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T他最新的媒体风云人物是一位来自肯塔基州的天主教天主教徒,他们受到媒体的追捧,并出演了永久性的仇恨怀特录像带,其中包括吉列剃须片广告,还是亲子后等公交车的孩子生活,反堕胎游行在我们国家的国会大厦举行,他们被奉为KKK /纳粹偏执狂。 在今天我们土地上的所有犯罪和悲剧中,印第安人和天主教学校孩子之间的这一小事件是 事件 推动了自由派的愤怒机器。 忘记 残疾唐氏综合症流产儿童的大灭绝,忘记在公立学校强迫孩子转变为诱发疾病的肛门“同性恋”性行为,忘记在大学校园里扮演奥威尔式政权的女性模仿者,其中“他”必须被称为“她”,否则讲真话的罪犯他说ersatz gal是一个人,被教师或行政管理部门降级或开除。

犯人负责庇护是不言而喻的。 在他们不断变革的企业世界中,他们正在顺利地将我们所有人转变为疯狂的人。 值得庆幸的是,如下所述,那些被替罪羊,受耻辱的天主教青年正在反击并显示出一些骨干。 这样的媒体歇斯底里的狂热只能在白人身上引起 凝视 在美国原住民的生活不仅荒唐可笑。 对色彩的新贵族们几乎没有察觉的这种超敏性表明了我们的媒体大师渴望的程度,的确是。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 疼痛 让KKK或新纳粹团体在新闻摄影机记录下来的同时攻击少数族裔。 羞辱白人是工作#1。 灌输自我仇恨是一种心理战手段,这是一种在美国全天候24/7进行的种族灭绝种族行为。

归根结底,让我们不要想象犹太复国主义的统治阶级实际上关心的是非白人的福利。 它们只是通往新布尔什维克美国之路的大炮。 以色列人屠杀了成千上万 本地人 巴勒斯坦有色人种,而没有美国媒体的任何持续曝光或抗议。 东正教的犹太教教义是,黑人是神明指定的奴隶(参见Soncino版《创世纪》中的Midrash)和亚人类(参见Moses Maimonides, 困惑的指南 卷2,在Shlomo Pines版中)。 这些犹太教教条在整个历史上都给黑人种族带来了无尽的痛苦和痛苦。

同时,加密货币组织将白人作为其种族 傀儡 在阿富汗,叙利亚和伊拉克。

密码术操纵有色人种作为 傀儡 在美国,传播一种美国历史的观点,将大多数白人描绘成绑缚有色人种的鞭子鞭打折磨人,而事实是,按照国会议员戴维·威尔莫特(David Wilmot)的说法,美国早期的绝大多数白人是, “辛劳的儿子们。” 许多人到达了这个国家 动产束缚,而不是精致的“契约奴役”。


唯一在这场人为的种族战争中几乎毫发无损地出现的人,将是一个世纪前在弗拉基米尔·列宁(Vladimir Lenin)的布尔什维克俄罗斯(Bolshevik Russia)中几乎毫发无伤地统治的人。

不允许白人,黑人和美洲原住民一起反对高利贷帝国,因为高利贷帝国扼杀了这个星球上的生命。 分而治之一直是山希德林的口号。 白人对Neocon战争犹太复国主义有浓厚的感情,而黑人则对独裁至上的至高无上的民主党,未受过教育的公立学校以及来自边界南部的无限廉价劳力表示偏爱,他们仍然不省人事,很容易被人为操纵 傀儡 六点制。

除了下面的报告,我们还建议在这里进行Rod Dreher的敏锐分析: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/the-covington-catholic-bonfire-at-the-stake/

以下是Lifesite News的Jonathon Van Maren


美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)和其他媒体私下暴民紧随其后,报道说,一群来自华盛顿肯塔基州卡温顿天主教学校的戴着MAGA帽子的孩子在华盛顿XNUMX月生命大游行之后蜂拥而至,在林肯纪念堂(Lincoln Memorial)涌现了一位年迈的美国原住民老人。诸如“筑墙”的口号。

社交媒体迅速爆炸,每一个栏目的评论员都谴责孩子们是公驴(如果媒体发布的简短视频片段是整个故事的话,情况将会如此)。 表面上是为了保护这一运动免受批评,并确保整个生命三月不会因这一事件而蒙上阴影,许多助产者纷纷效仿。

事情很快变糟了。 1960年代,记者和专家开始发布高中生的照片,旁边是白人种族主义者在午餐柜台围攻黑人民权主义者的图片。 有些人甚至把男孩子比作希特勒青年团的新鲜面孔的暴徒。 Slate.com的一位作家悲哀地指出, 尼克桑德曼这位如今不幸的著名年轻人与土著活动家内森·菲利普斯(Nathan Phillips)面对面,他很熟悉,因为我们之前见过他的类型:年轻,自信,有力量和邪恶。

显然,没有人考虑过这样的事实,即图像只是一个不安和尴尬的十几岁男孩被定格在一个他不知道该如何处理的情况的静止画面。 媒体和进步暴民的其他成员都非常糟糕 通缉 这个故事是真实的:在反堕胎行军围攻美国原住民之后,一群种族主义的年轻白人天主教学校男孩戴着特朗普的帽子? 太完美了。


太完美了,可以预见。 原因 是第一本发表详细反驳故事的出版物,并指出当观看事件的近两个小时的录像时-媒体可能应该在破坏一些高中生的生命之前就做了这件事。出现了明显不同的故事。

此后不久,尼克·桑德曼(Nick Sandmann)发表声明,恳求人们听到他和他的同学们的声音。 这里是部分:


我是视频中的学生,遭到了美国原住民抗议者的袭击。 我是在下午4:30到达林肯纪念堂的,我被告知要在下午5:30之前到那儿,那时我们的公共汽车要离开华盛顿去回肯塔基。 我们曾经参加过“生命进行曲”集会,然后分成小组进行观光。

当我们到达时,我们注意到有四名非洲裔美国抗议者也在林肯纪念堂的台阶上。 我不确定他们在抗议什么,也没有与他们互动。 我确实听到他们向我们学校的团体投掷了直接的侮辱性侮辱。

示威者说了可恶的话。 他们称我们为“种族主义者”,“小知识分子”,“白色薄脆饼干”,“同性恋者”和“乱伦孩子”。 他们还嘲笑我学校的一名非洲裔美国学生,告诉他我们将“收获他的器官”。 我不知道这种侮辱是什么意思,但是听到这是令人震惊的。

由于我们在公开场合遭到大声抨击和嘲弄,我们小组中的一名学生向我们的一位老师陪伴寻求许可,以开始我们的学校精神颂歌,以反击在我们小组中大喊大叫的可恨事情。 诵经通常在体育比赛中使用。 它们本质上都是积极的,听起来就像您在任何高中都能听到的。 我们的监护人允许我们使用我们的学校圣歌。 如果没有获得负责我们小组的成年人的许可,我们就不会这样做。

除了学校的精神颂歌,我从来没有听到任何学生的颂歌。 我没有看到或听到任何学生在任何时候吟“筑起那堵墙”或任何仇恨或种族主义的声音。 相反的断言完全是错误的。 我们的呐喊声很大,因为我们想掩盖抗议者对我们大喊大叫的可恨言论。

几分钟后,我以前没有注意到的美国原住民抗议者走近了我们的小组。 美国原住民示威者鼓,至少有一个带相机的人陪同。

在视频中每个人都看到的抗议者在他涉入人群时开始演奏他的鼓,为他分开了。 我没有看到任何人试图阻止他的前进。 他紧紧盯着我,靠近我,靠近我几英寸。 他一直在我的脸上一直打鼓。

我从未与这个抗议者互动。 我没有和他说话。 我没有做任何手势或其他激进的动作。 老实说,我对他为什么接近我感到震惊和困惑。 我们已经被另一批抗议者大喊大叫,当第二批抗议者走近时,我担心成年人试图挑衅青少年的局势已失控。

我相信通过保持一动不动和镇定,我正在帮助分散局势。 我意识到每个人都有相机,也许一群成年人试图挑起一群青少年陷入更大的冲突。 我说了无声的祈祷,说情况不会失控。

在击鼓期间,抗议者随行人员开始对一个同学大喊大叫:我们“偷走了他的土地”,并且我们应该“回到欧洲”。 我听说我的一位同学开始回应。 我向同学示意,并试图让他停止与示威者交往,因为我仍处于我们需要平息紧张局势的思维定势中。

我从来没有感觉到我在阻止美国原住民抗议者。 他没有试图绕过我。 对我来说很明显,他已经挑出我参加对抗,尽管我不确定为什么。

当我们的一位老师告诉我公交车已经到了,到了该走的时候,订婚就结束了。 我服从了老师,只是走到公共汽车上。 那一刻,我以为我保持镇定来分散情况,而且我很感激没有发生任何身体上的事情。

我从来不明白为什么两组抗议者中的任何一个都与我们接触,或者他们到底在林肯纪念堂中抗议什么。 我们只是在那儿遇见一辆公共汽车,而没有成为媒体界的焦点人物。 这是我一生中第一次遇到任何形式的公开抗议,更不用说这种对抗或示威了。

我不是故意在示威者面前做鬼脸。 我确实笑了一下,因为我想让他知道我不会生气,恐吓或被激怒。 我是一名忠实的基督徒和天主教徒,我始终努力实现自己的信仰所教导我的理想-保持对他人的尊重,并且不采取任何可能导致冲突或暴力的行动。

我对这个人没有恶意。 我尊重该人抗议和参加言论自由的权利,并且我支持他在一周中的任何一天都在林肯纪念堂的台阶上高呼。 我相信他应该重新考虑侵略他人个人空间的策略,但这是他的选择。


我被称为书中的每个名字,包括一个种族主义者,而且我不赞成暗杀我家族名字的这种暴民性格。 我的父母不在旅途中,我努力在所有公共场合以尊重的方式代表我的家人。

我通过社交媒体收到了人身和死亡威胁,以及可恶的侮辱。 一个人威胁要在学校伤害我,一个人声称住在我附近。 由于此问题形成的社交媒体暴民,我的父母正在遭受死亡和职业威胁。

鉴于最初的证据,许多加入最初评论的评论员已开始撤回其陈述。 美国有线电视新闻网的杰克·塔珀(Jake Tapper)在推特上发布了反驳专栏 原因的斯科特·亚当斯(Scott Adams) 迪尔伯特 向男孩们以及那些因他最初的谴责而误导的人道歉,保守派和亲生人士最初急于加入那些表示愤怒的人,对此表示遗憾。 诸如NBC之类的一些媒体甚至发布了后续文章,指出了他们最初的错误。 然而,渐进式的愤慨在社交媒体上继续盛行。 一些媒体人物,例如里扎·阿斯兰(Reza Aslan,上次因在印度吃人的大脑而成为新闻)一直在加倍努力,坚称认为存在MAGA帽子的故事可能需要细微差别,这太疯狂了。

男孩和他们的家人已经面临威胁,卑鄙的叫声和刺杀,这显然是某些卑鄙的人表示不赞成他们认为不喜欢的行为的方式。 其中一个男孩的兄弟安德鲁·霍奇(Andrew Hodge)在Twitter上指出,他的家人和亲戚面临着不间断的人身暴力威胁,没有人在奔跑之前就故事的另一面联系过他的兄弟,甚至有人试图联系大学的迈克尔计划参加该课程,以破坏他做厨师的职业计划。 现在有很多人试图完全破坏一些高中生的生活,看着真是令人讨厌。

即使原来的故事也会令人恶心 民政事务总署 是真的。 由于一时的轻率行为(而学校实地考察中的MAGA帽子是一个可疑的决定),彻底破坏了高中生的生活,这是恶意的,适得其反的且可耻的。 那些加入社交媒体暴民以打击种族主义之类的邪恶行为的人实际上是在为仇恨服务,而他们只是在消灭仇恨这一事实就清楚地表明了这一点。 媒体当然会获得他们的点击,病毒视频以及美德的信号,然后继续前进。 即使事实证明事实并非如此,对他们来说仍然是非常有利可图的。

希望我们都能从这一事件中学到教训。 像往常一样,媒体愿意抓住机会抹杀他们鄙视的人:亲人,保守派和特朗普支持者。 在本能地相信他们关于他们所鄙视的人的故事之前,以及在加入社交媒体之前,我们应该考虑他们的偏见和往绩。 我希望媒体可以对镜子进行长久而艰难的审视,并意识到 真实 付费的人 真实 他们本周末不负责任的举报的后果。 孩子们受到死亡威胁。 家庭在网上发布了他们的地址。 高中学生看到陌生人试图破坏他们的未来计划。 还没有结束。 那个 当媒体误解了一个故事时,会发生什么。 应该有后果……。

(从重新发布 修正主义者评论 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 思想 •标签: 美国媒体, 假新闻, 政治上的正确 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. As far as I know that American Indian guy doesn’t represent anyone but himself. So it’s kind of dumb to make him out to have any connection to millions of people that he shares ethnicity with, but in no other capacity.

  2. RT gathers together some of the liberal reaction to the incident, including a Disney film producer who fantasizes about subjecting the schoolboys to a particularly horrific death.

    • 回复: @Mr McKenna
  3. You tell ’em, kid!

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Paw
  4. @Fran Macadam

    He is a member of several left wing American Indian groups. He served as a spokesman/leader during the Standing Rock protests. So yes, he does have a connection.

    • 回复: @Wally
  5. Anonymous [AKA "Formerscot"] 说:
    @Fidelios Automata

    If the wall is so benign and “beautiful”, why doesn’t Trump want one on the Canadian border?

  6. KenH 说:

    Gee, I’ll take a stab at that. Probably because illegal aliens aren’t streaming into the country from our northern border. Canada isn’t an overpopulated, dysfunctional narco state like Mexico is.

  7. @KenH


  8. @Anonymous

    Did you seriously ask that question? When was the last time you saw caravans of Canadians storming the border?

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
    , @luke22236
  9. Graukopf 说:

    他们对我们的孩子这样做。 从今以后无论发生什么,都是他们自己造成的。

    • 回复: @Sic Semper
  10. Mr McKenna 说:

    Weird huh? I guess this is why you get paid the big bucks.

    • 哈哈: KenH
  11. Mr McKenna 说:
    @Johnny Rottenborough

    Day in and day out, RT offers vastly more accurate information about what’s going on in America than the U.S. MSM do. Meanwhile if anyone believes this is a settled matter, and that the truth finally came out, please peruse the major MSM sites this evening. They’re hedging it at best, and many are sticking to their guns. You can do that when you have no effective opposition.

    And read more thoroughly, and you’ll see them ginning up brand-new hoaxes to take the place of the last one. “Reports of KKK flyers lead to investigation” The best defense…

    • 同意: Digital Samizdat, Stan d Mute
  12. niteranger 说:

    This is just the beginning of these “setups” by the SJWs and the Jewish Controlled Media. There needs to be just one winning lawsuit to put a end to this. There also needs to be arrests made to the owner of Twitter and all people who threaten others. You are going to see someone get a weapon and take revenge on this kind of stuff and then they will blame the Right again.

    Phillips is the typical Native American Fraud. He is paid by Leftists Organizations. Here’s a good article on it: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-21/native-american-harassed-maga-kids-exposed-outrage-culture-grifter

    Phillips and his band tried to break into a Catholic Mass :https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/nathan-phillips-rally-attempted-to-disrupt-mass-at-dcs-national-shrine-91038

    Phillips has made numerous fake complaints in the past about people saying stuff to him that he couldn’t prove.

    我们需要停止这种神奇的美洲原住民神话胡说八道。 美洲原住民是有史以来最凶残的战士之一。 他们强奸、谋杀,并不断地互相争斗。 他们不是和平的生态霍比特人。

    The massive attacks on Whites and Western Civilization has now reached full force and it will not let up because they are winning. It’s is constant and unrelenting. Of course, the fact that it’s all lies means nothing to the Marxists and their friends. They will kill kids like this if they get a chance. You will need to protect the first amendment by using the second in the end if civilization is to survive.

  13. Avery 说:

    Since you are against walls, then you must not have any doors where you live: correct?
    Anybody can walk in off the street and live in “your” house, eat “your” food, use “your” bathroom,….etc, etc. Correct?

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  14. tanabear 说:


  15. @Anonymous

    The only time Canadians come across the border into the United States in significant numbers is to either shop and save taxes or to get the highest quality of medical care in the shortest time —

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  16. swamped 说:

    “And the media, I hope, can take a long, hard look in the mirror and realize that real people paid real consequences for their irresponsible reporting this weekend… And it isn’t over yet. That is what happens when the media gets a story wrong.There should be consequences….”..but there hasn’t been and there won’t be any and the same pack of baying media wolves will still be in place to pounce on the next fake outrage, confident in their certainty that no consequences will ever follow. Not a single glitterati has questioned Phillips behavior or that of the four black protesters even if they’ve backed off slightly on the white kids. The whole non-incident speaks for itself.

    • 同意: densa
  17. Wally 说:
    @Chris Mallory




  18. @Anonymous

    Try crossing the Canadian border. Indeed it is fortified with sensors and infrared. The odd French-Canadian tourist who paddles into US waters accidentally ends up in Immigration jail for weeks IF he can prove that it was accidental.

    I knew a Canadian guy who as a drunken joke at 18 crossed the Minnesota border illegally. He was instantly caught and did 2 years in a US immigration jail. When I knew him he was in hospital admin-a sought after profession in the US-and even after 11 years he could not get a pardon to work in Canada.

    Seemingly only MS-13 can cross the border with impunity.

    If you ARE a US illegal in Canada you’ll be caught soon enough. I drove a lousy car with US plates when I worked in Ontario and was constantly stopped and my license run for warrants, work visa etc.

