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我只能想到将阿道夫·希特勒和诺姆·乔姆斯基联合起来的一件事:对资本主义大众媒体民主的共同蔑视和批判。 关于希特勒的演讲,我们通常会想到对他的党内同志的热烈劝勉。 然而,元首有时会发出更具教育意义的音符。 1940 年 XNUMX 月就希特勒所说的“英法世界”和美国的“所谓民主”发表演讲时就是这种情况。 听完这篇演讲,我惊讶地发现希特勒对资本主义民主的批判与诺姆乔姆斯基的批判如此相似。 对于希特勒和乔姆斯基来说,企业媒体、寡头影响和乱伦的政治阶层是对西方资本主义政权声称的“民主”的嘲弄。

在最近的 YouTube 清洗中,演讲的副本似乎已被删除,但是, 副本仍然可以在 archive.org 上找到。 (该 YouTube 上仅剩一期 上传者将演讲与自己的批评性评论进行了大量拼接,他也对法西斯主义和左翼对资本主义民主的批评之间的相似性感到震惊。)

希特勒观察到,理论上,英国、法国和美国都是人民统治的。 然而,由于人民无法自发地大规模发表和发表意见,媒体在舆论塑造中发挥了关键作用:“决定性的问题是: 谁是 启迪人民? 谁是 教育人民?” 答案当然是媒体。 在这方面,希特勒的评估是对什么的夸大版本 亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔 (Alexis de Tocqueville) 早在一个世纪前就观察到 在他的经典作品中, 美国的民主:


在美国,每家报纸都没有单独的权力; 但期刊出版社仍然是继人民之后的第一权力机构。[1]亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔, 美国民主党 (巴黎:Gallimard,1986 年),第 1 卷,第。 283-84。 希特勒和托克维尔分享了数量惊人的关于现代民主的观点,参见:https://www.counter-currents.com/2016/08/tocqueville...itler/

在西方民主国家,希特勒声称:“资本实际上统治着这些国家,也就是说,只不过是一个拥有无数财富的数百人的集团。” 此外,“自由”主要是指“经济自由”,即寡头的“自由”。 国家控制。” 在经典的自我强化循环中,富人和强者通过对政治进程的影响而变得越来越富有。 今天,这最终导致臭名昭著的“1%”的存在被“占领华尔街”妖魔化。


这些资本家创造了自己的新闻,然后谈论“新闻自由”。 实际上,每家报纸都有一个主人,而在任何情况下,这个主人都是资本家,所有者。 这位大师,而不是编辑,是指导论文政策的人。 如果编辑试图写一些不适合主人的东西,他第二天就会被淘汰。 这家媒体是其所有者绝对顺从和品格的奴隶,它塑造了公众舆论。


这些政党之间的差异很小,就像以前在德国一样。 你当然认识他们,老派。 他们永远是一回事。 在英国,事务通常是这样安排的,即家庭分裂,一个成员是保守派,另一个是自由派,三分之一属于工党。 实际上,这三个人作为家庭成员坐在一起,并决定了他们的共同态度。

这种小气派意味着“在所有重要的事情上。 . . 政党总是一致的”,“政府”和“反对派”之间的区别主要是选举时间的戏剧性。 这种批评将引起那些指责“共和党人”、“威斯敏斯特村”或实际上各种亲欧盟政党在很大程度上难以区分的人的共鸣。 在外交政策方面,乔姆斯基的偏好领域尤其如此。

希特勒继续用残酷而有效的讽刺来描述在这些人民应该统治的民主国家中是如何存在最不平等的:“你可能认为在这些拥有自由和财富的国家,人民必须拥有无限程度的自由。繁荣。 但不是!” 英国不仅控制着“世界的六分之一”和数百万贫困的印度,而且其本身也有着众所周知的深刻阶级分化和痛苦的工人阶级。 法国和美国也有类似的情况:“一方面是贫困——令人难以置信的贫困——另一方面也是同样令人难以置信的财富。” 与德国的创新经济政策形成鲜明对比的是,这些民主国家在大萧条期间无法解决失业问题。

希特勒接着嘲笑在战争期间参与政府的工党承诺战后为穷人提供社会福利和假期:“值得注意的是,他们终于想到了这个想法旅行不应该只是百万富翁的事情,也应该是人们的事情。” 希特勒德国和法西斯意大利长期以来一直率先组织大众旅游,以造福于劳动人民。 (像意大利贵族朱利叶斯·埃沃拉这样的传统主义者强烈批评他们的东西。)

最终,在西方民主国家,“正如其整个经济结构所表明的那样,在民主的面具下,相对较小的阶层的自私统治; 一个非常小的社会阶级的利己主义。” 希特勒总结道:“不言而喻,在这种民主统治的地方,根本没有考虑到人民本身。 唯一重要的是存在几百个拥有所有工厂和股份并通过他们控制人民的大资本家。”


希特勒的批评令人震惊的是,从那时起,差不多 80 年前,几乎没有什么变化。 今天,无论是左派还是右派,人们都在听到对企业在政治中的影响、对媒体的企业所有权和对舆论的操纵以及自私自利的主流政党之间的细微差别的批评。 希特勒对寡头“民主制造者”的抨击与乔姆斯基对企业“同意制造者”的批判或占领华尔街对“1%”的反对非常相似。

多年来,希特勒的批评有多好? 事实是,从1930年代开始,西方资产阶级民主国家在法西斯和共产主义的威胁下,进行了认真的改革。 他们建立了社会民主的福利国家,重新分配了大量财富。 然而,从那时起,不平等现象在全球化和新自由主义时代加剧。

在实践中,西方自由主义政权的民主主张被夸大了。 各种各样的 研究 已经发现,当精英和多数人的意见发生冲突时,随着时间的推移,美国精英能够将其政策强加给大多数人(这方面的例子包括美国干预两次世界大战和自 1960 年代以来的大规模第三世界移民,受到人民的反对和推动)精英阶层)。 左派喜欢强调美国主流媒体对好战的外交政策和腐败的政治阶层的整体支持,但事实上,他们的一致意见更明显地支持平等的多种族议程。

事实上,所有政权都有不同的精英派系和官僚机构争夺权力。 所有政权都有一个有限的意识形态范围,可以和不可以讨论、批评或在政治上代表什么。 这并不是说自由民主政体和公开的威权政体是相同的,但这种区别被夸大了。 我认识很多西方人,他们一提到“独裁者”唐纳德·特朗普或玛丽娜·勒庞就口吐白沫,他们很乐意到中国、新加坡、阿拉伯联合酋长国或以色列访问、做生意或工作。 (后者是完美的犹太民主制,但对巴勒斯坦人高度专制)。 西方人真的脑子有病。

自由主义者维护思想自由和民主的主张对许多人来说都是空洞的:对特朗普的支持者和学者(例如查尔斯默里)来说,他们因参加公共活动而受到人身攻击,以及那些因科学信仰而被解雇或惩罚的人(詹姆斯沃森) 、詹姆斯·达莫尔、诺亚·卡尔)。

什么是理想的政权肯定取决于时间和地点。 法兰西第三共和国的政治家让-巴蒂斯特·杜沙森 (Jean-Baptiste Duchasseint) 说得有道理:“相比独裁者的前厅,我更喜欢议会厅。” 自由民主允许权力的定期更替、社会和政府之间的透明反馈,以及培养公民之间相互让步的习惯。 但是,否认自由民主的拉平倾向、无意识的(因此是危险的)精英主义和威权主义(因为无意识而危险)、难以执行价值观、促进公民之间的分裂,或者经常是在紧急情况下未能采取行动。 民主人士声称他们有权以和平或暴力的方式破坏和摧毁地球上每个他们认为“不民主”的政府。 这让我觉得充其量是不明智和危险的。

问题不在于一个社会是否“真正拥有”言论自由或民主。 绝对的,这些都是不可能的。 问题是社会所提倡的特定范围的自由讨论和特定的价值观实际上是否有益于该社会。 在中国,与西方不同,你不能攻击政府。 然而,据我所知,在中国,人们比在西方更自由地讨论有关犹太人、种族和优生学的问题。 事实上,这些问题对于促进人类健康的未来可能比西方真人秀民主国家的肤浅和分裂的混淆要重要得多。

[1] 亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔, 美国民主党 (巴黎:Gallimard,1986 年),第 1 卷,p。 283-84。 希特勒和托克维尔对现代民主的看法数量惊人,见: https://www.counter-currents.com/2016/08/tocqueville-and-or-hitler/

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 另类右翼确实需要放弃谈论希特勒才能得到认真对待。我是前纳粹分子,但最近放弃了这个话题,进行了更温和的讨论。

  2. anon[421]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fake Mikemikev

    Durocher is Nordicist, you can’t expect him to stop talking about Hitler, especially “watered down and slightly spiced with American Nordicist theories” version of Hitler.

  3. Durruti 说:

    纪尧姆·杜罗彻 (Guillaume Durocher) 撰写的一篇写得很好、经过研究、发人深省的文章。

    Hitler most likely served the Zionist Bankers, as his “Night of the Longknives” – 1934, rid the Nazi movement of its anti-capitalist element.

    Hitler did not effectively criticize Zionism or the ruinous financial system. He blamed the Versailles Treaty for most of Germany’s ills.

    几十年来,诺姆·乔姆斯基提供了比大多数其他美国人更严肃的政治和经济分析。 他撰写了 100 多本书。


    • 回复: @Wally
    , @GMC
    , @Pheasant
  4. German_reader 说:


    At 3:21 in the archive.org video he refers to “das auserwählte Volk” (the chosen people) which supposedly controls and directs all parties for its own interests.
    无论如何,你真的认为现代民族主义者将自己与希特勒和第三帝国联系起来是个好主意吗(因为你的许多文章都可以这样解释,就好像希特勒是当今每个民族主义者都必须阅读的深刻思想家一样) )?是的,这个人并不像今天人们经常声称的那么愚蠢,如果单独来看的话,纳粹主义的某些元素肯定很有吸引力……但事实仍然是,希特勒在没有任何真正令人信服的必要性的情况下,发动了历史上最具破坏性的战争之一然后他的追随者犯下了一些有史以来最严重的大规模谋杀案。 UR 上发帖的“修正主义者”可能会忽略这一点,但大多数人不会。

  5. Big Daddy 说:

    1933 年希特勒上台,失业率高达 40%。 1938 年,失业率为 0%。他并不是通过重新武装来做到这一点的。

    • 同意: Blankaerd
  6. Paw 说:

    虚伪或希特勒。 当他轻而易举地镇压一切阻碍他寡头垄断的事情时……
    希特勒钦佩英国。 直到民主的张伯伦/和达拉第/,开始像蠕虫一样爬向他。抱怨民主,它给了希特勒提供了他梦想的一切? 连梦都做了吗?
    最坏的情况还会重演吗? 民主永远而来,难以言说的罪恶……

  7. @Fake Mikemikev

    I’m an anarcho-socialist personally, but if the man speaks sense, then no reason to shut your ears to what he is saying.

    • 同意: Moi, Miggle
    • 回复: @Moi
  8. Biff 说:

    Brilliant essay. One of the best here at Unz…

    Americans need more enlightenment about their own “Democracy Theater” “The Big Show” “The Carnival Barkers Univoice known as the media” “Under The Big Tent – go the voters” the sham of electing another face to hate.

    If Americans would listen to the Russians but only once “Your presidents change – your policies don’t”.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  9. Rich 说:

    Who is this Hitler fellow being referred to? The name sounds slightly Germanic. I don’t think I’ve heard his name mentioned at least 6 million times.

    • 回复: @Pheasant
  10. Fox 说:

    摆脱德国教育体系灌输给你的基本信仰体系。想一些比 FRG lalaland 的强迫性神经质咒语更符合现实的东西。

  11. refl 说:

    这篇演讲必须结合上下文来看待:1940 年 1917 月,德国在走廊上对波兰采取迅速行动,导致德国陷入长达一年的战争,对法国的巨大胜利并没有结束战争,英国皇家空军轰炸对德国城市的摧毁已经开始丈夫们都奔赴战场,人民即将再次经历 XNUMX 年式的饥饿。希特勒下令对抗苏联,这必然会导致德国走向灭亡。
    In this situation the Führer thinks that it is an adecuate answer to educate his people to the fact that democracy is Shtonk (to quote from the Charlie Chaplin film) – he is probably right, but still the speech seems a slight little bit out of place.

    • 回复: @Malla
  12. Wally 说:



    – 哪些国家没有“种族主义做法”?

    – 德国根本没有选择,他们为保卫自己而战。 希特勒领导了这场防御。 完美的例子在这里:

    罗斯福密谋发起欧洲第二次世界大战: https://www.unz.com/article/roosevelt-conspired-to-start-world-war-ii-in-europe/

    德国为何进攻苏联,希特勒对苏联宣战——两份历史文件, 马克·韦伯: https://www.unz.com/article/why-germany-attacked-the-soviet-union/

    [视频] 对理性的最后呼吁——希特勒的各种和平提议: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=12662

    希特勒的和平提议: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=10192

    Barbarossa行动是预防性袭击: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7999

    • 同意: Cucksworth
    • 回复: @Durruti
  13. Fox 说:

    The few comments so far seem to fall into the rut of the usual Hitler bashing and speculation mill and not saying anything about what he said in his speech; his view of Parliamentary Democracy gives evidence for his insightfulness. Had he not been a capable individual, why, how could he have lifted Germany out of the ruin the Dictate of Versailles had thrown it into, and, why should he be hated with such a passion nearly (soon to be!) 100 years after his death, if he had not had ideas not endearing to the heart of democratic leaders who have managed to lead the world of the European Western People to the brink of annihilation in merely 70 years?

    • 同意: Malla, Carolyn Yeager
  14. Well… some democratic checks and balances against Hitler would have done some good.

    • 哈哈: byrresheim
    • 回复: @Biff
    , @Dieter Kief
    , @Realist
    , @Anon
  15. Jorge Videla [又名“西蒙·莱格”) 说:

    1. that quote is bogus, made up by a lying libertarian autist…should be: only factions of the 商业

    2. chomsky also said that hitler is still the most genuinely popular german politician ever, because his economic policies worked.

    3. paul krugman agrees that national socialism is what the majority of the american electorate actually wants. a democratic version is what denmark now has. there’s nothing right wing about so-called “right wing populism”. it’s just name calling by a moribund, discredited ruling class that uses idpol as distraction, entertainment, facade. politics isn’t politics. it’s professional wrestling. what percentage of americans know this?

    • 同意: Digital Samizdat
    • 回复: @Loren
  16. Jorge Videla [又名“西蒙·莱格”) 说:


    you just said a few sentences before this that this is precisely what liberal democracies do NOT do.

    The question is not whether a society “really has” free speech or democracy. In the absolute, these are impossible.

    as chomsky also said, the french are totally incapable of understanding the concept of freedom of speech. 100% freedom of speech is 100% possible where “speech” means the “speech” of the first amendment to the US constitution.

    if i were president of the US i’d nuke france if it refused to eliminate its “hate speech” laws. “hate speech” laws = you’re country is a fucking shithole of retardation and gayness.

    • 回复: @Pheasant
    , @Zumbuddi
  17. Willem 说:

    I think the author read the following, and then spinned his own version of Chomsky vs facism.


    Suppose it was discovered tomorrow that the greenhouse effects has been way understimated, and that the catastrophic effects are actually going to set in 10 years from now, and not 100 years from now or something.

    Well, given the state of the popular movements we have today, we’d probably have a fascist takeover-with everybody agreeing to it, because that would be the only method for survival that anyone could think of. I’d even agree to it, because there’s just no other alternatives right now.”

    更多: https://ohtarzie.wordpress.com/2014/07/08/rancid-discussion-thread-chomskys-provisional-fascism/

    • 回复: @Pheasant
  18. 多年来,希特勒的批评有多好? 事实是,从1930年代开始,西方资产阶级民主国家在法西斯和共产主义的威胁下,进行了认真的改革。 他们建立了社会民主的福利国家,重新分配了大量财富。 然而,从那时起,不平等现象在全球化和新自由主义时代加剧。

    Take capital needed to maintain industrial society [1] and spend it on immediate consumption (such as maintaining urban areas that have lost their economic base) and you get a pre-industrialized society; such societies are much more highly stratified as the workforce is more fungible than in an industrial society, hence has less bargaining power.


    1] Consider the expansion in power generation and usable resources that have not happened since WW II. They were shut down, along with American industry, as capital was diverted to urban maintenance as part of regime protection.

  19. In practice, Western liberal regimes’ democratic pretensions are exaggerated. Various studies have found that when elite and majority opinion clash, the American elite is over time able to impose its policies onto the majority (examples of this include U.S. intervention in both World Wars and mass Third World immigration since the 1960s, opposed by the people and promoted by the elite).

    That’s it? “Western liberal regimes’ democratic pretensions are exaggerated”?

    There are differences in _every_ society between different groups, which include different income levels. In the Western liberal regimes of the 1950s and 1960s, daily life was more or less left alone, and it was quite possible to over-rule the rich. There was a 90% tax on income over a fairly modest amount of income! As for the “American elite is over time able to impose its policies onto the majority” it wasn’t the rich who do that back then, nor is it the rich who do it now. It’s the Left, acquiesced to by the rich. The difference is that the rich now rich with political sufferance, or perhaps because of politics, which was much less the case back then.

    In other words, the article as a deception from start to end. Minerva’s owl flies at dusk (you understand things when they’re ending), and the deception becomes more obvious as our current system fails.


  20. Good one, Guillaume! As a person of National Socialist inclination myself, I say this is precisely the discussion we should be having. It is time for us to explore the 真实, historical NS, rather than the fake boogy-man of the Jew-media.

    Britain not only controlled “one-sixth of the world” and the impoverished millions of India, but itself had notoriously deep class divisions and suffering working classes. There was a similar situation in France and the United States: “There is poverty – incredible poverty – on one side and equally incredible wealth on the other.”

    This is why I always laugh when campus lefties try and tell me how ‘the West’ benefited from imperialism. Sure they did–if by ‘the West’ you mean Cecil Rhodes and John D. Rockefeller. But consider how the average man in the West lived back then: dark and dangerous mines, where the men died of black lung by the time they were forty; dingy factories tailor-made for industrial accidents. Pick up a book by Charles Dickens or Upton Sinclair some time to see what life was like for the little people back then.


    I’m sure it was understood from context.

    Westerners really are sick in the head.

    好, 一些 他们。

    Liberal-democracies allow for regular changeovers of power, transparent feedback between society and government, and the cultivation of a habit of give-and-take between citizens. But it would be equally dishonest to deny liberal-democracy’s leveling tendency …

    Hmmm. Doesn’t this kind of contradict everything you (and Hitler, and Chomsky) said before?

  21. Nik 说:






  22. GeeBee 说:

    ‘Strikingly, Hitler does not mention Jewish media ownership or influence at all, at least in the available extract (I cannot find the full text online).’

    I have copies of all of Hitler’s speeches from 1922 to 1945, in PDF format. He made two in December 1940, and the one from which you quote was made to workers at a Berlin factory on the tenth of that month. A search of the text (4,278 words) reveals that the words ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’ do not appear at all.

  23. GeeBee 说:

    ‘the fact remains that Hitler, without any really compelling necessity, initiated one of the most destructive wars in history and then had his followers commit some of the worst mass murders ever. The “revisionists” posting on UR may be able to ignore that, but most people won’t.’

    The only ‘fact’ your comment reflects is that of Allied propaganda, put out in the late 1930s and still – remarkably – widely believed today. Revilo P Oliver, who was a very important head of an American Intelligence department in the Second World War, came to understand who had really started that tragic and unnecessary conflict. Roosevelt and his handlers, who had engineered their dupe Churchill into power early in the war, were determined to embark upon what must be understood as the earliest and greatest of all America’ criminal and despicable ‘regime change’ wars. Oliver later remarked that up until about 1956 he still thought that the truth of what had happened would come out, and that the American people would rise up in fury against those who had caused so much carnage among their own and among so many others throughout Europe and beyond. But as he put it: “in 1956 I still believed that there was a significant intellectual difference between the American middle-classes and those beasts on sees peering down from between the slats in those high-sided vehicles, contentedly munching hay on their was to the abattoir”.

    As for your curt dismissal of ‘revisionists’, the Jew Murray Rothbard had this to say in 1966:

    ‘Revisionism has the general function of bringing historical truth to a public that had been drugged by wartime lies and propaganda. Now revisionism teaches us that this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.

    ‘If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler’s Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions, about the current World War III version of the same myth. Nothing would stop the current headlong flight to war faster, or more surely cause people to begin to reason about foreign affairs once again, after a long orgy of emotion and cliché. For the same myth is now based on the same old fallacies. And this is seen by the increasing use that the Cold Warriors have been making of the “Munich myth”: the continually repeated charge that it was the “appeasement” of the “aggressor” at Munich that “fed” his “aggression” (again, the Fu Manchu, or Wild Beast, comparison), and that caused the “aggressor,” drunk with his conquests, to launch World War II. This Munich myth has been used as one of the leading arguments against any sort of rational negotiations with the Communist nations, and the stigmatizing of even the most harmless search for agreement as “appeasement.” It is for this reason that A.J.P. Taylor’s magnificent Origins of the Second World War received probably its most distorted and frenetic review in the pages of National Review.

    ‘The task of revisionism has been to penetrate beneath these superficialities and appearances to the stark realities underneath — realities which show, certainly in this century, the United States, Great Britain, and France — the three great “democracies” — to be worse than any other three countries in fomenting and waging aggressive war. Realization of this truth would be of incalculable importance on the current scene.

    ‘For revisionism, in the final analysis, is based on truth and rationality. Truth and rationality are always the first victims in any war frenzy; and they are, therefore, once again an extremely rare commodity on today’s “market.” Revisionism brings to the artificial frenzy of daily events and day-to-day propaganda, the cool but in the last analysis glorious light of historical truth. Such truth is almost desperately needed in today’s world.’

    And here Rothbard has hit upon the most important reason to refute you and others’ assertion that ‘we must forget Hitler’. Until the truth about Hitler and WWII finally emerge, and gain popular understanding, there will be no progress made. The mythology that has been all too successfully placed around the Third Reich and WWII now forms the entire foundation of the ugly, corrupt, deracinated cesspit that is late-Western pathology.


    • 同意: Malla, Fox
    • 回复: @refl
    , @Joe Levantine
  24. GMC 说:

    Hitlers Mein Kamp , translation by Ford will show that Hitler criticized the Jews – many many times. He spoke of how they created Communism in the Soviet Union, how they took control of the media and publishing companies also. He was very aware of how they worked. Over 150,000 jews served in the German Army, and the rest could have gone to Palestine , or go to work in the Work Camps. If the Americans can’t see that the Zionists are doing that same thing to them, as happened to Germany and Russia – they’re doomed – Again. Of course the Zionists have already looted and destroyed the US populace, society and economy.

    • 回复: @sally
    , @Durruti
    , @Loren
  25. Parfois1 说:

    Another one whitewashing Fascism to make it an acceptable ideology to save the white race. The first edition killed 12 million Germans, twice as many Russians and many more millions of other Europeans. What for? To make America great, perhaps …

    The author is unfurling his full colours; maybe grateful for Hitler’s mercy on France?

