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一个人有权给媒体和政治精英们以鸡皮ump。 仍然如此。


第一个是巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama); 第二个弗拉基米尔·普京。

那些为我们选择恶棍和受害者的镀金精英也决定,俄国人是世界上最坏的人。 BHO被媒体视为世界上最伟大的人物之一。

奥巴马将利比亚夷为平地并处死了其领导人。 我们的霸主一点也不关心。 他们确定地知道,奥巴马正在发自内心的善良无法挽回的生命。

奥巴马成为杀手级无人机的无冕之王时,杀害了成千上万的巴基斯坦,阿富汗尼,利比亚和也门平民。 同样,他的助手通常是合理的,最小化的或隐瞒的。

2008年XNUMX月,奥巴马将他的选举标记为“海洋上升开始放缓,我们的星球开始愈合的那一刻; 在我们结束战争并保卫国家并恢复我们的形象的那一刻,这是地球上最后的最大希望。” 媒体并没有嘲笑他们的领导者的宏伟妄想。

主流媒体为了回应奥巴马的魅力攻势而做的所有渗出雌激素的变形虫都会互相转向并检查:“这对您有好处吗? 他有没有让地球移动,海洋也为你而退缩?”

最近,奥巴马“大步闯进了第三世界”舞台。 他在这位作家的出生地南非约翰内斯堡发表了讲话。 场合:纳尔逊·曼德拉诞辰一百周年。


因此,毫无疑问,没有一个人-除了塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)广播公司之外,谁都不会为羞辱奥巴马称赞温和的暴徒西里尔·拉马福萨(Cyril Ramaphosa)来激发“他的伟大国家的新希望”而感到羞耻。

希望与改变总统拉玛福萨(Ramaphosa)已经去了他的四个前任前任都不敢去的地方。 他进行了卓有成效的努力来调整 已经淡化的产权规定 在南非宪法中。 现在将允许白人拥有的土地被盗。

BHO和他的英雄曼德拉(Mandela)除了拥有现代救世主身份外,还有其他共同点。 双方都对乞讨者对南非农民,特别是白人的系统性种族清洗和灭绝持沉默。



在成千上万的例子中,Kaalie Botha的父母说:“您不能像杀害我的父母一样杀死动物。 你简直不敢相信。” Kaalie的71岁父亲的跟腱被他的袭击者切断,因此他无法逃脱。 然后,他被砍倒在后面,直到他死了,他的尸体被扔在灌木丛中。 妻子乔伊的头被一块砖砸成碎片,用力挥舞着头骨“像鸡蛋一样裂开了”。



提醒您,奥巴马可能会采取反常的态度。 如前所述,曼德拉对这些杀人事件持沉默态度,并被专家格雷戈里·H·斯坦顿博士标记为灭绝种族罪。



您知道谁不会忽略或最小化南非正在进行的灭绝和浸没的企图吗? 普京总统。


但是普京先生必须是种族主义者。 至少,这就是残酷,渴望非洲的非洲人国民大会(曼德拉的政党)对任何敢于救助南非白人的国家进行的配音。 南非的统治者索隆斯说,黑人非洲人会迫害白人非洲人的想法本身就是种族主义。


普京当然具有这种“种族主义”的历史。 通过储蓄来应对他的“不健康”注视 叙利亚的基督徒。 是的,由于阿拉维派和俄罗斯的同盟,该社区再次繁荣起来。

忠于类型,“种族主义者” 俄罗斯现在正在寻找 南非的非洲裔移民。

在2011年,进食人族的锅:从种族隔离后的南非给美国的教训”发表后,大约有40,000名南非商业农民留在其祖先的土地上。 负号被屠宰了约3000头。

现在,养活南非的商业农民总数不到美国每年需要的“难民”数量的一半。 迄今为止,“南非有种种以种族迫害为由在美国申请庇护的小流氓。 几乎所有的人都被驱逐出境。”




伊拉娜·默瑟(Ilana Mercer) 一直在写 每周, 古自由主义者 自1999年以来。她是“进食人族的锅:从种族隔离后的南非给美国的教训= (2011)和“特朗普革命:唐纳德的创造性破坏被解构= (2016年XNUMX月)。 她在 Twitter, Facebook,瞎扯 & YouTube

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Anonymous[275]• 免责声明 说:

    Any white still living in Africa in 2018 deserves to die.

  2. renfro 说:

    There are 51 murders a day…some white, some black.

    I don’t have time to find a accurate source on this right now but the article below provides some info.


    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
    , @Sk
  3. Technomad 说:


    • 回复: @t-gordon
    , @Okechukwu
  4. MarkU 说:

    Any white still living in Africa in 2018 deserves to die.

    A very extreme statement and no explanation as to why you believe it, would you care to elaborate?

  5. animalogic 说:

    “Any white still living in Africa in 2018 deserves to die.”
    Ok, i’ll take a guess here: you mean they deserve to die because they are SO stupid ?
    I guess they are stupid to have expected justice. But, regardless of the fact that if stupidity was a capital crime, there’d be enough people left on earch to fill a bus…possibly a mini-bus – you necessarily assume that all whites, farmers especially, had equal access to immigration. As the article makes clear: there is anti-white racism in the world, so….I think you are, to say the least, damn harsh.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Tunie
  6. Anonymous[337]• 免责声明 说:

    It’s not called “genocide” when White Christians are doing the dying.

    Then it’s called “Social Justice” and the sick thing
    is how many whites are on board with it.

  7. RW 说:

    The USA forced these poor white farmers into this mess, a mess which was the inevitable result of ending white rule. The least we could do is offer asylum to all white farmers from South Africa.

    • 回复: @Jake
    , @Den Lille Abe
    , @Wally
  8. Anonymous [AKA "Melpheos"] 说:

    Could you post all the tweets from Trump regarding those murders ?
    I tried to search for them but couldn’t find any ?
    Also AFAIK, Obama is not president anymore, Trump is. Are you also going to blame Hillary Clinton when you are at it ?

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @crimson2
  9. Realist 说:



    • 回复: @Sic Semper
  10. Renoman 说:


  11. Anonymous [AKA "Fungus Bob"] 说:

    Any black still living in Europe or North America in 2018 deserves to die.

  12. mcohen 说:







    你知道吗,当纳尔逊·曼德拉出狱时,他们给了他 200 套西装。(这是当时的谣言)。

    伊拉娜 这是一个真实的故事


    As Jim morrison would sing “the future is uncertain and the end is near”

  13. APilgrim 说:



    Gaddafi was not ‘lynched’, by Obama, Hillary & Sid Vicious Blumenthal. His nation was destroyed. Libyan Strategic Gold was stolen. Gaddafi had abandoned terrorism & outed nuclear proliferation by Pakistan, Iran & others.

    • 回复: @Jake
    , @South African
  14. APilgrim 说:

    Obama praised the South African genocide of White Boer Farmers.

  15. APilgrim 说:

    By reason of being born White, in the nation of their Great-Great Grandparents?

  16. 优秀文章。

    I see reports of water shortages, increasing food shortages, and electrical blackouts followed by violent rioting and looting in South Africa. Such is life without white people to feed the populace and tend to the infrastructure. In a few years it will predictably become another Somalia rife with warlords, child armies and warrior cannibalism, which in turn is predictably what Chicago is becoming.

    Ilana Mercer has been one of the few pointing out SA’s descent into barbarism. She’s right, it’s a lesson for America, though I don’t think many are listening.

    • 回复: @Jake
    , @jacques sheete
    , @JackOH
  17. 布尔人不能离开。 他们是南非公民,而不是像英国南非人那样的英国双重公民。

    As a younger American I tried immigrating to Australia-I was 26 and had Bachelor’s Degree by then-and New Zealand. I lived in Canada and completed a Masters Degree there, thinking that I would simply slip into the system…No, when my work-study visa ran out, Canada wanted me gone.


    美国的白人无产者很难远离黑人,如果他们搬到 30 英里之外就会安全。


  18. It is hard enough for white proles in the United States to move 40 miles out of harm’s way of blacks, much less for whites who live in f*cking AFRICA.

    I’ve lived overseas my entire life and when I was younger, I attempted to immigrate to Australia and Canada.

    Not that these countries are perfect-no country is-but there were no Mestizos or blacks.

    None of them accepted me.

    • 回复: @crimson2
  19. Jake 说:

    ““the liberal international order,” which is founded on inverted morality: Good is bad and bad is good.”

    Yes indeed. Our age is a great inversion.

  20. @Another Canadian

    Living in Northern Ontario at one point, I was surprised at the Quebecer whites who could live around the Natives. Some of the Quebec whites even married or lived with them, all the while surrounded by those crazy Canadian Natives.

    The Natives of Canada seemed crazy. Yet in Northern Ontario/Quebec border the whites lived around them.

  21. Jake 说:

    “Ilana Mercer has been one of the few pointing out SA’s descent into barbarism. She’s right, it’s a lesson for America, though I don’t think many are listening.”

    The ADL and SPLC are listening to her, as are black groups. That is the reason her articles produce comments that read as SPLC/ADL central casting examples.

    • 回复: @attilathehen
  22. Jake 说:

    Trusting the Neocons is like trusting Trotsky.

    • 回复: @APilgrim
  23. 奥巴马无视南非的种族灭绝

    While supporting the goons running the largest concentration camp in history and Ms Mercer probably doesn’t fill her diapers much over that.

  24. @ConscientiousObserver

    Ilana Mercer has been one of the few pointing out SA’s descent into barbarism. She’s right, it’s a lesson for America, though I don’t think many are listening.

    Anyone somewhat familiar with the history of “de land of the fwee, etc.” knows that it descended into barbarism long before it was a country. Among the list of crimes is support of the Bolshie movement (BM) by certain ultra rich American dingleberries and if that wasn’t barbaric, I don’t know what would be.

    No need to feel superior or holier than the next guy.

  25. APilgrim 说:

    Nobody with a brain trusts the NeoCONs, BLM, or ANTIFA.

    Stalin had Trotsky killed with an Ice Axe, in Mexico City.

  26. t-gordon 说:
    @Another Canadian


  27. Jake 说:

    Many years ago, in the last century, the issue of South Africa and tides of violence directed at non-rich whites, especially Boers, came up in a small group. Already seen as the extremist on most issues, I said very little.

    The argument you make is the one then made by a young man in that group who had kin in SA Though not Boers – he was pure British Isles: English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and probably the islands of Man, Jersey, and Guernsey.

    Everyone in that group held at least 1 post-graduate degree. So ignorance was not the source of the consensus, which apparently was that of a man with Canadian citizenship who was an alum of the London School of Economics. His response: the Boers had fought Her Majesty’s Empire tooth and nail every chance they had found and so deserved no help, not even any pity. They made their bed long ago and needed to sleep in it. Plus, he added, the Africans themselves, finally freed from the shackles of racism, would prove capable, over time, of doing what the Boers had done and would show more loyalty than the Boers ever had.

    That group featured a strident Leftist who openly approved of non-white violence against ‘bad’ whites, as well as a dual citizen Jew who claimed to be a pacifist socialist who worked to prevent Israel from becoming as racist as the USA – he did stress that Palestinians had darker skins than Israelis, and that to him was almost all the proof needed. Both of them agreed fully with the spokesman for WASP Empire: no sympathy for, much less sanctuary offered to, the racist Boers with their history of resisting the British Empire.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @mcohen
  28. t-gordon 说:


    • 回复: @Malla
  29. @RW


    • 回复: @Mike P
    , @Anon
    , @Alden
    , @corstopitum
  30. JackOH 说:

    ” . . . [W]ater shortages . . .”.

    CO, I heard a lengthy radio report a few months ago on, I believe, National Public Radio, about Johannesburg’s water system failing. I was only half-listening, but I think “failing” was the term used, not “outdated” or “in need of repair” or other, softer phrasing. I was a bit startled to hear it, as it seems to confirm the thoughts of many of us here that a Black majority government is a pretty destructive thing.

    • 回复: @Anon
  31. @Jeff Stryker

    I have three passports, Australian, Swedish and Danish. When young of age I knew the world would go to hell. (Actually I have a fourth, but it is useless now 🙂 )

    • 回复: @Truth
  32. First they came for farmers I did not object I was not a farmer…………………………..
    Misappropriation and and slow motion ethnic cleansing will continue until no white person, not even Jew (Jews are white you know.) will remain in South Africa, and Rhodesia.
    US will meet the same fate after rainbow coalition will be majority and take power.
    ............................................................ ..
    White Race destiny is extinction and nothing can be done about it.
    ................................................................................................... ..
    After all Roman empire did gave us civilization, but Latins did die out.
    Mexicans are not Latinos, that is only practical joke.

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  33. Barzini 说:


  34. Programs of resettlement for Boers must be implemented. In re: Russia–not only Stavropol should be offered. If the issue is life and death of Afrikaners (and it is), including the most poor and destitute of them, not well-off farmers, everything must be considered including a Far Eastern land hectares. It is still better to try this out this than ending up dead by violent death. In terms of SA and BRICS, Russian media are openly discussing that SA is a liability, not an asset, for both racial and economic reasons. About time.

    • 回复: @Verymuchalive
  35. Anon[157]• 免责声明 说:

    Cape Town suffered (?still suffering) the big drought I think.

    • 回复: @JackOH
  36. TKK 说:

    An acquaintance worked as a Contracting Officer for USAID in South Africa. A farming collective ( blacks) were given dozens of brand new Kubato tractors, paid for by US tax dollars.

    The QA went two years laterfor a status check. All the tractors were rusted, not used- discarded in the fields.

    The African point of contact had written earnest reports that the tractors all had defects- lemons. The QA accepted these reports and the CO was formally “written up” for not doing market research and due diligence in the procurement process.

    The contract was passed to another CO. This CO Begin calling all the contacts associated with the tractor deal. He finally got a hold of a young man and ask him to go out and take photos of the tractors. A few months past and the CO called again.

    The young man told him that there was never anything wrong with the tractors except they were all out of gas. However, they had sat so long in the sun and rain and wind- rust and corrosion now ruined all of them.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  37. Mike P 说:
    @Den Lille Abe

    RW was not referring to the settlement of SA, but to the end of apartheid, for which he or she seems to blame the U.S.

    Pretty obvious, so the one not exercising his brain on this occasion would be you.

  38. Anon[157]• 免责声明 说:
    @Den Lille Abe

    Is it not more truly brainless to reply rudely and irrelevantly without understanding what another has said? A descendant of a 1650s settler or 1830s Vortrekker could have said the same.

  39. RW 说:

    Yeah, it is very sad to see that kind of attitude so prevalent among educated people. I could understand land redistribution with some kind of compensation, but not violence. “Payback’s a bitch,” one old white Australian man told me about South Africa just a couple weeks ago. That forms a never ending cycle.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  40. Sic Semper 说:

    他没有理会,他保持沉默,因为他没有怨言,只想在美国做。 消灭他的“白人”母亲的地狱种族,他所憎恨的那个人是他的行动。 曼德拉没能活着看到他发动的对欧洲民族的屠杀——当然是以“和平”的名义。 奥巴马还很年轻,除非他感染了艾滋病毒或药物过量,否则他可能会活着看到欧洲人的家园被没收并被灭绝。

    然而,事实是世界上的欧洲种族人口已经受到了 50 多年的攻击。 数以千万计的“白人”受害者在家中遭到“其他”种族的攻击、殴打、强奸和谋杀——但该机构将这些种族清洗称为“随机”犯罪。

    • 回复: @Realist
  41. @RW

    The crimes are ones of “Id” and not payback.

    Perpetrators think “Muh dick” and then rape the 70 year old wife of a Boer farmer who was too elderly to sell his property and move to London or Perth.

  42. 我无法停止嘲笑南非白人殖民俄罗斯的疯狂想法。 普京不能一方面宣扬俄罗斯民族主义,然后带上成千上万的外国殖民者来窃取俄罗斯的土地并在其上蹲下! 这与普京在乌克兰(以及就此而言,德涅斯特河沿岸!)所依赖的欧洲民族主义背道而驰! 正是出于这个原因,任何这样的殖民化对于普京来说都可能是政治自杀。 它肯定会杀死金砖国家! 整件事显然是某种骗局,但我看不出这对普京有什么好处。 这可能只是他的一个巨大的政治错误。 至于“阿非利卡人”,如果允许他们殖民俄罗斯,一切都会改变的是,他们不会被寻求收回祖传土地的非洲黑人袭击,而是被寻求收回祖传土地的俄罗斯人袭击! 普京真的会用他的警察来保护外国殖民者对抗他自己的人民吗? 顺便问一下,为什么“Afrikaners”不去美国? 他们是白人,他们是非常严格的加尔文主义者,他们都说英语。 能不能好一点?

    • 回复: @gwynedd1
    , @FromSA
  43. 幽灵出没于南非:津巴布韦、委内瑞拉等。

  44. JackOH 说:


    I had a brief acquaintance as a technical writer with an investor-owned water company in the States, and there’s a lot of routine housekeeping needed to maintain water flow within acceptable pressure, acceptable water quality, and so on. I never learned very much, but metering, pump station maintenance, dam inspections and maintenance, chlorination and flouridation, billing and collections, .,一切都必须完成。

  45. @renfro

    I went to Google to find article to which you DID NOT provide a proper link and I can tell you that conclusions by certain chum Mr.Ford from some Australian university is precisely a legalistic psychobabble by a pseudo-academic demagogue the likes of whom are one of the main driving forces behind combined West slowly becoming a shithole itself and losing identity.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
    , @renfro
  46. Realist 说:
    @Sic Semper

    他没有理会,他保持沉默,因为他没有怨言,只想在美国做。 消灭他的“白人”母亲的地狱种族,他所憎恨的那个人是他的行动。

    他应该感谢他的白人母亲,否则他的智商将是70而不是85。 投票给他的愚蠢白人无关紧要。

  47. @Jake

    Everyone in that group held at least 1 post-graduate degree. So ignorance was not the source of the consensus…

    It was probably worse than ignorance, it was likely error. A graduate degree in anything but math and science related subjects is practically proof of brainwashing. Even worse, the parchment holding punks think they have most, if not all, of the answers while nothing could be further from the truth.

    • 同意: Bubba
    • 回复: @Realist
  48. gwynedd1 说:
    @Michael Kenny

    你真的不太了解俄罗斯。 现在就像伏尔加河周围的一些德国人一样疯狂,不是吗?

  49. Che Guava 说:

    Well, Ilana, you and your father were involved in setting the situation up in S. Africa, then running away to Israel.

    Now you are in the U.S.A.

    As I was saying in an earlier thread, in response to any post by you on such topics, at least one commentor has to raise that simple point.

    这次, 莫伊.

  50. FromSA 说:
    @Michael Kenny


    • 同意: Mike P
  51. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    Mexicans are not Latinos, that is only practical joke.

    The (current year) term of art is “Latinx.”

    Apropos since Latinx is to Latin as RainX is to rain.

  52. mark green 说:















    这些自上而下的集成实验已经持续了几十年。一直以来,以色列一直在积极清除其土地上的非犹太人。 “整合是为了你,而不是为了我”。

    这种左派犹太种族平等的神话自博厄斯以来就一直被犹太势力所宣扬——并不是说犹太人真的相信这些胡言乱语。 “种族平等”是针对非犹太人的酷爱援助。孩子们喝吧。







    甚至里根也呼吁释放纳尔逊·曼德拉。 So的毁灭。非洲的形成已经有几十年了。而美国的(((自由媒体)))发挥了举足轻重的作用。 (((Sussman's))) 《为挚爱的国家哭泣》帮助发起了这场运动。



    • 回复: @mcohen
    , @Corvinus
  53. @TKK

    You say Kubato, I say Kubota.

