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与中国战争? 真有趣!

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错误判断没有限制。 如果联邦地堡的好奇心激起与中国的战争,或迫使北京发动战争,它将被归咎于近因,例如军舰相撞,此后一些参加豁免的中尉失去了它并开火。 毕竟,历史学家必须写点东西。 原因实际上将更深,更复杂。

首先,人们被精明地安排成组,“装箱”是一个更好的词,并与其他组打架。 这有些糊涂,但是人们也是如此。 这种冲动体现在战争,政党,足球,少年帮派和合同桥梁中。 这是不合理的。 在足球比赛中,与他们代表的城市无关的装甲佣兵重罪与来自另一座城市的其他重罪作斗争,这些重罪中的大多数公民都不会让女儿在所说重罪的几分之内,而这一切都是在球迷为肾上腺的杀伤力而尖叫的时候进行的。 这就是我们所做的。 在国家一级,它被称为“爱国主义”。

地域性是疾病的一部分。 人类的思想-这个短语可能是个夸大的说法-似乎是针对小型野外群体的,他们对狩猎场的保护可能很重要。 例如,当国务卿体现出这种本能时,他可能会将一堆森林与鹿混为一谈,使亚洲感到困惑。 一种非常适合一种情况的本能适用于另一种情况,而不适用于另一种情况。

但是为什么美国人认为中国是敌人呢? 部分原因是经济中庞大的军事部门需要敌人作为预算的借口。 这是常说的。 这也是事实。 由于受膏的敌人-俄罗斯,中国,伊朗,古巴,委内瑞拉,朝鲜等都没有威胁到美国人的任何事情,因此需要大肆宣传假想中的威胁。 并提供。

从某种程度上说,它再次是背包的本能。 特别是保守派倾向于从被认为是敌对的部落,国家或信仰的角度看待世界。 即使公众几乎对中国一无所知,或者正因为如此,我们可以很容易地说服中国是非常危险的。 然后,人们可以轻松地大声疾呼战争,而政客是政客,他们不会因为指出愚蠢行为而冒着选票的风险。

但是,让我们回到军舰的碰撞。 为什么允许多样性的初级官员向中国开火? 接近,因为他是害怕和恐慌。 更遥远的是,因为一遍又一遍地告诉他,中国人是危险和侵略性的,并且想做可怕的事情,很少有人指出。 军方告诉他们这一点,因为您无法通过告诉他们没有任何理由来为战争做好准备。


总统为什么要开一场战争,却知道(如果是在一个清醒的时刻)即使没有核武器,它也会对经济造成绝对的灾难性破坏? 他不会。 也就是说,他不会一次全部选择世界末日。 但是他不能对中国表现出柔和的态度,除非中期选举临近,所以他不能退缩。 如果在随后的枪战中海军被击退,他肯定可以放弃此事,而必须加倍努力。 因此,出于同样的原因,中国人当然也会这样做。 去比赛。

在因果关系的森林深处,病态侵略性,无道德性,操纵性和狡猾性趋于崛起。 我们选择最不适合统治的人作为统治者。 在美国,这种做法通常有所不同,以不道德和有实力的纸板领导者为例,他们可以拉弦。 效果是一样的。

为什么战争似乎是合理的? 因为美国人从未见过,并且相信自己的力量是不可战胜的。 如果您认为自己打不败,为什么要避免打架? 而且因为那些处境舒适的人都知道,亚洲经济低端阶级会打一场战争,他们对这些人根本不在乎,也不太喜欢。 美国精英不打架。 请注意越南期间的躲闪者名单:布什二世,切尼,博尔顿,特朗普,拜登。

这些人几乎对军事,战争或军事史一无所知,但五角大楼很快就在精神上劫持了他们。 坚定的握手,坚定的目光,整洁的剃光,自信和爱国的勇士(如果仅通过Powerpoint的话)会给那些给人留下深刻印象的警察……嗯,你知道的……还没有做到这一点。 他们投射出力量和现实主义,而不必两者皆有。 听他们讲,您会很容易被一种特别的男子气概的俱乐部所接纳。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 他们说,美国拥有最强大,最无敌,训练有素的tra la tra tra,如果您没有去过那里,那就容易相信了。 中国人? 步履蹒跚。 伊朗? Coupla周。

容易误入一场人们不了解的战争的另一个原因是美国政府的素质很低。 国会和总统是由人气竞赛选出的,而不是根据能力选出的。 一位在Wheeling或Baton Rouge的政治阶梯上努力工作的国会议员都知道州政治。 他不太可能对第一个“岛链”一无所知,也不知道最终制导的弹道导弹是什么。 有位知情人士估计,参议院有百分之九十的人不知道缅甸在哪里。 没有地理知识的人,对孩子的军事,经济或战略现实的了解不止于此。 但是他们对这些事情投票。

塞兹(Sez)一世,我们状况良好而真实。 但是,我们对此无能为力。





亚马逊:“记载了骑自行车的人在酒吧里的疯狂生活和曼谷的肉食,在美国各地多年的搭便车旅行,南方男孩时代的旧车残骸,枪支和啤酒的飙车,海军陆战队新兵训练营和月亮怪异的教堂,潜水在加勒比海的深壁上进行,在墨西哥进行洞穴潜水;在《财富》杂志士兵的生活上生活;在《华盛顿时报》的警察记者那里工作了九年。 政治上不正确且邪恶地滑稽,弗雷德没有俘虏。 他歪曲他不喜欢的杀人机智的东西,其中包括:警察,说话的人,卑鄙的善行。 他对自己喜欢的事物情有独钟,例如狗,醉酒,酒吧女孩和救护车人员,这些都是他所熟知的。 他的作品出现在《花花公子》,《哈珀》,《华盛顿邮报》等杂志的专栏中,以及诸如此类的文学十字架站。

弗雷德(Fred)发表于 [电子邮件保护] 将字母pdq放在主题行中的任何位置,以避免自动删除

• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 美国军事, 中国, 中国/美国 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Hillbob 说:


    • 回复: @Rev. Spooner
  2. 很多年前,在大学的时候,我在一次争论中说,中国人是纸老虎,为什么呢,因为他们人口众多。大多数人住在水边,即河流附近。需要什么才能毒死他们呢?

  3. ruralguy 说:

    美国人喜欢冲突,有线电视和电视上的所有戏剧和暴力以及他们对有线电视“新闻”上观点和冲突的极端极化的需求就证明​​了这一点。公众无法应对无聊,它必须有冲突。美国至少卷入了 93 场战争,但如果算上美国支持的各种形式的叛乱和侵略行动,这个数字还要高得多。如果你去掉 Unz 网站上所有的戏剧和冲突,那么流量就会降到零。

    • 回复: @TKK
  4. @Richard Sampson


    • 巨魔: TKK
  5. TG 说:

    “为什么战争看起来合理?因为美国人从来没有见过,并且相信他们的力量是无敌的。 ” – 嗯,不完全是。内战确实是一场战争,双方(实际上是同一方)都近距离亲眼目睹了真正的事情是多么令人讨厌。对此的记忆可能就是美国在 1914 年之前一直保持和平主义的原因,而到那时大多数退伍军人已经离开了。就像彼得·图尔钦(Peter Turchin)的《战争与和平与战争》一样,真正的战争有多糟糕的记忆只会留在人们的记忆中……


    “但为什么美国人视中国为敌人呢? ” “你的意思当然是,为什么美国精英将中国视为敌人?简单的。富人认为,将我们的工业基础设施运往中国会是一笔巨大的交易,所有这些可爱的廉价劳动力,而中国将成为像墨西哥或菲律宾一样温顺的殖民地。但中国精英却有不同的想法。现在西方精英意识到他们已经将自己权力的核心基础拱手让给了对手精英,他们感到害怕。对于一群更好的水蛭来说,这不可能发生。

  6. @Richard Sampson






    至于轻率地提到毒害中国,这种想法只有在中国不准备以同样方式回应美国的情况下才有效 — — 顺便说一句,这是完全合理的。你认为你的两个海洋会保护你吗?


  7. CCZ 说:


    就像《贝德福德事件》(1965 年电影)一样。

    “如果他解雇一名,我也会解雇一名。” “开一​​发!”哎呀!!

    • 回复: @Franz
    , @Marshal Marlow
  8. antibeast 说:
    @Richard Sampson


    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  9. @Richard Sampson

    生物战就像苹果派和 SARS CoV2 一样美国化。

    • 同意: Curmudgeon
  10. 毫无疑问,许多美国人没有意识到与中国这样的敌人进行一场严重的战争会是什么样子。然而,幸运的是,大多数美国人正确地将中国视为经济敌人,无论国会中目前的“领导人”群体有多么愚蠢。里德先生是否只将美国人视为他现在在电视或 YouTube 上看到的人?我不会用墨西哥政府里的白痴来评判所有墨西哥人。

    里德先生曾到中国进行过两三周的访问。有博主在 峰值愚蠢 已经去过那里 11 次并且对这个地方有更多想说的 点击此处.

  11. Anon[404]• 免责声明 说:
    @Richard Sampson


    将流行度降到美国的流行度 = 低于今天的印度。所以呢?这个团伙看起来是长远的。 MoundOfDung 准备杀死……任何巨大的东西,以实现共产主义统治。


  12. @Achmed E. Newman





    *也就是说,除了他对如何选择我们亲爱的领导人的看法之外。是的,我们有无能的员工和低素质的员工。然而,一旦“你们的”政府变得像我们现在拥有的野兽一样强大,那可能是一件好事。与中国相比,那些高效的技术官僚,尽管有新的闪亮的火车和道路,正在把这个地方变成一个我现在不想参与的奥威尔社会。 (如果是五年前我是不会这么说的。)

    • 同意: Jim Christian
    • 回复: @profnasty
    , @Jim Christian
  13. anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:



    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @lysias
  14. 我们杰出的总统已经颁布法令,认为自己是女性的患有精神疾病的男性现在可以参军,并用纳税人的钱获得他们想要的所有药物和手术。 我想不出更好的方法来让我们的武装部队做好战斗准备。

  15. antibeast 说:


    中国不与美国竞争,因为两国有不同的商业模式。只要看看美国的 GDP 及其组成:1) 消防/企业部门、2) 医疗保健、3) 政府、4) 军事和 5) 能源。这就是为什么美国政府花费数万亿美元在世界各地进行无休止的战争,以支撑依赖石油美元体系生存的消防/企业、能源、政府和军事部门。相比之下,中国的GDP拥有强大的基础设施和制造业,加上快速增长的技术和服务业,使中国成为发展中国家的第一大贸易和投资伙伴。除了美国的军事基地或无休止的战争之外,美国没有什么可以为发展中国家提供太多。中国在地缘政治上也不反对美国,刻意避免与外国卷入不必要的冲突。



    • 同意: Mulga Mumblebrain
    • 回复: @Mefobills
    , @Joe Paluka
    , @chrimony
  16. @antibeast



    我们是那些虐待狂学生进行的实验中的实验室老鼠,他们在 1970 年代非常愿意电击笼子里的老鼠,笼子里没有按钮让可怜的小动物按下来阻止“负奖励”。原来,实验的对象不是动物,而是“研究者”。该机构淘汰了那些神经质和善解人意的学生,只留下那些愿意遵循实验协议和程序的人,而不管所涉及的道德是否可疑。

    • 回复: @slobotnavich
  17. Mr. Ed 说:

    是时候让弗雷德收拾东西了; 一个伏尔泰就足够了。

    • 同意: Corrupt
    • 回复: @gnbRC
  18. 在因果关系的森林深处,病态侵略性,道德性,操纵性和狡猾性趋于掌权。

    高层人士更深层的动机是,我们的经济“健康”(以及他们的利润)取决于信贷扩张的持续。 他们必须让群众相信事情都在他们的掌控之中,这样“金钱”的浩瀚河流就会来回奔流,他们从中分得一杯羹。 如果没有这种流动,整个计划就会崩溃,他们不得不躲在蒙大拿州的牧场和私人岛屿中。

    中国对此的威胁比其他任何事情都更严重。 问题是,中国并不想推倒寺庙,他们只是想取代美国登上顶峰——所以游戏仍在继续。

    • 同意: Euripidoze
    • 回复: @Jmaie
  19. @Gordon K. Shumway

    我们杰出的总统已经颁布法令,认为自己是女性的患有精神疾病的男性现在可以参军,并用纳税人的钱获得他们想要的所有药物和手术。 我想不出更好的方法来让我们的武装部队做好战斗准备。

    好吧,为了完整起见,他们 可以 颁发白旗作为标准地理标志。

    • 回复: @nokangaroos
  20. 塞兹(Sez)一世,我们状况良好而真实。 但是,我们对此无能为力。



    阿富汗没有赢得人心和思想。用 500 磅的哑弹覆盖整个阿富汗会更便宜、更快。美国成为世界鸦片药房,从而与俄罗斯作战。


  21. 他们担心中国可能会给美国带来民主。

    • 同意: GomezAdddams
    • 哈哈: TKK, Alfred Muscaria
  22. Tulips 说:


    • 同意: GomezAdddams, ruralguy
  23. @Richard Sampson



  24. @Achmed E. Newman

    我真的不会称他们为经济敌人。竞争并不一定意味着战争,甚至是攻击性的言辞。美国可以根据需要制定关税、国有企业以及鼓励北美端到端经济的法律、税收政策和投资。我们不这样做并不是中国或其他任何人的错。我们可以把所有这些事情付诸实践,而不是说:“啊,邪恶的中国人会吞噬我们!”只要说:“哇,世界,我们已经意识到我们的经济、金融化政策是多么疯狂。伤害国外的人,也伤害这里的人。我们将不再干预并要求海地养猪户进行自由贸易或公司获得此类土地。我们将重建我们曾经拥有的东西,并和平地交换我们没有的东西。我们希望你们也这样做。”然后,也许我们在发展自己的公司的同时,雇佣一些日本或中国的基础设施公司来带路,而我们则复制和创建自己的公司; D

    • 同意: Achmed E. Newman
    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Badger Down
  25. unit472 说:


  26. @TG


    我知道,在亚特兰大,他们仍然说德语(或法语,或当时入侵美国的任何人),1864 年的史诗般的大火吞噬了整个城市,我指的是城镇,或一个大村庄…… 10, 000 人,我经常遇到葛底斯堡的退伍军人与害怕战争的新一代分享他们的经历。你知道,对芝加哥的战略轰炸或著名的坦克与明尼阿波利斯周围的装甲部队的战斗。谁能忘记达拉斯的党卫军暴行。 /秒

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Rdm
  27. Realist 说:



    塞兹(Sez)一世,我们状况良好而真实。 但是,我们对此无能为力。


    • 回复: @Fred777
  28. john cronk 说:

    是的,特朗普是一个不必参战的富家子弟。 但将他与一群人混为一谈以暗示他对战争和不必要的痛苦抱有粗心或傲慢的态度,这是不公平或不真实的。

    • 回复: @d dan
  29. Realist 说:
    @Richard Sampson



  30. haole3 说:



    与中国或俄罗斯的战争让我感到寒冷。我看了一些关于东线和朝鲜战争的youtube,非常非常冷。我们的平权军队将如何在德国人在二战中失败的地方以及我们的美国军人在 50 年代打成平局的地方坚守住?希望我们不会发现。

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  31. Jmaie 说:
    @another fred



  32. d dan 说:


    中国与德国、日本、韩国、加拿大、墨西哥一样,都是美国的经济“敌人”。中国将其贸易伙伴视为“伙伴”,而美国人则将其称为“敌人”,因为他们根本无法与贸易伙伴竞争。私人实体之间的自愿贸易是互惠互利的,直到政府因为“认为”对方“欺骗”而开始征收 25% 的关税。




    • 同意: Arthur MacBride, HdC
    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @nsa
    , @Boomthorkell
  33. d dan 说:
    @john cronk



    奇迹没有爆发新的战争 — — 但这证明了世界其他地区政客的宽容和智慧,而不是特朗普。


    • 同意: Bill Jones
    • 谢谢: Alfred Muscaria
  34. Hillbob 说:
    @d dan


  35. PJ London 说:


    • 同意: GomezAdddams
    • 谢谢: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  36. 弗雷德多年来一直在兜售这种垃圾。特朗普应该发动多少场战争?我现在已经数不清了,但我认为至少有 7 个。同样的论点也一样:“骨刺”不起作用,所以在这里我们随意进入(填写空白国家),因为他不了解战争并认为缅甸是一家亚洲融合餐厅。然而……如果你回顾历史,是里德支持伊拉克战争,而特朗普则不支持。这对每个人的判断有何说明?对于拜登来说,一切皆有可能。他的好战记录是无与伦比的。但里德再次与民主党结盟,所以这些人都是他的人民。

    • 同意: Peripatetic Itch
    • 回复: @Resartus
  37. Max Payne 说:
    @Richard Sampson



    • 同意: TKK
    • 巨魔: Mulga Mumblebrain
    • 回复: @anon
  38. Franz 说:

    “如果他解雇一名,我也会解雇一名。” “开一​​发!”哎呀!!



    该片段包括平民斥责维德马克“你现在不是在追鲸鱼了,船长”的部分。除了标题“贝德福德事件”之外,它还透露了故事的来源,这是对 白鲸.


  39. Colinsky 说:


    Dubya 在空军国民警卫队,驾驶 F-102。 那草稿是在躲避吗? 这个名单上的克林顿在哪里?

  40. Resartus 说:



    部署到越南的军队中只有大约 20% 是应征入伍的……

    • 回复: @some_loon
  41. anon[389]• 免责声明 说:
    @Max Payne





    • 同意: Ray Caruso
  42. Biff 说:


    你和弗雷德都是对的。有钱有势的人 出售 一场针对假释者的“人气竞赛”,目的是让他们的人上任。这提供了一种错觉,即平民在某个过程中的某个地方做出了决定(他们没有),并控制了结果(他们没有)。

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  43. @unit472


    • 同意: dfordoom
    • 回复: @dimples
  44. @CCZ


  45. “我宁愿被脑部受损的十二岁孩子统治”


    • 哈哈: Kolya Krassotkin
  46. “……国会和总统是通过人气竞赛选出的……”


  47. gnbRC 说:
    @Mr. Ed


  48. @PJ London



    1945 年到 1949 年。就是这样。


  49. By-tor 说:
    @d dan

    如果您认为现代美国总统可以否决五角大楼、哈佛公司董事会和美国政府的 50 家最大供应商,那么您对管理美国的实体就缺乏了解。

  50. @Andrei Martyanov

    “我知道,在亚特兰大,他们仍然说德语(或法语,或当时入侵美国的任何人),1864 年的史诗般的大火吞噬了整个城市,我指的是城镇,或一个大村庄…… 10, 000 人,我经常遇到葛底斯堡的退伍军人与害怕战争的新一代分享他们的经历。你知道,对芝加哥的战略轰炸或著名的坦克与明尼阿波利斯周围的装甲部队的战斗。谁能忘记达拉斯的党卫军暴行。 /s'


    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  51. @Biff



  52. antibeast 说:
    @d dan

    中国与德国、日本、韩国、加拿大、墨西哥一样,都是美国的经济“敌人”。中国将其贸易伙伴视为“伙伴”,而美国人则将其称为“敌人”,因为他们根本无法与贸易伙伴竞争。私人实体之间的自愿贸易是互惠互利的,直到政府因为“认为”对方“欺骗”而开始征收 25% 的关税。

    美国深层政府宣扬“指责中国”的政治言论是一种政治色情,其文化功能是“东方化”美国工人阶级的经济困境。你看到这种政治言论在这里重复出现 广告恶心 甚至没有提及数十年来的“外包”、“移民”和“全球化”如何摧毁美国工人阶级的经济生计。




    为了应对特朗普主义的崛起,美国深层政府发动了一场反对特朗普的“政权更迭”政变,现在宣布他的可悲追随者为“白人至上主义者”,他们现在因生存威胁而被列为“国内恐怖分子”。向美国全球主义精英摆出姿势。美国深层政府现在希望使数千万拉丁裔非法移民合法化,并进口数百万印度 H1-B 专业人员,以取代和取代美国的白人中产阶级。他们的下一步是破坏社会保障体系,以迫使老年白人婴儿潮一代在美国境外退休。


    • 同意: Rich
    • 回复: @Montefrío
  53. 我会喜欢把我的名字撒在你的骨灰里,里德

    • 巨魔: Escher
  54. 以色列是中东的一个小麻烦制造者。美国是全球最大的麻烦制造者。伊兹是小鱼,扬克斯是大鱼;但他们都来自同一个厨房,一起做饭。

  55. 出于国内政治原因和全球经济原因,无法“对中国软弱”将迫使总统产生一种幻想,认为他的政策不会导致世界末日。历史表明,每个帝国最终都面临着它力图避免的冲突:人类离冷战设法避免的大火又近了一步。

  56. PJ London 说:
    @Colin Wright

    康熙帝曾感叹台湾“如丸之大,拿去没有任何收获;弹丸之地。得之无所加,不得无所损。他的大臣们谩骂该岛是“海外泥丸,不足为中国加广”,并主张将中国人全部迁往中国大陆并放弃该岛。只是施琅和其他支持者的竞选才说服了皇帝不要放弃台湾。[44][不可靠的来源?]郑成功的追随者被迫离开台湾,前往清朝控制的土地上更不愉快的地区[哪个?] .[需要引用]到1682年,台湾只剩下7000名华人,因为他们与原住民妇女通婚,并在台湾拥有财产。 ”

    1662 年失去中国大陆控制权的明朝忠诚者郑成功于 1644 年击败了荷兰人,并在岛上建立了行动基地。 1683年,他的军队被清朝击败,台湾部分地区日益融入清帝国。 “从1683年到1760年左右,清政府限制移民到台湾。这种限制在 1760 年代后有所放松,到 1811 年台湾有超过 1875 万中国移民。 XNUMX年设台北府,隶属福建省。
    1683年起,清朝置台湾府,1875年分南北两府。 1887年,该岛被宣布为一个单独的福建省。
    1895 年甲午战争后,清朝将澎湖岛和澎湖岛割让给日本帝国。台湾生产大米和糖出口到日本帝国,也是二战期间日本入侵东南亚和太平洋的基地。日本在台湾实行帝国教育,不少台湾人在战争期间也为日本而战。

    1945年,第二次世界大战结束后,以国民党为首的中华民国政府控制了台湾。 1949年,在中国内战中失去对中国大陆的控制后,国民党领导下的中华民国政府撤退到台湾,蒋介石宣布戒严。 ”


    • 谢谢: showmethereal
    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  57. antibeast 说:
    @Colin Wright

    历史上,中国对福尔摩沙行使有效管辖已有四年。 1945 年至 1949 年。


    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Colin Wright
  58. @another fred

    越南战争初期? 😀

  59. @Colin Wright

    不要游行你的无知。 尝试找出与白人人口比例成正比的南方白人男性所遭受的损失。

    为什么不是整个美国呢?为何突然如此敏感?您可以忙于基础数学,亲眼看看 1936-1939 年西班牙内战(损失/人口)比例与美国内战相同,尽管发生的地区比美国东部小得多。再说一次,你要告诉在二战中数以百万计的波兰人被屠杀的人,仅列宁格勒、南京大屠杀——仅仅一个月而已。这就是我所说的——真正的大陆战争的“生产力”。我相信俄罗斯人和法国人都会对你的“南方白人”论点印象深刻,他们在博罗季诺战役中的 90,000 小时内互相屠杀了大约 8 人(约占美国内战四年损失的 15%)。因此,弗雷德和我多年来一直坚持认为,美国人不知道什么是真正的战争。我只想重申——数字、损害、创伤非常重要,因为它们创造了所谓的共同历史经验。事实上,他们组成了一个国家。美国根本没有这样的经验,或者说是微乎其微,主要是这样的:“啊,我的曾曾祖父参加过内战”。当然。

    1982年,一名XNUMX岁的妇女在华盛顿特区表现不错,让我知道了她所在地区的情况:“我与第二次世界大战无关。 它在教科书中,仅此而已。 赢了的战斗,输了的战斗。 或者你在电视上看到的古装剧。 这只是过去的故事。 它是那么遥远,那么抽象。 我不会在一堆关于

    “好战争”:第二次世界大战的口述历史。 特克尔螺栓。 纽约,新出版社,1984年,第3页。 XNUMX。

    • 同意: Timur The Lame
    • 谢谢: Jim Christian
  60. d dan 说:



    • 哈哈: Dave Bowman
    • 回复: @antibeast
  61. SafeNow 说:


    • 回复: @antibeast
  62. @haole3


    • 回复: @haole3
  63. antibeast 说:
    @d dan


    哈哈!他们认为,当中华人民共和国的“九段线”修改后的主张源自中华民国的“十一段线”原始主张(台湾自 9 年以来占领太平岛而强制执行)时,“共产主义中国”正在南海进行扩张主义。越南占领了南沙群岛的大部分地区。

    • 同意: showmethereal, GomezAdddams
    • 回复: @Anon
  64. antibeast 说:




    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  65. Anon[389]• 免责声明 说:


    • 谢谢: antibeast
  66. Sulu 说:




  67. Molip 说:

    结合 TG 和 Fred Reed 的观察结果:





  68. @antibeast


    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @antibeast
  69. @Colin Wright


    • 同意: Badger Down
    • 巨魔: Colin Wright
  70. Anonymous[395]• 免责声明 说:



    • 同意: RoatanBill, Carroll Price
  71. @Mulga Mumblebrain


    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  72. @PJ London





  73. @antibeast


  74. Papadelta 说:


  75. @Colin Wright



  76. FortHay 说:

    中国人真的对美国精英帝国构成长期生存威胁吗?也许是这样;至少,他们受到更有针对性的领导并遵循长期战略。中国是否正在推行旨在将其提升为超越美国的全球帝国地位的政策?指标就在那里。美帝国精英能通过战争阻止这种情况发生吗?值得怀疑,当然也是不可取的。如果你不想让你的孩子或孙子向新的外星霸主卑躬屈膝,该怎么办?我不知道,但我教了 18 年微积分和物理,才意识到我班上最聪明的孩子是一个中国人的儿子,他被引进来为土著部落做一些金融分析工作。

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  77. @Colin Wright

    那么您还必须要求 1879 年才被日本吞并的琉球群岛独立。

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  78. @Colin Wright


    • 回复: @d dan
  79. @Commentator Mike

    生物战,迈克。 SARS CoV2 可能没有击中要害,但还有更多的东西来自它的发源地,美国庞大的生物战机构,遍布世界各地,西方假流机构禁止提及。对于一般被洗脑的西方蠢货来说,武汉研究所是世界上独一无二的。

  80. haole3 说:
    @Jim Christian


  81. @Colin Wright


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  82. Mefobills 说:



    Alistair Cook 甚至注意到了这一点:


    它(中国)是一种经济发展模式。 它代表了这样一种观念,即任何产生租金的资源——银行、土地、自然资源和自然基础设施垄断——都应该属于公共领域,以便免费地为每个人提供基本需求。



    这是一个新现象。 90 年代中期给予中国准最惠国待遇时,深层政府是否认为中国是长期敌人? “敌人”是最近的一个支点,可以追溯到奥巴马的亚洲支点。


    帝国/殖民地的冲动是窃取他人的土地,然后通过新的债务将上述土地货币化。 新债还旧债。 洋基金融帝国主义对中国的影响不大,尤其是在中国共产主义时代。



    美国白人的文化身份现在正受到攻击。 在出现“白人”之前,存在着波兰人、德国人、意大利人等种族聚居地。

    这是 PCR 在相反的情况下拆除这种白人至上的想法:


    犹太游说团体在很大程度上成功地建立了犹太人的至高无上地位。 在许多西方国家,批评犹太人和以色列是或接近于仇恨犯罪。 学者们甚至因纠正大屠杀故事中的错误而被监禁。 在美国,犹太人游说团体成功地让一半的州通过了法律,拒绝州政府与以任何方式参与或支持抵制以色列商品和服务或主张撤资以色列公司的任何企业或个人签订合同。 特朗普总统甚至切断了美国对国家被以色列偷走的巴勒斯坦人的援助。 甚至提及以色列对巴勒斯坦人所做的和目前正在做的事情都被认为是反犹太主义。 教授失去了他们的大学职位。 记者被解雇。 学生被送去接受敏感性训练。

    这是真正的至高无上。 白人外邦人没有这样的东西。 然而,犹太游说团体——正是那些不断抱怨仇恨言论的人——在领导运动妖魔化白人异教徒时充分利用仇恨言论。

  83. nsa 说:
    @d dan

    对来自中国的电子显示器(LCD、LED等)征收25%的关税,由特朗普斯坦征收,但由拜登伯格继续征收。 25% 添加在账单底部,由买方支付,而不是由中国制造商支付。理论上,国内制造商应该会转而采购美国制造的电子显示器……除非没有美国制造的电子显示器,同样适用于低端的 1/4 瓦电阻器和商品陶瓷电容器。您可以花 5000 美元(即每个 25/1 美分)购买中国制造的 2 片电阻带和卷轴。零故障率的优质产品。没有美国制造的商品电阻器。坦率地说,美国人太愚蠢、太懒、太吸毒、太无能,无法经营国内的电阻制造厂。即使美国人建立了一家工厂,每个电阻器也要花费一美元,而且事实证明会超出耐受范围且不可靠。因此,国内电子制造商支付 25% 的费用,并试图将其转嫁给拥有定价权的客户。请注意,苹果公司对 25% 的关税提出了投诉并获得了豁免。对于汽车制造商来说也是如此。雪上加霜的是,特朗普斯坦吹嘘说,对诚实制造商征收 25% 关税所获得的资金将转嫁给已经获得大量补贴的福利女王大豆农民。生病了,生病了,生病了……

    • 回复: @Boomthorkell
  84. Ray Caruso 说:


    2021 年的美国想要统治亚洲,就像一个残疾的贫民窟居民想要拥有一匹马球马一样。

    • 回复: @CelestiaQuesta
  85. @Mulga Mumblebrain

    “那么你还必须要求琉球群岛独立,琉球群岛直到 1879 年才被日本吞并。”


    • 巨魔: Badger Down
  86. @Commentator Mike








    • 巨魔: Badger Down
    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @d dan
  87. @Colin Wright



    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  88. TKK 说:





    • 回复: @Dumbo
    , @CelestiaQuesta
  89. Anonymous[101]• 免责声明 说:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    很好的回复。话又说回来,对于那些在 911 事件中袭击自己并指责一群自杀穴居人(其中有几个人还活着,逃避价值数十亿美元的保护伞)的疯子,我们还能指望什么呢?一本护照奇迹般地在爆炸和火灾中幸存下来,并顺利地飘到下面的街道上,奇迹般地完好无损地被找回。但是两架飞机,没有三架飞机被毁成虚无@

    • 同意: Ultrafart the Brave
  90. PJ London 说:
    @Colin Wright

    目前,中国和俄罗斯(还有中东和中亚的资源)很有价值,值得争夺。北美和欧洲 90% 的地区已经耗尽,不值得争夺。

  91. TKK 说:






    • 同意: Rich
  92. d dan 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain



    • 巨魔: Colin Wright
  93. Dumbo 说: • 您的网站

    与中国开战? 一个玩笑,仅此而已。





    但出于某种难以理解的原因,美国似乎成为历史上包括罗马帝国在内的所有国家和帝国中最贪得无厌的战争国家。没有一个地方他们不想玩 GloboCop。

    • 同意: John Q Duped, Fred777
    • 回复: @Carroll Price
    , @Miville
  94. antibeast 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain



    盎格鲁撒克逊人更清楚和理解,中国拥有足够的核弹头,可以将他们的 WASP 家园化为天国。 1964年中国引爆原子弹时,毛泽东讲的是这些盎格鲁-撒克逊野蛮人唯一懂得的语言。习近平通过测试和部署中国的高超音速导弹再次讲了他们的语言。


    • 谢谢: Dumbo
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  95. @d dan




    • 同意: GMC
  96. Dumbo 说:



    传统的英国谋杀悬疑剧,来自柯南·道尔、阿加莎·克里斯蒂、切斯特顿等人(后来又出现在一些 BBC 电视剧中),更多的是关于谜题而不是关于谋杀……但美国当前的电视节目却深入到了人类堕落的最深渊。 。从这些节目中,你可能会认为美国人口的一半是连环杀手或性狂……有时我想知道编写此类节目的人……

    • 回复: @Nancy
    , @Bill Jones
    , @Dave Bowman
  97. @Andrei Martyanov




  98. @Mefobills


    Ye(s) 犹太游说团体——正是那些不断抱怨仇恨言论的人——在领导运动以妖魔化白人外邦人的过程中充分利用仇恨言论。



  99. @Ultrafart the Brave


  100. 我不知道有谁认为与中共的战争是轻而易举的事。我认识的大多数理性人士都明白,中国已经攻击了美国(正在攻击美国),他们想知道我们会采取什么措施来反击中共在自由世界部署的大规模杀伤性生物武器。因此,我主张对精心挑选的中共目标进行毁灭性的、毁灭性的核打击。我们将把中国人民和世界从共产主义奴役和天安门广场式的压迫中解放出来。核武器中国。 🔥

    • 哈哈: profnasty
  101. RoatanBill 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman



    • 回复: @Jeffrey A Freeman
  102. @Colin Wright


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  103. BuelahMan 说:

    可怜的弗雷德叔叔甚至看不到犹太人在混乱中的手。 没有什么可以相信是真实的或准确的。

    • 同意: Johnny Walker Read
    • 回复: @Herald
  104. Montefrío 说:

    不要忘记 SocSec 之后的步骤:居住在美国境外的退休人员将被禁止出口来自美国的个人资本和/或收入的新“法律”切断。这是一种可怕的情况,人们希望这不太可能发生,但我已经不再感到惊讶了。我的猜测是,无论如何,老年白人婴儿潮一代在美国境外退休的机会现在几乎已经关闭了。

  105. 但让我们回到军舰相撞事件。为什么一位承认多元化的低级军官要向中国开火?


  106. 我希望解放军喜欢他们的 XXXL 号慰安妇,因为这就是他们在这里能找到的全部。


    • 哈哈: Carroll Price
  107. 我就是喜欢弗雷德·里德。臭鼬的臭味是从深度睡眠中醒来的最佳方法。

  108. 现在不要看弗雷德,但看起来中东的小屎污点可能正在为“大块头”做准备……

  109. HeebHunter 说:
    @Richard Sampson



  110. Anonymous[367]• 免责声明 说:


    中国人给了我们什么回报? 进入他们的市场? 有什么大不了的。 他们需要我们。 我们不需要它们。

    中国人忘记了我们为他们所做的一切。 我们分享了我们的技术,并且在分享知识信息方面非常慷慨。


    我们以一百万种方式紧密相连。 我们的企业和政府认为,由于我们的慷慨,我们应该在那里有发言权。 中国人现在觉得他们可以独立,并寻求离婚,尽管我们的行为是光荣的。


    中国一无是处。 而我们的关系正走向离婚。 我们尝试了很多方法来逼迫自己并惩罚他们,这是正确的,因为他们应得的。

    他们是一个超级自私的机器人,根本不关心人类的生命。 它们通过线连接在一起。


  111. Chinaman 说:
    @Colin Wright



    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  112. @RoatanBill



  113. Chinaman 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman








    • 同意: Alfred
  114. Dumbo 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman




  115. @Anonymous


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  116. “为什么一个承认多元化的低级军官要向中国开火?”



  117. Rdm 说:

    弗雷德,你描述得很好。 “停下来…。不 …。你….别说了……”娇羞地说 




  118. antibeast 说:


    你:请不要迷信白人至上主义,你太聪明了。 美国白人的文化身份现在正受到攻击。 在出现“白人”之前,存在着波兰人、德国人、意大利人等种族聚居地。

    你误读了我的第一个陈述,它指的是“英裔美国人”,美国的开国元勋,他们驱逐了 1812 年战争后抵达的欧洲移民。欧洲移民——德国人、爱尔兰人、波兰人、斯堪的纳维亚人、意大利人等——到达 19 世纪,但他们的白人后裔通过获得白人种族身份而失去了欧洲文化身份,以便融入“英美”熔炉。波士顿曾经有爱尔兰裔美国天主教徒的种族飞地,费城有意大利裔美国天主教徒的种族飞地,中西部有德裔美国路德教徒的飞地等等,但总的来说,这些欧洲移民的后代已经成为被驱逐的美国白人,他们失去了自己的信仰。与其欧洲祖籍地的种族联系。这种情况的发生并非偶然,而是有意为之,因为英裔美国人提倡这种“熔炉”同化模式,以加强美国白人对美国的忠诚,而不是对他们欧洲祖先家园的忠诚。

    英裔美国人自己利用“身份政治”作为一种经典的“分而治之”策略,在种族上将非洲奴隶制的美国白人当作替罪羊,从而粉饰自己的法律罪责。但这些欧洲移民——德国人、斯堪的纳维亚人、爱尔兰人、意大利人——对非洲奴隶制几乎没有责任,因为他们是在非洲奴隶贸易之后从欧洲来到这里的,随着大多数欧洲移民在 1880 年之后抵达,这一想法已被废除。在爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒期间对非洲奴隶制负责是完全荒谬的,因为爱尔兰人本身就是贪婪的英国资本家的受害者,他们从跨大西洋非洲奴隶贸易中获得的利润买下了爱尔兰的所有土地。那些半饥饿的爱尔兰农民不得不离开爱尔兰前往美国,因为他们在爱尔兰几乎没有土地来种植自己的粮食作物。现在,“觉醒左翼”想要在种族上把那些半饥饿的爱尔兰农民的白人后裔当作替罪羊,因为他们对非洲奴隶的黑人后裔实行“种族主义”,尽管他们都是英国和美国资本家残酷剥削的受害者。



    • 谢谢: dogbumbreath
  119. Rdm 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov


    即使是 1864 年的幼儿,到 157 年也将是 2021 岁。

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  120. Daddio7 说:

    那么我们到底能让中国人走多远呢? 他们现在已经接近吞并菲律宾了。 接下来是印度尼西亚,然后是澳大利亚。 他们会在夏威夷停留还是我们让他们拥有密西西比河以西的一切?

    • 哈哈: HeebHunter
  121. @Rdm



    • 哈哈: Rdm
  122. Rdm 说:





    这是 CNN、NYT、WaPo、Reuters 的新闻





    4个小时 !!!!




    这就是我们在 2021 年初距离战争之路有多近的距离。



  123. Marckus 说:

    有时,每个老师都必须使用拐杖来迫使不情愿的学生就范。幸运的是,我们的手杖尖端含有核装置。这些人需要知道自己的位置。他们在地球上一如既往地为怀蒂服务,仅此而已!就连像 Biff、Antibeast、Chieh 和 Mumbo Jumbo Brain 这样的 UR 中国蟑螂也认识到自己的哈巴狗地位,并想和白人一起在这里闲逛。



    至于大型冲突,我们以前打败过他们,也会再次鞭打他们。任何不这么认为的人都是失败者,在进入擂台之前就已经被打败了。至于弗雷德·里德(Fred Reed),他需要意识到,在一场战争中,他的退伍军人养老金将被没收,他将不得不百分百地用两根棍子从葫芦中挑选每一个。



    • 回复: @Rdm
    , @HeebHunter
    , @Chinaman
  124. Marckus 说:



  125. Nancy 说:


  126. rgl 说:



  127. @Anonymous



    • 同意: Zarathustra
    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  128. 我喜欢弗雷特的智慧和写作风格。他还有能力指出罪魁祸首,而又不会让自己陷入政治困境——这是接近边缘但绝不跳下悬崖的诀窍。啊?
    请注意,他从未在 DaCurtain 后面提到 DaMan——显然,他像大多数政治家一样,知道自己的极限,因此在不越界的情况下娱乐——这使他成为一名政治家!就在今天早上,我读到了罗恩·保罗 (Ron Paul) 的一篇文章,他看到了一切,但讲述了 90% – 总是有限制的!

  129. Rdm 说:



    • 回复: @Marckus
  130. Tim too 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    实际上,美国人的历史上有一个共同的事件,您可能会说它证实了您的观点。 这不像你所说的那样严重的暴力大规模伤亡事件。 但绝大多数美国人都认同这一点,他们不想再看到类似的事情。 大萧条。

    第二次世界大战后,美国人想起了大萧条的困难,而不是战争。 对于大多数美国人来说,战争是一场好战争,因为经济繁荣受到了美国人的欢迎。 战争结束后,他们有很多钱可以花。 与大萧条形成鲜明对比的是,美国成为了永久性的战争经济和帝国。

    所以你是对的,美国从未经历过像伟大的卫国战争这样的事情。 至少不是在接收端。 但美国确实有共同的大众历史经验。

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  131. 在互联网上阅读这篇有趣的文章。






  132. Curmudgeon 说:


    没有内战。 内战是反对派系寻求控制政府的战争。 邦联正在逃离美国政府,而不是试图接管它。

  133. @Astuteobservor II





    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  134. @Daddio7


    • 回复: @no jack london
  135. @Tim too



  136. @Commentator Mike






    • 不同意: Badger Down
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
    , @d dan
    , @denk
  137. 美国古巴明特·卡扎尔·阿沙特·布林肯在中国为深层国家官员虚拟制造新的身体孔道的过程中,实际上以哀怨的防御方式吐出了白痴级别的感叹词:“我听说美国回来了。”



  138. @Zarathustra



    • 同意: Zarathustra
  139. HeebHunter 说:



    哦等等,梦想时间结束了。是时候擦亮戈德斯坦的鞋子了,把你的屁股和谢克尔带回家给你的 BBC 爸爸勒布朗·曼迪戈 (Le'bron Mandigo)。


  140. @Colin Wright


  141. HeebHunter 说:
    @Colin Wright



    • 谢谢: nokangaroos
  142. @Hillbob


  143. HeebHunter 说:



    美国人怎么还能像硬汉一样坐在这里说话呢? 很明显,他们对任何事情都没有发言权。 天啊,就连他们的海军陆战队也决定大幅削减开支。 可能是因为他们自己足够聪明,不会成为与中国发生陆地战争的主要力量。 海军陆战队员都是蜡笔吃者! 这对 Unz 的 ami 婴儿潮一代有何评价?

    确实,任何被犹太-西克森“文化”和遗传学污染的国家都必须被净化并交给其他种族。自工业革命以来,这些地下亚人类对人类造成了巨大的伤害。没有比这更糟糕的爱好 kike、浣熊他妈的比赛了。

  144. 美国军队的目的不是为了取胜,而是为了为我们的企业主窃取资源。那么他们为什么要为中国操心呢,特别是因为中国是为企业主生产产品的呢?伊朗将关注石油和管道。就像叙利亚+一样,两者都会让以色列感到高兴。这是额外的奖励。乌克兰的战争将是关于农业和天然气资源的掠夺。而且这也是关于戳俄罗斯熊,这会让克林顿夫妇和亲信非常高兴。底线是,只有银行家放过中国人,才会发生与中国的战争,而不是相反。我猜接下来会是叙利亚,同时会激怒疯狂的乌克兰人发动内战。拜登犯罪机器在这两方面都获胜,除非吉尔无意或故意对老乔用药过量。


  145. @Commentator Mike

    有些评论者是一些超级疯狂的类型。我敢打赌,弱智者不知道为什么美国在 70 年代放弃了金本位。

  146. @Ray Caruso

    你想要我诚实的 tah gawd Ebonics ansah 吗?因为你要如何支付永久赔偿?施特……

  147. @Jeffrey A Freeman




  148. antibeast 说:


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Chinaman
  149. @TKK

    看看电影演员协会,又名全球同性人,又名部落,他们新的包容性多样性强制 POC 政策将白人变成有史以来行走地球或探索宇宙的最邪恶的种族。

  150. Realist 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman


  151. 好吧,好吧……我们要敲响战鼓,以聚集一些针​​对东亚的愤怒……大洋洲一直与东亚交战……有趣的是,媒体现在如何煽动自由派和新保守派……

    谁在幕后操纵,谁控制了拜登这个傀儡的屁股,在中国创造了一个怪物……你见过中国人在 1993 年左右生产的“汽车”吗?这是一辆带有割草机发动机的仿制大众巴士……但所有跨国公司都想去那里。只有中国比这些叛徒混蛋更聪明……这对他们来说真是太好了。优秀的chinky dinkery......所以现在你必须与他们开战......





  152. d dan 说:
    @Colin Wright








    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Badger Down
  153. d dan 说:
    @Colin Wright





    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Rdm
    , @Jeem
  154. Mefobills 说:


    英美资源集团到1912年就失去了对货币的控制权,这是根本原因。 WASP 精英都是傻瓜。 黄蜂精英的贪婪和愚蠢是主要原因,而不是某种创造“白人”的邪恶阴谋。为什么黄蜂精英在 1912 年将货币权力转移给私人银行家,而宪法的意图非常明确,即货币权力应由财政部控制?愚蠢胜过邪恶。

    E-迈克尔·琼斯几乎已经阐述了这一点。金融阶层(消防部门)接管了寡头集团的控制权。这个金融阶层是东阿什肯纳兹犹太人的精神和基因后裔,其中许多人从 1880 年左右开始移民。




    • 回复: @antibeast
  155. @antibeast




  156. Mefobills 说:

    英裔美国人自己利用“身份政治”作为一种经典的“分而治之”策略,在种族上将非洲奴隶制的美国白人当作替罪羊,从而粉饰自己的法律罪责。但这些欧洲移民——德国人、斯堪的纳维亚人、爱尔兰人、意大利人——对非洲奴隶制几乎没有责任,因为他们是在非洲奴隶贸易废除后从欧洲抵达的,而大多数欧洲移民是在 1880 年之后抵达的。

    是的,这是经典的分而治之。但是,您归因错误。正是寄生虫,此时已经控制了新闻机构并掌握了金钱权力。这不是英裔美国人。到 1965 年,WASP 精英几乎完全放弃了权力。



    我在这方面遇到的最好的信息是亨利·乔治的作品。他亲自去爱尔兰看看。英国央行(BOE)的债务向外扩散,包括爱尔兰。为了偿还不断扩大的债务,爱尔兰人向伦敦运送高价值食品。伦敦什么时候成为金融资本主义并开始失灵的? 1694 年,我们的(((阿姆斯特丹的朋友)))策划了创建英格兰银行的阴谋。


    这是犹太人的事情,而不是英美人的事情。有色人种协进会是由纽约犹太人创建的,其工作人员也是犹太人,直到他们找到了自己的混血儿 WEB Dubois。




    • 同意: GeeBee
  157. utu 说:


    “我相信,如果中国入侵台湾,美国将奋力保卫台湾。在我看来,美国会袖手旁观并允许中国征服台湾是不可想象的。”这些不是睁大眼睛的威尔逊主义者或新保守派鹰派的言论。相反,它们是由约翰·米尔斯海默(John Mearsheimer)提供的。



    华盛顿的一些人认识到是时候从模棱两可转向清晰了。 最近出台的《台湾入侵预防法》(TIPA) 将授权使用军事力量“保卫和保护台湾免受……中华人民共和国军队的直接武装攻击,夺取台湾有效管辖下的领土”以及“危害台湾军队成员或台湾有效管辖范围内平民的生命安全”。

    HR7855 – 防止台湾侵略法




    (三) 台湾地区军队人员或台湾有效管辖范围内的平民,已经被杀或有被杀生命危险,危及生命安全。


    • 哈哈: Rdm, Chinaman
    • 回复: @d dan
    , @denk
    , @nokangaroos
  158. Desert Fox 说:

    不会与中国发生战争,中国就像 ZUS 一样处于犹太复国主义控制之下,自 1972 年大卫·洛克菲勒 (David Rockefeller) 让尼克松向 ZUS 公司开放中国的奴隶劳工以来,这些公司随后将中国建设成为今天的强国, ZUS 不会炸毁他们的沙盒,谈论与中国的战争是一个很好的小消遣,可以让美国人民远离犹太复国主义正在摧毁美国的事实。

  159. @Chinaman





    • 回复: @Rdm
  160. @d dan



  161. lysias 说:

    1914 年之前的几年里,英国媒体对德国也表现出了同样无理的敌意。

  162. HeebHunter 说:


    • 谢谢: profnasty
  163. HeebHunter 说:

    它在为 BBC 爸爸“公牛 Mandigo”做准备时说话。

  164. @d dan




    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Astuteobservor II
  165. MS 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman


    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  166. ricpic 说:


    • 哈哈: HeebHunter
  167. anon[126]• 免责声明 说:

    与中国战争? 真有趣!



  168. Rdm 说:
    @d dan



    所以任何讨论,即使你说1+1等于2,但在他们的世界里,如果他们能吐出1+1等于3,他们的生活会更好,他们就会这样做。如果他们能证明 1 加 1 等于 4,并且中央情报局、国家情报局的帮助下他们的生活会好得多,他们也会这样做。与自然、逻辑、真理无关。这只是他们的生存。 

    • 谢谢: d dan
  169. Joe Paluka 说:
    @Richard Sampson

    美国人更容易受到伤害,如果切断药品供应一个月,一半人口就会死亡。 70% 的人口服用处方药:13% 服用抗抑郁药,17% 服用抗生素,13% 服用止痛阿片类药物,其余的服用糖尿病药物等各种其他药物。 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/study-shows-70-percent-of-americans-take-prescription-drugs/

  170. d dan 说:



    • 同意: Mulga Mumblebrain
  171. 冷静点,弗雷多。





    事实上,基督教,而不是过度的 Globohomo。

    资源也很多。是的,这是关键。 😉

    • 哈哈: HeebHunter
  172. Fred777 说:


    一名腐败、脑部受损的 78 岁政治家比任何 12 岁的政治家都要危险得多。

    • 回复: @Realist
  173. d dan 说:

    “好吧,我什至不会称其为作弊。 ”





    • 回复: @Boomthorkell
  174. Rdm 说:
    @Colin Wright


    1. 几年前,关于中国和美国的争论曾经存在过。我可以说出一些评论者的名字。有些人已经走了,我已经很长时间没有见到他们了。 


    3. 大多数时候,没有人倾听。所以你会听到噪音。






    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  175. Joe Paluka 说:


    你的日历显示的是 1921 年还是 2021 年?英国于 1947 年离开印度,如今他们在印度的经济和文化影响力至少可以说很小。英国在印度18-2019年贸易伙伴名单中排名第2020位。你提到“英裔美国人”,就好像他们是美国的统治阶级一样,这很有趣。 “英裔美国人”已经多年没有统治美国了(可能至少从 1960 世纪 50 年代开始),并说他们拥有基于白人至上的身份是完全愚蠢的。至少在过去的 XNUMX 年里,美国一直是由上层犹太人和下层一群来自许多国家的有用白痴组成的联盟统治的。如果出现像克林顿这样的盎格鲁名字,那完全没有意义,因为这些人与任何种族忠诚无关,他们的忠诚与金钱和权力有关。我认为你需要读一些书,停止从 CNN 获取所有新闻和信息。

    • 同意: Miro23
    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
    , @Miro23
  176. @unit472




    • 回复: @Badger Down
  177. @ThreeCranes

    随着热核武器的出现及其广泛分布,当今的任何战争都不可能有真正的赢家,只有输家。 尽管看起来有些反常,但这种恐怖平衡却在整个核时代维持了和平。

  178. Realist 说:


    塞兹(Sez)一世,我们状况良好而真实。 但是,我们对此无能为力。


    • 回复: @Fred777
  179. niceland 说:



    • 回复: @Badger Down
  180. Chinaman 说:




  181. profnasty 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman


    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  182. @Joe Paluka

    我想说你是对的。长期以来,WASP 一直只是 Sabbat Goy 的走狗,依赖于“犹太人的选票”(每个“本尼”都是美国民主狂热下的一张选票)。我毫不怀疑在各个角落仍然存在一些残余的阻力,但大多数人很乐意接受他们的支票,并保持沉默。美国不认为自己应该单独控制中国——整个世界都是他们的,根据神圣权利,继承的。

  183. @GeneralRipper


    • 回复: @GeneralRipper
  184. RoatanBill 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman



  185. @FortHay

    有趣的评论。既然你教授微积分和物理,我想听听你对作者所说的美国必须做些什么才能在 STEM 教育方面赶上中国的看法:


  186. @ricpic


    • 同意: Biff
  187. @Mulga Mumblebrain








    • 回复: @Badger Down
    , @HeebHunter
  188. 我曾经读过里德的博客。但他已经沦落为挥手的泛泛而谈。也就是说,他的文章没有多大用处。

  189. HeebHunter 说:


    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  190. HeebHunter 说:

    上次我在 muttmerica 的时候,我和我的朋友去了阿灵顿,喝了几杯啤酒后发生了有史以来最大的泄漏,哈哈

    • 回复: @GeneralRipper
  191. HeebHunter 说:





    BBC 色情片、基克奴役、猖獗的同性恋和恋童癖都是令人厌恶的。乡巴佬,不是工业资本主义国家。

  192. Chinaman 说:




    我唯一的恳求是你不要低估你的敌人。学会尊重你的敌人,无论你多么恨或鄙视我们……就像我所做的那样。了解你的敌人。你了解中国、它的文化和语言吗?就像我了解美国人一样吗?不要让傲慢成为美国的垮台。无论你如何看待自己的优越性和在种族等级中的地位,客观上,中国人确实比你有更高的智商和更多的人口。 4倍之多。我们也有核武器。




  193. @HeebHunter




    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  194. Jeem 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman


    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  195. @Boomthorkell





    • 回复: @Boomthorkell
  196. HeebHunter 说:


    • 回复: @GeneralRipper
  197. @Rdm


    如果您不是这个网站的新手,它们很容易识别。如果我没记错的话,他们是在 2018 年开始出现的。贸易战开始的确切时间。

    从某种程度上来说,这非常酷。在过去的 2.5 年里,我实时观察了宣传尝试。

  198. Flaneur 说:
    @Richard Sampson




  199. @HeebHunter



    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  200. Jeem 说:
    @d dan

    我怀疑“Colin Wright”(好听的名字)只是浪费时间 哈斯巴拉 抄写员,付费占用空间并传播 FUD

  201. Jokem 说:





  202. LabMan 说:


    难道所有的专制政权不都是敌人吗? 他们当然不是“朋友”。 他们剥夺公民最基本的权利,并在国际上制造麻烦。

    有了民主,就有希望。 如果没有民主,你就会得到自公元前一万年以来人类文明所经历的一切:持续不断的战争和对其他人类的屠杀。 但现在我不认为瑞典和挪威、法国和德国、韩国和日本、美国和加拿大会爆发战争。

    那么,我们难道不应该强烈批评中国独裁统治者的可怕政策,因为这可能会激怒他们吗? 让我休息一下。

    • 回复: @Jokem
  203. antibeast 说:

    你说得对。 19世纪末,大多数黑人生活在南方,当时大多数欧洲移民经由埃利斯岛抵达,并在东北部和中西部定居,在那里他们形成了种族飞地,拥有自己的种族学校、俱乐部、教堂、媒体、企业等,拥有非常丰富的文化背景。与黑人接触很少,对美国知之甚少,也几乎不会说英语。在此之前,大多数欧洲移民到美国是定居在东北部的爱尔兰人或定居在中西部的德国人。英美资本家进口数千万欧洲移民的原因是他们需要廉价的白人劳动力,因为他们不想使用来自南方的自由黑人劳动力。此外,在爱尔兰工党成功迫使美国国会通过1880年排华法案后,英美资本家希望通过从欧洲各地输入欧洲移民来瓦解爱尔兰工党的政治权力。爱尔兰对华工的敌意上升后者抵达西部修建铁路后,他们被招募为工贼,以镇压爱尔兰工党领导的东北部工厂罢工。

    我的观点正是你刚才所描述的:大多数定居在东北部和中西部的欧洲移民与主要居住在南部的黑人没有任何关系。那么,为什么在 19 世纪欧洲移民的白人后裔抵达美国之前,他们现在就因美国的黑人问题而成为 17 世纪欧洲移民的白人后裔的替罪羊呢? 18-19世纪期间,伦敦金融城的英国资本家及其华尔街代理人为跨大西洋非洲奴隶贸易提供资金并从中获利,而不是来自爱尔兰、德国、斯堪的纳维亚半岛、意大利、波兰等地的欧洲移民。 XNUMX世纪非洲奴隶贸易废除后。那么,为什么华尔街资助的“觉醒左派”群体现在指责在废除非洲奴隶贸易后到达美国的欧洲移民的白人后裔,要向在非洲奴隶工作的黑人后裔支付经济赔偿责任?在美国南部为英国的英国纺织厂采摘棉花?

    德国、爱尔兰、意大利、斯堪的纳维亚、波兰等与英国资助的跨大西洋非洲奴隶贸易无关。德国、爱尔兰、意大利、斯堪的纳维亚和波兰移民也没有这样做,他们在 19 世纪主要定居在东北部或中西部,并形成了自己的种族飞地,几乎没有黑人。

    觉醒的左翼群体在种族问题上以欧洲移民的白人后裔为替罪羊,他们与美国的黑人问题完全无关,因为他们只是在 20 世纪才成为美国白人。

    • 回复: @Mefobills
  204. anon[389]• 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @Jokem
  205. @d dan





  206. some_loon 说:


    “全国总兵力的 25%(648,500 人)是应征入伍者。 (66% 的美国武装部队成员
    越南战争死亡人数中,应征入伍者占 30.4%(17,725 人)。”

    顺便说一句,上面是谷歌显示的第一个链接,我没有检查其他来源。这是一个 pdf 文件。

  207. @Anonymous


    • 回复: @d dan
  208. dimples 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain


    • 回复: @dimples
  209. 说到战争的鼓声,我不知道自己错过了什么,直到我发现了这种令人难以置信的历史音乐。

  210. Marckus 说:



  211. l'lsis 说:


  212. d dan 说:




    来源: https://santandertrade.com/en/portal/establish-overseas/china/foreign-investment

    此外,在中国投资的大部分制造业并不是真正来自美国和西方的最先进技术。比如英特尔在中国投资,但他们在中国的工厂至少落后美国一两代。苹果在中国组装 iPhone 是因为这些产品的技术含量“相对”较低。它的研发留在美国。波音、惠普、IBM、通用电气也是如此……只有当他们已经了解中国,或者接近达到这些技术水平时,他们才会把技术带到中国。他们很少(如果有的话)帮助中国跨越技术差距。大多数高科技首席执行官并不愚蠢,他们知道中国是一个潜在的竞争对手,他们清楚地了解中国的潜力,即使不是在 1 世纪 2 年代,但至少现在是这样。

    • 回复: @Jokem
    , @Showmethereal
  213. @Gordon K. Shumway


  214. @MS

    。 。 。 。 + 5 次免费的 SHIFT 键按下。


    • 哈哈: Rich
  215. d dan 说:




    中国已经部署了第一种高超音速武器,即配备高超音速滑翔飞行器的DF-17助推导弹。西方分析人士称,较大的 DF-41 还可以携带高超音速滑翔机。



  216. @Jeem





  217. @Dumbo

    但出于某种难以理解的原因,美国似乎成为历史上包括罗马帝国在内的所有国家和帝国中最贪得无厌的战争国家。没有一个地方他们不想玩 GloboCop。


  218. @Curmudgeon


  219. denk 说:


  220. denk 说:


    天才。 !
    这是典型的[[[ Fiveliars]]],生活在某个平行宇宙中,一切都发生了转变 上下翻转.

    我们是什么 人间 想知道的是……



  221. Mefobills 说:



    1996 年克林顿通过电信法案后,媒体被合并为几个所有者。谁是所有者?


    • 回复: @antibeast
  222. denk 说:
    @Colin Wright



    你为什么不告诉我 宝石 给自任命的 全球警察 全球破坏球装备...

  223. Jokem 说:



  224. Jokem 说:


  225. Jokem 说:
    @d dan


    • 巨魔: d dan
  226. @Boomthorkell

    他们称其为“以色列联合王国”阴谋并不是无缘无故的。 “为了谋生而工作是笨蛋和平民的事;盗版就在那里。杀戮人民,掠夺土地。达成一分钱一分货的交易。永远不要给傻瓜一个均匀的休息时间。我们还是安全一点吧,无论如何都要轰炸它。你的一切基础都是我们的!”

  227. 保守派不好?这个白痴就是一个彻底被洗脑的弱智左派!