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
    , @anon1
  19. Sic Semper 说:

    确切地。 我们的布尔什维克种族灭绝者已经凿凿了 80 年的裂缝即将发生。 我越来越相信这个失败的共和国最终会像南斯拉夫一样崩溃。 几个世纪以来相互仇恨的克罗地亚人、塞尔维亚人和穆斯林的不同群体在一场血腥狂欢中放开了他们所有的禁忌。

    对于“白人”美国来说,认真地参与这场狂欢会感觉非常好。 这整个事件已经击败了我们的每一个敌人,许多人公开呼吁我们进行种族灭绝。 精灵从瓶子里出来,我们的眼睛都睁开了,轴心国反对我们。 塔木德的磨坊和他们野蛮的军队将我们碾碎。

    诽谤、中伤、诽谤和公然恐吓欧洲天主教未成年学童正是以色列国防军对巴勒斯坦儿童所做的。 迄今为止,对基督教儿童血液的呼唤只缺乏与以色列国防军相当的炸弹和子弹。 我们都知道这将会发生。

    所有欧洲儿童都被标记为攻击。 是时候进行报复了。 不再担心光学。

  20. RobinG 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    Kind of bizarre that this article doesn’t mention the Black Israelites who were yelling insults and trash at the Native Americans for over an hour, until the “cracker” schoolboys appeared as easier targets. The boys were set up by agent provocateur Nathan Phillips.

    Now the media is backpedaling, but they still don’t mention the Black Israelites (the only ones who yelled “build the wall,” when they were taunting the Covington kids), probably because they’re afraid of some Black backlash.

    With a huge Fake News bomb almost every day now, is there any hope for the media?

    • 同意: Fatima Manoubia
    • 回复: @densa
  21. Sollipsist 说:

    Why was wearing MAGA hats a “questionable decision?”

    You’re talking as if wearing the President’s colors to an anti-abortion protest is like dressing like a stripper and going to a party full of drunk strangers… which, of course, would be perfectly safe, possibly admirable, and not at all “asking for it.”

  22. Art 说:

    A little different outlook on the morality play.

    The old Indian guy was trying to terrorize the boy with a guilt trip for what the boys great-great-great grandfather did or didn’t do.

    The Christian boy was not buying it – he in a non-violent manner, turned the other cheek.

  23. “… and the MAGA hats on a school field trip were a questionable decision ….”

    Yeah, we don’t want to politicise a Right to Life rally.

    Seriously, dude, you are free to take your testicles out of the PC lockbox.

    • 回复: @Heros
  24. animalogic 说:

    The author makes some really good points. Firstly, that elites don’t give a hint of a damn about colored/minority groups. It is a contrived “war”, the purpose of which is the oldest trick in the book — divide & rule.
    The author also reminds us of the critical historical fact that many – many – early white settlers were near “slaves” themselves: convicts & indentured servants ( the US Revolution had the interesting side effect of making Australia an increasingly fashionable spot to dump UK convicts).
    Where the author blots his copy book is (the equally fashionable) assertion that the US is “neo-Bolshevik”. Yes, sure, we get the general idea – the US is or is becoming totalitarian, authoritarian etc. But – the US is, by NO stretch of the imagination, “communist”. The US is a hyper-capitalist country, ruled by a tiny clique of ruthless oligarchs, CEO’s & deep staters. Calling it communist etc etc is so stupid it’s embarrassing.

    • 回复: @Neuday
  25. Jason Liu 说:

    The whole thing seems to have been sparked by those Black Hebrew Israelites or whatever, but they’re not getting any attention

    • 同意: eah
  26. welcome to the world of the liberal protest . . .

    Good for you young man.

  27. Realist 说:

    Forget the mass extermination of disabled Down syndrome children with abortion,…


    • 回复: @Icy Blast
    , @Joevid
    , @Rev. Spooner
  28. conatus 说:

    It was a Facecrime! From 1984, an inappropriate expression, if a person smiled too much! thus he had committed a Facecrime!
    I first heard about it via Jared Taylor’s discussion.

    “To wear an improper expression on your face(to look incredulous when a victory was announced for example) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime it was called.”

  29. RVBlake 说:

    Correction: Pro-lifers, conservatives, Trump supporters, and White.

  30. Native American “harassed” by MAGA kids exposed as outrage-culture grifter

    “Just when you thought your blue-pilled perception of the world couldn’t take another red-pilling reality check – after Buzzfeed’s lies and mainstream media’s Covington Catholics chaos – it turns out that the man wandering quietly across the concourse before ‘not being accosted’ by young MAGA-hat-wearing teens is not some hapless native American…

    It turns out that Nathan Phillips is raising money with the help of a major big-money left-wing operation, and has a history of appearing in the press claiming to be a victim of anti-Native racism……

    The point is this, as BigLeaguePolitics so eloquently summarizes:

    Phillips is not simply a random Native man who was accosted by “racist” MAGA-hat wearing teens, as the mainstream press has reported. He is connected to leftist activists who donate large sums to leftist causes.



    • 回复: @republic
  31. Heros 说:

    “Whites, Blacks and Native Americans cannot be allowed to join together in opposition to the empire of usury which is choking life on this planet.”


    Covington Maga Boys 也是如此,因为犹太人用犹太种族诱饵子弹杀死了男孩和他们的马加家庭,从而体验了最好的犹太文化。


    It is quite telling that this incident occurred on MLK’s birthday during the Womans marches while these boys were part of a Catholic March for Life. What a witches brew. Then, while they are all together conveniently waiting for the bus in front of the Lincoln Memorial, the first kosher wave of PC assault teams, the “Black Israelites” and their photographers and hangers-on, release their broadsides of white hate in insults in some kind of satanic ritual. As these Maga white Christian boys are assaulted by this first wave of talmudist bullets, they form up into lines of defense like the minute men at Lexington, were they fire back with volleys of school chants until the Black jews push back in and are are forced to call in the sacred Native American reserves in a Pickett style charge against the Catholic center.

    The toxic white school boys are defenseless against the kaballasitic magick native american shaman with a drum, and the boy’s front line retreats in disarray. The shaman is like a Balrog. One toxically masculine boy stands his ground like Gandalf saying “You Shall Not Pass”, and the other white pig boys rally around him. Not only smart phones, but countless cameras are filming every blink of an eye from every conceivable angle. When it starts to look like this entire staged psyop is going to end with an embarrassing retreat of the heeb race-bait army, the Catholic school theater directors call in the evil cracker boys and load them onto buses as the entire staged event is brought to completion and the cameras are packed up as the buses depart. Then the propaganda war really begins.

    We know from the “jorno-list” mailing list leaks that the talmudist propaganda organs still communicates over email using mailing lists (I have noticed a change from gmail to the far more secure protonmail over the last few years). We can tell whenever a jorno-list style psyop is in operation because all the media organs start spewing the same lines simultaneously across the planet. These pysops often contain eclectic words with hidden meanings, like Mike Pence’s “Lodestar” that was continually repeated for days.

    这场卡文顿马加事件像一场异常的加州大火一样瞬间在媒体上传播开来,故事很简单 “Eternal White Supremacism and Guilt” 或在较低的潜意识水平 “White Boy => Nazi => Holocaust guilt => jew slave”. 很有说服力的是 甚至天主教会也在这个十几岁的仇恨白人男孩 Jorno 名单中,所以他们都把狗堆到男孩和他们的家人身上,现在他们仍然如此。

    当世界媒体在整个星球和所有媒体平台上同步齐射时,我们可以肯定,这是一场在各个层面和各个维度都有隐藏信息和符号的心理活动。 科文顿男孩事件显然就是这种情况。

    迈克尔霍夫曼暗示,我们克服 talmudic 奴役和白人文化种族灭绝的最大障碍是,我们不允许自己因不容忍和接受 talmudic 军队的所有不同军团而分裂。 他似乎是在说,如果我们只是与兽人联合起来对抗 uruk-hai,那么我们就可以摧毁索伦。

    This is really the great schism running through the alt-right. Those who believe that we can protect our white European heritage while making peace through “tolerance” and allowing the soldiers of of the talmud to live in our midst. We can redirect these talmudic bullets against our genocidal tormentors, they would have us believe.


    没有神秘的领袖会团结欧洲白人并征服受精神控制的塔木德傀儡军队。 唯一的希望是通过将西方完全分裂成一个隔离和分裂的城邦,在那里白人可以驱逐犹太教的混血儿并恢复纯正的欧洲白人文化,以及只有白人才能建立的高度信任的社会。

    这种分裂的情况非常有利于欧洲。 Beziers 将非佛朗哥 DNA 入侵者驱逐到马赛要容易得多,而 Bozeman 将所有黑人、点印第安人和西班牙裔人驱逐到海伦娜会容易得多。 首先,剩下的 Beziierens 都是法国人,而 Bozemenites 都是前加州 PC 自由主义者。

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Paw
  32. “The Washington Post has walked back claims about the military record of Nathan Phillips, the Native American activist at the center of a national controversy captured on video at Friday’s Woman’s March in Washington, D.C…….”:

    Washington Post Correction: Nathan Phillips ‘Was Never Deployed to Vietnam’


    Native American Con Man Doubles Down Against Students


  33. Heros 说:
    @The Alarmist

    那些Maga帽子证明整个事件是上演的。 天主教学校的老师永远不会允许他们在戴着玛加帽子的游行中代表教会。

    然后,一旦僵尸 zio 傀儡开始辱骂,这显然已经发生了一整天,天主教学校的老师就会收集所有的玛加帽子。

    These Maga hats alone are enough for me to say that this was a staged psyop. This doesn’t mean that the boys knew what was going on and were in on it. Far more likely they were stooges or mind controlled like Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    , @eah
    , @Paw
    , @Dannyboy
    , @dcite
  34. @Anonymous


  35. eah 说:

    Apparently, what’s expected of Whites, including and especially white men, is obsequiousness — complete supplication before non-whites — on demand and really at all times — this is simply not compatible with being a man — certainly not a free man — it is a kind of psychological warfare that will ultimately result in real violent conflict.

  36. Of course, National Review also jumped in immediately to condemn these kids before memory-holing it. Even by the pathetic standards of the US right, NR really are revolting cucks. I’m actually surprised they took off time from cheerleading for Israel to chime in. “American” conservatism at its finest.

  37. Jake 说:

    “Whites with their affinity for Neocon war-Zionism, …”

    Now, just why do whites in America have such an affinity for endless Neocon pro-Zionist War?

    Unless it was always there and springs from the depth of the marrow (which it does 不能), it is present, and so sadly defining, because of the long term effects of a particular culture: WASP.

    WASP culture was a formed thing, a finished thing, with the Puritan Revolution, when it took over the standards of the London-ruled nation. Anglo-Saxon Puritanism was a Judaizing heresy. Judaizing heresy must necessarily produce and nurture culture that is pro-Semitic. The culture remains even when the specifics of the heresy die out. That is the reason that even if St. Michael were to be unleashed tomorrow to strike down all pro-Zionist Evangelicals in the Anglosphere, the problem of WASP culture as the most important vehicle for the spread of pro-Zionist culture would be nothing but dented.

    Whether WASP culture is best, most thoroughly, defined in any given time period or place by ‘radical reformation’ Protestantism or by the faux gentility of Anglicanism that always served the Mammon of the imperialist aspirations of the WASP Elite or by Elites who virtually to a man are in belief and attitude Unitarian/Universalist/Deist/Agnostic, it will be pro-Semitic, pro-Zionist. And its Elites will act to batter the vast majority of whites they rule as a central part of, an inherent feature of, WASP culture, for acting to destroy non-WASP white cultures and brutally rule their peoples, is what WASPs always have done and always will do.

    The British Empire spread the culture globally. The Yank phase of the WASP Empire maintains that pro-Semitic, pro-Zionist hold on the globe.

  38. 我对为促进作者的个人政治议程而捏造这一事件的无数尝试感到好笑。 所有麻烦的原因是,最初,只有一小部分视频被发布在互联网上,提供了一个完全错误的事件图片。 因此,真正的问题是视频是谁制作的,为什么那个人只发布了其中的一小部分。 由于拍摄人员在场,他们一定已经意识到他们的剪辑版本会被误解,因此必须得出结论,这是他们的意图。 有人开始诽谤科文顿天主教徒的孩子,我很想知道是谁以及为什么。

    • 同意: eah
    • 回复: @Alden
  39. @Avery

    I’ve noticed in recent years that some of the people who profess to hate Trump’s wall the loudest happen to live in gated communities. Fancy that!

    • 回复: @Avery
  40. Desert Fox 说:

    The reason the Zionist controlled MSM went all out with this is , that is what they do to advance the Bolshevik revolution that they are starting here in America to advance the Zionist NWO.

    Read The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed and The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman and watch his videos on youtube and read The Protocols of Zion, it is all right there!

  41. John Henry 说:

    Actually he said he was a Viet Nam “time” (Era) Vet. Which seems to be true. There was no claim by him that he was in Nam.

    • 回复: @Hawker
    , @Wally
    , @Mike Tre
  42. @niteranger


    Hahhha…of course they weren’t…

    • 回复: @Gg Mo
  43. @Heros

    Don’t confuse Catholic laity, which includes most of the faculty, with Catholic clergy. Many of the laity, many of whom have children, have a grounding in values that align to old-time Catholic values; as for the Clergy, well, you read about them in the news.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  44. Avery 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Exactly. And not only that, but these so-called wealthy “celebrities” (actually low-life scum) advocating open borders and unrestricted mass migration from 3rd world countries live in massive mansions with dozens of rooms, which can house a hundred migrants in luxury. Yet how many of those fake bleeding-hearts have even 1 poor migrant living in their mansions? Zero.

    Of course the vile hypocrites living in their gated, walled communities or walled mansions would rather the poor migrants carrying communicable diseases be dumped en mass into regular neighborhoods, far, far away from where they live.

    Here is one: Barbara Streisand’s Malibu mansion. Safely away from those migrants that they love so much.

    It’s worth $100 million.
    [The 10,485 square foot main house was built in 1984 and has 8 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms all on a 47,085 square foot oceanfront lot. The 2,013 square foot small guest house was built in 1948 and has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms on an adjacent oceanfront lot. The 5,961 square foot large guest was built in 2007 and has 8 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms on an adjacent oceanfront lot.] (from Wiki)

  45. 很明显,即使是最后拖延,某人在某个地方有时会发布常规命令,以扰乱和驱散任何对特朗普总统及其事业的支持示威。

    就这么简单。白人不允许示威。 (除非他们穿黄色背心。)

    • 同意: Desert Fox
    • 回复: @MacNucc11
  46. Justsaying 说:

    Most of the premises in this piece seem credible enough. TBH, I found the article rather intriguing and well thought out. Except

    Shaming white people is Job #1. Instilling self-hate is a psychological warfare device, a type of mental genocide that is underway 24/7 in America.

    Instilling self-hate has been a fundamental strategy of global proportions utilized by colonial powers in colonized countries, to impart, with the help of institutions adopted from the metropolis of the colonizers (especially the educational and religious ones) a sense of inevitable inferiority and self-loathing among the colonized. The Black and Proud movement of the 60’s was an African-American response to their perceptions as strategies coming from the White majority. Now it appears the roles are being reversed. This may be the inevitable result of identity-driven politics.

    Check out these two sources for starters: https://www.uibk.ac.at/anglistik/staff/davis/decolonising-the-mind.pdf


  47. KenH 说:


    I thought they were and just spent their days rain dancing while chanting “hey, yah, yah, yah, hey, yah, yah, yah.” That is, when they weren’t disemboweling and raping other Indian tribes they just vanquished or small numbers of European settlers that wandered into their territory.

    Of course, the fact that it’s all lies means nothing to the Marxists and their friends.

    Revilo Oliver said that the most potent weapon in the arsenal of Jewish bolshevism was pathological lying and not much has changed since he wrote those words decades ago.

  48. Hawker 说:
    @John Henry

    在美国停止向丛林部署海军陆战队一年后,他申请加入海军陆战队。 蠢驴正在玩语义文字游戏,企图暗中窃取勇气。

  49. TheOldOne 说:

    除了对 Cuck Dreher 的引用外,还不错; Cuck Dreher 再次蜷缩起来,他通常的姿势。

    • 回复: @anonymous
  50. Jake 说:

    “We need to stop this Magic Native American Myth nonsense.”

    That has arisen with the valid 1960s concern for pollution getting out of hand morphing into the New Age religion of Environmentalism.

  51. Racial Tensions caused by the demographic transformation of the US…..

    The Majority Nonwhite Democratic Party Voting Bloc are not innocent bystanders……They are enthusiastically voting the Covington High School Native Born White American Working Class Teenagers into a violently persecuted White Racial Minority-White Racial Foreigner within the borders of America….

  52. Neuday 说:

    Yeah, the government doesn’t “own” the means of production; it merely regulates and steers the means of production towards what the government desires in return for the government protection of corporations. Corporatism isn’t communism, but Corporatism + Socialism gets pretty close to it.

    • 同意: Liza
  53. KenH 说:

    Whoa! Rod Dreher actually defended the white kids from Covington Catholic? He’s usually one of the cuckservative pearl clutchers and virtue signalers who piles on with the left just like he did to alt-rightists in Charlottesville when he hyperventilated about “white supremacy” even though the rally centered around the removal of confederate statues and perhaps secondarily about race replacement immigration policies. Those are two subjects that feckless conservatives won’t address or defend since those will get them in hot water with the left.

    It’s nice to know he stopped punching right long enough to actually do something good.

    Had the (((organized left))) known those Covington Catholic kids would be there they would have called up one or more of their agents and actors in the area to stand by the kids with swastika flags so they could create fake news about a “white supremacist rally” by high school kids with red MAGA hats.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Avery
  54. Rurik 说:

    this incident occurred on MLK’s birthday during the Womans marches while these boys were part of a Catholic March for Life. What a witches brew. Then, while they are all together conveniently waiting for the bus in front of the Lincoln Memorial, the first kosher wave of PC assault teams, the “Black Israelites” and their photographers and hangers-on, release their broadsides of white hate in insults in some kind of satanic ritual. As these Maga white Christian boys are assaulted by this first wave of talmudist bullets, they form up into lines of defense like the minute men at Lexington, were they fire back with volleys of school chants until the Black jews push back in and are are forced to call in the sacred Native American reserves in a Pickett style charge against the Catholic center.

