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马德琳·奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Albright)不喜欢的一切都是法西斯主义

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当一个人的直觉得到证实时,总是令人欣慰的。我有这样的印象,拿起玛德琳·奥尔布赖特的书 法西斯主义:警告,我会受到“法西斯主义是坏的。我不喜欢的一切都是法西斯主义!”这位前国务卿是一位来自捷克斯洛伐克的犹太自由主义者,他没有让人失望。

这本书本质上是奥尔布赖特认为是“法西斯主义”的各种运动和领导人的一组肖像(禁忌 即使没有提到墨索里尼的国家法西斯党)和/或模糊的法西斯主义,她也会大写。

奥尔布赖特很早就警告说,人们使用“法西斯主义”作为一个包罗万象的贬义词,来形容几乎任何人们不喜欢的权力行使。她对法西斯主义提出了一个比较合理的定义,然后继续做她所警告反对的事情,不仅涵盖了墨索里尼和希特勒,还涵盖了弗拉基米尔·普京、维克托·欧尔班和 共产主义捷克斯洛伐克 在她的法西斯肖像中。


然而,将所有这些归结为“准法西斯”这个宽泛的标题只有在品牌方面才有意义。自第二次世界大战以来,人们被教导将独裁主义、法西斯主义、“纳粹主义”、民族主义、种族主义和优生学视为最大的罪恶。事实上,这些事情是完全不同的(民主国家系统地实行优生学和种族主义,而法西斯意大利在采取此类政策方面却相当缓慢)。这些东西在人们的心目中却并没有真正区分出来,而是形成了一种丑恶的形象。 花香 虐待狂欺凌[1]奥尔布赖特甚至引用奥威尔的话说,法西斯主义只不过是“欺凌”。 和毫无意义的痛苦,基本上是希罗尼穆斯·博斯的画作栩栩如生,体现了​​他们作为人类最深的恐惧。从情感上来说,它非常强大,奥尔布赖特想要误导性地将她的所有对手贴上(准)法西斯主义者的标签是可以理解的。



也没有太多提及中国和新加坡这两个资本主义一党制国家[2]我知道新加坡名义上允许一些小党存在,但权力是由人民行动党掌握的。 实际上,美国国家比她的任何候选人都更接近历史上的法西斯主义。也许她忽视了它们,以便人们不明白法西斯政府实际上可以非常有能力和热心公益,并且不一定会导致持续的战争。

引人注目的是,“内塔尼亚胡”一词根本没有出现在该书的索引中。存在一个 民主的 民族主义国家违背了她的整个叙述。无论如何,我怀疑欧洲民族主义政党和另类右翼中的大多数人如果能拥有自己的内塔尼亚胡,建立致力于自己人民的西方民族国家,并明确目标,他们会很乐意维护民主。保留或恢复欧洲人口的绝对多数。

这种选择性将让人产生这样的印象:国务院谈论“人权”与其说是为了维护普遍道德原则,不如说是为了妖魔化美国的地缘政治对手 大谈特谈。美国建制派并不像俄罗斯那样欺凌中国,尽管它显然更加专制。我怀疑这是因为中国已经太大而无法欺负,而俄罗斯仍然可以被摆布并成为一个有用的怪物(对军工联合体、国家安全国家以及所有需要替罪羊的建制派总是有用的)民粹主义的兴起)。在这一点上,我怀疑当今大多数外交冲突与“现实主义”国际权力动态的关系不大,而与外国敌人对国内政府的效用有关。


与此同时,我只想问: “罗马人为我们做过什么?”


  • 在半民主的委内瑞拉还是独裁的古巴?
  • 在民主的印度还是专制的中国?
  • 在阿塔图尔克的世俗独裁统治还是埃尔多安的伊斯兰民主统治下?
  • 在独裁的南斯拉夫还是民主的波斯尼亚?
  • 在民主的牙买加还是独裁的新加坡?


我不会对这本书的片面观点、有时有问题的断言以及美国外交政策中典型的各种虚伪行为提出异议(关于这些,请参阅 莫里斯·V·德·坎普(Morris V. de Camp)关于逆流的书评已经发表)。我宁愿正面看待这个话题:法西斯主义的优点和缺点,我认为这是一个有趣的话题。

奥尔布赖特这本书最大的、真正不可原谅的思想弱点在于懒惰地将各种非自由民主政权(无非是自由派不同意的民主政权)与法西斯政权等同或联系起来。它无法认识到这一点 民主导致民粹主义。如果你有民主——真正的言论自由,而不是战后美国几代人所习惯的财主和主流媒体的独裁——你就会得到特朗普、博尔索纳罗斯、科尔宾和埃尔多安。这种混乱是真正民主的特征,而不是缺陷。

在我看来,非自由民主国家的政府也表现得很好 更糟糕的是 因为他们必须担心连任。与独裁政权不同,这些政府是不安全的,如果他们输掉一场选举,他们就有失去一切的风险。因此,在我看来,他们比一般的独裁政权更加反复无常,更喜欢(通常是破坏性的)奇观和煽动性措施。 (再次:将古巴的和平与秩序与委内瑞拉的暴力与混乱进行比较。)


比利时法西斯 莱昂·德格雷尔加入武装党卫军 因为他希望欧洲成为一个强大的帝国,而不是一个光荣的超市。

在独裁统治下,消除政治和意识形态的多元化意味着国家可以享有政治稳定。顺便说一句,这是 关键 在南斯拉夫或伊拉克等多民族国家,独裁政权的垮台和民主化导致了残酷的民族宗教内战。作为 李光耀我最喜欢的针对当今西方盛行的政治幼稚行为的解药,在谈到新加坡这个多种族国家时说:“我们必须未经审判就关押人们,无论他们是共产主义者、语言沙文主义者还是宗教极端主义者。如果你不这样做,今天的国家就会变成废墟!”没有什么比在伊拉克、利比亚和叙利亚推行“民主”更具有杀伤力的了,这一政策并非巧合地摧毁了以色列的几个地缘政治对手。


缺乏选举意味着政治领导人无需每隔几年就迎合 51% 的人。统治者可以采取有远见和可持续的政策,而不必担心选举变化或不受欢迎(欧盟在宏观经济方面遵循这条反民主的论点路线,它试图在这个领域完全消除民选政客的影响力,所以以确保只做出“负责任的”预算和货币决策)。政府还可以推广一套统一的价值观,就法西斯主义而言,这往往是这样的 国家权力、独立和个人对社会的自我牺牲 ——但原则上这些可以是任何事物,例如平等、优生学或生态学。




简而言之,法西斯主义是一个国家 努力,根据设定的目标(例如,生育更多婴儿、训练一支强大的军队、减少对外国进口的依赖……)。民主就是追求安逸。生态法西斯主义或许可以阻止气候变化。


就我个人而言,我认为古代共和主义理论明显优于现代理论(我几乎看不懂洛克和卢梭)。我是亚里士多德主义者:我赞成任何促进社区和物种集体繁荣的事物。例如:我支持个人权利 当且仅当 它促进共同利益。把你的头绕过去。

我不能说,如果法西斯意大利在第二次世界大战中除了其他盟国之外获胜或保持中立,它会如何演变。让我们假设一条中间路线:意大利将维持其殖民帝国更长时间,它可能会保持更高的出生率,它会更加努力地保持经济独立(并且有一些手段,通过帝国,这样做,特别是在石油方面),并且通常会成为一个比消极腐败的意大利共和国更加独立和强大的国家,除了被国际金融家榨取高利贷利率、一个美化的博物馆和假日之外,一无是处。采取。通过比较,看看古巴与一般拉丁美洲国家相比是多么和平、健康和独立——甚至在 25,000 年代还派出 1970 名士兵前往安哥拉对抗种族隔离。现在想象一下,那只是一个拥有 75 万人口的法西斯战后意大利。

法西斯主义当然不能解决所有问题。 20年的法西斯主义也没能把意大利变成一个战士国家,而德国7年就足够了。此外,毫无疑问, 美国独特的个人主义共和主义一直是国家力量的重要源泉.




鉴于法西斯主义在二十世纪历史上的重要性,人们有责任看看法西斯主义者自己对他们的价值观有什么看法:墨索里尼的 法西斯主义 (与哲学家乔瓦尼·詹蒂莱合着)是对政治原则的简洁而严肃的宣言。

战后的白人民族主义也是如此: 乔治·林肯·洛克威尔的话怎么说 让你感觉?

从长远来看,欧洲的民主化与欧洲大陆的崩溃几乎完美地同时发生。 1914 年,欧洲人和欧洲人后裔 — — 这些人一心一意地创造了现代文明 — — 几乎统治了整个地球,占世界人口的三分之一。民主取得胜利不到 150 年,这些人不仅会失去他们的全球帝国,而且还将 甚至失去对自己国家的控制,成为北美、澳大利亚,甚至他们在西欧历史悠久的千年家园的少数群体。他们将减少到世界人口的不到 5%,并且很可能会像黎巴嫩的基督徒或科索沃的塞族人一样受到围困。当然,我们值得为此获得宇宙达尔文奖。



自由民主意味着多数人统治。 。 。除非自由主义者强烈反对大多数人的意见(那么,他们认为,该行动应该是违宪的和/或媒体政治阶层有庄严的责任来结束这个问题)。事实上,所有政权,包括“民主”政权,都有官方或非官方的柏拉图式守护者来执行某些价值观和思想。问题不在于某些东西是否“民主”,而在于守护者所倡导的价值观和思想是否真实。



我认为这是根本问题:奥尔布赖特担心一群有组织的人与一位有魅力的领导人有着强烈的情感联系,而这位领导人实际上可能会撼动整个体系。这让我想起了那位被冒犯的犹太记者,因为 法国总统弗朗索瓦·密特朗 他似乎更关心在第一次世界大战中丧生的数百万法国人,而不是在第一次世界大战中丧生的数百万犹太人同胞。 浩劫:“在这些运动中,[密特朗]再次成为我不太喜欢的高卢酋长。”

不,先生,他们不喜欢欧洲酋长带领热情的追随者。这可能会导致一场大屠杀。 。 。或者更糟。当然,目前的情况极其扭曲和不公正。 常春藤盟校(特别参见图表)是, 民主党,以及大部分 精英和视听媒体 可能会被关闭。我们可以问奥尔布赖特的恐惧是否反映了普遍道德——正如她所声称的那样——或者仅仅是捍卫一个人的种族利益和特权的自然愿望。

奥尔布赖特对西方公民民族主义每一次不温不火的表现的危言耸听,以及她对犹太民族主义的随意忽视——这些民族主义的资金由美国纳税人承担,并推动了美国在中东的外交政策的大部分凶残疯狂,包括在她担任国务卿期间——是可悲的是,这是许多美国自由派犹太人的典型虚伪行为。有影响力的犹太团体,如美国的 ADL 和 法国CRIF 一直在西方推动移民和多元文化主义,同时要求支持以色列作为犹太民族国家。人们对这种虚伪的认识不断增强,导致当今西方反犹太情绪的高涨。许多自由主义者和/或犹太人根本无法理解这种情况正在发生。但它是。


[1] 奥尔布赖特甚至引用奥威尔的话说,法西斯主义只不过是“欺凌”。

[2] 我知道新加坡名义上允许一些小党存在,但权力是由人民行动党掌握的。

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 美国媒体, 法西斯主义 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 奥尔布赖特在她的书中一开始就说:

    我的学生们 评论说我们记忆最深刻的法西斯首领很有魅力

    Marked in bold is the most terrifying thing about Albright’s book and I am not even going to read her pseudo-intellectual excrement. The fact that obviously deranged fanatic hack has students is a testimony to a sewer level of the US “elite-producing” machine and a pathetic sight contemporary US “elite” represents. This is apart from the fact that “political science” is not a science but pseudo-academic field for losers who do not want to study real history or take courses which actually develop intellect and provide fundamental knowledge.

  2. Bournite 说:

    Albright’s relationship to fascism was broadly advertised for about 10 years. From 1999 until Obama’s first midterm a photo of Albright and Hosni Mubarak in a warm embrace circulated on the internet. It’s caption unironically feature “celebrating freedom to the Balkans” circa post Serbian bombing campaign. Freedom along the Nile never came up on the, apparently, defunct website. Just before the “Arab Spring” the photo disappeared from the internet. Here’s what a google search turns up:
    Showing results for madeleine albright Hosni mubarak image “celebrating freedom to the Balkans”
    Search instead for madelin albright Hosni mubarak image “celebrating freedom to the Balkans”


    Your search – madeleine albright Hosni mubarak image “celebrating freedom to the Balkans” – did not match any image results.


    Try fewer keywords.

    It seems google has a memory hole…

    • 回复: @Per/Norway
    , @Sparkon
    , @Alfred
  3. Anonymous [AKA "Simplissisimus"] 说:

    Who cares what this murderous psychopathic harpy “thinks”? Martyanov has nailed her filthy character perfectly.

  4. Wouldn’t you consider a woman unbelievably comfortable with using sanctions to snuff a half-million Iraqi children to achieve US policy objectives to be the poster-child of a facist regime?

  5. syd.bgd 说:

    Man, you’re wasting your time on that war criminal’s crap. She’s not even worth a shoe, the one the dummy similar to her got in Baghdad.
    You’ve published it, I guess, as “easy as cake” piece while working on something that deserves your attention and skills. Writers, and you’re good one, do that sometimes, no offense.
    Greetings from Serbia.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  6. Mike P 说:

    An eco-fascism probably could have prevented climate change.

    “Climate change,” or more precisely “dangerous man-made global warming,” does not exist – it is fictitious, nothing but globalist propaganda. Any writer who has not yet cottoned on that elementary observation would do well to stop “educating” others for a while and educate himself instead.

    • 回复: @Tom Welsh
  7. Taras77 说:



    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  8. Sean 说:

    Fascism, in short, is a nation making an effort, according to whatever goals have been set (e.g. having more babies, training a powerful army, reducing dependence on foreign imports . . .). Democracy is the pursuit of comfiness.

    Yes I think that is quite good, but with the important proviso that calling fascism such is only done to countries we are not allied with. Central American death squad democracy recipients of massive US aid were not called fascist by American diplomats ect . Friend or foe is the key distiction.


    A fascist statement if ever there was one and probably stolen from Spengler’s slogan about demanding duties not rights.

    Democracy is the pursuit of comfiness

    Yes, Albright’s idea of a democratic leader in a rival country would be Yeltsin. She called him sharp and at the top of his game in 1997; in truth he was in the grip of severe alcoholism. Had he been replaced with a someone as tractable as himself there is every possibility Russia would have bounced back in a far more dangerous way than Putin.

    431 BC
    战争十六年 - 梅利亚会议 - 梅洛斯的命运

    对于我们所相信的神和我们所知道的人,他们根据其本性的必然法则统治着他们所能统治的任何地方。 这并不是说我们是第一个制定这条法律的人,或者在制定法律时就按照它采取行动:我们发现它存在于我们之前,并将让它永远存在于我们之后; 我们所做的只是利用它,因为我们知道您和其他人拥有与我们一样的权力,也会像我们一样做同样的事情。 所以,对于诸神而言,我们无所畏惧,也没有理由害怕自己处于劣势。

    • 同意: Guillaume Durocher
  9. Anon[103]• 免责声明 说:

    I guess the 500,000 Iraqi kids she killed were ‘fascist’. She sure didn’t like them.

