightenment, and last but insignificantly the battery chicken called deplorable (quite a confusing term, since they seem to not notice, a design feature above all others of consumerism) rousing it´s obese bottom. Global farming 浮现在脑海。

    The world is well as it is, there are chemical and digital ways to alter your cocooning reality, never available historically. One can eat endlessly and above calories needed, masturbation can be done on a smart phone leaving one hand free for intercourse. It won´t last, is hard wired as no pain, not my atomic me. We live in the perfect world and credit to no-one, having overview is not a degree of science or philosophy at Harvard.

    • 回复: @PetrOldSack
  35. The hopefully-soon-extinct gop only fights for Israel and against any Republican with a spine.

    But do vote for (((Trump))), for the memes and his ability to screw things up better than any shitlib.

  36. @PetrOldSack

    Please feel free to copy with a twist.

    It would be nice to assert in the while that complex society needs more then three variables to be asserted. Then there are the 黑天鹅.

  37. @Franz


    于 9 月 11 日下令进行新的独立调查。


  38. DanFromCT 说:

    Fox News and the Republican Party make sure there’ll be no coherent opposition to the leftist juggernaut. How about that “Shep” who wears more makeup on camera than a drag queen and says he’s proud that he “goes home to the man I love.” It should go without saying after watching even a few minutes of various Fox News shows that their assignment is neutralizing natural leadership among America’s white population from arising, instead giving us the Republican stooges in Congress and Conservatism Inc.

    Take this beta douchebag French. This man has no public existence doing anything except maybe working the aisle at Lowes without the controlled opposition at NR. Years ago when I worked near NR’s office I stopped by to get some literature. It was shocking what a collection of preppy little beta douchebags I saw there. Conservativism Inc is all an illusion created by Jewish ownership of the fake opposition like NR. All these articles should include photos of these faggots like French and other Neocon stooges so we know when to stop reading on.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  39. Oemikitlob 说:
    @USA 1943

    汉斯-赫尔曼·霍普(Hans-Hermann Hoppe)、卢·洛克威尔(Lew Rockwell)和托马斯·E·伍兹(Thomas E. Woods)只是几十年来敢于公开捍卫自己立场的少数白人男性,他们比你列出的任何一个人都聪明得多,口才也好。 伍兹的推特内容很搞笑,几乎每天都会激怒各种政治派别的人,而且往往是纯粹的喜剧黄金。

  40. The local newspaper in my town has refrained from reader comments when posting articles on near daily shooting episodes, the telling “ troll” comments as predictable as the color of the suspects.
    The conversations that occur at the lunch counter are not “ covered’ by the “ News”;an expanding black population, concern over declining neighborhoods,white flight to the point regional growth patterns altered are taboo.

  41. @anonymous

    The problem is good, moral hard working White Americans have allowed themselves to be taken in by the carnival barker Trump. This proves they are no smarter than the Obama bots. Both of these compromised cutouts did/are doing exactly what their masters that put them in office to do. Divide America, fuel the race/gender/political divisions so an eventual civil war can be started.

    The population, along with the author of this article are not even smart(or brave)enough to realize these staged mass shootings are nothing more than Hollywood style deceptions. No one questions anything, they just beLIEve everything that comes out of the telescreen.

    You had better wake up America, you are being played by both sides. The true masters goal is to get that civil war started. They can then roll in with their militarized police/military and proclaim martial law. Along with that will come gun confiscation and the suspension of the constitution(or what’s left of it). Poof, and in a few short weeks America as we know it will be gone. Perhaps Their NWO, One World Gov. run from Jerusalem will be rolled out. Noachide laws will then be enforced. You Christians Zionist had better research what that means for you: a quick hint, it will involve your neck and a guillotine.

    The true rulers of America know the economic collapse is coming, and they want this all rolled up before that happens. My advice is to prepare and surrender nothing. It’s time to awaken from what was once the American dream but has devolved into the nightmare on main street

    More on these staged mass shootings: https://www.winterwatch.net/2019/08/why-are-staged-deceptions-used-more-than-pure-false-flags/

    • 同意: Desert Fox
    • 回复: @sally
    , @Twodees Partain
  42. Poppy 说:


  43. Rogue 说:
    @jack daniels

    If you want people to read your stuff, use paragraphs.

    Granite size blocks of text are very unappealing.

  44. Anon[252]• 免责声明 说:

    Oh c’mon, you’re fiddling the figures. What self respecting white man with a gun would claim killing or wounding 4 people as a “mass shooting”. Incompetent or drugged up blacks maybe. But it would take three black shooters about 10 shootings to achieve what one serious white guy pulls off between tea and supper. Baruch Goldstein: how could he have been a black man?

  45. Anonymous[141]• 免责声明 说:

    Not sure about the exact percentage but many people have noted the SSRI connection. The establishment is doing fuck-all about it, naturally.

  46. Jake 说:

    “Of course, being on Fox did not keep Carlson from being attacked by other Fox personalities, and, unsurprisingly, the most direct hit came from Shepard Smith, the notoriously open Leftist who handles Fox News in the afternoons. ”

    Smith should always be identified as the gay Leftist on Fox.

    One of the persistent rumors about why he left Ole Miss so quickly is not merely that he was caught in gay action, but that he was caught with a boy, a minor.

    • 回复: @Mike Tre
  47. Jake 说:
    @USA 1943


    For a very long time, America’s leaders have been telling non-Elite whites that they and they alone are to BLAME. They have come to believe it.


  48. @Digital Samizdat



    致所有珍贵的小 SJW:


  49. MarkinLA 说:

    I only watch Tucker and Dobbs in entirety on Fox any more. In the mornings to get the national news I channel surf and when on Fox, if they put on the leftist/neocon trash like Perino or that disgusting Russian Jew woman Tarlov, I immediately change the channel. Hopefully, since it is on cable, if enough people do that these two will be bounced off since they can probably detect that at the cable companies offices and relay that information to Fox.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  50. follyofwar 说:

    我认为,大多数美国人,包括大多数政客,都相信神圣的林肯总统永远解决了分裂国家问题。 对他们来说,这是非法的,必须以极端偏见的方式消除此类运动。 “不可分割”这个词出现在誓言中,看在上帝的份上,因此,事实上,分裂国家必定是非法的。 这不是我们的孩子在公立学校所接受的教育吗?

    我相信和平分离。 我也相信这种事永远不会发生。

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  51. Desert Fox 说:

    The violence and turmoil in America is caused by the demon-rats aka bolsheviks and their zionist overlords to destroy America and turn it into an Orwellian hell from which there will be no return.

    When the bolsheviks aka demon-rats finally get our guns , then the killing fields of bolshevik Russia will be here in America and 10’s of millions will be sent to death camps and murdered. The same type of killers are here in America that were sent into Russia in 1917 from NYC to start the revolution, read the book Wall Street and the bolshevik Revolution by Anthony Sutton to see how it was done!

    These are the same people who with traitors in the zio/US government did the attack on the WTC on 911 and tried to sink the USS Liberty and they got away with both war crimes and crimes against humanity, killing Americans to get to their goal of a satanic zionist NWO by killing millions is their goal.

    Read The Protocols of Zion, it is all right there and read the book Blood in the Water by Joan Mellen and Remember the Liberty by Phillip Nelson to see what type of inhuman killers we are dealing with on the attack on the USS Liberty.

    • 同意: Desert Fox
    • 回复: @Cowboy
  52. Durruti 说:

    The Solution is not Alcohol

    我对 Deplorables 的建议是保持低调,保持干劲,并确定当地社区的潜在领导者。

    Few media outlets, including this one, will allow a detailed discussion, of What Must Be Done by we Americans, We-The-People to regain our Liberty (Sovereignty, Economy, Honor). My article to this point was rejected, so I’ll try here.



    The way out of this mess, this political mess, is through a Political Rebirth, centering on the
    Restoration of Our Republic, Assassinated, along with our last Constitutional President, John F. Kennedy, on November 22, 1963.

    Our Republic, albeit a weakened and distorted one was destroyed by an alliance of Rothschild
    Banker Oligarch Zionist MOSSAD with local Traitor Minions, CIA, FBI, Mainstream Media, Dems/Reps.

    I do not blame those who fear the Terror of the New World Order Oligarchs. But to Free ourselves and our Country, we must:

    1. Make the complaints: already done.

    2. Identify the Disease: in progress.

    3. Apply the Cure: Even the discussion of CURE has been almost completely blocked on ALL MEDIA, including so-called Alternate.


    We Americans must begin at 1. Committees of Correspondence
    advance to 2. Sons and Daughters of Liberty
    mobilize 3. Minutemen

    We fight for Political Goals, the Goal of a Restored Democratic Republic, the one we had before, to be polished in struggle, elections without $private$, all candidates receive equal media, Traitors to be rounded up, Banks Nationalized (you would leave them in private hands?).

    Committee of Elders to prepare for the elections (Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, Joan Baez, Dennis Kucinich, Cynthia McKinney, you finish the list…………. Without Free Elections – there can be no freedom.

    Yes, we hope to win/recruit sections of the Armed Forces & Police, but they will only move AFTER we begin.

    Let’s begin to design the Cure.

    Just what flavor Icecream Soda do we want? Vanilla icecream with chocolate soda, & whipped cream topped with a cherry? Design your own; now is the time; seize the freedom.

    If we do not have a Dream, which constitutes our Hope, we will never advance to Liberty. We will keep whining – for eternity. Constructing The Cure is the Final Step. The enemy has constructed the Corrupt Pedafile Epstein/Maxwell Zionist New World Order. What will the Response of We-The-People be?

    Working Class, when you & the rest of the Working Classes Farmers, etc., come out of the bathroom, I would like a response.



    *Don’t worry about my small group; fashion your own with your own preferred flavor. March together under separate banners as we Restore our Democratic Republic with Liberty and Justice for All.

    • 同意: Desert Fox
  53. follyofwar 说:

    I didn’t notice if another commenter had mentioned it, but there is speculation going around which says that Tucker Carlson was suspended by Fox after his WN remarks. Vincent James @ Red Elephants has been promoting this theory. Tucker, who loves fishing (it’s on his FB page), said that he was going fishing with his son, and would be back on Aug.19. (I think that’s the date he mentioned).

    As Congress always takes the month of August off, and many other high profile anchors and commentators take time off as well, I think it’s way premature to think that Tucker was suspended. We all need to take some time off now and then to recharge the batteries, don’t we? And I think what Tucker does every night has to be mentally draining. So, I think talk of Tucker’s suspension is way premature. Now, if he doesn’t come back when he said he would, then it’s time to quit watching Fox.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
    , @bro3886
  54. Goddard 说:

    发现。 一定会发生崩溃,然后是愤怒。 我们不是在结束,我们不是在结束的开始,但我们可能在开始的结束。

    鲍威尔说:“政治家的最高功能是防止可预防的罪恶。” “在寻求这样做的过程中,它遇到了深深植根于人性中的障碍。”


    • 回复: @peterAUS
  55. Tick Tock 说:

    Well its never a good idea to bite the hand that feeds you.

    This is what so called Progressives/Liberals and Blacks and Hispanics are doing.

    Do they think that this can last?

    I guess they do but its only in a dream.

    Conflict may come sooner than you think.

  56. bruce county 说:

    After the philly cop shooting/shootout incident…not a mass shooting??
    This then happens on the same street… again, not a mass shooting?
    MSM always has the final say in the narrative.


  57. JDawg99 说:

    This “White Nationalism” bunk is just another Jussie Smollett episode. They’re making it up because white people are criticizing people of color.

    • 回复: @brandybranch
  58. The media hold has already been broken. Websites like this one and Lew Rockwell’s and quite a few others are regularly presenting the truth. The long, slow grind is getting people to turn their backs on the legacy media and it’s steady diet of lies and propaganda.

    I have shared many such essays on Facebook but no longer have the option since I decided that just being on social media is implicit support for the enemies of truth and republicanism. The only option I see for me is to continue to send information to people I know via direct electronic contact, in the hope that more and more will see the light and pass on the truth about our dying country.

  59. sally 说:
    @Johnny Walker Read

    yes, I agree, the stage is set all that is needed is more false, misleading and polarizing MSM distributed propaganda to be created by the true masters.. …

    Have a look at this as well American Jews unite to reject Netanyahu’s decision barring US congresswomen

  60. Agent76 说:

    15th August 2019 USA: 1200 per cent more people killed by police than by mass shooters since 2015

    Consider that five years after police shot and killed an unarmed 18-year-old man in Ferguson, Missouri, there has been no relief from the government’s gun violence.


    9 年 2019 月 XNUMX 日 隐藏的运输工具防止密苏里州沃尔玛发生大规模枪击事件

    据报道,周四,当一名 20 岁男子携带战术武器并穿着防弹衣走进密苏里州斯普林菲尔德的沃尔玛时,一名下班的消防员携带自己的隐藏武器用枪指着嫌疑人,直到警察赶到。


    4年2019月XNUMX日,芝加哥:我们有一些最严格的枪支法律。 同样是芝加哥:这么多人被枪杀。

    但是,尽管每个人都在关注这些大规模枪击事件,以及有关如何妥善处理枪击事件的日益激烈的辩论,但就枪支而言,芝加哥的犯罪率持续飙升。 据报道,截至2019年,伊利诺伊州有1,500多人被枪杀。


  61. awry 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    There is no such nation as “whites”. There are many white nations.
    In the context of US/Canadian/Australian/New Zealand internal politics, maybe there is such thing (but in Canada there are the Quebec French). In the UK there are Scots nationalists, Welsh nationalists, Irish nationalists, English nationalists.
    In Europe there historically every nation is white and there was a lot of conflict between these, including genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced assimilation etc. Some are still going on.

  62. For crying out loud, it’s about the 1% wanting to take away the hordes of guns from the average Joe before they all band together to start a real shoot up, which could displace the powers that be and the underlings made up of the next ten percent of the population.

  63. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Gotmituns : It is not that simple , it is a non causal correlation .

    Take in consideration that aproximately , according to the Gauss curve , about 15% of the population have an IQ between 70 and 85 , what means a mental age between 12 ( 70 ) and 15 ( 85 ) years old .

    These people are considered normal , but with ” borderline intellectual capacity ” . These people have a lot of trouble finishing High School , they are slow to learn . Frequently there is a family and social rejection in accepting there are so many people below average intelligence , and the school and the medical systems medicalize the problem and considers them hyperkinetic, atention disorders , impulsive , dislexics etc… ( what many are , since 70-85 IQ people have a 4 times higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders than the general population ) , and medicates them to control the most disfuncional symptoms .

    Many of these people have a tendency to abuse alchool and drugs since adolescence , what makes things worse . They fail in the school , at work , in interpersonal relations , they are rejected by the other sex , they are rejected by a demanding labor market , and they continue most of their lives being medicated for alcoholism , drug abuse , impulsivity , violent behavior , anxiety , depression , severe frustration , aggression …..

    I do not know well the norms for buying fire arms in the US , but I guess these persons can , and I guess that without Prozac , Xanax, etc… there would be many more shootings in the USA .


  64. peterAUS 说:
    @jack daniels

    You’ve made your position clear:

    the long-term goal is to attract followers by using skilled trolling to rally their spirits and cogent criticism of PC dogmas to persuade their brains, and gradually jimmy our way into legitimate electoral politics, not in disguised form as me-too conservatives but with a nuanced but unapologetic right-wing alternative.
    Some other goals are to create internet infrastructure, set up resources to care for our wounded, and build alliances.

    Civil, legal, slow and steady, a?

    My take: won’t work.

    …My goal is not to go back to Jim Crow or the Third Reich but the America of the 1950s…

    I think you are wrong. The WORLD has changed. There is no going back to that position. Or…..yes….maybe….if we all go through 常规 WW3 with the same result, for USA, as the WW2. Big topic, let’s not get there.

    Bottom line, you’ve left three fundamental elements out of your approach:

    That we disagree here means nothing.
    完全 ,那恭喜你, correct as to who is on the Right and how they act/behave. Or, at least, 90% of them.
    My take: as things go, better men and women will shift/will be , 那里。

    In any case, won’t be pretty.

  65. sally 说:

    The Organized Oligarch Empire (TOOE) constitutes much of what you identify as white liberal elite.

