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对于另类右翼人士来说,每一个怨恨根源都在于犹太人。 最受欢迎的另类权利/新纳粹网站的主持人安德鲁·安格林(Andrew Anglin)解释说:“我们运动中唯一真正重要的是反犹太主义。” 他认为,如果只有犹太人走了,摆脱束缚的白人将立即克服其所有问题。 这种态度从何而来?

犹太人是一个引人注目的民族,数量虽少,但足迹却很大。 正如马克·吐温(Mark Twain)在1899年写道:

如果统计数字正确的话,犹太人只占人类总人口百分之一的四分之一……。应该不应该听到犹太人的声音,但是一直有人听说过犹太人。 他在地球上与其他任何人一样举世闻名,他的重要性与他的大块头格格不入。……他长生不老的秘诀是什么?

对于整个历史上的许多人来说,吐温问题的答案很简单:犹太人在自己中间合谋统治和不利于外邦人。 第二次世界大战之后,至少在有礼貌的社会,这个答案已经过时了。 然而,自1990年代以来,在加利福尼亚州立大学(现已退休)长滩心理学家凯文·麦克唐纳(Kevin MacDonald)的工作中,犹太人的知名度在阴谋论上采用了一种新的,更加荒谬的形式,在另类权利者中亲切地称为“ KMac”。 理查德·斯宾塞(Richard Spencer)曾是“另类右翼”一词的发明者,也是该运动的非官方领导人。他说:“在这个星球上,没有任何人比凯文·麦克唐纳(Kevin MacDonald)更加了解世界。 并且:“就思想领袖(船)而言,KMac ...可能是我们运动中最重要的人。” 要了解另类权利的反犹太主义,我们必须了解麦当劳的思想,尤其是他最有影响力的书中概述的思想, 批判文化.

麦克唐纳认为,犹太教是一种“群体进化策略”。 犹太人既具有遗传适应性又具有文化适应性(包括在遗传方面具有很高的智商和民族中心主义),这使他们能够发展成功的智力运动,从而破坏绅士社会并促进自身群体的连续性。 麦克唐纳认为:“犹太人的智力运动是由与拉比类似的超凡魅力人物领导的。 他们在倡导犹太民族主义的同时攻击白人民族主义,并使用伪科学对反犹太主义进行“病理化”,这实际上是对“犹太侵略”的合理回应。 麦克唐纳认为,犹太思想运动包括弗洛伊德主义,法兰克福学派批判理论和多元文化主义。 麦克唐纳声称,这些运动教导白人外邦人拒绝种族中心主义,并在容忍的同时接受高水平的非白人移民到他们的国家 犹太 以色列的民族中心主义和种族限制的移民政策。

麦克唐纳的理论和另一些右翼人士的反犹太主义在很大程度上是对犹太人所认为的自由主义的反应。 我们中的一位(Cofnas)刚刚出版 研究麦当劳最有影响力的书的学术论文, 批判文化,并发现其中充斥着虚假的来源,挑剔的事实以及历史的严重扭曲。 但是,麦克唐纳和另类权利人士都正确地指出,过去一百年来许多自由主义者的领导人都是犹太人。 我们想对此现象做出解释,并确定犹太自由主义是否是犹太人的自由主义。 原因 或者 导致 反犹太主义。


从麦克唐纳的书中了解了所有历史知识的人们可能会感到,在犹太人在启蒙运动开始进行知识分子攻击之前,传统的温和社会以“等级和谐”(他的任期)为标志。 这是对历史的严重歪曲。 外邦人激进分子已经存在了数百年,正是麦克唐纳认为犹太人的特征。 考虑一下法国大革命时期埃德蒙·伯克(Edmund Burke)对欧洲(外国)激进分子的评论:

仅在这些俱乐部中,公共措施就不会变成怪物。 他们以前在学院里经历过扭曲,原本打算在所有公共场所都设立了许多此类俱乐部的神学院。 在各种形式的会议中,每位大胆,暴力和fi逼人的律师都被视为天才的印记。 人性和同情心被当作迷信和无知的结果而被嘲笑。 对个人的温柔被视为对公众的叛国。

法国大革命本身是一次彻底成功的运动,它颠覆了法国所存在的任何“等级和谐”,它是由中青年领导的,并受到中青年哲学家的启发。 (许多为革命奠定基础的温和哲学家,例如伏尔泰,都是反犹太人。)像卢梭这样的激进法国思想家被麦克唐纳完全忽略了。

麦克唐纳(MacDonald)对法兰克福学派进行了详尽的分析,认为该学派的思想体系旨在通过促进非白人移民并总体上破坏白人文化来促进犹太人的利益。 (顺便说一句,麦克唐纳没有提到,法兰克福学派中最激​​烈的批评家都是犹太人,例如卡尔·波普尔,他们嘲笑他们作为伪科学的作品。)但是法国存在主义运动在每个重要方面都类似于法兰克福学派……除了……领导人让·保罗·萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre),西蒙娜·德·波伏娃(Simone de Beauvoir)和阿尔伯特·加缪(Albert Camus)是白人。

西蒙娜·德·波伏娃(Simone de Beauvoir)和让·保罗·萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)在北京,1955年
西蒙娜·德·波伏娃(Simone de Beauvoir)和让·保罗·萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)在北京,1955年

萨特(Sartre)是法国和美国的主要批评家,并大力支持法国的非白人移民。 法国存在主义者对传统的温和社会进行了激进的批评,并且像法兰克福学派一样,提出了先进的伪科学思想(明显地对人性提出了错误的主张,并拒绝对这些主张进行任何考验)。

很容易发现外邦人独立地提出与“犹太知识分子运动”所提倡的思想几乎相同的思想。 麦克唐纳(MacDonald)引用了福柯的声明:“如果我及时了解法兰克福学校,我将省去很多工作。 当法兰克福学校已经扫清道路时,我不会胡说八道,也不会走那么多错误的路要走,以免迷路。” 对于麦克唐纳而言,这表明了以犹太人为主的法兰克福学校的影响力。 但这也反映了这样一个事实,即尽管中产阶级福柯受到了法兰克福学派的影响,但他却沿着同样的道路独立思考。

不过,在过去的一百多年里,犹太人显然已经 代表过多 在自由运动的领导人中。 在共产主义领导人和革命家中,在著名的移民倡导者中,他们的人数过多。 即使自由主义不是麦克唐纳声称的犹太发明,我们仍然应该解释为什么犹太人似乎被它吸引得过多。 反犹太主义是对犹太自由主义的回应吗?或者反之吗?


马克·吐温(Mark Twain)对犹太人知识渊博的解释是:“犹太人的大脑在世界上平均水平最高。” 尽管犹太人占世界人口的比例还不到百分之一,但犹太人已经占世界象棋冠军的一半以上,约四分之一的菲尔兹奖得主在数学上,并且占诺贝尔奖获得者的五分之一以上。 社会科学家发现,智商测试中的阿什肯纳兹犹太人平均得分约为110-112(平均为100)。

格雷戈里·科克伦(Gregory Cochran),贾森·哈迪(Jason Hardy)和亨利·哈彭丁(Henry Harpending)认为,由于基因文化的共同发展,欧洲的阿什肯纳兹智商高。 犹太人被禁止从事农业等许多蓝领职业,因此转而求助于融资,尤其是放贷,以求生存。 例如,大约1270年的记录表明,鲁西永(今天的法国南部)近80%的成年男性犹太人以放债人为生。 金融需要相对较高的语言和数学智能,而这一假设是,无法削减业务的犹太人倾向于辍学或挨饿。

在Cochran,Hardy和Harpending的论文中,选择这些限制性条件是为了口头和数学上的智慧,而不是因为他们有参与麦克唐纳所描述的针对异教徒的阴谋的能力。 如果科克伦等。 是的,我们希望犹太人在科学和政治运动的领导中人数过多,因为犹太人和犹太人都是认知上的活动。 没有特别的理由期望犹太人仅在 自由派 动作。

大卫·霍洛维兹(David Horowitz)
大卫·霍洛维兹(David Horowitz)

确实,麦克唐纳和其他反犹太人在很大程度上忽略了以下事实:在各种右翼运动的领导者中,犹太人的人数明显过多:赫尔曼·卡恩,约翰·冯·诺伊曼和爱德华·泰勒等反共主义者; 像米尔顿(Milton)和戴维·弗里德曼(David Friedman),路德维希·冯·米塞斯(Ludwig von Mises),罗伯特·诺齐克(Robert Nozick),艾恩·兰德(Ayn Rand),默里·罗斯巴德(Murray Rothbard)和以色列·柯兹纳(以色列)那样的自由主义者; 传统保守主义者,例如艾伦·布鲁姆(Allan Bloom),大卫·霍洛维茨(David Horowitz)和理查德·波斯纳(Richard Posner); 以及唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的高级政策顾问,也许是美国最有影响力的反移民活动家斯蒂芬·米勒(Stephen Miller)。

但是麦克唐纳似乎是正确的,因为犹太人在二十世纪过多地参与了激进的左翼政治运动,在美国,犹太人倾向于投票给民主党人。 我们认为,这可以用犹太人的平均智商高,加上他们是受迫害的少数群体来解释,这倾向于将他们推向强调社会宽容和人民自由流动的政治观点。 换句话说,麦克唐纳扭转了因果关系的正确顺序:犹太人提倡大都会主义作为对迫害的可预见的反应,而不是犹太人通过提倡破坏欧洲人利益的大都会政策来鼓励迫害。

在中世纪,由于宗教原因开始对犹太人的迫害,并随着犹太人开始攀登社会阶梯而演变为政治迫害,政治领导人将其视为有用的外来群体,可作为人们经济和社会困境的替罪羊。 例如,当意大利商人无意中将黑死病从亚洲带到欧洲时,成千上万的犹太人被报复杀害,当时基督教徒农民判定犹太人故意感染了他们。

Fettmilch Riot:22年1614月XNUMX日在法兰克福掠夺Judengasse(犹太人)
Fettmilch Riot:22年1614月XNUMX日在法兰克福掠夺Judengasse(犹太人)

乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell)理解了将轻蔑指向外部群体的心理好处,以促进内部群体之间的社会凝聚力。 在他的伟大小说中, 十九点八十四,他给无产阶级中每天都会遭受“两分钟仇恨”的角色一个犹太名字:戈德斯坦。 很明显为什么。 奥威尔的暗示是,苏联和其他政权正在利用人类的某些需要而讨厌的群体,以培养对集团内领导人的忠诚和服从。

政治心理学中有一些证据表明,高智商和自由政治信仰之间存在相关性。 因此,我们可能会怀疑,智商在世界上最高的Ashkenazi犹太人会倾向于自由主义者。 然而,有趣的是,智商与古典自由主义正相关,古典自由主义既强调社会自由又强调经济自由。 这似乎是因为具有较高智力的人倾向于表现出个性特征,例如开放的经验和对不同生活方式的包容。 但是,那些智商较高的人更有可能支持自由市场经济政策(旧时的意思是“自由主义”)。 需要情报来了解贸易如何可以成为正和博弈,以及如何从彼此自由互动的个人中产生秩序。

犹太人倾向于倾向于强调保护少数人权利的自由主义和世界性政治哲学的历史原因也有明显的历史原因。 在XNUMX世纪初期,社会主义者拒绝了人类的自然等级制度,并敦促受迫害的少数民族推翻其压迫者。 对许多犹太人来说,社会主义意味着摆脱他们一个多世纪以来面临的法律和社会障碍。 尽管社会主义社会在实践中没有兑现诺言,但犹太人很容易认同他们拥护的价值观。 大屠杀加剧了犹太人的感觉,民族主义运动是危险的,而救助在于自由世界主义。


波普尔区分科学与非科学的著名标准是“可证伪性”。 他说,任何合法的科学理论都应指明世界的某种状况,如果观察到这种状况,将会使我们 逻辑 被迫拒绝该理论。 波普尔准则的问题之一是,从他所设想的强烈意义上讲,不存在伪造这样的事情。 不限 面对现实可以挽救理论 任何 证据,尽管这可能需要一些幻想的理论。 在实践中,我们仅需使用判断来决定我们正在考虑的哪些竞争理论以最明智的方式解释了我们的观察结果。 就MacDonald而言,众多 Cofnas论文中记录的事实错误 可以说是“伪造”了他的理论。 右翼犹太人或激进的外邦人的任何一个例子也不能。 我们只需要用自己的判断力来判断他的阴谋论是否比我们提倡的简单的高智商加迫害理论更好地解释了犹太自由主义。

没有任何证据可以反驳一个理论。 但是,正如有影响力的犹太科学哲学家托马斯·库恩(Thomas Kuhn)和伊姆雷·拉卡托斯(Imre Lakatos)争论的那样,最终 特设 为了在面对反例的情况下维持一种理论,我们必须做出的假设变得如此之大,以至于该理论表明自己没有任何预测或解释价值。 也许麦克唐纳(MacDonald)有一个 特设 解释为何欧洲最自由的国家(过去几年中相对于其人口最多的国家接受了最大数量的移民),瑞典和德国,犹太人的数量却很少。 也许他还有另一个 特设 解释为什么像Noam Chomsky这样的犹太人是以色列的世界主要批评家。 为什么在过去的两千年中不受卢梭和萨特等犹太人影响的外邦人成为政治激进分子。 至于这些 特设 解释令人信服,我们将不得不运用自己的判断力。

我们认为麦克唐纳(MacDonald)将无法挽回其假说,因为假说是建立在虚假的来源和歪曲之上。 但是对于一些不诚实的另类右翼领导人来说,他的思想的字面意思可能并不那么重要。 他们需要一个敌人来统一他们的行动。 发挥这种作用的人比犹太人方便得多。

乔纳森·安诺莫利(Jonathan Anomaly)是亚利桑那州大学政治经济学系的核心教员,也是PPEL计划的助理教授。

内森·科夫纳斯(Nathan Cofnas)正在牛津大学攻读哲学博士学位。

(从重新发布 Quillette.com 经作者或代表的许可)
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 文章中没有提到的一个主题是犹太人的异婚,但我很想听听评论者的意见。

    根据麦克唐纳、乔伊斯、安格林以及大量带有 Groyper/Pepe/动漫头像的随机 Twitter 账户等的说法,犹太人是 非常 以种族为中心的群体,他们不断地有意无意地勾结,以牺牲外邦人的利益为代价来推进自己的利益。此外,犹太人认为自己是非白人,尽管他们出于邪恶的目的对外邦人撒谎。 (请记住,这与 @fashy_pepe88 在一条有关美国人口统计数据的推文中将自己描述为“白人”,以及在另一条有关 Meds vs. Nords 的推文中将自己描述为“意大利人”时完全不同。)

    然而,根据皮尤研究中心最近的数据,犹太人的异婚率为 58%,非正统犹太人的异婚率为 70%(他们是在媒体、金融、学术界等领域有影响力的犹太人中的绝大多数)。 - 正统犹太人的生育率低于 2.1 更替阈值。

    这怎么可能与犹太人秘密地积极促进其作为一个族群的利益的行为的描述相符呢?犹太人肯定必须这样做 存在 作为一个独特的民族有利益需要促进吗?比如说,提倡女权主义在某种程度上是“犹太群体进化策略”的一部分,但拥有犹太后代却不是,这难道不会让你感到奇怪吗?

    事实上,考虑一下对犹太人人口统计数据和非犹太白人人口统计数据的另类右翼观点之间令人震惊的脱节。根据从贾里德·泰勒到安德鲁·安格林等白人民族主义者的说法,通婚对白人来说是一个巨大的威胁,事实上,犹太广告和娱乐媒体经常声称通婚是积极宣传的。对于几乎所有白人民族主义者来说,拥有更多的白人孩子即使不是真的,也是一个问题。 ,头等大事(正如臭名昭著的14个字所暗示的那样)。与非白人结婚的白人,尤其是女性,被认为是令人厌恶的种族叛徒,《每日冲锋队》经常发表有关此事的文章。

    然而犹太人的异族通婚现象仍然存在 6倍 显白率10%!想象一下,如果大多数或绝大多数白人与非白人结婚,白人民族主义者会有什么反应!他们会说白人相对于非白人在促进他们的种族利益方面做得非常出色吗?


  2. 只是一个测试评论——我之前尝试发表过一条评论,但即使在等待审核阶段,它也没有出现。


    • 回复: @another fred
  3. 这里的核心问题与上面辩论措辞中的问题确实不同……一场分散人们对政治生活核心问题、寡头统治的“辩论”

    犹太人只是一个自我组织的小群体的一个主要例子,但不是唯一的一个,其中一些人非常突出地、奴性地服务于统治寡头……具有某些共同的犹太群体特征,使犹太人群体成为寡头的首要推动者,即“犹太洁食”。 nostra”……这些许多可见的“宫廷犹太人”是高度可见的寡头仆人,为一个大多数非犹太人的寡头集团服务,在幕后。


    从历史上看,其他群体可能更经常地充当寡头黑手党,特别是同性恋者,他们能够通过所谓的“独身”作为“僧侣”或在西方,作为未婚的基督教“牧师”使用宗教裹尸布。今天,我们可能会通过 SJW 文化马克思主义回到寡头利用同性恋阴谋集团作为他们取代犹太黑手党的首选工具。




    为什么寡头比所有其他黑手党更喜欢使用犹太黑手党? 它们具有独特的优势:

    (1) 他们本质上是一个小团体

    (2) 非黑手党犹太人受到宗教种族命令的约束,不得在公共场合批评犹太人同胞,因此其他犹太人如果批评或揭露犹太黑手党活动,则属于“违法行为”

    (3) 作为孩子,犹太人经常受到心理伤害,导致他们变得神经质、聪明、善于操纵、狡猾、无情地渴望寻求权力和财富……这是通过以下方式实现的:
    — (a)普遍存在男婴儿童生殖器残割(割礼)并不断提醒这一点,导致犹太人潜意识里有统治他人的欲望,再加上残害自己的孩子,升华了成年人对残害生殖器的报复欲望,永远无法挽回的身体伤害
    — (b) 不断地认为犹太人是脆弱和危险的,外来者是天敌,导致人们接受极端不正当的措施,认为这是犹太人生存所必需的,再多的财富或权力也不足以保护犹太人

    (4) 犹太人确实有一种至上主义意识形态,体现在他们的“圣书”《塔木德》经文中,而这种意识形态又模仿了犹太衍生的“亚伯拉罕”宗教基督教和伊斯兰教。无论是从《塔木德》和拉比经文注释中明确的意识形态,还是从几千年来作为一个被怨恨、攻击和脆弱的民族来看,犹太人都被赋予了“为了我们群体的成功,不择手段”的生存心态。 ,“我们完全有权以任何形式进行欺骗,因为这对于我们生存是必要的”

    (5) 犹太人有 2000 年的传统,他们中的一些人是奴隶,为任何社会的最高权力而合作的“宫廷犹太人”,愿意参与任何利用犹太黑手党作为推动者的战争或残酷行为

    (6) 很容易引起对充当操纵黑手党的知名犹太人的不满,很快就会发展成一般的反犹太言论,这些言论可以被谴责为种族主义、反犹太主义、仇恨犯罪,尤其是 1933-45 年之后的“邪恶”; 反之亦然,为寡头服务的犹太黑手党可以强加为“保护受威胁的犹太人”和“打击反犹太主义”

    (7) 不喜欢操​​纵黑手党的知名犹太人,以及关于“反犹太偏执”的辩论和运动,极大地分散了人们对寡头权力的注意力……因此,反犹太主题有时甚至被一些“假反对派——热度”积极推动由寡头代理人资助和运营的“水槽”人物和网站

    (8) 犹太团体可以利用基督教和伊斯兰教中亲犹太人、亲以色列的邪教主义获利,“亚伯拉罕宗教”现在已经影响了半个世界的 3 亿人……任何批评犹太人的基督徒、穆斯林或西方人实际上是在批评他的宗教信仰。自己的遗产,加上“反犹太主义”

    • 回复: @Epigon
  4. 我们需要在这个论述中添加一个元素。人们可以说犹太自由主义是对迫害的过度反应,而不是说犹太自由主义是对迫害的反应。我手头没有链接,但我认为是塞勒写了德系犹太人具有“忧虑基因”,即容易神经质和焦虑。事实上,人们常说精神病学是奥地利犹太人发明的,目的是试图解决他们社区或家庭中的神经质问题。加文·麦金尼斯写道,他认识一些非常聪明的犹太知识分子,他们非常担心特朗普会给他们毒气——尽管特朗普的所有孩子都嫁给了犹太人,但实际上,如果有人在不伤害犹太人方面拥有“基因利益”,那就是特朗普。



  5. @the Supreme Gentleman


    我确实认为存在一种密切相关的选择,那就是根据自我驯化理论的选择。这种现象不仅仅涉及犹太人和外邦人,而且在犹太文化中似乎尤其强烈,无论是来自内部还是外部力量。这种现象在北亚人群中也已经存在了相当长一段时间,并且与格雷戈里·克拉克(Gregory Clark)在《告别施舍》中的论文非常一致。

    选择不是一个温和的过程,需要施加力量, 尤其是道德,在存在群体内群体外冲突的情况下进行自我驯化,具有爆炸性的潜力。这是当前文化冲突中一个被忽视的方面,不仅涉及反犹太主义,而且涉及整个种族冲突。

  6. Anonymous [又名“超越愤怒”] 说:




    乔姆斯基公开支持两国骗局并反对 BDS。他在基布兹生活了一段时间,实际上可能拥有以色列公民身份。在他对以色列的所有所谓“批评”中,他解释说以色列采取的几乎所有行动都是按照美国的命令进行的。乔姆斯基或多或少否认以色列游说团体的存在。当谈到犹太人占领巴勒斯坦的大规模犯罪和杀戮性质时,乔姆斯基存在巨大的道德盲点。没有奖励找出明显的原因。他的所谓批评看起来更像是有控制的反对。

  7. 我怀疑某些历史观点是否正确。这意味着我们还必须讨论结论。我读到过,犹太人在被禁止从事传统职业之前就已经离开了。在被禁止拥有土地后,他们没有成为律师和放债人。仅在他们有了新职业一个世纪(或多或少)后,他们就被禁止拥有土地。还有一位作者讨论了依地语的起源,他说,当你今天访问普拉格时,你会被告知,犹太人过去居住的地方是沼泽,尽管它们今天看起来是非常好的地方。但是,她说,事实并非如此。这些地方在还是犹太人居住区的时候就已经是最好的地方了。我还认为,历史上对犹太人迫害的历史要复杂得多。看看埃利奥特·霍洛维茨(Elliott Horowitz)的书,《鲁莽的仪式:普珥节和犹太暴力的遗产(从古代到现代世界的犹太人、基督徒和穆斯林)》。

  8. 关于身份群体竞争,使用社会科学来回答以下问题会很有趣:哪些美国身份群体(种族、宗教等)在以下群体中代表人数最多且占主导地位:


    - 反基督教活动家
    - 反言论自由活动家
    - 反枪支活动家
    - 反穆斯林活动家
    - 反俄活动家
    - 反白人活动家
    -Antifa 领导人
    -CFR 成员
    - 民主党领袖
    - 对冲基金领袖
    - 好莱坞领袖
    - 主流媒体领袖
    - 新保守党领袖
    - 新自由主义领袖
    - 政策智库领袖
    - 支持堕胎的活动家
    - 支持非法移民的积极分子
    - 支持互联网审查的活动家
    - 支持伊朗战争的活动家
    - 亲伊拉克战争活动家
    - 支持大规模监视的活动家
    - 支持酷刑的活动家
    - 大学领导
    - 华尔街领袖

    数据中最重要的模式是什么? 身份群体权力最集中的地方在哪里,这些权力中心之间有什么联系?


    哪些是美国族群中最具民族中心主义的群体? 哪些群体最能围绕民族激进主义组织政治?


    上个世纪,世界上哪些民族最容易卷入与其他民族的冲突? 世界上哪些群体最以种族为中心? 哪些群体在全球舞台上最具影响力?

    • 回复: @dahoit
    , @Zan Zibar
  9. Anonymous [又名“奥托_”] 说:

    这是一次稻草人攻击:造成他们特权的不是犹太人的“裙带关系”和他们的“群体策略”,而是他们的“高智商”和他们的地理位置。 (在城市地区,靠近其他犹太人)

    这篇文章是一个笑话,因为它的字面意思是 KMac 必须解释如果诺姆·乔姆斯基的理论是正确的,他是如何存在的。

    它还将卢梭描述为非犹太人的颠覆者,这是对KMac理论的错误“否定”或“反例”。 (卢梭并未被指控实行裙带集团策略)








    • 同意: TheBoom
    • 回复: @lavoisier
  10. 这篇文章是对反犹太主义胡言乱语的改进,后者已成为 Unz 网站的标识符。另一方面,作者似乎延续了许多古老的神话。而且,他们的批评是在严格的智商正统观念的范围内。


    Evo-psych 不是一门科学,这使它类似于精神分析。 我并不是说它毫无价值,只是......麦克唐纳根本不了解弗洛伊德精神分析的根源(叔本华,皮埃尔珍妮特,世纪末的知识分子气候,..)。 弗洛伊德认为自己是“心灵的达尔文”,并希望他的“心灵的形而上学”在世纪之交被证明与生物学或生理学一样精确。 没有什么“颠覆性”的,只是失败的科学和伟大的文学。 弗洛伊德的作品仍然是现代德国(和西方)文学的纪念碑之一,类似于叔本华和尼采等文学哲学家的作品——但它无论是作为精神病学的一个分支,还是作为一种疗法,基本上都毫无用处。 从本质上讲,弗洛伊德是一个神话制造者(原始部落,潜意识中的动态无意识,心智的三重分裂,复合体,防御机制,爱欲与死神……) 您在索福克勒斯、莎士比亚、叔本华和陀思妥耶夫斯基中拥有所有这些(以及更多)。 他们是什么“雅利安人”颠覆者?

    阿什肯纳兹智商神话。 https://www.unz.com/article/iq-or-the-mathverbal-split/
    从本质上讲,这是一个复杂的问题,在更高的智商与人类成就之间找不到强相关性。 从历史上看,大多数犹太人的成就来自塞法迪/伊比利亚和北非犹太人(迈蒙尼德、约瑟夫卡罗、斯宾诺莎等),而德系犹太人则落后于 18 世纪后期的德国启蒙运动。

    我们只是不知道为什么某些群体(公元前 700 年至公元前 200 年的希腊人、公元 12 至 14 世纪的蒙古人、1300 至 1600 年的佛罗伦萨意大利人、1750 至 1940 年代的德国人……)在许多地区的人数过多。 ,或在某些特定领域。 犹太人的过度代表现在可能有 100-150 年之久。 为什么? 我们不知道。

    美国犹太人天生就是左派,因为他们绝大多数来自 2 世纪下半叶的东欧高度政治化、“进步主义”和社会主义环境。

    至于法兰克福学派、马克思主义、……麦克唐纳对这些问题了解不多。 他可能太老了,无法修改他的想法,但他的追随者可以尝试拓宽视野。



    • 回复: @Gleimhart
  11. mark green 说:


    那么另类右翼到底错在哪里呢? (什么是正确的?)


    这两个轻量级人物所做的只是大量参考犹太权威人物,并在一本书中挑选出一些弱点。但他们并没有正面对待麦克唐纳。 “高智商迫害”?胡扯。聪明而有成就的人往往会受到钦佩。即使是有钱人。令人憎恨的是剥削性和寄生性的人们(无论智商如何)。

    另外:Anomaly 和 Cofnas 认为另类右翼的正确做法是什么?有什么吗?他们从不说。他们的整个论点(如果有的话)是反动的、片面的。这两位加密货币至上主义者只同意麦克唐纳的观点,即(德系)犹太人(通常)比普通人更聪明(根据标准智商测试来衡量)。对他们来说,这就解释了一切。





    至于智力,以色列的平均智商实际上低于 100。令人惊讶,但却是事实。那里有很多不太聪明的犹太人。但他们现在都受益于特殊地位。和特权。这归因于犹太人对大多数美国大众媒体的统治。具有讽刺意味的是,当犹太领导人(利用美国力量)策划多场侵略战争时,犹太人作为一个阶级,继续享有他们作为世界上最重要受害者的贱民地位。这是一项辉煌的成就。而且是一个恶魔。





    麦克唐纳认为,许多犹太知识分子运动(也将自己描述为普遍的和乌托邦的)给白人社会和白人政治利益带来了巨大的成本。但我们不应该检查这个。麦克唐纳将这些点联系起来。为此,犹太人瞄准了他。我在 YouTube 上对麦克唐纳的电视采访未经我同意就被编辑了。这是犹太人的审查制度。限制言论是他们用来维持权力的一种策略。






    例如,当诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)这位老教授仍然反对BDS并宣扬美国对伊拉克的战争是“石油战争”以及以色列是“华盛顿的工具”的谎言时,他怎么能被称为“以色列最伟大的批评者”呢? 。完全是胡言乱语。乔姆斯基是犹太人“受控制的反对派”的缩影。

    对以色列(以及以色列对世界的影响)的真正而有力的犹太批评者确实存在,但很少见。杰出人物包括 Gilad Atzmon、Jeff Blankfort 以及(通常)Israel Shamir 和 Philip Weiss。当然还有其他的。但犹太知识分子在谈到犹太国家时通常会谨慎行事。在这个问题上,他们存在着巨大的利益冲突。但他们就在那里。外邦人通常不被允许批评犹太人或以色列的权力。

    我们外邦人不应该注意到犹太人被允许遵守的特权、双重标准和特殊规则。但如果我们确实注意到了,我们就不应该说任何不友善的话。 (对犹太人的)批评是反犹太主义!












    有组织的犹太团体(例如美国犹太人委员会)数十年来为改变美国移民法所做的努力最终在 1965 年通过了《移民改革法案》。这是犹太人的胜利。然而,它破坏了美国白人的安全和权力。


    另类右翼不仅仅对犹太激进主义和部落主义造成的问题感兴趣。 “同性恋”权利、女权主义倡导、强迫种族融合和不受控制的非法移民也会(有时)产生破坏性影响;以及持续不断的美国先发制人的战争危机,这些战争最终总是针对以色列的敌人。


  12. Lot 说:
    @the Supreme Gentleman


    所有“大牌”反犹太主义者都是生活中的失败者,他们关注妓女并怨恨在美国取得成功的人。采用历史上最邪恶的人之一的观点和意识形态,他杀害了如此多的美国人的亲属,是吸引注意力和震惊广场的好方法。他们是成年人,有着爱发脾气的幼儿和 13 岁“YouTube 明星”的成熟度。


  13. Rosie 说:



  14. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    因为成熟的犹太知识分子并没有被记录下来为自己鼓吹特殊主义,为东道主鼓吹普遍主义* 1 * 并不意味着这不是犹太社区的净行为。

    让我们把金钱作为衡量标准:有多少犹太人的钱用于支持西方的“普世主义”事业,并与“极右翼”作斗争? (SPLC、ADL)有多少资金用于支持“极右翼”(阿姆伦、美国自由党)?哪个更大?另一方面,犹太人有多少资金用于支持以色列? (收买唯利是图的政客、支持定居点建设、与生俱来的以色列之旅)还有多少去反对以色列的民族主义举措和驱逐巴勒斯坦人? (要求在美国/以色列公立学校进行同情教学?购买国会议员前往约旦河西岸和加沙的旅行?支持 BDS?


    假设:如果 50% 的散居犹太人支持以色列的民族主义,但不反对西方的民族主义,而另外 50% 的人反对西方的民族主义,同时只是象征性地努力反对以色列的民族主义 — — 尽管没有一个犹太人是行为虚伪——犹太社区的集体效应难道不是高度虚伪吗?这是。

    犹太知识分子的领军人物并不经常被公开伪善地为自己鼓吹自己否认他人的东西,但普通犹太人却会这样做。根据我的经验,大多数(如果不是大多数)普通犹太人对美国和以色列持有未经审查的(?)虚伪立场。 而且很容易发现他们笨手笨脚地寻找言语来试图证明自己的立场是正确的。* 2 *

    * * *

    科夫纳斯似乎同意凯文所说的大部分内容。科夫纳斯认为,犹太人是自由派,因为他们聪明、城市化且遭受迫害。凯文的罪过显然在于他过于关注“迫害”作为犹太自由主义的解释因素,而不是强调“迫害”,而是描述了两个群体发生冲突的情况。以下是西奥多·赫茨尔的观点: “当我们沉没的时候,我们就成为革命的无产阶级,成为一切革命政党的下级军官;与此同时,当我们崛起时,我们可怕的钱包力量也随之崛起。” 这听起来像是一场群体冲突,其中受到迫害的不仅仅是犹太人。* 3 *

    * * *


    * * *


    问:异族通婚会扩大还是缩小犹太社区?实际上,这取决于犹太人的身份在未来如何演变,无论是在自我认同方面还是在更大社区对自我认同的接受方面。这很难预测,但根据与混血犹太人的轶事经验,我的猜测是,它会 *生长* 犹太社区,由于犹太人在恶作剧中的自我认同率很高。

    异族通婚是否表明犹太社区最近变得不像以前那么种族中心主义了?是的,我认为是这样,但这并不能反驳 KMac 的理论,因为它们与历史上的犹太人有关。

    * 1 * 显然除了波德霍雷兹之外,实际上是谁干的呢?

    * 2 * 而且,这是一位拉比,所以高于平均水平。

    * 3 * 伯纳德·拉扎尔 (Bernard Lazare) 的看法也类似。

    • 同意: Malcolm X-Lax
  15. Anon • 免责声明 说:






    • 同意: mark green
    • 回复: @Rosie
    , @Josecanuc
  16. Lot 说:

    平克在 KMac 上

    麦克唐纳已经宣布我将拒绝他的想法,因为我是犹太人,那么回复他们有什么意义呢? 。麦克唐纳的各种论点,即使单独地值得进行科学辩论,但总的来说,用充满价值的、贬低性的语言表达了对犹太人一贯的令人反感的描绘。不可避免地会产生这样的印象:这不是一个普通的科学假设

  17. Lot 说:

    麦克唐纳表示他将支持以色列 换来的 犹太人对白人民族主义的支持。




  18. Anon • 免责声明 说:


  19. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    犹太人投票支持左翼政党是出于自身利益,而不是出于对人类的普世之爱。根据 史蒂芬·艾萨克斯,《犹太人与美国政治》一书的作者 犹太人“不是自由派选民”。 “他们是社会上最自私的选民。”他们“害怕右翼”和共和党,因为该党历史上“容纳了大多数反犹太分子”。犹太人不是自由主义者。他们不是普遍主义者。他们是特殊主义者。碰巧的是,最适合散居海外的特殊主义议程的政党是“自由左派”政党(而在以色列,利库德集团则相反)。事实上,所有少数族裔出于同样的原因投票支持左翼政党。西方国家唯一的普世主义群体是投票左派的白人基督徒。他们是唯一从事精神受虐的人,相信这会创造一个更美好的世界。如果犹太人也这样做,他们就会投票给有利于白人基督徒多数利益的政党。因此,这削弱了科夫纳斯的论点,即犹太人投票给左翼政党的最简约论点是,他们实际上只是更聪明、更城市化的白人普世基督徒。他们大多不是。* 0 *

    * * *

    恐怕平克被他的种族中心主义所蒙蔽了。他不是赫茨尔或伯纳德·拉扎尔。他们是更加诚实的人并且能够内省。平克接受了一个有趣但(老实说,本质上)毫无根据的想法,即犹太人由于泰萨克斯类疾病的杂合性而具有高智商。* 1 *2* 3 * 麦克唐纳的论点要简洁得多* 4 * 但平克却毫不在意地抛弃了它。它们可能都是对的,也可能是假的,但他对每一个的处理方式的差异是惊人的。

    犹太人现在享有的地位就是赫茨尔所说的“ “钱包的可怕力量”阶段。 犹太人很强大。正如罗得所说:“犹太人:统治世界的大部分地区。”这使他们处于一种特权地位,可以轻松地与小人物为敌。* 5 * 从历史上看,这会刺激宿主的免疫反应,并最终导致农民“迫害”它们。犹太人逃亡,并请求允许他们进入下一个国家,在那里他们“保证这次他们会做好事”。然后,一切又重新开始,一个持续了数千年的循环。这是赫茨尔看到的一个循环,它激发了他的犹太复国主义。* 6 *

    * * *

    * 0 * 如果没有犹太人的虚伪,你会期望犹太裔美国人投票支持美国类似的利库德集团(这将是一个远远位于共和党右翼的民族主义政党),其投票率与他们投票给利库德集团(以及一切都在其右边,放在一起)在以色列。他们甚至不会以这样的比例投票给共和党。

    * 1 * 或者说,这些疾病的高发生率表明了达尔文的智力选择。

    * 2 * 爱尔兰人、卡真人和法裔加拿大人的泰萨克斯病毒携带率也很高。 他们以高智商而闻名吗?从来没有一项针对泰萨克斯杂合子的智商研究报告称智商有所提高。* 7 * 这是毫无根据的猜测,但到处都被轻信地引用,包括平克。平克在对待自己的人民时并不客观。

    * 3 * 我们拥有的关于犹太人智力原因的唯一生物学证据是对犹太人大脑大小的研究。这些研究虽然规模较小, 表明他们的大脑比外邦人的大脑稍小, 这与你所期望的基因解释相反,表明犹太人的智商是文化的产物,而不是基因的产物。 (另一方面,亚洲人的大脑>白种人的大脑>黑种人的大脑,这正是你所期望的基因解释。)

    * 4 * 不过,不一定是全部。

    * 5 * “我们又大又强,我们拥有机构权力。我们的虚伪逃脱了惩罚,不,我们并不后悔。不,我们并不感到内疚,因为你是在我们软弱和需要帮助时收留我们的人。”

    * 6 * 另请参阅 伯纳德·拉扎尔 评论。

    * 7 * 然而,有人说他们并不沮丧。

  20. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    纠正一点,据报道扭转肌张力障碍在德系犹太人中更为常见,并且与较高的智商相关,因此这至少是支持遗传解释的一些证据。 (我应该指出,近视也是如此,但最节俭的致病因素不是多效性,而是花时间在室内阅读导致高智商分数和近视。类似的解释也适用于扭转肌张力障碍。)

  21. Gleimhart 说:


  22. Gleimhart 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian


  23. 我们中的一个人(科夫纳斯)刚刚发表了一篇学术论文,研究了麦克唐纳最具影响力的著作《批判文化》,发现其中充满了歪曲的资料来源、精心挑选的事实以及对历史的严重歪曲。





    欧洲尚未学会如何实现多元文化。我认为我们将成为这场必须发生的变革阵痛的一部分。欧洲不会再像上世纪那样成为铁板一块的社会。犹太人将成为其中的中心。这对欧洲来说是一个巨大的转变。他们现在正在进入多元文化模式,犹太人会因为我们的主导作用而受到怨恨。但如果没有这种领导作用,没有这种转变,欧洲将无法生存。 – Barbara Lerner Spectre,瑞典欧洲犹太研究所 Paideia 的创始所长,Paideia 是一家非宗派学术机构,成立于 2001 年。


  24. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    罗得认为白人民族主义者有多想支持 托洛茨基的重罪犯曾孙 攻击巴勒斯坦人并窃取他们的土地?

  25. Rosie 说:

    有趣的是,犹太人可以通过一种非常简单的方式来果断地反驳 Kmac:集体站出来支持白人的主张。



    • 同意: Daniel Williams
  26. 麦克唐纳认为,犹太知识分子运动包括弗洛伊德主义、法兰克福学派批判理论和多元文化主义。

    他们遗漏了弗朗茨·博阿斯人类学(《人类学》第 2 章) 批判文化).



