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Jorge Ramos at Donald Trump Press Conference. Credit: Time.com
Jorge Ramos at Donald Trump Press Conference. Credit: Time.com

Donald Trump’s brusque, plainspoken manner masks a fierce intelligence that should not be underestimated. Myself, I had experienced a momentary lapse in judgment with respect to the quality of Fox News Channel’s journalism, during the first prime-time Republican debate, in Cleveland, Ohio. Trump, on the other hand, was never blindsided by the nicely-packaged production that is Megyn Kelly. Kelly, in his plain and simple estimation, “was just not very good or professional.”

Indeed, since returning from her post-spat “vacation,” Kelly’s Trump-free broadcasts have been flat. “Off her game,” Trump tweeted out, right away. And while the celebrity anchor is still drawing ratings, this cannot last, absent the biggest news item: Donald Trump. I expected the anchor to come to her senses and start working hard to get newsmaker Trump back on “The Kelly File.” This has yet to transpire.

Kelly’s most recent belly flop came while “interviewing” Jorge Ramos, another celebrity newscaster who has been on the receiving end of Trump’s much-needed, manly ministrations.

Ramos works for the Univision network, catering to Hispanics. Although he poses as a reporter, in reality, Ramos is an identity-politics activist. This celebrated mediocrity – Ramos made it as one of Time’s “Most Influential People” – crashed a Trump event, held on Tuesday, in Dubuque, Iowa. It was plain that the “ethnic activist” had materialized not to ask Trump a question, but to protest the candidate’s positions and read him the riot act (in a kind of Pidgin English).

Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders was chased off a Seattle stage by two militant, “Black Lives Matter” movementarians. Ramos, the head honcho of the more-powerful, “Hispanic Lives Matter (Only)” movement, was staging a similar performance, this time against Trump.

And Trump was having none of it.

As is his wont, Ramos, Trump explained, began “ranting and raving and screaming, like a madman, and honestly being very disrespectful to all the other reporters.” I watched the Ramos rant on CNN. (FNC’s ratings are fated to fall, if the network fails to carry future Trump events.) Trump’s gloriously funny description was also factual.

Whereas Kelly began her “Breaking Tonight” segment – what’s that all about? – by “informing” her viewers that Ramos had been booted from the Trump news conference, hers was only half the truth.

And half-truths in journalism help perpetuate wholesale lies.

The whole truth is that “a very emotional” Ramos – another terrific Trumpianism – was first scolded firmly and told, “Excuse me. Sit down. You weren’t called. Sit down. Sit down.” When Ramos continued to stomp about like the Brothers Grimm’s Rumpelstiltskin – a masterful Trump, with no more than a nod of the head, had him escorted out.


Ramos was given a much-needed time-out. (Stop, look and listen, parents. If the nation’s mothers and fathers want fabulous kids like Donald Trump’s, they ought to try conducting themselves this way with their stroppy offspring.)

What occurred thereafter is the Real Story – a story Kelly failed to tell her viewers. Trump was not only masterful, but fair to a fault.

But bear with me a little longer.

First: Most media outlets – from the conservative Drudge Report to the liberal Mediaite – alighted rather oddly on the fleeting and pathetic cross-examination to which Kelly subjected Ramos, during an interview that exemplified misleading journalism. The headlines:

“Megyn to Ramos: Why Would Trump Want to Talk to You?”


Such titles finesse Kelly’s weasel words. The anchor 小声说 unconvincingly to Ramos: “Why would Trump want to engage with you when you are calling him the most hateful, divisive figure, running for president right now?” She then permitted Ramos to ramble on without once correcting his fibs. For Ramos was claiming that Trump The Dictator had silenced him and was therefore a threat to our very freedoms.


And Kelly let The Big Lie thread the entire segment.

Five minutes and nine seconds into 广播, almost imperceptibly, Kelly smuggled The Real Story into her sweetness-and-light exchange with Ramos:

“Even when you came back in …”

That’s the rub: During the Ramos-Trump mic moment, Trump was both magnanimous and Reaganesque (with reference to Ronald Reagan’s 1980, “I am paying for this microphone” moment, in Nashua, New Hampshire). Once Ramos had calmed down (albeit to a blind panic), Mr. Trump invited him back in.

The lengthy exchange Trump pursued with this malevolent moron – that was the “Breaking News” Kelly all but failed to mention.

“The most modern political communicator in this field,” “a great communicator” were the descriptives used by two hostile CNN commentators to characterize Trump’s firm, forthright, masterful control of the Ramos wreck.

