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几年前,当我是诸如 信号 对于其他较普通的技术酒吧,犹太人散布着知识分子的面貌。 他们都是贝尔实验室等高端研究机构。 知名人士通常是犹太人,爱因斯坦,冯·诺依曼,费曼,盖尔曼,明斯基。 曼哈顿项目的员工名单读起来像是《耶希瓦年鉴》。 在艺术界也是如此。 Bernstein,Landowska,Rubinstein,Stoppard(“寻找神头的少女……反之亦然。”)

大多数人认为,犹太人很聪明,不一定喜欢它。 我想知道为什么没有很大的兴趣。 遗传决定论者当然会对涉及未发现基因的进化解释作出解释,这些基因受到无法量化的选择压力作用,从而产生与压力不相关的假定结果。 照常营业。

后来我开始不加考虑地注意到犹太人的名字在地面上变得越来越薄。 这些不是系统的观察。 但是亚洲的名字几乎在任何地方都变得突出。 费因斯坦人似乎只是在衰退中,即使只是轶事。


然后罗恩·恩兹(Ron Unz)发表 美国精英统治的神话,记录了我只是模糊地意识到的惊人转机。 这本书主要涉及常春藤学校招生中的腐败问题,以及一些(我认为)改革的好主意。 它还记录了犹太人成就的急剧下降和亚洲人的迅速崛起。 (实际上,我认为坠落是流星所做的更多,但陈词滥调就是陈词滥调。)

举一个例子,考虑一下全国性的NMSQT,即全国优等生学历资格考试。 要成为半决赛入围者,学生必须在百分之一的中上半段智力水平的上半部分中进行测试。

2010年,加利福尼亚州大约有2000名准决赛选手,该州的犹太人口第二高,仅次于纽约。 Unz引用了对姓氏的分析,指出只有一个Cohen,Levy和Kaplan,但只有49个Wangs和36个Kims。

Unz指出,这种模式有大量的文档资料,在全国各地都有重复。 例如,在弗吉尼亚州的托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)和纽约的斯图维森特(Stuyvesant)等超高端中学。 这些地方很恐怖,穿着短裤的CalTech。 Unz:


“ 2012年,亚洲人占斯图维森特学生的72.5%,所有白人仅占24%,其中未指定比例的是犹太人。”



现在读者可能会说:“但是弗雷德,这个反对和那个反对,那……呢?” 足够公平,但是将书精简为三段就可以避免。 资料来源在那里,分析很仔细。 不,这本书不是对犹太人的攻击,Unz本人是犹太人,是哈佛大学的毕业生。

Methinks经过修正后认为,他的发现使我们认为关于智力的知识蒙上了极大的阴影。 犹太人的表现仍然比哈瓦瓦斯人更好,但比以前有所改善,亚洲人远远领先于犹太人。 亚洲人似乎不太可能突然获得生物情报,或者犹太人下落不大。 换句话说,当一组人几乎在一夜之间跌倒了各种各样的被认为可以测量智力的测试,而另一组上升时,得出的结论是,要么智力可以快速改变,要么测试不能测量智力。 那到底是怎么回事? 才能测试会测量什么?

一个简单的解释是,中国孩子具有正常的智力,但会更加努力。 但是,当一个孩子进入Stuyvesant或MIT时,他再也无法依靠辛勤的工作和谦虚的才干来承担自己的工作,而这比我通过努力练习为芝加哥公牛队所能承担的要多。 例如,您必须很聪明地进行计算流体动力学。 实际上,张量和事物真的非常聪明。

这就是为什么我很难买到一个犹太朋友的解释:“我们已经失去了饥饿感。” 我认为他的意思是在他的日子里,大学里有犹太人配额,而乡村俱乐部里没有空位,所以当这些障碍解除时,犹太孩子们将向goyim展示什么是东西,并放到了所有的尖牙和爪子上,好了, goyim。 然后他们变得舒适,搬到郊区,甚至看了足球。

我曾认识到具有很高的预盲测SAT的人和优异的准决赛入围者,以及智商超过150的人。他们不仅仅知道一些东西。 他们很明亮。 通过努力学习,是否能提高亚洲年轻人的内在智力?

无论发生什么,这都是严重的。 考虑加州理工学院(CalTech),该校可能拥有美国最高的入学标准。 此外,它不采取平权行动。 这 人口统计 学生人数:黑人,2%; 西班牙裔,占12%; 白人(包括犹太人),占28%; 亚洲人,占44%。 这比乍看之下差,因为亚洲人仅占加利福尼亚人口的15%,占全国人口的XNUMX%。

无论发生什么,这都不是统计上的fl幸。 这本书中有两句引述,其中有许多类似的引文:


“在1950年之前,普特南(Putnam)获奖者中有2000%以上是犹太人,但自XNUMX年以来,这一比例下降到了不到XNUMX%,在过去的XNUMX年中没有一个可能的犹太人名字。” Putnam是一个非常高端的数学测试。

我的另一个朋友有一个亚洲妻子,因此涉足亚洲社区。 他引用了他们(明智的私人观点)的观点:“白人懒惰而愚蠢。”


奇怪的是,亚洲人不仅遥遥领先于犹太人,而且遥遥领先于哈格瓦卡人。 差距是巨大的,在我看来,这个差距太大了,无法用有时归因于东亚人的额外智商的几点来解释。

亚洲的崛起可能会带来后果。 认为大约有两亿的美国白人人口提供了几乎所有的科学进步,工程技术和企业家精神,这是不合适的。 中国又有十亿左右的汉人,这在美国的哈格瓦斯人和犹太人中占主导地位。

我尽我所能观看中国技术。 十五年来,中国已经从没有超级计算机发展到拥有比美国稍多的超级计算机,其中包括世界上速度最快的两个计算机,其中速度最快的(TaiHuiLight)是使用中国半导体的中国设计。 (奥巴马曾经很出色,阻止了英特尔出售他们的芯片,所以他们显然决定了自己提供芯片的需要。)据说北京到上海的量子密码生产线受到了让美国国家安全局远离中国的渴望的刺激,比信鸽更先进。 刚刚发射的093B型Nukey攻击潜艇似乎是对其前身的一项重大改进。 时速超过300 mph的上海磁悬浮列车采用国外技术,但现在他们知道该怎么做。 迄今为止,中国是高铁的世界领导者,而美国却是世界上没有的。


(从重新发布 弗雷德对一切 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 种族/民族 •标签: 亚洲人, 犹太人, 任人唯贤 
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  1. Drakejax 说:

    HBD 假设所有那些成功的犹太人都娶了性感的外邦妻子,这难道不是压低了犹太人成就的原因吗?尽管不再“饥饿”的说法也很恰当,因为犹太人在美国占据着压倒性的权力地位——类似于 20 世纪初的 WASPS。也许犹太人是新的 WASPS,而亚洲人是新的犹太人?至少我认为 Unz 的目的是这样的。

    • 回复: @TJM
  2. Priss Factor [AKA "Dominque Francon Society"] 说:


    在犹太人占主导地位的美国长大的 J·J·艾布拉姆斯 (JJ Abrams) 并不尊重白人外邦人,因为他打算在《星球大战》续集中用一个可怕的黑人作为未来白人女孩的怀孕者,以打造一个银河般的奥巴马风格。


    • 回复: @Ivy
    , @Bee
    , @El Dato
  3. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    Fred Fred Cabbage Head,下面的视频显示中国正面临着严重的困难时期。


    Also, smartest Chinese come to US. They don’t go back. They give their brains to US companies where they make more money.





    Culture of me-ism makes everyone strive for Good stuff. They wont’ settle for less even if they grow old alone and die.

  4. Gene Su 说:

    It’s the Tiger Mom (and Dad) phenomenon. Let’s talk about some ways that Asians are different from other ethnicities.
    1. Asians tend to be far more stingy. They don’t go for flashy cars and houses as whites do (although clothes are another matter).
    2. Asians tend not to balk from manual or undesirable labor. They don’t see it as a sign of low rank. Thomas Sowell has written once that the laziness of black and white southerners has to do with the view that having to do manual labor was a disgrace. I have dealt with so many Asian VPs handling their own products and sweeping their floors.
    3. Asian parents force their kids to study. My mom won’t let me out of the house until I spelled every word on the flash cards correctly.
    4. Asian parents will switch schools if they believe that their kid was not being educated. Sympathizers of blacks talk about how they are trapped in failing schools. Let’s take that as true. Why is it I don’t see the majority of blacks taking their kids out of failing schools? Only a minority, however large, will pay a private school tuition or drive across town to a charter school. Asian parents will pinch every penny to send their kids to a private school.

  5. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    “In 2010 there were about 2000 Semi-Finalists in California, the state with the second highest Jewish population after New York. Citing an analysis of last names, Unz notes that there was only one Cohen, Levy, and Kaplan, but 49 Wangs and 36 Kims.”

    Fred Fred Cabbage Head,关于犹太人智力的遗传学说是正确的。

    80 年代,我在郊区和很多犹太人和一些亚洲人一起上学。

    有好学的犹太人和好学的亚洲人。 但一般亚洲人学习更努力。
    但他们是这样的磨难。 当然,有些人真的很聪明,但大多数人只是相当聪明,他们做了大量的学习和备考。 这完全是关于练习和准备。 磨东西。

    我记得就个人而言,犹太孩子更敏锐、更聪明、更机智。 有些有光彩,有些是黄色素完全缺失的。
    印度教徒更有趣,他们属于自己的一类,特别是因为印度是一个极端的国家,有很多非常聪明的人和很多非常愚蠢的人。 如此多的现代性和如此多的贫困,如此多的国际化经历以及如此多的在户外与奶牛拉屎的落后。

    Look at Silicon Valley. Yelloids rarely rise above middle management. Some say Bamboo Ceiling, but it’s more like Bamboo limit. These yelloids got no spark.

    看音乐。 犹太人是著名的钢琴家和小提琴手。 然后,亚洲人接管了许多古典音乐。
    但这证明了什么? 这意味着亚洲人可以成功。 要擅长古典音乐,你要练习、练习、再练习,就像哟妈妈和凌朗一样。

    但是,亚裔美国人在美国的音乐领域取得了创造性的原创性吗? 亚洲人鲍勃·迪伦、卡罗尔·金、菲利普·格拉斯、保罗·西蒙等在哪里?
    可以肯定的是,亚洲可能有杰出和重要的亚洲作曲家,但为什么不在这里呢? 这表明犹太人即使是少数民族也有自信和坚强的个性。 相比之下,亚洲人在被同类包围时可能会自信,但被其他人包围时只会随波逐流。

    It’s funny. You’d think Asians would be more grindlike and conformist in Asia than in the West. I hear Asian school system is pretty rice-grueling. But because Asians are surrounded by other Asians in Asia, maybe they got some cultural confidence and have more guts to be original and individualistic, at least in creative fields.
    想想一些非常伟大的日本电影制作人和作家以及这样的人。 在西方,作为个体的亚洲人可能拥有更多的自由,但他们似乎缺乏文化自信。 因此,他们的个人主义只不过是模仿说唱歌手、单口相声和其他东西。 这就是犹太人不同的地方。 即使在人数超过 goyim 时,犹太人也只是做自己的事情并开辟新天地。

    Comparing Jews and Asians are not fair because there are many Asian immigrants than Jewish ones. I’ll bet many of the top asian students in California are children of immigrants. But this only points to Asian weakness. Asian-American achievement depends on immigration. Why? Asian-American birthrates are lower than even white Americans. Also, with huge intermarriage rates, Asian-Americanness will fade away. There is a lot of Jewish intermarriage with goyim too, but because Jewishness has prestige, even someone who is part-Jewish may identify as Jewish. But someone who is part-Asian will likely identify with other races, not least because intermariage rates are higher with Asian women. Children naturally identify more with father who is the authority figure in the household.



    In the end, I think the world will be overrun by two peoples: Hindus and Africans. India still has lots of kids, and Indian government plans to send gazillions all over the world. African birthrate is over the top, and Europe will be Africanized(there’s no stopping it now) and US is also taking in tons of black Africans.

    甚至日本和韩国也可能会接受黑人和点子。 中国接纳了一大群非洲人。 请记住,美国刚刚带来了 300,000 名黑人,现在他们已经达到了 50 万。 在中国的 1 万非洲人可能会在一个世纪内增长到 50 万,每个黑人在大口吃饺子和 mooshoo 猪肉后都有 8 个孩子。


    欧洲人完了。 俄罗斯可能是唯一幸存下来的白人国家。

    出生率下降的东亚地区将充斥着点点滴滴,特别是因为日本和韩国以及台湾和菲律宾的主要文化是黑人说唱音乐和模仿美国多样性。 此外,所有这些人的亚裔美国人社区已经完全美国化,并且通过互联网进行社交网络,他们的同胞即使不来这里也完全美国化。

    我认识一个 Filo 女孩,她通过互联网与 Filo-land 的朋友和家人交流,就好像他们是隔壁的邻居一样。 据我所知,马尼拉的文化就像洛杉矶的文化。 垃圾和全球性。

    Globalism means the world turned into Hollywood and MTV. Since US is cool and since ‘diversity’ is cool, the new generation of Asians, like Europeans, will demand more immigration and more emigration. As their people move to US and Canada, their own nations will make up for people-shortage by bringing tons of dotters and jivers.

    • 同意: Realist
  6. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:
    @Gene Su

    “Asians tend to be far more stingy. They don’t go for flashy cars and houses as whites do (although clothes are another matter).”


    我猜你在洛杉矶从未见过 Filos、Korons、Chiners 和其他黄色垃圾。

    • 回复: @K.
    , @Anonymous
  7. Priss Factor [AKA "Dominque Francon Society"] 说:
    @Gene Su


    Gene Bean Jelly Bean, you kill me.


    Japan is the nation that came up with ‘dirty, dangerous, demeaning’ work notion.


    When East Asia was very poor, yelloids were willing to do any job. They had to eat. And this may be true still in many parts of China.

    But not so in Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.


    See the movie TOKYO SONATA and DEPARTURES. Both show Japan in crisis as lifetime jobs dry up. Japanese feel such shame to take on ‘demeaning jobs’.
    Korea is imitation of Japan. 99% of its students get college degrees and want clean jobs. But they can’t get them. So, many turn to suicide.

    In fact, the main reason these people come to US is to find better job, not to do menial labor. In fact, they left their country to get away from menial labor that is seen as low and given to immigrants from poor Asian nations. Look at Japan, and you will see small businesses hiring people from Philippines, even from Iran. Even from ghastly Africa. Shiite.

    It used to be most immigrants from Asia were not so highly educated and spoke little English. Many people are now coming with full education and English skills. Some are anchor babies, and China is not the only nation that plays this game.

    In the end, Asian-Americans will lose for the same reason why so many white liberals and Jewish secularists are losing in the long run. As individuals, they may have had success in professions and etc.
    But an individual life lasts only several decades. Life goes on through reproduction and culture lasts through family ties and remembrance(connection from grandfather to father to son and etc).
    Jewish Americans and white Libs gained much freedom and achieved much… but so many decided not to have kids or got divorced or intermarried and forgot about culture and history. They only live for pop culture as their culture.

    Asian-Amerians are no different. It doesn’t matter if so many do well in school. Many yellow girls will not have kids. Many will intermarry and have mixed-raced kids with little asian identity. Many asian men will die childless as asian manhood is seen as joke in the US and is attractive to none.

    Asians have no striking individual quality in wit, personality, charisma, athleticism, etc. Their power comes from homogeneity, unity, and numbers. They can have that in Asia, and they should stay in Asia.
    Coming to the West leads to short term individual success but no group success.

    Via immigration, Asia will just lose its best to the West. Americanized Asians into PC will just worship ‘gay marriage’.

    • 回复: @Mark Green
    , @DaveE
  8. Outside of the Orthodox, American Jews aren’t having many children. If you don’t get born in the first place its hard to win many awards.

    In the future all Jews will be Orthodox and/or Israeli.

    (Also with intermarriage having a ‘Jewish’ last name only defines your paternal ancestry.)

    • 回复: @The Anti-Gnostic
    , @Karl
  9. Ivy 说:
    @Priss Factor


    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @TJM
  10. K. 说:
    @Priss Factor

    如果我尝试和一个姓苏的人对话,我会避免使用诸如“Filos”、“Korons”和“Chiners”之类的词。 “黄色垃圾”,将是另一个禁忌。 当然,您可以随心所欲。

  11. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  12. Realist 说:


    • 回复: @TJM
  13. Bee 说:
    @Priss Factor

    J·J·艾布拉姆斯不尊重白人外邦人吗?他的绝大多数角色都是白人外邦人,他在电影《超级 8》中深情地描绘了美国中部的一个小镇(这部电影应该是“受到他童年的启发”)。

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @Anonymous
  14. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    I think you got him there… Maybe not all your stereotype-jokes are germane but certainly AZNs cannot be accused of willingly going for the spartan life, inside a converted shipping container with hemp recycled furniture. I don’t know of many train-hopping Chinese bindlestiff hobos suckling the fat of the land either. Not many Vietnamese grizzly men around. Is there anything more materialistic than a 20-y.o. Korean girl in polar vest & designer yoga pants parking her white BMW convertible at the Pinkberry or Sephora in Larchmont Village? Perhaps if some Kuwaitis and Hugo Chavez’s daughter were tagging along too.

  15. @Gene Su

    Thomas Sowell has written once that the laziness of black and white southerners has to do with the view that having to do manual labor was a disgrace.

    In this instance Sowell has no clue what he is talking about. I have never met a Southerner, black or white, who looked down on manual labor. But when you have temperatures in the mid to upper 90’s and humidity levels in the mid 90’s, sitting under the shade tree makes a whole lot of sense.

    • 回复: @dahoit
  16. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Asians are still very very far from competing with Jews

    in calling the ‘Elites’ ‘To Arms’ because ‘It’s Time To Rise Up Against The Ignorant Masses’ with the intensity of hatred of one and several thousands James Traubs.

    in founding and running things like the Southern Poverty LC which “fight hate” opposing to it a much stronger and higher quality and quantity of hate, in choosing where the next war will be waged: we didn’t have Asians in the Ukraine, in those eventful days where the country’s new government needed be chosen; we don’t even have 4 Asians in the Supreme Court yet.

    in the sports of white-spitting and anti-white racism inciting — today’s America’s #1 sport, practiced in any Tv programs, in nearly every page of thw NYT’s and WaPo’s, and at a lower level in ordinary social media posting, disproving the anti-Semitic stereotype that Jews aren’t good at sports.

    In feeling a divine call to determine the destiny of the remaining 98% of peoples, starting from the political life and election, healing the voter’s mind when they may vote or have just voted wrong.

    They also seem to have no complexes of superiority, or at least to lack the dedication to making sure that everybody else understands how superior they are.

    You see, Asians are still way behind other groups, when it comes to achievement.
    I also want to suggest you, Mr. Reed, that you think of your worship of intelligence a bit.

    Intelligence is a human faculty that harms both when lacking and when in excess.
    Excessive intelligence is going to transform humans into blends of human and machine, many already live in symbiosis with their electronic devices, absorbed by these.

    I see that, like “beauties” obsess over intelligence and spend their life taking pictures of themselves (now that taking pictures is a cost-less activity), some very intelligent people see intelligence at the centre of the universe and being. It’s as wrong as that.

    Sympathy for the pain of every living being, and a wish for peace, should be at the centre of the human mind’s landscape, maybe?

    • 回复: @dahoit
  17. 这是相当重要的,但很少被提及,但 6% 的亚洲人口的表现并不一致



    这意味着表现出色的亚洲人可能全部来自美国人口的 2%


  18. pink_point 说:

    Do we know little about intelligence?

    Our concept of intelligence mirrors quite well the workings and skills of one part of the human brain, I think, while the rest of it is still to be understood (and can hardly be understood by intelligence alone, perhaps).

    Bach’s and Beethoven’s IQ is estimated to have been more or less 160.
    There are probably some thousand people, in the East, with a 160 or higher IQ, and none of them is going to compose what Bach and Beethoven did: not because we don’t understand something about intelligence, but because that takes some skill that is not intelligence (while it still lies in the brain).

    A serious IQ test may predict a lot of things of an individual’s possible achievements.
    It can tell what the ceiling of that person’s achievement is: the best that he or she can do.

    Intelligence is the raw ability of the mind in analytical / functional processing, the most important when it comes to concrete achievements, and anything related with science, but, particularly, technic.

    Non-technic science also needs phantasy, imagination, if we think of very very high level, and that’s why as soon as you move out of the line of engineering and technology the white people — including a group of white people who absolutely don’t want to know they are a group of white people, id est, the Ashkenazi — outdo Asians.

    The 21th century will be the century of technic; it may well be an Asian century.

    You say: “Another of my friends has an Asian wife and thus entree into the Asian community. He quotes their (wisely private) outlook: “Whites are lazy and stupid.”

    If you like succinct, you just got it.”

    Asians very often express admiration for white civilization and cultural achievements. I often speak with many of them, and know it for a fact. Xi Jin Ping’s daughter is studying or has studied at Harvard.
    A lot of middle-class Chinese dream of having their offspring study in American university.
    I personally think they are more humble than it is reasonable to, and should get rid of this kind of complex of inferiority, realizing that today already, or anyway very soon, the best places in the world to study will be in the East and not the USA.

    Regardless, they can’t help wondering why, despite what IQ tests say, about 98% of inventions, artistic creations, and philosophies in the human story have come from the white people (including the whites who hate to know they are whites too).

    So, well, you wished to quote somebody as saying what you felt the need for saying, that whites are “lazy and stupid”, and you found someone you could quote.

    Humans are made “lady and stupid” by ease and comfort: the Asian are going to be changed by that, too, in the middle-long run; the Jews are already being changed by that as well.
    I fully subscribe to the “hunger” theory. Hunger accounts for half of what it takes to achieve, the other half being skills.
    One can’t do without skills, but, likewise, one can’t do without “hunger.”

    • 回复: @pink_point
    , @Realist
  19. @Priss Factor




    新移民不是h1b 也看上图 大多数h1b来自印度 大多数新移民通过连锁移民或婚姻欺诈或庇护到达美国




    • 回复: @Randall Parker
  20. pink_point 说:

    Also, why do you say “Whatever is happening, it is grave?”.

    You have tirelessly celebrated Jewish predominance and you are readying yourself to mourn a possible Asian predominance?

    What would the rationale for this difference in outlook be?

    “With Jews going dark, and Hagvacas worried about safe spaces and microaggressions”

    Do whites care about politically correct progressivist junk more than white Jews?
    It doesn’t look so.

  21. @anony-mouse

    In the future all Jews will be Orthodox and/or Israeli.

    And that will be the end of Jewish superlatives, as the Ashkenazi go extinct or outmarry.

    The Orthodox I know are like the Amish. All their energies are devoted to family and maintenance of their traditions. You are not going to get any symphonies or bullet trains out of them.

    • 回复: @TomSchmidt
    , @Corvinus
  22. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:
  23. @Priss Factor






    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Historian
    , @5371
    , @Lot
    , @dahoit
  24. Borachio 说:

    “失去的饥饿”是解释的一部分。 更重要的是,非正统犹太人已经被政治正确及其所有伴随的弊病所感染:

    * 成就是可疑的,因为它使黑人和西班牙裔人看起来很糟糕。

    * 感觉比事实更重要。

    * 逻辑是父权制的压迫工具。

    * 童年是让 zem 弄清楚性 zey 是什么。

    愿上帝保佑和保护东方人(中国人和日本人;“亚洲人”是 PC 废话*t)。


    • 回复: @gwynedd1
  25. @Gene Su





  26. Renoman 说:

    Hey Fred, what’s a Hagvaca? Google doesn’t know.

    • 回复: @Unzerker
  27. @Priss Factor








    不,他们没有,他们中没有人获得公民身份,而且大多数人已经离开了,在中国的非洲人数量仅比峰值的 300,000 万减少了几千人。



    对于中国来说,政府基本上拥有绝对的权力,而几乎没有道德。中国的人口从 200 亿增加到 1.4 亿,因为毛泽东相信中国需要尽可能多的人口才能在一场核战争中生存下来。如果他们能够凭空创造 1.2 亿人类,他们就能再次这样做。





    许多白人欢迎第三世界移民,因为智商为 3 的西班牙裔或叙利亚人比亚洲人的 85 智商更接近白人的 98 智商。

    我怀疑大多数白人会拒绝智商为 65 的移民,如果他们与我们视觉上不同,说他们有紫色肤色

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @Erik L
  28. Talha 说:
    @Hbd investor



    这些相同的情感在这一代人中是否存在同样程度的存在? (后)现代城市居民(正如你提到的唯物主义者)中国人是这一遗产的继承者吗?



    • 回复: @Hbd investor
  29. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:
    @Hbd investor

    “No they didn’t, none of them ever gained citizenship and most of them have left already, the Africans in China number only a few thousand down from the 300,000 peak.”


    不,文章说有 100 或 1000 人退出。所以,这意味着中国仍有100,000万人。

    • 回复: @Hbd investor
    , @Duke of Qin
  30. @Talha








    事实是,欧洲人口处于历史最高水平,这导致生活成本飙升。如果你看看生活成本低的地区,所有白人都有一套有 5 间卧室、2 间浴室、一个车库和车道以及一只狗或猫的房子,但最重要的是,他们往往有 2 个或更多的孩子

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @Talha
  31. TomSchmidt 说:
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    I have worked at an Orthodox Jewish university. They don’t have as much money as Reform Jews, but they’re on average quite smart and the best students could match the best at any university. The Orthodox have 3.3 children per woman and will be the last Jews left standing in 100 years. I don’t think symphonies or bullet trains, but a lot of high-intellectual-content IT work will originate with them.


    • 回复: @Borachio
  32. @Priss Factor





  33. Borachio 说:


  34. tbraton 说:

    “China is by far the world leader in high-speed rail, of which America has none.”

    I believe China is also the world leader in vacant high rise buildings. Maybe there is a need for high-speed rail in China that simply doesn’t exist in the U.S. I am aware of the abandoned high-speed rail line that was planned for Florida that had to be abandoned once the high cost and uneconomical nature of the scheme became apparent to many. I think the same fate awaits the high speed rail line contemplated for California. Back in the late 60’s and early 70’s, I was working in an office with a slightly older man who was a well-educated Italian, and the debate was going on about the funding of an SST by the federal government in competition with the British-French Concorde. I was swayed by articles in the WS Journal that argued that the SST was uneconomical while my Italian friend bemoaned the fact that the U.S. was abandoning its leading role in technology. Well, we decided to pull the plug on the SST, and the Europeans went ahead with the Concorde. The Concorde flew for more than 20 years before the British and French decided to drop it because it wasn’t making money. It’s nice to have super duper technology, but, if it’s not economical, it won’t last, and it will cost you unnecessarily as it diverts money to uneconomic goals.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
    , @rod1963
  35. Ron Unz 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Actually, I think these critiques of China’s prospects are just total MSM nonsense/propaganda, much like how the old USSR used to endlessly critique America’s dreadful economic problems during the 1970s and 1980s.

    Sure, all the MSM headlines endlessly tout China’s terrible “economic slowdown”…except that even during this so-called “slowdown” China’s per capita GDP has been increasing at roughly 10x America’s rate. Here’s a handy chart from one of my old articles from a few years ago you might want to consider reading especially since none of the trends have changed all that much:


    The real income of urban Chinese workers has been doubling every 5-10 years. It seems to me if the real income of ordinary American workers were doubling every decade, there’d be far fewer complaints about the One Percent.

    在某些事情上无休止地嘲笑 MSM 的荒谬主张的评论者应该更加谨慎,在其他事情上盲目相信它。

    • 回复: @pink_point
    , @bossel
    , @George
    , @dahoit
  36. Ron Unz 说:
    @Hbd investor

    They can produce and implement as much propaganda and economic incentive as they want…They managed to implement a one child policy something that would be impossible to pass in a democratic country. China has demonstrated the ability to control human behavior. If they could pass a one child policy? Why can’t they pass economic incentives to have children.


    Western countries supposedly have a terrible “birth dearth,” especially among the middle class, and therefore require heavy foreign immigration to prevent a sharp population decline. But this is obviously total nonsense.

    例如,假设政府将所有 10 岁以上未婚成年人的税率提高 30 个百分点。结婚率肯定会飙升,尤其是那些收入丰厚的人。然后假设政府还将所有 10 岁以上没有孩子的个人的税率提高 35 个百分点,将只有一个孩子的个人的税率提高 5 个百分点。出生率肯定会再次飙升。再加上这种强大的、支持生育的媒体/宣传,人口结构可能会发生巨大的变化。


    As an analogy, suppose there were a country whose very rapidly growing population was considered a catastrophe in the making, with the main factor being that birth control was totally prohibited and condemned, both by law and by moral sanction. As an outsider, you might suggest that changes in the birth control law might easily solve the problem, but any such proposal would be considered ideologically “impossible.”


    I think the reason China isn’t too concerned about its low fertility rate is that the leadership believes, not without reason, that there are already plenty of Chinese and the country is probably somewhat overcrowded. Why would they want an exponentially growing population? Instead, per capita income has been growing exponentially.

    Meanwhile, exponential population growth (entirely driven by immigration) seems to be the goal of America’s leadership, while per capita income has stagnated for the last 40 years.


    • 回复: @mtn cur
    , @pink_point
    , @Daniel H
    , @Wade
  37. mtn cur 说:

    What do you mean, “noticeably more advanced than carrier pigeons,” NSA can’t eavesdrop on the old mark I model 0 homing pigeon and likely never will.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Karl
  38. mtn cur 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Chinese leaders include many engineers and other eclectics, with few lawyers, of course they seem sensible by comparison.

  39. Talha 说:
    @Hbd investor






    Preventing someone from doing something only requires will from one party, encouraging an action requires will from both – no?

    再说一次,这都是猜测,他们很可能能够成功(Unz 先生似乎也这么认为),但我对此表示怀疑。


  40. “犹太人”只是一个标签。 如果你想找出聪明人的去向,请遵循聪明的基因,而不是标签。

    最聪明的犹太人往往是世俗的,大约一半的世俗犹太人与非犹太人结婚,而大多数抚养孩子的人都是非犹太人。 (尽管有 1488 个人群 shibboleths)。 当这些孩子长大后,他们有一些聪明的基因,(或者全部,如果组合交配能够成功的话)。 但他们没有犹太人的标签。

  41. Intelligence and creativity are not quite the same thing. Asians bred for conformity. Two Jews have three opinions, even when they are all bad. That Nobel thingy isn’t going to change as much as the student body of Caltech.

  42. @Talha




    因为每个人都有一个大的 5 床 2 浴室的房子,他们几乎不缴纳任何税。该地区的公立学校足够好且足够安全,因此父母不必搬到房地产价格不菲的地区。他们不是犯罪分子。


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @TheJester
  43. I think one factor in the changing results for Jews is the fact that they have diverted so much of their attention to politics in the last 50 years. Maybe it’s my personal bias against politics as a worthwhile endeavor, but I do think this diversion of effort has not served them well.

    I understand that there have been many politically involved Jews for the last couple of centuries, but in the last 50 years it has become almost obligatory, like WASPS playing golf or “good ol’ boys hunting and fishing”.

  44. Talha 说:
    @mtn cur

    LOL! Or ravens – GOT style!

  45. and get this fred, we go out of our way to impede our asians, giving them a 15% quota in the top universities.

    retards every where in our govt/leadership.

  46. Talha 说:
    @Hbd investor

    Good points! Mormons are a special case though (wouldn’t you agree – I’m a Muslim and had the easiest time getting along with traditional Mormons in high school) – I would put them in the same archetype as the traditional Chinese I was talking about. But city-dwelling (post)modern minded whites or Chinese don’t fit this mold. I guess we’ll see, but I do pray for what’s best for the Chinese people.

    另外,关于你对中国针对伊斯兰教的政策的看法;伊斯兰教在中国是一支非常古老的力量(UR 撰稿人拉齐布·汗(Razib Khan)写了一些优秀的东西),务实的中国人似乎以不同的方式对待不同的穆斯林:


    • 回复: @pink_point
  47. Discard 说:

    There is no reason to think that the Chinese that come here are representative of the Chinese nation. If I were the King of China, I would have noted how American policy in the Middle East has been influenced by a wealthy, educated minority, and would then seek to establish my own wealthy, educated minority to serve Chinese interests. They got over a billion people, surely they can spare a few million of the sharper ones to colonize the U.S.

  48. Discard 说:

    Smart Jews did not go into physics because they just seemed to have a special affinity for it, they went for physics because it’s a road to success that had objective standards. Jew or not, if you could do calculus or whatever, there was a place for you.

    OTOH, law and finance require a level of trust not readily extended to outsiders. Having become the insiders since WW2, smart Jews can make a lot more money from Harvard than MIT. The decline in Jewish scientific achievement is due to them taking the easier path of financial and legal manipulation. That’s my guess anyway.

    • 回复: @dahoit
    , @Anonymous Nephew
  49. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    It’s no wonder Chiners run circles around the Filos, the most ridiculous people on the planet(except for Michelle Malkin).


  50. OLD JEW 说:


    I concur with the explanation offered by your Jewish friend: “We’ve lost our hunger.”

    In third grade this Jewish girl immigrant from Moscow came into my daughters class.

    Mu daughter (born in America) showed her around, helped her with English, etc..

    Both girls eventually went to Ivy League Universities, and are still best friends 25 years later.

    We owned our house, our daughter could afford a lot of things, while Y. lived in a small crowded apartment.
    By middle school my daughter still had better grades, but by end of 12th grade her friend overtook her (even worse, the Jewish kids were not the very best, the valedictorian was a young Korean man).


    Y.s Dad, a Moscow Physics and Math teacher, was a “Tiger Dad’. He gave his daughters additional exercises, and tutored them in his subject matter. not only did he expect top performance but he made sure they understood what they were doing. It was not silly drilling, but the best Russian/Soviet elite High School method.

    My daughter took those after school lectures with her friend, but not all of them.

    All the kids in the top had all A’s. I was lackadaisical. As long as my kid brought home A’s (whether a 92% A or a 98% A) it was fine with me. The kids in that school were bright young people (it was one of the best schools in the metropolis), and more so, those top ten ranked kids.

    I believe the difference in ranking can be explained by “immigrant hunger”.

    None of these kids came from abject poverty.

    But above a certain minimum threshold, the family hardships they overcame, pushed the kids to higher achievements.


    • 回复: @pickwickcircle24
  51. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    What you have to understand about white people in America, and especially the kind of white people who read Sailer and Unz, is that a big part of their identity comes from trying to kraft the world that they would be most comfortable in. Any self awareness on whats really going on will just bring about a sense of dread and hopelessness.

    So the modern whites who look at some of the facts you mentioned will be more interested in spinning things to show that whites are superior instead of looking at anything truthfully.

    Asians are just grinders, not creative, etc etc. Pure Schadenfreude.

    • 回复: @dcite
  52. kiismerh 说:

    在我看来,中国人、日本人和韩国人比其他亚洲人更聪明,所以如果亚洲人的平均智商为 105,那么他们应该超过 110。但是因为他们的幽默感似乎在 10 岁的水平上旧的他们不能太原始。 (我认为这些是相关的)由于极度缺乏幽默感,我觉得大多数亚洲人都可以被视为功能非常强大的自闭症。

    • 回复: @Hacienda
  53. Hacienda 说:

    东西方之间的差距越来越大。 这是展览A。

    Asians know the West deeply and well. And this understanding is increasing, even to places where Asians know more about the West than the westerners themselves. OTOH, westerners still know next to nothing about Asians and are descending into hand waving, pardon me’s, and throwaway judgements.

    Just take my word for it, Korean comedy and humour can be subtle and funny as any comic hero in the US- Woody Allen, Seinfeld, Steve Martin, etc. You’re blithering ignorant.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @kiismerh
  54. @OLD JEW

    Only 5 or 6 instances of boasting.
    A little less than the habitual rate.

    Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of all?
    Of course they must be all A’s: you don’t want that mirror to return an offensive answer one day or another.

    • 回复: @OLD JEW
  55. dcite 说:

    More or less true; however, Asians are coming here and not so much the other way round, although there are a fair number of Asiaphiles who would be in Asia if they allowed more whites to settle there, although probably not in the millions. I wanted very much to live in France when I was in college, but when I heard that the French themselves had a hard time finding jobs, I gave that up — I’d never want to take a French job from a French person.
    So no matter how much “schadenfreude” the commenters manifest, it is not “pure.” They have a point. Asians are coming here to be, more or less, Americans. Americans don’t go there to be Chinese or Koreans or Taiwanese in any numbers. They go to sell stuff — a religion, a factory. No white person thinks he or she could become a Japanese or an Indian. At best,you’d be a pretender, a sympathizer. At least “American” is generic these days, but there are those who still consider their ethnic labels exclusive to themselves.
    So what are we supposed to think? An awful lot want to be here, and even more would be here if they could. It leads Americans (at least the white kind) to unflattering speculation and self-reverential comparisons. Asians have the same range of creativity, humor, etc. as whites, but we don’t understand much about their cultures. There are reasons that “western” modern society has become the default, and reasons for those whose immediate ancestors created it, to be proud of its more attractive aspects. That may be what certain commenters are trying to express. Asians are very aware of themselves as Asians, yet white natives are not even supposed to notice or care. You sort of wonder why they come; America peaked in the 60s, before there was a huge Asian presence. Computers and the internet (a DARPA project begun for the Pentagon in the late 60s) were already part of the warp and the woof. You sort of wonder why all these people don’t just stay put and make their own countries their version of America, if they want that so much. And if they can’t create another America, well, then that does mean we’re “superior.” There’s a ready made America for them. Why spend 100 years creating another one. And so it goes on and on.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @artichoke
  56. Anonymous • 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

    I highly doubt someone would feel the need to tell somebody else they are “blithering ignorant”, if they weren’t at least a little ignorant (and maybe more), and if they had confidence in what they stated.

    I have known many Mongolian Asians, including Chinese, and confirm @kiismerh experience.

    Intelligent comes in many shapes, and they excel only at one kind of it, that I would call technical, engineer-istic. In that, they excel to a degree a Westerner is hardly going to imagine before he/she knows some.
    Your average Japanese shopkeeper can compute better than your average good student of mathematics in the West, and they have a huge knob for logic.

    While they are particularly weak in the field of creativity, imagination, and so forth: and incapable of grasping verbal analogies and jokes, or anything needing the smallest grain of imagination to an extent that can surprise a Westerner.

    This correlates a lot with their genetic tendency toward conformity, that is, in turn, reflected by their political systems and great stability (they also suffer from far more less psychic diseases and disturbances of the kind caused by high emotionability and stress).

    I don’t, and I assume @kiismerh doesn’t, need to “take your word for it” (who would take the word of someone who speaks by insults, by the way?), as I, and I assume he too, speak by experience.

    • 回复: @Hacienda
    , @Anonymous
  57. pink_point 说:
    @Ron Unz

    I challenge you to find a funnier example or wishful thinking on China than at:


    “Twilight years”. And soon they’ll have to open their borders…

  58. pink_point 说:
    @Ron Unz

    “China has demonstrated the ability to control human behavior”, says the reader you replied to.

    Does he know of some place where that is not the case? Is he/she reading and “watching” the USA-EU mainstream media af of late?


    我挑选了一位神经科学家的一句话,这是 20 世纪西方(通常是盎格鲁-撒克逊人)心理学家、精神病学家无数名言中的一句。

    “We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically manipulated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”

    The 2 differences with China (and Russia) is their governors work for the good of their governed, and even liberty is going to find more space in their culture and society, whereas the West has slipped back to authoritarianism, and a menacious one at that: one in which the governers seem to loathe the governed, and work with all but their governed’s interest in their mind.


    Regardless, I can’t see anything “eugenicist” to such policies.

    “Forty or fifty years ago, the Chinese government was far more ideological than its American counterpart, which led to all sorts of problems, but these days it is the American government which operates within a narrow ideological straightjacket.”



    • 回复: @dahoit
  59. pink_point 说:


    Maybe you had already read that news, or guessed it on your own; if so, you guessed very right.
    Life style and ambitions of young Chinese in China’s big cities is shifting very quickly to Western, “postmodern” model. 30% live alone in the most “advanced” areas, and many want to do the same as soon as they can.

  60. Historian 说:
    @Hbd investor



    二战结束时,中国人口超过500亿,尽管当时没有人知道这一点。当共产党进行第一次人口普查时,他们惊讶地发现他们统治着 583 亿人。


    这是增加了 400 亿,而不是 1.2 亿。

  61. 5371 说:
    @Hbd investor

    Nope. China’s population was about 500 million at the end of WW2, and it grew rapidly due not to a rise in the birth rate but to a rapid improvement in public health

    • 回复: @dcite
  62. RolfDan 说:

    任何智力爆炸都来自大坝决堤。 一个曾经被分离但受过高等教育的人口突然打破了大坝并改变了前进道路上的一切。

    欧洲的基督徒开创了欧洲的原型大学。 研读经文磨砺了他们的心智,最终大坝破裂,对学习的热爱传播到世俗世界,伴随着相关的科学革命。

    伊斯兰黄金时代也是如此。 从 19 世纪开始,就出现了犹太人的浪潮。 大坝被犹太人的解放打破了,所有这些世纪的托拉研究都为犹太人准备了世俗的思想世界。

    正如日本在二战后所做的那样,中国的大坝随着向西开放而破裂。 就像之前的浪潮一样,这将改变我们所有人,但也会在一两个世纪后消退。 也许很快就会出现朝鲜浪潮。

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  63. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:



    • 回复: @pickwickcircle24
    , @dahoit
  64. kiismerh 说:

    1. 你显然是韩国人,并认为你无论是作为个人还是作为一个国家都具有很强的幽默感。
    2. 你似乎认为,因为这是你从西方媒体那里了解到的,伍迪艾伦和宋飞是复杂幽默感的缩影。 “相信我的话”,他们离那还很远。 (我不认识史蒂夫·马丁)

    我知道我无法让您相信您在两个帐户上都错了,这就是为什么我不得不从您的消息中窃取引用的行。 如果可以的话,我也可以教你幽默感。

    • 回复: @Hacienda
    , @Priss Factor
  65. Lot 说:
    @Hbd investor


    Has not worked in Han-majority Singapore. Tax cuts won’t work, taxes in China are not that high, and the country is still poor even no taxes would still mean their incomes are far below ultra low-fertility Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore.


  66. Lot 说:

    Low birth rates and high intermarriage means the share of the US young population that is pure Ashkenazi but not anti-education ultra-Orthodox has probably dropped from about 4% in the 1930’s to 1950’s to 1.25% now.

  67. pink_point 说:


    Where a non-minor point to be noted is th stress they lay on a wish to co-operate with the U.S.
    (it can be inferred they have received no responses up to now.)

  68. @Anonymous

    All anti-natural attitudes are self-limiting, as long as the stage is that of nature (we may be approaching a technohuman era).

  69. bossel 说:
    @Ron Unz

    ”……除了即使在这个所谓的“放缓”期间,中国的人均 GDP 也一直以大约 10 倍于美国的速度增长。

    您的图表只显示了 2010 年之前的数据。放缓实际上是在 2 或 3 年前才开始的。 我怀疑中国人的收入是否还在如此迅速地翻番。 它们总体上可能仍在增长(肯定不是在所有经济部门),但没有以前那么快。


    再一次,没有那么多了。 习近平是中华人民共和国长期以来最具意识形态的领导人。 取决于你如何定义“公平”,但在习的领导下,它正在迅速倒退。




    一些欧洲国家已经采取了上述类似措施(部分生效了很长时间或最近)。 没有太大变化。


    不错的。 这里的关键词可能是“似乎”。

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  70. @Talha

    In the years immediately after war w/ Iraq, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary leadership implemented pro-reproduction policies very much like those that Ron described. Where do you think the population bubble of under-40s in Iran came from? While it is usually the case that a culture that experienced devastating losses in war would experience a subsequent decline in fertility (a situation that was deliberately exacerbated in Germany post-WWII), the IRI took deliberate measures to successfully counter that phenomenon.