  228. @Showmethereal


  229. HeebHunter 说:


  230. Miro23 说:
    @Joe Paluka

    “英裔美国人”已经多年没有统治美国了(可能至少从 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代开始),并说他们拥有基于白人至上的身份是完全愚蠢的。 至少在过去的 50 年里,美国一直是由上层犹太人和下层一群来自许多国家的有用白痴组成的联盟统治的。 如果出现像克林顿这样的盎格鲁名字,那完全没有意义,因为这些人与任何种族忠诚无关,他们的忠诚与金钱和权力有关。我认为你需要读一些书,停止从 CNN 获取所有新闻和信息。




    就中国而言,犹太黑手党的所有传统权力路线似乎都被封锁了。他们无法获得中国媒体的所有权。中国的政治是基于中共的终生精英事务,而中国的银行业受到国家的严重影响(没有“独立”的中央银行)。中国人也有自己的社交媒体和搜索(没有 Facebook、谷歌等),他们也做自己的电子产品。

    * 美国遭到掠夺和贫困,就像叶利钦统治下的俄罗斯一样。只是花了更长的时间,因为那是一个更富裕的地方。

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  231. 领地意识和群体形成并不是“愚蠢的”。恰恰相反。其实愚蠢的是个人主义和“我的土地属于大家”的心态。

    • 同意: Miro23
  232. @GeneralRipper


    • 回复: @GeneralRipper
  233. @Miro23


  234. antibeast 说:

    除了“白人罪恶感”之外,还有另一个阴险的原因——通过转移责任来隐藏非洲奴隶贸易和美国南部黑人奴隶制背后的真正罪魁祸首。如果非洲奴隶的黑人后裔想要伸张正义,那么他们应该对伦敦金融城和华尔街的非洲奴隶贸易奸商的家族庄园以及美国南部的种植园主提起集体诉讼,而不是提起集体诉讼。沉迷于这个愚蠢的“EVUL WHITE PIPUL”模因中,这只不过是觉醒左翼推动的种族主义替罪羊。

    • 回复: @Mefobills
    , @Showmethereal
  235. Bill Jones 说:


  236. Herald 说:

    可怜的弗雷德叔叔甚至看不到犹太人在混乱中的手。 没有什么可以相信是真实的或准确的。


    • 回复: @BuelahMan
  237. Mefobills 说:








    • 回复: @antibeast
  238. @Achmed E. Newman

    阿奇!干杯!嘿,Peak 的中国涂鸦链接列表?给我一个你的链接。那堆里肯定有二十个。

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  239. @d dan

    事实上,许多在中国为西方公司工作或生活在西方的中国人已经离开这些公司,在中国创办科技公司。查找 FPGA。有一家正在崛起的中国公司——已经具有全球竞争力。高芯半导体.曾就职于西方芯片公司。看看一家新的 GPU 公司——Moore Threads——它已经是一家独角兽,而且才刚刚起步。创始人是中国人,但他们是NVIDIA、AMD等公司的工程师。

    • 同意: GomezAdddams
  240. @antibeast


    • 巨魔: GeneralRipper
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @antibeast
  241. @HeebHunter

    是的,艾哈迈德的智商确实很低,这是毫无疑问的。是的,Heeb、Achmed(以及 Fred Reed 和许多人)了解这件事的主体,但这不是每个帖子的主题。他在这里对中国的思考是关于他们所取得的技术进步,以及最后,中国如何设置了如此多的限制和社会控制、积分制度以及其他他现在不想住在那里的东西。这与弗雷德、马蒂、帕特·布坎南和其他人曾经说过的话相符。为什么阿奇、弗雷德或马尔蒂亚诺夫的智商很低,因为他们的每句话都不是对犹太机器的愤怒,这是你的发明。换句话说,你是个怪人。

  242. @Gordon K. Shumway


    • 回复: @Jokem
  243. @d dan


  244. @niceland


  245. bayviking 说:

    我们将大量制造业转移到中国,企业利润飙升,因此企业税被削减。离岸外包这个词就是劳动力套利。现在我无法使用断路器将我的电力服务从糟糕的 100 安培升级到 200 安培服务。电工声称短缺是由于大流行造成的,但他满嘴都是狗屎。短缺是由于橙色树懒发起的贸易战造成的。



    普林斯顿大学 2014 年对 2000 项美国立法的研究表明,没有一项是为了劳动人民的利益。合乎逻辑的结论是,我们生活在寡头政治中,而不是我们宪法所规定的支持普遍福利的民主国家。


    • 同意: GomezAdddams
    • 回复: @antibeast
  246. BuelahMan 说:


  247. Malla 说:






    这解释了为什么美洲原住民支持英国人而不是美国白人。罗恩·乌兹(Ron Unz)已经解释说,尽管有一些糟糕的案例,但整个种族灭绝事件都是垃圾。








    盎格鲁撒克逊人更清楚和理解,中国拥有足够的核弹头,可以将他们的 WASP 家园化为天国。

    美国是一个多种族国家,人民来自世界各地,在幕后,犹太人在体制中比英美精英更强大。美国政治体系中有许多印度人掌权。老实说,美国不能被称为盎格鲁国家,尽管它是一个拥有来自世界各地的人民的多种族全球主义国家。然而,传统的美国遗产是 WASP,而且永远都是,但他们今天的权力有限。

    • 巨魔: d dan
    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @denk
    , @last straw
  248. Malla 说:



    • 巨魔: d dan
    • 回复: @Showmethereal
    , @Mefobills
  249. antibeast 说:


    觉醒左派人群不会告诉你的是,中情局在 60 年代和 70 年代越南战争期间从金三角进口毒品,并利用贫民区黑人作为街头小贩将这些毒品充斥美国城市,以宣传“白人工人阶级中的性与毒品文化。随着美国民权运动的展开,黑人与白人之间的对立,美国资本主义霸主随后策划了拉丁裔非法移民的大量涌入,以摧毁白人工人阶级,同时策划将蓝领工厂的工作大规模外包到海外。五十年后,几十年的移民、外包和全球化的最终结果是美国工人阶级的毁灭和美国下层阶级的诞生,他们依赖美国政府的施舍并沉迷于“性与毒品”的生活方式。


  250. antibeast 说:


    不,你错了。美国跨国公司将制造业务外包给在中国、亚洲其他地区和世界其他地区开设工厂的亚洲合同制造商。这些工厂并非由美国跨国公司拥有和管理,而是由亚洲合同制造商拥有和管理,例如利丰(香港)、富士康(台湾)、伟创力(新加坡)等。例如,苹果公司在中国没有一家工厂但将其所有产品制造外包给富士康等亚洲合同制造商。除了工业生产外,产品工程、工厂模具和供应链管理也由这些亚洲合同制造商完成。苹果等美国跨国公司履行的职能是 1) 设计、2) 软件、3) 营销和 4) 运营。

    • 谢谢: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @bayviking
    , @bayviking
  251. @Malla



    • 同意: d dan, Rdm
  252. @nsa



  253. Mefobills 说:

    上世纪 60 年代和 70 年代越南战争期间,中央情报局从金三角进口毒品,并利用贫民窟黑人将这些毒品充斥美国城市











    • 同意: GeeBee
    • 回复: @antibeast
  254. Mefobills 说:




    • 同意: Malla
  255. antibeast 说:


    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  256. bayviking 说:

    中国仍然是发展中国家中最大的外国国内投资接受国。 FDI 流入不再对国家贸易顺差、工业产出、固定投资或税收收入做出越来越大的贡献。这主要归功于国内生产总值的动态增长,但也归功于更具选择性(尽管仍然开放)的政策方针。尽管如此,外商直接投资在促进中国贸易、投资和税收创收方面继续发挥着不成比例的巨大作用,尽管程度不如以前。近年来发生了一系列结构性变化。第一个涉及进入形式。虽然外商独资企业成为中国外商直接投资的主要形式,但合资企业略有复苏。早期的所有制形式,如合作企业,于 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代初引入,作为外国直接投资的初始进入方式,旨在允许外资参与经济,同时限制外资对企业的控制,但与此同时,这些形式已变得微不足道。第二个变化是产业分类的变化。目前,服务业外国直接投资的增长速度快于制造业的外国直接投资。

    50年,当美国纳税人斥资2009亿美元救助通用汽车时,很少有人能想到底特律“三巨头”(通用汽车、克莱斯勒、福特)中最大的一家会继续向美国进口中国汽车。然而,在公共资助和高度政治化的救援行动仅七年后,通用汽车就表示将这样做:明年初,该汽车制造商将开始将中国制造的别克远景跨界车运往太平洋彼岸,在其美国经销商处销售,配备插头- 凯迪拉克 CT6 旗舰轿车的混合动力版将紧随其后。任何相信通用汽车的救助计划能够筑起一道屏障,抵御长期担心的中国汽车泛滥的人可能会感到困惑,因为这家汽车制造商竟然支持中国进口汽车。事实上,这一举措只是2009年以来的最新举措,当时通用汽车获得了中国的秘密“救助”,这似乎将美国最大的汽车制造商变成了其中国合作伙伴的特洛伊木马。

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
    , @antibeast
  257. bayviking 说:


  258. @utu



  259. Chinaman 说:


    • 巨魔: GeneralRipper
    • 回复: @Malla
  260. Arnieus 说:

    在我看来,华盛顿那些明显的白痴只是在按照剧本行事。 全球化的、近亲繁殖的、王朝式的银行家氏族倾向于煽动对那些违抗其以债务为基础的中央银行控制的国家的战争。 从拿破仑开始,后来的国家社会主义德国无视他们的经济霸权并被摧毁。 这就是两次世界大战美国人被骗参战的原因。 我认为现在的目标是思想独立的美国。

    在我看来,唐纳德特朗普领导了一场类似的农民起义,向寻求民族国家终结的全球主义联合国宣告美国主权。 振兴的经济是他们最不想看到的。 对谷歌统计数据的简要分析表明,越来越多支持特朗普总统的美国人开始意识到联邦政府和美联储央行行长的犯罪性质。 伪造的大流行心理战是为了让选举舞弊能够在不杀死特朗普的情况下将特朗普赶下台。 美国人仍然变得无法控制,可能会被带入与中国和/或俄罗斯的战争,而美国将输掉这场战争。

  261. Rdm 说:





    • 同意: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Showmethereal
  262. @Badger Down




  263. Sollipsist 说:






    • 谢谢: Boomthorkell
  264. @d dan




  265. @Astuteobservor II


    我坚信不成为 世界储备货币。更好的人们用他们认为适合用作货币的东西进行交易,每个国家都在努力以最适合自己的方式发展其能力。




    • 同意: Showmethereal
  266. @antibeast


  267. @bayviking



  268. rok53 说:


  269. chrimony 说:



    • 回复: @antibeast
  270. Jokem 说:
    @Jim Christian


  271. Smith 说:




  272. @Jim Christian

    他们所有人,吉姆。 峰值愚蠢 听起来像是一个大型企业,因为我经常说“我们”,并且包括我们法律部门的建议。不过,这只是我。


    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  273. dimples 说:



  274. Malla 说:



    • 回复: @HeebHunter
    , @Chinaman
  275. Malla 说:




    • 回复: @denk
    , @Smith
    , @Showmethereal
  276. denk 说:

    白人国家的仇华者比例最高, 尤其是在[[[五个骗子]]]土地上。
    毫不奇怪,自远古以来,FUKUS 领导的[[[五个巢穴]]]一直对 Chicom 怀有最大的敌意。

    你们不断告诉我们英国人是无辜的,他们对中国人怀有敌意,因为犹太人控制的男男性接触者洗脑告诉他们中国人是他们的死敌。 [原文如此]

    IF 就是这样,

    HIQ白人白痴的供应是取之不尽用之不竭的,这就像一场永无休止的游戏 鼹鼠的重击 ,我个人玩了几十年都累坏了,不如帮我们一把,而不是一直喊错树?

    • 回复: @Malla
  277. denk 说:


    新加坡 种族隔离 小印度华人禁酒

    新加坡人咒骂晚上 1030 点之后就买不到酒了,这要归功于印度工人,他们灌满了酒,因为一个小小的交通问题而发生骚乱。



    我不羡慕现在生活在[[[五个骗子]]]土地上的中国人,[[[某人]]]正在努力 拉印度尼西亚 在他们身上。



  278. Malla 说:


    • 回复: @denk
  279. Malla 说:


    大师?以什么方式? 1947年之后,我们不再是帝国的一部分,那么他们又如何成为主人(即使你是这么描述的)?
    至于掠夺和开采资源,我已经多次揭穿了。英国对印度农民的税率(除了腐败的东印度公司统治的前几十年)远低于我们自己的印度国王,无论是穆斯林还是印度教徒。这个比例大约为 7% 到 12%,而我们自己的国王、印度教、穆斯林和锡克教的比例则高达 50%。在英国人到来之前,农民只能维持温饱,是英国人鼓励私有制。印度农民受到我们自己的放债人的剥削,为了应对这种情况,英国政府提出了合作银行的概念,以便印度农民能够以低得多的利率获得资本。除了孟加拉,当英国人来到印度时,所有国家的灌溉都是狗屎,是大英帝国大力扩大了灌溉(灌溉委员会), 世界上最大的灌溉项目(旁遮普运河殖民地) 1890 年代至 1940 年代期间在英属印度帮助印度农民。即使在今天,旁遮普邦仍然是印度的主要粮仓。请记住,当时 90% 的印度人口从事农业。
    1800年代末,当时的印度布料制造商希望获得关税保护,尽管英国公司反对,英国政府还是向印度制造商提供了关税保护。许多印度实业家在大英帝国期间变得富有,不,他们不是英国的合作者, 事实上,富有的比尔拉家族通过鸦片贸易致富,后来成为主要的服装巨头,资助了甘地和他的反英运动。世界上有多少政权会允许这样做?
    英属印度自 1900 年以来一直是世界上增长最快的经济体之一,其增长率与 1900 年初增长最快的两个经济体日本和沙皇俄罗斯相似。到了大约 1920 年代/1930 年代,英属印度服装制造商与日本服装竞争公司已经将英国服装产品逐出中国市场。除欧洲、美国和日本外,热带世界的大部分纺纱厂(纺织工业)都在英属印度。
    怎么会是抢劫和掠夺呢?印度是世界上最大的铁路网之一,当今印度铁路网的 80% 已在印度统治时期建成。不仅如此,由于印度在两次世界大战期间的贡献,印度政府在英国的账户上积累了巨额货币盈余,英国总督领导的印度英属印度政府用这笔钱从英国手中回购了印度铁路股份。到 1930 世纪 1947 年代,印度铁路完全由政府所有,并于 XNUMX 年免费授予印度和巴基斯坦。
    尼日利亚著名伊博族作家 Chinua Acebe 在他的著作《There was a Country》中写道,第 43 页。 XNUMX.
    “英国人对尼日利亚的殖民地进行了精心的管理。 有一支非常称职的政府官员干部,对如何管理一个国家有很高的了解。 这不是英国人仅在尼日利亚取得的成就。 他们能够在印度和澳大利亚更大规模地进行管理。 英国人拥有执政和执政的经验。 我没有为殖民主义辩护。 但重要的是要面对这样一个事实,即英国殖民地或多或少都是由专家统治的。”

  280. antibeast 说:





  281. Malla 说:



    • 回复: @Rdm
  282. Savageone 说:


    • 不同意: GomezAdddams
    • 巨魔: antibeast, d dan
    • 回复: @Mackerel Sky
  283. Smith 说:





    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  284. antibeast 说:


    据他介绍,美国统治阶级领导的“觉醒左派”群体正在利用他们的Antifa、BLM和LGBTQA彩虹暴徒对白人工人阶级发动一场政治正确的革命。换言之,这种不同种族、民族、性别、性别群体相互对抗的“身份政治”政治马戏只不过是变相的“阶级战争”。美国统治阶级现在希望引进数百万来自印度的亚洲移民和来自拉丁美洲的拉丁裔非法移民,以削弱白人工人阶级的政治权力,而白人工人阶级正是抗议美国深层政府领导的“政权更迭”政治政变的人群。 ” 特朗普导致了他们在国会大厦的“叛乱”。




  285. HeebHunter 说:





  286. @Showmethereal


    印度有严重的地理问题。由于季风降雨,他们在某个时间点得到的东西超出了他们的需要。没有运河和蓄水池系统,他们就无法储存水。这导致持续的饥荒。丘吉尔在二战期间杀死了 2 万孟加拉人吗?是的。这个人很邪恶。这并没有改变英国人统治期间为国家带来的利益。此外,大多数英国人也感到愤怒。我无法阻止伊拉克战争。我也会受到血腥诽谤吗?



    在跨大西洋奴隶贸易中,8万奴隶从非洲被贩卖到西半球。 1400年至1800年奥斯曼帝国的奴隶贸易期间,4万欧洲人被奴役。

  287. @Rdm


    • 回复: @Malla
  288. @Malla





    • 同意: HeebHunter
  289. Rich 说:


    • 回复: @antibeast
  290. @Malla

    印度是世界上最大的铁路网之一,当今印度铁路网的 80% 已在印度统治时期建成。



    纪念当时遇到的优秀印度人——Jai Hind!

    • 回复: @Malla
  291. @Savageone


    香港本来就没有民主,泛民主派在2014年拒绝了完全符合《基本法》的提议。 事实上,一直在“违反”《基本法》的是香港,而不是中国,主要是因为23年没有执行第23条(几乎是香港特区设想期限的一半!)。 现在他们受到了大陆安全法的困扰。 好吧,耐心不会永远持续下去。


    • 谢谢: Showmethereal
  292. @steinbergfeldwitzcohen



  293. antibeast 说:

    自 2010 年以来,中国的 FDI 流出量已超过 FDI 流入量:




    • 同意: Showmethereal
  294. @Smith

    事情是这样的……中国人民没有殖民马来西亚。你和马拉心爱的英国人做到了。去马来西亚的华人大多都是穷苦苦力! (许多人因英国人袭击中国南部而离开)。他们爬上梯子是他们的错吗???他们没有以牺牲马来人利益为代价推高他们地位的优惠政策。

    我已经可以总结你的回复了,节省你的精力。它将由以下组成。 “别管这个——别管那个——南沙群岛属于越南”。

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Malla
  295. antibeast 说:


    这意味着19世纪定居东北部的爱尔兰人或定居中西部的德国人等欧洲移民与生活在美国南部的黑人没有太多接触。 20世纪后期,欧洲移民与东北部和中西部的黑人接触,当时他们放弃了自己的种族身份,被同化为“白人”美国人。



    • 回复: @Rich
  296. denk 说:


    它的更多 邪恶 比起那个来说。

    其次,因为大肆宣传 黄色危险 模因



    然而, 这些中国病毒、黄祸、种族灭绝模因都是如此卑鄙的谎言,这让印中争端看起来像幼儿园的事情”

    [[[某人]]] 是 赌博 查阅 针对中国人的全球圣战


    高品质检验 白痴在这里?


    • 回复: @Malla
  297. @Malla




  298. @steinbergfeldwitzcohen






    事实上,我反对任何形式的压迫,包括白人。我对爱尔兰人与英国人的长期交往感到同情。我为东欧人感到遗憾,西欧人却试图让他们感觉自己不如东欧人。我什至为南非白人感到遗憾,自从白人政府垮台以来,许多南非白人现在生活在令人震惊的贫困和生活条件中。也许他们正在为祖先的罪孽付出代价——但这并不好。有些人背负着他们祖先的仇恨——所以我并不为他们感到难过。但那些不怀有仇恨的人——我确实为他们陷入如此肮脏的境地感到遗憾。 (见下文)

    • 回复: @steinbergfeldwitzcohen
  299. Rich 说:

    我同意绝大多数白人,无论是新来的还是原来的白人,与黑人奴隶制绝对没有历史联系。事实上,大多数南方白人并不拥有奴隶,并且在与拥有奴隶的大型种植园的竞争中遭受损失。我的观点是,白人并不是一个被废除的术语,也不是一个有罪的术语。它只是欧洲的代名词。那些家人在 19 世纪来到这里的爱尔兰白人天主教徒仍然自豪地宣称自己是爱尔兰人和白人。唯一对奴隶制或吉姆·克劳法感到内疚的白人是头脑简单的人和电视名人。真正的白人对过去或现在都没有罪恶感。

    • 回复: @antibeast
  300. @Achmed E. Newman


  301. last straw 说:


    • 谢谢: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
  302. d dan 说:

    “我已经可以总结你的回复了,省点力气吧。它将由以下组成。 “别管这个——别管那个——南沙群岛属于越南”。



    • 回复: @showmethereal
  303. Malla 说:



    这里有一群 HIQ 白人白痴

    这里的许多人(不是全部)反对美国对中国(和俄罗斯)的敌意。甚至本页主要文章的作者弗雷德·里德 (Fred Reed) 也是如此。你的主要敌人不在这里。

    • 回复: @denk
  304. Malla 说:



    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  305. Malla 说:

    第一位中国游客描述中世纪欧洲 // 拉班·索玛的不可思议的旅程 (1287)

    第一位印度游客描述英国和欧洲生活 // 1785 年“维拉耶奇迹”主要来源
    这段摘录摘自米尔扎·谢赫·伊泰萨穆丁 (Mirza Sheikh I'tesamuddin) 的精彩著作《维拉耶特的奇观:1765 年访问法国和英国的回忆录,原版为波斯文》。也许他走在米尔扎·阿布·塔勒布·汗之前。 Mirza Sheikh I'tesamuddin 不仅发现 1765 年的英国是一个美妙的国家,而且英国人民对外国人也非常友好和好客。

    顺便说一句,Vilayet 最初是阿拉伯语-波斯语术语,源自阿拉伯语“wilaya”,意思是像省一样的行政单位,但由于许多外国穆斯林会来到印度,而且印度当时由外国穆斯林王朝统治,所以这个词vilayet 在印地语中的意思是外国土地,早期是指我们的穆斯林统治者来自的中东外国土地,但现在它的意思是第一世界外国国家,如英国、德国、美国、澳大利亚、日本等……

  306. Rdm 说:



    • 哈哈: Showmethereal
  307. @Malla



  308. Rdm 说:


    去问问 1.2 亿印度人你的观点是否与他们一致。

    如果你能让 0.05% 的印度人同意你的观点,……哦等等,让我们让 10,000 个印度人同意你的观点(百分比对你来说太多了),你不需要证明你是不是真的 -血统拉吉,旁遮普,龙族印第安人。


    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  309. Chinaman 说:






  310. Chinaman 说:


    我们的系统发育研究证据表明,新冠病毒起源于印度或菲律宾人。 (或那些棕色东南亚人之一)。

    印度有 7000 种新冠病毒变种。对于如此多的变种,唯一可能的解释是,它在印度传播了很长时间,比武汉传播的时间要长得多。武汉自始至终只有3个变种。菲律宾是另一个嫌疑人,它抛出了无法从系统发育上追溯到“家族”其他成员的变体。这意味着新冠病毒肯定已经在菲律宾独立发展了很长一段时间。这都是可以通过经验验证的。这里没有政治或阴谋论……只有事实。


    我建议你尝试让你的英国大师给你寄一些疫苗,但我怀疑它对你可能接触到的 7000 种变种是否有效。请注意安全。

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Mulga Mumblebrain
  311. 我们不会与中国作战。中国拥有拜登和其他非政府人士。战鼓正在敲响,让我们走上与俄罗斯的冲突道路,俄罗斯((他们)))病态地憎恨俄罗斯,我们几年前就应该与俄罗斯结盟,组成北方联盟来对抗 ChiCom。

    当我们把注意力集中在俄罗斯的时候,中共就可以像对待台湾和南海一样放手一搏。这就是向亨特的对冲基金支付 1.5 亿美元的目的。


  312. Tony Ryals 说:


  313. Smith 说:






    • 巨魔: showmethereal
    • 回复: @antibeast
  314. antibeast 说:

    我的观点是,白人并不是一个被废除的术语,也不是一个有罪的术语。它只是欧洲的代名词。那些家人在 19 世纪来到这里的爱尔兰白人天主教徒仍然自豪地宣称自己是爱尔兰人和白人。


    回到欧洲的欧洲人没有英裔美国人那样的种族化“白人”身份,因为当时的欧洲几乎没有像今天这样的黑人。当欧洲移民在19世纪废除非洲奴隶制后抵达美国时,他们仍然没有两个多世纪以来一直与黑人奴隶打交道的英裔美国人那样的种族化“白人”身份。事实上,爱尔兰移民大多居住在东北部,他们在纽约、芝加哥、费城、波士顿等城市的种族政治中颇具影响力,反对英美建制派。后来抵达的人包括意大利人、西班牙人、葡萄牙人和波兰天主教徒等,他们随后联合起来支持天主教会,对抗英美新教徒。天主教徒与美国佬之间的种族政治持续了整个 19 世纪,一直持续到 20 世纪上半叶,直到欧洲移民的白人后裔失去了种族身份,成为被驱逐的“白人”美国人。与此同时,整个 20 世纪黑人从南方迁移到东北部、中西部和西部,在那里他们遇到了来自欧洲移民的敌意和歧视,这些欧洲移民在 1924 年《移民法》通过后同时成为“白人”美国人。来自南欧和东欧的欧洲移民是对英美对天主教和斯拉夫移民的敌意的反应。直到 20 世纪下半叶,美国才终于看到“白人”美国人的出现,他们搬到郊区并参与民权运动的种族化政治,肯尼迪的当选标志着爱尔兰天主教徒的全面到来。英美机构的“怀特”。诺埃尔·伊格纳季耶夫(Noel Ignatiev)所著的《爱尔兰人如何成为白人》等书详细介绍了融入英美社会种族化“白人”身份的过程。

    觉醒的左翼人群现在将英裔美国人对黑人奴隶的所作所为归咎于欧洲移民的白人后裔。这种“白人与黑人”的二分法是一种独特的英美现象,与欧洲移民无关,但南非除外,南非的布尔人在英国人到来之前就已经将自己的“白人”身份定义为反对黑人。二战期间,当黑人在欧洲服役时,他们受到欧洲人很好的对待,欧洲人没有英裔美国人针对美国黑人所定义的种族化“白人”身份。杰西·欧文斯 (Jesse Owens) 在 1936 年柏林奥运会上取得惊人胜利后,就连德国人也为他欢呼,并围攻他,而他就在纳粹德国的中心地带。

    • 回复: @Rich
  315. Malla 说:
    @Arthur MacBride




    事实是,大多数英国公务员(在印度参加了世界上最难的公务员考试,另一场困难的考试是荷兰为印度尼西亚/东印度群岛举行的考试)以其顽固的廉​​洁而闻名。随着时间的推移,印度、巴基斯坦和孟加拉国的腐败现象不断加剧。许多军官在印度的角落里过着孤独的生活,履行着自己的职责。贫穷的村民会向法院官员行贿,以确保他们的法庭案件由 Sahib(英国法官)而不是一些上层种姓势利的印度法官审理,因为他们相信(并且知道)白人 Sahib 会更公平并善待穷人中的最穷者。尽管一些印度法官也以清廉着称。


    当然,我说的不是像罗斯柴尔德之类的银行家败类,我说的是帝国境内的英国管理者,他们总体上都是诚实而优秀的人。还请记住,自 1920 年代以来,英国犹太人开始以管理员身份来到印度,由于他们的肮脏行为,他们伪装成英国人,拥挤的群众曾经对诚实、聪明、绅士、正直的“老爷子”的尊重也消失了。加速了英属印度帝国的崩溃。
    正如我所说,使英国人成为伟大帝国建设者的众多特征之一就是健康的自我批评和自我纠正的倾向。地球上的大多数其他人群(除了西北欧/美国 WASP/澳大利亚/新西兰/加拿大等……也许还有日本)在一定程度上缺乏这种特征。但过多的自我批评可能会导致自杀,而这正是西方现在正在做的事情(尤其是自二战以来)。道德应该用智慧来调和,因为不幸的是,我们生活的宇宙是不完美的。这是一个达尔文主义的世界。贾伊·欣德.

    • 谢谢: Arthur MacBride
  316. Malla 说:

    去问问 1.2 亿印度人你的观点是否与他们一致。


  317. Malla 说:





    • 回复: @Rdm
  318. denk 说:

    盎格鲁人最爱 乌贼.





    这些天不合时宜的升级源于 PTB 的绝望,[[[他们]]]认为“钉住 chicoms”的机会之窗正在快速关闭,


    萨瓦吉奥内 说:

    8 年 2021 月 5 日凌晨 55:18.8 GMT • 100 小时前 • XNUMX 字 ↑

    mofo 正在逐字背诵整个国务院的哗众取宠。
    这些白痴到底是人类还是他妈的人工智能生成的 机器人 ?


    就像我说的,这是一场永无休止的游戏 打掉鼹鼠。

    甚至本页主要文章的作者 Fred Reed

    我不是说过弗雷德是一个好人吗?还有很多其他人。 ?
    我不是说过吗,不幸的是,他们现在是 1%,与另外 1% 的 PTB 相对,他们拥有 98% 的忠诚僵尸?





    你猜怎么着,HIQ 外国佬买了整套钩线和坠子!






    然而这里的 HIQ 白痴却一直在胡言乱语……

    让我们在 Chicom 抓到我们之前先抓到他们,




    [[[某人]]]正在努力 拉一个印度尼西亚 关于中国人 [1]

    你应该花时间教育[[[五个骗子]]]土地上那些被洗脑的僵尸, 尤其是外国佬。
    用jeff strkye的话说,他其实很期待。

    • 同意: showmethereal
  319. Malla 说:

    我们的系统发育研究证据表明,新冠病毒起源于印度或菲律宾人。 (或那些棕色东南亚人之一)。










    • 回复: @Chinaman
  320. Rdm 说:





    • 回复: @Malla
  321. Malla 说:
    @last straw

    柏林墙随着人民的力量而倒塌,波罗的海人民希望苏联制度消失,东欧人支持橙色革命,这些事实意味着苏联(和华约世界)所取得的一切积极成果都是谎言。 那是多么愚蠢啊。
    如果有机会生活在大英帝国的某个角落或苏联的某个角落,会有数百万人会选择更早的地方。 否则,如果大英帝国是邪恶的怪物帝国,那么1950年后香港就会空无一人,中国人会跨过栅栏跑到中华人民共和国。 没有发生。

  322. Malla 说:







    下面这个是给你的屁股亲吻者 ddan


    嘿 WN,我们这里有很多 Womaos 同意我们的观点。种族混合很糟糕。混血儿是天生的叛徒。也许欧洲应该驱逐所有混血外国人,包括混血白人和东亚人。他们都是潜在的叛徒,这样做符合国家利益。

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  323. Malla 说:







    我究竟应该捍卫谁?我很困惑。有一个叫 Raj 的人,我什至不认识?他是谁?你是说《生活大爆炸》里的拉杰什吗?我应该捍卫他吗?有人侮辱他吗?谢尔顿?他的妹妹(声音很恼人)?什么????



    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  324. Miville 说:

    美国只存在了13年没有发生战争的情况,那是因为他们有太多的黑人无法迫使他们屈服,那是因为正在进行的战争的受害者太过非人化,以至于不应该称之为战争。 美国不可能和平相处一年,它就会分裂成大约一千个交战王国。

    • 回复: @Jokem
    , @denk
  325. Chinaman 说:






    • 同意: showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @d dan
    , @GomezAdddams
  326. antibeast 说:


    1776 年之后,英国的效忠者也从美国独立战争中逃往加拿大。这是否意味着美国革命者反抗大英帝国是错误的?


    • 同意: showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @showmethereal
  327. @Malla


  328. @Malla


    • 回复: @Malla
  329. @Chinaman

    SARS之后,中国建立了冠状病毒监测系统。这就是它在那里“被发现”的原因。毫无疑问,这是来自美国的另一次生物战袭击。我一点也不相信西方一些人炮制的系统发育史。无论如何,在大多数接受调查的地方,接近一半的人因之前接触过其他冠状病毒而对 SARS CoV2 具有 T 细胞免疫力。

  330. @Malla




    旁遮普人比德拉威人更像希腊人。旁遮普人是北印度人的缩影,而奈尔德拉威人则是南方人的缩影,而一些旁遮普女孩则在南印度电影中出演,比如这部电影中的桑尼·利昂 (Sunny Leone) https://vimeo.com/ondemand/curse5movie 一般来说,旁遮普人与南印度人的互动不多。你看到的人很少。事实上,他们并不特别喜欢热带气候。



    • 同意: Malla
  331. Smith 说:


    作为Unz中国团队的总体外观,我确实喜欢一些中国海报(Daniel Chieh,他是一个蒙古人,但知道我在说什么),而Chinaman对我来说真的很中国,他至少感觉很真实。

    但是像d dan(住在美国的中国人)、showmethereal(甚至不住在中国的singy)这样的人,这些都是骗子,他们对历史真的很糟糕,他们没有解决方案,他们的评论通常不向这个话题提供任何信息,他们只是来抱怨中国受害者(1.4亿)。


    Antibeast 发了很多帖子,但不清楚他是中国人,还是居住在中国的白人,他发布了这些伪历史或对孔子/道教的奇怪崇拜,有点像 Godfree Roberts(他是另一个热爱中国但无法在中国竞争的白人)中国所以他必须像性伴侣一样住在泰国)。


    • 巨魔: showmethereal
    • 回复: @antibeast
  332. @d dan


    • 回复: @Smith
  333. @Malla

    我无法想象印度人比巴基斯坦人更讨厌任何人。 1971年印巴战争期间,当时英国的巴基斯坦人并不像现在那么多,伦敦周围的印度人过去常常攻击巴基斯坦人。然后,当光头党攻击巴基斯坦人并殴打一些印度人时,他会认为被称为巴基斯坦人是一种侮辱,因为他也讨厌巴基斯坦人。试图向光头党解释印度人也攻击巴基斯坦人,结果却让他们投以无知、难以置信的目光。

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  334. Malla 说:





    • 回复: @antibeast
  335. Malla 说:


    • 回复: @Jokem
  336. @antibeast


  337. @Malla



    • 回复: @Malla
  338. Miville 说:

    毛主义革命在很大程度上并不是失败,因为毛泽东有 75% 的中国民粹主义民族主义者和 25% 的马克思主义者(国民党提供的替代方案是 25% 美国支持的托洛茨基式马克思主义者,25% 美国支持的法西斯主义者,50% 是美国支持的法西斯主义者)。 %儒家中国人:如果他们占领了大陆也不会更好)。 失败的是希望通过国产高炉生铁等企业超越美国钢铁公司的“大跃进”。 毛泽东本人也承认这一失败,他同意将掌权权交给吕绍史,同时保留自己作为革命之父的背景声望,但他仍然是老态龙钟的牺牲品:使他重新站在最前列的是他的受欢迎程度,更不用说他的民粹主义听众了。 但即使是“大跃进”,也只不过造成了一场大范围的、造成数百万尸体的饥荒,这只是中国旧常态的一部分,而且这是最后一次如此严重的饥荒。 从严格的经济角度(而不是文化角度)来看,文化大革命是成功的:首先,尽管以一种过于残酷的方式进行,但普通民众开始吃得好,并了解了其他省份的异国美食,谢谢前知识分子被派往农村,狂热地坚持生产粮食的农业苦役:与苏联集体化发生的情况相反,它确实转化为许多粮食的生产过剩,尽管不是所有人民梦想的那些。 北京旧的知识官僚官僚机构必须以这种方式被摧毁,因为他们的文化始终包含着从孔子继承下来的信仰,即仆人是为他们服务的,他们受天命而过着永久朴素的生活,他们的地位是他们实行紧缩政策是合理的。 无论意识形态借口如何,美国人民都没有其他办法来处置自己的精英。

    至于西方人把技术带到中国,你往往会忘记,中国对中国事务的干预最多(((英国和其他西方国家)))中国在各种制造技术方面都是第一,尤其是在折扣价格的廉价消费品方面对于要求不高的客户来说,当新经济政策在邓小平的领导下恢复时,它只是本能地恢复了它的角色,而起飞的大部分技术都来自中国海外社区通过商业联系,而不是来自美国,与美国相比,美国实际上是一个真正的技术落后者欧洲并享受了战后的繁荣,这要归功于他们的才华,他们让其他发达国家陷入战争,并全面接管了他们的技术精英:美国人充其量只是对早已获得的知识进行良好的营销(就像爱迪生的“发明”) ”)但并没有被认为对欧洲有如此大的兴趣。 事实上,苏联一直比中国更依赖外部技术。 苏联每次发现自己孤立无援时就会崩溃,而且确实威胁要崩溃,但他们被误认为是美国在第一世界的主要竞争对手,中国从未停止过作为一个工业强国,尽管在全盛时期是一个被占领和奴役的国家炮舰外交。 英国和其他欧洲国家的大部分纺织工业发展都是18世纪和19世纪初期的资产阶级从中国抄袭的,通常是通过间谍活动,他们一心想通过使用更贫穷、更容易塑性的劳动力来消灭当地企业。他们创新的唯一新事物是蒸汽机,中国一直都知道这种技术,但由于官僚们担心太轻松的工作会使人们的要求太高而没有使用。

    • 回复: @antibeast
  339. Miville 说:

    东欧集团的官僚,即使是像贝利亚这样最法西斯的官僚,也从来没有梦想过将他们的人民关进监狱的围墙,他们宁愿作为一个更加集中、希望更加富有成效的资本家,与那些在僵化的统治下统治的西方资本家竞争。 ,毫无疑问,他们的技术能力比美国更好。 柏林墙是在紧急情况下兴起的:如果他们没有建造它,西方的计划就是像对待任何南美国家一样对待东德,但会推动人才外流,并将该国其他地区减少为廉价劳动力的提供者:这就是前民主德国现在正在发生的事情。 无论如何,如果东德人同意使用柏林以外的另一个门户,那么他总是可以通过合法的方式在西德或法国度过周末:唯一的问题是他作为短途旅行者的钱将毫无价值并且无法使用。除非他在共产党的监督下旅行,否则不要指望得到当地人的尊重:想象一下,一个古巴人被授权访问美国,但口袋里只有国家比索。 柏林墙是在西方的即时压力下建立起来的,因为西方担心来自东方的合格劳动力不受控制的移民会降低从上层中产阶级开始的所有工资”。 只要柏林墙还在,随着时间的推移,西柏林的租金越来越便宜:这些美好的旧时光早已一去不复返了。

    • 巨魔: Malla
  340. Malla 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain


    典型的印度民族主义者就像 印度斯坦布豪 (印度兄弟)。这些留着大胡子的大男子主义群众将中国人视为印度祖国类型的黄种人帝国主义侵略者。你们必须观看视频才能了解我在谈论什么样的人。印度并不到处都是贝塔书呆子(他们是我们人口的一个子集),但许多民族主义大男子主义萨格德都是极端民族主义者。这是 hidnustani bhau 在去年两军冲突后拍摄的视频。英语术语均以大写且粗体显示,以便在提供时间的情况下在演讲中充当标记。

    从 0:33 秒开始
    (0.33 秒)Jai Hind Dosto。中国 tera maa ka bosda,teri maa ki choot。 Aur jitne bhi 印度我中国 hai aur kaam pe rakah hoiga。 to Paili Phursat me bhagao。 Unke saath aap log bhi fatke khana chahete hai?奈奈?取消登录 ko bhaganeka。哈? Idhar ek bhi 中国 nazar aya,gaand me(00:59 秒) 鸡肉辣椒、面条,萨布达伦格。
    And wo jyo mahan log hai jinhone (1:12 分钟) 迪克 删除 nahi kiya hai、sharam karo。 Naam ke liye desh bhakt mat bano。沙拉姆·卡罗。 Aur Jaldi ho 清酒 迪克 删除卡罗。 Kuch to yogdaan karo 是 desh ke liye。 Hamare bees jaman,jyo in bhadwo ke saath ladte ladte shaheed huye,unko pahela to bhav purno shadranjli,unke famliy ke saath。普拉印度斯坦海。 Aapa ne jyo ye、Bharat Mata ke liye、desh ke liye kiya hai ..Hindustan kabhi nahi bhulegha。印度斯坦 aapke saath hai,aapke 家族 ke saath hai。 Aaap ko shapta shapta naman hai 是 ke liye。
    (1:59 分钟)奥尔 莫迪吉, abhi ye lupa chupi ka khel bas ho gaya。巴斯霍加亚阿比。 Inko izzat wali baat samaz nahi aati。 Samazdari ki baate samaz me nahi aati。 Pura Hindustan aap ko bol raha hai,aapke 支持我 hai。 Ek hi baar ghuso,inke maa ke chuut me lavda daal do。 izzat wali baat samaz me nahi aati。 Jyo nahi aati hai,inke maa to chodaa jaruri hai。 Apna Hindustan ka(2:28 分钟) POWER kya hai,inko batana zaruri hai。致 abhi baas karo yeh lupa chupi ka khel。
    Jyo Hindustan jyo aapko inta bada banaya,(2:38) 总理 巴纳亚,我日志希博尔拉赫海,阿比巴斯。印加 完整和最终 卡多。 Ye roj roj ka rona dhona nahi mangta hai。哈? Ek hi baar ghuso, inke maa ko chod dalo。巴斯卡罗阿比耶。 Yeh Jawan roj shaheed ho rahe hai。 Kiske liye ho rahe hai ye。 Ye jyo gaddar hai na、maderchod、jyo Army pe sawaal utha rahe、unke liye bata raha hu。 Tumri maa ka bhosda tumhari。 Tu ma hari maaki choot。 Tumko 到 sabak janta sikhaeygi。耶贾万·鲁吉·沙希德·霍·拉赫·罗吉·沙希德·霍·拉希·海。 kiske liye ho rahe hai? kiske liye ho rahe hai?是吗?……

    英文翻译: Jai Hind 朋友(Jai-Hind = Vijay Hindustan = 印度胜利)。中国你妈妈的皮条客,你妈妈的阴户。所有在中国从事项目的印度人和与这些项目一起工作的印度人,请尽早将他们赶出印度。和他们在一起,你们(印度人在中国项目上与中国人合作)也会被殴打。你不想要这个权利,就让他们离开这里吧。好的?这里不应该看到一个中国人。我们将(00:59 秒)推 鸡肉辣椒和面条,如果我们找到他们,所有东西都在他们屁股里。
    还有那些伟大的人(讽刺),他们还没有删除(1分12秒) 迪克 然而,有一些羞耻。不要仅仅为了同名而成为民族主义者。有点羞耻吧。并尽快删除 迪克。至少为祖国做一点贡献吧。我们的二十名士兵在与这些混蛋的战斗中牺牲,我为他们致以最后的敬意。整个印度都和他们的家人在一起。他们为印度母亲、为这个国家所做的一切……印度永远不会忘记。全印度都与你们的家人在一起。对于你们,我最尊敬的纳曼(纳曼至尊)对此表示敬意。
    (1:59 分钟)并且 莫迪吉,现在就停止这些捉迷藏游戏吧。够了够了。他们(中国)不理解相互尊重的互动。他们没有智慧去理解明智的谈判。整个印度都在告诉你,他们给你 客户服务。进去一次,把你的鸡鸡放进他们妈妈的阴户里。他们(中国)不理解相互尊重的互动。正确的?那么操他们的妈妈就非常重要了。向他们展示我们印度斯坦(印度)的力量(2 分 28 秒)非常重要。所以停止所有这些捉迷藏游戏吧。
    印度造就了你这么大的个性(指莫迪),造就了你(2分38秒) 总理,我们所有人(所有印度人)都告诉你,够了。让他们的“完整和最终”。我们厌倦了每天的哭泣和痛苦。是的,进入一次并操他们的母亲。适可而止。我们的士兵每天都在死去。为了谁?
    (3分05秒,看看威胁态度)最后所有那些质疑我军的叛徒混蛋(他指的是西化的自由派亲华帮派),我正在和你们说话。你妈妈的阴户,皮条客。混蛋……发誓。印度人民将会给你们这些叛徒一个教训。我们那些正在殉难的战士,他们为何而殉难,为谁而殉难? ……。

    • 哈哈: Commentator Mike
    • 回复: @Malla
  341. antibeast 说:

    我的观点是,你的推理是有缺陷的,因为你引用了中国难民逃离中华人民共和国到香港的事实来证明英国今天在香港做得比中华人民共和国做得更好。 1997年之前离开香港前往加拿大的香港人在中华人民共和国回归后又回到了香港。这是否意味着中国管理的香港实际上比加拿大更好?

  342. Malla 说:




    这些中国五毛们有胆量,指责 YT 是种族主义者,表现得好像他们关心黑人,但同时又充满傲慢,在这种情况下,爆发出错误的傲慢。


    特瑞竹网络ki maa ki。我们拥有比你们的竹子网络优越得多的网络。哈哈。说真的,伙计。我多次承认,我们对我们的军事和智力成就感到自豪,但在商业技能方面,我们可以击败任何人。我们胜过全世界的另一项技能是我们的暴徒。如果我们向开罗的一些阿拉伯暴徒、穆里卡的一些 BLM 暴民、某处的一些中国暴徒释放一个凶残的印度教暴徒,他们就会跑去撒尿。哈哈,这就是为什么印度很容易征服,但运行起来却是一场噩梦。问问英国人,这里有很多可怕的人群和狡猾的印度律师。而我们的商业技能,我们可以把犹太人、黎巴嫩人、亚美尼亚人、中国人赶到海上做生意、撒尿。印度还没有释放一些像马尔瓦里人这样最重商的人口。大多数核心马尔瓦里人仍在印度境内。让一些马尔瓦里人成为中共党员,他们很快就会接管。哈哈。我可以挑战数百万美元,我们的马尔瓦里人可以轻松地在商业上击败中国南方人。简单的。因为我知道马尔瓦里的小商人(和一些旁遮普人)在中国买东西然后在印度销售,所以他们对此不以为然。




    再次,离开臭屁股。印度人想成为盎格鲁人?这对我来说是新闻。印度人因不融入白人(或任何社会)而臭名昭著。印度人倾向于坚持自己的观点,我们在世界各地的房子都是小印度的迷你泡沫。在这里询问任何白人海报。事实上,正是东亚人试图成为盎格鲁人,东亚人更快地融入白人社会,东亚女性投奔白人鸡巴,嫁给白人卡车司机等等。印度女性很少能做到这一点。最近,一些印度女性也开始为 YT 传播广告,但与中国相比,数量很少。

  343. Malla 说:



  344. antibeast 说:

    失败的是希望通过国产高炉生铁等企业超越美国钢铁公司的“大跃进”。 毛泽东本人也承认这一失败,他同意将掌权权交给吕绍史,同时保留自己作为革命之父的背景声望,但他仍然是老态龙钟的牺牲品:使他重新站在最前列的是他的受欢迎程度,更不用说他的民粹主义听众了。 但即使是“大跃进”,也只不过造成了一场大范围的、造成数百万尸体的饥荒,这只是中国旧常态的一部分,而且这是最后一次如此严重的饥荒。

    西方宣传家与邓小盗统治集团合谋,通过在大跃进中捏造“大饥荒”来妖魔化毛泽东的遗产。根据中央情报局的一项研究,在此期间,钢铁产量确实增加了 2-3 倍,这并非来自臭名昭著的后院熔炉,而是来自全国各地新建的钢厂。虽然有一些个别的因水灾和干旱造成的小规模饥荒,但大跃进最糟糕年份的总体预期寿命仍然好于民国时期中国最好的年份,也好于民主印度。中国有足够的粮食剩余用于向苏联出口,由于“核换粮食”协议的取消,苏联的出口在 1960 年停止了。是的,由于苏联顾问建议的“农业集体化”受到广泛而强烈的反对,毛泽东于 1959 年辞去了中国国家主席的职务,当时距大跃进仅一年。毛泽东的唯一作用是发起了三年后结束的大跃进。在那段时间里,西方宣传者现在声称有25-50万中国农民死于饥饿,这超过了二战期间长达八年的抗日战争期间20万农民死亡的高估计。他们唯一的“证据”是一堆研究报告,利用统计数据炮制所谓的“大饥荒”,却没有提供当时获得的任何物证,如目击者的叙述、情报报告以及苏联顾问、西方共产党人的照片证据,在毛泽东获得国际赞誉的时期,第三世界知识分子、外国记者、领事馆官员、国际商人等纷纷涌入中国。与此同时,西方不得不将裕仁美化为无害的海洋生物学家,并将毛泽东妖魔化为“历史上最大的大屠杀凶手”,他使中国的预期寿命增加了一倍,并使中国的人口增加了一倍,这就是今天中国人口过剩的原因。

  345. antibeast 说:

    Antibeast 发了很多帖子,但不清楚他是中国人,还是居住在中国的白人,发布了这些伪历史或对孔子/道教的奇怪崇拜。

    从我的助手到你的声音,你听起来很受伤。谈论伪历史,那是你的专长,你不停地吹嘘越南人如何赶走愚蠢的人 外国佬 在失去春节攻势的同时退出越南。是的,我和大多数东亚人一样非常尊重中国古典文化,不像你们这些崇拜黑人、喜欢外国佬、每天只赚一美元的越南白痴。

  346. @Malla


    • 回复: @Malla
  347. antibeast 说:



    • 回复: @Smith
    , @Jeff Stryker
  348. last straw 说:



    • 回复: @Malla
  349. Malla 说:
    @Commentator Mike


    印度深层政府可能正在考虑最终将西藏从中国控制下解放出来的可能性。这与西方的计划无关。事实是,印度内部已经开始将中国视为一个流氓、好斗、异常令人头疼的国家。如果西藏获得自由,印度与中国就没有边界了,整个头痛问题就会消失。以前在东巴基斯坦孟加拉国解放时就曾这样做过,尽管在那种情况下,西巴基斯坦人帮助我们残酷镇压了那里的人民。印度对现在的巴基斯坦也有类似的长期计划,肢解巴基斯坦并使巴基斯坦无核化。这是印度与以色列的共同目标。以色列可能会对伊朗大喊大叫,但它对东部拥有核武器和远程导弹的伊斯兰国感到不安。印度“深层国家”将巴基斯坦视为一个流氓、恐怖分子失败的国家。更顽固的印度教民族主义者到目前为止甚至还没有接受印度的分裂,他们(错误地)将此归咎于英国(他们的印度教原教旨主义者应该受到更多的指责),并且仍然不认为巴基斯坦是一个合法的国家,它应该与其祖国统一, 印度。不过,这并不是印度深层政府的观点。从长远来看,印度深层国家会对巴基斯坦被肢解,分裂成旁遮普省、信德省、俾路支省等选民......。

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  350. Malla 说:
    @Commentator Mike


    我是说印度人经常吹嘘我们的武术技能和智力技能,并不是说它们不真实,而是其中包括很多捶胸顿足的内容。但在这些领域,印度人轻松胜过其他人的是我们的商业技能和我们的暴徒。这就是我的意思。我见过阿拉伯暴徒、BLM 暴徒等等……但他们并没有给我留下深刻的印象。我并不是在谈论暴徒专门攻击中国人。这就是为什么印度很容易征服,但很难管理。




  351. Malla 说:
    @Commentator Mike



    印度并不期望西方提供任何军事帮助,但它所等待的只是中国在其东部与美国(或其他一些大国/联盟)接触的机会。一旦发生这种情况,印度军队很有可能会介入。但不是 100%,因为我们的政府可能很胆怯而且非常谨慎。但他们将面临群众采取行动的巨大压力。我不知道他们的目标是什么,但最大的推动力将是解放西藏,从而永远解决印度深层国家的中国问题。如今,“流氓、变态、侵略国家”的中国已经远去,不再让印度民族头疼了。正如我所说,印度真的不关心西方,它需要西方是因为它的中国问题。从长远来看,印度也会把美国搞砸,因为印度民族的最终目标是成为最高的超级大国,因为印度将自己视为地球上最古老的文明,并将其他文明视为其衍生品(这是波斯学者阿尔的信念) 1000年前,贝鲁尼也在我们印度教徒身上发现了)。也许看到美国和中国互相摧毁符合印度的利益,这样我们就能从中受益。让吃蝙蝠和蛇的钦基野蛮人和吃牛肉的戈拉(白色)野蛮人互相毁灭,以便我们文明的印度教徒在这个星球上获得应有的地位。吠陀力量 2100。哈哈。

    无论如何,印度分为许多组。萨格德群众显然是反华的。他们想要复仇和报应,他们会等待一千年才能得到它(也许他们会的,印度人最终有办法把事情做好)。西化的精英分为两派。一个群体也出于民族主义原因反华。这个群体中有一小部分是反华的,因为他们从西方那里得到了暗示,但这是一个非常小的群体。其他西化的自由派精英希望与中国建立良好关系,甚至是亲中国的。他们中的许多人都去过中国。访问和居住在中国的印度人往往是亲中国的,对中国有非常积极的看法并希望建立友好关系。但他们被其他印度人称为叛徒。这是西方化的自由主义团体,印度斯坦·巴乌(Hindustani Bhau)在那段视频中威胁道。

    On the other hand, the most popular nation among Indian Hindus and Jains is Israel. Indians will probably sacrifice India for Israel (like the USA). Second comes Russia and Japan. The USSR was considered our big brother who saved us from the USA, China and UK (in support of Pakistan) during the Bangladeshi liberation wars. Yet strangely we are pro USA and pro Russia at the same time. But Russia remains the most popular among the masses. Same with Japan. Any harm to these 3 countries can make us emotional. After that comes Germany in positive popularity. Britain is unpopular because of Empire but seen as a friend. France is popular too as in our historical serials, the French are shown as our friends against the British. But the funny part is that it was French power in Asia which led to the British Conquest of India in the first place. LOL. And ironically even if Israel is popular in India, Iran is popular too!! Vietnam is becoming very popular and increasing seen as brother country by our nationalists even if Vietnam is taking away foreign investments which could have come to India. USA is mixed, there is still a lot of residual mistrust towards the USA, however Trump was extremely popular among the teeming poor masses but unpopular among the Westernised elites as well as Indian Americans. Poor Indians trust straight talking politicians like Trump (or Modi, Bal Thakarey or Hitler), not hippie, sweet talking types, whom the people suspect to be slimeballs.
    Unpopular countries besides China and Pakistan are Turkey and Malaysia.Turkey because Turkey and Pakistan are old and deep friends and basically Islamic Thug Sultan Erdogan and Hindutva Thug Sultan Modi are clashing with each other. Both are remarkably similar. Malaysia because of Mahatir Mohammed.

  352. @Malla

    Asians are excitable and volatile. I remember one time there was a border dispute between Thailand and Cambodia over some Buddhist temple they discovered in the jungle that each wanted to claim as their own. The Thai and Cambodian border guard were drinking and socialising with each other one minute and the next they were killing each other. The mobs in Phnom Penh burned down all the Thai businesses and drove every Thai out of the country while the Thai military was wondering whether it should retaliate. But soon after the hot heads cooled down and business being business the Thais went back. Or how the Cambodians hate the Viets but still put up with so many of them in the country.

    How does Nepal feature in this China – India dispute? Is their position neutral or are they more inclined towards one side. Also who has a greater influence in Nepal, the Indians or Chinese?

    Of course you cannot freely express your views there if they run contrary to the mob or someone could well light you up.

    • 回复: @Malla
  353. Agent76 说:



  354. d dan 说:

    “… white people established these colonies to exploit the resources and labor of the native population and they live like parasites of the fat of the people. It is as simple as that.”

    Of course, colonization did a lot more harms than just economic, labor and resources exploitation. They culturally imprison the natives, imposing their political systems/values/customs/philosophy onto the colonized. Because of the domination of the colonizers, they often deprived the natives the chance to develop indigenous alternatives to their full racial potentials. Colonizers seldom bothered too much about the intricacies of local customs/history/balance, so they caused (sometime even intentionally for their own selfish reasons) tremendous miseries, suffering, damages through wars, conflicts – most of these problems/issues still linger until today with incalculable cost to the modern nations and peoples (e.g. Middle East). In the extreme situation of lack self dignity like India, they even can exploit them to fight for the British in overseas wars to serve their expansionism (e.g. 8-nation alliance invasion, WW2, etc). You don’t need history book to know whether the Indian soldiers were treated more fairly than the British soldiers in those wars.



    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  355. Chinaman 说:
    @d dan




    害怕 2047 年政府改组的公务员。



  356. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    They culturally imprison the natives, imposing their political systems/values/customs/philosophy onto the colonized.
    Colonizers seldom bothered too much about the intricacies of local customs/history/balance,

    Bullshit. Depends upon the Empire. Not true of the British in India, except maybe the English language.

    In the extreme situation of lack self dignity like India, they even can exploit them to fight for the British in overseas wars to serve their expansionism

    Lack of self dignity? Every political entity in history used all available forces in its wars. If today, Myanmar goes to war, all regions of Myanmar has to follow the central Government and take part in War. The Mughal empire used all its constituents in its wars

    When the times change, many colonizers also refused to give up, especially when they sensed that they have the upper hands.

    Many Colonial Empires were dissolved from within. They gave up too easy.

    All brainwashing and nothing else.

    • 巨魔: d dan
  357. Malla 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Thailand and Cambodia

    Yup both sides claim many old monuments, Khmer Vs Siam.

    How does Nepal feature in this China – India dispute? Is their position neutral or are they more inclined towards one side. Also who has a greater influence in Nepal, the Indians or Chinese?

    Nepal is culturally more similar to India but Nepalese hate Indian Govt for past bullying and thus China is more popular. However the Indian press and people, believe that Nepal has been fooled and seduced by China as Nepal is looked as our small brother (gone astray) by Indians.

    • 谢谢: Commentator Mike
  358. Jokem 说:

    ‘The US has known only 13 years without war in its existence ‘

    美国独立战争于 1783 年结束,1812 年战争于 1812 年爆发。

  359. Jokem 说:

    Or the South Vietnamese abandoned to ‘reeducation camps’

    • 同意: Malla
  360. @Malla

    You know one of the ironies of the altruistic efforts the British made as colonialist was in providing their subject peoples linguustic solutions for a modern economy. So, infused with public school knowledge of Greek and Latin, Brits left India with a half decent legacy. They helped north India develop a standard version of Hindi-Urdu that provides a mode of linguistic unity for up to 400.million. As well, they gifted English which is an important publishing and literary language.
    I’m not happy about Partition though. I believe that India could have solved the religious issues as a federal state and a solid constitution. That failure has certainly benefitted China.

    The real danger is that World Jewish Financial is poisedd to corporatize the AG sector and turn India into a Corporate Raj where massive transnationals like Google, Facebook, Apple middle the food industry and turn farmers into complete slaves. I can’t believe that a Hindu Nationlalist party has been used as the vehicle for a nationwide takeover by Jewish Finance and local predators (Ambani the satanic and Anbani).
    If Modi had done major projects to develop AG, like canals, he could have twinned it with port development in Odisha and Telangana. He would have gone down in Indian history as a great man. But he seems content to be a corporate whore.
    More and more, I am convinced Ambani has something on him of a sexual nature. Modi is not divorced but hasn’t lived with his wife for decades.
    Hopefully he will be stopped. Pretty awful spectacle.

    The left is too busy with Shashi Taroor (sp?) and his delusions of reparations He won’t touch the Muslim issue but clearly Islam hasn’t been good for India. Other than pilfering wealth and introducing a hateful Abrahamic religion what did Islam do to help India?
    To hear people complain about the British yet give Islam a free pass on their barbarism in India is just absurd. The modern left is beyond confused they truly are lost in space on so many isssues it is astounding.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  361. Malla 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    One more video of Hindustani Bhau. If one gets that checked for Hindi, it is the type of Hindi spoken by the lower classes. Westernised educated Indians would speak a mire refined Hindi with more English words in between than he uses.
    Disclaimer: Not my personal views, this is how the masses think.

    Are Corona teri maa chuda na kidar to jake
    Jinhone Kutta Khaya, Billi Khaya, Chuha Khaya, unke gaand me jake ghuus na. Teri maa chuda na Hindustan me aya, teri maa ka bhosda maaru teri.
    Jaa na wo saap khaya unke gaand me anaconda banke ghus ja na ….
    Why Corona is here. Those who ate dogs, ate cats, ate rats, Corona should go and enter their ass. Motherfucker came to India. Corona should go and enter those snake eater’s butts like an anaconda.

    I think that the Chinese do not understand the level of hatred and desire for retribution among the Indian masses towards China. Also they misunderstand the British Empire and overestimate the cultural influence of the West in India. India is outside parts of the Middle East, one of the least Westernised country in the world. Don’t let the English language and Anglo Saxon legal system fool you. That is because the British Government was very mild, it was not like the Spanish in Mesoamerica, it was very opposite. Local cultures were kinda left untouched unless it was found immoral (like Sati, Devdasi etc…).

  362. @Showmethereal

    I support Malla cuz ‘white supremacy’?

    Actually I support reason and truth.
    No comments on slavery? Whites were enslaved by more advanced Mediterranean societies longer than Africans were by whites.. How ya like them facts? Rome enslaved white Europeans, then the Arabs, then the Ottomans did it.
    The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was largely run by Jewish Marranos in the New World and financed from Amsterdam then London by Joint Stock companies but many were private Jewish companies. Once it became clear what was happening and how brutal it was, resistance developed in Europe. Once England no longer had to fear invasion from Napoleon they outlawed slavery and enforced it on the worlds’oceans.
    The American supply of slaves ended. Slavery ended in America 30 years later after the Civil War and in the 1870’s in Brazil.
    Slavery ended in Saudi Arabia in the 1950’s.
    So ‘white supremacy’, well we ended slavery. What supremacists we are.
    In India, Muslims would go out and destroy a whole town of 50,000 people over a week or more of looting( a hindi verb for ‘to pillage and steal’)and raping. They would strip the temple of all wealth and later turn it into a mosque. That behaviour is called ‘Islamic civilization’

    When someone says ‘white supremacy’ I know a lot about them:
    they don’t read much
    they believe Jewish agit-prop and aren’t very intelligent
    they know little and aren’t worth talking to

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  363. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    Colonizers seldom bothered too much about the intricacies of local customs/history/balance, so they caused (sometime even intentionally for their own selfish reasons) tremendous miseries, suffering, damages through wars,

    This is an extremely idiotic statement and shows brainwashing by official Leftist “history’. If you compare mainland China and India, this gets debunked very easy, as one can see Marxism and its variants have done real cultural damage while Colonialism preserved local cultures.
    China under Marxist (Fat marx the shameless pig) Govt destroyed their own ancient monuments while India as part of the British Empire ruled by intelligent civilized British Lords preserved its ancient culture. China lost her ancient heritage by reading barbarian monkey Jew Marx’s bullshit (even Russia) while India preserved her heritage thanks to British Empire. Thanks to this mindless destruction, mainlander Chinese often have to go to Taiwan or even Japan for consultation of ancient Chinese texts destroyed on the mainland.

    While in India during colonialism, The British Raj passed laws to preserve Indian monuments. Not only did the British research Indian history and used archaeology to find about India’s pre Islamic golden Buddhist past like Emperor Ashoka and the Mauryas (William Jones,James Princep etc…), built museums to preserve Indian sculpture (Imperial Museum Calcutta, one of the oldest and largest museum built by the English East India Company (https://indianmuseumkolkata.org]),开办学院以保存古代印度的学习,如加尔各答的梵文学院和大学(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sanskrit_College_and_University),成立了保护印度古典音乐的机构(马里斯音乐学院和其他更多在这里: https://indianraga.wordpress.com/2007/10/25/british-raj-and-indian-classical-music/) 英国人甚至通过了保护印度古迹的法律。
    The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, 1904 was passed in 18, March 1904 by British India during the times of Lord Curzon. It is expedient to provide for the preservation of ancient monuments of British India, for the exercise of control over traffic in antiquities and over excavation in certain places, and for the protection and acquisition in certain cases of ancient monuments and of objects of archaeological, historical or artistic interest. Act preserves and restores ancient Indian monuments by Archaeological Survey of India.
    从印度政府 ASI 的网站上详细了解 1904 年的这项法案
    The act passed by British India would penalise Indians if we did not take care of our own monuments. To have dedicated teams and budget to work towards restoring historical Indian monuments and artefacts including Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain as well as Islamic.

    • 巨魔: d dan
    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @GomezAdddams
  364. Malla 说:

    They helped north India develop a standard version of Hindi-Urdu

    North India and Pakistan, Urdu is national language of Pakistan. Thanks to the efforts of John Gilchrist.

    As well, they gifted English which is an important publishing and literary language.

