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欧盟新任主席乌尔苏拉·冯·德·莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)希望对进口到欧洲的商品征收“碳关税”。

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几十年来,在虔诚地背诵新自由主义正统言论,颂扬“后政治”无国界世界之后,欧盟似乎终于摆脱了自由贸易。 许多因素正在朝着这个方向努力:对中国重商主义贸易政策的几十年后的反应使欧洲工业蒙上了阴影,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统下与美国的贸易战的威胁,自由贸易的英国从欧盟撤出,欧洲的崛起。除欧洲外,世界各地都有大型科技公司,以及普通欧洲人对政策的愤怒反应,这些政策摧毁了他们的工作,只是在充实脚步松散的资本家和避税天堂。

近几个月来,在即将上任的欧盟委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯·德·莱昂(Ursula von der Leyen)以及即将上任的新一届政府中,欧洲人的语气发生了明显变化,这让我感到震惊。 杰出人物 欧盟的思想感谢。 冯·德·莱恩(Von der Leyen)自己曾说过,她将“介绍 碳边境税”,以“确保我们的公司可以在公平的竞争环境中竞争。” 据推测,这是根据生产某种产品的碳量征收的关税,对中国和其他工业出口国的打击最大。 长期以来,碳关税一直是要求保护主义的法国政客的要求。

保守的德国政治家冯德尔·莱恩(Von der Leyen)相当不切实际地向欧洲承诺了“绿色新政”。 因此,我们可以预料,如今的所有政府举措都可以通过对环境的一些模糊提及来证明其合理性, 圣格雷塔。 (严重的是,为什么格莱塔还没有被授予诺贝尔和平奖?为什么那飘忽不定的老教皇弗朗西斯不能赞美她呢?在这一点上,垂死的奇迹和两个被证实的奇迹要求仅仅是形式而已。)这几乎就像人权一样。个人选择神圣不可侵犯的私人领域的主张未能认识到万物的基本相互依存关系。 哼

由前欧洲高级官员管理的颇具影响力的智囊团Bruegel逐渐摆脱了欧盟传统的新自由主义贸易政策, 放任 态度。 布鲁格尔发表了最近的论文 “产业政策的理由”:

中国当局。 。 。 巧妙地利用国家补贴来促进人工智能和支持国内企业。 为了帮助应对这一挑战,德国和欧洲应该以自己对知识型部门的补贴来应对。 欧洲的汽车工业显然是获得这种支持的候选者。 这就是奥特迈尔开发欧洲电动汽车电池生产计划的原因,甚至可以加速整个非洲大陆的工业复兴。


也有谈论恢复欧洲的“经济主权”,这是自第二次世界大战以来从未真正恢复过。 自那时以来,欧洲一直依赖中东石油,美国的经济援助,军事支持,科技公司以及中国的工业实力。 欧洲公司越来越容易被外国资本收购。

在法国,长期以来对欧盟的经济政策提出了批评,并要求实施欧盟的经济政策。 欧洲保护组织 (“欧洲保护主义”),最受欧洲怀疑论者人口论者托曼(Emmanuel Todd)的诉说。 长期以来,这是一个虔诚的愿望,但是随着英国的出路, 德国本身制定了自己的工业政策,看来情况可能正在发生变化。 基本上,不仅法国,而且南欧和东欧的大部分地区基本上都是贸易保护主义,自由贸易的荷兰人和诺德人则显得比较孤立。

嘲笑欧盟是假冒和同性恋是很容易的-在某些领域,例如外交政策上正确的做法是正确的,并且容易永久陷入僵局。 但是,如果欧盟在某个领域拥有真正的权力,那就是在经济问题上:即市场监管,贸易和反托拉斯。

欧盟竞争事务专员玛格丽特·韦斯特格(Margrethe Vestager)近年来一直为自己出名,对美国科技巨头处以数十亿欧元的罚款,其中大部分是未缴税款。 Hervé Juvin – a prominent environmentalist intellectual who has been elected to the European Parliament as a candidate of Marine Le Pen's National Rally – recently 维斯塔格问:

维斯塔格夫人,补充您过去的举动。 。 。 您以坚定的信念表示对[欧盟]单一市场的信心。 但是,我观察到欧洲在IT和AI方面不处于领先地位。 我还观察到,在经济史上,一个国家从来没有像过去那样落后于某个特定部门,只是保护了它在苛刻的关税和非关税壁垒之后。 我的问题是:您如何在不放弃自由贸易的教条的情况下帮助欧洲在IT和人工智能领域赶上来。 。 。 像我们的中国和俄罗斯竞争对手所能做到的那样,没有为单一市场建立有效的外部边界?

当然,与中国和俄罗斯一样,欧盟很容易拥有生产本土科技巨头的能力,即人力资本。 到目前为止,美国公司的趋势是徘徊在任何有前途的欧洲初创公司中,或者随着时间的流逝而变得边际,因为事实证明,它们在任何给定的全国市场上的统治力都不足以与在美国占主导地位的公司相抗衡。市场。

除了这些因素,人们还可以感知 需求 在美国和英国已经转向他们自己或多或少的朴素的民粹主义民粹主义品牌的大都市阶级中,他们获得了更强大的欧盟。 作为吉迪恩·拉赫曼(Gideon Rachman)的 “金融时报” 最近在一篇题为《 “欧盟必须成为一个电力项目”:“欧盟曾经梦想着整个世界都将朝着类似于欧盟方法的以法律为基础的制度迈进。 但是,由习近平的中国和特朗普的美国塑造的世界秩序将基于权力而不是规则。”

似乎所有道路都通向卡尔·施密特(Carl Schmitt)。


在没有跨境监管者的情况下,开放边界当然意味着一种无法无天的情况。 但是,事实证明,开放边界比在边界上建立某种共同的“治理”要容易得多。 因此,如果欧洲人希望保留自己的生活方式并控制自己的空间,他们将不得不恢复有效的外部边界,这种边界的交叉只会发生在欧洲人民的意愿和利益上。

我希望欧洲成为一个受到良好监管的主权国家,并且 欧洲 空间。 自给自足,对世界上富有成果的经济和文化交流持开放态度,但始终保持其身份和性格。 我可以想象欧洲是一个美丽的花园。 那是过分的要求?



• 类别: 经济学, 对外政策 •标签: EU, 自由贸易 
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  1. Anonymous[189]• 免责声明 说:

    I find it quite something that the author managed to write an article on the EU and free trade and this time and not even mention Brexit. In fact, I rarely ever see Brexit mentioned on this site. Who ever selects the articles for this site seems to have an aversion to British politics. I’ve seen SERBIA and the Balkans mentioned more often than Britain on here.

  2. The EU has long had an industrial policy, and it is called the 欧元. This shared currency, however, has only had the effect of propping up German exports by making them cheaper than they would have been if priced in marks. And unfortunately, it has seriously disadvantaged certain other industrial countries such as France and Italy, while transforming the ‘peripheral’ states of Europe (Greece, Spain, et al.) into virtual debt-colonies.