  10. Cyrano 说:

    Generally speaking, I don’t consider myself an anti-Semite, but as tribute to this vomit of a human being I am willing to reconsider applying for membership in the club.

    Few years ago, while she was signing one of her stupid books in Prague, she was caught ranting about the “disgusting” Serbs. That video has been removed from You Tube – the exact moment where she calls the Serbs “disgusting”. Because, as we all know, democracies don’t produce racists – which is what it amounts to when you call an entire nation “disgusting”.

    Furthermore, there is no way that a Jew could be racist, because thanks to the holocaust, they have been vaccinated against the possibility of even being considered for outstanding achievements in racism.

    Anyhow, in that video, someone accused her of war crimes against the Serbs, to which she replied with the above mentioned phrase about the general appeal that the Serbs have on her.

    As it turned out, the guys who called her a war criminal weren’t even Serbs – they were Czechs, Minor detail, as far as that garbage of former secretary of state is concerned. Czechs, Serbs – what’s the big difference, they are all untermensch compared to the chosen ones.

  11. g2k 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Yes, any young stem researcher being bounced around from postdoc to postdoc, ought to be pretty pissed off at this.

  12. Per/Norway 说:

    duckduckgo seems to have the same memory hole as do qwant and other search engines.. All i could find was this link http://www.strike-the-root.com/whose-side-is-history-on when i tried it on yandex.ru, the link in the story to the picture is a dead tho…

  13. Johann 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    直到性恶魔克林顿任命她为国务卿之前,这位女士才知道自己是犹太人。 当然,约翰·克里在竞选总统之前并没有意识到自己是犹太人。 当然,希拉里在竞选参议员时声称她在自己的血统中发现了一些犹太血统。 这真正揭示了谁控制着帝国的权力和金钱。 我认错了,我刚刚犯下了仇恨罪。

    • 回复: @joeshittheragman
  14. Albright is a textbook fascist, a psychopath who proudly proclaimed that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children from U.S. sanctions were “worth it.”

    • 同意: eah
  15. “China and Singapore, two countries which as capitalist one-party[2] states actually are much closer to historic fascism than any of her candidates”.

    China is a Confucian state, pure and simple. Singapore, like Japan, has adopted elements of Confucian governance as it existed during the T’ang Dynasty.

    China is also highly democratic, as every survey demonstrates and as this article makes clear: https://www.unz.com/article/selling-democracy-to-china/.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  16. eah 说:

    ‘Orange Man 希特勒

    • 同意: Guillaume Durocher
    • 回复: @Sean
    , @Wally
    , @Alden
  17. El Dato 说:

    Robert Paxton had a good book trying to find the core ideas of “fascism”, “The Anatomy of Fascism”. Jimbo’s Info Emporium seems to have a summary, which sounds just about right:


    Anyway, what one definitely not wants are people like Reinhard Heydrich stalking the bureaucracy, fascism/populism or not. Such f*ckers are toxic. Authoritarian and rule-of-law-ignoring regimes are prone to let such people bubble to the top unopposed and then it’s all over.



    • 回复: @Sean
    , @Wally
    , @jilles dykstra
  18. Taras77 说:

    对我来说,以一种非常糟糕的方式绝对值得注意的是,这个垃圾在亚马逊上收到了 681 条评论,其中只有 21 条有一颗星,其余的则在 4.8 分(满分 5 分)的总体评分中。



    • 回复: @Barry Citroen
  19. Sean 说:

    While secretary of state Hillary actually compared Putin to Hitler.

  20. Sean 说:
    @El Dato

    The international system is very stable as long as all countries are locked in confrontation with rivals. It is when people like Yeltsin (virtually an American puppet inasmuch as he had Americans masterminding his political PR campaigns) start giving ground that the situation becomes fluid.

    Albright (and Nuland) had no idea what Russia as a normal nation state could be expected to put up with, because all they had to go on was Yelstyn who was drunk most days. So the US was slowly but surely drawn into the power vacuum in the territories the USSR withdrew from and Albright thought that was the way things were going to continue to be. The domestic situation in America was also one where the elite had things their own way to an unsustainable extent. What Albright does not like is the facts of life.

  21. nickels 说:

    The whole discussion is so asinine.
    Facism is not a form of government that can just be inserted or deleted.
    It is a very specific reaction to the communist takeover of a nation.
    At that point, other forms of government are no longer viable: totalitarianism of one kind of another becomes an absolute necessity to rule.
    We see western governments coming to this point-the moral law is lost, corruption reigns, and only pure force has currency.
    So at this point you only have one of two choices, there simply are no alternatives:
    communism or facism.
    And it is quite clear that facism is a more reasonable and less murderous choice.

  22. @Taras77


    Most “history” taught in the US (and combined West) is one or another iteration (sometimes extreme, sometimes less so) of US exceptionalism. Even American so called “realism” is built around exceptionalism. American military doctrines are written primarily on exceptionalist basis. Results are easily observable.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Sergey Krieger
  23. bjondo 说:

    500 000 iraqi children 在5之下 被杀。
    i/we were trying for a higher death number
    were limited by 5.


  24. Tyrion 2 说:

    Aristotle: as close to truth as any human on ethics and epistemology.

    Naturally, given the latter, he also made some stunning observations on humanity and the environment, especially given the limited resources available to him. (No internet, no huge libraries etc.)

    Oh yeah, and he created logic.

    • 同意: Guillaume Durocher
  25. Ahoy 说:

    @ Tyrion 2

    Your comment indicates an agile brain, a man of true intellect.

    It is sad that such valuable people are put aside by pseudo scientists in America today. We live in the era of the stupid.

  26. Mulegino1 说:

    Being influenced or led around by the nose by these nasty females such as Albright and Hillary is Ragnarok, the Apocalypse, Kali Yuga and all other generic end times rolled into one. No self-respecting straight male would ever subject himself to that crap. The only “future that is female” is the one that is destined to crash and burn.

    • 回复: @apollonian
  27. donut 说:

    Good post and the links were good too .

    • 同意: Cagey Beast
    • 回复: @Guillaume Durocher
  28. Anon[381]• 免责声明 说:

    I’m unsure that any significant group cares these days what ethnically hostile Jews like Madeline Albright have to say on any political manner let alone fascism (in the modern definition of Jews: literally any group behavior that approaches that of Jews).

    Their well-known hypocrisy and dishonesty has more than erased their credibility on the wider sociopolitical stage.

    I submit that we use this book and every other like it to demand and achieve a U.N. coordinated study, with bottomless funding, into the Jewish texts and faith to uncover every nuance of their belief system. We should then teach it to the world in an full-disclosure and religious-political education effort. I submit that it would also become a history education effort given the implications of what would likely be uncovered and taught.

    Although this would not be unusual for such a full-scope academic study to take place in regard to one religion, and it would be welcome by most religions, I strongly suspect the Jews would resist this effort with the full force of their power. Which would only make them look like they have something to hide. It would be an interesting experiment for a central and highly problematic group that demands special considerations, privileges, has a curiously central position in many large and devastating wars, and who resists any significant light being shone on the full body of their beliefs.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  29. MarkinPNW 说:
    @Fidelios Automata

    让我想起一位皈依基督教的古代犹太人,即使徒保罗在罗马书 2:1-3 中的话。

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  30. MarkinPNW 说:
    @Fidelios Automata


  31. anon[115]• 免责声明 说:

    the crypto-jew shows her face

    apparently killing 500k Iraqi children isn’t fascism because she loved that

  32. Biff 说:


    Having been to both Venezuela and Cuba it would be a toss up as to where I would want to live. Venezuela isn’t all the doom and gloom the U.S. media makes it out to be(considering it’s under attack), and while Cuba has much less violent crime they still have many different ways of getting into your pockets. Both places are fucked up, and I really do think that outside influences are mostly to blame.

    China over India
    Ataturk’s dictatorship
    Yugoslavia is a tough choice considering half my nutjob family is from there, but Bosnia is a no go zone.
    Singsing over shithole Jamaica is the easiest choice of them all.

  33. Wally 说:
    @El Dato

    “Anyway, what one definitely not wants are people like Reinhard Heydrich stalking the bureaucracy, fascism/populism or not. Such f*ckers are toxic”

    So tell us what was wrong with Heydrich?

    Or are you just trying to be au courant with fake history cinema?

  34. Wally 说:

    It’s all so ridiculous especially in lieu of the fact that Hitler did not do what it’s claimed he did.

    “我们常常幻想着对希特勒本人提出起诉。 并在该起诉书中加入主要指控:欧洲犹太人问题的最终解决方案,犹太人的人身an灭。 然后它突然降临在我们身上,我们该怎么办? 我们没有证据。”

    –所谓的“大屠杀历史学家”劳尔·希尔伯格(Raul Hilberg)

  35. Excellent truly excellent clearly written article. And truthful.
    Concerning Albright (Ulbricht) it is just a yellow Swan song.

  36. Alden 说:

    Why would anyone buy or read a book by Madeline Albright?

  37. Moe 说:

    奥尔布赖特喜欢的一切 is 法西斯主义。

  38. 今天的问题,自二战以来的今天,在我看来,第一次世界大战之后存在着广泛的修正主义,历史学家揭穿了第一次世界大战的宣传。它是如此有效,以至于美国从未批准凡尔赛和约,德国被指责为战争的罪魁祸首。




    老勒庞仅仅因为说德国的占领“相对温和”就得支付 30.000 欧元。几年前在巴黎发现的二战照片震惊了法国,人们看到一座城市的生活一如战前。



    732 年的普瓦捷战役被描述为基督教对穆斯林征服者的伟大胜利。



    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  39. @El Dato


    弗里茨·彼得·哈贝尔(Fritz Peter Habel),《死亡的德国人》,1992年,2002年,慕尼黑

    • 回复: @Eagle Eye
  40. Franz 说:

    Fine article on this future War Criminal Hall-of-Famer.’

    I must point out this: The military men she came in contact with were calling her “Mad Maddy” even before her infamous “we think it’s worth it” remark.

    But at least Maddy and Hillary have now proven Rudyard Kipling’s poem right: “More Dangerous than the Male” needed 21st century proof, and they supplied it.

  41. @Fidelios Automata


    • 回复: @Barry Citroen
  42. @Andrei Martyanov

    迈克尔·罗斯金 (Michael G. Roskin) 等。等人。 “政治学导论”,上萨德尔河,1974 年,1998 年

  43. 我认为法西斯主义的应用在这里有点太广泛了。


    However, it was to flourish in the aftermath of the Great War and the Bolshevik coup d’état, as a reaction to the shock of the war and the horrors the Bolsheviks unleashed (who also showed that a vanguardist takeover was possible).

    A key aspect of the difference with the European Old Right was the New Right’s emphasis on bringing forth a powerful and all-reaching state through the mass mobilisation of the people, rather than the aristocratic, aloof style of the past.

    Thus, not surprisingly, there was considerable cross-fertilisation with socialist ideas (National Syndicalism, francophone Neosocialism, Mussolini’s and other Italians’ socialist origins, the left tendency of the NSDAP and the “Beefsteak Nazis”, Oswald Mosley starting as a Labour MP, Nationaler Sozialismus etc.).*

    There were compromises with the Old Right. In Italy (Mussolini’s agreement to let the conservative aristocracy and landowners retain their privileges as part of attaining power and the Lateran Accords) while in Germany (the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor by Hindenburg, the Night of the Long Knives and the Reichskonkordat of 1933).



    在不太为人所知的德国,元首对德国王室和王公家族产生了怀疑,并于 1940 年禁止成员在国防军服役。在匈牙利,保守派海军上将米克洛斯·霍尔蒂 (Miklos Horthy) 于 1944 年被德国人废黜,当时形势正在逆转,取而代之的是法西斯箭十字党(霍尔蒂在战争期间禁止了该党)。在西班牙,佛朗哥将军逐渐将民粹主义法西斯长枪党(他们构成了蓝色师的很大一部分)边缘化,转而支持传统主义的卡洛斯党。


    *This merging of nationalism and socialism is what some academics refer to as ”fascist convergence”.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  44. Alden 说:

    Look at that hideous face. No matter what they do and how much money they spend, Jewish women age badly.

    • 回复: @druid55
  45. Alden 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov


    自从詹姆斯敦定居点以来,已经有 412 年了无情的种族灭绝、奴役和虐待 POC、妇女、犹太移民、屠杀动物、破坏环境、钻探石油、砍伐树木、开采煤炭、建设城市、为邪恶的白人非犹太人做事。

    阅读犹太人霍华德·齐姆在许多高中和大学广泛教授的美国历史。自 1607 年以来所做的一切都是坏事,没有什么是好事。

    自 1960 年以来美国历史教学发生了变化

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  46. @Johann


  47. padre 说:

    Just one look at her explains, why she is so bitter!God showed no mercy, when he created her!

  48. anon[173]• 免责声明 说:

    Fascism, in short, is a nation making an effort, according to whatever goals have been set (e.g. having more babies, training a powerful army, reducing dependence on foreign imports . . .

    It goes without saying that fascist and authoritarian countries in general pose a greater threat to U.S. hegemony than do democratic ones who value above all money-making, individual choice, and the pretense of equality, rather than the well-being and power of the community as a whole. MA.
    The 527 at the USA may be hegemonic, certainly they answer to hegemons, but Americans can’t spell hegemony.

    Emotionally it is very powerful and it is understandable that Albright would want to misleadingly brand all her opponents as (quasi-)Fascists.

    https://theintercept.com/2019/01/05/u-s-senates-first-bill-in-midst-of-shutdown-is-a-bipartisan-defense-of-the-israeli-government-from-boycotts/ thanks for this link

    @ nichols.
    yes, a popular rising in defense against a state governance, its entrenched well screened bureaucracies, and its educational system which produced the elites that occupied the bureaucracies, which had been, just as is now the case in the USA, infiltrated by Jewish educated wealth possessing elites. The German nation of Germans had been separated from and disenfranchised from the German political system just as has happened in America (the difference in philosophy and morality between Americans and those 527 elected, salaried slave drivers who populate the USA is night and day). The threat in Germany was Russian immigration as Stalin attacked the Lenin backed Bolshevik. German elites were using the Russian Jewish immigrants as a means to force Jewish governance on the German nationals and the Jewish controlled German government was forcing the German labor to move over and give the immigrants their jobs. (Jewish governance important to dealing Germany out of participating in the Zionist “take the oil” plan beginning in 1897 (first Zionist Congress, Basil, Switzerland). The plan to take the oil and gas in the middle east from the Ottomans. So Zionist were separating the Germans by race. the elites were of one race, the labor force of another.
    Not only were WWI and WWII fought to keep Germany out of the oil rich Ottoman Palestine. but inside of Germany, the government was used to mis direct the German nation. Two secret treaties evidence this at WWI:
    France and Russian 1896 and France , England and USA, 1897. encircled Germany in prep for WWI and the Nazi rise to power in WWII. I am very interested to learn where, if any, the holes in these statements might be. because more and more I am discovering the search engine and University libraries have off shelved the materials and website contents have been changed, so it is getting difficult to find evidence capable to document memory with facts when needed.