    Iran invested in education, including education of women — college is state-subsidized for those who pass certain tests; 60% of university students are female. — also invested heavily in community health care, extended to Iran’s rural populations, where electrification and education were also prioritized.

    Iran has had ethnically diverse populations for centuries, but they are united around Islamic-inflected core Persian culture — in literature, language, architecture, art, and an awareness of their history. But whichever — ethnically diverse or culturally unified, Iranian women mated with Iranian men to produce Iranian children.

    • 回复: @5371
    , @No_0ne
  71. dcite 说:

    As everywhere that utilized “western conveniences” like hot and cold running water, flush toilets, a controlled sewage system, and public health practitioners. Populations grow fast and incrementally when 6 out of a family’s 6 children survive, compare to two out of six.

  72. Ron Unz 说:

    您的图表只显示了 2010 年之前的数据。放缓实际上是在 2 或 3 年前才开始的。

    That’s exactly why I emphasized that although the chart was slightly dated, the current trends are almost indistinguishable. Whereas urban Chinese incomes were doubling every 5 years at the peak a decade or so ago, now they’re doubling about every 10 years. And per capita income growth in Chinese is indeed about 10x that in America, though you’d never guess that by reading MSM headlines. Bear in mind that per capita income growth in the U.S. has been quite low for many years.

    One of these days I’ll get around to spending five minutes updating my chart…

  73. @RolfDan


    西方 尤其是今天基督教和天主教的任何东西,都可以很好地克服其错误的信念,即 圣经 — by which I assume you mean Old and New Testaments — was such a singularly important and major source of scholarship and learning. Cicero (106 – 43 BC), Virgil (70 – 19 BC), Livy (59 BC – AD 17), Ovid (43 BC – 17 AD), Plutarch (46 – 120 AD), among others, produced writing that pre-dated or coincided with the Vulgate and that influenced European thought-leaders and academics.

  74. 5371 说:

    [it is usually the case that a culture that experienced devastating losses in war would experience a subsequent decline in fertility]

    WW1 in the west, yes, but the decline was already in full swing before the war started. All experience and logic would lead one to expect the opposite – quick breeding to repair the losses. In fact, the only case I can think of where a rapid fall in the fertility rate happened right after a destructive war is precisely Iran following 1988.

  75. Hacienda 说:

    I’m Korean American and bilingual. Known Koreans and Americans all my life.
    So, unless you have a similar background, yes, take my word for it. Koreans don’t lack humor and they aren’t high functioning autistics. Humor is a deep thing that comes in all varieties, from all conditions, like music. I’m telling you, white humor is not always the best humor. Peak white American humor occurred early 20th century, sorry, it did. Now it’s all about transgenderism, apologetics to colored people, and geeky bitch’in. While this is funny too, it’s not the same. Just not.

    • 回复: @Talha
  76. OLD JEW 说:

    Dear P.

    You make a salient point, a good point.

    Please forgive.

    My bias and prejudice show. In plain sight.

    Look at my pseudonym: besides being a Jew, I am also Old.

    Thus tend to look back 25 years ago thru rosy glasses.

    But notice, I did not mention MY school grades (way less to boast about)
    only my daughter’s and her friend.

    I remember, it irked me that those smart Asian kids ranked in the three top spots.


    • 回复: @Hacienda
  77. Hacienda 说:



    Who do you consider funny? I find peak Woody Allen and Seinfeld to be very funny and among the most sophisticated comics with mass following. Steve Martin helped revolutionize American humor, took it out of the model of stand up one-liners and direct narrative. If you don’t know Martin, you don’t even understand American humor, leave alone Asian humor.

    • 回复: @kiismerh
  78. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站



    A Japper’s words have some value. Jappers developed honor by the culture of belly slitting via harakiri if someone did wrong. Chinese just lie and lie and lie and cheat and cheat and cheat. They have no sense of honor. Even Chinese morality like guanxi promotes corruption. I learned this in a college class on Chinese culture. Guanxi is essential to understanding Chinese mind. Good deeds hide corruption and trading favors.


    Also, Chinese have combo of excessive arrogance(middle kingdom mentality) and excessive butthurt self-pity & rage. “Me so thorny, me so thorny.”


    At any rate, Chinese success IN America is individual, not collective. There is very weak sense of Chineseness among the Chinee-Americans whose main culture is pop culture, rap, comics, hollywood. Most Chinee-Amers I know worship negroes in the NBA over all else. That is their culture. Chinese study to go to good schools and make money. Not because they care about ideas and culture. Also, even if some Chinee go to elite schools and do well, your average Chinee-American don’t make it there. Indeed, due to anti-asian affirm action bias, you have to super-smart to make it into elite schools. Otherwise, your’e out. Not making it into elite is okay for Chinee girl because they still have ‘me so horny’ suzie womg appeal. But because the chinee male has such low market value in sexual competition, his failure to have extra success and fame means his life is that of loser geek with videogames(unless he gets a girl from China, but that is bad cuz China has a huge female deficit already).
    So, even if Chinese succeed as individuals, there is no collective glue among chinee. The most important bond of a people is male and female. Such doesn’t exist among Asian Americans. So, Chinee women provide wombs for others and Chinee men just work as drones and play video games all their lives.



    Reform Jews succeed more as individuals but too many don’t have kids or marry non-Jews or become lost in fashionable Liberalism(which has become batshit crazy).

    Pitfalls of secular Jewish culture:


    Ortho Jews are less successful materially but they breed more and emphasize culture and identity. Money don’t create people. Pud and pooter(or cooter) do. Ortho Jews got union of Jewish pud and Jewish pooter.
    If Jews lose all the money but have the Torah(and unity of the Jewish pud and Jewish poon), they survive and people and culture. But if Jews got all the money but ignore what they are and intermarry and raise their kids to be fashionably neurotic like Dunham or Sulkowicz, that’s the end.

    When I see Ortho Jewish families who are committed to culture and heritage, I’m inspired, though not with Hasidim who are too tardish with their silly hair.

    相比之下,看看莉娜·邓纳姆(Lena Dunham)和艾玛·苏尔科维奇(Emma Sulkowicz),她们是迷失了方向的犹太人的混血儿。

    It’s Decalogue Jews vs Golden Calf Jews.

    It’s Michael Medved Jews and Bob Dylan Jews vs Larry Kramer Jews and Andrea Dworkin Jews.



    • 回复: @Inque Yutani
    , @Equalizer
  79. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Asians want to come here because of the money. It’s not culture that drives people here, be it asians or others.

    If whites immigrate somewhere en mass, it will be because somewhere else offers them better economic opportunity, not because of cultural reasons. You travel some place to experience the culture, you don’t move.

    It used to be that America was rich because of the hard work of its people, now America is mainly rich because of momentum and dollar hedgemony. Both of which are becoming unwound.

    So a lot of Fred observed is based on whites just grasping for straws of how da chinaman’s success is just smoke and mirrors and China will crumble.

    • 回复: @dcite
  80. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    亚洲人是只擅长考试的无人机,而白人是出色的创意类型,都忙于发明 ipod。

    First of all, a lot of the “spark” you see from white people comes from Jewish white people. Not your common white you see walking around. Einstein, Seinfeld, Spielberg are all Jewish.


    其次,正如文章中提到的,由于德系犹太人通婚或生产低于替代率,对科学和艺术做出巨大贡献的犹太人类型已经减少了很多。 低智商的正统犹太人是那些一直在繁殖并将取代聪明的犹太人的人。

    • 回复: @bunga
    , @martin_2
    , @Karl
  81. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:


    Neurosis can make for interesting individuality but not lasting cultural identity.

    It’s as if Reform Jews or Post-Jews have adopted neurosis as the new Jewish identity.

    A people overly obsessed with the odd and new but indifferent to the old and true are bound to get lost.

    This Jewish promotion of homo agenda seems like a projective institutionalization of the neurotic and odd as the new American identity.

    Tattoos and butt-banging as the new Americanism via Jewish culture of neurosis. Where will all this lead?

  82. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Jews have diminshed, because in the past Jews had to create something of value I’m order to make it in life. Hence the high art and science achievements.

    Now that Jews run America like the mafia does, Jews have more guaranteed avenues of success that don’t require much from them. Jews now run the media, finance, law, Ivy Leagues etc. And once your in you don’t have to worry about producing so much since what you produced isn’t why you got your position in the first place.

    It is easier to let the goyim build a business for you and then just copy it or buy them out using a hedge fund. This is what Zuckerberg and the Google guys did, whereas in the past they would have had to do it all themselves.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  83. Hacienda 说:
    @OLD JEW

    At my daughter’s high school graduation, I heard the valedictory speech given by an Asian girl.
    Smart, witty, on point with precocious knowledge of current culture. Don’t so irked, my man.

  84. Talha 说:

    I’m a big fan of Japanese cinema from the 50s, 60s and 70s (not much exposure to Korean) and I know what you are talking about. The humor is subtle and different but it is definitely there and charming.


  85. kiismerh 说:

    我检查了那个马丁的家伙,他完全是幼稚的。 难怪你喜欢他并证实我之前说过的话:亚洲人的幽默感是10岁的水平。

    这里有一些复杂幽默的例子:PG Wodehouse、Gary Larson 或者对你来说可能令人惊讶的是 Beavis and Butt-Head 的创造者 Mike Judge。

    • 回复: @Hacienda
  86. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “(I don’t know Steve Martin)”




    • 回复: @kiismerh
  87. Hacienda 说:

    I think you’re too categorical in your thinking. Kind of like the snobs who say any music that is classical must be superior to any music that is pop when there are clunkers in classical music and brilliant pop music.

    Steve Martin is not infantile. It takes an a remarkable amount of effort and balls for an intelligent grown white male in that time to be as ridiculous as he was. He’s stated that it took ten years of hard work and refining for him to develope his act until he got to the level he did. The acceptance of his humor opened the doors for lesser comedians like Steve Kaufman, Pee Wee Herman. Heralded the arrival of Saturday Night Live.

    PG Wodehouse, I haven’t read. Gary Larsen is geeky humor and funny, but there is no objective measure that says he’s more sophisticated than the comics of “무한 도전” which relies upon cultural awareness and precise physical and verbal timing of the team members.

  88. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站


    “Some Japanese researchers think that Jesus’ history is different from what is generally believed. This alternative version of Christ’s story was forgotten until 1935, when Kiyomaro Takeuchi (Takenouchi) reportedly discovered an ancient document in Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan. The text of the manuscript presented a shocking tale. It says that Jesus was buried in Herai Village in the Aomori district in Japan.”

    Human mind is limitless in its nuttery.

    But perhaps, instead of just dismissing nutty claims, we should value the insights they offer as to how the human mind works.
    Even nutty stuff yield secrets to to the tendencies of the mind.

    This is the decisive key to Jewish power.

    Some people will see or hear something stupid and just dismiss it.

    In contrast, Jews will ponder why the human mind can fall for dumbass or nutty stuff. This will lead to secrets of how the mind operates and how it can be manipulated.

    So, if someone like Richard Dawkins says ‘religion is wrong and stupid’ and totally rejects it, Jews will delve into how humans with power of reason could nevertheless believe in fantasy. Consider Spielberg’s neo-Christo fable with ET. Incredibly, he made countless kids worship and weep over an androgynous walking turd from outerspace that munches on reeses pieces. He knew what imagistic and emotional buttons to push. Spielberg is much bigger than Dawkins.

    If culture snobs will just dismiss trash as low culture, Jews will wonder why so many people are addicted to trashy stuff.

    And if you learn the secrets, you can formulate means to control the entire masses.

    After all, the homo agenda was not spread through rational debate or factualism.


    It was proglytized (prog-proselytized) with fanfare and hype like the Catholic Church used to do.

    The masses were fanta-fudged into worshiping the homo. Homo agenda is not about a social acceptance of homos but about neo-spiritual celebration of homos as angels.

    Smart individuals often reject untrue or stupid stuff and just live in their own world. Like traditional Episcopalians. They may have privilege but they have no power over masses whom they sneer at.

    Dumb masses often accept nonsense and stupid stuff.

    Smart individuals who crave power(many Jews) need to sway the dumb masses, and so they look to nonsense and stupid stuff(that has great appeal to the masses) for clues as to what is most appealing to the masses.
    Thus, they formulate the clues into a strategy of mass control via the manipulative art.

    It’s like you gotta rummage through the shit or garbage to really understand what appeals to the consumptive habits of people.
    You gotta examine the waste to determine the taste.

    It’s no wonder Jews and not Episcopalian Brahmins of the East Coast came to dominate American movie culture.
    If you hold your nose above the shit, you won’t make the hit.

    If you want to fund astronomy, make money by selling astrology.
    If you know how most human mind works, you know astrology is more effective in manipulating the masses than astronomy is.

    Homo Agenda was more about ass-trology than ass-tronomy.

    Fact of ass-tronomy is some men are born to indulge do sodomic-buggering.
    Not very appealing.


    Faith in ass-trology is that homos and trannies are like rainbow angels.
    Oh, that is so fun and rapturous.

  89. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    “Jews have diminshed, because in the past Jews had to create something of value I’m order to make it in life. Hence the high art and science achievements.”

    Jews are now more powerful than ever.

    But money and books and real estate and etc don’t create new life.

    A man with a billion dollars who has no kids is rich only for one lifetime.

    A man with thousand dollars who has 5 kids pass down a living culture.

    Of course, Jews do have children, and 1/2 Jew kid is reliably Jewish.

    1/4 Jew kid too maybe.

    But a 1/8 or 1/16 Jew kid?

    Anthony Weiner’s kid is gonna be less reliably Jewish.

    Still, Jews are still out-performing most groups in most stuff.

    Even if Jewish intellectual and cultural achievements are diminished compared to the past, they have no competition… except from blacks in rap but Jews control music industry.

    PC is controlled by Jews. As Asians are teacher’s pets, they just follow PC.
    Jews and Asians have same politics in the US, but Jews shape it whereas Asians just follow it.

    The danger for Jews is that the logic of PC might end up boomeranging on them.
    It could lead to POC seeing Jews as part of ‘white privilege’ and seeing Zionism as part of ‘racism’.
    Homos are most reliable ally of Jews, but what if homos side with BDS one of these days?

    There is now a homo civil war between Jewish/white homos who support Israel and diverse-ass-homos who stick up for Palestine.

    Lib Jews staked their reputation on Jewish nationalism(support for Israel) and proggy politics.

    But many Jews are now pressured to choose one or the other.

    Jews like philip weiss have chosen proggyism while some Jews harden into ardent Zionists.

    With total victory of proggyism and diversityism over whites in media and academia, many POC are less riled about ‘white evil’.

    They are more into fighting over spoils of victory that seem to disproportionately in hands of Jews. And Jews are increasingly on the defensive, esp as POC cannot be silenced by invoking ‘racism’.

  90. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    Japanese national character is more like northern Europe.

    Chinese national character is more like southern Europe.

    Some Chinese in Italy:


    —-On Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said the Chinese embassy and consulate had lodged a complaint with Italy, “urging it to carry out civilized law enforcement and fair investigation” while protecting the rights and safety of Chinese citizens in Italy.—-

    Like I said, Chinese are like snakes and weasels.

    They bash Tibetans real good but talk about ‘civilized law enforcement’.

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  91. bunga 说:

    工业化发生了吗? 谁发明了微积分、高等代数、原子、周期表、辐射-x 射线、提供光学光、波的性质、发明发动机并开始机动旅行航空航天、生产廉价农业或航海或划船,等等。
    直到 20 世纪才在那里看到犹太人。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  92. kiismerh 说:
    @Priss Factor

    我是欧洲人。 只能观看您的前两个链接。 如果有一种类似于智商的幽默感,你的肯定低于100。对不起。

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  93. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    “I am European… Sorry”

    French can’t do physical comedy.

    德国喜剧? 在哪里?

    There’s a saying.

    “Hell is where Swedes do comedy.”

    只有英国人、意大利人、犹太人、Jivers 和香港人擅长喜剧。




    • 回复: @5371
  94. Svigor 说:

    我的另一个朋友有一个亚裔妻子,因此进入了亚裔社区。 他引用了他们(明智的)观点:“白人既懒惰又愚蠢。”

    Perhaps, but Whites are obviously superior at creating countries that Yellows want to live in. Yellows are clever and industrious, but they’re also bland, conformist, and corrupt. We’d be wise to exclude them from our living spaces, ere Yellows make them as bland, conformist, and corrupt as their homelands.


    China needs advanced mass transit far more than we do. There’s a billion of them packed into an area roughly the size of the 13 colonies. And their ant-hill-like lack of diversity (sorry, a globalist spirit came over me for a moment) means they can actually enjoy whatever mass transit they devise.



    最聪明的犹太人往往是世俗的,大约一半的世俗犹太人与非犹太人结婚,而大多数抚养孩子的人都是非犹太人。 (尽管有 1488 个人群 shibboleths)。 当这些孩子长大后,他们有一些聪明的基因,(或者全部,如果组合交配能够成功的话)。 但他们没有犹太人的标签。

    What’s funny is how Jews either trumpet or bemoan this supposedly epic level of Jewish tolerance (depending on their audience), but it’s actually evidence of Jews’ relative intolerance; imagine if Irish Catholics or Anglo-Saxons or Italians in America only married other whites at that rate. The NYT would be on them like stink on shit. Jews are easily the most endogamous white group in America.

    Wilson: Jews got one idea about lots of stuff: whether White “gentiles” are worthy of the rights Jews have (they aren’t), whether it’s okay to promote destructive liberalism and open borders for White “gentiles” while promoting the opposite for Jews (it is), whether Israel should survive as a Jewish supremacist apartheid state (it should), etc., etc., etc.

    • 回复: @dahoit
  95. Svigor 说:

    Actually, I think these critiques of China’s prospects are just total MSM nonsense/propaganda, much like how the old USSR used to endlessly critique America’s dreadful economic problems during the 1970s and 1980s.

    Hmm. The Soviet critique of America depended wholly on the fact that America was an open society, and the USSR was a closed one; it’s easy to create a false narrative in that situation.

    Does China today seem more open and honest than America?

  96. martin_2 说:

    There are 1.3 billion Chinese. There are roughly 50 million English. The average IQ of the Chinese is around 105, English is around 100. Yet I cannot think of one living Chinese mathematician or physicist of such renown as Roger Penrose, Stephen Hawking, Andrew Miles, John Conway, Alan Baker, Ben Green; except for Terence Tao.
    There must be something genetic going on.

  97. Svigor 说:

    Far as I can tell, Chinese have that Arab/Jew/Wog thing, “either at your feet or at your throat,” when it comes to manual labor. That is, when they succeed, they’re quick to turn around and sneer at what’s “beneath” them, take a tone with their “inferiors,” etc. Not a whole lot of introspection. Obviously this is a human trait, but groups fall along the spectrum, and I don’t see much “noblesse oblige” in non-whites.

    • 回复: @SFG
  98. martin_2 说:

    America is not the only white country. What about Europe? American comedy is absolutely chronic. They have no idea. The whole of human existence can be summed up in a selected half hour of Benny Hill. He was not Jewish. For recent cultural highs one needs to look at Russian twentieth century classical music, no Jews there to speak of.

  99. Svigor 说:

    I believe China is also the world leader in vacant high rise buildings. Maybe there is a need for high-speed rail in China that simply doesn’t exist in the U.S.

    This. It’s like the Chinese bragging about being the best at Chinese ink paintings, or Americans bragging about having the biggest and best baseball leagues. We can’t even find a real need for Amtrack, but we’re supposed to go all hot and heavy for high speed rail?

    I want my country to be the world leader in things that I actually admire in Asians, Jews, and others: the ability to preserve our ethnic genetic interests, keep our borders closed, and being impenetrable to critique by aliens.

  100. Svigor 说:

    I challenge you to find a funnier example or wishful thinking on China than at:


    “Twilight years”. And soon they’ll have to open their borders…

    I have observed an overriding need among slaves to see others enslaved, among eunuchs to see all men gelded, etc.

  101. DB Cooper 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Nothing bash the Tibetans like the Indians.

    India invaded and annex a part of Tibet in 1951 and still brutally occupy it to this day. The area include Tawang, birthplace of the Sixth Dalai Lama and home to one of the holiest Tibetan monasteries. There are laws allowing the Indian government to detain or even kill any locals there. The law is called AFSPA. Tibetans and other Northeasterners in India are regularly taunted with racial slurs from the Indians. Some even got killed because they ‘look Chinese’.

    That allegations of Tibetans are oppressed under Chinese rule is a MSM construct. Go there and talk to the local Tibetans in China. It is not what you think.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @anonymous
  102. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:
    @DB Cooper

    Okay, Chinese and Indians bash Tibetans real good.

  103. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    “The average IQ of the Chinese is around 105”

    This is based on questionable data of elite kids in Shanghai.

    The regular Chiner’s IQ is no higher than that of whitey.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  104. wow, I see that this article touched a very, very sensitive nerve.

    please write more of this fred. the frenzied responses from some of the commentators is eye opening.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  105. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    I don’t know if Fred Fred Cabbage Head is really being sincere or trolling.

    His stuff about Mexican genius in every corner is funny as hell.

  106. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    In all this talk of Jews and Chiners, what about the Anglos?

    They are the ones who built US, Canada, and Australia that are controlled by Jews and filling up with Chiners.

    I think Australia and Canada better be more vigilant about Chiners as they do have the possibility of being overrun by them. Chiners have to deal with too much diversity and other groups to ever take power in the US.

    Anyway, what of the Anglos in this new system? What role will they play?

    And why did they lose out in the lands of their own creation?

    Maybe their very advantage had a huge weakness.

    The huge advantage of Anglos was principle, honor, and rule of law.

    But for those to work properly, a community has to be de-culture-ized. Rule of law must apply to all individuals. Principle means one has to favor stuff like meritocracy over one’s own kind. And honor means one must maintain dignity.

    Among themselves, these were good things to have. But those factors de-emphasized culture and kinship and heritage since laws must be fair and neutral to all.

    So, over time, Anglos lost their blood-and-guts identity.

    And when their nations were filled up with darkies and Jews, Anglos didn’t have the red blood and guts cultural tribal sense to fight and win. Their culture became golf club privilege and high-toned air of Bill Buckley.
    And if white people did dig into blood and guts, their enemies could invoke the very Anglo book of fairness and point out how ‘racist’ the Anglos were acting.

    So, Rule of Law and Neutral Justice are good things… but they turn people into bland individuals who are decultured and favor principles over blood and homeland. When such anemic people come in contact with red blooded folks, they lack the balls to fight and struggle.

    Jews learned the art/science of rule of law, but they never gave up their blood and guts cultural sense… and they esp regained it after the problems of communism, nazism, and Zionism.

    Communism taught socialist Jews that just being ‘worker of the world’ was dull and meaningless. While social justice is good, man needs culture and history and heritage.
    So, Jews found more satisfaction in Zionism that bound socialism with Jewish identity and culture.
    In some ways, Germans did same with National Socialism that bound Germanism with socialism. If Nazis had kept it national devoid of nasty chauvinism, it might have succeeded like Zionism. But Hitler was a racial chauvinist and imperialist. (It could be that the undoing of Zionism in the long run is its imperialist side. Occupation of West Bank is turning out costly. And Ziocon messing of the Middle East may lead to some long term disasters for Jews.)

    Anyway, rule of law and idea of justice are good and necessary but they are tools. They are weak as core culture and identity of a people.

    A Jew who feels as Jew and Zionist has meaning. But a Jew who rejects his identity and says, “I’m just for individual liberty and rule of law” has weak meaning.

    Tools are good and necessary but must not be mistaken with the person of blood and flesh they serve.

    After all, each person matters more as a blood-and-flesh product of family than any ideology he adopts.
    If ideology or ideas count the most in determining identity, then it means you are NOTHING unless you believe in something. What you believe counts more than your very existence.

    So, if you believe libertarianism is what counts most, a person who is not libertarian is not human and has no value. But in fact, a person’s worth remains intact regardless of what he believes.
    A Jew is no less a Jew for abandoning communism and adopting capitalism. He is still a Jew. His core identity is more than any ideology. This is why a Jew must put Jewishness and Zionism first before any ideology. He may adopt parts of ideologies to serve his Jewish interest. But the thing is to have the ideology to serve him and his people than to have him and his people serve an ideology as the endall of truth.

    Tools exist to serve humans, humans don’t exist to serve tools.
    Even Marx made this point. Economics must serve man. But capitalism too often makes us believe we exist to serve the economy.

    Economy must serve man and his nation.

    Globalism says ALL MEN must serve the economy of globalists.
    In the end, it means we all must serve the economy of Wall Street and Las Vegas.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  107. Svigor 说:


    Japanese accepted, God bless ’em. They’re hard core racists, and as dishonest as any other yellow race, but at least they made their own country something to be admired, keep others out, and have no interest in infesting others’. And they make great cars.

    • 回复: @ChaseBizzy
  108. SFG 说:

    You see it in silly lefty Ashkenazi Israeli publications like Haaretz.

    For that matter the whole left-wing social justice/tikkun olam thing does have a definite air of 贵族有义务 about it. “We have suffered so now we must help those who are suffering,” etc. The Jewish civil rights workers were never as badly off as the blacks they were trying to help. I was just reading Dun邦同盟 (great book, BTW), set in New Orleans in the sixties, and while the black guy’s cleaning the floors the Jewish couple owns the factory. (There’s also a hilarious Jewish activist lady–you can see what lefties were like before the women realized the guys were taking advantage of ‘free love’ to mess around, and Ignatius Reilly definitely reminds me of Mencius Moldbug.)

    What’s that you say? They should extend that 贵族有义务 to poor whites as well? Especially ones who live in rural areas and get screwed by trade policy, moral collapse, and Section 8 v0uchers? Hey, you asked if it existed, not if it was actually good for society.

  109. Priss Factor [AKA "Dominque Francon Society"] 说:


    Back in the 80s, a Jewish kid had a VCR and showed us one of his pa’s adult videos.

    Shiite, this Jeremy fella had a meater so long that he could suck his own dick.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @Father O'Hara
  110. Priss Factor [AKA "Dominque Francon Society"] 说:


  111. Priss Factor [AKA "Dominque Francon Society"] 说: • 您的网站
    @Priss Factor

    Jews and Asians are like blacks and whites in sports.

    You see good number of whites in college level football and basketball, but when it comes to the pros, blacks totally dominate.

    Likewise, at college level, Asians have lot of firepower.
    But when it comes to true innovation and creativity after college, Jews dominate.

    Education is about mastering accumulated knowledge. It depends a lot on effort and practice. Asians can do that.

    But real achievement is about creating something new, thinking something no one did before, and going to where no man has gone before. It requires spark, inspiration(than mere perspiration).

    Asians are good at learning about everything in settled space.
    Jews are much better at discovering uncharted territories.

    • 回复: @Rdm
  112. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    当谈到文化或科学影响时,非犹太白人现在基本上是隐形的。 普通白人既没有脑力也没有文化特征来贡献任何有价值的东西。

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @kiismerh
  113. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    There are not 50 million English with an IQ of 100. That is obviously a lie. There may be 50 million people in the UK, but they are all a mix of low IQ Muslims, Africans, and lower class whites mixed in with some exceptionally smart white people. A much smaller number than 50million of course.

    Also, the fact you haven’t heard of the contributions from other cultures doesn’t mean much either. Other countries like India and China are still emerging from agrarian societies. Also, Western institutions and media are biased in favor of their own kind. So I wouldn’t place much on what some Englishman has heard.

  114. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Another example of wishful thinking from white people.

    You are probably talking about PISA scores which are related to IQ but might have some variability in selection.

    The Chinese IQ was not taken from a small sample size from elite Shanghai students.

    If anything I would call into question the IQ of white people today. With how much immigration and race mixing that has gone on in Western societies, and the devaluation of the intellect for the last 30 or so years, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a big drop in white IQ.

  115. joe webb 说:

    I saw a chart the other day with Asians, I guess chinese, at 117% higher in money making than White men in the US.

    White men have a couple IQ points less…and the smarter chinks get here in the first place compared to their stay-at-home brethren. Chinks have no outside interests except family, and so there work, work , work. no sports, no, motor sports, not much else…just nose to the grindstone and of course forget politics…prostrate in the dust in front of the Emperor du jour. Do what you are told. To Get Rich is Glorious! the current chink communist slogan.

    So, money, money, money is the chinky ca-ching, ca-ching, ca-ching!!! better than the jews.


  116. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor






  117. @Hbd investor

    呃,吉米·卡特 (Jimmy Carter) 于 1978 年担任美国总统。理查德·尼克松 (Richard Nixon) 于 9 年 1974 月 XNUMX 日辞职。

  118. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:


    In the end, DQ or dick quotient will determine things.

    And in this Chinese fall short of whites, Jews, and esp the jaffers.

    In modern sexpot world, Chinee women are into me-so-horny mode.
    They lose virginity early to non-Asian men and ‘don’t want to go back.’
    Even bookworms like amy chua went non-chinee and in her book she says that is the norm in elite circles.

    Look how 50% of Chinee girl in the West give womb to non-Chinee men.
    They may be proud of Chinee cooking and culture but they are ashamed of chinee men or to have chinee men’s kids.
    Their policy is Chinese Male Exclusion Act in their pooter. Their bedrooms have No Dogs and Chinese Males Allowed.

    These mixed race kid will imprint on non-Chinese man as father and figure of authority, thus cultural identity. They will see their mothers as having dumped inferior Chinee men for superior non-chinee man.

    So, who wins in the end? Brains don’t create life. Puds do. And Chinee pud lose big in the DQ department esp in our porny world where girls are encouraged to loudly and publicly talk about dick, dick, dick like in sex and city.

    You come here with a brain filled with IQ but loin lacking in boing. Boing is Being.
    You read but no breed.
    Even a lowlife poor negro who humps ho’s will produce kids but you won’t produce any.

    Also, modern world calls for ‘game’. For most of Chinee history, no game was required. Chinee men and Chinee were matched by parents.
    And then, China was closed to the world and all Chinee werevpoor under communism. So, Chinee women only had Chinee men. Since all people poor, they married on just human affection.

    But in the West, Chinee girl is not just content with human affection.. She’s into fortune and success.
    Also, she can choose from all sorts of men and realize that Chinee men inferior in DQ and game.
    They are nerdy like this fella:

    What a panda boy dork.

    So, you lose. You may read more but you breed less.
    And since Chinee men evolved in slavish society, they no got ‘game’ and so very lame.

    It’s like the theory of the 3 C’s.


    • 回复: @Hacienda
    , @Anonymous
  119. Escher 说:
    @Gene Su

    You’re dead wrong I am afraid. Asians take great pride in having servants or others do their errands and unpleasant tasks for them.

  120. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    “While there Chinese visited the New World, they did not colonize or genocide the natives there. Whites killed them off and made them slaves.”

    Mao killed 50 million Chinese. Chinese were too busy killing own kind to bother with others.

    And in the 19th century, the Taiping Rebellion. shiite.

    Also, China was the #1 backer of the horrible Khmer Rouge.

    And if Anglos suck so bad, how come Hong Kong and Singapore do so well?

    And why do so many Chinese want to come to Anglospheric worlds?

    Why do they prefer rule of ‘white racists’ to yellow tyrants?

    And Chinese were into foot-binding for 1000 yrs.

    (Sad to say, the West now worships men who cut off dicks and balls)

    • 回复: @5371
    , @Equalizer
  121. 5371 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Louis de Funès couldn’t do physical comedy? Are you out of your mind?

  122. Rehmat 说:

    No Fred Jewish population has not declined in the United States. Some of the Jews, though, have adopted Christian names to penetrate political and religious establishments in order to destroy Christian world from within. For example, John Kerry, president Eisenhower, John Bolton, Archbishop of Canterbury and Pope John Paul II, to name a few. Even some western writers have insisted that Adolf Hitler, Adolf Eichmann, Attaturk were Crypto Jews.

    If one believes the ‘Six Million Died’ story or Talmud’s narrative of “four billion Jews were killed by Romans” – there are over 13 million Jews are still living around the world mostly in Occupied Palestine, United States, France and Argentina.

    Chinese never killed a single Jew for political reason – but the have killed hundreds of thousands of native Muslims in China.

    China has very close relations with the Zionist entity, especially in arms and other technically fields. According to Newsweek, Chinese businessmen learn how to made more profit by studying Talmud.


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  123. El Dato 说:
    @Priss Factor

    在犹太人占主导地位的美国长大的 J·J·艾布拉姆斯 (JJ Abrams) 并不尊重白人外邦人,因为他打算在《星球大战》续集中用一个可怕的黑人作为未来白人女孩的怀孕者,以打造一个银河般的奥巴马风格。

    I will save that quote.

    Still,,. as The Immortal Mister Plinkett explained in one of his reviews (but regarding Star Wars “The Phantom Menace”, as mis-directed by George Lucas):

    Why is Samuel Jackson in a Star Wars Movie?? He is there to pander to the “Urban Market” – which is to say Blacks. Well, the Urban Market once stole my video recorder…

  124. I figured it was the result of a few generations of Ivy-league types (Jewish and otherwise) selecting other Ivy-league types as mating partners and dumbing down the microcosm in the process. The children are legacies, and therefore don’t have to really try to get into the Ivy-league, but doing so gives the veneer of ongoing superiority.

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
  125. avraham 说:

    理性和启示之间存在着某种协同作用。这在很大程度上基于欧洲犹太人对迈蒙尼德的尊重以及中世纪的普遍态度,这种态度看到了信仰与理性之间的紧密联系。因此,人们有足够的动力去看到 STEM 的伟大成果。

    • 回复: @dahoit
  126. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Articles by racist dbags always seems to attract a huge following of racist dbags.

    There is logic in this world.

  127. El Dato 说:


    This is why we have refined to a very high degree the art of leisurly smoking while waiting for events to unfold.

  128. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Calling these groups smart is hilarious.

    Let’s see, one group considers themselves chosen, and superior to others. They think others exist to serve them. A set of delusional beliefs which condemn their faith to the minuscule minority exclusive membership cult that they are.

    The other holds a faith that venerates their ancestors as gods, and not to forget their worship of wealth.

    How smart can they really be?

    • 回复: @Clyde
  129. Realist 说:

    “Bach’s and Beethoven’s IQ is estimated to have been more or less 160.”

    IQ estimates are worthless.

  130. Karl 说:

    > In the future all Jews will be Orthodox and/or Israeli

    bing fucking-o.

    The Pro Schneur League teams (eg, American Jewish Committee) are in quite the tizzy about it. Bureaucratic expense accounts are at stake, for christ’s sake!!

    .It’s also worth noting that China’s Tech rise coincides (time-wise) quite well, with the decision to send HUNDREDS of kids to Israeli universities every year.

    The Thai chicks still have a better rate of locking down an Israeli husband.

  131. Finally, their great leap forward, during our slow creep backward. Fits on a sticker which sticks to a bumper . . . where it may be ignored as we hurtle off the cliff.

  132. Karl 说:
    @mtn cur

    > NSA can’t eavesdrop on the old mark I model 0 homing pigeon and likely never will

    Prussians had hawks to take out French pigeons smuggling messages out the Siege of Paris. Says wiki. Wiki is set up to repeat what someone else wrote; not all that much actual fact checking.

    • 回复: @mtn cur
  133. 5371 说:
    @Priss Factor

    [Also, China was the #1 backer of the horrible Khmer Rouge.]

    If you forget about the US.

  134. Clyde 说:

    Smarter than confident atheists like yourself.

  135. Here we go again with Freddy’s mindless obsession about IQ and intelligence and who has it and who doesn’t, yadda yadda yadda.

    “Years ago, when I was tech writer,… bla, blah, blah…”

    Wowza, I’m impressed and humbled all at once. Since yer so smart, I guess I’d better lissen up, eh? I better take yer evry werd as Gospel er sumpin cuz yer obviously my superior. I’m surprised you didn’t tell us agin how smart you must be cuz yerown daddy wuz a mathemutician fer da navy, and it’s in da jeans 😉 ‘n sech.

    Anyway, as any half wit can see, treating Jews as an ethnic group is pretty mindless since Judaism is a proselytizing religion. That means that Jews can be of any race or ethnicity just as Christians can. I guess even a fella with a high IQ (in Freddy’s case that obviously means Idiot Quotient) can ascertain what that means.

    Freddy, may I suggest you get someone to read and explain Sand’s book to you?

    “犹太人的发明”首次在以色列以希伯来语出版,标题为“Matai ve'ech humtza ha'am hayehudi?”,作者是特拉维夫大学历史学教授 Shlomo Sand。




    “Countering official Zionist historiography, Sand questions whether the Jewish People ever existed as a national group with a common origin in the Land of Israel/Palestine. He concludes that the Jews should be seen as a religious community comprising a mishmash of individuals and groups that had converted to the ancient monotheistic religion but do not have any historical right to establish an independent Jewish state in the Holy Land. In short, the Jewish People, according to Sand, are not really a “people” in the sense of having a common ethnic origin and national heritage. They certainly do not have a political claim over the territory that today constitutes Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem.”


    • 回复: @WhatEvvs
    , @Che Guava
    , @biz
  136. George 说:

    If Asians are so capable, why are our best and brightest, military academy grads, mostly white? Oo-rah!

    “Whites are lazy and stupid.” Excuse me Sir, “Whites are lazy and/or stupid.”, it’s blacks that are “lazy and stupid.”

    • 回复: @Randall Parker
  137. Unzerker 说:



  138. AaronB 说:







    在 19 世纪,流行的比喻是,懒惰、懒惰的亚洲人和精力充沛的西方人。












  139. George 说:
    @Ron Unz

    1900 was supposed to be the start of the German century, and it was: Germans in America.

    It may be that politcal systems do matter.

    WWII era remark: They might have more Germans, but we have better Germans. USA#1!!!!

  140. TheJester 说:
    @Hbd investor

    Good point! Your comments parallel a recent article I read regarding why Germans are not having kids: high cost of living, high population density, small cramped apartments. There is also another very important shared reason: delayed marriage. As in Germany, the typical WASP in America now marries in his or her 30s. The women are already on the downward curve of their fertility cycles … and couples are habituated to lifestyles that do not make allowance for the disruptive existence of children in their lives.

    当我在 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代长大时,我们曾经说过一句话:


    Why? In spite of their best intentions, by that time the men are committed bachelors in their values and lifestyles … and they will never change; that is, they will never become involved and attentive husbands and fathers. Jump ahead 20 years when women are also delaying marriage until their 30s and you get the same result. For both of them, having matched BMWs in the garage, evenings in the local pub, and exotic vacations are more appealing than changing diapers, sorting out (expensive) child care issues, and worrying about how to pay for college.

  141. Che Guava 说:

    Japan still has the greatest high-speed rail system in the world. Also the first.

    China’s may already be more extensive for distance (can’t be bothered to check, but likely true by now, given the greater distances), but hardly a network, so far a high incident rate, and much of the tech. and know-how is pilfered from here (and I would guess to a lesser extent, France).

    The network here can’t really be called a network, The hub is very much Tokyo. In a few regional cities, there are switches, where the train is split, and the parts go on to different destinations.

    There is a plan to make Osaka a second hub, but I have no idea how that is supposed to fit in with the planned Tokyo-to-Osaka maglev.

    The current theoretical maximum for splitting trains is about three times, but the trains only have two destinations, at least the last time I rode one, so I think the switching is limited to two .

    I like the slow trains, and recent policy has been to make a consortium of prefectural govt.and existing local private lines take over lines where the bullet trains run on different lines, with Japan Rail holding a share.

    Where the bullet trains run on existing lines, so are only as fast as the special expresses they replaced, the slow trains run three to five times a day.

    but, if it’s not economical, it won’t last, and it will cost you unnecessarily as it diverts money to uneconomic goals

    Indeed, the airport-to-city maglev in China has a strong scent of white elephant about it.

    The new bullet-train services to Hokkaido (particularly) and to the sth.-west are not well-patronised most of the time, the old combinations of all-stops, commuter express in some places at some times, and special express did a better job.

    Concorde, wish I’d ridden it once, closest I’d ever be to space, an economy window seat would have been pricey, but just affordable, a small life regret. At least I saw a real Tu 144 landing, once. Think I never saw a Concorde, except in the sky once, maybe that was also a Tupolev.

    • 回复: @tbraton
  142. ChaseBizzy 说:


  143. biz 说:

    Unz’s proposed method of using surnames to count Jews performing highly on the SAT, NMSQT, etc. isn’t reliable. For example, as I understand it, he didn’t check this method by using it to estimate the number of Jews in the Harvard (or was it MIT?) entering class, a number which he actually had and could verify his count against.

    As far as I can tell, we still have no way to actually know what the fraction of Jews performing highly on these tests is.

  144. WhatEvvs [又名“ Mipchunk”] 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Well, you certainly have a lot to say about the Jews, so have you done any reading? Where is it written that the children of Jewish fathers/Chinese mothers will grow up Jewish?

    The majority of children of Jewish fathers/non-Jewish mothers do not grow up Jewish, quite apart from the fact that they are not considered Jewish by Judaic law. They just drift away. I see this everywhere, in my own family and others.

    The Jewish future is in the ultra-Orthodox.

    • 回复: @dahoit
  145. WhatEvvs [又名“ Mipchunk”] 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    Where would a comment on Unz be without someone like you? Fred was referring specifically to Ashkenazi Jews. As for Sand’s book, he isn’t saying anything new. All peoples are invented to a degree. So the Jews invented a usable mythology, which magically changes as circumstances change. There’s nothing special about that.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  146. WhatEvvs [又名“ Mipchunk”] 说:

    “But as Steve Sailer says in another context, you’re not supposed to notice any of this stuff, because it threatens the attempt to erect a clear, simple, deterministic, picture of human nature scientists have been trying to establish for some time now.”

    Yeah, but the HBD guys notice what they want to notice and don’t notice anything they don’t. So they are no different from the crazy leftists in that regard. Their shtick is Genes Uber Alles, and it doesn’t matter if you grow up in a shambles, what matters is that the tape inside your Jewish brain unfolded as Darwin decreed. I drop by Unz every six months or so to see what the crazies here say, and it the same (((old story))), never changes.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  147. WhatEvvs [又名“ Mipchunk”] 说:

    I usually disagree with Fred Reed 90%, but in this case, all I can say is, “great stuff.” What Fred is saying is that the decline of the American Jewish community is a bellwether of the decline of the great civilization that they emigrated to three generations ago. And, unusually for an Unz article, he isn’t blaming Jews, for which he deserves a special pat on the back.


    • 回复: @AaronB
  148. Seraphim 说:

    Some hard data that would bring some perspective:

    “In China, out of seven million students graduating from college annually 1.2 million have science degrees, or in engineering-related subjects. China’s colleges and universities constantly churn out an army of hyper-connected, fluent English speakers. As Edward Tse observes in China’s Disruptors, by 2020 they will be part of a total graduate workforce of an astonishing 200 million — more than the entire US workforce.” More than all the Jews in the world!
    @The Pearl River Delta showcases the Chinese Dream,By Pepe Escobar

  149. Unzerker 说:





  150. This will only get serious when Asians begin to encroach on “Hollywood”. Until then, Jews will just continue with their slow but steady retreat from the less important fields such as medicine and finance.

  151. Corvinus 说:
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    “The Orthodox I know are like the Amish. All their energies are devoted to family and maintenance of their traditions. You are not going to get any symphonies or bullet trains out of them.”

    Speaking in absolutes is a sign of a fool.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  152. @Priss Factor

    You never heard of that other guy,John Holmes?

  153. BTW you do not see many Asian chicks that look like the one in the pic at the top.She is a sweetie,most asian broads spittin’ venom and looking for that do re mi.

