 韦恩·阿伦斯沃思(Wayne Allensworth)档案

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我们的国家似乎正走向政治危机,可悲的美国的敌人 噪音 暗示他们是 规划行程 选举后的“色彩革命针对特朗普的政变。 长期以来 俄罗斯观察者 我建议1991年失败的苏联政变以及 崩溃 刺激它,是有启发性的。


当年的关键时刻是苏联军事和安全部门拒绝对鲍里斯·叶利钦及其捍卫者采取行动。 在特朗普扮演叶利钦角色的情况下,这样的事情会在这里发生吗?

您的真实称呼是 全球主义者 已经发出信号已经有一段时间了 无意屈服 特朗普来选举日。 希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton),假扮成后美国人 德法基夫人 现在的 文化大革命 as 甚至公开声明 这拜登不应该选承认特朗普“在任何情况下。” [早晨的伟大:希拉里·克林顿说拜登不应认为“在任何情况下”,作者:Liz Steele,AmGreatness.com,26年2020月XNUMX日]

同时,在狂热的Never Trumpers的帮助下,民主党人喜欢 比尔·克里斯托(Bill Kristol) 大卫·弗鲁姆 已经 ”战争游戏防止特朗普上任的场景,从而发展出一个 计划 对于特朗普正确的事情 描述 称为“暴动”。 [“暴动”的亿万富翁支持者,作者:朱莉·凯利(Julie Kelly),AmGreatness.com,14年2020月XNUMX日]。该计划旨在宣称特朗普已经窃取或试图窃取选举。 正如我上个月在这里写的那样,“就我们的敌人而言,他们处于历史的右边,选举法,宪法或任何过时的公平竞争观念都不会阻止他们。” [革命与抵抗:选举如何继续?,美国残留物, 4年2020月XNUMX日]

邮寄选票计划会影响Blob的作战方式。 如果民主党人无法通过钩子或骗子来摇摆选举,那么 漫长的过程 of 会计 因为所有邮寄选票都可以用作散布混乱和混乱的手段,从而使他们有机会在选举日后进行回旋。

Blob的奴才一直在暗示他们打算拖延选票。 密歇根州州长 格雷琴·惠特默,例如,在《面对国家》杂志上宣布,她的州不会在报告选举结果的任何“人为最后期限”内受到限制。 [州长惠特默:没有宣布选举结果的“人为截止日期”, (布赖特巴特,杰夫·普尔(11年2020月XNUMX日,美国)]惠特默(Whitmer)进一步举例说明了民主党人的心理投射特征,那些可能希望加快选票计数的人有“政治议程”。

同时,Blob的激进派一直在散发选举后破坏计划。 [阅读:左翼激进分子发布在线指南,以在选举临近时“破坏”国家, 乔尔·波拉克(Joel Pollak),布赖特巴特,12年2020月XNUMX日] 关机DC [鸣叫他们]计划防止特朗普的“政变” —更多 投影 在那里-通过关闭国家并在投票太接近以至于无法投票的情况下迫使特朗普退出。 这 计划 呼吁“在全国范围内进行持续的破坏性运动。” 激进分子还表示,他们打算要求“在计算所有选票之前,不得宣布获胜者”。

ShutDownDC进一步宣布,它无意让该国恢复正常。 目标是“拆除”所谓的“互锁的压迫系统”。

这不只是选举,而是完成左派选举的蓝图 反美文化大革命。


塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)在五角大楼赢得了有关“关键种族理论”的最新讨论中,想知道为什么左派如此打算夺取军队。

我的答案: Blob正在考虑使用军事作为阻止第二个特朗普任期的一部分的可能性。

显然,与其他联邦官僚机构一样,高级军事黄铜也遭受了“大觉醒”和“特朗普混乱综合症”的打击。 军事机构坚决抵制特朗普倾向于脱离外国干预的倾向。 此外,五角大楼还抵制了特朗普的命令,停止对“关键种族理论”进行教in。 [特朗普的反批判种族理论秩序是必要的,但不足, 蒂蒙·克莱恩(Timon Cline),AmGreatness.com,5年2020月XNUMX日]

在他的书 愤怒鲍勃·伍德沃德 报告 这位前国防部长和已退休的海军上将詹姆斯·马蒂斯(James Mattis)曾对当时的国家情报局局长丹·科茨(Dan Coats)表示,“可能会有时候我们必须对特朗普采取集体行动”,因为马蒂斯认为总统是“危险的”和“不合适的”。 ” [马蒂斯(Mattis)告诉大衣特朗普(Donald Coats Trump)“危险”,“不适合”:伍德沃德,作者:塔尔·阿克塞尔罗德(Tal Axelrod),《山丘》,9年2020月XNUMX日]


那么,军事人物将如何融入Blob的作战计划? 彼得·范·布伦(Peter van Buren)考虑了选举后的情况,在这种情况下,可能会成立“临时”军政府,这是打破选举僵局和结束选举后混乱的唯一途径。 [如果特朗普不会离开白宫怎么办? 恐怖分子再次与恐怖分子保持联系,这次是与他们的地幔持有者拜登一起,警告即将到来的独裁统治。,美国保守党,30年2020月XNUMX日]范布伦(Van Buren)提醒我们,特朗普的反对者从未接受过他的合法性,“ RussiaGate”对他们来说是一种好习惯-政变的好习惯-也就是说,他们正在全力以赴不遗余力地将他赶出白宫。

奥巴马,喜剧和白宫里的埃里克·霍尔德(Eric Holder)
奥巴马,喜剧和白宫里的埃里克·霍尔德(Eric Holder)

范布伦进一步指出,乔·拜登曾声称是特朗普“将试图窃取这次选举”,他也很明确地说,如果特朗普拒绝离开白宫,他“绝对相信”军方将“派遣白宫将他护送出白宫。” [拜登:如果他拒绝离开特朗普,军方将把特朗普从白宫撤离, (July Ross,《每日野兽》,11年2020月XNUMX日)

值得一提的是,范布伦不是特朗普的支持者,不是职业外交官,还是一个诚实的人,是伊拉克战争的举报人,写了一本好书, 我们很好:我如何帮助输掉伊拉克人民的心灵战斗,以及他在那个国家的经历。 我审查了 点击此处)。 他不相信五角大楼支持的政变仅仅是“平装惊悚片的材料”。 这是一个合理的场景。



18年1991月XNUMX日,由于米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)准备签署一项将使苏联下放权力的条约,他在苏维埃领导层中强硬的政治反对派逮捕了苏维埃的父亲。 重组改革 在他的克里米亚别墅中,宣布由苏维埃紧急状态委员会负责。

克格勃主席弗拉基米尔·克留奇科夫,国防部长德米特里·亚佐夫和其他六名高级政治和安全官员组织了针对戈尔巴乔夫的阴谋。 戈尔巴乔夫(Gorbachev)的改革使他们感到震惊,该改革已经使苏联的离心力放松,威胁了共产党和苏联机器的力量。


鲍里斯·叶利钦(Boris Yeltsin)在俄罗斯白宫,19年1991月XNUMX日。
鲍里斯·叶利钦(Boris Yeltsin)在俄罗斯白宫,19年1991月XNUMX日。

由于当时的俄罗斯联邦总统鲍里斯·叶利钦(Boris Yeltsin)及其支持者的抵抗,以及精锐的军事和安全部门拒绝与之抗衡,政变崩溃了。

19月XNUMX日,莫斯科聚众在俄罗斯“白宫”(位于莫斯科市中心的俄罗斯议会所在地)聚集,并在其周围筑起障碍。 鲍里斯·叶利钦(Boris Yeltsin)爬上一辆坦克向人群讲话。 叶利钦谴责国家紧急事务委员会是非法政变策划者团伙,并呼吁军事和安全部队不要支持“八人帮”。

塔曼斯卡亚(Tamanskaya)营的营长谢尔盖(Sergey Yevdokimov)少校已宣布对叶利钦(Yeltsin)效忠(因此,叶利钦(Yeltsin)曾在该坦克上作过历史性的立场)。 叶夫斯基(Yevdokimov)后来说,他早 决定 他不会向任何俄罗斯公民开枪。 当他的营接近“白宫”时,叶利钦的一名支持者爬上了耶夫多基莫夫的坦克,并要求他走到他们的身边。 少校做出了具有历史意义的重大选择,发起了一些有助于挫败政变的活动。

克格勃特种部队从未出现在现场。 当短暂的小规模冲突后,计划对俄罗斯“白宫”(“雷霆行动”)的袭击未能实现时,政变显然已经结束。 随后,共产党和苏联行政机构瓦解。 和苏联解体。

那是一个 极大的惊喜 当时大多数西方克里姆林宫医师。

当然,当今美国的情况并非完全相似。 首先,特朗普在敌人所控制的敌对环境(“沼泽”)中行动。 将军们不在他的身边。 来自华盛顿特区的一大批公民似乎不太可能迅速实现以支持特朗普反对某种军事支持的政变。

然而,政变发动时,特朗普甚至可能不在华盛顿。 这将使他有机会做自己最擅长的事情—举行群众集会,以扩大他在该国“可悲”地区的支持基础。

全国的“红色”和“蓝色”区域都已经 有效分离,威胁要脱离美国并实行无效。 中美洲迄今仍未得到足够的抵抗,这表明它有能力进行反击。 [组织中美洲抵抗运动:谁将采取下一步行动?,《美国残余》,31年2020月XNUMX日]


特朗普可能会被高层管理人员所讨厌。 但是我的感觉是,他在排名榜上很受欢迎。 如果其中许多人拒绝服从明显非法的命令怎么办? 可能只有一名叶夫斯基(Yevdokimov)少校拒绝非法命令才能解散整个阴谋。

令人遗憾的人有充分的理由认为Blob会操纵或以其他方式推翻选举结果。 过去的四年已经教会了他们。 Blob的主流媒体部门一直在努力出售特朗普窃取选举的叙述。 这 民主党人的基地 似乎已经准备好并愿意接受针对特朗普和他们讨厌的中美洲人的严厉措施。


我们目睹的就是我所说的“政治的终结。” [编年史,2019年XNUMX月]美国大选越来越像是在不发达世界的零和游戏,而且在某种程度上 前现代英国。 选举后的危机,尤其是 不可抗力 军事干预加剧了这种局面,将加速美国已经在使用的离心力。

政变的失败可能会导致民主党人的“边缘人联盟”,就像八月政变的失败对苏联共产党造成的后果一样—开放 回旋余地 对于我所说的“美国遗迹”,而VDARE.com则称为“美国历史悠久的民族”。


韦恩·阿伦斯沃思(Wayne Allensworth)是《华盛顿邮报》的通讯编辑。 编年史 杂志。 他是《 俄罗斯问题:民族主义,现代化和后共产主义俄罗斯 , 还有一本小说 血域。 他在写 美国残余.

(从重新发布 威达 经作者或代表的许可)
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Alden 说:

    我没有艾伦斯沃思(Allensworth)乐观。 1991年,只有一位精英护送反对戈尔巴乔夫(Gorbachev),其余大多数则退缩了。 这使精英部门2可以帮助叶利钦抵抗。 另外,华尔街的犹太狼群蜂拥而至。

    军人队伍是黑人,尤其是真正执行军官命令的职业军士。 我认为西班牙裔和白人坦克和档案馆将保持忠诚。 但要遵守反白人军官和黑人军士的命令

    考虑一下法国大革命。 直到大多数军官都是革命性的泥瓦匠才开始。 国民警卫队是革命性的,法官和律师也是革命性的。

    从神职人员到学术界,媒体界和职业教育界的每个精英部门,无论是工会还是雇主,商会制造商协会的护士老师都是博士。 工程师们建造的也许是大型农业公司,这一切都变得越来越重要。 每个有组织的团体都反对特朗普


    插入的位置,在那里他可以得到一般弗林Vindemann犹太人移民上校被控机智犯罪和弹劾的当选总统。 全国各地各行各业的战术和战略职位都有数百万名Vindemanns。 反特朗普反白人革命者已经拥有媒体和传播渠道

    我希望我错了。 但是在过去56年中,美国发生的事情以及自2016年以来的加速发展都符合过去500年中每一次成功的革命的模式。


  2. Kirt 说:

    政变的尝试有很多不同的方式,但是我很高兴作者甚至提出了这个话题进行讨论。 正如作者所指出的那样,想要成为“ golpistas”的人不仅在讨论它,而且还在计划它。 政变可能会朝俄罗斯方向发展,并导致USSA相对和平地解散。 我们敢吗? 或者这可能是特朗普和便士被谋杀或失踪,临时总统佩洛西在5月XNUMX日宣誓就职的完全成功。或者可能有不同程度的成功和失败导致长期血腥的内战和大规模屠杀,包括种族灭绝。 美国精英渴望将自己强加于世世代代的东西强加于自己的主题上。

    • 回复: @annamaria
  3. nsa 说:

    The tribe has made their duplicitous decision. The yid ticks squeezed all they could out of their pathetic vain crooked asset, Donnie the Dummy, and have now deftly switched to a new host, Depends Biden. Impossible you say? The groundwork has been carefully layed. The present Biden wife’s maiden name is Jacobs, and three of his offspring married jews. For thousands of years, distrustful allies always cemented tribal bonds through marriage, lessening the odds of treachery. And as an insurance policy, the tribe has the Hindu Dindu, Kamala, who is also married to a jew, waiting in the on-deck circle. So all you mouth breathing rubes have been had again…..and you didn’t even get a crappy border fence out of the deal. It’s no wonder the tribe has such contempt for the populace between the coasts. They must be laughing their kosher asses off………

  4. Anon[194]• 免责声明 说:

    让我以不同的方式回答这个问题-是的,因为特朗普就像美国版的叶利钦。 卡普什人?


    • 回复: @Floda
  5. It would have been much better for Russia if the 1991 coup had succeeded.

  6. Juri 说:

    苏维埃政变失败,原因是对精英的错误估计。 他们以为自己只会点燃火花,成千上万的人走上街头捍卫共产主义。 众所周知,没有人出现。

    最高政变永远是不够的。 还需要大量的基层支持,尤其是在无法从国会大厦运走所有东西的大国中。 小城镇和县会服从吗?

    真正的忠诚低级设备是什么? 谈论BS和轻度腐败是一回事,犯下严重罪行是另一回事。 坦克遍布苏联各地的街道。 但是跟随命令移动坦克只不过是射击人而已,这是更严重的事情。

    您的官僚机构可能会像我们一样做出反应。 换句话说,他们全都疯狂地反戈尔巴乔夫。 一天到了,他们吓坏了,他们中的大多数人都没有上班,其中许多人切断了办公室的电话线,并利用其他技巧躲开了。 让其他人去做肮脏的工作。

    美国的人们看起来也不想暴力。 街头没有数百万人为气候或乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)或其他原因而战。 暴力团体很小,他们的行动非常有限。 也没有集会的呼声。 谁想死在战场上为同性恋或其他垃圾而死? 与BS会谈以促进职业发展……是的。 但是要认真相信并准备牺牲自己的生命…….nononono……:D

    • 同意: Drew, Twodees Partain
    • 回复: @Drew
    , @Achmed E. Newman
  7. Marco polo 说:






    • 同意: true.enough, Achmed E. Newman
    • 哈哈: Stonehands, 3g4me
  8. 作者的分析中缺少的是,“军队”不仅仅是将军和海军上将,也不仅仅是现役人员。确实有数百万退伍军人,包括一些相当优秀的军官,他们不会在军事政变发生时袖手旁观。


    对一位受欢迎的美国总统发动武装政变,让退伍军人恐惧地躲在集体地下室里,这种想法是民主党人的无知,我无法告诉你。如果传言支持这种“干预”的马蒂斯和其他将军实际上是其中的一部分,那么在政府召开第 32 条听证会之前,他们将被这些军事公民老兵绞死。


  9. GMC 说:

    Very good article Comrade, and I can see a bit of a Soviet collapse, but unfortunately I also see , No White hat guys in the Military or any other place that looks like, they are going to save the day and kick out the Zionists, the foreign lobbyists, the thousands of treasonists, etc. etc. etc. and bring back the good ole USA or change it for the good. . And still,the majority of the world is addicted to those Американский Dollars, that keep rolling off the Jewish printing presses.