    Actually (unlike what that idiot ddan believes) the British were divided among themselves in between the Orientalists and the Liberals (whigs). The Orientalist British opposed the spread of English (the Dutch in Indonesia never pushed their language)as well as Western education in India. They wanted India to continue its traditional education system of Hindu pathshalas and Islamic Madrasas. They felt that, that is the best for India, its own traditional education system. If that would be the case India would be a nation of Hindu Taliban and Muslim Taliban today. Thank God they lost out. Governor General Warren Hastings was from this group of Orientalists, he loved Indian culture and was fascinated by it.
    沃伦·黑斯廷斯“爱印度胜过爱自己的国家”Governer General of British India, Warren Hastings, deeply loved Indian Culture, very popular among Indians and wanted the traditional form of Indian education to continue. Opposed spread of English language in India But that would have left India backward, land of Hindu Taliban and Muslim Taliban.
    The opposite side were the liberals (Whigs) who believed that denying Indians a modern scientific education would be criminal and English education would liberate Indians from traditional superstitious life to a life of modern liberty. This was pushed by abolitionists (slavery) like Lord Macaulay. What these leftist crackpots here do not realise is that the leftists (liberals/Whigs) of their time pushed for English education. For Macaulay in 1833, the issue was between “stagnation and progress”, between the “mentality of despotism and that of liberty”; and he could not hesitate between them. “England should bestow the most precious treasure of her heritage, the living conscious spirit of her civilization, upon India”. Modern English Education. He was not indifferent to the possibility that this might lead India to demand political freedom. “If it did”, said Macaulay, that would be “the proudest day in English history.” That was what this great Whig historian had declared to the House of Commons and apparently so many of his compatriots were of the same mind that few saw anything startling in such a prophecy! Macaulay is hated by hardcore Hinduvadis today, the same guys who want Muslims cleansed from India. But Macaulay also wanted traditional Indian knowledge preserved and supported the College in Calcutta to preserve ancient Indian learning in Sanskrit, Prakrit etc…

    And that is what exactly happened, it were the English educated natives who became the Freedom fighters. Macaulay’s prediction came true. However the Empire collapsed before its work was done and hence the disasters around the World. Also Macaulay wanted the English educated Indian population to further spread modern enlightenment knowledge to the masses of India in NATIVE INDIAN LANGUAGES. But the status crazy educated Indians were more interested in a Government job than to help spread knowledge. If the British would not have given us modern education, these jokers would have then be screaming that the “evul British wanted to keep India backward and sheeet….” They would be writing their idiotic rap monkey ghetto songs on these new accusations.
    So if British give modern education, “they be evul and sheet, they destroy Indian culture”. If they keep traditional education system, “they be evul and sheet, they wanted to keep Indians backward, not give their secrets’. Anti-colonial “intellectuals” are basically a bunch of low IQ ghetto monkeys.

  365. Rdm 说:


    Should we bend over and welcome the exercise because it’s 良性?

    Should we offer them Poland Spring water because we don’t want to appear a bunch of low IQ ghetto monkeys?


  366. Malla 说:

    I can’t believe that a Hindu Nationlalist party has been used as the vehicle for a nationwide takeover by Jewish Finance and local predators (Ambani the satanic and Anbani).

    India’s mercantile populations have always been Hindu fundamentalists. And Jews and Hindus are super friendly. Also the Western Jewish deep states often choose the non Western looking party as their proxy, either Communists, Islamists, Hindu fundamentalists etc…, you never expect the candidate they choose.
    All that White Anglo civilization is just a front for Jew power, It is like a red flag, who the bull charges towards and then the jew matador pushes in the blade from the side for the kill. Western deep states rarely choose the westernised locals for their proxy wars, they choose the candidates who seem the most anti-West. Who would have thought that the super Islamist ISIS was originally a Mossad front? Thousands of dumb Muslim kids full of hatred for the West and lowly Kaffirs went and fought in the desert, for Jew and Western deep States. LOL Western Deep States choose the most unusual proxies. Why do you think the US deep State or bankers have supported so many Communist movements?

    He would have gone down in Indian history as a great man. But he seems content to be a corporate whore.

    Modi is a thug sultan. He is popular because he is not western and “posh” in his mannerisms. he represents the thuggish masses, he comes from a poor background, cannot speak English well etc… That is why he is popular. Guys like them are the first to sell their own to bankers and industrialists, their demenour and anti-West, anti-rich agenda, makes people the least to suspect them of selling national assets. Modi is a slimeball Thug Sultan like Erdogan, Hugo Chavez and Brazil. Fat Maduro, lambasts the Capitalists and West for this cheering low IQ masses, full of envy and when he is done with all that bullshiting, he eats steak in Istanbul while his people starve with pride. LOL. Ol trick in da book. Many anti-colonial “leaders” screamed and screeched about evul British or evul French, and then coolly looted out their national wealth, the low IQ brainwashed masses would never suspect such people until too late. Africa is full of them examples.
    Thaggard masses hate anything which seems “posh”, all ya gotta do is tell them that the “posh” are evul vampires and they looot yous and yous with “talent” are left behind. The masses will dance with joy as you are only expressing their own envious emotions at a higher level. Later, you loot out those same idiotic masses. Simple principle. Very common trick. Communism IS BASED ON ENVY. Nothing else.

    I am convinced Ambani has something on him of a sexual nature

    Very likely. Maybe the CIA has some shit too, I believe. But Modi was a scumbag from his young age. His whole persona of “honest man of the people” is manufactured and managed. Very common in history.

  367. Smith 说:

    There is no united Malaysia until the malays kick out the chinese ruling class in Singapore and take back the island.

    The brits colonized Malaysia, and the chinese being the little brits colonized Singapore, now the brits have left, it’s time for the chinese to exit too, with that, only ASEAN country with an US base would be Thailand, and we ASEAN would work to solve that problem.

    The remnant chinese in liberated Singapore can choose either to stay and live under Malaysia laws or go back to China. Their choices.

    And we Viets don’t hate the chinese, they are free to live here as long as they follow Vietnam laws and pay taxes, what we hate are chinese imperialists and colonizers and of course dual-loyalties like showmethereal.

    • 巨魔: showmethereal
    • 回复: @antibeast
  368. denk 说:

    built on lies and fed on BS.


    Urgent notes – China poised to attack America during peak financial / social chaos, prepare for global warfare and economic decimation [1]

    Someone told me, this is kinda ‘freedom of speech’ that China might wanna emulate.
    Trouble is, in USA, its this kind of toxic bilge enjoying unlimited freedom, while truth telling are getting the chop.
    China wants no part of such filth.


    China has invaded Napal , but the Nepalese govn denials it.


    gawd damn, didnt notice its a CU video until I click onit.
    The [[[five liars ]]] land are crawling with mofo like chris chapel, living the high life by feeding the mushrooms BS, in this case its Indian cow dung.
    Think about it, the [[[five liars]]] , aka [[[five eyes]]] mushrooms pay their hard earned monies to some jerks in CNN, BBC , or sob like chapel to feed them BS everyday.
    How pathetic !

    Here’s the best joke, the poor dears wouldnt want it any other way, they 享受 它。
    Remember what I said , gringos are fed BS from birth, if one day you feed them honey they’d vomit out and curse you for trying to poisone them.

    Thats exactly what happened here,
    gringos getting high on indian cow dung

    Chinese hand behind Nepal coup

    The King had better tred lightly. The only reason Nepal even exists as an independent nation is because of India. Otherwise it would have went down with Tibet and they would all be speaking Chinese

    Sikkim joined India in 1975 in order to avoid the unwelcome advances of China. There was no annexation involved here.

    I couldnt bear the farce, took pity on the gringos and told them…
    YOur indian mates are pulling your legs,
    here’s some reality check,…

    ‘If there was no China, Nepal would have ceased to exist.’


    你猜怎么了 ?
    mofo deleted all my posts, called me ‘Tianamen butcher’ no less.
    [right at the end of the thread]

    外国佬Mushrooms cant have enough of BS, salivating for more Indian cow dung,

    gringo to indian,,

    Thanks for enlightening me. I learn something new everyday.


    No wonder [[[five lairs]]] want India to join the big family, birds of the same feathers

    USA today is a real sight to behold,
    A gigantic asylum run by the immates….
    sitting on the world’s largest stockpile of WMD and ever so ready to use it. !

    The best outcome is an implosion, before they bring the whole world down with it,.



  369. antibeast 说:

    The Cultural Revolution had nothing to do with Marxism but with Maoism which advocates radical egalitarianism by means of a social revolution. Since the old Confucianism promoted a social hierarchy based on cultural elitism and medieval feudalism, Mao wanted to destroy the old Confucianism in order to abolish the old feudal society and create a new communist society based on Maoist radical egalitarianism. Despite four decades of market capitalism, the Maoist legacy is still prevalent in post-Maoist China which shows up in Xi’s moves to address mass poverty and socio-economic inequality, as proven by the China’s investment in its vast hinterland.

    • 回复: @Malla
  370. Malla 说:

    That failure has certainly benefitted China.

    But China does not really want to harm India or keep India down as many Indian thaggards irrationally think. Similarly the British did not want to keep India down either though there were some British Industrial forces who were scared of Indian industries with their cheap Indian labour. But they were never very effective at the end as the British Raj Govt of India took the side of Indian Industries eventually. We Indians with our third world tendencies keep ourselves down, Blacks in the USA and African countries keep themselves down. Nobody has to keep us all down, we do a good job ourselves. We only love to blame others and not make self improvements.
    We are obsessed with the belief that the World revolves around us, that all Westerners, Chinese etc… want to keep India down. no they don’t. They do not care. Indeed there are two movies released by the Chinese movie industry (by extension their deep state, lest be honest same with Hollywood and the Zio Murican deep State, Bollywood and Indian deep State but only partially in India’s case.) to give a message to India that China and India can be friends, should be friends. There is really no need of any enmity. China tried its level best to be our friends and now they have given up with frustration and changed their doctrine towards “managing India”. And to be honest this makes me sad because they do not deserve the hate they get here in India. But blind nationalism, aint it funny. Similarly Japan did not want enmity with China before WW2, as Raplh Townsend noted in his book. But there too the Chinese elites used Japan as a punching bag to incite the Chinese masses, now India does the same to China!!.
    The two Chinese movies are (maybe more)

    Kung Fu Yoga.
    Jackie Chan is very Popular and loved in India. The movie was that Chinese and Indian civilization can work together. In the last scene, Jackie Chan is shown worshipping a huge idol of Lord Shiva. Great Movie.

    玄奘 is based on historical historical event of Xuanzang, the famous Chinese monk’s seventeen-year overland journey to India during the Tang dynasty in the seventh century. The movie was a Golden Angel Award Film. This is a movie I would definitely recommend, very nicely made movie. Acting by Huang Xiaoming was really excellent, he even spoke Hindi.

    And what kind of movies do we Indians make? Anti-China movies. Movies like that Tamil movie “7aum Arivu” ( China Vs Chennai in Hindi version). In the movie, Indian monk Bodhidharma is treated like inferior by the Chinese at first, centuries ago but later Chinese worship him. In present era, in modern day China, Dong Lee is given the task of starting a Chinese Communist government-planned biological war against India, known as Operation Red. He arrives in Chennai and starts this operation by injecting a virus into a street dog. The movie was a hit in India. The message of the movie is that “we Indians gave so much wisdom etc.. to ancient China but the present Communist Government is evil and China is not the same China of the past. ”
    There are no such anti-India Chinese movie, I am aware of. The hatred is more from one side.

    • 谢谢: Rdm
    • 回复: @Rdm
  371. denk 说:

    美国自成立以来只有 13 年没有发生战争


    Coalition of Killing…

  372. @antibeast

    Now in the case of Fukien characteristics once the Pinoy is only 1/8 Chinese, it doesn’t really matter.

    But events in Indonesia in 1997 & the kidnappings in the Philippines (Often by cops) of rich Chinoys kids tend to reflect the opposite. Amy Chau the Phil-Chinese economist has written so often about this that it is dull to reiterate.

    The Chinoys tend to send their kids to Chinese schools to begin with-ostensibly to learn Confucian values but in reality to keep them away from Austronesians who are often feral & badly behaved because their parents are OFW’s & they are raised haphazardly by grandparents or aunts. This is often the case because Pinays are so often single mothers.

    The Chinese make/sell the shabu in the Philippines & the Pinoys purchase it. This right here demonstrates what little concern Fukien have for the so-called Indios (Austronesians). Pay them slave wages so that they are reduced to miserable squatters or if they own the land they live in a Barangay slum, and then flood it with shabu so that drug dealers & EJK shoot it out while meth addicts stumble around.

    There are not many Chinese-Filipino “dragons” so to speak.

    In general it is the poor Austronesians who become shabu addicts & make life even more miserable for the squatter when they go crazy & burn down their squat over the timbla of their shabu. Alas, not all Chinoys can make it legitimately or choose to do so, and become drug kingpins.

    Now to the credit of the Tsinoys, they did a great deal to develop the economy. I don’t believe what you have advanced as a theory which is that the American investors would only do business with the Spanish-Filipinos. Pizza Hut does not care if you are Chinese-Filipino or Spanish Mestizo.

    And the Koreans would eventually have come & found a way around the local foreign investment laws anyhow-which were put in place to protect the Chinoys & Spanish Mestizos from foreign competition. The Koreans even bring their own prostitutes (Which are overpriced at $500 a throw).

    But it was the Chinese-Filipinos who developed a consumer economy.

    However, the Fukien are so koriput & sometimes abusive to employees that an American company that does do business in the Philippines has no shortage of applicants.

    This is not to say the Spanish-Mestizos are much better. If anything, they are more corrupt. In Negros, where the Spanish haciendero presence is greatest, the Mestizos have been known to use terrorist tactics to keep their sugarcane workers from organizing their labor.

    None of this applies to Muslim Mindanao, of course.

    Now the problem arising is Chinese military presence. This may put Chinoys in a tight position. Now more than ever they are going to want the Pinoys to forget they are better at math & live in nice subdivisions & generally regard the “Malays” as alcoholic, dim & promiscuous.

    Or, possibly, will Phil-Chinese attempt to annex the Philippines to the CCP. In the past, the Chinoys were anti-Communist (Besides the Tsinoy founder of the New People’s Army, of course). But capitalism is no longer restricted. Technically the Philippines is a US ally but will Phil-Chinese who take their lunar holidays in China every year feel the same way?

    Singapore & Malaysia are different simply because of the Indian presence. Unlike the Austronesians, they bridle under the Chinese but offset the economic dominance of say, Philippines or Indonesia.

    That is an entirely different animal.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  373. Malla 说:

    Marxism but with Maoism

    Isn’t Maoism like Leninism a variant of Marxism?

    Since the old Confucianism promoted a social hierarchy based on cultural elitism and medieval feudalism, Mao wanted to destroy the old Confucianism in order

    And to be honest that was a good thing to do, to modernise, but something like that needs a surgeon’ knifes touch, not hammer and sickle type action where one ends up destroying all that treasures of the ancient past. Maybe all those things should have been kept and preserved in secret museums, away from the people. Now all those historical objects are lost not only to China but the entire World, big loss!!! Impossible to get the originals back. Similar destruction even happened during the French Revolution. Comparatively the Meiji Restoration did not cause such destruction, Japan preserved beautiful Kyoto and modernized too, got rid of the Shogunate for better or worse.
    Comparatively as part of the British Empire, most of India’s historical treasures were preserved. Check out the hard work done by Lord Curzon especially his efforts to preserve the Taj Mahal of the Mughals. India’s first PM, Nehru declared, “Lord Curzon will be remembered because he restored all that was beautiful in India.” Lord Curzon declared “If there be anyone who says to me that there is no duty devolving upon a Christian Government to preserve the monuments of a pagan art or the sanctuaries of an alien faith, I cannot pause to argue with such a man,” he announced. To Lord Curzon and the British Raj in general, art and architecture were “independent of creeds”. To Lord Curzon, they were marks of human genius and born of the “common religion of all mankind”.

    Though I agree the Brits did some destruction of Islamic buildings while crushing the mutiny of 1857 as retribution against Indian Muslims, whom they (wrongly, there was a Brahamanical element which escaped notice) solely blamed for the mutiny.

    BTW, I though Confucianism was egalitarian where any peasant boy could become an official based on merit after writing exams. Was China later on like the Joseon Korea where the Yangbans tweaked the system to create a permanent elite caste (they had turned into Brahmin like elite at the verge of Japanese takeover)?

    moves to address mass poverty and socio-economic inequality, as proven by the China’s investment in its vast hinterland.

    Actually Communism and colonialism were both modernization phenomenon (White Man’s burden, spread the ideas of enlightenment, Meiji Restoration/Pan Asian movement). Main difference is Communism does the work faster, spreads modern healthcare and education faster among the poor masses while colonialism is a much more slower but solid process. And in Colonialism there is shame as some other outside tribe did the modernisation for you, you feel like a small kid and the Empire a daddy, it hurts pride. While in Communism you (or in some cases you have the impression) that the peasant masses did it themselves. There is no shame of the sort you have with colonialism.
    Communism also is more effective because in the name of the masses or some charismatic leader, you can push modernization on your people, maybe even use more force to achieve it. In the case of colonialism, because it is pushed by a foreign tribe, there is more resistance by the natives and suspicions . The British had the same problems in India. They build a school but people of higher castes would not send their kids with those of lower castes. Muslims would not take to modern education because they wanted to stick to their old fashioned Persian education, which would have been of only limited use in the Industrial World. And because Muslims were falling behind, because of their own stubbornness, Hindus started dominating the bureaucracy. Later when Montague was pushing for more native participation in higher levels in Government in place of Britishers, Muslims protested as they were afraid,Hindus would take revenge on them from a position of power for 800 yeas of Islamic rule. Anglo officers were atleast neutral outsiders and known for fairness. Loads of problems for the Brits with shit like this, what? build different schools for each caste!!! Many a times the Colonial Government would have to walk on egg shells to not to have riots. If if we had Indian Communists doing the same, partisans would have stormed in and forced the upper caste kids to school with lower caste kids. Would have forced Muslim kids into modern schools. But anyways, the British Raj did a decent job of destroying the feudal Brahmanical and Islamic system which was present before them. For which many Orthodox Brahmins (and even some Orthodox Muslim elites) already hate them like poison.

  374. antibeast 说:

    There is no united Malaysia until the ‘Malays’ kick out the ‘Chinese’ ruling class in Singapore and take back the island.

    Tunku Abdul Rahman expelled Singapore from Malaysia because he didn’t want a Chinese majority in Malaysia. Speaking of ‘Malays’, Eastern Malaysia which includes Sabah was ruled by the Sultanates of Sulu and Brunei, but was never ruled by the so-called ‘Malays’ of Western Malaysia. The British then joined them together in the Federation of Malaysia which included Singapore. The Philippines has a sovereign claim on Sabah based on the historic sovereignty of the Sultanate of Sulu over Sabah. Furthermore, the ancient Empires of the Srivijaya based out of Sumatra and Majapahit based out of Java ruled Western Malaysia for centuries before the arrival of Europeans.

    Your concept of a ‘united’ Malaysia itself is a British invention and so is the concept of the ‘Malay’ race. There was no Malaysia when the British arrived, just a collection of tribal kingdoms called Sultanates. If your conception of nationality is based on ‘race’, then I could argue the same for the Chams and Khmers in Central and Southern Vietnam as they are far more indigenous to those regions than the Northern Vietnamese who by the way has the highest proportion of Chinese ancestry amongst Southeast Asians. In terms of purity of blood, North Vietnamese are far less indigenous Austronesian than the rest of Southeast Asians and thus can’t really claim to represent any of them.

    • 回复: @Smith
  375. Malla 说:

    The left is too busy with Shashi Taroor (sp?) and his delusions of reparations He won’t touch the Muslim issue but clearly Islam hasn’t been good for India.

    Tharoor is a typical Congressi. Congressis were originally Western/England educated Indian elites pissed off at the British, the masses were aloof at their pissing at first. They assassinated British officers, threw bombs, did a lot of revolutionary/terrorist acts but the British Raj was so solid, their effect was that of crackers on a solid stone building. So while trying to create a mass movement later on, to get the masses involved in their schemes (Gandhi), they spread all kind of bullshit against the Brits. Since the British are very self critical, they got a lot of material from British sources and then cunningly made it all one sided. Secondly they got help from the Marxists. Marxists were pissed that Western Industrialized Capitalist countries like Britain, France, Netherlands etc or even Japan…had not turned Communist as their pig monkey prophet Marx had prophesied and to balance their books, they made up some bullshit theory that the Western countries were pushing their excess production on colonies, which was bullshit. Only a tiny percentage of their trade were with their Empires, they traded more with each other and many colonies of those Empires were loss making. This got transformed into Indian cotton for British cloth myth, again bullshit, British mills did not use much Indian cotton anyways (used much more American cotton) and cloth manufacturing was growing like leaps and bounds in India itself. And this shitty false theory got transformed into “British looted our gold and wealth and became rich theory” for low IQ masses consumption to radicalize them against the British Raj. Actually it was Iran under thug Sultan Nadir Shah who looted out the most from India in gold and wealth.
    Nearly all revolutions have to spread bullshit and propaganda against the present Government to make the people angry and become cannon fodder for the revolution (while the psychopathic leaders wait to take power). After the revolution succeeds, the bullshit becomes “official history”. Victors write the history.
    So when independence came, Indians rejoiced (like many idiotic post colonial peoples) that “soon we will become millionaires and the British will live in slums”. Did not happen, actually the British economy boomed with decolonisation and the great Divergence in between the First World and former colonies increased further. Decades went by, nothing happened. So pissed, now the Indian people have turned on the Congress party itself (the party which got us independence) and now the BJP used the same tricks against the Congress and came to power, it was like a second Independence victory. When Modi came to power, that is how it felt like in India, gaining Independence again!!! The tricks and propaganda, the Secular Congress used against the British Raj during the Independence Struggle, the Hindutva BJP has used the same against the Congress itself, karma much. But in reality, the Congress was really corrupt (unlike the clean British Raj) but not to the extent of what BJP propaganda says. The Congress had developed India a lot with gigantic State industries. Modi, “man of the people” is selling off at piecemeal all the national assets carefully nurtured by the earlier British Raj and Congress. LOL. Is this new? very common.

    Tharoor is a typical Congressi rehashing all that old bullshit and the leftist establishment in the UK keeps quite and supports his lies, it is easy to decimate Tharoor in a debate. Zaheer Masani (who is ironically the son of Left Winged firebrand Indian freedom fighter Minno Masani) easily destroyed all his points in debate before.

    There is a possibility that Tharoor is looking to aim for becoming the PM in the future. He is popular in his constituency in Kerala South India. But he is posh who speaks posh English, handsome womaniser, how can he go against the likes of “street saint” Modi who is thaggard. He has to get street creds among the vulgar population. So he attacks the British (the super posh) and in return ends up looking more “more down to earth”, less posh and thus more acceptable to the thaggard Indian masses. The problems with the British was that they were good and kind rulers but by our standards they were very posh, and that creates problems. That is all, that was THE PROBLEM. Nothing else. Even their working class is posh compared to our culture, a matter of difference of group genetics and culture. People do not have problem with rich people, if the rich person is thaggard, people do not mind, they will meekly accept even exploitation. But Indian masses cannot stand posh people because posh people make them feel like monkeys. This is one more reason why Nehru, our first PM is so unpopular, he was an Anglophile, he was posh, Even when he wore Indian cloths,he came out as elite in mannerisms. Pakistan’s founder Jinnah was even more Anglophile and posh, but he was the one guy who was capable to save Muslims, he did, created Pakistan and he died very soon after Pakistan was formed so he is still very popular. Tharoor is getting Ghetto creds in front of the masses, just in case he needs it in his political career by attacking the “superposh” British. Already many people say that if Tharoor would become leader of Congress (instead of present Rahul Gandhi who comes across as posh) they would vote for him. Using the British bashing, posh Tharoor may be able to take on thaggard leaders like Modi or later on maybe Yogi Adithyanath. So this has nothing to do with the British and reparations, really. The British are being used as a convenient punching bag so that posh Tharoor can improve his ghetto street creds infront of the thaggard Indian population, to increase his popularity. That is what it is all about. Increase his popularity among Indians. But Muslim bashing is where it is at now a days, Tharoor mostly will not go there.

    • 回复: @Malla
  376. Malla 说:

    Also, Tharoor is South Indian upper caste Nair. He should remember that when Tipu Sultan’s army invaded his native Travancore kingdom and the Muslim Arab-half breed Mopplar savages went on a killing, raping and looting spree of Hindus like him, with glee, who saved their asses? It was a splendid and glorious slaughter of lowly idol worshiping Travancore kafirs like him by the Muslims. Who saved Travancore’s ass, who did they turn to for help? Those same English saved their ass from being slaughtered and raped. The English East India Company came to their aid and helped them defeat Tipu Sultan’s army. Guess he is a typical Hindu backstabber. Or is he pissed that the British stopped the exploitation of the Kerala lower castes, which his upper caste ancestors enjoyed, lower caste women paying boob tax on the size of their breasts and forced to go around half naked? Maybe that is why he hates the Brits. Who knows.

  377. @Chinaman

    Bosley Swain is an Englishman proper and sighs about his good old days in Hong Kong –go to the park and those signs “No Chinese or dogs Allowed” and then things became nasty when some Chinese labourers wanted a Trade Union ( s) circa 1967 and their movement was met with Real force. England rules this colony – period !! Then 1997 and Bosley returned to England but Jimmy Lai carried on the British tradition of democracy–human rights as in a brick to the head or lighting those on fire with differing viewpoints. Bosley now sits in a nursing home hoping some Hong Kong exiles will arrive in England to experience a real life —Michael Gove and Dominik Raab were Bosley’s best men when Bosley married Elizabeth Smegma – Staines —niece of Lord Flatulence of Portsmouth.

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  378. Rich 说:

    You’re seeing things through the eyes of the negro, who thinks the earth revolves around him. White is just another term for European, it’s not based on anything from Africa. The ethnic Whites who arrived in the late 19th and 20th century came to dislike blacks because of their criminality, not because they joined the Anglo club. All Whites,or most anyway, are fine with negros who obey the law and act peaceably. Trouble is, those are pretty hard to find. Whether it’s cultural or genetic, no Whites want to live in crime ridden neighborhoods which always seems to result when too many negros appear.

  379. Smith 说:

    Ah yes, the classic “we wuz chinese nation, but no one else gotta a nation”, try that with someone else.

    The malays have found a common identity and language and thus a nation is created, and Singapore was a part of that, it now exists as an apartheid colonial state with a dying parasite class, the time is ripe for the reunion of Malaysia.

    Keep stuffing yourself with pseudo-history, like the timeline you live in where there is a South Vietnam because of the failure of Tet Offensive, and Korea is united with chinese troop pushing UN troops out of the peninsula, LOL.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  380. antibeast 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    You seem to think that Chinese Filipinos are somehow dependent upon the shabu trade which they’re not. Most Chinese nationals involved in the shabu trade are members of criminal gangs from the PRC with ties to HK triads and Taiwanese 14K bamboo gangs. There are also Chinese Filipinos involved but they are few and far in between because they’re well-established in the Philippines who maintain their social distance from the Chinese nationals whom they would view as uncouth.

    As I wrote earlier in my post, the main reason why Chinese Filipinos came to dominate the Philippine Economy had to do with their linguistic, cultural and social ties to Chinese-speaking foreign businessmen in East and Southeast Asia. If Japanese, Taiwanese, Singaporean, Malaysian, Thai, HK or PRC businessman want to find local partners, Chinese Filipinos tend to be their preferred choice as many of those foreign businessmen speak Chinese, including even Japanese businessmen, or because they’re ethnic Chinese from HK, Taiwan, PRC, Singapore, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. When Japanese corporations started expanding to Southeast Asia back in the 70s and 80s, the Japanese would seek Southeast Asian Chinese as their business partners, whether as suppliers, distributors, landlords, etc. The Western MNCs tend to seek Southeast Asian Chinese as their business partners as did the Overseas Chinese from HK and Taiwan.

    In the Philippines, you’re correct that not all Western MNCs seek Spanish-Filipinos because they too have come to rely on Chinese Filipinos as local partners. Now, how come the middle-class Spanish or Chinese 混血 could not break this monopoly? That’s because they’re linguistically and culturally oriented towards the English-speaking business world of the West rather than the Chinese-speaking business world of Asia. Those middle-class Spanish or Chinese 混血 end up working as professionals or executives for foreign MNCs due to their fluency in English or as entrepreneurs in the service industries. But the Big Business in the Philippines is still in the hands of the elite Spanish or Chinese Filipino families, the former due to their extensive landholdings while the latter due to their extensive Chinese mercantile networks across Asia. The middle-class Filipino 混血 suffer from their colonial mentality which makes them beholden to Western interests. Lots of them work in call centers, for example, which are seen as ‘glamorous’ by these ‘westernized’, English-speaking Filipinos. The rich Chinese Filipinos, on other hand, want their children to maintain their Chinese ethnic identity by sending their kids to Chinese-language schools or to Taiwan. But this group is quite small as most middle-class Chinese Filipinos send their kids to Philippine schools, including the private Catholic school system where they’re socialized to become Filipinos. Over time, those middle-class Chinese Filipinos tend to intermarry and assimilate with other Chinese 混血 to become the next-generation of Chinese 混血 with an English-speaking Western cultural orientation. The poor Chinese Filipinos tend to send their kids to the Philippine public school system where they’re socialized to become the next-generation of Tagalog-speaking 印度人.

    In terms of their attitude and behavior, rich Chinese Filipinos tend to be more paternal and benevolent towards both middle-class 混血 and lower-class 印度人 unlike elite Spanish Filipinos who tend to be more aristocratic and disdainful towards the middle-class or lower-class Filipinos. This is proven by their Spanish-speaking social circle which excludes anyone but the pureblooded Spanish Filipinos whose cultural orientation is towards the Spanish-speaking world of Spain and Latin America.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  381. denk 说:

    smith/jeff strike

    sg chinese practising apartheid on Indians

    A parliament packed with heavy weight Indian ministers.
    IT, Finance, Legal, media sectors crawling with Indians.
    Streets choking with Indian/Bangladesh labors…

    Sg is so ‘apartheid’ on those poor Indians , no wonder they keep flooding in like an avalanche. !

    Didnt I say we are dealing with creatures from a parallel universe, where everything is turned upside down ?

  382. Rdm 说:

    I know the first movie. It was good. I didn’t know the 2nd one.

    I just hope lots of Indian are opening up their eyes.

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
    , @Malla
  383. @antibeast

    The Spanish seemed to be ultimately responsible for the shabu trade because like Latin America they set up a political system that was full of corruption & graft that was just tailor made for a narco economy. Marcos realized this & executed the Triad heroin dealers to prove a point. It was not until the People’s Revolution, as far as I know, that shabu really became popular in the Philippines.

    *Bear in mind I am a white American who lived in the Philippines for only three years & my knowledge of the history of the drug in the Philippines is limited. Apparently it began to appear in the early 80’s but really became popular in the late 80’s or early 90’s with wealthy Filipinos & then eventually in the noughties it became immensely popular with the squatters & the poor. Correct me if I am wrong on the history of shabu in the Philippines.

    As for the rest of it, that’s what a Chinoy would say. At first they will start with the “fully assimilated” speech & then a few breaths later talk about preserving their identity with Chinese schools & the good life in subdivisions. The subdivision was invented for the Chinoy to keep the riff-raff out.

    No question that supply chains to Chinese imports gave the Chinoys the position of strength. Oddly enough, it was a Spanish Filipino named Estrada that lifted the tariffs.

    The reason Americans have to do business with Chinoys is that they want their franchises in SM Mall.

    Also, China is massive importer of low-end goods for the poor consumer market but Chinoys in SM have to do business with Americans because the franchises are all American (There is purported money laundering occurring as well, but nobody is sure about that).

    The Cantonese Chinoys views the Fujian Province Chinoys as uncouth country people, but the Cantonese are mostly in Manila & nowhere else. The Fukien are everywhere from Davao to the straits of Luzon.

    In my opinion, there really are not different “tiers” of Spanish Mestizos like the Phil-Chinese have. The Spanish Filipinos oligarchs are rare (maybe 100 of them remaining) & are descendants of marriages between the local chieftains daughters or principales & Spanish admins or officers. It is isn’t even racial because although the so-called “hacienderos” (Most of whom are long out of farming) now look Caucasian the root of their influence & wealth was as tribal chieftains daughters who married Spanish colonial admin. The rest of the Spanish Mestizos have gotten by a little generation wealthy left to them & some political appointments.

    But in the Philippines, money talks so the Chinoys who are now richer are more important & influential.

    Also, the Spanish Filipinos don’t maintain ties to Spain. A few do, like the Razons, but for the most part they joined Rizal & as soon as the Americans arrived they sought to ally themselves with the US. They have more of a connection to California than Barcelona. The Spanish Filipinos have no connection to Mexico at all, save for the Chavacanos, who are not a group of any influence in the Philippines as a whole.

    I mean overall, the Spanish Filipinos are not going back to Spain like the Chinoys go to China for Lunar holidays.

    I’m unclear about Taiwan. Except that Taiwanese aboriginals are similar to Filipinos & may be their origin. Or one origin. Other groups were Indonesian datus, or Polynesians, or Malaysians.

    As for the Japanese, their presence receded back in the nineties & now the Koreans have replaced them.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  384. denk 说:

    India’s M.O,.

    Your’r either with us or against us
    [no middle ground allowed]
    Assasination [KIng Birendra, a CIA/RAW joint op]

    An exact copy of FUKUS playbook.

    Now you know why they call India
    Why the [[[five liars]]], aka [[[five eyes]]] are inviting Indians into their inner circle, the sixth liar.


  385. antibeast 说:

    你说的什么伪历史?英国于 1946 年创建马来亚联邦,并于 1948 年以马来亚联合邦取而代之,一直持续到 1963 年,马来西亚半岛与新加坡、北婆罗洲和砂拉越直辖殖民地联合成立马来西亚,并于 1965 年将新加坡踢出。

    The British defined ‘Malay’ as someone who is a Muslim and speaks Malay. For most of its history, Peninsular Malaysia was not even Muslim with the exception of a century of Muslim rule under the Sultanate of Malacca which was founded in 1400 and conquered by the Portuguese in 1511. Before then, the Sumatra-based Srivijaya and Java-based Majapahit Empires ruled Peninsular Malaysia under Buddhist and Hindu Thalassocracies, respectively. Buddhist Malays also founded the Melayu Kingdom after breaking away from the Srivijaya Empire which encompassed both Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. The Chinese and Indian immigrants had in effect revived Buddhism and Hinduism in Malaysia, respectively. As for Sarawak and North Borneo, the forest-dwelling non-Muslim Dayaks outnumber the Muslim Malays in Eastern Malaysia. That’s why Sarawak has no official religion unlike Malaysia which has Islam as the official State religion.


    现在,当佛教和印度教在伊斯兰教之前到达马来西亚半岛时,穆斯林马来人希望马来西亚成为纯粹的穆斯林和马来人。佛教三佛齐帝国、佛教马来王国和印度教满者伯夷帝国的存在时间比马六甲苏丹国还要长,而穆斯林马来人的数量则超过了非穆斯林马来人。 -砂拉越和北婆罗洲的穆斯林达雅克人。

    李光耀的预言是正确的 土著 由于分配的庇护政治,马来西亚的政策将导致系统性的贪污和腐败 土著 马来利益集团的特权被自私的马来政客所夺取。新加坡已经证明,有可能在多元种族、多元文化和精英统治的原则基础上,建立一个政治稳定、经济繁荣的社会,而马来西亚仍然陷入种族政治,这种政治往往会分裂其多元化社会并阻碍其经济进步。马来西亚是一个过于多元化的国家,无法建立一个基于一种官方宗教(伊斯兰教)或一种特权种族(马来语)的国家。

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Smith
  386. antibeast 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    You’re partially correct that the Spanish bequeathed to the Philippines its version of a Hispanized culture which worships aristocratic privilege based on landed wealth. So the Spanish or Chinese 混血 who own most of the land in the Philippines tend to behave like feudal landlords who treat the poor 印度人 as landless serfs. The Americans also share the blame for installing a permanent 混血 class of landowning political families by allowing them to dominate the Philippine Congress while selling off the Catholic Friar estates to these 混血 landlords who amassed vast lands during the American colonial period. If the Americans had implemented land reform at the time, all the problems with rural poverty would have prevented the outbreak of peasant rebellions which culminated in the formation of the Maoist CPP/NPA.

    Chavacano is spoken only in Zamboanga City which was settled by Spanish as well as Mexican and Peruvian soldiers due to the need to reinforce the Spanish colonial town against Muslim Moros. After pacifying the Muslim Moros, the Americans wanted to reinforce their control of Muslim Moros by having Christian Filipinos settle in Mindanao. After the Americans left, the Muslim Moros then agitated for independence with Nur Misuari founding the Muslim Moro secessionist movement which has fought a bloody 50-year war lasting to this day.

    Most of the problems in the Philippines can be traced to both Spanish and American colonial policies which created and installed a Filipino 混血 oligarchy that has captured the Philippine State to serve its own interests while ignoring the vast majority of the 印度人 masses subsisting on tenant farming or going overseas as migrant workers. Foreign remittances from these OFWs or export earnings from call centers constitute the bulk of the dollar inflows while the small amount of FDI is limited to agriculture or mining ventures. These dollar inflows are then spent on domestic consumption which relies on imported goods as the Philippines lacks the industrial capacity to produce its own consumer goods. That’s why retail malls such as SM, Robinsons, Gaisano, etc. do well in the Philippines with Western (USA) brands dominating the retail shelves and catering to the middle-class 混血 OFWs or call-center professionals. And yes the dirt-cheap Chinese goods make its way to the lower-income 印度人 masses via Chinese Filipino wholesalers/retailers all over the country.

    One last thing: the socio-economic disparity is immense in Philippine society. Someone who’s a Spanish or Chinese 混血 does not mean anything in a country with a vast difference in economic wealth and social privileges. Lower-class Chinese or Spanish 混血 usually gets absorbed into the 印度人 masses without anyone noticing their Chinese or Spanish ancestry. Middle-class Chinese or Spanish 混血 tend to dominate the professions, industry, government or corporate world but their socio-economic status is based more on their education and occupation rather than their race or ethnicity. The educational system plays a big role in creating this socio-economic disparity as the private Catholic school system grants these 混血 a big advantage in becoming part of the Filipino middle-class which the 印度人 masses lack due to the badly-run Philippine public school system. Marcos tried to ameliorate this problem by creating a network of State-funded public universities all over the country but the elite Catholic universities still dominate the ranks of middle-class Filipinos with the exception of the top State-funded University of the Philippines as the Catholic Church is more powerful than the Philippine State.

    You’re wrong to claim that Spanish Filipinos don’t have ties to Spain. Isabel Preysler is a good example of a Spanish Filipino who was born and raised in the Philippines but lives in Spain. She’s the former wife of the Spanish singer Julio Iglesias. Spanish Filipinos like the Ayalas, Ortigases, Zobels, Sorianos, Razons, etc. likewise maintain ties to Spain. And these rich Spanish Filipino elites hardly gets involved in Philippine Politics. Same with the rich Chinese Filipino elites.

    Lastly, you’re too obsessed with the role of Chinese criminals in the shabu trade. That problem is symptomatic of the nature of a Third World country like the Philippines which attracts lots of criminals of all nationalities including Western sex tourists and pedophiles, Filipino online dating scam artists, Japanese Yakuza gangs, HK triad gangs, Muslim terrorists, CIA agents, Chinese criminal gangs, etc. Middle-class Chinese Filipinos have mostly acculturated and/or assimilated to Philippines society with lots of intermarriage with middle-class Chinese 混血 or 印度人. The stories you hear of rich Chinese Filipinos refusing to marry off their daughters to Filipinos is a thing of the past. In fact, lots of them don’t want to marry off their daughters to the recent Chinese immigrants because they’re seen as money-grubbing illiterates from Fujian Province.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  387. Chinaman 说:


    • 回复: @d dan
  388. @antibeast



    But they don’t maintain supply lines with Spain as the Phil-Chinese do with China. The Razons have business interests in Spain, but there is no global supply chain there.


    Foreigners know about drugs, most of us do them or are offered them and nobody breaks into the shabu trade. It’s a Chinese/Phil-Chinese monopoly. The Mexican cartels tried & failed. Koreans & Indians have attempted to, but then get fed to the PNP who rid them as competition.

    Cocaine is more diversified. Squatters don’t use it because it runs 3000 a gram. It’s a way upmarket drug, trafficked by Koreans & whites, because the market is white. I’ve met a few Chinoy users (Though most Phil-Chinese don’t use drugs) but the suppliers are all whites or Koreans & so is the market simply because squatters & poor cannot afford a 4000 peso a day habit. The same goes for Ecstasy aka Playboys etc. They are mostly used/sold by Koreans.

    The street drug trade for the poor is not varied-it’s just shabu & more shabu.

    少女酒吧一直被欧美人垄断。当美国军人开始在碧瑶与 Mama Sans 结婚并意识到可以从他们身上赚多少钱时,美国人很早就进入了这个行业。其他白人——澳大利亚人和欧洲人——紧随其后。同性恋恋童癖者几乎全部是德国人,而青少年卖淫者则大多是美国人或英国人。偶尔会有一个外国人因经营一家招收未成年妓女的酒吧而被抓获,但大多数恋童癖组织都是地下的。



    Overseas Foreign Workers are two-tier. The white collar ones will be Chinoys, but the menial ones are Indios or Malays or whatever we want to call the Austronesians. You’ll almost never see a Spanish Filipino Criollo outside of the Philippines.


    华人混血儿可能成为中产阶级,仅仅是因为他们数学更好,更有野心(有点像,虽然不像完全的华人),而且社会化程度更高(青少年怀孕的情况较少,不太可能在充满恶习和混乱的蹲下长大) ,酗酒的可能性较小)。

    At any rate, the Spanish Mestizos don’t have any political ties to Mexico. The Chavacanos are not wealthy.



  389. d dan 说:

    “I am still baffled how a people of a superior intellect got casted out on to an island by a jungle people.”

    I don’t quite understand you here. When is Chinese being casted out of Singapore? Are you saying they were, have been or will be casted out?

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  390. @Dumbo

    Sometimes I wonder about the people who write such shows


    You probably don’t need to spend too much time wondering about them. It’s not exactly rocket-science. The material comes on a deliberate, relentless daily churn from the most paranoiac, degenerate, mentally-handicapped and morally negative minds in… umm… Well, you know.



  391. Chinaman 说:
    @d dan

    这些导致了 1964 年新加坡发生的重大种族骚乱,这(至少部分)归因于巫统及其马来语报纸《马来前锋报》对新加坡马来人采取平权行动的煽动。 [3]

    这些最终导致马来西亚总理东姑阿都拉曼决定将新加坡驱逐出联邦,并于 9 年 1965 月 4 日,新加坡成为迄今为止第一个也是唯一一个不情愿地获得独立的现代国家。 [5][XNUMX]



    • 回复: @denk
    , @Commentator Mike
    , @d dan
  392. @Rdm

    China will be patient as India goes through a juvenile phase of megalomania most unbefitting an ancient civilization. Hindutva fascism is so unbecoming a great culture.

    • 哈哈: Malla
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  393. @GomezAdddams

    I would love the English to send their ‘gun-boat’ the ‘Elizabeth II’ (everything in England is named after Betty in a frenzy of obsequiousness)to the South China Sea, so that the Chinese can get some revenge for the Opium Wars and suppression of the ‘Harmonious Fists’. How to do it without killing thousands of dumb chav, wannabe bruisers, is the problem.

  394. antibeast 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    My family came from Taiwan to do business in the Philippines. So I spent my high school years there and then left for the USA for my college education. Your views regarding Chinese Filipinos are way out of date as most of them have intermarried and assimilated to become Filipinos. The most recent Chinese immigrants from the PRC behave very differently from those old Chinese immigrants from the ROC who attended Chinese-language schools organized by the KMT during the American colonial period. After acquiring Philippine citizenship after the war, those Chinese Filipinos have maintained close ties to Taiwan due to the KMT presence in the Philippines even after the Philippines switched diplomatic ties to the PRC. There are a small number of rich Chinese Filipinos who send their children to Taiwan to get a Chinese education. Ironically, the recent PRC Chinese from Fujian tend to intermarry with Filipinos and assimilate to Philippine society faster than the old Chinese Filipinos because the PRC Chinese have no qualms about giving up their ties to the PRC as their concept of being ‘Chinese’ is defined in political terms while the old Chinese Filipinos defined their being ‘Chinese’ in cultural terms. That’s because the PRC defined being ‘Chinese’ in terms of the political ideology of Maoist Communism while ignoring or suppressing traditional and Classical Chinese Culture which is now being revived in Xi’s China. The PRC actively sought out these rich Chinese Filipinos elites and invited them to invest in China as the CCP wanted to cultivate ties with them. This happened after Deng liberalized China starting in the 80s. When the USA imposed sanctions on China after Tiananmen, the CCP invited groups of Southeast Asian Chinese business tycoons to invest in the PRC. Guess who dealt with these Overseas Chinese investors? Xi Jinping who was stationed in Fujian Province, the ancestral province of these Overseas Chinese investors!!! That’s probably where Xi got the idea of reviving the Silk Road because Quanzhou which is in Fujian Province was the terminal point of the Maritime Silk Road while the ancestral province of Xi is in Shaanxi Province where Xi’an served as the terminal point of the overland Silk Road.


    棉兰老岛仍有穆斯林分裂分子,菲律宾农村地区仍有共产党游击队与长达 50 年的叛乱作斗争。由于国内政治腐败和机会不足,受过大学教育的英语菲律宾中产阶级选择移民到西方,在那里担任医生、护士、教师、工程师等,或在中东担任海外菲劳 (OFW)。 、新加坡或香港。菲律宾人还担任商船队或加入美国军队,这在菲律宾被视为有声望的职业。下层阶级 印度人 在世界各地担任建筑工人、女佣、护理人员。

    The wealthy PRC Chinese don’t go to the Philippines at all but to Singapore where they park their assets and send their kids to school. Only the poor PRC Chinese from Fujian Province migrate to the Philippines due to their linguistic ties to the Chinese Filipinos there.

    • 谢谢: showmethereal
    • 回复: @showmethereal
    , @Chinaman
  395. QUOTE_”Since the Constitution did not give the federal government any powers to regulate secession (in fact, the Constitution made no mention of secession whatsoever), the Tenth Amendment must grant the power of secession to the states.”
    Go for it- not illegal. Wipe the slate clean and start again. Do it state by state. Solves everything !!!!!

    • 回复: @Jokem
  396. denk 说:

    You forget to mention the multiple CIA /MI6/AXIO orchestrated genocides on Chinese Indonesians…

    1969 年针对马来西亚华人的大屠杀。

    新加坡马来人骚乱,1963 年

    [[[某人]]] 是 赌博 再来一次。
    A 全球圣战 整个汉族。


    The same mofo who did CIA’s greatest hit in 1965.

    They’r living in abject fear, as depicted by this New Yorker cover.

    They’r ready to bolt at the first sign of danger.

    [[[五个骗子]]]马来西亚、印度尼西亚的华人已经生活在一个 火药桶。

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  397. @Malla

    Those priceless pages of Gunga Din are also a national treasure – compliments of Lord Assholebroke of Brookington Kent.

  398. Malla 说:
    @last straw

    So why did West Bengal fuck up? evul colonialism? Nah…. The over educated Bengalis (Western education has always had its woke and commie propaganda) combined with jealousy for all that is noble among the masses, led to 30 years of Communist rule (Jyoti Basu). The state fucked up, no jobs, nothing, while Commie party members lived like arrogant princes and looted out. Today the proud “revolutionary” Bengalis work everywhere throughout India as low wage slaves. I went to this rural area in Maharashtra (I had gone to a vineyard but loved travelling the place, Maharastra in India’s wine country too), the manlier Maharastrians never had any love for Marx and his bullshit. And what do I see? Marx never took off in Maharashtra. Remember they are the same guys who built the mighty Maratha Empire.
    Arrogant Marathi prosperous farmers sitting with their legs up and an army of low wage “revolutionary” Commie Bengalis working around in their farms taking orders from rich arrogant Marathi farmer. When the “evul Bratish” left India, the ancestor of that Marathi farmer would have been similar in standard of living as the ancestors of those “revolutionary” Bengali labourers who now toil away and take orders from Marathi massa. Do not believe me, check it out yourself.
    The prostitute houses of India, thong with “revolutionary” Marxist but desperate Bengali women. Some decades back these women were screeching and screaming Marx’s idiotic theories, looking with glee when companies after companies shut down (many went to capitalist Maharastra), now they Marxist “revolutionary” women service at cheap rate other men throughout India. They non Bengali punters all thank Marx for providing cheap pussy.

    • 回复: @ivan
    , @JohnnyWalker123
    , @Lin
  399. ivan 说:

    Appreciate your pungent ethnographic observations. But Marx is not to blame for the industrial backwardness of Bengal and Kerala. Winnie the Pooh in Peking once claimed that Das Kapital was his favorite book. Marx outlined 19th century industrial capitalism for all the backward Asians the Chinese included. Those who were ruthless about it and knew where they were going such as Stalin ate up the peasantry to fuel their industrialization, a primitive accumulation on steroids. You have to note further that India for the size of her population is very poorly endowed with water, minerals and energy. Thus Communism if it was to succeed at least in delivering steel structures and Palaces of the Arts, had to be War Communism with both internal and external enemies as perpetual targets.

    Indian Communists though were largely interested in reforming a society mired in superstition, discrimination and backwardness. They may even have succeeded too well , since the bondsman was freed but had no work to go to.

    SC Bose the Bengali freedom fighter had he survived would have take India down the path of industrialization outlined by the German, Linz. The path successfully followed by the Germans and Japanese. But frankly all these discussions about industrialization are vitiated by a poor understanding of the vital necessity of the material substrate necessary for any kind of realisation of the effort expended.

    • 回复: @Malla
  400. Jokem 说:
    @Not impossible

    I think the War Between the States settled that matter, Constitutional or not…

  401. @Malla

    You are officially a troll… Claiming the Indian diaspora has as many economic assets as the Chinese diaspora doesn’t even pass the smell test… Too much time wasted on you already.
    If that was the case India would have been more developed than China since it was the Bamboo Network that invested into China when the reforms took place. You are too silly with a strange infatuation for “smelling ass”

    • 回复: @Malla
  402. @steinbergfeldwitzcohen

    You really are a half wit huh?
    Which part of slavery not being the only form of racial suppression do you not get?
    I see you are just another “blame the Jews for everything” crowd. Oh wait but then you claim Muslims are the ones doing all the rape in India??
    None of any of that has anything to do with what I said in my comment. Maybe a quarter wit is better…

    • 回复: @steinbergfeldwitzcohen
  403. @antibeast

    Great comment telling the intricacies of South East Asia and the movements of the Chinese diaspora and the dirty politics in the Philippines. But I think you meant “opium” rather than cocaine from the Golden Triangle — no?
    And not sure if you have been to the Philippines lately – but how popular is Duterte and his anti drug war? I know 2 Filipinos fairly well. One loves him and one (of course western orientated) hates him.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  404. @Jeff Stryker

    As far as crime is concerned whites, including Jews, dominate the boiler room investment scams in PI and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

  405. @Chinaman


  406. Lin 说:

    and to Showmethereal, antibeast, Denk…
    I think its difficult for non-Indians to evaluate the consequence of England conquering/ruling the subcontinent simply because it’s a very complex topic.
    –Yes, the subcontinent was conquered for the benefits of the anglos and the related policy were designed to keep the dominance as long as it’s beneficial.
    –As I mentioned before, hindu society traditionally has been quite decentralized/atomized that as long as local caste hierarchy was observed, the local honchos wouldn’t care who ruled at the very top. The lo-castes and Dalits likely didn’t care. The Dalits and lo-castes are traditionally over-represented in the muslim and Christian conversion to the alarm of the rakshaks of bharats.
    200th anniv of a dalit war: https://www.newstatesman.com/world/asia/2018/01/british-east-india-company-hindu-right-and-battle-over-oppression
    –To ease their rule and extract the benefits,
    i)both the Mughals and Anglos didn’t attempt to reshape the hindu society other than some proselytizing attempts.
    ii)The anglos build railways and civil services.
    iii)The Mughal and Anglos dominance did have unifying effects on Hindustan, a good examples:
    a)Hindi, the most important Indian official language is actually a dialect of Urdu, the (Persian) official language of the Mughals.
    b)At least right now most of the the hindu parts are officially in one piece.
    One smart thing the anglos did was get the hell out of India in 1947, imagine the French mess in Algeria and vietnam

    • 同意: Malla
  407. antibeast 说:

    I meant methamphetamine from the Golden Triangle not cocaine from Latin America. Most opium today comes from Afghanistan but meth has taken over the synthetic drug trade in Southeast Asia. Have not been to the Philippines lately but Duterte is popular amongst the masses because of his ‘war on drugs’. Drug smuggling is rampant as Philippine politicians conspire with Philippine police to protect both Philippine and foreign drug lords, many of whom are well-established crime syndicates plying the drug trade in Southeast Asia, including the PRC Chinese who are the newest entrants. Jeff wants to make it appear as if the PRC Chinese started the drug trade which has been going on in Southeast Asia since European colonial times.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
    , @Jeff Stryker
  408. Chinaman 说:



  409. Chinaman 说:
    @Jeff Stryker





  410. Smith 说:

    Ah yes, the still denial of the malays existence as a nation, as unified by language, religion and culture. The malay tribes might have some differences, but they still have more common together than with the chinese.

    Lee Kuan Yew was an old coot who used the chinese coolies brought by the british to colonize Singapore and carve out a foothold for the chinese in SEA, now his descendants oppress the very ones who give them the place (the malays), thus history repeats and now they are living in borrowed times.

    The malays will push out the chinese colonizers, either by force of arms, or by vote, or by sheer demographics.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  411. Chinaman 说:



    • 回复: @antibeast
  412. ivan 说:

    Doesn’t mean a damn thing. The more they test the more they find. Moreover the “treatment” for Covid is free. If they have 150k deaths a day then you are on to something.

  413. Malla 说:


    与第一个不同,第二个是更严肃的历史类型,第一个有点宝莱坞风格。 《玄奘》是我非常喜欢的电影,导演非常意志坚定,风景优美(中亚),最重要的是黄晓明作为一个谦虚的佛教学者的精彩表演。我已经看过很多次了。我个人喜欢中国历史(以及其他东亚历史以及欧洲历史)电影和戏剧。

    Anyways thanks for Prof Mahbubani’s video. I do agree with him over all. I think it would be wiser for India to have good relations with China and not depend on the USA to a big extent. But have good relations with the USA too. Tthere is no denying that the way China developed itself was truly worth respect and a model for learning.
    2] 仅仅因为印度人在西方取得成功并不能直接转化为印度这个国家也会变得那么成功。但这需要另一篇文章。
    4] I do not think India wants Australia or Japan or Vietnam or the USA to support it militarily with forces within India on the Himalayas. I do not think, we Indians trust any foreign forces in our country unless it becomes a do or die situation. All India wants is that there be a conflict with China’s Eastern coast, that is all India wants. To be honest, the Indian deep State is not that confident about Australia or Japan and suspects both these country will eventually be friendly to China, even though Indians emotionally love Japan The only country it really depends on in the QUAD is the USA.

    Anyways Professor Mehebubani makes a lot of economic points. But the truth is Indians are crazy crackpot nationalists and the Professor would be called a “traitor”, “paid agent of China” and dismissed. And if he would bring up economic points, Indians Nationalists would attack him for being shameless to think of money instead of “honour of the nation”. The problem is that Indian Nationalists are psychos and they hate China like crazy. That is why people of nations should learn to understand the point of view of other countries and then decide. Recently the Chinese ambassador to India started writing in our newspaper to bring China’s point of view, I personally supported this. But there was a huge hue and cry in India about allowing an “enemy agent” into our media, and it stopped. Our nationalists are a bunch of psychotic morons. Prof Mahebhubani himself made it clear that we are every emotional and excitable about geopolitics, he is correct. So from a practical point of view, I do not think this point of view will become popular in India in the near future.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Rdm
    , @Malla
  414. Malla 说:


    伙计,你再把脑子滚开吧。印度人是世界上最成功的侨民之一,就商业技能而言,我们的商业人口,如马尔瓦里人或古朱人,可以吃中国南方商人的午餐。我不是在开玩笑。你知道我不喜欢对印度和印度人拍胸脯。在美国,我们是比中国人更成功的群体,这并不是因为我们想成为盎格鲁人。 Becoming Anglo does not make you more successful in the USA today like many decades ago. Check out the video from post 396, Prof Mehbubhani who is promoting good relations with China, states that Indians are the most competitive animals in the World and eventually we would have taken over RCEP. And he is not talking about workers but successful professionals taking over many important positions within Singapore. So scared the local Singaporeans got with our diaspora, that there have been calls to cut our numbers!! Cannot compete huh….We would have taken over Singapore with ease, you guys can only compete by raising barriers. LOL.
    我不知道 OC 与 NRI(非居民印第安人)的资产情况,我没有数据。我想说的是,我们印度人不需要你们汉人的帮助来提升自己,请不要那么愚蠢,我们会轻松地围着你们机器人中国人转圈。来自印度的印度人在就业方面比新加坡人更有竞争力,企业更喜欢我们。我知道,当谈到我们侨民的成功时,看到一个臭烘烘的棕色印度人声称平等,这会伤害你优越的汉族自豪感。但我们未来的胜利将会更加甜蜜。



  415. antibeast 说:

    The Malays did have their own nation called the Melayu Kingdom which ruled Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra but it was BUDDHIST not MUSLIM. For the Muslim Malays today to insist that Malaysia must be Islamic has no historical basis because their theocratic claim is based on the British invention of the ‘Malay’ people as MUSLIMS.

    达雅克人是居住在马来西亚东部的北婆罗洲和沙捞越的森林民族。 由于这些猎头部落从未皈依伊斯兰教,因此他们从未受到文莱苏丹国或马六甲苏丹国的统治,这两个国家在被欧洲人征服之前统治着北婆罗洲和砂拉越。 达雅克人是非穆斯林,他们的数量超过了英国单独统治的东马来西亚的穆斯林马来人。 现在那些穆斯林马来人想将他们的伊斯兰教信仰强加给北婆罗洲和砂拉越从来不是穆斯林的大多数人口? 由于穆斯林马来人从未占东马人口的多数,他们甚至无法要求拥有原住民多数统治北婆罗洲和砂拉越的主权。 他们与东马的中国人、印度人和其他移民一样都是定居者。

    • 回复: @Smith
    , @boy1988
  416. antibeast 说:

    Malaysian and Indonesians of Chinese descent are Southeast Asians not Chinese. Same with Singaporeans of Chinese descent. None of China’s business to ‘liberate’ those Southeast Asians from Southeast Asia.

  417. Smith 说:

    Yeah, I don’t think the malays need the chinese or a whitey to tell which religion they need to worship, take a hike.

    I’d rather trust a malay muslim over any chinese “buddhist” or christian, cookery bullshit, all of them.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  418. Chinaman 说:








  419. Malla 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Looks like our super macho Hindustani Bhau (Hindusani = Indian, Bhau/Bhai in Hindi = Brother)’s video scared the shit outta you. LOL


    When superior Middle Kingdom Han chimpout and destroy South Korean company Lotte (what is interesting is that I am eating some Lotte cakes right now as I type LOL) and drive them out of China, when superior Middle Kingdom Han chimpout and start destroying iphones on social media, when superior Middle Kingdom Han chimpout and overturn Japanese cars and burn down Sushi restaurants (run by Chinese), when superior Middle Kingdom Han chimpout and boycott Western clothing brands because of Xinjiang “slavery cotton” (idiots cannot realize that those Western brands were under pressure in the West) , it is righteous Chinese nationalism but if lowly smelly Indian barbarians chimpout and destroy Chinese products including mobile phones and TV, they are juvenile and sepoys.
    When superior Middle Kingdom CCP put restrictions on Australian products teach tributary state Australia a lesson that is righteous action. If barbarian curry smelly India slum country dares to ban Middle Kingdom Chinese products and investments, India be juvenile and sepoys an sheet…



    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @antibeast
    , @denk
  420. Chinaman 说:


    嫉妒那些更优秀的人会让低智商的人发疯。这就是民主的意义所在。 “嫉妒和仇恨是民主的基础”。伯特兰·罗素



    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Lin
  421. @Malla


    I think the difference is that the Indian overseas business communities are truncated. The Sindh’s have the Arab Gulf, particularly Oman. The Gujarati just about everywhere, but especially in Africa. The Sikhs have done particularly well in UK, not so well in Canada. The Malayalam Muslims fared best in the Gulf. The Parsees (ethnically Iranian) fared well in Mumbai & the UK. They are, to some degree, different races.

    The Fujian Chinese merchants of SEA are all Hakkan-speaking members of the same ethnic group. They all share the same global supply chains.

    Socialism in India always failed in the North, but did alright in Kerala. Possibly because the Nair kicked the Brahmin out.

    Also, the issue Chinese Singaporeans have is with the uncouth Tamilians. But these folks are Australoid aboriginals, when it comes down to it. They show the same response to alcohol. The Brahmin in Singapore are not rioting over drunken quarrels with bus drivers.

    The Chinese in India work in the Calcutta market as leather cutters.

    You can measure a country by the caliber of its market-dominant minority. The Europeans own alien market-dominant minority has always been highly sophisticated.

    Also, the Fukien flat-out wasted the Austronesians in Taiwan.

    • 回复: @vox4non
  422. Malla 说:

    这就是民主的意义所在。 “嫉妒和仇恨是民主的基础”。伯特兰·罗素



    “All countries are envious of Great India and its potential. We Indians are smarter, always successful wherever we go and not dying.”

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  423. Lin 说:

    I’ve no problem if someone said I belong to a low IQ ‘race’.
    What does it means by ‘inferiority complex’?
    (I browse a no. of ‘nationalistic/patriotic’ sites of various shades and colours; the poorer and more emotional, the more they claim they’re ‘proud’ of their country/religion/civilization)
    People always encounter superior and inferior entities(individual, racial,tribal, religious…)in daily life and they could be grouped as:
    1)Something you wouldn’t care nor help, like the average person is much inferior in wealth to Bill Gates; the average American is many times better off than, say, the average Ethiopian. I mean just take it easy
    4)The inferiority (for whatever reasons) is quite confirmed, not easily undone and it caused serious butt burn and pain that the candidate needs a mental opioid process/’defense mechanism’ to ease the pain; that’s what ‘inferiority complex’ is about. eg: A flat chest 4’11” tall female feels very bad because the belle next door draws so much attention from eligible gentlemen; so she spends her meagre savings to buy push up padded bras, cheap cosmetics, hi heels…and openly claim she’ll partake in the next Miss World pageant.
    ............... ..
    a)Those who admit they’re inferior if they really are,
    b) 那些具有某些优越属性的人声称其优越性被夸大或错误引用

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  424. antibeast 说:

    What Muslim Malays are doing to non-Muslim, non-Malays in Eastern Malaysia where they constitute only 14% of the population is nothing more than Islamic colonialism. Muslim Malays think that Eastern Malaysia belongs only to them because the British created Malaysia for Muslim Malays who settled Eastern Malaysia at the same time as the Chinese who comprise 14% of the population, which is roughly the same percentage as Muslim Malays.

    Before the Europeans arrived, Muslim Malays had an Islamic State called the Sultanate of Malacca which ruled over Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra but not Eastern Malaysia. Just because the British gave Eastern Malaysia to Malaysia does not mean Muslim Malays have the right to impose their religion against the majority 86% population of Eastern Malaysia. Today, Muslim Malays can and do have an Islamic State in Peninsular Malaysia where they are the indigenous majority but not in Eastern Malaysia where they are not the indigenous majority.

    • 回复: @Smith
  425. Chinaman 说:


    请注意,所有白人评论者都安静地看着印度人和中国人之间的泥地摔跤比赛的发展过程。我们加起来就是人类的 50%!