As this writer sees it, Trump was doing something much more modest and more valuable.

Common rules of procedure are as traditionally Anglo-American as they come. Instinctively did an ethnic agitator seek to sack a common American custom. As reflexively, Donald Trump moved to restore a timeless, civilizing practice.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 2016选举, 美国媒体, 唐纳德·特朗普 
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  1. Trump is a rich kid with a big ego who filed bankruptcy many times and offends others. He is also classy, honest, smart, and fearless. He is a threat to our political system, and they will dispose of him somehow, the same way they crushed Howard Dean and Ross Perot. But Trump has far more experience with “his kind” and will not back down. Smearing him has failed, so “other” methods must be used.

    Trump is an American MAN. For example, Obama is smart and considers our torture camp at Gitmo in Cuba an outrage, and has support to close it. As commander in chief of the US military he can close it in one day, but has not. He is wimping along trying to convince others this needs to be done and MAY get it done before his eight years in office end. Americans can see that Trump is no wimp, and will get things done, which terrifies those who profit off stagnation.

    • 回复: @guest
    , @WhatEvvs
  2. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Trump simply possesses the older vitality and vigor of American-can-doism that others try and miserably fail at selling to the voters still left of the country’s founding stock and earliest immigrant groups who assimilated into the founding culture. He’s part PT Barnum, part Chuck Yeager, part old west sheriff who switches white/black hats when needed, and part Rage against the machine “Fuck you, I won’t do what ya tell me” fed up white guy…………I’m lovin’ it !

  3. the Donald is a liberal Democrat sent in by the Clintons to sabotage the Dead Elephant Party’s nomination process. And he’s doing a fine job of it. In the unlikely (but possible) case that he gets the nomination and wins the White House, he will do precisely NONE of the things he’s currently promising his desperate/deluded White followers. Trump is thick as thieves with the same overlapping Kabbalah of open borders/free trade/debt-bubble Ponzinomics/Zionist warmongering Wall Street/Las Vegas/Hollywood billionaires that owns all the other mock-candidates in our fake-elections.

  4. War for Blair Mountain [AKA "Great Battle for Mountain"] 说:

    Reagan worship is the problem not the solution.

  5. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Megyn Kelly Leaving Fox, Wants to go Mainstream says Ailes


    Don’t mess with Trump. Too bad for all those “conservatives” who attacked Trump and disinvited him from speaking. Especially as sticking up for Megyn Kelly (Erik Erickson of RedState).

    • 回复: @iffen
  6. guest 说:




  7. iffen 说:

    Maybe she is smart enough to figure out that she has been punked. We’ll see if Erickson can figure it out. He already has two strikes, the cuckservative attack and the Dis-Invite.

  8. @guest

    当 El Jeb 骗子能赚很多钱吧?我怎样才能在这列肉汁列车脱轨之前登上它?我可以写博客评论攻击特朗普几十年前的即兴言论,还可以拿他的梳子开玩笑。哎呀,我什至会谴责他与纽约市的机器有联系,并和你一起嘲笑他数百家商业企业中的几个的失败(破产)。只要埃尔杰布的检查顺利通过,我们就能度过一段美妙的时光,试图摧毁美国改变范式的唯一机会。给我注册,我什么时候能拿到第一笔丰厚的薪水?

    • 同意: Existential Confusion
    • 回复: @guest
  9. neutral 说:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Assuming what you say is correct, so are all the cardboard cutouts that the establishment has selected. So if they really are the same, at least having all those media types fainting in shock every time Trump says something, makes it worth having him as president.

  10. Flower 说:

    1. 充当托儿

    2. 受到政治指控:
    3. 糖果人(不,这不是我编的)

    现在,想一想。如果上述列表属实,DT 与任何“职业政治家”有何不同? (请问,我需要更多帮助,今天哪个政治候选人(无论党派归属)不符合上述列表?提前致谢。)

    六周前,人们对DT最多的了解是,他是一个来自纽约的富有的混蛋,他的虚荣心和电视上的滑稽动作让他有点酷,但很奇怪。现在,突然之间,我们就有了 DT 专家。啊,美国,我们很愚蠢,却喜欢这样。

  11. 特朗普与有钱有势的人交往——令人震惊!特朗普向那些可以帮助或损害他的商业利益的政客捐款——再次令人震惊!



  12. MarkinLA 说:

    Lastly, there are a certain segment of voters who say – “How much worse could Trump be compared to President Zero and the First Grifter family?”. To which I shake my head in disbelief and where I want to scream out; “Are you fucking kidding me???!! You really don’t think it can get worse????”. Apparently, these scholars have never heard of Adolph, Josef, or Mao.