  27. Jason Liu 说:



    1. 麦克唐纳以过于达尔文主义的方式描绘了犹太人的行为。犹太人并不是为了吸吮白人社会而进化而来的高度专业化的寄生虫,他们的行为只是任何侵略性少数群体如果可以的话都会做的事情。由于偏执的神经质、智力和财富/权力的结合,犹太人在少数族裔游戏中比其他人表现得更好。


    3. 归咎于犹太人的许多罪恶实际上是白人行为的后果。即普遍主义、个人主义、对抽象观念的极端追求、清教徒式的道德愤怒、反独裁主义、对妇女不切实际的看法等等。有时这些是好事,有时却不是。一个没有这些东西的社会可能会让左翼分子保持沉默,建造武装边境墙,并驱逐犹太人。

    • 回复: @hyperbola
    , @Anon
    , @Max Denken
  28. 我认为大多数美国人并不讨厌犹太人,也不是“反犹太主义者”,他们只是厌倦了对他们所居住的国家所发生的事情没有发言权。
    很难不注意到 AIPAC 的幕后操纵,以及他们控制着资金的事实。如果外邦人经营美联储,并且可以以别人的费用印制他们想要的所有货币,并将其分发给他们选择的其他外邦人,那么,外邦人可能会做得很好,就像犹太人一样……

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  29. hyperbola 说:
    @Jason Liu





    ……然而,主流犹太教与犹太复国主义和以色列国的联系越来越紧密。全世界大约有 13 万犹太人(其中约 5.8 万生活在美国,而以色列有 4.6 万)。据犹太机构称,“世界各地 70% 的犹太人认为以色列对其犹太身份至关重要。”犹太复国主义教育针对的是剩下的 30%,他们被归类为“同化和犹太文盲”的受害者。再次引用犹太机构的话,“犹太复国主义教育是犹太人延续性和身份的一个重要方面。”这项努力自《贝尔福宣言》出台之前就一直在进行,取得了巨大成功。走进世界上任何地方的绝大多数犹太教堂,您都会看到图片、海报、声明或其他与以色列国有联系的标志。与会众交谈,你很快就会发现他们认为犹太教和以色列国家密不可分。事实上,大多数犹太人从小就被教育要发自内心地关心这个部落国家的福祉。 ……

    • 回复: @snorlax
  30. hyperbola 说:


    米洛·扬诺普洛斯 (Milo Yiannopoulos) 是犹太复国主义骗子


    史蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)的一些朋友是犹太人,他们爱他的犹太复国主义


    在2015年2007月发布的《布赖特巴特新闻》上,索洛夫描述了XNUMX年新闻网站的构想。索洛夫写道,在与犹太创始人兼网站创始人安德鲁·布赖特巴特(Andrew Breitbart)前往以色列的旅途中,发生了这种情况。


    • 回复: @Dan Hayes
  31. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Jason Liu


    您确实需要订阅《纽约时报》。每天都会有一篇编辑、评论或其他内容,明确争论“X 适合我,不适合你”。每一个 …。单身的…。天。

  32. I·凯文·麦克唐纳





    然而,这也意味着媒体撰稿人,无论是作为记者还是作为他们的研究对象,犹太人的数量是普通人口的十倍。任何通过媒体对一个国家形成印象的人都会认为英国有 5% 的犹太人,美国有 25%。

    25% 已经很多了。我们经常听说某些职业需要“看起来像美国”,但这种特殊的过度代表性是不值得讨论的。事实上,只要你提起它,你很可能会发现你的职业生涯戛然而止。






    但诚实是稀缺的。公共生活中的任何人,无论正确或错误,在政治或媒体上表达对犹太民族中心主义的怀疑,但没有越过反犹太主义的界限,很快就会发现自己失业 — — 而且很可能也失业了。


    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Bardon Kaldian
  33. fnn 说:

    但是麦克唐纳似乎是正确的,因为犹太人在二十世纪过多地参与了激进的左翼政治运动,在美国,犹太人倾向于投票给民主党人。 我们认为,这可以用犹太人的平均智商高,加上他们是受迫害的少数群体来解释,这倾向于将他们推向强调社会宽容和人民自由流动的政治观点。 换句话说,麦克唐纳扭转了因果关系的正确顺序:犹太人提倡大都会主义作为对迫害的可预见的反应,而不是犹太人通过提倡破坏欧洲人利益的大都会政策来鼓励迫害。

    在美国,犹太人从来没有受到过多大的迫害。换句话说,犹太人在美国遭受的迫害远少于爱尔兰人和意大利人,而后两个群体并没有遭受太多迫害。问问自己是否觉得奇怪 *首都* 20世纪美国反犹太主义的发源地是明尼苏达州(!),如“明尼苏达好”中所示:

    明尼阿波利斯的反犹太主义始于1880年代至1950年代。[29] 这座城市在1946年被Carey McWilliams [30]和1959年被Gunther Plaut [31]描述为“美国反犹太主义之都”。 当时,该市的犹太人被排除在许多组织的会员资格之外,面临就业歧视,在某些社区被视为不受欢迎的居民。[32] 明尼阿波利斯的犹太人也不允许在明尼阿波利斯的某些街区购买房屋。[33]

  34. Anon • 免责声明 说:





    * * *



    * * *




    最后,麦克唐纳从未声称这100%是犹太人的错,他广泛谈论了北欧人民的个人主义和普遍主义倾向,以及这如何使他们容易受到犹太人等氏族外群体的剥削。盎格鲁撒克逊人有公平竞争的意识, 板球, * 1 * 正如乔治·巴顿将军可能会说的那样,由于犹太人在贫民窟生活的岁月、部落主义和阿什克帕蒂的缘故,犹太人往往缺乏这种能力。

    * 1 * “我坦率地反对这种战争犯罪行为。它不是板球,而是闪族运动。我也反对将战俘送往外国当奴隶,那里许多人会被饿死” *2.3* – 巴顿文件,1940-1945

    * 2 * “所有这些写作都是犹太人为了报复而写的。事实上,德国人是欧洲仅存的正派民族。这是他们和俄罗斯人之间的选择。我更喜欢德国人。”

    * 3 * 关于俄罗斯占领柏林:“据说,在他们占领柏林后的第一周,所有逃跑的妇女都被枪杀,而那些没有逃跑的妇女则被强奸。”

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
    , @Karl
  35. Anonymous [又名“看这个”] 说:

  36. snorlax 说:



  37. Tyrion 2 说:

    激进女权主义者——如果你想了解理智的人们对你的看法,只需看看你如何看待 KMac 的追随者,他们认为西方一直处于犹太人的枷锁之下,这是一个千年阴谋的一部分。

    • 回复: @Sollipsist
  38. FKA Max 说: • 您的网站

    根据 Cofnas 的说法,Unz 先生的研究也是“错误的”:

    回复@westland_will @jordanbpeterson

    您引用的研究(由 Unz 撰写)是错误的。 它高估了哈佛学生中犹太人的比例,而低估了成绩优异的申请者中犹太人的比例。 见[他引用安德鲁·格尔曼的话]

    有趣的是,根据以下调查,英国 50% 的犹太学生只就读于 8 所大学,这些大学均属于著名大学 罗素集团 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Group

    在 113 所高等教育机构(伯明翰大学、剑桥大学、利兹大学、曼彻斯特大学、诺丁汉大学、牛津大学、伦敦国王学院和伦敦大学学院)中,一半的犹太学生仅就读于 9 所,而全国学生团体的这一比例为 XNUMX%


    2011 年全国犹太学生调查的主要调查结果


    事实上,50% 的样本只就读于八所大学:
    伯明翰 (N=81);大学
    诺丁汉 (N=62);大学
    曼彻斯特 (N=58);大学
    剑桥(N=56); UCL(大学学院
    –页。 24

    NJSS 受访者的可能性几乎是其四倍
    一般的。近 17% 的 NJSS 受访者参加
    自 2008/09 年以来的前五名,近 29%
    –页。 25


    与任意数量的犹太学生交谈,您会发现很少有人不熟悉“犹太大学”。 犹太社区中的一个精通术语,Jewniversities,或简称“Jewnis”,是那些拥有最大比例的犹太学生的学校。

    领先的是伯明翰、利兹、诺丁汉、曼彻斯特、牛津和剑桥:事实上,犹太学生联盟 (UJS) 估计,61 年 2014% 的英国犹太学生就读于这六所大学。 问题是,为什么?

    鉴于上个月牛津大学劳工俱乐部 (OULC) 发生的反犹太主义争议,最终该俱乐部主席声称“很大一部分 OULC 和留在牛津的学生更普遍地对犹太人存在某种问题”,人们可能会这样认为。反犹太主义跨党派议会小组主席约翰·曼(John Mann)最近将其称为“最古老的仇恨”,认为这是罪魁祸首。




    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  39. Tyrion 2 说:

    一半的犹太学生只就读于 113 所高等教育机构中的 XNUMX 所(伯明翰大学、剑桥大学、利兹大学、曼彻斯特大学、诺丁汉大学、牛津大学、伦敦国王学院和伦敦大学学院)



    布里斯托尔和爱丁堡因缺席而引人注目,但我见过很多都去过这两所大学的犹太人,所以这可能是 50% 的人去了 8 所大学的奇怪统计数据的产物,而不是任何有趣的大学。也许有一些影响因素越宗教......

  40. Tyrion 2 说:


    不,犹太人不这样做。邦尼尔家族不是犹太人,尽管他们有犹太血统——大约 25%。事实上,第二大股权由实际的主教持有。

    他们还控制着 25% 的报纸,这与多数报纸相差甚远。与非犹太人血统的报纸控制的 75% 相比,这些报纸也没有表现出偏见。

    因此,控制四分之一报纸的人有四分之一是犹太人。此外?几乎没有一个记者是犹太人……你知道,他们是内容创作者。事实上,该集团是盈利的,并且像一家企业一样运营,与《华盛顿邮报》不同。甚至 乌兹网.

    为什么每当我真正查阅这些疯狂的阴谋论时,我只需要 5 分钟就可以证明它们完全是无稽之谈?然而,那些白痴却不断地在回音室里互相重复这些话,为那些严重受骗的人提供帮助。

    请不要再提及 BLS。她是一个无名小卒。她的机构最值得夸耀的是,在成立的头 200 年里,已有 10 名学生参加了该机构的课程。这个数字小得令人尴尬,而且这些课程都是关于晦涩的宗教主题的单日/下午课程。他们甚至似乎没有办公室,因此必须在家办公,偶尔租用会议空间。他们基本上是一个自命不凡的读书俱乐部,谈论犹太文化。


    • 回复: @Chill
    , @Anon
  41. 对于许多另类右翼来说,每一种不满的根源都与犹太人有关。




  42. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    提利昂 2,

    现存 4 份最大的早报中, 2 件为犹太邦尼尔 (Bonnier) 家族所有*,1 件为 Stampen (Peter Hjorne 及其家人,也是犹太人**), 和 1, Schibsted 将其最大股东列为“外国银行”。

    这意味着,至少 3/4 最大的早报是犹太人拥有的(不包括《schibsted》)。在列出的 4 家最大的《晚报》中,“Aftonbladet、Expressen、GT、Kvallsposten”3 家为 Bonnier 所有,1 家为“Schibsted”所有。我再次算了一下,(至少)有 3/4 的犹太人拥有晚报。 (最大的晚报的 3/4 由一个(犹太)家族 Bonnier 拥有)

    这些是最容易找到数据的论文类别,大概是因为它们是最大和最有影响力的,并且它们倾向于设定国家问题的议程,例如移民,较小的论文从这些较小的论文中获得叙述(例如,美国纽约时报),其中 75% 为犹太家庭所有。

    邦尼尔帝国的创始人是 古特金德·赫舍尔 (Gutkind Hirschel) 是一位犹太人,后来更名为格哈德·邦尼尔 (Gerhard Bonnier)。是的,家族中一位在世的显赫成员皈依了天主教并成为了主教。这对我来说几乎没有任何意义。是的,这个家庭已经与外邦人通婚,这对我来说也没什么意义。

    犹太邦尼尔家族和约恩家族还拥有大量其他媒体***、报纸和电视遍布瑞典和北欧其他地区。 (Hjorne 的 Stampen 拥有 23 份瑞典报纸) 瑞典只有 90 种报纸。

    还有,你为什么不看 丹尼尔·霍格伦德的分析。显然他在这方面所做的工作比我更多。我只看了一眼,但它看起来证实了我写的一切。

    顺便问一下,瑞典最大的报纸 75% 是由犹太家庭拥有的吗 (尽管低于0.5%) 瑞典人口中智商最高的人中 75% 是犹太人?

    *《新闻日报》和《Sydsvenska Dagbladet》

    ** 我在互联网上看到许多声称 Hjorne 是犹太人的说法,而且这种说法没有任何争议,所以我认为这可能是真的。

    *** [Bonnier Group] 是一家瑞典媒体集团,拥有 175 家公司,业务遍及 15 个国家。它由邦尼尔家族控制

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  43. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    更正: 阿克·邦尼尔 是瑞典教会的主教。我错说天主教了。

  44. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    提利昂 2:你为什么不找到证据来证明/反驳彼得·约恩是犹太人的说法。我读到的所有内容都说他是,但我想确保我的说法是正确的。

    (即使他不是 5/8,主要报纸仍然由犹太邦尼尔家族独自拥有。)

  45. FKA Max 说: • 您的网站

    凯文·麦克唐纳 (Kevin MacDonald) 教授加入节目,讨论内森·科夫纳斯 (Nathan Cofnas) 最近的论文“犹太教作为群体进化策略:对凯文·麦克唐纳理论的批判性分析”,这是学术界首次尝试反驳麦克唐纳教授在 1998 年出版的著作《犹太教》中提出的理论。批评文化。前 45 分钟为英语;音乐休息后,我们用瑞典语结束了它。https://www.spreaker.com/user/radiomenefrego/mnf-avsnitt-22


    关于 @nathancofnas 对 CofC 批评的讨论

  46. Dan Hayes 说:



    • 回复: @utu
  47. Thomm 说:


    WN wiggers 只是另一个受害者身份群体。因此,它只吸引最没有才华的人。

    • 回复: @utu
  48. @Anonymous




  49. utu 说:


    • 回复: @Thomm
  50. utu 说:
    @Dan Hayes


    • 同意: Dan Hayes
  51. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    但这篇文章的目的是另一个。我敢打赌——仅从标题来看——它会引发另类右翼战士的评论超过 650 条。有人愿意预付另一个号码吗?

    • 回复: @Dan Hayes
    , @WHAT
    , @jacques sheete
  52. “OY合租。我们永远受到迫害,因此你罪有应得,我们对你所做的一切(我无法找到合理的理由)。”


    • 回复: @anonymous
  53. Anonymous [又名“ Adolphus”] 说:

    犹太人用 6 根大猩猩棍棒打你时痛苦地喊叫

  54. WHAT 说:

    不,连 300 条都没有。网络上已经有太多名义上的“反驳”,无法引起适当的反应。

  55. 掠夺 der Iudengaffen … 1614


    同年,1614 年日本禁止基督教,牧师被驱逐,基督徒要么皈依,要么死亡。


  56. Chill 说:
    @Tyrion 2





    • 同意: Z-man
    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  57. Wally 说:
    @the Supreme Gentleman


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Liberty Mike
  58. Wally 说:
    @James N. Kennett



    “大屠杀”故事情节是有史以来最容易被揭穿的叙事之一。 这就是为什么那些质疑它的人遭到逮捕和迫害的原因。 这就是为什么暴力,种族主义和特权至上的犹太至上主义者要求进行审查。 拒绝言论自由和寻求真理的自由是什么真理? 真理不需要受到审查。


    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。

  59. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    他们最忠实的追随者是盎格鲁撒克逊人,他们是 1600 年代清教徒的后裔。后者具有非常强大的自然道德狂热,其基础是遗传的。与美国其他大部分地区相比,新英格兰地区狂热地自由主义是有原因的。对于狂热分子来说,他们的祭司阶层不会错。


    • 回复: @Bill
    , @Josecanuc
  60. 我想,只有回到 2000 年前,我们才能理解现在的犹太人。

    因此,事实上,犹太人“永远是无辜受害者”的身份,即在过去的 2000 年里,这并不是完全无稽之谈。

    在我和以色列历史学家卡茨看来,1870 年后德国富有的犹太人的行为是愚蠢的。



  61. Mr. Frosty 说:
    @the Supreme Gentleman


    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  62. Randal 说:



    如果没有像 AIPAC 和 CAA 这样的犹太组织大规模资助有害的审查制度和骚扰倡导者试图让人们说出他们不喜欢的事情,我就不会那么担心犹太人的过度影响。

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
    , @iffen
  63. Max Denken 说:
    @Jason Liu

    我将添加#4 和#5:



    据《危机》杂志最近发表的一篇文章称,后者每年通过难民“重新安置”赚取 90 万美元,并通过支持“移民”的活动聚集了更多财富和数以百万计的新信徒,即“西班牙裔”,无论是为合法移民还是为合法移民。非法的那种。既然这无疑是一种进化策略,而且华人侨民也有这样的策略,那么即使MacD的理论是正确的,为什么要把它仅仅归咎于犹太人呢?

  64. Anonymous [又名“史蒂文·罗威尔”] 说:


  65. Tyrion 2 说:

    ** 我在互联网上看到许多声称 Hjorne 是犹太人的说法,而且这种说法没有任何争议,所以我认为这可能是真的。





    不,所有活着的成员都是基督徒。他们 75% 的血统不是犹太人,最年轻的人只有 12.5% 是犹太人。


    这意味着,至少 3/4 最大的早报是犹太人拥有的(不包括《schibsted》)。








    • 回复: @Anon
  66. Heros 说:
    @mark green


    这种口是心非的行为在 Unz 的评论部分蔓延开来,那里潜伏着许多哈斯巴拉和哈斯巴拉风格的评论者。第一条评论就是一个很好的例子。这些人很可能是犹太人或沙博兹人,因为很少有诚实的外邦人会像这些人那样努力压制公开评论。他们隐藏在非犹太人的匿名背后,但他们却有一个隐藏的议程。


    • 同意: jacques sheete
  67. helena 说:



    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  68. mcohen 说:



    1979 年,在南非开普敦,一位有色人种朋友对我说……棕色人种是未来的民族。
    对于那些反对这一想法的美国白人,我要对你们说,你们在 14 年 2018 月 XNUMX 日派遣克鲁兹去杀死那些孩子。一只乌鸦,一种大地之鸟,将袭击加利福尼亚州并摧毁其巴别塔。

    • 回复: @iffen
  69. Amasius 说:



  70. Tyrion 2 说:


  71. Tyrion 2 说:
    @Mr. Frosty



  72. Tyrion 2 说:




    • 回复: @helena
  73. @James N. Kennett




    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  74. Meimou 说:
    @the Supreme Gentleman



    2. 秘密的?

  75. Tyrion 2 说:



    如果您不希望您的个人生活与您的在线帐户相关联,从而使这成为不可能,我完全理解;但如果有人无法想象犹太人的背信弃义贯穿罗马帝国的不间断链条,那他就属于我积极容忍的范围。我 非常 不希望你被一些平庸的工作以我的名义迫害。

  76. Jake 说:


    根据“许多”的定义,这是一个真实的陈述,尽管 99 个犹太人中至少有 100 个会夸大其含义。 90人中至少有99人几乎会忽视穆斯林对犹太人的真正威胁,以及黑人和几乎所有东亚人对犹太人的深刻而广泛的厌恶,以便一遍又一遍地打击白人。

  77. 在第一段读完之前我就停止阅读了。多么绝对和完全的废话。

  78. @Anonymous


    顺便说一句,他们似乎也没有意识到 1984 年的戈德斯坦角色显然是指托洛茨基(布朗斯坦)。

    • 回复: @Ploskina
  79. iffen 说:



    • 回复: @Randal
  80. Borsalino 说:


    索尔仁尼琴的书《在一起 200 年》强烈反对这一点,至少在 1800 年代的俄罗斯是这样。他的书详细介绍了俄罗斯当局半个世纪以来为犹太人引入农业的努力,为他们提供免费的土地、住房、工作工具、税收补贴和一些针对强制征兵的津贴。这个想法既是为了同化犹太人,也是为了防止他们从事被视为剥削俄罗斯农民的活动(高利贷、制造和销售伏特加)。这次实验是一次惨痛的失败。许多犹太人以高昂的价格出租土地,然后返回城市地区从事商业和放债。

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  81. ……对犹太人显赫地位的阴谋论描述在……的作品中采取了一种新的、更华而不实的形式。

    你想知道为什么会有反犹太主义吗?像这样自作聪明的评论很有帮助。所谓的“犹太人”似乎抓住一切机会粗暴地攻击任何他们认为是“敌人”的人,并且出于某种原因,他们似乎认为几乎 每个人 作为敌人,甚至是他们自己(阅读约瑟夫斯的例子)。太虚荣了,我的舌头。



    “ Goyim(非犹太人)的诞生只是为我们服务。” 他解释了上帝为何允许非犹太人的长寿,他补充说:“想象一下,你的驴会死,你会失去自己的收入。 [驴]是你的仆人。 ……这就是为什么他(外邦人)长寿,为犹太人工作得很好。”

    今年夏天,位于约旦河西岸伊扎尔定居点的一所颇具影响力的神学院的负责人 Yosef Elitzur 和 Yitzhak Shapira 出版了《国王的律法》,这是一本 230 页的关于犹太人应如何对待非犹太人的指南。
    两位拉比得出结论,犹太人有义务杀死任何对犹太人构成直接或潜在危险的人,并暗示所有巴勒斯坦人都应被视为威胁。 基于这些理由,两人为杀害巴勒斯坦平民甚至他们的婴儿辩护。


  82. Randal 说:

    我自己的个人故事在我以前的评论中详细提到过。没有什么“卡夫卡式的”,甚至没有什么特别戏剧化的地方。这只是威胁,但却是可信的。以我的年龄和状况,我不太容易受到像 CAA 这样的团体用来压制人们说他们不喜欢的话的那种经济和社会骚扰。

    但是,怎样才能使威胁变得可信,并且使我的潜在骚扰者能够与助理警长会面,将他对我个人犯罪行为的看法灌输到该人的耳朵中,并得到同情的接受,并且据说同意我确实应该这样做如果能够说服 CPS 在像我这样的案件上更快地采取行动,那么就会受到起诉,这就是言论犯罪法和 CAA 等倡导团体的整个结构,他们利用其特权关系推动其更积极的实施。

    我的情况不需要干预。与 CAA 相关的犹太巨魔只成功地让我被禁止进入一些评论板(旁观者博客和国家利益,iirc)。需要面对的是所有推动政治正确言论犯罪法更广泛实施的团体。黑人应该反对反种族主义团体这样做,穆斯林应该反对支持移民的团体,推动镇压伊斯兰恐惧症,而犹太人应该反对像 CAA 这样的战斗团体。这就是你最好的努力方向——反对那些以你的名义推行审查制度的人。

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
    , @Talha
  83. @Bardon Kaldian

    AIPAC 在布鲁塞尔和巴黎设有办事处。

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  84. Randal 说:


    • 同意: lavoisier
  85. @Anon

    但这篇文章的目的是另一个。我敢打赌——仅从标题来看——它会引发另类右翼战士的评论超过 650 条。




    • 回复: @Anon
  86. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @the Supreme Gentleman

    关于婚姻:如果女性犹太人与外邦人结婚,她的孩子将被视为 100% 犹太人。这是一个巧妙的计划,旨在挑选和窃取优越的身体和审美遗传。

    • 哈哈: Tyrion 2
    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  87. wayfarer 说:
    @mark green






  88. @Borsalino

    然而,在 1800 年之前,也就是世界上大多数犹太人定居在波兰分裂后的沙皇俄国的那一年,犹太人被排除在许多职业之外。

    Bleichröder 是一个货币兑换商,在 1870 年之前的德国是必需的,当时每个小州都发行自己的货币。
    两者都利用了 1871 年德国的统一,并取得了巨大成功。

    从 17 世纪开始,荷兰金融就与犹太人无关。

  89. Anonymous [又名“诺亚基德”] 说:

    那么我们是不是搞错了,吉斯雷尔在 1948 年就被要求成为不死生物……。第二次世界大战纯粹是为了 2 年的利益而设计的,以寺庙烛台的形式存在。 ?
    如果亚伯拉罕出生于亚当晚于 1948 年,那么 1948 年是预言的证据,还是预谋的证据?


  90. tjm 说:
    @mark green









  91. 在对麦克唐纳的批评中,作者很大程度上依赖于这样一个事实:一些外邦人在历史上曾持有与犹太人类似的有争议的立场。如果麦克唐纳声称只有犹太人是作者所引用的一些运动的幕后黑手,那么他们的批评可能是有道理的。但事实并非如此,在下载的麦克唐纳《批判》一书的 PDF 中单独搜索“联盟”一词即可发现。






  92. nickels 说:


    文章提到的许多外邦人都受到犹太人在其中发挥主要作用的运动的影响。正如乔纳森·伊斯雷尔(Jonathan Israel)所表明的那样,启蒙运动在很大程度上是一场犹太知识分子运动,旨在攻击基督教并用异教/卡巴拉神秘主义取代它,并且在很大程度上取得了成功。正如尤里·斯洛真所证明的那样,现代性实际上就是犹太文化。

    • 回复: @renfro
  93. @jilles dykstra

    AIPAC 在布鲁塞尔和巴黎设有办事处。


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  94. Z-man 说:

    Borsalino 和 jilles dykstra,好帖子!普京达!!

  95. @Anonymous



    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Truth
  96. Tyrion 2 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty




    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  97. JamesinNM 说:

    罗马书 2:28-29 描述了真正的犹太人改变了心。启示录 2:9 和 3:9 将假犹太人描述为撒但的会堂。

  98. Ron Unz 说:
    @FKA Max

    回复@westland_will @jordanbpeterson

    您引用的研究(由 Unz 撰写)是错误的。 它高估了哈佛学生中犹太人的比例,而低估了成绩优异的申请者中犹太人的比例。 见[他引用安德鲁·格尔曼的话]




  99. Tyrion 2 说:


    相比之下,名为“告诉妈妈”的奇怪活动旨在打击“伊斯兰恐惧症”言论,在过去 500 年里实际逮捕了 5 多人。

    我还看到,CAA 大多受到亲穆斯林左翼人士的痛斥,因为他们没有足够地追随像你这样的人。

    此外,英国唯一严肃的言论自由运动似乎是由 Spiked Online 发起的。




    • 回复: @Randal
  100. @Bardon Kaldian


    在一篇关于他生母的帖子中,[帕克兰学校枪击案凶手 尼古拉斯·克鲁兹说:“我真正的妈妈是犹太人。我很高兴我从未见过她,”据美国有线电视新闻网报道。他还说他讨厌犹太人,因为他相信他们想要毁灭世界。

  101. @the Supreme Gentleman


  102. @Wally



  103. @the Supreme Gentleman


    当地犹太人[街头流浪汉、小企业或当地地主到市长]、地区犹太人[从律师到州长]、全国犹太人[大型资本主义企业的负责人到国家内部主要部门的成员或主任]美国政府},国际犹太人[陆军将军,许多公司的董事会成员,具有国际影响力的公司和银行的主要利益所有者,通常资助风险投资运作的基金会,属于秘密和重要的国际组织像 BilderXXX、国际货币基金组织等组织],但在所有情况下,这些组织(组织或职业)的领导者通常都是犹太人。在法律上,它被称为 res ipsa loquirtur;如果它的行为像一条棕色和绿色条纹的蛇,像一条棕绿色蛇一样摆动,闻起来像一条棕绿色蛇,居住在被咬伤后并且位于受害者的房子里,并且该人仍然在受害者的房子里被咬者独自在家中居住,然后受害人声称是一条棕绿色条纹蛇咬伤了他,除非这条蛇能够拿出证据证明另一条蛇有罪,否则这条棕绿色条纹蛇就犯有咬伤罪原告,就像蛇承认咬了垂死的棕绿色条纹原告一样。

  104. AaronB 说:


    撇开阴谋不谈,任何声称犹太人的统治地位是智商结果的人都不能被认真对待。 IQ 毫无疑问地表明,犹太人的统治地位必定有另一种解释。高平均智商意义不大——人口数量意味着高智商的白人数量远远超过犹太人。









    • 回复: @Doug
    , @MEH 0910
  105. Randal 说:
    @Tyrion 2




    此外,英国唯一严肃的言论自由运动似乎是由 Spiked Online 发起的。

    有趣的是你应该提到他们。是的,他们口头上承认“仇恨言论就是言论自由”的真理,但他们(以及其他英国媒体)在宣传和批评上述第一点方面明显缺乏行动 曾经 英国针对“仇恨言论犯罪”的自诉。



    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
    , @James N. Kennett
  106. 这篇文章中包含太多虚假信息,很难 不是 将其视为另一个由 他们.

    我敦促所有读者,当遇到任何声称具有任何群体智慧优势的文章时,请假设它是宣传,并且是长期认知管理计划的一部分……好吧,那些被认为具有遗传性的人 优势.


    1. 自认是托拉-法利赛-塔木德意识形态邪教的信徒(又名:犹太人) 请勿 具有规范的遗传/祖先共性。

    2。 这是 an 思想;任何拥有足够金钱和与其他人类适当脱节的混蛋最终都将能够通过收买进入这个极端主义集团。

    3. 某种智力差异与“的错误关联”外群体'对比这个自定义'在组' 很荒谬(又名愚蠢);任何相信这一宣传观点的人都是a。愚蠢湾感知管理计划的囚徒。

    1.对后代进行心理调节的计划,制造恐惧,从而产生不信任,从而对所有外群体产生仇恨。创造 强大的凝聚力 对于团体内的追随者;缺点是对所有成功灌输的信徒都会造成附带心理伤害
    2、具有较强的团队凝聚力; 学会了对所有外群体的人失去同理心,一种人为的权利感和例外论被用来 暗中破坏和颠覆现有的治理体系负和增益博弈 这些系统系统地有利于群体内的追随者,从而为追随者创造真正的价值主张,从而增强群体内的凝聚力。
    3.这样的组织设计可以在国际环境中运作,利用它的隐藏/隐蔽性虚拟状态” 削弱非颠覆的(传统)民族国家社会, 最终目标也是颠覆他们,最终目标是完全统治和奴役所有外群体人民.

    我再次声明,规范的《托拉-法利赛派-塔木德》意识形态邪教(又名:犹太人)成员与总体人口的智力差异的说法是荒谬的,(极其荒谬),也是 反对所有外群体的人。



    b.秘密操纵,通过 系统性负和博弈 更大社会的治理/控制系统,有利于群体内的成员资格。


    关于智力差异的整个事情是这样的 巨大的谎言;只有当你对媒体和学术界有绝对自信的控制权时才可以尝试。

    历史向我们展示了许多例子,说明当这种情况发生时会发生什么。 压倒性的信心 发生。

  107. Anonymous [又名“joescomment”] 说:

    “犹太人”这个词是一个难以区分的词。基本上它可以指亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各的后裔。或者它可以指犹大的后裔,而不是他兄弟的后裔。我将这些人称为西班牙系犹太人。还有一些“犹太人”是皈依犹太教的后裔,例如德系犹太人。阿什肯纳兹人是来自核心小组地区的人,他们于 8 世纪皈依犹太教。他们不是任何人都知道的亚伯拉罕的后裔。然后是宗教方面。人们被称为犹太人是犹太人,因为他们信奉犹太宗教或犹太教。还有一些来自犹太背景的无神论者。因此,当我们使用“犹太人”一词时,它是一个相当模糊的广义术语。



  108. AaronB 说:


    我没有意识到我是如此强大——我的评论甚至没有经过节制 🙂

    • 回复: @lavoisier
  109. Tyrion 2 说:


    我认为你不明白什么是自诉。只要你有至少 6000 英镑,任何人都可以开始自诉,但因为他们必须承担费用,所以只有在皇家决定不追究此案的情况下,他们才会这样做。这不是权力或影响力的标志……

    是的,让真正的皇家检察署接手这项看似不切实际的努力在某种程度上起到了作用,但考虑到皇家检察署仅在 15,000 年就完成了 2015 多起仇恨言论起诉,而且没有其他组织需要自己支付基础工作费用,它说CAA 完全无关紧要。



    而且,他们之前还专门为查布洛兹辩护过。由于每年还有 15,000 起此类案件,几乎全部与犹太人无关,您还想要多少文章?





    • 回复: @Randal
  110. AaronB 说:


    悲伤的一天 unz.com 当这些节制技巧被允许时,除非它是一个小故障。

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  111. Joe Correa 说:
    @Tyrion 2



    • 同意: jacques sheete
    • 巨魔: Tyrion 2
  112. AaronB 说:

    Ron Unz——你可能想研究一下节制。当我评论时,我必须让它们越来越短,否则它们就会“消失”——甚至不会进入审核队列。这就是为什么我的评论变得越来越短。

    评论 #113 – 我删除了它,正如你所期望的那样,它从队列中消失了,只是奇怪地重新出现并被发布!


    • 回复: @AaronB
  113. @TheDividualist


    犹太人在这些讨论中似乎根本没有意识到他们没有权利进入任何其他国家。他们总是从这样的假设出发来处理这些论点:作为局外人,他们有绝对的权利生活在他们希望的任何国家,并决定他们的生活条件。包括过去 75 年在内的很多时候,犹太人都被全权全权同化他们完全成为东道国人民中的一员,他们无论何时何地都拒绝并努力保持局外人的身份。他们通过将自己视为这样的人来做到这一点,不断提醒他们的东道主他们是不同的,并且对自己受到的待遇不满意等等。从另一个角度来看,很明显犹太人对自己的情况相当自闭。他们不明白你不能两者兼得,他们是客人而不是某个度假村的顾客。令人难以置信的是,你从来没有听过他们解释任何一个国家如何能够容忍外国人开店并夺取50%的权力和财富。无论如何,只有国家的实际成员才被允许在一个国家拥有任何重要的权力和财富,这简直是无法容忍的,否则的话就是疯狂的。犹太人发现他们可以让白人首先允许很多这样的事情,因为他们可以相当好地通过,而且主要是因为他们是向有权势的人暗示自己的大师,同时他们自己努力进入那个位置,他们太聪明了,因为这允许他们让自己在悬崖上走得太远,当它必须爆炸时,他们循环重复并被驱逐。犹太人可以期望被允许瞄准一个国家最有利可图和最强大的部分的唯一方法是完全被同化问对犹太人有好处与此截然相反,问题应该是犹太人是什么。是的,我们都自愿接受自己的民族文化身份,这是一个有很多要求的事情。但我们没有问你问。这让我们看到了房间里真正的大象。
    直到最近,犹太人还制定了一项策略,避免攻克一块土地,保卫一个国家,并建设这个国家平凡但不可或缺的基础设施、下水道、军队、工厂以及数万亿其他你需要花时间的东西诺贝尔奖和数十亿美元的银行项目。相反,他们寄生地感到抱歉,没有其他词可以形容。他们寄生性地入侵其他国家,只针对该国家能够最快产生最多财富和权力的特定领域。事实上,他们不仅在国内相互联系,而且在国际上与其他国家的其他犹太人也这样做。数千年来,人们已经注意到并记录了这一点。不可否认的证据是,他们是一个小民族,数千年来分散在世界各地,进入世界上文化最占主导地位的国家,但他们自己和其他人仍然可以识别他们,就好像他们在过去的 3000 年里都生活在以色列一样。
    我将以我平常的方式结束。犹太人大约有 15 分钟的时间来个 180 度大转弯,他们在白人民族主义上投入了两倍的努力,因为他们在过去 150 年里花费了两倍的精力来解构白人国家。他们需要停止为自己辩护,承认自己的错误,道歉,请求宽恕,并表明他们是犹太人,他们还打算通过白人国家可能采取的任何方式来消除犹太人财富和权力的不平衡,尽快失去所有犹太人的身份。简而言之,与其再次进行整个驱逐和谋杀的事情,不如强迫您同化,结婚,无法信奉您的宗教,不被允许识别为犹太人,不作为犹太人拥有重要的权力。这样的法律,在几代人的时间里,你和我们甚至不知道你是犹太人,事实上你不会,你将成为更多东道国人民的遗传残余,而这种遗传残余已经越来越难以辨认。或者您可以选择移民到以色列。

    • 回复: @Grahamsno(G64)
    , @Anonymous
  114. bookish1 说:


  115. Vojkan 说:



  116. Grigor 说:


  117. Anonymous [又名“维吉尔”] 说:


    本文极其不诚实的方面之一是作者声称麦克唐纳在 CoC 中对群体进化心理学的使用是不科学的或不可证伪的,因此使这项工作失去了信誉。这种说法的明显问题是他们没有提到 全部产品 社会科学理论是不可证伪的,并且永远不会被真正的科学家认为是科学的。


    与所有其他主要宗教不同,犹太人不会传播他们的神学或宗教历史以试图赢得皈依者,而是传播他们的信仰和价值观,只是为了进一步他们对苦难的垄断,他们对耶路撒冷的主张和他们的历史“独特性”。 '难怪这种行为会引起怨恨。


  118. Truth 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    无论如何,一个男人不能和另一个男人生孩子,所以 Becall-Bogart 的事情有点愚蠢。

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  119. @the Supreme Gentleman

    在纽约都会区的犹太社区,如果一个犹太家庭希望出售他们的住房单元,他们通常不会跑到当地的房地产经纪人那里并在 MLS 上将其列出来供全世界查看。一位犹太朋友告诉我,他们将其以大约三倍市场价值的价格发布在犹太教堂社区公告板上。一旦卖方审查了潜在买家的种族、社会和财务状况,谈判就会迅速以接近市场的价格完成交易。委员会得到了保存,社区在种族上保持完整,(((犹太人)))结社自由得到了保留,而我们其他许多人都在遵守的“公平”住房法(主要由 YKW 颁布)却受到了蔑视。


  120. Anon • 免责声明 说:


  121. windwaves 说:




  122. Sollipsist 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    这里有一个笑话,说犹太人每赚一美元,外邦人就赚 77 美分,但我不够机智,开不了这个玩笑。

  123. Doug 说:

    > 撇开阴谋不谈,任何声称犹太人的统治地位是智商结果的人都不能被认真对待。 IQ 毫无疑问地表明,犹太人的统治地位必定有另一种解释。

    这没有任何意义。德系犹太人的智商比白人外邦人的平均智商高出 1.0 个标准差。从基因上看,德系犹太人约占美国白人人口的 3.5%。对于像 IQ 这样的正态分布变量,1 个样本中有 740 个将比中位数高出 3 个标准差或更高。 1 个中有 31,574 个会高出 4 个标准差。

    因此,我们预计任何需要 140 IQ(标准化为 10 IQ 标准差)的努力的美国犹太人与美国外邦人的总代表比例将为 2:1。你走得越远,这种差距就越明显。 140 的智商对于最严肃的智力追求来说是一个相当不错的基线。因此,我们期望看到美国犹太人在几乎每一项严肃的智力活动中占据绝对(不仅仅是比例)多数。

    想想美国的 540 名亿万富翁。大约 300 人是美国白人外邦人。鉴于美国约有 150 亿成年白人外邦人,只有五十万分之一的人会成为亿万富翁。就高斯标准差而言,亿万富翁比白人外邦人中位数高 1 个标准差。或者说智商是500,000左右。

    在这个水平上,我们预计美国犹太人与外邦人的比例将超过 3:1。即,考虑到 IQ 水平,我们预计 75% 的美国亿万富翁是犹太人。事实上这个数字只有33%。


    • 回复: @lavoisier
    , @siberiancat
  124. wayfarer 说:


    我希望 UR 允许它发布,因为它的内容确实与该主题相关。有些人会接受它作为真理,而另一些人则不会。如果您有时间和好奇心,您可能会发现值得一看。

  125. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    我认为是塞勒写到阿什肯纳兹人具有“忧虑基因”,即容易神经质和焦虑。事实上,人们常说精神病学是奥地利犹太人发明的,目的是试图解决他们社区或家庭中的神经质问题。加文·麦金尼斯 (Gavin MacInnes) 写道,他认识一些非常聪明的犹太知识分子,他们非常担心特朗普会用毒气毒死他们——尽管特朗普的所有孩子都嫁给了犹太人,但实际上,如果有人在不伤害犹太人方面拥有“基因利益”,那就是特朗普。

    自称前犹太人的吉拉德·阿兹蒙 (Gilad Atzmon) 称,犹太人中存在一种害怕尚未发生且可能永远不会发生的事情的倾向 -创伤应激综合症!