    So the real question here is: Are the Eurocrats finally ready to implement an industrial policy that benefits 所有 Europeans? Personally, I remain skeptical.

    • 同意: A123
    • 回复: @UncommonGround
    , @A123
  3. “Von der Leyen herself has said she will “introduce a Carbon Border Tax” in order “to ensure our companies can compete on a level playing field.” This would presumably be a tariff according to amount of carbon that went into producing a product, hitting China and other industrial exporters most.”

    Au contraire, mon ami! China has the same Carbon Border Tax legislation in draft at present and planned it in conjunction with the EU. Between them, they will do much to bring the world into line.

    • 巨魔: Mike Tre
    • 回复: @Wally
  4. @Anonymous

    Patrick Cockburn covers Brexit constantly, albeit from a Remoaner perspective.

  5. “I also observe that in economic history never has a country caught up in a given sector except by protecting it behind demanding tariff and non-tariff barriers.”

    Marine Le Pen’s new friend here may wish to bone up on American history before making such bone-headed pronouncements. It was, after all, the 保护主义 of the 19th century that enabled America to overtake Britain in the early 20th century. Figures as diverse as Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln all supported putting tariffs on foreign imports as part of a larger industrial policy. (Admittedly, there’s more to economic development that just tariffs; but the latter are still a 必要条件 for the former.)

  6. “自由贸易”简单地意味着:主权个人和企业能够在世界任何地方以他们共同决定的任何价格向他们选择的任何人购买/出售商品和服务,而不受其他人[包括政府]的外部干扰。

    古典经济学家大卫李嘉图的比较优势定律(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparative_advantage ] 准确地解释了个人之间的自由贸易如何/为什么对每个人的经济利益,以及为什么政府政策通过关税、贸易壁垒、税收等限制甚至消除世界其他地区的个人之间的自由贸易必须始终导致消费品价格上涨,[因此] 任何特定国家的普通民众的生活水平降低,这些国家的政府限制了他们可能与之做生意的世界其他任何地方的个人/企业之间的自由贸易。



    正如 Forest Gump 所观察到的:“愚蠢就是愚蠢”。



    “问候” onebornfree

    • 哈哈: Alden
    • 回复: @obwandiyag
    , @Franz
    , @TGD
    , @ivan
    , @Alden
    , @sally
  7. @Digital Samizdat

    That’s what he’s saying: you need some protectionism for early industrial development, though the sentence is a bit awkward.

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  8. @Digital Samizdat

    欧元。 然而,这种共同货币仅起到了支撑德国出口的作用,使它们比以马克计价的价格更便宜。 不幸的是,它在将欧洲的“边缘”国家(希腊、西班牙等)转变为虚拟的债务殖民地的同时,使法国和意大利等某些其他工业国家处于严重不利地位。

    在欧元出现之前,德国也成功地出口了。 欧元存在于不久前。 正是密特朗向科尔要求德国接受共同货币作为接受德国统一的条件。 拥有一个包含 20 种不同货币的共同经济市场毫无意义。

    希腊之所以获得欧元,是因为他们对经济状况撒了谎。 为此,他们得到了一家美国金融公司的帮助。 当他们受到经济危机的打击时,他们谈到了退出欧元区。 他们本可以这样做,而且德国的许多人都希望他们放弃欧元。 但事实是,希腊没有人想退出欧元区。

    德国一直是欧盟最大的捐助国。 法国从中受益,特别是其农业。 欧盟的很大一部分补贴流向了农业部门,法国从中获利颇丰。 德国更愿意减少这种补贴。

  9. A123 说:
    @Digital Samizdat



    And, Germany destroyed the gains they could have made by supporting failed “green” power concepts such as wind and solar. They now have some of the highest cost electricity in the world, which impacts their global competitiveness. The anti-science, Carbon Border Tax is Germany’s way of dragging other EU states down with them.

    Here is a question, “If Germany is so committed to green power, why doesn’t it cancel Nordstream 2?” They shouldn’t need to import nasty, CO2 emitting, hydrocarbon fuel from Russia.


  10. @A123

    这里有一个问题,“如果德国如此致力于绿色电力,为什么不取消 Nordstream 2?”他们不需要从俄罗斯进口有害的、排放二氧化碳的碳氢燃料。

    Here is the answer. Germany is not so commited to green power. That’s the reason why they want and need to import gas from Russia like many other European countries. The US is against this import because they want to sell their own gas from fracking which is more expensive. The environmental costs of that are much worse than gas from Russia. There is a lobby which doesn’t want that Germany imports gas from Russia and the US has made a lot of pressure against Germany because of that. Maybe The Country also wants to export in the future gas from territories which they occupay, I don’t know.

    • 回复: @A123
    , @216
    , @Michael888
  11. A123 说:

    That’s the reason why they want and need to import gas from Russia like many other European countries. The US is against this import because they want to sell their own gas from fracking which is more expensive.

    If Germany was using LNG shipping, distance means that it would still be cheaper to buy Russian vs. U.S. So, blocking Nordstream 2 doesn’t benefit the U.S. gas export industry.

    There is a more obvious reason. Poland stood up against Mullah Merkel’s German Caliphate and her replacement of Christians with imported Muslims. IslamoGlobalism is now trying to inflict punishment. Mullah Merkel desperately wants to bypass the existing Polish gas transport infrastructure that generates fees for Christians.


  12. German_reader 说:


    Calling von der Leyen “conservative” is totally meaningless, like most of the CDU her policy stances are indistinguishable from progressivism (e.g. she’s spoken out in favour of quotas for women in politics, also initiated a major witch hunt in the Bundeswehr over residual ties to the Wehrmacht during her time as minister of defence, while the Bundeswehr is decaying ever more as an actual military force…priorities). She also has a proven record of incompetence and cronyism. I think the prospects of people like her turning the EU into a force that matters on the international stage are pretty remote, it’s more likely they’ll just continue their wrecking job.

    • 同意: Guillaume Durocher
  13. 216 说: • 您的网站

    The average German voter has ratified their green insanity, unless they make an abrupt U-turn and return to nuclear power, they might be headed for recession.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  14. @German_reader

    She also has a proven record of incompetence and cronyism

    She is a gynecologist by education. She still remains a butt of the jokes in Russia. Latest Report (a month ago) by Karaganov’s group (group is a collection of different specialists in economy, geopolitics etc.) underscores a dramatic decrease in intellect, competence and increase in infantile, due to the death of a meritocratic process in the West. So, this pretty much covers most of EU and US elite.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  15. obwandiyag 说:

    Quote some dead dude you don’t understand out of context and think you’re smart. You must be a sophomore. C-.

    “There is no free market. It is all crooked.”

  16. obwandiyag 说:

    Wonderful that they are even lip-servicing dumping that everybody-always-knew-it-was-a-vile-lie-for-children “free market” crap. The world is run like a cheesy confidence racket and they act, with straight faces, as if it works like a chess game.

  17. obwandiyag 说:

    They may have “some of the” highest cost electricity. Whatever that means.

    But they have the warmest houses, so it evens out. Dummesel.