    The toxic white school boys are defenseless against the kaballasitic magick native american shaman with a drum, and the boy’s front line retreats in disarray. The shaman is like a Balrog. One toxically masculine boy stands his ground like Gandalf saying “You Shall Not Pass”,

    If the article is as insightful and entertaining as your eloquent synopsis, perhaps I should read it.

    I just took a quick look..

    Kids got death threats. Families had their addresses posted online. High school students saw strangers try to destroy their future plans. And it isn’t over yet. That is what happens when the media gets a story wrong. There should be consequences….

    And yes, at some point, it really is dishonest not to point out that what he’s talking about is the 犹太 上的相关利益产业。

    Calling it simply the media, is misleading and counter-productive and plays into ((their)) hands.

    The reason the West is engaged in Eternal Wars for Israel, isn’t because of the media. Rather, it’s because of the 犹太 上的相关利益产业。

    The reason Wall Street banksters are bailed out with billions once their swindles blow up, is because the Jewish media has the Jewish Wall Street’s back.

    Ditto for tax payer subsidized Jewish Hollywood, etc…

    We now live in Weimamerica. All the exact same rot in society and the unhinged hatred for the native stock – by the same privileged tribe – are deja vu all over again. And the only thing for certain, is that ((they)) will never, 曾经 relent. Just as many are not backing down on the MAGA Catholic student = as Hitler meme. Just as they never apologized to the Duke “rapists”, or any of the people whose lives they casually destroy out of sheer, Talmudic hatred. – A species of genocidal hatred, btw that most people (the goyim) are blithely incapable of even comprehending. And yet it is the motivating principle that is driving our society, (and the Middle East, and much of Europe and Russia..) to the brink of madness and wholesale slaughter.

    One thing is for certain, is that things will get unimaginably worse, before they ever get better, and the only way they are ever going to get better is when it becomes widely obvious ((whom)) it is that is driving all this murderous, genocidal insanity.

    Until then, people will just wonder at Chris Mathews and all those dumb liberals.

    Also, let’s not forget to give props to Trump for creating the meme of ‘fake news’.

    And calling the media = the enemy of the American people.

    那个 is the kind of shitlord realtalk that is exactly what the doctor ordered.

    • 回复: @Heros
    , @Joe Levantine
  55. eah 说:

    These Maga hats alone are enough for me to say that this was a staged psyop.

    Honestly, this cannot be immediately discounted.

    They never would have been allowed by a Catholic school teacher to represent the Church at a march wearing Maga hats.

    At the same time, this is not necessarily so.

    • 回复: @Heros
  56. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Hofmann ,

    I already finished reading your books ” Usury in Christendom ” and ” The occult rennaissance Church of Rome ” , I found both of them EXCELLENT , thank you .

  57. wayfarer 说:

    Men in general are quick to believe that which they wish to be true.

    来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Caesar

    It’s Okay to Smirk.

    Red Hat Boy Bad.

    Covington High School Fiasco – SPLC Refuses to Apologize.

  58. KenH 说:

    来自 supercuck Rod Dreher:

    有可能天主教男孩完全是驴。 我最初的判断是他们肯定是那样。 你不会这样对待一个平静的老人。

    So Dreher also mixed in some SJW style criticism to his milquetoast defense of these innocent kids. Don’t worry Rod, you’re still one of the left’s favorite cucks and have an open invitation to their cocktail and caviar parties when you return from Ireland.

    A “peaceful elderly person” who got up into the faces of the white kids and taunted them with beating drums. WTF are these kids supposed to do fall to their knees and beg for forgiveness from these so called native Americans?

    When you’re 15-17 years old you find the humor in lots of things and see things as a joke. The kids from Covington Catholic saw the actions of Nathan Phillips not as an anti-white racial taunt which it was but as a joke and treated it accordingly. And for that they’re castigated as “white supremacists” by the judenpress.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @anonymous
    , @Jake
    , @Poco
    , @headrick
  59. Rurik 说:

    Whoa! Rod Dreher actually defended the white kids from Covington Catholic?

    Only after it became obvious they were being demonized based on obviously skewed (and malevolent) ‘reporting’.

    I started out ready to condemn those boys, but after watching more videos of the entire incident, I changed my mind. I am willing to revise this opinion if more facts come forward, and I welcome your e-mailing them to me.


    Dreher works for the American Cuckservative. A notoriously craven den of cowards, who lick the feculent hand of ((power)) to keep their lucrative sinecure$ flowing.

    This became widely known when they unceremoniously fired Philip Giraldi for simply telling the obvious truth about ((whom)) it is that are driving the endless Eternal Wars for Israel.

    ‘You can’t say that!’ the American Cuckservatives screeched.

    If the narrative turns on these boys, because one of them is found to have a confederate sticker on his bicycle, then I don’t doubt Dreher would be the first to howl ‘crucify him!’

  60. poop 说:



    • 同意: Zumbuddi
    • 哈哈: Rurik
  61. Heros 说:

    这并不是人们对那次集会上的帽子做出负面反应的唯一案例。 有一次,一些肥腻的荡妇发布了一条 9 秒的推文,声称男孩们在辱骂她。

    如果这种事情发生了,从表面上看,老师会让他们脱帽。 更聪明的男孩会看到风险并自行承担风险,也许有些人这样做了。

    Besides, what does a Trump Maga hat have to do with right to life? Trump certainly isn’t doing anything about this ongoing ritual sacrifice. In fact, he has increased funding for planned parenthood. Why the Maga in the first place?

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @eah
    , @Gg Mo
  62. Wally 说:

    The dumb anti Euro-white racist ‘Indian’ named Philips, not Buffalo Chip or Prancing Beaver, deserved a knuckle sandwich.

    • 回复: @Andrew E. Mathis
  63. @Anonymous

    If the wall is so benign and “beautiful”, why doesn’t Trump want one on the Canadian border?

    May be because Canuck labor costs more than American labor. But as a native resident of a filthy border town, I stand with my fellow Detrioters and demand a border wall here to keep the dang Canuckistanis on the South side of our border!

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  64. Nick Sandmann, young, powerful, cocksure and in all likelihood, endowed with smart genetics and handsome to boot… don’t worry kid, any moment a budding Jewess will come looking for you to improve the bloodline, for there is no shame in their collective game, which is to screw both the black and white men into fighting each other while getting the benefits, such as appropriating the best qualities of others to work out the kinks from their own.

  65. @KenH

    Canada isn’t an overpopulated, dysfunctional narco state like Mexico is.

    When was the last time you looked at a Canuckistan moose, wolf, or goose census? You know how dangerous Moose are? Or how filthy Canadian Geese are? How, exactly does any nation become more dysfunctional than electing a snowboard instructor as Prime Minister? And you do know that Canuckistan has legalized cannabis nationwide now, eh?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  66. Anon[285]• 免责声明 说:

    “The head of the snake is the financial system” that owns Gl0balist MSM. Whites, especially Christians, are in the way of the “NWO” agenda and what is coveted: “The head of the snake is the financial system”:

    视频链接(Part 1 from the series, ‘Europa – The Last Battle’

    Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the WORLD’S Media http://tapnewswire.com/2015/10/six-jewish-companies-control-96-of-the-worlds-media/

    Brother Nathanael: Jews Choose The News http://www.realzionistnews.com/?p=493

    Friedrich Forate: Turn the Tables on Jewish-Owned Media Rhetoric – a Short User’s Guide (MUST READ) https://russia-insider.com/en/media-criticism/turn-tables-jewish-owned-media-rhetoric-short-users-guide/ri25614

    • 同意: Desert Fox
  67. Heros 说:

    Thanks Rurik. I am at home recuperating, so I have had lots of time recently to waste on creative writing exercises. I was disappointed when the moderator slipped in a before my tolkein parody.

    Black Pilled has a great 3 minute clip on the incident, where he explains why the jews are shaking in their boots. I don’t agree with with him because he cann0t name the jew. But it is a great clip:

    • 回复: @Rurik
  68. Avery 说:

    {….one or more of their agents and actors in the area to stand by the kids with swastika flags ……}


  69. @Anthony Aaron

    The only time Canadians come across the border into the United States in significant numbers is to either shop and save taxes or to get the highest quality of medical care in the shortest time —

    Seriously? They come by the bazillions to drive like retards and cause impenetrable traffic problems in the HBD Mitten and our southern peninsula in wintertime. They send us clowns like Norm MacDonald and freaks like Justin Bieber along with character actors like Ryan Reynolds. They build the abominable minivans our soccer moms gobble like gummy bears. Worst of all, they send us COLD AIR!!!

    Canuckistan is a plague.

  70. luke22236 说:

    Because ‘canadians’ arent the problem ; canada is so easy that thousands of , um ‘asians’ and even more arabs come in from there, thats why.
    Although given the mess that canada is, not sure I want any of them here either.

  71. @Stan d Mute

    Canadians do not even like DRIVING through Detroit.

  72. @Jeff Stryker

    If you ARE a US illegal in Canada you’ll be caught soon enough. I drove a lousy car with US plates when I worked in Ontario and was constantly stopped and my license run for warrants, work visa etc.

    I was once stopped at the border attempting to enter Canuckistan on my way to provide professional services to their benighted people. Interrogated about why I was doing this, I replied, “Because no Canadians are smart enough.”

    I spent 8 hours in Canuckistan immigration custody and was forced to pay a several hundred dollar fine (“work permit”) before they reluctantly released me.


    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  73. @Stan d Mute

    Canada has a frightful native underclass. East Vancouver is horrendously ghetto. Quebec biker wars have been bloody.

  74. Agent76 说:

    22年2019月XNUMX日,更多关于美国原住民“ MAGA”儿童争议的真相


  75. 真是悲哀

    the gentleman with the drums is the one who encroached on the space of the student. Having moved well withing the three foot limit of personal or “private space” the gentleman with the drum is the aggressor — even if the aggression is not violent.

  76. (apologies if this has been discussed; I’m late to the party —)

    Have the Catholic bishops, Defenders of the Faith, weighed in to actually defend one of their flock?

    Or are they, like that simp Bp. Barron too busy sucking up?

    • 回复: @Rurik
  77. luke22236 说:

    So effing what?!?!?! the ‘indian’ – stop calling these bastards native americans or indigenous because they are NOT – was trying to start trouble. Kid shoulda decked him and stomped his guts. SO WHAT if the kid WAS ‘bigotted’? That is not a sin – show it to me in the Bible. Show it to me in US code even.
    So what if he was ‘racist’? Again, show me when that became a felony; it is a word created in the ussr to give criminal status to anyone that dared mention that the bolshevik butchers were all jewish, thats all.
    Stop caring; do not give a rodents patoot what they say. Just give em a middle finger. If they get in your face, warn them once to get out – after that, injure them. Even these morons can understand pain. Stop caring about labels, care for yourself and your people.
    What we should care about is bringing it to [[[them]]] ; the ‘indian’ was a [probably paid] agitator; wheres the outrage? Whers the death threats?Wheres the ‘doxxing’? Why hasnt his handler[s] been exposed and brought to the fore? Same for the negroes, why are THEY not being hounded? Why no scrutiny of their actions? We all know why.

    Its past time folks. Its on.

    • 回复: @renfro
  78. MacNucc11 说:


  79. Alden 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    Phillips may not represent anyone but himself. But since the incident he’s stated many times that he represents all indigenous people every where. He wants to represent indigenous people in s dialogue in Covington Ky, he marched into s church on Saturday as a representative of indigenous people and even wants to go to Rome to represent indigenous peoples everywhere.

  80. 我希望我们都能从这次事件中吸取教训。 像往常一样,媒体愿意抓住机会抹黑他们所蔑视的人:支持生命的人、保守派和特朗普的支持者。 在我们本能地相信他们关于他们鄙视的人的故事之前,以及在我们加入社交媒体之前,我们应该考虑他们的偏见和他们的过往记录

    – 为什么拍这张照片?
    – 为什么有人发布它?
    – 为什么图片被视为值得写的东西?
    – 为什么有人认为这篇文章值得评论?
    – 为什么在我看来,大西洋这边没有这些废话?


    • 回复: @Alden
    , @EliteCommInc.
  81. republic 说:

    Phillips lives in three tipis on the Washington Mall . Why is the US Park service allowing this action?

    Anyone else would be arrested. Should write to Park service to find why this is allowed.

  82. Alden 说:


    美国有 3,100 个县,其中 2,700 个县投票给特朗普,400 个县投票给 Hilldabeast。


    • 回复: @Heros
    , @Mr. Curious
  83. wayfarer 说:

    新闻界是一群残忍的同性恋。 新闻业不是职业或行业。 对于混蛋和不称职的人来说,这是一个廉价的包罗万象的东西——一个通往生活背后的假门,一个被建筑检查员钉死的肮脏的小洞,但足够深,足以让一个酒鬼从人行道上蜷缩起来并自慰就像动物园笼子里的黑猩猩。

    来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_S._Thompson

    #CovingtonGate: We Are Entering the Real Civil War 2.0

    Native Activists Lied, Media Covered For Them in MAGA Incident

  84. Alden 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    这很简单。 美国媒体是犹太人所有。 犹太媒体希望所有美国白人死而复生。 犹太人支持 blscks、亚洲人、印度人、西班牙裔、跨性别者和所有非白人移民,将其作为持续破坏美国白人的帮手。

  85. @jilles dykstra


    At the end of the day — there was no violence and the matter ended peaceable — well physical peace.

  86. Rurik 说:

    That is an excellent video, even if it’s sort of hard to watch the elephants being tortured and tormented, but it is necessary to get across their salient and brutally important point.

    That is why they’re so unhinged over the kid’s smirk, because he isn’t genuflecting with shame for his race, his heritage, his culture and his very offensive existence, when confronted by a Person of Color.

    创新中心– they exasperate, after several generations of Jewish supremacist media programming, can a white racist Nazi not lower his gaze, and shuffle off, when considering all the evils and wrongs that boy has committed against all People of Color, (and Jews and homos and women, etc.. ad nauseam)?!

    本篇 是白人男性的正确姿势

    不能 smirking as if you weren’t a guilty racist white supremacist !

    • 回复: @Heros
    , @Alden
    , @Alden
  87. anonymous[303]• 免责声明 说:
    @The Alarmist

    have a grounding in values that align to old-time Catholic values


    So, the laity are better grounded at the spiritual level than those they depend on to guide them at the spiritual level? If indeed true, there is something so twisted in that reality.

    Oh, the spiritually lost pagan kooks!

  88. Rurik 说:

    Hey S2C, I wondered the same thing..

    Covington bishop 继续 to ‘condemn’ Catholic students, despite videos proving innocence



    Three are many great Catholics in the rank and file, but like with most Protestant Churches, the Catholic leadership are lower than the excrement dripping from dying Judas Iscariot’s relaxed bowels. In fact, Judas’ offal stinking in the dirt, is a thousand times more noble than the Catholic leadership, because unlike the Pope, et al, the ooze seeping into the dirt never had a chance to be anything better.

  89. anonymous[303]• 免责声明 说:




  90. renfro 说:

    So effing what?!?!?! the ‘indian’ – stop calling these bastards native americans or indigenous because they are NOT – was trying to start trouble. Kid shoulda decked him and stomped his guts.

    Oh shut up…..you punks are as bad as the leftist punks.

  91. wayfarer 说:

    Politeness (noun): The most acceptable hypocrisy.
    来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambrose_Bierce

    Even the Legacy Media is Apologizing for its Covington Propaganda

  92. @Wally

    Deserved a knuckle sandwich for what, exactly? Be precise.

    • 回复: @anon1
  93. Heros 说:

    “They bought the hats after the match from the vendors around the mall.”

    That could well be true. I don’t live in America and with a little luck I will never have enter mordor again. Perhaps there really are vendors selling Maga hats on the mall on holiest of sacred negro holidays. IDK.

    But it doesn’t really change anything. Some of those boys look to be in junior high school, not even in their teens yet. The teachers responsible could have turned these kids loose on the mall while packs of rogue indians and stinky simbian jews are prowling around hurling insults at them.

    But when for several minutes the kids were chanting loud whitey school slogans to drown out anti-white racial hate slogans hurled at the boys by more than one group of sacred minorities, then I would have expected the custodians responsible for these kids to have interceded and told them to remove their hats. Since we know there had been friction earlier, the only question is why did the boys have those hats on at all when the giant spectacle was unleashed in front of all the smart phones and video cameras present.

    You also have to realize that the entire narrative presented to the useful idiots by the MSM, social Media and education system for decades is all one big theater. There is a continual string of fake events presented to the idiots to keep them diverted from whatever they really should be worried about and be paying attention to.

    This Covington psyop fits the bill perfectly, it pinches all the perfect nerves. How many days will all real reporting be hidden from view by continual twists and turns to this fake “racist” narrative? Then next week there may be a “terrorist attack”, or a jet liner “crash” and it will all start over again. It is all fake, or at least the fictionalized version that we see is.

    Philips, the sacred “Indian” shaman, headed straight towards Sandmann. Even if Sandmann was completely ignorant of what was about to unfold, everything else was faked and the entire environment was prepared before the event.

    Black Israelites and Indian Chiefs attacking Maga White Boys in front of the Lincoln Memorial on Martin Luther King Day = Fake Psyop.


