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特朗普对欧洲卷毛狗:“翻滚。 吠。 求...爬行。

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I don’t get it. I know, I know, I’m just some mutt in Mexico with a computer, and easily puzzled. But…huh? Trump, we are told, pulled off a master stroke in Singapore. All the world reels at this astonishment. We see Talleyrand and Metternich rolled into one gorgeous taco. But…but….

Who did the doing, and who got done?

What really happened, as best I can tell: For years America’s relation with North Korea was its usual one of military intimidation: Submit, or we will forever keep you in poverty if we don’t actually bomb you into rubble, a point kept in North Korean consciousness by annual military exercises aimed at Pyongyang. OK. Business as usual. The Empire barks.

Then this kid Kim decides to build his own deliverable nukes, tell Washington to bugger off, and starts launches. Worse, or better depending on your viewpoint, he rants about turning the US into lava. Washington suddenly pays attention to the North as it never had before.

Cute, huh?

The part about the lava was, sez me, gifted diplomacy. Kim, no fool, couldn’t have actually envisioned attacking the US nuclear-wise. Ah, but: Gordon Liddy once said that if your behavior is unpredictable, and your response to provocation wildly out of proportion to the offense, no one will screw with you. Works.

Then this guy Moon gets elected Prez of the South on a platform of reconciliation and cuddling with the North. Kim thought this was peaches and the two of them started working on it.

The United States had nothing to do with this.

As part of hugs and kisses, the Koreas decided to field joint athletic teams in the Winter Olympics in the South. Gee willikers, Batman! What a concept! The world was, reasonably enough, charmed.

Trump had nothing to do with this either. In fact he was strongly against it. Recall that he told Vice Cipher Mike Pence that, when the joint team entered the stadium, to refuse to stand. Mike Kaeperpence obediently engaged in this adolescent prank. Trump 不是 in favor of peace, love, and–worse–unification.

Then Kim, as always a very smart cookie if an accomplished monster, invited Trump to sit down and talk. Kim did this, not Trump. Who was running the love-in?

So we then saw the seventy-two-year-old master of the most powerful, indispensable, exceptional nation in history, population over three hundred million, flying to Asia to see the thirty-something dictator of an impoverished country of twenty-five million.

Trump went to Asia, not Kim to the West. The symbolism can’t have been lost on eastern lands. Trump gushed about what a great guy Kim is. They were best pals. They would have each other over for dinner.

Net result? Well, things are lots better for the world. Already Russia and the Koreas have revived the idea of a gas pipeline to South Korea. But…wasn’t it Pompeo who said that nothing would be acceptable but total immediate denuclearization, grrr, bow-wow, woof woof woof? Didn’t happen.

The whole circus was driven entirely by the by the Koreas and, you can bet, China in the background. Such unwonted Korean independence is not popular with supporters of the American Empire, who need enemies, but how can you be against peace?

All very bad for the Empire, but good for America and, potentially, everybody else. Why? China doesn’t want American troops on the peninsula. Neither does the North. Neither does the South. No country likes occupation troops of another country, and another race, diddling its daughters and breaking up bars. If peace unfortunately comes, Korea–singular–is likely to suggest that Washington take its toys and go home.

Bad. Very bad. It would weaken Washington’s anti-Chinese wall of South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and, though shakily, the Philippines. See?

OK, Europoodles. In the struggle between Washington’s military and China’s economy, America’s European vassals form a crucial football. They have to be kept under American control. This is what NATO does. Left alone, Europe would contentedly buy oil from Iran and sell it airliners. It would buy Russian gas and sell stuff to Russia. The effect would be to loosen America’s iron grip on the throat of Europe.

This has to be stopped at almost any cost. If the European peninsula of Asia were to integrate itself into the rest of Asia, precisely what Beijing has in mind, the Empire would be over, over, over. America is a medium-sized country, China a big country, and Eurasia a gynormous, sprawling, motingaator behemoth. And it is all in one piece. Think railroads and pipelines.

Blocking trade with Iran is also important to Israel and the Jewish lobbies that largely control American foreign policy. Yet if these did not exist the Empire would still require the neutering of Iran and keeping the Poodles from trading with Asia. They might–horror–begin wondering why they needed NATO. They might begin looking to their own interests, not Washington’s.

Crucial question: Is there a likelihood that the Poodles will find the virility to go independent of Mother Washington? Historically they have been docile and obedient, good doggy, roll over. Now they yap fiercely, having discovered that America is not their ally but their owner. If by remote chance they decide to act in their own interest, methinks we will have moved into another world.

It is worth keeping in mind that neither America nor Americans have a dog in this fight. Trump, Israel, and the Empire do. No danger to America or Americans will arise if Iran buys airliners, or Europe buys gas, or Afghanistan does anything at all, or Venezuelans have enough to eat. The United States has been hijacked and is now used for the benefit of imperial loons and their allies.

The save-the-empire game plays out in much of the world as the US lunges about, strong-arming country after country to keep them in submission. Just now Trump is sanctioning, tarriffing, embargoing, invading, or bombing Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, Europe, China, Turkey, Russia, Syria, Somalia, various African countries, and North Korea.

Some of these, such as Venezuela, can do nothing about it. Others, perhaps, can. Washington’s use of financial sanctions leads country after country to get out of the dollar in bilateral trade. Powerful alliances excluding the US spring up in response to Washington’s hostility: SCO, AIIB, NDB, BRICS and so on. Instead of encouraging trade with Russia and Iran, wooing them westward, Washington drives them together.

Think of an aging drunk, muttering, “I can whip any man in this bar.” But all at once?

弗雷德·里德(Fred Reed)是一位退休的新闻黄鼠狼和兼职社交人士,与妻子和三只无用但令人愉快的街头狗住在墨西哥。他说这适合他。

(从重新发布 弗雷德对一切 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 唐纳德·特朗普, EU, 北朝鲜 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Fred forgot to mention how Mexico is the greatest country on earth and will soon eclipse the U.S. and we stupid gringos deserve it for being so stupid.

    • 巨魔: byrresheim
    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  2. Tiny Duck 说:

    The problem with America is that white people cannot admit to their faults and evil

    We need to accept the truth, sad as it may be

  3. This article can only be understood in the context of Die Erwige Boomer.

    I hear similar demented nonsense of about Trump (ironically, himself a Boomer) from my own otherwise sensible Boomer father.

    Does anyone know why Baby Boomers are such lunatics about Trump? Is it because he breaks most of the rules they followed?

    • 回复: @restless94110
  4. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Good. It’s long past time wind down the empire and come home.

