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杰弗里·兹维(Jeffrey Zwi Epstein)Migdal

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杰弗里·爱泼斯坦的故事已经失去了神秘感,因为越来越多的评论家允许自己表达这样一种想法,即爱泼斯坦很有可能与附属于犹太复国主义政治组织或以色列的犯罪集团有关,和/或至少有一些受到损害情报机构。 惠特尼网 和其他人对可能的场景进行了出色的研究,我想从文化的角度来攻击这个话题。 爱泼斯坦并不是第一个犹太性交易者。 这似乎是回顾 Zwi Migdal 的好时机,这是一个犹太全球犯罪集团,它在一个世纪前经营并贩卖成千上万的犹太妇女和未成年少女作为性奴隶。

在 20 世纪的前三年,阿根廷是一个富裕的国家。 它在人口、总收入和人均收入方面超过了加拿大和澳大利亚。 就在第一次世界大战之前,阿根廷是世界上人均最富有的国家第 10 位。 当阿根廷还是一个富裕国家时,其经济、文化和政治的很大一部分都被犯罪集团控制,尤其是一个名为“Zwi Migdal”的犹太有组织犯罪机构。

2009 年,国际犹太人反性虐待/攻击联盟 (JCACA) 发表了一篇关于 Zwi Migdal 的综合文章,题为 了解 Zwi Migdal 协会 我将广泛引用它。

茨维米格达尔是一个犹太暴徒协会,他们参与了“对犹太妇女和儿童的性剥削,在全球范围内运作”。 显然,Zwi Migdal 最初选择了一个听起来很天真的名字:“华沙犹太互助协会。” 它确实听起来几乎和“反诽谤联盟”、“犹太人抗击乳腺癌”甚至“犹太和平之声”一样天真、人道和慈善,但华沙犹太互助协会根本不是无辜的。 它迫使成千上万的妇女和女孩成为性奴隶并摧毁了她们的生活。

7 年 1906 月 XNUMX 日,在波兰驻阿根廷大使就“华沙”这个名称的使用向阿根廷当局提出正式投诉后,犹太辛迪加不得不更改其名称。 显然,波兰政府不想与犹太犯罪集团有关联。 就此而言,在美国政府及其政客坚持要求 AIPAC 取消其第一个“A”之前,或在新美国世纪的新保守主义项目被命令将美国人从其标题。

“Zwi Migdal 在意第绪语中的意思是‘强大的力量’,它也向 Zvi Migdal 致敬,他被称为 Luis Migdal,是犯罪组织的创始人之一。”

Zwi Migdal 组织从 1860 年代一直运作到 1939 年。在第一次世界大战之后的鼎盛时期,仅在阿根廷就有四百名成员。 1900 年代初,其年营业额为 XNUMX 万美元。

与据称招募非犹太未成年女性的 Epstein 和 Maxwell 不同,Zwi Migdal 专门从事贩卖犹太女性。 “大多数被绑架的犹太妇女和儿童是从贫困的 shtetls(犹太小镇)被带到布宜诺斯艾利斯的。”

最近公布的与杰弗里·爱泼斯坦事件有关的文件表明,爱泼斯坦和麦克斯韦将被指控贩卖儿童,并被指控为未成年女孩的嫖客。 在犹太世界,这一切似乎都不是什么新鲜事:“茨维米格达尔协会以许多创造性和欺骗性的方式从欧洲引诱了体面的女孩和年轻女性。 在波兰或俄罗斯等地的一个贫穷的犹太村庄里,会出现一个彬彬有礼、相貌优雅的男人。 他会通过在当地犹太教堂张贴广告来宣传他寻找年轻女性在阿根廷富有的犹太人家中工作。 由于害怕大屠杀,而且经常处于绝望的经济环境中,信任的父母会把他们天真的女儿和这些男人一起送走,希望给她们一个新的开始。”

最后一行回忆了弗吉尼亚·朱弗尔 (Virginia Giuffre) 对她与优雅的英国社交名媛吉斯莱恩·麦克斯韦 (Ghislaine Maxwell) 相遇的描述,据称后者引诱受害者“逃离”他们的苦难。

JCACA 继续说道:“这些女孩大多在 13 至 16 岁之间,背着一个小包,告别家人,登上前往阿根廷的船,相信她们正在走向更美好的未来。 然而,他们很快就知道了残酷的真相。 他们在船上开始的性奴训练时期是残酷而残酷的。 年轻的处女被“闯入”——被强奸、殴打、挨饿并被关在笼子里。”

Zwi Migdal 组织在 1920 年代达到顶峰,当时仅在阿根廷就有大约 430 名 rufianos 或皮条客控制了 2,000 家妓院,其中有数千名犹太妇女和女孩。 “布宜诺斯艾利斯最大的妓院有 60 到 80 名女性性奴隶。 阿根廷到处都是妓院,但大多数都在大城市,在犹太区,在胡宁街。”

显然,“未能满足客户要求的妓女会被殴打、罚款或被带到省府工作。 每个业务交易都被记录下来。 rufianos'举办了一个肉类市场',新来的女孩在Hotel Palestina或Cafe Parisienne等地方的商人面前赤身裸体游行。”

人们可能想知道这一切如何与犹太传统和塔木德法相吻合。 “在一家妓院,”ACACA 报告说,“这位女士,一位细心的犹太妇女,不会让她的女人在星期五工作,而是亲自教导她们做爱的艺术。”

爱泼斯坦事件的许多评论员都对美国执法、法律系统和联邦机构无力为爱泼斯坦的受害者伸张正义以及未能将他关押感到惊讶。 再一次,这并不新鲜。 JCACA 在谈到 Zwi Migdal 犯罪时写道:“这些活动不受干扰地进行,因为政府官员、法官和记者经常光顾这些活动。 市政府官员、政治家和警察都得到了报酬。 皮条客到处都有强大的联系。”


犹太社区并不急于拯救他们受虐待的女儿。 “这些妓女大多是文盲、贫困和被主流犹太社区鄙视的人,联合起来组成了自己的互助协会。” 然而,很少有一些犹太民族活动家支持受虐待的妇女和女孩。 “一天晚上,著名的犹太复国主义活动家 Nahum Sorkin 站在剧院外,用身体阻止了 rufianos(犹太皮条客)进入。 接下来,他们被禁止进入犹太教堂,最糟糕的是,他们被拒绝在犹太人墓地安葬。”

从 Rachel (Raquel) Lieberman 到 Virginia Roberts Giuffre

我们了解到 rufianos 的无耻最终导致了他们的灭亡。 “当他们拒绝放弃从一名妇女的工作中获得的收入时, 雷切尔·利伯曼 来自波兰罗兹。 她和许多其他人一样,很想前往布宜诺斯艾利斯回答婚姻广告,但被带到上宁街,在那里她被迫卖淫。”

“五年后,她有足够的钱从事古董家具生意来养活自己和她的儿子们,但暴徒让她无法实现。 他们不想让她为其他奴隶树立榜样。 但这个女人并没有被打破。”

与弗吉尼亚·朱弗 (Virginia Giuffre) 的情况一样,需要勇敢的雷切尔挺身而出。

无奈之下,雷切尔·利伯曼(Rachel Lieberman)“联系了警司胡里奥·埃尔索格雷(Julio Elsogray)。 她曾在街上听到有人提到他的名字,说他不会拿 Zwi Migdal 的钱,实际上正在寻找摧毁组织的方法。 有一天,她溜进他的办公室,详细描述了组织管理中各种皮条客之间的联系。

她的证词引发了广泛的调查。 调查结果传达给了 Rodriguez Ocampo 博士,他是一名法官,他也不会接受 Zwi Migdal 的贿赂。

漫长的审判于 1930 年 108 月结束,有 XNUMX 名被拘留者。 “Zwi Migdal 组织的存在直接威胁到我们的社会,”法官在判决书中写道,判处长期监禁。”

与爱泼斯坦和他的暴徒朋友一样,事情变化很快,不利于正义,更不用说以道德原则为指导。 Zwi Migdal 暴徒与政治家、法官和检察官的联系至少与爱泼斯坦一样密切。 “在监狱中,皮条客拉扯了一些旧绳子,于 1931 年 XNUMX 月对他们的判决提出上诉,司法部高级官员只将三名罪犯留在监狱中,其余的都被释放。”

就像迈阿密先驱报的朱莉布朗和我们其他媒体中的许多人一样,他们不允许将腐烂的爱泼斯坦和他的恋童癖者的罪行推到地毯下,1930 年代的阿根廷媒体不同意视而不见到犹太辛迪加的逍遥法外。

当媒体报道 Zwi Migdal 的暴徒从监狱获释时,“公众非常不安,并迫使当局撤销释放决定。 此后,数百名皮条客被驱逐到乌拉圭。 “这些年,她们一个个慢慢回归,但大妓院的时代结束了。”

JCACA 总结了 Zwi Migdal 传奇,称该犹太犯罪集团是“一个以女性为交易对象的组织,其成员穿着 tefillin(一种犹太宗教服装)并为自己建造了一座犹太教堂。” 我想爱泼斯坦的戒指也是如此。 他们可能没有宗教信仰,他们可能不穿 Tefillin,但他们是自我认同的犹太复国主义者,他们向以色列捐款并公开支持以色列的犯罪政治。

JCACA 宣称 Zwi Migdal 的“历史是所有正派犹太人的尴尬。 它涉及大量金钱、腐败的政客、暴力性行为、国际女性贸易、残酷的暴行、强奸和欺骗,所有这些都带有一点意欲和敬畏上帝的传统。 在这些传统中,根据《托拉》中表达的犹太信仰, 是因为只要奴隶不是犹太人,就可以保留奴隶。 然而,这些 Zwi Migdal 也奴役了犹太女孩,许多经营妓院的人都是犹太妇女。”

我发现自己承认,除了本杰明·内塔尼亚胡因政治机会主义原因谴责埃胡德·巴拉克与爱泼斯坦的关系外,我还没有看到任何一个犹太组织对爱泼斯坦及其性交易活动表示任何尴尬。 相反,爱泼斯坦的律师艾伦德肖维茨宣布他实际上是 #metoo 运动的受害者. 他还偶尔坚持认为犹太人永远不应该为使用他们的力量而道歉。 麦克斯韦一直保持沉默。 韦克斯纳尚未道歉。 像德肖维茨一样,他采取了受害者的方式,宣布爱泼斯坦从他的家人那里“挪用”了一些谢克尔,他后悔与性贩子有联系。 非常关心巴勒斯坦人的 JVP 肯定不会被 Guiffre 的困境所困扰。 我想知道,是不是 Zwi Migdal 虐待犹太妇女和女孩引起了犹太人的不安? 我想,至少就目前而言,犹太人似乎没有文化或心理手段来全面审视爱泼斯坦和他的戒指。 唯一悬而未决的问题是 FBI 是否拥有 科琼斯 做好自己的工作。

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  1. Godzilla 说:


    • 同意: Lancelot Link
  2. The Zwi Migdal organization operated from the 1860s to 1939.

    After the second world war the remaining mobsters purportedly moved on to Brazil and Uruguay, so that Argentina became safe for A. Hitler to live out his life there, in relative seclusion.

    Israeli filmmaker Noam Shalev has investigated and done a film about his new life after his escape from Berlin in early May 1945.


  3. 情报和有组织犯罪联盟是如何让杰弗里·爱泼斯坦崛起的,这是昨天邦妮·福克纳 (Bonnie Faulkner) 的《枪与黄油》(Guns and Butter) 的主题,嘉宾惠特尼·韦伯 (Whitney Webb)。 非常有趣,它可以追溯到犹太暴徒的贩运活动,在 CIA 的参与下,以敲诈为目的对人们进行诽谤。 韦伯女士进行了大量的研究。

    • 同意: Johnny Walker Read
    • 回复: @Steve Naidamast
  4. escobar 说:


  5. Sean 说:

    Despite asserting repeatedly she had been 15 years old, Virginia Roberts/ Giuffre started working for Epstein at 17, as Maxwell showed in court that was how old she was when she first met Roberts and its not the egregious inaccuracy Roberts has been caust making on oath, which is probabally why she was not being used as a witness in the Feds recent case against Epstien. One Tony Figueroa is described by court documents as Epstein’s former bodyguard who was dating Virginia Roberts/ Giuffre when she was employed by Epstein. Sounds to me she was no more a sex slave that Hefner’s bunnies at the Playboy Mansion. More worker than slave. Do not mix Roberts and her lurid blackmail-of-prime-ministers-and-presidents yarns (in which she is the breathtakingly sexy centre of international Jet Set attention that no man can resist of course) up with the thirty odd mid teens from Palm Beach High School that Epstein’s legal troubles stemmed from, none of who said they had sexual contact with anyone but Epstein in his towel on his green couch or saw anyone else there.

    The police had a complete account of Epstein’s crimes from the 19 year old who had been bringing him schoolgirls for a year, this was in a relatively brief period of less than a year up to to 2005. Epstein made a payment of 50 million to Wexler. That could only be restitution. Maxwell never had any contact with the schoolgirls, none of them said they ever met her. The tens of millions in compensation that were paid out by Epstein to the schoolgirls in restitution has to be taken into account when considering if they got justice, or the system failed them in 2007. If he had beat the case, which Michael Jackson had just done with something not too different, the girls would have got nothing. That would have been failing them totally I think.

    The court papers you refer to are a civil matter, in which Virginia Roberts or rather her first class team of attorneys is accusing Wexner: a billionaire (charitable donations of as much as 100 million a time) who is the ideal target for a shakedown. He also happens to be a long time Dem supporter who switched allegiance because of Obama’s Israel policy. Dershowitz is widely loathed for his support of Trump, who has easily exploitable connections with Epstein Wexner and Dershowitz are Jewish liberals who are seen as having committed treachery. Roberts is being represented for free by the lawyer of choice for the Dems (and Weinstein’s lawyer that pressured the NYT to stop the MeTo), David Boies, who just happens to be a long time bitter rival of Dershowitz. At the time of these offences being alleged by Roberts, Wexner and Dershowitz would have been in their seventies. It is easier to get a camel to pass through a the eye of needle than to get a billionaire to trust a compulsive sex criminal with his money. Moreover, Wexner had Epstein stay in his house and Dershowitz took his family to holidays on the little atoll of Epstein that some smart real estate fellow in the former (1917) Danish colony dubbed an island. Dershowitz’s actions have not been that of a guilty man who has to stand on his rights.

    Epstein was the only target of the criminal prosecution. He had a previous conviction so it was a slam dunk; Maxwell was not going to be involved in the prosecution. Maxwell was not arrested, neither were any of their assistants. The usual procedure would be to arrest all the assistants and flip them , that is offer them a deal or immunity probabally immunity in this case) in return for their testimony.

    This is not only an argument between Jews, but between Jewish liberals. Boies needed to burnish his reputation after trying to chill the media over his former clients Weinstein and Therantos. He also got to take down those traitors to liberal Jewry, Dershowitz and Wexner, and he did it all by using the media to provoke Maxwell into sueing Roberts for defamation, thereby getting her scattergun accusations against Wexner and Dershowitz given the status of “court documents. The old adage about the lawyer who represents himself having a fool for a client is confirmed by Dershowitz in this reversal of his fortunes.

    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
    , @annamaria
  6. anon[299]• 免责声明 说:

    > Jewish organised crime apparatus

    Redundant term. (Not critiquing your writing, which is great, just expressing a bit of humor.)

    > The only question left open is whether the FBI has the cojones to do its job.

    Ever hopeful, but I’m not holding my breath.

    • 回复: @Gilad Atzmon
    , @kikz
  7. sally 说:

    The thing that bothers me about these sexual crimes is that the victims do not seem to have immunity from false prosecution to bring major lawsuits.. Unless a non Jewish law firm ( if such exist) is willing to take on the weight of the Jewish establishment and stand for the financial costs the victims do not seem to be able to get relief from the system . ..but on the other hand, the victims that succeed to a lawsuit, might get settlement in such sums as to agree to drop the suits.. Criminal investigations even the ones aggressively prosecuted can not win a case if the witness backs down. I think, If i were a victim and offered a million dollars to drop the litigation I might agree.

    Disappearing evidence and reversing witnesses and victim testimony from Plaintiff favorable to Defendant favorable seems to be the rule in these cases.. none of the cases I have heard have identified who keeps books and records on these victims. Even organized crime keeps records..

    what might be useful is a public registry, whereby victims of crime can register their name (in pseudo form and in actual but hidden form) and identify name, date. and time of event of each episode of the crime.. as well as describe how the victim fell into the trap..<=the route to victimization. If that persons name does not appear on the registry within a reasonable time, then later such person should not have undisputed standing to sue or be a witness in criminal affairs..

    • 回复: @Gilad Atzmon
    , @Anonymous
  8. K. W. 说:

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but was there actually a Polish ambassador in 1906? Poland was not an independent entity at the time (being ruled largely by the Russian Empire and Austro-Hungarian Empire).

    • 回复: @Hibernian
  9. @sally

    I agree ,,, this is inherent to the nature of organised crime,,, you do not follow the law but instead adopt behaviorally to fit with an imaginary realm known as ‘sensitivities of the mob’,,, this is the exact nature of identitarian politics in the West … It isn’t just Zionists or Israel supporters. It is symptomatic of JVP’s Democracy now and so on…

  10. I hate deflection, whatever angle it comes from. We have to focus on the high profile ones like Prince Edward, Slick Willie and AG Barr. Get that Jizzlady and the Governor of New Mexico to testify.
    Keep at it and get the rotten edifice down.

    • 回复: @Rev. Spooner
    , @Wizard of Oz
  11. @Rev. Spooner

    I feel I have been rude to Mr Atzmon. I’m sure he is sincere and my comment was wrong to doubt his sincerity.

    • 回复: @Gilad Atzmon
  12. @Rev. Spooner

    I really don’t think that identifying the cultural roots that shape the crime syndicate that dominates American politics, cultre, finance, spirit and delusion is a deflection.

    • 同意: Twodees Partain
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  13. 好像我们 智人 玷污我们提出的每一个理想。 IIRC,尼采说了一些关于为了提高道德而必须不道德的事情。

  14. Curmudgeon 说:

    I have no use for Dersho-shitz, but did read his letter to a media outlet (which I cannot find again). In the letter, he puts the organization on notice that unless certain changes were made to the narrative, and/or his letter published at the same time, they would be sued. Some points made were, that Giuffre/Roberts had made statements that were provably false, and that the media outlet had refused to take contact information of witnesses that could confirm his statements. Turns out that Dersh has successfully had an email unsealed in which Giuffre states to her lawyer, that she didn’t know who he was. Again, Dersho-shitz may be a turd, but baseless accusations, whether against him or Randy Andy are de jour for the media. It’s all about who has the biggest bullhorn.

    I have little doubt that Epstein committed criminal acts, and there may well be a Maxwell connection. What those criminal acts were/are and how the Maxwell connection plays into that, is an entirely different question.

    • 回复: @Sean
  15. 杯子是半满还是半空?

    Epstein & Zwi Migdal cases have some things in common, but they differ in most respects.

    1. many have suggested that Epstein’s case did have a “racial” component, showing Jewish animus toward (white) Gentiles as a sort of defilement of “white goddesses” by a clique of filthy Jewish exploiters. I haven’t formed an opinion, but it all seemed that Gentile girls were just “available”, while Jewish good looking girls were few & far between roaming the streets.

    2. Zwi Migdal was a much more formidable organization, although, due to different circumstances, its clients were not as powerful as in Epstein case (‘tho I’m not sure about all that- I don’t see any beatings, forced slavery & almost Babylon-size brothel life as is the case with Z.M.)

    Also, one surprising thing is, re Zwi Migdal, passivity or indifference of Jewish communities world-wide. Where they were? This crime syndicate had been operating for almost 80 years & nobody “noticed”. How was this possible? How was possible that Jewish community in Poland & in other parts of the world remained so “unmoved”?

    This degradation & exploitation of Jewish females was, if we are to believe sources, terminated due to activity of a few moral & brave Gentile men. Otherwise it would have gone on & on.

    3. now, I’m still undecided, but Epstein’s case seem to involve more than sexploitation. Spying, corruption, perhaps Mossad, and especially money laundering & high finance traits are absent in Zwi Migdal case. Or, shortly- Epstein case could have more to do with politics, while Zwi Migdal- although incomparably more massive & octopus-like, was a powerful, but essentially gangster activity, without anything “higher”. There is something Zionist about whole Epstein affair, a trait I don’t find in Z.M. case.

  16. kikz 说:

    any connections to the purple gang other than ethnicity?

  17. @Bardon Kaldian

    No one tries to argue that Epstein and ZM are identical .. we are looking here for those cultural aspects that evolve into abusive psychotic behavior. Indeed Epstein/Maxwell abused gentile females yet ZM concentrated on Jewish ones . We may learn here that god of mammon suppresses all other gods, maybe the line of segregation and choseness within the Jewish world are more divisive than we are willing to accept .. there is internal racism in the j world … in short .. this juxtaposition is there to invite thinking , questioning .. this is how I understand the Athenian project. We learn to refine questions as opposed to recycling answers…

    • 回复: @Sean
  18. @Bardon Kaldian

    “This degradation & exploitation of Jewish females was, if we are to believe sources, terminated due to activity of a few moral & brave Gentile men. Otherwise it would have gone on & on.”

    No, not exclusively gentile. Nahum Sorkin was named as one Jew who started a pushback against the gang before any Argentine officials took action. As an aside, you can’t really take issue with the thrust of the article by dissecting the differences between Zwi Migdal and Epstein. The author doesn’t claim that the two cases are that closely related.

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
    , @utu
  19. @Twodees Partain

    Sorkin was, I would call him, a “righteous Jew”. Where were others?

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  20. …Could not be called the Warsaw Society after the Polish ambassador complained.
    There was no Poland in 1906, so what ambassador?