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Wally
  26. Biff 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Well… some democratic checks and balances against Hitler would have done some good.

    And some democratic checks and balances against:


  27. Realist 说:

    I note that most of the commenters ‘aren’t from around here’.

  28. Malla 说:

    Another one whitewashing Fascism to make it an acceptable ideology to save the white race.

    And Democracy and Capitalism have done a wonderful job of saving the White race! Hitler was forced into his wars. If no war had taken place, no 12 million dead.

  29. @Big Daddy

    You could also compare unemployment in the USSR and Eastern Europe during the communist phase (0%) to today, and don’t forget to add all so many who have emigrated since the fall of the Iron Curtain, now competing for jobs with the workers in the west and helping to lower wages, as well as causing annoyance. But it’s called progress I suppose.

    • 回复: @FvS
  30. @Priss Factor

    True. Lots of mistakes made Hitler big. A lack of checks and balances in the constitution of Weimar Germany is a crucial one.

    • 回复: @Fox
    , @Miggle
  31. Hans Vogel 说:

    Agree that the article is a very good one. Clever idea to compare Hitler with Chomsky, “bien étonnés de se trouver ensemble.” However, Hitler was certainly not alone in his lucid criticism of “western democracy,” nor is Chomsky the only lucid post-Hitlerian critic of what is called democracy. Who does not recall Michael Parenti’s wonderful 少数人的民主, 从 1974 年开始?

    As for Hitler being genuine, or intellectually honest in his criticism, better not even ask. Like all major politicians, including FDR, the repulsive Churchill, Stalin e tutti quanti, Hitler was a psychopath and a murderer. Anyone still nurturing romantic thoughts on Hitler better read Guido Giacomo Preparata, 召唤希特勒。英国和美国如何建立第三帝国 (2005). Best proof that Preparata was absolutely right with his richly documented book is the fact that his academic career was abruptly ended: no tenure for dissidents, especially when they write books containing uncomfortable truths.

    The only people allowed to tell “uncomfortable truths” are used-car salesmen and swindlers such as Al Gore.

    • 回复: @Sollipsist
  32. Realist 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Well… some democratic checks and balances against Hitler would have done some good.

    Drink the Kool-Aid.

  33. There is another thing which has not been looked into with enough sharpness: Hitler talked pretty much like a reader of – (Jonathan Franzens critical hero!) Karl Kraus, founder of the famous periodical 法克尔 (The Torch).

    periodical of aggressive (press-) criticism in Austria in the first half of the twentieth century (from 1899 – 1932). Chomsky almost looks like a Kraus-channeler – and Kraus, being Jewish too, did not hesitate to attack not least the Jewish owners of the Austrian press as – opportunistic, corrupt, ruthless, worthless, unresponsible, etc. pp.

    It would not astonish me, if it turned out, that Hitler read 法克尔. Karl Kraus did not only criticize the Jewish Vienna establishment (and even outsiders like Sigmund Freud), Kraus was also in favor of Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s attacks on Jews. He adored him so much, that he even printed articles from Houston Stewart Chamberlain in 法克尔.

    And in his apocalyptic play “The Last Days of Humankind” from 1922, Kraus’ character of “the Inner Enemy” (“der innere Feind”) – was characterized by the Jewish nose (“eine Krumm-Nas’”).

    This stuff is hardly noticed, but British Kraus-Biographer Edward Timms got these aspects quite right. Franzen in his book-length essay “The Kraus Project” did not write much about those things, unfortunately.


    Karl Kraus asked the (European) Jews to assimilate = become either Christians or atheists.

  34. Malla 说:

    The National Socialists were against both American style Capitalism and Wall Street style Capitalism. It stood for the Third Way where the best of Socialism and Free Market system can be used best for the people’s interest. The Working class and the upper classes need not fight but need to come together to benefit each other, the Jews/Commies use class divisions to crack open a society, to come to power. Classes are artificial and not deep as race. A German worker has more in similarity with a Gentile German Industrialist than he has with a Sri Lankan worker. A Sri Lankan street sweeper in Colombo will readily understand & accept this but most brainwashed White libtards will look at you with disgust when this ideas is presented to them.

    In today’s ZOG Western world what matters ins money. You can be white or brown, you are welcome if you have money. Thus you have an artificial fake superficial world in which all which defines you is your money (which may disappear tomorrow) and fake lifestyles. No wonder, from the poor to he rich all are suffering of deep depression.

    International Communism is nothing but the bastardised Judaised version of socialism, supported by Jew oligarchs behind the scenes. That is why may Communists came to the NS/Fascist side after realizing the true nature of Communism.
    Henri Barbé & Jacques Doriot were both ex French communists who joined the Nationalist right winged Vichy Government of France.
    Pierre Clémenti and his Parti français national-collectiviste were French Nationalist Communists and opposed Jewish influence on the economy and culture of Europe. And they later came on to support the German National Socialists.

    Before the war, Louis-Ferdinand Céline campaigned for an alliance between France and Third Reich Germany. In L’École des cadavres he contrasted Hitler with the French Communist party leader Maurice Thorez, writing:
    “Who is the true friend of the people? Fascism is. Who has done the most for the working man? The USSR or Hitler? Hitler has… Who has done the most for the small businessman? Not Thorez but Hitler!”
    “It is notable that the Jews, even now when at least a relative security of tenure is possible, prefer moveable property, and, in spite of their acquisitiveness, have little real sense of personal property, especially in its most characteristic form, landed property. Property is indissolubly connected with the self, with individuality. It is in harmony with the foregoing that the Jew is so readily disposed to communism. Communism must be distinguished clearly from socialism, the former being based on a community of goods, an absence of individual property, the latter meaning, in the first place a co-operation of individual with individual, of worker with worker, and a recognition of human individuality in every one. 社会主义是雅利安人(欧文、卡莱尔、拉斯金、费希特)。 共产主义是犹太人的(马克思)。 现代社会民主与早期的社会主义相去甚远,正是因为犹太人在其发展过程中占据了如此大的份额。 尽管其中包含关联因素,但马克思主义学说并没有以任何方式将国家导向为所有独立个体目标的联合体,即作为较高单位与较低单位目的相结合的国家。 这样的观念对犹太人和女人来说都是陌生的。”

    To know what a scumbag Karl Mordechai was, check this out

    The guy was an arrogant parasite who actually looked down upon working class people as his inferiors and used others whenever he could. What a messiah of the Working Classes!!!!

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Digital Samizdat
  35. Blankaerd 说:
    @Fake Mikemikev


  36. @Fake Mikemikev


  37. Malla 说:

    What rubbish. They made Hitler and then destroyed the Third Reich.
    The truth is Hitler’s revolution was a true revolution against the oligarchic bankers and their Communist Arm in Moscow. Both the Oligarchic controlled West and their Soviet Satellite came together and crushed the Third Reich, the true people’s revolution against banker rule.

    • 同意: GeeBee
  38. Exile 说:

    To commenters kvetching or concern-trolling about Hitler, I say enough already. Durocher’s not romanticizing or white-washing here, he’s making a serious point: if sources as divergent as Hitler and Chomsky agree on the flaws of capitalism/neo=liberal democracy, it lends credibility to those criticisms and makes it harder to refute them by ad hominem or accusations of bias on the part of the critics. I’ll add a third illiberal critic of neo-liberal democracy and capitalism – Vladimir Putin, who attacks these sacred cows on a similar basis. Solzhenitsyn is also in this group.

    Hitler’s been dead for 70+ years and we’re increasingly becoming aware that much of the “evil” of the Nazis is a product of US, Soviet and Jewish postwar propaganda. Readers of this site have seen enough counter-arguments to develop a healthy skepticism. The Pavlovian denunciations and evil-eye gestures the name of the evil one still evokes around here are just demonstrations of the lasting power of WWII era propaganda. Stop with the hysterics, ladies, so the grown men can get back to analyzing history’s lessons for modern politics and cultures. Whether you know it or not, this lasting mythology is intended to stifle dissent to modern political agendas, and your clucking and pear-clutching is either useful idiocy or propaganda in its own right.

    • 回复: @JackOH
    , @Counterinsurgency
  39. refl 说:

    Until the truth about Hitler and WWII finally emerge, and gain popular understanding, there will be no progress made. The mythology that has been all too successfully placed around the Third Reich and WWII now forms the entire foundation of the ugly, corrupt, deracinated cesspit that is late-Western pathology.

    Quite right, but you must not forget, what will happen, when the western pathology breaks down. I will not let the Nazis of the hook for the simple reason that they were not opposed to the pathology but just wanted their fair share in it.
    Hitler thought that he would be allowed at the table of the big guys, but he would never be. Awkwardly the same as with Russians who believe that they could negotiate with the West. Only, that they had the means to stand up for themselves, that Germany had not.

    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
  40. Mulegino1 说:

    The Atlanticist-Zionist dominated world has a morbid and indefatigable obsession with the comic book version of the Fuehrer.

    Hitler is a deus ex machina to the oligarchical plutocrats and their social revolutionary leftist foot soldier pawns in academia and the media. More nonsense has been written about him than any figure in recorded history.

    Do you want to criticize Hitler from the left? He was obviously a tool of the reactionaries and their minions in corporate America such as Prescott Bush and the Rockefeller family, a man who engineered the war to destroy six million Jews and conquer the world and impose a stifling totalitarian right wing ideology upon it.

    Do you want to demonize him from the right? He was really a Jew himself, a tool of international Zionism and a socialist who hated capitalism and the Jews and who started the war to conquer the world and destroy the 6 million while abolishing Christianity in Europe, and eventually throughout the world.

    Hitler as bloodthirsty warmonger, lusting after the evil sounding 我的生存空间 and the murder of all of the Jews and Slavs in Europe is the most evil man in the history of the Manichean comic book universe.

    Hitler without the above, i.e., the real Hitler, was an effective and incredibly prescient and even prophetic statesman whose misfortune was to restore Germany to prosperity and greatness, buck economic orthodoxy by initiating the greatest economic recovery in recorded history and clean up German society and culture by removing the usual subversive suspects from power and influence. Such accomplishments have been shown to be recipes for war. A prosperous Germany which extricated itself from the financial hegemony of Wall St. and the City of London had to be destroyed no matter what.

  41. This piece is a historical inquiry or revisionist speculation and examination. Many historical events will never be completely known, but simply rise to a certain confidence level or interval, much like statistics. Definitive statements of whom, where, how, cause and effect through the retrospective lens are pure inductive-a set of observations that lead to a deductive statement or a conclusion or thesis.

    As for its relevancy today for survival of the Indo-Europeans Peoples (imprecisely called “White” or “Aryan”, it has almost no value. Just as a steam turbine power plant does not compare with a diesel powered one, the former has no useful or utilitarian {let’s say very limited} utility or usefulness. The knowledge gained in one, will not start the plant up and provide the knowledge base to keep it producing power. Sorry for bursting your bubbles, you folks out there who have no idea of a roadmap, outlined steps to save your race, or even to begin to alleviate its suffering.

    I will post here what I just posted on The Occidental Observer. On this subject, I have posted many comments here, on TOO, IrishSavant, and American Renaissance. We should be discussing Sun Tsu, tactics, and strategy. Instead we genuflect on what Western Philosophers said and how they defined such and such, or such or constant refined and redefine, and substitute theory and abstraction for action. Here is my take, a comment posted on the article titled, “Exclusive Interview with Andrew Clarke on the National Action Trials and His 18 Months in Prison” on The Occidental Observer:


    This is a good and brave man. While he represents a noble spirit, the soporific and somnambulant lumpen, intelligencia, and all in between, will not be changed in their inertia and conformity and slow walk to their oblivion. Struggles like his will, tragically, be but an irritation against the Colossus [David Horowitz’ word] of the International Anglo Zionist NWO and their virtual allies, e.g., Bill Gates, Eric Schmidt, Tim Cook, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, etc, etc, etc. This is not even a pyrrhic victory; it’s a crack pipe high. Anybody who believes this is a seminal or catalyst is delusional.

    They have full auto 50 caliber ordinance, mortars and RPGs. We have slingshots.

    We need desperately to rebuild. To do that, we must separate ourselves, the Indo-European Tribe, into self governing autonomous units. Russia could be an entire branch of our Tribe due to relative homogeneity. The Americas present problems due to the interspercing of aboriginal people, but these are not by any means insurmountable. Many large sections of South American countries are sizable pure European stock already, and provide a natural shift toward self autonomy.

    I say this: our salvation is analogous to a military operation or engineering mission. Goals must be set, resources evaluated, timetables calculated, and real action initiated. It will start when White Nationalism changes from a contrived pejorative “meme” or “narrative” to a wholly legitimate and comprehensive concept. We should use the momentum of the “Protected Victim Groups” own rhetoric and demands for a national separate homeland. If they get theirs, we get ours.

    We have to have an ENGINEERED solution, where real world assets and liabilities are dealt with, incremental plans move forward ineluctably. In case you missed it, this is EXACTLY what the Illuminati have done for thousands of years. Set goals and markers. Moved forward at different speeds, depending on deception, acceptance, and opportunity. Never giving up, constantly advancing and always increasing assets and power. POWER is everything. There is nothing else. Our opponents will not bend or retreat a nanometer unless the resistance, cost, and pain compels them.

    The monetary assets of the NWO are well over a trillion dollars. George Soros gives away millions every month just on the interest of his 20+ billion dollars. Bloomberg the same. Jews and their Shabbos surrogates control every major institution of Western Civilization. As an indicator and test sample: the Lutheran Church is hurriedly and assiduously is transporting Somalis and other Africans to Nordic descendants’ communities in North and South Dakota. All major Christian denominations EXCEPT the Eastern Orthodox are acting as active agents in the clandestine dispersal of the World’s bottom sludge and bilge into Western lands.

    If we do not adopt the long term focus and dedication of the Communist Sojourners, the constancy of the Frankfurt School, the compulsiveness of the ADF and SPLC, we will perish.

  42. Saggy 说: • 您的网站

    From an even more pointed speech, …

    Adolf Hitler Speech: Löwenbräukeller Munich November 8 1940

    When I came to power, I took over from a nation that was a democracy. Indeed, it is now sometimes shown to the world as if one would be automatically ready to give everything to the German nation if it were only a democracy. Yes, the German people was at that time a democracy before us, and it has been plundered and squeezed dry. No. what does democracy or authoritarian state mean for these international hyenas! That they are not at all interested in. They are only interested in one thing: Is anyone willing to let themselves be plundered? Yes or no? Is anyone stupid enough to keep quiet in the process? Yes or no? And when a democracy is stupid enough to keep quiet, then it is good. And when an authoritarian government declares: “You do not plunder our people any longer, neither from inside nor from outside,” then that is bad. If we, as a so-called authoritarian state, which differs from the democracies by having the masses of the people behind it; if we as an authoritarian state had also complied with all the sacrifices that the international plutocrats encumbered us with; if I had said in 1933, “Esteemed Sirs in Geneva” or “Esteemed Sirs,” as far as I am concerned, somewhere else, “what would you have do? Aha, we will immediately write it on the slate: 6 billion for 1933, 1934, 1935, all right we will deliver. Is there anything else you would like? Yes, Sir we will also deliver that” Then they would have said: “At last a sensible regime in Germany.”

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  43. Vicent 说:

    Hitler was not a dichtator but the SOUL of the nation ,
    making a last stand against against the evil that was swallowing all europe .


    • 同意: Saggy
  44. @German_reader

    无论如何,你真的认为现代民族主义者将自己与希特勒和第三帝国联系起来是个好主意吗(因为你的许多文章都可以这样解释,就好像希特勒是当今每个民族主义者都必须阅读的深刻思想家一样) )?是的,这个人并不像今天人们经常声称的那么愚蠢,如果单独来看的话,纳粹主义的某些元素肯定很有吸引力……但事实仍然是,希特勒在没有任何真正令人信服的必要性的情况下,发动了历史上最具破坏性的战争之一然后他的追随者犯下了一些有史以来最严重的大规模谋杀案。

    * Hitler financed his regimes with confiscations, some very crude and brutal, others just cruel, from the Jewish population (an evil act under Christianity as it was in the 1930s). [1] This left Hitler with little choice other than warfare when the Jewish money ran out, and made the Jewish establishment into his and Germany’s enemy.
    * Hitler accepted half of Poland in a deal with the USSR. Not a “just war” [2], and one that gave the Allies cause to do about whatever came into their heads. Note that “just war” theory was ignored by all participants in WW II, wherever it was fought, and that this had bad consequences that we are only now beginning to see.
    * Additionally, Hitler failed to see Stalin’s larger plan for expanding the USSR over all Europe be forcing a repetition of WW I, followed by a massive Soviet invasion. The Soviet military establishment was so superior to Germany’s (who had not spent massively in military buildup) that even after the surprise attack by Germany on the USSR, followed by the loss of all arms and most personnel intended for the invasion of Europe, the USSR was able to recover by (a) using the massive industrial plant behind the Urals, (b) remaining in alliance with the other Allied nations, (c) bleeding the USSR’s military manpower pool dry.

    Granted that Hitler was charismatic and brave, he was, in the end, not a strategist or a deep thinker, but instead a satisficer who thought he was the biggest plotter and baddest national leader of his time. His estimate in this regard was not even close; Hitler was markedly inferior to Stalin in both respects. Until he attacked the USSR in a satisficing move called “use it or lose it”, he was a patsy.

    As for the Western leaders (and Japan’s leaders) they appear as strategists, but also as simple fools, inviting and planning for a second World War when their societies were ready to disintegrate from the consequences of the first World War. [4]

    It’s difficult to imagine what Stalin would have done had the Europeans failed to be provoked into WW II. After the partition of Poland, judging from Hitler’s success in France, a surprise attack on Germany at any time would have carried Stalin to the Atlantic coast of Europe. Retaining that conquest might have been difficult, the more so since Russia was effectively leaderless [5] after Stalin die in 1953 (about 7 years after WWII ended). Had the Japanese not attacked Pearl Harbor or any other US installation, it’s still hard to see how they could have retained their Asian mainland conquests for more than two generations.


    1] 格茨·阿里。
    _Hitler’s Beneficiaries_.
    皮卡多纸; 2008/01/08。

    2] “Summary of Just War Theory”.
    _原因及意义_, 2015-06-08

    3]维克多·苏沃洛夫(Viktor Suvorov)。
    _The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II_.
    另请参阅有关此主题的 Youtube 视频。

    4] 显然西方领导人受到了这首童谣的启发:



    5] 斯大林几乎杀死了任何有主动性的人。尼基·K之所以幸存下来,是因为他被认为是个粗鲁的人,无法对斯大林构成威胁,而且他很容易成为当时最好的领导人。

  45. 关于文章:

    Right, Hitler was a man of the Left. So was FDR, so was Stalin, and so Chomsky.

    Hardly news anymore.


  46. Arnieus 说:

    Western media is not “cooperative”, they are owned.
    JP Morgan famously bought up controlling interest in major newspapers in 1917 to prevent significant media opposition to the US entering WWI. The Counsel on Foreign Relations was created in the early 1920s to maintain control over the national dialog and they have ever since. The CIA Project Mockingbird tightened control. Every presidential cabinet since is saturated with CFR members. As a result most Americans are disastrously misinformed about just about everything. 1984 happened decades before 1984.

    • 回复: @Saggy
  47. All that need be known about Chumpsky is he’s all for high taxation but shielded his own millions from the bite of taxes with trust funds for his children.

  48. Sollipsist 说:
    @Hans Vogel

    Parenti’s book is one of the few assigned college textbooks I still have on my shelf. A classic that I rarely hear spoken of; I guess my liberal arts education wasn’t entirely wasted.

  49. anon[414]• 免责声明 说:

    My ancestors didn’t sign up to live in a democracy, capitalist or otherwise, they came for the Republic with a constitution. No one came here originally to live in a land they won’t own but will be given to everyone who moves in after them. Their families and future generations forced from their homes, while everyone votes themselves a free ride and special treatment for not being an American, Chomsky included. So why should I care about that old opposition’s side of the dialectic?
    Everyone knows what a democracy is in writing, a sheep and tow wolves deciding whats for dinner, they just can’t seem to tell when they are living in and perpetuating it. Just like everyone sees and reads about dystopian futures but can’t see it around them either. Movies have a lot to do with that.

  50. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Hitler had criptorquidia , hypospadias and micropenis , thats to say a small penis with too many holes and only one testicle . Maybe ig God had endowed him with a better instrument history would have been different .

  51. 颂扬希特勒和/或纳粹,除此之外,完全会适得其反。我们可以争论历史的重写,但简单的事实是,任何与他/他们的联系都会毒害公众的思想。

  52. Malla 说:

    The National Socialists were against both American style Capitalism and Wall Street style Capitalism.

    Sorry, I meant, were against both Wall Street Style Capitalism and Marxism.

    “Socialism,” he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, “is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.”


    “我们可能会称自己为自由党。我们选择称自己为国家社会主义者。我们不是国际主义者。我们的社会主义是民族的。我们要求国家在种族团结的基础上满足生产阶级的正义要求。对我们来说,国家和种族是一体的。” ——阿道夫·希特勒,采访乔治·西尔维斯特·维埃里克

    • 回复: @foobb1
  53. BCB232 说:

    What I took from the piece was that Hitler, despite being an evil bastard, was right about some things. This shouldn’t be surprising and isn’t a defense of Nazism (which as a Christian I have to regard as evil.) The fact that Hitler and Chomsky agree shows this isn’t a defense of Nazism.

    • 回复: @The_seventh_shape
  54. @Fake Mikemikev

    一旦是纳粹,永远是纳粹……豹子无法改变它的斑点。 节制不会让你到达应许之地!

  55. @German_reader


    Now, Europe & Europe-derived peoples face a completely different crisis (or various crises), so that what Hitler was or wasn’t is utterly irrelevant to our contemporary condition & its challenges.

    • 同意: German_reader
    • 回复: @Anon
    , @fnn
    , @John Regan
    , @Marcus
  56. Malla 说:

    Deal with the Anglo Saxon establishment or deal with the Zionist all sound rubbish to me. The Anglo Saxon establishment more or less hated Third Reich Germany and were very pro-Soviet. They hated Mussolini far less than Hitler.

    In his dairy entry of march 7, 1942, Goebbels noted with dismay the support for the Jews in British House of Lord. “It was astonishing how much the English people, especially the upper classes, have become Jewified (verjudet) and scarcely have any English character anymore. This development was due to the fact that the upper ten thousand have been so Jewishly infected through marriages to Jews that they are scarcely any longer able to think as English people.”

  57. sally 说:

    right on.. that is exactly what the Oligarchs in charge are trying to get the elected USA government in position to do to America; worse, it is is being done by the relatives of the people that did it to Kaiser Wilhelm, II and then again by the Queens own representative in Germany, Hitler and by Lenin’s Bolsheviks in Russia .. The Oligarchs in charge of the elected USA want Americans to engage in a civil war so the Oligarchs can use the military to break America into tiny controllable parts (just as did in Ukraine). Every where you can see divide, polarize and conquer at work. Everywhere you see the on going depletion of America’s resources and the elimination of jobs that could lead to new technology. But in my opinion America is already so different from the USA that it will be difficult for those who lead the USA to accomplish such a goal, no matter the money the Oligarchs make available for that purpose. No one believes a thing the elected politicians or the privately owned media have to say.