    TOOE uses the salaried, elected USA persons to govern and police America, just as the British did before the American Revolution in 1776. TOOE controls and owns the land of the free and the brave because elements in the TOOE have control over those who are in command of the USA. There is a billion mile distance between TOOE controlled persons who dictate the operation of the USA and every day Americans.

    TOOE uses its wealth, its use of the law of vote-cancellation seen best in candidates presented on a split party ticket (Reputaturds vs Democraps), its engineered mind controlled content distributed 24/7 privately-owned MSM, and the elected, at the USA itself, to control Americans .

    The law of vote cancellation and the 24/7 media with mind-control enhanced propaganda rules are TOOE tools used to produce and direct the outcome of every election held in TOOE controlled USA occupied America.

    History has shown the nation state model of government can be strong, but it has major weaknesses that can be overcome by creating a parallel government capable to protecting the voters from human abuse, corruption, and political engineering (HACPE) by those elected or appointed or hired to act on behalf of government.

    If independent oversight government(IOG) with a separate, independent of the USA court were created and funded by say 10% of the funds collected by the functional government (USA). Such funds could be used to empower judges to hear cases<==individual non elected citizens would bring such cases to the IOG voter court.
    In such voter courts, likely Defendants would include any persons in privy with the operations of the USA Ideally, a citizen would accuse and charge any person in-privy with the operations of the USA, at any time, with crimes of inefficiency, negligence, misdirected or unlawful use of power or position, attempts to involve or engage America in extra-American activities, or attempts to circumvent voter or constitutional authority, or engaging in corruption or activities that are corrupt. Plaintiffs would be the citizen that brought the charges. In addition to the the voter’s court and the establishment of an oversight parallel government another change would be needed; that change would empower the people in America to challenge any law or decision made by or decided by the functional government (USA). <=such a challenge would allow the voters to decide, in a general election, if a law passed by the USA is to be allowed to be enforced or if a decision made by the USA is to be allowed to stand Such decisions and laws would be presented to the voters for a veto on the law or a rescission of the decision. Such changes could be accomplished by amendments to the existing USA constitution, or I guess the constitution could be rewritten and presented to the people of America for ratification and the new ratified constitution replace the existing constitution as was done in 1789. But we don't need a civil war, we need to work this out..

    Some say the stage is set for civil war.. all that is needed is more false, misleading and polarizing MSM distributed propaganda to enable TOOE to be able to use the USA to dictate to America. see divide and redivide, and divide again

    It is interesting to look at the USA asan armed, rule making third-party intermediary acting between TOOE and ordinary Americans.. From that view, the challenge would be for Americans to somehow regain control of the USA so that the think tank universities and fake news and propaganda creators and monopoly powers and privatization pundits can be denied and outlawed.

    Americans often engage independent thought, actions and are continuously inventing disruptive technologies each of which install great fear in TOOE. Hence the TOOE have used the USA to create for themselves a set of laws, that allow the members of the TOOE to use money to acquire monopolies on anything that comes along: such as (copyright, patent and private property laws) and to private rights in public enterprises (privatization) that enable government monopolies to be transferred to TOOE elements. <this is why the rich keep getting richer

    Example. Elements in the TOOE enjoy a monopoly on X but some "nobody", in his/her kitchen invents Y, which Y, eliminates the demand and need for X… under USA law, the TOOEs just buys up Ys invention and prevent the innovation from reaching the market unless and until the TOOEs can establish a way to make all the money from Y.

    Monopoly powers and monopoly ownership and competition-not-allowed market spaces are the hall marks of economic Zionism.. Until the USA eliminates using rule of law to create monopoly powers which private interest can acquire Americans will never realize their right to self determination. . IMO

  66. Jorge Videla [又名“西蒙·莱格”) 说:

    From whence comes…

    drop the “from” or substitute “from where”. “whence” means “from where” by itself.

  67. Cowboy [又名“ Kartoffelstampfer”] 说:
    @Desert Fox

    From Makow, a great Protocols of Zion cheat sheet:

  68. anonymous[308]• 免责声明 说:

    The desperation of white supremacist lowlifes in trying to whitewash the innate psychopathy of their kind is so nakedly apparent to all. They try their best to limit the scope of their kind’s psychopathy.

    They produce statistics and quickly compare against others which suits them best. We are not as bad as those others, they mendaciously claim.

    These are the same accursed dark-soul vermin who have been responsible for building the most evil weapons of mass destruction, and using them mostly against innocents, as they plunder the earth… and yes, quite proud of it too, mfers.

    No matter how they win the propaganda war, the reality of their DNA-imbued psychopathy will never escape them. It is who they are.

    An eternity in the worst recesses of Hell awaits their rotten godless souls.

  69. peterAUS 说:


    In theory very good. In practice, won’t work in this Universe.

    Whatever we read anywhere about “poverty” in USA is nonsense. A smart, I repeat, SMART,family of four, on social help (unemployed) in USA lives better than a middle-class family of four in around half of the world. More importantly, white Americans in such positions are, how to put it politely….not very good in abstract thinking. Underclass, working class, true elderly. Those people aren’t able to organize anything. Yes, up to 5 % of talent there can, but let’s not get bogged down in such details. There is a reason why officer corps is sourced from middle class and up (educated) people.

    The pressure “progtards” have been increasing (I don’t call them Left/Communist; they have nothing to do with that) and shall be affecting the middle class and even upper class. THAT is the moment.
    When people from those two classes realize that no matter how well they play the game they’ll lose the things will start changing. No matter how a White person keeps his head down, plays along, work hard, obey….they’ll come after him/her. They must to keep the system going.

    The problem is, of course, that will happen when odds are much harder than now. There will be more of the opponents (immigration), more of the system in place (as it’s being built as we speak) etc.

    现在不可能发生(白人发起的)分裂。 核心联邦调查局/其他机构,更重要的是武装部队,都效忠于中央政府。 而且,那里的关键人员是怀特。
    白上校将执行命令。 白中尉也是。 他的高级军士也是。

    But, with this lunacy increasing there will come the time, soon, when those above shall have their doubts. BIG doubts. And all they need to do is…do their job badly.

    现在,这里还有一点。 一个重要的点。 美国在世界上的地位。 还有核武器。
    What would you choose: a chance to get your own homeland where you won’t be singled out as eternal victim……………..or…………a chance of nuclear war with M.A.D. possibility?

    Things will have to go really bad for US White middle/upper class to get into state to “make a move”.

    When everything is said and done I believe that some version of Brasilian society is the most likely in “colonies”, from USA to New Zealand.

    On our, who post/read here, practical level I see “us”, Whites, finally realizing who we are and banding together. THAT will be huge and probably within the next couple of years. I can feel it’s starting, even in my own neighboorhood.
    Hahaha….all we need is, really, to start behaving as Jews and all will be good.

    • 回复: @m___
    , @Will
  70. peterAUS 说:

    …A crash must come, then the rage…

    I wouldn’t go that far. Crash I mean.

    In practical terms, no matter how good M.D/FBI senior type/US Army-Marines senior type/etc you are…..you will be destroyed at whim and by chance. No matter that you worked hard, with talent, for 20 years…just one “wrong” word/gesture and your career, your life as you know is over. Instant drop to the level of Deplorables or worse.
    That’s for the “topdown” work.

    As for daily, “bottom-up” life. well, we’ll start getting organized at the micro local level. As the rest do, with us as targets. Being a target is a great motivator……….
    In neighboorhood, getting to know Whites around, getting friendly with them, helping them/us….making small, invisible, below the radar, micro-communities. As….hehe…Jews do. Or everybody else.


  71. bro3886 说:

    They are every bit as evil as jihadists, and they radicalize in much the same way….[W]hite-supremacist terror… a new youth movement of hate…the ‘alt-right’…targeted Jews, it targeted African Americans and Hispanics

    The overwhelming majority of cases of racial violence involving white people involve them as victims, a fact well known to French, but the only place you’ll find less about racist violence against whites than in the pages of the New York Times or the Washington Post is in the pages of National Review. (They have nothing to say about Billy Chemirmir for example, to use a current instance of black-on-white racist mass-murder.) Will French ever issue a quote like connected, radical, organizing community of vicious white-hating terrorists. They are every bit as evil as jihadists, and they radicalize in much the same way….white-killing terror… an old movement of hate…the left…targets whites to describe, not some obscure web sites, but the mainstream media, academia, BOTH political parties but especially the Democrats, and government bureaucrats, who put out a constant stream of racist dehumanization of white and who are largely responsible for the racist mass-rape, murder and assault that have taken place against whites, including children, since the revolution of hate in the 1960s? The post-60s U.S, government, a white-hating racist institution, spends tens of billions of tax payer dollars to support a vast number of university departments that teach nothing more than white-hating racism and provide a sustenance for an army of professional racists. You often read reports of black racist thugs spewing a bowdlerized version of the hate that comes out of the establishment while they savage their white victims. Inspector French can’t put these things together, though. Probably because his donors don’t want him to.

  72. thordaddy 说:


    原因: 白色 (霸权。

    什么是 目标 (霸权?

    一个相信并因此努力实现的白人被称为什么? 目标 (霸权?

    为了祭坛病人的叙述, 白色 (S)至上的定义必须绝对相对于其敌人的扭曲的、自私的观念,他们在反资本主义的寄生主义中只理解“白人至上”。


  73. ““If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns of problems this country faces, where would white supremacy be on the list? Right up there with Russia probably. It’s actually not a real problem in America,” Carlson noted. He added that the combined membership of all the white supremacy groups throughout America could likely fit inside a college football stadium. “This is a country where the average person is getting poorer where the suicide rate is spiking,” Carlson said, drawing light on the real pressing problems that face Americans. With Russian collusion fantasies no longer gaining traction, this is another attempt by the political establishment to demonize President Donald Trump and cling to power. “This is a hoax, just like the Russia hoax. It is a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power. That’s exactly what’s going on.”

    here’s why the case in defense of Mr. Tucker is a failure.

    Premise: there is no “white supremacy”
    支持: 与俄罗斯声称相同
    C。 自杀人数上升
    d. 较少人否认俄罗斯勾结
    e. 它曾经妖魔化总统

    Laugh. I hate to admit but Mr. Tucker fails to make a case that white supremacy is a hoax. Not a single supporting contend denies the existence of white supremacy. Mr. tucker’s conclusion is based on his credibility alone. I say there is none therefore there is none. Believe me.

    Unfortunately people who are to escape the matter often, as does Mr Tucker avoid acknowledging what “what supremacy” means. You have to at least define the term. By leaving it nebulous Mr. Tucker is indicating: that he doesn’t know what it is, deliberately ignores what it is or some combination of both. Even without a definition. Mr. Tucker’s comments don’t make much sense. They are a series of nonsequitors from the overall premise and even from each other.

    The actual case: that there are more important issues than “white supremacy” has nothing to do with whether “white supremacy” actually exists or to what extent.

    In complete contradiction to Mr. Tucker’s comments:




    There are dozens of groups that espouse the superior status of people with white skin and as result of white skin should be accorded certain privileges and rights above others whose skin is darker. Hence the adoption of “one drop rule” and other practices. How powerful these groups are can certainly be debated. But there is little doubt that they exist and seek to advance their agenda. But regardless of the influence, The darker the skin the less power, which can be ameliorated in other ways, i.e. coming from India, Mexico, etc, all of which have their color dynamics in play in which dark skin is relegated less power.

    And it is bizarre that anyone of Mr. Tucker’s intelligence, breeding, insider connections, and education would miss or dismiss the obvious construction of the country, despite an increasing number of darker peoples role.

    One may challenge it’s force, its relevance, but to deny that it exists is a peculiar tact. Doing so has not bent a single bone liberal in my being.

    • 回复: @thordaddy
    , @m___
    , @joe tentpeg
  74. @MarkinLA

    如果我们中的任何人仍在向福克斯新闻集团(以及 CNN、MSNBC 和他们的同类公司)和有线/卫星提供商提供资金,那就是问题的一部分。 尽可能提取您的资金和支持。 放弃电视是一件容易的事。

    • 回复: @m___
    , @Twodees Partain
  75. @follyofwar

    我希望开国元勋们制定一项条款,允许任何州在相隔两年或四年举行的全民公投中获得两次 2/3 的民众投票后退出联邦。


    类似的要求:该地区的绝大多数民众投票(但较低,如 60%),并在两四年后再次进行此类投票以确认这一点。

    西澳和俄勒冈州的东部地区可能会成功并创建自己的州。 纽约州北部也是如此(特别是如果不包括奥尔巴尼)。 给他们所有人更多的力量。 字面上地。

  76. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:

    Ole Miss was his nick name after he left.

  77. @follyofwar

    It’s already time to cut the cord and stop subsidizing our avowed enemies.

    • 回复: @Desert Fox
  78. thordaddy 说:







    原因: 白色 霸权。



  79. renfro 说:

    The white nationalist ‘deplorables’ will never win anything because they are too stupid.

    The last two ,who shot up the Jews in their synagogue , and then Mexicans in a Walmart accomplished Zero, Zip, Nada….except being condemned by the majority of citizens and putting themselves, despite what legitimate immigration grievances they have, on the National Most Wanted List.

    Then we have the equally stupid gun rights ‘deplorables’ who think they need a assault rifle to protect themselves from the government….as if the military wouldn’t mow them down in a hot second if they staged a revolution.

    And no I am not a open boarders or gun grabber liberal….this is just common sense.

    • 回复: @Poncho
    , @Vet
  80. Desert Fox 说:


    内森·罗斯柴尔德(Nathan Rothschild)臭名昭著地说,我不在乎英国王位上放了什么傀儡,因为控制货币供应的人控制着大英帝国,而我就是那个人。

    在 zio/US 也是一样,犹太复国主义者控制着我们的钱,而我们自 1913 年以来就是犹太复国主义种植园的奴隶。

    • 同意: Agent76
    • 回复: @Jake
    , @Paw
  81. m___ 说:

    任何系统都可能被平行利益破坏。 问题更深了。 贪婪的哲学是任何单个原子都同意的公分母。 这弥合了呆板、厚实、昏暗和聪明的人之间的差距。

  82. m___ 说:

    就像史蒂维·平克 (Stevie Pinker) 上的暴力(我们本性中更好的天使)。

  83. peterAUS 说:

    The white nationalist ‘deplorables’ will never win anything because they are too stupid.

    I’d say “not good enough”. They will be because the list will get much longer. The group will be filled, more and more, by competent people. Competent for This Game that is.

    The last two ,who shot up the Jews in their synagogue , and then Mexicans in a Walmart accomplished Zero, Zip, Nada….except being condemned by the majority of citizens and putting themselves, despite what legitimate immigration grievances they have, on the National Most Wanted List.

    There is another view. Don’t get this as a challenge or invitation for debate. Just say you like meat; I like veges.
    有一个 更多 in those shootings for those who are ready to see. Hehe..granted, most people, at the moment, can’t see it. Good.

    Then we have the equally stupid gun rights ‘deplorables’ who think they need a assault rifle to protect themselves from the government….as if the military wouldn’t mow them down in a hot second if they staged a revolution.

    And that is something I can’t refute here. I can, with 缓解15分钟, in a person to person chat with somebody I TRUST.
    My impression is that people from your side like to bring that up to 不鼓励 the opposition. Works for majority, for sure. For those “in the know” it’s……just funny.
    I feel you’d like to discuss that here. We can’t and shouldn’t. I’ll tell you just this: 600 men/women, with bolt action rifles/shotguns, with PROPER mindset, in PROPER environment, taking PROPER steps (STE!) , could make military “moving them down in second” impossible. Not even in a month.
    Ask some experienced Army/Marine/National Guard (in particular) Lt.Col (combat arms) how he would do it. Say, “how would organize and execute (pun intended) an insurrection against the authority of Washington D.C. in 选择您 county/counties?”. Hehe…choose wisely who’d you approach. Could end badly.
    Because none of those types would even want to think about it.

    And no I am not a open boarders or gun grabber liberal….this is just common sense.

    For most, definitely.

    • 回复: @renfro
  84. Geowhizz 说:
    @Twodees Partain


  85. Art 说:

    Trump’s Red Flag Laws

    Red Flag speech — Trump conflates “mental illness and hate” – those people who are mentally ill and those people who hate others – are the responsibility of government. The implication is that neither should have guns. That is pure Jew 101 propaganda straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. That is Jew controlled commie Russia at its best. That is the start of the gulag.