    You people are kinda stupid.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @The Alarmist
  18. obwandiyag 说:

    Dumbass. The Carbon Border Tax is not the same as carbon taxes. It is protectionism, dumbass. Read up. I know it’s hard. But sound out the words.

    • 巨魔: A123
    • 回复: @A123
  19. A123 说:


    Congratulations on being an ineffective, braid dead, gibbering Troll.

    Pease continue. We find you amusing.


    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  20. Wally 说:

    Not nearly as stupid as your beloved low IQ, sh-thole ‘Africans’.

  21. Franz 说:

    Classical economist David Ricardo’s Law of Comparative Advantage …

    … is unintelligible without the 完整的上下文,这是里卡多提供的。

    In his argument of “comparative advantage” he noted the “prejudice” most investors have to invest in 他们自己的民族. 里卡多随后指出他同意这种偏见并且不会改变它。

    This totally changes the modern glib interpretation Comparative Advantage. If a country don’t give a crap about its workers or environment, it can pump out tons of cheap goods. Nations with work codes and environmental protection laws, and also buy from them, will be 补贴 他们。

    事实上,美国投资者完全补贴了中国,当时中国将两代产业工人跪地砍下,并把工作送出去。 中国没有为加利福尼亚的一家老凯撒钢铁厂买单,将其整齐地切碎并像巨大的 DIY 套件一样送到太平洋彼岸。 美国人做到了。


    Post Scriptum — Despite Ricardo being part correct, I would avoid thinking of economic “laws” as any way comparable to real laws. We are not talking about the speed of light here.

  22. @216

    … they might be headed for recession.

    They’re already there. Thanks to the Greens and their willing accomplices in the CDU and SPD, the Morgenthau Plan might be realised after all.

  23. @obwandiyag

    But they have the warmest houses, so it evens out. Dummesel.

    Have you actually lived in Germany? They rarely put the heat up in order to save money (gas and electric are expensive), and the passive house simply helps them save even more by losing less of the little warmth they allow themselves.

  24. @Guillaume Durocher

    You’re right. My error. Somehow I missed the word “except”.

  25. @UncommonGround


    Yes, but that was before China–with its low labor-cost advantage–was a ‘thing’.


    That wouldn’t surprise me. But be aware that post-de-Gaulle France was no more sovereign than post-war Germany, both being NATO protectorates. And the euro certainly hasn’t done France any favors.

    拥有一个包含 20 种不同货币的共同经济市场毫无意义。

    Possibly. But it’s also true that having a common market without a shared budget makes little sense either. Read up on what happened to America’s Articles of Confederation.

    • 回复: @atlantis_dweller
  26. @A123

    German ‘environmentalism’ is so idiotic. I remember several years ago after Fukushima, when all these little 联邦-hippies were running around with their ‘Atomkraft – nein, danke!’ signs. Initially, I would try to explain to them that shutting down their nuke plants would be a bad idea until they came up with something better to replace them. ‘No problem!’ they would insist. ‘Why, we’ll just throw up some more solar panels.’ I would try to explain to them, ‘This is Germany. There’s no sunlight here.’ But that never seemed to phase them at all. Eventually, I just gave up.

    Now here we are, seven or eight years later, and guess what: it’s time for Nordstream 2!

    • 回复: @A123
    , @UncommonGround
    , @Antares
  27. Renoman 说:


    • 回复: @atlantis_dweller
  28. animalogic 说:

    “Free trade” etc, apart from being almost meaningless, is a mere tactic of (usually, non-existent) “industrial Policy”.
    Coordinated policy, clear goals & fiscal support are the bedrock of many Asian counties economies. If the EU wants a 21st C it also needs coordinated policy. (“Airbus”, is at least an example of such a policy)
    If it wants that policy to actually succeed, they should also (as a first step) do away with austerity. A policy not for the benefit of the EU or it’s States, but for its bankers & bond holders (neither of whom give a toss, beyond projected profits) for any nation or Union.

  29. A123 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Even more German entertainment:

    — The wildlife Traditional Greens are beating the New Greens senseless (1).

    最重要的原因在于野生动植物和森林保护主义者与新的风力发电厂作斗争的法律抵抗。 BWE总裁提到了陆上风电机构的行业调查。 根据调查结果,超过70%的法律异议是基于物种保护,尤其是对濒临灭绝的鸟类和蝙蝠的威胁。

    in 2021 thousands of wind turbines come to the end of the 20-year subsidy period of the Renewable Energy Act, more wind turbines will be demolished on balance than new ones will be added


    — The New Greens are beating natural gas senseless.

    There is a very real chance that Nordstream 2 will not come online any time soon because of the sheer number of bureaucratic roadblocks. (2)

    Greenpeace Germany which claimed that the environmental impact assessment on the construction of the pipeline was incomplete, pointing to pollution on the country’s Baltic coast caused by toxic grease after a construction incident.


    (1) https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2019/08/wind-energy-collapsing-in-germany.php

    (2) https://emerging-europe.com/news/pressure-builds-over-environmental-impact-of-nord-stream-2/

  30. 无论人们如何看待此类论点,它无疑标志着欧盟思想的重大转变。


    欧盟机构不会“思考”,他们 服从。所以问题是,关于贸易问题,华盛顿和纽约向他们传达了什么信息(如果感兴趣,为什么?)?

  31. @Renoman



  32. @Digital Samizdat



    当然,一个真正统一的欧洲可以改变这一占领的进程。但真正统一的欧洲并不存在,也不会存在:它不符合任何人的利益,当然也不符合各国的利益。 听话 欧盟高调官僚,提拔之一。因此,没有什么会打扰职业。

  33. @A123

    Poland stood up against Mullah Merkel’s German Caliphate and her replacement of Christians with imported Muslims. IslamoGlobalism is now trying to inflict punishment. Mullah Merkel desperately wants to bypass the existing Polish gas transport infrastructure that generates fees for Christians.

    The only problem with your explanation is that the idea for the pipe line is from 1995. I’m not sure that Mullah Merkel had been already born at that time. According to wikipedia the plans and start for the project begun before MullaMerkel was Kanzler of Germany.

    • 回复: @A123
    , @Skeptikal
  34. @Digital Samizdat

    I remember several years ago after Fukushima, when all these little Bundes-hippies were running around with their ‘Atomkraft – nein, danke!’ ……. Now here we are, seven or eight years later, and guess what: it’s time for Nordstream 2!

    The idea for Nordstream is from 1995, the plans and the start of the project preceded Fukushima by many years. Renewable energy plays a considerable role in the suppy of energy in Germany. Today In Germany no other source produces more energy than renewable energy.

  35. Wally 说:
    @Godfree Roberts

    Classic leftist lying.

    Labeling CO2, a trace gas loved by plants, as “carbon” C, a solid, is part of the deception pulled on the naive. The gullible then assume that they’re saving the world from chunks of carbon flying around.



    • 回复: @Alden
  36. A123 说:

    The only problem with your explanation is that the idea for the pipe line is from 1995.

    Nord Stream #1 was planned in the 90’s and went live 2011-2012.