    • 同意: Alden
  10. Tom 说:

    恐怕我同意你的看法。 几十年来,我已经知道美国将走向内战,但您似乎已经牢牢抓住了它。 葛兰西的“遍及每个机构的行军”在这里适用。 与1991年俄罗斯的比较是充满希望的。 恐怕作家无法衡量毒液
    那些试图将“特朗普的美国”推向地面的人的能力。 这个国家的魔鬼很松散,所有MAGA温斯顿·史密斯(MAGA Winston Smiths)都会很快被装进爱部的101室。

  11. Anon[362]• 免责声明 说:

    The way I see it, either;

    A: Trump wins in a no-question landslide.

    B: The coup scenario plays out. American’s don’t fight back and America continues it’s increasingly fast decline into ruin.

    There will be no civil unrest from the right unless one or more of these occur:

    Guns grabbing
    Forced vaccination
    Forced internment
    Foreign troop landings

    • 哈哈: but an humble craftsman
    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @BB753
  12. Franz 说:

    如果传言支持这种“干预”的马蒂斯和其他将军实际上是其中的一部分,那么在政府召开第 32 条听证会之前,他们将被这些军事公民老兵绞死。


    America has millions of citizen-servicemen who got out but stayed patriotic. And more importantly stayed armed and ready. I know Korean vets who are still spry enough to fight if it came to that, not to mention legions from the Vietnam years plus all the wars of THIS century. That’s a big load of tried and trained manpower.

    Civilian Democrats are not aware or don’t care about this. They might be in for a surprise if they push their weirdness too far.

  13. 特朗普可能会被高层管理人员所讨厌。 但是我的感觉是,他在排名榜上很受欢迎。 如果其中许多人拒绝服从明显非法的命令怎么办? 可能只有一名叶夫斯基(Yevdokimov)少校拒绝非法命令才能解散整个阴谋。



    • 同意: Hegar
  14. @Alden



    文德曼与弗林被指控无关。这是由奥巴马下令并由科米公司执行的。 “弹劾”是傻瓜格里·纳德勒、疯狂女巫佩洛西和铅笔颈希夫联合起来的一场闹剧。这是众议院的袋鼠法庭,民主党提出的可能是试图将特朗普赶下台的最无力的论据。 “蔑视国会。”根据这个想法,众议院领导层应该因“藐视总统”而受到弹劾。

    您关于“一百万温德曼”的说法暴露了对事物运作方式的极其有限的看法和理解,对组织结构的完全无知以及2020年军队中只有1,400,000名现役人员的事实。你的说法是对我国军事力量的极其不成熟和幼稚的认识。 https://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=united-states-of-america



    谁将领导推翻?佩洛西?舒默?亚当·希夫?马蒂斯将军?希拉里·克林顿? “在任何情况下都不要认输。” 2016年这头恶牛为何被击败,还有疑问吗?


    选举团选出的选举人以及参议院接受的选举人都有“死亡”日期。如果某个州在这些日期之前没有投票,则该州的选举结果将不计入总统选举。它不会有535张选举人票;相反,它将有 535-X 张选举人票作为计数依据。民主党人对他们将要做什么的所有这些抱怨都是“气喘吁吁,直到我把你的房子吹倒”。它是新鲜沉积的牛粪便。


    民主党人不明白的是,他们的言论是空洞的,没有给公民带来切实的好处。他们崇拜暴君。当没有人愿意屈服于暴君的要求时,暴君就失去了权力。回顾一下米兰的墨索里尼尸体倒挂在一根杆子上的照片。法西斯统治的“臣民”像殴打钩子上的一块肉一样殴打他的尸体,而女人们则向他脸上吐口水。 “Sic Semper Tyrannis” 暴君如此。历史上如此,今天更是如此。

    • 同意: Hegar
    • 谢谢: Drew, ThreeCranes, Alfred
    • 哈哈: 3g4me
  15. Emslander 说:


    It has to start with a truly hung decision on election night, then a stock market collapse the day after and a sudden “reported” increase in Covid19 deaths. A lockdown will be declared by Democrap governors for our own good. This will lead to a long, drawn out crisis over the transition. Trump will crap out. New leadership will have to emerge that can attract significant military support, probably in some state National Guard.



    • 回复: @Drew
  16. Drew 说:


    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Almost Missouri
  17. Drew 说:

    这是一个很好的观点,我认为 Z-man 已经说过好几次了,他说这些运动只是人们获得廉价恩典的一种方式。可能有不少 BLM 等支持者,就像你说的,只是名义上的支持者。正如行为经济学家所说,真正的答案是他们是否为这项事业花钱(或流血)。

  18. ZX 说:


    • 回复: @Kevin Barrett
  19. Drew 说:

    回复:封锁,恶意的民主党州长能做的事情是有限的,哪怕只是因为他们必须竞选连任。通过与印第安纳州的一些朋友交谈,如果现任州长被自由主义者候选人赶下台,他的竞选主要目的是结束封锁,我不会感到惊讶。请注意,我并不是说这有可能,只是封锁的不受欢迎可能足以重新调整该州的政治格局。因此,像 Witchmer 这样的人可能会在 11 月之后受到惩罚,但他们仍然面临连任的问题,而他们的对手将很容易批评他们,尤其是明年 11 月或下一个 11 月。

    • 回复: @Emslander
    , @ThreeCranes
  20. 恕我直言,错误的类比。叶利钦个人有点像特朗普,但他是全球主义者的代表。
    事实上,特朗普是戈尔巴乔夫,叶利钦是拜登(好吧,他的疯狂程度还没有那么严重,但相差不大)。类似的情况将是一场宫廷政变,特朗普将被宣布不适合任职并由彭斯取代,彭斯将宣布戒严法以拯救美国,然后民主党将发动颜色革命,彭斯和他的圈子将发现自己几乎没有支持者,军队会拒绝命令,与街头的 BLM/Antifa 暴徒站在一起。

  21. God's Fool 说:

    It’s time to lock up Mattis the mad dog and throw away the key but beyond that, I don’t think colonels who actually might be commanding the forces would go against Trump and the American people… traitors are in for a rude awakening!

  22. Gentle Reminder: if Biden legit wins, the commie rabble will still riot. The Right must be punished, ya see, for electing Trump over Queen Cankles. Trump may really have to flee the country.

    A hot civil war is preferable to Globohomo’s false peace (but you knew that.)

    • 回复: @TKK
  23. Jake 说:

    The coming coup is, of course, not coming but ongoing. It is just a stage of the 文化斗争 to make the US into the Cultural Marxist version of the USSR that took off with a vengeance with the victories by ‘The Civil Rights Movement’ in the 1960s.

    The WASP way, solidified during the last years of Cromwellian rule and become engrained with the wrap up of The Glorious Revolution, is slow, muddled movement farther and farther away from Christendom. It is pragmatic revolution. The end game is always very close to what the much more honest French and Russians got to very quickly, but the WASP love of property and pretense to being too calm to do horrible things to maintain the revolution against Christ and Christendom rule the cultural responses.

    However, even the moist turtle-slow senses of revolution come to tipping points at which Bolshevik, or Jacobin or Puritan, levels of slaughter and destruction and society-wide ‘reformation’ are enforced with no mercy.

    It could be that the Woke have the power now to force the old guard WASP Liberals to accept large scale slaughter, and that their side wins any ‘civil war,’ just as the Puritans won. If the non-Woke side wins, its victory will be short-lived if it does not begin steering the nation, and the entire West, back toward Christ and Christendom.

    • 回复: @Liza
    , @anonymous
  24. Jake 说:

    You are on the money. The processes of Yank WASP, of the Anglo-Zionist Empire, culture have led directly to what you describe. At some point, either the Left is allowed to take over everything ‘peacefully,’ or there must be some type large scale violence to stop the Leftists take over.

    If the latter, then the more that successful anti-Leftist vanguard is like Yeltsin, the more the victory is Pyrrhic.

  25. 艾伦斯沃斯设想的任何类型的骚乱都需要非常巧妙和专业的戏剧制作,在“街头”并通过各种渠道播出。想想奥逊·威尔斯的《世界大战》,然后用类固醇来刺激。





    • 同意: Hegar
  26. RoatanBill 说:

    Everyone seems to think that the US military is subservient to the visible civilian gov’t apparatchiks. This is backwards. The US military has run the country from the rear seat since it murdered Kennedy with the help of their wholly owned associates in the spook agencies and Israel.

    Read the clues. Kennedy didn’t think much of Operation Northwoods and stopped it. That US military plan called for the murder of US citizens by the US military and blame Cuba for it; a false flag operation. The military wanted to invade Cuba and Kennedy wasn’t on board, so he got whacked. That was when the US became a military dictatorship with a PR operation known as the Presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court as a front.

    Then came the endless wars till 911 happened. Those wars were good business for the generals and the war profiteering corporations.

    On 9/10, Rumsfeld announced on national TV that DOD couldn’t account for a missing $2 Trillion. The very next day, the Navy office in the Pentagon investigating where the money went was strategically hit by a missile, destroying all their records and murdering the investigators. Simultaneously, in New York, building 7 was destroyed. It housed the only backup data the Navy had for their investigation. Building 7 was blown up as per eye witnesses and was never hit by a plane.

    Thereafter, the US police state got into full operation. More wars for profit, more regime change for profit, more Fed funny money for the well connected, more military spending while a few folks in the private sector discovered that the original missing $2 trillion had grown to $21 Trillion and no one in DC or the media cared enough to even mention it let alone investigate it.

    Face it people, the US military and the spook agencies are the ‘deep state’ and the deep state has run the country for decades. The upcoming election won’t change a damned thing because the deep state will still run things afterwards. The only change might be an overt military takeover under the guise of protecting the population once the inevitable violence starts after the election, regardless of who wins.

    It’s all part of the overall plandemic. There are no surprises.

    在政坛里,没有什么是偶然发生的。 如果发生这种情况,您可以打赌它是按这种方式计划的。

    • 同意: Bro43rd, Agent76
    • 谢谢: Alden
  27. Chet Roman 说:

    吉尔·特雷西·雅各布斯(Jill Tracy Jacobs)的意大利祖父名字叫贾科帕(Giacoppa),后来改名为雅各布斯(Jacobs)。

  28. Emslander 说:

    You’re talking normal democratic procedure. I’m talking about a scenario for a coup. Democrap governors will be following the Open Society playbook.

    • 同意: TKK
    • 回复: @Drew
  29. DaveE 说:
    @Ralph Cramden

    完全正确,分析得很好。 特朗普紊乱综合症 won’t get the Democrats anything except mouth froth on their shoes. How can people call the Democrats an effective force against the patriots by nominating a senile banker pervert and an affirmative action bureaucrat communist attorney as their figurehead? I mean, c’mon – it would be funny if it weren’t so pathetically sad.

    Love Trump, hate Trump or anything in between – I’ll take good ol’ fashioned patriotism over catatonic brain-dead bureaucrats backed by stolen Jewish shekels any day of the week.

  30. anon[247]• 免责声明 说:

    A late entry but congrats! You win the most penetrating comment of this discussion.

    • 谢谢: RoatanBill
  31. @Drew

    People fall into two camps. Those who favor the lockdown approach believe that deaths from Covid run 3.5%. Those who favor “life returning to normal” believe the death rate is between 0.1 to 0.3 percent.


    • 回复: @Thomas Milton
    , @karel
  32. @OldSaltUSNR

    I’m not a vet but you can count on me. I’ll throw in my lot with you guys by taking an oath to uphold the Constitution against all enemies, external 内部的。

    From my tours through Walmart, Bass Pro and the like, I see that there are no semi-auto, “assault-type” weapons for sale. All .223 ammunition is gone as well. Same for sales through computer sites. All that’s left is bolt action rifles and shotguns. Is this an indication of an end-around type of gun control we can expect in the future or have all the inventory and production of offensive rifles been snatched up by run of the mill retail buyers?

    The columns of black militia marched through Stone Mountain, Georgia, raises the question of whether these guys or someone who backs them is buying up all the ammo and military-style rifles. Or, has the U.S. deepstate ordered the suspension of sales of ammo because of proximity to an upcoming national election? I’ve noticed in the past that ammo on retail shelves becomes scarce around election time and then reappears when passions cool between elections.


    • 回复: @Bombercommand
  33. OVER it 说:

    Of all the communist revolutions, and that is exactly what we are witnessing, NONE of them have ever been attempted against a nation of freedom loving people who are heavily armed, with numbers that rival the entire worlds military forces. Should this ongoing coup be completed this fall, it will be short lived, because with all the fraud in this election already, we will never accept a communist leftists “victory”, as it will not be legitimate.

    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @foolisholdman
  34. polistra 说:

    The backfire seems unlikely. Deepstate was operating by loose remote control in Russia, trusting our SOB Yeltsin to carry out our commands. Yeltsin apparently got tired of being a puppet and assured us that Putin would continue our work. Putin turned out to be a genuine servant of Russian popular will, who rules with the consent of the people.

    Such a betrayal can’t happen here. All politicians, R and D and “independent”, work for Deepstate and know what will happen if they break the rules. The punishers are everywhere, operating in tightly controlled unison.

  35. Alden 说:
    @Ralph Cramden


    • 同意: bruce county
    • 回复: @bruce county
  36. Liza 说:

    可能是因为Woke现在有能力迫使旧后卫WASP Liberals接受大规模屠杀

    媒体擅长无视这里和那里的个人谋杀(Christian&Newsome / Chase Meola仅举两个例子),但我想他们将如何无视大屠杀。

  37. MLK 说:

    A good article, but to the extent that Yeltsin offers a useful analogue it’s his 1996 reelection and to Sleepy Joe.

    As I keep noting, we Americans need no foreign playbooks. Perhaps the decades run-up to The Civil War is too far in the distant past for most to understand its current relevance.

    “Is it soup yet?” I think not. And if it is there will be no question about it since if it occurs surrounding the election it will immediately break out into political violence in DC like nobody’s ever seen before. Street violence will merely distract from the high-level body count if and when it starts.

    The head-liners of The Resistance are a gerontocracy. Does Biden and Pelosi strike you as capable of leading the abandonment of our Constitution thingie? Moreover, they and their backers have everything to lose. They have every reason to wait Trump out rather than initiate something known in markets as ‘fat-tail risk.’

    The forces arrayed against Trump, domestic and foreign, haven’t changed since 2016. Their plans to steal back the election then were insufficient given Trump’s Electoral College margin. They’ve vastly increased their voter fraud capabilities but those will once again come a cropper, especially if Trump wins a higher percentage of the black and Hispanic vote.

    Yes, all bets are off if a contested election comes down to one or perhaps two states. But they may well have gotten their tits caught in wringer with “Count all the votes.” This means that election night may end with Trump having won up to 245 Electoral Votes and Biden less than 110. Whereas the Fake News could have pulled off their part in 2016, they’re now completed discredited as Democrat Allied Media.

    The irony is that they’ve nationalized this election in a way likely unhelpful to them in that the election night results from every state — not just battlegrounds that determine the outcome — must accord with those they’re attempting to steal.

