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伙计们,爆发瓦格纳……德国人又回来了! 不,不是温暖,模糊,迷糊,爱好和平,战后的德国人…… 德国! 你知道我的意思。 “我不知道火车要去哪里”德国人。 “我只是服从命令”德国人。 这 other 德国人。

是的 … 那些 德国人。

万一您错过了它,18月XNUMX日,德国议会通过了一项法律,即所谓的“感染保护法”(德语为“ Das Infektionsschutzgesetz”) 正式地 授予政府以保护公众健康为幌子发布其任何法令的权力。 无论如何,政府一直在这样做-下令封锁,宵禁,旅行禁令,禁止示威,突袭房屋和企业,命令每个人戴着医用口罩,骚扰和逮捕持不同政见者等,但现在联邦议院已将其“合法化”。 ,被印成法律,大概是德国官僚喜欢为其加盖印章的那些复杂的官方印章之一。

现在,匆匆通过议会的《感染保护法》在任何方面都无法与“1933的启用法,“ 哪一个 正式授予政府权力,以纠正人民的苦难为幌子。 是的,我知道这听起来很相似,但是根据政府和德国媒体的说法,根本没有绝对的对等,任何人都建议有一个“极右翼的非洲民主力量极端主义者”,“一个新纳粹阴谋论者” ”,“反Vax神秘主义者”或其他任何形式。

随着《保护法》的合法化(即当前的保护法,而不是1933年的保护法),成千上万的反极权主义抗议者聚集在大街上,其中许多人携带格伦杰塞茨的副本(即联邦宪法)。议会刚刚废止的德意志共和国)。 数千名防暴警察会见了他们,他们宣布游行示威“非法”(因为许多抗议者没有戴口罩), 殴打并逮捕了数百人, 接着 用高压水枪将其余的水管.

德国媒体完全是客观的,完全不像纳粹时代的戈培尔的宣传部那样,忠实地提醒德国公众,这些抗议者都是“科罗娜·丹尼尔”,“极右翼极端主义者”,“阴谋论者, ”“反vaxxers”,“新纳粹”等等,因此他们很可能得到了应得的东西。 此外,柏林警方的发言人(绝对与盖世太保,史塔西或任何其他臭名昭著的官方意识形态执行官不相似)指出,他们的水炮仅用于“灌溉”示威者( (即不直接针对他们),因为在他们的队伍中有那么多“ Corona Denier”孩子。

根据政府的说法,德国媒体,知识分子,以及基本上任何想要留在那里的公共生活中的人,这些“电晕丹尼尔”都成为一个问题。 他们正在散布毫无根据的“阴谋论”,这些阴谋正在威胁着公共健康并给德国人民造成困扰(例如, 绝大多数被感染者仅出现轻度至中度流感症状,或更常见的是根本没有症状,并且超过99.7%的存活率)。 他们戴着没有医用口罩的面具走来走去,这是对政府和媒体说服公众他们受到世界末日瘟疫袭击的努力的嘲弄。 他们是 发表科学事实 在互联网上。 他们正在举行抗议活动,否则将挑战政府宣布“紧急医疗状况”的权利,无限期中止德国宪法,并通过法令和武力统治社会。

尽管德国政府和媒体竭力妖魔化任何不听话地模仿官方“新常态”叙事为“危险的新纳粹科罗娜·丹尼尔”的人,但“科罗娜拒绝主义”运动正在发展,不仅在德国,而且 遍及整个欧洲。 显然,现在是德国采取更强有力的措施来应对这一威胁的时候了。 Vater的健康……呃,这个国家处于危险之中! 幸运的是,这项“感染保护法”将为政府提供构思和实施某种……解决方案所需的权力。 让这些堕落的反社会人士到处挑战德国政府的绝对权力,这不是一个选择,即使在国家卫生紧急情况下也是如此! 这些 ”纳粹同情的Corona Deniers必须无情地铲除和处理!

我当然不了解细节,但是,在德国,我想已经成立了某种特别工作组来有效处理“电晕丹尼尔问题”。 显然已经采取了步骤。 替代媒体渠道正在平台化 (因为根据媒体的说法, “ Querfront杂志”)。 在四月份, 一位著名的异见律师被强行送往精神病房 (但当局和媒体向我们保证, 这与她的持不同政见或她向政府提起的诉讼无关。; 她刚巧地变得完全偏执)。 全副武装的警察正在逮捕YouTubers (尽管目前尚不清楚确切的用途,因为当局没有透露任何细节,主流媒体也没有对此进行报道)。

在启动前 29月XNUMX日的示威游行中,政府批准了一些新纳粹分子事实上的“袭击国会大厦”的许可,以便媒体可以拍摄它并抹黑真正的抗议活动,一位德国政治家甚至呼吁将“ Corona Deniers”驱逐出境……大概是在火车上,在东方某处。

但说真的,我并不是要挑剔德国人。 我爱德国人。 我住在德国。 他们是 几乎不是唯一的 实施 新病态的极权主义. 只是,鉴于其不远的历史,眼睁睁地看着德国再次转变为极权主义国家,警察在大街上追捕不戴口罩的人,令人感到相当压抑,甚至有点可怕。街道,突袭餐馆,酒吧和人们的家,在那里步履蹒跚的德国小公民正凝视着瑜伽工作室的窗户,看看他们是否违反了“社交距离规则”,在那里我不能散步或购物杂货,而不会被充满敌意的、怒目而视的、有时是辱骂性的德国人包围,他们对我没有戴口罩感到愤怒,否则会漫不经心地听从命令,并且机器人地提醒我,“这就是 Pflicht! Esist Pflicht!”

是的,我完全知道它是“Pflicht”。 如果我对它是否是“Pflicht”有任何疑问,柏林参议院在他们委托并发布这则迷人的广告时澄清了这一点,该广告指示我如果不想遵循他们的“电晕命令”并表达我的信仰在他们的新大谎言中。

好吧,在文学社开始用愤怒的电子邮件淹没我之前,不,我不会称这些德国人为“纳粹”。 我称他们为“极权主义者”。 在这一点上,鉴于我们所知道的一切,如果您仍然假装这种冠状病毒以任何方式证明我们正在采取越来越荒谬的“紧急措施”,我很抱歉,但这就是您。


它的功能就像一个邪教,极权主义。 它一点一点地向你蔓延,一点一点地谎言,一个一个适应,一个合理化……直到有一天你发现自己接受了某个扭曲的小自恋虚无主义者的命令,执行改造整个世界的任务。 你不会一下子屈服于它。 你在数周和数月的时间里做到这一点。 不知不觉中,它变成了你的现实。 你没有意识到你在里面,因为你看到的一切都是它的一部分,你认识的每个人都在里面……除了 其他,谁不是它的一部分。 “否认者”。 “异类”。 “外国人”。 陌生人。” “Covidiots”。 “病毒传播者”。

看,虽然叙述和符号可能会改变,但极权主义就是极权主义。 它穿哪种制服或说哪种语言并不重要……它是同样的可憎。 它是一个偶像,是人类狂妄自大的化身,由想要消灭他们无法控制的东西的狂妄自大的精神残废者用大众头脑的泥土制成。 而他们想要控制的永远是一切。 一切让他们想起自己的软弱和羞耻的东西。 你。 我。 社会。 世界。 笑声。 爱。 荣誉。 信仰。 过去。 未来。 生活。 死亡。 凡是不服从他们的。

不幸的是,这种事情一旦开始,达到我们现在所经历的阶段,往往不会停止,直到城市变成废墟或田野里到处都是人的头骨。 我们可能需要十年或十二年才能到达那里,但是,毫无疑问,这就是我们的前进方向,极权主义总是前进的方向……如果你不相信我,那就问问德国人吧。

CJ Hopkins是一位屡获殊荣的美国编剧,小说家和政治讽刺作家,总部设在柏林。 他的剧本由Bloomsbury Publishing和Broadway Play Publishing,Inc.发行。他的反乌托邦小说, 23区,由Snoggsworthy,Swaine&Cormorant出版。 他的第一卷和第二卷 同意工厂论文 由Amalgamated Content,Inc.的全资子公司Consent Factory Publishing出版。可以通过以下方式与他联系: cjhopkins.com网站 or acceptantfactory.org.

• 类别: 文化/社会, 思想 •标签: 民权, Covid, 疾病, 德国 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. utu 说:

    Hopkins, say hi to the gentleman in Lubyanka.

    Is Russia running a coronavirus disinformation campaign?

    Germany Is Losing the Fight Against QAnon

    • 谢谢: Ugetit
    • 哈哈: frontier
    • 巨魔: Alfred, Joe Levantine
    • 回复: @WHAT
    , @JustTheFactsMaam
  2. Die Ossivergeltungswaffe schlägt wieder zu.

    The minister must be from one of those really old Germanic families from the steppes. Yes, Ausländern like you, CJ, müssen raus.

    • 同意: HeebHunter
  3. Jake 说:

    Germanic character is always ripe for authoritarian warmongering and – either as replacement for imperial warring or else to aid it – at least periodic spasms of totalitarian manipulations of those ruled by Germanics.


    我再次强调,CJ 霍普金斯应该获得诺贝尔文学奖或和平奖。

  4. German_reader 说:



  5. Biff 说:


    而他们想要控制的永远是一切。 一切使他们想起自己的软弱和羞耻的东西。 你。 我。 社会。 世界。 笑声。 爱。 荣誉。 信仰。 过去。 未来。 生活。 死亡。 一切不服从他们的东西。

    不幸的是,一旦这种事情开始,并达到我们目前正在经历的阶段,它往往不会停止,直到城市成为废墟或田野里到处都是人的头骨。 我们可能需要 XNUMX 年或 XNUMX 年才能到达那里,但是,不要搞错,这就是我们要去的地方,极权主义总是要去的地方……如果你不相信我,问问德国人吧。

    • 回复: @tomo
  6. 多么精彩的文章啊,霍普金斯先生! 峰值愚蠢 has plenty of other stupidity to cover, but we’ll link to this tomorrow.

    You didn’t go as far as to mention where these trains of Corona-Deniers will be headed. It seems like, were you a good Totalitarian, you’d want to have all these virus-spreaders in just a few places, away from the good volk, err folk. I would keep them concentrated into a few, I dunno, some kinds of camps or something.

    We don’t really have much of a passenger rail network in the US, but if Amtrak were up to the job, I hope I can get somewhere like the park I spent 5 1/2 hours in last week. As described in “摆脱愚蠢”, there had to be 50 adults and kids, with not a mask on anyone but some soccer coach and the family giving out free chips and cupcakes. Kids and adults were throwing frisbees, footballs, and basketballs, making leaf piles and throwing them all over, crawling over the playground equipment, and (me) finally freezing my ass of from sitting around enjoying talking to a like-minded lady for hours, with the word “retarded” bandied about.

    这是多么伟大的逃离小学的愚蠢 kids can’t even play tag!* 不知怎的,我们太幸运了,因为我们都没有生病!我可以想象学校的原则是: “I see nothink, nothink!”


    * Oh, and throw out all those kids books and videos telling them “it’s nice to share”. That’s out now. It’s 不太好分享!

    • 谢谢: Peripatetic Itch
    • 回复: @Eureka!
    , @Piglet
  7. @German_reader

    German_reader 说:


    – C.J. Hopkin’s legal council

    • 同意: Redneck farmer
  8. Rahan 说:

    Until circa 2016 it could still be claimed that the West has more liberties and a more impartial media than 俄罗斯.

    直到 2020 it could still be claimed that the West has more liberties and a more impartial media than 中国. By the middle of 2020 Belarus (!) had become a bastion of personal freedoms (!).

    I haven’t seen a collapse this fast since the end of Soviet-style communism circa 1990.

    But back then stuff was “collapsing into democracy” as it were. Now it’s seemingly collapsing into the opposite direction.

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @EugeneGur
  9. Cowboy 说:

    This sounds scary for sure. Where does one find updates? Look for Biden to try and twist the tits of local leos in trump country. What happens there will prove the winner

  10. aname 说:

    德国人回来了! 除了这一次,他们认真地想要从他们的土地上赶走本土的德国人。 为穆斯林和非洲人让路。 他们将成为新的“德国人”。

  11. “绝对的责任! Esist Pflicht!”

    Esist keine Pflicht! Esist Unsinn!


  12. 回到美国,来自我的博客:

    Nov 22, 2020 – No Pandemic in the US Military

    There are around 1,400,000 people in the active-duty US military. They are healthier than the general population and all under age 60. How are they surviving this “pandemic”? The most recent Pentagon report notes: “[Only] One active-duty service member has died from the coronavirus: Navy Chief Petty Officer Charles Robert Thacker Jr., a 41-year-old aviation ordnanceman.” Note that our military was never “locked down” either.


    • 回复: @Getaclue
  13. @Jake

    Hol Dit. The Angles were Jutlanders—Danes–NOT Germans—not Teutonic, but Nordic.

  14. Herzog 说:

    瓦格纳与他无关,就像他在 XNUMX 岁时一样。 例如,用罗恩格林前奏曲犒劳自己,也许它会开始让你摆脱流行的陈词滥调。 这是来自外太空或来自埃尔芬兰的音乐,与人们所能想象的步调一致和类似的行为相去甚远。

  15. Perhaps the German regime is anticipating a full-on Kamala’s-foot White House before 2022 and they want to be first in line for the Great Reset.

    • 同意: Neoconned
    • 回复: @Neoconned
  16. 永远不要忘记,在 1943 年和 1945 年期间,德国人使用毒气室杀死了 XNUMX 万犹太人和 XNUMX 万非犹太人。此外,他们还缩小了这些受害者的头部,并从他们解放的尸体上制作了肥皂。

    报道证实,许多犹太人被电地板、自慰机、熊和鹰、德国牧羊犬杀死。 在 Mengele 博士进行的可怕实验中,成千上万的犹太人被杀害。

    德国人现在正在使用致命的 Covid 病毒来继续他们杀人的可怕努力,这是否令人惊讶?

  17. Talha 说:




  18. @aname

    讽刺的是这个名字 主张驱逐病毒否认者的德国政治家的名字表明土耳其血统。 在土耳其语中的意思是“灰狼”。

    西方国家现在采取的所有严厉措施都只有一个目的,那就是在不久的将来强迫人​​民接种疫苗。 这些疫苗将包含可以杀死部分人口、对其他人进行消毒并通过改变他们的 DNA 将其余人变成僵尸的材料。 这是 NWO 阴谋集团的终极阴谋。 大规模的公民不服从是唯一的出路。

    • 同意: TheTrumanShow, Georgia
  19. @Just another serf

    自慰机是由莱茵兰的一家老德国公司设计和制造的......“Wankerlied Fabrik IG”......也因创造犹太皈依者((Suzanne Somers))使用的原始 Oberschenkelmeister(ThighMaster)而闻名。二战后,该公司由亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)的一对表弟((Shmuel Waxon 和 Moses Waxoff))接管,并一直持续至今,为以色列国防军和美国陆军制造对抗非战斗疲劳的设备。

    • 哈哈: GeeBee
  20. Tom 说:

    “而他们想要控制的总是一切。 一切让他们想起自己的软弱和羞耻的东西。 你。 我。 社会。 世界。 笑声。 爱。 荣誉。 信仰。 过去。 未来。 生活。 死亡。 一切不服从他们的东西”。


  21. 很棒的文章,但现在随着乔叔叔和人民光辉之路党(前民主党)的掌权,美国很可能会采取与德国人不同的路线。首先,奥卡西奥-科尔特斯特别行动队将消灭我们的新冠否认者、新冠患者和所有与新冠相关的事物,然后他们就可以做他们当选的事情,将美国从万恶之源——那些讨厌的白人手中拯救出来。

  22. If I’m not mistaken, the Nazis never forced vaccines on Germans; vaccines were voluntary.

    However, vaccines were mandatory under the (((Weimar Republic))). 

    Achtung Juden!

    • 同意: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  23. WHAT 说:

    >ever reading DW garbage

    • 同意: Alfred
  24. BenKenobi 说:


    • 哈哈: Curmudgeon, Clay Alexander
    • 回复: @Trickster
  25. AReply 说:

    If any of the galactic amount of bitching about Covid policy pertained to anything more significant than how inconvenient it is to follow these dreadful edicts, like to the degree that violators were being loaded into rail cars, sent to camps, worked to death or executed, I guess I might follow invoking how awful the Germans once were. Does anyone have ant news about these developing heinous crimes, or are we gonna keep pleading to suss out the evidence, just like we’re waiting for a charlatan loser to expose the most massive scheme of voting fraud in US history, from a clutch of clowns who twirl past Fox News?

    所有这些婊子中最可悲的是,一线公共服务人员如何冒着生命危险,而一群吹牛者则因缺乏自由而大笑。 想要避免被嘲笑的不便,去杂货店的时候要礼貌。 不能参加派对绝不等同于被送往死亡集中营。

    What do you think should hsppen? Leaders should stand down and start betting pools over how many thousands of people will get sick, suffer and croak because WTH they’re all gonna die eventually anyway? Otherwise Nazis!


    给 Unz 的注意事项:

    These articles are poisonous garbage and I’ve had my fill. May check back later out of morbid curiosity and to keep others informed about what a mental pit the USA libertarian builds for his countrymen.

    —AReply 机器人

    • 同意: utu
    • 哈哈: chris
    • 巨魔: VinnyVette
  26. With my 1st comment I wanted to add some more to the satire, and, yes, plug my site. Let me add this:

    This was a well done satirical but enlightening article, as most of us don’t keep up with the goings on in Germany, with so much of our own stupidity here in America. Our Kung Flu PanicFest has been just as widespread but the Totalitarianism is not quite as bad and varies State by State (I am in one of the not-so-sick ones.) Between our countries there is a similarity in how useful idiots are being manipulated with big lies.

    Here in America, it’s been those violent Commies in the streets of big cities who (mostly) really believe that they are doing right. Their righteous anger against those nationalist (therefore Fascist) Americans who want to keep their heritage and not be replaced as a people makes the Anarcho-Tyranny and violence justified for them. Anything it takes, included trashing the rule-of-law in a blatantly stolen election, is justified, because Orange Hitler must not be allowed to be elected again. You have to go Fascist to beat those (you think are) Fascists.

    Meanwhile over in Germany, it sounds like these Kung Flu Panickers, slightly farther long than here, have their righteous anger over the ignorance of you Deniers of this Black Plague 2.0 that is killing you all, or, well, there are a lot of cases, well, there’s a metric shit-ton of positivity at least. They really believe that their going Totalitarian again is justified. Like the old biddie in the poster, they think anyone who denies the narrative of hysteria is out to kill them. You must be stopped, and order must be restored, even if it takes re-enacting the Third Reich* in the process.


    * At least early on, the Nazis over there had a damn good reason for being, to beat down the impending Communism.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  27. @German_reader


    • 同意: chris
    • 回复: @Wally
  28. @Majority of One

    盎格鲁撒克逊人、凯尔特人、朱特人和北欧人是以色列人。 德国人是亚述人,所有这些部落都是闪米特人。 犹太人是含米特迦南人,不是闪米特人。

    • 回复: @orionyx
    , @freedom-cat
  29. @German_reader

    和他们一起去难民营 Arbeit mask frei

    • 哈哈: chris, SolontoCroesus
  30. Comparing present day Germany with the National Socialist Germany of the 30s is a disgrace. The NSDAP was committed to bringing a severely oppressed, jew controlled Germany to prosperity which it succeeded in doing. The British and US deep state considered this a threat to the empire so hence a war and the subsequent “history” written by the victors.

    • 同意: Da's Reich, GeeBee, druid55
  31. Thanks for the humor, CJ. Sorely needed in these dark times.

    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
  32. GeeBee 说:


    Precisely. I often mention the late British philosopher Roger Scruton’s words, to these knee-jerk Wagner disparagers whom one not infrequently encounters (few of whom have heard anything by him save of course the opening few minutes of Act III of 迪克·沃克(DieWalküre)). Referring to Wagner’s 尼伯龙根之戒 在他对那部不朽作品的分析中,也就是说在他的书中 真理之戒 Scruton 在 2016 年发表的文章中写道:


    In 真理之戒 Scruton shows how, through musical connections and brilliant dramatic strokes, Wagner is able to express truths about the human condition which few other creative artists have been able to convey so convincingly. As Scruton writes: ‘For Wagner, the task of art is to show us freedom in its immediate, contingent, human form, reminding us of what it means to us. Even if we live in a world from which gods and heroes have disappeared we can, by imagining them, dramatize the deep truths of our condition and renew our faith in what we are.’

    This is the real Wagner, and I rather think that the fact that Adolf Hitler revered him tells us as much about Hitler as it does about Wagner…

    • 谢谢: Majority of One
    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  33. I listen to Red Pill Germany, so I was aware that the German government was taking these unprecented (well, at least since 1933) steps in response to the coronavirus hysteria. Great Britain and Australia (at least certain states) seem just as totalitarian. Here in France we are still confined, although a lot of people are circumventing the law by finding approved reasons to be outside of their homes. There does seem to be a real division in the government; economics minister Bruno Le Maire is pressing to get French businesses reopened for the Christmas shopping season-he can see the economic damage caused by the coronavirus measures. France’s service economy is much more vulnerable to business closings than is Germany’s and there are estimates that one-third of French restaurants may never reopen. There seems to be less resistance to the closings and confinements on civil liberties grounds and relatively few protests. The news in France is that the National Assembly made it illegal to film police, on grounds that the films were being used to doxx police and put them at risk. So France isn’t as far down the road to totaliatarianism, but it seems to be getting there.