    Clearly clearly clearly – Trump is under the influence of the Zionist Jews. Javanka is his loadstar. His Jew daughter and son-in-law have the most influence over him.

    If Trump should win in 2020 will Zionism lock down America? Will the Jew controlled news media, Jew controlled social media, Jew controlled congress, and the Jew controlled administration overwhelm the Supreme Court and change America forever – will free speech die – will gun rights die – you can bet on it!!

    Vote for – the new Hitler – the new Stalin – Trump 2020!

  86. Druid 说:

    听着,你的问题不是穆斯林。 他们是你的受害者。 拥有你的塔木德主义者是你的问题。 尽管你在说话,但还是不明白!

    • 同意: Desert Fox
  87. Jake 说:

    The American Left is egging itself toward a bloody revolution. It has been going on, in fits and starts with pauses due to various political issues, since at least the leftist take over of the academy that then witnessed the Reagan election and became furious. Even before the Rodney King resistance to arrest, I heard a group of professors and their PhD students have some fun laughing about the need to use force to teach the white trash that its hatreds and prejudices had been eclipsed by history.

    The American Left means to take total control, ending any opposition, and to do so with as much slaughter as possible. The most eye-opening thing I ever heard nice professors joke around about occurred at an academic conference as Clinton was gearing up for re-election. At any earlier session, I had heard professors teaching at ‘conservative’ church related schools instruct seekers of professorial jobs at such institutions how to fudge the truth and get the job even when you are an atheist or, as one women giggled, a lesbian Wiccan.

    That was child’s play to the group that rather matter of factly discussed how they felt that the fall of the USSR had come about because Stalin had failed to realize the threat that was posed, and always would be posed, by the mass of ethically Slavic peoples who had retained aspects of pre-Revolution conservative traits. It would have been far better for progress, a professor said, if an actual Holodomor had visited upon them as soon as the USSR got the bomb.

    When academic and other leftists feel they are fully safe among only their own kind, they tell what they really believe and mean.

  88. Jake 说:
    @Desert Fox

    And that means that Jews controlled England back to the days of archetypal WASP Oliver Cromwell.

    There is indispensable meaning in that for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

    • 同意: Desert Fox
  89. @peterAUS

    Excellent exchange between peterAUS and WorkingClass! Priceless: Become that leader – nice, not so nice, and really not so nice

    I’d like to add the following, especially important for suburban types as we approach the 2020 elections…

    Stock up on 30+ days of food, water, medical trauma supplies, AM/SW receiver, vhf/uhf portable transceiver, Duracell batteries, etc.

    Let`s not forget Radio Club:

    Radio club is for unlicensed amateurs unfamiliar with radios and electronics. “Let’s Explore Radio Communications! Licensing and electronics knowledge not required! Our goal is to learn how to communicate the old fashion way – wirelessly, inexpensively, without a router, just in case we lose the grid for a few days due to a natural disaster!”

    Left unstated “Or civil unrest.”

    Theoretically, Radio Club contains an outer and inner circle. The latter is vetted.

    Meet in a public venue, if possible. Make a suggestion or two, if asked, but never tell them about your preps.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  90. m___ 说:

    更多的压力,平行的忠诚度,采用犹太人的心态,中产阶级是核心参与者。 真实的论据。

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  91. Deplorables are a very similar status of peasant as the Kulaks were, and will suffer the same fate if we cannot escape this evil Bolshevik ideological system.

  92. The Far Left is projecting. Concentration camps are what they want to do to us.

  93. peterAUS 说:

    You’ve touched some interesting issues.

    I guess the overall feel is from the “Prepper” (sub)culture. Agree it’s the fundamental building block; the start of the development if you will. As basic training for a trooper; having a good battle group IS based on that but it does require a LOT of work “up”.

    It’s obvious that the group called “Deplorables” is diverse (understatement). At this stage most of them don’t even know what the true problem is, let alone a solution. That’s on “mindset” level.

    On practical level one element comes to fore : “atomized”.
    Let’s put it this way: a top S.A.S. guy, with his full kit, with a month preparation, wouldn’t last for more than 48 hours against an average small town police force, if holed up.
    Now….two such guys, working together will, IMHO. Probably 72 hours.
    10 such guys…I have a feeling they’d wipe out that (small town) police force in such scenario.

    Here is an anecdote:
    A couple of years ago I witnessed a car accident in an average, say, working class/lower middle class neighborhood. ALL members of minorities came out to see what’s happening. Not ONE White person did the same. Make of that what you will.

    BTW, that “Radio club”, yes. Keyword “electronics”, both digital and analog. Gadgets making. Etc.
    How about “shooting club”? Or “self-defense” club? Etc.
    Not even clubs; just a couple of friends/associates/acquaintances training, socializing, together? Call it a “group”.
    “Reading group”? “Writing group” too. Endless possibilities.

    As the outside pressure, inevitably, increases, I get the feeling we’ll see such (informal/unofficial) clubs, groups, coming up.

    Coming together is the strategy. Getting rid of “atomized”.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  94. peterAUS 说:

    更多的压力,平行的忠诚度,采用犹太人的心态,中产阶级是核心参与者。 真实的论据。


    A Major, from West Point through all the “ticks”, high flyer. Just about to get promoted and given command of his coveted Battalion. And then, just one complaint from (endless) list of possibilities and his career is virtually over. All those years of hard work….gone.
    Or a senior NCO. Or an agent/employee of any of those “acronym” agencies.


    A Colonel aware of the above. Or any of those from “acronym” agencies.


    The Colonel from above and a couple of guys on the same wavelength. Or those “acronyms”.

    … the middle classes being core players.

    And aware of The Game. “You can get fired/destroyed on a whim just because of who you are. Even if you play it perfectly won’t matter much.”

    Hehe…all this “education/informing/blah..blah” doesn’t work. I mean, if it did we wouldn’t be posting here. Doesn’t matter what we do.
    What matters is what “they” do. “Progtards” in particular. More they push, do, better it’s going to be. More people will be pushed, 强迫, 在我们这边。 他们和他们越来越疯狂的政策是最好的招聘工具。

    • 回复: @PetrOldSack
  95. renfro 说:

    My impression is that people from your side like to bring that up to discourage the opposition. Works for majority, for sure. For those “in the know” it’s……just funny.
    I feel you’d like to discuss that here. We can’t and shouldn’t. I’ll tell you just this: 600 men/women, with bolt action rifles/shotguns, with PROPER mindset, in PROPER environment, taking PROPER steps (THIS!) , could make military “moving them down in second” impossible. Not even in a month.

    First, I don’t have a side because I don’t like either side….imo they are both idiots.
    Whatever you think the PROPER steps are…and no doubt you are thinking guerrilla warfare….it still wont work……you would create mess for a while and if the PTB didnt dispense with you off the bat then you would be starved out.

    If you are serious then take a lesson from Castro and other 成功 revolutions and take over the air waves 第一 so you can control what the populace hears…..otherwise you will just be a large band of 恐怖分子 and they will be against you.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  96. Paw 说:
    @Desert Fox


  97. Paw 说:

    就像大约 90% 的恐怖主义狂热分子一样。 到处..
    到动物学。 对不起,没有足够的受害者.. 有多少受害者是必要的,所以
    恐怖分子被允许并有资格被称为恐怖分子..? 现在不确定..

  98. Poncho 说:

    Strategy and Tactics isn’t your thing.

    Professionals talk logistics.

    Think about what goes in to keeping the Warmachine operational on a daily basis.

    That said, there aren’t enough units available to remotely control and “pacify,” the large population centers of just the States east of the Mississippi, even if that’s all you wanted to do. This doesn’t even remotely cover the rural areas.

    Drones? With what fuel? Think those operators are going to be so keen to fly when they find a letter on their front door one morning with an observation on how it’d be a shame if something happened to her family because of what he was doing?

    The upside of the war for profit over the last two decades is that it got a lot of folks some real good experience in insurgencies. And they ain’t happy.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @renfro
    , @PetrOldSack
  99. peterAUS 说:

    ….no doubt you are thinking guerrilla warfare…


    ….take over the air waves first…

    I’d take something else first. Then something else second. And then something else third. And then, maybe, the “air waves”.

    …you will just be a large band of terrorist and they will be against you…

    Yes. Terrible, a? Being called a terrorist. We have to be careful as to how our enemies call us. Hahahaha……oh my.
    You concerned about treatment if/when captured? That works both ways. The outcome depends on several things. Final success first and foremost.
    Castro, a? Oh my….the obligatory fascination with that stuff.
    Irgun; Umkhonto we Sizwe; IRA/PIRA; KLA.
    Or (smart) combination of all of those.
    How about Slovenes in ’91 in Yugoslavia? How about people in Donbass in Ukraine?
    How about putting together a custom combination of all those above? And more. 2nd Amendment, State/County laws, National Guard, stuff like that.

    Let’s skip that topic here for now because you ,那恭喜你, correct in one thing: alt-right has no people capable of that. General Staff College material. You’ve seen any of such types on “alt-whatever” side? I haven’t. Yet.

    I suggest, at this stage, focusing on simply putting together a little group of people interested in certain topics. From marksmanship to reading/writing history/fiction. Self defense. Home protection. Hunting. Hiking. Reenactment.
    Small, private groups pursuing……simple hobbies. Under the radar, of course. No Facebook bragging…hahahaha.

  100. Paw 说:


  101. renfro 说:

    Strategy and Tactics isn’t your thing.

    Professionals talk logistics.

    Really?…well maybe not. But I know people whose ‘thing’ it is so I listen to them.

    But go ahead and try it….we’ll watch.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  102. @JDawg99

    …rightfully- “criticizing peoples of color”:…

  103. mark green 说:
    @Twodees Partain

















    这也是事实 共性——而不是“多样性”——造就了强大而统一的国家。这尤其适用于先进、有序和繁荣的白人国家。那么我们为什么要放弃商店呢?


    实际影响 美国种族和民族“多样性”的增加,正在增加 反对 实行言论自由、集会自由和结社自由。这是一个非常严重的问题。趋势并不好






    没有 f****** 办法。






    犹太民族主义(以色列)在华盛顿(和好莱坞)被视为一种 神圣的美国核心价值观——尽管事实上它是以种族为中心的,而犹太人在这里只占极少数。


    另外,犹太人已经有了自己的 非常独特 看在上帝的份上,这个国家(美国人无条件补贴。)



    这(((未宣布的运动)))解释了为什么美国白人基督教徒——我们国家的建国多数——经常在电影、电视和文学中被描绘成纳粹颠覆分子和潜在的敌人。 人民。 这纯粹是现代政治正确的胡言乱语。


    存在以下现象:1)普遍的黑人团结(和黑人犯罪),2)有色人种身份的上升,3)LGBTQ 倡导的扩大,4)拉美裔团结的上升(以及美国境内的双语运动)以及 5)所有根深蒂固的、民族外的运动:犹太民族主义(犹太复国主义)和犹太人身份。


    那些思想肤浅的伪君子赞同 非白人团结 美国境内的人们(同时猛烈抨击美国的建国白人核心)必须被迫喝下他们自己的清凉饮料。双重标准是站不住脚的,也是站不住脚的。



    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  104. @peterAUS


    There is a preliminary role for outliers, somehow spit out of the conventional system, or never given opportunity, a ream of other sane reasons, that are willing to place a bet against the odds. The consumer masses, as they are now, should be used first and attributed later. Putting headless masses of people indiscriminately into comprehension mode is counter productive, amounts to your …procrastination. Simple, very simple suggestions, emotional logos and shouts, that is what the internet as a one to the many tool is good for. From Jordan Peterson to the n´th girl masturbating on camera. Organizational and deep thinking is a secured environment only task.

    To organize there must be a severe level of stealth. There is no ready tool at hand to unite, sort and organize what could be called and is mentioned in these threads as “Shadow Government´´ but inside vetted pockets. More chaotic and depraved consumer environments would definitely help.

    The “mafias´´ of the romantic imagination and Hollywood fabrication converted into legalized organizations, Wall Street, the Public Sector, the XXX agencies. Overtaking (such as elections), thus is meaningless. Ruthless, organized, ethical, meritocratic, a blend of ISIS, CIA, and Bolshevik, international, save-havens, directed violence, civil disobedience are key words. Considering all divides of race, ethnicity, culture, territory, energy, classes, historical models should be handled cautiously and discriminately. There is still some solid charting to be done. In all quality arguments only can beat quantity shouting.

    The enemy is global. The US should be a minimal local temporarily.

    No power players in the conventional channels should be allowed into any efficient alternative organization, there should be no way back, or versing between sides. The skaters and surfers of the intellectual world, the politicians, judiciary, any influencers would be basket fill first.

    Meta data organizations that are decided by few against interests of the shadow governors must be appropriated as a priority. Logistics as such are a major issue. Parallel loyalties and allowing for infiltration are a nasty business, hence suicide or not, a dead Epstein. Cooking the books situations, hard assets, must be grabbed. Lawful and ethical should again represent no longer a contradiction in the conceptional phase.

    Nothing new. Books are filled on the subject, probably key is charismatic leaders of local, hardened nuggets, and the use as a sledge hammer of mass human as done by all other competing propositions.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  105. @Poncho


    They all go home at (some) nights somewhere. Parallel loyalties can be forced. Again readily observable in outer border situations as Afghanistan, Irak, Syria, Lybia…. At that level, all it takes is balls to cause major paradigm shifts.

    The Basques, and more sophisticated IRA, are great Euro examples, to scale in the imaginary world.

    Today gives the impression of creating a real pain video game. What happened to the regular bumper at suggesting solutions. The lead article was as dull as always.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  106. bro3886 说:

    August 19th. If you subtract the 1 from the 9 you get 8, and if you double that you get 88. You see, you see – Carlson is literally Hitler. His choice of vacation dates is dog-whistling white racists.

    As for Fox, the rats are abandoning the ship their gnawing helped sink. You see this all over, David French and National Review, Max Boot, Joe Scarborough, and many other members of the Conservative/Republican establishment are repositioning themselves. as they long have, in an attempt to stay useful to the coming one party state. Unfortunately for them, that state won’t really need them to perform their traditional role of keeping the white population down during its dispossession, that dispossession is nearing completion. The telemarketing scheme of “conservatism” is losing its market, and its white marks will soon be facing the reality of its bamboozling.

    • 哈哈: follyofwar
  107. “If any of us is still giving his money to Fox News Corp.”

    The problem for fox news is their history. They fully supported the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan . They have further supported destabilizing the region further. Now if they actually believed that these endeavours necessary for the country from a ideological or political perspective, I could understand it. But in my view their perspective is not really conservative, certainly not pinned to any theological position in spite their links to support Israel. There is a sense that they are certainly supportive of whiteness or “conservativeness”, but I am not sure it’s pinned to anything beyond class. In other words, they are not deplorables but are more than willing to pander to those of is who might be considered so. They are an international media conglomerate — their advertising dollars are not as linked to US corporations as they once were, if ever that was the case. I remember their initial response to the president’s campaign — they were openly antagonistic.

    This president has forgotten those of us that stood by him, despite his performances that caused us to cringe. He doesn’t get that he represented an agenda and that agenda is why we voted for him. We may appreciated his outspokeness, but that was a feature not policy agenda.

    The US first in all things and all ways, except one — adherence to an ethos of Christ and nothing about that relationship demands we have open borders, accept a single immigrant legal or otherwise and nothing in that belief suggests we sacrifice US citizens to any foreign state or their demands legal or otherwise. And its time to stop importing foreign instructors who are going to insert themselves into the development of the US by distorting our history —

    And for good grief,

    drop the jazz hands.

    Note: the president of the US should never have been supportive of any policy by any state to bar any US legislature from a policy envoy, simply because they disagree on policy. Bad form. I am light years from the liberal agenda —- but US first means, we defend our citizens against the sensibilities of foreign states in such circumstances — just as those states do for their own.


    “There is the phenomena of 1) pervasive Black solidarity”

    Well, it was unwise to have kept them out when they wanted in. And by the historical accounting of elections — black solidarity is far less a reality than white solidarity even to this day.

  108. And it would be trite not to acknowledge that for whites “white supremacy” might be a non-issue, but for blacks given our history, they would readily have some internal critical response and look sideways ways anyone who said it neither existed or was a nonissue.

    History is on their side.

  109. @mark green


    They are unacceptable only to someone who is pushing a radical agenda. If that case can be made clearly, it’ll go a long way toward exposing the agenda for what it is.