  5. @Thorfinnsson

    Hey, dork:

    I’m a Boomer and I ain’t your father and Trump is/was the only choice for President in 2016. Many other Boomers feel the same way, while many dipshit Gen-X’ers like yourself love love loved Hillary.

    The problem is Die Erwige Gen-X. Just look at Paul Ryan, your generation’s hero to understand where the problem truly lies.

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson
  6. @restless94110

    I’m a millennial. And yes, yes, I know. I half expect there to be an elderly terrorist living in the mountains known as the Unaboomer sending mail bombs to us SPOILED MILLENNIAL SNOWFLAKES.

    幸运的是,Zyklon 一代看起来不错。

    I don’t have a read on Generation X other than that their hero Kurt Cobain was total faggot. My Gen X brother also likes to unironically call Guns ‘n Roses the “greatest rock band of all time” which makes me crack up. At least when Boomers say this about Led Zeppelin the claim doesn’t strike me as ridiculous.

    I did watch Pulp Fiction the other day for the first time, which as I understand was an important coming of age movie for them. Decent flick but overrated. And I can’t see John Travolta in anything without bursting out laughing.

    Most white Boomers did indeed vote for Trump, but a lot of conservative Boomers suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome which you don’t find in younger or older generations (obviously liberals of any age all suffer from TDS other than Mike Tracey).

    Fred Reed is a case in point. This isn’t his first eruption of TDS, and it won’t be his last either. The entire purpose of this ridiculous essay is to deal with Reed’s cognitive dissonance at seeing Trump accomplish something in the field of diplomacy.

    Then there’s the fact that other than the men who have labored in the Dissident Right for decades like Jared Taylor that Boomer conservatives tend to be hopeless civic nationalists (or remain unreconstructed Reaganites).

    至于保罗·瑞安(Paul Ryan),我认为特朗普应该提名他担任驻布基纳法索大使。

  7. Mr. Reed makes decent points here, at least the 2nd half about the politics of empire. His hatred of America, though, impairs his ability to ever tell an accurate story, especially the history of relations with North Korea. I don’t think “keeping them in poverty” was anything that America had to take part in. Communism does a great job unaided. That goes the same for Venezuela.

    The basing of ANY American troops in Korea should have ended 30 years ago, at the time that it was obvious that the South would be shortly kicking our asses in trade and China had pulled itself out of the deepest depths of Communism after Mao Zedong’s short march to hell in 1976. Come on, 20-30 thousand men “defending America” over there for 65 years?! (not the same men, mind you, as the “geriatric infantry” has not been tried (yet) as another military/social experiment).

    Still, I don’t give Trump any grief in particular for handling it the way he did, it’s just that it’s another another distraction of Lyin’ Press infotainment, and this guy is very easily distracted, as are most of the boobs in front of the TV.

    • 回复: @Biff
  8. @Ray Huffman

    It’s easy to get sloppy with a deadline looming, especially when it falls right during the middle of Siesta. Freakin’ time zones – more NortoAmericano oppression! We’ll get to read more about the Mexican rocket surgeons in a coupla’ weeks.

    “如果你不是故意的,请不要说 manana,
    Don’t try to describe the ocean if you’ve never seen it.
    Don’t ever forget that you just may wind up being wrong.”

    “Let’s reggae, Reefers! … “

  9. @Thorfinnsson

    至于保罗·瑞安(Paul Ryan),我认为特朗普应该提名他担任驻布基纳法索大使。

    Ambassador?! Another damn Millennial Paul Ryan fan heard from. It shouldn’t take a nomination, but I want to see Ryan spend some time in #MeInTheAssPrison.

    ;-} I did read the rest of your comment.

  10. Let’s face it, Trump is screwed with Senor Reed no matter what he does.

    He gets aggressive with Kim and he’s trying to start WW3 on behalf of the Deep State.

    He travels to Asia to shake hands and cultivate a relationship with Kim and he’s jumping to Kim’s tune.

    Seriously, this is the sophomoric drivel that’s been emanating from CNN for the last week. Reed’s just lazily rehashing it.

    Europe has nothing to do with any of this. Except that Reed is an apologist for the UK/France/Germany axis and just wants to mention them, I guess because he feels they should have been involved in the negotiations.

    Reed would be more useful if he’d tell us about the latest Mexican petty thief who was cornered by a mob and hacked to death with machetes. At least that would be entertaining.

  11. Biff 说:

    Vice Louis’ Cipher Mike Pence


  12. Biff 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I don’t think “keeping them in poverty” was anything that America had to take part in.

    Yea, sanctions have no effect. (Eye roll).

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  13. Thomm 说:

    Fred Reed is a useful shock troop in Ron Unz’s master plan to destroy White Trashionalists, as described here :


    Fred Reed’s specific role is to confuse WNs, ensuring that they self-subdue while Hispanics become normalized through Ron Unz’s articles.

    I am strongly in support of what Ron Unz is doing, since he is a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew. The WN wiggers still can’t figure out how comprehensively they are being cornered and harvested.

    • 哈哈: Digital Samizdat
  14. Wally 说:
    @Tiny Duck

    And another photo of the euro-white ‘Mexican’ Congress.

    • 回复: @anon
  15. Escher 说:

    IMHO the reason the US military keeps meddling around the world is to maintain the primacy of the greenback. That is the only way the government can finance the huge deficits it is running, since the US no longer produces much of what the rest of the world wants.
    See the list of goods caught up in the US-China tariff war for an example. The US exports are mostly raw materials and foodstuffs, while China exports are finished manufactured goods.

  16. Miro23 说:


    This is sort of obvious – Why should anything in Korea interest Americans at all? Isn’t Korea the Koreans business and why is Trump going there?

    The US public’s work in hand is to get rid of the Empire and Israel (and start looking after their own domestic affairs). Trump got elected on this, and a good first step would be to close all US bases and give 95% of CIA employees early retirement.

    • 回复: @manorchurch
  17. Stefan 说:

    Once again Fred proves he’s just another old fart stuck with his attitudes and decaying neurons. Even liberals should give Trump credit for at least opening a dialogue with Kim and NK that has reduced tensions and all the crazy talk of nuking each other, with the added prospect of future talks on denuclearization. He went and did this despite CNN’s 24/7 criticism that he would be bowing to the “brutal dictator” Kim without getting something in return. When it was clear that Trump’s nice talk to Kim actually produced some positive results, Jake and the boys at CNN then resorted to “if Obama would have done this Republicans would have howled.” The point is that Obama didn’t go. Trump went. Possibly too lily-livered. Or simply Obama was and is pro-establishment through and through. And the establishment rarely does anything to upset the status quo.