    • 回复: @showmethereal
  426. Chinaman 说:


    但你完全误解了智商。智商是一种物理现象,可以通过大脑与身体大小的比例和大脑葡萄糖消耗来衡量。东亚人的大脑比白人的大脑大约 50 或 100 cc。黑人的大脑最小。在你对某件事表达你的看法之前,先去读一下那些东西。

    当然,与同龄人相比,我的智商较低。去阅读我的其他帖子。我不是失败者 Gmachine。只要我比大多数白人和印度人聪明,那就没有问题。

  427. Chinaman 说:

    好吧,随你便。 让我们一次互相学习一些东西。


    • 回复: @Malla
  428. Malla 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain


    Hindutva fascism is Native Indian civilization, you nutcase
    Disclaimer: I do not support Hindutva fascism or their ideology.
    So Mulgi, superior Middle Kingdom Han Chinese want revenge for great humiliation for a historical event (debatable historical narrative) to get a chance to destroy a British ship in South China Sea, that is righteous. But curry smelly Hindooo barbarians want revenge for 800 years of rape and plunder and enslavement under Islamic rule (debatable narrative,but not that debatable) then Hindoos be “evul fascist” and sepoy? LOL. So Middle Kingdom China decides for barbarian Indians what they should feel about history and how they should define their nationalism??? Tributary State Hindooo barbarians curry smellies have to change their nationalism according to the interest of superior Middle Kingdom China. Is that right? It will be a win-win. Right
    Mulgi, you and those jokers, showmethereal and ddan must definitely come and meet our Hindusani bhau and give this wonderful proposal. Firstly you feminine pussyboys would be peeing your panties when facing a real macho man. He will say “come come”, and he and his guys will take you to some slum, he has some leftover half eaten chickn chilli and noodles to stuff down some butts.

    And bad news, when it comes to China, the problem is not Hindu fundamentalism but Indian nationalism as a whole. Even Indian Muslims and Christians are anti China!!

    India is now only going to become more Hindutva with time, this is just the beginning. This was bound to happen eventually when the “evul british” you hate so much were leaving India. And this is not my belief, this was Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan’s belief. Hindutva is India finally becoming herself.

    大多数向英国军官开枪、轰炸英国官员的民族主义革命者,所有这些自由战士都受到印度教法西斯主义的影响。 把它记在脑子里。
    “The part played by Brahmanism in Indian unrest (against the British Empire) is far more conspicuous in some parts of India than in others, and for reasons which are generally not far to seek. Wherever it has been most active, it connotes perhaps more than anything else the reactionary side of that unrest. Though there have been and still are many enlightened Brahmans who have cordially responded to the best influences of Western education, and have worked with admirable zeal and courage to bridge the gulf between Indian and European civilization, Brahmanism as a system represents the antipodes of all that British rule must stand for in India, and Brahmanism has from times immemorial dominated Hindu society—dominated it, according to the Hindu Nationalists, for its salvation. “If,” writes one of them (Hindu fascist), “Mother India, though reduced to a mere skeleton by the oppression of alien rulers (Islamic and European) during hundreds of years, still preserves her vitality, it is because the Brahmans have never relaxed in their devotion to her. She has witnessed political and social revolutions. Famines and pestilence have shorn her of her splendour. But the Brahmans have stood by her through all the vicissitudes of fortune. It is they who raised her to the highest pinnacle of glory, and it is they whose ministrations still keep up the drooping spirits of her children.”

    The Muslims on the other hand were writing love letters to the British because the were afraid that Hindus would take revenge for the humiliation of 800 years of Islamic “rape and plunder”. Even Ambedkar (who authored the Indian Constitution and was anti-Hindutva Dalit leader) had this opinion. The Muslims were hiding behind the British tailcoat to save them from Hindus who wanted revenge for 800 years of rape and plunder.
    [3. 在印度向总督阁下和印度国务卿阁下发表的讲话,p. 40.]
    我们不能过于强烈地反对我们的一些共同宗教主义者在完全赞同国会的观点和主张时表现出的缺乏远见。 在某些方面已经存在明显的压迫和恐吓穆斯林并忽视……他们的利益的强烈趋势。 迄今为止,英国统治的指导原则一直是在组成印度帝国的不同宗教和民族存在的情况下,公正地管理印度帝国的事务……

    南印度伊斯兰联盟[4] presented a plea in which they reminded Mr. Montagu that, being a minority community, they
    ...realise the value of the British Government in holding the scales even between different classes in this country…[and] are opposed to any scheme of political reconstruction which tends to undermine the authority of British Government in India, but are strongly in favour of gradual progressive political development.

    Muttialpet Muslim Anjuman, 马德拉斯的一个穆罕默德教育协会恳求蒙塔古先生停止他的改革之手:[5]
    [5. 同上,p. 63.]
    The Britisher alone can hold the scales even between the various communities. Whenever our interests collide with those of other communities, it is to him we look up as the embodiment of justice and fair play. Whatever reforms may be introduced, we trust that nothing will be done to undermine the authority of the British Government in India.”

    Hindu Fascists are not sepoys you stupid monkey, it were the Hindu fascists who were the British Raj’s main enemy. The Muslims were the sepoys writing love letters to the British and pleading the Brits to save them from the Hindus who wanted revenge for all that rape and plunder of 800 years of foreign Muslim rule over India.

  429. Rdm 说:

    I’d agree that some of his points are a bit off for Indians. But I can be onboard with his vision for India in general. Kishore was, if I’m not mistaken, well trained by LKY in international relationship and trade. His experience during Singapore rise under PAP party will speak the volume as to why he thinks how India can open up to China and tag along with the rising trade in East Asia. It’s not surprising that he became the dean of LKY public school when Lee was alive. You can see Kishore was oftentimes a host during Lee conferences. Otherwise, I don’t think one can easily become the dean of LKY school.

    One thing you and I would agree on this is Indians, in general are emotional. You cannot simply take one issue as hostage and make a sweeping generalization for the entire country policy. That’s what is making India a huge setback in recent decades.

    One of the big fiasco was India joining Quad. That’s an utter disaster.

    What I think is China is trying to break out from middle income trap. But India is now trapped in historical emotional trap. Recent rise in Britain reparation sentiment is another layer of emotion that clouds the country direction.

    There are a few Indians voicing up but no one hears. Recent faux pas in Indian Ocean is one of the demonstrations that the government has made a huge mistake in this international gambit and the US just gave a middle finger in Indian Ocean.


    As long as MSMs here in the US rile up the border issues and sugarcoat on Indian’s side, I’m not sure I’d see a legitimate solid changes happening in India.

    The Chinese scholars have consistently held the view that although the mainstream of the US-Indian cooperation nowadays has been cooperation instead of competition, “in the specific case of the Indian Ocean, their respective strategic views on the regional power structure are deeply rooted and these will become more and more obvious in the case of the power shift” — to quote from the prominent Chinese scholar Chunhao Lou, Deputy Director of the Institute of South Asian Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations headquartered in Beijing.

    In a 2012 essay titled US-India-China Relations in the Indian Ocean: A Chinese Perspective, the leading scholar added, “Although the China factor will always be there to promote US-India cooperation, the ‘democratic peace theory’ will give way to realistic politics, and the differing interests of the US and India in the IOR will be difficult to reconcile.” Chickens are coming home to roost.

    How the heck has the government not seen this coming?

    • 谢谢: Malla
  430. d dan 说:

    “I meant Singpore were “booted out” of Malaysia against its will. ”

    Thanks. I know the history – I just misunderstood your original post. My bad for reading too fast.


    “My understanding, which might be wrong, was that there was a kind of population transfer and many Malaysian Chinese move to Singapore after the separation.”


  431. Malla 说:

    China was not the only reason why India did not join CPEC. There were also insecurities of Indian dairy industry w.r.t Australia and New Zealand dairy industry. Dairy Industry in India is a major part of our agriculture sector, employing a lot of people.

    ” China was not the only reason why India did not join RCEP. There were also insecurities of Indian dairy industry w.r.t Australia and New Zealand dairy industry. Dairy Industry in India is a major part of our agriculture sector, employing a lot of people.”

  432. Malla 说:

    Disclaimer, I do not support the Hindu fundamentalist thaggards. I am explaining this phenomenon.
    Mulgi check this out, I do not support these crackpots, just to give you an idea what is going on there with these Hindutva fascists.
    Muslim Maulana Azad Sobhani, an Islamic leader in his speech/3/ made on the 27th January 1939 at Sylhet (now in Bangladesh) said :— .
    “Our big fight is with the 22 crores (220千万) of our Hindu enemies, who constitute the majority. Only 4 1/2 crores (45千万) of Englishmen have practically swallowed the whole world by becoming powerful. And if these 22 crores (220千万) of Hindus if they become equally advanced in learning, intelligence and wealth as in numbers, if they become powerful, then these Hindus will swallow Muslim India and gradually even Egypt, Turkey, Kabul, Mecca, Medina and other Muslim principalities, like Yajuj-Majuj [高格和玛格格](《古兰经》中提到,在世界毁灭之前,它们会出现在地球上,并吞噬它们发现的任何东西)。
    “The English are gradually becoming weak. . . .they will go away from India in the near future. So if we do not fight the greatest enemies of Islam, the Hindus, from now on and make them weak, then they will not only establish Ramrajya (Rule of mythical God King Lord Ram, avatar of Vishnu) in India but also gradually spread all over the world. It depends on the 9 crores (90千万) of Indian Muslims either to strengthen or to weaken them (the Hindus). So it is the essential duly of every devout Muslim to fight on by joining the Muslim League so that the Hindus may not be established here and a Muslim rule may be established in India as soon as the English depart.
    “虽然英国人是穆斯林的敌人,但目前我们的战斗不是与英国人。首先我们必须通过穆斯林联盟与印度教徒达成一些谅解。 然后我们就能轻松驱逐英国人并在印度建立穆斯林统治。
    “ 当心!不要落入毛维斯国会的陷阱;因为穆斯林世界在 22 亿印度教敌人手中永远不会安全。”


    And Guess what Mulgi? Hindustani Bhau often has his fights with Muslim thaggards.
    In one video, he said exactly that, the Hindus will fuck the mothers of the Muslims, make them slaves and do everything their ancestors did to the ancestors of the Hindus in the past as revenge. Then they would be kicked out of India to Arabia and then the Hindus will fuck the mothers of the Arabs too for creating a religion which has caused so much suffering to the ancestors of Indians.

    Also check out Hindu anti-British revolutionary Lala Hardayal in 1925. It was published in the form of a statement which appeared in the Pratap of Lahore. In this statement, which he called his political testament, Lala Hardayal said:—
    “I declare that the future of the Hindu race, of Hindustan and of the Punjab, rests on these four pillars: (1) Hindu Sangathan (group organisation), (2) Hindu Raj (), (3) Shuddhi of Moslems, (Shuddhi-cleansing/purification) and (4) Conquest and Shuddhi of Afghanistan and the Frontiers. 只要印度教民族不完成这四件事,我们的子孙后代的安全就将永远处于危险之中,印度教种族的安全就不可能实现。 The Hindu race has but one history, and its institutions are homogeneous. But the Musalmans and Christians are far removed from the confines of Hindustan, for their religions are alien and they love Persian, Arab and European institutions. Thus, just as one removes foreign matter from the eye, Shuddhi (purification/Indianisation/Hinduisation) must be made of these two religions. Afghanistan and the hilly regions of the frontier were formerly part of India, but are at present under the domination of Islam. . . .Just as there is Hindu religion in Nepal, so there must be Hindu institutions in Afghanistan and the frontier territory; otherwise it is useless to win Swaraj (Self Rule). For mountain tribes are always warlike and hungry. If they become our enemies, the age of Nadirshah and Zamanshah (Muslim invaders who had caused suffering to Hindus) will begin anew. At present English officers are protecting the frontiers; but it cannot always be. . . .If Hindus want to protect themselves, they must conquer Afghanistan and the frontiers and convert all the mountain tribes.”

    Taimur, Islamic invader of India has in his Memoir explained what led him to invade India. He says: “My object in the invasions of Hindustan is to lead a campaign against the infidels, to convert them to the true faith according to the command of Muhammad (on whom and his family be the blessing and peace of God), to purify the land from the defilement of misbelief and polytheism, and overthrow the temples and idols, whereby we shall be Ghazis and Mujahids, companions and soldiers of the faith before God.”
    “He demolished idol temples and established Islam. He captured. . . .cities, killed the polluted wretches, destroying the idolaters, and gratifying Muslims. He then returned home and promulgated accounts of the victories obtained for Islam. . . .and vowed that every year he would undertake a holy war against Hind (印度)设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

  433. @antibeast

    Ok thanks… And yes the drug trade was going on long before the PRC was ever even founded. The KMT – starting with Chiang Kai Shek’s friends in the Green Gang were heavy into it. Of course we know Hong Kong was one of – if not the biggest drug transshipment hub in Asia during British days – right up into the 1990’s.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  434. @Chinaman

    “Notice all the white commenters are all quiet and amused at how this mud wrestling match between indians and Chinese developed. Together, we are 50% of humanity!

    That’s why they drew that thick McMahorn line with a crayon.”

    You are 100% correct. Divide and rule. That was a trap laid over 100 years ago and they fell right into it. It has slowed India’s development and damaged her psyche.. But many refuse to hear it.

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Malla
  435. @Malla

    You have an unhealthy fascination with the anal cavity. I only browsed the Kama Sutra – but does it recommend that act a lot or something – because you keep talking about people’s heads being in an ass… ??

    In any event – ok so you want to live in the fantasy that the worldwide Indian diaspora is more connected and has an many assets as the Chinese diaspora – that is fine. But my question is then if Indians are more brilliant than Chinese then why didn’t India tap into its super diaspora??? 80% of the capital that built up China in the past 4 decades was from Overseas Chinese. So what gives??? Why is the Indian government protectionist against their own offspring…???? Please explain that to someone who may not be as brilliant as you are.
    I recall my Guyanese Indian friend I did business with told me how he loved his Indian heritage but didn’t like or trust Indians in India. He related an incident at a business conference where he was shunned by the Indians from India because he was from Guyana. He said he had been told about such discrimination before. Something about how people in the villages didn’t accept them when they went to explore their roots because they looked at them as “children of whores” or something to that effect. I know some Indians from Jamaica (one of whom is married to a relative of mine) but they know nothing and had no contact. But they still cook their Indian food at least.

    • 回复: @Malla
  436. d dan 说:

    “McMahorn line”

    Without the British colonization, Indians wouldn’t have such fixated idea of the border between China-India, and they were have settled the border dispute long time ago. At least thousands of lives would be saved in the 1962 war.

    The same can be said about Kashmir, Middle East, …

    Yes, some people are more keen to defend their colonial master than the colonial people themselves, this includes the thousand of house niggers in Hong Kong. This is one thing Chinese is inferior: brainwash people.

    • 同意: showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
  437. Malla 说:

    You have an unhealthy fascination with the anal cavity.

    Nope, I was giving you rightful suggestion.

    In any event – ok so you want to live in the fantasy that the worldwide Indian diaspora is more connected and has an many assets as the Chinese diaspora

    It is not a fantasy. To be honest showmethereal, I do not know the comparative assets owned by overseas Chinese and NRIs (Non resident Indians). I do not have that data. But Indians have been successful nearly everywhere and in many places have become market dominant minorities. You talk of South East Asians? Indians are successful in the Middle East Gulf, some of the largest hospital chains in Dubai was owned by an Indian and there are many other similar success story there. Indians are a market dominant minority in large parts of Africa. Indians run the economy in countries like Guyana, Trinidad and the local blacks hee and haw about this. Indeed so scared were they of our mercantile abilities that they even wanted the British to stay behind to protect them from us. LOL All of these populations went to these places as paupers and came out successful. Indians are more successful then the Chinese community in the USA. We are successful in Canada, UK, you name it. Even in Russian city of Vladivostok one Indian out of nowhere went and became a powerful Oligarch (Gandhi). The unknown Gupta family went from India after apartheid ended and took over the economy of South Africa working closely with the ANC Zuma family. We Indians do not need your Han help. Actually I have been warning people here about the Indian diaspora taking over nations Jew style and that being harmful for the nations in the long term. Indeed I even said, the Chinese are comparatively better.

    Something about how people in the villages didn’t accept them when they went to explore their roots because they looked at them as “children of whores” or something to that effect.

    We were originally a very insular people who ;looked down upon anybody who mixed with outsiders. Thats our nature. We considered all non Indians mleccha or unclean barbarians. Even though the British ruled over us, we considered them Mleccha and the Brits knew this fact. It has actually gone down lately.

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Showmethereal
  438. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    Yes, some people are more keen to defend their colonial master than the colonial people themselves, this includes the thousand of house niggers in Hong Kong. This is one thing Chinese is inferior: brainwash people.

    Here comes ddan the nutcase with his bullshit again. Get this in your head, Chinese Nationalist narratives may give you self masturbation material but is comedy for us. If you tell any Indian in India that we protecting our borders is being sepoys of the British, he will laugh so hard, he would burst an organ or something.
    You need to get something in your big arrogant stupid heads, the people you started dealing with at 1947 and later regarding the borders are the ANTI-BRITISH. They were the guys who fought for independence from the British. Why cant you nutcases get this in your thick heads? The Indian Independence Struggle is a famous anti-colonial struggle in the world. and it inspired others mostly in Africa. You are calling the anti-British, sepoys of the British!!! You know how stupid that sounds.
    And listen again, the guy who said that the borders of British India should become the borders of Independent India was Sardar Vallabhai Patel, not Nehru. You idiots scream Nehru Nehru while Nehru was comparatively more friendlier to China. He was the guy who spoke well with Zhou En Lai. Unlike Pate, whol was no Anglophile and nice guy. He was called the Iron man of India. Nehru is hated in India (rightly or wrongly) for being a traitor, people believe he was too soft on China and that Patel would have given a more fitting answer to those “chinki aggressors”, patel was dead by 1962.

    Patel was of the view that since we have got this land after years of sacrifice and struggle from colonialism, this land belongs to us. The borders of British India should be border of Independent India. Not an inch should be given to any foreigner or it would be an insult to our freedom fighters and all our sacrifices in the Independence Struggle. We have won this land with our blood and tears.
    What you buffoons do not know was that 30% of British India were princely states. During Independence the British told them that they can decide to join India or Pakistan or remain Independent. Fair. Not for hyper nationalist Patel, when the Nizam of Hyderabad (largest Princely State) chose to join Pakistan against the will of the people, Patel would not have this nonsense-British or no British promise, even when the British protested (this was interim period), he took the newly formed Indian Army and barged in and made it part of India. According to him, we bled and sacrificed and fought the mighty British Empire, we are not givin our land to anybody. He did the same with another princely state in Gujrat. According to Patel, the borders of British India are the borders of Independent India, we struggled for it, we bled for it. It is ours

    Now here is the deal, if any of you pussyboys were to come to India an say shit about Nehru, Indian people will agree with you but say shit about Patel, and a thousand people will flatten you with sticks, yall would have to be scraped off the pavement. That is how popular he is. And according to him not an inch of the soil of Mother India for which we have fought so hard in our struggle will be given to any enemy. Comprende!! That is why India will not give an inch, not because of the British but because we won it with blood and tears and giving the land of our Motherland would be an insult to our freedom fighters. If you think I am bullshitting, ask any Indian, ANY INDIAN , if what I write is correct. If any Indian Government gives land to China or Pakistan, the Indian people would want their blood. It is political suicide.
    And this is nothing personal, I personally believe Arunachal Pradesh/South Tibet should be given to China if that is right. Or that Kashmir should be given Independence. But 99.99999% of Indians worldwide will not agree with me.

    • 巨魔: d dan
  439. antibeast 说:

    The Opium Trade began after the British East India Company decided to turn opium production into a state monopoly in Bengal. The Opium Trade then exploded in China after the Opium Wars allowed Chinese merchants to grow opium in China thereby undercutting Indian opium which then had to be diverted to Southeast Asia. After it was finally banned in 1910 by China and England, the Opium Trade continued in China during the warlord era, declined after the Northern Expedition in 1927, revived again by the Japanese militarists in Manchuria after their invasion in 1931 and declined again after 1937, then revived again by the KMT remnants after the war until Mao eradiated the Opium Trade and got rid of the warlords, gangster-capitalists and opium landlords after the founding of the PRC.

    The KMT remnants were instrumental in reviving the Opium Trade in the notorious Golden Triangle and so did the Vietnamese Communists who relied on the Opium Trade to finance their war of independence against the French in Indochina. During the Vietnam War, the CIA supported the Opium Trade by chartering an airline company to smuggle the drugs into the USA which never had a serious drug problem due to strict laws and strong enforcement against drugs. That’s how drugs became a big problem in US cities which hit ghetto Blacks hard. Reagan then declared a ‘war on drugs’ which turned into a ‘war on Blacks’ resulting in the massive incarceration of Blacks with Black ghettos turning into war zones. The Opium Trade has now shifted to Afghanistan under the protection of the US military and support of the CIA which is still involved in smuggling drugs into the USA to this day.

    Chiang Kai-shek vowed never to repeat his mistakes on the mainland when he cuddled the KMT gangster-capitalists who were heavily involved in the Opium Trade. In Taiwan, he imposed Martial Law, ruled as one-man military dictator and forced those KMT gangster-capitalists to invest their capital in modernizing and industrializing Taiwan which didn’t have a problem with the Opium Trade after the Japanese had eradicated it prior to the war.

    What people don’t understand is that while the Opium Trade is pernicious in and of itself, it created the even more insidious ‘gangster-capitalism’ which took over the power structure of Republican China, by forming private armies and then by infiltrating the KMT after Chiang opted to accommodate the warlords and gangster-capitalists who were heavily involved in the Opium Trade. At one point, China was producing 90% of the world’s opium which had spread worldwide by the 20th century. So what started out as small-scale opium smuggling by British merchants had turned into the large-scale Opium Trade after the Opium Wars allowed Chinese merchants to take over the Opium Trade by producing opium in China. Anybody and everybody who became rich during that era had something to do with the Opium Trade. To understand why China turned communist, one must understand how China became capitalist: the Opium Trade created ‘gangster-capitalism’ in China. And that was the problem that Chiang couldn’t solve which Mao did solve with his People’s Revolution in 1949.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  440. antibeast 说:

    While the NRIs (equivalent to what we call ‘Overseas Chinese’) are highly successful in their adopted countries, that can’t be compared to the ‘Overseas Chinese’ who’ve invested in China. You mentioned the fact that Indian-Americans have higher incomes than Chinese-Americans. But that’s because Indian-Americans don’t invest their capital back into India which is the same case with Filipino-Americans. Both Indians and Filipinos view their English-speaking ability, Western education and professional achievement in serving Western countries as good for them but is actually bad for their homelands due to 1) brain-drain, and 2) capital flight. The ‘Overseas Chinese’ feel it’s their moral duty to give back to their ancestral homeland which is why so much of the FDI into China comes from the ‘Overseas Chinese’ who’ve made their fortunes outside of China. Think about it: who are some of the richest people in the UK? Indians! So the richest Indians prefer to invest in the UK rather than in India! LOL!

    The difference between Indians and Chinese is that Chinese don’t suffer from colonial mentality as bad as the Indians except for the bananas in HK. But even those bananas in HK prefer living in HK than in the West! And those bananas prefer speaking in Chinese rather than English! LOL!

    • 同意: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Showmethereal
  441. denk 说:

    we Indians do not need you Han help for upliftment, please do not be so stupid,

    怎么样 boycott Chinese working out ?

    It will take two months to assemble the tunnel boring machin ..(TBM) components at the coastal road work site at Priyadarsh ..
    officials say that unless Chinese engineers are allowed to work on the machine, the project will suffer delays.


    Best values for money.


    • 回复: @Malla
  442. denk 说:

    Divde and conquer…
    Oldest trick in fukus playbook.

    当我给伦敦和华盛顿的电报证实了这一相当重要的事实时,我认为我可以建议我的上级放宽他们对中国“侵略”的即时谴责和他们立即向印度提供武器的承诺。 他们的反应很快:“We fail to see that it is not in the Western interest to have the Chinese and the Indians at each other’s throats.


  443. Malla 说:

    Your post is on correct on most points. Maybe OCs have more assets than NRIs. That may be true, I do not have data, so I do not know. NRI’s do not invest back into India because of the same reasons they ran away from India in the first place, low trust society, Government cannot give up its socialist license Raj attitude, unfriendly investment environment, Heavy handed Government which taxes everything and makes its difficult to start businesses, an oligarchy which uses the Government to get of upstart competitors using the Socialist system, jealousy among the people (and suspicion) towards the rich and posh (NRI’s have posh accents English or local languages) etc….. This has nothing to do with any colonial mentality. INDIANS DO NOT HAVE ANY COLONIAL MENTALITY. You have to get this shit out of your heads. Indians are taught to hate the British, please check out out textbooks and anti-British Serials and movies.

    • 回复: @JohnnyWalker123
  444. @antibeast

    Jeff was only referring to Philippines, which has had a well-publicized drug war.

    On defending Duterte.

    The reason that Philippines became a narcoeconomy was the same reason that Mexico did (Except that Mexico sells drugs to the Americans & the Philippines sells shabu to itself) which is that the Spanish Mestizos created a system of corruption & graft where it can thrive. Certainly Singapore is run by the Chinese & it is not corrupt, so this cannot be blamed on the Fukien. More accurately, the English left the Malaysians a system of government & law that worked well in Singapore while the Spanish left the Philippines corruption & graft. Which in turn made it easier for drug dealers to fetch up in the Philippines than Singapore or Malaysia.

    Shabu is a war against the poor of the Philippines because the poor use shabu. Wealthy Filipinos generally use cocaine or ecstasy. Just as American cokehead yuppies always sniffed at meth as a low-class trailer park white trash drug, the upper-class Filipinos regard shabu as poor squatter drug.

    The reason the poor support Duterte is that when you live in a cramped squat having shabu addicts prowling the paths between your rickety corrugated tin shack is awful. Squats are also hot, which means that most shabu addicts end up on the streets at all hours of the day. Their crimes are usually burglary, theft, rape & arson. But homicide also occurs.

    Because squatters cannot afford drugs without committing crimes, a shabu addict eventually becomes a runner & pawn for kingpins & sometimes even a drug assassin.

    The middle-class Filipino living in a subdivision using drugs quietly usually does not bother anyone. In the squats, the shabu addicts disturb the entire Brangay.

    As a result, the poor support Duterte’s war on drugs.

    Of course the Chinese & Taiwanese manufacture shabu. It does not come from the Golden Triangle or Latin America. Chinese & Taiwanese drug dealers use to manufacture it domestically in the Philippines but Duterte stamped this out. Now it is manufactured offshore & smuggled in entirely.

    Cocaine is unaffordable for the poor. Ecstasy unheard of. Heroin was stamped out in the late 70’s by Marcos & Triad dealers executed.

    Today, the drug the poor use is unvaried: it is simply meth & more meth. And it comes from China.

    Curiously, the Vietnamese & Cambodian scourge of Ya-Ba speed pills has not reached the Philippines. These are manufactured in the Golden Triangle. The Golden Triangle is not related to the Philippines meth supply chain to Taiwan & the mainland of China.

    If Duterte were shooting middle-class users-and there are not many-he would be overthrown like Erap. The war against drugs is fundamentally a war against the Austronesians in the Philippines. Seventeen year old addicts in the squat are shot, not high-echelon Phil-Chinese drug czars like Peter Lim.

  445. Malla 说:

    How’s that boycott Chinese working out ?

    So Indians will give up their national Interests and sell their Motherland to foreign barbarians for money? Are we souless materialist money hungry Chinese or spiritual Indians who have given religions and metaphysics to the world? You seem confused.
    India can make anything China can make except electronic goods and weapons(for now), it is just that low productivity labour and crappy infrastructure makes our products more expensive.
    I can see that you Chinese think you are a superior race and us lowly IQ smelly Hindoos cannot do without your talent. Most Chinese here are dripping with arrogance, Chinaman, showmethareal and yet they screech and cream about evul YT. How funny.
    Become more arrogant, it is good for China. It will get you “friends”. You will be unpleasantly surprised how things will turn out at the end.
    Hate us curry smellies more, challenge us more , make fun of us more. That is good for us. That will inspire us more. You will be unpleasantly surprised how things will turn out at the end.

    • 回复: @denk
  446. Malla 说:


    Here comes the bullshit master. Actually Indians believe China wants to dismember India. Indians in India are 1000% convinced that China does not want to see a rival to emerge in Asia and the world (not my personal view, I have debated with fellow Indians against it). Indians are convinced 1000% that China is trying to encircle India via its string of pearls (ports along its neighbours)) to contain India. Again goes against my personal view.
    Indians look at China as British Raj 2.0 and Chinese companies are the new East India Company, 99% of 1.2 billion Indians believe this. Any Indian on Unz here will attest to what I say. Get this straight.
    You can call Indians sepoys for resisting China. that may be good masturbation material due to all that anti-colonial garbage fed to you from childhood (as has been fed to us). But anti-colonial garbage brain washing in both the countries have gone in opposite directions.
    Chinese had seen Indian sepoys fighting with the British Empire, this is not new, ALL EMPIRES do this. There were Korean fighting for the Japanese Empire. Hindu Rajputs fighting for Mughal Empires. Muslims fighting for the Maratha Empire. Gauls fighting f or Roman Empire. Empires are political entities and everybody has to contribute. Just like when China goes to war, all provinces would have soldiers fighting its wars including Tibetans and Mongols and minorities. Same with India, all states will have to do their bit for any war of India as a political entity. It does not matter if the state is Imperial, Communist, Islamic Republic, Democracy …you name it.
    Chinese look at themselves as a revolutionary people, you have been brainwashed to look yourself that way, fighting Western and Japanese Imperialism (and later Soviet Imperial Socialism LOL). LARPING revolutions for ever. But yall cannot psychologically justify a conflict with a brown poor country like India (or say yellow but poor Vietnam) nor can you justify in your minds why brown smelly Indians (and not posh Western Whitey or Japanese) hate you revolutionary folks so much. Does not make sense right? So your childish brainwashed minds can only solve the equation by making Indians sepoys, they are “proxies for the evul Imperialist British barbarians”. This can be good masturbatory material to you guys but IT DOES NOT FOOL INDIANS. Bitch, check out that guy Hindustani Bhau macho dude above? Do you think your slimey and cunning propaganda equating Indian National Interests with sepoy behaviour would fool him or most Indians? We Indians are a cunning, street smart lot and see through bullshit. No Indian will believe this nonsense and your cunning shaming tactics will never work, except on yourselves. Keep masturbating.
    This may even look good to convince third party nations about China’s moral superiority on the intentional scene. When people see a cute light skinned folks against an uglier darker folk, they automatically assume that the light skinned people are the “evul imperialists” and the darkies are “innocent resistance fighters.” LOl we humans are nothign but apes. This is bullshit but that is the global belief system right now. Handsome posh Whitey has some conflict with ugly ape looking Negroes, people jump to the conclusion blindly like a retard, that handsome posh whitey is “evul Imperialist” and ugly ape Negro be “innocent resistance fighter fighting for justice”. Without even understanding the details of the conflict. India vs China, what does this look like to the world? Posh yellow Chinese authoritarian State vs peaceful, brown poor Indians, land of Gandhi!!! So this India as sepoy not only is good mental masturbatory material for “revolutionary” Chinese to masturbate and feel like they have high moral grounds but it also looks good on the World Stage to other especially Third world countries.
    Except that it is very dangerous when dealing with Indians.
    Indians on the other hand look at the Chinese as British Raj 2.0 like the British and Muslims targeting poor Mother India in the pasts, “we peaceful Indians never harm anybody but the whole world is out to get us including these now Imperialists the Chinese”. LOL, not my personal belief, but that is how nearly all Indians think. “They have become the new British, they are emulating the British. Chinese are colonizing nations via debt trap” Again not my belief but that is the Indian masturbatory material. The problem is, we Indians too look ourselves as a revolutionary anti-colonial state and now our struggle is now with the Chinese Imperialists like our struggle with the British and European and American Empires before. LOL.
    A toxic mix of primitive tribalism Nationalism mixed with anti-colonial brainwashing and hence perpetual “revolutionary LARPING” on both sides has led to a situation that both sides have gone into mental masturbation mode and there can be only be enmity in between both the nations for ever. That is what bullshit history brainwashing does to you.
    Also this British created India theory IS VERY DANGEROUS WHEN DEALING WITH INDIANS. It is psychologically as dangerous as a movie glorifying some British guy selling opium to Chinese or some Japanese guy wearing the rising sun flag running around with bayonet somewhere in China to the Chinese. It is psychologically as dangerous to us Indians.
    INDIANS RE CONVINCED 1000% THAT CHINA IS WORKING TO DISMEMBER INDIA TO STOP THE RISE OF A POTENTIAL RIVAL. INDIANS ARE VERY SUSPICIOUS OF THIS. Go around the neighbourhoods and old elderly Indains warn us Indian youth about the sneaky Chinese devils who want to break Indian into pieces.
    All those people in India who talk on behalf of Kashmiris or Naga separatists or Maoists in tribal areas or Pakistan or China are attacked by by Indian hypernationalists (basically 90% of the Indian population.) as belonging to the “TUKDE TUKDE gang“. Go and ask any Indian what this Tukde Tukde gang is all about. Tukda in Hindi means piece. What Indian masses/ hyper nationalists mean is that they are foreign agents who want to break our motherland in pieces. Many of them suspect the West too in this, they suspect Pakistan and they especially suspect China now in this. The West is not free from this suspicion as Indian Nationalists (wrongly believe via propaganda) that the British divided India into Pakistan to make India weak. So the West is not off the hook yet, but China is also equally or even nowadays more suspected for having schemes to divide India. We have the image of this slimy, cunning chinky Chinese CCP agents finding ways to break India apart to get rid of a competitor. This is very emotional subject and can easily trigger Indians. More you spew this bullshit that India is a “colonial creation” and should not exist, more it will fuel Indian nationalists that Chinese are funding ‘tukde tukde’ ideology to break our proud Motherland apart. You will only make Indian enmity and suspicion towards the Chinese more intense.
    Basically a toxic mix of anti-colonial revolutionary brainwashing from childhood on both sides mixed with hyper tribalist nationalism on both sides of the Himalayas have gone in opposite and amusing directions. Add to that both countries have arrogance for being ancient civilizations as well as anger for being “humiliated” by barbarians. Chinese feel humiliated by Westerners and Japanese, Indians feel humiliated by Muslim hordes, British and now the Chinese, all of them unclean mleccha barbarian hordes.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  447. antibeast 说:

    There is no political equivalence between the India-China border dispute and South Korea’s THAAD deployment or Australia’s meddling in China’s affairs. Same with Japan’s attempt to white-wash its wartime record. What you fail to mention is that China has already resolved its land border disputes with ALL its neighbors with the lone exception of the India-China border dispute which China has repeatedly sought to resolve peacefully in the past by making overtures to India THREE(3) times but was rejected THREE (3) times by India as claimed by Mahbubani.

    The anti-Chinese sentiments in the Indian masses seem contrived due to to the ephemeral nature of the India-China border dispute. China ceded thousands of kilometers of its claimed territories to its neighbors just to resolve its border disputes permanently thereby avoided getting dragged into long-running foreign policy problems. But the Indian elites seem blissfully pleased that they can milk whatever political capital from the India-China border dispute in order to cement their political power over the Indian masses. This foreign policy conundrum actually hurts India-China relations which can only benefit the pro-Western Indian elites not the Indian masses.

    While Modi is busy selling out India to the USA, his RSS/BGP Hindutva nationalists are busy duping the India masses by promoting anti-Chinese hate. This is the same strategy that Aquino adopted by selling out the Philippines to the USA while using the Spratly Islands territorial dispute against China.

    • 回复: @Arthur MacBride
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  448. Smith 说:

    Man, I waited for a day to post a retort, but Unz server still say I have to take a break.

    So be it, take a break I shall, malays and muslims are going nowhere, no matter this argument.

  449. @antibeast



    Your cause is not helped by perpetuating falsehood because “truth will out” … and when that happens the liars are exposed to contempt and loss.


    I assume you refer to the yarn about the “Nanking Massacre”, also known as the “Rape of Nanking”, highly emotional account written by Chinese “scholar” and suicide (maybe) Iris Chang … same 手法 as the “Tiananmen Square Massacre” and the “Holocaust” … they might even have been written by the same hand … below are some references about this fake event … AND for those of us who do not wish to see the successors of Mr Sassoon — the 5 Liars — put you again under their heel, please remember that Lies are not your Friend.






    • 哈哈: Rdm
    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Chinaman
    , @Chinaman
  450. Malla 说:

    What you fail to mention is that China has already resolved its land border disputes with ALL its neighbors with the lone exception of the India-China border dispute which China has repeatedly sought to resolve peacefully in the past by making overtures to India THREE(3) times but was rejected THREE (3) times by India as claimed by Mahbubani.

    Most Indians do not know that. Actually two countries, India and Bhutan because Indian runs Bhutan as a semi-colony. What you wrote, I have too mentioned before on Unz that China has resolved all its border disputes except India and Bhutan (Indian semi-colony, bullied by India).

    But the Indian elites seem blissfully pleased that they can milk whatever political capital from the India-China border dispute in order to cement their political power over the Indian masses.

    Yes but the Indian nationalist crowds are sensitive and trigger happy. They are convinced that the World, West, Islamic World and China wants to break India apart and weaken India. Earlier it was the West and Moolahs (China was minor), we had many Bollywood movies in the 80s etc… about some evul White dude or Muslim terrorist dude wanting to break up India and our Indian hero would fight back and win. Now recently China has come up more prominent in these schemes. Indian nationalists are psychotic.
    Basically this tukde tukde narrative is used by the Brahmanical deep State to crush any independence struggle either in Kashmir, North East, especially the Nagas, Sikhs or the Maoists in Central India as actions of foreign agents either West (foreign NGOs, missionaries, Posh White man cannot see us smelly ugly but SUPERTALENTED Hindus do well and is jealous and wants to keep us down), Pakistan (they low IQ terrorist savages want to break apart India and again enslave us Hindoos and convert us) or China (China does not want a rival, posh Yellow Chinese cannot see us smelly ugly but SUPERTALENTED Hindus do well and is jealous and want to keep us down)

    While Modi is busy selling out India to the USA, his RSS/BGP Hindutva nationalists are busy duping the India masses by promoting anti-Chinese hate.

    The sudden change seen near year 2000 with India slowly moving towards the USA (while before that the USA was seen as devil country) was the strangest thing I have seen. It was a successful operation by the Americans (after Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated) to slowly wean India towards itself. What made it palatable to Indians was the Jew lobby, common Indians realized that Jews run America and only THEN did we start trusting the USA.
    Indians do not trust Anglos, Indians trust and love Jews. Indians do not lick Anglo ass, Indians look at Anglos as barbarians, Indians love lick Jew ass. Our Brahmins and Jews have some old esoteric connections (Kaballah, Shiva Tantra shit.), old bond.
    Many Muslims scholars like Dr Ishrar Ahmed talk of a Joo Hindooo alliance against Muslims, Yahuj and Majuj. Jews and Idolators (why Only Hindus as idol worshippers devils why not Taoists or Shinto?). They talk of the early days of Islam, when the Jews and Mecca pagan people United and fought to crush new holy Islamic revolution. They see a new alliance in between joos and Hindoos today.
    Indians love Jews because we are quite similar. However Israel is friendly with China as well!. So there were two alliances in this, an anti-Muslim alliance in between Hindus and Jews and a anti-China alliance in between Indian deep State and US deep State both parallel but not totally overlapping, only partly overlapping.

    But the USA is not a great ally, ask the Pakistanis. After 1947, India became pro Soviet, and the Muslim Pakistanis said they could not ally with an atheist Communist country (USSR) as Pakistan was made in the name of Allah. So they went full pro- USA. They were avid Murica supporters, offering military assets more than what the USA wanted. And they helped USA fight USSR in Afghanistan (so did China), helped Nixon Mao meeting. But USA used them and threw them as a used condom when their work was done. Sure the Pakis looted out the Muricans too, looted out money and weapons for its own use, you know third world level cheating swindling dumb Whitey, but Murica screwed Pakistan and threw them away like used condom. That is why now Pakistan keeps a weary and minila relations with Murica and has become an ally of Atheist Communist China. LOL. The Pakistanis are happy that their enemy India has gone in the Murican camp as they know how mafiaso the Murican deep state behaves.

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Rdm
    , @Jeff Stryker
  451. Malla 说:

    There is no political equivalence between the India-China border dispute and South Korea’s THAAD deployment

    And how is South Korean LOTTE Company (which has a big pretense in India too BTW) involved with that decision of installing THAAD? How are Australian beef farmers and wine companies involved with the Australian Govts insistence of doing an investigation in Wuhan?
    Similarly how are Chinese companies investing in India, exporting to India (Vivo, Oppo for examples) as well as Bytedance personally involved in the Indo-China fiasco caveman level fight up in the Himalayas? Were the CEOs of these companies instructing soldiers up there?
    This is the same with US sanctions. Murica loves its sanctions, feels so powerful. Lets be honest, we are all tribals of the jungle.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  452. Malla 说:

    Indian Communists though were largely interested in reforming a society mired in superstition, discrimination and backwardness. They may even have succeeded too well , since the bondsman was freed but had no work to go to.

    You know what, Communism would have been good for India in that respect (Indian Nationalists will kill me LOL). India is a country mired in superstition backwardness. Black Magic, sacrificing owls, holycon men abound in India. India is stuck at the Hindu Chalcolithic age or Muslim 7th century age.
    After the mutiny 1857, the Brits decided to leave Indian society more or less alone except only intervene in immoral things like (Devdasi-temple prostitue slavewomen) or clashes in between Hindus-Muslims or different types of Hindus like Shaivas and Vaishnavs in kumbh melas etc…
    And that was a disaster, the Brits should have interfered more and pushed modernization more with gusto, but they felt, pushing modernization too fast would lead to a backlash, like another mutiny. To be honest that was one major reason for the 1857 mutiny.
    And that is the problem with colonialism, when a foreign tribe (especially a posh refined good looking tribe like British, French or Japanese) tries to modernise you, there is more resistance and eventually the foreign tribe has to walk on egg shells at times. Communist thaggards do not have that problem. Even if a Commie movement would have been funded behind the scenes, Communist look like our own people, especially representing the thaggard peasants. So when these people (who are perceived representing masses and are also thaggard, mafiaso and barbaric unlike posh Anglo) would have pushed modernization, they would face less resistance than posh English Gentlemen. Also Indian Communists would be thaggard, goons and mafiaso themselves (like the Hinduvadis) so they would be able to use ruthless violence. Arrogant Brahmin priest- show trial – executed, Holyman conman in village -show trial- executed, does not want to send kids with lower castes -show trial-executed, Muslim mullah – show trial-executed, some peasant –show trial executed just to set an example. Millions would have been ruthlessly massacred in show trials but the country would be forced towards modernisation and many primitive shit floating around in the Indian landscape would have ended. I am talking about a total Communist takeover of India instead of Indian Communist parties coming to power via elections inside a democratic setup.
    But India is going Hinduvadi and thus back to Chalcholithic age thinking. Hinduvadis are the same thaggards, mafiaso and goons like our Indian Commies, but unlike Commies who promise an Utopia in the future (impossible in real life), Hinduvadis promise Ram-Rajya/ Ram’s Reign (Golden age in history which never existed). Ofcourse,, Hinduvadi thaggards won out in India, Hinduvadi thaggard goons (Shiv Sena) fucked the Commie thaggards goons in pitched battles in Mubal/Bombay. They raped them out.
    Communism is thus the fastest and most efficient method to rapidly spread social development like education and healthcare in a backward poor society.
    But the problem with Communist, pure Communism is that it is basically driven with ENVY, that is it. And it does a great job of preserving poverty. Indeed pure Communism takes a country to lower fertility levels without the population experiencing prosperity. Look at North Korea, live poor but low fertility rate. Atleast South Korea experienced prosperity before getting low fertility. Cuba, poor but low fertility. The combination China and Vietnam used, of using Communism to first bring about total education and healthcare in workforce and then use Capitalism to create wealth worked out great.
    And that is why if you are a White nationalist power structure, you would be funding Communist movements among the darkies nations. They would remain poor and also their fertility would go down. If the West was run by White Nationalists (instead of Globalists) and they were smart, they would have Cubafied or funded Communist movements the Whole darky world instead of Russia. We would not be seeing the huge darky demographic wave. They would have remained poor and started seeing shrinking populations. While YT would have National Socialism for themselves. And if the Commie thaggards and goon mafiaosis would have killed off the Western educated darky elites, so what? Western educated darky elites have been the biggest enemies of YT. Who led all the anti-colonial movements and then later brainwashed their populations to hate YT in textbooks? YT could us the Communist Thaggard barbarians to crush them Westernised elite assholes.
    The only problem is Africa, the niggers cannot run any system above the tribal system or some Islamic Caliphate. Tanzania Ujama? what happened? Mugabe? what happened? In Africa it is all tribe vs tribe at the end. Could not even run a Cuba like Communist system let alone some N.Korea, P.R China, USSR, GDR etc… complicated level Communist system.

    • 回复: @ivan
  453. antibeast 说:

    The recent anti-Chinese hate campaign by so-called Hindutva ‘nationalists’ looks more like they’re just useful idiots staged by the US Deep State in cahoots with Modi’s CIA handlers as proven by the video you posted which looks too cartoonish to be credible. But Modi sleeping with the US Deep State looks like what the Indian elites had wanted all along, despite the fact that the USA had always been the biggest supplier of weapons to India’s arch-rival Pakistan since its founding. The USA worked closely with Pakistan to arm and support the Mujahideen rebels against the Soviet-backed government in Afghanistan but then turned around and imposed sanctions against Pakistan for developing nuclear weapons.

    Modi’s sellout to the US Deep State betrays India’s strategic relationship with its most trusted ally, Russia, in order to spite its most important trading partner, China. If Hindutva ‘nationalists’ believe that aligning India with the USA would serve their desire for revenge against Muslims, then they would be disappointed to know that the USA supplies weapons to Pakistan under the guise of ‘foreign aid’, more so than India, due to the US Deep State’s continuing fixation with the ‘War on Terror’ in Afghanistan. The strategic value of India to the US Deep State lies in the dependency of Russia’s military-industrial complex on Russian weapons sales to India. That is what I believe to be the ulterior motive behind the USA’s pivot to India, ostensibly to contain China but would ultimately end up destroying India’s strategic relationship with Russia. Modi’s pivot to the USA has so alarmed the Russians that Russian FM Lavrov has publicly denounced India’s reckless dalliance with the US Deep State’s geopolitical games against China.

    The Sino-India border dispute is too ephemeral an issue to matter to the bourgeoning trans-Asian integration being undertaken by Xi’s BRI projects. The question that Indian elites should ask is whether India could afford being left out of the trans-Asian integration that is happening all over Asia. India is running out of time as its population grows to surpass China’s in this decade. By that time, Africa could come online and compete against India in the export manufacturing industries or in the service outsourcing industries. The Indian elites could continue to use China as a ‘foil’ to dupe the Indian masses by masking their sellout of India to the USA but that would prove disastrous to the Indian masses. India would be the biggest loser not China which could easily go to Africa after the BRI projects are completed which would finally allow Africans to participate in the globalized economy.

    • 回复: @Malla
  454. antibeast 说:

    South Korea’s LOTTE owned the land on which THAAD was supposed to have been installed.


    I don’t agree with China’s boycott of Australia’s beef and wine exports which do not have anything to do with the Australian government blaming China for the Covid-19 pandemic. China would have been better off recalling Chinese students from Australia’s universities, citing the Australian government’s promotion of the anti-China Covid-19 narrative for causing anti-Asian hate crimes as the reason.

    Same case with India’s boycott of Chinese goods which damages the business relationships of private companies, both Chinese and Indian, while not resolving the Sino-Indian border dispute that caused the boycott in the first place. The politically mature and rational response is for both parties to sit down and peacefully resolve the Sino-Indian border dispute without unnecessarily antagonizing and inflaming the public of both countries.

  455. Malla 说:

    是的,婆罗门在成就上的平均表现优于低种姓。 与其他高种姓一样,尤其是像 Khatris 等商业种姓……商业种姓的平均表现优于低种姓。 但聪明的低种姓人不时出现,例如低种姓权利的领导者(以及撰写印度宪法的人),他是一个纯粹的天才。
    印度基本上是一个犹太人-吉普赛国家。 吉普赛人口,平均智商,相当称职,狡猾,街头聪明,由聪明的高智商和狡猾的犹太精英统治。 阿卡林在他的一篇文章中写到这一点是对的。 在点上。
    老实说,这在整个棕色世界在某种程度上是正确的,但在印度,由于 2000 年的孤立,群体之间的差异更加明显。 印度是类固醇的墨西哥/巴西。 印度人可能是 NWO 未来人口的样子。 种族混合,犹太人像婆罗门一样统治着一个种族混合的无产阶级。 全球 Kalergi 计划结束游戏。

    • 谢谢: Chinaman
  456. d dan 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    “The major problem against the Japanese, an honourable and in many ways restrained and conservative nation, …”

    Sorry, I am not familiar with you and I am not interested in browsing your history of comments. But this statement alone is close to putting you in my “dumb asshole” list. You call a nation that conducted biological warfare on civilians and performed live dissection, Unit 731, beheading POWs… a “honourable ” nation? You called a nation that repeatedly invaded, attacked, massacred, raped China for a few hundreds years a “restrained” nation? You call a nation that caused 10’s of millions of death, 100’s of billions of damages, countless other exploitation of labors, women, resources a “conservative” nation?

    Where do you come from, Mars?

    “I assume you refer to the yarn about the “Nanking Massacre””

    You may want to call “Nanking Massacre” faked all you want – but what fucking “difference does it make” (to quote from another crook). The killing, pains, suffering and damages done by imperial Japan to China, Chinese (from mainland and overseas) are irrefutable.

    “… they were so successful in WW2. Especially against the mighty Brits in Malaya and Singapore (lol) and this they cannot be forgiven for. So then needful to occupy and keep kicking the Japanese when they are down.”

    That may be the reason that the West is attacking the Japan today, but that is none of the Chinese business, and not the reason that Chinese hate Japan today. You are projecting your view onto someone and something you don’t understand.

  457. Malla 说:

    BTW Indian MP (Member of Parliament) Shashi Tharoor, is under investigation by the police for the death of his wife.
    India MP Shashi Tharoor charged over wife’s death

    Shashi Tharoor was womaniser who married socialite businesswomen in the past, you know… handsome, posh English etc…. The had been married twice earlier in the past. But even after all that dating and marrying attractive women maybe he was interested in seeing free dark black Dalit boobs which his South Indian upper caste ancestors would see around with ease. That is why he hates the British, because the British stopped the half nude Dalit women and boob taxes. LOL. They evul YT even introduced blouses to cover up the boobs (prudish Victorians).

    Also Shashi was also closely related to the UN and the UN has always been anti-colonial.

    • 哈哈: Rdm
  458. @Rdm

    To piggy back off that… The US just did a “freedom of navigation” near Indian claimed waters. Modi’s gov protested – noting correctly I might add – that military transit is not commercial transit and so must be appprvoced. Same thing though – why on earth did they think the Biden admin looks at them as equals…?? They are a tool to use – nothing else. I hope they learn that. The Russian FM stated publicly India shouldnt let itself fall into the trap set by the West – referring to the border issue with China… Same with doing naval drills with the US… They couldnt possibly expect that meant Uncle Sam wouldnt attempt to impose his will in the Indian Ocean.

  459. Rdm 说:

    I think it’s already clear that China and India can coexist together. In fact they MUST coexist because it’s the natural geography that makes them neighbors.

    Malla has some views that are different from others. Antibeast and a few others also have different takes on India. But after all, I think there’s not an intrinsic animosity between the two nations.

    Why argue with some of the strange policy from India that Malla has no control of?

    • 回复: @Malla
  460. denk 说:

    So Indians will give up their national Interests and sell their Motherland to foreign barbarians for money?

    YOu’r getting 发狂的.
    Those Chinese engineers were supposed to assemble the TBM on site, set it up for operation.
    Their visas were suspended after the border skirmish, when Delhi slapped a sanction on Chinese goods and Chinese personnel.
    The tunneling work was put on hold, Indian rail filed an urgent appeal to let in the Chinese.
    In the end the Chinese helped the Indian to assemble , calibrate and set up the TBM .

    India is blessed to have a Chinese alternative.
    Had they bought the machine from jp or europe, it’d be much more expensive and I dunno if they’d get the same kind of customer service offered by the Chinese supplier.

    If Im not mistaken,
    China bought its first TBM from abroad about ten years back, it cost a bomb.
    Back then, only jp and a couple of euros manufactured TBM , they charged a fortune on the IP and guard it with acute zeal.
    The assembly and set up was done exclusively by foreign engineers inside huge canopies, Chinese were declared 不受欢迎的人
    When the beast broke down, foreign enigneers were flewed all the way to China, full expense paid.
    The foreigners were paid an expensive hourly rate, strict eight hours work day, [may be even less], Mean while the Chinese contractors were haemorrhagging monies with each new day of delay.

    Can you stay behind a few more hours , we’r willing to pay double or triple rates foR OT work.

    No way buddy, we follow our own labour law and
    we wanna 得到生命 after work.
    sorry No 996 for us.

    All the while the Chinese were kept away from the work area .

    The Chinese were stung .
    Beijing threw down the gauntlet to Chinese industries…

    Made in China TBM in five years, are you up to it ?

    The Chinese set their mind to it, the rest is history.

    Indians were lucky to have the Chinese guide them on the ENGIneering of TBM, now that they grasp the intricacies of the beast, who knows, India might produce its own TBM soon ?

    But why such rancour ?

    • 回复: @Malla
  461. Malla 说:

    The recent anti-Chinese hate campaign by so-called Hindutva ‘nationalists’ looks more like they’re just useful idiots staged by the US Deep State in cahoots with Modi’s CIA handlers as proven by the video you posted which looks too cartoonish to be credible.

    Total misunderstanding. Modi might be CIA handled in some ways, I agree but first thing lets get this right. Modi was also the Indian PM who had interacted most with China. No other Indian PM went to China like Modi. All that broke apart in the last year Himalayan clash. Actually many hardcore Indian nationalists (Swadeshi Jagran Manch) believed that Modi is selling out India to Chinese and American companies and they opposed that. The Swadeshi Jagran Manch, a heavy weight in the Hindutva world opposed all foreign companies coming to India,, they want India for Indian companies only. They support privatisation but oppose all foreign companies coming to India, both Chinese and Western. However thy might trust Japanese and Russian companies more.
    Secondly, China is not only hated by Hindutva Nationalism only but Indian nationalism. Indian Muslims and Christians hate China too. Indeed hatred for China unites people of all religions.
    This guy is an Indian Muslim running an online course in Hindi called Khan Academy and he is anti-China just as any Hindu.

    Fire Power of India & China Khan Academy

    Secondly Modi’s main enemy are the old English speaking elites. You need to get one thing straight. Hindu fundamentalism is primarily an anti-Western movement, it is also strongly anti-Islamic. Hindu fundamentalists want to remove English from India completely (only stopped by South Indian Dravidian Nationalists and North East Mongloid peoples). Hindu fundamentalists want to remove all “foreign” elements from India including Western, Communist, Islamic,, Christian… you name it.

    莫迪的真正战争是针对印度的英语精英:Aatish Taseer

    Lets put it this way, earlier English speaking elites fought the British and took over power. They were socialists but not Communists. They were pro Soviet. Now the non Westernised masses combined with Indian mercantile forces (who oppose the earlier Socialism) are now taking power from the earlier English speaking elites (Luytens India, Khan Market gang) who had taken power from the British by kicking the British out. Modi is basically India’s Erdogan or Erdogan is Turkey’s Modi. He too hates the Westernised elites of Turkey who are more socialist and secular.
    With the BJP, India becomes more native and less Anglo. But this native India, voice of the masses hates Muslims and hates China. BJP is the soul of India and Modi represents the soul of ancient India. He represents what the majority always wanted, that is why he is so popular. The earlier English speaking elites were trying to hold this mass force down.

    You need to get one thing in you head right, and many Chinese find this hard to digest, the poor masses in India are the most anti-China. Not the English speaking elites. I think you guys are trying to see a China vs Anglo in India, all that breaks apart in India. In India, both the Anglo and China are enemies. India is only going over to the West because of alliance with Jews and more so lately because of China. had there been no China, India might have never gone over to the West.
    Traditionally in India, the elites were socialists and secularists but masses always Hindutva. Socialism in India was seen as a posh, pussyboy elite shit, so is Communism. In India the only form of nationalism acceptable to the masses is Hindutva. Always was, always will be.

    You idiots are tying to frame a pro China masses India vs pro-USA elite India. LOL LOL LOL. This is comedy central. I
    Pro Soviet Socialist (but anti-Communist) Old English speaking elites vs the Hindutva masses + Mercantile Capitalist elites. The earlier elites were anti-China but compared to them the masses are even more anti-China and (Hindus) also viciously anti-Muslim. This was the mass force that the earlier elites were trying to keep down.

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @HeebHunter
  462. @antibeast

    Agreed. There is a book written by former CIA agent/diplomat called “China Hands”. I had no clue about all the CIA ops run from Taiwan and Hong Kong into the mainland. Apparently even the PRC gov would keep it secret when they would catch people the CIA would parachute into the mainland (some pretending to want to return to the mainland and defect from the KMT). The CIA wouldnt know if the people were just killed or really did join the PRC – but I digress. My point being that before the infamous “Air America” that you noted the KMT military that got cut off and couldn’t retreat to Taiwan were heavily involved in that Golden Triangle drug operation with a wink and nod from Dulles and Co. That drug money is what financed some of the anti PRC operations they were running.

    One quibble though… You seemed to say Japan stopped opium in Taiwan… But where did you get that. Im pretty certain the Green Gang in Shanghai worked with Japanese secret societies before most of them fled to Hong Kong when the communists took over. Those societies had the same links with Japanese rulers that the Green Gang had with Chiang. Plus from history I read the Japanese used both Manchuria and Taiwan as places to package and trans-ship opium
    To other places to make illicit income (quicker cash than all the gold they took from Northeast China and Korea).

  463. Malla 说:

    Basically the earlier Indian elites riled up the people into Nationalism against China back from 1950s and now it has become a mega force of its own. Now they cannot control it. Now they get constantly pressurized by it. It is like a dog which has outgrown its master and it cannot control the huge dog very easily.

  464. Malla 说:

    I agree with you denki, Chinese capital goods would have been great for India to develop. I personally opposed this ban on Chinese products. I personally still buy goods from China (because the Indian Government has missed ban on one Ali Express like company, I will not take its name or some Indian Govt might be reading this).

  465. @Malla

    Guyana and Trinidad are nothing to brag about. If not for oil Trinidad would be truly third world. Guyana punches well below its weight considering its resources. In fact both are examples of racial dis-harmony as well. Reading your comments though it makes perfect sense.

    You are correct though about the success of Indian vs Chinese migrants in the USA. Most demographers would point to the qualifications of the migrants. For instance 80% of Chinese students return to China. H1b visas are dominated by Indians… It is not even close. There are bout 8x as many Indians as Chinese using it. That is simply a reflection of the state of China and India. So a much higher percentage of skilled Indians migrate to the US vs Chinese. An estimation is that 25% of Indian Bschool grads move to the US. That is nothing to brag about whatsoever. But it explains why Indians are the highest achieving immigrants. Just ask MIT – who did a whole study on it. Most countries on the other hand send their poor.

    • 回复: @Malla
  466. Chinaman 说:
    @Arthur MacBride






  467. antibeast 说:

    Here’s my observation of the Hindutva ‘nationalists’: if they are so anti-foreign, then why aren’t they anti-American? If the BJP represents Hindutva ‘nationalists’, then why is the BJP silent on Modi’s sellout of India to the USA?

    You keep repeating this non-sense about Indian masses being anti-Chinese because Chinese are foreigners who did some bad things to India. Well, the Americans are foreigners too and they have giving military aid to Pakistan which is a hostile act against India during the entire duration of the Cold War. Don’t you think the Hindutva ‘nationalists’ would object to Modi’s pivot to the USA for that simple reason alone instead of getting the Indian masses riled up over China’s border dispute with India? And by the way, Modi rejected Xi’s BRI which must have pleased the Hindutva ‘nationalists’ because the Indian masses would suffer as a result. And that’s probably what the Indian elites have long wanted so they could continue to milk political capital out of the Sino-Indian border dispute.

    China is just a ‘foil’ or a bogeyman being exploited by the Indian elites for their own nefarious ends. You keep insisting that the Indian masses must be anti-Chinese because they are anti-foreign. Sure, but how come they are not anti-American? The Indian elites don’t want them to be anti-American because they have decided to sleep with Uncle Sam.

    • 谢谢: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
  468. Chinaman 说:
    @Arthur MacBride



  469. @Malla

    Tom Alter is old now & I cannot remember him playing the villain in Bollywood films.

    Daniel Weber, interestingly, has cornered the market on playing obnoxious foreign louts & hustlers in Indian films. I actually think that without his wife, he still could have found a niche as a bit part character actor in Bollywood in these parts as the foreign rowdy-he’s got the right dead dull eyes, slack expression, tatty greasy look. But I don’t know that he is worshipped in India.

    Nor the Syrian Christians.

    But who knows, maybe it is all their tourists who go to Goa to get wrecked.

    I think the links between them & Brahmins have been debunked. DNA tests suggest the North Indian Brahmin are descended from Slavs around the Black Sea-Ukrainians, maybe.

    You have to keep in mind that Kissinger got in bed with Pakistan because Indira Gandhi flirted with Communism (A total disaster in North India) in the seventies & became close to the USSR. She detested Nixon-he was not exactly charming, in her defense-and made the overtures to Russia which caused Kissinger to approach Pakistan. And unfortunately, the war in Afghanistan made Pakistan & the USA unfriendly allies.

    • 回复: @Malla
  470. @Malla

    Ok got it. Only Malla has the brilliance to understand that the Brits drew an arbitrary border between China and India and expected it to never cause problems. What you dont seem to get is that they laugh at you – whether you are pro or anti British. Yes yes of course – i am waiting for your diatribe as to how the Brits did it for he benefit of everyone. You are indeed a rare one.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  471. Malla 说:

    if they are so anti-foreign, then why aren’t they anti-American? If the BJP represents Hindutva ‘nationalists’, then why is the BJP silent on Modi’s sellout of India to the USA?

    The Hindutva and Indian people traditionally have been anti-American. American agents have turned India away from Russia and USSR. The main agent was Subramanyam Swami, a CIA agent. But Subramanyam Swami also told the USSR that India could not use Indian territory to attack China, for which Deng became great friends with Swami. But that is a topic for later if at all.