  154. kiismerh 说:

    “当谈到文化或科学影响时,非犹太白人现在基本上是隐形的。 普通白人既没有脑力也没有文化特征来贡献任何有价值的东西。”

    我不同意。 他们根本无法与犹太网络的力量竞争。 当我去美国并在我租来的汽车上听公关时,似乎每个播出的人都有一个犹太名字。 不管他们是愚蠢还是有语言障碍,他们都是被选中的人。 显然,选择的人也是犹太人,他们确实带着胆量而来。

    CNN 上也一样。 您必须是犹太人或有色人种才能被雇用。 同性恋也行。 即使他们需要专家接受采访,他通常也是犹太人。

    我相信在授予任期时也会发生同样的情况。 犹太人投票给其他犹太人,非犹太人根据功绩投票。 迟早,船上的每个人都会是犹太人,而你真的可以说:“普通白人既没有脑力也没有文化特征来贡献任何有价值的东西。”

    然而,这就像平权行动。 如果你看到一个犹太人在位,你应该自动质疑他的资格。

  155. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor


    You sound like a bitter white guy. If you wanna site DQ sorry to say that the brothers got everyone beat there as millions of white women can attest to.

    You can try to claim whites have more game than asians, but everyone else has more game than white people do. This is why white women mix with other races so frequently.

    And unlike China, America has that diversity that I’m sure makes you so happy.

    Glad to see you quit on the IQ angle by the way.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  156. Hrw-500 说:

    A bit off-topic but it might be related about some stuff then Kyle Bass mentionned about China.

    And I thought then it could be a bit interesting to compare Fred Reed’s article with Peter Lee’s article about China.

  157. Rdm 说:
    @Priss Factor


    Every time I read the Dominique comments, I laughed.

    Added with Joe Webb’s, you have the Shakespeare play.

    We need these two old WASP guys here in comments, to have the comments flowing.

  158. Rdm 说:
    @Gene Su

    This is a knee jerk comment to feel good.

    1. Asians tend to be far more stingy. They don’t go for flashy cars and houses as whites do (although clothes are another matter).

    Geeezuus. Freaking lies.

    2. Asians tend not to balk from manual or undesirable labor. They don’t see it as a sign of low rank. Thomas Sowell has written once that the laziness of black and white southerners has to do with the view that having to do manual labor was a disgrace. I have dealt with so many Asian VPs handling their own products and sweeping their floors.

    You mean Sewage VP?

    No VP will sweep their floors, you idiots. Or maybe self-employed Asian restaurant owner?

    3. Asian parents force their kids to study. My mom won’t let me out of the house until I spelled every word on the flash cards correctly.

    That’s your mom. I self study and my parents didn’t force me to study and yet, I stood among the Top 1%.

  159. Seraphim 说:

    @Muslim natives in China

    You mean natives of China who became Muslims.

    • 回复: @Rehmat
  160. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    IQ tests themselves do not determine someone’s future or worth as a person, but the IQ tests themselves are accurate. They are a measure is someone’s cognitive ability. That’s it.

    To say that Mexicans merely don’t try hard on the IQ test so add 20 IQ points or that Jews are out partying the night before so add another 40 points to Jewish IQ is rediculous.



    First they deny the validity of the IQ test, then when that doesn’t work they say IQ doesn’t matter. Why? Reasons lol.


    • 回复: @AaronB
  161. Che Guava 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    As I have mentioned before, the state broadcaster (NHK) demonstrates that bagels have a southtwest Asian origin in their documentary series 丝绸之路. I do not recall if it was Tajikistan or Uzbekistan, but the bakers were clearly making ur-bagels


    That is a lie, and you know it, Reform Judaism to an extent, Cabbalists to an extent (say, to the extent that they can recruit Madonna or, at times, garden-variety occultists).

    Otherwise, men who marry shiksas (yes, I know it is a nasty word, also know enough to know that it is a commom term of abuse) are not Jewish unless the shiksa or man are suffiently important or wealthy.

    Otherwise, the definition is purely maternal line.

    This applies to the international legal and illegal work network, too.

    I was pleased to see the Japanese govt. crack down on it over ten years ago.

    They did many really bad things, just from what I saw and what they said and complained about.

  162. George 说:

    The article uses the word Jew in a way that describes the word when Reed was growing up. Basically secular assimilated Ashkenazi central European more often than not Germanic Jews. These days you now have many dissimilar groups like Persian Jews, Issac Larian the Bratz dolls guy is America’s #1 Jew in my book. He’s not Bobby Fischer or Feynman but what are you going to do. Actually an Iranian born American woman won the fields prize, she has not commented on anything, but if I had to guess she is of Jewish heritage due to her name, Miriam, and her being in California. I suspect in the future the largest Jewish subgroup will be orthodox. Orthodox groups are not the same, and each Jew is an individual, but I think you will find they are quite different from secular Ashkenazi central European more often than not Germanic Jews.

    True Torah Jews (against Zionism): http://www.truetorahjews.org/
    True Torah Jews never forget, especially the way Zionists insulted them over the years. The Satmar and Neturei Karta cannot be considered a cult anymore because they are too numerous. True Torah Jews is a political organization, not a Jewish sect.

    As a note Bobby Fischer and Feynman not to mention others like Herb Alpert, Philip Roth, and Gary Marshall plus a bunch of others were distinctly secular and assimilated into what was at the time America’s still functional working class.

    and oh yeah, why when they have Jewish talking heads on the tv blabbing about Iran, why no Iranian Jews? We got plenty of Iranian Jews. Smart Iranian Jews. They might have more Iranians, but we have better Iranians…..

    • 回复: @5371
  163. dahoit 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Stop the nonsense people.Asians are smart hard working citizens,who add greatly to our nation.
    Has anyone seen the pictures that were in the Graun a few months ago on the transformation of the Pearl River Delta?
    And we get shite.
    The only maglev we ever had was taken out of Disney World years ago.
    And no they don’t do current shitey pop music.

  164. dahoit 说:

    Yep,Chinese mothers preclude Israeli citizenship.Unless the right rabbi concerts them.

  165. biz 说:
    @Jacques Sheete



    The rest of the comment attempts to, by flogging Shlomo Sand’s bit of ahistorical gibberish. But still, getting the one defining characteristic of Judaism 180 degrees wrong – wow.

    • 回复: @dahoit
    , @5371
  166. dahoit 说:
    @Chris Mallory

    Yes,strange comment.What else do they have down south to do but manual labor?It’s not a hotbed of wall street,banksters or lawyerdom pencil pushing.

  167. dahoit 说:

    The best baseball pitcher I ever saw,for 6? years,was Sandy Koufax.And I say that as a Yankee fan.He killed us in 63.
    Yes they can play sports,just not a lot of them historically.But with the rising salaries,many Jews do play sports today,its lucrative,more so then doctoring or lawyering in most cases.

  168. dahoit 说:


    • 回复: @biz
  169. dahoit 说:
    @Hbd investor


  170. Rdm 说:
    @Priss Factor


    Black dominates sport. But they don’t know shit about strategy and game tactics. If you bet on King James, Kobe, etc etc shooting 2 points, 3 points all day long, you’d win for sure.

    科比单场可以砍下85分 , nothing short of MVP qualities. But just group any Blacks into a team, and let them run on their own, you’d get a disaster.



    Blacks don’t create the Basketball game, Blacks don’t come up with football tactics. They use their body. That’s it.



    在东亚会受到高度重视,并且可以宣泄情感。但其价值仅为区区 0.02 美分。


  171. tbraton 说:
    @Che Guava

    Che guava, you obviously know much more than I about high-speed trains, but it seems you share my skepticism about the benefits of those technological marvels. BTW, in contrast to the SST, I would point out that the airliners made the switch from old dependable prop planes to jets in the late 50’s-early 60’s not simply because of the time savings but because the jets were more fuel efficient than the props, as I understand it. Thus, it all boils down to economics.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  172. 5371 说:

    If Judaism was never a proselytizing religion, moron, then all Jews everywhere would be very similar in genotype.

    • 回复: @biz
    , @Karl
    , @tbraton
  173. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    So, white boys lose to black boys.

    But yellow boys lose to white boys, black boys, brown boys, Jewish boys, etc.

    In Asia, it’s mostly all Asian, so Asian girls got no choice. But look at Japan. Even when all are Asian, so many Japper girls don’t want Japper guys who just give up on sex.

    In the West, Asian girls are given choice and far more of them than white girls go with other race.

    So, give it up.

    You read but no breed… unless you go back home and bring girl from there… but then your daughter in the US no wanna marry a yelloid dork loser like you. Her womb go Amy Chua. Strictly for non-Asian men.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  174. anonymouse 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Dominique Francon Society’s all horizons take sounds about right. I am an 82yo jew raised in brooklyn, and i continue to measure my self-worth. As Norman says somewhere, the questions he asks himself of someone are (1) is he stronger than I am? (2) smarter? (3) less queer? As anecdote is data, I feel justified to share my long experience. I have had some intercourse with the smarter than me crowd. I can name their names. Unfortunately, I have only known one Chinese well, an ex-neighbor, born in Malasia, educated in the US and currently employed by Apple. I conversed with him recently (he still owns the apartment) and he was in a glum mood, unhappy at work (his 3 children are growing up “without him” – his words). Aside his cultural limitations – which are huge and startling, he is smart enough to cope in the world, but he has intimations of not having full access to what is known or can be known. He is dissatisfied.

    As for the smarter than me crowd, many were jews, many were not; my sense is that Leroi Jones (later Amiri Baraka) was smarter than me. Having the top smarts is a gift of birth – assuming the gift is nurtured as the child grows up. Apparently Pres. Obama’s father was gifted in the same way, although he was unable to realize his potential. The racial/cultural distribution of the gift is an interesting puzzle, but ultimately trivial. Whatever their background, the smartest like everybody else must live their lives one at a time.

    i suspect that the smartest jewish kids now feel free in the world in a way that jews of past generations and their discomfort about who and where they were in the world. This was the pressure-cooker effect on achievement. So the Asian tiger mother style of child nurture has obvious salience. We should be comforted by the reflection that the smartest are driven by the desire for the honor of men and the love of fair women in a globalized world where all the ethnicities/cultures of the smartest are subsumed in the culture of post-Renaissance Europe. So what’s not to like?

  175. dahoit 说:


  176. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Except that what he said is entirely true.

    Sure, some of these Orthodox will still invent things or get their own sitcom, but the majority will be welfare bums just like black people.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  177. wow, I am very impressed by some of the KKK level comments. and I love this website to death for allowing them 🙂

    GO fred!!!

  178. dahoit 说:


  179. dahoit 说:

    除了一些女权主义者之外,我从未见过任何一个 AS 通灵者。

  180. dahoit 说:

    好吧,他们从来没有提到有 24 名犹太人向他们提供了关于如何做到这一点的相互矛盾的信息。

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  181. dcite 说:

    Mostly money, but that’s not enough reason nowadays, to explain it. Many are refugees from various kinds of cultural oppression — including some academics. But this “oppression” is not peculiar to Asians.
    The “culture” here is not all that different from developed parts of Asia at this point in history — and most come from developed areas. They are not peasants or street sweepers. Even in their own countries they are already more like us culturally, than we are like them. And yeah, I know that the similarity is sometimes surface and not representative of remote areas, but in general it is true comparatively, and it is what they feared for several centuries.
    T.F. Mou, Chinese horror movie director, made a film about Unit 731, “Men Behind the Sun,” the infamous Japanese concentration camp in northern China from which perhaps half a dozen out of thousands of hapless Chinese, emerged alive. In casting, he chose rural Koreans to play the Chinese because the faces, body language, general mein and manner, were simply too changed, he claimed, from the way Chinese would have looked and acted in the 1940s. This change didn’t just come from the marrow of their own bones. It came from elsewhere.

    Again: Asians can become generic Americans, Americans cannot become Chinese or Japanese. This is a choice. I do like a lot of Asian Americans — often good American citizens. I don’t see China crumbling. It’ll just go on like all countries do. I wish it well so that more its citizens stay where they are (I wish the same for every country, btw), but I’d like to see material production return here. However, economic primacy in any given area, goes in cycles, and they probably have peaked already.

  182. dahoit 说:


  183. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Nope, only in the vapid West where culture does not matter will you see this happen. And white people will be hurt by this more than anyone else.

    America is a huge welfare state that is declining, so it is more likely that black guys and white guys who study game all day will not breed everyone else out of existence.

    If game and cock size was the only thing that mattered than why isn’t the whole world black?

    Japan is the most Westernized country is Asia, but Japan is not foolish enough to import hordes of foreigners like America has. So the impact will be minimal.

    You bring up Amy Chua like it means something. The entire Kardashian family went dark, so hope you lock up your daughter or else she will pass on the dorky white boy who can’t dance in favor of eggplant.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  184. All that spiel and Fred still missed it. An obvious point, to which he appears to be completely obllivious, is simple: DEMOGRAPHICS. In short, Jews today, of this generation and onward, are simply not having large extended families while Asians are.

    If the typical Jewish family is only averaging about 1.4 children and the typical Chinese family is averaging 3-4 kids, over time, guess what? There will be fewer Jews, both in total numbers and as a percentage relative to the population which in turn will start to decrease their overall representation in various fields. In other words, having fewer and fewer children means you’ll start to see fewer Jews represented in the fields that they’re always tended to dominate while the Asians’ percentage continues to grow.

    Ironically, the one segment of Jewish groups that are growing, (averaging 2-3 kids above replacement) is the Orthodox, often just off the boat from Russia or even from Israel, the Hasidic Jews. Unfortunately, they don’t tend to be very represented among the top 1% in IQ, smarts, or income and often times will go on welfare. But their numbers are definitely growing, especially when compared to all other groups and sub set groups of Jews.

    Look it up, Fred. Demographics. It’s real and today’s Jews just simply aren’t having tons of offspring. Obviously, a group’s lack of total numbers will have a direct effect on their future dominance in various fields.

    Very surprised that Fred missed it. It’s really not that complicated. Having fewer babies = less dominance in various fields in the future.

    • 回复: @5371
  185. @martin_2

    …I cannot think of one living Chinese mathematician or physicist of such renown as Roger Penrose, Stephen Hawking, Andrew Miles, John Conway, Alan Baker, Ben Green; except for Terence Tao. There must be something genetic going on.

    Elite English education, within the lifetimes of the men listed, was the best in the world. It was highly selective at an early age – not only the great “public” schools, but perhaps even more so, the grammar schools, which offered bright middle-class boys a similar quality of education. Those having the interest and ability could go on to Oxford or Cambridge, which follow the tutorial method, in which students receive individual instruction instead of just sitting through lectures with dozens or hundreds of others.

    While this (like other educational systems) produced many graduates of no great distinction, it was uniquely capable of identifying and cultivating the necessarily small number of its students who possessed first-rate intellects.

    An example of one who was not a mathematician was Enoch Powell, who famously went into an examination in Greek prose scheduled to last three hours, which set the task of translating a passage into Ancient Greek. He finished in an hour and a half, having produced two translations, one in the style of Thucydides and one in that of Plato. For this he won a rare double-starred first, and went on to become a professor of classics by the age of 25. When World War II broke out, he volunteered for service as a common soldier, and by the war’s end had risen to the rank of brigadier. After the war he went into politics, and was stopped short of becoming prime minister only by his “Rivers of Blood” speech (which alluded to a passage in Virgil), then derided as “racist” but now appearing prophetic.

    American higher education, and higher education in most of the rest of the world, just doesn’t cultivate such talents. Unfortunately, it is probable that neither does England’s, any more.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  186. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “If game and cock size was the only thing that mattered than why isn’t the whole world black?”

    Because prior to globalism, each nation kept up its borders and had its own culture.

    But now we have huge migrations of people.

    And all nations worship Rap and image of Negro stud.

    Black Africa has 60 kids per women and all those black men are moving to Europe to blacken the race. Western media even promote that stuff and attack anyone who say ‘white must remain white’.

    And look how fast Asia is changing. Younger Japanese and Korons love Diversity. 80% are ‘progressive’. They just follow west. Japan had as miss japan some woman whose father is black.
    Korea gets an African to run in Olympics as ‘Korean’ runner. For younger gen, ‘racism’ and ‘homogeneity’ are worst words.

    Yelloids have no culture except to imitate the West.

    Look at massive homo parades in japan, Korea, Vietnam.

    Hong Kong and Taiwan are ruled by globalists calling for diversity and homo stuff.

    Culture of young people in Asia is rap and homo stuff.

    Asians follow. since whites have ‘white guilt’ about blacks, jews, and homos, Asians feel they must adopt ‘white guilt’ on those matters because they think white way = development = progress. The human is associative. Since white nations are most advanced, yelloids think white way is correct on everything.

    China may be the ONLY asian nation that can resist this because it has national sovereignty.

    “The entire Kardashian family went dark, so hope you lock up your daughter or else she will pass on the dorky white boy who can’t dance in favor of eggplant.”

    Kartrash is the #1 celebrity popular among white girls.
    So you see, white race is going black.
    Since yelloids imitate whites, they too go black or go-white-going-black.

    Yelloids have tons of plastic surgery to look white. But since white thing is now to favor mulattoization and since rap is the global music, yelloids will go the same way.

    And the thing is parents have no control over the kids. No can lock them up. Global freedom means girls all go groid.

    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  187. neutral 说:

    Jews still run Hollywood (and the all the other mass entertainment) and finance, until I see evidence that the Chinese are taking these over, then this article is missing some key points on where true power sits. The Chinese along with other asians like Indians might be good worker bees in STEM, but being good at those does not mean very much these days.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  188. 5371 说:

    Chinese families are no bigger on average than those of secular Jews.

  189. biz 说:

    It is clear that you don’t know what proselytizing means. Here’s a clue: It should have some amount of 与宗教的排外程度相关。

    I know its an SAT-type word and that you don’t encounter many of those in Pakistan, but google is your friend and all.

  190. 啊,但是政治领域呢。 我注意到外交部及其赞助商 CFR 现在对以色列/中东问题很着迷,而且他们的大多数工作人员似乎都是犹太人。 建制派黄蜂不仅在衰落,而且似乎已被剥夺。



  191. 5371 说:

    [if I had to guess she is of Jewish heritage due to her name, Miriam, and her being in California]


  192. biz 说:

    1) Jews everywhere are have similarities in genotype to a certain extent.*

    2) Proselytizing does not mean the same thing as occasionally accepting coverts

    * NB I am not interested in rehashing with you how Y-chromosomes imply much more about a population’s relative ancestry fraction than any particular individual’s. You either understand it or you don’t.

    • 回复: @5371
  193. @Rdm

    Navajo-Ute musician R. Carlos Naka

    Chinese music will become culture-cided/ Americanized just as African rhythms

    became Hollywoodized.

    re Jews not proselytizers? Whaddya call Hollywood. Mormons go door-to-door in multiple countries. Jews are more efficient, they proselytize their view of the world digitally.

    Netanyahu told Congress it should “beam Hollywood programs into Iran, let young Iranians see the clothes and cars & swimming pools — ‘that’s subversive.’ ”
    That’s culturecide.

  194. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “Jews are the worst manual workers in this world,manual labor is undesirable,and slaves do all their dirty work.”

  195. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    (((insert embarrassment emoticon)))

    what do you mean by “game” ?

  196. Rehmat 说:

    Do you mean any Native who convert to Islam loses his/her Native status?

    How come when Lord Goldsmith’s daughter converted to Islam and married Pakistan’s Cricket Team Captain Imran Khan, she didn’t lose her British Native status? Her brother Zak Goldsmith was recently defeated by Sadiq Khan to become Mayor of London.


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  197. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    ——-what do you mean by “game” ?———

  198. AaronB 说:






  199. Talha 说:





    Neil Postman 就此写了一篇精彩的著作,我强烈推荐给大家:


  200. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Which is to say that even if all the whites were Jews and no HAGVACAS (House and Garden Variety (non-Jewish) Caucasians

    really Fred?

    Fred speaks Spanish so that was not an accident

    one look at that acronym and there’s no doubt what Fred is implying

    (which is kind of funny, and apropos really ; )



    Rurikk is Rurik from his girlfriend’s house

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  201. Smitty 说:


  202. AaronB 说:





    • 回复: @Karl
    , @WhatEvvs
  203. 5371 说:

    [to a certain extent]

    I would quote “Up to a point, Lord Copper” but you are probably not very familiar with English literature.

  204. AaronB 说:




    • 回复: @WhatEvvs
  205. Talha 说:



    “As he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound, his outward composure in sharp contrast to the wailing people around him.”
    “The self-immolation was later regarded as a turning point in the Buddhist crisis and a critical point in the collapse of the Diem regime.”

    If a culture can teach and value that kind of mastery-of-self, which may be inversely related to one’s materialism – it is not silly to imagine that they may consider its preservation worth more than all the iPhones in the world.


    • 回复: @AaronB
  206. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Sounds like you spend too much time on the Internet and not enough time in the real world.

    Globalization, like you have seen in the West, is a distinctly Anglo and Jewish thing. No one else does it. The goal is to import a bunch of goyim or cattle to serve as the lower class to rule over.

    Again, no one else does this except for Anglo and Jewish socities. Asia can import workers, but they will not be Africans. They will be other asians like Phillipinos and not in huge numbers.

    While black culture has had an influence in Asia, it is no where near as impact full as it is with white people where you have people like Rachel Dozeal pretending to be chocolate when she us snow white.

    Fred mentioned this in the article. White people grasping at straws on why China will implode. Pure Schadenfreude.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  207. KenH 说:

    Freddy unwittingly demolishes the theory of white privilege. For if we’re discussing how the Chinese are displacing Jews in Ivy league attendance and other academic pursuits and even becoming predominant then it proves that non-white racial groups have been and can be successful even when if comes at the expense of America’s founding white racial stock and its descendents. Not that Fred is a proponent of such idiotic theories.

    Somehow I don’t think the Chinese would allow millions of non-Chinese into their nations then allow them to displace the natives in higher education. They aren’t and they never will because the Chinese are at least racially sane and impervious to doctrines of equality, universalism and other tenets of cultural Marxism and in some regards, Christianity.

  208. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “HAGVACAS (House and Garden Variety (non-Jewish) Caucasians”

    They should be called Tattooines.

    I went on a recent trip to Missouri and saw so much tattoos on ‘white trash’, it was sickening.

  209. Fred tells us that Jews used to provide the brains that powered America’s world-leading technology, but now Jews aren’t performing like they used to while the Chinese in China, millions and millions of them, just about as bright as Jews, are making China a world leader in technology, including obviously, military technology.


    This is a good question, for which no one here seems to have the answer, perhaps because there is no answer. Nations and empires rise and, if the past is anything to go by, invariably fall. America’s time as the exceptional nation may be near its end.

    As for what happened to America’s Jews, I would guess that two things happened.





    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @Salger
  210. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “Sounds like you spend too much time on the Internet and not enough time in the real world.
    Globalization, like you have seen in the West, is a distinctly Anglo and Jewish thing. No one else does it. The goal is to import a bunch of goyim or cattle to serve as the lower class to rule over.”


    First, Asians lost their connection to past and identity.

    Asians are biggest internet and videogame junkies in the world.

    So, they are totally influenced by globalism.

    Asians have no connection to reality. Young ones look down on older people as ‘lame’ since cool is all that counts. It’s all study(western style PC) and all internet & videogame.

    They are following in the footsteps of white people because Asian culture is just imitating whites.

    Asians wanna get away from Asia and live with ‘diversity’. And young ones want to turn their nation more like America cuz they are told ‘diversity’ is cool.

    All Asian teachers and intellectuals are PC clones of the West.


    And just search youtube 2016 ‘pride’ parade for Tokyo and Seoul and Vietnam.

    Asians follow. They are servile and slavish.

    Why are 80% of Asian-Americans so PC and Democratic? They just follow the Narrative.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  211. Santoculto 说:

    ”The Germans were the sleepy, dreamy poets and thinkers of Europe for a long time, with an actual reputation for dishonesty and shoddy workmanship (!) for a while, and poor discipline.”

    This ”germans” (poets, thinkers) always were a minority among germanic people and the cultural enphasis also impact the general impression that we tend to have about ”peoples”.

    So we still can have many potentially dreamy poets and thinkers ….. but …….. they no have visibility ”or” their reproductive niches become very infertile.

    there are a greater number of very good and talented poets, but just few them are recognized as ”geniuses”, probably because they invent new styles and not exactly because they were/are the best of the poets, i mean, those who make the best poetry.

    ”What happened to stable genetic traits that are heritable?”

    Higher creativity is a never stable genetic traits, maybe their potential. Creativity is a hunger-genes, is not the process but the high end – product of the natural eugenic process of a family (extended 😉 or not)

    creativity is like gigantism, potentially dysfunctional, extremist and by now tend to worse the individual ”adaptative” fitness than, for example, conformism-behavioral ”trait”.


    ”You can’t measure ambition, or other intangibles, so we all preferred to sweep these disagreeable little details under the rug in order to make tidy little narrative.”


    we no have a ”trait” but a entire range of potentiallity and some people have higher range of potentiallity to the certain ”trait” that i like to call ”frequency”.

    ”At this point in time, it’s impose be to know the true differences in intelligence between groups. You tourself, Fred, have noticed that Mexicans ate far more intelligent than clueless Americans think, and I’ve noticed the same thing with all my third world travels.

    What if Mexicans simply don’t try very hard on IQ tests? How would we know this, how would we measure this?”

    Freed is a leftist, he’s addicted to look non-white people specially the people of its wife much better than they are.



  212. rod1963 说:

    The Chinese stole the all high speed train tech from France and Japan. They copied it blindly and have had several grisly collisions that resulted in many deaths.

    The same can be applied to their space program where they blatantly ripped off NASA.

    Nothing there to brag about.

    High tech and manufacturing – again ripping off other nations IP or even forcing them to build their factories in China and train Chinese workers and engineers in how it’s all done.

    The Chines got a massive jump start because of the West who wanted their markets.

    Smart? That’s debatable. Crooked yes. The Great Leap Forward really F-uped China culturally, they lost thousands of years of culture because of the commies and it screwed with them. This is why the rich Chinese send their kids to American colleges. Send them to Beijing U. and they can buy a MD or BS in Engineering for under $4k. Go to a public clinic and you might get one of those “doctors” who can’t read a X-Ray or blood panel work up.

    Why are so many Chinese in American universities – because degrees from those schools are still valued. So Chinese parent are willing to pay $$$ for their kids to attend so the university gives the white kids the boot and give their slot to some Chinese student who is paying 2-3x the amount of tuition because they’re foreigners.

    This isn’t to say they aren’t smart. There is a percentage who are wickedly smart and it’s obvious, but we don’t hear about the ones who aren’t. That includes a lot of those rich Chinese kids who paid for stand ins to take their tests so they could attend some swanky American school and probably will have someone do all the school work for them while in school. Every so often the schools get wind of the scams the Chinese are pulling and send them packing by the gross.

    In regards to materialism, they are very materialistic and follow modern trends quite slavishly. They are certainly different than their parents and much different than their grandparents in that regard.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @Equalizer
  213. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “But as with the Jews in America, the bright scions of the Euro elite are now more interested in finance than science or public service.”

    They are totally into public service. The state has grown bigger with Eurocrats.

    Also, there is tremendous innovation happening now, indeed ‘too much’ and mostly in the West.

    I hate Michio Cuckoo, but this guy is close to what is happening in innovation(mostly in the West), and it is scary.

    I wish innovation shuts down.

    Until recently, innovation was better tools to help humans.
    Now, it is changing the very meaning of what it means to be human.
    It’s Brave New World stuff.

    • 回复: @5371
    , @CanSpeccy
  214. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “Smart? That’s debatable. Crooked yes. The Great Leap Forward really F-uped China culturally, they lost thousands of years of culture because of the commies and it screwed with them.”

    Chinese are like 1.3 billion Southern Italians.
    Snakes and jackals.

    People who’ve done business there say Chinese have NO scruples.

    This are prescient movies.

  215. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Like I said, you spend too much time on the internet. Just because you read something on the net you think that is how it is in real life. Or more likely, you just look for stories that confirm your own bias.

    The Schadenfreude is strong in you. You seem to be aware that whites are in decline, so your response is that at least Asians are going down with us and hopefully they will have it worse than we do.

    You are exactly the kind of white person Fred was talking about in the article.

  216. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “Like I said, you spend too much time on the internet. Just because you read something on the net you think that is how it is in real life. Or more likely, you just look for stories that confirm your own bias.”

    You’re living in denial.

    Most people are dummies and they just follow. Most Asians are dummies.

    Young asians have no soul, pride, culture, values.
    They follow globalism and PC.


    Asians cannot think, so they outsource thinking and ideas to the West.

    West says ‘worship homo and negro’, and yelloids just follow.

    Now, China may be an exception.

    But japan, korea, taiwan, etc are total whore nations of US.

    Young generation is totally globo-homo-negroized.


  217. Corvinus 说:

    “Except that what he said is entirely true.”

    Among those he knows, perhaps.

    “Sure, some of these Orthodox will still invent things or get their own sitcom, but the majority will be welfare bums just like black people.”

    You do realize Orthodox Jews have high IQ’s and well-paying jobs, right? They’re Jews, silly goose.

  218. Corvinus 说:

    “American higher education, and higher education in most of the rest of the world, just doesn’t cultivate such talents.”

    You would be decidedly in error.


    • 回复: @Crawfurdmuir
  219. 5371 说:
    @Priss Factor

    “Innovation” is mostly hype, bullshit, fraud, and advertising.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  220. @Corvinus

    How am I in error? Leggett’s secondary schooling was English (Wimbledon College), and he is an Oxford man, as the Wikipedia page notes – with degrees in Greats (Balliol) and physics (Merton). His talent was recognized and cultivated in England. That his subsequent career has been in the U.S. is no testimony to the excellence of the American secondary school and university system.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  221. @Priss Factor

    “But as with the Jews in America, the bright scions of the Euro elite are now more interested in finance than science or public service.”

    They are totally into public service. The state has grown bigger with Eurocrats.

    Bureaucrats are not the elite, they are the drudges and paid help who do the will of the elite.

  222. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    —–“Innovation” is mostly hype, bullshit, fraud, and advertising.——


    But TOO MUCH is changing TOO FAST.

    Look all around.


    I like medical advances, but most of all else is robbing us of humanity, the kind you see in METROPOLITAN.

    We need to run back to the ‘human’ even if fatal and futile… like the last man of LA JETEE.

    • 回复: @5371
  223. 5371 说:
    @Priss Factor

    [But TOO MUCH is changing TOO FAST.

    Look all around.]

    I am looking. I don’t see anything of the kind.

  224. Bobo 说:

    应该指出的是,中国传统文化在中国被摧毁,主要是在毛泽东时代。伯特兰·罗素 (Bertrand Russell) 在 1920 年代的中国待过一段时间,他指出,真正的中国绅士是懒惰且多疑的。拉塞尔写道,他在那里逗留期间,他的思想经历了一场革命,他开始觉得工作被严重高估了。他继续根据自己在中国的经历写了一本小册子《赞美懒惰》。在特定文化中重要的事情会随着时间而改变。

  225. Svigor 说:

    Not really noblesse oblige when it’s cover for something else, serves your interests and hurts your adversaries’, and you don’t do it in your own (Apartheid State) homeland, when none of these things would be the case.

    “We have suffered so now we must help those who are suffering,”

    “Except when the suffering deserve it, as they inevitably do when they’re our problem, and ours alone.”

  226. Svigor 说:

    ”……除了即使在这个所谓的“放缓”期间,中国的人均 GDP 也一直以大约 10 倍于美国的速度增长。

    Much like America’s rate, until saturation was achieved, and the whole country was industrialized, modernized, etc.

    Things tend to slow down at that point. Something about diminishing returns, running out of hicks to upgrade, something like that.

  227. Svigor 说:

    SFG: but if your point was that leftism has a singular habit of taking good things (reason, compassion, noblesse oblige, chivalry, whites’ sense of fairness and tolerance, etc.) and twisting them into bad things, then I agree.

  228. Svigor 说:

    300k is one quarter of one percent of 1.2 billion.

  229. Svigor 说:

    If you want to see how degraded the US is

    Hollywood, Recording Industry, Madison Avenue, Academia, Leftism, Inc? What have they got to do with the degradation of the US, amirite?

  230. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    In American Sports, the great emphasis on winning and PC bias for blackness have led to horrible athletic behavior in colleges.

    Black thugs can get away with so much as long as they deliver the goods.
    Winning is all that counts.

    The idea of student-athlete is gone forever.

    In a way, the rise of raw meritocracy has led to vulgarization.
    The narrow ability is all that counts. So, never mind if college athletes know nothing except playing. That’s all that matters.

    We see something similar among the geeks in tech and finance.
    Unlike jocks, they do have brains and have genuine academic credentials.
    But their interests are very narrow and care only about winning in the money game. They have NO interest in anything else that doesn’t lead to WINNING in the money game.
    Because colleges have become such money farms, these geeks are allowed to be like jocks or gocks.

    There used to be a time when to-be-educated meant gaining a deep and well-rounded sense of history, values, and culture. And there was a time when art and movies were about meaning.
    Early 70s American cinema put personal vision ahead of box office.
    But the sole interest now is the box office. Even artistic directors make superhero movies.

    So, if you can make the dough, you can get away with anything. You could be a total louse but since you can win with money, that’s all that counts.
    Art World is now all about the money. Hype artists win over real artists.
    Sportsmanship is dead. You can act like rapping thug and be worshiped simply cuz you win.


    SOCIAL NETWORK was about a Gock. Since he had a winning idea, he could violate all rules and ethics and get his way. Since he could win, nothing else mattered. Same with WOLF OF WALL STREET.

    We have Jocks in sports, pimps & whores in music, and Gocks in Wall street and Silly Valley because they got the winning formula in what they sell.

    But, is winning everything? All winnings are narrow endeavors. You can be a great athlete but a lousy person. You can be a super investor but a weasel shitter. You can be a innovative computer entrepreneur but a lowlife scumsucker.

    Because our culture cares so much about winning, the winners are forgiven all their loutish behavior. Or the grossness is not only glossed over but made glossy and sensationalized.
    In a bad way, we see this in the Donald Trump campaign even though, on the positive side, his message seems to be individual winning isn’t enough if it harms the nation as a whole.
    Globalism is about individual winning at the expense of national citizens.

    If you win as jock, you can rape coeds.
    If you win as gock, you can rape entire economies.

    The glamorous class is so besotted with winners that all the failings will be forgiven UNLESS it violates the holy 3: ‘antisemitism’, ‘racism’, and ‘homophobia’.
    Then, like Donald Sterling, you get in trouble. Or like NBA players who say ‘faggot’, you get fined. But you can get away with all else.

    In the past, there were social and moral norms. It wasn’t enough to win. If you disgraced yourself like in QUIZ SHOW, you had to pay a steep price. But we are now shameless as long as you win. Even cheating to win is normalized. Bailouts for Wall Street. Too big to fail. Black thugs in schools slapped on the wrist and treated as ‘victims’. Illegal aliens favored over citizens. From top to bottom, cheating to win has been institutionalized.

    Now, one might say win-ism is more honest than all-around-ism, well-rounded-ism, and gentleman-ism. Indeed, one could argue that such ideals were abused by past elites to protect their privileges and to subtly discriminate.

    After all, the ideal of the ‘student-athlete’ favors inferior whites with brains and brawn over better black athletes with all brawn and no brains.
    Also, the culture of manners and honor favors the well-bred Wasp to the pushy haggly Jew like Alan Dershowitz who may be smarter.
    There is some truth to this. Such ideals can favor mediocrity with manners over superiority without manners. Ali was a boor and had no manners but he was clearly the best heavyweight in the 60s. If boxing had insisted on proper behavior, someone like Ali would have been left out.

    But, pure win-ism produces its own set of problems. People are so admiring of the winner that his bad and ugly sides(apart from his area of success)is either overlooked(as with polanski the child rapist) or even made ‘cool’. Notice how rock stars who acted like shit have been lionized for their bad behavior simply because they won in writing fun songs. Rap culture took this even further.

    Now, some will say our society isn’t only about winning.
    There is PC to hold bad behavior in check.
    But PC plays the game of favorites. It only really cares about Jews, homos, and Negroes.
    PC attacks anyone for the slightest negative view of the holy three, but it will forgive Jews, blacks, and homos for so much bad, nasty, vicious behavior, esp if directed at white gentiles.

    Also, PC is poor way of cultivating the mind and soul because it is all about cliches easily learned by even an idiot.

    To master literature, history, ethics, and philosophy takes many yrs and much free thinking and critical process. This was once the ideal of college.
    In contrast, anyone can master PC in a single day by learning to spout stuff like ‘diversity is our strength’, ‘homo is love’, ‘black jives matter’, ‘check your privilege’, blah blah blah. It takes no real effort. Because rules of PC are so easy to master, the worst lout that won by ruthless and weasly means can make himself as a good person just by waving a homo flag.

    So, any nihilist winner can just mouth off these cliches — in the manner of Rodney King saying ‘can we get along?’ — and be considered a good person.
    PC isn’t about cultivation of true virtue via critical engagement with honesty and truth. It is all about learning to SIGNAL whatever happens to be fashionably ‘progressive’ at the moment, like the 1992 hype about ‘year of the women’.

    Also, true moral cultivation requires self-examination and criticism.
    PC, in contrast, just tells certain groups that they were born ‘wise’ and ‘righteous’ and only have to blame it on whitey. And it tells whitey that they can be moral by being a ‘good whitey’ pointing fingers at ‘bad whitey’. It’s too easy and never calls for self-examination.

    No wonder there is such total lack of true virtue.

  231. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    Like there’s sportsmanship, we need a culture of mindmanship or thinksmanship.

    PS. When will PC demand sportsmanship be called sportspersonship?

    Maybe it doesn’t matter since sportsmanship is dead.

  232. Barzini 说:


  233. @George

    First of all, our best and brightest aren’t going to military academies. They are going Stanford, CalTech, MIT, Ivy Leagues, Duke, CMU, and a few others. Then they go to Silicon Valley or Wall Street, trending more Silicon Valley than Wall Street.

    Second, signing up for the military when our elites have maintained unhinged foreign policy in the Middle East for many years is 不能 a sign of being best and brightest. Going off to fight in the Middle East is more a sign of either foolishness or a lack of better options.

    Third, read David Halberstam’s Best And Brighest book to see just how much the best and brightest can screw up royally.

  234. Barzini 说:


  235. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    No, the korons are effete.

    This guy says Korean birthrate is down to 1. Yes, 1. So, Koron men are ball-less dorks who don’t even have kids.


    And the look at all the effete K-pop or gay-pop boys with makeup on their face.


    Trans-racial and transsexual maggots are what Korons are.
    Global homos rule koron, filo, and Japper culture. Just look at J-pop and k-pop.

    Korons exist as whores to put out to America.

    And Korons are cowards. With population twice that of N Korea and economy 40x as big, it still hides behind uncle sam for protection while so many korons flee their country to the US for better material lives.

    Koron dogs will always follow the US.

    Would korons have come up with ‘gay pride’ parades on their own? No, never, but since US insists, Korons obey and follow like yellow doggy.

    • 回复: @Hacienda
    , @anonymous
  236. I did a search on how many times Dominique Francon Society has posted on this thread. 34 times so far. His S/N ratio is low. He doesn’t put a lot of effort into his posts.

    Hey Dominique Francon Society, stop being so lazy. Post less. Bring real data to your argument. You aren’t going to convince anyone with high volume assertions. In fact, you are undermining your points with your posting style.

    Plus, if you took the effort (admittedly hard) to research your assertions you might even find some of them are wrong or completely lacking in easily accessed evidence one way or another.

    • 回复: @mobi
  237. The majority of people doing science these days aren’t getting rich at it. Its becoming a crummy career path for Americans, though for many Asians its still a much better salary in the US than they’d get at home. There may be certain non-Asian groups in the US who are more tightly connected to each other, who are more tied into academia, and have a reputation for going after money, who figured it out and got the word out to their friends earlier than it has trickled down to everyone else.

  238. Seraphim 说:

    Islam is not a ‘native’ culture anywhere, except Arabia. In China, as everywhere else, it is an invasive culture brought by immigrants.

    • 回复: @Rehmat
  239. @Priss Factor

    There aren’t hundreds of thousands of Africans in all of China, let alone Guangzhou. All of the huge population estimates reported in the Western press are from the usual not-so-useful idiots intent on inflating the numbers to inflate black political power as they do in the West whose ridiculous sources are from black so-called “academics” eyeballing the number of blacks.. The number of actual semi permanent (6 months or longer) Africans in Guangzhou is only 4000. At any given day, the total floating population of Africans in Guangzhou is 16000. Keep in mind that Chinese use the geographic definition of Africa so this also includes Egyptians (the second largest “African” population in China) and other North African Arabs. The city of Guangzhou basically accounts for nearly 1/5 foreign residents in China with Beijing and Shanghai accounting for probably much of the remainder. You will find basically zero Africans in China outside of these major metropolitan areas with the remainders elsewhere primarily white backpackers, tourists, and twenty something English teachers and vagabonds.

    White liberals have the mistaken impression that Chinese immigration policing is as dysfunctional as their own when estimating the number of illegals. Random on the spot passport checks, arrests, and deportations of Africans are all things the Chinese are perfectly capable of and are doing. The biggest enabler of illegal immigration in China and elsewhere, business elites, have zero incentive or willingness to protect African illegals simply because they aren’t willing to employ them and know they can’t get much productive work out of them. Which is why the largest numbers of foreign illegals are Vietnamese who are smuggled into the manufacturing hub in the Pearl River Delta to offset rising local wages.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  240. CM 说:

    1. 由于通婚率高,我确信部分犹太背景的千禧一代多于完全犹太背景的千禧一代,这将不可避免地降低具有犹太姓氏的人或被认定为犹太人的人的平均智商。

    2. 犹太人倾向于在成年期而不是在学校达到顶峰,而亚洲人可能恰恰相反。 与刻板印象相反,犹太人不像亚洲人那样努力学习,许多犹太父母并不在意他们的孩子成绩不好或决定不想上大学。

    3. 犹太人大多缺乏当今亚洲人所拥有的移民文化。 家庭在美国长期居住的犹太人与家庭最近从前苏联甚至伊朗移民的犹太人之间存在明显区别。

    4. 犹太移民孩子(或犹太移民在美国出生的孩子)非常重视正规教育。 他们有兴趣在大学攻读更严肃的学位,如工程、法律、医学、硬科学等。同时,美国犹太人对表演、成为模特和软科学感兴趣。 我确实发现俄罗斯犹太人在智力要求较高的职位上的人数过多,这与他们在犹太社区中的人数不成比例。 举个例子,看看硅谷,有一半的亿万富翁犹太人出生在苏联。

  241. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Jews got to their control the US by taking advantage of the White man’s “individuality” and vulnerabilities such as altruism and guilt and using it against him. The Jew has used every device to cheat and steal their way into control. The White man still doesn’t know what hit him. The Jews did this not because they are smarter, but because their ability to network and their paranoia about all other peoples. The Whites were too busy stabbing each other in the back and being complacent with no sense of racial unity. It took about a hundred years to take over but they (Jews) did it. The educational standards have been lowered and millions of potentially brilliant Whites have wasted their lives in drugs and watching spectator sports, while not knowing what the capital of the next state is. The Asians come along and while a lot of cheating is going on, they are more disciplined than anyone else and are taking over the sciences because the Whites that are going to universities are wasting their time taking women’s studies and sociology, while being financially crippled for the rest of their lives. The Asians that come over to the US are the smartest and richest in their own countries so already have an enormous financial advantage over most people except the Jews. The Jews are probably getting complacent themselves but I can’t see an America run by Chinese would be any better for the White race. Whites need to get organized, start helping each other and develop their own paranoia about other peoples, get rid of our stupid guilt, our stupid altruism and put ourselves first. We will retake America in a few years, and nobody can stop us.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  242. @Rdm

    勒布朗不是战术型球员?在他职业生涯的这个阶段,他的比赛主要集中在突破篮筐、扣篮/上篮或者投三分球。这种方法是基于这样一个事实,即这是篮球中最有效的两种投篮方式,他在推动 NBA 朝这一目标迈进的过程中发挥了重要作用,并远离了像科比、甜瓜等低效的长距离两分球。他也没有我觉得他特别愚蠢,因为他能够很好地管理自己的钱,并且有足够的冲动控制力来避免麻烦。当然,我不一定认为他是超级天才,但他绝对不是一个愚蠢到无法遵守基本比赛策略的运动员的例子。

    • 回复: @Rdm
  243. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:
    @Duke of Qin

    “There aren’t hundreds of thousands of Africans in all of China, let alone Guangzhou.”