    • 回复: @Alden
  94. 我们需要停止这种神奇的美洲原住民神话胡说八道。 美洲原住民是有史以来最凶残的战士之一。 他们强奸、谋杀,并不断地互相争斗。 他们不是和平的生态霍比特人。

    and how do you know this wise one? You were alive then to witness it? or this is what you were told by your masters? What would you have done if someone had invaded your home? Was stealing your land, kidnapping and enslaving your women and children? Oh thats right you would get on the web and whine about it. Coward. I guess the Palestinians should just roll over and let their people be raped and looted too? They’re terrorists and savages for fighting back right? I guess you believe whites would never go to war with other whites too huh? Do terrible things to their brothers? Its not a good thing to be willfully ignorant.

    I am gonna guess you are a Fox news programmed shill judging by your repeated use of the buzzwords “marxists” and “leftists”. You do realize how this makes you looks like programmed partisan drone? You and all of your sock puppet friends might think you’re fooling people but you’re not.

    这里的每个人都不敢称它是什么! 资本主义! 不管它是什么,什么都叫,全球主义,波什维克,共产主义,但他们不敢叫它是什么,资本主义! 布尔什维克是你们愚蠢的资本主义霸主的产物,雇佣军就像基地组织一样,就像伊斯兰国一样。 一场舞台活动,就像这个一样。

    The “black Israelites” are govt agents, as are the kids. Its all a show folks! Hint: if the media is having a frenzy like this, its a staged event, its a Hollywood production you dupes.

    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @Andre Citroen
  95. anonymous[303]• 免责声明 说:

    When you’re 15-17 years old

    Going by all those who stand with MAGA, it is clearly an euphemism for, White Nationalism or Supremacy.

    Even those “coloureds” who stand with MAGA have implicitly endorsed their servility to the whitey (we will kiss your ass, accept your supremacy, so keep us under your favour, massa).

    Those 15-17yr olds are old enough to understand and absorb what their vile racist parents have been brainwashing them with… White Supremacy.

    History has shown everyone, the evil White Supremacy has perpetuated, not only in America, but the entire world. Those affected will never forget, not least the natives and the blacks, nor we from afar. They will always ask for their pound of flesh, as they should.

    So, those pissant MAGA wearing phuckers may not be complete degenerates like their parents, not yet, but they are well on their way to that destination.

    • 巨魔: anarchyst
    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Robjil
  96. densa 说:

    With a huge Fake News bomb almost every day now, is there any hope for the media?

    No, there is not. It should be shattered into a thousand pieces. The FCC should give CNN’s broadcast license to RT. Television is horrible, but the digital medium might be worse. It is so close to people, and it lets you select your information networks, the facts on which people base belief.

    If you know people on the other side of the divide, I guarantee you that most of them still believe the teenagers were guilty of smirking and privilege. They haven’t even seen anything to make them question what they know. Smart phones with news feeds and podcasts now play at least as big a role as television. The proverbial monkeys with machine guns comes to mind, as we have never lived in an age of plugged-in masses. We will rise to master our new powers or be destroyed by our old masters. It’s not looking good, but you never know.

  97. Alden 说:

    That’s a retaining wall to stabilize the hill on which the Roman fort was built. Nothing to do with the Temple.

  98. obwandiyag 说:

    A deliberate provocation. Everybody knows it. If you react, you are doing as expected.

  99. @Wally

    What does his interrupting a papist pagan service have to do with him being connected to other redskins?

    • 回复: @Alden
  100. Tyrion 2 说:

    Everything you write after linking to Rod Dreher’s article is measured, well-thought out and true. Everything before is a sick and bizarre fantasy.

    What’s your game in writing the first bit?

  101. republic 说:


    Not a seal, not Vietnam vet, refrigerator mechanic who went AWOL three times.

    He claimed he was a Recon Ranger — there is no such thing as a Marine Recon Ranger, Rangers are in the Army.

    Retired US Navy SEAL Don Shipley, who is known for publicly outing people for ‘stolen valor,’ obtained Nathan Phillips’ DD-214 form and exposed the truth.

    Nathan Phillips was enlisted under the name Nathaniel Richard Stanard.

    “Nathaniel Phillips enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserves on May 20th, 1972 and served until May 5th, 1976,” Don Shipley said as he read the DD-214 form.

    “He served under just four years and was discharged at the exalted rank of ‘Private’” Shipley said sarcastically.

    Shipley continued, “His entire military education was as a basic electrician in the Marine Corps — while he served in Lincoln, Nebraska, he served as a refer mach.”

  102. Alden 说:
    @Chris Mallory

    In Phillips TV interview he stated he went to the Chirch during the service because he wanted to dialogue with Catholics on behalf of indigenous peoples everywhere.

    That’s what he does. He tried to start confrontations with Whites so he can report racism against him. He belongs to a Native American Indian group. He often claims to speak for other Indians.

  103. @Rurik

    “We now live in Weimamerica…btw that most people (the goyim) are blithely incapable of even comprehending.”

    Indeed, America is currently a reflection of the Weimar Republic. What we were never taught in history books is that the stagflation and the moral degeneracy of that black era of Germany pushed some needy Germans to prostitute their kids at the service of pedophile bankers and their ilk. When the next economic and financial crash materialises, I hope that history will not repeat itself in Weimamerica.

    So one would wonder what does it take for people not to fall to such moral depravity and the answer is PUTTING DIGNITY AHEAD OF LIFE.

    As long as God loving folks are accepting to be intimidated into submission to the accessories of the powers that be, the miserable state of affairs will go from bad to worse. Look at the Moslems, love them or hate them, they are defying the formidable powers that are encroaching upon their land and their culture with their will to sacrifice themselves for the sake of saving their heritage and their honour, something the increasingly hedonistic and docile White population is less likely to emulate. This leaves the space open for anti White and anti Christian Talmudists the audacity to taunt, ridicule and profane everything decent and beautiful that the White culture offered to the world.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  104. Alden 说:

    The souvenir vendors around the mall and other sites are local mostly black residents of DC, just trying to make a living like the rest of us.

    • 回复: @Heros
  105. Sollipsist 说:

    My Iroquois ancestors constantly waged brutal wars on their neighbors, decimating entire tribes and depending on conquest & slavery for the luxury of progress – just like everybody else’s ancestors.

    If they’d also been able to develop metallurgy, they might have even been successful enough at civilization to have to apologize for it constantly.

    • 回复: @niteranger
  106. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:
    @John Henry

    I’m cross posting this from Sailer’s blog as it seems relevant:

    To refer to one’s service as “Vietnam Era” is to make a clear and dishonest implication that the individual saw combat in the country of Vietnam. This is to provide the person with a degree of immunity from criticism, as well as to invoke the reflexive “honor the troops” bullshit (see below) in order to establish hero status, to go along with the perpetual Amerindian pity party.

    Nobody refers to their military service in terms of wartime era unless they are attempting to inflate the extent of their service. If Philips was an honest person, which he isn’t, he would have just referred to his service alone. (Addendum: Anyone referring to their military service amidst a debate current year is merely invoking another form of credentialism. Whatever Philips’ service record is, it is absolutely 100% irrelevant to anything. Meaningless. He may as well have been a Vietnam era employee of McDonalds.)

    Philips is a lifelong professional agitator and conman. He deserves nothing but contempt.

    • 回复: @Rich
  107. Wally 说:

    IOW, you have no proof these kids did anything wrong.

    According to your logic women in tight mini-skirts deserve to be raped.

    “History has shown everyone, the evil White Supremacy has perpetuated, not only in America, but the entire world.”

    Such as, with proof?
    BTW, how are your scientifically impossible ‘gas chambers’ doing?


  108. Talha 说:

    Et tu, Putin?

    Y tu tambien, Orban? (Wonder if homeboy was wearing a yamulke under the hat, bets?)

    For all the nonsense, vanity and stupidity that the leaders of Muslim nations bring to the table – ain’t one done this.


    • 回复: @Heros
    , @RobinG
    , @Anon
  109. joe webb 说:

    Yesterday, Tucker Carlson gave the Black Hebrew Mother-Forkers a pass and did not utter the dread B word. Today, he and Hannity reprized the Covington Caper and again could not bring themselves to use the B word to describe the Black Hebrew Whatevers. The visuals in the video are not real clear but the voices are, and it is pretty much, uh…b, b. b…Bla. Bla….you know….

    Come on Tucker, you can say it….Ba, Ba. uh…buh buh, buh. Ok try it this way…purse your lips for first part…..buh…then say, la, la, then say Blu la then say ack, buh la ack. Say it faster!

    Tucker says …Oh shit. ni. ni ni …nxxxxx,! Nixxxx, and he starts flopping around jerking…like inTurrets Syndrome.. Hannity is there too….Great Tucker, I knew you could do it. How does that feel? Better he says, yeah, spit it out! Then Hannity gets into the act and they then start tap-dancing and it is ni- ger…ni. ger and then more emphatically as they work in a little thigh -slapping..Nxxxxer, NxxxxxER! Oh yeah…let it Out Tucker… show us your martial arts moves there Sean…he throws some air punches as he tap dances. They get into a little call and response….Tucker: Nig then Sean: Ger, etc, etc.

    The primal scream that cannot speak its name. All right, that is all the time we have today. See you guys next week and don’t forget to practice…Sean and Tucker exit shouting, Nig- ger, nxxxer.. laughing hysterically. Exorcism…white ju ju.


    Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 11:49:42 AM PST
    主题:Fw: NYTimes.com: How We Destroy Lives Today. (Mischling half jew gets it at least half right.)

    “The Covington case was such a blatant rush to judgment — it was powered by such crude prejudice and social stereotyping — I’m hoping it will be an important pivot point. I’m hoping that at least a few people start thinking about norms of how decent people should behave on these platforms.”

    The “social” is not social, it is racial. Otoh, to be fair, Brooks is focused on the Social Media so he can be, again, half-forgiven for his refusal to talk race.

    (I recall Ralph Ellison’s Ras, the Destroyer, in Ellison’s Invisible Man, 1952, a prescient novel about what was coming, and still is coming, in the Race Wars of the US.

    The Black Hebrew Mo-Fos are much more fun however than Ellison’s Ras, The Destroyer.
    (Their obsession with “incest babies” may reflect their own sense of incestuous racial mixing…The Great Family of Man’s arguable incest…. refused by their Black Nationalism, and more personally fatal, their own awareness that they are mixed with the Devil White Man. (Ancestry DNA giving them that Oh No! existential horrifying shock.)

    Anyway, the energy behind the ‘social’ usage is psychologically a defense mechanism, as the correct cliche goes.

    Following that, when aforesaid defense mechanism begins to erode, then the R word comes out…Racism! as in you’re a racist and I am not. I win you lose.

    With further erosion of the defense mechanism, especially when the Truth comes out about various incidents…really all of them just in the last few years, that the truth is otherwise than the Racism! jubilant ejaculation..and its joy is dashed, like a cocaine withdrawal….the voyage of self-discovery continues towards the rocks of reality.

    Am I racist too? Did I marry-in, and not marry-out? Did I turn down the black baby when we were going to adopt? Do I avoid MLK Boulevard? Etc.

    Well….not exactly, This possibility is going to be rare. The War comes first. Body piles come first. Bullets come first.

    Normal Whites can avoid all of the above. And so do avoid it. They don’t tell themselves Just So stories. Only the chattering classes do. So they will continue to talk abut Social Problems , and Racism!

    And the folks like Tucker Carlson, will do their best to avoid race by taking points about wage and job problematics.

    Glenn Greenwald (sp?) who is the jew on Tucker’s show from time to time, awhile back, courageously remarked when Tucker asked about all our wonderful wars, how come? Greenwald said, Riyadh and Tel Aviv. OK ( or it was his military friend who appeared with him )

    But last night he said, that after all, Muslims, and Blacks and Hispanics, and Indians DO have their legit complaints. This is the Jew in him of course.

    If I had been there I would have asked him if he watches TV at all and what about the commercials that continually assault White Men and further, roil them by featuring White girls with nxxxxxs? Say what about that jewboy?

    Words. Words. Words. We are in the run-up to civil war. A search of periodicals before the Civil War probably would show the same thing…words, words…..hatreds softening up the fields for bloodletting.



    • 回复: @RobinG
  110. Heros 说:

    “The souvenir vendors around the mall and other sites are local mostly black residents of DC, just trying to make a living”

    “Black residents of DC” who are selling Maga hats? On holy MLK day? Or are you saying that the white vendors were there on a national holiday to the black jesus, peddling Maga hats?

    Remember, this is America where children can be seized and hauled off to CPS for playing in the street or even in the front yard. Yet the catholic schools turns these precious white middle class pre-teens loose in a giant park with packs of black panhandlers “just trying to make a living” prowling around?? Puuuleeeese.



    Covington has a large IRS complex with thousands of jobs, which means there is a high concentration of US government zombie employees living there, many of which are MKultra puppets. Its like Parkway or Sandy Hook, or Las Vegas. These psyops always take place in communities with lots of jews, their talmudic partners, and their mind control puppets.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
  111. RobinG 说:

    Now you’ve gone right off the rails at full speed. For one thing, this wasn’t televised. All the footage was taken by the participants, who posted it on the web. The video by the Black Hebrew Nationalists does the best to exonerate the Covington kids. Sure, Phillips saw a chance to make a splash for himself. He’s known for that.

    The media is just jumping on anything they think will hurt Trump and making total fools of themselves. Too bad the #Resistance is too far gone to notice.

  112. Anonymous[367]• 免责声明 说:


  113. Rich 说:
    @Mike Tre

    As a Grenada era veteran, I have to agree with you.

    • 哈哈: Hibernian
    • 回复: @Mike Tre
  114. DL 说:


  115. As I said before, in another thread, in the US at least, there is no original constitutional requirement for the media to tell the truth, or any part of it.

    That’s at least a part of what freedom of speech is about, as far as I can tell. [Admittedly, that assumes anyone even actually cares about the constitution anymore.]

    So the MSM can lie all it wants, about 什么.

    It’s entirely the responsibility of the individual to decide whether or not they are lying about this, or about that.

    The “problem” is not the lying of the MSM, its the people who unfailingly believe it/they are telling the truth .

    Idjuts will be idjuts- that’s just the way of the world- ain’t gonna change, better get used to it.


    • 回复: @JLK
  116. Robjil 说:

    What is white supremacy? White paint, white house, white clothes, white horse, etc. There are no white people and never was any. Some people has lighter skin like Europeans, North Africans, West Asians and East Asians but they are not white colored. We have a different supremacy going on, a tiny group of crazies ruling us. Read Solving 911 by Christopher Bollyn to get an inkling of the real rulers of our “nation”. The real supremacist don’t allow any back talk ever in the media.

  117. Miggle 说:

    There seem to be at least two issues here. The first being Christians or pseudo-Christians who hold that abortion is a sin and therefore want to invade the sovereignty of a woman over her own body. That’s not a matter for the State. If it’s a sin let the woman argue it with God, who might even understand the concept of forgiveness. Pro-life marches, if that means anti-abortion marches, are disgusting.

    And of course the brand name “Catholic” referring to one denomination of (claimed) Christianity, pretending that it, exclusively, is the universal Church, is a dishonest hegemonic claim that is beyond disgusting. No single denomination of the Church has been the catholic Church since 1054. The Italian mafia that made “Catholic” its brand name is appropriately called the church of the Antichrist.


    最糟糕的是公司个人拥有公司股票和股份的权利。 应该禁止除真人以外的任何人拥有股份,也许是任何所有权。 公司合并应被定为刑事犯罪。


    也许关闭证券交易所? 强制撤资,只允许个人股票,我们将拥有经营媒体的小型专有公司,数百家而不是六个控制一切的公司。

    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Alden
  118. Heros 说:

    I agree, where to we have to go to find someone who hasn’t kissed the jews pissing wall? Tommy Robinson, Sebastian Kurz, Geert Wilder, every La Pen bitch ever whelped. They ALL do it.

    Only people like Cynthia McKinney have resisted the offer they cannot refuse, but she is protected by a lower level black guilt magick shield.

    People like Mel Gibson, Assange, Snowden, or Gaddaffi are the example made for stupid goyim zombies. Those who dare to defy the Noahide laws will be destroyed. It is for the goyim’s own good, since goyim always cause all wars. This is the new noahide and kosher social contract. This is the price goyim must pay for allowing jews to create wars for thousands of years. Now that all the goyim are slaves, there will be no more world wars for Israel.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Alden
  119. @Fran Macadam

    Non whites consistently do just what you are saying we should not do. No this guy was representing his non white people against whites. Notice that this coward who claims he was trying to defuse the situation got in the face of the victims of the racist black hebrews. If he was really a good guy he would have beat his drum in the blacks faces. Of course he would have gotten a beat down if he had.

  120. I was already wondering what was all this wave on Jews about, this sudden interest by far-righters on Palestinian rights,… when they have never worried about that…. and have elected and continuously support a president who is legitimating every move by the Israeli far-right in charge there…

    But, when in the the Earth the far-right has worried about the rights of any human being except themselves ( extended even to their no rights )?

    There you have the sounding silence here about the coup intend in Venezuela…oh, how is this so, they who are so “awaken”…and with such “big brains”, that do not leave anything without noticing….?

    Of course, all this wave and series about the Jews was to keep you occupied, or dissimulating, while your government was mounting the next coup and forthcoming civil war in Venezuela…..

    Notice also the sounding silence at The Saker….and at SST….I wonder what will be the editorial by Pat Lang , alias “the good Colonel”….if any….

    • 回复: @Robjil
  121. I think I interchanged the names of the native american protester with that of the Catholic student — excuse me.

  122. JLK 说:

    As I said before, in another thread, in the US at least, there is no original constitutional requirement for the media to tell the truth, or any part of it.

    I’m not an expert, but if a company puts out something it calls a 消息paper, charges subscriptions and deliberately misleads its readers, it sounds a lot like fraud.

    If all the major media companies conspire to slant the news, and it rises to levels of oppression in conjunction with other behavior such as poisoning the well of alternative websites, it seems to be a transgression of the First Amendment right to speak and read information, particularly when it comes to political speech. 18 USC 241 should apply.