  38. Alden 说:



    • 回复: @Drew
  39. RoatanBill 说:

    The original military coup against the President was when they bumped off Kennedy. It’s been a military dictatorship ever since with interchangeable stooges in the 3 branches that forever increase military spending and refuse to investigate the $21 Trillion that DOD and HUD can’t account for.

    The military won’t join the current coup because they are the chief organizers of it.

    • 同意: Stonehands
  40. anonymous[371]• 免责声明 说:

    That US military plan called for the murder of US citizens by the US military and blame Cuba for it

    Wrong. The plane with passengers (military personnel) would rendezvous out to sea with an identical remotely piloted plane, which would be shot down. The passenger plane would land secretly.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @TexCritter
  41. This article is based on the absurd fiction that Trump is somehow opposed to the power structure in the U.S.A. It is the right-wing version of Obama’s “change you can believe in”. One has to understand that none of these people get into the position they get into if they actually intend to change anything!

    Really, this is just like professional wrestling. All these people are buddies working the same show. These are all 的kayfabe 情节。

  42. RoatanBill 说:

    Your 4 red lines have been crossed and ongoing for decades. Where have you been?

    Guns grabbing Each state as well as the Fed Gov has gun laws. Not one of them comports with the Constitution and I don’t care what the black robes have to say.
    Forced vaccination Children have been pumped full of shit for decades to produce the dumbed down group required by the Dem party.
    Forced internment All the nonsense drug possession and money laundering laws are there to make non violent people criminals by act of law.
    Foreign troop landings The US military has hosted foreign troops on an ongoing basis for decades. They train the murderers at the School Of The Americas in Georgia.

    • 回复: @Anon
  43. @Marco polo

    不想告诉你,但警察和 Antifa 是站在同一边的。几十年前,他们的忠诚度就以丰厚的养老金的形式被收买了。

    • 回复: @Drew
  44. @nsa

    But Trump is Netanyahu’s own alter ego in America, and Israel has no longer any tolerance for Dindus since Obama : Zionist Israel, preferably Likud, not American politically correct Jewry, is the very soul of America, and trumps all decisions and lobbying made by the American Jews : the latter have to obey Israel since America is no longer a sovereign country. The Jewry as a whole is tired of bribing with so much money the media that are there to keep the populace in check. Snowflakes are too costly, now that their job has been done, they can be dispensed with. Up to about 1978 everything indicated American Jewry ultimately bet on the success of a Marxist revolution to do away with the American middle class. Menachem Begin and his more authentically Israeli crowd decided to rule out the whole pro-worker paradigm out of the game and impose a right-wing antihumanistic Jewish image. Union power which seemed about to do away with the last remnants of free enterprise in countries such as Britain, the latter having descended to the level of USSR in terms of standards of living, when it was brutally curbed : we understood that workers’ power has been deployed only so as to cull out goyish free enterprise. As soon as the capitalist world still standing was Jewish or pro-Jewish, workers were laid off and sent back to their time-old humiliating condition, with accusations of antisemitism threatening them rather than their former goy bosses if they would not obey. Same thing for wokery : a Trump victory would bludgeon them with a clear signal that they are no longer needed and that the accusations of antisemitism are for them from then on if they don’t accept the return of Victorian style discriination against them. Most cultural left media will be laid off by the deep state and their employees forced back into menial jobs. Between being the gay capital of the world and the military-religious capital of the world Israel has chosen the latter.

    When the Jewish community is about to jettison a mass of supporters they no longer need, they first make them crazy : remember how crazy the last marxists of America and Europe had been talking even under the beginning of Reagan’s mandate before being dismissed as irrelevant hobos talking to themselves alone in the dark? That is the fate awaiting BLM as premedited by Israel. Israel trumps all UN decisions and preferences as can clearly be seen with the Palestinian question, and America obeys like a blood sister of lesser rank. The Palestinians will always lose against Israel as long as they claim for Palestinian independence, because they are not Palestinians but Arabs of the same sort you find from Morocco and Sudan to the South of Iran.

    • 回复: @Majority of One
  45. 一些克格勃部队确实抵达了。但派来的人看了看人群,拒绝了用步兵坦克碾压他们的行动。

  46. @ThreeCranes


  47. TKK 说:
    @Sick of Orcs

    He who jokes confesses.

    – Old Italian Saying

    Trump has already “joked” that if he loses, he will have to leave the country. He framed it because Biden is such a shameful candidate, but he’s no fool.

    The murderous foaming hatred of Trump is unprecedented in America. The only way he could remain would be to hide out with Secret Service agents in a fortress and tweet. He has shark syndrome- those people who never stop moving, searching, working. He would be miserable.

    If all this hatred (What is a stronger word than hate?) and TDS is fake-it’s the greatest hoax ever pulled off in American history.

    If you voted for Trump, and Biden wins- are we safe? Trump’s tax returns were illegally leaked.

    How far of a leap is it for all Trump voters to be posted, and “dealt with”.

    Remember- Keith Olbermann says Trump supporters are “maggots”. No one cared.

    The language of contempt- the first step to dehumanize, and annihilate.

    Note: Not one SJW, leftist or person of prominence cared that a white teacher had his head chopped off in France by a Muslim refugee because he showed a cartoon of an ancient desert barbarian with delusions of grandeur in a critical thinking class.

    Decapitated. Say his name? Samuel Paty. Nah. We can’t risk hurting any Muslims’s feelings.

    Because that would be the 真实 犯罪。

    • 回复: @Sick of Orcs
    , @Druid55
  48. Sirius 说:

    @Wayne Allensworth

    Interesting analogy, but if you take it one step further, Yeltsin betrayed the Russian people and allowed an oligarch class to emerge that stole almost all of the state’s assets. A few years later he called in the army to blast away at the Russian Duma, the parliament and arrested his parliamentary opponents. Not exactly a victory for democracy.

  49. @OldSaltUSNR


    Top elites supporting this like George Soros and his entire family would be the first to go, then the members of congress supporting it, highest ranking FBI members, liberal governors and mayors, and on down to the corrupt liberal DAs of the cities and towns. It would be a war where one side wore uniforms and the other side didn’t. They would never know who the enemy is. The vets would not use social media or phones or the internet. It would all be done in person. Face to face.

    • 回复: @Alden
  50. follyofwar 说:
    @Ralph Cramden

    What good will it do Trump if the military brass refuses to enforce his order if he invokes the Insurrection/Rebellion Act? Did we not see a preview of that after Trump’s photo op holding up a Bible after that nearby historic church was torched? Both SecDef Esper and General Milley were upset that they were used to scatter violent protesters to enable a president they despise, and vowed not to do so again. Milley is now refusing to follow Trump’s directive to remove troops from the 19 year-old Afghan fiasco and, per Tucker Carlson, is conducting his own investigation.

    Really, are they not guilty of sedition against their Commander-in-Chief? But, I’d guess that Trump was afraid to fire them in the middle of a venomous campaign. I’d further speculate that Trump failed to invoke the Insurrection Act against the Antifa/BLM rioters (when he clearly should have), as he’d been told in no uncertain terms by the deep state not to dare try it or suffer the consequences.

    I hadn’t read that the Marines report directly to the president, bypassing the normal chain of command. But even if what you say is true, that’s not much comfort. Coup cheerleader Mad Dog Mattis is a retired Marine general, after all.

    • 同意: TKK
    • 回复: @Ralph Cramden
  51. Why do you call them ‘leftist’, thereby giving them undeserving credit? The current PC is about Tri-Supremacism, that of Jews, blacks, and homos. No one else matters. Some idiot black criminal, Fentanyl Floyd, died of OD under police custody but became big, big news and we must hail him to high heaven; even Donald Trump was compelled to join the chorus. But all those people attacked and even killed by black mobs didn’t count. All those whose properties were destroyed by blacks have been ignored. Blacks have the right to riot, at least when Jewish Power gives the go-ahead. Even though blue cities were attacked by BLM & Antifa mobs and black looters, most white urbanites are still firmly on the ‘progressive’ side. They feel it’s their ‘spiritual’ duty. Homos are above the law. They spread HIV and caused myriad problems, but we are to weep for them as hapless victims and celebrate sodomy in traditional houses of worship. And June is the crazed ‘gay pride’ month, with the most powerful industries and institutions all flying the homo flag as the main symbol of ‘global values’. All these yrs, what did we see in public spaces but ‘gay’ flags and BLM signs?
    And of course, the Jews! The big kahuna of the New globo-homo Order. They get away with everything. They make sure the US favors Zionists over Palestinians and Israel over Iran even though Jews occupy Palestinian lands and Israel has nukes but Iran doesn’t. Jews insist on Jewish Supremacism as default US policy but constantly berate whites about ‘white supremacism’. Goy whores of both parties deliriously chant “Israel is America’s greatest ally” at AIPAC rallies.

    The ‘woke’ order is about supremacism of three groups: Jews, homos, and blacks. White cucks and non-white idiots are told to rally around those three holies. They themselves don’t count. If the US is really leftist and cares for the underdog, why is there NOTHING about BDS and Palestinian Lives Matter on the so-called ‘left’? There are grassroots elements on left and right that condemn Zionist Supremacism, but their voices never make it to the top. Most Democrats consent to blue states/cities shutting down BDS. Trumpers howl with approval when Trump pledges more support for Israel while dumping on Iran and Palestinians EVEN THOUGH Jews hate white American populists even more than Arabs and Muslims.

    So, we need to start by STOP calling the current Western Power ‘leftist’. Stop giving it the credit it doesn’t deserve. It should be called ‘Tri-Supremacist’, and Tri-Supremacism dominates elite discourse and dogma. It will also raise consciousness among most non-white groups that Jews, blacks, and homos are favored over them.

    In Russia, the Left actually did its part in bringing down the Yeltsin-Jewish-oligarch system. The Communist Party opposed the gangster-capitalism and could have won the election in 1996 if not for Zionist-US interference. Later, Russian leftists joined with nationalists against the globalists.

    The problem with the West is there is no real left anymore. The ‘left’ has been refashioned to celebrate the idolatry of Jews, homos, and blacks, thus Tri-Supremacism. So we should call it ‘tri-supremacism’ because that’s what it is, and then, scales may fall from more eyes. Terminology matters. Call it ‘leftist’, and it gives the impression that progs are for ‘social justice’ when they’re for idolatry of three supremacist groups. Just ask the Palestinians how much progs care about peace and justice for the underdog. Tulsi Gabbard took an anti-imperialist position, and she was totally ignored. Instead, most progs, under the influence of Jewish-controlled media, actually condemned Trump for trying to pull out of Syria and Afghanistan. They are aligned with the Deep State and military-industrial complex. And they embraced the ridiculous Russia-Collusion hysteria that would have made Joe McCarthy blush.

    The difference between Russia in the 90s and US now is that, even though Jewish oligarchs gained immense power and wealth under Boris Yeltsin, they hadn’t as yet transformed popular thought. As such, most Russians still thought in nationalist and socialist terms. Even though communism was bad for Russia, its one silver lining was the suppression of Jewish Capital. Capitalism has been the real instrument of Jewish Power as sky is the limit for gaining profits and privilege. Communism suppressed the rise of capitalist oligarchy. Also, communist nations tended to be more insular and conservative on social matters. And they were fairly patriotic because nationalism, like socialism, stressed unity and the collective over mere individualism. No wonder then that in the 1970s and 80s, the Soviet Communist Party tolerated Russian nationalists more than Russian ‘Liberals'(many of whom were Jewish/Zionist) who looked to the West for all the answers.
    So, even though Jewish oligarchs gained super-power in Russia of the 90s, they had no popular support. Most Russians were in nationalist and socialist mode, and Vladimir Putin exploited this reality to consolidate power to the detriment of Jewish oligarchs. Also, as the economic plan of the 90s was so calamitous in a nation without social safety nets, many Russians faced destitution and turned against the shock doctrine of gangster capitalism and globalist ‘liberal democracy’, aka puppet government of the Zionist-run West.


    But things are different in the West. As Jews have had control of media and academia for a long time, they managed to persuade great many folks that Tri-Supremacism constitutes the highest virtues and values of ‘Western Civilization’. Howls of ‘racism’ means we must worship blacks as moral superiors. Sports and Pop Culture inculcated generations of white people with worship of blacks as idols of cool and badassery. Accusations of ‘antisemitism’ and endless Holocaust remembrance obligate whites to bless and obey Jews as their highest duty. And 80% of Americans think ‘gay marriage’ is a good thing. That means a huge number of ‘conservatives’ also feel that way.
    So, there is insufficient national-popular will in the West to push back against Jewish Power. Jews had the money and connections in Russia of the 90s but not the control of the Russian Soul. In contrast, Jews have such total control over what now constitutes ‘Western Values’ or ‘American Exceptionalism’ that even the American ‘right’ and populism couch their arguments in terms of ‘We love blacks more’ or ‘We love Jews more’. And ‘conservatives’ have already come a long way to accept homosexuality and even tranny-craziness as something wonderful. Consider how the ‘conservative’ judge Gorsuch decided in favor of tranny nonsense. Whether ‘left’ or ‘right’, the basic premise in the West is Tri-Supremacism, i.e. “Our side is better because we suck up to Jews, blacks, and homos more than your side does.” It’s pure idolatry, not ideology.

    Also, unlike bankrupt Russia of the 90s, the US and much of the West have an effective social safety net system. Maybe this won’t last forever, but no one in the US starved even during the 2008 financial debacle and bigger mess with Covid hysteria. The problem even now is too much obesity.
    We’ve seen how, even when the so-called ‘left’ loses to the so-called ‘right’ in the West, NOTHING changes. Brexit only led to MORE IMMIGRATION of non-whites and more PC censorship. Under Trump and Republican control of both houses, we only got more tax cuts for Wall Street, more anti-Russian/Iran hysteria, more sucking up to Jews, more sucking up to blacks, and more gay-gay-gay.

    Words matter, and calling globalists the ‘left’ has been utterly damaging by lending the false impression, especially among the naive young, that the Jews, blacks, and homos stand for ‘leftism’ when they are in supremacist gangster-capitalist mode. And of course, Jews are in militarist mode as they push for more Wars for Israel. And as many blacks serve in the military, they are complicit in neo-imperialist ventures to destroy so many lives. Black generals and soldiers got blood on their hands. But where is the cry of ‘Arab Lives Matter’, ‘Muslim Lives Matter’, ‘Iranian Lives Matter’, ‘Syrian Lives Matter’, ‘Yemenese Lives Matter’? There is only silence because the so-called ‘left’ is totally bogus. They only care about Jewish power, blacks ego, and homo vanity. Call it Tri-Supremacism. One dead lousy Negro Fentanyl Floyd matters more than millions of Arab/Muslim lives destroyed by Wars for Israel and their proxies.

    Republican Party is useless because Billy Boy Clinton in the 1990s merged Republicanism with Democratism. What animates elite mentality? Material Greed and Moral Vanity. In politics, material greed amounts to the freedom of capital to make more money; and moral vanity amounts to the perception of being on the side of angels, be it spiritual or social or whatever. No wonder that the ruling elites in Western History both hogged the wealth and hoisted the banner of Christ. Material greed and moral vanity.
    In the past, the GOP offered material greed to the elites, whereas the Democratic Party, especially in association with the New Deal and Civil Rights Movement, came to define moral vanity for the elites. So, the elites looked to the GOP for material greed and looked to Democrats for moral vanity. Because of its deep connections to Big Labor and legacy of the Great Depression(which, according to New Deal lore, the Democrats overcame by favoring labor over capital), the Democrats were limited in offering material greed to the elites. So, the elites had no choice but to go to the GOP for material greed, all the while inching ever closer to the Democrats on moral vanity.
    But then, Clinton comes along and severs ties between Democrats and the Working Class. He signs onto ‘free trade’ and ramps up mass immigration of peon labor. And he deregulates Wall Street and hastens the rise of posh cities. Also, leftism is altered from Mayday to Gayday, which is great for the rich as homos love to cater to the powerful and privileged.
    In other words, the Democrats could now offer both material greed and moral vanity to the elites. So, why would the elites need the GOP anymore? Elites got the bundle of greed and vanity in one package from Democrats. At this point, it’s difficult for the GOP to offer even MORE GREED to the elites as the elites have done so well under ‘Neo-Liberalism’. Didn’t Obama bail out the banks? Aren’t Hillary and Biden the darlings of Wall Street? With the Democratic Party, the elites can make super-profits and make symbolic gestures with homo flags and BLM signs.

