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前言 •300字







第一版(1870 年)序言 •2,300字

“东方国家的天才,”一位受人尊敬的权威人士说,“从最早的时候起,就非常注重发明和对小说的热爱。印度人、波斯人和阿拉伯人都因寓言而闻名。在古希腊人中,我们听说过爱奥尼亚和米利都的故事,但它们现在已经消失了,而且从我们听到的每一个叙述来看,它们似乎都是松散和不雅的。”同样,古典词典将“Milesiae fabulae”定义为“淫荡的主题”、“爱情或欢乐的故事”或“荒唐和不雅的戏剧”。德里格先生似乎确实将它们与艺术水粉画的“时光”混为一谈,他说:“une de ces fables Mileiennes, rehaussees de peintures, que la Corruption Romaine Recherchait alors avec une folle ardeur”。

我的朋友理查德·查诺克先生(FASL)更正确地将米利都寓言定义为“由米利都的阿里斯蒂德斯创作的某些故事或小说”;物质上快乐,举止上优雅。 “它们被阿提库斯的朋友、历史学家西塞纳翻译成拉丁文,并在罗马取得了巨大成功。普鲁塔克在他的克拉苏传记中告诉我们,卡赫斯(Carhes?)战败后,在罗马囚犯的行李中发现了一些米利西亚人。希腊文本;拉丁文译本早已失传。唯一幸存的寓言是丘比特和普赛克的故事,[1]《Metamorphoseon》,来自 Asino Aureo,图书 Xl。众所周知且美丽的情节出现在第四本书、第五本书和第六本书中。 阿普列乌斯称之为‘Milesius sermo’,这让我们对其他人的失踪深感遗憾。”除此之外,还有阿波罗多洛斯和科农的遗骸,以及保萨尼亚斯、雅典娜和学者们的一些痕迹。

因此,我不同意布莱尔、字典或德里奇先生的观点。米利都是亚洲爱奥尼亚的伟大海上城市,自古以来就是东西方的交汇地。在这里,来自波罗的海的腓尼基商人会遇到从Extra、Gangem 流浪到Intra 的印度教徒;海珀波利亚号将与努比亚号和埃塞奥普号并肩登上海岸。本书是为当时的文明世界而制作和出版的,是真正的东方寓言、神话和故事的结合,通过有趣的叙述和浪漫的冒险,暗示着道德或人性的教训,而这些教训是我们今天必须经常学习的。无法察觉漂移。阿普列乌斯的书(在引用之前)与拉伯雷一样,都受到许多深奥含义的发现。至于米利都寓言的放荡,这种半文明的标志仍然存在于大多数我们称之为“轻文学”的东方书籍中,而祖先的讲故事者从来没有收集过比他讲述故事时更多的铜钱。他的“aurei”中最糟糕的。但这种因性别分离而产生的松散是偶然的,而非必然的。下面的文集将表明,它是可以省去的,并且印度教文学中存在相对纯洁性这样的东西。事实上,作者几乎总是不厌其烦地为他的男女主人公结婚,如果他找不到牧师,他通常会采用一种极其左撇子和喀里多尼亚但合法的仪式,称为“gandharbavivaha”。[2]这个仪式将在以后的页面中解释。=










“我的母亲啊![3]悲伤、惊讶、恐惧和其他情绪的常见感叹词。它特别被女性使用。 这是什么?结婚的时候要有屁股!这是多么悲惨的事情啊!什么!他会把那个天使般的女孩嫁给一头驴子吗?”


听到驴子这样说梵文,因为人们从来不知道驴子能用这种古典语言说话,人们的思想都改变了,他们承认,虽然他有驴形,但毫无疑问是因陀罗的儿子。于是,国王将女儿许配给他。[4]引自塞兰波尔的 William Ward 对印度人的看法(第 25 卷)。 这种变形带来了许多不幸和奇怪的事件,直到作者手中的命运使英雄恢复到他以前的样子和荣誉。

干达巴色那(Gandharba-Sena)是一位准历史人物,他生活在基督教纪元之前的一个世纪。因此,这个故事有足够的时间传到了出生于公元 130 年、博学的非洲阿普列乌斯的耳中。

拜塔尔-帕奇西 (Baital-Pachisi),或二十五个(拜塔尔的故事)[5]梵文为 Vetala-pancha-Vinshati。 “Baital”是“Vetala”的现代形式。——使尸体复活的吸血鬼或邪灵——是一个古老而彻底的印度教剧目。这是虚构历史的粗鲁开端,后来逐渐成熟为《一千零一夜》的娱乐,在薄伽丘的天才培育下,产生了侠义时代的浪漫,及其最后的发展,即小说——现代的散文史诗。欧洲。

它以梵语(“众神的语言”,又名印度拉丁语)创作,已被翻译成大半岛的所有土语或方言和现代方言。它之所以没有得到穆斯林的青睐,无疑是因为它弥漫着高度的多神教精神。此外,《忠实者》已经有了这种作曲风格的样本。这就是《Hitopadesa》(《朋友的建议》),引言中的一行告诉我们,它是从一本较旧的书《Panchatantra》(《五章》)借来的。这是由一位名叫毗湿奴·夏尔马 (Vishnu Sharma) 的博学婆罗门背诵的辩护文集,旨在启迪他的学生(印度王公的儿子)。它们已被改编或翻译成多种语言,特别是佩尔维语和波斯语、叙利亚语和土耳其语、希腊语和拉丁语、希伯来语和阿拉伯语。正如皮尔佩寓言那样,[6]阿拉伯语为 Badpai el Hakim。 欧洲文学家普遍知道,至少是名字。伏尔泰评论道,[7]哲学词典 sub v.“次经”。 “我们对地球的事实反思已经到来,对人类流派的教育也随之而来,皮尔佩、​​洛克曼、埃索普的寓言故事也随之而来。”这些故事虽然相互独立,但却通过人工手段(用线穿过珍珠)串在一起,显然是《十日谈》的前身。一位现代意大利评论家将现在的古典小说描述为一百本小说的合集,薄伽丘据信在那不勒斯乔安娜王后的宫廷上朗读过这些小说,后来他又将这些小说按照最简单和最简单的方式整理在一起。巧妙的设计。但伟大的佛罗伦萨人既没有发明他的故事,也没有发明他的“情节”(如果我们可以这样称呼的话)。他在十四世纪中叶(1344-8)写作,当时西方从东方借了很多东西,押韵[8]我并不是说在伊斯兰时代之前不知道押韵,而是阿拉伯人在南欧普及了协和音和协和音。 还有浪漫、琵琶和鼓、炼金术和游侠。正如东方学家所熟知的那样,许多“小说”至今仍被波斯和中亚的流浪故事讲述者、吟游诗人和狂想曲家几乎按文本演唱和背诵。

伟大的刹帝利,(士兵)国王维克拉玛底亚,[9]“Vikrama”的意思是“勇敢”或“英勇”。 或维克拉玛卡(Vikramarka),意思是“英雄主义的太阳”,在印度扮演亚瑟王和更西边的哈伦·拉希德(Harun al-Rashid)的角色。他是一个半历史人物。他是驴干达巴塞那的儿子和达拉国王的女儿,他的父亲许诺他拥有一千头雄象的力量。当他的父亲去世后,他的祖父因陀罗神决定不让这个婴儿出生,他的母亲因此自杀。但悲惨的事件适时发生在第九个月,维克拉姆独自来到这个世界,并被带到因陀罗那里,因陀罗怜悯并收养了他,并给了他良好的教育。


Mayura 种族的最后一位统治者是 Raja-pal,统治了 318 年。他统治了 25 年,但他的国家却被来自库马翁高地的国王沙卡蒂亚 (Shakaditya) 入侵。维克拉玛蒂亚在位第十四年,假装拥护王王的事业,攻击并摧毁了沙卡蒂亚,并登上了德里的王位。他的首都是阿凡提(Avanti),或称乌贾亚尼(Ujjayani),即现代的乌贾因(Ujjain)。它长 13 科斯(26 英里),宽 18 英里,面积 468 平方英里,在印度历史上不过是小事一桩。他通过战胜这一令人敬畏的种族而获得了“沙卡里”(Shakari)的称号,即“沙卡人”、“萨卡埃”或“斯基泰人”的敌人。在卡利时代(Kali Yug)或铁器时代,他作为学习的守护神在印度教国王中地位最高。在他的资助下,有九个人被称为“科学九宝石”,在印度享有与希腊七智者同等的光荣地位。

这些博学的人用十八种原始方言写了作品,印度教徒说,地球上所有的语言都是从这些方言衍生出来的。[10]塞兰波尔的沃德先生无法引用这十八种语言中超过九种的名字,即:梵语、俗语、龙语、派萨查语、干达巴语、罗刹语、阿达摩伽迪语、阿帕语和密集语——其中大多数是不同语系的语言神话般的存在。然而,他告诉我们,对这些方言的描述可以在《Pingala》一书中找到。 丹万塔里 (Dhanwantari) 在医学和咒语方面启发了世界。刹波那卡(Kshapanaka)处理主要元素。阿马拉-辛哈编纂了一本梵文词典和一部哲学论文。 Shankubetalabhatta 撰写了评论,而 Ghatakarpara 则发表了一部没什么大价值的诗作。 Mihira 的书没有被提及。瓦拉哈创作了两本占星学著作和一本算术著作。巴拉鲁奇对语法进行了一些改进,对咒语进行了评论,并写了一首赞美马达瓦国王的诗。

但在所有受惠者中,最著名的是迦梨陀娑。他的两部戏剧《萨昆塔拉》[11]由 Wm 爵士翻译。琼斯,1789;威廉姆斯教授,1856 年。 还有维克拉姆和乌尔瓦西,[12]由 HH Wilson 教授翻译。 已经降临到我们的时代;除此之外,他还创作了一首关于季节的诗、一部关于天文学的著作、一本关于诸神的诗意历史以及许多其他书籍。[13]这个时代对学者来说是有利的。维克拉玛蒂亚在世时,另一位国王玛格哈 (Magha) 命人写了一首以他的名字命名的诗,据说每写一首诗,他都会向学者们支付一块金币,总计 5,280 升。那些日子,早于《失乐园》的日子。大约在同一时期,第三任国王卡纳塔因赞助在维克拉姆宫廷中获得荣誉的学者而闻名。几乎同时代的诗人达瓦卡(Dhavaka)从国王什里哈沙(Shriharsha)那里收到了 10,000 升的华丽礼物。一首名为《Ratna-Mala》的诗。

Vikramaditya 建立了 Sambat 时代,可追溯到公元 56 年。在经历了漫长、幸福和辉煌的统治之后,他在与 Pratisthana 国王 Shalivahana 的战争中丧生。这位君主还留下了一个名为“Shaka”的时代,从公元 78 年开始。即使是现在,印度教徒仍使用它来记录他们的出生、婚姻和类似的场合。

维克拉玛蒂亚国王由他年幼的儿子维克拉玛-塞纳继承,父子在位长达 93 年。最后,后者被一位名叫萨穆德拉帕拉 (Samudra-pala) 的奉献者取代,他以神奇的方式进入了他的身体。篡位者在位24年零2个月,德里王位继续掌握在他的十六位继承者手中,他们在位641年零3个月。最后一位维克拉玛帕拉 (Vikrama-pala) 在战斗中被瓦哈拉那国王提拉卡旃陀罗 (Tilaka-chandra) 杀死[14]中尉。威尔福德支持这样的理论:有八位维克拉玛蒂亚,其中最后一位创立了这个时代。欲了解更多详情,好奇的读者可以查阅 Lassen 的 Anthologia 和 HH Wilson 教授的 Vikram (New), As 论文。红色..九。 117..

这些印度教故事中的文字并没有被原封不动地保留下来。例如,关于猫变成老虎的问题,是从比高尔离家更近的一所大学的学习宝石中提出的。同样,博学且仍然活着的主教。 Gaume (Traite du Saint-Esprit, p.. 81) 与卡梅里乌斯一样相信蛇咬女人而不是男人。他引用了(第 192 页)Cornelius a Lapide,他告诉我们豹子是母狮与鬣狗或吟游诗人的产物。




多佛考特的罗伯特·巴格肖 (Robert Bagshaw)


介绍 •11,600字


然后他告诉我们勇敢者维克拉玛蒂亚 (Vikramaditya) 如何成为乌贾亚尼 (Ujjayani) 的国王。


维克拉姆是老国王甘达尔巴-塞纳的次子,除了他变成了一头驴子、娶了四位王后,并生了六个儿子之外,他对后世没有什么好感。 。碰巧的是,父亲不久就去世了。随后,他的长子香克(Shank)继承了王位,并立即被他的“蝎子”维克拉姆(Vikram)谋杀,维克拉姆是接下来几页的英雄。[15]历史告诉我们另一个故事。因陀罗神和陀罗王将王国赐给了甘达尔巴塞纳的另一个女仆所生的儿子巴塔里哈里。兄弟俩住在一起有一段时间。但不久他们就吵起来了。维克拉姆被法庭解雇,赤贫地四处漂泊,一度受雇于古泽拉特一位商人的仆人。最后,巴塔里·哈里因为他深爱的妻子的不忠而对这个世界感到厌恶,成为一名宗教信徒,并让王国听天由命。在旅途中,维克拉姆来到了乌贾亚尼,发现它没有头,于是他夺取了主权。他的统治十分辉煌,用武力征服了乌特卡拉、万加、库奇巴哈尔、古泽拉特、索姆纳特、德里和其他地方。直到他被沙利瓦汉征服并杀死。


步骤,[16]沃德先生说,这些话可以在 Mrityungaya 编撰的《印度教历史》中找到。 这位历史学家说,他认为达到宏伟顶峰的是:

老国王称他的两个孙子为巴塔里·哈里和维克拉玛蒂亚,并就他们未来的学习给了他们很好的建议。他们被告知要掌握一切,以某种方式在任何事情上都不会成功。他们努力学习语法、圣经和所有宗教科学。他们要熟悉军事战术、国际法、音乐、骑马和大象(尤其是大象)、战车的驾驶,以及大刀、弓和莫格达或印第安棍棒的使用。命其善各种游戏,善跳跃、善跑、善围城、善阵破阵,他们要努力在每一项王子品质上都表现出色,要狡猾地确定敌人的力量,如何发动战争,进行旅行,坐在贵族面前,区分问题的不同方面,结成联盟,区分无辜者和有罪者,对恶人给予适当的惩罚,以完全公正的方式行使权力,并保持自由。男孩们随后被送到学校,并受到优秀老师的照顾,在那里他们真正出名了。在学生时代,长子被允许拥有了解王室事务所需的一切权力,直到在这些准备步骤中他让他的臣民完全满意,臣民对他的行为表示高度认可之前,他才被授予王室职务。 。

两兄弟经常讨论国王的职责,伟大的维克拉玛蒂亚向伟大的巴塔里哈里提出了以下宝贵的建议[17]因此,国王的这些职责被规定在《Rajtarangini》中。显然,正如 HH Wilson 教授所说,王室地位绝不是一个闲职。但这些规则显然是一些迂腐、教条的婆罗门的私下工作,向国王传授王道。他不是向下级法官下达指令,而是向作为首席法官的拉贾下达指令,并通过他向所有被任命执行司法工作的人下达指令。:

“正如因陀罗在四个雨月期间使大地充满水一样,国王应该用金钱补充他的国库。正如太阳在温暖地球八个月后不会将其烤焦一样,国王在从人民那里获取收入时也不应该压迫他们。风如风,环绕万物,故王应以其将士及奸细,悉知全体人民的事事情况。正如阎摩不偏不倚地审判人们并惩罚有罪的人一样,国王也应该不偏不倚地惩罚所有违法者。正如水的摄政王伐楼那(Varuna)用他的帕夏(pasha)或神圣的绞索束缚他的敌人一样,让国王将每一个罪犯安全地束缚在监狱里。作为钱德拉,[18]卢纳斯,不是卢娜。 月亮以其令人欢呼的光芒给所有人带来欢乐,因此国王应该通过礼物和慷慨使他的人民幸福。正如普里特维(Prithwi),大地,同样地支撑着所有人,国王也应该对每个人都怀有同样的爱和宽容。”

成为君主后,维克拉姆深入思考了有关君主的说法:“国王是火和空气;他既是太阳又是月亮;他是刑事司法之神;他是财富天才;他是水的摄政王;他是穹苍的主宰;他是一位以人形出现的强大神灵。”他满意地反思,经典使他成为绝对的,将所有臣民的生命和财产留给他任意的意志,宣布他是神灵的化身,并威胁要以死刑惩罚,即使是有损他荣誉的想法。 。





在第二次桑迪亚之前,[20]印度教徒有三个休息日——早晨、中午和日落;这三个时间都是祈祷的时间。 或者中午,大约在三更开始时,他在自己的私人房间里念诵诸神的名字,沐浴并开斋。吃完饭站起来后,他被歌手和舞女逗乐了。现在,白天的工作变得轻松了。吃完饭后,他就退休了,重复着他的守护神的名字,参观了寺庙,向神灵致敬,与祭司交谈,然后开始接受和分发礼物。第五,他与部长和议员讨论了政治问题。







这座大都市戒备森严,给养充足,环绕着皇宫​​,这是一座内外都高贵的建筑。那里似乎体现了宏伟,而繁荣则将其据为己有。从露台和游乐亭望去,近处的地面是岩石与山脉、平原与山谷、田野与休耕、晶莹的湖泊与波光粼粼的溪流完美地融合在一起。蜿蜒的拉瓦那河岸边长满了草地,草地上的牧草因晨露而呈珍珠般的光泽,为神圣的牛提供了最好的草料,并且点缀着芳香四溢的菩提树、罗望子树和圣无花果树:维克拉姆在一个地方种植了 100,000 株无花果树。一个果园,并将它们送给了他的精神顾问。河谷将溪流与森林生长带隔开,森林生长带一直延伸到山脉,丛林密密麻麻,密密麻麻,到处都是开垦者村庄的空地。在它的后面,升起了另一个小山脉,树木茂盛,灌木丛较低,空气已经蔚蓝,而在背景中,一座又一座的山脉高耸入云,这里突然上升到点和山峰,那里呈斜坡状或墙状,陡峭的下降,一切都是浅蓝色的,装饰着银色和金色的荣耀。

统治几年后,勇敢的维克拉姆发现自己已经三十岁了,是一个稳重而清醒的中年男子,他与几个妻子生了几个儿子——女儿在印度是微不足道的,他对近亲有一些父爱。一切——当然,除了他的长子,这个年轻人的举止似乎就好像他有继承权一样。事实上,国王似乎在乌贾亚尼 (Ujjayani) 定居了一辈子,突然他想到:“我必须访问那些我曾听说过的国家。”事实上,他决心乔装打扮,探查所有敌人的土地,并找到最好的方法来对抗他强大的军队。


现在我们了解巴塔里·拉贾 (Bhartari Raja) 如何成为乌贾亚尼 (Ujjayani) 的摄政王。

做出这样的决定后,勇敢的维克拉姆将政府交给弟弟巴塔里·拉贾(Bhartari Raja)负责,他穿着宗教托钵僧的服装,在他的次子达玛·德瓦吉(Dharma Dhwaj)的陪同下,他是一个接近青春期的年轻人,开始了他的统治。从一个城市到另一个城市,从一个森林到另一个森林。






正如我所说,巴塔里·拉贾 (Bhartari Raja) 成为了一位安静主义者和哲学家。但卡玛,[21]印度教的丘比特。 光明之神,掌管天地三个世界,生长冥府,[22]Patali,地下区域。 再次将王子标记为他的花尖箭和花弓的受害者。事实上,他怎么可能希望逃脱同样降临在创造者梵天、保护者毗湿奴和可怕的三眼毁灭者湿婆身上的厄运呢?[23]印度教三合会。?

由于她的美貌出众,她的脸庞如同一轮明月,闪耀在晴朗的天空中。她的头发是秋天的紫色云朵,带着雨水,低低地垂在大地之上。她的肤色模仿着大花茉莉花的浅蜡色。她的眼睛就像胆怯的羚羊的眼睛。她的嘴唇像石榴花蕾一样红,当它们张开时,就会从其中蒸馏出一股甘露的泉水。她的脖子像鸽子一样;她的手是海螺壳的粉红色衬里;她的腰像豹子一样;她的脚是最柔软的莲花。总之,拉贾·巴塔里最后一位也是最年轻的妻子丹加拉·拉尼(Dangalah Rani)是优雅和可爱的典范。

战士在她面前放下了双臂;这位政客当着她的面说出了所有秘密。虔诚的王子会宰杀一头牛——这是唯一不可饶恕的罪过——以保住她的一根睫毛:绝对的国王未经她的允许不会喝一杯水;她的父亲不会喝任何水。一个稳重的哲学家,一个冷静的安静主义者,为了从她那里赢得微笑的影子,会像一个歌女一样在她面前跳舞。巴塔里·拉贾 (Bhartari Raja) 如此痴迷。


在乌贾亚尼市,[24]或者阿凡提(Avanti),也称为帕德玛瓦蒂(Padmavati)。它是印度教徒的第一条子午线,他们通过观察月食来确定经度,并计算出它和兰卡或锡兰的经度。漏壶是用来消磨时间的。 在宫殿的视野范围内,住着一位婆罗门和他的妻子,他们又老又穷,又无事可做,专心修行苦行。[25]在原著中,只有丈夫“实行严厉的奉献”。为了那些以“虔诚妻子”为机构的人们的利益,我延长了这一特权。 他们禁食,不喝酒,头倒立,双臂举在空中长达数周之久。他们祈祷得膝盖像垫子一样;他们用铁丝鞭子来约束自己;他们在寒冷的季节里赤身裸体地走来走去,在夏天的时候他们坐在燃烧的木头围成的圈子里,直到他们成为居住在低层天堂的所有平民神羡慕和钦佩的对象。最后,作为对他们极度虔诚的奖励,这对可敬的夫妇从天上的使者手中收到了一个来自 Kalpavriksha 树的苹果——这种水果具有赋予尝过它的人永生的美德。


“人类啊,死亡是一种短暂的痛苦;贫穷是一种无尽的痛苦。当然,我们现在的命运是我们在过去的存在状态中犯下的一些重大罪行的惩罚。[26]穆斯林会说:“这是我们的命运。”印度教徒会立即提到轮回,就像现代斯威登堡教徒自然会提到招魂术一样。 你称这种状态为生活吗?最好我们立刻死掉,这样就可以逃离这个世界的苦难!”





之后,婆罗门扔掉了苹果,他的妻子非常高兴,她对看到她的好人成为不朽的前景感到自然的愤慨,而她仍然受到死亡法则的约束;但她把这一动机隐藏在思想深处,像女人常做的那样,把一切都扩大化,除了事实之外。她的讲话如此成功,以至于牧师愤怒地要把天果扔进火里,责备众神,仿佛他们送来的果实伤害了他。然后妻子从他手里夺走了它,告诉他这东西太珍贵了,不能浪费,并吩咐他起来,束上腰,带他去摄政王的宫殿,并把水果递给他——因为维克拉姆国王不在——用一个正确的婆罗门尊者的祝福。最后,她让她不谙世事的丈夫明白,需要一大笔钱来回报他那无价的礼物。 “通过这种方式,”她说,“你可以提高你现在和未来的福利。[27]在欧洲,金钱可以买到这个世界,并把你从炼狱的痛苦中解救出来;在印度教徒中,它进一步打开了天堂之门。=


巴塔里·拉贾(Bhartari Raja)领着恳求者走进一间内部的保险库,那里堆满了最好的金粉,并命令他带走所有他能带走的东西。神父这样做了,甚至没有忘记用贵金属填满他那张能言善辩、没有牙齿的嘴。摄政王遣散了在重担下呻吟的奉献者后,进入了他妻子的寓所,召唤了美丽的丹加拉·拉尼王后,给了她水果,并说:“吃这个吧,我的眼睛之光!这种果实——我心中的喜悦!——将使你永远年轻、美丽。”

漂亮的王后双手放在丈夫的怀上,亲吻他的眼睛和嘴唇,脸上露出甜蜜的微笑——女人的诡计多端啊——低声说道:“亲爱的,你自己吃吧,或者至少和我分享一下。” ;如果没有我们所爱的人,生命和青春又算什么?”但国王被这些不寻常的话语融化了心,温柔地把她送走,并解释说这种水果只能供一个人食用,然后就离开了。


然后,大使把水果也塞进口袋里,从美丽的王后面前退了出去,遇见了一位宫女拉卡,向她解释了水果的神奇力量,并将其送给了她,作为他的象征。爱。但伴娘是个雄心勃勃的女孩,她认为在国王缺席的情况下,这种水果是摆在摄政王面前的合适礼物。巴塔里·拉贾(Bhartari Raja)接受了这份礼物,赐予了她巨大的财富,并满怀谢意地打发了她。






因此维克拉姆的王位仍然空着。当这个消息传到下层苍穹摄政王和尘世君主的保护者因陀罗国王时,他派遣了凶猛的巨人普里特维·帕拉(Prithwi Pala),[29]在原著中,“Div”——超自然的神或恶魔。这部分情节的讲述方式多种多样。据一些人说,拉贾·维克拉姆进城时看到一个陶工家里有一个盛大的游行队伍,一个男孩被大象抬走,他的父母悲痛万分,他感到很惊讶。国王询问他们悲伤的原因,并说:有人告诉说,守卫这座城市的邪恶魔头有每日吃掉一个公民的习惯。于是,勇敢的王王让男孩下了马。取代了他的位置;进入宫殿;当作为恶魔的食物时,他以一种激发怪物钦佩的方式展示了他的拳击能力。 为了保卫乌贾亚尼城,直到它的合法主人重新出现为止,这位守护者过去常常夜以继日地看守着他的信任。




“这个问题很容易回答,”巨人普里特维·帕拉用他咆哮的声音喊道。 “众神派我来保护乌贾亚尼。如果你真的是拉贾·维克拉姆,请证明你自己是一个男人:首先与我战斗,然后回到你自己的身边。”





“你肯定疯了,怪物。”国王半笑半怒地用嘲笑的语气回答道。 “你赐予谁生命?如果我愿意,我可以杀了你;那么,你要花多少钱才肯赐予我生命呢?






“这就是我要告诉你的,”巨人回答道。 “在你慷慨的父亲甘达巴-塞纳的美好时光里,当宫廷在森林里享受乐趣时,他们看到一个奉献者,或者更确切地说是奉献者的头,从地上的一个洞里伸出来。白蚁用土箱包围了他的身体,并在他的皮肤上安了家。各种昆虫小动物在脸上爬来爬去,却纹丝不动。黄蜂把巢挂在它的太阳穴上,蝎子在缠结的头发里出入。但隐士却感觉不到它们。他不跟任何人说话;他没有收到任何礼物;如果不是他的鼻孔张开,不断地吸入荆棘火的刺鼻烟雾,人们就会认为他已经死了。这就是他的宗教苦行。






“然后瓦桑塔塞纳挖出了圣人并强迫他净化自己,带他到她在树林里为自己建造的住所。她用她的誓言的性质来解释它的奢侈,这使她沉迷于昂贵的服装、六种口味的食物以及各种放纵。[30]在印度,仍然有一个修道院,其成员的愉快职责就是尽可能地享受生活。欧洲的情况也大致相同。 “代表您在卡桑山的埃斯库里亚尔修道院,或修士们对各种商品、必需品、实用品、美味佳肴、多余物品、surabondantes、puisqu'ils ont les cent cinquante mille、les quatre cent mille、les cinq Cent Mille Ecus de Rente; et jugez si monsieur l'abbe a de quoi laisser dormir la meridienne a ceux qui voudront。”——《圣奥古斯丁,德·梅因的工作》,作者:贝利主教勒·加缪,伏尔泰词典引用。 Phil.,sub v.“启示录”。 随着时间的推移,这位隐士学会了效仿她的榜样。他不再吸烟,开始把吃吃喝喝当作日常工作。

“最后,卡玛开始找他麻烦。短暂地,圣人和圣女通过称为 Gandharba-vivaha 的简单婚姻形式成为了男人和妻子,[31]这种婚姻形式得到了古代印度教徒的认可,并且在书籍中经常出现。这是一种苏格兰婚礼——超喀里多尼亚式——在双方同意的情况下举行,没有任何形式或仪式。干陀罗是因陀罗宫廷的天上吟游诗人,他们应该是见证者。 大约十个月后,他们生下了一个儿子。就这样,隐士有了一个孩子。


“当国王、大臣、官员和朝臣看到瓦桑塔塞纳和她怀着孩子的配偶时,他们远远就认出了她。国王惊呼:‘瞧!这就是那个前去带回奉献者的歌唱女孩。 ”大家都回答说:“伟大的君主啊!你说的是实话;这就是同一个女人。并且很高兴地看到,无论她在请求允许后去做的事情,她都做了!然后他们聚集在她周围,问了她各种各样的问题,仿佛整件事是世界上最轻松、最可笑的事情。






那是国王归来的春天,胡里节[32]印度教农神节。 引起家家户户载歌载舞。乌贾亚尼(Ujjayani)对她的统治者归来感到异常高兴和喜悦,而统治者也以他全部的王者之心加入了她的喜悦之中。公众的脸和衣服是红色和黄色的,上面涂着古拉尔和阿比尔——香粉,[33]粉末是用小麦粉,与野姜、苏木等成分混合而成。有时这些东西被扔进注射器里。——它们相互洒落以示欢乐。音乐家震聋了市民的耳朵,舞女们表演得累得要晕过去,糖果制造商发了大财,科学九宝则用最冗长的颂歌庆祝了这个吉祥的日子。皇家英雄,身着帝王盛装,有数千辆金光闪闪的国轿侍候,百位王族人物护送,他们的骑兵、大象、战车、四​​军列队,和步兵,在亚马逊女孩的陪伴下,可爱如众神的随从,他本人是威严的化身,手持白色的统治阳伞,手持金色的权杖和流苏,再次开始统治。





在金钱索赔的争议案件中,国王严格遵守既定惯例,并咨询法律专家。他很少根据自己的判断来决定案件,而且他在忍受愤怒的原告和被告、体弱者和八十多岁的老人的粗鲁语言时表现出了极大的脾气和耐心。为了让卑微的请愿者能够获得“正义的源泉”,他用链子将一个铁盒子挂在他卧室的窗户上。每天早上,他都会命令在他面前打开盒子,并仔细聆听所有的地方。即使在这个简单的过程中,他也表现出了极大的谨慎。因为,他忘记了自己年轻时掌握的人文学科是多么的少,于是他会把报纸交给一位秘书,而秘书的职责就是在他面前宣读它;而秘书则负责在他面前宣读它。手术结束后,这位学者被送进了一间内室,请愿书被交给了第二位抄写员。有一次,由于欺骗性的 kayasths(职员)的拙劣,在同一张纸上发现了一个重要的差异。经过严格询问,一名秘书失去了耳朵,另一名秘书失去了右手。此后,请愿书很少被伪造。





