 劳拉·格特斯迪纳(Laura Gottesdiener)档案

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XNUMX 月下旬,就在当地新闻摄像机涌入底特律法院,听取该市历史性破产审判的结案陈词几天后,“指挥官”戴尔·布朗 (Dale Brown) 驾驶一辆印有银色环环新月的悍马车穿过底特律庄严的帕尔默伍兹 (Palmer Woods) 社区。 -他的私人保安公司的月亮标志。

布朗摇下车窗,询问一位遛狗的中年妇女是否一切都好(确实如此),以及她是否看到任何异常情况(她没有)。 他心满意足地继续前行,在一幅未来风格的平板电脑地图的指引下,地图上画着附近慵懒的街道。 去年,当破产的城市出资在社区边缘修建了一系列交通障碍时,这些障碍变得更加难以逾越。 他指出,他的右边是主教官邸,这是一座拥有 30 个房间的都铎复兴式城堡,最初是由一个非常富有的汽车先驱家族委托建造的,后来他们将公司卖给了通用汽车公司。

“这是底特律的一部分,大多数人都不知道,”布朗告诉电影制作人弥赛亚·罗德和我。 事实上,这个带有塔楼的街区看起来确实更像底特律以白人为主的郊区,而不是城市本身的深处。

布朗是 Threat Management 的创始人,这是一家私人安全公司,受帕尔默伍兹邻里协会聘请,为这个精英飞地提供 24 小时保护。 他比底特律的任何居民都更了解底特律的两面。 在担任陆军伞兵一段时间后,他于 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代中期搬到了城市的东区,住进了一个被称为“裂缝小巷”的社区。 在那里,他开始为邻居和几栋邻近的公寓楼提供免费保安,只带了一支步枪、一只狗,以及心理伎俩,比如口袋里装满口袋的背心,因为“口袋代表未知”。 接下来,他在一家夜总会工作,执行严格的舞池上不殴打女性的政策,以至于该酒吧很快就在门口排起了长队。

Two decades later, Brown’s officers, with their distinctly paramilitary aesthetic, are among the most recognizable of a 新兴 散布在前汽车城各个街区的大量私人保安人员和监控系统,有钱人认为值得保护。

但这座庞大城市的其他地区——曾经是美国工业化和工人阶级力量的象征——的未来充其量在物质和经济上仍然是不安全的。 1940 世纪 XNUMX 年代,富兰克林·罗斯福总统宣布当时的美国第四大城市底特律为“民主的伟大军火库”,为盟军生产轰炸机,就像和平时期为消费经济生产汽车一样。 然后汽车巨头开始关闭他们的城市工厂 重新开放 他们的工厂位于白色郊区。 在同一时代,行业、国家工会、FBI 都 打击 关于激进黑人工人创立的劳工组织。

本世纪的止赎危机是由种族歧视性掠夺性贷款助长的, 强迫 数十万居民离开城市。 州长办公室将公立学校系统以及整个地方政府置于紧急管理之下, 暂停 “民主武器库”中的民主进程。 现在,在这些缓慢移动的风暴持续了七十年之后,其中包括几乎不可能被视为除了对该市以非洲裔美国人为主的人口的报复之外的行为,底特律经常 查看 从远处看,这是一个警示故事,一个由空置建筑物和休眠工厂组成的后工业化反乌托邦。

然而,事实要复杂得多。 底特律正处于破产后新起点的边缘,实际上是两个城市。 其中之一是由像帕尔默伍兹这样的富裕飞地组成,与一个紧凑的、快速重建的市中心相连。 另一个区域由 139 平方英里的城市区域的其余部分组成,居住着长期居民,他们几十年来在日益不适宜居住的环境中为生存而奋斗。

在第一个底特律,私人保安是 常见 而且生活也比较安全。 在第二种情况下,至少有系统地切断了自来水 27,000家庭 仅今年一年,这是政府颁布的一系列政策中的最新一项,这些政策使日常生活成为一场日益绝望的战斗。 许多居民担心,这两个已经如此分离和不平等的底特律将面临越来越不同的未来,而不是在即将到来的后破产时代变得更加接近。


7月XNUMX日,联邦法官批准了底特律市退出美国历史上最大的市政破产的计划。 那次破产,迫切需要 争议 由居民和主要经济学家提出的这一举措只是一系列有争议的举措中的最新举措,其中包括州长里克·斯奈德(Rick Snyder)的 税收 任命一名未经选举产生的应急管理人员来监督该市的财政。

经过 16 个月的争论,市和州官员对破产协议表示谨慎乐观,该协议消除了超过 的美元7亿元 长期城市债务,包括削减城市工人的养老金, 违规 州宪法。 债权人和保险公司同意接受 未满 偿还城市所欠债务,在某些情况下只需 14 美分。 该计划还释放了 的美元1.7亿元 底特律重新投资于消防部门等基本城市服务以及重建路灯系统。

官员们警告说,新的债务调整计划并不能解决该市所有问题,但至少他们认为这是一个良好的开端。 然而,对于韦恩州立大学法学教授彼得·哈默来说,破产计划中潜藏着一个潜在的未来,它比任何人所宣传的都要险恶得多。 正如哈默所解释的那样,底特律已成为创建一个“自我承认、自我定义的二流城市”的蓝图,在这个城市中,国家只向大多数居民保证最基本的服务:“一些警察”,“一些消防部门”和“推土机部门”来夷平废弃房屋,而其余的基本服务将仅在私人基础上向有能力支付费用的人提供。

底特律不仅仅是 80% 非裔美国大都市使其从破产中崛起并获得二等地位的想法变得更加成问题。 正如哈默所解释的那样,底特律的计划与著名的回到未来的计划有着令人毛骨悚然的相似之处。 克纳委员会 1968 年的报告,是在当时席卷全国的城市叛乱之后由总统任命的一个小组发布的。 其调查结果表明,国家正在走向 两个社会:黑与白,分离且不平等。

“这被视为一种行动呼吁,在 1968 年是不可接受的,”哈默评论道。 他补充道,近半个世纪后,这被描述为进步。 他预计,未来底特律将成为一座庞大的二流黑人城市,拥有一个富裕的小市中心和一些精英社区,周围环绕着繁荣的白人郊区,这一愿景将使 1968 年的发现成为现实。 “事实是,[破产]法官罗兹在批准破产调整计划时所做的就是将这一结论视为预言。”


十月中旬的一个星期五,就在两名联合国官员开始调查底特律大规模停水是否构成违反国际人权法的前一天晚上,玛丽安·克莱默正在忙着完成最后一刻的准备工作。 有外地客人需要照顾,孩子们需要从基督教青年会接走,细节需要在第二天早上与律师会面时确认。

克莱默留着灰白的短发,步伐像橡皮筋一样,是低收入人群联盟密歇根福利权组织的领导人之一。 自底特律包围的独立城市高地公园于 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代首次开始切断供水以来,她和联合组织者莫琳·泰勒 (Maureen Taylor) 一直在与断水问题作斗争。 她所在的组织是呼吁联合国访问底特律的“人民水务委员会联盟”。

当克莱默开着她的小货车穿梭时,她讲述着匆匆而过的街道的历史。 毕竟,要了解底特律这座城市,最好的方式是开车经过尖顶教堂,经过汽车工厂还开着的烧烤店,在街区周围排起长队,经过街角聚集着蜡烛的人群,而在他们周围,黄昏侵入了退役路灯所腾出的空间。

“这里有人被杀了,”克莱默低声说道,环视着小型的守夜活动。 “一个三岁的小女孩得到了 射击 那天晚上。 她的妈妈被枪杀,她的父亲也被枪杀。 我不知道那是什么。 每天晚上,每天早上,当我们醒来时,这里都是纯粹的战争。”

随着市政府的退出,服务的缺乏使得底特律的部分地区几乎无法居住。 不公正现象不断累积: 威胁 儿童保护服务机构将夺取生活在无水家庭中的儿童的监护权; 街道上空无一人,屋顶塌陷,门廊倒塌,砖块被火熏黑。 太常见的 暴力死亡 在没有私人保安的社区,居民必须依赖被削弱的公共警察部队,而警察部队的平均响应时间为 58分钟 2013年; 公立学校董事会会议的游戏,由于学区由未经选举产生的应急管理人员控制,因此几乎无法做出任何决定 连续发射XNUMX次未成功; 这 死亡 一名七岁女孩被底特律警察挥舞着冲锋枪,当时他的部队正在为 A&E 电视真人秀节目拍摄对家庭进行突袭的镜头; 看着这座城市像房地产拍卖一样被拆解和出售,令人心碎——尽管这个底特律已经宣称它不会消亡。

去年秋天,坦格拉·哈里斯 (Tangela Harris) 的水龙头被关了 11 天,她解释说,最严重的侮辱不是和两个年幼的孩子住在没有水的房子里,而是底特律的 失去控制 对曾经世界一流的水务部门,规定了破产调整计划。 “自来水公司感到自豪,”她说。 “黑人在这座城市拥有的唯一权力现在已经消失了。”

在整个底特律,人们在市政厅会议和食客的摊位上倾诉悲痛(当地称为“康尼群岛”)。 这里的许多人悄悄地想知道这一切的目的,或者,正如一名居民在访问期间最后问联合国官员的那样:“你们所听到的这一切,符合种族灭绝的法律定义吗?”