    • 回复: @TKK
  54. @FromSA



    • 回复: @Mike P
    , @FromSA
  55. Wally 说:

    Then who will feed the dumb black Africans?


  56. Okechukwu 说:


    I could provide a litany of statistics that prove whites live like royalty in SA compared to blacks. But I’d be wasting my time in this cesspool.

  57. RedRobbo 说:

    南非前三任总统均支持独裁者穆加贝。姆贝基造成多达 365,000 名艾滋病患者过早死亡。祖马国王拥有自己的宫殿,并与拉马福萨共同对马里卡纳大屠杀负责。反种族隔离活动人士、诺贝尔和平奖得主德斯蒙德·图图大主教谈到非洲人国民大会时说:“他们停止了这列肉汁列车,只是为了让自己上路。”他接着形容祖马政府“比种族隔离政府更糟糕”,并表示他将“祈祷非国大垮台”。
    今天的南非是世界上最不平等的社会——经济种族隔离在数百万人中持续存在。 “南非废除了使绝大多数南非人陷入贫困的种族主义种族隔离制度二十多年后,一半以上的国家仍然生活在国家贫困线以下,国家的大部分财富仍然掌握在少数精英手中’(NPR,2 月 XNUMX 日)。

  58. Wally 说:

    “The least we could do is offer asylum to all white farmers from South Africa.”

    Russia is doing such.

    • 回复: @SunBakedSuburb
  59. @Andrei Martyanov

    I have read your article on Russia-insider. (points)
    Excellent reasoning!!!!
    I was truly surprised.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  60. Wally 说:

    fact: these murders are not new

    IOW, you choose to ignore Obama’s allowing these murders during his reign.

    And Hillary didn’t lift a finger while she was Sec. of State.

  61. Malla 说:


    道格拉斯·里德 (Douglas Reed) 的书《苏伊士以南》中的一些片段将为这一阴谋提供一些线索。

    白人集市里的东西。 有一天他从牧场上消失了,也许会去旅行
    数百英里穿过灌木丛。 他滑过边境,很快另一个人失去了一个
    加入约翰内斯堡的黑暗军团。 这些人忘记了他们的祖国、他们的人民、法律和
    他们曾经遵守的习俗。 他们变得几乎像美国黑人一样无根。 来自
    以一笔划算的交易将他的给了浮士德(但这些人从未听说过浮士德)。 The Communist Party courts them, tells them the white man hates them and they must hate the white man and drive him one day into the sea. The driving-power of the Communist Party is supplied, as in other countries, by men from Eastern Europe, or the children of such. The newcomer thought himself lucky, perhaps, to put behind him the dullness of village life and come to the city. He was not aggrieved, but now white men tell him how badly treated he is。 “

    Africa and to South Africa. Clearly Africa looms large in Communist plans for the second half of this century; supreme importance appears to be attached to preventing the rise of great white
    populations there, and South Africa is plainly seen as the key to this matter.
    This is the real reason for the constant attacks on South Africa in London’s Leftist newspapers. Similarly, in South Africa the Communists actively support the campaign against The Immigrants, telling the rural Afrikaner that ‘the Jingoes’ will swamp his Afrikanerdom and the Natal British that they will encroach on employment and housing. The South African newspapers’ practice of publishing pseudonymous letters facilitates this agitation; obviously doubtful epistles, expressing violent distaste for South Africa, appear over such signatures as ‘Blighty for me’, ‘I’ve had it’, and so on. ”

    和工业发展,它们都容易成为共产党侵略的牺牲品。 ”

    time reach even into this little fastness. The money-power and the revolutionary-power both spread their grasp over it. In every little town stands the office of the Mines Recruiting Corporation, and through its doors passes the constant stream of Basuto going to Johannesburg to dig gold for entombment in Kentucky. In the reverse direction, across the mountains from Johannesburg, come the Communist organizers. Natives who have received ‘education’ in this sense and operate the little printing-presses in Maseru or work among the tribesmen. No land is too small or remote for the Communist Party if it offers the prospect of setting white man against dark one, tribesman against chief, or Boer against Briton, in pursuit of the larger design。 “

    “The Communist and Zionist newspapers maintain it in England and South Africa, but the great bulk of it comes from America, where I later studied it with fascination. It is an amazing example of the subtle encouragement of passions. Negro Communists are paraded as typical specimens of an oppressed race (the Negro population as a whole is unresponsive to Communism). Some guiding hand gives a specious trend to all literature and entertainment. The book supplements of the leading newspapers each week review a mass of books about ‘the colour bar’, and mysterious committees make ‘awards’ to many of these. If an objective book about the subject appears in some other country, it may be taken over and made into a play which proves to be anti-colour-bar propaganda. The theme is constantly introduced into radio programmes, films, dramatic plays and even musical plays; London playgoers will find it in some of the great American successes performed there in recent years. Most of the big newspapers ‘run’ it as incessantly as the comic-strips. ”

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @jacques sheete
  62. @JackOH

    “metering, pump station maintenance, dam inspections and maintenance, chlorination and flouridation, billing and collections, etc., all have to be done.”

    All the things the all-black Flint City Council failed at–which is no surprise.

    Am I the only person who remembers that when the Governor of Michigan initially stepped in and appointed an emergency manager to deal with Flint’s water crisis, the Left raised a hue and a cry about how this was tantamount to totalitarianism, a usurpation of local authority etc. But NOW, they cry and moan about how the state let the situation deteriorate to such an extent that babies’ lives were endangered and so on. Usual Leftist tactics, shifting direction of attack to exploit the fickle winds of political expediency.

    They lack basic integrity which is precisely why they can’t, say, manage a city’s water system, which, as you point out, entails honest, conscientious performance of the duties you stipulated.

    • 回复: @JackOH
    , @anarchyst
  63. @FromSA


    It is my current understanding that Stavropol Krai, with the blessing from Kremlin, offered 15000 Boers to move immediately. It is, actually, up to Boers themselves when they will start, since it seems that legal procedures are complete at this phase. There is no doubt that Russia will benefit from these people, especially those who bring some wealth with them. The issue is what to do with others. Many of them do need help–I am talking about poor Boers. Considering a complete dysfunction of RSA state I can totally envision a very fast descent into hell with white genocide which will follow.

    • 回复: @FromSA
  64. Wally 说:

    Q: What countries are blackeys forcing themselves into?

    A: Countries that are largely euro-white.

  65. @mcohen




    • 回复: @mcohen
    , @Bubba
  66. Mike P 说:


    Absolutely – they will work hard and fit right in, just like the German settlers on the Volga did in earlier centuries. It is beyond embarrassing that none of the Western countries shows any interest in the fate of these people.

  67. @Okechukwu






    • 回复: @Okechukwu
    , @Malla
  68. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    I have read your article on Russia-insider.

    Which one? It seems Russia-Insider reposts some posts from my blog?

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  69. Mike P 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    How much “intelligence” is required to put a seed in dirt and wait? Intelligent farmers are a liability.

    Nonsense. Making a living as a farmer takes a lot more knowledge and intelligence than your average 9-5 bullshit office job.

    • 同意: jacques sheete
    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  70. My Dear Fellow ‘Merkins:

    While we all have sympathy for the whites and others who suffer from violence in South Africa, maybe we should wipe our own noses first.

    Violence in Chicago has been a problem for some time now. But it’s now out-of-control with 77 people shot last week!


    And maybe we should 不能 let the S African violence 转移 us from what our bosses have been doing to the Palestinians 24/7 for ~70 years. Maybe.



    • 回复: @renfro
  71. Malla 说:

    里德先生 1974 年出版的另一本书《南部非洲之围》的更多片段

    “众所周知,在安哥拉,他们卷入了一场他们无法在军事上取胜的战争,因为这根本不是一场战争,在历史上曾经使用过这个词的任何意义上。 It is an international conspiracy in which half the governments of the world join, wearing the mocking mask of moral indignation: Russian and Chinese Communists, American Quakers, British Socialists, Norwegian, Swedish and German Socialists. It can go on as long as hireling murderers can be enlisted by the promise of loot, women, private vengeance and political appointments. It can go on as long as America, Russia, China, “the satellite States”, Cuba and Algeria flood Africa with arms for these hirelings, and as long as the Socialist party in England and the Roosevelt school in America lavish money on them设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    “公开的正面袭击尚未发生或尚未发生,过去十年来对南部非洲的包围是全新的性质。 这是在纽约被可笑的称为“联合国”的身体虚假,威胁和威胁轰炸的一种。 在主要被围困的四个国家的边界​​上,被刺客谋杀,纵火和犯人罪; 以及来自世界各地无数“民主”政府和共产党“掩护组织”的言语和金钱礼物的煽动。”

    “These emissaries infiltrate into the Ovambo villages by night and “disturb and incite the tribespeople, particularly the young men, with tales of coming invasions patronized by the House of Helots in New York and limitlessly supplied with Chinese and Russian arms. The leftist-liberal world conspiracy has reached into this remote and peaceful pastoral community. =

    “Mr. Ruark did not add what I will append here: these hideous miscreants were the proteges of those ravening wolves, the Liberals of New York, as well as the hirelings of Communism. Their leader, an abominable creature of many aliases, is best known as Holden Roberto. Just eighteen months before the massacre he went to the United States where he was made warmly welcome by the American Committee on Africa, the State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.”

    • 回复: @Malla
  72. “Obama Promotes Genocide In South Africa”


  73. Malla 说:

    Same thing happened in Rhodesia. Blacks used as weapons against Whites, the same thing happens in the USA today. These snippets from Douglas Reed’s book on Rhodesia titled ‘The Battle for Rhodesia’ (originally published in 1966) will throw some more light into the whole conspiracy where New York/ London bankers collaborated with Communist Soviet Union, North Korea and the People’s Republic of China in destroying Rhodesia. All supported by the proto One World Government, the United Nations (or the ‘House of Helots’ as Mr. Reed rightly calls it). American/British money and Soviet/Chinese/N.Korean arms used to destroy Rhodesia using blacks as weapons.

    America makes local forays “against Communism” which leave no dent in the thing itself and end in semi-fiasco (witness Korea, Vietnam, Cuba). Betweenwhiles, American State patronage of the revolution in reality goes on and is plainest to see in Africa, where implacable American pressure for “black majority rule” has helped bring about the present chaos of racial and tribal warfare in northern Africa, under cover of which communism, leaping over the Middle East and the Indian Ocean, has planted its first overseas colony-in-embryo at Dar es Salaam on the East African coast, whence “news” about the rest of Africa reaches the ears of “the free world” through the B.B.C. and the Voice of America. =

    “合乎逻辑的下一步是南罗得西亚的独立,比其他国家要先进得多,自治了四十年,由自己的引导者提升为自己的地位,而没有其他人的金钱或其他帮助。 在非洲部落的复杂地带制造了三十多个新的“国家”,并在英国大声疾呼纽约之战时用英国的资金来支撑。^^^ 1963年,仅对罗得西亚来说,这是不可想象的。在整个非洲大陆,应该否认独立。 ”

    里德在此撰写有关 1967 年罗德西亚脱离英国的单方面独立宣言的文章。伊恩·史密斯 (Ian Smith) 是该宣言的签署人之一。


    “As by careful planning, all the sources of war conjoin at this moment in time: the case against South Africa at the International Court, the published plan for war on South Africa (see a later chapter), the siege of Rhodesia, the communist terrorism in Rhodesia, the war- mongering majority of irresponsibles in the United Nations, and, above all, the now public incitement by the United States (if its representative there speaks for the President, as one must assume, and not against him).

    read about “freedom fighters” or “guerillas” in Rhodesia. May your minds then conjure up the
    恐怖分子营地; 你们在伦敦、华盛顿的政治家给予的鼓励
    和纽约; 以及黑夜被困住的那座孤独的泥木篱笆小屋

    “这一切都已经过去了,除非是从外面来的,否则就不可能再来了。 But the voices from across the border, from London, from something incomprehensible to “the African people” called the United Nations in New York continued their incitement: the shuttle-service between Dar es Salaam and communist Asia plied on … The terror by night still lurked in the alien shadows. ”

    坦桑尼亚(因此其首都达累斯萨拉姆)是一个半共产主义国家,共产党苏维埃和中国人已在该国为这些恐怖分子设立了训练营,这些恐怖分子通常被西方控制的共产党称为“黑人民族主义者”或“自由战士”。媒体。 全部由美国/英国资助。


    These were forced on it by the encouragement given in London and New York to the terrorists called “African nationalists” (a meaningless term in any context, let alone that of a continent containing a multitude of different, mutually antagonistic races, peoples and tribes. Are there, then “European nationalists” and “Asiatic nationalists”? Would the United States tolerate the idea of “South American nationalists”?). ”

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
    , @jacques sheete
  74. @Jeff Stryker

    I thought Putin/Russia had offered a home to South African white farmers?

  75. Malla 说:

    South Africa was already lost when the Afrikaner Broederbond, an Afrikaner organisation which was the ideological party of the political National party, was infiltrated by masons and internationalist secret organisations. The ANC was already infiltrated by communists in less than 3 years of its formation and was basically a communist front. This infiltration of the Broederbond happened after the assassination of Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, PM of South Africa in 1966 . Already by the 1970s the South African government was moving towards the destruction of South Africa.
    This video is extremely vital to understand this

    For example at 26:05 minutes of the above video, Lucas Mangope, President of the Bantustan (homeland) of Bophuthatswana says that Mr. P. W. Botha went to meet him (remember this is supposed to be during the “dark days” of Apartheid), he was accompanied by a Mr. Maharaj, an Indian communist agitator scum from the ANC. Why would a president of Apartheid South Africa go on his official business accompanied by an ANC commie?
    The whole South African state vs the Mandela/ ANC struggle was a kabuki theatre, a stage play, all fake. Just like so many “independence struggles” worldwide in the last century (Algeria, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Angola etc…)
    Pre 1994 South Africa was ready to give each tribe independent homelands with prime grade lands, rich in resources, but the Globalist elites would have none of that. They wanted a future united communist South Africa over the dead bodies of White South Africans.

  76. @Renoman




    • 回复: @Malla
    , @hunor
  77. Malla 说:

    This documentary ‘Farmlands’ by Lauren Southern is a must watch.

    One more is the interview of Karin Smith. She also has information about charities to help poor White South Africans, who are forced to live in stinky landfills by the evil ANC government.

    An organisation named ‘Suidlanders’ is preparing for the coming storm.

    • 回复: @Truth
  78. crimson2 说:

    Hmm…the usual bullshit lies from white supremacist Unz writers. 70 white people being murdered isn’t a year isn’t a genocide. And it certainly isn’t Obama’s fault. More white farmers were killed under George W. Bush, but you inbred racist dipshits never went after him.

    Now, if you want to save white people, focus on suicide. But that’s not your goal. Your goal is to incite racial violence against blacks and other minorities by fear-mongering shit that happens on a different fucking continent.

    In summary, go fuck yourself, Ilana.

  79. crimson2 说:

    Exactly. The highest murder total for white farmers happened under Trump. And Bush oversaw lots more murders than Obama. But these yokels have to blame the black guy so they can feel superior for once in their dull lonely lives.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @Stripes Duncan
  80. crimson2 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    None of them accepted me.

    Yeah, they’ve got enough inbred racists of their own. They don’t need any imports.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Jeff Stryker
  81. Okechukwu 说:

    I’ve no doubt that you’re well-versed in extremist Afrikaner slogans and talking points. But you see, in the real world we do this thing called 尽职调查。正是在这种背景下,所有这些说法都经过彻底审查并被发现是垃圾。

    现实世界涉及事实,而且只涉及事实。像伊拉娜·默瑟这样说谎的辩论家本能地远离可信的主流论坛,以避免所谓的事情 尽职调查。因此,她在这样的地方找到了庇护所,她认为在那里她的宣传不会受到挑战。

  82. Malla 说:

    这是他妈的黄金。 著名的黑人恐怖分子、所谓的“民族主义者”朱利叶斯·马勒马承认,班图黑人不是南非本地人,而是来自北方。

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
    , @Truth
  83. Okechukwu 说:


    The whites don’t actually do any farming. The blacks are the farmers. The whites have access to capital, using stolen land as collateral.

    You have to wonder that if the blacks don’t know how to farm, why has the conflict in Southern Africa been about recovering stolen ancestral farm lands from white land thieves? This has been the crux of the conflict throughout Southern Africa since the 19th century.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @Bubba
  84. Okechukwu 说:

    This is freakin GOLD. A well known black terrorist so called ‘nationalist’ Julius Malema, admits that the bantu blacks are not native to South Africa but came from the North

    And the Angles and Saxons aren’t native to Britain.

    • 回复: @Malla
  85. Malla 说:


  86. Malla 说:

    stay clear of credible mainstream fora

    So called credible mainstream fora spoke of ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq’ once. ‘Credible mainstream flora’ is today screaming about pan-sexuals and sexual fluidity. No wonder you love taking refuge there.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  87. Okechukwu 说:

    Same thing happened in Rhodesia. Blacks used as weapons against Whites, the same thing happens in the USA today.

    Whites left Zimbabwe because they didn’t want to live under a black government. Good riddance. If you use the word genocide to describe the events in Zimbabwe then you don’t know the meaning of the world.

    In actuality, the whites that remained in Zim thrived. There are white politicians, white Olympic gold medalists and very successful white entrepreneurs.

    Moreover, despite their minuscule percentage of the population, the best private schools in Zimbabwe are majority white.

    See, what I just did to you is what we in the real world call 尽职调查. It’s how we quickly shoot down the sort of racist propaganda you are promoting.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Wally
    , @Malla
  88. Okechukwu 说:

    ‘Credible mainstream flora’ is today screaming about pan-sexuals and sexual fluidity. No wonder you love taking refuge there.

    Malla, get your facts straight. It’s Africa that’s waging a bitter twilight struggle against the encroachment of sexual deviancy and perversion from the white West. As Bob Mugabe said, “We are not gays.”

    • 回复: @Malla
  89. The blacks in South Africa are predominantly immigrant Bantu, who moved south, from their own genocidal wars in the Africa lakes region. Afrikaners have been in South Africa for hundreds of years. With modern infrastructure an farming, the black population exploded. They have out-group hostility to whites for the successful civilization whites created. They will destroy everything and South Africa will descend into hell just like the other African Republics. They can not maintain a western society. We will continue to support them and they will spread across the land like locusts.

    It is disgusting that western whites are not outraged and using all means necessary to help our white brethren. We have no racial identity or sense of racial reality. South Africa is the cannery in the coal mine for all white nations to address. Look your future directly in the eye white people!!

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  90. Malla 说:


    开普敦:种族隔离 20 年后的帮派、种族和贫困

    Check out 3:38 to 4:12 minutes where a coloured (Mulatoes) South African says that life was better under White regime. Also racism they face from the black ANC government today.