  21. 爱泼斯坦吹嘘自己是中央情报局。遵循埃德·威尔逊 (Ed Wilson) 的中央情报局的崇高传统,爱泼斯坦通过将一把非法的泵动猎枪走私到英国来展示他的超级间谍影响力——这不是猎枪,而是一种用来杀害平民的武器,而英国的国家管理如此严格,以至于有执照的武装官员都不会这样做。不敢碰流弹枪。爱泼斯坦并没有将他的业务局限于恋童癖拉皮条——他还参与了中央情报局的其他核心业务,包括洗钱。爱泼斯坦与中央情报局高级官员有着千丝万缕的联系。




    • 回复: @Shorenstein
    , @Al Liguori
  22. Sean 说:

    I think the E-mail exchange was with British reporter, then with the Daily Mail, who was working on co writing a book that mentioned Dershowitz as a good name to drop, and Ms Giuffre (nee Roberts) seemed less than aware who he was. Not a clear cut disproof but a little shaky considering the only other person accusing Dershowitz is Sarah Ransome and in 2016 Randsome told the media a serious of falsehoods including that she had a sex tape of Donald Trump.

    As always seems to happen in these things there are a lot of people settling old scores. Ghislaine Maxwell was the manager of the young women employed by Epstein and they probabally are certain she knew or think she is an evil bitch who deceived them; no one is going to take her word against hers for what the interactions were now. There are potentially hundreds of millions is restitution up for grabs if they can get her convicted of trafficking with Epstein. She is about to be arrested and going to spend the rest of her life in prison and before the trial spend 100 times longer on suicide (no joke for even a few days ) watch than anyone ever has.

    Maxwell’s father owned the Labour supporting Mirror and right up until his death Robert Maxwell was was the main rival of Rupert Murdoch and the Rothermere Daily Mail. Murdoch’s Sun tabloid newspaper became the cash cow of his empire be winning the circulation war with a huge picture of a topless 16 year old girl on Page Three (Americans could not believe what they were seeing). Murdoch hates the establishment especially the Royal family. Ghislaine Maxwell was a girlfriend of Prince Andrew back in the 80s.

    Epstein already pleaded guilty to essentially the same state charges as the Feds then charged him with. Happens all the time. He hadn’t a prayer, which is why he killed himself, although he would be sent to a prison that has half sex offenders and it would not have been too bad. Maxwell is going to do hard , hard time come what may, and the prison psychiatrist and warden are going to find something in her behavior to justify putting her on under a level of constance surveillance that absolutely no one male or female in the system is subjected to. If she is going to catch the bus she will have to do it now.

    • 回复: @Shorenstein
    , @Che Guava
  23. Sean 说:
    @Gilad Atzmon

    In many western countries the pimps are mainly black.

    他们必须去 梅尔·卡哈内

    The Arab sexual perversions result in cases such as the one in which
    five Arab laborers were accused of paying Jewish children from Tel
    Giborim and then practicing sodomy on them. The children ranged in
    age from eight to ten years (Yediot Aharonot, January 22, 1976). There is
    little doubt that the sexual crimes committed by Arabs against Jewish
    women are derived from both the usual sickness and what one might call
    the “Eldridge Cleaver” phenomenon (as expressed in Soul on Ice) of
    wishing to attack and degrade the enemy. [,,,]

    The degrading phenomenon of Jewish prostitutes catering to Arab
    clients in the citrus groves of the coastal plain and in cheap hotels and
    backyards of Tel Aviv is all too well known. The Arabs constitute a
    sizable number of the clients of Jewish prostitutes in cities such as Jaffa,
    Haifa, and Acre; Arab pimps direct them. The social destruction and the
    moral humiliation need not be elaborated upon.

    Atzmon and Kahane, the content is different but the style of thinking is similar.

    The recently released documents related to the Jeffrey Epstein affair suggest that Epstein and Maxwell were to be charged with child sex trafficking, and as the alleged procurer of underage girls.

    There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the prosecutors had contemplated bringing any criminal charge whatsoever against Ghislaine Maxwell, before Epstein committed suicide. Ghislaine’s brothers were tried in her magnate father Robert’s stead after he killed himself rather than face prison. Recycled questions are appropriate for endlessly repeating history.

    • 巨魔: Colin Wright, Druid
  24. ‘…Zwi Migdal, a Jewish global crime syndicate that operated a century ago and trafficked thousands of Jewish women and under age girls as sex slaves…’


    我内心的科林说; ‘Oh thank God; they weren’t gentile girls.’

    I don’t want to be an anti-semite; I really don’t. I miss the days when whether or not someone was Jewish seemed about as significant to me as whether or not they had detached earlobes.


    • 同意: Kratoklastes
    • 回复: @utu
    , @Jerome
  25. Anon[181]• 免责声明 说:

    When someone “breaks bad”, they may think they are just dabbling in something evil, but as so often is the case, the evil deeds draw them in the life ever so deeper, until they are caught up in it up to their necks.

  26. ‘On May 7, 1906, the Jewish syndicate had to change its title after the Polish ambassador to Argentina …”

    Ahem. Poland wasn’t an independent state in 1906. How could it have had an ambassador?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  27. ‘Like Dershowitz, he adopted the victim path announcing that Epstein ‘misappropriated’ a few shekels from his family and he regret being associated with the sex trafficker…’

    The ever-evanescent Ehud Barak has also announced he regrets being associated with Epstein.

    我找到它了 迷人 how rarely Barak’s name comes up. Yet he was clearly making frequent and full use of Epstein’s facilities. He and Bill Clinton are simultaneously the most deeply implicated and the least mentioned.


    • 回复: @Durruti
  28. If you look throughout Western History, you’ll be able to notice that when there is money to be made off of human misery or human degradation, it is a jew who’s taking it to the bank … slavery, illegal harvesting and trafficking in human organs, pornography, the sex trade, usury, etc.

    It’s always the same group … every _ damn _ time.

    • 回复: @Shorenstein
  29. @Bardon Kaldian

    ‘I haven’t formed an opinion, but it all seemed that Gentile girls were just “available”, while Jewish good looking girls were few & far between roaming the streets…’

    Oh I was acquainted with one Jewish girl who was the most outrageous slut…

    In any case, had Epstein preferred Jewish girls, I’m sure he could have fulfilled his desires. It can’t be proven, but he seems to have had a hard-on for a certain type of 希克萨 trailer trash…there’s something about all those girls that’s the same.

    • 回复: @Anon
  30. JasonT 说:

    “The only question left open is whether the FBI has the cojones to do its job.”

    I am puzzled why you would even ask this question, as the answer is self-evidently – no.

  31. Jack the Ripper wasn’t Jewish. Look at the women of the East end of London at that time.

    • 回复: @lysias
    , @Druid
    , @boon
    , @Alden
  32. Image result for what country is responsible for the most sex trafficking
    Pakistan, Thailand, China, India, and Bangladesh are in the top 10 for countries with the largest number of trafficking victims around the world. India is at the top of the list with 14 million victims, China comes in second with 3.2 million victims, and Pakistan comes in at third with 2.1 million victims.

    • 同意: TKK
  33. Tony Ryals 说:





    Brunel 是 60 多岁的法国人,是 MC2 Model Management [网站] 的联合创始人,这是一家总部位于迈阿密的模特经纪公司,在纽约和特拉维夫设有办事处。布鲁内尔是 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来著名的模特星探,被誉为开启了米拉·乔沃维奇、克里斯蒂·特灵顿和莎朗·斯通的职业生涯。埃胡德·巴拉克也是他的朋友吗?莎朗·斯通推荐他吗?

    但他的职业生涯有时会受到争议的影响。哥伦比亚广播公司的一部《60 分钟》纪录片曾指控布鲁内尔对年轻女性进行性剥削,但他否认了这一指控。

    但布鲁内尔与[杰弗里]爱泼斯坦的亲密友谊从未受到质疑。这位模特星探的名字经常出现在爱泼斯坦私人飞机的飞行日志中,监狱记录显示,他在爱泼斯坦入狱期间曾拜访过 67 次。

    然而,30 月 XNUMX 日的法庭文件转述了罗伯茨的指控,这比布鲁内尔与爱泼斯坦之间偶尔出现的友谊的影射更进一步。它明确指控爱泼斯坦实际上利用布鲁内尔与年轻女性的接触来达到性贩运的目的。

    文件称:“他会出于性目的将年轻女孩(最小的只有 12 岁)带到美国,并将她们卖给他的朋友,尤其是爱泼斯坦。” “布鲁内尔会为女孩们提供‘模特’工作。许多女孩来自贫穷国家或贫困家庭,他以赚大钱的承诺来引诱她们。”


    • 回复: @Sean
  34. Biff 说:

    The only question left open is whether the FBI has the cojones to do its job.

    The sweeping of Epstein away begins.


    NEW YORK (Reuters) – A federal judge on Thursday formally dismissed the criminal sex trafficking case against Jeffrey Epstein,

  35. @Fran Taubman

    ‘Image result for what country is responsible for the most sex trafficking
    Pakistan, Thailand, China, India, and Bangladesh are in the top 10 for countries with the largest number of trafficking victims around the world. India is at the top of the list with 14 million victims, China comes in second with 3.2 million victims, and Pakistan comes in at third with 2.1 million victims.’

    Poor Fran. You really don’t want to go there.

    Redo your study to find out who’s the 人均 领导者。

    The Mighty Mite! Illegal organ transplants, financial fraud — and of course, that old favorite, the white slave trade.

  36. getaclue 说:

    Hitler has shown up at Exorcisms– a human Demon in Hell — he has stated he died by burning alive i.e. the shot in the head did not kill him, he was still alive although thought to be dead no doubt when the gasoline was poured on him and lit — good practice though for where he resides in Hell forever…he didn’t make it out of Germany.

    • 回复: @Been_there_done_that
  37. Lot 说:

    “I have yet to see a single Jewish organisation express any embarrassment in regard to Epstein”

    I am sure you can find examples of Catholic organizations “expressing embarrassment” over crimes of individual non-practicing Catholics, no problem. I’ll wait.

    “On the contrary, Epstein’s lawyer, Alan Dershowitz”

    Oh my, a criminal defense lawyer defends a criminal!

    Let me on behalf of Jews express my embarrassment that Gilad Atzmon was once a member of the tribe.

    • 同意: Fran Taubman
    • 回复: @Anon
  38. @Fran Taubman




    以色列还被美国国务院年度人口贩运(Tip)报告列为犯罪国家,该报告谴责犹太国家没有完全遵守消除性贩运的“最低标准”……” http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7487

    Up to 10,000 trafficked women in Israel and more than 280 brothels in Tel Aviv alone


    1835 年:犹太人购买、训练和出售儿童作为性奴隶 http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blogspot.com/2011/10/jews-buying-training-selling-children.html

    1811 年:更多犹太人买卖儿童性奴隶 http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blogspot.com/2011/10/more-jews-buying-selling-child-sex.html

    1917-1920:犹太布尔什维克俄罗斯的儿童卖淫 http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blogspot.com/2012/03/child-prostitution-in-jewish-bolshevik.html

    20 世纪初: 20 世纪初的犹太人和儿童卖淫:


    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  39. @Red Forshmak

    Why the insistence in turning readers away from Mossad? The Mega Group sponsored Epstein from the beginning. And their allegiance is Zionist, first, last and always….

  40. @Anthony Aaron

    Soros…working for the Germans rounding up fellow Jews in Hungary. As he explained in his (YouTube) interview if I had not done it someone else would have.
    Be sure that the Christians record on human rights smells too; see ongoing massacre of native peoples beginning on this continent, No. America.

  41. @Sean

    “Epstein killed himself”? Evidence? Hear say, that’s all. After all he did to compromise (blackmail) exec. and political leadership for Israel do you think there was no plan to reward him by springing him from prison before a trail? To the contrary: Guards mum. Cameras not working in cell and hall ways. Off suicide watch. Visited (supposedly) by Barr. Sightings of comings and goings at the jail from outside at time of alleged death. Photos suggesting body was a look-a-like. We may never know but promoting the main steam argument that he killed himself in a jail cell SPECIFICALLY designed to make offing oneself impossible is, to me, giving in to magical thinking Sean.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  42. One article that I found speaking of the group that brought the women only says that the women were white. Further they say that the women were blond with light eyes and that because of that they were generally called “polaca” in Brazil even if they didn’t come from Poland. Could it be many women were not Jewish at all?

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  43. Sean 说:

    Real magic does not exist in the real world. But fake magic does and it works by misdirection. Even if Epstein had said he was working for Mossad (or the CIA or FBI ) as an agent to gather information about paedophile politicians, and the court believed him, it would not have been any kind of defence in law. He was a convicted sex offender and known confidence trickster; no one would listen. Indeed, leaving him alive to make his claim he was some kid of child molester 007 would be the best way to discredit him. Mossad’s motto “By way of deception thou shalt make war” would lead one to expect subtle manipulation rather than crass homicide. Where is the misdirection?

    • 回复: @lysias
    , @Druid
  44. Sean 说:
    @Tony Ryals



    • 回复: @Tony Ryals
  45. Shorenstein [41],好问题。摩萨德是中央情报局犯罪集团的一个组成部分,我应该这么说。中央情报局通过不受立法控制的仅限眼睛的联络协议与摩萨德的犯罪资产进行协调。中央情报局和摩萨德分享收益,或者并行行动,就像他们在伊朗/反对派军火走私中所做的那样,或者当反民主联盟监视惹恼中央情报局的政治牛虻时。



  46. Anon[152]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Girls entrapped by ZM weren’t particularly “slutty”, they were naive and desperate.

    The population of naive and desperate Jewish girls in the US today is fairly small, especially given that gentile girls already outnumber Jewish at a proportion of 49:1 . Epstein wasn’t just satisfying his personal pleasures, he was running a procurement ring– he would take what he could get if it would sell. Of course it’s also possible his “handlers” wanted him to steer clear of Jewish girls, or that as you say he mostly picked girls he personally desired.

    • 回复: @Sean
    , @Colin Wright
  47. Tony Ryals 说:

    Sean you are like the con artists at snopes.com you dictate the questions you ask yourself in order to give disinfo as ‘answers’.

    下面再次列出了我的问题。另外还添加了有关 Ehud Barak、Jean Luc Brunel 以及东 301 街 66 号未成年模特住房的问题……Capische?






    请注意,这间公寓不是杰夫·爱泼斯坦的宅邸,而是巴拉克喜欢住的女孩们居住的大楼 – 这不是爱泼斯坦的宅邸 – 这是布鲁内尔·爱泼斯坦儿童妓女居住的地方,爱泼斯坦的兄弟是业主! CAPISCE?

    纳迪亚·马尔钦科娃(Nadia Marcinkova)“是他(爱泼斯坦)从她在南斯拉夫的父母那里购买的(儿童)“性奴隶”——这句话向我解释了为什么爱泼斯坦拥有与 Dyncorp 相同尾号的厢式飞机,因为他们多年前就被指控了比尔·克林顿和犹太人马德琳·奥尔布赖特在那里开始犯下战争罪行后,从该地区贩运年轻女孩。


    曼哈顿东 66 街神秘的公寓楼内,住着未成年模特、律师和杰弗里·爱泼斯坦性交易圈子的关键人物。以色列前总理埃胡德·巴拉克是这里的常客。

    爱泼斯坦投资的模特经纪公司MC2用这些公寓来安置海外模特。 MC2 的创始人 Jean-Luc Brunel 在那里有一套公寓…………

    7月,名誉扫地的性犯罪者杰弗里·爱泼斯坦 (Jeffrey Epstein) 在纽约大都会惩教中心开始长期居留之前,曾居住在该市一些最高档的房地产中,将头埋在上东区一座富丽堂皇的联排别墅中,并在一座地标性豪宅中开展他的神秘生意在麦迪逊大道上。

    但这位 7,000 亿富翁的私人岛屿和占地 XNUMX 英亩的牧场并不全是这些。几十年来,爱泼斯坦一直在他的兄弟马克·爱泼斯坦拥有的第二大道一栋低矮的住宅楼里悄悄地经营他的一些业务,以色列前总理埃胡德·巴拉克经常来访。

    根据财产记录和法庭文件,杰弗里·爱泼斯坦 (Jeffrey Epstein) 长期以来一直在东 301 街 66 号的几个单位中为女友、同事、雇员和企业提供住所。该地址共有 200 个单位,其中大部分在纸面上由以下人士拥有:他兄弟的开发公司 Ossa Properties。虽然奥萨名义上拥有与杰弗里·爱泼斯坦有关的单位,但上述记录和文件显示爱泼斯坦实际上控制着它们……。

    多年来,爱泼斯坦的许多朋友也把东 301 街 66 号称为家,其中包括他的前女友、社交名媛伊娃·安德森(Eva Andersson,现已嫁给对冲基金明星、爱泼斯坦的密友格伦·杜宾),以及他以前的公司合伙人、MC2 Models 创始人 Jean-Luc Brunel。 (根据第六页的报道,该模特经纪公司以爱因斯坦著名的方程式命名,其中缺少的“E”代表爱泼斯坦。“他认为每个人都太笨了,无法弄清楚,”该报称。)

    杰弗里·爱泼斯坦东 301 街 66 号
    然后是未成年模特。根据前 MC2010 簿记员 Maritza Vasquez 2 年的证词,他们中的许多人都是外国人,是被布鲁内尔发掘的。 (无法联系到瓦斯奎兹发表评论,但她的宣誓声明得到了爱泼斯坦的前房屋经理阿尔弗雷多·罗德里格斯的支持,他对爱泼斯坦地址簿的注释包括第 66 街条目旁边的“模特公寓”。)

    “我知道这些模特住在杰弗里·爱泼斯坦的不同公寓里,”瓦斯奎兹在证词中说。 “这里不止一个女孩。公寓不只有一套。我相信大概有两到三间公寓。每间公寓里她们被安排在四个女孩中间。”

    爱泼斯坦认罪协议中提到的所有 4 名“同谋”均与该建筑有关
    瓦斯奎兹说,她的部分工作是帮助女孩们获得签证,她记得在为 14 岁的纳迪亚·马尔辛科娃 (Nadia Marcinkova) 办理模范签证申请失败后,她接到了爱泼斯坦 (Epstein) 愤怒的电话。瓦斯奎兹说,部分问题在于她并不是真正的模特。

    “那个女孩从不工作,她从来不是模特。她住在他的地方,但她消失了,”瓦斯奎兹说,一位直接负责申请的同事告诉她。 “她实际上从未当过模特。”

    事实上,根据棕榈滩警察局 2006 年的一份报告,爱泼斯坦告诉他的一名受害者,马尔钦科娃是他在她十几岁时从南斯拉夫的父母那里购买的“性奴隶”。报道称,马尔钦科娃经常与爱泼斯坦及其未成年受害者发生性行为……。

    • 回复: @Sean
  48. Anon[152]• 免责声明 说:

    If you’re a member of the tribe, so is Atzmon.

  49. @getaclue

    Many people – basically “conformists” – have trouble un-learning false news that has been repeatedly propagated for decades and never publicly declared to have been a hoax. Those embarking on a serious inquiry intending to prove the hoax is true are then surprised to discover they were duped.

    Apparently you have been oblivious to the fact that Hitler had used a “double” during that time, who ultimately paid with his life for having looked similar to him. It was subsequently determined that this “double” was actually a few centimeters shorter. And his purported remains failed more recent analysis using new techniques. Even better, convince yourself. Try finding a video frame or still image of the alleged corpse of Hitler lying face up near the bunker before he was set on fire – for obvious reasons. It’s not difficult to discern that this was a different man, though with the same style of mustache.

    • 回复: @getaclue
  50. @Al Liguori

    I figured out that you are 20 years old or less. You write like an adolescent.

    • 回复: @anon
  51. Sean 说:
    @Tony Ryals

    埃胡德·巴拉克已经受到不可逆转的牵连和声名狼藉,他的政治生涯就最高职位而言已经结束。我认为任何一个非同性恋的模特经纪公司老板都会与 15 至 16 岁渴望获得有声望的工作的女孩发生性关系。珍妮丝·迪金森 (Janice Dickinson) 表示,她在 16 岁时被世界著名模特老板斯文加利 (Svengali) 强奸,她的长相赋予了她真正的超模潜力。伦敦和迪拜充满了东欧自我风格的模特,但她们的魅力不足以穿着自己选择的衣服工作。 行业.

    如果让·吕克·布鲁内尔 (Jean Luc Brunel) 的业务部分位于以色列,那么他大概是犹太人。巴拉克和的住房 有志 为其中一些人建模 未成年人与,在爱泼斯坦控制的东 200 街 301 号的 66 个单位中,这是一个很好的方法,可以让某人陷入妥协的境地,而无需他们实际采取任何行动。巴拉克 具有 已成功妥协,即使是他最坚定的支持者也必须承认他与爱泼斯坦的关系 令人难以置信 一个自称领导国家的人的判断力很差。

    埃胡德·巴拉克(Ehud Barak)为巴勒斯坦人提出了迄今为止最好的最终解决方案,他是这起丑闻中最大、牵连最深的人物,这已经使他重新担任以色列总理的政治野心脱轨。 The circle’s of Epstein at his Manhattan salon were 100% liberal Jews amenable to land for peace, which in current Israeli terms includes Barak; can you not see this indicates that it is no Israeli Jews-against-Gentiles-plot?

    Now that Trump mouthpiece Dershowitz (and Wexner who stopped funding the Dems because of Obama) are no longer associated with the Dems, and because more than a decade ago Trump was seen with Epstein, although never at the Epstein atoll or plane (like Aristotle’s great souled man Trump gives but is loath to accept accepts favours, especially from anyone he considers his inferior) the publicity prosecution is an ideal bandwagon for liberal Jews to get revenge. Meghan McCain said Dershowitz should be banned from appearing on TV. Al Frankel was not treated like that.