    GOP has a future if it becomes a genuine populist party of the have-lesses, but Trumpism proved that’s far from doable. So, it’s better to get rid of the party. Its only impact is to divide the white vote along false dichotomies of ‘left’ and ‘right’. US would do better as a one-party system where all Republicans become Democrats and form alliances with saner groups against the elites, especially the Jews.

    • 谢谢: By-tor, antibeast
    • 回复: @haha
  52. RoatanBill 说:

    I’ve heard that before and it makes no sense as it leaves witnesses around.

    I’m sure that’s what the controllers might have wanted to tell the dupes they got on board, but the easiest thing to do is blow the original plane up thus leaving no witnesses and lots of bodies and debris floating in the ocean as solid evidence for UN co-conspirators to verify. That they gave that version to Kennedy is also likely. But then a tragic mistake would have been made and oops …

    The US military with help from the intel agencies and Israel did 911. They had the weaponry, the control systems, the motive and the opportunity. Just read up on Dov Zakheim and his connections to drone flight control systems, military transport plane conversion, missing money, etc.

    The US military/intel agencies blew up civilians in Italy as part of Operation Gladio after WW-II and blamed the communists for it. Sibel Edmonds blew the whistle on Operation Gladio B in the 90’s showing that the original operation never really ended.

    Why is murdering people of any nation such a shock when the US military is involved? That’s what they do. Didn’t the US military help murder thousands of US soldiers and untold numbers of Vietnamese during the totally contrived Vietnam war? Haven’t they done the same in Middle East?

  53. haha 说:

    I think no battle lines will form, some minor skirmishes notwithstanding. The real battle will take place by deceit, behind the cover of false news, confusion and panic, in an environment where no one will ever know what really happened, who won who lost, because the media will call the election and convince many of what they say. The Trump side has no media power, no social media, and hence no bullhorn with which to address its followers. How do you even let your followers know that they won when all the media will be reporting otherwise? Remember how the media had falsely and fraudulently called out the election in favor of Al Gore? They almost slipped that one past America.

    Soft power of all sorts is skewed too strongly against Trump and Middle America. And we well know where big money, big finance, hot shot talking heads, the universities and professors, Hollywood, celebrities, and many foreign leaders stand. As soon as the media calls out the election against Trump, don’t you realize how many leaders from EU will pour in their congratulations to the Biden-Harris team?

    Don’t you all realize how easy it is to steal an election? Doesn’t it happen so many times, in so many countries?

    • 回复: @aandrews
  54. Drew 说:

    恕我直言,我住在一个农场,邻居都是农民。目前农作物收成还不到一半。你的情况可能有所不同,但可以从中进行概括。其次,即使农作物已经入库并储存,它们也需要运输和加工,这很容易受到干扰,今年早些时候的事件已经证明了这一点。虽然我没有向你详细说明这一点,但由于假设你很聪明,并且有能力让你的论点受到挑战,而你不会下意识地做出不假思索的反对,但进入城市的食品供应链非常脆弱,因为a)大多数食物是“ t 在城市地区生产,b) 大部分不在城市地区储存,以及 c) 大量不在城市地区加工。虽然我认为今年年底前爆发热内战的可能性不大,但如果发生内战,大多数农村特朗普支持者的策略将是通过毁坏农作物来破坏食物链(在或在野外)并摧毁高速公路和火车轨道上的桥梁和立交桥,因为相对于人口而言,城市地区在任何时候都没有太多食物,即使是一些轻微的破坏也会使很多人陷入贫困人们挨饿并生气。就像我说的,归根结底,这种策略可能不是赢家,但它是一种非常简单的方法,可以快速、廉价地造成大量伤害。

    • 回复: @Alden
  55. Drew 说:


  56. Drew 说:
    @Johnny Smoggins


  57. haha 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Priss Factor, my congratulations for an excellent, EXCELLENT, analysis. You have laid bare the reality of the ‘fake left’ from so many angles. Look forward to reading more from you

  58. Hegar 说:








  59. @Drew

    Jaysus dude, nobody needs to destroy any crops. Blue “Staters” are actually Blue Cityers. They live overwhelmingly in urban enclaves entirely dependent for food, water, fuel, electricity and heat on the surrounding Red counties. Not to mention that such public order as they enjoy derives from decidedly Red law enforcement officers. If the Red Staters decline to provide Blue cities with food, water, fuel, electricity, heat and public order, those Blue Towns will immediately spiral into orgies of darkness, panic, looting, and violence, followed quickly by dehydration, starvation and mass exodus or extinction.

    我怀疑大多数基础设施工人都是红色的。他们可以不费一枪一弹就随意封锁蓝色城市。蓝色城市大多依靠很少的动脉来输送所有的生计。因此,即使基础设施继续运行,任何射击者都可以相对简单地通过对电缆、管道、公路和铁路进行一些外科手术来关闭它们。 那个 is the “easiest way to attack the leftist centers”, not retarded crop-burning. Most crops are far less flammable than urbanites imagine anyway. And why destroy entire electrical plants? Just snip the lines to the treason zones. Let Red America continue to enjoy its own bounty.

    • 谢谢: Buck Ransom
    • 回复: @Liza
    , @Jim Bob Lassiter
  60. KenH 说:

    The military the rank and file is heavily black

    But most of them work in supply and other non-combat roles. Most of the actual fighters are white men as well as some hispanics with a few blacks. Don’t be fooled by all the goofy commercials showing a grim faced black soldiers as if it’s mostly black men on the front lines protecting the nation.

    • 回复: @SteveRogers42
  61. Agent76 说:

    Oct 19, 2020 There They Go Again! Adam Schiff Blames RUSSIA For Biden’s Laptop

    Deja vu! Once again those Russians have come through to plant disinformation during a US presidential campaign!

    • 哈哈: Alfred
    • 回复: @Notsofast
  62. Liza 说:
    @Almost Missouri

    And why destroy entire electrical plants?

    Why burn, loot, smash and utterly ruin billions of dollars’ worth of stores and other property? It’s been going on for months and nobody seems to be losing their shite over any of that, certainly not the various levels of government and the media not at all. Stores and other buildings are infrastructure, too.

    • 回复: @Almost Missouri
  63. Cyrano 说:

    苏联政变失败是因为共产主义的精英们有诚实和正直的态度,承认该制度使普通百姓失败了。 美国没有这种诚实和正直。

    实际上,他们的精英们认为,直到精英分子体系失败,这个制度才得以失败。 这几乎说明了他们的智力能力。

    历史上从来没有任何一种制度使精英阶层失败。 精英们通常不会受到任何系统故障的影响,这就是为什么他们在为时已晚之前无法回应普通民众的关注。

  64. @ThreeCranes

    All them “black rifles” got bought up by first time gun owners during the Black Lies Matter looting party, with a few boxes of 223 Rem factory ammo for every rifle. Didn’t take long to sell out everything. Real gun guys already have an AR or two, each rifle set up with a 1x red dot on QD mount plus another scope presighted, also on QD, extra mags, and they reload: couple thousand bullets, powder, primers and cases always on hand.

  65. @RoatanBill

    Very good comment, but still….

    It may have been planned that way, but there is/are still more than one “deep state” and not everyone within the military is or was complicit in the assassination of Kennedy etc.

    Of course, you may object that by that reasoning we can bifurcate all the way down to the individual person, but then we will have given up categories entirely and therefore conceptualization and understanding.

    And I would reply that, yes, but each stage gives us some insight inasmuch as each represents a stable, if temporary, state of affairs in the world.

    The answer to “Where does your lap go when you stand up?” is not that a lap is a delusion.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  66. @Francis Miville

    Sorry, but you have not done the research to support your debasing statement of the Palestinians being mere Arabs. Several years back a genomic study was made at Johns Hopkins which measured a cross-section of Palestinian DNA. The discovery was a mind-blower. Some 80% of the Palestinian genome is derived from that of the ancient Hebrews. When the Emperor Titus deported and scattered the elite Jewish rebels, they included only the economic and cultural elites. The hewers of wood, bearers of water, growers of crops, artisans and minor merchants were not molested. Their services were deemed useful for the Empire.

    Contrarily, the preponderance of American Jewery are not guilty of having more than a scintilla of ancient Hebrew ancestral DNA as the Askenazim were primarily descended from the Khazarian tribal nation and were converted en mass to Talmudism in around 840 Anno Domini. They have no “ancestral right” to Occupied Palestine whatsoforever.

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @Sirius
  67. PhilK 说:

    也许我只是盲目乐观,但我认为未来几个月不会出现任何左派(或右派)政变。我非常有信心特朗普会大获全胜,足以让所有人泄气,除了反法西斯主义和胡言乱语的怪胎,他们会在短时间内变得疯狂,然后被严厉镇压。那些“不他妈的”小丑从来没有做过任何事 乱搞,如果他们在选举后乱搞,他们就会了解“乱搞并找出答案”。我没有看到任何韦斯利·克拉克式的将军和海军上将能够与五角大楼的其他成员抗衡,为佩洛西、舒默和彭西内克·希夫服务。

  68. Agent76 说:

    Oct 19, 2020 19Th anniversary of boots on the ground in Afghanistan

    Live at the grave of Gen. Smedley Butler.

    • 谢谢: Biff
  69. Today’s commentariat has included but a relative handful of insightful observations and a whole lot of confused blather by the usual suspects.

    Though I have had my disagreements on some matters with Roatan Bill, he makes some good points about the gang of Brass-heads in the Pentagram. If they are of flag rank and work in the five-sided monstrosity in northern Virginia, most of them can be rightfully accused of violating their oaths of allegiance to the Constitution. Consider Operation Northwoods as R.B. pointed out.

    Or how about the deepest element in the deep state, the CIA. Their little Bay of Pigs operation was vetoed at a critical point by JFK. He refused to allow air support from either the Navy or Air Farce. Thus we have two elements, ensconced deep within the administrative infrastructure who had clear motivation to remove our last truly American president “with extreme prejudice”. Jim Fetzer and a posse of experts produced a fine book on the event of 11-22-63 in Dallas. Among the many photographs entered into evidence was one depicting a lanky man wearing a tan trench coat who was standing in front of the Texas School Book Depositary Building. That man was almost certainly none other than a man who became CIA since graduating from Yale–and from Skull n’ Bones, none other than Daddy WarBu$h—fortunately the late GHW Bu$h. Can you name America’s most powerful aircraft carrier? Perhaps you can come up with the name emblazoned on that infamous structure in Langley, Virginia?

    Alarmist asked Stalin’s rhetorical question as to how many divisions do the Brassheads in the Pentagram have. The answer is quite simple—ALL of them. However, generals do not command regiments. That is the realm of bird colonels. Same is true with battalions. They are led by majors.
    Down at the company level we are talking captains. It is within this middle officer class where there are still a not inconsiderable proportion of patriots. Non-com lifers of whatever racial or ethnic heritage tend to be country boys by background, with a considerable number of them being intensely patriotic. I’m wondering whether they are having quiet talks amongst the more levelheaded among their fellows—outdoors and without the presence of those tell-tale cellphones. Elite forces are a mixed bag. Some of them are intensely squared-away. Others are readily seduced by becoming mercenaries–contract workers for the Pentagram, getting the big-bucks for their taxpayer-sponsored military skill-sets.

    Comes to the Navy and we find some very savvy types–many of them intensely patriotic and extremely capable. The best among them are intensely aware of the fact that the missile which hit the Pentagon on 9-11-01 was precisely targeted to take out a naval intelligence unit which was working for the side of WE THE PEOPLE. They do not merely bear a grudge. Naval and Marine air may be essential in shushing off the Air Farce, which I regard as being the heirs of the Curtis LeMay/Lyman Lemnitzer “bomb em to oblivion” gang. Psychopathic sociopaths of the first water. The entire Air Farce needs to be abolished.

    Mad Dog Mattis is likely not at all representative of the Marine Corps: “Semper Fidelis”…always faithful. The true marines are not Pentagram Brassnoses. They follow in the traditions of General Smedley Butler–the most decorated gyrene ever and of Colonel “Chesty” Puller, who managed to extricate thousands of his troops along with army elements from the debacle at the Imjin Reservoir area in North Korea when the Chinese wave hit unprepared American units in the late winter of 1950.
    Most marines are a proud bunch. If push comes to shove they may well yell in unison “FUCK the chain of command”.

    Almost Missouri pointed out that those “blue” cities are totally dependent on rural America for virtually everything. Those places are totally vulnerable. The working stiffs who get the real jobs done for this country are not gonna roll over and take it. Consider what the long-distance semi drivers (whether employed by Walmart, Amazon or whoever) or even the few independents, might do if they find themselves as dismissible “deplorables”.

    Ralph Cramden noted the NRA and other Second Amendment guardians. Do you think they will allow a bunch of “wokers” and mama’s basement gameboyz along with ghetto-rats and left-out of common sense types to take down our country? He also states that many of the blacks in the military are from the South. That’s a whole nother breed from those pimped-up pushers with half a dozen baby-mamas for bragging rights. Doesn’t matter the race, most country boys still have a plentiful measure of common sense and a can-do attitude.

    Old Salt brings up the legions of military vets, ranging from the Korean conflict, through the Nam and into the U$oA’s recent aggressions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. They been through the mill and all too many of them got so messed over by the system and PTSD syndromes that they are suiciding in big numbers. What have those dudes got to lose?

    If the shit hits the fan, consider the job that one single battalion of marines could do at that building which was not hit by an airliner, but a missile on the day of the infamous Inside-Job—9-11-01.

    • 谢谢: annamaria
    • 回复: @Alden
  70. Sirius 说:
    @Majority of One

    Do you have a link to that study? I was unable to find it.

    • 回复: @Majority of One
  71. RoatanBill 说:

    At the very top, there is only one 深刻的状态. It is a bureaucracy / mafia just like any other with multiple factions. There’s a ‘Don’ somewhere and it isn’t Donald Trump. There are mafia families, mafia councils, lieutenants, soldiers, consiglieri, etc that provide support services completely independent to what’s regarded as the official military and intel agencies.

    My guess is that the top military brass, in or out of service, is in control. It’s well known that the generals and equivalent are sought after for embedment within the weapons manufacturers and other key industries like the broadcast and social media, as well as big oil and big pharma. The corporations instinctively know who to hire to get their bread buttered by a compliant Congress completely subordinate to the control the deep state has on every member of the 3 branches of gov’t through the intel agencies snooping.

    Almost every member of Congress, every president, every Supreme Court justice for decades has been placed there by the deep state after it’s been able to find their skeleton closet. Only someone like Ron Paul might be the exception, but he amounts to a rounding error in their calculus.

    The (current estimate) $21 Trillion was spent to further this scheme and to provide a lavish life style for the top players. That money was also used to build weapons systems we know nothing about and possibly entire armies of mercenaries on the payroll living in the underground cities that have been reported to exist as part of the 政府的连续性, out in the open scam. Every president since Eisenhower was made aware of how the cow ate the cabbage (Texas expression), as well as every significant member of Congress and the entirety of the asshats on the rubber stamp Supreme Court.