    A lot of Americans have died in wars fomented by the Yellow Press. Diversity of information is good.

  123. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:

    I’m trying to figure out what my era is so I can slam it on the table like an Ace of Spades at just the right moment:

    In between Iraqi War’s era veteran?
    前阿富汗/伊拉克 2 时代?


    • 回复: @RVBlake
  124. Nehlen 说:


    • 回复: @Alden
  125. RobinG 说:
    @joe webb

    Tucker Carlson ….. did not utter the dread B word.

    正确(正如我在#20 中所说的)。 但今天我了解到,黑人希伯来母叉(这句话的大转变!)是华盛顿市中心的常客,每天在唐人街地铁站攻击公众。 更何况,那一小群疯子曾经冒险到他们的神地以色列,从那里他们很快就被立即驱逐了。 沼泽的街道上还有其他胡言乱语的傻瓜,但这些家伙一定是最丰富多彩的。

    If I had been there I would have asked him….

    I’d be remiss to not take this chance to sick you on Bernard-Henri Levy, arch enemy of peace and sanity. He deserves your informed eloquence. (Is there a dress code at the Commonwealth Club?) You may run into Cloak and Dagger there, if he can trust you not to dox him. 🙂
    加利福尼亚州旧金山,周一,25 月 XNUMX 日 – Bernard-Henri Lévy:美国退出世界领导地位

    法籍犹太知识分子 Bernard-Henri Lévy 警告说:公开的反犹主义“回来了,无处不在” https://www.algemeiner.com/2019/01/17/french-jewish-intellectual-bernard-henri-levy-warns-antisemitism-is-back/

    • 回复: @joe webb
    , @dcite
  126. Talha 说:

    Tommy Robinson, Sebastian Kurz, Geert Wilder, every La Pen bitch ever whelped. They ALL do it.

    No kidding! I had no idea how bad it was until I started looking up pictures on google a while ago, just type in “wailing wall …” plus the politician’s name you are looking for. It is mind-blowing! What the hell is some random guy from a podunk district in Wyoming or something out there doing this for the cameras??!!


    • 回复: @Alden
  127. Robjil 说:
    @Fatima Manoubia

    US and Israel are both the biggest lovers of right wing coups in Latin America. In 1954, Samuel Zemurray, a Israel firster Jewish American, asked for a US right wing coup set up for him in Guatemala to protect his United Fruit company. Israel from its beginning in 1948, has supported all the US right wing coups in Latin America.

    In the middle east, Israel has been supporting extreme right wing “Islamic puppet terrorists” for decades. Israel does not like any back talk at all. Logical and rational people can back talk, so extreme crazies or docile puppets are all the rage for the US/Israel empire.

    In 2009, Israelis supported a right wing coup for five Jewish families that rule Honduras. Honduras has the highest murder rate in the world. It is two times higher than the surrounding nations. Why are these five Jewish families so cruel to the people of Honduras? Honduras should be free, just like Palestine.

    The 2016 right wing coup in Brazil was set up to support Israel’s and US’s corporate interests. Bolsonaro of Brazil is a “big” supporter of Israel, a perfect puppet in place.

    Venezuela should hold out. The world needs different voices. The earth ruled by just the US/Israel empire would be a very sad, violent and boring planet. . The world is tired and weary of endless US/Israel coups.

    • 同意: Desert Fox
  128. RobinG 说:


    Since these kids were at a “pro-life” march, let me ask you an abortion question. It’s my understanding that while it’s definitely discouraged in Islam, it’s not prohibited, at least not up until 10 weeks, when the soul enters the body. Perhaps some, like Salafi, differ.
    Care to opine?

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Miggle
  129. Alden 说:

    I hope the local prosecutor charges the twitter mob and media with child endangerment. Jurisdiction is clear, the boys live in Kenton county Ky and death threats are definitely child endangerment.

    There is a big IRS facility in Covington. That means a lot of black single mom government
    “Workers”. Which means their vicious violent thus spawn in the public schools.

    FYI the thugs of affirmative action government workers are as involved in the juvenile justice system and troublemaking and crimes in schools as the thugs spawned by the welfare moms are.

    Government work, welfare, what’s the difference ?

  130. niteranger 说:

    Thank You. I have Native American friends who were born on reservations in New York and they say the same thing. What is most insane about this is that Native Americans were Identity Tribes. They practiced true Identity Politics and remained against each other for most of their battles against the incoming Europeans.

    Most of them couldn’t come together as group because they just literally hated each other. They were constantly fighting for fishing and hunting areas because contrary to this garden of paradise theory….this was a very tough environment to live. Many of the tribes were some of the fiercest warriors the world has ever seen. Now they are these little ecohobbits that got along is pure illusion by the Leftist and New Age Native Americans.

    The Magic Mexicans tried to import Europeans to help them wipe out the tribes of the S. West. The Comanche, Utes and especially the Apache were just kicking the Mexican’s ass. That’s why Mexico didn’t give a hoot when the American Calvary came into take care of them.

    It’s sad what has happened to your people. I agree. But what’s sadder now is these New Age Clowns shaming your proud Warrior Heritage.

    • 回复: @Sollipsist
    , @Alden
  131. Alden 说:

    When’s the last time you were in DC? There are vendors in the mall and around the museums cspitol sbd other sites selling souvenirs. Most are black which reflects the demographics of the city. I was there 2 years ago first of April and saw them selling the souvenirs.

    MLK day was Monday the 21.

    The march was Friday the 18th. The hats were purchased Friday the 18th.

    Those facts should answer your questions.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  132. Alden 说:

    The mall, the capital and other sites are full of vendors selling souvenirs. Most are black which reflects the demographics of the city.

    When’s the last time you were there? I was there 2 years ago in April. I saw the vendors.

    MLK day was Monday 1/21/19
    The march was Friday 1/18/19

    That answer your questions.?

    • 回复: @Heros
  133. Alden 说:

    You know what they’re doing at the retaining wall, begging and groveling for 2 things.

    1. To not to be defeated st the next election for the crime of not sending sufficient American money to Israel.

    2 Begging for donations and publicity expertise so they can rise to a higher office.

    • 同意: Talha
  134. Alden 说:

    The Kenton County DA has a good case for child endangerment which carries criminal penalties. Jurisdiction is clear. The boys live in Kenton County. Death and bomb threats are child endangerment.

  135. Alden 说:

    并非所有姓氏以 man 或 mann 或 Sand 的变体结尾的人都是犹太人


  136. steelreso 说:

    Because all the illegals are coming through the southern border. What an idiotic question.

  137. RobinG 说:

    Definitely. T-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats are hot items. They do this year round, and anytime there’s a big event, they put on extra hands. MLK Day wasn’t such a big deal, but here’s the craigslist ad for the Women’s March.

    PRE-HIRING! Women’s March street merchandise sales team! Be a part of the biggest one-day event in the world!

    We have sold pussy hats, Women’s March flags, buttons, and more at the past two Women’s marches with tremendous success!

    We pay a 20% commission. Our good salespeople average commission $200-$500+
    CASH PAID at the end of the event


  138. Talha 说:


    Yes there is a difference of opinion on this that breaks down across the schools. Generally, once ensoulment has occurred (around 120 days or so after conception) the baby is an individual and has its own rights as a human being and aborting is tantamount to murder – there is a consensus on this. These are only negotiable if a catastrophic situation like if the mother’s life in is danger and there is no way to save both.

    Otherwise, before this it is considered anything from a grave sin (by some schools – and even differences occur within schools) to permissible up to around 40 days after conception going to the 120 day limit. And this also depends on whether there is a legitimate excuse or not (such as rape, medical anomaly with the fetus, etc.).

    On a topic such as this (assuming we are talking about the time-frame and situation that has difference of opinion and not the subject in which there is a consensus prohibition), a person would approach the issue from:
    1) consulting the scholar or group of scholars (institution) one has trust in
    2) medical professional
    3) and, finally, what one feels most comfortable with

    I trust this mufti, personally (having taken a course under him once):

    Hope that helps – though it might open up even more questions since we simply don’t have one answer…


    • 同意: RobinG
    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Heros
  139. Art 说:

    The Catholic boy Nick Sandmann, demonstrated the moral superiority of his education.

    He was there supporting the life of the unborn. He was subjected to malicious taunting by a thug crowd. The old Indian man was in his face provoking him.

    Yet young Nick, smiled and prevailed in a non-aggressive manner. In a Christian way he turned the other cheek. He both, rightfully stood his ground and preserved the peace.

    Kudos to him and Christianity!

    • 同意: Desert Fox, anarchyst
  140. Miggle 说:

    Sorry, RobinG, not answering your question, just opining.

    Since these kids were at a “pro-life” march, …

    Why are “kids” going on an anti-abortion march? Who initiated it? Who organized it?

    It look very like outright indoctrination of those kids and nothing else. So they are the real victims.

    • 回复: @Alden
  141. Sollipsist 说:

    I hate to say it, but that’s what’s coming for all of us. I have basically zero authentic cultural connection to my Haudenosaunee ancestors; it would be no different for me to get “emotionally and politically active” than it would be for a suburban white kid who suddenly gets into black culture because he finds evidence that his great great grandma may have fooled around with the slaves on her father’s plantation.

    The Redskins mascot bothers me about as much as Notre Dame’s mascot excites the Irish side of my “heritage.” Wouldn’t it be ironic if in a few centuries the mostly black “Raging Rednecks” w
    play the mostly black “Fighting WASPs” in the Super Bowl 😀 No culture, no history, no pride except for the easily transferable team spirit… mainly used to sell merchandise, and start drunken fights in the parking lot…

  142. Jake 说:

    They probably thought he was drunk or stoned. His actions made no sense otherwise, save for his being a Leftist troublemaker hoping to have a kid push him back.

  143. Alden 说:

    Anti abortion is a major cause for all Catholic clergy and many religious Protestants who call themselves Christian to distinguish themselves from pro gay marriage pro abortion Protestant churches.

    The march has been an annual event for about 45 years. If you want to know about it, just type March for life into any internet search engine.

  144. Alden 说:

    In pagan times in S Arabia the custom was to kill girl babies at birth. Mohammad forbade girl infantacide and managed to wipe out the custom.

    Early Christians also forbade the pagan custom of infantacide and also ended the practice.

    • 回复: @Talha
  145. Alden 说:
    @Michael Kenny

    有人在其中一个 unz 线程上发布了一个多小时的视频。 早在科文顿男孩出现在公共汽车上之前,主要是黑人以色列人诅咒和尖叫每个人

    视频清楚地显示菲利普斯和他的摄影师就在他身后,他离开了被黑人犹太人骚扰的地方,然后径直走进戴着魔法帽的男孩们。 菲利普斯和摄影师显然是在寻找对抗。 他们没有得到,但张贴了一张桑德曼的照片,声称他不尊重菲利普斯

    白人 vs 印第安人,利伯斯人跳了上去

  146. Cyrano 说:

    I think the explanation why that kid didn’t want to move is obvious – he is marching to the beat of a different drum. The reason why he didn’t want to move is also because he wasn’t moved by the melody of that emotionally touching and sophisticated display of artistry that the Indian produced. Here is one suggestion – maybe the next time the Indian should try something like – a rap song? I bet that way he will drum up some support from the Catholic kid.

  147. Alden 说:

    Gibson’s doing very well on the hundreds of millions he’s made acting in and producing movies.

  148. Rich 说:

    Well, I don’t know about that argument, “Invadi(ng) the sovereignty of a woman’s body “? Does the defenseless baby have any rights? The child’s father? A woman does have the sovereign right not to get pregnant, once pregnant, the father and the child should have some rights.

    Besides the fact that is biologically and evolutionarily natural for the female of a species to care for, protect and nurture its child. What kind of unnatural beasts have modern females become, that their most cherished right is to murder their own child? A disgusting age we live in.

    • 回复: @Miggle
    , @follyofwar
  149. Talha 说:

    Correct on both counts – female infanticide was quite normal in that culture. They would actually bury them alive. When I went to Hajj, somebody pointed out an area where the pagan Arabs would go to bury them – it’s all been paved over, but it is still known to some of the more knowledgeable locals.

    Plenty of cultures in those times saw no moral issues with killing off children that were considered weak or deformed, etc.


  150. KenH 说:

    Some good satire from Godfrey Elwick:

    Elwick satirizes and mocks the SJW worldview and was so good at it that Twitter banned him because his satire enraged the lefties.

  151. follyofwar 说:

    The old fashioned way to take care of a lying Yellow Press was for an aggrieved mob to go in and smash their printing presses. Of course, now there are no printing presses to smash. Seriously, though, there a limits to free speech, and I hope these boys can find a competent law firm who will take their case on contingency, and sue the shit out of those media giants who have so slandered and libeled them. Those bastards must not go unpunished.

  152. KenH 说:

    The black Hebrews were also taunting Indian Nathan Phillips and his fellow braves. They were calling them “chief tomahawks” and said they deserved to have their land taken away because they worshipped animals. The rainbow coalition is starting to show cracks.

    Of course, this was missing from the story because (((fake narratives))) about white supremacist teenagers with MAGA hats sporting minority dissing smirks is so much sexier and whips the progs into a frenzy.

  153. @Fran Macadam

    He’s appointed himself. Pretty dumb if you want to also appoint him. The mainstream media already did. Crazy is right – teh asylums are full of those who insist they are Napoleon, or Chief Joseph, the President, whatever.

    ” The Orthodox Judaic religion teaches that black people are a divinely designated slave race (cf. the Midrash on Genesis in the Soncino edition), and sub-human (cf. Moses Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed, vol. 2, in the Shlomo Pines edition). These rabbinic dogmas have caused the black race untold suffering and misery throughout history.”

    Moses’ own brother and sister didn’t much like his marrying the black woman, and complained about it to God. God was so pleased with them, Moses’ sister turned completely white with leprosy – and only Moses interceding with forgiveness turned the outcome happier for her. No words after denigrating the supposed miscegenation. But then, Jesus told the Pharisees that instead of upholding what’s right before God, they made it up to favor themselves, and killed the real prophets.

  154. utu 说:

    想法比枪更强大。 我们不会让我们的敌人有枪,我们为什么要让他们有想法。 - 斯大林

    Yellow Vest are feared, they actually are posing a danger to the System. That’s why the MSM everywhere are trying to keep discussions and coverage about them to the minimum. That’s why we have libertarian trolls who always work for the System trying to disparage them (vide Wally and onebornfree).

    Yellow Vests have some ideas which concern the System which is the economy, how it works. They talk about money, about wages. Americans, the most materialistic people, would not lower themselves to the level of talking about wages. Why? Because the ‘opposition’ in America, the alt-right has no ideas. American Stalins took the real ideas away from Americans and gave them fake replacements like identity and race. Americans never fail to bite the race bait. Like slavery that is a gift that keeps on giving for the owners. This time it is the White boy vs. the Indian. Look at Hoffmans and Sailers and countless other on the right having a field day. And American Stalins are laughing all the way to the bank.

    • 回复: @Felix Culpa
  155. Alden 说:

    Have you ever heard of the White Mountain Apaches? They never surrendered. They went back and forth across the Mexican border, sometimes fighting the Mexican and American armies st the same time.

    They were raiders and nomadic pirates.

  156. follyofwar 说:

    I was curious that Mr. Hoffman chose, in his first paragraph, to highlight: “THE MASS EXTERMINATION OF DISABLED DOWN SYNDROME CHILDREN WITH ABORTION.” So I turned to that article and discovered that 90% of Down syndrome fetuses are aborted in Britain and nearly 100% in Denmark, and that this “Nazi Trend” is growing in the USA.

    I see nothing wrong with this. What gives anyone the right to condemn a hard-pressed working class mother for not wanting to sacrifice the rest of her life in service of a severely retarded child, who can only live as a public charge? As a believer in compassionate eugenics, I see nothing wrong with aborting fetuses that are severely disabled. The more scary trend is that Western countries are afraid to do anything to limit children born to low IQ mothers, while the best, smartest women wait too long and refuse to have more than one, if even that. “Idiocracy” is winning.

  157. Pft 说:

    Interesting the emphasis being made about the kids being “Catholic”. If they were from a public school or protestant school would the same emphasis be made?

    Now that the kids have been vindicated I see a lot of anti-catholic remarks being made on some sites because the Bishop has not apologized for his initial reaction based on the earlier biased reporting, subsequent statements pending an investigation

    In any event the instigators of the entire charade who made a number of racist remarks get a pass. Because we all know besides there being no such thing as race that reverse racism does not exist because only the race in power can be racist.

    What a nutty world.

  158. @Stan d Mute


    I worked in Ontario for two years. Obtaining my work permit was a relatively arduous process for a humdrum graphic arts job but I followed all the rules because it paid well.

    Wearing a Michigan jersey I was stopped and detained by OPP to see whether I had warrants (I didn’t) by OPP just walking down the road.

    Of course I was taxed. The whole thing was such a hassle that although I could have continued working in Ontario, I didn’t.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  159. Remember this oldie folks? Same BS different puppet. Its a freakin show. Actors. Propaganda!


    When will the Venezuelans start throwing precious babies out of incubators so our compassionate capitalist overlords can invade and liberate that sweet Venezuelan black gold? I thought Trump was putting an end to this crap. He’s a puppet of Wall St, Da Jews, Globalists, Capitalists, same difference.


    • 同意: utu, Desert Fox
    • 回复: @Wally
  160. Iberiano 说:

    那么教皇和罗马天主教会的所有营在哪里全力出击保护这些家伙? 他们支持 RCC,他们的父母可能在经济上和其他方面都有。

    那些罗马天主教徒这么急着来帮助这些孩子和他们的家人呢? 忙于为非法入境者提供便利而被打扰?

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  161. wayfarer 说:

    The lofty pine is oftenest shaken by the winds; High towers fall with a heavier crash; And the lightning strikes the highest mountain.