  18. anon[275]• 免责声明 说:

    All white European Congress is a feature of Colombia , Argentina and largely of Brazil as well.We are not doing bad except in UK and Canada .

  19. @Tiny Duck

    Fair enough, Duck. Message brought to you by Liberal, Inc. My perspective is Northern Virginia, built by those that wanted away from diversity of DC and in the 50s, could say it.

    Now, they move further and further out (Atlanta is a good example, the country is filled with them) to escape ever-larger pockets of diversity and the associated violence. Also, they are vacating entire states, lock-stock-barrel. It’s the meat and potatoes of Lowes and Home Depot.

    But the beautiful part? Around DC, these are the media bullhorns shouting diversity and the Griping Class. And so, enslaved and directed by the narrative, they can’t say they’re escaping the crime. When you ask why they bought into their White, upper middle class neighborhood 50 miles out where diversity means a Chinese couple up the street, they say “For the good schools”. And they say it with a perfectly straight face ignoring the underlying fact: the schools in the Suburbs are good 因为 there is no Black diversity in the “good” schools. White liberals in McLean, in Great Falls, Virgina know it, but they cannot say it.

    Your ilk did a damned good job, Duck. You got them White folks gagged but GOOD. But they still won’t let you in. You’ll always be left to your own.

  20. Anonymous[392]• 免责声明 说:

    Indian Troll.

    Pay no attention to him.

  21. Duncan 说:


    • 回复: @manorchurch
  22. Ozymandias 说:

    “What really happened, as best I can tell: For years America’s relation with North Korea was its usual one of military intimidation.”

    Wasn’t it during this phase that NK built the nukes? This obviously failed strategy then got dumped in Trump’s lap.

  23. When you strip away all the pseudo-folksy language, what you’re left with is the usual pro-Putin propaganda. The continuance of NATO is, of course, designed to keep Europe on the American side but the basis of that is the old maxim that he who pays the piper calls the tune. Although, according to NATO’s website, the US pays only 22% of the alliance’s cost. The US, to that extent at least, paid the piper and got to call the tune in European defence. By “bashing” NATO and snuggling up to Putin, Trump is undermining that arrangement and thereby undermining US control of Europe. In addition, the idea that the EU is just waiting to do business with Putin is also a classic pro-Putin propaganda line. Putin has challenged the post-cold war European order, just as Hitler challenged the post-WWI order, and nobody knows just how far he wants to go. The lesson of European history is that if Hitler had been stopped in his tracks early on, things would never have got out of hand in the way they did. Nobody wants to make the same with Putin. Thus, the idea that European leaders are going to appease him by letting him grab bits of Ukrainian territory is typical American ignorance of all things European.
    Amusingly typical American world view: something that started after WWII, just short of 75 years ago, is described as “historical”.

    • 同意: Catiline
  24. @Michael Kenny

    Sounds like you have quite the anti-American bug up your arse. You should be positively 高兴 that Trump is making noises about disengaging with you people. You are, right?

  25. Rurik 说:

    Think of an aging drunk, muttering,


    Just now Trump is sanctioning, tarriffing, embargoing, invading, or bombing Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, Europe, China, Turkey, Russia, Syria, Somalia, various African countries, and North Korea.

    the tariffs are a good thing

    just consider Canada. They’re slapping 270% on dairy products to protect their own dairy farmers. But then screech like gay soy-boys with fake eyebrows when Trump plays by their rules.

    Trudeau is a Nancy-boy who prances around trying to look pretty and show how tolerant we should all be. He’s Canada’s version of Captain Sweden.

    As for the rest of those countries, fuck em.

    I’m not going to lose sleep if Trump is playing hardball with Turkey or Europe or ‘various African countries or North Korea, and certainly not the uber-corrupt Mexico.

    Fred neglects to mention the one nation that is being menaced by the ZSUA Fiend, and that is Yemen, where today the ZUS is collaborating in a monstrous war crime. Or Iran, the other country not on Fred’s list but who’s been so wronged by the ZUS for so long, that it seems like Israel itself must be behind it. Hmm

    I suppose these people are becoming so unhinged because Trump proudly dangles white man’s balls between his legs, and doesn’t seem to despise all working class white men as deplorable racists and homophobes.

    I remember when their darling, the serial rapist Clinton was in office, they positively gushed over him, because he boasted about people of European ethnicity becoming a minority in the ZUSA. This made Mexican and SJW legs tingle with joy. Dubya also seemed to hate the Deplorables, and loved Mexicans. Just like his brother.

    So all this angst and vitriol is clearly a consequence of white man’s ball sack syndrome, just like with Putin.

    • 回复: @renfro
  26. 好,

    Certainly but that the Koreans north and south have been working on decreasing tensions for mor than twenty years with most of the progressing advancing in the last ten to five years.

    However, given the nature of relations between the US and south korea, it’s ludicrous to dismiss us influence. And south korea understands his and has expressed as much. And Pres Trump did what no other president had been willing to do — simply treat the north as though they were a member of the international community at large. As simple as the choice may be, the consequences are profound.

    And that choice was a superb one that should set a new course in our foreign policy. In fact, president Trumps choice had been obvious sine the 1980’s pr prior.

    I think we should give credit where credit is due.

    China has made their position clear one and half years ago as state in the atlantic —

    “Asia is for Asians.”

  27. Sparkon 说:

    I’m a millennial…At least when Boomers say this about Led Zeppelin the claim doesn’t strike me as ridiculous.


    O只是我所说的 假婴儿潮一代 would claim Led Zep as the “greatest rock band of all time.”

    I know that demographers like nice, neat 20-year-long generational divides, but it doesn’t really work that way.

    The point has been made here before that people born in 1946 and shortly thereafter — like Bush, Clinton, Trump, and ahem yours truly — really have very little in common with that cohort born closer to 1966. In fact, I have virtually nothing in common with Bush, Clinton, and Trump either, other than our year of birth, but it was a big baby boom, and indeed, my cohort is large, and varied.

    事实上,真正的二战后婴儿潮在 1950 世纪 1946 年代初就已经结束,我敢打赌,几乎每一个 1952 年至 XNUMX 年间出生的婴儿潮一代都会声称披头士乐队或滚石乐队是有史以来最伟大的摇滚乐队。

    Pulp Fiction…which I understand was an important coming of age movie for them.