退休的城市建设检查员谢丽尔·拉​​巴什 (Cheryl LaBash) 很少再去市中心了。 她上次这样做是为了抗议她所看到的发生在她的城市的事情。 我们一起坐在一个叫“小公园”的地方 校园马蒂乌斯,它为豪华餐厅和季节性溜冰场分配的面积与绿地面积大致相同(成人入场费 8 美元,儿童 7 美元)。 拉巴什有一头及肩的白发,穿着一件 T 恤,上面写着“放开我的养老金”。 她还带着她的旧安全帽,只是作为纪念品。 她在这座城市的最后一份工作中就戴着它,当时她正在监督一队建筑工人,他们正在拆除我们坐的地方正下方的地面。

目标是移动该市主干道之一的伍德沃德大道,以便腾出空间来建造马蒂斯校园。 拉巴什记得在施工过程中发现密歇根州东南部的测量标记(测量整个地区的起点)位于新公园的下方。 这让她更加坚信,这个空间从一条主要公共通道转变为一个私人管理的公园,由公司雇佣的保安人员巡逻,这是她的城市经历的私有化的象征。

如今,底特律市中心到处都是建筑项目,并且点缀着价格惊人的昂贵停车场。 尽管这座城市的其他大部分地区都被忽视了,但它正在迅速发生转变。 这种变化的大部分是 驱动 丹·吉尔伯特 (Dan Gilbert) 是美国最大的抵押贷款公司之一的 Quicken Loans 的亿万富翁创始人。 2010年,他 移动 他将公司总部从密歇根州利沃尼亚郊区带到了底特律市中心,并把他的数千名员工带到了市中心。

在确保他迅速扩张的市中心帝国方面,吉尔伯特也亲自将事情掌握在自己手中。 他自己组织了 24/7 私人保安机构,在他的周围巡逻 60 步行的建筑物, 自行车,以及汽车中。 他还在该地区安装了数百个闭路摄像机。 吉尔伯特的手下监视着这些摄像机的反馈(以及 社会化媒体 居民和社区团体的账户)全天候 监控中心 在吉尔伯特拥有的大通大厦的地下室。


For new downtown residents, the rising levels of security and surveillance are considered a welcome — if sometimes perplexing — phenomenon. Patrick Klida, a young lawyer from the suburbs who moved downtown a few years ago, tells of an early morning call he received from Gilbert’s men last summer. His car, he was informed, was being broken into.

“高清摄像机发现有人从车窗扔了一块石头,”他解释道。 几分钟之内,吉尔伯特的安全监控小组就查看了这辆车的车牌,发现这辆车登记的是他母亲的名字,找到了她的号码,早上五点给她打电话,拿到了他的号码,然后给他打电话。

然而,对于谢丽尔·拉​​巴什 (Cheryl LaBash) 来说,这种新的私人保安机构不仅仅是市中心高档化的副产品;它也是市中心高档化的副产品。 这是对底特律受损的民主进程及其居民表达政治异议的能力的又一威胁。 去年二月,私人保安阻止拉巴什和其他一些示威者在战神校园内散发小册子和收集请愿书签名,她认为这侵犯了她的第一修正案权利。 此举的合法性可能很快就会受到质疑,因为战神校园是底特律众多虽然私人管理但仍属于官方所有的公园之一。 至于为什么保安人员似乎在等待这群传单者,一名警官向拉巴什解释说,“一只小鸟告诉我们”,这显然是指对激进分子推特账户的监控。

As LaBash sees it, the revitalization of the area isn’t part of an effort to revive “Detroit”; it’s a process meant to erase the city’s history and the vast majority of its people, including herself. She ponders the complicated ways in which such processes are so often driven by the few but executed by the many. Gesturing toward the park, she says ruefully, “And I was part of that change.”



万圣节前一天晚上,在当地被称为“天使之夜”或“魔鬼之夜”,底特律另一处富裕飞地东英格兰村的邻里协会举办了一顿聚餐,并组织了志愿居民安全巡逻。 在这个夜晚点燃空置建筑物已成为该市一年一度的残酷传统,对于无力承担自己的私有化安全部队的社区来说,这种危险与日俱增。 尽管与城市的贫困地区不同,这个富裕且组织良好的社区多年来没有遭受过比魔鬼之夜窗户被打破更糟糕的事情,但它并没有冒险。


“乔·拜登住在这里吗?” 杜根开玩笑地问道,引来一阵笑声。

副总统确实有 参观 巴拉奇在劳动节周末前往底特律期间来到了他的家,因为正如巴拉奇所说,“市长想向拜登展示一个坚实的社区。” 在巴拉奇看来,该社区的成功在一定程度上可以解释为它愿意投资私人保安、开展积极的志愿者巡逻以及总体上保持居民的参与和活跃。 此外,巴拉奇和协会促进与市警察局和市长办公室的持续密切关系。


然而,距离他家几个街区的东英格兰村居民安德鲁·考克斯(Andrew Cox)在附近却有着截然不同的经历。 在过去的两年里,他和他的未婚妻一直住在东英格兰村,就像该市其他地方成千上万的贫困居民在经济动荡中幸存下来一样:占据一栋空房子,修缮它并支付水电费。 和其他处境相同的人一样,他和他的未婚妻也将每月收入的一部分存入由社区团体管理的银行账户,以便集体支付财产税等费用。

他三十多岁,英俊潇洒,头上戴着一顶海军蓝色出租车司机帽,他说他并没有发现东英国村特别受欢迎。 他解释说,今年早些时候,有人闯入这所房子,摧毁了厨房的大部分区域,将门从铰链上拆下来,并撞掉了部分墙壁。 尽管社区有紧密的监视小组,但闯入事件还是发生了,或者也许——这是他的怀疑——正因为如此; 因为,也就是说,他和他的伴侣不符合社区的形象,一些成员希望他们离开。

最重要的是,他很高兴入侵者没有拿走他曾祖母的《钦定版圣经》,这是几十年前家人从南方带来的。 入室盗窃事件发生后,他收到了驱逐通知,但他并不打算抗争,因为州政府最近 颁布 将占屋定为重罪的法律。

“我不会只是为了有栖身之所而去坐牢,”他说。 “如果他们非常想要这所房子,他们就可以拥有它。”

回到巴拉奇的住处,市长正在握手并准备离开。 “嗯,看起来附近很安全,”杜根和他的手下大步走下车道时,又引发了一阵笑声。



来访的联合国官员的市政厅会议在数十人就没有自来水生活意味着什么的证词结束后结束。 尽管没有足够的时间让每个人都发言,但人们现在已经从当地一所社区大学的中庭鱼贯而出,回家为下一周的学习做准备。

然而,有些人留下来吃自助餐,包括鸡肉、米饭和豆类、沙拉、蒸蔬菜和薄饼。 “指挥官”布朗和他的妻子(也是威胁管理部门的一名安全官员)密切关注着这两名联合国官员,陪同他们排队,甚至陪同他们去洗手间。

最后,晚宴结束后,客人们对调查停水问题表示感谢,史蒂夫·旺德的《我的眼睛不哭》充满了整个大房间。 数十人开始走向一个角落,那里很快就变成了临时舞池。 很快,几乎每个人都步调一致:莫林·泰勒和联合国官员、外地人和当地人、一名公立学校教师、一名学校董事会成员,以及一名最近将轮椅停在街中央的男子。阻止运水车驶出,以关闭更多水龙头。

尽管在那个周末,生活在没有水的居民们、担心失去孩子的母亲们和小心保存每一滴水分的母亲们的见证下,“我不煮米饭、豆子,以及任何会导致蒸发的东西,”一位妇女解释道。 ——一种喜悦和解脱的感觉,混合着鸡肉令人陶醉的甜味,在人群中涌动。 一位居民在椅子上转过身来,环视着一群人喊着台阶,一起走动,突然笑了起来,就好像没有没有自来水的厨房,没有私人监控摄像头,没有破产,没有应急管理人员,没有紧急情况一样。完全没有——就好像,有那么一刻,世界上不再存在两个分离且不平等的底特律,而只是一个一心求存的城市。



劳拉·戈特斯迪纳 (Laura Gottesdiener) 是驻纽约的自由记者。 的作者 被取消的梦想:美国黑人与争取回家的地方的斗争 ,她的作品出现在 琼斯妈妈,半岛电视台 , 格尔尼卡 , 花花公子 , RollingStone.com ,并且经常在 TomDispatch。 她目前正在与祖科蒂公园出版社合作编写一本有关气候变化和流离失所的书。 她特别感谢 电影制片人弥赛亚·罗德斯 感谢他在本文中的合作。

(从重新发布 TomDispatch 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 思想 •标签: 底特律, 警察局 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Jim 说:

    Detroit is the municipal equivalent of a failed state. As governmental control collapses it is inevitable that private security forces will yield increasing power.

