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亲爱的墨西哥人: Why is Mexican Spanish so maligned by the rest of the Hispanic world (even Dominicans!)? It doesn’t make any sense to me, but nonetheless I find myself worrying about my intended trip a 墨西哥 para cursos de Español. Am I making a mistake in learning Mexican-accented Spanish?

No Puedo Usar Accentos

Dear I Can’t Use Accents: Have you ever talked to Colombians? At some point, they inevitably say that their Spanish is the best in the world, that someone from the Real Academia Española said that was so, and therefore, it’s true. And while I like Colombians (they’re as happy and drunk and angry as us Mexicans, and they gave the world cumbia), that’s an urban legend as preposterous as the one that maintains the husband of a jealous lover murdered Javier Solís. It’s true that rest of Latin American trashes Mexican Spanish for supposedly being lower-class than other Spanish varieties, but EVERYONE trashes everyone’s Spanish. Argentine Spanish get mocked for being wannabe Italian; Cuban and Puerto Rican Spanish gets grilled for being lightning-fast gable. Peruvian Spanish is supposedly too soft-spoken; Central American Spanish is considered backwater for their continued use of 沃索 (the second person singular pronoun VOS).

Even Mexicans make fun of each other’s Spanish. Guadalajara natives are notorious for saying “O, sea”Fresa酒店 version of “I mean, like”); rural folks are ridiculed as sing-song 香塔罗. Mexico City is so large that two Spanishes are ascribed to it: the matter-of-fact tone of capitalinos (the rich) and the hilariously vulgar 巴巴达斯奇兰戈斯 (the poor). And all Latin Americans trash indigenous folks for not even knowing Spanish, period. So learn Mexican Spanish—that’s the one that the majority of Latinos in the U.S. speak, anyway. And my vote for the best Español? Chilean Spanish, cachai?


A dear friend of ours has married a Mexican man, who is now our dear friend. They have invited us to his sister’s wedding in 墨西哥. By North American standards, we barely know her. We would love to go, but we want to be sure that it is appropriate. What is expected of an acquaintance in this circumstance?

Vivacious for Vallarta

Dear Gabacho: You do realize Mexico is part of North America, right? Let’s start with knowing basic geographical facts about the host country before visiting it. It’s pendeja gabachas like you that make hotel workers continue to shove toothbrushes up their culos, then take pictures of that ass affront with the smartphone you left in your room while you’re getting drunk at the pool bar from your fifth Adios Mother Fucker.


I was wondering what the origin is of so many Mexican food restaurants having the word “Agave” in it?

#3 Combo, Extra Sour Cream


Dear Gabacho: “So many”? Betcha more Mexican restaurants get named for the owner’s hometown/home state, tacos, or use a –berto’s suffix than there are restaurants using “Agave.” But the word offers a fascinating insight into the history of Mexican-food restaurant aesthetics. They started getting named after the mother plant of tequila back in the 1980s, during the Southwestern cuisine craze. Back then, chefs overloaded on Southwestern signifiers—agave paintings and silhouettes of howling coyotes and Kokopelli, mostly—to advertise their “authenticity,” much like modern-day taquerías bump Vicente Fernández on the jukebox or mariscos spots employ waitress who follow the gospel of #chichischrist and #nalgamedios.


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  1. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    It’s because Mexicans speak in a beaner-ish Gomezian way.

    They sound like a bunch of lazy hickez.

  2. Mexican’s being dissed by Dominicans for the quality of their Spanish? As surprised as many of you may be, I’m going to have come down on the side of the Mexicans on that particular angle. In fact, most Caribbean Spanish/Spanglish is far more of a Charles Foxtrot patois language than most Mexican Spanish you will hear. (controlling for education/social class/immigration status of course)

    However, I do have a hunch that the Castro regime made major advances in improving Cuban Spanish.

    In support of my thesis, I would suggest that Spanish proficient readers give a comparative listen to a six o’clock TV newscast out of Mexico City to an in-house Univision Coral Gables TV newscast production. (anchors are predominantly of Caribbean origins)

    • 回复: @Gringo
    , @RaceRealist88
  3. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    husband of a jealous lover


    Jealous husband of a lover, maybe?