    I don’t know about that. I think you’re like the ghost in SIXTH SENSE. You are living in denial and see what you want to see.

    Just go to YOUTUBE and type in ‘Chinese women’ and the second most popular suggestion is ‘chinese women black men’.

    I think Chinese women got Chungle Fever.


    • 回复: @5371
    , @Duke of Qin
  244. @WhatEvvs

    Fred was referring specifically to Ashkenazi Jews.

    News to me. Where did he write that?

    As for Sand’s book, he isn’t saying anything new.

    I never claimed he did. Even the Roman-Jewish historian Josephus claimed it. Straw man much?

    All peoples are invented to a degree.

    You know that and I know that, but judging by the article and many of the responses, the concept is lost on many. To most, it seems, Jews are a monolith and as you and I know, that ain’t too accurate.

    So, my point is that generalizing about them is probably pretty mindless as is the article. Freddy seems to be inordinately hung up on early 20th century topics. I bet he’s clueless as to the history of IQ tests and the connection between them and eugenics. He seems to think they’re something wondrous and useful when in fact, even Binet and Wechsler emphasized the limitations of the things.

    So the Jews invented a usable mythology, which magically changes as circumstances change. There’s nothing special about that.


    That has nothing to do about the point I was making. (See above.)

  245. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    [Endless lengthy comments lacking any substantive content are strongly discouraged on this website. Modify your commenting behavior or expect most of them to be summarily trashed.]

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  246. Hacienda 说:
    @Priss Factor

    LOL. You abuse the resources available to you on the net.

    As I fear I’m wasting time with a mommy’s basement resident I’m begging off. Thanks for your input.

  247. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:
    @Priss Factor

    That’s odd cuz I thought my point was saner and more valid than Julius Cezar’s diatribe.

  248. DaveE 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Dom, Dom…. “couldn’t get a date for the prom”…… yer killin’ me. Let’s talk about Jews in Egypt…… the last time they did any REAL work.

  249. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Malcolm Gladwell wrote about the compulsion of Jewish women to look like they were not Jewish by dying their hair and using makeup.

    Revlon 1932

    Estée Lauder 1930s

    Clairol 1931 Lawrence and Joan Gelb

    Helena Rubinstein 1915

  250. Ron Unz 说:

    Well, I lightly glanced over the 30,000 words in this enormously long comment-thread, and think there’s a simple point worth recognizing.

    Over the last few decades, the bulk of the American population has been totally impoverished. There was that big recent MSM story describing how a government study found that roughly half of all American families had less than $400 in savings, and would have to borrow money if that sort of unexpected expense suddenly occurred.

    Meanwhile, during roughly that same period, the bulk of the Chinese population has grown wealthier at probably the fastest rate in the history of the human species.

    There are surely many different factors responsible for this sharp divergence, but I think one of the biggest is that China has been run by patriotic national elites, while America has been run by “extractive” or parasitic elites.

    Basically, the Chinese elites steal maybe 10% of everything off the top for themselves and their friends and relatives, with the rest going to the general population. Meanwhile, the parasitic American elites take maybe 50% of everything for themselves while casting a covetous eye at the remaining 50%. As I’ve said, I discussed this situation quite extensively in my long article from a couple of years ago, and I don’t think the trends have much changed:


    • 回复: @PandaAtWar
  251. @Priss Factor



  252. pico 说:

    the jews used to be smart because they had a unique life and a holy living tradition and learning but now the last ones are americanized and no more smarter than the average, the jews as jews have no more future in america except the ultra orthodox that are going to become more and more as the aimish are.

  253. Karl 说:

    > 第二代亚洲人更胖

    if you don’t believe that…. visit Guam

    顺便带上你的韩语短语手册。洛特萨 (Lottsa) 是当今旅行团的热门人物。

  254. 5371 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Who do you think makes most Youtube searches in English?

  255. Equalizer 说:

    很多评论说亚洲人是毫无价值的无名小卒(没有创造力,没有幽默感),但白人创造了 99% 的现代发明。请注意,一般来说,在历史上,白人被中东人(即犹太人和阿拉伯人)和亚洲人视为野蛮人。但最终(在过去的 300 年里)他们展示了一些东西的时候到来了,他们将火药和狂暴等东方发明带到了世界各地。他们确实创造了一些好东西,但现在是亚洲人的回归,然后是中东人的回归。世界正在反击,白人由于他们的恶业而正在灭绝。白人可以改革,但他们的心态太僵化(而且傲慢),无法改变。是的,如果他们继续这种傲慢和僵化,他们会消亡得更快。

    • 回复: @artichoke
    , @Unzerker
  256. Equalizer 说:

    Whites say Japanese cannot innovate and then Japanese products and inventions overwhelm American products. Now those with wounded pride points to China that cannot innovate and can only copy. The same story is already happening. Chinese quality and innovations are coming up fast. Soon whites will have to eat their words again.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  257. Equalizer 说:

    Whites also like to say Middle Eastern people (ie Muslims) are “savages”. The implications in the western MSM is that Muslims are savages and Asians are barbarians. However, for thousands of years it was the other way around: whites are the barbarians. So who are the real barbarians????? Simple, study history objectively and it will be clear who is the real barbarian.

  258. PandaAtWar 说:

    Panda just briefly glanced over about 257 comments. Several clear conclusions:

    1. Jews are indeed smarter than Whites, cuz, for instance, that Dominique youtuber is clueless on pretty much just everything. No surprise, such sheeple usually have big mouthes repeating the their master Jewish lines that have been spoon-fed to them – a vivid demonstration of Whites’ “creativity”, how funny! ROFL.

    (but to be fair, that Domonique guy is likely to be a Spanish-speaking “White” with profund self-identity issues. lol. His, or her, use of “Chiners” is a reflection of his, or her, intellectual inferiority complex).

    2. Jewish intellectual elites have average IQ higher than i) average Chinese or North East Asian – it is unfair comparison, but still, and II) likely Whites intellectual elites – strange though from simple maths POV).

    This is because then entire dicussion contents are within the tight grip on both terminologies used and sources used created and tightly grpped by the Jewish intellectual elites in the frist place.

    Panda sees no one challenging the very basic abcs of any similar discussion: e.g. who are “Asians” ? (Panda used to read some Steve Sailor , no more cuz he is also clueless on basic terminologies). Whenver one uses “Asians” instead of “North Easten Orientals” , he is just clueless sheeple, because terminologies are the most important things of any in-depth discussion or research of any science, not realising the sheer importance of getting the terminology surgically precise and right every each time (e.g. HBD in general) is not question of “being lazy” when wrting, but question of being stupid.

    3. The Jewish intellectual elites KNOW, and tacitly admit however they deny it on the surface (LOL), that Chinese intellectual elites could be superior. It is easy to notice that, really: Chinese (and North-Eestern Oriental) males are the Enermy No.1 of Jewish-controlled White MSM in the West, and probably in the world, due to the automatic natural reaction of Jewish intellectual elites triggered by their self-protection mechanism. Therefore, we have nowsdays in the West MSM where

    A) Blacks males rank at the top of the mating ladder in the most advanced Western countries: “their athelectic power”, “muscles”, “artistic abilities (rap, pop)”, “dick size”( a must-have in group sex and orgies with blondes, ROFL) , “fantastic humour”, “amazing EQ”(wtf is “EQ”? lol) , etc. Look around, the very best crop of the Whites girls (avg IQ 100 or below) have no-chance to escape the fancy black power from >120IQ MSM chief editors.

    “The fittest survival”? Charles Darwin anyone? Panda’s arse! ROFL. The gene pool of the Whites is doomed. The Jewish intellectual elites know that the Black males are the least thing they should concern in their global conquest. They are merely the “low-cost bait” to destroy the gene pool of the Whites.

    B) On the other hand at the opposite side of the scale as the lowest of the Western mating ladder: the North-Eastern Oriental males of course, propanagted by the Western MSM for decades as “dulling robots”, ” have no life”, “no creativity”, “no humour”, “only know how to copy”, “small dick”, “low EQ”, etc… Funny that many White lackies dislike the Jewish globalish elites so much, but that doesn’t stop them from quoting Jewish intellectual elites-controlled spoon-fed MSM (the very ones that brag amazing Black male mating power on the front pages) every time when trying hard to make a point… Man, deep inside, the insecured Jewish intellectual elites and their White lackies are truely worried. LOL

    • 回复: @artichoke
  259. Karl 说:

    > If Judaism was never a proselytizing religion, moron, then all Jews everywhere would be very similar in genotype.

    Druze religion is not only non-prosletyzing, but there’s no such thing as in-conversion AT ALL.

    Hasn’t stopped their men from marrying whoever they feel like. Go visit the Druze villages in Galilee to see the results. There is SOME small percentage of Ethiopian girls who are VERY hot, so I suppose it will eventually happen. Anyway, Ethiopians can vary all over the place in phenotype. An Ethiopian girl can be pretty darn Cauc looking.

    Druze women are NOT subject to death for marrying out – but it’s extremely rare.

    There’s a decent size Druze poulation in the USA. They exercise a lot of caution for the sake of their relatives who live in Muslim countries – Israel ( a good size Druze population which has even reached the inner circles of the Security Organs) is always written as “The Holy Land”.

    As my IDF drill instructor told me: “it’s all pink on the inside”.

  260. Equalizer 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Whites have dominated only the last 300 or 400 years. Generally, for thousands of years they were regarded as mostly barbarians by Middle Eastern people (like the Jews and Arabs) and Asian. You are very selective in your history and very biased.

    • 回复: @Hacienda
    , @makran
  261. Karl 说:

    > Low IQ Orthodox Jews

    They are well represented in selective units – Air Force & Intelligence.

    The really hardcore ones marry quite early. You can get them into the IDF, but you have to have special units with no ancillary women (clerks, cooks, drivers, etc) present. Their wives don’t want them near TelAviv girls…..

    It’s do-able. They just stood-up an ultra-orthodox battalion of Paratroopers to accommodate the yeshiva boys who want the extra pay that comes with being combat-rated.

  262. PandaAtWar 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Ron, you are wrong on “elites” though.

    It’s rooted on what are the definitions of “elites”:

    1. Western elites(intellectual/cultural/economical/ social/political) are the by and large normally defined, except there is a strong segment of Jewish involvment and reflections of their self interests. This is because the West is a normal capitalism society for the last 200 years. The best have gone to top , by and large, as a result.

    ( Similar to the Japanese and Taiwanese/Singaporean/South Korean societies, which have 150 years and post-war 70 years multi-generation capitalism respectively in the making.)

    2. Chinese “elites” are different. China still is a “Communist” one-party-controlled state where if one doesn’t recognise the party, one can’t go to the elite class, no matter how capable and intelligent he is. There’re MANY. In Panda’s view roughly 8 out of 10 of China’s current political, social and economical “elites” are not the true elites (intellectual and cultural as the basis and the core) really comparable to the West.

    The only thing that saves China from total ruin nowadays is the sheer average IQ of the Han despite horrible Chinese social/economical/political “elites”. The real Han Chinese (intellectual and cultural) elites are now by and large situated in the middle layer of the Chinese society.

    Plus, time to bust the myth that “most top Chinese political elites are engineers”: they are not. Their so-called diplomas are dogy to say the least.

    However, you are right though that on average they are more patrotic compared to thier werstern counterparts given the natural influence of China’s uber strong history and their self-interest to tighthold the power.

  263. @Discard

    There’s a UK parallel in that we don’t have great Jewish industrialists like Alfred Mond or the people who created the various companies that became GEC any more.


    On the other hand, two out of the last four of our Lords Chief Justice have been Jewish.

  264. No_0ne 说:

    “Iran invested in education, including education of women”

    Are you claiming that increasing higher education for women is a PRO-fertility measure? Or am I misunderstanding you here? Because historically, the opposite certainly seems to be the case.

  265. AaronB 说:







  266. Seraphim 说:

    I can’t remember who said that it would be revealed that ‘the whole history of mankind was just a chapter in the history of China’. It was before 2000 in a book (?) meditating about the past centuries and the prospects of the new Millenium.
    It is possible even that Chinese have invented almost everything and innovated on what they took from outside!

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  267. TJM 说:


    我们在 Facebook 上看到了这一点最为明显:少数人创建了 Facebook,但唯一一个超越其他人并获得数十亿美元的人,是一名犹太人。不是因为他更聪明,或者有更多的参与,而是因为这是他的犹太复国主义犹太人捐助者会资助的人。


    在过去 50 年左右的时间里,犹太人的影响给我们带来了什么,子弹头列车、全民医疗保健、世界上最好的教育体系,不!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!这些混蛋利用他们的优势来掠夺美国的文化、资源和道德。

    看看 AIPAC、NJC、ADL、AEI、CNAC、CFR 以及更多的犹太复国主义犹太人组织,它们以我们的基础设施、中东战争、我们的道德、开放边界为代价来推动军费开支,以及通过媒体控制对我们人民的无知。


  268. TJM 说:
    @Priss Factor


  269. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Sad how you label eyeryone ……. a yelloid, a goyim, a Filo, a “negress having 8 kids after gorging on dumplings and mooshoo pork”. The only people you don’t denigrate are Jewish. My conclusion is you are one of the tribe. I guess you learned that superior attitude from your “holy” books. Hitler must have read them too.

  270. tbraton 说:

    Having just read Shlomo Sands’ book, his contention is that Judaism was a proselytizing religion for a brief spell (couple of hundred years) in the early part of the first part of the first millennium A.D., but is not now. That’s how he explains the spread of Jews around the Roman Empire, not the expulsion of the Jews from Israel, most of whom remained there. The latter thought had occurred to me when I read Tacitus 50 years ago, and he spoke of the Romans destroying Jerusalem and prohibiting Jews from living in Jerusalem from that point on. Prohibition from living in Jerusalem did not seem the same to me as prohibition from living in Israel. I had a hard time reconciling what Tacitus said with what I was hearing and reading about the total exile of the Jews from the “Promised Land.”

    • 回复: @5371
  271. TJM 说:




    没有道德和社会责任的“智慧”简直就是邪恶。我们看到世界为犹太人的统治付出了代价。 2008年,希腊、委内瑞拉和全世界都为犹太人的华尔街治理付出了代价。


    在媒体中,犹太人肯定占主导地位,而 Facebook,这两者都只是更多的操纵工具,从这些媒体消化这种公关的人远不如那些为​​自己寻找真相的人了解更多信息。



  272. Equalizer 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Arrogance and speak with fork tongue: White people, right? Your insights are short sighted and biased.

  273. Che Guava 说:



    but it seems you share my skepticism about the benefits of those technological marvels.

    To an extent, sure. I am unsure about the utility of some lines, but the first, Tokyo to Osaka, then to Fukuoka, seems to be useful.

    Won’t go into route-by-route details, but I’d prefer it if the latest ones weren’t there. So many factors. In Aomori, for example, the area around Aomori station is charming, but the bullet-train station is a desert, soulless, nothing around but the fake-trad. mini-mall below the platforms.

    Even if I have a ticket that allows unlimited bullet-train, special-express riding in an area, I will always check the all-stops lines that I have never seen before. Many surprises, much beautiful scenery, interesting places, much better than flying past them t in a second or so.

    Economics is not the dominator of experience, unless one is at the extreme in either direction in terms of ecoomic dominance (very poor or a plutocrat).

    As for prop. vs.jet, the prop. seems still to be the more efficient (or economical, as you would put it), on relatively short-haul flights, with only a few tens of passengers.

  274. I mostly enjoy reading the comments on Unz, but I don’t come to this site to read through others’ flame wars, or to immerse myself in Dominique-Priss-Factory-Anonymny’s repetitive, browser-crashing diatribes. I just scroll through all of that stuff.

    Priss, you have some serious mental issues and obviously way too much time on your hands. This stuff has got to stop or eventually more worthy correspondents will just abandon this place.

  275. Hacienda 说:

    Whites live in a machine trance state. Their awareness of non-machine conscious states comes only from foreign races. Which they spent a sizable period of their history destroying. But, God sees. And things return.

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  276. Rdm 说:

    Of course, we can’t pick any one of the NBA black players and label them as stupid. They must know some forms of basketball rules and regulations.

    我在这里指出的是,黑人擅长身体对抗。勒布朗可以突破到油漆区并得分。科比场均出手85分,获得年度MVP。但如果我们看看所有的体能比赛 NBA、NFL、MBL、 这些游戏都不是黑人发明的,更不是固有的战略玩法和游戏战术。

    That’s why when this long-winded Dominique compared Black and Whites in sports to Jews and Asians in academics, I said it’s an utter BS.



    Now look at the only country that runs the world, the US. In order to the run the entire World, composed of the 7 continent, 196 countries, you don’t need a 8 inch long dick size, you don’t need a fast fiber twitch in your muscle, you only need a number of brainiacs to tightly control the massive society. Who does that?

    Jews. Any of the advanced fields, you’d see Jews. Were they automatically invited to the elite smart club? Jews were discriminated in higher education. But they emerged as the smartest mind of the world. 纽约城市学院 (CCNY) 曾经是穷人的哈佛,其诺贝尔奖获得者人数比美国任何公立大学高出数倍。当然,当犹太人让全班充满饥饿时。犹太人的诺贝尔奖获得者肯定比 8 英寸长的犹太鸡鸡多。

    但现在美国用 8 英寸长的黑鸡巴填满了 CCNY,还有 BLM,你得到的是色情片而不是诺贝尔奖。


    Now if we look at the East Asians, we see the similar pattern, albeit with a plethora of historical baggage. EA, Japanese were persecuted in the US. Chinese were excluded for immigration. East Asians in general were made to serve as a fodder for American caricatures. This time, East Asians don’t have crooked nose, they only have slanted eyes. They were deemed inferior to let in for higher education, especially Science back in the days.

    East Asians in fact are not really making as easy as Jews in American society because 1) they are uniquely distinct either in physical or mental philosophical view of the world 2) they don’t fit in as easy as Jews with their mongoloid features 3) their language.


    The pattern we’re seeing today is reflective of what we’ve seen in earlier days to Jews.


    Chinese make a small island to one of the world most developed, higher education, higher HDI country – 新加坡。



    This dominique pulling some shit out of her mouth is as funny as Kyrie Irving having a yacht party without any sista and claimed he’s not discriminating against any Black women.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  277. @Priss Factor


    1) YouTube is banned in China. Chinese primarily use their own video sharing websites such as iQiyi and Youku/Tudor.

    2) The primary language of the net in China is Chinese.

    3) YouTube and Google search autofill results are influenced by your own search history

    • 回复: @gmachine1729
  278. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “Jews make their homeland (either good or bad is left to argue) in Middle East.
    Chinese make a small island to one of the world most developed, higher education, higher HDI country – Singapore.

    Blacks make what?”

    Blacks make babies.


    In the US, black men impregnate most women on per capita basis. Not only with black women but with non-black women. Asian men impregnate least women on per capita basis. Indeed, they even lose 50% of Asian women to other men. Many more black men impregnate yellow women than black men impregnate black women(which is very rare).
    And many secular Jews don’t make babies. They are like Jonathan Rosenbaum. Watches movies all his life, but never married and no kids.

    In the end, LIFE goes on.
    Asians and Jews may build things and systems, but those things and systems don’t make life.
    Only life create life. Asian males suck at making life. This is true even in Asia. And in globalized world, many Asian women prefer to make life for other men.
    With huge black African waves into EU and worship of blacks on both sensual and spiritual level, EU will turn into Cuckrope. And Muslims in EU are making more life than EU Jews are.

    Singapore, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China have one child per woman. They are dying.
    Black Africa has 6 child per woman. And in the US where interracism is now religion, black men hump and make babies with lots of women.
    I see so many single mothers of all colors with mulatto babies.
    As young women with raging hormones and into sex culture, many of them don’t think long term. They just think of fun and thrill now. Also, as they are hooked to rap and sports, they see black men as top winner and want to have ‘winner’ kids of winner dads. Now, we may say that kind of winnerdom is pretty shallow and stupid, but we are living in a shallow thrill-based society. Just look at all the tatoos.

    Anyway, this is why blacks will win.

    Most mulatto kids are of black father and white mother.. Most blasians like Tiger Woods are of black father and asian mother. Most hisblacknicks are of black father and brown mother.

    Jews make software and asians make computer chips, but blacks make more life. Life has agency; things-made-by-people do not. They exist to serve life. So, if jews and asians create things and if blacks make life, those things made by jews and asians will serve black lives.

    Look at South Africa. whites made everything but blacks made more life… and those things now serve blacks.

  279. Wade 说:

    All of this raised feelings of doom and gloom, especially the part comparing Han Chinese population to US White Gentile population and the thought that an overtake of our culture by the Chinese is practically inevitable. Then I felt a ray of hope break through, as dim as it might be:

    I watch Chinese technology as best I can. In fifteen years, China has gone from having no supercomputers to having slightly more than the US has, including the world’s two fastest, the most rapid of which (TaiHuiLight) is a Chinese design using Chinese semiconductors. (Obama, ever brilliant, stopped Intel from selling them chips, so they apparently decided the needed to supply their own.) The quantum-crypto line from Beijing to Shanghai, said to have been spurred by a desire to keep NSA off China’s back, is noticeably more advanced than carrier pigeons.

    The thesis you’ve been alluding to of the possibility that hard work rather than genes explains the reason for ethnic differences in achievement combine with the above to proffer a viable way future for Goyim Americans: White cultural pride channeled into the desire to beat china technically the way we channeled our efforts during the cold war into NASA. Not saying we will come out on top. However, we could come in a close second and prevent a total takeover. The end game is not domination, just independence and the maintenance of our way of life. Obama did indeed do a good thing when he stopped Intel from selling to China. I wish this could’ve happened 20 years sooner. Oh well, waddya waddya…

    Now it’s time for Trump to raise the tattered American flag and ignite once again a burning desire in the hearts of US business patriots, however few may still remain, to reverse course that the globalists heretofore had been leading us on.

    Suspicions should be raised far and wide as to whether or not China is using ethnic Chinese Americans to infiltrate US companies and governments to steal technology. An informal expectation that Chinese Americans need not apply to positions which increase the risk to
    America that any of our secrets might be stolen should be in play. John Derbyshire eloquently said as much just a few weeks back.

    Start protecting our way of life from the Chinese Behemoth!

    • 同意: artichoke
  280. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:


  281. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @DB Cooper

    Complete nonsense. Why then does the Dalai Lama live in India, an entire town Dharamsala gifted to him and tens of thousands of his followers?

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  282. 5371 说:

    The more recent its origins, the more successful Judaism was at proselytism.

  283. artichoke 说:

    Also they come here because we’re soft. We don’t want to beat them, but they do want to beat us. We need some hunger, some competitive spirit.

  284. artichoke 说:

    If IQ tests measure what they should, it won’t be the Middle Easterners. They’re flooding into Europe to take what the white people built.

  285. artichoke 说:

    When I was a kid in the 60’s, we were far more exposed to sports stars and certain select politicians than scientists. I would have related to a school history unit on great men of science, but there was none. I don’t personally think Asians are great at composing music — from what I’ve been exposed to of course. There are lots of pop stars in China but their skill doesn’t impress me, even if it attracts crowds of teenage girls in those countries like pop stars anywhere. And the things they do very well on a world standard are of a technical nature that has been downplayed in our schools — maybe a control strategy against us but an older one, not a new one.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  286. Equalizer 说:

    I don’t know about that. But talk to muslims and Asians and they are generally friendly. They care for their families. Talk to white people, often its about “me, me me”. Intuitively, thinkers know that whites will be the losers.

  287. Equalizer 说:

    Yes. Talk to muslims and Asians and they are generally friendly. They care for their families. Talk to white people, often its about “me, me me”. Intuitively, thinkers know that whites will be the losers. No matter how white make themselves important and claim to be able to think for themselves, new immigrants are amused that whites follow government guidelines for diet, guidelines for terror alerts, guidelines from western doctors, guidelines for this and that, all without any critical thinking. Many Asian and muslims immigrants follow their traditions and do not become fat and stupid like white Americans. (I am talking like white people, i.e, adversarial mode, because that what they understand. In reality the world is an interconnected web of consciousness). Superficially, whites create machines for this and that (especially to kill) and this app and that app and they pat themselves on the back for being creative. But in the end the humanity of middle easterners, Asians, natives and blacks will win over the robotic machine creativeness of the whites.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Art
    , @dcite
    , @Salger
    , @Santoculto
  288. Unzerker 说:

    但最终(在过去的 300 年里)[白人]展示了一些东西的时候到来了,他们将火药等东方发明带到了世界各地。

    你从哪里得到这些废话?从 1200 年开始,几乎所有发明都来自欧洲。在古典世界中,西方很快开始主导该地区。首先是希腊人,然后是罗马人。

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  289. Talha 说:


    Perhaps, but White Europeans (and their offshoots – Australia, America) did have a culture that had solid traditions, was spiritual and produced deep poetry. Their hope may lie in their ability to recover the best parts of their tradition – but it will require them to realign their priorities and the society that emerges may not be one we recognize (for the better – who the hell wants to see people twerking in public except debased minds). Likewise, Asians or Muslims (or others) who are willing to cast aside the positive parts of their tradition in order for material gain will also join the ‘robotic machine’; none are immune based simply on their heritage.


    • 回复: @Equalizer
  290. Daniel H 说:
    @Ron Unz

    I’m going long Baidu on Tuesday. Has 90% of the Chinese search market. Is profitable. Has PE ration of around 10. Compare that to Google.

  291. Equalizer 说:

    You are about 400 years off. In 1200, both the ME and Asia had great cities with many technologies (e.g, glass making in ME and metallurgy in Asia). The Mongols soon put to brake to many of these progress, which went west, but it still took until the mid 1600’s for the Europeans to say that they are ahead of every body else.


    • 回复: @Unzerker
  292. DB Cooper 说:

    “Complete nonsense. Why then does the Dalai Lama live in India, an entire town Dharamsala gifted to him and tens of thousands of his followers?”

    Why then does the Dalai Lama live in India? Simple answer is politics. Longer answer is his operations is well-funded by the West. This is not even controversial. Dalai Lama admitted he is funded by the CIA as far back as in the 50s.

    Go to China and talk to the Tibetans there. On the other hand South Tibet, renamed by India to the so called ‘Arunachal Pradesh’ is closed off to the rest of the world. The fact that India classify that area as ‘disturbed’ just like Kashmir says a lot of the resentment of the Tibetans there towards India.

  293. Wade 说:
    @Ron Unz

    All I can say is Damn, I hope you get elected!

    I don’t live in California so I can’t vote for you.

  294. Unzerker 说:


    请说出 1200 年后中国或中东的一项发明。到了 1200 年,欧洲在技术方面是首屈一指的。他们是地球上机械化程度最高的文明。水力、风力和动物动力机器的数量在地球上任何地方都是无与伦比的。另一方面,中国和ME几乎停止使用轮子。

    同样到了 1300 年,欧洲在财富方面已与中国相媲美:

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  295. Jews – there aren’t many, and they’re not so hungry anymore.

    Chinese – there are lots and lots of Chinese, and right now they’re hungry.

    Dysgenics may also have hit the Jews earlier than the Chinese, but I doubt it’s a major differentiating factor.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  296. Art 说:


    The meek will get the Earth – the aggressive shall gain the stars.

  297. TJM 说:


  298. Equalizer 说:

    I think your are the one many shit up. The Golden Age of Islam went into at least the 1300’s. Islam decline due mostly to the Mongol invasions in the 1200’s. Europe was way behind in those times. India and China made up most of the world’s wealth up to around 1700. The British East India Company started the draining of the wealth of India, and the Opium Wars drained the influence of China. The Europeans caught up with eastern technology by around the mid_1600’s, not 1200 as you claim. You are 400 years off.


    • 回复: @Unzerker
    , @Marcus
    , @Salger
  299. TJM 说:

    Britex 以及诸如此类的网站可能会持不同意见。




    • 回复: @Realist
  300. TJM 说:




    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  301. Thim 说:

    提到的两台中国超级计算机并非中国技术。对于芯片,他们租用 MIPS(纯西方技术),然后对其进行调整。对于操作系统来说,它是Linux的一个版本,是欧美的成果。

    • 回复: @TJM
  302. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站
    @Simon in London

    “Jews – there aren’t many, and they’re not so hungry anymore.”

    Or maybe too hungry. Too hungry for individual success and forsaking group identity.
    Jonathan Rosenbaum was all about movies and never got married. If his father had been like him, Rosenbaum would never have been born.
    Pauline Kael had only one kid, and with a homo man.
    Sontag had only one kid and divorced.
    John Simon(who doesn’t consider himself Jewish but has Jewish background) got married but never juggled his balls to produce a kid. He is very high IQ but his genes met a dead end. His IQ genes die with him. What a waste.

    Now, Norman Mailer was a super-ball-juggler-and-soaker, and he produced a bunch of kids. Dylan and Bellow too(though it’s too bad that Dylan married a negress during his Christian period. Christianity makes you stupid.). And all three had some conservative inclinations(if not entirely).

    Ball-jugglers win in the end. But we see more Jews living for individual success. And since Jewish women are often just as ambitious as the men, it’s not easy for Jewish men to find a Jewish woman who will be wife and mother. Friedan began the whole ‘house-wife is holocaust’ nonsense. No, feminist man-hatred and failure to reproduce kids is bio-holocaust or biocaust or reprocaust.

    Mailer was a wild man and out of control but he did produce a brood and took good care of them, so he deserves respect as a patriarch ball-juggler.

    “Chinese – there are lots and lots of Chinese, and right now they’re hungry.”

    Hunger for individual success. They are going the same way as Jews… but there are more of them.

    • 回复: @Equalizer
    , @Stonehands
  303. dcite 说:

    So the soulful POCs are inheriting all that whites have robotically created? Are you channeling the late Elija Muhammad by any chance?

    Do you understand the nature of creation and intelligence at all? It is not exclusive to any one race, so one should expect some reflection here, and that goes for the Asians=robotic crowd too.

    Still, I suppose it is less humiliating to dismiss the gob smacking achievements of the last 1,000 years (you pick the race/state) as the creation of a robotic life form, but it’s inaccurate and silly. These sorts of emotional diatribes just make you sound desperate. If you want to see salivating pocs as circling the dying body of European/Amoerican patrimony (that’s the best vision you have), one thing is sure to happen: they will last until they pick the bones clean.

    othoh, Talha seems to have a pretty good sense of balance about things.

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  304. Equalizer 说:

    Did you read my posts carefully? I said: In reality the world is a tangle web of consciousness. I also said that I am talking like those white posters because its easier for you to understand. Notice that once I say some thing about white creativity (being good at machines but lacking soul), then its fireworks for whites. Yet, they, day and night, make sure that Asian are put down as uncreative copycats. So I mention whites creative skills in a way whites don’t like and I am attacked. NO I am not spewing out diatribe. IT is REALLY TRUE that recent immigrants are amused at how whites follow this that that government guideline (then get fat anyway). It is also TRUE that white people are hypocritical and not introspective. As proof, read over any forum that involves Asians, Muslims, immigrants.

    • 回复: @Salger
  305. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Blah,Blah Blah. this comment goes out of its way to negate the basic facts of the article (somewhat hysterically ). And that is that Jewish dominance of western institutions in general and American society on particular is out and Asian ascendancy is in. And this is a welcome turn of events in my opinion.

  306. Equalizer 说:
    @Priss Factor

    You seem to think everything is genetics and biology (and by extension atoms and molecules). Basically, biological determinism. Lot of people, especially whites have this mind set. It is a very narrow point of view. There is a whole spiritual dimension that you missed.

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
    , @Talha
  307. Realist 说:

    “Britex would beg to differ, as well as sites such as this. ”


    • 回复: @TJM
  308. 我确实认为,可能有很多通常不被提及的有用的智商项目可能对中国亚人群有利,比如工作记忆、长期记忆,以及许多其他真正重要的实际智力特征,但智商测试并不重要。关心。

    但正如 Gene Su 所说,亚洲父母 *力量* 他们的孩子学习,有时甚至使用野蛮的方法,如打屁股和责骂,而不是给他们服用阿得拉(Adderall)的正确白人方式,然后就放弃了。

    但同样重要的是,我确实认为文化影响很重要。现在的美国,完全没有任何社会力量会促使年轻人进入科学或工程领域,除了老师之外,还有一切阻碍年轻人进入科学或工程领域的因素。我主要看到的排名是“医生、律师、军人、教师、工程师、商人、社会科学课程运气好、读研究生直到 35 岁…………蓝领工人、焊工……科学家,家伙应该成为一名医生!”

    你见过公然的书呆子嘲笑大爆炸理论吗?为什么一个看着人们嘲笑这个节目长大的人 *想* 与科学绝对有任何关系,除非一个人与文化足够脱节,以至于他们通常是观看动漫的人的朋友?或者其他的东西。



    菲利普·格林斯潘(Philip Greenspun)对此做了一篇很棒的文章“根据智力进行调整,科学是薪酬最差的职业,而计算机工程师和地球上最内向的人,而我是一个白痴年轻男性,进入了那个动荡的就业市场,并且足够聪明成为一名富有的医生,在我这个年纪,只有钱才是最重要的”

    我觉得直到最近,计算机科学专业才被社会所接受,一半是来自前 50 名学校、亿万富翁和初创公司的计算机科学人员的工资大幅上涨,一半是“哦,所以你是这些家伙会让我在 6 年内失业并监视正常人所做的一切”

  309. TJM 说:




    • 回复: @Realist
  310. TJM 说:


  311. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    “There is a whole spiritual dimension that you missed.”

    Look, I understand that it’s not just about biology and reproduction.
    If it were, we would be no better than insects, salmon, and frogs that produce like crazy. Or like rabbits.

    If humans just banged and had kids, they’d be no better than chimps or bonerbos or baboons.

    Of course, culture matters.


    Biology alone is just animalism.

    But spirituality alone is just fantasy.

    A Jainist or Shaker community can choose to believe that they find heaven or enlightenment by forsaking biology and just praying or meditating. Whatever happens in the OTHER world, the fact it is end of the line in this world.

    Same with Catholic priests. They can believe themselves to serve God via celibacy and ball-juice-jamming in pure spiritual devotion, but IN THIS WORLD, it is end of the line.

    The genius of Judaism is it fused biology with spirituality. God made the Jewish genitals holy thru the Covenant and obedience to the Law that forbade debauchery of the Golden Calf.
    Be fruitful and multiply, not fruity and pewdiepie.

    Spirituality or culture is crucial to being human, BUT humans must exist in the first place in order to be cultural and spiritual. So, those who read but don’t breed are finished. You must breed before you have a child to teach how to read.

    Too many choose individual greed over tribal breed.

    Individualism atomizes one’s view of life. Prior to individualism, people saw themselves as part of the life/culture continuum that goes from ancestors to descendants. They were part of a thread. Individuals in the here and now were not the END ALL of life. They were created by life that came before; they were extensions of ancestors. Sons were extensions of fathers, and their own sons were extensions of themselves after they passed away. It’s like the scene in Bible when it’s so important for sons to receive blessing of father Isaac.

    Each person felt that the line-of-my-people lived on through him, and it must live on through his kids and their kids and so on.
    An individual knows he is obligated to eat and drink and piss and poo every day in order to live to next day. Those are biological obligations of life. Every individual believes at least that much, an obligation to life until they die of old age or disease. But they feel no obligation to live on through their heirs. They see children as entirely separate individuals than as extensions of themselves. They don’t believe that they live on through their kids.

    Today, Individuals don’t see themselves as part of a continuum or thread. They see themselves as separate and unique. They don’t primarily identify with their parents and forebears but with abstract ideas and high art(if intellectual) or with celebrities and pop culture(if vulgar). So, they think life is all about ‘me, me, me’. They don’t see themselves as continuation of their parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and etc.
    No sense of line-of-my-people.
    So, they think life begins and ends with them. They don’t think, “My kids will be the extension of me and my ancestors. After I die, I will live through them in blood and narrative I bequeath them.”
    So, they feel no obligation to continue their life(via their kids) beyond their own death. Hebrews believed that fathers live through the blood of their sons. So, even a great great great great great etc grandfather Jew is still alive in the current living Jew. The current Jew is bearing the torch handed down to him, and he must pass it down to his son who must pass it down to his son ad infinitum via the holy scrotum. If he doesn’t, not only he but all his ancestors will die with him. Since he embodies all his ancestors (Bible is filled with “this guy is son of this guy who is son of that guy who is son of this guy who is son of that guy…”), having a son isn’t merely a continuation of himself after his death but all his ancestors, the ‘line of my people’.
    Chinese also had this in ancestor worship. Even the Germanic barbarians had it.

    So, it depends on one’s view of life. Do you see yourself as an individual or an ‘indivisible’? As an individual, you are alone and autonomous and have no connection to ancestors or descendants. It’s all about you. You have no obligation to anyone but yourself and a vague sense of ‘humanity’.
    But if you see yourself as an ‘indivisible’, the meaning of your life comes from its connection to ancestors and descendants. You receive the torch, make the fire better, and then pass it down.

    Alas, globalism makes people no longer identify with own kind. Since they identify with all mankind, they figure ‘humanity’ will go on even if their own race/tribe vanishes. A lousy view of life.

    In the past, there was too much emphasis on ancestors and culture and not enough on the individual. So, there was the radical revolt of the individual, and this made so many men and then women and then children feel so free to pursue their individual fun and happiness.
    But self-indulgence and self-gratification don’t lead to long-term sense of fulfilment and happiness. Fun gets silly and tiresome and we grow old. True meaning comes from family.
    What people need is a balance of the tribal thread and individual needle.

    It could be that parents and kids felt a closer tie in the past than now when so much of education and knowledge are outsourced to institutions.
    In the past, when most folks were farmers, shepherds, blacksmiths, or hunter-gatherers, the main education happened from parent to child. Father farmer taught son. Father blacksmith taught son. Father hunter taught son. Mother homemaker taught daughter.
    So, father passed down both genes and culture to sons. But today, fathers don’t play that role. They create kids but kids are educated by schools that encourage atomized individualism and PC deracination.
    And instead of family sharing family lore and legend through talk, everyone just sits and watch TV and movies. It’s like Japanese boys mainly identify with videogame characters and Japanese girls mainly identify with soap opera characters.

    It’s hard for parents to win respect from kids cuz changing technology and fashion make older stuff ‘uncool’ or ‘outdated’. But parents can still pass down culture and heritage. Those are beyond technology and fashion. But few parents even care about that stuff. They just have kids and hand the kids over to public education and pop culture.

    The sense of family you see in Yasujiro Ozu films is gone, but then, things were changing fast back then too. Prior to TV, there was cinema, but after the movie, family would sit together and talk. But with TV in the house, they are always glued to the TV and ignoring one another. Many families don’t even eat together.

    AVALON by Barry Levinson made the same point. Kids are just glued to the TV.
    Boomers generation was the first TV generation that grew up identifying more with Flinstones than with their own parents.

    Now, with so much more–with kids on smartphone 24/7–, it’s much worse.

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  312. WhatEvvs [又名“ Mipchunk”] 说:

    Also Hispanics – Sailer did something about the “Hispanic paradox” — i.e., they have the lowest infant mortality rates of any US pop’n group, thus disproving the “barriers to health care” excuse w/respect to high infant mortality rates among US blacks. Check back in a generation when their IM rates have risen.

    The HBD crowd is made up of cruel losers. I guess I used to be one. But funny thing, I got out of the house a little and didn’t not notice things. I notice that black African women are not like African-American women. They are slender, feminine, and normal. Not that I want them to come here in their billions. I do not. Just pointing out a fact.

    • 回复: @colm
  313. Realist 说:


  314. Talha 说:

    Bro, you are making the wrong argument; a materialist, by virtue of his cosmology cannot arrive at any other conclusion – as far as he is concerned, there is no ghost in the machine.


    • 回复: @Equalizer
  315. mobi 说:
    @Randall Parker

    No, no, no. Come on.

    DFS is easily one of the most entertaining posters here.

    I never know when I’m about to spit my drink.

    …Chinese Male Exclusion Act in their pooter

    …a brain filled with IQ but loin lacking in boing.

    He’s a force of nature (and secretly, seldom wrong)

  316. Equalizer 说:

    Maybe. A materialist, if he/she (1) cannot feel the spiritual, then at least (2) use logic on the observed world. For example, analyze material forces deeper and deeper and eventual one cannot go any deeper and is left with unexplained causes. The Buddhists are open to this kind of inquiry but generally not westerners.

    • 回复: @Talha
  317. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    “I don’t personally think Asians are great at composing music — from what I’ve been exposed to of course.”

    Were you exposed to this?

    • 回复: @PandaAtWar
  318. Equalizer 说:

    So you think the Chinese stole their way to wealth? Actually, its almost impossible for a hacker to hack some blueprint and then be able to sell it to some company (quite ridiculous). Even if the Chinese stole the original blueprints they will still not know how things are made or what tools are used. The blueprints only show the dimensions and parts. Accordingly, if the Chinese can perform economic miracles with stolen plans, then they are even more amazing than you think! Why don’t westerners just admit that Chinese got ahead with hard work.

  319. Equalizer 说:

    You said “Perhaps, but White Europeans (and their offshoots – Australia, America) did have a culture that had solid traditions, was spiritual and produced deep poetry.”

    I totally agree. However, it’s your style. Very polite. I used to be polite, like you. But I found that most whites are not impressed by politeness in the forums. So, many Asians and Muslims are sidelined. Talk like whites, for example, question their vaunted “creativeness” and they take notice. Otherwise they slap everybody down like they are masters of the universe.

  320. PandaAtWar 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Interesting… Panda trusts antichoke can get used to choking that random segment of the bell curve quite well after being exposed to you here already.

  321. Sam Shama 说:

    [Hiding one’s identity via multiple handles is not proper behavior here. Pick one and stick to it, or use Anonymous or Anon.]


    • 回复: @Santoculto
    , @TJM
  322. WhatEvvs [又名“ Mipchunk”] 说:

    啊,朱迪思·哈里斯 (Judith Harris),HBD 人群中的女王。有人(不是我)对她的一本书写了一篇很棒的文章。我专门为你查了一下:

    I’m referring to the one-star “D” for delusional. It’s a great review.

    I’m making a prediction here. As the disaster of neoliberal policies continues to destroy the white working class, the HBD crowd will suddenly discover a strange new respect for the effects of culture on a child’s growing mind. They will suddenly acknowledge that having a stable two-parent family (by which I mean mother and father, ideally biological), supportive institutions, the possibility of employment, and religion really does matter! The idea! And of course, they will take credit for inventing this particular wheel.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  323. mtn cur 说:

    Hence, braces of pigeons were often used for important stuff.

  324. Santoculto 说:
    @Sam Shama

    So called ”intellectual superiority”

    This retarded snakes deserve ”better”…

    since precious one take Uass and other western nations It happened a meteoric civilizational decline.


    nope in any galaxy…

    destroy is extremely easy, extremely… in the true all the time many to most people are cautioned not to destroy your living area. there is a natural impetus to destroy among us.

    Jews should be forbidden to think it was never his forte. They think they are spectacular, but they are as mediocre as their despised goy. And worse, they are not only mediocre as avg goy, they are worse, just as the stupid leftist also manages the amazing feat of being dumber than the average rightist. it deserved some reward.