  110. @Johnny Walker Read

    That article is very clearly presented. It’s an informative read. Thanks for posting it.

  111. @RadicalCenter

    True. the way I see it is; if you watch TV, then you’re watching too much TV.

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
  112. peterAUS 说:

    Really?…well maybe not. But I know people whose ‘thing’ it is so I listen to them.

    But go ahead and try it….we’ll watch.

    Let’s assume, for a moment, that your interest is genuine. More importantly, some other people, genuine, could be reading this.

    You cannot talk about the details of such “things” here. A smart person is well advised NOT to talk about those things with anybody he/she doesn’t trust with his/her life. If I have to explain this no point on further blabbing here.
    And, without details, there is no proper debate.

    People whose agenda IS to discourage any thought about “white nationalism” and “secession” always bring this topic up. Always. And they always “win” that debate because the other side simply can not talk about it.

    The chat always follows the same pattern. The moment comes fast where any furtner talk is simply dumb for several reasons.
    One of them is, actually, online training of those White Nationalists don’t like at all. To be clear: how to train Islamists to confront US/Western forces in Europe/Middle East.
    The next is, well……..you want to talk about that topic executed on US soil? With all those laws around? You really think that you, we, have freedom of speech? C’mon.

    Which does point, in genuine cases that is, to the point you made/have. “Deplorables” aren’t very…how to put it…capable.

    As I said before, any combat-experienced Colonel, combat arms, can tutor you in such topic in one day. More importantly, smart (did I say smart?) and dilligent person can self-educate, with ease, today. In essence, simply do own officer education instead of going to Annapolis/West Point/whatever.

    You wanna try? Study online manuals for: MP Batallion in security operations; M.O.U.T.Start with a squad, finish with a platoon. Imagine you are a trooper, then a fireteam leader, then squad leader, and then platoon leader.
    Read real-life examples from ’89 to today. Yes, including Syria and Ukraine.
    How about “graduation work”? Make your own “material” for your own county. See how it goes…..
    Find a guy you TRUST. Do it together.Play wargames.

    I know, too much of hard work. Besides..hahehe….takes time from barbecues, ball games, and social media. TV too. All those shows and blockbusters to miss. No fucking way, a?


    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  113. peterAUS 说:


    ….probably key is charismatic leaders of local, hardened nuggets…

    yes, at one side. The other side is a mass of people who are angry and/or scared.
    We are getting there. “Progs” are doing their best to help. Will accelerate for sure.

  114. peterAUS 说:

    The Basques, and more sophisticated IRA, are great Euro examples, to scale in the imaginary world.

    For the startup, maybe.
    The best examples (“nation” and “own territory”) are Slovenes, Croats and Muslims, in that order, from (former) Yugoslavia. You’d really wish to do it Slovene way. Muslim option would be 昂贵。

    Of course, no example is perfect. A smart and experienced team can take all those examples and implement a “local” solution, with ease. No such people, yet, on “our” side. I think they’ll start popping up soon.

  115. @peterAUS

    The key word is organisation. Organising at local community level to defend, promote, and advance their own interests would be a start. Whites are quite good at organising collectively but so far have been doing it for reasons other than ensuring their own collective preservation. The more advanced stuff will follow naturally if and when required but first of all people have to feel free to talk openly about their own predicament. Maybe in some sections of the multicultural society that may not be possible but in others it could be without fear of censure and sanction.

    It’s hard to get the idea of what is the true mood of white people in US from reading the MSM or alternative websites such as this. Here we get reports from the most pessimistic to the most optimistic but they don’t offer evidence on what they base their assessment other than what they read in the media or from their own circle of friends, relatives and acquaintances.

  116. peterAUS 说:

    The key word is organisation. Organising at local community level to defend, promote, and advance their own interests would be a start.

    I’d start at an even lower level: friends/acquaintances/associates/whatever. Call it a “group”. 2-4 families with some individuals. I see a lot of such groups when hiking, for example. The same principle. And keep it 私立. I mean it.

    Whites are quite good at organising collectively but so far have been doing it for reasons other than ensuring their own collective preservation.

    Yep. As…hehe….travel, for example.

    The more advanced stuff will follow naturally if and when required but first of all people have to feel free to talk openly about their own predicament. Maybe in some sections of the multicultural society that may not be possible but in others it could be without fear of censure and sanction.

    Yes. In that “group”. You think that Pakis, at your place, really say in public what they say when meeting among themselves? Etc. Same principle.
    What awakened Whites REALLY need to get in their heads: they/we are operating behind enemy lines. We are like dissidents over the Iron Curtain at the time. Simple as that.

    It’s hard to get the idea of what is the true mood of white people in US from reading the MSM or alternative websites such as this. Here we get reports from the most pessimistic to the most optimistic but they don’t offer evidence on what they base their assessment other than what they read in the media or from their own circle of friends, relatives and acquaintances.

    Agree. BTW, the mood of, say, 30 % people in flyover states. That’s all which matters.
    My feeling: there is something brewing/boiling there. It could go anywhere. A tricky and dangerous thing.

  117. Paul C. 说:

    Can you provide examples of the goy oligarchs?

  118. Will 说:

    的确。 列宁的问题。 当战斗发生在我身上时,我的钱就不会落在犹太人和他们的走狗身上。

  119. Will 说:

    如果您正在寻找解决方案和模型来取代现有的疯狂现象,请查看阿布维尔研究所,特别是 Donald Livingston、Kirkpatrick Sale 和 Marshall DeRosa 的 YT 视频。 他们比我所知道的任何人都更好地解决了分裂问题以及人性化、无效化、权力下放等问题。



  120. Will 说:

    现在不可能发生(白人发起的)分裂。 核心联邦调查局/其他机构,更重要的是武装部队,都效忠于中央政府。 而且,那里的关键人员是怀特。
    白上校将执行命令。 白中尉也是。 他的高级军士也是。

    几年前,德克萨斯州在分裂国家公投中以 2 票之差落败,而德克萨斯州民族主义运动仍在继续发展。大约有 300 万到 400 万人之间,也许自我上次查看以来人数更多。

    阿拉巴马州和密苏里州对堕胎提出的挑战以及田纳西州和怀俄明州废除反 2A 立法的规定只是更多废除和分裂国家即将到来的预兆。


  121. 从 1860 年代的第一个三K党,到 1900 年代初的几十年,通过洛克威尔和皮尔斯,以及最近的那些实际上认为投票给特朗普会改变事情的白痴。一直以来,唯一渐进的转变是朝着更加左翼、反种族主义的方向发展,而这一方向现在正在成熟为恶毒的反白人主义。

    A large part of the reason whites resist becoming explicitly racist is because people generally don’t want to know things that cause them discomfort by challenging their worldview, and race neutrality has been long established as the officially sanctioned worldview by law and custom in American culture at large. This resistance to change is called cognitive dissonance and it’s very painful for most people. No doubt an important source of this is Christianity’s influence on whites, and the low value it puts on the things of this world. The influence has been profound, affecting even those who are not religious. Just look at the way Christians defend their faith-based worldview as important for white people to retain, despite the fact that it has completely failed to preserve the white race. It failed to preserve the Confederacy. It has failed in contemporary America and Europe. It again failed abjectly in Russia and South Africa. It even failed in NS Germany, where the leadership, at least, was aware of its defects and tried, rather ineffectually as it turned out, to counteract them. Yet, mysteriously, this record of failure doesn’t matter to Christians. In fact, they cite all of those failures as instances of glorious success! The victors in most of those struggles were also Christians, the vast majority white Christians who fought like demons for a raceless worldview. Christians have a long history of killing their Christian opponents. That’s how they have usually dealt with heresy. In this way racelessness has become the dominant worldview, and except for a few extreme outliers like the people who frequent this forum, nobody wants to see that challenged. The very premise that race is insignificant makes it a religion tailor made for a multiracial empire, and that’s no accident. There are practical, as well as spiritual considerations that make it an attractive doctrine.

    Using it, the United States has become the center of a technological empire that now spans the globe. Denying the importance of race is essential if you want to expand the boundaries of your empire to include the whole world, and the government of the United States was quite consciously based on the Roman model, which attempted to do just that. In fact, both the Greeks and the Romans interbred with the peoples they conquered, and did so as a conscious strategy to tie their citizens together and keep things running smoothly. One big difference today is that modern transportation networks have quickened the pace of mixing races and as a result, accelerated the processes of racial and cultural destruction. A level of mixing that used to take centuries now can be accomplished in a few decades. Yet because the technological system has brought such prosperity to whites, and because it now requires the resources of the entire planet to keep running at optimum efficiency, other nations, seeing this, want to come to terms with it and acquire such prosperity themselves. Its gravitational attraction is such that even nations that the West hasn’t vanquished by force of arms end up by willingly submitting to it. E.g., China, Russia, and Vietnam all have opposed the West, but have been eager to join and further the technological system. Thus, the inertia of the system itself runs towards favoring the dissolution of national boundaries, the flow of populations between continents, the standardization of laws and regulations over whole regions instead of individual nations, and so forth. It seems clear that sooner or later, a unified world government will be established, and even that it must be in order to adequately address problems generated by the technological system itself. Global problems such as climate change from human activity, pollution, overpopulation, species extinction, and international terrorism are most efficiently approached in a uniform and consistent way, and the most straightforward solution is a global government. The culmination of this process would naturally spell the end of discrete races in fairly short order, on an evolutionary timescale, with whites earliest affected because they are at the center of the system and already only a very small part of the world’s population. A one-world government would almost certainly mean the extinction of the white race as it currently exists. It’s clear that in order for this outcome to be avoided, the entire system would have to permanently crash, or be made to crash.

  122. peterAUS 说:

    Good comments. Yes, I’ve been aware of the stuff in the links you pointed to.
    It is quite positive, of course.

    There is a “but” though.

    Is there a timetable there? Say, “the objective of our movement is to achieve the independence from the Washington D.C. in 5 years”.
    If not, well…….

  123. @peterAUS

    Oh yes, we think alike. Totally on board with deep-sixing “atomized” and other self-destructive lolbertarian thinking.

    Suburban prepping is one of my interests.

    My favorite keywords are: electronics, RC model aircraft, shooting, archery, and (drum roll) medium-high power rocketry.

    Informal association (or group), preferably with long-term friends and family. Draw in their “significant others” and friends. Gotta have interesting things for the women to do. Problem is, friends and family are somewhat scattered. One might be 3 miles out, the other 7 miles, etc.

    What I have in mind, with Radio Club, is an association within one’s suburban neighborhood. From next door and across the street up to 1/2 mile away. I’ll utilize this for marketing the initial greetin’ and eatin’:


    I’ll steer the club. Get them into using a shortwave receiver:


    and communicating on MURs/FRS/GRMS frequencies using a Yaesu FT-70 with a MARS/CAP modification:


    Most problems folks have with VHF/UHF comms are due to inadequate antennas and built up areas. The solution, for most, is simple and relatively inexpensive. Nothing that four EMT conduits (1.5″, 1.25″, 1″, 0.75″), 50′ of RG8 coaxial cable, an SO-239 connector, brackets, u-bolts, and 10 awg copper 1/4 wave radiator and radials couldn’t handle.

    Other things are introduced slowly and only after vetting.

    Anyway, you get the drift.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
    , @peterAUS
  124. peterAUS 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan



    • 同意: mark green
  125. RoatanBill 说:

    The problem is our leaders.

    No, the problem is that the concept of leaders exists. I don’t need a leader, thank you. I just want to be left alone.

    The system is rigged to NEVER produce a positive result for the average person. Elect either fool A or fool B; that’s the choice. The people that vote are dumb enough to believe they have a say in how government operates and therefore should be excluded from voting due to lack of intelligence. A “Catch 22” situation.

    Is there really any difference between the Republican big spenders or the Democrat big spenders; between the Democrat war mongers or the Republican version; etc?

    Candidates are selected by the parties that are controlled by the money powers. A vote for either side is a wasted effort as either candidate has already been approved by TPTB – the “Deep State”.

    On election day, people should go to the center of town and simply stand still and allow the curiosity of others to eventually ask them what they’re doing. The reply should be that they are protesting a rigged system and invite others to join them peacefully. If this protest caused thousands of people to just stand around and reduced the number of votes cast to some ridiculously low margin, then the fraud of democratic elections might just awaken the somnolent masses.

    When the contest is between people that vote and corporations that purchase legislators, the people always lose. Voting is a waste of time while corporations are allowed to lobby and engage in election activities. The money available to corporations gives them an unfair advantage that essentially allows them to purchase elections. What a system!

    Ask the average (100 IQ) American if corporations should pay taxes and they will resoundingly respond with ‘yes’ and ‘hell yes’. What they fail to realize is that corporate taxation allows them to have a voice in how the country is run. Boobus Americanus also fails to connect the dots that no corporation actually pays a tax; they collect taxes from their customers and pass them on to the authorities. Any tax a corporation ‘pays’ is simply offset by an increase in the price the people pay for their product or service.

    Only real human beings actually pay taxes. Corporations are a convenient vehicle for gov’t to hide the actual amount of theft, euphemistically known as taxes, absconded from the citizenry. If corporations had a zero tax liability, gov’t would have to get their funds directly from the people and that would be a wake up moment for voters.

  126. peterAUS: “Not quite sure in the power of the “global” project though. It, looks like it, rests on the good will/acceptance of the white middle class in the West. That will/acceptance appears to be weakening.”

    Politics follow technology, and the trend is inexorably towards a one-world government. This is quite apparent if you look at the changes technological “advances” have wrought through time. E.g., how close was a one-world government in 100AD? Not close at all. Most areas barely even had a government, and even the extent of the world itself was unknown. How about 1000AD? Incrementally closer, but still not close at all. Tribes had begun to coalesce into nations. A bit more was known about nature, and other regions of the globe, but one-world government wasn’t even a glimmer in anyone’s eye. 1600AD? Starting to get rolling now. The New World has been discovered, and the first settlements and colonies established. The Industrial Revolution will shortly start. Still though, bringing the entire world under one government would have seemed a mad dream. 1900AD? People began to dream of it in earnest. “Workers of the world, unite!” But not quite technologically feasible then, nor necessary yet. 2000AD? Becoming entirely feasible, and easier to bring off as racial and cultural differences erode. Necessary, too, since there is no other efficient way to deal with global problems caused by the system itself. Politics are changing, the West each day becoming more socialistic, the East more capitalistic, trending toward one system worldwide. Re-engineering mankind (“human capital”) is well underway. Technological enslavement is on the horizon, if not already here. In a few decades everyone will probably be chipped, networked into the internet.

    “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”
    – Strobe Talbot, (20 July 1992), in “America Abroad: The Birth of the Global Nation”

    The middle class? I think there’s every reason to expect they’ll just go with the flow like they’ve always done. To oppose the system is to oppose “Progress”; oppose their own prosperity. It won’t happen.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  127. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Much of what you write is correct. I am not certain, however, that Christianity was always a “millstone about our necks.” It would take some convincing for me to believe that the Founders, Lincoln and his Union soldiers, and proponents of the Immigration Act of 1924 believed in racial equality. Perhaps these men followed a Germanicized Christianity? Perhaps the inherent contradictions of GC were many, but simply ignored for 1,945 years? Perhaps modern Christianity is more consistent than GC? I don’t know. Regardless, something changed after WW2. Perhaps the change was due to the National Council of Churches (1950), Vatican 2 (1962-65), and other interested parties?

    What I know is modern Christian morality (What Would Jesus Do?) is a reflection of the Left’s Platinum Rule: Do unto others as they would have you do. The all important concept of reciprocity is neither required or expected. WWJD? combined with “rendering unto Caesar his due” is the philosophy of a willing slave. The willing slave strives for a comfortable niche in life and a peaceful, painless death. This non-reciprocating morality (The Platinum Rule/WWJD?) is deadly.

    • 同意: Adûnâi
    • 回复: @Adûnâi
  128. peterAUS 说:

    Suburban prepping is one of my interests.

    My favorite keywords are: electronics, RC model aircraft, shooting, archery, and (drum roll) medium-high power rocketry.

    Informal association (or group), preferably with long-term friends and family. Draw in their “significant others” and friends.

    “Tech” part in between saved for future reference.

    Other things are introduced slowly and only after vetting.

    Anyway, you get the drift.


    Reminds me, a bit, of the setups White farmers in South Africa have, as we speak.Makes sense.