  126. @Bardon Kaldian

    问题是,荷兰当地的 AIPAC(CIDI)指责仇恨穆斯林的维尔德斯是反犹太主义者,因为他反对欧盟,而欧盟迫使移民(其中大多数是穆斯林)强加给我们。

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  127. Bill 说:



  128. utu 说:


    由于中世纪的瘟疫,欧洲人对艾滋病毒有一定程度的免疫力(约 10%)的假设发生了什么变化?如何解释欧洲人中对艾滋病毒免疫力最高的是德系犹太人(立陶宛裔犹太人中 25%)?



  129. 他们控制着“钱”人。如果非犹太人控制了美联储,并且可以以牺牲别人的利益为代价,向他们选择的非犹太人发放免费资金,那么非犹太人可能会做得很好。






  130. renfro 说:


    首先,不要试图假装这是唯一对犹太人持悲观态度的另类右翼,而事实上, 广泛而多样化的非可悲公民 有同样的意见。




  131. Thomm 说:





    • 巨魔: Randal
  132. @AaronB


    这就是为什么 Unz 如此珍贵。



  133. Thomm 说:

    有趣的是,WN 假发者坚持认为犹太人不是白人。





  134. Tyrion 2 说:


    但说实话,你们这些人有什么意义呢?你还是真实的吗?犹太人对黑死病负有责任?犹太人与欧洲人进行了一场永恒的战争?犹太人天生就没有良心? Wtf。我知道互联网上充满了疯子,但你们都是彻头彻尾的邪恶。没有其他词可以形容它。我永远不会想到有这样一群人,因为我自己的心并不是一片漆黑。

    • 巨魔: AaronB
  135. @Doug

    因此,我们预计任何需要 140 IQ(标准化为 10 IQ 标准差)的努力的美国犹太人与美国外邦人的总代表比例将为 2:1。你走得越远,这种差距就越明显。 140 的智商对于最严肃的智力追求来说是一个相当不错的基线。因此,我们期望看到美国犹太人在几乎每一项严肃的智力活动中占据绝对(不仅仅是比例)多数。

    大多数专家认为智商的标准差为 15 分。如果您想显着降低标准差,您就会扭曲结果以支持您的观点。哎呀,假设犹太人对非犹太白人的得分为 5 个标准差,并且您将标准差定义为 140,那么很快就不会再有任何非犹太人能够打破这个神奇的 XNUMX 障碍。

    假设阿斯肯纳兹犹太人和非犹太白人之间的智商差异接近传统的 1o-15 分的一个标准差,这比大多数专家所承认的要高得多(例如参见理查德·林恩和查尔斯·默里的工作以及证据差距主要是由于犹太人的空间缺陷而导致的),我们得到以下数字:

    非犹太人的平均智商为 100,犹太人的平均智商为 110,并假设两个人群的标准差约为 15 智商点,那么犹太人的智商超过 140 的比例将高出 6 倍: 1.这显然意义重大,并且可以在一定程度上解释犹太人的成功。

    然而,在这个智商水平上,考虑到美国非犹太白人的数量要多得多,非犹太白人的绝对数量将比犹太天才的绝对数量高出大约 6:1。


    • 回复: @AaronB
  136. @Anonymous



    最重要的是,这个盲点是(非常真实的)阴谋被解释为“犹太人”而不是一群犹太人所为的原因。绝大多数犹太人对以色列或其他犹太人犯下的任何事情都视而不见,哪怕是一点点邪恶的事情。过去或现在 或公开规划未来.







  137. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    提利昂 2,

    为他有关瑞典媒体的任何说法提供了零证据。他只是提供混淆和否认。我鼓励任何对此主题感兴趣的人阅读 丹尼尔·霍格伦德 分析。你不同意丹尼尔·霍格伦德或我写的《提利昂》的任何内容吗?引用你的主张。

    另外,请访问此 wiki 页面,其中列出了 8 份最大的早报和晚报的名称,并查看谁拥有它们。 5/8 归邦尼尔所有。 2/8 为“外国银行”所有。最大的报纸相当于《纽约时报》,是有关国家问题的记录报纸,例如移民问题,这是这场辩论中的关键问题。

    提利昂 2:你不应该仅仅提供混淆和否认,而应该开始提供引用。

  138. iffen 说:





    • 回复: @mcohen
  139. @jilles dykstra



  140. renfro 说:

    正如乔纳森·伊斯雷尔(Jonathan Israel)所表明的那样,启蒙运动在很大程度上是一场犹太知识分子运动,旨在攻击基督教并用异教/卡巴拉神秘主义取代它,该运动在很大程度上取得了成功


    犹太人将“启蒙运动”归功于自己,并声称犹太人的才华创造了它,就像他们通常声称自己发明了一切一样。 WRONG





    • 回复: @nickels
  141. @Thomm

    “WN 假发者坚持认为犹太人不是白人”




    “只要犹太人没有明显的犹太姓氏(或者不透露他的姓氏),犹太人就会在 WN 假发聚会上受到欢迎”

    事实上,即使他们确实有一个明显的犹太姓氏并充分披露这一点,他们通常也会受到欢迎。仔细看看理查德·斯宾塞和 AmRen。



    “缺乏成功”是由于非白人的影响而出现的。即犹太人。她游说黑人在美国自由奔走,游说女权主义破坏核心家庭,将职业孤儿落入政府手中,游说 1965 年实施第三世界大规模移民的移民法案。






    • 回复: @Thomm
  142. FKA Max 说: • 您的网站
    @Ron Unz

    但如果作者相信了那个格尔曼研究员关于我自己非常详细的精英政治分析的可笑的劣质主张, 我一定对他的学术严谨性抱有非常严重的怀疑。



    我已经在 Research Gate 上回复了 @nathancofnas 作为预印本——他们对寻求评论的未发表手稿的术语。意见可发送至 [电子邮件保护]。我将继续致力于此并最终提交给学术期刊 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323857842_Reply_to_Nathan_Cofnas


  143. Max Denken 说:




    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  144. @utu

    瘟疫的事情呢?许多犹太人因传播该病毒、在水井中投毒等罪名而受到审判。仅仅因为他们受到酷刑和恐吓(所有认罪的人?)就意味着指控没有任何事实依据吗? 女巫(现在)不存在,但中世纪法庭仍然判定她们犯有巫术的说法真的可以免除犹太人与瘟疫的关系吗?


    *女巫可能没有罪 现在– 但这些女人有可能在中世纪就做过那些肮脏的事情

    * 犹太人可能至少对中世纪的瘟疫负有部分责任。


    • 回复: @utu
  145. Mulegino1 说:

    这很简单。国际犹太人对欧盟和英语圈的大多数主流媒体行使社论控制权,并利用无处不在的犹太人受害者身份的锤子来永远羞辱和勒索非犹太人,从而避免几乎所有的批评。 (例外是左翼媒体能够批评以色列国家和利库德集团风格的犹太复国主义的一些行为,但仅此而已。)仅仅提及——甚至暗示——压倒性的不成比例的影响力媒体、金融、学术界、政治和娱乐界的有组织的犹太人将让部落及其一群非犹太人沙布斯尖叫,并受到迄今为止令人恐惧的口头攻击,“反犹太主义”无疑将被用来压制任何真相的表达。

    大屠杀事件和“善战”神话使国际犹太人和大西洋主义-北约霸权的共生成为可能,因为它们使前者免受所有审查和批评,并以盟军“拯救世界”为借口为后者辩护。 ”这两个孪生的撒旦幻想实际上代表了西欧和中欧文化的死亡,以及欧盟中基督教欧洲人被取代所带来的种族灭绝。幸运的是,这些叙述在东欧和俄罗斯几乎没有吸引力,因为这些国家的民众更加“犹太化”。

  146. Thomm 说:


    没有。成功的白人(像我一样)建设了美国。但你看,白人之间的差异非常大,最底层 20% 的白人与成功的白人相差如此之大,以至于他们甚至不是同一种族。相反,它们是遗传废物积累的有缺陷的亚种。

    底部的 20% 只贡献熵。男人变成了WN wiggers,而女人变成了胖子蓝发胖子(过去,这些是你的妻子)。


    白人之间的巨大差异(在大脑、外貌和天赋方面)意味着底层 20% 的人无权将更优秀的白人取得的成就归功于自己。


    • 巨魔: utu, HogHappenin
    • 回复: @utu
  147. 芭芭拉·斯佩克特和瑞典的派迪亚项目是犹太复国主义发挥作用的有力证据。但从这篇文章的评论来看,似乎确实有很多相当聪明的人就是不喜欢犹太人。每个人都有偏见;我的观点是针对黑人。我相信黑人和他们的白人推动者在西方国家就像病毒一样。大多数犹太人都有强烈的家庭道德,为他们称之为家的社区带来价值。

    对犹太复国主义者(我们不要忘记像迪克·切尼这样的 WASP 犹太复国主义者,混乱和破坏的代理人)以及以色列在华盛顿的影响力抱有怀疑是合理的。但将大多数或全部犹太人扔进阴谋篮子是错误的。

  148. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:





    犹太人往往不擅长政治,尤其是移民政治。事实上,每一位犹太国会议员和美国参议员都从 NumbersUSA 获得 F 移民等级。







    • 回复: @renfro
  149. Wade 说:




  150. @Max Denken



    拉比斯蒂芬·怀斯于 1918 年建立了全国有色人种协进会,同一时期他是创建美国犹太人大会的先锋。

    此后,犹太人在美国的生活轨迹如何? AJC是如何发展的? AJC 为犹太人取得了什么成就?


  151. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    提利昂 2,

    我不是反犹太主义者。你不断地抛出这个词。我反对那些危害我国家的人。如果犹太人为捍卫美国和欧洲白人的种族构成而奋斗,就像他们为捍卫以色列而奋斗一样,我不会关心他们是否拥有所有媒体、占领所有最高法院席位以及占议员、参议员和议员的 60%。国会议员。事实上,如果他们像捍卫自己的人民一样努力捍卫我的人民,我更希望他们拥有 100% 的媒体。作为犹太人,我对犹太人没有任何反对意见。我一切都反对他们的双重标准和颠覆。

    我反对像史蒂夫·古托(Steve Gutow)和马克·戈卢布(Mark Golub)这样的人,他们推行“以色列的特殊主义和美国和欧洲的非犹太人的普遍主义”议程。芭芭拉·勒纳·斯佩克特绝不是唯一这样做的犹太伪君子。这是科夫纳斯声称不是事物的行为的另一个例子。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Tyrion 2
  152. AaronB 说:



    • 回复: @Malcolm X-Lax
    , @lavoisier
  153. Wally 说:
    @Liberty Mike




    • 回复: @Liberty Mike
  154. Mulegino1 说:



    “这恰好是赎罪日的盛宴,所以它们都被收集在一个大的木制建筑中,他们称之为犹太教堂。 艾森豪威尔将军应该向他们讲话。 我们进入了犹太教堂,里面挤满了我见过的最臭的人类。 我们快到一半时,头上的拉比穿着与英格兰的亨利八世所戴的皮草帽相似的皮草帽,穿着一个绣得很脏又很脏的伪装,下了下来,遇到了将军。 。 。 这种气味是如此可怕,以至于我几乎晕倒了,实际上大约三个小时后,由于记住了它而失去了午餐。”


  155. Wally 说:


    “只有一个事实,即人们可能不会质疑犹太人的“大屠杀”,而且犹太人的压力已在民主社会上施加法律以防止问题-同时不断提倡和灌输同一场无可争议的“大屠杀”,这使这场比赛无处可寻。 证明这一定是谎言。 为什么不容许有人质疑呢? 因为它可能冒犯了“幸存者”? 因为它“使死者感到耻辱”? 几乎没有充分的理由禁止讨论。 不会,因为暴露这种头号谎言可能引发对其他许多谎言的质疑,并使整个摇摇欲坠的捏造过程崩溃。”

    – Gerard Menuhin /正义的修正主义者犹太人,著名小提琴家的儿子


  156. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:




    如果我参加那个聚会,我会在这个邪恶的 J 吸血鬼面前强行钉上十字架。

  157. 一直让我感到惊讶的是,关于犹太人的超动力是试图将犹太人归类为非白人。鉴于“成为犹太人”并不是一种肤色的动态,这是一种奇怪的攻击。使本已奇怪的进展更加复杂的是,对犹太人的抱怨是对犹太人的抱怨,这些犹太人实际上主要来自欧洲和美国,而且实际上是白人。最初的犹太血统(最初的 12 个部落)可能存在,但在欧洲人和美国公民中可能不存在。



  158. Anonymous [又名“KAJ”] 说:


  159. @Wally


    • 回复: @Wally
  160. anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    可能是一个新的军事部门:USJF。最好开始计算他们的 2020 年预算提案......

  161. @AaronB


    • 回复: @AaronB
  162. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    我认为右派应该使用“继承”这个词。身份往往意味着一个人根据时尚或时尚选择或认同什么。传承更深。它可以追溯到祖先和传统。它并不是像 50 个性别那样凭空捏造出来的。因此,右派必须是继承主义的。








    • 回复: @Vojkan
  163. Tyrion 2 说:





    在持不同政见的右翼中,还有比这个人更受爱戴的主要宗教人物吗?谁最近长期担任世界上仅有的 2 个首席拉比职位之一?谁将这一信息带入 BBC 等进步机构的核心?

  164. 鲁西永(今法国南部)


  165. mcohen 说:

    仍然有超过 50% 的美国城市的拉丁裔人口超过 50%。所以,如果你是白人,喜欢与所有肤色和谐相处,并且只根据一个人的个人来判断一个人,那么你就很好。
    从 巴基斯坦 飞往 英国



    • 回复: @Malcolm X-Lax
    , @redmudhooch
  166. MEH 0910 说:



  167. @Anonymous




    实践托拉-法利赛人-塔木德的集体信徒将托拉解释为由塔木德主持,这是一种极端的歧视性信条,它极大地区分了群体内的信徒(又名犹太人)和其他人类,它不承认这一点 但作为地球上的野兽/仆人来服务 犹太人,只是像人类,所以他们不会 让他们不舒服,因此是 更擅长服务。最终的法则是与人类其他部分分离。 《塔木德》是一本关于如何解释托拉的手册,其中介绍了如何将其正确地应用于群体内的人,以及如何对其他人进行相反的对待。


    至于“宗教、政治、文化”的定义犹太人“,根据吉拉德·阿兹蒙斯 (Gilad Atzmons) 证词摘录,作为犹太身份政治专家证人,在亚瑟·托普汉姆 (Arthur Topham) 的“仇恨犯罪”审判中 20151108-20151109
    原文出处: http://blog.balder.org/?p=1673

    当我们批评犹太政治(以色列、犹太复国主义、游说团体等)时,尽管从未提及种族、生物学、血统或种族这一事实,一些犹太人仍“受到种族歧视”。 当我们批评犹太种族主义时,一些犹太人躲在我们批评他们宗教的论点背后。 当我们偶尔批评宗教或一些淫秽的犹太宗教教义时,我们很快就会知道犹太人已经不再虔诚了(顺便说一句,这是真的)。 它的含义很简单,但具有破坏性。 犹太三角使得批评犹太政治、意识形态和种族主义变得非常困难,甚至不可能,因为身份被设置为一个具有三极重心的领域。 身份变化无穷。 当代第三类(政治)犹太人无处不在,但同时又无处不在,这就是量子力学,旨在压制任何可能的批评。=

    • 同意: renfro
  168. utu 说:


    你为什么一直假装自己是白人? 你是印度人。 回到印度。

    • 回复: @Malcolm X-Lax
    , @Amasius
  169. nickels 说:




  170. Randal 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    我认为你不明白什么是自诉。只要你有至少 6000 英镑,任何人都可以开始自诉,但因为他们必须承担费用,所以只有在皇家决定不追究此案的情况下,他们才会这样做。这不是权力或影响力的标志……

    我怀疑我比你更了解,除非你从事法律工作。问题在于,提起自诉容易,维持自诉却不容易。在许多情况下(除了授权的准国家起诉,例如 RSPCA 等组织的起诉),它们会被 CPS 接管,并因无聊或不符合公共利益而被关闭。你需要大笔资金来进行辩护的起诉(即使有志愿的少数民族律师和律师,正如 CAA 可以呼吁的那样),并且你需要强大的政治影响力才能让 CPS 接管他们自己一直拒绝发起的起诉。

    当然,如果提起自诉很容易,那么更值得注意的是,CAA 对艾莉森·查布洛兹的起诉是英格兰有史以来第一次针对仇恨言论的自诉(或者至少是第一次被允许进行)。

    是的,让真正的皇家检察署接手这项看似不切实际的努力在某种程度上起到了作用,但考虑到皇家检察署仅在 15,000 年就完成了 2015 多起仇恨言论起诉,而且没有其他组织需要自己支付基础工作费用,它说CAA 完全无关紧要。

    我不确定你滥用这些数字是因为知道不诚实还是出于无知,但事实是,这个数字一般是针对“仇恨犯罪”,绝大多数“仇恨犯罪”起诉,甚至是罕见的“仇恨犯罪” “言论”案件涉及暴力、破坏公物、个人纠纷、威胁等。 CAA 试图做的是为追求抽象事物创造先例——像我这样的政治评论,或者像 Chabloz 那样“冒犯”(对他们来说)讽刺歌曲。这当然就是为什么尽管 CAA 能够施加政治压力(正如其对 ACC 的特权访问所证明的那样),CPS 却一直拖延,直到 CAA 发起自诉来强行武装他们。






    PS 以下是英国现在对待政治犯的方式:


    36 岁的保罗戈尔丁在肯特郡谢佩岛的 HMP Elmley 被两名囚犯殴打。


    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  171. Joe Correa 说:



    前一个问题虽然备受争议,但有事实依据,不像大多数黑人、棕色人和白人爱哭鬼 SJW 所抱怨的想象中的“制度种族主义”和“白人特权”。


    • 回复: @utu
    , @Thomm
  172. utu 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian





  173. utu 说:
    @Joe Correa


  174. AaronB 说:
    @Malcolm X-Lax





    你怎么认为?无论如何,这是一个值得思考的非凡事实。也许不是 JQ 最重要的方面,但我很高兴您谈到它。这里肯定有一些更深层次的意义。

    • 巨魔: Tyrion 2
    • 回复: @AaronB
  175. @AaronB


    的确。有人真的相信你需要智商超过 140 才能成为一名为《纽约时报》撰稿或报道新闻的记者吗?


    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Vojkan
  176. Tyrion 2 说:

    我怀疑我比你更了解,除非你从事法律工作。问题在于,提起自诉容易,维持自诉却不容易。在许多情况下(除了授权的准国家起诉,例如 RSPCA 等组织的起诉),它们会被 CPS 接管,并因无聊或不符合公共利益而被关闭。你需要大笔资金来进行辩护的起诉(即使有志愿的少数民族律师和律师,正如 CAA 可以呼吁的那样),并且你需要强大的政治影响力才能让 CPS 接管他们自己一直拒绝发起的起诉。

    如果你有很强的政治影响力,你就会让 CPS 首先发起起诉。

    (其特权 ACC 访问权限证明了这一点)

    花半个小时向 ACC 抱怨并不需要特权。



    我很抱歉将仇恨言论起诉的数量与每年 15,000 起仇恨犯罪起诉的数量混淆了。我需要查阅你提出的所有内容来确认或否认,这非常耗时。



    事实上,这是一篇来自 Spiked 的犹太人的文章,为另一位反犹太分子辩护,因为他的类似胡言乱语被指控为仇恨言论。

    NB Shami Chakrabati 是一个江湖骗子,但不是犹太人。你意识到了吗?



    PS 这是英国现在对待政治犯的方式


    • 回复: @Randal
  177. Talha 说:


    “伊斯兰恐惧症”是一个愚蠢的术语,应该受到嘲笑;抱怨不是传统穆斯林话语的一部分。正如杰出的 Shadee Elmasry 博士所解释的那样,穆斯林因人们不喜欢他们而羞辱他们或乞求接受是有失尊严的:


    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
    , @Randal
  178. Thomm 说:
    @Joe Correa




    白人传统主义者对犹太人的批评没有非常薄弱的​​数据支持。你实际上是在说 2% 的美国人口控制着一切。当你看到犹太人仅占世界人口的 0.3% 时,这一点就更加明显了。


  179. Tyrion 2 说:


    • 回复: @AaronB
  180. Old Jew 说:
    @Ron Unz






    Unz 在英语中的意思是“盎司”(重量单位)。





    您对 Galitzianer Yidden 的方式和历史感兴趣吗?


  181. Art 说:

    这就是大犹太知识分子对文化所做的事情。最聪明的犹太部落成员对其他文化具有掠夺性和破坏性。问题是不那么聪明的小犹太人支持他们。 (例如小孩子:Anomaly 和 Cofnas)


    下面这段 22 分钟的视频取自 Lasha Darkmoon 2013 年 XNUMX 月的文章《魏玛德国的性颓废》。

    ¶ . 。 。如果不提及第一次世界大战后的魏玛共和国时期(1919-1933)席卷德国的性不道德浪潮,那么对德国犹太人问题的描述就不完整。这也恰好是犹太势力在德国的顶峰。现在,每一个主要影响范围都落入了犹太人的控制之下。



    • 回复: @AaronB
  182. 我的兄弟是一位加州自由主义者。他是一名公立学校行政人员,最近在北加州担任另类学校校长。他现在 60 岁出头,拥有教育硕士学位(犯罪司法学士学位)。他看 CNN;取笑福克斯新闻等。我最近了解到他并不真正知道什么是犹太人。他只是将他们视为其他白人。几个月前,我们一起看 CNN,整个小组(六人中有六人)都是犹太人。我向他指出了这一点,并告诉他通常只有六分之四。他不知道其中有一个是犹太人,也不知道犹太人只占美国人口的6%。我问他,可能性有多大。我还指出,这些人对于当前的主题——特朗普和俄罗斯,没有一个人存在分歧。正如斯威夫特所观察到的,你无法推理出某人没有被推理出的东西。我们是一个基本上被洗脑的民族,他们基本上通过犹太人的眼睛接受了世界的图景。我的兄弟就是一个完美的例子。他甚至不理解批评。我们的前辈——康德、伏尔泰、亨利·亚当斯、门肯、艾略特等人——对此了解得更清楚,但犹太人通过学术界和出版界的色彩,即使现在我们也能感知到我们自己的历史。批评犹太人影响的人都是口呼吸的乡巴佬,对吧?只需在推特上询问猫帽大队即可。

  183. Tyrion 2 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
  184. norm741 说:


  185. AaronB 说:






    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
    , @Liberty Mike
  186. Karl 说:

    34 Anon > 绝大多数犹太人热切支持犹太复国主义


    > 他们也如此热切支持白人犹太复国主义吗?


    不如先让 Ron Unz 和 iSteve 从新阿兹台克移民出去怎么样?

  187. AaronB 说:


    是的,但正如 Ron Unz 所观察到的,这很大程度上是二战后(IIRC)的现象。无论如何,它是令人惊讶的最近的。近代以来,犹太人的智商似乎并不比白人高。我很惊讶。




  188. Karl 说:

    113 joescomment > 犹大的后裔,而不是他兄弟的后裔。我将这些人称为西班牙系犹太人



  189. @mcohen


  190. AaronB 说:





    • 同意: HogHappenin
    • 回复: @Art
  191. Svigor 说:

    对于另类右翼人士来说,每一个怨恨根源都在于犹太人。 最受欢迎的另类权利/新纳粹网站的主持人安德鲁·安格林(Andrew Anglin)解释说:“我们运动中唯一真正重要的是反犹太主义。” 他认为,如果只有犹太人走了,摆脱束缚的白人将立即克服其所有问题。 这种态度从何而来?



    如果你早上遇到一个混蛋,你就只是遇到了一个混蛋。如果你走到哪里都遇到一个混蛋 是混蛋。犹太人又被赶出了欧洲多少个国家?


    犹太人总是让自己陷入麻烦,这是一个更好的表达方式。例如,我对犹太人的大部分问题是他们创造和支持有害的政治思想(事实上,这些思想在某种程度上并没有在社会中发挥影响力) 国家,哪里 他们 占主导地位,无济于事)。






    花了你们足够长的时间。 CoC 于 1998 年出版。很多年前我就不再等待犹太人的严厉回应。我会在这里冒险并假设严格性并不那么严格。










  192. Svigor 说:

    嘿,哲学犹太主义者,我们为什么要在 乌兹网 (pbu Unz,顺便说一句)?这是一个臭名昭著的反犹太分子巢穴,你不知道吗?为什么我们不能在你家进行这个谈话?



    • 同意: Randal
    • 回复: @Randal
  193. Tyrion 2 说:




    • 回复: @AaronB
  194. Talha 说:
    @Tyrion 2


    如果你留意穆斯林社区的情况,就会发现像我这样的传统穆斯林强烈反对。我热爱它的每一刻。 “进步伊斯兰教”是通向无神论的门户——一旦你走上这条道路。这就是我们现在失去许多年轻人的原因。




    • 回复: @Randal
    , @Karl
  195. AaronB 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    所以基本上,在一个超过 50% 犹太人的行业工作的人中,只有一小部分人与犹太人有联系,这就是你所说的。

    不管怎样,你看起来并没有兴趣分析什么才是我们对 JQ 的理解的真正分水岭,以及它更大的社会政治影响,所以我就不说了。



    • 回复: @wayfarer
  196. Rich 说:

    这是第一次,在我能找到的任何地方都没有任何测试表明阿什肯纳兹人的智商高于任何其他欧洲人。这个神话是如此根深蒂固,以至于每个作家都会提起它。理查德·林恩根据他们的成功来估计阿什肯纳兹智商,尽管他们的成功可能还有许多其他原因。制作德系智商得分的测试,我们可以对此进行争论。在那之前,我们必须接受以色列军事测试,该测试显示犹太人(包括阿什肯纳兹)的智商在 95 左右。

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
    , @Henry's Cat
  197. @Tyrion 2



  198. mitch 说:
    @the Supreme Gentleman


  199. Svigor 说:


    什么是 是对历史的严重歪曲?你引用了两个该死的词,它甚至不是一个句子。哪里有引文来扩展麦克唐纳这个词的含义?你的狗吃了吗?伙计们,这里没有空间限制。这是 21 世纪的互联网。爷爷打来电话,他要回他的方法。



    这只不过是波普尔的批评而已。如果有 如此激烈的犹太批评家,他们会被巨大的犹太复国主义文化战争机器淹没或成为贱民(充其量)。




    谁在乎呢?整个谈话是犹太人行为模式的遮羞布,这种行为模式追求一个不会改变的目标。 “对犹太人有好处。”


    社会科学家发现,德系犹太人的智商测试平均得分约为 110-112 分(而平均值为 100 分)。

    他们中有一些。 IIRC,这个数字不包括以色列 Ashenazi 犹太人,尽管事实上有相当多的人居住在以色列(他们的平均智商是 104,同样是 IIRC)。



  200. Svigor 说:



  201. Randal 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    如果你有很强的政治影响力,你就会让 CPS 首先发起起诉。


    花半个小时向 ACC 抱怨并不需要特权。

    哈哈!是的,他们只是坐在那里等待任何汤姆、迪克或哈利向他们咆哮他个人的赌注以及他们应该如何被关起来。您知道 ACC 认为它们有多重要吗?也不是每个街角都有一个——在整个 21 万人口的国家中,只有 65 个。



    我很抱歉将仇恨言论起诉的数量与每年 15,000 起仇恨犯罪起诉的数量混淆了。我需要查阅你提出的所有内容来确认或否认,这非常耗时。

    同样,你不断强迫我检查我几年前知道和写过的东西。例如您链接的 Spiked 文章,我在他们的网站上阅读并随后发表评论,当时我在他们的评论页面中反复提请注意他们拒绝对 Chabloz 案件采取行动。顺便说一句,这就是为什么我最终不再阅读《Spiked》。 [事实上,我在那篇文章下面发表了广泛的评论,尽管在那个阶段还处于相当早的阶段,我主要是在笼统地争论。有趣的是,他们随后对我给出的一些政治正确的授权攻击性例子进行了审查——留下了一个很大的空白。他们是一些言论自由的出口!它没有立即被审查,否则我会注意到并评论它,但现在我不记得它是什么了。]





  202. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    我想写一篇回复,标题为: 犹太人对另类右翼对犹太人的误解是什么 但我太忙了,所以我只想谈谈一个小问题,这反映了这种幼稚批评的草率性质。


    如果我们坚持普遍接受的世界冠军传统,他们是 16 位,从斯坦尼茨到卡尔森。斯坦尼茨、拉斯克、鲍特维尼克、塔尔、费舍尔和卡斯帕罗夫通常被认为有犹太血统。尽管斯梅斯洛夫和斯帕斯基似乎都被认定为俄罗斯东正教徒,但有人声称他们是俄罗斯东正教徒。

  203. dahoit 说:


    • 回复: @seanmcbride
  204. Wally 说:
    @Liberty Mike




  205. @AaronB



  206. Randal 说:

    Shadee Elmasry 博士在您链接的文章中提出了一个很好的案例。




    • 回复: @Talha
  207. Tyrion 2 说:


    • 回复: @Randal
  208. Svigor 说:

    (开始于 不能 显然,我们经常说侮辱我们智商的话。)









    每次我谈论移民爱国者时,一些犹太人都会提到斯蒂芬·米勒。史蒂芬·米勒!史蒂芬·米勒!他们就是其中之一!他们就是其中之一! (向艾迪·墨菲道歉)我爱斯蒂芬·米勒,但那是一个孤独的犹太人。你不妨使用凯文·科斯特纳(Kevin Kostner)的角色 与狼共舞 得出关于白人的总体结论。



    作者没有引用任何他们提到的犹太人倾向的实际数字。 55%是一种“趋势”,70-75%更像是一种“锁定”。白人则完全不同,中间分裂得更多。犹太人的投票更像黑人。




    犹太人统治着以色列,你这个笨蛋。他们可以为所欲为 国家,他们的做法与你所描述的相反。它揭开了这个看似不似是而非的论点的谎言。









    与此同时,美国犹太人正在使用 1984 就像使用说明书一样。

    这篇文章的其余部分现在是 TL;DR。如果三明治里已经没有肉了,那么很可能就不会有肉了。

  209. Randal 说:






  210. Anonymous [又名“疯狂的犹太女人”] 说: • 您的网站

    我一直支持白人,[实际上也支持理智的人],并且一生都投票给“右翼”。 (尽管共和党可能是右翼分子,这很可笑..)




    当我的右翼行动似乎让很多“另类右派”像小婴儿一样哭泣时,我发现这非常费力。确实,许多另类右翼人士只是前左派人士,带有 SJW 心态的所有特征。




  211. @Rich












    • 回复: @Rich
  212. Karl 说:

    206 Talha > 像我这样的传统穆斯林




    • 回复: @Talha
  213. Tyrion 2 说:

    KMac 的理论是一首给傻瓜们听的童谣。他的最高主义立场是无稽之谈,并且在受到检验后会立即枯萎,所以他很快就转向了他的最低主义立场——犹太人“比例过高”,而且有些犹太人做了坏事——这是没有争议的——所以他恳求你不同意。然而,当你不这样做时,他就会声称自己的最高主义立场取得了胜利。这是一个苦涩的老人在反社会追逐名声时失算的无聊把戏。


    Zee i Zee io
    Zee i Zee io
    这里有 Joo-Joo
    还有一个 Joo-Joo 在那里
    Zee i Zee i o。

    • 回复: @Olorin
  214. AaronB 说:
    @Tyrion 2




    • 巨魔: Tyrion 2
  215. Svigor 说:

    根据麦克唐纳、乔伊斯、安格林以及大量带有格罗伊珀/佩佩/动漫头像的随机推特账户等的说法,犹太人是一个极其以种族为中心的群体,他们不断地有意无意地勾结起来,以牺牲他人的利益为代价来推进自己的利益。外邦人。此外,犹太人认为自己是非白人,尽管他们出于邪恶的目的对外邦人撒谎。 (请记住,这与 @fashy_pepe88 在一条有关美国人口统计的推文中将自己描述为“白人”,以及在另一条有关地中海人与北欧人的推文中将自己描述为“意大利人”完全不同。)


    然而,根据皮尤研究中心最近的数据,犹太人的异婚率为 58%,非正统犹太人的异婚率为 70%(他们是在媒体、金融、学术界等领域有影响力的犹太人中的绝大多数)。 - 正统犹太人的生育率低于 2.1 更替阈值。

    我他妈的已经讨论过这个问题十亿遍了(一旦出现“通婚”这个犹太特殊主义词,我就知道谈话的走向),所以我没有耐心重述。使用这里的搜索功能,搜索我关于异族通婚的评论,你就会明白“异族通婚表明犹太人不是种族中心主义”的废话(如果你不是犹太人;如果你是犹太人,你就会假装不这样做)阅读了我的评论并提出了与您已经提出的相同的“通婚表明 bla bla bla”的论点)。



    不,他不是在开玩笑。对于许多犹太人来说,[此处主题]的主要批评者始终是犹太人; “犹太人”是对一位主要批评家的要求。这当然适用于以色列的话题——以色列的非犹太批评者是“反犹太主义者!!!”从而被取消资格。所以,是的,在这个塔木德环境中,显然所有以色列的主要批评者都是犹太人或他们的宠儿。




  216. Randal 说:
    @Tyrion 2




    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  217. @Rich



  218. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    德系犹太人的智商比白人外邦人的平均智商高出 1.0 个标准差。**

    请您引用所有内容好吗? *基本的* 您以非精挑细选的方式进行的研究表明德系犹太人的智商比白人外邦人的平均智商高 1 个标准差?谢谢。

    样本量虽小,但 根据莫里斯·菲什伯格 (Maurice Fishberg) 对犹太人大脑大小的研究,他们的大脑比白人外邦人的大脑小约 2 立方英寸。

    ** (我见过的大多数专家的平均分都在 111 左右,而不是 115)此外,我找不到过去 10 年的任何研究。如果你能找到它们,如果它们存在的话,那就太好了。 (最好至少过去20年)

  219. Talha 说:




  220. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @jacques sheete


    其他?!?我认为他们必须尝试另一种伎俩,人们对那个 19 世纪的怪物——你知道,希特勒那帮人——感到厌倦得流泪了。如今,周围有更多丰富多彩的受害者,比如勇敢的跨性别者或为争夺奥斯卡奖而长期受苦的女演员。在我们这个追求煽情的时代,新奇的魅力非常重要。

  221. @utu


  222. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    说明 1:111 假设标准差为 15 点。
    澄清 2:研究 *参考* 作者:莫里斯·菲什伯格。


    * * *

    犹太人:“智商存在种族差异的想法是邪恶的白人至上主义者散布的谎言。”戈伊姆:“我注意到犹太人在我的社会中产生了很大的影响。这是怎么发生的?” 犹太人:“我们的智商比你们高。” pic.twitter.com/Mclflm1S6n—“AJ”乔伊斯(@TOQJoyce) 2018 年 3 月 11 日

  223. anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    杰克·金·柯比(库兹伯格?)是最好的。杰克·柯比(Jack Kirby)在纽约下东区领导着一个颇为刻板的犹太移民,但他从未参与过糟糕的共产主义、自由左翼政治。



  224. Olorin 说:
    @mark green




    回到 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代,有人问梅尔·布鲁克斯 (Mel Brooks) 生产者。 他说,他认为既然阿道夫·希特勒是所有宇宙中有史以来最邪恶的人,那么击败他和他所代表的一切的最好方法就是嘲笑他个人和他所相信的一切。







    上述观点的作者们从流行的修辞立场出发,主要是通过稻草人,以及错误的具体性的谬误来挑选“另类右翼”。然而,“另类右翼”并不是一场运动。它不是一种哲学,无论是政治哲学还是其他哲学。就像一般的“异见右翼”一样,它是一个立足并开始解开 60 至 80 年来的节目和大众宣传的地方。



    更正一下,更像是巨蟒剧团(Monty Python)扮演的 MD 角色……而且也同样真实有趣。


  225. Rich 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian


  226. @AaronB

    我也遇到过这个网站的问题。即使已经 12 个小时没有发表评论,我还是收到了要放慢速度的消息。


  227. Olorin 说:
    @Tyrion 2


    如果您要省略第一个 c,则必须省略第二个。


    除此之外,你就是 פול פון דרעק。但既然你说的是稗子里的动物, אַן אערקענט מען דй לאַנגע אוערן, אַ נאַר אע לעַגג等等。


    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  228. Svigor 说:




    PS,关于犹太人的“通婚”,有很多BS统计数据。 地狱,甚至“通婚”一词也将种族主义提升到一个全新的水平; 他们认为嫁给“白人”就是“嫁出去”。 他们的“通婚”水平低于其他任何白人群体(白人不考虑有多少法国人嫁给爱尔兰人,等等,不记录数字,如果你从中做出来的话会觉得很可笑。 ),因此,显然,他们比其他任何白人都更加“种族主义”。 要知道,白人犹太人一直在指责种族主义。


    没事1.犹太人的婚姻习惯比其他白人种族更加孤立。 法国人,捷克人,意大利人,爱尔兰人等……这些团体甚至没有追踪所谓的“通婚”,而且这一比率远高于犹太人。 因此,犹太人的婚姻习惯实际上揭示了特殊性。 2.这些不那么专一的习惯并不能阻止(白人)对爱尔兰,意大利,捷克,法国等种族的种族厌恶,也不能构成对这些种族的有效辩护。

    这很有趣,但是犹太人频繁的“看待我们通婚的频率”实际上揭示了他们的特殊性。 白人根本没有注意到所谓的“通婚”。 这是他们的规范。 他们甚至不考虑提起它,也没有追踪它的频率(如果这样做,通常代表犹太人!)。 对于犹太人而言,情况并非如此,这表明他们对白人的关注程度与白人不同。


    实际上,事实并非如此-白人一定会注意到白人与非白人结婚,并且有关于种族之间婚姻的统计数据。 即使是亚洲人,人们也对它的某些方面开玩笑,例如性别通婚率的差异。


    其实是。 犹太人称之为“通婚”(白人与白人结婚),白人称为“婚姻”。 那是橘子与橘子的比较,也是我正在做的。 在这种情况下,异族通婚和“通婚”就是苹果和橘子。



    就像我说的那样,这个数字很低。 大多数白人种族的“通婚”率要高得多。 “婚姻”对于他们来说甚至都不是一句话。 完全不是一回事。 但这是对犹太人的关注,犹太人一直密切关注它,有团体和措施来抵制它,而激进主义者则称其为“沉默的大屠杀”。 这怎么不能证明特别主义和民族中心主义呢?