有一天,当勇敢的维克拉姆坐在审判席上时,一位年轻的商人,名叫马尔·迪奥,刚刚带着满载的骆驼和大象到达乌贾亚尼,并以巨额财富的声誉进入宫廷。 。在受到极度屈尊的接待后,他将自己带来的水果交到国王手中,然后在他坐下的地板上铺上了祈祷地毯。过了一刻钟,他起身走了。当他走后,国王在心里想:“也许,在这个伪装下,就是巨人所说的那个人。”他心生疑虑,没有吃果子,而是打电话给家主,把礼物送给了他,嘱咐他要小心保管。然而,这位年轻的商人每天都继续争取采访的荣誉,每次都会赠送类似的礼物。

有一天早上,拉惹·维克拉姆(Raja Vikram)偶然在部长们的陪同下去看他的马厩。这时年轻的商人也到了那里,并按照惯例将一颗水果放在了皇家手中。当国王若有所思地将它抛向空中时,它不小心从他的手指上掉到了地上。然后,猴子被拴在马中间,从马头上引来灾难,[34]波斯谚语是“Bala e tavilah bar sat i maimun”:“马厩的祸患落在猴子的头上!”在一些穆斯林国家,生猪具有预防作用。因此,蒙戈·帕克可能是卢达马尔那头麻烦的猪。 把它抓起来,撕成碎片。这时,一颗如此巨大和水润的红宝石出现了,国王和他的大臣们看到它的光彩,都发出了惊叹的表情。







“拉贾,”年轻商人说道,“我不是马尔迪奥,而是桑塔希尔,[37]名字的意思是。 “安静的性格。” 一个奉献者。我即将在戈达瓦里河畔的一个大型墓地(一个焚烧尸体的墓地)施展咒语、咒语和魔法仪式。如此一来,自然八力便全部归我了。我向你请求的这件事就是施舍,你和年轻的达玛·达瓦吉王子将遵照我的吩咐与我共度一晚。只要你留在我身边,我的咒语就会成功。”


“你要在巴德拉月暗半月 14 日的星期一晚上来见我,”奉献者说,“带着武器,但没有追随者。[38]八月。在印度教的太阳阴历年中,月份被分为两周——光明和黑暗。”国王说:“你走你的路,我们一定会来。就这样,在得到国王的许诺并告辞之后,奉献者回到了自己的家中:他从那里修缮了寺庙,做好了准备工作,并带上了所有必要的东西,然后又回到了墓地,坐下来参加他的仪式。



夜晚漆黑而凄凉。在挥之不去的冬雨的猛烈冲击下,大团的灰褐色云朵,像笨重的野兽,在苍穹平原上沉重地翻滚。每当新月从地平线升起,如同悲伤的塔玛拉的色调,[39]一种花,其名字经常出现在梵文诗歌中。 扫视行人,它的亮度并不比从泥泞的波浪中伸出的象牙的细尖亮。一场暴风雨即将来临;森林里的树木在狂风中呻吟,大雨倾盆而下,在阴暗的大道下,粘土地面闪着可怕的白色光芒。当国王和他的儿子前进时,一道微弱的光芒,就像试金石黑暗表面上划过的纯金线一样,吸引了他们的目光,并将他们的脚步引向了墓地。


不久,在燃烧之地的最远端,出现了一群人。拉贾·维克拉姆和达玛·达瓦吉通过半熄灭的火葬柴堆周围燃烧和闪烁的可怕火焰以及其中可怕的负载的残余物,可以注意到这个不祥之地的几个特征。外面有一圈可怕的野兽形状。老虎在咆哮,大象在喇叭;狼的肮脏毛茸茸的皮毛闪烁着蓝色磷光的火花,正在吞噬人类的残骸。狐狸、豺狼和鬣狗正在争夺它们的猎物。而熊正在咀嚼儿童的肝脏。里面的空间里,挤满了众多的恶魔。那些逃离了粗俗框架的人类微妙的身体在停尸场周围徘徊,他们的尸体已经化为灰烬,或者盘旋在空中,等待着他们要赋予生命的新身体准备好迎接他们。 。那些被残忍杀害的人的灵魂带着被割伤的四肢四处游荡。发霉的骨头由几块发黑的筋骨连在一起的骷髅跟随在他们身后,就像凶手对待受害者一样。皮肤干瘪、眼睛可怕、形态扭曲的恶毒女巫在大地上爬行、蹲伏;而幽灵和妖精现在一动不动地站着,像高大的棕榈树一样高。然后,仿佛一阵一阵的,在召唤者面前跳跃、跳舞、翻滚。空气中充满了尖锐刺耳的叫声,有暴风雨断断续续的呻吟声,有猫头鹰的叫声,有豺狼长长的狂野叫声,还有汹涌的河水沙哑的潺潺声,大地从河岸上流淌——滑落时发出雷鸣般的声音。


现在,拉贾·维克拉姆(Raja Vikram),正如他与因陀罗(Indra)守望者的相遇所表明的那样,是一位大胆的王子,他既勇敢又谨慎。看到一个人身处这些恐怖之中,他的勇气大增。他决心证明自己是英雄,并感到关键时刻已经到来,他希望永远摆脱笼罩在他们身上的家族诅咒。


这些想法像一颗失去荣耀的星星一样迅速地掠过他的脑海,[40]星星是人类的灵魂,在一段时间内升入天空,与他们在地球上的善行成正比。 维克拉姆礼貌地向尚塔希尔致敬。乔吉简短地回答道:“你们两个都坐下吧。”父子俩各就各位,对他们面前和周围的魔鬼舞蹈一点也不感到惊讶或害怕。不久,勇敢的拉贾提醒奉献者,他是来履行他的诺言的,最后问道:“我们有什么命令?”

” 乔吉回答说:“国王既然来了,就做一件事情吧。大约两科[41]长度的度量,每两英里。 因此,在南边,还有一个焚烧尸体的地方。那个地方有一棵含羞草树,上面挂着一具尸体。赶紧拿来给我。”



最终,不知何故,国王穿过了一条非常困难的道路,到达了 jogi 指出的“smashana”或“燃烧的地方”。突然,他看到那棵树,从根到顶,每根枝叶都燃烧着赤红的火焰。而当他依然义无反顾地朝那里走去时,喧闹声不断,哭声不断:“杀了他们!杀了他们!抓住他们!抓住他们!小心他们不要逃跑!让他们把自己烧成灰烬吧!让他们承受帕塔拉的痛苦。[42]下面的温暖地区。=


它的眼睛睁得大大的,呈绿褐色,从不闪烁。它的头发也是棕色的,[43]印度教徒只欣赏有光泽的黑发;我们的歌谣所喜爱的“漂亮的棕色头发”被他们指定给低种姓的男人、女巫和恶魔。 它的脸是棕色的——三种不同的色调,尽管如此,却以一种令人不快的方式相互接近,就像过度干燥的可可果一样。它的身体细长,有肋骨,就像骷髅或竹架一样,当它抓住一根树枝时,就像一只飞狐,[44]一种大型蝙蝠;一个流行而愚蠢的英印名字愤怒的苏格兰人几乎有理由称那些在印度告诉他狐狸会飞、树丛被用来酿烈酒的人为“了不起的李尔”。 从脚趾尖开始,它肌肉发达,就像硬币的绳子一样。看起来没有血迹,否则就会有一种奇怪的液体流到头上的决心。当拉贾抚摸它的皮肤时,它感觉冰冷而潮湿,就像一条蛇一样。唯一的生命迹象是一条很像山羊尾巴的破烂小尾巴的摆动。




“这肯定是那个年轻的石油商!” “拉贾张着嘴站了一两分钟,向上凝视着,想知道下一步该怎么做。”不久,他指示达玛·德瓦吉不要错过任何一瞬间,当它下次可能接触地面时,立即把手放在那东西上,然后他再次爬上树。到达原来的位置后,他再次抓住了拜塔尔的头发,用尽双臂的力量——因为他开始感到非常愤怒——他把它从手中扯下来,把它摔到地上,说道:“噢,这个坏蛋。” ,告诉我你是谁?



拉贾·维克拉姆重复了五次这种无利可图的劳动。但他非但没有灰心丧气,反而完全投入了冒险的精神。事实上,他会继续爬上那棵树,把那具尸体夹在腋下——他发现他的剑毫无用处——然后把它放下来,问它是谁,然后看着它从他的手指间溜走,六次六十次,或者直到第四个时代和当今时代的末期,[45]像欧洲经典和其他古代民族一样,印度教徒认为有四个时代:萨提亚时代(Satya Yug),或黄金时代,有 1,728,000 年;第二个时代,或特雷塔时代(Treta Yug),有 1,296,000 年; Dwapar Yug 有 864,000 年,而现在的 Kali Yug,已缩短至 832,000 年。 是否需要如此极端的分辨率。

然而,这是没有必要的。第七次坠落时,拜塔尔不但没有逃脱捕获者的追捕,反而任由自己被抓住,只是说“即使是众神也无法抵抗一个彻底顽固的人”。[46]特别是提到祈祷。关于这一点,骚西公正地评论道:“印度教的宗教有一个显着的特点。祈祷、忏悔和牺牲应该具有内在的和实际的价值,在某种程度上取决于执行这些活动的人的性格或动机。它们是天上的汇票,众神不能拒绝付款。最坏的人,一心要做最坏的计划,就以这种方式获得了力量,这使他们对至高无上的神本身来说是令人畏惧的。”此外,印度教诸神会聆听那些渴望他人邪恶之人的祈祷。因此,当富人变穷时,他的朋友们会说:“你看人的牙齿多锋利!”并且,“他被毁了,因为别人不忍心看到他的幸福!” 看到这个陌生人为了更好地保护他的战利品,已经脱下他的腰带,把它装进一个袋子里,吸血鬼认为应该为自己寻求最有利的条件,并询问他的征服者他是谁,以及什么。他要做什么?




拉贾·维克拉姆听到这些对他的皇室来说如此陌生的粗俗话语,不禁皱起了眉头。然后他很高兴他的法定继承人不在身边。然后他转头看了看儿子达玛·达瓦吉(Dharma Dhwaj),看他是否鲁莽到被拜塔尔逗乐了。但第一眼就看到年轻的王子正忙着捏着怪物的腿,拧紧怪物的腿,让它更好地贴合在布料上。然后维克拉姆抓住腰布的两端,把它们扭成方便拿取的形状,弯下腰,猛地举起包袱,扔到肩上,吩咐儿子不要落后,大步朝前走去。墓地的西端。



吸血鬼的第一个故事 •9,800字


一天早上,这个年轻人在他父亲的普拉丹(Pradhan)或总理的儿子的陪同下骑马出去打猎,深入丛林深处。最后,两人意外地发现了一辆漂亮的“坦克”[47]天然或人工池塘;在后一种情况下,通常占地十到十二英亩。”的规模惊人。它的周围是由精致的烧砖砌成的短而厚的墙。石阶的阶梯和坡道,每面长度的一半,装饰着塔楼、吊坠和尖顶,通向水边。坚固的灰泥和砖石已年久失修,裂缝中长出了参天大树,浓浓的树荫下微风徐徐吹过,鸟儿在其温暖的枝条上悦耳地歌唱。灰松鼠[48]印度斯坦语“gilahri”或小灰松鼠,其叽叽喳喳的叫声经常被误认为是鸟的叫声。 当它们互相爬上粗糙的树干时,它们欢快地叽叽喳喳地叫着,而长尾猴则在下垂的藤蔓上嬉戏地荡来荡去。沙瓦那的慷慨之手[49]秋天,或者更确切地说,雨季的化身——一种陈腐的印度教诗歌。 土垒上铺满了最柔软的草和色彩缤纷的野花,其中有成群的蜜蜂和无数明亮的翅膀昆虫;成群的水禽、大雁、婆罗门鸭、麻鹬、苍鹭、鹤,无论雄性还是雌性,都在长长的深潭周围那条狭长的绿带上吃食,在开着可爱花朵的阔叶荷花中,在清澈的海浪中嬉戏,快乐地沐浴在和煦的阳光下。





王子也留下了正在祈祷的同伴,自己走进了森林。突然,王公的儿子和王公的女儿的目光相遇了。她尖叫着向后退了一步。他被她的美丽迷住了,并开始对自己说:“啊,你这邪恶的业力,[51]丘比特有两种形态,爱神和安特洛斯。 你为什么担心我?

少女闻言,微笑鼓励,而可怜的少年却心悸又犹豫不决,糊涂得舌头都快要咬牙切齿了。她微微扬起眉毛。女人最鄙视的莫过于男人的谦虚,[52]这在东方的生活中是真实的,女人先主动,男人做begueules。 对于模式——des-ty——






那个年轻人,他是一位哲学家。但毕竟,拉贾·维克拉姆,凡人哲学是什么?无非是冷漠的另一个名字!谁曾经对真正喜爱或真正讨厌的事物有过哲学思考?——没有人! Shankharacharya 说,哲学要么是自然的礼物,要么是学习的回报。但我,拜塔尔,魔鬼,问你,什么是天生的哲学家,拯救一个冷酷欲望的人?一个有教养的哲学家不就是一个在欲望中幸存下来的人吗?一个年轻的哲学家?——一个冷血的青年!一位年长的哲学家?——一位患有白质粘液质的老人!事实上,你们从你们的王公的《科学九宝石》和其他诸如此类的聪明傻瓜那里听到的都是无稽之谈。



王子说:“她的脸像满月一样,她的头发像一群蜜蜂从金合欢花上垂下来,她的眼角碰到了她的耳朵,她的嘴唇带着月光的甜甜,她腰如狮子,步态如大雁。[53]Raja-hans,一只大灰鹅,在印度教中相当于我们的天鹅。 作为一件衣服,她是白色的;作为一个季节,春天;作为花,茉莉花;作为说话者,科基拉鸟;作为香水,麝香;作为一个美人,Kamadeva;作为一个存在,爱。如果她不归我所有,我就活不下去;我确实已经决定了这一点。”

















“哼!” ”这位年轻的政治家相当不耐烦地说道,“她有没有做出任何迹象,或者给出任何暗示?让我知道发生的一切:半点信任比不信任更糟糕。”






“当她把它戴在耳朵上时,就好像她会向你解释,‘我是卡纳提克的女儿:[54]正确的卡纳塔克邦; karna在梵语中的意思是耳朵。 当她用牙齿咬它时,她的意思是说“我的父亲是 Raja Dantawat,[55]梵文中的“丹塔”是一颗牙齿。’顺便说一句,他过去、现在、将来都将是你父亲的死敌。”


“当她把它放在脚下时,意思是:‘我的名字是帕德玛瓦蒂。[56]Padma 的意思是脚。'“











王子高兴得浑身发抖,跑去找他的朋友,他像往常一样坐在花园里读书,告诉他老护士要做的事。然后他开始争论如何写信、如何挑选句子、如何权衡短语; “我眼睛里的光”是否太老套了,而“我肝脏里的血”又太强硬了。大臣的儿子闻言笑了笑,并嘱咐王子不要再费心去写文章了。然后他从腰间的披肩中抽出砚台,拿起一支芦苇笔,选了一张粉红色的花纸,在上面写下了几行字。然后他把它折起来,涂上胶,在外面画了一朵莲花,递给小王子,告诉他把它交给女主人,就万事大吉了。

老妪手持法杖,一瘸一拐地直奔王宫而去。到达那里后,她发现拉贾的女儿独自坐在她的公寓里。少女一见奶妈,立刻起身,恭敬地行了一礼,领着她入座,开始了最亲切的询问。给了她祝福,坐了一会儿,聊了一些无关紧要的事情后,护士说:“女儿啊!在婴儿时期,我养育和滋养了你,现在薄伽梵(神)奖励了我,赐予你身材、美丽、健康和善良。我的心只渴望看到你作为女人的幸福,[58]意思是婚姻、生育等等。 之后我就会平静地离开。我恳求你读一下这份报纸,它是我见过的最英俊、最得体的年轻人送给我的。”










我不能忘记,顺便说一下,牧师的儿子,为了使这些诗句普遍有用,为他们提供了最后一节,一式三份。 “对于恋人来说,”他睿智地说,“要么处于选择的情绪中,要么处于绝望的情绪中,要么处于狂喜的情绪中。”这次他使用了选择。对于绝望的人,他会替换为:






帕德玛瓦蒂公主用轻蔑的目光细细地打量着这首打油诗,撕下最后一行的第一个字,愤怒地对护士说:“走开,阎摩之母啊,[59]阎摩是冥王星; “阎罗之母”一般用于指老骂人。 哦,不幸的生物,把这个答案收回来——把那张纸片给她——“给那个写出如此糟糕诗句的傻瓜。我想知道他在哪里学习人文学科。走开,以后不要再做这样的事了!”


“别这么急躁和绝望,我的王子,”普拉丹的儿子看到他极度悲伤,说道。 “你还没明白她的意思。在以后的生活中,你会意识到这样一个事实:十有八九,女人的“不”是明确的“是”。今天早上的工作很顺利;少女问你在哪里学的人文学科,解释起来就是“你是谁?”



情人和护士都因为接受了年轻牧师的建议而同样感到苦恼,直到他解释了狡猾的少女的意思。 “当她把凉鞋涂在她的十个手指上时,”他解释道,“并打在老妇人的脸上,她表示,当剩下的十个月夜过去时,她将在黑暗中与你见面。”与此同时,他警告他的主人,从表面上看,帕德玛瓦蒂女士太聪明了,无法成为一个舒适的妻子。大臣的儿子尤其讨厌有才华、有知识、有主见的女人;有人听到他描述了纳格洛克所受的折磨[60]蛇地:地狱之地。 作为一位好辩的神学家和一位博学的女作家的强制性陪伴,她们年事已高,面容令人生畏,而这样的人大多都是这样。在女性中,他钦佩——从理论上讲,就像成为一名哲学家一样——身材矮小、丰满、爱笑、喋喋不休、缺乏智慧、物质主义的人。因此——请原谅题外话,拉贾·维克拉姆——他娶了一位老处女,她又高又瘦,肤色黄,举止得体,冷漠,健谈,以灵性而自豪。但更奇妙的是,他娶了她之后,竟然还爱着她——在这些事情上,男人是多么难以理解啊!











当威严的洪流向他袭来时,瓦吉拉姆库特几乎要晕倒了。回过神来,他环顾四周,一阵喜悦的骚动侵入了他的灵魂,他的身体也充满了喜悦。[62]根据印度教徒的说法,意想不到的快乐使身体下部竖起毛。 那场景简直就是仙境一般。金香炉喷出最名贵的香,宝石花瓶里开着最美丽的花。装有芳香油的银灯照亮了门板,门板装饰精美,墙壁上装饰着图画,其中形成的人物让人一看就着迷。房间的一侧摆着一张花坛和一张铺着金色锦缎的沙发,上面撒满了新鲜采摘的茉莉花。另一侧依次摆放着香油架、槟榔盒、玫瑰水瓶、托盘和银盒,四格隔开,盛放玫瑰叶、糖、香料、配制的檀香、藏红花和香料等调配而成的香精。麝香豆荚。白色如水晶的灰泥地板上散落着精美糖果的彩色盒子,还有各种糖果。[63]印度教徒从这些场景中消除了“烧瓶”,即万能的,也许他们是对的。 身着各色服饰的女侍从,按照等级依次站立,双手恭敬地合十。有的在朗诵戏剧和优美的诗歌,有的在跳舞,还有的用闪闪发光的手指和闪亮的手臂演奏各种乐器——象牙琵琶、乌木管和银定鼓。简而言之,所有快乐和享受的手段和用具都在那里。对于当时的奇迹公寓的外观进行任何描述都是不可能的。


尽管付出了一切努力,王子还是无法完全摆脱谦虚的坏习惯,他说:“你那双纤细的手不适合做盘卡。[64]Pankha,或者说大扇子,是 Corypha umbraculifera 的一片叶子,叶柄被切成大约五英尺的长度,削去边缘并涂上漂亮的颜色。站在椅子后面的仆人挥舞着它。 你为什么要这么麻烦?看到你我感到凉爽和精神焕发。请把扇子递给我,然后坐下。”





与此同时,天已亮了。公主把他藏起来了。夜幕降临时,他们又开始了同样天真的快乐。就这样,日子过得飞快。如果可以的话,想象一下年轻人的幸福;他性情热情,情深意重,才二十岁,受到严厉的父母严格的抚养。因此,他完全屈服于塞壬,为了她,他愿意忘记世界,他对自己的好运气感到惊讶,这让他获得了比梅鲁所有矿藏都更丰富的征服。[65]大量的宝石构成了印度教神话中的圣山。 他对帕德玛瓦蒂的优雅、美丽、聪明才智和无数的成就赞叹不已。每天早上,他为了虚荣,从她那里学一点无用的诗文知识,比如诗人的一句话——





正如你所看到的,帕德玛瓦蒂是一位心智出众的少女,她自然更着迷于她情人的愚钝,而不是他的任何其他品质。她很喜欢它,这与她自己形成了鲜明的对比。[66]“我喜欢我的爱人带有‘S’,因为他很愚蠢,而且不具备心理素质。” 起初,她做了许多聪明女人都会做的事——她用自己的想象力赋予了他光明。她想,静水流得很深;当然,在这种伪装之下,一定潜藏着一种辉煌的幻想,一种敏锐而成熟的判断——它们不是自然之手写在宽阔的高额眉毛上的吗?留着这么可爱的小胡子,他难道不是大方、高尚、大度吗?这样的眼睛除了英雄还能属于任何人吗?她助长了这种错觉。当他在几行诗上浪费了好几个小时之后,却把所有的形容词都写错了,并且野蛮地恳求韵律时,她会带着强烈的喜爱对他微笑。当年轻人被从她嘴里说出的明亮话语所激发时,她发出了满意的笑声,说出了一些陈词滥调,就像即将熄灭的萤火虫中的灯一样暗淡。当他在语法上犯错时,她看到了其中的恶意;当他重复讲一个借来的笑话时,她称其为好笑话;当他使用——就像王子有时会使用的——脏话时,她发现其中有一种迷人的简单。



立下誓言后,她打破沉默,对年轻的普拉丹的智慧和洞察力赞不绝口。她自称出于感激而准备成为他的奴隶,只希望有一天她能遇到那位真正的朋友,她的灵魂因他的技巧而得到了满足。 “只是,”她总结道,“我确信,现在我的金刚菩提知道他的小帕德玛瓦蒂心中的每一个角落,他永远不会指望她做任何事,除了爱、钦佩、崇拜和亲吻他!”然后,她言出必行,让他相信这位年轻的牧师在他的哲学中曾经过于固执和愤世嫉俗。


他就这样坐着,与此同时,美丽的公主到来了。她看透了这件事,立即着手处理。她首先表达了对爱人的善变和好变的惊讶,当他准备发怒时,她引用了圣人的话:“不生育的妻子八年可以被取代;她的孩子都死了,在第十个;第十一个只生女儿的女人;她以为她是在暗示他的爱,于是她解释说她是在指他忘记了他的朋友,以此平息了他的脾气。 “我的灵魂啊,”她用最轻柔的声音问道,当你的心在那里徘徊时,你怎么可能在这里幸福呢?哦,精明的人,你为什么向我隐瞒这一点?是怕让我难受吗?为你的妻子着想,不要以为她会把你与我们都欠下如此多的人分开!






“再次发挥你的爱好,每当你在别人身上发现才华时就喋喋不休!”年轻的王子用双关语喊道,这会让帕德玛瓦蒂很高兴。 “你肯定是嫉妒她吧!”他继续说道,对他的笑话所带来的死一般的寂静一点也不高兴。 “嫉妒她的聪明,嫉妒她对我的爱。她是世界上最好的生物。即使你是一个讨厌女人的人,只要你知道她发来的所有善意的信息,以及她为你准备的小惊喜,你也会拥有它。那里!拿去吃;都是她亲手做的!”年轻的拉贾边喊边拿出甜食。 “正如她亲自教我说的那样——


“她发给我的善意信息!她给我准备了惊喜!”部长的儿子用生硬、干巴巴的语气重复道。 “大人会很高兴告诉我她是怎么听说我的名字的吗?”



“我能做什么?”年轻的拉贾以抱怨的语气重新加入。 “当我爱一个女人时,我喜欢告诉她一切——对她没有秘密——把她视为另一个自己——”

“哪个习惯,”普拉丹的儿子打断道,“等你再长大一点,当你认识到爱情只不过是一场较量,一场两个异性之间的技巧游戏时,你就会输:一个寻求获得利益的人。”尽可能多,而另一个则力求损失尽可能少;从长远来看,在棋盘上相遇的两人中,谁更聪明,谁就一定会获胜。而沉默只是一种习惯。练习一年,你会发现背叛比隐藏自己的想法更难。它也有它的快乐。你想,当你抑制住温柔但致命的自信的爆发时,对自己说:“哦,如果她知道这一点就好了?” “哦,如果她确实这么做了但怀疑呢?”然而,回到糖李子,我的生活变成了贱民,因为它们被毒害了!”

“不可能的!”王子惊呼道,一想到这个,他就惊恐万状。 “你说的,肯定没有人能做到。如果一个凡人不惧怕他的同胞,至少他会惧怕神。”

“我从来不知道,”另一个人回答道,“恋爱中的女人会害怕什么。不过,王子,审判很容易。穆蒂,过来!” “他对老妇人的狗喊道,“和你一起去见你那个三头亲戚吧,他侍奉着他看上去和蔼可亲的主人。[67]印度教神话中也有地狱犬、特里西萨、侍奉可怕的阎王(冥王星)的“三头”猎犬]=


“这个坏蛋!噢,这个可怜虫!”瓦吉拉姆库特大喊道,他既惊讶又愤怒。 “而且我爱她!但现在一切都结束了。我不敢与这样的灾难联系在一起!”

“大人,事情已经发生了!”部长的儿子平静地说。 “对于一位才华横溢的公主做出的这种事情,我已经做好了准备。没有人会像你们聪明的女人那样犯下这样的错误、大错和愚蠢。他们甚至无法像样地执行犯罪行为。哦,请给我一个想法、一个目标、一个愿望的迟钝。哦,与幸福、力量相结合的三倍受祝福的愚钝。”









离婚吧,朋友!与你重婚!春天临近了,[68]Parceque c'est la saison des amours。





然后,瓦吉拉姆库特立即按照部长儿子的建议行事,溜出了房间,拿走了帕德玛瓦蒂的珠宝和装饰品。他的谋士检查完他们之后,拿起一个麻袋,示意他的主人跟着他。将马匹和行李留在护士家,他们步行到城外的一处燃烧地点。大臣的儿子把他的衣服和王子的衣服埋在那里,并从麻袋里拿出一套宗教苦行僧的服装:他自己穿上了这件衣服,并把门徒的衣服给了他的同伴。然后,古鲁(精神导师)对他的弟子说:“年轻人,去集市,把这些珠宝卖掉,记住让当地一半的珠宝商看到这些东西,如果有人抓住你, ,把他带到我这里来。”

天亮后,瓦吉拉姆库提着公主的装饰品来到市场,进入最近的金匠店,主动提出出售它们,并询问它们值多少钱。陛下很清楚,园丁、裁缝和金匠都是众所周知的不诚实者,这个人也不例外。他看着学生的脸,感到疑惑,因为他带来了他似乎不知道其价值的物品。他突然想到,也许可以讨价还价,填饱自己的金库,于是他出价了大约千分之一。学生拒绝了,因为他希望事情进一步发展。然后,金匠看到他要离开,就跳了起来,站在门口,威胁如果年轻人拒绝交出他说最近从他的店里被偷的贵重物品,就打电话给司法人员。学生对此只是一笑置之,金匠则认真考虑是否要执行他的威胁,犹豫不决,只是因为他知道司法官员通过这一行动获得的利益将比他更多。正当他心存疑虑时,一道阴影笼罩了他的店面,城里的首席珠宝商闯了进来。当这些装饰品被展示给他的那一刻,他认出了它们,并说:“这些珠宝属于 Raja Dantawat 的女儿;这些珠宝属于 Raja Dantawat 的女儿。”我很了解它们,因为我几个月前才设定了它们!”然后他转向手中还握着这些贵重物品的弟子,喊道:“你老实告诉我,你从哪里得到这些东西的?”



“派人去请苦行僧吧,”科特瓦尔命令道。[69]警察长官,卡蒙斯的卡图尔。 然后,他将两人连同珠宝带到丹塔瓦特国王面前,讲述了整个情况。


精神导师在屈尊回答之前,从腋下抽出一张黑羚羊皮,将其摊开并小心地抚平,然后将其用作阿三。[70]印度教苦行者的座位。 然后他开始用手指拨弄一串念珠,每颗念珠都有鸡蛋那么大,在咕哝和摇头中度过了近一个小时后,他目不转睛地看着拉贾,抱怨道:


Raja Dantawat 被这句话惊呆了。他请求苦行僧暂时不要离开宫殿,然后就走进了女人们的私人寓所。他首先遇见了太后,对她说:“我的母亲啊,赶紧去看看帕德玛瓦蒂的左腿,看看有没有痕迹,是什么样的痕迹!”不久她回来了,来到国王面前说:“儿子,我发现你的女儿躺在床上,抱怨说她遇到了意外;确实,帕德玛瓦蒂一定很痛苦。我发现某种尖锐的三尖器械伤到了她。女孩说钉子伤害了她,但我还没听说过钉子能扎三个洞。然而,我们都必须抓紧时间,否则屋子里就会出现丹毒、肿​​胀、坏疽、屈辱、截肢,甚至可能会死亡。”老王后总结道,一边欣喜地期待着这些可怕的后果,一边匆匆离去。



“伟大的国王!”奉献者回答说:“《佛法经典》中这样写道:‘如果一个婆罗门、一头牛、一个女人、一个孩子,或者任何其他可能依赖我们的人,如果犯了背信弃义的行为,他们将受到惩罚。是他们被驱逐出这个国家。无论他们多么该死,我们都不能让他们流血,就像拉克希米那样[72]繁荣女神。 因这件事而惊恐万状。”



“现在,拉贾·维克拉姆!”拜塔尔说:“你话不多;毫无疑问,你会被一个故事所吸引,其中一个男人用女人自己的武器——欺骗来殴打她。但我警告你,如果你不下定决心并解释这件事,你一定会堕入那拉克(地狱)。这四人之中,谁的罪责最大呢?情人[73]在原著中,情人并没有受到责备;这就是印度教对此事的看法;我们可能会想起一条古老的禁令,即不要用母乳煮孩子。 情人的朋友,女孩,还是父亲?”







吸血鬼的第二个故事 •10,100字



现在,年轻的拉贾·拉姆王子(故事讲述者继续)有一位年老的父亲,我可以说,无论是作为一个男人还是作为一个父母,他都非常不像你的拉贾王。他喜欢打猎、掷骰子,白天睡觉,晚上喝酒,吃长补品,又喜欢看淫荡的姑娘的闲适,喜欢谈恋爱的虚荣。但他深受孩子们的喜爱,因为他不辞辛劳地赢得了孩子们的心。他并没有规定,如果他的后代忽视了无故给予他所有感情的义务,他们就一定会去帕塔拉,因为你道德高尚、德高望重的父亲们太恰当了—— 。哎呀!哎呀!











