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51Ht9P0jm3L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_ 几年前,该出版物的出版引起了巨大轰动。 自然 在数学上有些深奥的论文, 道德社会的演变。 它足够大,可以接受治疗 “纽约客”, 同类中的同类。 许多反应基本上是部落的。 大多数遗传学家对本文的发表感到不安,原因有很多,包括实质性和风格方面的原因。 相反,我与生态学家进行了对话,他们认为本文的作者基本上证明了WD Hamilton在1960年代首先提出的老式的包容性健身理论被证明是多余的和无关紧要的。

原始论文的一位作者的主要观点是, 科琳娜·塔尼塔(Corina Tarnita)就是他们的批评者并没有真正参与他们辛苦概述的模型。 好吧,直到现在。 中的新论文 生物学 我们采用了2010年论文中的模型,并认为它实际上并没有那么强大,因此并没有真正谈到包容性适应性在比较中是否完全有用。 纸是 亲缘关系,冲突与善解的演变。 很好,它提供了很多与断言一起使用的代码,因此,我邀请读者对其进行深入研究,并提供原始内容。 自然 从2010年开始发表的论文。当您关注它时,WD汉密尔顿(WD Hamilton)收集了第一卷论文,论述了他关于社会进化的工作, 基因土地的狭窄道路,强烈建议您使用(如果您需要一些全面的反汉密尔顿主义观点, 他人:无私行为的演变和心理学,也许您会感兴趣,尽管只有前半部分着重于进化遗传学方面)。 51aEM-jiATL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

如果我必须打赌,我会说 包容性健身在生命之树的许多分支中都非常重要。 但是,我还建议,在具有特别复杂和复杂的社会结构的生物(例如人类)中,可能还有很多事情要做。 相互的利他主义也无法解释。 因此,我将继续记录下来,对于人类来说,类似 多层次选择 理论确实可以添加一些有用的东西,尤其是在文化进化方面,群体差异之间的低水平标准反对意见不成立。 仅仅是这是进化的,而不是革命的科学。 我希望包容性健身的敌人们对溴化物保持冷静,并继续精通科学。 事实会证明一切。

• 类别: 科学 •标签: 包容性健身 
  1. This paper is probably worth pointing out:



    In this paper I argue against the claim, recently put forward by some philosophers of biology and evolutionary biologists, that there can be two or more ontologically distinct levels of selection. I show by comparing the fitness of individuals with that of collectives of individuals in the same environment and over the same period of time – as required to decide if one or more levels of selection is acting in a population – that the selection of collectives is a by-product of selection at the individual level; thus, talking about two or more levels of selection represents merely a different perspective on one and the same process.

  2. I just wonder whether people of the same blood type would help each other out since they share the same kind genes of ABO types. Maybe they will if blood type were printed on their shirts.

    Sports fan of particular team can behave like English football hooligans with violence toward opposing team fans. Do they share unique genes in each fan group different from other? Or simply they just have their tribal instinct deviated away from their genetic intrinct.


    These Caucasians are far more loyal to China even than Han people. Yet most hated people for them are actually Uyghur who have more genetic similarity. Uyghur genetically are mid-point between Han and Tajik. Mightbe my enemy’s enemy is my friend. Jajik claimed entire XinJiang were their land while Uyghur were invader. They claimed Loulan mummies were the evidence of their ownership of land. They believe they are true Aryan.


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