    从 4 点 12 分到 4 点 50 分还看到有色人种的南非人清楚地说明了黑人以前从未在开普敦出现过,现在他们面临着纯黑人的歧视。 现在是黑人和有色人种之间的新种族隔离。

    从 12 点 47 分到 13 点 50 分,有色人种店主抱怨开普有色人种在工作中受到歧视而偏袒黑人。

  91. Malla 说:

    I am aware of that dumbo. I remember the Kenyan President embarrass President Obama on his face when he rejected homosexuality.
    What I am saying is that your so called ‘reputed mainstream’ is not reputed for a sensible person and may not be mainstream for long. The same lefties (and their elite banker supporters) who supported all those African ‘nationalist’ movements (without whose help none of those “movements” would have succeeded), who support BLM are the same guys supporting gender bending and pan sexuality.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  92. Okechukwu 说:
    @Scipio Africanus

    The blacks in South Africa are predominantly immigrant Bantu, who moved south, from their own genocidal wars in the Africa lakes region. Afrikaners have been in South Africa for hundreds of years.

    But if we apply just a little bit of scrutiny, this myth collapses:


    空地神话已成为 1980 世纪南非英国和南非白人身份的核心信条,并被用作占领和定居班图土地的理由。 种族隔离政府改变了这个神话,以达到自己的目的。 他们用它来支持《家园法》,并将班图人限制在特定的地方,认为该国其他地区已经“空无一人”,因此不能成为他们家园的一部分。 然而,自 XNUMX 年代以来,证据表明空地的神话根本无法维持。 它不是历史事实,而是用作政治工具的方便虚构。


    And while we’re on the subject of myths and hoaxes, here’s more:


    The most important take away is that crime affects everyone and if anything, white people are less affected by it because a large majority of white South Africans live in gated communities and have the luxury of security. Most violent crimes tend to happen in underdeveloped areas called townships and it just so happens that those areas are occupied by black people who were forcefully removed from their homes and packed into there like sardines after being dispossessed of land.


    This is why you people are struggling mightily to mainstream these ideas. They’re rather easy to disprove.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  93. Malla 说:

    That black communist supported government would not have come had it not for the help of the banking elites. There were rich blacks even in Rhodesia. The elites did not want Whites in power in Zimbabwe, they do not mind a few Whites left over at the mercy of the ZANU government. You are seeing this as a black white issue, I am talking about the real conspiracy behind all these developments, the black white rivalry thing is only cover.

    Your ANC government had loads of so called ‘chosen people’ behind it’s back.



    “This strange tale proves it with Mandelas third wife being directly involved with the Israeli Mafia in South Africa”



    The chosen are all around Africa looting the mineral wealth and creating wars and troubles. They want to live with you black people and then loot you. Try removing them if you can. Good luck. One African leader tried. Tried making everybody aware of it. Guess what happened to him.

    Let us check out what happened African leader Muammar Gaddafi.



    法新社指出,卡扎菲一再发表严厉的反以色列言论,特别是它向非洲联盟的所有成员国提出要中断与以色列的外交关系,因为据卡扎菲称,以色列当局不过是一个“帮派”而已。 。”

    “或者看看普im节。 我们庆祝的不过是大规模杀害我们不喜欢的成千上万的男女老幼。
    但是哈曼在普im节之前的XNUMX个月被处决,因此威胁已经很久了。 不,我们只是在庆祝敌人的大屠杀,而不仅仅是摆脱”

    因此,在犹太节日期间屠杀卡扎菲时,月光非常明亮,看起来很有象征意义。 您甚至可以称这种仪式为屠杀。


    if you are not aware, Purim is a Jewish celebration on which day the Jews celebrate the destruction of their enemies. It is primarily directed at Hannan, the Persian nationalist who tries to rid his country of parasites but thanks to Queen Esther, it is he and his sons who ended up hanged.
    The American and European Zio elites got rid of Gaddafi on the Jewish holy day of Purim when most Christians Europeans and Americans as well as Muslims hardly know about this festival let alone celebrate it. It is these same chosenites (not all but the powerful ones) who orchestrated all this decolonization in Africa (as well as in Asia and Ireland) as well as the destruction of Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa. They did it for a reason and the reason is not good.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  94. @Malla


    Very little doubt about it or something very similar. To me the current situation sounds a lot like what the Bolshies did to the prosperous farmers in the USSR, who were smeared as “kulaks” and wiped out in the most grotesque ways imaginable.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to find that a Reed-like claim that certain rich whites there are still prospering amid the troubles, and will probably grab the productive farms and control the mineral wealth once the current owners are history.

    Reed certainly has his fingers on the pulses of the Reds’ methods,

    Natives who have received ‘education’ in this sense and operate the little printing-presses ..


    That’s the sort of thing I was alluding to in my comment above regarding “education.”

    • 回复: @Malla
  95. Okechukwu 说:

    What I am saying is that your so called ‘reputed mainstream’ is not reputed for a sensible person and may not be mainstream for long.

    But your assertions are so facile and uninformed that even a child can refute them. No reputed mainstream needed.

    The same lefties (and their elite banker supporters) who supported all those African ‘nationalist’ movements (without whose help none of those “movements” would have succeeded).

    Nope. I’d say black men with AK-47’s had a much greater impact upon white colonialists than bankers and leftists did. Colonialism and brutal repression are fun and all when the other side isn’t armed. But when there’s a price to pay in their own blood, suddenly there’s a recalculation.

    who support BLM are the same guys supporting gender bending and pan sexuality.

    Maybe, just maybe, BLM is an organic grassroots movement that emerged out of a desire to effect social change. White people protest too, you know. And usually they protest much more violently. How about Occupy Wall Street or the globalization protests or the G20 riots? Or the riots after sporting events? You seem to reserve your disdain just for black protests, which are actually more meaningful than the aforementioned. Just say you’re a racist and be done with it.

    • 回复: @Bucky
    , @Malla
  96. Malla 说:

    Whites are as native to South Africa as black bantus are, indeed in some parts of South Africa even more.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  97. Truth 说:


    Then how the hell are they going to keep stealing all the jewels, minerals, metals and fossil fuels?

  98. Truth 说:

    Hey Ila, 28 murders is “genocide”?

    Where, on a city bus?

    And when did Barry become President again?

  99. mcohen 说:

    Die ware jakobs

    That about sums it up.never mind that many boers ended up in concentration camps courtesy of lord kitchener


    That the afrikaaners have been abandoned by the british empire is not surprising.the role of the dutch reformed church is another reason.afrikaaners are normally quite relegious and they believed firmly that they had a covenant with G-d to rule south africa


    Read the wiki link it sums it all up.

    • 回复: @Malla
  100. @Malla

    一样 happened in Rhodesia.

    Thanks for your comments; they’re a welcome antidote to the mindless garbage spewed by far too many ignorant commenters here who can’t see the obvious. Unfortunately, most will fail even when it’s pointed out to them.

    These things occur in pretty consistent patterns, and have for many decades if not centuries, but the goon classes can’t understand that and instead blame the victims while the profiteers laugh all the way to the bank.

    I think it should be obvious by now what Mercer is all about, and it isn’t sympathy for the white farmers.

    我们的问题是欺骗变得井井有条,强大; 真理在其源头被毒害的地方; 其中最精明的大脑的技能专门用来误导迷惑的人。

    -沃尔特·李普曼,《政治序言》(1913 年),引自 The Essential Lippmann,第 516-517 页

    Lippman should know; he was involved in Allied propaganda.

    • 回复: @Malla
  101. Wally 说:

    “I could provide a litany of statistics that prove whites live like royalty in SA compared to blacks. 但我会在这个污水坑里浪费时间。=

    IOW, you have no “litany of statistics”.


    Yet you post here.

  102. Malla 说:

    So called mainstream media cannot be trusted obviously. In the 1960s, when the propaganda companies, the so called media houses like the BBC and Voice of America were bleating and braying all day about evil Apartheid South Africa and evil colonial Empires and evil Rhodesia etc… they were strangely silent about a massacre which took place in the Portuguese Empire, in Angola.

    From Douglas Reed’s book ‘The Battle of Rhodesia’
    Photographs of this massacre exist but are unlikely ever to reach the outer world (similarly, the Rhodesian Government’s report on the deeds perpetrated by “U.N. troops” in Katanga was withheld at London’s request).

    唤醒人们对非洲已经发生和将要发生的事情的看法,从而对伦敦和纽约产生抑制作用。这本书。 《恐怖的结构》确实在美国出版了(the publisher, Mr. Devin Garritty, tells me that “no one in England would dare touch it”).

    500 年 15 月 1961 日,共产党恐怖分子沿着安哥拉北部 XNUMX 英里的一段路程
    罗伯特·鲁克先生在介绍中说,刚果共和国边境对面的营地, “did not hunger and thirst for freedom: they hungered for rape and thirsted for blood”, massacred more than five hundred brown, black and white folk that day, from aged men and women to newborn babes and even babes unborn. The peak of obscenity was reached when living victims were bound to planks and passed through a sawmill.

    The leaders of the usual “African nationalist” organization which carried out this massacre (called,
    in this case, the “Union of the People of Angola”) were interviewed in New York four months later
    作者:巴黎主要报纸《世界报》的 M. Pierre de Vos。 They confirmed, and even boasted about all that was done. M. de Vos said there was proof of tortures perpetrated upon men, women and even children: “Do you deny these massacres?” “No, all that is true … They massacred
    everything”. “Women and children included?”, asked M. de Vos. “Yes, why deny it”. M. de Vos
    then asked about the sawmill killings, and one of the group, “with a broad smile”, said, “We sawed
    them lengthwise”.

    这些事情没有传到外部世界的脑海中,相关人员继续在联合国的走廊里受到追捧,并在那里进行宣传, “and in the chancelleries of those many nations which judge, for one or another reason, that they have
    something to gain from sailing with the African wind”, says an eminent American writer, Mr.
    James Bumham, in his afterword to the book. He adds, “on the political warfare front impressive
    press demonstrate”.

    Then he says, “Not the least of the propaganda victories has been the concealment of the events of March 15, 1961”.

    Western world only hears of such things as Miss Phombeya’s toe, and the political gentlemen
    continue to talk about the “police state” in peaceful Rhodesia. ”

  103. Truth 说:
    @Den Lille Abe

    …Well, you could move to Norway and just have people mocking your accent all day long.

    • 回复: @Den Lille Abe
  104. @Okechukwu

    Lying polemicists like Ilana Mercer instinctively stay clear of credible mainstream fora…

    You need to retake Sowing Confusion 101. While I agree that Mercer writes like an obvious sh!t-stirrer and tyro provocateur, there ain’t no such thing as “credible mainstream fora…”

  105. Wally 说:

    “See, what I just did to you is what we in the real world call due diligence”

    You “did” nothing but make a fool of yourself.
    Your use of “due diligence” proves that you don’t even know what it means.

    So where’s the statistics that 你声称 prove that “whites live like royalty”? LOL

    “Moreover, despite their minuscule percentage of the population, the best private schools in Zimbabwe are majority white.”

    No doubt they’re the best because they are “majority white” Now insert the other foot.

    Now THIS is racism.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  106. Bucky 说:

    Lies. Not even that, because lying requires knowledge.

    BLM killed 5 cops in Dallas. It killed 3 in Baton Rouge.

    Occupy did nothing like that.

    BLM also lies about black crime rates. The reason why so many blacks end up being killed is because black criminality is so high and so they end up being on suspect descriptions.

    What BLM wants ultimately is equality in outcome. The only way to achieve that is to sentence black persons to less for the same crime. Not only that, but the surrounding communities suffering the effects of criminality are never included in the calculation. Their concerns are only met with “tough luck.” It is only about black perceptions of unfairness, because blacks feel a sense of nationalism and cucky whites are dumb enough to believe them.

    • 回复: @Truth
  107. Okechukwu 说:

    That black communist supported government would not have come had it not for the help of the banking elites.

    The USSR, China and the Eastern Bloc were banking elites? Who knew?

    The Rhodesians had their supporters, principal among them was Apartheid South Africa. The black freedom fighters had their supporters. The Rhodesians had every advantage in terms of modern weaponry yet they were still defeated in the field. Trying to minimize the victory of the guerrillas with ridiculous references to “bankers” and “leftist” does nothing to dampen the sweat taste of their well-earned victory.

    The elites did not want Whites in power in Zimbabwe, they do not mind a few Whites left over at the mercy of the ZANU government. You are seeing this as a black white issue, I am talking about the real conspiracy behind all these developments, the black white rivalry thing is only cover.

    Shit, you’re an idiot. Contrary to what you white supremacist nitwits believe, black Africans do have agency and self-esteem and pride. It was they that wanted to dislodge a brutal white minority regime that treated them as third class citizens on their own land. It had absolutely nothing do do with any “global elites.”

    One thing you have to understand is that Africans never bought into the idea white supremacy. Sure, white societies were more advanced technology. But that didn’t mean that they were better or smarter. Impressions are formed on the basis of individual contacts and many white individuals are as dumb as rocks. Somebody like Mugabe, who was smarter than every white person he came across, was not going to accede to being ruled by lesser people simply on the basis of them having white skin.

    • 回复: @bucky
    , @mcohen
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  108. @Mike P

    Nonsense. Making a living as a farmer takes a lot more knowledge and intelligence than your average 9-5 bullshit office job.

    Yeah, collecting government welfare checks sure is tough. https://farm.ewg.org

    And pushing those tricky buttons to make your tractor or harvester follow GPS on autopilot! Oh my..

    I spent half my life on a farm son. Sell that “poor farmers” crap to the city folk. Farmers 不能 even fix their own tractors and implements today.

    Farming used to require some intelligence, sort of, maybe, but more in a “common sense” practical way than the fancy book learning required of office pokies. Today what’s most important is an absolute lack of self-respect and dignity as you hold out your hand demanding more subsidies.

    • 回复: @Mike P
  109. Malla 说:

    But your assertions are so facile and uninformed

    Not true at all. It is just that you do not like them.

    Nope. I’d say black men with AK-47′s had a much greater impact upon white colonialists than bankers and leftists did

    If you still want to stick to your assertions, stick to it. Without help and funding from international organisations, those movements would not have started in the first place and if started would not have succeeded.

    Maybe, just maybe, BLM is an organic grassroots movement that emerged out of a desire to effect social change.

    GSLHFAO. George Soros is laughing his…….
    OK maybe it is a grass root movement, but I doubt it.

    You seem to reserve your disdain just for black protests

    Maybe you did not read my other posts on UNZ, you perhaps have better things to do. But if you were to read my posts you would realize that the freaking French “revolution” is under suspect, forget your black movements, I hardly talk about the black movements except in a few threads. The Russian “Revolution”, the English Cromwell “Revolution”, the Ukraine Maidan “revolution”, the Indian “Independence Movement”, the Irish “Independence Movement” are as much as suspect as the BLM.

  110. Malla 说:

    If I am not mistaken, Robert Mugabe had a teaching diploma and he taught at various schools around Rhodesia. He even won a scholarship to study at the University of Fort Hare in South Africa’s Eastern Cape. All this in Rhodesia and Apartheid South Africa, he a black man got an education and a free scholarship. I thought black people were not given any education by the racists.

    纳尔逊·曼德拉 (Nelson Mandela) 在哈尔堡大学 (University of Fort Hare) 获得学士学位,该大学是东开普省爱丽丝市的一所精英黑人学府。 后来他在威特沃特斯兰德大学学习法律成为一名律师。

  111. bucky 说:

    Whites aren’t stupid.

    Well, put it this way. They might seem stupid to you, because you are used to living in a low-trust society where you have to be diligent about everything that isn’t bolted down. That makes you “smart” I suppose, but in reality your mental energies are being wasted on distrusting the people around you.

    White people are trusting. They’ve built up this trust over centuries. Because white people developed in societies where lying and deceit is not the norm, but treating others in benevolent fashion, with healthy competition, is the norm.

    Why can’t black people run simple stuff? Because they’re always fighting and arguing over minor stuff. Because they don’t have the capacity for self-reflection. Because they’re generally nasty and unpleasant people to be around and the work they produce isn’t very good.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  112. Truth 说:

    One more is the interview of Karin Smith. She also has information about charities to help poor White South Africans, who are forced to live in stinky landfills by the evil ANC government.

    Oh, and I take it they were in the Beverly Hills of S.A. when the whites were in charge?

    • 回复: @Malla
  113. Okechukwu 说:

    Whites are as native to South Africa as black bantus are

    This is demonstrably false. Funny how you employ the same ahistorical lies as the Jews you hate so much. The Jews applied something akin to your empty land myth as justification for continued expansion in Palestine, even as they bulldozed Palestinian homes in those purportedly empty lands.

    indeed in some parts of South Africa even more.

    You know, there are vast tracts of land in Europe that are vacant. I suppose I could set up my own republic there, eh? But I think not. I think Europeans consider those lands to be theirs even if they’re not standing on them 24/7.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @mcohen
    , @mcohen
    , @TKK
  114. Malla 说:

    The USSR, China and the Eastern Bloc were banking elites? Who knew?

    There are a lot of posts on unz.com about the financial support given to these communist movements by Western banking elites. Even Ron Unz did a post on the funding of the Russian revolution.

    It had absolutely nothing do do with any “global elites.”

    It had everything to do with global elites. Douglas Reed has explained it well.

    • 同意: jacques sheete
    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  115. Truth 说:

    Well I have a pretty darned good feeling that guys named Du Plooy aren’t native to S.A. either, old sport.

    • 回复: @Malla
  116. Malla 说:

    The old Testament can surely have strange effects on people’s minds. Even the Puritans had the same mindset.

  117. Per/Norway 说:

    what other african country believed the same a few years ago and what did they do a couple of years later? you literally are illiterate in history.
    you dont understand this, but you just proved a few of the more extreme posters here right;)
    i regret to say.

  118. Malla 说:
    @jacques sheete


    have for many decades if not centuries

    Maybe centuries. If you read Nesta Webster’s book on the French Revolution. Even the Mexican revolution (Pacho Villa) seems similarly suspect.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  119. Truth 说:

    BLM killed 5 cops in Dallas. It killed 3 in Baton Rouge.

    BLM killed no one. It’s high school theatre for dummies…Dummy.

  120. Malla 说:

    Trying to minimize the victory of the guerrillas with ridiculous references to “bankers” and “leftist” does nothing to dampen the sweat taste of their well-earned victory.

    Those references are not ridiculous, they are just beyond your understanding. These posts I am writing are obviously not for you but for others. These guerrillas and their so called “victories” (victories of the banking elites actually) are part of a much bigger phenomenon which some of us are interested in.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  121. Anonymous [AKA "Mad Dog Kate"] 说:

    I think what the author had in mind was that apartheid didn’t end in a vacuum. As North Korea has demonstrated, the way to deal with the US is a nuclear weapons program. SA has an advanced nuclear weapons program, from which its govt. voluntarily walked away. How sustainable do you suppose the economic boycott would have been had SA followed through, developed working nuclear weapons and said “Gee, sorry you’re cross with us US and Europe. But we’ve all these nuclear weapons, and all this know-how. It’d be a real shame to see any proliferation happen.”

    That is the Onky viable way to deal with the US and NATO. Acquiescence to a bully only builds expectations for future acquiescence. The way to deal with a bully is to build a viable means of defense, and let it be known that you’ll punch him square in the face and inflict a lot of pain.

    Nuclear weapons could have been a trump card squash the economic boycot that made apartheid unsustainable. Likewise, even under the weight of sanctions, Whites elected a government that voluntarily ceded power.