    来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horace

    #CovingtonGate Lawsuits Incoming – Major News In Trouble

  162. Miggle 说:

    She is the sovereign. The man can apply to her for mercy. The State has no rights.

  163. Icy Blast 说:

    It’s the other way around. You are sick.

  164. Icy Blast 说:

    I hope Private Stanard doesn’t go AWOL again. We need his musical talent! Don’t let his meth-mouth fool you!

  165. Art 说:

    NBC 女权主义者垃圾苏珊娜·格思里 (Suzanna Guthrie),一遍又一遍地纠缠年轻的尼克·桑德曼 (Nick Sandmann),让他们对发生的事情感到内疚。



    ps 苏珊娜·格思里 (Suzanna Guthrie) 从在 NBC 的第一天起就没有在她小小的女性大脑中产生过非电脑的想法。

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @eah
  166. niceland 说:

    Everything about this is nonsense.
    From the initial media response to the alleged native American protestor, to the carefully scripted response from the boy – obviously written by P.R people – to alleged death threats etc.

    Pay no attention it’s all bullshit. Either the lunatics have taken over the asylum or it’s even worse.

  167. Wally 说:

    “I thought Trump was putting an end to this crap.”



  168. anon1 说:

    That Indian got in the kid’s face which is the exact opposite of what the Jewish cultural Marxist media reported.

  169. anon1 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Mind citing one source for your ludicrous claims?

  170. anon1 说:
    @Andrew E. Mathis

    Well for no reason at all he walked right up to that kid* getting about six inches from his face. He had thus invaded his personal space. That is rude and potentially threatening right there. He then spent about five minutes banging that fucking drum and ‘singing’. That is downright rude and annoying. Imagine you are standing somewhere, minding your own business and some completes stranger walks right up to you and is loud rude and obnoxious for several minutes. I would not put up with that for one moment. But in fairness I am not a teenager but an adult who doesn’t take any shit anymore.

    * He seems to claim the kids “swarmed” or “surrounded” him. This is clearly shown not to be true when you see the video.

    • 回复: @Heros
  171. Anon[737]• 免责声明 说:

    In a just society, a picture of anyone at that genocidal supremacist’s wall would disqualify them from political life in any other nation.

  172. Anon[737]• 免责声明 说:

    Facecrime – An indication that a person is guilty of thoughtcrime based on their facial expression.


  173. anonymous[100]• 免责声明 说:

    Usa is now a true fascist country

  174. Heros 说:

    所有其他孩子都散了出去,醉酒的印第安人直奔桑德曼,而桑德曼则像一尊雕像一样站着。 对我来说它看起来有点编舞。

    • 回复: @Paw
  175. Heros 说:

    I have never been to “the mall” and I am not a US person. However, I have dealt with feral packs of black panhanders in New York, SF, LA, all along the Med and in every European train station and city park that I have been to in the last 5 years.

    I am also a grandfather who raised 2 boys and has 2 grandsons almost as old as the younger Catholic kids, who look to be junior high, about 11-12 years old.

    I would never have turned my pre-teen boys loose on a school trip to march in protest against Antifa style abortion activists in Washington DC (what is it, 70% black?) on the masonic “national mall” in front of dozens of occult monuments to dead freemasons and crypto jews. I would have been furious with a school chaperone that allowed this to happen.

    One other important logical reason why their family would not want them there: drugs. How many times to you think those boys were offered some kind of drug or another. “Buy some weed bro”? Much of it probably fenatyl laced.

    Just take the Lincoln Memorial. Assasinated by Freemasons and covered up. All this theater occurs right on the steps to this ridiculous masonic temple. Lincoln (may he burn in hell) never would have wanted to be buried in a temple created by the people who assasinated.

    I have already pointed out in close to a dozen ways why I think this was staged in one fashion or another. The Maga hats are the frosting on the cake, but they aren’t necessary to make the case.

  176. Heros 说:

    Covington catholic school was there for a right to life march. Abortion has become one of the main lightning rods for the jews and their talmudist brethren. They have proven time and again how ready and quickly they are to resort to violence, even murder. The entire Kavanaugh affair was about jews and abortion, from Feinstein to Schumer. Abortion is far, far more important to jews than “a woman’s right to choose“。

    In todays excellent Trunews broadcast, Rick Wiles covers the new movie “Roe vs Wade” and then the trunews team goes into depth into the history of abortion in the US.

    From beginning to end it was jews who performed abortions, set up the clinics, and got the abortion legislation passed. It is jaw dropping as you listen to jew after jew after jew pushing for abortion. And jews push pornography too because promoscuity and abortion go hand in hand.

    During the discussion, trunews states that according to judaism, I assume he meant the Torah and Talmud, the sole first enters the infant at child birth. This is why jews have no compunction about killing goy fetuses.

    Trunews then go on to discuss how New York City has just passed legislation that will allow abortion at any point up to child birth. This is Noahide law, and New York City is clearly completely under Noahide.

    We know that 100% kosher planned parenthood has been harvesting organs for sale from the Kevin O’Keefe leaks. We know that throughout history jews have ritually sacrificed children and drained them of their blood. We know that Israel has been harvesting organs from Palestinians and has made itself the world market for organs.

    Now planned parenthood and all its jew hangers on will be able to harvest babies right up until birth in New York. I am certain that jews across the planet are doing one their disgusting jigs.



    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  177. @Heros


    You think I want to pay for the fornication of Sarah Silverman? Or Jewish porn starlets who do gang bangs for a living?

  178. @Iberiano

    好问题。 教会已经成为真正的用武之地,痛心地说。

  179. eah 说:

    This was not the only case of people reacting negatively to the hats on that rally.

    “LOL” — yeah, OK, well at this point it is not exactly unheard of that a MAGA hat triggers some people, right?

    Besides, what does a Trump Maga hat have to do with right to life?

    I saw this plausible explanation: they are available all over Wash DC, eg from street vendors — it’s a trinket, a souvenir — so some of the kids put up a few bucks to take home a MAGA hat as a souvenir of their trip to Wash DC.

    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
  180. @Alden

    2700 vs 400!!!然而 judenlugenpresse MSM 仍然来月经:“bbb-but hildebeast win da popyulaaarrr votey-wote”。

    jugenlugenBBC 说 75>110。带有bbb偏见的布尔什维克阴谋集团预告片,来自PC国家鱼桶(嗨,k-lo-trubk'd,由苏·皮普金斯爵士y)tit…许可费匹配

    1 – 牛顿、达尔文智商 110 竞赛中的白痴。奥威尔。尼采、弗莱明、特朗普都不知道粉碎者。

    2 个来自 75iq 泥浆小屋比赛的坏家伙,无水污水 SHC 没有关于 evathing cuxza wace a Amin、Pipkins、Taneshi Coates 和 Maxine Walters 没有关于所有一切,nohmsayin!

  181. Talha 说:


    I watched the interview – boy spoke well. His points made sense.

    – he barely blinks – I mean he looks like he is abnormal
    – the way he talks is almost as if he is in a trance
    – it seems in contrast to the very normal and confident young man in the drumming video

    Something just seems very off (maybe due to shock from all the media attention and death threats and stuff) – did anybody else pick up on that?


    • 回复: @wayfarer
    , @RobinG
    , @Art
    , @Alden
  182. anarchyst 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    It is interesting to note that Canadians can freely work in the USA without permits, while Americans who wish to work in Canada are quite often denied any type of “work permits”. Canadian customs and police are so paranoid about Americans attempting to work in Canada, the mere presence of normal tools in a vehicle is enough to “trigger” them.
    Most people are unaware that most of the steel and aluminum that is claimed to be “made in Canada” is actually Chinese steel and aluminum that has been “sanitized” to avoid the American tariffs that have been placed on Chinese steel and aluminum. Canada does not have the capacity to produce the amount of aluminum and steel that passes through American ports of entry.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  183. @JLK

    JLK says: “I’m not an expert, but if a company puts out something it calls a newspaper, charges subscriptions and deliberately misleads its readers, it sounds a lot like fraud.”

    So thats when you cancel your subscription, stop reading/viewing the site etc. etc. right?

    Or, would you rather someone else tell you what you “should” and “should not” believe to be true? Hmmm?


  184. wayfarer 说:

    Atty. Robert Barnes on FOX and Friends: We’re Giving Major Media, Celebrities 48 Hours to Retract and Apologize to Covington Kids or Face Lawsuit.

    来源: http://archive.is/NVoHT
    source: #Covington #Fakenews
    来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilhan_Omar

    Covington Fallout:
    Barnes Gives 48 Hours to MSM to Retract / Ilhan Omar Covers Her Ass

  185. Karel 说:

    I am puzzled by all the MSM excitment about this bunch of youths with their silly hats. Why after the initial condemmation, they are now being whitewashed is equally puzzling. Although claimed to be some kind of catholics, they did not look like some humble believers who have just come to wash your feet. Their stupid stares, did not exactly radiate love, which makes me wonder what was it all about. They looked to me like rascals looking for a brawl.

    • 巨魔: follyofwar
    • 回复: @anarchyst
  186. @anarchyst


    What was odd was that obvious illegal Indians ran corner stores and Africans walked up to offer me drugs but Americans got the stop and frisk for wearing U of M jerseys or driving with Michigan plates.

    The company I worked for liked me, but Immigration was such a hassle I just threw the towel in after a couple of years.

    One got the feeling from Canadian immigration that they wanted to discourage Americans living and working in Canada.

  187. wayfarer 说:

    Agree, he definitely has unique characteristics.

    I’m guessing he may have some naturally occurring “super soldier” DNA (e.g. telepathic empath, etc.), and be of a rare human genotype–phenotype.

    Kid seems extremely meek, unusually stoic, absolutely calm and focused under fire.

    来源: https://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/the-real-captain-america-bioengineering-the-super-soldiers-of-tomorrow

    • 回复: @Art
  188. Rurik 说:

    Et tu, Rand Paul?

    sad, I know

    and Talha makes excellent, (if dour in this case) points, as usual.

  189. anarchyst 说:







    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  190. follyofwar 说:

    What’s really infuriating is that “platforms” like Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc. are exempt from lawsuits as they are not to take sides in what is allowed and not allowed. They are not to exercise editorial judgment over content that they find objectional. Unless they go beck to their original mission, Congress needs to reign them in, and allow them to be sued like any other newspaper or magazine. But, of course, it won’t, especially with Nancy now in charge.

  191. follyofwar 说:

    One problem with the rights of the father is that, since half of all births today are born to unwed mothers, there is only a “Putative” father until after the baby is born. Parentage is only conferred after both parties voluntarily sign an Acknowledgment of Paternity. So, if he hasn’t married her, he has no rights until that time. But, if they are married, the expectant father should be entitled to a say, as he is legally assumed to be the father. If she doesn’t want to raise the baby and he does, then that should be honored. They can always divorce afterward.

    But I find Miggle’s argument bogus. The State definitely does have an interest. A right to an abortion should not be absolute. How about abortion in the 9th month? Sadly, it’s now legal in New York state. How about partial birth abortion? How about infanticide, as is practiced in China? It sure appears that the US is headed that way, as the society, and morality, continue to crumble. Women, left to their own devices, destroy society.

  192. Rurik 说:
    @Joe Levantine


    Too true Joe, as Talha has pointed out, you don’t see the leaders of Islam genuflecting at the Jewish supremacist ‘wailing wall’, as Trump, Putin, Rand, the Pope, and so many others revoltingly do.

    But if the Pope abases himself to the Fiend, and by extension, the entirety of the Catholic church must themselves all grovel in self-loathing – for their newest ‘original sin’, of having been complicit in ‘stuffing the Jews into ovens’, and the entire length and breath of the seventy to eighty million evangelical Christians, also worship the genocidal Zionist Jewish supremacists – as the Second Coming, then how is the typical American on the street to find spiritual truths? In the Quran?

    (don’t answer that Talha if your reading this ; )

    如此多有组织的宗教的问题在于,人们被劝告从其他人(受膏者、受命者或其他任何人)中寻找他们的属灵真理 人, who are human and flawed and subject to corruption. If you want to destroy a people, all you have to do is corrupt their leaders into your cause, which historically, (and contemporarily) seems all too easy to do, and then the people follow. Whether it’s the politicians, judges, ministers or Popes. They are all people, and are therefor subject to human frailties. Muslims too, as we’ve seen play out tragically in the Middle East, as Muslims commit atrocities against other Muslims, egged on by their leaders.

    I certainly don’t have the answers. But I like Putin’s reforms, and the successes he’s had in re-invigorating the Orthodox Church, and a newfound spiritual vitality redounding in Russia and Poland and beyond.

    Christianity, as flawed as it often can be, is our spiritual heritage. I don’t see any viable alternatives, so if there were (miraculously) a Christian man or woman with the mettle to stand up to the Glob, (Fiend, or whatever you want to call it), then perhaps I’d get on board with the program.


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Joe Levantine
  193. Talha 说:

    you don’t see the leaders of Islam genuflecting at the Jewish supremacist ‘wailing wall’

    If I’m being completely and 100% honest, I don’t doubt that a handful of them might be willing to. But I’m also 100% sure that they would get the Anwar Sadat treatment – I’m not supporting it, since that is illegal, I’m just stating the most likely outcome.


    • 回复: @Rurik
  194. RobinG 说:

    Hey Uncle, (and thanks, ART, for linking the interview. Nice.)

    Aren’t you really overdoing it? Two completely different situations, the 2nd after all the hubbub and plenty of reflection. I think he looks completely normal. He blinks less when he’s focused on carefully answering a provocative question. More relaxed, more blinking.

    This piece and the Marzieh Hashemi are certainly revealing. Ever notice how Unz commenters like to tell each other how smart they are? Do they factor in the nuts and morons? The illiterate and lazy? (Meanness and bigotry was always understood, lol.)

    • 回复: @Talha
  195. Talha 说:

    Aren’t you really overdoing it?

    Maybe. I’m not a psychologist by any stretch.

    Two completely different situations, the 2nd after all the hubbub and plenty of reflection.

    Yes, I acknowledged that the two situations were quite different. But, I just can’t help the feeling that something was not right about the boy – he almost looked medicated (maybe he was, or maybe lack of sleep). I run a youth group of boys around his age, I’ve never seen any of them act like that when asked any question (blank stare, barely blinking, very methodical and monotonous speech) – I mean, have you spoken to a teenage boy lately? I don’t think I heard a single, “umm”, “errr”, “like”, “uhh”.

    Maybe he is super gifted – I don’t know. I’m just saying, something seemed really off in the interview. Again, I’m not an expert in this.

    Ever notice how Unz commenters like to tell each other how smart they are?

    LOL! Yeah – I think people come here for some catharsis and to vent.


    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @Art
  196. Art 说:

    – he barely blinks – I mean he looks like he is abnormal
    – the way he talks is almost as if he is in a trance
    – it seems in contrast to the very normal and confident young man in the drumming video

    Something just seems very off (maybe due to shock from all the media attention and death threats and stuff) – did anybody else pick up on that?


    For sure Nick Sandmann is not your average 17 year old. For sure he is a leader – his actions show that. For sure he is supremely educated. Your average senior in collage could not match his verbal sentiments. Was he coached – yes, from the first grade on, in Christian idealism. For sure his parents and teachers sent him on that interview by himself, with confidence that he would do well. (Was he cautious in his speech – considering the situation, who wouldn’t be? You know that the media were ready to jump right down his throat.)

    If you saw someone a little different – you were right – clearly, he is just better.


    • 同意: Robjil, anarchyst
  197. Zumbuddi 说:

    What else is verboten in The Land of the Free?

    Swastikas? A hanging offense

    Tiki torches? Horrors

    Confederate flag? Tear it down

    Statue of Robert E Lee? Destroy it

    Christmas tree? Neutralize it.

    Crucifix? Desecrate it.

    Ethnic (European) holidays and celebrations? Demean and delete them

    Menorrah? Elevate its importance beyond all proportion

    Holocaust “museums”? Provide taxpayer funding for them

    AIPAC? Make its annual invasion of the nation’s Capital as Must Do event
    (Any bets on Pelosi postponing attendance at AIPAC invasion ?)

  198. Rurik 说:

    a handful of them might be willing to.

    well, perhaps. But this is the closest I could find in a quick search.

    But I’m also 100% sure that they would get the Anwar Sadat treatment

    well, that’s one more reason to give kudos to the Muslims then.

    It sure would be nice if there were some Christian leaders around somewhere with the kind of spiritual integrity that Muslims and others seem to have.

    The Pope (and the Catholics who continue to pillory that boy) and the evangelicals are utterly beneath contempt.


  199. RobinG 说:

    Actually, he reminds me a lot of my next door neighbor’s son, when he was that age. Also, of many of my HS classmates, though that was log ago.

    Art’s answer is very good. The boy is bright and has had good schooling.

    BTW, for comparison check out the composure of the (much younger) Asian students in the US Nat’l Spelling Bee.

  200. Art 说:

    Kid seems extremely meek, unusually stoic, absolutely calm and focused under fire.

    In that attack interview morality play, they both played their roles well – she (Suzanna Guthrie) played the femmi media bitch role well – and he (Nick Sandmann) played the 17 year old Catholic boy role well.

    When all is said and done – it is easy to say – he kicked her butt!


    • 回复: @wayfarer
  201. joe webb 说:

    thanks Robin, and I am informed that Laura Ingraham DID use the word Black, referencing the Black Israel Whatevers… Ingraham is very good, the single best argument for the 19th Amendment, although she is an outlier.

    我们的女士们得到了这个 Love Thang,这完全是达尔文主义和善良的。 然而,女士们没有孩子们,让他们的困惑在神圣的黑人等地和所有人,尤其是可怜的人的土地上嬉戏。 这只是部分犹太人,这也是我们自己的基因问题。



    • 回复: @RobinG
  202. Heros 说:

    “For sure his parents and teachers sent him on that interview by himself, with confidence that he would do well. ”

    Talha is correct, Sandmann did not behave normally at all. I have doubts that it is the same kid altogether.