    This is obvious to me, given the military budgets proposed by ever administration since Eisenhower and how the PR effort to disallow any criticism of those brave murderers in the military. The media ALWAYS sides with the military as those dispassionate defenders of the dead Constitution and the brain damaged population would kiss their ass if they dropped their pants because they’re that stupid.

    The almost invisible military and their super secret decoder ring allies in the spook agencies have been in charge for most of my life and they’re not letting go regardless of the theater outcome this November.

    • 回复: @Ralph B. Seymour
  72. annamaria 说:

    “This isn’t just about an election—it’s a blueprint for completing the Left’s anti-American Cultural Revolution.”
    Or, as you wrote, “The US elite is eager to impose on its own subjects what it has been imposing on people around the world for generations.”

    The zionized smart Alexes among wokes and the committed opportunists populating various ‘stink tanks’ cannot conjure a situation when the US has its food/electricity/water supply disrupted/broken. The enthusiastic ‘revolutionary’ dimwits and eager presstitutes are not able to envision a nation-wide disruption of critical services in the US. The inevitable consequence of the disruption will be the emergence of mobs of murderous thugs.


    Guess, a poor American education, married to American comforts, played a bad joke on the US citizenry of ‘liberal’ persuasion. The sturdy midwesterners and recent hardworking immigrants seem to be the only segment prepared to survive the disaster of disintegration.

    从哲学上讲,美国成为黑帮国家已经太久了,在美国违反社会稳态规则的时间太长了,以至于无法维持一个可行的联盟。 很难发现任何有纪律和忠诚的实体能够拯救国家。 美联储和中等收入国家(两者都被严重犹太化)不在美国公民的整体范围内。 决策者不喜欢责任,但是如果不能对错误和失衡做出迅速反应,那么一个生物就注定了失败,包括人类社会的生命有机体。

  73. @follyofwar

    如果军方高层拒绝执行特朗普总统援引《叛乱法》的命令,那么他们就是在煽动叛乱,并不比南美的军政府好多少。他们失去了任何合法性,并且 事实上的 流氓军官。在这种情况下,预计会发生内战。

    特朗普在大选前对埃斯珀和米利做出了选择。解雇他们,他将面临充满敌意的媒体,将他污蔑为独裁者。如果他宣布《叛乱法》并推翻 BLM/ANTIFA,同样的情况也会发生。


    如果民主党无论选举结果如何都发起起义,那么根据紧急状态权力,总统可以将每个州的国民警卫队联邦化。如有必要,《叛乱法》第 13 章第 10 章(10 USC 第 251-255 条)允许总统撤销 居留权 授权派遣现役军队前往动乱地点。



    根据《美国法典》第 200 条第 10 条,888 名反对特朗普并说特朗普坏话的退休军官将自己置于危险之中。 88 蔑视官员。









    • 回复: @Art
    , @Alden
  74. Desert Fox 说:

    This color revolution that is going on in America is patterned on the zionist bolshevik revolution of 1917 in Russia and the same zionist bloodlines are involved in this revolution here in river city.

    It remains to be seen how bloody this bolshevik revolution will become and if the American people will wake up in time to avoid what happened in Russia in 1917.


    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @Alden
  75. Notsofast 说:

    ratcliffe has stated the intel community doesn’t have any evidence of russian involvement and has not shared any intelligence with schiff or any member of congress. how many times can they tell the
    same lie and have people believe it? they make putin look omnipotent, he must be really enjoying
    exacting his revenge without lifting a finger. well played, sir! geopolitical aikido

    • 同意: Agent76
    • 回复: @Agent76
  76. Miro23 说:

    Since there are more guns in the US than there are people – then if only 3% of the population (of 331 million) came out in the street – that would be around 10 million armed people in the street that could completely shut down US cities.

    The US military would then have some serious thinking to do, regardless of what orders they were receiving.

  77. Art 说:

    A croup Brewing?

    Is anyone going to hold a coup for a crook?

    Biden is soiled forever.

  78. omegabooks 说:

    Lots of comments on ordinary soldiers NOT obeying supposed “orders” by the higher-ups to take down Trump. Folks, I do not like Trump, do not trust Trump, and do not think he’s better than Biden (but he might be better than Harris, the evil “black” version of Killary)… Yet, the notion of the soldiers not not obeying illegal orders makes sense, and here is where Russia comes into this—-
    Back during the Winter Palace “revolt” scenario prior to the February Revolution (which set up the Bolshevik one), military leaders ordered soldiers to fire on anti-war (WW1) protestors (most of whom were ordinary Russians in St. Petersberg where the Winter Palace was). Guess what happened? The soldiers, tired of the crapola of WW1, REFUSED ORDERS!

    So yes, this could happen here if the elites try to have Trump removed should he legitimately win the election (I mean, voting for Biden is one thing…but who in their right mind would vote for Harris? Not even most blacks like her! How many blacks, having served time in jail, did she have released when their time was up? Very very few! She hates blacks as well as whites! Plus she’s descended from a man in Jamaica that OWNED BLACK SLAVES!)

    • 回复: @throtler
  79. Ray Caruso 说:

    My prediction is that Demoncraps will steal the election and Trump, while he will grumble, will yield under the sage and virtuous counsel of Jared Kushner. His ever-so-loyal son-in-law will tell him Demoncraps have privately promised not to prosecute Trump or confiscate his assets. Of course, Trump will be prosecuted and have his assets confiscated, as will a large number of those who aided and abetted his feeble rebellion against GloboHomo. I’m pretty sure this is what’s going to happen because time and time again, Trump has shown he is a wimp. He’s not willing to deal the cockroaches the kind of treatment they deserve, and even if he suddenly becomes willing it will be too late. If he was ever going to fight them, he should have spent the last four years dislodging them from control of the machinery of government. Instead, he appointed contemptible swamp critters like James “Mad Dog” Mattis (obviously because he liked that nickname), Christopher Wray, and Bill Barr to key posts.

  80. @Liza

    So because Blue cities are destroying themselves, Red states must follow suit and destroy themselves too? What kind of dingbat logic is that?

    • 回复: @Liza
  81. ZenitFan 说:

    这篇文章发人深省,但作者一开始就做出了错误的类比。 特朗普是我们的版本 戈尔巴乔夫,而不是叶利钦。 斯大林政变反对他后,他试图重组硬化系统(重组改革)并提高其透明度(公开性)-本质上是特朗普一直在尝试做的事情。 哦,是的-就像戈尔巴乔夫一样,特朗普已经决定将我们的最后一支部队撤离阿富汗。

    早在2012年,我就得到了小说家(和前海豹突击队)马特·布雷肯(Matt Bracken)的支持,得到了一个有趣的统计数据:在美国,每个武装联邦特工都有大约100个猎鹿人。 那只是 猎鹿人; 它完全排除了所有其他武装公民。 如果只有其中的0.25%来追杀 一种 作为一个代理人,其余的许多人会因恐慌辞职,以致该政权因缺乏执法者而崩溃。 (如果您还没有活着领取多汁的养老金,那有什么好处?)

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  82. Anonymous[260]• 免责声明 说:

    a fair warning to any and all Coup conspirators…historically the coup may succed..BUT the plotters ruined themselves forever…so hopefully the MILITARY will remember their oath to the USA CONSTITUTION or they will never be trusted ever again..they may end up splitering the branches, troops vrs officers, North vrs South, white vrs black, etc. they will self inflict a profound irreparable wound upon themselves..

    • 回复: @annamaria
  83. “高层官员可能不喜欢特朗普。但我的感觉是,他很受普通民众欢迎。”

    I would think so. Ever since WWII and the construction of the World’s Biggest Office Building (aka the Pentagon), promotion has been less dependent on combat experience and almost entirely on bureaucratic politics (or “being clubbable” as the Brits would say), rather like academic tenure and promotion, or the corporate world.

    Apocalypse Now: “They were grooming [Kurtz] for a top position in the corporation.” [Cf. the CIA: “The Company”]

    The point is, I’m sure Critical Race Theory is only the formalized version of the “go along to get along” philosophy of sucking up to the boss and HR. Hence, the people at the top are the most well-trained in corporate PC gibberish, Wokism and virtue-signalling.

    Among the grunts, not so much. E.g., they know from experience that blacks make terrible, indeed dangerous soldiers and certainly bad leaders.

  84. Art 说:
    @Ralph Cramden


    特朗普必须推迟解雇米利,直到 2021 年 XNUMX 月他第二次就职后。

    然后就是大规模解雇 MIC(军事工业联合体)将军的时候了。

    • 回复: @Ralph Cramden
  85. obwandiyag 说:

    There is no “leftist coup.” You people are all insane, and you allow yourselves to be whipped into an insane frenzy by covert ops agents just like the above one trying to get you all ready to shoot your neighbors.

    Meanwhile, the rich, who are neither left nor right, they are profits, steal all your money.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  86. Anon[125]• 免责声明 说:

    If Trump solidly wins on November 4th, and the Deep State attempts to steal the election by any means with success, the nation will be forever changed. Patriotism will die very quickly amongst normal white people, who will not be allowing their youth to sign up for the military in numbers that will astonish the Pentagon. Whites will en masse stop supporting the bread amd cicuses they are fed (bye Award shows, Hollywood, sports), and you will see economic warfare in the form of boycotts for real. Normal people dont attend political rallies and protests, but they do vote. Make their vote worthless and they will act.

  87. Liza 说:
    @Almost Missouri

    @Almost Missouri. I didn’t mean it the way you interpret my comment but I can see why you took it the way you did. I didn’t express myself the way I wanted to.

    • 回复: @Almost Missouri
  88. anarchyst 说:

    You are partially correct except for identity of the perpetrators of the JFK assassination. It is obvious that the israeli mossad was responsible for the assassination of JFK.
    JFK had little love for israel and wanted the jews to “come clean” on their rogue nuclear program.
    JFK insisted that israel conform to IAEA nuclear guidelines as to accountability and to the type and quantity of nukes–something israel was unwilling to do.
    israel’s acquisition of nuclear materials was done outside official channels, most of it being stolen (something jews are good at).
    Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy who couldn’t shoot straight…

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  89. anarchyst 说:

    为了获得良好的阅读效果,请获取 “意外后果” 约翰·罗斯(John Ross)
    The Yamamoto quote about an armed American “behind every blade of grass” rings very true.

  90. @TKK

    Great post! I take solace in the idea that the fury of The Right has yet to be unleashed. Used to think a rogue banana democracy like stalinfornia legalizing pedophilia might be the spark in the powderhouse, but now even that doesn’t seem likely to rouse a revolt.

    The Chinese/Yiddish/Eskimo curse, 愿你生活在有趣的时代 可能已经达到顶峰。

    • 谢谢: TKK
  91. anarchyst 说:

    The “oath” that every military person takes has no expiration date…

  92. Anonymous[331]• 免责声明 说:

    I think what’s happening in the US is more 1917 than 1991.

  93. @Almost Missouri

    “If the Red Staters decline to provide Blue cities with food, water, fuel, electricity, heat and public order, those Blue Towns will immediately spiral into orgies of darkness, panic, looting, and violence, followed quickly by dehydration, starvation and mass exodus or extinction. ”

    It’s that “exodus” part that is troubling.

    • 回复: @Almost Missouri
    , @Russ
  94. RoatanBill 说:

    That the Israeli’s had a hand in the JFK assassination wouldn’t surprise me at all. Your bread crumbs of evidence do form a plausible path leading up to the murder.

    However, the mere fact that the Israeli’s got their fissionable material from the US must mean US complicity at the highest levels with actual physical access to the stockpile. That can only be the US military or the labs they control and guard with US troops.

    Therefore, I would submit that the US military was in the lead of getting rid of JFK and one of the reasons other than Cuba and war mongering could have been messing with their lucrative ‘business’ deals such as selling US enriched material, much like the CIA selling / trading weaponry to the narcotics traffickers and Islamist loonies in the ME, for example.

    The entire clandestine movement of money by the pallets full, weapons by the ship load, human and drug trafficking using private CIA owned airlines and diplomatic channels, etc are all reasons to believe that the US military and their intel offshoots are the top criminals in the world and the US citizenry also pays their pensions.

    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @annamaria
  95. @Sirius

    Sorry,but it’s been maybe seven years and I no longer possess my old data. One of the more independent search-engines may have it. McGoogs will have erased it most likely. And good luck with Wikipedia as the Hasbara and Sayanim have had their way with it. You might want to check out a reasonably up-front Jewish site on their most common ancestors: “khazaria.com’”. Loaded with information and this bunch is proud of their actual heritage.

  96. @Liza

    Okay. Sorry to have been curt.

    • 回复: @Liza
  97. bruce county 说:

    I hope the loyal veterans know where to go, how to get there, and what to do the first week of November.

    I hope that’s the case.
    Is the silent majority going to step up to plate one more time for the shit show?
    Either way no one is going to take this lightly and the press will keep lying.
    Be safe brothers and sisters.
    Watching from Canada.

  98. Druid55 说:

    Going back to your old anti-muslim ranting self, i see. You haven’t changed. Still a thalmoudist rat!

    • 回复: @TKK
  99. Robjil 说:

    After JFK, “Israel first” has been the game plan. This alone points to Israel being the main culprit for his assassination.

    USS Liberty could not have happened with JFK in office. LBJ approved of it. It happened on June 8 1967.


    A 2002 BBC Documentary includes interviews with the Liberty’s crew, Israeli officials, and even Robert McNamara, the U.S. Secretary of Defense at the time.

    “I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation,” then-Secretary of State Dean Rusk said of the Liberty Incident “Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. … I didn’t believe them then, and I don’t believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous.”

    9 11 was the second Israel first game. This time it “worked”.


    “We are benefiting from the attack on the twin towers & Pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq.”“Once we squeeze out of the U.S., it can dry up & blow away.”Israeli Prime Minister, Ben Netanyahu.

  100. @Art


  101. 与许多支持特朗普的人不同,我认为特朗普将在即将到来的选举中惨败,并且不会抵制结果。我不知道选举是否诚实,但所有民意调查都显示特朗普失败了,而且它们并不都是固定的或错误的——而且在16年的普选中,它们也没有那么遥远。只是克林顿竞选团队的无能才让特朗普上台。

    • 回复: @Almost Missouri
    , @annamaria
  102. RoatanBill 说:

    There’s no real way to know the warped minds of the evil bastards that run things.

    I could look at it from strictly the money side and then proclaim that the US uses Israel to create the havoc that sells weaponry around the entire middle east. There Israel itself wouldn’t matter, just the weapons sales it helps facilitate.

    The truth is probably ‘all of the above’ in a smorgasbord of options maybe with different weightings per line item. Who knows?

    • 同意: TKK
    • 回复: @annamaria
  103. @Juri

    I just came to this thread. Yours is the first post as of yet that sounds like it’s from a Russian with the experience. At least, your grammar makes it sound authentic. ;-}

    (这听起来像十年前的SHTFPlan的老Mac Slavo。然后,他要么得到了编辑,要么学会了用英语写。)

    • 回复: @Juri
  104. Agent76 说:

    This qoute by *W* says it all, “You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.” George W. Bush

  105. TKK 说:

    Because I don’t feel warm and gooey toward a value system that saws off people’s heads because of a cartoon?

    I’m ok with it.