    Supposedly there are thousands of jewish geniuses in literature, poetry, philosophy and science.

    However, surprisingly there was none before Zionist domination in the West, is much coincidence.

    In a direct intellectual competition, read, honest, non-existent word in defective mind of these people, I doubt they could win.

    As they are prodigies in the noble art of lying I wonder if many of these ” winners ” of ” intellectual Awards ”, which magically disappeared, were not only the usual scheming to deceive the goy-retarded (easier than stealing candy from a baby) to think that the ” Jewish intellectual superiority ‘is something palatably impassable, naturally timeless or eternal.

  325. Corvinus 说:

    You made an overblown generalization. Leggett is one data point showing “higher education in most of the rest of the world” cultivates talent.

    • 回复: @Crawfurdmuir
  326. Talha 说:

    Come on bro, you cannot possibly put ‘Westerners’ in one same basket. Have you read Kierkegaard? He sounds like Rumi-lite. Thoreau, Emerson? You can’t really think Westerners have all given up the ghost and become Sam Harris clones, can you? Look, I’m on your side here from the spiritual aspect of things, but are you saying you’ve not met Westerners willing to engage in spiritual discourse? They’re out there – even in this forum – don’t be put off by militant-athiest jerks channeling (ha! channeling!) Hitchens or something.


    • 回复: @Equalizer
  327. Equalizer 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Nice post about individual persons and collective (“indivisible”) persons. You implied that whites are mostly the first and Jews and Asians are the last, and that people from the last category can get spoiled and transit into the first category.

    I will add that while Jews and Asians are alike in this aspect, the Jews did not have a home country for 2 thousand years, and consequently their collective aspirations often ran counter to the host countries and they became hated in the host countries. When they got their country (Israel) they quickly turned into the spoiled brats that many young Israelis are.

    You also implies that while genetics and culture are important, that spirituality is just some useless or imaginary thing. Not true. Spirituality is hard to obtain or understand and most people who are this or that religion are wasting their time. That’s why Jews win over others, they believe in genetics and culture and don’t waste time with spirituality. However, if Jews and Asians truly become spiritual, the world would be a whole lot better place.

  328. Equalizer 说:

    Yes, I agree that westerners do participate in discussions on spirituality, but usually on the level of religion. At the Sufi or Zen level, most people shied away from, especially westerners. But I am also saying its easier to get my point across if I talk like white people and put them down every so often so they don’t get too arrogant.

    • 回复: @Talha
  329. Winston 说:

    为什么有人会对东亚人的逐渐接管和主导地位感到惊讶(如果他们声称自己是 HBDers)?德系犹太人本身并不是一个种族,因为美国/欧盟的大多数犹太人都是欧洲白人的后裔。换句话说,犹太人是白人,但他们通过自己的文化和传统以及在现代的影响而产生的优越感将自己与白人区分开来。例如,你可能会争辩说,芬兰人是白人中最聪明的,而意大利人是白人中最不聪明的,但是,说犹太人一定比意大利人聪明是毫无意义的,因为犹太人本身可能是意大利人,并且有意大利人的血统。父母。


  330. Talha 说:

    Hey Equalizer,

    OK – so you agree on the principle idea. That’s good, that shows you are a deeper thinker than some of your posts let on. Look, I’m polite because of two reasons; my spiritual teachers taught me thus and I try to interact with people as I would face-to-face (I have full conviction that anonymity on a forum does not shield my actions from scrutiny on the Day of Judgement – consider it a type of CYA). This isn’t your first rodeo – why are you catering your interactions to the flotsam floating out there in the digital ocean? I’ve been on this forum for a while, there’s plenty of jerks, but there are a good number of balanced people too (White ones at that). You are turning them away by being unnecessarily aggressive. The jerks won’t like you no matter what – they are dogmatic to the nth degree – you are a yellow sub-human that was born that way and cannot climb your way out out of the trash bin that is your culture because it’s all built in your genes. Avoid them like the plague. Respect and you will get respect back and the people with objective minds (and hearts) will be willing to learn from you. And you may even walk away with some friends.

    I rarely try to correct anyone who posts something that is simply opinion – it’s opinion – who cares. But if they post some assumption based off a factually wrong basis (like all sub-Saharan Africans were waiting for Whites to teach them literacy), I’ll correct them with citation. That has the effect of cutting down their argument and allowing those with open minds to benefit from a different source of knowledge.

    For the record, my interaction with Westerners has been that they (the ones with open minds) are very much interested in Sufism. There is a reason why translations of Mawlana Rumi’s poetry are hot-sellers.


    • 回复: @Equalizer
  331. gwynedd1 说:

    Kind of silly not to notice that many of these Jews had German names. Germany was a leading center of science. However only the Jewish ones had good reason to leave. So the US ended up with a lot of German Jews working on cutting edge science. It was not only Germany, but all over Europe that had this trend. Europeans had no reason to flee. The US has always been a nice place for Jews.

    Our native Jews tend to fall back towards the mean. Now the Chinese who can thrive better in the US are doing the same.

    Jews and Chinese certainly can produce some intelligent people. It is however a myth to consider them so much so that they are born scientists. They are perhaps a few IQ points above the European mean.

    • 回复: @Jim
  332. gwynedd1 说:

    西方似乎越来越有可能成为东欧、中国和日本不该做什么的榜样。 我希望它在送出最后一份礼物后能被很好地记住。

  333. Unzerker 说:

    所以你不能给我说出 1200 年之后的一项发明。不是一项。


    事实上,自 12 世纪以来,欧洲发生了一切新鲜而令人兴奋的事情。欧洲是建造最先进建筑(哥特式大教堂)的地方。机械钟的发明和广泛使用(在教堂塔楼上)是为了提高生产力吗?眼镜的发明使熟练技术人员在年老时仍能保持生产力,尽管他们的视力正在退化。欧洲人在制造教堂钟声方面拥有无与伦比的技术,这使他们能够生产出与中国人制造的原始枪支相比质量无与伦比的枪支。印刷机的发明引发了一场只有互联网的发明才能与之相媲美的信息革命。


    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Equalizer
    , @Ray
  334. Seraphim 说:


    No, not magic. Plunder, sheer brutality and criminal disregard for human life (putting to ‘good use’ the Chinese invention of gunpowder and ‘perfecting’ the crude guns of the hapless Chinee, conferring them that ‘unparalleled quality’ for mass killing). Can anyone wonder why the non-‘Whites’ hate them and their ‘way of life’?

  335. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    “Plunder, sheer brutality and criminal disregard for human life (putting to ‘good use’ the Chinese invention of gunpowder and ‘perfecting’ the crude guns of the hapless Chinee, conferring them that ‘unparalleled quality’ for mass killing).”

    Zimbabweans long for the good ole days of Rhodesia.

    While Mao was killing millions in orgies of madness and mayhem, Brits did wonders in Hong Kong and Singapore.

    If plunder alone leads to great wealth, Mongols should be the richest folks on earth.

    • 回复: @Jim
  336. Equalizer 说:

    You wrote: “So you couldn’t name me one invention after 1200. Not ONE.”

    Why is it so important to make sure that you are better and tougher than everyone????? Westerners have this deep need to make others cry “Uncle”, under the force of arms. Basically an insecure civilization.

    FYI, there are thousand and thousands of inventions from China after 1200 (and before). Coke from coal, steel work (precursor to the Samurai sword), seismic detector, clock work, astronomical observations (e.g., Crab Nova observation), artistic tools, musical and wind instruments, farm implements, etc. Those and more can be found in Joseph Needham’s massive multi volume book on Science and Technology in China.


    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @colm
  337. Equalizer 说:

    I appreciate your approach. But your approach reaches those on a higher level. The average level is very low. Yet, the average level is what drives society and their views. You are not reaching the average level with your polite posts. Westerners (on average) respect force and telling it forcefully is when they notice. They delight in calling others savages and barbarians. I am only telling the truth when I note that for most of historical times, Europeans are considered the barbarians by most of the advanced world. That today they are not called barbarians is that they control the global MSM. I tell it like it is and that makes them do at least the slightest introspection.

    You fear the Day of Judgement. I tell the truth and I don’t have such fears.

  338. Equalizer 说:

    Good post. Many young whites do not understand what really happened in the past. There was this utter, sheer, sheer arrogance and racism when the Europeans first saw the Africans, and the thought was to exploit them for profit regardless of suffering. The same happened else where. Because today westerners control the global MSM, they present themselves as a freedom loving, human rights concerned civilization (and they point fingers to non-whites for human rights violations). If they have evolved truly to these higher levels, non-white would not be so angry. But from the posts from whites in this and other forums, it is easy to see that this arrogance and racism is still alive though on a more tempered level.

  339. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说:

    “Jews still run Hollywood (and the all the other mass entertainment) and finance, until I see evidence that the Chinese are taking these over…”

    Many don’t notice Jewish power cuz they are too busy celebrating homo this, tranny that, etc.

    Maybe the next big cause will be FAT ballerinas.

    It would be so INCLUSIVE.

    It never seems to occur to these people that things gain meaning by exclusion and discrimination.
    After all, the ballet ideal cannot be upheld if midgets and fatties were INCLUDED.

    If the weird and freaky are included into something well-defined by form, values, principles, and etc, then that something is undermined and subverted.

    If the military is about honor, then including open homos and trannies destroys honor. Open homosexuality is ewww and tranny stuff is laughable.

    It’s like the validity of the notion of citizenship is lost if illegals are declared ‘Americans’.

    And what happened to home loans when bad loans were bundled with good ones? Financial meltdown in 2008.

    It’s like including garlic in ice cream messes it up.

    And if some people feel left out, well too bad. You can’t always get what you want.

    For things to retain their standards and values, some things and peoples have to be excluded.

  340. Stonehands 说:
    @Priss Factor

    “…Now, Norman Mailer was a super-ball-juggler-and-soaker, and he produced a bunch of kids. Dylan and Bellow too(though it’s too bad that Dylan married a negress during his Christian period. Christianity makes you stupid.). And all three had some conservative inclinations(if not entirely)…”

    “…Ball-jugglers win in the end. But we see more Jews living for individual success. And since Jewish women are often just as ambitious as the men, it’s not easy for Jewish men to find a Jewish woman who will be wife and mother. Friedan began the whole ‘house-wife is holocaust’ nonsense. No, feminist man-hatred and failure to reproduce kids is bio-holocaust or biocaust or reprocaust….”

    “…Mailer was a wild man and out of control but he did produce a brood and took good care of them, so he deserves respect as a patriarch ball-juggler…”.

    You are making the case that people like yourself [ who are thorough-going materialists ] are harmless nutters…or perhaps you fashion yourself a high I.Q. depraved/degenerate ala Klaus Barbie?

  341. Rehmat 说:

    I’m afraid your Jew BAPU and rabbi don’t agree with you.

    “对我来说,伊斯兰教就是诗歌。 是科学,是与神同在。 伊斯兰就是美,”——诺曼·格什曼(Norman Gershman),“BESA,荣誉准则”项目的创始人。

    “我是伊斯兰教的犹太人,因为新月统治下的犹太教与十字架统治下的犹太教走的路不同。 伊斯兰教的犹太人,虽然被奥马尔公约规定为 dhimmis 或二等公民,但从未经历过同样程度的仇恨、反犹太主义或迫害,这些是他们在基督教世界的日常食物。 他们没有被妖魔化为杀害上帝(耶稣)的凶手,也不必在公共代表中捍卫自己的宗教。 他们没有像他们来自英格兰、法国和天主教西班牙那样,因为宗教原因被集体驱逐出穆斯林国家,”拉比海姆·奥瓦迪亚,加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的卡哈尔约瑟夫会众,2008 年 XNUMX 月……。


    • 回复: @Seraphim
  342. 中国有347亿智商高于115的人。







    对于所有国家,我假设标准差为 15 的高斯分布。

    在 Google 表格电子表格中,我使用以下公式:
    = Total_Population * (1 – NORMDIST (115, Average_IQ_of_Nation, 15, TRUE))


  343. @Pittsburgh Thatcherite


  344. Seraphim 说:

    @They were not demonized as god’s (Jesus) killers

    They were not demonized as God’s killers because Muslims are in full accord with the Jews that Jesus is not God.
    They tried even to exculpate the Jews for killing Jesus:

    “That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-
    Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-
    — Qur’an, sura 4 (An-Nisa) ayat 157-158

    Incidentally, the Quran quirky affirmation gives the lie to Jews affirmation that they did NOT killed Jesus.
    Yes, Jews and Muslims have been allies in the exploitation of the Christians.

    • 回复: @5371
  345. DB Cooper 说:
    @Pittsburgh Thatcherite

    在你的图表中,印度的绝对人数比俄罗斯聪明一点。 这不可能是真的。 俄罗斯应该拥有比印度更多的聪明人。 看看国际海事组织的排名。 这两个国家甚至不近。 请注意,IMO 排名是对极其聪明的人的绝对数量的粗略衡量。 这就是您的图表所传达的内容。

    • 回复: @Jim
  346. AaronB 说:









    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @PandaAtWar
  347. AaronB 说:





    • 回复: @Equalizer
  348. AaronB 说:




    • 回复: @WhatEvvs
  349. 5371 说:

    The “phantom on the cross” idea was an old tradition among Christian sects uncomfortable with God suffering and dying. Muhammad inherited it from them, he didn’t invent it to exculpate the Jews (which it wouldn’t achieve anyway, since on that showing the Jews would still have the mens rea of deicide).

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  350. Seraphim 说:



    • 回复: @Marcus
    , @Salger
  351. Seraphim 说:

    I did not say that they ‘invented’ it, but that they used it.

  352. Equalizer 说:

    Yes, you are right. I was taking my time coming to this same point. Pushing technology without the spiritual connection is a dead end pursue. One rabbi from several hundred years ago (I believe from Eastern Europe) said it best, paraphrasing: “I may have the gift of prophesy, but without morality, it is nothing. I may have the gift of flowery speech, but without morality its nothing. I may have the gift of scholarship and smarts but without morality they are nothing. ” Western peoples gave up their soul to making better and bigger machines and especially killing machines. Conservative whites think that to stop the flood of Muslim immigrants to Europe is through force. They also think that to stop violence from black on white crime is to buy more guns. In truth, these events are happening because they are the inevitable reaction (karma) of their past and present action and their INNER THINKING as well. Just because they spent a million dollars on a housing project for blacks but in their inner thinking they look down on blacks they cannot escape the karmic reaction of their evil thoughts. In Iraq, the white generals deliberately ordered the destruction of the country’s sewage system, a militarily unnecessary decision but only cause civilian suffering. In Christian parlance, the west is facing God’s wrath. Rising eastern peoples like the Chinese and Indians will do well to observe the fate of the west. However, I think that they will do ok. When the Muslim Admiral Zheng He from the Ming navy first saw Africans he respected them and exchanged gifts with them. When the white Europeans first saw Africans, there was this utter sheer arrogance and racism and the thought was to exploit them. This arrogance and racism is still alive as shown by posts from whites in this and other forums. To be balanced, Taha argues that there are also many good spiritually oriented whites. Absolutely true! But all’s well, in Christian parlance: God will sort it out.

    • 回复: @Marcus
    , @colm
    , @Salger
    , @Talha
    , @Salger
  353. colm 说:
    @Priss Factor

    The Chinee plays the game with a 300 year horizon.

    Yea, the Chinese girls will marry Jews and other whites and bear half-Jews and half-whites.

    But the boys will be half-Chinese and will not be attractive to other white girls, so they go after Chinee girls like their moms.

    After 300 years, there will be lots of yellow-looking people with Western Surnames and the original Jewish/white blood have diluted to the level of irrelevancy.

    They did that to the nomads ruling Chinee 1500 years, to the Khitans, to the Mongols and the Manchus. After 300 years all these people become Chinee and become minorities.

    Chinee can sacrifice some men. In the longer horizon of time, it knows it will win.

    • 回复: @Seneca
  354. Santoculto 说:
    @Pittsburgh Thatcherite

    确切地。 这个比例如此之高,以至于一个理性的思考者不可避免地会问,为什么这么大的人类海洋在很长一段时间内产生的创意浪潮如此之少。

    • 回复: @Santoculto
    , @Ray
  355. Lawrence 说:


  356. Santoculto 说:

    And… China already have greater population since imemorial times, in absolute and relative terms.


  357. Marcus 说:

    Laughable, the Jesuits’ exchange with the Chinese (who thought the world was flat) was completely one-sided.

  358. Marcus 说:


    Well, duh: He was an envoy, not an explorer or prospector. For great examples of Chinese “respect” for other cultures see the extermination of the Dzungars

    • 回复: @Ray
  359. colm 说:

    Zheng He, a Muslim eunuch with very little loyalty for the regime who castrated him, did not intend to conquer or anything. Zheng’s chief objective was finding the ex-Emperor Jianwen, who somehow was able to flee when the force of the current Emperor Yongle’s forces were crashing into the Palace, and bring him in front of Yongle so Y could kill J in front of his own eyes and be assured that J was dead.

    After 7 voyages, no news of J was ever heard (and to this day we don’t know what happened to J in the end). So after Y died, the voyage was abandoned.

  360. Marcus 说:

    Barbarians don’t circumnavigate the world. God, the quality of commentators has really hit rock bottom lately.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  361. Ray 说:

    水密舱和方向舵都是中国发明。简单对比一下郑和的船队和哥伦布的船队,如果科技尿配就是你所理解的。最早的机械钟也是在中国发明的。 “中国第一座机械钟于公元725年由宜兴和梁令瓒完成。”它只是表明你知道得有多么少。读一读李约瑟的书,你就会知道中国对科技发展的贡献。实在是太多了,无法一一列举。




  362. Ray 说:



    • 回复: @Marcus
    , @Santoculto
  363. Joanna 说:


  364. Ron Unz 说:



    • 回复: @Ray
    , @Hacienda
    , @Seraphim
  365. Ray 说:




    “噶尔丹的一个儿子和一个女儿留在了次旺阿拉普坦的家里,还有一名因逃亡和协助噶尔丹而被康熙皇帝通缉的喇嘛。 1698年,次旺阿拉普坦被迫将三人连同噶尔丹的骨灰一起送往北京,并撒在北京的阅兵场上。虽然喇嘛被处决,但康熙却饶恕了女儿和儿子,以及噶尔丹的另一个儿子赛普顿拜勒苏尔(Septen Bailsur),后者此前一直在监狱里。他们都被赦免并被安置在北京并在那里去世。”

    • 回复: @Marcus
  366. Marcus 说:

    Who cares? The Chinee have lagged behind for centuries despite flirting with those technologies, they had zero impact on the history of ordinances and printing in the West, whereas in the 19th century they had to start importing Western-made rifles and presses, they couldn’t even start copying them until the 20th century IIRC. To their credit, they often acquitted themselves well as soldiers, e.g. in the Boxer Rebellion.

    • 回复: @Ray
  367. Ray 说:





    • 回复: @Salger
    , @Salger
  368. Ray 说:








    • 回复: @Marcus
  369. Ray 说:
    @Ron Unz


  370. Santoculto 说:

    I’m talking about after this period…

    My guess is that what Fukuyama calls the ‘end of history’ ‘, happened in China after its civilizational splendor, that is, after having reached a maximum level of civilization, instead of keeping this rate, it was decreasing, especially with increasing intolerance towards the most visionary, with the difference that there was no other people around that was more powerful to threaten this reign of slow decline.



    • 回复: @Santoculto
    , @Ray
  371. Santoculto 说:

    Explain me Ray what happened in China from the modern age ** Why stopped being the pioneers in the manufacture of their civilization and stagnated ** This happened for a long time, moreover, it continues to happen, because it was the European industrial civilization that has triumphed the east Asian have just copied what Westerners created especially with the first industrial revolution.

    • 回复: @Ray
  372. Hacienda 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Thanks Ron. Terrific read.

  373. Seneca 说:

    Yes, this is pretty much the long term strategy in my opinion too , with a number of historical examples of this Chinese tendency to support your thesis (which by the way I have previously heard mentioned when the relation between the Chinese and Manchus are discussed by historians).

    People forget that quantity has a quality all its own , and big differences in quantity will allow the large entity to absorb and neutralize the smaller entity eventually . In this case the quantity is not tanks ala Stalin’s famous quote, but people which Mao correctly saw has a strategic advantage (though he saw the advantage in the context of the survivability of a nuclear war not long term genetic and cultural demographics). Like the old saying goes, history belongs to those who show up.

    One historian I have read suggested that the Chinese way of imperialism is not to conquer aggressively like the West, but rather to seep in, mingle, infiltrate and absorb.

    The interesting conflict today is in the area of soft power of Hollywood and its potential to Westernize and subvert Chinese cultural traditions and its emphasis on the family.

    I live in China and teach at its top University, and see plenty of change and Westernization, but the Chinese are aware of this soft power and some of its corrosive anti family negative effects and are taking effective actions to neutralize the most harmful ones. For instance, if you are a Chinese professor who espouses homosexuality or feminism, you are likely to find yourself unemployed unlike in the West where you might be guaranteed tenure and given a position at Harvard or other Ivy league faculty. The Chinese are also producing their own alternatives to Facebook and Twitter and are careful only to allow only a very limited number of foreign films into the country (less than 35). Rap and other corrosive forms of music are not very popular here and the airwaves are filled with sappy love songs and up beat messages, etc…

    In short, in my opinion the worst aspects of the soft power of the West is being effectively neutralized. Mind you I am still an outsider here, so if there are any Chinese citizens reading this please tell me if you think this is true, or am I mistaken?

    • 回复: @colm
  374. Marcus 说:


    • 回复: @Santoculto
  375. Ray 说:





    • 回复: @Santoculto
    , @PandaAtWar
  376. Santoculto 说:

    Minority ”problems” of chainees is not the problem itself just only that they created for themselves.

    call the tibetans a minority problem to the China is ridiculous at severe level.

    may is the China that is a majority/power problem to them.

    the adoration of the hbd crowd about chainees and jews just show how morally retarded many to most them can be…

    and obviously emphasising the good virtuous chinese people who are against the evil imperialist intentions of their government.

    • 回复: @Marcus
  377. Ray 说:


    除此之外,权力转移一直在发生。 1500年代,欧洲最富有、最强大的国家是土耳其。 1600年代,西班牙和葡萄牙被荷兰和英国取代。到了 1700 年代,法国已成为一个主要的陆地强国,但很快就被统一的德国所取代。最终,另一个大国出现了,那就是俄罗斯。


    • 回复: @Santoculto
  378. Santoculto 说:


    And we know that intelligence is like any other physiological trait, is variably heritable, inheritable, and is marked according to the physiological characteristics in the brain and your hormonal combination (or personality), etc … and we also know that it is genetic, obviously.



  379. colm 说:

    The only thing is black African women will bear children inheriting half of their IQs which will not make them favorable in the competition.

  380. colm 说:

    And , the first person to ever catalogue all the wonderful Chinese tech was – Joe Needham, a roundeye.

    The Chinese never had the inclination to catalogue and study their past achievements!

  381. Santoculto 说:


    I said so, subliminally metaphoric, because in my view, and can be mistaken, China has experienced a prolonged lull since his last creative wave that happened, correct me if I’m wrong, during middle age in Europe.



    • 回复: @Ray
  382. WhatEvvs [又名“ Mipchunk”] 说:

    I dunno, I think techno-civ, if it restrains itself to making gadgets, could exist indefinitely. Unfortunately, it will not. I am 99% sure that techno-civ will start to interfere with the genome of the natural world – including that of humanity itself – and that will be curtains. I would prefer not to expand my ideas here.

  383. colm 说:

    What happens is the elite of China does not give a crap about the millions of Chinese men who will die without a mate. They know their lines will live (it is kind of a custom for the powerful of China to have concubines and extramarital children, even now. They are usually sent to North America until they are ready to take important positions back in China)

    I wonder how the children of John Derbyshire will find their mates. The daughter will probably marry a white man. The son will probably find his mate from Asia.

    By the time the Manchu Empire fell, the Manchus were almost indistinguishable from the Chinese, and very few of them ever spoke Manchurian at all. Even in Manchuria itself.

  384. Ray 说:




    • 回复: @Santoculto
  385. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “What happens is the elite of China does not give a crap about the millions of Chinese men who will die without a mate.”

    It’s sink or swim.

    • 回复: @colm
  386. colm 说:

    Indeed. In polite words it is called “natural selection”. In a more frank terms, it is ‘Social Darwinism”.

    China practiced it for millennia. The bright sons of the poor became eunuchs to serve in the Palace, making sure their talents get used and their genes do not pollute the elite bloodlines, preventing the regression to the mean. The eunuchs were expected to support their promising nephews (if any) to continue their family’s success, but usually an eunuch family’s fortunes quickly turned south after the powerful eunuch died, showing regression to the mean is true.

    Only the sons of local gentry were eligible to take the Imperial Exams to become a powerful man, since the local magistrate had to approve someone to take them which usually involved large bribes. The system was actually encouraged to keep away undesirable people and parvenus from power.

  387. Jim 说:
    @Priss Factor

    At the height of their power the Mongols were the richest people on Earth. However war loot is not a renewable resource. You can pillage a city once. That by the way was a basic problem with the Roman Empire. As long as they had new places with wealth to conquer they were very successful.

    They were able to finance most all of their conquests by loot without having to levy taxes. But after the conquest of southern Britain the places left to conquer either had no wealth like Germany or were too strong like the Persians. After the conquest of Britain the Roman Empire became more and more a liability over time. Eventually it didn’t make any economic sense to defend it.

    So a nation can become rich by plunder but it cannot stay rich by plunder alone.

  388. Jim 说:

    US Ashkenazi Jews average about 112 compared to about 102 in Northwestern Europe grading down to less than 95 in Southeastern Europe. Average IQ in Japan is about 107 and in South Korea is about 108. The psychometric data from China is heavily drawn from urban areas of Eastern China which no doubt have higher IQ’s than the total Han population. More representative data from China would be desirable but I don’t doubt that the average Han IQ is significantly above 100. The average world IQ is less than 90.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  389. Jim 说:
    @DB Cooper

    The population of India has a very complicated genetic structure so the normal distribution may not fit them as well. Also because of the huge and varied nature of the population the existing psychometric data may not be sufficiently representative.

  390. Seraphim 说:

    How about the Brits, the foremost example?

  391. Seraphim 说:
    @Ron Unz

    Thank you for this re-injection of common sense. But I am afraid that some people are immune, as their responses (Who cares?) show. But who really cares for them?

  392. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    After 400 comments, I’m convinced of one thing.


    Whites are so terrified because they have spent the last 400 years climbing over the backs of other people’s to reach the top, that they cannot comprehend a future where white people will be lumped in with brown and black people as mediocre and poor.


    • 回复: @pink_point
    , @Salger
  393. Seraphim 说:

    The Eastern China has a population of about 400 million!

  394. pink_point 说:

    It’s not that satisfactory or useful-feeling when 75% of comments on the Internet are self-helping psychoanalytically-banal tantrum-throwing sessions who only help their authors, through externalized projection, to feel a tad batter.

    Basically, comments section are a costless replacement for a psychoanalyst.

  395. pink_point 说:


    I have The Bonfire of Vanities on my hands.

    Let me quote from the introduction:

    Yet by 1962, when Steinbeck won the Nobel Prize, young writers, and intellectuals generally, regarded him ans his approach to the novel as an embarassment. […] Faulkner and Hemingway still commanded respect, but it was the respect you give to old boys who did the best they could with what they knew in their day. They were ‘squares’ (John Gardner’s term) who actually thought you could take real life and spread it across the pages of a book. They never comprehended the fact that a novel is a sublime literary game.

    All serious young writers — 严重 meaning those who aimed for literary prestige — understood such things, and they were dismantling the realistic novel just as far as they could think of ways to do it. The dividing line was the year 1960. Writers who went to college after 1960… 了解. For a serious young writer to stick with realism after 1960 required contrariness and courage.

    All the novel, and the introduction likewise, are dedicated to the dissolution of man, who ceases to exist since he ceases to have faith in his existence, to think of his existence as real.
    It goes parallel with the “great liberation” of the 1960’s (which Wolfe names ‘a lurid carnival’).

    IQ aside, the reason for Jewish students did better than the white after the 1960’s was because if they didn’t behave and the teacher berated them, their parents, unlike white people’s, would berate them more instead of picking a quarrell with the teacher.
    They are doing it less and less. Achievement is decreasing.
    Achievement as we knew it in the past was a result of tradition, the institutions of traditions: family, parenthood, the traditional way of rising the youth, based on rewards and sanctions alike, in turn based on the idea that there is good and bad, right and wrong.

    Asians are still more in the cultural realm of tradition. Unlike Western intellectuals from the second half of the 20th century, they still believe in reality. If you believe in reality, you still have purposes. Reasons to take pains for your goals.

    Achievement and liberty aren’t on specially good terms, in other words. Liberty is the dissolution factor. It lets people free to experiment with everything, get disillusioned with everything, convinced that everything is nothing, and feeling there are no goals left ahead of them.

    Depression replaces neurosis. From Kafka and Musil on, the Western man is a man who can’t take action anymore (because he feels it changes nothing if he does or doesn’t).

  396. PandaAtWar 说:

    Ray, while Panda appreciates the bulk of your argument, do NOT bind “China” and “India” together in one breath, cuz that is only the deliberately orchestrated bullshit by the Western MSM to contain PRC’s rise by Divide&Conquer taking advantage of a) ignorance of the mass, and b) the inferiority conplex and stupidity of the mass residing in a modern country called “India”.


    1. There is no “China”, which is merely the Anglonised version of Persian word, but only the Central Kingdom. which has been by and large a united land for 2,000 years, with by and large the same people, the same culture, the same philospghy, the same mentality…

    2. “India” was just a geographic concept in history until post WW2(some will argue till today). There was no “India” as a nation or a single unity historically, but by and large >2 dozens of small tribes and kingdoms with different people, cultures, philosophies, religions and mentalities who happened to reside in the same Sub Continent.

    For about a decade Western MSM has deliberately faked and merged these two drastically different concepts of historical “China”and “India” in one breath for its own strategic end. Do not fall for it.

    Actually the Central Kingdom (now PRC) and the Subcontinent ( now by and large “India”) have been almost 几乎在所有方面都截然相反 being culture, language, mentality, philosophy, sophitication of economy & technology, race, worldview, history, literature, music… you name it. Pre-Industrial China was a world leader in technology for a looong time, but name me 1 world-leading technology that worths noting came from so called “historical India”. Without high tech, where the heck “world leading agricutural economy” came from in the pre-Industrial world, except the tropic weather that can either grow or kill any plant? Think about it! The common ground shared between China(Chinese) and India(Indians) has been about less than that between England(Brits) and Somalia (Somalis) actually – at least many Somalis could be classified as Caucasoid, the same as the Brits.

    And Buddhism, in case someone would jump up and down here, is not a good example at all. The original Buddhism from the Nepalis (now credit goes to “India”, yeah right) was a drastically different animal from the mainstream Buddhism that the world knows today (indeed “Chan Buddhism”, a brandnew philosopghical breed with Confucism Ru Jia and Daoism, from the Central Kingdom to its immediate Eastern Asian peripheral from Korea, Japan to Vietnam).

    BTW, one of the most retarded yet generally accepted (by the mass) propaganda from the Western MSM on “China”and “India” goes like “…according to xxx economists, that historically China and India together accounted for Y% of the world’s GDP, OMG, therefore blah blah”. ROFL! yeah right, historically China and (fill in pretty much any name you like) together accounted for about Y% of the world’s GDP as well, therefore blah blah too? LMAO!

    • 回复: @Hacienda
    , @Ray
  397. PandaAtWar 说:

    …East Asia has a strong spiritual tradition of being anti technology.




    1. 需要/饥饿:



    这里有一条误导性的西方 MSM 线路 “Japan was China’s historical archie enermy”. Bullshit. Historically (except the last 150 years after Japan’s industrialisation) Japan’s threat to China was about Iceland’s threat to the Roman Empire.



    另一个误导性的西方 MSM 系列 这是 “the Chinese are historically good merchants” as if being a merchant has been valued highly and popular in classic Chinese society. True, the Chinese have been good at it, but that’s just for survival. The matter of the fact is that being a merchant ranks at the bottom of the classic Confuicius social order and was despised upon by both the elites and the mass – this refutes 又一个西方男同性恋者的废话 “the Chinese are innately materialistic and have no souls”. In fact, the classic Chinese were amongst world’s leaders of anti-materialistic and were, and still are, very spiritual.


    在其他条件相同的情况下, 一个人越富有,他在技术创新上表现出的成果就越多。之后就会出现滚雪球效应。

    – The old Europe would have had much less technogically innovations without South American silviers & gold.

    – The US will have drastically less technogical innovations if take a zero , or two, off her gdp/cap, or off her annual R&D budget.

    – South Koreans have much more technogical innovations than the their Northern twins under the dear leader, because South Koreans are much more richer on gdp/cap(also on top of Snowball Effect ) , not because they have much higher avg IQ or have much more black magic “innovative abilities” than thier Northern kins.

    类似的情况可以解释过去 300 年来西方和中国之间的大部分技术创新差异。

    • 回复: @Ray
    , @AaronB
  398. Santoculto 说:








    But you can not take the credit for intelligence. You’re talking about people versus people but I think it is more specific as in all complex human societies a small fraction of the population that will dominate and rule the destiny of nations. Therefore, rather than talk about who is more or less intelligent, we need to focus on their elites. All cognitive elites of all countries are equal ** 没有


    However, do not forget that for the Spaniards could dominate, they needed creative geniuses to build your invincible armada, diplomacy … within the nobility. The England started using pirates to undermine the Spanish naval power. Every great human action has as main cause his intelligence (intelligence, generally speaking). The intelligence is the g factor of behavior, especially among humans. We do not expect luck, we adapt to it or not.

    Of course, because of our will capacity, although far from being totally free, we can build circumstances, large-scale, unprecedented in nature, as most other forms of life can not do it conscious way ”we can.


    Precisely why I said that China experienced a period of fukuyamesque ‘end of history’ ‘. 😉

    • 回复: @Ray
  399. Hacienda 说:

    Easy. Indians are a sweet people. Be nice.

    • 回复: @PandaAtWar
  400. PandaAtWar 说:

    oke, be nice > be correct, and being correct is not nice.

    Who are a sour people btw? LoL

  401. Salger 说:



  402. Salger 说:


  403. Salger 说:




  404. Salger 说:


  405. Marcus 说:

    I don’t think Tibetans are much of a problem, more like the southern and northwestern regions

    • 回复: @Santoculto
  406. Salger 说:


  407. Salger 说:


  408. Salger 说:

    我确信一些 80 岁的 IQ Illegal on gibs 的智力与史蒂文·平克 (Steven Pinker) 之类的人完全一样。

  409. Salger 说:





    与此同时,Dindus、Pajeets 和 Kebabs 遵循军阀恋童癖者的说法。

  410. Santoculto 说:

    Of course not because they showed little resistence to the ”chainee communism”

    ”Chainee communism” IS the problem.

  411. Santoculto 说:



    You over-idealize non-whites as if they were the wise thinkers who avoid technology and as if they think for themselves… and whites were the otherwise pole.

    JUST a someone who self-define as a ”muslim”, show for us that this person is not a superior thinker


    without any SELF-critical thinking is not**


    • 回复: @Salger
  412. Art 说:

    The Jews are dishonest smart and aggressive smart – they know how to manipulate words and money for power over people – end of story.

    Jews value those negative traits. They use the word 聪明. That is a nice way to say “不诚实设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

  413. Ray 说:

    我这样做的原因是因为中国和印度是亚洲最大的两个文明。在过去的两三千年里,他们几乎占了人类的一半以上。如果你回到过去,比如说四千年前,这两个社会的相似之处多于不同之处。其一,两者都是农奴社会,阶级森严,宗教领袖和武士居于顶层。两种文明都独立成自治国家,都有自己的世袭封建家庭。然而,当秦统一中国而印度仍然是松散的封建国家时,社会结构,更重要的是政府结构发生了巨大的转变。基本上,只是从秦朝开始,中国和印度才出现了巨大的差异。当我谈论社会相似性时,我并不是说服装、食物、习俗是相同的。他们有很大不同,但在人生观和社会结构上却很相似。当然,秦以后,中国社会几乎废除了贵族出身的信仰,而印度的核心信仰仍然是宗教,即我们所说的印度教。 (印度教是另一个在印度没有对应词的英语单词)。

    1. 每一位认真的学者都知道中国是古希腊或波斯秦的英文版。虽然一些东斯拉夫语称China,但契泰语的英文版为Cathay。你是对的,中国人从来没有这样称呼自己,也没有称中国为他们的土地。我使用它是为了方便。准确的说,Zhongguo应该译为中央国家。它最早被周朝用来识别其封建国家。中可译为中部或中央。在这种情况下,“中央”实际上是更好的翻译,因为它是地理上的,而且周国占据着中心位置。郭被译为Kingdom肯定不准确,因为周代只有周/中央国家有国王,而其他郭(国家)只有公爵,侯爵,男爵等。但是,古代中国很少使用ZhongGuo,而是使用“ZhongGuo”。更抽象的概念是天下“天下”。直到清朝灭亡之前,他们也从未称自己为“中国人”。在此之前是汉人、唐人等。例如China Town,中文写成“唐人街”。

    2. 我必须说,这实际上是部分正确的,因为从几千年前起,印度人就已经有了这个称为“Bharata”的概念。印度时不时地被一个更强大的王国或帝国联合起来。比如孔雀帝国、莫卧儿帝国等。当然与秦不同,他们从来没有着手统一文字、道路、度量衡,最重要的是废除了地区世袭统治家族。这就是为什么秦是一个如此重要的王朝,因为它将中国人民团结为一个国家。然而,在过去的两千多年里,分离时期确实发生过,并且持续了五百年左右。例如,三国、五胡十六国、五朝十国时期等。感谢您对 MSM 的建议,但我想提醒您同样的事情。人们对印度人知之甚少的原因也是因为男同性恋者。我们只从他们那里听说过瑜伽、佛教、印度教等。不过,正如我在另一次回应中所说,印度也像中国一样实现了农业革命。否则,文明将无法养活如此庞大的人口。



  414. Ray 说:




    • 回复: @Santoculto
  415. Ray 说:


    也不要相信奢侈品的成功是实力的标志。这就是欧洲大多数国家现在所拥有的。没有背景的 GDP 衡量是没有意义的。不过我引用的例子已经过时了 4 年。


  416. Priss Factor [又名“多米尼克·弗兰肯学会”] 说: • 您的网站

    Has China produced anyone of Newton or Feynman’s caliber?

    Ever? Will it ever?


  417. AaronB 说:













    • 回复: @Ray
    , @Talha
    , @PandaAtWar
    , @Art
  418. Santoculto 说:




    You would be kind enough to refute point by point **






    ” I think you do not understand ”


    It will become an argument from ” because ”…


  419. DB Cooper 说:

    “They [Indians and Chinese] are very different but in life outlook and social structure, quite similar.”

    What a total nonsense. You mean Chinese has Caste, bride burning, Sati,…and all that?

    “For example Mauryan Empire, Mughal Empire etc.”

    又废话了。孔雀王朝的神话是英国统治时期一位名叫詹姆斯·普林塞普(James Prinsep)的英国东方学家根据随处发现的一些石头和大量的想象而创造的。英国统治者出于政治原因维持了这个神话,因为他们发现几乎不可能治理彼此没有亲和力并且因种族、宗教、种姓、语言、历史和文化联系而分成不同社区的贬低人民。孔雀王朝神话旨在创造一种民族叙事来帮助英国的统治。奇怪的是,孔雀帝国的疆域与当时南亚的大英帝国的疆域大致相同。如果孔雀帝国曾经存在过,那将是非常奇怪的,因为在英国到来之前,它的后代似乎没有关于这个帝国存在的历史记忆。这就好像希腊人没有听说过亚历山大,或者波斯人没有听说过大流士,或者欧洲人没有听说过尤利乌斯·凯撒,直到数千年后被一些外人告知。


    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  420. DB Cooper 说:
    @DB Cooper

    By the way the Indian intellectuals of the time of the British Raj scorned this Mauryan empire narratives because they saw through this is yet another colonial duplicities. Nowadays of course it is resurrected by the Indian government because now it serves its purpose.

  421. Ray 说:

    “基本上,只是从秦朝开始,中国和印度就有了巨大的不同。当我谈论社会相似性时,我并不是说服装、食物、习俗是相同的。他们有很大不同,但在人生观和社会结构上却很相似。当然,秦以后,中国社会几乎废除了贵族出身的信仰,而印度的核心信仰仍然是宗教,即我们所说的印度教。 (印度教是另一个在印度没有对应词的英语单词)。 “



    因为根据这个定义,夏朝和希腊历史人物也不存在,因为连石头和坟墓都没有发现。苏格拉底的著作没有留存下来。查阅中国僧侣法显(337 – 约422)的著作,他对孔雀王朝(孔雀王朝)进行了很好的描述。你可以怀疑帝国的存在,但阿育王的存在又如何,这样的皇帝不可能凭空出现。有具体证据表明他向该地区的信徒送去了佛舍利:


    2010年,释迦牟尼佛头骨遗骸被供奉于南京栖霞寺。部分骨头保存在阿育王塔中,该塔建于 1011 年,位于原南京长干寺下方。 1987年,法门寺下方出土了一个密室,并发现了据说属于释迦牟尼佛的指骨。 2003年,指骨成为官方禁止出境展览的64件具有重要文化意义的文物之一。 2009年,舍利被供奉在法门寺境内新建的世界最高的佛塔内。


    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @Makran
  422. Ray 说:





    • 回复: @colm
  423. DB Cooper 说:


    Present day Indian rulers find this myth convenient because it corroborates with the notion of ‘Akhand Bharat’ that gives India the ‘historic’ rationale for regional hegemony.

    • 回复: @Ray
  424. Ray 说:







    技术进步就像一块积木。仅仅因为一个人建造了第 10 层,并不意味着他比建造第 1 至第 9 层的其他工程师更优秀。所有认为欧洲人在技术上如此优越的论点都是基于此。

    • 回复: @AaronB
  425. Ray 说:
    @DB Cooper



    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  426. colm 说:


    So he probably didn’t do it on his own accord. He later did win a sizable amount of prize money for his troubles.

    His chinese wiki says his older son now runs a company called “Anhui Yuan’s Agricultural Development Limited Company”, and younger sun runs a firm called “Longping High-science Stock and Real Estate Investment Company”, not exactly signs of the humble.

  427. DB Cooper 说:

    “At least India has a semblance of an empire 2,000 years ago. ”

    This is exactly what I am saying it is NOT. Historically a unified polity in South Asia has never existed until the British came. Even the British has never really unified what is today’s India. British Raj basically connects all the contiguous territory along the railway it built along the coast. The hinterland was never under the British rule. When the British left the scene in 1947 there were still some 500 princely states that were never under the jurisdiction of the British Raj. It took a certain Patel, known as the iron man of India to put all the princely states under the control of the new regime in New Delhi. Hyderabad for example continue to exist as an independent entity for one year after August 1947.


    India is hardly unique in this aspect. There are many post colonial states that has no national identity before until it was created after WWII following a wave of de-colonializations. India does have the advantage that geographically it is hemmed in on both sides and the north is capped by the impregnable Himalayan’s. This made it harder for India to be influenced by neighbor’s geopolitics and thus harder to breakup than many of the other artificial states in the Middle East.

    • 回复: @Ray
  428. Talha 说:


    Perhaps, but millions paid in blood to be taught a new way to live – Mao’s re-education of society on dialectical materialism was not without its price in thousands of pounds of flesh. Hopefully they will get back to their roots prior to the ‘revolution’.

