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— CLR James, 黑雅各宾派

在不到两个月的时间内,黄色背心(“马甲jaunes=) 法国的运动改变了欧洲的政治格局。 连续第七个星期,示威游行在全国各地继续进行,即使在畏惧的总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)做出让步之后,也激发了比利时和荷兰等邻国的类似聚会。 就像西西的专政一样 禁止 为防止仿制者在埃及集会而出售高可见度的背心,企业媒体可以加班加班,试图妖魔自发的,大多是无领导的工人阶级运动,希望它不会传播到其他地方。

媒体寡头最初试图完全忽略叛乱,但是当被迫考虑黄色背心时,他们利用马蹄理论对燃烧的行军进行了恶评,以表明让-吕克·梅伦雄(Jean-LucMélenchon)和马林·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)的最左和最右支持者之间的融合。 令众人惊讶的是,主流专家也激起了对动乱背后“俄罗斯干预”的担忧。 我们可以假设,如果安全背心是在非政府组织的生产线上准备好的,例如塞尔维亚OTPOR的高举旗帜! 运动中,新闻媒体会讲一个不同的故事。

事实证明,当马克龙在2017年法国大选中击败他的煽动派对手勒庞时,危机并没有避免,只是推迟了。 虽然的确 马甲jaunes 与当前的说法相反,部分原因是燃油价格上涨 他们的官方要求 不限于碳税。 它们还包括明确的最后通to,以提高最低工资,改善生活水平并结束紧缩政策,其中包括其他合法的不满。 自上任以来,马克龙宣告了工会的战争,同时为富人争取了巨大的税收减免(像他自己)-法国人民对法国的私有化有足够的时间只是时间问题。 这位前罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)由银行家转为政客的人突然震惊了失去权力的局面,这对前任罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)银行家转为政客的国家感到震惊。 现状的使人想起了玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette),她在18世纪被告知农民没有著名的面包答复时,“让他们吃蛋糕”,因为群众在丈夫路易十四(Louis XIV)下挨饿。

尽管部分原因归咎于媒体明显的报道中断,但美国大西洋彼岸震耳欲聋的沉默确实是因为其政治左翼缺乏阶级意识。 除了占领华尔街外,美国左派一直忙于两党“文化大战”中的无休止的种族斗争,以至于无法理解身份政治的污染所带来的动荡。 没有在社会问题上分裂的政治反对派简直是不可想象的。 并不是说法国的群众可以免除工人阶级内部矛盾,但是美国生活方式政治的迷信确实成为了它的弱点。 我们将不得不拭目以待,看看黄背心是演变成全球运动还是到达美国,但就目前而言,似乎缺乏团结的美国政权等于等于与马克龙的议程密不可分。

它提醒人们历史悠久的修正主义对美国法国政治的理解。 中产阶级在美国占主导地位,归因于对法国大革命的历史性重新诠释,这是法国大革命厌恶变革性实践以支持增量主义的重要原因。 已故的意大利马克思主义哲学家和历史学家多梅尼科·洛苏尔多(Domenico Losurdo)于今年XNUMX月去世,他对开创性著作中的历史误读提供了最彻底的了解,例如 战争与革命:XNUMX世纪的反思。 对法国大革命的自由重读是其拒绝接受从雅各宾派到布尔什维克的革命传统的思想基础,而革命传统已经消灭了当今的现代左派。

根据修改后的历史,全面系统变革的必然结果是罗伯斯庇尔所谓的“恐怖统治”或苏联斯大林时代的“清洗”。 在它看来,从洛克和孟德斯鸠影响下的君主立宪制改革开始的是激进的雅各宾派和 sansculotte 派系。 洛苏尔多解释说,反革命者渴望抹黑叛乱的形象,过分强调了它的暴力和流血事件,从来没有适当地将叛乱背景化为自卫,以抵抗统治阶级真正的恐怖统治。 重塑历史的思想是将革命政治与纳粹德国混为一谈,后者出于种族动机而导致的种族灭绝真正是欧洲殖民主义遗产的继承者,而不是雅各宾派或俄国革命的祖先。

资产阶级历史学家眼中的马克西米利安·罗伯斯庇尔的真正罪行,是试图通过将政治权力从贵族和新贵手中直接转移到工人阶级手中来实现共和主义的平等主义理想,就像巴黎公社在近80年后所做的那样。 正是由于这个原因,他后来成为世界历史上最被误解和最不公正的人物之一,也许有一天可以被赦免。 美国对黄背心的反应是对法国大革命固有的阶级冲突的否定和压制的继续,法国大革命至今仍在资本主义的深层掩盖下。

在当今的政治环境中,很容易忘记美国人曾经离开的时期 实际上参与了全球资本主义危机。 在似乎是千载难逢的时代之前,北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)之后的反全球化运动最终导致了1999年在西雅图的大规模抗议活动,其中有将近50,000人游行反对世界贸易组织(WTO)。 在2008年金融崩溃之后,它很快又在占领运动中重新崛起,而占领运动也很快被公司国家的镇压所压制。 目前,曾经被左翼反全球化所占据的政治空间已经被大多与右翼民粹主义有关的“反全球化”言论所取代。

全球化和全球化可能在质上有不同的含义,但是它们是相互关联的。 尽管这是短视的,但在前者的叙述中仍应承认一些核心准确性。 反政府的保守派并不仅仅拥护一个阴暗的世界政府的想法,并且可以怀疑世界范围内有秘密的亿万富翁权力经纪人在背后控制着事件,这是正确的。 确实存在着一个“新世界秩序”,对民族国家的主权却不加考虑,就像有一个“深国”一样。 但是,这是一个统治阶级,不是妄想狂,而是现实生活,像罗伯特·默瑟(Robert Mercer)这样的右翼亿万富翁和乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)一样是全球化主义者。

自资本主义出现以来,它一直是全球性的。 当前的经济危机是其最近的周期性衰退,使越来越贫穷的工人变得贫穷和疏远,而这些工人的苦难日益加剧,导致人们越来越倾向于拒绝欧盟。 帝国主义出口了资本,导致西方国家的本国工作岗位被销毁,同时又将它们外包给第三世界。 随着时间的流逝,工人阶级之间的严重不满情绪已经发展成为明显反对他们的经济体系,在该体系中,资本收益的不平衡分配和大企业的广泛逃税行为被伪装成经济增长的动力。 当它在上一次经济衰退中崩溃时,负责的金融机构被保释,使用纳税人的钱,而不要面对任何后果。 这种怪诞的不公平现象只有通过紧缩政策进一步扩大,才能将负担从1%转移到穷人身上。

之前 马甲jaunes,2016年英国脱欧公投揭露了欧盟内部这些深层次的分歧。 这是自第二次世界大战以来该大陆最重大的事件之一,它最终威胁要在整个战后秩序中重塑西方国家的地位。 英国脱欧表现为英国政党内部的分歧,特别是保守党,多年来一直因欧盟内部争端困扰。 那些当权者对世界经济陷入危机不满的警告信号视而不见,并对全民公决感到震惊,在全民公决中,工人阶级以超过一半的票数放弃了反对一切可能性的权力。

总体而言,富裕的英国人是顽固的残余者,而遭受工业破坏,失业和紧缩政策最严重打击的人压倒性地选择离开,被媒体称为“农民起义”。 英镑的价值迅速下跌,不久之后,整个英国的地位受到质疑,因为英国发现自己与苏格兰的一致决定保留存在分歧。 英国退欧拉扯了将欧盟联系在一起的债券,突然间,欧盟成员国的集体常任力量在整个欧盟的潜在解体中受到威胁。

欧洲怀疑论绝不是一种明显的英国现象,因为在受到新自由主义打击最严重的国家(如希腊(80%))中,人们的不信任感激增,而西班牙和法国紧随其后。 实际上,在英国退欧之前,精英人士就对“希腊退欧”感到恐惧。 为了应对国际货币基金组织(IMF)造成的前所未有的债务危机,希腊人民在2015年纾困公投中将希拉扎(SYRIZA)选为希腊议会的多数立法席位。 不幸的是,这个综合性联盟实际上只是该组织的激进分子和特洛伊木马。 SYRIZA was elected on its promise to rescind the terms of Greek membership in the EU, but shortly after taking office it betrayed its constituency and agreed to the troika's mass privatization. 甚至前财政部长亚尼斯·瓦卢斯法基斯(Yanis Varousfakis)也承认SYRIZA是受控的反对派和助手 索罗斯基金会.

除了对欧盟的新自由主义政策遭受集体遗忘症外,显然现代左派还迫切需要有关联邦法西斯起源的历史教训。 看到自夸的进步主义者哀悼英国决定退出一个由纳粹德国前第五专栏作家策划的大陆联盟的决定,真是令人费解。 正是在第二次世界大战的破坏之后,1951年的《巴黎条约》在欧洲煤钢共同体中确立了欧盟的核心地位,该联合体是由法国,意大利,西德和比荷卢三国(比利时,卢森堡和荷兰人)。 欧洲宣言宪章指出:

“通过本条约的签署,有关各方证明了他们决心建立第一个超国家机构的决心,从而为建立有组织的欧洲奠定了坚实的基础。 该欧洲仍然向拥有选择自由的所有欧洲国家开放。 我们衷心希望其他国家也能加入我们的共同努力。”

法国政治家罗伯特·舒曼(Robert Schuman)提出了组建“超国家”联盟的想法,他在第二次世界大战爆发期间担任了雷诺政府的难民事务国务卿。 当纳粹德国在1940年入侵法国时,舒曼以各种口头表决通过了对马歇尔·菲利普·佩坦(Marshall PhilippePétain)绝对的独裁统治权,以成为新成立的维希政府的国家元首。维希政府是伪政权,一直统治着纳粹占领的法国,直到1944年盟军入侵为止这样,他保留了在议会中的职位,尽管后来他选择了辞职。 战后,像所有维希合作者一样,舒曼(Schuman)最初被指控犯有以下罪行: 国家土著 (“民族不堪”)并剥夺了他作为叛徒的公民权利。

在“霸王行动”(Operation Overlord)和诺曼底(Normandy)登陆后,即刻执行了4,000多次被指控的审讯,但是这位未来的欧盟设计师很幸运能够在高处得到朋友。 舒曼的宽容得到了戴高乐将军本人的认可,戴高乐将军本人是战争期间的抵抗运动的领导者和未来的法国总统。 舒曼(Schuman)的便衣声誉立即得到恢复,他的战时活动被粉刷了。 即使他在知情的情况下对佩坦投了全权票,但他在维希政府中的保留职位仍然是在未经他知情或同意的情况下以某种方式发生的。


舒曼被正式认为是后来成为欧盟的“开国元勋”的十一人之一。 促成非洲大陆联邦融合的其他主要人物之一是德意志联邦共和国第一任总理康拉德·阿登纳(Konrad Adenauer)。 纽伦堡审判可能已经尝试并执行了纳粹党的大多数最高领导人,但是战后成为西德的政府已被前第三帝国的官员所饱和。 尽管波茨坦协议规定了战后的“否决化”政策,但许多直接参加了大屠杀的人被任命为阿登纳尔政府的高级职务,但从未因其暴行而受到起诉。

前内政部和纽伦堡种族法规起草者就是其中一位战犯, 汉斯·格洛布克,成为阿登纳(Adenauer)的国务卿兼参谋长一臂之力。 阿登瑙尔还成功游说盟军,释放了大部分在押的德国国防军战犯,赢得了当时的美国将军和未来的总统艾森豪威尔的支持。 到1951年,出于在新的冷战中迅速重新组建西德并将其纳入北约的愿望的驱使,过分废除国民党的政策被过早终止,无数罪犯被允许重新进入政府,军事和公共服务部门。 他们的反人类罪在帝国主义对东德和苏维埃的重新武装中得到了更大的重视。

在第二次世界大战之后的几年中,在西欧发展的反美主义精英也引起了人们的关注。 一年一度的Bilderberg集团会议由荷兰伯纳德亲王(本人曾是Reiter-SS军团和纳粹党员)于1954年成立,以促进“大西洋主义”并促进美国和欧洲领导人之间的合作。 参加Bilderberg俱乐部会议的邀请仅扩展到政治,学术界,媒体,工业和金融领域最独特的典范。 2009年,维基解密 发现 在臭名昭著的大会上,欧洲煤钢共同体(后来是欧盟)的隐藏议程被设定为:

“ E. 欧洲统一:关于该主题的讨论表明,欧洲煤钢共同体六个国家的参与者普遍支持欧洲一体化和统一的想法,并认识到该问题的紧迫性。 尽管该小组成员对建立共同市场的方法持有不同的看法,但人们普遍认识到,目前欧洲现有的分裂市场存在着固有的危险,迫切需要将德国人民与欧洲其他国家,进入一个共同的市场。 煤炭和钢铁共同体的六个国家肯定已经决定建立一个共同的市场,而专家们正在努力解决这个问题,这被认为是向前迈出的最令人鼓舞的一步,希望其他国家也能随后加入。




直到今天,神秘的Bilderberg聚会仍在臭名昭著的秘密下举行,并且经常成为人们猜测的话题。 可以想象,今年会议的幕后话题是如何应对反欧盟“民粹主义”和诸如此类的起义的增长。 吉列特·贾内斯。 希特勒的扩张主义是根据富勒对第三帝国建立欧洲联盟的构想而实施的,在许多方面,欧盟是他建立帝国计划的重塑标志。 自由主义者对由法西斯主义勾结者建立的多国政治联盟抱有讽刺意味,而同一经济集团在新的伊斯兰憎恶改造之后不久就遭到了今天的反对。

尽管民族主义可能在英国退欧中发挥了重要作用,但该机构制造了一种虚假的歇斯底里症,成功地减少了让欧盟投票支持种族主义和挥舞旗帜的复杂原因。 他们现在通过夸大黄色背心中最右边的存在来重复这种模式。 这种del妄不仅使工人妖魔化,而且迫使左派重新定位,支持它原本不应该支持的东西(欧盟和默认情况下实行放任政策),从而将群众进一步推向同一极右翼的怀抱。 在美国,对记者安吉拉·纳格(Angela Nagle)的反应冷淡,可以看出这一点。 最近的一篇文章 关于南部边境的移民危机。 这位虚伪的左派在袭击纳格尔时造就了一个稻草人,他敢于承认该企业只想为来自美国军国主义和贸易自由化动荡的全球南部地区无休止的低工资劳动力提供“开放边界” 。 使自己与中间派的空心,象征性姿态保持一致,只会恶化参加这种虚空活动的左派的标准,并将其拖到自由主义者的水平。

毫无疑问,英国脱欧和特朗普按下了仇外心理按钮,没有它就不可能实现。 但是,当道德修养者声称“与难民站在一起”并支持取代他们的“人道主义”干预主义政策时,这种批评毫无意义。 本土主义并不是多数人投票决定离开欧盟的唯一原因,许多工人阶级少数群体也投票赞成 是Bre子手。 当然,他们的同工和移民并不是造成他们苦难的真正原因。 毕竟,不只是动chat的奴隶不情愿地来到美国,而是欧洲移民也逃离了大陆战争和饥饿。今天的欧盟危机也是如此。

从根本上说,由于北约的帝国扩张以及英国脱欧的意外到来,移民在欧洲的家门口寻求庇护,这有可能削弱欧盟的军事力量。 尽管全民公决已不合时宜,但已经迫不及待地要重塑自己和在俄罗斯成为一个新敌人,全民公决的冲击已不方便地破坏了北约向莫斯科和北京施加压力的能力,这是从长远来看缓解世界和平的一步,并为其结果锦上添花。 左派的任务是拒绝欧盟的新自由主义计划,同时传递信息,即资本而不是难民是造成群众困境的原因。 愤世嫉俗的自由主义者还缺乏对人民的信心。 种族主义可能在历史上成为工人阶级的阿尔米尔脚跟,而是底层布雷克特,特朗普选举,黄色背心是劳动人民蔑视的精神,尽管需要指导的政治混乱之一。

如果黄色的背心是今天的 无套裤汉就像那些在法国大革命中成为革命游击队的人一样,他们最终将需要一个雅各宾俱乐部。 相对进步但最终归结为改良主义者的像梅伦雄(Mélenchon)却不是这样的先锋,只会带领他们走下SYRIZA的同一死胡同。 没有任何这样的先锋队,迫使工人阶级在过渡时期将事情交由他们自己处理。 如果历史可以作为指导, 马甲jaunes 将被淘汰,直到新的干部接任为止,正如列宁所说,其目标是“不是要鼓吹革命者沦落到业余爱好者的水平,而是要把业余爱好者提高到革命者的水平。” 我们也不能陷入意识形态上的幻想,我们生活在永久的革命环境中,或者仅仅由于巧妙的领导,自发的起义就可以变得全面。 不过,正如毛泽东写道:一颗火花就可以引发草原大火希望黄色背心就是那火焰。

马克斯·帕里(Max Parry)是独立记者和地缘政治分析师。 他的作品曾出现在《反恐精英》,《全球研究》,《异议人士之声》,《 Greanville Post》,《 OffGuardian》等杂志中。 最高可达到 [电子邮件保护]

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. obwandiyag 说:

    Just as adumbrated above, you idiots don’t understand that the right is just as bad as the left.

    And just FYI. The YellowJackets want improved social services, too. That would be socialist social services. Because they don’t like how they have been stolen away from them of late.

    So don’t get all excited about how rightwing they are. They are conservative. But not the way you are. Their conservatism is real and natural and informed by experience and completely rejecting of the idiotic libertarian ideological flimflam you clueless fools subscribe to.

  2. JLK 说:

    Thierry Meyssan is reporting that Macron is more of a stooge for Henry Kravis (of the KKR corporate raider firm) than for the Rothschilds. He also alleges that Kravis has been funding ISIS/Daesh.


    Rothschild made a comment the other day about the Italian government debt problem. French banks have heavy exposure. France has troops in Syria; has the French army been leveraged into a mercenary force for wealthy Zionists?