  2. Superman 说:

    Palmer Woods 是一个风景优美的街区,拥有历史悠久的建筑。 去谷歌街景看看吧,你不会失望的。

    但奇怪的是,作者没有告诉读者该社区超过 80% 是黑人。 遗漏是如此刺耳(考虑到文章的上下文),以至于人们不得不怀疑她是否试图误导读者。

    • 回复: @Sean K
    , @josh
  3. Jefferson 说:


  4. Wasn’t the first “Robocop” corporate security dystopia situated in a fictional Detroit of the future – now here?

  5. If you can’t make a living and pay the water bill where you are, it’s time to move…out of Detroit. That’s the adult part of being free.

    If they really want to know what caused their problems, it’s the loss of industry to poorer countries with cheap labor and archaic laws. It has nothing to do with race — and everything to do with a government that has not protected its people from unfair competition.

    • 回复: @Jim
    , @Anonymous
  6. 我读了整篇文章,误以为这是琳达·戈特弗雷德森(Linda Gottfredson)的文章,她因研究种族智商差异而闻名。我觉得这对她来说有点太毛茸茸的了。劳拉似乎想让我们相信底特律的失败只是因为那些令人讨厌的汽车公司对黑人工会迁往白人郊区感到不满。


    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
    , @carol
  7. 受到种族清洗的是白人。底特律是奥巴马对美国的愿景。欢迎美国罗德西亚。杀死(白人)农民。

  8. Jim 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    The white suburbs of Detroit exist in the same world economy as the inner city. These suburbs include some of the nicest areas of the US. Race has everything to do with what happened to Detroit.

    • 回复: @Buzz Mohawk
  9. TomB 说:

    This piece might as well stand as an iconic illustration of the utter uselessness of debating people like the author.

    For decades the normal, traditional mortgage lending standards were condemned by them as racially discriminatory and thus evil. So the lending standards were gutted, whereupon they were happy, until the inevitable happened, whereupon to distract from their own responsibility to pretend that what they advocated was something different they immediately started calling what happened “predatory.”

    Heads they win, tails you lose. Always. No matter what. No matter what the heads look like, no matter the tails. Heads they were right and you were evil. Tails they were right and you were evil. Somehow. Someway. Even in listening to them if the results were bad.

    • 回复: @Kevin O'Keeffe
  10. 给城市黑人的消息。

    大城市里没有工作可以留给你。 是时候搬回农业南部并恢复您作为外勤人员的角色了。 从有效市场的角度来看,这是最佳结果,也符合您的自身利益。 现在停止抱怨并重新开始工作。

    • 回复: @marylou
  11. Until you convince Detroiters that paying their water bill is more important than getting a new tattoo, cell phone or pair of Nikes most Americans won’t have much sympathy for them.

  12. Gee whiz. This is horrible! Why couldn’t Detroit do as well as that other “Rust Belt” city, Pittsburg, which had exactly the same problems – demographics aside – as Detroit. Could it be that a majority black population that invariably elects an utterly corrupt majority black government has something to do with the problem. For example, “Hell night” isn’t something imposed on the city’s black residents by white outsiders. It’s just a one-night Ferguson style orgy of the type we have come to expect. And deficit-created bankruptcies followed by state takeovers seem to be a standard outcome of black municipal governance. Negrus negris lupus.

  13. Priss Factor [又名“安德烈·奥斯特罗夫·莱塔尼亚” 说:

    Blacks attack, drive people out, ruin everything, then play victim.

  14. Herb 说:

    作者将底特律陷入困境的主要原因归咎于汽车公司和掠夺性贷款。 1967 年的骚乱导致了大规模的白人逃亡或黑人占多数的统治长达数十年,这又如何呢?

  15. Ozymandias 说:

    “The foreclosure crisis of this century, fueled by racially discriminatory predatory lending,”

    What a crock. They did it to anyone naive enough to fall for it. They did it with homes and now they’re doing it with cars. The only pertinent color in these transactions is green.

    Sorry, Ms. Gotterdiener, you’re going to have to do a lot better than this to convince any reasonable person that Detroit being an African city and Detroit being filled with Africans are somehow unrelated.

    “…conserve every drop of moisture — “I don’t cook rice, beans, anything that would cause evaporation,” explained one woman”

    Good Lord, we’re reaching epic levels of stupid now. Two parts water, one part rice. Cover the pot. The water isn’t supposed to evaporate, it’s absorbed by the rice. When you can’t cook the most staple food on the planet, Detroit is probably better than you deserve.

  16. @FirkinRidiculous

    Exactly. Gottesdiener’s work should be carefully balanced by then reading blogger Paul Kersey’s work on Detroit.

    FACT: Per the main reason that ca. 72% white Detroit in 1960, the “Paris of the West”, became 84% black in 2010, was due to racial unrest and of course, the race riots.


    FACT: People generally don’t like it when an element of people engage in rioting, robbing, burning down large swaths of their city. They either fight or leave. They left.

    FACT: The main labor and auto unions pre 1960 were like the rest of the US, vast majority white. As before, Detroit was ca. 72% white in 1960 but the race riots of ’67 helped to drive more and more whites out of the city.

    事实:40 多年来,底特律市市长、市议会以及民主党和民主党均由黑人占多数。从犯罪、教育、生活成本等角度来看,他们的情况如何?

    Interesting theme: Demand equal status then majority status. Over several decades the city fails and goes bankrupt. As the failures pile up, continue to blame racism and other bogus excuses for the group’s personal failures and shortcomings, even when there are few non-blacks responsible for the groups collective failures.

    It isn’t like Unz to scrape bottom for these kinds of screeds. Admittedly this article’s theme, it’s all whitey’s fault, made for interesting reading….back in the 1960’s.

  17. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    As Hammer explained, Detroit has become a blueprint for the creation of a “self-acknowledged, self-defined second-class city,” one where the state guarantees only the most basic services to most of its inhabitants: “some police,” “some fire protection,” and “a bulldozer department” to raze abandoned houses, while the remaining essential services will be available only on a private basis for those who can pay.

    Detroit is America’s future. Sad, but true.

  18. iffen 说:

    Separate but equal has never been given a fair trial.

  19. Blaming privatization and gentrification for Detroit’s problems is like blaming the ark for the flood.

  20. marylou 说:

    南方没有人需要外勤人员。 如果他们这样做,墨西哥人已经接受了。

  21. Sean K 说:

    是的,作者既不诚实又具有欺骗性。 我通常会忽略那些省略有价值信息的文章,以便将读者引向某个方向。 我们在 MSM 中受够了这种垃圾。

  22. Vendetta 说:

    Yeah, somehow it’s Dan Gilbert who’s the bad guy here, the guy who actually brought a business to a dying city and created a safe zone.

    Imagine the good a figure like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson would be capable of doing in communities like this. Build a following and instill purpose with charismatic religious leadership. Use their wealth of donations and volunteers to raise a black neighborhood watch and arm it enough to stand toe-to-toe with gangs and thugs. Make it safe enough for black entrepreneurs and professionals to move in and operate. Keep a watchful eye on the young men. Produce something. Teach the rest of the people basic trades and artisanal crafts to give them something productive to do until the economy has been sufficiently revitalized. I’m sure white bohemians and liberals will go crazy to buy handcrafted African-American textiles and handicrafts.

    Unfortunately, we know this is not the agenda of America’s prominent black spokesmen. Demanding empowerment is so much easier than creating it. Casting blame much easier than taking responsibility.


    But in the end, it is blacks in the ghettoes whose children are doomed if they don’t do something to change their future. Government policies do need to change – but they need to change in ways that support black-led initiatives to improve their own communities. And blacks need to step up and start these initiatives themselves.

    • 回复: @Power Child
  23. @Vendetta






    如果有人注定要失败,我会说那是中产阶级,尤其是中产阶级白人,因为他们无法凭借自己的种族来兑现受害者代金券。他们的选择是要么陷入贫困,成为身着纹身、穿着连帽衫的无产者,享受与贫民窟黑人相同的许多福利,要么拼尽全力,乞讨、乞讨和借钱,直到达到一定数量的后代能够拥有足够的钱。上大学并获得 STEM 学位——希望在这种努力的价值被 H1-B 稀释之前!

  24. TomB 说:

    Next up: “Predatory social welfarism.”

  25. Bliss 说:

    In the first Detroit, private security is common and the living is relatively safe. In the second, running water has systematically been cut off from at least 27,000 households this year alone

    On a Friday in mid-October, the evening before two U.N. officials were to begin investigating whether Detroit’s mass water shutoffs constitute a violation of international human rights law

    Many here quietly wonder about the purposefulness of it all or, as one resident finally asked the U.N. officials during their visit: “Does this, all that you’ve heard, meet the legal definition of genocide?”

    Without international pressure african americans in general, not just in Detroit, are probably doomed. Other minorities will face the same fate. What happened to native-american, chinese, south asian and african neighborhoods a century or so ago will happen again.


    Pfaelzer’s book breaks new ground. It provides the first in-depth account of a protracted racist campaign that culminated in what the Chinese called pai hua — the driven out; it rescues for history the hitherto forgotten story of a sophisticated and tenacious Chinese resistance movement; and it invites us to consider the relationship between anti-Chinese persecution and mainstream American racism.