  106. @OldSaltUSNR




    就在那里,你已经证明你和你在当地 VFW/枪支商店里的大腹便便、患有糖尿病前期的同事对此一无所知。

    • 同意: Alden
  107. @Chris Cosmos

    I agree. A lot of these post-election scenario-izations assume the Left’s claim that Trump won’t leave office voluntarily. The Left have been wrong about everything else; why would they suddenly be right about this? After all, if there has been one hallmark of Trump’s last four years, it is how effortlessly he has submitted to the Swamp’s actualities. 99% of his anti-Swamp agenda that he ran on in 2016 went overboard once he got into office and has disappeared without a trace. A few scraps reappeared before each of the last two elections, but it wasn’t enough to save the House for the GOP in 2018 and it may not be enough to save the White House next month.

    Consider the 2016 campaign, in which Trump told Hillary to her face that she would “be in jail” and during which he joined in chants of “Lock her up!” Everyone, including me, got a little excited. Maybe one of these smug plutocrats would finally pay a price for her crimes. But then, literally just a few minutes after winning the election, Trump addressed his supporters. The first thing he said:

    “Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely. ”


    “Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division … blah, blah, blah …”


    I don’t find it hard at all to imagine that absent a clear cut victory (a very likely result), Trump will just say, “yeah whatever, you know what folks? It’s been great being your President and we’ve achieved great things together. Now is the time to recognize the legitimacy of this election and give the other side a chance to carry on the torch of achievement as it passes form our hands … blah, blah, blah … Good luck and God bless!” [Exits to Mar-a-Lago.]

    The Left will rationalize it as behind-the-scenes heroes forcing dictator Trump to accept the election’s “legitimacy”. They’ll overlook the fact that he was never a dictator in the first place and that he in fact accepted nine tenths of the Left’s agenda. The Left worked itself into a lather over the other one tenth and finally got its way in the end.


  108. @Jim Bob Lassiter

    It’s that “exodus” part that is troubling.

    Agree. That is the part that will determine the nature and future of the United States.

    Will the net result of all that chaos be a genuine reckoning, a recognition of the consequences of the comprehensive failure of liberalism and the comprehensive failure of the Blues as people, a failure so profound they cannot possibly participate in future political arrangements?

    Or will the net result of all that chaos simply be the accelerated Blueing of Red states as Blue refugees move into Red communities?

    • 回复: @Jim Bob Lassiter
  109. I have done a quick ctrl+F search for “1993”, and – big surprise – found nothing.

    Yeltsin was a Christian capitalist Jew dog, and later on would go on to open fire on the democratically-elected Duma in the 1993 coup d’état. The dissolution of the USSR in 1991 was the triumph of the globohomoexualists. The USSR had been a White ethnostate by and large.

  110. Ruckus 说:

    大声笑NSA,这是Depend尿布,而不是Depends,而且“一直”是这样。 俞无曼德拉???

  111. TexCritter 说:

    Perhaps what you describe was the actual plan, or perhaps it was only the advertised plan. Why risk having survivors who might later become whistle blowers. The Turkey is always the last one to know about the real Thanksgiving plans.

  112. Russ 说:
    @Jim Bob Lassiter

    “If the Red Staters decline to provide Blue cities with food, water, fuel, electricity, heat and public order, those Blue Towns will immediately spiral into orgies of darkness, panic, looting, and violence, followed quickly by dehydration, starvation and mass exodus or extinction. ”

    It’s that “exodus” part that is troubling.

    Herein lies the most fruitful wargaming, methinks.

    The GOP in general and Trump 2016 in particular won overwhelming numbers of counties in the country. The Left, by contrast, owns the large cities. Ergo, how best to isolate the cities? Many interesting solutions exist; some weak, some potent.

  113. @RoatanBill

    The brain damaged population!


    Every time I come to the US, and I come a lot, it becomes more apparent to me that the people are completely stupid.

  114. Desert Fox 说:

    Agree, see this book Blood in the Water by Joan Mellen on the Israeli and ZUS attack on the USS Liberty, it can be had on amazon, and I have it , and it is the best book on the attack on the Liberty, she interview over 40 survivors and dozens of others in the know.

    • 谢谢: Robjil
  115. karel 说:

    Get infected to test the west. Fatten yourself up beforehand to increase your chance of collecting life insurance.

  116. @KenH

    Blax in the Army and the USMC are the cooks, clerks, and bottle-washers. The closer you get to the tip of the spear, the paler and maler the ground forces become. Special Operators in all services are overwhelmingly white:


    • 回复: @Alden
  117. @Alden

    Maybe things will shake down just the way we expected–that is, were we able to see it coming.

    At hand, a vehicle speeding in a relative direction stays on the road as it whips from side-to-side; it avoids the left hand ditch and swings the other way pinned by lateral forces while veering to the right. Does it continue like this, does it stop, and if so, on what side and under what terms?

    Indeed we “always thought the power grab would come from the left” –didn’t we always say that? Yet if we could know how it will happen, maybe we wouldn’t say that.

    Imagine a world to your delight where order materializes blowing aside and assunder all delusional fools and their folly. Served them right and we’ll drink to that, correct? Careful what we wish for, careful who fulfills our dream, careful which side of the road we now exit that vehicle forever, as we have just realized that our road, as we knew it for the last 250 years–is now gone.

  118. aandrews 说:

    I recommend listening to the last eight minutes(-ish) of this conversation. It’s rather interesting. Things that can’t go on, don’t.

  119. Richard B 说:

    The military the rank and file is heavily black

    The US Military is still majority White male. And, since this is a PC-Free platform we can say what everyone already knows. Black = Incompetent. A simple fact that a glance at any inner-city across the country makes perfectly obvious.

    That’s not to underestimate the damage they can do. It’s simply to focus on an important aspect of their participation, ie; their incompetence.

    But, when push comes to shove, the USA will more and more reflect a Prison Yard where everything is about race. To the extent this happens then, yes, Whites and Latinos will mostly side with each other against blacks.

    In any event, even if The Hostile Elite wins, and they very well might, the best they’ll ever manage is a Pyrrhic Victory.

  120. aandrews 说:

    Drudge definitely seems like he’s trying to gaslight his Republican-voting readership.

  121. Juri 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    好的观察。 我是前苏联公民,1991年XNUMX月在大街上……:D

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  122. @Juri

    Thank you for your input then, Juri. I enjoyed this article by Mr. Allensworth – it’s not the usual material from VDare, one of my favorite sites, where I read it first. VDare writers, along with the many decent unz writers, write about the problems and often (in VDare’s case) about the political solution to said problems. However, I don’t think the solution, if any, will be a political one. The ctrl-left is not amenable to that.

    We can learn a lot from the various upheavals and revolutions of recent history. Americans are complacent, as I wrote in another thread regarding financial pain to come, because you’d have to be 80 years old or older to even remember any time where there significant numbers of people in economic and other hardship within the country. People think “it can’t happen here”, whatever big upheaval “it” is.

    Anyway, it was the lack of articles (the parts of speech) in your comment that made it sound even more authentic. I used to read the prepper sites, and probably should keep that up – Mac Slavo has his SHTFPlan site, and I often figured his misuse of grammar was on purpose to make him sound authentic (though, it’s not that I think he isn’t). His experience is from the Balkans war in what used to be Yugoslavia.

  123. annamaria 说:

    The US military has forfeited its oath to US Constitution. See Vindman cancan.

    • 同意: Alden
  124. @ZX

    “He has done everything they (Likud wing of Kosher Nostra) want. I wonder also if the Biden hard drive October surprise also was planned last year to put Trump back in.”

    Indeed. All the world’s a stage, and all the politicians merely players. If you want to change things, target the producer and director.

  125. annamaria 说:

    Sir, why don’t you investigate the relationships between the Clinton/Obama clan and the CIA/FBI bosses and leading operatives?
    Take a book and read about the Bolshevik revolution in Russia; this will considerably expand your educational horizons. Pay attention to the fact that the Bolshevik revolution was financed by American financiers. https://rielpolitik.com/2020/01/26/hidden-history-who-financed-bolshevik-revolution/

    雅各布·希夫(Jacob Schiff)是纽约投资公司Kuhn,Loeb and Co.的负责人。他是布尔什维克革命的主要支持者之一,并亲自资助了托洛茨基从纽约到俄罗斯的旅行。 他是伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)总统竞选的主要贡献者,并且是通过《美联储法》的倡导者。

    Next you might want to know the role of the FED in the demise of the US: https://www.facts-are-facts.com/news/the-federal-reserve-is-privately-owned

    the FED, which is a privately owned company, controls and profits by printing money through the Treasury, and regulating its value. … The FED’s books are not open to the public. Congress has yet to audit it. … Under the Federal Reserve Bank Act, the bankers control our economy.

    • 回复: @By-tor
  126. annamaria 说:

    A never-mentioned inconvenient fact in US history: https://prepareforchange.net/2019/01/29/president-kennedy-the-fed-and-executive-order-11110/

    On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy’s order gave the Treasury the power “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.” This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are enormous.

    With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Kennedy was on his way to putting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these silver certificates were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything. Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the government the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money. Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver.

    After Mr. Kennedy was assassinated just five months later, no more silver certificates were issued.

    The CIA and Zion have been inseparable for a long time. https://www.wrmea.org/018-may/ia-and-mossad-tradeoffs-in-the-formation-of-the-u.s.-israel-strategic-relationship.html

    In 1950 a man named Reuven Shiloah, the founder of Israel’s first intelligence organization, came to Washington. He visited the CIA and he came away very impressed with how it was organized. He went back to Israel and, in April 1951, he created out of a very fractious collection of security forces … Mossad, Hebrew for “institute.”

    In 1951 Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion came to the United States and brought Shiloah with him. Ben-Gurion met privately with President Truman, and Angleton arranged for Ben-Gurion to also have lunch with his friend Allen Dulles, who would shortly become the director of the CIA. …

    Angleton’s formative and sometimes decisive influence on U.S. policy toward Israel can be seen in many areas—from the impotence of U.S. nuclear non-proliferation policy in the region, to Israel’s triumph in the 1967 Six-Day War, to the feeble U.S. response to the attack on the Liberty, to the intelligence failure represented by the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @Majority of One
  127. fnn 说:

    MSM loves Antifa and associates.

  128. RoatanBill 说:

    I’m well aware of that EO. I only listed a small fraction of the evidence that points to the US military and their hangers on as THE ‘deep state’.

    Just recently, the independent journalist, Millie Weaver, uploaded a video that details how the US military is behind much of the shenanigans but seems to never be identified by the MSM. Then, Millie got arrested and hasn’t been heard of since. That’s how the ‘bad guys’ treat people – they disappear them. This is now common practice in the US and in Europe where they throw you in jail for speech or for publishing a book.

    We should all face the fact that the western gov’ts are all soft police states at present and the trajectory portends vicious totalitarianism in the not too distant future. The simple minded that keep voting for this or that cretin are deluding themselves that there is a savior that will ride in on his white horse (sorry for the racism) and save the fair maiden. It’s just ludicrous bullshit and the proles eat it up.

    • 同意: Majority of One, annamaria
    • 谢谢: Alden
  129. @annamaria

    On the return flight from Dallas on 11-22-63 the very first act that newly installed president Lyndon Baines Johnson took was to rescind JFK’s Executive Order 10001 which had created those $2 United States notes. The deal was in. This was proof. Johnson, who had several Tribal ancestors swimming around in his gene-pool, was acting on behalf of his ultimate superiors, the Rothschild Crime Clan, primary owners of the usurious “Federal” Reserve Bank. JFK had pissed off a host of powerful people, but his action on behalf of a return to a Constitutional money system was the legendary straw which broke the camel’s back.

    The arch-traitor LBJ further revealed his true allegiances when he absolutely refused the US Navy to send fighter support to drive off the Israeli planes which were attacking the USS Liberty during the 1967 war, This was an act of highest treason.

    The LBJ Library ought to be stripped of all of its memorabilia and then demolished. LBJ should be exhumed from his grave and then the desiccated corpse ought to be hanged by the neck along the Capital Mall as an example as the ultimate fate of those betrayers of their oath of office to the Republic.

    • 回复: @Alden
  130. Agent76 说:

    Oct 17, 2020 Eight Million In Poverty: FAILURE Of The Political Class!

  131. @Marco polo


  132. Alden 说:
    @Majority of One

    I agree. The coup happened November 22 1963 1:30 pm central time when communist Jewish front became president. It all followed, civil rights for all but Whites act, unlimited non White immigration and the No Whites Need Apply Act.

    Even more important was the funneling if hundreds of billions of federal dollars to communist Jewish front groups; feminazis, and all the radicals of the Johnson Nixon administration who took over the entire country by the 1990s and will soon retire so their even more radical and anti White racist successors can take charge of the final solution.

    Had Kennedy not been killed and Johnson never became President it would have happened a few years later.

    I would like to suggest everyone look st the dozens of YouTube’s by Diana West, author of Red Thread and numerous other books about Jewish communists in government in the last 130 years.

    Perfect Christmas presents by the way,

  133. Alden 说:

    Combat troops are overwhelmingly White. But the lifer sergeants are heavily black in the army. So are the warehouse workers motor pool logistics and support army support troops. Just sayin.

  134. Alden 说:
    @Desert Fox

    You’re exactly right. The grandchildren of the first Jewish immigrant communists who founded CPUSA in the Jewish Capitol NYC were the 1960 70s radicals. They, their children and now grandchildren have run the country since the 1990s.

    • 回复: @Desert Fox
  135. Desert Fox 说:

    The zionists aka bolsheviks have via their privately owned Fed, have taken over America and this started with their fastening their money creation counterfeiting machine on America in 1913 and then came the wars and debt, until the FED is abolished and we return to constitutional debt free money the zionist choke hold on America will remain.

    Now they want to finish us off and they are using UN Agenda 2030 and the covid-19 scam, lie, hoax and psyop, to do the job, covid-19 ie certificate of vaccination ID-19 is the greatest scam in the history of the world and with this they are springing a zionist bolshevik revolution on top of the covid psyop.

    I recommend the book The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed can be had on amazon, and google and read The Protocols of Zion.

  136. Alden 说:



    顺便说一句,我还知道旧金山地下灾难敌人占领市政厅总部的确切位置。有点没用,因为敌人 50 年前就占领了 SF 市政厅。

    如果我要发动叛乱,早在我们占领大型市政厅、县政府大楼和州议会大厦之前,我就会让我的人就在那里。家族公司可以关闭湾区的电力,甚至关闭谷歌、Facebook 和其他硅谷大数据中心,因为它们是我们建造的。如果官员们离开市政厅,我会知道去哪里找到他们。


    至少我知道大约 15 万人的食品和汽油供应储存在哪里。我认识那些正在建设数据中心的人。如果官员们撤离他们的建筑物,我知道市政厅消防警长和警察总部在哪里。我们甚至还有 SFO 机场合同。


    1991 年俄罗斯的情况并不是对美国现状更好的类比。我们的内战和威士忌叛乱是更好的类比。分离主义者暂时取得了成功,因为他们有欧洲的资金、南方精英的支持和组织良好的民兵,再加上从将军到列兵的众多美国陆军士兵加入了分离主义者,并且由于计划和组织,他们能够夺取陆军和海军基地,军械库一开始。再加上分裂主义者已经组织了大约12年。


    从历史上看,我想不出有哪个城市曾经被坚强的农民征服过。围攻总是由有组织、装备精良的军队发起的。瓦特·泰勒从未去过伦敦。加尔文主义者洗劫并烧毁了德国明斯特,但该城市很快就被政府军夺回。与抢劫和焚烧布鲁日的法国胡格诺派一样。一周后重新夺回城市。 1600 年代,印第安人征服了迪尔菲尔德马斯,几天后就离开了。

    • 回复: @Miro23
  137. annamaria 说:

    JFK and the zionized CIA: http://john-f-kennedy.net/mossadandtheassassination.htm

    Pedatzer: “The murder of American president John F. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure being applied by the U.S. administration on the government of Israel to discontinue their nuclear program. … Kennedy made it quite clear to the Israeli Prime Minister that he would not under any circumstances agree to Israel becoming a nuclear state.”