    Yeah, you are right, thinking people should listen to this guy. What should we call it when you invoke not only Hitler but Mao and Stalin – Godwin’s Law cubed?

    Weren’t you the one who told us Trump was going to stick his foot in his mouth and be run out of the race?

    • 回复: @guest
  13. Flower 说:
    @Haxo Angmark


    • 回复: @guest
  14. 豪尔赫·拉莫斯绝对是个骗子。 如果他按照自己的方式行事,他就会以“仇恨言论”为由逮捕并带走特朗普。 考虑到他为西班牙网络工作的方式,我看不出任何人会认真对待他声称自己是一个忠诚的美国人。 一再写到我们有越来越多的拉丁裔没有同化,这有多棒; 一直说他只关心拉丁裔社区等。 然而,共和党宁愿为这种欺诈行为辩护,而不是动员其厌倦了“富有同情心的保守主义”的白人基地。

  15. guest 说:
    @Stan D Mute


    I haven’t voted D or R in a presidential election since 1976. But thanks to the gulled, apparently including you, I don’t have to — they remain in charge for another four years without me investing my time in the wonderful democratic process.


    • 回复: @Stan D Mute
  16. Art 说:

    Trump is habitually thin skinned – what is going to happen when he is president.

    Being a private citizen and fighting back is different from being president with the full power of the US government behind you.

    Will president Trump use the power of the US government to silence his political detractors?

    This is being asked by someone who likes him.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  17. guest 说:




  18. Bill Jones 说:



  19. @guest



    • 回复: @guest
  20. guest 说:
    @Carlton Meyer

    So, President Trump would close Gitmo?

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
  21. @Haxo Angmark

    “the Donald is a liberal Democrat sent in by the Clintons to sabotage the Dead Elephant Party’s nomination process. And he’s doing a fine job of it. In the unlikely (but possible) case that he gets the nomination and wins the White House, he will do precisely NONE of the things he’s currently promising his desperate/deluded White followers. Trump is thick as thieves with the same overlapping Kabbalah of open borders/free trade/debt-bubble Ponzinomics/Zionist warmongering Wall Street/Las Vegas/Hollywood billionaires that owns all the other mock-candidates in our fake-elections.”

    I hope you’re wrong, but basically, all you’re saying (irrespective of whether you realize it), is that Donald Trump is the same as all the others. Hence we risk nothing by electing him, and in the happy event you are mistaken, we potentially have a great deal to gain.

    If the Democrats nominate Jim Webb (unlikely…but not as unlikely as most people presently suppose), then I shall vote for him, but otherwise I hope the Republicans nominate Donald Trump for President. I will happily take the risk that he’s just like Clinton & Bush, when the alternative is actually electing Clinton or Bush. I’d rather have my legs broken, then vote for either of those two poltroons.

    • 回复: @Divine Right
  22. guest 说:
    @Existential Confusion

    Why take the time to voice support for a prospective ruler of whose views you’re willfully ignorant? Look up and down this thread — people appropriately upset with Uncle Sam, yet who are afraid to do five minutes of research and see that they are swooning for a loudmouth that will treat them no better.

    You fools are the Emperor’s haberdashers.

  23. @guest


    • 回复: @guest
  24. MarkinLA 说:

    Will president Trump use the power of the US government to silence his political detractors?

    You mean like we have seen for the last 20 years?

  25. MarkinLA 说:

    Nobody is being fooled. If you actually read the comments from his supporters here we are saying that in the worst case scenario you describe, Trump is no better than the ones we aren’t supporting. So how does supporting him cause us to lose anything then?

    • 回复: @guest
  26. MarkinLA 说:

    Abstaining sends no message. There is no choice of “none of the above” which would affect the outcome of an election. The best way to abstain is to vote for the candidate the beltway insiders hate.

  27. MarkinLA 说:


    Uh yes, unless somebody hijacked your handle, you were the one pointing to some idiocy that Riamondo brayed about about Trump’s “racism” after his Mexico comments or his lack of conservative bona fides. You kept demanding that we comment on what that moron said as though it had any validity and here you do the same only with a different moron’s comments.

    PC is hopefully dying its deserved death and the people crying about every word somebody said is being kicked in the ass by Trump and the people like him for that reason alone.

  28. guest 说:

    You are hard to keep up with and, at times, to follow.