    Macron looks like Dukakis in the tank in that photo. No wonder the Yellow Vests can’t stand this guy.

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @Che Guava
  3. Wally 说:

    “Despite the purported post-war ‘denazification’ policy inscribed in the Potsdam agreement, many figures who had directly participated in the Holocaust were appointed to high positions in Adenauer’s administration and never prosecuted for their atrocities.”

    Oh please. We see no proof for his empty claims about the “many figures who had directly participated in the Holocaust”. We have never seen no proof for the fake & impossible narrative, aka: “the holocaust”.

    What we have here is the usual ‘garbage in, garbage out’, GIGO. Parry stars with garbage as his base and necessarily ends up with more garbage. There was no ‘6M Jews, 5M other & gas chambers’.
    推荐,评论是必须的: 美国真理报:大屠杀否认,由Ron Unz撰写: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-holocaust-denial/



  4. Not very relevant but Louis fourteenth was a “sun king ” and there was no revolution under him.
    He was the one screwing madame Pompadour. Revolution was against Louis fifteenth and his wife Maria Antoinette.
    Obama’s bailout was not made by taxpayer money, it was made by printed money.
    There are tons of inaccuracies in the article.
    Also basic foundation for EU was De Gaule’s approach to Germany because of his dislike of Anglo Saxon..
    Beside that article is well worth analyzing.

  5. ‘transferring political power from the aristocracy and nouveaux riche directly into the hands of the working class, just as the Paris Commune did nearly 80 years later’ and as the Cultural Revolution did nearly 100 years later.

    • 哈哈: iffen
    • 回复: @Sergey Krieger
    , @Alden
  6. notanon 说:



    • 回复: @Old Smokey
  7. OMG 说:

    这篇文章不错,尽管我已经阅读了有关该运动潜在历史基础的更深刻的哲学讨论。 [例如 http://www.defenddemocracy.press/the-ghost-of-1789-looms-over-france-and-europe/%5D.

    但是,链接到安吉拉·纳格(Angela Nagle)的文章绝对是出色的文章,我强烈建议您阅读该文章,作为反对无拘束移民的有力论据。

  8. Cyrano 说:

    This article has proven to me that there is no hope for the humanity. The greed of the working class knows no boundaries. After all that the elites have done in the past 40-50 years to demonstrate their humanity – basically bringing a big chunk of the third world and resettling them in the west, the greedy underclass still demands proof from the elites that they are humanists.

    Unfortunately the way they envision that the elites should prove their humanity is by opening their wallets and sharing their wealth with the poor in order to satisfy their ever increasing demands for better life by the undeserving poor.

    Someone has to put a stop to it. Because if the poor underclasses succeed in draining the wealth from the innocent elites – the whole society will collapse. Why? Because there is no way that anyone can have respect for poor elites – which is where all this business with the yellow wests in France is going.

    If the elites become poor – how can they maintain that magic aura of “we are better than you” that they project on the poor and which allows to govern them? No one can have a respect for poor elites. That’s why I think it’s time to step up the tried and trusted method – thankfully invented by US – that when somebody doubts the generosity of the elites – just import few hundred thousand fresh new faces from the 3rd world – to prove how much the elites care and that we are all equal – not with them, but among ourselves, which is where it really counts.

    • 哈哈: utu, niceland
    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  9. I miss two things.

    First, in just three EU member states referenda were held in 2005 on what was called European constitution. All three two thirds negative, with, especially compared with elections now, a high % of voting. Nevertheless, the Treaty of Lisbon was signed unanimously, a treaty in essence the same as the rejected ‘consitution’.
    According to Farrage it was said in EP ‘they do not know what they’re doing’.
    And so the disappearance of the nation states continued, elections in the member states, hogwash, what still is called government is no more than errand boys of Brussels.

    Second capitalism. It is a great pity that this word now is used to hide what the problem is, the disappearance of the nation state. Capitalism is as old as the world, as is global trading. Thousands of years BCE traders from what is now Indonesia sailed yearly to E Africa for trade, on regulated markets, regulated informally, even without any verbal communication. What is called capitalism now, the evil capitalism, has as only cause that nation states gave their sovereignty away.

    As to the ideological basis of the EU, mainly the fairy tale of the evil Germans, two world wars and the holocaust.
    I must admit that until say fifteen years ago I also believed these fairy tales.
    One does not expect to be lied to consistently by nearly anyone and anything.
    If spreading these fairy tales was lying, can even be discussed.
    I’m inclined to see just concious lying as lying.

    Anyhow, these fairy tales prevented common sense to understand that culturally there is no such thing as Europe.
    Culturally, thus also not economically and socially.
    The Brussels love of mass immigration, forcing member states to accept in fact any migrant, is caused, I fear, by the realisation that the European Reich can only exist if the 28 or so different cultures have been destroyed, even the probablity of civil war seems acceptable to Brussels, I fear.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  10. Wow… what a coctail of good insights and sound observations, and utter deluded Marxist and/or liberal tripe such as “migrants seek asylum on Europe’s doorstep because of NATO’s imperial expansion”, “racism is working classes’ Achilles heel”, etc.

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @utu
    , @Almost Missouri
  11. FRANCE vs US

    The US was set up as a country to keep the money in the hands of the few and this has evolved from robber-barons to corporations. Military and police are employed to suppress mob rule (A hidden clause in US democracy).

    At most, the French police can fire rubber bullets. If the corporate owners of the Pentagon decided that the mass was endangering their money source, they would shoot protesters on Wall Street like dogs. The reason they don’t shoot black rioters like dogs is because the only thing they are burning down is their own crack houses.

    White Americans deal with the lesser of evils. It sucks to live in a police state that primarily serves as security guards for corporate owners of the country, but they also suppress black and Latinos who would turn the US into Brazil. So they have to support the police.

    Having no money is France is not such a barrier to protest. You’re fed, clothed, sheltered and therefore participatory in the running of the country. Poor working class white Americans who need to get a paycheck to keep their family off the street cannot quit their job and march in the road as easily.

    French resistors live in the city. The most downtrodden white working class live thousands of miles away from the East Coast centers of power and wealth. It is not a matter of walking 20 yards to the Paris capitol because Arizona is further from NYC than New York is from France. So working class people would have to be able to find the gasoline money to GET to NYC.

    There is a feeling among French that they are all the same race and therefore an extended family. The elites are mostly Jews and their auxiliary are Hispanics, Italians, Blacks. They have no genetic or familial relationship with Anglo-Celtic working class in Indiana. They are another race. If the Opoid crisis hit France or Italy, it would be more of a concern. But the bubble city Americans are a DIFFERENT RACE than the working poor Anglo Celtics in Southern Indiana. It is hard to get some Japanese-American in Silicone Valley to really care what happens to Anglo-Celtics in Poor Flyover Country.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Paul C.
  12. Tyrion 2 说:

    When knocking on doors in gentrified SJW London I was endlessly harangued by the white gentrifiers as a racist, bigot for daring to offer them a differing viewpoint.

    It was easy to tell the type as soon as they opened the door, face contorted like an old lemon, pseudo-alternative clothes hung over a middle-aged body, spit-flecked mouth ready to screech to the world about how tolerant they were, and I was not.

    On the other hand, their working class neighbours, usually ethnic minority holdouts from when the area was a bit of a ghetto, would engender in me a feeling of calm. “Hi”, “how are you?”, “would you like some tea”, “I am not sure about Brexit”, “what do you think”, “that’s interesting”, “I read that my mortgage will go up,” “ok, it might not, well thank you for visiting,” “I have a lot to think about”, “pop by any time”.

    Only the Outer Party do 2 minutes hate. The proles don’t see the point, regardless of their skin colour.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  13. “Move along, nothing to see here, just a bunch of French socialist serfs/slaves rioting cos their collars/chains got a little too tight for them, nothing more.

    Apparently they don’t want the government to tax them as much, but they still want the government to enforce higher minimum wages, etc. etc.

    Bottom line: just another bunch of Euro-socialists complaining about the inevitable end results of the very socialism they are all so rabidly in favor of, while demanding ever-more government “solutions” to “fix” the problems government caused in the first place .”

    See: The French Yellow Vest”Freedom Riots”Scam:


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Biff
  14. Justsaying 说:

    Very perceptive to place “Resistance” between quotes. Resistance is non-existent in the US. True resistance requires an educated working class; instead the US has a amassed one of the most stupefied and brainwashed workers on the planet.

    • 回复: @the grand wazoo
    , @Alden
  15. 黄夹克运动在美国并没有消失,在 DJT 的支持者中也没有消失。事实上,直到茶党运动和占领运动这两个草根组织认识到他们在现状上有共同的敌人时,他们才会继续被它征服。


    • 回复: @redmudhooch
  16. iffen 说:

    they will eventually need a Jacobin Club

    until a new cadre takes the reins

    Aww, c’mon, don’t be shy, throw your hat into the ring.

    “It’ll work I tell you, the others just didn’t do it right.”

  17. Anonymous [AKA "hezediel"] 说: • 您的网站

    Louis XIV was dead before Madame de Pompadour was born….

    Marie-Antoinette was Louis XVI’s wife, not XV’s…

    European federalist movement was founded by the CIA. De Gaulle understood that development so that’s why he wanted to create a French Europe, not a British-trojan like Europe.

    There are lots of inaccuracies in your 100 word-comment.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  18. @onebornfree

    Obviously not the slightest idea about what’s going on in France.
    In order to understand you must go back to 2005, when the French rejected the so called EU constitution.
    The French government signed the ‘constitution’ nevertheless.
    Macron is seen as a former Rothschild banker who had the idea that he could ‘modernise’ France in the neoliberal Brussels way.
    He and other fools did not realise that in the first round of the last presidential elections already forty percent of the votes went to anti EU candidates.
    According to the latest poll 61% of the French reject Macron’s policies.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  19. Alfred 说:

    “when Macron defeated his demagogue opponent Le Pen in the 2017 French election”

    The use of the word “demagogue” to describe a French nationalist is a lie. She is a nothing of the sort.

    If the French voting system were at all representative, she would have had 25% of the seats in their national assembly. She got nothing.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @anonymoys
  20. RVBlake 说:

    Madame de Pompadour was the mistress of Louis XV…Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette ruled at the time of the French Revolution.

  21. @Jeff Stryker

    French resistors live in the city.

    One of the baffling things about the Yellow Vests is how it began without leaders in the whole country.
    This is also why, except for sympathy with police and army, the government could do so little.
    Even roundabouts on local roads were blocked.
    There is nothing new about French resistance outside the cities.
    Tax on transport was resisted with success in Brittany.
    It maybe was a great mistake to celebrate each year the 14th of July, the day in 1791 when the Bastille was stormed.
    French resistance also baffled Bismarck
    After the official French army had surrendered in 1871 new French armies appeared all the time.

  22. Paul C. 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    France and the US, like most nations, are controlled by the parasitical zionist central bankers and their deep state apparatchiks. They continue to squeeze the native populations into poverty and servitude, while destroying their culture with open borders, facilitating 3rd world immigration. The zionist controlled MSM won’t cover the Yellow Vest movement in hopes to keep awareness low. Many would like to see it gain a foothold in the US. Unfortunately, Americans have been subject to fluoridation of their water supply, unlike France, and thus are docile. The pharmaceuticals and vaccines have rendered them zombies.

  23. anonymoys 说:

    “The use of the word “demagogue” to describe a French nationalist is a lie. She is a nothing of the sort.”

    Of course she is a “demagogue” ….By that word, I mean she is a liar…like all politicians…

    Jean Luc Mélanchon (JLM), supposedly extreme left candidate but a millionaire nevertheless is a “demagogue” . Macron is a “demagogue” …Trump is a “demagogue”. You name it.

    Marie Le Pen (MLP) is a “demagogue”, a very ambitious woman and a fool.

    She and JLM don’t understand the role they play in the french political system: they are there to scare the people so they can vote for more “moderate” candidates…

    “Moderate” candidates like Macron who has no problem in serving his own masters: the faceless fascists.

    French people lost their trust in their saviour Macron because they just found out that the guy is more preoccupied in enjoying life with his lover -Benalla- than in saving them.

    MLP may even have the opportunity to serve the masters that put Macron into power.

    If that happens you will understand how “demagogue” that woman is.

    You can be sure that France WILL NOT leave Europe and the first country she will visit will be Israel.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Alfred
  24. annamaria 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    The EU is a collection of US vassals, with all the immoral and bloody implications of this servility. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-01/mh17-turnabout-ukraines-guilt-now-proven
    “MH17 Turnabout: Ukraine’s Guilt Now Proven” by Eric Zuesse

    Russia’s response provided, in excruciating detail, not only clear disproofs of the Netherlands-headed investigation’s conclusions of Russian guilt, but also provided the still-unrefuted proofs of Ukraine’s actual and incontestable guilt, in this mass-murder. …

    … the Government of Ukraine was, on 8 August 2014, granted veto-power over any official finding which would be produced by the Joint Investigative Team. …Dutch government refuses to reveal ‘secret deal’ into MH17 crash probe .. the Holland’s science-publishers Elsevier had filed for this information under that country’s Freedom of Information Act, and the [荷兰]政府干脆拒绝遵守该法律。

    … the Netherlands Government had partially funded the coup that in February 2014 overturned Ukraine’s Government and installed the new regime, which regime is allied with the United States Government and actually perpetrated the MH17 shoot-down. …

    The US regime masterminded this mass-murder in order to win the EU’s support for sanctions against Russia, and the EU knowingly complied… The MH17 victims were merely “collateral damages” in the US regime’s secret decades-long and ongoing anti-Russia war.

    BBC 此前曾于 23 年 2014 月 XNUMX 日(事件发生后仅六天)在其网站上通过其俄语服务(幸运的是由全球研究存档)发布了有关此次击落事件的俄语新闻报道,但他们很快将其删除,且没有任何解释。

  25. @Paul C.

    If the rural poor attempted such a resistance, the National Guard or state police would be mobilized as they were during Segregation in the South.

    Make no mistake, the US is a police state designed to keep the money in the hands of the coffers.

    Also, the US underclass is so used massive divisions between rich and poor with near abject poverty that they don’t have the expectations of Europeans.

    • 同意: Ilyana_Rozumova
  26. annamaria 说:

    A proper comment on the MH17 “investigation” run by the corrupt/zionized Dutch government: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-01/mh17-turnabout-ukraines-guilt-now-proven

    It was already known that NATO and Europhiles from bruSSel has created and executed this plan to start a casus belli against Russia, all the steps that the European Neo-cons and Azkenazi’s are making from: the association agreement with Ukrianians, the MarraKECH agreement with all the lies and spinning from Frans Timmermans, Dutch PM Mark Rutte and their Soros sponsord media: Dutch princess Mabel Bruinsma or better known Mabel van Oranje is working for Soros as Royal family member…

    No Yellow vests in the Netherlands!

    A quite amazing bio of Mabel Bruinsma: “Bloody hands of the Dutch princes Mabel of Oranje-Nassau” https://sites.google.com/site/nocancerfoundation/princes-mabel-of-oranje-nassau

  27. It’s unfortunate that the writer had to resort to tired clichés like referring to LePen as “a demagogue” and trotting out the inevitable Nazi reference but otherwise it’s refreshing to hear another point of view.

    Is there a good left leaning blog or website that isn’t run by SJWs or globalists? I’d like some balance to my generally far right politics. Something like, dare I say it, national socialism.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  28. Anonnu 说:

    French pussy French wine, long as they got them the French will be fine

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  29. @Wally

    Thanks, Wally, for taking the trouble to call out author Parry on that howler statement.

    It suggests he gets his history from ADL or History Channel.
    That’s a shame, because the tale of Vichy government and so-called (WWII-era) Resistance is marvelously complex; examining the actual history provides a great deal of insight into moods and attitudes in other western European countries, contra-Allies and contra-Jews, and obviously, contra-the “Hitler/Germany/Nazis were the epitome of evil” narrative.

    Norman Finkelstein has scoffed at the notion that French Resistance existed — until AFTER the war, that is.

    • 回复: @anonymoys
    , @Ron Unz
  30. utu 说:
    @Plato's Dream

    “Marxist and/or liberal tripe” kill this article. Perhaps on purpose.

  31. @Plato's Dream

    Agree. He’s got a hold of the question, and the ingredients of the answer which he delivers in the first two paragraphs, but then he quickly drives into the ruts of knee-jerk faculty lounge Marxism.

    Why France’s Yellow Vest Protests Have Been Ignored by “the Resistance” in the U.S.?

    Max’s answer:

    … historically revisionist understanding of French politics … reinterpretation of the French Revolution … aversion to transformative praxis in favor of incrementalism … late Italian Marxist philosopher and historian Domenico Losurdo …. ideological basis for its rejection of the revolutionary tradition … Robespierre … properly contextualize … truly the inheritor of the legacy of European colonialism … blah blah blah … Zzzzzzzzzz …

    Dude, it’s really not that complicated. “The Resistance” does the bidding of the Democrat-media monopoly party and their globalist sponsors. The Yellow Vests oppose the globalist swindle, and the Democrat-media monopoly don’t want that virus to spread. So they black it out as though it is not happening. But now that it is undeniably continuing to happen, they are frantically pushing the Evil Right Wing Russia button. The End.

    Max probably gets paid per word.

    • 同意: Plato's Dream
  32. @Cyrano

    Looks like you are aspiring to become next Molier.

  33. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    ” Obama’s bailout was not made by taxpayer money, it was made by printed money.”

    All the more felonious the theft from those least able to pre-emptively dodge payment for it.

    • 回复: @the grand wazoo
  34. anonymoys 说:

    “Norman Finkelstein has scoffed at the notion that French Resistance existed — until AFTER the war, that is.”

    French Resistance existed during the war. The symbol of that resistance was De Gaulle.

    French Resistance DID NOT liberate France and did not defeat the germans…But that is another story.

    NF also believes that Hilberg is a great scholar and that Faurisson isn’t a scholar.

    I presume you don’t agree with him on that. Maybe one shouldn’t take NF seriously.