    • 回复: @Druid
  52. getaclue 说:

    My point is that Hitler the human demon now will spend Eternity in Hell– he has shown up at a famous Exorcism (the accent matched perfectly his by the way, which was obscure given where he was from and the Possessed person could never have known, also she spoke fluent Chinese while possessed which was impossible etc….). Further, there is absolutely no doubt that he shot himself and had his body burned thereafter along with his Mistress. Both his skull/teeth remains post burning and those of his Mistress were found at the bunker– not those of any “Double”. There is no doubt he died at the bunker –other than the looniest of propaganda bs. I would have no problem reviewing with an open mind any “evidence”, and always try and do so, but there is zero credible evidence that Hitler is anywhere other than where he went after he put the bullet in his brain and had his body burned after still desperately trying to “run” things from the Bunker as the Soviet Communists were allowed to close in on him. This is the evidence as to his dental records matching. It is conclusive. I have no “dog” in this either– I could care less, if there was credible evidence he lived on –fine…. just reporting what I have come across.: https://www.history.com/news/hitler-death-cause-teeth-analysis

    • 回复: @Been_there_done_that
  53. Sean 说:

    Desperate for a cosmopolitan Jet Set existence as a model does not mean desperate in any material well being sense. Very many of his conquests were foolish adult women to who he presented himself as a model agent or talent scout, and then inveigled them into sexual encounters. I suppose a lot of young women like that end up as with a nice apartment gratis, and if they cannot pursue their chosen career or are unwilling to settle for getting rich man to marry them, they end up kept women for Arabs and such. Far more women want to be to be renowned models or actresses than there are jobs. Hence Weinstein & Epstein.

    Of course it’s also possible his “handlers” wanted him to steer clear of Jewish girls, or that as you say he mostly picked girls he personally desired.

    Considering how uniquely weird Epstein’s sexual tastes were (buttocks to buttocks action is not one I had heard of ) I doubt he would have been very good ar procuring for anyone but himself.

    I am increasingly confident he was an aging man uninterested in family life who embezzled so much money he got every appetite that her could legally satisfy uver-sated, and then having become blaise there was nothing left but to whip up his jaded palate with what was forbidden by law to anyone, no matter how wealthy. Those were the under age girls from Palm Beach high and it he had less than a year of it before the cops arrested him. I am amazed he lasted as long as he did. The man was living in a fantasy world just as much as the relatively plain women with portfolios he preyed on. On Unz the fantasy is not of being a model, its of being Sherlock Holmes.

  54. @getaclue

    This is the evidence as to his dental records matching. It is conclusive.

    The skull that was thought to be that of Hitler for decades was analyzed in Moscow and found out to be that of a woman. Dental “records” only “matched” to the extent that they found a jaw with “bad teeth”, as did Hitler. That is not conclusive evidence and contradicts the evidence gained from the examining the skull.

    Guess what? Millions of people have also “bad teeth”. This is why there are dentists. Also, explain if you think a jas simply detaches and separates from the rest of the head due to a single gunshot.

    I can understand why the official line was that he had killed himself. It was sufficiently plausible and conveniently provided closure regarding his person.

    If the basis for your belief is that link you cited then you ought to read more carefully. Somebody simply made a claim without providing any forensic details, nor explaining how jaws would magically detach from a skull. It appears that just a year ago it was thought necessary to suppress the emerging revelations about the high likelihood he survived the war in Argentina.

    However, everyone will agree that he is no longer alive now, in 2019.

    • 回复: @getaclue
  55. getaclue 说:

    Of course you give no support for your statements, scientific or otherwise? Please do so we can be as informed as you as to the “truth”. My link above is thorough as to sources. So they are lying? I don’t think so. It would have been a much bigger coup to prove Hitler was alive than to scientifically confirm his death at the Bunker, which his own bodyguard, maid etc. detailed, independently and at length over the years. I have seen no evidence as to your claims. You just throw out statements not backed up by anything and people are suppose to believe you?– because, for some reason, you have a great wish that Hitler escaped? As I said I have no “dog” in this, I could care less one way or the other but found it interesting he has been showing up from Hell at Exorcisms, but all the evidence I have seen proves he shot himself in the head and had his body burned, along with his Mistress, and the skulls/teeth of both survived the burning and those were examined against the actual records.

    The only contra “history” I have seen is crackpot assertions with absolutely no real evidence. So please supply your links to your evidence so we can all see them and be informed? If not I will go with the Scientists on my link by the European Journal of Internal Medicine that has never been questioned or debunked by any reputable researcher (what some crackpot Neo-Nazi or whatever has to say is of no interest to me to be honest if there is no evidence backing up their assertions that he lived after the Bunker siege by the Soviets).:

    “The research, published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine in May 2018, seeks to end conspiracy theories about Adolf Hitler’s death through scientific analysis of the dictator’s teeth and skull.

    “Our study proves that Hitler died in 1945,” lead study author Philippe Charlier told AFP. “The teeth are authentic, there is no possible doubt.”

    Though it’s widely established that Hitler died in his bunker in Berlin, rumors of his escape abound. Their research proves that “he did not flee to Argentina in a submarine, he is not in a hidden base in Antarctica or on the dark side of the moon,” said Charlier.

    In late April 1945, as Soviet forces stormed Berlin, Hitler made plans for his suicide, including testing SS-supplied cyanide pills on his Alsatian, Blondi, and dictating a final will and testament. Two days earlier, Mussolini had been shot by a firing squad and then publicly hung by his feet in a suburban square in Milan, Italy: A similar fate seemed inevitable.

    Late on April 30, the bodies of Hitler and his new wife, Eva Braun, were found in the bunker, with a bullet hole in Hitler’s temple….”

    • 回复: @Germanicus
    , @Stan d Mute
  56. Corvinus 说:

    “Many commentators on the Epstein affair are amazed by the incapacity of America’s law enforcement, legal system and federal agencies to bring justice to Epstein’s victims and its failure to lock him away.”

    The failure came when one of Trump’s former cabinet members as a prosecuting attorney had given Epstein a sweet deal in Florida, with Epstein having access to a Harvard lawyer who just happened to enjoy the same proclivities. Then, that same lawyer, with Trump’s endorsement, got the ball rolling to ensure Epstein’s untimely demise. Q-Anon had this pegged from the get-go. No conspiracy here, just the unvarnished truth.

    • 回复: @Sean
  57. lysias 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    How do we know Jack the Ripper was not Jewish?

    • 回复: @Sean
  58. Sean 说:

    Epstein paid out tens of millions to 30 odd girls. He was not represented for free by Dershowitz, who would have been taking an insane risk to put himself in the public eye with Epstein and risk being recognised by the girls. (Of course none of the 30 girls from Palm Beach High school that the case in 2005 recognised Dershowitz because none of then saw anyone but Epstein, the ‘trafficking’ charge was prosecutorial varnish of a rich degenerate personal debauch). Things get varnished so life can be less boring.

  59. lysias 说:

    Where is the Mossad misdirection? Plenty of misdirection if Epstein is still alive.

    • 回复: @Sean
    , @Germanicus
  60. Sean 说:

    We don’t but they only reason to think he was is a Scotland Yard lead detective in his memoir pretended they had been able to solve the case and stuck up the name of a Whitechapel butcher committed to an insane asylum, who happened to be Jewish. It would be a remarkable coincidence if the actual killer (a young man with very pale face according to the only witness who saw him) actually was Jewish.

    • 回复: @lysias
    , @Fran Taubman
  61. Isn’t all this essentially the plot of Orson Welles’ Mr. Arkadin, right down to the suicide?

  62. lysias 说:

    There were a lot of Jews living in Whitechapel at the time of Jack the Ripper’s murders.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  63. Sean 说:

    I don’t think so, Epstein seems to have chosen death now in preference to switching from his decade long Bacchanalia to hard time until he passed away. It was a wise decision as he got out of the ordeal of being publically interrogated about his freakshow putz, and he got revenge on the system too. In the 2009 deposition he seems to have been been quite impervious to what anyone else thought about his warped sexual tastes although he did not like them talking about his warped and foreshortened sexual 设备. A child sex offender had a pathetic penis, who would have thought it?

    Welles said the plot of 机密报告 is really about vanity; what does the big shot care what these random people know, but he cannot leave it alone. At one point in that film someone who is supposed to be already deceased appears alive and well looking through a window. but Welles said that is a editing error. Epstein is dead as Dillinger.

    It was a common slur in before WW2 to accuse famous or powerful people of having been involved in white slavery. Jack Dempsey was accused of being a professional rapist of virgins who would then be sent to brothels, for example. Sticking with the Welles theme, Hearst’s wife was implied by his enemies to have been the daughter of brothel owners.

  64. @Al Liguori

    Every single one of these blog spots have been taken down. The JP article nothing.
    All your post are BS and more important non existent.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Wally
  65. @Sean

    Jack the Ripper was an upper class Aristocrat.

    • 回复: @Druid
    , @GeeBee
  66. @lysias

    No there were not a lot of Jews living in Whitechapel at the time of Jack the Ripper, that case was never solved.

    • 回复: @Steve Naidamast
    , @anon
    , @renfro
  67. Sean 说:

    The point of misdirection is deniability, the whole Epstein sago does not have the earmarks of a secret service or organised crime operation. which is deniability and cut outs for those who might be captured. A top man being captured by the enemy and for all anyone knows spilling his guts would require him to be immediately silenced. The Count Of Monte Cristo feat of freeing him and making it look like he was dead would be much more difficult and take up too to much precious time to arrange

    Epstein alive would have to be held in a secret Oldboy style isolation facility for the rest of his natural life. From his point of view he would have been better off dead. Epstein’s actual death in custody would have benefited him. In his shoes I would have done the same. His death also got him revenge on the prosecutors and Feds. He was an arrogant swine as his smirking demeanor and storming out of his 2019 deposition when he didn’t like the questions about his deformed little penis showed. Such a character could not be trusted with any freedom after he was got out of prison, especially given his compulsive sexual activities. They would have had to put an end to him or keep him in a unofficial prison with no more freedom. Foe someone like Epstein the feeling that he was in control was the spice that made his life worth living. Being just a number is not so bad for most men, but he knew it was not for him. This way he is continuing to have the last laugh.

    It seems to me that what matters from the point of Jews is not only are they now tainted by mogul showbiz predators in the MeTo scandal (about to be revived in the Weinstein rape trial), and on top of this Jews are at the centre of a child sex ring media firestorm from Epstein’s death in custody. That benefited only him. Israel has suffered the total humiliation of its most highly regarded international statesman and and the liberal part of the Israel Lobby are particularly aghast.

  68. @Fool's Paradise

    我注意到 WBAI 开始越来越多地讨论困扰美国的犹太人问题。

    Very surprising for this station but very refreshing as well…

    • 回复: @Fool's Paradise
  69. @Fran Taubman

    There was a very good movie many years ago, I believe with Spencer Tracy, that also proposed that Jack the Ripper came from a very well to do neighborhood. In the movie, it is postulated that the Ripper was a well respected doctor.

    Given the nature of Victorian England at the time, the idea that The Ripper was an affluent aristocrat makes a lot of sense. In the first place, many of these aristocrats were sexual perverts and in the other, it wouldn’t be a stretch to find one moving into murder of people they thought nothing of…

    • 回复: @Sean
    , @TKK
    , @Malachi
  70. Sean 说:
    @Steve Naidamast

    The Ripper knew Whitechapel and the timing and routes of the police night beat patrolmen too well, and attracted too little attention there for him not to live, or had lived, in the area. The places where he left the bodies could not have been known to anyone but a local in that working class neighbourhood.
    Jewish or not, a pimp might have robbed a client and accidently killed him, but would not have murdered his source of income.

  71. @Steve Naidamast

    Bonnie Faulkner 的 Guns and Butter 从不害怕在 WBAI 上提及以色列或犹太人,但我认为她因此被加利福尼亚 Pacifica 电台解雇。 艾米·古德曼(每天早上的 WBAI)确实提到了以色列对现在民主的罪行!但她几乎是个守门人。 每天中午在 WBAI 上的加里·努尔(Gary Null)在批评美国在世界上的破坏性作用时相当无所畏惧,但没有站出来说明破坏发生是为了哪个国家的利益。

  72. Sean 说:


    They were detained for a week and when they got home were filmed chanting ‘the Brit is a whore’ She has been in prison for 2 months, and is released though not allowed to leave Cyprus and awaiting trail facing facing an year in jail. It is the old story, police in a backward island (which like Greece is notorious contempt of, and for unpunished rapes of, holidaying British girls) a girl makes the mistake of thinking local law enforcement is like the English police and she can report a gang rape. But they find her story is not perfectly matching the forensic evidence and they don’t want to try Israelis so they interrogate her endlessly without a lawyer and say if she just changes her story she can go home. When she does they arrest her, and she finds local lawyers will quit on her rather than accuse the police of misconduct. Oh, and three of then had sex with her.

    British newspapers were not supportive and her family appealed for funds to get her a lawyer. Who came forward to help the girl: Jews from Israel.

    An Israeli man has made the single largest donation to the legal defense of the 19-year-old British woman who faces charges in Cyprus for allegedly falsely accusing 12 Israelis of rape.

    The woman’s parents set up a GoFundMe page Friday seeking $18,000 to cover their daughter’s legal fees after her attorney resigned. The woman is facing up to a year in jail for making the claim.
    Aryeh Fraser, an Israeli living in Miami, Florida, donated over $9,000 to the campaign, and was among the first donors.

    Many of the other 265 donors to the page had Israeli-sounding names, and some identified themselves as Israeli.The woman and her parents maintain that she was coerced by police into retracting the rape claim.

    “We maintain that the statement was given under duress and in breach of her rights, resulting in the collapse of the initial investigation and charges of public mischief being made against her,” the page said. On Wednesday, the woman’s lawyer withdrew from her case due to a “serious disagreement” with his client.

  73. anon[323]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    I figured out that you are 60 years old or more. You write like a senile old cuntjew.

    • 回复: @TKK
  74. Hibernian 说:
    @K. W.

    A fair portion of Poland was ruled by the Kaiser.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Wizard of Oz
  75. anon[154]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman


    在开膛手杰克(Jack the Ripper)时代,白教堂有 50,000 名 cuntjew 移民,你这个肮脏的躺着的 cuntjew 寄生虫。


    不,你这个讨厌的小贱人辩护者,根据 DNA 证据,开膛手杰克应该是来自波兰的肮脏的贱人移民。

    • 回复: @TKK
    , @Fool's Paradise
  76. renfro 说:

    Do Jews have more affinity for sexual based crimes or perversions?
    Or are we just paying more attention to them because of their majority in the MeToo scandals’?
    What about Muslims and Gentiles?
    Perhaps this should be a research study.

  77. @Anon

    ‘Girls entrapped by ZM weren’t particularly “slutty”, they were naive and desperate…’

    Actually, I merely pointed out that there are slutty Jewish girls. Now that I think of it, I’ve known at least two.

    • 回复: @Anon
  78. TKK 说:
    @Fran Taubman


    These retards don’t deal in facts!

    Every.single.post must be soaked in Jew hatred. Never mind most of them have probably never left their home state. They could not find Oman on a map- but they are all geo- political super star analysts. They know secrets even the Bilderberg invitees don’t.

    Just go ahead and block Colin Wright.

    He’s the guy at the bar with BO and a self serving monologue that never ends- the guy everyone moves away from quick.

    Be warned! They might (gasp!) label you a TROLL a/k/a one who writes with reason and lucidity and has actual critical thinking skills beyond JEW BAD. ME SMART.

  79. TKK 说:



    I haven’t worked out if its funny or alarming. But they absolutely are so sick with jealousy and the desire to be Jewish it dominates their online “personas”.

    Offline- bet you a doughnut they would not say boo to a bunny.

    • 回复: @Sean
  80. TKK 说:


    Do you also save your toe nail clippings and bags of hair?

    Just a shot in the dark.

  81. utu 说:
    @Colin Wright

    I am skeptical about the emphasis on the alleged fact that the working girls in Zwi Migdal operation were exclusively Jewish. This “fact’ could have been a part of narrative deception to insulate from “anti-semitic” animus that could rally public opinion against the Jews that Jews again engaged in the exploitation of gentiles. In early 1900s there still were plenty of main stream media that would not mince words about Jewish miscreancy. So I would assume that the meme of Jewish working women was a part of deception.

    These prostitutes were called 波拉卡斯. In Brazillian Portuguese the term 波兰语 became a dominant synonym for whore and prostitute. For this reason Poles in Brazil prefer to use terms polonesapolonês. Why the prostitutes were not called 朱迪亚 in first place if they were Jewish?

    The word “cafetão” (pimp) is derived from caftan,[18] the long coat traditionally used by Eastern Europe Jews. The word “polaca” (Polish woman), as well as “la polaquita” ( a little Pole, feminin, sub.) is commonly used in countries where Portuguese is spoken, but in Brazil it became extremely offensive to Polish people because it was used as synonymous to prostitute.[12][13][14] So the words “polonesa” and “polonês” (Polish woman and Polish man) were created and are the only socially accepted in Brazil to name people from Poland.[18] As French pimps mainly from Marseille also bought women from to work as prostitutes in Brazil, the word “francesa” (Frenchwoman) also had the same fate, but it is still used in Brazilian Portuguese without a pejorative meaning. The word “encrenca”, nowadays meaning trouble, derived from the Yiddish “en krenk” (a sick one, similar to the German “ein Kranker”), and originally referred to a man with venereal diseases. – Wiki

    I wonder if somebody studied the influence of Yiddish on criminal slangs. At least Russian and Polish criminal slangs are full of Yiddishisms. It seems that w/o Jewish contributions the organized crime would not be what it became. Warsaw and Odessa before WWI were centers of Jewish organized crime in Europe. Gangs warfare reminiscing of Gangs of New York was happening in Warsaw (see Alfonse Pogrom in wiki). These groups were connected to radical socialist, anarchist and later Zionist organizations with which they shared the know-how of how successfully operate on fringes and gray zones of society. Some Odessa Jewish mafiosi became the heroes of Bolshevik Revolution. Ron Unz recently wrote few articles on connections between organized crime and politics. Jewish success can’t be understood w/o taking the organized crime into account. Why the glorification of organized crime in American culture through various mafia books and movies? Cui bono even if the movies and books concentrate on Italian mafia?

    Anyway I do not buy that the prostitutes were exclusively or even predominantly Jewesses.

    • 回复: @Montefrío
  82. Malachi 说:

    Jews and whores are natural allies. Both play the victim card and lie as a way of life (Twust me Goyim vs. You’re so Big, John!) These girls were experienced when they went to work as professional shiksa’s, and knew what and who was getting into them. But like all whores they want everything they can get, have no shame or honor and will do anything to get what they want. Just like Jews, come to think of it. We have an obvious honey trap, and the girls were neither victimized or underpaid. Their mothers made them and I’m sure are proud. The problem with the white audience is that they are jealous of the rich and connected getting what they can only wet-dream of, and are useful idiots for the government when it wants to reduce personal freedoms in order to ‘Save the Chillrens’, and sheeit. As long as we have unrestricted procreation there will always be terrible single mothers unleashing sociopaths upon the general populace. That Epstein and his cronies used these young tramps for his own purposes is only interesting because the girls with high quality. The same women who gave it away as groupies in an earlier era have raised children that will do anything to obtain the lifestyle that is presented on Reality TV. And since we have Judas Goats like the Kardashians to lead today’s shameless hussies down the path of immorality we will likely have to pay higher taxes to support the more typical end of the porn queen; dying alone with cats in a mobile home (e. g, Marilyn Chambers) or in some nursing home catered to by ex-cons and illegals with the vaunted CNA degree.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  83. TKK 说:
    @Steve Naidamast

    Patricia Cornwell became obsessed with the crimes of The Ripper and wrote a good book:


    She paid for reams of research and forensics and decided the celebrated British painter Walter Sickert was, in fact, Jack the Ripper.

    I believe many historians ridiculed her conclusions but her research is meticulous. Its a good book for long flights or drives.

  84. Malachi 说:
    @Steve Naidamast

    He was a Hungarian Jew. That’s been known for quite some time. Since no one buys book or watches movies about low status Jewish butchers (and (((Hollywood))) doesn’t like to report on Jewish crime) the Rich, and or Royal Jack-stabber trope has been promoted. Just more MSM lies. Critical thinking isn’t part of the media experience either, as anyone with the ability to research the area, people and times would easily figure out that only a local could have pulled the crimes off.

    The news has always had a political agenda. The Jack story is just another example thereof

  85. utu 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    Nahum Sorkin was named as one Jew who started a pushback against the gang…

    Or so we are told. Would you say that it was prosecutor Roy Cohn and judge Irving R. Kaufman who started a pushback against Jewish communists in the US by successfully prosecuting Ethel and Julius Rosenberg? Before Nahum Sorkin pushback profits of Zwi Migal operation were allocate somewhere within the Jewish community and used for its political objectives.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  86. Druid 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    The zioness has been released from zio cage!

  87. Ben 说:


  88. Druid 说:

    Reminder: al Frankenstein admitted publicly that he got the “Jew call” to steer clear of the twin towers where he had an office on 9/11!!!!!

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  89. Druid 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    You knew him? Possible a distant relative? I mean, Whitechapel !?

  90. GMC 说:

    Excellent post Btdt – Yep, these guys don’t killed themselves – Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Clinton’s, Bushes, Netanyahu, and I doubt that Epstein is dead either . They have too big of an ego, huge bank accounts, plenty of connections and enjoy watching other people die – certainly- not themselves.

  91. I haven’t got far on this yet but already the sceptic in me has to report a worry. Our authoritative author tells us that Zwi Migdal means “strong power” in Yiddish but, for some reason I decided to do a bit of Googling. It would appear to be Hebrew snd, more “Migdal” is said to mean “tower”. Help, rabbi, please.

  92. Jerome 说:


    这是一个巨大的错误信息:Zvi Migdal 贩卖的大部分是非犹太妇女,特别是斯拉夫人(波兰人、白俄罗斯人等),目标是来自农民和工人阶级的非常年轻、美丽、容易上当且未受过教育的女孩,并承诺提供高薪。在国外做家务。
    Zvi Migdal 事件中的犹太受害者绝对是受害者中的少数!




    • 同意: Alden
    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  93. Jerome 说:
    @Colin Wright



  94. Spike 说:

    While this guy may have been technically guilty, these girls were by no means “slaves”. They were underage hoes.

  95. mcohen 说:

    Epstein and weinstein were naughty with women.