    • 回复: @Verymuchalive
    , @Dieter Kief
  34. 火与冰



    “The Germans” — the ones who protested 极权主义 锁定** legislation and were doused with water cannon — are the 幸存者 of “The Germans” in the World War II era who 幸存 Allied firebombing, 幸存 almost a decade of psychological warfare carried out upon them by the Allies with the intent of eradicating the German soul and replacing it with American “democratic values and consumerism.”

    The people who planned, rehearsed and dropped the firebombs and carried out brainwashing are the same ones who are aiming the water cannon.

    The propagandists who enflamed the war that eventuated in the firebombing and destruction of physical and spiritual Germany are the same as the propagandists responsible for der erhobene zeigefinger für alle ohne maske

    Those are not the only things C J Hopkins got bass ackward.

    Germany in 1933 was a nation in chaos; demoralized, starving, morally debauched, unemployed, and the plum target of Communist agitation — similar to but on a more dire scale than USA recently. NSDAP brought employment, order and a sense of dignity to the German people.

    Germany, and the USA, before the 时间 CoronaCrazy enjoyed relative peace and prosperity, a status that was deliberately turned to chaos by the same people who dropped the firebombs, mandate lockdowns and order the use of water cannons.

    ** Eran Efrati, an Israeli Soldier, informed that Lockdowns are an Israeli tactic used against Palestinians; revealed that Israelis train American police in Israeli tactics; and warned in a 2014 that “you are next in line.” Efrati urged that all join Palestinians in nonviolent protest — BDS.
    前几天, Mike Pompeo stood with Bibi Netanyahu aimed a virtual water cannon at BDS, declaring it antisemitic, once again inverting victim and perpetrator.

    • 同意: Da's Reich, Ugetit, GeeBee, druid55
    • 谢谢: Maowasayali, profnasty
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
    , @Curmudgeon
  35. @Majority of One

    Hate to break it to you, but Danes are a collection of northern Germanic tribes … at least those not recently imported.

    • 回复: @Majority of One
  36. Never forget that the Germans killed six million Jews …


    • 回复: @GeeBee
  37. 如果你住在德国,你应该熟悉德国人的极权主义基因。也许这个白痴阿齐兹·博兹库特希望德国人被驱逐到朝鲜。我建议他成为金永恩劳改营的看守。德国的做法实在是太可笑了,只能讽刺。但德国人是为了坚持而踢球。 《感染保护法》在言辞上和有意地类似于《授权法》。德国极权主义缓慢但肯定地渗透到德国人的思想和良知中。这种意识形态的最大传播者是“默克尔媒体”。他们是德国民主的最大威胁和最具决定性的力量。早期,德国媒体是被强行规劝的;如今,德国媒体已经自愿与政府保持一致。”

    • 回复: @GeeBee
    , @druid55
  38. @AReply

    “这些文章都是有毒垃圾,我已经看够了。 ”

    好的。滚蛋吧,死吧,在封锁中,还穿着你的脸尿布,混蛋。 😎

    “问候” onebornfree

    • 谢谢: Achmed E. Newman
    • 哈哈: Twodees Partain
  39. “我不知道火车要去哪里”德国人。 “我只是听从命令”德国人。” 不要给我们这个霍普金斯先生胡说八道的全息骗局。

  40. Bro43rd 说:

    Thank you CJ for some sorely needed humor in this increasingly 1984esque world. Let’s hope it’s as infectious as the corona supposedly is.

  41. Jake 说:

    You have seen the other side of the coin of the culture, the side of Gotterdammerung, which means self-destruction rather than waging endless war to- plunder and destroy ‘other’ peoples and their cultures.




    • 回复: @The Soft Parade
  42. Jake 说:
    @Majority of One

    Goth, Vandal, Swede, Norwegian, Dane, Saxon, Angle, Dutch, Bavarian, etc. – all Germanic linguistically and culturally.

  43. God's Fool 说:

    默克尔只是想拯救死者的仁慈......从一到九十二(如Nat King Cole 歌曲中那样)......圣诞快乐Mutee!

  44. @Diversity Heretic

    Great Britain and Australia (at least certain states) seem just as totalitarian.

    As regards Great Britain, it has had little effect on me personally in my part of the island. Admittedly, the pubs are shut and restaurants must shut by six, but otherwise shops are little affected. My 24 hour supermarket down the road is still open 24 hours a day.
    The public are asked to wear masks when using shop premises, except where exempt. However, it is not enforced by the police and generally I just wander in and out as normal. The only times store staff ask me to mask up have been small bakery and pharmacy stores. The former I no longer frequent, the latter I use infrequently.
    Masking up on public transport, except where exempt, is advised. Staff were originally told not to ask for it. However, since October 1st, bus drivers and the like have been told to do so. As they can stop you using the service, I generally use a mask when I go on public transport, which is infrequently. I still see drivers ignoring it and waving unmasked punters onto the bus.
    Otherwise, it has had no effect. My friends and relatives continue to visit me and I them, as per normal. I have had several lunches with friends at restaurants, so no change. The restrictions on freedom of association are not being enforced. At least, I know of only case. A guy in a place nearby got arrested for holding a party in his back garden. As there were 300 ravers at the party, there were obvious public order considerations !
    As for England, though, I must admit that I have not been taking a great deal of notice. I have heard of some heavy-handed enforcement in parts of England. Accordingly, protests have been much greater.

  45. Z-man 说:

    ..beat up and arrested hundreds of them, and then hosed down the rest with water cannons.

    该死的 I’ve been saying for months that they should have used water cannons on Antifa and BLM rioters and statue vandals.

    • 同意: Stan d Mute
    • 回复: @Fred777
  46. @Diversity Heretic

    You could and still can always leave the house in Germany. Stores are open. Kindergarten too. Factories and craftspeople are all working. Sports training is allowed. – Hospitals aree all open and working just fine. That sounds a bit more relaxed than the situation in France, doesn’t it?

    • 回复: @Arcadian
  47. Most of the people that I saw in the last months without masks in shops where you are required to wear masks were Turks or Arabs and other people apparently from that region (very often they leave their noses outside of the masks). Nobody else said anything or protested against them. What Hopkins doesn’t seem to notice is that there were several cases in a few countries when people without mask attacked someone who asked them to wear a mask, they even killed someone because of that (I think a bus driver in France).

    There were several complaints that the government was deciding measures by decree and not asking the Parliament to debate about them. It’s true that there was a general law which allowed measures against pandemies. But because of those complaints the government decided to ask the Parliament to make laws about specific measures. This is what the Parliament did after debates about the subject. Germany is a country which is ruled by laws which must be justified and approved. Germans want Rechtssicherheit (legal security). I think the new law says that the rules in case of pandemies must be verhältnismäßig (proportionate), that means that they cannot interfere with basic rights more than necessary in a determinate situation. We have to say that such measures have been taken in many countries and that they are understandable.

    Actually, the government has been acting very moderately. As soon as possible the measures taken during the first wave were droped – experts had said that they should be there for a longer time. There was very little control. States were able to act as they wanted, there is no strict lockdown, people tolerate infractions (nothing happened because of all the “corona parties”), the penalities are none or light. Most people support the measures (even if they themselves don’t follow they strictly in some cases). There were dozens of demonstrations which were allowed even if protesters didn’t follow the rules. Only more recently those protests are causing a stronger irritation as it’s clear that those people may contribute to the spreading of corona and that they don’t care about legal requirements. Yes, the police may have reacted in one case, I think that they were harder with the counter protests than with protests. In the last week very few people came to the protests, I think more and more people understand how silly they are.

    Hopkins thinks that corona isn’t so serious. But day for day more than 250 or even than 300 people have been diying because of corona in Germany, more and more people have to be treated in hospitals, treatments which are quite intensive in many cases, many people suffer of long term consequences. In other countries around the situation is even worse, hospitals are full and they discuss already the question of who is going to be treated when they cannot treat everybody anymore.

    • 同意: Zarathustra
    • 不同意: the grand wazoo
    • 哈哈: Stan d Mute
    • 巨魔: Alfred
    • 回复: @Alfred
    , @Zarathustra
  48. St-Germain 说:

    另一个伟大的专栏,C. Hopkins。讽刺是对待这种疯狂的法令统治的唯一理智的方式。让他们继续来!

    But count yourself lucky to live in Berlin. It’s surrounded by Brandenburg, which is still full of real Germans, not the Aziz Bozkurt-type imports that now fill the bizarre SPD and the other dying legacy parties that have huddled together for warmth in Queen Angela’s subversive federal coalition government.

    Another plus is that the capital city of chaos is just a short drive from Poland, which refuses to go nuts over the imaginary mediagenic virus and won’t be rolling out the red carpet for Angela’s next wave of African and Asian replacements. If Poland and Hungary summon the nerve to exit the dysfunctional EU, the eastern German federal states, formerly DDR, would have every reason to secede, too. It’s a matter of survival.

    We’re not so lucky here on the suburban fringe of Frankfurt, a majority foreign city. Frankfurt’s SPD Jewish mayor with his Turkish wife and his empowered urban development czar, who pitched up from Syria without his kippa a couple of decades ago, have been zealously maneuvering to surround and annex our little village into their urban melting pot. The one positive aspect of the corona hoax is that the brainless lockdowns are gutting their standard growth argument by wrecking the city’s businesses and cultural venues while spawning an army of unemployed service workers. So, there is still a bit of hope.

    • 回复: @karel
    , @Bronek
  49. Da's Reich 说:

    “The saddest thing about all this bitching is how front-line public service workers are risking their lives”



    • 回复: @botazefa
  50. Anon[101]• 免责声明 说:

    Perhaps all freedom loving white people can populate Russia’s far east in our last act of pilgrammage, transforming it into the best area on eath in one generation.

    • 回复: @orionyx
    , @Bronek
  51. HeebHunter 说:

    hopkins is a typical amerimutt invader on German land, no better than the Turk or any other assorted violent shitskin squatters.
    First the mutts destroyed National Socialist Gemany in the name of Communism, now they want to be there to spread nigger music and “keep the Germans down”, per NATO objective. And they want to comment on the German character? The only people to fight to their end against the kikes and their golems?

    Muttmerica and all anglo farms must be cleansed with fire.

    • 同意: GeeBee
    • 回复: @John Johnson
  52. HeebHunter 说:

    Like I said above, c.j hopkins is the same breed as the turks/arabs/niggers/slavsshit filth choking and killing Germany nowadays. He is the same as Mark Tapeworm on this website.
    A gatekeeper, sworn to never let the truth about ww2 slips out, lest the real Holohoax finally happens, which will be for the benefits of mankind.

  53. 正如我在过去几年中在 UNZ 上反复指出的那样:

    德国是人类疯狂的中心:一个在 DTS 下抽搐的 PC 疯人院,在那里 BO 和他的妻子 Greta,BC/HC 一起被脑残群众崇拜为圣人,现在媒体赞美 JB 并告诉我们他的伟大的政治家,正直和诚实。

    德国,Goy 和 Hebrew,大多数人类苦难和堕落的根源:共产主义,antifa,权威崇拜,海洛因,包豪斯,心理学(奥地利,但条顿人),绿色疯子,名单很大,现在疯狂的 Gruene 推动以消除私人拥有的汽车。



    自1973年以来就获得AJM“ Mensa”的资格,经过空中训练的美国陆军兽医和专业爵士艺术家。

    • 回复: @ploni almoni
    , @HeebHunter
  54. Trickster 说:



    毫无疑问,所有这些移民的耐心都会崩溃,暴力将会爆发。我自己已经完全厌倦了所有这些该死的限制,我根本不需要工作。周六我去吃早餐,一家小型家庭餐厅通常挤满了 100 人,只有 4 个人,包括骗子和他的妻子。

    我只能想象业主们所承受的压力,因为那些热衷于封锁的人们仍然希望缴纳房产税。古门特巨魔和政治混蛋要多久才会意识到支付工资的资金有点短缺?抱歉我忘了,他们要么已经很富有,要么会借钱,而我们将在未来 500 年里偿还这些钱。




  55. I can’t escape the feeling that compulsory donning of masks is a prelude to a catastrophe much bigger than COVID 19 (84). All roads seem to point to a major war on the horizon, perhaps a China-Russia vs the western Occident global conflict? This almost certainly means atomic war and the atmospheric contamination it will bring. What better method to get the populace accustomed to donning HEPA respirators to block alpha, beta and gamma radioactive particles from entering the lungs. It’s as if the warmongers know perfectly well many will die eventually but they don’t want us to die in droves as inhalation of radio-isotopes would surely do. Along similar lines, “duck and cover” in the 1960’s had the same hidden principle built right into it. That is, reduce the scale and intensity of burn and blinded victims while the architecture created around emergency services learns how to cope with the demands that mass casualties can bring…

  56. Emslander 说:

    It’s because we Germans are smarter, stronger, taller and better looking than the rest of you. (LOL)

  57. orionyx 说:
    @Majority of One

    日德兰人过去是(现在是)低地日耳曼人,说的语言很像 Plattduutsch、荷兰语、弗里斯兰语和英语。 无论如何,我们在哪里可以画出北欧人和条顿人之间的语言(而不是正字法)二元对立?

    • 回复: @Majority of One
  58. profnasty 说:

    CJs in full hister on this one. Hilarious.
    But seriously, can we unite German, Russian, and French Christians? Please then, establish Greater Israel between the rivers. Then deport all of the Communist and Capitalist Jews to said Jewish State. As the Beach Boys dreamily sang, “Wouldn’t it be nice.”

  59. karel 说:

    Very true that

    The German media — which are totally objective, and not at all like Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda in the Nazi era — dutifully reminded the German public that these protesters were all “Corona Deniers,” “far-right extremists,” “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “neo-Nazis,” and so on, so they probably got what they deserved.

    Thanks, but I have not failed to notice this obvious fact. But, what you will probably never find in the respectable German media is, that I have been commissioned by the ministry of interior to arrange and facilitate the production of five million brown teeshirts in the Chinese Wuhan province. The teeshirts should be embroidered with ”Jawohl, Herr Kapitän! ” in the front and with ”Erwache und gehorche!” on the back. The delivery should meet the Christmas deadline.

  60. Trickster 说:

    你说对了 !温斯顿还顺便忘记提及,阿道夫还将挫败英格兰支付支持这些寄生虫所需的所有费用的计划。外交疏忽什么?


  61. anon[712]• 免责声明 说:

    The author better get packing back to the US or they might send him to an EU re-education camp for Corona deniers in the Ukraine or Romania where you don’t have any human rights.

  62. orionyx 说:


    • 谢谢: Rufus Clyde
  63. karel 说:

    Great observation of yours that

    Another plus is that the capital city of chaos is just a short drive from Poland, which refuses to go nuts over the imaginary mediagenic virus and won’t be rolling out the red carpet for Angela’s next wave of African and Asian replacements.

    I have read somewhere that Poland is one of the best places to get an abortion.

  64. Skeptikal 说:

    “The “I was just following orders” Germans. The other Germans.”

    Sounds a lot like a lot of Americans groveling in their masks and bullying and “policing” their “friends,” “family,” and “neighbors.”

    • 同意: Ugetit
  65. SteveK9 说:

    The hate is so familiar … 1984, Darkness at Noon, etc.

  66. Alfred 说:

    But day for day more than 250 or even than 300 people have been diying because of corona in Germany, more and more people have to be treated in hospitals, treatments which are quite intensive in many cases, many people suffer of long term consequences. In other countries around the situation is even worse, hospitals are full and they discuss already the question of who is going to be treated when they cannot treat everybody anymore.

    You are a liar. Why not refer to the European Morbidity website?

    Z-scores by country (excess mortality by country

    You will see that Germany (Berlin) and Germany (Hesse) have zero excess mortality.

    Who is paying to post this shit here?

    • 同意: SteveK9
    • 谢谢: Stan d Mute
    • 回复: @glib
    , @Occasional lurker
    , @karel
  67. orionyx 说:

    没有你们热爱自由的白人——他们在几代人的时间里成为澳大利亚人、英国人、美国人、加拿大人和新西兰人,俄罗斯已经做得很好了。 此外,俄罗斯居住着俄罗斯人,他们不会坐视自己不堪重负。 祝你和任何一群闲散的不满者好运,你可以拼凑起来进行迁移。

  68. lysias 说:

    Is the German Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) going to review this law?

    • 哈哈: Fred777
    • 回复: @Fred777
  69. Ugetit 说:

    It’s just that, given their not-too-distant history, it is rather depressing, and more than a little frightening, to watch as Germany is once again transformed into a totalitarian state…

    Maybe, as some suggest, this piece is satire but I wouldn’t know because I couldn’t bring myself to wade through more than 3 or 4 paragraphs of unadulterated bilge. On the other hand maybe it’s time to get a grip on the concept of totalitarian* states.

    Given the unspeakable travails of the German people of the time, maybe a “totalitarian” state is what was required as an attempt to survive. What were the alternatives? In marked contrast, today’s totalitarian states (an essentially redundant term) have no reason for being except as playthings for our masters.

    *Any Americans who think they have not been living in a totalitarian state ought to recall ‘Ol Abe’s edicts as well as Winnie’s and Frankie’s to name the most blatant dictators “we’ve” suffered under.

    • 同意: Stan d Mute
  70. @Franklin Ryckaert

    “Bozkurtlar”是复数形式,是作为北约角斗士行动的一部分而创建的土耳其恐怖组织。 他们也称自己为“理想主义者的壁炉”。

  71. gdpbull 说:


  72. SteveK9 说:

    面具是愚蠢的、羞辱的、令人讨厌的和不健康的。 但是,像我这样的大多数人害怕的是,他们显然是走上一条道路的第一步(正如 CJ 清楚地阐述的那样)。 下一步是强制接种疫苗。 为什么? 钱。 之后是什么? 电子健康状况卡……对于没有及时接种数十种疫苗、接受治疗以及天知道还有什么其他情况的人来说,这将是不幸的。

  73. TomSchmidt 说:


    • 哈哈: Tom
  74. GeeBee 说:

    Extraordinary – how to get round the Facebook ban on anything that ‘contravenes community guidelines! If only blood-Zuckerberg knew what his sterile little ‘safe-space’ was harbouring.

  75. Skeptikal 说:


    I watched a video of Karsten Hilse (sp?) of the AfD (I think) addressing the Bundestag about the outrage of the response of police in Berlin to the recent demo. The atmosphere in the Bundestag was unacceptable. Other MPs were openly laughing, talking audibly when Hilse spoke, they were not brought to order and ordered to shut up while a member has the floor, or else leave the Saal.

    An unpleasant playground to be on.

    But, I really don’t think these developments or any “predilection” toward totalitarianism is particularly “German.” It has always been super annoying how arrogantly Americans take it upon themselves to judge Germans who lived in a society of creeping totalitarianism. For most Americans the only thing they know about the Third Reich is “the Holocaust.” They understand zero about what it was like to live in a totalitarian society and how things really got going (as effectively described by Hopkins). Yes, many were happy to see the Jews eliminated, but many went along to get along.

    Now, I watch Americans happily going along with a proto-totalitarian state of affairs—actually calling for Trump to issue decrees similar to the recent Ermaechtingungserlass and labeling him a “dictator” because he didn’t (!!) . . . except that of course he *是* a “fascist dictator” for sending National Guard to Portland—with a certain sense of ( almost ) Schadenfreude. (That is, these people are really not thinking clearly.) But I fear that the self-righteous have zero self-knowledge and will continue to call Trump Hitler without having the least understanding of WTF they are talking about, while themselves going along with the totalitarian health/mask program.

    Glenn Greenwald was on the Jimmy Dore show yesterday and he talked cogently about the idiotic slinging around of the word “fascism” by the “new (totalitarian) left” and this “left’s” extremely dangerous espousal of censorship justified by Big Trump Hate.

    Definitely worth watching in full:


    PS. Curious as to where in Germany Hopkins lives, and how he ended up there.

    • 谢谢: Peripatetic Itch
  76. glib 说:

    Amazingly, Germany had no excess mortality this Fall OR this spring. Only places where

    a) the medical system collapsed or
    b) where nursing homes were forced to take in covid-positive patients

    experienced excess deaths approximately twice as high as the 2018 flu season. In Europe as a whole, the 2020 mortality has been about 102% of the 2018 mortality (and 103% of the 2019 mortality).

    • 谢谢: The Wild Geese Howard
  77. aandrews 说:

    Listen to the two and a half minutes starting at 10:00.


    • 回复: @aandrews
  78. lysias 说:

    The Bozkurtlar (Gray Wolves) are a far-right Turkish organization. Funny that an SPD politician should have that name.

    The official name of the 1933 Enabling Act was “Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich” (law for relief of the distress of people and country).

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @Wielgus
  79. German culture needs more disobedience.

    • 回复: @Occasional lurker
  80. Ray Caruso 说:

    The saddest thing about all this bitching is how front-line public service workers are risking their lives

    Fuck those little bitches if they can’t deal with a virus that, if you’re a healthy adult, is less dangerous than the flu strains that come around every year. Your “healthcare heroes” don’t want to do the job they have signed up for, but they sure as hell want to get paid for that job. What’s more, judging by the number of ridiculous dance videos the “healthcare heroes” posted at the height of the alleged crisis, they were never particularly frightened or busy even then. COVID-19, like “global warming”, is a liberal problem, which is to say, not a real problem but a pretext for nihilistic cockroaches to arrogate power to themselves and destroy normal society.