    Eh? You have left a sloppy antecedent “them,” but I suppose you mean Boomers. I don’t know where you are getting some of these ideas, but they are rubbish. The only relationship between Baby Boomers and 低俗小说“ 塔伦蒂诺为他那部非常暴力的电影配乐,其中大部分是50年代、60年代和70年代的音乐,这几乎违反了真正的婴儿潮一代所代表的一切,首先是过度和无端的暴力。

    Its Country – ?
    Miserlou – 1962
    Jungle Boogie – 1973
    Strawberry Letter 23 – 1977
    Let’s Stay Together – 1972
    Bustin’ Surfboards – 1962
    Son of a Preacher Man – 1969
    Bullwinkle Pt II – 1994
    Waitin’ in School – 1958*
    Lonesome Town – 1958
    Ace of Spades – 1963
    Rumble – 1958
    Since I First Met You – 1956
    Teenager in Love – 1958*
    You Never Can Tell – 1964
    You’ll Be A Woman Soon – 1966*
    Flowers On The Wall – 1966
    If Love Is A Red Dress – 1994
    Comanche – 1966
    Out Of Limits – 1962
    Surf Rider – 1963

    (* 盖子)

    出生于 1963 年的昆汀·塔伦蒂诺 (Quentin Tarrantino) 非常适合 假婴儿潮一代 我上面提到的阶级,以及他对暴力的迷恋和事实上的依赖,突显了真正的战后婴儿潮一代与后来的一代之间相当尖锐的鸿沟。

  28. KA 说:


    • 回复: @Josecanuc
  29. 我只是墨西哥的一个有电脑的杂种,很容易感到困惑。

    什么,没有 I-Phone?你不仅感到困惑,而且感到困惑。你与所有美国大师都格格不入。



    弗雷德·里德(Fred Reed)是一位退休的新闻黄鼠狼和兼职社交人士,与妻子和三只无用但令人愉快的街头狗住在墨西哥。他说这适合他。

    是的,我最近正在寻找智利的流亡者,但是墨西哥的啤酒多少钱? Gubmint Wukkers 大西洋中部聚会的价格为每六块 10 美元。


  30. renfro 说:

    As for the rest of those countries, fuck em


    • 回复: @Rurik
  31. Masintenn 说:

    As a long time Fred-o-phile, I just don’t understand his dislike for Trump. Seems to me, Trump is Fred from 5 years ago.

  32. @Thorfinnsson

    你不是千禧一代——你可以标点符号和拼写。所以,你在撒谎,这就是这里 congergayshun 的模式。


    并不真地。里德是少数几个只以讽刺读者的白痴为目的而写作的作家之一。 Unz 的评论部分可以打包成一本名为《白痴说话》的大卷。


    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Thorfinnsson
  33. @Miro23




  34. @Duncan



  35. @Biff

    Your eye rolls don’t concern me, Biff. You just inspired a 短柱 on the lack of the concept of history, especially regarding the Cold War.

    Thanks. (Otherwise, I usually agree with your comments.)

  36. Do Mexicans like their daughters being diddled with by expatriate Yankees? Think not, Freddie Boy!

  37. Rurik 说:




    The squealing we would hear if the flow of $lop were to trickle, would make Trump reconsider, as I’m sure was the case recently, when they said the troops will stay, for now.

    It’s isn’t to defend the South. Hardly. It’s to save our eardrums for the screeching and squealing from the greedy snouts in the slop trough.

  38. It must be hard to learn new things when you are old, Fred. Trump is scaling back Empire and you didn’t even notice.

  39. Rurik 说:


    I’d like to think that this

    had something to do with this


    Drudge headline right now

  40. AnonFromTN 说:

    Despite all his faults, Trump has streetsmarts unparalleled in the Washington swamp. Looks like he respects real men, like Putin, Xi, and Un, a lot more than pathetic spineless European poodles. That natural respect gets in the way of geopolitics of the Empire.

  41. 在我看来,特朗普并不是在玩拯救帝国的游戏。 我看不出他在做什么有任何连贯的策略,但除了他在伊朗/以色列的愚蠢行为以及与沙特阿拉伯的关系之外,这似乎更像是试图摆脱帝国。 他与欧洲的交易看起来确实如此。 他做了他认为有利于美国贸易平衡的事情,并搞砸了北约和所有这一切,如果搞砸了,那就是它所需要的。 但是,我在德国只是个有电脑的笨蛋,很容易分心。

  42. Jake 说:

    Perhaps the two most important sentences in the article: “Blocking trade with Iran is also important to Israel and the Jewish lobbies that largely control American foreign policy. Yet if these did not exist the Empire would still require the neutering of Iran and keeping the Poodles from trading with Asia.”

    Jews are not the source of the problem. The source of the problem is WASP culture and its inherent and defining drive of self-righteous imperialism.

    However, because Anglo-Saxon Puritanism was a Judaizing heresy and archetypal WASP Oliver Cromwell made that concrete with his alliance with Jews, to get Jewish money, you cannot separate Jews from the problems of WASP imperialism.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Anonymous
    , @Sam J.
  43. @Sparkon

    Quentin is fighting like hell to get residuals for Pulp and the Kill Bill thing as well as others. Uma and Travolta, too. Brad Pitt claims millions owed for Inglorious Bastirds. Residuals, back end, net, whatever, Harvey could steal with the best of em. I love when the angry Left pauses for a few moments from hating me while they eat their own. Heartwarming, really.

  44. Jake 说:

    How to Break Up a Black Lives Matter Protest frame is funny, but considering how throughly gay the BLM leadership is, it might not work all that well in the real world.

  45. @Sparkon

    Born in the mid-60s (the grey area between the Boomers and the Xers), I wouldn’t say Led Zeppelin is the greatest band of all time. But Physical Graffiti may be the best rock album ever made.

  46. Children, I am an isolationist at heart, the kind of old guy who remembers America’s isolationist stance prior to WWII when stalwarts such as Charles Lindbergh and Father Coughlin were warning against another entanglement in Europe. But being an isolationist or even a pacifist does not preclude America having a first class defense force. Obviously, neither Canada nor Mexico have a credible defense force. They spend little per capita on defense compared to the US. So if the US rolled over and played dead , sang Kumbaya and relied on two big oceans to keep the rest of the world at bay, would we not be the world’s biggest patsy?
    It’s pretty dam easy to be cynical about the diplomatic going ons between and among nations. I never did trust the striped pants cocktail sippers of Foggy Bottom. Nor the red tie gents that occupy the seats of power in our government. But having no other choice I am willing to give Trump a chance at restoring some semblance of order between the two Koreas and maybe even the small hope of denuclearizing the Korean peninsula– without being a naysayer like Fred Reed.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  47. Rurik 说:
    @Simply Simon

    So if the US rolled over and played dead , sang Kumbaya and relied on two big oceans to keep the rest of the world at bay, would we not be the world’s biggest patsy?

    no, because we still have our guns

    the biggest threat to America, Americans and our way of life, was narrowly defeated in our recent elections.