    WWI was about gaining political and territorial control over the Ottoman empire that was done by weaponizing Jewish Immigration (see the Balfour Agreement) and imposing by a series of Treaties on WWI defeated Germany, that led to British and French Palestine (and opened the oil rich land to BP, Exxon and others cause that’s where the oil was) and the 1919 Bolsheviki Revolution in Russia was about getting the Jews to move to Palestine, and destroying the power of the Eastern Christian church. WWII was about destroying Germany and entangling and containing Russia so neither Germany nor Russia could participate in the oil under the now defeated Ottoman Empire (Syria, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt) would make available.

    • 回复: @Malla
  58. Saggy 说: • 您的网站

    JP Morgan famously bought up controlling interest in major newspapers in 1917 to prevent significant media opposition to the US entering WWI. The Counsel on Foreign Relations was created in the early 1920s to maintain control over the national dialog and they have ever since. The CIA Project Mockingbird tightened control. Every presidential cabinet since is saturated with CFR members. As a result most Americans are disastrously misinformed about just about everything. 1984 happened decades before 1984.

    该死的 !

  59. Fox 说:
    @Dieter Kief

    What kind of checks and balances are on your mind?

  60. Emslander 说:

    It does no good to try to defend Hitler, regardless of the many correct observations he made over the years of his public life. He was as important a commentator as, say, Paul Krugman, but his opinions will never overcome his actions. Comparing him to Krugman or Chomsky makes an interesting debating point, but ultimately fails for lack of context.

    If you are trying to argue that capitalist democracy, Anglo-American style, has grievous flaws, you’re going to have to show what they are and why they will lead to calamity. I’d say we need a real discussion on federal budgeting insanity, for one, which threatens the economic downfall of the West and, probably, of the universe, except maybe for Russia, which has already suffered through its great downfall. How that connects to Anglo-American democracy is simple: the British borrowed and made war around the world to its virtual collapse and then had the great insight to be able, via FDR, to tie the prosperity of the United States to its failures, until the great engine of prosperity that we once were comes clanking to pieces.

    The fascists weren’t wrong on policy during peacetime, but were too optimistic about being able to take over the world by war.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @BCB232
  61. “历史是由胜利者书写的。”

    - 拿破仑·波拿巴

  62. Durruti 说:

    德国根本没有选择,他们必须为保卫自己而战。 希特勒领导了这场防御。


    You (and other commentators) appear to idealize Hitler. You cannot let go, anymore than some who still cling to the wretched farce of Casino Trump – and the Game of twin political gangs.

    I ask for some more intelligent responses (no more citations – how do you explain?)

    1. I would ask you to explain Hitler/German Government’s actions concerning Czechoslovakia.
    After the Czechs surrendered their border fortresses, and the German Government promised to respect Czechoslovakia’s (what remained of it), National integrity, they invaded and absorbed the rest of that nation.

    Excuses here…………………………….

    2. After Mussolini’s Italy invaded Ethiopia, and with the use of poison gas and airpower, seized that nation, Hitler announced his support for Italy’s imperialist aggression. What right did Italy have to Ethiopia? or to Greece? What did Germans gain (before the courts of History and God), by supporting Italian Imperialism?

    You may cough here……………………….

    3. 德国/希特勒和意大利/墨索里尼(以及美国和英国)支持推翻民选的西班牙共和国政府。 [明白你在跟谁说话]

    Enter your excuses here………………………

    4. 如果德国/希特勒/纳粹征服了俄罗斯,他对被征服的俄罗斯人民有何计划?

    Answer here………………………………..

    5. 德国需要一条通往东普鲁士的陆路吗? 这个问题值得一场战争吗? 波兰能得到和平吗?

    Park your Volkswagen here…………………………

    希特勒、墨索里尼、佛朗哥、轰炸机、布什、特朗普赌场、克林顿夫妇、犹太复国主义控制的美国国会,都是站不住脚的。 哦! 我把朱加什维利和他的同伙排除在外; 请将它们放入列表中。

    我给你布置了一个不可能完成的任务。 你应该拒绝回答问题。



    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Wally
    , @Hippopotamusdrome
  63. Malla 说:

    There are three smelly gutters which flow parallel to each other. They all look distinct from each other but when you take a weather balloon and you have a wider picture, you observe something curious, all three gutters have the same source and the same destination.

    所有这些排水沟是什么意思? 我正在描述三个具有相同来源和相同目的地的运动。 世界大战为这三个运动提供了很大的优势或推动力。 这些是什么? 它们是全球主义、犹太复国主义和共产主义。

    Zionism – Balfour Declaration
    Globalism – League of Nations
    Communism – First Communist State Soviet Russia.
    German Empire, Habsburg Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ototman Empire, Tsarist Russia etc.. destroyed.

    Zionism- State of Israel
    British, French, Dutch etc…empires destroyed

    Ww3/4 (final end game)-

  64. @Fake Mikemikev






    • 回复: @Anonymous
  65. annamaria 说:

    埃里克·祖塞(Eric Zuesse):

    Both the liberal (Democratic) and conservative (Republican) wings of the U.S. aristocracy hate and want to conquer Russia’s Government. The real question now is whether that fact will cause the book on this matter to be closed as being unprofitable for both sides of the U.S. aristocracy; or, alternatively, which of those two sides will succeed in skewering the other over this matter.

    At the present stage, the Republican billionaires seem likelier to win if this internal battle between the two teams of billionaires’ political agents continues on. If they do, and Trump wins re-election by having exposed the scandal of the Obama Administration’s having manufactured the fake Russiagate-Trump scandal, then Obama himself could end up being convicted. However, if Trump loses — as is widely expected — then Obama is safe, and Trump will likely be prosecuted on unassociated criminal charges.

    To be President of the United States is now exceedingly dangerous. Of course, assassination is the bigger danger; but, now, there will also be the danger of imprisonment. A politician’s selling out to billionaires in order to reach the top can become especially risky when billionaires are at war against each other — and not merely against some foreign (‘enemy’) aristocracy. At this stage of American ‘democracy’, the public are irrelevant. But the political battle might be even hotter than ever, without the gloves, than when the public were the gloves.

    • 回复: @Biff
  66. Bill 说: • 您的网站

    Hilter and Chomsky may had similar views on Capitalist democracy in that they were both ardent anti-Communists. Socialism-Communism defeated Capitalist Germany utterly, and without much help either. It’s also outrageous to compare capitalist Germany with the Socialist-communist Soviet Union.

    • 回复: @Sergey Krieger
    , @Malla
  67. Malla 说:

    were too optimistic about being able to take over the world by war.

    Except that they did not wan to take over the Whole World via war. That was just Allied Propaganda.
    I do not remember the name exactly but a German soldier wrote in his memoirs about capturing some American soldiers as POWs. The Americans were obviously de-armed and on their way both the German soldiers and American POWs decide to stop for a rest. Cigarettes shared all around. So this German soldier asks to the American POWs,”So why are you American here in Europe?” and one American soldier replies “To stop you Germans to conquer the World”. And the Germans were all burst out laughing/stunned. The Germans had themselves not heard or even dreamed that they, the Germans wanted to take over the World!!!
    All Allied propaganda.

    • 回复: @Emslander
    , @S
    , @Anon
  68. BCB232 说:

    I think it might be useful to show the wide diversity of thinkers that see the same issues with capitalist-democracy. You can’t get much more diverse than Hitler and say, anyone alive.
    But I can see where the very mention of his name shuts down all rational thought so maybe mentioning Hitler at all is useless or worse.

  69. Dennis 说:



  70. Igor Bundy 说:

    希特勒有伟大的经济政策,但他在战略上是个私人。去向你展示,仅仅因为你可以通过一切胡说八道,你不需要知道任何事情的内部运作。 一个以自我为中心的白痴,以为自己是下一个庞蒂乌斯飞行员。

  71. Durruti 说:

    Of course the Zionists have already looted and destroyed the US populace, society and economy.

    This is your best sentence.

    Your other points:


    blockquote>Over 150,000 jews served in the German Army, and the rest could have gone to Palestine , or go to work in the Work Camps.

    Unclear: From German Army participation (what is your point?) to sending the “rest” to Palestine, (the Palestinians thank you for that thought).

    Work in Work Camps.

    ? Did European Jews ever work in “Work Camps”?

    In occupied Palestine, Palestinians do almost all the Physical labor. They build homes, settlements (kibbutzes), walls, and Jails (for themselves), roads, cleaning, servants in Jewish homes, gardening/farming-on what used to be their land.

    Good point about Mein Kamp. He did criticize Jews-there.

  72. Many here seem caught up in the man Hitler, and maybe that’s ok. But, to validate your complaints do some serious research.
    The point the author makes is clear. Without placing checks on the oligarchs ability to buy all media, the same oligarchs will control every political party, and public policy, all to favor them.

  73. Emslander 说:

    Yes. I exaggerated. Hitler actually hoped, it is said, that he could establish a status agreement with Great Britain after he’d finished with France. Some believe that he consciously allowed the removal of the Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk with amelioration of the British in mind. The same cannot be said for his colonization intentions in the East, which, I suppose, I had more in mind.

    With respect to the German troops in your anecdote, I’m not sure any line soldier is ever a good reflection of what the leadership intends. They just want to get on with it and get out in some kind of shape with a modicum of honor.

  74. Malla 说:





    Czechoslovakia was an abnormal creation dominated by Czechs where the dominated the Slovaks and also the Sudenten Germans. No wonder after the fall of WW2, the Czechs and Slovaks decided on a peaceful divorce. But that is still allright but I believe one British commented that ‘Czechoslovakia is a fiefdom of Jewish landlords’ or something to that effect

    意大利对埃塞俄比亚有什么权利? 还是去希腊?

    Mussolini dreamt of having a new Roman Empire. It was not Hitler’s idea.


    好吧一切都不是收获。 有时你必须支持你的盟友。


    问题是为什么 30,000 名西班牙人自愿参加巴巴罗萨行动来摧毁共产主义。 他们与这一切有什么关系? 他们看到了一些卑鄙的事情,比如共产党烧毁了里面有修女和村民的教堂。

    俄罗斯共产党是通过选举上台的吗? 还是强加给他们的? 如果共产主义不存在,二战的所有这些问题还会存在吗?

    当第一次世界大战后帝国分裂结束时,为什么会以这样的方式进行:将一些德国人留在波兰境内,而将一些德国人留在新成立的国家捷克斯洛伐克境内? 难道世界没有足够的时间和资源去实地划定准确的边界来准确地代表各个民族吗?

    英法为何要为了波兰而迈出如此冒险的一步,向德国宣战? 当苏联从东方进攻时,他们为何保持沉默? 为什么帝国主义资本主义剥削者英法在入侵波兰时不趁机下手对付苏联革命英雄呢? 当苏联入侵波罗的海国家时,他们为何保持沉默? 他们当时为什么不迈出这么大的一步呢?
    And here–>

    东欧国家(从波兰到南斯拉夫)是否曾在这些共产主义政权中投票过? 但这场战争是一场拯救民主的战争吗? 这些国家的民主是如何保存的? 这场拯救民主的伟大战争是如何包括像乔·斯大林叔叔这样的共产党人和像蔡英文这样的独裁者这样的盟友的?

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Paw
  75. Wally 说:

    – No one here “idealizes Hitler”, But they do want factual history known & taught.
    – Trump is flawed, so what? I never said he wasn’t. Much better than Hillary and any known alternatives

    1. I demolished that propaganda repeatedly, search my comments at this site for Czechoslovakia and learn something for a change.
    BTW, Hacha asked for Protectorate status.

    2. Germany did not support the use of mustard gas by Italy.

    – Lithuania, Iran, and invasion & annexation of parts of Romania.
    – 波兰以最后通牒威胁立陶宛。
    –波兰入侵并吞并了捷克领土的大部分地区,捷克斯洛伐克占领了德国的大部分地区,对德国平民实施暴行。 然而,“盟国”什么也没做。
    – 声称保持中立的挪威实际上帮助和怂恿了英国,没有动员其武装部队反对英国在其港口和海上通道的采矿活动。
    – “Neutral” Belgium actually aided & abetted France & britain by allowing France to position 2 million if it’s soldiers in Belgium, and also allowed the British to add another half million troops within Belgium.
    – 法国和英国也被允许使用比利时和荷兰领空,而其军用飞机不受惩罚。

    3. Proof for your “democratically elected” Spanish Communists is where?

    4. To free them from Communism and Stalin’s atrocities against them.

    5. Yes, Germany wanted it’s stolen land back and insisted that Polish atrocities against Germans be stopped.

    – What about Stalin’s son “Djugashvili & his cohorts”?

    That was easy. Cheers.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Durruti
  76. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    “The first edition killed 12 million Germans, twice as many Russians and many more millions of other Europeans. ”

    Except that your Zionist propaganda has been repeatedly & easily shown to be false, please review this site.

  77. Republic 说:

    “让人们保持被动和服从的明智方法是严格限制可接受的观点范围,但允许在该范围内进行非常激烈的辩论 - 甚至鼓励更批评和持不同政见的观点。这让人们感觉自由思考正在发生,而辩论范围的限制一直在强化系统的预设。”

    Yes that quotation by Chomsky is exactly correct, and Chomsky is an expert in that area.
    He is a loyal servant of the oligarchs, the MIT intellectual who has devoted his life
    to keeping the lid on acceptable debate but is silent on the most important event of the 21st Century in order to serve his Zionist masters.

    Any person who goes beyond that accepted level of debate is either ostracized, imprisoned or assassinated.

  78. 除了认识论的痛苦之外,这个世界上还有真正的真理



  79. G 说:




    政客和受制裁的谈话负责人在那里欺骗我们。 奥巴马和特朗普是同一枚硬币的两面:精心设计的广告活动,以确保精英阶层的长期利益和目标。

    首先是奥巴马的进步利益,现在反动利益已被纳入信息和宣传中,以中和两者。现在,左派谈论的是性别中立的厕所、跨性别儿童和代词,而不是几十年来停滞不前的工资和掠夺性的精英。就像关于特朗普推文的正确言论一样,Q 和迷失在媒体斯金纳盒子和他的个人崇拜中,而特朗普本人则打破了他竞选时所坚持的每一个观点(除了那些为 1% 和以色列服务的观点),并且被拥有者正是这个游说团体制造了特朗普崇拜者所信奉的人造现实。

    政治媒体舞台过去和现在都是精心策划的,因此真正的权力核心保持不变且稳定:拥有美国 90% 净财富的极小资产阶级(随着欧洲的美国化,这种情况在欧洲变得越来越相似)全球化进程);上级大型企业;军工联合体;华尔街和(中央)银行业;特殊利益集团和游说团体,其中以色列犹太游说团体最为强大。

    今天的文化极权主义及其人为的现实优于旧的物理独裁,因为在大众媒体民主中,主体不仅相信自己是自由的,因为奴役自己的工具是不可见的; 只是在其中,臣民通过他的投票让步于他自己的征服。 尽管通往真正变革、革命或反抗的所有道路都与他在斯大林或毛泽东统治下一样被切断。

    • 回复: @The Nine Tailed Fox
  80. Malla 说:

    You missed that Rudolf Hess went with a peace plan to Britain. Rudolf Hess, the second in command in the Third Reich went personally. A peace plan which could have save many British lives. But Churchill had him imprisoned, later for life and then the British ZOG elites had him killed in prison to prevent this fact coming out. Hitler was trying all he could for peace.

    • 回复: @Matra
  81. Durruti 说:

    You did not answer my questions.

    Excuse is that allies support allies – Germany was not allied to Italy when Italy invaded Ethiopia.

    Morality is lost when one uses excuses & digressions, & supports blindly allies..

    Spanish ‘volunteers’ were encouraged, organized & PAID, as were Belgian ‘volunteers” as are ISIS-Al Quaida (branches of the terrorist Haganah).

    How did Chiang Kai Shek get in here?

    You are definitely a good person: I could be wrong – & it would be the first time!

  82. niceland 说:

    Well, if the idea is to spread the message, any mention or reference to Hitler will be totally devastating in the public arena. It’s like participating in a marathon run and start off by cutting off your legs.

    Just recently I saw some posts on facebook from someone local to me preaching about Nordic brotherhood. He posted few pictures and all of them had Hitlers face somewhere in the background. FB shut it down within hours…

    What’s interesting is the same message could have been presented differently without much effort. Sliding past FB filters for days or even weeks and possibly influenced some people in the meantime. So I wonder who was actually behind it – my guess is either a complete idiot or someone eager to vilify nationalism and people concerned with racial issues.

  83. @G


  84. Durruti 说:

    3. Proof for your “democratically elected” Spanish Communists is where?

    Never wrote that. Wrote – Democratically elected Spanish Republic. Republic Government in 1936 had NO Communist members. Do not let facts stand in your way.

    Do not have all day to answer all your misconceptions. When Germany finished dining on Czechoslovakia, Hitler agreed to let Poland annex a portion of Northern Czech, as a payoff for Poland’s support for the German gluttony.

    The Polish government was a military/police dictatorship, much as was Germany’s & Russia’s & Italy. I prefer Democratic Republics when I can get them.

    Polish atrocities against Germany? And Epstein hanged himself!

    That was easy, if a bit dreary.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Alden
  85. FvS 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Except Hitler did it without mass murder, mass starvation, and 18 hour work shifts.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  86. bjondo 说:

    Toss in a professor or two to complement media.

  87. S 说:

    Except that they did not wan to take over the Whole World via war. That was just Allied Propaganda.

    I saw this WWII era film made for US public consumption, a portion of which was a scene circa 1940 of German school children singing the Deutschlandlied, the German national anthem.

    The film was presented as an ‘authentic’ German made film and everything indeed seemed in place, but for this one very brief part of the film that clearly wasn’t original, and had been obviously grafted in (they didn’t have photoshop then and it very much showed) after the fact.

    It’s of a banner being held aloft of a Roman eagle with its claws gripped into a globe of the world. ‘Deutschland Uber Alles!’ was scrawled across the top of it.

    • 回复: @Malla
  88. Matra 说:

    A peace plan which could have save many British lives

    Much like Molotov-Ribbentrop saved Soviet lives and Munich saved Czechoslovakia. lol

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Wally
  89. @Big Daddy

    The German Army grew from one division to 36 by the beginning of 1938, and armaments expenditure went from near zero to one-fifth of economic output–financed without increases in taxation.



  90. FvS 说:

    It should be noted that Marc Randolph (co-founder of Netflix) has some interesting ancestors. Randolph’s paternal great-granduncle was psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud and his paternal great-uncle was Edward Bernays.

  91. Moi 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    Yup, real history/facts is never black or white. I like to keep and open mind.

  92. Anonymous[251]• 免责声明 说:
    @The Nine Tailed Fox

    This might explain –



  93. Malla 说:

    Thanks for this info. People do not realise how much propaganda the Allies were into.

  94. Malla 说:

    Socialism-Communism defeated Capitalist Germany utterly, and without much help either. It’s also outrageous to compare capitalist Germany with the Socialist-communist Soviet Union.

    Jewish banker controlled Capitalism and Communism defeated National Socialist Germany utterly. It is outrageous to compare National Socialist Germany with the Marxist Communist Soviet Union.
    There, corrected it for you.

  95. Anon[339]• 免责声明 说:


    Its interesting that you have negro speed in replying and parallel negro intelligence in understanding.

  96. Anon[397]• 免责声明 说:
    @Fake Mikemikev





    This is essentially the tack that the so called conservatives (led by the Jewish Neocons) have taken: give lip service to social conservatism, unless it touches on anything that Hitler believed in. Therefore, mass immigration, de-racination, etc is not only okay but desirable. This is a strategy to boil the frog, not make progress on being “taken serious”.

    There is no way forward aspiring for the Left’s approval (you cuck). The Right has already lost if that is their goal. This is war and it will only end in war, as the left and its Jewish masters perfectly well know, because those heading the Left are the same as those that destroyed Russia and its peoples with communism in the early 20th century. Their religious books demand total war against non-Jews.

    I would love to see your face and know your name to be able to ferret out just how likely it is that you were a “Nazi”. I have my doubts. This is more concern trolling “Hello fellow White people” lies that have been flooding these boards lately.

    There is no coming back from realizing the nature of the world and what you need to do to assure the survival of your family and extended people. Ergo, most “former Nazis” are liars in regard to their past convictions. Its about as credible and common as “former Jew” and makes as much logical sense.

    • 同意: Alexandros
    • 回复: @Mefobills
    , @Joe Levantine
  97. Anon[397]• 免责声明 说:

    但事实仍然是,希特勒在没有任何真正令人信服的必要性的情况下,发动了历史上最具破坏性的战争之一,然后让他的追随者犯下了一些有史以来最严重的大规模谋杀。 UR 上发帖的“修正主义者”可能会忽略这一点,但大多数人不会。



    I feel bad for you and your people, but that doesn’t mean that we begin to listen to those whose minds have been thoroughly routed and are not their own.

    You cannot credibly lecture anyone on what “most people” will admit to thinking until they are legally and socially free to weigh and argue the facts and then admit their conclusions.

    • 回复: @Emslander
  98. Anon[397]• 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Well… some democratic checks and balances against Hitler would have done some good.

    The universally disastrous social results of modern Western democracies act as strong counter-evidence to your assertion.

    • 同意: Carolyn Yeager
  99. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    It was a good example of projection , they ( the yankees ) were the ones who wanted to conquer the world , the yankee is always stopping someone to conquer the world .

    • 回复: @Malla
  100. @FvS

    Between 1950’s and 1990’s there was none of that in USSR or Eastern Europe, except some murder in Hungary in 1956.

  101. @Malla

    If I recall correctly, it was Goebbels who once summarized National Socialism thus: ‘Neither Godless Bolshevism nor soulless capitalism!’

    Some would complain that this was merely a negative definition of NS. But I believe that to have been a feature rather than a bug, since it lent NS a great deal of flexibility in addressing the real needs of the nation; which is to say that NS practiced properly would 不能 look the same in different countries, as it would have to take into account differences in race, culture and national interest.

    • 回复: @Malla
  102. Anonymous[384]• 免责声明 说:

    Kust a thought, from some of the comments above, esp. #5, German_reader (but Hebrew speaker??) and most of the ordained history:

    Hitler & Nazis appear to be the only force in history that fought both sides of a war and lost both.
    Not like Italy, that switched sides & was duped by both its “allies” — German_reader & others would have us believe Hitler fought Germany’s adversaries and Germany also fought itself.

  103. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    …….The question is why did 30,000 Spaniards volunteer for Operation Barbarossa to destroy Communism….

    No regular spanish soldiers were sent .The 250 Blau , Division Azul , was all volonteers . why did they go ? :

    someones for the pay , there was misery in Spain after the Civil war , others because they were anticommunists because the Soviet Union helped the spanish republicans , others because they had been in the republican army and they wanted to clean their curricullums , other because they wanted to do a military career etc….

    Franco let them go to pay Germany for the help received from Hitler in the Spanish civil war .

    It seems that the Division azul soldiers were nor very happy with the cruel treatment that the germans gave to russian civilians .

  104. Malla 说:

    Very true. Also Jewish projection. Jews consider themselves a Master race destined to rule the world. Of course not ALL Jews agree with this but many do.