巧的是,这位才华横溢、美丽的公主养了一只松鸦,[74]在原来的“maina”-Gracula religiosa。 他的名字叫 Madan-manjari 或 Love-garland。获得学位后,她还拥有百科全书式的知识,而且像鹦鹉一样,她能说一口流利的梵文。





“现在,不要说教了!”少女说; “或者你晚饭就用盐代替糖。”


“我现在看清了命运之道。博加瓦蒂 (Bhogav​​ati) 国王拉贾·拉姆 (Raja Ram) 将成为你的丈夫。他会因你而幸福,你也会因他而幸福,因为他年轻、英俊、富有、慷慨、脾气好,不太聪明,而且不可能成为一个病人。”


“怎么可能,陛下?”他父亲年轻的 Dh​​arma Dhwaj 问道。 “我一直以为——”





旃陀罗瓦蒂因离开母亲而感到沮丧,因此她被允许携带松鸦麦丹曼尼安 (Madanmanian)。她很快就告诉了她的丈夫她第一次听到他的名字的美妙方式,他向她讲述了他从与他的鹦鹉丘拉曼交谈中获得的好处。









“这确实是一种女性化的解决方式,”鹦鹉脱口而出。 “我借用我师父的话,称之为女人的理智,也就是说,根本没有理智。你有没有反对说得更明确一点?”

“没什么,”松鸦反驳道,她被粗鲁的含沙射影激怒了,她更直白地而不是礼貌地说出了她的想法。 “没什么,鹦鹉先生。你们这些家伙都是有罪的、奸诈的、欺骗性的、自私的、没有良心的,并且习惯于为了你们最小的欲望或方便而牺牲我们这个弱者。”


“主人,让她的话在你耳边如风般响起,”鹦鹉打断道。 “请祈祷,杰伊女士,你们这些女人,除了奸诈、虚伪、无知和贪婪之外,还算什么,她们在这个世界上唯一的愿望就是阻止生活变得尽可能愉快?”





旃陀罗瓦蒂 (Chandravati) 声称并很快获得了松鸦的优先权。然后,奇妙的鸟,Madan-manjari,开始说话如下:




最后,在神的眷顾下,这位商人生了一个儿子,他以盛大而欢乐的方式庆祝了他的诞生,并向婆罗门和吟游诗人赠送了大量礼物,并大部分分发给饥饿、口渴和贫穷的人。 。当这个男孩五岁时,他教他读书,长大后,他被送到一位大师那里,这位大师以前是学生,被誉为老师和讲师。



他没有去读书,而是去和其他无所事事的人一起赌博,他对他们说话很随意,并教导他们像他自己一样心怀恶意。他和每个女人都做爱,尽管他长得丑陋,但他也并非不成功。因为无论是非常英俊还是非常丑陋的人,只要他们都引人注目,都同样幸运。但后者却夺走了手掌。美丽的男人从女人开始,尽一切可能吸引她们,爱她们如掌上明珠,发现她们是傻瓜,与她们平等,欺骗她们,然后迅速鄙视她们。丑男人则不然,他因为相貌丑陋,就必须绞尽脑汁、煞费苦心,尽可能地讨人喜欢,直到女人忘记他的猿脸、鸟腿和驼背。 。

而且,驼背还成为了密宗,以完成他的恶行。他由一位背道的婆罗门正式启蒙,宣布放弃旧宗教的所有仪式,摆脱了他们的束缚,并开始执行一项可恶的仪式以表示喜悦。八男八女——婆罗门女、舞女、织布女、名声不好的女人、洗衣妇、理发师的妻子、挤奶女工、地主的女儿——选择了最黑暗的时刻在夜晚和房子里最秘密的地方,他和他们一起喝酒,被洒水和涂油,并经历了许多不光彩的仪式,比如赤身裸体坐在尸体上。老师告诉他,他不能沉溺于羞耻感,或对任何事物感到厌恶,也不能偏爱某物而不是另一物,也不能考虑种姓、仪式的洁净或不洁,而要自由地享受所有感官的快乐——当然,就是这样。 ,酒和我们,因为我们是丘比特妻子的代表,酒可以防止感官误入歧途。圣人认为,抑制或消灭情欲对于最终的幸福至关重要,他们通过身体的苦行和避免诱惑来实现这一目标,但他却通过过度的放纵来钝化情欲的边缘。他嘲笑虔诚者,提醒他们,他们的苦行者只有在森林里并且保持永久斋戒时才是安全的;但当他最想要的东西出现时,他就能抑制住自己的激情。




“我载了一艘船,”假驼背说道,“目的是去某块土地进行贸易。到了那里,我处理掉了我的货物,然后又带上了另一批货物,踏上了回家的旅程。忽遇大风浪,船失事,我乘木板逃生,不一会儿就到了这里。但我感到羞愧,因为我失去了所有的财富,我无法在自己的城市面对这种困境。我优秀的父亲会用他的怜悯来安慰我。但现在我已经把他和我母亲带到了恒河,[75]正如我们应该说的,埋葬了他们。 所有人都会背叛我;他们会因我的不幸而幸灾乐祸,他们会指责我愚蠢和鲁莽——唉!唉!我实在是太惨了。”





然后他们打电话给他们的女儿——啊,我!她是多么美丽的存在啊,值得干达婆(半神)的爱。她的长发呈紫色,闪烁着青春的光芒,像布拉姆拉的头发一样光滑。[76]一种大型黑蜂,常见于印度。 翅膀;她的眉宇纯净如玛瑙;她的嘴唇旁边的海珊瑚显得苍白,她的牙齿像两串珍珠。她身上的一切都是为了被爱而生的。谁能看着她的眼睛而不想再做一次呢?谁听到她的声音而不希望这样的音乐再次响起?她很善良,也很公平。她的父亲很崇拜她;她的母亲虽然是个中年妇女,但并不羡慕或嫉妒她。亲戚们都很疼爱她,朋友们也挑不出她的毛病。如果我告诉她宝贵的品质,我就永远不会结束。唉,唉!我可怜的拉特纳瓦蒂!







“你好!你好!你好!”恶魔笑道; “我会服从陛下的命令,让厌世的松鸦马丹-曼贾里继续前进。”



几个月来(Madan-manjari 继续),新娘和新郎在 Hemgupt 的房子里幸福地生活在一起。但据说:












路上的男人相信了她的故事,并带她回家,在那里她同样讲述了发生在她身上的事故,最后说道:“除此之外,我不知道他们是否杀了我的丈夫,或者放了他。” ”。父亲这样安抚了她的悲伤:“女儿!没有焦虑;你的丈夫还活着,按照神的旨意,几天后他就会来找你。小偷偷走的是人们的钱,而不是他们的生命。”然后,父母送给她比她失去的那些更珍贵的装饰品。他们召集了亲戚朋友,尽力安慰她。















“我想,所有这些鹦鹉学舌的废话只是为了惹恼我,”武士国王喊道,他总是很自然地认为自己是一个在其他人的思想和思想中占据最高地位的人。 “如果你必须讲一个故事,那就讲一个吧,吸血鬼!要么保持沉默,因为我对你的通灵能力感到厌倦。”


鹦鹉 Churaman 为年轻的 Raja Ram 提供了一座金矿,里面充满了有关女儿管理的好建议,之后他开始描述 Jayashri。

她身材高大、粗壮,身材匀称,气质优雅,但热情却很强烈。她那双漂亮的大眼睛有厚重的、相当丰满的眼睑,这是要避免的。她的双手匀称而不小,掌心永远温暖湿润。虽然她的嘴唇很好,但她的嘴却有些下垂。她的声音是如此低沉,有时听起来像一个男人的声音。她的头发光滑如栉鸡翎羽,肤色如茉莉花嫩。这些是大多数人所关注的点。总而言之,她不帅也不丑,这是女人身上的一大优点。西塔女神[77]半神罗摩·钱德拉的美丽妻子。 可爱得过分;因此她被恶魔带走了。巴厘王非常慷慨,他掏空了他的国库。这样,夸大其词,即使是好事,也是极其糟糕的。


“嗬,在那儿!”松鸦轻蔑地插话道。 “哪个女人不能赢得那些愚蠢的男人的心呢?不是说住在兰丹普尔的猪脸女有情人吗?”

我正要说,我的国王!鹦鹉有点恼火地说,如果不是老处女打断我的话,丑女人比漂亮女人更恶毒,所以她们是最成功的。 “我们爱美丽,我们爱平淡”,这是世间智者的至理名言。为什么我们喜欢平原?因为他们似乎更关心我们而不是他们自己——这是崇拜的重要条件。


当贾亚什里 (Jayashri) 十三岁时,商人的儿子,也是她父亲的八卦人物和邻居,在遥远的土地上长期逗留后回到家乡,他去那里寻找财富。这个可怜的可怜虫,顺便说一下,他的名字叫Shridat(财富的礼物),在她童年时就爱过她;但她却爱上了她。他回来了,就像人们在离开熟悉的场景后往往会做的那样,痛苦地充满了对房子和家以及属于它的一切的感情。从他那吝啬的老叔叔到咆哮的看门狗,他用爱的眼睛和融化的心看待这一切。他看不到他的偶像已经发生了巨大的变化,并且没有任何好转。她的鼻子更宽,更像棍棒,她的眼睑更肥更厚,她的下唇更突出,她的声音更刺耳,她的举止更粗俗。他没有注意到,她很擅长判断男人的衣着,而且她对所有的剑客,尤其是那些骑着马和象作战的剑士,都充满钦佩。记忆的魅力,将过去的时光变成现在的奇妙能力,使他所看到的一切都对他着迷。




对于一个精通 Lila Shastra 的人[78]印度教的Ars Amoris。 很快就会把女人的冷漠变成仇恨,而我已经证明,仇恨很容易转变为爱。在哪个困境中又是旧事重演,又以纯粹的阿萨特结束[79]古老的哲学家相信“Sat”(xx xx),并假设了“Asat”(xx xx xx),并将后者作为前者的根源。 或无实体。



当施里达特听到偶像的决心时,他陷入了绝望。他想过淹死自己,从吉纳尔山顶跳下去,[80]印度西部,一个以自杀而闻名的地方。 成为宗教乞丐;简而言之,是大量的愚蠢行为。但他没有采取所有这些英雄般的补救措施来应对绝望,因为当他变得稍微平静一些时,他正确地判断出他们不太可能进一步推进他的诉讼。他发现耐心是一种美德,于是他不耐烦地决定去实践它。并且凭借坚持不懈,他成功了。对他来说更糟糕!人的愿望是多么虚无啊!神灵是多么明智啊,他对他们的愿望充耳不闻!



“现在,拉贾·维克拉姆,”吸血鬼以他自己的身份说道,“我已经向您介绍了松鸦 Madanmanjari 和鹦鹉 Churaman 对温柔激情的定义,或者更确切地说,是他们对其效果的描述。请注意,我远未接受其中之一。在我看来,爱情有点类似于狂热,是一种暂时的自私状态,一种短暂的身份混乱。它使人能够断言其他人就是他的另一个自我,而他羞于谈论他的真实自我。我会假设心爱的对象是丑陋的、愚蠢的、恶毒的、乖僻的、自私的、低俗的,或者相反;人们发现它是迷人的,同样的规则也使得他的缺点和缺点比他邻居的所有美德和良好品质对他来说更加珍贵。你们称爱情为咒语、炼金术、神灵。为什么?因为它在完全不以自我为中心的面具下,通过满足所有人的骄傲、虚荣和自负来神化自我。当他谈论自己时,谁不是在天堂呢?还有,请问,恋人之间的谈话还有什么内容呢?

令人惊讶的是,武士之王居然允许这场演讲持续这么久。人到中年,他最痛恨的莫过于长篇大论地提到“英俊的神”。[81]卡玛德瓦。 “你这家伙,你除了女士们什么都不说吗?”他徒劳地试图用愤怒的嘟囔来阻止拜塔尔的雄辩,但他却如此用力、如此粗鲁地摇晃了那个老话多的人,以至于后者有一两次差点咬掉他的舌尖。然后吸血鬼沉默了,维克拉姆又开始散步,故事又重新开始了。




偶然间,一个Pisach(邪灵)坐在一棵大无花果树上[82]菩提树或菩提树,是恶魔最喜欢的栖息地。 他在房子对面,看到这一幕,他想到可以用一种特有的方式自娱自乐。于是,他从树枝上跳下来,让身体充满活力,开始回报女人的爱抚。但当贾亚什里弯下腰去亲吻他的嘴唇时,他用牙齿咬住了她的鼻尖,然后把它咬掉了。然后他从尸体中出来,回到了他刚才坐的树枝上。


“噢,无知、犯罪、无耻、无情的恶棍!”人们,尤其是妇女们,纷纷喊道。 “你为什么要割掉她的鼻子,她并没有冒犯任何人?”










“我在想,陛下,”年轻的达摩·达瓦吉(Dharma Dhwaj)对他父亲的武士国王说道,“如果妇女们能够创作梵文诗句,她们会对我们有何评价!”

“那就把你的想法留给自己吧,”王回答道,他对儿子竟然敢说支持性别的话感到恼火。 “你总是扮演邪恶和堕落的角色——”


当松鸦 Madan-manjari 和鹦鹉 Churaman 阐述了他们的信仰时,他们开始争论,言语激烈。前者坚持认为女性是地球之盐,我认为这是比喻性的说法。后者甚至断言异性没有灵魂,他们的大脑处于初级和不成熟的发展状态。于是,他的主人的新娘,美丽的旃陀罗瓦蒂,尖刻地责备了他,她告诉他,只有那些只与恶毒和下贱的人交往的女人才会有不好的看法,而他应该为虐待雌性鹦鹉而感到羞耻。 ,因为他的母亲就是其中之一。




直到 Madan-manjari 泪流满面,宣称她的生命不值得拥有。拉贾·拉姆看着她,仿佛他可以扭断她的脖子。


Dharma Dhwaj 会阻止他父亲的答复。但在这个故事的过程中,这个年轻人已经两次受到谴责,他认为顺其自然是最明智的做法。


“比如美丽的班加拉·拉尼(Bangalah Rani)?”拜塔尔说道​​,带着恶魔般的冷笑。






吸血鬼的第三个故事 •3,500字

在古老的巴德万城,战士之王啊! (吸血鬼说道)在强大的鲁普森统治期间,拉杰什瓦尔(Rajeshwar)蓬勃发展,他是一位声名显赫的拉杰普特战士。凭借他的英勇和行为,他从军队的最底层晋升为统帅。达到这种尊严后,他并没有像其他酋长一样停止一切改进,他们高兴地休息并回报感谢。相反,他成为了一位改革家,在某种程度上重塑了孙子兵法。


















“我没有,”拉杰普特人有些生硬地回答。 “我首先有一个妻子;第二,儿子;第三,女儿;第四,我自己;我身边没有第五个人。”


然而,对于人类来说,值得注意的是,世界常常以你自己的评价来看待你。你们要给自己定一个高价,每个人都要对他的邻舍说:“这个人一定有一些东西。”告诉每个人你勇敢、聪明、慷慨,甚至英俊,一段时间后他们就会开始相信你。当你这样取得成功时,说服他们比说服他们更难。因此 -

“别听他的,先生,”拉贾·维克拉姆对年轻的王子达玛·德瓦吉喊道,达玛·德瓦吉落后了一些,正在认真倾听吸血鬼的道德规范。 “别听他的。告诉我,恶棍,有了你这些卑鄙的原则,谦虚、谦虚、自我牺牲以及其他许多古纳或良好品质(哪些是好品质)会变成什么样子?





据传,比尔巴尔充分利用了他的财富。他每天早上将其分成两份,其中一份分发给婆罗门和帕罗希塔。[84]古代职业牧师的名称,意思是“praepositus”或 praeses。他是酋长的朋友和顾问,国王的大臣,以及他在和平与战争中的伙伴。 (M. Muller 的《古代梵文文学》,第 485 页)。 剩下的部分分成两部分,他将一份作为施舍给朝圣者、拜拉吉斯(Bairagis)或毗湿奴的托钵僧,以及桑亚西斯(Sanyasis)或湿婆的崇拜者,他们的尸体涂满了灰烬,几乎没有用窄棉布和绳子覆盖。他们的腰部周围,人造头发的头像绳子一样凝结,围困了他的大门。他用剩下的第四份,准备好食物,款待穷人,而他自己和家人则吃剩下的。每天晚上,他都会手持剑和圆盾,担任皇家床边的守卫,并手持剑整夜在床边走来走去。如果国王偶然醒来并询问谁在场,比尔巴尔立即回答说:“比尔巴尔在这里;无论你下什么命令,他都会服从。”鲁普森经常给他不寻常的命令,因为据说,“要考验你的仆人,请命令他做适当和不适当的事情:如果他自愿服从你,就知道他是有用的;如果他愿意,就知道他是有用的;如果他愿意,就知道他是有用的;如果他愿意,就知道他是有用的;如果他愿意,就知道他是有用的;如果他愿意,就知道他是有用的。”如果他回复,请立即解雇他。因此,仆人会受到考验,即使作为妻子,丈夫也会因贫穷而受到考验,而弟兄和朋友也会因请求他们的帮助而受到考验。”


有一次,据说夜间附近的墓地里突然听到一名妇女的哭声。 ” 国王一听,喊道:“谁在等候?

“我在这里,”比尔巴尔回答道。 “有什么命令?”




看到她的状况,却没有认出这位由海沫中诞生、深受天上万象喜爱的女神,[85]拉克希米,繁荣女神。 Raj-Lakshmi 的意思是国王的财富,我们应该称之为守护天才。正如沃德先生所说,拉克希查拉是我们的“不幸者”,它在如此不同的语言中形成了声音和意义的非凡巧合。但派生是非常明显的。 比尔巴尔问道:“你为什么这样殴打自己并大喊大叫?你是谁?你有什么悲伤呢?





















“恶魔!”伟大的维克拉姆大声说道,所有那些珍视忠诚、亲情、服从和高尚的感情的人,都对吸血鬼对这个问题的看法感到愤怒; “如果你指的是最伟大的傻瓜和最高尚的思想,我会毫不犹豫地回答,国王鲁普森。”



“当然,强大的维克拉姆,”吸血鬼笑道,“即使你有哈努曼的腿和手臂,你也会厌倦爬上高树。[86]猴神. 他自己。”



吸血鬼的第四个故事 •2,300字


不重要的巴尼亚[87]一般写作“榕树”。 (商人)Hiranyadatt 有一个女儿,名叫 Madansena Sundari,美丽的丘比特军队。她的脸庞如月亮;她的头发如云;她的眼睛像麝鼠的眼睛;她的眉毛像一把弯曲的弓;她的鼻子像鹦鹉嘴;她的脖子像鸽子的脖子;她的牙齿像石榴粒;她的嘴唇红得像葫芦一样;她的腰像鹬一样柔软弯曲;她的手和脚像最柔软的花朵;她的手和脚像最柔软的花朵。她的肤色如茉莉花,事实上,她的青春光彩一天天增加。




“我,”第一个说,“非常熟悉 Shastras(或圣经);在科学上没有人可以与我匹敌。至于我那帅气的样子,你自然也能看出来。”




父亲听了这番话,开始反思:“俗话说,凡事过犹不及。西塔[88]Raja Janaka 的女儿,嫁给了 Ramachandra。后者将妻子托付给弟弟拉克什玛那看管,并进入森林礼拜,这时恶魔罗波那乔装成乞丐,抢走了战利品。 很可爱,但恶魔罗波那把她带走了;马哈巴普尔的巴里王施舍很多,但最后却变得贫穷。[89]这位伟大的国王被毗湿奴神欺骗,脱离了天地的统治,但由于他的极度虔诚,他被任命为帕塔拉(或地狱)的统治者。 我的女儿太漂亮了,不能再当处女了;我该给她哪一个呢?






“很高兴不要这样做,”她回答道。 “这将是有罪的,它将使我陷入流血的罪孽和惩罚之中;因此,我在这个世界和那个世界都将是痛苦的。”


她回答说:“确实,Kali Yug(铁器时代)已经开始,从那时起,世界上谎言增加,真理减少;人嘴上说得好听,心里却滋生诡诈。宗教被摧毁,犯罪增加,大地开始寸草不生。君王征收罚金,婆罗门贪婪,子不从父的命令,兄弟不信任兄弟;朋友之间的友谊已经疏远了;诚心已离师;仆人已放弃服务;男人已经抛弃了男子气概;女人已经抛弃了谦虚。五天后,我的婚姻即将举行;但如果你不自杀,我会先去看你,然后再和我丈夫在一起。”


不久,婚礼开始了,巴尼亚人希兰雅达特 (Hiranyadatt) 在宴席和送给新郎的礼物上花费了数十万卢比。两人的尸体上都抹了姜黄,新娘手里拿着装眼药的铁盒,年轻人则拿着一把槟榔剪。婚礼前一天晚上,在喧闹刺耳的音乐声中,年轻夫妇的头部和四肢被涂上油膏,新郎的头被剃光。婚礼游行非常盛大。街道上火光冲天,人们手里拿着火把,人们走过时,燃放着成吨的烟花。大象、骆驼和马都打扮得漂漂亮亮,被放置在方便的地方。在游行队伍到达新娘家之前,六个邪恶的男孩和坏年轻人被杀或受伤。[90]游行队伍是公平的游戏,经常在黑暗中遭到棍棒和石块袭击,引发严重纠纷。晚宴上,客人们在场就表明了这一义务,而且要求极其严格。 婚礼仪式重复一遍后,巴尼亚人设宴或晚宴,食物非常美味,大家安静地坐下,没有人抱怨,没有人羞辱新娘的家庭,也没有人用剪刀剪邻居的衣服。 。








“卡玛德瓦,”她回答道,“这位美丽的青年,用他的火焰箭,用爱刺痛了三个世界居民的心,拉蒂帕蒂,拉蒂的丈夫,[91]拉蒂(Rati)是欲望之神卡玛(Kama)的妻子;我们用“春天的化身”来解释这个词。 伴随着科基拉鸟,[92]印度杜鹃(Cucuius Indicus)。它应该把蛋产在乌鸦的巢里。 嗡嗡的蜜蜂和柔和的微风。”然后她向小偷讲述了整个故事,并补充道——






她回答说:“我是人类——Madansena,Baniya Hiranyadatt 的女儿。难道你不记得在那片小树林里拉着我的手,并宣称如果我不发誓先去看望你,然后再和我丈夫在一起,你就会自杀吗?”



“这件事,”松达特用忧郁的声音喊道,“就像珍珠没有合适的衣服,食物没有澄清的黄油,[93]这就是著名的 Ghi 或 Ghee,印度的一种酱汁,在这方面与英国一样糟糕。 或无旋律的歌唱;他们都一样不自然。衣不洁则损容,食不精则力弱,妻恶则夫忧死,子不名则家破,魔怒则害人,女子无论爱憎。 ,将成为痛苦的根源。因为几乎没有什么事情是女人不会做的。她从不把心里的话说出来,从不把嘴上说的话说出来,从不说出自己在做什么。确实,上帝在这个世界上创造了女人这种奇怪的生物。”他最后说:“你和别人的妻子一起回家吧,我不关心。”


然后她去找她的丈夫,把整个事情告诉了他。但他不再爱她了,他说:“无论是国王、大臣、妻子,还是一个人的头发和指甲,都不会显得不合时宜。 kokila 的美妙之处在于它的音符,丑陋的男人的知识,奉献者的宽恕,女人的贞洁。”





“你好!你好!你好!”恶魔恶狠狠地笑道。 “那么,我的故事到此结束。”








吸血鬼的第五个故事 •4,700字







冈尚卡如此说道,召集了他的各个代表,并指示他们增加人数。他向他们指出夜间应该如何守夜;除此之外,他还命令他们开放所有进出的登记册,通过间谍手段了解城里每个可疑人员的动向,并组建一支追踪者队伍,追踪嫌疑人的足迹。即使小偷穿着盗窃鞋,[96]这些鞋子通常由碎布和皮革碎片制成。他们常常把脚趾放在脚后面,还有其他类似的设计,但他们几乎不会欺骗有经验的人。 直到他们找到并逮捕了他们。最后,他赋予巡逻队全权,只要他们可能抓到强盗,就可以不问任何问题就杀死他。









“我也是个小偷。”另一个人听了很高兴,回答道。 “那么,来吧,让我们一起做吧。但你到底是什么,一个高傲的人还是一个懒惰的人[97]高顶的是贼,低顶的是狗。?“

“在洛斯特的海湾之间举行更多的仪式,[98]参与商店行窃。”国王以闪电侠的身份低声说道,“并没有什么不合适的地方。但是,看起来很敏锐,注意老奥利弗,[99]月亮。 或羊皮人[100]法官。 将会受到我们的拉动,并且正如鸡蛋就是鸡蛋一样,一旦落后,我们就会被刮掉。[101]落后就是被抢;刮擦是挂着的。=

“好吧,保留你的红抹布[102]舌头。 安静点,”另一个人抱怨道,“让我们开始工作吧。”

然后,国王和小偷这两个人就认真地开始工作了。这帮人似乎聚集在街上。他们喝烈酒,杀戮受害者,用油擦拭他们的身体,用灯黑涂抹他们的眼睛,并重复咒语以使他们能够在黑暗中看到东西;其他人则拿着金枪练习神的功课,[103]这是卡蒂基亚神,火星和水星的混合体,他向尤加查里亚(Yugacharya)透露了被称为“Chauriya-Vidya”的经典——Anglice,“盗贼手册”。印度教戏剧中的经典强盗总是按照其戒律表演。还有另一部作品受到盗贼的推崇,被称为“Chora-Panchashila”,因为它由五十行组成。 并进行四种破屋方式:一、挑烧砖。 1. 切开未烘烤的、因最近受潮、暴露在阳光下或因盐水渗出而软化的未烘烤的。 2、往泥墙上泼水; 3. 在一块木头上钻孔。韦驮之子们,造出莲花、太阳、新月、湖泊、水缸形状的裂口,它们似乎被涂上了神奇的药膏,所以没有眼睛可以看到,没有武器可以伤害他们。


作为国王,兰德希尔对“盗贼的拉丁语”非常熟悉,他振作起来,决心找出这个巢穴的秘密。在路上,他的同伴对新海湾对老鼠洞的重视感到非常满意,[104]应该是一个好兆头。 并确信他是一个真正的强盗,教他哨子、单词和该团伙特有的标志,并答应他要打亮着的灯。[105]分享战利品。 “上交”前的那天晚上。





穿过这个山洞,小偷把兰德希尔带到了另一个山洞,里面挤满了小偷,准备晚上的欢乐。有些人正在换衣服,衣衫褴褛,脏兮兮地从房子的缝隙里爬出来;其他人正在清洗手脚上的血迹;还有一些人正在洗衣服。他们梳理着蓬乱、沾满灰尘的长发;他们用芳香的可可油涂抹皮肤。现场有形形色色的凶手,包括卡尔提凯亚和巴瓦尼的邪恶集合[106]巴瓦尼(Bhawani)是毁灭女神的多种形式之一,也是湿婆的妻子。 全体人员。其中有刺伤者,他们的短剑挂在挂绳上,绑在他们赤裸的腰上,还有达图里亚投毒者[107]用斯特拉莫姆的麻醉种子杀人的恶棍。 其特征是左臂下挂着一个小包,而 Phansigars[108]更好地称为“暴徒”,在印度意味着“流氓”。 脖子上挂着致命的头巾。兰德尔有理由感谢上一世的善行,让他在如此严密的伪装下来到这里,因为正如所料,他在强盗中发现了一些他自己的人,间谍和看守者,守卫和巡逻队。














然后兰德尔突然面向他的对手,大叫一声砍向他的腿,但盗贼跳到了空中,刀刃在他身下呼啸而过,无害。下一刻,强盗首领的剑在他的头上旋转了三次,闪电般地斜向国王的左肩落下:国王却接住了目标,毫发无伤,尽管他因这一击的猛烈而踉踉跄跄。 。



兰迪尔曾谴责小偷被钉在十字架上,[109]直到晚年,钉十字架在缅甸帝国的佛教徒中仍然很常见。据目击者 F. Carey 先生称,惩罚有两种方式。有时,罪犯的手脚被钉在绞刑架上;其他人只是被绑起来,吃东西。在这些病例中,三四天后,患者的腿和脚开始肿胀和僵硬。据说,人们在这种状态下生活了两周,最后因疲劳和屈辱而死去。抽筋的痛苦也必定非常严重。在印度,刺刑通常比钉在十字架上更常见。 手脚伸直,呈直立姿势,被钉死,直至死亡;他想吃的一切都是为了延长生命和痛苦而向他订购的。当死亡临近时,熔化的黄金将被倒入他的喉咙,直到它从他的脖子和身体的其他部位爆裂出来。

晚上,小偷被带出去处决,游行队伍碰巧经过一位富有的地主的房子附近。他有一个最宠爱的女儿,名叫肖巴尼(Shobhani),正值青春年华,非常可爱。她每一天都在进步,每一刻都增添了她的优雅和美丽。女孩被小心翼翼地放在远离人类视线的地方,从不被允许走出花园的高墙,因为她的保姆,一位深受邻里信任的聪明女人,在她死亡时向她的父母发出了郑重的警告。预言是,这位少女应该成为这座城市的仰慕者,并且应该以萨蒂寡妇的身份死去[110]我们的苏蒂有一句令人钦佩的印度教谚语说:“没有人知道女人的方式;没有人知道女人的方式。”她杀死了她的丈夫并成为了萨蒂。” 在成为妻子之前。从那时起,肖巴尼就被她的父亲当作珍珠放在棺材里,他发誓永远不会比她活得更久,甚至还确定了他自杀的地点和方式。

但命运之轴[111]命运和命运更像是穆斯林的幻想,而不是印度教的幻想。 击落云上兀鹫,随虫入地底,刺鱼于海底,凡人怎能逃脱?当强盗首领骑着骆驼,经过老户主窗下的十字架时,女人们的公寓里突然起火,把囚犯们赶进房间,看着街道。
















人们在地上挖了一个洞,在绿色的树干床上堆满了大麻、沥青、木柴和澄清的黄油,形成了葬礼的柴堆。尸体被涂油、沐浴,并穿上新衣服,然后放在大约两英尺高的堆上。舒巴尼祈祷,只要十四个因陀罗统治,或者只要她头发还有多少年,她就可以和她的丈夫住在天堂,并受到天上舞者的侍候。然后,她向朋友们赠送了自己的装饰品和玉米小礼物,在两只手腕上绑了一些棉花,在头发上插了两把新梳子,在额头上涂了漆,并在裹身布的末端绑上了干净的干稻米。[112]按理来说,农夫耕地的公牛不少于四头;但很少有人能负担得起。如果他用牛或公牛耕地,而不是用公牛耕地,那么他的地里产出的稻米就是不洁净的,并且不能用于任何宗教仪式。 和贝壳。当她绕着尸体躺着的火葬柴堆走了七圈时,她把这些送给了旁观者。然后她爬上木堆,坐在上面,把小偷的头放在腿上,没有绳子、杠杆、上层或木柴,她命令点燃木堆。周围的人群在多处放火,敲鼓,吹响海螺,大声喊叫“哈里博尔!哈里博尔![113]胜利的呼喊,就像我们的“Huzza”或“Hurrah!”后来降级为“万岁”。 “Hari bol”当然是宗教性的,意思是“召唤哈里!”即克里希纳,即毗湿奴。” 稻草被铺上,沥青和澄清黄油被随意倒出。但肖巴尼的死是一个萨哈马拉人,死得很幸福:柴堆被点燃后,她身体的任何部分都没有移动——事实上,她似乎在火焰接触到她之前就死了。

由于女儿的死,老户主自刎了。[114]这种自杀形式是印度公认的自杀形式之一。因此,在欧洲,我们读到过一些狂热分子,他们怀着自杀的聪明才智,成功地将自己钉死在十字架上。 他制造了一个半月形状的乐器,边缘像剃刀一样,适合他的颈后。它的两端,就像天平的横梁一样,都拴着链条。他闭着眼睛坐下来;他用圣河 Vaituurani 的净化粘土进行擦拭[115]奥里萨邦的贾加纳特河;它与其他大约二十九个国家共享神圣的荣誉,在较低的地区它代表着古典的冥河。;他重复了正确的咒语。然后他把脚踩在铁链的末端,突然抬起脖子,被砍下的头颅从身体上滚到了地上。这是多么幸福的死啊!