    In gut-wrenching detail, “Driven Out” takes us from the first “race war” that took place locally between miners competing over gold diggings along the American River in the early 1850s, through the U.S. government’s Exclusion Acts of 1882 and 1902, which banned immigration of Chinese people for 60 years. The campaign to identify, target, humiliate, segregate and “disappear” the Chinese was a tour de force, involving the participation and collusion of a wide swath of good Californians.

    One hundred pogroms took place throughout the Pacific Northwest in the second half of the 19th century. Thousands of Chinese were rounded up and “violently herded into railroad cars, steamers, or logging rafts, marched out of town, or killed,” writes Pfaelzer. The violence was regionwide and systematic. In Los Angeles in 1871, a mob lynched 16 Chinese men and one Chinese woman. Chico’s Chinatown was destroyed by fire in 1876. Around the same time, arson, murder and terrorism forced the Chinese out of Truckee.

    Mob violence was supported by local elites and backed up by anti-Chinese legislation, police and judicial collusion, and a barrage of humiliating images documenting the “yellow peril” — portraying the men as sneaky, feminized and sacrilegious, the women as diseased and racially disposed to “hygienic lassitude.”

    Pfaelzer certainly makes the case that California engaged in ethnic cleansing. She also demonstrates how genocidal policies against Native peoples and post-Civil War Jim Crow policies shaped attitudes to the Chinese, and vice versa: “The Ku Klux Klan assaulted blacks in the South, the military and volunteer militias drove tribal people off their lands, murdering thousands, and the Order of the Caucasians, the Workingmen’s Party, and the Democratic Party rounded up and expelled the Chinese in California, burning Chinatowns to the ground. “

    To those who are opportunistically ganging up with right wing racist whites against blacks I advise you to remember this nazi-era quote:





    (Martin Niemöller)

  26. Bliss 说:

    History repeating in Detroit?


    The Rosewood Massacre was a racially motivated attack on African Americans and their neighborhood committed by a white mob in Florida during January 1–7, 1923….. The town of Rosewood, a majority-black community, was abandoned and destroyed in what contemporary news reports characterized as a race riot (with the implication blacks had broken out in violence). Racial disturbances with attacks by whites against blacks were common during the early 20th century in the United States, reflecting the nation’s rapid social changes. Florida had an especially high number of lynchings in the years before the massacre; the great majority of victims were black males.

    Prior to the massacre, the town of Rosewood had been a quiet, primarily black, self-sufficient whistle stop on the Seaboard Air Line Railway. Trouble began when white men from several nearby towns lynched a Rosewood resident because of unsupported accusations that a white woman in nearby Sumner had been beaten and possibly raped by a black drifter. When the town’s African-American citizens rallied together to defend themselves against further attacks, a mob of several hundred whites formed in reaction and started combing the countryside hunting down black people, and they attacked and destroyed the community, burning almost every structure within Rosewood.

    Survivors from the town hid for several days in nearby swamps until they were evacuated by train and car to larger towns. Although state and local authorities were aware of the violence, no arrests were made for what happened in Rosewood. The town was abandoned by its black residents; none ever returned.

    • 回复: @Vendetta
  27. carol 说:

    乔伊斯·卡罗尔·奥茨 (Joyce Carol Oates) 多年前无意间讲述了底特律的真相。 他们。这本书没完没了(我从未读完),但一个反复出现的主题是南方黑人对底特律的逐渐侵占和毁灭。

  28. Bliss 说:


    The Bellingham riots occurred on September 4, 1907, in Bellingham, Washington, USA.[1] A mob of 400–500 white men, predominantly members of the Asiatic Exclusion League, with intentions to exclude East Indian immigrants from the work force of the local lumber mills, attacked the homes of the South Asian Indians.[2] The Indians were mostly Sikhs but were labelled as Hindus by much of the media of the day.[3]

    The mob threw the East Indian workers into the streets, beat them, and pocketed their valuables. The authorities co-operated with the mob by corralling the beaten Indian immigrants into the City Hall, ostensibly for their safety.[4] “By the next day 125 South Asians had been driven out of town and were on their way to British Columbia“.[5] Six Indians were hospitalized [6] and about 400 were held in the Bellingham Jail, reportedly under “protective custody”.[7] No participants in the mob violence were prosecuted.

    Some victims of the riots migrated to Everett, Washington where two months later, they received similar treatment.[8] Similar riots occurred during this period in Vancouver, BC[9] and California.[10]

    In recognition of the 100th anniversary of the riots, Whatcom County Executive Pete Kremen and Bellingham Mayor Tim Douglas jointly proclaimed Sept. 4, 2007, a “Day of Healing and Reconciliation,” acknowledging and atoning for those regrettable events.[11]

  29. @Bliss

    Good point! Blacks have already destroyed three neighborhoods that I’ve lived in and no one was there to help me. Someday soon I hope those who didn’t protect me in my time of need will face the same fate and I certainly won’t be there for them. At some point I may even become angry enough to bring the same kind of chaos that I’ve experienced raining down on those who were not there for me.

  30. @Bliss

    We’re talking about now, you idjit! For everyone of these century old incidents any half-way knowledgeable person reading this post can provide a dozen or so homicidal riots and/or atrocities committed by this country’s black underclass in the far more recent past. If we extend the geography further I’d make that scores or hundreds instead of dozens. Your annoying silliness makes me think you’re a troll. I’m not going to feed you any further.

  31. Wyrd 说:

    Ewww, someone blissed all over this thread and now it’s all sticky and stinky!

  32. Bliss 说:


    How conveniently you want the world to forget the recent past. Why should you be allowed to do so when the racial hatreds of the recent past are still festering in you all’s minds, as so clearly revealed in the comments here and most everywhere on the internet? Either we allow the crimes of history to repeat or we take a stand and say: no more, enough already…

    它是 现在, 你这个混蛋就在今年,底特律 27,000 个黑人家庭的用水被切断。

    • 回复: @St. Charbel
    , @Stealth
  33. Wyrd 说:

    Onward social justice warriors
    Marching off to war
    We won’t rest
    Till we foul every nest
    And make all equally poor

  34. Jefferson 说:

    “And it is now, you idjit, this very year, that 27,000 black households in Detroit had their water cut off.”

    Those 27,000 ghetto welfare Blacks in Detroit deserved to have their water cut off. They can not expect taxpayers to pay their water bills for them.

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  35. 东英格兰村是黑人占多数的社区,帕尔默伍兹也是如此。他们主要由上层中产阶级黑人组成。作者描绘了一幅扭曲的城市图景。

  36. @Bliss

    那么,你的维基百科文章与数以万计的底特律人有什么关系,他们花时间和精力乘公共汽车去底特律郊区的购物中心,花 100 多美元购买最新的 Jordan 鞋,而不是支付水费呢?

  37. Jefferson 说:

    “FACT: Per the main reason that ca. 72% white Detroit in 1960, the “Paris of the West”, became 84% black in 2010, was due to racial unrest and of course, the race riots.”

    Today Detroit is a lot more like Port-au-Prince than it is like Paris. Ever since Blacks took over Detroit, the property value of homes there really plummeted. It is cheaper to purchase a mansion in Detroit than it is to purchase a trailer home in Malibu, California.

    Even with housing being extremely cheap there, Detroit is still experiencing a population net loss rather than a population net gain. Detroit’s extremely high crime rate scares people away from wanting to live there.

    People want to live in an area where the cost of living is cheap, but they also want to live in an area where the crime rate is not out of control. That is why people today are not flocking to Detroit to take advantage of it’s cheap housing. What is the point of cheap housing if you are afraid of taking a walk or a jog in your own neighborhood because you might get held up by a Black thug at gunpoint.

    • 回复: @Bliss
  38. Vendetta 说:

    No, history is not repeating itself. What a deliberately obtuse statement. There are no white mobs running amok and burning down black neighborhoods in Detroit.

  39. @Bliss

    Sorry, Bliss, so so sorry. The 1882 Exclusion Act and the 1924 Immigration Act were to preserve the historical white nation that created the US at large. These exclusion acts were designed to restrict the wrong sorts that were coming in as cheap labor in the Pacific states. Basically, it was done to preserve white working class jobs from being taken by cheap labor (e.g. coolies).

    Historically, the white working classes did not recognize much less understand what peoples who weren’t invited to come here, uh, what exactly were they coming here for? Especially since they weren’t invited?

    Once again, it’s yet another example by national corporations or at the time larger corporations wanting cheap labor and undercutting the white working classes or those who had historically built America from the mid. 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries into a contending power. Henry Clay’s American System further cemented that legacy via his protege, Abraham Lincoln.

    If only today’s global corporations with their H-1B Visas that undercut US native born middle class jobs at the top and those who bring in Mexican labor that undercut the lower class jobs at the bottom understood what it meant to be a good American; namely, stop hiring/bringing in en masse foreigners to do native born Americans jobs.

    You don’t see millions upon millions of Finns, Russians, and Slavs entering China to take away and displace their working classes. The Hans care about their own people.