    It’s simple Darwinism. There are too many Whites who live in a sanctimonious fairlyland, in which they would rather condemn their children and grandchildren than to have anything that could be construed as “intolerance” pass from their filthy, precious pursed virtuous White lips. They’re doing the very same in Europe and the US.

    So, yeah, we’re not talking about a simple faux pas. We’re talking about a collective inability or unwillingness of a huge subgroup of Whites to advocate and secure their own interests.

    So, sure, let them reap the benefits of their collective action, both good and ill. Maybe I’ll shed a tear for the Boers someday, but surely not today. Enjoy your Justice and equality, you virtuous idiots. You’ve surely earned it.

  122. mcohen 说:
    @mark green

    Alan paton wtote “cry the beloved country” not a “sussman”.whats wrong wong,facts a little slippery.dim sim


    • 回复: @mark green
  123. renfro 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    for some reason the link at the site wont copy but here is the article……don’t get your panties all in a wad, I said I didnt know anything about this and found only conflicting sources and this seemed to be in-between.

    Who are South Africa’s ‘persecuted’ white farmers? | SBS News


    Mar 15, 2018 – The survey found that in 2015-2016, there were 51 South Africans murdered every day. Although this is a drop from 1994, when that number …

  124. Okechukwu 说:

    You “did” nothing but make a fool of yourself.
    Your use of “due diligence” proves that you don’t even know what it means.

    Indeed I do. It’s a business term. It’s just that you aren’t bright enough to expand its application.

    So where’s the statistics that you claim prove that “whites live like royalty”? LOL

    Well wait no longer. This is a nice recap of the relevant statistics.

    White people in South Africa still hold the lion’s share of all forms of capital


    No doubt they’re the best because they are “majority white” Now insert the other foot.

    But, gee dummy, if whites are being oppressed in Zim why are the best private schools majority white when whites constitute less than 0.1% of the population? So we both agree that there’s no oppression of whites in Zim. As a matter of fact, even Mugabe went out of his way to make whites feel welcome, so much so that a form of white privilege exists today in Zimbabwe.

    Now THIS is racism.

    Hey, dumbass, black workers are the most vulnerable people on those farms. Notice that your “statistics” say nothing about the race of the victims. Often the victims of farm attacks are blacks and not whites.

    • 回复: @Wally
  125. Malla 说:
    @jacques sheete

    To me the current situation sounds a lot like what the Bolshies did to the prosperous farmers in the USSR, who were smeared as “kulaks” and wiped out in the most grotesque ways imaginable.

    It is the continuation of the same phenomenon.
    What many Whites and blacks have not realized in all this is appropriation without compensation of land is that ALL LAND WILL NOW WILL BE OWNED BY THE STATE. They just pushed in communist policies in the sneak.


    “The ruling African National Congress (ANC), together with opposition party the Economic Freedom Fighters (who sponsored the bill), voted to change the country’s constitution to reduce property rights. The move has sparked fierce debate and could widened the racial divide in the top Industrialised African economy.

    EFF leader Julius Malema told reporters shortly after the vote that the push is for all the land, including farms and urban properties. “Every land in South Africa should be expropriated without compensation,” he said. “The state should be the custodian of the land“。”


    “Although details of the nationalisation plan are thin, the EFF’s Mr Malema has touted a lease-rental model that would see existing homeowners become state tenants. This system is already in place in a number of African countries including Mozambique, which only allows a 99-year lease on farmland, instead of outright private ownership.

    “No one is going to lose his or her house, no one is going to lose his or her flat, no one is going to lose his or her factory or industry. All we are saying is they will not have the ownership of the land,” Mr Malema said.”

    So we see above that even blacks will not get ownership of the land.

    And not only White farmers but traditional chiefs lost their land too last year
    And last year https://www.timeslive.co.za/anc-conference-2017/2017-12-20-anc-resolves-to-take-away-rural-land-custodianship-from-chiefs/
    And Last year, the ANC took away rural land owned by traditional chiefs and distributed it among farmers only to take away land ownership from those farmers and give it to the state this year.
    Smooth commie operation.

    That’s the sort of thing I was alluding to in my comment above regarding “education.”

    Everything outside STEM subjects are risky now a days.

  126. renfro 说:
    @jacques sheete

    While we all have sympathy for the whites and others who suffer from violence in South Africa, maybe we should wipe our own noses first.

    I would add that if we or any country doesn’t want a different race or group of other race landholders within it…..then we have no right to object to Africans or anyone else having the same view.
    Its spelled hypocritical.

  127. @Malla

    It had everything to do with global elites.

    There ya have it. And furthermore, it nearly always does have everything to do with that class of psychos.

    Even Okechukwu and some of our supposedly “high IQ” contributors (such as old 152, tsk, tsk) shouldn’t need to have that explained.

  128. Malla 说:

    This is demonstrably false.

    How? How are they less native than the bantus who came from the north?

    You know, there are vast tracts of land in Europe that are vacant. I suppose I could set up my own republic there, eh?

    No you cannot. Those lands are owned by the nations. But that was not the case in Southern parts South Africa. And you have to militarily defeat European nations to do that.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  129. @Malla

    Maybe centuries. If you read Nesta Webster’s book on the French Revolution. Even the Mexican revolution (Pacho Villa) seems similarly suspect.

    And the Am Rev is suspect as well.

    I think Fry was onto something.:

    从今以后,英国将竞标她真正的主人。 她有
    信仰,她的爱国主义,传统,文明。 她同意“归还”
    外国人公民权利平等; 他们可能并且确实成为了市长

    大英帝国的殖民地。 启发它的迪斯雷利
    不知道他在想什么,英国人民却不知道。 但是随着
    他,犹太复国主义被带到了英国王位的高度, a

    -莱斯利·弗莱(Leslie Fry),《犹太人和大英帝国》,1935年

    Nowadays the American empire is the tool. South Africa is another step on the path to a
    Zionist World Empire. It doesn’t take a genius to understand what role Mercer is playing here.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  130. Okechukwu 说:

    Whites aren’t stupid.

    They’re not any more or less stupid than anyone else.

    Well, put it this way. They might seem stupid to you, because you are used to living in a low-trust society where you have to be diligent about everything that isn’t bolted down. That makes you “smart” I suppose, but in reality your mental energies are being wasted on distrusting the people around you.


    White people are trusting. They’ve built up this trust over centuries. Because white people developed in societies where lying and deceit is not the norm, but treating others in benevolent fashion, with healthy competition, is the norm.


    Why can’t black people run simple stuff?

    Name one thing that whites can run that blacks can’t.

    Because they’re always fighting and arguing over minor stuff.

    But even whites admitted in the aftermath of WWI that that brutal war was fought over nothing. No one has butchered each other over trifles and inconsequential bullshit more than whites.

    Because they’re generally nasty and unpleasant people to be around and the work they produce isn’t very good.

    You could literally apply that indictment to 99.5% of the white posters on Unz. You see, in the real world we go with the facts. Your delusions and the voices in your head are irrelevant.

    • 回复: @Bucky
  131. Malla 说:

    Oh, and I take it they were in the Beverly Hills of S.A. when the whites were in charge

    No they were not but forcing them into a landfill purposely is cruel. They could have had their humble abodes on many other lands other than a landfill.

  132. Malla 说:

    Yes you are right. He is as native as Malema. The Khoi Sans are the only true native in that sense.

  133. TKK 说:

    Yes, that’s it. I got the name wrong.
    Those are reliable tractors. With gas.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  134. mcohen 说:

    Nah rubbish about sums up the commentary by the usual suspects who have no clue.

    Ron is the new orange haired man

    He is……not a don but a ron

    Ron Trump or loving known as ront rump

  135. Malla 说:


  136. @Okechukwu

    You have to wonder that if the blacks don’t know how to farm, why has the conflict in Southern Africa been about recovering stolen ancestral farm lands from white land thieves?

    Maybe that’s not what it’s about.

    Perhaps it’s about stealing the farms from the current owners so the global ruling elite can own and/or control them. You may want to look into a concept like that. For instance, why did Morgenthau want to turn Germany into an agricultural economy? Why did the Bolshies destroy the “kulaks,” and who ended up with their farms?

    Also, who do you think wound up with the farms and businesses owned by the Japanese in California once the Japanese, our former allies, were demonized? Yes, the Japanese were “compensated” for their losses. At pennies on the dollar. Cui bono?

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  137. @Andrei Martyanov

    I have had serious disagreements with you over the years, but I can’t help but be impressed by your decent and honest response to this question. If Bantu barbarians can exterminate most South African whites, then race war is inevitable. It’s as simple as that.

  138. Malla 说:
    @jacques sheete

    And the Am Rev is suspect as well.

    Yes I know of the Am Rev as well but I do not write about this on unz as this would upset many American Conservatives here. But from the Am Rev, some positive things did come out like the First Amendment and the right to bear arms, for a few example.
    Charles Giuliani (Truth Hertz) has many videos on the Am Rev, about the constitution and bill of rights. Even James Perloff has some videos on the American Revolution with one discussing specially discussing the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

    And what is scary is the way we are taught history. For example when I was taught about the French rev, I was never told about the Vendée. And even after school I had a lot of interest in history and it was only after a many years that I came to know about them (first heard about them from E. Micheal Jones before I did my own research). I was shocked that this was so well hidden from me in history. The Indian “Independence struggle” is very very suspect as well.

  139. mark green 说:







  140. @Malla

    These guerrillas and their so called “victories” (victories of the banking elites actually) are part of a much bigger phenomenon which some of us are interested in


    As often as such scenarios have taken place, it’s a wonder such things have to be explained. This is the 21st century; one could be forgiven for thinking that such things have been obvious for some time. The fact should be 特别 obvious to those who understand what the Nazis were up against, but instead, their knee jerk emotional goofiness apparently clouds their thought processes.

    Bless you for trying to point such things out.

    • 回复: @Malla
  141. Eagle Eye 说:

    [Okechukwu says:]… I could provide a litany of statistics that prove …

    Ancient and tired communist debating trick.

    In the age of the Internet, either show us what you’ve got or STFU.

  142. Malla 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Leslie Fry, “the Jews and the British Empire,” 1935

    Oh I have been through that book. It is a ‘must read’.

    Also I remember Truth Hertz discussing one day (I do not know how true it is) that Francis Bacon had written about a country like the USA to be formed in the future which would serve Zion. If this is true, it would be one mother of all conspiracies. Maybe if someone could go through his original writings and find out if that is true. If those writings are still accessible for others to see.

  143. @Okechukwu

    It was never a Bantu land. The Land of South Africa was sparsely occupied by Zulu tribes.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  144. Malla 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Maybe you will find this interesting. I had just gone through this last week.

    “Harvard’s Darkest Secret: The Salem Witch Trials and Mass Hysteria”

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  145. @Jake

    (((Mercer))), her rabbi father and the entire family were kicked out of South Africa for their anti-apartheid work. The present day genocide was helped by her work. The title of her book: Into the Cannibal’s Pot is laughable because she gathered the kindling to light the fire under the pot.

    If I recall correctly, aren’t you a Roman Catholic? The RCC is a huge problem because it accepts blacks/Asians.

  146. @TKK

    Those are reliable tractors. With gas.

    They are reliable, but I bet most of them don’t run on gas.

  147. KenH 说:


    Barack Obongo is acutely aware of what’s going on and in total agreement since this is “payback” in the warped brain of the negro. He’s just disciplined enough not to reveal his true beliefs but his silence is consent. If whites were murdering blacks anywhere on the globe Obammy would be flapping his blue gums about it to any and all who would listen.

    All the cacophonous calls for fairness, tolerance and equality are just a ruse that the sentimental and bird brained white man falls for every time. This is just communist and leftist code talk which means that whites must cede their wealth and political power to non-whites and suffer under non-white racial chauvinism. Weak men, women and Christians are especially susceptible to these buzzwords.

  148. Bucky 说:

    Yours is a typical African debating style where aggressive assertions and are declared without any substance to them.

    South Africa’s institutions and infrastructure are falling apart due to black incompetence. Water shortages are occurring. Corruption is high and crime is very high. High crime is proof enough of incompetence. But of course they take the time to prosecute a white woman who had her car vandalized for saying some mean things, meanwhile they don’t investigate murders.

    Black incompetence, and black priorities.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @Okechukwu
  149. Bubba 说:

    The whites don’t actually do any farming. The blacks are the farmers.

    Keep dreaming, blacks couldn’t even grow a weed after everything was stolen from white farmers and given to them in Rhodesia.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  150. Bubba 说:

    Great comment – Obama was just as bloodthirsty and clueless as Hillary and the Neocons.

  151. Malla 说:

    One of the many reasons why Mugabe attacked White Zimbabwean farmers was that he screwed up big time in the Congo.

    The article below is very informatibe



    全球见证和其他机构对此进行了研究。 然而,为了穆加贝及其在津巴布韦的安全和军事精英的利益而掠夺钻石的故事并不是从马兰吉钻石和失踪的 15 亿美元开始的。 早在马兰吉之前,穆加贝和他的军人就已经开始猖獗的敲诈勒索、黑手党式的非法走私、双重交叉、双重交易,以及与刚果叛军非法贩卖武器。 事实上,穆加贝通过向叛乱分子出售武器来换取用于发财的钻石,而不是津巴布韦,而是穆加贝和他的安全人员。

    Mugabe got involved in a foreign country, taking part in the loot of it’s resources, racketeering, smuggling and also double crossing his ally Kabila.



    In 1998, without approval from Zimbabwe’s parliament, Robert Mugabe made a sole decision to send Zimbabwe’s military to prop up Laurent Kabila’s struggling government under siege from various Tutsi erstwhile-friends-turned-rebel groups supported by Rwanda and Uganda (on the eastern side of the DRC border). It is not clear what motivated Mugabe’s DRC expedition, but it helps to theorise that he wanted to assert his pan-Africanist credentials. It is this dimension that makes this story interesting. So read on!

    一般来说,人的记忆力很短。 这对穆加贝很有帮助,因为他现在可以声称,由于制裁,津巴布韦无法从国际货币基金组织和世界银行获得资金。 我已经介绍了为什么国际货币基金组织停止资助津巴布韦这里 http://bit.ly/1RqSLME. 简而言之,穆加贝在 1998 年单枪匹马地将津巴布韦卷入了刚果民主共和国战争,这让津巴布韦纳税人每月损失 27 万美元,不久之后未能偿还国际货币基金组织的贷款。 国际货币基金组织在 1999 年的反应是冻结了 193 亿美元的融资计划,穆加贝的回应是:“国际货币基金组织应该闭嘴。 是的,我们在刚果(金)花了钱,但我们并没有因此而死。 我们继续保持生产力。” 国际货币基金组织从此闭嘴,停止向津巴布韦提供贷款。

    战争的具体细节由穆加贝和他的亲密副手负责,而在刚果民主共和国方面,洛朗·卡比拉与 Mwenze Kongolo 和随后的刚果民主共和国财政部长 Mwampanga Mwana Nanga(后来成为刚果民主共和国驻津巴布韦大使)等效忠者合作。 这场持续数年的战争可以说是现代非洲历史上持续时间最长的战争,涉及数十个不同的武装团体和多达九个非洲国家。 数百万人在其后果中丧生,数百万人流离失所,使其成为自第二次世界大战以来最致命的冲突。

    除利比亚、纳米比亚和津巴布韦外,大多数参与国都将保护本国边界作为参与的理由。 卢旺达的情况尤其如此,几个月前,该国通过支持导致蒙博托·塞塞·塞科 (Mobutu Sese Seko) 被驱逐的巴尼亚穆伦格叛乱分子来赞助洛朗·卡比拉 (Laurent Kabila)。 当卡比拉因为高层存在许多卢旺达人而被指责为邻国的贵宾犬而恼怒时,麻烦就开始了,他解雇了他的卢旺达参谋长詹姆斯卡巴雷贝。


    罗伯特穆加贝渴望被称为泛非主义者。 但他值得成为其中一员吗? 这是一个有趣的问题,因为当他的国家的医疗设施崩溃时,他飞往中东和远东寻求医疗救助。 用于建造他的豪宅的材料是进口的,包括整个屋顶和软家具。 他的孩子在国外上学,并且在津巴布韦以外几乎有第二个家。 但这一切都不是重点。 它只是为我们提供了了解某人记录的指针,深入了解他的实际角色如何与他想要描绘的角色相加。

    是的,没错,穆加贝未经议会批准就卷入了刚果危机。 浪费他国家纳税人的钱,每个月为了他自己和他的亲信的贪婪而浪费了 27 万美元。 因此,在负责使津巴布韦成为经济灾难之后,为了避免引起人们对他的失败的关注,他开始了整个农场入侵惨败,以侵占白人津巴布韦人的土地。 这解释了所有的土地入侵。



    在剥夺刚果民主共和国的资源时,这些军事和安全人员得到了各种类型的阴暗但时尚且有争议的商业伙伴的帮助:Thamer Bin Said Ahmed Alshanfari(阿曼国民,领导 Oryx Natural Resources,ZDF 的阵线获得了 49% 的钻石份额名为 Senga Mines 的公司,该公司试图在伦敦证券交易所上市); Billy Rautenbach(经营 Gecamines,在被踢出之前取出铜和钴)、John Arnold Bredenkamp(曾在 Rautenbach 之后经营 Gecamines)、Nico Sheffer(一名在南非被定罪的罪犯,其公司 Tandan Holdings 拥有钻石联合与津巴布韦国防军合作——他安排津巴布韦军官在约翰内斯堡接受钻石估价培训)。 Niko Shefer 最近在津巴布韦备受关注,因为他每个月获得近 206 万美元,为南部非洲开发银行提供 XNUMX 亿美元以翻新连接 Plumtree 和 Mutare 城镇的高速公路 - 将他如何获得这笔交易联系起来!

    在这场掠夺狂潮中,几家公司要么被创建,要么被卷入其中。 其中包括 Oryx Natural Resources(由 Al Shanfari 牵头)、First Banking Corporation(现为 FBC 银行)、Dube Associates(由津巴布韦国防工业公司的 Tshinga Dube 上校经营,并与乌克兰多产的钻石和武器贩运者 Leonid Minim 有关联,总部设在Kasai Occidental),Ridgepointe International(由 Rautenbach 担任)。

    经营合资企业的精英网络成员与贵金属和宝石走私、武器贩运、非法外汇交易和洗钱有关。 这份报告发布几个月后,经过几次和平协议,津巴布韦在 2002 年缩减了军队。与此同时,在洛朗·卡比拉被暗杀后,约瑟夫·卡比拉取代了大部分国有矿山的领导,这大大减少了抢劫安全精英及其合资企业的活动。

    So he looted out another African country and was definitely partially responsible for extending that conflict which ended up becoming an African version of WW1, as many neighbouring countries were involved. Some of the countries like, Angola or Rwanda, one can understand, they had some strategic reasons or rebel factions to attack. There was NO reason for Mugabe to enter the conflict except naked greed. He is a hero for racist blacks only because he attacked Whites, that is all they care about. It does not matter to these racists that he was responsible for the death of so many Congolese which was not necessary. He collaborated with rich globalist Whites and Jews and Arabs but attacked politically weak Whites and ended up responsible for killing many black people.