    I believe you are on the right track.

  129. peterAUS 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Well, you do have a point there, but, I still don’t think it’s simply that clear cut. Humans are finicky creatures. It’s all good with that technology, material wealth etc, BUT, there is more to life than that.
    Anyway, that’s not exactly my angle.
    My angle is simple: THAT setup makes me a target. A guy, anon, recently posted, IMHO, great comment here about the future of a White man in that setup. If he isn’t happy with that projected, planned future and he is the backbone of it……….well…I just don’t see that future coming up. Not really.
    Save, perhaps

    Re-engineering mankind (“human capital”) is well underway

    by changing the very nature of Man. Well……not quite sure it will work either.

    As for “technological enslavement”, no, not really. I’ve worked in “tech” after leaving the military (hehe…worked a bit with the very similar tech there too…..or so I say). Tell you what: that “tech” isn’t really what majority of people think. Neither sophisticated nor powerful. Especially after the fall of the Wall; cost-cutting, outsourcing, always going for the lowest bidder etc.

    The middle class? I think there’s every reason to expect they’ll just go with the flow like they’ve always done. To oppose the system is to oppose “Progress”; oppose their own prosperity. It won’t happen.

    That is where we disagree. WHITE middle class in the West I mean. The only which matters in this game. They are the backbone of the projected future. I personally know people who, should they walk off the job NOW, would bring a LOT of misery down on the citizens around here.
    We do see the White middle class getting uncomfortable. They still believe they can do something through the system. Let’s wait and see what happens when they, rather soon, realize it can’t happen.

  130. 等待。 James Alan Fox: There Is No Evidence of an ‘Epidemic of Mass Shootings’

    The nation’s leading scholar of mass shootings explains how media coverage of horrific events such as El Paso and Dayton stoke unwarranted fear and anxiety.

  131. Adûnâi 说:

    The Immigration Act of 1924 was not racist in the slightest. It did not touch Mestizo immigration at all. It only reduced southern and eastern European immigration without banning it completely. And it did not prefer Anglos or Germans on the basis of their race but simply because they had constituted a larger percentage of foreign-born Americans in 1890 than others. I’m not sure, but Swedes might have been as discriminated against as Jews in this context.

    If the Founding Fathers had been truly racist, they would not have allowed any immigration at all. Why would they have? What was the reason to hurry? Land is limited anyway, just make babies and kill anyone who tries to steal it. Immigration would have diluted the gene pool of the settlers, of course, it is inherently anti-racist.

    There had been a lot of bad things about Christianity before 1945 or the Industrial Revolution – 1) praying to a crucified Jew; 2) celibate priests; 3) denial of the importance of blood or eugenics (as can clearly be seen in Spanish/French colonies).

    “The all important concept of reciprocity is neither required or expected.”

    Reciprocity is a Christian lie, too. You should always strive to eliminate the opponent. Why would you ever help him not in short-term?

  132. peterAUS: “… by changing the very nature of Man. Well……not quite sure it will work either.”

    The system has already changed whites to an astonishing degree. For example, as Cochran and Harpending point out in 10,000年度爆炸, technological civilization has heavily selected against genes for violence and criminality in whites. The result has been to produce a mass of easily controlled sheep. Today, the average white American calmly puts up with things that would have caused riots and even revolutions in previous centuries. Most of them have never personally killed anyone, and the very thought of violence makes them queasy. Contrast ancient Rome, where one man hacking another to death with a short sword, or a condemned criminal being devoured by wild beasts was considered entertainment.

    peterAUS: “As for “technological enslavement”, no, not really. ”


    peterAUS: “We do see the White middle class getting uncomfortable. They still believe they can do something through the system. Let’s wait and see what happens when they, rather soon, realize it can’t happen.”

    The thing is, what’s called for isn’t a political revolution, but a revolution against the technological system itself. Anything less will not work, as it will not stop the process of globalization. Also, I think I am not alone when I say I don’t see a revolution of obese cubicle sheep as being in the cards. The atomization you mention above is a huge obstacle to overcome, particularly in the Orwellian surveillance state that’s been set up. There’s almost literally a camera on every street corner nowadays, in a nation of snitches incentivized to rat each other out. Even worse, middle class people have middle class values: prosperity, maintaining a good reputation, respect for authority, an aversion to breaking the law, etc. They’re just not the stuff from which revolutions are made.

    • 同意: Adûnâi
    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Commentator Mike
  133. peterAUS 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan


    Still, you make sweeping generalizations.

    Today, the average white American calmly puts up with things that would have caused riots and even revolutions in previous centuries. Most of them have never personally killed anyone, and the very thought of violence makes them queasy.

    Yes, a lot.
    But, at the same time, you do have Imperial armed forces where combat arms, infantry in particular, let alone SF are mostly White men.

    Re technology, well, it’s just a tool. At the moment most of those tools are manned, in the West, by White people. I don’t mind the enemy having iron sights and I have thermal. Hehe….just go for the night.
    BTW, I’ll need to continue in the next post; wrong finger move.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  134. peterAUS 说:

    The thing is, what’s called for isn’t a political revolution, but a revolution against the technological system itself. Anything less will not work, as it will not stop the process of globalization.

    I have a feeling we are talking past each other.
    Here is the scenario: “we” go for secession. In that very piece of land, we aren’t designated targets. Simple as that. That’s my focus.

    Even worse, middle class people have middle class values: prosperity, maintaining a good reputation, respect for authority, an aversion to breaking the law, etc.

    Yes. As long as they see that they, by playing that game, can prosper.
    I believe 100 % that as soon as that illusion terminates we’ll see something 其他. Not very pleasant to say the least.

    They’re just not the stuff from which revolutions are made.

    Disagree, strongly.
    Disillusioned middle-class people are 究竟 what make “changes”. Working-class isn’t capable. They need to be lead. Upper classes love the contemporary setup.
    It’s the middle class which has the ability to make a move. They are the thinkers and leaders. Working-class and underclass simply follow.

    Hehehe……..now, that’s exactly what TPTBs know, of course. That’s why The Game is accelerating. How to make the White middle class in the West weak, by immigration, BEFORE it realizes what The Game is all about.

    I am not saying I know who’s going to win this one. Hell, maybe nobody. We do have nukes today. And some more horrible stuff you, I seem to remember, mentioned in one of the previous posts. Just recently read a fictional book about the “bug of doom” stuff. “Interesting specimens”, the book says, are in a couple of vaults in USA and Russia. Great, a?

    Realistically, what you describe, IMHO, as the most likely outcome, some Brasilian type of society, enhanced. I do feel that’s the most likely scenario, BUT, not given. Not the only one. The times are….uncertain.
    Hehe..at the end of the day we just do what we feel is best for us. Free will and such.

    Funny thought: a nice guy is just about to be smashed to the ground by “them”. He was always a nice guy. And now this. Is he thinking, in those last conscious moments: “maybe I shouldn’t have been so nice……..”.

  135. peterAUS: “Here is the scenario: “we” go for secession. In that very piece of land, we aren’t designated targets. Simple as that. That’s my focus. ”

    I seem to recall that secession was tried once before in American history, and it didn’t work out well for the secessionists. What makes you think it would be different today?

    Remember that politics is driven by technology, not the other way around. For example, without the Industrial Revolution, there’d have been no Marxism. Seen in this light, Communism was a reaction to a technological development. Likewise, the Cold War was a reaction to the existence of nuclear weapons. We can deduce from this relationship between politics and technology that if the technological system were to collapse on a global basis, secession would be easy and happen naturally, since there’d be no power left to oppose it. On the other hand, even if it could be organized politically in the current environment (very doubtful imo), trying to secede while the state is at full strength seems like a prescription for failure.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  136. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    It’s a pity the system hasn’t selected against violence and criminality among the ruling classes. I suppose they find violence and criminality unpalatable if they have to personally engage in it and prefer others to do it for them.

    Otherwise what you say is what Theodore Kaczynski wrote in his manifesto 工业社会及其未来. And he killed to get it published and publicised. A lot of good insights in that text but in the end it was just a one man revolution that came to nothing.

  137. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Advancing meaningful core issues and arguments. Constructive. The thread should build on this comment.

  138. peterAUS 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    I seem to recall that secession was tried once before in American history, and it didn’t work out well for the secessionists. What makes you think it would be different today?

    Tons of differences. Nukes, for example. Let’s leave it there.
    Now, to address the differences properly, and, more importantly, to work based on that, requires serious work by serious players. And, not in public.

    On the other hand, even if it could be organized politically in the current environment (very doubtful imo), trying to secede while the state is at full strength seems like a prescription for failure.

    There is a peculiar dynamic at work between secession and the strength of the central power. And, it’s not technological but human.

    This is how I see it: the current environment is rapidly changing, actually. Creating more divisions and fundamentally weakening the central power.
    At the end of the day, it boils down to the effectiveness of armed forces to squash the secession. As things go, I see them more and more ineffective there. Not because of technology but the human factor there.
    Again, that’s complicated and, more importantly, tricky topic, especially here.

    Let’s stop beating around the bush. Any serious talk about practicalities of secession in any organized state can land a person in prison for life. Simple reason: sooner or later you must take into account how to confront the armed forces. And, in the current paradigm, it’s treason and/or terror. Simple as that.

    All chat about secession always gets there. “You can’t secede because they’ll squash you”. As you said above. “Well, not necessarily”. “Explain”. “…………………”. End of conversation.

    As I said a couple of times before, find an experienced Colonel/one star General, combat arms, retired, and not happy with all this and ask him. See………

  139. KevinM 说:


    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
  140. Anonymous[387]• 免责声明 说:

    The current furor over “white supremacists” reminds me of the great scare of the “skinheads” back in the 80’s. Cops were pulling them over on “suspicion”. Now, it seems as the majority of cops are shaven “skinheads”.

  141. Funnucio 说:

    Shep Smith is integral part of NWO/Globo Homo (IMHO).
    He should star on ABC’s Modern Family, where he could lie with impunity.
    No credibility.

  142. Here in LA, many cops are tattooed shaven-headed dimwits who look like gang members— but more recently they’re most often Mexican (or other “Latino”), not Euro-white skinheads.

  143. Zumbuddi 说:

    The populace need not remain a slave to media– that we can choose to ignore, unplug, work around and without.
    No American is required by law to pay $80 – $300 / month to have propaganda piped into his home.
    Think up reasons to sue media corps & executives PERSONALLY– they have a lot to lose.

    Regnery Press started in a dining room when Henry Regnery realized his voice and views were not being heard. There are independent publishers out there — Helena Cobham has brought some important work to print, like Gareth Porter’s Manufactured Crisis.


    Likewise, organizing via internet not secure, but people organized before internet. Be creative — you may invent the next new thing.

    首先, 非 est illegitimi carborundum。
    不要赋予 ADL、AIPAC 等他们无权的权力。

    Are you aware that it was Zionist Jews who labeled the swastika “hate?”

    Zionist Jews were behind labeling Confederate flag “hate.”

    犹太复国主义犹太人/ADL 遍布夏洛茨维尔。


    I don’t care what you think of Nahzeez etc.

    Zionists are telegraphing to us the symbols that scare them: let them know they SHOULD be afraid– afraid of the contagious power of the people who are on to their deceptions and will no longer cower or comply.

    • 同意: anarchyst
  144. Commentator Mike: “It’s a pity the system hasn’t selected against violence and criminality among the ruling classes. ”

    Since the state arrogates to itself a monopoly on violence, and is the arbiter of what’s legal or not, the same selection pressures were never applied to it.

    Commentator Mike: “Otherwise what you say is what Theodore Kaczynski wrote in his manifesto Industrial Society and Its Future. ”

    The criticism that these ideas are not original is itself not original. That’s exactly what so-called intellectuals said about Kaczynski’s manifesto, which I linked to above. Kaczynski also pointed out that they did that because they were afraid to discuss his arguments, presumably because then they’d have to admit his conclusions are sound. We see that reaction here too from those on the political right, who are often technophiles. The most they venture is a curt dismissal: “technology is just a tool” they say, implying that it compels no action, nor contains any implications beyond itself. But in his brief manifesto Kaczynski actually shows that this is not true, and that “Progress” has generated many more problems than it has solved. Racists could apply his insights and notice that it’s technological progress that has generated many of the problems that are a constant source of complaint on the right; technological progress that has shaped and continues to shape culture in ways adverse to whites, but do they? No, “technology is just a tool” they’ll repeat. That’s the most you get. Apparently they’d rather keep blaming a mythical “man behind the curtain” than admit the problems are self-caused, and would go away if the technology went away.

    Commentator Mike: “A lot of good insights in that text but in the end it was just a one man revolution that came to nothing.”

    The technological system is always busy producing new and more powerful tools, tools which one day, in the proper hands, may be used to destroy it. Someday, perhaps in the not-too-distant future, there may arise another Kaczynski, with a weapon more effective than gunpowder bombs.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  145. Just as in the Epstein case – which really is NOT about Epstein but rather about his protectors –
    the White Nationalism or White Supremacy kerfuffle is another distraction from the real issue – Western Civilization! Do we defend it or commit suicide?
    Copied from my library – ”White supremacy might be the only thing to save the country.

    First, what is supremacy? Derives from the word supreme, as in authority.

    Japan – are the Japanese supreme in Japan? Chinese in China? Do they guard their supremacy jealously?

    Another question: Can you beat Western Civilization (WC) by any other – today?
    How and where did it grow and flourish?
    Oh yeah – how many folks are just hell bent to move to Africa, Latin America? They all wanna come here – and then what?” – read the rest here – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2019/08/white-supremacy-is-it-time-to-face.html – requires much reading. Research is not a 5 second sound bite!

  146. @Dr. Robert Morgan


    What Ted was proposing is an extremely hard sell:

    With regard to revolutionary strategy, the only points on which we absolutely insist are that the single overriding goal must be the elimination of modern technology, and that no other goal can be allowed to compete with this one.

    Especially WNs/WSs are extremely proud of the achievements of technological society, since it is a white man’s creation, and will not let it go. Even if there were some apocalyptic destruction of modern technological society, the survivours would still make use of whatever is left, or try to rebuild, as so many SciFi books and films show.

  147. peterAUS: “Tons of differences. Nukes, for example. Let’s leave it there.
    Now, to address the differences properly, and, more importantly, to work based on that, requires serious work by serious players. And, not in public.”

    You make a fair point. The technological situation has changed, and this changes the political options. But the path you’re suggesting requires a political movement, not just a conspiracy of a few people. In essence, the problem then boils down to, in the future, will YT become explicitly racist in large numbers or not? On that question, my crystal ball is as cloudy as yours. But if the past is any guide to the future, the answer is no. There’s huge cultural inertia against it, both church and state vigorously oppose it, and as a general rule, the more people that need to be involved to bring something off, the less likely it is to happen. Further, even if, by some miracle, it did happen, there still would remain the threats presented by the technological system itself. A whites-only nation might delay their racial extinction a bit, but the trend forced by the system would still be towards globalization, and eventually race mixing would occur. Plus, it’s clear that the white race as it currently exists will eventually fall to “Progress” anyway. You’ve cited AC Clarke, but more likely are other scenarios — migration into robot bodies, for example, or becoming cyborgs. Such “people” (if you want to call them that) will have less in common with us than we do with Neanderthals. If/when that happens, the white race will effectively be dead.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  148. peterAUS 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    the path you’re suggesting requires a political movement, not just a conspiracy of a few people.


    In essence, the problem then boils down to, in the future, will YT become explicitly racist in large numbers or not?

    Not necessarily. We are talking secession here. ALL that is needed, to 主页 with is…”we do not recognize THAT AND THAT authority of Washington D.C”.
    Let’s say….”we do not recognize FBI authority here, thank you very much. We have our own Police capable enough.”
    Or “the National Guard here shall not take any orders from Washington”.

    On that question, my crystal ball is as cloudy as yours.


    But if the past is any guide to the future, the answer is no.

    Hehe…that’s where we disagree.

    There’s huge cultural inertia against it, both church and state vigorously oppose it, and as a general rule, the more people that need to be involved to bring something off, the less likely it is to happen.

    Yes re the former, definitely no re the later. The former, actually, tends to create the later.

    Further, even if, by some miracle, it did happen, there still would remain the threats presented by the technological system itself.


    A whites-only nation might delay their racial extinction a bit, but the trend forced by the system would still be towards globalization, and eventually race mixing would occur.