    After JFK was murdered:

    In Kennedy’s last fiscal budget year of 1964, Israeli aid was $40 million. In LBJ’s first budget of 1965, it soared to $71 million, and in 1966 more than tripled from two years earlier to $130 million.


    Quite unfortunately for Jack Kennedy, as well as the nation, the highest levels of the U.S. Government were populated with many more who were inclined toward the latter. These men would not be denied their wars and especially not their war-profiteering. Nor would they be thwarted in their attempt to create a New World Order using the USA as the military arm of a One World Government. …

    Given this ‘setting’ it is much easier to understand why the CIA was the primary coordinating agency behind the assassination setup, takedown and coverup. Only they had the power, the black budget, and the worldwide network to implement such a complex execution plan, convoluted post-assassination game plan and complicated coverup. The CIA also had the greatest interest in the success of the coup d’état, functioning as the chief enforcement agency for the entire Military-Industrial Complex as they do.

    • 谢谢: Robjil
  138. Alden 说:
    @John of another mother

    Have you planned how to get yourself and your weapons to Washington? Do you know where the military bases in and around DC are?

  139. annamaria 说:
    @Chris Cosmos

    “Only a spectacular degree of incompetence by the Clinton campaign…”

    — You mean, like shoveling the popular Sanders away and hiring a foreign agent Mr. Steele to work harmoniously with the CIA/FBI bosses (beholden to the mega war profiteers and mega-financiers) on a creeping color revolution 美国。

  140. Alden 说:
    @Majority of One

    The man the …….s claim is President Bush standing in front of the book depository building is not wearing a tan trench coat. He’s wearing a suit and white shirt.

    The pictures are all black and white many shades of gray. No color including tan It was like 75 in Dallas that day. Not trench coat weather.

    He’s a generic medium sized age uncertain white man in a suit that looks light gray because it’s a black and white photo. Or photo shopped in later by a ………

  141. annamaria 说:

    The honorable Colonel Patrick Lang would disagree with you (see his blog Sic Semper Tyrannis). He is an ultimate expert in Middle East politics and a fiery patriot; his undivided loyalty is to the US.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  142. RoatanBill 说:

    Patriotism and nationalism are, as yet, undiagnosed mental disorders.

    Why would I care about what some uniformed licensed murderer has to say?

    • 回复: @annamaria
  143. @Almost Missouri

    The “exodus” people will not go through the mental processes of “genuine reckoning” or “recognition” of anything that you have set forth. They will just be “hongry”, in need of more free shit and out to kill Whitey. They will have killed off all of the White liberals capable of those thought processes who failed to get out of the urban areas while the getting was good.

    • 回复: @Almost Missouri
  144. @Liza

    一次死亡是一场悲剧。 统计显示有XNUMX万人死亡-斯大林

    • 同意: Liza
  145. throtler 说:


  146. Ricko 说:







    • 同意: Alden
    • 回复: @Jim Bob Lassiter
    , @Alden
  147. anonymous[325]• 免责声明 说:

    The rabidly deplorable side in this contest is clearly getting desperate. These essays trying to save that evil degenerate orange clown are pathetic. Don’t you deplorables have any shame?

    If indeed the lesser deplorable side is attempting a coup, don’t you see it is better than the literal LOWLIFE who leads that evilest of nations?

  148. anonymous[325]• 免责声明 说:

    steering the nation, and the entire West, back toward Christ and Christendom.

    That has nothing to do with woke or non-woke side winning or losing.

    The basis for Christendom is pagan polytheist godlessness. It is a cursed ideology. Why do you insist on propagating this heretical pestilence? Can’t you see the entire faith depends on extremely dubious claims.

    Would you consider Falwell Jr a “woke”? Don’t give me shit about WASP as a judaising heresy. The spiritual existence of the western civilization has always been all about heresy.

    • 同意: Alden
  149. Anon[324]• 免责声明 说:

    The red lines are certainly muddy, and I have no idea if these red lines are “for real”

    But I’ll try and differentiate my perceived red lines:

    Guns grabbing: Forced confiscation. That hasn’t happened yet.

    Forced vaccination: Specifically of the rushed, poorly-tested SARS2 vaccine.

    Forced internment: Specifically of white Americans for the crime of believing in what the founders believed.

    Foreign troop landings: Specifically NATO, Chinese, or Russian troops invited by communists posing as Democrats.

    You can gaslight all you want but 2020 is historic, and unlike anything that ever has happened in the past.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  150. @Jim Bob Lassiter

    Right. The choice of having recognition and a reckoning is a choice the Red Staters will have to make as the Blue refugees bear down on them. Will they recognize and reckon with the beast, in which case some long-term settlements can begin to be made? Or will they respond to media calls to welcome refugees and “acknowledge” their “victimhood”, in which case the Blues will have succeeded (again) in colonizing Red exurbs?

  151. RoatanBill 说:

    What a great idea – keep restricting your view of the world till you go blind and you won’t see anything.


  152. @Ralph Cramden


  153. @Ralph Cramden



    • 同意: Alden
  154. Alden 说:




    • 谢谢: Ricko
  155. Miro23 说:



    例如,布尔什维克(俄国1917 +德国1919)几乎是专业的革命家。 他们井井有条,资金充裕,并且由于动荡不安而进行了数年的革命。 他们于1917年XNUMX月在俄罗斯发动政变的尝试很成​​功,但需要大量的组织和宣传才能实现。

    同样,希特勒和他的德国国民社会主义者也很活跃,组织得当,有很多有钱的支持者。 他们测试了宣传,打乱了布尔什维克的会议,并完善了反布尔什维克的技巧(通常是从布尔什维克本身复制而来的)。 希特勒也发动了失败的政变(Beer Hall Putsch 1923)。


    • 同意: annamaria
    • 回复: @Juri
    , @Alden
  156. Juri 说:


    列宁对冬宫的袭击被认为是无关紧要的,甚至连彼得格勒的报纸也没有报道。 像今天一样,Antifa入侵某些市政大楼也没什么大不了的。 只有在人们意识到实际发生的情况之后,这种攻击才变得很重要。

    由罪犯,同性恋者,精神变态者,知识分子和大学生组成的50至100个强大的团伙几乎没有采取任何法律阻止州政府雇员离开建筑物。 没什么大不了的,但是它发生在全国各地,整个国家机构不复存在。



    通常,社会上有2%的精神病患者,患有其他金属疾病的人,性变态者以及垃圾污秽者。 但是当你召集他们时,你会得到数以百万计的狂热军团,他们消灭了无法组织甚至无法理解正在发生的事情的普通人。

    您现在所拥有的正是我们在1917年所拥有的。100个Antifa攻击城市,另外20个本地电话公司,有些切断了电缆。 而且您没有地方政府,沟通不畅,由于不了解,执法就像俄罗斯帝国一样无奈。 从历史上我们知道,许多知名的自由主义者来自沙皇军队或警察,所以现在我们知道,我们的执法部门早在1917年之前就充满了自由主义者。

    因此,执法行动无能,他们的自由派同僚的野心很大。基本上,俄罗斯帝国陷于瘫痪,因为没人知道他们的营,派出所,市政当局或任何地方都拥有自由派。 是的,他们注意到他们的一些同事很奇怪,怎么说呢,但是由于所有人都是平等的,他们认为穿着制服或长凳的人们至少应该是大多数人。

    俄国革命之所以成功,是因为同班同学,诗人和其他朋友。 是的,他有点不可思议,但他绝不会做些可怕的事情,所以不必担心或怀疑。


    • 回复: @Alden
  157. GoodTwin 说:


  158. annamaria 说:

    Wonder that you like the Unz forum where readers discuss papers written by informed professionals.
    Colonel Lang had more than enough confrontations with the snooty profiteers of zionist variety as well as the ‘healthy’ (non-patriotic, in your terminology) profiteers like Biden, Cheney, Clintons et al.
    Perhaps, you have missed the readers’ concern about the fate of European civilization in the context of uncontrolled immigration from Africa and the Middle East; the uncontrolled immigration has been allowed (and supported) by the zionized European governments groomed for globalization.
    Whatever your upbringing, it sounds rather sad that you do not recognize the cultural legacy of your ancestors.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  159. Alden 说:

    我同意您所写的所有内容,没有补充。 法国大革命也是如此。 共济会和奥尔良渗透了20年的公务员队伍,但军队却没有海军,神职人员,律师和司法部门使该州崩溃了,就像时间到了一样。


  160. RoatanBill 说:

    Many informed professionals, aren’t; they are posers, BS artists, frauds. The bulk of the population hasn’t the education to see through all the malarkey. When people have degrees in nonsense, they’ll believe almost anything relying on submission to authority to suspend what little critical thinking skills they may possess.

    The military in particular is crawling with the absolute worst the society has produced. Murderers that kill on command for the political class of sociopaths. They were made for each other.

    I’ve heard of military types that retire and then discover that their entire careers were in error. These are the absolute worst. Trying to cash in on both sides of the equation. I wouldn’t trust them if they told me the sun was up at noon.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  161. Alden 说:

    The conservative counter revolutionaries aren’t even carrying their firearms, just occasionally cleaning them and dreaming about the counterrevolution.

    The American revolutionaries began planning in 1760 and didn’t declare independence and start fighting till our French allies were in the ships and on the way.

    That’s how every successful and unsuccessful revolution begins. Money, at least one sector of elite involvement, careful recruitment propaganda , logistics food, housing all important transportation medical care rooting out of government agents and most of all, knowing what buildings and agencies to take over ; where they are, how to get there, who to send and most important what to do when you’ve occupied the building. And often foreign involvement.

    American Revolution is familiar to all of us and an excellent example of how to carry out a revolution.

    Here’s how Bonaparte went from army General to First consul or premier president.

    Brother Joseph was president speaker of the assembly General Murat was husband of sister Caroline. Brother Joseph persuaded the assembly to meet not in the usual building in Paris but in a Chateau in the suburbs. They’d live in the chateau during the session.

    Meanwhile, Bonaparte operatives in the assembly began talking about a new form of government, based on the old Roman Triumvirate. 3 Consuls, elected by the senate and assembly with separate but equal powers. Bonaparte newspapers printed editorials endorsing the idea.

    After a couple days the assembly critters woke up to find the building surrounded by Murat and Napoleon’s army. Brother Joseph began the voting for the consulship Assembly voted against. This went on for a few days. Then Murat just went in with his soldiers who waved their bayonets around and shit up the ceiling The assembly voted in the consulship. Napoleon was first consul and most of the 3 separate powers went to the first consul.

    That’s how it’s done. Organization planning and the right people in place.

    We’ll see what happens. The democrats have everything in place to do whatever they want if Biden loses.

  162. Alden 说:
    @Ralph Cramden




  163. Alden 说:

    theconservativetreehouse.com网站. Has the press conference by the FBI about foreign interference in the election. Lots of bubble babble about the FBI defending election integrity Just one actual fact in the whole babble fest. And it might be a lie. Allegedly the government is sending emails to registered voters. Didn’t say what was written in those emails.
    If I were organizing a revolution or coup d’ etat from within it’s exactly what I would have my troops do.
    They’re setting the stage for the FBI to interfere if it looks as if Trump will win.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  164. annamaria 说:

    Was your native country ever attacked by a bully-state? Do you have soldiers (including non-professional military) in your family, who gave their lives to protect the motherland?
    I am not asking about your professional training and such trifles as a professional degree. And I stand by my point that many authors presented by the Unz Review are highly informed individuals.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @anonymous
  165. RoatanBill 说:

    Several countries could count me as one of ‘them’. Countries are geopolitical entities I don’t care about due to my anarchist world view. The very idea of a ‘motherland’ in today’s meaning is state worship and I detest that. If some of my relatives died or not, fighting for this or that piece of geography has no influence on me or my thinking processes. People have been murdered or committing murder fighting for some stupid flag for as long as there have been warlords and priests.

    Why fight for a flag when you can buy one for a nickel. – Ezra Pound

    All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. – Voltaire

    I see you’ve move the goal posts, changing 专业人士个人.

    Now I might agree that there are people here who seem informed. What I won’t agree with is that there are professionals in fields that are pure opinion.

    This is not a small matter. It is the mind numbing respect for faux professional that has people in a trance. They suspend their limited thinking faculties because they are supposedly listening to an expert, a professional. When one realizes that in many / most cases, there are no professionals, just bullshit artists with an agenda, that changes the environment completely surrounding the discussion.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Alden
  166. RobinG 说:

    Correct. But aren’t they already interfering…. for 4 years, actually?

    Darren Beattie & Tucker Carlson Discuss Color Revolutions & The Plot To Oust President Trump

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @Rufus Clyde
  167. annamaria 说:

    So as a microbiologist (?) (or geneticist, historian, an expert in advanced weaponry, mathematician, or IT expert?), you are not satisfied with the scholarship level on this site. Interesting. Generally, on this forum, most eloquent protesters do their protestings against politically-incorrect data. What’s your point? As a rule, highly educated people hold great respect for other highly educated people.
    Also, does your anarchism include rejection of all kinds of cultural traditions?

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  168. By-tor 说:

    Don’t waste your time trying to get that low IQ, unemployed, immigrant welfare black to learn anything.

  169. RoatanBill 说:

    I’m an engineer / professional software developer. I trust engineers because they can demonstrate their expertise by building the world we all live in. I trust software developers to produce the control systems that keep us all alive and make the current world possible.

    I have no respect for historians, economists, English literature ‘experts’, art historians, Egyptology, paleontology, psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, gender studies PhD’s, and all the other forms of basket weaving degrees conferred by the university system. Those are examples of fraudulent professions that are primarily opinion based or use their interpretation of things to arrive at a consensus among their priests and then call that fact.

    What you consider highly educated probably isn’t what I would consider highly educated. If someone has a PE license, I’m impressed. If someone has a doctorate in law or economics, for example, I’m completely unimpressed and am sorry the society can’t recognize these useless eaters.

    In general, if a discipline can produce empirical evidence that what they say is true and lab measurements can confirm this repeatedly, then I have respect for that profession. Everything else is bullshit in the final analysis.

    • 同意: Rufus Clyde
    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Alden
  170. @RobinG

    Good for the goose, and good for the gander.

  171. Leftists! Please, stop you’re killing me! The power behind the Democrat corruption machine stems from the accumulation of economic control by a tiny elite, just like the Republicans. It’s just a different elite. Sometimes. Oh man, can’t wait to see the workers take control of Amazon and turn it into a series of autonomous collectives! Hilarious!

  172. annamaria 说:

    You are an anarchist with a professional degree in engineering and software development, which means that you have been studying very traditional disciplines within the hierarchy of the academic world.
    You respect numbers but not when they are coming from medical/biological studies and, in particular, from the field of biological psychology since there is something about biological psychology, which you abhor.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  173. RoatanBill 说:


    Just because someone uses numbers doesn’t make it scientific and doesn’t mean that the numbers directly lead to the conclusion. Too many fields interpret their results to align with a predetermined world view that the priests in the discipline have determined are the proper frame of reference.

    Look at economics, THE premier fraudulent profession. Economists and their banker buddies invented fiat currency and have written untold numbers of papers on how to manage that system and why it’s needed. Since no fiat currency has lasted longer than the gov’t system that created it, that must mean that the currency was worthless from the get go relying on coercion to get acceptance and outlawing sound money. Gold and silver have outlived all fiat currencies for thousands of years because the metal itself IS the money, not the gov’t or other imprint on its face. A Roman gold or silver coin is still worth something today strictly due to the intrinsic metal content.