    Epstein and weinstein are/were bad bad bad
    Women are good good good

    Liberace died in perry como and jesus was not jewish and hitler was a tranny.

  96. @Colin Wright

    Quite, but I give the author the benefit of some doubt because it seems quite plausible that the Russian ambassador might have taken up the issue. Still, it does make one wonder about the author’s possibly dodgy sources.

  97. @Rev. Spooner

    Where does Prince Edward come into this story? Or are you not bothered about detaols?

  98. Anon[269]• 免责声明 说:

    Yes, my recollection of a fairly convincing account was that he was Jewish and mentally ill.

  99. GeeBee 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    A rather bold statement, and not an entirely surprising one, bearing in mind that virtually all of the many books that continue to be written about the Whitechapel murders of 1888 are, in essence, attempts by the various authors to profit from such a fascinating serial-killer’s fame. Any objective research that concluded, let us say, that the perpetrator was merely a local man from a very ordinary background, would be of less interest – and thus sell far fewer copies were it published in book form – than any of the tedious litany of sensationalist ‘shock-horror’ tracts that claim the killer was famous or aristocratic or indeed both.

    I researched the murders around the time of their 100th anniversary, in the summer and autumn of 1988. I came to a reasonably confident conclusion that I have identified the killer. As far as I know, no-one else has considered him a suspect. But the clues (overlooked by Abberline and his team at the time, and never properly addressed since) are persuasive, to me at any rate.

    Interestingly, one of them concerns an inscription left on the wall of an entrance lobby of a block of flats in Goulston Street, which famously said ‘The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing’. My suspect was of Irish extraction.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  100. Germanicus 说:

    Typical Jew twaddle, trying to control the narrative and shift from Jew crimes to “Oy veh! Hitler blabla”.

    You people are so sick, your entire business model is based on preventing truth to be told, it is in essence the repression of speech and compulsory lying.
    Won’t end well for you, like the many time before, when you overdid it out of your hubris.

    • 回复: @getaclue
  101. El Dato 说:

    Bizzaredly Stalin had Hitler’s jawbone on his desk to amuse himself.


  102. Epstein case remains, evidently, a big chunk of rottenness. Of course sexploitation aspect remains the most “attractive” (cough….), but I find other even more intriguing:

    1. 他从哪里得到 450 亿美元? 韦克斯勒? 不够,没有说服力。 爱泼斯坦不像亿万富翁乔治索罗斯那样是一个狡猾的金融巫师,不管我怎么看他,他都是一个投机大师。 有人说爱泼斯坦基本上是金融文盲。 所以——钱从哪里来? 来源、数据、时间?

    2. his suicide, which in all likelihood was a murder (some think he’s alive & well somewhere in the Tropics – anyway, there is a great chance of conspiracy). Epstein, we are told, tries to hang himself. Or- not? He was attacked, so they say. Then, was he attacked or it was a suicide attempt? And he ends up dead in absurdly absurd circumstances. whole Internet was buzzing he would be Clintoned in no time ….

    C’mon, whatever it was, his death (or “death”, if you like it more) is a conspiracy, there can hardly be any doubt about it.

  103. Blankaerd 说:

    我很惊讶我以前从未听说过 Zwi Migdal。晚上散步时,我再次收听威廉·皮尔斯的美国持不同政见者之声广播,他经常关注犹太性交易,但我不记得他以前提到过兹维·米格达尔。你可能认为皮尔斯会知道这一点,但话又说回来,这是在互联网时代之前,所以他可能无法访问此类信息。

    让我印象深刻的是,大多数参与性交易和性丑闻的犹太人似乎都有德系犹太人的背景。爱泼斯坦是德系犹太人,韦恩斯坦是德系犹太人,Zwi Migdal 集中在东欧(因此是德系犹太人),而参与此类活动的许多其他犹太人都是德系犹太人。


    1. 近亲繁殖程度更高,导致更高的突变负荷。影响身体的突变基因通常也会影响大脑。同性恋和恋童癖等性变态行为与突变有关,因此德系犹太人的人均突变基因可能更多。同时,这可能也是为什么提出颠覆性想法的人大多是德系犹太人的原因。
    2. 较高的平均智商可能使他们比其他人更容易获得更多的权力,从而能够更好地利用权力来掩护自己的犯罪活动。此外,他们较高的积极和消极民族中心主义比例(阿什肯纳兹婴儿对陌生人的焦虑程度最高,甚至高于中国婴儿)可能表明,如果他们的同胞之一是恋童癖者,他们更有可能屏蔽另一个人。 /或性贩子。

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @anarchyst
  104. Ishmael43 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    The last time I checked, the UN had rated Israel as No. 1 in the world for human slavery and sex trafficking.

    Based on that finding alone the US and every other country in the world should be boycotting them and have ironclad sanctions in place against them.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  105. @Been_there_done_that

    I only had to read the second comment before Hitler was dragged into this all Jewish crime syndicate story. Give it a f*cking rest and stick to the subject at hand.

  106. Anon[152]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Which fact has fairly little to do with their probabilities of being entrapped by an organization like ZM, which is what the guy you replied to was talking about.

    I’ve known a Jewish guy who liked to play chess. See, I’ve actually known at least two.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  107. Montefrío 说:

    In Argentina, Jewish people are still called “rusos” (Russians) by many country folk and those with little education. “Polacos” came after the 2nd world war and are often confused with persons of German descent (blond, blue-eyed). Ignorance abounded with respect to geography back at the time this essay is set and to a certain extent still does. I am Irish and a high school grad asked me if Ireland was in the Caribbean.

  108. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:

    I find the idea that Zwi Migdal (never even heard of them until this article, FD) mostly dealt in trafficking Jewish women difficult to believe. I am more inclined to believe that history has been revised or at least redacted in order to continue obscuring the 3000 year behavior of Jewish hostility toward everyone else.

  109. @utu

    “Or so we are told. ”

    I wrote that he was named, meaning “so we are told” by the article. You’re taking issue with something I didn’t say.

  110. annamaria 说:

    Any comments on the dead silence of ALL Jewish organization with regard to Epstein “lifestyle?”
    Where are the oh-so-righteous Streisand, Klobuchar, Spielberg, Schumer? And others from a mighty Jewish crowd in the US Congress – https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-members-of-the-116th-congress

    Spielberg is, of course, a member of the Mega Group of Jewish philanthropists. Wexner and Bronfman and other prominent members of the Mega Group shaped the 20-year-old Jeffrey into a gifted blackmailer and wealthy rapist. These prominent members happened to be tightly tied to organized crime and Mossad.

    The Zvi Migdal enterprise has never died.

    • 同意: Durruti, ChuckOrloski
  111. Che Guava 说:

    No, it seems that the post-Epstein-death events are studiously ignoring any roles of Ghislaine Maxwell.

    I would expect that to continue.

    Any hint of a serious investigation of her role, all she needs to do is fly to Israel and wait a few years.

    Case-ctlosed was announced a few days ago.

    • 回复: @Sean
  112. annamaria 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Truth hurts. The zionized google and youtube are happy to follow the zionists’ orders and violate the First Amendment.

    What makes you stand out on this forum is your hatred and sadism. You are brimming with both. Perhaps, it was too much Talmud during our childhood.

  113. @Ishmael43

    How can I find that UN ranking? What do you/did you do to check?

  114. @Jerome

    这是一个巨大的错误信息:Zvi Migdal 贩卖的大部分是非犹太妇女,特别是斯拉夫人(波兰人、白俄罗斯人等),目标是来自农民和工人阶级的非常年轻、美丽、容易上当且未受过教育的女孩,并承诺提供高薪。在国外做家务。
    Zvi Migdal 事件中的犹太受害者绝对是受害者中的少数!


    In the second half of the 19th century, prostitution, sex trafficking, and sexual slavery became widespread in Warsaw.[12] These activities were mostly dominated by the Jewish underworld, and their existence caused much tension and controversy within Warsaw’s Polish-Jewish community.[12] While in Congress Poland and Warsaw, overall, 72.7% prostitutes were Catholic and 21.36% were Jewish, in Warsaw the proportion of Jewish prostitutes was much higher. In 1874 two-thirds of all registered prostitutes in Warsaw were Jewish.[13] In 1889 around 75% of all brothels in Warsaw were run by Jews.

  115. @Druid

    Reminder: put Druid on the Ignore list. Whether he’s stupid, mad or dishonest doesn’t matter. One simply should give him one’s time. It took me 10 seconds to find this when I wanted to check an allegation I had mevet heard but disn’t smell right. See


  116. Anonymous[390]• 免责声明 说:

    what might be useful is a public registry, whereby victims of crime can register their name (in pseudo form and in actual but hidden form) and identify name, date. and time of event of each episode of the crime.. as well as describe how the victim fell into the trap..<=the route to victimization. If that persons name does not appear on the registry within a reasonable time, then later such person should not have undisputed standing to sue or be a witness in criminal affairs..

    The cypher punk solution would be a hashing function and a public blockchain, possibly with checksums embedded in the bitcoin blockchain for extra authenticity.

  117. Anonymous[390]• 免责声明 说:
    @Gilad Atzmon

    I really don’t think that identifying the cultural roots that shape the crime syndicate that dominates American politics, cultre, finance, spirit and delusion is a deflection.

    There is a lot of truth in this short post, as it stikes me more and more that things i have always taken as American culture are actually Jewish.

    Shining a light on exactly what Jewish culture is, in body and spirit, is essential to activating the immune response of Western nations. In this regard, both Mr. Unz and Mr. Atzmon are doing invaluable work.

  118. @anon


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  119. boon 说:
    @Fran Taubman




    这些杀戮与犹太仪式的谢奇塔(shechita)有着明显的相似之处,并且很可能是由非常熟悉该仪式的人执行的。 (6) 由于 shechita 是犹太教特有的仪式,必须由虔诚的犹太人进行才能有效,因此这表明开膛手几乎肯定是犹太血统。这一点在当时也是得到了认可的。 (7)
    1888 年,白教堂至少有 8% 的人口是犹太人。 (9) 因此,这意味着像许多开膛手学家所做的那样,假设开膛手是当地人。 (3) 因此,正如当时报纸所指出的那样,开膛手至少有 10/10 的可能性是犹太血统。 (XNUMX)
    白教堂 (11) 的犹太人和非犹太人之间存在严重摩擦,考虑到所有受害者都不是犹太人,当地居民认为犹太人应对谋杀案负责。 (12)
    巴克街 (Buck's Row) 紧邻犹太墓地,开膛手的第一个受害者玛丽·安·尼科尔斯 (Mary Ann Nichols) 于 8 年 1888 月 13 日在此被杀。 (XNUMX)
    达特菲尔德的院子紧邻伯纳街 30 号,“国际工人教育俱乐部”所在地,瑞典出生的伊丽莎白·斯特赖德 (Elizabeth Stride) 于 1888 年 40 月 14 日被杀,她是开膛手的第三个受害者。 (15) 用朱迪思·弗兰德斯的话来说,这是一个“激进的犹太组织”。 (XNUMX)
    以色列·施瓦茨(Israel Schwartz)是唯一被认为真正见过开膛手杰克和犹太人的人,他在伦敦警察局的“海滨之家”警察局确认了一名被捕的嫌疑人就是开膛手杰克,但拒绝在法庭上作证指控他。 (16) 传统上认为这一点的原因是因为开膛手是犹太社区的成员 (17) 并且这一点得到了哈拉卡(犹太宗教法)的支持,该法规定宗教犹太人不得将他们的犹太同胞“告知”非犹太人。 -犹太当局处以死刑。 (18)
    1888年担任伦敦警察局助理局长的罗伯特·安德森爵士在1910年《布莱克伍德杂志》的一篇文章中表示,开膛手杰克的身份已为人所知,他是一名波兰犹太人。 (19)
    梅尔维尔·麦克诺顿爵士 (Sir Melville Macnaughton) 于 1889 年至 1891 年间担任大都会警察局助理警察局长 (CID),积极参与警方对白教堂谋杀案的调查,他将一位名叫科斯明斯基 (Kosminski) 的波兰犹太人列为该案的三名主要嫌疑人之一。 (20)
    白教堂谋杀案调查负责人、总督察唐纳德·斯旺森 (Donald Swanson) 在罗伯特·安德森爵士 (Sir Robert Anderson) 1910 年回忆录《我的官方生活中轻松的一面》(The Lighter Side of My Office Life) 的个人副本中的旁注中特别写道,开膛手是一位名叫科斯明斯基 (Kosminski) 的犹太人。 (21)
    前伦敦市警探哈利·考克斯 (Harry Cox) 1906 年退休后透露,开膛手谋杀案的主要嫌疑人是犹太人,犹太人意识到了他的身份,然后联合起来防止他受到起诉。 (22)
    伦敦市警察局前督察罗伯特·萨加尔 (Robert Sagar) 作为警长曾密切参与 1888 年开膛手事件的调查,他透露,主要嫌疑人是犹太人,被他的家人/社区发现,并尽快将其移走。一个疯人院,它阻止了更多的开膛手杀戮并使他们停止。 (23)
    1888 年,内政部副部长杰弗里·卢辛顿 (Geoffrey Lushington) 也公开表示,有证据表明开膛手杰克是犹太人。 (24)



  120. Durruti 说:
    @Colin Wright

    I find it fascinating how rarely Barak’s name comes up. Yet he was clearly making frequent and full use of Epstein’s facilities. He and Bill Clinton are simultaneously the most deeply implicated and the least mentioned.


    Not “Wierd,” but highly significant.

    Everything in the Epstein affair fits (Epstein’s suicide/retirement to the missing Ms. Maxwell to the missing Father Maxwell), & so much more- if he, & Maxwell, & their MOSSAD were Operating/Running the American Government for the last 3 decades.

    The scandal links – from Epstein & Maxwell, to Bill Clinton in a Blue Dress, to 2xs Entity Prime Minister-Barak & the Entity, are Clues for We The People to learn from.

    Epstein got old-68, the operation came apart, and the confusion and anger and misdirection we witness, as the Deep State Governors-Zionist Oligarch Financiers, Rothschilds, et. al., reorganize their Dictatorship.

    Recall ‘President’ Carter’, who may not have been in on the Treason, complaining at one of his Press Conferences, that he couldn’t get anything done? He won the election, occupied the visible office of Executive power, and……………………..



    • 回复: @Germanicus
  121. Wally 说:

    – Oh yawn. What’s Hitler got to do with anything here?

    – Besides, it’s been conclusively proven that the ‘6,000,000 Jews & gas chambers’ is completely impossible nonsense.

    – As confirmed by newspaper records, Jews have been promoting their fake ‘6,000,000 dead Jews’ since at least 1823.

  122. Desert Fox 说:

    AIPAC and The Project For a New American Century, ADL, etc. are all organizations that subvert Americas culture and religion, just like zw-migdal and these same groups are the modern day bolsheviks aka communists that have infested America like a cancer and like a cancer are going to eventually destroy America.

    They destroyed the WTC on 911 and got away with murdering some 3000 Americans and thus proved that the zio/US gov is a criminal enterprise ran by criminals for criminals, most of whom are zionist dual citizens whose loyalty is to zionist Israel.

    Zionism is the greatest threat to America and the enemy is not at the gate the enemy is zionism and is in every facet of the zio/US government and has given America wars and debt and destruction of America culture ever since the zionist fastened their privately owned FED and IRS on the people of America!

  123. @Anon

    ‘Which fact has fairly little to do with their probabilities of being entrapped by an organization like ZM, which is what the guy you replied to was talking about.

    I’ve known a Jewish guy who liked to play chess. See, I’ve actually known at least two.’

    Yeah — but I’m going by personal experience. Just how many women should I make advances to before you would agree I’ve collected a reasonable sample?

    Bear in mind that (a) most of the women I’m attracted to aren’t Jewish in the first place, and (b) to tell the awful truth, I’ve effectively been in retirement since 1988. That was when I got married.

    My original point was merely to express skepticism concerning somebody’s implication that Jewish girls were necessarily chaste and immune to the blandishments of a Jeffrey Epstein. Perhaps Atzmon’s recent piece would provide you with evidence you would find more satisfactory from a statistical point of view.

    …and I was just telling myself I have 得到了 to quit wasting time on unimportant digressions. The dining room needs painting!

    • 回复: @Anon
  124. @Fool's Paradise

    ‘Can’t we disagree without getting personal and calling people such awful names?’

    你的对话者 is 对犹太复国主义者讲话。

    • 回复: @Fool's Paradise
  125. Wally 说:
    @Fran Taubman


    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  126. Sean 说:

    The ADL having honored Hefner with an award is no reason to take it out on Bunnies.

  127. Germanicus 说:

    Would be very unprofessional by any Intelligence service to keep a busted asset alive, posing a high risk to the continuing operation.

    In chess, Epstein would be a pawn offer, Weinstein too. You know, all “lone operators” only nothing big to see here. Let’s condemn these two and shed some crocodile tears in the press.

    • 回复: @Sean
  128. Germanicus 说:


    可能是最重要的问题, 形成一种?

    It is impossible with scam “elections” where the outcome is determined by jewish money and increasingly computer algorithms via easily manipulated voting machines.


    “如果您想知道在美国将会发生什么,您必须和谁谈谈? 自然,您必须与犹太人交谈。 报道说,扎卡罗娃在星期天晚间说,这是由克里姆林宫亲电视台的弗拉基米尔·索洛维约夫主持的一场节目。


    “他们告诉我:‘Marochka(在俄罗斯是玛丽亚的一个缩略词),你明白,当然,我们会捐赠给克林顿。 但我们将向共和党人捐赠两倍。 就是这样! 据自由欧洲电台报道,对我个人而言,这件事已经解决了。”



    如果没有美军的帮助,我认为这是不可能的,在我看来,和平恢复它似乎是不可能的。 沼泽不会简单地退缩,他们将使用任何必要的手段来保持他们的权力。

    • 回复: @Sean
    , @Durruti
    , @Prusmc
  129. Sean 说:
    @Che Guava

    Seeking sanctuary in Israel if things looked bad might have been in the back of her mind, but since Epstein’s death the demands from commentators (especially women ), ex prosecutors and the former head of the FBI to immediately arrest and jail Maxwell so she can be kept in extreme security and under extreme suicide watch have reached such a crescendo that it is now inevitable she will be indicted and convicted of something and put away. She still has Epstein’s way out, but that will end soon with her being arrested and jailed until the trial.

    She has become a symbol of impunity and is too high profile for Israel to refuse to extradite (especially as Trump has such good relations with the current PM). It would be seen as an admission of guilt for her to flee there. She has possibly decided to stay and fight everything tooth and nail in the hope they’ll be forced to offer her a plea deal on a lesser charge to get some kind of conviction. But even taking any such deal would be a high risk strategy, as once she pleads guilty the judge is still free to throw the book at her and give her far more than the prosecution have agreed to ask for if he chooses to. In cases where the confidence of the public has been shaken in the justice system the judge will make an example of the person who is seen as having made fool of the law. Maxwell is going to be in prison for a decade if she does not do the Dutch.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  130. 一个愿意让自己的女儿卖淫,同时又大声哀叹失去一个为了爱情而嫁出去的女儿的群体,充其量只能是精神分裂症!

  131. @Malachi

    As long as we have unrestricted procreation there will always be terrible single mothers unleashing sociopaths upon the general populace.

    A perfect example, look in the mirror

  132. @GeeBee

    The British Aristocracy was and is the most sexually perverted and repressed group. Trafficking everything. Boys, girls, etc. The Arabs are the worst. The Saudis specialize in sex slaves.
    The pay the most.
    Fit their muslim MO of all women are essentially slaves.

  133. @Wally

    yeah try writing that shit racist stuff about Muslims, and or Blacks or gays. Gone so fast your head would spin.
    You write about African Americans like the way you write about Jews. The FBI would be knocking down your door. The only way UR and commentators get away with it is that they are writing about Jews. Same with Atzmon who is on a thin edge right now.
    This post are pure racism. Nothing more nothing less. No one group is responsible for all the ills of the world. Never mind who is a Jew and who is not. Last names?
    There are a lots and lots of half Jews around. What you going to do? Hook nose? How do you identify?

  134. Sean 说:

    Epstein has been a massive liability for any covert operation since 2005 when he was busted. then Ehud Barak has visited him. In fact in 2016, after the Epstein deal scandal blew up in 2015 and Epstein became big news again with paparazzi staking out his Manhattan mansion, Barak managed to get his photo taken entering Epstein’s mansion, while making an attempt to mask his face yet!

    Epstein cannot possibly have any connection to Israeli intelligence, otherwise Barak would have been warned off ever hanging out with him decades ago. The evidence suggest that brainy Jews such as Wexner and Barak are every bit as prone to having their confidence gained by malevolent sharks with a friendly facade as anyone else.

    If you don’t think Barak going to see Epstein in 2016 in such a ridiculous manner shows that even the most accomplished Jews are not ten feet tall, consider the current PM’s son Yair Netanyahu’s driver having taped Yair talking about his adventures with prostitutes and 20 billion deals with his dad’s pal. Yair retaliated to Barak saying that Yair needed a psychiatrist by pointing out that Barak lived in Boston and jetted around looking for any deal that could put money in his pocket. Yair also said he remembered Barak as often being drunk.

  135. Sean 说:

    俄罗斯对美国的影响力远比以色列重要。 俄罗斯对美国来说潜在的危险性太大,不能允许它对美国政府产生哪怕一丁点的影响。

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Sean
  136. Germanicus 说:

    Epstein cannot possibly have any connection to Israeli intelligence, otherwise Barak would have been warned off ever hanging out with him decades ago.

    An asset is not an intelligence operative. It is an asset, which can be disposed of, the useful idiot, who may have done it for other reasons, but he was tied in a blackmail operation by an intelligence service.

    How come, not even one media outlet, ask the obvious question to Acosta?

    “Who commanded Acosta to leave it alone?”
    “What intelligence service was Acosta talking about?”
    “Was Acosta promoted to be minister for keeping silent and compliant?”