    • 同意: Zumbuddi
  49. @nickels

    It is a very specific reaction to the communist takeover of a nation.

    You kinda beat me to it. In the case of Germany, to the extent it was as fascist as advertised (propagandized), there were many reasons for it and as you point out, Commie pressure was a major reason for it.

    Other major pressures have been noted extensively but I doubt if more than a few Americans have any idea about them. From what I can tell, a shocking proportion of Europeans are as brainwashed against Germany as Americans are.

    Note to author of the article: Excellent job overall.

  50. @nickels

    What danger was there of Communist takeover in Argentina or Brazil?

    • 回复: @nickels
  51. 这些右派什么时候才能纠正德国历史并摆脱西方自由主义的宣传限制???罗恩·乌兹的文章当然对此有所贡献,但这种不断地反复强调希特勒领导下的德国的所谓“军国主义”在历史上是完全不正确的。





    查看 Burton H. Klein 关于德国战争准备的文章。


  52. @Taras77


  53. @Andrei Martyanov

    This article is no exception. While being ok, note the lines reserved for the Soviet union. Lol. Western ignorance regarding soviet Russia is incurable.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  54. Miro23 说:

    Fascism is not a form of government that can just be inserted or deleted. It is a very specific reaction to the communist takeover of a nation.

    At that point, other forms of government are no longer viable: totalitarianism of one kind of another becomes an absolute necessity to rule.

    That’s a worthwhile point. Fascism (militant nationalism) doesn’t come out of nowhere.

    It’s a reaction to militant anti-nationalism (Bolshevism/ Cultural Marxism). For example Spain’s monarchists and traditional society were only radicalized (1936 and the Spanish Civil War) by Bolshevik militia murders, church burnings and land invasions which were de facto protected by the leftist Republican government who refused to uphold the law and looked the other way.

    Similarly, the Germans of Weimar had to be taken to the limit with hyperinflation that left the middle class destitute (while a mostly Jewish financial and commercial elite did well ), and Jewish Bolshevik coups (Berlin 1919 Luxemburg’s Spartacist uprising + 1919 Leviné’s Bavarian Soviet Republic aimed at taking absolute control of Germany) before they decided to support Hitler and the NSDAP (German National Socialist Workers Party).

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  55. Tom Welsh 说:

    “Even 20 years of fascism failed to turn Italy into a warrior nation, whereas 7 years was enough for Germany”.


    Germany has ALWAYS been a warrior nation – just ask Publius Quinctilius Varus and his boss, the Emperor Augustus, who notoriously used to sink into depression and wander around demanding, “Varus, give me back my legions!” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Teutoburg_Forest


    弗里德里希·巴巴罗萨?腓特烈大帝?俾斯麦、冯·毛奇和那支队伍?鲁登道夫? 1918 年,像热刀切黄油一样横扫盟军防线的德国冲锋队怎么样?

    It’s hopeless nonsense to suggest that the Germans of 1930 needed anything to turn them into warriors. For my money – and with great respect to the Russians – the Germans are the quintessential warrior race, and one of the most vital conditions for world peace is that the Germans beat their swords into ploughshares – as they did following 1945. God forbid they should ever go to war again.

    • 同意: Guillaume Durocher
    • 不同意: SolontoCroesus, jacques sheete
    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  56. Tom Welsh 说:

    “As Edmund Burke already saw back then, the imposition of such norms on other, vastly different societies is a recipe for chaos”.

    Exactly, and quite in line with the rest of Burke’s eminently sane thinking. More surprising is my favourite quotation on this topic:

    “在一个政治思想家的头脑中可以产生的最奢侈的想法是相信人们手拿武器进入外国人民就足够了,并期望自己的法律和宪法被接受。 理性的进步是缓慢的,没有人喜欢武装传教士,这是事物的本质; 自然和谨慎的第一课就是将他们作为敌人击退。


    – 马克西米连·罗伯斯庇尔 (1791)

    Robespierre, of course, was no snowflake or liberal. He was very happy to use violence when he thought it appropriate and useful. But he was intelligent enough to understand when it wasn’t.

    A slightly more reasoned opinion from about the same time:


    – Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu, “L'Esprit des Lois”

  57. Desert Fox 说:

    It is estimated that 500,000 children were killed in the illegal unconstitutional war on Iraq by the U.S. but Zionist Mad Albright said it was worth it! So this satanic Zionist murderer thinks that the murder of a half million children is worth it ie for Israel as she is a dual citizen like most of the elites running the U.S. government for Zionist Israel, no surprise there!

    That statement by Mad Albright says it all about this satanic witch!

  58. Tom Welsh 说:

    One more thing that worries me about M. Durocher’s excellent article is that, from time to time, he credits Ms Albright and her pals with sincere interest in the merits of different political systems and their consequences for ordinary people.

    I’d like to say that I find such protestations utterly unbelievable. I do not for one moment believe that the vicious and murderous attacks on Korea, Vietnam and its neighbours, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria and most of Latin America were inspired by the slightest real humanitarian sentiment.

    Rather, I think that the rulers in Washington, as directed by the rich and powerful oligarchs and corporations who own them, set out quite deliberately and cold-bloodedly to control as much of the world’s wealth as possible – by whatever means seemed to them most effective.

    To take one example, I don’t believe that they could care a rodent’s posterior whether Colonel Qadafi was a dictator, whether he oppressed his people, or even whether he sponsored terrorism.

    What caused them to procure his overthrow and murder was precisely his success as a head of state. He had turned Libya from one of the poorest and most wretched countries in Africa – quite a distinction – into its wealthiest and in many ways most civilized. He provided free health care, education to university level, and housing, and guaranteed useful work for everyone. What provoked his downfall was probably either his wish to sell Libya’s oil for currencies other than the dollar, or his plan to establish an African gold dinar. Unless, perhaps, Washington just could not stand to see such a wonderful example of how political methods so different from those of the USA and Europe could be so dramatically successful. As Noam Chomsky reminds us, what Washington hates more than anything else is a good example of how different political and economic systems can work better than its own.

  59. Madeleine Halfbright, just another Marxist pig who say’s one thing and does another. Anyone else remember her thoughts on the murder of innocent Iraqi children commited by the use of insanely cruel sanctions?

    莱斯利·斯塔尔 (Lesley Stahl) 在谈到美国对伊拉克的制裁时表示:“我们听说有 50 万儿童死亡。我的意思是,这比广岛死亡的儿童还要多。而且——你知道,这个价格值得吗?”


  60. @Desert Fox

    Should have read your comment before I posted. LOL

  61. Tom Welsh 说:
    @Mike P

    Mike, I strongly disagree with your remark about M. Durocher’s take on anthropogenic global warming. The theory certainly seems to be unproven, and of course the vicious attacks on all who question it are inexcusable. But I think scientists like Freeman Dyson are right when they suspend judgment. (Dyson also suspends judgment about whether AGW, if it does exist, is a good, bad or neutral thing).

    Just because you think you have seen the light, you shouldn’t rush to condemn others who have – perhaps for the time being – accepted the received opinions of the establishment. We can’t question everything simultaneously.

    More and more, as I get older, I find that people whose views I find admirable turn out to have what look to me like extraordinary Achilles heels outside their own fields of expertise.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
    , @Mike P
    , @Desert Fox
  62. Tom Welsh 说:

    “Taking the long view, the democratization of Europe coincided almost perfectly with the Continent’s collapse into irrelevance”.

    While I find the whole of M. Durocher’s article excellent, the paragraph that follows this sentence is magnificent. It’s one of those rare insights that can change your whole world view in an instant.


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  63. WHAT 说:

    So, in this book, does she warn us about herself and her ilk?
    Because all she ever did fit Mussolini`s definition to a t, and he started the field!

  64. Tom Welsh 说:
    @Desert Fox

    Desert Fox, the deaths of 500,000 children means one thing to us – but quite another to a person who sees them just as so many goyim.

    • 同意: RVBlake
    • 回复: @Desert Fox
  65. 《柳叶刀》调查估计战争伤亡人数为一百万。

  66. @Tom Welsh



  67. Ahoy 说:

    How he goes down in history is up to him. Trump is at the crossroads. Either he leads the fight of the American people for freedom or stays as a minion of Albright’s zionist empire.

    He must keep in mind though, that the revolution is inevitable. HE SAID IT.

    ” Tose who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolutiom inevitable”. JFK

  68. @Tom Welsh


  69. @Tom Welsh


    德国自 1871 年才存在。

    或者是古德里安,他在 1940 年 XNUMX 月和 XNUMX 月几乎凭借一己之力在三周内击败了法国。

    我的书单中没有这个书名,但这是马丁·米德布鲁克 (Martin Middlebrook) 写的关于 1916 年索姆河大屠杀的书,关于英国皇家空军二战轰炸的毁灭性内容是:
    索利·扎克曼(Solly Zuckermann),《从猿到军阀,自传,1904-46年》,伦敦,1988年

    • 回复: @Authenticjazzman
  70. Tom Welsh 说:

    “Do not know if you’re a USA citizen, but it strikes me how often power is seen as the most relevant for a nation”.

    I am British (Scots to be precise). I thoroughly disapprove of the use of violence except in essential self-defence, which of course means I disapprove of almost all US, UK and European foreign policy.

    In today’s world, I would very much like to see the UK get rid of all its nuclear weapons and all its US bases. They merely ensure that, should world war break out, the UK will be annihilated within the first few hours.

    However I do think that the nation, as well as the state, is important. Indeed, the nation is far more fundamental, just as custom and morality are more fundamental than law.

  71. @Alden

    Howard Zinn,“1492 年至今的美国人民历史”,纽约,1980 年至 1995 年
    Emmanuel Bern,“Les impostures de l'Histoire”,1959 年,巴黎指出,事实上历史学家热爱战争。
    乔纳森·拉班(Jonathan Raban)的《荒地》(Bad Land),伦敦,1997 年描述了蒙大拿如何对银行家、铁路、贸易商等有利,但对普通民众却相当不利,不仅是那些被吸引到蒙大拿的人,而且还有美国的普通纳税人。

    • 回复: @Desert Fox
    , @Alden
  72. @Hyperborean



    • 回复: @apollonian
    , @Che Guava
  73. apollonian 说:

    Reality: Is What It Is–AND What It’s Going To Be–Nothing Will Change It

    “Mulegino”: Reality is (a) objective, according to Aristotle, (b) determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect (no perfectly “free” will), (c) CYCLIC, according to numerous, esp. the Greeks, but lately according to Oswald Spengler, “Decline of the West.”

    Thus the objectivistically-oriented are always the heroes, victors, producers, and FOUNDERS of the original civilization, like Romans and Americans, but precisely because they make things so easy for following generations, the civilization inexorably CORRUPTS.

    Observe the anti-human Agenda-21 and -2030 plans to exterminate a good portion of the population and how successful they’ve been.

    Note then we’ve entered a particularly satanistic phase of Spenglerian “decline,” and remember satanism is rooted in SIMPLE philosophy–extreme subjectivism by which reality is held to be product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator–satanism, by definition.

    Who/what rules and dominates this satanistic phase?–obviously, the most extreme subjectivists, but who adopt a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, highly organized and cohesive, co-operating w. a sublime “group-think,” dominating the other satanists who are more isolated and “individualistic”–now WHO do u think these would be? And the satanists, in general, rule simply by means of fear and intimidation–as we plainly see.

    This fetid subjectivism/satanism always seems to start w. conceit of a “free” will, including fashionable “high IQ,” by which the fools pretend to “making choices” by which they change reality, achieving “moral virtue,” etc.

    So this satanism is where we are, and there’s no real solution to it, it merely having to run its inexorable course, like a forest-fire, removing the weaklings and inferiors, etc., the remnant of survivors left to start things over. For note the subjectivists/satanists are still quite numerous and extremely strong politically and economically.

    • 同意: Mulegino1
  74. apollonian 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    Jilles: I rather agree, but to simplify: “fascism” would be force/violence WITHOUT law and due process, whereas the alternative/anti-thesis would be rule-of-law which follows due process, etc. Fascism was the Italian alternative to bolshevism, simply applying a greater, or more effective, or more fashionable, force, more amenable to the people. Bolshevism itself is mere fascism–which begets rival fascist forces. The ideal is reason, but in despair, people too often accede to reactionary haste.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  75. Sparkon 说:
    @Tom Welsh

    Start here at 绿色议程 to find out what the green weenies really want:

    –蒂莫西·沃思(Timothy Wirth),

    Next, I suggest spending some time reading over at Anthony Watts’ award-winning blog WWT to educate yourself about the man-made global warming scam.

    Watch this move: The Great Global Warming Swindle

    There is abundant proof of entirely natural climate change in both the geological record, and also in human history. Read about the Vikings on Greenland or The Dark Ages Cold Period.

    —- t e s t editing s e c t i o n —
    This terse statement merely for testing – check
    2nd edit – check
    3rd edit – check
    Editing seems entirely functional here Mint & Firefox

    • 同意: Mike P
    • 回复: @renfro
  76. Desert Fox 说:
    @jilles dykstra


  77. Sic Semper 说:

    如果每个人都是“希特勒”,那么在逻辑上否定就是正确的,而希特勒甚至不是希特勒。 大肆暴利的时间越长,“盟军”列强暴露自己的时间越长,甚至比那些邪恶的德国人所描绘的最歇斯底里的二战宣传还要糟糕得多,不到 3% 的美国人口对大多数人口开放的暴行就越多。托莱多的全球大门和把外邦人从他们的家园锁起来,这一切都表明有必要进行所谓的二战宣传反对他们——很明显,即使是希特勒也不是希特勒。

    里根是希特勒,特朗普是希特勒,麦凯恩是希特勒,直到他去世——现在他是美国英雄。 也许希特勒只是特朗普,但战时的宣传和歇斯底里使他成为我们被警告的“希特勒”。

    有趣的是,没有人说出任何受保护的具有部落忠诚度的可证明怪物,例如 Lazar Kaganovich,被认为是妖怪。


  78. 1. When someone like Albright has a book published that “warns” against fascism, it should be understood from the get-go that there is something not-so-negative about fascism that must be kept behind the smokescreen; and that a great deal of effort has been expended to create the meme, “Fascism = evil,” and that effort has to be reinforced. Books like Albright’s are a booster-shot to the Elite’s monopoly on intellectual tyranny.

    2. It would be really terrific to have some genuine Italian scholars present their analysis of Italian history; of Fascism — from dueling sides.

    The article refers to Albright’s explanation:

    Fascism does not necessarily mean racism, eugenics, anti-Semitism, or perpetual warfare.

    Neither did National Socialism, if the definitions of German National Socialists are examined rather than propaganda of Jewish zionists, their American collaborators, and the British. Hasn’t Unz Forum taken pains to educate on, for example, 托马斯·马赫(Thomas E.Mahl), Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States,reviewed by Stephen Sniegoski on UnzForum.

    Back to the Albright quote:

    Italian Fascism really should set the bar in this area. As Albright admits, if Mussolini had chosen to join the winning side in World War II, fascism would not be a swear word today. Mussolini only sided with Hitler because of the Anglo-French’s opposition to his invasion of Ethiopia, which he thought quite hypocritical, given that Britain and France already had vast colonial empires of their own.