    穆加贝手下的所有手下都没有表现出哪些对他们利用非法军火交易和钻石走私所得建立的公共利益有用。 Zvinavashe 是一个明显的例外,他将自己的部分收益投入到建设津巴布韦人使用的基础设施中。 Zvinavashe 在哈拉雷建造了一所小学和一所高中。 除了豪华的豪宅(他们每天只在其中度过三分之一的时间)以及离岸的秘密存款外,其余的人没有什么可展示的。

    津巴布韦的前殖民者可能很卑鄙,但他们投资于基础设施——修建高速公路、净水厂、桥梁、水坝、发电厂和铁路基础设施。 津巴布韦的大型标志性桥梁,如维多利亚瀑布大桥、贝特布里奇、伯奇诺桥(1935 年世界第三长的单拱悬索桥)和第一座奇伦杜桥——原奥托​​拜特桥(美国以外建造的第一座现代悬索桥) 1939 年),是用像 Alfred Beit 这样的寻宝者的钱建造的(第二座 Chirundu 桥 - 距离第一座桥几米,由鹿岛公司于 2002 年使用日本国际公司的资金建造)。

    One should read the entire article in the link as there is a lot of info there. So you see, black racists only care about the fact that he wrongly attacked White Zimbabweans (only to take away attention from his disastrous handling of Zimbabwe due to personal greed), they ignore or do not care about his actions in the Congo as well in his native Zimbabwe where he sent death squads to kill Ndebele.

  152. TKK 说:

    Where are the vast tracks of vacant land in West or Eastern Europe?
    Aside from designated parks or wild life areas- it’s densely populated or sprinkled with small towns.

    Russia has vast tracks of vacant land with no infrastructure.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  153. Malla 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Bless you for trying to point such things out.

    Thanks for the kind words, bud. We are all in this together. Hopefully a lot more people will ‘wake up’ in time.

  154. Alden 说:
    @Den Lille Abe

    And the Portuguese settled there before the Dutch

  155. @Malla

    Can you give a short summary? You posted it so there has to be some excellent content, but I don’t do vids well for various reasons. Nevertheless, I listened to about 20 seconds worth and simply couldn’t stand the 放慢 droning of the moderator.

    • 回复: @Malla
  156. @Bucky

    Yours is a typical African debating style where aggressive assertions and are declared without any substance to them.

    It’s a “style” used by Commies, Zio-freaks, and self proclaimed “geniuses” (such as old 152, unsubstantiated, naturally) as well.

    Anyway, could you substantiate any of the other assertions in the rest of your comment?

  157. @crimson2

    Yeah…the idea of whites leaving US like they did Flint or Detroit scares you. No tax money…ultimate white flight.

    Luckily blacks don’t have the initiative to move or the money, so eventually the water is full of lead like Flint and they are still sitting there hoping the state or Federal government will do something.

    So you never see one abroad, except within a base perimeter.

    • 回复: @crimson2
  158. @crimson2


    At least whites Americans know where we are from.

    You don’t know whether your family is Senegalese or Kenyan originally.

    White Americans can say “I’m Irish, for County Mayo” or “I’m German, my family is from Saxony” or “I’m French-Canadian from Breton”.

    • 回复: @Bucky
    , @crimson2
  159. Wally 说:

    What statistics in your link prove you assertion that South African “whites live like royalty”?
    I see none whatsoever.

    I see claims about foreign share holders, so what?, but nothing about white SAs living like royalty.
    IOW, you’ve been busted on your bullshit.

    Indeed, whites form their own schools because they want to associate with intelligent whites, not low IQ, violent blacks.

    I see you’re confused. One moment you talk about S. Africa, the next moment Zimbabwe.
    But then you are what you are.

    Mugabe has no credibility with anyone, well, except you, I guess.

    Waiting for you to back up your laughable claim that ‘blacks are most vulnerable on farms’, and everything else that you just make up.

    Africa is a 3rd world sewer & always will be …. because they have dumb & violent Africans.

  160. Bucky 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The funny thing about inbred as a pejorative aimed at whites is that blacks are likely more inbred. You know the phrase, “cuz”? They call each other cousin because they’re all related. And as a minority confined to specific enclaves, it would be natural for more blacks to be inbred.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  161. @Bucky

    As a teenager I naively asked a black acquaintance what part of Africa he was from-in suburban Detroit you know which white is Irish or Polish or Italian.

    I was surprised that he did not know, being young and naive. Whites in the Northern cities like Trump just say “My grandparents are from Kallstadt” or whatever.

    …But almost no black Americans have any idea where they are from.

    • 回复: @Meretricious
    , @Truth
  162. Okechukwu 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Perhaps it’s about stealing the farms from the current owners so the global ruling elite can own and/or control them.

    Africans regard land with veneration. It’s tied up with where their ancestors are buried, where their spirits dwell and so on. Any attempt to permanently separate them from their ancestral lands was bound to be futile. They were never going to stop fighting and sooner or later the thieves and usurpers would have to desist.

    This isn’t ancient history either. Some folks who were brutally evicted from their lands in South Africa are still alive today. They want those lands back and by god, they will have them. The SA government, in the name of responsible governance, has no choice but to enact deep and comprehensive land reform. A situation where the 8% white population owns 80% of the land is one that’s ripe with the potential for revolution. It’s better to redistribute the land with an orderly, legally-sanctioned process.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  163. Okechukwu 说:

    It was never a Bantu land. The Land of South Africa was sparsely occupied by Zulu tribes.

    This is apartheid-era historiography that bears no relationship to reality. You can’t on the one hand put up monuments to Voortrekkers and declare national holidays celebrating the conquest of African tribes and on the other hand claim the land was empty. Not very bright, those Boers.

  164. Okechukwu 说:

    Yours is a typical African debating style where aggressive assertions and are declared without any substance to them.

    I see someone doesn’t know how to debate. This is not a viable rebuttal to my total evisceration of your arguments.

    • 回复: @Bucky
  165. @Okechukwu

    I’ve noticed that blacks in South Africa seem to like the English South Africans a bit more than the Boers.


    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  166. FromSA 说:
    @Stan d Mute


    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  167. 你对奥比太友善了。我认为他更多的是庆祝正在进行的种族灭绝,而不是忽视它。

  168. FromSA 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov


  169. Okechukwu 说:

    Keep dreaming, blacks couldn’t even grow a weed after everything was stolen from white farmers and given to them in Rhodesia.

    Actually, no. Africans have always been some of the world’s greatest farmers. African slaves even created the rice industry in the United States by bringing with them the expertise they gained in Africa.

    在 1700 年代,南卡罗来纳州和佐治亚州的美国殖民者发现水稻在与海岸线接壤的潮湿、亚热带国家生长良好。 但是美国殖民者没有种植水稻的经验,他们需要知道如何种植、收割和加工这种困难作物的非洲奴隶。 白人种植园主从非洲各地购买奴隶,但他们非常喜欢他们所谓的“水稻海岸”或“向风海岸”——西非传统的水稻种植区,从塞内加尔一直延伸到塞拉利昂和利比里亚。 种植园主愿意为来自该地区的奴隶支付更高的价格,而赖斯海岸的非洲人几乎可以肯定是 18 世纪进口到南卡罗来纳州和乔治亚州的最大奴隶群体。


    In Rhodesia, the racist regime had disconnected the Africans from their lands and the store of knowledge they had gained over many generations of farming those lands. But land reform has reestablished the historical connection to the land along with pride and dignity in ownership.


    烟草种植社区正在发生的革命性社会经济转型表明了土地改革的杰出成功故事之一。直到 2000 年,烟草种植由少数白人大型商业农民主导,他们占了产量的大部分。

    According to Food and Agricultural Organisation, there were only 2 000 commercial tobacco growers prior to the land reform programme who accounted for 87 percent of the planted hectarage.

    它们还占总产量的 95% 左右,相当于每年烤烟 190 亿至 230 亿公斤。


    The sector has, however, evolved since 2000 with close to 90 000 mostly indigenous farmers now dominating tobacco growing.

    虽然转型面临连续干旱和资金等挑战,但产量稳步上升,去年产量 210 年来首次超过创纪录的 14 亿公斤。


    土地改革是 Zim 的成功故事——它将成为 Mnangagwa 领导下经济复苏的基础

    在 24 月 XNUMX 日宣誓就任津巴布韦新总统后的讲话中,埃默森·姆南加古瓦强调了该国土地改革农民在促进该国经济复苏方面的作用。 他们最近表现出色。

    津巴布韦 2017 年的玉米产量超过了白人农民的产量,白人农民曾多次称赞津巴布韦使该国成为非洲的面包篮子。 2017 年玉米产量为 2.2 万吨,为二十年来最高。

    良好的降雨有所帮助,但即使是美国农业部也表示,玉米产量的大幅增加“主要是由于有利的天气条件和进口替代的特殊计划,通常被称为“命令农业”。 该计划是去年由 Mnangagwa 实施的,当时他是副总统。

    根据该计划,土地改革农民签署了一定数量的土地合同,并同意每公顷至少向粮食销售委员会出售 2011 吨玉米。 政府提供种子、肥料,并在需要时提供拖拉机和耕作燃料,费用从玉米的销售价格中扣除。 与 700,000 年(又一个雨量充沛的年份)相比,玉米产量增加了 XNUMX 吨,其中一半以上归功于指挥农业计划。


    This is very instructive. It’s an exquisite display of the kind of effective, responsible governance the Rhodesian regime should have effectuated. It’s the realization of the dream that inspired the very first Chimurenga in 1896. The land belongs to the people. Instead of one white bum who would probably be cleaning toilets back in Britain living like an earl on stolen land the size of Rhode Island, that land is divided up among dozens of industrious, hard-working black farmers. Yields increase and everyone’s happy.

    • 回复: @mcohen
    , @Malla
    , @Truth
  170. @FromSA




  171. Okechukwu 说:

    How? How are they less native than the bantus who came from the north?

    Nobody literally emerged from the soil. Everybody came from somewhere.

    Btw, I never said they were less native. As far as I’m concerned, you’re native to wherever you’re born. What I do dispute is the notion that the Boers were there first or that the land was vacant when they got there.

    No you cannot. Those lands are owned by the nations. But that was not the case in Southern parts South Africa.

    Well the African lands were owned by Africans. The Africans were not obliged to respect European land ownership conventions. They had their own ownership schemes. In fact colonialist killers like fat homosexual Cecil Rhodes knew very well that the Africans owned the land otherwise he wouldn’t have made them sign over titles at the point of a gun.

    And you have to militarily defeat European nations to do that.

    So you believe in right of conquest. Well a corollary to that is reconquest, which is what happened in Southern Africa as the natives defeated every racist regime there and took back their land.

    • 回复: @Malla
  172. Okechukwu 说:

    Where are the vast tracks of vacant land in West or Eastern Europe?
    Aside from designated parks or wild life areas- it’s densely populated or sprinkled with small towns.

    I’m simply applying the same standard to Europe that these clowns apply to Africa. That is to say, if there aren’t people habitating a piece of land at a given moment, it’s free for the taking.

    I’m a frequent traveler to Europe. Once I walked along the North Sea and there wasn’t another soul in sight for miles and miles. Based on this logic I could’ve planted my flag and claimed ownership of the entire area.

  173. Okechukwu 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I’ve noticed that blacks in South Africa seem to like the English South Africans a bit more than the Boers.


    I’m not a black South African. But I suspect they believe that, generally speaking, the Boers are, well…boorish. A regressive, clannish, recalcitrantly racist people impervious to remediation. This is the main reason Boers are often looked at askance when they attempt to immigrate. I’m sure they’re asked some rather pointed questions by immigration officials about their racial attitudes, particularly if they invoke “white genocide” as their reason for departing. The Boers that are already overseas and embarrassing their hosts with their conduct aren’t helping the rest.

    South African expats revive ‘racist’ Afrikaans national day in NZ


    • 回复: @Malla
  174. Malla 说:

    Btw, I never said they were less native.

    But gasbags like Malema say otherwise.

    as the natives defeated every racist regime there and took back their land.

    I do not have time to respond to stupidity.

    Well the African lands were owned by Africans. The Africans were not obliged to respect European land ownership conventions.

    Those lands where people were evicted in the past, they may be returned but a large part of the land was not owned by any Africans. There are some land where people were forcefully evicted and in those cases they may be returned.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  175. Mike Ross 说:

    在现代,如何将南非贫困营中的贫困白人从即将发生的种族灭绝中解救出来呢?他们不被允许,或者无法撤离——(无论出于何种原因)?如果你了解真实的历史,那么你就会明白,他们——白人贫困者,才是真正的布尔人。另一方面 ;地铁精英和有产农民——是犹太人/荷兰人/英国人/南非荷兰人,他们继承了真正的日耳曼布尔人的身份,并且一直压迫他们。是的,先生,他们有一条出路——被鄙视的穷人,但这不是“狂喜”。

    南非布尔人主要是瑞士/日耳曼民族——还有一些法国、荷兰和英国的混血。他们是来自 16、17 和 18 世纪欧洲大陆宗教和世俗战争的安娜浸信会难民。他们夹在中间,受到新教/改革派和天主教会的虐待和迫害,也受到相关民族国家民事政府的虐待。在德国和丹麦时,他们被赋予“布尔人”的贬义称谓,因为他们被认为是下层、贫穷和粗鲁的。 (在美国,本杰明·富兰克林轻蔑地称他们的近亲,[宾夕法尼亚荷兰裔德国人“基督教兄弟会”]为“帕拉丁布尔人​​”。出于同样的原因,苏格兰爱尔兰人被命名为:乡下人、乡巴佬、乡村人。好老男孩、干草人、乡巴佬、乡巴佬、土包子、质朴的、乡下的、土包子和农夫——我们拥抱这些名字。)布尔人趁机逃离了对他们怀有敌意的欧洲——欧洲,搬到了南非(也到北美等地),在荷兰东印度公司(VOC)的赞助下。他们的主要动机是真正的基督徒良心自由,而不是经济冒险主义。这些真正的宗教和政治难民,有着与其他机会主义移民完全不同的观点和心态,他们被称为“虔诚的边境农民和徒步旅行的布尔人”;扩大定居点边界的移民。 — 请参阅文章:(南非荷兰语对布尔人的统治:它是如何构建的),作者:David Christie,日期:11 年 2014 月 XNUMX 日,AFRIKAANSENUUS。



    白人是亚伯拉罕,以撒和雅各布的种族。 (真正的希伯来人:事实和事实,凭证据证明。 )它们在“圣经”中可以找到。 由于邪恶,叛逆和革命,上帝使他们中的大多数人脱离了以色列家的古代王国。 耶和华做到了这一点,允许他们被异教徒和异教徒征服并当作奴隶——(在他们的历史中,白人也成为多神教享乐主义者)。 后来,主上帝打开了他们被囚禁的几扇门,让他们逃了出去,并让他们向北和向西迁移,多次推波助澜。 这些失落的十个部落由于他们的不信和不服从,几代人、几个世纪以来丧失了自己的身份;战争、袭击、迁徙、流浪和探索。 这些被遗忘的氏族,成为外邦(白人)欧洲国家,遍布地心地球。 作为一个种族群体,他们被称为盎格鲁/撒克逊人。 而且,尽管他们不知道,但耶和华耶稣基督的天意已为他们标上了特殊的令牌标志,指出他们将来的少数民族康复和全面恢复生活。 盎格鲁/撒克逊人:(盎格鲁=上帝的仆人,圣人或天使,上帝的儿子)/(撒克逊人=以撒的儿子,以撒的儿子,萨克的儿子=撒克逊人)->(雅各的儿子,通过成为的孙子艾萨克,是盎格鲁/撒克逊人。 ) -> (英国集团+德国集团=联合与生权和权杖)。 这一天即将到来,届时雅各之子(以撒的孙子=盎格鲁人和撒克逊人)的残余将回归,并通过圣灵的恩赐和力量而皈依、聚集在一起并加入。 再也不会为了他们而兄弟对抗兄弟战争了。 (聚会将是–雅各大同盟,由The Union Jack Ensign预示)。 这一小部分(分布在地球球体上)是选举,属于耶稣弥赛亚,将通过强大而神奇的干预和代祷来传递。 他们的肉体拯救,是从现代的绝对束缚和囚禁中解脱出来,这种束缚和囚禁是由大恶魔反基督统治的暴政所造成的,现在正在由掠夺性的“飞猴”和南非潜在的白人种族灭绝带头。 真正的复兴实际上是不可预见的和出乎意料的,对于那些不真正了解真正的耶稣或对真正的耶稣不感兴趣的人来说。 (无论是事实还是错误解释,该事件在事后只会广为人知。 )全人类(无论是亲属还是外国人/陌生人),都可以凭信心(如果他们愿意)悔改、改革和分离,成为上帝精神上收养的儿子或女儿(朝圣者);那些重生的人,那些爱耶稣的人,那些在他的恩典 – 怜悯 – 恩惠 – 祝福中的人。 那么我们就是他的资格、他的资格和他的选民,在生活在地球上时接受这种巨大的有益。 在摩西的领导下,它将比远古时代的“埃及出埃及记”更大。 这是凡人(在肉身中)和唯一的尘世逃脱,摆脱大诱惑和大灾难(考验和考验),这是上帝的愤怒和审判降临到整个世界。 让真正的基督教自由钟响亮、清晰、纯净的铃声响彻所有主的圣殿。 这是神的天堂王国诞生的开始; 在他的多重而独特的,提供和守卫的公司和营地中-徒步旅行和过境,到达他的避难所和静修处。 谁将生存,谁将消亡? 选择唯一真正和最好的希望,或者决定走上艰难的道路,灵魂的危险、折磨和殉难(通过野兽的强迫印记)。 观看并祈祷。 在进行判断和决策时,有一个迹象表明,要抓住唯一一次机会很小的机会。 转换后,搜索“圣经”并找到符号,服从救主和救赎主耶稣基督的命令。 不要被抛在后面,在悔恨中哭泣。

    ---- 自卫是上帝的一项义务,(提摩太前书 1:5),泰铢,英王钦定本。谨防冒名顶替者、骗子和秘密敌人(启示录 8:3-8)。主耶稣基督的主要对手对大逃亡了解“很多”。他们的血腥仇杀和仇恨,促使他们对被盗的圣经——《圣经》进行“黑暗艺术”和详尽的“专家”研究(尽管它与他们有关——只是为了他们的谴责)。他们蒙蔽了双眼,以为自己能够预见并挫败大天使米迦勒(但以理书 12:12)和“圣同伴”——(天使、队长、门徒)。他们真正了解的很少。它们只是上帝伟大的世界戏剧中的树桩和岩石,在其中,他致力于拯救(种植、种植和收获)男人和女人的灵魂,一次一个。耶和华的小麦/面粉磨坊,磨得很慢,但磨得很细。目前还没有人知道我们将成为什么样的人,但我们相信那将会是美好的。每个人都会得到公平的机会,而且是公正的机会,尽管目前看起来可能并非如此。对于正义者来说——在千禧年期间;所有的伤口都会被治愈,所有的不公正都会得到纠正,所有被堕胎的婴儿都会得到慈爱的父母的抚养。从邪恶中走出来。远离不洁。期待上帝的拯救的奇妙工作和奇迹,以及即将到来的好牧人耶稣在天上降临,在灾难结束时,然后是新时代的开始。

  176. Max Payne 说:

    Due diligence? LOL. Did you miss the Iraq war or something?

  177. @Truth

    I actually speak the languages. Norwegians are far too polite to mock. Unfortunately they are lazy too, and property is immensely expensive.