    Yes, I did invite attention to this Raimondo column:


    If you care to look, you will see that others, including mainstream media, have since noted the Trump/Clinton connections, including that Mr. Clinton had discussed Trump’s candidacy with him months ago. Mr. Sailer has blogged here on that topic. As to whether Raimondo is a “moron,” note, too, that Antiwar.com is the first of the select twelve Alternative Media linked on this very site.

    Seriously, please try reading Raimondo’s column again. The passing assertion of “racism” you plucked out of it is certainly not its thesis. That you have it interpreted me or it as saying that “Trump was going to stick his foot in his mouth and be run out of the race” shows, again, a refusal to realize that he is not what you want him to be.

    Also, I’m not the only “guest” posting on this site. If our comments were all anonymous, might minds be more inclined to be open to the ideas and information we are sharing?

  29. guest 说:
    @Existential Confusion

    Your last comment is literally devoid of substance, generic juvenalia. It would add just as much to an argument on ESPN.com about whether Pete Rose should be in the Hall of Fame.


    • 同意: Existential Confusion
    • 回复: @Existential Confusion
  30. guest 说:

    It will cause you to lose more of what you’ve losing for years: liberty, prosperity (assuming you’re no crony), and peace.


    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  31. pyrrhus 说:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Be that as it may, since there are no other courageous, intelligent, self-funded, and plain spoken candidates in either Party, Trump will get the nomination. He has no competition…

  32. MarkinLA 说:

    and how is voting for heb! going to change any of that?

  33. guest 说:

    Mercy. Take your hands off the keyboard and try reading others’ writing aloud, which may improve comprehension.

    Now, one more time: Don’t vote for Bush, Trump, or anyone else, either.


    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  34. Reg Cæsar 说:

    So, President Trump would close Gitmo?

    Only to develop it!

    I spent a few weeks there, and can vouch that it has tremendous resort potential.

  35. Marat 说:


  36. Zod 说:

    As someone that’s disliked Donald Trump for over 30 years for ruining my favorite Football League the United States Football League. All is forgiven. He now has my vote. Death to Political Correctness!

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  37. MarkinLA 说:


    • 同意: Existential Confusion
  38. guest 说:

    Thanks for finally addressing something that is at least corollary to the ideas that have you so worked up.

    Many of us have come to see the electoral process itself as perversely enabling national governance that will never change, whether under Team Red or Team Blue. However, if you see Bush as a substantially worse R nominee, then supporting an apparently preferable choice is rational. I do get your point.

    But even cursory research will inform you that Mr. Trump’s hot button statements on immigration, for instance, are contrary to what he has said before. This suggests to me and others whom you dismiss as “stupid” a lack of sincerity and/or principle, if not a campaign of crafted demagoguery. Even if he believes and will effect what he now says, much of it (e.g., Snowden a “traitor”) should repulse traditional conservatives. History shows that empowering a politician who promises to be “strong” can be disastrous.

    All we can constructively do in a forum like this is share facts and help each other think about them. If, after good faith, calm consideration of what has been presented, you still believe that Americans will benefit by your support for Donald Trump, go for it. But you still have time to think about it, and I respectfully urge you to do so.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  39. @guest



    是的,我们理解你幼稚的论点,我们只是发现它们没有实质内容。我们这里的大多数人之前都曾评论过特朗普的错误,但并不是因为 MSM 或未知网站上的未知博主的宣传。我们选择特朗普是因为他对共和党全国委员会建制派造成了破坏,更重要的是,他带来了移民、贸易和政治正确性。如果他获胜的可能性很小,我确实相信他的自尊心足以驱使他为跨境或边界的大规模移民采取实际行动。不管怎样,他让白人可以接受——他们受到政治正确性的打击,甚至不敢在公共场合发表意见。


  40. MarkinLA 说:

    The reason why these other people’s arguments are “stupid” is because they don’t have an alternative to Trump and his “hypocrisy”. Nobody thinks Trump is the answer but who else is actually saying anything other than “immigration – I support it when it is good” or some other vacuous statement.

    Show me one “serious” candidate with a position I can support not a bunch of negative stuff about why I shouldn’t vote for somebody.

  41. @guest

    So what then was the point of your Trump comment? Do you presume yourself smarter or more aware than anyone else reading? Think we are all just blind Trumpites or Trumpists oblivious to the foibles of a man who has led an exceptionally public life for the past 40 years? If not for the stern warning of “Guest” we would just go marching off the ledge of Trump Tower together into oblivion?