    您刚刚提供了另一个数据点。 有多少爱尔兰人甚至知道他们的“通婚”率是多少? 当您询问他们的“通婚”率时,有多少爱尔兰人甚至会知道您在说的WTF? 您可以在此处替换“爱尔兰”的值很多。



    正确,但无关紧要。 我们在谈论种族群体。 你们是不是时候开始抵制欺骗的冲动(至少以一种公然透明和侮辱性的方式)? 这是今年。 是时候克服您的“ goyim会跌倒任何东西”的偏见了。



    非东正教犹太人社区的情况发生了很大变化。 许多改革拉比现在都实行通婚。 保守的拉比仍然不会批准通婚,但是他们不再组织抵制来描绘通婚或有部分犹太血统的演员的抵制。 只有东正教徒保持相同的强硬立场。

    美国犹太人仍然与美国基督徒形成鲜明对比。 拒绝批准天主教徒和新教徒之间的婚姻? 关于天主教徒和新教徒之间的婚姻,有什么消极的(甚至是非积极的)的说法吗? 对于教会领袖? Waaaaay在那里。 非常非常流浪。


    摆脱一切障碍,同时成为种族隔离以色列的BFF吗? 无价。


    您是否知道至少有75%的白人外邦人与大多数白人外邦人不结婚? 不。

    大部分瑞典人都嫁给索马里穆斯林吗? 不。 大多数法国天主教徒和无神论者都与北非穆斯林结婚吗? 不。


    但是,当犹太人居住在Goy占多数的国家时,他们主要是在部落外结婚。 例如,加拿大,巴西,阿根廷,巴西和美国的大多数犹太人都嫁给了高斯(Goys)。


    这就是犹太人所说的“通婚”。 犹太人与白人结婚(其他犹太人偶尔坐在湿婆神庙,称其为沉默的大屠杀等)。 白人对此一无所知。 因此,犹太人在某种程度上没有种族主义之类的东西。


    一半的意大利人/一半的德国人相当于“混血儿”? (也许评论员杰斐逊可以帮忙吗?)




    没有多少犹太人感到受到威胁,因为他们已经成为“环境就是一切”的真正信徒–喝醉了左派的库尔德人。 似乎,不管有多少证据表明,智力,个性,尽责性,暴力倾向等在很大程度上受遗传因素控制,大多数人只是不想听。 如果任何种族的犹太人或非犹太人都了解基因的含义,那么他们对外婚的影响就不会那么宽容了。

    就是这样–到目前为止,犹太人是通婚最震惊的白人。 没有人甚至注意到法国人何时嫁给波兰人,意大利人何时嫁给爱尔兰人等。这被认为是常态。 犹太人是唯一反对的人。 他们密切监视这种“通婚”(甚至没有人认为),犹太人没有怨言,对“无声的大屠杀”大喊大叫,等等。


    叹。 再也不是这个了。

    这可能是他们最重要的技术:每次都在第1格开始对话,消磨对手并将他们打死。 强迫每个人每次都跳过所有的障碍。 磨碎的城市。 许多复制和粘贴帮助。


    实际上,美国犹太人的通婚率是58%,而不是25%。 因此,在美国,嫁给外邦人的犹太人多于嫁给其他犹太人的犹太人。




    他们用自己的数据玩了很多游戏(他们是犹太人组织,并不完全是对犹太人的诚实批评的高水位),并且这些研究也无法得到验证[原始〜SVY中的已纠正错误](已关闭) 。 有很多数据需要玩的游戏,这应该是显而易见的,但无论如何都值得一提。 简而言之,我不信任他们的数据。 他们当然有动机去朝着研究总是会走向的方向发展(如果您愿意,我可以对此进行扩展)。

    犹太人甚至不允许美国人口普查对他们进行统计,FFS。 我们真的不知道在美国有多少人。

    我会说58%真是太高了。 您是否知道世界上有哪个国家的白人外邦人是少数,他们的通婚率是58%?


    例如,您认为在南非58%的已婚白人中有黑人配偶吗? 别无所求。

    在最近(我们最近)讨论过这一问题上,您是否曾参加过AWOL? 还是您是骗子? 因为我们已经解决了这个问题,所以这是唯一的选择。 犹太人与白人“通婚”与白人与黑人“通婚”根本不同。 犹太人与黑人“通婚”等同于白人与黑人“通婚”。

    因此,您无意中证明了我的观点。 犹太人不会与统计数字有关的黑人结婚。 这就是为什么你可以去G**gle并尝试查找一些数据,您会变得零零落落; 因为所谓的爱好黑人,庆祝多样性,多元文化,左撇子,通婚快乐的犹太人不会嫁给黑人。 他们知道,如果不这样做,可能会导致不良的公关,因此,他们只是在地毯下扫了整个问题。



    ** @! 如果犹太人是白人,与白人结婚的犹太人是否可以等同于与黑人结婚的白人?







    当我读了几年前最大的研究之一时,我发现做这项研究的人对这些数字起了很大的作用。 我不记得确切是什么,关于为通婚目的(“犹太人”数量为1/4的犹太人)铸造一个非常宽泛的网,以使犹太通婚看起来比那里更多是,然后在研究的其他部分切换到其他一些标准。 不过,我的意思不是关于这项研究的具体问题,而是从我从研究中得出的结论来得如此多:当犹太人(只有犹太人;不允许其他人计数)时,相信他们是很正常的事情。撒谎的所有理由(“天塌下来!绕着马车!无声的大屠杀!现在汇款!我们是有史以来最多样化的!这里没有种族中心主义!”等)。

    我不认为数字有误。 我认为这是无法验证的,品质已经烙印在蛋糕上,提供这些食物的人有强烈的欺骗动机。

    我没有更好的估计可以提供,尽管我猜如果它们错了,它们就很低。 少数民族越小,同情心越多。 少数群体越大,威胁就越大。

    2)犹太人将“通婚”定义为与“外邦人”德国人,苏格兰人等结婚的犹太人。甚至没有关于德国人与苏格兰人,英语和捷克人等之间这种“通婚”率有多高的记录。当然,绝对可以肯定比犹太人的“通婚”率要高得多。 犹太人追踪(并抱怨)这一事实,证明了他们的犯罪率较低。 对于犹太人“通婚”的群体来说,这不是问题。

    3)犹太人甚至不会揭穿真正通婚的话题,例如,他们嫁给黑人的比率。 因为该比率很低,所以他们想把它扫到地毯下,因为它使他们看起来像种族主义者(因为他们是种族主义者)。


    71%的世俗美国犹太人结婚。 我甚至怀疑北欧白人之间的婚姻是否如此之高。

    哈哈。 你开玩笑的对吧? 让我们接受这个荒谬的人脸价值。 您是否真的认为30%的英裔美国人与英裔美国人结婚,30%的捷克裔美国人与捷克裔美国人结婚等等? “外邦人”欧洲裔美国人甚至都没有注意到这些东西。 完全没有。 少数的犹太人称其为“无声的大屠杀”之类的东西(我可能不会对他们的社区提出任何指控)。 实际上,抵制这种“通婚”是一种受人尊敬的犹太人消遣方式。

    这是来自Reiner Tor,但非常有用:

    您也明显地忽略了麦克唐纳确实提到犹太人离婚率的事实。 这是作者Ted Sallis的文章。 (我猜Ted Sallis是化名。)总而言之,离婚率被高估了(通过计算第二和第三次婚姻,那里的孩子人数可能更少或为零,东正教徒的低估在这里不需要我们关注,因为我猜想您只是在谈论自由派犹太人),与异族白人(80%)相比,这个数字仍然很低。

    也比照。 Irwin Silverman和Danielle Case:在人类事务中的民族中心主义与实用主义。 在:爱任纽斯·伊布尔·艾伯斯费尔特(ErenäusEibl-Eibesfeldt)和弗兰克·萨尔特(Frank K. 进化论视角下的利他主义与身份认同。 p400表18.2。 各民族的平均民族中心得分:

    根据该表,犹太人被认为比黑人(第二大以民族为中心的民族)更加以民族为中心,并且比其他白人(尤其是比WASP更加以民族为中心)。 众所周知,黑人倾向于嫁给白人女孩(如果可能,例如,著名的黑人)。 当然,这并不意味着它们不是种族中心的。 (但是,这当然意味着他们对维持非裔美国人基因库的考虑不多。)


    但是犹太人容忍与外邦妇女结婚的犹太妇女比例很高。 如何让女性以种族中心的高水平嫁给种族局外人?

    但是,所有国籍的欧洲人对自己嫁给其他欧洲国籍的容忍度更高。 与非欧洲人结婚的比率大大提高。 这与欧洲人比犹太人更不以民族为中心的观点有何矛盾? 对我来说,这似乎是完全一致的,特别是考虑到应该将“自由派”犹太人与欧洲人进行比较。 我们应该看到相反的情况,但事实并非如此。


    好吧,我想那将是旧的“ Chosen of Gd”主题的一种应用。 因此,如果犹太人嫁给其他高加索人等同于欧洲人(或者大概是其他高加索人)嫁给黑人或蒙古人,那么您所谓的犹太人嫁给黑人,就是这种情况(这种情况很少发生,以至于犹太人将其统计数据视为肮脏的国家秘密)。 ? 在犹太人中,欧洲通婚的含义是什么–阿什肯纳兹夫妇与Sephardics结婚? 难道这不是说,嫁给您高中恋人的犹太人最终会嫁给您的姐姐吗?

    不,犹太人大致相当于欧洲国籍。 法语,德语,英语,犹太人,这些东西更多地属于同一类别。 正如与嫁给德国人的法国人越过民族边界而不是大陆种族边界一样,嫁给高加索族人的犹太人也是如此。

    Reiner Tor的另一个很好的评论。




    “白人互联网约会者中的性别种族排斥。” http://paa2008.princeton.edu/papers/80046

    相关部分:“具体来说,我们发现被认为是犹太人的白人被排除在对黑人排斥的分析之外,因为这是一个完美的预测指标; 也就是说,所有被认为是犹太人的白人男人和女人都将黑人排除为可能的约会对象; 所有被认定为犹太人的白人女性也将亚洲男性排除在外。”


    在那里,这是我反对“犹太人出嫁率证明犹太人不是以种族为中心”的胡说八道的例子。 有些人擅长跟踪辩论的个人方面,下次您对这个话题持钝态时会抬起脚来,但我不在其中,所以请随时玩犹太人的“重置”游戏在下一个线程中。


  229. @redmudhooch

    特朗普和共和党再次将以色列放在第一位。 ”



  230. Svigor 说:

    作者没有引用任何他们提到的犹太人倾向的实际数字。 55%是一种“趋势”,70-75%更像是一种“锁定”。白人则完全不同,中间分裂得更多。犹太人的投票更像黑人。





  231. wayfarer 说:





    • 回复: @AaronB
  232. Svigor 说:





  233. Svigor 说:


    不以种族为中心的人不会花这么多时间来保护自己。大多数白人只会耸耸肩说:“是的,白人做了很多坏事,并且有很多种族主义历史。”在这里看到了很多帖子,其中捍卫犹太人的犹太人超过了捍卫白人的白人,尽管事实上,在这个国家,白人与犹太人的人数之比为 30 比 1(而且犹太人有很多途径来追求他们的种族利益,这与白人必须去寻找边缘网站)。

  234. AaronB 说:





    • 回复: @wayfarer
  235. Svigor 说:


    犹太左派的问题在于犹太人不是左派。 散居 犹太人是左派。但当他们拥有自己的国家时,他们就会努力向右。比任何其他名义上的白人种族都更右翼。除此之外,一个非常重要的事实是,这两个犹太“营地”在很大程度上属于同一支犹太军队。两人相处得很好。事实上,以色列犹太人非常依赖其更富有、更聪明、人数更多的老大哥——侨民犹太人。

    因此,解释犹太左派必须考虑到这两个密切联盟但表面上政治对立的阵营。 “高智商加上迫害”惨遭失败,但“犹太霸权”却完美契合。


    索尔仁尼琴的书《在一起 200 年》强烈反对这一点,至少在 1800 年代的俄罗斯是这样。他的书详细介绍了俄罗斯当局半个世纪以来为犹太人引入农业的努力,为他们提供免费的土地、住房、工作工具、税收补贴和一些针对强制征兵的津贴。这个想法既是为了同化犹太人,也是为了防止他们从事被视为剥削俄罗斯农民的活动(高利贷、制造和销售伏特加)。这次实验是一次惨痛的失败。许多犹太人以高昂的价格出租土地,然后返回城市地区从事商业和放债。


    • 回复: @anon
  236. @Tyrion 2


  237. Svigor 说:

    因此,解释犹太左派必须考虑到这两个密切联盟但表面上政治对立的阵营。 “高智商加上迫害”惨遭失败,但“犹太霸权”却完美契合。

    现在,如果作者想论证“高智商加上迫害”是犹太人霸权的原因,我想说他们有一个观点的开始(“迫害”是犹太人对“犹太人与白人/外邦人冲突”的说法) ”。

  238. wayfarer 说:




  239. @dahoit


  240. @mcohen






    • 回复: @Eustace Tilley (not)
  241. 这是您每天的提醒,我们的#1 盟友是多么棒….9/11 这两个有什么共同点?


  242. anonymous • 免责声明 说:




    不久 #74 https://www.unz.com/article/what-the-alt-right-gets-wrong-about-jews/#comment-2251578 提出了重要的观点:

    传承更深。它可以追溯到祖先和传统。它并不是像 50 个性别那样凭空捏造出来的。因此,右派必须是继承主义的。
    此外,我们不能将利益与身份或继承混淆。 。 。 。
    黑人工人和白人工人可以有共同的利益。但他们的 种族、历史、记忆和叙述方面的传承是不同的。





    婴儿潮一代可能是行为方式与已有数百年历史的群体婚姻模式截然不同的第一代人。他们也经历过更多的离婚;他们的孩子作为家庭更加混乱和功能失调——Linh 称之为 失范的。

    If 白人 期望维持他们的 遗产基于身份,他们将不得不像犹太人一样关注族内婚姻。

  243. geokat62 说:

    好吧,好吧,好吧。经过 20 年的时间,游说团最终决定是时候对麦克唐纳教授的巨著做出回应了。

    他们最初认为更谨慎的做法是对其进行沉默处理并直接忽略它。然后他们决定攻击使者而不是信息,称麦克唐纳教授是反犹太主义者。他们试图通过将他的作品与《锡安长老议定书》进行比较来贬低他的作品。但这些都不起作用。当来自威斯康星州的国会候选人 Paul Nehlen 在推特上表示他正在阅读麦克唐纳教授的 CofC 时,转折点一定已经到来。一切都乱了套,他们设法让 Twitter 禁止他使用他们的平台。当保罗·内伦宣布麦克唐纳教授同意担任他反对议长保罗·瑞安的竞选活动的发言人时,一定是压垮他的最后一根稻草。



    底线:正如 Slick Willy 所说的那样……大堂很愚蠢!

    1)以促进大规模移民为形式的国内政策(散布这样的谎言: 多样性是我们的力量); 和
    2)以促进 GWOT 形式的外交政策(散布其旨在保护的谎言) 愚蠢的Goyim 当它实际上是为了保护 天选)



    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Vojkan
  244. anon • 免责声明 说:





  245. Svigor 说:


    另类右翼对犹太人的误解介于 WN 派系和其他另类右翼之间。前者常常把反犹太主义看得太过分,而后者往往对犹太人太无知,以致于他们的观点得不到认真对待。

    因此,解释犹太左派必须考虑到这两个密切联盟但表面上政治对立的阵营。 “高智商加上迫害”惨遭失败,但“犹太霸权”却完美契合。

    现在,如果作者想论证“高智商加上迫害”是犹太人霸权的原因,我想说他们有一个观点的开始(“迫害”是犹太人对“犹太人与白人/外邦人冲突”的说法) ”。






    因为成熟的犹太知识分子并没有被记录下来为自己鼓吹特殊主义,为东道主鼓吹普遍主义* 1 * 并不意味着这不是犹太社区的净行为。



    麦克唐纳已经宣布我将拒绝他的想法,因为我是犹太人,那么回复他们有什么意义呢? 。麦克唐纳的各种论点,即使单独地值得进行科学辩论,但总的来说,用充满价值的、贬低性的语言表达了对犹太人一贯的令人反感的描绘。不可避免地会产生这样的印象:这不是一个普通的科学假设




    这与现实不符。 75%的犹太人投票反对特朗普。这是一个相当标准的结果。犹太人绝大多数是(伪)左派。这些犹太人都是犹太复国主义者。


    PS,3 并不能让犹太人摆脱困境。

    激进女权主义者——如果你想了解理智的人们对你的看法,只需看看你如何看待 KMac 的追随者,他们认为西方一直处于犹太人的枷锁之下,这是一个千年阴谋的一部分。


    犹太人用 6 根大猩猩棍棒打你时痛苦地喊叫






























    这没有任何意义。德系犹太人的智商比白人外邦人的平均智商高出 1.0 个标准差。


    自称前犹太人的吉拉德·阿兹蒙 (Gilad Atzmon) 将犹太人中这种害怕尚未发生且可能永远不会发生的事情的倾向称为创伤前应激综合症!





    但说实话,你们这些人有什么意义呢?你还是真实的吗?犹太人对黑死病负有责任?犹太人与欧洲人进行了一场永恒的战争?犹太人天生就没有良心? Wtf。我知道互联网上充满了疯子,但你们都是彻头彻尾的邪恶。没有其他词可以形容它。我永远不会想到有这样一群人,因为我自己的心并不是一片漆黑。



  246. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    我们需要将“犹太霸权”作为一个术语,因为它完美地描述了双重标准。 “民族主义对我来说是,但对你们非犹太人来说不是。”*这不是至高无上的定义,为自己要求特殊的特权和规则吗? “多元化配额会剥夺你的权利,但不会剥夺我的权利。”

    再加上他们是迄今为止最富有的群体,他们控制着大多数媒体,如果你在一天中的任何时候打开 CNN,屏幕上至少有一半的人会告诉你要考虑什么国内和中东政策——如果你指出这一点(更不用说批评它),你就会受到审查、排斥并被解雇。 “犹太人至上”这个词再恰当不过了。



    * 顺便说一句,你必须为以色列在中东的民族主义买单,戈伊。 (并进行战争并流血)

    ** (如果你查看相关年龄段的人口统计数据)

    • 回复: @Dissident X
  247. anon • 免责声明 说:



  248. Svigor 说:


    是的,抱歉,我没有校对过。如果你引用我重复的段落,我会在下次把它们删掉。我必须在 Unz 上进行搜索;许多点击都涉及相同的主题。在开始之前,我就急于完成我觉得无聊的事情。

  249. @Beefcake the Mighty


    美国和以色列国防军进行大规模联合演习,模拟 3 条战线的战斗

  250. Amasius 说:

    根据提示,我认为他试图推动“印度人也是雅利安人!” 角度和风暴前的人群不想听到它。 显然,他尝试了很长时间,结果真的很沮丧,现在他一直在做任何相当于印度教的圣战。

  251. renfro 说:




    “我们准备好在任何时候参与动能战斗时致力于保卫以色列,但总有造成人员伤亡的风险。 但我们接受这一点——作为我们训练和参与的每一次冲突,总是存在这种可能性,”

    “就决策而言,这是一种伙伴关系,”他继续说道,但同时强调,“归根结底,这是为了保护以色列——如果存在关于我们如何运作的问题,最后一票可能会投给兹维卡准将。兹维卡·海莫维奇 (Zvika Haimovitch),以色列国防军防空部门负责人。

  252. @geokat62



    并阅读 Stanley Hornbeck 对 CofC 的广泛评论 http://www.heretical.com/miscellx/culturec.html .

    但这是开创性的;他几乎是该领域唯一一个对 JQ 进行客观分析的人。他伸出脖子。



  253. @redmudhooch

    天选,亲选择!, 免费选择.
    直到 自由 出现在我们的新闻中。

  254. 从哪里开始...







  255. Weaver 说:

    每个拥有权力的人都会滥用权力。说犹太人做错了事,部分是说犹太人很强大。人堕落了。罗马人对高卢人“公平”吗?雅典对提洛联盟的成员公平吗? (我提到雅典的原因是修昔底德的一句哲学名言。)



    我至少有时间关注一些推特评论。我想Anglin还是喜欢NS。麦克唐纳在推特上明确拒绝了 NS。这是有很大区别的。









  256. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Tyrion 2


    彼得·约恩 (至少)有 1/4 犹太人血统。他母亲的母亲是犹太人。她的名字是 艾娜·卡普兰。** 彼得的叔叔(母亲的兄弟)是另一位工业巨头 佩尔·G·吉伦哈马尔。 Pehr 的 wiki 上列出了他“有犹太血统”,但 Peter Hjorne 的简洁 wiki 中省略了这一点。佩尔的妹妹安妮·霍恩(妮·吉伦哈默饰)是彼得的母亲。

    所以,是的,尽管《提利昂 2》否认彼得·约恩,瑞典第二大媒体所有者拥有犹太血统,而且事实上,他是犹太教犹太人。

    这意味着瑞典 6/8 最大的报纸为犹太后裔家庭所有。另外 2/8 归“外国银行”所有。

    从现在开始,提利昂,如果你不同意任何事情: *引用它*。你什么也没引用。这只不过是你的否认和困惑。引用它。
    ** 艾娜的父母分别出生在德国和波兰,名字分别为马蒂亚斯·卡普兰和萨拉·塞尔玛·弗里德兰。

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
    , @Tyrion 2
  257. @Colleen Pater



  258. Vojkan 说:


  259. Vojkan 说:

    关于爱尔兰人,我同意, https://www.historyireland.com/18th-19th-century-history/food-exports-from-ireland-1846-47/

  260. Vojkan 说:


  261. @Svigor

    没事1.犹太人的婚姻习惯比其他白人种族更加孤立。 法国人,捷克人,意大利人,爱尔兰人等……这些团体甚至没有追踪所谓的“通婚”,而且这一比率远高于犹太人。 因此,犹太人的婚姻习惯实际上揭示了特殊性。 2.这些不那么专一的习惯并不能阻止(白人)对爱尔兰,意大利,捷克,法国等种族的种族厌恶,也不能构成对这些种族的有效辩护。


    适当的问题是: 有多少美国锡克教徒、琐罗亚斯德教徒、印度教徒或穆斯林(无论是否有宗教信仰)结婚?

  262. Tyrion 2 说:


    什么样的假设场景会证明你是错的?因为如果上面的例子都不能满足的话,那你就太不讲理了。你的思维方式正是 SJW 类型的人所从事的。

    问他们什么证据会质疑父权制或白人特权,你会与他们进行同样的对话,但你将是我,他们将是你。也就是说,如果你能找到一个更合理的——就像你在这里一样。与错误的人交谈,你会得到明显愚蠢的诡辩家/也许只是像 AaronB 这样的青少年,或者像其他大多数人一样的疯狂阴谋论者。

    我已经与这里的人和 SJW 谈过了。我知道这是真的。

    • 回复: @Randal
  263. @Anon

    I could never understand this line of thinking. For in stance, Karl Marx, who was a Christian atheist & had nothing to do with Judaism, was a German of wholly Jewish descent. But, he was not a Jew simply because he did not identify with this ethnicity/culture. He was German 100%.

    Also, French composer Jean Baptiste Lully was born as Italian, but he is a French, not Italian composer (the same situation, I think, with great French mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange). On the other hand, great German physiologist Emil Dubois Reymond was a German, and not French scientist, although he was of French Huguenot descent.

    The same mistake seems to be with these Swedish media people- conflation of ancestry & identity.

    Does it matter what, say, some rabbi could have thought of Marx’s identity? Marx wouldn’t have given a hoot & he would have been right.

    • 回复: @Weaver
    , @AaronB
  264. Tyrion 2 说:

    Tldr. Jews consider it intermarriage because it is interfaith. It makes the ceremony complicated. Duh!

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  265. Tyrion 2 说:


    Clearly, I was right on the money with my description of you. It caused you to have quite a tantrum.

  266. Tyrion 2 说:

    While my research is restricted by my lack of Swedish, I see no reason to see any of your assertions as true. That website is not authoritative nor does it necessarily say what you think it does. Evidence would be him talking about being Jewish. Or him worshipping at a synagogue. Some some random datatbase that you could have input the not quite relevant data into.

    Except that the Volvo bloke has some Jewish ancestry, but it seems he wrote a famous book idolising the pre-1970s Swedish state. Which was probably the most homogenous in the world. So even your desperate need to feel that a handful of Jews somehow led the Swedes astray is disproven by your own nonsense.

    • 回复: @Anon
  267. @the Supreme Gentleman


  268. KenH 说:

    I was expecting something original and groundbreaking but it’s just slight spin on the usual anti-anti semitic talking points.

    Persecution of Jews began for religious reasons in the Middle Ages

    The conflict between the occidental world and Jewry antedates Christianity. Greeks and especially Romans had their conflicts with the Jews. Jews try to ignore this episode since it contradicts their claims that Christian religious bigotry was the only thing preventing amity between Jew and goy. I guess they’ll try to claim pagan religious bigotry.

    (((The Author))) also says Jews have been well represented in right wing movements but that’s just the age old Jewish strategy of betting on both horses. This way Jews won’t suffer a backlash and retaliatory measures by the angry goyim.

    Although today in most cases I think rightist Jews are phony opposition and if they aren’t their Jewish world outlook prevents acknowledgement and honest discussion of the demographic displacement of whites and the perniciousness of multiracial policies (see Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro, Breitbart Jews). In short, Jewish rightists, or “good”, rightist Jews are just the Washington Generals who always manage to come up a little short while the “bad”, leftist Jews are the Harlem Globetrotters.

  269. Weaver 说:

    Brits also seem to be nervous. I suspect a nervous or obsessive predisposition can give one an advantage in academic fields and could explain some (not all) of the alleged Jewish-Gentile IQ difference.

    That’s why I continue to say these topics are complicated and easily misunderstood: If a person enjoys success, he then strives to justify that success. IQ is a flattering justification for success, but it’s likely only one of a variety of explanations.

    And my post is not to allege that IQ is not genetic. It clearly has a strong genetic basis. But there are many aspects to success. IQ test results also vary depending on exposure.

    It’s frustrating to me to see certainty attached to matters that are uncertain. Whenever I make an argument, I like to include the arguments against my argument (at least the ones that come to mind).

  270. @Anon


  271. @Randal

    Spiked Online morphed from “Living Marxism”, an organ of Frank Furedi’s Revolutionary Communist Party.

    They are still smarting because Living Marxism libeled ITN with regard to its coverage of the Bosnian war in 1992, and was bankrupted in 2000 by the ensuing court case. This history may account for their wish to remove legal restrictions on free speech.

    The members of the Party decided on the strategy of media entryism: as well as their own online rag, they write for the MSM when they can, and appear on radio and TV. They set up front organisations for specific campaigns. For what overall purpose, is anybody’s guess.

    • 回复: @Randal
  272. Weaver 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    At the least Marx identified as ethnically mixed or foreign, which isn’t the same as “100% German”. His yellow skin, due to disease (I’m no dermatologist), could have also given him the perception of being somehow foreign.

    I’m from the US South. However, I’m quite aware of my British descent. Marx also knew his descent. Additionally, his nephew was part black, and Marx was quite aware of that. (Interesting that google no longer brings up the articles on Marx’s nephew…)

    Similarly, an ethnic German is likely to be descended from a particular part of Germany, which can be significant (or was in the past). A family’s class or historic profession (or urban vs. rural) can also be significant.

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  273. @Anonymous

    The Ashkenazi were people from the Caucus region who converted to Judaism in the 8th century. They are not descendants of Abraham that anyone knows of.

    This theory (that the Ashkenazim are descended from the Khazars) has been debunked. Genetically they appear to be roughly half Italian (i.e. Roman) and half Middle Eastern. They speak a language, Yiddish, that is a dialect of Old High German – which fits the usual theory of early migration to the Rhineland followed by dispersal mainly to the East – but is hard to explain if they are Khazars.

  274. AaronB 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    That’s because you think in a simplistic and linear fashion. Guy says he’s a Christian with no connection to Judaism, must be true. Guy can’t be subject to the atavistic pull of ethnic identity. Human consciousness is a clear pane of glass, we understand ourselves and our motives perfectly, and there are no opaque unconscious forces, nor is there such a thing as self-deception. Or conscious deception of others.

    The world is clear and bright and simple, organized according to rational principles, meritocracy is real, and the enlightenment is the best way to understand the world.

    At the bottom of your attitude is a desire NOT to see. You WILL NOT see. That’s why you will make this comment again and again, and never allow yourself to understand.

    At bottom, despite your tremendous intelligence and vast erudition, you have a faith. And you will not challenge it.

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  275. @utu

    What about the plague thing? Many Jews were tried for spreading it, for poisoning wells and so on. Just because they were tortured and terrorized (all of those who confessed?) does it mean that there is no grain of truth in the accusations? Does the argument that witches do not exist (now) but still they were found guilty of witchcraft by courts in Middle Ages really absolve the Jews of having anything to do with plague?

    Free speech is a good thing; but if you go around telling people that Jews were guilty of spreading the medieval plague, you are likely to find yourself committed to a lunatic asylum. Not because you have offended anyone, but out of a genuine concern for your sanity.

    • 回复: @utu
  276. @Weaver

    Color skin is not identity. Marx was darker than usual North Germans (hence a nickname “Moor”), but it has nothing to do with national identity (which, after all, would not be noticeable among Mediterranean peoples like Italians, where “Nordic” type of racism was incomprehensible).

    Marx’s nephew -who was this? Only possibly “black connection” is his son-in-law, Paul Lafargue, who was a creole from the French Antilles & about whom Engels & Marx exchanged tasteless racialist jokes.

    This is young Marx:

    Jenny & Laura Marx:

    What on earth makes these people “non-white”?

    • 回复: @Weaver
  277. @Tyrion 2

    Yes, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks is one of the best.

    It is worth pointing out that 70% of British Jews vote Conservative. The Conservative Party, rightly or wrongly, has a reputation for managing the economy better than the Labour Party. America’s Republicans have not had this reputation at least as far back as the Great Depression, and so instead of the economy they tend to emphasise “culture wars” and nationalism, which are unattractive to most Jewish voters.

    Although British Jews are mostly Conservative, those in the media tend towards the radical Left. Sacks is a rare voice of sanity.

  278. @AaronB

    That’s because you think in a simplistic and linear fashion. Guy says he’s a Christian with no connection to Judaism, must be true. Guy can’t be subject to the atavistic pull of ethnic identity. Human consciousness is a clear pane of glass, we understand ourselves and our motives perfectly, and there are no opaque unconscious forces, nor is there such a thing as self-deception. Or conscious deception of others.

    This is typical of your way of thinking: there is something to it, it is not vacuous, but you mess what you want to say with confusing digressions.

    Let’s try to put it in a more orderly fashion.

    Perhaps there could be “hidden motives” for Marx’s behavior, some sinister anti-European conspiracy? This is, as anyone conversant with reality & history knows is not the case.

    What about subconscious Marx’s motives? He could very well be propelled by destructive elements in his personality, his temperament etc. There could be some truth in it. But- there is nothing specifically Jewish about it-violent revolutionaries who were completely “Aryan”, for instance Gracchus Babeuf, Blanqui, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Nechayev, Engels, Georges Sorel ..shared the same violent temper & radical views on utter transformation of society after some sort of apocalyptic explosion (these types are rendered in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Children”). Anarchists, Blanquists & revolutionaries.

    Nothing particularly Jewish.

    On the other hand, could it be that, as in Jungian earlier phases, that various human races & sub-races possess different collective unconscious? Jungian Collective Unconscious is, in its classical exposition, the superconsciousness of archetypes that belong to all humankind (Self, Anima, Animus,… and its symbols as the Fool, Trickster, Axis Mundi etc.). A more appropriate term would be the Universal Unconscious.

    Just, in early stages of its development, Jung thought of it as something quasi-racial. So, Northern “races” (Germans, English,..) would dream of, say, woods, snow & polar bears; Jews & Arabs would be dreaming of the desert, oases & camels.

    Only, Jung dropped this idea & there is not a shred of evidence that this “racial” unconscious exists. Whether his universal archetypes exist is also problematic, but “racial” ones certainly don’t.

    So- Marx cannot be blamed for unconsciously acting either from personal malice or ethnic, subconscious “Jewish” malice & destructiveness (if something like this exists at all).

  279. Weaver 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    He would have identified as being ethnically Jewish. Jews

    Let me ask you this: Does an Orthodox Jew identify as European? No. He identifies as Jewish, Semitic, Middle Eastern. Is Palestine part of Germany or even Europe? Jews identify as having separate religious (etc.) customs and a separate genetic identity.

    I acknowledge some Jews clearly see themselves as European today, might have in Marx’s time. But it’s conjecture.

    Marx suffered from ill health. Supposedly his skin was “yellowish” (which makes me think of jaundice), which can be a sign of mixed heritage. Wikipedia mentions he either had a liver problem or perhaps hidradenitis suppurativa.

    I can’t find my source that accused him of having yellowish skin. I just remember reading it. Clearly he had some sort of ailment.

    Yes, Paul Lafargue is whom I was thinking of as the “nephew”. I tried googling the topic to be sure I was correct in my details, but google no longer works for that topic. Marx once said LaFargue was helping to solve the “race problem” or something like that.

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  280. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @the Supreme Gentleman


    也许我们应该感到高兴的是,泰格·伍兹、OJ、每一个 NBA 和 NFL 暴徒都喜欢白人女性。



    好的,所以我们不希望我们的整个文明因种族混合而被摧毁。看看美丽的北欧人克里斯蒂·布林克利和犹太流行歌手比利·乔尔的淫荡女儿就知道了。 Oy Veh 她很丑。


    “Chapter 1:

    On the destruction of a tribe the ancient virtue of the tribe and family is lost; with the loss of virtue, vice and impiety overwhelm the whole of a race. From the influence of impiety the females of a family grow vicious; and from women that are become vicious are born the spurious caste called Varna-Sankara. Corruption of caste is a gate of hell, both for these destroyers of a tribe and for those who survive; and their forefathers, being deprived of the ceremonies of cakes and water offered to their manes, sink into the infernal regions. By the crimes of the destroyers of a tribe and by those who cause confusion of caste, the family virtue and the virtue of a whole tribe are forever done away with; and we have read in sacred writ, O Krishna, that a sojourn in hell awaits those mortals whose generation hath lost its virtue.”

  281. utu 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    You are saying that speculating or researching whether there is a grain of truth to medieval accusation of Jewish connection to the Plague is absolutely beyond the pale. Do you think that wondering about veracity of blood libel stories also qualifies you for a lunatic asylum? What about Ariel Toaff?

    certain criminal acts, disguised as crude rituals, were indeed committed by extremist groups or by individuals demented by religious mania and blinded by desire for revenge against those considered responsible for their people’s sorrows and tragedies

    It is interesting that conditioning and creating taboos works so well particularly among intelligent and well educated segment of society. A belief in flat earth or moon made of cheese does not evoke that intense and strong reaction as any question about blood libel or Black Death and Jewish connection.

    I am not asking to believe in it but I am asking to reevaluate it and see what evidence is there.

  282. Anonymous [AKA "Silverbobber"] 说:

    This article is bent on obfuscation and is shown for such by several clear, concise and factual comments . Thanks for your clearly reasoned responses which expose such “goboldy gook”.

  283. anon • 免责声明 说:

    ” This answer fell out of fashion, at least in polite society, after World War II”

    It did not fall out of fashion because of some new understand and explanations but because of fear,sanctions,innuendo,and pure physical attacks against those who would question the roles of the Zionist in the destruction of the human communities. The Zionist used money media and murder as tools to get there .

  284. @Doug

    这个数学是非常不确定的。毫无疑问,分布只是正态分布,而不是真正的高斯分布,这主要表现在尾部。对 3 西格玛及以上的任何估计充其量只是猜测

  285. anon • 免责声明 说:

    “To understand the alt-right’s anti-Semitism, we must understand MacDonald’s ideas, particularly as outlined in his most influential book, The Culture of Critique.”—

    No we don’t need

    To understand we should hear what Mr Marshall of Truman administration , Mr Fullbroght of US Senate , Admiral Moorer of US Navy, Goldwater in 1987, Nixon on tapes, Bush Sr in 1990 had to say about the sinister thuggery anti national practices of the Zionist .
    WE should ask why Obama was hated, why pre presidential Trump had to endure, what Howard Dean had to succumb to, what Military brass Dempsey had to articulate and had to go through , what Petraeus had to endure, what the anti- Iran brigade had to engage in, what the cabals did in OSP of Bush Jr Cabinet and what roles the cabals play now to instigate war against Iran

  286. Randal 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    You are seemingly simply unable to perceive your own bias.

    You claimed that the Chabloz prosecution was just one of many similar prosecutions not involving “anti-Semitism”. It isn’t, and I pointed that out to you. There have been other prosecutions for abstract speech or art, but not many and certainly not enough to suggest Spiked was swamped with potential cases to write about, as you imply. Which is not to say that the campaign to normalise censorship of politically incorrect doesn’t proceed on multiple fronts, just that the enforcement of the antisemitism taboo is a remarkably strong part of it.

    You claimed that Spiked just ignored it because it was typical (whereas as has been shown, it is not), and claimed that a couple of irrelevant and ineffectual mentions of defending “anti-Semites” proved that Spiked resists censorship of “anti-Semitism” just as much as any other censorship. Clearly, this is not true since they pointedly refused to address the highly newsworthy and significant Chabloz case.

    I gave my (inevitably speculative) best guess as to their motivation for their otherwise hard to explain and very pointed failure to exploit what, on the face of it, was a great opportunity to campaign against censorship. It’s not exactly revolutionary to suggest that ethno-religious loyalty and cultural conditioning (Holocaust sacralisation) would influence human behaviour in that way or that Spiked are in fact the hypocrites they appear on this particular topic. In effect, all I am suggesting is that the evidence suggests they are fairly normal human beings, albeit notably hypocritical in this context because of their particular loyalties and backgrounds.

    You have raised no plausible alternative explanation beyond insisting, utterly implausibly, that the first ever private prosecution for “hate speech”, involving an artist prosecuted for merely uploading a satirical song to the internet – a classic case of the kind of censorship that has generated real pushback in the past when it has involved anti-Christian or anti-white “art” – somehow was beneath their notice, or not newsworthy.

    You have simply no answer to my point that you know as well as I do that if this had been a black “artist” prosecuted for uploading some rap shite to the internet, Spiked would have been all over it.

  287. Threestars 说:

    作者在“历史视角”部分做出了令人发指的错误陈述,并结合了相当明显的逻辑谬误。 首先,麦克唐纳从未声称犹太人具有独特的自由主义能力(正如今天美国的说法所理解的那样),甚至没有声称他们对当今压倒性的自由时代精神负有全部责任。 他只是说,犹太人显然倾向于支持它,原因往往是不真诚的,而且程度远远超过他们所生活的人。 作者没有反对这一点,但似乎同意麦克唐纳的实际立场。

    此外,非犹太人也传播进步思想这一事实并没有削弱这一事实,即这在犹太人中如此普遍,被认为是一个特殊的特征。 提到卢梭和法国存在主义者并没有真正遵循任何地方,因为再一次,麦克唐纳并没有将犹太人称为对任何事情负有全部责任(IIRC)。 这就是为什么它以前的评论者实际上没有人费心提出它,尽管我认为他们完全了解卢梭和法国存在主义者在历史上的作用。

    我所知道的对 MacDonald 的唯一中肯的批评是 Paul Gottfried 的(Cofnas 充其量是平庸的)。 他认为麦克唐纳没有区分德国犹太人和东欧德系犹太人,前者表现出保守、同化主义的倾向,而后者则像手套一样贴合麦克唐纳的模型。 是的,当代最有能力的政治哲学家之一,可能是最适合判断和评论 20 世纪政治和文化运动的人,基本上同意麦克唐纳的观点,只有一点点警告。

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  288. @Tyrion 2

    The term “intermarriage” is used to described the marriage of a person of one race to a person of another race in most cases. I’ve only seen it used to describe a union of two people of different religions in reference to a jew marrying someone of another religion.

    Jews seem to regard themselves as a race, not as adherents to a religion. Otherwise, how could an atheist or a person who doesn’t adhere to the religion of the rest still be regarded a jew because he was born to jewish parents?

    The rejection, by official Israeli policy, of black African jews as suitable immigrants to Israel shows that this racial view of judaism is a problem for jews overall.

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  289. @Weaver

    It’s already too long re these details, so I’ll try to sum it up from my point of view.

    He would have identified as being ethnically Jewish. Jews

    No, he wouldn’t. Actually, Marx hated Jews not only as a culture, but even as a “race”. It seems that his cultural dissociation from this ethnicity has, somehow, in his mind meant also “racial” separation. It may now sound weird, but then genetics was non-existent, and at psychological level- absurd as it may seem- Marx definitely saw Jews as the Other (his racist remarks on his rival LaSalle, who was both German patriot & aware of his Jewish roots).