  105. @Saggy

    Same shit, different day! Banksters never change …

  106. Pheasant [又名“匿名扎泽”] 说:

    Go back to grinding millet and brewing home made beer umfufu, this is a little too complex for you.

  107. Pheasant [又名“匿名扎泽”] 说:
    @Fake Mikemikev

    I’m a (((former nazi)))


  108. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    小匈牙利派遣了一支约 500.000 万人的军队为元首而战。

    They were severely defeated in Stalingrad , Voronetz front … 300.000 dead hungarian soldiers .


    • 回复: @Marcus
  109. @German_reader

    哦,胡说八道,德国读者,希特勒没有发动第二次世界大战,他多次试图与英国讲和,但丘吉尔、罗斯福和犹太复国主义者决心镇压德国。 教育自己。 你可以从帕特·布坎南的《丘吉尔、希特勒和不必要的战争》开始,但还有很多其他的。 修正主义历史学家才是真正的历史学家。 胜利者所写的第一部历史只不过是更多的战争宣传。 你说,“大规模谋杀”。 我想你指的是神圣的骗局。 教育自己。

  110. Jorge Videla [又名“西蒙·莱格”) 说:

    i apologize for my retardation and gayness.

    it should have been obvious to me that…

    “guillaume durocher” is NOT a french person…

    he’s an american doing a travesty, lampoon, send-up of a french person.

    i mean imagine thinking that freedom of speech absolutism wasn’t possible?

    very funny!

  111. Pheasant [又名“匿名扎泽”] 说:

    ‘Noam Chomsky has had more serious political and economic analysis to offer over the decades, than most any other American. He has authored more than 100 books.’

    Chomsky is a grade A bullsh*tt*r whose whole puropse is to limit debate by talmudic hair-splitting and by making certain topics forbidden. Somebody once accused Chomsky of being an intellectual bully and its true. Allow me to discuss Jewish issues and I would soundly defeat Chomsky in five minuites flat.

    Anybody who understands the Jewish problem and cannot see through Chomsky like a plane of glass is a moron.

    • 同意: Republic, Alden
  112. Pheasant [AKA "anonymous tazer"] 说:

    Believe it or not Hitler was a well known German Jewish name (I know he was Austrian). His family changed it from another variant to Hitler.

  113. Pheasant [AKA "anonymous tazer"] 说:
    @Jorge Videla

    Hate speech laws were brought about by French Jews as in every other western country. Chomsky is full of sh*t.

  114. Pheasant [AKA "anonymous tazer"] 说:

    Yes but is it good for the Jews?

  115. G. Durocher 说: “I was struck at how similar Hitler’s critique of capitalist democracy was to Noam Chomsky’s.”

    Which reveals an extreme political naivete on your part.

    You might as well be “struck” by how similar Hitlers, Chomskys, Lenins, Stalins, Maos, Xis, Lincolns, Wilsons, FDRs, etc. , [all the way through to Reagan, Clinton the Bushes, Obama and Trump – and lets not forget 99.9% of all political so-called “intellectuals”], ideas are to each other , when all of the fol de rol and fancy trimmings are removed.

    As Mao said: “political power comes from the barrel of a gun” [ or words to that effect].

    And by the way, capitalism has very little to do with modern “democracy” as that term is usually bandied about, as all “democracy” stands for these days is mob rule, enforced via the barrels of many, government guns[and prisons] .

    民主是一种笑气。 也许它无法治愈任何东西,但毫无疑问,它可以止痛。” HL Mencken


    “自由和民主是永恒的敌人,每个人都知道这一点,谁曾对此事进行过任何清醒的反思。 ” HL Mencken

    “民主是公驴对of狼的崇拜。” HL Mencken

    “民主是这样的理论,即普通百姓知道他们想要什么,应该得到好和辛苦。” HL Mencken

    “如果x是美国的人口,y是普通美国人的卑鄙程度,那么民主就是x y小于y的理论。” HL Mencken

    “所有民主的公理”都化为雷鸣般的悖论,许多悖论在意义上是彻头彻尾的矛盾。 暴民有能力统治我们其余的人,但必须严加监管。 这里有一个不是人为政府的政府,而是法律。但是,人们要坐到板凳席上,最终决定法律是什么和可能是什么。” HL Mencken


  116. Malla 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    NS practiced properly would not look the same in different countries, as it would have to take into account differences in race, culture and national interest.


  117. 嗯……以相反的方式使用二段论,我可以说希特勒是一个聪明的人,因为每个男孩都可以认识到乔姆斯基非常伟大的智力维度。我只能对这篇势利文章的作者表示感谢

  118. Zumbuddi 说:
    @Jorge Videla

    If you were president of USA you’d have to get permission from Elan Carr at US State Dept, office of special privileges for Jews, before speaking harshly to France about its hate speech laws.

    Carr would inform you, Mr / Ms President, that hate speech laws are necessary to protect Jews from being turned into soap, and firthermore, why has the president of USA failed to abrogate First Amendment?

    Does he want to start another holocaust?

  119. JackOH 说:

    ” . . . [I]f sources as divergent as Hitler and Chomsky agree on the flaws of capitalism/neo=liberal democracy, it lends credibility to those criticisms . . .”.

    Exile, that’s exactly how I read it.

    Our political problems aren’t that difficult to understand:

    Democrats – Sell-out to crony capitalism and global capitalism. Offers an Identity Politics Plantation for rent-seekers and legitimacy-seekers as political camouflage.

    Republicans – Sell-out to crony capitalism and global capitalism. Offers a Freedom and Opportunity Plantation as political camouflage.

    As far as I can tell, we really don’t have an American or Americanist politics that tells me I ought to give a meaninful damn about my fellow citizens in the ‘hood, the gated ‘burbs, and everywhere else because, fuckin’ ‘ey, they’re my fellow Americans.

    • 回复: @Parfois1
  120. Hitlers main points seem taken from Spengler’s Man and Technics, especially the last chapter. He also covers it in more detail in volume 2 of Decline of the West

  121. @Exile

    Durocher’s not romanticizing or white-washing here, he’s making a serious point: if sources as divergent as Hitler and Chomsky agree on the flaws of capitalism/neo=liberal democracy, it lends credibility to those criticisms and makes it harder to refute them by ad hominem or accusations of bias on the part of the critics.

    Lordy. _That_ is your argument? The big loser in WW II and an academic agree that US society should be reorganized? Add in Pol Pot, Stalin, Marx, Trotsky, Putin, Mussolini, and BLM, not to mention the Wobblies, if you like. The argument remains unconvincing. Peterson’s “first, demonstrate your competence by cleaning and organizing your room and then your home and your affairs, _then_ try to re-make the world. None of the above, except perhaps Putin, could have passed that test.
    Q: Is Marxism a science or a philosophy?
    A: Philosophy. If it were a science they’d have tried it out on dogs first.


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  122. lysias 说:

    Hitler’s speech was delivered on Dec. 10, 1940. A full text in German can be found with Google using the title “Hitler Und Die Demokratie”.

    • 回复: @lysias
  123. Curmudgeon 说:

    They re-armed, because they were the only ones who had disarmed, in accordance with the peace treaty.

    Germany had disarmament proposals before 1935, that would have further reduced arms. They were rejected. http://ihr.org/other/what-the-world-rejected.html

  124. Save this,

    Dr. Noam Chomsky would not have rounded up poor peasants or middle class home dwellers. He would have instead gone right to the heart of the problem bankers, and the elite classes who bankrupted the country a second time after WW! by borrowing money they knew they could not repay . . .

    It is unlikely that Dr, Chomsky would blamed the matter on a single ethnic group.

    • 回复: @Ano ymous
  125. Wally 说: • 您的网站


    You simply have no answers to my factual rebuttals. You simply dodge them.

    You start fights and then get clobbered.


  126. fnn 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    The Hitler Question isn’t entirely irrelevant-if only because the Western elites keep telling us they’re still fighting Hitler. Look at Google News and you’ll see AH is in the news every day.

  127. Wally 说:

    The Munich agreement is irrelevant.

    Czech President Hacha Hitler for protectorate status, for variety of reasons, simple stuff that you dodge.

    Why did Germany annex all of Czechoslovakia? / It didn’t.

    You’ve also dodge the facts presented at The Unz Review which prove that the USSR was planning a massive attack.

    You’ve dodged the many examples of Hitler wanting peace and who really started WWII that I posted in comment #13 and that have been written about at The Unz Review.

    IOW, you’re a juvenile who is full of easily debunked Zionist crap.

    • 同意: Mulegino1
    • 回复: @Mulegino1
  128. Anonymous[384]• 免责声明 说:

    Your argument is Peterson?

    • 回复: @Counterinsurgency
  129. Ano ymous 说:

    JChomsky “would have —”

    What has Chomsky actually DONE?

    He’s still alive.
    If He’s so smart, why is he not DOING something to correct USA’s many problems?

    Hitler didn’t “blame an ethnic group,” he solved problems, revitalized many aspects of German life.
    You’ve Ingested too much propaga da.

    What has Chomsky done?

  130. Miggle 说:
    @Dieter Kief

    True. Lots of mistakes made Hitler big. A lack of checks and balances in the constitution of Weimar Germany is a crucial one.

    Is it checks and balances that made the US government the most corrupt of all time anywhere and reduced close to a majority of its population to living in poverty, led to massive killings by its police even disregarding Waco, massive prison incarceration rates for profit: far, far higher rates than in Russia, China and Iran? Or are the checks and balances themselves a chief source of the vast corruption, leading to and covered by super-elaborate legalisms like passing a 法律 authorizing the theft of an Iranian ship and its cargo in the Mediterranean, thousands of miles from the USA?

    • 回复: @Miggle
  131. Miggle 说:

    And how can there be “checks” when everything is “classified”, and when Julian Assange has to be murdered in a US prison but it will be made to look like suicide?

  132. anonymous[251]• 免责声明 说:

    World War II was a disaster. Disaster for Germany, Germans, Germany allies, disaster for the British Empire which quickly folded after Britain supposedly “Won” World War II.

    That said, Hitler did many great things before the invasion of Poland, and Hitler had many reasonable and just intelligent “observations”.

    Hitler was against mass German unemployment and mass German inflation.

    When Hitler and his National Socialist Party came to power – he/they ended mass unemployment and mass inflation.

    Are we now supposed to be FOR mass unemployment and mass inflation?

    Hitler also had good taste in music, art, architecture and women. His girl friend Eva Braun was a babe.

    Lots of leader like John F Kennedy and Loyd George had positive things to say about Hitler.

    I take the same view with this Noam Chomsky.

  133. Paw 说:

    在两次世界大战之间的时期,法国因犹太人的金融欺诈而被摧毁和衰落。 接近真正民主的捷克斯洛伐克,斯洛伐克人大多/讨厌/捷克人,他们逐渐越来越崇拜希特勒。战后,他们总是准备把刀插进捷克的背上,开始非常爱斯大林,并以“人性”破坏了通往社会主义的改革。脸”/1968/。 现在斯洛伐克人试图再次返回捷克国家,其中一位是现任总理。 在捷克政府。

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Fox
  134. “让人们保持被动和顺从的聪明方法是严格限制可接受意见的范围,但允许在该范围内进行非常活跃的辩论——甚至鼓励更具批判性和异议的观点。 这给人们一种自由思考的感觉,而系统的预设一直被辩论范围的限制所强化。 ——诺姆·乔姆斯基”


    评论:乔姆斯基正在谈论奥弗顿窗口:“The Powers That Be”(TPTB) 将允许公开讨论的想法范围。

    (1) 塔克·卡森最近走出了奥弗顿的窗外,说“白人至上是骗局”,TPTB 立即让他“休假”接受政治再教育,现在他安全地回到了窗内,在无害的问题上敲响了牢笼到 TPTB。

    (2) Controlled Protest Press (CPP) 经常将经济问题归咎于美联储的错误举措,并建议美联储应该采取正确的举措,作为正确的解决方案。 但菲律宾人民党绝不会提出正确的解决方案是结束美联储及其发行的私人货币,并将货币发行权归还给政府,这是宪法所要求的(第一条第8节)。 因为那在奥弗顿窗外。

    (3) CPP 经常抱怨政府在 9/11 袭击前无视警告标志,并在袭击发生后拙劣应对。 但 CPP 永远不会暗示整件事是内部工作,以争取公众对中东银行家石油战争的支持。 因为那在奥弗顿窗外。

    • 回复: @Professional Stranger
  135. …when elite and majority opinion clash, the American elite is over time able to impose its policies onto the majority (examples of this include U.S. intervention in both World Wars and mass Third World immigration since the 1960s, opposed by the people and promoted by the elite).

    True. True. True.

  136. “What has Chomsky done?”

    Hmmmmm . . . interesting.

    None of my comments deny that Chancellor Hitler managed to marshall a sense of destiny, and revitalization of both German spirit, group and individual well being and as well as industry.

    However, that really is beside the point condoning the persecution whether by death of ten and the incarceration of millions hardly something I can support. Notably as they were not the cause of Germany’s economic problems as a group. That second round on investments after WWI led to a disasterous series of events.

    My point here is that Dr. Chomsky would have targeted the power structure. And while he and I do not agree on all his strategic policy critiques, his body of work and advocacy on power relational dynamics has contributed a global understanding to the same and has enormous impact on international policy formulation to decrease tensions.

    But as someone in the communication field, I am not sure anything will surpass his contribution to learning and language of children in their formative years was ground breaking knowledge toward understanding and improving childhood knowledge for more than fifty years across the globe all to the betterment of society at large – on a global scale.

    I am not taking anything away from Chancellor Hitler in what he did for the people of Germany — not at all.

    But the impact from an overall developmental standpoint the scope and breadth of Dr. Chomsky’s work might surpass that of Chancellor Hitler in real outcomes long after you and have passed.

    Again, the difference here is how each would have dealt with supposed cause and effects and Dr. Chomsky most likely would have targeted a far smaller and responsible population. It does not mean I agree with everything that Dr. Chomsky advocates. Cases in point: Our success in Vietnam and our response to the Serb-Kosovar conflict.

    Just a reminder, none of my comments deny that Chancellor Hitler accomplished some positives for Germans — no question. That is not the issue. The issue is in comparing the two men. And I have no doubt that despite Dr. Chomsky’s critique of capitalist corporate military hegemony his method would not have included rounding the least responsible, if he rounded up anyone at all.

    • 回复: @anon
  137. @Professional Stranger


    乔姆斯基在 9/11 事件上不仅保持战略沉默,还煽动针对 9/11 官方叙述的怀疑者的抹黑运动。 他贬低“真相者”:“他们的生活不好……他们的生活正在崩溃……他们是迷茫的人……没有任何意义……他们不明白什么是解释……他们认为自己是物理和土木工程方面的专家在互联网上一小时的基础上。”

    • 同意: turtle
    • 回复: @turtle
  138. Pater 说:

    我认为你应该问斯拉夫语 untermenschen;波兰人、捷克人、塞尔维亚人、白俄罗斯人和乌克兰人被国防军占领的经历是什么样的。仅波兰就有 5 万平民丧生,乌克兰也有类似数字。

    • 同意: Miro23
  139. Malla 说:



    也许你是对的。 由于各个民族都表达了自己的观点,所以很难了解真相。 如果帝国不公平地对待捷克人,那么我不支持。 与包括俄罗斯人在内的所有人建立欧洲兄弟情谊非常重要,因为所有欧洲人(以及广泛的所有人类)都是银行业精英剥削的目标。

  140. Fox 说:

    Don’t know where you get your info from, but it’s not from sources relating to reality.
    So, if there were seven million Czechs, 4 million Germans, some 2.5 million Slovaks, some Hungarians, Ruthenians and Poles, in all about 14 million people, it is not very sensible to state that the 4 million Germans dominated the seven million Czechs; the hyper chauvinistic Czechs, who were telling tall tales to the ignorant Wilson about the extent of their dominions, and who occupied directly after the Armistice in 1918 the German provinces, knew very well what they wanted and how to get it from the big brothets at versailles. At a price of course, to join theencirclement alliance again to guarantee France’s desire to be the dominant power in Europe. Likewise, the Slovaks desired to leave the state where they had to dance to the Czechs’s rule. That was no different in 1939 as in the early 1990s, when they wanted to cut their ties with the domineering Czechs. I see the evidence for a failed state in both events, much as I see the same with Yugoslavia.

    奥地利人,就像巴伐利亚人、阿尔萨斯人、普鲁士人、撒克逊人、施瓦本人等一样,都是德国人,这一事实在德国所有省份中都能感受到,从埃奇到贝尔特,从马斯到梅梅尔(这些是划定边界的水域) 1918年至1930年代初,多个奥地利政府曾表示,奥地利在第一次战争后多次尝试实施这一政策,但被凡尔赛勒索势力禁止与德国大部分地区联合,特别是由法国。


  141. foobb1 说:

    Aryans were never socialist since no Socialist ideas exist in the Aryan holy books – (the 4 veddas), or in any Aryan mythology (Mahabharata being the main Aryan epic).

    I’m not sure why you are confusing Germanic and Aryan. The Nazis specifically disowned their German religion and adopted the Hindu Aryan ones – that included Aryan books that were never written in any Germanic language – they are all in Sanskrit.

    The closest eddas to the Aryan ones are the Norse – but Aryan is not a Norse religion term, only a Hindu religion one. Odin never appears in any Aryan story, epic or pantheon. Brahma/dyeus never appears in Norse.

    • 回复: @Malla
  142. @Fake Mikemikev

    The great post war gentile brainwashing began with lies abut Hitler’s supposed capitalist -imperialist plans and efforts We cannot change who we are until we understand how we got to be this way. This is not about our becoming “Nazi”

  143. Biff 说:

    To be President of the United States is now exceedingly dangerous. Of course, assassination is the bigger danger; but, now, there will also be the danger of imprisonment. A politician’s selling out to billionaires in order to reach the top can become especially risky when billionaires are at war against each other — and not merely against some foreign (‘enemy’) aristocracy.

    Interesting concept. When the elites go after each other; that is when you know empire is in rapid decline.
    Other powers may just simply wait it out.

    • 回复: @lysias
  144. Parfois1 说:

    You summed up very well the nature of the duopoly ruling the US for donkey’s years. Representative democracy is a licence for political power by a small clique over the people. Obviously, both Fascism (Hitler) and Socialism (Marx) agree on that, but for different reasons. And so does anyone with some basic understanding of how the political process works.

    But the article goes further than stating the obvious: the intention – in my mind – is to show that, because Hitler and Chomsky are in agreement about the deception of “democracy”, then Fascism is a reputable ideology, so much so that Chomsky, by association, gives his imprimatur to that perception. Durocher (a self-declared racist) is just another purveyor of the Nazis’ lies attempting to dress that ideology with respectable robes.

    Nothing new there. Afterall Hitler also called his political party “Socialism”, the term stolen from the party he infiltrated for its popular appeal. As soon as he grabbed dictatorial power he imprisoned the socialists.

    • 回复: @JackOH
  145. Emslander 说:

    Another important point that ought to be made about Hitler is that his Anti-Jewish statements were pretty moderate in the context of European commentators of the 1920’s. That’s hard for modern readers to understand, because he can be quoted devastatingly in the context of what is now acceptable.

    The holocaust isn’t going to be proven to the satisfaction of those who can’t find proof of it in the historical records and it isn’t going to be disproven to the satisfaction of current acceptable opinion. I’m interested in a truthful treatment of the nationalist movements that seemed ready to dominate and save Europe between the wars and that were very successful in neutralizing international Bolshevism, the most negative influence on human culture in the history of the post paleolithic world. If we could see Hitler, Franco, Musolini and others objectively, rather than as characters in our cartoonish modern cinema, we might learn something important.

  146. @Patrikios Stetsonis

    Hitlor wasn’t bad at all. Germany is crying out for someone like him today.

    Do you think he’d have let all these turd wotlrld million rapefugees into Europe the way that beagle-faced trouser-suited frump Judas Markel has????

  147. @Anonymous

    The argument is “first clean up your own life and then try for cleaning up the world”, and the assertion that the people named couldn’t do it. Jordan Peterson has stated this requirement and its rationale better than any other contemorary writer.

    Further, the critiques of Peterson’s work I’ve seen have been content free, rather like yours: pointing with contempt and making (or in some cases chanting) insults. “Aroma, flavor, but no caffeine”, to quote and old coffee advertisement.

  148. @BCB232

    Christian passivism and meekness will be the death of us all.

    • 回复: @BCB232
  149. “Christian passivism and meekness will be the death of us all.”

    Obviously someone who doesn’t know or comprehend what christianity is.


    “first clean up your own life and then try for cleaning up the world”

    This of course trite cliche nonsense, used as a ploy to avoid accountability for self and others. It has some usefulness to hypocrisy, but minus that —-

    zilch worth.

  150. Malla 说:

    The Vedic roots of Hinduism came from Central Asia and is not local to India. These central Asians also went to the Middle East And Europe.

  151. Mulegino1 说:

    Indeed, Wally.

    These people are unable to digest the most documented historical facts without a kosher narrative to follow.

  152. Sparkon 说:

    The German Army grew from one division to 36 by the beginning of 1938, and armaments expenditure went from near zero to one-fifth of economic output–financed without increases in taxation.

    I wonder what the order of battle was for the Red Army by 1938.

    In any event, Hitler’s first four-year plan began in 1936, by which time the Soviet Union was well into Stalin’s 第二 Five Year Plan, the first, having begun in 1929, was declared successful and complete nine months ahead of schedule, as was the second. Stalin’s taxation amounted to several million Soviet citizens who were starved to death so that the USSR might sell grain abroad and feed the factory workers building the weapons of war.

    According to most accounts, as a result of Stalin’s two five year plans and by the outset of Barbarossa, the Soviet Union had not only the largest army, and the largest tank park, but also the largest air force in the world. Because of the frenzied pace of Soviet military industrialization and rearmament in the 1930s, the Red Army found itself equipped with many obsolete types by 1940, and it was primarily these outmoded weapons that were positioned to intimidate and bait Hitler into launching his foolish and ultimately futile attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941.

    By then, Hitler had already squandered his best chance for prevailing in WWII by failing to smash the BEF at Dunkirk and possibly knock England out of the war, and if that didn’t do it, by following up with an all-out Luftwaffe attack on Fighter command and all its vital infrastructure.

    Hitler’s biggest mistake and ultimate failure was in seeking solutions through military action, but the man with the little mustache was no warlord, and his many military mistakes are too numerous to recount here beyond mentioning Dunkirk and Barbarossa itself.

  153. Mulegino1 说:

    Anyone who will pay big money for a ticket to hear some kosher exhorter say, “clean up your room” and “stand up with your shoulders straight” is either too cucked to make a difference or too dumb to matter.

    The contemporary cuckoisie is in a pitiful state. All it can do is to play a lame Tweedle-GOP echo to Tweedle-Dem’s demands for the imposition of violent Jacobin revolution.


    • 同意: Ron Unz
    • 回复: @G
    , @Biff
  154. lysias 说:

    Roman elites started to attack each other in 133 B.C., and the civil wars lasted a century. The Roman Empire survived several centuries after that.

    • 回复: @Biff
  155. lysias 说:

    Sorry, the text that that search turns up is also incomplete. The full text of the speech is given at the end of volume 3 of Max Domarus, “Hitler Reden,” under the date Dec. 10, 1940.