    In my view, there are jewish groups who fight also each other, and the non jews, degraded to be bystanders don’t get it, even if it is happening in their own country.

    • 回复: @Germanicus
  137. Durruti 说:

    如果没有美军的帮助,我认为这是不可能的,在我看来,和平恢复它似乎是不可能的。 沼泽不会简单地退缩,他们将使用任何必要的手段来保持他们的权力。

    It is a pleasure to meet you. You are very intelligent. You ask the correct questions.

    Website owner Ron Unz has refused to print a detailed article I sent to him that addresses this very question:


    I will attempt a summary.

    It is most likely impossible to restore “peacefully” a Republic that was destroyed by violence (in a hail of bullets), on November 22, 1963.

    Those who hope for ‘peaceful’ transitions from slavery to sovereignty, usually play the (approved/allowed/dead-end) Democrap vs Republicain Gang electoral game. Such a game stars puppet traitors, such as Hollywood Obomber, Bill Clinton-in a blue dress, Casino (I am God) Trump, all wearing, morally or physically, surgical implants of the Zionist Oligarchs.


    1. Form 函授委员会 (communicate & coordinate).

    2. Form 自由之子 (Communicate & Coordinate & Defend).

    As we gain strength, we may hope for support from some of the Armed Forces, and Police, and other secret Police agencies. They will not help until we show strength.

    The Glorious Revolution in England 1688, was relatively peaceful as the Traitors had little armed support & had to leave town. It was much referred to by America’s Founders.


    3. 民兵

    A. 长者委员会 – Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura, Cynthia McKinney, Dennis Kucinich, Joan Baez, Jimmy Carter, Ralph Nader, others, will guide the Reborn Republic to Free & Democratic elections.

    B. The 规程 is re established as The Law of the Land.

    C. Traitors jailed (most of those, from State, Local, & National Government).

    Freedom is not free. It must be paid for.

    I will, if allowed, leave you with some 叶芝。



    • 回复: @Germanicus
    , @Desert Fox
  138. Alden 说:


  139. Germanicus 说:

    My point is @Sean, there are many Epsteins, suppliers, just like drug dealers sell drugs imported by intelligence services via “normal” mafia organizations. It is all one big crime syndicate, running globally, with rivalries and fights for supremacy in a given territory.

    If you print the dollar, it is absolutely no problem to equip an asset with millions of dollars and build him up as the potential scape goat. For Epstein, it was probably a classic deal with the devil, who used him and his perversions and also took his life.

    Another example how they use people is Syria, where they finance muslims to kill muslims for greater Israel. And these “moderate rebels” are not even aware of it, who finances them, except a few high ranking commanders.

    In fact, they already found a successor for Epstein around 2006 who took over, a Russian Jew… Epstein was perhaps not the brightest, despite his math prof uni job, where he taught actually flying planes and helicopters, but not math.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  140. getaclue 说:

    Actually I am descended from 2 Irish Immigrants, born in the USA, and after leaving Religion to be an Atheist then Buddhist etc. for decades am a staunch Traditional Catholic attending the Traditional Latin Mass Daily and follow the Religion as perfectly as I can–One True Faith. So bad call there. What’s up with you?–People are just suppose to accept your claims with no proof because? If they don’t they’re a “Jew”?Once again, as in previous comments with I would guess Neo-Nazi types or close thereto — no proof or evidence of any kind is given for the claim Hitler escaped from the Bunker–name calling isn’t evidence (other than that you have none)– if there was any proof I would consider it but other than crackpots and Neo-Nazi loons lying (as if this somehow helps Hitler or his “reputation” if he survived the Bunker?) there is zero.

    I came across the Hitler Human Demon in researching the Mystic/Saints work I do –in this Exorcism (the Possessed Victim Soul also was able to speak fluent Chinese so no, she wasn’t insane….): http://www.dominicanidaho.org/analisemichelle.html There are tapes of it that you can listen to HItler. One of his statements I remember is that after this life you are either “up or down” i.e. you end up in Heaven or Hell–Forever. Hell for him unfortunately it seems. He also mentioned that he died burning to death meaning the bullet to the skull didn’t kill him right away but being soaked in gasoline and lit on fire did. There is no doubt the teeth are from his jaw–go to the link in the article and there is the chain of custody as to it and the fact it fits his Radiographic records of the year before his death (which they have!) perfectly. Why would they lie? Much more helpful to your fame to claim you can prove Hitler got away.

    Instead of hating “Jews” (whatever that means, most Globalist “Jews” are actually Satanists from what my research indicates –check out the Rothschild’s “Party” in the 70s and the decor/costumes–not Jewish at all but Satanic?) pray for them and everyone else, like Hitler (and yourself?), who don’t figure out that this life is a test with very real consequences if you fail. The rules are clear if you look. The Mystics/Saints are a very good place to study and what happened in Zeitoun in 1968 that millions witnessed should convince even the thickest: https://churchpop.com/2016/03/15/witnessed-millions-unexplanable-apparition-lady-zeitoun/

    This is another good Exorcism to review to catch up on what the Demons are doing to us, as remember St. Paul told us our enemies are not in fact other humans (JEWS! it seems come to your mind?) but DEMONS (working thru humans or otherwise directly, they Hate us more than you do the “Jews” much more….)! Skip the small intro that has “Bayside” info as that is not part of the Transcript and should not be there the rest is the actual Transcript of the Exorcism–interesting to anyone not brain dead or already under Demonic oppression: http://www.catholicbook.com/catholicbook/warningsfrombeyond.htm

    Get over the hatred of “Jews” if you think they are your “enemy” love them by praying for them! Try not to end up where old Adolf is forever going to spend his Eternity….God bless you and all!

  141. annamaria 说:

    “俄罗斯在美国的影响力远比以色列重要。 俄罗斯对美国来说潜在的危险性太大,不能允许它对美国政府产生丝毫影响。”



    犹太复国主义和叛国的国会是一场符合圣经的丑闻。 以色列优先论者在权力官员中的突出地位是令人憎恶的,因为以色列优先论者忠于以色列,而不是广大美国公民。

    以色列在伊拉克、利比亚和叙利亚的战争对美国有何贡献? 如果你关心大型战争奸商,那么情况就不同了——俄罗斯必须被妖魔化,美国国会必须被犹太化。

    与俄罗斯关系正常化将使整个国际社会受益。 另一方面,以色列是犯罪和不满的根源。 无论是以色列(所有犹太罪犯的避风港)的强迫卖淫,还是爱泼斯坦在美国及其他地区的勒索,犹太复国主义者都缺乏道德品质。 他们认为自己凌驾于法律之上,因为“永恒的苦难和选民”。 你没看到问题所在吗?

    犹太复国主义者一直在攻击美国宪法第一修正案。 你确定这些袭击对美国有利吗?

    • 同意: wayfarer
  142. Wally 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Pay attention, dummy. I support free speech on all races & topics.

    You and your Jews do not.

    下面是在真正不可能的“大屠杀”故事情节上发表言论的言论是非法的,违规者因思想犯罪而入狱。 在所有西方国家中,迫害,骚扰,暴力袭击和威胁都是每天针对那些发表言论自由的人士关于其中不可能的主张的迫害。

  143. annamaria 说:

    “It is all one big crime syndicate, running globally, with rivalries and fights for supremacy in a given territory.”

    — Agree. As for Russia, it most likely benefited from Jewish emigration to Israel (and Europe and North America). The US Jewry does not want to know how many former Soviets run from Israel back to Russia upon “experiencing” Israel.

  144. Germanicus 说:

    I would have a lot of questions given your answer.


    As we gain strength, we may hope for support from some of the Armed Forces, and Police, and other secret Police agencies. They will not help until we show strength.

    The Police protect the “public order” ie the system, the military used to protect the private rights of US citizens. Do the US military still do that? Would they if necessary go against a militarized Police? Are the US military a unified entity? Air force, navy, army. Are US intel services a unified entity? DIA, CIA, NSA etc
    How much has been privatized, “contractors”?

    The Constitution is re established as The Law of the Land.

    Meaning eliminating finally this admiralty law that rules over US and its colonies, including UK? Ie dissolving Washington DC and declare this criminal usurping entity bankrupt? Similar to the City of London.

    C. Traitors jailed (most of those, from State, Local, & National Government).

    Is this viable option? Desirable yes, but viable? They will demand something, a big piece of the cake remains with them, I would guess.

    How do you plabn to transform a war economy and useless overblown “finance/service economy” into something productive and of value? Ie, what you gonna do with these tons of basically low rank collaborators?

    I am asking this, because I have myself experienced the collapse of a system, a controlled opposition serving as foot soldiers, stirred by intel, and how the most elastic spinless creatures wormed their way back into office again, serving the new master against the people, again.


    • 回复: @Durruti
  145. @Fran Taubman

    Hook nose? How do you identify?

    Oh, that’s easy….

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  146. Desert Fox 说:

    There is only one way to end zionist control over America and that is to abolish their privately owned FED and IRS, both of which are unconstitutional and were fastened onto the American people in 1913 and then came the foreign wars and taxes and deaths of millions world wide, and all on behalf of the zionist banking kabal which infests and rules the government .

    Nathaniel Rothschild infamously said; I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England for the man who controls the money supply controls the British empire and I am that man!

    It is the same here in the zio/US the zionists control the money supply and thus control the government, and until and if the FED is abolished , we will remain slaves on the zionist plantation known as America!

  147. Germanicus 说:

    It is the same here in the zio/US the zionists control the money supply and thus control the government, and until and if the FED is abolished , we will remain slaves on the zionist plantation known as America!

    The same fate with the Roman and British empires, but at this time, there was no politically correct speech and no Zionists, they were called the Jews, like in the Bible.

  148. Anon[152]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colin Wright

    How many women have you shanghaied into another country or dragooned into a prostitution ring? As I understood it that was what the other guy was talking about.

    Unless, that is, you subscribe to Sean’s “nothing to see here” theory that Epstein was just a rich con artist hiring himself a little fun –no Mossad, no pimping, no etc.– in which case I apologize, because we’ve been talking past each other.

    There are certainly Jewish prostitutes and nutjobs in modern-day America: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Sprinkle but Zvi-Migdal-style farming for the white-slave trade is not feasible among American Jewry in anything like the way it was in, say, Congress Poland.

  149. Durruti 说:


    There is only one way to end zionist control over America and that is to abolish their privately owned FED and IRS,

    And in order to accomplish that – – – we must Attain Power. Restore the Republic. We The 武装中的喧嚣 (great Novel by Kenneth Roberts).

    Unless you have an easier way to accomplish this. I am all ears!!!

    自由不是免费的。 我们必须为此付出代价!

    • 回复: @Desert Fox
    , @Fran Taubman
  150. Sean 说:

    Russia is MORE dangerous. It is as simple as that.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  151. Durruti 说:


    We are past the days of pre-historic society, when the world’s human population was, perhaps as high as 1 million (on the entire planet).



    最伟大的无政府主义者, 布埃纳文图拉·杜鲁蒂(Buenaventura Durruti), and his fellow Anarchists controlled the Government of Catalonia for 1 year. Furthermore, Durruti’s Anarchists supported, Fought to Defend the Spanish Republic. They had many differences with the Republic, but they defended their Republic against the Fascist Military and German, Italian American & British support for the Fascist Military of Franco.

    Recommend Orwell’s 向加泰罗尼亚致敬,其中提供了 1936 年加泰罗尼亚政府的一些特写视图。



    Each Republic is different & supports varying proportions of Democracy. The Republic you support depends on your input as a ‘sovereign human.’


    • 回复: @Germanicus
    , @Colin Wright
    , @Alden
  152. I suspect that criminal organized organizations were not exclusively run by Jews.

  153. Prusmc 说:


    你对美国军队的信心比这个 30 岁的男人要多得多。

    • 回复: @Germanicus
  154. Desert Fox 说:

    There is only one way and that is congress aka the lower house of the knesset and that is the problem, congress worships at the feet of zionists and zionist Israel, and so I have no solution, except divine intervention, which can not come soon enough!

    Here are 2 books that reveal the total control the zionist have over the government, Blood in the Water by Joan Mellen and Remember the Liberty by Phil Nelson and survivors of the joint Israeli and zio/US attack on the USS Liberty, can be had on amazon.

  155. @Colin Wright

    好吧,但在文明人中,我想我们都在 Unz 上,指责一个人是犹太复国主义者,这已经足够谴责了,无需进一步辱骂。 这个丑陋的词说明了一切。

    • 同意: byrresheim, Twodees Partain
    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  156. Germanicus 说:

    Each Republic is different & supports varying proportions of Democracy. The Republic you support depends on your input as a ‘sovereign human.’

    I am not a US American, but my country has been occupied by the US inc since 1945, so I am naturally interested in a change in the US to get rid of the occupation. I am no fan of democracy, and I would regard the restoration of the USA(I think that is the republic) the lesser evil to the current democratic US inc mafia, who simply do not want to sign peace with us.

    Better an old style mason George Washington type than a modern Trump or Obama,or Roosevelt, Eisenhower etc.

    • 回复: @Durruti
  157. Germanicus 说:

    你对美国军队的信心比这个 30 岁的男人要多得多。

    他们需要我们的人将他们该死的坦克卸到我们的土地上,因此不会对环境造成损害。 他们的步兵是彻头彻尾的白痴,

  158. @Sean

    ‘Russia is MORE dangerous. It is as simple as that.’

    当然,肖恩。俄罗斯是 对我们的威胁。她操纵我们的政治进程,并带领我们按照她的要求发动战争。你知道吗,俄罗斯游击队是最大的贡献者 2016年总统选举的候选人?

    …and we all remember how Putin flouted Trump’s will and addressed a joint session of Congress, receiving seventeen standing ovations. It’s pretty obvious who the threat is.


    • 回复: @Sean
  159. @Fran Taubman

    ‘The British Aristocracy was and is the most sexually perverted and repressed group. Trafficking everything. Boys, girls, etc. The Arabs are the worst. The Saudis specialize in sex slaves.
    The pay the most.
    Fit their muslim MO of all women are essentially slaves.’

    And there we have British aristocrats, Arabs, and Muslims.

    How about Jews? Shall we discuss Jews? What’s your opinion of Jews, Fran?

  160. Sean 说:


    Epstein was a predator on his fellow Jews financially and socially: he robbed Wexner of his wealth and used the money th cultivate varios elites and rob them of their reputation. Ex Israel PM and head of military intelligence Barak is the biggest loser in all this. Mossad could not possibly have involved Barak in something this damaging without authorisation, and they would not have got it. Barak was even photographed in 2016 furtively going into Epstein’s mansion. Mossad would have warned Barak off form any contact after 2015, of that I am sure.

    我想你会发现男人对致富的主要幻想是与许多有吸引力的年轻女性发生性关系。爱泼斯坦对漂亮的模特感到厌倦,他决定忘记模特,让她们变得越来越年轻。后果是完全可以预见的。我确信有皮条客价值几百万,但半个 十亿?现在因与爱泼斯坦的关系而感到尴尬的人很富有,但事实并非如此,他们无法用铲子把 100 磨坊放在银行金库里。他根本不可能通过让人们付钱给他使用他的女儿/勒索来发财。一方面,他所做的不仅仅是对货物进行抽样,他是检方掌握证据的卖淫团伙中唯一的客户。

    Two sources close to the investigation told The New York Times on Friday they were looking into the activities of Haley Robson, now 33, who told police in a 2009 deposition how she was paid to bring young girls to Epstein in Florida. […]

    This is the under age case from 2005 that brought him down and the girls were not models but just low class often Hispanic high school girls from Palm Beach who were told they could make money giving a rich old guy a massage. They all (over 30 of them) told the same story: it was Epstein and no one else. The ‘trafficking’ charge (a 卡玛拉·哈里斯创作)对于被指控的人正在做的事情来说,通常是具有欺骗性的。检察官只是想救他一命,他们没有证据表明他是控制某个组织的某种超级皮条客。



    首先,罗伯茨似乎放弃了她与两位总理和一位总统发生性关系的说法,但她仍然是唯一一个说爱泼斯坦存在某种勒索和卖淫骗局的人。首先,安德鲁王子在英国可以合法地和比罗伯茨小一岁、长得漂亮得多的女孩上床。这个女孩是一名 17 岁的充电室助理,但如果你相信她的话,每个 VIP 都会觉得她不可抗拒(所以爱泼斯坦不需要一串女孩供客户选择)。

    Secondly, lots of people who knew each other were going to Epstein’s Virgin Isles atoll and Manhattan mansion for years and his reputation was not bad (as a blackmailing pimp’s would soon have been) in those rarefied circles until 2005-2007 when the court case led to his being ostracised by the elite. Except for Barak!

  161. mcohen 说:





  162. @Durruti

    “我们已经过了史前社会的时代,当时世界人口可能高达 1 万(整个地球)。




    • 回复: @Tony Ryals
    , @Durruti
  163. Sean 说:
    @Colin Wright


    以色列也是如此。这就是为什么以色列甚至不敢 梦想 他们在这里被指控的事情有一半是做的。



  164. Tony Ryals 说:

    你又故意“忘记”了让·卢克·布鲁内尔(Jean Luc Brunnel)在特拉维夫从事模特生意,而埃胡德·巴拉克(Ehud Barak)一定也认识他,因为他住在爱泼斯坦的假肢店里,这家店再次由莱斯·韦克斯纳(Les Wexner)赠送,归他的兄弟所有。埃胡德·巴拉克(Ehud Barak)似乎已经花了他大部分或所有的夜晚都与爱泼斯坦有关,关于他的南斯拉夫 14 岁奴隶和那里的东欧女孩。他呆在那里而不是豪宅,真是太谦虚了。事实上,爱泼斯坦吹嘘他从她父母那里买来的南斯拉夫奴隶14 岁时,埃胡德巴拉克 (EhudBarak) 就必须知道这一点,再加上与他一起住在大楼里的所有非法未成年女性外国人。他可能知道布鲁内尔 (Brunnel) 在特拉维夫的“生意”的所有情况,以及为什么 Eptsein 国务院和 Dyncorp 都共享相同的信息飞机尾号。

    • 回复: @Sean
  165. Tony Ryals 说:
    @Colin Wright

    不要忘记,在紧急情况下,您需要埃胡德·巴拉克 (Ehud Barak)、杰弗里·爱泼斯坦 (Jeffrey Epstein) 和 Google 谢尔盖·布林 (Sergey Bryn) 等人的 Carbyne 9/11 致电并向他们登记。他们正在寻找您,所以不要邪恶的。

  166. Tony Ryals 说:

    再次回去阅读我发布的您回复的内容。罗伯茨不是唯一或最好的线人,我认为您故意试图让读者相信。有一个获得爱泼斯坦黑书的员工和一个西班牙裔女人她正式向科斯塔和其他在佛罗里达州对他进行荒谬起诉的人宣布,她负责为他的一些未成年东欧女孩和他 14 岁的性奴隶获取签证。虚假信息代理。

    • 回复: @Sean
  167. Alden 说:

    You’re such a brainwashed moron. Your heroes weren’t Spanish. They were Russian soviet operatives who’d killed all the Spanish Republicans years before their last stand in Barcelona and Catalonia.

    The reason the soviet communists held out in Catalonia so long was the Barcelona harbor. The soviet operatives in Spain looted the entire country and sent the loot to Barcelona harbor.

    In Barcelona the loot was loaded on ships owned
    by American communist billionaire Jew Armand Hammer. The loot then went to the Russian Black Sea Ports via the Mediterranean Bosphorus.

    The loot the Soviets stole from Spain included all the gold in the treasury . Hospital equipment entire telephone electricity radio and telegram stations trucks trains tractors bulldozers even sewing machines tools farm and construction equipment looted from private homes.

    That’s why Barcelona held out so long. And when all the loot was in the ships, the soviet operatives got in the ships and sailed home to Russia with the loot.

    Who are you, the ghost of Jessica Mitford or her husband Truehaft? Too bad you weren’t a member of the American Jew communist Lincoln Brigade the Soviets sent into battle to be killed by the opposition.

    Francisco Franco, the only European leader who did anything for his country in the entire 20th century.

    You don’t have access to a university library do you? Too bad. If you did you would t be such a fan of the Russian Soviet occupation of Spain in the 1930s

    Brainwashed idiots of the world unite and Raise the Red Flag.

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @Durruti
  168. Durruti 说:
    @Colin Wright


    好吧,这将使美国人口减少到 320 亿。相同点。

    1. We will need some form of limited government – BUT GOVERNMENT. Come on! Face the music!

    2.我们必须为我们想要的政府而战,而不是接受他们的政府。您希望 320 亿美国人过上怎样的生活?

    3. There is no easy answer. We must Resist, Rebuild (restore our Republic), – OR, do nothing (always an option).


    I’m having a good time – waiting for a Hurricane, (not a political one), one provided by Mother Nature.


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  169. 亲爱的吉拉德·阿兹蒙,

    Thanks for the priceless history learning experience!

    Of course you do not need me, a Scranton guy & very anti-commenter “Sean,” 😏 delegating a reading list to you.

    Nonetheless, & in my < humble opinion, linked below is a must read (& video), provided by Kevin Barrett, & titled the "CHUTZPAH of Ghislaine Maxwell and Donald J. Trump." Thanks again for your servus!


  170. Durruti 说:


    在美国, we must Restore our Republic – that was definitively destroyed in a Coup D’état, with a hail of bullets, on November 22, 1963. That is our Moral duty, and then we must close our 700+ military bases &, as 罗恩·保罗 keeps reminding us, -bring the Troops home.

    I’m guessing your Country is Germany. Yes, a Restored Sovereign Germany would be a tremendous help to Europe & the world.

    America is also an occupied Country. Epstein, Ms. Maxwell, and their MOSSAD employer have Operated the American Puppeted Government for the last 3 decades. They are having a messy organizational reorganization, but in the absence of RESISTANCE, they will place some new Agents in charge.

    I am sure you realize, that upon taking office, our Puppet Congress, & Executive, are required to make their way to the Entity, where they are fitted with Implants, and returned to serve the Zionist Oligarchs-in what used to be our Capital, Washington DC.

    Freedom is not Free. We must pay.