    Read something about the topic, if you are interested.

    Let me ask you this: Does an Orthodox Jew identify as European? No. He identifies as Jewish, Semitic, Middle Eastern. Is Palestine part of Germany or even Europe? Jews identify as having separate religious (etc.) customs and a separate genetic identity.

    I acknowledge some Jews clearly see themselves as European today, might have in Marx’s time. But it’s conjecture.

    Most Orthodox Jews identify as non-Europeans & tend to view themselves as Middle Easterners. Secular Jews – it depends. Einstein, I think, did not consider himself to be an European in a “racial” sense. Most Jewish converts to Christianity (Marx’s father, Mendelssohn, Husserl, Hermann Broch, Karl Kraus,..) thought of themselves as Europeans.

    Marx suffered from ill health. Supposedly his skin was “yellowish” (which makes me think of jaundice), which can be a sign of mixed heritage. Wikipedia mentions he either had a liver problem or perhaps hidradenitis suppurativa.

    In all probability, it has nothing to do with “race”. Perhaps a mixture of hormonal imbalance & psycho-somatic disease, similar to Proust’s asthma?

    Marx once said LaFargue was helping to solve the “race problem” or something like that.

    Marx & Engels thought of Lafargue as partly “niqqer” (although there is no evidence that Lafargue had any African ancestry). Marx consented to this marriage only because, at that time, Lafargue was rich.

    • 回复: @Weaver
  290. @utu

    In 1948, specialized Israeli military units sabotaged water wells with typhoid and dysentery bacteria in Acre (near Haifa), a rather vicious war crime.

    In 1998, the London Times reported Israel has conducted research into “ethnic bombs,” a “biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources. … In developing their ‘ethno-bomb’, Israeli scientists are trying to exploit medical advances by identifying distinctive genes carried by some Arabs, then create a genetically modified bacterium or virus. … The programme is based at the biological institute in Nes Tziyona, the main research facility for Israel’s clandestine arsenal of chemical and biological weapons.”


    Report: Israel Develops New Weapons

    LONDON (AP) — Israel is trying to identity genes carried only by Arabs that could be used to develop a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, the Sunday Times reported.

    The newspaper attributed its report to unidentified Israeli military and Western intelligence sources. It said Israeli scientists are working to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus that only attacks people who carry certain genes.


    A new conspiracy theory, voiced by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights about the efforts of US special services to collect biomaterial for the subsequent development of biological weapons against Russia, caused explosive reactions in social media. Putin’s remarks about the biomaterial has become an Internet meme instantly.

    “Do you know that the biological material is collected all over the country for different ethnic groups and peoples living in different geographical area of the Russian Federation? The question is why they are doing it, and they are doing it purposefully and professionally.We are an object of great interest. Of course, we do not need to have any fear about it. Let them do whatever they want, and we must do what we have to do,” Putin said without specifying what the Russians should do in response to such activities.


    • 回复: @utu
    , @anon
  291. Tyrion 2 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    The rejection, by official Israeli policy, of black African jews as suitable immigrants to Israel shows that this racial view of judaism is a problem for jews overall.

    Wrong. It’s because they haven’t converted properly through the Chief Rabbinate and so aren’t considered Jews by the Orthodox.

    The term “intermarriage” is used to described the marriage of a person of one race to a person of another race in most cases. I’ve only seen it used to describe a union of two people of different religions in reference to a jew marrying someone of another religion.

    Wrong. The following article uses interfaith marriage and intermarriage as synonyms. Clearly the former is a subset of the latter.


    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  292. Anonymous [AKA "Kilo McStrife"] 说:
    @the Supreme Gentleman


  293. Randal 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    I think they have some kind of almost culty marxism at their core, but that’s just from reading comments made at their site by insiders and former insiders.

    Living Marxism libeled ITN with regard to its coverage of the Bosnian war in 1992, and was bankrupted in 2000 by the ensuing court case.

    I remember it well, and I’d rather describe it as: Living Marxism were held to have libelled ITN by an establishment court. They did excellent work on the Kosovo war, iirc.

    This history may account for their wish to remove legal restrictions on free speech.

    Probably. Certainly they are as dogmatically pc and anti-racist on most issues as any mainstream outlet.

  294. Talha 说:

    It is enough that we have physical security and that people obey the law in respect of assaults etc. (He did not say the latter but it seems a reasonable extrapolation).

    Indeed, that is exactly what he is getting at. It is one thing to demand that the safety of Muslim (or any other) women be respected by the law, but a whole other to demand that, say, any diner that doesn’t want to serve us, be forced by the law to accommodate us.

    by persecuting people for expressing opinions they generate hatred against themselves, and they gain nothing of long term value.

    This is exactly the trap that I don’t want my fellow Muslims to fall into. Respect, trust and even love is something you earn – not something forced through legislation.

    The problem I see is that some of the younger Muslims are too soft and not comfortable being the odd-man-out or espousing a contrarian tradition (and the consequences that come from it). I remember that a group of White Mormon kids in our high school used to call us wetbacks and a bunch of other things including “smigger” which was a combination of smurf and nigger since some of us were diminutive. And we used to poke fun at them – but we actually had reasonably good relations with them and one was more comfortable in our group than he was with the other Mormons.

    Anyway, being fully accepted in this day and age should actually ring serious alarm bells as Shaykh Adal-Hakim Murad points out – why the hell would we want to be “patted on the head” by the current elite ruling structure and its values?
    “In fact it would be a worrying indictment of the legitimacy of the religion if the modern world outside were to approve of us…We should be proud that the modern world doesn’t like us – that is a sign of authenticity.”

    The issue you point out with not enough Christians pushing back seems to be rooted in their forgetting the maxim; “…be not conformed to this world…”. Christians have gotten a little lazy from being top dog for so long, too many have forgotten how to suffer and struggle for your principles. It’s easier for us; we’re already “the Other” – we just have to own it as a mark of a firm, committed and confident counterculture. Like Dr. Elmasry stated; if we suffer some in the process – it’s worth the cost.

    Though I must admit, I have been impressed by certain Christians who are starting to push back (within the limits of acceptable discourse, of course). Robert P. George (of Princeton Univ.) comes to mind – I had a brief online exchange with him – very respectful, knowledgeable man.


  295. Weaver 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    博登·卡迪安(Bardon Kaldian),

    I’m saying Marx would have identified as a person having some Jewish ancestry. I have Marx’s book where he condemns Jews, but he would have been aware of his own ancestry.

    My original comment was:

    “At the least Marx identified as ethnically mixed or foreign, which isn’t the same as “100% German”. ”

    I’m sorry if I used poor wording in the most recent reply. Ancestry needn’t be binary. What Marx truly identified as is conjecture; but unless it can be shown he was unaware of his partial Jewish ancestry, it likely mattered to him.

    TS Eliot highlighted why secular Jews (note the word “secular”) are a concern, in his “anti-Semitic statement”: They identify with coming from a different ethnicity and religious tradition. If Marx identified as partly alien from Germany, then that could well have mattered.

  296. utu 说:


    Biological warfare was known in ancient times. Accurate germ theory is not needed to conduct effective biological warfare. Vaccinations preceded Pasteur.

  297. MarkinLA 说:

    IQ is a measure of education and not really intelligence.

    This is not entirely true because IQ tests are timed. Higher IQ people usually come up with the answers much faster. This ability to see the answer faster is a component of intelligence. It isn’t the be-all and end-all but it is important. Most people do not take classes where this ability is important so it is easy to discount it. However, if you ever take high level math and physics courses there are always the very few students who are simply on another level compared to the rest of those in the class.

  298. renfro 说:

    Well you all have once again fallen into the trap of discussing the Jew’s identity, religion, marriages, IQ, whiteness, or not, who is a Jew or not, etc.etc.etc…ad infinitum .

    Frankly the Jewish cult isnt that interesting, a cult is a cult, but people get suckered into thinking they are by articles like this whose purpose is to make the droppings and innards of Jews important to you.

    All you need to know about the Jews you can see in their PATTERN of behavior thru out the centuries and nations they have lived in.

    I can probably come back here in 10 years, after they have sucked the US into more wars for Israel, and you will still be examining the Jewish navel.

    They are what they are….dangerous to America and other living things, period.

    • 回复: @Mulegino1
  299. anon • 免责声明 说:

    The documents prepared by PNAC crowd of psychopaths do mention or did mention the advantage of having this race specific weapon.

  300. Art 说:



    Just because you can – doesn’t me you should. Playing on societies weaknesses is evil. Pushing people to choose excitement over stability and serenity is very wrong. Tempting people to do things that destabilize their lives is wrong.


    The smart Big Jews lead society backwards into instability – and the not so smart Little Jews follow like lemmings.


  301. @Threestars


  302. @Tyrion 2

    You’re explaining this from a jewish viewpoint, but it’s apparent to everyone outside your little tribe that black jews can’t be considered jews because they are black. African jews who are born to African jewish parents are allowed to immigrate to Israel? Since when? Your tribe claims to be a race, period. It has been so for over a hundred years, so you may as well stop denying it.

    Linking to one single example of a jewish writer in the NYT confusing the two terms only proves my point, not yours.

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  303. Svigor 说:


    The apposite question would be: how many American Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Hindus or Muslims (religious or not) outmarry?

    This was addressed in the comment: atheist/agnostic/non-observant/irreligious/secular/etc. Jews are included in all of the relevant studies; if they weren’t, it wouldn’t make sense to use the numbers from those studies to argue that Jews aren’t ethnocentric.

    Most Jews aren’t religious. But most do seem to think they’re being clever when they play the “Jewish identity” shell game.

    Tldr. Jews consider it intermarriage because it is interfaith. It makes the ceremony complicated. Duh!

    Again, this is a Jew fig leaf:

    Irreligious and even atheistic Jews are counted in the studies and the figures they produce.

    Jews who call “intermarriage” a “silent holocaust” don’t limit the discussion to observant Jews; they think it’s a “silent holocaust” when non-observant Jews “outmarry,” too.

    Jews use the “Jewish intermarriage” rates to argue that Jews aren’t ethnocentric, they don’t add any religious qualifiers.

    You guys are Jew apologists. Ethnocentrists. Be men and own that shit.

    Stop being weasels. Nobody respects a shyster.

  304. Mulegino1 说:

    Exactly. It is their collective behavior that is the issue. Witness their propensity to take total responsibility for their tribe’s “collective achievement” – Nobel prizes, financial success, etc., and their complete eschewing of tribal responsibility for any wrongdoing, such as involvement in the communist revolutions of the early 1900’s and their propensity for propagating sewage within cultures a la Weimar and Hollywood.

    To paraphrase Gerard Menuhin- if all Jews were like the Menuhin family (and let us add Bobby Fischer, Gilad Atzmon, and their like to that list) there would be no such thing as anti-Semitism. It is their very irritating and culturally subversive behavior, not the fact that they wear beanies or shout “Mazel Tov” at weddings, that is the cause of the animosity towards them. And the most intelligent among them know this-but they just cannot keep their paranoid and litigious mouths shut.

    • 回复: @renfro
  305. Svigor 说:

    Judaism isn’t really a religion, anyway. It’s not about your beliefs. It’s about Jews’ beliefs about you. They get to veto your membership in their religion.

    In other words, it’s a proxy for Jewish ethnicity. Judaism is the tribal religion of the Jews. Some Jews are into it, and they’re Jews. Others are atheists, and they’re Jews, too. It’s the ethnic part that really matters to all but a small minority of Jews.

    • 回复: @Talha
  306. Svigor 说:




    Wrong as usual. “Jews” can refer to all Jews, or Schlomo and That Jewish Ho Over There. Since you are a Jew first and a person second, you insist on projecting the former. But since pretty much nobody ever accuses “all” Jews of anything much, this Jewish tic does little more than present your bias.

    A reasonable assumption, sans body text to make a rigorous determination, is that it should be read as “What Jews tend to get wrong” or “What too many Jews get wrong or,” etc.

    And you even managed to be wrong in the other direction: there are philo-semitic and philo-agnostic Alt-Righters, too.

  307. Svigor 说:

    “Philo-agnostic,” lol. Meant to type something like “Jew-neutral” but brain-farted instead.

  308. @mark green


    I had been meaning to ask you whether you were the same Mark Green. I was about 80% sure you were. That is a very good interview. I think I ran across it several years ago and it was my first exposure to KMac’s analysis of these matters. I think that interview was one thing (among a number of other things, of course..) that unlocked certain things for me. Thank you for that.

    Mark, I don’t have any way of contacting you outside of this site. I would appreciate if you dropped me a private email. revusky (at) gmail

    • 回复: @mark green
  309. Svigor 说:

    Ive been pro white, [actually also pro sane people] and vote “Right wing” all my life. (As much as the GOP can be right wing, which is a laugh..)


    Communism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Leftism, Socialism is a foreign ideology and I cant ever embrace it. Its just against the nation.

    I am not the ONLY right wing Jew out there as this post mentions. There are a lot of us out there.. Problem is: Right wing Jewish blogs, sites, etc get banned, tagged by google as ‘racist’. Kept out of stat counters, you name it.

    I find it very taxing when my right wing op seems to make lots of ‘alt righters’ cry like little babies. Truly, many alt righters are just former Leftists with all the trappings of the SJW mindset.


    Person above says that “Jews like dominating the convo”. No, they just have the biggest mouths at the worst times.

    “Goyim” is not a bad word, btw, Svigor. But, if you want to feel like you’re some type slave, oppressed by Jews and ONLY Jews, knock your socks off.

    More power to you. You are, unfortunately, part of a tiny minority. To make matters worse, most of the right-wing Jews seem to do more Jewish Apology and attempting to suppress ANTI-SEMITISM!!! in right-wing venues than converting their own tribe to our side.

  310. Tyrion 2 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    There are loads of black jewish citizens in Israel. There are a surprising number of black Jews at my synagogue in London. You have literally no idea what you’re talking about. Furthermore, I proved you dead wrong.

    You’re dumber than the writers at EverydayFeminism and they do it just to scam money from half-wits.

    I didn’t agree with Noah Rothman until I started debating with you guys but you really are just a bunch of SJW types. It is so cringeworthy. I’m out of here. You’ve blackpilled me on the future of the West. Is there anyone sane left?

  311. Talha 说:

    Judaism isn’t really a religion, anyway….It’s about Jews’ beliefs about you.

    I don’t see why it can’t be both.

    They get to veto your membership in their religion.

    We’re as universalist a religion as it gets, but we’ll boot your apostate backside out if you go theologically AWOL like the Ahmadis.

    Judaism is the tribal religion of the Jews.

    Bingo! See – it’s both.


    • 回复: @iffen
  312. Svigor 说:

    That blind spot is, more than anything, the reason for the (very real) conspiracy being interpreted as the work of ‘THE’ Jews rather than a group of Jews. The overwhelming majority of Jews turn two blind eyes to anything and everything even remotely villainous perpetrated by Israel or other Jews. Past or present or openly planned for the future.

    YYYYEP. This fall under the category of accusations I would make about almost all Jews (there are a few Righteous Jews excepted, of course).

    Great comment all around, btw.


    It’s great when Jews swarm in an ethnocentric frenzy to defend their tribe and prove to everyone how un-ethnocentric they are.

    If I thought brains worked that way, I’d say Jews have the double gene for this trait.

    That (understandably) makes it hard for a lot of people out there to look at any Jews as operating outside of some unified, subversive collective. Even though there’s plenty of Jews who reap no more benefit from their Jewish privilege card than I do my White privilege card.

    That’s one of the great thing about “white privilege” cards; Jews are disproportionately fond of insisting that Whites benefit from them. When they aren’t cracking that stale joke about their “Jewish privilege” cards being lost in the mail for the umpteenth time, I mean.

    Speaking of Righteous Jews – hey Ron Unz, I keep meaning to ask you this and keep forgetting; is there some reason that CTRL-F (“find in page”) doesn’t find comment numbers in TUR threads in any of my browsers? E.g., type in 100, comment 100 isn’t picked up by the search.

  313. 政治心理学中有一些证据表明高智商与自由主义政治信仰之间存在相关性。因此,我们可能会怀疑,拥有世界上平均智商最高的德系犹太人会倾向于自由派。


    顺流而下并不需要太多的智慧和勇气,逆流而上则需要勇气和智慧。毫无疑问,在这场自 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来一直在酝酿的文化战争中,左派获胜了。今天作为一个自由主义者不需要太多的思考和智慧,你只是跟随流行的正统观念,鹦鹉学舌地模仿你每天在主流媒体上看到或听到的东西。那些反对这种正统观念的人才是真正进行思考的聪明人。

    • 回复: @Vojkan
  314. Svigor 说:

    Well you all have once again fallen into the trap of discussing the Jew’s identity, religion, marriages, IQ, whiteness, or not, who is a Jew or not, etc.etc.etc…ad infinitum .

    Good. Jews should be thrown on the couch and stripped of their delusions and fig leaves at every opportunity. They’ve done a marvelous job of doing that to us, so it’s only fair that we return the favor.

    Obviously they’re immune, but YT can at least be taught to return the favor.

  315. Mulegino1 说:

    You people are really embarrassing yourselves with your sleazy list of Jewish “accomplishments.” Henry Kissinger’s sexual prowess indeed!

    H.L. Mencken really had you people pegged:

    “有史以来最令人不愉快的种族,可能是犹太人被放倒了。” 像平常遇到的那样,他们缺乏标志着文明人的任何品质:勇气,尊严,廉洁,自在,自信。 他们有没有骄傲的虚荣心,没有品味的妖ness,没有智慧的学习。 他们的毅力被浪费在薄弱的物品上,而慈善事业主要是一种展示形式。”

  316. Randal 说:

    Jews and government censors nail another one to reinforce the “Holocaust” taboo:

    Man guilty of hate crime for filming pug’s ‘Nazi salutes’

    I forgot about this one when I was talking about the Chabloz case, because it’s in Scotland and the system is different up there, but it’s directly parallel, in that it involves the absurdity of the a court assessing an opinion as “grossly offensive” or not, and locking the perpetrator up if it feels it is.

    The law is a disgrace in itself, but the fact that it is applied to enforce the Holocaust taboo is absolutely the fault of jewish lobbies pushing that taboo on their host nations.

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  317. Josecanuc 说:

    “If people (goyim?) are in fact malleable and plastic beings with no essential psychological nature, then why should they not be controlled and coerced by those who claim authority, special knowledge, and a unique insight into what is best for those less enlightened?”

  318. E迈克尔·琼斯,
    especially the last 15 minutes

    What makes a Jew a Jew = “not sacred or wicked DNA but the rejection of Logos, the Order of the World.

  319. Tyrion 2 说:

    Yes, it is absurd.

    It has also been covered already.


    Furthermore, it is all under Scottish law as pushed by the SNP. There are 6000 Jews in Scotland including the geriatric, the juvenile and so on. None of them were the judge nor prosecution service nor serve as Scottish ruling party MPs.

    At least when the SJW feminists blame white men for oppressing them, there actually are enough supposed oppressors to fill a Division Three football stadium. Pathetic…

  320. Josecanuc 说:

    ”When we all remember we are mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.”

  321. Art 说:

    MacDonald and the alt-righters are, nevertheless, correct that many liberal leaders over the last hundred years have been Jewish.

    I believe that many Jews are liberals, because they hate the all-consuming aggressive greed found in Jew society.

    In Jew society there is a disconnect between what Jews think of themselves and what they practice. There are good well-meaning Jews who are – all for one, one for all genuine liberals – hoping for a just socialist society. These Jews are reactionaries against their own culture. The Euro Jew culture is the essence of greed, dishonesty, and power seeking – it thrives on a level of mendacious lies unknown by any other group of humans. Good Jews know this more than anyone and try to correct this with restrictive socialist laws. Restrictive laws always have unintended outcomes and consequences. It far superior to be honest in the first place.

    Gentiles are the victims of both Jew greed and restrictive socialist Jew laws.

    It is natural to hate being manipulated, and lied too, and suppressed.

    What do we do with this double-sided whammy of Jew greed and Jew socialist law.

    The JQ is alive.


  322. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    The Families, Hjorne and Bonnier, with significant Jewish ancestry, own 6/8 of Sweden’s largest newspapers. The remaining 2/8 are owned by “foreign banks.” They also own a sh*t ton of other media in Sweden and the rest of Northern Europe.

    Regarding Hjorne, look, it’s as simple as this Tyrion. Peter’s uncle Pehr (mother’s brother) is listed on his wiki as being of “Jewish descent.” Is it possible for your mother’s brother (full siblings) to be of Jewish descent and for you not to be? No.** Anne Gyllenhamer, Peter’s mother, is as half-Jewish as her brother Pehr is, and Peter is a Chalachic Jew.

    You want more evidence? Pehr’s mother’s birth name is Aina Dagny Kaplan. Aina’s parents names were Mathias KaplanSara Selma Friedland. They were born in Poland and Germany, respectively.

    If someone’s grandparents were named “Kaplan”“Friedland” and born in Poland and Germany in the 19th century, what’s the chance that they’re Jewish? 98.5%? 99.8%?

    Continue living in denial Tyrion 2. Continue embracing your conspiracy theories that people have been going around the internet created genealogy and wikipedia profiles in order to make it look like Jews own media that they don’t really own in order to defame them.

    By the way, if I’m a conspiracy theorist for saying that families of significantly Jewish heritage own most of the media in Sweden (as I showed, 6/8 largest newspapers, between Bonnier and Hjorne, alone) what does it imply now that I’ve demonstrated that it is true? That the “conspiracy theory” is a conspiracy fact? Btw, who are the “foreign banks” who are the largest shareholders of the remaining 2/8 largest newspapers? What does their management and ownership look like? See Höglund’s thoughts.

    You also said that the Jewish owned newspapers are no more left wing than the non-Jewish ones. 1) What non-Jewish owned newspapers? The ones owned by “foreign banks?” (lol) 2) You said you don’t read Swedish, so how do you know what their editorial policy is?

    Why’d you pick the name “Tyrion” Tyrion? Was Machiavelli taken? What about “Lugenpresse Jude”?

    How does Peter Hjorne’s Jewish ancestry affect his psychology and editorial policy? I can’t read minds, but according to multiple sources Hjorne “personally paid” so all high school students in Goteborg could see Schindler’s list. 可爱。

    Tyrion if you didn’t know almost anything about the actual ownership of Bonnier or the ancestry of Peter Hjorne, why did you deny and obfuscate? Why, when I said “I see many claims on the internet that Hjorne is Jewish, and nowhere is this claim contested, so I take it to probably be true.” and I requested “Tyrion 2: Why don’t you find evidence to prove/disprove the claim that Peter Hjorne is Jewish. Everything I’ve read says he is, but I want to make sure I have it right.” And, I provided a link to page page citing my claim, did you say “Well he’s not.” He’s not? His maternal grandmother was a Polish Jew, Tyrion, he pays for all Swedish children to be propagandized by WWII Holocaust films, Tyrion.

    You also said that Bonnier controls “25% of newspapers” and are “a quarter Jewish in ancestry.” As I showed, Bonnier owns 5/8 largest newspapers, the most important ones, and the plurality of the remainder appear to be owned by Hjorne’s Stampen. I haven’t dug through the genealogy of every surviving member of the Bonnier family***, but 1) have you? 2) you’re very dishonest and you make baseless and false claims and never cite your sources, given than I clearly demonstrated that families of Jewish descent own 75% of the largest newspapers, and much more than “25%” of the others, probably around or over 50%, why should I believe that you’ve analyzed the Bonnier family genealogy and found that their ancestry is 75% non-Jewish? Why make this baseless claim you can’t back up and have no citations for, like your other claims I debunked?

    Glancing at the Bonnier family genealogy, I see that the oldest surviving members of the family, who presumably have the voting shares, are mostly, or all, half-Jews by descent. (Like, 阿克 and his siblings, and the children of Tor, his uncle)**** They’ve probably mostly further intermarried, so their children will be more goy blooded, but they aren’t in control *现在*, their predominantly-half-Jewish parents are. The reality, according to all appearances, is that the family members with voting shares are much more than “25%” Jewish. I also notice that Ake’s profile is the most fleshed out, and they have that photo of him with the giant cross larping as a Christian. I wonder why, (and the claim that he’s the 2nd largest shareholder is uncited) why don’t all of the other family members have great big English language profiles, only the one who larps as a bishop?

    Tyrion, if you want to create a chart listing the names of the family members, their blood quantum of Jewish ancestry, and their share of the business, and weight and sum the “Jewish” and non-Jewish ancestry of the respective owner, have at it. It looks like much more than “25%” Jewish ancestry to me. Closer to 50%.

    Again, Tyrion 2, my friend, my cynical deployer of prevaricating obfuscations, my peevish pettifogger, if you make any claims in the future that contradict your interlocutor *cite* them. Provide evidence. Cite it.

    ** Barring adoption or cuckolding or immaculate conception, none of which is indicated.

    *** Apparently, it’s controlled by “75 family members.”

    **** See this genealogy map.

    ***** 阿克 and his siblings, all half-Jews: 卡尔。, Eva 福音系列, .

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  323. Randal 说:

    The prosecution is as absurd as your own attempt to pretend the creation and maintenance of the absurdly excessive Holocaust taboo by censoring, sacking, persecuting and locking people up in a country that is not jewish and never has been and has only a tiny minority of jewish people does not reflect considerable effort leveraged by excessive cultural and political influence on the part of those very same jewish people. And yes, a lot of it came from the US, to which it applies in spades.

    Bear in mind the ridiculous obsession with Holocaust worship did not exist after WW2. It had to be manufactured and imposed decades later.

    As for it being under Scottish law, it is indeed a separate system but this particular case involves the application of the disgraceful Communications Act (as in the Chabloz case) to political correctness offences, pushed by the political correctness “minorities” lobbies. You are determined to pretend the jewish lobbies have no influence but reality just keeps smacking you in the face. You do not get arrested for making grossly offensive videos or jokes about whites or Christians. Go away and read all the noxious illiberal filth about “anti-Semitism” and how it must be suppressed at any cost to our liberty poured out in the House of Commons by our supposed representatives and published by the elite-connected and state-funded anti-liberty lobbies, and then try to imagine what effect all that has on senior police officers and cps lawyers and judges worrying about how best to ingratiate themselves to authority and further their own careers.

    We should just be agreeing that these lobby-driven prosecutions of people for expressing views the said lobbies don’t want to be allowed to be heard are outrages and must stop, instead of arguing over exactly which lobbies were more responsible for the shit position we are now in as a result of all their activities. But you seem to want to establish that every other minority lobby (or at any rate all the ones you don’t like) is to blame but your own must be held blameless.

    Not going to happen. I reserve the right to point out the problems caused by the jewish lobbies as well as those caused by muslims and blacks and feminists and homos.

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
    , @iffen
  324. Art 说:

    Indeed, MacDonald and other anti-Semites largely ignore the fact that Jews have been conspicuously overrepresented among the leadership of all sorts of right-wing movements:

    “控制反对派的最佳方法是自己领导反对派。” 弗拉基米尔·列宁

    That is the plan – control all human thought systems by having Jews run them.

    Every Gentile thought system is a threat to the Jews – therefore it must be controlled. No mention of Jews allowed.


    p.s. Our two Little Jew authors know this. They were doing high fives and snickering when they wrote that lying paragraph. It is so much fun making fools of the Gentiles.

  325. Josecanuc 说:


    What did Voltaire say? If you want out to find out who governs you – it is the one you fear the most.”

    50 年前,詹姆斯·鲍德温 (James Baldwin) 写道:“那些忽视现实的人正在自取毁灭。”

    不幸的是,今天基督教西方的教授们如果写的是现实、现实和事实,就会自取灭亡。 (即诺曼·芬克尔斯坦)

    Ludwig Borne (born Loeb Baruch a Jew in 1785) – “once they ( goy, cattle ) all get bewitched by this Jewish magic circle – no one can get out.”

    Anomaly and Cofnas are similar to the Christian West and all its international allies – either captivated or captive by the “Jewish magic circle.”

    Even if Immanuel Kant told them “All their talents and skills revolve around stratagems and low, cunning…They are a nation of swindlers.”

    They would ignore him . Out of fear – one of the most effective stratagems the Jews utilize control the goy – their justified fear of isolation and ostracism.

    The Jews surpass wonder – they control the goy (cattle) – the Christian West and all its international allies – merely using their minds!



    (“Anomaly “ – deviation, exception, irregularity.)

    “We live in a lunatic world in which opposites are constantly changing into one another.” Orwell

  326. Anonymouse 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Ron, What happened in your run for Harvard overseer a few years ago? A Harvard grad, I voted for you. Never heard a word more about this.


    On the article above “refuting” Macdonald’s thesis about the perfidious jew, I suspect the authors are wasting their time. I am guessing that hating jews as so many do in this forum is a like a junkie using drugs. The hatred gives the hater a dopamine rush, doesn’t cost any money, and is not particularly injurious to one’s health. There is a considerable pleasure in believing that one understands the world and its workings. The world is great big place and I am convinced that one can understand the workings of only some few parts of reality but not all, just tiny bits. The jew hater believes he understands a totality which total understanding has to be an illusion. Here’s why. The understanding that anyone acquires about his specialty or specialties is hard won and takes a long time. That jibes with my experience and seems more or less self-evident. But the jew hater’s understanding comes to him in a flash, no work required. How then could it be a genuine understanding?

    Anecdote being the singular of data, I can report that as an 84 year old jew who has had considerable contact with other jews at least when I was young, I have never noticed any evidence of the conspiracy against non-jews that the haters here are convinced exist. If I was being excluded from the conspiracy and kept in the dark by design, how was that collective decision arrived at? What was there about me that made the other jews be careful to keep me from finding out about the conspiracy? I am not trying to be funny. It makes me sad that so many hate me personally – if they knew of my existence – for a dopamine rush.

  327. Yea, the Nazi pug guy getting arrested is pretty over the top.
    They wonder why “antisemitism” exists?????
    Tells me they’re on the run. Winning!

  328. @utu

    You are saying that speculating or researching whether there is a grain of truth to medieval accusation of Jewish connection to the Plague is absolutely beyond the pale.

    No, but it is close to examining whether there is a grain of truth in the belief that the earth is flat.

    Do you think that wondering about veracity of blood libel stories also qualifies you for a lunatic asylum?

    Occasionally the body of a murdered child is discovered, possibly mutilated. We understand nowadays that a very small number of people will commit such crimes for pleasure, or through a lack of normal moral restraints.

    In the medieval period, this understanding did not exist, and such murders were literally incomprehensible. The blood libel was one way that people tried to made sense of things that they could not understand, and obviously it reflects the prejudices of people at that time. They would jump to their conclusion with no evidence, and then go and prosecute (or worse) any Jews who happened to be in the neighborhood.

    Anybody who is concerned about the blood libel stories can and should investigate their veracity, but an hour of research should be sufficient to satisfy the person that the subject matter is the social science of beliefs, and that there is no grain of truth in the stories.

    • 回复: @utu
  329. Vojkan 说:
    @Another Realist

    Well, many years ago I did the MENSA test online just for fun. They proposed me membership afterwards. So I supposedly have high IQ and yet I loathe liberals whom I consider to be stupid nefarious deviant self-righteous mythomaniac thickheaded narcissists. Therefore they either don’t have high IQs or IQ isn’t a reliable way to measure how clever people – me included – really are. Regarding the “educated” part of the assertion, well, there is culture and there is liberal trash. Two different cultural leagues. That’s for the first assertion.
    As for the second assertion, I don’t know on what statistical studies it is based but I have in the exercise of my profession – software design and development – become acquainted with many Ashkenazi Jews with university degrees and not a single one of them has struck me with genius. To be honest, I have met smart Jews but they weren’t Ashkenazi, they were Sephardic.

    • 回复: @Weaver
    , @Vojkan
  330. @Anonymouse

    You were excluded from the conspiracy because you’re stupid.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  331. utu 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Your last two paragraphs indicate that you are not familiar with Ariel Toaff’s work.

    And where did you get that habit to write in so patronizing way as if you were trying to explain something to a child? Look at this:

    The blood libel was one way that people tried to made sense of things that they could not understand, and obviously it reflects the prejudices of people at that time. They would jump to their conclusion with no evidence, and then go and prosecute (or worse) any Jews who happened to be in the neighborhood.

    I do not know where people like you come from.

    I do not know whether child murders occurred in some Jewish sects in Europe but I would give more respect to people who lived there then. They were not idiots as you think they were. We had court proceedings and admissions of guilt in many cases. You want to dismiss it all by explaining that it all was a result of prejudice of some child like people who easily succumbed to hysteria?

  332. utu 说:

    If I was being excluded from the conspiracy and kept in the dark by design, how was that collective decision arrived at?

    Our goal is to understand and explain what ‘the Jews’ want. This task will be a hard one, for the Jews have no obvious leaders who create a single strategy — no headquarters or central command. It is difficult to accept that the Jews can have a strategy yet no strategist; the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are popular precisely because they posit such a supreme (if obscure) strategist. However, ‘the locusts have no king, yet but they attack in formation’ (Proverbs 30:27) — and devastate whole countries as if by plan!

  333. Your last two paragraphs indicate that you are not familiar with Ariel Toaff’s work.

    Well, I read the Wikipedia page that you linked, and it seems to me that the quote you gave is rather selective. You quoted:

    certain criminal acts, disguised as crude rituals, were indeed committed by extremist groups or by individuals demented by religious mania and blinded by desire for revenge against those considered responsible for their people’s sorrows and tragedies

    The paragraph in full reads:

    这本书的第二版于 2008 年 XNUMX 月出版。在为他的书辩护的这一版的后记中,托夫回应了他的批评者。 为了防止可能的误解,他说犹太人实行仪式谋杀的想法是一种诽谤的刻板印象,而仪式杀人或杀婴是一个神话。 也就是说,存在以下可能性:

    certain criminal acts, disguised as crude rituals, were indeed committed by extremist groups or by individuals demented by religious mania and blinded by desire for revenge against those considered responsible for their people’s sorrows and tragedies.[4]

    The evidence supporting this hypothesis draws on confessions extracted under torture. His book examines the strong documentary evidence in medieval medical handbooks that dried human blood, traded by both Jewish and Christian merchants, was thought to be medicinally efficacious. Under the stress of forced conversions, expulsions and massacres, Toaff thinks it possible that in certain Ashkenazi groups dried human blood came to play a magical role in calling down God’s vengeance on Christians, the historic persecutors of the Jews, and that this reaction may have affected certain forms of ritual practice among a restricted number of Ashkenazi Jews during Passover.[14]

    If this is an accurate summary of the second edition of the book, then it is as close as you will find to a total recantation by a proud academic. Look at which statements are made with certainty, and which are hedged with “may” or “possible”, and then further disqualified by adding “The evidence supporting this hypothesis draws on confessions extracted under torture.” Your selective quotation of a single phrase appears calculated to mislead.

    And where did you get that habit to write in so patronizing way as if you were trying to explain something to a child?
    I do not know where people like you come from.

    What I wrote is a simple statement of facts that you appear to have overlooked. People did jump to their conclusions with no evidence, and they did so as recently as 1928 in New York State:


    Information is often received as patronizing because it is given in exasperation. I don’t think I can add anything more. You may have the last word if you wish.

    • 回复: @utu
  334. Anyone who really believes (as the authors do) that Kevin MacDonald is so off-base should be embarrassed to refute him word by word like this with reams of spilled ink. Life’s too short. My take is much pithier, and more down-to-earth: https://uttercontempt.wordpress.com/2018/03/10/reductio-ad-iudaeoram-pt-v/

    • 回复: @Noscaleeyes
  335. Jews religiously (even the non-religious ones) and systematically help members of their own tribe to the detriment of the goyim, but would literally make a federal case out of it if the goyim even thought about using the same tactic to the detriment of Jews. This is why they dominate every important sector of American power, despite being such a tiny minority. It’s pretty simple, virtually every thinking person is aware of it, and the airheads who authored this article are a uniquely moronic embarrassment to academia–which is quite a feat these days! Take a bow, hasbara.

  336. renfro 说:

    But the jew hater’s understanding comes to him in a flash, no work required. How then could it be a genuine understanding?

    Why don’t you ask some that you consider Jew haters why and how they came to feel that way about Jews .
    And if it turns out that they have some well founded logical and legitimate political reasons for their disgust with the tribe …would you believe them….or claim their reasons are just excuses to hate the Jews ?

    It makes me sad that so many hate me personally –

    I doubt anyone hates you personally . If you are a ‘Jew qua Jew’, iow an individual who just happens to be a Jew, people like or dislike you based on ordinary reasons. If you are a Jew who holds and acts on a higher loyalty to Israel than whatever country he lives in and supports the idea that America and others must support Jewish entitlement and Israel to their own country’s detriment then you will be dislike by most people.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  337. anon • 免责声明 说:

    I interpret 90% of accusations of “Jew hatred” or “anti-Semitism” as an admission of goyim hatred on the part of the accuser.

  338. utu 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Don’t want to have the last word. You cited Wiki editor not Toaff. Just read the book.

    It is obvious that neither the formulae nor the language can be dismissed as merely the astute fabrications and artificial suggestions of the judges in these trials. Dismissing them as worthless, as invented out of whole cloth, as the spontaneous fantasies of defendants terrorized by torture and projected to satisfy the demands of their inquisitors, cannot be imposed as the compulsory starting point, the prerequisite, for valid research, least of all for the present paper.

    More recently, Yuval very relevantly demonstrated that the Ashkenazi responses to ritual murder accusations were surprisingly weak.
    These responses, whenever they were recorded, contained not the slightest rejection of the probative evidence; rather, they consisted of a mere tu quoque of the accusation against Christians: “Nor are you, yourselves, exempt from guilt of ritual cannibalism”.8 As Yuval wrote, David Malkiel had already noted the manner in which phenomenal prominence was given to the scene, described in a secondary Midrash even in the illustrations of the Passover Haggadah of the German Jewish communities, of the Pharaoh taking a health-giving bath in the blood of cruelly massacred Jewish children.9 The message, which cast not the slightest doubt upon the magical, therapeutic effectiveness of children’s blood, seemed intended to turn the accusation around. “It is not we Jews, or, if you wish, not just we Jews, who have committed such actions; the enemies of Israel in history have been guilty of these things as well, in which case it was Jewish children who were the innocent victims”.

    At the same time, we must keep in mind that, in the German- speaking Jewish communities, the phenomenon, where it took root, was generally limited to groups in which popular tradition, which had, over time, distorted, evaded or replaced the ritual standards of Jewish halakhah, in addition to deeply-rooted customs saturated with magical and alchemical elements, all combined to form a deadly cocktail when mixed with violent and aggressive religious fundamentalism. There can be no doubt, it seems to me, that, that, once the tradition became widespread, the stereotypical image of Jewish ritual child murder continued inevitably to take its own course, out of pure momentum. Thus, the Jews were accused of every child murder, much more often wrongly than rightly, especially if discovered in the springtime. In this sense, Cardinal Lorenzo Ganganelli, later Pope Clement XIV, was correct in his famous report, in both his justifications and his “distinctions”.

  339. Weaver 说:

    I’ve heard Jews tend to be strong in verbal IQ.

    Unz, the owner of this site, seems to be a genius. He’s Jewish.

    His idea of just paying people more rather than redistributing wealth via government services is actually quite useful and had seemed like a potential breakthrough in the US.

    How often do you hear something new in US politics?

    • 回复: @Vojkan
  340. Tyrion 2 说:

    But you seem to want to establish that every other minority lobby (or at any rate all the ones you don’t like) is to blame but your own must be held blameless.

    No, not at all. There’s a huge amount of middle ground between blameless and the ‘consensus’ on this thread of being to blame for everything bad, black death included. Why aren’t you more revolted by your fellow travellers?