    I believe the planning for Nord Stream #2 did not begin until #1 was proven technically successful, which would imply 2012-2013 as a major funding, project initiation event.

    If you have good source material it would be appreciated. Much of what I can find inadequately distinguishes #1 versus #2. There may be earlier, Russian language, proposals committing Gazprom to the #2 line that I cannot readily locate.


    • 回复: @UncommonGround
  37. TGD 说:

    古典经济学家大卫李嘉图的比较优势定律(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparative_advantage ] neatly explained exactly how/why free trade amongst individuals is to the economic benefit of everyone, and why government policies restricting or even eliminating free trade between individuals in other parts of the world via tarrifs, trade barriers, taxes etc. must always result in higher prices for consumer goods and [consequently] a lower standard of living for the general population of any particular country whose government limits free trade between individuals /businesses anywhere else in the world that they might otherwise do business with.

    I keep trying to explain to the “free market- free trade freaks” that the early advocates of free trade, Adam Smith, David Hume and Ricardo, assumed that the exchange of gold to settle trade account deficits would keep trade relatively in balance. See David Hume’s “price specie flow mechanism.”

    The replacement of hard money with fiat money has been the enabler of massive trade imbalances and the consequent rise of “adversarial” trading nations like Japan, China and South Korea.

  38. @A123

    You are right. Articles don’t distinguish very well 1 from 2. There is an article in German in wikipedia, Nord Stream. The article says that the president of the Russian company at that time, Rem Wjachirew, said in 2000 that he would see a pipeline that doesn’t go through the Ucraine still during his life time. In 2004 an agreement with German firms was signed, one year later than foreseen. In 2005 Schröder and Putin formalised the contract. They also say that the EU had already in 2000 seen the project favourably:


    • 回复: @A123
  39. A123 说:

    said in 2000 that he would see a pipeline that doesn’t go through the Ukraine still during his life time. In 2004 an agreement with German firms was signed, one year later than foreseen. In 2005 Schröder and Putin formalised the contract. They also say that the EU had already in 2000 seen the project favourably

    Nordsream #1 would be:
    — 1990’s — planned
    — 2000’s — signed / construction start
    — 201o’s — construction complete / commercial use begins

    So, one would presume the quote is about #1 not #2.


  40. “碳(二氧化)税完全是犯罪且不道德的。对“生命之气”征税是犯罪行为。它不会“拯救地球” 没有人为造成的气候变化。二氧化碳对天气或长期气候没有任何影响。可以用真实的物理和地球物理数据证明。
    请停止对生命的汽油征税!消除它在物理上是荒谬的!而且不可能,零排放是不可能的! 98%的二氧化碳都在海洋中!其水平是由自然法则而非人类控制的。

    • 同意: Fox
  41. So, one would presume the quote is about #1 not #2.

    I don’t think that this is right. The reason is that the information about the project is about the project which was decided by Gehard Schröder when he was Kanzler. And this is Nord Stream 2 and not 1. You can google his name and nord stream 2 and you’ll se the results. The article also doesn’t mention any other posterior agreement. There is only one which was signed by Putin and Schröder – at least I never heard about another agreement. Merkel has always had difficulties with the Russians, she never had really good relations with them. In spite of that she supports now the project. The reason for that is that it’s a private project that had been supported by a German government and that economically it is favourable to Germany – it’s almost ready anyway. It’s more ecological than fracking gas from the US and it’s cheaper. The fact that the pipe lines are under the sea diminishes the power of intermediaries like Poland and the Ucraine. So Germany cannot be pressured by them.

  42. Archangel 说:

    欧盟所做的一切“绿色”都是骗局。 以牺牲人口为代价使用人为市场为特殊利益提供资金。 首先是向农业工业提供生物乙醇/生物柴油,然后是风能和太阳能,为许多中间商和公用事业公司带来了财富,以及碳交易计划被发现是一种工具增值税欺诈约 10 亿欧元。 因此,我相信碳边境税将是另一个骗局。 其设置的纯粹法律复杂性意味着“税收优化”的巨大机会,即不付钱甚至是彻头彻尾的欺诈,如果被抓住将很难证明。

    就产业政策而言,欧盟一贯保护汽车和航空航天产业,让其他国家自生自灭。 因此,大多数半导体、电子、电信行业都死了,委员会甚至懒得做事后分析以避免将来发生类似的灾难。 新委员会将无所作为; 除了引入更多的监管负担作为其日常工作的一部分。


  43. ivan 说:

    a) The England that had supposedly had the comparative advantage in cotton went on to become a mighty industrial power based on steam power running her mills, and the simultaneous destruction of the superior Indian cotton trade which England had nickled-and-dimed to her advantage. Whereas the Portugal in Ricardo’s argument remained a backward nation specialising in the hoary old trade in port wine.

    b) 葡萄牙人几乎无法与李嘉图就自由贸易的好处进行客厅讨论,因为他们被迫作为英格兰在半岛战争期间支持她的代价的一部分,向巴西开放巴西英国自由贸易商。


  44. @A123

    Taxation has gone a long way to improving life quality for the 85% on all those issues. What a bizzare cartoon.

  45. @A123

    Interesting. Merkle is satanic enough to view her world as one that needs an internal war against the ghosts of her ancesters, and what better way to do it than flood her nation with sub-Saharans and ME Muslims. She is obviously corrupt ideologically, and morally. Personally I believe the Jews are behind the immigration problem and she is their tool. Since WW1 Germany has been under attack, whether from external military forces, economic wars, and/or internal traitors.

  46. John Regan 说:

    称冯德莱恩为“保守派”是完全没有意义的,就像大多数基民盟一样,她的政策立场与进步主义没有区别(例如,她公开表示支持女性参政配额,还在联邦国防军发起了一场针对与德国国防军在她担任国防部长期间,而德国联邦国防军作为真正的军事力量正在日益衰落……优先事项)。 她也有证明无能和任人唯亲的记录。

    反之,德国读者。 这是 教科书定义 的“保守派”。

  47. IC 说:



  48. O. R. 说:

    To help counter this challenge, Germany and Europe should respond with their own subsidies to knowledge-based sectors. Europe’s automotive industry is an obvious candidate for such support. This is why Altmaier’s plan to develop European battery production for electric cars make sense, and may even accelerate an industrial renaissance across the continent.

    I think this proposition makes senses. Developing knowledge-based sectors, eg the electrical industry, would be great. This would help Europe meet her energy needs with new electrical power generation centers, and get rid of her dependency on Russia for natural gas through Ukraine.

    My problem with the EU is the FTA it signs with Latin America, and the rules of origins. If for example i take the document below on the rules of origin for EU-Mercosur, i find the text is sometimes vague, complicated, confusing, and largely interpretable.