  156. cassandra 说:

    Chomsky and Hitler’s thesis, that democracy is flawed, is so reflexively opposed it might be easier to openly discuss the holocaust or climate change, so effectively have democracy’s “benefits” been inculcated. But as with those examples, I don’t believe “the science is settled”. Consider the article’s statement:


    1. Now regularity may be beneficial for certain biological functions, but I don’t see why the ability to eliminate a poor regime quickly, or to keep a competent one in place, is 一定 a bad characteristic.

    2. Given the example of post WWII US, I don’t see how any one can see transparency as being characteristic of, much less intrinsic to, democracy. The are structural reasons: democracy diffuses (electoral) power as widely as possible, in principle to every individual (currently even including non-citizens). But few, if any, individuals have the time or ability to develop opinions truly free of oligarchic manipulations, who now have masses of voters at their disposal, easily organized into political armies by subconscious propaganda.

    Press manipulation has been documented since the 19th century, and has come to be used

    unapologetically in every war since that time. More recently, large sections of the electorate have been convinced, on nothing but the say-so of our secret police, that Russians have corrupted an election outcome, at the same time that a related voting block was persuaded that research showing that Google swung 5-20 million votes to Hillary by changing its search algorithms, was fringe. It’s hard to imagine a more 不透明 权力的形式。

    3. As for give-and-take between citizens, just have a look at Antifa, domestically. Geopolitically, the exacerbation of ethnic strife seems to be an engine of the “democracy” of color revolutions.

    4. These criticisms aren’t new, but they are pretty much sidelined. For instance, at the end of his military history, The Civil Wars of England, author John Kenyon makes the surprising political assertion that the formation of the British Parliament was a recipe for oligarchy (though he doesn’t explain why he thinks that ended post-WWI).

    Non-democratic governments, like autarchy or monarchy, have the feature that the source of power is identifiably localized. Even Machiavelli gives a sort of back-handed compliment to open autarchy: his Prince’s manipulations have to a large extent the function of maintaining public opinion, which must be respected one way or another.

    Putin’s rule is often describes as autocratic, yet it can hardly be described as incompetent or especially brutal. He probably has killed 一些 political opponents, but few powerful factions will tolerate a serious political threat (Gary Webb, Seth Rich, Julian Assange, maybe JFK). Putin’s rule, however, like most competent autarchies, respects the fate of its citizens, and promotes the national interests, traditions, and characteristics of its people, a nationalist view shared by other “pariahs” like Brexiteers, Orban, Salvini, and the “right wing”. I suspect that’s the real crime, as viewed through the elitist prism of internationalist oligarchy.

    I can’t speak for other readers, but I myself need to take a closer look at exactly what ideas were discussed by Metternich and his cohorts at the Congress of Vienna.

  157. Skeptikal 说:
    @Fake Mikemikev

    It is pathetic to fall back on the ad hominem “Hitler!” excuse for not engaging with the ideas.
    For myself I have always found it interesting that the basic concept of “national” “socialism” (let’s just look at those words separately) seems to bear thinking over: A socialism that is not a international system but is based on a nation. Obviously how you define a nation is pretty important.

    Interestingly, now the Jews/Zionists have defined themselves as a nation (whether or not the citizens of this nation actually live in Israel). And the point of this nation certainly appears to be to confer all of the benefits of citizenship in the nation only on that nation’s citizens and on no others. Many of the benefits of citizenship seem to be of a socialist nature: quite a few freebies such as education, health care, vacations at the seashore in special hotels, free housing (on land stolen from the natives), etc. etc. So, this Jewish nation certainly seems to espouse a version of socialism that is nation-based. I.e., national socialism.

  158. G 说:


  159. turtle 说:
    @Professional Stranger

    有。 或者至少是麻省理工学院材料科学与工程系的教授,乔姆斯基是语言学名誉教授,他公开谈论双子塔残骸中发现的某些异常现象(不能 7号楼)。 乔姆斯基教授本可以简单地穿过校园,毫无疑问,如果他选择这样做,就可以与他的教员同事见面。

    嘲笑某人的公开言论 相关领域的实际专业知识 暗示说出来的人都没有资格这样做,这在智力上是极端不诚实的。


    • 同意: Professional Stranger
    • 回复: @Professional Stranger
  160. BCB232 说:

    We’ll see. Stalin asked “how many divisions does the Pope have?” The Chair is still there, the Soviet Union is gone – God works in mysterious ways.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  161. Mefobills 说:

    I agree. Understanding of the natural world leads one to a Nazi position. You cannot unlearn.

    People who are not antisemites are ignorant or dupes or lacking in morality.

  162. JackOH 说:

    Parfois1, thanks.

    I’m not seeing all that much in Guillaume’s choice of disparate shipmates to show that two men with wildly different fan bases can nonetheless agree that liberal democracy is something of a sham.

    Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader held a pow-wow some time in the 1990s, and I think both more or less agreed that the political superiority of corporations, which are profoundly soulless entities in my opinion, is a stumbling block to both Left and Right conceptions of society.

    They’re right. If I were an unscrupulous zillionaire, I’d “work” the feminist and immigrationist Left for cheap labor, and the corporate-hugging Right for direct subsidies and preferences of all sorts. I’d welcome the weakening of the family and all sorts of traditional ties to safeguard against uppity White males pushing for wage increases to protect their breadwinner status and capacity for family formation. Of course, I’d make sure I had the right political camouflage to make the whole thing work right. I’m a bit gloomy, but that’s how I’m seeing things.

  163. 评论 169 中的乌龟:有。 或者至少是麻省理工学院材料科学与工程系的教授,乔姆斯基是语言学名誉教授,他公开谈论在双子塔(不是 7 号楼)的残骸中发现的某些异常现象。 乔姆斯基教授本可以简单地穿过校园,毫无疑问,如果他选择这样做,就可以与他的教员同事见面。



    陌生人:同意! 还有“1500/9 真相的建筑师和工程师”的 11 名建筑师和工程师 https://www.ae911truth.org/ 谁说了出来,谁有资格这样做。 9/11 真相的飞行员也是如此 http://pilotsfor911truth.org/ .

  164. “Ridiculing the public statements of someone with actual expertise in a relevant field by implying that none who have spoken out are qualified . . .”

    That all depends on the veracity of the content and its rationale. For example a study on a particular behavior that examines people from completely different walks of life and then assigns results based on benign qualities that don’t into account said different environmental factors —

    One doesn’t need to be a statistician or a behavioral scientist to call the results into question. matters not a lick the person’s expertise those results will be questionable on their face.

    Measuring what is occurring in environments of conflict simply are not comparable to what takes place in relatively stable environments.

  165. @BCB232

    This bizarre and creepy religious jargon again. “The Chair” refers to the papacy, I presume?

    That “sede” would be better off “vacant” given the liars and enablers/apologists for sexual perverts and harassers who fill and have filled it.

    You’re really still proud of “The Pope”, trust his corrupt, dishonest, America-hating, heavily homosexualized institution, and honor his, um, “Chair”? What would it take for you to ever give up on that organization?

    “The Pope” will find that his legions have dissipated recently and will keep declining, at least as concerns actual Americans. We left that church and won’t trust it again. He can have his Third World peoples, whom he seems to consider entitled to flout our laws, disrespect us, not learn our language before coming here, not assimilate into our culture after coming here, and demand everything we have.

    Keep on worshipping the magic Chair and the sodomites in silly hats.

    • 回复: @BCB232
  166. Alden 说:

    The Socialist Democratically elected Spanish government of 1933 had few communists.

    But by 1936, Spanish and Russian communists had assassinated all the socialists and taken over Spain with to the applause of every Jew and liberal in the world.

    Then the greatest man of the 20th century, General Francisco Franco and the Spanish Catholics rose in rebellion, killed the communists, and got their country back.

    One thing I admire greatly about the Russian communists who ruled Spain before Franco defeated them. The Soviets sent the American sissy city boys of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade to the front lines to be slaughtered by the Spanish fighting to throw the Russians out of Spain.

    • 回复: @Durruti
  167. anon[108]• 免责声明 说:

    Was Chomsky the linguist a stickler for proofreading?

  168. Molly 说:

    迷人!我想起了诺姆·乔姆斯基 事先同意 由于不计后果的平台化,最近发生了很多事情。作为一个“正在康复的无政府主义者”,我有时会想……我的做法正确吗?或者左边已经向左移动了?谢谢你写信!

  169. “Was Chomsky the linguist a stickler for proofreading?”

    Given the volume of his research, I rather think he was.

  170. Chomsky has valid critiques of US power and its use. He points out the evil done in the name of the people re: capitalism (which benefits those who live off their capital. These people travel the world in search of people to screw over and drop like bad habits. See – wood and coal industries in West Virginia, USA.

    That Israel is a ethno state is no coincidence, it is exactly the belonging to the group which makes for a strong nation. All of “us” against all of “them”. That Israel doesn’t have the mass influx of aliens as white European nations must suffer should be instructive. They learned this from the NDSP as evidenced by the tactics of ghettoization on the Palestinians. They even have the strange belief that walls work. 😉

    Civic nationalism makes a lotta sense, but one must feel connection to the land, the people and the overarching nation of which they are a part. What multicultural gubbamint has lasted without friction between its peoples and for how long? Most western nations are the only ones with the multiculti death wish. Why do people migrate to hideous racist white nations? Do they can gripe about whatever they want while living high on the hog, of course! 😉

    Why don’t people migrate to Israel, Japan, Cape Verde or Burundi? Because they either don’t let many “others” in by defacto law or nobody wants to go because of dejure common sense.

  171. Lively debate in only allowed spectrum = echo chambers.

    Even some of the more robotic unz commenters want this.

    Complaints about whataboutism is also attempts at forming echo chambers

  172. Biff 说:

    Roman elites started to attack each other in 133 B.C., and the civil wars lasted a century. The Roman Empire survived several centuries after that.

    What have the Romans ever done for us?!”

  173. Biff 说:


    How do you think an idiot like Trump got elected?

  174. BCB232 说:

    Chesterton wrote:

    “All the empires and the kingdoms have failed, because of this inherent and continual weakness, that they were founded by strong men and upon strong men. But this one thing, the historic Christian Church, was founded on a weak man, and for that reason it is indestructible. For no chain is stronger than its weakest link.”

    Yes, Francis is bad in his own way but, fortunately, not immortal. I pray Cardinal Sarah is elected next. A black African traditionalist, he will make the Left’s head explode. He is against the invasion of Europe. A black Cardinal is a better advocate for whites than almost all white men.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  175. @Fake Mikemikev


  176. Durruti 说:

    But by 1936, Spanish and Russian communists had assassinated all the socialists and taken over Spain with to the applause of every Jew and liberal in the world.

    Welcome to your fantasy world.

    I prefer Tolkien.

  177. John Regan 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian


    Now, Europe & Europe-derived peoples face a completely different crisis (or various crises), so that what Hitler was or wasn’t is utterly irrelevant to our contemporary condition & its challenges.

    I would actually say, quite the contrary. If one looks to the Nazis’ own statements of their political aims (rather than the globohomo propaganda version then and later), it is in fact strikingly obvious that they were fighting the exact same problems as we are having today: globalist capitalism, “democracy” and Weimar-style cultural degeneracy. This very article makes this point very well. Studying their problem formulations and attempted solutions thus make a fair bit of sense, even if (of course) one doesn’t necessarily have to agree with everything they said and did, or copy it mechanically. Learning from the past is distinct from imitating it.

    There are of course various differences between their situation and ours, from demographic to sociological to geopolitical, but most of them can be summarized in the few words that things have gotten very much worse still for us today than they were for them in the 1930s. Except perhaps for the added complications of emergent artificial intelligence and human engineering (which are mostly still potential rather than actual threats), the fundamental issues would seem to be the same in just about every important respect – only now metastatized and increased by seventy years’ compound interest.

    • 回复: @Counterinsurgency
  178. Marcus 说:


  179. @Durruti

    overthrow of the democratically elected Government of the Spanish Republic

    Really? And I suppose Pinochet overthrew the democratically elected government of Argentina.

  180. John Regan 说:

    ......但事实仍然是,希特勒在没有任何真正令人信服的必要性的情况下,发动了历史上最具破坏性的战争之一,然后让他的追随者犯下了一些有史以来最严重的大规模谋杀。 UR 上发帖的“修正主义者”可能会忽略这一点,但大多数人不会。

    Initiating World War II was a complicated process, and Hitler was by no means the only person responsible. Perhaps he was not even the chief culprit. That, at least, was what Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain thought, or so he told Joseph Kennedy (US Ambassador to England and JFK’s father). The following comes from the published diary of James Forrestal, US Secretary of Defense (1951, page 121):

    12月27 1945
    今天和乔·肯尼迪一起打高尔夫球。 我问他从 1938 年起他与罗斯福和内维尔·张伯伦的谈话。 他说张伯伦在 1938 年的立场是,英格兰没有什么可打的,她不能冒险与希特勒开战。

    Kennedy’s view: That Hitler would have fought Russia without any later conflict with England if it had not been for Bullitt’s urging on Roosevelt in the summer of 1939 that the Germans must be faced down about Poland; 如果不是华盛顿的不断针锋相对,法国人和英国人都不会让波兰成为战争的起因。

    Bullitt, he said, kept telling Roosevelt that the Germans wouldn’t fight, Kennedy that they would, and that they would overrun Europe. Chamberlain, he said, stated that 美国和世界犹太人迫使英格兰参战。

    Quite startling, isn’t it? I emphasize again, these were the Prime Minister of England and the US Ambassador talking privately. So, not exactly tinfoil hat people. Kennedy then told this to US Secdef Forrestal, who wrote it down. After his death, selections from his diary were published in 1951 by the Viking Press, including this. In other words, this is not a fake quote. If you doubt it, you can look up the book for yourself in a public library.

    Of course, these few lines don’t prove that Hitler was a good guy. But they are fairly persuasive evidence that he did not start World War II singlehandedly just because he was evil (as most history textbooks would have it). At the very least, they prove that his enemies didn’t think so when talking freely behind closed doors.

    If you look into this topic in further depth, just by reading the more exhaustive works of “mainstream” scholarship and checking the footnotes, you will find much interesting material which is likewise rarely mentioned in the history textbooks. Much of it agrees more with Neville Chamberlain’s interpretation of how the war came about than those of the likes of Richard Evans or Victor Davis Hanson.

    UR 上发帖的“修正主义者”可能会忽略这一点,但大多数人不会。

    Obviously this article is not aimed at “most people” in the United States. In his writings here at UR, M. Durocher is not seeking to propagandize the ignorant masses, who are conditioned by simple Pavlovian psychology to scream and cry like million-headed babies whenever certain disagreeable topics are mentioned. At the present time (if hopefully not forever), that’s a lost cause.


  181. Sin 说:

    Read it and check out: The Last Battle of Europe , 10 parts

  182. Marcus 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian


  183. @BCB232

    Nice try, but neither “The Pope” nor this particular pope is the only or main problem.

    The bulk of the clergy and officials — archbishops, bishops, and priests — are the problem, as is the whole blindly obedient and unaccountable structure of that church.l, as is the unnatural immature unhealthy life the priests and nuns are (theoretically) required to live.

    As for an African controlling that church, you certainly reveal a lot by your statement. Good way to drive away even more normal self-respecting European people (including in the USA) from “The Church.”

    The truth is, nothing evil that that church could do would ever drive you away. You are a pope-worshipper or RCC-worshipper and hence an apologist for clear persistent evil. Calling this serial liar and protector of perverts and harassers “bad in his own way” is disgusting understatement.

    • 回复: @BCB232
  184. Fantastic article and analysis, extremely insightful. It’s not the least bit surprising that that the usual coven of cucks, Hasbara, etc. are shrieking over it.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  185. Incitatus 说:

    Interesting article, more for the fungus it grows.

    In Western democracies, Hitler claims: “Capital actually rules in these countries, that is, nothing more than a clique of a few hundred men who possess untold wealth.” Furthermore “freedom” refers primarily to “economic freedom,” which means the oligarchs’ “freedom from national control.” In a classic self-reinforcing cycle, the rich and powerful get richer and more powerful through influence over the political process. Today, this has culminated in the existence of the notorious “1%” so demonized by Occupy Wall Street.

    Capital rules, cliques, oligarchs? Terrible indeed. Let alone international capital (which suckled/stabilized/saved Weimar, the NSDAP demon).

    Yes Versailles was bad. But not nearly as severe as Ludendorff’s Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (3 Mar 1918).

    Hitler’s Solution? Personally assault political rivals (Engineer Otto Ballerstedt, 14 Sep 1921 – kill him (and many others) 30 Jun 1934); Default on international debts after demonizing international finance that stabilized Germany; Abolish labor unions and rival political parties, murder or imprison leaders, confiscate their funds; Criminalize dissent and individual freedom (Volk ist alles); Curtail foreign exchange and travel; Establish a state-run re-armament economy benefiting régime-friendly titans (Thyssen, Krupp, IG Farben, Daimler-Benz, Bosch, Deutsche Bank, Messerschmitt, Heinkel, Dornier, etc.); Direct an ‘uncertainty principle’ (random) economy via a small number of rapacious party cronies (e.g. Hermann Göring) who report to an all-powerful, vain, windbag Austrian ex-gefreiter (PFC), accountable to no one, who can’t seem to awake before 10am, but wants to invade neighbors (yes, all of them) before noon.

    Result? Hitler’s very own “clique of a few hundred men who possess untold wealth”. Most from robbing fellow Germans and conquered neighbors. Beginning with party comrade ‘Call me Meyer’ Hermann Göring (Four Year Plan, Reichswerke Hermann Göring, Plan Oldenburg, etc.) and Treuer Heinrich Himmler (SS murder, looting, confiscation, retail slaves-for-starvation enterprises, etc.).

    Appetite, criminality, incompetence. Does it rival demon Capitalism? I think so, but you decide.

    Hitler’s solution was a (ME-ME-ME) suicide pact that killed 50+ million plus (including German millions), leveled Germany and most neighbors. All to gratify what? What sort of gambler-pervert willfully kills tens of millions to assuage his ego?

    Fast forward to 1 May 1945 Berlin and stalwart Aryan Club-foot Joe:

    “Doctor, I would be very grateful if you help my wife kill the children…[saving them] is impossible. They are the children of Göbbels.”
    – Göbbels to SS Dentist Helmut Kunz, Führerbunker Berlin 1 May 1945 [Beevor ‘The Fall of Berlin 1945’ p. 380]

    “”It’s all over with the children.”
    – Magda Göbbels to husband Joseph after sedating her six children by morphine (administered by SS Dentist Kunz), then crushing cyanide capsules in their mouths with the assistance of SS-Obersturmbannführer Ludwig Stumpfegger 1 May 1945 [Beevor ‘The Fall of Berlin 1945’ p. 380-381]

    “Let’s be quick. We’re short of time”
    – Göbbels to wife Magda vis-à-vis suicide [Beevor ‘The Fall of Berlin 1945’ p.381]

    What did Guillaume write? “Hitler and/or Chomsky on Capitalist Democracy”?


    How many people has Chomsky killed?

    • 巨魔: Malla
    • 回复: @refl
  186. Incitatus 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


    “公鸡集会”?真的吗? “非自愿协助自杀”先生,这就是你的全部了?

    • 13 年 1943 月 349 日:由于 Luftpost 停止服务,斯大林格勒的德国士兵被敦促写最后一封信。信件由冯·泽特维茨伯爵上尉截取、阅读和总结。戈培尔认为运送它们太危险了(它们可能会暴露政权的无能——你知道BM:没有食物、没有弹药、没有冬衣等)。这些信件被扣押并销毁,没有一封被送到德国家庭/近亲手中。 [Beevor'斯大林格勒'p.XNUMX];



    – Göbbels remarks on Barbarossa reverses Winter 1941 [Stargardt ‘The German War’ p.223]





  187. Richard S 说:



  188. refl 说:

    Rest assured, lots of such letters did get through. Goebbels certainly had very specific examples in mind.

    Hitlers speech, apart from making rather sensible points about the fake nature of democracy, shows a complete detachment from his people. He had messed up and was about to lead his country to utter destruction. He should have honestly said what had gone wrong and tried to end it at whatever price. Instead, he comes up with a speech worth of a professor in his ivory tower.
    Besides, to Germans of his time the flaws of democracy stood out clearly. Post-WWII Germans got their Wirtschaftswunder in the West. You can say that for two Generations the Americans made good on their crime of destroying the country. That was certainly not the case post WWI. Anyone knew it and they just did noch want the destruction again.

  189. refl 说:

    Let alone international capital (which suckled/stabilized/saved Weimar, the NSDAP demon).

    Yes Versailles was bad. But not nearly as severe as Ludendorff’s Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (3 Mar 1918).

    Stabilize Germany just so much as to crush it in the Great Depression and roll out the Hitler guy.
    You should inform yourself a bit on Brest Litowsk. The German high command wanted the war material for the war in the West, right. At the same time, while fighting on in the West they were the only to prevent the Bolsheviks from taking over Russia – all the while american banksters were making their deals in Petrograd. In Brest Litowsk there were conventional old style peace negotiations. The Germans were a year later quite astonished not even to be allowed into the conference room in Versailles. Versailles was not bad, it stands out as a shame in the history of International rekations. It in only topped by the treatment of Germany post WWII, when the country was abolished once and for all.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  190. mikemikev 说:
    @Fake Mikemikev


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  191. BCB232 说:

    Christians reproduce themselves (Muslims do too). Secular people don’t. I have eight blond haired, blue/green eyed children. How about you?

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  192. Marcus 说:


  193. @Anon


    Your contention that to try to bring the left to reason is doomed to failure is absolutely true.

    A former Nazi would never yield over the fundamental truth that the so called ‘ Liberal Democracy’ is one big hoax that is at the service of the oligarchs and their lackeys, and if this gem of truth came from Hitler, then so much the better.

    I personally abide by the theory of a true old school leftist American writer, Dean Anderson, who traces the origin of the word Zionist to the word ‘scion’ (a descendant of a notable family or one with a long lineage, Oxford Dictionary) which implicates the blood lines primarily with the Jews acting as their agents; hence Chomsky’s assertion that the Jews act as intermediaries between exploiters and exploited.

    Hitler saw the scam and acted upon it. He threatened the big lie of democracy and he found an alternative to the left/right paradigm. That is why his non stop demonisation will never seize.

    • 回复: @Joe Levantine
  194. @GeeBee

    Agree. You put a great case for the much needed revisionism without which history will keep repeating its tragic side.
    Unfortunately, German- reader is the epitome of the brainwashed European, whose education combined with the MSM and the rule of the Merkelites, makes them zombie like citizens who are passively watching the genocide of their race and culture by the schemes of the One World Government agents while their main pursuit is self flagellation and a total lack of critical thinking.

  195. @refl

    Which pushes the case for a German Russian alliance that could relieve these two long suffering countries from the deadly schemes of the so called Western democracies of France, UK and the United States of America, all dominated by Zionist capitalism.

    In both World Wars, such an alliance would have spared both countries all the horrors for which they are still paying a price until today. More likely a Russo German alliance would have stopped WWI and subsequently the world would have skipped Bolshevism and WWII and the Western “ pathology” of our time.