    Indians have become pro-USA only because of China. That is it. India cannot trust Russia 100% in a war with China. To be honest India does not even 100% trust Japan or Australia in its rivalry with China because it believe that both of them would eventually become friendly with China so only the USA is left. Secondly as more Indians go to the USA are becoming more successful and the USA allows Indians to migrate there, the US is becoming more popular among Indian people.

    You keep repeating this non-sense about Indian masses being anti-Chinese because Chinese are foreigners who did some bad things to India.

    This is not nonsense. Any Indian on Unz, any Indian I can bet will agree with this. Go and ask Vishnugupta or ivan or anybody. I hope they live in India. Or why not take a trip to India postCovid and ask the poorer masses what they think of China (tell them you are Japanese or Vietnamese or Korean for your safety, if they get emotional). The hatred and anger towards China is so strong that the USA is seen as a friend now against China. And Russia too is seen as a friend. Indians want Russia to come on our side against China. Which is not gonna happen.

    Hindustani Bhau Share Indian Soldier’s Heartwarming APPEAL to Delete China App & Products – HUNGAMA

    This is not nonsense. That Hindustani Bhau represents the average person.

    Hatred for China is older than Modi. Older generation Indians were anti-China and anti-West. Younger generation are anti-China and friendlier to the USA but still more pro-Russia than pro-USA.

    And by the way, Modi rejected Xi’s BRI which must have pleased the Hindutva ‘nationalists’ because the Indian masses would suffer as a result.

    India can never join the BRI because the CPEC branch of the BRI passes through territory claimed by India. If India accepts BRI it may lose claim to that land. Listen Indians believe Akshai Chin and POK belong to India. Whenever some video (like on the BBC) shows otherwise, Indians start attacking the video for the map being shown wrong.
    That is why India can never never part of BRI. India is not going to give up its claim over Gilgit Baltistan for some BRI. Secondly Indians believe that “BRI is debt trap” bullshit so are not that keen anyways.
    BTW, Indian Nationalists are turning anti USA lately. Indians in India never liked Biden much anyways. Indians in the USA are more pro-Biden.

    सावधान बाइडन! तुम्हें माफ नहीं किया जाएगा, (Warning Biden, you will not be forgiven) USA violates Indian waters near the Lakshadweep islands (The Frustrated Indian)
    But the same channel (The Frustrated Indian) a nationalist channel , a channel you should check out how young Indians think (some are in hindi and some in English), is full of anti-China videos.

    It is not good opinion about USA which is making Indians enemy of China, it is enmity with China which is making Indians friendly to USA. And if the USA joins China, Indians will go alone. That is the opinion here.

    From the same channel TFI

    Destabilized by sanctions, Iran is selling its soul to China and India’s Chabahar could be at risk – The Frustrated Indian
    If you think I am writing bullshit ask ANY long time Indian on Unz to disagree with me on this.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  472. @antibeast

    The higher income of Indians in the US is simply because of the brain drain. Skilled Indians move to the US. I can’t understand why they think that is something to brag about. Pretty sad actually.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @antibeast
  473. @Chinaman

    An Australian General named Gordon Bennett even deserted his own men and escaped dressed as a refugee … I did read an account he was dressed as a woman which would have been appropriate, but not sure that detail is correct.


    像 Subhash Chandra Bose 这样的人物也很有趣。


    • 同意: HeebHunter
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  474. Malla 说:

    Guyana and Trinidad are nothing to brag about. If not for oil Trinidad would be truly third world. Guyana punches well below its weight considering its resources. In fact both are examples of racial dis-harmony as well.

    I said Indians dominate the economies, I never said anything about they being developed.
    Racial disharmony? Lets send those blacks to China and maybe you will teach us how tho live with them with their constant violent crime. Why is crime there dominated by Blacks?

    Most demographers would point to the qualifications of the migrants. For instance 80% of Chinese students return to China. H1b visas are dominated by Indians… It is not even close. There are bout 8x as many Indians as Chinese using i

    Excuses Excuses.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  475. Malla 说:

    The problem for India was caused by the Chinese side. We did everything to be friendly but the Chinese side rebuffed us, we even supported PR China for UN, we were still treated like enemy. Now when China faces a threat of two side war, they want India’s friendship. How cute? Hindustani bhau would want to have some work with your cute ass.
    This is private letter from the super nationalist and Iron man of India Sardar vallabhai patel to Pm Nehru.
    “中国不把我们当作朋友”:帕特尔 1950 年给尼赫鲁的信
    Sardar Patel tells Jawaharlal Nehru his concerns with respect to the Tibet issue
    “During the last several months, outside the Russian camp, we have practically been alone in championing the cause of Chinese entry into the UNO, and in securing from the Americans assurances on the question of Formosa. We have done everything we could to assuage Chinese feelings, to allay its apprehension and to defend its legitimate claims, in our discussions and correspondence with America and Britain and in the UNO. In spite of this, China is not convinced about our disinterestedness, it continues to regard us with suspicion and the whole psychology is one, at least outwardly of scepticism, perhaps mixed with a little hostility, I doubt if we can go any further than we have done already to convince China of our good intentions, friendliness and goodwill,” 他加了。
    Therefore, if the Chinese put faith in this, they must have distrusted us so completely as to have taken us as tools or stooges of Anglo-American diplomacy or strategy. This feeling, if genuinely entertained by the Chinese in spite of your direct approaches to them, indicates that even though we regard ourselves as friends of China, the Chinese do not regard us as their friends.
    With the Communist mentality of “whoever is not with them being against them”, this is a significant pointer, of which we have to take due note.
    In Peking we have an Ambassador who is eminently suitable for putting across the friendly point of view. Even he seems to have failed to convert the Chinese. Their last telegram to us is an act of gross discourtesy not only in the summary way it disposes of our protest against the entry of Chinese forces into Tibet, but also in the wild insinuation that our attitude is determined by foreign influences. It looks as though it is not a friend speaking in that language but a potential enemy.
    The Chinese interpretation of suzerainty seems to be different. We can, therefore, safely assume that very soon they will disown all the stipulations which Tibet has entered into with us in the past.
    Recent and bitter history also tells us that communism is no shield against imperialism and that the Communists are as good or as bad imperialists as any other. Chinese ambitions in this respect not only cover the Himalayan slopes on our side but also include important parts of Assam.

    • 谢谢: ivan
    • 回复: @showmethereal
  476. @Chinaman



    The most dishonorable thing in WW2 was Winston Churchill. It is in only recent years that I’ve come to believe that. Earlier I accepted the British propaganda without question(I’m a Kiwi), as did my father who volunteered for the New Zealand army and fought in the ME. Previously I considered he was right to do so; I now believe it was an(understandable) error.

  477. Malla 说:

    Patel-Nehru rift over Tibet & China was deep

    Not only did several senior Congress leaders, led by Patel, violently oppose Nehru’s suicidal policy, but many senior bureaucrats too did not agree with the Prime Minister’s decisions and objected to his policy of appeasement with China, which led India to lose a peaceful border.
    On November 11, 1950, the deputy prime minister of India addressed a meeting organised by the Central Aryan Association to commemorate the 67th death anniversary of Swami Dayanand Saraswati. It was to be his last speech. What did he say? The Sardar spoke of the potential dangers arising from what was happening in Tibet and Nepal, and he exhorted his countrymen: “It was incumbent on the people to rise above party squabbles and unitedly defend their newly-won freedom.” He cited the example of Gandhi and Swami Dayanand.

    Sardar Patel then criticised the Chinese intervention in Tibet; he asserted that to use the “sword” against the traditionally peace-loving Tibetan people was unjustified: “No other country in the world was as peace-loving as Tibet. India did not believe, therefore, that the Chinese government would actually use force in settling the Tibetan question.” He observed that the Chinese government did not listen to India’s advice to settle the Tibetan issue peacefully: “They marched their armies into Tibet and explained this action by talking of foreign interests intriguing in Tibet against China.” The deputy prime minster added that this fear was unfounded; no outsider was interested in Tibet. The Sardar continued by saying that “nobody could say what the outcome of Chinese action would be. But the use of force ultimately created more fear and tension. It was possible that when a country got drunk with its own military strength and power, it did not think calmly over all issues.” He strongly asserted that the use of arms was wrong: “In the present state of the world, such events might easily touch off a new world war, which would mean disaster for mankind.”

    Did he know that it was his last message? “Do not let cowardice cripple you. Do not run away from danger. The three year-old freedom of the country has to be fully protected. India today is surrounded by all sorts of dangers and it is for the people today to remember the teachings of the two great saints and face fearlessly all dangers.”

    The deputy prime minister concluded: “In this kalyug we shall return ahimsa for ahimsa (non-violence). But if anybody resorted to force against us we shall meet it with force.” He ended his speech citing Swami Dayananda: “People should also remember that Swamiji did not get a foreign education. He was the product of Indian culture. Although it was true that they in India had to borrow whatever was good and useful from other countries, it was right and proper that Indian culture was accorded its due place.” Who is ready to listen to this, even today?

    • 回复: @ivan
  478. HeebHunter 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    The Jewgro-Sickxon has always been an anti European race of demonic subhumans. It is good that the Great Shitstain is becoming new Pakistan.
    They need to pay for 1945 until there is justice.

    • 巨魔: Mulga Mumblebrain
  479. HeebHunter 说:

    Secondly Modi’s main enemy are the old English speaking elites. You need to get one thing straight. Hindu fundamentalism is primarily an anti-Western movement, it is also strongly anti-Islamic. Hindu fundamentalists want to remove English from India completely (only stopped by South Indian Dravidian Nationalists and North East Mongloid peoples). Hindu fundamentalists want to remove all “foreign” elements from India including Western, Communist, Islamic,, Christian… you name it.

    Sounds like authentic Ethnic Nationalism that stirs the hearts of natives. Unlike the dogshit western goyim pass for “patriotism” and “huwhite” (((nationalism))) over here.

    If the Indians masses are truly like what you say, then India and all of it’s civilizations will preserve and find a chance to prosper one day. I like the current China but I also wish authentic Indian Nationalists the best.

    • 回复: @Malla
  480. Chinaman 说:


    大多数英国人和澳大利亚人仍然死亡。 在营地或建筑项目中工作至死。 一种最不光彩的死亡方式。

    新加坡是东方“无懈可击”的堡垒。 部队装备精良,他们可以坚持增援。 我想士气与它有很大关系。 他们没有理由为之而死。

  481. Malla 说:

    You cunning little worm, Many Skilled Indians stay back in India. The fact is Indians in the USA trounce the Chinese in economic achievements per capita and the racist snotty Chinese cannot accept that the lowly Hindus do not stay in their place and take Han help. LOL.
    “We superior Han will help the lowly Indians in Singapore to get ahead in life” LOL
    But somehow without Han help, Indians did alright in the USA I guess. Oy Vey

    • 回复: @showmethereal
    , @antibeast
  482. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Tom Alter is old now & I cannot remember him playing the villain in Bollywood films.

    Not Tom Alter, but there is one more White guy. Even Tom played some White man villain roles. Tom and the other bald White guys played most of the White guy roles in Bollywood.

    Daniel Weber, interestingly, has cornered the market on playing obnoxious foreign louts

    He is a Jew and he is obnoxious by nature.

    Indira Gandhi flirted with Communism (A total disaster in North India) in the seventies & became close to the USSR

    India was already a Soviet ally. All India did was sign a defense pact with the USSR that if the USA, UK and China declare war on India to support Pakistan, the USSR would declare war on them. All of them shat in their pants and the Indian Army moved to liberate Bangladesh and crush the Pakistani Army with glee. 90000 plus hapless Pakistani soldiers surrendered to our pleasure. It was a glorious victory, thanks to Indian Field Marshall Sam Mackenshaw.

  483. Malla 说:

    Oh yeah Heebhunter, that is why I said that the average Indian is more Nazi/ Nationalist than the German National Socialists. That is why I always say that White people are not really that racist or they would have been more nationalist.

    authentic Indian Nationalists the best.

    Thank you on their account (Indian Nationalists). All the best to you too from India.

  484. Yee 说:

    “Patel-Nehru rift over Tibet & China was deep”

    LOL… The f^cking Hindus believed they had the right to decide Tibet.

    Well, Tibet was never part of India nor was it a sovereign state, whether under monarchy Qing rule or KMT rule.


    • 回复: @Malla
    , @showmethereal
  485. Smith 说:

    One last jab, can’t believe I forgot this gem. I hope you fight better IRL than arguing online, old man, because calling people troll and slurring like a drunk then walking away is not a way to win, but to get sucker punched.

    • 巨魔: showmethereal
  486. Malla 说:


    再读一遍你这个疯子。 印度是唯一一个与俄罗斯一起试图让中国获得联合国席位的国家。 尼赫鲁对中国实行绥靖政策(因此被印度民族主义者称为叛徒)。 具有相同共产主义Crackpot心态的中国即使在那时也决定印度是敌人。 正如帕特尔本人所说,没有人对西藏感兴趣。
    Read it again bitch, Patel said “we consider ourselves friends of China but China does not.” It was a private letter. CCP started the enmity and this was 3 years after our independence, we were a young country with no desires for enmity and CCP acted like uncouth arrogant buffoon barbarians, no wonder 1.2 billion Indians consider China, British Imperialists 2.0, it is so etched into the Indian psyche that is refuses to go.

    • 同意: ivan
    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Chinaman
  487. @Malla

    Indians speak better English than the Chinese. That’s the main reason for their greater success in the West.

  488. @Rdm

    Just to follow up on my last comment regarding the Indian Ocean issue… Here is the take of a former Indian diplomat


  489. Yee 说:

    I don’t think denying a foreign country interfere in sovereignty matters could be called “started the enmity”…

    Indians sure have some weird definition of “friendship”… Country like Bhutan is very rare in the world, India can’t expect every other countries to allow you to do the same to them…

    • 同意: showmethereal
  490. ivan 说:

    Communism and not Hindutva was the other alternative to Congress in the 1950s. That is why it was ruthlessly suppressed when the commies took up arms as in Andhra. The Hindutva clowns preening around now, would have been hiding behind Congress’s skirts in those days. None of them were any good as fighters. It was only after the Congress had subdued and put out the fires of Communism, that the RSS came out with their khaki shorts and stick marching. Therefore it is very difficult to take them seriously except as street thugs.

    Nehru’s big mistake, one can say blunder was to have neglected primary school education, providing a conduit for the madrassas and the vidyalayas to come in with their sectarian brands . The business with China is nothing compared to the damage that caused.

  491. antibeast 说:

    Indians have become pro-USA only because of China. That is it. India cannot trust Russia 100% in a war with China. To be honest India does not even 100% trust Japan or Australia in its rivalry with China because it believe that both of them would eventually become friendly with China so only the USA is left. Secondly as more Indians go to the USA are becoming more successful and the USA allows Indians to migrate there, the US is becoming more popular among Indian people.

    The Indian elites who emigrate to the USA belong to the Brahmin caste. I should know this because I met lots of them when I was working in Silicon Valley. This group of Indian Brahmins are the most pro-American because of their academic and professional success in the USA. The motel-owners are from Gujarat who are not Brahmins but they too are pro-American because they have found their American Dream in the USA. There are also Indian Sikhs who are pro-American because they have succeeded as truck drivers in the USA.

    These new Indian elites now view the USA as the preferred partner of India instead of Russia. The old Indian elites used to view the USSR as the most trusted ally of India while the British-educated Anglophiles tend to harbor a colonial nostalgia for the UK. Both these two groups of Indian elites now view the USA instead of Russia as the preferred partner of India. That’s why Modi got a rousing reception on his visit to the USA.

    The US Deep State knows this and is playing the Indian elites against China. But their real target is Russia as India is the biggest buyer of weapons from Russia. If the Americans can convince India to buy weapons from the USA instead of Russia, then the US Deep State would have killed two birds with one stone. The end-goal for the US Deep State is to turn India into its semi-colony just like the Philippines.

    China is just a bogeymen for the Indian elites to exploit for whatever political ends they choose. That’s why they are not interested in resolving the Sino-Indian border dispute because they can milk that dispute to rile the Indian masses while sucking up to the Americans. But the Indian elites don’t want the Indian masses to become anti-American while they are actively participating in selling out India to the USA. They are pro-USA not because of China but they are anti-China because they want to please the Americans.

    • 回复: @ivan
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  492. denk 说:

    When superior Middle Kingdom CCP put restrictions on Australian products teach tributary state Australia a lesson that is righteous action.

    China treating Oz as tributary state ?

    Apparently we’ve an invasion from the // universe of inverse truth.

    Everbody knows that Oz is fukus poodle.
    In Caitlin jOhnstone’;s words, a slave.
    A slave who’s gratuitously hurling insults to its biggest customers in order to please the master.

    Turnbull’s mocked Mao when he declared…

    We have stood up. [to China]

    Grade A anglo BS.

    China has never demanded servitude from any of its trading partners , including Oz.
    All it ask is simply this

    Give me a fair deal, I dont give a rat ass whom you’r sleeping with.

    Its the sheriff in Washgton who treat its ‘allies’ like kept concubines…

    If you so much as glance at that guy…..I will….

    Washington frequently sent its viceroy, such as Hillary 执行者 Clinton etc, to badger the Ozzies into line.

    Recently, even a mere stink tank hack, john Mearsheimer’s had the audacity to warned the Ozzies in an 打开 论坛…

    “You’re either with us or against us,” he continued. “And if you’re trading extensively with China, and you’re friendly with China, you’re undermining the United States in this security competition. You’re feeding the beast, from our perspective. And that is not going to make us happy. And when we are not happy you do not want to underestimate how nasty we can be. Just ask Fidel Castro设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“


    If a Chinese had the cheek to issue such warning, the entire [[[five liars]]] land would explode into an avalanche of hue and cry…

    Smoking gun of Chinese aggression

    But this is from big bro,
    The silence in Ozzie land is deafening.

    From the humiliation of Gengzi indemnity to Alaska , it took 120 years of blood , sweat and tears that no westerners can fully understand, for China to finally stood up again, when Yang told the gringos point blank ‘我们不会再接受这些狗屎了。 [1]

    When Turnbull frivolously croaked,

    We’r finally standing up [to China]

    He’s not only barking up the wrong tree, its a grave insult to the entire Chinese people.

  493. ivan 说:

    The are full of what is called in Singapore wayang-wayang today, scaring the Taiwanese, trespassing into the Phillipines and then claiming the islands as their own, pretend that only they have a right to determine the border with the littoral states such as India and Vietnam. They remind me of the lachrymose Walrus, in Lewis Carroll’s poem. They are just angling for someone to crack their glass jaw. Just look at the border skirmish with India in April that led to large-scale mobilisation and now another time wasting stalemate at the border. These fellows all think they are back in the days of the Three Kingdoms, with ruses and flying swordsmen. They don’t seem to understand that in the modern world, there is not much scope for surprise or commando action that can hold ground when the other side fully mobilises. Bunch of clowns.

    • 巨魔: d dan, Showmethereal
  494. denk 说:

    George W. Bush has a cat named India. In New Delhi, about thirty activists of the Hindu Right’s political formation, the BJP, stood before the US Embassy outraged with this news. “We are not cats,” said one man, “we are lions.”


    Which is why the Hindu Right government does not want to make nice with Pakistan, and much prefers the other lions in the region, such as Israel, and the big lion of the planet, the USA.


  495. antibeast 说:

    Same with Filipinos. English-speaking, college-educated, middle-class Filipino professionals tend to emigrate to the USA. There are nursing schools in the Philippines whose sole purpose is to train Filipinos to serve overseas especially the USA.

    Chinese immigrants to the USA tend to come from poor rural villages like Taishan Country in Guangdong Province while US-educated Chinese professionals tend to move back to China after acquiring work experience in the USA. The return ratio of Chinese students in the USA is now 80/20 — 80% move back to China while 20% remain in the USA — because their social and economic prospects are simply better back home. Foreign multinationals used to hire Western-educated Overseas Chinese from HK, Singapore or Taiwan to manage their operations in China. But nowadays, they hire Western-educated PRC Chinese who are more familiar with the local Chinese.

    • 同意: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @d dan
  496. ivan 说:

    Yeah, yeah if it were not for the big bad Americans, we would be in bed with the Chicoms now. Only Chinese can be territorial, all others must instead bow down to the superior Chinese claims to the Earth and its waters when in dispute. The bloody Chicoms even today are using the Law of the Sea, guided in its inception the main by the US and UK to claim freedom of navigation in waters when their ships are out. If there is a bigger bunch of ungrateful cheats, they have yet to be discovered. The “Indian elites” this, the “Indian elites” that, but “Chicom elites” who regularly whip up frenzies against the Japanese and the West are saints? I skimmed your posts, and you sounded fairly intelligent, but in the end you are a clown like the rest.

    • 哈哈: HeebHunter
    • 巨魔: antibeast, d dan
    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  497. antibeast 说:

    India was the only country along with Russia trying to get China a UN seat.

    Not true at all. Here’s the voting results for UN resolution 2758, as sponsored by Albania, admitting the PRC as the only representative of China:


    Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bhutan, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burma, Burundi, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Cameroon, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Libyan Arab Republic, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, People’s Republic of the Congo, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zambia.


    Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo (Democratic Republic of), Costa Rica, Dahomey, Dominican Republic, EI Salvador, Gabon, Gambia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Ivory Coast, Japan, Khmer Republic, Lesotho, Libena, Madagascar, Malawi, Malta, New Zealand Nicaragua, Niger, Paraguay, Philippines, Saudi Arabia South Africa, Swaziland, United States of America, Upper Volta, Uruguay, Venezuela.


    Argentina, Bahrain, Barbados, Colombia, Cyprus, Fiji, Greece, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Panama, Qatar, Spain, Thailand.

    Nehru had a policy of appeasement to China (hence called a traitor by Indian Nationalists). China with the same Communist Crackpot mindset decided even then that India was an enemy.


    Nehru was one of the leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement which advocated maintaining neutrality during the Cold War while Mao was aligned with the Soviet Union against the West even after the Sino-Soviet split in 1960. Only in the 80s after Deng struck a deal with the USA did China started opposing the USSR in its war against the Mujahideen rebels in Afghanistan. Guess who backed Pakistan the arch-enemy of India from the 50s all the way to the 80s against India and the USSR? The Americans who then imposed sanctions against Pakistan for developing nuclear weapons in the 90s. That’s when China came into the picture by offering weapons to Pakistan.

    Nobody was interested in Tibet as Patel himself said.

    But the CIA was arming and supporting Tibetan rebels against Mao while Tibetan exiles setup their HQ-in-exile in India. Patel might not have wanted India to interfere in Tibet but India was hosting a CIA-funded rebel group against China which was clearly a hostile act by a foreign State against China. India is not the innocent victim of Chinese ‘aggression’ that the Indian elites make out China to be. And don’t even mention the Sino-Indian War of 1962 because that was provoked by the ‘forward policy’ of Nehru. Guess who backed India against China during the Sino-Indian War of 1962? The USSR.

    • 谢谢: Rdm
    • 回复: @Showmethereal
    , @Malla
  498. d dan 说:

    Immigration policy practiced by most country is not meant to be a charity program, at least not the merit or investment-based ones. It is at best an arm-length business type transactions (i.e. you provide the services my country lack, I provide the salary your country couldn’t afford: win-win), and at worse an exploitative policy (i.e. sucking the affluent, the talents, high IQ, highly educated from the developing countries). Even the (semi-) illegal immigrants from Mexicans are due to enormous labor demands of US big farms – a pure business deal that has no moral bearing from either sides.

    It is surreal to read comments (including many from White nationalists/supremacists/apologists) talking as if it is some kinds of “benefits” or “generosity” from them to help the poor people or the developing countries.

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Showmethereal
  499. antibeast 说:
    @d dan

    What most Whites don’t understand is that the massive influx of Asian immigrants and Latino illegals actually served to stabilize the racial strife between Whites and Blacks by acting as a buffer between those two groups in the USA. White managers in US business today hardly hire ghetto Blacks anymore and prefer hiring Asian immigrants and Latino illegals. Think about all those lost jobs in the hospitality, construction, retail, agribusiness, healthcare, janitorial and housekeeping industries. The White Working Class also lost out to Asian immigrants and Latino illegals but poor Whites generally don’t want those jobs anyway while middle-class Whites stay away from US inner cities as they don’t want to deal with ghetto Blacks.

    The USA has a racialized Class System with each racial/ethnic group assigned their social and economic roles in America.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  500. @acementhead


    This is correct of course.
    My point was that Malay/Spore was a military fiasco by GB; not to take away from the Japanese who fought resolutely to attain their objective.
    Link to campaign timeline below; in pt 2 some myths exploded, eg beating of Anglo prisoners mainly done by Sikhs, who switched sides.


    The most dishonorable thing in WW2 was Winston Churchill.

    This corrupt alcoholic war-criminal, who initiated mass bombing of civilians, was a disaster. Below is a vdo link showing who he worked for.


    There is mention of the “generous peace offers” made by Adolf Hitler, this was after another GB military fiasco when they were overrun by the Wehrmacht. Hitler issued a “Stop” order, to the amazement of Germans, and allowed the Brits to scramble off Dunkerque beach, subsequently sent that offer to London. It was just one of many such offers … Hitler’s enemy (as he saw it) was judeo-bolshevism and not GB.
    How wrong can you be ? There are those who see the Stop Order as a mistake.
    Perhaps a greater mistake was dealing with snakes like Churchill thinking they were trustworthy statesmen. Hence from this and very many other instances, GB has acquired the entirely accurate name “Perfidious Albion”.

    For details of these many peace offers, see this short book available in hard copy —



    • 回复: @Arthur MacBride
  501. @Arthur MacBride

    PS. This archive link is better than wintersonnenwende b/c it goes up to 1940, also includes related material such as Neville Chamberlain in the Forrestal diaries.


    Ref James Forrestal, there is a new book “The Assassination of James Forrestal” …
    He was US Secretary of Defense and “fell” from a high place in the Bethesda Naval Hospital
    It must be just coincidence that he opposed US support for Israel.
    He and other high govt officials.
    How time has changed the USA …


    And you think it’s a good idea to ally with this USA ?

  502. Rdm 说:


    Maddening silence ….


    Softpower = hiding some facts over centuries that one could become a victim of cognitive dissonance.

    Telling something the obvious becomes the “haters”.

    • 回复: @d dan
  503. @d dan

    You are correct about migration. The only time it can be looked at as charity is when countries take in refugees… Though if said countries are the cause of the factors that leads to the refugees hen it isnt charity either. I had to argue with a couple of nutcases in this thread. There is a difference between migrants and people taken somewhere against their will. For instance – I dont feel sorry for Chinese who face assault in the US and Australia. The perpetrator s should be prosecuted but I dont feel sorry. Why? Chinese should know there has beem racism d violence against them for over a century – so if you voluntarily migrate somewhere it makes no sense to complain… You just have to work with the system – or leave. The other problem I have is Chinese no longer teach their children martial arts. That is simply foolish… But I see now in the news with the rash of attacks against Asians they will change. I actually read in a Hong Kong news about a European man who lives in California who is training Asians in self defense. The man studied martial arts in China for years… How ironic.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @d dan
  504. @antibeast

    Its the “black americans” who re at the bottom. Black migrants from the Caribbean and Africa actually do pretty well. And funny enough the most diverse county in the US – Queens NY – at he turn of the century was the only county in the US where black median income was higher than whites. It was because of the Caribbean blacks. Incidentally – black Americans tend not to like blacks from the Caribbean and Africa.

    Puerto Ricans tend to not do so well either even though they are US citizens.
    Judging by how many deportees there are from Honduras and El Salvador – Im not sure how well they do in the US. That is why those two countries became so overrun with street crime. The deportees brought back US street gang culture. Yearz ago they had vigilante squads killing deportees sometimes as soon as they left the airports.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  505. @Malla

    Hindutva is India finally becoming herself.

    Great way to put it. Precisely my sentiment but it had never quite come together into a succinct 1 liner.

    You also mention tbe fear mussulman have from 800 years of Mughal rule.

    This is the biggest white wash in history. I bet the body count of Islamic rule was in the millions over 800 years. Can you imagine trying to get a grant to excavate battle ruins in India? It really is a political hot potato.
    For all the BS that Islam put India through, Hindus have been very restrained in their responses. This is especially so considering how the Muslims initiated so much of the violence in Punjab before and during partition. The terror tactics were identical to what Jews did to Palestinians in Deir Yassin.

    I laugh when I see BJP or RSS portrayed as ‘far-right’ extremists. They want their temples, tbeir culture, their language and their country.
    All very normal.
    Only extreme to globalists.

    Hindu and Buddhist religions produce healthy cultures. They are not perfect but when compared they do a lot better on average.
    I always have a hard time understanding China lovers. Yes, they advanced the country…due to sythesis with capitalism after marxism failed. In the meantime 5,000 years of culture was destroyed. Seems like China just ran around in a circle.

    They will come for India one day. It is the only major culture still intact.
    I hope you guys stay strong.

    • 谢谢: Malla
    • 回复: @denk
    , @denk
    , @denk
  506. @antibeast

    Great comment. Yeah that guy makes his own history. Declassified CIA docs expose Indian complicity regarding destabilizing Tibet. In contrast Nepal refused to allow such things on their soil – using Tibet to break up China

    • 回复: @antibeast
  507. antibeast 说:

    Yes, African and Caribbean immigrants tend to do quite well, compared to ghetto Blacks, because they’re better educated and come from African or Caribbean cultures unlike the ‘sex-drugs-gangs’ culture of ghetto Blacks. The Central Americans created the MS-13 street gangs which they brought back to their home countries in Honduras and El Salvador after being deported from the USA.

    My point though is that had the USA stopped the massive flow of Asian immigrants and Latino illegals who tend to reside in US cities, then the racial strife between Blacks and White would have gotten worse because Asians and Latinos serve as a buffer between them. The USA would more closely resemble South Africa, sharply divided between Whites and Blacks, as was the case in the American South.

    Asian immigrants also tend to do well in school which makes them much more upwardly mobile than Blacks and Latinos. As Whites have socialized with Asians of all kinds over the years, White racism against non-Whites have also declined, contributing to a better environment for Blacks and Latinos as well. When Whites complain about the excessive numbers of Asian immigrants and Latino illegals in the USA, they don’t appreciate the positive contributions of Asians and Latinos to US society and economy.

  508. Chinaman 说:

    水怎么样? 无法想象一百万印度人在那里洗澡后的气味。

    • 回复: @Malla
  509. antibeast 说:

    India also supported the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan which was condemned by the Organization of Islamic States whose members include Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran. Here’s a photograph of a park in Afghanistan back in 1967 and forty years later in 2007:


    The Soviet invasion destroyed Afghanistan which produced Islamic extremists such as the Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Quite tragic given that Afghanistan is the ancestral homeland of the ancient Aryans. The Afghans also speak Dari and Pashto, both Eastern Iranian languages, in contrast to Western Iranian languages such as Kurdish in Syria, Iraq and Turkey, Persian in Iran, Tajik in Tajikistan and Balochi in Pakistan.

  510. Chinaman 说:

    我不为在美国和澳大利亚遭受攻击的中国人感到难过。 肇事者应该受到起诉,但我并不感到抱歉。 为什么? 中国人应该知道一个多世纪以来一直存在针对他们的种族主义和暴力行为——所以如果你自愿迁移到某个地方,抱怨是没有意义的



    我们必须承认,对亚裔美国人的攻击就是对中国和中国人的攻击。 这些家伙成了出气筒。 我很想看看这些肇事者是否敢在香港或中国这样做。 我还没有听说这里发生过一次攻击。 这里的白人很温顺。 (除非他们正在传播病毒。)

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  511. d dan 说:

    ” if said countries are the cause of the factors that leads to the refugees hen it isnt charity either.”

    There aren’t many refugees in the world that are not caused (at least partly) by the ill effects or remnants of colonization, or modern day color-revolution/coup/direct wars. Of course, don’t expect agreement on this point from the other side.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  512. Malla 说:

    你侮辱我们的传统文化(Kumbh Mela)然后你说我们应该和你联手? 如果我们不这样做,我们就是盎格鲁人,而不是真正的印度民族主义者。 你精神错乱了吗? 你认为侮辱我们古老的文化会得到你的朋友吗?

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  513. Malla 说:

    Not true at all. Here’s the voting results for UN resolution 2758, as sponsored by Albania, admitting the PRC as the only representative of China:

    And which year was that?


    You are saying bullshit. I did not make things up, it is well known and well accepted that Nehru appeased China too much and that is why he is hated by Indian nationalists. And how can I make things up, that was from the link I posted.

    Nehru was one o….weapons to Pakistan.


    But the CIA was arming and supporting Tibetan rebels against Mao

    Even if what you say is true, it did not happen during the time of Patel as Patel openly said no one was interested in Tibet at that time.

    India was hosting a CIA-funded rebel group against China which was clearly a hostile act by a foreign State against China.

    Can you give details and proof? What time period was it? Was it during the time of Patel or after. Patel died in 1950. Even if what you say is true, if it happened after Patel, it is pointless to this discussion.
    Patel writes in his letter to Nehru back in 1950, that the Chinese State already treats India with hostility in 1950. He is writing a private letter, a letter in between two powerful politicians in the Government of India. He does not write “we are pretending to be friends”. He writes China looks at India as an extension of Anglo American power, which Patel calls unfounded. He does not write “Damn the Chinese found out we are doing it for Anglo”. It was a frank private letter.
    I think you made an error, you think, those posts were my writings, no, they are quotes from his letter and the second post was from an article.
    He writes “We treat China as a friend”

    And don’t even mention the Sino-Indian War of 1962 because that was provoked by the ‘forward policy’ of Nehru.

    The forward policy is controversial. Again, 1962 is way later than 1950 when China was already hostile in its attitude to India.

  514. @ivan

    The funniest thing to me when Taiwan and the South China Sea are mention is that the Republic of China in Taiwan made the first legal claims to those islands retaking them from Japan and nobody protested. Such hypocrisy.
    Oh and about that mobilizing – you dont understand China’s strategy – huh? Their huge budget is built for defense. You might wonder what they are doing with those little boats. Well they are fast and agile and relatively inexpensive. Each one can hold 8 missiles. So a group of 20 can theoretically fire 160 missiles at any enemy carrier group and as noted China has longer range missiles. And China has the means to monitor US movements. So I think your comment fits the category of what Fred Reed said.




    • 回复: @ivan
  515. Malla 说:

    The Indian elites who emigrate to the USA belong to the Brahmin caste….. There are also Indian Sikhs who are pro-American because they have succeeded as truck drivers in the USA.

    You are correct about this (new) phenomenon but they are not the only power player in new Delhi. They are one force among many, many of them are still pro-Russian.

    Both these two groups of Indian elites now view the USA instead of Russia as the preferred partner of India.

    False, many in the old guard of the Indian bureaucracy are still pro-Russian and suspicious about the USA, a leftover from the Cold War period. Fareed Zakaria of CNN was complaining about them.

    The US Deep State knows this and is playing the Indian elites against China.

    Partly true. But the major reason why India went to the US camp is because it perceives China to be a potential threat. That is and will remain the major reason why India goes to the US camp. Why is say Communist Vietnam more friendly to the USA now, the USA it fought so hard against?

    If the Americans can convince India to buy weapons from the USA instead of Russia, then the US Deep State would have killed two birds with one stone.

    True, that is what the USA is pushing for. They were not happy with us getting S-400s but India went ahead anyways. Their objective only worked partially. India still chooses to buy most of its weapons from Russia. The second biggest supplier is Israel. However India has started purchasing more American weapons than before when during the Cold War it hardly bought any American weapons. Also India uses its huge weapons market as a bargaining chip when dealing with other powers. It is an enticing carrot which India takes advantage of.

    China is just a bogeymen for the Indian elites to exploit for whatever

    All nations excite their masses in such fashion. India is not the only one. The Chinese Government does it, the Americans do it and at times even stage false flags, our good pals Pakistan does it. Very common.

    while sucking up to the Americans.

    India sucked up to Murica so hard that it supported Russia in the Crimea issue!!! That is some strange sucking up.
    India signals backing for Russia on Ukraine issue at a UNSC meet
    Putin thanks India for its stand on Ukraine

    Now, you are correct but your post only gives a partial picture. There are pro-American forces in New Delhi but there are pro-Russian forces too. Thus resultant India is trying to maintain relations with both and thus remain more independent, India always wants to and will always remain independent. It even tries to balance both the powers out or more like balance its relations ship with the USA with its relations with Russia. Indian diplomats are quite adept in doing that and we have succeeded. though overall I agree India has progressively taken a more pro-American tilt than before. This pro America phenomenon became strong after the assassination of our Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and has gotten stronger with time. The truth is that it is the USA who always wanted India as its ally from the very beginning (rather than Pakistan) but India remained more pro-Soviet. With some exceptions like President Nixon as he hated India. Partly because Indira Gandhi our Prime Minister insulted him often even before he became President. Nixon was from a humble poor family but of a rich country (that is why he always had an inferiority complex) and Indira Gandhi was from a rich family (she was arrogant too) but of a poor country, they both never got along.
    India even tried to balance the USA economically with China, why do you think Modi went to China to meet Xi so many times? No other Indian PM has ever done that. All that ended with the Himalayan fiasco last year (I am not blaming any side). India is trying to balance its options and trying to keep things together in a complicated time. It is in India’s interest that US-Russian relations improve. Besides India has made it clear that its relationship with the USA will be very different than American relationship with its NATO allies or Japan/ S.Korea. The USA (till now atleast) does not have bases in India, does not provide any nuclear umbrella, India takes care if it herself. India is much more independent in her decisions than you want to accept. But that is fact.
    Also China’s good relations with India’s arch enemy Pakistan is obviously not going to go well with the Indian population as far as the image of China is concerned. China should have thought of that before. That cannot be denied.

    As far as Hinduvadis, the USA is secondary, Hindu fundamentalists are primarily pro-Israel. They see Israel as a brother country in its war against “extremist Islam”. Brahmins and Jews have old connections.
    Why India’s Hindu Nationalists Worship Israel’s Nation State Model

    • 回复: @antibeast
  516. d dan 说:

    “Maddening silence ….”

    Nonsense. There is thank from US for Japanese efforts in this decision:

    “We thank Japan for its transparent efforts in its decision to dispose of the treated water from the Fukushima Daiichi site,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Twitter.


    Japan is just trying to create more 9-legged octopus, which is quite rare:


    So, stop lying.

  517. Malla 说:

    China is just a bogeymen for the Indian elites to exploit for whatever political ends they choose.

    That is true up to some extent. But the truth is that the Indian masses look towards China as an enemy. In my opinion unjustifiably so. But you know nationalists right?
    For example back in 1967, Indian crowds stormed the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi and tore down the PRC flag. The Indian State gave security to the Chinese Embassy and tried to control the masses but the Indian people was full of hatred and wanted retribution for insult to Indian National Honour by China. Chinese red guards had supposedly assaulted Indian diplomats in China. I do not know which civilized country does that, physically attack diplomats and embassies? The masses of India, the common man, the poorest of the poor, were not going to take such shit and insult to their national honour and barged into the Communist Chinese embassy and tore down the PRC flag.

    Indian Demonstration (1967)
    Chinese Embassy stoned in New Delhi during demonstration against rough handling of Indian Diplomats in Peking. India.

    A small 1 minute video of the event. These are not English speaking elite snobs, they are the mustachio macho masses of India wanting retribution for the insult to their national honour by China. If Americans would have done the same, they would have tried storming the American embassy too. You think after all this history, the teeming masses of India would love China!!!!!
    There was an issue of an Indian diplomat arrested in New York, she was abusing her Indian maid and using diplomatic immunity, a servant rights group in NY got her arrested by NY police. There was huge cry in India against this, foreign police arresting our diplomat. Anti-USA feelings was over the top. Indian police took revenge on a visiting American cop (who had an Indian wife) who had by mistake left bullets in his jacket on board a flight. He was arrested in Delhi and the Indian cops arresting him told him it was revenge for what was done by the USA to the Indian diplomat.
    You can fart around lackey lackey if it suits your worldview where there are no third party players, just Noble China and the evul West. But the World is too complicated for that childish viewpoint and Indian nationalist do not give a damn. Indians are a proud people who do not take insult to India lightly weather it may be China or the USA. And these proud masses consider China as the enemy of their nation, of their motherland. Unjustifiably may be. I am not one of them in considering China as an enemy. I am just explaining the situation on the ground.

    • 同意: Rdm
    • 回复: @Rdm
  518. Patricus 说:

    支持台湾应该是可能的,只要他们愿意不受中国统治。 武装他们,以阻止中国入侵。 为入侵付出的高昂代价可能令人无法接受。 我遇到的台湾人并不渴望中国的统治地位。

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  519. antibeast 说:

    C’mon, Malla, you’re too intelligent to admit the truth. Here’s Russian FM Lavrov on Modi’s pivot to the USA:


    India is currently an object of the Western countries’ persistent, aggressive and devious policy as they are trying to engage it in anti-China games by promoting Indo-Pacific strategies, the so-called ‘Quad’ while at the same time, the West is attempting to undermine our close partnership and privileged relations with India.

    As I’ve written in my previous posts, methinks the Indian elites support Modi’s pivot to the USA so they can gain social privileges and economic benefits from their US ties while using Hindutva ‘nationalists’ as their useful idiots to rile the Indian masses against China. You could be right that the Indian Deep State might be suspicious of and could become hostile to Modi’s pivot to the USA which would entail damaging the long-standing India-Russia strategic partnership. Maybe the Indian elites are playing their ‘bait-and-switch’ game using the China card to bait the USA and then switch back to Russia. But the US Deep State could be playing their own ‘bait-and-switch’ game using the China card to get India to stab Russia in the back.

    Meanwhile, India is feeling the pressure from the USA for its S-400 acquisition as Russia considers increasing its defense ties to Pakistan:


    This means that all is not well for Modi’s pivot to the USA which was supposed to ‘contain’ China but not Russia. Who would have thought that the USA also wants to ‘contain’ Russia using Modi’s pivot to the USA?

    C’mon, Malla, you don’t need to be a Brahmin to know that, do you?

  520. Chinaman 说:

    没有冒犯,朋友。 我没有过滤器。 毛主义是我们的宗教,当人们指出其糟糕的记录时,我并不生气。

    无论如何,我在COVID之前旅行了很多,而且我本人非常尊重他人的文化。 我想我曾经在这里玩巨魔。 这个节日看起来很有趣,但我就是不想下水,不管有没有人在里面洗澡。 我听说上游有很多工厂和粪便排放。

  521. @Patricus

    像你说的那样把台湾武装到牙齿只会重新点燃ar。 这也将违背《上海公报》,该公报称,随着两国和平统一谈判,美国最终将停止军售。 但是,是的,作为你自己的人没有什么可以反驳你的话。
    And you dont seem to realize… That is China’s front door.. There is no price it wont pay to secure its front door. That is what foreigners dont. Tough talking tony – if China as willing to throw waves of people at US forces to push them back from the Yalu River on the Korean Peninsula then you should study that. China has thosuands of guided rockets (not even expensive missiles) which are targeted at very military asset on Taiwan. That is especially true of command and control. You are better off offering citizenship to Taiwanese who want to leave. They can go join the Hong Kong dissidents (the UK has to keep offering sweeteners because the response to their path to citizenship offer in the UK has been very underwhelming). Like Fred Reed said – the anti China hawks have juvenile thinking.


  522. @d dan

    Oh yes I agree. To me real refugees are those who suffer under natural disasters. Plagues – drought – earthquakes – volcanos – etc. But yes of course Libya and Syria being perfect examples of man made refugee crises. You break it – you pay for it.

  523. @Chinaman

    Yeah its nothing new though. When Chinese immigrants lived in Chinatowns triads protected the Chinese from attacks from others. Smith disappeared from the thread but it should be noted that in NYC – the Vietnamese fell under Chinese protection umbrella. Even when Vietnamese formed their own gangs they did so with triad approval. In the jail system they had to work together also to protect themselves from attack. Most asian street gangs in NYC have disappeared now so I doubt there are any in the system… But thats how it used to go.
    但现在大多数中国人搬到郊区的非中国人飞地。 但不教孩子武术是可怕的。 我在成都读到,很多学校的物理课程都被加进去了。 华裔美国人应该想到这一点。

    In the Caribbean – which I also know first hand – the Chinese were always the merchant class and would hire local toughs to protect their property. Chinese didnt face racial hate attacks like what you see in the US…. but they were always a target for robbery because well – as the famous American criminal answered when asked why he robbed banks “because thats where the money is”

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Malla
  524. Rdm 说:

    Well since I can’t just click “Agree” too many within 8 hours, I need to comment.

    “Agree” with Malla here.

    Chinese can’t grandstand everything they do and neither can’t Indians. I might as well chime in, I think the fact that we’re arguing if one is pro-American or pro-China misses the point of whether people can live out of extreme poverty within their lifetimes. 

    This is what I observed. Malla could come up with any reasoning as to why some of the claims that Antibeast is pushing forward is the way as they are. 

    It’s anti-China. It’s because of xxxx tribes. 
    It’s anti-US. It’s because of yyyy tribes. 
    It’s nationalism. It’s because zzzz caste.
    It’s idiocy. It’s because xxxx elites.
    It’s a fiasco. It’s because of zzzz elites. 
    It’s economics. It’s because of so many tribes. 

    I’m not going to spend hours after hours just to understand why a certain tribes are the way as they are.

    The future of India belongs to Indian people and so does China to Chinese. 

    In this global stage, no one is here for charity purposes. The only question is if you can squeeze into the global food chain and climb up. 

    So far, I don’t know if India could squeeze into the food chain with Modi and the alike managing the international policy. 

    GM pulled out of India. But India happily joined Quad and got the middle finger in Indian Ocean. This is an utter disgust. 

    Global Food Chain from African’s perspective


    Western Boogeyman narrative on Sri Lanka

    Between 2000 and this year, China has actually waived, restructured or rescheduled debt 87 times.

    If China can waive or reschedule 87 times over the course of two decades for a country that is racially and culturally different, you’d ask yourself,

    “Did IMF, EU, US waive or reschedule 87 times for Greek bailout? Considering the Greek being racially and culturally similar, representing the birth of Western civilization, many philosophers?” 

    No country is perfect. China is not doing charity service. But this speaks the volume. 

    As long as India fumbles and stumbles in international politics, both Russia and China have nothing to lose. It’s gonna be India. 

    I’m not saying because I’m pro-whatever. Emotion runs deep in Chinese and Indians for sure. Otherwise, there won’t be a century of humiliation or 200 years of colonization. But as Kishore said, Indian needs to remove “Emotion” in global politics, and be “cunning”.

    • 谢谢: Malla
    • 回复: @Malla
    , @antibeast
  525. Chinaman 说:

    是的,亚洲黑帮到底在哪儿?? 现在谁在经营毒品和妓女? 三合会在任何地方或唐人街保持秩序,所以我想这就是当他们离开时会发生的事情。 我想黑社会已经不像“年轻而危险”的电影了。 他们不是香港暴徒的对手。

    我希望最近发生的这些事件能激励一些亚洲人再次团结起来。 太糟糕了,我在亚洲,这狗屎让我热血沸腾,或者我现在准备加入黑社会来保护亚洲老太太! (或handjob韩国人)。 求助于执法是没有用的,这些动物只懂暴力,所以需要举个例子。 对那些踢老妇人的行凶者处以私刑,或者只是派人来终结亚特兰大的那个家伙,会发出强烈的信息。

    “如果你这样做该死,你会付出代价的。 ”它立即停止。

    • 回复: @Smith
  526. @Showmethereal

    The anti-China hawks are just racist Western supremacists, driven insane with rage and fear at the prospect of the imminent eclipse of global dominance by the White, Western ‘Gods Upon the Earth’. It is simplicity itself.

  527. Malla 说:

    Dude, I am not anti-China. I am pointing out the facts on the ground. I think the Indian Nationalists and Indian population’s extreme mistrust for China is bullshit. I say the same about Pakistan. I agree they are childish and do not see things from multiple perspectives. They are convinced that the World is trying “to keep India down”. Either the West, either Islamic World or (recently especially) China. That way, they feel good about themselves.
    But there is something every interesting, Indians who spend time in China, who have lived there rapidly turn pro-China. Indians live in many countries and travel in many countries. I have not seen this rapid turnabout and rapid turn to fandom about any other country (USA, Dubai etc..) that I have seen about China. Indians who live for some time or just travel to China for a short time, become pro-China fans. They are all like, Chinese “in some ways are like us”, China’s “development is amazing”, Chinese “people are very friendly and helpful”. Chines people are similar to Indians except that Chinese are more clean, disciplined, hard working etc…. I have observed this many times. And most of them are English speaking upper and upper middle classes.
    What does this tell you? When they experience mainland China in reality, they love love love China. Anti-China hatred is based on ignorance. There is even a small pro-China Camp in India. Even some of our ambassadors to China turned pro-China. But the problem is the nationalist masses (who have never been to China) call them “traitors” “tukde tukde gang”. These are the guys Hindustani Bhau in the video above was threatening, that the Indian people will show you traitors etc… thus anti-China sentiments in India is based a lot on ignorance. Indians who experience China, rapidly fall in love with China, they are full of praise and many say they were extremely wrong about China in the past.

    • 回复: @TSS
  528. antibeast 说:

    Tough talking tony – if China as willing to throw waves of people at US forces to push them back from the Yalu River on the Korean Peninsula then you should study that.

    That’s US propaganda claiming that China used ‘human wave’ attacks against the US military to push them back from the Yalu River all the way to Seoul. The Chinese PVA used ‘human infiltration’ tactics by marching streams of Chinese divisions bivouac-style behind enemy lines where they regrouped and attacked the US front-lines from all sides. Most Chinese casualties (90%) occurred securing Seoul and defending the 38th parallel. North Korea couldn’t defend their supply-lines which were bombed out by the Americans, leaving the Chinese out of ammo and material supplies.

    The Korean War is an example of Stalinist tactics which was the exact opposite of the Maoist strategy of ‘People’s War’ as successfully used in the Vietnam War. The Vietnamese ‘Smith’ does not want to admit that but Mao’s arming of and support for Ho’s ‘People’s War’ is what broke the political will of the Americans to continue fighting the Vietnamese Communists (both DRV and Vietcong) in the Vietnam War. In contrast, Kim was too cocky and got the support of Stalin to launch his invasion of South Korea, a terrible miscalculation which led to the ‘strategic bombing’ of the North by the Americans. Mao knew the Americans would do the same thing to the DRV which was why he sent a Chinese army corps of engineers to help the North Vietnamese dig out thousands of kilometers of underground tunnels from which China supplied the DRV with weapons and materials supplies. Kim could not even protect his supply-lines nor could he defend the North against ‘strategic bombing’ by the Americans. Mao was able to help Ho do both which protected his supply-lines and save millions of Vietnamese lives.

    The Vietnam War is still classified by China whose role is far more involved than is currently known. So we’ll see when China finally declassifies the Vietnam War which would show the actual extent of Chinese involvement and Mao’s role in supporting Ho.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  529. @Malla

    So if so many skilled stay in India then why is India not living up to it’s potential??? Calling me a worm won’t help change the fact. Serving others in their countries is no form of commendation.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  530. @Malla

    There are plenty of Indian criminals in Trinidad and Guyana too…
    And what is your obsession with blacks moving to China..??? You really are sick and unhinged. And again – it was your beloved British that took Africans to both of those countries and then imported you all as coolies. A few Chinese went too – but not to the same level. In any event – it’s not for the Chinese to fix Anglo made problems. Get that through your skull.

  531. @Malla

    You are really scatter brained. Empty barrels really make the most noise. You made three long comments and good not answer the question. Did the Brits leave a properly negotiated and demarcated border between China and India. You can’t answer it because you refuse to say anything about your beloved master. No need to go further. Save your keystrokes.

    • 回复: @d dan
  532. denk 说:

    The jp are up in arms over their govn’s decision to dump FUKUShima water into the sea, many ask

    are we committing suicide'?

    Yet fukus 赞美 the suga regime for its exemplary transparency.

    Begs the question,
    Are fukus with the jp goven, or the people ?

  533. @Yee

    The most comedic part is saying how peaceful Tibet was. Funny because when the Tibetans were willing to kill westerners to get them out of there – the Brits appealed for reparations from the Qing emperor in Beijing. Also more hilarious since the Indians last year were bragging about the dissident Tibetans and how valiant fighters they are. Fact is Tibet never was a peaceful place. They always fought and killed and always tortured. The first CIA agent killed in action was killed by a Tibetan on the border with Xinjiang. These guys are such liars.

    • 回复: @Malla
  534. Malla 说:

    Smith from Vietnam is right, you guys act like victims as well as Imperial bullies. More and more I deal with you or ddan or some others that is the impression I get. YYou chreech and scream about Anglos but your yellow ass cannot accept smelly darkie Hindoos can be successful without Chinese help. Chinese will always be above smelly hindooo emigrants. LOL

    So if so many skilled stay in India then why is India not living up to it’s potential?

    Low IQ moron, what percentage of India would they make? How are they to deal with other problems India has?

    Serving others in their countries is no form of commendation.

    Here comes showmethereal the crackpot extrordinaire of Unz. Were those CHinese who migrated to British Malaya not serving the Anglos? Are there no Chinese in Australia, USA, Canada? Recall them back.

    And what is your obsession with blacks moving to China

    You Chinese use blacks as a weapon to attack others but will never allow blacks in large numbers to move to China. You would want China to be predominantly Chinese (Han plus minorities). You every well know that large number of blacks would cause problems there. I am no idiot.

    In any event – it’s not for the Chinese to fix Anglo made problems.

    Chinese do not even understand the problem, so hoa can you guys solve the problem? All you guys can do is make idiotic childish accusations without understanding the problem on the gound.

    There are plenty of Indian criminals in Trinidad and Guyana too…

    Bullshit, crime there is dominated by Blacks, loads of innocent Indians are killed by blacks every year. Also blacks there supported British rule, the anti-British campaign there was led by Indians. Blacks were kissing Anglo ass as they were scared that we would take over the economy. Which we did easy. Bitch we remove Jews from Antwerp, blacks are easy peezy.

    you refuse to say anything about your beloved master.

    It is this Chinese crackpot obsession even back in 1950 that we represent Anglo power which caused this problem from the very beginning. Read Patel’s private letter again, he says the idiotic crackpot Chinese consider India an extension of Anglo power, India run by freedom fighters!!! This was groundless he said, in a private letter.
    You monkeys can jabber this bullshit to masturbate to yourself, and it is this idiotic thinking which will cause all your problem.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  535. Malla 说:

    In the Caribbean – which I also know first hand – the Chinese were always the merchant class and would hire local toughs to protect their property.

    Black nationalists soooo much love this.

    Why The Chinese Owns Jamaica | Dr Umar Johnson
    Umar Johnson: Markus Garvey celebration last summer….. The Chinese pretty much own Jamaica. I mean the Jamaican Government is giving them concessions, land concessions, they are building hotels, beach resorts, or they are building schools for the Japanese excuse me… for the Jamaicans. And what the Jamaicans have to give them in turn, is the right to certain lands, the rights to certain water ways and if it does not stop, Jamaica, ironically the land of Marcus Garvey and Bob Marley will be the first Chinese colony in the Caribbean. It is getting bad. And you know why this is happening? The Black bourgeois leadership in both Africa and the Caribbean, they do not have to live with the consequences of the economic decisions they make. So if I am the President of Jamaica, and China says “listen, we are gonna give you a million dollars in retirement, we are going to build you a retirement home but we want this, this and this. And you can loan as much money as you want, you can borrow as much money from the Bank of China, as you want”, I am going to be set by the time I leave office. But what about my nation. Jamaica would be struggling for the next 50 years…. ”

    I am not sayin, I agree with Dr. Umar Johnson. Just sayin….

  536. Malla 说:

    These guys are such liars.

    So Sardar Vallabhai Patel, the anti-colonial freedom fighter is a liar?

    Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel served as the first Deputy Prime Minister of India. He was an Indian barrister, and a senior leader of the Indian National Congress who played a leading role in the country’s struggle for independence and guided its integration into a united, independent nation.
    Patel supported Gandhi’s Non-cooperation movement and toured the state to recruit more than 300,000 members and raise over Rs. 1.5 million in funds. Helping organise bonfires in Ahmedabad in which British goods were burned, Patel threw in all his English-style clothes. Along with his daughter Mani and son Dahya, he switched completely to wearing khadi, the locally Indian produced cotton clothing. When Gandhi was in prison, Patel was asked by Members of Congress to lead the satyagraha in Nagpur in 1923 against a law banning the raising of the Indian flag. He organised thousands of volunteers from all over the country to take part in processions of people violating the law. Patel negotiated a settlement obtaining the release of all prisoners and allowing nationalists to hoist the Indian flag in public in defiance of the Colonial Government. While Nehru, Rajagopalachari, and Maulana Azad initially criticised Gandhi’s proposal for an all-out campaign of civil disobedience to force the British to quit India, Patel was its most fervent supporter. Arguing that the British would retreat from India as they had from Singapore and Burma, Patel urged that the campaign start without any delay. Though feeling that the British would not leave immediately, Patel favoured an all-out rebellion that would galvanise the Indian people, who had been divided in their response to the war, In Patel’s view, such a rebellion would force the British to concede that continuation of colonial rule had no support in India, and thus speed the transfer of power to Indians. Believing strongly in the need for revolt, Patel stated his intention to resign from the Congress if the revolt were not approved. Gandhi strongly pressured the All India Congress Committee to approve an all-out campaign of civil disobedience, and the AICC approved the campaign on 7 August 1942. Though Patel’s health had suffered during his stint in jail, he gave emotional speeches to large crowds across India, asking them to refuse to pay taxes and to participate in civil disobedience, mass protests, and a shutdown of all civil services. He raised funds and prepared a second tier of command as a precaution against the arrest of national leaders. Patel made a climactic speech to more than 100,000 people gathered at Gowalia Tank in Bombay on 7 August which hIstorians believe was instrumental in electrifying Indian nationalists and Patel’s organising work in this period is credited by historians with ensuring the success of the rebellion across India. Patel was arrested on 9 August and was imprisoned with the entire Congress Working Committee from 1942 to 1945 at the fort in Ahmednagar. Even though other political parties had opposed the struggle, the Quit India movement was “by far the most serious rebellion since that of 1857”, as the viceroy cabled to Winston Churchill. More than 100,000 people were arrested and many were killed in violent struggles with the police.

    Are you telling me that Sardar Patel one of the major Indian leaders in the anti-colonial struggle against British Rule, the Indian independence Movement, which is considered globally one of the premier example for anti-colonial struggle, was a liar???? Are you a sepoy of the Anglos? In India you would definite be considered so.

    • 回复: @ivan
  537. d dan 说:

    马拉更多地是通过情感而不是逻辑来争论。 如果我没记错的话,她自称是一位女士(如果不是这样,请提前道歉)。 如果这是真的,这可能对她的帖子有很多解释(当然,她会称我为性别歧视者,除了种族主义之外,除了被欺负,除了白痴之外,除了……,好吧不记得她叫我的所有事情)。 至少我只是称她为黑鬼。 所以这听起来不像是一种公平的侮辱。 对吧,亲爱的马拉? 你想撤回你打电话给我的一些侮辱,还是我应该对你增加更多的侮辱以平衡它?

    我认为触发她的最大事情是对英国/殖民/白人的攻击——其他一切,她可以非常非常合理。 只要你愿意承认英国人是世界上最慷慨、最善良、最纯洁的人,她愿意把印度所有有争议的土地(藏南、阿凯钦)让给中国——看她有多慷慨愿意牺牲印度的利益来保卫英国——只是不要把边界冲突归咎于英国。 我认为这几乎总结了该线程中整个评论部分的要点。

    此外,我怀疑她也是像史密斯一样的混血儿(好吧,我会被称为种族主义者两次——或种族主义者 x 2。但我愿意将其视为一种侮辱——绅士对女士的让步。说什么你,马拉?)

    • 哈哈: Chinaman
    • 回复: @showmethereal
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  538. ivan 说:

    The Chinese peoples all in, including those descendants overseas would number anywhere around 1.6/7 billion people . How can anyone stop the rise of China? Is such a thing even possible when the Chinese are an empire unto themselves?

    The current difficulties have nothing to do with any imaginary misperception of the supposedly peaceful intentions of China, but everything to do with crisis of legitimacy of the CCP’s rule in China. By what right is the CCP the only legitimate aspirant to rule China? China is today even more of a surveillance state than it ever was. For what purpose? None other than to ensure that CCP meets no challenges as it tries to rules in perpetuity. Structurally this is no different than the Democratic Party in the US trying to suppress all other forms of legitimate association by calling them racists, denying them employment, taking over the universities and the commanding heights of influence and so on. And this is not much different from what the BJP is doing in India today, where its minions work tirelessly 24/7, to delegitimise all opposition to it as originating in some form of a traitorous instinct, or of not being sufficiently Hindu. These are all well worn pathways for those who feel that they lack legitimacy, but want to cling on to power by all means fair and foul. But even then the BJP can hardly poll more than 39%, which I suspect would the ballpark figure for the CCP in an open contest. What then to do about the other 60%?

    Solve the crisis of legitimacy that the CCP has which I suspect is insoluble, and all of these other problems about territory and the rest would either just fade away or be one more manageable problem among others.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  539. ivan 说:

    Chinese people work hard. Some form of a Chinese example that the Jamaicans can follow would do them good. Unlike the whites who head for the bars and fleshpots when working overseas, the Chinese instead continue to work. Up to a point the Chinese presence would do the locals good. But they tend to overdo things by working too long to the consternation of the locals. Some years back I had a colleague whose brother’s job was to supervise the transport of Chinese rubber tappers in and out of Malawi. And in Sri Lanka, they are in the tea business, not as hoity-toity ladies and gintilmons posing for advertisements but as tea-workers themselves. This is like the British Empire all over again, where they brought Tamils to tap rubber in Malaya around 1920, or other Indians, the Naidoos into South Africa as tame labourers in plantations.

    Kind of weird to see it happening, but again that is know as the farmer, soldier and silkworm strategy of development in China. Send in farmers to grow silkworm for the rich back in Beijing, while having the soldiers protect them and eventually colonise the space for China.

    Which is another reason why all this discussion about One Belt, One Road, by fellows like Escobar as grand strategy is besides the point. It is in the first place just another giant works project to keep the Chinese workers in jobs. I mean why connect such inaccessible places, it would be easier to build short hop airports or helipads.

    • 回复: @ivan
  540. antibeast 说:

    For developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, it’s a race against time before the Malthusian point is reached, as shown below:

    Developing countries like India, Nigeria, Indonesia, Philippines, etc. would need massive investments in infrastructure to allow them to participate in the globalized economy as a means of increasing their economic growth while decreasing population growth. This needs to be done before the Malthusian point is reached beyond which catastrophic events occur.