    To me it looks like Sandmann is under heavy mind control. That would also explain why he just froze there, right under Lincoln’s masonic temple.

    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
  203. Art 说:

    I run a youth group of boys around his age, I’ve never seen any of them act like that when asked any question (blank stare, barely blinking, very methodical and monotonous speech) – I mean, have you spoken to a teenage boy lately?


    Hmm – where those blinking boys of yours defending themselves, their parents, their school, their way of life, and a billion of their co-religionists on national TV?


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @RobinG
  204. Talha 说:

    Nope. Maybe why the whole thing seemed so strange to me…


  205. RobinG 说:


    And we now have substantial evidence that “Heros” is deranged. (Or some xxx kind of subversive.)

    • 回复: @Paw
  206. Zumbuddi 说:

    Was this statement sarcastic or idiotic?

    Perhaps some of the co fusion over Sandmann’s department lies in that it breaks the mold: no extensive media training, no mega-bucks celebrity sponsors a la Parkland, just a 17 year old armed with the authenticity of Catholic “indoctrination.”

    Similar to Robin’s friend, I was heavily indoctri nated in a certain Catholic way of being-in-the-world: you don’t rehearse it like talking points, you Become the way of Being. This kid did not have to reach for memorized lines, he was authentic.

    I walked away from things Catholic years ago, but one never really becomes Un-Catholic.

    Nick Sandmann remined me of all the things I valued about being Catholic.


    Thanks, Nick.

    • 回复: @Art
  207. Agent76 说:

    January 24, 2019 5 Stories Americans Missed While Fighting Over A Viral Video That Has No Effect On Their Lives

    As Americans argued over an irrelevant video of a Catholic boy in a MAGA hat staring at a Native American, multiple events took place that actually affect them and were ignored.


  208. c matt 说:

    Isn’t the attempt to disrupt religious services a crime?

  209. wayfarer 说:

    … anger is fear, forgiveness is courage, peace is powerful, this kid’s a spiritual warrior.

  210. Art 说:

    Similar to Robin’s friend, I was heavily indoctrinated in a certain Catholic way of being-in-the-world: you don’t rehearse it like talking points, you Become the way of Being. This kid did not have to reach for memorized lines, he was authentic.

    Zumbuddi — You said it so much better then I — Art

  211. KenH 说:


    这是一种很好的说法,即白人已成为美国社会的新黑人和贱民。 在 1965 年之前的美国,白人现在拥有黑人的地位,并且可以说比黑人的地位低得多,因为政治家、报纸、说话的领袖和喜剧演员不会 24/7/365 攻击和诽谤黑人,并将国家的所有问题归咎于他们。

    希望有一个前卫/SJW 巨魔可以帮助我们解决这个烂摊子,因为到目前为止,他们一直保持沉默,因为你有被称为黑人希伯来人的有色人种,嘲弄和侮辱越南战争英雄菲利普斯酋长和他的勇敢者在特权、傻笑的白人孩子到来之前,他们也是有色人种。 从理论上讲,所有有色人种都是反对邪恶、种族灭绝的白人种族结构的天然盟友,应该联合起来反对他们。

    我们知道,戴着白人孩子的 MAGA 帽子的到来引发了所有有色人种的人,这种严重的罪行应该被判无期徒刑和 419 年监禁,但遗憾的是,美国还没有那么先进。 好消息是 Ocasio Cortez、Rashida Tlaib 和其他有色人种形式的骑兵正在路上,但可能还需要几个选举周期才能使美国在这方面充分前进。

    再一次,在特权的、傻笑的白人孩子出现之前,我们有黑人希伯来人,他们是非洲奴隶的后裔,还有菲利普斯酋长和他的勇士们,他们不仅土地被盗,而且看到至少 100 亿印第安人被屠杀白人的天花毯,彼此不和。 当然,calypso Louis Farrakhan 曾声称有 600 亿非洲黑人在奴隶贸易中丧生,所以你可以看到这是一个真正的脑筋急转弯,关于谁拥有更大的受害者地位,因此有权骚扰和不尊重他们选择的任何人。


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  212. Paw 说:
    @Fidelios Automata

    许多孩子出乎意料地好奇,可能对某些人有所了解,然后发现他们对他们撒谎。 他们更难以忍受,令人不快。 他们是我们世界上最好的……

  213. Paw 说:

    “讨厌的”这些普通人,像这些加拿大人、欧洲人、来自许多国家的人,他们没有制造海啸和占领其他国家并无休止地进行谋杀、强奸、敲诈、抢劫等的倾向,对那里的其他人每天 …。

  214. Paw 说:

    科学准确的说法。 赤裸裸的事实。 巨大的噪音,只是证实了它 100%。 当然。

  215. Paw 说:

    这个行动是精心策划,事先准备好的。 由 10 个媒体男爵和他们的巨魔假军,由他们精心策划和指导。 巨大的歇斯底里的噪音是我们的证据,我们以前经历过很多次。 一次又一次都是一样的。 仇恨作为证明我们犯罪行为和行为的动机,我们无法停止,必须用最残酷的手段压制……孩子们也很坏。 以后会重复很多次。 对此也毫无疑问。

  216. Paw 说:

    在我的国家,我们有许多书面编年史,关于犹太人市场商人急切地买卖成千上万的奴隶......在 9 世纪。

  217. Paw 说:


  218. @KenH

    再一次,在特权的、傻笑的白人孩子出现之前,我们有黑人希伯来人,他们是非洲奴隶的后裔,还有菲利普斯酋长和他的勇士们,他们不仅土地被盗,而且看到至少 100 亿印第安人被屠杀。白人的天花毯,彼此不和。

    或者看看天主教西哥特天主教西班牙,甚至在 1880 年左右的荷兰泥炭工人。
    不要忘记爱尔兰人直到 1850 年马铃薯饥荒,苏格兰高地人或荷兰东印度人直到 1900 年。
    我在 2001 年看到的那个在西雅图机场扫地的有色人种,他不仅仅是一个奴隶吗?

    • 回复: @KenH
  219. Heros 说:



    犹太人鄙视基督徒,几个世纪以来一直在向我们发动战争。 在 20 世纪中叶的某个地方,天主教会被并入,尤其是在美国。 1940 年,天主教会比法国军队崩溃得更快。

    被洗脑的戈伊姆需要明白的是,拉比、卡巴拉教徒和萨巴泰教徒相信他们从他们的祭祀仪式中获得力量。 当他们操纵整个欧洲进入一场相互之间的种族灭绝自杀战争时,数百万虔诚的基督徒死亡。 塔木德主义者从这个为期 4 年的仪式中获得了大量的新权力,最终获得了巴勒斯坦、魏玛、苏联等等。 数以百万计的灵魂被卡巴拉祭祀献给了撒旦,共济会黑格派了 60,000 名英国人直接向索姆的机枪进军,一天之内他们就被砍倒了。 第一次世界大战是一场仪式屠杀,包括亚美尼亚大屠杀(最古老的基督徒)和随之而来的大饥荒。

    想想塔木德教徒会从这种牺牲中获得的魔法力量。 足够的魔法将欧洲人推入下一场战争,在这场战争中,更多的基督徒在风暴和核爆炸中被屠杀。 然后是所有在中国、韩国和越南被送到撒旦的灵魂。

    但这只是热身而已。 因为凭借他们从以前非常成功的祭祀仪式中获得的强大的新魔法,他们能够接管天主教会、大多数新教基督教会以及联合国、欧盟和美国的法律体系。

    然后塔木德主义者发动了政变,他们在整个基督教西部和地球上的大部分地区强制堕胎和全球同性恋合法化。 卡巴拉魔法的数量来自数亿甚至数十亿的基督教婴儿和所有其他宗教的婴儿向他们的神摩洛克的牺牲,使两次世界大战中所有死去的基督徒都相形见绌。 仅在美国,每分钟就有 73 个灵魂被送到他们的神那里。 自罗诉韦德案以来,仅在美国就有超过 64 万的灵魂。

    我们必须认识到这些堕胎法不是基督教的,而是塔木德的。 在堕胎合法的地方,《塔木德》和《诺亚德法》都有效。 犹太人约克 刚刚通过了一项法律,允许非医务人员(女权主义者)在出生前进行堕胎。 我们知道计划生育是由卖掉身体部位的犹太人经营的。 你不能得到比这更多的 talmudic。

    我们必须从这个角度来看待这起科文顿事件。 正如留里克所说,天主教会在哪里为其成员的孩子们站出来,他们以教会的名义为教会假装代表的东西而游行?

    整个西部都在塔木德法之下。 天主教会是以色列的殖民地,就像美国一样。 科文顿事件是伪造的,天主教会参与其中。 抗议中的男孩与 NBC 思维控制采访中的那个男孩不同。

    奖励:观看这个拉比试图引诱 shicksas 进来并在计划生育时堕胎。 她比韩赛尔和格莱特里的女巫还丑:

  220. KenH 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    是的,或者穆斯林和非洲黑人实践了它,前者是在工业规模上进行的,并且是历史上最残酷的大师。 但事实在左边并不重要。


  221. “高利贷帝国”。我们时代的最佳定义

  222. @Heros

    种族白人天主教徒似乎比新教福音派更能站稳脚跟。 意大利人当然看起来是犹太人的表亲,但爱尔兰天主教徒仍然在东海岸和好莱坞拥有一定的权力。 当然不像犹太人那么多,但也不是微不足道的。

    • 回复: @Art
  223. eah 说:

    NBC 女权主义者垃圾苏珊娜·格思里 (Suzanna Guthrie),纠缠不清的年轻尼克·桑德曼 (Nick Sandmann)


    • 回复: @Art
  224. Rurik 说:

    计划生育是由卖掉身体部位的犹太人经营的。 你不能得到比这更多的 talmudic。






    数以百万计的灵魂被卡巴拉祭祀献给了撒旦,共济会黑格派了 60,000 名英国人直接向索姆的机枪进军,一天之内他们就被砍倒了。 第一次世界大战是一场仪式性的屠杀,

    听起来很像什么gen。 潘兴用他的美国军队做了。




    第一次世界大战的重点似乎是屠杀了欧洲和美国最优秀的顽强青年。 和屠杀年轻人的第二次世界大战 *和* 妇女、儿童,直到在德累斯顿抽烟的烧焦的骨头。


    对酸的塔木德仇恨,当然。 但是看看这些外邦将军和政治家是多么渴望适应所有这些恐怖。

    轰炸机哈里斯是外邦人。 同样的丘吉尔、罗斯福、威尔逊和约翰·麦克布劳德斯坦以及国会和英国议会的所有成员,都与今天对以色列的永恒战争相伴而行,而且都是基于众所周知的谎言。

    与塔木德主义者一样糟糕,他们甚至无法接近我们自己队伍中那些流鼻涕的渣滓。 教皇方济各在那里。 托尼布莱尔一家。


    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
    , @Heros
  225. @Rurik


    你提到天主教会领导层向犹太复国主义者鞠躬。 在这里,我应该记得几年前,巴黎主教前往纽约发表了关于大屠杀的演讲,并赢得了傻瓜和他们的犹太教员的掌声。 一名天主教高级官员正在煽动大屠杀的故事,与正常的歪曲政客相比,这是一种双重罪过; 因为天主教会比世界上任何情报机构都更了解二战的事件,因为天主教神父遍布欧洲,任何天主教官员都应该有责任追随耶稣的脚步维护真理。告诉普拉提,他的使命是传播“Veritas”。




    正如你所提到的,我们希望(也许是徒劳的)俄罗斯的精神复兴将成为新千年之树的一粒种子,终有一天会长高开花,使恶魔的力量相形见绌。 但是,看看乌克兰东正教会在犹太复国主义特工的要求下脱离莫斯科东正教会所发生的事情,任何现实主义者都会看到西方的精神冬天仍然是漫长而艰巨的。向着精神之泉的光明与温暖的方向奋斗着征服。

    • 回复: @Rurik
  226. @Heros

    对世界的扭曲状态,特别是对 XNUMX 世纪非常悲惨的历史的伟大总结。

    作为一名犹太持不同政见者并皈依基督教东正教的以色列沙米尔先生,他在本网站上的一篇文章中提到,犹太弥赛亚已经实现。 他们一直按照他们的计划进行,因为完全缺乏抵抗,尤其是来自领先的罗马教会的抵抗,这让他们更加胆大妄为。

  227. @Rurik

    “尽管塔木德主义者很糟糕,但他们甚至无法接近我们自己队伍中那些流鼻涕的渣滓。 教皇方济各在那里。 托尼布莱尔一家。”


    保持良好的工作 Rurik。


  228. Heros 说:

    我感觉到你和我在困扰西方文明的大部分根源上是一致的。 但是当我开始谈论仪式和撒旦时,那是你不再参与的地方。

    你或我可能相信也可能不相信,但有一件事是肯定的:好莱坞相信它。 毫无疑问,共济会充满了巴比伦和犹太仪式。 波西米亚格罗夫的同性恋者怎么样。 当然,女巫和撒旦教徒有仪式并相信它们。 埃里克·克莱普顿 (Eric Clapton) 以牺牲一只猫给撒旦而闻名,以换取当时成为世界上最伟大的吉他手。

    所以很明显,有很多人真的,真的相信这些东西。 9/11 摧毁了 Boaz 和 的两根柱子怎么样? 然后是所罗门圣殿(7号楼是所罗门楼)? 为什么这些人会花费如此多的时间和精力以如此合乎圣经的方式来设置他们的各种攻击。

    这是因为他们相信,当这一切都是仪式的一部分时,他们会从对 goyim 的屠杀中获得力量。

    • 同意: Truth
    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Rurik
  229. Anonymous[300]• 免责声明 说:


    而基督徒总是错的。 根据自由主义者的说法,绝不是犹太人或穆斯林。

  230. Anonymous[300]• 免责声明 说:

    我同意。 撒旦教在精英中很盛行。


  231. Truth 说:


  232. Gg Mo 说:
    @Fran Macadam


  233. Poco 说:

    真的。 此外,如果某个笨蛋在我脸上敲鼓,他会吃掉那个鼓,还有鼓槌。

  234. Gg Mo 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Zio 看门人,“反叛”媒体的变态 GM。

  235. Gg Mo 说:

    ”特朗普当然没有对这种正在进行的仪式牺牲做任何事情。 事实上,他增加了计划生育的资金。 首先为什么是Maga?”
    很好的观点。 任何Pro-life关注吗?

  236. “我们知道,戴着白人孩子的 MAGA 帽子的到来引发了所有有色人种,这是一种严重的罪行,应该被判无期徒刑和 419 年监禁,但遗憾的是,美国还没有那么先进。 好消息是奥卡西奥·科尔特斯、拉希达·特莱布和其他有色人种形式的骑兵正在筹备中,但仍可能需要更多的选举周期才能使美国在这方面取得足够的进步。”

    这是一个悲伤的评论。 如果我的帽子让你中风,那么也许你应该呆在室内。 好伤心。 我发现很难相信人们可能会提到触发黑人的所有真实问题,你把你的帽子挂在帽子上。

    那顶帽子不是倡导黑人重返奴隶制。 一个人当然可以挑战一个政体,而不会对潜在的奴役做出如此夸张的比喻。 这个网站上有很多真正的倡导者暗示令人讨厌的政策,披着无数的知识和统计长袍——但 MAGA 并不是一个渠道,即使支持 MAGA 的人也可能支持令人讨厌的政体。


    早在乔治·华盛顿·卡弗(George Washington Carver)的文章中(请参阅德比郡先生的一篇文章(其本质上是对 hos 自己的倡导提出质疑,但支持限制移民和雇用黑人,而不是为了外国人而拒绝他们就业),不喜欢GWC,因为你认为他太像汤姆叔叔和一个老黑人,那么选择芭芭拉乔丹,你的骑兵可以从她身上学到一两件事,关于美国黑人的历史和未来的政治、礼仪和聪明的思考。即使是她也会看起来你对视了——由一顶帽子引发,而不是失业……

    哎哟。 好天哪,莫莉小姐。 上帝保佑我哦,天哪。 说不是这样


  237. Joevid 说:

    霍夫曼说美国现在由新布尔什维克统治是正确的。 华盛顿的当权派媒体、好莱坞和影子政府完全控制了我们的政府,他们通过假新闻和假民意调查制造假共识,然后被懦弱无知的立法者强行立法。 我们的国家曾经主要由基督教道德和伦理统治,现在我们越来越多地被塔​​木德的反基督教教义所统治。 这与塔木德主义布尔什维克对共产主义下的基督教俄罗斯所做的几乎相同。 毫不奇怪,新保守主义运动(影子政府)的大多数领导人都是托洛茨基共产党人的子孙。

  238. @Heros



    Au Contrare' 害怕。 . . 非常害怕。

  239. Art 说:
    @Jeff Stryker


    新教福音派以旧约圣经为基础。 天主教徒以耶稣的生平和善行为基础。

    旧约是犹太人的思想——不是基督的思想。 犹太人认为永远是一个长期的失败者,这会导致麻烦。 另一方面,基督认为充满希望,充满理想主义和善行,可以为其人民带来更好的生活。



    ps 犹太教-基督教是矛盾的。 他们是对立的——当犹太人使用这个词时,他们错误地捎带基督教的善良。

    • 同意: anarchyst
  240. Art 说:

    NBC 女权主义者垃圾苏珊娜·格思里 (Suzanna Guthrie),纠缠不清的年轻尼克·桑德曼 (Nick Sandmann)



    伪知识分子左翼闻到了水里的血腥味——他们想要权力——他们来处理西方文化。 犹太人开始了它——但他们也可能被吞噬。

    共产主义社会主义者正在带头,推动部落民族、雪花精英、女权主义者、LGBT 和重罪犯类型推翻基督教。 俄罗斯之后 100 年——我们正在看到共产主义/社会主义革命 II。