“但是,陛下,小偷可能在笑什么呢?”他父亲的年轻王子 Dharma Dhwaj 问道。









吸血鬼的第六个故事 •4,200字

在朱姆纳河美丽的河岸上,有一座城市,名为达玛斯塔尔(Dharmasthal)——职责所在;其中居住着一位名叫凯沙夫的婆罗门。他是一个非常虔诚的人,经常在西迪河上进行忏悔和崇拜。他自己制作泥像,而不是从别人那里购买。他把圣石顶部涂成红色,并向他们献上鲜花、水果、水、甜食和炒豌豆。他成为一个博学的人有些晚了,直到二十岁时,他才疏于读书,沉迷于崇拜年轻美丽的迦摩天神。[116]丘比特。他的妻子拉蒂是春天的化身。印度教诗人总是把爱和春天结合在一起,也许从生理上来说他们是正确的。 和他的妻子拉蒂,伴随着杜鹃、蜂蜂和甜美的微风。

有一天,他的父母严厉斥责了他不守规矩的行为,克沙夫漫步到邻近的一个小村庄,躲在一棵高大的无花果树下,这棵无花果树遮住了著名的潘查南雕像。[117]印度教三合会或三巨头中第三人的化身,湿婆神,毁灭之神,印度酒神巴克斯。该图像有五张脸,每张脸有三只眼睛。在孟加拉,许多村庄都发现了它,妇女们警告她们的孩子不要触摸它,否则会被杀死。 不久,一个邪恶的念头在他的脑海中升起:他玷污了神,并把他扔进了最近的坦克里。




现在,婆罗门凯沙夫有一个女儿,名字叫玛杜玛拉提(Madhumalati)或甜茉莉(Sweet Jasmine)。她非常美丽。诸神从何而来的材料,造就了如此精美的脸庞?他们把月亮最优秀的部分取了一部分,形成了那张美丽的脸?有人寻求证明这一点吗?让他看看月亮上剩下的空地。她的眼睛就像盛开的蓝色睡莲。她的怀抱是迷人的莲花茎;她飘逸的长发映衬着浓浓的夜色。


有一天,婆罗门凯沙夫去参加他的一位顾客的婚礼,[118]村里的婆罗门有时会向所有村民收取费用。 他的儿子到一位导师的家里去读书。他们不在的时候,一个年轻人来到了家里,茉莉花的母亲从他的美貌中推断出他的优点,对他说:“我会把我的女儿嫁给你。”父亲还把女儿许配给他在雇主家里遇见的一位婆罗门青年。哥哥同样把他的妹妹许配给了他读书的地方的一个同学。




















第二个求婚者巴曼将他心爱之人的骨灰捆扎起来,并遵循——有点过早——伟大立法者马努的戒律。 “父亲见筋疲力竭,头发灰白,又见其子孙,则令其入林避难。让他拿起他的圣火和所有向它献祭的家用器具,然后离开城镇到偏僻的树林里,让他以完全控制他的感觉和行动器官的能力居住在其中。以诸圣贤所食之多种清净食,青草根果,以礼施行五大圣事。让他穿上黑色羚羊皮或树皮外衣;让他早晚沐浴;让他的头发、胡须和指甲不断生长。让他在地上来回滑动;或者让他踮起脚尖站一整天;或者让他继续运动,交替起立和坐着;但日出、中午、日落时,让他到水里去洗澡。在炎热的季节,让他坐在五堆火中,其中四堆在他周围熊熊燃烧,太阳在上方;下雨天,让他赤裸裸地站在云层倾盆大雨的地方,甚至连斗篷也没有。在寒冷的季节让他穿湿衣服,让他逐渐加强虔诚的苦行。然后,按照法律的指示,将他的圣火重新安置在他的心中,让他在没有外在的火、没有宅邸的情况下生活,完全安静,以树根和果实为食。”

与此同时,马杜萨丹三世拿走了钱包和颈带,成为了乔吉(Jogi),开始四处流浪,只靠糠秕为生,并实践他的奉献精神。 为了见到梵天,他履行了以下职责: 1. 听力; 2. 冥想; 3. 调整心态; 4. 吸收心灵。 他通过将神安定在他的精神中、通过降服他的感官、通过摧毁欲望来对抗三恶:掉举、伤害、淫欲。 因此,他将消除隐藏所有真实知识的幻象(玛雅)。 他重复着神的名字,直到它以干光或荣耀的形式出现在他面前。 虽与生命之事有关,即与血、骨、垢之身之事有关。那些盲目、麻痹、充满弱点和错误的器官;充满干渴、饥饿、悲伤、迷恋的心;他仍然努力不把这些事情视为现实。 他给狗做了一个伴侣,用自己的食物来尊敬它,以便更好地思考精神。 他练习了所有与元气或体内聚集的空气有关的五种操作。 他非常注重调息(Pranayama),即逐渐抑制呼吸,并通过以下方式确保心灵的固定。 通过将视线和思想放在鼻尖上,他感知到了气味。在舌尖上他认识了味道,在舌根上他认识了声音,等等。 他练习八十四种体式,举手观天,直到不再感到冷热饥渴的不便。 他特别喜欢莲花姿势,即将双脚放在两侧,左手握住右手,右手握住左手。 在压抑呼吸的过程中,他让它的呼吸最多达到十二指的宽度,并逐渐缩小与鼻孔的距离,直到将其限制在距离鼻子十二指的长度,甚至在抑制了一些之后。那时他会从不比他的心更远的地方画它。 为了尊重时间,他一开始保留了二十六秒的灵感,然后逐渐延长这个时间,直至完美。 他盘腿而坐,用手指关闭所有灵感的通道,并练习 Prityahara,即通过冥想和专注来约束身体和心灵的力量,对此有四个敌人,即昏昏欲睡的心、人类的情欲、混乱的心、以及除了独一梵天之外对任何事物的执着。 他还修持戒律(Yama),即无害、真实、诚实、放弃世间一切邪恶,除了祭祀之外拒绝布施;以及尼哈玛(Nihama),即相对于污秽之后用水的纯洁、对一切事物的快乐。无论顺境或逆境,饥饿时断食,压低身体。

有一天,乔吉人马杜萨丹 (Madhusadan) 到一户人家取食物,户主看到他就开始说:“今天就带你的食物来这里吧!”客人坐下来,当食物准备好后,主人就给他洗脚和手,并把他带到Chauka(即提供饭菜的方形地方),让他坐下并坐在他旁边。他引用了经文:“晚上,管家不得遣散任何客人:他是由归来的太阳送来的,无论他来得合时宜还是不合时宜,他都不得在家里逗留而没有招待:让我不要吃任何精致的食物,不请客人吃:客人满意,管家必定会富贵、名誉、长寿、上天堂。”


乔吉人马杜萨丹见状,没有吃东西就站了起来。家主对他说:“你为什么不吃呢?”他回答说:“我是‘阿提提’,就是说,要在你家里招待,但是一个人怎么能在一个做了罗刹般(恶魔)行为的人的屋檐下吃饭呢?不是说:“不克制自己的情欲,人生就枉然”吗? ‘愚昧的君王,贪财的人,软弱的孩子,贪图得不到的东西’?此外,“国王即使在飞行时也能消灭敌人;大象的触碰和蛇的呼吸都是致命的。但恶人却一边笑一边毁灭’?”




夜幕终于降临了,过了一会儿,大家都吃过晚饭,各回各家睡觉了。乔吉也到屋子的一处休息,但他并没有让睡意闭上眼睛。当他以为黑暗已经过去了四分之一,大家都在沉睡时,他就悄悄地起身,走进主人的房间,从梁上取下书。 -结束并走他的路。


尽管空中有可怕的景象,豺狼、猫头鹰、乌鸦、猫、驴、秃鹰、狗和蜥蜴的叫声,以及无数看不见的生物的愤怒,例如阎王(冥王星)的使者,马杜萨丹继续念咒语。 、鬼魂、魔鬼、恶魔、小鬼、恶魔、天神、魅魔等等。三位恋人都从自己的身体中抽出血液,将其献给女神昌迪,并重复以下咒语:“万岁!至高无上的妄想!冰雹!宇宙女神!冰雹!你是满足所有人愿望的人。我可以冒昧地把我身体的血献给你吗?你愿意接受它,并对我表示祝福吗?”













吸血鬼的第七个故事 •6,000字


Of all the learned Brahmans in the learnedest university of Gaur (Bengal) none was so celebrated as Vishnu Swami. He could write verse as well as prose in dead languages, not very correctly, but still, better than all his fellows—which constituted him a distinguished writer. He had history, theosophy, and the four Vedas of Scriptures at his fingers’ ends, he was skilled in the argute science of Nyasa or Disputation, his mind was a mine of Pauranic or cosmogonico-traditional lore, handed down from the ancient fathers to the modern fathers: and he had written bulky commentaries, exhausting all that tongue of man has to say, upon the obscure text of some old philosopher whose works upon ethics, poetry, and rhetoric were supposed by the sages of Gaur to contain the germs of everything knowable. His fame went over all the country; yea, from country to country. He was a sea of excellent qualities, the father and mother of Brahmans, cows, and women, and the horror of loose persons, cut-throats, courtiers, and courtesans. As a benefactor he was equal to Karna, most liberal of heroes. In regard to truth he was equal to the veracious king Yudhishtira.

True, he was sometimes at a loss to spell a common word in his mother tongue, and whilst he knew to a fingerbreadth how many palms and paces the sun, the moon, and all the stars are distant from the earth, he would have been puzzled to tell you where the region called Yavana[119]The land of Greece. lies. Whilst he could enumerate, in strict chronological succession, every important event that happened five or six million years before he was born, he was profoundly ignorant of those that occurred in his own day. And once he asked a friend seriously, if a cat let loose in the jungle would not in time become a tiger.

Yet did all the members of alma mater Kasi, Pandits[120]Savans, professors. So in the old saying, “Hanta, Pandit Sansara “—Alas! the world is learned! This a little antedates the well-known schoolmaster. as well as students, look with awe upon Vishnu Swami’s livid cheeks, and lack-lustre eyes, grimed hands and soiled cottons.

Now it so happened that this wise and pious Brahmanic peer had four sons, whom he brought up in the strictest and most serious way. They were taught to repeat their prayers long before they understood a word of them, and when they reached the age of four[121]Children are commonly sent to school at the age of five. Girls are not taught to read, under the common idea that they will become widows if they do.they had read a variety of hymns and spiritual songs. Then they were set to learn by heart precepts that inculcate sacred duties, and arguments relating to theology, abstract and concrete.

Their father, who was also their tutor, sedulously cultivated, as all the best works upon education advise, their implicit obedience, humble respect, warm attachment, and the virtues and sentiments generally. He praised them secretly and reprehended them openly, to exercise their humility. He derided their looks, and dressed them coarsely, to preserve them from vanity and conceit. Whenever they anticipated a “treat,” he punctually disappointed them, to teach them self-denial. Often when he had promised them a present, he would revoke, not break his word, in order that discipline might have a name and habitat in his household. And knowing by experience how much stronger than love is fear, he frequently threatened, browbeat, and overawed them with the rod and the tongue, with the terrors of this world, and with the horrors of the next, that they might be kept in the right way by dread of falling into the bottomless pits that bound it on both sides.

At the age of six they were transferred to the Chatushpati[122]Meaning the place of reading the four Shastras. or school. Every morning the teacher and his pupils assembled in the hut where the different classes were called up by turns. They laboured till noon, and were allowed only two hours, a moiety of the usual time, for bathing, eating, sleep, and worship, which took up half the period. At 3 P.M. they resumed their labours, repeating to the tutor what they had learned by heart, and listening to the meaning of it: this lasted till twilight. They then worshipped, ate and drank for an hour: after which came a return of study, repeating the day’s lessons, till 10 P.M.

In their rare days of ease—for the learned priest, mindful of the words of the wise, did not wish to dull them by everlasting work—they were enjoined to disport themselves with the gravity and the decorum that befit young Samditats, not to engage in night frolics, not to use free jests or light expressions, not to draw pictures on the walls, not to eat honey, flesh, and sweet substances turned acid, not to talk to little girls at the well-side, on no account to wear sandals, carry an umbrella, or handle a die even for love, and by no means to steal their neighbours’ mangoes.

As they advanced in years their attention during work time was unremittingly directed to the Vedas. Wordly studies were almost excluded, or to speak more correctly, whenever wordly studies were brought upon the carpet, they were so evil entreated, that they well nigh lost all form and feature. History became “The Annals of India on Brahminical Principles,” opposed to the Buddhistical; geography “The Lands of the Vedas,” none other being deemed worthy of notice; and law, “The Institutes of Manu,” then almost obsolete, despite their exceeding sanctity.

But Jatu-harini[123]A certain goddess who plays tricks with mankind. If a son when grown up act differently from what his parents did, people say that he has been changed in the womb. had evidently changed these children before they were born; and Shani[124]Shani is the planet Saturn, which has an exceedingly baleful influence in India as elsewhere. must have been in the ninth mansion when they came to light.

Each youth as he attained the mature age of twelve was formally entered at the University of Kasi, where, without loss of time, the first became a gambler, the second a confirmed libertine, the third a thief, and the fourth a high Buddhist, or in other words an utter atheist.

Here King Vikram frowned at his son, a hint that he had better not behave himself as the children of highly moral and religious parents usually do. The young prince understood him, and briefly remarking that such things were common in distinguished Brahman families, asked the Baital what he meant by the word “Atheist.”

Of a truth (answered the Vampire) it is most difficult to explain. The sages assign to it three or four several meanings: first, one who denies that the gods exist secondly, one who owns that the gods exist but denies that they busy themselves with human affairs; and thirdly, one who believes in the gods and in their providence, but also believes that they are easily to be set aside. Similarly some atheists derive all things from dead and unintelligent matter; others from matter living and energetic but without sense or will: others from matter with forms and qualities generable and conceptible; and others from a plastic and methodical nature. Thus the Vishnu Swamis of the world have invested the subject with some confusion. The simple, that is to say, the mass of mortality, have confounded that confusion by reproachfully applying the word atheist to those whose opinions differ materially from their own.

But I being at present, perhaps happily for myself, a Vampire, and having, just now, none of these human or inhuman ideas, meant simply to say that the pious priest’s fourth son being great at second and small in the matter of first causes, adopted to their fullest extent the doctrines of the philosophical Buddhas.[125]The Eleatic or Materialistic school of Hindu philosophy, which agrees to explode an intelligent separate First Cause. Nothing according to him exists but the five elements, earth, water, fire, air (or wind), and vacuum, and from the last proceeded the penultimate, and so forth. With the sage Patanjali, he held the universe to have the power of perpetual progression.[126]The writings of this school give an excellent view of the “progressive system,” which has popularly been asserted to be a modern idea. But Hindu philosophy seems to have exhausted every fancy that can spring from the brain of man. He called that Matra (matter), which is an eternal and infinite principle, beginningless and endless. Organization, intelligence, and design, he opined, are inherent in matter as growth is in a tree. He did not believe in soul or spirit, because it could not be detected in the body, and because it was a departure from physiological analogy. The idea “I am,” according to him, was not the identification of spirit with matter, but a product of the mutation of matter in this cloud-like, error-formed world. He believed in Substance (Sat) and scoffed at Unsubstance (Asat). He asserted the subtlety and globularity of atoms which are uncreate. He made mind and intellect a mere secretion of the brain, or rather words expressing not a thing, but a state of things. Reason was to him developed instinct, and life an element of the atmosphere affecting certain organisms. He held good and evil to be merely geographical and chronological expressions, and he opined that what is called Evil is mostly an active and transitive form of Good. Law was his great Creator of all things, but he refused a creator of law, because such a creator would require another creator, and so on in a quasi-interminable series up to absurdity. This reduced his law to a manner of haphazard. To those who, arguing against it, asked him their favourite question, How often might a man after he had jumbled a set of letters in a bag fling them out upon the ground before they would fall into an exact poem? he replied that the calculation was beyond his arithmetic, but that the man had only to jumble and fling long enough inevitably to arrive at that end. He rejected the necessity as well as the existence of revelation, and he did not credit the miracles of Krishna, because, according to him, nature never suspends her laws, and, moreover, he had never seen aught supernatural. He ridiculed the idea of Mahapralaya, or the great destruction, for as the world had no beginning, so it will have no end. He objected to absorption, facetiously observing with the sage Jamadagni, that it was pleasant to eat sweetmeats, but that for his part he did not wish to become the sweetmeat itself. He would not believe that Vishnu had formed the universe out of the wax in his ears. He positively asserted that trees are not bodies in which the consequences of merit and demerit are received. Nor would he conclude that to men were attached rewards and punishments from all eternity. He made light of the Sanskara, or sacrament. He admitted Satwa, Raja, and Tama,[127]Tama is the natural state of matter, Raja is passion acting upon nature, and Satwa is excellence These are the three gunas or qualities of matter. but only as properties of matter. He acknowledged gross matter (Sthulasharir), and atomic matter (Shukshma-sharir), but not Linga-sharir, or the archetype of bodies. To doubt all things was the foundation of his theory, and to scoff at all who would not doubt was the corner-stone of his practice. In debate he preferred logical and mathematical grounds, requiring a categorical “because” in answer to his “why?” He was full of morality and natural religion, which some say is no religion at all. He gained the name of atheist by declaring with Gotama that there are innumerable worlds, that the earth has nothing beneath it but the circumambient air, and that the core of the globe is incandescent. And he was called a practical atheist—a worse form apparently—for supporting the following dogma: “that though creation may attest that a creator has been, it supplies no evidence to prove that a creator still exists.” On which occasion, Shiromani, a nonplussed theologian, asked him, “By whom and for what purpose werst thou sent on earth?” The youth scoffed at the word “sent,” and replied, “Not being thy Supreme Intelligence, or Infinite Nihility, I am unable to explain the phenomenon.” Upon which he quoted—

How sunk in darkness Gaur must be
Whose guide is blind Shiromani!

At length it so happened that the four young men, having frequently been surprised in flagrant delict, were summoned to the dread presence of the university Gurus,[128]Spiritual preceptors and learned men. who addressed them as follows:—

“There are four different characters in the world: he who perfectly obeys the commands; he who practices the commands, but follows evil; he who does neither good nor evil; and he who does nothing but evil. The third character, it is observed, is also an offender, for he neglects that which he ought to observe. But ye all belong to the fourth category.”

Then turning to the elder they said:

“In works written upon the subject of government it is advised, ‘Cut off the gambler’s nose and ears, hold up his name to public contempt, and drive him out of the country, that he may thus become an example to others. For they who play must more often lose than win; and losing, they must either pay or not pay. In the latter case they forfeit caste, in the former they utterly reduce themselves. And though a gambler’s wife and children are in the house, do not consider them to be so, since it is not known when they will be lost.[129]Under certain limitations, gambling is allowed by Hindu law and the winner has power over the person and property of the loser. No “debts of honour” in Hindustan!] Thus he is left in a state of perfect not-twoness (solitude), and he will be reborn in hell.’ O young man! thou hast set a bad example to others, therefore shalt thou immediately exchange this university for a country life.”

Then they spoke to the second offender thus:——

“The wise shun woman, who can fascinate a man in the twinkling of an eye; but the foolish, conceiving an affection for her, forfeit in the pursuit of pleasure their truthfulness, reputation, and good disposition, their way of life and mode of thought, their vows and their religion. And to such the advice of their spiritual teachers comes amiss, whilst they make others as bad as themselves. For it is said, ‘He who has lost all sense of shame, fears not to disgrace another; ‘and there is the proverb, ‘A wild cat that devours its own young is not likely to let a rat escape;’ therefore must thou too, O young man! quit this seat of learning with all possible expedition.”

The young man proceeded to justify himself by quotations from the Lila-shastra, his text-book, by citing such lines as—

Fortune favours folly and force,

and by advising the elderly professors to improve their skill in the peace and war of love. But they drove him out with execrations.

As sagely and as solemnly did the Pandits and the Gurus reprove the thief and the atheist, but they did not dispense the words of wisdom in equal proportions. They warned the former that petty larceny is punishable with fine, theft on a larger scale with mutilation of the hand, and robbery, when detected in the act, with loss of life[130]Quotations from standard works on Hindu criminal law, which in some points at least is almost as absurd as our civilized codes.; that for cutting purses, or for snatching them out of a man’s waistcloth,[131]Hindus carry their money tied up in a kind of sheet which is wound round the waist and thrown over the shoulder. ‘the first penalty is chopping off the fingers, the second is the loss of the hand, and the third is death. Then they call him a dishonour to the college, and they said, “Thou art as a woman, the greatest of plunderers; other robbers purloin property which is worthless, thou stealest the best; they plunder in the night, thou in the day,” and so forth. They told him that he was a fellow who had read his Chauriya Vidya to more purpose then his ritual.[132]A thieves’ manual in the Sanskrit tongue; it aspires to the dignity of a “Scripture.” And they drove him from the door as he in his shamelessness began to quote texts about the four approved ways of housebreaking, namely, picking out burnt bricks, cutting through unbaked bricks, throwing water on a mud wall, and boring one of wood with a centre-bit.

But they spent six mortal hours in convicting the atheist, whose abominations they refuted by every possible argumentation: by inference, by comparison, and by sounds, by Sruti and Smriti, i.e., revelational and traditional, rational and evidential, physical and metaphysical, analytical and synthetical, philosophical and philological, historical, and so forth. But they found all their endeavours vain. “For,” it is said, “a man who has lost all shame, who can talk without sense, and who tries to cheat his opponent, will never get tired, and will never be put down.” He declared that a non-ad was far more probable than a monad (the active principle), or the duad (the passive principle or matter.) He compared their faith with a bubble in the water, of which we can never predicate that it does exist or it does not. It is, he said, unreal, as when the thirsty mistakes the meadow mist for a pool of water. He proved the eternity of sound.[133]All sounds, say the Hindus, are of similar origin, and they do not die; if they did, they could not be remembered. He impudently recounted and justified all the villanies of the Vamachari or left-handed sects. He told them that they had taken up an ass’s load of religion, and had better apply to honest industry. He fell foul of the gods; accused Yama of kicking his own mother, Indra of tempting the wife of his spiritual guide, and Shiva of associating with low women. Thus, he said, no one can respect them. Do not we say when it thunders awfully, “the rascally gods are dying!” And when it is too wet, “these villain gods are sending too much rain”? Briefly, the young Brahman replied to and harangued them all so impertinently, if not pertinently, that they, waxing angry, fell upon him with their staves, and drove him out of assembly.

Then the four thriftless youths returned home to their father, who in his just indignation had urged their disgrace upon the Pandits and Gurus, otherwise these dignitaries would never have resorted to such extreme measures with so distinguished a house. He took the opportunity of turning them out upon the world, until such time as they might be able to show substantial signs of reform. “For,” he said, “those who have read science in their boyhood, and who in youth, agitated by evil passions, have remained in the insolence of ignorance, feel regret in their old age, and are consumed by the fire of avarice.” In order to supply them with a motive for the task proposed, he stopped their monthly allowance But he added, if they would repair to the neighbouring university of Jayasthal, and there show themselves something better than a disgrace to their family, he would direct their maternal uncle to supply them with all the necessaries of food and raiment.

In vain the youths attempted, with sighs and tears and threats of suicide, to soften the paternal heart. He was inexorable, for two reasons. In the first place, after wondering away the wonder with which he regarded his own failure, he felt that a stigma now attached to the name of the pious and learned Vishnu Swami, whose lectures upon “Management during Teens,” and whose “Brahman Young Man’s Own Book,” had become standard works. Secondly, from a sense of duty, he determined to omit nothing that might tend to reclaim the reprobates. As regards the monthly allowance being stopped, the reverend man had become every year a little fonder of his purse; he had hoped that his sons would have qualified themselves to take pupils, and thus achieve for themselves, as he phrased it, “A genteel independence”; whilst they openly derided the career, calling it “an admirable provision for the more indigent members of the middle classes.” For which reason he referred them to their maternal uncle, a man of known and remarkable penuriousness.

The four ne’er-do-weals, foreseeing what awaited them at Jayasthal, deferred it as a last resource; determining first to see a little life, and to push their way in the world, before condemning themselves to the tribulations of reform.

They tried to live without a monthly allowance, and notably they failed; it was squeezing, as men say, oil from sand. The gambler, having no capital, and, worse still, no credit, lost two or three suvernas[134]Gold pieces. at play, and could not pay them; in consequence of which he was soundly beaten with iron-shod staves, and was nearly compelled by the keeper of the hell to sell himself into slavery. Thus he became disgusted; and telling his brethren that they would find him at Jayasthal, he departed, with the intention of studying wisdom.

A month afterwards came the libertine’s turn to be disappointed. He could no longer afford fine new clothes; even a well-washed coat was beyond his means. He had reckoned upon his handsome face, and he had matured a plan for laying various elderly conquests under contribution. Judge, therefore, his disgust when all the women—high and low, rich and poor, old and young, ugly and beautiful—seeing the end of his waistcloth thrown empty over his shoulder, passed him in the streets without even deigning a look. The very shopkeepers’ wives, who once had adored his mustachio and had never ceased talking of his “elegant” gait, despised him; and the wealthy old person who formerly supplied his small feet with the choicest slippers, left him to starve. Upon which he also in a state of repentance, followed his brother to acquire knowledge.

“Am I not,” quoth the thief to himself, “a cat in climbing, a deer in running, a snake in twisting, a hawk in pouncing, a dog in scenting?—keen as a hare, tenacious as a wolf, strong as a lion?—a lamp in the night, a horse on a plain, a mule on a stony path, a boat in the water, a rock on land[135]These are the qualifications specified by Hindu classical authorities as necessary to make a distinguished thief.?” The reply to his own questions was of course affirmative. But despite all these fine qualities, and notwithstanding his scrupulous strictness in invocating the house-breaking tool and in devoting a due portion of his gains to the gods of plunder,[136]Every Hindu is in a manner born to a certain line of life, virtuous or vicious, honest or dishonest and his Dharma, or religious duty, consists in conforming to the practice and the worship of his profession. The “Thug,” for instance, worships Bhawani, who enables him to murder successfully; and his remorse would arise from neglecting to murder. he was caught in a store-room by the proprietor, who inexorably handed him over to justice. As he belonged to the priestly caste,[137]Hindu law sensibly punishes, in theory at least, for the same offence the priest more severely than the layman—a hint for him to practice what he preaches. the fine imposed upon him was heavy. He could not pay it, and therefore he was thrown into a dungeon, where he remained for some time. But at last he escaped from jail, when he made his parting bow to Kartikeya,[138]The Hindu Mercury, god of rascals. stole a blanket from one of the guards, and set out for Jayasthal, cursing his old profession.

The atheist also found himself in a position that deprived him of all his pleasures. He delighted in afterdinner controversies, and in bringing the light troops of his wit to bear upon the unwieldy masses of lore and logic opposed to him by polemical Brahmans who, out of respect for his father, did not lay an action against him for overpowering them in theological disputation.[139]A penal offence in India. How is it that we English have omitted to codify it? The laws of Manu also punish severely all disdainful expressions, such as “tush” or “pish,” addressed during argument to a priest. In the strange city to which he had removed no one knew the son of Vishnu Swami, and no one cared to invite him to the house. Once he attempted his usual trick upon a knot of sages who, sitting round a tank, were recreating themselves with quoting mystical Sanskrit shlokas[140]Stanzas, generally speaking, on serious subjects. of abominable long-windedness. The result was his being obliged to ply his heels vigorously in flight from the justly incensed literati, to whom he had said “tush” and “pish,” at least a dozen times in as many minutes. He therefore also followed the example of his brethren, and started for Jayasthal with all possible expedition.

Arrived at the house of their maternal uncle, the young men, as by one assent, began to attempt the unloosening of his purse-strings. Signally failing in this and in other notable schemes, they determined to lay in that stock of facts and useful knowledge which might reconcile them with their father, and restore them to that happy life at Gaur which they then despised, and which now brought tears into their eyes.

Then they debated with one another what they should study


That branch of the preternatural, popularly called “white magic,” found with them favour.


They chose a Guru or teacher strictly according to the orders of their faith, a wise man of honourable family and affable demeanour, who was not a glutton nor leprous, nor blind of one eye, nor blind of both eyes, nor very short, nor suffering from whitlows,[141]Whitlows on the nails show that the sufferer, in the last life, stole gold from a Brahman.asthma, or other disease, nor noisy and talkative, nor with any defect about the fingers and toes, nor subject to his wife.


A grand discovery had been lately made by a certain physiologico-philosophico-psychologico-materialist, a Jayasthalian. In investigating the vestiges of creation, the cause of causes, the effect of effects, and the original origin of that Matra (matter) which some regard as an entity, others as a non-entity, others self-existent, others merely specious and therefore unexistent, he became convinced that the fundamental form of organic being is a globule having another globule within itself After inhabiting a garret and diving into the depths of his self-consciousness for a few score years, he was able to produce such complex globule in triturated and roasted flint by means of—I will not say what. Happily for creation in general, the discovery died a natural death some centuries ago. An edifying spectacle, indeed, for the world to see; a cross old man sitting amongst his gallipots and crucibles, creating animalculae, providing the corpses of birds, beasts, and fishes with what is vulgarly called life, and supplying to epigenesis all the latest improvements!

In those days the invention, being a novelty, engrossed the thoughts of the universal learned, who were in a fever of excitement about it. Some believed in it so implicity that they saw in every experiment a hundred things which they did not see. Others were so sceptical and contradictory that they would not preceive what they did see. Those blended with each fact their own deductions, whilst these span round every reality the web of their own prejudices. Curious to say, the Jayasthalians, amongst whom the luminous science arose, hailed it with delight, whilst the Gaurians derided its claim to be considered an important addition to human knowledge.