    Observers say ‘there are concerns about the ease with which goods processed partly or fully in a third country can receive duty-free access under a bilateral agreement by being re-exported with just enough processing to satisfy rules of origin requirements:

    EU-Mercosur FTA texts (Uruguay, Jul 2019)



  49. Anonymous[155]• 免责声明 说:

    Your comment might be self explanatory. Due to (great) Britain having given up their homegrown industry over the last decades and the circus that their internal politics have turned into they are in the process of making themselves obsolete in the european experiment. Hopefully Scotland will be able to regain their independance from the English colonizers and join the European Union and Ireland can prevent another period of pointless violence to see England turn into a second rate European country. How much can change in a hundred years where sun could not set over the British Empire to the sun setting on the (great) britain

  50. Smith 说:


    Free trade means selling your industry somewhere else (China!!!), and that means China is richer while you get poorer.

    A strong nation needs to have a strong domestic industry.

  51. Isabella 说:

    同意你。 事实上,目前英国脱欧的举动几乎比欧洲和巴尔干地区的其他任何事情都重要。 如果英国确实设法离开,每天带上她 1 亿欧元,她将能够开始重建像卫生服务这样的基础设施,并加强现在伦敦狂野西部街道的警务。 但更多的是,其他国家将被鼓励离开苦苦挣扎的垂死的欧盟。 英国只需要足够长的时间集中精力开始与俄罗斯的贸易,英国就会再次起飞。 欧盟将在几年内消亡。 尤其是马克龙“我真的重生了拿破仑”主持了这个节目。 然后,如果幸运的话,美国将失去北约,它是欧洲对抗俄罗斯的军事力量,我们将真正开始运转。

    • 回复: @Herald
  52. Biff 说:

    Taxing the ‘gas of life’ is criminal.

    A real idealist aren’t you.

    “We tax everything that moves, and everything that doesn’t”

  53. Lot 说:

    China has played the USA and Western Europe off each other for 30 years to facilitate tech theft and destroying our industries.

    Now the USA has stepped up and imposed serious tariffs on them. Time to show some solidarity, Europe, and do the same.

    Call it a carbon tariff if you like.

    • 回复: @Amon
  54. Antares 说:

    德国一直是欧盟最大的捐助国。 法国从中受益,特别是其农业。 欧盟的很大一部分补贴流向了农业部门,法国从中获利颇丰。 德国更愿意减少这种补贴。

    德国向其客户提供资金,否则它无法向这些国家销售。 银行最重要的是保护自己的贷款。 这就是为什么不允许希腊违约并脱离欧元区的原因。



  55. Antares 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    德国的“环保主义”太愚蠢了。 我记得几年前福岛事件之后,所有这些德国联邦的小嬉皮士都带着他们的“Atomkraft – nein,danke!”四处奔波。 迹象。 最初,我会尝试向他们解释,在他们想出更好的方法来取代它们之前,关闭他们的核电站是一个坏主意。 '没问题!' 他们会坚持。 “为什么,我们只会扔更多的太阳能电池板。” 我会试着向他们解释,‘这是德国。 这里没有阳光。 但这似乎从来没有让他们分心。 最后,我只好放弃了。

    放射性废物没有解决方案。 他们已经尝试了一切,但都完全失败了。 在德国有一个地方,“专家”100% 确信它会在接下来的几千年里被保存下来。 由于其罕见的地质构造,它可以保证保持干燥。 然后他们不得不安装泵。 然后原来存放在里面的桶是字面上的 甩了 在那里,船体上有凹痕和裂缝。 一团糟,你不想进去清理它。

    并不是说环保主义者更聪明一点。 唯一减少产出的就是减少投入。 其他一切都是童话。 更多的投资只会让情况变得更糟。 我们不应该自欺欺人。


    并亲自发言,为什么我们需要所有这些垃圾? 现在我们的蔬菜都用塑料包裹了。 这就是AI的后果! 我在那个行业工作过! 它根本不是为了一个更美好的世界,而是:更低的工资、更低的技能要求、更高的利润和更多的控制。 人工智能不仅可以改善对生产过程的控制,还可以改善对人类的控制。 它会导致“更智能”的武器。 这也是更多的控制(对我们)。

    出发前,我们应该先了解我们要去哪里。 但是,嘿,那是“应该”! 不会发生。 所以真正的问题是:“有一天我们会陷入什么样的困境?” 和“谁统治?”

  56. An interesting personal footnote regarding Frau von der Leyen.


    Von der Leyen’s father’s grandparents were the cotton merchant Carl Albrecht (1875–1952) and Mary Ladson Robertson (1883–1960), an American who belonged to an elite planter family of the southern aristocracy from Charleston, South Carolina.

    Her American ancestors played a significant role in the British colonization of the Americas, and she descends from many of the first English settlers of Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Barbados, and from numerous colonial-era governors. Among her ancestors were Carolina governors John Yeamans, James Moore, Robert Gibbes, Thomas Smith and Joseph Blake, Pennsylvania deputy governor Samuel Carpenter, and the American revolutionary and lieutenant governor of South Carolina James Ladson

    During her student years in London, she went by the name Rose Ladson.

    She has seven children, unusual in this day for a working politician.

  57. gotmituns 说:

    Actually, the EU was Hitler’s idea.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Wally
  58. Herald 说:

    Most thinking people have an aversion to British politics.

  59. Herald 说:

    I can’t envisage that a post Brexit UK, one of the loudest rabble-rousers in the anti-Russian brigade, will be doing much trade with Russia, or will be allowed to, for that matter.


    More police on the streets will only be for protection of the ruling classes and will have very little to do with protecting the masses from crime. That’s not what the police in do in the UK.

    最后,任何认为鲍里斯·约翰逊和他的机会主义者团伙会复活 NHS 的人都会非常失望。

  60. Alfred 说:

    “It makes little sense to have a common economic market with 20 different currencies. “

    That is a red-herring. Lots of trade is done in US dollars by countries other than the USA. With the internet, it costs almost nothing to convert currencies or to have multiple currency bank accounts.

    The real problem with the Euro, as Martin Armstrong, keeps on repeating is that the government bond markets are not unified. You lend to the German government and the interest in a Euro loan is x%. You lend in the same currency to the Italian government and the interest rate is x+%

    That is a design problem and will inevitably trash the Euro in a year or so.

  61. “在没有经济自由的情况下可以保留政治自由,反之亦然,这种想法是一种幻觉。 政治自由是经济自由的必然结果………………如果个人不能在市场上自由买卖,他们就会变成虚拟的奴隶,依赖于无所不能的政府的恩惠,无论宪法的措辞如何或许。”

    路德维希·冯·米塞斯“反资本主义心态”: https://mises.org/files/anti-capitalistic-mentalitypdf-0

    “认为计划和自由企业可以调和是一种错觉。 这两种方法之间不可能有任何妥协。 在各种企业可以自由决定生产什么以及如何生产的地方,就有了资本主义。 另一方面,在政府当局指挥的地方,就有社会主义计划。

    来自:“全能政府——全面国家和全面战争的兴起”。 路德维希·冯·米塞斯


    • 同意: Agent76
    • 回复: @obwandiyag
  62. Anonymous[406]• 免责声明 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Unmerited privilege and advancement of women, queers, and minorities in the US and EU are relegating both unnoticed to the dust bin of history. For example, nineteen more qualified white male applicants to medical school are bypassed to fill female quotas, and the same misallocation of education resources would probably be doubly so in the hard sciences. On his retirement twenty years ago, a former professor at Annapolis said the blacks and Hispanics being admitted weren’t capable of complex conceptual thought and yet unmerited advancement would place them in the Navy’s most critical jobs. It goes on across all fields.