    He seems to be a fraud like his hero, Noam Chomsky.

    • 回复: @Mike P
    , @Che Guava
  35. “… Marie Antoinette who during the 18th century when told the peasants had no bread famously replied, “let them eat cake” as the masses starved under her husband Louis XIV.”

    In Mdm. Antoinette’s defence, cake was an acceptable substitute for bread in those days, but the remark won no friends for her and her hubby, Louis XVI.

    “The value of the pound sterling quickly plunged and not long after the status of the United Kingdom as a whole came into question as Britain found itself at odds with Scotland’s unanimous decision to remain.”

    If the English had any sense, the Westminster Parliament would repeal the various Acts of Union with respect to England and do an EXIT, leaving Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales as an empty husk of the United Kingdom in the EU.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Reg Cæsar
  36. @annamaria

    Mabel’s maiden name is Wisse Smit. Bruinsma was the Dutch drugs criminal who was her boyfriend for some time as a teenager. Mabel, and future husband prince Willem Friso, died skiïng in an avalanche, lied to prime minister Balkenende about the Bruinsma relation, because of this lying our government refused permission for the marriage.
    Without permission Mabel could never have become queen.
    Soros was one of those signing a letter to our government asking to give the permission after all.
    Some were of the opinion that it was all very theoretical, Willem Alexander and wife and children all dead before Friso became king, and Mabel queen.
    However, just one plane crash with the whole royal family on board would have sufficed to make Soros’ puppet queen.

  37. Mike P 说:

    I think Finkelstein is honestly wrong about the holocaust, unlike Chomsky, who is just a fraud. Finkelstein paid a big price for speaking his mind.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @anonymoys
  38. Che Guava 说:


    Many assertions re. flows of history that I am not agreeing with, and the statement below is making me doubt that you have much on points of history.

    Head of State of the newly formed Vichy government, the puppet regime that ruled Nazi-occupied France until the Allied invasion in 1944.

    That is really ineptly *错误的*. The Vichy govt. ruled the part of France that was *不是* occupied by the Germans, at least until that became militarily impossible for the Germans. Before that, the administration in the occupied part was largely separate, by definition. The Vichy state had, and continued to have, real civil power over all of France, even after the free zone (State of France) had also been occupied.

    It is also difficult to describe as a puppet regime. It certainly was not so under the terms of the armistice, and was treated as a neutral by many other states.

    I understand that it is not the main point of your article. Below is a cleaned-up and accurate version.

    head of state of the newly formed Vichy government, which ruled the short-lived free zone of France as an indepedent state, and also exercised civil power there and throughout German-occupied France until the Anglo-American invasion in 1944.

    As for the French colonies and the Italian-occupied zone(s), I have a general idea of the former, some in detail, very little of the latter. I would guess that the Italians were also allowing State of France to operate as the civil govt., but sure, have never read about that.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  39. @annamaria

    MH17, not impossible for me indeed that Rutte knew that the plane would be shot down.
    The day affter the disaster Dutch objections against sanctions to Russia were over, though at that moment knowledge of what had happened was nil.

    The possibility of an accident, caused by Ukraine, cannot be ruled out, however.
    Ukrainian bombers seem to have used overflying passenger planes as shield against SAM missiles.

    I suspect Israel of recently having used the same trick near Damascus, Israeli jets hiding behind commercial planes, possibly with the hope that Syria would shoot down one or two paassenger planes.

    *But also here nothing new.
    British admiralty signals to the Lusitania are still secret, as far as I know.
    From what is known I get the impression that the British wanted the Lusitania torpedoed.

  40. @anonymoys

    French people lost their trust in their saviour Macron because they just found out that the guy is more preoccupied in enjoying life with his lover -Benalla- than in saving them.

    Where did you find this, and is there any proof ?
    About France leaving the EU, will the EU still exist at the end of 2019 ?
    Belgium, France and Sweden now ungovernable over EU issues, immigration the main problem.
    Wonder if after our March elections the Netherlands still can be governed.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @anonymoys
  41. Wally 说:

    “And just FYI. The YellowJackets want improved social services, too. That would be socialist social services. Because they don’t like how they have been stolen away from them of late. ‘

    The Yellow Vests want what they pay for in massive taxes.

    Communists / ‘Socialists’ want everything for ‘free’.

    Your comparison incorrect & laughably desperate.

    Global Revolt Against Communist Climate Change Policies: https://dailycaller.com/2018/12/31/climate-change-policy-protests/

  42. @Che Guava

    It is also difficult to describe as a puppet regime. It certainly was not so under the terms of the armistice, and was treated as a neutral by many other states

    Until the German occupation the USA had an ambassador in Vichy.
    In my opinion Pétain and Laval did far more for the French people than De Gaulle.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  43. Anonymous[254]• 免责声明 说:

    We can assume that if the safety vests were ready-made off the assembly line of NGOs like the raised fist flags of Serbia’s OTPOR! movement, the presstitutes would be telling a different story.

    For those who don’t know, “OTPOR!” means “resist”. It’s a globalist, and global, Soros/CIA government-toppling franchise. They don’t even try to hide it:

    And while Yellow Vests didn’t show up in the US – “RESIST” certainly did:

  44. @obwandiyag

    ‘Just as adumbrated above, you idiots don’t understand that the right is just as bad as the left…’

    Obwandiyag always makes me feel as if I’m being lectured by a Chihuahua. It’s a weird sensation.

  45. Wally 说:
    @Mike P

    Yet Finkelstein predictably, absurdly claims his parents were “survivors”.

    Recall that the claim is ‘the Germans supposedly tried to kill every Jew they could get there hands on’, yet there are currently 1,000,000 alleged ‘holocau$t survivors’.


    No human remains of millions to be seen in 据称已知地点,没有“大屠杀”。


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  46. Che Guava 说:

    They (French resistance) were full of fakes.

    I recently read a good quote on it from the time, I cannot recall the source, but can paraphrase.

    My paraphrase:

    These people were enjoying the high-life with German officers until almost the end. Then, they suddenly become Communists, and were the most fanatical in shaming or supporting the killing of collaborators, shaving women’s heads, and so on.

    Thinking of ‘existentialism’, it is noteworthy that Camus was a true resistance fighter. De Bovine (Beauvoir) actually did radio broadcasts for the official radio of occupied France. Her pet worm, Satire (Sartre) was also an eager collaborator while the champagne was flowing.

    De Bovine would have had her head ritually shaved and been paraded around for her collaboration, if not for society connections.

    It should have happened, I would guess that she and Satire had to hide for a week or two, while creating fake resistance credentials with others just like themselves.

    It is interesting that, on the back of such games, Camus, by far the more interesting writer, and an actual resistance fighter, is rated lower than those two opportunists.

    • 回复: @anonymoys
  47. anonymoys 说:
    @Mike P

    “Finkelstein paid a big price for speaking his mind.”

    He certainly did. But there are scholars-Faurisson and Irving , for example- that paid higher price.

    I can understand why NF chooses to be wrong about Holocaust: both his parents were in a concentration camp, his mother lost all her family during the war …but I don’t believe “Finkelstein is honestly wrong about the holocaust.”

    He CHOOSES to be wrong. And I don’t think one can be considered an honest scholar when one takes that decision. I am not judging. Maybe in his position we would all have done done the same, but some scholars had the courage to speak out and they suffered much more than NF suffered because of his struggle for the palestinians.

    • 回复: @Mike P
  48. @jilles dykstra

    jilles dykstra says: “Obviously not the slightest idea about what’s going on in France.”

    Like I said, just a bunch of socialist slaves complaining about the inevitable results of socialism, and now apparently seeking a new, somehow “more honest” leader to tell them all what to do and how to live both their lives , run everybodys lives etc etc, to their satisfaction, and all supposedly for “for societies benefit”.

    I left europe 30 years ago- it was already a socialist hellhole, I can’t even imagine how much worse it is now.

    The scumbag Macron was the inevitable end result of the socialism that France and the entire continent unquestioningly continues to embrace .

    But now, the French all supposedly seek the “solution” of the “national socialism” of a le Pen [or whomever] to “solve” the problems caused by the very system they all still unquestioningly want .

    Over here [US] we have many fooled/sucked in by Trumps own brand of national socialism blather.

    What’s the song, “Won’t Get Fooled Again” ?

    Oh, but they will all be fooled again, in both Europe and the US, as will you yourself, I can count on it 🙂 .

    “Vive la France”!


    • 巨魔: Biff
    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  49. @jilles dykstra

    ECB taking over the management of an old Italian bank.
    Anyone who knows anything about banking knows that, unlike Greece, Italy cannot be saved.

    When Deutsche Bank will implode, may happen any minute now.

    We Dutch fear that the money of our pension funds will be misused by the EU to solve the crisis, € 1.500 billion.
    In a meeting behind closed doors, and without minutes, those that pretend to represent us agreed with a one hundred page document in english, they got 24 hours earlier
    Not all parties voted yes, and some representatives of the yes parties asked afterwards with what they had agreed.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    , @JLK
  50. Che Guava 说:

    Macron is a male homosexual (not that I despise him for that) and his wife is his beard (I do despise that combo). Perhaps he lets her watch?

    The car shot in your post is good, I saw a better one, with him in his escape helicopter, and radiating the most smug and arrogant expression on Earth.

    Sorry for not having copied a link, it exists, possibly not hard to find.

  51. anonymoys 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    “Where did you find this, and is there any proof ?”

    Well, It’s an open secret in France – Paris, to be more precise- that Macron is gay.

    Of course there is no “proof”. You won’t have any proof if Macron accepts to obey his masters, who, of course are the only guys who have the proof that the french President isn’t straight.

    But the fact that Macron is married to someone who could be his mother, the fact that Macron was forced to deny TWICE that he isn’t gay, tell you all you need to know.

    But even in the mainstream media some newspapers write about this open secret :



    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  52. Alden 说:

    I stopped reading when he ignorantly repeated the myth that Marie said let them eat cake and that the peasants were starving. Anyone who is so ignorant about France as to repeat those myths shouldn’t presume to write about France.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  53. anon[393]• 免责声明 说:

    just because tax breaks for the billionaire bolsheviks are a bad idea doesnt mean socialism suddenly got to be a good idea, the people everywhere (white people) want a decent life they have switched between socialist and capitalist and get screwed either way with elites on both sides playing good cop bad cop alternately. The key to where is the peoples wealth going and which people are waking up to is foreigners non whites get the wealth of whites and capitalists and communists take a cut each in their own way sometimes in the same person.

  54. Alden 说:
    @The Alarmist

    It was a total lie made up by the propagandists employed by Phillipe

  55. @Wally

    The idea is simply that any jew in Europe, still alive in, say May 1945, was a holocaust survivor.
    So Kastner, Ben Gurion’s representive in Hungary, who cooperated with Eichmann, was a holocaust survivor, as was Oppenheim, the German jewish banker who, as Hitler’s representative, negotiated about peace in Sweden.
    Rabbi Friedrich Weinstein, who cooperated with the Germans in occupied Netherlands, of course was also a holocaust survivor.

    • 回复: @Wally
  56. Anonymous[254]• 免责声明 说:

    While nationalism may have played an instrumental role in Brexit, there is a manufactured hysteria hatched by the establishment which successfully reduced the complex range of reasons for the Leave EU vote to racism and flag-waving.

    And you’re not helping by badmouthing nationalism like this. European nationalists simply want to keep their nations’ people and sovereignty. That’s the absolute minimum required for a nation to exist. It’s been true since the dawn of history and it’s true even now for 90% of World’s countries. It’s telling that only white countries are getting attacked demographically and only whites accused of racism for rejecting it.

    I wonder what would happen if a group of ME immigrants decided to “settle” in your house indefinitely. Would you become a house-deed-waving, filthy 雷西斯 在任何情况下?

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
  57. @jilles dykstra

    The problem with the Dutch is that they too willingly drink the globalist Kool-Aid® and toe the globalist line while pretending they are still a great mercantile power.

  58. Why get all philosophical when trying to understand why there’s no urgency in the states for wide spread protest. The primary reason is no one is reporting the events in France, the Yellow Vests aren’t being talked about in coffee shops. Let’s not fool our self, coffee shops in the states aren’t the same as in France, or Italy. Here, it’s coffee to go. Hi and by, or drive through. We’re too busy servicing our credit card debt (28%) to worry about the rich getting richer, or who lost their job yesterday. Besides, have you seen our local police lately, and all the fancy weapons they have. Yesterday I said hi to a California Warden, whatever that is, he was standing on the breakwater rocks scanning the beach through binoculars. He looked huge in his bullet proof vest. When I began admiring the 4 long weapons, 2 with scopes, stacked in a rack between the bucket seats of his dark green 4 door pickup, he stepped off the rocks, I guess to protect the guns. So 1 Warden armed with a side arm and 4 rifles, all military grade full auto stuff, maybe trained in Israel. What’s it all mean? Andy of Mayberry is gone. Today the law is armed to the teeth. Motorcycle cops troll the streets with M4 carbines strapped to their bikes. And don’t even try to guess what weapons are in the trunk of the prowler cars. We’re up against it here. Brainwashed, turned into marshmallows by TV, and let’s not forget the primary schools. They’re doing their best to turn boys into girls. Imagine being a white boy in an ethnic neighborhood? How’s your ego?

  59. @anonymoys

    If Macron is gay, that’s his problem.
    Married to a wife, as far as I know, 29 years older, his choice.

    Having your personal bodyguard as your lover, not very smart, especially, as I now begin to think, this Benalla is not a discreet fellow, but in fact blackmails Macron.
    I cannot otherwise explain the diplomatic passports and the luxurious trip, making the impression of a personal envoy.
    Benalla also is not very smart, why beating up demonstrants at all ?
    And not foreseeing that like anything these days it would be recorded.

    But, also here, what’s new ?
    Wilson had ‘colonel’ House, FDR Harry Hopkins.

    About firing the radio man, seems to be quite common in France.
    Hollande is rumoured to have fired two dozen or so.

    But, together with his political behaviour, ‘modernising’ France all of a sudden, then giving Christmas presents, and his stupid Versailles Jupiter act, this man is clearly finished.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
    , @anonymoys
  60. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    Usual idiocy from a dotard… please get some help!

  61. peterAUS 说:
    @Tyrion 2



    …spit-flecked mouth ready to screech to the world about how tolerant they were, and I was not.

    Only the Outer Party do 2 minutes hate. The proles don’t see the point, regardless of their skin colour.

  62. @Alden

    There was hunger, harvests failed for four consecutive years, by what is called ‘little ice age’.
    About the cake I know nothing, there though is the assertion ‘let them eat grass’.

    • 回复: @Maximus Imperator
    , @Alden
    , @Alden
  63. @Jim Bob Lassiter

    Whether Obummer’s bailout was freshly printed money, or loose cash found hanging around our treasury: it is tax payer money. We guarantee it, and our army will find the necessary funds somewhere in this world, to pay the treasury bonds when they are due, or they’ll die trying. It’s just how things work.

  64. peterAUS 说:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    I’d like some balance to my generally far right politics. Something like, dare I say it, national socialism.

    Hehe….you are in a bind.
    No way you can find, in this Universe, a “good left leaning blog or website” which has any sympathy for “national socialism”.
    The Conundrum, a?

    You know, maybe two of us could try to make one? I mean, some “left leaning nationalistic blog or web site”. 优化 national socialism, if you will.
    Well, judging from my presence here so far, even a couple of commentators could chime in.

    The problem is, I guess, only 4-5 of us would read all that. Plus some “watchers”, of course.

    So…apart from some online therapy, why bother? This pub serves the purpose, with zero effort and no hassle.

  65. @annamaria

    Another informed article about the ill fated MH17 flight can be found at 今日退伍军人网, recently posted by Dr. Kevin Barrett

    • 回复: @annamaria
  66. JLK 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Italy’s debt is about 130% of GDP, compared with about 100% in the US, UK and France. That’s high, but nowhere near as high as Britain after WWII (~200%) or today’s Japan (~230%).

    It is the Achilles heel of the EU banking system, but should be manageable as long as the Italian parliament implements some frugality and doesn’t let it get much higher.

    I would be interested in how northern Europeans view the situation and how it came to be.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  67. @Justsaying

    Your 100% correct. The answer to the authors question is: there’s no resistance in the USA. The Central Banks/Federal Reserve Inc., have perfected debt slavery. I can’t remember the last time I felt anger. Between whatever is being dropped from the sky (chemtrails), fluoride in our water, robot TV, shit for brains local politicians, and the others too, scripted is the only way I can define our education system, vaccines that don’t work but do other things, I mean we can go on forever. Can’t fail to mention the alphabet sexes, it wouldn’t be PC correct. A man placed 3rd in the miss universe pageant, and a woman won her first professional prize fight as a man. Both on the same day. Who pulled that string?

    • 回复: @Paul C.
  68. Icy Blast 说:

    Parry wants us to believe the Yellow Vest movement is a left-wing, essentially Marxist, uprising of the people. Oh please. Parry is just another bitter Communist who can’t face reality: “The People” reject his nasty old Nineteenth Century religion.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  69. @obwandiyag

    No, the gilets jaunes are not conservative–they are 国家社会主义者. Even if they don’t know it yet!

  70. Good to see Max Parry here at Unz!

    Maximilien Robespierre’s real crime in the eyes of bourgeois historians was attempting to fulfill the egalitarian ideals of republicanism by transferring political power from the aristocracy and nouveaux riche directly into the hands of the working class, just as the Paris Commune did nearly 80 years later.

    Actually, he transferred political power from the aristocracy and nouveaux riche directly into the hands of the committee of public security. Admittedly, he did have a sizable working-class following.

    SYRIZA was elected on its promise to rescind the terms of Greek membership in the EU …

    I’m not entirely sure what Parry means by “rescind the terms of Greek membership in the EU,” but I never remember them promising to leave the EU, or even to drop the euro. That’s why I was always skeptical of them.

    How ironic that liberals are clinging to a multinational political union founded by fascist colluders while the same economic bloc is being opposed by today’s far right after its new Islamophobic facelift.