    类似的压力也发生在乌兹别克斯坦(我的一位精神导师曾到过的地方)。共产党人对伊斯兰教的镇压是残酷的(并不是说他们对东正教基督徒很宽容)。该地区充满了非常虔诚和精神的民族(例如 Khwajagan),并且最近才开始重建。

    You have to give them (anyone that was under the boot of the Communists) a little break in this regard – their history in relinquishing their spirituality is not necessarily a voluntary one as it was with other peoples.


    • 回复: @AaronB
  429. Seraphim 说:

    @Every serious scholar know China….

    The problem is that the people who babble about China (or any subject, for that matter) are not ‘serious scholars’, not even something remotely close to scholarship.

    @Siddhārtha Gautama 仍应被归类为印度人,因为他的出生地在现代印度,而他在尼泊尔获得启蒙

    I am afraid that it is the other way round. Buddha was born in Lumbini [which]”is situated at the foothills of the Himalayas in modern Nepal”, where archaeologists have uncovered evidence of the oldest Buddhist shrine yet discovered, dating to around 550 B.C., more than a century earlier than dates accepted by many scholars, closer to the Nepalese tradition that places the birth of Buddha at 623 B.C.
    He achieved enlightenment in India, at Bodh Gaya in Maghada (today’s Bihar), where he preached. Both greatest Indian Empires (Maurya, Gupta) originated in Maghada. It appears that Buddhism is not based on ‘Hinduism’, but rather extraneous to it, the reason why eventually was rejected from India. It is much closer to Taoism, the reason why it strived in the Middle Kingdom and its peripheries.

    • 回复: @Ray
  430. Ray 说:
    @DB Cooper


    你举的例子是对的,对中国来说也是如此。当然,这两个大国在 2000 年前并不存在现在的形式,但就凝聚力而言,它们仍然比上述所有国家都领先。不久前,美国南部各州为争夺继承权而爆发了一场血腥的内战。南斯拉夫、捷克斯洛伐克已不复存在。接下来西班牙、比利时、英国也会分裂吗?所有这些国家都没有像印度那样保持单一国家的历史理由。 1000 年前,勃艮第和诺曼底几乎不认为自己是法国人。当然那时法国还不存在!


    我的观点是,与现有的 195 个民族国家相比,印度不是最好的,但遥遥领先。巴拉蒂概念、孔雀帝国,甚至莫卧儿帝国都有助于创造一个共同的身份。英国的想法几乎相同,但在我看来,卖得更弱。既然莫迪是印度总理,我敢打赌古吉拉特人比以往任何时候都更加支持印度的概念。

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  431. Ray 说:



    您真的相信“Middle Kingdom”是“Zhongguo”的正确翻译吗?

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  432. DB Cooper 说:


  433. AaronB 说:









    • 回复: @Ray
  434. Seraphim 说:


  435. Talha 说:



    Solid – I’m on your side on this with AaronB and others who recognize the importance of the spirit over the material in the survival and purpose.
    先知(pbuh)建议他的人民:“……以安拉的名义,我不为你担心贫穷,但我担心这个世界会为你敞开,就像为你之前的人一样。因此,你们将相互竞争,就像他们相互竞争一样; 它会像摧毁他们一样摧毁你”。 ——《布哈里圣训实录》报道

    But you are basically admitting to lowering yourself to the level of the lowest class on the Internet to make your points. Isn’t that fundamentally not the spiritual avenue to take? I’m sure some people come here simply as a catharsis to vent their bitterness and insecurities onto the world – why parlay with them at that level? I’m sure your time is worth more.

    Here is what I’ve come to see; many Whites (European background) are seeing the declining population numbers and this is causing panic and loss of confidence. Much of the behavior you see is what happens when a people feel insecure – especially after being on top for a while (see the disintegration of the Ottoman Caliphate – the last stages get very bloody). Add on top of that the fact that there is a feeling that Whites are the only target open to public ridicule without ramifications and the bitterness grows – add in a loss of jobs, a culture that many don’t recognize any more, and instances of truly horrible behavior by some of the non-White minorities in their midst, etc. Some of this has very legitimate grounding and some is pure hatred – you have to learn to sift between the two. The (spiritual) question is; when you see someone digging themselves deeper into a hole, do you offer a hand to lift them out (whether or not it is accepted) or throw dirt on them? Essentially – do you want what is best for people who call themselves White and their progeny, or do you not? There is only one correct spiritual response to that question in my mind because spirituality should be entwined with magnanimity of the heart.

    You also said you advocate the truth, as do I, but your generalized comments on Europeans are not completely true. For instance, you stated that the Romans were not considered civilized. I am not sure what the Chinese thought of them – if at all – but I have read the Muslim annals of history. Though they certainly could be brutal in advancing Pax Romana, they were nonetheless cultured and had (periods of) rule of law. The Muslim Arabs who conquered much of their territory in North Africa recognized this (as with the Persians) and kept much of the foundations of the civil society, bureaucracy, etc. that they had laid down – and had many of the locals help in its administration (they were Arabs, and were completely overwhelmed by the enormity of what they had inherited by military victory). Amr ibn al-Aas (ra) – who decimated the Roman garrisons up and down the Mediterranean – said this about them:
    “They have four particular good qualities: They are the most calm and patient people in the face of trials and tribulations. They restore themselves to their senses after calamity. They attack again after retreat. They are good to the needy, the orphans and the weak. A fifth good quality in them is that they do not stand for the oppression of tyrants.”
    And – please note – the Scandinavians have little share in the world-wide colonial plunder that other European powers partook of – they had a few trading posts, little else.

    你我都知道,我们承认欧洲人(及其后裔)在过去几个世纪里在科学和技术领域取得了非常好的成绩,但这并不会削弱波斯人、中国人、印度人或任何其他民族的贡献。技术。他们甚至帮助建立了结构(尽管相当不完善),以在国家之间和本国边界内建立法治(例如,至少他们正在就使用酷刑进行公开辩论,而在其他国家,这已成定局) )。我们都从中受益,我们有必要给予应有的赞扬。先知(pbuh)建议:
    “He has not thanked God who has not thanked people.” – reported in Abu Dawud


    However, this may yet be the tale of the tortoise and the hare; and the hare may well do to slow down to admire the passing meadows and contemplate on the expansive sky over his head before he is permanently sidelined with a sprain. Let us remind the ones who will listen to hold fast to the best of the traditions of their past. As for the others who are smug in their self-proclaimed superiority by birthright, well, I have witnessed myself that there are such things so odious to God that He completely wipes any trace of such individuals; they are forgotten by history and their genetic legacy is prevented from mixing with humanity forever (ironically due to all the choices they themselves make) – thus they are rendered as complete failures, even by their own materialist criterion. May God save us from such a fate.


    • 回复: @Salger
  436. AaronB 说:





  437. Salger 说:

    东亚人不吃 Dindus 和 Kebabs。去看看日本对穆斯林的监视和美国黑人士兵的滑稽行为。

    《SJW》中白蒂被彩虹联盟推翻的幻想就是这样。东亚人可能不会喜欢欧洲人,但他们不会选择充满 Dindus 和 Kebabs 的社区而不是充满欧洲人的社区。除其他事项外。

    • 回复: @Santoculto
  438. Salger 说:


  439. Salger 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
  440. Salger 说:


    与此同时,SJWland 之外:




    • 回复: @Nebula
  441. Santoculto 说:

    People said the same about italians and spaniards. In the early of 2000’s Italy and Spain had less than 3% of ”immigrants”. Today they have the triple or more…



    just look how they behave in ”liberal” countries.

    The idea that east asian countries will fight against multideathculti seems gullible. maybe i can be wrong…

    multideathculti is already falling down miserably in the ”west”.

    Most people forget the fact that multideathculti masters offer extreme comfort to those who accept them. It’s like the devil in relation to Faust. People forget that the West has been a difficult place to live and ‘fascists’ were the ones who fought for the welfare of the common man, especially the fascists on the ” right ”. Many labor rights were created in fascist regimes like Mussolini. In Brazil, the first labor laws were made in regimes ” populist ” in the 30s and 40s.

  442. Talha 说:



    One of my teachers from Wisconsin told me about a recent ex-Marine convert (huge muscle-bound White guy named ‘Gunner’) – who had an issue with this – it took about a five minute conversation for him to see the folly in applying our post-modern standards backwards onto all previous generations of human beings. Some people get it – others don’t.

    As far as the charge of rape of female slaves – this is all inferred, never will you find a source text (Qur’an or hadith) in which forcing oneself on a slave is either recommended or allowed. The Qur’an grants this right in the same verse that grants a husband the right to sexual access to his wife; in neither case is forcing oneself implied. Sexual access to the slave (concubine) was a universally accepted practice in nearly all pre-modern cultures (many of the Ottoman sultans themselves were born to slave mothers) and well into the times before slavery was universally prohibited. There is no doubt that some people historically did force themselves on their wives and slaves as some do today. However, to assume all relationships between slaves and masters were not consensual is ludicrous:

    It seems when some people see the word ‘sex’ their minds automatically assume the word ‘rape’ – their problem, not ours.


  443. Ray 说:

    我的观点是,时间框架会产生很大的影响。例如,看看今天发布的专利数量与 50、100、150 年前相比,数字差异几乎是天文数字。原因是,今天一个拥有计算机、扫描仪、3D 打印机等的人可以比 100 年前拥有 100 个人的小型实验室做更多的事情。 (假设人们具有相似的能力)。但我最大的分歧是你关于战争不能激励技术创新的观点。一战和二战时期是1900-1950年间生产力最高的时期,不是吗?欧洲最大的进步也来自于战争的必要性,尤其是在过去的 500 年里。当然,贸易也是一个重要的推动因素,但仅次于战争。





    • 回复: @AaronB
  444. PandaAtWar 说:


    Ray, again, too many disagreements… On India you’re way off perhaps due to the profound influence of bitch MSM. ROFL.

    — China is the only civilisation state in Asia today, whereas India is a modern state created post ww2 pretending to be a civilisation.

    — For the most part of recorded history pre-WW2, China had been the largest civilisation in Asia( perhaps in the world as well), whereas the geographic area called “India”today had been a loose formation of many local tribes and princelings with some quite distinct from the others. Sorry, but depending on one’s definition of what civilisation is, that area could have been called some trible civilisations, but not “India”.

    –Also, Panda is not sure which had been larger historically (on both united terrotery and the size of population), the geographic area called “India”, or the geographic area called “Southeast Asia”, or “Central Asia”( containing both the Persians and the Arabs). Panda suspects the latters.

    –If Persia could be called a civilisation, for the most part of the history, the 2 largest civilisations in Asia could well be China and Persia.


    Not sure of that. China and Southeast Asia accounted for about that as well. China and Central Asia accounted for about that, too… and so on. “India” didn’t exist most of the time, mind you.



    btw, Historically the Chinese people by and large have called ourselves “the descendants of Yan Huang”, later became just “Han Ren ( the Han people)”, or “Hua/Tang Ren” .For one both are agrarian serf society with a rigid class where the religious leaders and warrior sit on top. Both civilization are separate into self governing state with its own hereditary feudal family.


    Pretty much all scocieties had sort of agricultural revolutions back then when the human said goodbye to hunter-gatherer lifestyle, except perhaps SS Africans and people in harsh extreme weathers such as the normads in the north of Eurasia, North America Indians, the Parcific islanders and Eskimos. The agricultural revolution in the geograpghic area called “India” was trivial and insignificant compared to China for the most part of history (Panda seriuosly doubts “India”= “Indus Valley Civilisation” to start with), despite of “India”‘s huge-arse natural advantages of having humongous arable land and throw-a-seed-and-forget good weather.

    请注意这里: “historically, India’s huge population” is perhaps misleading as well. Like Sub Sahara Africans, “India” only has had huge population during British Raj, particularly post-ww2 till now, mainly thanks to the emergence of nuclear arms that make world wars infeasible hence peace, the UN Food Aid Programmes, and countless NGOs/donations. Historically, Panda still doubt that that area for the most part had more population than, say, Central Asia, Southeast Asia or even Europe as a whole.


    Exactly! That’s Panda’s point. The two have been almost polar-opposite in most aspects for the most part of history, from 200BC to now – a good 2,000 years plus, isn’t that clear enough a point?

    If China and “India” had more similarities than otherwise, Panda could make an equally if not more “convincing”case on China and {fill in whatever you name you want here, except perhaps Sub Sahara Africa and Eskimos}. LOL

    • 回复: @Ray
    , @Seraphim
  445. RobRich 说: • 您的网站

    I trust three things:

    >The Libertarians are Americanizing China and India. As they do so, population replacement is diminishing.

    >The Libertarians want open borders. People worry about some Mexicans coming in and getting a job. What they don’t see is the effect that OUR people can move into all countries, and BTW they encourage high-IQ big families. They’re putting parties and groups in every country. They’re big in Latin America. At the same time, the Libertarians want the US to expand to cover 50% of the Earth: depopulated Siberia and west China, the next US states?

    >They’ve quietly democratized most of the planet. Now they’re moving to phase II, Gary Johnson at 15%, Brexit, etc. No one sees them coming.


    • 回复: @Santoculto
  446. Santoculto 说:


    aa sí,



  447. PandaAtWar 说:

    我说的显然是近代的,所以过去的条件不重要,我说的是整个东亚,所以中国特有的物质条件也不重要。 。



    中国的战国时期并没有带来与欧洲技术爆炸相媲美的成果。 ..


    You (from whatever euro-centric textbooks you grow up with) know next to nothing about the width and depth of sophitications of technolgies in China’s Warring States until you google up “high technologies, terracotta army” and study some eye-popping facts revealed by some newsest research papers. After that, you may want to come up with anything remotely comparable in Europe at a time. Now that’s comparison, not compared with “Europe’s technological explosion”, which Panda assumes you refer to Europe’s Industrial Revolution about 2, 000 years later.

    就此而言,古希腊小国之间的地方性战争也没有产生类似的结果。 。很多地方都有这些条件却没有这些结果。

    diff avg IQ…

    所以我想起了贾里德·戴蒙德(Jared Diamonds)对欧洲例外论的解释。戴蒙德也在并非欧洲独有的条件下寻求答案。


    The similar question is well known in academic world – “Needham’s Question”.

    关于儒家思想的本质和作用,我非常同意你的看法,但这不符合我的观点吗?中国文化确实沉迷于文学和审美,而对技术不太感兴趣,尽管正如你所说,技术相当不错。 ..

    Panda tried to take a “shortcut” in previous argument to avoid some uneccesary yet actually related topics to save some time. You are right though pointing “the inconsistency” out… Let Panda rephrase the whole issue using your arguments as evidences:


    It’s because the Chinese have been evolutionarily built with the highest avg spatial IQ – the natural gift for engineering capabilities hence technologies. Hence the Chinese are more naturally attracted to technologies than any other race.

    That’s the reason why “we are pretty decent at it “(even without trying sometimes).

    Given a culture is the total reflection of the people underneath, to say that Chinese culture is not interested in technology, therefore, is intrinsically self-contradicting and ilogical – that was Panda’s 1st reaction, but decided to take “shortcut” avoiding writing so much… lol

    This misleading conclusion arises due to 2 reasons mainly: 1) perhaps you don’t fully understand Chinese culture? or 2) within a certain time frame, a culture may encourage and discourage an intrinsic behaviour of the said culture depending on the circumstances (e.g. hunger/need/govt policy/current economic statue/ current priorities, etc) that may appear completely misleading for outsiders?

    (to be continued, depending on Panda’s weekend schedule, lol)

    • 回复: @AaronB
  448. Ray 说:


    我认为你忽视了这样一个事实:如果没有共同的书面文字,中国就和印度一样支离破碎、多样化。您是否想过,如果没有日本的侵略,中国不可能那么容易统一?我并不是说中国的凝聚力比其他民族国家弱。尽管中国幅员辽阔且多样化,但与现有的 195 个民族国家相比,中国几乎是最好的国家之一。印度虽然不如中国,但仍名列前茅。以下是一篇有趣的读物。





    • 回复: @PandaAtWar
    , @DB Cooper
  449. Seraphim 说:

    Perhaps it is worthwhile to take a look at the very geographical features of the “Subcontinent”. It is really a ‘cul-de-sac’ in which gathered different successive cultural streams from the “Continent” (i.e. Eurasia) as well as from “Oceania”. The ‘Vedic tradition’ so dear to Aryanists, Yoga freaks, Hindutva nationalists and assorted ignorant ‘White supremacists’, far from being the pristine ‘Primordial Tradition’, traceable to the ‘Harappan Civilization’ (or to the mythical ‘Hyperborea’), is the result of centuries of efforts (some very modern) to harmonize various and sometimes contradictory traditions streams which form the baffling bazaar of Hindu mythology.

    China presents a much older and unitary tradition (conventionally designed as ‘Daoism’, but which would more appropriately be called Taiji, Tai Chi, The Great Pole, The Great Ultimate, which was to inform all subsequent cultural developments as well as the organization of the state), as is illustrated in the Neolithic painted pottery of Yang Shao culture, which displays the oldest depictions of the Taijitu symbol. The expansion of a strikingly similar painted pottery in Thailand (Ban Chiang culture) shows the same underlying ‘philosophy’. Even more striking is the emergence of an almost identical cultural ensemble at the other end of the ‘Silk Road’, in Ukraine and Romania (the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture). The similitudes are so numerous that an independent development is extremely unlikely. It shows the underlying unity of the great Eurasian space.
    It was that profound intuition that inspired Leibniz in his grandiose Eurasian project, for which he found a no less inspired ally in the Tsar Peter the Great. Essentially building a bridge through Russia and Siberia to tie Europe with China, which would bring both sides, not only political-economic but also spiritual-cultural, mutual benefits. Leibniz was fascinated by the Chinese civilization and it was the Taiji which directly inspired him to ‘invent’ the binary system of numeration, the base of the development of computers.
    The integration of Eurasia, which ‘Oceania’ tried desperately to stop, is unstoppable.

    • 回复: @PandaAtWar
  450. AaronB 说:


    贾里德·戴蒙德(Jared Diamond)可能做了我们在唯物主义范式中所能期望的最好的表现,但这是一场荒谬的表演,充满了明显的漏洞。当然,这本书在美国广受好评。






    亚当·斯密(Adam Smith)有句名言,每个人都自然而然地追求永无休止





    • 回复: @Ray
  451. AaronB 说:


    3) 你声称,欧洲的技术突破是由地方性的国家间战争造成的。我指出,中国也有类似的条件,但没有生产出类似的东西。



    看,我承认中国在其历史上以漫无目的的方式创造了巨大的创造力,至少在 13 世纪之前可能比任何其他国家都要多。我想大多数历史学家也接受这一点,这就是大家对中国没有提出欧洲革命感到困惑的全部原因。






    • 回复: @Ray
    , @PandaAtWar
  452. PandaAtWar 说:





    熊猫并不是说英格兰的凝聚力比其他民族国家弱。尽管英格兰幅员辽阔且多元化,但与现有 195 个民族国家相比,英国几乎是最好的国家之一。索马里的情况不如英格兰,但仍名列前茅。


    However, Somali and English civilization can be so large because they settled on a fertile land with two gigantic oceans next to them providing basis of large population growth. This geographical factor are what Smalia and England shared and made them large agrarian society, ok, depending on one’s definitions of what is “large” and what is “agrarian”.







    熊猫想再说一遍 熊猫并不是说索马里在食物、服饰、习俗等方面与英国相似,但它们在各自地区的世界历史中都扮演着相似的角色。你可能会说挪威和荷兰更相似,但他们在历史上扮演的角色却完全相反。



    Naah Ray,为你解决了!罗弗

    • 回复: @Ray
  453. makran 说:

    Everybody considered everybody else in the ancient world as barbarians. Arabs considered Persians barbarians and Persians considered Arabs. Arabs looked down upon blacks or Zanuj as monkeys. Indians considered all outsiders mlecchas as polluting. Racism is natural human nature. The Chinese considered all peoples outside china as barbarians including Indians and Arabs.

    Whites were only successful during the last 300 years. I doubt it. the standard of living in the Netherlands and England was already racing past way ahead of the rest of the world before colonialism even started. The entire modern world was invented by White people and is far superior to anything invented in the past uptil now.

    Bad Karma?? I guess, Indians do not have bad karma by invading and conquering Sikkim. I guess Hindus have no bad karma for destroying Buddhism in India. Muslims including Turks have no bad karma according to you. No tribe in the world are angels, But most browns blacks claims so by faking history and hiding their skeletons in the closet.

  454. Ray 说:







  455. Ray 说:


  456. Ray 说:









  457. Ron Unz 说:

    我碰巧注意到这个评论线程仍然很活跃,很容易就突破了 60,000 字,现在主要集中在欧洲崛起和工业革命的问题上。

    I’m hardly a specialist on this topic, but several years ago I read Kennedy Pomeranz’s book The Great Divergence analyzing this exact question, and found it exceptionally detailed and rather persuasive:

    I’m curious what most of you think of that analysis.

    • 回复: @Ray
    , @Santoculto
  458. DB Cooper 说:

    “The former [India] technically include Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal etc.”


    Bhutanese are on the edge because they know that India never give up the idea of invading and annexing their country. And what you said did nothing to alleviate their fear. Not that their fear is unfounded. Fifteen years before Saddam Hussein rolled his column of tanks into Kuwait city and annexed Kuwait, Nehru’s daughter Indira Gandhi rolled her column of army trucks into Gangtok and annexed Sikkim, a fellow Himalayan kingdom next to Bhutan. In the early 1990s India repeated the same feat and tried to annex Bhutan. Thanks God it didn’t succeed that time.

    Not many people know but India immediately unleashed violence on its neighbors the moment the British left the subcontinent and bequeathed the country they created to the natives. Since then India has invaded and annexed land from every single of its neighbors. To this day India has unresolved border disputes with every single of its neighbors. This fact has never been reported in the main stream media. Whether it is out of ignorance or out of geopolitics consideration I don’t know. I suspect a combination of both. No wonder Kissinger (no softie himself) said Indians are the most G*D damn aggressive people in the world.

    • 回复: @Ray
  459. Lloyd1927 说:

    Many high status Jewish males prefer to marry beautiful Nordic women like Ivanka Trump (who sometimes “convert”). The Jewish identity does not often survive over generations.

  460. Makran 说:

    The Buddha was most probably a White guy. One of the names of the Buddha used often is ‘Sakya Muni’ which translated to Sage (Munis) of the Sakyas. Now who are the Sakyas? Why they are the Scythians who invaded and conquered Northern India from Central Asia (Southern Ukraine/Southern Russia/ Kazakhstan ). Sythians were called ‘Sakas’ in Sanskrit.




    公元2世纪末或3世纪初,希腊医生盖伦宣称萨尔马提亚人、斯基泰人和其他北方民族的头发呈红色。 [73][78]四世纪的罗马历史学家阿米亚努斯·马塞利努斯 (Ammianus Marcellinus) 写道,阿兰人是与斯基泰人关系密切的民族,身材高大、金发碧眼、浅色眼睛。 [79] 4 世纪的尼萨主教格雷戈里 (Gregory of Nyssa) 写道,斯基泰人是 皮肤白皙,金发。[80] 5世纪的医生阿达曼蒂乌斯(Adamantius)经常追随波勒蒙(Polemon),他描述斯基泰人是 金发。





  461. Ray 说:
    @DB Cooper


    印度大使馆仍然负责不丹的外交事务,这就是当地的现实。印度与中国的边境战争也是由于其坚持使用麦克马洪线,并将藏南几乎吞并到阿鲁纳恰尔邦。我觉得甘地放走巴基斯坦犯了一个致命的错误。当然,会有分歧和痛苦,但至少可以避免政府与政府之间的战争,并且克什米尔不会出现争端。我是否释放了大量蠕虫,或者我只是太天真了?人类是否如此具有公共性,以至于不同宗教的人们无法和平共处,还是政客的错?我同意印度与每一个邻国发生边界争端是不明智的。然而,正如我之前所说,国家边界是用现代科学来划定的,直到最近才得以完成。中国在建国之初也与所有 16 个陆地邻国存在边界争端,但幸运的是,通过谈判将其与印度的边界争端减少到只有 1 个(如果算上越南、菲律宾和日本的海洋争端,还有 3 个)。


    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @DB Cooper
  462. Ray 说:
    @Ron Unz

    很抱歉我没有读过这本书,但通过评论和评论,作者似乎认为环境在工业革命的发生方式中发挥了重要作用。我的看法也比较接近这个。如果我们问为什么工业革命没有早在 300 年前在英国发生,我们一定会听到以欧洲为中心的人群给出各种理由来解释工业革命没有发生。我敢打赌,其原因与中国、日本或任何前工业化国家没有发生这种情况的原因非常相似。究其原因,主要是当时的条件不合适。或者我们可以将问题改写为“为什么奥地利没有发生?”并从另一个角度提出质疑。

  463. DB Cooper 说:

    “Can anybody challenge India’s territorial aspiration while ignoring those of the US, China or Japan?”

    India’s territorial aspiration, that’s about says it all isn’t it. At least you are honest about it, I can give you that.

    “India’s embassy is still in charge of the foreign affair of Bhutan, it is the reality on the ground.”

    This is what is so disgusting about India’s foreign policy. India wants to play the big brother in the neighborhood and use its bulk to intimidate its weaker neighbors. Bhutan can’t even decide which country to have diplomatic relations without going through India and India restricts Bhutan to only a few. None of the major countries are allow to have a diplomatic relationships with Bhutan. Not the US, not the UK, not France, not Germany, not China, its neighbor! A few decades ago Bhutan wants to do international tourism and India insisted Bhutan cannot accept foreign currencies other than the rupees. Two years ago Bhutan wants to build a highway in the southern part of the country and India rejected that proposal. When Bhutan prime minister met the Chinese foreign minister on an international conference India cut off its oil subsidies to send its signal of displeasure. Bhutan wants to open up its countries to foreign countries for hydroelectric infrastructure and India does not allow it, insisting that infrastructure projects in Bhutan are for the sole domain of Indian companies. And everybody knows that India sucks at infrastructure.


  464. DB Cooper 说:

    While I am at it I would like to say India’s treatment of Nepal is just as disgusting. Like Bhutan Nepal is a landlocked country sandwiched between China and India. Last year Nepal has a devastating earthquake. India took advantage of this disaster and initiated a blockade on Nepal just because Nepal parliament amend its constitution not to India’s liking. Ever wonder why the Nepalese hate the Indians?

    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  465. Art 说:




    In the West the goal of living is based on the “hope” that things can get better. Philosophically the West is Christianity – and the first tenet of Christianity is to have hope for a better future.



    • 回复: @Santoculto
  466. Anonymous [AKA "S B Woo"] 说:

    A great article. Thanks.

  467. @DB Cooper

    your last 2 posts were kinda eye opening as I don’t follow news of those parts of the world at all. thanks.

    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  468. Santoculto 说:

    Poor [real] philosophy, every delirium is called its saint name.

    • 回复: @Art
  469. Santoculto 说:
    @Ron Unz

    I think more in the process of discovery ‘or’ invention which is almost always obscure, hidden, such the micro-changes that become big. And I think that Europe has brought together three important features: invariably high level of intensity of ” civilization ” (as it seems, when a society is in a constant state of social agitation and possible ” evolution ”), rare group of highly creative humans in the right place at the right time, to make the ‘right’ discoveries or inventions and an appropriate level of technology. I do not know if there was a renaissance in architecture at that time (usually ” renaissances ” held in Italy;)) that may have come and inspired some guys in Scotland or in England who revolutionizing the engineering resulting in industrial revolution.

    One thing I know,

    creativity is unpredictable,

    It is the most acutely impressive response to a certain need that is the soul of the business.

    While no one really practiced eugenics in a precise / accurate way, when a civilization reaches its peak, that is, thinks it has found the ideal formula to live, then it tends to repel creativity. And this clear phenomenon that usually have biological/psycho-cognitive reverberations.

    The ” Chineses ” that contributed decisively in the creative waves in all areas of human knowledge, in ancient times, and recently, during the European average age, it is very likely to have been less conformist, more distracted… the opposite of the avg east asian today*

    The ” civilization ” (servilizations) take advantage of the creative fire of its brightest classes in this regard and when creativity starts to threaten the power of the powerful then turns into a ” burden ”.

  470. Seraphim 说:

    This post attracted more than 470 comments, more than any other. It is certainly a reflection of the anxieties of the WASPHAGVACAS provoked by the realization that the era of their dominance is at its end. The bubble of their imagined ‘superiority’, ‘manifest destiny’, ‘exceptionality’ in which they lived has been punctured and is steadily deflating. The ‘Decline of the West (Der Untergang des Abendlandes) announced by Oswald Spengler in 1918 approaches its final phases (despite the desperate attempts to stop it). The ‘West’ can no longer commandeer the ‘Rest’ as it used to do at the time of ‘Rule Britannia’ and gunboat diplomacy. Its attempts to rule the World-Island (in the parlance of Sir Halford Mackinder) have petered out and the geopolitical nightmare that was to haunt the world’s two sea powers during the first half of the twentieth century—Great Britain and, later on, the United States (Germany or Russia dominating the Eurasian land mass as a prelude to mastery of the world) has become a reality, aggravated by the integration of China (which started actually with the completion of the Transiberian and the China Eastern Railways).
    It is also a symptom of the fears that the ‘West’ will loose its ‘identity’ (and the perks attached to it), constructed on the illusion of its exceptionalism, the pinnacle of ‘evolution’, ‘natural selection’ and ‘survival of the fittest’ (the ‘natural masters’ of the weaklings). It tries to calm these fears by clutching at the straws of their supposed higher IQ or how more efficiently they used the gunpowder, or by belittling the achievements of the non-HAGVACAS. It is hard to admit that the Exceptionalistan is not that exceptional after all.

    • 回复: @Salger
  471. DB Cooper 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    You are welcome. For all sorts of reason even though people know India is poor, nevertheless people usually assume India is a peaceful country. It is not. As we speak Kashmir blow up again, latest death toll is 18 killed. A few years ago Indian security force gunned down hundreds of unarmed protesters in Kashmir. Over 8000 Kashmiris disappeared without a trace in 60 years of India rule only to turn up in mass graves. Just google Amnesty International Kashmir mass graves. For some reason the MSM are muted on this. I wonder why.

  472. You just have to love those Asians. They are the minority that liberals hate recognizing. I grew up in NYC and the smart kid public schools back in the early/mid 1970s were Brooklyn Tech, Stuvesant and Bronx Science — I am not sure if Queens had one as well. But Brooklyn Tech even when I entered high school back in 1972 had a sizeable Asian (mostly Chinese) contingent. I went to Catholic school instead. I find it interesting how two groups who have traditionally been high academic achievers play their role in American today. Not that Jews didn’t involve themselves in the hard sciences, but because of other social, ethno-political factors, they tended to overtake the social sciences and therapeutic spheres. How many Jewish shrinks, social workers and poli-sci professors can you count on 120 hands? Because of their profoundly leftist political bent as a group, I believe that many Jews felt the need to influence the thinking of others, whereas the Asians do not seem to have that overriding need. Theirs seems to be a strong desire to be successful in life in order to benefit themselves and their families, but not the desire to influence the thinking of society as a whole. Just my observation.

  473. Salger 说:


  474. TJM 说:
    @Sam Shama

    简直傻了,怎么可能有反应。 PC ZioCon 是那些使用匿名和多个帐户来试图散布谎言的人。


  475. Salger 说:



    • 回复: @Seraphim
  476. PandaAtWar 说:

    Well, your response has caused more new troubles for you…lol

    1. Don’t argue, listen. Lol. Ancient China to East Asia is more than what Greeco/Roman Empire to Europe. For the most part of recorded history, China to East Asia has been what the current EU to Europe. And you fancy that China can’t represent East Asia? ROFL

    2. You put up a strawman: Panda claimed that endemic interstate warfare was one of the major reasons responsible for Europe’s technological breakthrough, not the only and all reasons ( by “everything else being equal”, Panda really meant that assume major things are equal, such as the Chinese has the same avg IQ as the Europeans, and no big deal climate change or big and prolonged natural disasters to one fo them given the same periods, etc. to simplify the argument).

    And, yes, Panda tells you that when comparing 2 things, they must be put into the same/similar time frame, else Issac Newton and Nicola Tesla would be an idiot when any college dropout today could school them on some extremely advanced concepts from flat screen TVs to fighter jets, and Einstein must be a semi-retard as well as Panda’s 12-year-old neightbour kid could enlighten him on physics of smartphones and PCs. ROFL

    Obviously, you still have no clue on what varieties of super advanced technologies that Terracotta Army has revealed >2,000 years ago. It’s not “see China in the most flattering light”, but just to be fair – too much to ask for an euro-centric testbook/media-brainwashed fellow? Perhaps. Lol

    On China Vs. Euro thing, too complicated… to put it very simple: it’s about the most effective way of survival for each due to their different social structures since very early on : unity Vs. seperation – each has its pros and cons. (relatively speaking) Extremely advanced technologies and economy of China since very early on, along with the sheer lenghth of her staying on top of the world without statue quo peers (hence no trace of danger), has made the Chinese decadent until the modern time when the Europe started to industrialise at the other side of the continent. The strive for eternal unity & peace (from the emperors and the elites through making the laws/rules/social etiquette, later passed onto the mass) has made the Chinese culture pay the heavy price of sacrifising a large degree of individuality and spirit of adventure in return for conformity/stability, whereas Europe went almost the opposite way for its survival strategy… it has nothing to do with the innate awesome capabilities of the Chinese on engineering and technologies really.

    你的最后一句话 ” I think it is limited by preferences, character, and other intangibles”
    touched some truth though. ‘There’s lot to do with preferences of each, their circumstances have forced China and Europe into adapting different ways to better suit their respective survival strategies at a given time, hence “preferences”, preferences for how to survive. Preferences inevitablely have left traces in the respestive cultures for the given time, yet both prefereences and the traces they ‘ve lfet in comtemporar cultures are not innate and can be changed as time changes when circumstances change then new preferences could set in…

  477. PandaAtWar 说:

    Interesting…largely agreed.

    The reemergence of China and the alliance, even informal one and economic-only, of China-Russia-Persia-Germany-France across Eurasia, would spell the end of petro-dollar Oceania. That’s one of the major reasons why the US fight so hard in South China Sea – to disrupt China’s sea-base “Silk Road” to the ME and Europe.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  478. Art 说:

    Poor [real] philosophy, every delirium is called its saint name.

    You got something better – let’s hear it.

    The goal of harmony and hope separates East and West philosophies.

    They seek a different future – one wants serenity for people – the other cooperatively works and strives for a better future.

    This is self-evident.

    • 回复: @Santoculto
  479. Santoculto 说:

    ”Culture” is a euphemism to the parasitism

    people are cheated to conform and manipulated to ”cooperate” but most of them work harder and receive little for their own work.

    in the same way a parasite infect the brain of the some unlucky being and make him think what he is doing is for the sake of their own benefit. The living being works for another but thinking that he’s doing to yourself = ”culture”

    • 回复: @Art
  480. Art 说:

    people are cheated to conform and manipulated to ”cooperate” but most of them work harder and receive little for their own work.

    The division of labor is on solid ground – it is a good thing – sex is division of labor. None of us can do all the things needed to survive. Cooperation builds thing – good things – things that make our lives better.

    As to compensation for work. At one time half the people living were slaves. Thing changed – things got better – it will happen again.

  481. Nebula 说:

    仅仅成为一名优秀的应试者并不等于拥有高智商,高智商本身只是使某些人群获得经济和文化主导地位的一个组成部分。我确信中国人在学术考试中的得分比 1500 年代的欧洲人高得多,但塑造我们今天所知的现代世界的是欧洲人,而不是亚洲人。



    这就导致了亚洲人作为一个群体面临的第二个问题,这与他们的个性特征有关。我们认为创造力是某种模糊的智力,但在我看来,创造力并不是你所拥有的积极意义上的所有具体特征,而是你在认知和行为上不受约束所产生的副作用。 。





    我建议阅读罗伯特·亨德森(Robert Henderson)撰写的这篇文章“为什么亚洲人没有占主导地位?高智商可能还不够”



    • 回复: @Equalizer
  482. Seraphim 说:

    “Will the West Survive the Century?”, by Pat Buchanan, July 6, 2016@https://www.unz.com/pbuchanan/will-the-west-survive-the-century/
    Irrespective of that, I still cannot see why any progress in printing of your dick (head) can be flaunted as an ‘accomplishment’ of the ‘West’ (as opposed to the ‘Rest’).

    • 回复: @Salger
  483. Seraphim 说:

    Thank you, you make my day. Not because you ‘agree with me’, but because of the joy which results naturally from the convergence of ideas. I have a soft spot for a ‘mythological-poetic’ approach to the serious problems of life (I always fancied that I was a ‘poet’ – just half-joking, sigh). But there is a very precise mathematic reason why the Pole ‘polarizes’ (and also mathematically ‘orients’) our thoughts (and lives, after all).
    So, ‘poetically’ speaking, the North-East (aka, ‘Orient’) is the abode of Light and the South-West (aka ‘Occident’) is the abode of Darkness (of that ‘outer darkness’ where the worthless servant is thrown into, ‘where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth’).
    In other ‘poetical’ perspective the ‘North’ is the home of the ‘Ursa Major’, of all the ‘Bears’ (Polar, Russian, Panda).

    • 回复: @nanashi
  484. Salger 说:


    难怪当你看到塞拉芬时,史蒂文·平克(Steven Pinker)这样的人会对“社会科学”进行攻击。对此,非洲的一些丁达人在学习方面与“西方”探索人类基因组的人完全平等。

  485. nanashi 说:

    In the East Asian (roughly equal to “ancient Chinese” or “Daoist”) worldview, the Northeast is the direction from which ghosts and/or demons enter (鬼門 “ghost/demon gate”). When overlaid upon the East Asian zodiac with the first sign ( Rat) aligned with North, the Northeast direction falls between Ox and Tiger, so characteristics of those animals are often used in Asian depictions of demons. (However, in non-zodiacal contexts, the tiger is associated with the western direction, as are the color white and the element metal/gold.) Sometimes, the Southwest is viewed as an opposing “anti-demon gate” (in Japanese, 裏鬼門 “backside ghost/demon gate”), and this direction falls between Ram and Monkey, so characteristics of those animals may be used in depictions of protective spirits or lucky charms. (However, some folks take a view that the “anti-demon gate” of the Southwest is fundamentally just as evil or unlucky as the “demon gate” of the Northeast.) Ultimately, these ideas may stem from the association of East and South with yang (“light,” “active,” or “masculine” principle) and the association of West and North with yin (“dark,” “passive,” or “feminine” principle). In the Northeast, North (= yin) meets East (= yang), creating instability. In the Southwest, South (= yang) meets West (= yin), likewise creating instability.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Seraphim
  486. Talha 说:

    I have little clue what all you guys (Panda & Seraphim included) are talking about – but it is actually very interesting – thanks for the insights!



    • 回复: @Salger
  487. Salger 说:

    澳大利亚不是 SJWtopia。 尤其是自从波琳·汉森(Pauline Hanson)重返议会以来。

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Talha
  488. Art 说:

    澳大利亚不是 SJWtopia。 尤其是自从波琳·汉森(Pauline Hanson)重返议会以来。

    What is SJW — thanks

    • 回复: @pink_point
  489. Talha 说:


    So maybe that’s nanashi’s point; that it is not the abode of a demon-gate…


  490. Seraphim 说:

    The yin and the yang contain each the seed of the opposite. They permanently transform into each other.

  491. pink_point 说:


    • 回复: @Art
  492. Salger 说:


    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  493. Salger 说:

    你标榜自己是一名 SJW。去抗议白人在种族研究课上所做的其他种族所做的事情(奴隶制、入侵其他土地、大规模屠杀,等等)。然后你就可以在你的推特账户上哭泣“白人特权”。

  494. @Salger






    • 回复: @Santoculto
  495. Santoculto 说:

    there are many individuals in sub-Saharan Africa of far above the European average of intelligence.

    to be above average intelligence is a thing

    to be a higher achiever is a other thing, maybe completely different.

    You can have, pretty vaguely speaking, many people WHO are smarter but they can be just like other native groups ”WITH” higher ‘intelligence’.

    Such ”exchange 6 for half a dozen”…

    As happen with many smarter subgroups of the africans and chineses in UK, for example.

    What really differentiates qualitatively is


    and please, why not, WISDOM

    In other words, ”smarter” people who really will contribute positively to the nation that they choose to live and not just to become like other native ‘or’ autochtonous ‘smarter’ subgroups.

    what europeans has produced more than other groups since a long time are high achievers, like Isaac Newton or Charles Darwin. This people tend to force their nation to move forward, to ‘evolve’…

    if chineses had a minority of potential high achievers as Europe has had, especially from the end of the Middle Ages, so I believe that any change could have happened from that time until at least the nineteenth century.

    I believe that the emergence of the bourgeoisie in Europe during the Middle Ages, was an important role to increase the cognitive intelligence of its population, and to the point of producing a minority of the ” precious ” creative geniuses of all categories, read even in an organized chaotic societies such as those that have prevailed in Europe, that is, that are far from perfect in relation to their macro-social organizations.

    The bourgeoisie emerged as the most intelligent plebeians decided to organize as a socio-economic intermediate class between the nobility and ordinary workers, the servants.

    This population was increasing demographically according to their economic success. We can say that because of the ” enterpeneurs’ ‘, investors or patrons that Europe has become a technological civilization high level, surpassing the existing ones, such as China, while China selected the smart subclass we understand as’ bureaucrats ”, which tend to be socially conformist, cognitively intelligent and economically stable. Intelligent cognitive masses who work for the government.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  496. Art 说:

    “社会正义战士”的首字母缩写词。 - 谢谢欧皮!

    我 100%,完全,不可撤销地亲私营企业。

    我也是 100%、完全、不可逆转地支持社会正义——我相信一种文化中的所有人都应该得到有尊严的对待,他们应该分享社会产生的恩惠。

    我也 100% 完全不可撤销地相信当前的银行股权卡特尔正在损害企业和社会正义。

    我也 100% 完全不可撤销地相信当前的银行股权卡特尔控制着西方政府。

    我也 100% 完全不可撤销地相信当前的银行股权卡特尔 一定死.


  497. @Santoculto

    What really differentiates qualitatively is creativity

    Creativity is surely an important component of civilizational development. But creativity emerges only in a nurturing cultural environment. Mozart owed his extraordinary musical development to his father’s commitment to the development of his children’s talent. The biographies of other creative geniuses, that of Newton, for example, or Richard Feynman point to the same conclusion: culture is critical.

    Sub-Saharan African culture adapts its adherents to tribal life and a primitive agricultural or hunter gatherer economy, in which the those acculturated as were Mozart, Newton or Feyneman would likely have failed to survive.

    Inter-population differences in IQ arise largely if not solely from such cultural differences: hence the Flynn effect, the rise in IQ from generation to generation as societies become modernized, a process that has furthest to go in societies with the lowest IQs.

    Population differences in IQ dependent on genetics are not of much significance since, in the modern world, the relevant genes can flow freely among populations and will accumulate rapidly in any society where high IQ promotes reproductive success.

    The importance of selection is evident from trends in Western society, where high IQ has a negative influence on reproductive success. We can expect, therefore, that any difference between high and low IQ societies will disappear within a generation or two as all adopt the same moron Western culture with it’s negative selective effect on IQ.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Santoculto
  498. Talha 说:


    where high IQ has a negative influence on reproductive success

    Fine point sir! I mentioned this in another post; the fact that we are seeing declining birth rates in the places with highest IQ might correlate to a selection against too high of an IQ among human beings – an upper limit. Just as there may be an upper limit to muscle to mass ratio, high lung capacity, or anything else that may on the surface seem to have a select advantage when looked at in isolation. It may be that wanting to isolate the races based on IQ differential may be completely counter-productive to the actual survival needs of the high IQ population.

    Darwinism’s hindsight is 20/20, but it really doesn’t know a predictive method of figuring out the most advantageous traits per any organism until the dust clears – there are far too many variables at work. Only the fittest survive, how do we know? They survived because they were the fittest.