Let me try to remember a few of their words.

“Unfortunate human nature,” wrote the wise of Gaur against the wise of Jayasthal, “wanted no crowning indignity but this! You had already proved that the body is made of the basest element—earth. You had argued away the immovability, the ubiquity, the permanency, the eternity, and the divinity of the soul, for is not your favourite axiom, ‘It is the nature of limbs which thinketh in man’? The immortal mind is, according to you, an ignoble viscus; the god-like gift of reason is the instinct of a dog somewhat highly developed. Still you left us something to hope. Still you allowed us one boast. Still life was a thread connecting us with the Giver of Life. But now, with an impious hand, in blasphemous rage ye have rent asunder that last frail tie.” And so forth.

“Welcome! thrice welcome! this latest and most admirable development of human wisdom,” wrote the sage Jayasthalians against the sage Gaurians, “which has assigned to man his proper state and status and station in the magnificent scale of being. We have not created the facts which we have investigated, and which we now proudly publish. We have proved materialism to be nature’s own system. But our philosophy of matter cannot overturn any truth, because, if erroneous, it will necessarily sink into oblivion; if real, it will tend only to instruct and to enlighten the world. Wise are ye in your generation, O ye sages of Gaur, yet withal wondrous illogical.” And much of this kind.

Concerning all which, mighty king! I, as a Vampire, have only to remark that those two learned bodies, like your Rajaship’s Nine Gems of Science, were in the habit of talking most about what they least understood.

The four young men applied the whole force of their talents to mastering the difficulties of the life-giving process; and in due time, their industry obtained its reward.

Then they determined to return home. As with beating hearts they approached the old city, their birthplace, and gazed with moistened eyes upon its tall spires and grim pagodas, its verdant meads and venerable groves, they saw a Kanjar,[142]A low caste Hindu, who catches and exhibits snakes and performs other such mean offices. who, having tied up in a bundle the skin and bones of a tiger which he had found dead, was about to go on his way. Then said the thief to the gambler, “Take we these remains with us, and by means of them prove the truth of our science before the people of Gaur, to the offence of their noses.[143]Meaning, in spite of themselves.” Being now possessed of knowledge, they resolved to apply it to its proper purpose, namely, power over the property of others. Accordingly, the wencher, the gambler, and the atheist kept the Kanjar in conversation whilst the thief vivified a shank bone; and the bone thereupon stood upright, and hopped about in so grotesque and wonderful a way that the man, being frightened, fled as if I had been close behind him.

Vishnu Swami had lately written a very learned commentary on the mystical words of Lokakshi:

“The Scriptures are at variance—the tradition is at variance. He who gives a meaning of his own, quoting the Vedas, is no philosopher.

“True philosophy, through ignorance, is concealed as in the fissures of a rock.

“But the way of the Great One—that is to be followed.”

And the success of his book had quite effaced from the Brahman mind the holy man’s failure in bringing up his children. He followed up this by adding to his essay on education a twentieth tome, containing recipes for the “Reformation of Prodigals.”

The learned and reverend father received his sons with open arms. He had heard from his brother-in-law that the youths were qualified to support themselves, and when informed that they wished to make a public experiment of their science, he exerted himself, despite his disbelief in it, to forward their views.

The Pandits and Gurus were long before they would consent to attend what they considered dealings with Yama (the Devil). In consequence, however, of Vishnu Swami’s name and importunity, at length, on a certain day, all the pious, learned, and reverend tutors, teachers, professors, prolocutors, pastors, spiritual fathers, poets, philosophers, mathematicians, schoolmasters, pedagogues, bear-leaders, institutors, gerund-grinders, preceptors, dominies, brushers, coryphaei, dry-nurses, coaches, mentors, monitors, lecturers, prelectors, fellows, and heads of houses at the university at Gaur, met together in a large garden, where they usually diverted themselves out of hours with ball-tossing, pigeon-tumbling, and kite-flying.

Presently the four young men, carrying their bundle of bones and the other requisites, stepped forward, walking slowly with eyes downcast, like shrinking cattle: for it is said, the Brahman must not run, even when it rains.

After pronouncing an impromptu speech, composed for them by their father, and so stuffed with erudition that even the writer hardly understood it, they announced their wish to prove, by ocular demonstration, the truth of a science upon which their short-sighted rivals of Jayasthal had cast cold water, but which, they remarked in the eloquent peroration of their discourse, the sages of Gaur had welcomed with that wise and catholic spirit of inquiry which had ever characterized their distinguished body.

Huge words, involved sentences, and the high-flown compliment, exceedingly undeserved, obscured, I suppose, the bright wits of the intellectual convocation, which really began to think that their liberality of opinion deserved all praise.

None objected to what was being prepared, except one of the heads of houses; his appeal was generally scouted, because his Sanskrit style was vulgarly intelligible, and he had the bad name of being a practical man. The metaphysician Rashik Lall sneered to Vaiswata the poet, who passed on the look to the theo-philosopher Vardhaman. Haridatt the antiquarian whispered the metaphysician Vasudeva, who burst into a loud laugh; whilst Narayan, Jagasharma, and Devaswami, all very learned in the Vedas, opened their eyes and stared at him with well-simulated astonishment. So he, being offended, said nothing more, but arose and walked home.

A great crowd gathered round the four young men and their father, as opening the bundle that contained the tiger’s remains, they prepared for their task.

One of the operators spread the bones upon the ground and fixed each one into its proper socket, not forgetting even the teeth and tusks.

The second connected, by means of a marvellous unguent, the skeleton with the muscles and heart of an elephant, which he had procured for the purpose.

The third drew from his pouch the brain and eyes of a large tom-cat, which he carefully fitted into the animal’s skull, and then covered the body with the hide of a young rhinoceros.

Then the fourth—the atheist—who had been directing the operation, produced a globule having another globule within itself. And as the crowd pressed on them, craning their necks, breathless with anxiety, he placed the Principle of Organic Life in the tiger’s body with such effect that the monster immediately heaved its chest, breathed, agitated its limbs, opened its eyes, jumped to its feet, shook itself, glared around, and began to gnash its teeth and lick its chops, lashing the while its ribs with its tail.

The sages sprang back, and the beast sprang forward. With a roar like thunder during Elephanta-time,[144]When the moon is in a certain lunar mansion, at the conclusion of the wet season. it flew at the nearest of the spectators, flung Vishnu Swami to the ground and clawed his four sons. Then, not even stopping to drink their blood, it hurried after the flying herd of wise men. Jostling and tumbling, stumbling and catching at one another’s long robes, they rushed in hottest haste towards the garden gate. But the beast, having the muscles of an elephant as well as the bones of a tiger, made a few bounds of eighty or ninety feet each, easily distanced them, and took away all chance of escape. To be brief: as the monster was frightfully hungry after its long fast, and as the imprudent young men had furnished it with admirable implements of destruction, it did not cease its work till one hundred and twenty-one learned and highly distinguished Pandits and Gurus lay upon the ground chawed, clawed, sucked dry, and in most cases stone-dead. Amongst them, I need hardly say, were the sage Vishnu Swami and his four sons.

Having told this story the Vampire hung silent for a time. Presently he resumed—

“Now, heed my words, Raja Vikram! I am about to ask thee, Which of all those learned men was the most finished fool? The answer is easily found, yet it must be distasteful to thee. Therefore mortify thy vanity, as soon as possible, or I shall be talking, and thou wilt be walking through this livelong night, to scanty purpose. Remember! science without understanding is of little use; indeed, understanding is superior to science, and those devoid of understanding perish as did the persons who revivified the tiger. Before this, I warned thee to beware of thyself, and of thine own conceit. Here, then, is an opportunity for self-discipline—which of all those learned men was the greatest fool?”

The warrior king mistook the kind of mortification imposed upon him, and pondered over the uncomfortable nature of the reply—in the presence of his son.

Again the Baital taunted him.

“The greatest fool of all,” at last said Vikram, in slow and by no means willing accents, “was the father. Is it not said, ‘There is no fool like an old fool’?”

“Gramercy!” cried the Vampire, bursting out into a discordant laugh, “I now return to my tree. By this head! I never before heard a father so readily condemn a father.” With these words he disappeared, slipping out of the bundle.

The Raja scolded his son a little for want of obedience, and said that he had always thought more highly of his acuteness—never could have believed that he would have been taken in by so shallow a trick. Dharma Dhwaj answered not a word to this, but promised to be wiser another time.

Then they returned to the tree, and did what they had so often done before.

And, as before, the Baital held his tongue for a time. Presently he began as follows.

The Vampire’s Eighth Story •6,500字

The lady Chandraprabha, daughter of the Raja Subichar, was a particularly beautiful girl, and marriage-able withal. One day as Vasanta, the Spring, began to assert its reign over the world, animate and inanimate, she went accompanied by her young friends and companions to stroll about her father’s pleasure-garden.

The fair troop wandered through sombre groves, where the dark tamale-tree entwined its branches with the pale green foliage of the nim, and the pippal’s domes of quivering leaves contrasted with the columnar aisles of the banyan fig. They admired the old monarchs of the forest, bearded to the waist with hangings of moss, the flowing creepers delicately climbing from the lower branches to the topmost shoots, and the cordage of llianas stretching from trunk to trunk like bridges for the monkeys to pass over. Then they issued into a clear space dotted with asokas bearing rich crimson flowers, cliterias of azure blue, madhavis exhibiting petals virgin white as the snows on Himalaya, and jasmines raining showers of perfumed blossoms upon the grateful earth. They could not sufficiently praise the tall and graceful stem of the arrowy areca, contrasting with the solid pyramid of the cypress, and the more masculine stature of the palm. Now they lingered in the trellised walks closely covered over with vines and creepers; then they stopped to gather the golden bloom weighing down the mango boughs, and to smell the highly-scented flowers that hung from the green fretwork of the chambela.

It was spring, I have said. The air was still except when broken by the hum of the large black bramra bee, as he plied his task amidst the red and orange flowers of the dak, and by the gushings of many waters that made music as they coursed down their stuccoed channels between borders of many coloured poppies and beds of various flowers. From time to time the dulcet note of the kokila bird, and the hoarse plaint of the turtle-dove deep hid in her leafy bower, attracted every ear and thrilled every heart. The south wind—“breeze of the south,[145]In Hindustan, it is the prevailing wind of the hot weather. the friend of love and spring” blew with a voluptuous warmth, for rain clouds canopied the earth, and the breath of the narcissus, the rose, and the citron, teemed with a languid fragrance.

The charms of the season affected all the damsels. They amused themselves in their privacy with pelting blossoms at one another, running races down the smooth broad alleys, mounting the silken swings that hung between the orange trees, embracing one another, and at times trying to push the butt of the party into the fishpond. Perhaps the liveliest of all was the lady Chandraprabha, who on account of her rank could pelt and push all the others, without fear of being pelted and pushed in return.

It so happened, before the attendants had had time to secure privacy for the princess and her women, that Manaswi, a very handsome youth, a Brahman’s son, had wandered without malicious intention into the garden. Fatigued with walking, and finding a cool shady place beneath a tree, he had lain down there, and had gone to sleep, and had not been observed by any of the king’s people. He was still sleeping when the princess and her companions were playing together.

Presently Chandraprabha, weary of sport, left her friends, and singing a lively air, tripped up the stairs leading to the summer-house. Aroused by the sound of her advancing footsteps, Manaswi sat up; and the princess, seeing a strange man, started. But their eyes had met, and both were subdued by love—love vulgarly called “love at first sight.”

“Nonsense!” exclaimed the warrior king, testily, “I can never believe in that freak of Kama Deva.” He spoke feelingly, for the thing had happened to himself more than once, and on no occasion had it turned out well.

“But there is such a thing, O Raja, as love at first sight,” objected the Baital, speaking dogmatically.

“Then perhaps thou canst account for it, dead one,” growled the monarch surlily.

“I have no reason to do so, O Vikram,” retorted the Vampire, “when you men have already done it. Listen, then, to the words of the wise. In the olden time, one of your great philosophers invented a fluid pervading all matter, strongly self-repulsive like the steam of a brass pot, and widely spreading like the breath of scandal. The repulsiveness, however, according to that wise man, is greatly modified by its second property, namely, an energetic attraction or adhesion to all material bodies. Thus every substance contains a part, more or less, of this fluid, pervading it throughout, and strongly bound to each component atom. He called it ‘Ambericity,’ for the best of reasons, as it has no connection with amber, and he described it as an imponderable, which, meaning that it could not be weighed, gives a very accurate and satisfactory idea of its nature.

“Now, said that philosopher, whenever two bodies containing that unweighable substance in unequal proportions happen to meet, a current of imponderable passes from one to the other, producing a kind of attraction, and tending to adhere. The operation takes place instantaneously when the force is strong and much condensed. Thus the vulgar who call things after their effects and not from their causes, term the action of this imponderable love at first sight; the wise define it to be a phenomenon of ambericity. As regards my own opinion about the matter, I have long ago told it to you, O Vikram! Silliness—”

“Either hold your tongue, fellow, or go on with your story,” cried the Raja, wearied out by so many words that had no manner of sense.

Well! the effect of the first glance was that Manaswi, the Brahman’s son, fell back in a swoon and remained senseless upon the ground where he had been sitting; and the Raja’s daughter began to tremble upon her feet, and presently dropped unconscious upon the floor of the summer-house. Shortly after this she was found by her companions and attendants, who, quickly taking her up in their arms and supporting her into a litter, conveyed her home.

Manaswi, the Brahman’s son, was so completely overcome, that he lay there dead to everything. Just then the learned, deeply read, and purblind Pandits Muldev and Shashi by name, strayed into the garden, and stumbled upon the body.

“Friend,” said Muldev, “how came this youth thus to fall senseless on the ground?”

“Man,” replied Shashi, “doubtless some damsel has shot forth the arrows of her glances from the bow of her eyebrows, and thence he has become insensible!”

“We must lift him up then,” said Muldev the benevolent.

“What need is there to raise him?” asked Shashi the misanthrope by way of reply.

Muldev, however, would not listen to these words. He ran to the pond hard by, soaked the end of his waistcloth in water, sprinkled it over the young Brahman, raised him from the ground, and placed him sitting against the wall. And perceiving, when he came to himself, that his sickness was rather of the soul than of the body, the old men asked him how he came to be in that plight.

“We should tell our griefs,” answered Manaswi, “only to those who will relieve us! What is the use of communicating them to those who, when they have heard, cannot help us? What is to be gained by the empty pity or by the useless condolence of men in general?”

The Pandits, however, by friendly looks and words, presently persuaded him to break silence, when he said, “A certain princess entered this summer-house, and from the sight of her I have fallen into this state. If I can obtain her, I shall live; if not, I must die.”

“Come with me, young man!” said Muldev the benevolent: “I will use every endeavour to obtain her, and if I do not succeed I will make thee wealthy and independent of the world.”

Manaswi rejoined: “The Deity in his beneficence has created many jewels in this world, but the pearl, woman, is chiefest of all; and for her sake only does man desire wealth. What are riches to one who has abandoned his wife? What are they who do not possess beautiful wives? they are but beings inferior to the beasts! wealth is the fruit of virtue; ease, of wealth; a wife, of ease. And where no wife is, how can there be happiness?” And the enamoured youth rambled on in this way, curious to us, Raja Vikram, but perhaps natural enough in a Brahman’s son suffering under that endemic malady—determination to marry.

“Whatever thou mayest desire,” said Muldev, “shall by the blessing of heaven be given to thee.”

Manaswi implored him, saying most pathetically, “O Pandit, bestow then that damsel upon me!”

Muldev promised to do so, and having comforted the youth, led him to his own house. Then he welcomed him politely, seated him upon the carpet, and left him for a few minutes, promising him to return. When he reappeared, he held in his hand two little balls or pills, and showing them to Manaswi, he explained their virtues as follows:

“There is in our house an hereditary secret, by means of which I try to promote the weal of humanity. But in all cases my success depends mainly upon the purity and the heartwholeness of those that seek my aid. If thou place this in thy mouth, thou shalt be changed into a damsel twelve years old, and when thou withdrawest it again, thou shalt again recover thine original form. Beware, however, that thou use the power for none but a good purpose; otherwise some great calamity will befall thee. Therefore, take counsel of thyself before undertaking this trial!”

What lover, O warrior king Vikram, would have hesitated, under such circumstances, to assure the Pandit that he was the most innocent, earnest, and well-intentioned being in the Three Worlds?

The Brahman’s son, at least, lost no time in so doing. Hence the simple-minded philosopher put one of the pills into the young man’s mouth, warning him on no account to swallow it, and took the other into his own mouth. Upon which Manaswi became a sprightly young maid, and Muldev was changed to a reverend and decrepid senior, not fewer than eighty years old.

Thus transformed, the twain walked up to the palace of the Raja Subichar, and stood for a while to admire the gate. Then passing through seven courts, beautiful as the Paradise of Indra, they entered, unannounced, as became the priestly dignity, a hall where, surrounded by his courtiers, sat the ruler. The latter, seeing the Holy Brahman under his roof, rose up, made the customary humble salutation, and taking their right hands, led what appeared to be the father and daughter to appropriate seats. Upon which Muldev, having recited a verse, bestowed upon the Raja a blessing whose beauty has been diffused over all creation.

“May that Deity[146]Vishnu, as a dwarf, sank down into and secured in the lower regions the Raja Bali, who by his piety and prayerfulness was subverting the reign of the lesser gods; as Ramachandra he built a bridge between Lanka (Ceylon) and the main land; and as Krishna he defended, by holding up a hill as an umbrella for them, his friends the shepherds and shepherdesses from the thunders of Indra, whose worship they had neglected. who as a mannikin deceived the great king Bali; who as a hero, with a monkey-host, bridged the Salt Sea; who as a shepherd lifted up the mountain Gobarddhan in the palm of his hand, and by it saved the cowherds and cowherdesses from the thunders of heaven—may that Deity be thy protector!”

Having heard and marvelled at this display of eloquence, the Raja inquired, “Whence hath your holiness come?”

“My country,” replied Muldev, “is on the northern side of the great mother Ganges, and there too my dwelling is. I travelled to a distant land, and having found in this maiden a worthy wife for my son, I straightway returned homewards. Meanwhile a famine had laid waste our village, and my wife and my son have fled I know not where. Encumbered with this damsel, how can I wander about seeking them? Hearing the name of a pious and generous ruler, I said to myself, ‘I will leave her under his charge until my return.’ Be pleased to take great care of her.”

For a minute the Raja sat thoughtful and silent. He was highly pleased with the Brahman’s perfect compliment. But he could not hide from himself that he was placed between two difficulties: one, the charge of a beautiful young girl, with pouting lips, soft speech, and roguish eyes; the other, a priestly curse upon himself and his kingdom. He thought, however, refusal the more dangerous; so he raised his face and exclaimed, “O produce of Brahma’s head,[147]The priestly caste sprang, as has been said, from the noblest part of the Demiurgus; the three others from lower members. I will do what your highness has desired of me.”

Upon which the Brahman, after delivering a benediction of adieu almost as beautiful and spirit-stirring as that with which he had presented himself, took the betel[148]A chew of betel leaf and spices is offered by the master of the house when dismissing a visitor. and went his ways.

Then the Raja sent for his daughter Chandraprabha and said to her, “This is the affianced bride of a young Brahman, and she has been trusted to my protection for a time by her father-in-law. Take her therefore into the inner rooms, treat her with the utmost regard, and never allow her to be separated from thee, day or night, asleep or awake, eating or drinking, at home or abroad.”

Chandraprabha took the hand of Sita—as Manaswi had pleased to call himself—and led the way to her own apartment. Once the seat of joy and pleasure, the rooms now wore a desolate and melancholy look. The windows were darkened, the attendants moved noiselessly over the carpets, as if their footsteps would cause headache, and there was a faint scent of some drug much used in cases of deliquium. The apartments were handsome, but the only ornament in the room where they sat was a large bunch of withered flowers in an arched recess, and these, though possibly interesting to some one, were not likely to find favour as a decoration in the eyes of everybody.

The Raja’s daughter paid the greatest attention and talked with unusual vivacity to the Brahman’s daughter-in-law, either because she had roguish eyes, or from some presentiment of what was to occur, whichever you please, Raja Vikram, and it is no matter which. Still Sita could not help perceiving that there was a shade of sorrow upon the forehead of her fair new friend, and so when they retired to rest she asked the cause of it.

Then Chandraprabha related to her the sad tale: “One day in the spring season, as I was strolling in the garden along with my companions, I beheld a very handsome Brahman, and our eyes having met, he became unconscious, and I also was insensible. My companions seeing my condition, brought me home, and therefore I know neither his name nor his abode. His beautiful form is impressed upon my memory. I have now no desire to eat or to drink, and from this distress my colour has become pale and my body is thus emaciated.” And the beautiful princess sighed a sigh that was musical and melancholy, and concluded by predicting for herself—as persons similarly placed often do—a sudden and untimely end about the beginning of the next month.

“What wilt thou give me,” asked the Brahman’s daughter-in-law demurely, “if I show thee thy beloved at this very moment?”

The Raja’s daughter answered, “I will ever be the lowest of thy slaves, standing before thee with joined hands.”

Upon which Sita removed the pill from her mouth, and instantly having become Manaswi, put it carefully away in a little bag hung round his neck. At this sight Chandraprabha felt abashed, and hung down her head in beautiful confusion. To describe—

“I will have no descriptions, Vampire!” cried the great Vikram, jerking the bag up and down as if he were sweating gold in it. “The fewer of thy descriptions the better for us all.”

Briefly (resumed the demon), Manaswi reflected upon the eight forms of marriage—viz., Bramhalagan, when a girl is given to a Brahman, or man of superior caste, without reward; Daiva, when she is presented as a gift or fee to the officiating priest at the close of a sacrifice; Arsha, when two cows are received by the girl’s father in exchange for the bride[149]Respectable Hindus say that receiving a fee for a daughter is like selling flesh.; Prajapatya, when the girl is given at the request of a Brahman, and the father says to his daughter and her to betrothed, “Go, fulfil the duties of religion”; Asura, when money is received by the father in exchange for the bride; Rakshasha, when she is captured in war, or when her bridegroom overcomes his rival; Paisacha, when the girl is taken away from her father’s house by craft; and eighthly, Gandharva-lagan, or the marriage that takes place by mutual consent.[150]A modern custom amongst the low caste is for the bride and bridegroom, in the presence of friends, to place a flower garland on each other’s necks, and thus declare themselves man and wife. The old classical Gandharva-lagan has been before explained.

Manaswi preferred the latter, especially as by her rank and age the princess was entitled to call upon her father for the Lakshmi Swayambara wedding, in which she would have chosen her own husband. And thus it is that Rama, Arjuna, Krishna, Nala, and others, were proposed to by the princesses whom they married.

For five months after these nuptials, Manaswi never stirred out of the palace, but remained there by day a woman, and a man by night. The consequence was that he—I call him “he,” for whether Manaswi or Sita, his mind ever remained masculine—presently found himself in a fair way to become a father.

Now, one would imagine that a change of sex every twenty-four hours would be variety enough to satisfy even a man. Manaswi, however, was not contented. He began to pine for more liberty, and to find fault with his wife for not taking him out into the world. And you might have supposed that a young person who, from love at first sight, had fallen senseless upon the steps of a summer-house, and who had devoted herself to a sudden and untimely end because she was separated from her lover, would have repressed her yawns and little irritable words even for a year after having converted him into a husband. But no! Chandraprabha soon felt as tired of seeing Manaswi and nothing but Manaswi, as Manaswi was weary of seeing Chandraprabha and nothing but Chandraprabha. Often she had been on the point of proposing visits and out-of-door excursions. But when at last the idea was first suggested by her husband, she at once became an injured woman. She hinted how foolish it was for married people to imprison themselves and to quarrel all day. When Manaswi remonstrated, saying that he wanted nothing better than to appear before the world with her as his wife, but that he really did not know what her father might do to him, she threw out a cutting sarcasm upon his effeminate appearance during the hours of light. She then told him of an unfortunate young woman in an old nursery tale who had unconsciously married a fiend that became a fine handsome man at night when no eye could see him, and utter ugliness by day when good looks show to advantage. And lastly, when inveighing against the changeableness, fickleness, and infidelity of mankind, she quoted the words of the poet—

Out upon change! it tires the heart
And weighs the noble spirit down;
A vain, vain world indeed thou art
That can such vile condition own
The veil hath fallen from my eyes,
I cannot love where I despise….

You can easily, O King Vikram, continue for yourself and conclude this lecture, which I leave unfinished on account of its length.

Chandraprabha and Sita, who called each other the Zodiacal Twins and Laughter Light,[151]Meaning that the sight of each other will cause a smile, and that what one purposes the other will consent to. and All-consenters, easily persuaded the old Raja that their health would be further improved by air, exercise, and distractions. Subichar, being delighted with the change that had taken place in a daughter whom he loved, and whom he had feared to lose, told them to do as they pleased. They began a new life, in which short trips and visits, baths and dances, music parties, drives in bullock chariots, and water excursions succeeded one another.

It so happened that one day the Raja went with his whole family to a wedding feast in the house of his grand treasurer, where the latter’s son saw Manaswi in the beautiful shape of Sita. This was a third case of love at first sight, for the young man immediately said to a particular friend, “If I obtain that girl, I shall live; if not, I shall abandon life.”

In the meantime the king, having enjoyed the feast, came back to his palace with his whole family. The condition of the treasurer’s son, however, became very distressing; and through separation from his beloved, he gave up eating and drinking. The particular friend had kept the secret for some days, though burning to tell it. At length he found an excuse for himself in the sad state of his friend, and he immediately went and divulged all that he knew to the treasurer. After this he felt relieved.

The minister repaired to the court, and laid his case before the king, saying, “Great Raja! through the love of that Brahman’s daughter-in-law, my son’s state is very bad; he has given up eating and drinking; in fact he is consumed by the fire of separation. If now your majesty could show compassion, and bestow the girl upon him, his life would be saved. If not——”

“Fool!” cried the Raja, who, hearing these words, had waxed very wroth; “it is not right for kings to do injustice. Listen! when a person puts any one in charge of a protector, how can the latter give away his trust without consulting the person that trusted him? And yet this is what you wish me to do.”

The treasurer knew that the Raja could not govern his realm without him, and he was well acquainted with his master’s character. He said to himself, “This will not last long;” but he remained dumb, simulating hopelessness, and hanging down his head, whilst Subichar alternately scolded and coaxed, abused and flattered him, in order to open his lips. Then, with tears in his eyes, he muttered a request to take leave; and as he passed through the palace gates, he said aloud, with a resolute air, “It will cost me but ten days of fasting!”

The treasurer, having returned home, collected all his attendants, and went straightway to his son’s room. Seeing the youth still stretched upon his sleeping-mat, and very yellow for the want of food, he took his hand, and said in a whisper, meant to be audible, “Alas! poor son, I can do nothing but perish with thee.”

The servants, hearing this threat, slipped one by one out of the room, and each went to tell his friend that the grand treasurer had resolved to live no longer. After which, they went back to the house to see if their master intended to keep his word, and curious to know, if he did intend to die, how, where, and when it was to be. And they were not disappointed: I do not mean that the wished their lord to die, as he was a good master to them but still there was an excitement in the thing——

(Raja Vikram could not refrain from showing his anger at the insult thus cast by the Baital upon human nature; the wretch, however, pretending not to notice it, went on without interrupting himself)

——which somehow or other pleased them.

When the treasurer had spent three days without touching bread or water, all the cabinet council met and determined to retire from business unless the Raja yielded to their solicitations. The treasurer was their working man. “Besides which,” said the cabinet council, “if a certain person gets into the habit of refusing us, what is to be the end of it, and what is the use of being cabinet councillors any longer?”

Early on the next morning, the ministers went in a body before the Raja, and humbly represented that “the treasurer’s son is at the point of death, the effect of a full heart and an empty stomach. Should he die, the father, who has not eaten or drunk during the last three days” (the Raja trembled to hear the intelligence, though he knew it), “his father, we say, cannot be saved. If the father dies the affairs of the kingdom come to ruin,—is he not the grand treasurer? It is already said that half the accounts have been gnawed by white ants, and that some pernicious substance in the ink has eaten jagged holes through the paper, so that the other half of the accounts is illegible. It were best, sire, that you agree to what we represent.”

The white ants and corrosive ink were too strong for the Raja’s determination. Still, wishing to save appearances, he replied, with much firmness, that he knew the value of the treasurer and his son, that he would do much to save them, but that he had passed his royal word, and had undertaken a trust. That he would rather die a dozen deaths than break his promise, or not discharge his duty faithfully. That man’s condition in this world is to depart from it, none remaining in it; that one comes and that one goes, none knowing when or where; but that eternity is eternity for happiness or misery. And much of the same nature, not very novel, and not perhaps quite to the purpose, but edifying to those who knew what lay behind the speaker’s words.

The ministers did not know their lord’s character so well as the grand treasurer, and they were more impressed by his firm demeanour and the number of his words than he wished them to be. After allowing his speech to settle in their minds, he did away with a great part of its effect by declaring that such were the sentiments and the principles—when a man talks of his principles, O Vikram! ask thyself the reason why—instilled into his youthful mind by the most honourable of fathers and the most virtuous of mothers. At the same time that he was by no means obstinate or proof against conviction. In token whereof he graciously permitted the councillors to convince him that it was his royal duty to break his word and betray his trust, and to give away another man’s wife.

Pray do not lose your temper, O warrior king! Subichar, although a Raja, was a weak man; and you know, or you ought to know, that the wicked may be wise in their generation, but the weak never can.

Well, the ministers hearing their lord’s last words, took courage, and proceeded to work upon his mind by the figure of speech popularly called “rigmarole.” They said: “Great king! that old Brahman has been gone many days, and has not returned; he is probably dead and burnt. It is therefore right that by giving to the grand treasurer’s son his daughter-in-law, who is only affianced, not fairly married, you should establish your government firmly. And even if he should return, bestow villages and wealth upon him; and if he be not then content, provide another and a more beautiful wife for his son, and dismiss him. A person should be sacrificed for the sake of a family, a family for a city, a city for a country, and a country for a king!”

Subichar having heard them, dismissed them with the remark that as so much was to be said on both sides, he must employ the night in thinking over the matter, and that he would on the next day favour them with his decision. The cabinet councillors knew by this that he meant that he would go and consult his wives. They retired contented, convinced that every voice would be in favour of a wedding, and that the young girl, with so good an offer, would not sacrifice the present to the future.

That evening the treasurer and his son supped together.

The first words uttered by Raja Subichar, when he entered his daughter’s apartment, were an order addressed to Sita: “Go thou at once to the house of my treasurer’s son.”

Now, as Chandraprabha and Manaswi were generally scolding each other, Chandraprabha and Sita were hardly on speaking terms. When they heard the Raja’s order for their separation they were—

—“Delighted?” cried Dharma Dhwaj, who for some reason took the greatest interest in the narrative.

“Overwhelmed with grief, thou most guileless Yuva Raja (young prince)!” ejaculated the Vampire.