    I find the second half of that statement rather puzzling. When exactly did the EU become “Islamophobic”?

    It is the task of the left to reject the EU’s neoliberal project while transmitting the message that capital, not refugees, is the cause of the plight of the masses.

    I am no defender of capitalists, but I think the author needs to realize that, among other things, they do indeed create and instrumentalize many of these refugee situations in order to simultaneously lower wages and increase asset values in Europe and N. America. To take Parry’s position here is a bit like saying ‘it’s not the snake’s venom that kills you, it’s just the snake.’ To be sure, the global capitalists have other tools at their disposal for accomplishing their goals as well, such as off-shoring, etc. But refugees and immigration are definitely one of their favorites, precisely because they hope that the effect–the destruction of community and nationality–will be permanent and irreversible.

  71. @Icy Blast


    I can’t believe I wasted time getting even 1/4 way through this Commie crap.

    • 回复: @Cyrano
  72. @onebornfree

    Like I said, just a bunch of socialist slaves complaining about the inevitable results of socialism, and now apparently seeking a new, somehow “more honest” leader to tell them all what to do and how to live both their lives , run everybodys lives etc etc, to their satisfaction, and all supposedly for “for societies benefit”.

    Fuckin-A, right! That’s the best assessment so far of the situation in France, at least as described in this manifesto in the guise of an article.

  73. Skeptikal 说:

    “Nazi Germany whose racially-motivated genocide was truly the inheritor of the legacy of European colonialism, not the ancestry of the Jacobins or the Russian Revolution.”

    I wish the author would expand on this.
    Does Parry mean that the idea of genocide sprang from colonialist attitudes toward native/colonized peoples?
    It seems like just one possibility.
    Weren’t tribes trying to wipe each other out long before colonialism and imperialism reared their heads in history? Like in the Bible?
    Wouldn’t the Jews actually have liked to wipe out the Goyim, if they could have done so (as they are now doing in Palestine)?

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Sparkon
  74. @jilles dykstra


  75. @Wally

    A Holocaust that killed 6,000,000 Jews when in all of occupied Europe only around 4.5 million Jews resided.

    Don’t these writers ever research the demographic statistics that have been around for many years???

  76. 有一些好处,但您并未真正提及黄色背心运动的地理范围。 与其说是一场富人之战,不如说是一场贫富之战,而是一场城市与外围之战。

    新自由主义经济政策有利于服务业而不是工业,大城市有利于小城市和农村地区(它们从制造业、农业和研发中获得大量资金)。 由于 FIRE 经济中的大部分财富都集中在大城市(如疯狂的城市房地产价格所示),外围国家认为城市应该承担大部分税收负担。

    然而,由于大城市拥有如此多的政治/媒体权力(并且比外围更腐败和低效),它们最终将大量税收负担推到了贫穷的外围。 这就是为什么外围现在处于反抗状态。

    同样,您企图将新自由主义归咎于欧洲社团主义者的尝试也相当薄弱。 支持公司与支持新自由主义并不相同。 法人主义者认为,大型公司是经济/社会的重要组成部分,需要得到国家的支持。 新自由主义者相对于制造业和技术领域更偏爱城市服务业。 他们的主要思想影响力是美国犹太知识分子米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)。 美国的散居犹太人是一个非常城市化的人,他们倾向于偏向偏爱中心地区而不是边缘地区的政策。

  77. guitarzan 说:

    All based on historical lies and distortions. Pfft!

  78. @JLK

    Quite simple, there should never have been an euro.
    The southern countries, this begins already in France, have a very long history of devaluation and monetary reforms.
    In their cultures the only way to become or remain competitive.
    The euro makes devaluation impossible.
    The only way out without too much damage is controlled re introduction of the old currencies, alas, it will not happen, Brussel will not give up the political project euro.
    So what will happen is a financial catastrophe, thereafter the old currencies will come back.
    Do not make the mistake of thinking that my view is the common one.
    Very few people understand the euro problem.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  79. @Skeptikal

    “Nazi Germany whose racially-motivated genocide

    What racial, what genocide ?

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  80. anon[193]• 免责声明 说:

    The explanation is simple. Macron was supposed to be the anti-Trump; he’s supposed to be the globalist’s champion. Now, he’s being embarrassed, which implies that their side isn’t so smart or so righteous. So, out of sheer tribal interests, they ignore it. The LA-DC-NYC media blackout on the subject should serve to demonstrate what kinds of people control those outfits.

    “So don’t get all excited about how rightwing they are. They are conservative. But not the way you are. Their conservatism is real and natural and informed by experience and completely rejecting of the idiotic libertarian ideological flimflam you clueless fools subscribe to.”

    Exactly right. Someone has to say it. Reagan voodooism and libertarianism are both unrealistic, pie-in-the-sky dogmas that serve as impediments to solving real issues by draining away otherwise productive talent.

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  81. Sparkon 说:

    Weren’t tribes trying to wipe each other out long before colonialism and imperialism reared their heads in history?


    “They…brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks’ bells. They willingly traded everything they owned…. They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance…. With 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”

    — Christopher Columbus

    If you’re asking about pre-contact North American Indian tribes, I’d give a qualified NO for an answer, but there is no unanimous consensus among scholars:

    Modern authorities do not agree about the nature of warfare among Native Americans prior to the arrival of Europeans. Those who rely on literary sources and indigenous oral tradition contend that pre-contact warfare was comparatively limited.


    Although warfare never attained the prominence it did among the Plains tribes, it still had considerable importance in the Woodland value system.
    In most Great Lakes tribes, there were civil chiefs who directed internal tribal affairs while war chiefs directed men during battles with other nations. Among the Ho-chunk, for example, civil chiefs always came from the Thunderbird Clan, while war chiefs came from the Hawk Clan. War chiefs did not always lead war parties. Individual warriors could-and often did-lead small war parties, but needed the war chief’s permission to do so. War chiefs could prevent warriors from going on the warpath if it was not in their communities’ best interests.


    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  82. @annamaria


  83. @Paul C.

    Fluoridation of drinking water is more serious than people are aware of. It leads of decrease of potency of males. Some men become entirely impotent, they are not able to function sexually.

    • 回复: @utu
  84. Ron Unz 说:

    It suggests he gets his history from ADL or History Channel.

    Over the last few years I’ve also grown extremely suspicious regarding the conventional narrative history of France and Germany in WW II…


    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  85. Agent76 说:

    Dec 13, 2018 Media Continues To Ignore Yellow Vest Protests

    The Yellow Vest protests in France have only received a small amount of media coverage in the U.S. and there may be good reason for it. Is the fact that these protests began over a Carbon Fuel Tax and have spread to general dissatisfaction with big government caused mainstream media to shy away from talking about it?

    • 回复: @anonymous
  86. Anonymous[590]• 免责声明 说:
    @Cagey Beast

    “To whom are you speaking?”

    The sole intent of his words is to impress himself.

    • 同意: Cagey Beast
  87. Cyrano 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I would take Commie crap any day over the Capi crap. At least Commies didn’t fake capitalism in order to save communism. Unlike the Capies who faked socialism in order to save their rotten Capi system.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  88. Maus 说:


  89. Renoman 说:

    The Yellow Vest is the most dangerous protest there is because it is made of of sensible working people mostly middle class who want simply a better life with less taxes. These are people who work who get things done, they have money and they vote. They will get what they want because they will not be toyed with and will not do stupid shit and worst of all they are mostly white! Brains money guns votes what could be a bigger threat? THAT is why America is trying hard not to let them get started here. They’re going to Win and their first target will be the 1%!

  90. Skeptikal 说:

    Actually, I wrote:
    “Weren’t tribes trying to wipe each other out long before colonialism and imperialism reared their heads in history? *****Like in the Bible?*****

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  91. Skeptikal 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Uh, that was a quote from the Parry piece that we are commenting on, did you notice, Mr. Jilles???
    I forget, when I don’t post here for a while, how aggressive and “gotcha” happy Unz commenters are.
    What is, actually, the point of your attaching your comment to my comment?
    No, don’t answer that, because I really don’t want to know.

  92. @Anonymous


    The status quo’s incognizance is reminiscent of Marie Antoinette who during the 18th century when told the peasants had no bread famously replied, “let them eat cake” as the masses starved under her husband Louis XIV.

    That did seem to be incorrect so I did postpone the numbers without checking.

    So you are correct the fifteenth was a Sun king, and sixteenth was beheaded.I should have shifted by two to be correct.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
    , @Alden
  93. Sparkon 说:

    Yes, I read what you actually wrote, and that is why I actually started my response with the conditional qualifier IF, because your question is ambiguous. There have been far more pre-colonial tribes in this world than those mentioned in your semi-mythical Bible.

  94. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    In a way I am extremely pleased by you.
    You read my comments more thoroughly than the article.

  95. Anonymous[254]• 免责声明 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    The Euro currency is a huge factor but the trouble doesn’t end there. A lagging EU country is not even allowed to control deficit spending, or import duties, in order to protect its economy. It’s a one-way race to the bottom.

    The only thing keeping this two-ring circus’ tent from collapsing are fiat debt purchases to “service” debt which was purchased before to service debt. This won’t last.

  96. Cyrano 说:

    If there is one lesson to be learned from the yellow vests protests – it is that you can fool the masses with fake socialism only for so long, sooner or later they’ll see through the BS and they’ll ask for some real socialist elements to enliven the zombie corpse of capitalism.

    The fake socialism was supposed to prevent the real socialism from taking over. Isn’t that ironic: The fake socialism is the one that’s going to bury the real capitalism – and it was supposed to save it.

    That’s the real sign of the degeneracy of the elites in the west. In the end the fake socialism is going to do more damage to capitalism than the real socialism ever did. That’s what happens when you think you are too clever – like the Capies think that they are.

    Furthermore, if the capies found socialism so abhorrent, why did the try to fake IT in order to “modernize” capitalism? Why didn’t they try to modernize Capitalism by introducing feudal elements in their beautiful system?

    The fake socialism is not only going to do in capitalism – it’s going to destroy the western civilization. But what do I know, the capi western elites are so clever, they must have prefigured a way out of this mess that’s going to astonish even bigger skeptics than me.

  97. @Cyrano

    The next Chairman Mao could really use a guy like you, 乔尔 西拉诺。

    Unlike the Capies who faked socialism in order to save their rotten Capi system.


  98. Alden 说:

    I’ve found that it’s the working class with bachelors and masters degrees who are the most stupidifid and brainwashed. The more informed they are such as reading quality newspapers and magazines and listening to media for the “ well informed and educated” such as NPR the more brain washed they are

    The proles are a lot smarter that the brainwashed educated middle class

    • 回复: @JLK
    , @Justsaying
  99. Alden 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Jilles!!! a truly educated man have you read Abbe Bruel, memoirs of Renee Bordereau the role of Phillipe d’Orleans and about the Vendeen revolution??

    I was never able to find a copy of Renee’s memoirs but our Library
    Of Congress makes copies of their books and I ordered a copy

    “Let them eat cake “ and starving peasants. What a crock. And Marie Antoinette was married to a man who died about 60 years before she was born

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  100. @Ron Unz

    I re-read your linked article. It turns everything upside down, doesn’t it?

    My comment @ 31 drew on research into Gertrude Stein’s activities in France; specifically, Barbara Will’s “Unlikely Collaboration: Gertrude Stein, Bernard Faÿ, and the Vichy Dilemma.”

    The title alone tells a story: Will is incensed that a Jew did not act like a Jew and refused to be a victim in France in the war years. Will draws heavily on Stein’s “Wars I Have Seen,” one of the most accessible of Gertrude’s writings: Gertrude Stein was THERE, in France, in Italy, even in Germany; she observed German soldiers in France — they had no cigarettes, much to Toklas’s dismay; they did not remove any of her extensive art collection; she refused to comply when others urged her to flee, preferring instead to increase her friendly relations with Catholics in the neighborhood; and she expressed dismay over the seeming requirement that Franchmen “hate the Hun” — the Stein family migrated from Bavaria to USA only two generations before Stein’s birth.

    Stein was anti-Zionist and seemed to share Faÿ’s passionate opposition to freemasonry in favor of French Catholicism — “let France be France.”

    While others of Stein’s biographers whitewash her notorious endorsement of Hitler for the Peace Prize, Will explains that the act was genuine: Hitler brought order, and Stein needed order to be creative.

    But Gertrude’s sin, the one that caught Barbara Will’s eye, was that she translated Petain’s speeches into English. Alice Toklas compounded the felony: after Stein’s death, Toklas sold one of the Picassos she had inherited from Stein in order to secure Faÿ’s escape from imprisonment under a life sentence.

    • 回复: @utu
  101. jbwilson24 说:

    Ah, you know Unz is carrying a guest article by a leftist when they rail against how the evil Nazis set up the EU. The article even notes that Robert Mercer and George Soros, are both globalists, but fails to mention the one rather obvious thing that the two have in common. (Oh vey!)

    For a ‘Nazi’ controlled institution Jews have an awful lot of power in the EU, and have used it to nefarious ends through a planned programme of population replacement. Also, how one can talk about the formation of the EU without mentioning Jean Monnet is beyond me. But no, it’s all the evil nazi lovers.

  102. jbwilson24 说:

    On the plus side, never knew about Domenico Losurdo. Downloaded a couple of his books to add to the library. Know thy enemy, and all that.

  103. Anonymous[254]• 免责声明 说:

    And Marie Antoinette was married to a man who died about 60 years before she was born

    Same with the Soros’ wife.

  104. JLK 说:

    The more informed they are such as reading quality newspapers and magazines and listening to media for the “ well informed and educated” such as NPR the more brain washed they are

    I was listening to NPR a few weeks ago. A caller asked Terry Gross if it was hard to pick “challenging” topics. There was a pregnant pause, and then she started gushing about all the courageous journalism they had done on transgender issues.

    • 哈哈: RVBlake
  105. Anonymous [AKA "Jack Archer"] 说:

    Funny how lies stick down through the centuries. There’s absolutely no evidence poor Marie ever said “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”; however, such lines spoken by the rich against the poor are in French folklore, and the Revolutionary propagandists deftly wiped the phrase all over her for posterity.


    Also, there is no evidence the French people were starving, or that the Revolution was from a groundswell of the poor. Like the Protestant Revolt in England almost 200 years earlier, it was engineered by wealthy nobles who weren’t quite wealthy enough to their liking.

    Sheesh. Even liberals like the Wapo know this. Stop spreading lies justifying the Revolution – there’s a straight line from it to today’s globalism. It was a true tragedy.

    Throne & Altar.


  106. windwaves 说:


  107. @Alfred Barnes


    Not quite. Globalists AKA Capitalists want to replace the State with the Corporation, and they’ve already pretty much done that. They still let us vote for the Capitalist puppet of our choice to keep up the illusion that you have a choice, you don’t. They have also turned God into an extremely profitable business, so “God” as most know it today, is safe. That “evil government” that you hate is the organization of the Capitalists. Every leading member of the government is a Capitalist, often funded into power by even richer Capitalists. The laws they pass and the wars they start are designed to make the Capitalists lots of money. They not only own the corporations, they also own the government. They own the banks, including Federal Reserve private bank, They own the media. They own the courts. They own the military. They own everything and everyone including “God” and you. To them its Socialism for me, Capitalism for thee. It’s interesting how well socialism works for the Capitalist elite, but never works for the working class! If socialism didn’t work, and work extremely well, the capitalist elite wouldn’t turn to is so very often and they would long ago have all gone belly up. Capitalism is socialism for the capitalist elite and “free enterprise” for everyone else.

    Our problem now is that governments aren’t “governments” but private corporations, with shareholders, operating in the public sector. Government was intended to be of the people, by the people, for the people, and to serve the people, not the Corporation. Everything has been inverted today.

    This is tough for most folks to swallow, but there can be no Capitalism that is different from what we’ve got today. You would have to kill all the Capitalists, to start over, because they would just buy their way right back to the top. The money all accrues to the top, very quickly. It’s like a bad game of Monopoly. They take the money they’ve accumulated, and, realizing that money is just a means to an end, put it to work. They buy political power, and use the combination of political and financial/economic power to cement their monopoly. The very first thing they do it to pull up the “ladder of success” after themselves.

    When nobody else can climb the ladder, we get frustrated, and want to change the rules to allow an “even playing field.” This is exactly what the early winners of Capitalism will not allow, and they go to great lengths to prevent it. They also complain bitterly about any and all attempts to even out the effects of Capitalism.

    Capitalism always tears itself apart, Capitalism has to create shortages and devalue labor below the survival point in order to continue. Therefore, Capitalists hate and despise work. Capitalism punishes work and rewards ownership, which provides the opportunity to profit from the work of others. This creates so many negative and perverse incentives, it simply can’t work. It doesn’t work. The economy always gets to a point where a society has to either adopt elements of Socialism to level the playing field and keep the majority of people from getting so miserable they revolt, or has to become fascist, where Capitalists own the Government and use the monopoly on violence unique to government in the modern world to force the lower orders to comply through State violence. Its a totally immoral unsustainable system. That is where we are today.

    Most don’t have a clue what Socialism actually is. Socialism is government by the working-class. There is not the slightest hint of the working-class ruling over society anywhere in the world. Capitalists own all the means of production, all levers of government, and all the major media. Privatization is theft, privatization today is strictly about prioritizing money away from the commons and general welfare and giving it to the inbred 1% rent-seeking parasites, extreme socialism for the billionaires, NOTHING for the people.

    Donald Trump once said, “In America, we don’t worship government, we worship God” as usual he was lying, people like Mr. Trump worship money and power, always have and always will. Sad!

    Sorry to have triggered all the right wingers here. The article was OK, contained some truth and some disinfo, but that is to be expected I guess. I don’t reckon any author is 100% right all the time.

