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I spent a weekend earlier this month reading essay exams at San Jose State University. The exam is part of San Jose State’s graduation requirement, and each year thousands of students come in, sit down and write for 45 minutes on some preassigned topic.

The exam is meant to measure a student’s writing ability, so the topics are pretty generic and mundane. One of the recent topics asked students to tell us about a family expectation they grew up with and whether they agree with it.

The students at San Jose State are predominantly first-generation college students. About two-thirds of them are Latinos and Asian Americans, many of them from Mexico, Vietnam and the Philippines. They are, in many cases, the sons and daughters of immigrants, or immigrants themselves.

And they write about the expectations they grew up with in ways that remind me of my own parents and their stories from the 1950s. Many of the Mexican American students wrote about their families’ domestic expectations for girls. One student wrote that, for as long as she could remember, she’d been expected to help with the cooking and cleaning around the house. Not only because her mother needed the help, though that was part of it, but also because she needed to know how to do these things, and do them well, if she ever hoped to meet and marry a nice man — a nice Catholic Mexican man, that is.

• 类别: 经济学 •标签: 移民与签证 
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  1. Rehmat 说:

    Are you not glad my fellow Canadian Monika Schaefer was not among those future graduates.

    舍费尔说,当她还是个小女孩的时候,她就面对父母,询问他们为何不采取任何行动来制止犹太人的种族灭绝。 他们回答他们不知道事情正在发生。 舍费尔说,她的父母不知道种族灭绝,因为这些事情没有发生。


  2. A new land? A new future? Great click bait. But I’m not going to subscribe to the San Francisco Chronicle.

  3. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Well, as average IQ will drop substantially, a new future, looking like the past, is not an impossibility.

    • 回复: @The Albino Sasquatch
  4. Jason Liu 说:

    I’ll assume you’re alluding to a future of non-whites who are relatively socially conservative, claim otherwise in public, and engages in vulgar socialism over unspecific anger against the rich? All signs do point that direction.

    The defeat of ideological white hipster “compassion” leftism is baked into the demographics. America might be poorer and dumber afterwards, but the world would be a better place for it.

  5. @Anonymous

    Hey, get with the program – coffee n cream complexioned kiddies are the new black! It’s a miscegenation morrow! You’ll love it, its a way of life…You heard ’em all, Boris, Lawrence Fitton, Nick Diaz & god love him, Tiny Duck…everything is going to be fine, just fine. A rainbow dawn is breaking over America, don’t believe those nasty nativist haters – and that Trump! Harumph! There’s plenty of room for everyone! Our economic system is going to last another thousand years – you’ll see. There’s a whole lotta shakin’ coming from that rainbow light from upon that hill – the greatest party the world has ever known – and you are invited!

  6. Priss Factor [又名“匿名者”] 说:

    “Not only because her mother needed the help, though that was part of it, but also because she needed to know how to do these things, and do them well, if she ever hoped to meet and marry a nice man — a nice Catholic Mexican man, that is.”

    What? Mexico is totally globalized. Catholicism is dead. And Mexican women are whores.
    The idea that there are still nice Mexer girls looking for nice Catholic Mexican man…

    LOL, when llamas fly.

  7. my own parents and their stories from the 1950s. Many of the Mexican American students wrote about their families’ domestic expectations for girls. One student wrote that, for as long as she could remember, she’d been expected to help with the cooking and cleaning around the house. Not only because her mother needed the help, though that was part of it, but also because she needed to know how to do these things, and do them well

    lolwut? I was raised that way, and I’m an old white guy. From the ’50s, admittedly. As were all my brothers.
    all the ‘guy’ things too (disassembling one of those cursed little two-digit 4-stroke carburettors right now in the shed. God I hate those little floaty/valve buggers, as fragile as any special snowflake).
    Mum couldn’t iron clothes for toffee (she claimed). Dad showed me how his corporal or whatever made him do it, when I was about eight. Piece of piss, when you’ve got the right equipment (includes beer, cigar and radio/hi-fi these days). Like boots. And all the rest of it. I can sew pretty good too. Nice rest from the shovelling and grasscutting.
    What planet are these sad little fairies from?

  8. pyrrhus 说:

    Please tell me that this dismal piece of writing is satire….

  9. katesisco 说:


    欧盟成立时承诺不会将土地出售给企业,并且各个国家将保留其土地的所有权。 现在,读一下乌克兰的历史,就可以理解为什么乌克兰连续经历了3次人口驱逐,这一切都是为了防止乌克兰本土人成为土地所有者并保留原始农业,直到企业能够成为土地收购者。


    欧盟显然有像英国在爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒期间所做的那样,成为爱尔兰土地所有者和历史证明的计划。 推迟接纳乌克兰的目的是为了让土地所有者被企业所有权抹去。 从而允许遵守“不向企业出售土地”的主张,因为乌克兰的纳入将是事后的事。




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