    Nor do I blame only minority lobbies. All sorts of groups will always argue for their special interests. The fact that there are still drivers on the London Underground is one of an almost infinite number of examples. I blame the ideas of the age, mostly.

    And who is to blame for the ideas of the age? Some Jews, certainly. But Jews are not even close to a majority of the propounders of the worst ideas. Post-modernism is not a Jewish invention. Derrida, Foucault and the literal card-carrying Nazi Heidegger get that honour. Both Marx and Freud would have wept at the current intellectual state of Europe.

    And yes, the holocaust memorial industry doesn’t help. It is gross and annoying the way in which many younger Jews wallow in this victimhood. The fact though is that the Nazis did slaughter half of European Jewry in the name of race purity. This was always going to leave a stain on the psyche of those in whose name it was carried out. Just as it traumatised my grandparents’ generation. What do you expect?

    No wonder so many here are so desperate to claim it didn’t happen even while perversely boasting about it!

    The thing is: I am practically always beyond the pale for London Anglo-Saxon norms for discussing politics. Such as when I say we should stop mass immigration. If however a bunch of ‘allies’ joined me in any such conversation and spent the whole time babbling about how blacks are subhuman or Indians are animals or whatever, I’d disagree with them as much as the immigration advocates. How could I not?

    There’s a whole universe of ground between shilling for open borders and saying that anybody with an all-year round tan is a monkey. To the cretin arguing the latter, I may well appear to supporting the former – and vice versa.

    And back to the specific topic: I am plenty critical of contemporary Jewish mores in the UK. I am Reform, a branch absolutely brimming with true-believing SJWs. Many are beyond parody. Many would rather spend a literal half an hour talking absolute gibberish around the subject than state a simple truth, if it wasn’t PC.

    The thing is I also know the roots of Reform. It was all about trying to fit in. It is why I like it. Services still even have a srtongly patriotic side!

    And that is exactly what these Jews are still trying to do. Fit in – to the urban cosmopolitan post-modern millieu – even as they play a part in creating it.

    The Orthodox prioritise tradition over fitting in. They have very few SJWs. The Masorti are half-half and have half-half.

    But none of this understanding of the real world means anything in this thread. Or means anything to the SJWs of the alt right. Were they to finish Hitler’s job and slaughter the rest of the Jews – they’d still be left with what really makes them miserable, what they really hate most – their own blackened souls.

  341. Vojkan 说:

    Besides, I have seen people who allegedly achieved high scores on IQ tests display tragic levels of incompetence when dealing with issues that could be solved with applying basic common sense. Some of the worst software designs and some of the worst code I’ve ever seen were done by supposedly hypersmart people. The only utility I saw in IQ tests was that they provided frustrated nerds with something to brag about.
    I just wonder how the argument of higher IQ of liberal Jews fits in the liberal Jews’ anti-racist narrative.

    • 回复: @Old Jew
  342. iffen 说:

    I reserve the right to point out the problems caused by the jewish lobbies as well as those caused by muslims and blacks and feminists and homos.

    Do lobbies dominated and controlled by “whites” cause any problems? If the answer is yes, do you ever point those out?

    • 回复: @Randal
  343. iffen 说:

    Judaism rejected universalism almost two thousand years ago and I am unaware of any change. Christianity and Islam, on the other hand, made universalism a prerequisite. I wonder which group made the “correct” choice for the long haul.

    • 回复: @Talha
  344. @renfro

    Yes. The fact that he takes all this “personally” perfectly illustrates the point, doesn’t it?

  345. @Thomm

    Jewish success has been possible only inside White nations, not outside. Creating a nation is a huge undertaking that requires nobility, character, fortitude, manliness, which the Jews lack, and the Aryans are supreme masters of. The greatest thinkers and artists have been almost 100 percent White.

  346. @mark green



    • 哈哈: L.K
  347. Talha 说:

    I guess we’ll find out. Right now it looks like Christianity in the lead with most adherents and Islam steadily gaining.

    I’d say, with numbers as they are – universal brotherhood has wide appeal theologically.


  348. @Tyrion 2

    Why aren’t you more revolted by your fellow travellers?

    This question should be addressed to you Tyrion.

  349. Talha 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Just a correction, Derrida was from a Sephardic family – not sure about the others though.

  350. @Tyrion 2

    “The fact though is that the Nazis did slaughter half of European Jewry in the name of race purity.”

    I’m not even that smart and I can figure this one out. Its a lie. Just the way you try and shove it down everyones throat every chance you get gives you away. Almost like you’re trying to brainwash us or something, and how everyone elses suffering in the war seems to not matter at all.

    and no one goes from being holocausted by evil Nazis to doing exactly the same thing to their new neighbors in Palestine, dead giveaway. Throwing people in jail for questioning it doesn’t do your side any favors either…

    There are lots of very convincing videos on codoh and youtube that pretty much bury the holocaust myth, Chemistry of Auschwitz and Buchenwald a dumb dumb portrayal of evil are two good ones. David Cole and Frederick Toben also have pretty good arguments.

    And again, I’m not even gonna try and claim to be a genius.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  351. Randal 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Why aren’t you more revolted by your fellow travellers?

    Mostly because I’m not revolted by mere disagreement, nor in general by political ideas, especially when they affect groups with whom I do not personally identify – revulsion is an emotional, not a rational response. I tend to reserve revulsion at mere words for actual calls to action, though even then I wouldn’t tend to be that bothered unless I thought there were some plausible prospect of their being intended, and taken, seriously.

    Where I am something close to “revolted” by mere political ideas, such as advocacy of mass immigration to intentionally destroy a nation, or censorship of political debate, it is where they are actually a powerful and harmful influence in the real world. Since both anti-Semitism and white nationalism and its associated views of other races are marginalised and essentially excluded from any influence in the societies of the US sphere, and since as far as I’m concerned that very marginalisation is a contributory factor in problems such as the triumph of multi-culti mass immigration advocacy, anti-white racism and the excess influence wielded by the jewish lobby (the latter in particular in areas such as foreign policy, though also in the drive for “hate speech” censorship), I regard those adopting a hostile attitude towards them as inherently suspect.

    If indigenous ethno-nationalist attitudes had not been intentionally suppressed as “racist” in Britain in the mid C20th, we would not have experienced the catastrophic mass immigration that is in the process of ending us as a nation. If people pointing to the undue influence of jewish lobbies (including the nutball Christian Zionist types, admittedly) had not been suppressed as “antisemitic” we would not have seen the wars that have been fought for Israel’s interests in the ME recently.

    A healthy nation has both self respect and a moderate degree of resistance to over strong foreign influences.

    If circumstances were different I would adopt different stances on the various political forces active in the nation (and in our – regrettably – overlord nation the US).

    The thing is: I am practically always beyond the pale for London Anglo-Saxon norms for discussing politics. Such as when I say we should stop mass immigration. If however a bunch of ‘allies’ joined me in any such conversation and spent the whole time babbling about how blacks are subhuman or Indians are animals or whatever, I’d disagree with them as much as the immigration advocates. How could I not?

    Well one reason not to, or not to make a big issue of such disagreement, is that one of the functions of demonising extreme positions is to move the boundaries of acceptability in a particular direction, and thereby allow the formerly more moderate voices on the opposing side to be painted as extremists and demonised by association with taboo-breaching out-groups.

    This is the mistake made throughout my lifetime by moderate opposers of mass immigration. They have allowed “racists” to be demonised and excluded from the demos in the hope of being regarded as more respectable and acceptable than those nasty people. But instead of allowing them to win the supposed moderate centre ground, all that happened was that the resistance to mass immigration was robbed of any energy and the boundaries of what counts as “unacceptable racism” were shifted to the absurdities now put forward by the “hate speech” censorship lobbies, directly in the ears of the powerful, and being ever more successfully implemented in law.

    • 同意: Tyrion 2
  352. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Thanks for assuming that I ‘m not lying. Fast and easy way to save the theory is to conclude that I am/was too stupid to be let into the conspiracy.

    But not so stupid. I was the valedictorian at graduation of my class in elementary school (grades 1 through 8) and I was informed that my IQ test scored at 157. As a youngster I didn’t know quite what to make of that. IQ was very big then; a popular radio show in those days was The Quizz Kids in which under 16 year old smart kids answered difficult questions. Something like Jeopardy but less stupid. Very obnoxious kids. The usual winner when I heard the show was a Joel Kupperman. A gazillion years later when I was a graduate student at Harvard, I was introduced to him in a dorm room. I asked “Not Joel Kupperman?” “Yes,” he replied, “but that was in another carnation.”

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  353. Randal 说:

    Do lobbies dominated and controlled by “whites” cause any problems?

    If you mean general political and other lobbies that happen to be dominated by white people, then obviously some lobbies are good, some bad and some indifferent, and arguing about them is just day to day politics. But in white majority countries (or where whites are by far the largest group, depending on what figures and/or definitions you choose to apply) such as the UK or US, it’s normal and appropriate that most lobbies would be dominated by whites.

    Since actual white advocacy lobbies are all but illegal, and certainly are subjected to massive propaganda, cultural and even legal suppression in both of our countries, it’s hard to see how any white advocacy lobby could cause any really significant problems. Rather, such lobbies as there are, are likely to be (inadequate) correctives to far bigger problems in our societies

    • 回复: @iffen
  354. anon • 免责声明 说:

    1” This president… has adopted a philosophy that can only be compared to the ethno-nationalists of Europe, something we thought we would never see in this country, sometimes referred to as blood and soil. It matters who you are not as a person but as a matter of identity. That I think is the first big, big problem with Donald Trump. In defining America and governing and campaigning to one segment of the country, to white, primarily Christian, America, he is defining the rest of us out of the country” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin

    2“The relationship that we have with Israel is built on those shared democratic principles and values. Israel has its own troubles maintaining those, but if we throw away those principles, if we treat ourselves as like any other country and we think Israel’s defining characteristics, of democracy, of a free press, of an inclusive society, is without meaning and without purpose, then what’s the special relationship that we have with Israel? There really isn’t one. It’s just another country, like Hungary or Ecuador or Japan. It has no special meaning to Americans.” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin


    Jennifer Rubin lies from Washinton Post’s position and influences the dumb goym’minds

  355. anon • 免责声明 说:

    Jennifer Rubin called on the U.S. to stay in the Iran deal (which she had opposed in the event, 2015). To leave it would be “the most destabilizing move” in the Middle East. Huh.
    The notion that we should leave an agreement in which Iran is essentially in compliance without our allies, without any game plan, is the most destabilizing move one can think about now in the Middle Eashttp://mondoweiss.net/2018/03/jennifer-nationalism-threatens/

    This is typical of these breeds . They force encourages, puts pressures and makes the adverse dangerous outcome inevitable . But when the plans seem to have taken an inevitability of happening, they move out of the echo chamber and the leave think tank’s cherished and desired positions . This gives them the platform of claiming the converse of claiming of being in opposition to the latest governmental polices and plans They have done it before.
    . They after decades of instigation demands and forcing of various power levers for action against Saddam, they went south with loudspeaker Suddenly the air of caution became the currency of the discourse on the media.

    Just before before the inevitable war they came out against it.

  356. anon • 免责声明 说:
    @the Supreme Gentleman

    They turned out to be no less fervent supporters of Zionism’s dark side ( does it have any redeemable side ?)
    Intermarriage doesn’t matter when this rabid ideology is concerned .


  357. j2 说:

    Again one more article suggesting that Ashkenazi Jewish genetic diseases have heterozygote advantage. People, who say so, simply have not calculated population equations. I give you two correct pieces of information.

    If you solve the dynamic equations for a lethal allele, you get the following result. The prevalence of the disease at generation n, marked here by qn, satisfies the following equation
    qn=1/((2/q0)+n), inversely q0=1/(2/qn)-n). From this equation you can calculate for instance that the most common lethal allele for cystic fibrosis, thought to be 52,000 years old and having today disease prevalence (homozygote frequency) 4/10,000, was 50,000 years ago in the value 6/10,000
    if we assume no heterozygote advantage but only let the dynamics reduce the disease frequency. This means that the equations for a lethal allele reduce the frequency extremely slowly, 52,000 years is 1733 generations with generation 30 years. In about 200 years that we have any data from disease frequencies the rate would have decreased 0.14% only, undetectable change.

    If there was heterozygote advantage and the equations for a lethal allele would have been in a steady state, then the prevalence of the disease q should relate to the carrier frequency p as
    q=(3/8)p^2+higher order corrections instead of q=(1/4)p^2+higher order corrections as we always get. (Notice that the latter form is similar to the steady state solution of Hardy-Weinberg q=(1/2)(1-p)+(1/2)sqrt(1-2p) but this equation is exact only if there is no disadvantage, like lethal, or advantage. )

    So, in short, maybe verbal talent does not always imply mathematical ability. This heterozygote advantage is almost always rubbish and just shows lack of mathematical knowledge.

    • 回复: @utu
  358. utu 说:

    It would be good if somebody did review available data on Jewish IQ. The numbers that are often cited show wide discrepancy. Propagandists like Greg Cochran can’t be trusted.

    • 回复: @lavoisier
  359. Greenstalk 说:

    正确地说,犹太人几乎不应该被听到,但他被听到了,一直被听到了。 他在这个星球上和其他任何人一样显赫,他的重要性与他的体积小得不成比例……他不朽的秘诀是什么?

    这不是什么大秘密。 欧洲国家的统治精英(我们可以包括美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等)几乎总是雇用犹太人作为他们与臣民之间的“中间人少数民族”。 当然,这是一个不稳定的位置,当人们对他们的统治精英生气时,犹太人就会成为他们愤怒的目标。 但在很大程度上,这是一种对犹太人极为有利的安排,这就是为什么欧洲和美国的犹太人比非洲和中东的犹太人在各行各业都更富有、更成功的原因。


  360. Greenstalk 说:

    但麦克唐纳似乎是正确的,犹太人不成比例地参与了 XNUMX 世纪的激进左翼政治运动,而在美国,犹太人倾向于投票给民主党。 我们认为这可以通过犹太人的高平均智商加上他们是受迫害的少数群体来解释

    犹太人不是“受迫害的少数群体”,他们是享有特权的少数群体。 在美国,拥有“一滴”犹太人血统的人不会因为寻求迫害而煞费苦心地宣传他们的犹太人身份并淡化他们的非犹太人血统,他们这样做是因为他们知道这是一把钥匙,可以打开许多大门。国家。

    如果犹太人实际上是受迫害的少数群体,那么我希望社会科学家(其中犹太人的人数过多)会指出他们所做的所有证明这种迫害的研究。 相反,我见过的唯一一项甚至对此事感到困扰的研究(或至少是唯一一项已发表的研究)发现,犹太人在申请工作时会优先考虑招聘。

    这一切都不一定是犹太人自己的错。 如果我不得不指责任何人,那就是那些出于各种不同原因试图将犹太人置于非犹太人之上的非犹太复国主义者。

  361. Old Jew 说:


    Your handle seems (to me) Serbo/Croat or Bulgarian.

    If so, naturally you would have met more Sephardim (Ladino speakers) than Ashkenazim.

    About IQ, I did not learn, when I grew up in the Peoples Republic of Romania.
    Even today, I do no have a firm opinion about it one way or another.

    • 回复: @Vojkan
  362. Anonymous [AKA "Hosea"] 说:

    It’s not always about “the Jew”.

    The far more important aspect of the theories of KMcD is who we are , we the “white men”, what makes us distinct from everybody else.

    According to KMcD we developed a strategy of following abstract (moral) principles, even if those principals might hurt our self interest or group interests.

    This behaviour finally led to the development of the modern world, of Humanism, Enlightment, Science etc. and the rise of Europe.

    But on the other hand this very behaviour makes us vulnerable in competition with other groups, because we consider it moraly inapropriate to put our own interests first even if it means we go extinct.

    Any group with some “healthy” self interest (from an evolutionary point of view) can exploit this weakness.

    It’s not just the “Jews”, it’s literally every somewhat organized group.

    That said: We (“Whites”) are unique and different from everybody else in our own way and what was once our strength has now become our weakness. We must realize who we are as a people. This has nothing to do with Jews.

  363. @Tyrion 2

    Why aren’t you more revolted by your fellow travellers?

    (a) In this kind of forum, silence does not necessarily give consent. It is simply too time-consuming to reply to every comment that one disagrees with; and it would make discussion impossible.

    (b) Being regulars at a discussion board does not make us all fellow travellers.

    (c) There is hardly a “consensus” here that Jews are to blame for the Black Death. Perhaps I have led a sheltered life, but this thread is the very first time I have run into a living person who believed such nonsense.

    (d) What these anti-semites do not understand is that they are (to use Lenin’s phrase) the “useful idiots” of the people they dislike. One reason why it is not possible to discuss what you refer to as the “holocaust memorial industry”, or the effects of Jewish over-representation in the media, is that the anti-semites will immediately crawl out of the woodwork to contribute their 2¢ -and the discussion is over before it even started. The Mossad and ADL do not need to pay trolls to disrupt criticism of Jewry – because anti-semites step up to do their work for them, without pay. Well done, guys.

    • 同意: iffen
    • 回复: @utu
    , @Tyrion 2
    , @Randal
    , @renfro
  364. @redmudhooch

    There are lots of very convincing videos on codoh and youtube that pretty much bury the holocaust myth, Chemistry of Auschwitz and Buchenwald a dumb dumb portrayal of evil are two good ones. David Cole and Frederick Toben also have pretty good arguments.

    You can read what David Cole thinks here (September 29, 2016):



    Holocaust denial is dead, but no one knows it. Worse, it appears as though no one wants to know. Not the media, not Jews, and especially not Jew-haters. But it’s true. Denial has gone the way of the woolly mammoth. It exists these days as a bogeyman, a bugbear, an illusion in the minds of hardcore anti-Semites and harder-core Semites. It’s a scarecrow that Jew-haters erect to frighten Jews and that Jews maintain to frighten themselves.

  365. @Ploskina

    This book is over 30 years old, his more recent statements and actions are far more relevant (and revealing). At best, he stays within safe, conventional leftist guidelines regarding Israel, in which Israel is faulted for being a tool of US imperialism, not the opposite. Or that Israeli treatment of Palestinian is akin to Jim Crow and not a historical continuation of Jewish abuses of power, etc.


  366. geokat62 说:

    Came across this terrific, but lengthy, interview by Luke Ford (someone with an Anglo-Saxon background who converted to Orthodox Judaism) of both Prof. Kevin MacDonald and PhD candidate Nathan Confas, the co-author of this article.

    鉴于视频的长度,我决定转录我认为福特和 Confas 之间交流中最有趣的部分,从 20:40:33 开始:


    Nathan Confas – Ah (very long pause) in that general sense, I would say “no.” But a big deal of anti-Jewish sentiment is irrational.

    Luke Ford – Oh, for example, every major American Jewish organization promotes immigration amnesty. They want the 20 to 30 million people in this country here illegally – now, generally low IQ types – who are here in this country illegally, they want to grant them amnesty. And when they make their arguments, they never talk about what’s good for America. They talk about you know these lofty, philosophical, moral things. And so I see all the major Jewish organizations, and that includes the Orthodox Union and the Agudath Israel, they are trying to fill my bedroom with poisonous snakes. And so how do I feel about people who try to fill my bedroom with poisonous snakes? I don’t bother about differentiating, I just hate these organizations, and I hate the people who run them, and it’s just like passionate.. and I’m Jewish. So, what is the non-Jew going to think when they see every major American Jewish organization, you know, try to inject poison into the American bloodstream?

    Nathan Confas – That’s why, as I’ve argued publicly, I think organizations like the ADL are very bad for the Jews in that they are causing much more antisemitism then they’re preventing. In fact, I think they do nothing to prevent antisemitism, at all. I understand why people resent these organizations and why they might blame Jews. Because these organizations themselves pretend to speak on behalf of the Jewish community. So, a non-Jew could take them at their word and say “ok, you represent the Jewish community and you’re advocating something unreasonable”… and, maybe, Jews are unreasonable.

    卢克福特 - 普通犹太人有多少责任让他们的领导人在美国血液中注入毒药?

    Nathan Confas – That’s an interesting ethical question. What kind of responsibility does a community have for collective action, the actions of its leaders? I think the Jewish community does have some responsibility to push back against these self-appointed leaders in a more public and aggressive way than we have. I think, insofar as we can be held collectively responsible for our actions, I think Jews have made mistakes in these areas.

    While this is pretty consistent with what I’ve been saying for quite some time, it’s refreshing to see someone from the Jewish community who is honest enough to admit this. Could you imagine our resident maven ever admitting to something like this? I couldn’t.

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Randal
    , @anonymous
  367. @Beefcake the Mighty

    Who gives a shit what David Cole thinks?

    用户 红泥hoo suggested that Cole has “pretty good arguments” against the holocaust. Cole’s more recent writing might suggest otherwise.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  368. geokat62 说:

    Apologies for butchering the surname of Cofnas.

  369. @James N. Kennett

    Ah ok, got it, apologies for the misunderstanding. Indeed, Cole embraces Irving’s pointless revisionism lite, where there is skepticism over Auschwitz but the absurdities of places like Treblinka are accepted. I don’t regard Cole as a turncoat like some revisionists do, but he’s clearly got some sort of act going.

  370. utu 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    but this thread is the very first time I have run into a living person who believed such nonsense

    I was the only person here, I think, who brought up the subject of Black Death and possible of Jewish connection in light of HIV immunity data but certainly I did not give any indication that I believed this way or another.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  371. @utu

    I was the only person here, I think, who brought up the subject of Black Death and possible of Jewish connection in light of HIV immunity data but certainly I did not give any indication that I believed this way or another.

    Let me see if I’ve got this right. You are asking us to consider the possibility that there is a grain of truth in the accusation that Jews spread the plague. You don’t want to tell us whether you believe this idea yourself. You simply want us to consider the possibility.

    It seems to me much more pertinent to consider the possibility that you are trolling. I apologise to other users for taking the bait.

    • 回复: @utu
  372. utu 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Trolling? Bringing up to attention an unproven conjecture is trolling? In your world one must declare his position and not-knowning, having doubts or being an agnostic is not one of them.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  373. Vojkan 说:
    @Old Jew

    I have French-Serb dual citizenship and have spent most of my childhood and almost all of my adult life in France so I have become acquainted with quite a few people belonging to the Jewish community there. The disruptive “progressive” pro uncontrolled immigration, pro aggressive LGBT and feminist militantism, white guilt for everything wrong in the galaxy policies have been, with a few exceptions, the work of the Ashkenazim. On the other hand, I don’t see what could be reproached to the Sephardic Jews. Their solidarity with each other? I think it’s an admirable quality. Israel? I’ve met a few who were very critical of Israeli policies in private even though Israel had a special place in their hearts.
    That’s the reason articles such as this irritate me. The issue is not the Holocaust, the issue is not IQ, the issue is that Tom Friedman, Krauthammer, Kagan, the Kristol, Nuland, Schiff, Schumer, Soros and many others, I could go until tomorrow, are nefarious people, and they happen to be Jewish, and they happen to want the destruction of all nations except Israel, and they happen to especially hate Slavs of the Orthodox Christian faith, and they happen to function like a caste, and articles like this happen to be attempts to obfuscate those facts by raising non-issues.

  374. Vojkan 说:

    I find Ron Unz’s effort all the more admirable, since those who hate Jews won’t hate them less because of him, and those Jews who permanently cry anti-semitism will label him as a self-hating Jew.
    Whether he’s a genius or not is irrelevant to the matter discussed. I don’t care if one group has better scores at IQ tests than other groups. Every action we undertake has an immanent moral value and the actions undertaken by a large section of the Jewish community are deeply immoral, that’s the issue.

  375. Tyrion 2 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    You make complete sense. As does the quote below:


    I also agree with the following:

    Truth arises by an invisible hand from our many errors, and both error and truth must be protected. The heretic, however, is now exposed to public intimidation and abuse on a scale inconceivable before the invention of the internet.
    Of course, we have moved on a bit from the Middle Ages. It is not the man who is assassinated now, but only his character. But the effect is the same. Free discussion is being everywhere shut down, so that we will never know who is right – the heretics, or those who try to silence them.

    I do have one thing to add though. The ‘heretics’ need not be so enthusiastic in hamming up their cartoonish villainy.

  376. 关于“锡安博学的长老们的协议”,最大的陈词滥调是它是对其他词的伪造,可能是“地狱中的对话”!好吧,然后找出这些协议是由什么伪造的,并阅读这些协议,考虑到通常提到的发布日期,有一个不可思议的习惯,一遍又一遍地实现预言!这是统治世界的邪恶计划的秘诀和突出指标,包括犹太精英的奴役和大规模谋杀!当然,鼓励自由主义,但不适合以色列!你们的犹太复国主义双重公民希望东道国实行自由主义来摧毁它,或者正如内坦尼亚胡所说,“我们计划利用美国,直到它干涸并被吹走”,并无休止地倡导向以色列提供援助、贷款担保和武器装备,以色列是他们唯一的国家有真正的效忠吗?这就是为什么除了犹太民族主义之外的所有其他民族主义在他们控制/拥有的大众媒体中都受到诅咒!这就是为什么一波又一波的适龄男性“难民”被迫涌入欧洲,而以色列却同时驱逐黑人犹太人!你看不到图案吗?

  377. iffen 说:

    then obviously some lobbies are good, some bad and some indifferent, and arguing about them is just day to day politics.

    You are separating your lobbies into good and bad lobbies. Maybe this is the wrong approach. Maybe if you viewed every lobby as day to day politics you might have a chance in your fight.

    • 回复: @Randal
  378. The article makes some reasonable points against MacDonald. But if Jewish Liberalism is explained by persecution, then Jews in the USA would be *较少的* liberal than in places where they’re actually being persecuted. In reality, persecuted minorities are insular and keep to themselves. In Britain the growing Muslim threat has correlated with Jews becoming increasingly conservative. Liberalism seem to correlate with a *缺少* of any immediate threat. And liberal regimes do tend to favour urban market-dominant minorities.


    I don’t think this is historically accurate – Jews weren’t banned from being peasant farmers and so forced to become wealthy moneylenders! I don’t know if they might have been banned from owning land as landlords in some places, taking rents from peasants. But Jews in Europe were merchants and jewelers first, financiers later, rarely ever farmers – and showed no desire to be farmers, which is hard manual labour and not lucrative.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  379. @utu

    Most of us on discussion boards like this one are trying to argue for a point of view that we believe in. If instead you are asking us consider a point of view that you don’t believe in, yes, that is trolling.

    Why not consider whether there is a grain of truth in the following mediaeval junk beliefs: that a prominent mole on the torso of a person is a third nipple that is suckled by the devil at night; a hare lip is a sign that a person is a shapeshifting familiar of the devil who has not quite completed their transformation from hare back to human; or the cure for most ailments is either bloodletting or trepanning, except for wounds which are best treated with a poultice of animal dung. Even if you present convincing evidence against any of these beliefs, I will counter that you have not completely covered all the possibilities, and so there might still be a “grain of truth” in the belief. Not that I necessarily believe it myself, you understand. This nonsense would just waste everybody’s time, and disrupt discussion of more sensible matters. In a word, it is trolling. All the more so if the belief you want us to consider is selected to cause outrage amongst some of those present.

    • 回复: @utu
  380. Tyrion 2 说:

    The article makes some reasonable points against MacDonald. But if Jewish Liberalism is explained by persecution, then Jews in the USA would be *较少的* liberal than in places where they’re actually being persecuted. In reality, persecuted minorities are insular and keep to themselves. In Britain the growing Muslim threat has correlated with Jews becoming increasingly conservative. Liberalism seem to correlate with a *缺少* of any immediate threat

    If the correlation between the “growing Muslim threat” to Jews in the UK and “Jews becoming increasingly conservative” is causative then it shows that Jews are nudged in certain political directions by persecution, or fear of persecution.

    Obviously the direction of that nudge is determined by where the threat is coming from.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  381. @Simon in London

    Jews were, collectively, exploitative middle men in medieval Europe. Of course, the nobility and clergy (from which Jews were excluded) were also very exploitative and richly deserved to be sacked by the peasantry, but that doesn’t change the historical role of Jews or affect the historical reasons for animus towards them.

  382. @James N. Kennett

    Wrong. I’d say from what I’ve been seeing lately, we’re just getting started. Stay tuned.

  383. Randal 说:

    You are separating your lobbies into good and bad lobbies. Maybe this is the wrong approach.

    My use of those terms (“good” and “bad”) there was perhaps misleading, implying a moral aspect which wasn’t intended and is not necessarily there in many, perhaps most, cases. My comment followed from your reference to whether any white dominated lobbies “cause any problems”, so for “good” and “bad” you should probably read “problem solving and “problem causing”.

    My position is that in my lifetime, in my country (and yours), ethnic minority lobbies including the jewish lobby have been and are very much in the problem causing category. Such “white” advocacy and “antisemitism” lobbies as there are fall into the problem solving category, where they have any influence at all.

  384. Randal 说:

    That’s interesting, thanks. In particular, I very much agree with this statement by Nathan Cofnas in the extract you quoted:

    I think the Jewish community does have some responsibility to push back against these self-appointed leaders in a more public and aggressive way than we have. I think, insofar as we can be held collectively responsible for our actions, I think Jews have made mistakes in these areas.

    The context is the example given of jewish organisational support for mass immigration, but myself I would also extend this to other examples, namely jewish organisational support for speech control and jewish organisational support for Israel. (That the motives for jews supporting these causes might be entirely understandable in self-interest or jewish nationalism terms does not change the fact that they are manipulative of and counter to the interests of the host nation). And furthermore, clearly there are jews who oppose mass immigration, jews who oppose speech control even where it directly relates to jewish concerns, and jews who oppose making our foreign policy serve Israeli interests, but they are nowhere near as effective, organised or prominent as the lobbies working in the other direction.

    • 回复: @renfro
  385. and while you keep up the name calling and labeling everyone “antisemites” that only proves the point I made about you trying to brainwash people.
    I’m antibullshit. I hate being lied to, and I’m very sure Germans hate being lied about. I honestly don’t know how you can go around living a lie, and seem to be proud of it. Being a fake victim, seems like it would make you feel lower than dirt, but I guess not.
    I would think you could see whats going on around you, how its getting worse and realize you’re being duped, and the continuation of lies isn’t helping humanity move forward, instead holding us back.
    Causing more suffering, and is going to lead to terrible things happening if we don’t start being honest about our history. Can you not see this?
    and thanks for not arguing against any of my other points, especially the one about a people being “holocausted” by evil Germans to doing the EXACT same thing to their new neighbors in Palestine.
    Thats the whole problem with your type. Just admit you’re wrong sir.

    USS Liberty, Lavon Affair, 9/11…can you not see the similarities? How do you defend this? Do you not think that these lies are leading us all to a terrible place?

  386. @Tyrion 2

    Few people in Britain want Muslim mass immigration. Importing people who are 100 times more anti-semitic than the Brits is batshit insane, and any Jewish Britons who support this idea ought to spend some time in the suburbs of Paris to see where we are heading.

    I suspect that the fear of persecution is constant with time. There are people who genuinely believe that the countries that saved them from Hitler or the Russian pogroms are one step away from emulating their old enemies. The difficulty is that there are no measures that can dispel such fears. After a while, Jews who are fearful begin to look like the boy who cried wolf, and Gentile society begins to look like the people who ignored that boy.

  387. Tyrion 2 说:

    I suspect that the fear of persecution is constant with time. There are people who genuinely believe that the countries that saved them from Hitler or the Russian pogroms are one step away from emulating their old enemies

    Surely not more than a handful of mentally unbalanced individuals think that way?

    I do see a fair amount of fear of a sort of anti-Semitic snobbery. I’ve certainly never experienced said snobbery, but I’ve spoken with others who feel that it exists.

    I have however noticed that such fear is always just one of quite a few similar fears that these individuals seem to possess that might be categorised under social status anxiety.

    It’s pretty stupid, like the American Jews and country club thing that Sailer likes to riff on.

    Maybe it is different for those of older generations but were anyone to speak like that to me I’d burst out laughing quite uncontrollably.

  388. @utu


    There is no reason to believe that geographically separated human populations over periods of time will develop identical biological attributes. Similarly, it is likely that the diaspora Ashkenazi Jewish populations that practiced deliberate self-segregation from the larger Gentile population in Europe will develop, over time, differing biological attributes. But it is also likely that this diaspora Jewish population practiced a form of selective eugenics with the Gentile population in Northern Italy (A lot of European DNA in the Ashkenazi Jewish population).

    I think that assortative mating is applicable to all human populations, and that intelligence is one of the biological attributes that is highly correlated in mating partners. In other words, there are many high IQ subpopulations within various groupings of people.

    I have always believed that the average Ashkenazi Jewish person is a little smarter than the average non-Jewish white person. But within the latter grouping I would imagine one could find subgroups with intelligence levels equal or perhaps even superior to that of the Ashkenazi. And the slight increase in brain size of the Eastern Asian population relative to the European population suggests the intelligence of this grouping is significant.

    There is no reason to think that all human populations are equal in their capacity to think. But I agree with you that it would be very interesting to come up with authentic IQ data regarding Ashkenazi intelligence.

    Regardless, as the many authors to this site have argued, high intelligence is not the exclusive birthright of the Jewish population. There are a lot of smart people on our planet, and the vast majority of these people are not Jewish.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  389. anonymous[107]• 免责声明 说:

    “Empty your mind of all you know . . . Stretch, do your Alexander . . . Tall spine — see how much better my voice sounds already? . . . Now do some voice exercises lha-lha-lha- –; I need some vegetable juice to cleanse the degeneration, Ah, there, that’s better.”

    Luke Ford is a pretentious prick.

    I tried to listen to Ford interview Richard Spencer, gawd, two pricks contesting for the best spot on a pincushion.

  390. anonymous[107]• 免责声明 说:

    长子继承权 is the critical element.

    Jews, even Ashkenazi Jews, did not possess “high IQ” from birth, i.e. as a birthright; didn’t Israel Shahak explain that?
    Tens of thousands of Eastern European Jews pre-WWI were so marginal they could not care for themselves, could not or would not support themselves. In the post-WWII era Eisenhower witnessed this for himself.

    Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews started to achieve “high IQs” in larger numbers only after the late-nineteenth century when they became open to secular education and migrated to Germany and Austria for that education, also in large numbers, which is one of the things that proved unsettling to the citizens of Germany and Austria.

    Some of the Jews deported from Spain settled in Italy, where they gained entrance to Italian universities and also worked for the Medici banking houses. That cohort of 15th century (northern) Italian Jews became quite wealthy and prominent.

    French Emancipation of Jews in ~1789 also ushered in a tremendous change in the opportunities available to the average Jew — as distinguished from the Jewish elite.

    Zionism actively set out to create the “new Jew.” It is a plausible hypothesis that degenerated Jews were culled from the herd, by zionist Jewish leaders, quite intentionally, in the course of WWII, instrumentally either by Poles or Russians or Germans, but all — or most, anyway — with the intention and awareness of Jewish zionist leaders who set the culling in motion. That is one enormous reason The Holocaust narrative must be protected at all costs: because JEWS KILLED JEWS or knowingly set in motion the means by which deficient Jewish human material would be expunged from the tribe.

    • 回复: @Anon
  391. Well, it seems the strategy is to say it loud, and long, then claim persecution.

    Judaism needs hatred as a survival strategy.

  392. Randal 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Clearly I agree very much with (a) and (b).

    (d) What these anti-semites do not understand is that they are (to use Lenin’s phrase) the “useful idiots” of the people they dislike. One reason why it is not possible to discuss what you refer to as the “holocaust memorial industry”, or the effects of Jewish over-representation in the media, is that the anti-semites will immediately crawl out of the woodwork to contribute their 2¢ -and the discussion is over before it even started. The Mossad and ADL do not need to pay trolls to disrupt criticism of Jewry – because anti-semites step up to do their work for them, without pay. Well done, guys.

    The problem with this approach is that it is built upon already established errors and injustices, including the typically (and intentionally) “flexible” definition of antisemitism (as with all the political correctness smear terms – antisemitism, racism, homophobia, islamophobia, etc).

    On any issue there are obsessives and extremists (who nevertheless, by the way, often have useful things to say, or are correct in some of their assertions). The jewish issue is in fact one in which you mostly 不会 encounter extreme anti-Semites “crawling out of the woodwork” in most discussion boards. This is because most mainstream discussion boards ban such people and such arguments. Is the result a peaceful, rational location in which the very real problems in this area can be discussed honestly? No, mostly it is not. Instead the resulting environment is one in which those wanting to discuss the issue reasonably are themselves hysterically accused of being anti-Semites just like the banned ones, and in practice often are banned themselves either to appease the screechers or because the moderators get drawn into conflict with them.

    The same, mutatis mutandis, applies to extreme “racists” and people who are just moderate race realists or opponents of mass immigration, and to extreme “homophobes” and those who just disapprove of homosexual behaviour, etc.

    Among the inevitable results of such widespread censorship are a concentration of the more extreme and obsessive voices on such topics on those boards that actually do take free political discussion seriously (such as Unz), and an understandable intensification of the anger and energy of those people who are systematically excluded from political discourse by their more powerful enemies.

    • 回复: @redmudhooch
  393. @Randal

    Have you ever read comments on some of the Jewish websites? People comments on Arabs, Africans, Gentiles?
    Some of the youtube videos that are about an Arab doing something that Jewish people don’t agree with?
    Why is it there is no outrage or complete censorship there? Why is racism against Jews the only racism that matters? Israel is racism, Zionism is racism, in its purist form.
    Israel where it is illegal for a Jew to marry a non-Jew.
    Israel which has the strictest immigration policies in the world, based on Jewish DNA and accept almost no refugees.
    Israel which is overwhelmingly segregated in schools, apartments, neighborhoods, whole cities and towns and even in the settlements they stole from Palestinians.
    Israel where Israel citizens can publicly carry around machine guns if they wish. But in America Jewish owned media push for disarming the public.
    Israel which honors Jews who spout hate and even genocide against Gentiles (such as the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef who says “The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews” “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created,”

    and again how do you defend the pattern of lying, lying about things that lead to mass murder, ethnic cleansing and suffering?
    USS Liberty, Lavon affair, 9/11 all of the assassinations, even Israelis that want peace? Yitzhak Rabin? I believe the same psychopaths killed JFK and MLK, seems to be a pattern, wouldn’t you agree?
    You and all the others thats relentlessly defend this behavior better wake up, because they don’t give a damn about you or your family either, they will get you killed just like they will kill any of us they deem subhumans. Nuclear, biological, chemical weapons do not discriminate my friend.
    You still want to defend these lies?

    • 回复: @Randal
  394. Randal 说:

    Have you ever read comments on some of the Jewish websites?

    Not knowingly, unless you count sites like The National Interest and the Spectator as “jewish sites”, which wouldn’t be entirely unreasonable based on their content and policing of comments. For that matter, Unz is owned by a jew, I understand.

    Why is racism against Jews the only racism that matters? Israel is racism, Zionism is racism, in its purist form.

    I don’t have a problem with racism, in general. Most “racism” as far as I can tell, is just realism. The main exception is anti-white racism, which is a real problem because it is endemic to my society and its overlord society the US, is profoundly damaging, and is espoused and imposed by the powerful under the guise of various SJW euphemisms.

    You and all the others thats relentlessly defend this behavior

    I don’t “relentlessly defend this behaviour”. Mostly I ignore these issues on the basis that inasmuch as there’s any merit in them there are plenty of other people willing to pursue them.

    • 回复: @redmudhooch
  395. renfro 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Holocaust denial is dead, but no one knows it. Worse, it appears as though no one wants to know. Not the media, not Jews, and especially not Jew-haters. But it’s true. Denial has gone the way of the woolly mammoth. It exists these days as a bogeyman, a bugbear, an illusion in the minds of hardcore anti-Semites and harder-core Semites. It’s a scarecrow that Jew-haters erect to frighten Jews and that Jews maintain to frighten themselves.