  108. Alden 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    The little ice age lasted from about 1600 to 1850. The harvests 1780 to 1789 didn’t fail they were normal. The country people kept enoughgrain to feel their locality and sold the excess to the Orleans monopoly cartel

    Every grain broker in France worked for the Orleans monopoly cartel There were no independent grain brokers at the time

    By law, the head of the Orleans family, direct descendants of Louis 14’s brother was heir to the throne if the Bourbons ever died out or abdicated

    The Orleans cartel bought up all the grain as usual 1785 to 1789. But instead of selling it to millers and retailers Phillipe d’Orleans hoarded the grain in his ware houses and sold it abroad.

    This was done specifically to cause food shortages in the cities where people couldn’t grow their own food

    Meanwhile in Paris, Orleans hired Beaumarchais as head of his propaganda service. Beaumarchais hired hundreds of writers who churned out propaganda

    In addition to being the legal heir to the throne, owner of the grain cartel. The richest person in France Orleans was also the leader of the Masons who were active revolutionaries.

    Think of him as the George Soros of his time but more powerful. Or all the leaders of the American revolution in one man.

    The Orleans family did succeed in overthrowing the last Bourbon King in 1830.

    Please don’t give me a reading list of conventional history written by the revolutionaries and masons. My knowledge is far beyond any conventional histories you’ve read.

  109. The people who are the “resistance” in the US are opposed to Trump. A Nationalist. They are Globalists like Macron. If they are aware of the yellow jackets they will oppose them. It’s the Deplorables that could learn from the French Nationalists.

  110. Anonymous [AKA "Arme à deux tranchants"] 说:

    Euroscepticism is also by no means a distinctly British phenomenon, as distrust has soared in countries hit the hardest by neoliberalism like Greece (80%), with Spain and France not far behind


    在案件 西班牙 (和 德国 where Catalonia’s Carles Puigdemont was arrested), i understand the ”euroscepticism”:

    ”2. NATO appears eager to encourage independence and would welcome what they expect to be a robust military capability to add to their wars of global aggression.=

    起步价 Catalonia Independence: Five Things to Think About


    But the problem is that Spain, by refusing Catalonia Indepence, violates the following rules of the European Convention on Human Rights (Brussels refused to investigate):

    Droit à l’autodétermination, souveraineté, Traité de Lisbonne

    {Excerpt, emphasis added}

    Il y a de bonnes raisons de penser qu’actuellement en Espagne on a enfreint les articles 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 de la Convention européenne de droits de l’homme ainsi que les articles 1, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26 et 27 du Pacte international sur les droits civils et politiques, mais Bruxelles n’a entrepris aucune enquête ou mis en œuvre l’article 7.

    Bien sûr, la Commission européenne se devrait d’enquêter politiquement sur de telles ambigüités, et elles devraient également faire l’objet de poursuites juridiques par la Cour de justice européenne pour les droits de l’homme de Strasbourg et par la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne de Luxembourg. L’impunité ne devrait plus être acceptée dans l’indifférence en Europe.


  111. @Godfree Roberts

    I understand your Sinological background, but that happened in Russia in 1917. China just followed with Soviet help.

  112. I absolutely hate capitalism. This system has no meaning beyond profit. Either we change it or it will kill us all.

    • 回复: @Wally
  113. Just so happens I watched a documentary on the French revolution several times this morning.

    First, anyone referencing the Jacobins in a positive manner, should be looked at askance.

    Second, it is not that the US is missing the violence , it’s more likely, they are not excited about engaging it — pour system is not yet so intensely mendations as what is more obvious ly going on in France.

    Nor would we want that level of rolling dysfunction.

    When I consider the lipstick that people attempt to put on the French Revolution — I am left wondering whether we have read or understood the same history.

  114. @jilles dykstra

    His homosexuality, like any other serious psychological disorder, is indeed relevant and not desirable in a leader.

  115. Mulegino1 说:

    By any measure, Hitler’s armistice with France in 1940 was certainly more conciliatory than the Carthaginian regime imposed upon Germany at Versailles. Petain was, after all, the hero of Verdun. I do not recall the Allies making Ludendorff the head of state of defeated Germany.

    The Yellow Jackets are, in a way, one of the last signs of life subsequent to the general defeat which the European people suffered in 1945- a resounding and crushing defeat that triggered the death knell of the indigenous peoples of Europe.

    Europe’s only and last hope is a general uprising against its kosher slave masters.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  116. Paw 说:
    @Paul C.


    • 回复: @Paul C.
  117. @Alden

    To redmudhooch: I couldn’t entirely agree with your comment, but also hope that you write more here.

    Let’s say I agree with your comment more than I wish I did, and more than I would have ten or twenty years ago.

  118. anonymoys 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    “If Macron is gay, that’s his problem.”


    It would have been “his problem” if he had the courage to say so. He chose to lie.

    If one can lie about one’s sexuality, one can lie about everything.

    It isn’t his problem because he is certainly being blackmailed (or he can be) by those who know the truth.

    It isn’t his problem because he’s using taxpayers money to show “his love” to his lover.

    True, that is a french tradition. Almost all former french presidents had lovers who were looked after using taxpayers money….But maybe the french believe now that isn’t acceptable anymore.

  119. niceland 说:

    How much history needs to be dragged into articles about current events? Some is perhaps good for context and clarification, but too much and whatever point one is trying to make fades into the background and eventually disappears in discussion ..about the controversies of history!

    So we are stuck in endless cycles of historical discussion.

  120. anonymoys 说:
    @Che Guava

    “They (French resistance) were full of fakes.”

    All movements are “full of fakes?”

    “These people were enjoying the high-life with German officers until almost the end. ”

    This is completely false. Most members of the french resistance were from working class background and naîvely (with hindsight it’s easy) communists. They were NOT enjoying the high-life. Lots of them died fighting for – what they believed- was France.

    Sartre was always a fraud. He was promoted and sold as a philosopher by those who are still masters of France, even today.

  121. niceland 说:

    Add to this the ideas of endless economic growth on one side and monetary system inflicting great pain without it on the other – and you have framed the “fantastic” reality we live in.

    Over here 3% GDP growth makes everyone all warm and fuzzy. Politicians use words like “stable growth” and all kinds of positive phrases about it. It’s considered – without question – a sure path to good future and prosperity. What this really means is 1000 *次* increase in GDP in just over three centuries.

    So “stable” and “desirable” growth here in Iceland means that in the year 2300 (give or take) Iceland’s economy will be similar in size as that of the USA today. Sounds really plausible doesn’t it? Our current population is 340.000!

    Something tells me this isn’t going to work out and long before some “problems” are going to show up. In my opinion the “first” world is already facing these problems. Economic growth is limited by great many things happening in the natural world. Exponential growth as economic policy is really strange idea. Bring this up you get *板球*

  122. Paul C. 说:




  123. @redmudhooch

    There is so much wrong with your comments, I don’t even know where to begin.

    Everything you call “capitalism” is actually full on socialism.

    Capitalism has nothing to do with globalism, controlling people via governments, or via religion, or via whatever else you fantasize.

    I would suggest heavy doses of Von Mises, Rothbard, Bastiat et al, but I know my suggestion would be ignored, so carry on with your confused, contradictory Marxist ranting , by all means :-).

    For example: “Privatization is theft, privatization today is strictly about prioritizing money away from the commons and general welfare and giving it to the inbred 1% rent-seeking parasites, extreme socialism for the billionaires, NOTHING for the people.”

    What a bunch of contradictory twaddle!


  124. Paul C. 说:
    @the grand wazoo

    I agree. The US is locked down very tight and everyone’s mind controlled. I’ve shown evidence from the government itself regarding chemtrails (Geo-engineering, SAI, SRM) and people still don’t believe it. We’ve entered the Twilight Zone. There’s no chance of Yellow Vests here. Although, I hope I’m wrong.

  125. Anon[158]• 免责声明 说:


    ”Among the 25 demands of the French Yellow Shirt are the breakup of banking monopolies, banning of GMO crops, FREXIT of the European Union, withdrawal from the NATO war machine and dedication of government money to rent-controlled housing, education and health care.”


    • 回复: @annamaria
  126. @redmudhooch

    “Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state wants to live at the expense of everyone.”– Frederic Bastiat

    “政府是一种伪装成自己的疾病的疾病。” 罗伯特·勒费弗(Robert LeFevre)。

    “If one understands that Socialism is not a ‘share the wealth’ program but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super rich men promoting Socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately Socialism, is not a movement of the down-trodden masses but of the economic elite.” Gary Allen [from “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”] .

    “All States are governed by a ruling class that is a minority of the population, and which subsists as a parasitic and exploitative burden upon the rest of society. Since its rule is exploitative and parasitic, the State must purchase the alliance of a group of “Court Intellectuals,” whose task is to bamboozle the public into accepting and celebrating the rule of its particular State. The Court Intellectuals have their work cut out for them. In exchange for their continuing work of apologetics and bamboozlement, the Court Intellectuals win their place as junior partners in the power, prestige, and loot extracted by the State apparatus from the deluded public. The noble task of Revisionism is to de-bamboozle: to penetrate the fog of lies and deception of the State and its Court Intellectuals, and to present to the public the true history of the motivation, the nature, and the consequences of State activity. By working past the fog of State deception to penetrate to the truth, to the reality behind the false appearances, the Revisionist works to delegitimize, to desanctify, the State in the eyes of the previously deceived public.” Murray N. Rothbard

    “当掠夺成为一群人在一起生活在社会中的一种生活方式时,他们会随着时间的流逝为自己创建授权它的法律制度和美化它的道德守则。” 弗雷德里克·巴斯夏


  127. Alfred 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    “Four !, in stead of some 125.”

    Thank you for the correction. And for demonstrating how the French electoral system is designed to leave out the “populists”

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  128. Alfred 说:

    “Of course she is a “demagogue” ….By that word, I mean she is a liar…like all politicians…”

    Then why do they not put that word in front of every other politician? Why are they selective and pick on her?

    This whole discussion is a waste of time. IMHO, the indigenous French have the right to say that they want their country to remain French. The same applies to all the other countries in Europe. Immigrants should adapt or return to their original point of departure – including those born in Europe.

    The idea that people are not allowed to be tribal – except for the Jews, Sikhs, Punjabis, Hindus, Albanians, Muslims etc. – is ridiculous.

  129. madamhash 说:

    To answer the title “Why France’s Yellow Vest Protests Have Been Ignored by “the Resistance” in the U.S.” and skip all the idiocy of nazi’s, right wing death squads and pretend islamaphobia, is the “Yellow Vests” are what real people power looks like not the corporate fascist left supported by corporate media and corporate actors.

    Go look at the groups funding ANTIFA in the US, it’s a who’s who of corporate and institutional power.

    Today’s US so called right wing is the left of old, it’s isolationism and nationalism have always been the cause of the working class as they are keenly aware that the “Reserve Army of Labour” will be used to destroy their lives and that of their children.

  130. Justsaying 说:

    As a Ph.D. in the biomedical field and having taught many years at the undergrad and graduate levels, you are absolutely spot on. But the buck does not stop there. It had become impossible to hold intelligent conversations with professors who boasted an impressive list of peer-reviewed publications, grants, awards and the like in their CVs. They were really little more than aged versions of their younger, less distinguished brainwashed morons. That more or less explained how deeply ingrained the malady is and the daunting nature of the challenges of any serious attempts to reverse this. The rot is truly systemic – trickle down and vice versa. I know of no other country that has accomplished the task of mis-education so thoroughly and without resorting to gulags, pulling of nails, electrocutions, water boarding, incarceration, disappearances and the like. Hats off to those salespersons through the ages who sold the notion of American exceptionalism with such deadly efficiency, obviating the need for genetic interventions to achieve such goals. Incredible.

    • 回复: @Alden
  131. https://www.bfmtv.com/police-justice/eric-drouet-interpelle-pour-manifestation-non-declaree-a-la-condorde-a-paris-1603059.html
    Yellow Vest spokesperson, a truck driver, arrested for a demonstration that had not been announced.
    Mélenchon comments ‘in what country are we living, free France or Russia ?’.
    In 1945 Pétain stepped down, to prevent a French civil war.
    What plan Macron has, if he has any plan, I’ve no idea.
    Sure is that 2019 will be a very interesting year.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  132. @Alfred

    Is was designed quite deliberately to give the president much power, in order to get a stable government.
    What was not foreseen at the time, or ignored, that it would lead to a ruling class.
    This is why Macron stepping down and holding elections is no solution.
    The French electoral system, the constitution, should be changed first.
    When De Gaulle was asked to rule France the country was in such trouble that the constitution De Gaulle demanded was created.
    The problem is that in present France no strong man or woman can be seen, and that France is a EU member state, my idea is that not just the constitution must be changed, also a Frexit is needed for solving the problems, with re introducing the own currency, franc.
    Cannot see all this happening in the near future, unless after a civil war.

  133. Mike P 说:

    I agree with you – Finkelstein was simply born into the fake holocaust religion. That doesn’t justify him, he should still be more diligent.

  134. Wally 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    “The idea is simply that any jew in Europe, still alive in, say May 1945, was a holocaust survivor.”

    Is that the case with Finkelstein’s parents?

    That’s certainly not the case with the countless fake “survivors” who were indeed send to labor camps, and who were not murdered in spite of the official narrative which says ‘the Germans tried to kill every Jew they could get there hands on’.

    Your attempted diversion is noted.


  135. Wally 说:
    @Sergey Krieger

    Except that it has provided you the comfortable life that you live and has extended live expectancy of everyone. To name just a couple important benefits.

    But hey, hunting & gathering has it’s merits. Go ahead & try it.

    It’s curious how Communists insist on advocating Communism, the most failed system of governance ever devised.

  136. Biff 说:

    Bottom line: just another bunch of Euro-socialists complaining about the inevitable end results of the very socialism they are all so rabidly in favor of, while demanding ever-more government “solutions” to “fix” the problems government caused in the first place

    Only an American can be this dumb.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  137. @Biff

    彼夫说: “Only an American can be this dumb.”

    “The State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt its citizens”Leo Tolstoy

    “Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state wants to live at the expense of everyone.” – Frederic Bastiat [French economist]

    “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”– Frederic Bastiat [French economist]

    “如果人们理解社会主义不是“分享财富”计划,而是实际上是巩固和控制财富的一种方法,那么超级富翁提倡社会主义的看似悖论根本就不会成为悖论。 相反,它变得合乎逻辑,甚至是寻求权力的完美工具。 共产主义,或者更确切地说是社会主义,不是被压倒群众的运动,而是经济精英的运动。”
    – Gary Allen [ from “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”]


    • 回复: @Biff
    , @Amon
  138. Anonymous [AKA "Marianne"] 说:

    One reason why this French uprising (by now, it’s far beyond the stage of protest!) gets so little coverage in British and USAmerican newspapers, has not been named, neither in the article nor in the comments : there is a language barrier.

    I don’t deny the political reasons for its being “covered” with silence — after the French government smeared the movement as “ultra-right”, the MSM wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole; but what I’ve seen from a few English speaking commentators on YouTube, they either claim it to be what they hope it to be, or, which is the same thing, they clearly misrepresent it (with, perhaps, the exception of Tim Pool). Maybe, they are at a loss because they just don’t understand the lingo?

    No wonder the article and the comments above talk about lots of things, from Marie Antoinette to the Holocaust, but very few talk about the present and current events. Nobody, for instance, ever mentions the chief demand of the 吉列斯·贾内斯(Gilets Jaunes), i.e. the “R.I.C.” (= Citoyenne 倡议书). And of course, some commentators here just infuse the subject with their ingrained shortsighted prejudices and write, please pardon my French, b…..p like this:

    Like I said, just a bunch of socialist slaves complaining about the inevitable results of socialism, and now apparently seeking a new, somehow “more honest” leader to tell them all what to do and how to live both their lives , run everybodys lives etc etc, to their satisfaction, and all supposedly for “for societies benefit”.


    I may be far away from the events, but I’ve watched them unfold on countless French YouTube channels (and those get more by the hour); so let me put this short: The people of France have voted over the last decades, sometimes for moderate leftwing governments (Mittérand, Hollande), sometimes for moderate right wing governments (Giscard d’Éstaing, Chirac, Sarkozy), and things have constantly gone downhill for the working and the middle classes, from president to president, no matter the presidents’ political orientation. Finally, in 2017, their fear of right wing extremism forced the French to vote at the second turn for a glib, arrogant and utterly incompetent neoliberal banker airhead, who not only drives the last nails in their coffin, but mocks and despises them openly day in day out (“pognon de dingue”, “traversez la rue”, “gaulois recalcitrants”, “des gens qui ne sont rien” etc.). I could write a novel here about high taxes, high rents, high unemployment, growing numbers of SDF (= homeless people), shutdown of public services, lavish government spending, giving to the rich and taking from the poor, but I want to keep this short. Let me just say, that as a result 60% of the French population is either already poor or in danger of entering the poverty zone. That’s why they are in the street by now: they have nothing left to lose — not even hope.

    they have had it with politicians. What they fight for now, is not only the resignation or destitution of Monsieur Macron and his whole government, but the end of the French 5th republic and a completely new constitution. They want a real democracy, a direct democracy, where the laws are proposed and voted on by the people, and where the parliamentarians, once elected, don’t get a free pass to do as they seem fit for years to come, but can be voted out and replaced by their constituency as soon as they stray from their mandate and try to follow the lobbies to the detriment of the voters. The whole system is too complicated to explain it here, but it seems rather well thought out. One of the chief thinking heads behind it is Étienne Chouard.

    Anyhow — there may be leftwing voters and rightwing voters among the 吉列斯·贾内斯(Gilets Jaunes) — but even if, in the comment sections of YouTube, they argue somewhat about the merits of Jean-Luc Mélanchon, Marine LePen, or François Asselineau (the only French party leader who is a staunch Frexit advocate), the general consensus seems to be that none of them and no present politician will solve France’s problems, if s/he is only put into Macrons vacant seat, without changing the system radically, before voting in a new head of state (and some of the 吉列斯·贾内斯(Gilets Jaunes) don’t even believe that a new head of state is necessary at all).