    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
  81. @Just another serf


    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  82. cranc 说:

    根据政府和德国媒体的说法,没有绝对的等价物,任何暗示存在的人都是“极右翼的 AfD 极端分子”、“新纳粹阴谋论者”或“反vax 神秘主义者”,管他呢。

    在今年霍普金斯的所有作品中,他一直无法平息“法西斯主义再次发生!”的呼喊。 与现实:(真正的)法西斯主义者反对正在发生的事情,并且大多认为该病毒是夸大其词或骗局,右翼正在为新生的反对派在主流中受到指责,左翼普遍支持 Covid 的反应,持不同政见者右翼分子正在被监禁和审查,尤其是在整个欧洲,民族主义是目前主流意识中的头号公敌,“病毒”来自中国,带有人们倒在街上的假宣传视频,世界卫生组织的共产党负责人让所有人被宣布 3% 的感染者将在 XNUMX 月份死亡而吓坏了,世界似乎正走向共产主义重置无财产债务取消和中国式控制社会,Covid 恶作剧的更广泛的政治环境是一个觉醒的资本马克思主义批判理论的激增将整个人口变成了无意识的僵尸,这整个夺取权力是国际性的,而国家al Socialism 本质上是一场民族主义运动,反对国际货币力量的力量及其扭曲的野心……等等。

    或许,如果霍金斯更有历史素养,他会意识到德国在 1933 年所面临的情况与当今世界所面临的情况之间的区别,并停止进行这些生涩、轻率的比较。 它没有帮助。

    • 回复: @HeebHunter
    , @Reaper
  83. GeeBee 说:

    Was the irony lost on you? He was joking.

  84. GeeBee 说:
    @Ludwig Watzal

    And I suppose you’d have us believe that the good ol’ US of A is any different?

    • 回复: @Ludwig Watzal
  85. botazefa 说:







    • 同意: Da's Reich
  86. @Majority of One

    Apparently not, because the “Aenglish” or “Saxon” language is a Northern German offshoot, not a nordic one, the nordic elements being confined to loanwords from later times.

    • 回复: @Majority of One
  87. @Majority of One



  88. Tony Hall 说:

    As usual C.J. Hopkins hits many marks with the insights he relates through the ingenuity of his effective satire. But Hopkins’ analysis of Germany and Germans– his creation of a simple line between Good Germans and Bad Germans– does a disservice to the depth of the issues he raises. The outcome of the recent trial in Germany of Lady Renouf, who faced a criminal charge for a public speech she delivered, marks a good opening into some of the issues that C.J. Hopkins simply bypasses.

    A “revisionist” willing to address some of the most sensitive subjects in German history, Lady Renouf faced a criminal charge for the public speech she delivered decrying the genocidal fire bombing of Dresden at the end of World War II. Unlike Ursula Haverback, Sylvia Stolz and Monika Schaefer, Lady Renouf was not convicted and jailed for her alleged crime. Will the German model of imposing prolonged incarcerations to deal with the supposed speech crimes and thought crimes become the prevalent way of dealing with “COVID Deniers” in many countries governed by the same band of totalitarian thugs currently governing Germany?

    Let’s remember that the actions of the current “totalitarian” government cracking down on the “COVID Deniers” in Germany is the same government created on the basis of a German constitution founded in the conquest of Germany. The “Basic Law” at the basis of the German governance was put in place by the allies who derived their power from a military victory and subsequent occupation of German soil. How much legitimacy does that German government presently carry, especially now that it has allowed itself to become a jack-booted instrument of the globalist totalitarians presently stealing the US election through whole voter fraud backed up by totalitarian media fraud on a massive scale.

    The response of average Germans to the COVID fraud should be seen as a lightening rod to arouse similar activism in all countries facing the “totalitarian” takeover through many tactics including AI-promoting vaccinations combined with pervasive robotization, ie twenty-first century enslavement of the non-billionaires and their criminal enforcers.

    Some of these issues are raised in the following:



    • 同意: Reaper, Majority of One
    • 谢谢: Maowasayali
    • 回复: @frontier
  89. @Alfred

    200 people per day were only reached recently and are too few to show up as excess mortality (unlike the higher numbers in Spain and France). As in spring, there are also mortality-lowering effects of the corona precautions: hardly any influenza around, lesser rates of traffic accidents and fewer elective operations.

    • 回复: @Alfred
    , @Stan d Mute
  90. HeebHunter 说:

    Your opinion is as valuable as A123’s, negro.

    • 回复: @Rogue
  91. @Charles Carroll

    Actually we have quite a lot of disobedience, like civil disobedience and “Bürgerinitiativen” every time something gets built. The first ones to wear masks where I live, and even before they were mandated in some settings, were immigrants. Compliance was atrocious for most of the time and got better only with the second wave.

  92. @Achmed E. Newman

    ” At least early on, the Nazis over there had a damn good reason for being, to beat down the impending Communism.”

    Yeah,right! Fighting full-on [communist, USSR]collectivism with full-on [fascist/Nazi] collectivism made “total sense” then, and makes “total sense” now. 🤣

    “问候” onebornfree

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  93. HeebHunter 说:

    他是个笨蛋。 他试图享受否认的生活,然后加入爷爷和其他最伟大的非犹太人和怪人一起在沸腾的人类粪便坑中。
    Europeans never learnd repentance/Christianity properly. So the Amerimutts definitely won’t either.

    Now watch as our favorite resident negro muscian and “Mensa” qualified decommissioned ZOGdrone Authenticjizzman go into a spasm and rewrite history again, hehe

  94. @UncommonGround

    Dying not Diying.
    If one person is saved through people wearing the mask, than all people should wear a mask.
    You do not need to wear a mask if you are jogging in park.
    You do not need to wear a mask in open air parties. Just keep a slight distance. Virus even with slight air movement get dispersed.
    Different case is in close spaces particularly with air re-circulation system. there you must wear a mask. The Brown movement is not sufficient to disperse the virus.
    I started to wear mask when I did see Chinese wearing masks on television.
    No bid deal. I have a mask hooked to my ears and below my chin.
    When I go inside the building I pull it up above my nose.
    Vaccine is coming.
    But I am not going to take it. There are reports that vaccine is playing around with DNA,
    I do not want anything to play around my DNA

    • 回复: @UncommonGround
    , @Skeptikal
  95. botazefa 说:
    @Da's Reich




    • 同意: Da's Reich
  96. Alfred 说:
    @Occasional lurker

    As in spring, there are also mortality-lowering effects of the corona precautions:

    So we should lockdown forever since driving cars or leaving the house are such dangerous activities.

    Give me a break! This has nothing to do with public Health. Merkel could not give a brass farthing for the lives of a million young healthy Germans. The proof is that this segment of the population is being corralled and mistreated on a massive scale. Their risks are essentially nil and every epidemiologist agrees on that.

    • 同意: Tony Hall
    • 谢谢: Skeptikal, Fox
  97. I guess Holocovid is the answer.

    • 哈哈: Thim
  98. @The Alarmist

    19th century German academic historiography totally dominated the field. It was during that era that the meme of pan-Germanism was etched into academia. But when you dig deeper into history you will find that Germans were a sub-set of the Nordic people’s folk migrations into northwestern Europe. While the cutting edge of the wave ultimately settled in the Scandinavian peninsulas and the Danish islands, the Germanic segment were satisfied with the warmer, fatter lands in Continental Europe.

    The least amalgamated of the Nordic strains is probably to be found in the small fjord communities all along the Norwegian coast. Germans include many other ethnic strains. To the east, the small Slavic tribal nations such as the Sorbs, the Kashubians,, the Borusians the Old Prussians and the Wends to a large measure became Germanized, while several became part of the Polish nation. They were absorbed into larger cultural agglomerations.

    Southern and western Germanic folk were early on conquered by the Romans. Thus, from the Dutch and Flemish lands through the Rheinland and the Palatinate, you will find DNA from throughout the Roman Empire. Soldiers like to have their fun and they did not bring females along in any large numbers. To the south, the Bavarians were also early victims of Imperial conquest. Likewise, the Swiss. Because of its history, Austria, most specifically in the capitol city, Vienna, people from throughout the Austro-Hungarian empire drifted into the imperial bureaucracy. So Austria has its share of Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian and Italian DNA as a result of this.

    Thus, we find that the Nordic strain is to be found in largest numbers in the Scandinavian lands, while the German people, though with a strong Nordic underlay, is much more blended.

  99. Fred777 说:

    Antifa and BLM are not rioters, they are protestors. State approved protestors at that.

    • 回复: @Z-man
  100. 1- There is a corona app in Germany. The use of it is not compulsory and the data isn’t transmited to official services. It seems to be useless because of that.

    2-Vaccination: they have always let no doubt that it will be voluntary in Germany. Nobody needs to be vaccinated if he doesn’t want to.

    3- There have been for months demonstrations against official measures. They have generally been allowed.

    4- The government was never willing to impose restrictive measures. They took too much time to accept that corona would be a problem in Germany when it was visible that it was affecting Italy, they did as little as possible. Many governments of the states which were less affected tryed to avoid the measures. Santions are not heavy and control is very little.

    4- There seem to be no doubts that there is excess mortality in Europe and other places. There is information that recorded excess mortality suggests that even more people have died because of covid than indicated by official numbers of deaths. Articles mention a study of the Imperial College London about excess mortality. The French statistic office, Insee, also seems to confirm a quite higher recent excess mortality because of covid. One website says that excess mortality in Germany in April was clear, and also that there is excess mortality in many other countries like in Sweden. n-tv says that there was for a period of time an excess mortality of 895 % in Bergamo, Italy. Some links in German bellow.

    5- The 5 minutes that I have to edit posts are not really enough to edit a longer post like my comment above, so my excuses for more mistakes than necessary (I tryed the preview function but as it didn’t function I posted the commentary without taking a look at it first, this comment is an addition to my first comment).




    • 回复: @Alfred
  101. RT 说:

    对,阿齐兹·博兹库特(Aziz Bozkurt)——真正的柏林人和德国人。

  102. Fred777 说:


    Love to see a German crossword puzzle 😀

  103. Levtraro 说:

    And once again, I say that CJ Hopkins should receive the Nobel Prize for either Literature or Peace

    No, it should be the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, since he is publishing ground breaking research on the true impact of coronavirus.

  104. @Zarathustra

    I agree with what you say, except the part about DNA. It seems to me that some vaccines uses information of the DNA of the virus in order to provoke a reaction of protection in people who are vaccinated. There are reasons for that: you don’t need to cultivate the virus (what may take much more time) and use it to vaccinate people. Even though I understand reservations about being vaccinated.

    • 回复: @EugeneGur
  105. @Jake

    Jake, though there is a soupçon of Vons and Ritters in my gene pool from one of my three Norse lines; I must disagree with your historically vacuous assessment.

    Your historical grundlage is a victim of 19th Century pan-Germanic scholarship, which in later years has been found to be a bit overly nationalistic. So you have it bass-backwards: The Germanics are but a subset of the Nordic folk-migrations into northwestern Europe. The stronger strains kept on going northwards and settled in Scandinavia. Those who settled in the continental landmass absorbed smaller tribal nations and were themselves the recipients of an imposed admixture of DNA from the multinational soldiery of the Roman Empire.

    Both Hitler and Goering were most anxious that his more Nordic appearing troops could breed with the women of the lands he had occupied during WWII, Denmark and Norway. They were intent upon improving the Germanic strain by melding it with the more deeply Nordic peoples.

    The Goths were essentially the same folk as those Goths in Gothenburg, the island of Gotland and that part of Sweden called Gothia. The Lombards, who you did not mention, came mainly from Denmark and swept Germanic cousins along with them when they crossed the Alps and came into domination of the Po valley in Italy. The Italians called them “Longobardos” as they did not trim their beards. The Vandals were primarily Germanic. Ultimately, the Ostrogoths conquered Rome, while their Visigoth cousins took Spain for their own. To this day, the most exalted of Spanish nobility are called Hildagos, a term which connotes the meaning of “grandson (or descendant) of the Goths.

    Prime rootstock for the English language is Old Norse, both in orthography and word-usage. There is also a prominent Saxon-Germanic element in words such as “butter”, which is essentially identical in both the German and English tongues…while the Norse word is “smor”, from whence the English word “smear”. The Yiddish speaking Jews “schmear” their bagels with cream-cheese, which they top with “lox”. Their salmon was imported, mostly via Danzig, directly from Norway, where it was called”lachse”.

    Jake: Take care when you enter into disputations with those who have long studied folk-migrations, languages and cultural traditions. Personally, I am no specialist, but a mere generalist. But there are people who read these commentaries and occasionally add to them who are very specifically learned in particular historical disciplines. UR is a good place to become schooled. In my opinion it is far more efficacious for the learning process than most universities…you just need to wade through some slush and muck here, just like in the majority of higher educational institutions.

    • 谢谢: Druid, Reaper
    • 回复: @Fox
    , @Alexandros
  106. @lysias

    Maybe that Turk is a Gray Wolf and not in name only. After all the Gray Wolves are fascists so he fits well in this new totalitarian administration. And an import to do jobs Germans no longer want to do, like kicking out those who don’t conform to the new fascist decrees.

  107. Reaper 说:

    Author left out two funny examples from anti-lockdown/ anti corona-rules demonstrations in Germany:

    “Maas’ outburst came a day after a woman in Hanover spoke at a protest against coronavirus restrictions, telling the crowd that she felt “just like Sophie Scholl,” a student sent to the guillotine by the Nazi regime in 1943 for distributing anti-war leaflets in Munich.”

    “At a demonstration in the city of Karlsruhe last weekend, an 11-year-old caused uproar when she compared her lockdown-defying birthday party to Anne Frank’s life of hiding from Hitler’s forces in occupied Amsterdam.”

    Sounds like: when the ice-cream lick back.

    So in parts of America in case when similar things will happen lockdowns/ totalitarian ways to act/ compulsory vaccination, etc… against anti-corona “conspiracy theorist” someone will cite: present days similar what he/ she read in Uncle Tom’s Cabin or in other propagandic literature which are compulsory nowdays…

    • 回复: @lysias
    , @frontier
  108. Wielgus 说:

    A common family name in Turkey – it was not until the Republic that actual family names were adopted in Turkey and “Grey Wolf” is part of the nationalist mythology, and even Kurds were encouraged to adopt such symbols of Turkish nationalism in the names they adopted.

  109. @orionyx

    波罗的海西北部地区,穿过卡特加特和斯卡格拉克进入挪威海和北大西洋; 一直是 Platdeutsch、荷兰语、弗里斯兰语和 Dansk 语的语言和方言融合的区域。 因此,这些种族-族裔表亲之间有很多重叠之处。

    Historically, the great division came about when Charlemagne, ruler of the “Holy” Roman Empire, defeated the Old Saxons in battle and gave the captives a choice of acknowledging him as their liege lord and to kiss the Bible…OR to die at the sword. Over 5,000 men, women, children and elders chose the sword rather than an imposed religion, alien to their spiritual traditions.

    Hearing of this massacre of the innocents, the Jutlanders and their Danish allies promptly erected an earthen wall (much like Hadrian’s which delineated the English and Scots border) right across the southern part of the peninsula. This structure was called the “Dannevirke”. Behind the wall, fortified barracks were built and manned by hearty young warriors.

    All at the same time, the Danish folk sent ambassadors to their Nordic kinfolk in Scania, Gothia, Svearia and the Norse lands, requesting that they send delegates to a general “Thing” or council. At that council, they decided to strike back at the Empire. Months later, on a foggy morning, at the docks on the lower Rhine, where stood Charlemagne’s mint city of Dorestad, a sentry screamed out “Ein Drachen, ein andere Drachen”!!! A dragon, another dragon!! Viking longships. Thus began the age of cultural war against the Imperialist, Romanist invaders…the Viking age.

    多雷斯塔德被解雇。 一些幸存者被当作俘虏带回了北方土地。 所有的银子都作为胜利的战利品被没收。 维京人在与帝国和教会抗争的最初几年里并不太关心黄金。 他们认为黄金柔弱。 白银是给战士和她们的女人的,她们用它来装饰他们的家。

    Ultimately, over many decades, cunning churchmen who arrived as medical missionaries, slithered their ways into the developing royal households (those kingdoms a product of the accumulation of wealth taken from the monasteries, mostly and the means by which the kings buttressed their power by hiring more warriors). Though the kings themselves barely tolerated the missionaries, these clever men had many ways of “seducing” their wives. The crown prince and his siblings were raised as Christians. When the old man died, the Christians finally emerged as the victors in the homelands of their most indefatigable enemies. The Viking Age was over. The Crown and the Church began their thousand-year “Reich”.

    • 同意: Adûnâi
    • 谢谢: Druid
    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @utu
  110. Levtraro 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert


    你听起来精神错乱。但如果你真的相信这一点,那就去俄罗斯或中国接种疫苗(他们不会给你接种两次疫苗)。俄罗斯和中国不属于 NWO 阴谋集团,他们的一些疫苗研究工作已在西方期刊上经过同行评审并发表。



    Moderna’s, AstraZeneca’s and Pfizer’s vaccines have not been peer-reviewed so far, although they (and Janssen) have opened their protocols for 3rd party examination. Until peer-reviewed papers on the efficacy of Moderna’s, AstraZeneca’s and Pfizer’s COVID vaccines are published, all pronouncements about them are preliminary (in spite of the tone of many news articles even in outlets such as Nature and Science). Hopefully they will publish soon in a pretigious peer-reviewed journal.



    • 同意: frontier, Adûnâi
    • 回复: @frontier
    , @Tony Hall
  111. Curmudgeon 说:

    I have been a huge fan of Wagner’s music for almost 60 years, and not just . I admit some of the works are longer than I like, but the music itself is sublime. That (((university music schools))) routinely downplay Wagner’s genius is a sign of its greatness.

    • 回复: @GeeBee
  112. @Occasional lurker

    Occasionally, a poster cherishes a misunderstanding of the ethnic origin of the Angles and the Jutes. Both groups arose in the Jutland peninsula.

    In 1864, Otto Von Bismark, created the basis for Prussia’s German Empire, by getting all the other “Germanies”, as well as the Austro-Hungarian Empire to make war on tiny, little Denmark. The factors of available troops were greater than ten to one. The Danes were defeated readily, though initially they fought desperately against overwhelming odds. Terms were not crazy, just for Dannemark to cede southern Slesvig-Holstein to Prussia. That was satisfactory to Chancellor Bismarck as one of his primary intents for the war was to breach the original boundary as delineated by the “Dannevirke” wall, so as to allow Prussia to build its Kiel Canal from the Baltic to the North Sea.

    Like other respondents, you have been misinformed by the nationalistic cultural historical meme developed by 19th Century German historiographers. The CUTTING-EDGE of the great folk migrations of the Nordic peoples into northwestern Europe kept heading northwards, while those more enamored of the fatter lands of the continent, were quite satisfied to end their quest in that area now known as Germany.

    Exploration and discovery has long been in the genes of the Nordics. Foremost among such explorers were Amundson, Nansen, Nordensjold and more latterly, the captain of the Koa-Tiki voyage into Polynesia., Thor Heyerdahl. Charles Lindbergh also descended from this gene pool.

    I’m quite aware that individuals of primarily of Germanic descent are somewhat envious of their more devoutly Nordic cousins. Be satisfied that there are far more of you, than of us , your northerly cousins, who have a deeply felt need for more personal independence and privacy and that bracing salty sweetness of those cold, deep waters that we face.

  113. Anonymous[208]• 免责声明 说:

    Oy vey, the jewish international communist elites are actually you evil white goyim being nazis again! It’s like annudah shoah!

    This is why the holocaust should have happened.

  114. EugeneGur 说:

    Until circa 2016 it could still be claimed that the West has more liberties and a more impartial media than Russia.

    No, my friend. It’s been a long time since the West has anything resembling an impartial media. And whatever little there was, died in 1991 together with the Soviet Union.

  115. Curmudgeon 说:

    In context, the German Constitutional Court ruled in 1956 that the “Old Reich” i.e. the Wiemar Republic still existed:

    the West German Judiciary upheld this ruling on 31.07.1973, under file number 2 BvF 1/73, the 2nd senate of the Federal Constitutional Court acknowledged that the German Reich continues to exist:

    “It is upheld (viz., e.g. resolution of the Federal Constitutional Court, 1956-08-17, 1 BvB 2/51, BverfGE 5, 85 [126]) that the German Reich has outlasted the collapse of 1945 and has never gone under or fallen, neither through capitulation nor through the exertion of foreign state authority in Germany by the Allies, nor in the later course of time; it still is an entity with legal capacity, even though it is not fully operable as a government due to a lack of organisation. The Federal Republic of Germany is not the successor of the German Reich.”

    The US Supreme Court had ruled in the early 1950s that the “old reich” would have to be sued for reparations.
    In short, the current crowd masquerading as the German Government is an occupation government of the All-Lies. It is as legitimate as Juan Guido being the President of Venezuela.

    • 同意: Maowasayali
  116. @aname

    “我们是犹太人民阵线的精锐自杀小队。 自杀小队,攻击。 啊……这向他们展示了,是吧? 哦哦。”

  117. Anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:


    I can’t imagine real ordinary Africans would leave Africa for Germany in great numbers for Germany.

    surely they would be the refuse from all the color revolutions the America pulled off in Africa and the middle east, violent now stateless people whom the west can only do crazy stuff with…like displacing ordinary white folk in their own home countries, all the better to loot them most efficiently, exhaustively, destroying them as a factor of opposition to the white elites forever .