    • 回复: @Alden
  171. @Durruti

    ‘…OK, that will reduce the population of America to 320 million. Same points.’

    I digress, but 不,它不会 reduce America’s population to 320 million.

    This is another of those indisputable facts people simply ignore. Immigrants tend to be young, fertile, and once they’ve got that decent job and that house of sorts, fecund. Moreover, at least the first generation tends to replicate the child-bearing norms of their homeland.

    So — over the next twenty years or so — every current recent immigrant doesn’t just represent him- or herself, he represents, oh, about two and a half additional Americans.

    所以如果我们 slam the doors right now, we don’t stay at 320 million. We continue to rise until everyone’s demographically leveled out. Say 400 million?

    That’s your minimum; with drastic, immediate action. Want more? Diddle around or compromise. You’ll get more.

  172. @Fool's Paradise

    ‘Okay, but among civilized people, which I assume we all are here on Unz, to finger a person as a Zionist is condemnation enough, without further name-calling. That ugly word says it all.’


    If they get lynched, that may be deplorable — but my sympathy is limited.

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  173. @Shorenstein

    Surely you have experienced enough incompetence and carelessness in big organisations, both government and private, not to find anything impossibly surprising in Epstein having committed suicide? The idea that anyone would count on his living out his life somewhere without it possibly getting out in a way that would damage the agencies involved is surely much harder to believe.

  174. Durruti 说:

    Who are you, the ghost of Jessica Mitford or her husband Truehaft? Too bad you weren’t a member of the American Jew communist Lincoln Brigade the Soviets sent into battle to be killed by the opposition.

    American communist billionaire Jew Armand Hammer.

    Francisco Franco, the only European leader who did anything for his country in the entire 20th century.

    If you did you would t be such a fan of the Russian Soviet occupation of Spain in the 1930s

    You’re such a brainwashed moron. Your heroes weren’t Spanish. They were Russian soviet operatives who’d killed all the Spanish Republicans years before their last stand in Barcelona and Catalonia.

    I have much to learn,

    of the Russian Soviet occupation of Spain in the

    I seem to have missed that.

    I specially enjoy:

    You’re such a brainwashed moron.

    You have clearly made my day. I thank you, sincerely for pointing out my faults, as well as my lack of learning.

    You left out my other crimes.

    I helped the Russians elect Casino Trump.
    I joined the Anarchist Collective (a crime anywhere).
    I watched Porn, (but only briefly).

    It is easy to insult from the safety of one’s computer. But you don’t do it well.


    • 哈哈: ChuckOrloski
    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
  175. Sean 说:
    @Tony Ryals

    Does Epstein’s black book list sex acts and sums of money and clients, which would be evidence, or is it the address book of someone known for cultivating important people? Getting visas for under age for sex East European girls is no evidence that they were being brought into the country to be used for anything that they were under age for. It is not illegal to hire models of any age to hang out at one’s palatial home or parties and impress visitors, or pay them to give massages either. Models or 有志 富人和公关公司总是聘请模特在聚会上装饰自己。这是一个全球报道的故事,被诱骗卖淫或以其他方式利用的外国女孩现在站出来可以赢得史诗般的和解。那么他们都在哪里呢?

    根据她自己的说法,这个 14 岁的女孩肯定不是奴隶,她知道她会因为给一个有钱的老家伙做有点性的按摩而获得数百美元的报酬,然后她去了房子,按照他的要求做了,然后离开了与她承诺的钱 对于所有佛罗里达州的女孩来说都是如此。否则,指控将是使用暴力威胁的强奸罪。韦恩斯坦即将受审,罪名是 强奸.

    Roberts is the only one who says she had sex with VIPs such as presidents and prime ministers, and she is looking for a big payout, but her slick legal team got her story out into the public arena be way of a defamation suit in which she (or rather her attorneys) merely submitted her account of what happened. Roberts spent more time with Epstein and Maxwell than anyone yet she was NOT a witness in the recent trafficking charge against Epstein where they were out to get him any way they could. The only reason I can think of for that is because Federal prosecutors just a few weeks ago concluded that given the way Maxwell’s lawyers exposed inexplicable inaccuracies (such as saying she was 15 not 17 when she started with Epstein), as a witness in a criminal trial who would be cross examined her stories would be torn apart and the whole case might collapse.

    Until a trial when the evidence is tested under oath, there is no way to know how much is true, but a judge would have to tell the jury to treat everything she said as tainted if she was caught in just one deliberate lie. The only other woman who has accused Dershowitz of having had sex with her is Saha Ransome who now admits she made up the existence of sex tapes of Trump and Clinton she told the NYT in 2016 she had. Another woman the same year sued Trump accusing him of raping her at one of Epstein’s parties. A lot of this stuff is because Trump got elected and Dershowitz defended him in the media, who now hate both of them.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  176. @Bardon Kaldian

    That is hilarious with the little girl voice.
    My mother had blond hair and green eyes.
    I have poker straight hair.
    No one in my family has a hook nose.
    But that video should be sent to SNL, better than any comedy I have seen.
    Snorting laughing so hard.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  177. @Durruti

    Freedom is not free. We must pay for it!

    Hope you end up on some FBI watch list. You are a real nut job if you think anarchy is the road to a better life with a no Jew fly zone.
    It just doesn’t work brother. All humans are corrupt and crazy. Give them a gun and they will turn it on you.

    • 回复: @Mike Tre
    , @Art
  178. Sean 说:
    @Tony Ryals

    Epstein’s Manhattan mansion has seven stories it is gigantic. The place Barak stayed is a condo Wexner then Epstein’s brother owned that has 200 apartments. Why Barak was seen and predictably photographed at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion in 2016 a decade after Epstein was disgraced and after the scandal blew up in 2015, I am sure I don’t know. Seems unlikely he was the victim of blackmail or running a honeytrap operation in his capacity as an ex prime minister of Israel and its highest ranking military officer. Some say Barak has a drink problem.

    That Yugoslavian ‘slave’ came to the US at 15 which is not a very young age for girls hoping to become international models to begin at, Allegedly a dab hand with a strapon, Nadia is a qualified commercial jet and helicopter pilot , courtesy of Epstein, which must have set him back about a million. She was not a slave, because she got paid and she could leave any time she liked. Of course she was not free in the sense of having independent means to live as she liked, but who is?

    • 回复: @Tony Ryals
    , @mcohen
    , @annamaria
  179. @Colin Wright

    ‘Okay, but among civilized people, which I assume we all are here on Unz, to finger a person as a Zionist is condemnation enough, without further name-calling. That ugly word says it all.’

    LOL are you kidding me. This entire site is filled with the most uncivilized racist slop heap I have ever read.
    I have been called Judensau cunt Jew, hoping that I am gassed and baked. etc etc.
    And of course being a Zionist I rant somewhere lower that people who molest small children.
    Although said by Colin Wright, who does not have two sticks to rub together for a spark in his brain, or work or live amongst the majority of humanity, it must be assumed his ideas are equivalent to a 5 year old with racist tendencies.
    The guy know nothing, but he hates Zionist. Why because he read it somewhere.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Al Liguori
  180. Alden 说:

    Your views on the Spanish civil war are entirely wrong. It seems to be an interest of yours. Why not do some research about it? Everything you know about the Spanish civil war was written by the communist party. If you’re interested learn the truth about it.

  181. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Maybe if you pick up a gun, you’ll turn it on yourself.

  182. Tony Ryals 说:

    Even if Epstein had survived to see his day in court I am sure like 9/11 court cases it would have all been rigged and be at best like a Stalineque or Nazi showroom court and everything would have been rigged and staged.After all this is Amerikkka.
    No questions about his CFR,intelligence ageny connections or airplane tail number,probably none about Clinton or Trump who has had his own ‘modeling agency’ or agencies with similar Eastern Europen or Russian models .Trump even incorporated an’ escort service’in China and Kraft of the Patriots football team with his Zionist connections probably was introduced to his Chinese girl at a strip mall,(video censored and case dismissed) by Trump’s connection to the Chinese female pimp who used to own it and also pimps Trump to her Chinese doners on the side.
    Now with Epstein’s death or alleged death as the case may be there is only civil litigation at best and the ambulance chaser lawyers who are all conveniently Jewish and other than making money for themselves there is no other incentive left to persue and real investigation.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  183. mcohen 说:

    Sean you are wasting your time explaining to the tonies the stories.The fact is both epstein and weinstein got metooed.Clinton not getting elected infuriated a lot of woman and to top it off trump was elected.
    The thing that really set the whole thing in motion was the hacking and release of the nude pics of jennifer lawrence and co.
    Called the fappening the hack embarrassed a lot of women and made them look like they were products in a catalogue.


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  184. @Fran Taubman


    Fran: 8-31, 5:02 pm. ‘…Trafficking everything. Boys, girls, etc. The Arabs are the worst. The Saudis specialize in sex slaves.
    The pay the most.
    Fit their muslim MO of all women are essentially slaves.’

    Fran: 9-1, 2:45 pm. ‘…This entire site is filled with the most uncivilized racist slop heap I have ever read.
    LOL are you kidding me. This entire site is filled with the most uncivilized racist slop heap I have ever read.
    I have been called Judensau cunt Jew, hoping that I am gassed and baked. etc etc.
    And of course being a Zionist I rant somewhere lower that people who molest small children…’

    Fran grossly abuses a fifth of humanity on the basis of their race and religion, then less than twenty four hours later, cries because people say mean things about Jews.


  185. Alden 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Jack the Ripper was a Jewish immigrant Aaron Kaminsky. He’d always been a major suspect because he’d attacked other women and he was in and out of mental hospitals.

    Shortly after the killing of the fifth victim he was incarcerated again and the killings stopped. That’s just circumstantial evidence.

    The police kept the clothing of all the victims. Often stabbers cut themselves while stabbing their victims The police. obtained a DNA sample from a gr gr gr niece of Kaminsky. DNA samples were taken from blood on all the victim’s clothes.

    The shawl of victim Katherine Eddowes has blood from 2 people on it. One of those people was the victim. The other blood DNA matched the DNA of Kaminsky’s gr gr gr niece.

    That’s the compelling conclusive physical evidence that Kaminsky stabbed Katherine Eddowes and cut himself in the process leaving his blood on her shawl.

    Jack the Ripper was Kaminsky. The DNA is proof he killed Katherine Eddowes but not that he killed the other victims. It would be nice if jews just accepted the fact that Kaminsky was an insane Jewish man who murdered women. Millions of people one is bound to be an insane murder.

    Look at Leo Frank. He had a reputation for molesting and harassing the 10 and older girls who worked in his factory for $1.25 a week.
    “ Never be alone with Mr. Frank” was what the girls warned each other about him. Frank raped and murdered 12 year old Mary Phagan. He left his hair, Caucasian not negro hair on her. That hair of his exonerated the black employee Frank tried to blame it on.

    Few were aware Frank was a Jew until jews made it into a cause celebre. Jews defend any and all Jewish wrong doing whether it’s the Ukrainian massacres or financial crimes and even the rape and murder of Mary Phagan.

    Look at the way Los Angeles jews have glorified financial fraudster Mike Millikan. In fact I walked past his Jewish charity save the world Millikan Family Foundation just today. Another criminal glorified by Los Angeles jews is Armand Hammer. His father and uncles were bootleggers and abortionists when abortion was illegal. His father was a founder of the American Communist Party. Armand Hammer went to Russia and helped the Soviets sell all their loot and became one of the wealthiest men in America through that. Then he stole Tallman Federal Savings in Illinois from its owners. And when he died the Jews of Los Angeles built him a museum glorifying him.

    Christians disown and prosecute men like Leo Frank and Mike Millikan. Jews glorify them and charge anyone who alludes to Jews crimes as racist anti Semites and destroy them.

    That’s the difference between Jews and the rest of the world. Jews can do no wrong in their own eyes.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  186. @mcohen

    ‘…Sean you are wasting your time explaining to the tonies the stories.The fact is both epstein and weinstein got metooed….’

    So…I take their behavior was basically okay. That’s your position, then?

    • 回复: @mcohen
  187. Alden 说:

    You did miss the fact that Republican Spain was occupied by soviet Russians from about 1934 on. If you knew anything about the Spanish civil war you’d know that.

    Instead you rely on pro communist works of fiction and a pro communist Wikipedia entry. I’m sure you’re a fan of Hemingway’s propaganda too.

  188. Alden 说:

    If we closed all the bases what would we do with all our black and Hispanic military men? I’d rather keep them overseas and out of my neighborhood.

    • 回复: @Germanicus
  189. @Alden

    ‘…That’s the difference between Jews and the rest of the world. Jews can do no wrong in their own eyes.’

    That does seem to be the case. For a culture that places such an emphasis on ‘guilt,’ there’s an astonishing reluctance to accept any responsibility at all for the various catastrophes that have befallen them.

    Not that Jews somehow deserved the various outrages inflicted on them — but they seem to invariably regard themselves as immaculate victims, whose actions had no connection at all to what subsequently occurred. Is there any other people who are quite this unwilling to perceive their own agency in events?

    The only counterexample I can think of comes in Potok’s The Chosen, in which the father explains to his son the Jewish role in Poland’s oppression of the Ukrainian peasantry, which led to Khmelnitski’s uprising and the associated pogroms, which in turn led to the appearance of the Hassids. But in general we get a virtually unqualified assumption of snowy-white innocence.

    It’s actually why I sometimes suggest that God created Israel to teach the Jews humility. The idea would be that they would be forced to see they are fully as vile as the rest of us.

    However, that doesn’t seem to be happening.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  190. @Fran Taubman

    ‘…My mother had blond hair and green eyes.
    I have poker straight hair…’

    This is how we can tell that you have a claim to Palestine. No German or Slavic genes there at all.

  191. @Fran Taubman

    The poor hypocritical “victim” whines again.







    #1299 另一个诽谤是黑牌[原文如此]……你可以被起诉诽谤。 我将竭尽所能关闭您的仇恨言论网站,仅此而已。 有很大的努力来关闭互联网上的仇恨言论。

    #216“射手有责任,圣战抵抗者也有责任。 是50/50”
    好像孩子,包括在子宫中被狙击的孩子一样,是承担“ 50%责任”的“后代”。
    第273号“使孩子陷入伤害。 这样[狙击手会杀死他们]
    #277“那是一个错误的哈马斯火箭弹,炸死了怀孕的母亲和孩子。 我认为发布这些消息的人会赢得他的小熊维尼。” 好像两个带子弹孔的孩子被火箭炸毁了吗?
    #637 “你从青铜时代开始就断章取义了。 ”
    738 美元“反犹太主义者,……这些混蛋认为他们真的有道理。”
    #749“我们可以不同意互相贬低。” 催眠?
    770 美元“让我们坚持主流狗屎。”
    #791“这个网站上的所有人,请检查此花花公子。 是的,宝贝。 性病来自布里斯。”
    《#841》你没有智力上的能力。 谢谢真主,也许有1000人像你一样愚蠢的门把手。”
    第875章从来没有? “痴呆的天主教徒/基督徒,……一个典型的犹太人仇恨者”
    #916 “也许[塔木德关于耶稣的] 是真的,因为你是一个忠实的追随者。”
    #919“别喜欢耶稣躺在沸腾的粪便中,别再打扰我了。 我几乎可以肯定他是。
    #960“反犹太主义……看来我不是在这里捍卫每一个犹太人或每一个以色列人,这毫无意义。 别再以大多数犹太人的道德操弄了。”

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  192. @Fran Taubman

    Fit their muslim MO of all women are essentially slaves.

    TORAH ON WOMEN http://judaism.is/torah-on-women.html

  193. @Fran Taubman

    Fran’s CHABAD teaches this:

    When a Jewish man rapes a gentile woman, it is a capital offense, but the rapist is not executed. The victim, even a child victim, is the one to be executed:

    Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Issurei Biah – 第十二章,§9 & 10

  194. GeeBee 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    I see. You’re calling me sexually perverted and repressed. I think we ought to leave it at that. Except that I note your utter blanking of my reasonable comment. Jews eh…

  195. Germanicus 说:

    It is unacceptable you export these in foreign lands.
    I want Rammstein closed, and I don’t care what you gonna do with your troops, they got to go home finally.

    Hemingway was a cold murderer and criminal, he proudly wrote in his letters about brutally killing Germans.

    • 回复: @Alden
  196. Che Guava 说:

    Thank you Sean..

    I certainly hope that you are correct.

    My impression (OK, from afar) is that the U.S. ‘justice’ and media systems are doing their best to place her role (and not her person) in the memory hole.

    Wait and see, and to repeat, it will be nice if you are correct.

  197. @getaclue

    he has been showing up from Hell at Exorcisms

    crackpot assertions with absolutely no real evidence


  198. mcohen 说:
    @Colin Wright


    My position is primarily missionary.Their behavior is of no concern to me as I do not have the full facts to what goes on in the lofty halls of power.Neither do you.I know the following

    1.The fappening released all these pics of famous actresses that were conveniently stored on icloud

    2.When the pics were released I wondered why were all these actresses shown in highly sexual pics.Who has the power to create a catalogue of these woman.

    3.I then surmised that those in power were going to be exposed and pay a price

    4.Consequently Harvey Weinstein and several others were charged with crimes.

    5.The hackers have all been charged but what exactly were the pics used for in the first place

    6.The metoo movement followed and both Weinstein and Epstein including several other were charged.

    7.So behind all this is the continued empowerment of woman.Which is a good thing

    But this has to go further. Woman worldwide need to stop having children and must be strongly encouraged to do so.
    The use of economic incentives like tax breaks,free health care,zero interest loans must be used by government worldwide to encourage woman to stop having children.
    The impact of every child born on dwindling resources is such that it is now more economical to pay woman to not have children.
    There are simply to many people.Earth cannot sustain anymore population growth.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  199. Bell End 说:

    Now then. This article posits a sort of Orientalism to explain Epstein – Jewish tradition. Other articles explain it as excess testosterone, or pop-psychology jargon about perversion, or typical hack journalism about ‘America’s’ morality. Bullshit. It’s the fundamental attribution error.

    There’s nothing unusual about Epstein. There’s more pimps than you can shake a stick at. The data shows there are hundreds of Epsteins in every state. What’s so special about Jeffrey?

    His institutional backing and impunity. Where does that come from?



    If you fixate on character and ignore the assemblage, you’re bumbling around blind. Epstein is a single disposable instance of a CIA apparat that uses Soviet-style VIP kompromat for domestic control.

  200. annamaria 说:

    “Mossad would have warned Barak off form any contact after 2015, of that I am sure.’

    Do you have the same degree of assurance about Robert Maxwell (see several former Mossad director coming to his funeral) and Pollard (the most harmful spy ever)? What about the open interference into the US affairs by super-wealthy American zionists, all of whom representing Fifth Column for Israel in the US?

    You don’t want to accept the level of exposure of Jews as enemies of democratic institutions (First Amendment, for a starter) and American citizenry at large (the disastrous ongoing Wars for Ererzt Israel in the Middle East). Zionists do not care about “other people”. Zionists attack honest researchers and American patriots alike (see the idiot Douglas Feith and his treatment of the highly professional Colonel Lang). Although it is true that the zionist parasitizing has been abetted by local traitors like Cheney, Condi Rice, Clintons, Obama, Brennan, and similar human refuse.

    The trumping of all and any norms of decency by AIPAC, by Jewish philanthropists from the Mega Group, by the Mega’ pupil Epstein and the subversives like Singer and Adelson, will hasten one thing for sure — the popular disgust towards Jewry and inevitable backlash against the Jewish community. If you want to insist on Jews’ privileged position for the expense of Americans, Russians, Middle Easterners, Europeans — be prepared to pay for the assaults and insults.

    Unfortunately, there is no critical mass of clear-thinking and morally strong Jews counterweighing the supremacist kind. The US has been the safest place for the Jews. They blew it, again.

  201. @mcohen


    My position is primarily missionary…’

    I favor it as well. But how is this relevant?

  202. @Al Liguori

    ‘The poor hypocritical “victim” whines again…’


    • 回复: @Al Liguori
  203. annamaria 说:

    There were also the 14-year-old and 12-year-old brought for Epstein’s pleasure. Sure you know what to say to protect and explain Jeff Epstein against these “profiteers” — don’t you, Sean? https://www.thedailybeast.com/jeffrey-epstein-billionaire-pedophile-goes-free

    • 回复: @Sean
  204. annamaria 说:

    “That Yugoslavian ‘slave’ came to the US at 15 which is not a very young age for girls hoping to become international models…”

    — Yugoslavia had been bombed on Clinton’s orders. One more time for Sean — when Nadya was a young girl, her native country was bombed by the US/NATO criminals.

    From 1992 to 1995, the Pentagon flew thousands of al-Qaeda mujahideen, often accompanied by US Special Forces, from Central Asia to Europe to reinforce Bosnian Muslims as they fought Serbs to gain their independence from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The Clinton administration armed and trained these fighters in flagrant violation of United Nations accords…

    …in the attack on Serbia, 2 percent of NATO’s missiles hit military targets, the rest hit hospitals, schools, factories, churches and broadcast studios.” … The bombing knocked out electricity in 70 percent of the country as well as much of its water supply. …

    …the US-NATO war aggression against Yugoslavia used highly toxic and radioactive uranium projectiles… In Serbia, aggressive cancer among young and old has reached epidemic proportions. Particularly affected is the south of Serbia and Kosovo. The entire country is contaminated. By harming the genetic material (DNA) generation after generation, malformed children will be born. Knowingly and willfully, a genocide was committed.

    These were real crimes against humanity — not your Elie Wiesel holobiz.

    The way you “explain” Epstein blackmailing operation is breathtaking by exposing your acceptance of human indecency and your active disregard towards norms of human decency.

    The girl was from the bombed-out Serbia — do your homework. She became a toy for two degenerates.

    As for being “free,” consider the incessant Jewish squealing about antisemitism in the western world: Why don’t all Jews (particularly the “philanthropic kind” of Wexner, Adelson, Signer, Bloomberg, and the likes) simply embark on a journey to Israel to stay there permanently? That would completely solve the alleged problem of antisemitism.