    A study done in England led a feminist psychologist showed that women are demonstrably less capable of flying complex jets than men and yet on the present trajectory we’d be lucky to see more than a few men in the cockpit. Graduates of medical schools in India are allowed to take the physician’s licensing exam in all 50 states despite half of many programs in India being spent in language and test prep, and where, according to an association of Indian med school professors, parents can buy their sons and daughters not only admission but also good grades.

    It also goes unnoticed that men have been so emasculated in the US and EU that they allow women on TV to author their worldview and opinion. The emasculo-feminist icing on the cake might be college educated white women giving the Dems’ homicidally ant-white coalition the edge in elections and so guaranteeing their own children will eventually be persecuted like criminals in their own country.

  63. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Fhürerin Merkel failed the IV Euroreich , like Fhürer Adolf the III Reich , at least in the IV Euroreich there has been shooting wars only in Yugoslavia , Ukraina and Georgia

    Those germans ……

    • 回复: @Wally
  64. Guillaume Durocher 说:“欧洲正在反对自由贸易”


    什么都没有改变,欧洲国家至少从 20 世纪初就一直反对自由贸易。



    “问候” onebornfree

  65. Agent76 说:

    November 10, 2008 Corporations versus the Market; or, Whip Conflation Now by Roderick T. Long

    this month’s lead essay, philosopher and libertarian theorist Roderick T. Long draws a sharp contrast between corporatism and libertarianism properly understood.



    一种新的法西斯主义接管了美国:公司与政府合并,从而由公司权力主导。 随着越来越多的跨国公司的出现(由于美联储无休止的FIAT资金的推动而使合并),法团已经可以真正收购美国国会。

    May 7, 2012 TPP = Corporate Power Tool of the 1%

  66. Agent76 说:

    18 年 2019 月 0 日 亚马逊去年缴纳了 XNUMX 美元的联邦所得税



    14 年 2014 月 XNUMX 日自由贸易与公平贸易

    在此视频中,Peter Crawford 谈到了自由贸易和公平贸易之间的区别。 在回顾了利弊之后,克劳福德先生提出了美国经济可以带回就业和繁荣的解决方案。

    • 回复: @Antares
  67. Wally 说:

    “Actually, the EU was Hitler’s idea.”


    • 回复: @onebornfree
  68. Wally 说:

    Except NS Germany started no wars.

    约翰·威尔(John Wear) https://codoh.com/library/document/6807/?lang=en

    “如果没有Waffen-SS,到1944年,欧洲将完全被苏维埃占领。他们将比美国人早到达巴黎。 武装党卫队的英雄主义在莫斯科,切尔科夫,切尔卡瑟和塔尔诺波尔阻止了苏联的统治。 苏联人损失了超过12个月的时间。 如果没有党卫军的抵抗,苏联人本来应该在艾森豪威尔之前在诺曼底。 人民对献出生命的年轻人表示深深的谢意。[15]”

    为什么德国入侵波兰,作者:约翰·威尔(John Wear): http://inconvenienthistory.com/11/1/6391
    Roosevelt Helped Start World War II in Europe: https://www.unz.com/article/roosevelt-conspired-to-start-world-war-ii-in-europe/
    新文件显示:罗斯福与斯大林勾结: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11013&p=83910&hilit=Roosevelt+colluded+with+Stalin#p83910

    • 回复: @Anon
  69. @Wally

    沃利说: “如果他们听了他的话,共产党就不会占领欧洲的大部分地区。”

    “……事实上,希特勒参与了极左翼政治运动和革命,在慕尼黑代表德国共产党工作时戴着红袖章。 事实上,在共产党人于 6 年 1919 月 XNUMX 日宣布巴伐利亚苏维埃共和国成立后的第二天,希特勒寻求并赢得了共产党政府的民选职位。 坦率地说,即使是在类似于列宁式恐怖统治的时期,希特勒也参与了共产主义政权……”


    “…….毫无疑问,在意识形态上、经济上和政治上,卡尔·马克思和阿道夫·希特勒几乎没有区别。 像父子一样,他们是两个社会正义的战士,决心为了更大的利益将不容忍、社会主义、种族主义和民族主义武器化。 在很大程度上,马克思和希特勒既是兄弟般的同志又是好斗的兄弟姐妹,完全符合相似的政治形象。 他们是同一枚硬币的两面……”:



    • 同意: Agent76
    • 回复: @Eugene Norman
  70. Amon 说:

    Brexit is a joke that’s overstayed its welcome.

    What is the use of leaving the EU when the destructive immigration policy is a product of the British government itself?

    What is the use of leaving the EU when the outcome is submissions to murican and jewish trade agreements that will plunder the British kingdom blind?

  71. 令人恐惧的是,顶部照片中的欧盟委员会看起来像美国委员会的“民主社会主义者”伊丽莎白沃伦,也被称为“骗子-watha”。 我敢肯定,除了长相之外,他们还有很多共同点。


    • 哈哈: Agent76
  72. Agent76 说:

    Oct 26, 2019 The Biggest Sellouts to China

    American companies love to sellout to China. But some people stand up. On the first edition of Sellout or No Sellout, we take a look at League of Legends, NBA ,Blizzard, Tim Cook, Quentin Tarantino, Magic the Gathering, and Shaquille O’Neal. And the Hong Kong protests are at the core of pretty much all of it. Which ones sold out? And which ones didn’t?

  73. Antares 说:


  74. Skeptikal 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    “Marine Le Pen’s new friend here may wish to bone up on American history before making such bone-headed pronouncements. It was, after all, the protectionism of the 19th century that enabled America to overtake Britain in the early 20th century.”

    Uh, that is exactly what Marine Le Pen’s friend said.
    Read the quote again, er, Bonehead!

  75. obwandiyag 说:

    Economic “freedom” just means the rich get to be perfectly free to fuck over the poor any old way they want to without let or hindrance.

    Anybody who uses the word “freedom” in relation to markets is a liar and a shill. Either that or an idiot.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
    , @Reg Cæsar
  76. Amon 说:

    Well, that’s how it was solved in my nation. Highest tax rate in the world = lowest poverty, homelessness, under educated,and debt ridden nation on earth with access to 23/7 health care that don’t require a bank loan or third mortgage to be paid off.

    But hey, you keep your free enterprise colleges with their pipeline to poverty through fraudulent bank loans, shitty college degrees in gender, women and native american rain dance classes, same goes for your “pay or die” health care system which also works hand in hand with banks to ensure you are fleeced of all of your funds through usury. Not to forget their depiction of curing you when they actually want you to remain sick for long as possible so they can keep charging you for useless treatments and medicines.

    You might also want to take a look at that poverty and homeless crisis since it seems to be rampant in places where the free market has driven housing prices up so high even the middle class can’t afford them, but oh, that is the free market price the 99 percent must put up with in a free market place right.