    I see ordinary white people as most deserving of such a fate…a certain fate for which their is only one way to eliminate it as certain in the future of the white nations: ordinary comprehensive whit social revolution from the bottom up. that is the only way ordinary white people can save themselves at this point, while establishing their existential worthiness and and right to survive..by actually going out and winning it, by doing the right progressive thing in their nations, in the world, adding in the process a major contribution to the survival chances of the entire ordinary global human human population


    • 回复: @Druid
  118. lysias 说:

    Karlsruhe is the site of the German Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht), isn’t it? I wonder how many employed at the court heard that 11-year-old’s comments.

  119. Curmudgeon 说:


    • 回复: @anon3250849
  120. EugeneGur 说:

    Corona is an RNA-containing virus, not DNA. So, the vaccine is based on RNA, not DNA. The idea is it would then be used by the host cells to produce the viral proteins and then trigger immunity. I have my doubts as to its efficacy but it’s very unlikely it’d have any effect on the host DNA.

  121. Z-man 说:

    All the more reason for rogue Nationalist elements of the police state to add poison to the water for those cannons.

  122. Rogue 说:

    May check back later

    Don’t be in any rush – and don’t call us, we’ll call you.

    Oh, and don’t let the door slam on your arse on the way out…

  123. Skeptikal 说:

    Actually, Germans could see clearly that a lot of people in the USSR were getting killed in the twenties and thirties. The Germans had already been put through the ringer in the post-WW1 period. They really didn’t want social chaos, which is what they observed to be occurring in many parts of the USSR.

    You are overthinking, or using 20/20 hindsight (an occupational disease among Americans) to assume that average German citizens thought in ideological terms of Communist or Fascist collectivism.

    Of course they didn’t see the violence to come in the Third Reich.
    Just as people like you probably can’t look into a crystal ball and foretell what awaits the US of A.

  124. Skeptikal 说:

    “I have a mask hooked to my ears and below my chin.
    When I go inside the building I pull it up above my nose.”

    Honestly, the ignorance is startling. That those who most urgently try to get others to “behave” according to the new ‘rules” are the ones who know least WTF they are talking about.

    This practice of yours of putting the thing on your chin, then *接触* with your hands to put over nose, totally negates the whole point. If it has any purpose in the first place, which is questionable.

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  125. Skeptikal 说:
    @Majority of One

    Anecdote alert!

    A Danish friend told me that the Danish language is just German that the Danes bolloxed up so much on purpose so that the rest of the Germans wouldn’t be able to understand them.

    I have to say that I think it worked!! Danish is virtually incomprehensible to this German speaker!!

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  126. Rogue 说:

    On the contrary, I think his opinion is an extremely valid one.

    The Germans, for all their plus points with regards to efficiency, orderliness and technical innovation – amongst other things – seem to also embrace with great enthusiasm whatever is the official government zeitgeist.

    Hence Nazi Germany, and hence the GDR that was more efficiently communist than the USSR.

    Of course, both West and East Germany were massively de-Nazified (propagandized) postwar, so that hardly helps.

    What surprises me, is that so many Germans have pushed back at the lockdown measures. Good for those who have.

    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  127. @Skeptikal

    I do German and Dutch, but, oddly enough, I have little trouble reading Norwegian and Swedish.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  128. obwandiyag 说:

    Yes, he is too calling the Germans Nazis.

    Vietnam has no more virus.

    China has only a little and it tracks it down and gets rid of it in a trice if it crops up.

    They’re the free ones. You freedom-mongers don’t know what freedom is. Whenever one of you starts talking “freedom,” I back into a corner, check my wallet is still there, and take note of all the exits. Freedom is the last resort of the scoundrel.

    • 同意: The Soft Parade, HeebHunter
    • 回复: @The Soft Parade
  129. @Majority of One

    About thirty seconds before the edit box closed, I tried to add a joking tag line that the Danes are just more German than present day Germans. Well said, you.

  130. Stick 说:


  131. Alfred 说:

    There seem to be no doubts that there is excess mortality in Europe and other places. There is information that recorded excess mortality suggests that even more people have died because of covid than indicated by official numbers of deaths.

    Stop lying. I posted already the statistics for morbidity for 26 European countries. Here it is again. No big difference from last year. I wish you liars would present data or just fuck off. 🙁

    Substantial excess mortality seen in Europe (i.e. less than last January)

    The government was never willing to impose restrictive measures.

    Again, you are lying. Here is the Berlin police spraying peaceful protesters from a water cannon truck. Tens of thousands were protesting and the media reported hundreds.


  132. @Jake


    Enter change agent Jake preaching catholicism and holy mothers on one side of his mouth, and chewing up white protestants on the other. What with his bishop of Rome now advocating homosexuality–Jake is now closer than ever at nailing the white man to the tree on behalf of the man of this world. Hence, who woulda thought that after forcing us under Jake’s rule, that when he decides to self-immolate on behalf of his own god that we would be destroyed by his decisions too? You guessed it, and to that end Jake’s hope springs eternal.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  133. Desert Fox 说:

    The same thing being done in Germany is being done here in the ZUS, a draconian, diabolical , demonic scam driven by the fake covid-19 psyop that has been rolled out through out the world to enslave humanity via the world economic forum, the rockefeller foundation and UN Agenda 2030.

    Wake up American, we are being enslaved by a zionist world government kabal.

  134. Reaper 说:


    “According to reliable sources, elements of Antifa rushed to the scene of the Anti-New Normal Totalitarianism protest in Berlin today, hoping to hold the “Corona Deniers” down, so that the cops could hose them real good, but they were just a little too late. ”


  135. Agent76 说:

    1 年 2020 月 08 日 29-20-XNUMX RFK, Jr. 在柏林对群众讲话

    “我是在跟热爱民主的人说话; 想要开放政府的人; 希望领导者不会对他们撒谎的人; 不会制定任意规则和条例来协调民众服从的领导人; 我们希望卫生官员与制药行业没有财务关系……他们为我们工作,而不是大型制药公司。”

    • 谢谢: Alfred
    • 回复: @JM
  136. Alfred 说:

    Here is an honest expert telling all about this virus scam. He is retired. He was top researcher at Pfizer – managing 200 others – during his career. He has no ax to grind. His Youtube interview was removed instantly for not following the party line.


    And here is what “fact checking” has to say about him. 🙂

    FALSE: Former scientific advisor to Pfizer Michael Yeadon claims that “the pandemic is fundamentally over in the U.K.,” and, “we now know loads of people had prior immunity” to COVID-19

    Take your choice. I know what mine is. 🙂

    • 同意: TheTrumanShow
    • 回复: @TheTrumanShow
  137. @Jake

    “all Germanic linguistically and culturally”

    Yet their separate histories over the last 1500 or so years since the Saxon Serpent arrived in Britain has changed their characters. Germany had the Thirty Years War, far more destructive of life than the Norman Conquest or the English Civil War, and all of Europe has been fought over for millennia.


    By contrast, as Peter Hitchens put it about the pre-diverse UK, “Britain is the only virgin in a continent of rape victims“。

    Lord Alanbrooke, Chief Of Staff in WW2, comparing British and German conscript troops, said “我们英国小伙子的问题在于他们不是自然杀手“。

    Or look at the Icelanders, a remarkably peaceful bunch descended directly from some of the most feared freebooters in Europe. Still don’t have a word for ‘please’ though.

    • 回复: @Alfred
  138. @obwandiyag

    Freedom is the last resort of the scoundrel.

    Free from having to lie. Their freedom is admitting belief of whatever they’re told in order to make the doing easier. Much as a lot of blacks who believe that words alone can effect an outcome, and by claiming they’re no longer slaves they simply buy into the lie, rather than change it.

    Possibly our allegedly black Diogenese is confused, as 逃离自由 is the title of a book, not a lifestyle.

  139. @The Soft Parade

    EWTN, “the Catholic network,” slobbers over Elan Carr who participated in Vatican conference hosted by Callista Gingrich.

    tl;dr: it is your duty to luv the jooz

  140. @Skeptikal

    I do not feel to go hard on you. But it is obvious that you not only not wearing the mask you did not even saw one. The mask has two layers one is the framing one (outside) and one is the filtering one (inside wide strip). I obviously touch the only outside.
    So please do not try to be smart. you have yet a long way to go.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  141. tomo 说:

    根据斯坦利·米尔格拉姆(Stanley Milgram)的说法,我们如此服从权威并受到群体思维的压迫,以至于我们可能会受到危险的操纵。
    他们利用我们对礼仪、礼仪和社会习俗(即“政治正确性”)根深蒂固的信念来反对我们。 他们使用欺骗 - 毫无疑问 - 但如果人性不是这样,欺骗将是无效的。

    一些警告信号可能表明你更容易受到诱惑(我认为这些是由 Pedowood 等宣传直接推动的):
    • 越来越专注于获得名誉、权力或经济财富;
    • 对自己的价值观、目标和精神生活缺乏清晰认识;
    • 倾向于向外寻找生活中深刻问题的答案;
    • 自我意识和自我反省的能力非常有限
    • 自我定义不明确
    • 相当大的内心动荡、不快乐和不满。

    它也与精神病患者有关并受其驱动——他们想要控制/拥有/消耗/摧毁一切,即使那样他们也不会高兴。 将他们置于权力的位置就像让狐狸掌管鸡舍一样。 即使他们想关心别人,他们也不能关心别人,因为他们有精神病。

    • 同意: Adam Smith
  142. hillaire 说:

    Indeed. I’m sure you have neighbours that need to be reported to the authorities for various infractions of the current diktats. Run along now there’s a good fellow, your master’s waiting.

  143. @Majority of One

    Southern and western Germanic folk were early on conquered by the Romans. Thus, from the Dutch and Flemish lands through the Rheinland and the Palatinate, you will find DNA from throughout the Roman Empire. Soldiers like to have their fun and they did not bring females along in any large numbers. To the south, the Bavarians were also early victims of Imperial conquest.

    Don’t speak bullshit.

    We have DNA from medieval southern Germany and their father-line ancestry is purely Northern European.

    Only on the female-line (maternal DNA) is there diversity.


    Modern European genetic structure demonstrates strong correlations with geography, while genetic analysis of prehistoric humans has indicated at least two major waves of immigration from outside the continent during periods of cultural change. However, population-level genome data that could shed light on the demographic processes occurring during the intervening periods have been absent. Therefore, we generated genomic data from 41 individuals dating mostly to the late 5th/early 6th century AD from present-day Bavaria in southern Germany, including 11 whole genomes (mean depth 5.56×). In addition we developed a capture array to sequence neutral regions spanning a total of 5 Mb and 486 functional polymorphic sites to high depth (mean 72×) in all individuals. Our data indicate that while men generally had ancestry that closely resembles modern northern and central 欧洲人, women exhibit a very high genetic heterogeneity; this includes signals of genetic ancestry ranging from western Europe to East Asia.

    特别引人注目的是人工颅骨变形的女性; 对他们集体遗传血统的分析表明起源于欧洲东南部。 此外,功能变体表明它们在可见特征上也有所不同。 这个偏向女性的移民例子表明,中世纪早期复杂的人口统计过程可能以一种意想不到的方式促成了现代欧洲遗传景观的形成。 对功能位点组的检查还显示,与最近的阳性选择相关的许多等位基因在约 1,500 年前的欧洲人群中已经具有现代频率。

  144. a_german [又名“ a_german ..”] 说:







    这一切都太疯狂了。延长。 Schwul-Lesbische Weiberwirtschaft 与达达主义表演相遇。

    当然,有很多 Mitläufer、Denunzianten 和所有其他胆小鬼在他们领主的沙发下咆哮。就像每个地方和每个主题一样。但我认为另一半喜欢封锁并看到放松的机会。他们等待即将发生的事情,看看这些愚蠢的政客如何让自己的船搁浅。

    Wo aber die Gefahr wächst, wächst das Rettende auch. (荷尔德林)


    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @Skeptikal
    , @Reaper
    , @St-Germain
  145. GeeBee 说:

    Same here. But I find it interesting that despite your accurate observation regarding his rather too, shall we say, inspiring works being downplayed by the musical establishment, its effect on people hearing it for the first time is starkly revealed as being life-transforming.

    I recently listened to a ten-minute You-tube video of Klaus Tennstedt conducting what is arguably the emotional core of Wagner’s 戒指, which is to say the Siegfriedstod from the fourth and final opera in The Ring, which of course is 哥特达默隆. What fascinated me were the comments which listeners – many of them clearly new to Wagner – had made after hearing this astounding passage. Scruton, in his 真理之戒, had this to say of it:

    “The music grieves with unbearable intensity, not over Siegfried, but over the entire human race, reminding us of the supreme price we pay for our snatched moments of enchantment. The death of each of us, the music says, is the death of a world. Freedom, individuality, ambition and law must run their course and nothing will sound thereafter save the distant lullaby of nature.”

    And the comments from listeners to the aforementioned You-tube clip show that Scruton’s words are no mere hyperbole. I select a few of them, as I think them very striking:

    ‘The music of this opera. Holy hell. I have never felt chills from music, out of pure beauty. THIS is how you honour a character’s legacy. And I haven’t even listened to all of the Ring Cycle!! Sublime.’

    ‘Minutes 4:03 – 4:40 – no matter how many times I hear that, I still can’t quite believe what I’m hearing.’

    ‘Wow, this is some of the heaviest music I’ve listened to and I’ve listened to every metal band out there’

    ‘A Richter scale 10 earthquake in musical form….’

    ‘I truly believe this is the most sublime piece of music ever written. It reaches a place very deeply buried within my consciousness, and I get chills every time I hear it. it is not human, it’s heavenly sorrow’

    ‘This piece is the pinnacle of human feeling and emotion, hopefully aliens will hear it someday to understand human emotion more clearly. Wagner’s music’s immense value is to make you feel above the human miseries. There are no words to describe what I feel. Cold goes up my spine. My hair rises. I cry…’

    ‘Truly, truly astounding. I never experienced transcendence before this. Incredible.’

    ‘The most stirring and moving piece of music I’ve ever heard, I’m beside myself’

    ‘That was immense. The most epic piece of music that has ever been composed.
    if you are not moved by this, you are already in the afterlife!’

    ‘I am a life-long avowed atheist, but as the piece moved from around 4:03 up to 5:10, I suddenly realized that God exists, and began to weep.’

    As I say, I don’t think that the genius of Wagner fails to resonate with today’s youth.

    • 谢谢: Insouciant
    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  146. Skeptikal 说:
    @The Alarmist

    I meant the *说* 语言。

    Of course it is quite easy to parse a fair amount of written Dutch, Danish, Swedish.

    I can understand a fair amount of spoken Dutch, but spoken Danish is a blur to me.

    • 回复: @Alfred
  147. Skeptikal 说:

    Zara, you are the one “trying to be smart.”

    Constantly touching mask, taking it on and off, is a no-no.



    “Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol *after touching or removing your mask.*”

    Now please go away and suck your thumb. Or your mask.

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  148. frontier 说:

    Although I agree with the need to peer review vaccines and all other medical technologies, I think your “unhinged” comment is itself unhinged. Healthcare is a grotesquely conflicted field and it’s common to find “specialists” who don’t see anything except their vested interests.

    You tell me why do we need Covid vaccines? Trump and his HUD secretary Carlson were cured by something, I’m not saying we know what they’ve used because we may not have the whole story, but it’s pretty obvious that there’s a sufficiently safe cure to be used by high level government officials.

    Since you’re a vaxxer, why do you push Covid vaccines when a cure has obvious & great advantages? The vaccine, being now rushed to market, has 90% success rate… What that even means when the immune system gives you between 95% and 99.5% success rate, depending on age? By the numbers, the vaccine is making matters worse.

    • 回复: @Levtraro
    , @JM
  149. Skeptikal 说:


    But it doesn’t look too good when the police break down the door of a guy who is doing a live stream and order him to the floor . . .

    就像墨尔本的一名孕妇,由于 FB 上的一条帖子,警察破门而入后,她在自己的公寓里受到了惊吓。 。 。

    Seems like we are in the WTF-ogenic portion of the anthropogenic era of Earth’s history.

    • 回复: @a_german
  150. @Eureka!

    Who’s TF? I’m AEN. Here: 峰值愚蠢. There’ll be more posts up by tomorrow.


  151. frontier 说:
    @Tony Hall

    I think that the author simplified the issues somewhat to make his ideas more accessible and we should not be taking ethnic offense because of that. However, his Nazi allusion isn’t simply a warning against similar shenanigans in other countries, it’s a pointed warning what might happen in Germany itself under a regime of severe suppression of speech… you may think repetition of history is impossible but there’s no argument against it once total control is established.

  152. @Franklin Ryckaert

    9/11之后,我们都被迫接受金属探测器的辐射,基本上像机场的囚犯一样被脱光衣服搜查和刺激。 Covid-19 后*,如果没有先接种犹太疫苗,任何人都无法登机。


    *They absolutely love the number 19… as in “19 hijackers” on (((9/11))).

    • 回复: @Franklin Ryckaert
  153. profnasty 说:
    @Just another serf

    I recall a quote from a great man, Paul Maria Hafner. He said, and he wasn’t kidding, “Aushwitz was a five star hotel.” He had been there during it’s functional era.

  154. 我们在哪里可以找到像照片中那样的士兵?我想要那些家伙回来。

  155. Tony Hall 说:



    请告诉我一种经过“同行评审”的疫苗。同行评审适用于学术出版物,不适用于药品。 FDA、CDC、NIH 等机构因成为大型制药公司的走狗和利益冲突的温床而臭名昭著。像福奇这样的大专利所有者通过让 ATZ 等杀手药物进入市场来丰富自己。


    • 回复: @Levtraro
  156. @Occasional lurker

    hardly any influenza around, lesser rates of traffic accidents and fewer elective operations.

    You sure are a smart one for noticing. But have you thought to thank your YHWH for the incredible good luck in having flu, pneumonia, heart attack, stroke, and other routine causes of death completely suspended during this Coronacaust? Why if not for the complete suspension of all other causes of death, we would see 翻番 this year’s casualties!

  157. Incitatus 说:

    “It functions like a cult, totalitarianism. It creeps up on you, little by little, little lie by little lie, accommodation by accommodation, rationalization by rationalization … until one day you find yourself taking orders from some twisted little narcissistic nihilist on a mission to remake the entire world.”

    Wonder if Londoners muttered that, along with ‘Deep State Conspiracy’ and ‘Stop the Steal’ 1665-66. 68,596 died in the Great Plague.

    Thankfully ‘totalitarians’ didn’t stem the plague. Those who died could be confident in lemming-like belief they did so in full possession of dignity. Including burial (if lucky) in unmarked paupers graves after being collected like trash on streets.

    In present it’s COVID, unattended death, zipped into body bags, stored in refrigerated trailers, buried with limited attendance (if any).

    How far we’ve come!

  158. The stuff about the Nazis is so fucking gay.

    Gay little fucks petrified of naming the new brand of Jew Marxist Totalitarianism poised to control the planet.

    The Nazi’s are gone. Long gone.

    What sort of pussy bitch calls Marxist Jews and their whigger and nigger pets, “Nazis”?

    Total cowardice.

  159. The [Collectivist]Delusions of C.J. Hopkins:

    Ironically, when you boil it all down, Mr Hopkins is just yet another, anti-free-market, anti-capitalist [and therefor anti-liberty] hypocrite, whining about the “in your face” inevitable/unavoidable end result of the very collectivism he still wholeheartedly and unquestioningly endorses.

    It’s just one more glaring example of a more than a little common mental disease of collectivist self-delusion that so often exhibits here, in most articles by the various writers, and by most commenters too. Sad but true.


    “问候” onebornfree

  160. bjondo 说:

    Infection protection:

    To be safe and secure from Tony’s Balony Corony,
    wear a full diving gear, flippers, spear gun, optional.


    carry a battery operated hair dryer waving around face.

    Either one, you will be A OK.


    just ignore.
    This is the protection against idiots and tyrants.


  161. frontier 说:

    Sounds like: when the ice-cream lick back.

    Sometimes I just wonder how many of the fine commenters here would happily refuse to be licked back by propaganda ice-cream and join a new Drang nach Osten suicide-bomber mission? Discussing the intricate points of Nordo-Germanic charactrer and their ethnic nuances completely ignores the situation on the ground in Turkland, Nordicstan and Minnesotomalia on this side of the pond.

    Interesting, how so many proudly educated people can cause so much misery to themselves and their own.

  162. HeebHunter 说:

    Yeah, it is like adhereing to the belief that the governing body MUST serve the nation is bad or some shit, am I right?
    The last time the Germans were free to determine their destiny and rooted out all enemies, domestic and foreign, subhuman like our resident negro Jizzman, assorted amerimutts and slavshit commies ganged up on the German Realm.

    Jizzman, the low IQ tard, is obviously just mad that the Germans, a superior people, obviously didnt take kindly to some fuckface that belonged to a force that bombed the shit out of their land in the name of Communism, and was trying to provoke them into wrongthink that could get the occupying forces to go 1945 on their families, again. Just imagine that.

  163. @Skeptikal

    Use a mask correctly
    Avoid frequent touching of the mask and their face
    Limit sucking, drooling, or having excess saliva on the mask
    Remove the mask without assistance
    Somebody who did write this is just as stupid retard as you are.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  164. Anonymous[115]• 免责声明 说:

    Forgive us here but THOSE Germans will never be back. Not as long as the present German regime and most of the populace dies off in the next forty or so years. We are talking about a generation that knew who they were, what their nation accomplished and that they were surrounded by communists on all sides, including within Germany itself. Today, they are led by a communist, Angela Merkel. Communist globalist, call her what you will, the damage she did and continues to do, is just the same.