    • 回复: @Germanicus
  205. Tony Ryals 说:


    Who is flying Jeffrey Epstein’s Jet? Today? To the Caymen’s?

  206. Germanicus 说:

    Why don’t all Jews (particularly the “philanthropic kind” of Wexner, Adelson, Signer, Bloomberg, and the likes) simply embark on a journey to Israel to stay there permanently?

    Excellent question and thought.
    I asked myself this one many times.
    My answer to it, the power of Jewry is not based in Israel, but in the US and UK mainly, and they control with it almost entire Europe via the network of lobby groups, Synagogues, all merging with organized crime and intelligence agencies, EU and NATO, and political puppets.

    To me it is quite simple, if the Jews don’t like it, they should all go to “the jewish state”, they instigated two world wars to get it, and enjoy jewish life there. But no, the Jews are at the forefront of professional complaining, demanding the host population to change to their liking as guests, and never ending new demands.
    Naturally, other non jewish guests, imported by the Jews, quickly learn from them how to professionally complain. They become the junior partner and the human shields of the Jews such as many muslim organizations in Europe.

  207. Tony Ryals 说:


    French Israeli Pimp Brunel, KGB Modeling Visa and East 66th Street again,Ehud Barak

    Models Say Jeffrey Epstein’s Closest Pal Jean-Luc Brunel Drugged …

    https://www.thedailybeast.com › models-say-jeffrey-epsteins-closest-pal-jea…
    Aug 17, 2019 – Jeffrey Epstein’s closest friend, French model scout Jean-Luc Brunel, … underage girls to be pimped out of Epstein’s New York apartments

    Was Russian model linked to ‘sex trafficker’ Jeffrey Epstein at the Manhattan apartment with Prince Andrew?
    1 Sep, 2019 11:20am


    Nevertheless there is something – or rather someone – that threatens to drag her further into the affair: both she and Epstein are linked to Jean-Luc Brunel.

    Four years ago Brunel, now in his 70s, was named in a civil lawsuit in which he was accused of procuring young girls for the financier, something he denies.

    In a photograph that emerged last week, Brunel is shown cuddling up to crooked tycoon Robert Maxwell’s daughter, Ghislaine, who has been similarly accused of recruiting teenage girls to Epstein’s child prostitution ring.

    She too denies the claims. Before her charity career took off, Ms Pozhidaeva was signed to Brunel’s model agency MC2. One of the damaging claims facing Brunel is that young East European girls were brought by MC2 to the US on Epstein’s private jet.

    However, the suitcase tag in the back of the taxi on December 7, 2010, shows a Ms Pozhidaeva arriving in New York on an Aeroflot flight on November 19 that year.

    How Ms Pozhidaeva and Epstein met is unclear but, according to a source, the financier was soon providing her with an opportunity to study and to “attend conferences with scientists”.

    “What she liked was that he donated a lot to science and helped many researchers and interesting people,” the source added.

    Ms Pozhidaeva, meanwhile, has rather an interesting background herself. She was raised in Moscow in a flat in a 1950s apartment block built for staffers of the NKVD, the Stalinist predecessor of the KGB.

    Ms Pozhidaeva, meanwhile, has rather an interesting background herself. She was raised in Moscow in a flat in a 1950s apartment block built for staffers of the NKVD, the Stalinist predecessor of the KGB.

    Intriguingly, although she has been featured in prestigious Forbes magazine for her charitable work, Ms Pozhidaeva does not appear on any publicly available database in the US.

    Educated at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, known as a training ground for Russian diplomats and spies, she is the daughter of Yury Pozhidaev, 61, who rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Russian Army before retiring to enter the business world.

    Her grandfather, who died in 1999, is buried in the family vault in Russia’s most prestigious graveyard, Novodevichy, in Moscow.

    It is unclear how Ms Pozhidaeva went from being a visitor to Epstein’s mansion to founding a charity using his money which, it appears, guaranteed her admission into New York society.

    In an 2018 interview, she admitted in faltering English: “I was refused a tourist visa to New York without explaining the reasons. I simply came to the consulate and they said ‘No’.

    “Eventually I managed to move here with a modelling visa… When someone tells me I’m crazy, I consider it a compliment because the worst thing is to be regular and boring. I’ve started making money quite fast which also rarely happens in modelling.”

    She founded a charity called WE Talks (Women’s Empowerment) in December 2017 and is president of another New York-based charity, Education Advance, which reportedly received more than £40,000 from Epstein – a sum it is understood she has now returned.

    Her charity lists her contact address as East 66th Street – a building owned by Epstein and registered in his brother Mark’s name. He was named sole heir to Epstein’s fortune in the paedophile’s will written two weeks before he committed suicide on August 10 by hanging himself inside the Manhattan Correctional Centre.

  208. Art 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Hey Frannie,

    How is it that you Jewish mothers keep producing all these immoral male Jew monsters. Epstein, Weinstein, Soros, Adelson, Netanyahu, Goldman Sacks, IDF monsters, ADL spies, AIPAC traitors, and family pimps.

    In rational cultures – it is the mothers who instill empathy for the living in their children.

    It is obvious that Jew mothers inculcate the opposite of empathy. They push greed, cleverness, and an empowering victimhood into their male kids. They make moral monsters.

    What do you have to say for yourselves?


    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
  209. Durruti 说:


    To me it is quite simple, if the Jews don’t like it, they should all go to “the jewish state”, they instigated two world wars to get it, and enjoy jewish life there.

    Poor Palestinians. Where do they go?

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Germanicus
  210. Alden 说:

    Hemingway was another liberal moron on the communist side of the Spanish civil war. There seem to be more obvious American military in Germany than the US.

    For instance, I’m from San Francisco a neighborhood just across the street from the big now closed army base The Presidio. Yet you never saw soldiers in uniform in the neighborhood or anywhere in San Francisco.

    Yet Frankfurt and other towns airports and train stations all over Europe were full of American soldiers many black in uniform. Given the behavior of black soldiers, do you think the army sends them to Germany to prevent their harassing Americans?

    • 回复: @Germanicus
  211. Sean 说:

    If you swallow Roberts’s innuendo. I don’t. Like it or not, there are 12 year old models, and they fly around the world modeling. Although the charges he faced suggest otherwise, I don’t think he was any kind of pimp or blackmailer. He could not have got away with that more than a few times , and the elite would have heard and avoided him. Epstein paid models and aspiring models — some very young–to hang out at his properties, but that is no evidence he had sex with them. He also liked to be surrounded by intellectuals. I think the kind of man who is a pimp would be able to draw the women to him and get them to give money. Epstein liked giving people, including the VIPs he cultivated, the impression he was a kind of James Bond cum intelectual. A real life Doc Savage. And he spent a fortune doing it until he was pushing 70 years old, when he committed suicide after this image predictably caught up with him.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  212. annamaria 说:

    You still did not get it. Do you understand the norms of decency? Is it OK for you and your family members to look at 12-year-old children as suitable sex toys? For Epstein that was normal. For the civilized people that is child abuse. Human society has rules to protect humans. Even baboons have rules.

    And please, stop your nonsense about Epstein being an intellectual. Is Dershowitz an intellectual as well? How about Bibi and Wexner? Cleverness is no substitute for intelligence. It is quite telling that the Jewish State has a knack for lionizing scoundrels and thugs like Robert Maxwell who was a thief and bully. Look at his daughter. What intelligent father would “educate” his child to become such a monstrosity?

    • 同意: utu, Desert Fox, Durruti
    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Anonymous
  213. @Colin Wright

    Thank you. Here it is in meme form for your convenience:

    • 回复: @Fran Taubman
    , @Fran Taubman
  214. Tony Ryals 说:

    Sean should apply for a job at snopes.con

    Carbyne 911 Israel,Ehud Barak,Jeffrey Epstein,Les Wexner and probably Sergey Brin because Google is pushing it.And more.

    Two American billionaires and their shady deals with Israeli intelligence



    Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and mercenary Erik Prince enjoy strong ties to the Israeli intelligence industry, while cutting sensitive business deals with Russia, China and the US

    Ties between the United States and Israel are set to experience deep turbulence as a recently jailed figure face suspicions for working with Israeli intelligence.

    The last time this took place, Jonathan Pollard, former US intelligence analyst, was found guilty of spying for Israel and providing it with top-secret information, leading to a life sentence under the Espionage Act.

    The billionaire shared the same personal network that included Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, infamous Blackwater founder Erik Prince, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, UAE Crown Prince Mohamed bin Zayed, Donald Trump and Bill Clinton.

    US President Donald Trump previously referred to Epstein as a “terrific guy”

    However, according to investigative journalist Vicky Ward, quoting a meeting with Trump’s transition team, Acosta told a White House official: “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.”

    The question remains, would the US intelligence community have allowed a sexual predator who strongly believed in eugenics to operate a sex trafficking operation for minors for years on American soil? Most would believe otherwise.

    After deep scrutiny, a shifting network of power surrounding Epstein is revealed.

    Deep Ties

    Epstein worked closely with Israel, at the forefront of a private initiative to bring cutting edge Israeli military intelligence technology to the private sector, available to the highest bidder.

    This single company, Carbyne, brought together a who’s who of power brokers and intelligence figures from multiple regions including Russia, China and the Trump administration itself, with Epstein at its heart.

    Officially, Carbyne provided high-tech solutions for emergency centres. In reality, it existed in a grey area giving it unprecedented access to private information, with significant potential for privacy abuse.

    Carbyne provides a service for police emergency centres, providing complete access to the caller’s camera and GPS, providing the dispatcher with a live video feed.

    But Carbyne’s shareholders have drawn skepticism, leading many to question Epstein’s ties to questionable figures.

    Operating beyond any nation’s complete oversight, Carbyne had no restrictions to transfer technology to autocratic leaders that regularly violate human rights.


    Carbyne’s technology is speculated to have been transferred to China through co-founder Lital Leshem, who is a shareholder at Carbyne.

    She also works with Erik Prince at Frontier Resources Group (FRG), based in the United Arab Emirates, and a subsidiary of the Chinese-majority owned Frontier Services Group (FSG).

    Prince, the founder of Frontier Services Group, previously known as Blackwater, helped the United Arab Emirates train a South American mercenary army to fight for the Saudi-UAE coalition war in Yemen for $529 million.

    But how did China benefit from Prince’s ties to Carbyne?

    In 2013, Prince sold a majority share of FSG to the Chinese. His new overseer, billionaire Chang Xhenming, is particularly close to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

    Not long after, FSG was involved in China’s crackdown on Muslim communities, helping build facilities to detain one million people and putting 13 million under surveillance. In particular, FSG was slated to help build the notorious ‘re-training camps’ to hold ethnic Uyghurs and Muslims…..

  215. @annamaria

    ‘You still did not get it. Do you understand the norms of decency? Is it OK for you and your family members to look at 12-year-old children as suitable sex toys?

    See also mcohen. Poor Epstein is just a victim of #metoo. There’s definitely a pattern here.

    …and there’s definitely an irony. I find myself becoming increasingly anti-semitic — and a good deal of the fuel for that comes from these Zionist vermin who come here and reveal just how valid all the anti-semitic tropes are.

    • 回复: @Sean
  216. @Durruti

    ‘Poor Palestinians. Where do they go?

    They’ll get Palestine back — eventually. It’s just a matter of letting the Zionist monstrosity work itself out to its inevitable conclusion.

    Really, sometimes my main concern is just how damaged Palestinian society will be by the end of it all. Like Russia after Communism, they won’t be the same. Seventy years of imprisonment and abuse doesn’t make you a better person.

  217. Sean 说:

    Do you understand the norms of decency? Is it OK for you and your family members to look at 12-year-old children as suitable sex toys?

    I would say it is not up to me whether the twelve year olds’ family members call the cops rather than let their daughters do international modeling, or for that matter go on dates with teenage boys, who presumably look at them in a sexual way. If you think this is equivalent to these 12 year olds being used as sexual playthings , which there are laws against with life imprisonment as the penalty, you ought to try informing the police of such not unheard of occurrences, giving your real name and address, because I think the families of those 12 year olds might sue you for defamation, or 诽谤, which is to accuse someone of a crime without reasonable cause, and a very serious criminal charge in many European countries.

    We shall see if your source for the 12 year olds, Ms Roberts, who got her age when she first met Epstein and Maxwell wrong by a full two years among other tendentious errors of fact, is used as a witness for a criminal prosecution, she has not been so far. The trouble with you is you get things completely out of proportion and etherialise the non-Jewish into something perfect. To do that is to take refuge in a fantasy world and it does not help correct the what you are purported complaining about.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  218. @Tony Ryals

    ‘Even if Epstein had survived to see his day in court…’

    But he didn’t survive. 也许 he insisted that if he was to play ball, he was to be guaranteed no more than a year or something — and in a nice place. If he couldn’t have that, he was going to spill the beans.

    Well, meeting that demand wasn’t feasible. So they whacked him. Either that or they couldn’t accept all those girls testifying to what they had done with whom — so he was going to have to be whacked regardless.

  219. Sean 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Epstein pleaded guilty to an under age sex offence, then committed suicide when faced with Federal under age traficking charges that would have put him away for life. Weinstein is about to stand trial charged with 强奸.

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Colin Wright
  220. Skeptikal 说:

    But this does not belong here:

    “JVP that cares so much for Palestinians must be slightly less bothered by Guiffre’s plight.”

    For shame, Gilad.
    Since you “go there”—invoking JVP’s name in this context, you are now obliged to spit it out:
    What are you actually suggesting?
    I would like to know exactly what role you think JVP should be playing in this Epstein mess.

    Waiting . . .

  221. Art 说:

    Epstein pleaded guilty to an under age sex offence, then committed suicide when faced with Federal under age traficking charges that would have put him away for life. Weinstein is about to stand trial charged with rape.

    You repeat what everyone already knows. What is your point?

    The point of the article is Jew sexual coercion.

    Your comment left out the “Jew” part.

    How did that happen — Hmm!

  222. @Sean

    ‘Epstein pleaded guilty to an under age sex offence, then committed suicide when faced with Federal under age traficking charges that would have put him away for life. Weinstein is about to stand trial charged with rape.’

    Nobody powerful needs to kill Weinstein to prevent a trial.

    How will Israel be hurt if Weinstein tells all?

    • 回复: @Sean
  223. annamaria 说:

    My question was about your (and your family) attitude towards children being used as sex toys by sex predators. Your answer was along the lines “it is OK if parents are OK” and “they (children) ask for that.” You found it very convenient to avoid the context — the case of Mr. Epstein, Ms. Maxwell, and their clientele.

    Sean: “…you get things completely out of proportion and etherialise the non-Jewish into something perfect.”

    — And where have you found me “etherealizing” Cheney, McCain, Condi Rice, Clintons, Blair and other criminals who happened to be non-Jews? Don’t project your ethnic sensitivity.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  224. @Al Liguori

    Go back to your sand box AL.
    Kids are missing you

    • 回复: @Al Liguori
  225. @Art

    Jew Mothers. LOL Are you for real. Who’s your Mama

    • 回复: @Art
  226. Anonymous[771]• 免责声明 说:

    Wht don’t you try reading what people actually say instead of making it up to suit your prejudices? Sean has been expressing himself pretty carefully, mostly sifting fact rather than making judgments.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @annamaria
  227. Skeptikal 说:

    There are plenty of Jews who have light hair and eyes.
    It is a type.
    Obviously these Jews have a hard time making it stick that their DNA descends from Palestine!
    But they do it anyhow.
    There are blond Jews and there are black-skinned Jews.

  228. Tony Ryals 说:

    Jeffrey Epstein’s and Les Wexner’s investment in Ehud Barak’s and Israel’s Carbyne 911 reminds me somewhat of Promis software stolen from Inslaw in Arkansas by Israel and U.S. Attorney General Meese during or around the time Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster were
    employed there. Robert Maxwell was involved in selling and distributing it around the world after
    Israel and Mossad adapted it to spy on its purchasers.

    Israel Carbyne 911,Donald Trump,Vladmir Putin,Michael Cohen,Michael Chertoff,et.al.
    It looks like both Trump and Putin and their Jewish oligarchs are olluding to distribute it around the world including China and or it has Chinese oligarch investors as well.



    .Exclusive: Jeffrey Epstein’s investment in an Israeli start-up reveals a myriad of links to Donald Trump and Israeli spies

    Ehud Barak is seeking to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu as Israeli Prime Minister in the upcoming re-run elections scheduled for September. Since 2015, he has been the front-man for Carbyne, an Israeli start-up which purports to be a high-tech solution for 911 emergency call centers, but the platform’s architecture and investors raise serious privacy concerns.

    Narativ undertook an extensive investigation into Carbyne, and can now reveal a myriad of troubling connections between the start-up and people connected to Donald Trump.

    The Michael Cohen Connection
    In addition to Epstein and Barak, Russian oligarchs Viktor Vekselberg and Andrew Intrater bought 24% of Carbyne’s Class A-1 shares through Intrater’s Columbus Nova Technology Partners (CNTP) in September 2017. Vekselberg and Intrater are under U.S. sanctions because of Russia’s malign activities. Ukrainian-born Vekselberg is close to Vladimir Putin and was interviewed by prosecutors from Robert Mueller’s office.

    While still employed as Donald Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen consulted for Columbus Nova until August 2017 under a $1 million agreement to his company, “Essential Consulting.” Cohen used the same company to pay off adult film star Stormy Daniels, who had an affair with Trump.

    Between election day and July 14, 2017, Intrater and Cohen exchanged 230 phone calls and 950 text messages.

    Carbyne is a plug-in for 911 call centers and an app for consumers. It provides unprecedented access to a caller’s camera and GPS, providing the dispatcher with a live video feed.

    The system also automatically cross-references your identity with criminal or other records added to the database. At least two U.S. counties have implemented Carbyne, with many others considering it.

    Epstein is a sex offender and known pedophile. He was brought in as an investor by Barak, his close friend of 17 years. Epstein invested $1.5 million in a company (SUM) with Barak in 2014. All of that money went into Carbyne in 2015. Barak has since been a front-man for the company appearing on Fox News to pitch the product. Barak has life-long ties to Israel’s spy services.

    Carbyne also has deep roots in the Military-Industrial complex of the U.S.

    Michael Chertoff, who ran Homeland Security under George Bush, serves on Carbyne’s advisory board. Chertoff wrote the Patriot Act, which authorized digital surveillance of Americans.

    Peter Thiel, who founded Facebook and Palantir, is also a Carbyne investor. Thiel is an outspoken supporter of Trump and invests heavily in companies with military and intelligence applications. According to Bloomberg, Thiel’s Palantir uses “war on terror tools to track American citizens.”

    Trae Stephens, another Palantir alum, serves on Carbyne’s advisory board. Stephens was also chair of Trump’s Department of Defense transition team. Eliot Tawil, a real-estate developer and a major Trump donor also advises the company despite having no background this space………..

  229. @Anonymous

    ‘…Sean has been expressing himself pretty carefully, mostly sifting fact rather than making judgments.’

    Sean has been furiously obfuscating. In aid of what is a little unclear. For some reason, it’s important to him to demonstrate that the Epstein case is unimportant.

    • 同意: utu
  230. annamaria 说:

    “Sean has been expressing himself pretty carefully, mostly sifting fact rather than making judgments..”

    — Here are two of Sean’s judgments:
    1. “… here are 12-year-old models, and they fly around the world modeling.
    2. “Although the charges he [Epstein] faced suggest otherwise, I don’t think he was any kind of pimp or blackmailer.”

    First, Sean offered a judgment (actually, slander) re the 12-year-old girls: since “they fly around the world modeling” they, the 12-year-old, ask for abuse and therefore they are guilty, not Jeff.

    Second, Sean made a judgment about Epstein, “I don’t think he was any kind of pimp or blackmailer;” this judgment contradicts the known facts. Epstein was a blackmailer and pimp.

  231. Art 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    Jew Mothers. LOL Are you for real.

    Really Frannie —- how come you Jewish mothers keep turning out all these male monsters, that have no empathy for anyone – even their own kind?

    Something is clearly wrong. Is it you — or is it DNA?


  232. Sean 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Epstein was taken down in Palm Beach Florida of all places, where Jews are not without influence. The stupid bastard still had photos of the schoolgirls lining his wall even though he he had known for months he was being investigated. He would have been suicided right then if he was Mossad.

    Ten years later a Miami paper did a series on him, and as a direct result he was looking at life imprisonment. The only power Epstein and Weinstein had stemmed from their business brains. There is no evidence at all that for example, advertisers called up the Miami newspaper and said they were concerned about the anti semitic tone of certain articles they heard were going to run.

    If one follows your line of who–benefits reasoning, Epstein had no reason to do the Dutch, his death has really chilled the investigation and attendant media interest, while Maxwell now has no motive to save herself by telling all either publically or as an defector informant in protective custody. Hmmm.

    I think Epstein and the firestorm around his death, and now the Weinstein rape trial has seriously embarrassed Jewish Americans, they are not making jokes about MeTo at all now. If Weinstein were to be acquited (Michael Jackson was on child sex charges) then it would be even worse.

    Ehud Barak being photographed by paparazzi at Epstein’s mansion in 2016 (ten years after Epstein became persona non grata in elite circles ) makes it unlikely Epstein had any connection to Israeli intelligence. It is a useful index of how much Jews coordinate their activities to help Israel that no one told him to stay away from Epstein from the very begining, and astounding that he was there after the Epstein deal scandal broke in 2015.

    The executive summary would be that yes Jews have their full share, and then some, of sex criminals, but Jewry did not lift a finger to help them. Maybe that is something they regret because it is snowballing. Weinstein looked haggard and limping at his most recent hearing. He keeps changing his lawyers to delay the inevitable reckoning. Where is the power that them all acting together could bring to bear?