    The only threat I have ever felt in my American life, to my person, my way of life, my freedoms, my future and the future of my progeny, came from the ZUSA government.

    Think Waco

    think Ruby Ridge

    just consider who did 9/11 to know who is perfectly happy to slaughter Americans wholesale, if they imagine it will serve their interests.

    Will our vaunted military protect us from the next 9/11?

    will our intelligence services protect us?

    Remember how it was ‘all sixteen intelligence agencies’ who assured the world that Saddam had WMD?

    Remember how is was those same sixteen intelligence agencies who assured us that Russia had hacked our election?

    The biggest enemies of the American people are in Washington, DC.

    just ask yourself, who more than anyone on this planet wants to disarm the American people?

    Just imagine living in the ZUS with Hillary as president!

    imagine it

    it’s chilling beyond comprehension. Terrifying, really.

  48. “No country likes occupation troops of another country, and another race, diddling its daughters and breaking up bars.”
    Now we just have to convince Fred that Mexican immigrants are occupation troops.

  49. Alden 说:


    And way off topic as well.

  50. Josecanuc 说:


    正确的。再加上伊朗和任何其他不赞成以色列无休止压迫和屠杀巴勒斯坦人的国家。 50多年来一直如此。在此之前,深层政府主导了美国的外交政策。我将美国总统的立场与像特朗普或奥巴马这样的人之间的斗争联系起来,他们竞选美利坚合众国豪华远洋客轮号的船长,向船上的傻瓜承诺他将把士兵带回家,他将扭转这艘船让美国再次伟大,从而让傻瓜更幸福。然后,当他到达桥上时,他发现这艘船实际上是以色列美利坚合众国号,除非他把这艘船和它所有的傻瓜乘客带到船主想去的地方,而以前的“船长”把它带走了——船主船上的人不必把他扔下船——他的当选同胞和“船员”,即国会和最高法院会。如果奥巴马拒绝正确担任船长并被扔进海里,我想他的妻子和女儿们会跳进去救他——但我不太确定特朗普的妻子和女儿会跳下去。

  51. @Sparkon

    For some reason the little New York nebbishes who wrote for Rolling Stone magazine in the 60’s and 70’s loved Mick Jagger, perhaps because he performed sodomistic acts with them. The band, The Rolling Stones, were and are the greatest beneficiaries of journalistic hyperbole showbiz has ever seen. There was a short period, from “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” to “Tumblin’ Dice,” when they produced some very catchy Rock ‘n’ Roll. But that’s it. The Beatles were more of a pop group than a rock band but they had vastly more musical talent than the hapless Stones. Jagger can’t and has never been able to sing a single solitary note. But at some point he began to believe the drivel produced by his sycophants at the aforementioned magazine.

    • 回复: @daniel le mouche
    , @Sam J.
  52. @Tiny Duck

    Just like the modern American Negro: getting history from cartoons. You giants of intellect, you.

  53. @Thorfinnsson

    Indeed Travolta looks like he stepped off the set of Planet of the Apes in Pulp Fiction, and in general is odd-looking, with his too-close-together eyes. He was a superstud in Grease and Saturday Night Fever, though, also Welcome Back Kotter. I agree too, what a stupid article, the worst I’ve read by this clown.

  54. @Ivan Titanium

    The Stones really, really suck. The Beatles suck. John Lennon had some decent solo stuff, but not much. The Who, a bunch of phonies. Zeppelin, the grim little group we’re left with to contend as number one rock giants. British music generally sucks.
    Dylan was infinitely better than any of them. Same with Lou Reed (I know, two Jews). Neil Young was pretty good too.
    In the end, they’re all so much garbage, compared to traditional European music, from church music to folk music to opera.
    I won’t mention any ‘artists’ from the unspeakable past 30 years. Not a good time to be alive.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  55. @daniel le mouche

    I won’t mention any ‘artists’ from the unspeakable past 30 years.

    Wise choice, there, Daniel. Who you didn’t mention were Rush, The Grateful Dead, Fleetwood Mac, The Doobie Brothers, Steely Dan, Skynryd, The Allman Brothers, Jethro Tull, and a coupla thousand other bands, which makes you no expert on good rock and roll.

    All I can say about Zeppelin, in partial agreement with SunBaked, is that I woke up one morning with this great guitar riff that had been playing in my dreams all night. It was from 神圣之家 which was NOT from the 神圣之家 album, confusingly enough. I agree on the value of the traditional music though.

    Listen to this one, and tell me you don’t like it – it’s not possible:

    BTW, all the music I and other have mentioned goes along with the Peak Stupidity factoid that states 99%的流行摇滚是在英语世界中创造的。. 好的, 尼纳99 Luft 气球 我得到它!

    • 回复: @Biff
    , @daniel le mouche
  56. Anonymous[152]• 免责声明 说:

    Agreed. WASP culture is the source of the problems.

    Jews greatly amplify it, but the origin lies with WASPS themselves.

  57. @Michael Kenny

    Putin is the greatest statesman to emerge so far in the 21st Century. The Americans don’t hate him because he’s Hitler — he’s not. They hate him because they’re jealous.
    It’s also hilarious that the globalist imbeciles are so eager to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine while at the same time stealing the historical Serbian homeland to create the criminal terrorist “nation” of Kosovo.

    • 回复: @Alberto Campos
  58. @Rurik

    A gay friend of mine was convinced that Trump would put folks like him in prison camps. I mocked his gullibility and caught hell for my insensitivity. But I honestly think if Hillary had been elected they’d be building those camps for deplorables like me.

    • 回复: @TheBoom
  59. It has taken me some time to appreciate the work of Fred Reed. One commonly encounters banal content dressed up with prim and punctilious prose; with Fred it’s a reverse disguise of formidable insight beneath colloquial garb.

    As he drew this piece to a close an analogy of aging elite athlete came to my mind where he went with aging alpha-male bar regular. In any case the closing point is apt: for any strong-willed temperament the hardest thing, after having ascended to some intoxicating peak of conquering vitality, is managing well what lies naturally ahead.

  60. Biff 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    BTW, all the music I and other have mentioned goes along with the Peak Stupidity factoid that states 99 % of good rock and pop was created in the English-speaking world..