    The German armed forces at that time, consisted of troops who were among the most educated young people anywhere in the world. The nation itself, was where the educated people of the world sent their sons and daughters to study. Today, that would be just about the worst thing one could do and that is where the author of the article is missies the point. The “Germans” can’t be back with the kind of B.S. taught in the nations education system, B.S. that started with the defeat of the conservative systems after WW 2 and continues to this day. B.S. that does not have the German people’s best interests at heart.

    • 回复: @Dr. Charles Fhandrich
  165. Skeptikal 说:

    “Somebody who did write this is just as stupid retard as you are. ”

    That’s right, Zara. This means you.

    Gawd, there are some dimwits posting here.

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
  166. @Anonymous

    According to some accounts, possibly in Albert Spears own book but I might be wrong and confusing it with another source, when Adolf Hitler was in the bunker in Berlin, a place he chose to be in, he went into a kind of trance while sitting at a table and said, as if the words were not even coming from him, that no matter what happens, the German nation will arise again, like the mythical phoenix , because these people cannot be kept down.

  167. Art 说:



    75 年来,自私自利的德国精英将他们的人民置于犹太人的错误控制之下。今天的德国人民不应该再接受二战的罪责。第二次世界大战已经结束——今天的德国与它无关。



    • 同意: Skeptikal
    • 回复: @a_german
  168. I’m rather surprised at the author choosing the Germans to illustrate all of the pathologies surrounding the dangers of totalitarianism. I live in Los Angeles county, where we are going to experience a lockdown of all restaurants beginning this Wednesday by democrats in Sacramento and Los Angeles. These democrats have just about destroyed the state of California with insane policies, all justified because of the so called, all pervasive dangers of the corona virus,etc. In fact, schools have been on lockdown months after German schools had already opened, cautiously. If what is going on in so many blue states in the U.S. doesn’t constituted totalitarianism and a better example of it than what is happening in Germany, I don’t know what does.

    • 同意: Skeptikal
  169. Ugetit 说:

    …woe betide…

    That made me chuckle because I haven’t heard that phrase since practically forever. The nuns used it a lot waaay back then! 🙂


  170. CJ Hopkins: “… I can’t take a walk or shop for groceries without being surrounded by hostile, glaring, sometimes verbally-abusive Germans, who are infuriated that I’m not wearing a mask …”

    From this article, it’s clear there are many more people in Germany who love freedom than in America, where there are no such protests. America, land of conformists, where almost everyone is voluntarily submitting to the mask diktat and other, increasingly arbitrary government edicts. Until recently I was just about the lone holdout in my little town, but the other day I was informed by a sweaty little man at Walmart that they were going to call the police next time I came to their store without a mask. LOL. I was also kicked out of another grocery store on the same day for the same reason. Of course, I do need to buy food, so it looks like I’ll have to comply a bit from now on; at least until the madness passes, if it ever does.

  171. Watch. They won’t be called virus spreaders. They’ll be called:

    Virus Super Spreaders.

    That’s right. You heard it hear first folks.

    Your a virus super spreader like Typhoid Mary and need to be locked up and gassed for the good of the people.

    If there are any extraterrestrials out there listening in please send an asteroid the size of Mt. Everest to rid the Earth of vermin like Bill Gates, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Cuomo, Gavin and the rest of the filthy miserable ghouls.

    Yes, if it means I have to meet my maker at least I’ll rest in peace knowing these degenerate corrupted souls will be spending eternity in the pits of hell.

  172. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    Spot on, Doc. I still enjoyed Mr. Hopkins’ satirical analogy, or whatever you call it, but I can’t argue with your comment here. I have not had anyone kick me out of anywhere yet, but, for my job, this face diapering BS is causing me personal grief.

  173. Von Rho 说:

    “Drump” (from Kallstadt) was the German who was coming back to destroy America with Covid19 negationism. Fortunately, he was defeated by Biden, as well as Washington defeated the German mercenaries of Hesse.

  174. @HeebHunter

    First the mutts destroyed National Socialist Germany in the name of Communism, now they want to be there to spread nigger music and “keep the Germans down”, per NATO objective.

    Me thinks the plan to turn Poland and half of Eastern Europe into German countryside might have been a factor in all that. As a reminder der kraut leader invaded Poland in a pact with the worst Communist all in the name of anti-Communism.

    All der kraut leader had to do was stay in his borders (which in 1939 included all of Czechoslovakia) and this entire mess wouldn’t have happened. Or he could have gone East first (not through Poland) and the UK would have shrugged.

    Maybe go dig der leader up and ask why he opened the war on two fronts. Biggest military blunder in history.

    Your leader is the one that messed up the world. Everyone in the West got a case of the White guilts after that disaster. The left was going to be smashed and then the White guilt generation let them take over the colleges.

    Muttmerica and all anglo farms must be cleansed with fire.

    Which European leader opened the door to Arabia?

    Everything is blamed on Jews and Americans but here in reality a German Christian woman opened the floodgates.

    Western Europeans keep electing these self-hating center-leftists and here you are complaining about Americans.

    • 同意: frontier
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
    , @Dave Bowman
  175. @AReply

    “The saddest thing about all this bitching is how front-line public service workers are risking their lives …”

    Educate yourself, if you’re interested:

    “Pandemic is Over” – Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Says “Second Wave” Faked On False-Positive COVID Tests.”

    “How Likely is a Second wave?”

    赛义德·库雷希(Saeed Qureshi)撰写的“COVID-19:对于尚未量化的病毒,疫苗‘不可能’”

    “ COVID-19 RT-PCR测试:如何误导全人类接受社会封锁”
    可在 环球研究网

    • 同意: Jett Rucker
  176. C. J. Hopkins, please favor us with an image of

    one of those intricate official stamps that German bureaucrats like to stamp things with

    I don’t have one, and I can’t remember any such.

  177. @Alfred

    Though agreeing, the article is false to the extent that it uncritically supports the notion that there ever was a true “pandemic” in the first place. Even the false gov-numbers don’t support the claim. If the world public hadn’t been subjected to 24/7/52/365 multi-media propaganda about Da Virus and Da Pandemic, no one would have noticed.

    • 同意: Reaper, Skeptikal, acementhead
  178. 有些国家在抗击 COVID-19 方面比德国成功得多。总的来说,他们比草率宽松的德国(例如澳大利亚、新西兰、台湾、香港、新加坡、韩国、日本、越南)要严格得多。当然,这些都比不上中国。日本可能会更加宽松,因为他们拥有经验丰富的接触追踪人员,但现在已经开始落后于其他国家。

    澳大利亚之所以允许 50,000 万名不戴口罩的观众观看最近在布里斯班举行的橄榄球联盟奥里根州比赛,是因为昆士兰州的社区传播已降至零。

    Certainly, there will be re-introduction from infected countries and temporary hard measures will be necessary again. If Queensland is re-infected, the other states won’t allow Queenslanders to enter until they take the obvious measures to eliminate the virus again. Why would they be stupid enough to go German easy going on us? To hell with German creepy feely soy boy disobedience. We’ve had restrictions on movement between parts of Queensland and within our own small parts and each restriction lasts until elimination of community transmission.

    Let the Germans be hippy anarchists but we won’t be. We don’t care if COVID-19 is wiped out. We won’t miss it. We’ve made plenty of stupid mistakes but we’ve never stopped fighting.

    We can prove our stupidity because China has had 60 infected per million and we’ve had over a thousand despite all their help: identifying the illness by symptoms, isolating the virus, DNA sequencing it and providing the sequence to the world on January 12, showing how community transmission can be eliminated. [电子邮件保护]

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @a_german
  179. @utu

    I have a lot of really stupid comments this year, but this is definitely one of the dumbest by far.

    • 回复: @utu
  180. Druid 说:

    You’re a kikele! Found u out, moron!

  181. @Skeptikal

    He he he!!!!!
    That there is precise quote from the web page you have recommended to me to educate my selves.
    (You probably will not understand this)
    I actually do not touch the the mask to change position of the mask. You may wonder why!
    Because it is impossible to do it. The reason for it is because there is too high friction between rubber band and ear.
    Change of position of the mask can be done by relocation of position of rubber bands.
    Following your comments I have to assume that you are still in before Bar Mitzvah age.
    So I am taking that into consideration.
    In every case you have to grew up before you address me again.
    Until then it is the old: “Return to sender”

    • 回复: @karel
  182. utu 说:

    ‘R[ussia] T[oday] takes libertarian anti-lockdown stance’

    Keep in mind that RT is for western consumption. In Russia media are very careful not to stoke anti-masking and anti-countermeasures memes.

    Russia and China Are Spreading Lies About Coronavirus, Pentagon Says

    • 回复: @AndrewR
  183. @Maowasayali

    They will try to make life without being vaccinated so difficult that most people will accept “voluntary” vaccination. Without a certificate of vaccination you will not be allowed to leave the country, travel on public transportation, enter any shop, public building or office, and you will not be able to buy your food at the supermarket. The small group of people who will still refuse vaccination will then be forced to accept it “for the common good”. That is the plan of the elite if you carefully listen to what they say (especially Bill Gates).

    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
  184. @noname27

    LOL. What’s the deal with all these people wanting to be “Israelites”? How about the Black Hebrew Israelites? Those are the guys who were calling those 15 year old white catholic boys “incest babies” and “crackers”. They say they’re the TRUE ISRAELITES.

    Trust me; being an “Israelite” is NOT what you want to be.

    Too much IDENTITY CRISIS these days is really pushing people over the deep end…

    • 回复: @noname27
  185. Arcadian 说:


    • 同意: HeebHunter, Black Picard
    • 回复: @Black Picard
  186. Arcadian 说:

    瓦格纳的音乐直接来自天堂。无法用言语来形容这种崇高的艺术。他和政治有什么关系?他于 1883 年去世,正好是他的家乡德累斯顿 (Dresden) 被如此有教养的英国人和美国人轰炸成废墟的 62 年。

  187. Levtraro 说:

    Actually, I agree with you on the need or not of vaccines for this particular pathogen. These vaccines may not work for long (like flu vaccines), they have been rushed into production for national pride or profit, and a cure could be better. You also made a very good point about +90% efficacy when we apparently already have that naturally, with our own defenses.

    However, if these vaccines are innocuous and offer some protection, then they can be the end of this pandemic madness, for sociological and political reasons albeit not for strictly medical reasons. Governments will have a way out to let us move and restart the economy.

    The guy I replied too is unhinged. He claims COVID vaccines are going to turn us into zombies by altering our DNA. How can that be characterized, honestly?

    • 回复: @Insouciant
  188. Reaper 说:


    即使接受了基本的危险品训练,这整个新冠病毒的疯狂也是荒谬的,而且主要是我的 CBRN。



    • 谢谢: Achmed E. Newman
  189. Arcadian 说:
    @Dieter Kief


    • 回复: @Dieter Kief
  190. Levtraro 说:
    @Tony Hall


    This is what should happen with COVID vaccines. Russian and Chinese developers did submit their experimental protocols and biochemical mechanism of vaccine design and ddata to peer review and western companies must do the same. The editorial at the British Medical Journal have already pointed to problems with western companies’ protocols. There should be a lot more of that.



    “Chinese-made vaccines distributed by WHO and Gates have killed hundreds of thousands in India and Africa. Many thousands have been paralyzed and unknown numbers of young women have been sterilized without their knowledge or consent.”


    • 回复: @Alfred
  191. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    My, my, and a Dr. to boot. Setting a bad example, eh?

    One has to feel sorry for the staff having to wear masks all the time during their working day.

    I do feel one should wear a mask inside shops as a courtesy to the staff and the business owners trying to stay open under the present circumstances (In many places they can be even fined for allowing inside customers without masks and not enforcing other rules which then can cause even physical conflict with those not following). Whether masks and distancing prevent the spread of Covid-19 (and/or the flu) or not is besides the point as if a staff member falls sick he/she may well blame those customers who didn’t follow the rules. And if many staff members fall sick, or even if not but just fail the test because of contact tracing, the business could have a hard time staying open and providing services to the rest of us. Imagine if most of your staff had to self isolate because of infection confirmed by these tests and you had to pay them salaries for staying at home while trying to find replacements. There have been cases of hundreds and even thousands of staff contracting Covid-19 in some companies involved in food processing and packing. Not a pleasant situation to be in either as an affected employee or business owner. And this is regardless of whether Covid-19 is real or a hoax, or just the flu, or whether the tests are valid or fake.

    Personally I don’t care if people wear masks or not, it’s up to them. Sure it is disturbing seeing everyone masked up, but then to some others it is disturbing seeing people not mask up, given what they’ve been told and directed to do, so even the psychological impacts are not the same for everyone. It’s annoying having to follow the herd but then one doesn’t want to appear selfish and uncaring.

    It’s all quite complicated. What we really want is objective science and a proper panel of experts in charge of the emergency who hold to the Hippocratic oath and take the people’s health and overall best interests to heart rather than promoting those of politicians and corporations with their agendas and profits in mind. But could we really have that? In the current system?

  192. HeebHunter 说:
    @John Johnson

    reality a German Christian

    I wanst aware merkel kazimierczak was a pure German, and not a polish kike as usual.



    Everyone in the West got a case of the White guilts after that disaster

    Not because of the Holohoax bullshit at that kangaroo court or the denazification afterwards or something along that, right, mutt?

    Mutts and Jews, all the same. But hey, I won’t be the one doing the judging. Like I said before, try to recall what the Kikes said about Jesus Christ our savior in their satanic little book. And if God still has humor, you KNOW where you are going. To your granddaddies and the old yids in that big old boiling pit 🙂

  193. a_german [又名“ a_german ..”] 说:

    就像墨尔本的一名孕妇,由于 FB 上的一条帖子,警察破门而入后,她在自己的公寓里受到了惊吓。 。 。


    再说一次,这篇文章纯粹是标题党,作者是普通媒体****** 愿意为了自己的目的而误导读者。看到陆军士兵的图片,与文字无关,只会引发情绪。


    自巴塔克兰恐怖袭击以来,法国已进入紧急状态,而美国自 9/11 以来也已进入紧急状态,那里的公民也知道这一点。

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  194. a_german [又名“ a_german ..”] 说:



    如果我们能摆脱你他妈的**** 我们拥有一个比任何美国都运转得更好的国家,让我们掠夺世界选民的想象。

    • 同意: Skeptikal
    • 回复: @Arcadian
    , @Art
  195. a_german [又名“ a_german ..”] 说:
    @Donald A Thomson

    有些国家在抗击 COVID-19 方面比德国成功得多。总的来说,他们比草率宽松的德国(例如澳大利亚、新西兰、台湾、香港、新加坡、韩国、日本、越南)要严格得多。



  196. Alfred 说:

    Still don’t have a word for ‘please’ though

    I don’t know Icelandic, but I do know Norwegian.

    “Vær så snill” is “be so kind”. Similar versions exist in Danish and Swedish.

    I guess you are correct. It is an approximation to “please” 🙂

  197. karel 说:

    A great discovery of yours. Hence, I can safely presume that those who have died in Berlin cf.
    are not dead but only resting, just like the ”Norwegian blue” parrot in the Monty Python sketch. cf.

    • 回复: @Alfred
    , @Achmed E. Newman
  198. karel 说:

    How wrong you can be by assuming that Skeptikal is

    still in before Bar Mitzvah age.

    Please do no denigrate this spiteful man, as he is a true mastermind.

    • 回复: @Zarathustra
    , @Skeptikal
  199. Alfred 说:

    spoken Danish is a blur to me

    Norwegians and Swedes joke that Danes speak with the voice of someone with a bad cold (Covid-19 ?). 🙂

  200. @Herzog

    绝妙的观察,赫尔佐格。 瓦格纳是超凡的。 他不仅仅是真正的德国精神的典范。 这里有人写道,日耳曼人在历史上掠夺和征服了他们周围的人。 这是错误的。 相反,纵观历史,围绕着日耳曼人的各种民族都因为他们的自由精神和开放的方式而寻求加入他们。 这方面的例子不胜枚举,从伟大指挥家赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬的家族到艺术家的家族,甚至二战德国武装部队的军官,如海因茨·古德里安将军和王牌战斗机飞行员阿道夫·加兰德,再到仅举两个例子。 犹太人也发现了一些最好的家园,一般来说,数百年来在日耳曼人中找到了最好的家园,比任何人都多

  201. karel 说:
    @Just another serf


    嗯,听起来很有趣。 现在哪里能找到这样的尸体啊,农奴? 我想这应该很容易,因为德国人民已经彻底解放了。

    不要嘲笑肥皂。 我的祖母买了几盒这种传奇物品,因为她错误地认为战争会持续更长时间,并且她不想被剥夺这种一流的产品。 不幸的是,我们在六十年代就已经用完了最后一个街区,因此我无法向您发送样本以感谢您的真实陈述,也无法让您有机会使用这一证据来说服您附近的任何怀疑者。

  202. Arcadian 说:

    完全同意。我有一个梦想:希望有一天我能看到他妈的*** 居住者离开我的祖国。把他们所有的致命武器带回家,让我的国家自由。然后我们就可以和俄罗斯人交朋友,和中国人和其他国家和平相处。

  203. Aziz Bozkurt, what a thoroughly fully-fledged German name! Obviously he speaks of “MY country”.

    Now, let us remember what the likes of Bozkurt really are about.

    “Hence the proportion of people without German nationality exceeded 40 per cent”, https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Starker-Anstieg-bei-Mord-und-Totschlag-article19807 048.html speaking of an important surge in slayings and murders – this article apparently not taking into account the “602.613 criminal refugees systematically ‘forgotten’” in the BKA’s study “The criminality in the immigration context – Bundeslagebild 2016”, https://www.journalistenwatch.com/2017/09/19/bka-vertuscht-straftaten-von-600-000-fluechtlingen/. The German nationality (the Belgian, the French, the Dutch, the Swedish etc) having been bestowed on millions of non-Europeans, the above named “>40%” must be vastly expanded.

  204. Anonymous[107]• 免责声明 说:

    我们经历了 40 年的共产主义独裁统治,而 1933 年(你错误地称之为“授权法案”)的颁布,是因为美国和苏联在 1945 年之后安置了几乎同一群罪犯,他们在希特勒统治下逃离了德国。

    在经历了 40 年的共产主义独裁统治之后,我觉得这种事情被忽视是令人反感的,因为默克尔是前史塔西/国家安全局的内政部长,“埃里卡”,他忠诚地支持华盛顿特区,并祈祷莫洛赫让哈里斯担任总统。

    • 同意: Arcadian, Alfred
    • 谢谢: HeebHunter
  205. @Arcadian

    The fun part is: Life is even more normal in Switzerland. Excess deaths were – lower (!) in the first half of 2020 in Switzerland than in the years before. There were fewer (!) people on ventilators than in the years before. Hospitals never had any problems with their capacity. People did not even wear masks up until June/July. – That did change due to experiences with public transport. Turned out that it was necessary to be extra cautious there. – And was just about it.



    • 谢谢: Alfred, Achmed E. Newman
  206. DvE 说:



  207. Alfred 说:


    我今年 70 岁了,只犯过一次错误接种流感疫苗。这些疫苗含有铝,最终以单程票的形式进入大脑。这可能会导致后来的痴呆症和阿尔茨海默病。


    • 同意: Georgia
    • 回复: @trickster
    , @karel
    , @Reaper
  208. Alfred 说:

    … are not dead but only resting

    Believe it or not, people are dying all the time.

    The fact that the number dying every day in Germany is no different from in the past few years is proof that those “resting” would have died anyway – a few days or weeks later perhaps. Whether their death is labelled “Covid-19” or “cancer” or “bronchitis” or “influenza” or “heart attack” etc. is irrelevant.

    If you don’t like the fact that you are doomed to die one day, you should never have been born. 🙂

    • 回复: @karel
  209. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    I hope you catch corona and get better. Don’t you have any more pressing matters to whine about? Don’t you see white women with negroes every day? Or churches topped with crosses? Or metal birds in the sky? Being a corona-denier is normie-tier.

  210. Ron R. 说:


  211. DvE 说:

    如果你喜欢比较现在的德国人和 75 年前的德国人,那么可以比较你现任总统与人玩耍(和撒谎)的方式和 75 年前的方式。 “美国优先”和“DRITTE REICH”有什么区别吗?

  212. @Just another serf

    根据约翰福音 8:44,我发现不可能同情犹太人,尤其是鉴于他们的邪恶行为和晋升。

  213. Insouciant 说:

    [vaccines] then can be the end of this pandemic madness,


    Moderna’s chief medical officer says that vaccine trial results only show that they prevent people from getting severely sick — not necessarily that recipients won’t still be able to transmit the virus

    Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks* told Axios that the public should not “over-interpret” the vaccine trial results to assume life could go back to normal after adults are vaccinated.

    Zaks warned that the trial results show that the vaccine can prevent someone from getting sick or “severely sick,” as Zaks puts it, from COVID-19, however, the results don’t show that the vaccine prevents transmission of the virus.
    。 。 。

    Talmud rules still in effect.

    * 6 pointed star. count em.

    • 回复: @Anon
  214. Wrong Germans, C.J. Theses are the same group of “Germans” that were at least the supposed enemies of Hitler.