    Knowing that I can only scratch the surface here, let me just add, that immigration or M. Macron’s presumed sex life are apparently not among the chief concerns of the 吉列斯·贾内斯(Gilets Jaunes) , and that I have seen next to no signs of racism. For instance, one of the acknowledged founders of the movement is a black woman called Priscilla Ludovky, there are quite a few blacks and north-african people among them (fully accepted, I may add), and one of their most eager agitators, a north-african rapper, who was smeared as a rabid muslim in a right-wing publication not too long ago, to judge by his YouTube channel, gives far more the impression of being a rabid French patriot.

  139. annamaria 说:

    The corporate push: “Arrest of Yellow Vest leader Drouet:” https://www.rt.com/news/448001-yellow-vest-drouet-detained/

    Eric Drouet was detained by police as some of the movement’s supporters gathered in the capital’s Place de la Concorde, near the iconic Arc de Triomphe monument. People left candles in remembrance of the movement’s wounded 在与警察的冲突中。

    Drouet was detained while reportedly en-route to the memorial. Footage of the arrest shows several French riot police escort him away from the crowds while supporters chant his name while he is being led away.

    After that, several other protesters were grabbed from the crowd and led away by police while remaining Yellow Vests sang the national anthem.

  140. annamaria 说:

    Thank you for listing the key demands that make corporatists/financiers into rabid murderers because the demands go against the corporatists/financiers religious belief in their personal profiteering — by any means.

  141. Anonymous[254]• 免责声明 说:

    “Why France’s Yellow Vest Protests Have Been Ignored by “the Resistance” in the U.S.”

  142. annamaria 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Macron and his party came from nowhere. He is just a handsome puppet.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  143. annamaria 说:

    They want a real democracy, a direct democracy, where the laws are proposed and voted on by the people, and where the parliamentarians, once elected, don’t get a free pass to do as they seem fit for years to come, but can be voted out and replaced by their constituency as soon as they stray from their mandate and try to follow the lobbies to the detriment of the voters.

    Thank you for your post. The above is indeed unacceptable for the oligarchy and its willing slaves among the fourth estate.

  144. Sparkon 说:

    Nice comment. Thank you and good luck. The rich are putting the squeeze on the poor. Who knew?

    “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
    — Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

  145. https://www.bfmtv.com/societe/gilets-jaunes-maxime-nicolle-alias-fly-rider-predit-un-soulevement-national-arme-1603199.html
    What I expected, talk about armed insurrection among the Yellow Vest protesters.
    Though at the time an exception, two civil servants have been killed by an angry French farmer, unable to pay for adhering to new rules.
    If this caused it I do not know, but French authorities quietly sabotage EU rules they consider nonsensical.
    Brexit to a certain extent, how important, difficult to judge, also had to do with EU rules the British saw as nonsensical ‘they even interfere with vacuum cleaners’.

  146. Alden 说:
    @Godfree Roberts

    Paris commune lasted 3 months.

    They never established a government or effected any change They were always besieged The communards spent all their time and personnel fighting off the French army

    One of Karl Marx’ daughters and her mullato husband were amongst the leadership of the Communards

  147. Anonymous[364]• 免责声明 说:


    Non-white immigration is a problem for the country whether feel it of not. The fact that the Gilets Jaunes are not all white is both unsurprising and irrelevant.

    The first image below was painted under the Eiffel Tower few years ago. The symbolism is obvious (even more in his other works) but please note how the genitalia of the white figures is covered and the six-pointed star.

    It’s called: “The Endless Sleep”.

  148. @Anonymous

    Marianne says: “They want a real democracy, a direct democracy, where the laws are proposed and voted on by the people, ….”

    First of all, I’m glad you liked my quote 🙂 .

    Second of all, regarding “democracy”, some better quotes from someone a good deal more eloquent than little old me:

    民主是一种笑气。 也许它无法治愈任何东西,但毫无疑问,它可以止痛。”

    “自由和民主是永恒的敌人,每个人都知道这一点,谁曾对此事进行过任何清醒的反思。 ”



    “如果x是美国的人口,y是普通美国人的卑鄙程度,那么民主就是x y小于y的理论。”

    “所有民主的公理”都化为雷鸣般的悖论,许多悖论在意义上是彻头彻尾的矛盾。 暴民有能力统治我们其余的人,但必须严加监管。 这里有一个不是人为政府的政府,而是法律。但是,人们要坐到板凳席上,最终决定法律是什么和可能是什么。”

    – H.L. Mencken


  149. niceland 说:

    Many thanks for informative post, much appreciated. I think you are absolutely right about the language barrier.

  150. peterAUS 说:



    ….the end of the French 5th republic and a completely new constitution.
    …the parliamentarians, once elected, don’t get a free pass to do as they seem fit for years to come, but can be voted out and replaced by their constituency as soon as they stray from their mandate and try to follow the lobbies to the detriment of the voters.

    Imposing objective.

    Interestingly enough, as you mentioned, language. Hard to find a link to English site(s).
    Official website about democracy (French)
    le-message.org, website offering a synthetic view of the work, videos and documents of Étienne Chouard

    Could you point to some, please? Prefer that to “Google translate”.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  151. m___ 说:

    On the article, on the comments, on the top to bottom, on the bottoms up, on the France meaning nothing divide with the US, on the insignificance of the language divide in particular, on the elites not smart enough, on democracy relying on numbers of minority groups to allow rule of crime, on the reference as silly to rely on history as containing a solution to the world…

    Almost all pieces on unz.com are still at the level of emotion, picking bones, omission of variables, not low level rational. That meaning a tide that washes and retreats, no longer term, no planetary, no including all of the main variables necessary to come up with some original proposition. This is at the expense of mister nobody, the non-person, who cares. This is at the expense and the sustainability of the elites de facto and they do are obsessed with loosing power but lack comprehension. Even more so, at the expense of the global middle classes, come China, come Russia, come the US, bred for being system whores, and they should, comprehend, care, and read the writing on the sign boards.

    This is not going to happen, the use of mega data, breeding better human, is way beyond breeding Malinois dogs, or race horses for that matter. Humanity has reached it’s limits. Deflation must proceed. The problem, harsh interaction on the whole of the breed, is imminent. A short life strategy for the many, for the sake of a more than one generation solution to the few, that is the aim, self-realizing somehow, and it will be this century.

    What marvelous times to be alive, better still young, ultimately a non-person outlier, and see the “cathedral” the “Cour de Versailles” turn into a bazaar.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @annamaria
  152. peterAUS 说:

    白痴…me, I mean.

    第二个环节 IS in英文。

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  153. peterAUS 说:


    Ain’t gonna work. Can’t work.

    The current France, or any Western country, is NOT the ancient Athens. The world is different too.

    So, if this fellow’s vision is the foundation of “Yellow vest” effort….well…..won’t work.


  154. Alden 说:

    It’s impossible to talk about anything with the mis educated and mis informed.

    And they just absorb the latest propaganda without thinking even if it totally contradicts the propaganda of 5 years ago. It’s the liberal soft ware installed in their brains

    One of many examples; every time I saw a woman she kept up a non stop diatribe that Trump was obstructing justice. Finally I explained to her that for justice to be instructed, 2 things must happen.

    First a crime must be committed
    Second an investigation must begin
    Only then can a person ubstruct the investigation or justice.
    She didn’t believe me and just kept it up. So I cut her out of my life.

  155. @annamaria

    安娜玛利亚 说: “Macron and his party came from nowhere. He is just a handsome puppet.”

    I’ve heard Alex Jones repeatedly claim that Macron was a sex slave for the Rothschilds at the age of 11 yrs, passed around and used by other , older males on “the inside”. Not pretty, if true.


  156. peterAUS 说:


    Hehe….perhaps too good for its own good.


    Humanity has reached it’s limits…..
    …..harsh interaction on the whole of the breed, is imminent….

    It’s because of “Dem Joos”. That bastard, Oppenheimer. It’s all his fault.

    I have a dream: we get to the brink of The Launch->that, somehow, creates that spark, inspiration, whatever, capable for real, positive change ->we do it.
    All good from then on.

    I know, dumb, but feels good.

    • 回复: @m___
  157. Biff 说:

    You should get with PeterAUS, and you two can have a gayish ‘cut and pasty party’.

    Americans who defile other countries about their socialism are the equivalent to an alcoholic complaining about his cousins drinking problem.

    Americans pay nearly the same amount of taxes as the French – the difference is America is an empire – everything goes in and nothing comes out.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @onebornfree
  158. Anon[897]• 免责声明 说:

    Hitlerite expansionism had been carried out on the Führer’s vision for a European federation in the Third Reich — in many respects, the EU is a rebranded realization of his plans for empire-building.

    The US And NATO Are Establishing MEK Terrorist Bases In Europe:


    Has Donald Trump Appointed Madam Maryam Rajavi As Foreign Minister Of Albania?


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @annamaria
  159. @Biff

    Peter lives in a country with a much better standard of living for the average white than the US, you cannot take that away from Australians.

    What is puzzling is that both countries started the same way. As penal colonies intended to thin out a European underclass.

    The first white immigrants were poor and ignorant. But somehow Australia has become a cozy and orderly white country. The US is now a backwater with all the money concentrated in two regions on either coast.


    It is like Americans who go on and on about how Christianity is superior to Islam when the Bible Belt is squalidly poor and Dubai is one of the most modern and sophisticated cities with zero poverty.

  160. I wonder what is ignored or deliberately not mentioned in USA MSM.
    The same, I fear, on this side of the Atlantic, news like this one only finds on internet sites



    First link, bomb attack on a German AfD office, AfD is the anti immigration party.

    Second link, anonymous Brussels police telling about the Dec 31st riots in the Brussels Molenbeek quarter. Molenbeek is the notorious quarter where those with migration background live. Police is regularly attacked there.

  161. @Anon

    Hitler of course never wanted mass immigration, he did also not like Islam.
    He was a nationalist.
    Germany in WW II was ‘just’ destroyed materially, what began in 1945 is the cultural destruction of Germany, and, of course, those EU member states that in fact, the governments, want mass immigration.

  162. m___ 说:

    We must be fringe of the fringe, as you put it elsewhere, in one of your replies. Emotion for emotion’s sake is poor, omnipresent, and the tool of trade of human systemics. Elites and the bottom ninety nine alike, some outliers and obviously by that single condition, non-persons, since success is related to games of numbers, excepted. Elitism of a kind, alias malinois dogs, brains and balls, the dare of taking “God” like responsibility, outplay conventional wrongs for the sake of right. It is not all about pointing fingers, but acting upon uncompleted, speculative outcomes to be.

    Emotions at the tail end of rationality, as yours truly expresses, at the start of the twenty-first century, is in captivating decay and disruption of impossible systemics into a devouring flame, and love the sight of it. Not something a you-and-me-tube channel can sell readily, Hollywood could, minus one, the trick is to marry the sensation of being inside the story, playing boiling frog and taken to the likes of it.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  163. @Biff

    .Biff says: “You should get with PeterAUS, and you two can have a gayish ‘cut and pasty party’.

    Americans who defile other countries about their socialism are the equivalent to an alcoholic complaining about his cousins drinking problem.

    Americans pay nearly the same amount of taxes as the French – the difference is America is an empire – everything goes in and nothing comes out.”

    Dear “Biff”. BIFF????????? – sounds a little ga-hey to me.

    “Not that there’s anything wrong with that” as they said on Seinfeld 🙂

    Nevermind- Whatever.

    If you had bothered to read any of my other posts instead of occupying your tiny mind with wrongly assuming my own sexual orientation [ and what has that got to do with anything anyway?] , you would be well aware that I have made exactly the same “they’re all socialists” observation regarding the US political atmosphere.

    Right vs left; a scam, an illusion – just 2 sides of the same overtly socialist coin.

    You,Trump,Sanders Etc., Vs “Dictator Syndrome”


  164. Anonymous [AKA "Brad\'s Pit"] 说:

    North African babies, North African kif,
    A new population refutes your belief.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  165. @anon

    That’s the biggest single thing holding the Alt-Right back today: all their ‘free’ market-olatry. No large number of people will ever follow a movement that bashes things like universal healthcare or Social Security. And since the Alt-Righters also oppose free-trade and open-borders, they’re never going to attract any donors either! So here they are, sitting on the sidelines while the world burns around them. ‘Oh, if only those pinko-commie-socialists would give up on their desire for social security, we would help them restrict immigration.’ Totally self-defeating.

    I’ll grant that most Alt-Righters are plenty woke on the Holohoax. But have they ever actually examined Hitler’s economic and labor policies? Hint: he was 不能 into ‘laissez-faire’ theory. There’s a reason why his party called itself the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party. And there’s a reason why, within two years of assuming power, Depression-era levels of unemployment were completely eliminated in Germany.

    So why did the Germans choose him over Bolshevism? Simple: he gave them all the benefits of a worker’s state reverence for family, Volk, and Fatherland–and a fair amount of religious freedom as well. That’s what the people really want! They don’t want to have to choose between having a job and being permitted to love their nation. They want both!

    But by clinging to “soulless capitalism” (Hitler) and denouncing elderly and sick people on Medicare as ‘takers’, the Alt-Right of today is missing the opportunity of a lifetime:


    But then, there have always been people who would rather be ‘right’ than president.

  166. Amon 说:

    By your logic the USA has been a socialist state for over a 100 years.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  167. https://www.bfmtv.com/politique/gilets-jaunes-le-mouvement-est-devenu-le-fait-d-agitateurs-qui-veulent-renverser-le-gouvernement-estime-griveaux-1604451.html

    The French government now understands that the Yellow Vest movement is directed against this government.
    Agitateurs = agitators, renverser = topple.
    Latest poll, 55% of the French want the ‘agitation’ to continue.

  168. Anonymous[364]• 免责声明 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    ‘Oh, if only those pinko-commie-socialists would give up on their desire for social security, we would help them restrict immigration.’ Totally self-defeating.

    Well, modern “pinkos” don’t want to restrict immigration. Unchecked immigration is destroying social security so it’s difficult to talk to people who want both. Maybe they’re even better left as enemies.

    But I think I understand what you’re trying to say. In Italy, populist Left and populist Right joined forces to fight the globalist trash. Most of the nation put aside their less important differences in order to fight for naked survival (as a nation and a people). This should be replicated.

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
    , @Mulegino1
  169. @Amon

    Amon says: “By your logic the USA has been a socialist state for over a 100 years.”

    You mean since 1919? . No, well before that 🙂


  170. annamaria 说:

    “Almost all pieces on unz.com are still at the level of emotion, picking bones, omission of variables, not low level rational.”

    — Perhaps it is your cognitive abilities that make it difficult for you to appreciate the Unz Review publications as well as Unz review forum; both are counted among the best alternative media sources. You have a great choice of publications on MSM that “not low level rational.” You don’t need to suffer here.

    “Humanity has reached it’s limits.”
    — Speak for yourself.

  171. annamaria 说:

    Sowing the Dragon teeth, non-stop: http://thesaker.is/mass-psychosis-and-the-church-of-humanitarian-interventionism/

    While relentlessly demonized, the Serbs were in many ways the greatest victims of the NATO-orchestrated Balkan wars, as hundreds of thousands of Serbs were forcibly expelled from both Croatia and Kosovo while Serbia was turned into a free-fire zone by NATO for over seventy days. Washington took advantage of the conflict to solidify control over its European vassals.

    During the aerial campaign, between ten and fifteen tons of depleted uranium were dropped on Serbia resulting in extremely high rates of cancer. The Independent coyly informed its readers that the forced expulsion of Serbs from Croatia, which they refer to as an “exodus” – is a great mystery – a “riddle.” The only “riddle” is how liberals can denounce genocide and speak ad nauseam about human rights while supporting neo-Nazi regimes, such as the Poroshenko government in Kiev and the Tudjman government in Croatia, which have perpetrated genocidal war crimes in broad daylight. The forced expulsion of Serbs from Croatia was eventually reported by The New York Times, but four years too late. Liberal-backed jihadists in Libya and Syria have likewise carried out one ethnic cleansing after another.

    Caring for war criminals and committing atrocities to satisfy the City/Wall Street financiers:

    Tudjman presided over the forced evacuation of over half a million Serbs from Croatia between 1991 and 1995, replete with rapes and summary executions. This included the 200,000 from Krajina in 1995, whose expulsion was facilitated by attacks from NATO war planes and missiles. Needless to say, U.S. leaders did nothing to stop and much to assist these atrocities, while the U.S. media looked the other way.

    Kosovo was also prized by the Western elites because of its rich deposits of coal, lead, zinc, cadmium, gold, and silver valued in the billions of dollars. The tragic balkanization of Yugoslavia, where brother was pitted against brother, brought about the destruction of a non-aligned country with a nationalized economy thereby bolstering the power of Western finance capital.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Anon
    , @Cyrano
  172. anonymous[538]• 免责声明 说:

    What’s so great about this particular version of Die Fahne Hoch is about 48 seconds in: a German soldier is accosted by a brawler; he pushes him away and continues on his business: Nothing personal, pal, not an act of ADL’s all-purpose hate, Just, “We’re don’t have to take it any more and we are not going to take it any more.”

    Why don’t American soldiers and police protect the American people like the German soldiers protected the German people?

  173. peterAUS 说:

    Well, when you take a long, hard and cold look around, things don’t look good.
    Authors and some commentators already have defined, ad nauseam and minute detail, what is that “not good”. And keep doing it.

    I still haven’t seen a believable comprehensive analysis as to “why” is that.
    Don’t think it’s possible here.

    And, the most important, I haven’t seen, anywhere, even a vision, let alone feasible if only general, plan as to how to make all this good.

    Taking into account confrontation attitudes and nuclear weapons, well, there is only one rational outcome.

    And, yet………who would’ve thought, in mid 80’s, that the Soviet Union would collapse with whimper?

    That emotion you’ve mentioned, the very human nature, is a big unknown, still. Especially in distress.
    More distress, more emotion, more….unpredictability.