    Depends. I’d say we should focus on the “delay” first and THEN tackle the rest. Small….hehe…steps.

    Plus, it’s clear that the white race as it currently exists will eventually fall to “Progress” anyway. You’ve cited AC Clarke, but more likely are other scenarios — migration into robot bodies, for example, or becoming cyborgs. Such “people” (if you want to call them that) will have less in common with us than we do with Neanderthals. If/when that happens, the white race will effectively be dead.

    What IS given is that we are fast becoming targets in own countries. THAT is the immediate problem which needs addressing and resolving. In my book, autonomy/loose confederation/secession is the ways to do it.
    THEN we address those issues of yours.

    You can contribute, definitely.

    regard to revolutionary strategy, the only points on which we absolutely insist are that the single overriding goal must be the elimination of modern technology, and that no other goal can be allowed to compete with this one.

    You sell that to Washington D.C. That will definitely nullify “squash as a bug” thing cuckservatives like to say when talking about secession. Federal troops are more than welcome to use spears, swords and horses.
    We’ll stick to helicopter gunships tanks and mobile artillery, thermals, computers etc.


  149. Commentator Mike: “Especially WNs/WSs are extremely proud of the achievements of technological society, since it is a white man’s creation, and will not let it go.”

    I agree that people will never voluntarily abandon technological civilization, but that’s not required. All that’s required is a visionary with a suitable means of bringing about its destruction. A blow to the system of sufficient power to cause a worldwide collapse and consequent population decrease from famine, disease, and conflict might well be something from which the global technological system could not recover.

    Commentator Mike: “Even if there were some apocalyptic destruction of modern technological society, the survivours would still make use of whatever is left, or try to rebuild, as so many SciFi books and films show.”

    They could try, but might not be able to do it. A century or two of darkness, or much less, depending on the resource in question, and salvage would be unproductive.

    Or, they might choose a different path entirely.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  150. @Dr. Robert Morgan


    Would you classify Pol Pot’s actions as an attempt at an anti-technological “green” revolution, albeit a brutal one? I am not very familiar with everything that went on there at the time, and I am not sure what of what we’re told is true and what is propaganda, but “Year Zero” seems to have had some elements of this.

  151. Commentator Mike “Would you classify Pol Pot’s actions as an attempt at an anti-technological “green” revolution, albeit a brutal one?”

    I know as little about his motivations as you do, but it may have been. If it was, it was ill-thought out, since even if he was able to achieve a strictly agrarian society in Cambodia utilizing only a low level of technology, unless the technological system suffers a collapse on a worldwide basis, it would just try to re-incorporate his nation, which it did when he was overthrown from outside. I think this fate would also very likely befall any white separatist nation. Separatists such as PeterAUS aren’t taking seriously the level of hostility the system has for any organization outside itself. For example, S. Africa had nukes, but didn’t use them. Economic sanctions and worldwide opprobrium were enough to break them. A motto for the global technological system could be the Borg’s “Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated!”

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  152. peterAUS 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Separatists such as PeterAUS aren’t taking seriously the level of hostility the system has for any organization outside itself. For example, S. Africa had nukes, but didn’t use them.

    Actually, they do. They also recognize and acknowledge tons of differences between then South Africa and tomorrow secession in the USA (or some other Western countries).

    NOBODY on this planet will try anything against secession with the nuclear capability of just a 分数 of the current US arsenal. M.A.D. will work beautifully there.
    米雷夫s的 热核 payload + 飞行 time. Oh, my…..
    “But…but..you can’t get those nukes. No way.”

    Funny how all the arguments against secession always come to that “you’ll get squashed” option.

    Secession simply can’t be on the table and freely discussed. All the rest can….haha…but no, no…not 一。
    Understandable, though, especially with the Next Most Important Election coming soon.

  153. @peterAUS


    Definitely having nukes will keep the dogs at bay and allow you to develop your society however you want, as North Korea shows, unless there is internal change to join the globalist outside, as South Africa did, and for all we know North Korea may do so too one day.

    Theodore Kaczynski offers an excellent critique of leftism and the psychology of leftists, but about his analysis that the dynamics of technological development will eventually enslave us no matter what is grim, but I’d say debatable, or is it just my wishful thinking that it shouldn’t be so? Jacques Ellul studied technological development in depth, and its relation to economics, society, culture, etc. and concluded:

    In fact, there is one and only one means to their solution, a world-wide totalitarian dictatorship which will allow technique its full scope and at the same time resolve the concomitant difficulties

    Then the question arises as to who will control that dictatorship. If those who are working towards it, well … that’s why most of us come to UR, because we don’t like that prospect.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  154. peterAUS 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Definitely having nukes will keep the dogs at bay and allow you to develop your society however you want, as North Korea shows, unless there is internal change to join the globalist outside, as South Africa did, and for all we know North Korea may do so too one day.

    As I’ve said (several times) that project (from autonomy to secession) requires serious and hard work, by serious and capable people. Re the latter, at this stage, expecting that from “alt-whatever” is as expecting from Trump to deliver on his promises to those who vote for him (Jews and his mates excluded, of course).

    As more quality people are pushed by the other side into ours, well, the things will change there. Rather soon I feel.

    ….about his analysis that the dynamics of technological development will eventually enslave us no matter what is grim, but I’d say debatable, or is it just my wishful thinking that it shouldn’t be so?

    Distraction. Make of that what you will.

    As for Andrew Clarke and similar guys, definitely more to come, well, they are simply 天真的. They, still, simply don’t get it. And a Brit, of all people. One word: “Troubles”. If people like him can’t learn from that period…..oh my.

  155. Commentator Mike: “Then the question arises as to who will control that dictatorship.”

    Ellul’s answer to this is that technique is in control of man, not the other way around. This is true because, for any objective, only the most efficient technique to attain it will be used (to choose an inefficient technique is just choosing to fail), and man does not control what is most efficient. It simply appears, as a consequence of invention or discovery. The technological system develops then according to its own internal logic, and presents only one best solution to each problem that arises. Ellul goes on to describe this as leading to a dictatorship of test tubes rather than one of hobnailed boots, much more harsh and totalitarian than any before. He’s correct. Ultimately, such an inhuman system must re-engineer mankind to deprive it of its human qualities. Only in this way will it be able to adapt man to its requirements.

    Certainly any white separatist state would face intense hostility from the system, and more or less require a dictatorship (see N. Korea, or WWII Germany). Living under such a dictatorship might be a tough sell to American whites, who are used to the illusion of democracy. Also, Kim’s people are supposedly starving to death, but nevertheless willing to “eat grass” to retain their nukes. Would American white separatists? That would take quite a level of commitment, unseen in them heretofore. I’m also not so sure that a weapon that can’t be used except at the cost of one’s own life is really all that powerful. Lately there have been suggestions that a US war with Russia might be a possibility. Apparently there is some thinking that nuclear weapons wouldn’t be used in such a conflict, or if they were used, the damage would be tolerable. It’s possible the system would be willing to risk the loss of a few cities in order to wipe out a white enclave.

  156. peterAUS,

    The Provos were serious players and represented the military wing of a nationalist movement. Then there was the political wing Sinn Fein, and although there was some overlap in personnel, members of the political wing were generally under surveillance but allowed to carry on with their political and propaganda activities. These nationalist kids can’t quite compare, and anyway I doubt any of their actions were of the type carried out by military wings of rebel factions, so I presume they never expected their organisation to be banned under the PTA, or to be prosecuted for whatever…. I can only go by the available information, which is that they were just involved in disseminating their views to the public, and they claim the most serious allegations are unfounded. OK, we don’t know whether they were planning something more serious or if it was just idle prattle they were engaging in. Perhaps the goalposts have shifted dramatically, and these days you get banned and prosecuted for a lot less than in the past in these so-called democracies. It wasn’t quite 1984 in 1984, but now … ???

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Sean
  157. peterAUS 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    The Provos were serious players and represented the military wing of a nationalist movement. Then there was the political wing Sinn Fein, and although there was some overlap in personnel, members of the political wing were generally under surveillance but allowed to carry on with their political and propaganda activities.


    …These nationalist kids can’t quite compare


    These alt-whatever chatters can’t quite compare.


    Perhaps the goalposts have shifted dramatically, and these days you get banned and prosecuted for a lot less than in the past in these so-called democracies.

    Yes. Will get worse. That will create a backclash. Which will create more “worse”. Etc.
    And the end of the process we have an “armed wing” of “al-Right”. What type, size etc. remains to be seen.

  158. Zinj 说:

    “我有话要给作者,也许有 5% 的人在这家酒吧里胡言乱语:你不认为我们正在进入这样一个阶段:我们可以开始采取行动解决这个问题,而不仅仅是一次又一次地承认我们有一个问题?





    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Tim76
  159. peterAUS 说:



    The “other” wants to take our land. We have hard and reliable data about it. We can, with ease, take out their leadership. Cost: a bit of public image and two SF troopers. We watch.
    The “other” starts to organize their armed force. We can, also rather easily, take those rudiments out. Cost: around a platoon of troopers. We watch.
    The “other” got organized and armed, poised to strike into out territory. We could hit them now in a couple of hard battles, on their territory and crush them. Cost: around a battallion altogether. We watch.
    The “other” invades, takes a chunk of our territory, with the “special” treatment of our citizens etc. We start to contemplate the response. Things aren’t REALLY bad.
    The “other”, emboldened, keeps pushing. Straight to our capital. Well..now the things look REALLY bad. Time to fight. We do. We win. Cost: a 比第一段的那两个士兵高。
    All good. Dumb too, but, doesn’t’ matter.

    Interestingly enough, the “other” side in this conflict doesn’t appear to be dumb. Its reaction in Charlottesville and after, including now, proves it. They tend to squash the cockroach (in this case “us”) as soon as they see it.

    Why do things easy way when we can do them the extremely hard way? “We” will wait to become a targeted minority in the state organized by “them” and 然后 act. Sounds………..interesting.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  160. @peterAUS

    I think you’re scaring people around here

    You obviously have more faith in ‘Murica’s r-selected white rabbits than I do. With regards to myself, I wish it were otherwise.

    Question: Why should any experienced warrior – one who has (unfortunately?) retained the mindset past youth – risk dying for a bunch of LARPing rabbits who couldn’t trouble themselves to peer into the future, study the enemy, collaborate and organize, and mount an effective resistance way back in the Sixties when it was much easier to do so and with a greater likelihood of success?

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  161. peterAUS 说:

    I think you’re scaring people around here

    I am not quite sure I understood the above. If all this continues as it’s been going for the last, say, 20 years, “we” shall become a targeted minority. Now, when I say “we” it’s all Whites from the middle class down. Granted, the upper class will be fine.

    You obviously have more faith in ‘Murica’s r-selected white rabbits than I do. With regards to myself, I wish it were otherwise.

    Well…hope is the word.

    Question: Why should any experienced warrior – one who has (unfortunately?) retained the mindset past youth – risk dying for a bunch of LARPing rabbits who couldn’t trouble themselves to peer into the future, study the enemy, collaborate and organize, and mount an effective resistance way back in the Sixties when it was much easier to do so and with a greater likelihood of success?

    I hear you. You don’t.

    You focus on yourself and people you care for IF they are on the same page.

    As things get worse more and more people will get on that page. Not because they want it but because the other side will push them there. They will need, want…demand…. somebody to help them. You and your group can be that help.
    Hehe…you know how it works I guess. I like to take Israel as a good example. One of the reasons is that most people here simply stop reading my posts.IDF has core command, control and logistics teams ready as we speak, to expand, if necessary, on a short timetable. 30 men now….a full battalion in 48 hours.

    Now, obviously, my line of thinking is along the path to secession.

    SHTF is different, of course. In that case, sure, your “group” is all you focus on. Or similar groups. Leave the rest out.
    Having said that, well, I am sure you do play scenarios (on paper, naturally……). Well, traumatic experiences in SHTF scenarios would FAST create people on your wavelength. You wouldn’t mind a total “progtard” now, who is Olympic level shot, to join you after his family got massacred by….somebody. Or a medical doctor. Hell, you can even ….hehe..” conscript” one. Etc.

    You just “play” with different METT-T stuff. We do live in interesting times.

  162. @peterAUS


    Dare I say, having a kibbutz type system would help some of these atomised whites get together. Still for now, as things get worse it’s white flight, then white flight again, and again.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  163. Oldtradesman: “Why should any experienced warrior – one who has (unfortunately?) retained the mindset past youth – risk dying for a bunch of LARPing rabbits who couldn’t trouble themselves to peer into the future, study the enemy, collaborate and organize, and mount an effective resistance way back in the Sixties when it was much easier to do so and with a greater likelihood of success?”

    Interesting question. And for those who count on a “worse is better” game plan, like peterAUS, it’s well to keep in mind the example of S. Africa. Whites there too certainly had plenty of time to plan, and even seemingly had a more realistic appraisal of the negro. Things are worse for them now, but still no resistance. It doesn’t appear to have a radicalizing effect.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  164. peterAUS 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Dare I say, having a kibbutz type system would help some of these atomised whites get together. Still for now, as things get worse it’s white flight, then white flight again, and again.


    哈哈哈...。所有 we need to do is to learn from the 主人 of the game. So simple.
    So impossible for the majority of “alt-whatever” too. Well, for now at least.

    “We” will get there.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  165. @peterAUS

    I think you’re scaring people around here – Old

    I am not quite sure I understood the above. If all this continues as it’s been going for the last, say, 20 years, “we” shall become a targeted minority. Now, when I say “we” it’s all Whites from the middle class down. Granted, the upper class will be fine.

    I’m referring to rapidly diminished commentary when the topics such as SHTF and secession are discussed, and the reflexive “you’ll be squashed” response by so many LARPing “dissidents” who have no plan for the future beyond blogging, commenting, book-buying, and whining about the unfairness of it all on platforms ultimately controlled by the enemy. For decades SHTF and secession have made the blightwing uncomfortable. One could say this is understandable, but organizing and developing plans to grow a genuine boots on ground movement and confront the Left politically generated almost zero interest over the same period.

    In 2015-16 a good friend and I advocated that the Trump campaign create a political army of 150,000 to conduct rallies, pull trailers with signs, fly banners, conduct sailing regattas, illuminate the sky with spotlights, register white voters, transport the elderly to the polls, etc., in counties throughout the nation. We suggested 30-75 volunteers from every “red” county, with events to be held in politically friendly locations. We tried to generate interest on the Internet and asked people to join us in selling the idea to the Trump campaign. The near universal response from the indolent Right was to denigrate the idea of laying the groundwork for a genuine movement. Instead, they would “Tweet our way to victory!” The result? Trump lost the popular vote, a huge amount of civil legitimacy, no inspiration/leadership training, and no movement comprised of genuine activists.

    Apparently Trump wasn’t serious. Quite all right, though. The indolent Right was never serious.

    You needn’t respond to this, PeterAUS. I’m merely attempting to clarify my meaning.

  166. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Interesting question. And for those who count on a “worse is better” game plan, like peterAUS, it’s well to keep in mind the example of S. Africa. Whites there too certainly had plenty of time to plan, and even seemingly had a more realistic appraisal of the negro. Things are worse for them now, but still no resistance. It doesn’t appear to have a radicalizing effect.


    PeterAUS is an optimist.

    His “worse is better game plan” is a direct result of the lack of imagination, indolence, and cowardice of the failed Right, which has stridently claimed that worse is worse for the past 55 years and has done nothing to forestall conditions worsening.

    PeterAUS thinks r-selected rabbits can become lions if they are kicked sufficiently hard. I, on the other hand, am pretty sure the rabbits will run, hide, be caught, and eaten. Same as it has always been.

    Interesting comparison of the white condition in S. Africa to the U.S. At this point methinks it apple to orange. OTOH, given their track record, if the frightened “worse is worse” crowd has its way the accuracy of your comparison will certainly improve.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @peterAUS
  167. peterAUS 说:

    You needn’t respond to this, PeterAUS. I’m merely attempting to clarify my meaning.

    Well, it’s a good comment I could, perhaps, add something to.

    I’m referring to rapidly diminished commentary when the topics such as SHTF and secession are discussed, and the reflexive “you’ll be squashed” response by so many LARPing “dissidents” who have no plan for the future beyond blogging, commenting, book-buying, and whining about the unfairness of it all on platforms ultimately controlled by the enemy. For decades SHTF and secession have made the blightwing uncomfortable.