  4. 一个被遗忘的历史事实。 墨西哥和美国有着如此悠久的关系,我们就像现代婚姻。 几百年来,我们生活在一起,同时又分开。 互不相识,孤立无援。 彼此如此接近,却又如此不同。 外国佬牛仔和墨西哥牧场主的生活方式如此相似,却又截然不同。 一个被偶像化(牛仔),另一个被轻视地忽视。 然而,这两种文化是交织在一起的,有件事告诉我,牛仔们是从他们到达德克萨斯州和西南部时发现的当地居民那里学会了他们的贸易。 只是一个想法。

    • 回复: @OutWest
  5. OutWest 说:
    @in the middle


  6. Gringo 说:
    @Jim Bob Lassiter

    Mexican’s being dissed by Dominicans for the quality of their Spanish? As surprised as many of you may be, I’m going to have come down on the side of the Mexicans on that particular angle. In fact, most Caribbean Spanish/Spanglish is far more of a Charles Foxtrot patois language than most Mexican Spanish you will hear.

    Couldn’t agree more. Caribbean Spanish is painful to my ear. An egregious example is the Maracucho [Maracaibo,Venezuela] accent, here illustrated by the deceased Chavista legislator Robert Serra. Habla Chino, pues. [not comprehensible to me.]

    Gustavo Arrelano: And my vote for the best Español? Chilean Spanish, cachai?
    To each their own. Sounds OK to me, if a bit fast. Definitely better than Caribbean Spanish. I am partial to the Spanish of 沃索-speaking countries, perhaps because I spent more time there. For example, Decime sounds better to me than 告诉我。[Tell me.]OTOH, vos-speaking Pepe Mujica, former President of Uruguay, sounds to me like an old drunk. I like the Spanish of the Peruvian announcer Jaime Bayly.

    • 回复: @Jim Bob Lassiter
  7. VICB3 说:

    ” 我们的一位好朋友嫁给了一位墨西哥男子,他现在是我们的好朋友。他们邀请我们参加他姐姐在墨西哥举行的婚礼。按照北美的标准,我们几乎不认识她……”








    • 回复: @RaceRealist88
  8. @Gringo

    10-4 good buddy. And Gus is way off (surprised?) in his characterization of voseo as some backwater Central American version of Spanish. That’s the way I learned Castilian, and it is not restricted to Central America– to wit Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay as well as parts of Columbia and Chile are voseo territories in addition to some small voseo isolates in Meh-Hee-Coh. That said, the Guanacos and Catrachos really do butcher things up with their mixing of tuteo and voseo in the same utterance directed at the same person.

    Costa Ricans would rightfully chaffe at Gus’s “backwater” remarks too.

  9. EH 说:

    Re: the toothbrush thing

    Never let it be said Sr. Arellano isn’t doing his bit for the tourism industry. They’ll probably survive despite the assistance.

  10. Anthony 说:

    人们限制使用墨西哥西班牙语,因为你甚至不记得字母“y”(i griega)的正确名称,并希望其他人跟着学。但是加勒比海。加勒比语言和西班牙语。

  11. 阿西儿子洛斯委内瑞拉人!每个人都声称他们的西班牙语口语版本是最好的,但这取决于耳朵。有趣的是,大约在 1890 年代从西班牙来到这里的古巴人说加勒比语,带有加利戈瓜希罗鼻音,这更具代表性,因为他们是西班牙人。

  12. Anonymous [AKA "Ask a Spaniard"] 说:

    It’s a personal opinion, of course, but I’ve been exposed to many different varieties for many years and Colombia and Chile, for some reason unknown to me, have probably the best Spanish in America. We’re always referring, of course, to the ‘norma culta’, that is, the one spoken or written by highly-cultivated people.

    Anyway, the ‘norma culta’ in Mexico, just like in many other places, is perfectly good. If you look for high-quality Spanish you can find it without any doubt.

  13. “It’s pendeja gabachas like you that make hotel workers continue to shove toothbrushes up their culos, then take pictures of that ass affront with the smartphone you left in your room while you’re getting drunk at the pool bar from your fifth Adios Mother Fucker.”

    Remember guys, we allow these people in droves into our country (both legally and illegally).

  14. @Jim Bob Lassiter

    Dominicans have the most annoying accents I have ever heard.

  15. @VICB3

    “Honestly, you vulgar, abrasive, abusive, left-wing La Raza poser! You little man! Please tell me, sir, why in the world you couldn’t simply answer this person’s seemingly legitimate question about Mexican wedding etiquette without dragging them through cesspit of you own rage and resentment?”

    It’s clear that he hates ‘gringos’ and has resentment towards ‘gringos’ yet ‘gringos’ both in America and Mexico (I’m not counting Mexico’s ruling class as ‘gringo’, as they largely trace their ancestry back to Spain) make it possible for him to spew vitriol to people just asking simple questions.

    I’ve been saying this for months, this column is garbage and anti-white.



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