    And it all started with this guy:


    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  61. @Biff

    Peak Stupidity has been down to the crossroads and is therefore quite familiar, Biff.

    • 回复: @Biff
  62. El Dato 说:

    Why, it’s a cunning plan.

    (((Hypernormalization))), so to say.

  63. @Achmed E. Newman

    Of the groups you mention, I only ever liked and listened to Rush–in high school. I once liked Houses of the Holy. Unlike many commenters on this site, I’ve managed to move on: my tastes have actually evolved since the early eighties. And how could I not be a rock expert, having grown up in the era of the classic rock station? I’ve heard bloody everything, even used to like quite a bit of it. But give me thirties French pop songs over the lot… Maurice Chevalier, Tino Rossi, Albert Prejean…

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @Truth
  64. SteveK9 说:




  65. @daniel le mouche

    French 1930’s pop, huh? I guess it’s an acquired taste, like mixing snails in with the food.

    • 回复: @daniel le mouche
  66. Pat Kittle 说:

    “Trump to Europoodles: ‘Roll Over. Bark. Beg…Crawl.’”

    Netanyahu to Trumpoodle: “Roll Over. Bark. Beg…Crawl.”

  67. Other commenters are ably dissecting elements from this muddled, angry column, so I will pick on this:

    America is a medium-sized country, China a big country, and Eurasia a gynormous, sprawling, motingaator behemoth.

    America is the third largest country on the planet, both by population and by land mass. It is a country, not a “medium-sized country.” It also has a stable government and the world’s biggest and most sophisticated market, and a 通用语 that is taking over the globe.

    China is also a big, stable, sophisticated country. Russia is a big, venerable country with lots of nukes. America, China and Russia are the only three countries that matter on the planet. Everybody else is along for the ride.

    Eurasia is not a country. It’s a geographic land mass, full of countries as different from each other as night and day.

    By defusing the last remaining Cold War conflict, Trump is pivoting to Asia, in recognition of Asia as within China’s natural sphere of influence. No intelligent person denies this about China; a war with China to deny them their natural sphere of influence is unthinkable. Fred seems unhinged by Trump doing what Fred himself has suggested in past columns should be done.

    Frederico – you need to realize that Trump is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them.

  68. Biff 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Peak Stupidity is Peak Stupidity, but they did include a vid of my man Ginger Baker so I’ll give them one pass.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  69. EH 说:

    以“20”结尾的年份开始和结束的连续 0 年周期似乎比通常的方案(即所谓的婴儿潮一代的 1940-60 年)更好地对世代进行排序。

    婴儿潮一代或婴儿潮一代或无论你想怎么称呼它都只与 46 至 14 多岁的婴儿潮有关。婴儿潮一代几乎只出现在 24-64 年“大聚会”时代某个时期大约 72-40 岁的人中,因此有些人早在 58 年代出生,有些则晚于 XNUMX 年出生。

    在我的经历中,最狂潮的人实际上是在二战期间出生的——这些人在 64 年至 72 年间的大型派对中领先,他们是 60 年代的摇滚明星和“最好的摇滚明星”。国防部和美国宇航局中最聪明的人,接管学术界的官员,最令人难以忍受的守旧派废话,以及当今永远不成熟、自恋的老头中最无能的人。

    • 回复: @dfordoom
  70. @Biff

    Who is Ginger Baker? 关于我们 Peak Stupidity. I still thank you for inspiring a post.

    • 回复: @Biff
  71. @Achmed E. Newman

    Nice scene, I’d almost forgotten that movie. For sure the French music is an acquired taste.

  72. @Sparkon

    I stated that Pulp Fiction was important for Generation X, not the Boomers.

    The coming of age film I associate with Boomers is 研究生.

    My Boomer father’s favorite band, incidentally, is Credence Clearwater Revival (great band).

    The other big thing I associate with Boomers is the Vietnam War (which Fred Reed served in).

    Another good Boomer writer and Vietnam vet who frequently writes on military affairs is John T. Reed: https://johntreed.com/pages/articles-and-blogs (he seems to only update his “Headline News” blog now.

    West Point Class of ’68. The Army tried to get him killed because he refused to sign false documents.

    Reed, unlike many Boomer conservatives, doesn’t suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. He does however suffer from Free Trade dementia.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  73. Sparkon 说:

    我对 #77 的长评论显然被 dos 检查器删除了。巴阿德小狗。

    • 回复: @manorchurch
  74. @Thorfinnsson

    CCR, Creedence Clearwater Revival, in contrast to others I could name made albums every 6 months, with dozens of fantastic songs, all in the span of only 4 years, 1968 – 1972. That was an amazing band, and John Fogerty had the best ever voice in Rock and Roll, unarguably.

  75. @Sparkon

    我对 #77 的长评论显然被 dos 检查器删除了。巴阿德小狗。


  76. Che Guava 说:
    @Tiny Duck



    I recall when you would make the occassonal entertaining post, of general interest.

    Lately, you are making it clear that all you are caring about is racialism.

    Why not return to Africa, whhchever part ynu most strongly identify with, and create your Wakanda?

  77. @Rurik

    “no, because we still have our guns.”

    No Rurik, people who roll over, play dead and sing Kumbaya do not have guns. I am talking about a USA that would spend the same amount for national defense per capita as Canada and Mexico. Norte Americanos would certainly be the world’s patsy then.

    • 回复: @Liberty Mike
  78. @Rurik

    While I agree that the main threat is our own government, we need a large navy and an air force to defend ourselves. And a small army.

    Nothing like we’re spending currently of course.

    More like what we spent from the 1890s through the 1930s.

    • 回复: @Liberty Mike
  79. @manorchurch

    I was born in 1985. Back when Fred was still fit to be published in The Atlantic Monthly. Early enough that I was into adulthood by the time the iPhone came out. I’m also from the upper class and from a family of fairly intellectual (though not academic) people, so writing comes naturally to me.



    I like Fred Reed and his writing, but he’s awful on Trump and Mexicans. That’s fine, none of us are perfect. I will continue enjoying his writing.

    As for Korea, I agree it doesn’t matter. That said said it’s good theater, and it’s nice to see Trump thinking about being a peacemaker. Who knows, could lead to our boys coming home.


    • 回复: @manorchurch
  80. Also you Boomers will be happy to know I discussed this thread with a fellow Millennial, and it led to us both getting into listening to Boomer tunes. 🙂

    • 回复: @manorchurch
  81. Biff 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Who is Ginger Baker?

    Your ManCard is now revoked.