Raja Vikram reproved his son for talking about thing of which he knew nothing, and the Baital resumed.

They turned pale and wept, and they wrung their hands, and they begged and argued and refused obedience. In fact they did everything to make the king revoke his order.

“The virtue of a woman,” quoth Sita, “is destroyed through too much beauty; the religion of a Brahman is impaired by serving kings; a cow is spoiled by distant pasturage, wealth is lost by committing injustice, and prosperity departs from the house where promises are not kept.”

The Raja highly applauded the sentiment, but was firm as a rock upon the subject of Sita marrying the treasurer’s son.

Chandraprabha observed that her royal father, usually so conscientious, must now be acting from interested motives, and that when selfishness sways a man, right becomes left and left becomes right, as in the reflection of a mirror.

Subichar approved of the comparison; he was not quite so resolved, but he showed no symptoms of changing his mind.

Then the Brahman’s daughter-in-law, with the view of gaining time—a famous stratagem amongst feminines—said to the Raja: “Great king, if you are determined upon giving me to the grand treasurer’s son, exact from him the promise that he will do what I bid him. Only on this condition will I ever enter his house!”

“Speak, then,” asked the king; “what will he have to do?”

She replied, “I am of the Brahman or priestly caste, he is the son of a Kshatriya or warrior: the law directs that before we twain can wed, he should perform Yatra (pilgrimage) to all the holy places.”

“Thou hast spoken Veda-truth, girl,” answered the Raja, not sorry to have found so good a pretext for temporizing, and at the same time to preserve his character for firmness, resolution, determination.

That night Manaswi and Chandraprabha, instead of scolding each other, congratulated themselves upon having escaped an imminent danger—which they did not escape.

In the morning Subichar sent for his ministers, including his grand treasurer and his love-sick son, and told them how well and wisely the Brahman’s daughter-in-law had spoken upon the subject of the marriage. All of them approved of the condition; but the young man ventured to suggest, that while he was a-pilgrimaging the maiden should reside under his father’s roof. As he and his father showed a disposition to continue their fasts in case of the small favour not being granted, the Raja, though very loath to separate his beloved daughter and her dear friend, was driven to do it. And Sita was carried off, weeping bitterly, to the treasurer’s palace. That dignitary solemnly committed her to the charge of his third and youngest wife, the lady Subhagya-Sundari, who was about her own age, and said, “You must both live together, without any kind of wrangling or contention, and do not go into other people’s houses.” And the grand treasurer’s son went off to perform his pilgrimages.

It is no less sad than true, Raja Vikram, that in less than six days the disconsolate Sita waxed weary of being Sita, took the ball out of her mouth, and became Manaswi. Alas for the infidelity of mankind! But it is gratifying to reflect that he met with the punishment with which the Pandit Muldev had threatened him. One night the magic pill slipped down his throat. When morning dawned, being unable to change himself into Sita, Manaswi was obliged to escape through a window from the lady Subhagya-Sundari’s room. He sprained his ankle with the leap, and he lay for a time upon the ground—where I leave him whilst convenient to me.

When Muldev quitted the presence of Subichar, he resumed his old shape, and returning to his brother Pandit Shashi, told him what he had done. Whereupon Shashi, the misanthrope, looked black, and used hard words and told his friend that good nature and soft-heartedness had caused him to commit a very bad action—a grievous sin. Incensed at this charge, the philanthropic Muldev became angry, and said, “I have warned the youth about his purity; what harm can come of it?”

“Thou hast,” retorted Shashi, with irritating coolness, “placed a sharp weapon in a fool’s hand.”

“I have not,” cried Muldev, indignantly.

“Therefore,” drawled the malevolent, “you are answerable for all the mischief he does with it, and mischief assuredly he will do.”

“He will not, by Brahma!” exclaimed Muldev.

“He will, by Vishnu!” said Shashi, with an amiability produced by having completely upset his friend’s temper; “and if within the coming six months he does not disgrace himself, thou shalt have the whole of my book-case; but if he does, the philanthropic Muldev will use all his skill and ingenuity in procuring the daughter of Raja Subichar as a wife for his faithful friend Shashi.”

Having made this covenant, they both agreed not to speak of the matter till the autumn.

The appointed time drawing near, the Pandits began to make inquiries about the effect of the magic pills. Presently they found out that Sita, alias Manaswi, had one night mysteriously disappeared from the grand treasurer’s house, and had not been heard of since that time. This, together with certain other things that transpired presently, convinced Muldev, who had cooled down in six months, that his friend had won the wager. He prepared to make honourable payment by handing a pill to old Shashi, who at once became a stout, handsome young Brahman, some twenty years old. Next putting a pill into his own mouth, he resumed the shape and form under which he had first appeared before Raja Subichar; and, leaning upon his staff, he led the way to the palace.

The king, in great confusion, at once recognized the old priest, and guessed the errand upon which he and the youth were come. However, he saluted them, and offered them seats, and receiving their blessings, he began to make inquiries about their health and welfare. At last he mustered courage to ask the old Brahman where he had been living for so long a time.

“Great king,” replied the priest, “I went to seek after my son, and having found him, I bring him to your majesty. Give him his wife, and I will take them both home with me.”

Raja Subichar prevaricated not a little; but presently, being hard pushed, he related everything that had happened.

“What is this that you have done?” cried Muldev, simulating excessive anger and astonishment. “Why have you given my son’s wife in marriage to another man? You have done what you wished, and now, therefore, receive my Shrap (curse)!”

The poor Raja, in great trepidation, said, “O Vivinity! be not thus angry! I will do whatever you bid me.”

Said Muldev, “If through dread of my excommunication you will freely give whatever I demand of you, then marry your daughter, Chandraprabha, to this my son. On this condition I forgive you. To me, now a necklace of pearls and a venomous krishna (cobra capella); the most powerful enemy and the kindest friend, the most precious gem and a clod of earth; the softest bed and the hardest stone; a blade of grass and the loveliest woman—are precisely the same. All I desire is that in some holy place, repeating the name of God, I may soon end my days.”

Subichar, terrified by this additional show of sanctity, at once summoned an astrologer, and fixed upon the auspicious moment and lunar influence. He did not consult the princess, and had he done so she would not have resisted his wishes. Chandraprabha had heard of Sita’s escape from the treasurer’s house, and she had on the subject her own suspicions. Besides which she looked forward to a certain event, and she was by no means sure that her royal father approved of the Gandharba form of marriage—at least for his daughter. Thus the Brahman’s son receiving in due time the princess and her dowry, took leave of the king and returned to his own village.

Hardly, however, had Chandraprabha been married to Shashi the Pandit, when Manaswi went to him, and began to wrangle, and said, “Give me my wife!” He had recovered from the effects of his fall, and having lost her he therefore loved her—very dearly.

But Shashi proved by reference to the astrologers, priests, and ten persons as witnesses, that he had duly wedded her, and brought her to his home; “therefore,” said he, “she is my spouse.”

Manaswi swore by all holy things that he had been legally married to her, and that he was the father of her child that was about to be. “How then,” continued he, “can she be thy spouse?” He would have summoned Muldev as a witness, but that worthy, after remonstrating with him, disappeared. He called upon Chandraprabha to confirm his statement, but she put on an innocent face, and indignantly denied ever having seen the man.

Still, continued the Baital, many people believed Manaswi’s story, as it was marvellous and incredible. Even to the present day, there are many who decidedly think him legally married to the daughter of Raja Subichar.

“Then they are pestilent fellows!” cried the warrior king Vikram, who hated nothing more than clandestine and runaway matches. “No one knew that the villain, Manaswi, was the father of her child; whereas, the Pandit Shashi married her lawfully, before witnesses, and with all the ceremonies.[152]This would be the verdict of a Hindu jury. She therefore remains his wife, and the child will perform the funeral obsequies for him, and offer water to the manes of his pitris (ancestors). At least, so say law and justice.”

“Which justice is often unjust enough!” cried the Vampire; “and ply thy legs, mighty Raja; let me see if thou canst reach the sires-tree before I do.”


“The next story, O Raja Vikram, is remarkably interesting.”

The Vampire’s Ninth Story •3,800字

Far and wide through the lovely land overrun by the Arya from the Western Highlands spread the fame of Unmadini, the beautiful daughter of Haridas the Brahman. In the numberless odes, sonnets, and acrostics addressed to her by a hundred Pandits and poets her charms were sung with prodigious triteness. Her presence was compared to light shining in a dark house; her face to the full moon; her complexion to the yellow champaka flower; her curls to female snakes; her eyes to those of the deer; her eyebrows to bent bows; her teeth to strings of little opals; her feet to rubies and red gems,[153]Because stained with the powder of Mhendi, or the Lawsonia inermis shrub. and her gait to that of the wild goose. And none forgot to say that her voice affected the author like the song of the kokila bird, sounding from the shadowy brake, when the breeze blows coolly, or that the fairy beings of Indra’s heaven would have shrunk away abashed at her loveliness.

But, Raja Vikram! all the poets failed to win the fair Unmadini’s love. To praise the beauty of a beauty is not to praise her. Extol her wit and talents, which has the zest of novelty, then you may succeed. For the same reason, read inversely, the plainer and cleverer is the bosom you would fire, the more personal you must be upon the subject of its grace and loveliness. Flattery you know, is ever the match which kindles the Flame of love. True it is that some by roughness of demeanour and bluntness in speech, contrasting with those whom they call the “herd,” have the art to succeed in the service of the bodyless god.[154]Kansa’s son: so called because the god Shiva, when struck by his shafts, destroyed him with a fiery glance. But even they must—

The young prince Dharma Dhwaj could not help laughing at the thought of how this must sound in his father’s ear. And the Raja hearing the ill-timed merriment, sternly ordered the Baital to cease his immoralities and to continue his story.

Thus the lovely Unmadini, conceiving an extreme contempt for poets and literati, one day told her father who greatly loved her, that her husband must be a fine young man who never wrote verses. Withal she insisted strongly on mental qualities and science, being a person of moderate mind and an adorer of talent—when not perverted to poetry.

As you may imagine, Raja Vikram, all the beauty’s bosom friends, seeing her refuse so many good offers, confidently predicted that she would pass through the jungle and content herself with a bad stick, or that she would lead ring-tailed apes in Patala.

At length when some time had elapsed, four suitors appeared from four different countries, all of them claiming equal excellence in youth and beauty, strength and understanding. And after paying their respects to Haridas, and telling him their wishes, they were directed to come early on the next morning and to enter upon the first ordeal—an intellectual conversation.


“Foolish the man,” quoth the young Mahasani, “that seeks permanence in this world—frail as the stem of the plantain-tree, transient as the ocean foam.

“All that is high shall presently fall; all that is low must finally perish.

“Unwillingly do the manes of the dead taste the tears shed by their kinsmen: then wail not, but perform the funeral obsequies with diligence.”

“What ill-omened fellow is this?” quoth the fair Unmadini, who was sitting behind her curtain; “besides, he has dared to quote poetry!” There was little chance of success for that suitor.

“She is called a good woman, and a woman of pure descent,” quoth the second suitor, “who serves him to whom her father and mother have given her; and it is written in the scriptures that a woman who in the lifetime of her husband, becoming a devotee, engages in fasting, and in austere devotion, shortens his days, and hereafter falls into the fire. For it is said—

“A woman’s bliss is found not in the smile
Of father, mother, friend, nor in herself;
Her husband is her only portion here,
Her heaven hereafter.”

The word “serve,” which might mean “obey,” was peculiarly disagreeable to the fair one’s ears, and she did not admire the check so soon placed upon her devotion, or the decided language and manner of the youth. She therefore mentally resolved never again to see that person, whom she determined to be stupid as an elephant.

“A mother,” said Gunakar, the third candidate, “protects her son in babyhood, and a father when his offspring is growing up. But the man of warrior descent defends his brethren at all times. Such is the custom of the world, and such is my state. I dwell on the heads of the strong!”

Therefore those assembled together looked with great respect upon the man of valour.

Devasharma, the fourth suitor, contented himself with listening to the others, who fancied that he was overawed by their cleverness. And when it came to his turn he simply remarked, “Silence is better than speech.” Being further pressed, he said, “A wise man will not proclaim his age, nor a deception practiced upon himself, nor his riches, nor the loss of riches, nor family faults, nor incantations, nor conjugal love, nor medicinal prescriptions, nor religious duties, nor gifts, nor reproach, nor the infidelity of his wife.”

Thus ended the first trial. The master of the house dismissed the two former speakers, with many polite expressions and some trifling presents. Then having given betel to them, scented their garments with attar, and sprinkled rose-water over their heads, he accompanied them to the door, showing much regret. The two latter speakers he begged to come on the next day.

Gunakar and Devasharma did not fail. When they entered the assembly-room and took the seats pointed out to them, the father said, “Be ye pleased to explain and make manifest the effects of your mental qualities. So shall I judge of them.”

“I have made,” said Gunakar, “a four-wheeled carriage, in which the power resides to carry you in a moment wherever you may purpose to go.”

“I have such power over the angel of death,” said Devasharma, “that I can at all times raise a corpse, and enable my friends to do the same.”

Now tell me by thy brains, O warrior King Vikram, which of these two youths was the fitter husband for the maid?

Either the Raja could not answer the question, or perhaps he would not, being determined to break the spell which had already kept him walking to and fro for so many hours. Then the Baital, who had paused to let his royal carrier commit himself, seeing that the attempt had failed, proceeded without making any further comment.

The beautiful Unmadini was brought out, but she hung down her head and made no reply. Yet she took care to move both her eyes in the direction of Devasharma. Whereupon Haridas, quoting the proverb that “pearls string with pearls,” formally betrothed to him his daughter. The soldier suitor twisted the ends of his mustachios into his eyes, which were red with wrath, and fumbled with his fingers about the hilt of his sword. But he was a man of noble birth, and presently his anger passed away.

Mahasani the poet, however, being a shameless person—and when can we be safe from such?—forced himself into the assembly and began to rage and to storm, and to quote proverbs in a loud tone of voice. He remarked that in this world women are a mine of grief, a poisonous root, the abode of solicitude, the destroyers of resolution, the occasioners of fascination, and the plunderers of all virtuous qualities. From the daughter he passed to the father, and after saying hard things of him as a “Maha-Brahman,”[155]“Great Brahman”; used contemptuously to priests who officiate for servile men. Brahmans lose their honour by the following things: By becoming servants to the king; by pursuing any secular business; by acting priests to Shudras (serviles); by officiating as priests for a whole village; and by neglecting any part of the three daily services. Many violate these rules; yet to kill a Brahman is still one of the five great Hindu sins. In the present age of the world, the Brahman may not accept a gift of cows or of gold; of course he despises the law. As regards monkey worship, a certain Rajah of Nadiya is said to have expended 10,000L in marrying two monkeys with all the parade and splendour of the Hindu rite. who took cows and gold and worshipped a monkey, he fell with a sweeping censure upon all priests and sons of priests, more especially Devasharma. As the bystanders remonstrated with him, he became more violent, and when Haridas, who was a weak man, appeared terrified by his voice, look, and gesture, he swore a solemn oath that despite all the betrothals in the world, unless Unmadini became his wife he would commit suicide, and as a demon haunt the house and injure the inmates.

Gunakar the soldier exhorted this shameless poet to slay himself at once, and to go where he pleased. But as Haridas reproved the warrior for inhumanity, Mahasani nerved by spite, love, rage, and perversity to an heroic death, drew a noose from his bosom, rushed out of the house, and suspended himself to the nearest tree.

And, true enough, as the midnight gong struck, he appeared in the form of a gigantic and malignant Rakshasa (fiend), dreadfully frightened the household of Haridas, and carried off the lovely Unmadini, leaving word that she was to be found on the topmost peak of Himalaya.

The unhappy father hastened to the house where Devasharma lived. There, weeping bitterly and wringing his hands in despair, he told the terrible tale, and besought his intended son-in-law to be up and doing.

The young Brahman at once sought his late rival, and asked his aid. This the soldier granted at once, although he had been nettled at being conquered in love by a priestling.

The carriage was at once made ready, and the suitors set out, bidding the father be of good cheer, and that before sunset he should embrace his daughter. They then entered the vehicle; Gunakar with cabalistic words caused it to rise high in the air, and Devasharma put to flight the demon by reciting the sacred verse,[156]The celebrated Gayatri, the Moslem Kalmah. “Let us meditate on the supreme splendour (or adorable light) of that Divine Ruler (the sun) who may illuminate our understandings. Venerable men, guided by the intelligence, salute the divine sun (Sarvitri) with oblations and praise. Om!”

Then they returned with the girl to the house, and Haridas blessed them, praising the sun aloud in the joy of his heart. Lest other accidents might happen, he chose an auspicious planetary conjunction, and at a fortunate moment rubbed turmeric upon his daughter’s hands.

The wedding was splendid, and broke the hearts of twenty-four rivals. In due time Devasharma asked leave from his father-in-law to revisit his home, and to carry with him his bride. This request being granted, he set out accompanied by Gunakar the soldier, who swore not to leave the couple before seeing them safe under their own roof-tree.

It so happened that their road lay over the summits of the wild Vindhya hills, where dangers of all kinds are as thick as shells upon the shore of the deep. Here were rocks and jagged precipices making the traveller’s brain whirl when he looked into them. There impetuous torrents roared and flashed down their beds of black stone, threatening destruction to those who would cross them. Now the path was lost in the matted thorny underwood and the pitchy shades of the jungle, deep and dark as the valley of death. Then the thunder-cloud licked the earth with its fiery tongue, and its voice shook the crags and filled their hollow caves. At times, the sun was so hot, that wild birds fell dead from the air. And at every moment the wayfarers heard the trumpeting of giant elephants, the fierce howling of the tiger, the grisly laugh of the foul hyaena, and the whimpering of the wild dogs as they coursed by on the tracks of their prey.

Yet, sustained by the five-armed god[157]Kama again. the little party passed safely through all these dangers. They had almost emerged from the damp glooms of the forest into the open plains which skirt the southern base of the hills, when one night the fair Unmadini saw a terrible vision.

She beheld herself wading through a sluggish pool of muddy water, which rippled, curdling as she stepped into it, and which, as she advanced, darkened with the slime raised by her feet. She was bearing in her arms the semblance of a sick child, which struggled convulsively and filled the air with dismal wails. These cries seemed to be answered by a multitude of other children, some bloated like toads, others mere skeletons lying upon the bank, or floating upon the thick brown waters of the pond. And all seemed to address their cries to her, as if she were the cause of their weeping; nor could all her efforts quiet or console them for a moment.

When the bride awoke, she related all the particulars of her ill-omened vision to her husband; and the latter, after a short pause, informed her and his friend that a terrible calamity was about to befall them. He then drew from his travelling wallet a skein of thread. This he divided into three parts, one for each, and told his companions that in case of grievous bodily injury, the bit of thread wound round the wounded part would instantly make it whole. After which he taught them the Mantra,[158]From “Man,” to think; primarily meaning, what makes man think. or mystical word by which the lives of men are restored to their bodies, even when they have taken their allotted places amongst the stars, and which for evident reasons I do not want to repeat. It concluded, however, with the three Vyahritis, or sacred syllables—Bhuh, Bhuvah, Svar!

Raja Vikram was perhaps a little disappointed by this declaration. He made no remark, however, and the Baital thus pursued:

As Devasharma foretold, an accident of a terrible nature did occur. On the evening of that day, as they emerged upon the plain, they were attacked by the Kiratas, or savage tribes of the mountain.[159]The Cirrhadae of classical writers. A small, black, wiry figure, armed with a bow and little cane arrows, stood in their way, signifying by gestures that they must halt and lay down their arms. As they continued to advance, he began to speak with a shrill chattering, like the note of an affrighted bird, his restless red eyes glared with rage, and he waved his weapon furiously round his head. Then from the rocks and thickets on both sides of the path poured a shower of shafts upon the three strangers.

The unequal combat did not last long. Gunakar, the soldier, wielded his strong right arm with fatal effect and struck down some threescore of the foes. But new swarms came on like angry hornets buzzing round the destroyer of their nests. And when he fell, Devasharma, who had left him for a moment to hide his beautiful wife in the hollow of a tree, returned, and stood fighting over the body of his friend till he also, overpowered by numbers, was thrown to the ground. Then the wild men, drawing their knives, cut off the heads of their helpless enemies, stripped their bodies of all their ornaments, and departed, leaving the woman unharmed for good luck.

When Unmadini, who had been more dead than alive during the affray, found silence succeed to the horrid din of shrieks and shouts, she ventured to creep out of her refuge in the hollow tree. And what does she behold? her husband and his friend are lying upon the ground, with their heads at a short distance from their bodies. She sat down and wept bitterly.

Presently, remembering the lesson which she had learned that very morning, she drew forth from her bosom the bit of thread and proceeded to use it. She approached the heads to the bodies, and tied some of the magic string round each neck. But the shades of evening were fast deepening, and in her agitation, confusion and terror, she made a curious mistake by applying the heads to the wrong trunks. After which, she again sat down, and having recited her prayers, she pronounced, as her husband had taught her, the life-giving incantation.

In a moment the dead men were made alive. They opened their eyes, shook themselves, sat up and handled their limbs as if to feel that all was right. But something or other appeared to them all wrong. They placed their palms upon their foreheads, and looked downwards, and started to their feet and began to stare at their hands and legs. Upon which they scrutinized the very scanty articles of dress which the wild men had left upon them, and lastly one began to eye the other with curious puzzled looks.

The wife, attributing their gestures to the confusion which one might expect to find in the brains of men who have just undergone so great a trial as amputation of the head must be, stood before them for a moment or two. She then with a cry of gladness flew to the bosom of the individual who was, as she supposed, her husband. He repulsed her, telling her that she was mistaken. Then, blushing deeply in spite of her other emotions, she threw both her beautiful arms round the neck of the person who must be, she naturally concluded, the right man. To her utter confusion, he also shrank back from her embrace.

Then a horrid thought flashed across her mind: she perceived her fatal mistake, and her heart almost ceased to beat.

“This is thy wife!” cried the Brahman’s head that had been fastened to the soldier’s body.

“No; she is thy wife!” replied the soldier’s head which had been placed upon the Brahman’s body.

“Then she is my wife!” rejoined the first compound creature.

“By no means! she is my wife,” cried the second.

“What then am I?” asked Devasharma-Gunakar.

“What do you think I am?” answered Gunakar-Devasharma, with another question.

“Unmadini shall be mine,” quoth the head.

“You lie, she shall be mine,” shouted the body.

“Holy Yama,[160]The Hindu Pluto; also called the Just King. hear the villain,” exclaimed both of them at the same moment.


In short, having thus begun, they continued to quarrel violently, each one declaring that the beautiful Unmadini belonged to him, and to him only. How to settle their dispute Brahma the Lord of creatures only knows. I do not, except by cutting off their heads once more, and by putting them in their proper places. And I am quite sure, O Raja Vikram! that thy wits are quite unfit to answer the question, To which of these two is the beautiful Unmadini wife? It is even said—amongst us Baitals—that when this pair of half-husbands appeared in the presence of the Just King, a terrible confusion arose, each head declaiming all the sins and peccadilloes which its body had committed, and that Yama the holy ruler himself hit his forefinger with vexation.[161]Yama judges the dead, whose souls go to him in four hours and forty minutes; therefore a corpse cannot be burned till after that time. His residence is Yamalaya, and it is on the south side of the earth; down South, as we say. (I, Sam. xxv. 1, and xxx. 15). The Hebrews, like the Hindus, held the northern parts of the world to be higher than the southern. Hindus often joke a man who is seen walking in that direction, and ask him where he is going.

Here the young prince Dharma Dhwaj burst out laughing at the ridiculous idea of the wrong heads. And the warrior king, who, like single-minded fathers in general, was ever in the idea that his son had a velleity for deriding and otherwise vexing him, began a severe course of reproof. He reminded the prince of the common saying that merriment without cause degrades a man in the opinion of his fellows, and indulged him with a quotation extensively used by grave fathers, namely, that the loud laugh bespeaks a vacant mind. After which he proceeded with much pompousness to pronounce the following opinion:

“It is said in the Shastras——”

“Your majesty need hardly display so much erudition! Doubtless it comes from the lips of Jayudeva or some other one of your Nine Gems of Science, who know much more about their songs and their stanzas than they do about their scriptures,” insolently interrupted the Baital, who never lost an opportunity of carping at those reverend men.

“It is said in the Shastras,” continued Raja Vikram sternly, after hesitating whether he should or should not administer a corporeal correction to the Vampire, “that Mother Ganga[162]The “Ganges,” in heaven called Mandakini. I have no idea why we still adhere to our venerable corruption of the word. is the queen amongst rivers, and the mountain Sumeru[163]The fabulous mountain supposed by Hindu geographers to occupy the centre of the universe. is the monarch among mountains, and the tree Kalpavriksha[164]The all-bestowing tree in Indra’s Paradise which grants everything asked of it. It is the Tuba of Al-Islam and is not unknown to the Apocryphal New Testament. is the king of all trees, and the head of man is the best and most excellent of limbs. And thus, according to this reason, the wife belonged to him whose noblest position claimed her.”

“The next thing your majesty will do, I suppose,” continued the Baital, with a sneer, “is to support the opinions of the Digambara, who maintains that the soul is exceedingly rarefied, confined to one place, and of equal dimensions with the body, or the fancies of that worthy philosopher Jaimani, who, conceiving soul and mind and matter to be things purely synonymous, asserts outwardly and writes in his books that the brain is the organ of the mind which is acted upon by the immortal soul, but who inwardly and verily believes that the brain is the mind, and consequently that the brain is the soul or spirit or whatever you please to call it; in fact, that soul is a natural faculty of the body. A pretty doctrine, indeed, for a Brahman to hold. You might as well agree with me at once that the soul of man resides, when at home, either in a vein in the breast, or in the pit of his stomach, or that half of it is in a man’s brain and the other or reasoning half is in his heart, an organ of his body.”

“What has all this string of words to do with the matter, Vampire?” asked Raja Vikram angrily.

“Only,” said the demon laughing, “that in my opinion, as opposed to the Shastras and to Raja Vikram, that the beautiful Unmadini belonged, not to the head part but to the body part. Because the latter has an immortal soul in the pit of its stomach, whereas the former is a box of bone, more or less thick, and contains brains which are of much the same consistence as those of a calf.”

“Villain!” exclaimed the Raja, “does not the soul or conscious life enter the body through the sagittal suture and lodge in the brain, thence to contemplate, through the same opening, the divine perfections?”

“I must, however, bid you farewell for the moment, O warrior king, Sakadhipati-Vikramadityal[165]“Vikramaditya, Lord of the Saka.” This is prevoyance on the part of the Vampire; the king had not acquired the title.! I feel a sudden and ardent desire to change this cramped position for one more natural to me.”

The warrior monarch had so far committed himself that he could not prevent the Vampire from flitting. But he lost no more time in following him than a grain of mustard, in its fall, stays on a cow’s horn. And when he had thrown him over his shoulder, the king desired him of his own accord to begin a new tale.

“O my left eyelid flutters,” exclaimed the Baital in despair, “my heart throbs, my sight is dim: surely now beginneth the end. It is as Vidhata hath written on my forehead—how can it be otherwise[166]On the sixth day after the child’s birth, the god Vidhata writes all its fate upon its forehead. The Moslems have a similar idea, and probably it passed to the Hindus.? Still listen, O mighty Raja, whilst I recount to you a true story, and Saraswati[167]Goddess of eloquence. “The waters of the Saraswati” is the classical Hindu phrase for the mirage. sit on my tongue.”

The Baital said, O king, in the Gaur country, Vardhman by name, there is a city, and one called Gunshekhar was the Raja of that land. His minister was one Abhaichand, a Jain, by whose teachings the king also came into the Jain faith.

The worship of Shiva and of Vishnu, gifts of cows, gifts of lands, gifts of rice balls, gaming and spirit-drinking, all these he prohibited. In the city no man could get leave to do them, and as for bones, into the Ganges no man was allowed to throw them, and in these matters the minister, having taken orders from the king, caused a proclamation to be made about the city, saying, “Whoever these acts shall do, the Raja having confiscated, will punish him and banish him from the city.”

Now one day the Diwan[169]A minister. The word, as is the case with many in this collection, is quite modern Moslem, and anachronistic. began to say to the Raja, “O great king, to the decisions of the Faith be pleased to give ear. Whosoever takes the life of another, his life also in the future birth is taken: this very sin causes him to be born again and again upon earth and to die And thus he ever continues to be born again and to die. Hence for one who has found entrance into this world to cultivate religion is right and proper. Be pleased to behold! By love, by wrath, by pain, by desire, and by fascination overpowered, the gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahadeva (Shiva) in various ways upon the earth are ever becoming incarnate. Far better than they is the Cow, who is free from passion, enmity, drunkenness, anger, covetousness, and inordinate affection, who supports mankind, and whose progeny in many ways give ease and solace to the creatures of the world These deities and sages (munis) believe in the Cow.[170]The cow is called the mother of the gods, and is declared by Brahma, the first person of the triad, Vishnu and Shiva being the second and the third, to be a proper object of worship. “If a European speak to the Hindu about eating the flesh of cows,” says an old missionary, “they immediately raise their hands to their ears; yet milkmen, carmen, and farmers beat the cow as unmercifully as a carrier of coals beats his ass in England.” The Jains or Jainas (from ji, to conquer; as subduing the passions) are one of the atheistical sects with whom the Brahmans have of old carried on the fiercest religious controversies, ending in many a sanguinary fight. Their tenets are consequently exaggerated and ridiculed, as in the text. They believe that there is no such God as the common notions on the subject point out, and they hold that the highest act of virtue is to abstain from injuring sentient creatures. Man does not possess an immortal spirit: death is the same to Brahma and to a fly. Therefore there is no heaven or hell separate from present pleasure or pain. Hindu Epicureans!—“Epicuri de grege porci.”

“For such reason to believe in the gods is not good. Upon this earth be pleased to believe in the Cow. It is our duty to protect the life of everyone, beginning from the elephant, through ants, beasts, and birds, up to man. In the world righteousness equal to that there is none. Those who, eating the flesh of other creatures, increase their own flesh, shall in the fulness of time assuredly obtain the fruition of Narak[171]Narak is one of the multitudinous places of Hindu punishment, said to adjoin the residence of Ajarna. The less cultivated Jains believe in a region of torment. The illuminati, however, have a sovereign contempt for the Creator, for a future state, and for all religious ceremonies. As Hindus, however, they believe in future births of mankind, somewhat influenced by present actions. The “next birth” in the mouth of a Hindu, we are told, is the same as “to-morrow” in the mouth of a Christian. The metempsychosis is on an extensive scale: according to some, a person who loses human birth must pass through eight millions of successive incarnations—fish, insects, worms, birds, and beasts—before he can reappear as a man.; hence for a man it is proper to attend to the conversation of life. They who understand not the pain of other creatures, and who continue to slay and to devour them, last but few days in the land, and return to mundane existence, maimed, limping, one-eyed, blind, dwarfed, hunchbacked, and imperfect in such wise. Just as they consume the bodies of beasts and of birds, even so they end by spoiling their own bodies. From drinking spirits also the great sin arises, hence the consuming of spirits and flesh is not advisable.”