    Gyude Moore talks about how “Africa faces a very difficult future” due to the problems of population explosion, climate change, military conflicts, etc.” at 56:30 in the video below:

    India faces the same problems as Africa but with a larger population than Africa and a land area one-ninth the size of Africa.

    Now the US Deep State wants India to ‘contain’ China by buying more high-priced but useless weapons from the USA?

    • 同意: showmethereal
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  541. Malla 说:

    So if so many skilled stay in India then why is India not living up to it’s potential???

    In India there are many difficult exams. Two of them are the IIT JEE and the other one is the UPSC. The IIT JEE guys go and take over the USA. The UPSC guys stay in India. Many IIT JEE people cannot crack the UPSC.

  542. ivan 说:

    The Chicom fellows posting here see India as at most a soft developmental state. Hence their advice as to what we should be doing instead of trying to challenge them. They are taking after mao, deng, jiang zemin and the rest, who had always seen us a wannabe second class power. I mean for fwcks sake we were led by a naked fakir to our independence. We didn’t have a civil war that ate up tens of millions of our own people. We didn’t storm the Yalu river after MacArthur’s forces with million strong human waves. We didn’t sacrifice our peasantry to fuel industrialisation. Hence we are softies, always hesitant to go to war, hiding our cowardice behind our supposed non-violence. The fellows like I say have a glass jaw and it would do them some good to have it smashed, which could happen anytime.

    But on the other hand even in their own high and mighty terms, the fellows don’t understand that the PLA recruiting from one-child families will be strung from the trees if there are mass casualties. There has been a mass cashiering of old PLA fellows numbering in the millions, to make way for the Chinese soldiers from the future. They too are waiting for their time with the knives out. All through the Napoleonic times the French lorded it over the Germans but what happened to them when Bismarck reunited the Germans? The worm turned. Chicoms would do well to learn some history instead of reading swordfighting books.

    • 巨魔: antibeast
    • 回复: @Malla
  543. ivan 说:

    ..farmer, soldier and mulberry trees …

  544. antibeast 说:

    Indian-Americans and Filipino-Americans tend to do well in the USA because they represent the English-speaking, college-educated professionals such as medical doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, software developers, IT professionals, accountants, etc. who emigrated to the USA. The Overseas Chinese who are highly-educated professionals tend to move back to Asia, as engineers, scientists, bankers, executives, managers and entrepreneurs in places like HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, etc. The return ratio of Chinese students in US universities is now 80/20 with 80% moving back to China while 20% remain in the USA. As an example, half of the founders of the high-tech companies in Hsinchu Science Park are Overseas Chinese returnees who moved from the USA to Taiwan. As those Taiwanese companies contribute to the GDP of Taiwan not the USA, their incomes are not counted as part of Chinese-Americans in the USA.

    Both India and the Philippines send the largest numbers of medical doctors and nurses to the USA, UK and elsewhere but India and the Philippines suffer from chronic shortages of medical doctors and nurses as a result of this ‘brain drain’. This type of ‘brain drain’ is not good for poor, developing countries like India and the Philippines which in effect subsidizes rich, developed countries like the USA and the UK. Same case with software developers, IT professionals, engineers, etc. Indian professionals have made it big in the USA to become CEOs of Google, Microsoft, Adobe, etc. but they serve the USA which contribute nothing to India. Chinese engineers would prefer to start their own hi-tech companies in China and not work for US multinationals in the USA.

    Indian graduates of IITs dream of getting their coveted ‘green cards’ from US multinationals which sets them up for life in the USA. Their idols are Indians like Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, etc. But the Chinese graduates of Beida and Tsinghua dream of founding their own hi-tech startups in CHINA. Their idols are Chinese like Ren Zhengfei, Ma Huateng, etc.

    The Chinese define their Chinese nationalism in political/cultural terms not in ethnic/racial terms. Foreigners of Chinese descent who move back to China and refuse to speak Chinese are treated like SHIT, even if they are Chinese-Americans with their Harvard degrees who speak English with an American accent. What people call ‘Chinese’ in the West or Southeast Asia are foreigners of Chinese descent who would be considered ‘laowais’ in China. If those so-called ‘Chinese’ want to live in the West or Southeast Asia, then they might as well intermarry with Westerners or Southeast Asians.

    • 谢谢: Showmethereal
  545. @Malla

    I find it absolutely hilarious that you who insults and denigrates black people all the time would source a video of black opinion.

    You are out of your depth now. I absolutely know the political situation in Jamaica since some of the Chinese Jamaicans who have been on the island more than 100 years aremy direct blood. Well just so you know there are two major political factions in Jamaica. Going back to the cold war – just like Guyana – the CIA and State Dept destabilized the country which caused huge upheavals.Jamaica refused to un-friend Cuba and so faced Uncle Sam’s wrath. The country has not been repaired since. To understand the geopolitics you should note tiny Jamaica is the seat of the official UN office of The International Seabed Authority – which is how the UNCLOS came about.
    The “new” Chinese are not the same thing. This is another great power game. The non aligned Jamaicans are very happy to work with the Chinese government. There are of course those who fall for the same old “the Chinese want to control your country” propaganda as usual – but they dont dominate.
    The US is working on overdrive to destroy the links between Jamaica and China since the Chinese gov wants to make Jamaica similar to Singapore in the Americas. Panama is a key link which is why Panama swtiched diplomatic relations from the ROC to he PRC a few years ago. So the anti China propaganda rears its head. China has uilt brand new highways in Jamaica – and at is where most of the borrowing is from. But because the IMF has an anvil over Jamaica – China gave cheap loans. China has also built a free childrens hospital and a free Ministry of foreign affairs building. So obviosuly the government doesnt consist of misinformed people like that video you source.
    And as to black nationalism I will say those people are idiots. There were 3 Caribbbean billionaires and all 3 were Jamaican. One white – one Chinese – one half black d half Chinese (Michael Lee Chin). The most famous supermarket chain in Jamaica was founded by Chinese – one of the most famous agriculture companies same thing. Most of the bakers of Jamaican products are Chinese Jamaicans. The original pioneer of Jamaican products n the US – (NY Royal Caribbean Bakery) was started by a man amed Vincent Ho-sang who you should be able to tell his ethnicity. Taiwanese American Eddie Huang did a cooking show called “Huang’s World”. In one episode he goes to Toronto and he samples all the thnic cuisine. When he goes to a Jamaican bakery – what do you know… The owners look just as Chinese as him. Chinese Jamaicans were also instrumental in the formation of the Jamaican music scene which is too uch to list here. But I will just note one which is VP Records who are based in NY and re the largest reggae music record company. The surviving owner is known affectionately as “Miss Pat”. Her last name is “Chin”. Guess what – while her husband was full Chinese – she is half Chinese and half Indian. Go figure. The motto of the country is “out of many one people”. Most jamaicans are not dumb enough to all for the racial strife. Money is the struggle there – not race.

    Blacks – Chinese – Indians all intermarry in Jamaica. None of the Indians I ever met there had anything good to say about the British… So you wouldnt like them

  546. @Malla

    I have to laugh because in my other comment I oeft out how fzr back the Anglos have been trying to incite anti China propaganda in Jamaica. If you recall the writer of the James Bond series wrote the novels while living in Jamaica. He was Ian Fleming – the former British Naval Intelligence officer. What is the first James Bond novel made into a movie? Dr No. Who is Dr No? A chinese Jamaican trying t take over the world. The first female villain in the film was a white womam made to look Chinese wearing a Qing style dress. Dr No had horrible make up but was supposed to be a Chinese. So the propaganda is nothing new at all.

    Bonus for you – to touch on Chinese Jamaican influence in music. The band playing in the 007 Dr No movie was a famous Chinese Jamaican band called Byron Lee and the Dragonaires. So much for racial tension

  547. @antibeast

    Oh no dispute…. i was just trying to say to him that of he thinks as they ay China as willing to just throw bodies during the US – what does he hink China would do now that it has advanced weapons. Just pointing out those that question China’s resolve to defend sovereignty and territory. And to give him a link to some of the weapons system so they understand Chinese munitions outrange US ones now.

  548. denk 说:

    Seems like China just ran around in a circle.

    China has come a loooong way since the medieval days of death by thousand cuts.
    Its still work in progress but the bottom line is..
    China keeps progressing.

    The [[[five liars] led ENA has also made 巨大 进步…
    From bludgeoning a victim
    with clubs during the stone age , FWT
    21C, dropping MOAB on Afghan villages, concentrated bombing xtian heritages in ex Yugo, turning Iraq to 碎片, poisoning the world with weaponised virus…..

    You sure have come a long way in 邪恶解决方案。

  549. @ivan

    Ivan that all sounds nice but first thing is Biden stated openly the other day he would do everything to make sure China doesnt pass the US in all aspects. You can easily find is comments.
    The question of Taiwan is that of an unfinished civil war. Name me one country that takes such a matter lightly….

    The talk of legitimacy is a waste of energy. By what do you measure? Who says every nation needs to be a democracy??? What holy book is that in? I know its not in the bible… In any event you bring up the BJP in India. Honestly I dont know about Indian internal politics. I know Hindu extremists complain Modi doesnt go far enough. I know Muslims and Sikhs have their grievances – but honestly dont know and am not too interested. I also know about their northeast states grievances and the issues of the border with China – which goes back to the British line. But what India does internally is their business. If their people dont like their election results they have other options – but that is for the people of India to deal with. Western society doesnt interfere in their many racial and regional issues because they see them as a tool. My only problem with India (aside from the border) is when they allow themselves to join with western containment policy. If they dont want Bangladeshi Muslims to be able to get citizenship in India – that is their business.

    As to legitimacy crisis of the CPC…. According to who?? Only people who dont know the history of China could say that. The fact is when the western backed Republic of China was formed in 1911 they could not unify all the territory of China. The Brits promised help Tibet get new country behind the ROC’s back. Russia was trying to break off Xinjiang to join it with the Soviet parts in Central Asia. Most of the country were run by warlords. The fledgling Republic attempted political plurality and even gave space to he communist party. That as until Chiang decided he wanted to kill all the communists who were working in the political framework. He almost succeeded but failed to pay attention to Japan – who invaded. Then now he needed the help of the same people he was trying to exterminate. Fast forward and his corruption and ineptitude in fighting the Japanese turned the people against him and he eople chose Mao. China was Chiang’s to lose and he lost it.

    That majority of the people dont care about political philosophy in China. They care about improvement. Thats why even though the Brits opened wide the doors to the UK and expected 1 million Hong Kong people to move to the UK in 5 years the numbers are nowhere near being close to projection. So again what is legitimacy.

    • 回复: @Ivan
  550. @Malla

    “Smith from Vietnam is right, you guys act like victims as well as Imperial bullies. More and more I deal with you or ddan or some others that is the impression I get. YYou chreech and scream about Anglos but your yellow ass cannot accept smelly darkie Hindoos can be successful without Chinese help. Chinese will always be above smelly hindooo emigrants. LOL”

    Umm – no that’s your own inferiority complex on display. All I said is the fact is the Chinese diaspora is stronger… It is also a measurable fact that the H1b visas into the US are dominated by far by skilled Indians who want to work in the US. I stated fact that the majority of Chinese students in the US return to China while the majority of Indian students stay. Finally the fact that China is more developed than India in spite of spending decades under embargo from the US when both the PRC and newly independent India were formed.
    Those are facts. Measurable facts. Now if you want to say India is better at cricket than China – I would fully agree. India is much better at cricket. Nor argument. I’m not the one insulting Indian engineers and scientists who work in the west. Go read some of the threads where many white supremacists – whom you love to defend – openly mock the skill and work ethic of their Indian employees or co workers. I’m not the one doing it – nor do I see any pro China people in the threads saying such things. It’s the people you worship and refuse to ever say anything bad about who do that… Look into your own soul.

    The rest of your comment is simply clownish and doesn’t even deserve a reply because it is just a regurgitation.

    • 回复: @Malla
  551. @d dan

    “I think the biggest thing that triggers her is the attacks on British/colonization/Whites – everything else, she can be very very reasonable.”

    Yeah I’ve never seen anything like it. And as I told he/she – most of the Indians I know in the diaspora have nothing good to say about the Brits (except some appreciate the schools they left). A strange bird indeed.

  552. Brad Anbro 说:

    Fred, you ALREADY ARE being ruled by brain-damaged 12 year-olds…

  553. denk 说:

    They will come for India one day. It is the only major culture still intact.
    I hope you guys stay strong.

    Where do we get all these mother fucking lying 邮寄 ?


    它是 中国 FUKUS who planted
    a mole in Delhi in the GHandhi govn,
    它是 中国 FUKUS who parked
    an aircraft carrier off Bay of Bengal to intimidate India 1971
    它是 中国 FUKUS who was caught redhanded eavesdropping on Delhi’s top secrets.

    Guess who’s enforcing FONOP op in India’s EEZ the other day.. ?


    With ‘friends’ like this…

    • 同意: Showmethereal
  554. Ivan 说:

    You seem to have forgotten that it was Xijinping who three the gauntlet down some years back that the Chinese aim to surpass everyone. It’s there somewhere in the internet. Now you can’t expect the Americans or anyone else to take that tamely. I know what I read and so I am sure are people like Navarro and Lighthizer.

    All the advances that China was on Western technology begged, borrowed or stolen. There is no technical advance they made in anything significant in the recent past that either originated with them or was significantly developed by them.

    I scan through technical articles and I don’t see anything original or significant that could not be written by countless graduate students throughout the world.

    In fact the day Lee Seidol the Go champion was beaten by the Google program was according to people in the know a “Sputnik moment” for the Chicoms.

    Under the circumstances I believe the Chicoms protest too much in the manner Islamists do, when they are taken at their word.

    Why then do you expect Trump or Biden to respond any differently.

    • 巨魔: d dan, antibeast
    • 回复: @ivan
    , @Showmethereal
  555. Factorize 说:

    I have been practicing flying with Flight Gear for the last year and have become a fair sympilot. Might you have any suggestions that could help me with my landings? Flight Gear seems to have some wobble or high sensitivity with swaying when I am trying to land. Is a big plane more like a truck when landing than a kite? I would think that there would be so much inertia that you could point the plane to the center line and the plane would go to the center line.

    • 回复: @acementhead
  556. ivan 说:


    The report I read on the science and technology initiatives were actually more detailed but I can’t find them. In the context of a quest for global supremacism, you cannot expect these things to be taken lightly, as it is decisive when it comes to military might.

    Xi Jinping is actually small beer when compared to a colossus like Joseph Stalin, but he is the one that he most closely resembles in his mastery of the bureaucracy for his own ends. We’ve seen the movie before.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  557. @Ivan

    What is wrong with wanting to be the best????? There is a huge difference betweening wanting to be the best and wanting to control everyone else. Consider China like Liverpool in the English League. They had the most titles in England but had lost their stature and tumbled for years. Recently they won again – which was the historical norm. That doesn’t mean the English League should now try to stifle Liverpool because they dont want hem to win again. Only people with evil hearts think that way.

    Now if you believe China cant innovate anymore – then what is the problem?? Copiers can never be leaders. So there should be no fear. Though since you read the news go read about Sanofi opening a new R&D office in China. They have in France – Germany – the US – and now China. Go read as to why.

  558. antibeast 说:

    Mao had always wanted China to rely on itself for its defense, science and space industries especially after the Sino-Soviet split in 196o.

    Xi now wants China to become self-reliant in CIVILIAN technologies so that Chinese manufacturers can climb up the value-chain in emerging industries. There is nothing unusual in this endeavor as other East Asian countries have done so in the past.

    • 回复: @Ivan
  559. ivan 说:

    I don’t care if the Chinese innovate or don’t innovate, I was just pointing out that mastery of it can be decisive in war and thus their adversaries would be stupid to give them the rope to hang themselves with by allowing any further transfer of advanced technology. What I do care about is their militarism as it impinges on us and the rest of the world. What do you think is the commonality in the two countries they chose to pick on this round : India and the Philippines is ? Obviously both are seen as “soft” states in Beijing, two countries that can’t really do much in retaliation. That is pretty arrogant for a country that was in the doldrums a mere 40 years ago, when Deng Tsiao Peng, was going around soliciting for investment and investment advice from the US, Japan and Taiwan, through men such as Lee Kuan Yew and Henry Kissinger. Speaking of Deng he was willing to promise heaven and earth to all the interlocutors about Taiwan : that they can keep their quaint ideas about democratic representation for all times, just so long as they don’t declare independence. One Country – Two Systems was the slogan then, and as proof he was going to show well the Chicoms kept their promises by allowing a full 50 years to Hong Kong to keep their English Common Law and the rest. We all know what has become of that.

    And no I don’t think China will rule the world or anything remotely akin to that. I saw the far more momentous outward expansion of the Japanese overseas starting in the 1980s only to peter out a mere 20 years later. It would be the same with China, but in the meantime we have to make sure that they don’t get too big for their boots.

    • 巨魔: d dan
    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Smith
    , @Showmethereal
  560. antibeast 说:

    The West has long ago imposed controls on the transfers of any dual-use technologies to China as part of its Wassenaar Arrangement. When people criticize China for ‘forced technology transfer’ or ‘theft of intellectual property’, those foreign technologies often involve civilian industries like autos. This long-standing complaint of foreign multinationals doing business in China is actually what spurred China’s drive to become self=sufficient by developing its own indigenous technologies such as 4G/5G which has allowed it to build its own technology industries without requiring ‘forced technology transfer’ or ‘theft of intellectual property’ from foreign multinationals.

    China had been developing its own indigenous technologies for its science, defense and space industries without much help from foreign countries since 1960. That is not the issue here. The issue is whether China has the sovereign right to develop its own indigenous technologies for its own technology industries. For example, China’s PC OEMs depend upon two critical technologies from the USA — Intel’s CPU and Microsoft’s OS — which would render its PC industry permanently crippled should the US government decides to ban the sale of those two critical technologies to China. In the past, Intel and Microsoft would have complained about unfair competition if the Chinese State decided to support its own CPU and OS initiatives. But with Trump’s tech ban on Huawei, this reasoning no longer applies as the US Deep State has betrayed its malicious intent to sabotage China’s technology industries.

    The rest of your post is non-sensical as China’s economic prosperity has nothing do with the national security of the USA.

    • 回复: @Ivan
  561. Ivan 说:

    Why should it bother anyone if China becomes self-reliant? They already hold much of the manufacturing chain. I mean they hold down the prices and I appreciate that upto a point. It means little to mean if the Chinese become rich. With greater riches comes greater moral corruption. Never fails.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  562. Smith 说:

    You shouldn’t be calling these people Chicoms, they are not chinese (not living in China) and they are not communists.

    They are chinese nationalists/sycophants, the same beings like Chiang Kal Shek and the revisionist Mao Zhe Dong. China has betrayed world socialism since the 60s with their shaking hands with the US, now it’s just them trying to wrestle the throne from the US, Xi now touts the “chinese dream” i.e. the American dream with chinese characteristics.

    Build up your people and your industry, and prepare for wars, because these hungry empires are desperate for loot once they run out of money.

    • 回复: @Ivan
  563. antibeast 说:

    Over the last few decades, China had become the ‘factory of the world’ as foreign multinationals ‘outsourced’ the manufacturing of their products to Chinese factories. But the ‘intellectual property’ of those products belonged to those foreign multinationals not to those Chinese factories. That’s why the lion’s share of the profits generated from the sales of those products went to those foreign multinationals not to those Chinese factories which manufactured those products.

    Let’s take shoes as an example. Nike used to produce its shoes in China and they made as much as ten times what their Chinese factories made in profits. That profit margin is attributed to ‘intellectual property’ which is owned by Nike. So Nike owns the designs, brands and channels but leaves the actual production to its contract manufacturers. Now for a Chinese factory-owner, the only way to increase your profit margins is two ways: 1). copy Nike’s design and sell it as a ‘fake’ Nike brand; or 2). create your own design and sell it using your own brand. This is where most of the complaints about ‘theft of intellectual property’ occurs because that is the easiest way for Chinese factories to make more money. But there is a catch here: since ANYONE can copy and produce ‘fake’ Nike shoes, then EVERYONE can sell ‘fake’ Nike shoes ANYWHERE. That’s the problem of Chinese copycats which have inundated online e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, eBay and Alibaba. The second solution — create your own design and build your own brand — has turned a few Chinese entrepreneurs in Quanzhou City in Fujian Province into billionaires overnight as they have succeeded in building their own Chinese brands — ANTA, 361, Peak — while the thousands of copycat operators have gone out of business.

    Another example is the electronics industry. China has thousands of Chinese manufacturers churning out PCs, smartphones, TVs, etc. But they all depend upon technology supplied by foreign multinationals including Intel, Microsoft, Qualcomm, etc. from the USA. Now comes Huawei which has developed its own technology while manufacturing and selling PCs, smartphones, etc. With Trump’s technology ban, Huawei is now forced to become a technology supplier like Microsoft instead of manufacturing various products for sale to the world market. In other words, Huawei only needs to license its technology — chipsets, OS, patents, apps, software — to all kinds of Chinese manufacturers who depend upon foreign multinationals like Microsoft, Google, etc. Now why is this important? Because Huawei has come up with its own OS called HarmonyOS which could replace Microsoft’s Windows and Google’s Android now used by almost ALL Chinese manufacturers. The market cap of Microsoft is US$ 2 TRILLION while that of Google is US$ 1.5 TRILLION. By way of comparison, the market cap of Xiaomi which manufactures all kinds of hardware products including smartphones, PCs, TVs, etc. is around $82 BILLION. Note the difference between software technology companies like Microsoft and Google and hardware manufacturers like Xiaomi which depends upon the software supplied by Microsoft and Google. So who is making the lion’s share of the profits in the technology supply-chain? Microsoft and Google because they own the ‘intellectual property’ in the form of the software that goes into Xiaomi’s PCs, smartphones, TVs and other products.

    But according to the infinite wisdom of Trump and Navarro, that should not be the case because China is ‘raping’ America by producing low-cost goods using US technology which generates most of the profits in the industry to US multinationals like Microsoft and Google. Their solution: ban Huawei from using US technology from US multinationals like Microsoft and Google. That in turn forced Huawei to use its own software technology — HarmonyOS — to replace Windows from Microsoft and Android from Google. Huawei should get out of the commodity hardware business and get into the technology provider business by licensing its technology to the thousands of Chinese manufacturers currently using US technology. When that happens, what do you think will happen to the market cap of Huawei?

    The name of the game is ‘intellectual property’: Xi wants China to build its own brands and develop its own technology so it can own its ‘intellectual property’.

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @showmethereal
  564. Chinaman 说:

    他们的解决方案是:禁止华为使用微软和谷歌等美国跨国公司的美国技术。 这反过来又迫使华为使用自己的软件技术——鸿蒙——来取代微软的 Windows 和谷歌的 Android。

    我正在使用华为 Mate X 打字。 My Mate X 是腾讯给员工的 1000 个之一。 还带来了 Mate X2,但尚未将我的东西转移到那里。 支付了巨大的溢价,但我不介意。 领先 iPhone 5 年。 相机是惊人的。 去年我在华为的所有东西上都花了 15 美元。 笔记本电脑、手表、豆荚。 所有中国人都应该这样做来支持他们。 不要光说八道……

    一直在等鸿蒙,你有没有关注部署的进展? 这是摆脱蹩脚 Android 的最好办法。

    我听说下一代甚至没有处理器。 它只是一个 Citrix 沙箱,所有处理都在云中完成并通过 5g 下载。 在这种情况下,谁需要手机操作系统? 你可以在你的手机上“运行”ps5……苹果会完蛋的,因为手机会像纸一样薄,可卷曲,电池可以使用一周。

    • 回复: @antibeast
  565. Malla 说:
    @d dan


    理解小姐。 有很多反英的胡说八道,我试图纠正不平衡并破坏宣传。


    再说一次,我认为印度不需要浪费时间在那些可能不想像克什米尔或东北部这样的印度人身上。 一个贫穷的国家或任何国家浪费资源迫使人口进入国家是没有意义的。 放弃阿克沙钦或印度安鲁纳恰尔邦(你们中国人称之为藏南),甚至拉达克,意味着所有这些西藏人民将团结在一起,他们在中国的发展前景比在印度更高。 其中许多人在印度面临歧视。
    However I would prefer the issue settled by honest plebiscite. Let the people’s opinion be taken into account and let us not dictate Beijing or New Delhi’s will on them.


    就边界而言(麦克莫汉线),你与英国的冲突已经结束,你与印度民族主义的冲突,甚至与印度民族主义的冲突更大。 有这个人 Rajiv Dixit,一个铁杆民族主义者,直到他被一个印度教圣人商人杀死。 这家伙写了一个又一个 Vireol 来反对英国人。 英国人是野蛮人,英国人摧毁了印度文化,英国人掠夺了印度,英国人还在幕后控制印度等等。等等。基本上是胡说八道

    भारत चीन के साथ 1962 का युद्ध क्यों हा冰箱 - 为什么印度输掉了 1962 年与中国的战争 | 拉吉夫迪克西特
    The same anti-British Indian hypernationalist Rajiv Dixit also claimed in the above video (or some other video on this topic) that Nehru was a traitor, he was a womaniser (against traditional Hindu culture which believes in fidelity) and was seduced by some Chinese spy/slut. China backstabbed us and took away Kailash mountain and Maan Sarovaar in 1962 had it not been for traitor Nehru, we would have fucked the Chinese foreign invader demons… Kailash is the abode of Lord Shiva, a major God for Hindus. Here he is claiming China stole Kailsash from India in 1962 (which is bullshit). According to Hindu Nationalists, Kailash Mountain + Maasarovaar lake should rightfully belong to India. They claim way beyond the British Empire Macmohan Line. Note: The Indian State and deep State do not believe in this Kailash thing (till now) they stop at Macmohan Line. Tomorrow more hardcore Hindu Nationalists will emerge beyond doubt, you would be wishing the Mcmohan Line.
    你得把这个放在你厚厚的机器人脑袋里。 在印度,反英情绪与反华情绪齐头并进,SOEMONE 越反英,他也越反华。
    One more of Indian Hypernationslist Rajiv Dixit’s Video.

    Rajiv Dixit – This is how England, China & USA will fall under feet of India

  566. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    我将被称为种族主义者两次——或种族主义者 x 2。

    Don’t be stupid, Superior Han can never be racist. Only Western White barbarians, Hindoo Barbarians and Japanese Barbarians can be racist, indeed they are con-genetically racist but Superior Han…no…not possible.
    优秀的中国人可以是种族主义者,但仍然不能是种族主义者。 在中国优越的中国,一个黑人加纳男孩死了,因为在 COVID 期间没有人会收留他,一个加纳人在这个问题上批评中国,他被毫不客气地踢了出去,你一个在美国的中国人(我假设)写反对美国并保持自由等等……但没有上等汉永远不会是种族主义者。
    你们是我遇到的最幼稚的一群疯子。 我认为印度教是最糟糕的。 哈哈。 顺便说一句,比印度教更愚蠢并不是一种恭维。

    • 回复: @TSS
  567. Malla 说:

    Umm – no that’s your own inferiority complex on display.

    Inferiority Complex? How? What we see your racist superiority complex on display. You cannot stand, smelly hindoos challenging Chinese superiority. And it does not matter, we know our strengths.
    Anyways, as I said, I do not have any data on assets of OC vs NRI, but sure, smelly Hindu untermench do not need any Han help. You can shove your Han Man’s burden up your.

    I stated fact that the majority of Chinese students in the US return to China while the majority of Indian students stay.

    There is a huge Chinese community in the USA, may of the multi-generational. Their English language skills would be better than many Indian immigrants. Indeed there has been a much more larger Chinese community in the USA before any significant Indian community before 1965, before 1965, Indians were rare in the USA. But even back then, way back in late 1800s an Indian immigrant became one of the richest businessman in Hawaii. And those smart Indians who take the UPSC exams do not leave India for the USA. You are just giving excuses. You cannot accept smelly Hindus outdoing superior Han anywhere.

    Finally the fact that China is more developed than India in spite of spending decades under embargo from the US when both the PRC and newly independent India were formed.

    Idiot, I am comparing immigrants to immigrants not nation to nation. Nation building is different. I never denied the far greater achievements of Chin acompared to India. Armenians are some of the best and successful entrepreneurs in the World, indeed in the Ottoman Empire there was a saying “It takes two Turks to fool a Greek, it takes two Greeks to fool a Jew but it takes two Jews to fool an Armenian”. Yet Armenia is a per capita GDP similar to shithole India and yet Armenia was once SFSR, a part of the USSR, a superpower, they definitely have high literacy and healthcare for many decades compared to Indians. Lebanese especially Lebanese Christians are too a very successful mercantile groups of the World, Lebanese is screwed up too though once Beirut was a beautiful cosmopolitan well off city, it was the Dubai of its days. No doubt. Mercantile skills and emigrant success do not always match up with nation building, many a times they go opposite. Swedes or Germans for example are excellent nation builders. Just like how superiority mafioso tendencies (Like among Italians) do not go hand in hand in martial abilities (where the same Italians suck but Germans and Japanese rock). Common mistake among people to correlate the two.

    I have to laugh because in my other comment I oeft out how fzr back the Anglos have been trying to incite anti China propaganda in Jamaica.

    Crackpot showmethereal farts his Anglo vs China “global war” obsession everywhere, yuck, phew!!. These nuts will never understand the world, everything is China vs Anglos, all other lowly people’s better take sides, those lowly peoples cannot have any agency or interest outside the sandbox of Superior Chinese vs evul Anglo barbarians.
    Dr. Umar Johnson is a Black Nationalist, a pan-Africanist (Blacks in the USA, Caribbean including Jamaica , other parts of Americas + those in Africa are one nation, period, according to that ideology), he is extremely anti-White. Always hating on White people. He looks out for the interests of Blacks first against all other tribes. Guys like him or Rajiv Dixit the Indian supernationalists are both anti-White AND anti-China. Many populations on this planet will not always go along with your China vs Anglo mass masturbatings. Umar Johnson is also anti-East Indian and anti-Arab whenever he feels their presence or actions are against the interest of Whites.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  568. antibeast 说:

    一直在等鸿蒙,你有没有关注部署的进展? 这是摆脱蹩脚 Android 的最好办法。

    华为现已为开发者发布了鸿蒙 3.0 测试版,并计划今年销售 300 亿台鸿蒙设备,无论是智能手机、电视、扬声器、摄像机等。 华为还推出了自己的华为移动服务 (HMS) 生态系统与谷歌、微软和苹果竞争,如花瓣搜索、花瓣地图、华为文档等。重要的消息是,华为已经与众多设备制造商、应用开发商、移动互联网公司等签约,推出鸿蒙操作系统。 如果中国智能手机原始设备制造商转向鸿蒙,依赖其 Android 平台上的谷歌移动服务的谷歌将受到影响。 下一步是与中国PC OEMs签约,这直接威胁到微软在PC行业的Windows垄断地位。 最后一步是华为提供自己的一套移动互联网服务,以与 Facebook、Twitter、Instagram 等竞争。

    换句话说,华为正在追逐谷歌、苹果、微软和 Facebook,它们的总市值约为 6.5 万亿美元。 在技​​术禁令之前,华为只是众多使用美国技术的中国原始设备制造商之一。 但多亏了特朗普和纳瓦罗,华为将成为世界历史上最大的中国公司之一。

    • 同意: Chinaman
  569. Malla 说:

    Umar Johnson is also anti-East Indian and anti-Arab whenever he feels their presence or actions are against the interest of Whites.

    Sorry, Umar Johnson is also anti-East Indian and anti-Arab whenever he feels their presence or actions are against the interest of 黑人
    Showmethereal, you need to get this in your thick head, many people equate evul Whitey barbarian with superior Han Chinese, Professor Patrick Lubamba is one such example in Africa. He is against the West having anything to do with Africa AS WELL as China having to anything as well. Both of them (or any other non Blacks) are “exploitative foreigners, who need to be kicked out of Mama Africa” according to him. Calling them (Dr. Umar Johnson, Prof Patrick Lumamba or even Indian hypernationlist Rajiv Dixit) and many others Anglo agents is stupidity
    (which you suffer a LOT from, a most unfortunate condition). The World is not evul Anglo Vs glorious China, you guys can masturbate to that, you sure can, but please not in front of us (non Whites + non Chinese). We have our own interests and own agency. Thanks.

    Plo Lumumba speak about the presence of CHINA and FRANCE in Africa

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  570. @ivan

    Where do you get your news? Breitbart?

    1) when Deng was in power there was NO democracy on Taiwan most of the time – toward the end. The island was till under martial law. Deng indeed promised to let them keep their own military… But you forget hat foreign militaries had already left when securing diplomatic relations. But since 2000 the DPP has colluded with the US and Japan to try to push the line on independence. It is the same story with Hong Kong. HK was fine until the US through the NED started riling up dissidents to cause China trouble. HK – like Macao was supposed to pass its own national security law and yet failed to do so. Macao passed on just fine and has been at peace. The US and UK never had a trong foothold there so couldnt cause trouble as easily. China solved the problem in HK by instituting what should have been. It didnt go back on its word.

    2) china is bullying India???? How is that? Modi even admitted no Chinese crossed the border. So stop repeating lies. If China was a bully it would have kept the territory it (re)gained in the 1962 war – instead of retreating voluntarily.

    3) now the Philippines I could see why people would think that. Here is the issue though. The internationally recognized Treaty of Taiepei denoted Japan was relinquishing the islands to he Republic of China in the South China Sea – along with Taiwan. The Filipino former colonial master the US was fully on board. The UNCLOS started many years later. The International Seabed Authority (located in Kingston Jamaica) was never made to question sovereignty but was meant to deal with seas resources. If you want me to be honest – i dont believe most of those features that belong to China deserve EEZ. But that doesnt change the fact that others are squatting on those features and that the ones that arent submerged should be territory. So it is very tricky. China attempted to enter joint sharing with countries whose EEZ’s overlap the features. To me that is a good compromise. I would go further and say that China would only have economic – but full military – rights 12 miles from those features. But he US would have none of it and since they got embarassed that the KMT “lost to the communists – wants to pretend the history doesnt exist. In my opinion – it is not the economics more than it is a military buffer from being surrounded by US bases.

    But since you say “we” you must be in the pro NATO crowd. They constantly call China and Russia “bullies” when in fact NATO are by far the biggest bullies.

    • 回复: @Ivan
  571. @antibeast

    Great analysis… Same thing with appliances. Before they were all just assembly… Now Chinese companies have their own IP. Haier even had to bail out and reinvigorate GE appliances. In every industry that is what is happening. Semiconductors and commercial aircraft are 2 of the last to go..

    • 回复: @antibeast
  572. @Malla

    “The World is not evul Anglo Vs glorious China, you guys can masturbate to that, you sure can, but please not in front of us (non Whites + non Chinese). We have our own interests and own agency. Thanks.”

    ahhhh – I get it.. you want attention. Now explain to me what you are doing in an article about the US potentially going to war with China – unless you are wanting to insert yourself into the Anglo vs China issue???? See – this is why I say you are unstable. It’s like me going into an article about Hindus and complaining about people not wanting to read the bible. That would make me a fool. Self reflection is important.

    In any event – you can’t escape it. You couldn’t escape it when your masters used you for Opium and when they stole tea and planted it in India. Nor when they tried to use you as a base to infiltrate Tibet. You were involved then even if you didn’t want to be. You choose to involve yourselves in Quad. You joined with China and Russia in the BRICS and SCO… China never asked you to choose against anyone to get into the club. The US absolutely expects you to choose.

    Nobody can escape. What does the 5 Eyes do? You do know who they are right? US – UK – Canada – Australia – New Zealand. With the US as the gang leader – they spy on the rest of the entire world. The purpose is to keep them at the top. They dominate and control the agenda of the G7 and the IMF and World Bank. So you can’t escape. And when they feel like it – they use NATO as their gang enforcers. You can’t escape the battle. If you are neutral – the US will pressure you. If you are pro China – the US or Russia – the US will try to stifle you. It’s the reality of the world.

    And you insult blacks on every thread.. So please don’t now try to count them as “we” (own interests).

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @Malla
  573. antibeast 说:

    Malla is just grasping at straws, trying every strawman in the book to deflect from Modi’s pivot to the USA. If Hindutva ‘nationalists’ could become ‘anti-Chinese’ due to the Sino-Indian border dispute, then how come they are not anti-American when it comes to Modi’s pivot to the USA? He keeps using dead Indians like Patel (who could have been as anti-Chinese as they come) or events such as anti-Chinese riots in the past as an excuse for Hindutva ‘nationalists’ being anti-Chinese today, but he couldn’t respond to my posts regarding Russian FM Lavrov himself castigating Modi’s pivot to the USA as tantamount to India stabbing Russia in the back in order to join the QUAD in ‘containing’ China. Now he’s trying to gaslight us (“the World is not evul Anglo Vs glorious China”) in order deflect from Modi’s pivot to the USA.

    • 回复: @Malla
  574. antibeast 说:

    That’s what stupid 外国佬 don’t understand: technology changes with time. Chinese manufacturers were notorious copycats as late as ten years ago but that has changed in ten years time with lots of Chinese technology startups now providing Chinese manufacturers with domestic IP so they won’t need to depend upon foreign IP. The issue in the past was a catch-22: if the Chinese State backed a Chinese technology, then foreign multinationals would complain about ‘unfair competition’. But if the Chinese State wants access to foreign IP, then the foreign multinationals would complain about ‘forced transfer of IP’. So the only choice left for a Chinese company is to ‘copy’ foreign IP for which the foreign multinationals would complain about Chinese companies ripping off their IP. You see this type of behavior in the telecommunications industry when the foreign multinationals would complain about ‘unfair competition’ when it came to China developing its own 4G/5G telecommunications technology which was a 180-degree change from their past accusations of ‘forced transfer of IP’ when it came to manufacturing telecommunications products in China.

    In emerging industries such as electric vehicles, the foreign multinationals simply could not complain for the simple reason that they don’t have the technology for those emerging industries in the first place. And yet, the Trump Administration found itself going ballistic after China released its Made in China 2025 plan to target key emerging industries from electric vehicles to robotics to high-speed rail. So Trump, Navarro, Lighthizer, et al decided to impose US tariffs on Chinese-made ‘intermediate goods’ consisting of parts, components and subsystems that fall under the target industries covered by the Made in China 2025 plan. And guess what happened? US manufacturers like TESLA decided to manufacture their electric vehicles in China in order to escape the US tariffs. Note that the Made in China 2025 plan was targeting emerging industries for which the USA has barely any company involved such as high-speed rail and 4G/5G telecommunications and yet the Trump Administration saw the need to derail the Made in China 2025 plan by not only imposing US tariffs but also by imposing a tech ban on Huawei.

    This is just sour grapes on the part of stupid 外国佬 who constantly brag about their racial [sic] superiority in technology and yet scream in disbelief when the Chinese actually came up with their own technological innovations such as 4G/5G, high-speed rail, electric vehicles, etc. They all claim that China stole those technological innovations from the USA even though those emerging industries hardly exist in the USA.

    外国佬 are a bunch of pathetic ‘We Wuz Aryanz’ losers who can’t accept the fact that they can’t compete globally. Just look at who makes the cars they drive today in the USA? German, Japanese and South Korean brands, 墨西哥赫乔! And guess who those stupid 外国佬 blame when they lose to the Germans, Japanese, South Koreans and Mexicans? ‘Communist China’. Pathetic.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  575. denk 说:


    They will come for India one day. It is the only major culture still intact.
    I hope you guys stay strong.


    We learn something new every day


  576. Ivan 说:

    And you think the Chicoms abide by agreements? It matters nothing once the IP is in Chicom hands.

    • 巨魔: d dan
    • 回复: @antibeast
  577. Ivan 说:

    Sir I am not a world revolutionary. It matters nothing to me who gets what , where or when. Just don’t piss on us as the Chicoms are doing and claim it is raining. The road to hell is the same from every place as these parvenus will discover sooner or later.

    • 回复: @Smith
  578. denk 说:

    To fellow Chinese the world over….
    Especially those in [[[five liars]]] land,

    [[[The bastards]]] have succeeded.
    We’r now the 21C的贱民, its official.
    The demonisation is complete.

    Stay strong bro,
    这是非常的 有趣 时间。


    • 回复: @antibeast
  579. Ivan 说:

    Democracy is not one man, one vote. By that definition Iraq under Saddam was a democracy. North Korea is a democracy and so are many other “democracies”. It is only another means to legitimacy. The important thing for me is liberty. If I can get it under a sultan or a dictator like Chiang, then that is the better arrangement.

    It is rather that democracy is supposed to be based on a spirit of compromise, live and let live with it’s ruling philosophy being an everyday empiricism that is willing to change course based on evidence. Ideally. And since no one knows the future it doesn’t claim any superior legitimacy based on it’s claim on what is to come.

    I don’t engage in meaningless diatribes. I distill things down to their essence and state my case. I have made mine. Good day.

    • 巨魔: d dan
  580. Smith 说:

    World revolutionary = national revolutionary.

    When your country gets better, a part of the world gets better and thus the world gets better.

    • 哈哈: Ivan
  581. Malla 说:

    ahhhh – I get it.. you want attention.

    LOL, you truly are a crackpot monkey.

    You couldn’t escape it when your masters used you for Opium and when they stole tea and planted it in India.

    India got independence in 1947, from that time onwards you were dealing with the people who were anti-British and fought for independence from the British. How can you not get this in your stupid robotic heads? But you monkies are stuck with the sepoy bullshit. Even Patel wrote in his private letter, that Chinese Communists back in 1950 like the idiotic monkies think India is an extension of Anglo power, which he says is bullshit, which you guys still parrot like an idiot. Also, used us for Opium? India had been exporting Opium before the British even came here, Opium was a state monopoly of the the earlier Mughal Government. Arabs have been selling opium to you guys from the 7th century. And it was India which primarily benefited from Opium sales to China, the money went to the Indian Government for Indian expenditures. Half of Mumbai was built on Opium money. As far as tea, it has been extremely beneficial to India, we are a major tea exporter. Most of those big tea farm are owned by Indians who arm-twisted and weaseled them out of British owners (who had developed the whole industry) during Independence, why should Indians complain?

    Nor when they tried to use you as a base to infiltrate Tibet.

    The CIA could developed a close relationship with Indian foreign intelligence services in both training and supplying agents in Tibet only after the Indo-China 1962 war.
    China has been trying to infiltrate India and destabilize us too.
    How China’s ‘Aid’ To Rebel Groups Sustained Northeast Insurgency
    China’s aid to separatist outfits in Northeast has been covert & has gone through many phases over 50 years.
    How China’s ‘Aid’ To Rebel Groups Sustained Northeast Insurgency
    China’s aid to separatist outfits in Northeast has been covert & has gone through many phases over 50 years.
    “Unlike Pakistan’s brazen support to rebel groups from Jammu & Kashmir, China’s assistance to the separatist outfits in the Northeast (of India) has been covert and selective, and has gone through many phases over the past five decades. It has been one of the many factors that sustained insurgency in the frontier region for several decades.
    The consequence of the armed insurrection has been large-scale violence and disturbance in the frontier region, and massive loss of lives and depletion of resources by the (Indian) government in combating the armed groups.”
    So China takes actions against the Government of India, interferes in Indian sovereignty and the Government of India should kowtow to Middle Kingdom, that maybe your stupid logic but the world does not go along with it. China made an enemy out of India in 1950, we did not, read Patel’s letter again. And it was this same “India is sepoy of Anglo” crackpotry of the Chicoms which created this whole fiasco. And Indians and our deep State are terribly vindictive. The Chicoms should have thought then back in 1950 that this would eventually bite them in their ass in the future. Making unnecessary enemies because of a childish and idiotic worldview then, make more enmies today because of the same childish viewpoint.

    If you are pro China

    How can Indians be pro-China (to the extent as you are alluding to) when the INDIAN NATION considers China it sworn enemy??? Indians hate the West too but it is seen as the lessor of two evils, they believe India’s major problem is China. It is a idiotic as saying that China should have supported Japan against the USA in WW2. The situations are very different but Indians perceive China as a state at war with India, their holy motherland.

    You choose to involve yourselves in Quad.

    So India is not a sovereign country? India cannot chose QUAD for its own security if it does not want to? India who sees China as a major threat would not join QUAD? How does that make sense.

    You can’t escape the battle. If you are neutral – the US will pressure you.

    I see Chinese pressure on India by falsely terming India as a sepoy. Yes you are right, the USA does pressurize India, but it is in India’s national interest in joining QUAD. Indian people support it only because of China. And the fact that India decided to join SCO and BRICS, which proves that India wanted to keep its interests open as much as possible. It was China who decided to make India its enemy back in 1950, read Patel’s private letter “even though we regard ourselves as friends of China, the Chinese do not regard us as their friends.” also
    “With the Communist mentality of “whoever is not with them being against them”, this is a significant pointer, of which we have to take due note.”
    It is this same Chicom crackpot childish mentality (of diving the world in between themselves in Imperialists) which will cause more enemies and the USA will enjoy the fruits of this crackpot behaviour and mentality. Not that the USA is not crackpot itself but compared to the crackpot Chicoms, they are looking more smart.
    Indian nationalism in anti-West and anti-China, read Indian supernationalist Rajiv Dixit’s video (post 583), Rajiv Dixit – This is how England, China & USA will fall under feet of India. Indian Nationalism st its core is anti-West, anti-Muslim AND anti-China (tho Rajiv Dixit for some reason did not target Muslims much). It is only becoming more pro-West because it sees China as a much major enemy. As well as because the West allows Indians to go and succeed there.

    And you insult blacks on every thread.

    Is that the response you can give? Because I wrote some truths about blacks, that means Prof Lumumba and Dr. Umar Johnson, both African/Black nationalists have become irrelevant? That is one of the dumbest response I have seen. The truth is you cannot explain the phenomenon in the black Global community, of seeing BOTH the West and China as interlopers, it goes against your Global Anglo VS China childish masturbation fantasy, so you weasel out!!!! LOL. This is funny. You made a childish claim according to your idiotic “China vs Anglo barbarians Global rivalry” by making a claim that folks like Umar Johnsson are Anglo agents, I destroyed that stupid accusation with ease. BTW, the Chinese Colony of Zambia denied entry to Professor Lumumba, which as already caused an uproar in Africans.

    • 巨魔: Showmethereal
  582. Malla 说:

    Malla is just grasping at straws, trying every strawman in the book to deflect from Modi’s pivot to the USA.

    Far from it, on the contrary, I am explaining the situation on the ground in India supported by historical events. it is the other side who want to pigheadedly stick to their illusions. If some want to misunderstand how Indians as a nation think, they are free to do so, but do not tell me I did not try to educate yall.

    how come they are not anti-American when it comes to Modi’s pivot to the USA?

    Russian FM Lavrov himself castigating Modi’s

    Firstly when it comes to China, it is not Hindutva Nationalists, when it comes to China it is Indian nationalists because Indian Muslims and Christians are all equally anti-China. They are still weary about the West. To give you an idea about how the Indian masses think..

    Some comments by Indians (check them out at at your free time)
    Dev Gali wrote
    “Russia is not Soviet… can’t trust them with china (understandable) but their immature actions with regards to Pakistan against India cannot be ignored…there are atleast 3-4 counties who can replace Russia to supply arms to india but Russia cannot get a country like India, a very loyal business partner , maybe they can try their luck with Pakistan”
    Madhu C wrote
    “India has economic intrest wirh USA & Russia has economic intrest with China (considering the sanctions) .. Indo Russia relations although going through a down phase cannot simply ignore each other…as india cannot rely on usa neither russia cannot rely on china completely..india needs russia to modernize and maintain russian defense equipment nor russia want to loose billions of defense orders from india…”
    R Thaosen wrote
    “Unfortunately Russia is too dependent on China. And we have problems with China. So it is only natural we will look for other partners. That’s just how it is. To be realistic.”
    RAMA NAYAK wrote
    “India Russia relationship is always a top priority for India and India can not separate itself from Old friend Russia. It is because of china, the dynamics have been disturbed. china has been a threat for India and Russia not giving enough support and doesn’t taking any lead role for combating such threats.”
    Hare Krsna wrote
    “India is right to come under US sphere of influence as maintaining relations with Russia and China has become intenable especially when Russia failed to make any statement whatsoever viz a viz India China LAC standoff.”
    Mathew Varghese wrote
    “Russia is not on the same page with india on China. Russia wants India not create a Quad alliance, which is meant to tackle China collectively, since India cannot take China alone. That is common sense.”
    d’joy S said
    “First Russia should stop being satellite state to china and running after China.Then it may advice Then it may advice India what is good/bad.”
    Kunal Marathe said
    “You forgot to mention that this same FM accused India of working on the tunes of USA.
    Our Defence Minister visited Russia right at the very beginning of border dispute with China. Do you really think that he has not expressed our concerns to Russia ?? And what followed the visit, accusation of India not being able to take its own decision as a sovereign state by very dearest FM of Putin !! This is too when we have made so many defence procurement deals with Russia defying US threats of sanctions.
    And dispute India being the victim in Galwan clash and other disputes with China, Russians not even uttered a single word in our defence, d so called strategic partner!
    Russia has been indulging into military exercises and other deals with Pakistan despite being well aware of our reservations.
    And PM Modi’s no meeting with FM, Russia is well deserved treatment to that person.
    India is largest buyer of Russian defence weapons , we are dependent on them for our spare parts and maintenance to a large extent, we are not going to break our ties with them but before questioning QUAD and our partnership with quad members, what does Russia have to say about its strategic and military partnership with China ?? With Turkey ??
    So, it takes to make a quarrel. If Russians have concerns about US sanctions , we don’t have our concerns Vis a vis Global bully Chyna and notorious Pakistan. Will Russia care to address our concerns before preaching us on how to run foreign affairs ?”

    • 回复: @antibeast
  583. antibeast 说:

    The auto industry in China is a good example of ‘transfer of IP’ to the local JV between foreign multinationals and the Chinese State. The Germans and Japanese have done well using this model as they have succeeded in dominating the Chinese auto market against the Americans have had to compete against German and Japanese auto brands made in China. China also imports high-end models of German and Japanese auto brands from Germany and Japan, respectively. By the way, China hardly exports Chinese-made autos to the USA; it’s the other way around as China imports US-made German luxury auto brands such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz from the USA. Most of the cars sold in the USA are German, Japanese and South Korean auto brands, either made in the USA or Mexico, or imported from Germany, Japan and South Korea, respectively. China had nothing to do with the decline of the US auto manufacturing industry and yet Trump was blaming China for ‘raping’ America.

    • 谢谢: Showmethereal
  584. antibeast 说:

    The people they’re calling ‘Chinese’ are in fact Asian Americans if they’re born in the USA. Looks like the US Deep State is now suffering from a major blowback for their anti-Chinese hate campaign as the stupid 外国佬 can’t tell the difference between Chinks and Gooks.

    • 回复: @denk
  585. TSS 说:





    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Rdm
  586. TSS 说:

    呵呵。这位中国人每周都会回到新西兰阅读马拉的所有评论,并从中学到了很多东西。无论如何,我确实很高兴看到一个有基础且超级诚实的印度人摧毁了炙手可热的亲中国民族主义大军。坚持下去,伙计。 Quora、YouTube 等上所有疯狂的印度人都让我对你们轻松提供的答案感到疯狂。

    • 谢谢: Malla
    • 回复: @Arthur MacBride
  587. @Malla

    “You cannot stand, smelly hindoos challenging Chinese superiority. And it does not matter, we know our strengths.
    Anyways, as I said, I do not have any data on assets of OC vs NRI, but sure, smelly Hindu untermench do not need any Han help. You can shove your Han Man’s burden up your.”

    Wow – it’s really scary how unhinged you are. When did I say the Indian disaspora needed Chinese help? But if India had sense it would absolutely work with China to develop various Indian sectors. Up to a few years ago – it was. Appliance manufacturers from China were indeed moving in to India to help. Civil engineers helped India develop projects. Indian tech startups got funds from China more than anywhere else. Those are facts. Chinese had no problem nor looked down on Indians. It’s the people who you worship that look down on you and you project that on to Chinese simply because they speak the truth about development.

    “There is a huge Chinese community in the USA, may of the multi-generational. Their English language skills would be better than many Indian immigrants. Indeed there has been a much more larger Chinese community in the USA before any significant Indian community before 1965, before 1965, Indians were rare in the USA”

    Again you make up your own reality. It’s not Chinese fault – that even though they faced racism and Exclusion – that they were recruited to work in the US before Indians. You should thank the KMT that you got to start migrating. It was the overturn of the Chinese Exclusion Act that allowed Asians to eventually be able to migrate to the US starting in the 1960’s. And you again don’t get the point. The issue is average income. The Chinese diaspora does very well in the US. The issue is average income and education level. The measurement is the average of each group. The FACT is more highly educated Indians move to the US which pushes up their average. Others have tried to explain it to you as well – but you still don’t get it. Skilled Chinese indeed buy property in the US in order to often get their children a space in US universities – but most still have their career and business back in China. As China builds out it’s university system – that number will drop further (the percentage keeps dropping even though the overall numbers are still high).

    “Idiot, I am comparing immigrants to immigrants not nation to nation. Nation building is different. I never denied the far greater achievements of China compared to India.”

    Well then the only idiot is you because the point of the discourse was if the Indian diaspora was more wealthy and powerful as you claimed – then why haven’t those Indians helped India develop in the way the Chinese diaspora does. South East Asia is dominated by the Chinese business class. That’s not arrogance it’s just reality. Those were the people – NOT the west – who put up the money to rebuild China.

    “Dr. Umar Johnson is a Black Nationalist, a pan-Africanist (Blacks in the USA, Caribbean including Jamaica , other parts of Americas + those in Africa are one nation, period, according to that ideology), he is extremely anti-White. Always hating on White people. He looks out for the interests of Blacks first against all other tribes”

    He’s a loser. Here is the most popular Prime Minister of Jamaica in generations and what he says. He was given the other of speaking at a large trade conference in China with such heavyweights as France. Just for the record his party worked WITH the US in the Cold War – and with CIA help formed the infamous Shower Posse international drug gang. Now he (and his party) are working with China. Again – learn geopolitics:

    • 回复: @Malla
  588. @TSS




    It is amusing, as a so-called “gringo” or “Anglo”, to read the rabid mouth-foaming deritus of those 阿马丹 (Irish, they can look up meaning) … and they imagine they are helping China (a country I admire) by posting this hate-filled drivel … ?



    • 谢谢: Malla
    • 回复: @denk
    , @Showmethereal
  589. antibeast 说:

    Well, sure, Malla, but how can you be sure those ‘Indian’ comments in a US-owned social media platform were not done by the Indian Deep State in cahoots with their CIA handlers?

    I don’t see any anti-American sentiments in any of the comments you’ve posted. How come no one questioned the role of the USA in backing Pakistan against India for six of the last seven decades? Or the fact that the USA denied Modi a visa back in 2005 or that there were two court summons against Modi who was sued twice in the USA, first in 2014 and then again in 2019? Or that Trump abolished the GSP tariff-free privileges for India? Or that the USA has been pressuring India to drop its purchase of the S-400 MDS from Russia?

    It’s the same phenomena that you see in HK when the HK rioters were running amok or in the Philippines when Aquino was filing his PCA case against China. If they are indeed Indian ‘nationalists’ as you claim, then how come they don’t criticize Modi’s pivot to the USA which would harm India’s strategic partnership with Russia? Russian FM Lavrov has also expressed his alarm at Modi’s pivot to the USA which is understandable given that Russia had been the closest ally of India since its independence.

    The Sino-Indian border dispute is a minor irritant in the foreign relations between China and India. Most Chinese hardly even remember the Sino-Indian War of 1962 and simply don’t care about the Galwan clash. The Indian elites or their CIA handlers are the ones mispresenting all this anti-Chinese sentiment in India as a pretext for Modi’s pivot to the USA which would undermine India’s long-standing strategic defense ties to Russia. The US Deep State is now salivating over the prospect of killing two birds with one stone: 1) disrupt India’s economic ties with China and 2) disrupt India’s defenses ties with Russia. Between the two, China gets hit the least because its exports to India is negligible as a percentage of its GDP while Russia gets hit the hardest because 25% of its weapons exports goes to India. This is a direct hit against Russia’s military-industrial complex which is heavily dependent upon weapons exports to Asian countries like India.

    To Russians, this feels like getting stabbed in the back by Indians.

    • 同意: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
  590. denk 说:

    方法 in the madness.
    [[[sobs]]] instigate wanton attacks on all chinks look alikes, viz Kooks, jps. etc to drive further wedge into East Asians.
    Now you see kooks, jps etc are blaming chinks for their predicament.

    • 同意: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  591. denk 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    The anglo led [[[five liars]]] have been the ring leaders of anti Chinese posse’ since the ENA era.
    Whats it that you dont understand ?





    YOu rooting for the QUAD ?

    Hate filled drivel

    YOu mean these…?
    [[[five liars]]] sanction China for
    UIghurs genocide.
    [[[five liars]]] sanction China for
    HK repression.
    [[[five liars]]] sanction China for
    poisoning the world with covid.
    [[[five liars]]] leading the new ENA to contain the yellow peril/

    Thats why we’r here ….
    I’ve been a BS buster since 1999

  592. denk 说:

    prolly you missed this question…

    you should spend time educating those brainwashed zombies in [[[five liars]]] land, especially the gringos.


    Chinese have been at the receiving end of [[[five liars]]] demonisation campaign since 1949, why are you still picking on the victims instead of educating the likes of colin wrights, utu, savageone….

    Chinese aint their enemies

    Why are you thanking that idiot stiencohen for feeding you cow dung ?
    Do you believe the chicoms will be going after india one of these day. ?

  593. @Arthur MacBride

    Lol – the joke is on you. Read the comment he made to Malla right before about how well Chinese in China treat Indians. His comment was made as a mock. But you are so frightened about China’s rise you will supoort an Indian who speaks against Chinese – when you wojld probably never invite an Indian to your house for dinner. Look up what satire is and you will understand what TSS wrote.

    • 回复: @denk
    , @TSS
  594. denk 说:

    I think Macbridge is Irish.
    We hold no grudge against the Irish,
    Finian Cunningham is one of my fav.

    Of course every tribe has its bad apple, like Steve Bannon,.

    BUt lots of anti empire writers are Irish.
    After all, they were the victims of fukus invasion.

    • 回复: @d dan
  595. d dan 说:

    Hahaha, such OBVIOUS dog whistles from yet another White person: “Malla, you are a good dog, keep barking.” Can’t he do it with a bit more subtlety though? For example “Malla, could you please provide me with more info about “Nanjing Massacre?” LOL

    The strategy is clear: a so called half-White “Indian” serves the White interests better than White can do. If they could persuade so many Indians to participate in Opium Wars or die for them in WW2, what else they couldn’t do here?

    “I think Macbridge is Irish.”

    He is also the one who think Japan is a “honourable”, “restrained” and “conservative” nation. Unfortunately, there was no Japanese responding to him in this thread to join the fight. Not sure whether he was disappointed. Perhaps he and Blinken could jointly help Japan to finish drinking those nuclear waste water from Fukushima.

    Anyway, there is always some amusement everyday from some Whites – even though Trump is gone.

    • 回复: @denk
    , @Malla
  596. denk 说:
    @d dan

    Many Chinese today may hate the Japanese, but they also know that America is doing to them today what America did to Japan before the Pearl Harbor attack. They may hate to openly admit this, but America is slowly trying to put a chokehold on China’s oil supplies by conquering Iraq, Libya, South Sudan and, soon, Iran. America is already stirring up trouble in South China Sea.


    Unfortunately, jp today is abetting fukus doing to China what’s done to them in 1930

  597. @denk

    Yeah they the same thing in the 80’s against the Japanese. Remember here was an infamous case of a Chinese who was murdered with a baseball bat by guys that had an economic grievance against Japan. People even started talking about Pearl Harbor again. They are indeed the best at propaganda and psyops and stirring ethnic strife. No one can compete with them in that regard. Then once Japan castrated its economy and was willing to be their eunuch – Japan is “our great ally and valued partner”. Yeah sure once the whole financial system bowed and Hitachi and Toshiba and NEC were etc were emasculated.

    • 回复: @HeebHunter
    , @TSS
    , @denk
  598. HeebHunter 说:

    This African gentleman just busted over two decades of Amerimutt and KIKE propaganda, top lel

    Worldwide Holocausters and Giant Masturbating Machines soon!

  599. @antibeast

    Elon Musk i s the toast of the town in the US… And he sums it up perfectly below. But its not just manufacturing in China. Tesla is even exporting Europe from China now. And he put R&D in China now because he said well China is expected to be Tesla’s biggest market – so it only makes sense to have engineering and design output there. According to the abid China haters – if you point out what Musk says and does with China its called bragging and arrogance. Go figure.


    • 回复: @antibeast
  600. TSS 说:

    我是认真的。当马拉对一切(包括他自己的印度)完全诚实时,你们这些白痴就会下意识地反对任何你们认为反华的事情。阅读他的评论;他有很多。作为一名 UNZ 评论员,他是超级合法的。你可能会学到一些东西。

    • 谢谢: Malla
    • 哈哈: showmethereal
    • 巨魔: d dan
  601. HeebHunter 说:

    Too bad it doesn’t work anymore. I truly believe all the nationalists in the world of all races and creeds will be united by the exposure of the global Jewish cabal and the self-induced implosion of their (((Western))) Golem.

    Imagine a world without Kikes. We might make it to the stars yet.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
  602. TSS 说:

    哈哈。当日本即将从美国手中夺取桂冠时:杀死文森特·金(Vincent Chin),制作有关黄祸红太阳升起的书籍,摧毁东芝等日本关键工业,再次提起珍珠港,制定广场协议,攻击日本“摧毁”底特律,恐惧贩子并制造对他们的仇恨。


  603. Smith 说:


    Since I’m under the posting limit, I will fool the system by posting an image of my post for you to read instead:

    • 巨魔: showmethereal
  604. denk 说:

    I mentioned the murder of Vincent Chin many times here.
    When they couldnt compete with jp industries, they took it up on their people but the first victim was a TW Chinese,

    These days , the bogeyman is Chinese 996, again they take it out on the entire race .
    Shoot first and ask later, Koreans , jp, Myanmese, etc, get the treatment….and everybody blame those ‘damned chicoms who get us into this mess’.

    This is a feature , not a bug.
    The [[[bastards CIA/MI6./ASIO…]]] who concocted the covid/uighurs., yellow peril pysops are orchestrating a 全球 CHINESE EXCLUSION ACT on us.

    Then once Japan castrated

    Every jp PM who wanted reconciliation with China, such as Hatoyama, were ousted by Washington.
    The same way they took out Whitlam, Rudd in Oz.
    Like I say, FUKUS is a mofoking 破碎球 masquerading as a nation.

    This is what’s left these days




    malla wrecked all of you idiots


    How long have you known malla the ‘indian’ ?
    I’ve known him for at least a decade.