    Its not dead, only outlawed in some countries.
    I look at comments on a lot of msm sites like the NYT, the WP, overseas papers like the Guardian, Independent, etc.. They show that people ,if not denying, are still questioning a lot of what has been claimed about the holocaust…and that people are fed up with it being used by Jews as a claim to all kinds of entitlement.

    People are just disgusted with the whole holocaust industry and have become aware of how it is used politically to extract special and undeserved benefits for Jews and Israel.

    When people are told they cant question something most of them want to know what is being hidden.

  396. utu 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Why not consider whether there is a grain of truth in the following mediaeval junk beliefs: that a prominent mole on the torso of a person is a third nipple that is suckled by the devil at night; a hare lip is a sign that a person is a shapeshifting familiar of the devil who has not quite completed their transformation from hare back to human; or the cure for most ailments is either bloodletting or trepanning, except for wounds which are best treated with a poultice of animal dung.

    An ad absurdum argument that suppose to make one feel ashamed? I was not arguing that bloodletting or trepanning or a poultice of animal dung may have a therapeutic value and we should reconsider it but that there were people in the past who did believe it had therapeutic effects so they practiced it. There were people who practiced bloodletting and perhaps we should reconsider a possibility that some Jewish sects practiced their own kind of bloodletting. Should Jews be exempted from any considerations on irrational and typically “dark ages” behavior? Were Jews the paragons of rationality and sanity in Dark Ages?

    This nonsense would just waste everybody’s time, and disrupt discussion of more sensible matters. In a word, it is trolling. All the more so if the belief you want us to consider is selected to cause outrage amongst some of those present.

    I did not know anybody would get outraged. Then Bardon Kaldian and you showed up. As far as wasting time it is you wasting my time. You could have ignore me if you had urgency to deal with the sensible matters.” What is sensible?

    • 回复: @AaronB
  397. renfro 说:

    I think the Jewish community does have some responsibility to push back against these self-appointed leaders in a more public and aggressive way than we have. I think, insofar as we can be held collectively responsible for our actions, I think Jews have made mistakes in these areas.

    The Jews have made that same mistake for centuries, over and over.

    The Jews sat on one hand say they must be responsible for all Jews…..then they also say gentiles,
    and indeed the world, are obligated to and must take care of Jews.

    I would remind the Jews of the saying……..’you can lead a mule to water but you cant
    make him drink’.
    We led you to the water but you refuse to drink.


  398. renfro 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    One reason why it is not possible to discuss what you refer to as the “holocaust memorial industry”, or the effects of Jewish over-representation in the media, is that the anti-semites will immediately crawl out of the woodwork to contribute their 2¢ -and the discussion is over before it even started

    I think you are dishonest.
    As someone who has been discussing this subject in terms of politics and policy influenced by Jews, large and small, for 16 years I can tell you the reason those discussions never go anywhere is because the anti semite smear will inevitably be played against the non Jews.

    Just as you are doing. Case closed.

    • 同意: utu, SolontoCroesus, AaronB
  399. @Randal

    My mistake that comment was for James & Tyrion,and all the others that keep calling anyone critcal of Israel antisemites..
    and I would like to hear how they defend Israels role in these attacks.

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  400. @renfro

    renfro — I forget if it was you or jacques that asked for verification of population numbers as posted in a yearbook (I also don’t remember the yearbook).

    Yesterday I came across Collier’s 1946 Yearbook.

    Here’s the first paragraph under “Jews and Jewish Welfare”

    “With the collapse of Nazi Germany on May 6, 1945, it was estimated that about 1,500,000 Jews still remained alive in the European continent, exclusive of Soviet Russia, [emphasis added] and that some 500,000 Jews had escaped to various lands through emigration.”

    then, a list of the European states and Jewish populations in them post-war, including 12,000 in Germany; concluding with:

    “A total of only 12,000,000 of the pre-war number of 16,700,000 Jews of the world still survived.”

    But, as the initial sentence stated, the number of Jews alive in Europe did not include Jews in Soviet Russia.

    Jewish Telegraph Agency has a number or articles about the thousands of Jews who fled, primarily from Poland, to USSR; iirc a total JTA posted was between 1.75 million and 2 million.

    The Yearbook’s entry for USSR did not include an entry for Jewish population in USSR after May 1945.

    It does state that, between 1941 and May 1945, 9,740,000 Axis troops were killed or wounded. It also lists extravagant claims for losses inflicted on USSR by Germans, totaling $138,000,000, which justified USSR’s large claims for reparations and for confiscation from Germany of large amounts of industrial materials.

    • 回复: @Wally
  401. anarchyst 说:

    I have posted this on other threads and apologize to those who have previously seen this. However, in light of the conversation, I think this tome merits repeating…

    如果一个国家死于种族灭绝,为什么会保留记录? 为什么会在数百(如果不是数千)英里之外的“营地”建造卫生设施,住房,医疗,娱乐和其他辅助设施? 仅通过“消除”这些麻烦而不经历所有这些麻烦,难道不是一件容易的事吗? 如果目标是灭绝,他们为什么要利用有限的能源在后勤运输上投入大量精力? 事情不会“累加”……

    在整个犹太人的“大屠杀”交易中,有些“大发”。 犹太犹太复国主义者与德国政府进行“交易”以使犹太德国人的生活“不舒服”已不是什么秘密。 实际上,犹太犹太复国主义者的领导人首先提出,所有犹太人都佩戴“黄色大卫王之星”袖标,以便于识别。


    自6,000,000年代以来,与1800万人口一起建立“家园”一直是犹太复国主义者的“梦想”。 有什么比使“德国社会的奶油”(犹太人)困难的事更好的鼓励“移民”到异国的方式呢? 关于所谓的犹太“大屠杀™”的真相已经揭晓。 。 。

    所谓的犹太人“大屠杀™”已变成事实上的“宗教”,不允许偏离正统观念。 实际上,在大多数欧洲国家,在罚款和监禁的痛苦下,严格禁止对犹太人的“大屠杀”真相进行独立调查。 在美国,情况并没有那么糟,只有“部落”成员的工作丧失以及个人和职业毁灭才可以明显看出犹太人“大屠杀™”的真实真相暴露出来。 不能将真相用作防御程序,也不能在可以进行调查历史事件的“袋鼠法庭”中用作证据。 给您一个“大屠杀™”发起人的问题-为什么有法律将寻求真理定为刑事犯罪?

    当有关这一历史事件的真相问世时,它将改变世界上许多人对将这一事件当作“摇钱树”的“摇钱树”的看法。 。 。 “没有像“ SHOAH业务”这样的业务。

    当前审查制度的一个很好的例子是等待那些敢于质疑“官方”犹太“大屠杀”正统观念的人们的命运。 大多数欧洲国家已将任何偏离“官方”犹太“大屠杀”故事的思想定为犯罪。 为什么?? 实际上,当涉及“大屠杀”时,TRUTH并不是防御。 Ask指出二战研究员David Irving,为避免受到惩罚,他被迫撤回TRUTH。 。 。

    如果人们只知道为犹太人的“大屠杀”而进行的计划(在“选择的”计划中),那将是一个庞大的大屠杀。 您会看到,犹太人的“大屠杀”对于迫使建立犹太国家是必要的。 在这种情况下,ENDS证明了MEANS的合理性。 在整个人类历史上,曾有过许多悲惨得多的“大屠杀”,但犹太人的“大屠杀”是唯一重要的事件。 。 。

    看一下“所谓的犹太人大屠杀™的商业化”,而方便得多的共产主义(真正)大屠杀却被人们轻易地遗忘了。 为了确保持续供应犹太人的“大屠杀™”“幸存者”,犹太人在他们的孩子和孙子上刻有他们的ATM(哎呀,我的意思是“营地”数字)。 此外,犹太心理学家提出了一个新概念,即“疾病”-“大屠杀™”“移徙综合症”。 您会看到,犹太人“大屠杀™”幸存者的孩子和孙子都感染了这种“疾病”,也应被视为“大屠杀™”幸存者,并有资格获得“大屠杀™”赔偿。

    自1933年犹太人向德国宣战以来(是,1933年),德国人别无选择,只能完成将犹太人边缘化的犹太复国主义计划(至少可以说)。巴勒斯坦使犹太人成为世界的“故乡”-以色列。 有趣的是,德国抵制犹太人的活动持续了一天,而犹太人的抵制(实际上是犹太人对德国的宣战)始于1933年,一直持续到第二次世界大战的总和。

    犹太复国主义者一直在预测犹太人的“故乡”,而在过去的6年中,犹太人的“大屠杀TM”为731,000万。 在欧洲行动区中,非战斗人员的实际死亡人数约为6,而不是XNUMX万(国际红十字会的官方数字)。

    关于“大屠杀™”“奥斯威辛集中营”,所谓的“气室”的设计存在工程上的矛盾。 门不是气密设计的; 这样就不可能取回尸体,在所谓的“加气”发生之后,就没有办法使房间通风。” 有一个“气室”烟囱没有连接任何东西。 从工程的角度来看,这些都是非常严重的错误,将导致这些所谓的“气室”的“操作员”死亡。 由于德国人是优秀的工程师,因此很难观察到目前在这些“营地”中存在的明显的工程错误。

    美国执行专家弗雷德·勒赫特(Fred Leuchter)前往奥斯威辛集中营,秘密地从所谓的“毒气室”获得了样本,对其进行了测试并发表了他的结果。 除一个样本外,所有样本中均不存在亚甲蓝,这证明“气室”不存在。 从用于消毒衣物的房间中获取一个阳性样本。 实际上,所谓的“毒气室”的“烟囱”没有连接任何东西。

    勒赫特先生因其对“真相”的追求而受到奖励,因为他的职业和个人品格被“部落”的人暗杀。 他失去了他所有的联邦和州合同,并因马萨诸塞州一项晦涩难懂的“无证从事工程技术”的“法律”而受到起诉。该法律之前或之后从未使用过。 。 。

    毫无疑问,第二次世界大战后,苏联为了宣传目的而试图“建立”“死亡集中营”。 是的,那里有极端的匮乏和痛苦,许多人丧生。 死亡的主要原因是斑疹伤寒。 由于盟军炸弹摧毁了大部分基础设施,斑疹伤寒处于流行水平。 这就是造成大量人类死亡的原因。 。 不要放气。


    我敦促那些“大屠杀™”的信徒们自己检查这些事情-如果您敢。 您不会喜欢您发现的东西……

  402. Tyrion 2 说:

    If Mossad really were posting on internet fora, you’d be their employee of the month.

    • 回复: @redmudhooch
  403. AaronB 说:

    I think you’re defending a very important principle.

    For instance, we know that the Celtic Druids practiced human sacrifice, and the very sophisticated civilizations of Mexico practiced both cannibalism and human sacrifice.

    Once again, however, the idea that some Jewish extremist sects might have been as human as anyone and engaged in disturbing practices is considered beyond the pale.

    It’s the same old story. Everyone else may have had dark chapters in their history and sects which engaged in inhuman practices, but you’re an anti-Semite if you suggest Jews did!

    And I wouldn’t believe for a second that James N. Kenney is his real name – probably James N. Schwartz.

    • 巨魔: Tyrion 2
  404. AaronB 说:

    But I do find the new tactic amusing –

    Yes, by holding Jews to the same standards as other members of the human race you’re really just being a “useful idiot” and doing the work of the Mossad 🙂

    This would fall under the tactic Kevin Mcdonald identified when Jews try and tell everyone else that their behavior isn’t “really American”, or German, or whatever.

    You see, utu, you’re really betraying your own cause by considering the possibility that some Jews are as deranged as any member of the human race – and we Jews will of course, explain to you what you’re true cause is and how best to serve it.

    I tell you, people, you are witnessing tactical senility.

    • 哈哈: utu
  405. @renfro

    I can tell you the reason those discussions never go anywhere is because the anti semite smear will inevitably be played against the non Jews.

    Those who want to talk about the possible veracity of mediaeval slurs against Jews, or who try to deny the Holocaust, make it very easy for Jews to cry “anti-semitism”. If you want to win your battles, it is important to pick them carefully. Choose a battlefield where you have an advantage.

    Why not start by picking issues that make a difference to people’s lives today? For example it is arguable that, owing to Jewish influence, the USA is fighting wars on behalf of Israel. One of the writers on this site was recently fired for raising this subject. Why not focus on matters like this, or indeed the fact that asking reasonable questions is likely to cost you your livelihood?

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @renfro
  406. Wally 说:

    This takes care of that:

    ‘J. Graf and the illogical canard: ‘Where did Jews go then?’ / & more”
    ‘Why wasn’t Anne Frank Sent to Theresienstadt? / ‘where they went’ ‘

    Holocaust Handbooks, Documentaries, & Videos”
    Eye opening videos from CODOH: Probing the Holocaust, pt. 1

    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。

  407. AaronB 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Yes, please instruct is on how to choose our battles and what we should say 🙂

    We need your guidance – direct us, tell us what we must say to “really” help your…err, our…cause.

    So we shouldn’t suggest Jews might have extremist sects like other groups that engage in disturbing behavior.

    Got it. What else from on high?

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  408. @Tyrion 2

    So you have no defense. Will you at least admit that there is a pattern of lying, lies that lead to war and mass murder of innocent people?

    Do you see why people may question the official holocaust story? Not because they’re antisemites or racists, but because there is a clear history of lying….. just answer that.

    And again, you’re being duped just like everyone else, and the ones lying to you don’t give a damn about you or the Jewish religion/race.

    How about this one they let slip:
    在专栏中,出版商安德鲁·阿德勒(Andrew Adler)描述了一种情景,在这种情况下,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Natanyahu)需要“批准驻美国的Mossad特工赶上对以色列不友好的总统。”
    目的? 这样一来,副总统就可以上任并决定美国的政策,这将有助于犹太国家“消灭敌人”。

    See the pattern? Now am I a racist or antisemite to think that maybe they killed JFK too? Is this not a reasonable conclusion?

    • 回复: @AaronB
  409. @AaronB

    You haven’t noticed that I started off on this thread questioning Jewish influence and ethnocentrism. Then I got freaked out by the weird questions people were asking.

    So we shouldn’t suggest Jews might have extremist sects like other groups that engage in disturbing behavior.

    Of course these sects exist. They commit crimes like harassing Arabs in the West Bank – not drinking the blood of Gentile children.

    Got it. What else from on high?

    You’re going to do what you please. Go ahead. Insult those whose relatives were killed by the Nazis. Broadcast your mediaeval beliefs. The ADL will be very pleased with you. Firstly because you are helping to increase their subscription income, without costing anything to their advertising budget. Secondly because you make anyone who questions excessive Jewish influence appear idiotic by association, without any cost to the ADL’s trolling budget.

    You are your own worst enemy – that problem is yours. You are an enabler for the very people you despise – that problem is ours.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
    , @AaronB
  410. AaronB 说:

    Will you at least admit that there is a pattern of lying, lies that lead to war and mass murder of innocent people?

    Do you see why people may question the official holocaust story? Not because they’re antisemites or racists, but because there is a clear history of lying….. just answer that.

    I don’t think you begged him enough to see your point of view and agree with you.

    After all, you’re the one who has to prove yourself to him, not he to you. His agreement 事项 .

    And whatever you do, don’t mock him or act like he’s the one who has to prove to you he’s reasonable. Oh no, you’re on the defensive here. Never, ever assume “the superior position”. That’s strictly for them.


    All these guys have to do is sternly admonish you, and they have you eating out of their hands.

    I’m almost beginning to see the Jewish point of view on you guys…

    If you still don’t get it this late in the day…

    Now, convince them harder you’re not an anti-semite. There’s s good boy.

  411. @James N. Kennett

    How does the fact that someone’s relatives were killed by the Nazis make them off-limits to insult? I’m guessing this is something too obvious for you to have to explain?

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  412. AaronB 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Thanks so much. So let’s just see what you’ve decided the acceptable limits are – Jews harassing Arabs in the West Bank, permitted. Suggesting medieval Jews may have harbored elements as deranged as other human groups on a medieval level of civilization, not permitted.

    I mean, that’s just a bit too uncomfortable – suggesting Jews share the same faults as the rest of the human race.

    I’m beginning to see now…you’re just a totally reasonable person who totally started out questioning jewish ethnocentrism who just became appalled at the suggestion Jews may share in the depravity of the human race.

    I mean, that’s just crazy. Anti-semitic, even.

    Anything else, Mr Schwartz?

    And thanks so much for helping “my side” out and letting me know what my “problems” are…

    I mean, you just want me to succeed, right?

    The world needs more impartial and reasonable people like you.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  413. @Beefcake the Mighty

    How does the fact that someone’s relatives were killed by the Nazis make them off-limits to insult? I’m guessing this is something too obvious for you to have to explain?

    I meant insulting them by denying the Holocaust.

  414. @AaronB

    Anything else, Mr Schwartz?

    Please. Nowadays we prefer the name Soros. I make a good living spying on people for my grandfather’s foundation, and I will report back that he has nothing to fear from you. Now please excuse me, my private jet is waiting to take me to the Bilderberg meeting.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  415. Randal 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    If the British Foreign Secretary can officially and in Britain’s name, and purely pursuant to whipping up a politically self serving Russophobic hysteria, insult all the Russians whose families died in the war against Germany by asserting that their nation’s current leader is like Hitler, why are descendants of the far fewer jewish people who died in that same war specially protected from feeling offended by historical debate about the details of what went on back then?

    And, what’s more, specially protected to the gross extent of locking up grandmothers for expressing their opinions?

  416. AaronB 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Well, well, so you admit it. Wasn’t too hard to figure out lol. Not quite the master of disguise are you 🙂

    Now, you’re not doing yourself any favors by describing a perfectly rational suggestion that medieval jews had degenrate elements just like everyone else as anti-semitism.

    You’re just reinforcing everyone’s perception of jews as hysterically irrational and unwilling to see themselves as equal to everyone else.

    You’re strategy is backfiring on you – come back with something a little more rational and less likely to make everyone think your nuts.

    Well be waiting here.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
    , @wayfarer
    , @utu
  417. @Randal

    That’s what I was going to ask, along those lines. Must be one hell of an insult to jail old ladies like Ursula Haverbeck or some 90 year old who was clerk at Auschwitz (aren’t we often told that Auschwitz was for the Poles and Birkenau for the Jews; I lose track of all the changes in the story). I suppose just asking these questions amounts to an insult? And Jews wonder why there is so much hostility towards them.

    • 回复: @Randal
  418. @James N. Kennett

    Does this include bringing up the steam chambers at Treblinka?

  419. @Randal

    If the British Foreign Secretary can officially and in Britain’s name, and purely pursuant to whipping up a politically self serving Russophobic hysteria, insult all the Russians whose families died in the war against Germany by asserting that their nation’s current leader is like Hitler, why are descendants of the far fewer jewish people who died in that same war specially protected from feeling offended by historical debate about the details of what went on back then?

    Boris Johnson is a buffoon. He should not have made that comparison. If all foreign ministers talked like him we would soon have another World War.

    • 回复: @Randal
  420. renfro 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Why not start by picking issues that make a difference to people’s lives today

    Feel free to peruse my comments archive where I have stressed (and explained) numerous past and recent Jewish directed policies, both domestic and foreign, that have harmed and continue to harm American’s welfare and interest.

    Unfortunately I am not a public figure, if I were I would be overjoyed to publically debate any of the Zionist Fifth Column on why they and Israel are a liability and not an asset to the US ….and I promise you I would leave them and their pilpul arguments bleeding out on stage.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  421. @AaronB

    You’re just reinforcing everyone’s perception of jews as hysterically irrational and unwilling to see themselves as equal to everyone else.

    大家的 perception? Keep talking, why not tell us what you really think!

    BTW, I’m not Jewish.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  422. @renfro

    Nowadays anyone can get a book published, or create a website. Don’t hold back.

  423. wayfarer 说:

    Must admit that was classic.

    Found it hilarious that you picked the name “Schwartz.”

    I hung out with some Jewish kids in Hollywood for awhile. One of them gave me, an Italian-Irish American, the nickname “Schwartz.”

    Funnier than hell, AaronB.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  424. AaronB 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    BTW, I’m not Jewish.

    Of course not 🙂

    Don’t blame me for how you’re perceived – your performance on this thread doesn’t exactly dispel any stereotypes.

    If you want to be taken seriously, start being a bit more rational. I’d like to hear you declare that it’s perfectly reasonable to suggest Jews may have had deranged sects in the Middle Ages that engaged in depraved practices, just as other humans had, and that it’s important in principle to not to make exceptions for Jews.

    If you’re capable of that level of unemotional rationality, you might be worth talking to. But all I’m seeing now is special pleading for Jewish exceptionalism.

    On the other hand, one more “reasonable” white dude showing up on this thread trying to “reason” with you just might make me see where you Jews are coming from….

    I mean, if they make it this easy for you…

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  425. AaronB 说:

    Thanks, wayfarer, but these guys are such goofballs – I’d like to understand how it’s possible to see them as anything other than goofballs 🙂

    Oh yes, that Irish-italian Schwartz – like that oh so Jewish “James N. Kennet”.

    He totally started out questioning Jewish ethnocentrism too…

    • 回复: @wayfarer
  426. wayfarer 说:

    … like that oh so Jewish “James N. Kennet.”

    LOL!!! …can’t stop laughing.

    Have a good night, and thanks for the laughs.

  427. Randal 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Boris Johnson is a buffoon. He should not have made that comparison. If all foreign ministers talked like him we would soon have another World War.

    You and I can agree on all that. But notice the distinct lack of pushback, let alone outrage, against Johnson for that particular remark.

    Now imagine if he’d suggested, say, that the ADL and CAA (UK wannabee ADL) were “like Nazis”. Imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth! He’d be out of the job and a career within days, except that in his particular case he is a more than usually reliable tool for the Israel and military confrontation lobbies and so might be allowed to get away with an apology, provided it was sufficiently abject and grovelling. (The real irony being that he’s the kind of hypocrite who might actually make such a comment in private despite being more than happy to grovelingly apologise for it in public, or to join in the baying lynch mob against someone else who said it).

    Almost seems like, don’t it, some offence is “special” and some doesn’t count for anything?

    Which is rather the point.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  428. Randal 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    And Jews wonder why there is so much hostility towards them.

    Collectively they seem to have comprehensively failed to learn one of the key lessons of the Weimar experience – that imposing “hate speech” laws on people just makes people hate you more.

    The European Union has called on all its member states to pass laws criminalizing Holocaust denial. This European narrative is based on a widely accepted interpretation of what led to the Holocaust. It basically says that anti-Semitic hate speech was the decisive trigger, that evil words beget evil deeds, that if only the Weimar government had clamped down on the National Socialists’ verbal persecution of the Jews in the years prior to Hitler’s rise to power, then the Holocaust would never have happened. I was confronted with this argument during the Danish cartoon crisis, in 2006. People condemned the cartoons as Islamophobic, and warned that the demonization of Muslims might trigger mass violence. “We know what happened in the twenties and thirties,” critical voices argued, referring to the seemingly inevitable link between speech and violence.

    在研究我的书时,我调查了魏玛共和国实际发生的事情。 我发现,与大多数人的想法相反,魏玛德国确实有仇恨言论法,而且它们的应用频率很高。 纳粹宣传在动员反犹情绪方面发挥了重要作用的断言当然是无可辩驳的。 但是,声称只要禁止反犹太言论和纳粹宣传就可以防止大屠杀在现实中几乎没有根据。 约瑟夫·戈培尔 (Joseph Goebbels)、西奥多·弗里奇 (Theodor Fritsch) 和朱利叶斯·施特莱彻 (Julius Streicher) 等纳粹领袖都因发表反犹太言论而受到起诉。 Streicher 服刑两次。 许多法庭案件并没有威慑纳粹和打击反犹太主义,而是起到了有效的公共关系机制的作用,为施特莱彻提供了他在自由和公开辩论的气氛中永远不会得到的那种关注。 从 1923 年到 1933 年,Der Stürmer [Streicher 的报纸]被没收或编辑被带上法庭的次数不少于 XNUMX 次。 Streicher面临的指控越多,他的支持者就越钦佩。 法庭成为施特莱彻反犹太人运动的重要平台。 用当今的民权运动人士的话来说,希特勒之前的德国的法律与今天的反仇恨法非常相似,并且得到了一定的执行。 历史如此痛苦地证明,这种类型的立法在有一次真正的争论时被证明是无效的。


    Of course, even just saying this, I have been told before – with clearly menacing intent – constitutes anti-Semitism which the menacer stated he believed was a criminal act under existing English law.

  429. utu 说:

    perception of jews as hysterically irrational

    Jews believe their own BS. Every culture has its own hefty dose of BS. To undermine culture is to destroy the BS. Jews are pretty effective destroyers of their host cultures. They sense the BS and expose it, ridicule it and eventually destroy it by making their host stop believing in their own BS. Jews are great iconoclasts except they do not touch what is sacred and important in their own culture. They can’t apply their iconoclasm to their own culture because they believe their own BS. And what is actually their BS? It is what you have pointed out: “unwilling to see themselves as equal to everyone else.” They are special. They are chosen. This BS is believed equally by religious and atheistic Jews.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  430. Tyrion 2 说:

    What percentage of comments on this thread are written by:

    1. Those who are clearly insane. E.g annamaria and Art.

    2. Those who are clearly trolls. E.g redmudhooch

    3. Those who straddle the border of insanity amd realise this, so they sort of pretend to be trolls at the same time. E.g AaronB.

  431. @James N. Kennett

    What’s the flip-side of “denying the Holocaust?”

  432. @AaronB

    If you want to be taken seriously, start being a bit more rational. I’d like to hear you declare that it’s perfectly reasonable to suggest Jews may have had deranged sects in the Middle Ages that engaged in depraved practices, just as other humans had,

    Agreed, though I am not aware of any deranged sect in mediaeval Europe whose rituals included drinking the blood of murdered children. The closest you will find are rare perverted individuals such as Elizabeth Bathory.

    and that it’s important in principle to not to make exceptions for Jews.


    No special pleading. And no singling out for claims of depravity without evidence.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  433. @Randal

    Well, there was some pushback in the British press.

    A more apt comparison with Holocaust denial is the MSM attitude “we want an end to racism in politics …” (then whispered) “… and have you noticed that you are the same race as Adolf Hitler?” They say this to people some of whose grandfathers died fighting Hitler.

    Or the MSM view “we/you are uniquely evil, what with our history of colonialism and slavery. We deserve mass immigration and population replacement.”

    You mean, by Arabs and Turks, who were even worse than us at colonialism and slavery?

    You can’t hold people responsible for the sins of their ancestors!

    But you just did! Don’t we count as people too?

    But colonialism is a crime against humanity!

    It seems you make an exception is if we are the ones being colonised.

  434. @Tyrion 2

    Thanks for confirming that I am right, you can’t defend those ones can you?
    Those are facts, are you saying none of those events happened? Israel had to admit to them, why can’t you?
    How is pointing to facts that confirm that there is a history of lying trolling?
    Because you can’t dispute facts can you? So you once again go back to name calling.
    I thought you guys had high IQ’s? You make this gentile feel like Einstein sir, thanks.
    So you’re either a liar, or not high IQ at all, which is it?

  435. L.K 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    It is just a bit too much to see a Zionist trolling shill such as yourself calling others trolls…

    You are a ridiculous, sad little zionist liar.

  436. AaronB 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    I’m impressed. You’re man enough to backtrack and admit that there is nothing wrong in principle with the suggestion that some medieval Jewish sects may have poisoned wells or drank the blood of murdered children.

    It’s not a smear on Jews – rather, it’s merely an admission that Jews can be as depraved as anyone and have no claim to any special status. This is an important principle to defend, and utu was right to bring it up.

    Do you see now why your advice was terrible?

    That contemporary opinion has come to see so eminently reasonable a claim as utterly beyond the pale is a reflection of Jewish control of the discourse, which is exactly what we are trying to challenge. It’s not “grounds” to pick another battle. The battle IS over what’s permitted discourse.

    Your “advice” was either obvious trolling or just based on incomprehension.

    As for specifically drinking blood, Dracula legend ring a bell?

    Many similar examples across Europe, but it’s the principle more than the specific type of depravity. Burning of thousands of women as witches, the Aztec ritual murder of thousands of captives a day followed by feasting on the flesh – history is replete with gory examples, and this kind of behavior is often compatible with a high level of civilization.

    Even the Nazi and Japanese medical experiments come to mind.

    This is the human race – but it’s completely insane to suggest that Jews may have contributed something to this grim roll call, they’re the only exception?

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @James N. Kennett
  437. AaronB 说:

    That’s a very good point – but I’m not sure we can estimate Jewish ability to destroy others BS when so far their only success is against post-Enlightenment Europeans who prepared the way for them.

    But your general point is obviously true.

    I have no problem with Jews believing they’re special – that’s the whole point of being a Jew. It’s a tautology.

    I’d like to see the day when Europeans can view Jews simply with a sardonic smile – a knowing smile, a shrug, and indifference.

    The myth of “reasonableness” – the boy scout vision of the world that guys like John Derbyshire and Bardon Karolian have where everything is well ordered and reasonable – has to be replaced by a more realistic acceptance of the non-rational side of life, the emotional and chaotic side.

    But we can’t choose our world views – they take over our minds like viruses. A world view can only collapse, or its holders die off, and the boy scout version of reality seems to have a lot of life left in it in the West.

  438. Talha 说:

    Let’s not forget cat torture/burning:
    “That brings us to the pastime of cat-burning (brûler les chats), which is exactly what it sounds like. It was a form of medieval French entertainment that, depending on the region, involved cats suspended over wood pyres, set in wicker cages, or strung from maypoles and then set alight. In some places, courimauds, or cat chasers, would drench a cat in flammable liquid, light it on fire, and then chase it through town. The embers and charred bits of cat from these blazes would be collected and taken home for good luck.”

    My cat doth not approve…


    • 回复: @AaronB
  439. @AaronB

    I’m impressed. You’re man enough to backtrack and admit that there is nothing wrong in principle with the suggestion that some medieval Jewish sects may have poisoned wells or drank the blood of murdered children.

    Dearie me. I suggested there is nothing wrong in suggesting that Jewish sects had the same level of depravity as other sects. It is equally foolish suggest the drinking of the blood of murdered children, whether the accused are Jews, Anabaptists, Lollards, or the members of City of London Livery Companies.

    That contemporary opinion has come to see so eminently reasonable a claim as utterly beyond the pale is a reflection of Jewish control of the discourse, which is exactly what we are trying to challenge. It’s not “grounds” to pick another battle. The battle IS over what’s permitted discourse.

    Opinion is divided over the definition of “eminently reasonable”. You think it includes repeating the ignorant ideas of mediaeval people; everybody else thinks it doesn’t.

    Nobody can force you to choose your battles wisely. Go ahead. Perhaps there’s a grain of truth in the suggestion that Donald Trump is secretly transsexual and has two vaginas. Why not ask for the evidence against? Free speech makes this permitted discourse; but we also have the freedom not to listen. If this kind of nonsense were the common currency of the “permitted discourse” brigade, you would soon find that any discussion of the Donald’s possible kinks became taboo – and where would be the victory in that?

    You would also soon be labelled a “net kook”, and nobody would listen to anything you said, even if some of it was sensible. Anybody you associated with would also be tainted. Which is why you’re here, isn’t it, you Mossad shill.

    Many similar examples across Europe, but it’s the principle more than the specific type of depravity. Burning of thousands of women as witches, the Aztec ritual murder of thousands of captives a day followed by feasting on the flesh – history is replete with gory examples, and this kind of behavior is often compatible with a high level of civilization.

    Even the Nazi and Japanese medical experiments come to mind.

    All those examples were committed by the authorities of the day. You would have to be running a country to get away with crimes of this magnitude.

    This is the human race – but it’s completely insane to suggest that Jews may have contributed something to this grim roll call, they’re the only exception?

    The ancient Jews committed massacres. Some of them are recorded in the Bible. This would not have been possible in mediaeval times because it would not have been tolerated by the gentile authorities.

    • 回复: @utu
  440. utu 说:

    I’d like to see the day when Europeans can view Jews simply with a sardonic smile – a knowing smile, a shrug, and indifference.

    Holocaust museums in Europe and special school programs designed there for education and indoctrination are here to wipe any potential sardonic or knowing smile off any goy’s face.

    In some German and Italian cities plaques are imbedded in pavements with names of Jews from neighborhood who died in Holocaust.



    You can’t walk to a shop or bar or take a casual stroll w/o being reminded of Jews and Holocaust for which are responsible. This is all pervasive and powerful pedagogy of shame and guilt. If Holocaust Industry of which Norman Finkelstein wrote was just about money people could easily handle it. Just give as a price and we will pay it but then pls go away. But the invasion by pedagogy of guilt is much worse. You want to find the source of weakness of Europeans who can’t find a word NO in their vocabulary when it comes to immigration and refugees in this plaques and Holocaust indoctrination.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  441. AaronB 说:

    So of all the crimes and follies the human race has shown itself capable of, you draw the line at drinking children’s blood. That’s just unthinkable!

    Aztecs ripping the hearts out of hundreds of prisoners atop pyramids and then feasting on the flesh – totally believable.

    But drinking children’s blood? You wouldnt believe it of any group – it’s totally a coincidence that Jews are the group being accused of it.

    It’s totally a coincidence that of all the gory and outlandish and freakish crimes the human race is guilty of, the one you find 本质unbelievable just happens to be the one Jews are accused of.

    And even though to most people drinking children’s blood seems no worse than ripping out beating hearts and eating flesh, you understand it’s in a special category.

    Dude, you’re terrible at this 🙂 Might wanna consider closing up shop – you’re rapidly making Jews look even more irrational and more desperate to make exceptions for themselves than usual.

    But of course you’ll carry on, because Jews can’t figure out new tactics anymore. All you can do is double down on the old ones even as you grow increasingly flustered and confused. It’s as amusing as it is sad.

    Next you’ll start telling me Jewish dominance is because of higher IQ 🙂 No, , it’s true!

    • 回复: @Art
  442. AaronB 说:

    That’s pretty hideous…in one way (not all ways), worse and less believable than drinking children’s blood for religious or magical reasons. That’s at least self-interest if obviously deranged, whereas this is pure sadism with no possible purpose.

    But there is nothing too outlandish to believe about the human race.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @utu
  443. anon[369]• 免责声明 说:

    I reject ‘race realism’ and if I were on the left I would have no problem with Jewish power. But since Jews are on the left of every issue (except Israel) their power is a problem for conservatives and centrists. Why is it needed to call out the Jewish community by name? Because it’s essential for effective advocacy to understand the motivations that drive politicians. While not all Jews support this or that, the same could be said of evangelicals, Catholics, Poles, white males, southerners, trailer-park residents, or Muslims, yet Jewish commentators routinely mention the names of these groups when analyzing political dynamics.
    The taboo against discussing the Jewish input tilts the playing field in a way that disadvantages the opposing side. If you want to know why not a single congressman sides with Palestine against Israel, it is helpful to know about AIPAC. If you didn’t you might assume that the issue is clear-cut or that all the voters are pro-Israel. Again, according to Pew, Jews are 94% pro-choice. Knowing that, you would bet against getting sincere pro-life advocacy from a politician strongly dependent on Jewish donors. And indeed David Frum discounted the late Jack Kemp’s presidential chances on the grounds that his pro-life view is ‘unpopular with the party’s big donors.’
    While anti-Semitism is a genuine threat and stereotypes are dangerous, if Jews want to be off limits to discussion they must be less aggressive in criticizing other groups. For example, the ADL once labeled Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan, and Jerry Falwell “Masters of Hate.” Jews who reject the criminalization of ‘hate speech’ should take the lead in denouncing the laws against it, originally promoted in the name of countering anti-Semitism.

  444. annamaria 说:
    @mark green

    作者 Jonathan Anomaly(亚利桑那大学政治经济学系核心教员、PPEL 项目助理教授)和 Nathan Cofnas(牛津大学哲学博士生)在以下方面不诚实:不止一种方式。
    1. The Jewish State’ IQ is 95 (ninety-five). This is behind Asian states, Italy, Mongolia, Ukraine, Germany, Australia, Poland, Canada, Spain and other states: https://iq-research.info/en/average-iq-by-country
    2. There has been an enormous influence of the Lobby in the US and the Friends of Israel in the UK, which has affected the well-being of people in the respective countries and the well-being of Israel’s neighbors. The consequences of this influence are unquestionably criminal.

  445. Talha 说:

    But there is nothing too outlandish to believe about the human race.

    I agree. I remember growing up and we were taught – as all little Muslim kids are – very idealized versions of our history; heroic conquests, pure heroes against implacable evil foes, etc.

    I remember having to come to terms with the real history after research and reading and understanding that Muslims could, just as much as anyone else, be guilty of unspeakable crimes. Well, that’s what the Day of Judgement is for. That maturation of understanding was vital to the preservation of my personal faith.

    As my boys mature, I plan on teaching them serious history, not the Mickey-Mouse version so that they can avoid a crisis of faith.


    • 回复: @iffen
  446. Art 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    1. Those who are clearly insane. E.g annamaria and Art.

    Thanks – you put me in good company — Art

    Is it crazy to think peace?

    (In Jew controlled Washington DC it is.)

    • 回复: @annamaria
  447. AaronB 说:


    Right, it’s terrible and it’s obvious purpose is to keep successive generations in a state of depression and guilt under the guise of being morally edifying reminders of how things could go wrong.

    It’s a ball and chain around your neck. You’ll notice the completely different approach of the Japanese, who don’t allow themselves to be abused this way even though other Asian nations are trying very hard.

    It just occurred to me how striking it is that the Japanese committed the same kinds of colonial and wartime atrocities as white nations although for a shorter period of time yet refuse to have any inordinate sense of guilt. They apologized, but they don’t allow it to affect their self respect to any substantial degree.

    It can’t “just” be the Jews. The Italian poet Leopardi said that illusions are necessary for life, and the ancient world was dying from a lack of illusions before Christianity came along. The West seems to recurrently get itself into a place where it gets rid of the illusions necessary for life, and to start dying.

    The Japanese despite their embrace of technology have kept many of their illusions intact.

    An illusion here doesn’t mean something untrue – merely something that can’t be demonstrated using reason or science. It can also refer to that dimension of life best described by the word “quality” – the intangible something that gives any event or thing it’s significance.

    To lose all illusions means to lose touch with the intangible quality of things and find yourself trapped in a world of rationality and cut off from the sources of motivation.

    Talking about is interesting but of no practical effect – the West needs a great new illusion that will restore imaginative contact with the intangible side of life, but none of us can predict or choose what it’s going to be.

    • 回复: @Talha
  448. utu 说:

    Trials of animals in Europe.

    In the Middle Ages, animals that did bad things were tried in court. Maybe that’s not as crazy as it sounds.


    In most cases, the court endeavored to try the animal as closely as it could to the same way humans were tried. This included how they were punished. Just like some murderers of the day, condemned animals (again, in most cases, pigs), were horribly executed for their crimes. Evans described a pig in 1266 who was publicly burnt for the crime of mutilating a child, and another in 1386 that was “to be mangled and maimed in the head and forelegs, and then to be hanged, for having torn the face and arms of a child.”

    Beastiality was also an occasional accusation that led to the trial of an animal, although this charge was actually known to go in the animal’s favor. “Both the human and the animal might be put to death, but in some cases, they seem to have managed to say that it wasn’t the animal’s fault, that the animal didn’t consent,” she says, “So the animal wasn’t punished.”

    • 回复: @AaronB
  449. @utu

    You can’t walk to a shop or bar or take a casual stroll w/o being reminded of Jews and Holocaust for which are responsible. This is all pervasive and powerful pedagogy of shame and guilt. If Holocaust Industry of which Norman Finkelstein wrote was just about money people could easily handle it. Just give as a price and we will pay it but then pls go away. But the invasion by pedagogy of guilt is much worse. You want to find the source of weakness of Europeans who can’t find a word NO in their vocabulary when it comes to immigration and refugees in this plaques and Holocaust indoctrination.