The minister having in this manner explained to the king the sentiments of his own mind, so brought him over to the Jain faith, that whatever he said, so the king did. Thus in Brahmans, in Jogis, in Janganis, in Sevras, in Sannyasis,[172]Jogi, or Yogi, properly applies to followers of the Yoga or Patanjala school, who by ascetic practices acquire power over the elements. Vulgarly, it is a general term for mountebank vagrants, worshippers of Shiva. The Janganis adore the same deity, and carry about a Linga. The Sevras are Jain beggars, who regard their chiefs as superior to the gods of other sects. The Sannyasis are mendicant followers of Shiva; they never touch metals or fire, and, in religious parlance, they take up the staff They are opposed to the Viragis, worshippers of Vishnu, who contend as strongly against the worshippers of gods who receive bloody offerings, as a Christian could do against idolatry. and in religious mendicants, no man believed, and according to this creed the rule was carried on.

Now one day, being in the power of Death, Raja Gunshekhar died. Then his son Dharmadhwaj sat upon the carpet (throne), and began to rule. Presently he caused the minister Abhaichand to be seized, had his head shaved all but seven locks of hair, ordered his face to be blackened, and mounting him on an ass, with drums beaten, had him led all about the city, and drove him from the kingdom. From that time he carried on his rule free from all anxiety.

It so happened that in the season of spring, the king Dharmadhwaj, taking his queens with him, went for a stroll in the garden, where there was a large tank with lotuses blooming within it. The Raja admiring its beauty, took off his clothes and went down to bathe.

After plucking a flower and coming to the bank, he was going to give it into the hands of one of his queens, when it slipped from his fingers, fell upon her foot, and broke it with the blow. Then the Raja being alarmed, at once came out of the tank, and began to apply remedies to her.

Hereupon night came on, and the moon shone brightly: the falling of its rays on the body of the second queen formed blisters And suddenly from a distance the sound of a wooden pestle came out of a householder’s dwelling, when the third queen fainted away with a severe pain in the head.

Having spoken thus much the Baital said “O my king! of these three which is the most delicate?” The Raja answered, “She indeed is the most delicate who fainted in consequence of the headache.” The Baital hearing this speech, went and hung himself from the very same tree, and the Raja, having gone there and taken him down and fastened him in the bundle and placed him on his shoulder, carried him away.

The Vampire’s Eleventh Story •6,400字
Raja Vikram 的困惑

There is a queer time coming, O Raja Vikram!—a queer time coming (said the Vampire), a queer time coming. Elderly people like you talk abundantly about the good old days that were, and about the degeneracy of the days that are. I wonder what you would say if you could but look forward a few hundred years.

Brahmans shall disgrace themselves by becoming soldiers and being killed, and Serviles (Shudras) shall dishonour themselves by wearing the thread of the twice-born, and by refusing to be slaves; in fact, society shall be all “mouth” and mixed castes.[173]The Brahman, or priest, is supposed to proceed from the mouth of Brahma, the creating person of the Triad; the Khshatriyas (soldiers) from his arms; the Vaishyas (enterers into business) from his thighs; and the Shudras, “who take refuge in the Brahmans,” from his feet. Only high caste men should assume the thread at the age of puberty. The courts of justice shall be disused; the great works of peace shall no longer be undertaken; wars shall last six weeks, and their causes shall be clean forgotten; the useful arts and great sciences shall die starved; there shall be no Gems of Science; there shall be a hospital for destitute kings, those, at least, who do not lose their heads, and no Vikrama——

A severe shaking stayed for a moment the Vampire’s tongue.

He presently resumed. Briefly, building tanks feeding Brahmans; lying when one ought to lie; suicide, the burning of widows, and the burying of live children, shall become utterly unfashionable.

The consequence of this singular degeneracy, O mighty Vikram, will be that strangers shall dwell beneath the roof tree in Bharat Khanda (India), and impure barbarians shall call the land their own. They come from a wonderful country, and I am most surprised that they bear it. The sky which ought to be gold and blue is there grey, a kind of dark white; the sun looks deadly pale, and the moon as if he were dead.[174]Soma, the moon, I have said, is masculine in India. The sea, when not dirty green, glistens with yellowish foam, and as you approach the shore, tall ghastly cliffs, like the skeletons of giants, stand up to receive or ready to repel. During the greater part of the sun’s Dakhshanayan (southern declination) the country is covered with a sort of cold white stuff which dazzles the eyes; and at such times the air is obscured with what appears to be a shower of white feathers or flocks of cotton. At other seasons there is a pale glare produced by the mist clouds which spread themselves over the lower firmament. Even the faces of the people are white; the men are white when not painted blue; the women are whiter, and the children are whitest: these indeed often have white hair.

“Truly,” exclaimed Dharma Dhwaj, “says the proverb, ‘Whoso seeth the world telleth many a lie.’”

At present (resumed the Vampire, not heeding the interruption), they run about naked in the woods, being merely Hindu outcastes. Presently they will change—the wonderful white Pariahs! They will eat all food indifferently, domestic fowls, onions, hogs fed in the street, donkeys, horses, hares, and (most horrible!) the flesh of the sacred cow. They will imbibe what resembles meat of colocynth, mixed with water, producing a curious frothy liquid, and a fiery stuff which burns the mouth, for their milk will be mostly chalk and pulp of brains; they will ignore the sweet juices of fruits and sugar-cane, and as for the pure element they will drink it, but only as medicine, They will shave their beards instead of their heads, and stand upright when they should sit down, and squat upon a wooden frame instead of a carpet, and appear in red and black like the children of Yama.[175]冥王星。 They will never offer sacrifices to the manes of ancestors, leaving them after their death to fry in the hottest of places. Yet will they perpetually quarrel and fight about their faith; for their tempers are fierce, and they would burst if they could not harm one another. Even now the children, who amuse themselves with making puddings on the shore, that is to say, heaping up the sand, always end their little games with “punching,” which means shutting the hand and striking one another’s heads, and it is soon found that the children are the fathers of the men.

These wonderful white outcastes will often be ruled by female chiefs, and it is likely that the habit of prostrating themselves before a woman who has not the power of cutting off a single head, may account for their unusual degeneracy and uncleanness. They will consider no occupation so noble as running after a jackal; they will dance for themselves, holding on to strange women, and they will take a pride in playing upon instruments, like young music girls.

The women, of course, relying upon the aid of the female chieftains, will soon emancipate themselves from the rules of modesty. They will eat with their husbands and with other men, and yawn and sit carelessly before them showing the backs of their heads. They will impudently quote the words, “By confinement at home, even under affectionate and observant guardians, women are not secure, but those are really safe who are guarded by their own inclinations “; as the poet sang—

Woman obeys one only word, her heart.

They will not allow their husbands to have more than one wife, and even the single wife will not be his slave when he needs her services, busying herself in the collection of wealth, in ceremonial purification, and feminine duty; in the preparation of daily food and in the superintendence of household utensils. What said Rama of Sita his wife? “If I chanced to be angry, she bore my impatience like the patient earth without a murmur; in the hour of necessity she cherished me as a mother does her child; in the moments of repose she was a lover to me; in times of gladness she was to me as a friend.” And it is said, “a religious wife assists her husband in his worship with a spirit as devout as his own. She gives her whole mind to make him happy; she is as faithful to him as a shadow to the body, and she esteems him, whether poor or rich, good or bad, handsome or deformed. In his absence or his sickness she renounces every gratification; at his death she dies with him, and he enjoys heaven as the fruit of her virtuous deeds. Whereas if she be guilty of many wicked actions and he should die first, he must suffer much for the demerits of his wife.”

But these women will talk aloud, and scold as the braying ass, and make the house a scene of variance, like the snake with the ichneumon, the owl with the crow, for they have no fear of losing their noses or parting with their ears. They will (O my mother!) converse with strange men and take their hands; they will receive presents from them, and, worst of all, they will show their white faces openly without the least sense of shame; they will ride publicly in chariots and mount horses, whose points they pride themselves upon knowing, and eat and drink in crowded places—their husbands looking on the while, and perhaps even leading them through the streets. And she will be deemed the pinnacle of the pagoda of perfection, that most excels in wit and shamelessness, and who can turn to water the livers of most men. They will dance and sing instead of minding their children, and when these grow up they will send them out of the house to shift for themselves, and care little if they never see them again.[176]Nothing astonishes Hindus so much as the apparent want of affection between the European parent and child. But the greatest sin of all will be this: when widowed they will ever be on the look-out for a second husband, and instances will be known of women fearlessly marrying three, four, and five times.[177]A third marriage is held improper and baneful to a Hindu woman. Hence, before the nuptials they betroth the man to a tree, upon which the evil expends itself, and the tree dies. You would think that all this licence satisfies them. But no! The more they have the more their weak minds covet. The men have admitted them to an equality, they will aim at an absolute superiority, and claim respect and homage; they will eternally raise tempests about their rights, and if anyone should venture to chastise them as they deserve, they would call him a coward and run off to the judge.

The men will, I say, be as wonderful about their women as about all other matters. The sage of Bharat Khanda guards the frail sex strictly, knowing its frailty, and avoids teaching it to read and write, which it will assuredly use for a bad purpose. For women are ever subject to the god[178]Kama] with the sugar-cane bow and string of bees, and arrows tipped with heating blossoms, and to him they will ever surrender man, dhan, tan—mind, wealth, and body. When, by exceeding cunning, all human precautions have been made vain, the wise man bows to Fate, and he forgets, or he tries to forget, the past. Whereas this race of white Pariahs will purposely lead their women into every kind of temptation, and, when an accident occurs, they will rage at and accuse them, killing ten thousand with a word, and cause an uproar, and talk scandal and be scandalized, and go before the magistrate, and make all the evil as public as possible. One would think they had in every way done their duty to their women!

And when all this change shall have come over them, they will feel restless and take flight, and fall like locusts upon the Aryavartta (land of India). Starving in their own country, they will find enough to eat here, and to carry away also. They will be mischievous as the saw with which ornament-makers trim their shells, and cut ascending as well as descending. To cultivate their friendship will be like making a gap in the water, and their partisans will ever fare worse than their foes. They will be selfish as crows, which, though they eat every kind of flesh, will not permit other birds to devour that of the crow.

In the beginning they will hire a shop near the mouth of mother Ganges, and they will sell lead and bullion, fine and coarse woollen cloths, and all the materials for intoxication. Then they will begin to send for soldiers beyond the sea, and to enlist warriors in Zambudwipa (India). They will from shopkeepers become soldiers: they will beat and be beaten; they will win and lose; but the power of their star and the enchantments of their Queen Kompani, a daina or witch who can draw the blood out of a man and slay him with a look, will turn everything to their good. Presently the noise of their armies shall be as the roaring of the sea; the dazzling of their arms shall blind the eyes like lightning; their battle-fields shall be as the dissolution of the world; and the slaughter-ground shall resemble a garden of plantain trees after a storm. At length they shall spread like the march of a host of ants over the land They will swear, “Dehar Ganga[179]An oath, meaning, “From such a falsehood preserve me, Ganges!”!” and they hate nothing so much as being compelled to destroy an army, to take and loot a city, or to add a rich slip of territory to their rule. And yet they will go on killing and capturing and adding region to region, till the Abode of Snow (Himalaya) confines them to the north, the Sindhu-naddi (Incus) to the west, and elsewhere the sea. Even in this, too, they will demean themselves as lords and masters, scarcely allowing poor Samudradevta[180]The Indian Neptune. to rule his own waves.

Raja Vikram was in a silent mood, otherwise he would not have allowed such ill-omened discourse to pass uninterrupted. Then the Baital, who in vain had often paused to give the royal carrier a chance of asking him a curious question, continued his recital in a dissonant and dissatisfied tone of voice.

By my feet and your head,[181]A highly insulting form of adjuration. O warrior king! it will fare badly in those days for the Rajas of Hindustan, when the red-coated men of Shaka[182]The British Islands—according to Wilford. shall come amongst them. Listen to my words.

In the Vindhya Mountain there will be a city named Dharmapur, whose king will be called Mahabul. He will be a mighty warrior, well-skilled in the dhanur-veda (art of war)[183]Literally the science (veda) of the bow (dhanush). This weapon, as everything amongst the Hindus, had a divine origin: it was of three kinds—the common bow, the pellet or stone bow, and the crossbow or catapult., and will always lead his own armies to the field. He will duly regard all the omens, such as a storm at the beginning of the march, an earthquake, the implements of war dropping from the hands of the soldiery, screaming vultures passing over or walking near the army, the clouds and the sun’s rays waxing red, thunder in a clear sky, the moon appearing small as a star, the dropping of blood from the clouds, the falling of lightning bolts, darkness filling the four quarters of the heavens, a corpse or a pan of water being carried to the right of the army, the sight of a female beggar with dishevelled hair, dressed in red, and preceding the vanguard, the starting of the flesh over the left ribs of the commander-in-chief, and the weeping or turning back of the horses when urged forward.

He will encourage his men to single combats, and will carefully train them to gymnastics. Many of the wrestlers and boxers will be so strong that they will often beat all the extremities of the antagonist into his body, or break his back, or rend him into two pieces. He will promise heaven to those who shall die in the front of battle and he will have them taught certain dreadful expressions of abuse to be interchanged with the enemy when commencing the contest. Honours will be conferred on those who never turn their backs in an engagement, who manifest a contempt of death, who despise fatigue, as well as the most formidable enemies, who shall be found invincible in every combat, and who display a courage which increases before danger, like the glory of the sun advancing to his meridian splendour.

But King Mahabul will be attacked by the white Pariahs, who, as usual, will employ against him gold, fire, and steel. With gold they will win over his best men, and persuade them openly to desert when the army is drawn out for battle. They will use the terrible “fire weapon,[184]It is a disputed point whether the ancient Hindus did or did not know the use of gunpowder.” large and small tubes, which discharge flame and smoke, and bullets as big as those hurled by the bow of Bharata.[185]It is said to have discharged balls, each 6,400 pounds in weight. And instead of using swords and shields, they will fix daggers to the end of their tubes, and thrust with them like lances.

Mahabul, distinguished by valour and military skill, will march out of his city to meet the white foe. In front will be the ensigns, bells, cows’-tails, and flags, the latter painted with the bird Garura,[186]A kind of Mercury, a god with the head and wings of a bird, who is the Vahan or vehicle of the second person of the Triad, Vishnu. the bull of Shiva, the Bauhinia tree, the monkey-god Hanuman, the lion and the tiger, the fish, an alms-dish, and seven palm-trees. Then will come the footmen armed with fire-tubes, swords and shields, spears and daggers, clubs, and bludgeons. They will be followed by fighting men on horses and oxen, on camels and elephants. The musicians, the water-carriers, and lastly the stores on carriages, will bring up the rear.

The white outcastes will come forward in a long thin red thread, and vomiting fire like the Jwalamukhi.[187]The celebrated burning springs of Baku, near the Caspian, are so called. There are many other “fire mouths.” King Mahabul will receive them with his troops formed in a circle; another division will be in the shape of a halfmoon; a third like a cloud, whilst others shall represent a lion, a tiger, a carriage, a lily, a giant, and a bull. But as the elephants will all turn round when they feel the fire, and trample upon their own men, and as the cavalry defiling in front of the host will openly gallop away; Mahabul, being thus without resource, will enter his palanquin, and accompanied by his queen and their only daughter, will escape at night-time into the forest.

The unfortunate three will be deserted by their small party, and live for a time on jungle food, fruits and roots; they will even be compelled to eat game. After some days they will come in sight of a village, which Mahabul will enter to obtain victuals. There the wild Bhils, famous for long years, will come up, and surrounding the party, will bid the Raja throw down his arms. Thereupon Mahabul, skilful in aiming, twanging and wielding the bow on all sides, so as to keep off the bolts of the enemy, will discharge his bolts so rapidly, that one will drive forward another, and none of the barbarians will be able to approach. But he will have failed to bring his quiver containing an inexhaustible store of arms, some of which, pointed with diamonds, shall have the faculty of returning again to their case after they have done their duty. The conflict will continue three hours, and many of the Bhils will be slain: at length a shaft will cleave the king’s skull, he will fall dead, and one of the wild men will come up and cut off his head.

When the queen and the princess shall have seen that Mahabul fell dead, they will return to the forest weeping and beating their bosoms. They will thus escape the Bhils, and after journeying on for four miles, at length they will sit down wearied, and revolve many thoughts in their minds.

They are very lovely (continued the Vampire), as I see them with the eye of clear-seeing. What beautiful hair! it hangs down like the tail of the cow of Tartary, or like the thatch of a house; it is shining as oil, dark as the clouds, black as blackness itself. What charming faces! likest to water-lilies, with eyes as the stones in unripe mangos, noses resembling the beaks of parrots, teeth like pearls set in corals, ears like those of the redthroated vulture, and mouths like the water of life. What excellent forms! breasts like boxes containing essences, the unopened fruit of plantains or a couple of crabs; loins the width of a span, like the middle of the viol; legs like the trunk of an elephant, and feet like the yellow lotus.

And a fearful place is that jungle, a dense dark mass of thorny shrubs, and ropy creepers, and tall canes, and tangled brake, and gigantic gnarled trees, which groan wildly in the night wind’s embrace. But a wilder horror urges the unhappy women on; they fear the polluting touch of the Bhils; once more they rise and plunge deeper into its gloomy depths.

The day dawns. The white Pariahs have done their usual work, They have cut off the hands of some, the feet and heads of others, whilst many they have crushed into shapeless masses, or scattered in pieces upon the ground. The field is strewed with corpses, the river runs red, so that the dogs and jackals swim in blood; the birds of prey sitting on the branches, drink man’s life from the stream, and enjoy the sickening smell of burnt flesh.

Such will be the scenes acted in the fair land of Bharat.

Perchance two white outcastes, father and son, who with a party of men are scouring the forest and slaying everything, fall upon the path which the women have taken shortly before. Their attention is attracted by footprints leading towards a place full of tigers, leopards, bears, wolves, and wild dogs. And they are utterly confounded when, after inspection, they discover the sex of the wanderers.

“How is it,” shall say the father, “that the footprints of mortals are seen in this part of the forest?”

The son shall reply, “Sir, these are the marks of women’s feet: a man’s foot would not be so small.”

“It is passing strange,” shall rejoin the elder white Pariah, “but thou speakest truth. Certainly such a soft and delicate foot cannot belong to anyone but a woman.”

“They have only just left the track,” shall continue the son, “and look! this is the step of a married woman. See how she treads on the inside of her sole, because of the bending of her ankles.” And the younger white outcaste shall point to the queen’s footprints.

“Come, let us search the forest for them,” shall cry the father, “what an opportunity of finding wives fortune has thrown in our hands. But no! thou art in error,” he shall continue, after examining the track pointed out by his son, “in supposing this to be the sign of a matron. Look at the other, it is much longer; the toes have scarcely touched the ground, whereas the marks of the heels are deep. Of a truth this must be the married woman.” And the elder white outcaste shall point to the footprints of the princess.

“Then,” shall reply the son, who admires the shorter foot, “let us first seek them, and when we find them, give to me her who has the short feet, and take the other to wife thyself.”

Having made this agreement they shall proceed on their way, and presently they shall find the women lying on the earth, half dead with fatigue and fear. Their legs and feet are scratched and torn by brambles, their ornaments have fallen off, and their garments are in strips. The two white outcastes find little difficulty, the first surprise over, in persuading the unhappy women to follow them home, and with great delight, conformably to their arrangement, each takes up his prize on his horse and rides back to the tents. The son takes the queen, and the father the princess.

In due time two marriages come to pass; the father, according to agreement, espouses the long foot, and the son takes to wife the short foot. And after the usual interval, the elder white outcaste, who had married the daughter, rejoices at the birth of a boy, and the younger white outcaste, who had married the mother, is gladdened by the sight of a girl.

Now then, by my feet and your head, O warrior king Vikram, answer me one question. What relationship will there be between the children of the two white Pariahs?

Vikram’s brow waxed black as a charcoal-burner’s, when he again heard the most irreverent oath ever proposed to mortal king. The question presently attracted his attention, and he turned over the Baital’s words in his head, confusing the ties of filiality, brotherhood, and relationship, and connection in general.

“Hem!” said the warrior king, at last perplexed, and remembering, in his perplexity, that he had better hold his tongue—“ahem!”

“I think your majesty spoke?” asked the Vampire, in an inquisitive and insinuating tone of voice.

“Hem!” ejaculated the monarch.

The Baital held his peace for a few minutes, coughing once or twice impatiently. He suspected that the extraordinary nature of this last tale, combined with the use of the future tense, had given rise to a taciturnity so unexpected in the warrior king. He therefore asked if Vikram the Brave would not like to hear another little anecdote.

This time the king did not even say “hem!” Having walked at an unusually rapid pace, he distinguished at a distance the fire kindled by the devotee, and he hurried towards it with an effort which left him no breath wherewith to speak, even had he been so inclined.

“Since your majesty is so completely dumbfoundered by it, perhaps this acute young prince may be able to answer my question?” insinuated the Baital, after a few minutes of anxious suspense.

But Dharma Dhwaj answered not a syllable.


At Raja Vikram’s silence the Baital was greatly surprised, and he praised the royal courage and resolution to the skies. Still he did not give up the contest at once.

“Allow me, great king,” pursued the Demon, in a dry tone of voice, “to wish you joy. After so many failures you have at length succeeded in repressing your loquacity. I will not stop to enquire whether it was humility and self-restraint which prevented your answering my last question, or whether Rajait was mere ignorance and inability. Of course I suspect the latter, but to say the truth your condescension in at last taking a Vampire’s advice, flatters me so much, that I will not look too narrowly into cause or motive.”

Raja Vikram winced, but maintained a stubborn silence, squeezing his lips lest they should open involuntarily.

“Now, however, your majesty has mortified, we will suppose, a somewhat exacting vanity, I also will in my turn forego the pleasure which I had anticipated in seeing you a corpse and in entering your royal body for a short time, just to know how queer it must feel to be a king. And what is more, I will now perform my original promise, and you shall derive from me a benefit which none but myself can bestow. First, however, allow me to ask you, will you let me have a little more air?”

Dharma Dhwaj pulled his father’s sleeve, but this time Raja Vikram required no reminder: wild horses or the executioner’s saw, beginning at the shoulder, would not have drawn a word from him. Observing his obstinate silence, the Baital, with an ominous smile, continued:

“Now give ear, O warrior king, to what I am about to tell thee, and bear in mind the giant’s saying, ‘A man is justified in killing one who has a design to kill him.’ The young merchant Mal Deo, who placed such magnificent presents at your royal feet, and Shanta-Shil the devotee saint, who works his spells, incantations, and magical rites in a cemetery on the banks of the Godaveri river, are, as thou knowest, one person—the terrible Jogi, whose wrath your father aroused in his folly, and whose revenge your blood alone can satisfy. With regard to myself, the oilman’s son, the same Jogi, fearing lest I might interfere with his projects of universal dominion, slew me by the power of his penance, and has kept me suspended, a trap for you, head downwards from the sires-tree.

“That Jogi it was, you now know, who sent you to fetch me back to him on your back. And when you cast me at his feet he will return thanks to you and praise your valour, perseverance and resolution to the skies. I warn you to beware. He will lead you to the shrine of Durga, and when he has finished his adoration he will say to you, ‘O great king, salute my deity with the eight-limbed reverence.’”

Here the Vampire whispered for a time and in a low tone, lest some listening goblin might carry his words if spoken out loud to the ears of the devotee Shanta-Shil.

At the end of the monologue a rustling sound was heard. It proceeded from the Baital, who was disengaging himself from the dead body in the bundle, and the burden became sensibly lighter upon the monarch’s back.

The departing Baital, however, did not forget to bid farewell to the warrior king and to his son. He complimented the former for the last time, in his own way, upon the royal humility and the prodigious self-mortification which he had displayed—qualities, he remarked, which never failed to ensure the proprietor’s success in all the worlds.

Raja Vikram stepped out joyfully, and soon reached the burning ground. There he found the Jogi, dressed in his usual habit, a deerskin thrown over his back, and twisted reeds instead of a garment hanging round his loins. The hair had fallen from his limbs and his skin was bleached ghastly white by exposure to the elements. A fire seemed to proceed from his mouth, and the matted locks dropping from his head to the ground were changed by the rays of the sun to the colour of gold or saffron. He had the beard of a goat and the ornaments of a king; his shoulders were high and his arms long, reaching to his knees: his nails grew to such a length as to curl round the ends of his fingers, and his feet resembled those of a tiger. He was drumming upon a skull, and incessantly exclaiming, “Ho, Kali! ho, Durga! ho, Devi!”

As before, strange beings were holding their carnival in the Jogi’s presence. Monstrous Asuras, giant goblins, stood grimly gazing upon the scene with fixed eyes and motionless features. Rakshasas and messengers of Yama, fierce and hideous, assumed at pleasure the shapes of foul and ferocious beasts. Nagas and Bhutas, partly human and partly bestial, disported themselves in throngs about the upper air, and were dimly seen in the faint light of the dawn. Mighty Daityas, Bramba-daityas, and Pretas, the size of a man’s thumb, or dried up like leaves, and Pisachas of terrible power guarded the place. There were enormous goats, vivified by the spirits of those who had slain Brahmans; things with the bodies of men and the faces of horses, camels and monkeys; hideous worms containing the souls of those priests who had drunk spirituous liquors; men with one leg and one ear, and mischievous blood-sucking demons, who in life had stolen church property. There were vultures, wretches that had violated the beds of their spiritual fathers, restless ghosts that had loved low-caste women, shades for whom funeral rites had not been performed, and who could not cross the dread Vaitarani stream,[188]The Hindu Styx. and vital souls fresh from the horrors of Tamisra, or utter darkness, and the Usipatra Vana, or the sword-leaved forest. Pale spirits, Alayas, Gumas, Baitals, and Yakshas,[189]From Yaksha, to eat; as Rakshasas are from Raksha, to preserve.—See Hardy’s Manual of Buddhism, p. 57. beings of a base and vulgar order, glided over the ground, amongst corpses and skeletons animated by female fiends, Dakinis, Yoginis, Hakinis, and Shankinis, which were dancing in frightful revelry. The air was filled with supernatural sights and sounds, cries of owls and jackals, cats and crows, dogs, asses, and vultures, high above which rose the clashing of the bones with which the Jogi sat drumming upon the skull before him, and tending a huge cauldron of oil whose smoke was of blue fire. But as he raised his long lank arm, silver-white with ashes, the demons fled, and a momentary silence succeeded to their uproar. The tigers ceased to roar and the elephants to scream; the bears raised their snouts from their foul banquets, and the wolves dropped from their jaws the remnants of human flesh. And when they disappeared, the hooting of the owl, and ghastly “ha! ha!” of the curlew, and the howling of the jackal died away in the far distance, leaving a silence still more oppressive.

As Raja Vikram entered the burning-ground, the hollow sound of solitude alone met his ear. Sadly wailed the wet autumnal blast. The tall gaunt trees groaned aloud, and bowed and trembled like slaves bending before their masters. Huge purple clouds and patches and lines of glaring white mist coursed furiously across the black expanse of firmament, discharging threads and chains and lozenges and balls of white and blue, purple and pink lightning, followed by the deafening crash and roll of thunder, the dreadful roaring of the mighty wind, and the torrents of plashing rain. At times was heard in the distance the dull gurgling of the swollen river, interrupted by explosions, as slips of earth-bank fell headlong into the stream. But once more the Jogi raised his arm and all was still: nature lay breathless, as if awaiting the effect of his tremendous spells.

The warrior king drew near the terrible man, unstrung his bundle from his back, untwisted the portion which he held, threw open the cloth, and exposed to Shanta-Shil’s glittering eyes the corpse, which had now recovered its proper form—that of a young child. Seeing it, the devotee was highly pleased, and thanked Vikram the Brave, extolling his courage and daring above any monarch that had yet lived. After which he repeated certain charms facing towards the south, awakened the dead body, and placed it in a sitting position. He then in its presence sacrificed to his goddess, the White One,[190]Shiva is always painted white, no one knows why. His wife Gauri has also a European complexion. Hence it is generally said that the sect popularly called “Thugs,” who were worshippers of these murderous gods, spared Englishmen, the latter being supposed to have some rapport with their deities. all that he had ready by his side—betel leaf and flowers, sandal wood and unbroken rice, fruits, perfumes, and the flesh of man untouched by steel. Lastly, he half filled his skull with burning embers, blew upon them till they shot forth tongues of crimson light, serving as a lamp, and motioning the Raja and his son to follow him, led the way to a little fane of the Destroying Deity erected in a dark clump of wood, outside and close to the burning ground.

They passed through the quadrangular outer court of the temple whose piazza was hung with deep shade.[191]The Hindu shrine is mostly a small building, with two inner compartments, the vestibule and the Garbagriha, or adytum, in which stands the image. In silence they circumambulated the small central shrine, and whenever Shanta-Shil directed, Raja Vikram entered the Sabha, or vestibule, and struck three times upon the gong, which gave forth a loud and warning sound.

They then passed over the threshold, and looked into the gloomy inner depths. There stood Smashana-Kali,[192]Meaning Kali of the cemetery (Smashana); another form of Durga. the goddess, in her most horrid form. She was a naked and very black woman, with half-severed head, partly cut and partly painted, resting on her shoulder; and her tongue lolled out from her wide yawning mouth[193]Not being able to find victims, this pleasant deity, to satisfy her thirst for the curious juice, cut her own throat that the blood might spout up into her mouth. She once found herself dancing on her husband, and was so shocked that in surprise she put out her tongue to a great length, and remained motionless. She is often represented in this form.; her eyes were red like those of a drunkard; and her eyebrows were of the same colour: her thick coarse hair hung like a mantle to her heels. She was robed in an elephant’s hide, dried and withered, confined at the waist with a belt composed of the hands of the giants whom she had slain in war: two dead bodies formed her earrings, and her necklace was of bleached skulls. Her four arms supported a scimitar, a noose, a trident, and a ponderous mace. She stood with one leg on the breast of her husband, Shiva, and she rested the other on his thigh. Before the idol lay the utensils of worship, namely, dishes for the offerings, lamps, jugs, incense, copper cups, conches and gongs; and all of them smelt of blood.

As Raja Vikram and his son stood gazing upon the hideous spectacle, the devotee stooped down to place his skull-lamp upon the ground, and drew from out his ochre-coloured cloth a sharp sword which he hid behind his back.

“Prosperity to thine and thy son’s for ever and ever, O mighty Vikram!” exclaimed Shanta-Shil, after he had muttered a prayer before the image. “Verily thou hast right royally redeemed thy pledge, and by the virtue of thy presence all my wishes shall presently be accomplished. Behold! the Sun is about to drive his car over the eastern hills, and our task now ends. Do thou reverence before this my deity, worshipping the earth through thy nose, and so prostrating thyself that thy eight limbs may touch the ground.[194]This ashtanga, the most ceremonious of the five forms of Hindu salutation, consists of prostrating and of making the eight parts of the body—namely, the temples, nose and chin, knees and hands—touch the ground. Thus shall thy glory and splendour be great; the Eight Powers[195]“Sidhis,” the personified Powers of Nature. At least, so we explain them: but people do not worship abstract powers. and the Nine Treasures shall be thine, and prosperity shall ever remain under thy roof-tree.”