    Has it possibly escaped your notice that *每个人* commenting at Unz is disaffected with the current single party political paradigm and that Trump represents, above all, a giant raised middle finger to the political and media establishment? Trump’s biggest applause, here and on TV, comes when he tells the orthodoxy to bugger off – when he deports Ramos from a press conference for wailing “I’m an immigrant, I have the right to ask!”

    Trump isn’t the political messiah and nobody suggests otherwise. But Trump definitely isn’t El Jeb of the drooping shoulders and sad sack demeanor with a homely Mexican Indian peasant wife. Nor is Trump a Billary corruptocrat riling up anti-white male factions while selling the nation to the highest bidder. For most of us, the fact that he is *讨厌* by the Repocrats, Demlicans, and media is all the encouragement we need to support him. We long ago gave up hope for a truly great leader, hence the boom in gun and ammo sales along with survival supplies and zombie porn. Trump is a very smart white man with the balls to tell the political and media establishment to go to hell. He’s not El Jeb, Billary, Rubberio, Kasslick, Boner, McConman, CBS, NBC, FOX, NYT, WaPo, or HuffPo – and for that we support him.

  42. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    As someone that’s disliked Donald Trump for over 30 years for ruining my favorite Football League the United States Football League. All is forgiven. He now has my vote.

    You and the USFL’s greatest star.

    Herschel Walker: Donald Trump is ‘my frontrunner’ for president

    • 回复: @Zod
  43. Hersh 说:

    The polls/politics analyst at realclearpolitics.com, Sean Trende, wrote a few tweets the other day with a different take.
    3. 如果你从这个角度来看,今天的 R 初选的大部分内容都是有意义的:如果 Jeb 没有在树桩上跑得那么糟糕怎么办?




  44. Zod 说:

    I saw that earlier today. I was a Philly Stars season ticket holder. The NJ Generals were our main rivials. Even though we got the better of them when it counted. The Stars where in all 3 USFL Championship games winning two USFL Championship titles. Zero titles for Trump, Walker & the Generals. Then Trump convinced the League to move to the fall and challenge the NFL even though the USFL won the lawsuit they were only awarded four dollars so they collapsed financially. Had they stayed in the spring I think they would’ve lasted a few more years anyway.

  45. WhatEvvs [又名“ Aamirkhanfan”] 说:
    @Carlton Meyer

    He is a threat to our political system, and they will dispose of him somehow, the same way they crushed Howard Dean and Ross Perot.

    My head says you are right. I cannot see Donald John Trump delivering a SOTU.

    My heart says he’s different from Dean and Perot: his ferocious will and ego will prevail. Time will tell.


    And while the celebrity anchor is still drawing ratings, this cannot last, absent the biggest news item: Donald Trump.

    Right. Trump is the straw that stirs the drink. Kelly must play, or fall.

  46. @Kevin O'Keeffe

    “If the Democrats nominate Jim Webb (unlikely…but not as unlikely as most people presently suppose)”

    I don’t believe there is any chance the Democrats will nominate Jim Webb for either the presidency or the vice presidency. In the past, he’s made comments defending Southerners, Southern culture, and the Confederate Flag. Even if he renounces those views, he couldn’t get back into their good graces. The moment he gets any traction, the radical left will bring up his past statements and use them to purge him from contention.

  47. Hrw-500 说:

    Sorry for my late reply but I spotted this news at http://moonbattery.com/?p=62682http://townhall.com/columnists/humbertofontova/2015/09/04/migrant-to-mexico-defends-trump-denounces-ramos-n2048159/page/full where Humberto Fontova, a Cuban refugee in Mexico wrote a word to Jorge Ramos. I decided to quote part of his text: ““Every week thousands of Cubans migrants to Mexico are arrested, beaten, extorted and swindled by the Mexican gov. in collusion with the Castro tyranny! But I’ve never heard you utter a peep against the Mexican government over this, Mr Jorge Ramos! And you claim to be a proud and vocal Mexican citizen, Mr Jorge Ramos!

    “Why not come to your Mexico and try telling President Pena Nieto that deporting Cubans to Castro means they’ll live in a prison. Why not practice what you preach, Mr Ramos?

    “You denounce the U.S.–a country that opened its doors to you, yourself, sir–but you refuse to utter a peep against your native Mexico, that deports Cubans not because they’re delinquents–but as a matter of policy….

    …“Next time you attend a Trump press conference you might ask permission to speak, and wait your turn like all the others. And since you seem to like to talk without permission, Mr Ramos, come to Mexico and try that stunt!””



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