    For once I agree with you. Guilt-tripping insidiously destroys a society. It is committed not only against Italians and Germans, but also against the citizens of countries that fought against Nazi Germany, which is disgraceful. In Western Europe we are also guilt-tripped for colonialism and slavery, and the endgame of this process will be our own colonisation and enslavement. Some SJWs are fully aware of this, but carry on just the same.

    Solzhenitsyn’s book “200 Years Together” covers some unflattering parts of Jewish history. There is not an official edition in English (although German and French translations have been published). If you want to read about Jewish participation in major crimes against humanity, this would be a good place to start. The subject matter is too hot for any publisher in the English-speaking world to handle (although unofficial translations do exist). Perhaps Jewish society does not want to be guilt-tripped by the subject matter of this book. Also, people find it easier to have sympathy with a group if they can be portrayed as morally pure, and the book removes any delusions in that regard (though from what I understand it doesn’t give Russian Gentiles a flattering treatment either).

    Anyone who wants to find evidence that Jews share the same vices as the rest of the human race could begin by reading conventional history, where the facts are hidden in plain sight. There is no reason to invent mediaeval horror stories.

    • 同意: renfro
  450. Vojkan 说:

    The problem with such propaganda is that with every new generation, WWII will be a generation more distant in the past.
    The quest for global dominance is characterised by two contradictory efforts: on the one hand the effort to upbring new generations disconnected from any national historical and cultural heritage, through educational policies and by the imposition of “diversity”, on the other hand the effort to make new generations inherit “historical” and “cultural” guilt.
    The would-be global rulers don’t seem to grasp that theirs is a lose-lose proposition. They can’t uproot people with a sense of heritage and they can’t use sense of guilt against people without a sense of heritage. In the end, the pavements will be replaced.

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Beefcake the Mighty
  451. renfro 说:


    Nice try but fail….

    International Court of Justice finds Israeli barrier in Palestinian territory illegal…


    Jul 9, 2004 – The International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an advisory opinion today that Israel’s building of a barrier in the occupied Palestinian territory is illegal and said construction must stop immediately and Israel should make reparations for any damage caused.

  452. utu 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Perhaps there’s a grain of truth in the suggestion that Donald Trump is secretly transsexual and has two vaginas.

    If we had 100’s of interrogations of witnesses in many court proceeding involving the highest civil and Church authorities who testified that Trump is transsexual because they saw his genitals or because they were the surgeons who performed the surgery and if we had scholars like Ariel Toaff going through the court records and coming to conclusions that the story was not planted in witnesses’ minds by the interrogators who obviously hated Trump I would say there would be a grain of truth in story that Donald Trump was transsexual. Furthermore if the court could examine Donald Trump body as it did examine bodies of drained of blood victims in medieval times then it would perhaps be more than a grain of truth.

    In terms of court proceedings based evidence concerning the so called blood libels we have much more to go with than with some claims about Holocaust which are still being made like soap, lamp shades or shrunken heads. No alleged perpetrator ever gave as meticulous and detailed account of gassing operation as some alleged perpetrators gave during the so called blood libel trials of blood draining procedure.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  453. AaronB 说:

    No offense, but you’re displaying naive psychology here. I used to think this way too.

    One thing I’ve learned growing up among Jews is that inconsistency works surprisingly well. Far better than a “rational” European would imagine. Get rid of all “rational” ideas – they may help you fly airplanes but they are useless in the realm of humans.

    Most people have a ton of cognitive dissonance going on at the same time and often won’t accept it if you point it out to them.

    Clearly, Germans feel guilty for the crimes of their forebears while at the same time disabling their connection to their forebears. It works.

    • 回复: @Vojkan
  454. AaronB 说:

    And why not? The idea that humans are fundamentally different than animals comes from Judaism. Taoist and Buddhists don’t believe it.

    • 同意: utu
  455. AaronB 说:

    But you see, utu, it’s just inherently unbelievable that any group – not just Jews – would drink children’s blood. Now making soap and lampshades out of children is another matter…..

    It’s just a coincidence that Germans were accused of making children into soap and Jews were accused of drinking children’s blood.

    Don’t try and connect any dots or anything. You’ll just be defeating your own cause.

  456. Art 说:

    But of course you’ll carry on, because Jews can’t figure out new tactics anymore. All you can do is double down on the old ones even as you grow increasingly flustered and confused. It’s as amusing as it is sad.

    Jews carry on their agenda by creating endless new enemy groups. Russia – Iran – white males – white married women.

    The West is engulfed in love-hate Jew mindset. Controlling Jew monetary greed and Jew socialism are competing mindsets that dominate the West. The socialist Jew knows the dishonest greed of the Big Jews better then anyone else and revolts against it.

    Both these mindsets go counter to the philosophical Christian mindset of honesty and liberty.


  457. Vojkan 说:

    It works because WWII is still less than a century old and it works because of “hate speech” laws. I believe the German feel the same outrage at Zionist policies as people from any other nation except they dare not speak out.
    Time is passing, WWII will be more and more a thing of the past, whatever sympathy the Jews inspired will fade little by little due to the excesses of Zionism. What do you think will happen when people taken for granted realise they’ve been taken for granted for so long?

    • 回复: @AaronB
  458. AaronB 说:

    That’s true. There will eventually be a backlash, because nothing lasts forever.

  459. Talha 说:

    The Japanese despite their embrace of technology have kept many of their illusions intact…Most people have a ton of cognitive dissonance going on at the same time and often won’t accept it if you point it out to them.

    It’s weird you say this because this encapsulates so well something that was posted on one of the UNZ video channels:

    A very intelligent and technological society holding a public fertility ritual where women are rubbing large phalluses and eating baked goods and candy in their shape. All in a society where birth rates are very low.



    • 回复: @AaronB
  460. utu 说:

    sympathy the Jews inspired will fade little by little due to the excesses of Zionism

    I doubt it. Muslim immigrants were sent into Europe to make sure people get the “right” perspective on Muslims and Israel. People like Tommy Robinson is there to help people see it from Zionist point of view. There are Tommy Robinsons in every European country. The expected anti-Muslim sentiment will be proportional to pro-Israel and pro-Zionist sentiment. The left with Jews like Barbara Spectre creates the problem and the new right like Orban with the help of Netanyahu is suppose to solve it.

    • 回复: @Talha
  461. AaronB 说:

    Yeah that is fascinating.

    They have a lot of our disease but also seem so much healthier and better off.

  462. L.K 说:

    I’m gonna reproduce here a comment from a poster to KMacs response to the “garbage in, garbage out” piece by Nathan Cofnas;

    John Gruskos says

    I would like to thank Nathan Cofnas for writing his weak and unconvincing criticism of Culture of Critique, because by doing so he prompted Kevin MacDonald to write this excellent response, which contains links to all of his best post-1998 essays at VDARE, TOO, and elsewhere.



    So, it took organized Jewry 20 years to produce this screed… they really have nothing!

    The Jews first tried to ignore Kevin MacDonald’s body of work, hoping it would just go away, nobody would pay attention…
    It has not worked and they cannot, in the ZUSA, at least not yet, destroy his books and put him in jail, as organized Jewry does to holohoax revisionists in Europe.

    They decided it was time to “refute” KMac. The result is this pathetic, silly screed.

  463. L.K 说:

    By Alison Weir / If Americans Knew Blog

    许多资金充足、有组织的以色列项目都在用亲以色列的宣传充斥社交媒体,同时屏蔽以色列不喜欢的事实。 这些项目利用以色列士兵、学生、美国青少年和其他人,从渗透维基百科到影响 YouTube。 一些在美国的犹太社区中心之外运作

    最近,YouTube 突然关闭了如果美国人知道 YouTube 频道。 其中包含 70 个视频,提供有关以色列-巴勒斯坦的基于事实的信息。

    访问该频道的人看到一条消息,告诉他们该网站已因“违反 YouTube 准则”而被终止——这向公众暗示我们有不当行为。 并确保他们没有了解我们试图传播的信息。 …

    全文@ https://israelpalestinenews.org/israel-partisans-work-censor-internet/

    • 回复: @Art
  464. Anonymous[182]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colleen Pater

    This is a good post but most people won’t read it because it’s too long and not broken into paragraphs.


    “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”

    • 回复: @schnellandine
  465. Talha 说:

    That sounds kind of nuts on the surface, but the thing is that all of the public figures that are bashing Islams and Muslims are pro-Zionist. To be honest, I can’t think of one that isn’t – can you? Like a guy who goes on and on about crazy killer Muslims and their demon-religion, but is also critical of Israel.

    They are actually pretty darn open about how they are all linked together – this is an image from their website:

    Even the ex-Muslims, like this Ayan Hirsi Ali lady who stated Netanyahu should get the Nobel Peace Prize – if you want to be published as an ex-Muslim or get media attention, you have to be on board:


    • 回复: @Art
    , @Randal
    , @utu
  466. iffen 说:


    John Bolton is set to clash with some of the United States’ closest allies

    但不是 closest one.

    Read’em and weep, 88s.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  467. iffen 说:

    I plan on teaching them serious history, not the Mickey-Mouse version so that they can avoid a crisis of faith.

    Good for you, Talha. The world could use more Muslims (people) like you.

  468. Art 说:


    By Alison Weir / If Americans Knew Blog

    Example NYT handy work, lying for Facebook.

    Developing: NYT Caught Deleting Damaging Reference to Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg
    By Randy DeSoto

    The New York Times was caught editing a story to remove an unfavorable reference to Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg.

    On Tuesday night, The Times ran a story about the pending departure of Facebook’s chief security officer Alex Stamos.

    The original version of the story read, “Mr. Stamos had been a strong advocate inside the company for investigating and disclosing Russian activity on Facebook, often to the consternation of other top executives, including Sheryl Sandberg, the social network’s chief operative officer, according to the current and former employees, who asked not to be identified discussing internal matters.”

    The reference to Sandberg was taken out later in the evening to read, Stamos “was met with resistance by colleagues…”


    Sandberg – the Jew icon – is protected.


  469. Art 说:


    How typical, America is being whipped back and forth by the Jews.

    The right Jews are bashing Muslims as terrorists – and the left Jews are promoting them as racial victims of evil white America.

    The right Big Jews promote a perverse money grubbing form of capitalism – and the Little Jews, who get the evil of the Big Jews, react with socialism. But both remain good tribal Jews.


  470. Randal 说:

    That sounds kind of nuts on the surface, but the thing is that all of the public figures that are bashing Islams and Muslims are pro-Zionist. To be honest, I can’t think of one that isn’t – can you? Like a guy who goes on and on about crazy killer Muslims and their demon-religion, but is also critical of Israel.

    There is clearly a nexus there, but that’s hardly surprising in itself. If you resent an immigrant muslim presence in your country, but do not have any fully formed understanding of the world, the steps to “Israel fights muslims” and thence to “Israel is good” are pretty natural and inevitable.

    And then there are certainly money and vital media connections to be had from pro-Israel lobbies and from Israel itself, for those who declare their love for Israel and serve their purposes. Someone with views like mine, who is opposed to all over-powerful foreign influences including both muslim and jewish, has very few sources of money and virtually no available media connections. Thus pro-Israeli “islamophobes” will be powerfully selected for, as far as gaining financial backing and visibility is concerned.

    It’s also probably the case that Israeli/jewish organisations do have long term plans to promote conflict between islam and the rest of the world – there’s an obvious interest there.

    That leaves people like me walking something of a tightrope. Promoting “islamophobia” is good insofar as it helps raise resistance to the ongoing mass immigration problem, but if it goes too far we will end up merely serving Israel’s ends.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  471. FKA Max 说: • 您的网站
    @Ron Unz

    重大的 楚兹帕 or ignorance from Jordan Peterson:

    On the so-called “Jewish Question”

    Second, in what manner (if any) are such claims true? Well, Jews are genuinely over-represented in positions of authority, competence and influence. New York Jews, in particular, snap up a disproportionate number of Nobel prizes (see this Times of Israel article), and Jews are disproportionately eligible for admission at elite universities, where they, along with Asians, tend to be discriminated against (see this Newsweek article http://www.newsweek.com/harvard-too-jewish-has-become-too-asian-342335).

    https://jordanbpeterson.com/psychology/on-the-so-called-jewish-question/ Archived link [The archive.is website is down, so I used this one instead]: https://web.archive.org/web/20180324012011/https://jordanbpeterson.com/psychology/on-the-so-called-jewish-question/

    I commented this about Peterson a few weeks ago:


    里卡多·杜切斯内(Ricardo Duchesne)

    乔丹·彼得森服用选择性血清素再摄取抑制剂 (SSRIs),在我看来,这是分析他的性格、世界观和哲学时要考虑的一个重要因素
    I have done extensive research into this subject matter, and there is actually research that has found that higher serotonin levels (which SSRIs cause, and which naturally/genetically are more prevalent in Asians and Africans than in Europeans, due to the higher frequency of the low-activity MAOA allele in those populations) make a person less “utilitarian” and more “deontological”


    Ricardo Duchesne – 保守派守门人 Jordan Peterson、Steven Pinker 和 Jonathan Haidt


    I regard Pinker to be nothing more than an academic gatekeeper, after he nonchalantly dismissed the research on MAOA a.k.a. the “warrior gene”https://www.unz.com/article/reply-to-nathan-cofnas/#comment-2253730

    Nathan Cofnas commented https://www.unz.com/article/reply-to-nathan-cofnas/#comment-2255972 over in the other Unz评论 comments thread, and I replied to him:



    以我高智商的经验来看,城市外邦人受到精英出版物和出版社等的影响很大,其中很多是由犹太人控制的,所以,在我看来,他们的态度和世界观往往不完全是他们自己的,而是墨守成规的。 。

    《纽约时报》有意识地瞄准了 30 万美国中上层阶级和富裕人群。这是一份全国性报纸;只有大约 11% 的读者来自纽约。https://www.unz.com/article/the-elites-have-no-credibility-left/#p_1_17:2-30


    This applies exactly to Jordan Peterson as well, in my opinion. I feel he is a high-IQ conformist and going after and trying to discredit the Alt Right is the conformist and proper thing to do, at the moment. So that is what he is doing.

  472. Anonymous[182]• 免责声明 说:

    There’s a parallel here with Nazi apologists, who say that if you oppose Jewish power and communism you must support German imperialism against other European countries. No, the two issues are separate and it is possible to be opposed to both.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  473. @Anonymous

    Can you provide an example of these “Nazi apologists”?

  474. renfro 说:

    In all my years of travel and discussing Israel with friends and strangers I have never found one that feels any guilt over the holocaust. I noticed years ago that Germans were tiring of the holocaust.

    Young Germans tired of Holocaust

    Let’s draw a line under the Holocaust, say Germans: 80% want to put the ‘history of persecution of the Jews behind them’
    •Study was conducted to gauge current German-Israeli relations
    •Results come ahead of Tuesday’s 70th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation
    •In Israel less than one in four people wanted to draw line under Holocaust

    By Allan Hall for the Daily Mail

    Published: 18:40 EDT, 25 January 2015 | Updated: 08:57 EDT, 26 January 2015

    A new study shows a majority of Germans have had enough of the Holocaust and want to move on from greatest genocide in history.

    On the eve of tomorrow’s commemorations of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi extermination camp of Auschwitz, 81 percent of Germans say they want to put ‘the history of the persecution of the Jews behind them’ and for their leaders to turn to ‘contemporary problems.’

    The study entiled ‘Connecting past, separating present’ was conducted by the Bertelsmann Foundation to gauge current German-Israeli relations and its findings published in the Bild am Sonntag ahead of World Holocaust Day remembrances.

    It also showed that almost half of modern day Germans – 48 percent – have a bad opinion about Israel, 36 percent a good one. ”

    • 回复: @ANON
  475. utu 说:

    The 2015 invasion of Europe was a multipurpose stone to kill many birds. The main purpose was to create tension and crisis in Europe that would lead to no fly zone in Syria that would kill Obama’s Iran deal (Iranian troops in Syria would be bombed) and destroy Assad’s regime. Trump would also benefit by framing his main plank of his platform: The Wall. And in a longer run it would boost position of new pro-Zionist European right. It was win-win-win plan. But the most important part of the plan failed because of Putin and Merkel.

    Bibi Netanyahu: Hi Victor, I have a favor to ask you. You must start building a fence on the border with Serbia.
    Victor Orban: Why do I need a fence? There are no Palestinians or Arab terrorists in Serbia.
    Bibi Netanyahu: Soon there will be. We are taking care of it. Sorry that it will give you bad publicity but we must push Angela’s hand on Syria. We want to see mayhem on your border. That’s where you come in. Europe is dragging her feet. Three years of our efforts and there is still no no-fly zone over Syria. The gas attack in 2015 was not enough, ISIS in 2014 was not enough, so perhaps when we scare Europeans with invasion finally they will do something.
    Victor Orban: But what do I get from it?
    Bibi Netanyahu: You can talk about Soros all day long. You can even call him a dirty Jew. You have my permission. Nobody will call you an anti-semite. Even in Brooklyn.
    Victor Orban: How soon you want this wall?
    Bibi Netanyahu: Soon. Make a big announcement in May or in June the latest.

    Bibi Netanyahu: Hi Donald, you are running as we agreed, right?
    Donald Trump: But what is my program? What is my platform? What will I talk during my announcement speech? You told me it suppose to be in June, next months.
    Bibi Netanyahu: Don’t worry. We have people working on it. It is almost ready. You will talk about ISIS and building a fence on the border. Or even better, building a wall. Yes, that’s a ticket: Big Wall. To protect America form the invasion. Believe me it will work. You talk about ISIS and the wall. Soon they will see Dantean scenes on Hungarian border.
    Donald Trump: But we don’t have ISIS on the border. And what it has to do with Hungary?
    Bibi Netanyahu: Americans don’t know geography. Don’t worry. You just talk about rapists and drug traffickers invading from Mexico and they will see pictures from Hungary. They do not know the difference. Just do not forget about talking a lot about ISIS.

    Vladimir Putin: Angela, I am still not ready, I need several more weeks to prepare the mission.
    Angela Merkel: Vlad, they are really pressuring me. Those picture from Hungary are killing me.
    Vladimir Putin: So make those pictures go away.
    Angela Merkel: How?
    Vladimir Putin: You know I am a judoka. You need to make the judo move. Instead of resisting give in. Don’t push but pull.
    Angela Merkel: Are you crazy, you want me to open borders?
    Vladimir Putin: That’s the only option, Angela. We need to defuse the trap the fuckers Bibi and Victor set up for you.

    • 回复: @Talha
  476. Anon[436]• 免责声明 说:

    I have my own Jewish culling theory which Greg Cochran, who is seriously expert in these matters, crossly rejected. Whereas he sees the selective process only working at the right side of the Bell Curve I suggested that dim Jews in the Middle Ages, males anyway, probably had limited opportunities to reproduce with Jewish spouses and fewer children reaching adulthood – and this partly through conscious social conteols. And I would note that Eastern European Jews in the years 1840 to 1940 approx. who were poor and illiterate were that way because life for their rapidly expanding numbers in the Russian Empire was very hard and all most of them needed was the opportunies Germany, France, the UK, and, above all, the US provided. So, though poor dim Jews were obviously less likely to escape the Holocaust I don’t see much basis for your thesis about the admittedly very ruthless Zionists.

    • 回复: @iffen
  477. Anonymous[436]• 免责声明 说:

    What do you make of the fact that ardent supporter of Israel Daniel Pipes recently took a tour group to Paris, Berlin and Stockholm to study their Muslim problems and view their Muslim ghettos, the tour group being about 80 to 90 per cent Jewish? What do you make of the fact that the tour group was confonted by non Jewish Swedes’ total lack of national pride or valuing of Swedish culture and identity, and by the growing numbers of Muslims in Malmö driving Jews to leave?

    My reading of your supposed evidence is that the sad well meaning SJW culture of the former Vikings across Scandinavia has got to those commercially successful people of Jewish descent because of course they consciously and subconsciously wanted to fit in.

  478. ANON[436]• 免责声明 说:

    This is all very bad news for the Aboriginal industry in Australia where, despite money having had the magic power to double or treble the number of often fairskinned Aborigines to perhaps 3 per cent of the population there are plenty if rent seekers who want to go on trading and surfing the goodthinking wave for another profitable generation or two.

  479. Talha 说:

    Does seem as if things may backfire in Germany.

    Related article about rise of anti-Semitism in Germany:

    Of course, you don’t know if you can take it seriously since the surveys and questions being asked will skew anyone with normal political senses in the direction of anti-Semitism, as Mr. Karlin mentioned.


    Note: The person they interview about mandatory visits by children to historic concentration camps is a female Muslim official (Palestinian at that). That may be done very deliberately. Very confusing what the end goal is in the various elite factions in the power struggle.

  480. iffen 说:

    I have my own Jewish culling theory which Greg Cochran, who is seriously expert in these matters, crossly rejected.

    Dim Jews were “boiled off.”

    How Education Shaped Jewish History, 70-1492
    M Botticini & Z. Eckstein

    • 回复: @Anon
  481. Che Guava 说:

    Wel, anyone to claiming the surname as ‘Anomaly is clearly a fake, a cretin, and a bad progandist.

  482. Anonymous [AKA "artimus gordon"] 说:

    thanks for this article; it seems everyone grappling with this critical issue would be well advised to familiarize themselves with the works of the contemporary scholar, Herve Ryssen; for a well researched, insightful analysis.

  483. anonymous[171]• 免责声明 说:

    Dim Jews were “boiled off.”

    Baseless claim. There is zero credible evidence that Jews have higher genetic IQ than Gentiles. Contrariwise, see brain size data for evidence against this hypothesis.

    Disagree? Cite your sources. (Cochran et al is bunk, see, e.g., Tay-Sachs among the Irish) Jewish IQ is probably less than 1/2 std dev above Gentiles, and is best explained in purely environmental terms: culture mostly.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  484. annamaria 说:

    Hey, Tyrion 2, you are free to refute the facts and links provided in my posts.
    For example, the latest one states that Israel’s IQ is 95, below Poland, Australia, Mongolia and a bunch of others countries.
    Another point was the enormous influence of the Jewish Lobby in the US and the Friends of Israel in the UK on the lives of peoples in these two countries, as well as on the lives of Israel’s neighbors.
    What was wrong in these two statements? AIPAC had lobbied for the illegal Iraq war; 2.4 million people of all ages are dead as a result of that war. – Any thoughts about the Lobby influence on the well-being of Iraqies?
    Israel wants the Golan Heights and Israel prefers a fragmented Syria (according to the speeches of Israeli generals). Israel has been supporting ISIS/Daesh against the sovereign state of Syria. Hundreds of thousands of people of all ages died because of the Syrian war.
    You are free to refute these facts.
    Israel and Israel-firsters have been fighting against the freedom of speech by criminalizing the BDS.
    That was a very sketchy overview of the current affairs.
    There was also the Bolshevik Revolution and here were such Jewish mass murderers as Kaganovitch, Frankel, Yagoda, Zemlyachka and more… Millions of Russians perished on the orders from the Jewish activists.
    Closer in time, there is the Wolfowitz doctrine [1992] targeting Russia specifically. This doctrine (in combination with Oded Yinon plan for balkanization of the Middle East in the name of Eretz Israel) has brought the world to a brink of nuclear annihilation.
    You are free to refute these facts.
    There are more facts about Jewish history that you most likely would not like. But this is your problem. Jews were very energetic in putting themselves on a pedestal of eternal victimhood and special sufferings. This high visibility makes it obvious that Jews are not special. And they are far from being the victims today — Israel and Israel-firsters are aggressors guilty of millions of civilian deaths (see the ongoing Middle East wars.)
    Until the Jewish communities in the US and UK come to their senses and 1. begin demanding changes in the Lobby’s indecent practices and 2. get rid of the cognitive blindness re Israel, Israelis and Jews at large will be looked upon as bloody hypocrites.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Tyrion 2
  485. annamaria 说:

    Sorry, Art, for the accidental posting on your name instead of the touchy Tyrion 2.

  486. Tyrion 2 说:

    I have no idea what you just wrote. Even Hitler could use a bloody paragraph.

    Regardless of grammar etc, are you a troll? If you are, just let me know.

    I’ve tried to empathise from your words to your mindset, but it hurts. You’re so out there. You write manic nonsense.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @iffen
  487. annamaria 说:

    “Even Hitler… .. are you a troll? … You’re so out there. You write manic nonsense.”
    — Guess, truth hurts.
    “I have no idea…”
    — That’s your problem. You need to read and learn. Time to wean from the sense of being the most victimized and the most moral and other unsupported “most.”
    “以色列游说集团和美国外交政策:” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Israel_Lobby_and_U.S._Foreign_Policy
    “The book describes the Lobby as a “loose coalition of individuals and organizations who actively work to steer U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction”. The book “focuses primarily on the lobby’s influence on U.S. foreign policy and its negative effect on American interests“. The authors also argue that “the lobby’s impact has been unintentionally harmful to Israel 同样。“
    Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: “Mearsheimer and Walt adduce a great deal of factual evidence that over the years Israel has been the beneficiary of privileged — indeed, highly preferential — financial assistance, out of all proportion to what the United States extends to any other country. The massive aid to Israel is in effect a huge entitlement that enriches the relatively prosperous Israelis at the cost of the American taxpayer设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“
    Glenn Greenwald has endorsed the book’s central thesis, arguing “Walt and Mearsheimer merely voiced a truth which has long been known and obvious but was not allowed to be spoken. That’s precisely why the demonization campaign against them was so vicious and concerted: those who voice prohibited truths are always more hated than those who spout obvious lies设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“
    Iraq war and the Jewish Lobby: http://mondoweiss.net/2012/02/the-iraq-war-coverup-what-did-aipac-do-and-when-did-it-do-it/
    “In March 2000, AIPAC circulated an Action Alert to Congress, urging its members to put pressure on Congress to pressure the Clinton administration. “If sanctions were lifted, Saddam could spend the oil revenue to accelerate Iraq’s military programs rather than on the humanitarian needs of Iraqi citizens. It is essential that you contact your representative today and urge them to sign the letter to President Clinton.”
    The Lobby and Syria: https://www.thenation.com/article/obamas-syria-war-really-about-iran-and-israel/ “Obama’s Syria war is really about Iran and Israel”
    Israel and Syria: https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/israeli-intelligence-chief-not-want-isis-defeat-syria/ “以色列情报局局长:我们不希望伊斯兰国在叙利亚失败”

  488. @anonymous

    How do you explain all those Nobel Prizes?

    • 回复: @Vojkan
    , @ploni almoni
  489. @Tyrion 2

    It’s not all that difficult to understand what she’s putting to you however little I share her standpoint or fervour.

  490. @Anonymous

    Regarding C Pater’s poor surface presentation, disagree. Given the quality of the foundation, I’d read it with the slop, for it’s unusually balanced and rational given the underlying reactive hostility. One of my favorite commenters here.

  491. iffen 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    I have no idea what you just wrote.

    Which parts of “any Jew will do” and “dem Jews what done it” do you not understand?

  492. Seraphim 说:

    @(Orwell) gives the character who would receive “two minutes of hate” every day among the proletarians a Jewish name: Goldstein. It is obvious why.

    It is indeed. It was Bronstein (aka Trotsky).

  493. Vojkan 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Higher visibility of their work thanks to their ownership of media + active lobbying maybe? Nobody said they were stupid but their overrepresentation has less to do with their smartness and more with their collective action. Plus, a lot of them behave in an outrageously immoral way when dealing with non-Jews.

  494. @Wizard of Oz

    As Bob Dylan said: “And the Masters make the rules for the wise men and the fools.”

  495. Ronnie 说:
    @Ron Unz

    我读过 Unz 和 Gelman 的这些论文 – Unz 是对的 – Gelman 的主张是垃圾 – 如果 Confas 在这场争论中站在 Gelman 一边,那么他就没有玩完整的牌组 – 因此毫不奇怪他对 Macdonald 的批评就像正如我所确定的,作为一名来自苏格兰的普通学生,我于 1967 年来到耶鲁大学,在第一周内,我完全震惊地发现至少 20% 的学生和 50% 的教员是犹太人——当我提到这一点时我被斥责为种族主义者,或者被排除在文明团体之外——我从未克服过这一点——在过去的 50 年里,这一点变得更加明显——皇帝没有穿衣服,似乎很少有人担心——我认为这不会持续更长时间——我对此进行了很多思考,我认为这主要是由于勾结——它已经并且正在对我们的文明产生非常严重的影响,无论是在欧洲还是在美国——

    • 回复: @Vojkan
    , @Tyrion 2
  496. Vojkan 说:

    Those numbers seem quite astonishing for 1967, especially the percentage of students. From my experience in France some two decades later, in my class at the University of Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris where I studied IT, there were only two Jewish students who were below average but were helped to get their master degrees. On the other hand, half the professors were Jewish and one of them had a daughter in her M. phil year also in IT. The schocking fact was that even before finishing her year, she had a ready appointment as lecturer at the University of Rennes while preparing her Ph.D., thanks to daddy, though that’s not a specifically Jewish behaviour, it pretty much worked the same parents-children way with communists in Eastern Europe.
    At the Sorbonne, where I went after my master degree, hoping to get another in British and US civilisation, but dropped after a year out of disgust, the proportion of students was slightly higher, with some admittedly better than the two at Pierre et Marie Curie, but all but one professor were Jewish, while lecturers were half-half. All except one were aggressively liberal to the point that lectures were blatanty ideologically tainted. The one exception was an elderly lady teaching English civilisation and with whom I have had a pleasant discussion about the cultural and philosophical background of English and French gardens. It’s the only exam I passed before dropping out.
    在我担任软件顾问的二十多年里,我不得不不止一次地纠正犹太人所做的工作。 有些已经无法修复,需要完全重新设计和/或重写代码。 诚然,我不得不更频繁地修理非犹太人所做的事情,但从比例上来说,犹太人并不比非犹太人更好,也不更差。
    这就是为什么我在不否认犹太人中有才华横溢的人的同时,还与诺贝尔奖得主乔治·查帕克 (Georges Charpak) 创立的一家公司签订了一份合同,担任自由顾问,该公司根据他的工作生产低辐射骨科扫描仪,我非常怀疑平均智商较高的谣言可以解释犹太人的成功。 教授的工作。 麦克唐纳非常符合我自己的经历和观察。

  497. Tyrion 2 说:

    作为一名来自苏格兰的普通学生,我于 1967 年来到耶鲁大学,在第一周内,我完全震惊地发现至少 20% 的学生和 50% 的教员是犹太人

    1967 年,耶鲁大学一半的教员是犹太人?



    2010年,美国似乎有5%的教授是犹太人。 所以我猜测,考虑到尾部效应和时间差异,15 年耶鲁大学教授中约有 1967% 是犹太人。

    The difference in seeing 10 out of 20 and 3 out of 20 of your professors as Jews should concern you – unless you have any contradicting evidence? I have looked and can’t find any.


    Furthermore, were the faculty plurality – basically majority – Jewish, I suspect it would have been noticed and even caused resentment among the non-plurality.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  498. Ron Unz 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    1967 年,耶鲁大学一半的教员是犹太人?



    2010年,美国似乎有5%的教授是犹太人。 所以我猜测,考虑到尾部效应和时间差异,15 年耶鲁大学教授中约有 1967% 是犹太人。

    1980世纪1960年代初,当我还是哈佛本科生时,我记得《哈佛杂志》上有一篇文章不经意地提到,近一半的教师是犹太人。 因此,耶鲁大学 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代末的估计对我来说似乎完全合理。

    另外,在过去的几十年里,我认为几乎所有常春藤联盟的总统要么是犹太人,要么有一个犹太配偶,考虑到你愚蠢的 15% 预测,这大概是完全不可能的。

    My impression is that you’re just some sort of fanatic Jewish-activist type, and an ignorant foreigner to boot. But if you do actually want to learn something about American elite universities, you should probably read my long Meritocracy article from a few years ago:


    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
    , @Svigor
  499. Tyrion 2 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Back when I was a Harvard undergrad in the early 1980s, I remember there was an article in Harvard Magazine casually mentioning that nearly half the faculty were Jewish.

    Oh good, you provide as proof for your extraordinary claim that you say that you remember seeing something sort of like what you are claiming mentioned without evidence or rigorousness in a magazine almost 4 decades ago.

    另外,在过去的几十年里,我认为几乎所有常春藤联盟的总统要么是犹太人,要么有一个犹太配偶,考虑到你愚蠢的 15% 预测,这大概是完全不可能的。

    Brown – none of two
    Columbia – none of two
    Cornell – one of five (maybe).

    I’m bored of looking them up, but 100% it clearly is not. Unless they all married Jews, but it is hard to look up and even SJWs haven’t gotten around to delegitimising people because they married ‘wrong’, so I’m ignoring that creepy caveat.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @Benjaminl
  500. Ron Unz 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    I’m bored of looking them up, but 100% it clearly is not.

    Actually, I probably should have said the “overwhelming majority.” For interested readers less biased and fanatic than this silly “Tyrion 2” fellow, here’s a link to a couple of paragraphs of my long 2012 article, and be sure to also check the relevant footnotes:


    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  501. Benjaminl 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    This is the current president of Brown:


    那么,我怎么成为一名名叫克里斯蒂娜(Christina)的犹太妇女? 很简单:我坠入爱河。 大一那年秋天,我在斯沃斯莫尔学院遇到了我的丈夫阿里·加比内特(Ari Gabinet)。 在与阿里(Ari)订婚后,我成为大学四年级的犹太教信徒。 我conversion依的原因之一是我对Ari家人的深爱和尊重。 但这不是唯一的因素。 至少在我的新家庭实践中,犹太教是一种欢迎质疑,争吵和智力辩论的宗教。 最后,有点讽刺意味的是,正是我在Quaker星期日学校学到的教训使我对采用新的犹太人身份感到非常自在。

    Spouses can have a big impact on the direction of one’s thinking: https://www.unz.com/isteve/mr-and-mrs-krugman/

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  502. Tyrion 2 说:
    @Ron Unz

    From your work, it seems that about a third of Ivy League Presidents have been Jews. Or twice the number of professors at the Ivy League which is thrice the number of professors in general which is thrice the number in the population at large.

    Mr Unz, welcome to tail end effects.

  503. Tyrion 2 说:

    If you can count the number of non-Jews married to Jews, can I discount the number of Jews married to non-Jews?

    Also, do ex-wives count? Or if all of their kids married Jews? In which case, does that make Donald Trump both the first American nationalist President in decades and the first Jewish President ever?

  504. anon[330]• 免责声明 说:

    My analysis. Since 1990, 9/10 last Harvard, Yale and Princeton presidents were Jewish or had a Jewish spouse. This is somewhat lower in the whole Ivy league where “only” about 20/30 were Jewish or had a spouse. 2/30 were people of color. 8/30-ish were whites with non-Jewish spouses.

    Ivy League Presidents ethnic breakdown, since 1990, there were 30 total.
    HYP Only: 10 total
    2 non-Jews with Jewish spouses
    1 non-Jew with probably non-jewish spouse

    Non HYP Ivy League: 20
    7 Jews or high probable Jews
    2 possible Jews
    8 white non-Jews (spouse status unknown)
    1 non-jew with confirmed jewish spouse
    1 black (no info on spouse)
    1 korean (no info on spouse)

    2 probable Jews
    3 non-jews with Jewish spouse
    1 non-jew with probable non-jewish spouse
    8 probably non-Jews whose spouse status are unknown
    2 people of color (spouse unknown)

  505. Tyrion 2 说:

    I think your numbers are over-egged in the assessment, even restricting it to HYP. It seems that you excluded 2 Presidents perhaps because they were short-term but I can’t help but notice that neither were Jews.


    因此,美国犹太人在担任常春藤盟校总统方面的比例与在美国诺贝尔奖获得者方面的比例一样高。 如果情况并非如此,那将是不寻常的。

    N.B if you’re going to count non-Jews with Jewish spouses I’m going to discount Jews with non-Jewish spouses. This will bring the numbers much, much lower. Otherwise, we obviously can’t make proportionate comparisons. You’re massively expanding the definition of Jews only at the top end. Furthermore, there is nothing remarkable in a third of non-Jews marrying Jews in an area of life that is a third Jewish. That is if you accept that Jews are not ethnocentric when it comes to the most important decision in life – who you marry.

    Have you noticed also, that no non-Jews on the inside find any of this objectionable? They clearly don’t feel ill-treated for not being Jewish. Some criticise affirmative action so clearly some are happy to criticise progressive policies.

    • 回复: @Svigor
  506. helena 说:
    @Tyrion 2


  507. Epigon 说:


    杰出的犹太人是“敌对精英”的公共阵线,这些精英是历来以来的 WASP 贵族、德国王室、奥地利皇帝、法国国王、法兰克国王等。
    真正拉线者的绝缘材料。 例如,他们可能控制或支配媒体、文化、学术界、金融; 但我不认为他们控制能源、重工业和军事——这些都掌握在真正的国家精英和致力于确保国家连续性的深层政府手中。

    • 回复: @Svigor
  508. Svigor 说:



  509. Svigor 说:

    好吧,当然,让我们测试一下你的理论。 让我们移除犹太人,然后观察效果。




  510. Svigor 说:
    @Tyrion 2


  511. Svigor 说:
    @Ron Unz

    提利昂是个顽皮的人,IIRC,但是,是的,他是保守派犹太人团队的一员。 保守派犹太人的首要使命是向非犹太人推销全球犹太人的非异类。

    这对我来说是真正的挑战; 保守派犹太人对保守党实际议程上的任何事情都不关心,就像他们关心与右翼“姨妈犹太主义”作斗争一样。 如果归结为 )))us((( vs. 他们(就像经常做的那样),他们 100% 的时间都会把 )))us((( 扔到公共汽车下面。

    去他妈的这些人,他们对 )))我们(((。他们正在为 Globo-Jewry 而战,就像部落中其他 99.99% 的人一样。

  512. Svigor 说:

    他妈的“保守”犹太人。 如果他们站在 )))我们的((( 一边,(((他们))) 就会在犹太人的营地,为 )))我们的((( 利益和主张 )))我们的((( 一边。相反,我们看到了相反的情况,(((他们))) 站在我们的((( 阵营倡导 (((他们))) 一边。

    他妈的这些人。 他们是 不是 )))我们的(((朋友。他们不站在))))我们的(((一边。他们站在(((他们)))一边,剪裁(((他们)))愚弄的论点)))我们( ((。

    请这些像提利昂这样的保守派犹太人在 Forward、Tablet 或其他犹太网站上展示他们的发帖历史,以展示他们为 )))us((( on )))our((( 代表他们的犹太同胞所做的事情。

    不要期待太多的回应,哈哈。 这些混蛋把所有的在线时间都花在了监管、监管和说服)))我们(((,但没有任何一个是监管、监管和说服(((他们)))。



    PS,有 ,那恭喜你, 一些正义的犹太人,罗恩·乌兹就是其中之一。 PBUH 等人。

    嘿提利昂,证明我错了。 很想看到你代表非犹太人写给希伯来人的信。 你他妈的虚伪。 如果我错了,我会很高兴地用乌鸦的一面来接受我的话。

  513. Zan Zibar 说:

    我们决不能混为一谈 代表过多 优势.

    犹太人占美国人口的 2%,占国会议员的 6%。

    虽然这可能是比例过高,但 6% 远未接近多数,因此并不意味着占主导地位。

    同样,犹太人占人口的 2%,医生占 14%……由于只有 14%,很难说他们“控制”了医学。





    可能有许多非犹太人从事同样的邪恶活动,虽然他们的行为可能会受到单独的批评,但他们的宗教/种族在很大程度上被忽视。 只有在犹太人身上才会注意到这一点。 我认为这就是科夫纳斯揭露麦克唐纳的关键所在。


    尝试这个思想实验:如果犹太人占总人口的 2%,但占杀人犯的 3%,你会说:



    2) 天哪,50% 的代表性过高! 犹太人正在谋杀所有人!



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