    May God vouchsafe intelligence and (more importantly) wisdom in you and your progeny.

    • 回复: @Art
  499. Art 说:

    Fine point sir! I mentioned this in another post; the fact that we are seeing declining birth rates in the places with highest IQ might correlate to a selection against too high of an IQ among human beings – an upper limit.

    Cannot comment on an upper limit of intelligence. But can question those who chose an intellectual life over a fully engaged family cultural life.

    For 99% of everyone – the longest lasting thing that we can do is raise quality children. Our children will outlast our intellectual output.

    I have witnessed business owners who spent their entire adult life building a company, only to have what they created be changed within three years of their leaving. The buildings remain – but the flavor of the company is forever changed. The essence of the company is gone.

    This is true of most all intellectual creations in the business world – they are significantly changed or soon discarded – there is nothing static in business. That is not to say that the creativity is not satisfying, only to say those efforts are short lived.

    Woman who leave the raising of their children to others for business pursuits, are losing their opportunity to make a long-term mark on society.

    Leaving a fortune to low quality children is the ruin of many a culture.

    • 回复: @Talha
  500. Santoculto 说:

    Creativity is surely an important component of civilizational development. But creativity emerges only in a nurturing cultural environment. Mozart owed his extraordinary musical development to his father’s commitment to the development of his children’s talent. The biographies of other creative geniuses, that of Newton, for example, or Richard Feynman point to the same conclusion: culture is critical.

    We will go back again…

    seems little bizarre but ”environment” is not a thing…

    no there a nurturing-cultural environment — thing, creative people fundamentally born that way and sometimes the environment is tolerant and even openly favorable to them, many times not.

    Mozart owed his extraordinary musical development

    I don’t deny favorable circumstances but the most important it can be, never will be more important than a huge necessity of the existence of the creatively bright people. So, you can have the best of the environments but no creative geniuses emerge because simply they don’t exist there. And you can have the worst of the environments and have the existence of this rare people there.

    Please, we must learn how to refute point by point the comments.

    But creativity emerges only in a nurturing cultural environment

    没有 瞬时生物 creativity emerges only among families with this genetic suscetibilities.

    创意奖学金 ACHIEVERS may emerges more commonly in favorable environments.

    Sub-Saharan African culture adapts its adherents to tribal life and a primitive agricultural or hunter gatherer economy, in which the those acculturated as were Mozart, Newton or Feyneman would likely have failed to survive.


    This is an assumption that is possibly wrong if ‘more intelligent’ people can learn more quickly and efficiently and in simpler societies they, on avg, are likely to learn quickly how to survive. Maybe some physical disability of some or most of them can confabulate partially with your statement.

    Inter-population differences in IQ arise largely if not solely from such cultural differences: hence the Flynn effect, the rise in IQ from generation to generation as societies become modernized, a process that has furthest to go in societies with the lowest IQs.

    I do not know what is the flynn effect. Realizes that the flynn effect has been observed but little understood. If you understand it better, tell us, for now [seems] no one knows exactly what it is.

    Population differences in IQ dependent on genetics are not of much significance since, in the modern world, the relevant genes can flow freely among populations and will accumulate rapidly in any society where high IQ promotes reproductive success.

    Maybe only if most people become intelligently similar, a priori. In all, it is a hasty statement on your part. ” Iq ‘, the best mental game that exists, will continue’ ‘dependent’ ‘genetics even in better societies/environments.

    The importance of selection is evident from trends in Western society, where high IQ has a negative influence on reproductive success. We can expect, therefore, that any difference between high and low IQ societies will disappear within a generation or two as all adopt the same moron Western culture with it’s negative selective effect on IQ.

    probably correct, unfortunately.

    or not…

  501. Talha 说:

    Right on Art! I’ll take it a step further, how many a king have you read about in history that spent years amassing a huge amount of territory and did not teach his sons enough about character, such that, before his body had gone cold, the sons were at each other’s throats and ripping his entire legacy apart. If the losing son was lucky, he could hope to simply be blinded and/or locked up in a tower.

    May God preserve you and your progeny with honor!

  502. nebula 说: • 您的网站



  503. Equalizer 说:

    Nebula, I presume that you are American born Chinese or American born Asian. Your idea that Asians are not creative and you look down on Asian achievements is fairly common among Asians raised in America. You live as a minority and it is easy to get this point of view. This idea is pounded on by whites 24/7 and soon it is taken as common knowledge. The article you cite is from a conservative sites and is a classic exposition of white man’s view of Asians. It is not only mostly biased observations, but makes man’s value something that is biologically determined.

    On the other hand, in Asia people generally don’t take as too important biological determinism, unless they are intellectuals that are in love with western ideas. I am going to repeat what I wrote earlier. Technical prowess and mechanical inventions without the morality is a dead end pursue. A Rabbi from Eastern Europe said it best, paraphrasing , “I may have the gift of prophesy but without morality it is nothing. I may have the gift of flowery speech, but without morality it is nothing. I may have the gift of scholarship and smarts but without morality, it is nothing” . When the white man first met the African, there was this arrogance and then the though came to exploit them When Admiral Zheng He of the Ming navy first met Africans, he respected them and exchanged gifts with them. Why the difference? Culturally, Eastern culture is not particularly arrogant. Nebula, you probably would not gleefully constantly put down whites or put down Hispanics, right? Yet, you accept the fact that whites gleefully put down Asians constantly. Instead of seeing a certain unnaturalness in them you agree with them! When American bombarded Baghdad in 2003, the American generals ordered the water system and the sewage system destroyed. These destruction are not militarily necessary but caused immense civilian suffering and only point to the evil that lurks in those higher ranks. On the other hand, Sun Zi’s The Art of War, warns against these vindictive acts.

    The West has never taken much time to explore the deep depth of Middle Eastern thinking, nor the vast ocean and unfathomable depth of Indian thinking and Chinese thinking. The West has its own depth in the Saints of the Catholic Church, but those saints are consider to be non- mainstream. On the other hand, Krisna, Ramakrishna, Gandhi, Ayurveda, yoga ARE part of main stream Indian culture. Buddha, Confucious, Lao Zi, accupuncture, qi gong, ARE part of the main stream of Chinese culture. China has qi gong hospitals that treats through qi gong and are very successful. Children in China with special abilities, such as seeing objects inside of boxes are supported and encouraged to develop their abilities. In the West people with these abilities are shunned as “strange”. Such openness to new ideas in the East is contrasted with the rather rigid views in the West. Yet, the West has taken over the world in the last few centuries. The narrative form the West is that they are innately creative while others, like Asians are not. But the story is not over, the last 300 years is a short period in man’s history and if we see long term it is the East that is open minded and TRULY creative. The West’s creativity is toward making better and bigger machines. It is no longer working and the karma from this narrow mentality and evil toward others is coming back to haunt the West.


    The idea of the importance of creativity and the supposed innate ability of the peoples of the West is expounded day and night. That many Asian Americans are good engineers but are not celebrities like Feynman creates a sense of inferiority; just what the white man intents. Yet, maybe the invisible engineer may be just fine. The deepest philosophy from Buddhist and Chinese thinking says that man’s separate identity is but an illusion. Living in harmony and leading others to harmony is the highest striving. In the West to be celebrated as the most creative, the most brilliant, the most talented, is the goal of life for many. This ultra individualism is not only celebrated but talked about as the epitome of world culture in contrast to the ant like people of the East. While some of this is true, but correctly reversing the values of harmony and individualism and place harmony more important than individualism, then it is seen that it is Westerners that are unnatural and not all that creative and special. The universe loves its creations and those that live in harmony with its laws will be favored over those that flout its laws. That is why the West is dying today. Not only is the death a physical thing but it will be clear that many of the ideas form the West are flawed as well and will not be so special in the future. Therefore, Asian friends, do not take in ideas so casually, but as the Buddha advised, evaluate everything with an objective eye. Look deep and not the superficial, look long term and not the short term. Repeating the Rabbi, “I may have the gift of scholarship and smarts, but without morality, it is nothing”. The moral people will be promoted and survive in the end, no matter if it takes centuries more.

    • 回复: @Salger
    , @Talha
    , @Nebula
    , @Nebula
  504. AaronB 说:








    • 回复: @Salger
  505. Salger 说:

    当白人第一次见到非洲人时,有这种傲慢,然后产生了剥削他们的思想。 当明朝海军上将郑和第一次见到非洲人时,他尊重他们并与他们交换礼物。从文化上来说,东方文化并不是特别傲慢。

    与此同时,SJWland 之外:




    • 回复: @Nebula
  506. Salger 说:



  507. Talha 说:

    That is why the West is dying today.

    Parts of it are dying for sure – she will, God willing, survive – but she may not be recognizable to this current generation. She will be the one that remembers her less materialist past. A lot of what you are talking about was written in Thoreau’s work ‘Walden’ and other writings. As Thoreau wrote incisively:
    “我们的发明不会成为漂亮的玩具,这会分散我们对严肃事物的注意力。 它们不过是达到未改善目的的改进手段……我们急于建造从缅因州到得克萨斯州的磁性电报。 但是缅因州和得克萨斯州可能没有什么重要的交流……好像主要目标是快速讲话而不是理智地讲话。”


  508. Nebula 说: • 您的网站





    真的很奇怪,白人被指责为世界上所有的疾病的罪魁祸首,如果有一个假设的资产负债表,左边显示有多少人的生命因西方文明而被拯救,右边的生命被西方夺走手边,纸张左侧的数字很容易比右侧的数字多几倍。换句话说,我们人类在医学、科学和技术领域所取得的进步,首先由现代欧洲引发,对整个人类的平均寿命产生了更有益的影响。 -跨度、人口增长、个人生活质量、卫生条件、致命传染病的治疗方法等等,都比西方由于其一些历史失误所造成的痛苦还要多。我的意思是,这确实不是一场竞赛,我们应该能够诚实地谈论西方对世界的贡献,而不被贴上种族主义者、偏执者或叛徒的标签。事实就是事实,无论它们让你感觉如何,我可以接受这样一个事实:亚洲人过去是、现在仍然不是地球上最具生产力和创造力的种族。

    • 回复: @Salger
    , @Equalizer
  509. Nebula 说: • 您的网站



    • 回复: @Salger
  510. WhatIThink 说:

    The reason for dwindling Jewish accomplishment may have something to do with their dwindling birthrate. Jewish women strive to excel in the workforce. To do so, they forego children completely or have one or two at the most. The days of large Jewish American families are over. Except for the ultra conservative Hasidic Jews, and they aren’t interested in attending Ivy League schools and the life that entails.

  511. Salger 说:




  512. Salger 说:


  513. Salger 说:

    如果 Dindus 和 Kebabs 的数量超过欧元,那也并不重要。欧洲人有组织、计划和团队合作的能力。科尔特斯的西班牙军队多次战胜三国同盟的军队。英国尽管寡不敌众,仍殖民印度和非洲。以色列(由犹太人和南欧混血人士定居的国家)已经击退了对穆斯林土地的袭击,并继续将巴勒斯坦人置于他们的位置。

    当你的对手没有与你同等的能力时,寡不敌众就无关紧要了。欧洲人和烤肉串的 Dindus 没有同等的能力。看看“难民”来自哪些社会。看看黑人占多数的土地。这就是他们有能力创造的。现在看看巴黎甚至东京(不是欧洲的,但仍然比非洲黑人的水平高很多)。

    没有针对 Dindus 和 Kebabs 的屠杀行动表明它们对欧洲人几乎没有威胁。你真的相信这个群体会超越一次性牛群吗?他们会成为“精英”吗?至此,他们已经可以方便地享受他们提供的娱乐了。

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  514. Equalizer 说:


    Your posts read like you got your info from some 1970’s high school history book, and then the conclusions are spun to a white/Euro-centric point of view. This is the digital age and much more information is available today than in 1970, for example, from the internet, and from new historical research.



    NO, NO, NO. Never implied that. You failed to mention that I mention Admiral Zheng He versus the white peoples’ first meetings with the African. Why did you twist things around??? Even your info is off. The Mongols and Japanese were aggressive, but China and Korea not so much. In this post and your previous post you said that aggression and killings are just normal parts of all nations and cultures. This is what white people like to say, probably to reduce their



    你的全部目的是将中国描绘成一个以民族为中心的国家,与其他国家不同,表面上有一些事实,但当深入挖掘时就不正确了。你还声称中国的历史和任何欧洲列强一样是帝国主义的、血腥的。我再说一遍,中国就像埃及(以及苏美尔、印度)一样,是一个庞大的文明,但尽管你这么说,但并不是特别具有侵略性。你认为内部斗争非常血腥,然后将其与侵略混为一谈。不,中国的战争大多是内战(内战),而内战几乎总是非常血腥。例如,驱逐英国人可能会导致美国人死亡一万人,但赢得内战却会导致 500、000 人死亡。




    You also ignored my reference to Sun Zi’s The Art of War. The white generals all have read Sun Zi (required reading at West Point). Yet, they ordered the destruction of the electrical, water, sewage systems in Iraq (2003) and in Libya (2011) causing immense but unnecessary civilian suffering. Such immense evil from western educated people you utterly failed to note, but you like to refer to some great achievement, for example, in mathematics by some white person. This attitude of hyping up intellectual or scientific achievement without regard to morality is the major point I was driving at: Smarts, inventions, creativeness, are all NOTHING without morality.


    Read more carefully what I wrote. I said that the culmination of Newton, Gauss, Liebnitz, etc, was the topic of Analysis which was trying to make sense of calculus! The topic of analysis is still a field of contention today. While you so praise Newton, his “creation” is still not well defined to this date. This and other areas of contention is due, I say, to the relatively narrow view point of Western culture. You can disagree, of course, but I say that once freed from the simple mechanical point of view, tremendous progress will be made, and it is in the FUTURE.





    • 回复: @Salger
  515. @Corvinus

    Leggett is a British scholar, the product of a British public school and Oxford. That he came to the United States, after being formed in that environment, is an illustration of the excellence of the British educational model in cultivating talent; American universities recognized it only after he had already achieved distinction. It may be just “one data point,” but it nonetheless does not support your argument.

    You would do better if you could find examples that went the other way. How many dons at Oxford or Cambridge were educated in the United States of America?

  516. Salger 说:



















    你还声称中国的历史和任何欧洲列强一样是帝国主义的、血腥的。我再说一遍,中国就像埃及(以及苏美尔、印度)一样,是一个庞大的文明,但尽管你这么说,但并不是特别具有侵略性。你认为内部斗争非常血腥,然后将其与侵略混为一谈。不,中国的战争大多是内战(内战),而内战几乎总是非常血腥。例如,驱逐英国人可能会导致美国人死亡一万人,但赢得内战却会导致 500、000 人死亡。



    原始战争比 1940 世纪 XNUMX 年代左右欧洲人进行的人口战争更为致命。




















    • 回复: @DB Cooper
    , @Equalizer
  517. DB Cooper 说:

    “I guess you’re ignoring the invasions of Tibet, Vietnam, Korea, and Central Asia that occurred across the centuries.”

    Tibet was invaded by an imperial power alright, not by China, but by the British. In case you don’t remember not that long ago British used to have an empire next door to China, on the Indian subcontinent. By the beginning of the last century the expansionist Raj began to bump into area traditionally Tibetans. In order to incorporate Tibet into the British Raj Britain destabilize the regions by working with the locals there to try to carve Tibet out from China. There they found a willing partner, the Dalai Lama, leader of the Gelupa sect of the Tibetan Buddhism. There are many different ethnic groups in China of which the Tibetans are but one. The Tibetans are no different than the others except that their traditional homeland has the misfortune of sitting next to an imperial power. The reason people are in this site is probably because they don’t want to read the nonsense in the MSM and the Tibetan issue is one of them. I am sure if the Naxi, the Tujia, the Zhuang..etc or whatever the ethnic group was next to the British instead of the Tibetans we will be talking about the invasion of the Naxi, Tujia…etc. And also the oppression of the Naxi people, the Tujia people and the Zhuang people…etc.

    One thing to note, with the exception of Britain no other country ever NOT recognize China’s sovereignty over Tibet. Britain’s position has been flip and flop and then flip again. If first recognized China’s sovereignty, then changed to recognize China’s suzerainty (an archaic term used during colonial times) and then in 2008 flip again when then British foreign minister David Miliband released a statement recognizing China’s sovereignty over Tibet. I guess if you have no territorial ambitions you can finally be honest.

    • 回复: @Salger
  518. Equalizer 说:







    原始战争比 1940 世纪 XNUMX 年代左右欧洲人进行的人口战争更为致命。



    WEAK! In general, Indians have sympathy toward black slaves (despite efforts to instill hatred of black in Indians by the white man), but the white man was cold and callous toward both Indians and blacks. The first few pages of your reference goes like this: The Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians lived in the area of the deep south. In the 1700’s as the white man encroached upon their territory, they embarked on a strategy for survival. They decided to settle down and do farming and use black slaves imitating the white man, in the hope that the white man will allow them peace and become neighbors with the white man. However, the white man gave this and that excuse to take land away from the Indians. One of the big excuses was that the Indians were TOO LENIENT toward their black slaves and therefore they cannot properly emulate white culture and therefore must be removed!







    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Salger
  519. Equalizer 说:












    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Salger
  520. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I will only briefly respond to your racist rant.

    Indeed, yours is a racist rant.

    90% of what you say sounds racist. Maybe your counterpart was racist in 100% of what he said? That would justify your epiteth calling, but I doubt it’s the case.


    Depends on what you call dying.
    is leaving a worldwide legacy “dying”?
    The West, is, maybe, dying off as a body.
    But not as an idea.
    The rest of the world has turned West-like. In everything.

    Starting from the frame of mind, and philosophy: the view of reality and the world.
    Where’s Taoism, COnfucianism, Buddhism, all the ancient wisdom of the East?
    Buried, forgotten. iPads made in the USA are so much more attractive.

    And so are Vuitton bags.


    All the world has taken the philosophy and mind of the West.
    Everywhere, what they are doing is things that are against their old culture, and dictated by Western philosophy.
    Technological progress, consumerism, finance, materialism, secularism, … even Communism was imported.
    The West “dies”, after all the world has turned into the West, forgetting their different identity.

    Notice how countless of Indians celebrated for many days that one of them was hired for a high-position at Google, in the West.
    Notice how they keep saying “Yes, we’ll do that, of course with Chinese characteristics” anything they do in China, just because it’s a copy of the West, and they wanna tell themselves they aren’t turning their backs on their roots?
    What music they want to play in conservatory, and later as performers? Chinese music? Or are they crazy over jazz, and classical?

    You should ask yourself why Xi Jin Ping made his daughter attend university in the USA, though?
    I talk to CHinese people on a near-to-daily basis, and see they are craving to have their sons study in the USA.
    It’s a growing trend.
    I tell you, I can’t understand their complex of inferiority.
    They have very high IQs, and (I am sure, though I have no first-had knowledge) a pool of great universities.
    Why this obsession?

    Then there’s is the obsession with Apple products.
    With high-fashion wear.
    With Lamborghinis, Ferraris.
    Don’t start me on food.
    No Westerner wants to eat Chinese food, but CHinese, rich and poor, are falling in mad love with Western food (McDonald’s for the poor, high-cuisibe for the exec types)

    If an observer has their eye free from a veil of real racism (and subconscious envy), he can see that the whole world (Africa, India, China) has no other dream but to mimick, copy, and BECOME like Western whites.
    In every detail.
    From food, to music, to fashion, to finance, to car brands, … everything you can think of.

    And what should quiz you is… this is not a phenomenon interesting the masses only.
    It’s the “high class”, even more than the mass.

    Browse social media for dating discussions.
    Do you see White people worrying if other races want to date them? No.
    What you see is non-White people, Indians and Blacks most of all, obsessed with being liked by White people.
    Everybody wants to date with Whites.
    Even the Asian women (statistics show, especially highly educated and affluent Chinese women).

    The Indian are the most obsessed. They really, really, really want to be White, like Whites, with Whites.
    When one of them (the fellow at Google) achieves something like heaps of Whites, Jews, Asians do, they celebrate and celebrate it as a national feast.
    It’s what happens when a group feels below the others.
    AGain: average IQ = 85.

    We could go on on the topic…
    How many Western Whites are interested in learning an Indian language, or Chinese?
    The Chinese and Indian all want to know English.

    How many Westerners browse the Indian or Chinese WWW?
    On the other hand, here you are, on an American site!

    Only exceptions are the Muslim area, and Russia. Muslims want to be Muslims; Russians want to be Russians.
    You should follow their example.
    It won’t be a coincidence these are the two objectives of the West’s attacks and efforts to assert dominance, financial and cultural.

    I don’t say your claims and critics of the West are groundless.

    I say there’s a racist, inferiority-complexed tone of vengefulness to them.
    And you turn yourself into so much of an apologist of India in particular, and China, that you look like a fabulist.

    “Indians liked black slaves?”

    Indians, when they had the chance to catch some other people with IQ still lower than theirs (though Indian average IQ is 85) did it.
    Who hasn’t had, and who hasn’t, today, black slaves?


    克林顿夫人问:“如果明天我们分拆大银行,”黑人,白人和西班牙裔工会成员的听众说,“那将终结种族主义吗? 那会结束性别歧视吗? 她结束对女同性恋,双性恋和变性者的歧视了吗?” “这会让人们在一夜之间对移民更加热情吗?”


    There’s who owns black as slaves in the USA, today.
    All what’s changed is, now slave masters have to tell “you are free” and “we love you” to their thralls.
    And they cleverly do, as the NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, CNN, show plenty to a fairly intelligent observer.
    This way, blacks reward their Democratic and liberal masters by supporting policies (like economic internationalism, and no-limit immigration) that will harm black people more than any other demographic.
    There’s been a lot of effort in the line of psychology and neurosciences to see how self-harming behaviour can be induced.
    And we are seeing it put into practice by our propaganda system.

    Arabs have slaves and had black slaves (they castrated them, so they couldn’t reproduce)
    Mongoloid Asians have slaves (they import from the Philippines, Bangladesh, India, … rather than Africa. Since they are the most dark-skin hating peoples in the world, they try to avoid Africans)
    Black Africans have slaves, other blacks, the poor in their country.

    Everytime a class or group can submit others and make them work for them, they do.
    The tale that Western Whites/Jews (see books on Jewish slave trade) have a particular inclination for slavery is a tale, motivated by racial hostility.

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  521. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    When an Indian or Chinese charges Western people with accusations of racism, they essentially make a bet.

    1) The Indian bets their interlocutor have never heard of India’s caste system, Brahmins, Sudhras, and the rest down to the Untouchables.

    They hope the other person doesn’t know that as you go up in the caste hierarchy skin becomes less dark.

    They also hope their interlocutor has never read Gandhi’s thoughts on Indian natives.

    In general, they hope their interlocutor has never been in India, or close friend of Indians. Because if they have, they know what Indians think of dark skin and black people.

    2) The Chinese… see 1).

    Or see what a Chinese PhD, talking sincerely, says:

    Despite the general acceptance among race scholars in the West that East Asians are more intelligent than whites, very few Chinese consider themselves superior to Europeans. The huge success of Europeans in modern times and the darker coloring of Asians easily lead Chinese people to think that they are situated between Europeans and Africans in terms of intelligence and social capacities.

    I am a White person, and it’s happened that I tell a Chinese I am dating a brown woman. They’ll look at me and say “Stop joking. Are you crazy?”


    • 回复: @Equalizer
  522. Equalizer 说:

    Depends on what you call dying.
    is leaving a worldwide legacy “dying”?
    The West, is, maybe, dying off as a body.
    But not as an idea.
    The rest of the world has turned West-like. In everything.

    Yes, one way to look at today’s situation.

    Starting from the frame of mind, and philosophy: the view of reality and the world.
    Where’s Taoism, COnfucianism, Buddhism, all the ancient wisdom of the East?
    Buried, forgotten. iPads made in the USA are so much more attractive.

    You are totally wrong on this. IPads are temporary. What is eternal stays. The gurus and sages of India and China are unknown to the world.

    All the world has taken the philosophy and mind of the West.

    Basically true, and that where I am warning people, both white and non-white to pick the good aspects of Western culture and not so much the bad aspects.

    You should ask yourself why Xi Jin Ping made his daughter attend university in the USA, though?
    I talk to CHinese people on a near-to-daily basis, and see they are craving to have their sons study in the USA.

    That’s reasonable since, Harvard has an outstanding name, while no Chinese university can match the reputation.

    Everybody wants to date with Whites


    Some non-whites do, but certainly not all. Most Indians, Chinese or Iranians, I have observed, usually date their own kind, mostly because dating whites is too big a cultural jump.

    No Westerner wants to eat Chinese food, but CHinese, rich and poor, are falling in mad love with Western food

    You are going a bit far. Most everybody likes Chinese food. Western fast food is a fad in China but people consider it a treat rather than a full time diet.

    How many Western Whites are interested in learning an Indian language, or Chinese?

    Obviously, the overwhelming number of Asians are learning English as compared to a small number of Westerners learning Chinese. But the number of these Westerners is not insignificant and is growing.

    Only exceptions are the Muslim area, and Russia. Muslims want to be Muslims; Russians want to be Russians.
    You should follow their example.

    Wait, are you forgetting that they also use iPads and eat at McDonalds?

    With this point, I will point out that your boundaries of “Western” versus non-Western is some what forced and artificial. Today, many of the apps and gadgets are developed and invented by people all around the world, both whites and non-whites.

    I think that you are trying to say that since the transistor was invented by white people, hence forth, that new gadgets that use transistors are therefore “Western”. This is like saying, that since gun powder was invented in China, that all of today’s explosive weapons are Chinese.

    The tale that Western Whites/Jews (see books on Jewish slave trade) have a particular inclination for slavery is a tale, motivated by racial hostility.

    Perhaps, but I, for example, gleam a bit from the reference provided by Salgertin, and found that Native Americans are accused by whites of being too lenient toward their black slaves and therefore cannot properly emulate white culture. And that reference was not particularity sympathetic toward Native Americans. Whether real or not and despite history being written by whites, it is white people that have the bad reputation of slave owners.

    I agree with you that Indians and Chinese are too obsessed with whites and their culture and copy too much. But as people’s lives get worse and worse due to over population, climate change, food and water shortages, etc, they also question the basis of their society. When modern (mostly Western) concepts can no longer help they will go back to their deeper and more spiritual roots.

  523. Equalizer 说:

    When an Indian or Chinese charges Western people with accusations of racism, they essentially make a bet………………….




    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Salger
    , @Salger
  524. Salger 说:
    @DB Cooper


    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  525. Talha 说:

    Western fast food

    Disagree – it is quite fast – but now you are going too far by acknowledging it as food.


    • 回复: @Equalizer
  526. DB Cooper 说:

    Go to Hong Kong and Taiwan and ask the people there whether Tibet was part of China OK? I am sure unless the people you ask there are into international politics, they won’t even know there is a narrative of ‘Chinese invasion of Tibet’.

    • 回复: @Salger
  527. Salger 说:














    虚弱的!总的来说,印第安人对黑人奴隶有同情心(尽管白人努力向印第安人灌输对黑人的仇恨),但白人对印第安人和黑人都是冷酷无情的。您参考资料的前几页是这样的:乔克托和契卡索印第安人居住在南方腹地地区。 1700年代,当白人侵犯他们的领土时,他们开始采取生存策略。他们决定定居下来务农,并模仿白人使用黑人奴隶,希望白人能让他们安宁,与白人成为邻居。然而,白人却提出这样那样的借口从印第安人手中夺走土地。最大的借口之一是印第安人对他们的黑人奴隶太宽容,因此他们无法正确模仿白人文化,因此必须被清除!







    你没有发布任何消息来源,并标榜自己是 SJW。

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  528. Salger 说:
    @DB Cooper


    • 回复: @DB Cooper
  529. Salger 说:



    • 回复: @Equalizer
  530. Salger 说:


  531. DB Cooper 说:

    I am cheerleader of nobody. You don’t need to listen to what people in PRC says. May be they are all brainwashed. But if that is the case how come people in Hong Kong and Taiwan also agrees with the people in PRC on this issue? And how is pointing this out anti-White?

    这恰恰说明了 MSM 里有多少废话。我认为这个网站上的人不那么容易上当受骗,但显然你不是其中之一。


    If you don’t want to spend the money just google “Map of Republic of China” a.k.a. Taiwan and see whether it includes Tibet.

  532. Salger 说:











    • 回复: @Equalizer
  533. Equalizer 说:








    When I am solid on my information I don’t need to post sources. I see you look up sources and cherry pick those bits that suit your beliefs.

  534. Equalizer 说:


    Yet, I mentioned that when Crusaders and Muslims each had roughly the same technology they fought to a stand still, despite your belief that white Europeans are innately superior. You are afraid to answer but keep referring to modern times when the Israelis have better training and weapons. BTW, the white Europeans look the part of the barbarians who invaded other’s land and committed most of the massacres, often sparing no women or child.



    • 回复: @Talha
  535. Equalizer 说:


    I inferred that’s your belief from your cynical and racist posts.

  536. Equalizer 说:

    Disagree – it is quite fast – but now you are going too far by acknowledging it as food.

    Yes, I agree. Fast food is actually killing people. There was this guy who, as an experiment, ate only fast food for 3 months. At the end of 3 months he was hospitalized with high blood pressure, and liver and heart disease.

    • 回复: @Talha
  537. Talha 说:

    IDF got their backsides handed to them in Lebanon even while having full air superiority, armored transportation and massively outnumbering the opposition. He’s talking about Arab armies from the 70s; some learned, some didn’t.


  538. Talha 说:

    Personal note; I had quit fast food like McDonald’s and BK for months and months – so I was running clean for a while. I then eventually succumbed to the temptation and ate a Whopper and it promptly caused me to vomit a few minutes later. It is not scientific so take it for what it is worth; but I have avoided those places since then.


  539. Nebula 说: • 您的网站





    GW:显然,这股力量的主要威胁作用——“震慑”——鼓励外国统治者来到明廷“进贡”。此外,郑和下西洋有时充满了暴力,以执行明朝皇帝的要求。重要的战役包括 1407 年他第一次出国执行重大任务时对苏门答腊岛巨港旧港的攻击。


    GW:明朝舰队报告有 5,000 人死亡,10 艘船只被烧毁,7 艘被俘。

    另一个来源: http://www.ari.nus.edu.sg/wps/wps04_031.pdf

    需要强调这些航行的军事方面部分原因是当前中国学术界将这些使命强调为“友谊之旅”。使团成员中很大一部分是军事人员,在 1427 年的《明实录》中,提到“曾派往西洋的精兵一万”10,000,这表明很大一部分这些舰队的成员都是训练有素的军人。显然,这样一支力量会发挥重大威胁作用,有助于鼓励顽抗的外国统治者前往明廷。然而, 也有一些时候,需要的不仅仅是军事威胁,郑和下西洋的历史充满了暴力 宦官指挥官试图执行明朝皇帝的要求。


    i) 对苏门答腊旧港绥靖监督的袭击 (1407)
    v) 攻占萨穆德拉的苏甘拉 (1415)
    vi) 大城府的暴力事件


    上述例子表明,15世纪前XNUMX年派出海上军队的目的是为了承认明朝对已知海洋世界所有政体的统治地位(或者可能是宗主权)。 为了实现这一目标,他们使用了武力或威胁。 随郑和出使前往中国的东南亚统治者的数量表明,强制肯定是这些航行的一个重要因素。出于国内仪式和安全考虑,东南亚统治者出访其他政体几乎是闻所未闻的。这一时期确实有如此多的统治者前往明朝宫廷,这表明存在某种形式的胁迫。

    “炮舰外交”并不是一个通常用于描述郑和下西洋的术语。然而,考虑到这些使团名义上参与外交,而且这些船只似乎确实是炮艇,一些使团的 26,000 名成员中可能有 28,000 人是军人,这似乎是适用于这些无敌舰队职责的合适术语。

    这些任务的目的还在于通过这种胁迫来获得对港口和航道的控制权。 所寻求的并不是对领土的控制——这是后来殖民主义带来的。相反,它是跨空间的政治和经济控制——对经济生命线、节点和网络的控制。通过控制港口和贸易路线,人们就控制了贸易,这是使团收集宝藏任务的重要组成部分。操纵这些船只的殖民军队是确保维持控制所必需的工具。 明朝通过这些海上使命,以他们的方式进行了所谓的原始海上殖民主义。 也就是说,他们参与了早期形式的海上殖民主义,通过这种方式,一个占主导地位的海上强国控制了(通过武力或威胁)沿主要东西方海上贸易网络以及海洋的主要港口政体。之间,从而获得经济和政治利益。



    • 回复: @Equalizer
  540. Nebula 说: • 您的网站




    你还声称中国的历史和任何欧洲列强一样是帝国主义的、血腥的。我再说一遍,中国就像埃及(以及苏美尔、印度)一样,是一个庞大的文明,但尽管你这么说,但并不是特别具有侵略性。你认为内部斗争非常血腥,然后将其与侵略混为一谈。不,中国的战争大多是内战(内战),而内战几乎总是非常血腥。例如,驱逐英国人可能会导致美国人死亡一万人,但赢得内战却会导致 500、000 人死亡。

    绝对是废话。今天中国政府拥有的一半土地是他们的祖先在 18 世纪和 19 世纪通过血腥征服获得的,特别是西藏、新疆和内蒙古。更不用说,由于中国的种族灭绝西扩政策,中国人故意消灭了曾经居住在中亚地区的各种土著、游牧民族。另外,如果你问任何越南人或东南亚人关于神话般的爱好和平的中国人,我敢打赌你会得到完全不同的答案。如果你认为中国仅通过和平手段就能获得如此广阔的领土,那你就太妄想了。

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  541. Nebula 说: • 您的网站





    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Equalizer
  542. Talha 说:




    “奴隶制与自由之间的界限,或者至少是奴隶制与权力之间的界限,比西方更加不稳定。奥斯曼苏丹通常将他的女儿和姐妹嫁给奴隶,在这个和许多其他伊斯兰政权中,奴隶或前奴隶达到了惊人的高位......在 11 世纪的大部分时间里统治埃及的哈里发是黑人奴隶的儿子妾……但更神秘的是高级太监所获得的荣誉。其中许多人都是这些总督和将军,在奥斯曼帝国统治下,一名黑人太监是麦加和麦地那的首席行政官。”


    And everyone knows this wasn’t one way thing, a rich Sudanese or Fulani could travel down to the slave markets Egypt and buy a White slave. Which brings me to another point…about Whites and slavery. There is no doubt that White Europeans (specifically Anglo-Saxons and French) had the most influence in getting rid of slavery, but to state “the doctor didn’t cure it fast enough, and while doing so had contracted the disease himself” is, again, hyperbolic. Slavery was in European bones for a long, long time; Romans, Greeks, Varangians, etc. and they were more than happy to enslave other Europeans and sell them to swarthy Middle Easterners for the right price. You can check the writings of Plato, Aristotle and others on this; “Natural slaves were slaves because their souls weren’t complete…”


    • 回复: @Equalizer
  543. Nebula 说: • 您的网站

    “奴隶制与自由之间的界限,或者至少是奴隶制与权力之间的界限,比西方更加不稳定。奥斯曼苏丹通常将他的女儿和姐妹嫁给奴隶,在这个和许多其他伊斯兰政权中,奴隶或前奴隶达到了惊人的高位......在 11 世纪的大部分时间里统治埃及的哈里发是黑人奴隶的儿子妾……但更神秘的是高级太监所获得的荣誉。其中许多人都是这些总督和将军,在奥斯曼帝国统治下,一名黑人太监是麦加和麦地那的首席行政官。”




    据估计,至少有 8 万人在到达伊斯兰奴隶市场之前就已经死亡。 (《天灾》2004)。

    令人厌恶的是,穆斯林辩护者阿穆尼(Amuni,2008)试图通过指出太监(只有一些)“奢侈的生活”来让伊斯兰教听起来很伟大。你不就是渴望彻底被阉割,来满足主人的欲望或者守护他的后宫吗?太监必须效忠主子,没有其他选择。他还试图让伊斯兰教看起来不错,声称一些半黑人或全黑人几乎统治了埃及(名义上的统治,摄政王),一个拥有黑人奴隶母亲和一支庞大黑人奴隶军队的残忍的人统治了摩洛哥(直到阿拉伯人袭击) )而另一个则在 1880 年代拥有一支小规模的奴隶军队统治着摩洛哥的一个小王国!经过几个世纪的伊斯兰奴隶制和数百万人的参与之后,这些荒谬的小例子是对伊斯兰教的控诉。

    斯拉夫和希腊奴隶的睾丸被切除,而非洲黑人奴隶的睾丸和阴茎则被切除(Trivkovic 2002,p174)。 伊斯兰教影响范围内(印度、亚洲等)的奴隶都被阉割。 黑人奴隶被阉割是“基于黑人性欲无法控制的假设”(scourge,2004)。


    极高的发病率和死亡率与这种做法(阉割)有关——非洲地区的死亡率高达 90%,有些地区甚至更高,即十分之一到十分之一的存活率因出血或感染而死亡(Bostom 1) ;P 10;《天灾》1)。在某些情况下,可以使用热煤烧灼伤口,但当阴茎也被切除时,这会很困难,因为这可能会导致尿道封闭,尿液无法排出,从而导致死亡。由于存活率为十分之一,可能有 30 人死亡,为巴格达的哈里发提供 2005 名黑人太监,而且这还不考虑在获取和运输奴隶期间的死亡率。。为供应这些太监而牺牲的人数令人难以置信,特别是如果每​​个穆斯林小统治者、酋长、富商、商人等都必须有一些的话。

    穿越撒哈拉或东非的奴隶死亡率为 80-90%。 许多目击者的报告指出,奴隶受到虐待,他们被锁链或捆绑,被剥夺食物、住所、水,并受到恶毒对待——即被砍伐、用烧红的熨斗烧伤、鞭打、死亡殴打、强奸,并被迫在任何天气条件下长途跋涉并携带物品。重量很大。 (Scourge 2004,Bostom 2005,Spencer 2008)儿童被从父母身边带走,家人被离散。黑人奴隶被关押在充满污物和水且狭窄的地下地牢(matamores)中。奴隶只能爬出来去奴隶市场。 (Khan 2009,第 293-294 页)。当卖给新主人时,酷刑并没有停止。

    跨大西洋运输的奴隶死亡率可能为 10%。


  544. Nebula 说: • 您的网站



    毫无疑问,欧洲白人(特别是盎格鲁撒克逊人和法国人)在废除奴隶制方面影响最大,但说“医生治愈得不够快,而且在这样做的同时自己也感染了这种疾病”是不可接受的。 ,再次,双曲线。奴隶制在欧洲根深蒂固了很长一段时间。罗马人、希腊人、瓦兰吉人等等,他们非常乐意奴役其他欧洲人,并以合适的价格将他们卖给黝黑的中东人。你可以查一下柏拉图、亚里士多德等人关于这方面的著作; “天生的奴隶之所以是奴隶,是因为他们的灵魂不完整……”



  545. Talha 说:



    And there is still sex slavery in Europe (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/romanian-girls-trafficked-sold-sex-3175123) TODAY – what’s your point? Are either of these legal in their respective jurisdictions?

    And no doubt, the fact that historically Muslims provided a high demand source for castrated slaves is a blot on our history. Of course, they weren’t the only ones – you probably already know about eunuchs in Asia. But…certain Europeans also castrated their children when dedicating them to the church. They were then valuable as slaves (grabbed by Varangians) for Byzantium or the Islamic World:

    “Later the practice of castration spread to the papal court at Rome…the use of castrates in music was especially common in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.”



    I agreed to that – did you miss it? And again, it was mostly Anglo-Saxons with support from French – not all Europeans were as involved.

    As far as your ‘source’ for your reference to your claims about slavery…I’m a busy man, I’m sure you’re busy too. I don’t have time to play whack-a-mole with inflated guess-timate claims from a anti-Islam polemic website (a dime a dozen these days) which primarily references self-published authors like Bat Ye’or, Tifkovic, Andrew Bostom, etc. Maybe you haven’t come across them before, I have – they have zero credibility with me because they lie and manipulate source texts brazenly. If you want to reference a solid academic work to back up your claims, I’ll listen, otherwise you are most welcome to your sources of ‘information’ on Islam and slavery.

    根据记录,关于这个主题的实际学术著作是这个(它声称对阿拉伯/穆斯林奴隶制造成的高死亡率估计[任何人都知道试图对 8 世纪到 18 世纪的人数进行估计都是凭空猜测] ):

    “Moreover, Azumah’s argument that ‘Arab-Islam’, together with Christianity, caused high levels of slavery in Africa contradicts evidence about the Islamic world. The institution undoubtedly existed in the Arab heartlands, but slavery was most intense on the peripheries of Islam, not only in Sub-Saharan Africa, but also in Southeast Asia and Inner Asia. This sugests that it was the influence of non-Islamic culture and customary law that raised levels of servitude…Muslims have undoubtedly displayed racist prejudices, as have the adherents of all religions, but it is misleading to portray these as either intrinsic or simply anti-Black.”



    • 回复: @Nebula
  546. Nebula 说: • 您的网站

    至于你提到关于奴隶制的主张的“来源”……我是一个忙碌的人,我相信你也很忙。我没有时间去玩打地鼠游戏,因为反伊斯兰争论网站(现在已经有很多)夸大猜测,该网站主要引用 Bat Ye'or、Tifkovic、Andrew 等自行出版的作者也许你以前没有遇到过他们,但我遇到过——他们对我的可信度为零,因为他们公然撒谎和操纵源文本。如果您想参考可靠的学术著作来支持您的主张,我会倾听,否则我们非常欢迎您使用有关伊斯兰教和奴隶制的“信息”来源。


    1. 伊斯兰统治下的奴隶死亡率远高于北美奴隶

    2. 穆斯林经常阉割他们的奴隶,这对奴隶的健康造成极其不利的后果



    死亡人数高 :各阶层奴隶的死亡人数都很高。奴隶通常来自偏远地区,缺乏免疫力,因此大量死亡。西格尔指出,最近的奴隶由于最初的囚禁和使人衰弱的旅程而变得虚弱,很容易成为气候变化和感染的受害者。 [30]儿童尤其面临风险,而伊斯兰市场对儿童的需求比美国市场大得多。许多黑人奴隶生活在容易营养不良和疾病的条件下,这影响了他们自己的预期寿命、妇女的生育能力和婴儿死亡率。 [30]迟至 19 世纪,北非和埃及的西方旅行者注意到进口黑人奴隶的高死亡率。 [31]

    [30] Segal,《伊斯兰教的黑奴》,2001 年:第 62 页
    [31] 汉森,苏西(2001)。 “伊斯兰教的黑奴”



    • 回复: @Talha
  547. Talha 说:


    First off – my sincere thanks for keeping this civil, usually at about this time people start getting juvenile – so you have my respect…and this is getting better…


    Sure, that is debatable, but I’d much rather get my information on a volatile subject such as this from people that are trained in research principles and are vetted by colleagues and have their work reviewed and criticized by their peers. As far as those other people – I kid you not, I have no qualms saying this; they are dogmatic in their hatred of Islam and they have no scruples about lying or only telling half the story. I have seen their works, it is deplorable.