    Dont’ve the time for that now.

    太多 小孩, too little time

    • 同意: showmethereal
    • 回复: @d dan
  605. d dan 说:

    “This is what’s left these days”

    And I find this classic image only available in China’s domain site:

    “How long have you known malla the ‘indian’ ?
    I’ve known him for at least a decade.”

    Malla is really childish and gets so many things wrong. 90% of what she says is not even worth reading, let alone replying. But antibeast and Showmethereal are super-patient commenters that I admire a lot.

    • 回复: @denk
  606. antibeast 说:

    And TESLA China is 100% foreign-owned. That means the Chinese didn’t require Elon Musk to hand over his ‘intellectual property’ to a local JV unlike the foreign multinationals in the gas vehicle industry. That’s because China has already built up its own industrial supply-chain for the EV industry unlike the gas vehicle industry in which the Chinese had to build up the domestic industrial supply-chain. That was the rationale behind the need for China to require the transfer of ‘intellectual property’ to JVs in the gas vehicle industry in order to build up its domestic industries as the supply-chains for its automotive industry. Otherwise, China would have ended up as a mere assembler of foreign auto brands with all the auto parts, components and subsystems imported from overseas. That’s what happened to the US automotive industry where foreign manufacturers from Germany and Japan assemble their autos in the USA with most of the parts, components and subsystems imported from foreign countries.

  607. Malla 说:

    Well, sure, Malla, but how can you be sure those ‘Indian’ comments in a US-owned social media platform were not done by the Indian Deep State in cahoots with their CIA handlers?

    This is idiotic and bullshit. That is the genuine feelings of the people of India. This is the opinion on the streets. You can try any forum, try Times of India, try any local Indian newspapers, most Indians feel the same way. Secondly being a democracy, the Indian deep State has far less control over its population than say the CCP has over its population and their opinions.
    BTW, “The Print”, the video where those comments were posted, is anti-Indian deep State, anti-Modi to a large extent and the Government is not happy with that news outlet. India is not China where the Government has large control over its media (they have some control but the media is still quite free) but Modi and his gang are slowly trying to turn democratic India into a Hindutva version of Communist China.

    How come no one questioned the role of the USA in backing Pakistan against India for six of the last seven decades?

    This is again stupidity. Alliances change. How come China is such good friends with Paksitan which was once an American sepoy par excellence? Why is Vietnam becoming friendlier with the USA, the country it fought against so viciously?
    Indians consider the USA, Pakistan relationship going down and according to them the USA is coming to its senses that Pakistan is a terrorist country. Indians also want Russia to come to its senses and come on India’s side against China.

    Indians consider Pakistan and China as their main enemies, any country who supports us against them is our friend. As far as Pakistan, when Obama came to India, many Indians asked why the USA supports a terrorist state like Pakistan and Obama gave a diplomatic answer (same bullshit: it is better to engage with them than isolate them.) Indians want the USA and the world to declare Pakistan as a terrorist State which funds terrorism in Kashmir.

    The Sino-Indian border dispute is a minor irritant in the foreign relations between China and India

    For Indians this is HUGE. What Chinese think does not matter. For Indians this is Huge, you guys definitely do not understand Indian popular sentiments. Do it at your risk .
    Indians believe that China spoke of friendship and then suddenly attacked India the next day.

    The Indian elites or their CIA handlers are the ones mispresenting all this anti-Chinese sentiment in India

    This is stupidity, Indian hatred for China predates better Indian relations with the USA. Even when the USA was India’s enemy, China was India’s enemy. Also Modi was one of the Prime Minister who have gone to China the most, he had worked the most with Xi unuil the fiasco last year. Also pivot to USA predates Modi, the earlier Congress Government was too slowly moving towards the USA.

    The US Deep State is now salivating over the prospect of killing two birds with one stone: 1) disrupt India’s economic ties with China and 2) disrupt India’s defenses ties with Russia.

    Total misunderstanding. As far as anti-China sentiments are concerned, the USA’s role has been minimal. Why because, Indians already hate China, hated China for decades only that Pakistan was No.1 enemy until the last year. Indians are already weary of foreign companies coming to India either the American or Chinese. But since India was having such a big deficit with China, Indians were not happy that our money was going to China (and according to them that money goes to Pakistan via China and thus to Pakistani terrorists killing our soldiers).

    You however are right about Russia, the USA wants India to stop buying weapons from Russia but they are only partially sucessful .

    I think that the Chinese find it hard to believe that a huge population of 1.2 billion Indians at their border hate China and consider China an Imperialist State. And China is trying to fit Indian popular opinion into its China VS West viewpoint. Thus they create a false narrative completely out of touch with reality on the ground and their image as some “revolutionary people” fighting “Western Imperialists” image for themselves and the World can be upheld everywhere. That may be true in other parts of the World but in India, it collapses. China is considered as imperialist as the West, but since the immediate threat is China, Indians are ready to ally with the West.
    That is how it is. Any Indian will agree to what I wrote. Bring any Indian here to challenge me on this, that is my challenge.

    dead Indians like Patel (who could have been as anti-Chinese as they come)

    Patel was not anti-China in anyways. Patel was anti-British Raj. It were anti-India attitude of the CCP which made the Indian State weary at that time (1950).

    such as anti-Chinese riots in the past as an excuse for Hindutva ‘nationalists’ being anti-Chinese today

    Idiotic. that anti-China riot in 1967 is more or less forgotten but the anti-China sentiments (China as an untrustworthy country, China as an Imperialist) has been around since I was born in the 90s. Only thing was that Pakistan was enemy number one but that has been changing slowly as Pakistan is seen as a failed state and not worthy of Indian attention on a big scale. But since the Galwan clash, China is now without doubt seen as the enemy of the Indian nation.

    • 回复: @antibeast
    , @denk
  608. antibeast 说:

    Methinks you’re going around in circles. Here’s Modi’s speech to the US Congress in June 2016:

    Two days ago, I began my visit by going to the Arlington National Cemetery -the final resting place of many brave soldiers of this great land. I honoured their courage and sacrifice for the ideals of freedom and democracy. It was also the seventy-second Anniversary of the D-Day. On that day, thousands from this great country fought to protect the torch of liberty on the remote shores of a land that they did not know. They sacrificed their lives so that the world lives in freedom. I applaud …India applauds, the great sacrifices of the men and women from ‘The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave’ in service of mankind. India knows what this means because our soldiers too have fallen in distant battlefields for the same ideals. That is why the threads of freedom and liberty form a strong bond between our two democracies.

    This Modi speech in 2016 hardly sounds like that of an BJP/RSS Hindutva ‘nationalist’ which proves my point that India’s pivot to the USA has nothing to do with Indian ‘nationalism’ but more to do with the decision of the pro-American Indian elites to switch sides from the Russia camp to the USA camp. Note that this event took place before the Trump Administration officially launched its ‘Indo-Pacific’ strategy in 2017. Fast forward to 2019, Modi again visited the USA to attend the ‘howdy modi’ events all over the USA, with Trump himself appearing with Modi in Houston, Texas.

    My view is that something happened to the composition of the Indian elites after the fall of the USSR in 1991. Over the years, Indian-Americans had succeeded in climbing the academic, corporate, professional and political ladder in the USA while Indian business elites had found success in capturing the dominant share of the USA ITO/BPO sector in India. This trend which started in the 70s and 80s had snowballed by the 90s and 2000s which had the effect of creating new Indian-American and pro-American Indian elites, both in the USA and India. It was this group of new elites, educated in the USA, who largely pushed for the USA-India ‘alliance’, thereby displacing the old elites, educated in the UK, who largely pushed for the India-USSR ‘alliance’ during the Cold War.

    What’s strange is the behavior of Modi after being sued in a US court, the first time in 2016 and the second time in 2019, both cases filed just before his visit to the USA. Why did Modi ignore these hostile acts against the visiting Head of State of India? And why did Modi gave this strange speech extolling India’s role during WWI and WWII when Indians were serving under the British Raj?

    Methinks that it was the pro-American Indian elites who collaborated with the US Deep State to ‘coerce’ Modi into adopting his pivot to the USA, thereby betraying his own RSS/BJP Hindutva ‘nationalist’ power base. This pro-American Indian elite also forced Modi to oppose Xi’s BRI as well as withdraw from the RCEP. Now they’re preparing India to stab Russia in the back. Iran knew this was going to happen which is why the Iranians dropped India from the Chabahar Port deal.

    You can talk about Patel, Nehru, Mao, et al, but all those long dead men are irrelevant to Modi’s pivot to the USA which has nothing to do with the Sino-Indian border dispute but more to do with the new pro-American Indian elites have decided that it is time for India to embrace the USA and dump Russia, thirty years after the fall of the USSR. As for anti-Chinese sentiments amongst the Indian masses, the Indian elites could very well incite anti-Russian or anti-Iranian sentiments tomorrow for whatever reasons using those RSS/BJP Hindutva ‘nationalists’ as their useful idiots.

    • 谢谢: showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
  609. denk 说:

    but since the immediate threat is China, Indians are ready to ally with the West.

    真的吗 ?
    How was China a ‘threat’ to India ?

    • 回复: @Malla
  610. Malla 说:

    How was China a ‘threat’ to India ?

    Indians perceive China as a threat to India. Nationalism denki. Nationalism.

  611. Malla 说:

    Methinks you’re going around in circles.


    This Modi speech in 2016 hardly sounds like that of an BJP/RSS Hindutva ‘nationalist’

    Modi will sound like a Hinduvadi in the US Congress??? Really, what kind of diplomacy would that be. Modi is speaking as a diplomat. Secondly if Modi has ditched his base for America, which is very well possible, as far as China is concerned, that is good news because Indian nationalists are even more anti-China than the USA is!!! Ask any Indian about this.

    My view is that something happened to the composition of the Indian elites after the fall of the USSR in 1991.

    You are correct, but as far as China was concerned, the deal was done way before the fall of the USSR. China was seen as an enemy before then and is seen as an enemy now.

    Modi’s pivot to USA started way before Modi came into power when the Congress was in power. Basically India because of its perceived threat from China was not sure about Russia and started looking to the USA as an alternative ally. Along with your theory, this was a parallel development and the USA got an ally. An English speaking democracy with reasonable industrial and military capabilities, which is located in between China and the Islamic World. They could not ask for a better ally.

    Whatever Modi does with Americans, the Indian population (especially the nationalists) does look at China as an Imperialist enemy (not my personal view), has been for decades, it is surprising Chinese people are unaware of this. In China, the Indo-China border war was not a big deal, in India it was.
    Before the friendship with the West, both the West and China were seen as anti-India imperialists (that is why supernationalist Rajiv Dixit’s video is how England, China and USA will fall on India’s feet, China is together with England and USA as anti-national enemy nation in the Indian psyche).

    As for anti-Chinese sentiments amongst the Indian masses, the Indian elites could very well incite anti-Russian or anti-Iranian sentiments tomorrow

    This is only partly true. The Indian Government being a democracy, has far less capabilities than the CCP in inciting the masses in the same way. There are some media houses outside its controla dn are actually anti-Government and anti-Modi. I think it would be very difficult to incite anti-Russia sentiments, if you think that the Indian Government could incite Indians against Russia to the same level as China that is impossible.
    The anti-China sentiments of the Indian masses is natural, ground level nationalism of the masses of India, there is zero doubt about that. If anti-Chinese sentiments in India is artificial as you say, then all nationalist sentiments in the World is artificial.
    Are those anti-China sentiments of the Indian masses right and justified.? Not at all if you ask me. Not by a mile.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  612. Malla 说:

    We didn’t have a civil war that ate up tens of millions of our own people. We didn’t storm the Yalu river after MacArthur’s forces with million strong human waves. We didn’t sacrifice our peasantry to fuel industrialisation.

    Actually if you look at it, we had it pretty good the last century. Hardly much WW2 battles fought on our soils (except maybe the North East), no civil war. We had it quite easy.

    Well to be honest it is only recently that I came across Patel’s letter and now everything became clear. Till now I had always blamed our Government on Unz and other forums for creating the whole Indo-China fiasco. But things are more clear now.
    Basically after the Civil War in China, the CCP was obviously in an anti-colonial tribal nationalist mode. And according to Communist idiotic ideology all non Communists are “Imperialists or lackeys of Imperialists.” It is obviously a very low IQ monkey worldview and I have seen many like poster FB here on Unz, have this viewpoint. Actually international relations are much more nuanced, tribe vs tribe is more important factor if you ask me, but Marxism tries to bury this in aspect (though they may use ethnic manipulation in practice). The CCP looked at the KMP as lackeys of the USA even though Chinese Nationalists blame the CCP for giving away a lot of traditional Qing Empire lands. So because India was not a Communist State, they followed their idiotic logic that “India being sepoy of the West”. Back in 1950!!! 3 years after independence. Imagine that, Patel and Nehru and Azad etc… were “sepoys of the West”. LOL. Why did they have the Independence Struggle then if they were sepoys? And it we go to higher level truths (what some call conspiracy “theories”) that the Indian Independence Struggle (like all anti-colonial movements) was a scam and that the British Empire was destroyed from within, then we can bring out the possibility what Mao was put into power by US State Department!!. But anyways lets stick to official history for now.
    At the same time we had got our independence and we were in a elated nationalist mode in the 50s. We had driven away the mighty British Empire and “the British and the Whole World is hostile to our great motherland” bullshit was being spread among the Indian masses during the anti-colonial movements in the earlier decades.
    Well both these nationalist trucks crashed into each other. Both psychotic anti-colonial, tribalist nationalisms of China and India, crashed squarely into each other with interesting consequences to this day. It is very funny actually.
    Basically imagine two huge 22 wheeler trucks with floats, one India and China, both having people dancing “ooga booga”, both driven by anti-colonial, hyper nationalist feelings. Or two huge ships with people dancing anti-colonial, revolutionary victory. But because of the CCP, “India is sepoy of West” stupidity, their steering wheel gets jammed and their “revolutionary nationalist” ship China crashed into our ship our “revolutionary nationalist” ship India. And that was the dumbest decision China ever made, based on idiotic thinking. It is like a naked Chinese guy jump into an Indian hornet’s nest. The Indian revolutionary, anti-colonial population who were dancing their ooga booga, now just out of their struggle from the British now locked their target at China as the new “Imperialist State threatening Indian Motherland.” And like a locked missile it is stuck on that attitude, till now. 1962 only made it worse.
    So by trying to accuse India in 1950s of being an “Anglo Sepoy”, China ended up as “British Raj 2.0” in the minds of the anti-colonial, revolutionary Indian masses, which you know exists to this day. It is comedy actually. They shot themselves in their foot. And now since they fear a two front war (like Germany) they want India to be pals. Which I support too, I support better Indo-China relations but it is very hard now. The USA has the technology but India has the numbers to throw with a much younger growing population.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  613. @HeebHunter

    It is working in the US. Hate crimes against anyone looking Chinese have gone up large amounts… Internationally of course China isn’t going to bow like Japan

    • 同意: denk
    • 回复: @HeebHunter
  614. denk 说:
    @d dan

    During the Yang/BLinken meet, I had wanted to post that Suga kowtowing to Austin image and contrast it with the scene where Yang gave Blinken his middle finger.
    One pic is worth a thousand words.

    China never harbor any ill will to USA.
    its only crime is refusing to kowtow to the master of univers , so it has to be put down like jp of ww2

    Ever since Hiroshim, jp had lost its backbone .
    Post Plaza accord, Tokyo lost it 科琼斯 以及

    A forced intrusion…
    jp opened up wide to allow US nuke passage

    Russia/SK/China etc have all slammed the dumping of radioactive water into the Pacific.

    The only comment BY the west is from USA,
    多谢 jp’s ‘transparency’

    Can you beat that ?

    The whole damned thing is so eerie, it send a cold chill down my spine.

    Is there a secret deal going on ?
    Has jp just committed the ultimate harakiri, on behalf on Washington, to virtually 核弹 China../Russia/NK

    iS THIS the final solution….
    After India war/QUAD/ENA/Tibet, HK,. Xinjiang , TAM destabilisation/trade war/covid all failed to knock China down ?

    By this time, Russia/China/SK/NK should rally all Pac rim countries to oppose this madness, what’r
    they waiting for. ?


    Indians perceive China as a threat to India. Nationalism denki. Nationalism.

    In that case, why dont you spend some time educating them…like this moron. ?


    Just don’t piss on us as the Chicoms are doing and claim it is raining.

    or this idiot..


    They will come for India one day. It is the only major culture still intact.
    I hope you guys stay strong.


    Patel was not anti-China in anyways. Patel was anti-British Raj. It were anti-India attitude of the CCP which made the Indian State weary at that time (1950).

    How was CCP ‘anti India’ ?

  615. antibeast 说:

    You keep talking about the Indian masses as if they matter in the geopolitics of this world. They don’t. It’s the US Deep State conspiring with the new pro-American Indian elites who are ‘coercing’ Modi into adopting his pivot to the USA as outlined in their ‘Indo-Pacific’ strategy which was adopted and later declassified by the Trump Administration. The Hindutva ‘nationalists’ are just useful idiots to the Indian elites that they can also use against Russia or Iran, as the US Deep State sees fit.

    My view is that the new pro-American Indian elites lost confidence in Russia which was struggling after the fall of the USSR during the 90s and 2000s while they looked around for new Western allies. This can be seen in the fact that India wanted out of Russia’s JV program with India to develop the fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA jet fighter. As Obama launched his pivot to Asia in 2010, the new pro-American Indian elites began collaborating with the US Deep State to bring India closer to the USA before Modi gave his speech to the US Congress in 2016, extolling the role of Indians fighting and dying for the British Raj during WWI and WWII. Then again when Modi appeared with Trump in his ‘Howdi Modi’ rallies throughout the USA in 2019.

    What happened was the new pro-American Indian elites wanted to ditch poor Russia for the rich USA while the old pro-Russian Indian elites were still hanging onto their old Cold-War ally. This occurred despite the fact that the USA had backed Pakistan for six out of the last seven decades while Russia had supported India since its independence. Given the economic disparity between the USA and Russia, the new pro-American Indian elites who had benefitted from closer US-India ties wanted out of the India-Russia partnership going back to the USSR era. After Modi’s ascent to power, they worked with the US Deep State to turn Modi into their puppet, using the Hindutva ‘nationalists’ as their useful idiots.

    Iran saw the writing on the wall and dropped India from the Chabahar Port deal. Now Russia is worried about losing India as their defense client while the US Deep State foments another war against Russia in Ukraine near its border in Eastern Europe. Meanwhile, China inked the $400B deal with Iran to cement its entry into the Middle East.

    This is all about geopolitics with the new pro-American Indian elites aligning themselves with the US Deep State, both of whom couldn’t care less about the Indian masses or the Hindutva ‘nationalists’.

    • 同意: denk
  616. @Malla


    Let me tell you the story of Carlos, the last remaining vestige of European colonialism in India.

    Old timers in Goa today will still remember Carlos. He was, technically, an Indian citizen. You see, Carlos was born in 1966 & Goa was still a Portuguese colony. His father had been one of the last Lisbon administrators. Because Carlos was born in India at a time when it was still a Portuguese colony he was a citizen. His parents were gone to who knows where, but Carlos lived in their crumbling estate out by Vasco beach.

    Carlos spent some time in Lisbon in a boarding school, but was essentially a lifelong train wreck & scum bag.

    By the time I heard of Carlos, he was in his mid-thirties. He was a heroin addict. He roamed Goa during tourist season. He was careful not to rob or scam Indians. He went after the Westerners.

    Carlos had various ploys. He would befriend other tourists, posing as one himself. Then he would return to their hotel rooms & rob them. He also drugged & had his way with Scandinavian girls on Anjuna beach.

    The local police knew about Carlos, of course, but could not deport him back to Lisbon because technically, he was an Indian citizen you see.

    The English were long gone by 1947. And also, the English government gave Indian-born English an ultimatum. A British or Indian passport. There were few takers for Indian citizenship. They left. But the Portuguese stayed until 1967. Those born in India were dual-citizens under Portuguese law.

    And that is the story of the last sordid vestige of colonialism in India.

    The last vestige of colonialism in India was not British. It was Portuguese.

    Also, the British arrived when the Mughals had already weakened India & broken it up into various kingdoms. The Brahmin, excellent compradors, saw an opportunity to regain their position of strength which remains to this day.

    Also, if India is a sepoy of the West, why is it China that is dependent (And vice versa) upon US outsourcing & not India?

    • 回复: @CCG
  617. HeebHunter 说:

    They are bullying the meek Chinese who believe in (((liberalism))) and (((muh freedumb))).
    From my experience over here in Germany, working Asian immigrants don’t take it from brainwashed golem, and the niggers have received what they deserve after the assaults from the onset of the Corona Hoax.

    But immigrants in Germany know they will always be Foreigners, and that is good. That mentality actually benefits them and keep the racial sanity/reality real. Self seggeration outside of work and business. Only the trashes mingle with eachothers.

    For immigrants in muttmerica, you have this melting pot of insanity. People who look 100% ethnic Asians calling themselves children of that satanic country, while sending all they can nack home LOL!

    Both the “huwhites” and non Euro descendants there are going to be locked in a brutal “race” war. And the world will sit back and eat popcorn.

    What goes around comes around, 1945 karma!

    • 回复: @Malla
  618. HeebHunter 说:

    This is all about geopolitics with the new pro-American Indian elites aligning themselves with the US Deep State, both of whom couldn’t care less about the Indian masses or the Hindutva ‘nationalists’.

    This is the kind of stupidity that enabled colonialism in the first place. I hope these amerimutts loving retards don’t win the power struggle in India.

  619. CCG 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Goa was ruled by Portugal until 19 December 1961. Note that Indian law has never allowed dual citizenship. This guy would have been compelled to choose between Indian and Portuguese citizenship. Also, your story is weird. There was nothing to stop the police from arresting him and making him face the Indian criminal justice system. So why didn’t they?

  620. vox4non 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Just curious about the source of the terms you use to describe the folks from Fujian province. The people from that province call themselves “Hok kian lang” (Hokkien people), the dialect/language “Hok kian wei/gwa”.

    The ones who would refer to them as Fukien would usually be the Cantonese in Guangdong who would address them as “Fu Kin/Fook Kin”. The Hakka dialect is spoken by the Hakka group (between Guangdong and Fujian), and it is as different from Hokkien as Hokkien is from Cantonese. Unless you are referring to the term Hoklo (Taiwanese).

  621. vox4non 说:

    Your comments are so full of triumphalism. even when facts prove otherwise. While others have pointed out the fallacies in your other delusions, I do need to point out a place in particular that you mentioned: Singapore. Have you ever set foot or worked there? I have spent decades in South East Asia, majority of it being Singapore.

    Like many governments, the Singapore government sometimes work against the interests of its own citizens. For one reason or another, they have done so in favour of an agreement called the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA). The CECA eliminated tariff barriers, double taxation, duplicate processes and regulations and provided unhindered access and collaboration between the financial institutions of Singapore and India. One of the terms allows the free movement of Indian workers and their dependents in at least 127 sectors to enter and work in Singapore. Honestly, I have no idea why the current PM Lee would sign such a lopsided agreement, considering how determined his father Lee Kuan Yew was against any form of foreign advantage.

    First, the wage difference between a Singaporean and an Indian is substantial. Second, as part of the wage package, employers in Singapore have to pay a wage supplement as part of their superannuation, to form part of their retirement fund. A foreign worker is not obliged to have such a payment. On dollars and cents, does it make it clearer why corporations prefer foreign workers like Indians because of wage savings, not because of their innate superiority.

    Third, while the initial entry of Indians may have some good ones, the subsequent ones seemed to have been hired on more dubious merits. There is even a saying, when you hire one, he will soon hire his whole village.

    This case is symptomatic of what my old colleagues are saying is happening in Singapore too:

    (Side note: also eye-opening that Indian discriminate by caste still alive and well: https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/explosive-report-reveals-caste-discrimination-in-silicon-valley-30-dalit-engineers-call-out-indian-bosses-1735792-2020-10-28)

    I have worked with both and while Singaporeans are conservative and keep to themselves, they get the work done. The Indians I have worked with are what the Texans would say, “All hat and no cattle” (Talk boastfully but do little). Even with what little they do, the re-works would nullify it. Your boasts about the “brilliance” of Indians as a whole rings hollow. Many are good at sycophancy and backstabbing. I am sure it wouldn’t have escaped your notice that when an Indian is your subordinate, he can be your best friend but when he is your peer or worst your superior, his true perfidious nature comes out. Nonetheless, continue with your delusions like your countrymen, as to how great and powerful your country/countrymen are. I will continue to watch with amusement as the Chinese continue to grow and leave you in the dust, while you imagine yourself the equivalents of the Europeans.

    • 回复: @showmethereal
    , @Malla
  622. Malla 说:

    哇 - 你精神错乱真的很可怕

    什么? 更愚蠢的言论。


    你在你的帖子中声称,中国人在新加坡花费了资源来提升印度人和马来人。 我只是证明那是胡说八道,印度人不需要任何提升。

    来自中国的家电制造商确实正在向印度提供帮助。 土木工程师帮助印度开发项目。 印度科技初创公司从中国获得的资金比其他任何地方都多。 这些都是事实。 中国人没有问题,也没有看不起印度人。

    Chinese companies were considered East India Company 2.0 by Indian nationalists. Not my personal opinion, I wanted those companies in India to break the hold of Indian oligarchs. For this opinion, I would become an “anti-national” or “traitor” in India.


    Speaking about the rights of some people or destroying false historical propaganda is not worship. And secondly give up this stupid crack theory that Whites always looked down upon Indians, Indians look down upon Whites too. Stop being a baffoon and understand that history in more nuanced. Even during British Raj, many Britishers were pro-Indian in many ways. If they look down upon us they were many allowed to go to the West and succeed and give equal citizenship? Does China allow us to migrate in such huge numbers? And as far as being invited at home by Whitey. i had been invited for dinner in many White conservative houses when I was in Europe, not once did I ever face racism. I had been invited home for Christmas by many conservative British families of my British friends. And no, not because I was a “lackey”, we never discussed politics or race. i was just a friendly guy. Compared to most other Indians in my Universities and Offices, i rapidly made freinds with people of other races including Blacks, Arabs, Chinese, Japanese, Scandinavians, Russians, Poles, Germans, British, Irish, Mexicans, Malays, Thai, Iranians etc…


    我已经向你解释过无数次了。 例如,拉克西米米塔尔家族是印度裔,是世界钢铁之王,就像几十年前的安德鲁卡内基一样。 世界上最大的钢铁公司所有者之一,但他几十年来一直不敢在印度投资。 直到最近他才进入印度。 这与中国和印度侨民之间的财富差异无关,而与印度政府的政策有关。


    How so? Because he spoke against Chinese foreigners colonizing black lands? Is Prof Lubamba a “loser” too? You like a crackpot claimed they were “Anglo agent”, without any proof, you farted like a monkey. When I showed that they are anti-White too, then you say they are “losers”. You are truly a snake, changing directions on the go to keep up your bullshit. As far as the Jamaican President, Dr Umar Johnson said that “the Black elites are selling their nations for their benefits while the Black commoners will have to pay for said colonization.”
    无论如何,我个人认为中国在牙买加和非洲的投资和参与对这些地方都有好处。 我不是在讨论我的个人信仰,而是讨论黑人/非洲民族主义者的信仰。 奥马尔约翰逊和那个教授不是唯一的,还有很多其他的。

    • 回复: @Chinaman
  623. Malla 说:

    They are bullying the meek Chinese who believe in (((liberalism))) and (((muh freedumb))).

    A lot of those attacks on East Asians are being done by non Whites living in the West. Just after Covid hit last year, I saw a video of Middle Eastern looking shopkeepers literally kicking a Chinese woman out of their shop in London (literally kick with feet). Now it seems You tube took it down, difficult to find it. I can guarantee you that per capita wise more non Whites have attacked East Asians than Whites. Showmethereal is anti-White hateful racist.
    Anyways got this video

  624. Malla 说:

    Most of my Indians friend who have been to China fall in love with China. 100% till now. They only criticize some “weird foods”. Except that 100% positive reviews. About China’s development, Chinese people and their helpfulness etc..
    Unfortunately the nationalist crackpot Indians masses will call them “traitors to motherland”, “paid agents of China” and all kind of bullshit.


    Many of the pro-Chinese Indians tend to be Westernized too. Non Westernized Indians are too tribal and stick to their ways and are skeptical of all foreign cultures Western or other non Western. Not 100%, there are exceptions but that is how they are in general. Comparatively among Westernised Indians you will find a bigger population who are more curious about other cultures (Western as well as non Western), are tolerant of other viewpoints and are more nuanced when it comes to race and racism. Not all Westernised Indians, not 100% but a much much bigger percentage than non Westernised masses. Non westernised Indians are more politically incorrect and blunt (call Africans kalu, nigro, monkeys etc…, call East Asians chapte ot chinki, they make fun of even White people and their culture, white food is crap, our Indian food is better, white people are promiscuous, White people are idiots they cannot haggle, so lets cheat idiot White tourists even tho White tourists to India are more friendly to the masses than to the Westernised elites LOL, etc…, however sometimes they non Westernised Indians can be very friendly & hospitable to Whites and East Asians too, especially those from remote villages).

    Quora、YouTube 等上所有疯狂的印度人都让我对你们轻松提供的答案感到疯狂。

    I personally do not think like those anti-Chinese crackpot Indian hyper-nationalists. Indeed I admire many aspects of Chinese culture (traditional architecture, watch historical Chinese movies which include war scenes, listen to some traditional Chinese music especially Ehru etc..) and do not believe China wants to keep India down. But majority of Indian Nationalist masses believe that China wants to keep India down, want to divide India etc…

  625. @antibeast

    Correct as regards the leadership and the masses and geopolitics. There are always people who dont have a clue how things work. The same point you made contrasting Hindu nationalists with the Indian leadership is the same point I was making to Malla about black nationalists in Jamaica (and most African countries) versus the leadership pivoting toward China (the reverse of India). They did so in conjunction with Panama which they will all partner in forming a logistics hub for the Americas. In actuality I would put more money on that then Quad pretences – but I digress. But yeah geopolitics trumps ethnic nationalism. India would be better working with BRICS and SCO than Quad.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  626. Chinaman 说:

    如果他们看不起我们,他们有很多人被允许去西方成功并给予平等的公民身份? 中国是否允许我们如此大量地移民?


    白人经过数千年的适应和选择,已经进化成为一种寄生种族,通过奴役和剥削其他种族而茁壮成长。 就他们自己而言,白人是一群懒惰的人,没有奴隶就活不下去。 这始于古典罗马-希腊时代,当时奴隶占人口的 50-80% 以上。

    那些拥有最多奴隶并善于利用他们的基因过去剥削他们的公民和家庭。 有时,他们操了他们的奴隶并传递了更多这些特征。 这种情况持续了几代人。 正如犹太人擅长金钱和诡计以求生存一样……白人变得擅长成为主人(或“领导”)并剥削其他种族。

    这些是与经验证据一致的事实。 无论白人走到哪里,他们都杀害、征服和奴役当地居民。 这种邪恶存在于他们的基因中。

    我们今天在西方看到的相对衰落仅仅是因为他们要么种族灭绝要么释放了所有奴隶。 这就是为什么他们需要进口你们。 它们是先天需要依靠其他种族的鲜血和辛劳来生存的寄生虫。 它们的进化策略就像寄生的黄蜂,将卵产在毛毛虫身上。


    值得观看链接中的视频,因为您在 Unz 上的奇怪行为与受精神控制的毛毛虫没有什么不同。

    看看印度人(以及中国人的种族叛徒)为西方国家的白人做了什么。 你给他们换尿布,打扫他们的房子,你让他们以各种方式操你,你为他们做一切......或它的数字表示。


    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Jeff Stryker
    , @Malla
  627. Malla 说:


    这是我读过的最愚蠢的废话,是一个对历史一无所知的低智商猴子的观点。 这是非定居欧洲殖民地的低智商人群的共同信念。 奴隶制在全世界都很普遍。 白人国家的大部分成功归功于欧洲劳工的高生产力。 白人在矿山和工厂工作,他们比大多数非白人劳动力更加勤奋和富有成效。 唯一的问题是白人不喜欢加班,需要一些时间来充电(在酒吧里)。

    无论白人走到哪里,他们都杀害、征服和奴役当地居民。 这种邪恶存在于他们的基因中。

    这是卓越的愚蠢。 无论白人走到哪里,他们都是比早期本土统治者更好的统治者。 这是典型的反殖民废话。


    这又是低智商猴子的看法。 你对历史的了解是可悲的。 如果奴隶制如此有益,为什么美国南方输给了美国北方? 美国北部没有黑人奴隶,但由于欧洲劳动力在他们的工厂工作,美国北部变得更加发达。 奴隶制在很久以前就结束了,而正是在奴隶制结束之后,西方才得以进步。

    看看印度人(以及中国人的种族叛徒)为西方国家的白人做了什么。 你给他们换尿布,打扫他们的房子,你让他们以各种方式操你,你为他们做一切

    对你们中国人来说可能是这样,印度人去西方成为首席执行官。 我认为你在棕色墨西哥人和棕色印第安人之间混为一谈。 这就是棕色墨西哥人所做的。
    而且您正在提出支持不希望西方非白人的白人民族主义者的观点。 如果你说白人需要非白人奴隶制,那么你必须支持不希望非白人进入他们国家的白人民族主义者? 对? 白人不需要非白人。

    你写的关于白人的文章实际上是关于犹太人的。 需要奴隶的是犹太人,他们是接管国家并让其他人为他们工作的人。


    大声笑我们的婆罗门被培养成奴隶??? LMFAO 伙计,给我们聪明狡猾的婆罗门一些机会去中国定居,很快你们所有的中国人在他们接管你的国家时都会成为他们的奴隶。 挑战?

    值得观看链接中的视频,因为您在 Unz 上的奇怪行为与受精神控制的毛毛虫没有什么不同。

    你把白人误认为是犹太人。 那是犹太人的寄生行为,而不是白人。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  628. Malla 说:

    You are right about most things, I agree. However some points

    You keep talking about the Indian masses as if they matter in the geopolitics of this world. They don’t.

    Right but they do matter as they do put some pressure on the Indian Government. But you are right about deep states.

    The Hindutva ‘nationalists’ are just useful idiots to the Indian elites

    Nearly all Nationalist and Communist masses in the world have been useful idiots in human history.

    extolling the role of Indians fighting and dying for the British Raj during WWI and WWII.

    Bullshit!!! if Modi extols Indians dying for British Empire, he would be politically dead as that would would become a major controversy in India, the Indian thaggard nationalists would rebel against Modi. He must have said more like Indians fought for democracy against tyranny or something of that sort.

    After Modi’s ascent to power, they worked with the US Deep State to turn Modi into their puppet, using the Hindutva ‘nationalists’ as their useful idiots.

    All nationalists and Communist masses have been used as useful idiots. And what you talk about is the Jew Brahmin alliance. the Jewish elites of the West collaborating with the Upper caste elites of India. Jews and Brahmanism have old ancient connections. For example in a war in between Whitey and Chinese, Jews may support team West or team Chinese, to use the West to destroy China or China to destroy the West. BUT ANY WAR IN BETWEEN INDIA AND CHINA, GLOBAL JEWISH POWER WILL SUPPORT INDIA 1000%. YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK. There are many ancient esoteric connections in between Brahmins and Jews, which you Chinese were not part of and do not understand.
    How Are Jewish Americans Helping The Indian Diaspora In Raising Their Clout In The US Government?
    American Jewish groups have been very active in cultivating strong political links between the Jewish and Indian leaderships in the US, according to an Israeli think tank.

  629. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    The strategy is clear: a so called half-White “Indian” serves the White interests better than White can do. If they could persuade so many Indians to participate in Opium Wars or die for them in WW2, what else they couldn’t do here?

    Here comes the monkey dddan jabbering away and his fartings. The Opium Wars were not YT convincing us Indians to die for them. It were Indian and Jewish merchants persuading the British. It were Indiana and Jewish Merchants who sent William Jardine to bribe British MPs to start the Opium Wars. Indian merchants made millions on that trade.

    die for them in WW2

    This is as stupid as saying why Han fought for the Manchus or why Koreans fought for the Japanese or why Gauls fought for the Romans or why Rajputs fought for the Mughals, or why Central Asians fought for the USSR. Once part of an Empire, the constituents of that Empires contributed. This is how all Empires in history have worked. Empires provide collective protection and peace inside the Empire and the constituents contribute to the Empire’s wars.

    He is also the one who think Japan is a “honourable”, “restrained” and “conservative” nation.


  630. @vox4non

    Very sensible comment. I found it very strange that he got upset at me simply pointing out the fact that Indians get preferential policies in Singapore…. It shouldn’t be a shame… It’s just a reality. As you noted – many were surprised at what Singapore implemented…
    I wasn’t going to touch on what you said regarding their work ethic – because I was really trying to be as peaceable as possible with Malla. Though since you are not an ethnic Chinese (or it doesn’t seem so) – then he/she will be sheepish in their reply to you.

  631. @Malla


    In terms of racism in India, I would say that Daniel makes pretty good money playing the redneck & foreign beach ape stereotype on film.

    Again, I don’t see that in India Danny’s people control much. You have the locally influential St. Thomas Christians, and that is about all.

    As far as Indians in the USA are concerned, the caste system still exists. Brahmin have the education to form start ups while the Sikhs are farmers in Canada. The USA does not want to import a 4th underclass so the masses of poor Indians from the lower castes don’t get in.

    Your startup guy in Silicon Valley is went to St. Xavier & is Brahmin.

    Keep this in mind. If the USA imported Miripathi Pakistanis who would soon be competing for ghetto crumbs we would have not stop race war for the control of criminal enterprise.

    Slavery did not built the USA. I assume that you have not been to the USA, but the South was an agrarian backwater & the North never had slaves: they imported Irish, Italians & Slavs as the labor. The Germans & Scandinavians came as skilled tradesmen or farmers.

  632. @Chinaman



    Yep, that is why the Filipinos want to get to the West. Because the ethnic Chinese who run the Philippines don’t depend on their slave wage toil.



    • 同意: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @antibeast
  633. Malla 说:

    我们今天在西方看到的相对衰落仅仅是因为他们要么种族灭绝要么释放了所有奴隶。 这就是为什么他们需要进口你们。

    又是一个低智商放屁猴的喋喋不休。 西方的相对衰落是因为使用犹太媒体的文化马克思主义和西方大学的左派洗脑。 西方之所以衰落,主要是因为他们在犹太人的宣传下反抗了维多利亚时代祖先的文化。 也因为其他国家掌握了西方技术,并随着时间的推移发展了他们的国家。
    至于进口非白人,犹太人进口非白人是为了搞砸白人和白人种族灭绝,这样当他们的撒旦Moshiach来到地球时,他们就可以统治世界。 欧洲到处都是外来者,他们不为经济做出贡献而是靠福利生活。 如果他们需要劳动力,为什么有这么多人靠福利?


    懒人种? 喜欢这些来自英国的煤矿工人吗?还是这些英国钢铁工人?


    什么什么什么? 一个黑人成为了美国总统。 一个半印度半黑人的女人现在是美国的副总统。
    婊子我们得到的是力量你们中国人难道不应该担心憎恨印度人的中国在美国上台吗? 来自俄亥俄州的印第安裔美国参议员尼拉吉·安塔尼 (Neeraj Antani)。 根据愚蠢的海报中国人,他生活在可怜的状态。 哈哈。 真是个傻瓜。
    Chinaman, you need to put down the pipe, and give up dream time. Tho I agree, non Whites should not be in the West, I agree with you on that one. That is why non Whites should leave the West and the West would collapse with “lack of slaves”. So we both agree with White Nationalists. I am pleased.

  634. Chinaman 说:

    那个棕色的东西是你吗,马拉? 无异于 WASP 将意识形态毒液注入布朗人的大脑。

    这只被寄生虫控制的毛毛虫会牺牲自己来保护 WASP 寄生虫。 最阴险的殖民形式是心灵的形式。 一旦植入了某些意识形态和模因,他们就会心甘情愿地迁移到西方,为白人擦屁股,成为他们的看门人。

    与我的同龄人相比,我的智商肯定较低,但鉴于上海血统的中国人和印度人之间的平均智商差异约为 90-25 分,我有 30% 的可能性比你的智商高。 (这是 2 个标准差)。 这些分布不会重叠很多。

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Showmethereal
  635. antibeast 说:

    Malla is trying to ‘whitewash’ the British Raj as if the British were doing Indians a favor by colonizing India. Most Indian Brahmins I’ve met in Silicon Valley are not fond of the British at all but they love America where they’ve found success. Here’s a video of Google CEO Sundar Pichai giving a talk at his alma mater, IIT Kharagpur, in India:

    These new pro-American Indian and Indian-American elites are the ones pushing India towards the USA and away from Russia which became a struggling country after the fall of the USSR. During the 90s, Russia had become a poor, sick and old country reduced to begging for Western financial aid, a drastic fall from the superpower status of the USSR. Meanwhile, Indian elites who used to send their children to Oxford and Cambridge had been sending them to Harvard and Stanford. And these Indian elites could see the dramatic contrast between the UK and the USA where their children have achieved success in Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood and Washington DC. The old Indian elites who were educated In Cambridge and Oxford were the ones who pushed for the India-USSR alliance during the Cold War while the new Indian elites who were educated in Harvard and Stanford are the ones pushing for the India-USA alliance today. Behind the scenes, there is a power struggle between two different factions of the Indian elite — the old British-educated, pro-Russian elites vs the new American-educated, pro-USA elites — which could decide India’s role in the geopolitics of the world in the 21st century.

    Malla keeps talking about the Indian masses as if they matter to this power struggle between the old Indian elites and new Indian elites who view the Hindutva ‘nationalists’ as useful idiots to dupe the Indian masses.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Showmethereal
  636. Malla 说:




    对于犹太人来说,非白人会非理性地憎恨怀蒂,这样他们就可以帮助犹太人摧毁怀蒂,这样犹太人就可以在地球上拥有他们的犹太人统治,而我们 goyim 可以成为犹太人永远的奴隶。


    So to become CEO of Google, Microsoft etc… to become senators, being part of the US Government one has to wipe butts? You smoking pipe again, Chief? If ya ask me, one has to wipe butts alright, one has to wipe Kosher Jewish butts.


    但是你肯定写了很多废话。 将昆虫黄蜂与人类亚种白盎格鲁撒克逊新教徒进行比较。 那是愚蠢的。

  637. Malla 说:

    You are right about everything but

    Malla is trying to ‘whitewash’ the British Raj as if the British were doing Indians a favor by colonizing India.

    I am writing facts.

    Most Indian Brahmins I’ve met in Silicon Valley are not fond of the British at all

    Brahmins will love the British of all the people? LOL Really. Let Shambhu explain.

    印地语:“Angrez ka virod inhone (Brahmins) tab kiya, jab angrezo ne SC, ST, OBC 少数族裔 ke logon ko (被压迫的落后种姓), school khola, adhikar dena shuru kiya tha”
    英文翻译: The Brahmins started opposing the British when they started schools for oppressed backward caste people (SC, ST, OBC, minorities) and started giving them political rights.

    印地语:“Isliye Phule ne kaha tha ki agar dharti par koi Bhagwan hai to wo angrez hai。”
    英文翻译: 这就是为什么普勒说“如果地球上有上帝,那就是英国人/英国人”。


    Jyotirao Govindrao Phule(11年1827月28日至1890年XNUMX月XNUMX日)是一位来自马哈拉施特拉邦的印度社会活动家、思想家、反种姓社会改革家和作家。 他的工作扩展到许多领域,包括消除贱民和种姓制度以及妇女解放。 他最出名的是他在教育妇女和低种姓人群方面的努力。 He and his wife, Savitribai Phule, were pioneers of women education in India. Phule started his first school for girls in 1848 in Pune at Tatyasaheb Bhide’s residence or Bhidewada.[1] On 24 September 1873, he, along with his followers, formed the Satyashodhak Samaj (Society of TruthSeekers) to attain equal rights for people from lower castes. People from all religions and castes could become a part of this association which worked for the upliftment of the oppressed classes. Phule is regarded as an important figure in the social reform movement in Maharashtra.


    British rule had brought to an end the tyranny and chaos of the regime of the last Peshwa (Brahmin Maratha Empire rulers) in Maharashtra. The colonial rulers had not only established law and order but also the principle of equality before law. The earlier regime of Brahmin Peshwas had imposed strict limitations on education, occupation arid living standards of the lower castes and women. The new rulers opened the 1 opportunities in education and mobility in occupation for the members of all castes. Missionary schools and government colleges were ready to admit any student irrespective of caste origins. New ideas of equality and liberty could reach the moderately educated sections of the lower caste. Phule was probably the best product of this process. High caste reformers and leaders also had welcomed the colonial rule. 关心低种姓制度的奴隶的富勒也赞成英国统治也就不足为奇了。他希望,相信人与人平等的新政府将从婆罗门统治下解放低种姓。
    The British rule opened up new employment opportunities in the administration. The political power at local level was also being given to the Indians. Phule who had worked as a member of the Poona Municipality could visualise how lower castes wouid be able to acquire power at local level during the period of British rule and also enter the colonial bureaucracy. He believed in Colonialism, Cast Order and the Tribal Societies the benevolent attitude of the British rulers towards the lower castes and therefore asked for a number of things from them. He was not sure how long the British rule would continue. Therefore, he wanted lower castes to exploit the opportunity and get rid of the tyranny of Brahmins. Brahmin rulers used to collect huge wealth out of taxes levied on poor lower castes population, but never used to spend even a paisa (penny, cent) for their welfare. On the contrary, the new regime was showing the signs of doing good things for the deprived people. Phule assured the colonial rulers that if the Shudras were made happy and contented, they need not worry about the loyalty of the subjects. He wanted the British government to abolish Brahmin Kulkarni’s position, and a post of village headman (Patil) filled on the basis of merit. In fact, Phule would have liked the British government to put an end to the balutedary system which was connected with caste specific occupations in the villages. He asked the government to make laws prohibiting customs and practices which gave subordinate status to women and untouchables. 普勒希望婆罗门官僚机构被非婆罗门官僚机构所取代。 但他认为,如果没有非婆罗门人,政府就应该任命英国人担任这些职务。 他相信英国军官会采取公正的观点,并且可能会站在低种姓一边。
    他知道教育还没有渗透到低种姓。群众还没有政治觉悟。 The high caste elites were claiming that they were the true representatives of the people and therefore weie demanding political rights. This process, Phule thought, would reestablish the political supremacy of the high castes. Phule advised his followers from the lower castes not to participate the-movement for political rights. He argued that
    the Indian National Congress or other political associations were not national in the true sense of the term because they represented only high castes. Phule warned his followers against the selfish and cunning motives of the Brahmins in forming these associations and advised them to keep themselves away from such associations.
    在他的 Satya Shodhak Samaj 中,他规定不讨论政治。事实上,我们发现他不止一次表达了对新政府的完全和完全的忠诚。 他坚信,全能的上帝已经废除了暴虐的统治者,并为他们建立了公正,开明和和平的英国统治,以维护人民的福祉。

    • 回复: @antibeast
  638. 到马拉:

    尽管如此,中国还是在 1962 年击败了印度。

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Malla
  639. antibeast 说:

    He firmly believed that the almighty God had dethroned the tyrannical rulers and had established in their place a just, enlightened and peaceful British rule for the welfare of the masses.

    Holy Malla, I almost fainted at those words of wisdom: the British Raj was a ‘just, enlightened and peaceful British rule for the welfare of the masses’. Rudyard Kipling must be smiling in his grave as he was the one who extolled the British to carry the ‘White Man’s Burden’ to civilize the brown Indians! LOL!

    My point is that my Indian Brahmin colleagues did NOT like the British at all but seem to have this psychic need to excel in their academic, scientific, professional and business careers in the USA, the country that successfully rebelled against the British Empire. As Indian immigrants have found success in America, this ‘Americanization’ of the Indian elites has been happening over the last few decades as their scions now prefer to attend Harvard and Stanford over Cambridge and Oxford. After graduation, they prefer working in Wall Street and Silicon Valley before heading back home to run their family corporations or join the booming tech industry in India.

    By the way, those Indian Brahmin elites in Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood and Washington, D.C. exist in a totally different universe from the Indian entrepreneurs in the motel, gas-station, convenience store, taxi-cab, trucking and other service industries throughout the the USA. You name the place, you will find them anywhere in the USA, even in places with few Asian immigrants who tend to reside in ethnic enclaves in California, New York, Texas, Florida, Hawaii and a few other places.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  640. Chinaman 说:



  641. Malla 说:


    什么? 怎么会这样?


    Not me, Other Indians maybe. There are still controversies about which side invaded into whose territory first. The borders are not well defined anyways, if it was our side which invaded without provocation, then I do not feel miserable. We deserved it.

  642. Malla 说:

    Holy Malla, I almost fainted at those words of wisdom: the British Raj was a ‘just, enlightened and peaceful British rule for the welfare of the masses’.

    Wanna faint again?
    穆斯林历史书的结束语, Riyazu-s-Salatin (1788) eulogized the English in India as ‘unrivalled in their laws for the administration of justice, for the safety of their subjects, for extermination of tyranny, and for protection of the weak. . . . And, notwithstanding their difference of creed, they do not interfere with the faith, laws, and religion of Musalmans.’

    Anyways I agree with everything else you wrote, spot on, the new Americanised Upper Caste elites. And some of them tend to have a very neo-con view of the world, though some of them turn leftists woke crackpots. So a Neocon view of “spreading democracy” around the world. Scary. We have seen how that has gone lately in places like Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya.

    But some good news maybe for China. India has stood with the wrong side of history in the past and Pakistanis in their failed state way have ended on the right side. India was pro-USSR, Pakistan was pro-USA during the cold war. The USSR collapsed and the USA emerged as sole superpower.
    Now we are with the USA (a little bit with Russia) and Pakistan is with China. Will we bring bad luck to our allies again?
    Or will India become the Italy of the QUAD? I mean the Germans had to bail out Italy all the time, with Mussolini and his Roman Empire 2.0 fantasies and misadventures. If those German forces could be used against the Soviets or in a Operation Sea Lion against Britain, who knows how the world would have been? Hitler was banging his head for this stupid alliance.
    What if India emerges as the Italy of QUAD and wastes QUAD resources. The American President, Australian PM and the Japanese PM may havta collectively bang their heads in the future.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  643. antibeast 说:

    Methinks the Russians still don’t understand that Indian politics is becoming a power struggle between the old pro-Russian ‘socialists’ vs the new pro-American ‘capitalists’ which has nothing to do with China. Here’s an interview with Dr Vyacheslav Nikonov, grandson of Stalin’s FM, Vyacheslav Molotov:

    But some good news maybe for China. India has stood with the wrong side of history in the past and Pakistanis in their failed state way have ended on the right side. India was pro-USSR, Pakistan was pro-USA during the cold war. The USSR collapsed and the USA emerged as sole superpower. Now we are with the USA (a little bit with Russia) and Pakistan is with China. Will we bring bad luck to our allies again?

    The world is much more complex than that. Just look at what happened to the Middle East. The USA has its reason for supporting Pakistan which has nothing to do with India.

    What if India emerges as the Italy of QUAD and wastes QUAD resources. The American President, Australian PM and the Japanese PM may have to collectively bang their heads in the future.

    Methinks the Japanese will bail out first before the QUAD gets them involved against China. That’s why seventy percent of US troop are not in Japan but in Okinawa. Same with the Aussies. That’s why the Yanks are enlisting India because they think Indians are good sepoys who are willing to fight and die for them.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  644. @antibeast

    Yeah stabbing Russia in the back is not wise – but hey – they make their bed they will have to lie in it. Russia used to never pay ttention to Pakistan – on India’s behalf. In fact as you noted the US bolstered Pakistan and backed them against India so Pakistan would help train the jihadists to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. But all is forgotten since Kamala Harris and few CEO’s are big in the USA.
    Well now Russian delegations were just in Pakistan talking about maintaining stability in Afghanistan now that the US and NATO are supposedly leaving. Russia had already tarted selling Pakistan some arms. If India keeps moving westward – Pakistan will be in line for more Russian weapons.

    • 回复: @Malla
  645. @Chinaman

    Notice he is a sheep when it comes to “vox4anon” who told him plainly he doesn’t think highly of Indian workers he has dealt with in Singapore – and that he would never be accepted as on par with Europeans.. Malla only has tough talk to who thinks is Chinese.

  646. Malla 说:

    I agree with what you wrote but you gotta understand how this debate started. The resident crackpot Showmethereal farted that the Superior Singaporean Chinese had to take actions to uplift poor lolwy Indians and Malays. I do not write about Malays, but that is bullshit. Indians do not need no uplift, Indians have been successful everywhere. What you write is about the new Fresh of the boat Indians who have been to Singapore lately. I am talking about the Indian population there from the days of the British Empire. We do not need no uplift, if you have Indians in your nation, you should be scared about them taking over your economy Jewish style. I did not write anything about the work ethic and shy Singaporean Chinese drone worker technique vs the bombastic Jew like desi technique. It is not about personality and technique. It is about success. Indians are successful population in most parts of the World, we do not need any Han help and upliftment. Yet this same hateful pig, showmethereal ignores the fact that Western countries have spent billions in trying to uplift blacks with very little success. Whitey try help black, YT evul, but superior Han help poor Hindooo. The guy is a racist pig but blames YT for racism. And when I showed him how Indians have outsuceeded Chinese in the USA, one could sense his discomfort about the fact that smelly Hindooo have outcompeted superior Han in the USA, it hurt his Han pride. The guy went into excuse mode. LOL Yet this same scumbag cries about evul “racist” Whitey, evul Whitey. The guy is a double standard monkey. A snake of the first order. Disgusting.

    Anyways moving on, what you write about are the new fresh of the boat Indians who have gone to Singapore in large numbers. This is one more reason why India refused to join the RCEP. Chinese and South East Asians and Aussie-NZ firms want entry to the huge Indian market, it is very likely they would outcompete our industries with their competitive products but they are not ready to take in India’s main competitive export, its IT workers, its unlimited labourpool. So they be saying “You allow us to enter your market and decimate your industries but we will not allow your labour to come here”. The Indian Government did not like that.


    “In the speech, Lee, who ruled Singapore with a velvet fist from 1959 until 1990, promised that the country would have a wholly Singaporean workforce by 1991. Lee said that countries like France, the United Kingdom and West Germany were facing political, social and economic problems due to their large migrant work forces. Arguing that this was not desirable for Singapore, Lee promised that work permits for the country’s migrant workforce in the non-traditional sector would not be renewed and that by December 31, 1984, all such workers would leave.”
    Interesting, the Great LKY can warn that import of foreign labour causes problems but crackpots like showmethereal masturbate to flooding Western countries with foreign labour. Double Standard much. Oy Vey.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  647. Malla 说:

    That’s why the Yanks are enlisting India because they think Indians are good sepoys who are willing to fight and die for them.

    Again, here comes the same bullshit. India is no more a sepoy of the USA than China is a sepoy of Russia or Russia is a sepoy of China or Pakistan is a sepoy of China. The USA got a nation which is concerned about China on a platter and the CCP crackpots in their early years created this whole enmity in in between India and China the first place by their idiotic “India as sepoy theory” as is obvious from Patel’s private letter. If the QUAD disappears, India will not turn into an ally of China, because that is impossible. Indians look at the USA as a (democratic) ally against their enemy China whom they consider as an aggressive rogue state and enemy of India. Again it were the CCP crackpots in their early years who created this whole problem, they did not realize they are dealing with a vindictive nation. India does not need the QUAD, India will remain without the QUAD too. India supporting China against the USA is as ridiculous as China supporting Japan against the USA during WW2. The QUAD is very popular among most Indians but most Indians still do not trust the USA completely.
    Actually in the minds of Indians, both the USA and China are similar, both are untrustworthy imperialist nations but the USA is a democracy, and now China is the big threat. Indians believe that “Russia will realize the traitorous nature of the Chinese” and come to their senses.
    Again not my personal belief but the belief of the common people.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  648. Malla 说:

    LOL Showmethereal, Relax. Let our smart nuanced diplomats handle that. Your concern for poor India’s future is very moving. booohooo LOL. The slimball snake showmethereal is soooo concerned about smelly India, how the evul USA will use India and destroy poor India. LOL. Ya rite. You are soooo concerned. As any Indian would tell this snake “Mujhe chutiya samja kya?”
    Anyways movin on, interesting stuff, news dated April 7, 2021.
    Russia assures India; says no to military alliance with China
    Indo-Russian alliance has is strengths. Unlike the Sino-Soviet split (and Sino backstab), India (like Vietnam) remained an ally of the USSR till the very end. There was no Indo-Soviet split, India did not help Mujaheddin kill Soviet troops.
    Russia hopefully understand’s Indian concerns about China.
    Thus we become one of the few nations who can keep good relations with both Russia and the USA, which is in India’s interest.
    Indians considered the USSR as their big brother. Indians only have a problem “with “Foreign Imperialist Chinese barbarian demons” and “Terrorist slum nation Pakistani unclean mleccha savage monkeys” against whom Indians will fight and bleed and struggle for holy motherland till the end of time. ” Except that Indians really do not have any real major problem with anybody else. And yes, Vietnam is looked as “our brother nation”. Talk of Vietnam and any Indian on our streets will start beaming and will have high approval ratings for our Vietnamese friends.
    Again this anti-China , anti-Pakistan thing is not my personal opinion but that of most Indians. I am trying to explain to you idiots how things are on the ground. I personally want GREAT Indo-Chinese relations, hell I even want good Indo-Pakistani relations too (though good relations with China is more important to me). But people like me make up about 0.000001 of the Indian population, who are in general extremely nationalist, psychotically nationalist. The CCP, in the 50s with their stupid “sepoy theory” and those who are “not Communists are Imperial scum” has created a vindictive enemy nation.

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  649. antibeast 说:

    So what you mean is that a letter that Patel wrote in the 1950s about how Mao treated India as a ‘sepoy of the West’ hurt Indian pride to this day which is why India wants to join the QUAD against China 70 years later.

    As I wrote in my previous posts, the pro-American Indian elites need to manufacture consent for the Indian masses to rationalize India’s decision to join the QUAD against China. What is left unsaid by your rationalization is the fact that the pro-American Indian elites have been amassing wealth (due to the ITO/BPO industry) and gaining power (due to their ties to the USA) which they have now marshalled to force Modi’s pivot to the USA. That’s the real reason behind Modi’s pivot to the USA not some letter that Patel wrote in the 1950s about Mao treating India as a ‘sepoy of the West’ that hurt Indian pride. LOL!

    I agree with you that India’s pivot to the USA would have occurred anyway due to the large disparity between the USA and Russia, not due to any need for India to join the QUAD against China. But that’s due to the shifting balance of power between the US-educated, pro-American Indian ‘capitalists’ vs the British-educated, pro-Russian Indian ‘socialists’ of the old Gandhi/Nehru Congress Party. This process of strategic rebalancing is mostly the result of the internal politics of the Indian elites who have decided to cast their lot with the Americans and dump the Russians.

    • 回复: @Malla
  650. antibeast 说:
    @Jeff Stryker


    The Filipinos who emigrate to the West are mostly middle-class 混血 not lower-class 印度人 unlike the Mexican illegals in the USA who are mostly lower-class 印度人 not middle-class 混血.

    Yep, that is why the Filipinos want to get to the West. Because the ethnic Chinese who run the Philippines don’t depend on their slave wage toil.

    The ethnic Chinese don’t run the Philippines. It’s the native Filipinos who run the Philippines.


    There are 1.2 million Filipino call center employees working nightshifts who are mostly employed by US multinationals which outsource call center work to the Philippines.


    It’s the Americans who exploit Filipinos not the Chinese traders who run the import/wholesale trade in the Philippines which lacks the manufacturing industries to supply its domestic market. And don’t even talk about the malls owned by Chinese Filipinos because the retailers in those malls are owned and managed by Filipinos.

    So who’s exploiting whom?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  651. Malla 说:

    So what you mean is that a letter that Patel wrote in the 1950s about how Mao treated India as a ‘sepoy of the West’ hurt Indian pride to this day which is why India wants to join the QUAD against China 70 years later.

    LOL Noooo. What I meant was that the attitude of the CCP in those early days created an unnecessary vindictive enemy. Hell after that India probably did more to screw Indo-China relations. This attitude of seeing the World as only “Communist revolutionaries Vs Imperialists and nothing else” is not unique to the CCP but is common in most Communist movements.

    And India as a sepoy ideology is even older. Already back in the early 1900s, philosopher, and revolutionary, Zhang Taiyan argued in his writings that Indian people were especially susceptible to British occupation after the experience with the Mongols/Mughals.
    “By the time the Mughals unified the land the Indian people had already pledged their allegiance to a different people. To be owned by the Mughals and then to be owned by the British what difference did it make to them.”

    These Chinese scholars did not see the irony of their blaming Indian’s supposedly deficient character for becoming prey to foreign rule and ignoring their own country’s history of being conquered and ruled by the alien Mongols in the 12th and 13th centuries as the Yuan dynasty and later by the Manchus during the 17th to the 20th century as the Qing dynasty. In fact, for nearly half of its recorded history, China was ruled by non-Han dynasties including the Liao, the Jin and the Xia before the advent of the Yuan and the Qing. The extensive territories China now claims as its own are mostly a legacy of its conquered past. It has been more expedient to bask in the reflected glory of the conqueror than to identify with those who suffered from conquest just as the majority Han people did. If the Indians were themselves responsible for falling prey to alien rule then were the Hans during the Ming dynasty also responsible for falling prey to the Manchus? Were there similar character faults at play? These questions never surfaced in the Chinese discourse. And even if they invaders to China all Sinified with time and became like the Han, the invaders to India like the Indo-Greeks, Kushans, Scythians, Turks, Mughals etc… Indianised with time too. Even the British and Europeans in India were Indianising before the 1857 mutiny (White Mughals). Tho the Persianised Central Asian Mughals did exist as an overlord population, for example they Persianised Mughals considered the European (including British), Persian and Ottoman envoys at their courts as “fellow White men” as against us native Indians who were considered “Black men” (even though upper caste North Indian Hindus often are as light skinned and Caucasoid looking as Iranians).

    Even the positive history of Buddhism as a factor of affinity between the 2 countries was re-interpreted negatively in those days by Chinese scholars. Even Liang Shuming, who was ethnic Buddhist Mongolian, said that for the reinvigoration of China, Indian influence must be eliminated and not a trace of it be allowed to survive in China. Some years later, Hu Shih took up this theme and argued in an address at Harvard University in 1937 that Chinese weakness with respect to Japan was due to the “Indianization of China.” Hu Shih said,
    “India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.” However Japan is partially Buddhist too. So how does that make sense?