    You don’t see Japan opening up its borders and taking in tens of millions of workers from India and East Africa. Japan cares about its own people first and foremost.

    On this front, protecting native born American jobs from runaway out of control immigration (much of it illegal immigration at that) by foreigners who weren’t asked to come here much less the policies voted on in some cases, Americans can learn a good lesson and do the same. America for Americans only.

    Keep out the wrong sort: Those who aren’t Americans.

    Protect American jobs for Americans.

    Go ahead and be some bogus “citizen of the world” as the global corporations would have their cheap labor workforce: the best is to have American jobs filled by native born Americans.

    • 回复: @Bliss
  40. @Jefferson

    Oh? And why not? They’ve been used to whitey tax-paying for everything else from cradle to grave for them. Maybe if they stopped paying for Jordans (assuming they pay and not steal or get knock offs), stopped paying for nails, extensions, and new rims, etc. and actually prioritized for essentials like paying their bills first and concentrating on…you know, getting an actual job and off welfare, they might be on the road to becoming responsible US citizens.

    Can you see it happening?


  41. @Bliss

    What were these illegal aliens doing in Bellingham, WA in the first place? The local native born populace hadn’t invited them to come in at all.

    OOPS. Forgot that part. What were they doing there? Answer: Illegal immigration brought in to feed the bloodlust of national corporations desire for cheap labor cause they were too CHEAP to pay standard white working wages to the local populace at the time, which, as it’s ca.85% white in 2010 census most likely was ca.98% white in 1900 census.

    OOPS. Forgot that part.

    Hm. Importing cheap labor vs. the wishes of the native born American worker. Sounds like history is repeating itself.

    While we’re talking about nations alleged past problems (even though these policies were largely supported by the native born American workers at the time) let’s talk about other nations and their problems.

    Lets dredge up how the Racist Hans massacred foreigners during their various dynastic reigns. Lets talk about all the various slaves of “inferior peoples” that they had in their imperial courts from different Asian lands that they conquered ER…were given in their spheres of influence that these nations paid tribute in the forms of goods and slaves and human flesh (concubines, prostitutes, etc).

    • 回复: @Bliss
  42. @Jim


    “The white suburbs of Detroit exist in the same world economy as the inner city. These suburbs include some of the nicest areas of the US. Race has everything to do with what happened to Detroit.”

    The low productivity of a race may be the reason the employers left, but it was no excuse for our government to allow industry to defect to countries where virtual slave labor still exists.

    • 回复: @rod1963
    , @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  43. Stealth 说:

    Hey, “Bliss:”

    What do you think will happen if you don’t pay your water bill? Someone’s going to come by your house and cut off your water, and he won’t turn it back on until you’ve paid up. That’s a fact of life. I made the mistake a few months back of thinking I’d already paid my own water bill when I had actually forgotten. I got a call from someone telling me I was about to be deprived of fluids. Then I paid.

    As far as the mountain of white evil you’ve recounted for everyone, I’ll tell you the following: if whites were really all that bad, nonwhites wouldn’t be climbing over each other to get into our countries. They wouldn’t be trying to move into our neighborhoods and send their children to school with white people’s children. They would be trying to get away from us.

    • 回复: @Jim
  44. Jefferson 说:

    Detroit resembles the society that you see in films like “The Purge Anarchy”.

    Detroit’s motto should be “You know where you are ? You are in the jungle baby, YOU ARE GONNA DIE”.

  45. Harold 说:

    Bliss makes an excellent point. All that horrible stuff didn’t prevent the Chinese from being successful in America, it didn’t trap them in a cycle of poverty nor cause them to turn to violent crime to a disproportionate degree. Bliss has pretty much proved that it is silly to pretend that comparatively minor things such as “predatory lending” must haved caused Detroit’s failings. Well done Bliss.

  46. Harold 说:

    That Detroit is a more than 80% African American metropolis makes the idea of its rise from bankruptcy with second-class status all the more problematic.

    Ha ha! “problematic”, I think this word was missed on that recent iSteve thread on inane terms.

    I think we should all recognise that Laura Gottesdiener 管它 about black people and that this makes her a truly good, piously PC person. They must be so proud of her, they whose thoughts she regurgitates when she writes as above, expressing herself in the typical language of the PC priesthood.

  47. rod1963 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    Yep, the corporations were the ones who pushed NAFTA and PNTR with China, they loved that cheap Hispanic and Asian labor and still do.

    It’s really sickening to watch GM build state of the art factories in China or Eastern Europe while giving the people here the middle finger. Yet BMW and other foreign automakers don’t have a problem setting up here.

    And look who is for amnesty, it’s the A list of business people: Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, Google execs, the Chambers of Commerce, Adelson, the Koch brothers. These guys are perfectly happy to turn us into a 3rd world state.

    I’ll close with this. Blacks are problem, but the real cancer destroying this country and it’s people are the oligarch class that has no allegiance to anything except their bank account. They’ve done more damage in 20 years thanks to crooked trade agreements than cultural Marxism and blacks could ever do.

  48. Camlost 说:

    And after that terrible incident in Bellingham, WA in 1907 you still see Sikhs and Hindus in the USA suffering greatly. They’re constantly shot in the back by racist cops, their children can’t read on grade level and they struggle to pay their monthly water bill(s)… just like the blacks in Detroit.

  49. @Buzz Mohawk

    Hold it, hold it. FIRST came the race riots and the whites skeddadled out of town. THEN came the all black city council rule, black mayor, etc. so the white tax base of Detroit had already shrunk by quite a bit before free trade policies kicked in.

    Concerning the auto industry free trade began in the late 70’s, picked up steam in the 80’s and with NAFTA, that also included the auto industry (outsourcing jobs to Mexico and building auto factories in Mexico as well).

    But the order is correct: Race riots started the mass white exodus. With fewer whites remaining in the city and shrinking tax base, Detroit became what it is.

    The problem was when the auto industry left the white suburbs due to free trade policies which opened the door to bye byes good working class jobs for white working classes.

    But in many urban centers the pattern holds true: First came the race riots and exiting whites, then came free trade policies.

    Now for neo-cons, they don’t even want to touch the race factor in any of this. They want to blame just the big bad unions and evil liberals. It wasn’t the unions who caused the race riots! It wasn’t the unions who elected an all black city council and mayor’s office! Could the unions have compromised? Certainly! But the free trade lead the way out of the US and all the good paying jobs disappeared with the multinationals.

    Ask these neo-cons this: How come Seattle, WA is a high wage, high union city, and still has many working class good paying jobs? Huh? WA state is the fourth highest union membership, so unions alone aren’t causing the economic problems.

    HINT: Seattle doesn’t have any race riots. Wonder why?

  50. Jefferson 说:

    “Ask these neo-cons this: How come Seattle, WA is a high wage, high union city, and still has many working class good paying jobs? Huh? WA state is the fourth highest union membership, so unions alone aren’t causing the economic problems.

    HINT: Seattle doesn’t have any race riots. Wonder why?”

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is also a union city and yet it is in a lot better shape than Detroit is by every measure.

    Pittsburgh still has a strong White taxpayer base while Detroit does not.

  51. Bliss 说:

    Today Detroit is a lot more like Port-au-Prince than it is like Paris. Ever since Blacks took over Detroit, the property value of homes there really plummeted.

    Typically blinkered ignoramuses. When Detroit was called “Paris of the West” it was 28% non-white. Non-whites there were overwhelmingly african-american, and largely middle-class thanks to Henry Ford’s non-racist hiring policy. Which means blacks were by far the most over-represented race in Detroit when it was called the Paris of the West. Capische?

    And since you are italian-american this should hit home for you:


    In United States, and other English-speaking countries to which they immigrated, such as Canada and Australia, the later Italian immigrants were often viewed as perpetual foreigners, restricted to manual labor. Their frequent lack of formal education, and competition with earlier immigrants for lower-paying jobs and housing often resulted in hostility toward them.[4] Ethnocentric chauvinism exhibited by the earlier Northern European settlers toward the Italian immigrants was also a major factor, especially in the American South. In reaction to the large-scale immigration from southern and eastern Europe, Congress passed legislation (Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and Immigration Act of 1924) restricting immigration from those regions, but not from Northern European countries.

    Anti-Italian prejudice was also associated with the anti-Catholic tradition that existed in the United States, inherited from Protestant/Catholic European competition and wars over centuries. When the United States was founded, it inherited the anti-Catholic, anti-papal animosity of its original Protestant settlers. Anti-Catholic sentiments in the U. S. reached a peak in the 19th century when the Protestant population became alarmed by the number of Catholics immigrating to the United States.