    • 回复: @Wally
  241. Rurik 说:
    @Joe Levantine

    巴黎主教前往纽约发表了关于大屠杀的演讲,赢得了傻瓜和他们的犹太教员的掌声。 一名天主教高级官员正在煽动大屠杀的故事,与正常的歪曲政客相比,这是一种双重罪过; 因为天主教会比世界上任何情报机构都更了解二战的事件,因为天主教神父遍布欧洲,任何天主教官员都应该有责任追随耶稣的脚步维护真理。告诉普拉提,他的使命是传播“Veritas”。



    如果你嘲笑和亵渎耶稣,把耶稣受难像放在一桶尿里,或者把麦当劳叔叔的雕像贴在十字架上,并称之为艺术,那么天主教会中的人(或任何福音派人士)都不会注意到。 但是,如果您质疑神圣大屠杀的某些(荒谬)信条,那么天主教领导层会希望您在隐喻的火刑柱上被烧死。 这就是发生在一位违反新天主教版本“Veritas”的主教身上的事情。



    当你有组织的宗教中最光荣的成员因说出简单的真相而受到迫害时,你就会知道腐烂是深刻而普遍的。 但话又说回来,这就是促成掠食性恋童癖牧师掠夺小男孩的同一个梵蒂冈。






  242. Wally 说:


    “在向假新闻提供者发出的重大警告中,科文顿天主教高中学生尼古拉斯·桑德曼 (Nicholas Sandmann) 及其家人聘请了一位资深律师,专门起诉媒体诽谤和诽谤。”

    • 回复: @anon1
  243. Rurik 说:


    我并不是在暗示你有任何错误或错误,我对所有可能性持开放态度,但我的思维方式非常不可知。 除非我有很好的理由,否则我不能假定知道某些事情。 在很小的时候,我就爱上了科学及其方法,并且在我的成年生活中一直遵循这些原则。 但如果你是一个真正的科学家,那么你永远不会拒绝任何可能性,直到它们被数学、实验“证明”不存在,这几乎是不可能做到的。 我们可以证明确实存在的东西,但证明不存在的东西并不真正属于科学甚至人类理性的范围。

    有趣的是,我认识的最聪明的人之一,一名前飞行员(并且非常清醒),似乎也确信外星人与我们同在。 他说他在当飞行员时看到了改变他生活的事情。 人类无法建造的东西。 当谈到 UFO 和“外星人”时,我曾经非常愤世嫉俗,但现在不再如此。 我永远不会告诉你我确定它们是真实的,但出于同样的原因,我也永远不会说它们不是。 我的思想很开放,几乎所有事情。 更何况我年纪越大。

    这是因为他们相信,当这一切都是仪式的一部分时,他们会从对 goyim 的屠杀中获得力量。

    我记得被一个富有的犹太至上主义者的故事吓坏了,他在仪式屠杀中折磨他漂亮的外邦女友致死。 他剥了她的头皮,咬了她,殴打了她,然后抽干了她的血,法医病理学家说,根据她抽血的方式,在她还活着的时候,这种折磨持续了大约八个小时。

    如果你看看这个家伙的职业生涯,他沉迷于仪式酷刑、谋杀和犹太人至上主义。 如果你问我‘他是否相信他通过将这个可怜的女孩折磨致死来与撒旦/摩洛克交流,以便以某种方式增强他的犹太力量,我会说肯定的,我相信。

    但这真的增强了他的力量吗? 我不知道。 我希望不是。

    我也不认为犹太至上主义者需要相信他们通过促进数百万因堕胎或战争而死亡的外邦人来增强他们的撒旦力量。 我认为他们只是从那种事情中获得了巨大的成功。 但在我看来,这不是与 Moloch 的魔鬼交易,而是以一种太人类般的渴望看到他们的“敌人”受苦和死亡。 就像胡图人砍死图西人一样。

    直到几年前我才意识到所有犹太至上主义者都认为我和我的敌人。 并希望看到我们所有人受苦和死亡。 这对我来说是一个很大的顿悟,如果这种知识没有得到广泛传播,那么我们将有更多人死于犹太至上主义战争和堕胎,并被他们的兽人军队在街上屠杀。

    我也相信共济会是犹太人至上主义的外邦走狗。 正如你所建议的,他们都喜欢卡巴拉的东西和象征主义等等。

    外面发生了很多可怕的事情。 变态,堕落,可怕的狗屎。

    • 回复: @Alden
  244. RobinG 说:
    @joe webb

    这里还有一点弹药。 Jim Jatras 写道:“哎呀,我怎么知道这个垃圾反#populism #FightForEurope“#liberal”宣言,甚至在我读到它之前,主要起草人是@BHL [Bernard-Henri Levy] ?”


    为了应对民族主义和认同主义的冲击,我们必须重新发现激进主义的精神,或者接受怨恨和仇恨将包围和淹没我们。 我们迫切需要对这些灵魂纵火犯发出警告,他们从巴黎到罗马,沿途停靠在巴塞罗那、布达佩斯、德累斯顿、维也纳和华沙,希望为我们的自由生火。”

    • 回复: @Art
  245. Art 说:



    凭借寡头财富,犹太人总能控制最高级别的权力。 为了一个平稳运转的社会,将责任推到最高水平——总是错误的。 责任应始终保持在当地。


    • 回复: @joe webb
  246. utu 说:

    “我们抛弃了他……这不公平”:肯塔基州主教向与 63 岁美洲原住民病毒冲突中心的科文顿学生道歉,因为教区“被迫过早地做出反应”


    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  247. @utu

    太少太晚。 就像那些意识到自己搞砸了,他们的自由主义主人现在很尴尬的傻瓜(例如,NR)一样,他们正在退缩,但不应原谅或忘记他们最初的懦弱。

    • 同意: anon1
    • 回复: @HallParvey
  248. Dannyboy 说:

    先生,你是个白痴。 干净利落。 天主教高中的孩子戴着 MAGA 帽子并没有错。 大多数 Anerican 天主教徒投票支持特朗普。

  249. Anonymous[296]• 免责声明 说:

    我们必须冷静下来,使用 Sauk Alynsky、Antifa 甚至 ZOG 战术,因为善良、保守是行不通的。


    当媒体的惯常嫌疑人试图煽动黑人暴徒在密苏里州弗格森谋杀威尔逊警官和他的家人,公布他家人的家庭住址时,我报了心,公布了两名曾公布威尔逊警官家的芝加哥记者的家庭住址。地址 。


    阿林斯基的《激进分子规则》中提出的许多策略都适用于 Doxing。


    • 同意: anarchyst
  250. dcite 说:

    它必须有大约 3,000 英里长,并且必须经过西北各州附近的荒野,不是吗? 太少太麻烦。 无论如何,加拿大人并没有涌出。 我不认为他们倾向于成为福利受益者。

  251. dcite 说:

    奥斯瓦尔德不受精神控制。 他头脑清醒,知道自己是个懦夫,并宣称自己就是这样。 Sirhan Sirhan 肯定是,并且在他的笔记本中提到了“催眠师”,尽管我认为它比这要复杂一些。 尤其是他一直用恍惚的声音说:“我要咖啡,我就是要咖啡。”

    • 回复: @Rev. Spooner
  252. RobinG 说:

    Sirhan Sirhan 绝对是……

    查看有关 Kamala Harris 和 RFK 调查的新报告。 Hinjew KH 与 Hilligula 本人一样,是一个鹰身人,她可能是下一个民主党。 被提名人,上帝帮助我们。

  253. dcite 说:

    我不能多看它们一秒钟,所以我不确定,但它们绝对是最响亮的。 震耳欲聋。 公害。 我的意思是,这不是违反法律扰乱和平吗?

    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @RobinG
  254. headrick 说:

    下一次计划中的为人父母集会,让我们看看如果一个专业人士靠近他们的脸并大声祈祷,是否不仅仅是假笑。 就像劳拉·英格拉汉姆的客人说的那样,-内森·菲利普斯是美洲原住民(解释鼓声),他只是在祈祷。 哦,为了泥炭。

  255. Alden 说:


    • 回复: @Rurik
  256. Alden 说:

    1054 你显然是一个反 RC 的正统基督徒。 所以这就是为什么你要攻击这些 RC 孩子、他们的 RC 学校和 RC 果盘,然后如果反堕胎游行。

    为什么不提交一篇关于 1054 分裂以及您的教派与 RC 分裂的原因的文章,而不是利用该事件攻击那些 RC 孩子和他们的学校?

  257. Alden 说:

    他大概是被发生在自己身上的一切吓得要死。 如果他的父母要么亲自指导他,要么雇人,对他们有好处。

    他 16 岁,而不是 17 岁。大多数私立学校的孩子都说得很好。 这就是我们将孩子送到这些学校的原因。

  258. Alden 说:

    现在我懂了。 犹太人崇拜罗马堡垒下的挡土墙。 有些宗教崇拜神,有些崇拜祖先,有些崇拜动物,环保主义者崇拜杂草,犹太人崇拜挡土墙。

    • 回复: @Rurik
  259. @Realist

    随着对遗传学的更多了解,女性堕胎的时间会缩短。 教堂、清真寺和寺庙等将不得不重新定义堕胎。
    我爱孩子,尝试过,但没有。 我也同情那些在早期就放弃患有唐氏综合症的人。

  260. 在可预见的未来,MAGA 再​​也不会回来了。 与中国和俄罗斯的斗争可能会让美国退缩。 美国现在树敌太多,西欧也在分裂。
    美国在 XNUMX 年代拥有一切,他们所需要的只是让自己免受寄生虫和双重国籍的侵害,但却成为他们自己的冬青木小说的牺牲品。

  261. HallParvey 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


    这是耶稣会做的吗? 转动另一侧脸颊? 微笑?

    这都是主导西方世界的绥靖哲学的结果。 对耶稣教义的现代重新诠释。 与基督徒跟随罗马军团穿越欧洲时不同。 或者当他们跟随西班牙人和其他探险家在世界各地传播时。


  262. @dcite

    好好看看这个。 这是由“探索频道”展示的,让我以新的视角重新思考自杀式炸弹袭击者。

    • 回复: @Talha
  263. joe webb 说:


    • 回复: @Art
  264. RobinG 说:

    评论 #262 是为你准备的。 BHN 可能会冒犯路人,但 Kamala Harris 和 Elliot Abrams 等人造成的伤害要大得多。 如果你在华盛顿,国际罪犯 Bernard-Henri Levy 很快就会带来他的 (R2P) 统治权,美国异常霸权的吸引力——不是在地铁站的人行道上,而是在 6 号和我的行道上犹太教堂。

    Bernard-Henri Lévy 长期以来一直主张瓜分叙利亚以建立一个库尔德国家,他写了一本书,抨击美国干预措施较少的政策。 他说服萨科齐轰炸利比亚,并广泛促进以色列的利益。 他将与 Maidan 政权更迭者 Fucktoria Nuland 的丈夫交谈。

    华盛顿特区,周二,19 月 XNUMX 日 –
    Bernard-Henri Lévy,与罗伯特·卡根的对话


    法籍犹太知识分子 Bernard-Henri Lévy 警告说:公开的反犹主义“回来了,无处不在” https://www.algemeiner.com/2019/01/17/french-jewish-intellectual-bernard-henri-levy-warns-antisemitism-is-back/

  265. RobinG 说:

    利维的书是 帝国与五王:美国的退位与世界的命运。 与讨好亚马逊的评论不同,出版商周刊写道,“令人惊讶的是,在威胁大量积累之后,最后一章得出的结论是,任何一个王国都很难真正成为一个帝国,而这本书的前提是平淡的。” https://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-250-20301-4

    事实上,正如委内瑞拉的策略所表明的那样,利维几乎不需要担心。 特朗普的商业计划是控制全世界的能源,感谢罗恩发布这个——


  266. delmas 说:


  267. Art 说:
    @joe webb


    嘿 webb - 我听说你要投票给 Tulsi! — 和平 — 艺术

  268. Rurik 说:




  269. Rurik 说:




    正是 The Narrative(谎言)赢得了他们两次世界大战。


    只要你控制了 The Narrative,他们的罪行有多恶劣或有多可怕并不重要。 没有人比犹太人做得更好。

    作为西方的那些“领袖”,屈从于那堵愚蠢的墙,他们正在向The Narrative 表示奴隶般的敬意=“犹太人是外邦罪行的永恒受害者”。

    它是相反的受难。 我们都被劝告去崇拜凶手,同时诅咒他们的受害者。 巴勒斯坦人是“恐怖分子”,而折磨他们的人是“受害者”。


    你甚至可以让人们崇拜他们的敌人,只要你控制 叙事。

    • 同意: anarchyst
    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  270. @Rurik

    随着犹太人越来越多地与西班牙裔和印度教徒抗争,这些事情变得无关紧要。 当然,也许他们会让一些德国人感到内疚,但你认为胡安或纳泽尔会在意吗?


    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Beefcake the Mighty
  271. Rurik 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    这些事情是无关紧要的。 当然,也许他们会让一些德国人感到内疚,但你认为胡安或纳泽尔会在意吗?

    所以当德国和西方死在坟墓里,胡安和纳泽尔是祖萨和德国的总统时, 他们 将推翻犹太至上主义者对地球人民的经济奴役?


    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  272. @Rurik




    我对此表示怀疑。 古巴白人将犹太人赶出迈阿密,现在正在洛杉矶这样做。 每个群体都像拥有更多人口的犹太人一样裙带关系和贪婪。

    黑人是一个被迫通过纯粹的无知而被忽视的人。 它们非常多产。 他们的人数已经超过了犹太人。

    当白人不妨碍警察和联邦调查局等时,黑人将压倒犹太人。 一旦白人被排除在外,黑人将与西班牙裔人作战,这两个群体都将掠夺亚洲人、印度人和犹太人。

    犹太人以前曾与当地居民通婚。 津巴布韦的黑人犹太人显然是古代流浪犹太人的后裔。 西班牙总是有犹太人。 犹太人可能会对西班牙裔和黑人做同样的事情。

    西班牙裔和黑人不关心好莱坞电影或阅读报纸。 即使他们有工作,他们的钱也不存入犹太银行。

    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Rurik
  273. Talha 说:
    @Rev. Spooner



  274. Avery 说:
    @Jeff Stryker


    最近犹太团体和妇女游行之间的争吵预示着即将发生的事情。 尽管面临巨大压力并诉诸通常可靠的手段(例如被贴上“反犹太主义”的标签),游行领袖,例如伊斯兰主义者(阿拉伯/巴勒斯坦))琳达·萨苏尔和(黑人)塔米卡·马洛里,仍然无法忍受。 其他人似乎也没有在意。

  275. Rurik 说:
    @Jeff Stryker



    因为这是真的,值得与它无关。 '砰'

    黑人是一个被迫通过纯粹的无知而被忽视的人。 它们非常多产。 他们的人数已经超过了犹太人。



    迈阿密海滩或其他地方的古巴人((他们的))宠物泛滥成灾(你认为这是让古巴人以转型人数移民到戴德县的想法?吉米卡特?),都会鞠躬。 谁是 ZUSA 中锡安最流鼻涕的妓女?

    答案是古巴裔美国政客; 马可·卢比奥、伊利亚娜·罗斯-莱蒂宁、马里奥·迪亚兹-巴拉特等。

    所以一些犹太人不得不离开迈阿密 Bch,搬到博卡拉顿,没什么大不了的。


    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  276. 黑人不知道世界大战何时发生,谁死在其中,也不知道为什么。 他们对此没有任何愧疚。 同上西班牙裔。

    Sarsour 代表着不断增长的阿拉伯裔美国人人口。 由于 J 不能杀死阿拉伯裔美国人,而且与白人不同,他们对公众的想法没有一丝担忧,也不能因为个人电脑而被解雇或入狱,因此犹太人对他们无能为力。


  277. @Rurik


    似乎已经在长岛取得进展的 MS-13 也不关心那里有大量犹太人居住。

    你的金字塔与发明金字塔的白人有关,这些金字塔是霸主作为财务经理插入的。 由于黑人和西班牙裔没有任何钱,也没有内疚或媒体操纵的能力,因此他们无法管理。



  278. @Jeff Stryker


    然而,即使印度人/印度教徒对 75 年前结束的欧洲战争中发生的事情基本上漠不关心,但似乎很容易被有组织的犹太人操纵,他们奉承印度人对中国的民族自卑情结。 我怀疑,当犹太人最终像历史一样被驱逐出美国时,他们会以某种方式依附于印度。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  279. @Beefcake the Mighty

    我在喀拉拉邦的科钦遇到了印度犹太人。 具有讽刺意味的是,其中一些人被称为圣托马斯基督徒,但实际上是叙利亚犹太人,他们在 XNUMX 世纪的某个时候航行到印度南部。 没有人知道为什么。 喀拉拉邦随后接收了相当多的伊拉克犹太人。

    犹太人在印度的影响力不大。 部分原因是种姓制度,但琐罗亚斯德教徒不是印度教徒,并且已成功成为占主导地位的少数精英。

    无论出于何种历史原因,阿斯肯纳兹犹太人实际上只在欧洲及其殖民地繁荣昌盛。 即便如此,在北美的人数也多于澳大利亚或新西兰。


    犹太人有种牛奶白人的价值。 我们不再是很多了。 其他种族对犹太人有着强烈的反感。

  280. wayfarer 说:


  281. @niteranger



  282. @redmudhooch



  283. 这是尼克桑德曼长相比赛的获胜者:

    剪辑来自安妮·霍尔(Annie Hall)。 文字记录:

    看着他四处打碎,就像他认为自己很可爱一样。 你想吐。 如果我有胆量做自己的笑话。 我不知道我的笑容能停留多长时间。 我知道公司做错了。




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