    German Communist Party & Weimar

  215. @karel

    Please trust me this time. Skeptical is wet nose unwashed stinky little Jewish kid.
    I am like German shepherd I can smell out people. If you have a time please check out that web page he is referring to. But please be careful there is a danger. You can die laughing.

  216. @DvE

    ” shows the mean level of intelligence of the American people”

    Myself, a Trump voter, have been “Mensa” qualified since 1973, my IQ testing results were in the 150-160 range.

    ” Refuse to go there for the rest of my life” : Good because you are not welcome anyway.


    1973年以来一直是Authenticjazzman“ Mensa”的资格,经过机师培训的美国陆军兽医和专业爵士演奏家。

    • 哈哈: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @DvE
    , @Arcadian
    , @HeebHunter
  217. @karel

    Thank you, Karel. I’ve seen plenty of Monty Python sketches before but never this one. Hilarious!

  218. trickster 说:




    米特拉达梯国王? (希望我拼写正确)过去常常每天服用一点毒药来免疫自己,以防敌人毒害他。在我看来,疫苗也有同样的作用。

    有一个网站 http://www.soilandhealth.com 其中有几篇关于疫苗的论文,有些可以追溯到 1900 年代。我似乎记得他们讨论了疫苗的疯狂以及它们有多么危险。


    我每天都锻炼,早上一次,下午一次,挑食,吃得很少,远离所有加工食品和任何肉类。我什至不记得上次抽鼻子是什么时候了。我主要吃水果、蔬菜、一些坚果和种子。我从不吃药,甚至连阿司匹林也不吃。 68 岁时,我仍然可以在 50 小时内以 12 磅的重量、3 英里的速度完成美国陆军游骑兵的卡车行军,这项任务仍然让 18 岁的年轻人感到疲倦。




    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman, Herald
  219. Haruto Rat 说:

    I don’t have anything similar to the original font but for these times Comic Sans will do.

  220. DvE 说:


    • 同意: Arcadian
    • 回复: @Rurik
  221. Rurik 说:
    @Majority of One

    Ultimately, over many decades, cunning churchmen who arrived as medical missionaries, slithered their ways into the developing royal households (those kingdoms a product of the accumulation of wealth taken from the monasteries, mostly and the means by which the kings buttressed their power by hiring more warriors). Though the kings themselves barely tolerated the missionaries, these clever men had many ways of “seducing” their wives. The crown prince and his siblings were raised as Christians. When the old man died, the Christians finally emerged as the victors in the homelands of their most indefatigable enemies. The Viking Age was over. The Crown and the Church began their thousand-year “Reich”.

    sounds a lot like Rasputin

    thank you for your wonderful synopsis of the tragedy of those days

    I’d known of the proud pagans being ‘put to the sword’ for refusing to bow to a foreign (in every sense of the word) religion (and who today reign in Valhalla ; ), but I’d not heard of the insidious treachery of which you speak, and which sounds so familiar to the humiliating death of the Romanov dynasty/era, only to be replaced by that other moral abomination from the Levant; Bolshevism.

    Just as the Visigoth kingdom never would have been defeated and enslaved for centuries by Africans, had they maintained their ancient spiritual truths and vigor, so too it’s only under the spiritual morass of an effeminate and dying religion that Europe today founders under the colonizing armies of its ancient rivals and blood enemies.

    Always with the cunning treachery of those who manage to slither into the halls of power, and always with the intent of enslaving the people to another depraved era of humiliation and subjugation.

    • 回复: @Maowasayali
  222. trickster 说:

    你没有来到这里,但我们的祖父去了那里,否则你,那里,现在就会在 18 小时后每两天与你的奴隶劳工同伴分享一碗水汪汪的土豆或卷心菜汤和四分之一条不新鲜的面包/白班工作用木匠锤破碎砾石。我们为你流血!


    你们,那里,似乎忘记了,我们在这里选出的自恋者在 44/45 年饥饿时拯救了你们祖父母可怜的荷兰驴子。



    • 哈哈: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @Arcadian
  223. @DvE



    Merkel has claimed you can’t keep them out and then scolded Hungary for doing exactly that.



    • 哈哈: Zarathustra
    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  224. ansen 说:

    I think you overlooked the next step of rounding up the problem deniers and segregating them in ghettos.

  225. @Curmudgeon


  226. Rurik 说:




    I suppose the problem with so many of those Muslim ‘refugees’, are that their religion prevents them from accommodating the Dutch homos like the ones in the photo. Because with the problem of the rapes..


    it would all be solved if the ‘Captain Swedens’ like yourself, could convince the African and Middle Eastern refugees to allow you guys to ‘welcome’ them, in your own special way, it would seem to me, problem solved!

    • 回复: @DvE
  227. Getaclue 说:
    @Carlton Meyer


    此信息证明 CVirus 歇斯底里是他们伟大的重置议程的 NWO 骗局! 这是关于一场严重的流感并影响相同的人——这不是我们经常被告知的黑死病。

    我看到国防部图表有 11 名军人死亡: https://www.defense.gov/Explore/Spotlight/Coronavirus/

    其他 10 个预备役不是现役军人吗? 您似乎知道,因为您将其命名为 Active — 想知道您从哪里得到这些信息?

    这些信息需要广泛传播——我们被 NWO Creeps 玩得很糟糕……如果他们成功了,将会有一个非常糟糕的结局……上帝保佑你!!!

  228. anon[193]• 免责声明 说:


    • 谢谢: Buck Ransom
    • 哈哈: Biff
    • 回复: @Fox
  229. @Talha

    Not sure. But everything sure sounds less pronounceable.

  230. Adûnâi: “I hope you catch corona and get better.”

    It wouldn’t surprise me at all to learn that that’s already happened. It’s said that many people, maybe even most, are asymptomatic.

    Adûnâi: “Being a corona-denier is normie-tier. ”

    On the contrary, being a little bitch hiding behind a mask from the big scary virus is “normal”, since by definition normal is what most people are doing.

    I suggest you have more confidence in your own Aryan genetic superiority, and discard the mask. Or maybe you aren’t so Aryan after all?

    • 回复: @Adûnâi
  231. @SteveK9



    每周两次阴性 Covid 测试将​​为您赢得一张“自由通行证”,它将作为电子标签上传到您的手机上:


    • 回复: @Herald
  232. Commentator Mike: “In many places [businesses] can be even fined for allowing inside customers without masks and not enforcing other rules which then can cause even physical conflict with those not following”

    I’ve not heard that around here, but since this happened twice in one day I get the impression that some sort of edict came down from somewhere that this was to be the new policy. Initially, it was the case that Walmart had announced they weren’t enforcing their mask rule. The fact that everyone needs to buy groceries makes this especially diabolical. It makes striking back impossible. Even if these stores mysteriously got burned down, the net effect would be that it would only leave me without a place to buy food.

    I’m still not exactly wearing a mask though. In my area, you can get by with just a face shield, so that’s what I’m doing. Completely ineffective for filtering out a virus, of course, but then, the whole thing is an insane joke anyway, so what difference does it make?

    As for doing this to help out businesses, or as a courtesy to other people, I say fuck ’em. Businesses can and should take care of themselves. People too. Most problems in life, including this one, come from other people. Fuck ’em.

    • 回复: @Stonehands
  233. DvE 说:


    在图片上你看到的是德国抗议者,而不是荷兰同性恋者,这是一场抗议,目的是让叙利亚人在被炸出家园时在欧洲找到庇护所,我认为这没有什么问题,至少比经济难民要好你必须在美国处理。不管怎样,我们不是把孩子和他们的父母分开,把他们锁起来,我们的最后一堵墙已经在 30 多年的时间里被拆毁了。前。如果美国停止向外国出售武器并远离这些国家,那么我们面临的大多数难民问题都将得到解决。与此同时,你可以尝试为目前靠食品券生活的 30 万人提供一份体面的工作。

  234. karel 说:

    Your comment reminds me the typically nihilistic attitude of the numerous poseurs, who would not mind if more people died as long as it is not they for whom the bell tolls.

  235. karel 说:


  236. anon[758]• 免责声明 说:

    No, the Germans are not back until they throw off the yoke of the 70 years plus slander. Number of gas chambers = zero.

    • 回复: @L.K
  237. The odd thing about this world is the people. Yes us, the vast majority if us. As a man who refuses to wear a mask, it amazes me how in the minority I am. At my local supermarket, or Home Depot I am envariably the only person, out of hundreds, going maskless. I am sure that if I could interview the mask wearers most would show signs of doubt over their role in this mess. Yet, they march in LOCKSTEP, just as described in the Rockefeller study from 2010. I live among the Lemmings, but march in my preferred direction, the opposite one. Make your Yes mean Yes and your No mean No.

  238. Riley 说:
    @Just another serf

    所有这些都令人怀疑,并被证明主要是西方的宣传。 说真的,谁想要用人类制成的肥皂? 你怎么能真正让人们去人类屠宰场和工厂做这种怪诞的工作呢? 毒气室也是不行的。 你自己看看,读一些真实的历史,而不是我记得我自己教过的五年级的老故事。

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  239. @Riley

    Are you sure he was serious – about grandma and the box of soap? He sounded serious but still I thought he must be joking. Yeah who’d want to wash themselves with the fat of dead dirty ….

  240. 至少没有灌溉禁令……软管生意正在蓬勃发展!

  241. L.K 说:

    No, the Germans are not back until they throw off the yoke of the 70 years plus slander. Number of gas chambers = zero.

    So TRUE.

  242. @Talha

    确实如此。即:“Einstuerzende Neubauten”(=倒塌的新公寓楼)。

    • 同意: Talha
  243. @DvE

    Those Syrian “refugees” were swept up into a hurricane of deception. Largely, recent converts to the Salafist and Wahabi fundamentalism —beyond even their original immersion in Muslim Brotherhood extremism—these people joined the revolt against their duly elected government. After Russia aided the righteous government against attacks fomented by the usual suspects of the New World Order bankster cabal; these “refugees” felt the need to get outta Dodge—PRONTO.


  244. @AReply

    Correct. What are governments and more importantly doctors supposed to do with hospitals in now even rural areas in the US pleading with people not to go to the hospital for even emergencies because they have no room? Even the reddest red state governors have given in and are mandating masks in spite of themselves and their own prior lack of judgement. Seems like there is irrational denial all around on a scale that would have been hard to imagine a year ago. Just as dead men tell no tales, the volumes of sick people don’t lie. Denial in the face of all that is one more symptom of the current insanity. Here in Portland Oregon there are no such problems, people are cooperating to a large degree and life is going on. If there are any denialists about they are keeping their head down and their mouth shut.

    A real concern however is that the two vaccines developed in the US by Pfizer and Moderna are messenger RNA vaccines and they would be the first two ever licensed. They are artificially engineered to supposedly target only the C virus, but no one knows what any long term side effects might be from possible autoimmune disorders or other problems. The Astrazeneca vaccine developed in England through Oxford is a modified monkey virus, in my mind safer since coming from an actual virus, but still not a standard vaccine. I get flu shots every year and just got the newest shingles vaccine. So not an antivaxxer, but still have concerns about these new ones, because no one really knows what will happen with them and there will be great pressure to take them so everyone can declare the crisis “over”.

    Also re Germany. I was in Munich for Christmas some years ago. The family we were with said in high schools they teach WWII, then ancient Rome, then WWII, then the French Revolution, then WWII . .. They go out of the way to show themselves and the world they have learned the lessons of the past and want their populace to be aware. Also all my ggparents were born there and all descendants married into German families until my generation. So I am as German as anyone and accept whatever that means.

    • 回复: @utu
  245. Art 说:

    如果我们能摆脱你他妈的**** Besatzungsmacht we had a country that runs much more better than any US letsplundertheworld voter can imagine.

    嗯——当你输掉一场由你的精英煽动的战争时,你们这些小家伙就会受苦。 (第一次世界大战 – 第二次世界大战)


    ps 你们的精英认为你们小德国人不配言论自由。

    • 回复: @a_german
    , @L.K
  246. Skeptikal 说:

    Ladies, ladies, please, take your meds.

  247. Skeptikal 说:


    就像墨尔本的一名孕妇,由于 FB 上的一条帖子,警察破门而入后,她在自己的公寓里受到了惊吓。 。 。

    You tell it yourself, Melbourne is not in Germany, but same problems arise.”

    For heaven’s sake, calm down!

    I didn’t say Melbourne was Germany. Obviously, I said that that video of Andreas Noack looked *喜欢* what occurred in Melbourne. And that it was worrying.

    I said, “I hope you are right.” Remember? Look again.

    我同意第三帝国士兵的照片不合时宜。事实上,这个标题有点不合时宜。 (尽管我最近读到的关于德国/默克尔在欧盟内部采取的与 SARS-CoV-2 无关的举措的分析表明了类似的情况。)

    但主照片很可能展示了柏林警察对柏林抗议者的粗暴对待和水弹袭击。这是诚实的,也是相当令人担忧的。正是因为德国战后的 Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung 进程让世界期望德国能够保持最高标准。


    • 回复: @a_german
  248. @Rurik

    America is a “done deal” and has been since the (((Federal Reserve Act of 1913))).

    Speaking of the Kushner(s)… elite Jews* are going slant eye with yellow fever in a big way.

    While president Trump bashes China, his grandchildren are learning Mandarin from a Chinese nanny.

    So can we conclude from this that the anti-China rhetoric that will lead to another world war is nothing more than the same fake Jewish dialectics that got the dumb goyim to fight in WW1 and WW2?

    *Billionaire Jew Mark Zuckerberg could have had any beautiful shiksa, if not Jewess, he wanted, but instead chose an ugly Chinese–no doubt he was commanded by higher-ups—and they have two ‘chibrew’ (Chinese+Hebrew) offsprings together as of today.

    Hmmm… will the 21st Century be the Chibrew Century, I wonder? lol

    • 同意: Rurik
    • 回复: @JM
  249. Luk Brown 说:


    • 回复: @a_german
  250. Anonymous[401]• 免责声明 说:

    >”Make way for the muslims”


    • 回复: @Metropole
  251. Anonymous[401]• 免责声明 说:

    >”we are not separate kids from their parents”


    So when adults commit crimes…like aliens do when they enter the USA ILLEGALLY…you put their kids behind bars, too?



    > “If the USA stop selling weapons to foreighn countrys and stay out of those countrys than most of the refugee problems we have are solved.”

    同意。唉,犹太复国主义分子通过 AIPAC-of-Liars 来管理美国。

    >”you can try to give the 30 million people who are now living on foodstamps a proper job.”

    They’d properly refuse. Why work when you can live large as an aggrieved mbutu or oppressed Aztec?

  252. @John Johnson

    Everything is blamed on Jews and Americans but here in reality a German Christian woman opened the floodgates

    This shit AGAIN ??

    Merkel is an ex-STASI (ie. Communist, ie. atheist, ie. non-Christian) Jew.

    ie. Jew.



    • 回复: @John Johnson
  253. utu 说:
    @Akakai Akakaikovitch

    “Seems like there is irrational denial all around on a scale that would have been hard to imagine a year ago. “ – There are several Satans busily working to make it so.

  254. utu 说:
    @Majority of One

    Viking’s chief occupation was to capture Europeans and sell them to Jewish and Arab slave traders.

    • 回复: @Majority of One
  255. utu 说:

    Note to Unz: These articles are poisonous garbage. – He knows it. He can’t resist the numbers of clicks. And he fears the wrath of his libertarian god who disapproves of censorship.

  256. Curmudgeon 说:

    Thanks I will find that video.
    Despite Wagner’s personal moral shortcomings with Cosima, I have always seen deep morality in his works. I’ve probably listened to the Pilgrims’ chorus from Tannhauser 100 times, but it still moves me.

    I know several women that having heard the “Bridal Chorus” (Treulich geführt) from Lohengrin as it is sung/played in the opera, wondered how the thundering version played on organs came to be so popular.

    • 回复: @GeeBee
  257. eisenberg 说:

    what has all this to do with Germany..? this happens all around the world..

  258. Stonehands 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “I’m still not exactly wearing a mask though. In my area, you can get by with just a face shield, so that’s what I’m doing….”

    Whoa… you’re a real revolutionary, fuckwit.

    Your credibility just went flying out the window.

  259. lysias 说:

    Dr. Andreas Noack was just arrested, apparently for violating the Infektionsschutzgesetz by expressing heretical thoughts about coronavirus during a videoconference.

    Meanwhile, Maryland Governor Hogan has set up a system under which citizens can report others who violate the mask mandate.

  260. AndrewR 说:

    Oy vey guess we need to nuke them, youz guyz

  261. JM 说:

    Agree with your well considered comment, though I’m not even sure that Trump contracted the disease as the test is non-specific. To my lights he played the game altogether too much, rather than providing an even stronger focus of real resistance. Not hard to see why because the pressure was enormous; it – Coviditis – being – as defined elsewhere – the counterpart to 9-11 for the new Global Technocratic settings.

  262. Stonehands: “Your credibility just went flying out the window. ”

    Oh no! I’ve lost my “credibility” in the eyes of a useless mask-wearing moron? LOL. Good riddance.

    • 回复: @Stonehands
  263. Metropole 说:


    Allah ist der Größte

    • 哈哈: Talha
  264. JM 说:

    MAXIM: It’s IMPOSSIBLE for one to be too cynical when it comes to “politics”…

  265. @Dave Bowman

    Merkel is an ex-STASI (ie. Communist, ie. atheist, ie. non-Christian) Jew.

    ie. Jew.



    I see no reason to believe that.

    She grew up in Eastern Germany but there is no evidence that she was Stasi.

    Not sure what that would prove anyways since around 20% of the population was recruited to snitch or spy in some form.

    Why is it so hard to believe that a Lutheran would be for open borders?

    • 回复: @JM
    , @Anonymous
  266. JM 说:

    I heard on the video from “RFK”…”the opposite of Nazi-ism…” and I’m reminded of a recent Unz contributor who drew the distinction between the Chinese Social Points system and that of the nascent Western version…the author correctly pointed out that the former was opposite in intent to the latter: that for the Chinese government, the enhancement of Han supremacy was paramount, whereas in the West, subversion of the European natives/founders was the name of the game. I am driven to ask the hypothetical question: “How would the Nazis have responded to the current and looming demands of the Global Oligarchs”? The answer – based on all their responses to similar demands – is absolutely clear and they wouldn’t have required RFK to give them any leadership as to how to respond. One would have to be a coward or a retard to imagine otherwise.

  267. “德国人回来了”,对吧? 你有没有厌倦过你的德国恐惧症? 您是否渴望温妮和富兰克林与犹太银行国际合作并推翻国家社会主义的美好时光? 太糟糕了,犹太权力让你在民权的平权行动中失去了一些钉子,但没有什么是完美的,对吧?

    • 同意: Arcadian
  268. JM 说:
    @John Johnson

    I’m certain you’re right on both counts. All denominations, Protestant and Roman Catholic have become outsourced “service providers” in the Immigration Industry, all with their well paid lay “CEO’s” and associated bureaucracies. It is also true that the Roman Catholics – as an organisation – led the charge in fostering the flow of Catholic Latin Americans into the USA from the 60’s on, and they are still at it. After all, demographically, it’s a Third World religion, not just because of the success in missionary work, but also because of the decline in religiosity in the Western nations.

    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
  269. Arcadian 说:

    是的,这也是我的第一个想法:如果这是 US-160IQer 表达自己的方式,那么其余的人会使用什么样的语言?难怪美国正在衰落。

  270. Arcadian 说:


  271. Arcadian 说:



  272. GeeBee 说:

    I’ve saved you the trouble! It’s here:

  273. @Dr. Robert Morgan

    > “I suggest you have more confidence in your own Aryan genetic superiority, and discard the mask. Or maybe you aren’t so Aryan after all?”

    I thought, I made it clear that I consider the Aryan race an objective failure. Every single Aryan nation has died out or is at best going extinct at this point. From India to Mexico. The prognosis isn’t inspiring.

    Although it is true that visions such as this do make me melancholic. The Aryan race did pursue beauty once. But it is also true that it is no longer alive. What do you think, Robert Morgan, when looking at this footage from Negro Frank Capra’s anti-racist propaganda film? Does your Christian soul flinch from seeing children worshipping the Führer?

    These days, such beauty can only be found in the DPR of Korea.

    • 谢谢: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  274. a_german [AKA“ A_German ..”] 说:
    @Luk Brown




  275. a_german [AKA“ A_German ..”] 说:




  276. a_german [AKA“ A_German ..”] 说:

    嗯——当你输掉一场由你的精英煽动的战争时,你们这些小家伙就会受苦。 (第一次世界大战 – 第二次世界大战)






    然而,如果我必须在中国、俄罗斯和美国之间做出选择,我总是会选择后者。他们只想要钱和某种控制权。不是《Kotau vor dem Drachenthron》,你永远不知道中国民族主义者微笑背后的想法。


    • 哈哈: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @EugeneGur
    , @HeebHunter
  277. Reaper 说:

    在这里,婴儿先接种 DPaT-IPV-HIB,然后再接种第二次 DTPa-IPV。
    在 15 个月大时进行一次 MMR,并在 11 岁时进行第二次 MMR。

    BCG and Hepatitis B right in the hospital – but that is not compulsury to give birth in hospital, so who did not goes there not obligated, so semi-compulsory.


    “Is it a coincidence that an extraordinary percentage of kids are diagnosed with behavioral and mental problems? I don’t think so.”