    After the American Civil War, during the labor shortage as the South converted to free labor, planters in southern states recruited Italians to come to the United States to work mainly in agriculture and as laborers. Many soon found themselves the victims of prejudice, economic exploitation, and sometimes violence. Italian stereotypes abounded during this period as a means of justifying this maltreatment of the immigrants. The plight of the Italian immigrant agricultural workers in Mississippi was so serious that the Italian embassy became involved in investigating their mistreatment. Later waves of Italian immigrants inherited these same virulent forms of discrimination and stereotyping which, by then, had become ingrained in the American consciousness.[12]

    One of the largest mass lynchings in American history was of eleven Italians in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1891. The city had been the destination for numerous Italian immigrants.[13] Nine Italians who were thought to have assassinated police chief David Hennessy, were arrested, tried and acquitted. Subsequent to the trial, a mob stormed the jailhouse, dragging the men out and lynching them, together with two other Italians who were being held in the jail at the time on unrelated charges.[14] Afterward, the police arrested hundreds of Italian immigrants, on the false pretext that they were all criminals.[15][16]

    In 1899, in Tallulah, Louisiana, three Italian-Americans shopkeepers were lynched because they had given equal status in their shops to blacks. A vigilante mob hanged five Italian Americans: the three shopkeepers and two bystanders。17]

    In Australia italians along with greeks and lebanese are still looked down on and called wogs. This racism and hate between northern europeans and southern europeans goes at least as far back as the Gallic Wars when Julius Caesar slaughtered a million Gauls and enslaved millions more.


  52. Jim 说:

    Yes, it’s so silly how people like Bliss say that white people are so racist toward blacks and then say that blacks are harmed by attending predominantly black schools with few white students or teachers. Obviously if whites were that racist then the more separated blacks were from whites the better off they would be.

    Blacks tend to be quite racist towards Asians and I’m sure that the vast majority of Asian parents would prefer their children attended schools with as few blacks as possible.

  53. Harold 说:

    I’m not sure what Bliss’ point is but I think it is this: That it is about time that the people took control of who is allowed to live and work in their own territories and stopped the rich from supporting the importation of outsiders for cheap labour—it never ends well. Or maybe Bliss’ point is merely this: Diversity is definitely 不能 力量。

  54. Jefferson 说:

    “When Detroit was called “Paris of the West” it was 28% non-white. Non-whites there were overwhelmingly african-american, and largely middle-class thanks to Henry Ford’s non-racist hiring policy. Which means blacks were by far the most over-represented race in Detroit when it was called the Paris of the West. Capische?”

    And now that Detroit is 83 percent Black, the media no longer refers to it as “The Paris Of The West”. And Detroit does not have enough taxpaying middle class and upperclass Blacks to have kept that city from declaring bankruptcy.

  55. Jefferson 说:

    Chicago’s high Black unemployment rate is being blamed on the fact that a majority of Black Chicagoans live in very racially segregated zip codes where over 90 percent of the population is Black.

    So Blacks can’t get jobs now unless they reside in areas where there is a lot of White people present ? How about Chinese Americans who live in Chinatowns where few White people reside, they don’t seem to have a problem finding a job.

    High Black unemployment being blamed on the Black underclass not having White next door neighbors, sounds like an excuse for Liberal government cronies to send more Section 8 Housing Blacks to predominantly White neighborhoods.

    So the Liberal theory is that Blacks can not get jobs unless they have access to networking with White people who can help them get jobs.

    Why can’t Black people living in Black neighborhoods just network with other Black people to help them get a job ?

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  56. @TomB

    “This piece might as well stand as an iconic illustration of the utter uselessness of debating people like the author.

    For decades the normal, traditional mortgage lending standards were condemned by them as racially discriminatory and thus evil. So the lending standards were gutted, whereupon they were happy, until the inevitable happened, whereupon to distract from their own responsibility to pretend that what they advocated was something different they immediately started calling what happened “predatory.”

    Heads they win, tails you lose. Always. No matter what. No matter what the heads look like, no matter the tails. Heads they were right and you were evil. Tails they were right and you were evil. Somehow. Someway. Even in listening to them if the results were bad.”

    This is the best comment I’ve read in days.

  57. Bliss 说:

    The 1882 Exclusion Act and the 1924 Immigration Act were to preserve the historical white nation that created the US at large. These exclusion acts were designed to restrict the wrong sorts that were coming in as cheap labor in the Pacific states.

    The 1924 Immigration Act’s primary goal was to restrict the immigration of the 排序错误 of europeans: south europeans, east europeans and jews.

    You don’t see Japan opening up its borders

    Japan, for your information, is not a nation of immigrants. America is. You are a descendant of immigrants from europe. The only major groups in America who are not immigrants are the native americans and african americans. Look at their status in America compared to that of immigrants.

    Btw, going by your nick I am guessing you are a japanophile; so tell us what you think of the nuking of japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Was that a war crime? If not, why not?

    And what do you think about the socialist culture of Japan, and about japanese-americans being so hard core Democrats?

    Protect American jobs for Americans.

    You don’t really mean that do you? Otherwise why would you vote Republican?

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
    , @Anonymous
  58. Bliss 说:

    What were these illegal aliens doing in Bellingham, WA in the first place?

    What makes you think they were illegal aliens?

    Secondly, how does that justify violence towards them?

    Thirdly, why are you ignoring what happened to the native americans and african americans? They sure weren’t immigrants, unlike their tormentors.

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
    , @Anonymous
  59. @Jefferson

    Where Bliss’s entire argument falls into excrement is that 72% of Detroit was WHITE. And, Henry Ford was quite shall we say, the Pro-Jim Crow supporter back in the day. Jim Crow policies weren’t just used in the South; they were also used (unofficially) in the North. Point being of course that whites built Western Paris (Detroit) and blacks had little to do with it whatsoever.

    I like that final part of yours: If blacks were all that in the IQ and jobs departments, they could pool their resources and start working together and lift themselves out of poverty. After all, Calypso Louis Farrakhan has been advocating this for decades in his speeches. How come his audiences aren’t listening to him?

    Of course the hard bitter truth is that for most black neighborhoods with an out of wedlock birthrate that will hit 90% by ca. 2029 and in some urban centers is currently well over 80% among blacks, the ‘hoods are like a jungle: Dog eat dog and you don’t know who you can trust. So you make alliances of sorts (gangs) where you can hopefully attempt to survive. At one level they do tend to network together, especially when they rob, carjack, flashmob and riot/burn down and loot the cities. Its possible that actions such as these do take some amount of intellect, time, and planning but obviously that’s not the intellect nor the behavior that everyone is calling for among blacks at large.

    And with the average black IQ at about 85, (basically a little higher than imbecile and moron) you can’t expect too many Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to spring forth from these places.

    • 回复: @Bliss
  60. @Bliss

    Show me the exact phrase where I’ve ever said that I vote Republican. You can’t.

    The 1882 Exclusion Act was to restrict the number of Asians, Chinese laborers in particular. The 1924 Act was aimed at everyone, mainly Europeans and that’s fine. Certainly don’t want the wrong sort of folks to come in then or now.

    That’s a lie, a leftist lying canard. We are NOT a nation of immigrants. Historically, the US has been a white nation that was mainly created and largely built by whites who once here, said “and now that’s roughly about it. WE will decide just how many newcomers we allow to come in past our borders. You don’t like it, then lump it.” That was our official policy for well over a couple centuries. Worked pretty well.

    Another lie: There is no such thing as “Native”-Americans. They migrated here as well some thousands of yrs ago across the Bering Straight. African-Americans were technically immigrants since they migrated here. They didn’t choose to migrate but they did. A technicality but an accurate one.

    Know what? Since you obviously are old enough to remember WW2 I’m sure that you have all the correct opinions (after the fact of course) on US’s policies during wartime. I wasn’t there so I’ll leave that one up to posterity to decide and determine what the culpability is regarding the US.

    Although, modern US-Japan relations have largely and for the most part healed by this time, and that’s a good thing.

    Know what? Unlike yourself I’m not a busybody into other how other nations govern themselves. Whatever government they have is entirely up to them and they don’t need any interference from outsiders. What I like about Japan is that they have nationalistic policies specifically designed to protect their own workers as well as extremely low immigration. They don’t want any more Koreans coming in and certainly they don’t want any Hans coming thru their borders either. Good for them for setting boundaries and standards vs any old other nations who attempt to come thru their national doorway.

    How US citizens vote is neither your business nor mine. That’s the beauty of America. The only person that needs to know is the individuals.

    • 回复: @Bliss
    , @Hare Krishna
  61. @Bliss

    Uh, because at the time Bellingham was roughly 98% white. DUH.

    Any nation, state, locality, etc has the right to self-determination. If they decide to pass legislation protecting their jobs, their property etc. then that’s their right to do so.

    Also, regarding violence: There’s your truth, the other person’s truth….and then there’s what really happened. Always two sides to an event, and not just yours.

    You’ve already lied or distorted as to the status of Indians and blacks. They were indeed immigrants at one point in their history since neither were indigenous to North American continent. So I’m sure that you have a well informed opinion as to what in fact happened to both groups.

    Frankly, you should keep it to yourself.

  62. Harold 说:

    Bliss, why do you think it is shameful to kill other tribes and take their land? Did Genghis think it was shameful, or something to be proud of? What about Shaka Zulu did he think it was shameful? Did the Bantus have any compunction against taking the land of the indigenous pygmies or bushmen? Do you think the Eskimos considered it shameful to take the land from its previous occupants? Did the Maori who killed, tortured, enslaved, raped, and ate the Moriori think such things shameful?