    You seem to be talking details and numbers, I am talking principles since this is what the conversation was about. As I cited, gelded men were in demand in both the Islamic world, Byzantium and Europe (well into the 18th century) – simply for different purposes which accord to different economic demand pressures; why are Europeans going to be looking for harem guards? Regardless, the Muslims who carried this out went against the principles of Islamic law as the great scholar Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (ra) pointed out: “it is prohibited, and there is 没有不同意见 [this is known as concensus] concerning that in the case of the sons of Adam”. Which is not surprising because many of the people involved with this trade were indeed unscrupulous people, as this review of the same book (that you cite explains):
    “By the mid-19th century, when east African slave magnates – many of them the free sons of Arab slavers and their black concubines – ran out of infidels and animists to enslave, they, and the expanding black Islamic empires that supplied them, 规避了《古兰经》中规定的顾虑 and carried off their own on the flimsiest of criminal pretexts.” Note, many of the slavers are quite African – this detail comes into play later…


    Who is claiming the picture was ‘rosy’ for slaves anywhere? Even the highest Muslim authorities who made the fatwas for its prohibition were clear in their logic:
    “The preamble to this decision, which was approved by the two highest dignitaries of the Hanafi and Maliki rites in the country, is worth dwelling on: in it, slavery is declared to be lawful in principle but regrettable in its consequences. Of the three considerations particularized, two are of a religious nature, the third political (maslaha siy siyya): the initial enslaving of the people concerned comes under suspicion of illegality by reason of the present-day expansion of Islam in their countries; 主人不再遵守规范其权利并保护其免遭不当行为的良好待遇规则......“
    I’m glad that the institution was ended due to European pressure. If the Muslims were willing to oppress their slaves, then God reserves the right to remind them (by means of His other more powerful slaves) that they are also slaves and cannot arrogate those rights to themselves.


    Debatable, and you bring out ‘African’, but as I’ve cited, there were White slaves coming in all the time too which undermines the assumption that there was racial component to it as in the Atlantic slave trade – but due to the nature of how the majority of slaves were employed in one circumstance (manual field labor) versus the other (household servants), the same article cited comes to this conclusion:
    “For if slaves were to have had the luxury of choice between the sugar cane plantations of the West Indies or domestic service in Arabia or Istanbul – which, let’s be clear, they didn’t – a Muslim master was more often the lesser of the two evils.”


    • 回复: @Talha
  548. Talha 说:

    Forgot to cite my source for the fatwas of the Hanafi and Maliki scholars:

  549. Equalizer 说:



    Zheng He resorted to various violent tactics when his demands were not met with utmost compliance from the natives he encountered ……..i) Attack on the Old Port Pacification Superintendency in Sumatra (1407)
    v) 攻占萨穆德拉的苏甘拉 (1415)
    vi) 大城府的暴力事件

    Of the dozens of respected scholars, you choose one that is not even mentioed in most references! The thesis of your “scholar’ is that he’s just speculating on what was the real purpose in the “mind of the Ming Emperor”: “Proto-colonialism”. Colonialism is either taking over other’s land or have your people boss over other people. Since the Ming fleet did not do any thing like that, it is suggested by your reference that they wanted to intimidate others by show of the Ming’s might. SO WHAT? What does Ming have to gain by not capturing any territory or get resources??? He just make up a name, “proto-colonialism”, and you totally sucked it up. Ming is the most rich country on earth at the time, and it sent out ships,, called treasure ships to trade gifts with the rest of the world. Nothing wrong with that. The fleet include a large contingent of troops which is a prudent policy. One of the objectives is to rid the South Seas of pirates and they did. In the dozens of years of voyage, Zheng He faced the situations you mention, which again suggest that having soldiers was a prudent decision.




    The ships of Zheng’s armada were as astonishing as its reach. Some accounts claim that the great baochuan, or treasure ships, had nine masts on 400-foot-long (122-meter-long) decks. The largest wooden ships ever built, they dwarfed those of Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama. Hundreds of smaller cargo, war, and supply ships bore tens of thousands of men who brought China to a wider world.
    The fleet returned foreign ambassadors from Sumatra, India, and elsewhere who had traveled to China on the first voyage. The expeditions firmly established the Ming dynasty’s Indian Ocean trade links.
    Although notable for the imperial fleet’s only major foreign land battle, the voyage was also marked by Muslim Zheng’s offering of gifts to a Buddhist temple, one of many examples of his ecumenism.
    In this voyage’s wake, the first to travel beyond India and cross the Arabian Sea, an estimated 18 states sent tribute and envoys to China, underscoring the Ming emperor’s influence overseas.
    Zheng’s Treasure Fleet visited the Arabian Peninsula and, for the first time, Africa. In Aden the sultan presented exotic gifts such as zebras, lions, and ostriches.
    Zheng He’s fleet continued the emperor’s version of shuttle diplomacy, returning ambassadors to their native countries after stays of several years, while bringing other foreign dignitaries back to China.
    The last voyage, to Africa’s Swahili coast, with a side trip to Mecca, marked the end of China’s golden age of exploration and of Zheng He’s life. He presumably died en route home and was buried at sea.

    Zhen He exchanged gifts with the Arabs and with the Africans. Over several dozen years his voyages were mostly peaceful. Contrast this with white Europeans first encounter with Africans. In Columbus’s voyages, he has a desire to take slaves among the native (and he did), though the Spanish court was not encouraging this action! Such stark contrasts, you already know, but had to cherry pick reference that STILL supported my assertions. Why such bias. Is China occupying your country?

    • 回复: @Nebula
  550. Equalizer 说:


    Why do you even bother to post such blatant lies??? European authorities (not necessary the scientists) believed that the universe revolved around the earth, with Europe near the center and barbarian in the outer! In the early 1600’s Galileo saw the moons of Jupiter and the crescent of Venus which conclusively proved that the sun was the center of the solar system. The church immediately put a gap order on him to never speak of this! After a dozen years or so he decided to speak and he was found guilty of heresy and put in house arrest for the rest of his life. Others who were less famous suffered a lot more than Galileo.

    Around the time of Matteo Ricci, the most brave Europeans, Columbus and his crew, were not all that sure the world was round. There was fear that their ships will fall into a great water fall at the edge of the world. Matteo Ricci was a sino-phile. He spent years learning the Chinese language and the Chinese emperor patronized him. It was a mutually happy relationship. The Chinese did learn from Ricc’s maps, but remember that Columbus never made the connection that the land he discovered was NOT India. So the Europeans maps were not at all accurate. The Chinese had their own maps, as shown by the voyages of Zheng He. Your account is that the Europeans are all enlightened and had to teach basic geography to the barbarian Chinese is derived from a deep bias in your mind.

    绝对是废话。今天中国政府拥有的一半土地是他们的祖先在 18 世纪和 19 世纪通过血腥征服获得的,特别是西藏、新疆和内蒙古。

    The Manchus (not original Chinese but were later absorbed by the Chinese) did expanded during their early rule of China. Tibetans and Mongols invaded China when they were strong, so what’s wrong with the Manchus (Qing era) invading Tibet and Mogolia??? The Qings played a game of diplomacy, protector and patronage with the Tibetan rulers. Since the Qing had the upper hand in power during that time, Tibet acquiesce to be a protectorate state. You make it sound like that The Qing committed genocide to take over Tibet, but that is not true at all. The expansion into Xinjiang was more bloody, mostly a campaign against the Mongols. The Manchus will destroy any tribes that refused to accept imperial rule, but allow the tribes peace if they accept, unlike in N America where the Indians were exterminated. The Qing emperor (Qinglong), since he is not Han, decided that he would be the emperor of a multi-ethinic empire composing of Hans, Tibetans, Manchus, Mongolians, etc. So that the lands of Xinjiang, Tibet, Manchuria, and China proper are just parts of a new nation, China. You are such a cynical person but so forgiving of western aggression, so why are you so upset with China creating a multi-ethnic state???? The people who did it are are not Han but Manchu, so do you blame the Manchus??? In Tibet, there was not so much blood shed, but with Xinjiang why are you so upset with the blood shed, when the Mongols have the reputation for extermination if they ever have the power??? So Manchuria and Tibet were acquired without much blood shed and Xinjiang was acquired by conquest. What is your complain? I though you don’t like my moral ideal and thought whites are just wonderful with the non-white world???

    Overall, nearly ALL scholars agree that China is a large civilization that is NOT particularly aggressive. If the Ming had continued to rule it is probably that China would be much smaller today, since the Hans were inward looking and not that aggressive nor expansive. That you come along and say that China is an aggressive and expansive nation and culture is totally biased and is contrary to all scholarly opinion. Had you say that China was expansive during some times but not overall generally, I can accept that, but you don’t say that. However, your opinion does conform to those of ignorant whites who are insecure of their position in a rapidly changing world. Had China been truly an aggressive and expansionist nation China would be in possession of Siberia, SE Asia and more!!!

    • 回复: @Nebula
  551. Equalizer 说:













    I will not spend too much time “debating” with you, since you seem to some axe to grind. See my post to Talha regard a fundamental difference between East and West. I have said it earlier but since you are some enamored with the mechanistic west, it passed you over.

    • 回复: @Nebula
  552. Equalizer 说:


    The quote from you to Nebula regarding my “hyperbole”.


    Not only does he exaggerate, he goes to great lengths to cherry pick from references. He claims he’s Asian but does not even know that the Civil Service Exam started in China but instead claims that China was a cesspool of inequality until whites showed China to practice equality!

    Such a slavish devotion to white culture to the point of making up stuff or cherry picking references is quite unbelievable for an “Asian”.

    As for my hyperbole. I think that even you have not fully understood my point. There is a saying, “East is East and West is West”. The vast aspects of Indian culture and Chinese culture cannot be measured by western techniques. The life energies, prana and Qi are not measurable. The light of the gurus and sages are not measurable. The action of traditional medicines of Ayurveda and Chinese medicine are not IMMEDIATELY measurable by western science. They take time to work. Indians are open to the idea that their gurus can live on water and air. The Chinese are open to children that can “see” pictures inside sealed envelopes. In the west, all these are nonsense. If westerners cannot measure something it does not exist for them. You say that some in the west are open, but I say only a small minority, and that is why the West is so mechanistic. Such a stark contrast and yet you think that it is just a small gap. I disagree and that is why I am not optimistic for the West to come out of its decline. Too many people who are mechanistic and too few that are moral. The East is also corrupt and the people have taken on Western ideas too casually. Yet, somehow, they have retained some of their old thinking and have better prospects in the future.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Nebula
  553. Nebula 说: • 您的网站



    顺便说一句,杰夫·韦德(Geoff Wade)是一位受人尊敬的历史学家,专门研究中国与东南亚的历史互动,拥有香港大学博士学位,中文非常流利,曾任新加坡国立大学(NUS)高级研究员。很多年。

    这是他迄今为止发表的出版物清单 https://crawford.anu.edu.au/people/visitors/geoff-wade?tb=publication





    i) 1407 年对苏门答腊岛旧港绥靖监督所的袭击

    • 1407年,郑和第一次出国执行重大任务归来,带来了在旧港被抓获的“海盗”陈祖一,据报道,他“佯装投降,暗中密谋攻击帝国军队”。

    据报道,明朝舰队有 5,000 人死亡,10 艘船只被烧毁,7 艘被俘。同年晚些时候,明朝承认旧港政体。然而,由于那里居住着大量来自广东和福建的中国人,包括前军人和平民,因此它被认为不是一个国家。相反,它被认为是“绥靖监督”,这个术语通常用来指中国边境上由非华人统治的政体。被任命为都督石进清的人,很可能是郑和任命的代表明朝的地方统治者。

    我们在东南亚有一个中国殖民地。对这一政体的提及于 1430 年结束,暗示其命运与明朝在东南亚的持续存在息息相关,这进一步表明统治者确实是明朝国家的代理人。

    ii) 1407 年爪哇的暴力事件

    • 1407年,当郑和军队登陆爪哇时,170人在与当地军队的冲突中被杀。这些军队很可能属于明朝在东南亚海上地区霸权的主要竞争对手满者伯夷,或者是反对满者伯夷的爪哇军队,这一点确实意义重大。中国的记录表明,中国军队“上岸进行贸易”,“那里是东方国王统治的地方”,这表明中国有意或无意地卷入了爪哇内战。

    • 作为回应,明朝向西方爪哇国王提出赔偿要求。 “立即赔金六万两,赔命,赎罪……不遵,就只能出兵讨罪。”安南发生的事情可以作为一个例子。”这里指的是上面提到的明朝入侵安南。

    (iii) 1409 年对缅甸的威胁

    • 永乐在位初期,在与阿瓦缅甸争夺在云南的影响力时,特别关注穆邦(兴威)的政体。 1409年,当穆邦使者来到明廷,据报道抱怨阿瓦缅甸统治者那罗达时,永乐的回应如下:“那罗达,带着他的小棋子土地,心怀二意,行为错误。我很早就知道这一点。我之所以没有派兵去那里,是因为我担心好人会受到伤害。我已经派人指示他改弦易辙,重新开始。若不改,我便命诸将出兵。部队将从海路进攻,你可以安排你的本土骑兵从陆路进攻。卑鄙之人,是无法比拟的。”


    (iv) 1411 年袭击斯里兰卡

    • 也许最能说明宦官领导的海上航行性质的事件是 1411 年对斯里兰卡的军事入侵、当地统治者的俘虏以及他被带回现代南京的明朝宫廷。攻入王城,俘虏了国王,消灭了他的军队,并将国王和他的家人带回了宫廷。

    有人说佛牙舍利也被盗走,但没有当代文献支持这一点。正如在云南发生的类似情况,明朝任命傀儡统治者取代国王,大概是为了做出对明朝有利的事情。远征斯里兰卡归来的中国军队也得到了同样的方式和等值的奖励。与 1406 年入侵大越的军队相比,这表明这些军队的目标相似。

    (v) 1415年攻占萨穆德拉的苏干拉

    • 海上使团的目的和方法的另一个例子可以在1415 年看到,当时据报道的“萨穆德兰强盗首领”苏甘拉被郑和从苏门答腊岛抓获并带到中国。虽然1414年和1415年确实发生的事件由于来源相互矛盾而仍不清楚,但郑和和他的军队很可能介入苏门答腊岛北部的内战,支持与明朝不敌对的一方并参与战争反对对方。我们再次看到海上远征主要作为军事力量的例子,试图在我们现在所知的东南亚和印度洋地区强加和平。

    (六) 大城府的暴力事件

    • 在1618 年的《东西洋考》中,张勰报道了郑和在15 世纪初下令夷平大城至少一座佛塔的说法。文字在“地标”部分下注明:“西方佛塔:这座佛塔没有尖顶。据说,蛮族初建佛塔时,就顺利完成了。但郑和下令将其夷为平地,后来虽再三努力,却再也未能完成。”

    (vii) 其他暴力

    • 费辛报道说摩加迪沙人民好争吵,暗示与中国人有一些不和,而罗茂登 1597 年的小说《三宝太监西洋记通俗演义》似乎对航海事件有一定的根据,也指出了中国军队对阿拉伯半岛上一座名叫拉萨的城市使用了火药炸药,并在整个航程中进行了各种残酷和屠杀。


  554. Nebula 说: • 您的网站





    16 世纪的中国:马太·利玛窦日记,1583-1610。




    无论利玛窦走到哪里,他的地图和地球仪都令人惊叹。在南京,县长“非常高兴地研究”一张世界地图,“想知道他能在如此小的表面上看到广阔的世界。” (第 301-2 页)在北京,皇帝用丝绸制作了利玛窦绘制的世界地图的大版画,共十二份,以便将它们送给他的儿子和其他亲戚。 (第 536 页)

    这些地图引起了如此兴奋,正如利玛窦解释的那样,在他到达之前,“中国人从未见过对整个地球表面的地理展示,无论是以地球仪的形式还是以地图的平面形式呈现,他们也没有见过地球表面被子午线、纬线或度数划分的情况。” (第326页)

    “中国人……对世界的总体情况一无所知……他们的宇宙仅限于他们自己的十五个省份,在周围绘制的大海中,他们放置了一些小岛,并为这些岛屿赋予了不同王国的名称。”他们听说过。所有这些岛屿加起来还没有中国最小的一个省那么大。” (第 166-7 页)”

    “以前,他们认为……地球是平的。他们不知道整个地球表面都有人居住,也不知道人类可以生活在地球的另一边而不会掉下来。” (第 325 页)

    中国人同样对欧洲的理论数学和天文学感到惊讶。利玛窦在德国耶稣会士克里斯托弗·克拉维乌斯(Christopher Clavius)的指导下研究了这些科目,克里斯托弗·克拉维乌斯是当时最重要的数学家之一,负责制定公历,现在所有非穆斯林国家都使用公历。亚里士多德早在两千多年前就解释了逻辑演绎的规则。然而,利玛窦指出,中国人“没有逻辑规则的概念”。 (第 30 页)因此,利玛窦和一位中国基督徒皈依者将欧几里得几何原理的前六本书翻译成普通话:

    “没有什么比欧几里得几何原理更让中国人高兴的了。这也许是由于……中国的……教学方法,他们提出各种各样的命题,但没有论证。这样一个系统的结果是,任何人都可以自由地发挥他对数学的最疯狂的想象力,而无需提供任何明确的证明。相反,在欧几里得中,他们认识到一些不同的东西,即按顺序提出的命题,并且如此明确地证明了即使是最顽固的人也无法否认它们。” (第 476-7 页)

    至于天文学,利玛窦记录说,中国人“没有意识到月食是地球在月球和太阳之间造成的……他们才知道太阳比整个地球还大”。 (第 325、327 页)


    “他们对星星的计数比我们天文学家的计算足足有四百颗……尽管如此,中国天文学家还是不遗余力地将天体现象归结为数学学科……他们把整个天体集中起来。关注天文学的那个阶段,我们的科学家称之为占星学。” (第 30-31 页)”


    • 回复: @Equalizer
  555. Equalizer 说:


    The title of his work, in 2004, is call “Zheng He Voyages: a Reassessment” !!!


    So what is his reassessment ???? Since the Ming did not capture any territory, nor place their people to lord over others, nor steal resources, what is Wade thinking??? Well, he is saying (actually speculating) that the Ming Emperor is practicing “proto-colonialism”. What is proto-colonialism? Something to do with power projection, making people in awe of Ming power.


    所以你的参考资料是说明朝相当正常并且政治上很精明。因此,他说航行背后的政治因素比流行故事所暗示的要多。所以呢?而且,对于几十年来的7次航行来说,暴力事件并不多。那么你的观点是什么 ???你似乎因为试图推动某些观点而感到愤怒。但这有什么意义呢???中国在海上犯罪方面比白人更加暴力?你到底想开什么车???

    Talha says that he’s busy and prefers not to get into some spitting match. Same here. I do not want to get into a spitting match with some one with an axe to grind. If you have a problem with China occupying your land,for example, just say so instead of this underhanded, dishonest debate.

    • 回复: @Nebula
  556. Nebula 说: • 您的网站

    在其他地方,利玛窦神父观察到,“他们原始的天文学科学对偏心轨道和本轮一无所知。” (第 326 页)所以他制作了“天文球体和球体……说明了天空……当这些不同的装置被展示并解释了它们的用途时,显示了太阳的位置、星星的轨迹和地球的中心位置,”利玛窦“被视为世界上最伟大的天文学家。” (第 169 页)


    到1600年,欧洲的技术和应用数学也已经远远优于中国。利玛窦写道,时钟“是一个奇迹之物”。 (第201页)中国人不仅对钟表报时感到惊讶,而且对它们每小时敲响钟声感到惊讶。里奇指出,“他们永远无法弄清楚它如何在没有人触摸的情况下自动响起。” (第 194 页)时钟并不是唯一让中国人眼花缭乱的欧洲发明。里奇提到的众多方法之一是使用四肢按度数分级的象限来测量距离。 “他们惊奇地发现,人们可以通过象限来计算塔的高度、沟渠或山谷的深度,或者道路的长度,”利玛窦指出。 (第326页)在南京,他让公众参观他给皇帝带来的礼物:“参观者成群结队地前来参观。

    这些礼物的新颖性超出了他们的预期,以至于许多人惊讶得失去了赞美它们的能力,而且他们似乎乐此不疲地检查它们并谈论它们。” (第 348 页)

    利玛窦还指出,中国历法不准确,尽管中国天文学家花费了大量时间试图预测日食,但他们犯了“无数错误”。 (第31页) 1629年,利玛窦去世后,皇帝的天文学家预测,日食将在10月30日上午21点11分发生,持续两个小时。耶稣会士预测日食发生在 30 点 XNUMX 分,仅持续两分钟。

    耶稣会士的预测是准确的。结果,皇帝要求耶稣会士修改中国历法。耶稣会士在 16 世纪和 17 世纪引入中国的其他创新包括阿基米德螺杆泵(一种装有螺杆的气缸,用于提水灌溉)、代数符号、望远镜、对数表、计算尺等欧洲发明。用于制造刻度尺和测微螺钉等仪器的工具。


    他们不挖地基,只是把大石头放在未破损的地面上;或者,如果他们挖地基,深度也不会超过一两码……他们的大多数建筑物都是用木头建造的,或者如果是砖石建造的,那么它们就会被木柱支撑的屋顶所覆盖。” (第 19-20 页)






    准噶尔人是17世纪初突然出现的几个藏传佛教卫拉特部落的联盟。准噶尔汗国是亚洲最后一个伟大的游牧帝国。一些学者估计,大约 80% 的准噶尔人口,即大约 500,000 至 800,000 人,在 1755 年至 1757 年清朝征服期间或之后死于战争和疾病。清政府消灭了准噶尔原住民后,又将汉族、回族、维吾尔族、锡伯族和满族旗人重新安置在准噶尔的国营农场里。




    300年,爪哇人向明朝进贡了1381名黑奴。1460年,明朝镇压苗族叛乱时,他们阉割了1,565名苗族男孩,其中329人死亡,他们随后被变成了太监奴隶。这件事发生在正统皇帝(英聪或英宗)统治时期。由于 329 名男孩死亡,更多的男孩需要被阉割。





    • 回复: @Equalizer
  557. Equalizer 说:


    I am not going to spend too much time with you. You obviously have an axe to grind. But I will say that your reference showed the Chinese very open to European ideas and mathematics and to Ricci’s ideas. Your reference states that very clearly. They are not at all a closed minded people.


    • 回复: @Nebula
  558. Nebula 说: • 您的网站













    无论如何,中国历史上是一个非常贫穷的国家,少数上层阶级控制着国家的大部分财富。每一位到过 1900 年代之前的中国的外国游客都注意到这种严重的财富不平等,这就是为什么中国的历史总是不时出现暴力的农民起义。如果每个人都幸福,为什么还要发生那么多的血腥屠杀?此外,科举考试是亚洲人缺乏创造力,追求学术只是为了获得声望和社会地位,而不是因为他们真正对这个学科感兴趣的核心原因,这损害了我们在真正精英中的竞争力。如果牛顿或爱因斯坦出生在中国,他们都会是一个高级官僚,这是一个悲剧。

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  559. Equalizer 说:


    Apples and oranges. Mongols, around 1200AD. European imperialism, around 1500 to 1900. Besides, the Mongols ransacked Russia but did not reach Europe proper. On the other hand, the Manchus, Mongols, and Tibetans were neighbors and had see saw struggles. Who ever had the upper hand will kill the others. Generally, you want to drive a point and you will use apples and oranges to do so. That’s why I don’t think you are a good debater.



    • 回复: @Nebula
  560. Nebula 说: • 您的网站





    • 回复: @Equalizer
  561. Nebula 说: • 您的网站


    好吧,历史是由天才和精英创造的,而不是你的普通邻居乔。我什至并不是说普通的欧洲/美国人比普通的亚洲人更聪明,但我可以绝对肯定地说的一件事是,白人精英现在比亚洲精英更具求知欲。毕竟,推动人类文明前进的聪明人寥寥无几,而亚洲人靠死记硬背、考试取胜、进入名牌大学、以中等水平从事中上层工作,是不可能赢得这场战斗的。 -上层收入。其中一些是文化因素,但我也相信东亚人缺乏野心或个性的特征有一定的遗传学基础。

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  562. Talha 说:

    Hey Equalizer,

    You are talking to a Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Sufi (inheritor of the great spiritual tradition of the Central Asian Khwajagan and the masters of India) so no need to explain the importance of the spiritual aspects of life – I’m already sold! While I do think you are not giving the Western tradition some of the credit it deserves, I completely agree with you that it has become way too materialistic. And if it keeps its only yard-stick of progress as the material world, it will never get out of the downward spiral. However, I am more optimistic than you it seems – I believe (and hope and pray) that a new West will indeed arise from the ashes and it will see more eye-to-eye with the great spiritual traditions of the East because it will be seeing with the eye of the heart. Anybody – East or West – that does not innocculate themselves against the great materialist malady that is spreading will have the same sad fate.


    • 回复: @Equalizer
  563. Nebula 说: • 您的网站





  564. Equalizer 说:


    You had to know that Emperor Yongle died before all the voyages were completed. The 7th and one of the largest voyage was under the orders of Yongle’s sucessor. You lied. If the emperor is out for the gains you mentioned, he sure was taking his time. His successor also did the same, with little to gain. But the gains you mentioned, even if true, why is that so awful?

    • 回复: @Nebula
  565. Nebula 说: • 您的网站



  566. Equalizer 说:


    Well, you are certain of yourself, but so are mediocre thinkers. Your thinking is very typical western: Genius and biological determinism. Asians tend to place more trust on hard work and good responsibility. I can tell you who will “win” (the Asians obviously). Genius and biological determinism are ego created concepts, that may seem to be true, but not true over centuries. If taken to extreme such as by you and by many white people, it leads uneven growth and to arrogance and that will be the down fall. Talha will understand me, but you with your short term egotistical outlook will not understand me.

    When non-egotistical people “win”, the world will be in a better place. To you, better means “winning” over intellect, resources, and power. Wholly superficial goals. All your concepts are to make you or some white person feel good. The universe does not care if you feel good or if a white person is a genius or if a black person is a genius. But it will assist the flow of that which is accordng to its nature.

    • 回复: @Nebula
    , @Wins
  567. Equalizer 说:

    You are talking to a Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Sufi (inheritor of the great spiritual tradition of the Central Asian Khwajagan and the masters of India) so no need to explain the importance of the spiritual aspects of life – I’m already sold!

    Greetings! The Sufis work on the heart. The Western world places maximum emphasis on the intellect. That is why computer scientists make good money but artists make little money. I work with my guru who’s focus is on love and remembrance. I work on the intellect by my self, because I think the intellect is also important but the heart always comes first.

  568. Equalizer 说:


    But you don’t know that civil service exams started in China. You also don’t seem to know Asian history but do quick study and cherry pick items that favor your beliefs. You seemed determined to make sure that we get the message that whites are more gifted than Asians. So what kind of Asian are you?

    无论如何,中国历史上是一个非常贫穷的国家,少数上层阶级控制着国家的大部分财富。每一位到过 1900 年代之前的中国的外国游客都注意到了这种严重的财富不平等


  569. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Gene Su

    The immigrant experience is rough and it’s one of those things that can probably only truly be understood by living it. It has an element of survivalism to it and if those immigrant parents believe that education is the way to make it, any hint of failure is viewed as threat to a persons survival! I’ve seen Mexican immigrants work themselves so hard that it’s going to cut off at least 20-30 years off their lives. In Palo Alto a trend exists where Asian kids jump in front of trains to escape the pressures of high school. 1st generation East Indians, the wealthiest immigrant group in America, have told me the only thing that was acceptable in their homes growing up was reading, studying, or working. My father was forced to shave his head starting in grade school in order to have the least amount of distractions from studying (I found this out when he flipped out after I buzzed my hair short, since all he wanted growing up was a head of hair). This experience is also consistent among previous 1st generation Italians, Irish, Scotish, ect. Now it seems to be heavily an Asian phenomenon, probably due to immigration trends among educated professional classes. I have always been fascinated by the generational experiences of families and people I encounter, especially the elderly and I will sit for hours listening to their stories. I’ve discovered that immigrants on average, except those that experience war, by far have the hardest experiences and instill grit and discipline in a way that most American would view as borderline abusive and the antithesis to a meaningful life. Next time you have chance ask around and you will hear what I’m talking about. For me to think that I would push our kid so hard in school that they would possibly commit suicide is delusional, yet it’s a phenomenon is some communities. Also IQ and hard work go hand and hand, so the more one studies the greater their IQ increases and the better and faster one becomes at learning. On the opposite side of the spectrum the spread of non-reality based beliefs, like Zionism, that has become prevalent among many in the Jewish community, like any dogma, has been in conflict to intellectualism thus creating a restraint on fact based inquiry and reality based learning. Yet there is still hope for non-immigrant Americans, finding a practical passion seems to also lead to a high level of success.

  570. Nebula 说: • 您的网站





    这种故意使用屠杀的做法几乎完全被现代学者所忽视。准噶尔人作为一个国家和一个民族消失了,准噶尔草原几乎完全没有人口。胜无忌魏源在他的清军征战史中估计准噶尔总人口为600,000万,他说:“几十万户人家,百分之四十死于天花,百分之二十逃往俄国人和哈萨克人。” ,百分之三十被大军杀死。妇女儿童被送给别人做奴仆……数千里,没有一处准噶尔帐篷。准噶尔留下了一个空白的社会空间,由国家发起的由数百万汉族农民、满族旗人、突厥斯坦绿洲定居者、回族和其他人组成的定居运动重新填补”

    [珀杜,p。 285.他所说的“种族灭绝”的完整描述]

  571. Nebula 说: • 您的网站





    1424年,永乐皇帝驾崩。他的继任者洪熙皇帝(1424-1425 年在位)在他短暂的统治期间停止了航行。郑和在洪熙之子宣德皇帝(1426年至1435年在位)统治时期再次下西洋,但此后中国宝船队的航行就结束了。玄德认为他父亲停止下西洋的决定是有功的,因此“祖父派遣郑和下西洋的事不必详述”。




    • 回复: @Anonymous
  572. Wins 说:


    There is no points arguing with that Nebula guy. He will just ignore the facts and lie. If he has no problems lying from time to time, why should you take his words that he is an east Asian as he claimed himself to be? Mr Nebula may be a smart guy like the superior white race in his mind, but others are not stupid. All he’s been trying to do is to make sure we get his message, for example, that “don’t lump in Indians with East Asians, Indian culture has a long, proud history… they are more closer to a Caucasoid than a Mongoloid. East Asians are the one severely lacking intellectual curiosity.” Any reasonable person can easily see through his level of insecurity when he deliberately belittled one group and blatantly exaggerated the achievements of the other.

    • 回复: @Equalizer
  573. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    [Using multiple handles for “sockpuppetry” here is not permitted. Continue it, and expect all your future comments to be summarily trashed.]

    I think it’s pretty obvious to everyone that Equalizer has lost the debate. The guy is a perpetual liar and genocide apologist. You should just ignore him and move on because he’s not worth your time.

  574. Nebula 说: • 您的网站

    与此同时,SJWland 之外:












    据阿拉伯作家阿布·扎伊德·哈桑·阿斯-西拉菲(Abu Zayd Hasan As-Sirafi)称,黄巢领导的中国叛军在占领和征服时屠杀了犹太人、穆斯林阿拉伯人、穆斯林波斯人、琐罗亚斯德教徒(又称帕西人或马兹达教徒)和基督徒。 878年至879年,黄巢的军队驻扎在广州。



    死亡人数可能为 120,000 万至 200,000 万外国人。

    “外国人在不同时期定居中国;但停留一段时间后,他们就被屠杀了。例如,伊斯兰教徒和其他人在九世纪在广州定居; 889年,据说有120,000万外国定居者被屠杀。”

    — 美国浸信会海外宣教协会,《浸信会传教士杂志》(1869 年)


  575. Equalizer 说:


    I think he’s just some insecure white dude. But I disagree that he is smart. His responses have the logic of an immature child.


    This lack of morals (lying is so easy for them, “fork tongues”), the arrogance and the inflexibility of mind are contributing a great part to the demise of the West today.

    He is so insecure that he made up another handle “Rosku” to support himself.

    • 回复: @Nebula
  576. Nebula 说: • 您的网站




    中国的印度化 http://chr.sagepub.com/content/50/3/177.abstract

    “印度在文化上征服并统治了中国长达 20 个世纪,但从未派遣过任何士兵越过边境。”


  577. Nebula 说: • 您的网站

    这很有趣,因为我认为你是一个自我憎恨、被电脑洗脑、宣扬美德的 SJW 白人自由主义者,患有黄热病,被东方神秘主义所淹没。






    • 回复: @denk
  578. denk 说:

    those ‘unimaginative’ east asians especially the chinese are 建设 世界各地的基础设施,
    the ‘creative’ caucasoids’ are 破坏 它。


    • 回复: @Nebula
  579. Nebula 说: • 您的网站









    • 回复: @denk
  580. denk 说:

    u’r repeating yourself but missing my point.

    there’r too many smart ass who think its their god given right to rule the planet.
    the world could definitely do with less of these ‘innovative’ culture devoted to 掠夺、征服和杀戮.

    ‘With U.S. robotic advancements, 我看到的只有毁灭、杀戮和对生命的极度憎恨。 Call me naive — please — but I gladly choose the reverence for life displayed by Japan’s robotics industry over what its U.S. counterpart shows. ‘


    真丢脸。 !

    • 回复: @Nebula
  581. Nebula 说: • 您的网站



    • 回复: @denk
  582. denk 说:


    这应该是21世纪 era of ‘civilisation‘, forchrissake !
    u’r telling me the ‘democratic’ west committed genocides in indonesia, nam, laos, cambodia, india,chile, exyugo [hell, a caucasian country !], iraq, libya….is justified cuz the 蒙古人 数千年前,在军事征服成为常态的时代,欧洲遭到蹂躏???

    • 回复: @Nebula
  583. Nebula 说: • 您的网站




    • 回复: @Talha
  584. denk 说:

    the west especially murkka claim to be ‘champion of human rights’, ‘guardian of international law’.
    但他们屠杀了 印度尼西亚人、菲律宾人、老挝人、柬埔寨人、
    , ….in the 21 century , wait a minute, this is pay back for the crimes of 蒙古人 几千年前。
    who’r the hypocrites ??

    i’ve seen lots of empire apologists, but for sheer gall u take the cake !

    • 回复: @Nebula
    , @Equalizer
  585. Nebula 说: • 您的网站



    • 回复: @denk
  586. denk 说:

    ‘Karma is a bitch, isn’t it?

    Europe has suffered a lot under the yoke of Asian imperialism, notably by the Huns and then by the Mongols. That’s two times where Asians have invaded Europe and destroyed their civilization by committing mass murder and stealing their wealth. It’s only fair for Caucasoids to strike back.’

    i wish u have the courage to tell all these victims of western imperialism , the grenadians, panamians, iraqis, vietnamese, congolese, nicaraguans,chileans, chagosians….face to face,
    ‘dont blame the west, its the mongolians fault’

  587. Equalizer 说:

    You are wasting your time talking to a white supremacist who knows almost nothing about Asian culture except through quick study, so that no matter what you say, he will do a quick study and cherry pick bits that he likes, without shame. He lies without shame, for example, claiming that he is Asian.

    He did not know that China started the civil service exams and that it was Europe that copied this fair system of government. Of course, after I burst-ed his ignorance he then twisted it to say that this invention made the Chinese so lacking in creativeness, unlike the vaunted creativeness of white people. So one cannot debate rationally with this guy.

    He refused to respond to the evils of the white generals ordering the destruction of the electrical, water and sewage systems in Iraq and Libya causing immense hardship and diseases among civilians. There is tremendous EVIL in the West. The evil runs from low level people all the way to the top. But most people in the West are not introspective. So just let them stew in their evil, there is nothing that one can do.

    • 回复: @denk
  588. denk 说:

    i fully expect to read more nonsense from him this morning,
    this’s a very sneaky customer who even resort to sockpuppetry.

    his claimed identity is also suspect but my hunch say he’s prolly
    an indian troll.

  589. Nebula 说: • 您的网站

    与此同时,SJWland 之外:




    • 回复: @Talha
  590. Talha 说:


    …within the first generation – google the “khawarij” – extremist strains have always existed. They rear their ugly heads every few centuries. Mongols had nothing specific to do with it (though their wanton destruction was a horror to behold) – they simply created the environment for it to arise again. If anything, many of the Mongol conquerors themselves became Sufis or supporters of Sufi orders – the Khawajagan flourished in the various Khanates.


    600+ – baby!

  591. Talha 说:


    …wait…so are you Asian? Or was that all a dance? Just for the record, you’ll probably have to wait in line – the sentiment I get from many people around here is: The world should unite strong against the Muslims, or else humanity’s hope is lost.

    Sorry, you’ll have to take leftovers.


    • 回复: @Nebula
  592. Nebula 说: • 您的网站




    激进分子经常引用泰米亚(Taymiyyah)……圣战组织的宪法经常引用伊本·泰米亚(Ibn Taymiyyah),特别是在提到他与蒙古人的战斗时。



    如果没有伊本·泰米亚……今天的穆斯林世界可能会被苏菲主义所统治,全球图景将完全不同。伊本·泰米亚 (Ibn Taymiyyah) 是连接现代伊斯兰教与一世纪的桥梁。他直接负责使伊斯兰教回归其根源并建立原教旨主义心态。





    • 回复: @Talha
  593. Talha 说:


    You wouldn’t be lumping Asians (Mongoloids being a significant number of humanity) into one fat category and saying something like:
    “The world should unite strong against the Mongoloids, or else humanity’s hope is lost.”


    Really, a book by a Christian book publisher – by and ex-Muslim ‘expert’ on Islam – seriously?


    That ‘move’ – Sufism – had been around far longer than the times contemporaneous with Ibn Taymiyyah (ra).




    And this, of course, ignores the fact (like many Orientalists and Salafi/Wahhabi extremists do) that Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah (ra) belonged to a Sufi Order (Qadiriyyah), as reported in multiple works by his own words as well as his students – as the case with many of his fellow contemporaneous scholars:

    No problem – since you refuse to acknowledge the existence of the Khawarij, and groups like the al-Mohads, Qarmatis, Fatimids, etc. and the cyclical nature of the extremist strains within Islam that had nothing to do with the Mongol invasions (connected neither by time nor geography) – I’ll have to call it quits and let you get back to your exchanges with others; though this does call into question some of the legitimacy of your sources for your previous claims. As I am not an expert in most of the issues you had been debating on (Asian/Sino history and politics) I steered clear and took things at face value. This subject, I do know a great deal about and it certainly does seem you are cherry-picking your sources with respect to this to back up your claims.


  594. Nebula 说: • 您的网站







    “一个灌输绝对道德标准并依赖于人们发展良知的社会,从定义上来说就是一种内疚文化。 ……在羞耻是一种主要制裁的文化中……当一个人公开自己的错误时,即使是向忏悔神父,也不会感到宽慰。只要他的不良行为不“传到外面的世界”,他就不必感到困扰。 ……真正的耻辱文化依赖于对良好行为的外部制裁,而不是像真正的内疚文化那样,依赖于内在的罪孽信念。 ……[羞耻]需要观众,或者至少需要一个男人对观众的幻想。内疚则不然。”



    • 回复: @Talha
  595. Talha 说:




    However, you state an absolute (with regards to the way Mongoloids are hard-wired)…


    “He sacked all the cities of the Muslims, and without consulting his kinsemen, has brought about the death of the Caliph. With the help of God I will call him to account for so much innocent blood.” as reported by the Muslim historian Rashid ad-Din.

    He then went to war against him – his own blood – nobody shamed him into it. The problem with writing in such absolutes is that one needs find just one exception to bring the whole thing down. I keep warning everyone of employing hyperboles – human nature and history is far too complex for that.


    • 回复: @Nebula
  596. Nebula 说: • 您的网站


    当然,每个人都有一个谱系,并不是每个东亚人都是这样,这需要令人作呕地阐明吗?我在这里谈论的是具有统计学意义的平均群体差异,明白吧。当像 Equalizer 这样的人以绝对的方式恶毒地攻击西方文明时,我也没有看到很多人大声疾呼要求细微差别。

    • 回复: @Talha
  597. Talha 说:


    Look bro, around the same time frame, a Western European Christian army sacked/raped/pillaged the Orthodox Christian city of Constantinople – everyone is prone to group delusion.

    当像 Equalizer 这样的人以绝对的方式恶毒地攻击西方文明时,我也没有看到很多人大声疾呼要求细微差别。

    You didn’t see me asking Equalizer to turn the notch back some because he was going too far in painting with too broad a brush?


  598. Nebula 说: • 您的网站





  599. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    If your’e an “intelligent white male” why should you compete in the rat race towards Harvard, MIT etc.? Earning a life and and wife filled with opportunities to exploit you.

    You will stuck in an sense- and meaningless consumer world. If your’e “intelligent” “white” and “male” you avoid this, hide your skills and go your own way.

    So imho a lot of them don’t show up in this arena.

    There’s a speech from the dope smoker scene: “Smoking grass let’s you do everything than without, but you aware it’s not worth the effort”.

  600. Erik L 说:
    @Hbd investor

    > 许多白人欢迎第三世界移民,因为西班牙裔智商高达 3
    > 或者叙利亚人的智商比亚洲人的智商 98 更接近白人的 105。


  601. Anonymous [AKA "The_Observer"] 说:

    Having lived in NYC for 15 years and having Jewish friends and acquaintances some of the reasons for the decline in Jewish children entering Stuyvesant and other selective schools are:

    (1) Many Jewish people having succeeded now have the financial means to send their children to the expensive private schools with their own career pathway logic

    (2) Jewish parents know that the selective public schools with a large free lunch component will not be looked on as favourably as the private schools for Ivy league university entrance.

    (3) Many Jewish people are marrying later and are also choosing to have fewer children. The Asian immigrants may also be choosing to have fewer children but there are more of them coming to the USA each year.

    (4) Consequently because of the Asian component and other demographic characteristics (income, etc) the grades required by students from the selective public schools may be much higher for Ivy League universities and the better public universities. See controversy regarding grade point admission for whites, Asians, Blacks and Hispanics.

    (5) The longer periods of Jewish entry to American Ivy universities have left a trail of legacy places where their children gain entrance easier. For the time being the Asians to gain admission to those universities with an elevated SAT/ACT score.

  602. Z 说:
    @Priss Factor


    说印度政府将向全世界派遣无数印度人是错误的。 它实际上相反。 印度政府正在积极尝试 a) 吸引在国外的印度人到印度和 b) 尽最大努力控制其人口(印度人口最多的两个邦的总和生育率从 4.4,4.3、3.1 下降到 3.4 和 XNUMX九年。这是惊人的。世界上可能除了中国以外,没有一个国家在没有移民的情况下记录了 TFR 的下降。所有其他国家的 TFR 都低于这个,有些州的 TFR 低于人口更替水平。这意味着他们的人口将将来实际上会缩小。

  603. Z 说:


    我怀疑星云是印度人。 他似乎也在为印度的欧洲殖民主义辩护。

  604. @Duke of Qin

    Lol, I just started seriously using Chinese internet products recently. Most of all Weiyun (微云), which gives 3 TB storage for only 10 RMB (< $2) / month. I uploaded a ton of my photos and videos on there. If you're a real Han chauvinist, you should definitely use that instead of Google Drive. Google is an overtly anti-Chinese company.

    I also started using Tencent's Foxmail.com email, along with QQ邮箱 client on my phone. Their UI is pretty good. I'm also writing this reply on QQ Browser, which I just installed. Time to do away with Chrome completely. I still use Mac and iPhone though, but I should do away with those soon too. I'll buy a ThinkPad (which comes with Windows preinstalled sigh) and install Ubuntu on it, and for phone, a Xiaomi, which my sister, an Apple-hater, already uses. Oh, that reminds me of

    Kong is critical of Western culture. He has supported a boycott of the film Kung Fu Panda 2, calling it an instrument of cultural invasion by the West.[23] After the Apple Inc. co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs died in 2011, Kong remarked that “the more people like Steve Jobs die, the better”.[1]


    I also use WeChat much more extensively now. If you want to chat with me, email me at gmachine at gmachine1729.com and I’ll give you my WeChat info.

  605. Anonymous [AKA "zeroxmachine"] 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Lol. You’re so wrong. I am a half AJ/Chinese person and I was not raised Jewish, nor did I even know until I took a DNA test. Furthermore, I look Chinese and that lowers my dating pool to Asians. I will probably marry an East Asian woman.



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