    So, yes, I do think that two most likely scenarios I’ll see during my life (getting shorter) is Brasilisation of society and/or M.AD, in that order.
    But, and the big “but”, there is that possibility, that hope, that somehow things would get right.
    Smart man just needs to organize his life accordingly.

    So, here we are……

  174. @Anonymous

    But I think I understand what you’re trying to say. In Italy, populist Left and populist Right joined forces to fight the globalist trash. Most of the nation put aside their less important differences in order to fight for naked survival (as a nation and a people). This should be replicated.

    Yes, that’s more or less what I was trying to say. I wish that would happen here.

  175. peterAUS 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    …within two years of assuming power, Depression-era levels of unemployment were completely eliminated in Germany.


    Still, I’ve seen believable and hard criticism of that economy. In essence, it was economy geared for a big war.
    Not something we’d like today I guess. Blame that fellow who said: “I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” in ’45.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  176. @annamaria

    Kosovo was also prized by the Western elites because of its rich deposits of coal, lead, zinc, cadmium, gold, and silver valued in the billions of dollars

    创新中心 ?
    The whole NATO war on Serbia had but one objective: Kosovo as the new Katanga, Kuwait or Brunei; maybe I should mention Panama too.
    Hitler already knew the importance of Kosovo, German U boat batteries were produced there.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Wizard of Oz
  177. @peterAUS

    Still, I’ve seen believable and hard criticism of that economy. In essence, it was economy geared for a big war.

    Of the six million unemployed in 1933 just one million in 1936 worked in war industries.
    Highest German war production was in 1944.
    How unprepared Germany was for war in 1939 and 1940 is quite clear from detailed descriptions of the battles.
    Göring had in 1939 the prototype of a long distance four engined bomber scrapped.

  178. Anonymous[370]• 免责声明 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    I disagree. Modern globalist wars are not fought for minerals, oil or pipelines.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  179. anonymous[538]• 免责声明 说:



    You nailed that argument, din’tya.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  180. @Digital Samizdat

    Digital Samizdat says : “…..But have they ever actually examined Hitler’s economic and labor policies? Hint: he was not into ‘laissez-faire’ theory. There’s a reason why his party called itself the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party. And there’s a reason why, within two years of assuming power, Depression-era levels of unemployment were completely eliminated in Germany…….”

    “It astonishes superficial observers to note how quickly and completely the majority of Germans swallowed the blather of Hitler, but there was, of course, nothing really surprising in it. They would have swallowed cannibalism just as fast if it had been advocated under the same conditions. Men in the mass will believe anything that promises to bring in the New Jerusalem, and the more idiotic it is the more eagerly they will embrace it. Nothing that is true ever convinces them. They demand illusion, and on the political plane they get it just as copiously as on the theological plane. It is difficult to imagine anyone having any real hopes for the human race in the face of the fact that the great majority of men still believe that the universe is run by a gaseous vertebrate of astronomical heft and girth, who is nevertheless interested in the minutest details of the private conduct of even the meanest man.” H.L. Mencken


    • 回复: @anonymous
  181. anonymous[538]• 免责声明 说:

    . . . but the economic recovery in Germany was not “gaseous.”

    Full employment was not a state of psychological delusion, it was real; men went to work at real jobs and took home real paychecks exchanged for real goods and services at reasonable prices.

    Violence in the streets was really reduced; real threats of the “Bolshevization” of Germany were confronted with comparatively non-violent but forceful counter-measures. There was no cannibalism in NSDAP Germany. Ever.

    Germany became a productive state in real-time, not in the “plane” of “illusion” or even “theology.” In fact, numerous Germans sought to study and reform their theological understandings in order to separate from “cannibalism” — or at least various forms of killing one another — that seemed to occur in religious texts handed over to Western Europe from Semitic tribes.

    Try again, OBF

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  182. Anonymous[370]• 免责声明 说:

    It’s actually obvious.

    The minerals in Kosovo were not out of reach of the globalists before. There was no reason to create carnage and spend billions to reach commodities that were available all along.

    Same thing with Syria. The (((shills))) are talking about pipelines but everyone who’s seen the map knows that the pipeline can go through Iraq to Turkey. No carnage, no ISIS, no billions of dollars burned. Maybe it’s time to look at the map and 看到 another explanation.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  183. … “Robespierre’s so-called ‘Reign of Terror’ ”

    So-called and in mocking quotes?

    … “or the ‘purges’ of the Stalin era in the Soviet Union”


    Call it Max Parry’s so-called “history”.

  184. peterAUS 说:

    Maybe it’s time to look at the map and see another explanation.

    It’s good to seek all those explanations. I think it’s better to see what exactly happened and what that has to do with issues we face today. When I say “we” I mean that tiny minority which believes that ethnicity/race is the major factor in politics and power play today and will be even more in time to come.

    Serbs tried to solve their problem with hostile ethnicity by force of arms. They were quite successful until the 所有 of the West bombed them into submission.

    Some of us were watching all that in real time with (re)sources from all over the place, including locals. The POWER used against Serbs was simply astonishing.

    Not only military power, but “soft power” as well.

    THAT was the proof of concept, the live fire exercise, of how to impose the will of Globalists on those who aren’t keen on going with the program.

    That was the moment when “we” lost, actually. Nobody was for Serbs then.
    Well…nobody is for “us” now.

    Serbs lost by demographics, numbers and democracy. When they realized that the only way to win was by force of arms “we” bombed them into submission.

    So….hehe….let’s try to do something more than voting or blathering around re open borders and, ultimately, displacement. You think we won’t get “Serb treatment”? And, to add insult to injury, the Hague. You think we won’t get the same treatment in our justice system ?

    And…hehe….I just know what the most of the Right/whatever in West did then. How much support Serbs had at the time.

    What goes around comes around………….

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  185. Anonymous[370]• 免责声明 说:

    Yes, in Serbia and Kosovo, the globalists used military to force a Muslim win over a part of Europe. That’s why Merkel was ordered to create an EU army after Trump questioned the purpose of NATO. The plan was always to 执行 white genocide by any means.

  186. @anonymous

    匿名[538] • 免责声明说: “Germany became a productive state in real-time, not in the “plane” of “illusion” or even “theology.”

    “A dark-haired man whose bodily features by no means fitted the prototype of the fair-haired Aryan master race, arrogated to himself the gift of discovering the only doctrine adequate to the German mind and of expelling from the ranks of the Germans all those who did not accept this doctrine whatever their bodily characteristics might be. No further proof is needed of the insincerity of the whole doctrine.”

    “Human Action” Chapter III. Economics and the Revolt Against Reason- Ludwig Von Mises

    “政府是一种伪装成自己的疾病的疾病。” 罗伯特·勒费弗(Robert LeFevre)。

    “The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don’t have to waste your time voting.”~ Charles Bukowski


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  187. Mulegino1 说:

    You see, Weimar Germany was under a moral imperative to starve to death and to pimp out its women, because of Jewry’s eternal victimhood. Germans were also under such an imperative to kill themselves and to assume the fetal position provided some foreign power attacked.

    Any attempts of the Germans to regain their national sovereignty, restore their national defense and achieve national economic recovery were quite obviously antisemitic ploys to prop up schemes to feed the people, restore a modicum of self-respect and establish a credible national defense. How dare the Germans have done such a thing?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  188. Anon[140]• 免责声明 说:

    Excellent article and awesome blog, thank you.

    Canadian soldiers remember Medak Pocket, the Serbs burned alive by the anglo-zionist empire and their mercenaries (MPRI, now Engilitycorp).


    Gun running from the United States to the Kosovo NAZIS:

    Canada supports Nazism in Ukraine:

    ON TARGET: 纳粹 Connections: Minister 弗里兰 Deflects and Latvia Openly Celebrates


    The European Union and the Yellow Vests must REFUSE NAZISM. Kosovo is Serbia.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  189. Anonymous[370]• 免责声明 说:

    Yes. The history is not repeating itself but it certainly rimes.

  190. Cyrano 说:

    I don’t think it was about Tudjman (he was a nobody), nor about Kosovo (nobody cares about them either, it was a phony “humanitarianism”). Strangely enough, it wasn’t about the Serbs either. They were the biggest victims – yes, of the wars of Yugoslavian succession, but it wasn’t about them.

    It was about Russia. While being delusional about “partnership” with the west under Yeltsin, the attack on Yugoslavia (Serbia really), was supposed to frighten the Russians. Yes, I know it’s deranged, but I am not the one that came up with the idea.

    Russia was supposed to be cowed while bullying the Serbs. The idea was that when the Russians saw what happened to Serbia they’re going to think: “We better not antagonize the Americans, because look how powerful they are, they can crush us too”. How brilliant is that? What can I say.

    Thank God it happened. I am sorry for the suffering of the Serbian brothers, but if the degenerates left the way the things were, say 4-5 more years of Yeltsin’s rule – Russia could well have been finished. But they couldn’t help themselves, they had to prove to the Russians how “tough” they are. As it was, the Russians realized that it’s time for Yeltsin to go, and that all that nonsense about “partnership” with the west is over. The attack on Serbia saved Russia, because it helped them dispel their illusions about whom they are really dealing in the west.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @annamaria
  191. Old Smokey 说:



    他们声称Kanye West是一个结局。

    至于剩下的呢? 是的,我认为你是对的。

  192. @Anon

    Unless you describe what you mean by Nazism slogans like this accomplish nothing.

  193. @onebornfree

    Not sure what is discussed here, but how Schacht resurrected Germany economically, there is nothing mysterious about it.
    It was just the unique situation of a very competent economist being in the position of doing anything he saw as useful.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
    , @Amon
  194. @jilles dykstra

    jilles dykstra 说: “Not sure what is discussed here, but how Schacht resurrected Germany economically, there is nothing mysterious about it.
    It was just the unique situation of a very competent economist being in the position of doing anything he saw as useful.
    He succeeded.”

    And so more of the same in the world is what is needed now right? .

    Some new alleged “economic genius” who knows how to run everyone else’s lives and businesses, and who knows where everyone should work, at what type of job, how much they should be paid, where they should live,what they should wear, what they are allowed to eat, who they can and cannot associate with, who they can buy/sell to etc. etc. etc. is what “we” all need, right ?

    Well all I can say to you is: “stupid is as stupid does”.

    And you my friend, are pretty frickin’ stupid and gullible if you believe the superficial, “lipstick on a pig” clap-trap about the wonders of the war economy of Hitler before and during WW2.

    But I’ll give you this, you are not lacking in equally moronic company here, and in the world in general.

    So you’re in “good” company regarding your complete ignorance of basic, fundamental, unchangeable laws of both human action and economics, so I am not really surprised by your foolish comment.


    The “good” news for yourself and all other “top down centrally planned economies work” retards both here and elsewhere, is that despite the overwhelming evidence both in recent history [e.g Venezuela, N. Korea], and further back in time [eg USSR, China, Germany], that more than amply demonstrates the utter failure and cost in human lives that inevitably result from all top down, centrally planned economies [ no matter what they are called], that that overwhelming evidence will be studiously ignored by both the ignorant hoi polloi who suffer under these systems yet do not fully realize it [and still vote for it], and by the scumbags who always scheme to rule over them all.

    I guess I can say that you yourself and the naive everywhere deserve what you’ll all unfailingly vote for and inevitably get – that is – far less economic and social freedom, which means: increased poverty and a generally lower standard of living, while at the same time you will all be continually brainwashed by your overlords into believing that you are all actually far better off 🙂 . You gotta love it!

    So, you want it, you get it, and truth be told, even if you don’t want it, you are gonna get it.

    And all I’ll probably get out of it all is a good laugh 🙂


  195. annamaria 说:

    “…the attack on Yugoslavia (Serbia really), was supposed to frighten the Russians. Yes, I know it’s deranged, but I am not the one that came up with the idea.”
    — This does not sound deranged at all. The destruction of Yugoslavia was the same gangster mentality in action, which gave the world the destruction of the Middle East and Ukraine.

  196. @onebornfree

    No idea what you’re trying to say
    Anyhow, Germans were quite happy in 1938:
    Kai S. Schreyber(Hrsg。),“ Warum wir ADOLF HITLERwählten,Jungwählervon 1933/38 berichten',2001年,基尔

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  197. @onebornfree

    @ 6 min: “An ideology is a conceptual framework to deal with reality . . . I found a flaw . . .in the model that I perceived to be a critical structure . . .” and I do not understand what happened.

    Because of that “flaw” in Alan Greenspan’s “conceptual framework,” the entire financial system crashed.

    NB Jews were prominent among those who made fortunes on the hyperinflation of Weimar; when Hitler and Hjalmar Schacht closed that door to exploiting the German people, and righted their economy in real time, and NOT by creating a ‘war economy,’ Jews like Louis Brandeis in league with other British and American financiers retaliated and destroyed a successful effort to create a sound economy good for the people.

    That you have to lie about the facts, BornFree, destroys your argument.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  198. annamaria 说:

    The unintelligent Intelligent Community was caught with their pants down: https://www.rt.com/news/448103-integrity-initiative-new-documents/

    The Integrity Initiative, a UK-funded group exposed in leaked files as psyop network, played a key role in monitoring and molding media narratives after the poisoning of double agent Sergei Skripal, newly-dumped documents reveal.

    Created by the NATO-affiliated, UK-funded Institute for Statecraft in 2015, the Integrity Initiative was unmasked in November after hackers released documents detailing a web of politicians, journalists, military personnel, scientists and academics involved in purportedly fighting “Russian disinformation.” …

    It was already known that Pablo Miller, the MI6 handler of Sergej Skripal, attended #IntegrityInitiative meetings. There is now more material to draw a connection. It is indeed possible that IfS/II initiated the [Skripals] affair.

  199. Amon 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Don’t waste your time on onebornfree, from his writing it is clear that he is an objectivist/libertarian. And they are the enemies of all humans and nations for they despise anything that keeps them from praying on others without restrictions.

    In their eyes, nations and governments are a problem that must be abolished and as such they wirk to undo the very cultures they benefit from.

    Yes, to be a libertarian/objectivist is to worship the jewish concepts of economics and morality that allows jews to steal, lie, cheat and destroy nations without feeling a shred of guilt.

    To them, the only value a fellow human has is the material wealth they can extract from them.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  200. @Amon

    Amon says:

    “Don’t waste your time on onebornfree, from his writing it is clear that he is an objectivist/libertarian. And they are the enemies of all humans and nations for they despise anything that keeps them from praying on others without restrictions. “

    Paraphrased : “Government very good, onebornfree very evil . Trust the government, it will protect us all from evil persons like onebornfree” .

    Ho, ho ho! 🙂 Love the clown comedy. Keep it coming!


  201. @jilles dykstra

    jilles dykstra 说: “Anyhow, Germans were quite happy in 1938:”

    Yup, I’ll bet they were ! “Happy happy happy!” 🙂

    This just in – they were “very happy” either because :

    1] they were bunch of morons, or…

    2] because they had no choice other than to appear to be happy, or to be “disappeared.”

    Probably a combination of the two, those scared into silent compliance who pretended to be happy, plus the naturally happy, moron sector of the society.

    “Not that there’s anything wrong with that”


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  202. @onebornfree

    The book is based on interviews held in the eighties with still living Germans who voted for Hitler in the thirties.
    But of course, you know better than they themselves how they then felt.
    Why is it so difficult to understand that reducing unemployment from six to one million on a population of some 44 million, ending street fights, and resurrecting Germany, made people happy ?
    Because all your life you have been brainwashed by quite other ideas, ideas you accepted despite knowing nothing about Germany since 1918 ?

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  203. https://www.bfmtv.com/politique/gilets-jaunes-macron-denonce-une-extreme-violence-venue-attaquer-la-republique-1605110.html
    Macron stating that the republic is attacked.
    He’s unable to understand that the French want their republic back.
    Never before in my life saw a revolution, insurrection, whatever, unfolding day by day.

    But, also never before lived in a world with so much stupidity, that is, unless before I did not notice the stupidity.
    Let me add that I never took the cold war seriously, forgot what USA magazine I was subscribed to at the time, with the USA USSR overkill statistics.

    Citizens of the EU member states have been ignored at least since the 2005 EU ‘constitution’, I expected violence since many years already.

  204. annamaria 说:

    The FBI has arrested a citizen of Russian Federation in Saipan for an 尝试 to “transfer military-grade equipment, such as night-vision rifle scopes and ammunition primers, to Russia between April and November 2013.” https://www.rt.com/news/448135-russian-citizens-arrests-us/

    What kind of idiots would punish someone for an 尝试t to transfer some “equipment,” thus inviting peoples’ attention to the innumerable cases of arms-trafficking involving the lawless US/EU governments and private war-profiteers? For example: https://armenianweekly.com/2017/07/11/the-u-s-and-europe-must-investigate-azerbaijani-shipments-of-weapons-to-terrorists/

    A stunning investigation by Bulgarian reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva revealed that Azerbaijan’s state-run Silk Way Airlines has shipped under diplomatic cover 350 planeloads of heavy weapons and ammunition to terrorist groups around the world in the last three years.

    Silk Way Airlines offered diplomatic flights to private companies and arms manufacturers from the US, the Balkans, and Israel, as well as to the militaries of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), and the military forces of Germany and Denmark in Afghanistan and of Sweden in Iraq. Diplomatic flights are exempt of checks, air bills, and taxes, meaning that Silk Way airplanes freely transported hundreds of tons of weapons to different locations around the world without regulation.

    More about the character of the US brass: http://www.voltairenet.org/article197144.html

    Over the last seven years, several billion dollars’ worth of armament has been illegally introduced into Syria … Numerous documents attest to the fact that the traffic was organised by General David Petraeus, first of all in public, via the CIA, of which he was the director, then privately, via the financial company KKR with the aid of certain senior civil servants.

  205. @jilles dykstra

    Jah! Sieg Heil comrade! 🙂


    • 回复: @byrresheim
  206. tac 说:

    Some good footage of Act VIII (in France):

  207. tac 说:

    An organic French movement ‘Gilets Jaunes’ spawned by the people, of the people and for the people.