    Mussolini was a dead man no matter which side he chose, and as we know, Italy was on both sides of the war. The outcome of that attempt to “win” by changing sides was that Italy and the Italian people were bombed and killed by both Allies and their erstwhile partners in war.

    Italy in the war years is tremendously complex; Albright is the last person whose assessment of the history should be trusted; Durocher brings a bit more clarity to the situation but only by allusion and not directly (I did listen to a conversation between Durocher and John Bruce Leonard on Arktos media https://arktos.com/2018/06/26/the-spiritual-path-with-guillaume-durocher/ . Leonard lives in Italy, but I don’t know if that means he has delved deeply into Italian history of the 20th century. btw, Is Jason Jorgani still associated w/ Arktos?)

    Sidenote: Vladimir Jabotinsky and his brand of zionism were tremendously influenced by what Vlad understood of Mussolini. Jabotinsky’s biographer notes that “Jabotinsky had a Roman soul,” and deeply admired Il Duce.
    It’s almost impossible to imagine that Jabotinsky could have interpreted Mussolini appropriately: as 法西斯主义 states forthrightly, Italian Fascism drew heavily on concepts of Italian – Roman Catholic beliefs and ways of forming community, ‘muscle memory’ that was simply not available to Revisionist Zionists.

  79. Che Guava 说:
    @jilles dykstra








  80. If you have democracy – with real freedom of speech and not a dictatorship of the money-men and of the mainstream media which the postwar American generations were used to – you will get Trumps and Bolsonaros and Corbyns and Erdoğans. This kind of mess is a feature, not a bug, of real democracy.
    Albright acknowledges that Americans before agreed more because a narrower media class carefully curated what Americans were allowed to see and read and think. To address this, she wants to “put a saddle on the bucking bronco we call the Internet.”

    Jean-Yves Le Gallou is right to talk about the tyranny of the media. Along with the think tanks and “schools of government”, the mass media managed to build up a styrofoam facsimile of democracy. The victory of Trump, the reality TV star, broke the 4th wall. He’s now showing us how unreal it all was. His presidency is the unauthorised, performance art sequel to 真人秀.

  81. Desert Fox 说:
    @Tom Welsh

    Understood, to the zionist we goyim are considered cattle and insects and are not worthy of consideration, I recommend these books The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed and The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman and his videos on youtube.

  82. Mike P 说:
    @Tom Welsh

    Just because you think you have seen the light, you shouldn’t rush to condemn others who have – perhaps for the time being – accepted the received opinions of the establishment.

    I didn’t condemn anyone, but I do get annoyed with self-styled investigative writers who swallow this propaganda hook, line and sinker. Regarding whether or not man-made global warming exists – it likely does, but it clearly has not reached “dangerous” proportions. There is lots of data fudging going on in “climate science” circles in order to prop up the official narrative, precisely because the true data do 不能 支持它。

    I suggest you check out some of those links that Sparkon listed in his reply.

  83. 当 Medeleine Albright 踢水桶时,我希望很快,我会买一瓶香槟并洗干净。
    她比热闹的克林顿更应受谴责。 但就像她一样同谋战犯。

  84. anonymous[381]• 免责声明 说:

    The word ‘fascism’ is just thrown around indiscriminately these days, shorthand for something that’s bad as Orwell pointed out. It was something that existed in a time and place that’s not coming back therefore fascism wouldn’t be possible all over again anywhere within the developed world. Sure, various elements could be extrapolated and compared to something current but comparisons between just about anything can always be made. Fascism and communism were likened to one another quite frequently even as they were said to be mortal enemies. It’s all just smoke being blown by various parties who want to attack one country or another on spurious charges. That this evil creature Albright, who cackles over the bodies of hundreds of thousands of dead people, has any influence whatsoever is an indictment of the American system and it’s people who have a blind spot to the criminality of this person and the system within which she worked. I’m really tired of seeing the same old WWII fascist atrocity films being shown on television 24/7 and yet this war criminal goes around signing books as though she’s some type of noble public servant.

  85. Desert Fox 说:
    @Tom Welsh

    Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by UN Agenda 21 to deindustrialize the US and is pushed by the zionist goal of a NWO to reduce America to a third world country to meld it into the zionist NWO!

    Here in Montana we have proof of natural climate change with fossils of dinosaurs and fossils of plant life that shows that at one time billions of years ago Montana was in a tropical climate and then we have proof that Montana was in a climate with glaciers such as exist at present in Glacier Park, climate change is natural!

    The deep state is spraying the skies of America with chemtrails containing nano particles of aluminum and barium and strontium to block the suns rays in an attempt to cool the earth, when in fact the earths temperature as not risen in over 17 years!

    检查现场 地球工程观察网 for details, and NASA has a report which can be found on the internet that CO2 actually cools the atomsphere!

    Here in Montana the deep state sprays the skies with chemtrails almost every day and has been doing this for over 30 years by my personal observation!

  86. @Wizard of Oz

    The term ‘fascist’ is undefinable and largely useless. Confucius suggested that states function best when they behave as families, with the same familial duty, privilege and hierarchy that all families exhibit. That’s why “China” translates as “National Family” there and also explains why 83% of Chinese think their country is run for everyone’s benefit rather than for a few big interest groups (36% of Americans think the same).


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @anon
  87. @jilles dykstra

    ” The Germans, in my opinion the most capable people in the world”

    Absolute bullshit, or are you claiming that there is such a thing as a “capability gene”.

    The Germans, and I fucking know what I am talking about, having been married to three upper-class german women, a “von”, an MD, and now my current and last spouse, a retired teacher.

    And I don’t care to hear any arguments about superior german “Innovation”, the great german automobiles, or their monumental historical figures such as Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Goethe etc, as every cultured grouping has had their share of superior beings. Regarding Automobiles : The Italians have always created the most fantastic cars period : Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini.

    The “Capable” Germans are the Dummköpfe who have to this day the most oppressive, tyrannical , “Big Brother” law thinkable, the so-called “Meldepflicht”, which requires every legal resident to report , upon moving, his new address to the local citizen registry the local : ” Polizeiliches Meldeamt”. and the Teutons actually love this horrid law and consider it a positive factor in their society.
    我只遇到过一个德国人,他能够察觉到这项法律的压迫性哲学后果,他在三十多年前搬到了美国,就在我认识他的同一天,罗森·蒙塔格(Rosen Montag)1968年告诉我他对上述法律感到厌恶,并且有一天他会搬到美国。

    Regarding legal code: In Germany if you are served a court injunction, or any legal correspondence whatsoever, and you are not at home, perhaps out of the country, in Hospital, etc, it will be held at the closest post office to your residence, and if you not pick it up within thirty days, it is considered to have been served, even though it has not been served, and if the results of this pseudo “serving” of said legal papers are negative, you are simply fucked and have no legal recourse.

    Look I could fill tomes with innumerable german lunacy, and the very idea of them being the “most capable” peoples on earth simply makes me laugh.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet and pro Jazz musician.

    PS:世界上没有任何地方像德国那样崇拜和崇拜 BO/HC/BC。

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
    , @Ilyana_Rozumova
    , @anon
  88. @apollonian

    理查德·兰姆,“墨索里尼作为外交官,Il Duce 的意大利在世界舞台上”,1997 年,纽约
    Galeazzo Ciano,“日记,1937 – 1943”,2002,伦敦
    克劳德·马丁,“FRANCO,Eine Biographie”,格拉茨,1995

    • 回复: @Alden
  89. Johan 说:

    The fascist/Nazi/neo-Nazi issue is a media induced collective Western psychosis. Formerly, long ago, it started as expedient politics of suspicious making, but ultimately the accusers, after decades of suspicious making, necessarily start to believe in it, as the mind does not make a difference between deliberate tactics of framed suspicious making and reality, and thus it backfires on the minds of the accusers. Thus the Western establishments are by now at large delusional. Perhaps a case of instant karma? which of course the patients fail to recognize, a grand comedy of obsessive paranoic lunacy which is not yet added to the Diagnostic Statistics Manual… as the latter of course is a product of these same establishments..

    The real totalitarians are of course, the accusers. The game and the specifics of the ideology being changed and adapted to what is expedient in the context of time.

  90. nickels 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Wherever there are a large number of half castes there is chaos and the danger of a communist takeover, so yes.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  91. druid55 说:

    Her inner darkness reflected in her ugly face!

  92. renfro 说:

    There is abundant proof of entirely natural climate change in both the geological record, and also in human history. Read about the Vikings on Greenland or The Dark Ages Cold Period.

    Lets not be stupid.
    Yes, nature has reoccuring ‘cycles’ of climate change.
    Yes, man made pollution ‘adds to’ increasing those natural climate changes.

    • 回复: @Mike P
  93. beau 说:

    anything oozing on the fetid breath of a creature that thinks 500K children dying is ‘worth it’, whatever ‘it’ may be, reveals a mind that is pure, absolute evil.

    that such an evil creature would be given the time of day, much less a position in govt, goes very far in revealing the depth of the depravity that is considered ‘normal’ in this totally debauched land.

    this woman should be on trial in the Hague, rather than quoted as some sage. again, all this shows is how far away from redemption this cesspool has become.

  94. Mike P 说:

    Lets not be stupid .. blah, blah .. Period.

    Whenever I see this level of rhetorical finesse, I know someone is short of real arguments.

    Yes, humans may influence the climate, but Sparkon’s point is entirely valid – natural climate change dwarfs anything that humans may have caused. The medieval warm period was warmer than today – see e.g. the Vikings in Greenland, who were ploughing and farming the soil that is now permafrost.

    • 回复: @Logan
  95. renfro 说:

    It amazes me how people get caught up in the political word games of Fascism vr Democracy.
    Its a game to fool and distract people.

    Tell me the difference between Fascism and Democracy today in the US or anywhere.
    There isnt any.

    People are fooled into labeling political systems and spending a 1000 trillion pounds of hot air debating them instead of just calling the bad government of both Fascism and Democracies what they actually are which is tyrannies.

    So I suggest you start using the correct definition of what both are :

    Def. of Tyranny 1. government by a ruler or small group of people who have unlimited power over the people in their country or state and use it unfairly.

    Cause that is what is really going on.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  96. chris 说:
    @Guillaume Durocher

    This is a blockbuster of an article; absolutely excellent analysis, thanks ! (And a very funny title and picture also)

  97. Why would anyone waste their time reviewing a book written by such a degenerate as Madeline Albright???

    Also, Adolph Hitler was not a fascist.

    He did not align the German corporations with the German government as a true fascist would. Instead he forced both the corporations and the employees to operate through the Board of Manufacturing in which all disputes and issues were to be resolved. This board was also why he terminated the right to trade unions since they were no longer necessary as a result of this new employer\labor mechanism.

  98. When she wanted her membership back in the Tribe, her rebbe told her that a big sacrifice was needed to appease Yahweh, hence her comment regarding the half million children… got to have big cajones to join the exclusive club, baby!

  99. Alden 说:
    @jilles dykstra






  100. 我有不同的看法。 现代西方民主的问题在于它仍然停留在 19 世纪。 对于像英国和美国这样的盎格鲁国家来说尤其如此,那里只有两个政党可以投票,没有民族主义/民粹主义选项可以让自由党保持警惕。

    该系统显然被操纵以保护有钱人不受多数意见的影响。 当民意调查清楚地表明大多数人反对时,看看精英们如何能够推动大规模移民(出于经济和外交政策的原因)。 现在为了资产阶级而操纵民主是可以理解的,当时群众确实是一群住在租来的棚屋里经常挨饿的未洗过的暴徒,但在今天相对富裕、寿命长、财产所有权高的时代,大多数人都相对保守,也没有必要保护精英不受多数意见的影响。

    通过让代表直接对选民负责,使系统更加民主。 这样做的一种方法可能是让选民直接选举主要政府部门的负责人,并消除政党的不民主过滤器。 另一种方法是让政党为政府部门投标(“为移民投票全国集会”、“为法律和秩序投票共和党”、“为医疗保健投票给工党”等)。


    • 回复: @dfordoom
  101. Alden 说:

    What’s that German thing called? a sort of credit rating , criminal and parking ticket record list of every place you’ve ever lived utility bills schools and jobs?
    I forget the name. What is it?

    Then there’s the law that when you move you must register your new address at the local police station every time you move. Then there’s the Hausmeisters in every workplace that serve the same function as commissars in the old Soviet countries

    Jilles constantly praises the Germans because the Dutch are ethnic Germans and Netherlands like most of what’s now Germany was part of the Austria based Germanic Holy Roman Empire for centuries. The border between Germany and Netherlands is just an arbitrary line, not s real ethnic national border . He’s just a jumped up old Calvinist Marxist bigot.

  102. Alden 说:

    I remember those Obama worship services when he made the visit to Germany. It was like pilgrims at Mecca or Lourdes or a Hindu shrine
    Those pilgrims worship their God.

    The Germans worshiped a man. It was sickening

  103. EugeneGur 说:

    What a mess this article is! The author doesn’t have a foggiest idea what he is talking about.

    She proposes a somewhat reasonable definition of fascism and then goes on to do exactly what she warned against, covering not only Mussolini and Hitler, but also Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orbán, and communist Czechoslovakia in her Fascist(ish) portraits

    What kind of definition could possibly put together Hitler, Putin, and Orban? The only discernible “reason” behind such a definition is that Albright doesn’t like any of these leaders. Fascism as a distinct political movement/regime that时刻 includes ultranationalism defining an individual fist as a member of a particular nation before anything else.

    This feature has always been conspicuously absent from the Soviet-style communist regimes, however authoritarian, as well as from that of Singapore, among others. In contrast, the Israel regime designated by the author, for some inexplicable reason, as democratic, is much closer to fascism than others mentioned, because it considers the Jews as the masters while treating others as Untermenschen. Hitler would’ve understood perfectly.

    Few things have been as murderous as the promotion of “democracy” in Iraq, Libya, and Syria,

    Oh come on! No one was promoting any “democracy” over there. The plan was to destroy those countries, and destroyed they were.

    postwar “democracy” was the regime which persecutes nationalists and systematically ignores the will of the people on the critical issue of immigration.

    And on any other issue as well. This is the very definition of an undemocratic regime – a regime unresponsive to the will of the people. The author is arguing from the wrong premise – that Europe and the US are democratic -for they aren’t. Going through a charade of elections every 4-5 years is not the same as democracy by a long shot.

  104. Alden 说:
    @jilles dykstra




  105. @renfro

    You are absolutely correct. Concerning fascism it is basically reverting back to rule of the Kings.
    Nothing new under the sun. Neither fascism or democracy guarantee good government or is inevitably bad government. System does mean much. Only people who rule bear the guilt or praise of the system. System itself is irrelevant. But democracy is in itself more vulnerable,particularly Two party system that is now in US.

    • 回复: @renfro
    , @jacques sheete
  106. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:

    I present how to promptly damage you own credibility with one sentence:

    “An eco-fascism probably could have prevented climate change.”