    Look at the climate science frauds. They cheated and got caught but TPTsB keep pushing the ludicrous notion that a gas concentration of CO2 at 1 part in 2500 is going to heat up the planet. Records from ice cores show CO2 concentration many times what we have today and the planet didn’t turn into Venus. Records also show that the rise in temperature precedes the rise in CO2 by about 800 years. Further records show that we are entering a cyclical period that usually precedes a grand solar minimum where temperatures drop and growing regions shift towards the equator.

    Look at psychiatry. It was going the way of phrenology when Rockefeller discovered that petroleum could be used to make drugs and needed the shrinks to prescribe them. Not a single mental condition in the DSM has an empirically verifiable test that can diagnose a condition. The entire field is nothing but the opinions of the priests and look at the harm they’ve done with all the mass shooting with the killers on some form of mind altering meds.

    Now I want to know of your background. What education credentials do you hold?

    • 回复: @Miro23
    , @annamaria
  174. BB753 说:

    A Trump win will:
    a) intensify the actions of antifas and blm thugs on the steet on one hand and on the other judiciary and Deep State machinations against his administration.
    b) Even if Trump resists a full term, the Color Revolution will ultimately take over power in 2024.

    I can see no way out of this situation unless a foreign power intervenes, which is highly unlikely, either China or Russia. Finally, don’t count on the military or Law Enforcement Agencies. All bought and sold. Which is why the Soviet coup failed, by the way.

    • 同意: Alden
  175. Miro23 说:

    Just because someone uses numbers doesn’t make it scientific and doesn’t mean that the numbers directly lead to the conclusion. Too many fields interpret their results to align with a predetermined world view that the priests in the discipline have determined are the proper frame of reference.

    That’s my experience with an economics degree. 100% designed to bolster a predetermined world view with the “econometrics” and calculations being based on suitably selected false assumptions. However, you’re wrong about history:

    I trust software developers to produce the control systems that keep us all alive and make the current world possible.

    I have no respect for historians…

    In general, if a discipline can produce empirical evidence that what they say is true and lab measurements can confirm this repeatedly, then I have respect for that profession.

    Historical research is never going to work like hard science – but that’s hardly a reason to reject it. Well researched history using primary sources in an open minded way can be very instructive about the present world. The human world didn’t arrive fully formed – it grew with many twists and turns (including scientific discovery and technology) to its present state. Science and technology also has its own history – for example Vaclav Smil’s excellent “Creating the Twentieth Century: Technical innovations of 1867-1914 and their lasting impact” OUP 2005.

    Also there are some empirically testable results, even in the woolliest of disciplines like psychology – for example “Past behavior is the best guide to future behavior”.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  176. RoatanBill 说:

    History is written by the victor. The defeated entity may try to write their history books in such a way as to limit their embarrassment for their own people inside their own country. The rest of the world generally takes the victor’s description as gospel.

    History is just a story with varying degrees of accuracy, even from primary sources. Current events, the history of the current time, has the Russians helping elect Trump in 2016 and those dastardly Ruskies are at it again in 2020. Am I supposed to believe that history?

    Sorry, but if you can’t PROVE it, it’s just a story. The world is full of story tellers with PhD’s.

    An Anthropologist can find what he declares is a finger bone of some extinct humanoid and from that determine the average height, weight, eating habits and even if they generally preferred Coke over Pepsi.

    Astronomers wound the universe’s creation back in time to define the Big Bang by using redshift pioneered by Edwin Hubble. Hubble’s protege, Halton Arp cataloged numerous galaxies that clearly show redshift as a measure of distance is wrong and concluded from measurements that redshift is quantized and probably an intrinsic property of matter at some level. For his heresy, Arp was denied telescope time and hounded out of the US. Am I supposed to ignore Arp and blindly follow the consensus view when plasma physics adds tremendous weight to Arp’s observations?

    History is aged propaganda.

    • 回复: @Alden
  177. annamaria 说:

    Just one more question. You are a committed anarchist (by your own declaration). Do you use such civilizational toys as running water, electricity, and the accouterments of dental offices, or you, as a true anarchist, live in a cabin with an outhouse, away from any government and governmental structures?

    Re your question: Whatever my background, I have high respect for people of knowledge, whether it is microbiology, genetics, biological psychology, mathematics, history, or advanced weaponry. And I do stand my ground — the Unz Review is a spring of information presented by professionals.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @Alden
  178. RoatanBill 说:

    I see now that besides putting words into my mouth several times, you’ve decided to ask stupid questions you already know the answers to, building a rickety straw man in the process. Remember, I help build the world you inhabit so I have a right to partake of its benefits, and do so.

    I still don’t know of your background, even though I asked politely. I can only conclude you’re a dishonest person that won’t honestly continue a conversation but deflects when you have no logical rational reply.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  179. anonymous[102]• 免责声明 说:

    Informed perhaps, but misguided nonetheless.

  180. Alden 说:

    Victors write their version of history. The losers write their version of history. Observers with no stake in the game who live hundreds or thousands of miles away and write what the observers consider to be unbiased versions.

    Just read about American communists and those who fought them 1930-1956 when the communists triumphed in public opinion

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  181. Alden 说:
    @Ralph Cramden

    2016 年 XNUMX 月,文德曼作为奥巴马特工监听了弗林与俄罗斯驻美国大使和俄罗斯外交部的电话。科米指控弗林在通话中撒了谎。

    科米是检察官,弗林是假证人。 。如果您了解到底发生了什么以及检察官和证人之间的区别,您就会知道。



    你和你想象中的忠诚退伍军人一无所获。我怀疑你能否拿出一辆货车和其他 5 名忠诚的退伍军人来进行你的革命清洁和抛光,也就是玩你的猎枪。


  182. Alden 说:

    Annemarie. Because of my background in law enforcement and real estate; fending off bogus investment opportunities , my BS detector is excellent. Reading Rotan Bill’s posts, I doubt he’s an engineer. He’s here just to preach his supposed anarchy and start fights. And accuse us other commenters of being dumb ignorant believers in CNN MNSNBC My opinion he doesn’t know anything about anarchy at all, just the word

    Were he knowledgeable about the anarchist writers he’d write about them He doesn’t. Rotan Bill just brags about his foreign residency, his occupation and his superior knowledge that America is a mess. As though we all don’t know that

    He brags that engineers are superior to lawyers. Hah Lawyers become the judges and legislatures who make the laws that govern rule us all. Engineers are just workers who make and maintain, Elected and appointed lawyers rule engineers and the rest of us on behalf of the elites who rule the lawyers, judges and other government officials.

    Software developer is an old fashioned term. They now call themselves systems architects.

    It’s very possible to have an engineering degree and go into software development. It happens. But to work both as an engineer and a software developer????

    Possible but not probable.

    He’s just another liberal given the name of this conservative racist anti Semitic site to jump into threads and tell us we’re just another lot of TV watching ignorant low IQ Trump voters.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
    , @Robjil
  183. RoatanBill 说:

    So, you admit to at least three versions of history. I assume I’m supposed to believe the one cobbled together by the unbiased observer.


    There’s no such thing as an unbiased observer when relating a story.

    History is a story. The author of the historical record for your 3 cases each put their spin on the tale. If you want to believe some story, that’s up to you. I choose to regard all stories from historians and anthropologists to astronomers and paleontologists as their court jesters tale to provide some entertainment, not factual knowledge.

    • 回复: @Alden
  184. Alden 说:

    Did you flunk out of community college?

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  185. annamaria 说:

    Do you live in Israel? Poor manners betray you.
    Please reread your own verbose posts to find out that nothing was invented in my questioning posts for you.
    This world of ours has been built by great people who did not need to boast about their special role in building it. You are neither Pythagoras nor Phidias, Al Hazen, Leonardo, Bach, Ramanujan, Boltzmann, Tesla, and other geniuses to whom we all owe so much. You are ‘RoatanBill’ who was dressed up for slandering the Unz Review’s contributors.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  186. RoatanBill 说:

    Never went to a community college. I got engineering degrees.

    You strike me as an artsy type. How someone can defend any of the basket weaving disciplines is beyond me.

    • 回复: @Alden
  187. Alden 说:

    Reading your comments on various threads I doubt very much you have an engineering degree or live in a foreign country to which you fled 30 years ago because you thought America is finished. In this thread you claim to be an engineer and software developer. In another thread you claim to own a food company that vacuum packs food.

    You’re a silly old man who believes all the prepper gun collector Rambo dreams that stalwart frontiers men will come down out of the hills and conquer DC.

    Never happened and never will.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  188. Alden 说:

    Whatever countries you live in, some government officials gave you your residency permit IF you actually live somewhere than America which I doubt. Your comments scream small town provincial prole who’s never traveled more than 500 miles from home.

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  189. Floda 说:

    抱歉,这是叶利钦和特朗普之间的一个巨大区别:叶利钦是个醉汉,实际上他是一个绝望的醉汉,在一次访问爱尔兰期间,他是如此充实,他的管理者无法将他叫醒,所以他留在了飞机要清醒到足以露面。 不是我们的唐纳德(Donald),他全神贯注,一大早起床。 而且您不认为他和他的内部圣殿尚未制定计划和清单,以便在4月XNUMX日早上停用…吗? 我预计他们的脚不会碰到地面。

  190. RoatanBill 说:

    I don’t much care what you believe. I do know you have reading comprehension issues. I’ve corrected your 30 year impression and you persist in using it. I’m against any attempt to take over DC or any other gov’t by force and gave my reasons why. I suspect you don’t want to believe me because I’ve done what you’ve only thought about or in the opposite sense, I represent the free man you’ve spent your life trying to repress under the color of law.

    You’ve descended to using an ad hominem towards me and that shows your frustration in not having a cogent argument against my stated positions on topics. Neither you or I should be the topic of conversation. We should be discussing issues relevant to what’s wrong with the US gov’t and where it’s likely to go given its current trajectory.

    I decided to leave the US when 911 happened and what the Fed Gov did to a friend of mine, Richard (Dick) Simkanin. InfoWars has the best description of what the Feds did to him, but even their account is badly flawed. It took me a few years to arrange my affairs but I left.

    I knew the US was going to turn into a police state and it certainly has. Those in ‘law enforcement’ are responsible for the slide into totalitarianism currently underway. I therefore see you as part of the problem and not the solution.

    I saw early on that there was a train heading for me and I got off the tracks, it’s as simple as that. I can’t stop the train. There are too many people like you pushing it forward. All I’m trying to do is get people with a receptive mind to wake up to their real situation by having the bad manners to speak plainly skewering topics like respect for authority, law and most of all, the cretins that carry a weapon anywhere in the US in gov’t employ.

    • 回复: @Alden
  191. RoatanBill 说:

    Your problem is referred to as projection.

    You’re projecting your inadequacies on to me.

  192. RoatanBill 说:

    I see you’re into unsubstantiated gossip too.


  193. Robjil 说:

    He’s just another liberal given the name of this conservative racist anti Semitic site to jump into threads and tell us we’re just another lot of TV watching ignorant low IQ Trump voters.

    Alden, your posts are quite good.

    This slur about this site was strange.

    UNZ is a realism site. Not a RAS site. RAS is the initials for what you wrote.

    Realism allows humans to freely speak. “I can’t speak freely” is the motto for all Zion MSM.

    Realism is such a rare thing in the world since 12.23.1913, it is a great pleasure for the human mind.

    Humans yearn for freedom of the intellectual. Freedom of the intellectual is how humans advanced. The denial of it will bring the downfall of humanity.

    • 谢谢: annamaria
    • 回复: @Alden
  194. Neoconned 说:

    I was backing Obama im 2009 when we were going to stick it to Wall Street etc.

    He had a voter mandate. Heads were going to roll, Wall Street criminals were actually going to federal prison “with hard labor”…..

    Then Obama claimed we’d be out of voth Iraq AND Afghanistan unilaterally by 2010. He kinda kept that promise with Iraq but then he either started or expanded wars in Libya, Syria, Somalia etc.

    Then he let Victoria Nuland f up the situation in Ukraine….

    We were going to get Canada style health care & actually make college free…..


    Then Obama went full identity politics and Bill Clinton neolib and it was all stalemate from there and i gave up on politics.

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 回复: @travel lyte
  195. Alden 说:

    9/11 happened 11 years ago, not 30 years ago. Every post you make contradicts other posts. So, did you decide to leave America 11 or 30 years ago????

    • 回复: @RoatanBill
  196. RoatanBill 说:

    You can’t even do simple arithmetic.

    911 happened in 2001. That’s 19 years ago. I left 16 years ago.

    Go away. You’re too ignorant and obnoxious to bother with.

    • 回复: @Alden
  197. @Neoconned

    “Then Obama went full identity politics and Bill Clinton neolib and it was all stalemate from there and i gave up on politics.”

    Because he was that all along. Mixed race resentment and being told he was ‘special’ his whole life.

    Future President Harris is worse, having been vetted and guarunteed (my suspicion) a place on the ticket in 2019. Tulsi’s takedown of this incorrigible and ruthless bdch wasn’t so devastating that a total dropout was necessary, methinks she knew something.

    Think Hillary on steroids. And President.

  198. Alden 说:

    16 years ago, 30 years ago decide when you left the US.

  199. Alden 说:

    Umm I don’t consider anti Semitism to be a slur. I call it realistic opinion about Jews. Especially their role in the lawfare against Whites since Brown 1953; and their takeover of the federal civil service from 1933 to the present.

    If RAS means realistic anti Semitism then I’m RAS.

    This is the racial ethnic conflict in America

    Jews blacks Hispanics Asians dot Indians MENAs vs White Americans. I’m on the side of White Americans.

  200. Alden 说:

    So you have no respect for Art Historians. I assume you’ve never been to Italy Greece or Egypt.

  201. @OVER it

    Of all the communist revolutions, and that is exactly what we are witnessing, NONE of them have ever been attempted against a nation of freedom loving people who are heavily armed, with numbers that rival the entire worlds military forces. Should this ongoing coup be completed this fall, it will be short lived, because with all the fraud in this election already, we will never accept a communist leftists “victory”, as it will not be legitimate.

    Oh Boy! This must be the first “Communist Revolution”, ever, led by non-communists! Or have you got some Communists hiding out somewhere? Or are you perhaps going to import some from somewhere? You have communism for the 0.01% already, are the leaders of the Communist Revolutionaries planning to extend it to the deplorables?

    I wonder too, (and I am surprised that the subject has not been broached in the discussion so far) about the reaction of the 800 or so bases all around the world, in the event of a civil war in the states. Has anyone any thoughts about that?

  202. @Liza

    The media are good at ignoring individual murders here and there (Christian & Newsome/Chase Meola for only two examples) but how are they going to ignore mass slaughter, I wonder.

    Since the media are quite capable of trying (usually more or less successfully) to suppress any news they don’t want the hoi polloi to receive, mass slaughter could happen and very few would know about it. Those that did learn/tell about it would be denounced (locked up?) as conspiracy theorists and purveyors of Fake News.


    Opinions vary. I hope the loyal veterans know where to go, how to get there, and what to do the first week of November.

    If any mass of Good ole Boys were to assemble to storm anything the airforce (or whoever was tasked to deal with them) would probably be told that they were North Koreans.

  203. Neoconned 说:

    All these replies assumes the USA remains with its borders intact….there are large parts of our country that would happily sever off to join with other nations….

    The SW to Mexico. The West Coast and perhaps vassals to say China. The northeast with Canada or some EuroAmerican alliance…..the Deep South as an independent entity etc….

    I don’t think our borders will remain intact if the shtf.

    Maybe we should bring tje Soviets back…..at least the autocrats give you cruddy but free health care and defend their borders.



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