 完整档案凯文·巴雷特(Kevin Barrett)播客
巴里·兹维克(Barrie Zwicker)18/9周年11周年历史回顾

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巴里·兹维克(Barrie Zwicker), an independent documentary producer, writer, and political activist, was one of the earliest voices of the 9/11 truth movement—and remains one of the most influential. In this interview we discuss the run-up to the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 false flag event, which Barrie sees as not entirely atypical of the way the USA has always gone to war based on outrageous lies. Since the big lies that stampeded public support for other wars are well-known (fake Mexican invasion in 1846, self-inflicted bombing of the USS Maine in 1898, orchestrated Lusitania sinking and phony Zimmerman telegram pre-WW1, eight-point-planned Pearl Harbor treason pre-WW2, Gulf of Tonkin Non-Incident pre-Vietnam, Kuwaiti baby incubator hoax pre-Gulf War 1, etc. etc.) we discuss the lesser-known case of the lies surrounding the Korean War, among other 9/11-related topics.

Barrie Zwicker was the first mainstream television journalist in the world to deeply question the official 9/11 story. He became a director of the International Citizens’ Inquiry Into 9/11, Phase 2, at the University of Toronto in May of 2004. Widely published and broadcast in the mainstream prior to being blacklisted for his work on 9/11, Barrie has since published Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11 and made the films The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw (2005) 不可能的崩溃:我们共和国的毁灭 (2006)和 The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream (2004)。

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• 类别: 对外政策, 创办缘起 •标签: 9/11, 美国媒体, 阴谋论 


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