  107. Marcali 说:

    “(T)he Fascist movement was itself disproportionately Jewish – that is, Jews made up a greater proportion of the party at all stages of its history than of the Italian population as a whole. … and by 1938 the party had 10,215 adult Jewish members.” (Out of a Jewish population in Italy of about 47,000 people.) „Mussolini had had several Jewish ollaborators, including his favorite and most influential mistress, Margherita Sarfatti. He had been officially blessed by the chief rabbi of Rome and had assisted in the early development of a Zionist navy as a maneuver against British imperialism.”
    Stanley G. Payne:法西斯主义的历史,1914-1945 年,威斯康星大学出版社,1995 年,p。 240.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  108. I believe that is the fundamental issue: Albright fears an organized mass of people with a strong emotional connection with a charismatic leader, one who could actually shake up the system.

    I think it is even more basic than this. In a democracy, the ruling class fears the organized masses – because they might vote it out of office. Coincidentally, the Jewish minority also fears the organized masses – because the Jews have a historic fear of pogroms.

    It seems to me that, in a world of cheap and easy mass transportation, le grand remplacement is an unavoidable feature of a mature democracy – one that has developed a “ruling class”. The era of monarchy favored “nation-building” – the suppression of tribalism and of regional claimants to the throne. In the era of democracy, the tendency is the precise opposite – rulers have a strong incentive to fragment the nation by encouraging tribalism, and they will import unassimilable foreign peoples if they can. In a two-party system, both parties draw their leaders from the same ruling class, and neither will give voters an opportunity to end mass immigration. When both parties, and most of the potential leaders who might start a new party, agree on basic national issues, we have democracy in name only.

    They call Hungary and Poland “fascist” because those democratic countries refuse to follow the script. Perhaps those countries are different because their post-Cold-War institutions are too young to have produced a distinct ruling class, and their leaders actually listen to what the voters want.

  109. Pft 说:

    As Brzezinsky said in 1970, we are in the process of becoming a Global Technocracy. Much, much closer to it today for sure. A Technocracy is indistinguishable from Fascism, enforced by Technology and Law instead of the Boot. A global technocracy has no need for war and militarism, its forces are directed instead at the citizens.

    Scott and Hubbert were the founders of Technocracy in 1934. Scotts “ scientific “ analysis of how Fuehrers came to be is the one about the potatoes:

    “Pretty soon, you will find all the little potatoes where they apparently want to be. The big ones are at the top, where they belong. That’s the way it will be in technocracy.” (New York World-Telegram, December 20, 1938)”

    Recommend reading “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation” by Patrick H. Wood

    He ties in how the global warming scare, trend to cashless society, eugenics by other names, constant surveillance, social media censorship, MSM control, 5G and the IoT, smart grids and smart meters, energy (carbon) control at the individual level, privatization of resources and transportation, gene editing, AI and robotics, are all being implemented to create a future Global Corporate Technocratic Utopia where the Global Elites become God-Like evolving to Human 2.0 served by Technocrats and under them the Golden Billion that Bill Gates said is the desired population of Human 1.0

    The role model for Technocracy is China, with the EU and the US and many smaller states lagging behind being restricted only by existing structures which 9/11 helped to weaken enormously and accelerate the pace to the New NWO. Once 5G and the IoT is fully rolled out things should happen fast.

    • 回复: @Cagey Beast
  110. renfro 说:

    But democracy is in itself more vulnerable,particularly Two party system that is now in US

    And we were warned by Washington in 1796.

    ”All obstructions to the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this fundamental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community.

    然而,上述描述的组合或关联有时可能会满足大众的目的,随着时间的推移,它们很可能成为强大的引擎,狡猾的、野心勃勃的和无原则的人将能够通过这些引擎颠覆权力。人民并篡夺政府的控制权,随后摧毁了将他们提升到不公正统治地位的引擎。 ”

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  111. @Miro23

    Don’t encourage Nickels to think throwing off embarrassingly ignorant statements is OK (now he’s saying Argentina is full of half breeds and I don’t think he’s referring back to all those Italian immigrants of the late 19th century). You really must be kidding if you think the events of 1919 (Communist uprisings) to 1923 (the hyperinflation) led to the rise of electoral support for the Nazi party. It went downhill till the Depression struck in the 1930s. And I wonder how much impact on German consciousness throughout its decentralised population it had that there were, among the *less than 1 per cent of Germans who were Jews* (and with a high rate of intermarriage) a small urban elite of rich people who still didn’t compare in wealth with the Krupps and other industrialists.

    • 回复: @Miro23
  112. @nickels

    No doubt your ignorance keeps you in a comfortable warm blanket of brain fudge but you don’t need to share it. Couldn’t you even have done a rudimentary search before polluting thevpage with sheer prejudice? Having actually been to Argentina (where going to the opera in Buenos Aires with lots of casually dressed people could easily have been in Naples) I was not surprised on a first pass that the population was described in Wikipedia as 97 per cent of European descent and that the mestizo component was very small.

    • 回复: @nickels
  113. @Godfree Roberts

    Since China is actually one of the most unequal societies on the planet do you think that 83 per cent correlates significantly with other notable Chinese characteristics (some at least verified by the figures) like enthusiasm for gambling (which is a sure way to harm oneself financially) and superstition (you lose money if you choose the more expensive house site only because of better feng shui!).

    • 回复: @Godfree Roberts
  114. anon[210]• 免责声明 说:

    ” The Germans, in my opinion the most capable people in the world”

    Absolute bullshit, or are you claiming that there is such a thing as a “capability gene”.

    The Germans, and I fucking know what I am talking about, having been married to three upper-class german women, a “von”, an MD, and now my current and last spouse, a retired teacher.

    yes it does sound like Germans are the problem.

    • 哈哈: renfro
    • 回复: @Anon
  115. @Wizard of Oz

    Much of China’s GINI (inequality) gap is structural: their inland, rural populations have always been poorer than their urban, coastal cousins and, because the country couldn’t afford to build homes or cities fast enough, inlanders were held in place by residential hukous. Recently, however, economists[1] found that this aspect of inequality has been exaggerated because the cost of living in wealthy areas like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen is much greater since urban land prices–not housing quality–are vastly higher. If we include the full range of goods and services whose price differ across areas (in rural areas basic foods cost half of Beijinbg’s prices), incomes from most rural areas should be multiplied by fifty percent to make them comparable.

    如果我们根据人们实际居住的地方进行调整,则差距会进一步缩小。 直到最近,人口统计学家才算出人们的热情-他们被登记居住的地方,而不是他们实际居住的地方-但是,移民工人的人数在2018年上升到了1.1亿,这歪曲了人们的比较。 在现实生活中,沿海省份的人口比其登记的人口多百万,而向内陆移民省份发送移民的情况恰恰相反,因此,由于每个人从中国内陆转移到沿海地区,因为移民为沿海地区的收入做出了贡献,所以不平等的程度上升了目的地,但仍被视为居住在来源地,内部区域中。 一旦纠正了这一计数错误,就会发现中国的地区不平等现象从1978年到2016年以每年2002%的平均趋势速度下降。到2年,十四名贵州工人的平均收入水平[2019]上海人和到XNUMX年花了五个。 结构上的鸿沟也没有听起来那么痛苦:据每个人所见,每个人每年都变得更加富有。 购买第一辆皮卡车的村民发现,上海的生活方式没意思,因为即使在最底层,情况也在稳步改善。

    When Fortune[3] reported that the lower half of America’s workers got twelve percent[4] of the national income while Chinese workers took fifteen percent (and China’s richest one percent captured thirteen percent of national income while America’s took twenty percent) making the US the fourth most unequal country on earth, the editors offered no solutions. The People’s Daily[5], on the other hand, pushed Beijing’s pet program: portable, nationwide pensions. “In developed countries such as America–whose GINI[6] index sometimes reaches 0.4–income disparities are eased through gradually increasing taxation on the wealthy and improving welfare systems to help the poor. China should learn from America’s experience”.

    China did learn and, as usual, Trial Spots played a starring role. Regional capital Chengdu (pop. fifteen million) trialled a progressive tax on luxury real estate to finance low-income housing: five years later 300,000 handicapped, elderly, structurally unemployed or large, poor families had new homes with upgraded infrastructure. By 2018, everyone had their own home and a shop owner who advertised free meals for needy people confessed that only two had taken up her invitation.

    In 2012 President Xi began promoting officials’ based on their local GINI improvement and, in 2018, announced that the country will spend 2020-2035 eliminating both income and wealth inequality–a campaign that is likely to be keenly watched around the world.

    查看有关的帖子 imgur.com

    [1] Chao Li&John Gibson,2014年。“中华人民共和国的空间价格差异和不平等:住房市场证据”,《亚洲发展评论》,麻省理工学院出版社,第一卷。 31(1),第92-120页,XNUMX月。
    [2] 中国面临 46,000 美元的贫富差距问题
    2018 年 5 月 21 日
    [3] 财富网/2015/09/30/a 美国-财富-不平等/
    [4] 全球不平等动态。
    Facundo lvaredo, Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman。
    工作文件 23119。NBER。 2017 年 XNUMX 月修订
    [5] 新的基尼指数显示不稳定风险,需要改革
    [6] 基尼指数衡量收入不平等。 较小的数字表示较大的平等

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  116. Beckow 说:

    …Hitler’s personal contempt for the Slavs, more than anything else, caused his downfall

    One person’s contempt couldn’t be that decisive. The 鄙视 that drove Hitler was much more widespread and shared by most Germans, majority of Western Europeans, and even by substantial groups among Slavs themselves (that was the bizarre part, but whatever, Poles will be Poles).

    It is true that Germany broke its back attacking east, they were demolished by the Russian juggernaut. This fact is also not much to Western liking, so we don’t hear about it much. And that way lies the likely repeat of the same fatal hubris that destroyed Hitler, Napoleon, Ottomans, Swedes… maybe they just hope that one day they will get lucky.

    • 同意: Cyrano
    • 回复: @Marcali
  117. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    杰出的! 为白痴服务。 他只是一个卑鄙的自由主义者,他已经回到了他在狂野西部的幻想,让他在一个堕落的贪婪帝国的摇摇欲坠的废墟中生活。

  118. @Pft

    Yes, the Technocracy movement is quite interesting. I think it was indirectly very influential.

  119. Not one mention in the article of the simple fact that fascism is, more than anything else, an [idiotic] anti-market economic “system”.

    As such it is essentially no different from communism – its just a [slight variation] on the exact same theme- totalitarianism [socialism, collectivism].

    Fascists, [just like communists], promote :

    1] maximum economic centralization [via the government- which, of course, knows best] as the “cure”, the solution for, all of society’s ills [ that is, for a general decline in the standard of living of the masses].

    2] Fascism as the best way to create a wealthier, stronger/healthier nation, per individual.

    3] Therefor, free market capitalism is the great enemy that needs to be destroyed in order to benefit “the people”.

    And, of course , the exact opposite to [3] is the actual truth of the matter.

    But, in this world, “stupid is as stupid does” . So here we all are, with idiotic book reviewers ignorant of what fascism actually entails, reviewing books ghost-written by morons who themselves have no idea what fascism actually is all about.

    What’s the phrase, “idiots standing on the shoulders of morons” [ or something like that]?.



    • 巨魔: Mike P
  120. bt 说:



  121. crimson2 说:

    不要张贴希特勒脚的照片。 所有居住在乌兹别克斯坦的纳粹分子都会勃然大怒,并在评论中发泄他们对性的不满。

  122. Anon[436]• 免责声明 说:

    Yep. But it is a little odd that he attributes his unfavourable opinion to knowledge of the Krauts obtained by marrying three of them but still married not just one but three!

  123. @Godfree Roberts

    Thanks, interesting and makes sense. But where can the retiring rich go and feel their family wealth will be protected? It doesn’t sound as though China is necessarily going to be safe for capitalists or trustafarians!

    • 回复: @Godfree Roberts
    , @Biff
  124. Eagle Eye 说:
    @Fidelios Automata

    Albright is a textbook fascist, a psychopath who proudly proclaimed that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children from U.S. sanctions were “worth it.”

    Scratch any post-war hard Leftist and you discover that they literally read Hitler’s Mein Kampf as a how-to manual.

    Close analysis of Leftist-totalitarian discourse in the West reveals that they continue to use many of the same precepts and techniques pioneered by National Socialists, particularly Goebbels’ thoughts and practices in the area of mass-media propaganda (which in turn owed much to Lenin’s Bolsheviks).

    The idea of “co-opting” rather than shutting down independent power centers (unions, churches, etc.) is one example. Another is the creation of purportedly independent committees of key professionals, e.g. journalists, lawyers, teachers, as a tactic to exercise unaccountable control over those professions through party placewomen on those committees.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  125. nickels 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I can guarantee you if there weren’t a bunch of half breeds then there were carloads of yids.
    I don’t know Argentinean history.

  126. @renfro

    I absolutely agree. True democracy should function without any parties, That would be definitely the best. That would totally eliminate power of the Jews, also general corruption would be practically eliminated. Washington did have a good brain

  127. Eagle Eye 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    弗里茨·彼得·哈贝尔(Fritz Peter Habel),《死亡的德国人》,1992年,2002年,慕尼黑



    There is clearly a massive movement underway to “memory-hole” much of recent history, including especially paper books which are considered more durable. New editions gradually leave out or rewrite “offensive” passages, or a published book disappears from the market entirely despite the potential for further sales.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  128. @Wizard of Oz

    这场运动随着改革开放而开始,从未停止过:财富是对创新和服务国家大家庭的奖励。比尔·盖茨和沃伦·巴菲特的来访解释了他们捐出财富的原因,让我们明白了这一点。马云从 15 岁起就成为一名党员,现在已经不再赚钱,他将树立利他主义的榜样,而利他主义是儒家教义的核心,政府最近开始购买大型公司的股票。

    We won’t see the campaign in full swing until after mid-2021, by which time everyone will have a home, a job, plenty of food, education, safe streets, health and old age care. Then, with the granary full, virtue can be known.

    It promises to be one of the most interesting social experiments of all time as everyone gets on board to help the country reach its GINI goal of 0.25 by 2035. If it succeeds, China will become the world’s moral leader.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  129. I do keep receiving on this site request from usglobe.com for username and password.
    Anybody else also?

  130. Biff 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    But where can the retiring rich go and feel their family wealth will be protected?

    Interesting you should bring that up, as it makes me curious too. I’m not sure about inheritance tax laws in China, but I do know a little about them where I live in Thailand, and I do know a little about them where I used to live in the U.S.A., but to be sure, I’m no tax expert which is why I’m curious.
    Inheritance taxes in Thailand don’t even really exist and family’s keep their collective value of money, and real estate for generations and generations – and I kind of get the feeling this is true of most of east Asia, but not sure. In addition, as with the case of my wife’s Thai/Chinese family all the inheritance goes to the sons and remains with the name(something the wicked witches of the west could never stomach)
    As for the U.S. Inheritance taxes concerning money/liquid are extremely punitive, and you’ll most likely need to hire an accountant. As for real estate, I don’t think you are taxed until you sell it, and again, not 100% sure. I just dont hear much about family estates remaining in the family much more than a generation or two unless it’s a big name estate.

    Still curious as it will effect me some day.

    Update: This year 2562(Buddhist calander) in Thailand is the first year of inheritance tax ever – 50 million Baht or more, but I hear it’s rife with loopholes.