    Libertarians like you truly is the dumbest breed of humans.

    • 同意: annamaria
  77. Alden 说:

    Maybe because Americans can do absolutely nothing to influence Brexit one way or another?

    Plus, it’s none of our business?

  78. Alden 说:



    • 同意: Lot
  79. Amon 说:

    The USA have played the European nations against each other for 80 years now. Endlessly meddling in elections to ensure the ever expanding globohomo agenda would triumph over sound logic.

    The means have been covertly funding domestic terrorists, bribing government officials and when that was not enough they organized soft coups and color revolutions. All of i to slowly but surely murder the European nations and their national cultures, languages and genetic codes in favor a submissive third world nation occupied by human trash willing to work as slaves for just one can of coca cola.

    All of this evil we are told, is not only to please the worshipers of Zion, but their own pagan beliefs in a mortal jewish god and the paradise promised to them for endless servitude to their devils that walk among us.

    Europe will not be free to seek it manifest destiny until America and its inbred barbaric subhumans are all dead and buried six feet under.

    • 回复: @TOITN
  80. renfro 说:

    I would love Europe to be a well-regulated, sovereign, and European space. Self-sufficient, open to fruitful economic and cultural exchanges of the world, but maintaining its identity and character in perpetuity. I can imagine Europe as a beautiful garden. Is that too much to ask?

    Well that is the ideal for every country isn’t it?
    The question is how do we get to that?

    Its a over complicated subject. ..on purpose.Because there is no profit in leveling the universal playing field.
    You cant achieve that ideal as long as you have economic refugees gravitating to more wealthy countries and profit driven entities rearranging global production.

  81. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Good song of the Franco troops of the spanish civil war , eh ? Cara al sol . much bettter then Lili Marlen .

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  82. So what is really happening in Europe? The answer is quite simple and that being Europe is totally dominated by Germany and Germany is totally dominated by it’s green party : Die Grünen, period.

    Which means that Germany has morphed into a “Greta” nation which is gauged and judged by it’s “Gutmenschentum” , by the loyality of it’s neurotic citizenry to the concept of protecting the climate from the evil capitalists and therefore the drive to eliminate it’s most important industrial factor : the automobile industry. The greens are steadily and relentlessly pushing towards the elimination of privately-owned automobiles, and the reduction of German industry to a bare minimum.

    The German greens hate business and commerce with a violent passion and they, being totally crazy are not concerned with the outcome of their concepts, thusly with the introduction of their own “Morgantau” paln.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” 自 1973 年起获得资格,是空降训练的美国陆军兽医和职业爵士乐表演者。

    PS DTS is more prevalent and rampant in Germany than anywhere else on planet mirth.

  83. Skeptikal 说:

    “The only problem with your explanation is that the idea for the pipe line is from 1995. ”

    Nord Stream 2?
    Nord Stream 1 was first discussed ca. 1995-97.
    Nord Stream 2 was proposed ca. 2011.

  84. HEREDOT 说:

    可怕的日子等待着德国。 盎格鲁犹太复国主义帝国不能接受北流。 不稳定,混乱等待 isis 德国。 德意志银行50万亿美元的有毒衍生品是德国和欧洲的噩梦!

  85. in economic history never has a country caught up in a given sector except by protecting it behind demanding tariff and non-tariff barriers.

    Sometimes it occurs to me that it might be really good for all of us if the EU were to throw amazon, microsoft, apple, google, and facebook out.

    Impossible obviously but the Chinese seem to do OK without kissing FAGMA ass.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  86. @obwandiyag

    obwandiyag说: “经济“自由”只是意味着富人可以完全自由地以他们想要的任何旧方式操弄穷人,不受阻碍或阻碍。 任何在市场上使用“自由”一词的人都是骗子和骗子。 要么是那个,要么是白痴。”

    任何认真相信他们的政府对穷人漠不关心的人要么是一个完全智障、未满 14 岁 [太年轻,不知道更好] 或某种低级、妄想、盗窃的官僚/政府雇员,或者其他。

    “如果人们理解社会主义不是“分享财富”计划,而是实际上是巩固和控制财富的一种方法,那么超级富翁提倡社会主义的看似悖论根本就不会成为悖论。 相反,它变得合乎逻辑,甚至是寻求权力的完美工具。 共产主义,或者更确切地说是社会主义,不是被压倒群众的运动,而是经济精英的运动。” 来自:“没人敢称之为阴谋”-加里·艾伦

    “问候” onebornfree

  87. Skeptikal 说:
    @Morton's toes

    China has its own FAGMA, just different names.
    Controlled by Beijing.
    See article in the current London Review of Books by John Lanchester:

    Currently not behind a pay wall.

  88. TOITN 说:

    It’s funny how Uncle Sam is the one who starts all the wars yet it’s the EU that gets the Lions share of all the refugees fleeing the wars and conflicts and what have you.

    I’ve always admired the ‘European way’ but I dont know why they choose this path to remain ally’s with the USA. Now the EU is is slowly but surely stratifying because of the EU’s undying allegiance to the USA.
    It’s make or break time for the EU but yeah I share your sentiments those people are some accursed wretched folk, the majority anyway save but a handful.

    • 回复: @Antares
    , @Amon
    , @German American
  89. HEREDOT 说:

    英国是最卑鄙的国家,是我们今天面临的这些问题的主要设计师。 你反对什么? 英格兰的毁灭、毁灭是人类的救赎。 英国人恶心

    • 同意: Ilyana_Rozumova
  90. @A123



  91. @Anon

    Lili Marlen should be a song of US troops . Particularly those in Afghanistan,
    Interestingly enough Hitler (the idiot ) did love the song, Goebbels hated it.
    Story goes that composer and lyrics writer were Jews.
    But than I do not think that it really influenced the moral of German soldier.
    Song came out after Kurks battle when German army was already in panic retreat anyway.
    The way things are developing for US army in Middle East the song will be revived with English lyrics.

  92. Reg Cæsar 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Figures as diverse as Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln all supported putting tariffs on foreign imports as part of a larger industrial policy.

    Southerners had– and still have– some rather choice words about those men and those taxes.

    Admittedly, there’s more to economic development that just tariffs; but the latter are still a necessary condition for the former.

    Wouldn’t embargoes work better? The U.S. once had a pretty stiff one against China for years.

    In the 1970s there was a big argument in the US over whether to get our chrome from Rhodesia or the Soviet Union. One or the other was hated by everybody, and there were no other sources.

    No one dared suggest blocking chrome imports from countries, and coming up with a domestic chrome substitute, or simply recycling all that chrome wasted on vehicle ornamentation over the years.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  93. @Reg Cæsar

    There is no substitute for chrome. That is a fact, No chrome no stainless steel.

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
  94. Reg Cæsar 说:

    the far larger U.S. market.

    The reason for “the far larger U.S. market” is the constitutional strictures on states applying tariffs and embargoes against one another. The EU was a mad attempt to imitate this. Is the EU ready to drop this internal free trade, and allow Luxembourg to levy tariffs on rum from French Guiana and Bourbon vanilla from Réunion?