  178. Malla 说:

    Of course Africans farmed before Europeans came. If the Tobacco and maize story is true then it is good for Zimbabwe. I do not agree that ‘blacks cannot even grow a weed’. It is just that in North America, blacks are not much into farming but it is a different story in Africa and the Caribbean.

    Instead of one white bum who would probably be cleaning toilets back in Britain living like an earl on stolen land the size of Rhode Island, that land is divided up among dozens of industrious, hard-working black farmers.

    Bad news brother! Some of those lazy dumb White toilet cleaners have returned and the industrious hard working black farmers are celebrating this return. They are having a party. What is wrong with the black brothas?

    Celebration in Zimbabwe as a white farmer returns to seized land

    Villagers celebrate the return of a White Farmer who was evicted by President Mugabe

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  179. Realist 说:
    @jacques sheete

    A graduate degree in anything but math and science related subjects is practically proof of brainwashing.


  180. JackOH 说:

    ThreeCranes, thanks.

    I had to scour my memory again for the bits I recall about that radio story, and why it startled me. There was a brief interview with a man who had to haul water in his own containers from a relatively distant source, call it Point X. I don’t know if Point X was a fire hydrant fitted with taps, or something else. The point he made was that until recently water was distributed either to his house or to a much closer location than Point X.

    That’s what shook me. If the Jo-burg administration can’t or won’t recognize the failure to distribute water as something worthy of urgent action, I don’t know what to think.

  181. @Jeff Stryker

    Consider that most don’t even know who both their parents are.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  182. Mike P 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    OK, point taken. I was referring though to making a living by actually farming, not as a pretend-farmer on the dole. And while unlike you I did not farm myself, my parents did.

    Your remark on the required learning to go beyond book-learning is of course spot on. My grandma had all of 7 years of schooling, but was one of the shrewdest and all-around most capable women I have ever met. She had gotten that way through a lifetime of running a farm.

    Edit: you will have noticed the cult of white IQ in these pages. If there is anything to it, consider that for most of the time during which it would have evolved, most white people were farmers.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Stan d Mute
  183. 我的一个亲戚从1955年到1985年住在南非。
    He loved the country, but about the blacks ‘no good for anything’.
    After 1985 he often visited the country, as he said ‘all whites want to leave, but most of them financially are not able to do it’.
    They now have self rule, and self destruct the country, is my opinion.
    In the beginning of self rule next to any black official there was a white who did the work, the black playing with the pc and being driven in his official car.
    Now it is ‘A bullet for a Boer’.
    A new Zimbawbe.
    Maybe we should reinstall colonialism in many parts of the world.

  184. @Okechukwu

    A situation where the 8% white population owns 80% of the land is one that’s ripe with the potential for revolution. It’s better to redistribute the land with an orderly, legally-sanctioned process.

    Well yes, as far as it goes, but I’m willing to bet it’s not so much a white vs black issue as it is a .01% vs the rest of us.

    Do you see the goof in the picture holding a sign calling for the killing of all whites? Who put that fool up to it and who’s paying it? It reminds me of the sentiments expressed below, and you can bet there’s likely big money behind all of them.

    There was a prominent American anthropologist who advocated exterminating Germans during WWII:


    第二次世界大战期间,胡顿提出通过让大量非欧洲男性移民慢慢渗透到德国人民中来消灭德国人民,从而在他们身上滋生“战争菌株”。 [10]
    1939 年,罗德学者、20 世纪初“杰出”人类学家、哈佛大学的“教授”欧内斯特·A·胡腾 (Earnest A. Hooten) 在其著作《犯罪与人》(Crime and the Man) 中复兴了意大利犯罪学家隆布罗索 (Lombroso) 的“幼稚”理论,这是基于误导性的统计数据。
    1943 年,Hooten 为纽约日报撰写了一篇题为“从德国人中培养战争压力”的文章。 它主张通过大量非欧洲男性移民来消灭德国人,以“摧毁德国民族主义和意识形态”的“远亲繁殖”计划。

    西奥多·N·考夫曼 (Theodore N. Kaufman) 着有《德国必灭亡》(Germany Must Perish),他是曼哈顿出生的商人,也是“美国和平联合会”(American Federation for Peace) 的主席。

    在他那听起来很疯狂的长篇小说中,有 2 章的标题是“5。 “战争的制造者有福了”:和“7。 德国之死。”


    The Germans are not human beings…We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day… If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet…If you kill one German, kill another – there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses… Kill.

    “The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish
    community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany…”

    –Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934

    “Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child.”

    –”professor” A. Kulischer, October, 1937

    For the “bright ones” who claim that those are outdated quotes and that they don’t apply, I’m posting them to show that the sentiments are nothing new, and to suggest who may be the slime behind them. I suspect we have similar motives at play here, and that Mercer is a pot stirrer who likely doesn’t give a lick about the white farmers.

    • 回复: @Malla
  185. @Okechukwu

    Do not think the Boers stated the land was empty.
    When the Boer War with GB was beginning a Boer general told his wife that this war would be quite different from the wars with the local tribes.
    Cannot now remember where I read the statement.

  186. @Meretricious

    Consider that most don’t even know who both their parents are.

    That is one of the many grotesque consequences of the chattel slave trade, I think. Also, are you aware of the fact that slave owners sometimes “bred” their slaves to increase the stock? If that was your great great great granddaddy how would anyone know?

    Blaming the victim is easy, apparently satisfying to some, but not too bright.

    If you can get hold of your emotions, you may want to pursue the issue by asking “Cui bono?” and remembering to follow the dollar.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @bucky
  187. @jilles dykstra

    After 1985 he often visited the country, as he said ‘all whites want to leave, but most of them financially are not able to do it’.

    Financially are not able to do it?

    I wonder if our resident “genius” (unsubstantiated) chalks that up to “laziness,” or are they just a bunch of shiftless slackers, or what?

  188. @Mike P

    If the implication is that farmers are stupid, you’re quite wrong.
    The problem is that old literature took common people for granted, mainly archeology provides us with insight on how they lived, and how they adapted to changing circumstrances, climate, technical improvements, such as the use of iron other than for warfare.
    The development of the plough, and the social consequences, quite fascinating.
    Even the availability of oats, making it possible to switch from oxen to horses.
    克莱夫·庞廷,“世界绿色史”,1992 年,伦敦
    理查德·伯顿(Richard F.Burton),“东非的第一个足迹”,1856年,2000年,科隆
    小林恩·怀特(Lynn White Jr.),《中世纪技术与社会变革》,牛津,1962年

    • 回复: @Mike P
  189. @jilles dykstra

    Maybe we should reinstall colonialism in many parts of the world.

    It’s already here, Sweetie.

    Guess who’s colonized virtually the whole world with their various pecuniary schemes and big guns?

  190. Bucky 说:

    The funny thing is that you keep on doing this tactic. Because the African mentality is about dominance and not about reason. And then you guys cry about being dominated by others.

  191. Memory line.
    Going down the memory line.
    First white people entering Sub-Saharan Africa were hunted down by Black natives, were put in big cauldrons boiled and than eaten.
    What I do find totally disgusting was the fact that they were eaten without spaghetti, without mustard, without catsup, and even without any type of salad.
    (But than what can you expect from hunter-gatherer society.)
    And to be fair white people did the same thing 6 thousand years ago.

  192. Malla 说:


    And many blacks are not? Not all obviously.

    A regressive

    By whose standard?


    And black tribes/ethnic groups in South Africa are not clannish at all? What are you smoking?

    The Boers that are already overseas and embarrassing their hosts with their conduct aren’t helping the rest.

    No embarrassing liberals you mean, the same fools pushing pan sexuality on everyone.
    How is the The Day of the Vow racist? Afrikaners as a tribe fought Zulus as a tribe. The Zulu king double crossed the Afrikaners. This does not mean I am saying all Zulus are of this nature, this is just one incident. The Afrikaners fought a remarkable war and won.
    20000 Zulus attacked a mere 460 Voortrekkers. The Voortrekkers circled their wagons and won. 3000 Zulus were slain and only 3 Voortrekkers were injured. This was one of the most remarkable victories in human history and it becomes even more remarkable if one realizes that the Zulus were not a pushover people but a Spartan like warrior nation. Other blacks like the Xhosas were terrified of them and even the British, the biggest empire builders in the world respected the Zulus and took them seriously.
    Facing 20,000 warrior Zulus is no joke, so the Voortrekkers promised God that if they won, they would build a church to mark the day and also keep the story alive. God gave them victory and they are keeping their side of the deal.
    This is not necessarily racist. Calling this racist is just a way by libtards and the commies to attack and undermine Afrikaner culture.
    And during this battle, there was no nation called South Africa, South Africa is a British created nation, the Afrikaners who lived peacefully in their two republics did not want anything to do with this British created union, which was part of their larger empire.

    In India many Hindus celebrate Hindu kings who fought and defeated Muslim forces. In Western India, the Marathis celebrate the Warrior king Shivaji Bhosle for delivering them from much more powerful Muslim rulers like the Mughals. But it does not necessarily have to be anti Islamic. 120 million Muslims live in India and yet Marathis celebrate Shivaji the King.
    Similarly the Day of the Vow is part of Afrikaner culture and just because some liberal clowns calls it racist does not make it racist.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  193. Malla 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Maybe we should reinstall colonialism in many parts of the world.

    Not worth the effort. Indeed find ways to get those Whites who want to leave but cannot leave, out of there.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  194. Tunie 说:

    Anti White racism LOL No, people hate whites, because of the exploitation, colonization, rape, ACTUAL genocide and land theft. White’s should not be in Africa. Period!

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  195. Tunie 说:

    The Colonizers and Oppresors are now the victims. please! The list of attocities commited by whites in Africa let alone South Africa is nearly infinite. The Dalit, Aboriginals and Native people’s who hate those, who harmed them are all anti-white racist? lol WOW

    Also, this thread has so much misinfomation and revisionism. White farmers in South Africa are descendants of Europeans, who stole land. They did not pay fot it. It doesn’t matter if Black there can farm or nor. They have the right to their land and self determination. Canadian and American Europeans wiped out entire Tribes. In Canada, they Hunted Natives for sport.

    Luckily, the Chinese will help force whites out of Africa.

    • 回复: @Malla
  196. @jacques sheete

    That is tough, not knowing what country you are originally from. Of course African-Americans are principally West African. Still, they cannot fly a particular flag or have a drinking holiday or a culture like Italians do.

  197. @Tunie

    I’m sure every Boer agrees with you, but links to Holland are too distant now for them to have a claim to citizenry.

  198. Okechukwu 说:

    But gasbags like Malema say otherwise.

    No he doesn’t. Malema has said that he cannot imagine South Africa without its Boer citizens. What he wants is a fair and equitable redistribution of land and assets. He does warn that a continued deferment of a reasonable dispensation could lead to violence.

    Those lands where people were evicted in the past, they may be returned but a large part of the land was not owned by any Africans. There are some land where people were forcefully evicted and in those cases they may be returned.

    That’s a principled stand. But I think you’ll find that land reform in South Africa will be rather less favorable to black claimants than even what you’re suggesting. To the degree that a transfer might cause significant stresses on the economy, the SA Supreme Court will regard white land tenure a fait accompli.

  199. @Malla

    Mandela understood that the whites kept the S African economy going.
    The Tjechs evicted the Germans, Sudetenland industries fell apart.
    The Ugandans evicted the Indians, from India, a Dutch friend of mine who was in Uganda at the time told me what happened to a cement factory.
    The Indian owner regularly cleaned the roof of cement dust, the new Uganda owner did nothing, with the first rain the roof collapsed.
    It is what you want, Rhodesia was a prosperous racist country, Zimbabwe is a mess.
    The mentioned book describes how economically driving out the Germans the mentioned areas deteriorated.
    Dutch Indies income per head in 1940 was reached again in the seventies Indonesia
    Pre WWI Russian income per head was reached again in the thirties in the USSE

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
    , @Okechukwu
  200. @Malla

    The Boer war with the Zulu’s casualty figures may well be true.
    索利·扎克曼(Solly Zuckermann),《从猿到军阀,自传,1904-46年》,伦敦,1988年
    who grew up in S Africa about what was left of the original inhabitants, next to nothing.
    The Zulu’s were not an unorganised rabble, a mighty Zulu army, just clubs and spears, hacked to pieces a small British army with shrapnel cannon and repeater rifles.
    But, as Churchill said ‘the higher civilisation has the better weapons’.
    I often wonder if it is not the other way round, ‘who has the better weapons considers itself the higher civilisation’.
    Alas, all through history there was development of weapons, often very costly.

  201. Okechukwu 说:

    It is just that in North America, blacks are not much into farming but it is a different story in Africa and the Caribbean.

    Slaves were skilled farmers. After them there were sharecroppers who were also highly skilled. There was a significant disruption in continuity when racial violence and systemic institutional racism forced blacks to flee their farms for the urbanized areas further north. Nevertheless, the black farming tradition never quite died out. Today there is a resurgence of black farming in urban areas and on more traditional small and commercial holdings in rural areas.

    Detroit’s urban farms: engines of growth, omens of change


    Number of Black Farmers in U.S. Is Growing, Thanks in Part to the New Policies at the USDA


    Bad news brother! Some of those lazy dumb White toilet cleaners have returned and the industrious hard working black farmers are celebrating this return. They are having a party. What is wrong with the black brothas?

    On the contrary, it’s great news. Black people are not vindictive, malicious people. We adore white people like this farmer. Robert Smart is the ideal candidate for restoration, albeit under radically different terms and conditions from what white farmers enjoyed prior to liberation.


    当地酋长彼得·坦迪 (Peter Tandi) 带头游说姆南加古瓦政府,让斯马特先生及其家人返回。 “当土地改革计划开始时,他自愿将自己的庄园交给社区。 他继续在技术知识、设备和其他投入方面帮助我们,”坦迪先生说。

    “那个人在战争期间支持游击队……他给了我们一个躲避殖民政府士兵的地方,”退伍军人和当地 Zanu-PF 官员 Gift Maramba 说。


    Many people have a gross misapprehension of Zimbabwe’s intentions as regards white farmers. Not just any tom, dick and harry racist asshole can get his land back in Zim. Only the likes of Robert Smart are eligible.

    • 回复: @bucky
    , @Wally
    , @Wally
    , @Malla
  202. @Wally

    Russia also stands against the Sabbatean-Frankist cult that has poisoned the West since the eighteenth century.

  203. Okechukwu 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Maybe we should reinstall colonialism in many parts of the world.

    The colonialists will need to be bulletproof this time around.

    • 回复: @Wally
  204. @Mike P

    OK, point taken. I was referring though to making a living by actually farming, not as a pretend-farmer on the dole. And while unlike you I did not farm myself, my parents did.

    My dad was raised on the farm and left it for a career in engineering. I grew up around the farm, visiting weekly, and lived there for a couple decades as an adult. I didn’t plant or harvest (not commercially), using sharecroppers (oh my!) instead, but maintained the property with standard farm equipment like dozers, loaders, hoes, etc. And of course owning a farm all your neighbors are farmers too so you have a pretty thorough understanding of the business. I learned to drive on an 8N and have zero squeamishness about blasting varmints or burning/exploding brush/trash – just a couple differences from most city kids (I’m a Detroit ghetto born guy).

    There aren’t that many first gen off-the-farm people around anymore. I’m curious how your parents’ experience shaped you. Their (and my dad’s) generation is the last of a breed. For a look at modern farmers, there’s a YouTuber called “Millennial Farmer” who films his day-to-day life. It’s all USDA and Monsanto and John Deere driven, not enormously different from say driving a Government funded bus according to a pre-determined route. The “real” farmers can be ID’d by their gray hair, wrinkles, limp, and missing digits or limbs (as well as their conspicuous absence from the EWG database). A good EMP attack would probably result in 75% of America dying of starvation nowadays since nobody is left who can diagnose a problem with the points on a 6V tractor ignition system. But hey, as long as we can surf FaceBerg from the cab of a $500,000 tractor it’s all good yes? Also note the coming fully autonomous “drone” tractors…

    OT: The Monsanto RoundUp verdict! I was diagnosed with the big C after fifteen or so years of massive RoundUp exposure. Maybe Stan can get in line for some Monsanto $$$. At last I could make a real contribution to iSteve’s cause.

    • 回复: @Mike P
  205. @FromSA



    但你太愚蠢了,无法理解黑人的本质并选择继续生活 黑色 大陆。我出生在底特律贫民窟,但我很聪明,不会住在那里。

  206. bucky 说:

    Black people are not vindictive, malicious people. We adore white people like this farmer.

    What’s funny about this statement is Robert Smart was forced off of his land by the black revolutionary government. They shot teargas and changed the locks.

    That sounds like a vindictive and malicious action towards someone who had been very good to the local African people.

    Now, they do deserve credit for expressing some remorse and welcoming back, but the fact that this happened in the first place is a problem.

    All of this imagined glory that is so prevalent among African peoples is like a fevered opium dream. It only drives envy and destructive rage, which leads to them shooting themselves in the foot by evicting men like Robert Smart, thus disrupting economic activity and societal stability. Or, for that matter, burning down entire city blocks out of nationalistic rage which was what BLM was doing in 2015.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  207. bucky 说:
    @jacques sheete

    If that was your great great great granddaddy how would anyone know?

    You can argue about *为什么* something is the way that it is. But the fact *是* that most blacks don’t know who the father is. And there have been plenty of generations since this great sin for them to change, as well as a cultural norm of nuclear family for decades which encouraged it. That this is still the case means a failure of will or lack of desire for change.

    Or maybe that just isn’t how Africans are? In Africa, it is common for a big man to take on multiple wives and have dozens of children.

    This is the culture of “baby momma” which implies that the man only wanted the girl as a sexual plaything and nothing beyond that, and oops she got pregnant. It is an incredibly callous and mysogynistic term, and it is the norm in those communities.

    文化 *是* 因为它 *是* currently. The reason may very well be slavery, or it may stretch back to African cultural traditions. That is up for debate. But that really is the past, and it appears many don’t have the will or the desire to change this culture.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  208. Wally 说:

    “The colonialists will need to be bulletproof this time around.”

    Indeed, leave it to dumb Africans to chase away the very people that improved dumb Africa.

    Now look at Africa, can’t even feed themselves.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  209. Wally 说:

    Note that the links by racist ‘Okechukwu’ indicate that ‘black farmers’ are having their hands held by whites.

    ‘Making Detroit bloom’? I’ll believe it when I see it. LOL

  210. Wally 说:



    “非洲酋长是互相开战,俘虏自己的人民并卖掉他们的人。 如果有人道歉,那就应该是非洲首领。 即使到今天,我们仍然在这里有叛徒。”

  211. @jilles dykstra

    I still cant figure out who are the Tjechs.

    There were never any industries in Sudetenland and there never will be.
    The land is basically mountainside used for agriculture mainly planted are the hobs vines.

    The Ugandans evicted the Indians, from India,

    This one really puzzles me. Where are are all the Indians today. On Mars?

  212. Mike P 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    If the implication is that farmers are stupid, you’re quite wrong.

    Yes, I would be quite wrong – but I was trying to make the exact opposite point. Farmers, particularly in the olden days, had to be well versed in vast number of skills. I had the opportunity to meet quite a few of them, not least among my own relatives, and I always found them to have good sense and judgement.

  213. Okechukwu 说:

    What’s funny about this statement is Robert Smart was forced off of his land by the black revolutionary government. They shot teargas and changed the locks.