  196. @German_reader

    “但事实仍然是,希特勒在没有任何真正令人信服的必要性的情况下,发动了历史上最具破坏性的战争之一,然后让他的追随者犯下了一些有史以来最严重的大规模谋杀。在 UR 上发帖的“修正主义者”可能会忽视这一点,但大多数人不会。”



    – a great fascination with the British Empire
    – stopping nuclear research from 1936 till 1939
    – stopping Heinz Guderian from blocking the British army retreat from Dunkirk in the hope that he would give the British the chance to sign an honourable peace.
    – trusting the input of his intelligence service about the military and industrial state of the Soviet Union.


  197. Anonymous[243]• 免责声明 说:

    [Bad website behavior has consequences.]

  198. @Mulegino1

    The harsh reality that the status quo can not be survived longterm by our people, so the choice is to passively become extinct or make the supreme effort to strive for righteousness which is sure to be met with an immediate genocidal military attack by the Jew using his golem:

    …an effective and incredibly prescient and even prophetic statesman whose misfortune was to restore Germany to prosperity and greatness, buck economic orthodoxy by initiating the greatest economic recovery in recorded history and clean up German society and culture by removing the usual subversive suspects from power and influence. Such accomplishments have been shown to be recipes for war. A prosperous Germany which extricated itself from the financial hegemony of Wall St. and the City of London had to be destroyed no matter what.

    So the there is a main question and a subordinate issue:

    Which Way Western Man(1978)?

    Who comprises the Jew’s golem most likely to attack us intending our genocide,
    the Sunni Arab, The American Negro(1901), the Evangelical WASP, or other?

  199. Incitatus 说:

    Thanks for interesting posts, refl.

    “Stabilize Germany just so much as to crush it in the Great Depression and roll out the Hitler guy.”

    Are you saying the Great Depression was induced by Western Powers? Designed to defeat Weimar/install Hitler? Don’t think so. I’d agree loan defaults/withdrawals (lending funds disappeared) had an effect. Especially for a country unrepentant on launching war that devastated neighbors, but had not experienced visible damage on their Vaterland, and blamed it all on the cowardly Home-Front, Freemasons, Jews, etc.

    German conservatives had an on-going romance with gefreiter Hitler from the time he was employed by Karl Mayr to spy on Bavarian political parties in 1919. They stupidly believed the immensely talented (clinically insane) agitator Hitler could be controlled. They (Ludendorff, Hindenburg, Papen, etc.) were wrong. As Hugenberg admits:

    “Yesterday I committed the greatest stupidity of my life. I joined forces with the greatest demagogue in world history.”
    -Alfred Hugenberg 31 Jan 1933 Reich Minister of Economics, Food and Agriculture [Childers ‘The Third Reich’ p.226]

    Hitler long promised to void Versailles, cancelling reparation payments. Why would Wall-Street creditors (with everything to lose) engineer his ascent?

    “You should inform yourself a bit on Brest Litowsk.”

    Always willing to learn.

    Ludendorff gave Lenin 40 million gold marks ($100 million) and injected him into Russia (arrived 16 Apr 1917 St-Petersburg). Less than a year later (3 Mar 1918) Ludendorff dictates the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russia cedes a quarter of its population and industry, 90% of its coal mines, 1+ million square miles of territory (home to 50 million people), 33% of its rails, 73% of its iron, and 5000 factories. It’s also forced to pay a 6-billion mark ‘indemnity’.


    Ludendorff (pal/rival of Hindenburg) was an early associate of gefeiter Hitler and ultimately an 8 Nov 1923 Putsch-mate (until the trials). Why would a Generalquartiermeister, one of three most powerful Wilhelmine figures responsible for failed WW1 strategy, a man ponderously laden with ‘manly’ ostrich-plumes and pounds of Cracker-Jack medals, commune with a gefeiter (PFC)?

    Here’s WW1 master-mind Ludendorff’s ‘philosophy’:

    “War is the natural state of man, which brings out the best in a people. War is without end and is the magnificent contest for which Germany is better qualified than all others. Peace is the bothersome interval between your last war and the next. It is neither desirable nor manly.”
    –Generalquartiermeister Eric Ludendorff ‘The Next War’ 1931

    Eric helped kill millions of Germans and fellow Europeans 1914-18. He failed abysmally, ruined his nation and neighbors. His choice for new leadership? Hitler – “the only man…who has any political sense”. Rematch anyone?

    Hitler was, at the beginning, the proxy choice of WW1 fuck-ups and Versailles deadbeats (Germany – after ruining Northern France and Belgium – never paid what it demanded – and received – from France in 1871). Ultimately, Hitler proved how dumb his sponsers were. Given unrestricted power in the Enabling Act (Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich) by Hindenburg 24 Mar 1933, Mr. Big had unlimited power. He destroyed Germany, then Europe, then himself.

    “The Germans were a year later quite astonished not even to be allowed into the conference room in Versailles. Versailles was not bad, it stands out as a shame in the history of International rekations”

    Agree. Engagement is everything. Its lack permitted a decade of rent-free Weimar blame, terrorism, assassination. Humiliation endowed incompetents like Wilhelm II, Hindenburg, Ludendorff with the golden ‘stab-in-the-back’ excuse covering their own stupidity.

    Rewind to 21 Mar 1918 and Ludendorff’s miraculous ‘Spring Offensive’ on the Western front. It fails by late April. Germany loses 880,000 men by July. For what? Each of those 880,000 men had a life, a family. Why were they wasted?

    Was it because the German General Staff was dumb as a rock and – after feeding their own men into the cosmic wood-chipper – didn’t anticipate mutiny? Or was is because ‘the Home Front, Jews, Freemasons [you name it] stabbed these saints in the back?


    • 回复: @refl
    , @Parfois1
  200. @Incitatus

    Right on cue. The coven includes those off their meds, BTW.

  201. FB 说: • 您的网站

    @ Incitatus…

    Very informative and fact filled REAL historical info you’ve been posting…

    You do realize that you’re dealing with half-wits that are immune to common sense or rationality…?

    I think I am beginning to see a subtle purpose to Mr Unz’s apparent madness here…

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  202. refl 说:

    The love affair of German conservatives with Hitler was most certainly due to the fact that he had been Meldegänger (charged with delivering communications) at staff level – he was known to some higher ups and he was sent into the newly formed Nazi party as intelligence. It was Ludendorff who had the fatal idea to point the American military attachee (or was it a deputy, I am not sure now) to that able young politician in Munich. From there his ominous wealthy German-American friend Ernst Hanfstaengl who had studied with Roosevelt.
    Hitler had his origin in intelligence – if he knew who were his enablers is doubtful, but when he shot himself he certainly took some really awkward truths with him.
    It was certainly not the “Western powers”, who arranged for the depression but rather the banksters behind them. Reparations were the real war aim in WWI, to deliver Germany and all the participants to financialisation – Germany paying WWI debt up to – 2012!!! And to this day the Bank of International Settlement is in the back of the secret bankster deals – take home from that what you want.

    When you are into scandalous remarks by political leaders, how about french minister Clemenceau: “There are 20 million Germans to many?” Germany in WWII and after lost some 15 millions, so they at least came close. How about Roosevelt at Teheran? Stalin proposed to shoot some 50 000 members of German intelligentsia, Churchill protests, then Roosevelt: “Oh no!We can’t do that! Lets make it 49 500!” You may say that these assasinations were carried out. WWII will be settled, when people can mention these truths without losing there careers and their livelyhood. Unfortunately, when these truths enter the public mind, the West as we know it, will cease to exist.
    When they Nuremberg Tribunal handed down its sentences, the West lost the war.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  203. @John Regan

    If one looks to the Nazis’ own statements of their political aims (rather than the globohomo propaganda version then and later), it is in fact strikingly obvious that they were fighting the exact same problems as we are having today: globalist capitalism, “democracy” and Weimar-style cultural degeneracy. This very article makes this point very well. Studying their problem formulations and attempted solutions thus make a fair bit of sense, even if (of course) one doesn’t necessarily have to agree with everything they said and did, or copy it mechanically. Learning from the past is distinct from imitating it.

    Post WW I every country in Eastern and Southern Europe tried Parliamentary government. They could not make it work. Elected representatives used it as a license to steal (same as Tammany Hall back in the US). In the resulting chaos, the nations blamed Parliamentary government. It’s amazing how poorly the institution worked when transplanted. Now, of course, the same thing is happening in the US. Omar and AOC, not to mention the BCC, show just how badly parliamentary government (or other representative form of government) works when implemented by people are ruthless outside their genetic relatives (including ethnic groups) and don’t think beyond immediate goals.
    Consider the morning headlines (2019/08/24) — Obama administration member says that a Supreme Court vacancy would “tear this country apart”. This is understood as _he_ and his friends will tear the country apart. That’s no government, it’s an attempt to use escalation dominance (threats) – “do this and I will destroy things you want to preserve, and if you try to stop me I will win that fight by escalating the conflict”)

    So, yes, exactly the same problems — a government form that didn’t fit their population, extreme foreign influence, a society that doesn’t fit its underlying economics, a political system that had deteriorated to threats and violence.

    So – what have we learned, if anything? Serious question. The media propaganda is all about the burning issues of 1910. No learning there.


  204. Parfois1 说:

    Ludendorff gave Lenin 40 million gold marks ($100 million) and injected him into Russia (arrived 16 Apr 1917 St-Petersburg).

    I have come across similar assertions to the effect that Lenin was no more then a puppet in the hands of the the Wall St bankers; now I am also told that he was in the hands of the German general conducting the Spring Offensive on the Western Front to the tune of 40 million marks. That, in addition to similar donations by the bankers (also $40 million in gold, plus Schiff’s $20 million, etc.) made Lenin a multimillionaire even before he boarded the sealed train, which was already loaded with more gold! With all that dosh one wonders why Lenin didn’t sit tight in the safety of Zurich to remotely conduct the “revolution” instead of risking life across Germany and into certain danger in Russia. If he was so evil as to be puppeted around by the bankers and Germans – and a traitor to boot – why not?

    What astounds me is the gullibility and gross ignorance of those who glibly display such nonsense. True, the UR commentariat are capable of amazing feats of bovine reasoning, (see how they bleat, cackle and groan about being ruled by a tiny number of Jews!) but the shocking thing about it is their mental stupor.

    According to the prevailing view here, History is only a succession of events conjured up by Bankers, Satanists, Stalinists, Jews, Freemasons, Templars, Jesuits, Astrologists, Alchemists and sundry nutcases. People are incapable of feeling, thinking, getting together and revolting, mere amorphous matter… No wonder, with that type of homo sapiens, the US is stuffed!

  205. Loren 说:
    @Jorge Videla

    Chump sky, Krugman…why be ruled by such ‘intellectuals?’

  206. @Parfois1


    I have used the argument that Lenin was a German agent often to counter those who claim that he was working for Wall Street. It could be argued also that after the Bolsheviks plundered Russia and the wealth of the Tzar and the aristocrats, they paid back those funds as well as enriching themselves personally. I did read somewhere the amounts that Lenin, Trotsky, and another Bolshevik leader had deposited in their personal Swiss accounts after the revolution and these were astronomical, but can’t remember the reference. You’d be surprised, or maybe not, how many revolutionaries were members of secret societies like the Masons. I suppose it could be explained that they had to be since they had to plot their conspiracies in secret. No doubt the workers and the people have genuine grievances that need to be addressed, and they often riot or show their displeasure at their rulers in various ways, but those who would lead them to stage the revolutions and take power away from the rulers are 事实上的 themselves conspirators and have to run their own activities as a conspiracy until they get the power, and often even thereafter. Also all terrorist groups have to, by the nature of their activities, work as conspirators engaged in a conspiracy, to avoid detection and capture. So yes, many great events in history, especially wars, were started in secret as secret plots or conspiracies, as doing it in the open would not offer the advantage of surprise necessary to win against the existing order. Whether the fact that they were conspirators delegitimises the work of these revolutionaries is another matter.

    • 回复: @FB
  207. FB 说: • 您的网站
    @Commentator Mike

    I would not be disinclined to believe that Lenin and the early Bolsheviks were financed by German interests…certainly the Brest-Litovsk treaty was disastrous for Russia…

    However, after Stalin took over we see a whole new ballgame…he cleaned house of the ridiculous and counterproductive elements and set the nation on a course of recovery…

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @refl
  208. JackOH 说:

    “According to the prevailing view here, History is only a succession of events conjured up by Bankers, Satanists, Stalinists, Jews, Freemasons, Templars, Jesuits, Astrologists, Alchemists and sundry nutcases. People are incapable of feeling, thinking, getting together and revolting, mere amorphous matter… No wonder, with that type of homo sapiens, the US is stuffed!”

    Well said, Parfois1.

    Seems to me any theory that has a monotonic, omnipotent power, such as those you mentioned, calling all the shots does violence to the very real individual dissenters within and without government, and for political counsel offers no more than despair, capitulation, and passivity, sometimes coupled with angry posing.

    If the Martians are, indeed, calling all the shots all the time and ever, and the possibility of moral agency has been extinguished, why not just shut our yaps, make our peace with our overlords, and call it a day.

    Meaningful dissent is extremely difficult, but not completely impossible. Even if you’re working theory is we’re governed by a Martian Council, it may be possible to frame your arguments so as to find favor with a faction or individual of that Martian Council. That’s the goal, right, to find a place in the sun for the arguments you’re vested in?

    • 回复: @Counterinsurgency
  209. Sparkon 说:

    (see how they bleat, cackle and groan about being ruled by a tiny number of Jews!)

    According to the prevailing view here, History is only a succession of events conjured up by Bankers, Satanists, Stalinists, Jews, Freemasons, Templars, Jesuits, Astrologists, Alchemists and sundry nutcases. People are incapable of feeling, thinking, getting together and revolting, mere amorphous matter… No wonder, with that type of homo sapiens, the US is stuffed!

    There is a prevailing view here? If there were, there would not be so much spirited even contentious back and forth.

    You seem to be under the spell of a plodding interpretation of history that is more like checkers than chess.

    The TPTB can create or identify new game pieces, and put them into play when the time is right.

    It was a devilishly clever scheme to find talented or engaging crackpots of various stripes and promote them to the masses with the organs of propaganda, and so the world got Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy, Marx and Communism, Freud and Psychoanalysis, Nordau and Zionism, Picasso and Cubism, Bernays and Feminism…the list goes on.

    Stalin played his role and so did Eisenhower.

  210. @JackOH

    the “weakly god-like organization” theory is a variant on any religion that sees the world as a stage of conflict between two or more strongly god-like beings. Consider the paleo-religion Zoroasterism [1]:

    Ahura Mazda is considered to be all-good with no evil emanating from the deity. Ahura Mazda works in gētīg (the visible material realm) and mēnōg (the invisible spiritual and mental realm) through the seven (six when excluding Spenta Mainyu) Amesha Spentas

    Though Ahura Mazda has no equal contesting force, Angra Mainu (destructive spirit/mentality) is considered the main adverserial force of the religion standing against Spenta Mainyu (creative spirit/mentality), whose forces are born from Aka Manah (evil thought). Middle Persian literature developed further Angra Mainyu into Ahriman and advancing him to be the direct adversary to Ahura Mazda.

    This theme shows up in several religions and in folklore. Just to show the reach of a good story, it’s been suggested that there were 7 dwarfs in the Snow White myth because it’s a re-telling of the above blockquoted story.

    So: Devil theories can’t be entirely dismissed, as there really are powerful evil entities in the world (e.g. those who actively worked to bring about the mass slaughters of the World War historic interval, Cardinal Richelieu during the slaughters of the 30 years war [2]), but often enough devil theories are simply appealing excuses for some historic defeat.


    1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoroastrianism

    2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardinal_Richelieu

    • 回复: @JackOH
  211. @FB


    I’m just relaying some information I come across that runs counter to accepted views, and I’m not myself always sure what to make of it or what its implications are.

    For example, William Guy Carr in his short book Satan – Prince of this World, states that Lenin inherited the post at the top of the Global Conspiracy from Adriano Lemmi who was preceded by Mazzini and Albert Pike, with Pike mostly setting the whole thing up. Carr wrote:

    Lenin was an adept of the highest degrees in Grand Orient Masonry. He knew the final secret as did Mazzini and Lemmi before him.

    Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if all the leaders of the First International, Marx, Engels, Bakunin, and Kropotkin weren’t in some secret Masonic organisation. Obviously it’s difficult to prove as such organisations are secret, but they were very popular among these types of individuals. For example Engels was an affluent industrialist owning several factories in England and I’d think you’d be hard pressed to find any such high level capitalist at that time who wasn’t a member of a Masonic lodge. I haven’t bothered to research whether anyone has come across such evidence, but I’d venture a guess that Bakunin was in a Masonic lodge, considering the secrecy surrounding him and his work. Often revolutionaries would have been in the same Masonic lodge as the chiefs of police, judges, and aristocrats they were fighting against. For example Giuseppe Garibaldi, Simon Bolivar, Jose Rizal and many more anti-royalist and anti-colonialist revolutionaries were all long standing high level Freemasons.

  212. Incitatus 说:

    Thomas Weber’s ‘Hitler’s First War’ and ‘Becoming Hitler’ profile Hitler’s wartime experience and gilding the Führerlegende of ‘front-line’ service.

    Couriers had a dangerous job (perfect for cultivating gambling addictions), but didn’t serve in the trenches. Real heros? Stoßtrupp veteran Ernst Jünger (his ‘Storm of Steel’ is worth reading). Trench grunts thought couriers like Hitler privileged. The latter slept comfortably at HQs 2-3km behind the lines, closely associating with officers who favored them with decorations. It’s curious in four years Hitler was promoted only once, to gefreiter (non-NCO level ala PFC, couldn’t order anyone to do anything).

    Hitler was smart enough to carefully edit/control his record over the years, and to snuff inconvenient witnesses in Operation Hummingbird – not least former Chancellor General Kurt von Schleicher, Frau von Schleicher and Generalmajor Ferdinand von Bredow (each confronted at home and shot in the face). They were said to have Hitler’s medical records, including Pasewalk convalescence for ‘temporary blindness’ after his 15 Oct 1918 encounter with mustard gas, recording Hitler (lacking genuine injury) was housed in the psychiatric ward.

    As for the romance of German conservatives and other disappointed Deutscher plutocrats, Hugenberg, too late, got it right:

    “Yesterday I committed the greatest stupidity of my life. I joined forces with the greatest demagogue in world history.”
    -Alfred Hugenberg 31 Jan 1933 Reich Minister of Economics, Food and Agriculture [Childers ‘The Third Reich’ p.226]

    Not to worry. Unreliable Hugenberg was dispensed forthwith like a soiled diaper.

    “It was certainly not the “Western powers”, who arranged for the depression but rather the banksters behind them. Reparations were the real war aim in WWI, to deliver Germany and all the participants to financialization”

    No fan of ‘banksters’ (especially after the 2007-08 ‘Great Recession’ rip-off), but find it hard to believe they “arranged” the 1929 depression to deliver Germany (or anybody else) to anywhere. Don’t think they were that smart. Loaning money to revanchists that promised to nullify Versailles debts twice renegotiated? Induce a self-ruining depression to deliver Germany into dictatorship, a war that kills 50-60 million, and ultimately “financialization”? Way beyond my pay grade.

    If anything, ‘banksters’ focus short term – the ‘Here and Now, Have Your Cake and Eat It Too’ School, which all-too-often requires a bail out from honest people ($7 trillion 2007-08). Cronyism doesn’t prevent disaster, but provides a hell-of-a cushion from innate stupidity (e.g. 4+ bankruptcy “king of debt” Donald J. Trump, who routinely stiffed contractors and lenders).

    “When you are into scandalous remarks by political leaders, how about french minister Clemenceau: “There are 20 million Germans to many?”

    Expect politicians to be more honest than whores? Why? They get paid less.

    Clemenceau dealt with the highest proportional WW1 butcher’s bill (save Serbia, which lost a staggering 25% of population) as well as territory/livelihood destroyed 1914-18. Germany (50% larger than France) was untouched by war they launched, yet France endured. Remarkable. It cost France two generations – every small French town had/has a monument to WW1 lost souls.

    A better Clemenceau quote, a response after being blamed for not asserting himself in negotiations 20 May 1919:

    “Que voulez vous que je fasse entre deux hommes dont un se criot Napoléan et l’autre Jésus Crist?” [“What do you expect when I’m between two men- one of whom (Lloyd George) thinks he is Napoleon and the other (Wilson) thinks he’s Jesus Christ?”).

    Clemenceau was the only sane one in the room

    “WWII will be settled, when people can mention these truths without losing there careers and their livelyhood. Unfortunately, when these truths enter the public mind, the West as we know it, will cease to exist. When they Nuremberg Tribunal handed down its sentences, the West lost the war.”

    I think WW2 is settled, but I’m all for free speech and honest inquiry. I may disagree with you; by all means feel free to disagree with me. ‘Civility’ is a wonderful word, akin to ‘community’ and ‘building’. We all start somewhere.

    • 回复: @refl
  213. JackOH 说:

    CI, thanks.

    “Devil theories can’t be entirely dismissed, as there really are powerful evil entities in the world . . .”.

    I don’t, and I agree. Privately, I sometimes use religious-sounding language, maybe because rational-sounding discourse doesn’t capture what I’m seeing in the world.

    ” . . . [D]evil theories are simply appealing excuses . . .”. That’s sort of making my point in a different way, I guess.

    Do we believe our leaders’ bad actions are a consequence of their being omnipotent Satanic beings? If they are, I guess I don’t have to bother trying to better things.

    If our leaders’ bad actions are a consequence of human frailty, well, maybe I ought to do something, however feeble, to make things better.

    As I mentioned, “meaningful dissent is extremely difficult”, and it can be painful as hell when our leaders exercise their inalienable right to human frailty (LOL) to try and whoop our ass.

    • 回复: @Counterinsurgency
  214. Incitatus 说:


    You’re right of course. UR is ‘day is night’, ‘black is white’. Ant farm, flea circus, freak show? DARPA ‘nut farm’? Who knows?

    “Mr Unz’s apparent madness”

    Confess wonderment when Unz opined Reinhard Heidrich was beloved given transportation in an open cabriolet without security. No, couldn’t have been because the arrogant little Herrenvolk shit thought himself superior to his sub-human subjects. No way!

    Fascinating so many (few compared to the wider world, but still…) pine for WW2 rematch. Children of divorce with no genuine male parental experience? Besotted by the one-eyed monster, the dull-blue screen? Weaned too long on the ‘Rockford Files’? Whatever!

    Don’t now visit or post much at UR, as Giraldi trashed my posts and banned me for asking if the CIA (as opposed to the “Jewish Power” he regularly profiles) had responsibility in ME turmoil, and asking why his “tax deductible educational foundation” Council for the National Interest 501c3 charity should be considered (excepting lobbying content) any different from AIPAC, AEI, and the rest of the alphabet double-dip, dead-beat-swamp-creatures.

    Has Giraldi ever profiled/enabled Palestinians, offered a vision of a viable ME future? Don’t think so. He’s all about “Jewish Power” in regular op-eds that advertise his 501c3 dead-end charity. Sure bet with loyal like-minded (no-solution) morons.