    Why Do They Fear the Yellow Vest Movement? with Roman Light

    French site (that is considered as ‘conspiracy theorists’ website):


    the news against the lies of state, the disinformation of the journalism, the smears of the anti-propagandists (truth-tellers), the hypocrisy of the false rebels and the violence of the SJW scum, engage before it is too late: support the investigative journalism of Panamza !


    yellow vests in London:


  208. tac 说:

    [You have been repeatedly warned about cluttering up comment-threads with your endless, mostly vacuous Tweets. This is not a Tweet forum, and you would probably be happier elsewhere. Perhaps summarily trashing all your comments is the only way to dissuade you from your bad behavior.]

    Police use of excessive force on the Yellow Vests:


    • 回复: @tac
  209. tac 说:

    French Police pushing over a person walking with a cane:

  210. tac 说:

    [You have been repeatedly warned about cluttering up comment-threads with your endless, mostly vacuous Tweets. This is not a Tweet forum, and you would probably be happier elsewhere. Perhaps summarily trashing all your comments is the only way to dissuade you from your bad behavior.]


    I was almost done, but then I read your reply. I see you are against free speech.

    What may be vacuous to you may no be so to others here. These are events that have taken place and are on ON TOPIC! Why is it that this forum has issues with tweets, where it does not have any similar reservations against other methods? Where is it written anywhere on this forum not to use Twitter to post?

    Anyway, hope this gets posted and have a good day moderator.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  211. Biff 说:

    [e.g Venezuela, N. Korea],

    Lumping those two very different countries together is a sign of pure ignorance.

  212. byrresheim 说:

    Privatization is theft, privatization today is strictly about prioritizing money away from the commons and general welfare and giving it to the inbred 1% rent-seeking parasites …


  213. byrresheim 说:

    Dykstra is right. Your reaction shows that you know you are wrong.

    Either you acknowledge people’s motivations, erroneous though they may seem to you, or you just keep on repeating the propaganda you have been fed.

    Once you care for what people actually thought, the inconsistencies of the official version become blatantly obvious.


    That doesn’t even make the National Socialists look better one iot.

    It just makes their enemies look worse. A lot worse.

    That’s why it’s taboo.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  214. Reg Cæsar 说:
    @The Alarmist

    Many quotes are misattributed, but that one has to be the queen of them all.

  215. @SolontoCroesus

    Göbbels at the time of the hyperinflation worked for a bank, his first job.
    If this was a jewish bank, the biography does not mention it.
    Anyhow, he was aghast and furious that people existed who got rich profiting from the German misery.

  216. @obwandiyag




    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @jilles dykstra
  217. Sparkon 说:

    Tweets are ugly in the standard format of this forum, or anywhere beyond a phone. They take up a lot of space, and are as out of place and unwelcome here as the proverbial 你知道吗 in the punchbowl.

    If the content of the tweet is so important or valuable, please transcribe it into standard English, use the blockquote tag, and spare us the rest.

    You can tweet on your twitter to your heart’s content, just like all the other tweeting twits.

    Meanwhile, this is Ron’s house, and we are his guests. It is extremely discourteous dishonorable to ignore and defy our host’s simple request.

    • 同意: Zumbuddi
    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @tac
    , @tac
  218. @byrresheim

    “如果人们理解社会主义不是“分享财富”计划,而是实际上是巩固和控制财富的一种方法,那么超级富翁提倡社会主义的看似悖论根本就不会成为悖论。 相反,它变得合乎逻辑,甚至是寻求权力的完美工具。 共产主义,或者更确切地说是社会主义,不是被压倒群众的运动,而是经济精英的运动。”

    From “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” -Gary Allen


    • 回复: @onebornfree
  219. @onebornfree

    onebornfree said : “如果人们理解社会主义不是“分享财富”计划,而是实际上是巩固和控制财富的一种方法,那么超级富翁提倡社会主义的看似悖论根本就不会成为悖论。 相反,它变得合乎逻辑,甚至是寻求权力的完美工具。 共产主义,或者更确切地说是社会主义,不是被压倒群众的运动,而是经济精英的运动。”

    Pour example [ ‘scuse my French 🙂 ]:

    “Rich kid of Communism: Fidel Castro’s model grandson flashes his wealth and love of the high life on Instagram as he travels the world”:


    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  220. @onebornfree

    Canada and Australia are slightly more regulated and higher taxed than the US and the people have a higher standard of living.

    A Centralized economy does not work. True enough.

    But I could list various non-socialist countries where the cut-throat capitalism makes Wall Street pale by comparison-India, Philippines etc.

    These countries are also horrendously poor.

  221. Anonymous[297]• 免责声明 说:

    Tac’s tweets are relevant and we all have to scroll over onebornfree’s contributions – honourable, or not.

  222. annamaria 说:

    Unraveling: “The Steele Dossier Was Planned As Hillary’s Insurance Policy” by Larry O’Connor https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-05/steele-dossier-was-planned-hillarys-insurance-policy

    Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent who worked for Fusion GPS and was hired with Clinton campaign cash to create his now-infamous Russian “dossier,” told a British court that he was not hired to thwart Mr. Trump’s chances to win but to undermine the legitimacy of his presidency should he win.

    “Fusion’s immediate client was law firm Perkins Coie. It engaged Fusion to obtain information necessary for Perkins Coie LLP to provide legal advice on the potential impact of Russian involvement on the legal validity of the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election,” Mr. Steele wrote in an answer to legal interrogatories.

    “基于该建议,诸如民主党全国委员会和HFACC Inc.(也称为“美国希拉里”)之类的政党可以考虑他们在法律上有权采取的步骤,以质疑该选举结果的有效性。”

    Considering that Schumer and Schiff are at the helm of the Dems, nothing will happen to the violators of the US Constitution and colluders with a foreign power, which have attempted to undermine the democratic process in the US.

  223. annamaria 说:

    The thoroughly zionized US Senat has the Jewish State on its collective mind – and zero concern for the American citizens and American interests: https://www.rt.com/usa/448190-us-senate-israel-boycott-law/

    …the first piece of legislation to be rolled out by the 2019 GOP-controlled Senate will give the US government the authority to cut ties with companies that choose to boycott Israel. …

    The boycott-banning legislation has apparently taken precedence over the ongoing government shutdown – already the third-longest on record, shuttering nine departments and leaving hundreds of thousands of government workers without paychecks.

    The senators pretend that they have never ever heard about the First Amendment of the US Consitution. Traitors.

  224. @redmudhooch

    共产主义是社会主义。 国家拥有一切。 但是共产党拥有或经营一切。 获利的只是另一种形式的资本家。 苏联早期的共产党员中犹太人占70%。 有趣的是,在第一次世界大战期间,美国、英国、加拿大、法国甚至德国的资本家如何秘密地将列宁和托洛茨基偷运到圣彼得堡进行布尔什维克革命。 犹太银行家制定并协助走私列宁和托洛茨基到俄罗斯,甚至招募上述国家的政府的几率是多少?

  225. Mark T 说:


  226. tac 说:

    I do really want to be polite and follow the rules as Ron has outlined …. however, there is NOTHING that I can see set forth by Ron that seems to discourage Tweets …. anyway they are relevant (if you click the blue tweet bird, a new window will open to display the contents without interfering with what you already have) in that I try to post videos that are short (under a minute in most cases) that are relevant to what is happening.

    Please reply with some advice if I am mistaken, I wish not to be a thorn in anyone’s back, but these short videos are not available in other formats–in most cases …. so what to do then? That is my only intention …. to inform.

    Please forgive me if I may seem combative at times, but that is simply my misunderstanding of what the general good practices are …. am still waiting for ANYONE to point me to an rule set out by Ron Unz which states Tweets should be kept to a minimum or not posted altogether …. can ANYONE point me to such a guideline?

    Please, feel free to reply and post any of your frustration in the interim …. I’ll do what I can to disuade your fear of this modern format to the extent possible …. again, please provide sincere feedback and we can discuss what can be done for most of us so that most of us have a concencus.

    I do realize that some of you may be ordinarily used to is quite uncomfortable to some here, but so be it! Life does not pander to one’s wishes as to what one’s vision is of the world. TOUGH! Sorry to break it to you.

    Nonetheless, please provide feedback and I shall consider your concerns…..sincerely!

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  227. tac 说:


    I must be frank and say that I am very disappointment with your agreement with Sparkon. You are very much entitled to you say your true thoughts–which I wholeheartedly respect.

    If that is your POV then please refrain from asking anymore info/material from me. Being disappointed is noting new to me, but it is certainly being enjoyed by a certain few.

    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
  228. As I stated before, day by day one sees, that is, I see, the conflict in France escalating.
    Durcir le ton = tougher words, the forces de l’ordre, police etc, have the monopoly on force, on violence, whatever translation one likes.

    Not just some advisors left Macron, some seven of his cabinet ministers openly state that ‘le grand debat national’, the big, or great, national debate, will not solve anyhting.
    What will be debated, nobody seems to have a clue, and already now half the French expect that the government will do nothing with possible results of this debate.
    And so, in my opinion, France is moving towards insurrection.

    Pétain in 1945 saved France by stepping down.
    Macron still has the opportunity to enter history as the man who also saved France, I do not expect him to use the opportunity while it still exists.

    • 回复: @Robjil
  229. @Leon Haller

    The issue is if these immigrants can be assimilated, I’m beginning to think they cannot.

  230. Robjil 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Goethe’s novel “The sorrows of Young Werther”, published in 1774, was a very popular novel for many young people all over Europe of that time. Many young men in Europe copied the young Werther of this novel by wearing blue frock coats and yellow vests. Some committed suicide like Werther did in the novel. It is very ironic that the meme of the yellow vests comes again in history. This time for a more serious theme.

    Some articles about the young Werther cult.




    The American Revolution happened only two years after this popular yellow vest cult of young Werther. The French Revolution happened fifteen years later. I think this time the French can’t wait so long. A few months might be all it takes to get a new government in France.

  231. Sparkon 说:

    however, there is NOTHING that I can see set forth by Ron that seems to discourage Tweets

    The moderator’s exact words to you were:

    This is not a Tweet forum.


  232. Zumbuddi 说:

    It’s nothing personal, tac; don’t go all snowflakey.
    On Unz Forum, let’s maintain that Trigger is a horse.

    IMO Tweets are stupid, concocted by our masters to further dumb us down. I won’t play, their game.


    BTW, Robjil — brilliant your mention of Young Werther. Thanks.

    • 回复: @tac
  233. annamaria 说:

    Treason from within. Russia-gate: https://consortiumnews.com/2019/01/07/a-look-back-at-clappers-jan-2017-assessment-on-russia-gate/

    …the Defense Intelligence Agency opinion should have been included [in the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA.)]

    But it was not because…

    Just one year before Clapper decided to do the rump “Intelligence Community Assessment,” DIA had formally blessed the following heterodox idea in its “December 2015 National Security Strategy”:


    对于为何国防情报局不参与 ICA 起草工作还有其他疑问吗?

  234. https://www.bfmtv.com/economie/le-credit-mutuel-lance-une-enquete-sur-la-legalite-de-la-cagnotte-du-boxeur-1606438.html
    Crowd funding for a man who resisted a policeman during a Yellow Vest demonstration stopped by the bank and the French organisation that organises crowd funding.
    This in a country where the government says the demonstrators threaten the republic and the democracy.
    The last time, as far as I know, a government ordered to fire on its own citizens was in tsarist times.
    Will it happen again in 2019 France ?

    • 回复: @annamaria
  235. annamaria 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    采样: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-07/france-free-fall

    Benjamin Griveaux, the government spokesman sent a tweet saying that the “yellow vests” were “coward[s], racist[s], anti-Semitic”, and of the type that stages coups. Earlier, he had said that whatever happens, Macron would not “change course”.

    Losing face — and honor — for globalists:

    Macron promised to open a “national debate” and announced the need to review the rules for immigration. However, at the time Macron was speaking, one of his emissaries was in Morocco on behalf of France to sign the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, which defines immigration as “beneficial” for the host countries. …

    A group of retired generals published an open letter, saying that signing the Global Compact was a further step towards “the abandonment of national sovereignty” and noted that “80% of the French population think that immigration must be halted or regulated drastically”. “In deciding alone to sign this pact,” the generals wrote, “… You are guilty of a denial of democracy, even treason, with respect the nation”.

    The Minister of Defense, Florence Parly, said that the generals’ letter was “inadmissible and unworthy”, but did not dispute the arguments it set forth. Again, Macron said nothing.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  236. @annamaria






    • 回复: @annamaria
  237. tac 说:



    我已经提到我是一个非常忙碌的人,因此没有足够的时间在这里专职搜索文章和评论。 但是,由于分配给我大量的时间来制作这种材料,所以我试图用足够的时间发布高质量的研究材料。 但是无论我有什么时间,我都会尽力而为。

    通过格言,查克兄弟宣称:“不要相信任何人”——这是我在自己的旅程中发现的智慧的巅峰! 因此,因此,我认为这是我自己在许多学科(传统思维现在至少会因重新审视过去的概念而获得的学科)进行任何研究的研究中的指导原则。 但是,时间限制无疑会在其最终结果中产生不同程度的物质–请牢记这些限制,以及没有人向我提供资金,也没有我寻求物质补偿的事实,甚至都不向罗恩·恩兹(Ron Unz)求助。 不,实际上,我这样做是无偿的,但不是出于大多数人会想到的原因。 的确,当我——或你们中的任何一个人应该花一点时间凝视你自己后代(孩子、孙辈或任何其他相关的年轻人)熟悉的面孔时,你会不会对他们感到极度痛苦?你交给他们的命运最终会变成???


    I confess at my unmitigated shame, disconcert and uncompromising determination to make a difference when contemplating such thoughts. When your own descendants have their fortunes borrowed (stolen usurped) away without their consent and indebted to the point where they will remain perpetual slaves in repayment thereof while carelessly wasting these debt ‘printed $$$ out of nothing’–in essence enslaving/raping your own descendants and then forcing them into servitude–all the while killing and maiming innocent peoples in the ME–ALL in the very interest of a foreign entity that has on compunction in using its host, merely as a condom, for mere pleasure, to gain a climax, all the while discarding this host at the very instant it is done climaxing.

    现在,仅在Twitter帖子中进行筛选(主要是由于其纯粹的帖子数量),这成为一项非常耗时的任务,只是查找一些有用的信息。 话虽如此……然后与始终准备好并且愿意抹黑任何不利于其宣传的信息的巨魔作战-不管其准确性如何,然后与“主持人”争执,他们只是-对所提交的材料一无所知在所有这些之后,一个人的职位仅仅是“空缺”或其他一些相关的分类。 最后一根稻草将被送给一些评论员,而​​他在自己的椅子上舒服的时候突然决定以自以为是的,愤怒的tri讽来回应,这仅仅是因为他/她似乎突然间仅具有某种道德上的顿悟。被公义地交付到一个无意识的简单卢布上。 哦,这不舒服!!!

    好吧,哦,这是公义的,您可能会说:“拧紧您的时间和精力……不,谢谢您……这让我最烦恼的是……这太愚蠢了……因为这些东西,这些简单的东西和我整个时间的浪费”! !! 拧你的TAC!

    哇,…谢谢评论员。 雅…这是怎么回事,如果啊,scrollll barrrr,永远都可以??? INGENGIOUS! 一定要利用它...如果dat不打扰,请尝试使用IGNORE函数(x)–>(y)…guud far yu呢? 解决问题,不是吗?

    一直以来,法国工人阶级似乎都消失了-在一周中牺牲了一个周末,他们只是为了微薄的收入而工作-以某种方式设法相遇……。 尽管如此,连续八周(包括最“神圣的”假期)仍在进行中……。您/您为“原因”牺牲了多少个连续的天/周????

    在这里,我没有注意到一点,我已经从法国新闻网站上(在这个站点上)发布了马克龙政权所处的完整的“绝望”情况。可能一次使人群的足球丧失能力)。 在英国的任何媒体都掌握并出版此书之前大约一周就出现了。

    Why is this, one may ask….why a gov’t would distribute a weapon of last resorts to is most trusted Police, it these demostrations were simply about the simple grievances attributed to the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests)? There is a hell of A LOT that many of you are missing (which could be useful in America–should y’all decide to START)

    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
  238. annamaria 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    Ramin Mazaheri’s take on the current situation in France: http://thesaker.is/is-this-a-yellow-vest-spring-a-eurozone-spring-or-just-holiday-related-stress-relief/

    The Yellow Vests can’t die, because they have nowhere else to go … nobody has listened to the will of the French People in years…

    … Macron’s party was created and elected to destroy the two mainstream parties. It did. But Macron’s party is still an undeniable failure in the eyes of the French people – this is mainly because it was always fabrication of the 1% and not a genuine “populist” movement.

    … his main offer, 100 euros more to the monthly minimum wage, implicitly implied that he incorrectly views the Yellow Vests as merely the poorest of the poor – he [Macron] doesn’t get it that 75% of France supports the movement because the Yellow Vests are middle class too. Austerity has accumulated to the point where a middle-class person in France has zero stability…

  239. Anonymous [AKA "Batan Kat"] 说:

    We need socialism by owning commonly all income generating activities and resources inorder to have economic equality for all thus to create a justice to society

  240. @jilles dykstra

    Would you care to make your agreement with annamaria about the centrality of Kosovo’s coal, lead, zinc, cadmium, gold and silver credible by giving the figures for production and sales and any efforts to exploit these resources in the last 25 years which have been attempted unsuccessfully?

  241. Alfa158 说:

    I can’t get over the inability of this guy to read simple English . I thought English was the main common language in Nigeria.
    He keeps writing descriptions of the beliefs of the movement represented on this website that are 180 degrees out from the actual beliefs.
    He seems to be stuck on the fallacy that our politics are an amalgam of Jeb Bush, Ayn Rand and William F. Buckley.
    Goes to show you, learning a White European language doesn’t raise your IQ to European levels.
    Or is this Tiny Duck using a different moniker? Maybe he should throw in a note about how much White women crave him so we can solve the mystery.



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