    But you, Bliss, seem to think these are shameful. All I can say is: That’s mighty white of you!

  63. Harold 说:

    Btw, going by your nick I am guessing you are a japanophile; so tell us what you think of the nuking of japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Was that a war crime? If not, why not?

    I am a “japanophile”. For your information, the (non-nuclear) firebombing of Japanese cities caused even more death and destruction than the nuclear bombings. I don’t care whether they were “war crimes” or not, but I do think, as I do of the bombings of civilians in German cities, that they were unconscionable atrocities. But what does this have to do with anything? It seems bringing it up only serves for you to indulge in your anti-white animus.

    What do you expect Yojimbo/Zatoichi to say? He can either say he thinks it was tragic and unnecessary, or that it was tragic but necessary to prevent even greater tragedy. And then? How is any of this relevant?

    Bliss, tell us what you think of the Eskimos taking their land from its previous occupants (Dorset culture), probably killing them off. Do you think that, despite their way of life remaining mostly unchanged from then up until European contact, their moral sensibilities improved, or do you think that the Eskimos as they were when the Europeans first encountered them would still do the same in the same circumstances?

    • 回复: @Bliss
  64. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    “How come the talented tenth Blacks could not keep Detroit afloat?”

    Probably because they preferred to live in white areas. One unintended consequence of ending segregation was that black neighborhoods lost the ‘talented tenth’ that formally had to live there. They could provide some measure of respect and moral suasion to the lower class members of the black community. Once they were able to live where they wanted too, they promptly decamped for greener pastures..

  65. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Buzz Mohawk

    ‘it has nothing to do with race’

    It has everything to do with race. Detroit is Haiti north.

  66. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    “America is not a nation of immigrants”. This is Jewish cultural Marxism. America is a nation of the descendents of settlers from centuries ago. Immigration is a privilege not a right.

  67. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    What happened to the so-called “native Americans” (a cultural Marxist term to de-legitimize whites) was a lot more mild then what happened to Indians in Latin America. In any case they occupied only a fraction of the land and were essentially nomadic-hunter gatherer types. It hardly makes a template for immigration decisions.

  68. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Detroit was built by whites and basically destroyed by blacks. That is the basic, but unacknowledged, truth. What killed Detroit was its demographics. Simply put there are too many blacks living there and they are too unproductive. Detroit should more properly be compared to a city in the Caribbean, like Kingston, Jamaica or Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where there are comparable demographics.

  69. Bliss 说:

    Henry Ford was quite shall we say, the Pro-Jim Crow supporter back in the day.

    Such a shameless, brazen liar. Do you even have a sense of morality?

    The opposite is the truth. Ford hired thousands of african-americans to work in his factories, paying them the same middle class wage that he paid whites. Blacks migratedthe Jim Crow South to Detroit for this opportunity.

    Where Bliss’s entire argument falls into excrement is that 72% of Detroit was WHITE.

    Which was well below the national average of the white population then. While the black population of Detroit was more than double the national average. There were many cities in the North then with over 90% whites but none of them were compared to Paris. Like Minneapolis for example which was overwhelmingly nordic, while the whites of the 西方的巴黎 were mostly the 错误的种类 of whites: arabs, sicilians, greeks, poles etc, the kind of whites the WASP elite looked down. So what was once the best city in America, was largely filled at that time with middle-easterners, african-americans, slavs and southern europeans…

    And with the average black IQ at about 85, (basically a little higher than imbecile and moron) you can’t expect too many Bill Gates and Steve Jobs to spring forth from these places.

    That is really funny coming from you. You sure don’t come across as intelligent. Or worse, as moral.

    The african-american IQ of 85 is actually a bit higher than that of the white caucasians of the Middle East. For example the Syrian IQ is 79, and fyi, Steve Job’s biological father was a muslim from Syria.

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  70. Jefferson 说:

    “Detroit should more properly be compared to a city in the Caribbean, like Kingston, Jamaica or Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where there are comparable demographics.”

    Due to it’s changing racial demographics, Ferguson, Missouri is on it’s way to becoming the Kingston, Jamaica of the Midwest.

  71. Bliss 说:


    那么将战争罪视为战争罪有什么关系呢? 不合情理的暴行 在战争期间反对妇女、儿童、老人和体弱者?



    怎么能 亲日派 如此狂热地反社会主义?


    • 回复: @Harold
  72. Bliss 说:

    那是谎言,是左翼谎言。 我们不是一个移民国家。

    骗子,又一次,显然是你。 阅读以下一位最杰出人士的文章 右翼 美国智库卡托研究所(由查尔斯·科赫创立和资助):


    移民并没有破坏美国的实验; 它是其中不可或缺的一部分。 我们是一个移民国家。 接连不断的移民浪潮使我们国家的人口保持年轻,丰富了我们的文化,增加了我们作为一个国家的生产能力,增强了我们在世界上的影响力。

    美国国家科学院 (NAS) 1997 年的一项权威研究得出结论,移民为美国经济带来了“显着的积极收益”。 去年在国会作证时,联邦储备委员会主席艾伦格林斯潘说:“我一直认为这个国家从我们吸引来自世界各地的人们中受益匪浅。”

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  73. @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Without the white immigrants, whose numbers were severely reduced by the 1924 Immigration Act, employers had to recruit blacks from the South. That was the root of how Detroit and the other Great Lakes cities became so heavily African-American. If not for that law they would be white majority today as would cities such as Los Angeles.

    Self-proclaimed “white nationalists” praising the ’24 Immigration Act makes me laugh, because that law may have been the most anti-white law ever passed in the US.

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  74. Jefferson 说:

    ” There were many cities in the North then with over 90% whites but none of them were compared to Paris.”

    And no predominantly Black city in the history of mankind has ever been compared to Paris.

    • 回复: @Bliss
  75. @Bliss

    史蒂夫乔布斯的智商不是 85,你这个笨蛋。

    底特律在 72 年为 1960%。从 1930-60 年,人口为 93%; 89%,然后是 72%,因此在大部分时间里,它的平均水平远高于或达到美国大多数城市的 90%。

    Here’s the thing: There were very few blacks in Detroit between 1940-60 to make a major difference in the city’s population. 1940: The city ca. 93% white. 1950: The city ca. 89%. By 1960: It had dropped to 72% but for a major city that was still quite respectable. But blacks didn’t directly affect the total population’s makeup at first and certainly didn’t contribute very much to WW2 effort compared to whites at large.

    Careful, verrry few Arabs pre 1970 in the US at all. Yes, the first mosque was built in Detroit in ’40. There were more Irish, Italians, (European Whites) that comprise Detroit as in rest of US at large during this time (pre-65 Immigration Act).

    Cite your proof of blacks higher IQ being higher than whites from Middle East. You cant, doesn’t exist. At best, they’d be about the same.

    Also, a noted example of the most prominent Middle Eastern nation that you don’t dare mention is ISRAEL. No way that that nation has an average lower IQ than US Blacks, so your lie is exposed.

    Then as now, Israelis have higher IQs than US blacks. From the looks of it, blacks won’t be overtaking them anytime soon.

    Hey, at least US blacks (with their ca.15-25% white admixture in their DNA on average) tend to average higher IQs than African blacks’ IQs of 75. So they do have that going for them.

    • 回复: @Bliss
    , @Bliss
  76. @Hare Krishna

    是的,也许事后看来。 但把这句话说完。 白人实业家所要做的就是只向白人工会成员提供工作,而这些工会成员在很大程度上往往将黑人拒之门外。

    In other words, white industrialists didn’t really have to recruit black laborers at all. They had plenty of native born white workers in which to draw on (US was 90% white at the time) so it looks like that they wanted to hire blacks to undercut the higher wages they’d have to pay to white working classes and as the whites were beginning to unionize, that meant even more increased pay rates that they’d have to deal with. Much like the free trade policies of today. The multi national incs would much rather not deal with unionized (largely) white workers and ship jobs to non-white nations at lower rates of pay.

    The ’24 law was a good one for US’s long term health. The ’65 reform act has been even worse. And now the blacks are moving back to the South.


    • 回复: @Hare Krishna
  77. Bliss 说:

    Steve Jobs IQ was not 85, you imbecile


    I wrote that Steve Jobs biological father is from Syria which has an average IQ of 79 . It takes a complete moron to conclude that means Jobs IQ was 85! You come across as a very irrational person. I am guessing your IQ is lower than the syrian average. Am I right or what?