    1. 最明显的因素之一是母亲的年龄。
    The ideal age for the mother for the first child is about 17 – 22 years old. Some claim 15 – 25 years old.
    For example in Russia doctors officially determine 30+ women as “old mother”. and advocate against to have baby over 35 years (old women), because there are too much chance for various birth defects and life long health problems.
    40 岁的母亲生出患有唐氏综合症婴儿的几率是 10,000 岁母亲的 20 倍(即一万倍)。

    So the liberal-feminist-genderist scum, study-university-carrier madness have the goal to have babies in late-age or not at all… And by this helps the handicapped lobby who can join their ranks in various protests/ demonstrations.

    2. 缺乏母乳喂养:
    如果母亲至少 6 个月(但最好是第一年)没有母乳喂养,将会导致问题:婴儿的普通健康问题和心理健康问题。


    So there are ADHD corn flakes, cancer cookies, dementia cake, xeno-estrogen soup, liver-destructor hamburger, etc…
    想要健康并喝含维生素 C 的无糖饮料的人 = 当甜味剂与人体内的维生素 C 发生反应时,患癌症的风险很高(所以不是在实验室测试中,但与 GBL-GHB 类似)。

    Off course there is not big profit if people healthy so need to diagnose them with illness, mental health problems, whatever. Parents also contribute when relaxed: well not they are incompetent, and stupid, but the kid have some kind of mental health/ chemical balance problems, they are not responsible… 😛


  278. EugeneGur 说:


    If you survive, that is. By the way things are going, you might not. the US is becoming increasingly irrational to the point approaching insanity, so in their desire for money/control they might embroil us all – you in particular (I presume you are German) – in some kind of deadly squabble.

    And you do realize, I hope, that if any brawl with Russia, even a local one, does happen, the Germans wouldn’t even be taken prisoners, for old time’s sake?



    Really? Tell this to about 20 million dead in wars the US started since 1991. But as usual, Untermenschen don’t matter, do they? You keep true to form.

    I don’t know about your relatives but in DDR not everyone was so happy about the takeover, not when they realized that that “democracy” actually meant.

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @A_German
  279. L.K 说:

    And you do realize, I hope, that if any brawl with Russia, even a local one, does happen, the Germans wouldn’t even be taken prisoners, for old time’s sake?

    YAWNN… this Russian chauvinist, “tough guy” BS act on the Net has grown old already.

  280. L.K 说:

    嗯——当你输掉一场由你的精英煽动的战争时,你们这些小家伙就会受苦。 (第一次世界大战 – 第二次世界大战)



    此外,罗斯福政府竭尽全力在欧洲煽动针对德国的战争,这在 1938 年就已经发生了。



    • 同意: Zarathustra, Arcadian
    • 谢谢: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @karel
    , @John Johnson
    , @Skeptikal
  281. HeebHunter 说:

    Why don’t you thank them for the turks too? Do it enough and we might get another bucket of niggercum and more free orders of submarines from Israel.


    • 回复: @A_German
  282. HeebHunter 说:

    The Almighty will always cast a blood curse upon the sinners who murdered his prophets.
    The Arabs venerated theirs, the Asians are not keen to succumb to amimutt/anglo/jew bullshit.
    Which is why no matter what, these races have always been fruitful, will remain so and reach the stars eventually. A little longer for muslims, but their billionaire will have the first tickets too, LOL.

    Even with such a gracious Savior, huwhites literally can’t just kneel down before Him and repent. Not to man, but to him. Failures indeed. Like some rotten junkies, high on kosher materials and dopamine.
    I guess worshipping KIKES/Christkillers give you some kind of mental stimuli?

  283. HeebHunter 说:

    So this is how amerimutts think about >150 IQ people and their intelligence.
    Holy shit. What a riot!

  284. Athena 说:

    德国政府故意安置恋童癖儿童 30 年

  285. Athena 说:

    The “deniers.” The “deviants.” The “foreigners.” The “strangers.” The “Covidiots.” The “virus spreaders.”

    They PROTECT PEDOPHILES.Are you willing to become their Guinée Pigs for their experiments:


  286. Fox 说:
    @Majority of One

    I’ll add to your example of ‘smor’ that in German it is quite possible, particularly in the North, to speak of ‘Schmierbrot’, i.e., buttered bread, hence I would count the stem ‘schmier’, ‘smor’, ‘smear’, although connoting different things with a common core, as Germanic. ‘Lachs’ is the word for salmon in German, one can also call it ‘Salm’. but since salmon also occurred in Southern Germany, it must be assumed that it had a name, which I think was ‘Lachs’, just as in Scandinavia. In my mind there is no clear distinction between Germanic and Nordic and the Pantheon of Gods is the same among all Germanics.

    • 谢谢: Reaper
  287. Fox 说:

    Do you know where the picture was taken?

  288. Sissie 说:

    It functions like a cult, totalitarianism. It creeps up on you, little by little, little lie by little lie, accommodation by accommodation, rationalization by rationalization … until one day you find yourself taking orders from some twisted little narcissistic nihilist on a mission to remake the entire world.

    “The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”

    = 我的奋斗

    • 回复: @Fox
  289. So, in short, the situation in Germany is much like the situation in any WHO-WEF-UN-obedient nation worldwide. That’s no news. What baffles me and many others is the devastating effect in all those countries alike, no matter where in the world they are and under what kind of regime. Governments everywhere, of sound mind and with plenty of expert advisors around them, consider flushing their economy and their people’s social structures down the drain as a lesser evil. I think that this phenomenon on a worldwide scale is a first in history.

  290. Anonymous[509]• 免责声明 说:
    @John Johnson

    What? There is no evidence? You got to be joking or deliberately trolling.


    He entire bio is fiction, and there is serious evidence, one part of the family is of polish jewish origin, Kaczmierczak.

    Go back in your bunker and do the proper research, you might wonder what is in the Rosenholz files, the Americans had confiscated/stolen/cleaned for 15 years.
    These files are full of double agents, many of which are jewish, like Rosenholz already suggests by name.
    Merkel helped to actively surveil eg Robert Hafemann, a dissident.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  291. A_German 说:

    将这一点告诉美国自 20 年以来发动的战争中大约 1991 万人死亡的人。



  292. A_German 说:






  293. A_German 说:



    只是为了提供一些有用的意见。在询问一些东德公民时,他们给出的答案是 FDJ 几乎是强制性的。但没有人被迫采取积极立场。只有所谓的 110percenters 做到了。


  294. Anon[118]• 免责声明 说:

    No middle class, no oppo to Talmudo World Order. Israel = covid19.

  295. A_German 说:





    所以给我一个使用同一个名字的机会。 🙂

  296. karel 说: • 您的网站



    德皇威廉二世和他白痴的儿子可能只是奴才,就像第二次世界大战后被召唤的无数人一样 米特劳弗 .



    • 回复: @Fox
  297. They may not be the Germans, but in Canada the Toronto government has arrested a restaurant owner for opening during the current 28-day lockdown. It looks like they arrested the guy with half the police force including some cavalry unit to suppress the bystanders.


    • 回复: @Another Canadian
  298. Fox 说:

    Yes, that is how he (Hitler) described the tactics of the L E F T, the enemies of freedom. I believe it was the Hungarian Communists who coined the term Salami Tactics for this mode of gaining control, as with a salami, one thin slice at a time will eventually reduce the original sausage to nothing.

  299. Fox 说:


    • 回复: @Arcadian
  300. Arcadian 说:



    • 回复: @karel
    , @Fox
  301. @Anonymous

    Where is her Stasi file?

    If she was a high level snitch there would corroborating evidence.

    I don’t believe for one second that she was seriously involved with stasi.

    She is exactly like our religious egalitarians in the US.

    In her mind if we are just nice to communists and muslims everything will somehow work out.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  302. @L.K




    It was a gamble that didn’t work.


    I don’t think the US should have entered WW1 but the narrative of innocent Germany is total garbage.

  303. @German_reader


  304. karel 说:


  305. @Another Canadian

    Back in Toronto, it looks like Ontario Premier Doug Ford didn’t get much sleep last night.

  306. Anonymous[480]• 免责声明 说:
    @John Johnson

    What you believe is totally irrelevant, facts are relevant, and the facts are, Merkel was a Stasi IM “Erika” and secretary for agitation and propaganda.
    Mr Gauck, Stasi IM “Larve” was made head of the Stasi archive, go figure you muppet.

    Belief is not knowing, and I know, among many other Germans, even the junk media reported.
    IM Erika received the Lessing medal.

    Dein dummes Geschwätz ist egal, Fakten zählen.

    • 回复: @John Johnson
  307. Skeptikal 说:

    “Neither war was “instigated” by the German elites.

    But your country, Art, the USA, had a big hand in setting Europe up for disaster by unnecessarily entering WWI at the side of the Entente, and then, helping the British and French impose on Germany territorial and economic punishments that guaranteed a new war in the near future.”

    Granted, Wilhelm II was a dimwit who did a lot of strutting and made poor decisions. One of the worst being to fire Bismarck. Pretty much everyone knew this (that Wilhelm was an empty uniform). Certainly the Austrians did. However, all of the “elite” of Europe, if you consider the reigning monarchs as the elite (they were all basically cousins), were hamstrung via treaties and put in the squeeze.
    Some historians assert that the war really was started by “sub-elites,” particularly generals in all quarters, who thought they could make some quick gains and get payback for various previous losses. Fools who actually thought they would get the troops “home by Christmas.”

    Regarding “who started it” the British started their blockade of Germany in 1914. Very stupid. Naturally the Germans followed suit, and so they blockaded each other. The British Navy was bigger and stronger but Germany had submarines. The consensus nowadays is that the sinking of the Lusitania was a FF, so to speak. The USA entering the war at the 11th hour instead of staying out of it as promised to the American people (a population that included a hefty population of German Americans) prolonged it and led directly to the disastrous form of the defeat of Germany, further starvation caused by the prolonged blockade, political chaos in Germany, the “Dolchstoss,” etc. Led directly to Hitler and the next war.

  308. Anon[335]• 免责声明 说:


    Your problem is that you keep changing your Email. Keep the same Name and Email. If you can’t figure out something so simple, you can’t comment on this website

    Point to you, give me a chance.

    The author is a political

    satirist. This is satire. Sorry to say that those who took it seriously have been

    Meanwhile i found the source of this nonsense. Over zerohedge, they are able to cite the source.

    So i have to state that northstream 2 , which is currently useless because NS! 1 is not on full capacity, is nothing more than a hidden hyperloop to invade Russia. Or depending on our treatis with this other Reich of evil, Open europes Heartland for Russian invaders. Sorry to miss your topic with some serious comments.

  309. Robjil 说:

    Some Poles have mentioned that the former German regions of Poland were settled with many Jews after WWII. This paper confirms that such a thing happened. Also it confirms that many Polish Jews went to the Soviet Union during WWII.


    Moreover, the Polish authorities were under pressure to put
    the “recovered territories” or “regained territories” (ziemie odzyskane) into operation quickly. They feared that, if their efforts failed, the Allied powers might
    hand these areas back to Germany.
    As a consequence, they tried to create facts via the exchange of population. A possible restitution of these areas to Germany in combination with the expulsion of Holocaust survivors would not have created positive public opinion in the Western societies.
    There was also a significant lack of an urban population in Szczecin and other former German towns, and Jews were now meant to fill this population gap. The following years saw a decline in the city’s cultural, social, and economic life (in comparison to the prewar era).
    The resettlement of Jews—mainly considered
    an urban population—was meant to counter this population decrease. The
    Jewish repatriates originally came from cities such as Warsaw (Warszawa),Lwów (Lviv/Lemberg), Wilna (Wilno/Vilnius), and Łódź (Lodz), but also from
    smaller towns all over Poland, and a relatively high number of professionals and craftsmen were found among them. Municipal companies, newly created institutions, and the reconstruction after the war caused an additional need for manpower in places like Szczecin.

    The majority of the Jewish settlers
    were Polish Jews who had been deported from the Soviet-occupied parts of Poland and had been taken to Siberia following Stalin’s orders in 1940–41.

  310. Wally 说:

    “I trust that your comment is pure sarcasm.”

    If not, I recommend :

    “犹太肥皂”,作者马克·韦伯(Mark Weber): https://codoh.com/library/document/jewish-soap/en/
    Soap and Lampshades: The Lies Persist, y Richard A. Widmann: https://codoh.com/library/document/soap-and-lampshades-the-lies-persist/en/

    多多e: https://codoh.com/search/?sorting=relevance&q=soap

    And not to be missed, you’ll see the staged ‘human skin lampshade, shrunken heads, tattooed skin placed on tables by the Allies and the likes of Hollywood’s Billy Wilder 这里:
    movie / 布痕瓦尔德(Buchenwald)-愚蠢的邪恶写照,由DenierBud撰写

    • 回复: @noname27
  311. Bronek 说:


  312. Bronek 说:


  313. Anonymous[210]• 免责声明 说:

    I believe that Chancellor Merkel is part Jewish.

  314. 我只是想在一个有很多人发表不同观点的博客上说这一点。我想再次感谢 Ron Unz,他显然具有罕见的品格和正派,允许这个免费论坛。如果您阅读本文,我真诚地感谢罗恩。

  315. @Wally

    Then I recommend you post your comment to him, not me.

  316. @Anonymous

    That was a picture from a tabloid.

    You didn’t even provide a link to a story let alone a reputable historical source.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  317. Anonymous[125]• 免责声明 说:
    @John Johnson

    Look you gatekeeping clown, the proof is in the Robert Havemann file the Stasi kept on him.
    You know, it was possible to get access to these files, after Stasi headquarters had been occupied by protesters. There is an entire Stasi archive, but its hard to get access these days, since ex Stasi members control the damn archive.
    Where do you think “IM Erika” has been uncovered from, eh? Or “IM Larve” Gauck, “IM Tulpe” Genscher, “IM Nelke” Steinbrück, “IM Viktoria” Anetta Kahane and the list could go on and on.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Fox
    , @John Johnson
  318. Anonymous[125]• 免责声明 说:

    Worth to note, these ex Stasi members are all Markus Wolf people, who would in his late years be involved building up the DHS in the US.

    The posted “IM Erika” photo is also from the Havemann file.

  319. Fox 说:

    I remember reading many years ago that the Stasi files had been brought to the US. If so, for the time being, they can’t at least be shredded by the current regime in Berlin and a potential indictment with all the facts of these people is still a possibility when the winds will have turned.

  320. Auch Gast 说:

    So tiresome. But this anti-German BS is baked in into the “Western” narrative. That is why the “West” has to die, so that the German people and all other real Europeans can live.

    • 同意: HeebHunter
  321. @Anonymous

    Once you again you have no links to support your allegation and all you have is an image from a tabloid. That’s your problem not mine. I don’t make unsupported allegations and then tell people to find their own proof. That’s a logical fallacy.

    I already pointed out that it wouldn’t make a difference if they had a file on her anyways.

    They had files on everyone and around 20% of the population had been recruited to spy or snitch. That doesn’t mean they supported the state or Marxism. The Stasi would pressure people to spy through fear. They would threaten to kidnap your wife if you didn’t spy on your boss or friend.

    If she had been a high ranking officer like Putin then that would be cause for concern. But there would be piles of evidence if that was the case since she would have been known to Western intelligence agencies.

    From what I had read she was a fuzzy headed egalitarian from youth which would have made her unappealing to the Stasi except as maybe a minor informant. They didn’t trust idealists or egalitarians and preferred recruits that were cold and calculating. So she didn’t have the personality type they were looking for.

    If it were up to me I would drop Merkel and similar traitorous ilk into the middle of Liberia to give them a full taste of the third world they seem to think is good for the west. But doesn’t that mean I’m going to support rumors or unfounded allegations. We don’t have to lie. It really is that simple. Merkel and similar liberals are globalists and their actions are on full display.

    • 回复: @Fox
  322. anon666 说:

    这条俄罗斯-德国石油/天然气管道对以色列人来说是一个非常严重的问题。它大大削弱了他们的东地中海地缘政治。这就是所有这些宣传报道的背后。明智的德国人和欧元欢迎与俄罗斯/中国的互动,但以色列的宣传犯(字面意思,顺便说一句,就像腐败的西方所有右翼宣传一样)竭尽全力模仿以色列为马克·莱文(Mark Levin)等同性恋者服务的胡言乱语,以保持“大以色列”的噩梦首先体现在西方的政策目标上。

  323. Fox 说:
    @John Johnson

    You mean to say that a Career Communist such as Merkel would not have spied on the people around her as potential enemies of the state she is engaged in becoming a reliable pillar of? What kind of information would you accept as showing evidence of her being a snitch?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  324. Stonehands 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “Oh no! I’ve lost my “credibility” in the eyes of a useless mask-wearing moron? LOL…”

    Are you fucking retarded? You stated you wear a pseudo-welding shield in lieu of a mask, as if you’re some sort of iconoclast. I don’t wear any masks you dumb cunt.

  325. Anonymous[520]• 免责声明 说:

    The same type of utter madness can be currently observed in regard to US selections.
    The Stasi thing and Markus Wolf give some yet unmentioned context in regard to the confirmed raid on a CIA/Mossad(remains unmentioned) compound, “Scytl” in Frankfurt recently, in which according to reports, US military had casualties.
    The same kind of people who refuse evidence also run the “covid” psyop to achieve communism 3.0 “great reset”. Its like “holocaust” 2.0 religion, because 1.0 wears off and fails.

    You can’t convince or reasonable argue with ideologically driven cults, who hate the truth, who live the lie.

    “John Johnson” is free to apply for Stasi archive access, I doubt it will be granted, and could take years.

  326. @Just another serf

    不要忘记,德国人在 1943 年和 1945 年期间使用毒气室杀害了 XNUMX 万犹太人和 XNUMX 万非犹太人。此外,他们还缩小了这些受害者的头,并用他们解放的尸体制作了肥皂


    Not the six million $$$ man number again…..The population of Germany was 55 million at that time and there were supposedly 6 million Cheews.

  327. Fox 说:


    • 回复: @Arcadian
  328. Piglet 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Where will the eastbound trains go? To places like Auschwitz in occupied Poland, of course.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  329. Arcadian 说:


    • 同意: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  330. Arcadian 说:


    • 回复: @Authenticjazzman
    , @Reaper
  331. HeebHunter 说:


  332. @Piglet

    Well, eastbound from where? Poland is across the ocean (and then some), hence no train service.

  333. @Arcadian


    废话。 你不知道你在说什么。 波兰人只是想逃避转变为“Links/Gruen”德国人强加给他们的左翼 PC 疯人院。


    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  334. Reaper 说:

    “Now the Polish are dreaming to become a regional superpower under the shelter of US. ”


    波兰还试图抵制一些有毒的意识形态来统治他们的土地,从极端自由主义到性别游说团体。事实上,波兰的大部分地区都是正式的 LGBT 自由区:


  335. HeebHunter 说:

    Have you lost your “170 IQ” badge from the mess hall or what?

    • 哈哈: Commentator Mike
    • 回复: @Tom Rogers
  336. Alexandros 说:
    @Majority of One

    The word “Germanic” is certainly of a newer variant, but it’s just a name. The people it denotes, and their language, have existed far longer than either Nordics or Germans. They are both subsets of that original race.

    Germans may have been a bit overly nationalistic and taken in by the Nordic ideal, but they were not wrong to consider “the German”, which includes all of North West Europe, the original forebear of the Nordic people. But this did not apply to modern Germany. Adolf Hitler himself considered Germany to be the most mixed Germanic country in Europe, and he surmised that is why they were “better at everything” because they had a larger variety of racial traits to draw from.

    That last part I find particularly interesting from a leader who created “Naziism”.

    Hitler also believed that the best strains settled in the best areas. I think the quote is something like “in the mountains you find the dumbest people, but in the fertile valleys you will find the best and most beautiful members of our race. No doubt the weaker race was displaced and had to settle in the poor mountains, while the victorious Germans settled the good farm land”.

    The Danes can sometimes call Norwegians “mountain monkey’s”.

    • 回复: @Reaper
    , @Majority of One
  337. Tom Rogers 说:


  338. Reaper 说:

    “Adolf Hitler himself considered Germany to be the most mixed Germanic country in Europe, and he surmised that is why they were “better at everything” because they had a larger variety of racial traits to draw from. ”

    Based on the survival of other tribes which (can) prove worth.

    “No doubt the weaker race was displaced and had to settle in the poor mountains, while the victorious Germans settled the good farm land”. ”

    First generation can conquer, later generations are became too well-kept, so became weaker, and get conquered again by stronger ones because hardships and laws of nature fall upon hardly on the ones who live in poor areas.
    Same as when a talented man creates an empire from virtually nothing, while his sons/ grandsons get it on a silver plate, and will be Prodigal Son and business gets bankrupt.
    Or the same what happened with the Roman Empire regardless of good farm lands when the barbarians with minimal needs come, or centuries later when the Mongols/ Tatars come from… the same direction, from the waste-praire.

    Anyway what about Swiss? 🙂 Just as a non-barbarian example.
    Those mountain men were quite popular from cc. 1100 – 1900 as guards/ bodyguards for noble families, also as mercenaries in various armies before armies became regular/national.
    Still up to day Swiss is a military stronghold and that was long time ago when somebody have the delusion: capable to invade and keep that territory. So they did not try.