    But he meant this as a baneful influence on China to be exorcised rather than to be celebrated. It is often mis-interpreted by Indian Nationalists as a grateful Chinese acknowledgement of its cultural debt to India when it is the opposite in intent. Rajnath Singh, the Indian Defence Minister in October 2017 approvingly quoted Hu Shih’s remarks as evidence of China’s cultural debt to India only to invite a prompt and angry refutation by the Chinese paper, Global Times!

    Indian Nobel Laureate (the guy who wrote the Indian as well as Bangladeshi national anthems as well as the first non White Nobel laureate) Rabindranath Tagore’s visit to China in 1924 has been described as a milestone in India-China relations. The suggestion that it rekindled a sense of affinity between the peoples of the 2 countries and promoted solidarity in the struggle against Western imperialism is an exaggeration. He may have been received with polite courtesy and enjoyed respect as a Nobel laureate but his notions of a rejuvenated Eastern Civilisation prevailing over a materialistic and spiritually bankrupt West found no resonance among most Chinese scholars of that time but ironically it did among Japanese scholars. “Eastern civilisation” as the Chinese saw it, did not include India. Left-wing intellectuals such as Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Shen Yanbing, Chen Duxiu and Qu Qiubai were all critical of Tagore’s ideas even though they admired his scholarship and poetry. Shen Yanbing said, “We are determined not to welcome the Tagore who loudly sings the praises of Eastern civilisation, nor do we welcome the Tagore who creates a paradise of poetry and love and leads our youth into it so that they might find comfort and intoxication in meditating.”
    Communist leader Qu Qiubai was more even more dismissive describing Tagore as a man of the past whose advice was irrelevant. The claim made by the Japanese scholar Shigenobu Okura had greater resonance among Chinese scholars, when he said, “Of the nations of Asian civilisation today, I consider Japan to be the greatest. Next is China. As for the people of Babylon and India, even though their cultures could be admired in bygone days, now they cannot even be compared.” His Chinese counterparts might have jostled with Okura for the Asian number one position but would not have disagreed with his proposition on India.

    Check out Zhou Enlai’s observations about India in conversations with American Kissinger in 1972:
    Zhou referred to Nehru’s 印度的发现, a vey patriotic book Nehru wrote about Indian history, saying that Nehru was thinking of a great Indian empire, but “”actually India is a bottomless hole.”
    Zhou: “India is a highly suspicious country. It is quite a big country, sometimes it puts on airs of a big country, but sometimes it has an inferiority complex.”
    Kissinger: It has been governed by foreigners through most of its history.
    Zhou: Yes that might be one of the historical factors.”

    • 回复: @Arthur MacBride
    , @antibeast
  652. Malla 说:

    Methinks the Russians still don’t understand that Indian politics is becoming a power struggle between the old pro-Russian ‘socialists’ vs the new pro-American ‘capitalists’ which has nothing to do with China.

    I suspect they know and probably are playing their forces just like the USA are. Indeed there is a ideology common in many countries in Eurasia but most widespread among some Russian thinkers like Dugin, that of Eurasianism. Of Eurasia, the World island vs Atlantism of the New World of the Americans. How all the powers of Asia and Europe including eventually the Japanese and eventually maybe the British in the long term, should cooperate against the USA, Atlantist power par excellence. Eurasianism is a political movement that has its origins in the Russian émigré community in the 1920s (Prince Nikolai Trubetzkoy, Pyotr Savitsky, Pyotr Suvchinsky, D. S. Mirsky, Konstantin Chkheidze, Pyotr Arapov, Sergei Efron). The Eurasianists believed that the Soviet regime was capable of evolving into a new national, non-European Orthodox Christian government, shedding the initial mask of proletarian internationalism and militant atheism (to which the Eurasianists were strongly opposed). But wider Eurasianism included the entire Eurasian World island was based on English academician Sir Halford John Mackinder’s concepts . The concept of Eurasia as a World Island.
    I often read the works of modern Eurasianists who look at the new Russo-China friendship as the nucleus of a future Eurasian system. They talk of flipping Western Europe including even Britain as well as Japan from the American side to the Eurasian side, a long term plan. But the country they are most pissed off about and the country they believe has done the most damage to their ideal is India. India backtracked by getting closer to the USA, and according to them have become a powerful outpost of Atlantism.
    The video you provided from the Indian new outlet, “The Print” is actually one of the bastions of the old Indian elite. That is why they are the ones who spoke with Dr Vyacheslav Nikonov in such a frank and honest way. The same correspondent spoke with Aatish Taseer about how Modi’s real war is against India’s older English-speaking elite though Aatish does not belong to the Socialist camp. The older elite even if they were Americanised in their youth and Anglo in their older years were ironically pro-Soviet in their geopolitical outlook. Many of their ancestors went to UK universities and got influenced by Socialism, like Nehru. Indian Middle Class culture of the older Indian elites was a mix of Victorian Anglo + Hindu culture mixed in. Indeed many aspects of Victorian culture has ended in the UK but stays behind in India, especially the English used in our official documents. You could say like how Latin culture remained a unifying force in Europe (and even North Africa before Islamization) after the Roman Empire fell. They were a mix of Socialists and Liberals. They had inherited from the Raj, a more pluralistic idea of India which included all its minorities along with the majority Hindu. They are ideologically the descendants of the Western educated Indians who clashed with the British Raj and wanted to show the British White Sahibs that they (Western educated Brown Sahibs) could run India just as well as the White Sahibs. When Canada, Australia and New Zealand were given Dominion status, they Brown Sahibs too demanded the same for India. The long term goal of the British Empire was granting Dominion Status to all its colonies and to eventually have a family of brother modern nations in the Commonwealth, a White man’s Burden completion. But according the the British elites, India was not ready yet for dominion status as India was more complex than Australia, Canada, NZ etc.. as those countries had already modernised. Indian had too many problems, castes, Hindu- Muslims clashes, education had not spread yet etc…So Dominion Status for India was denied, that is what out freedom fighters wanted in the beginning. But after this denial, the English educated Brown Sahibs misunderstood this as “racism” and in revolutionary anger now started demanding “Sampurna Swaraj” (Swa-Self in Sanskrit/Hindi, Raj-Rule or “Self Rule”) or complete Independence.
    But others like lower caste leaders like Ambedkar as well as some social reformer Brahmins like Ranade were of the same view, that the British are right, we were not ready for independence yet as our society is still feudal and disunited. Ambedkar was of the view that the British Empire was benign, and India should take this opportunity to repair itself under the protection of Empire to make a nation unified in spirit and purpose, where all castes and religions truly melt into a modern India. Only then India should have Dominion Status or Independence. Leaving the Empire too early would be disaster. According to him, the British should be LAST foreign rulers of India, once India becomes a truly unified modern nation, no other foreign nation should be able to rule us ever again. The British Empire was an opportunity to repair the social problems of feudal India.
    But the Congressis would not listen, they wanted independence and they wanted it now. They wanted to show the White British that we Western educated Indians could run India too as well as wanted to show Jinnah and Muslim League of Pakistan that India could run as a secular pluralistic nation. To make that happen at times the Congress after Independence even took the side of minorities against the majority Hindus, they wanted to run their secular, socialist, pluralistic, inclusive India. But this only created resentment among Hindus and the feudal Hindu underclass always existed. With the victory of Modi in 2014, the feudal India threw aside and politically decimated the older Indian elites. What the British Viceroys, Ambedkar and Ranade and even Jinnah (in his own way) had warned, has happened and is only going to only accelerate now.

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  653. @Malla

    Indian Nobel Laureate (the guy who wrote the Indian as well as Bangladeshi national anthems as well as the first non White Nobel laureate) Rabindranath Tagore

    What a great figure was Rabindranath Tagore …
    Following the long train journey around India previously mentioned, Malla, I had a modest part in writing up a rural development project in up-country Bdesh. They enrolled me in a short Bangla course … kind-of useful even though limited … some of my exercises were reading “Amar Shonar Bangla” + other Rabindra …
    this was in the early 80’s btw.

    Those people like desperate dan, dinky toy and show me the money do seem particularly dense and impervious to your attempts to foster peace/good relations/understanding with China. They appear as intellectual versions, or just copies of the Thaggish Hindutva street-people you portray. Hope China has better than them.

    This apparently being the case, I thought to post this music for them.
    Written by Thomas Arne in 1740.
    Just to encourage them, you realise … (lol) … Jai Hind.

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Malla
  654. d dan 说:

    Malla: are you eligible to run for the President of United States?

    I wish Joe Biden has chosen you instead of Kamala Harris. You are so much qualified than her.

  655. d dan 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    “to foster peace/good relations/understanding with China.”

    Please add the quality of honourable, restrained and conservative to the list too. Thank you.

  656. @Malla

    The guy insulted you and your whole ethnic groups workforce but you are still blabbering about Han people. And you call me a crackpot? You are truly pathetic. And stupid too if you dont et difference in the qualifications of Indian vs Chinese migrnts into the US. But i guess that was the poin vox4anon was making about you and your tribe… But you are still kissing the feet. More than pathetic.

    • 回复: @Malla
  657. @Malla

    When did I ever call Indians smelly?? Pretty dumb since I enjoy eating Indian curry. You are really a troll whose supporters are trolls who like your “house —–” performance. I never insulted Indians at all. My guess is you spent part of your life in London and used to get called names like that by the “wayne rooney” types and because you are so traumatized you try to pass that off on anyone else who doesnt bow before Cecil Rhodes statute to get acceptance.

  658. Malla 说:

    That is why the Congress as well as the Old Indian Elite were very centered. They were socialist but not Communists. They were mild Hindutva but also secular. They were pro-Soviet. Ironically they were crushing Indian Communists (as well as right winged Hindutvas) and yet were pro-Soviet and Congress Indo-Soviet relations was strong, just like how now Hindutvas are attacking Indian Christians and churches and many politically powerful mega churches in the USA have raised this issue, but yet BJP Indo-USA relations are strong. They combined British style Parliamentary democracy with American style President. However British style parliamentary democracy and concepts of Prime Minister actually match traditional Indian concepts of Kings and their Prime Minister. Even the English term “Prime Minister” matches the Hindi term for Prime Minister, “Pradhan Mantri.” The term “Prime” in Hindi/Sanskrit is “Pradhan”and English term “Minister” in Hindi/Sanskrit is “Mantri”. Old Indo-European Aryan connections. In India too we had an ancient concept of Prime Minister or Pradhan Mantri to our ancient Kings.
    Many British administrators in India like Lord Lytton (not Lord Lytton of the famine, Indian Nero, but his son) was of the opinion that the British Parliamentary system was born out of unique British historical experience,and India should evolve its own system of governance. However our Independence leaders wanted to show the White British that we Indians too can run a democracy. That was a driving iforce. But anyways, democracy came out good for India but now feudal forces have taken over. Ambedkar too supported democracy. The British Raj only demanded that India have a Constitution before devolution of power to Independent India (and thus the British Raj ends) and hence Ambedkar was brought in to write the Indian Constitution.

    This Old English speaking Indian elite eventually became a mix of Socialists and Liberals. They wanted to show the Brits and the Pakistanis about the success of Modern Secular India. However there was always a huge fundamentalist Hindutva lower class masses and the elites were just keeping a lid on this force. That is it. The Hindutva masses (with some exceptions) considered all this secular, socialist as homo bullcrap, for them there was only one kind of nationalism, that was Hindutva India and its pride. And Hindutva organizations were working behind the scenes. They hate the secular (they are disparagingly called “sickular”) elites. Our Universities like JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru university) one of the premier Universities of India were the bastions of this old order who were leftist and some of them Anglo style liberals. They were keeping the country united by keeping the Hindutva mass beast under control. They can be compared to the Westernized socialist secular Kemalist elites of Turkey. They are disparagingly called “Urban Naxalites” by the Hinduvadi forces. What are these naxalites? There was a Maoist movement which started in India led by Westernised Indians and lower caste rural Hindus as well as tribals against upper caste feudal lords and big Indian corporations raping their forests. This started in Naxalbari West Bengal and they ended up being called Naxalites. The Old Indian English speaking elites, whose kids went to Indian Universities and became Leftists and Liberals supported the struggle of these lower castes and tribals against upper caste forces. Hence they are called “Urban Naxalites.” , the posh English speaking liberals and Leftists who live in cities and support the maoists in the villages and jungles. Many of the leaders of Indian Communists and Naxal Maoist leaders are all themselves upper castes including Brahmins (tribals are just soldiers) but they are non traditional upper castes. This pits them against the rural feudal upper castes. But for the Nationalist masses, Communism, Maoism etc… are anti-national just as Muslims and English speaking elites. So the nationalists, Rural Feudal upper caste lords, Hindutvas etc… made an alliance. On the other hand were posh English speaking Liberal or leftist elites + Muslims, lower caste Hindu forces, jungle tribal Maoists, South Indian Dravidian forces etc….made the opposite alliance and in 2014 (Modi’s victory) this alliance lost to the former feudal forces.

    One more gang to join in with the nationalists were the traditional mercantile banitya populations. They had helped the Congress once against the British Raj, now they help Hindutva BJP against the Congress. They hated socialism of the Congress and wanted privatization. Earlier they were of the SJM (Swadeshi Jagran Manch) mindset who wanted privatization and capitalism but only Indian capitalists to rule Indian market, to bar all foreign companies. Earlier the Indian Capitalists supported this but later the American corporations struck deals with them and promised huge capital inflows, so soon they started supporting globalisation. The American Corps also allowed them into the Western markets, for example the Ambani Reliance group which has deals with British Petroleum now has made inroads into Hollywood. There were many collaborations in between American Corporations and Indian Oligarchs. Companies from other nations like Russia, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Sweden etc… kept out of all these bullshit, put their head down and quietly did their business in India, they remained quite aloof of all this Americano-Indian Oligarch tie ups. Examples were like Volkswagen (Germany), Honda/Suzuki (Japan), Hyundai (Korea), Volvo (Sweden), Russian Petroleum Companies like Rosneft etc.. The market disruptors were the Chinese. They formed the third force in between the mafiaso politically dominant Indian oligarch + American Corps group and the quite, keep your head down and do business group (Germans, Japanese, Russians, Swedes, Koreans etc..). Some Chinese entrepreneurs were those guys who had missed the first digital wave in China itself so they invested in the who other huge Asian markets India and Indonesia. These entrepreneurs along with Chinese companies just barged in and started doing great business, they ignored the Indian Oligarchs and set up a complete parallel business infrastructure in India at break neck speed. And they were spreading to all industries unlike the selective industries of the Europeans, Japanese etc.. These Chinese businesses and their rapid growth and parallel business infrastructure alarmed the Old Indian Oligarchs and they put pressure on Modi, who took the opportunity of the Galwan clash to get rid of them. I wanted them in India as I thought that they would provide an alternative to our slimey Oligarchs. For example when Chinese solar cell manufacturers were kicked out, Indian Oligarch Adani (who faces opposition among Australians in his environmentally damaging coal mine investments there, he did by bribing Australian politicians) entered the Indian Solar Cell market.
    Modi’s Hindutva rise is similar to Erdogan’s rise in Turkey. In Turkey too you had the old Westernised, socialist, secular Kemalist elites. But among the masses there always was a Islamo-nationalist emotional force among traditional masses (like our Hindutva mass emotional force) kept down by the Westernised Kemalist elites. Now that Islamo mass force has burst out and taken power with Erdogan just like Hindutva mass force took power in 2014 with Modi. Like Modi, Erdogan is a populaist who hates the old Westernised elites, interferes in Universities, dreams of Ottoman Empire (Hindutvas have their Akhand Bharat), destroyed the Turkish economy (like Modi screws the Indian economy) . The similarities are astounding. Except that Turkish Thug Sultan Islamo nationalist Erdogan has started clashing with Hindutva nationalist Thug Sultan Modi over Kashmir and Pakistan. Turkey has recently become the enemy of Indian nationalists. Two of the most psychotic nationalisms on Planet Earth, Turkish and Indian crash into each other.

  659. Malla 说:

    The guy insulted you

    He insulted me and you supported him. What was your response to this racist commentator? What did you write in response? Hmmm.. “Very sensible comment.” Post 648 posted by you?
    Maybe Indian Nationalists are right, you Han and Whitey together conspire to keep great India down. “Both Han and Western Whitey are arrogant Imperialists against whom we revolutionary Indian Nationalist struggle.” Showmethereal, you prove Indian nationalist correct with thy perfidious actions.

  660. Malla 说:

    What the British Viceroys, Ambedkar and Ranade and even Jinnah (in his own way) had warned, has happened and is only going to only accelerate now.

    To give you an idea, check this video, but this is mostly in Hindi. This is Markandey Katju the ex-Chief Justice of India. Markanday Katju represents the old Elite who are modern, anti-Hindutva, anti-Caste, secular and pro-Soviet. Katju is a hardcore Nehruvian, who called Gandhi a “stooge of the British” and Bose “a stooge of the Japanese”. Like Nehru, he is socialist, rationalist but supported Parliamentary Democracy. He is actually a (Westernised) Brahmin from my state of Utter Pradesh, the most populated state of India of 200 million.

    Justice Markandey Katju speaking in Law College Dehra Dun
    He is totally disappointed how India turned out.
    Earlier hs speaks of beef eating and mentions Europe, China etc.. where people eat beef. And he says are Europeans, Chinese Japanese bad because they eat beef.
    At 2:25 mins he says in English that 80-90% of Indians are full of communal-ism and castism. he says in Hindi -Gobar bhara hai sar me which means “your heads are full of cowdung.” The he asks at 2:50 to the professors in the college if any Professor would allow their daughter to marry a lower caste dalit boy? He said there would be honour killing if that happens?
    At 4:07 minutes he says in English: “Even today you regard Dalits as neech” (lowly). At 4:14 he asys “you are a very backward country”. He also speaks bout how the media is owned by businessmen most of whom kow tow to the Government or the Government can put pressure by tax raids etc..
    At 7:42 mins he admits that parliamentary Democracy has failed in India as feudal forces have retaken the nation.
    This is Markanday Katju, pro Socialist, pro- democracy, pro lower caste rights, anti-Hindutva, pro-Soviet, anti-British Empire, anti-NS Germany and Imperial Japan (thus opposed to Bose), he is a Nehruvian.
    The point is that the British Viceroys, Ambedkar, Ranade etc… came out right, we exited the British Empire too early and that is the main problem in most of the World, de-colonisation too early. That is what has screwed up Africa for example.
    Also democracy does not work well in mix breed heterogeneous societies, it works best in homogeneous societies, this is a major warning for the West, multi-racialism + multi-culturalism will actually make democracy ineffective in the future.

  661. antibeast 说:

    Wow! I didn’t expect such an erudite reply from you. How relevant are those 20th century Chinese thinkers to Modi’s pivot to the USA today? Not much.

    It would take several pages to give my views on those 20th century Chinese thinkers and your rebuttals. Suffice it to say that I don’t agree with most of them, especially those May 4th Movement intellectuals like Lu Xun as their thinking tends to be a version of Chinese Occidentalism (“anything Western is good”) which is the obverse of Western Orientalism (“everything Eastern is bad”). Their negative comments on Buddhism (which is an Indian import into China) belongs to the same genre as the anti-Confucian sentiments of the May 4th Movement. But you’re missing one very important person who had very positive things to say about India and Asia: Sun Yat-sen. Here’s his speech on ‘pan-asianism’:


    Sun Yat-sen recognized the ancient Civilizations of Asia based on the ”Rule of Right’ as morally superior to the West which he thought was based on the ‘Rule of Might’. Zhang Taiyan’s view on India attributes the Muslim invasions as responsible for the fragmentation of Indian society. My view is that the Hindu Brahmins themselves fragmented Indian society into thousands of castes and hundreds of principalities which made it difficult to unite against British colonialism. But there was a time when India was a unified and powerful Empire — the Maurya Empire — which adopted Buddhism under Ashoka the Great who promoted Buddhism to the rest of Asia. That’s how Buddhism became one of the two cultural foundations of East Asia Civilization, the other being Confucianism, with Sanskrit and Chinese considered its Classical Languages. East Asians today regard the reign of Ashoka the Great of the Maurya Empire as the Golden Age of India and regularly make trips to India to pay homage to sacred Buddhist sites. . But what happened to the Buddhist Civilization of Ashoka the Great? The answer to that question is the solution to the puzzle of Hindu India.

    • 谢谢: Malla
    • 回复: @Malla
  662. Malla 说:
    @Arthur MacBride

    Jai Hind Arthur.

    “Amar Shonar Bangla” + other Rabindra

    Yeah, Tagore wrote the anthems of both India and Bangladesh!!! Imagine that. “Amar Shonar Bangla” is the Bangladeshi National Anthem. His music and songs are very popular among Indian Bengalis.

    Rabindra-sangeet – which means “Rabindra-Song”.
    I do not understand their Bengali language but it is very beautiful to the ear. Very polished and sweet language, like French. Maybe you might make out something. My cousin sister is married to a Bengali guy BTW. Bengali upper castes are a lot like French people, arrogant and intellectual.
    Upper caste English speaking Bengali elites have a very sophisticated culture, they were some of the first to take up Western education (that is where British Empire was first established in India), soon there was a sophisticated Anglo-Bengali culture in Colonial Bengal and we had the concept of the Bengali Bhadralok, like your English Gentleman. There is even a Shakespeare street in Calcutta. No wonder they became crazy revolutionaries later on (as Lord Macaulay had predicted English education would do), but later they moved to Communism and destroyed their own economy like idiots.

    They appear as intellectual versions, or just copies of the Thaggish Hindutva street-people you portray.

    Yup the Chinese Wumao Army are remarkably similar to our Hinduvadis. In India they are called “BJP IT cell”, they are the Wumaos of Hindutva. Both are equally thick headed, very similar but our Nationalists are even more psychotic, these guys are actually very tame, they have not come across our hardcore nationalists yet, there are hardly any on Unz. Nationalism is a game many can play after all.

    I thought to post this music for them. Written by Thomas Arne in 1740. Just to encourage them, you realise


    • 谢谢: Arthur MacBride
  663. Malla 说:

    How relevant are those 20th century Chinese thinkers to Modi’s pivot to the USA today?

    No, I was just explaining the origins of the sepoy accusations.

    Thank you about Sun Yat-sen’s speech. However rule of might have been very common in Asia too. How does one explain the brutal Islamic invasions of India? Though Islamic rulers did many good things too and some were very tolerant but the invasions of India was a brutal experience we had. Later on the Hindu Marathas who raided the rest of India used Rule of Might too. When Tipu Sultan’s forces invaded Travancore in South India, the Mopplah Muslims (Arab Indian half breeds) went on a killing and raping spree of Hindus. The Travancore kings asked the English for help, and after the English EIC and upper warrior caste Travancore Nairs (Shashi Tharoor’s caste) forces combined defeated the invaders, the Hindus now started taking revenge on Muslims. But the English officers came in between and stopped revenge massacres. Even in China during the Dungan revolt, General Zuo Zongtang and his army came and massacred every Muslim he could find.

    Western Orientalism (“everything Eastern is bad”)

    Are you sure? I think it was more mixed. I have read the books of many British Colonial officers, they seemed to praise a lot of things about Asian cultures.

    My view is that the Hindu Brahmins themselves fragmented Indian society into thousands of castes and hundreds of principalities which made it difficult to unite against British colonialism.

    Not only British colonialism but earlier invaders as well. As far as British colonialism was concerned, the Mughal Emperor Auranzeb went on a conquering spree and thus reached imperial overreach and bankrupted his Empire. Add to that the stubborn Ahom Kings of Assam and the rising warrior Marathas (who rose up against his and Bijapur’s brutal rule), and his Empire fell apart after him. If that would not have happened, maybe no European colonization would have taken place. But India might have then remained a shitty place ruled by ruthless kings then.

    As far as the caste system, that was system created to run a complicated place like India. Both China and India were situated on great real estate with large farmlands next to rivers, rivers emerging from Tibet and Himalayas. Both ended up having huge harvests, large populations and large wealth (before Industrial revolution, that is where the wealth was at) and could use the large resource producing populations and wealth to support musicians, philosophers etc…There is a reason why many civilizations started near rivers (Nile, Euphrates), excess grain helped civilizations rise. China went with Confucianism to organize its huge civilization, a hierarchical system based on filial piety, of extreme respect for parents and superiors who were in return to take care of subordinates as a father figure. All the way to the Emperor and to the heavens. India went with caste system and sense of duty. If you read the Bhagwad Geeta, it talks about doing one’s duty, Hinduism is primarily a duty based religion (as against Christianity which is obsessed with avoiding sin or Buddhism which is obsessed with escaping suffering). Every caste did its duty. Kshtariya’s fought wars, vaishyas took care of trade etc.. , they were expected to do their duty well and thus the whole system worked. But Brahmanism worked well only in running small kingdoms and communities and could not unite the subcontinent politically, may be unite as a civilization but not in polity. Compared to that Confucianism fared better in keeping China united. That is why I had written somewhere that even if India exported Buddhism, it did the mistake of not importing Confucianism from China. No Master Kong was born in India. Confucianism was also more egalitarian than Hinduism and thus the talent of the whole population could have been used in governance.

    which adopted Buddhism under Ashoka the Great who promoted Buddhism to the rest of Asia

    India’s golden age was Buddhist, not Hindu. Later Hindu Brahmins like Adi -Shankara absorbed Buddhist concepts in Hinduism and destroyed Buddhism in India which made India a shithole. Many famous Hindu temples today in India were originally Buddhist temples, many Buddha statues are worshiped today as Hindu Gods.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  664. Malla 说:

    Rudyard Kipling must be smiling in his grave as he was the one who extolled the British to carry the ‘White Man’s Burden’ to civilize the brown Indians!

    Rudyard Kipling eventually realized that “blood is thicker than water” and later became critical of the White Man’s burden. Kipling understood India extremely well, he was born here.
    To understand his dissolution with the White Man’s Burden you gotta read the book “The Man Who Would Be King”
    There was a movie on this book staring Sean Connery and Michael Caine and Christopher Plummer as Rudyard Kipling himself.


    The book’s/movie’s message or Rudyard Kipling’s message (as I understand is) that the British Indian Empire was created by adventurous men like Robert Clive but later the Empire was run by aristocratic Lords and bureaucrats who did not come to loot but govern their subjects well. And that screwed everything up. If the adventurous men had just looted and went away, the British Indian story would have ended well, after all Iranian Emperor Nadir Shah or Afghan King Ahmed Shah Abdali looted out billions from India, more than anything the British got and ended up forgotten but when they British try to wisely and benevolently govern places like India, things screw up and they end up getting hated. So you see Sean Connery’s character Daniel Dravot wants to rule wisely like Alexander the Great and he brings great justice and prosperity in the land. But everything screws up at the end. He could have taken the great (Alexander’s) treasure given by the priests and left and he and Peachy Carnehan (Micheal Caine) would have been very very rich men (Robert Clive). Could have retired as rich men in London or the Bahamas But noooo.. He wanted to benevolently rule the people there. And his rule was benevolent & just but it all screwed up at the end. The man they meet in the newspaper office represents Kipling himself.
    So the message for would be imperials is if you conquer, just loot and leave, do not try to be wise and benevolent rulers in places like India. You will always screw up at the end. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This story is about the British Raj in India. Similarly Multi-racialism and Multiculturalism will fail as well and the message reinforces National Socialist and Apartheid viewpoint over the White man’s Burden viewpoint.

    The story was based in Kafiristan in Afghanistan, now called Nuristan. Just a century back, the people there in Nuristan were pagans and their religion resembled the original pure ancient Aryan Vedic Hinduism not the Puranic mish mash Hinduism we have in India today. For example, you would have noticed in the movie they prayed to Imbra/Indra. Indra is basically the Indian version of Thor, the Thunder God as well as the Slavic thunder God Perun and the Greek Zues. They also had legends about Alexander the Great (locally called Sikandar). The Muslim Afghans had tried in vain for centuries to convert them but were not successful. Kaffiristanis were fierce warriors. But just a hundred years ago when the Muslim Afghans got European guns, they were finally able to conquer and convert them. So Kafiristan was renamed as Nuristan and now they are some of the most devout Muslims in Afghanistan and some of the fiercest fighters during the Soviet Campaign too. Indeed I believe it is they who fought the Soviets the most fiercest of all the Afghans. Many of them have light eyes, light hair and very fair skin.

    Nuristani Boys

  665. Rdm 说:




    无论你喜欢与否,他们都可以成为真正的大使,通过向公众展示他们的日常生活而不是 MSM 宣传来团结这两个伟大的国家。

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Malla
    , @Showmethereal
  666. d dan 说:

    “… to unite these two great countries…”

    Ordinary Chinese does not have a beef with India (the only exception is when there is border conflict, which is a legacy of the British empire, where their/US influence and interferences lasted to this day) – after all, China and India co-exist for thousands of years without major wars.

    Most of the Chinese criticism are directed against the Whites, or more specifically, the Anglo-Saxons / five eyes. Of course, dealing with modern day Indians sometimes is quite difficult and tricky too because of the cultural differences, and because of their sensitivity and conflicted feeling toward Chinese. I remember watching an interview on a Chinese TV program during one of the heated border standoff, a Chinese host commented that the Chinese people don’t consider Indian as enemy – that immediately solicited a firestorm response from an Indian audience who accused Chinese of “looking down” on them. The host was temporarily lost about how to respond.

    Another big obstacle when dealing with Indian is when some elite assholes act as surrogate of the Whites to enforce their racial hierarchy. Many Whites conveniently are happy to play along. Apparently, the enforcer is implementing the modern day “Chinese not allowed” club, where only non-Chinese are allowed to criticize the Whites. So it will be interesting to see whether Philippine Foreign Minister Teodoro Locsin will be called a monkey, a pig, a snake, a raccoon, or none:

    [0:59] “The Rohingya problem … that is the problem of British, who created a subclass of sub-human Rohingya, brought them to Burma, a highly ethnically conscious country and left them there and never gave them residence nor citizenship. I have Burmese friends who are very rich, and they look at them as animals. That’s the British legacy.”
    [5:47] “The last thing and the last people I will listen to is a white face on this issue. I charge all my people in the Department of Foreign Affairs: you listen to a White man, you listen to White’s opinion, and you’re finished. I know you all want to go back to western capitals well you won’t. That’s my opinion on the Burmese question. I am really angry that they destroyed a great thing.”

  667. denk 说:

    YOur claim to oppose Indian/western sinophobia sounds hollow when you seem oblivious to the army of moronic China bashers here….

    It was left to the handful of Chinese here to send idiots like savageone, colin wright, utu packing and its just the tip of an iceberg.

    Ivan is UNz resident indian troll , I’ve seen him off so many times before, dont even bother with the clown here.
    The troll is on a roll , full of shit as usual, this is the perfect chance for you to educate your proverbial Indian sinophobe, but you are 阿沃 像往常一样。


    Then that idiot steincohen,

    China is gonna git India one of this day,
    take care bro

    This is one helluva BS. !

    What did you do ?
    得到 哥们哥们 with him !

    Far from opposing sinophobia , your ire is reserved for us, the victims of China bashing, the hottest sport around the world this day, courtesy of the [[[five liars]]] !


    dinky toy

    I thought you were misled at first, now we know you’r an idiot.

    Im very curious,
    Which part of my comments piss you off ?

    Im open for challenge.
    If you cant do debate, fuck off.

    广告人身攻击 is the last resort of a loser.

    叹息, for the umpteen time
    YOur idol malla is a 黄蜂

    malla is a fraud.

    TSS is an idian troll, the idiot outted himself with this gem

    Indians are treated like shit in HK/Sg

    Macbridge could be a malla 翻番,
    malla is UNZ’s redident 变色龙.


    • 回复: @Malla
  668. @antibeast

    Native Austronesian Filipinos live in a squat. Their land was seized & distributed by the Spanish who passed it along to their Mestizo descendants. The Chinese were prevented from owning land in the Spanish colonial era but once the Americans annexed the Philippines the Phil-Chinese began buying up land.

    Some of the Spanish Mestizo families own up to 50 miles of land in places.


    You cannot even rent space in SM Mall unless you are Chinese Filipino. Of course many of the franchises are American. Filipinos don’t own retail. Filipinos rarely have any money. The idea that Filipinos & not Chinese Filipinos own franchises in SM is absurd.

    Sure, I worked for a US web design company so you are absolutely right that Filipinos want to work for US companies because they pay better than the Phil-Chinese, who also have an awful rude manner about them to employees. Any Filipino that can work for anyone else but Phil-Chinese does so.

    The Americans pay better & don’t treat them like farm animals.

    Now in all fairness to the Phil-Chinese merchants, the Caucasoid Spanish Mestizo Criollos (Some of them are not even Austronesia but simply white Spanish who remained in the Philippines after Independence) who own the agriculture treat the sugar cane workers even worse.

    Middle class Spanish Mestizos in the USA? The Filipinos most desperate to reach the USA are not middle class Mestizos. Their lives don’t depend upon leaving the Philippines. They have running water.

    Show me any Chinese girl in the Philippines marrying a 90 year old white man to live in the USA.

    We have not even broached the shabu drug trade. I think the CCP realized from the British that the best way to turn a country into a vassal state is to make the youth pawns of your drug kingpins, as the Chinese do in the Philippines.

    So not only are the Filipino poor marginalized & disenfranchised but the Chinese cartels start flooding their horrible squats with crystal meth so that junkies lurk in every open sewerage alley.

    • 回复: @antibeast
  669. Malla 说:

    that immediately solicited a firestorm response from an Indian audience who accused Chinese of “looking down” on them.

    Looking down on us? Maybe I would have though Indians would have responded that the Chinese always scheme to keep India from becoming their competitor, for being a bully, for encircling India etc…

    “The Rohingya problem … that is the problem of British, who created a subclass of sub-human Rohingya, brought them to Burma, a highly ethnically conscious country and left them there and never gave them residence nor citizenship. I have Burmese friends who are very rich, and they look at them as animals. That’s the British legacy.”

    What rubbish!! It could have easily be solved by todays nations there. The Rohingya problem is controversial. Rohingyas claim that they had a kingdom in a part of Myanmar way before the British even came there, a kingdom conquered by the Burmese. Also there was a lot of migration of Indians and even Chinese to Myanmar during those days. Many of those Indians and even Chinese were kicked out by the Burmese after independence. And how did the British create a subclass of subhumans? “highly ethnically conscious country” would be called racist in some points of views. In other words, some would call the Burmese as racists against the Rohingya. Let us make White Americans or Europeans as “highly ethnically conscious”. What that is not allowed? Why because they have the wrong skin colour (White). But that is raceees.

    Another big obstacle when dealing with Indian is when some elite assholes act as surrogate of the Whites to enforce their racial hierarchy.

    What what what??? What shit do you monkeys smoke? Explain with examples. How is this happening? What I know is that Indians in the West are quite anti-White. That Indians are discriminated against in Singapore for getting tenancy. And what racial hierarchy exactly? In the West, Jews and Blacks are at the top of the racial hierarchy. They both are worshipped as Gods.
    You guys are as low IQ as Indians nationalists, make up some gas out of your ass. Both Indian Nationalists and Chinese Nationalists deserve each other. Indian nationalists are your karma.

    • 回复: @Rdm
    , @d dan
  670. antibeast 说:

    That is why I had written somewhere that even if India exported Buddhism, it did the mistake of not importing Confucianism from China. No Master Kong was born in India. Confucianism was also more egalitarian than Hinduism and thus the talent of the whole population could have been used in governance.

    India already had Buddhism under the Maurya Empire which was governed by the Edicts of Ashoka the Great who preached the Dhamma of Buddhism. That was the official State ideology of Ashokan India which played the same role as Confucianism did in China during the Han Dynasty.

    India’s golden age was Buddhist, not Hindu. Later Hindu Brahmins like Adi -Shankara absorbed Buddhist concepts in Hinduism and destroyed Buddhism in India which made India a shithole. Many famous Hindu temples today in India were originally Buddhist temples, many Buddha statues are worshiped today as Hindu Gods.

    Agree. At its peak, Buddhism reached Central Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia and North Asia. But the Brahmins perpetrated the destruction of Buddhism in India which they saw as an existential threat to Hinduism. Ironically, Buddhism was invented in opposition to the Vedic Indo-Aryans who looked down upon the Eastern tribes in Nepal as ‘mleccha’ or unclean barbarians. So when Buddhism became established in India during the reign of Ashoka the Great, the Brahmins then plotted to restore Hinduism by destroying the Buddhist Civilization of India after the fall of the Maurya Empire.

    Indians need to recognize the Buddhist Holocaust perpetrated by the Hindu Brahmins. Then the Congress Party can revive Ashokan Dhamma in the form of the Edicts of Ashoka to restore the Golden Age of India. The Hindus themselves were responsible for destroying the Ashokan Dhamma of India which caused all the fragmentation and disunity of Indian society which then allowed the Muslims to invade India. After seventy years of the Congress Party trying their very best to unite India. these Hindutva supremacists now want to divide and destroy India again!!!

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  671. Malla 说:

    This is a good one too

    One more thing I have noticed. The Indian Deep State mouthpiece WION is very anti-Pakistan (obviously), anti China and lately anti-Turkey (anti-Erdogan) and anti-Malaysia. It is also anti-British Raj, same bullshit, British should feel guilt for “looting India”, “destroying India” etc… About Pakistan, bullshit terrorist nation, always trying to destroy India. China wants to keep India down, string of pearls, Debt trap, etc… bullshit. Turkey is attacked on Kurdistan as Erdogan is getting involved into Kashmir. Similarly Pakistani media is anti-India, Turkish deep state outlet TRT always attacks India on Hinduwadis etc…. But one major difference (OK two). First the BBC is scared to criticize India, indeed one corrspondent has admitted that they have orders from above to never criticize India much, even then Indians think BBC is anti-India. The other one is China’s deep State international mouthpiece CGTN. Except the border issue, CGTN never criticizes India much but is always friendly to India. The difference in between Indian WION and Chinese CGTN is huge.
    Both Turkish TRT and Indian WION attack each other’s countries. After all big mafiaso Turkish Thug Erdogan is clashing with big mafiaso Indian Thug Modi. Clash of mafiaso Thag men.
    The Turkish deep State via its TRT attacks Hindu nationalism

    TRT World (Turkish Deep State) – World in Focus: Rise of Hindu Nationalism

    Check out the Comment section, full of Indian Nationalists relentlessly attacking Turkey and TRT like a thaggard goon mob on the loose.
    The Indian Deep State attacks back, attacks Erdogan and his Ottomanism.

    WION (Indian Deep State) Gravitas Plus: Erdogan’s quest for Islamic domination
    While if we watch CGTN

    China and India are friends, not rivals: Wang Yi

    State Councilor and Foreign Minister, Wang Yi himself talks about cooperation. I hope crackpot Indian nationalist idiot monkey ooga booga crowds understands this. That we benefit a lot by cooperating with China and China is not our enemy.
    Indian ooga booga Nationalist crowds are a bunch of idiot monkeys, they believe the world revolves (or should revolve) around India. They think the whole world is conspiring to keep India down. Imagine that.

    • 回复: @Rdm
  672. @Rdm

    Lots of Indian medical students in China too. China welcomes them. The ones who hate Chinese are only squeezing themselves. Hatred is poisonous.

  673. Rdm 说:

    I can’t keep up with all those names calling and occasional jabs. We need to let all those petty jabs out of the discussion. If you come up with 3-4 long paragraphs, one could easily blockquote and continue the thread even if it’s a tangential issue. Chinese look down on Indians or Indians in bed with British, those are trivial and it’s not up to us to change the course. 

    I have some issues with Malla on British and extolling their colonialism as once in a lifetime opportunity to Indians as they were god-given. This is the issue that Malla and I will never be on board with. However, I agree with her observations that Indians need to move on from the past. This dichotomy already represents a requirement of a very subtle policy that can tread on both sides in Indian continent. I’m lately seeing many Indian channels popping up that are trashing China left and right. OTOH, there are also many individual channels who are on the ground in China and showing their positive experience. So I’m seeing the big money and individual citizens division 点击此处。 

    就像是 “Chinese uncensored” sponsored by big … 

    If you want to know “Hurricane Cause” in government contracts, go and read this. There’s no “Free Lunch”


  674. Rdm 说:

    An Indian guy asked LKY if he could govern India and transform the country just like modern Singapore. LKY chuckled and simply said, 

    “I can’t do that. India is a very huge country. In China, if their President speaks Chinese, 90% understands and everyone marches on the same drum beat. In India, It has many tribes and dialects.” 

    Regarding Pakistan, 

    “I was invited by Pakistan President. I was escorted by six F-16 fighters all the way to Islamabad with grand reception. When I looked at their national budget, 40% of GDP goes to Military, only 10% goes to Education. I told them to switch the allocation. He (Pakistan President) said “Tell that to India”. I said they (India) won’t believe me.”

    LKY: “So it’s a lost opportunity for decades.”

    Anyway, this is as far as I could remember. In reality, international policy of India and Pakistan would be as complicated as inheritance of British colonialism in Indian continent. 

    I just hope this would not be a lost opportunity for both countries. 

    • 谢谢: Showmethereal
    • 回复: @Malla
  675. antibeast 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Native Austronesian Filipinos live in a squat. Their land was seized & distributed by the Spanish who passed it along to their Mestizo descendants. The Chinese were prevented from owning land in the Spanish colonial era but once the Americans annexed the Philippines the Phil-Chinese began buying up land.

    Nope, the Chinese immigrants such as Henry Sy who moved to the Philippines during the American Colonial Period were not allowed to acquire Philippine Citizenship which barred them from buying agricultural land. You’re confusing the Chinese immigrants such as Henry Sy with the Filipinos of Chinese 混血 descent such as the Cojuangcos who bought agricultural land from the Spanish landlords or the Catholic Church. Henry Sy went into the mall business much later in the 70s after Marcos signed a decree granting Filipino Citizenships to the Chinese immigrants who were still resident in the Philippines in the 70s.

    Some of the Spanish Mestizo families own up to 50 miles of land in places.

    The biggest agricultural landowners in the Philippines are pure-blooded Spanish 克里奥尔洛斯 或者西班牙语 混血 while the Chinese 混血 are small agricultural landowners. The Chinese Filipinos who acquired Philippine Citizenships under Marcos went into urban property development where they compete against Spanish Filipinos or Chinese 混血. There are some Chinese Filipinos who have gone into industrial-scale agribusiness but no one has gone into the Spanish-style 牧场 plantation economy dominated by Spanish 混血.

    You cannot even rent space in SM Mall unless you are Chinese Filipino. Of course many of the franchises are American. Filipinos don’t own retail. Filipinos rarely have any money. The idea that Filipinos & not Chinese Filipinos own franchises in SM is absurd.

    Chinese Filipinos hardly rent space in SM Malls because they’re mostly into the import/wholesale trade where they act as distributors for Chinese-made goods. The Filipinos who rent space in SM Malls are the ones who own and operate the retail franchises of Western brands. The food courts for example in SM Malls are operated by Filipinos with hardly any Chinese Filipino operators. There are local brands owned by Chinese Filipinos such as BENCH or Jollibee but those are few and far in between as Filipinos prefer buying Western brands or patronizing Western food chains. The franchise operators are mostly Filipino 混血 who cater to the Filipino middle-class 混血 not the Filipino 印度人 masses who live in slums all around Manila.

    Sure, I worked for a US web design company so you are absolutely right that Filipinos want to work for US companies because they pay better than the Phil-Chinese, who also have an awful rude manner about them to employees. Any Filipino that can work for anyone else but Phil-Chinese does so.

    Wrong again. Chinese Filipinos are mostly entrepreneurs who hire family members or relatives to run their family-owned firms. That’s why the Chinese Filipino taipans who own and run the big property, banking, trading and industrial firms have no choice but to hire Filipinos. The reason is simple: Chinese Filipinos want to work for their own family businesses and not work for somebody else.

    The Americans pay better & don’t treat them like farm animals.

    The Americans treat Filipinos like farm animals. Just go to Angeles City and look at the plight of the Amerasians kids working there as street prostitutes.

    Now in all fairness to the Phil-Chinese merchants, the Caucasoid Spanish Mestizo Criollos (Some of them are not even Austronesia but simply white Spanish who remained in the Philippines after Independence) who own the agriculture treat the sugar cane workers even worse.

    You’re correct. The pure-blooded Spanish 克里奥尔洛斯 or mixed-race Spanish 混血 tend to treat their 印度人 tenant-farmers like landless serfs. That’s part of the feudal legacy of the Spanish 牧场 system in the Philippines as in Latin America.

    Middle class Spanish Mestizos in the USA? The Filipinos most desperate to reach the USA are not middle class Mestizos. Their lives don’t depend upon leaving the Philippines. They have running water. Show me any Chinese girl in the Philippines marrying a 90 year old white man to live in the USA.

    Most Filipino emigrants to the USA are Spanish or Chinese 混血 as they tend to have a college-degree and speak English such as nurses, medical doctors, engineers, IT professionals, lawyers, etc. Chinese Filipinos tend to emigrate to Canada but not to the USA because they’re mostly investor immigrants. Chinese Filipino professionals who speak both English and Mandarin tend to emigrate to Taiwan or work in the PRC. The mail-order brides are mostly Spanish or Chinese 混血 who are desired by Western men due to their lighter-skin with exotic looks. The 印度人 look like maids. Who wants to marry a maid?

  676. Malla 说:

    Ironically, Buddhism was invented in opposition to the Vedic Indo-Aryans who looked down upon the Eastern tribes in Nepal as ‘mleccha’ or unclean barbarians.

    The Aryans respected the Kiratas or Mongloids of the Himalayas as brave warriors. They hated the Harrpans and black tribals.

    That was the official State ideology of Ashokan India which played the same role as Confucianism did in China during the Han Dynasty.

    But Askhokan Empire, Gupta Empire and even Delhi Sultanate and Mughals united India did not last long. They fell apart very fast. The Marathas were themselves divided in between the Peshwa (Brahmin Prime Minister), Holkars, Scindias etc.. Maratha Empire was like Japan, the Warrior Maratha Bhosale Royal family of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (the one who started the Maratha Empire and an extraordinary leader) was highly respected but only titular heads, the Brahmin Peshwas (Prime Ministers) ran the show. Like how many a times in Japanese history, the Emperor were respected but only titular heads and the real political power was with the Shoguns. India was most effectively united only by the British.

    Indians need to recognize the Buddhist Holocaust perpetrated by the Hindu Brahmins.

    Very true, but most Indians are too busy talking about the Islamic holocaust (of Hindus) and Evul Colonial rule to bother with earlier history.

  677. Malla 说:

    LKY’s book on international politics and his observations on different countries is brilliant. One of the best book in augmenting one’s understanding geo-politics. The guy was really smart.

  678. Malla 说:

    army of moronic China bashers here….

    Sure. There are also a lot of China and Russia admirers here. There will always be some critics of some country in this world. There are more USA Govt bashers here than China bashers.

    Ivan is UNz resident indian troll ,

    Ivan is very typical Indian. And Ivan is not even a hardcore Indian nationalist. He is definitely not Hindutva because he is a Christian Kerelite. You have not faced an Indian online nationalist Army. they hardly exist on Unz (thank god). 95% plus 1.3 billion, Indians are even more anti-China than Ivan, to be honest.

    TSS is an idian troll, the idiot outted himself with this gem

    Nah, he is Chinese. He is no Wumao army card holder though.

    YOur idol malla is a wasp

    I can understand your emotions denki, you have been stung by me many times (Sorry bud, nothing personal, you are a very likable guy, honest!!). Now you imagine me as a gigantic wasp flying around ready to sting. Maybe at night you have dreams of Malla the gigantic Wasp buzzing around, you wake up screaming, wet with sweat. This is a growing psychological issue facing many Unzers. You are not alone.

    Macbridge could be a malla double,

    I always thought that either denki was Ochukwochu the Nigerian Igbo’s Chinese alter ego or Ochukwochuk was denki’s Nigerian Igbo alter ego. We have some interesting people here.

    • 回复: @denk
  679. denk 说:


    In this thread alone,.

    denk 10 malla o


    • 回复: @Malla
  680. Malla 说:

    denk 10 malla o

    Are you counting lies and propaganda on this thread? Congratulations for victory denki.. Please accept my defeat on this count.

  681. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    This is again one of your stupid responses. What does this have to do with the fact that Indian Nationalism which is a supremely rising force, looks at China as its enemy?

    • 回复: @d dan
  682. Malla 说:

    Part of this Hinduised understanding of history has to do a lot with the early interactions in bween Brahmans and the British.
    There was a lot sheer scholarship and grit that went into the rediscovery of data during the early British period. The early inscriptions could no longer be read. It was a British Engineer who sat down and deciphered the Brahmi script and that is how we were able to read the inscription of Ashoka. Secondly they began to excavate sites and there was a tangible evidence of history which came out of the earth with these excavations. Thirdly there was an attitude of organizing and ordering the manuscripts and textual data which had never done on any scale before because Brahmin scholars had picked up texts, as and how they were interested in a particular subject and there it was left. It were British scholars, largely infact officers of the East India Company and later who sat down and organised all that.
    Their major interests in the beginning was in texts on religion, the Dharmashastra. The texts of religion they ended up studying the most were the Vedic texts, these were the earliest in Vedic Sanskrit. When they asked the Scholars/Brahmins/Pundits which were the earliest texts, the most important, they said the Vedas. So the British Officers read the Vedas with the Brahmin pundits with the Brahmin pundits explaining to them the meaning until such time until their own knowledge of Sanskrit became sufficient for them to understand. The reading of these texts came from ritual specialists of the Brahmin elites and who kept insisting that the only thing knowing from ancient India was the Sanskrit Texts. So they ended up ignoring all the other texts in other languages until much later. Buddhism comes into importance not till the end of the 19th century, it is then that their interest in Buddhism develops. At the same time (1700s) they were excavating Buddhist sites and discovering Stupas and monasteries all over the place, and they were realizing that Stupas and monasteries belonged to a religion about they did not know too much. It is much later that their knowledge of this began to develop. Because of the early Brahamanical manipulation, they ended up having a particular view of Indian religion which did not cover the entire body of religious articulation. It left out non Sanskritic groups like the Buddhists and the Jains etc..

    • 回复: @antibeast
  683. antibeast 说:

    The Hindu Brahmins deliberately destroyed the Buddhist Civilization of Mauryan India and then gradually extinguished its culture and history from the collective memory of the Indian peoples. Same thing happened to the Aryans of Central Asia after the Muslim Conquests destroyed their Buddhist Civilization which included Xinjiang where the Han Chinese encountered the Tocharian Buddhists. In other words, Buddhism originated in India, spread through Central Asia then passed along Xinjiang through China where it diffused throughout East Asia. This Buddhist Civilization lasted some 1,500 years from 500BCE to 1000CE until the succession of Turkic, Arab and Mongol Conquests destroyed Aryan Buddhism in Central Asia. The Great Tragedy is that Buddhism disappeared in India and Central Asia while surviving in East and Southeast Asia to this day.

    Hindu Brahmanism is a three-thousand-year old Apartheid-like system dividing Indian society into thousands of castes, clans and classes. This splintering of Indian society allowed Muslim invaders to conquer India by co-opting the Hindu Brahmins who cared more about their upper-caste privileges and less about the fate of lower-caste Indians. These Hindu Brahmins then rebelled against the British Raj after the aristocratic English Viceroys started promoting English Enlightenment ideals by abolishing the caste privileges of Hindu Brahmins and uplifting the welfare of lower-caste Indians.

    During the 20th century, Ambedkar founded the Dalit Buddhist movement in India where he created Navayana Buddhism based on class struggle and social equality. Nehru wanted to use the Mauryan Empire as the inspiration of a united and modern India after gaining independence from the British Empire. My view is that India should head into the 21st century not by promoting Hindutva obscurantism but by emulating the reign of Ashoka the Great of the Mauryan Empire.

    • 同意: Malla
  684. d dan 说:

    “This is again one of your stupid responses. What does this have to do with the fact that Indian Nationalism which is a supremely rising force, looks at China as its enemy?”

    Whenever you don’t understand the relevancy of someone’s response, you should dig further into the other side’s view.

    I told you ordinary Chinese has no beef with India (e.g. “no major war with India for thousands years”, “don’t consider India an enemy”, …). Indian Nationalism therefore is and will not be a threat to China security. The border conflict, however, is due to the fault of the British colonization, as well as their (and US) continued influence/interference/encouragement, etc. So, the karma… Understood?

    • 回复: @Malla
  685. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    told you ordinary Chinese has no beef with India

    Ordinary Indians have beef with China and consider China as an imperialist state and will always do so. No mustachio macho Indian nationalist gives a fuck about what some chinki pussyboy thinks and never will.

    You remain a low IQ monkey and probably will always so till the end.

    This is what the long term aim of Hinduvadis/ Indian nationalists is. See Tibet there? I told you Mcmohan Line is tame for what may come in the future.
    Akhand Bharat: It was a reality, and not just an imaginary idea
    “The idea of Akhand Bharat is as old as a civilization as it duly got a place and described in ancient Bharatiya scriptures. The idea of Akhand Bharat was originated by the master of the Arthashastra, Chanakya. At the time, the 3rd century BC, the Indian subcontinent–which covered what are now the modern-day nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Burma, 西藏, Bhutan, and Bangladesh – was divided into many independent kingdoms. Chanakya articulated the idea of an Akhand Bharat, which means all states in the region being under one authority, rule, and administration.

    The great freedom fighter, revolutionary and Hindu Mahasabha leader Swatantrya Veer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, propounded the notion of an Akhand Bharat as well as a Hindu Rashtra (Hindu Nation), emphasizing the potential cultural, religious and political unity of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains throughout the Indian subcontinent ‘from Kashmir to Rameshwaram and from Sindh to Assam’. At the time of the Indian Independence Movement, Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshi advocated for Akhand Hindustan, a proposition that Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, agreed with. On 7–8 October 1944, in Delhi, Radha Kumud Mukherjee, a leading intellectual, presided over the Akhand Hindustan Leaders’ Conference.

    RSS pracharak and Bharatiya Jansangh leader Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay further defined the idea of Akhand Bharat. He said, “The word ‘Akhand Bharat’ (un-divided India) includes all those basic values of nationalism and an integral culture.”

    “These words include the feeling that this entire land from Attock to Cuttack, Kutch to Kamrup, and Kashmir to Kanya Kumari is not only sacred to us but is a part of us. The people who have been born in it since times immemorial and who still live in it may have all the differences superficially brought about by place and time, but the basic unity of their entire life can be seen in every devotee of Akhand Bharat.”

    M S Golwalkar, the second Sarsanghchalak of RSS, at a press conference in Delhi on August 24, 1949, termed Pakistan as an “uncertain state” and stated “If the partition is a settled fact, we are here to unsettle it. There is, in fact, no such thing as a ‘settled fact’ in this world. Things get settled or unsettled solely by the will of man. And man’s will be steeled by a spirit of dedication to a cause, which he knows to be righteous and glorious.”

    • 回复: @d dan
  686. d dan 说:

    “You remain a low IQ monkey and probably will always so till the end.”

    Well, since you call me monkey multiple times, so I am entitled to respond that: “You remain a loyal dog (for your master) and will always so till the end.”

    “This is what the long term aim of Hinduvadis/ Indian nationalists is.”

    And this this is what the long term aim of ISIS plans for Islamic State is (viewers may not see it very clearly, but it does include Xinjiang and part of Tibet):
    So, should Chinese also worry about ISIS empire too? No.
    Should Chinese worry about Hinduvadis? No. (ok, maybe I am too optimistic, but no, I still don’t hate nor fear India.)
    Should Chinese be alert, may be yes.

    And take one step backward and agree that is a big threat, but how is this a karma? What grave injustice did Chinese nationalism do to India? Chinese laugh at Indian, look down on Indian, …, and those deserve a big war of invasion as punishments? That is the definition of karma?

    And finally, as usual, you divert the attention to India whenever someone criticize your colonial master.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Mulga Mumblebrain
  687. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    Well, Sorry about my harsh words.

    “You remain a loyal dog (for your master)

    I never understood this logic? Check the calendar. it is post 1947. If we have had this conversation before 1947, it would have made sense, now it is clownish. After Independence, nations are free and should be mature, to right past supposed wrongs. That is what Independence means. Especially true if sufficient time has passed (and 70 years is a long time). If independent nations after sufficient time cannot solve easily solvable problems (Indo China border, Rohingya issue in between Myanmar and Bangladesh for examples) and still keep blaming some earlier Empire or regime, it shows that they truly are not capable of being independent. They do not want to be responsible for their actions which comes with them being independent. Especially if sufficient (of far far more) time has passed to solve any old problems.

    Secondly just because some Empire (which are common in history) ruled some part of the World and now all that is history, does not mean someone cannot speak in their favour if they believe that they are right. It is as stupid as saying that some Iranian dude cannot speak anything good w.r.t today’s Greeks, Arabs or Mongols because of being conquered by these peoples in the past.. Or some Indian dude cannot speak something good w.r.t Iran because some Iranian Emperor looted out their national Treasury and terrorized Indians in the past. Past is past, now is now.

    I was explaining how things are really on the ground. If you guys want to stick to your delusions you are free to do so. I tried my part. I will not try again. I repeat again, in India’s case again, anti-Chinese hatred and anti-British hatred often go hand in hand.

    but how is this a karma?

    You obviously misunderstood my usage of the term Karma. Am I surprised? No. I said “Chinese Nationalists” with their stubborn tunnel-vision beliefs have their Indian Nationalists who too are stubborn with their tunnel vision beliefs to deal with as karma. That is why I said, you both deserve each other.

    • 回复: @d dan
  688. d dan 说:

    “I never understood this logic?”

    It is simple logic. Most people make decision based on past experience – they are unlikely to make the right decision if their perception and evaluation of the past is wrong.

    “… easily solvable problems (Indo China border, Rohingya issue in between Myanmar and Bangladesh for examples)”

    Wow, territorial dispute is easily solvable. Don’t we all wish to live in the wonder land of Malla?

    Look at the list of territorial disputes in the world: Singapore and Malaysia has island dispute. Japan and Russia, Korea and Japan, China and Japan, South China Sea… Lest not think only silly Asian countries have disputes. UK and Spain has dispute over Gilbraltar, UK and Argentina has dispute over Falkland. Greece and Turkey. France and Italy. US and Canada have disputes about Machias Seal Island, North Rock, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Dixon Entrance, Beaufort Sea and Northwest Passage and some other Arctic waters. US, Colombia and Honduras have dispute over Serranilla Bank, and on, and on. Most are uninhabitable lands, and even without natural resources – but imagine trying to solve those involving millions of inhabitants, of various strongly conflicting cultural, religious, racial backgrounds….

    “it shows that they truly are not capable of being independent. ”

    Go ahead to conclude Singapore, Korea, Russia, Japan, US, UK, Canada are not capable of being independent.

    “Secondly just because some Empire … ruled … does not mean someone cannot speak in their favour if they believe that they are right.”

    Correct. It is the reverse that you are unable or unwilling to do when they were indisputably wronged by the British, over the McMahon and Johnson Lines, for examples. It is the cause of today border problems. Even worse, Western powers still actively or covertly trying to influence the minds of many over these demarcations (try wikipedia, for example).

    “…“Chinese Nationalists” with their stubborn tunnel-vision beliefs…”

    Chinese went through over 100 years of self-reflections involving multiple revolutions, civil wars, cultural upheavals, class struggles, deep searching, thinking about past history for the countless mistakes and experimenting with radically different paths. I believe Chinese is THE most open-minded people in the world today. That is why Chinese almost always seem to make the right decisions collectively on major directions, and would likely continue to do so in the near future. India didn’t go through that painful phase. Neither do Japan (after 1945) – who has been sheltered by US (for their own selfish reasons) from doing their soul searching. That is why they still subconsciously behave so irresponsibly (e.g. nuclear waste dumping into ocean). The West hasn’t experienced fundamental failure so far, so their minds are increasingly ossified into compartmentation of right vs wrong.

    “You obviously misunderstood my usage of the term Karma.”

    Whatever. This is likely my last post on this thread.

    • 回复: @Malla
  689. Malla 说:
    @d dan

    Most people make decision based on past experience

    Exactly, that is why Indians will always look at China as an untrusworthy enemy.

    Go ahead to conclude Singapore, Korea, Russia, Japan, US, UK, Canada are not capable of being independent.

    Do not try to include names of posh powerful countries. That bullshit does not impress me. nations after sufficient time (two decades at most), still blaming some older regime means that they are not capable for being independent. They do not want to take responsibility for their actions. They behave like those who claim to be grown men and behave like kids. Still blame Papa. It does not matter if it is the USA or Russia. Big names do not impress me. Some millionaire kid still blaming his father for everything may impress you, not me, he is simply not capable for taking responsibility and thus not capable for independence.

    ver the McMahon and Johnson Line

    You misunderstand again. Get something in your head. After 1947, you were dealing with revolutionaries who fought the British, independence struggle leaders.. And they wanted the Mcmohan Line. Anti-British people wanted the Mcmohan Line. Why did they want the Mcmohan Line? Indian nationalists wanted the Mcmohan Line. Calling them sepoys of the British is as stupid is as calling Mao Zedong as sepoy of the KMT. And Hindu fundamentalists would have wanted more, not less. They would want Kailash Mansarover, way beyond the Mcmohan Line.

    I believe Chinese is THE most open-minded people in the world today.

    Chinese people maybe, but definitely not Chinese Nationalists I come across. You guys are not different from Indian Nationalists. They too claim that India is the most peaceful Vedic nation on Earth, never harms anybody. But the whole world conspire to keep India down. West , Muslims, China, actually everybody.

    so their minds are increasingly ossified into compartmentation of right vs wrong.

    Yeah, that is true, I agree with you on this. The Universe is too complicated and nuanced to work by that rigid simplistic morality unfortunately. Not only the West has this rigid morality but they make it universal. And then their cunning elites excite the people on this right vs wrong and interfere in unwanted places creating more trouble. Yeah that is true. I agree with you.

  690. @Factorize

    I have been practicing flying with Flight Gear for the last year and have become a fair sympilot. Might you have any suggestions that could help me with my landings?

    Sorry Factorize I have very little experience with computer flight-sims, almost none. I’m just not able to help at all, sorry. Flightsims vary a lot in their fidelity, even those owned and operated by airlines. I once applied for a job with All Nippon. and Ansett was handling the selection process in Sydney. We had a sim check in an Ansett B742 sim, which would try to turn on its back immediately on lift-off from an engine failure on T/O. The first bloke crashed and the Japs said “We show you.” They got into the seats and also crashed. I managed to not crash, but only just. In all other B742 sims that I’ve flown there was no similar problem.

  691. @d dan

    Daesh is a creation of the USA, the West, Israel and the Saud butchers. These maps are stupid propaganda confections, probably drawn up in Tel Aviv. Let’s see a map of future ‘Eretz Yisrael’.

  692. JDaveF 说:


  693. boy1988 说:




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