  82. @EH

    在我的经历中,最狂潮的人实际上是在二战期间出生的——这些人在 64 年至 72 年间的大型派对中领先,他们是 60 年代的摇滚明星和“最好的摇滚明星”。国防部和美国宇航局中最聪明的人,接管学术界的官员,最令人难以忍受的守旧派废话,以及当今永远不成熟、自恋的老头中最无能的人。

    Yep. Actually those born from about 1935 up to the early 50s are the worst generation in the history of the world. The ones who were either too young to participate in the war or for the war to have a direct impact on them, or those born immediately after it ended. They were also just too young to fight in Korea. Maybe they felt they’d missed out on something, or maybe their parents made them feel they were inferior for being too young for the war. They missed out on the Holy Crusade Against Fascism. They were a kind of nothing generation. Pampered but felt useless.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  83. @Thorfinnsson

    If you agree that the main threat is from the United States government, why would you support the continued fleecing of those who make and produce and trade upon a voluntary and consensual basis in order to fund ZUSA’s killing machines?

    You have no right to protection financed by the theft of your neighbors’ property. Support of the same is civic nationalist nonsense on stilts.

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson
  84. @Simply Simon

    Rolling over?

    The rolling over is illustrated by allowing ourselves to be stripped of our liberties.

    The rolling over is illustrated by permitting a standing army.

    The rolling over is illustrated by permitting an FBI to even exist.

    The rolling over is exemplified by tolerating an IRS.

    The rolling over is memorialized by a whitewashing of WACO.

    The rolling over is captured by losers who insist upon the playing of the national anthem at sporting events like the good little slavers that they are.

    The rolling over is symbolized by venerating those who don Caesar’s clown costumes.

    Those who approve of, consent to, and participate in any of the above, are the authentic, genuine article.

    • 回复: @Simply Simon
  85. @Liberty Mike

    Not interested in arguing with religious fanatics.

    • 回复: @Liberty Mike
  86. Sam J. 说:

    “…Jews are not the source of the problem. The source of the problem is WASP culture and its inherent and defining drive of self-righteous imperialism. ..”

    HAHHAAHA. The Hasbara Jews are so used to owning all the media that they continue to spout these whoppers of lies and expect everyone to believe them.

    The main problem of the USA is the Jew. The Imperial policies towards Russia, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran are ALL due to the Jew. They don’t care so much either way for North Korea is the only reason we can have any sort of peace with them.

    This is why we need to get rid of the Jews. Peacefully if we can get it but by any means possible if necessary.

  87. @Thorfinnsson

    Your posts reflect that you, sir, are the religious fanatic, with your faith in Leviathan and his instruments of war.

    Do you get weepy with fly-overs?

    Do you get weak in the knees when you see law enforcement officers in their blues?

    Do you think you have a right to take Rurik’s property toward the end of you feeling safe?

    • 不同意: Thorfinnsson
    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson
  88. @Liberty Mike

    Liberty Mike, I could not agree with you more. But you are taking my words “rolling over” out of context. I believe the United State still needs a strong defense force since Canada and Mexico sure as hell are not equipped to help defend North America. And I emphasis our military should be limited to defense, not offense as it has been so badly used and abused in all the stupid wars we managed to get ourselves into.

    • 回复: @Liberty Mike
  89. Sam J. 说:
    @Ivan Titanium

    The Beatles were more consistent but the best of the Rolling Stones is much better than the Beatles.

    Led Zepplin has got to be one of the best rock and roll bands ever. I think they were innovative in that they put together a lot of styles. Speaking of Zepplin watch this it’s kill.

    John Paul Jones – When The Levee Breaks (lap steel Guitar)

  90. @Liberty Mike

    I will make this statement for the benefit of people reading this comment thread, as someone who’s still a libertarian in 2018 (didn’t you get the memo? we’re alt-right now) is no doubt a lost cause. No doubt you’re still reading RON PAUL’s articles about the immediate need to end the Federal Reserve and restore the GOLD STANDARD.


    当我看到警察时我会感到膝盖发软吗?不,像任何其他明智的人一样,我的反应是 恐惧. I have spent time in felony lockup in a major city and believe me, it’s not something you ever want to get through.

    Do I think I have a right to take Rurik’s property? Depends on whether or not I can defeat Rurik and his allies in battle. As it is Leviathan and his boys in blue do not believe I have this right, and they can definitely trounce me in battle.

    The day that rights are “natural” and inherent is Enlightenment rubbish. A second-rate replacement for Christianity. We have the rights which are upheld by the law. You can disagree and sputter about how your True Religion says otherwise, but observable reality agrees with me.

  91. @Simply Simon

    Okay, mea culpa for taking your words out of context.

    As for defense? Yes, if voluntarily implemented and funded.

  92. @Thorfinnsson

    What do you mean by “lost cause?”

    Ron Paul. A great man, surely better than the likes of Rudy Julie Annie or Donald J. Trump or Jebito or Poppy Bush or Ronnie the FBI snitch Ray-gun or John the “war hero” McCain or Lindsey Graham or Mike Half-pence or Mitt Romney or Donald Rumsfeld or Bush the Younger or the Chocolate Jesus aka the Kenyan communist community organizer or Richard E. Nixon or LBJ or John “let’s have one more for the road” Tower or J. Edgar Hoover or Dishonest Abe or Generals Grant, Sherman, Patton, Sheridan, Eisenhower, Bradley, Westmoreland or Stormin Norman Schwartskof or alt-right / dissident righties like John Derbyshire or the Z-man.

    As for the FED, do you think it is better to be ignorant of it? Its birth? Its raison d’etre?

    Why would a grown man get weepy at fly-overs? Its not as if the people in the jets make and produce and trade upon a voluntary and consensual basis. They are paid by theft. Their salary is not the result of free enterprise. But, being a man of the alt-right, you may now have disdain for free enterprise and you may also think that the federal government owns the fruits of your labor or at least a hefty portion of it.

    Your word is good, however, on wanting to avoid a felony lockup. My guess is that you were unjustifiably detained. I am sorry that you had to endure that. All the more reason to understand that no soldier boys or top gun pilots can keep those things from happening. THAT IS OBSERVABLE REALITY.

    The natural rights philosophy undergirded the founding era. True, many in the founding generation abandoned the cause and sacrificed the natural rights of others for power.

    To a large extent, you are right about the rights we can assert and enjoy. But, why would you be satisfied with an arrangement that limits your rights to that which the king and his henchmen permit?