    • 回复: @FB
  215. @JackOH

    Jack OH

    Our leaders are people who (like many others) tried for a career in politics. In a contest like that, somebody has to end up winning, but there are so many competitors that exactly who gets the prize is largely from luck. For example, Clinton apparently made it to POTUS because he was an alcoholic’s son, could be counted upon to do whatever pleased his current authority figure, and had had plenty of practice maintaining tolerable relations with troublesome people. He also had an ambitious wife with few scruples. Quite often people are chosen because there is nobody else, Biden for example, or Trump. These people can do an amazing amount of damage — or good, if there is something that obviously needs doing but the everybody is afraid to do. Their special knowledge isn’t going to save us or destroy us — they’re just people (quite often clueless) in a specific job. The real story is more formerly vital institutions that are, one by one, failing.

    I’m trying to provide a bit of technical assistance to the conversations ongoing here, on the off chance that it might help somebody who finds him or her self in a crucial position. The better qualified the people in such positions are, the better chance everybody has. Perhaps Ron Unz is trying to do something very similar. As for direct action in politics, no. Tried it, bounced. It seems to be all professionals now, in it for the rice bowl. When and if things break down and the cities need help from their hinterlands, help that won’t come, at that time our actions here in setting up the general fund of knowledge and assumptions will become effective.


  216. refl 说:

    every small French town had/has a monument to WW1 lost souls.

    Sorry, but do you really think that German Small towns do not have the same monuments? The difference is that they are neglected and there are no monuments to the dead of WWII – mention the Rheinwiesenlager and brace yourself for criminal procecution.

    Get me right – I do not even want the monuments, I am certainly no sicko. I want to set the record straight for the sake of all of us. The era of the World Wars was the mother of all regime changes. That truth will sink in.
    Germany’s destruction started with the 1917-18 famine and lasted through to the 1923 Ruhrkampf after which the British took the French on the leash. It is symptomatic that you don’t even know it. In any German cellar you could still in my youth find stocks of Notgeld (emergency currency), funny little images – nice for children, with rows of zeros all over it. The death toll will never be calculated.

    And indeed, the banksters knew that disaster was coming. The restructuring of war debt served one purpose: replace debt to France and Britain with private debt owed to the banking cartel. Try the writings of Carol Quigley, then maybe Anthony Sutton.

    • 回复: @Counterinsurgency
  217. refl 说:

    The point about Germany financing Lenin is that it was by exposed. Any German document fell into allied hands at the latest in 1945, while american handlers hid lateron behind the Red Scare and post WWII behind cold war anticommunism. They could well hide how they had acted in sync with the Bolsheviks. Besides, they were private contacts and not government for most of the time.

    Stalin had one quality not seen in the West: He never lived abroad and he knew to get money via robberies and extortion – not by licking asses in New York as Trotzky did.

    • 回复: @FB
  218. JackOH 说:

    CI, thanks.

    I tried a little citizen-activism. Wore me out, cost me money. I’d’ve continued with serious institutional support, but that wasn’t going to happen. I learned plenty.

    I once asked in an essay: How can you tell the regime you’re living in has gone massively crap? It’s difficult, unless you’re a political targeted for expulsion or liquidation right away. Most folks need to earn a living. Some hop aboard the crap regime’s gravy train with patronage jobs and other economic preferences. Most learn to keep quiet, get hip to the double talk, adapt to the crap.

    Ron Unz, seems to me, has done a great service by offering this platform for people who can’t do double talk, can’t adapt to the crap, and some have suffered definable injury from our crap regime and have no meaningful political remedy at hand.

    Ron mentioned loosely something about focus groups a few days ago, a sort of precursor to putting some of the themes here into play. I trust Ron’s judgment, because he’s actually worked issue politics and electoral politics (that run for the Senate) in a very large state, and because he’s put his money where his mouth is. Plus, that 美国真理报 series does a great job of demonstrating how our “molded mainstream opinion” is sometimes completely at odds with reality.

  219. refl 说:

    According to the prevailing view here, History is only a succession of events conjured up by Bankers, Satanists, Stalinists, Jews, Freemasons, Templars, Jesuits, Astrologists, Alchemists and sundry nutcases.

    If I wanted to destroy a meaningful discussion, I would 1) unleash a bunch of cranks with the most absurd views on the honest participants and 2) have all shades of apparently sane types ridicule them.
    Can the host possibly have someone dissect the commentariat and maybe have an article that evaluates them in a statistical manner? It will be difficult but might be illuminating to see which are the techniques to wear down the effort undertaken here.

  220. FB 说: • 您的网站

    Did they actually remove your comments from that thread…?

    If so, then that is quite disappointing…I do remember seeing your post with that question and absolutely would like to see an answer myself…

    I respect Mr Giraldi who puts out some very sensible critiques of the ‘system’…and I do agree that the Israel lobby is a problem…even sensible Israelis would agree with that…

    But it takes two to tango…Israeli influence could not force an unwilling partner to dance…

    However Mr Giraldi’s support of Tulsi Gabbard is a VERY BIG PLUS…despite the ridiculous critiques of her for supposedly selling out on the Israel question…

    This is absurd…stopping America’s pointless wars by definition entails going against the Israel lobby…which is all about encouraging the war party to continue on this ruinous path…

    Amazing that some so-called ‘antiwar’ commentators…notably the ‘Saker’ have viciously attacked Gabbard on her alleged ‘Shabbos goy’ stance…

    Pretty incredible…at least Mr Giraldi has definitely come through on that score…

    As for the Palestinians…well…you will have noticed that the UNZ antfarm cares not one whit about them…

    It’s all about the Jews…and of course the Shitler adoration…

    Don’t blame you for scaling back…I think Mr Unz, at bottom, is perhaps far more clever than we give him credit for…perhaps a bit too clever…

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  221. FB 说: • 您的网站

    I agree with you about Trotsky…Uncle Joe fixed that problem the right way…

    As for Lenin’s financing…I am also not disinclined to believe that some financing came from western sources…but definitely not Adam Schiff, which is a complete invention that has no basis in fact whatsoever…it is simply a canard to promote the absolutely ridiculous Judeo-Bolshevik phantasm…

    Schiff was strongly anti-Bolshevik and even demanded that Lenin repay his relatively modest funding of the pre-Bolshevik revolutionaries, whom he did sympathize with…mostly on grounds of pro-Russian Jewish sympathies…

    But Schiff was strongly pro-capitalist and anti-Marxist…he could not brook Lenin and his gang…

    • 回复: @Malla
  222. @refl

    The entire history of the world war era has been blanked out to Americans and, I think, Europeans. To this day I can’t find a reliable history of the Wiemar Republic era, just drips and drabs and snips.

    The vague picture painted to the American Republic has been something like this: Germans are the enemy, Russians don’t exist except as background and would have been helpless without equipment from Lend Lease, the US never did invest heavily or sell industrial equipment and engineers to the USSR, Stalin doesn’t exist except as a bad example, Jewish Bolsheviks do exist, maybe, but it’s evil to discuss them, the Central European wars never happened, FDR did provoke WW II with Germany (not Japan), but that was OK.


    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
  223. “The fact is that, from the 1930s onward, the Western bourgeois democracies made serious efforts to reform in the face of the fascist and communist threats. They established social-democratic welfare states which redistributed vast amounts of wealth. However, since then inequality has ramped up in the era of globalization and neoliberalism.”


    • 回复: @Counterinsurgency
  224. @I Have Scinde

    The fact is that, from the 1930s onward, the Western bourgeois democracies made serious efforts to reform in the face of the fascist and communist threats. They established social-democratic welfare states which redistributed vast amounts of wealth. However, since then inequality has ramped up in the era of globalization and neoliberalism.

    In short, they became very much like their enemies. This happens in every long duration central war. Next step is that the end like their enemies — reorganization from a now system that has no domestic support.

    Historical example: The Spartans won their war against the Athenian Empire, but became like cartoon parodies of the Athenian administrators and lost the territory they gained. Their adoption of Athenian like internal competition led to the great diminution of those able to retain the high class status of a Spartan infantryman, and Sparta was defeated.


  225. @BCB232

    Good job ignoring my points, as well as the evil systematically worked by your church every day.

    We have our hands full with four young ones thus far, thanks for your sincere concern and attempt at dick-measuring.

    You obey, honor, make excuses for, give money and thus influence to an institution dominated by perverts and thieves. Good that your kids have blue eyes, though. They won’t fare well among the tens of millions of nonChristian Chinese and Indians and Arabs and Africans who are flooding into the USA faster than ever with the strident advocacy of your church.

    • 回复: @BCB232
  226. BCB232 说:

    Congrats-you are exceptional (no snark)!

    However, what matters is what happens at the aggregate, societal level. Secular people don’t’ have children and men are, by nature, religious. What is your proposed religion to fill the void? Do you think it’s bad if people work on understanding issues of European survival from within Christianity? Are you anti-Catholic or anti-Christian in general?

  227. @Mefobills

    People who are not antisemites are ignorant or dupes or lacking in morality.

    In America the typical common man, black or white, has rare if any interpersonal interface with Jews. (Of course if the common man or his child ascends to wealth that all changes because the Jews are such disgusting ass-kissing fair weather friends out for their rents, termites to any newly constructed or acquired castle.)

    So unless the common man victimized by (((Jo)))o-Fault Divorce with its draconian effects on the man, his children of the marriage, and his solvency is aware that the Jew Bolsheviks invented it and divorce itself is of the Jews as God Incarnate Jesus came here to announce and extinguish, the common man is in the dark about the diabolical nature of the Jews.

    The Roman Catholic Church for 1900 years warned the faithful including commoners of the diabolical nature of the Jews, but has now been compromised into an agency of the devil’s children the Jews.

    Recently the Alt-Right has arisen as a secular preacher in place of The Church informing of Jew evil.

    Maybe goy professionals and entrepreneurs are more Jew aware than the common man because they are so much more likely to see or be victimized by the termite-like behavior of Jews acting in instinctive concert to consume for themselves the bounties built by others.

    So it’s hard to blame the uninformed. But we shouldn’t be too patient with those who won’t heed when informatively warned.

  228. @BCB232

    My wife and I left the RC church, so not pro-catholic overall, I guess 😉

    I definitely don’t think we will be better off with more Americans or Westerners leaving Christianity if that means becoming atheists and/or self-centered childless secularists or, God help us, Muslims.

    Practically, I don’t know any better option right now than encouraging people to remain with — or join — Christianity, just modifying it (ignoring and not following the parts that don’t make sense for our survival, safety, and prosperity, “our” meaning white people, mostly-white people, and all generally decent Western Civilization-supporting people resisting perversion propaganda, the destruction of the traditional family and sex roles, the surveillance State, endless warfare, the destruction of national cultures, and globalism).

    A folk religion that combines our traditional culture and the abundant good of Christianity, while rejecting the worship of the Jewish race, hostility toward marriage, hostility toward normal Herero sexual desire per se, refusal to defend oneself and one’s family physically whenever needed, and other pernicious, unnatural, or counterproductive material in the Bible.)

    We start from where we are, and we neither can. Or should jettison all of Christianity’s Doctrines, values, and influences if we are to get together, stay together, and work/fight together effectively in the face of numerous strong evils.

  229. @BCB232

    PS congratulations and sincere good luck to you raising and protecting those children in this sick environment that we both face.

  230. Johan 说:


  231. Incitatus 说:

    Sorry to be late FB. Reading Peter Longerich’s ‘Göbbels’, a strip-tease (direct quotes) that eviscerates Neo-Nazi pretense.

    “Did they actually remove your comments from that thread…?”

    Yes. Two posts. The first confronted PG on CIA ME blowback, 501c3s etc. The second to Woz recapping same.

    Both axed without warning or explanation. Subsequent thread attempts evoked “Sorry, this particular author [Philip Giraldi] has banned you from commenting on his pieces”.

    “I respect Mr Giraldi who puts out some very sensible critiques of the ‘system’’.

    Agree, though it’s obvious PG doesn’t want to talk about alma-mater CIA (source of his op-ed expertise) or his current 501c3 charity amidst DC tax-exempt swamp creatures.

    Tried not to dis PG, though his weekly ‘Jewish Power” enema to addicted fans get tiresome. Don’t get me wrong. Not Jewish. But tedious is tedious, especially considering the $15+ billion/year CIA protection/non-protection (‘we let it happen’) racket. Guess I went too far.

    Great lesson.

    Not to worry. Don’t feel any further need to post on PG’s latest weekly warmed-up “Jewish Power” outrage, usually augmented by stalwart Scranton hecklers and Greco-Canadian Toronto apologists. Considering the careful absence of their comments, both weighed in on my “removal”. Both (apologies iffen) pellet-droppers? Think so.

    • 回复: @FB
  232. PaulRC 说:

    您可能想阅读 Adam Tooze 的书《毁灭的代价》
    希特勒所做的一些事情是拖欠所有外债。 禁止一切罢工。 废除所有工会。 规定如此低的劳动力率,工人饿了。
    所以是的,纳粹减少了失业。 他们把德国人变成奴隶。

  233. Malla 说:

    But Schiff was strongly pro-capitalist and anti-Marxist…he could not brook Lenin and his gang…

    Schiff was anti-Tzar. He also funded the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese war. He wanted the Tzar out.

    Capitalist countries have often funded Communist revolutions. Like the Cuban revolution for example.

    也许你会对这个感兴趣。 美国政府长期以来一直在世界各地传播共产主义(以及在不适合共产主义运动时镇压共产主义运动),同时假装自己是“民主的拥护者”。
    接受采访 Mr. Earl T. Smith, American Ambassador to Cuba in between 1957 and 1959.

    US Government Brought Fidel Castro to Power

    “对共产党接管古巴以及美国在菲德尔·卡斯特罗独裁统治中所扮演的角色进行了罕见的详细描述。 Former US Ambassador to Cuba, Earl T. Smith is interviewed and reveals the State Department’s involvement in violation of neutrality laws, supporting a known communist with a documented history of violent criminal behavior, and committing high treason by deliberately aiding an enemy of the United States and concealing a clear and imminent threat to our national security. This conspiracy against the citizens of Cuba has cost thousands of lives, devastated families, and has left the dispossessed Cubans stateless and destitute. It is a deliberate case of economic and cultural genocide that merits investigation and restitution. Please watch, share and expose. Smith also details this collusion in his book, “The Fourth Floor”, a curiously hard to find book he wrote in 1962 “as a footnote to history and to the science of government”. He added “I am convinced that my experience as the United States Ambassador to Cuba was unusual in the sense that I lived through the Castro Communist Revolution, and I feel that I owe it to the American people to try to establish the fact that the Castro Communist Revolution need never have occurred. From this experience, i learned not only that our techniques of relations with Cuba were faulty but that the modus operandi for the determination of policy is not only inadequate but dangerous to the defense of our country”

  234. FB 说: • 您的网站

    Thanks for the reply Incy…sorry for my own tardiness…I just haven’t had time to bother with UNZ lately…

    They have a few decent writers that are worth reading…but those are outnumbered greatly by complete hacks whose stock in trade is racism and revisionism of the worst kind…plus the IQ bullshit…

    Used to be that the comment section had some bright lights and a decent and productive debate could be had…but that appears to be history…a lot of the decent commenters are also scaling back or have left altogether…you just feel like you’re overwhelmed with endless hordes of braindead yahoos…funny that Mr. Unz is trumpeting the rising numbers for this website…I guess that’s what it’s all about…quantity…

    Very interesting to hear about this episode of your comments getting scrubbed and you getting banned from PG threads…maybe Mr. Unz can explore internet censorship in one of his ‘American Pravda’ articles…LOL

    Disappointed to hear this about Mr. Giraldi also…does not look good on him to be so thin skinned…I expected better…

    The CIA runs the global drug trade which finances [at least in part] their global Jihadist business…I’m sure Mr. Giraldi was one of the good guys there, and I would say with confidence that those running the dirty side of the business are kind of out on their own ‘ranch’…

    But considering his credentials as a Company man, it would be nice to hear him address these very troublesome issues…although I don’t think I can blame him for not wanting to go there…

  235. Alexandros 说:
    @Fake Mikemikev


  236. Alexandros 说:

    It’s perfectly legitimate to make that statement when German unemployment had gone from 40% to 7% before the 1938 military expansion. In no way can the argument be made that armament was responsible for the German economic recovery when the problem was basically solved before any serious military investments took place. He’s exaggerating, but he’s not wrong.

  237. ivan cohen 说:

    事实上,谁写的东西可能看起来像菲洛纳粹分子,这是正确的,特别是当主流试图低估这个论点时。但希特勒发动战争的事实只有在胜利者写的历史书中才清楚。在发生的真实事实中,我们知道,我们知道丘吉尔和美国人背后的邪恶势力是二战的真正始作俑者,德国和日本只是为了独立而战,从英国的经济力量中解放出来。 -撒克逊/犹太复国主义精英。
    Then…. and now!!!
    诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)非常理解,并试图向广大无知的人解释,他们只读了很少的书来更好地了解我们的历史,他们承受着主流媒体和电视的压力,而这些媒体和电视的所有者是从二战到二战的所有战争的始作俑者。现在

  238. 希特勒打出社会主义牌来吸引女性和贫困的德国人,这些人以前将大量几乎毫无价值的货币投入市场以获得主要商品。 (阿拉委内瑞拉)希特勒的人口净化议程定义了他狂妄、专制的态度。正如元首戏剧性地证明的那样,人就是羊。但至少羊从不幸中学到了一些东西。

  239. 资本主义民主与其监护天使共产主义一样种族灭绝。 饥饿,压迫,就业不足及其固有的苦难,堕胎和掠夺战争已列为这两种灾难性意识形态的议程


    “出于同样的原因,我们将遭受与德国相同的命运。” http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/freedman.htm


    希特勒被迫将德国人从英国和美国下令的波兰大屠杀中拯救出来 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2019/09/la-historia-censurada-el-holocausto-de_2.html


    + https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/03/the-bromberg-bloody-sunday/

    事实而非宣传表明希特勒的第三帝国 https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/04/francis-parker-yockey-on-adolf-hitlers-historical-legacy/
    标志着人类在道德、智力、经济、环境和社会进步方面达到的顶峰 http://www.zundelsite.org/archive/news_english/0102_barnes.html 证实了下面的引述“这些宽宏的言语区分善恶”:“凭其果子,你将认识他们。 ” 马太福音 07:16

    3年1945月XNUMX日-NORDHAUSEN联合恐怖分子轰炸。 他们的受害者将在一周后被视为“大屠杀的证据”。 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2019/04/3-de-abril-1945-bombardeo-terrorista-de.html

    大屠杀威廉·皮尔斯博士的意思 https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/02/the-significance-of-the-holocaust/

    波兰与浩劫的神话 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/06/polonia-y-la-mitologia-del-holocausto.html

    浩浩荡荡地宣传谎言的谎言 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/06/los-defensores-del-holocausto-confiesan.html

    奥斯威辛事实与传奇 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2016/01/auschwitz-los-hechos-y-la-leyenda.html
    伊莉·韦塞尔(Elie Wiesel),诺贝尔奖获得者的虚伪 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2019/09/30-de-septiembre-1928-nace-elie-wiesel.html

    关于浩劫的十个神话 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/01/diez-mitos-sobre-el-holocausto.html

    关于浩劫的二十七个荒谬证词 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2016/04/veintisiete-testimonios-ridiculos-sobre.html

    大卫·科尔(David Cole)否认犹太大屠杀的犹太人 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2016/05/david-cole-el-judio-que-niega-el.html

    浩浩荡荡地宣传谎言的谎言 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/06/los-defensores-del-holocausto-confiesan.html

    纽约拉比“灭绝场的幸存者说他从来没有在任何KZ https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2019/04/rabino-de-nueva-york-del-campo-de.html

    另一名犹太人,据称是大胆的见证人,被允许撒谎 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/06/otro-judio-presuntamente-testigo-del.html

    赫尔曼·罗森布拉特(Horutete Herman Rosenblat)的受害者“如果这不是真的……但我的想象是真的” https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2016/04/victima-del-holocuento-herman-rosenblat.html

    “ EINSATZGRUPPEN”和“浩劫” https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/06/los-einsatzgruppen-y-el-holocausto.html


    EINAR ABERG的报告。 人口论证表明犯有浩劫 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2016/03/el-informe-de-einar-aberg-la-demografia.html

    浩劫作为一种阴谋论 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/01/el-holocausto-como-teoria-de-la.html

    罗伯特·法里森(ROBERT FAURISSON)历史真相的辩护 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2016/01/robert-faurisson-la-defensa-de-la.html

    NORDHAUSEN的图像,第一个“大隐秘的影像证据” https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2016/04/las-imagenes-de-nordhausen-primeras.html

    酷刑作为在纽伦堡审判中获得F悔的一种方法 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2019/04/la-tortura-como-metodo-de-obtener.html

    一名美国中尉解释的纽伦堡审判欺诈 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2018/12/la-farsa-del-juicio-de-nuremberg.html

    纽伦堡判决——酷刑下的冲突 https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2019/01/juicio-de-nuremberg-confesiones-bajo-la.html + http://www.fpp.co.uk/Auschwitz/Dachau/VanRoden1948.html

    “我瞥见了地狱。 犹太人处于控制之中。” (珀西瓦尔·菲利普斯爵士) https://witness2history.wordpress.com/chapter-2/


    “这是伊赛·达维多维奇·伯格(Isai Davidowitsch Berg),犹太发明者,发明了用于大规模杀伤人类的汽油车。斯大林统治下对犹太人的大规模毒气后来被归咎于阿道夫·希特勒,以支持犹太人。



    这也是为什么在整个谎言尚未完全成熟时,最初只提到“加油车”的原因。前奥斯威辛集中营著名犹太囚犯贝内迪克特·考茨基 (Benedikt Kautsky) 于 1946 年向人类解释说,他没有注意到奥斯威辛集中营发生任何毒气屠杀。所以他没有看到“必须24小时毒气毒气”等的“长队”。但是,根据考茨基的说法,其他人“可信地向他保证”,奥斯威辛集中营实际上已经进行了毒气毒气处理,即使用二氧化碳,即与燃气车。考茨基写道:“奥斯维辛-比克瑙集中营主要使用的是二氧化碳,因此人们在几分钟内就窒息而死。” [1]



    2011 年,尤尔根·格拉夫 (Jürgen Graf) 在俄罗斯档案中发现了这些文件,以证明斯大林的犹太专员在毒气车中消灭了无辜的俄罗斯人。 Jürgen Graf对此主题的研究揭示了俄罗斯杂志《Komsomol》的重要贡献。

    在亚历山大·索尔申尼津(Alexander Solschenyzin)的著名著作《在一起的两百年》中。苏联的犹太人”(Herbig 2003 ISBN 3-7766-2356x)第 483 页上写道:“……早期苏联恐怖组织的整个范围。 …那些像 ISAJ DAWIDOWITSCH BERG 这样的“不起眼”的人,他还发明了著名的汽油车(“灵魂杀手”),给犹太人带来了悲伤……”脚注 39 属于这句话,指的是 E. Sernov 的贡献(也Schirnow)在 28 年 1990 月 2 日的“共青团”(真相)第 XNUMX 页上写道。其中写道,犹太人不仅是人民的“化油器”,而且还是苏联特勤局 NKVD(经济部)的犹太人头目伊赛·达维多维奇·伯格(Isai Davidowitsch Berg)。部),“气化技术”的发明者。以下是《共青团》中的一段话:

    “Procedura kazni nosila omerzitel'nji 角色(执行程序非常可怕)

    当时,伯格是执行莫斯科联合国人民委员部三驾马车决议执行小组的负责人。在他的参与下,车辆——所谓的 Duschegubki(“灵魂杀手”)——诞生了。

    在这些车辆中,被判处死刑的人在前往刑场的途中被枪杀并被毒死。伯格承认他曾组织使用车辆执行死刑(Dushegubki);他只是简单地遵循莫斯科内务人民委员部领导层的指示来证明这一点,并且考虑到三名三名法官做出的大量死刑判决,不可能枪杀被定罪的人。 ”

    当然,西德几乎没有人知道索尔申尼津的书,如果知道的话,也没有人会关心一个小脚注,因为《共青团》的整篇文章在这本书的德文版中被省略了。正是由于尤尔根·格拉夫(Jürgen Graf)在莫斯科的研究,我们才从“共青团”那里得到了这一澄清。

    然而,在可能带来巨大变化的2016年伊始,LÜGEN-SPIEGEL却异常地拿出了轰动的开放性。在《恐怖档案员》一文中,我们实际上找到了斯大林大屠杀的凶手对无辜俄罗斯人进行大规模毒杀的证据。上面写道:“拉祖莫夫是所有 1930 世纪 2 年代末在列宁格勒(当时在圣彼得堡被称为圣彼得堡)被国家政权枪杀、淹死、勒死、杀害,甚至用改装卡车毒死的人的律师。苏联时代。 [XNUMX]

    当然,《明镜周刊》忽略了斯大林的大屠杀凶手几乎100%是犹太人的事实,但犹太作家索尼娅·马戈利纳向我们证实了这一点:“犹太布尔什维克夸张地热衷于征服和破坏俄罗斯,报复已经带来了罪恶……现在犹太人遍布各个角落(1917 年革命后)和各个权力层面。俄罗斯人将他们视为沙皇城市莫斯科的领导者、涅尔瓦河畔大都市的领导者以及红军的领导者……现在,俄罗斯人面前有一个犹太人,他既是法官又是刽子手,他每走一步都会遇到犹太人,而不是共产党人。 “[3]


    接替她上台的“有性格的女人”安吉拉·默克尔(Angela Merkel)在看到1945年在逃亡中被谋杀的德国儿童时,表现并没有什么不同,甚至更糟。否则她为什么会坚持以罗斯托克的一条街道命名以纪念灭绝德国妇女儿童的犹太组织者伊利亚·埃伦堡 (Ilja Ehrenburg) 的名字。 “伊利亚-爱伦堡大街”。


    我们现在甚至从《明镜》杂志上了解到斯大林的犹太法官如何对布尔什维主义感到愤怒,可能只是为了营造一种反对普京的情绪。 《明镜周刊》的文章中还描述了“三驾马车”,即常设法庭,由当地犹太情报局长、犹太检察官和犹太党领袖领导。这三位犹太明星签署了毒气命令。以下是《明镜周刊》中最重要的段落:

    “在亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴写下他的《古拉格群岛》之前,我们不知道死亡人数,”拉苏莫说。 “我们仍然对这起大屠杀没有明确的了解。根据我的计算,从50年到斯大林去世为止,我国有1917万人死亡,其中几乎一半是在革命、内战、任意引发的饥荒和斯大林恐怖期间死亡的。 ”


    尊敬的工人和农民、教师和学生、医生和神职人员、卖家和管理员突然变成了人民的敌人。他们被带到位于 Nischego-rodskaya 街的内务人民委员部监狱,在那里他们被击中颈部或以其他方式杀害。其他人在古拉格集中营失踪了至少十年。死者被埋葬在列宁格勒郊外列瓦绍斯克荒原的一个秘密墓地。这个位置直到1989年才被发现。

    “克格勃档案必须向市议会提供 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代初受迫害者的名单,”拉苏莫说。 “但信息不完整或伪造。只有地址,但没有任何线索表明谁谴责了这些人,他们何时何地被处决。 ”

    总的来说,这种可怕的恐怖制度对于外人来说是难以理解的:诚然,针对高层人士的臭名昭著的表演审判确实发生过。但拉苏莫说,杀戮的隐蔽部分要广泛得多,就像一座冰山一样。 “这些都是未经审判的秘密处决,之后亲属收到消息:‘被判处十年徒刑,且无书信交换权。’”他们不知道这是死亡通知书。”

    《明镜周刊》,第 1 期,2 年 2016 月 96 日,第 XNUMX 页XNUMX

    1) Benedikt Kautsky,《Teufel und Verdammte》,Büchergilde Gutenberg,苏黎世,1946 年,第 274 页。 XNUMX

    2) 《明镜周刊》,第 1/2016 期,第 94 页XNUMX.

    3) Sonja Margolina,《谎言的终结》,Siedler Verlag,柏林 1992 年,第 58 页。 60; XNUMX

    4)据官方说法,约瑟夫·斯大林是格鲁吉亚人。在某种程度上,这是真的。他出生于哥里(格鲁吉亚),原名约瑟夫·维萨里奥诺维奇·德舒加什维利 (Josef Wissarionowitsch Dschugaschwili)。他的母亲是来自卡扎尔地区的奥塞梯人。在格鲁吉亚语中,词尾“schwili”的意思是“孩子”、“……的孩子”或“……的儿子”,这在北欧语言中很常见,例如“Holgerson”(霍尔格的儿子)。 “Jugha”(Djuga)在格鲁吉亚语中的意思是“犹太人”或“犹太人”(ებრაელი)。斯大林的真名是“尤加什维利”,意思是“犹太人的儿子”。俄罗斯人不改名,格鲁吉亚人也不改名。但如有必要,犹太人会不断改变自己的名字。

    来源 https://vielspassimsystem.wordpress.com/2016/01/12/adolf-hitler-hat-keine-juden-vergasen-lassen-aber-juden-haben-nichtjuden-massenhaft-vergast/

    耶稣在《约翰福音》8:44 中引用了撒旦,他是说谎者和杀人犯之父,他总是假装自己是烈士,将自己的野蛮行径归咎于他的受害者。说实话绝不是说某事或某人的坏话 https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/02/the-jewish-plot-against-america/#comment-30437

    “就像一滴毒药会毁掉一整桶一样,无论多么小的谎言,也会毁掉我们的一生。”圣雄甘地 https://fliegende-wahrheit.com/2020/03/29/eine-ode-an-den-groessten-mann-aller-zeiten-vs-kaiserreichanhaenger-q-trump/#comment-3878





    1961 年,康德·麦克金利代表当时的爱国报纸《常识》在华盛顿威拉德酒店向爱国观众发表了这篇演讲。尽管在某些次要方面,这篇内容广泛且即兴的演讲已经过时,但弗里德曼先生向我们传达的基本信息——他对西方的警告——比以往任何时候都更加紧迫。 — 卡斯 —






    今晚我要告诉你们的是你们从未从任何其他来源学到的东西,我现在告诉你们的不仅关系到你们,也关系到你们的孩子以及这个国家和基督教的生存。我来这里不仅仅是为了提供一些让你血压升高的事实,而是我来这里是为了告诉你一些事情,这些事情将帮助你保存你认为世界上最神圣的东西:自由和自由,以及作为基督徒生活的权利,在那里你有一点尊严,有一点权利去追求你的良心告诉你作为基督徒正确的事情。 http://www.sweetliberty.org/issues/israel/freedman.htm

    因为德国输掉了战争,世界在精神,道德,经济和环境上都已退化。 http://www.vho.org/D/gdvd_2/index.html#Inhalt

    “如果这本书,基督教文明仍然可以生存 http://antimatrix.org/Convert/Books/Spiridovich/Secret_World_Government/Secret_World_Government_Spiridovich.htm 被阅读,其信息传播开来,”Tsounet Skepi-Spiridovich 少将说道。

  240. 讲真话绝不是在说某事或某人的坏话。 http://birthofanewearthblog.com/the-nuclear-nightmare-a-jewish-gift-to-humanity/

    在报告和描述泰晤士河肮脏,腐烂和恶臭时,人们并没有说它不好,而是描述了它的状态和性质。 https://archive.is/8AruB






    “我的评估是,美元价值的 90% 来自美国军方,”前住房部助理部长凯瑟琳·奥斯汀·菲茨 (Catherine Austin Fitts) 表示。几十年来,美国一直利用其武装部队强制使用美元作为世界储备货币。事实上,美军是国际银行卡特尔的武装力量。

    1971 年,美国总统理查德·尼克松 (Richard Nixon) 暂停黄金支付后,美国增强了军事实力以支持美元并强化全球金融结构。





    据说,金融稳定委员会由七国集团财政部长和央行行长组织,例如 7 年金融安全论坛,为加强金融体系和国际金融市场稳定的广泛多边议程提供动力。


    事实上,“中央银行的中央银行”国际清算银行 (BIS) 成立于 1930 年,负责监督《凡尔赛条约》规定的德国赔款支付。

    除了向世界各地的中央银行提供银行服务外,国际清算银行还监控布雷顿森林协定,直到 1970 年代初,尼克松几乎通过暂停黄金支付宣布黄金破产。
    国际清算银行与国际货币基金组织 (IMF) 合作, https://www.gegenfrage.com/iwf/ 它代表国际银行卡特尔追收破产国家的债务。全球金融规则的方法实际上非常简单:美国进口的商品远多于出口。







    因此,尽管美元贬值,对美元和政府债券的需求仍在继续。 “这些投资的损失相当于对帝国的征税,”凯瑟琳·奥斯汀·菲茨说。该系统现在仅基于暴力。
    银行卡特尔将美国军队派遣到其利益受到威胁的任何地方,而美国军队顺便消耗了世界总军事预算的约 40%。主要担忧是美元的全球主导地位。

    印度学者兼社会活动家罗希尼·亨斯姆(Rohini Hensm)写道:“美元的主导地位凸显了美国作为一个整体的金融主导地位,并带来了看似无限的购买力。这意味着可以在世界各地部署数十万士兵。 ”

    简而言之,美元的主导地位使得浪费开支达到了令人发指的水平,以维持美国军队的全球存在,而美国军队反过来又依赖于美元的霸权。 https://www.johndenugent.com/asmon-king-of-demons-right-on-the-us-1-dollar-bill-annuit-coeptis-and-novus-ordo-seclorum-the-murky-freemasonic-phrases-on-the-great-seal-of-the-jewnited-states/


    然而,上述美元霸权带来的挑战越来越多,这需要美军越来越多的行动。伊拉克是一个众所周知的例子。 2000年XNUMX月,伊拉克前总统萨达姆·侯赛因宣布伊拉克不再接受美元进行石油交易。










    据说,金融稳定委员会由七国集团财政部长和央行行长组织,例如 7 年金融安全论坛,为加强金融体系和国际金融市场稳定的广泛多边议程提供动力。



    事实上,“中央银行的中央银行”国际清算银行 (BIS) 成立于 1930 年,负责监督《凡尔赛条约》规定的德国赔款支付。

    除了向世界各地的中央银行提供银行服务外,国际清算银行还监控布雷顿森林协定,直到 1970 年代初,尼克松几乎通过暂停黄金支付宣布黄金破产。

    《经济政策杂志》的罗伯特·温泽尔对民众起义仅一个月后,当地一群叛乱分子想要组建一家国家石油公司并建立一家私人中央银行感到惊讶。 “我从未听说过在起义几周后就成立央行的想法。”




    6 年 2012 月 XNUMX 日星期四,中国宣布将以人民币与世界各国进行石油贸易。俄罗斯仅一天后就同意了,目前已超过沙特阿拉伯成为中国的主要石油供应国。

    俄罗斯也推出了自己的支付系统。所谓的 PRO 100 体系,国际银行卡特尔不应再在其中发挥作用。





    Sumber: https://www.gegenfrage.com/banken-militaer-usa/ 还检查评论


    Sumber: https://sangreyhonor88.blogspot.com/2017/06/no-humanos-los-extranos-origenes-del.html

  241. 犹太人如何摧毁民族和国家


    a) 一旦第一个稳定的定居生活出现,犹太人就突然出现在那里。起初,他们以商人的身份出现,认为仍有必要隐藏自己的国籍。他们和接待他们的人之间的外在种族差异特征仍然太引人注目了。外语在犹太人中的重要性还太不发达。另一方面,为他们提供热情款待的人们本身也仍然代表着一个封闭的整体。由于这一切,犹太人被迫以商人和陌生人的身份公开发言。考虑到犹太人的灵巧和他所接待的人的缺乏经验,犹太人在这个时期公开讲话甚至是有益的,因为他们特别渴望会见陌生人作为客人。

    b) 然后犹太人开始逐渐渗透到经济生活中,但他们不再充当生产者,而是仅仅充当中间人。凭借数千年的贸易经验和无奈,以及白人无限的诚实,犹太人立即获得了一定的优势,短时间内所有贸易都有可能成为犹太人的垄断。朱登开始充当贷款人,只收取高利贷。利息通常是由犹太人发明的。起初,没有人注意到高利贷的危险。相反,由于信贷一开始能带来一些缓解,所以大家都欢迎。


    c) 然后犹太人就定居下来了。换句话说,他坐落在某些城市、城镇、某些地区,越来越形成一个国中之国。他开始把贸易和一切货币事务视为自己的特权,并且他将这种特权运用到底。



    e) 但现在只有犹太人真正开始展开。在卑鄙的奉承帮助下,他爬进了政府圈子。他动用了钱财,为自己谋取了新的利益,让他有机会继续抢劫。如果各地对这些水蛭的普遍愤怒导致爆发,但这并不能阻止犹太人一次又一次地出现在同一个地方,重拾旧事。任何迫害都不能使犹太人摆脱他们剥削人民的制度;他们无法长期免受迫害。绝对不能允许他们进入该国。否则,过不了多久,犹太人就又回到原来的样子,一点也没有改变。

    为了至少避免最坏的情况,犹太人被禁止获得土地,以免高利贷者将更多的土地资金集中在他们手中。 (和以前一样。现在犹太人几乎控制了全球范围内的整个世界)

    f) 由于这段时间王子的权力增强,犹太人现在开始悄悄进入这种环境。新主人几乎总是处于经济困难的境地。犹太人心甘情愿地向他们寻求“帮助”,并为此乞求他们的特权和特权。无论犹太人为后者支付多么昂贵,无论如何,短期利息和利息都足以支付他的所有费用。就像真正的水蛭一样,犹太人紧紧抓住不幸人民的尸体,直到王子再次需要金钱的那一刻到来,然后他们从水蛭本身中放出一点血来支持他们。

    德意志民族始终未能完全摆脱犹太人的危险,我们应该感谢德国诸侯。不幸的是,在这方面,后来没有任何改变。随后,犹太人自己向这个世界的君主们慷慨地偿还了这些君主对他们的人民犯下的所有罪行。 (王子们被红色瘟疫砍伤了)

    g) 犹太人缠住了诸侯的领主,然后将他们处死。诸侯的地位正在缓慢而稳定地削弱,因为他们不再为人民服务,开始只考虑自己。犹太人很清楚这些统治者的末日已经临近,而他们只是试图加速这一终结。犹太人自己正在尽一切可能增加他们对金钱的需求,为此他们试图分散他们对真正重要任务的注意力;犹太人跪在他们面前,用卑鄙的奉承来安抚他们,把“他们的”王子拖入各种可以想象的恶习中,试图让自己在他们的赞助人眼中尽可能不可替代。犹太人在一切与金钱有关的事情上依靠他们邪恶的艺术,以最无耻的方式促使他们的赞助人采取新的、更残酷的手段,从臣民身上榨取最后一分钱。用最残酷的手段筹集到的大笔资金,随后就随风而逝。然后犹太人想出了新的手段来抢劫人民。每个宫廷都有自己的“宫廷犹太人”,这些怪物开始被称为“宫廷犹太人”。他们的主要职能是想出新的手段从人民身上榨取金钱,以供统治集团疯狂的享乐。此后,谁会惊讶地发现人类的堕落者因为如此的功绩而开始被提升到崇高的尊严。当然,贵族制度因此而变得荒谬,但毒药已成功渗透到这个环境中。



    h) 现在在犹太世界,一个新的时期开始了。到目前为止,犹太人一直被称为犹太人,也就是说,他们没有试图冒充任何其他人,而这是不可能的,因为一方面,犹太人及其周围民族的种族特征表达得太尖锐了。即使在腓特烈大帝时代,任何人都不会认为犹太人是“外来”民族。歌德甚至对未来的法律不再禁止白人与犹太人通婚感到震惊。但歌德并不是反动派,也不是奴隶制的朋友。歌德说出的只是血性和常识的声音。与宫廷圈子所有可耻的欺诈行为相反,人民自己本能地在犹太人身上看到了异物,并相应地对待了他们。



    i) 于是,“宫廷犹太人”慢慢地、逐渐地变成了普通的“人民犹太人”。当然,犹太人仍然会努力保持被高高在上的主人的包围。他将表现出更加热情地渗透到这个环境中。但与此同时,犹太种族的另一部分正在尽一切可能伪造一个国家。只要记住几个世纪以来犹太人对群众犯了多少罪,犹太人如何无情地吸干群众最后的汁液,群众如何逐渐学会仇恨犹太人并将他们视为敌人。是的,在几个世纪以来与犹太人剥皮的人眼中,假装自己是“人类的朋友”并不是一件容易的事。







    j) 此外,犹太人总是以他个人只渴望知识的方式来描述案件;他赞扬进步,但在大多数情况下,进步只会导致他人死亡。事实上,犹太人总是从只对犹太人有利的角度来考虑知识和进步。如果他不能为犹太人民从中受益,他将成为科学、文化等最无情的敌人和仇恨者。他在其他国家的学校里学到的一切,他都专门为了自己种族的利益而使用。



    k) 现在国家经济的巨大发展导致了人民新的社会分层。小手工艺慢慢消亡,工人因此失去了作为独立小生产者谋生的机会;无产阶级化更加明显;工业“工厂工人”出现了。后者最显着的特征是,他一生都无法成为一名独立企业家。他是真正意义上最低的。到了晚年,他不得不受苦,连面包也吃不完。




    只要资产阶级完全漫不经心地、漠不关心地忽视这个极其重要的问题,犹太人就不会睡觉。他们立即意识到这个问题对整个未来的巨大重要性。所以他们这样做:一方面,他们煽动对工人的极端剥削,另一方面,他们开始为自己剥削的受害者服务,并在短时间内获得工人领袖的角色在后者与雇主的斗争中。因此,犹太人表面上可以说成为了与自己斗争的领导者。事实上,当然不是这样的,因为这些谎言高手当然总是懂得把全部责任推到别人身上,把自己描绘成无辜的婴儿。 (红色瘟疫是如何产生的)












    l) 现在犹太人在国家中的统治地位已经如此加强,他们不仅可以称自己为犹太人,而且已经可以公开承认他们的政治和民族观念到底决定了他们的所有行动。部分犹太种族已经开始公开承认自己是陌生人。然而,这里再次强调,如果没有谎言,它就不完整。犹太复国主义向左翼和右翼证明,如果犹太人成功地在巴勒斯坦建立一个独立国家,这将是犹太人作为一个民族所需要的一切。但实际上这只是一个公然的谎言,其目的又是欺骗愚蠢的“非犹太人”。巴勒斯坦的犹太国家对于犹太人来说并不是真正生活在那里所必需的,而只是为了为自己创造一个众所周知的独立基地,不受其他国家的任何控制,以便从那里甚至可以更多未经选择的继续全球欺诈政策。 (*已完成)巴勒斯坦应该成为一个特别重要的恶棍团体的避风港和年轻骗子的大学。

    与此同时,一部分犹太人明目张胆地承认自己是特殊种族,而另一部分则继续声称自己是德国人、法国人、英国人等。在这种新现象中,你只能看到额外的证据,证明犹太人是多么无礼。 ,他们如何不受惩罚地感受他们自己。


    一个黑发的年轻犹太女子无礼地围着我们无辜的女孩转来转去,从他厚颜无耻的脸上你可以看出撒旦的喜悦,他可以不受惩罚地破坏这个女孩的血统,从而剥夺我们人民另一个健康的德国母亲。无论如何,犹太人都在试图摧毁那些应该服从他们的枷锁的人民的种族基础。犹太人不仅试图尽可能多地宠坏我们的女孩。不,他们也不会停止在这方面帮助其他国家。犹太人把黑人带到莱茵河畔,不也是怀着同样落后的思想和同样卑鄙的目标吗——对可憎的白人种族造成尽可能多的伤害,从政治和普遍文化的高度推翻这个种族。 ,然后坐在它的背上。

    犹太人永远无法征服一个保持了种族纯洁性的民族。 这个世界上的犹太人将永远只统治失去血统纯洁的国家。

    这就是为什么犹太人试图以最有系统的方式破坏种族的纯洁性,并为此目的诉诸对个人血液的系统性毒害。 (*已经是整个国家,并且在某些国家几乎已经结束)
    在政治领域,犹太人开始用无产阶级专政的思想取代民主思想。 (* 要么自由主义\进步主义)






    m) 那么犹太人相信,进行最后一次伟大革命的时刻已经到来。掌握了政治权力后,犹太人相信现在可以完全丢掉面具了。一个血腥的犹太人——一个已经成为国家暴君的犹太人——是从一个“人民的犹太人”中孵化出来的。在短时间内,他试图彻底铲除知识分子,即民族观念的承载者。剥夺人民的思想领袖,他最终要把人民变成奴隶,永远奴役。



    考虑到 1918 年 XNUMX 月我们在前线的失败结果,我们可以开玩笑地对待。并不是这些失败导致了我们的崩溃。我们的崩溃是由那些本身准备了这些失败的力量准备的。她这样做的原因是,几十年来,系统地、系统地摧毁了我们人民的政治和道德本能,剥夺了他们的政治和道德本能,没有这些本能就没有健康和强大的国家。






    Sumber: https://vk.com/@nordic_rus-unichtozhaut-gosudarstva

  242. @PaulRC

    隐喻地说,奴隶们对迄今为止没有一个与斯大林结盟的解放者所取得的成就感到满意和感激 https://fliegende-wahrheit.org/2017/10/24/adolf-hitler-ein-gewinn-fuer-die-ganze-menschheit/#comment-4682)

    如果我们不说出关于纳粹德国的真相,我们为什么要期望别人说出来呢? https://fliegende-wahrheit.org/#comment-6308)

    1936 年 22 月的《每日电讯报》援引第一次世界大战期间英国首相劳合·乔治在 XNUMX 日访问德国后的话说: “我从未见过比德国人更快乐的人“。 https://ia601405.us.archive.org/15/items/12-jahre-kein-sklavenvolk/12%20Jahre%20Kein%20Sklavenvolk.mp4)

  243. @Johan

    媒体从来没有站在真相或人民的一边。 伏尔泰在他那个时代已经说过:“那些让你相信荒谬的人也会说服你犯下暴行” https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/11/we-fought-on-the-wrong-side/#comment-37543)


    一个社会的命运总是取决于它对这个项目采取的态度:要么拥有自由和生命,要么产生奴役和死亡。 https://fliegende-wahrheit.org/2020/11/07/geheime-basen-des-deutschen-reichs-weltplan-und-befreiungsschlag/#comment-4652)



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