    • 回复: @Fox
  339. Fox 说:

    The German-Swiss are Alemans, a tribal bands ties them to the Germans in Swabia and Alsace, hence they are Germans by blood. They split from the Reich in the Middle Ages due to differences they had with the German Emperor (or, more accurately, the Roman Emperor, the supreme title of the German king). Interestingly, the Habsburgs ancestral home is in Switzerland.

    • 同意: Reaper
  340. JI 说:


    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Arcadian
  341. @Alexandros


    前几天,这个网站上的一些雅虎(但不是帖子)“纠正”了我,因为我注意到,由于他们在罗马军事占领下长达几个世纪,那些精力充沛的百夫长会在他们发现一双可展开的腿的任何地方传播他们的基因。他引用了一项来自巴巴利亚某个偏僻山谷的 DNA 研究,那里无论如何没有其他人愿意去那里。这种特殊性确实具有日耳曼父系的均匀流动——几乎完全如此。在瑞士的黑森林、奥地利的大部分地区以及几乎所有山区,情况也是如此,在那里,整个军团都需要驯服当地人,以强加“文明”。

    然而,当我们考虑到莱茵兰地区、巴伐利亚、法兰克尼亚、黑森州以及德国南部和西部其他肥沃、平坦的肥沃土地时,来自整个罗马帝国的男性 DNA 就会比比皆是。荷兰和比利时的弗拉芒地区也是如此。



    例如,以“rud”或“rude”结尾的北欧名字在词源学上是英语术语“a rude hut”的基础。这些通常是年幼的儿子和不受宠的女儿,他们长途跋涉进入小山谷,因为他们不享有继承父母通常很小的农场的一部分的特权。从这些人身上,挪威诞生了南森、阿蒙森和后来的托尔·海尔达尔等先驱者和伟大的探险家。瑞典领先的探险家诺登舍尔德发现了穿越西伯利亚顶部的东北通道,阿蒙森穿过现在的加拿大北极岛屿建立了西北通道。

    正如我的 Vestre Toten 后裔父亲所描述的那样,丹麦语“就像嘴里叼着一堆土豆泥的挪威人”。丹麦人是一个非常安逸和满足的民族,尽管他们曾经非常凶猛。这是因为他们是平原人——就像定居在北达科他州的挪威人一样。人们可以通过阅读克努特·汉姆生的《土壤的生长》获得更多见解。




    • 回复: @Fox
    , @Alexandros
    , @Insouciant
  342. Fox 说:
    @Majority of One


    • 同意: Arcadian, GeeBee
    • 回复: @Majority of One
  343. A Corn 说:




  344. Seraphim 说:

    That brings to mind the characterization of Germans by Tolstoy (if anyone had read ‘War and Peace’):

    ”[Genaral] Pfuel was one of those hopelessly and immutably self-confident men, self-confident to the point of martyrdom as only Germans are, because only Germans are self-confident on the basis of an abstract notion- science, that is, the supposed knowledge of absolute truth… The German’s self-assurance is worst of all, stronger and more repulsive than any other, because he imagines that he knows the truth- science- which he himself has invented but which is for him the absolute truth.
    Pfuel 显然属于这种类型。 他有一门科学——他从腓特烈大帝的战争史中推导出的斜向运动理论,在他看来,他在近代战争史中所遇到的一切都是荒谬而野蛮的——在其中犯下如此多错误的可怕碰撞双方都认为这些战争不能称为战争,它们不符合理论,因此不能作为科学的材料。
    In 1806 Pfuel had been one of those responsible, for the plan of campaign that ended in Jena and Auerstadt, but he did not see the least proof of the fallibility of his theory in the disasters of that war. On the contrary, the deviations made from his theory were, in his opinion, the sole cause of the whole disaster, and with characteristically gleeful sarcasm he would remark, ‘There, I said the whole affair would go to the devil!’ Pfuel was one of those theoreticians who so love their theory that they lose sight of the theory’s object- its practical application. His love of theory made him hate everything practical, and he would not listen to it. He was even pleased by failures, for failures resulting from deviations in practice from the theory only proved to him the accuracy of his theory”.

    They still can’t understand how they lost two wars when their plans were so good.

    • 回复: @Achilles Wannabe
  345. @Fox




    • 回复: @John Johnson
  346. Arcadian 说:

    无处不在——从儿童游乐场到CR——告诉我如何行事:“不要这样做,不要那样做”,我们在德国没有这样的数量。我觉得自己被视为一个低能的白痴,你必须向他解释日常生活中最基本的事情。 “遵守规则”就这么多了。

  347. Alexandros 说:
    @Majority of One


    He says it in his Platterhof speech from 1944. You can read it on Carolyn’s site.

    Yes, Hitler had a great instinct for truth. Interesting admissions for a “racist” and an “Aryan supremacist”.





    Scandinavia is not some land with the toughest genetic material because only the cool guys dared to move here. If there is truth to that statement, it is because our sheer distance to enemies and freeloaders have so far kept the genetic material more pure than those to the South. There is still plenty of mixture in these countries, and I’m not talking about recently. We can still enjoy having women of greater sexual interest to dominating Jews and roaming blacks I guess.

    The “Tisk” word sounds like it could be related to Twix, as in “Twixland”, the root for “Tyskland” (Scandinavian name for Germany). I know in very ancient times the Nordics around Denmark, Norway and Holland did not have a very high opinion of these Twisklanders, who were outcasts or adventure seekers of their race who had mated with Tartar women. That’s the main reason the Nazi Government banned the book, despite espousing ideals very friendly to National Socialism. There is also a connection to the Scots who were “convicts” sent to the British Isles to work the tin mines. They were supposedly branded with a blue mark on their face to mark their status, which is why that later became a cultural thing for the Scots (who looked up to these domineering Nordics).

    Try it if you want an eye opening portrayal of early Nordic history: http://www.oeralinda.be/

    Thinking about it, it is far more likely for the tribe of Dan and the Daanan conquerors of Ireland to have their origin in seafaring Denmark, instead of having travelled all the way from the “Holy Land”, named the Danube on their way, then Denmark, before landing up in Ireland.

  348. @Majority of One

    German strategy has tended to vary between sheer brilliance and pigheaded dumkopferei

    Can actually be a combination of the two.

    Something so genius that it becomes idiocy by ignoring a simpler solution.

    Just look at how much they invested in rockets instead of long range bombers.

    The US/British bombing strategy was cruder but far more effective.

    Load big planes up with bombs and if some go down then oh well.

    Modern rocketry really comes from the Germans but as a war strategy it was pretty lousy.

    They were the same way with blimps in WW1. They took a ton of resources to build and really didn’t do that much damage as bombers.

  349. @DvE







  350. @Seraphim

    实际上,我想说德国人在两次世界大战中都失败了,因为他们严重低估了国际犹太人操纵美国总统的能力。 在所有人中,希特勒应该更清楚。 在他作为战争领袖失败之前,他作为反犹主义者失败了。

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  351. aandrews 说:

    作者:YANNI GU | 27 年 2020 月 XNUMX 日


    令人惊讶的是,在COVID-19前后,老年人的死亡人数保持不变。 由于COVID-19主要影响老年人,因此专家预计老年人群中的死亡百分比会增加。 但是,从CDC数据中看不到这种增加。 实际上,所有年龄段的死亡百分比都保持相对不变。


    Briand还指出,在COVID-50,000之前和之后都发生了70,000至19例死亡,这表明这种死亡数量早于COVID-19出现之前是正常的。 因此,根据Briand的说法,COVID-19不仅对老年人的死亡百分比没有影响,而且也没有增加死亡总数。

    这些数据分析表明,与大多数人的假设相反,COVID-19 造成的死亡人数并不令人担忧。事实上,它对美国的死亡人数相对没有影响。


    为了回答这个问题,Briand 将注意力转向 2014 年至 2020 年期间各种原因造成的死亡人数。2020 年,因 COVID-19 造成的死亡人数突然增加。这并不奇怪,因为 COVID-19 于 2020 年初在美国出现,因此与 COVID-19 相关的死亡人数随后急剧增加。




    作者:YANNI GU | 27 年 2020 月 XNUMX 日

    编者注:《新闻快报》于 22 月 19 日发表这篇文章后,我们注意到我们对 Genevieve Briand 演讲“COVID-XNUMX 死亡人数:美国数据概览”的报道已被用来支持危险的不准确之处,这些不准确之处最大限度地减少了大流行的影响。

    正如我们在社交媒体上指出的那样,我们于 26 月 XNUMX 日决定撤回这篇文章,以阻止错误信息的传播。然而,作为记者,我们有责任提供历史记录。我们已选择从我们的网站上删除该文章,但它仍然可用 点击此处 作为 PDF。 【趁热吃吧!】

    根据我们的透明度标准,我们正在与读者分享我们是如何做出这一决定的。 《新闻通讯》是一份编辑和财务独立、由学生运营的出版物。我们的文章和内容并未得到大学或医学院的认可,我们撤回这篇文章的决定是独立做出的。

    Briand 的研究不应仅用于了解 COVID-19 的影响,而应与霍普金斯大学、世界卫生组织和疾病控制与预防中心 (CDC) 发布的无数其他数据结合起来。

  352. Seraphim 说:
    @Achilles Wannabe

    They have grossly underestimated the resistance they would meet and hubristically overestimated their own abilities to overcome it. They have been overly confident that they would be able to fight successfully on two fronts for the same reasons Tolstoy attributes to General Pful, overconfidence in a military theory deduced from the history of Frederick the Great’s wars, overconfidence that military solutions can solve political conundrums, overconfidence in the superiority of German military genius and preparedness, derived from the delusions of the superiority of the ‘genius’ of the ‘Aryan race’ and the revival of the Teutonic crusading spirit of ‘Drang nach Osten’ against the ‘Slavic-Tartar hordes’ (Jews and Socialists were fully on the anti-Russian bandwagon in the lead to WW1).
    Bad politicians failing to correctly assess the overall situation. Nothing would have happened if they would have stuck to the wise policy of Bismarck: “The secret of politics? Make a good treaty with Russia.” Do not take head-on on Russia, because you would never prevail on her (but work secretly to subvert her). Don’t step on the wasp-nest of the Balkans, because that would bring the Russians in. Let the ‘sick man of Europe’ (the Ottoman Empire) die. Keep Russia and England embroiled in the ‘Great Game’ in Asia, even to the point of an Anglo-Russian war and preventing at all costs a possible agreement (lurking in the shadows at all times and materialized in the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907). It was Germany’s dream of becoming a World Power that made her politicians thread like a bull in a china shop over the subtle system of checks and balances of Bismarck, managing to piss off both the Russians and the British (they couldn’t fail to understand the real intentions behind the warm embrace of Islam by German foreign policy and the majority of public opinion, and of its tactless and amoral justifications and praise – couched in racial and ‘realpolitik’ terms – for the Hamidian massacres which revolted the European public opinion).

    • 回复: @Auch Gast
  353. Insouciant 说:
    @Majority of One



    If you please – – –

    • 回复: @Fox
  354. Fox 说:

    To my knowledge, ‘Wends’ in German (‘Wenden’) designates Slavs in general, hence is a synonym for Slavs stemming from early contacts with the Eastern peoples. A secondary meaning is that for the Slavic peoples who live in the Lausitz (a region not far from Dresden), whose forebears settled there around the year 800. Whether there is a people or tribe with the name ‘Wends’ is unknown to me, but the Slavs could have also acquired this designation similarly to the Germans who are in French les Allemagnes after the Allemans, a group of German tribe with whom the Gauls had primarily contact.

    • 回复: @Reaper
    , @Anon
    , @Insouciant
  355. Just ask the Germans? Why not just ask the Russians?

  356. Reaper 说:

    As far I know:
    Wends were not de jure, but a de facto tribe.
    United on a regional basis mostly by slavic/ Old Prussians origin in Pomerania.
    But regional basis/ opposition to the HRE was not as strong, they were divided by language, religion, tradition so in the long run simple assimilated before Teutons even emerge to exist.

  357. Logistics 说:
    @Just another serf

    6,000,000 with an average weight of 100 pounds..= 600,000,000 million pounds of flesh. At 75% water; that’s 450,000,000 pounds of water; or 55,000,000 gallons of water. How many BTU’s does it take to evaporate? Now tell me where Germany acquired fuel for that purpose while fighting on three fronts..

  358. Anon[344]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

    Germany is a melting Pot. My ancients are from belgium, Denmark Spain aso. There are a lot of Polish names in the Ruhrgebiet who spread over the Rest. In the north they speak partly a Dutch Idiom, in the south there are different languages you barely understand If you from the north.

    It is a heterogen country, which is not Special in Europe. Blonds btw. are minority. There are different feast in the different countries (Germany is a republic) and Catholic and evangelic areas. If you meddle this Out from foreign, give me a hint.

    • 回复: @Fox
  359. Fox 说:

    I am quite aware of the regional differences of customs, languages, temper and appearance of Germans. If you want to read some competent opinon about that, e.g. H.K.F. Günther’s Kleine Rassenkunde des Deutschen Volkes provides a concise overview of the situation in the 1930s. Through the depredations of Democracy on all of that, today’s situation is rather different, however.
    I can’t make out the meaning of your last sentence :”If you meddle this out from foreign, give me a hint”. Please clarify.

  360. Stonehands: “Are you fucking retarded? You stated you wear a pseudo-welding shield in lieu of a mask, as if you’re some sort of iconoclast. I don’t wear any masks you dumb cunt. ”

    Oh, now I remember you! You’re that stupid cocksucking faggot who thinks he lives in the Stone Age, or claims he wants to. You never need to buy any food from a grocery store or anyplace else. You chase down wild game, strangle it with your bare hands, then eat it raw. LOL. Yeah, that’s very “credible”.


    • 回复: @Stonehands
  361. @Arcadian




    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  362. nymom 说:


  363. HeebHunter 说:
    @Black Picard


  364. Auch Gast 说:

    Brits wanted to destroy the Germans because they knew they couldn’t compete economically in the long run. That’s really all there is to it.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  365. Insouciant 说:

    Thanks Fox.

    Lots of Weyan, Weyand, Wand etc. in Texas and in Western Maryland; they farm land that many would pass by because it is so rocky.

    At least in Maryland, they were there before Civil War which brought “German” mercenaries to US.

    Interesting that, at root, they are Slavic. My mental image of Slavs is more along the line of “blond – blue eye,”. Never thought of Germans having those physical characteristics.

  366. TheJester 说:



    当你仔细想想,上面的区别就在于自由与政治官僚对你生活的束缚。随着我们新的“觉醒”世界的政治正确性、“取消文化”和消除持不同政见者的平台,这种政治流行病(真正的流行病)毫无疑问也到达了我们的海岸。 “言论自由”和宪法的其余部分现在只不过是历史文物。


  367. Seraphim 说:
    @Auch Gast

    The question is why Germans wanted to destroy Russia. Not because they knew they couldn’t compete economically in the long run? That’s really what there is to it!

  368. Stonehands 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “Oh, now I remember you! You’re that stupid cocksucking faggot who thinks he lives in the Stone Age, or claims he wants to…”

    Ellul states unequivocally in Technological Society that:

    “If a general war breaks out, and if there are any survivors, the destruction will be so enormous, and the conditions of survival so different, that a technological society will no longer exist.”

    Now, it seems to me that you would take a certain “glee” in a biologist with the means to attain the same ends…

    ..And you do realize that there are any number of calamities that could befall this centralized unfree behemoth- thrusting society immediately into a pre- agrarian existence.

    So where exactly do we differ?

    “You never need to buy any food from a grocery store or anyplace else. You chase down wild game, strangle it with your bare hands, then eat it raw…”

    Obviously, with all taboos conveniently eliminated in the Beast system to serve the religion of “efficiency”- there won’t be very much concern or moral considerations of “where the food comes from,” should the whole charade collapse.

  369. Stonehands: “… where exactly do we differ?”

    We differ in a million ways, I’m sure.

    For our purposes here, discussing Ellul’s philosophy:

    I’m the original, you’re a fake.
    I’m sincere, you’re a liar.
    I’m the genuine article, you’re a cheap copy.

    Stonehands: “Obviously, with all taboos conveniently eliminated … should the whole charade collapse.”

    That’s not an answer to the question implied in my response. In previous remarks, you claim to live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (which has a statewide mask mandate), and you claim to live in the city. So I say you’re a liar, and that you wear a mask and buy your food at grocery stores like everyone else.

    I’m still chuckling though, Stonepussy, about your search for “credible” revolutionaries. What kind of moron thinks this is achievable on an internet forum? I think you must be a glow nigger. Also, in other remarks, you claim to be a Christian. LOL again. That means you are stupid enough to believe that people come back from the dead! It figures.

    • 回复: @Stonehands
  370. Stonehands 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “I’m the original, you’re a fake.
    I’m sincere, you’re a liar.
    I’m the genuine article, you’re a cheap copy…”

    You’re a clumsy charlatan.

    Ellul also states, “ ..This state of mind created, in the second half of the eighteenth century, a kind of good conscience on the part of scientists who devoted their research to practical objectives. They believed that happiness and justice would result from their investigations; and it is here that the myth of progress had its beginning.”

    Schopenhauer, “On The Sufferings Of The World:”
    “ Unless suffering is the direct and immediate object of life, our existence must entirely fail of its aim. It is absurd to look upon the enormous amount of pain that abounds everywhere in the world, and originates in needs and necessities inseparable from life itself, as serving no purpose
    at all and the result of mere chance. Each separate misfortune, as it comes, seems, no doubt, to be something exceptional; but misfortune in general is the rule.”

    You said: “…you claim to be a Christian. LOL again.”

    Schopenhauer continues:

    “The spirit of the New Testament is undoubtedly asceticism…”
    “Asceticism is the denial of the will to live, and the transition from the Old Testament to the New, from the dominion of the Law TO THAT OF FAITH, from justification by works to redemption through the MEDIATOR, from the domain of sin and death to eternal life in CHRIST…”

    You say: “…I’m still chuckling though, Stonepussy, about your search for “credible” revolutionaries. What kind of moron thinks this is achievable on an internet forum? I think you must be a glow nigger.”

    It’s no secret “what” I am on this board or in Philadelphia. Rather than endlessly analyze, l prefer to offer simple solutions to the thinking, working-class, (or, anyone for that matter) who are earnestly contending for “belief in belief” the realization of the nature of our existence, and straightforward economic advice to those here who have been deluded and waylaid by crony-capitalism and consumerism.

    That in itself is revolutionary.

  371. Stonehands: “You’re a clumsy charlatan.”

    LOL. Evidently you are still under the delusion I care about your opinion about me. Only a severely over-inflated ego can have led you to that conclusion. I’ve seen no reason to.

    或许,如果你能做的不仅仅是将明显不相关的引语串起来,你就会给我留下深刻的印象。 给我看看你的天才。 来吧,打倒自己!

    Stonehands: “l prefer to offer simple solutions … and straightforward economic advice … That in itself is revolutionary.”

    Free advice. LOL. Yeah, that’s a rarity on the internet. How revolutionary!

    • 回复: @Stonehands
  372. Stonehands 说:
    @Dr. Robert Morgan

    “哈哈。 看样子你还在妄想我在乎你对我的看法……”

    显然,这不是我对你的看法——而是你在 Unz 上作为海报的可信度。 你透露的唯一私密的个性细节是女性对你的进步感到反感,实际上你因为社会落后而遇到了法律问题。



  373. Stonehands: “Obviously, it’s not what l think of you- but rather your credibility as a poster here on Unz.”

    LOL. There you go again. “Credibility”. It’s clear you’re searching for a father figure or a leader. On the internet, yet. Sad!

    Stonehands: “The only intimate personality details revealed by you are that women are repulsed by your advances,”

    Well, not all women, fortunately.

    “… and in fact you’ve had legal problems …”

    Anyone who hasn’t had legal problems under the current system is a race traitor. As I’ve said before, if the white race is to be saved, it will be by criminals, not the law-abiding.

    “… because of your social backwardness.”

    No, because society is anti-white, anti-male, and anti-patriarchal.

    “In your case loneliness, … ”

    I can truthfully say I’ve never had a lonely day in my life. It’s hard for me even to understand the concept. When I’m alone, I feel relief, not whatever it is most people feel. Or, as Schopenhauer put it, in his inimitable style:

    “”For the more a man has in himself, the less he will want from other people,—the less, indeed, other people can be to him. This is why a high degree of intellect tends to make a man unsocial.”

    “… lack of self-esteem, and narcissism are on the menu, or, that and a big bowl of hemlock. ”

    Haha! Welcome to my fan club, Stonepussy. Stick around. Keep me and my public entertained with this kind of hilarious shit and maybe you can become president of it someday.

  374. Stonehands 说:


    Me 和我的公众, FFS- 去擦掉面罩上的唾沫; 你这个老混蛋。

  375. The Germans haven’t had an independent State since 1945, fact.

  376. 顺便说一句,日本的瓦格纳粉丝可能比德国还要多……哈哈

  377. 顺便说一句,今天,日本的瓦格纳粉丝可能比德国还要多……哈哈

  378. “不幸的是,这种事情一旦开始,达到我们现在所处的阶段,往往不会停止,直到城市变成废墟或田野里到处都是人的头骨。”
    他又来了,C. Doomsday Hopkins 先生带着他从 Horrortriplywood 直接取来的完全无用的、被蛾子吃掉的世界末日垃圾回来了。 来吧伙计! 德国目前正在发生许多积极的事情,例如,在国家电视上广泛辩论的反对授权的案件有充分的争论,不同的意见被提出并得到同等的尊重。 只需关注 Joshua Kimmich 的案例。




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