    It was a misunderstanding that was rectified upon further review. Revolutions are never without innocent victims. Millions of innocents had their heads lopped off or were otherwise shot and dumped into mass graves in various European revolutions. What happened to Robert Smart was a girl scout outing by comparison. Besides, the intransigence of white farmers on stolen land and their unwillingness to compromise was what led the war veterans to finally take matters into their own hands after patiently waiting for 20 years. That offers a cautionary tale for South Africa, be reasonable and compromise or lose everything.

    Or, for that matter, burning down entire city blocks out of nationalistic rage which was what BLM was doing in 2015.

    I don’t recall BLM buring down any city blocks. But I do recall white sports fans rioting and burning down everything in sight after victories or defeats.

    Or how about white globalization or Occupy Wall Street or G20 protesters who go on orgies of violence and destruction?

    Or how about jealous and hate-filled whites who burned down entire black neighborhoods and business districts out of sheer envy of high achieving blacks?

    Or how about the New York Draft Riots where white mobs intentionally burned down an orphanage filled with black children?

    Or how about the Johnson/Jeffries riots in which white mobs hunted down and murdered innocent black men, women and children simply because a white man lost a boxing match to a black man?

    I can go on and on. Do you want more?

    • 回复: @Wally
  214. Okechukwu 说:

    Indeed, leave it to dumb Africans to chase away the very people that improved dumb Africa.

    Now look at Africa, can’t even feed themselves.

    Prior to colonization, hunger was an unknown quantity in Africa. Europeans were the ones burdened by constant famines, which was one of the many reasons they fled that shithole en masse for distant shores.

    Don’t worry about Africa. It took Britain over a thousand years to get itself together after Roman occupation. Africans are doing it in a fraction of the time. Today some of the fasting growing economies in the world are in Africa. Every major international corporation is setting up shop there, wanting to take advantage of the human resources and brain power there, the energy, the vitality and the youthful population that will double and triple over one or two generations.

    • 回复: @Wally
  215. Mike P 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    I’m curious how your parents’ experience shaped you.

    Well, by the time I was born, my parents had already sold their (small) farm, and my father was enrolled in university. My mom lived with her brother and helped with his farm; but by the time my memory sets in, that period was over. So for me it was all second-hand, stories told by my parents and visiting with my mom’s relatives, who continued to farm themselves.

    Re. Monsanto verdict – cursory reading of abstracts listed on PubMed suggests that the carcinogenic effect of glyphosate is either weak or absent. How the court reached its verdict I don’t want to speculate, but I notice that the U.S. justice system regularly produces outcomes consistent with the view that the entire system exists for the very purpose of being misused (i.e., that it is just another racket). I hope of course your big C is under control or gone for good.

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  216. @bucky

    It is the savanna rhythmic screwing beneath the hot African sun and there was no need for a mercantile or trade civilization to develop because women were not materialistic due to being satisfied by the big black dongs of the black.

    Consequently civilization developed along the lines of Alpha studs as oppose to inventors or merchants.

    This is why blacks make good pimps and Alpha breeders.

  217. Corvinus 说:
    @mark green

    “In So. Africa, the black majority is now confiscating (without compensation) white-run and white-owned farms that white pioneers created centuries ago.”


    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Malla
  218. @Mike P

    I hope of course your big C is under control or gone for good.

    I’ve always been annoyed by this kind of politeness or virtue signaling or whatever. I don’t know why it bothers me so much. It started when my mother was dying of C and with my health issues has never stopped. I know it’s because either (1) we don’t know what else to say and silence is awkward or (2) it’s the FaceBerg Syndrome and before I began being annoyed by it I was as guilty as anyone so I’m not busting your balls here, just saying that some of us would prefer either silence or a “sucks to be you doesn’t it?”

    Anyway, as with many young C patients, the cure is a long term death sentence. Aggressive chemo and radiation carry long term costs that are moot for older patients but doom for younger patients. They buy you some time and the question really becomes one of quality of life during that temporary reprieve from death. Fortunately, before the side effects of having my life extended by a couple decades can kill me, I’ll be killed by side effects of medical implants. Life is day to day or even hour to hour for me. Then again, isn’t it so for everyone (whether they know it or not)? I’ve died once already so that experience doesn’t frighten me, it’s almost exactly like pre-surgical anaesthesia – just a slow warm fading into darkness. For me, it will bring welcome relief. Family will suffer (or celebrate as the case may be) but I can’t help that either. Some say it sucks to die young, but I’ve spent a huge amount of time around hospitals and nursing homes and know it sucks to get old too. Nobody gets out of here alive anyway.. Check out the Netflix doc called Bleeding Edge if you’re ever in the mood for some depressing reality.

    • 回复: @Mike P
  219. Okechukwu 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    The Ugandans evicted the Indians, from India

    Deservedly so. The British knew they had nothing to fear from the docile Indians, so they set them up as merchants and traders rather than having Africans perform those functions. The Indians eagerly took on the mantel of second class citizens to their British masters, with perfect contentment as long as they could vilify and racially abuse the third class citizen Africans. Against this backdrop, I consider Idi Amin a great hero for getting rid of them.

    Indians have always been a nefarious force in Africa, exemplified recently by the treachery of the Gupta family in South Africa.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  220. Wally 说:

    “Indians have always been a nefarious force in Africa, exemplified recently by the treachery of the Gupta family in South Africa.”

    Your anti-Indian racism is showing.

    • 回复: @bucky
    , @Malla
  221. Wally 说:

    “Stole” from people who were not even there … good luck with that.

    But then you are a Zionist who supports the racist, violent, & very real thieves of “that shitty little country”.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  222. Wally 说:

    Laughably said:
    “Today some of the fasting growing economies in the world are in Africa.”

    “Fastest growing” compared to what?

    “Europeans were the ones burdened by constant famines, which was one of the many reasons they fled that shithole en masse for distant shores.”

    What “constant famines”? Caused by what?

    “Shitholes” that dumb Africans are running to like the incapable, unproductive & lazy dummies that they are. LOL

    “Every major international corporation is setting up shop there, wanting to take advantage of the human resources and brain power there, the energy, the vitality and the youthful population that will double and triple over one or two generations.”

    Please list all these corporations and where they are setting up shop.
    Tell us who started these corporations?
    Who created the goods & services that they want to sell?
    It’s not low IQ Africans, that’s for sure.

    Still waiting for you statistics concerning your hilarious assertion that ‘white So. African’s are living like royalty’.

    • 回复: @Andrew E. Mathis
  223. bucky 说:

    They deserve it. Ever interact with Indians? They are wanna-be Jews. But while Jews at least have evolved in response to criticism, Indians often grasp for the ugliness. You know how all of those tech support scams are coming out of India? The Chinese operate in gray areas, sure, but they don’t go for outright lying like Indians do.

    Read up on the Guptas. It’s pretty disgusting what they’re doing to SA.

  224. Corvinus 说:

    ““Stole” from people who were not even there … good luck with that.”

    The native Khoikhoi people were there way back in the 1600’s, you shill.

    “But then you are a Zionist who supports the racist, violent, & very real thieves of “that shitty little country”.”


    • 回复: @Wally
  225. Wally 说:

    It’s revealing that you ignore massive BLM violence in Baltimore, Berkeley, Baton Rouge, Ferguson, & St. Louis, on & on.

    You mean the orphanage where children were not harmed. Oops.

    The Johnson/Jeffries ‘riots’ killed how many exactly. Three?
    That’s about a few minutes worth of 24/7/365 black on white murders that would be called ‘genocide’ if the victims were anyone else.

    What ‘high achieving black neighborhoods’ did whites burn down? LOL
    The claim is an oxymoron and a lie.

    The limited Occupy Wall Street silliness, which BTW had many blacks, was a mere pittance compared to the 24/7/365 violence & destruction by low IQ blacks.
    Do tell us how many blacks were killed compared to murders by blacks.

    ‘White sports fans”, are actually ‘white & black sports fans’, & they hardly ‘burn down everything in sight. You are desperate indeed.
    Do tell us how many blacks were killed compared to murders by blacks.

    “I can go on and on. Do you want more?”

    Since you have made a fool of yourself, I suggest you stop. for your own good. LOL

  226. mcohen 说:

    South africa in the 1800’s was open country.British empire surveyors divided the land up into farms and they were then sold off to whites to farm.this enterprise was bankrolled by british financial institutions.blacks farmed in areas but it was small scale subsistence and cattle and not commercial style European style farming.once mining companies started extracting gold commercial farming kicked off as immigrants arrived and black labour populations increased.

    Let us not bullshit anymore.

    1.from day one blacks were uneducated cheap labour that with white university trained engineers etc built the infastructure.wages were low.a dollar a day as comparison

    2.black labour on farms a dollar a month

    3.afrikaaners fought the British for independence and lost the war and became apartheids enforcers to keep the country and the mines running.the blacks were slowly educated and uplifted

    4.white afrikaaners were vilified and abandoned by the british even though they fought the wars and worked the mines.

    Therefore british empire must resettle and compensate each and evey afrikaaner.

    British empire tried the same shit in israel but they will not get away with it.

  227. Mike P 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    I’ve always been annoyed by this kind of politeness or virtue signaling or whatever.

    Didn’t mean to upset you. In this particular case, I simply wanted to prevent coming across as hostile or callous, to make clear that my taking sides with Monsanto wasn’t personal. But I guess you knew that anyway.

    Maybe I can just wish you a good evening then. And if that is again too much virtue-signalling, just call me names over nice, cool beer.

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  228. crimson2 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    the idea of whites leaving US like they did Flint or Detroit scares you.

    Scares me? Lol, if you and your white nationalist buddies want to leave the US, I’ll start a Gofundme for it myself. White supremacists have been holding this country back for a long time..

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  229. crimson2 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Amazing that people who were kidnapped don’t know their roots.

    And why do you racists always assume that anyone who isn’t racist is not white? I’m Norwegian.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  230. Mike P 说:

    And why do you racists always assume that anyone who isn’t racist is not white? I’m Norwegian.

    So we should assume then that all Norwegians are white? I think you are racist.

    But jesting aside, you are right that racism is holding back the U.S. – particularly if it takes the form of “affirmative action.”

  231. bj 说:

    The Cape area was occupied by the Khoekhoe(Hottentots, Bushmen) when the Dutch Boers arrived sponsored by the Dutch East Indies Company. The Afrikaner Boers expanded from the Cape east to the Fish River where they encountered the amaXhosa.

    “AmaBhulu – The Birth and Death of the Second America-Harry Booyens” is a history of the Boers in South Africa, narrated as Harry Booyen’s family history. I am reading the book and recommend it as a real history, instead of the agenda driven historical narrative of many comments on this thread.

    Review from Amazon…..”This is a book that all liberty loving people should read, and share with their friends and family. Dr. Booyens’ attention to detail and thorough reconstruction of historical events provide a window to the history of South Africa that is all encompassing and masterfully researched. To understand the history of AmaBhulu (the white tribe of Africa) is to understand sacrifice, determination, and persecution, beyond anything that we can ever learn from a biased mainstream media and liberal worldview. As bad as apartheid was, it pales in comparison to life under the communist controlled ANC and the return to tribalism and anarchy that has only accelerated over the past decade. The lessons to be learned from abandoning ideas that work, for ideologies and causes that are designed to fail, should cause alarm for thinking citizens in 21st Century America. This thought provoking book foretells a world without the 20th Century American vision of freedom; hell bent on defeatism, political correctness and nihilism. This book is a must read and will remain a true Afrikaner historical classic for many generations to come.”

  232. Wally 说:

    “The native Khoikhoi people were there way back in the 1600′s, you shill.”

    These nonads were where?

    Prove they were in South Africa before Europeans, Zionist redneck trash.

    • 回复: @Andrew E. Mathis
    , @Corvinus
  233. bj 说:

    “I am not for the killing of white people, at least for now!”

  234. @Wally

    As far as anyone can tell, the Khoi have been there forever. Literally since humans have existed. And they aren’t nomads.

    • 回复: @Wally
  235. @Mike P

    my taking sides with Monsanto wasn’t personal. But I guess you knew that anyway.

    Maybe I can just wish you a good evening then. And if that is again too much virtue-signalling, just call me names over nice, cool beer.

    Call me a skeptic on Monsanto, the jury may be in, but I’m still out in the wilderness on it. I distrust most studies reflexively as I find they too often “prove” whatever the funder hoped they’d prove.

    And a simple, “Sucks to be you brother, cheers!” would have sufficed but no worries. Much more meaningful (to me anyway) would be, “Damn, you made me laugh out loud” or “I’d never thought of that before.” Save the feelz for the girls, they seem to crave that shit…

  236. @crimson2

    The difference is you don’t see Bush and Trump going to Johannesburg and dancing with people who sing “Kill the Boer.” I don’t know why this sort of thing needs to be explained to people, but when you say things like “these yokels have to blame the black guy so they can feel superior for once in their dull lonely lives,” it says more about you and your perspective than anyone else.

    • 回复: @Crimson2
  237. Truth 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    …But almost no black Americans have any idea where they are from.

    Now there’s a shock…

  238. Truth 说:

    Damn, O-Dawg is obliterating you guys one at a time.

    Need to step it up, White Men.

  239. here’s 4 white guys who have escaped the S.A. Cannibal’s Pot:


    no thanks to Ilana Issacsohn-alias-Mercer though

    or her daddy the “anti-apartheid” rabbi

  240. mcohen 说:
    @Andrew E. Mathis

    That is a fact and an african success story.obama was the first us president to visit and address the african union and it was a positive move that will have implications for the future.


  241. Malla 说:

    The British knew they had nothing to fear from the docile Indians, so they set them up as merchants and traders rather than having Africans perform those functions.

    Your bullshit has been disproved in another page of unz. But you keep your stupid bullshit going. Indians were no docile people far less docile than blacks. The history of Indians in South Africa is proof. Blacks (in general) could not compete with Indians in business in general and hence looting of Indians due to jealousy. Typical black childish jealousy. The Indians did not help, they did not show any interest in native black cultures and in general treated the native blacks as some kind of untouchables but we Indians tend to do it to everybody not only blacks.

    Indians have always been a nefarious force in Africa

    This is true up to a large extent. But that is why White African rule was important to prevent nefarious Indian behaviour. Most black governments will be helpless to Indian interference in the long term.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Okechukwu
  242. @crimson2

    The tough and Alpha Norwegians all moved to the Upper Midwest in the 19th century.

    • 回复: @Crimson2
  243. Malla 说:

    White pioneers stole, not created.

    No you are wrong as usual. They created a technologically a far superior society than that was already there. And the natives took advantage of that advanced society and still are taking advantage of what was created.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  244. Malla 说:

    The list of attocities commited by whites in Africa let alone South Africa is nearly infinite.

    Communist rubbish. Whites topped slavery in Africa and brought superior technology which helped the natives. If Whites wanted they could have more or less exterminated the entire black population with ease, they did nothing of the sort and were not interested in anything of the sort. Without Whites coming in all of Africa would have become a vast Arab colony of slaves. The Arabs were pushing south relentlessly.

    The Dalit, Aboriginals and Native people’s

    What ganja are you smoking? Dalits? The Whites helped the Dalits from the brutality they faced from upper caste Hindus. All this communist politically correct brain washing is producing a population of idiots.

    White farmers in South Africa are descendants of Europeans, who stole land.

    Some land yes but not all. Most blacks are descendants of the big bantu expansion where bantu blacks stole land from pygmies and bushmen like tribes.

  245. Malla 说:

    Black people are not vindictive, malicious people. We adore white people like this farmer.

    LMFAO。 大多数(不是全部)黑人是人们甚至可以找到的一些最具报复性的人。 充满了幼稚的嫉妒。 同样,并非所有黑人都这样。

    The farmers are celebrating because they are tired of Mugabe;s mismanagement and remember the better days when the land bloomed under White farmers. They remember the good days when Whites farmed the land and the land bloomed, working conditions were better etc… That is why they are celebrating. The White farmers of Africa are some of the best in the World, true gems of talent.

    Robert Smart is the ideal candidate for restoration, albeit under radically different terms and conditions from what white farmers enjoyed prior to liberation.
    Only the likes of Robert Smart are eligible.

    Your B.S. has no limit. Yet your hero Mugabe kicked Robert Smart out of his farm.

    On the contrary, it’s great news.


    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  246. Malla 说:

    I wonder if you know of the genocide of Arabs by blacks in Zanzibar.


    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  247. Malla 说:

    Zimbabwe’s loss of talent has been to the benefit of other African countries. The idiot buffoon Mugabe, in order to hide his incompetence mismanagement of Zimbabwe decided to misdirect the anger of black Zimbabweans towards the talented White farmers bringing misery to his own country. But other African countries have been quick to pick up this White Zimbabwean talent like a kid in a candy store.
    Zambia for one

    White farmers thrive in Zambia years after driven from Zimbabwe

    Zambia is reaping the benefits of Zimbabwean farmers

    White farmers thrive in Zambia years after driven from Zimbabwe

    Me thinks these White farmers are idiots to stay in Africa, should have left the continent. But Zambia will benefit enormously from the talent of these farmers.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Okechukwu
  248. Malla 说:

    Mozambique did not want to be left behind in getting their hands on this farming talent.

    Zimbabwe’s white farmers start anew in Mozambique

    Rhodesian farmers coming to Mozambique

    Zimbabwe’s loss, Mozambique’s gain.

    • 回复: @Malla
  249. @Malla

    The British imported Gujarati traders.

    Like the Chinese in Southeast Asia, once they get a hold on the economy, the society as a whole is screwed.

    Koreans in the LA ghetto were equally despised, as were the Jews that got “burned out” in the 1968 riots.

  250. Okechukwu 说:

    Your bullshit has been disproved in another page of unz.

    By you? I think not. I wiped the floor with you back then too.

    Indians were no docile people far less docile than blacks. The history of Indians in South Africa is proof.

    The British imported Indians specifically to form a buffer of docility between themselves and blacks. The British understood that as prideful, self-respecting people, educated Africans would quickly deduce that no one was better than them. Indeed, that’s exactly what happened. Ultimately, it was educated Africans that refused to live under the yolk of colonialism.

    If you read Gandhi’s quotes from his time in South Africa, much of it is devoted to his lamentations over Indians not being elevated to a station above the “kaffirs.” He doesn’t want to rise to the level of whites, perceiving himself inferior, he only wants to rise above blacks.

    The history of Indians in South Africa is proof. Blacks (in general) could not compete with Indians in business in general and hence looting of Indians due to jealousy.

    If Indians have such great business acumen, we would expect to find manifestations of their excellence in India itself, and we don’t. This is a massive country of 1.3 billion people with a meager GDP equal to the combined market caps of Apple and Amazon. What you fail to understand is that the Indians in South Africa were not seen as a threat to the white population or the apartheid system. However, blacks were seen as a grave threat so they developed a vast infrastructure of persecution to keep blacks down. While Indians also faced persecution and discrimination, it was not of the pervasive, stifling kind faced by blacks. An unfair competition is not a real competition.

    The Indians did not help, they did not show any interest in native black cultures and in general treated the native blacks as some kind of untouchables but we Indians tend to do it to everybody not only blacks.

    Well then your getting banished from Uganda was eminently justified.

    But that is why White African rule was important to prevent nefarious Indian behaviour.