  93. @Liberty Mike

    “Lost cause” means that you will never drop your libertarianism. I’m reminded of something Erdogan said about democracy. He said it was like a train, and you get off of it when you reach your station. Libertarianism was the starting point for most of us dissidents, but we reached our destination later (alt-right).

    Ron Paul is a great man. One must admire his courage, convictions, and integrity. But he’s also .

    Why would a grown man get weepy at flyovers? Because No Man is an Island, and I get maudlin in general. Love of country is an ordinary and healthy emotion (and yes, one which is exploited to malevolent ends by The Enemy who rules over us and hates us). Beyond that I am also an aviation enthusiast.

    I am in private enterprise and have great respect for it, but yes, the federal government does have a right to my labor. Not that I like it. But observable reality says that they do have a right to my labor. If I refuse, I will go to prison. That’s reality.

    If you read a dictionary, you’ll see that theft is defined as unlawful taking of property. So by definition taxation is not theft, even if it sure feels like it.

    I do have disdain for the idea that Blue Angel aviators are somehow participating in a criminal enterprise. They’re courageous, proud, skilled, disciplined, and talented young men. Some of the very finest specimens of the American race.

    I was justly detained by excessively charged with a Class II felony for a harmless, victimless drunken stunt (stole a ladder from an abandoned hardware store–charged with burglary). I did get off fortunately.

    The Founding Fathers were great men…and they were also full of it. They didn’t want to pay taxes for the red coats that protected them from the French and the “merciless Indian savages” referred to in the Declaration.

    I am not satisfied with our current government, but I don’t see libertarianism as either correct or desirable. Freedom doesn’t work. People need discipline and leadership. My goal is to overthrow the enemy occupation government and establish a state which governs Americans for Americans.

    That said generally speaking libertarians tend to be allies and are mostly good people.

  94. 2000年来,欧洲人互相争斗。




    • 回复: @Talha
  95. Sparkon 说:


    I除了这种可疑的区别之外,那些出生于 1935 年至 1951 年之间的美国人还成功地获得了 最高 SAT 成绩 曾经 with all cohorts up to 1948 scoring above 470 on the verbal part of the test. Math scores didn’t drop below 490 until the 1952 cohort tested.

    我们是上世纪 50 年代初电子管普及之前学会阅读的最后几代美国人。

    更多的电视 = 更少的阅读 = 更低的 SAT 分数

    • 回复: @manorchurch
  96. Talha 说:
    @Thales the Milesian




  97. @Fidelios Automata

    Absolutely. You could also mention the territorial integrity of Cyprus, and Sudan, and Syria.

  98. @Liberty Mike

    ‘Why would a grown man get weepy at fly-overs? Its not as if the people in the jets make and produce and trade upon a voluntary and consensual basis. They are paid by theft. Their salary is not the result of free enterprise. ‘

    Free enterprise, aka capitalism–if one could generalize–is theft too. To gain many must be oppressed and/or tricked/lied to. Moreover, in this hideous system, there really are no innocents. A huge percentage just keeps its head down, works hard, does what it’s supposed to, and (when not feeling sarcastic and hard) can and generally does see itself as essentially innocent. But the whole superstructure–the economy–is based on all sorts of evil: war, lies, extortion of entire countries, etc. Without for example the arms industry (Raytheon, Lockheed, Boeing etc.) and the oil industry and the giant government-war apparatus, there would be no economy, no money for customers to spend. It’s all bogus. The only natural and decent way is true tribal living, as in the American Indians, NOT the Jewish variety. Individualism, it seems, was long ago invented by our masters. Everything about it smacks of this: the atomizing, the cutthroat competition, the private property (of which the vast majority may only with great luck and enterprise claim the smallest crums), the mass society. We’re far too gone, too dumb through millenia of this, to even well fathom another way.
    As for the flyover question, it makes me wonder who in the hell are you people? I cannot fathom you, who love military display and patriotic pomp.

  99. @Thorfinnsson

    我出生于 1985 年。那时 Fred 还适合在《大西洋月刊》上发表文章。当iPhone问世时,我已经成年了。我也来自上流社会,来自一个相当有知识(尽管不是学术)的家庭,所以写作对我来说是自然而然的。

    好的,接受了。现在你可以犯一些愚蠢的错误……比如说,一天一个? 😉

    我读到的 Unz 评论者的大部分内容都让我感到震惊。这并不是这一切的疯狂错误,而是它的愚蠢和无知的反映。

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson
  100. @Sparkon

    更多的电视 = 更少的阅读 = 更低的 SAT 分数

    SAT 成绩并不是教育分析的全部和最终目的。然而,分数的滑动(以及确定 SAT 问题有效性和价值的指标的滑动)确实反映了教育的失败。



  101. @Thorfinnsson


    哦,天啊。不是琳达·朗斯塔特吗?她是墨西哥人。 😉

  102. @Thorfinnsson






  103. Rurik 说:

    libertarian in 2018 (didn’t you get the memo? we’re alt-right now)

    I was a dues paying member until I glimmered their suicidal insanity vis-a-vis immigration. I wrote them a letter explaining why I was withdrawing any future support.

    Depends on whether or not I can defeat Rurik and his allies in battle. As it is Leviathan and his boys in blue do not believe I have this right, and they can definitely trounce me in battle.

    wow, someone considers the Leviathan to be my ally?!

    I recently installed cameras at one of my properties, and right away my neighbors came by to tell me that any video I have won’t be admissible in court unless I put up signs warning people that they were under video surveillance.

    I told them that there was zero chance that’d I’d hand over the video to the authorities, because I liked to handle such things personally.

    This is a mindset of the old libertarians, (‘America’s rugged individualism’) that you rightly point out has morphed into what’s called the Alt-right, or now Les Deplorables.

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson
  104. @manorchurch

    The ongoing blogs get better comments than the specific articles for some reason. Probably down to SEO or something. Anatoly Karlin’s blog in particular has high quality commenters, perhaps because he doesn’t moderate comments.

  105. @Rurik

    Leviathan has his uses. Like stopping rivals from raising their own armed factions which extort resources from you. The ol’ stationary bandit theory.

    Almost any girl, even if armed, cracks when danger comes.

    Many men too.

    “Everyone has a plan until he gets punched in the mouth.” -Iron Mike Tyson

  106. Anonymous [AKA "R.- K."] 说:

    OK, Europoodles. In the struggle between Washington’s military and China’s economy, America’s European vassals form a crucial football. They have to be kept under American control. This is what NATO does.


    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development:

    EBRD President speaks at Business Forum in Mumbai



    From crisis to opportunity

    The story of the smart thinking in Jordan that supports 1.3 million Syrian refugees.




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