  131. bjondo 说:

    马德琳·奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Albright)不喜欢的一切都是法西斯主义

    Self hate.

  132. @unpc downunder


    I don’t think most people care whether they live in a democracy or not. Democracy is just a word. Most people understand very clearly that the politicians for whom they vote have no intention of doing what the voters want. They know that democracy is a scam.

    What they want is a government that serves the interests of the nation rather than the interests of one privileged class. I don’t think the average person could care very much if that government is a dictatorship or an absolutist monarchy or a People’s Democracy or whatever. They’d just be happy to be well governed for a change.

    独裁者大多很受欢迎。 可能比大多数民选领导人更受欢迎。


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  133. PeterMX 说:

    Until the end of WW I, like England, Germany and Austria-Hungary both had a king (called a Kaiser) and both countries had parliaments and these parliaments had considerable influence. In Austria-Hungary, which one would think would have been the multicultural dream of today’s “antifa”, each ethnic group was represented in parliament by people speaking Polish, Czech and many other languages. But the “democracies” did not champion Austria- Hungary as a wonderful example of multiculturalism back then. On the contrary, they claimed the country had to be broken up so each ethnic group could have “self-determination”, at least that was their claim when they created Czechoslovakia (the supposed shining democracy) where millions of ethnic Germans and Slovaks felt quite different about their new Czech leaders. Also worth noting, there was never a plebiscite (vote) held to determine how many Czechs or Slovaks wanted independence from the Austria-Hungary empire. There were certainly some, perhaps many that would have preferred preserving the empire. It had loyal Czechs and Slovaks. We do know that Slovaks and Czechs couldn’t make their country work. Czechoslovakia broke up in the early 1990’s immediately after the collapse of communism. This is the country the allied idiots always claim was betrayed at “Munich”, as if they have some interest in Bohemia and Moravia, which were as much German as Czech and the same goes for the one time German populated city Prague, a beautiful German city. And like Kaiser Wilhelm in Germany, King George V had considerable influence.

    I’m not so sure of Hitler’s supposed hatred of Slavs. I listened to a podcast recently which discussed Hitler’s admiration for beautiful Ukrainian women and prior to the war Hitler attended an opera with a Russian woman (she may have been an aristocrat). In his speeches, I have heard him criticize Jews, but immediately upon his election World Jewry began an anti-German defamation campaign in the large segments of the media they owned throughout the west (Europe, USA, etc.) comparable, but far worse than their treatment of Trump. Many influential people on both sides said the Jews pushed Europe into war. I have never heard him mention Slavs. I do believe he saw Russia and the USSR as backwards. This was the view most of Europe had of Russia. However, I’m not sure the author has to worry he would have ever had to learn German. Contrary to his view that it was only militaristic Germans to blame for WW II, there is now strong evidence showing Stalin was planning to attack Germany before Germany’s pre-emptive strike. This is now accepted as fact by a growing number of historians, including David Irving. It’s a former KGB agent that wrote a book making this subject more widely known, with some German historians also writing books on it.

    Madeleine Albright’s own personal history is also very interesting. Her father was a Czech diplomat that was in England during the war. When WW II ended, Albright returned with her family to Prague. At the end of WW II, from Germany’s current border (the Oder-Neisse line) to current day Lithuania, Germany lost land and cities taken from the country and between 14 and 20 million German were expelled (ethnically cleansed) from current day Czech Republic, Poland, Russia (Kaliningrad), Lithuania (Memelland) and many other countries in eastern Europe. Czechoslovakia expelled over three million Germans, and moved into their homes and cities. Madeleine’s father Josef Korbel was given the home stolen from the wealthy Austrian industrialist named Harmer. In several interesting newspaper articles, which included an interview with Harmer’s former housekeeper, she described how Korbel found Harper’s valuable art collection (which if I recall correctly, she attempted to conceal). Albright’s family left Czechoslovakia in 1948 and today the valuable art collection is held in one of the Albright families homes (her brother I believe). The Harmer family contacted the Albright’s requesting the stolen art be returned. At one point there was a discussion of taking the Albright’s to court. This has not happened. In a televised discussion (available for viewing on the C-Span) website Albright and the former Czech writer, then head of state Vaclav Havel are speaking an audience member rises and asks Madeleine Albright about the art. You can see and hear how nervous she becomes and answers that nothing was done illegally to obtain the art. She’s referring to the Benes decree announced in 1945 by the new Czech leader that all German property would be confiscated and given to Czechs. If you compare that to “stolen Jewish art”, there is a huge difference. No one “stole” Jewish art as was done by not just the Czechs, but all over middle Europe where Germans had lived. Jews often sold their art before leaving Germany. When Jews were quarantined beginning in 1941, I would guess many lost property as a result of this, but many wealthy Jews had already left Germany.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  134. Gene 说:


  135. @dfordoom


    在荷兰的一生中,从我开始对政治感兴趣的那一刻起,比如 1955 年,直到 2005 年,我从未想过荷兰民主不起作用。
    2005 年是我们的反欧盟宪法公投被无视的一年,就像其他两个进行公投的国家一样:法国和爱尔兰。
    事后看来,民主的终结要早得多,在这方面可以提到 1995 年,当时角政府决定引入欧元。

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  136. @PeterMX


    Bogdan Musial,“ Kampfplatz Deutschland,斯大林斯·克里格斯普莱恩·根根·韦斯特恩”,柏林,2008年

  137. @Godfree Roberts



  138. @Eagle Eye

    人们经常争论鲁道夫·赫斯从未见过他 1941 年 XNUMX 月飞往的苏格兰伯爵,因此赫斯关于提出和平建议的整个故事一定是无稽之谈。

    然后,在一本关于智人进化和起源的书中,人们完全出乎意料地发现,二战期间英国皇家空军科学官员、犹太人史蒂芬·杰伊·古尔德解释说,贝尔根·贝尔森的苦难是“由盟友造成的”,因为说1945 年 XNUMX 月,美国战斗轰炸机导致德国境内的所有运输均无法进行,前往难民营的食品也无法运输。

    罗伯特·罗兹·詹姆斯(Robert Rhodes James),“ CHIPS,亨利·钱农爵士的日记”,伦敦,1967年
    Wim Kayzer,“ Een Schitterend Ongeluk,Wim Kayzer ontmoet Oliver Sacks,Stephen Jay Gould,Stephen Toulmin,Daniel C. Dennett,Rupert Sheldrake en Freeman Dyson”,1993年,阿姆斯特丹

    奥托·瓦格纳(Otto Wagener),《希特勒·奥特·纳赫斯特·纳赫(Hitler ausnächsterNähe)》,1929年至1932年,弗格森。 亨利·特纳(Henry A.Turner),1987年,基尔,国际标准书号3-88741-129-3

    • 回复: @Logan
    , @Eagle Eye
    , @Mike P
  139. As the world moves closer to nuclear war it is important to ask the simple questions: why do humans fight one another? Is there a pattern? Respectively the answer is ‘power’ and ‘yes’.
    权力(表现为利益)在过去的每一次冲突中都存在-也不例外。 这是战争的根本动机。 其他文化因素可能会改变,但力量不会改变。 利益涉及所有明显统一的原则:家庭,亲属,国家,宗教,意识形态,政治–一切。 我们与原则的敌人团结在一起,因为这符合我们的利益。 战争的起因是力量,而不是上述任何概念。

  140. Logan 说:
    @Mike P

    Greenland today is not all permafrost. There are presently farms operating there, though not very efficiently or profitably.


    • 回复: @Mike P
  141. Logan 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    然后,在一本关于智人进化和起源的书中,人们完全出乎意料地发现,二战期间英国皇家空军科学官员、犹太人史蒂芬·杰伊·古尔德解释说,贝尔根·贝尔森的苦难是“由盟友造成的”,因为说1945 年 XNUMX 月,美国战斗轰炸机导致德国境内的所有运输均无法进行,前往难民营的食品也无法运输。


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  142. @Eagle Eye

    鹰眼 说: “….Scratch any post-war hard Leftist and you discover that they literally read Hitler’s Mein Kampf as a how-to manual.

    Close analysis of Leftist-totalitarian discourse in the West reveals that they continue to use many of the same precepts and techniques pioneered by National Socialists,….”

    Exactly. Hitler even admitted that Nazism was almost wholly based on Marx’s idiotic blather.

    Which made Hitler just another idiot “standing on the shoulders of morons” [i.e. Marxists] 🙂


    “Stupid is as stupid does”. And so it goes…..


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  143. 蒂穆尔·伦克(Timour Lenk),在我的法语书《Tamerlan》中,被称为 Timour le Paralysé,出生于 1336 年。他于 1405 年去世。
    力量 ?他一生都在战斗。



    • 回复: @Mike P
  144. @jilles dykstra

    jilles dykstra 说:“During my lifetime in the Netherlands, from the time I began to be interested in politics, say 1955, until 2005, I never had the idea that Dutch democracy did not function…….”

    “But even when the guilder was abolished I still trusted democracy, at the time my illusion was that in Brussels there were competent politicians, who cared for us.”


    [假设他们是 不能 already being applied today, of course 🙂 ]


  145. @onebornfree





  146. @Logan

    居住在附近的平民与缺乏食物和缺乏 Zyklon B 有何关系,这超出了我的理解范围。

    • 回复: @Che Guava
    , @Logan
  147. Z-man 说:

    I did not read this article, I only agreed with the first comment.
    I only add this; this ugly Satanic ‘w’itch ‘didn’t know she was a Jew’ until late in life, lol! She should be ‘drawn and quartered’.

  148. Che Guava 说:

    Never. It must be a problem with your timeout settings, provider, or malware. Only here? That is strange, possibly spyware.

    I am not to know if you are directly logging in from a PC or from or through a phone, but in my opinion, the latter are even worse (if you are taking care) now than the former.

    This is a different kind of problem, but I was downloading two programming languages from the so-called ‘Play Store’. Both caused problems. One worked at first, but not for long, the other never.

    Now, my main (system) SD card is full all of the time, I delete these giant meaningless temp files, it is full again in an hour. If resetting the thing, too, it is less than three of eight GB, then full again.

    Google deleted both, but never was posting a notice to say that one was malware, which I am sure was the case. Not sure which, I think the more advanced one, the other (I was contacting the writer), just too full of bugs.

  149. Mike P 说:

    Greenland today is not all permafrost.

    Nor did I say it was. There are, however, remnants of Norse farms in parts that are now permafrost.

    There is plenty of historic evidence to show that the medieval warm period was warmer than it is today. Moreover, the “modern warm period” fits the ~1000 year rhythm set by the Minoan, the Roman, and the medieval warm periods. Since we have no quantitative theory to describe this rhythm, we have no way at all to ascertain how much of the recent warming is man-made.

    • 同意: dfordoom
    • 回复: @Logan
  150. Mike P 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    A weird animal, homo sapiens, with one species of great apes the only animal that kills its own kind, for fun … Something went terribly wrong during ‘evolution’.

    Das sogenannte Böse: Zur Naturgeschichte der Aggression (康拉德·洛伦茨)

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  151. Che Guava 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    我认为你的意思是“暗示美国战斗机” *没有射击* 任何移动的东西。






    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  152. @Che Guava

    我认为你的意思是“暗示美国战斗机” *没有射击* 任何移动的东西。


  153. Marcali 说:

    When you have a 9:1 ratio in manpower losses, you cannot talk about winning at all:

    “但我们有一系列估计,其中大多数是相互独立的。 因此,必须将 27 万苏联战争死亡人数作为军事死亡人数的最低数字,而不是德国的 2,416,784 人阵亡和失踪人数,后者包括所有战俘,其中一些人最终从古拉格活着回来。”
    (John Mosier:Deathride,Hitler vs. Stalin:The Eastern Front,1941-1945,Simon & Schuster,2010,第 338 页。)

    That is why the Soviet Union does not look like a winner, does she.

    • 回复: @Beckow
    , @Cyrano
  154. Beckow 说:

    You numbers are wrong, you have to compare military losses to military losses, those were 2.5 to 1. If you include the victims of the German genocide in the east – because that’s what it was – and crow about it, well, that’s pretty sick by any standards.

    Germany lost 9 million people in WWII. Its allies – most of Europe – lost another few millions (e.g. Romanian losses in the east were enormous, so were Italian,…). More French volunteers died fighting for Germany in the east than died in ‘Resistance’.

    West confuses mass murder with winning, they still do, e.g. recently in Iraq or Syria. That is a bit of a character issue, but I won’t elaborate.


  155. Miro23 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    You really must be kidding if you think the events of 1919 (Communist uprisings) to 1923 (the hyperinflation) led to the rise of electoral support for the Nazi party. It went downhill till the Depression struck in the 1930s.

    Disagree. The German Workers Party (DAP) started from nothing and had something like 60 members in 1919.

    By the end of 1920 it had about 2000 members when it morphed (in 1921) into the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) that went on to get –

    1924 1,9 million votes
    1930 6,4万
    1932 11,7万
    1933 17,2万

    By any standards this is a fast rise, and contemporary German literature showed a strong awareness of the Bolshevik bloodbath in Russia, and fear that it might come to Germany. The Germans were fully aware of the two Bolshevik inspired and Jewish led coups in Germany (Berlin and Munich 1919) and the fact that they were defeated by the paramilitary Freikorps, who were a base of support for the DAP and NSDAP.

    I also see the massive hyperinflation of 1923 as very influential in creating support for the NSDAP. It resulted in a large transfer of German city centre property into Jewish ownership, while the middle class completely lost confidence in their government and often faced destitution.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
    , @Wizard of Oz
  156. annamaria 说:

    Agree. Albright (Corbelova) is a war criminal and war profiteer.

  157. annamaria 说:

    Durocher: “Strikingly, the word “Netanyahu” does not appear in the book’s Index at all. The existence of a democratic ethno-nationalist state goes against her [Albright] whole narrative.”

    — M. Albright (who is exceptionally ugly inside and out and not particularly bright) is a loyal servant to Israel and oligarchy. As such, she doubtlessly approves the US (and the Jewish State) cooperation with neo-Nazi in Ukraine.

    Albright’s alarmism about every tepid manifestation of Western civic nationalism and her casual ignoring of Jewish ethnonationalism – funded at American taxpayers’ expense and driving much of the murderous insanity of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, including under her tenure as secretary of State – is a hypocrisy sadly typical of many American liberal Jews.

    M. Albright does deserve to be reminded again and again about the “hypocrisy sadly typical of many American liberal Jews” in the context of the US-unleashes & promoted rise of banderism in Ukraine as well as the Jewish State’s active cooperation with Ukrainian neo-Nazi. Shoah has become a business, actually, a name for an extraction schema.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  158. Che Guava 说:
    @Mike P

    Chimps, gorillas, and baboons are not recalcitrant for killing. In the case of the second species there, I would guess that they interbred with parts of the hominid population left in Africa.

    I know that it is a taboo question, but to what extent are the great apes able to breed with humonids? It would seem very likely.

    What would be the site of it?


    If lions and tigers, after much more geological time, can be made to have offspring, why can not hominids with a repeated history of mating with great apes in Africa have no offspring? They live.

    • 哈哈: Ilyana_Rozumova
  159. Che Guava 说:

    It already come to parts of Germany, with the Jewish-Bolshevik putsches of 1919.