    But, again, things ,那恭喜你, 改变。
    For example people you mention don’t own the conversation anymore. One can talk about it, as we are, for example, without an instant ban.
    Now, for those two “scenarios” SHTF is much easier to talk about.
    Secession is another matter altogether. Simply requires much more expertise and, well, access to certain sensitive data. What I am sure of, it can’t be talked about in public anywhere now. But, the idea will be thought about more and more by some people. The other side will make it happen.
    I am sure that within the next 3-5 years we’ll be able to see some serious material published on the Internet.

    One could say this is understandable, but organizing and developing plans to grow a genuine boots on ground movement and confront the Left politically generated almost zero interest over the same period.

    Well, those things can happen fast, if parameters are right.
    When one tries to bring up some examples from somewhere else, those you mentioned are quick to dismiss. Hehe…understandable. I do believe there are lots of similarities and possibilities.
    Fear is a great motivator. Fear of the “other”, that is.

    In 2015-16 a good friend and I advocated that the Trump campaign create a political army of 150,000 to conduct rallies, pull trailers with signs, fly banners, conduct sailing regattas, illuminate the sky with spotlights, register white voters, transport the elderly to the polls, etc., in counties throughout the nation. We suggested 30-75 volunteers from every “red” county, with events to be held in politically friendly locations.


    We tried to generate interest on the Internet and asked people to join us in selling the idea to the Trump campaign. The near universal response from the indolent Right was to denigrate the idea of laying the groundwork for a genuine movement. Instead, they would “Tweet our way to victory!” The result? Trump lost the popular vote, a huge amount of civil legitimacy, no inspiration/leadership training, and no movement comprised of genuine activists.
    Apparently Trump wasn’t serious. Quite all right, though. The indolent Right was never serious.

    90 % of it I’d say.

    Well, again, fear is a great motivator. A lot happened since and, looks like it, accelerating.

    On practical terms, building on that 恐惧, from the bottom up, is the way to go, I feel.
    Hehe..as I like to say, “we” could learn a lot from Jews/Israelis. How to keep your own group living inside an unfriendly environment to start with.
    Then, from unfriendly to hostile.

    That’s even if things keep going as now all the way to “Brasil/SA” mix. Have your own “tribe” to rely on. Hehe…prison rules.

    And, should things escalate, well, that group would be so easy to network with similar groups and grow so fast you wouldn’t believe it.

    On practical terms, from a little neighboorhood watch, through “hobby groups” (preppers included), all the way to a force capable of seizing a city. Something like that.

    The key is so simple it boggles the mind: having a White man/woman thinking about his/her race EXACTLY as ALL the rest think/feel.
    I think we are getting there, fast.

  168. @peterAUS


    I’d add more but … I stand to be misunderstood …. and a thousand and one UR readers scanning from behind their blinkers would rise up and scream … whatever they scream … and then I’d get into a flame war from here to Kingdom Come.

    So many versions of that song to choose from, so the Animals, or hey let it be Yusuf Islam the former Cat Stevens the former Steven Demetre Georgiou just so …

    Or what the hell… let me be misunderstood.

  169. @Oldtradesman

    There is nothing to suggest whites are rabbits. Maybe frogs in the pot being boiled. The potential in white males, and females, to do extreme damage is still there. It’s all in the mind. But yeah, South African whites were far less brainwashed than westerners but they had the whole world against them. Maybe for some others in the future it won’t be so.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Oldtradesman
  170. @Commentator Mike


    Actually, in many cases it other minorities who tend to finally erupt.

    Look at what happened in Bradford when that Jamaican girl was raped or claimed she was by Pakistanis.

    Look at the Koreans in Los Angeles during the LA riots.

  171. Sean 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    The leadership structure of the Provos was practically identical to that of Sinn Fein in many areas of Northern Ireland .

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  172. peterAUS 说:

    PeterAUS thinks r-selected rabbits can become lions if they are kicked sufficiently hard. I, on the other hand, am pretty sure the rabbits will run, hide, be caught, and eaten. Same as it has always been.

    He actually thinks that, in the “proper” environment, using an animal analogy, 一些 rabbits can become wolves. Or jackals. Or hyenas.
    A smart leader can, with ease, find a use of such men in ….certain….scenarios. Even “rabbit” men can have their use for such a leader.

    You are correct re SHTF scenarios, self-defense etc.
    You are not re confronting the direct or/and sponsored state power. From autonomy to secession.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  173. @Commentator Mike


    You may be commtted to the Cause, as I once was. Two years ago I realized it had all been a massive waste of time and effort (several decades). Evidence supporting the Right’s indolent white rabbitry is massive and simply not open to serious discussion. No donor-dependent “thinker” selling books and attending European conferences will tell you this, of course. The “boiling pot of frogs” you’re referring to lends support to my position.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  174. @Sean


    Probably. Anyway, in those days you wouldn’t be arrested for advocating or propagating armed struggle, only for actually conducting it, although there may have been exceptions. Compare to these days and what Tommy Robinson or the NA guys get arrested for, or somebody for calling an “it” a “he” instead of a “she”.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  175. @Commentator Mike


    When Thatcher put pressure on prominent Irish-Americans-particularly the President at that time, Ronald Reagan-the money dried up that funded them.

    Whereas Tommy has no money or arms.

    He’s less well-armed than the pimps and heroin dealers he complains about.

    • 同意: Commentator Mike
  176. @Oldtradesman

    I agree but then the question is could you have gone along all those decades towing the party line, clapping when you’re told to, booing when told to boo, and all the rest that goes along with climbing the social ladder for the material benefits? I know one can just act and play the role even when knowing what it’s all about, but then it gets tiring and grates and eats on you, maybe even on your soul. Leading a double life, with the official one not in line with your beliefs, for a long time can have unforeseen consequences … often unpleasant ones. Some seem to be able to do it. Sort of attending the Pride march and waving the flag all smiles when ordered by your school or corporation, and then cursing them all, the fags and their enablers, in private, like those ordered to do the same in some dictatorships to celebrate their dictator’s birthday, visit, or whatever. It’s heavy man! Very heavy! It’s bad enough having to deal with it when you’re on the fringes of society, imagine what it’s like to be stuck right in there. Or worse even directing and enforcing it, which after reaching a certain social level you’d be obliged to do. But yeah, many of those alt-whatever figures are in it just for a livelihood, but then they don’t have much else they can do as they’ve become total outcasts seeing they’re now public personas. I doubt Epstein would have named any of them as beneficiaries in his will.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  177. @Commentator Mike


    I understand the difficulties quite well.

    Observations and lessons learned (more or less) during childhood and teens: Your eyes don’t lie, you haven’t misheard, you are not mistaken. Santa Claus is not real. There really are monsters out there. They follow you everywhere. Grow stronger, tougher, better trained, knowledgeable, get back on your feet when knocked down, talk to friends, work together, never trust the kid in the nice house or take your eyes off of the monster, out-think and crush him.

    Simple. More difficult now, perhaps, than it was in the Sixties, but doable with the proper materials. Requires courage, physical strength and vigor, intelligence, vision, a willingness to take a punch or two, etc..

    Problem is Western civilization is dysgenic, selects for rabbitry. Too many defectives survive childhood, rise in status, and reproduce. Some have high IQs. Warriors are scarcer than ever before.

    I used to market something similar to what PeterAUS is promoting. I fully get him and am **extremely** sympathetic. Really, I am!

    I wish him success.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  178. @peterAUS


    You are not [correct] re confronting the direct or/and sponsored state power. From autonomy to secession.

    Reading you is like revisiting myself in a former time. Despite my thoughts regarding the rabbits we have to work with, I strongly sympathize with your position and will continue monitoring your thoughts. I hope you are successful, brother.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  179. @Oldtradesman


    A case in point is an American called Julian Langness who published books like Fistfights with Muslims In EuropeThe Coming War In Europe: Essays Impending Destabilization And Internal Confrontation With Islam, as well as run a site europeancivilwar.com. He used to focus on the practical and military/subversive/guerilla aspects of Fourth Generation Warfare that peterAUS prefers, and his site had some interesting articles. I think he was living on a farm in the mid-West and trying to have a go being independent and living off the grid, and although initially not committed in any particular ideological direction he seemed to drift towards the alt-right. I see that his site has been dead for a while and is now off line, and I think he mentioned that he had to get a proper job. So I suppose it was hard to make ends meet and support a family the way he tried to, and I guess he had to stop his activities. Obviously, as he was using his own name and was exposing himself in the public with his views, he can’t quite hide his past and supporting the family comes before all, and … well I won’t speculate about whatever compromises he has had to make to work in his current job, but some are obvious.

    You’re not him by any chance, I suppose you must be older? It would be good to get some feedback from him and the moves he’s had to make in his life since closing down his website, even under a pseudonym handle. I also wonder if he had any problems behind the scenes that he didn’t divulge, like threats to self and family, or pressure and surveillance from authorities, or the IT service providers, especially with regard to running that website.

    I myself like to offer as little, or hopefully no, none, zero, personal information about myself, and although I don’t think I have much to lose if I were doxed, because I don’t really have anything to hide other than my views if we’re really at the 1984 stage of the Ministry of Truth, and because of how and where I live, I’ve always preferred being incognito as a matter of habit, and don’t even have any social media accounts simply because I don’t want to support these CIA, NSA, etc. info gathering activities, although obviously they can get that on anybody regardless of any precautions we may take, as peterAUS wisely pointed out to a newcomer to UR recently.


    Most of the links are now dead.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Oldtradesman
  180. peterAUS 说:

    Reading you is like revisiting myself in a former time.

    As people whose job is to keep tab on this type of chat on the Internet know…hehe….I’ve been saying the same for quite some time. Can’t remember anymore how many sites banned me.
    The difference is noticeable, here, for the last several months. No ban, not even moderation and the usual “gatekeepers” gave up.
    All….ALL…what matters is that you understand. I am sure that a couple more guys do; some of them not even posting here. That’s really….…all what matters.

    Despite my thoughts regarding the rabbits we have to work with, I strongly sympathize with your position and will continue monitoring your thoughts.

    In a group of, say, 160 men, using your analogy, you have two tigers, several lions, a couple dozen wolves (mostly beta) , a couple dozen jackals (again, mostly beta, of course) and a dozen hyenas (all beta…).
    A couple of donkeys, a horse or two, some mules and a couple dozen rabbits.

    You, as a leader, have an obligation to use that human material and make a UNIT.

    Say, secession. Say, holding a bridge/power plant/water supply facility/pick your object. You send tigers on flanks to do their own thing (take care of enemy’s tigers most likely).
    You use lions as object section leaders (North, South….).
    You give wolves the best weapons (say machineguns, snipers and grenade/rocket launchers) and assign the most important fields of fire. Add jackals to them to observe, fetch wolves ammo etc. Mix hyenas and rabbits to fetch ammo to the jackals. Use the horses, mules and donkeys to improve positions within the strongpoint.

    I hope you are successful, brother.

    Well, we’ll see. People like me are just “techs”.
    Say, secession. A political leadership tasks my types to do something about self-defense.
    Nothing more…..nothing less.

  181. peterAUS 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    ….military/subversive/guerilla aspects of Fourth Generation Warfare that peterAUS prefers…

    Actually, “peterAUS” does not prefer subversive/guerilla aspect of Fourth Generation Warfare.
    He does not even prefer military aspect of it. He simply believes that 严重 leaders of any Right movement 必须 have that option at their disposal.

    Say, scenario:
    Push for a strong autonomy from the power of the regime in Washington D.C. All ticked. People unhappy, leadership appeared, movement got organized, blah…blah……Even managed to win elections there. Then went for the “push”.
    And the woman of color sends FBI HRT (with attachments, of course….) to arrest the leadership for ….pick anything.
    1. The goons swoon in, take the leaders, fly away….simple, easy. Trials, media…the circus.
    2. The goons estimate they can’t do it.
    Simple as that. No “subversive/guerilla” thing there. Well, of course that CNN will put any name you can think of, but we are just talking about 200 men and women with their personal weapons.

    The woman of color doesn’t like it.
    She orders National Guard (yes, I know…don’t be naive) to resolve it. Two options:
    1. They move in a couple of tanks, those people disperse, goons arrest the leaders.
    2. National Guard can’t do it. Now…………why it can’t do it I’ll leave out of this. Whoever can’t think about “why” just move on.

    The woman of color doesn’t like it.
    She orders the Federales to resolve it. Two options:
    1. They start deploying all that scary hardware and the movement collapses. A LOT of people get arrested and…oh my…
    2. The Federales can’t do it. Again, I’ll leave “why” out of this.

    There is no “guerrilla” here. Not even 4th Generation Warfare (well, for the most important part-holding the city and some parts around it under own control).

    Yes, the Devil is in details. And we can’t talk most of those details here.

    有一种奇特的 协同 at works in the cases above. Peculiar. People who can’t see it should’t be getting involved in this topic.

  182. @Commentator Mike


    I am older than Julian, who seems to be a fine young man of action. I hope all is well with him. It is almost assured that he has been harassed.

    Know that our e-movements and all that we write is electronically tracked and stored. At some point during the next decade this information will be retrieved. Many will be hunted, visited, and afforded the opportunity to finally greet and eat behind bars. Or worse. That is why this thread has generated little comment. Others, useful for their harmless “resistance,” whining, and general cuckery, will be preserved. The illusion of free speech is necessary until the great boomer die off at the end of the twenties or beginning of the thirties.

    You’ll not be able to convince normie whites that this is coming in their lifetime. When it finally happens explanations that “make sense” will be provided – just as they are now. Ten to fifteen years later, when what is happening becomes obvious, these morons will behave as if they’ve always known the truth but the imprisonment/killing of “nazis” was justified.

    I don’t know your age. I assume you are younger than me. What I want you to realize, however, is this is coming soon. Also know that none of the rabbits reading this thread will rise up, organize, and commit time, money, or effort to prevent it. Like pot-bellied, gasping NRA members wearing “Molon Labe” t-shirts, these people are LARPers.

    NRA: You mad, bro? Buy more door stoppers and brass paperweights!
    Conservatives: You mad, bro? Tune into Sean and bitch to your wife!
    WNs: You mad, bro? Read Z-man or Counter Currents and check out some obscure, “esoteric” video with 145 views on Bit Chute.
    Normies: You mad bro? Red-flag or SWAT that azzhole!
    All the above: You mad, bro? Vote harder, vote for the opposition, or quit voting.

    Rabbits. All of them.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  183. @peterAUS

    You wanna try? Study online manuals for: MP Batallion in security operations; M.O.U.T.Start with a squad, finish with a platoon. Imagine you are a trooper, then a fireteam leader, then squad leader, and then platoon leader.

    Marine Rifle Squad
    The Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad
    Scouting and Patrolling
    Military Operations in Urbanized Terrain or,
    Marine Operations in Urbanized Terrain
    Military Police Operations

    Print versions of these books, which I recommend, are available from Amazon for $15-22.

    Read real-life examples from ’89 to today. Yes, including Syria and Ukraine.

    Google: Syria Afghanistan war books list & Ukrainian war books

  184. peterAUS 说:

    Harsh but, yes, possible. Not given, possible. How much, I don’t know.
    Hehe…trust me, I’ve thought a lot about all that and keep thinking on a daily basis.

    Let’s say you are on the 100 % bad outcome option; I am on……….say…..70% the same. Update it on weekly basis.

    My take on some elements of yours:

    Know that our e-movements and all that we write is electronically tracked and stored.

    Well, not quite sure about “all”, but yes.

    At some point during the next decade this information will be retrieved.

    Well, possible, but not given. That very data could be actually used for quite the opposite of that bad scenario of yours. Let’s leave it there.

    That is why this thread has generated little comment.

    But, there is a funny part there. The problem with people here is that they really don’t understand the opposition. Being in such a database or not won’t make much of a difference should “they” really get a free rein.


    • 回复: @peterAUS
  185. peterAUS 说:

    There are two factors inherent to this game: time and pain/suffering.
    Perseverance too.

    Baltic nations. For how long they were waiting, under which conditions, to get their nation state back?
    How about Slovenes?

    Jews. I guess their combination of time/pain is quite something in that game.

    Generation after generation….and still at it until a success.

    Kurds, still going.

    White Americans have been in similar play for….how long…40 years, tops. Got serious only from 90’s, actually.