Raja Vikram, hearing these words, recalled suddenly to mind all that the Vampire had whispered to him. He brought his joined hands open up to his forehead, caused his two thumbs to touch his brow several times, and replied with the greatest humility,

“O pious person! I am a king ignorant of the way to do such obeisance. Thou art a spiritual preceptor: be pleased to teach me and I will do even as thou desirest.”

Then the Jogi, being a cunning man, fell into his own net. As he bent him down to salute the goddess, Vikram, drawing his sword, struck him upon the neck so violent a blow, that his head rolled from his body upon the ground. At the same moment Dharma Dhwaj, seizing his father’s arm, pulled him out of the way in time to escape being crushed by the image, which fell with the sound of thunder upon the floor of the temple.

A small thin voice in the upper air was heard to cry, “A man is justified in killing one who has the desire to kill him.” Then glad shouts of triumph and victory were heard in all directions. They proceeded from the celestial choristers, the heavenly dancers, the mistresses of the gods, and the nymphs of Indra’s Paradise, who left their beds of gold and precious stones, their seats glorious as the meridian sun, their canals of crystal water, their perfumed groves, and their gardens where the wind ever blows in softest breezes, to applaud the valour and good fortune of the warrior king.

At last the brilliant god, Indra himself, with the thousand eyes, rising from the shade of the Parigat tree, the fragrance of whose flowers fills the heavens, appeared in his car drawn by yellow steeds and cleaving the thick vapours which surround the earth—whilst his attendants sounded the heavenly drums and rained a shower of blossoms and perfumes—bade the Vikramajit the Brave ask a boon.

The Raja joined his hands and respectfully replied,

“O mighty ruler of the lower firmament, let this my history become famous throughout the world!”

“It is well,” rejoined the god. “As long as the sun and moon endure, and the sky looks down upon the ground, so long shall this thy adventure be remembered over all the earth. Meanwhile rule thou mankind.”

Thus saying, Indra retired to the delicious Amrawati[196]The residence of Indra, king of heaven, built by Wishwa-Karma, the architect of the gods. Vikram took up the corpses and threw them into the cauldron which Shanta-Shil had been tending. At once two heroes started into life, and Vikram said to them, “When I call you, come!”

With these mysterious words the king, followed by his son, returned to the palace unmolested. As the Vampire had predicted, everything was prosperous to him, and he presently obtained the remarkable titles, Sakaro, or foe of the Sakas, and Sakadhipati-Vikramaditya.

And when, after a long and happy life spent in bringing the world under the shadow of one umbrella, and in ruling it free from care, the warrior king Vikram entered the gloomy realms of Yama, from whom for mortals there is no escape, he left behind him a name that endured amongst men like the odour of the flower whose memory remains long after its form has mingled with the dust.[197]In other words, to the present day, whenever a Hindu novelist, romancer, or tale writer seeks a peg upon which to suspend the texture of his story, he invariably pitches upon the glorious, pious, and immortal memory of that Eastern King Arthur, Vikramaditya, shortly called Vikram.]

脚注 •4,900字

[1] 《Metamorphoseon》,来自 Asino Aureo,图书 Xl。众所周知且美丽的情节出现在第四本书、第五本书和第六本书中。

[2] 这个仪式将在以后的页面中解释。

[3] 悲伤、惊讶、恐惧和其他情绪的常见感叹词。它特别被女性使用。

[4] 引自塞兰波尔的 William Ward 对印度人的看法(第 25 卷)。

[5] 梵文为 Vetala-pancha-Vinshati。 “Baital”是“Vetala”的现代形式。

[6] 阿拉伯语为 Badpai el Hakim。

[7] 哲学词典 sub v.“次经”。

[8] 我并不是说在伊斯兰时代之前不知道押韵,而是阿拉伯人在南欧普及了协和音和协和音。

[9] “Vikrama”的意思是“勇敢”或“英勇”。

[10] 塞兰波尔的沃德先生无法引用这十八种语言中超过九种的名字,即:梵语、俗语、龙语、派萨查语、干达巴语、罗刹语、阿达摩伽迪语、阿帕语和密集语——其中大多数是不同语系的语言神话般的存在。然而,他告诉我们,对这些方言的描述可以在《Pingala》一书中找到。

[11] 由 Wm 爵士翻译。琼斯,1789;威廉姆斯教授,1856 年。

[12] 由 HH Wilson 教授翻译。

[13] 这个时代对学者来说是有利的。维克拉玛蒂亚在世时,另一位国王玛格哈 (Magha) 命人写了一首以他的名字命名的诗,据说每写一首诗,他都会向学者们支付一块金币,总计 5,280 升。那些日子,早于《失乐园》的日子。大约在同一时期,第三任国王卡纳塔因赞助在维克拉姆宫廷中获得荣誉的学者而闻名。几乎同时代的诗人达瓦卡(Dhavaka)从国王什里哈沙(Shriharsha)那里收到了 10,000 升的华丽礼物。一首名为《Ratna-Mala》的诗。

[14] 中尉。威尔福德支持这样的理论:有八位维克拉玛蒂亚,其中最后一位创立了这个时代。欲了解更多详情,好奇的读者可以查阅 Lassen 的 Anthologia 和 HH Wilson 教授的 Vikram (New), As 论文。红色..九。 117.

[15] 历史告诉我们另一个故事。因陀罗神和陀罗王将王国赐给了甘达尔巴塞纳的另一个女仆所生的儿子巴塔里哈里。兄弟俩住在一起有一段时间。但不久他们就吵起来了。维克拉姆被法庭解雇,赤贫地四处漂泊,一度受雇于古泽拉特一位商人的仆人。最后,巴塔里·哈里因为他深爱的妻子的不忠而对这个世界感到厌恶,成为一名宗教信徒,并让王国听天由命。在旅途中,维克拉姆来到了乌贾亚尼,发现它没有头,于是他夺取了主权。他的统治十分辉煌,用武力征服了乌特卡拉、万加、库奇巴哈尔、古泽拉特、索姆纳特、德里和其他地方。直到他被沙利瓦汉征服并杀死。

[16] 沃德先生说,这些话可以在 Mrityungaya 编撰的《印度教历史》中找到。

[17] 因此,国王的这些职责被规定在《Rajtarangini》中。显然,正如 HH Wilson 教授所说,王室地位绝不是一个闲职。但这些规则显然是一些迂腐、教条的婆罗门的私下工作,向国王传授王道。他不是向下级法官下达指令,而是向作为首席法官的拉贾下达指令,并通过他向所有被任命执行司法工作的人下达指令。

[18] 卢纳斯,不是卢娜。

[19] 也就是说,“空腹时”。

[20] 印度教徒有三个休息日——早晨、中午和日落;这三个时间都是祈祷的时间。

[21] 印度教的丘比特。

[22] Patali,地下区域。

[23] 印度教三合会。

[24] 或者阿凡提(Avanti),也称为帕德玛瓦蒂(Padmavati)。它是印度教徒的第一条子午线,他们通过观察月食来确定经度,并计算出它和兰卡或锡兰的经度。漏壶是用来消磨时间的。

[25] 在原著中,只有丈夫“实行严厉的奉献”。为了那些以“虔诚妻子”为机构的人们的利益,我延长了这一特权。

[26] 穆斯林会说:“这是我们的命运。”印度教徒会立即提到轮回,就像现代斯威登堡教徒自然会提到招魂术一样。

[27] 在欧洲,金钱可以买到这个世界,并把你从炼狱的痛苦中解救出来;在印度教徒中,它进一步打开了天堂之门。

[28] 这部分引言会让读者想起《天方夜谭》引言中的两个皇室兄弟和他们的假妻子。然而,巴塔里·拉贾的命运是历史性的。

[29] 在原著中,“Div”——超自然的神或恶魔。这部分情节的讲述方式多种多样。据一些人说,拉贾·维克拉姆进城时看到一个陶工家里有一个盛大的游行队伍,一个男孩被大象抬走,他的父母悲痛万分,他感到很惊讶。国王询问他们悲伤的原因,并说:有人告诉说,守卫这座城市的邪恶魔头有每日吃掉一个公民的习惯。于是,勇敢的王王让男孩下了马。取代了他的位置;进入宫殿;当作为恶魔的食物时,他以一种激发怪物钦佩的方式展示了他的拳击能力。

[30] 在印度,仍然有一个修道院,其成员的愉快职责就是尽可能地享受生活。欧洲的情况也大致相同。 “代表您在卡桑山的埃斯库里亚尔修道院,或修士们对各种商品、必需品、实用品、美味佳肴、多余物品、surabondantes、puisqu'ils ont les cent cinquante mille、les quatre cent mille、les cinq Cent Mille Ecus de Rente; et jugez si monsieur l'abbe a de quoi laisser dormir la meridienne a ceux qui voudront。”——《圣奥古斯丁,德·梅因的工作》,作者:贝利主教勒·加缪,伏尔泰词典引用。 Phil.,sub v.“启示录”。

[31] 这种婚姻形式得到了古代印度教徒的认可,并且在书籍中经常出现。这是一种苏格兰婚礼——超喀里多尼亚式——在双方同意的情况下举行,没有任何形式或仪式。干陀罗是因陀罗宫廷的天上吟游诗人,他们应该是见证者。

[32] 印度教农神节。

[33] 粉末是用小麦粉,与野姜、苏木等成分混合而成。有时这些东西被扔进注射器里。

[34] 波斯谚语是“Bala e tavilah bar sat i maimun”:“马厩的祸患落在猴子的头上!”在一些穆斯林国家,生猪具有预防作用。因此,蒙戈·帕克可能是卢达马尔那头麻烦的猪。

[35] 因此,“树林里的婴儿”垂死的父亲告诫他邪恶的兄弟,他们的监护人:“我今天向上帝和你推荐我亲爱的孩子们:但是,可以肯定的是,不久我们就可以留在这个世界上了。”但是,为了诉诸金匠的道德感!]

[36] Maha(伟大的)raja(国王):甚至对非皇室成员的通用称呼。

[37] 名字的意思是。 “安静的性格。”

[38] 八月。在印度教的太阳阴历年中,月份被分为两周——光明和黑暗。

[39] 一种花,其名字经常出现在梵文诗歌中。

[40] 星星是人类的灵魂,在一段时间内升入天空,与他们在地球上的善行成正比。

[41] 长度的度量,每两英里。

[42] 下面的温暖地区。

[43] 印度教徒只欣赏有光泽的黑发;我们的歌谣所喜爱的“漂亮的棕色头发”被他们指定给低种姓的男人、女巫和恶魔。

[44] 一种大型蝙蝠;一个流行而愚蠢的英印名字愤怒的苏格兰人几乎有理由称那些在印度告诉他狐狸会飞、树丛被用来酿烈酒的人为“了不起的李尔”。

[45] 像欧洲经典和其他古代民族一样,印度教徒认为有四个时代:萨提亚时代(Satya Yug),或黄金时代,有 1,728,000 年;第二个时代,或特雷塔时代(Treta Yug),有 1,296,000 年; Dwapar Yug 有 864,000 年,而现在的 Kali Yug,已缩短至 832,000 年。

[46] 特别是提到祈祷。关于这一点,骚西公正地评论道:“印度教的宗教有一个显着的特点。祈祷、忏悔和牺牲应该具有内在的和实际的价值,在某种程度上取决于执行这些活动的人的性格或动机。它们是天上的汇票,众神不能拒绝付款。最坏的人,一心要做最坏的计划,就以这种方式获得了力量,这使他们对至高无上的神本身来说是令人畏惧的。”此外,印度教诸神会聆听那些渴望他人邪恶之人的祈祷。因此,当富人变穷时,他的朋友们会说:“你看人的牙齿多锋利!”并且,“他被毁了,因为别人不忍心看到他的幸福!”

[47] 天然或人工池塘;在后一种情况下,通常占地十到十二英亩。

[48] 印度斯坦语“gilahri”或小灰松鼠,其叽叽喳喳的叫声经常被误认为是鸟的叫声。

[49] 秋天,或者更确切地说,雨季的化身——一种陈腐的印度教诗歌。

[50] 对于严肃的印度教徒来说,谈论女性话题是一种人格冒犯。

[51] 丘比特有两种形态,爱神和安特洛斯。

[52] 这在东方的生活中是真实的,女人先主动,男人做begueules。

[53] Raja-hans,一只大灰鹅,在印度教中相当于我们的天鹅。

[54] 正确的卡纳塔克邦; karna在梵语中的意思是耳朵。

[55] 梵文中的“丹塔”是一颗牙齿。

[56] Padma 的意思是脚。

[57] 一个常见的印度教短语,相当于我们的“我设法相处”。

[58] 意思是婚姻、生育等等。

[59] 阎摩是冥王星; “阎罗之母”一般用于指老骂人。

[60] 蛇地:地狱之地。

[61] 对杜尔加(Durga)的一种虐待,杜尔加是伽内什(Janus)的母亲;后者有一个大象的头。

[62] 根据印度教徒的说法,意想不到的快乐使身体下部竖起毛。

[63] 印度教徒从这些场景中消除了“烧瓶”,即万能的,也许他们是对的。

[64] Pankha,或者说大扇子,是 Corypha umbraculifera 的一片叶子,叶柄被切成大约五英尺的长度,削去边缘并涂上漂亮的颜色。站在椅子后面的仆人挥舞着它。

[65] 大量的宝石构成了印度教神话中的圣山。

[66] “我喜欢我的爱人带有‘S’,因为他很愚蠢,而且不具备心理素质。”

[67] 印度教神话中也有地狱犬、特里西萨、侍奉可怕的阎王(冥王星)的“三头”猎犬]

[68] Parceque c'est la saison des amours。

[69] 警察长官,卡蒙斯的卡图尔。

[70] 印度教苦行者的座位。

[71] 印度教经文。

[72] 繁荣女神。

[73] 在原著中,情人并没有受到责备;这就是印度教对此事的看法;我们可能会想起一条古老的禁令,即不要用母乳煮孩子。

[74] 在原来的“maina”-Gracula religiosa。

[75] 正如我们应该说的,埋葬了他们。

[76] 一种大型黑蜂,常见于印度。

[77] 半神罗摩·钱德拉的美丽妻子。

[78] 印度教的Ars Amoris。

[79] 古老的哲学家相信“Sat”(xx xx),并假设了“Asat”(xx xx xx),并将后者作为前者的根源。

[80] 印度西部,一个以自杀而闻名的地方。

[81] 卡玛德瓦。 “你这家伙,你除了女士们什么都不说吗?”

[82] 菩提树或菩提树,是恶魔最喜欢的栖息地。

[83] 印度。

[84] 古代职业牧师的名称,意思是“praepositus”或 praeses。他是酋长的朋友和顾问,国王的大臣,以及他在和平与战争中的伙伴。 (M. Muller 的《古代梵文文学》,第 485 页)。

[85] 拉克希米,繁荣女神。 Raj-Lakshmi 的意思是国王的财富,我们应该称之为守护天才。正如沃德先生所说,拉克希查拉是我们的“不幸者”,它在如此不同的语言中形成了声音和意义的非凡巧合。但派生是非常明显的。

[86] 猴神.

[87] 一般写作“榕树”。

[88] Raja Janaka 的女儿,嫁给了 Ramachandra。后者将妻子托付给弟弟拉克什玛那看管,并进入森林礼拜,这时恶魔罗波那乔装成乞丐,抢走了战利品。

[89] 这位伟大的国王被毗湿奴神欺骗,脱离了天地的统治,但由于他的极度虔诚,他被任命为帕塔拉(或地狱)的统治者。

[90] 游行队伍是公平的游戏,经常在黑暗中遭到棍棒和石块袭击,引发严重纠纷。晚宴上,客人们在场就表明了这一义务,而且要求极其严格。

[91] 拉蒂(Rati)是欲望之神卡玛(Kama)的妻子;我们用“春天的化身”来解释这个词。

[92] 印度杜鹃(Cucuius Indicus)。它应该把蛋产在乌鸦的巢里。

[93] 这就是著名的 Ghi 或 Ghee,印度的一种酱汁,在这方面与英国一样糟糕。

[94] 欧洲读者会发现,正是她的纯洁让女主人公度过了所有这些危险。而且,她的美德本身就是一种回报,因为它让她失去了整个世界。

[95] 从字面上看,“所有品味之一”——我们应该说是一个狂野的或同性恋的男人。

[96] 这些鞋子通常由碎布和皮革碎片制成。他们常常把脚趾放在脚后面,还有其他类似的设计,但他们几乎不会欺骗有经验的人。

[97] 高顶的是贼,低顶的是狗。

[98] 参与商店行窃。

[99] 月亮。

[100] 法官。

[101] 落后就是被抢;刮擦是挂着的。

[102] 舌头。

[103] 这是卡蒂基亚神,火星和水星的混合体,他向尤加查里亚(Yugacharya)透露了被称为“Chauriya-Vidya”的经典——Anglice,“盗贼手册”。印度教戏剧中的经典强盗总是按照其戒律表演。还有另一部作品受到盗贼的推崇,被称为“Chora-Panchashila”,因为它由五十行组成。

[104] 应该是一个好兆头。

[105] 分享战利品。

[106] 巴瓦尼(Bhawani)是毁灭女神的多种形式之一,也是湿婆的妻子。

[107] 用斯特拉莫姆的麻醉种子杀人的恶棍。

[108] 更好地称为“暴徒”,在印度意味着“流氓”。

[109] 直到晚年,钉十字架在缅甸帝国的佛教徒中仍然很常见。据目击者 F. Carey 先生称,惩罚有两种方式。有时,罪犯的手脚被钉在绞刑架上;其他人只是被绑起来,吃东西。在这些病例中,三四天后,患者的腿和脚开始肿胀和僵硬。据说,人们在这种状态下生活了两周,最后因疲劳和屈辱而死去。抽筋的痛苦也必定非常严重。在印度,刺刑通常比钉在十字架上更常见。

[110] 我们的苏蒂有一句令人钦佩的印度教谚语说:“没有人知道女人的方式;没有人知道女人的方式。”她杀死了她的丈夫并成为了萨蒂。”

[111] 命运和命运更像是穆斯林的幻想,而不是印度教的幻想。

[112] 按理来说,农夫耕地的公牛不少于四头;但很少有人能负担得起。如果他用牛或公牛耕地,而不是用公牛耕地,那么他的地里产出的稻米就是不洁净的,并且不能用于任何宗教仪式。

[113] 胜利的呼喊,就像我们的“Huzza”或“Hurrah!”后来降级为“万岁”。 “Hari bol”当然是宗教性的,意思是“召唤哈里!”即克里希纳,即毗湿奴。

[114] 这种自杀形式是印度公认的自杀形式之一。因此,在欧洲,我们读到过一些狂热分子,他们怀着自杀的聪明才智,成功地将自己钉死在十字架上。

[115] 奥里萨邦的贾加纳特河;它与其他大约二十九个国家共享神圣的荣誉,在较低的地区它代表着古典的冥河。

[116] 丘比特。他的妻子拉蒂是春天的化身。印度教诗人总是把爱和春天结合在一起,也许从生理上来说他们是正确的。

[117] 印度教三合会或三巨头中第三人的化身,湿婆神,毁灭之神,印度酒神巴克斯。该图像有五张脸,每张脸有三只眼睛。在孟加拉,许多村庄都发现了它,妇女们警告她们的孩子不要触摸它,否则会被杀死。

[118] 村里的婆罗门有时会向所有村民收取费用。

[119] The land of Greece.

[120] Savans, professors. So in the old saying, “Hanta, Pandit Sansara “—Alas! the world is learned! This a little antedates the well-known schoolmaster.

[121] Children are commonly sent to school at the age of five. Girls are not taught to read, under the common idea that they will become widows if they do.

[122] Meaning the place of reading the four Shastras.

[123] A certain goddess who plays tricks with mankind. If a son when grown up act differently from what his parents did, people say that he has been changed in the womb.

[124] Shani is the planet Saturn, which has an exceedingly baleful influence in India as elsewhere.

[125] The Eleatic or Materialistic school of Hindu philosophy, which agrees to explode an intelligent separate First Cause.

[126] The writings of this school give an excellent view of the “progressive system,” which has popularly been asserted to be a modern idea. But Hindu philosophy seems to have exhausted every fancy that can spring from the brain of man.

[127] Tama is the natural state of matter, Raja is passion acting upon nature, and Satwa is excellence These are the three gunas or qualities of matter.

[128] Spiritual preceptors and learned men.

[129] Under certain limitations, gambling is allowed by Hindu law and the winner has power over the person and property of the loser. No “debts of honour” in Hindustan!]

[130] Quotations from standard works on Hindu criminal law, which in some points at least is almost as absurd as our civilized codes.

[131] Hindus carry their money tied up in a kind of sheet which is wound round the waist and thrown over the shoulder.

[132] A thieves’ manual in the Sanskrit tongue; it aspires to the dignity of a “Scripture.”

[133] All sounds, say the Hindus, are of similar origin, and they do not die; if they did, they could not be remembered.

[134] Gold pieces.

[135] These are the qualifications specified by Hindu classical authorities as necessary to make a distinguished thief.

[136] Every Hindu is in a manner born to a certain line of life, virtuous or vicious, honest or dishonest and his Dharma, or religious duty, consists in conforming to the practice and the worship of his profession. The “Thug,” for instance, worships Bhawani, who enables him to murder successfully; and his remorse would arise from neglecting to murder.

[137] Hindu law sensibly punishes, in theory at least, for the same offence the priest more severely than the layman—a hint for him to practice what he preaches.

[138] The Hindu Mercury, god of rascals.

[139] A penal offence in India. How is it that we English have omitted to codify it? The laws of Manu also punish severely all disdainful expressions, such as “tush” or “pish,” addressed during argument to a priest.

[140] Stanzas, generally speaking, on serious subjects.

[141] Whitlows on the nails show that the sufferer, in the last life, stole gold from a Brahman.

[142] A low caste Hindu, who catches and exhibits snakes and performs other such mean offices.

[143] Meaning, in spite of themselves.

[144] When the moon is in a certain lunar mansion, at the conclusion of the wet season.

[145] In Hindustan, it is the prevailing wind of the hot weather.

[146] Vishnu, as a dwarf, sank down into and secured in the lower regions the Raja Bali, who by his piety and prayerfulness was subverting the reign of the lesser gods; as Ramachandra he built a bridge between Lanka (Ceylon) and the main land; and as Krishna he defended, by holding up a hill as an umbrella for them, his friends the shepherds and shepherdesses from the thunders of Indra, whose worship they had neglected.

[147] The priestly caste sprang, as has been said, from the noblest part of the Demiurgus; the three others from lower members.

[148] A chew of betel leaf and spices is offered by the master of the house when dismissing a visitor.

[149] Respectable Hindus say that receiving a fee for a daughter is like selling flesh.

[150] A modern custom amongst the low caste is for the bride and bridegroom, in the presence of friends, to place a flower garland on each other’s necks, and thus declare themselves man and wife. The old classical Gandharva-lagan has been before explained.

[151] Meaning that the sight of each other will cause a smile, and that what one purposes the other will consent to.

[152] This would be the verdict of a Hindu jury.

[153] Because stained with the powder of Mhendi, or the Lawsonia inermis shrub.

[154] Kansa’s son: so called because the god Shiva, when struck by his shafts, destroyed him with a fiery glance.

[155] “Great Brahman”; used contemptuously to priests who officiate for servile men. Brahmans lose their honour by the following things: By becoming servants to the king; by pursuing any secular business; by acting priests to Shudras (serviles); by officiating as priests for a whole village; and by neglecting any part of the three daily services. Many violate these rules; yet to kill a Brahman is still one of the five great Hindu sins. In the present age of the world, the Brahman may not accept a gift of cows or of gold; of course he despises the law. As regards monkey worship, a certain Rajah of Nadiya is said to have expended 10,000L in marrying two monkeys with all the parade and splendour of the Hindu rite.

[156] The celebrated Gayatri, the Moslem Kalmah.

[157] Kama again.

[158] From “Man,” to think; primarily meaning, what makes man think.

[159] The Cirrhadae of classical writers.

[160] The Hindu Pluto; also called the Just King.

[161] Yama judges the dead, whose souls go to him in four hours and forty minutes; therefore a corpse cannot be burned till after that time. His residence is Yamalaya, and it is on the south side of the earth; down South, as we say. (I, Sam. xxv. 1, and xxx. 15). The Hebrews, like the Hindus, held the northern parts of the world to be higher than the southern. Hindus often joke a man who is seen walking in that direction, and ask him where he is going.

[162] The “Ganges,” in heaven called Mandakini. I have no idea why we still adhere to our venerable corruption of the word.

[163] The fabulous mountain supposed by Hindu geographers to occupy the centre of the universe.

[164] The all-bestowing tree in Indra’s Paradise which grants everything asked of it. It is the Tuba of Al-Islam and is not unknown to the Apocryphal New Testament.

[165] “Vikramaditya, Lord of the Saka.” This is prevoyance on the part of the Vampire; the king had not acquired the title.

[166] On the sixth day after the child’s birth, the god Vidhata writes all its fate upon its forehead. The Moslems have a similar idea, and probably it passed to the Hindus.

[167] Goddess of eloquence. “The waters of the Saraswati” is the classical Hindu phrase for the mirage.

[168] This story is perhaps the least interesting in the collection. I have translated it literally, in order to give an idea of the original. The reader will remark in it the source of our own nursery tale about the princess who was so high born and delicately bred, that she could discover the three peas laid beneath a straw mattress and four feather beds. The Hindus, however, believe that Sybaritism can be carried so far; I remember my Pandit asserting the truth of the story.

[169] A minister. The word, as is the case with many in this collection, is quite modern Moslem, and anachronistic.

[170] The cow is called the mother of the gods, and is declared by Brahma, the first person of the triad, Vishnu and Shiva being the second and the third, to be a proper object of worship. “If a European speak to the Hindu about eating the flesh of cows,” says an old missionary, “they immediately raise their hands to their ears; yet milkmen, carmen, and farmers beat the cow as unmercifully as a carrier of coals beats his ass in England.” The Jains or Jainas (from ji, to conquer; as subduing the passions) are one of the atheistical sects with whom the Brahmans have of old carried on the fiercest religious controversies, ending in many a sanguinary fight. Their tenets are consequently exaggerated and ridiculed, as in the text. They believe that there is no such God as the common notions on the subject point out, and they hold that the highest act of virtue is to abstain from injuring sentient creatures. Man does not possess an immortal spirit: death is the same to Brahma and to a fly. Therefore there is no heaven or hell separate from present pleasure or pain. Hindu Epicureans!—“Epicuri de grege porci.”

[171] Narak is one of the multitudinous places of Hindu punishment, said to adjoin the residence of Ajarna. The less cultivated Jains believe in a region of torment. The illuminati, however, have a sovereign contempt for the Creator, for a future state, and for all religious ceremonies. As Hindus, however, they believe in future births of mankind, somewhat influenced by present actions. The “next birth” in the mouth of a Hindu, we are told, is the same as “to-morrow” in the mouth of a Christian. The metempsychosis is on an extensive scale: according to some, a person who loses human birth must pass through eight millions of successive incarnations—fish, insects, worms, birds, and beasts—before he can reappear as a man.

[172] Jogi, or Yogi, properly applies to followers of the Yoga or Patanjala school, who by ascetic practices acquire power over the elements. Vulgarly, it is a general term for mountebank vagrants, worshippers of Shiva. The Janganis adore the same deity, and carry about a Linga. The Sevras are Jain beggars, who regard their chiefs as superior to the gods of other sects. The Sannyasis are mendicant followers of Shiva; they never touch metals or fire, and, in religious parlance, they take up the staff They are opposed to the Viragis, worshippers of Vishnu, who contend as strongly against the worshippers of gods who receive bloody offerings, as a Christian could do against idolatry.

[173] The Brahman, or priest, is supposed to proceed from the mouth of Brahma, the creating person of the Triad; the Khshatriyas (soldiers) from his arms; the Vaishyas (enterers into business) from his thighs; and the Shudras, “who take refuge in the Brahmans,” from his feet. Only high caste men should assume the thread at the age of puberty.

[174] Soma, the moon, I have said, is masculine in India.

[175] 冥王星。

[176] Nothing astonishes Hindus so much as the apparent want of affection between the European parent and child.

[177] A third marriage is held improper and baneful to a Hindu woman. Hence, before the nuptials they betroth the man to a tree, upon which the evil expends itself, and the tree dies.

[178] Kama]

[179] An oath, meaning, “From such a falsehood preserve me, Ganges!”

[180] The Indian Neptune.

[181] A highly insulting form of adjuration.

[182] The British Islands—according to Wilford.

[183] Literally the science (veda) of the bow (dhanush). This weapon, as everything amongst the Hindus, had a divine origin: it was of three kinds—the common bow, the pellet or stone bow, and the crossbow or catapult.

[184] It is a disputed point whether the ancient Hindus did or did not know the use of gunpowder.

[185] It is said to have discharged balls, each 6,400 pounds in weight.

[186] A kind of Mercury, a god with the head and wings of a bird, who is the Vahan or vehicle of the second person of the Triad, Vishnu.

[187] The celebrated burning springs of Baku, near the Caspian, are so called. There are many other “fire mouths.”

[188] The Hindu Styx.

[189] From Yaksha, to eat; as Rakshasas are from Raksha, to preserve.—See Hardy’s Manual of Buddhism, p. 57.

[190] Shiva is always painted white, no one knows why. His wife Gauri has also a European complexion. Hence it is generally said that the sect popularly called “Thugs,” who were worshippers of these murderous gods, spared Englishmen, the latter being supposed to have some rapport with their deities.

[191] The Hindu shrine is mostly a small building, with two inner compartments, the vestibule and the Garbagriha, or adytum, in which stands the image.

[192] Meaning Kali of the cemetery (Smashana); another form of Durga.

[193] Not being able to find victims, this pleasant deity, to satisfy her thirst for the curious juice, cut her own throat that the blood might spout up into her mouth. She once found herself dancing on her husband, and was so shocked that in surprise she put out her tongue to a great length, and remained motionless. She is often represented in this form.

[194] This ashtanga, the most ceremonious of the five forms of Hindu salutation, consists of prostrating and of making the eight parts of the body—namely, the temples, nose and chin, knees and hands—touch the ground.

[195] “Sidhis,” the personified Powers of Nature. At least, so we explain them: but people do not worship abstract powers.

[196] The residence of Indra, king of heaven, built by Wishwa-Karma, the architect of the gods.

[197] In other words, to the present day, whenever a Hindu novelist, romancer, or tale writer seeks a peg upon which to suspend the texture of his story, he invariably pitches upon the glorious, pious, and immortal memory of that Eastern King Arthur, Vikramaditya, shortly called Vikram.]

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