  233. Tony Ryals 说:

    If Epstein was connected to Ehud Barak in any way much less providing him a ‘safe house’ or apartment in NY then Epstein was indeed connected to Israeli government,Mossad or whatever at the highest levels.That’s just a fact.Sean wants us to believe that because the relationship was so amateurish in the sense that everybody knew that somehow proves Epstein had no connections with the Israeli government which is ridiculous.When you combine the fact that Epstein and Wexner both invested in an Israeli spying company owned by Ehud Barak himself and basically to benefit Israeli spying even more and now particularly on individual citizens in various counytries and ones who call 911 to report an emergency then Sean is obviously fiull of bs.

    While the incident mentioned below is Ehud’s role in cold blooded murder of PLO leaders and the media making it out to be so cute because he dresses in drag to do his assassination it is basically
    the Mossad’s nlormal modus operandi to operate by deception.And the article doesn’t mention the other part of this operation that extended to Norway where Mossad agents violated the sovereignty of Norway’s territory to enter the country where their bad ‘intelligence’ led them to murder a Palestinian waiter who had already fled his own homeland to escape their bloody takeover of his homeland to begin with.Only to have them flying to Europe to kill murder him ‘accidentally’.Well
    at least he was a Palestinian and so for sick white ‘Semites’ he was one less Palestinian.

    My point is that the amateurishness of Israeli government murderers is not proof of anything accept for the atrocities they are allowed to get away with in both Europe and the U.S. and around the world. Yes Epstein was involved with trafficking in underage girls brought into the U.S. illegally and yes he did have contacts and financial investments in Israel with an emphasis upon spying on American citizens with Ehud Barak.,

    And they may like the ‘`dancing Israelis’ of 9/11 be totally incompetent but what does that matter when you have impunity to commit your crimes and a U.S. government and Jewish Zionist controlled media that covers them up for you and never prosecutes your crimes against America and Americans ? The same goes for thye planes alleged to have hit the WTC.I and others have known for years that Israelis Menachem Atzmon and Ezra Harel and Shin Beit agents known by Bibi Netanyahu and Ehud Olmert and Atzmon was part of their Likud Party were the ones in control of Logan Airport Boston and so does the FBI and CIA and U.S. government and so does Trump and every President since 9/11.

    Even Sean must know this don’t you Sean ? And you know that they didn’t get away because they were such clever terrorists but because they were Israelis and Zionist Jewish elite control both Russia and the U.S. and probably China too one way or the other UNTIL A GOVERNMENT CONFISCATES THEIR WEALTH AND CLEANS OUT THEIR ON SHORE AND OFFSHORE BANKING ACCOUNTS !

    The anti Constitutional Homeland Security Department created after 9/11 was created by Israeli American Michael Chertoff who is also part of Ehud Barak’s Carbyne 911 that Epstein and Wexler both invested in to spy on us even more.Just as he promoted and profited from so many Israeli airport ‘security’ technolgy everytime ICTS Internationak has allowed another alleged Islamic terrorist to board such as they did on Christmas 2009 in Amsterdam flight 253.These were the same I sra<eli 'security bof ICTS International who allowed 9/11 to happen in the first place !

    Barak in drag: The daring operation to kill Arafat's deputy – Ynetnews

    https://www.ynetnews.com › 文章
    Apr 18, 2014 – April in history: Why was Ehud Barak wearing blue eye makeup, and wearing … in retribution for the Munich massacre at the Summer Olympics in 1972. … disguised as civilians, entered vehicles driven by Mossad agents who


    Forty-one years ago this month, in April 1973, in one of the IDF's boldest operations ever, a young Ehud Barak dressed himself as a woman, entered Beirut with a group of soldiers from the elite Sayeret Matkal unit and assassinated several key players from the Palestinian Liberation Organization in retribution for the Munich massacre at the Summer Olympics in 1972

    When Mossad's Greatest Female Assassin Got It Wrong

    https://www.thedailybeast.com › when-mossads-greatest-female-assassin-go…
    Jul 21, 2015 – … innocent Moroccan waiter was assassinated by Mossad agents in Norway, … Ali Hassan Salameh, an operative and leader of the Palestinian militant group … the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

    • 同意: annamaria
  234. Germanicus 说:

    Given the behavior of black soldiers, do you think the army sends them to Germany to prevent their harassing Americans?

    No, it is a byproduct of the ongoing US occupation and missing peace treaty.
    That said, the Jews deliberately used black US troops for rapes in Germany, after they incited them with lies.
    An occupying power just sends troops, doesn’t matter what skin color these troops have.
    For a true German, they are all occupiers, in fact enemy troops, quite simple.
    Iraqis also likely don’t see a difference between a black, Asian or Caucasian US GI, it is the enemy, he wears the uniform of the enemy. or even worse, a private contractor aka mercenary in US service. Vietnamese also just saw the enemy uniform, absolutely normal.

    If the US was invaded by a eg the BRICS countries, US americans would only see enemy uniforms, no matter it was a caucasian Russian, Chinese or Brazilian mixed dude. Your concern would only be to get rid of the invaders and occupiers.

  235. Germanicus 说:

    Poor Palestinians. Where do they go?

    Well, I am not so selfless as to sacrifice my own people for in this case Palestinians.
    Especially, if Palestinians who live in Europe behave very badly, I would send them with the Jews back as well.

    The Jews have created facts on the ground in Palestine. I would rather prefer to settle the Jews in Birobijan, but how realistic is it to resettle Jews armed with biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, who openly say they gonna take everything with them if they won’t get Israel, and whose weapons are pointing at European capitals?

    Your question is in my view very short sighted, we have the enemy within the gates, and this problem has to be solved in order for European peoples to survive.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  236. Tony Ryals 说:

    I thought I read Brunel was in Paris when Epstein flew back to U.S.and was arrested but this article insinuates he was in Uruguay and in Brazil 3 months earlier.Maybe he moved in with Sharon Stone.



    French authorities want to quiz Jean-Luc Brunel, 72, over his ties to Epstein as part of their own probe into the late financier who had a house in Paris, according to the Daily Mirror.

    “He is a ghost who has disappeared without a trace,” a legal source in Paris told the paper of Brunel, who discovered some of the biggest names in modeling, including Christy Turlington and Angie Everhardt.

    Investigators have made inquiries throughout the US and Europe, as well as Brazil, where the Frenchman was seen looking for girls just three months before Epstein, 66, was arrested, the paper says.

    “There is no address for him, all his internet accounts, including social media, have been wiped out. He is uncontactable,” the source told the Mirror……..

    • 回复: @annamaria
  237. anon[358]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fran Taubman

    I feel so famous AL thank you.

    Yeah, “famous” for being the UR’s resident judensau supreme. Thanks for nothin’, Twinkletoes.

  238. anarchyst 说:

    Let’s not forget “circumcision”, which is actually “male genital mutilation”.

    To add insult to injury, the jewish “mohel” who performs the mutilation sucks the baby’s penis after the “act” is completed.

    One can only imagine how many STDs are transmitted from the dirty “mohel” to the infant.


  239. @Germanicus

    ‘…The Jews have created facts on the ground in Palestine. I would rather prefer to settle the Jews in Birobijan, but how realistic is it to resettle Jews armed with biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, who openly say they gonna take everything with them if they won’t get Israel, and whose weapons are pointing at European capitals?’

    Just pull the plug. Forty percent of the Jews in Palestine say they want to leave as it is; yank them off our collective tit and they’ll all leave.

    …and no, they won’t nuke anyone. The Zionist experiment will end with a whimper, not a bang.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  240. annamaria 说:
    @Tony Ryals

    Where is Interpol Red Alert? — They issued the Red Aert to trap Assange for what?
    Suddenly, two obvious criminals cannot be found anywhere.

    Considering that Israelis control all airport security systems in the western world and beyond, it is logical to suggest that both Brunel and Maxwell enjoy the protection of the Jewish State.

    Moreover, Chislaine’ father (known as “crook of the century”) was highly valued by Israeli presidents and Mossad directorate. The “most moral”…


  241. Tony Ryals 说:




    Brabantian 1 September 2019 at 12:56 writes:

    “A drone video of Epstein’s island from Friday 30 August 2019 shows a man who could be Epstein.”


    Brabantian 1 September 2019 at 12:56

    “A drone video of Epstein’s island from Friday 30 August 2019 shows a man who could be Epstein.”

    Is this computer-generated imagery?

    Waya @Waya7665

    Who is flying Jeffrey Epstein’s Jet? Today? To the Caymen’s? 3:43 am · 31 Aug 2019·

  242. @Colin Wright

    True. They don’t have any functioning nukes anyway. If they ever had any, they would have set one off long ago. Shove them off the tit and they would scatter like roaches under a spotlight.

    To stop their care and feeding by Congress is the hard part.

  243. ‘True. They don’t have any functioning nukes anyway. If they ever had any, they would have set one off long ago. Shove them off the tit and they would scatter like roaches under a spotlight…’

    Oh, I don’t doubt that Israel has functional nuclear weapons. It’s just that they’ll never be relevant to the process of Israel’s dissolution. There will never come a moment where Israel will be able to avert or delay the end by nuking someone.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  244. The thing is : When there is easy money to be had , when looting is possible , when society is in moral decay … YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND JEWS AT WORK. Thus it has been since time immemorial …

  245. Whitewolf 说:

    …Secondly, lots of people who knew each other were going to Epstein’s Virgin Isles atoll and Manhattan mansion for years and his reputation was not bad (as a blackmailing pimp’s would soon have been) in those rarefied circles until 2005-2007 when the court case led to his being ostracised by the elite. Except for Barak!

    Maybe he was working for Barak.

    • 回复: @Sean
  246. Sean 说:

    Barak saw all these top Harvard academics and billionaires like Wexner and Dubin hanging out with Epstein before he was arrested, but him going to Epstein’s mansion in 2016 and predictably being photographed there is difficult to explain as anything but Barak going a little senile.

    Netanyahu’s son Yair was taped by his own driver talking about his adventures with prostitutes and his fathers insider circle getting huge energy contracts, and when all this was made public Barak said Yair needed a psychiatrist Yair retorted that he remembered Barak as often being drunk.

    Israelis are not ten feet tall, and Jewish American billionaires like Wexner and Dubin are not either. Wexner was robbed blind by Epstein. While Dubin lost 80 million of Epstein’s money, he is now being accused of knowing about Epsteins abuse of young models. And if course Dubin the billionaire is yet another man who surrounded by international models, found 18 year old former charging room attendant Virginia Roberts 不可抗拒.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @annamaria
  247. @Sean

    ‘Barak saw all these top Harvard academics and billionaires like Wexner and Dubin hanging out with Epstein before he was arrested, but…’

    You make me realize we need a ‘vermin’ button.

    • 同意: utu
  248. anarchyst 说:
    @Colin Wright

    I beg to differ. My premise is only a theory, but if it is valid, portends a great threat to the world at-large and to the USA in particular…

    Israel refuses to abide by IAEA guidelines concerning its nukes as they are already distributed around the world. In the USA, israeli shipping agents and airlines possess a “special exemption” freeing it from normal U S customs inspections. In addition, nukes can be brought in under the “diplomatic pouch” system.

    Israel cannot produce its nukes for a proper counting as most of them are not in Israel, proper. No delivery systems are needed as Israel’s nukes are already in place in major population centers and cities around the world.


    • 回复: @Robjil
  249. Robjil 说:

    It (Israel) already did to New York City. One would think New York City with the largest Jewish population and the US’s largest city that little Israel would not do such a thing. Yet, it did.

    Emma Lazarus, a Jewish American, her poem is on the New York City’s Statue of Liberty:


    Many thousands of New Yorkers were tired that night walking home from Israel’s destruction of the towers.

    On nine eleven, the huddled masses could not breathe that dust. If they breathed too much of it, they died in masses from the poisons in those fumes in later years.

    Thousands went to teeming shores of Manhattan to get some refugee.

    Many became homeless with apartments near the towers toasted with Israel’s attack.

    Many firefighters lifted their lamps and their headlights on their hats to guide through the rubble that night following the attack. Many died buried the in rubble with lights and noise flashing from their hats in the rubble of Israel’s attack on the USA.

    The gold from beneath the towers was taken away before the attacks.

    The Statue of Liberty survived that day. The USS Liberty was not so lucky on 6/8/67. It was also attacked by Israel. No wars for Israel came from that attack. Why? The ship did not sink.

    Unfortunately, this time Israel had all its cards on the table. The three towers sunk in the ground. Wars for Israel went on for the past eighteen years. Israel is demanding the biggest one of all, get Iran.

  250. annamaria 说:

    “Wexner was robbed blind by Epstein.”

    — Are you serious? How one can trust the words of the malicious scoundrel?

    In Part III of this series, MintPress detailed Wexner’s alleged ties to organized crime and his links to the still unsolved homicide of Columbus, Ohio lawyer Arthur Shapiro.

    Shapiro, who was representing Wexner’s company “The Limited” at the time of his death, was set to testify before a grand jury about tax evasion and his involvement with “questionable tax shelters.” Columbus police described the Shapiro murder as “a Mafia ‘hit’” and a suppressed police report implicated Wexner and his business associates as being involved in or benefiting from Shapiro’s death, and as having links to prominent New York-based crime syndicates.

    However, Wexner and The Limited also appear to have had a relationship with the CIA. In 1995, Southern Air Transport (SAT) — a well-known front company for the CIA — relocated from Miami, Florida to Columbus, Ohio. First founded in the late 1940s, SAT from 1960 until 1973 was directly owned by the CIA, which sought to use the company as a cover for covert operations. After 1973, the company was placed in private hands, although all of its subsequent owners would have CIA ties, including James Bastian, a former lawyer for the CIA, who owned SAT at the time of its relocation to Ohio. …

    Though SAT had promised Ohio’s government that it would create 300 jobs in three years, it quickly laid off numerous workers and failed to construct the maintenance facility it had promised, even though it had already accepted $3.5 million in taxpayer funds for that and other projects. As the company’s financial problems mounted, Ohio’s government declined to recoup the millions in dollars it loaned the company…


    The leaches: https://larouchepub.com/other/2001/2844mega_bios.html

  251. Sean 说:

    Who said Epstein had blackmail material on VIPs? Epstein himself did, but he was a convicted child molester. Roberts also said Epstein had blackmail material, but she is by her own account a former sex for pay employee of Epstein. They are not people who can be trusted against Wexner, before something is proved against him. At present the evidence suggest he is a twerp with money who got got fleeced. Robert and her lawyer are targeting him, but there is not even a civil judgement against him.

    A very important point is Wexner is a big name in Jewish charities, as Dershowitz is as a advocate for Israel. Dershowitz’s importance is huger than ever since his assistance to Trump in the media, which made him many enemies. Ehud Barak making mind boggling 2016 visit to Epstein’s Manhattan mansion in a ridiculous apparent disguise is evidence of Jews being not ten feet tall and a no less prone to make a fool of themselves than anyone else, but it is inconceivable that any Israeli intelligence operation would have dared or been allowed to involve him at any stage. Epstein was nothing to do with Israel; he was a predator on his fellow Jews, who he robbed of money and reputation.

    From the time he managed to become at 21 years old an elite prep school teacher, Epstein knew how to cultivate big shots and get them to put him in positions of trust that he was completely unqualified for. Epstein did not even have a degree, and his intellectual pedigree was if anything below average for a Jewish New Yorker: his father was a groundsman who lived in Sea Gate, Brooklyn.

    Right down the line, elte school teacher, Wall Street trader, and investment manager, Epstein was ingratiating and self aggrandizing style over substance. He found a billionaire who was not a money man, but women’s clothing genius whose personality can be judged by him having had his mother very closely involved in his business with an office next to his own, as did his sister.

    Wexner is worth four billion. He could take a 10% loss, and Epstein stole while having been given complete control over Wexner’s wealth with a power of attorney so it would be difficult to prove it was not part of a veiled tax avoidance scheme, which is what Epstein promoted himself as being master of. Also Wexner was embarrassed (who wouldn’t?) mortified at his own gullibility and loath to have held up for the world to laugh at. He would not be allowed to remain in charge of the business he built by the markets if it was known how stupidly he had mismanaged his own financial affairs.

    Giving a person with Ebstein’s trumpeted expertise in hiding money total control over several billion dollars no his own seems to me an unprecedented relationship for a billionaire to have signed up to with someone not in his family. Wexner had Epstein living at his house for a long time. Not exactly dead letter drop, It is certainly not at all clandestine-tradecraftish.

    Why on earth would there need to be this overt relationship for Epstein to be paid and or funded for Mossad or gangster skullduggery through Wexner? Isn’t it obvious that it was not only completely unnecessary to have this evidence of money flows for a covert intelligence operation against America, but such a trail of money could be followed by US counter intel. The most malicious scoundrel in the entire affair is Epstein, and he said he had blackmail info of top VIPs so if you want to believe him, be my guest, but you’ll just be another person he took in. Epstein cannot fool me because I always assume people high and low are almost exactly what they seem to be and by that test he was a confidence trickster and sex offender who got his just desserts in the end.

    • 同意: Fran Taubman
  252. Ehud Barak made even more visits with his Israeli goon guards to Mark Epstein’s property at
    East 66th Street in NYC that housed his brother Jeffrey Epstein’s and Jean Luc Brunel’s under age female victims allegedly trafficked from around the world.And that property also appears to have been gifted to them by Les Wexner as well. Note how although Mark Epstein is a prestigious and well known member of New York Society as former chair of Cooper Union and has even traveled to the UAE with Califorina Israeli American Adam Schiff Zionist head of house intelligence committee . as the chief representative of the Humpty Dumpty Institute.Funny he doesn’t even know what goes on in his own apartments when they even host the Zionist terrorist and perv Ehud Barak and Tel Aviv and Paris trafficker of women Jean Luc Brunel and yet travels all the way to the UEA with top U.S. Zionist politicians to share his wise counsel with them.

    我们对马克·爱泼斯坦(Mark Epstein),杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)的一切了解...

    https://www.businessinsider.com › mark-epstein-bio-jeffrey-brother-will-w…
    Jeffrey Epstein’s younger brother Mark denied business connections to the late … and Adam Schiff of California and Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida on the … He previously attended a March 2019 event in the United Arab Emirates.



    Jeffrey and Mark grew up together in the Sea Gate community in Brooklyn. Mark, who is a year-and-a-half younger than his brother, went on to start a silk-screening business and, having “semi-retired” at age 39, he dabbled in real estate and philanthropy. In 2009, Mark was named chair of the Cooper Union board. That ended with his resignation in 2015 after the school’s controversial decision to begin charging students tuition for the first time in the college’s 150-year history.

    The Epstein brothers’ relationship in adulthood is opaque. In filings, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District had said Jeffrey had “no known immediate family” and “no meaningful family ties.” Yet in a 2009 deposition, Mark said that he knew Donald Trump flew on Jeffrey’s plane “numerous times” and that he’d personally seen Trump on his brother’s plane once. “They were good friends,” Mark recently told the Washington Post. “I know [Trump] is trying to distance himself, but they were.” After Jeffrey pleaded not guilty last month to sex trafficking of minors, Mark offered his Florida home to guarantee his brother’s bond.

    Last month, Mark told Crain’s New York that he had no business connection to his brother, but documents show that Mark’s real-estate business, Ossa Properties, is linked to J. Epstein & Co., the company through which Jeffrey managed retail billionaire Leslie Wexner’s assets. An employee at Ossa Properties, Jonathan Barrett, was also an asset manager for J. Epstein & Co. Mark told Crain’s that the connection between the two companies was “a mistake,” reminiscent of the “recording error” that linked private-equity tycoon Leon Black’s foundation to Jeffrey years after he was convicted of soliciting a minor for prostitution in Florida.

    At the center of the curious connection between Mark’s real-estate company and his brother is a condominium at 301 East 66th Street, a 15-minute walk from Jeffrey’s mansion on East 70th Street. Mark owns the majority of the units in the bland, 16-story, 200-unit building, which he purchased from Wexner in the early 1990s. Mark has said his brother does not own a share of the building, but for years Jeffrey allegedly housed friends, employees, and associates in apartments in the building, including models connected to MC2, the modeling agency in which he invested. (The Daily Beast recently reported that Mark also began dabbling in the modeling industry around the same time Jeffrey invested in MC2.) In 2010, a former MC2 employee said in a sworn statement that the MC2 models were in fact victims of Epstein’s underage sex-trafficking ring.

    “Jeffrey rents several apartments there where he keeps his girls, alleged models for the MC2 agency he owns,” Florida attorney Brad Edwards, who represents a number of Epstein’s alleged victims, told “Page Six” in 2009. “But Mark acts like he doesn’t even know his brother.”

    In addition to the models, the Jeffrey Epstein associates who also rented apartments or ran businesses out of the building included an ex-girlfriend, his pilot, and his MC2 business partner, Jean-Luc Brunel. (One of Epstein’s alleged victims has claimed she was forced to have sex with Brunel.) Two other potential Jeffrey Epstein co-conspirators, Nadia Marcinkova and Sarah Kellen, both operated businesses that were registered at the building. Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, who was photographed outside Jeffrey’s townhouse in 2016, also regularly spent time at the condo.

    “I don’t live in that building,” Mark told Crain’s. “I don’t monitor who uses those apartments.”

    • 回复: @annamaria
  253. annamaria 说:
    @Tony Ryals

    ” In 2009, Mark was named chair of the Cooper Union board. That ended with his resignation in 2015 after the school’s controversial decision to begin charging students tuition for the first time in the college’s 150-year history.”
    — That has been a stain on the college history. The participation of Epstein family member in the Cooper Union board elucidates the “stain.”

    “Mark Epstein also began dabbling in the modeling industry around the same time Jeffrey invested in MC2. In 2010, a former MC2 employee said in a sworn statement that the MC2 models were in fact victims of Epstein’s underage sex-trafficking ring. “Jeffrey rents several apartments there where he keeps his girls, alleged models for the MC2 agency he owns,” Florida attorney Brad Edwards, who represents a number of Epstein’s alleged victims, told “Page Six” in 2009. “But Mark acts like he doesn’t even know his brother.”
    — Is there going to be another mysterious “disappearance” a la G. Maxwell & Brunel? Israel is getting enriched with its most precious human capital.

    Mark Epstein the scoundrel first must be left penniless via well-deserved lawsuits.



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