    The difficulty with tariffs is that some bureaucrat or congress has to be authorized to set a figure. 10%? 110%? 1010%?

    An embargo is much simpler. All it requires are customs agents and a coast guard, who are already on the job.

  95. sally 说:

    自由贸易消除了竞争,允许公司和其他团体组织犯罪活动并积累财富和权力,从而可以控制所在国的立法和战争机器; 任何有价值的东西最终都会被吸进怀里,所有权并置于极少数人的控制之下。 版权、专利、私有财产所有权、私有化资产和政府合同都代表了封闭的封建元素,强加于社会垄断的群众权力; 这些垄断权力为少数人所有。 企业封建社会是全球化的结果,通常企业规模大于拥有它们的国家。

    在这样的社会中,少数人相互竞争,使少数人的群体越来越小,而饿死的群众却越来越大。 每个人都不是少数人,每个人都没有有价值的专利、版权、可产生大量收入的房地产、政府合同和国家支持的特许经营权(电力公司),除非他们很幸运,否则他们将成为被迫在街头挨饿的奴隶足以在正确的时间接受正确的教育,这使他们对某个封建领主有用。

    它的民族国家体系..因为那个体系很像欧盟,只是欧盟是世界范围内巨大骗局的一个较小版本,它将人类分为信息控制、规则限制、宣传反对和两极分化的人类容器,称为民族国家。 我们需要整个世界来竞争,而不是为了谁可以生或死,而是为了我们将如何利用我们的技能做出贡献并使每个人成为更美好的全球社会的一部分。 民族国家体系或其较小版本的欧盟阻碍了人类进步。

    Bexit 是自切片面包以来最好的事情。退出可能会导致几年令人讨厌的事情,但最终它会让英国人民再次在现实世界中竞争。

  96. Reg Cæsar 说:

    There is no substitute for chrome. That is a fact, No chrome no stainless steel.


  97. Reg Cæsar 说:

    Economic “freedom” just means the rich get to be perfectly free to fuck over the poor any old way they want to without let or hindrance.

    Like hiring immigrants.

  98. Antares 说:


    我们从未选择。 如果他们不喜欢我们的政客,他们就会被枪杀。 就是这么简单。 大多数时候他们不需要这种措施。 有很多方法可以勒索一个国家。

    在我的国家,一个军人(我从不看军衔)会告诉我们,在选择 F-35 之后,你会看到一个美国人与他谈了 30 分钟。 想象一个十几岁的女孩被允许与她的偶像交谈。 30分钟!


  99. Antares 说:

    其实我相信是 45 分钟,但你懂的。

  100. Michael888 说:


    • 回复: @annamaria
  101. Amon 说:


    We didn’t chose, it was chosen for us. Post WWII the winners carved up Europe like a pizza that damned hundreds of millions to suffer under either Juden Bolshevik terror regimes or in the case of western European nations, neo liberal economic policies implemented by US/UK dominance that destroyed the nations of Europe’s ability to build strong independent economies.

    Part of the plan for this was the infiltration and destruction of nationalists or right leaning parties across Europe by the combined forces of the CIA and MI organisations through the use of controlled left wing organisations like Antifa or right wing terror cells set up by NATO.

    Economically, the nations were held hostage by the world bank and US banking cartel after the US decided to steal all of Europe’s gold to prevent any of them from leaving the US dominated international trade system post WWII. Even to this day no nation in Europe can access their gold and all attempts to reclaim it is met with harsh condemnation from the US as it would mean an end to the US fiat dollar system.

    Europe will only be free once America leaves.

  102. @TOITN

    你知道这很有趣,但在德国,你几乎可以通过过去 40 年的美国/以色列政策来追踪德国的外国人问题。您只需要知道国籍、年龄、时间和国家,如果您了解最近的中东历史,您就可以很好地了解正在发生的事情。


  103. annamaria 说:

    “Natural gas (methane) is bubbling up all over the arctic and need only be harvested to provide a long-term, inexpensive solution to energy needs…”
    - 同意。

  104. @onebornfree


    至于自由贸易。 19世纪,美国在保护主义高墙后面成为地球上最大的强国。它正在因自由贸易而分崩离析,追随英国的轨迹——曾经的世界工厂现在乞求日本在英国脱欧后继续投资,这样他们仍然可以说自己生产汽车。亚洲人正在像黑帮破坏者(中国)一样发展,或者在保护自己的工业、补贴工业龙头企业的同时维持其工业基础(其他国家),或者——就中国而言——政府对许多较大资本公司的所有权。对于卢·洛克威尔、米塞斯甚至经济学家的读者来说,这是一个难以忽视的事实。你的意识形态已经破灭了,但你宁愿死在超级资本主义美国的后世界末日铁锈地带,也不愿面对真相,因为你生而自由。没有体面的工资,没有医疗保健,没有像样的道路或高速火车,没有完好无损的基础设施。但免费。


    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @Miro23
  105. Miro23 说:
    @Eugene Norman

    至于自由贸易。 19世纪,美国在保护主义高墙后面成为地球上最大的强国。它正在因自由贸易而分崩离析,追随英国的轨迹——曾经的世界工厂现在乞求日本在英国脱欧后继续投资,这样他们仍然可以说自己生产汽车。

    When you’re the world’s leading industrial power such as Great Britain in 1850 or the United States in 1950, free trade makes a lot of sense. In simple terms , it opens up other people’s markets and allows your manufacturers to knock out theirs.

    However if you’re not the world’s leading industrial power, free trade is a threat to your industrial base and protectionism is the answer.

    So, when Great Britain started to lose out to more efficient German and US manufacturers by the 1880’s they should have shut down free trade – same as the US should have done by 1980 when it was clear that they were losing out to Asian manufacturers.



    • 回复: @utu
  106. utu 说:

    The fatal mistake, especially made by the US, was to give in to US corporations (the neoliberal framework) who wanted to continue capturing the massive profits of manufacturing in Asia and selling in the US.

    It is difficult to believe that this was just a mistake, shortsightedness, inability to predict the long term consequences. The same Wall Street built up Soviet industries in 1920s and 1930s and it does not seem that they were expecting to get massive profits from selling Soviet manufacturing goods in the US. So, why did they do it? Why did they decide to build up China sometimes in 1970-1980s by transfer of technology, investments and opening market for them?

    • 回复: @Miro23
  107. Miro23 说:

    The fatal mistake, especially made by the US, was to give in to US corporations (the neoliberal framework) who wanted to continue capturing the massive profits of manufacturing in Asia and selling in the US.

    It is difficult to believe that this was just a mistake, shortsightedness, inability to predict the long term consequences.

    It’s a mistake from the POV of the US public, but since when have they mattered? IMO the US has always had too much involvement of business in politics. It’s a long tradition, but at least, in the past, corrupt politicians shuffled the money around within the United States. With the internet, digitalization and global supply chains these same corrupt politicians could cooperate in sending US money (and manufacturing) off to China (never to return).

    I don’t think that they’re trying to build up Russia or China. They’re just in it for personal gain “Greed is Good”.



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