 完整档案凯文·巴雷特(Kevin Barrett)播客
与 Press TV 和 Richie Allen 讨论中东、乌克兰等地

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First 25 minutes: Audio of my Press TV interview (with Brian Terrell) “Saudis ‘Normalize’ Their Betrayal of Palestine设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

Final half hour: Legendary alternative radio host 里奇·艾伦(Richie Allen) interviews me on the Ukraine war and more.

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  1. There’s a reason the radio show of the great Irishman Richie Allen is the highest rated/most listened to independently produced programme in Europe.
    Richie is a real journalist, a fearless truth teller, who’s not beholden to anyone and as objective as you’re ever likely to encounter.

    Always a treat listening to his interviews of Dr Kevin Barrett.

    • 同意: JWalters
    • 回复: @Kevin Barrett
  2. @Truth Vigilante

    I agree that Richie is the best talk radio host in the business. He’s fearless, well-informed, open to new perspectives, and easy on the ear.

  3. The Press TV segment was Kevin Barrett at absolutely polished professional best.

    • 同意: JWalters
  4. JWalters 说:

    As usual, Kevin nails it. It seems to me the weak spot in Brian Terrell’s analysis is that he does not address the Coordination Question. How does this vast myriad of supposedly independent reporters, pundits, politicians, and tech companies all cover up the same facts and tell the same lies in perfect unison? Nature is very varied, and human beings are extremely varied. This vast uniformity of “error” cannot possibly be due to random, chance variation. All these lockstep liars must be part of the same disinformation phenomenon. That is, they must all be part of the same disinformation operation, and coordinated by a controlling center.

    So who is that controlling center?





    A compact history of this empire is in 战争暴利的故事

    Somehow Americans must learn that TV news is totally controlled, effectively totalitarian. All real reporters have been fired or fled, and now work in the internet news world. People need to abandon their cable news service, and run an HDMI cable from their laptop to their big screen.

  5. R2b 说:

    然而,恰恰相反; 勇气、坦白和诚实,才是能拯救世界的东西。
    现在我们有了一个战争机器,它巧妙地被 Nudelman/Kagan 加入(不是双关语),吃掉年轻的乌克兰男人。
    它确实是 Sabbatean-Frankist,因此是卡巴拉。

  6. nickels 说:

    Been a while since I’ve listening to Richie- he is so awesome.
    He does seem to be ignorant of the fact that the UkiNazis had amassed an invasion force on the donbass and Crimea tho.



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