    Cite your proof of blacks higher IQ being higher than whites from Middle East



    叙利亚:IQ 79
    黎巴嫩:IQ 82
    伊朗:IQ 84

  78. @Yojimbo/Zatoichi


    非裔美国领导人普遍支持 '24 移民法,因为他们知道这会导致更多工作流向黑人。 由于来自欧洲的移民工人少得多——'24 法案允许无限制的墨西哥移民,但墨西哥人没有搬到东北和中西部——工厂招聘的明显地方是南方黑人。

  79. Bliss 说:

    1940 年至 60 年间,底特律很少有黑人对这座城市的人口产生重大影响。

    1950 年,底特律的黑人人口超过 16%。 1960 年,这一比例超过 29%。 这些是明显不成比例的数字。 这是在 过去的好时光 当吉姆克劳还在南方有效时。

    顺便说一句,我收回了我写的所有关于底特律与拥有大量黑人的巴黎相比较的文章。 我才知道比较是在汽车工业改造城市之前进行的。 我的罪过…

    • 回复: @iffen
    , @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  80. iffen 说:





  81. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    环顾四周,所有黑人占多数和/或控制市政府的城市都是腐败猖獗和极端犯罪的笼子。 事实上,再环顾四周,所有拥有黑人国家元首和/或黑人多数的国家都是一样的,没有失败。


    有没有注意到所有“自由主义者”都离黑人有多远。 令人震惊的虚伪。

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  82. @Bliss

    是的,你应该收回你写的很多东西,但我们会满足于这一点。 没错,“西方巴黎”的绰号出现在 19 世纪末 20 世纪初,当时底特律几乎是 99% 的白人。 于是,白人建造了底特律并使其成为西方的巴黎。

    我认为你真的应该和 Paul Kersey 先生一起考虑这些事情。 你和他会相处得很好。 我赌你。 而你可能不会。

    汽车行业早在 1915 年就改变了底特律,亨利福特的创新装配线提高了他的工人(当时都是白人)的工资,随着咆哮的二十年代的发展,汽车行业的这种令人难以置信的转变仍在继续。 亨利福特首先向他的工人提供了更高的工资……在 1913 年,当时底特律的白人接近 99%。

    你委婉地拒绝提及以色列的智商,我能理解为什么。 美国犹太人的平均智商为 115,高于所有亚洲国家,比美国黑人高两个 SD。


    • 回复: @Bliss
  83. @Anonymous

    嘘。 不要让 Blissy 听到这个,否则他会很高兴地假设这都是一个种族主义的白人阴谋,目的是阻止黑人发挥他们的真正潜力(到 90 年,非婚生出生率约为 2029%)。

  84. Jefferson 说:

    “嘘。 不要让 Blissy 听到这个,否则他会很高兴地假设这都是一个种族主义的白人阴谋,目的是阻止黑人发挥他们的真正潜力(到大约 90 年,非婚生出生率达到 2029%)。”

    父亲节是非裔美国人社区中庆祝最少的节日。 非裔美国人为他们的父亲购买 Hallmark 卡的比例不是很高。

  85. Bliss 说:

    你委婉地拒绝提及以色列的智商,我能理解为什么。 美国犹太人的平均智商为 115,高于所有亚洲国家,比美国黑人高两个 SD。

    我不明白以色列的智商与我将非裔美国人的智商与中东白人的智商进行比较的观点有什么关系(你故意忽略了这一点)。 以色列是中东的一个局外人。 它的大多数公民要么是来自欧洲的移民,要么是欧洲的后代。


    第三,每一个德系犹太人就有超过 100 名东亚人。

    第四,犹太裔美国人和日裔美国人都倾向于是核心民主党人。 这告诉你什么?

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  86. Jefferson 说:

    “有没有注意到所有‘自由主义者’生活的地方离黑人有多远。 令人震惊的虚伪。”


    例如,奥普拉·温弗瑞 (Oprah Winfrey) 住在加利福尼亚州的蒙特西托 (Montecito),那里的黑人人口不到 1%。

    科比·布莱恩特住在加利福尼亚州的纽波特海滩,那里的黑人比例也低于 1%。

    勒布朗詹姆斯住在俄亥俄州巴斯镇,那里只有 1% 的人口是黑人。

    塞雷娜·威廉姆斯住在佛罗里达州的棕榈滩花园,那里只有 2% 的人口是黑人。


    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  87. @Bliss

    撒哈拉以南非洲国家的智商远低于 70,因此中东领先于地球上最愚蠢的智商。

    哑巴,我将以色列的智商与非裔美国人的智商等同起来(85)。 以色列的智商总体上仍远高于非裔美国人的智商(和撒哈拉以南国家的智商),您对这两个群体有一定的兴趣。

    呃,是的,呃……世界上亚洲人比犹太人还多。 然而,犹太人的智商往往比他们任何人都高。

    人们有权以任何他们想要的方式投票。 你为什么要把你的内裤弄得一团糟?

    • 回复: @Harold
  88. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    格林斯潘当然会这么说。 他是犹太人。

  89. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    你称某人为“骗子”,并通过指出卡托研究所的一些废话来引用你的“证据”。 哈哈。

  90. Harold 说:


    这不是无关紧要的。 我只是怀疑“战争罪”的概念。 乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)或托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)何时会因战争罪指控而被提起诉讼? 他们永远不会。 “战争罪”似乎只适用于战败国。 当强国介入时,谁是公正的裁决者? 这是一场闹剧。




    为什么亲日主义者不能反社会主义? 是什么让你认为我是反社会主义者?


    为什么说我贪心? 为什么可恨? 此外,我不相信耶稣。

    大多数情况下,我反对殴打和欺骗白人,让他们相信所有种族只是表面上的不同,因此他们的遗传遗产是无关紧要的,希望保留它是有罪的,如果其他种族比白人更糟,那就是白人的错。 这些谎言是我们这个时代的大恶。

  91. Harold 说:

    如果您查看以色列的 PISA 分数,您会发现它们很糟糕。 我记得他们做的和太平洋岛民在新西兰做的一样好。 这与 80 年代中期的平均智商一致。 以色列并不充满德系犹太人。

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi
  92. Sam J. 说:

    在整个对话中有一个未说明的公理。 我们应该关心。 白人应该关心。 为什么? 为什么白人有负担我们应该关心所有其他种族? 他们关心我们吗? 当然不像我们应该关心的那样关心他们。 为什么我们不应该首先关心白人。 在你关心底特律的黑人之前,你是否讨厌关心你的孩子? 在印度关心孩子之前,是否讨厌关心你的家人? 哪里写到我们要对世界上的所有灾难负责? 如果他们在电视上不断说“你必须首先关心白人”怎么办? 在电影中。 在杂志上。 在所有流行书籍中。 会有区别吗?

    说到仇恨。 为什么我们不应该恨? 为什么其他种族可以拥有,义愤填膺! 他们可以讨厌白人。 他们可以讨厌亚洲人。 亚洲人可以讨厌白人。 为什么只有白人不能讨厌。 对破坏、谋杀和强奸的仇恨是一件健康的事情。 仇恨你的国家解体是一件健康的事情。 讨厌操纵你的金融系统是健康的。 对外包制造的仇恨是健康的。 憎恨持续的反白人宣传是健康的,憎恨宣传它的人也是健康的。

    Bliss 的“他们来找我演讲”有一些推论。

    他们首先控制了银行。 然后他们接管了立法机关。 然后他们在致富的同时摧毁了货币。 然后他们接管了所有的土地、住房和工业。 然后,他们试图通过儿童卖淫、色情制品和对文化和宗教的不断攻击来挫败人们的士气。 然后他们试图接管这个国家,并在此过程中谋杀了数千人。 对德国人来说幸运的是,他们有阿道夫·希特勒。

    你可能讨厌希特勒,但德国人从来没有经历过犹太人接管俄罗斯后俄罗斯人所做的事情。 大多数人都喜欢希特勒。 当美国人因寡头金融操纵而饿死时,希特勒控制了德国的金融体系,德国人正在度假。

  93. @Harold

    哦,原来如此。 德系犹太人并不多(尽管公平地说,现代以色列主要是由德系犹太人在最初的领导层、本-古里安等人中建立的)

    这可能是因为我们被美国犹太人宠坏了,他们的平均智商为 115,是世界上任何群体中最高的智商之一。 因此我们倾向于认为全世界的犹太人智商都一样高。

    因为美国犹太人的智商是世界上最高的。 这是事实。 但是,这里的大多数是德系犹太人。

    所以哑巴是牧羊人。 换句话说,它们不是全部。

    但公平地说,以色列将近一半的人口是阿拉伯人。 所以这必须被考虑到等式中。 阿拉伯人可以拥有以色列公民身份并在以色列议会任职。 因此,以色列与美国犹太人相比智商较低,部分原因在于其阿拉伯人口(占以色列总人口的近一半)。

  94. @Jefferson

    所以,这意味着 Serena、Kobe、LeBron 和 Oprah 生活在全美表现最好的第 8 区!

  95. jo s'more 说:




    定居者需要一块土地,砍伐树木,建造房屋,犁地并种植足够的食物来养活自己、家人和当地人。 此时,铁路将他的剩余产品运送到城市。


    我们是定居者的后裔,而不是移民。 许多人可以指出,17 世纪中叶在马萨诸塞州开始的多代定居者,其子女随后在世纪之交定居纽约。 他们的孙子们在 19 世纪移居爱荷华州,并在 1812 年的战争中提供了土地。他们的曾孙子们继续在内布拉斯加州定居,而他们的 ggg 孙子们则在华盛顿定居。 这只是描述了一个英国家庭,有成千上万的后裔,他们是定居者而不是移民。



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