    Maybe something to keep in mind here.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  186. peterAUS 说:

    There IS one element in this topic, 根本, that I am not quite sure about.

    It’s a fact that topic of secession (or anything from autonomy to full independent state ) isn’t popular among alt-whatever at this stage. Not quite sure about the reason.

    Two options, IMHO:
    1. People are actually scared of the opponent action/power. They see that endeavor, power wise, as impossible. Odds are simply too unfavorable.
    2. They actually do not want it. Simple as that. They want 东西 其他。
    That option and train of thought lead into some quite, how to put it, 不舒服, waters. Like what “we” really, I mean really, want (not what “we” say, write etc…) and, fundamentally, who “we” 是。
    Let’s leave it there.

    My take: 30/70 former/later. Majority of “alt-whatever” are of that 70%. I’d say “good luck” with that but would be really disingenuous.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  187. @peterAUS

    It’s a fact that topic of secession (or anything from autonomy to full independent state ) isn’t popular among alt-whatever at this stage. Not quite sure about the reason.

    Two options, IMHO:
    1. People are actually scared of the opponent action/power.
    2. They actually do not want it. Simple as that. They want something else.

    My take: 30/70 former/later. Majority of “alt-whatever” are of that 70%.

    普遍 (normie) political conservative is foundationally conservative – that is, he is conservative by nature. Inertia drives his behavior. He exists in a niche that sustains him. He didn’t choose the niche, he was born to it. Change frightens him. His fear is fundamental. He doesn’t experiment. He is the enemy of uncertainty – averse to risk and hardship, including calculated risk if the “long odds” of failure might result in hardship (although he claims otherwise). Comfort and security are his internal bywords. He doesn’t lead or strive “to be the best.” He is obsequious. “Self-actualization,” to the extent that he has it, is limited to slithering to another nearby hiding place. When angered he takes his toys and plays elsewhere, if he can. If he can’t leave, then he conforms to the new reality and may even rat on his former friends. It’s a wonder the foundational conservative can leave his bed in the morning. His politics are overwhelmingly about rationalizing his fear and preserving his niche.

    Check the byline, here:


    “Books Against Time”

    Think about that. A foundational conservative, born in Russia 1945, would be a communist.

    普遍 alt-whatever is foundationally conservative. The difference between him and his normie cousins is 东西 introduced a bit of mental disequilibrium into his life, something he couldn’t escape. Whatever that “something” was, however, it didn’t change his fundamental nature.

    Autonomy, secession, a return to the ’50’s – these things introduce uncertainty and potential disequilibrium. The foundational connedservant is frozen in time. He wants to see his niche preserved/defended by others, but to go no further. Going further is risky.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  188. @peterAUS

    White Americans have been in similar play for….how long…40 years, tops. Got serious only from 90’s, actually.

    White Americans have been in play since 1964, if not earlier: Immigration Act, Civil Rights Act, Great Society, Affirmative Action, Vatican II, National Council of Churches, etc. i agree the attack was openly publicized in the ’90s.

    “Similar” is not “same.”

    Threats to Jews and Kurds were external. Threat to white Americans internal. Jews and Kurds were never destroyed by outside forces. White ‘Muricans and Europeans – Western Civilization – have been taken from the inside.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  189. peterAUS 说:

    Insightful, and agree.

    Hehe…so much for the first “T” in METT-T.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  190. peterAUS 说:

    White ‘Muricans and Europeans – Western Civilization – have been taken from the inside.

    Have you ever thought that core native nations in Communist countries were, also, taken from inside?

    If so, maybe you could take a look at “Serb/Albanian” thing from late 60s to the rise of Milosevic?

    If you do that, you could find, maybe, some interesting parallels, as: the ruling ideology and elite replacing one ethnic group with another in a part of a country. The group being replaced loses confidence in the ruling elites. The group creates a movement. The movement gets under pressure by the ruling elites (incluidng heavy police reaction). That pressure creates interesting dynamics in that very group outside of the region where they are being replaced. Sympathy, even support regardless of the “party line” being hammered in by all means available.
    And, very interesting, some members of the ruling elite see the 机会 有。

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  191. 您好彼得,

    Have you ever thought that core native nations in Communist countries were, also, taken from inside?

    If so, maybe you could take a look at “Serb/Albanian” thing from late 60s to the rise of Milosevic?

    Sure. Russia, for example, with a little help from their “international” friends. I’m ignorant of the Serb-Albanian situation.

    My gut reaction is the Serbs weren’t taken from the inside in the manner we have been or if they were, then obstacles faced in freeing themselves were different. But then, ‘Murica’s criminal POTUS had them bombed into submission. Could be wrong, though. Perhaps the Serb and ‘Murican situation are closely comparable. Would certainly be interested in any information you can provide.

    Can you point to anything I could read on the topic: articles, books, whatever? Thanks.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  192. @peterAUS

    so much for the first “T” in METT-T.

    For the one or two of you still reading the thread at this point, METT-T is spelled out here:


    Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, and Time.

    METT-T, as the link indicates, is for small unit leaders.

    I’m sure Peter is referring to Troops, not Terrain. 🙂

    His confidence in the ability of potential field grade officers to transform sufficient numbers of Blightwing rabbits into wolves/hyenas remains unparalleled. 🙂 🙂

    Hope. Admittedly, I’m beyond it.

    ‘Murican rabbits are on the menu.

  193. peterAUS 说:

    Would certainly be interested in any information you can provide.

    Can you point to anything I could read on the topic: articles, books, whatever? Thanks.

    Well, there is a ton of material online about that place and time, but, to get to the meat of what I’ve been thinking would simply take too much time and effort for any meaningful result.
    Besides, the most important elements which could be useful for this discussion aren’t easy to dig out, even from, say, Hague official documents.

    I’ll try to put, today, something as my perception of that thing; could be wrong, but, still, I do believe there are TWO elements (I’ll explain….) which could be useful.

    Besides, a lot of info about all that I got from online forums; you “listen” to both parties in the conflict and make up your own mind. And the last, but not the least, I do have some contatcs with Serbs there, and here. We talk.

    So, let’s say it’s a mixed mass of the input; what I got out of it I’ll post, hopefully, some time today (my time) here. If not, tomorrow.

    As for the below, yes, Troops.


    His confidence in the ability of potential field grade officers to transform sufficient numbers of Blightwing rabbits into wolves/hyenas remains unparalleled.

    Hope. Admittedly, I’m beyond it.

    I do believe that the most likely outcome from all this is some custom mix of Brasil/South Africa/Brave New World. Say….90 %. In that scenario, all we (Whites from the middle class down) can do is to have some local network of people we could rely on, more or less, against gross physical violence by other groups. Some local self-defense group or similar.

    But, there is that 10 % left.

    Hell, imagine “they” go for the full-blown conventional war against Iran, occupation etc. I wouldn’t put that pass them.
    For that it’s likely they’d need to introduce some sort of draft. Even “progtards” could get uncomfortable with that. Things could start, domestically, getting out of hand. Etc.


  194. @peterAUS

    What I find interesting about the Albanian takeover of Kosovo during that period was:

    1. emigration of refugees from hardcore Communist Albania seeking a freer more liberal life in more open Yugoslavia (adding to existing Albanian population in Kosovo)

    2. procreation weapon used by Albanians to outbreed the Serbs with their greater reproduction rates

    3. setting up of parallel institutions by Albanians in Kosovo in blatant disregard of republican Serbian and federal Yugoslav institutions.

    The rest then followed including riots, rebellion, terrorism, and war with foreign intervention.

    We already see elements of this with Muslims in western Europe. They too, when in sufficient numbers, are setting up their own parallel institutions like the sharia courts (judiciary), madrassas (education). Then of course they are using immigration and procreation to add to their numbers, showing their teeth with riots and terrorism. And like with the Kosovar Albanians much is funded through criminal activities like pimping, drug smuggling and dealing, money laundering, etc.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  195. Hell, imagine “they” go for the full-blown conventional war against Iran, occupation etc. I wouldn’t put that pass them.
    For that it’s likely they’d need to introduce some sort of draft. Even “progtards” could get uncomfortable with that. Things could start, domestically, getting out of hand. Etc.

    Either Iranians sink a US carrier or another 911 must be manufactured to generate sufficient enthusiasm for a draft. Standards must be dropped. Lower IQs, higher BMIs accepted. Who would they draft? Millennial soyboys? Skinny-jean metrosexuals? Obese rural kids? Crips? MS-13? Illegals granted citizenship for volunteering? None of these are out of the question. Hell, I think they are doing it already. Huge enlistment bonuses of $20k or more for ground troops? Arab and European proxies? Mercenaries? Nothing is off the table. Help me here, I’m stuck in the 70’s and 80’s. Still, I agree, enthusiasm might be short-lived unless Russia/China and the US regime kissed and made up. The “current year” is 2019, not 1941. Rabbit nations with a dearth of testosterone bomb primitive armies and villages from 35kft or from offshore batteries, then hire mercenaries should serious ground resistance be encountered. Meanwhile, back in CONUS, drooling foundational conservatives Not Of This World slobber enthusiasm, talk “french fries,” wave Chinese-made ‘Murican and Israeli flags, and care not a whit if the war lasted 20 years or more because Oorah bitches and Thank You For Your Service!

    I’ll try to put, today, something as my perception of that thing; could be wrong, but, still, I do believe there are TWO elements (I’ll explain….) which could be useful.

    Besides, a lot of info about all that I got from online forums; you “listen” to both parties in the conflict and make up your own mind. And the last, but not the least, I do have some contatcs with Serbs there, and here. We talk.

    So, let’s say it’s a mixed mass of the input; what I got out of it I’ll post, hopefully, some time today (my time) here. If not, tomorrow.

    That’s quite all right, Peter. We’ve been at this for a few days. Time for a break. I can look this stuff up by myself.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @peterAUS
  196. @Oldtradesman


    That wouldn’t be a bad idea at all forcing all those you listed, and more, intentionally and deliberately to act as cannon fodder in first wave divisions after a crash course of like zero hours. Hell, even empty the jails and do the same. Arm them with guns loaded with blanks and send them against the IRGC. That’d be doing America and the world a favour.

  197. peterAUS 说:

    Standards must be dropped. Lower IQs, higher BMIs accepted…. Illegals granted citizenship for volunteering?… Huge enlistment bonuses of $20k or more for ground troops? Arab and European proxies? Mercenaries? Nothing is off the table. ..
    … Meanwhile, back in CONUS, drooling foundational conservatives Not Of This World slobber enthusiasm, talk “french fries,” wave Chinese-made ‘Murican and Israeli flags, and care not a whit if the war lasted 20 years or more because Oorah bitches and Thank You For Your Service!


    We’ve been at this for a few days. Time for a break. I can look this stuff up by myself.


    Food for thought there:

    An ethnic group which, on paper, is dominant in the country, BUT, not in that region. In that very region, they are a minority, faced with hostile “other” who are ethnically aware.

    Any attempt by members of that minority to address their fear is squashed from above for ideological reasons.

    Members of that minority, in desperation, self-organize. Local groups, for help, self-defense and simply sharing their experiences.

    The leadership of that group writes a petition to the “higher-ups”. Only 87 people are willing to sign it. Fear of being called out for not toeing a party line.

    A year later, the same petition, is signed by around 50 000 people. Something happened during that year.
    The state clamps down on the leadership of that group. A member is arrested.

    Around 40 000 people demonstrate before local government. The man is released after 3 days and all charges dropped.
    The group keeps the pressure on the local and federal government. Protests, petitions, etc.
    A rising star in the ruling party is sent to the region to pacify the group. Milosevic. He arrives there and does the usual.

    This one is…奇特….Milosevic does the job by the (party) book but people aren’t listening to his talk anymore. Then…when addressing a rally of a couple of thousand those people, in a span of not more than 10分钟挂起 the tune. From criticizing the people, calling them names, he started agreeing with them. THAT is the NOW.


    You know…for the brief moment I did think Trump could be a similar case.

  198. SomeOlguy 说:

    Barr has always protected the deep state operatives. It’s in his DNA. Trump picking this pig for AG was a HUGE red flag proving there is no interest in fixing jack shit.

  199. I have never in all my life read so much worthless babble by so many people who think they are so smart and have all the answers. You people don’t have a clue as to what to do to stop the oncoming wave of total destruction that is headed in our direction. It will all be over in an instant and you will be dispatched to the trash bin of history.

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  200. Remember folks, September is National Preparedness Month. Tractor Supply Company has 40 lbs bags of pelletized lime on sale. Get your’s now and avoid the rush.

  201. “What should be completely avoided is the sometimes mentioned idea that “even if we got rid of the Jews we would still have all these other problems.” The Jews should always be the beginning and the end of every problem, from poverty to poor family dynamics to war to the destruction of the rain forest.” ~ Daily Stormer/Nazi Prime Directive

    You people can’t even get past this.

    Sniveling, moaning, and kvetching about how the Der Jews stole your manhood, turned you into pussies, and Master Raced your Whiteness.

    Well, if it is true, as many of you believe, that:


    You don’t stand a chance in hell… do you?

    Most of you would be better off manning up to your lack of qualities, and manning up your qualities, rather than spending all day, every day, 24/7 blaming the Der Jews for your lack of qualities. Huh? But, but, but… it’s the Der Jews! If only we got rid of the Der Jews… even if we got rid of the Jews we would still have all these other problems!

    Maybe the problem, after all, isn’t the Der Jews, but your sniveling, moaning, and kvetching pathetic selves?

    • 回复: @Oldtradesman
  202. @Alpha and Omega

    Agreed, we don’t have a clue on how to stop the wave of destruction headed our way. Could you tell us what to do, please? Thanks in advance.

    Speaking for myself, I’ll do what 99.9% of Blightwing rabbits have done for 55+ years: disburse, hide, celebrate muh principles, send another $20 to GOA, and vote harder in 2020.

  203. @Random White Man

    Love yer CAPS, White Man! Thank you for defending the richest, best organized, most powerful, yet poisecuted ethnic group in modern history. Your courage is an inspires to us all. Thanks again for your contribution!

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  204. peterAUS 说:

    Sound advice. Learn from the best. Replicate some things, customize some, invent some.
    One rule to rule them all…hehe:
    “What is good for Whites?”.

    A good start would be, say, as:
    Just replace “Jew” with “White” and all good to go.

  205. Tim76 说:

    @ Zinj – The strategy you’re talking about will have the same result as the Conservatives because it’s the same strategy as the Conservatives. “I’ll let them keep pushing me then I’ll give them a real warning and they’ll stop” But neglect to say they took a whole bunch of freedoms and heaped a pile of insult on you that you’ll wear. Then when the new normal has become comfortable for you they’ll push some more. Soon you’re trans grandchild will be marrying their pets and you’ll wave the rainbow flag because that’s what conservatives do

  206. Ned2 说:


  207. JimBeem 说:

    In PLOS Medicine | DOI:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001875 September 15, 2015, an article titled “Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Violent Crime: A Cohort Study” conclusively shows that “there [is] a significant association between SSRIs and violent crime convictions for individuals aged 15 to 24”.

  208. @EliteCommInc.

    And your thoughts on ‘Black Supremacy’?

    Louis Farrakook? Black Nationalism?

    Asian Supremacy?

    ‘La Raza’ aka ‘The Race’?

    Japanese ‘Nationalism’? Their exclusion of muslims?

    Robert Mugabe’s thoughts on whites?

    Got ‘race superiority based on skin color’s a human disease’?

  209. Voter 说:

    Polls are not polls. They are fabricated propaganda machines, nothing more. They are designed to influence those with no functioning cause and effect genes. The only beings, not necessarily human, that pay attention to the polls, are the gimme free stuff and I’ll vote for you crowd.

  210. @animalogic

    Really, them awful police are killing all those perfectly innocent folks minding their own business. Fuggin’ criminal.

  211. @WorkingClass

    他们称之为印度/巴基斯坦的分区。 干草叉和刺刀。

  212. Vet 说:

    “Then we have the equally stupid gun rights ‘deplorables’ who think they need a assault rifle to protect themselves from the government….as if the military wouldn’t mow them down in a hot second if they staged a revolution.”

    Yeah, just like we did in Afghanistan…oh, wait…

  213. Noman 说:


  214. @Zumbuddi

    The populace need not remain a slave to media– that we can choose to ignore, ...

    Unplug the electric Jew!!!



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