  160. Cyrano 说:

    That is why the Soviet Union does not look like a winner, does she.

    You are right, USSR was declared a winner against Germany due to an accounting error. If they had back then a brilliant mathematician like you, they would have realized the mistake and at least would have declared Germany a moral winner – because as we all know they fought a righteous and just war.

    So in the final analysis, let’s put it this way: Russia won a pyrrhic victory, but Germany won the accounting war and also the public opinion popularity victory and they also won the moral victory. Therefore, Germany should be declared an unanimous winner of WW2.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  161. Che Guava 说:

    OMG, says Madeleine Albright, I was never looking into a mirror before I got the shocking news that I am Jewish Σ(゜Д゜)Σ(゜Д゜), BBQ, that bitch did so much evil, and is continuing it as much as possible now, her head should turn to stone if she is to face a mirror, or TV camera. Both names are fake, especially the first, nobody with her sepulchrural visage would ever have been named ‘Madeleine’, wonder about the birth name.

    The surname, Albright, also a fake, but from some arseholwe in the DDR, who was short-lived at the top, but long enough to conveying her fake-name combo.

    • 回复: @Alden
  162. @Miro23

    You’ve de facto conceded the point by your wordy smokescreen and – above all – staring us in the face – your fiddling with figures. *No mention of the the 1928 election when the Nazis got 3 per cent of the vote!


    In short, as my elderly German hosts when I was a resident student made clear the sensible German middle classes had started living a decent life again after thecpost war traumas just as they had about eight years after the equal or worse devastation of and after WW2 (do you remember what happened to the currency then?). Nope, Wall Street was the real catalyst….

  163. Anon[805]• 免责声明 说:

    The nation destroying process that is mandated by Madeline Albright’s religion is why the term “fascism” exists, as before it used to be known as common-sense governance and national defense (cultural, military, etc).


    I am with you and will save you,’



    When nations are under existential threat, those preventative measures naturally increase.

    These measures are what Albright is complaining about, and which she feels slighted over due to her entitlement to nation destruction as conferred by her religious beliefs.

    It’s no coincidence that Albright felt morally righteous in massacring the Orthodox Christian Serbs for the benefit of Muslims in Europe.

    Religious Jews especially hate all nations with any measure of traditional Christian Liturgy (Old Roman Rite and Eastern Rite) due to the fact that the liturgy is primarily designed to counter the most vile anti-gentile curses invoked at Yom Kippur by their top Rabbis / Priests during the ritual goat slaughter to Samael.

    The goat slaughter to Samael is intended to bribe him into transferring all Jewish sins onto the heads of gentiles.


    Samael is seen as the guardian angel / God of Esau (who is Europeans and Christianity according to the Rabbis, but also all other nations that do not behave like Jews and bow to the Jewish God – this is all basic Tanakh scripture).

    And “Samael” is the Father God (at least the Father of Europeans), metaphysically and mythologically speaking. The Jews only gave him a different name and pulled the Zoroastrian trick of casting him as a demon.


    The Hebrew Enoch 14:2, acknowledges him as “chief of the tempters” “greater than all the heavenly kingdoms.” This text differentiates between Satan and Samael, the latter being none other than the guardian angel of Rome (ibid. 6:26).


    Samael is in charge of all the nations but has no power over Israel except on the Day of Atonement, when the scapegoat serves as bribe for him (ibid. 46).


    Thankfully for us, the Ramban is more plainspoken about the “סוד” than the Ibn Ezra is. He writes that he will reveal this secret because it is already clear from other sources. The Ramban quotes the Pirkei Rebbe Eliezer Perek 46, which states that Azazel is the Malach Samael. Bnei Yisroel were instructed to give Samael a bribe on Yom Kippur in the form of this קרבן so that he would not be מבטל their קרבנות. Bereishit Rabba explains that this קרבןacted as an atonement for ALL of the sins of Bnei Yisroel. Since Samael was jealous that Bnei Yisroel were thus able to achieve the level of a Malach on Yom Kippur, God commanded Bnei Yisroel to give one Korban to Azazel/Samael, in order to pacify him.

    Tyr was his original name for the Germans, and Mars is his name in Pagan Rome.


    All first Gods will be associated with Mars, including Yahweh (as claimed by Jews), because Mars is the planetary body traditionally associated with the Spring Equinox, which is the real New Year.

    The first God always occupies the first 5 degrees (5 days) in the 360 degree annual cycle, thus ruling the cycle. Each of the 71 other Gods (or angels / demons in Jewish lore) rule 5 degrees (days) elsewhere in the cycle.

    The first one to make the Aryan God a devil (Dev-El or Devi-L) were the proto-Judaic Zoroastrians who turned all Aryan Vedic Gods (known as Devi and Deva) into an evil force in their myths.

    This was the first religion that we have evidence of that indisputably centered the 具体的 gods of their enemies in their myths as an evil force. This is why theological dualism is first associated with Zoroastrianism.

    Judaism later followed suit in making every god of every other nation a demon, and then later simply a demonic manifestation of their god (Qliphoth) that is meant to assist in shaping the world to their concept of perfection (their Messianic time).

    “EL” and “IL”always refers to a god or a god-like being, and ‘i’ and ‘e’ are generally interchangeable in meaning when not in word formation (Mich-EL, Gabri-EL, Sama-EL, Il-lyrians, Il-les, etc).

    So, “Dev-il”, or “Dev-God”, in its modern connotation, refers to the original Indic Aryan Gods (Devi / Deva) that were later mythologically turned into evil god forces by anti-Aryan forces that settled in Persia. This Deva / Devi change from good to evil gods in myths is mainstream knowledge.

    These anti-Aryan forces also uprooted the original Persian Mittani-Indic religious practice of Mitra (Mithra) worship (the god of covenants and truth, a concept which Jews stole and applied to their desert god Yahweh) and replaced it with proto-monotheistic Zoroastrianism.

    The latter being a rough outline of Judaism before it made the “devil” merely an aspect of their god (see their 72 names and the Qliphoth) instead of a dualistic and independent enemy.

    The same thing (turning something good to evil) happened with the word “demon”, which is none other than the Greek word “Daimon” and the Latin word “Daemon”, which originally only had a positive connotation that referred to the spirit of God(s) in lesser beings like men.

    They pathologized the positive, tribe-affirming Roman term “genii” or “genius” in the same way, in making it the root of the evil “genie” or “jinn” spirits. In recent centuries the term has made a comeback , though not in religious terms.


    It is no coincidence that Christianity began in Greece and Rome. This was the front line against the encroaching nation-eradicating movement that was moving in from the East.

    Christianity, as it was originally conceived through the first major Church, is essentially a desperate attempt to stymie that threatening movement with counter magic (the liturgy) and by centering it as evil and wrong in their myths (the NT) in he same way that the encroaching movement (now Judaism) did with the Aryan religions.

    Instead of the goat being sacrificed to put sins on the heads of non-Jews, the King of the Jews is sacrificed to remove the sins from the heads of Christians.

    Some would say that would be a fair trade off, but the Jews have always disagreed. Given their total supremacism that refuses to see other humans as ontologically real (and often refers to them in thinly coded language as beasts and other animals in their texts), how could they not feel slighted?

    The Jews make all Gods of all other seventy one nations into demons (Qliphoth) with a metaphysical goal of eventually destroying them.

    This is accomplished through eradication of the people themselves, but is metaphysically aided with what amounts to Black magical rituals, such as the Yom Kippur goat sacrifice, that are designed to keep all people except for Jews out of favor with the primary God.

    Destroying those angels is is code for destroying those nations, as no people can exist without their god and no god without his people (“as above, so below”). When there is a war on Earth, one also exists in heaven. Eradication in heaven or on Earth is eradication in the corresponding place, above or below.

    Countering Judaism metaphysically and politically is the primary reason that Christianity was put into a formal structure and institutionalized.

    The New Testament and everything else is only supporting documentation for the aforementioned curse-countering liturgy. Everything that departs from that liturgy is a Jewish victory, the ultimate goal of whom is mass destruction and genocide of Esau (Europeans and Christianity according to the Rabbis) that 必须 take place before the arrival of their Messiah.

    Again, its no surprise that Madeline Albright hated and bombed the Serbians, who have an Orthodox Church that is one of the furthest West. Greece, the Ukraine, and Russia are similarly and historically targeted by various means (war, genocide, and economic means). It is not a coincidence that they also represent the largest Orthodox Churches. The Roman Rite was destroyed in Vatican II, neutralizing the liturgy of the Roman Church. It is no coincidence that, in spite of Orthodox Christianity being one of the most popular religions in Eurasia, that there are only about one million adherents in the United States. Almost all Russians that come here are Jewish. The Orthodox Russians are largely kept in Russia. That is by design. This has always been a Protestant (Judaized Christianity) and Jewish run nation.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  164. Alden 说:
    @Che Guava

    Could Albright be Merkel’s real mother? They’re not crypto Jews buy crypto demons !!!

  165. “Hitler Was a Rothschild”


  166. apollonian 说:

    One Born Brainless Strikes Again

    “One born free” and James Corbett are most pathetic fools and liars: see https://carolynyeager.net/fake-legends-adolf-hitler%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9Cjewish-grandfather%E2%80%9D

    The “one born free” narcissist is obviously a dis-connected, schizoid psychotic, constantly babbling his idiot abstract crap in pretending he’s better and farther-seeing than other pedestrian, ordinary humans, but here we have the moron, Corbett, parroting and transmitting stock Jew-serving prop. and lies–which lies were PROVABLY generated by Jews working for the New Deal administration, as Yeager demonstrates.

    Maria Schickelgruber NEVER went to Vienna, NEVER worked for any Rothschild, and was NEVER anyone’s servant. Maria was actually a thrify lass, and inherited property fm parents–she didn’t need to work as servant.

    Good try, “one born brainless,” but thou art mere fool and sucker just transmitting and spreading Jew-serving lies–don’t u feel like a moron? But I’m sure everyone is still soooo impressed about being “born free,” even if quite brainless. Keep up the good work, sucker.

  167. Agent76 说:

    Jan 9, 2019 The World Just Woke Up, Coincidence, Part Of The Plan

    May seems to be in trouble with the BREXIT, this deal is not for the people and she knows it. This is a deal for the central bankers and the elite.

  168. I remember reading in the preface of the Romania of “Fascism” by Zhelyu Zhelev (first post-Coomunist president of Bulgaria) that the book could not be published anywhere in the Soviet-friendly world, because everyone would recognize the resemblance. Apparently, after its launch in 1982, Bulgarians would go to the bookstore and ask for “Socialism by Zhelyu Zhelev”.

    Among the zipper-is-showing similarities described by Zhelev, it appears that Italian Fascist press had a mission in discussing at length how Britain and US will disappear any time soon due to corruption, dishonesty, lack of temperance, and so on. I was all too similar to how the 1982 newspapers of Sofia and Moscow were denouncing Britain and UK.

    So what am I to make of the fact that unelected Kiselyov and unelectable Albright meet on the high grounds of Fascism-bashing? I struggle to understand how a bit of centralized economy and empire growth can do any harm to your nation. Mussolini hardly did more than Clinton in running his country. After all, I don’t remember Albright asking for open bids, in equal conditions, for the Joint Strike Fighter.

  169. Interloper 说:


  170. Eagle Eye 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    Jiles Dykstra:最重要的。



    (1) Books revealing information “where one least expects it.”


    (2) Pertinent passages from books in languages OTHER THAN ENGLISH would be of great value to readers here. It is not too difficult to obtain a machine or human translation of Western languages. (Your non-English references seem to be in Dutch, French and German.) However, it is FAR MORE DIFFICULT for an English-language reader to find pertinent references in those languages. The difficulty of searching becomes almost insuperable where – as you noted above – one doesn’t even know what to look for but stumbles across crucial tidbits while reading about something else.

    Any such lists would not need to be huge – 50 or 100 items would be a great start to raise the visibility and longevity of more obscure source materials. Of course, the more the merrier.

    Perhaps other posters could suggest additional categories of broader interest where Jilles Dystra’s unique insights and sources would be particularly valuable.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  171. anon[255]• 免责声明 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    This is why it is difficult to forget her . Though the charisma of an old bag lady is not same as that of an old fascist dinosaur like Kissinger . But they stand together in this old age separated not by gender but held by hatred and vengeance against Iran Syria Palestine and love for the Zionist..

  172. anon[255]• 免责声明 说:
    @Godfree Roberts

    it is normal to think in positive terms when the condition improves. Opposite is true when condition deteriorates . Positive view of China by Chinese or negative view of US by American ( or France by French ) does not translate into the proof of existence or absence of democracy, rule of laws, freedom from coercion or extortion. China is nota democracy .

    Chinese psychological development is way more inferior than that of American or French . What you call “National Unity ” is tribalism which is manifested in Chinese behavior whenever neighboring countries try to behave like “National Family” . China reacts with worst minds et and public display of violence whenever Malayasia Vietnam Korea or Indonesia or Phillione are felt to be catering to the needs of the national indigos people and removing the dominance of Chinese.

  173. @Anon

    Thanks God! This makes everything clear, (as mud)

  174. @Eagle Eye

    唯一的例外是鲁道夫·赫斯 (Rudolf Hess) 苏格兰伯爵 1936 年柏林早餐,当然我不确定这是否已经为人所知,即某些历史学家提到的。
    由于在世界范围内,很少有人读德语,当然,德国人仍然被视为邪恶的民族,自 1870 年(现在的德国的开端)以来,出版了很多关于德国历史的书籍,但没有引起人们的注意,是我的想法。
    Gerd Schultze- Rhonhof, '1939, Der Krieg, der viele Väter hatte, Der lange Anlauf zum Zweiten Weltkrieg', München 2003, 2006

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Eagle Eye
  175. Mike P 说:
    @jilles dykstra



  176. @Beckow

    对于那里的人们来说,二战于 1990 年刚刚结束。
    在我看来,现实是罗斯福、丘吉尔和斯大林在 1933 年就已经赢得了二战。

    • 同意: Zumbuddi
    • 回复: @Cyrano
    , @Beckow
    , @jacques sheete
  177. Cyrano 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    Your opinion is shit. Stalin once said that quantity has quality all it’s own. With you, that’s not the case. You keep writing hundreds of posts a day – all of it garbage. Go away already.

    • 不同意: apollonian
    • 巨魔: Zumbuddi
    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Eagle Eye
  178. @Cyrano


    • 回复: @Cyrano
  179. annamaria 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    “…the Germans still are seen as THE evil people…”

    Begs to differ: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2019/01/11/a-holocaust-was-what-the-americans-did-to-the-germans/
    “Eisenhower’s Starvation Order: A holocaust was what the Americans did to the Germans,” by James Bacque

    As soon as Germany surrendered on 8 May 1945, the American Military Governor, General Eisenhower, sent out an “urgent courier” throughout the huge area that he commanded, making it a crime punishable by death for German civilians to feed prisoners: “under no circumstances may food supplies be assembled among the local inhabitants in order to deliver them to the prisoners of war. Those who violate this command and nevertheless try to circumvent this blockade to allow something to come to the prisoners place themselves in danger of being shot….”

    Eisenhower’s order was also posted in English, German and Polish…

    … that it was “the intention of Army command regarding the German POW camps in the US Zone from May 1945 through the end of 1947 to exterminate as many POWs as the traffic would bear without international scrutiny.”

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  180. Eagle Eye 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    你可能太谦虚了。 (真的。并不是想讽刺。)


    然而,你似乎有一个独特而广泛的此类见解的集合,大部分都有印刷来源的支持,而不仅仅是一两个事实观察,这些事实观察与不确定来源和持久性的脆弱的互联网链接,如 98% 的评论者(包括你真正的评论者)提供的那样)。

    拥有一幅印象派画作的博物馆可能值得参观,也可能不值得参观。一个包含 30 件印象派作品的展览总是值得长途跋涉,即使三分之一或一半的展品实际上并不是顶级的。

    • 同意: jacques sheete
    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  181. Cyrano 说:
    @jilles dykstra




    They American weapons should be able to win those wars all by themselves, the same way they won it for USSR- without any meaningful contribution by the Russians. American weapons are so good that the American personnel seems only to be getting in the way of the racial superiority of those weapons, unable to extract the magic powers that they are infused with – thanks to the fact that they were manufactured by the superior west.

    Stalin was wrong. His “Quantity has a quality all its own” was meant to say that USSR had numerical superiority in man and weapons which will prevail in the end. USSR had not only numerical superiority – they had qualitative superiority as well – in certain areas. They made the best tank of WW2 – T34, Germans build Panthers and Tigers which were better than T34 – but that was only after the rude awakening after they saw T-34 in action.


    • 回复: @apollonian
  182. 我想知道奥尔布赖特是否会认为这是法西斯主义

  183. apollonian 说:

    Cyrano Well Demonstrates His Basic Subjectivist Religion

    “The military personnel as well, Russian soldiers were better than the Germans not only because there were more of them, they were better mano a mano than the Germans.”

    Above quote is so brainlessly and obviously stupid, there’s no further comment necessary–but of course, if the moron thinks there are any premises or reasonings that could support such idiocy, by all means pt. them out. Of course, the idiot COULD only give more moronic assertions which themselves would need support, but that’s why the idiot is so stupid, not understanding such a simple thing.

    What was generally agreed by many, many, if not most, observers and analysts, is/was the Germans were better for their tactical command execution, esp. at the beginning of the conflict (WWII), the Russkies being held back by the political commissars who were required to agree and consent with the actual military commanders.

    “…[Y]ou can keep believing the delusions that you’ve created for yourself.”

    And above quote is the typical, natural, thematic product of his own religion, the reality created by the subject himself (and/or his co-religionists/co-racialists). For what is a “delusion”?–isn’t that something that doesn’t exist in an objective reality, yet insisted upon by the subject?–and isn’t this the avowed religion of our subject, here, “Cyrano”?

    Thus we see the basic psychotic nature of this (a) religion and (b) the subjectivists pushing such religion, like our dear little “Cyrano.”

    • 回复: @Cyrano
  184. Beckow 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Without the support of USA and GB…Germany would, in my opinion, have conquered all of European Russia.

    Well, they didn’t. Exactly why we can argue about forever. The fact that Russia also previously defeated top powers of their time – Napoleon, Turks, Swedes – suggests that maybe there is something else going on here than Western material supplies. E.g. Napoleon had all of Europe join him in his attack on Russia, and Russia had no help – still French lost badly.

    There is an issue among Western patriotic thinkers (I think you are one of them): they mostly repeat the same hackneyed (and false) cliches about European history as their globalist opponents. Except they tend to actually show sympathy for the insane and genocidial attacks by the West on the east, dreaming about what-if scenarios, repeating black-and-white narratives about Cold War, etc…


  185. Cyrano 说:

    My religion won the WW2, whatever it may be – Bolshevism, Slavic religion (my favorite), eastern religion – whatever. If it was up to your religion – capitalism and racial supremacy (which you don’t have) you would have lost. Do you understand, you stupid degenerate?

    Don’t try to play some superior intelligence with me you retarded western propaganda brainwashed idiot. That’s why you are going down you and you degenerate western civilization. Because you buy into a BS like “We are all equal” and yet you are superior to the Slavs.

    Find someone else to preach that garbage to, you f**ken degenerate. You never proved that you are superior to us in anything and you never will. According to your elites – who love you very much by the way – you are not superior not even to the Sub-Saharan species of kwanzaa fame, and yet you want us to acknowledge your “superiority” over us. You know what, I worship the Russians, because they are worth it and because it allows me not to give a shit about a**holes like you. And if you really, really crave submissiveness by Slavs – remember – you’ll always have your Polaks. Now f**k关闭。

    • 哈哈: apollonian
  186. Tyrion 2 说:

    OT, there’s only one Jewish leader of a country in the world and there’s only one leader of a country who has spoken out in favour of Trump’s wall:

    President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel’s southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea.

  187. annamaria 说:

    American Cannibal: “The Clinton Memo That Killed Half a Million People in Syria,” by Daniel Lazare ( Consortium News ) on Friday, January 11, 2019 – 18:08
    请注意: The following article, published at Consortium News, was taken down hours after it was published today (1/11/19) : https://russia-insider.com/en/print/25874

    It takes us back to 2012 and the early phase of the Syrian war.

    At that point, it was largely an internal affair, although Saudi arms shipments were playing a greater and greater role in bolstering rebel forces. But once the Obama administration decided in favor of intervention, the conflict was quickly internationalized as thousands of holy warriors flooded in from as far away as western China.

    The 1,200-word memo by then-Secretary of State Clinton … argues that the U.S. should topple the Assad regime so as to weaken Iran and allay the fears of Israel, which has long regarded the Islamic republic as its primary enemy. As the memo puts it:

    Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly. Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted.

    Onward, Christian soldiers, give your lives away to please the US politicking class and the rabid Jewish supremacists.

    • 同意: Desert Fox
    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
  188. ikeo 说:


  189. annamaria 说:

    “Why This Iraq War Veteran Has Created Panic In The Democratic Party:” https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-12/why-iraq-war-veteran-has-created-panic-democratic-party
    Nassim Taleb: “The “left” is just as owned by weapon makers as the “right”.

    Samples of the willing idiots and Israel-firsters smearing a courageous and patriotic American veteran:

    Exhibit NO 1: S.E. Cupp, @secupp

    Tulsi Gabbard’s disturbing and singular denialism of Assad’s role in the brutal butchering of his own people, obliging a meeting with him and spreading his propaganda should be disqualifying.

    Exhibit No 2: Noah Shachtman, @NoahShachtman

    Tired of Putin? Vote Assad 2020!!!!!!! Tulsi Gabbard says she will run for president in 2020

    • 同意: Desert Fox
  190. Alfred 说:

    I just tried the Russian search engine – Yandex.com

    No photos of Albright and Mubarak together. It looks like the same tribe controls the internet in Russia.

    Quite amazing really!

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  191. Logan 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    I’d be glad to reply to your comment, but I don’t understand it.

  192. @jilles dykstra


    Don’t know anything about Toth, and call me a conspiracy theorist, but if he was trying to steer Hitler away from war, then he could have been killed by Hitler’s enemies, the ones who wanted war so as to destroy and enslave what was left of Germany.

    How’s that for a motive?

  193. @annamaria

    Thanks for that, annamaria.

    That was certainly a holocaust, but even worse were the post WW1 immediate holocaust of starving Germany via Brit blockade and the various interwar holocausts waged on Germany by the Commies and their international banking buddies.

    Reading about German suffering at the hands of criminals would move even a dead rat to tears.

  194. @Eagle Eye

    I appreciate jiles consistently informative comments even though I do not always agree with his conclusions. It’s also good that we get to read the perspectives from across the pond.


  195. @Beckow

    Soviets won WWII very decisively

    I realize that may be a very comforting thought for some, but it wasn’t a fair fight, so what’s to brag about? Furthermore, I wonder what the non-Reds under Stalin’s boot heel would have to say about that. Did they win too?

  196. @Cyrano

    …at least would have declared Germany a moral winner – because as we all know they fought a righteous and just war.

    Well, I hate to break it to you, but even with the benefit of nearly a century of hindsight, you are unintentionally correct.

    “……关于希特勒和日本人的整个神话,甚至在那时甚至现在如此普遍,从头到尾都是谬论。 这场噩梦中的每一块木板要么完全不真实,要么不完全是真实。


    Murray Rothbard,我们时代的修正主义

    总之, the real winners of the wars were the International Reds of Wall Street, and it was no moral victory. In fact, despite the fact that the US has been practically devoid of military victories since that time, that pack of criminals keeps on winning, at least by their definition of the word.

  197. @MarkinPNW

    Thanks for that. Didn’t know what it said so looked it up and now I recommend all of Romans 2 as some pretty good stuff.

  198. @jilles dykstra




    … building gas chambers…

  199. @Franz

    Fantastic! never heard of such a poem, but I find it food for thought!

    To some God of Abstract Justice – which no woman understands.


    That’s more evidence that ‘Merkin males have been feminized cowards and no wonder that the Hyena cackled.

  200. @Franz

    I’ve long been amused by this as well.

    Ammianus Marcellinus has to say:

    “……如果他(他)召唤妻子,他的妻子比他强得多,而且眨着眼睛,那么一整群外国人将无法应付战斗中的一个(高卢人); 最重要的是,当她隆起脖子,咬牙齿、,起巨大的白手臂时,开始下起阵阵脚踢的雨声,就像是弹射器的扭曲绳索所释放的镜头。”


    C.D. YONGE, M.A.


  201. @Sergey Krieger

    Western ignorance regarding soviet Russia is incurable.

    Western ignorance, generally, is incurable. Even superficial observation indicates that schools and other forms of propaganda work wonders in that regard. Even American “diplomats” have been, as a rule, absolutely clueless about most things and often do not even speak the language of the nation they’re assigned to.

  202. @Tom Welsh

    Rather, I think that the rulers in Washington, as directed by the rich and powerful oligarchs and corporations who own them, set out quite deliberately and cold-bloodedly to control as much of the world’s wealth as possible – by whatever means seemed to them most effective.

    The Marxists even boasted about wanting that, had significant backing by Wall Street, and spared no effort in the pursuit of it.

    I have much evidence in case anyone’s interested. Or one could google Anthony Sutton, for one.

    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
  203. Sparkon 说:

    I had found a small picture of Albright and Mubarak together with 10 minutes searching, using only Google, and posted it here with my #55:


    But I don’t dispute that many even most of the images may have been scrubbed.

    Sometimes persistence pays, and a different or better search argument might do the trick.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  204. Zumbuddi 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Well said and critically important to repeat.

    The masters of propaganda have pursued their program of vilification since well before the falsely charged crimes were committed.

  205. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    所以? 你厌倦了流落街头吗?

    Good one! That would explain why he never tires of tooting his own horn.

  206. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    Neither fascism or democracy guarantee good government or is inevitably bad government.

    Very true, and a big part of the reason for that is that government, or anything with the power to tax, imprison people, and start wars, is based on force and force is easily and inevitably abused despite all the supposed good intentions.

    Any exceptions are extremely rare and very short lived.

  207. @Marcali

    Comments like that are a big reason I love UR. Very fascinating and most likely true. For evidence, just look at how the Israelis are acting now. Thanks!

  208. JamesinNM 说:

    Albright told Hussein the U.S. did not care if he invade Kuwait. She is a globalist tool.

  209. Sparkon 说:

    My bad.

    That small picture I posted above is not Hosni Mubarak cheek-to-cheek with Madeleine Albright, but rather Ehud Barak. The picture turned up in Google Images after search argument Albright hugs Mubarak (77,000 hits) or Mubark hugs Albright (75,000)。

    I learned that Getty Images has a number of shots with Mubarak and Albright together, but no smooches or hugs that I’ve seen so far. I didn’t see the reputed image of Albright and Mubarak when it was current, so I really have no idea exactly what I’m looking for, although certainly any embrace with two such…homely creatures is bound to stand out.

    Adobe image

    The glamorous life of the world’s most beautiful people is indeed a spectacle to behold. Your view may vary. ‘Sorry about my mistake.

  210. annamaria 说:

    A quite educational paper on the banality of evil: https://www.counterpunch.org/2014/04/07/why-is-the-us-honoring-a-racist-rabbi/
    “Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi?” by ALISON WEIR

    Every year since 1978, a Presidential Proclamation, often accompanied by a Congressional Resolution, has declared Schneerson’s birthday an official national day of observance. …


    “犹太人与非犹太人之间的区别源于共同的表达:“让我们与众不同。” 因此,我们没有一个人仅处于更高水平的深刻变化的案例。 相反,我们有一个“让我们区分”完全不同的物种的案例。”


    “在灵魂方面存在更大的差异。 存在两种相反类型的灵魂,一个非犹太灵魂来自三个撒旦领域,而犹太灵魂源于圣洁。”

    “正如已经解释过的,胚胎被称为人类,因为它既有身体又有灵魂。 因此,可以理解犹太人和非犹太人之间的区别。”

    “……犹太人和非犹太人之间的一般区别:犹太人不是为了某种[其他]目的而被创造的; 他自己就是目的,因为所有[神圣]放射的实质都是为了服务犹太人而被创造的。”

    “重要的事情是犹太人,因为它们出于任何(其他)目的都不存在; 他们本身就是[神圣]的目标。”

    “The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.” …

    The New York Times obituary on Schneerson reported that Schneerson was “a major political force in Israel, both in the Knesset and among the electorate”… “Rabbi Schneerson always supported Israeli wars and opposed any retreat. In 1974 he strongly opposed the Israeli withdrawal from the Suez area. He promised Israel divine favors if it persisted in occupying the land.” …

    In a review of Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, Brownfeld describes Schneerson’s views on Israel:

    Rabbi Schneerson always supported Israeli wars and opposed any retreat. In 1974 he strongly opposed the Israeli withdrawal from the Suez area. He promised Israel divine favors if it persisted in occupying the land.”

    Don’t Rabbi Schneerson’s pronouncement make him a “Hitler,” complete with the Lebensraum lunacy and plans for the mass murder of civilians of “wrong” ethnicity?

    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
  211. Zumbuddi 说:

    Answer to your question, comparing Schneerson to Hitler, implicatimg mass murder and Lebensraum is NO, No, and a thosand, or 6 million times No.

    To ask the question, and to make the comparison makes you look stupid,; conveys validity to the purveyors of propaganda; and minimizes the outrage in the beliefs and teachings of the rabbi.

    It is much stronger, and intellectually sound, to assess each phenomenon in its own context and on its own merits.

    The resort to 广告希特勒 chose the legs off of your argument. Worse, it effectively “gives aid and comfort to the enemy” who laugh as they say, “See, I told you so.”

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  212. @Zumbuddi

    Schneerson Was nothing but of the shelf idiotic racist, like every other Jew blabbing idiotic stupidities.
    And Hitler was half Jew so according to you he was half right.

    • 回复: @apollonian
  213. @apollonian

    I have read it. It is absolute total BS. It is irresponsible Garbage.

    • 不同意: apollonian
  214. 我和她的兄弟约翰一起做准备,肯定是乔·科贝尔的鬼魂拥有了他们的灵魂。




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