    You ought to try white rule in India. Maybe they can assist you with your public defecation problem. Or the tortuous bureaucratic inertia that results in almost complete dysfunction. Or the aching poverty that places Indians below Africans in terms of wealth per capita. Or the rampant corruption. Or the filth and squalor.

    Most black governments will be helpless to Indian interference in the long term.

    Any wealthy person with a disposition toward corruption and exploitation can interfere with third world governments. India is no less vulnerable. Any African billionaire could just about overthrow the Indian government.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  251. Okechukwu 说:

    LMFAO。 大多数(不是全部)黑人是人们甚至可以找到的一些最具报复性的人。 充满了幼稚的嫉妒。 同样,并非所有黑人都这样。

    我相信这是你的投射。 黑人以其随和的精神以及宽恕和遗忘的无限能力而著称。 另一方面,印度人被认为是诡计多端、两面派、贪婪、嫉妒和报复心强的人。 此外,他们的卫生状况通常很差。

    农民们正在庆祝,因为他们厌倦了穆加贝的管理不善,并记住了白人农民在土地上绽放的美好时光。 他们记得白人耕种土地、土地开花、工作条件更好等等的美好时光……这就是他们庆祝的原因。

    Upthread 你会看到我的帖子,在那里我提供了关于人们为什么庆祝的大量证据。 这与穆加贝或对所谓的美好时光的怀念无关..等等等等。 君子在解放战争中再次支持自由战士。 此外,解放后他自愿放弃了他的农场,他完全知道这片土地在某个时候从合法所有者那里被盗了。 更进一步,在放弃他的农场后,他继续以任何可能的方式帮助和帮助人们。 相反,任何回到津巴布韦去拿回他的农场的白人至上主义愚蠢的前罗得西亚农民都可能会得到一颗子弹。


    They don’t actually farm. They sit on their asses and shuffle paper. If you knew anything about running an enterprise you would understand how these things work. The white farmer in Africa was far removed from the actual process of farming.


    Your attempt at face-saving after getting destroyed with your own citation is the very definition of failure. You’re the one that introduced Robert Smart. But you hadn’t done your homework and left yourself wide open for my kill shot.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Sk
  252. Malla 说:

    Hell, even Nigeria is taking in this White African talent and benefiting. Bathroom cleaners indeed!!!

    13 hardy farmers from Zimbabwe boost Nigeria

    Zimbabwe’s white farmers find new start in Nigeria
    Even South Africans are going to Nigeria and some of the largest growers of Cassava and some of the biggest dairy farmers are now White Africans. The local Nigerians are happy and are living well with the White farmers and the local areas are seeing a lot of development.

    More from Mozambique

    The New Voortrekkers – Mozambique
    Boers in Mozambique

  253. Malla 说:
    @Andrew E. Mathis

    Fastest growing means nothing if you are starting from a much lower base. Ethiopia was cursed with years of brutal communist rule, the commies killed the Emperor and buried his body in a bathroom. At the same time wars and the separation of Eritrea took it’s tool. And after any war, there is going to be a lot of development as there is a lot of things to be built and thus you get growth. This has also been the case with Angola.
    The Chinese coming in and building great infrastructure also helps a lot. They have driven a lot of African growth. But will this growth sustain? We have to see. India is also a wonderful growth story, Western media is jumping all around like monkeys screeching about the India story. I live in India, things have improved but to be honest it is all a hype and it is very doubtful India is ever goona become a first world country, EVER. There have been similar hypes about Brazil and Turkey before it all fizzled out. I guess De Gaulle had joked once something of this like, about Brazil, that there has been hopes of Brazil for a long time in the last century only to fizzle out, the world has been hearing about African success stories for decades now. Growth is beneficial to international investors who want more returns on their investment. Thus developing countries are all the rage but these countries always contain risks.
    So lets us control ourselves and see if it continues into the long term. The massive reduction in global poverty stats of the UN has primarily been China. China’s great achievements skewed the statistics of the Third World as a whole.
    The best black African success story has been Botswana to be honest. The best African story was Apartheid South Africa, Namibia, Rhodesia and even Mauritius where the population is more than 60% Indian. One more success story (though not as successful as pre 1994 South Africa) was Libya before it was destroyed by the Western elites.

    Indeed if you ask me the future looks pretty dark for both the Indian subcontinent and Africa (and the whole world to be honest). With massive improvements in AI and robotics and automation, we are going to see a LOT LESS jobs in the future as most jobs will be automated. Both Africa and the Indian subcontinent has a huge young population. It is likely, most will never get a job, ever. Even the Indian government which was dancing around the world singing songs of ‘Demographic Dividends’ is not seriously cautioning about a ‘Demographic Disaster’.

  254. APilgrim 说:

    Strangely, Dead White Farmers do not harvest their crops.

    Grains ———- FY2014 —– FY2015 —- FY2016

    Total Exports — $556M —– $330M —– 290M

    Total Imports —- $607M —- $594M —– $908M

    South Africa – Agricultural Sector Last Published: 7/19/2017, https://www.export.gov/article?id=South-Africa-agricultural-equipment

  255. Malla 说:

    The British giving some advantage to Indians in East Africa is pure nonsense. The Indians went to East Africa as labourers to build the great railway projects of the British East African Empire. It is because of the sweat of Indian labourers and British brains that, that part of Africa had an infrastructure before the Chinese moved in. After the completion of the projects, the East African Indians became businessmen. Locally called dukkawallahs (dukan means shop in Hindi and dukkawalas comes from hindi dukkanwala or shopkeeper) traveled far and wide among dangerous tribes in the interior and built commercial networks. V.S. Naipaul writes about this in his book ‘North to South: an African Journey’. According to him both the blacks and Whites there are scum, both deserve each other he writes and it is the poor Indians who suffered.
    These dukkawalas went into interiors where no British colonial or other blacks would go. They worked hard and built commercial networks and later became industrialists. They drove the local economies. It is said that the Indians via their network knew what was going on in other parts of the lands before the slow blacks knew anything, they ran circles around the slower blacks, because of their faster more agile brains. Of course they culturally remained aloof from both the blacks and the Whites but that is the nature of Indian people. Indian people tend to do this even in White, Arab and East Asian lands. This is something I do not approve of the Indians there. They should have shown some interest in the local cultures and been more friendly. But very few Indians think like me, we are a very insular people. This is one complaint of the blacks I agree with. Also Indians do not invest back into the economy as Whites or even East Asians do as Indians are a mercantile people. Business people. Whites are better than Indians as they are more honest and they ‘become of the land’ and wherever they go, the local standard of living improve. Indians stick to Mother India wherever we go and the improvements are much smaller. Same with Arabs. The Chinese are in between Whites and Indians. I would prefer the Chinese to Indians and Arabs if I were the president of a black country, hands down. And I am not even talking about the Israelis who run a lot of things in the continent behind the scenes and even start civil wars at will, by riling up the dumb tribal blacks. The Israelis are gonna be involved in Africa like forever now. No escape from them.
    So we see that the local Indians with hard work, ambition and talent built great business empires in East Africa. The jealous blacks, always jealous and full of their little pathetic envies, just looted the Indians out with devilish glee. No wonder, the economy of Uganda contracted when the Indians left.
    If one thinks Indians are more docile, he is an idiot. Before the blacks, Indians were the ones who were protesting in South Africa. many blacks got radicalized due to Indians. Of course the Indians wanted the Whites gone as they knew the corrupt black governments would be hapless in front of the more mentally agile Indian businessmen. No wonder the Guptas took over power so fast, before them a Muslim south Asian businessman had bought up the government. This would be impossible during White rule as the White Afrikaners would have kept Indians in check. No wonder the Guptas ran a psych op in South Africa riling up the dumb blacks against the Whites.

    But there is going to be a massive expansion into Africa by Indians and Arabs in the future. PM Modi is talking about this and will happen soon. No escape. Cling to the Chinese as we will be seeing an Indian/Arab/ Israeli tsunami of business expansions into Africa and thus exploitation. No escape.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  256. APilgrim 说:

    Agrarian Land Reform (AKA Communism, Farm Seizure, Socialism) continues to produce: STARVATION, POVERTY, DISEASE, & DEATH, beyond your wildest nightmares.

    Recent Examples: Rhodesia, Venezuela & South Africa

  257. @crimson2

    “Holding the country back”

    What kind of homosexual Lutheran cuckold are you? The type that imports Somalians into Minneapolis?

    Why are you on THIS blog? Everybody is going on and on about Jews and Zionism and you’ve focused on me.

    I’m more than happy not live with a Section 8 down the street and having to choose between cable television and Catholic school for my kids so they don’t end up in a public school full of Beans, Trailer Trash and Hood Rats.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @Crimson2
  258. @Malla

    Its not THAT simple-the country was the possession of Oman and had been since Sinbad discovered Zanzibar centuries earlier (The Roc was based on some Elephant Bird the Omani Arabs hunted down to extinction).

    There was a bloody revolution but that was because Oman would not grant Independence to Zanzibar.

  259. Malla 说:

    我相信这是你的投射。 黑人以其随和的精神以及宽恕和遗忘的无限能力而著称。 另一方面,印度人被认为是诡计多端、两面派、贪婪、嫉妒和报复心强的人。 此外,他们的卫生状况通常很差。

    Nope, not at all , you are gloating rubbish. Of course I do not speak of all blacks as all kind of people are found in all races and ethnic groups. Blacks are noted for their easy going spirit that is true but blacks are also noted for being thieving, lying, cheating, childish, violent, extremely envious, unpredictable, vindictive, indolent, not taking responsibility and being very duplicitous. Blacks on the positive side also have a reputation of being fun loving. Again I am not saying all blacks have the negative traits I have mentioned above. There are decent civilized black people and I have come across them.

    Once again, the gentleman supported the freedom fighters during the war of liberation.

    What rubbish, Mugabe drove him away from his farm. And the fact that he helped the black terrorists and still got driven away shows what a bunch of scum Mugabe and his men are. Your clownish pathetic attempts at putting a positive spin is wasting everybody’s time. Everybody can see that is not the main reason the villagers are celebrating. The villagers are celebrating as they have suffered a lot under Mugabe and his dumb clownish policies and now with the coming of the Whites there will be prosperity and stability.

    They don’t actually farm. The white farmer in Africa was far removed from the actual process of farming.

    Your imaginations and dreams do not make reality. They do and their expertise makes these farms so successful. Most of the workers do the grunt work.

    Your attempt at face-saving after getting destroyed with your own citation is the very definition of failure. You’re the one that introduced Robert Smart. But you hadn’t done your homework and left yourself wide open for my kill shot.

    More nonsense to cover up the fact that attempt at positive spin failed.

  260. Malla 说:

    By you? I think not.

    No by a poster named Art Deco.

    I wiped the floor with you back then too.

    Typical black gloating with gas. You only wiped your face as you were sweating.

    The British imported Indians specifically to form a buffer of docility between themselves and blacks.

    Again gas talks. Your desires and wishful thinking does not make reality. The British brought Indians to build the railways as the local blacks were lazy, indolent and unreliable.

    The British understood that as prideful, self-respecting people, educated Africans would quickly deduce that no one was better than them. Indeed, that’s exactly what happened. Ultimately, it was educated Africans that refused to live under the yolk of colonialism.

    Only in your dreams. that is not how exactly it happened. The Communist agents riled up the blacks as Douglas Reed has shown in his books. The Communists riled up the blacks against the Whites not because they cared about blacks but because they wanted the Whites gone. before that blacks were more or less happy with White rule.

    If you read Gandhi’s quotes from his time in South Africa, much of it is devoted to his lamentations over Indians not being elevated to a station above the “kaffirs.” He doesn’t want to rise to the level of whites, perceiving himself inferior, he only wants to rise above blacks.

    When the Indians were revolting blacks were happy with their condition. Indians wanted separation with blacks because blacks had a higher propensity to commit crime, were more violent, and were from a tribal background as against Indians who come from 3000 years of civilization. Whites considered all darkies to be one. Indians do not even like living with Whites and Chinese, forget blacks by a thousand miles. Indians in those days would have been very conservative and strict caste laws dictate a lot of rules of life. Touching humans who ate beef is considered a sin in Hindu, Jain and even Sikh culture. But I do not expect an ignorant idiot like you to know this. I do not approve of these caste rules but I am just explaining the psychology of Indians back then.

    If Indians have such great business acumen, we would expect to find manifestations of their excellence in India itself, and we don’t. This is a massive country of 1.3 billion people with a meager GDP equal to the combined market caps of Apple and Amazon.

    LOL the whole of Africa isn’t much better. Even though Africa has ten times the land as the Indian subcontinent with the same population and loads of resources. Armenians have very good business acuman, in fact in the Ottoman Empire there was a saying that “it took two Turks to fool a Greek, two Greeks to fool a Jew and two Jews to fool an Armenian” . Armenians are one of the most sucessful business community in the world but Armenia is a shithole (better than Africa though) even though it is so close to Europe . Mercantile peoples are good at becoming market dominant minorities in other countries but cannot build a first world country themselves. For building a first world country you need populations like the Germans, English, Japanese, Koreans etc…

    The British imported Indians specifically to form a buffer of docility
    What you fail to understand is that the Indians in South Africa were not seen as a threat

    Indians were not a threat in numbers as Indians are less than Whites in South Africa. Blacks had threat in numbers. Your stupid braying of docile Indians is proven flat wrong by the fact that Indians were never enslaved in the same way as blacks, because White knew that Indians cannot so easily be enslaved. This is true for both Asian Indians and American Indians. As an American general once said‘The Red Indian resisted and perished, the blackman submitted and survived.’.
    Once slavery ended in the Caribbean, the Whites took Indians as SERVANTS not slaves. Whites were in India from 1600 and above, why did they not take Indians as slaves but only blacks? This is because they know that unlike black Africans, Proud Indians cannot be enslaved so easily. But once slavery ended, the Whites did not take any more blacks. They took Indians as servants (not slaves) as the freed slaves were lazy and dumb. Hardworking, industrious, intelligent Indians were preferable. What you clowns do not realize is that had the transatlantic slavery not taken place, the Caribbean would now be full of Asian Indians not blacks.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  261. @Malla

    Indians did know where Africa was on the map until the British hauled them there as laborers; Gujarati being parasitical merchant types quickly brought enough capitol to run businesses that Brits could not be bothered to.

    • 回复: @Malla
  262. Malla 说:

    Well then your getting banished from Uganda was eminently justified.

    Me, when did I get banished? No sensible government would do that. Anyways Indians have gone back to Uganda and are again the main pillar of the economy which is recovering. Idi amin took his looted wealth and retired in Saudia. The cars he bought came from an Indian dealer and thus Ugandan wealth went to Indians. Amin dada cried ‘Hey Allah, why can’t I escape from these sneaky cunning industrious Indians?’. He cried a lot and the tissues he used, unknown to him, ere bought from a store owned by an Indian from Jeddah. LOL

    Maybe they can assist you with your public defecation problem. Or the tortuous bureaucratic inertia that results in almost complete dysfunction. Or the aching poverty … Or the rampant corruption.

    Sub Saharan Africa faces all of the above problem. So I guess White rule it should be.

    Or the filth and squalor.

    What filth and squalor? Lagos, a tiny city in India is as clean as Tokyo. Have a look.

    Any wealthy person with a disposition toward corruption and exploitation can interfere with third world governments.

    Very true. Not only third world, even first world governments are vulnerable to this. Just like the recent Indian tycoons, the Adanis buying influence in Australia. And let us not get started on the Jewish lobby.

    India is no less vulnerable.

    It is less vulnerable but vulnerable none the less.

    Any African billionaire could just about overthrow the Indian government.

    LMFAO. I would love see some such billionaire try. No really.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Okechukwu
  263. Malla 说:

    What you fail to understand is that the Indians in South Africa were not seen as a threat to the white population or the apartheid system. However, blacks were seen as a grave threat so they developed a vast infrastructure of persecution to keep blacks down.

    Not as simple as that. They tried the same thing with Indians but mercantile Indians still became very rich. Indians bought some influence in the White government, Jewish style, to allow Indians more freedoms. If it had been a black government, they would have bought it up complete but since it was a White government there were limitations, the Afrikaners kept us in check. That is why Indians wanted the White government gone and thus many supported the ANC, so that they could buy up the future black government. Which they did with ease.

    From Douglas Reed
    “All things are comparative, and the outcry which is often raised at United Nations meetings, about
    the treatment of the Indians in South Africa rings false to those who observe how seldom the
    roofless Bantu is mentioned there. The Indians of Natal enjoy the same advantage, in these
    international poker-games, as the Political Zionists. They are wealthy and have powerful friends in
    those places; the Native, like the native Arab of Palestine, has none, so that his rights or wrongs go
    equally unheard.
    Thus Mother India, which cared not a fig for these orphans when they went to seek their own fig tree in Natal, is loud on their behalf, and is often supported by the humanitarian Liberals of London and New York, who rejoiced to see the Palestinian Arabs driven from their native sands. What Mother India’s game is may emerge in the next half-century, as the unexpected results of Mr. Gandhi’s political thought have appeared from the last one. Pandit Nehru once remarked with emphasis that ‘India happens to have 300,000,000 people’, and on another occasion that ‘Colonialism must end’. Indian Colonialism, however, may be just beginning. ”

    We bought influence baby. hehehe

    Also you cannot explain why Indians run the economy in Guyana and Trinidad & Tobago, both nearly 50-50 Asian Indian-Black. Blacks were there earlier but the more matured, industrious, intelligent, later migrant Indians easily took over the economy, run the economy today and they let the childish blacks run the Police (to keep them busy and feel important).

    South Africa may expel its Whites to its own detriment (the Jewish run world does not allow other nations to care about the Whites) but if it tries the same monkey business with South Africans of Indian ancestry, the Government of the Republic of India will not make it so easy. It is not Indira Gandhi during Amin days anymore. She did not care shit about the Ugandan Indians, it was Britain who save the Indians to its own detriment (Britain is now full of lefty anti British Indians running all around). The situation is different this time. The Hindu nationalist BJP are in charge and will be for a long time.

  264. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Yeah that’s true. Indians dominate black economies very easily.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Okechukwu
  265. @Malla

    Indians are not allowed to own businesses in Saudi Arabia.

    The Arabs are wary and distrustful of Indians.

    The guy who sold the tissues was merely an employee.

    • 回复: @Malla
  266. Truth 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Why are you on THIS blog? Everybody is going on and on about Jews and Zionism and you’ve focused on me.

    Hey Dawg, you always wanted to be a celebrity.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  267. @Malla

    As do Pakistanis (UK black neighborhoods) and Koreans (Los Angeles) and Jews (Previously) and Arabs (Detroit).

    Money being the only language Gujarati speak, there is none of the pretense of making English citizens out of blacks that Brits bring. It is simply “give me your money, Negro”.

    Gujarati are also stereotypical Indians-slimy, rude, haughty, bellowing, skinny with pot bellies, sweaty…and so on.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  268. @Truth

    I come to this blog to learn from the opinions of others.

  269. Corvinus 说:

    “No you are wrong as usual. They created a technologically a far superior society than that was already there.”

    Red herring. The fact remains white pioneers stolem not created. What comes around, goes around, right?

    “And the natives took advantage of that advanced society and still are taking advantage of what was created.”

    Without a doubt, but at the expense of their freedom and natural resources.

    Fair tradeoff. (sarcasm)

  270. Malla 说:

    The fact remains white pioneers stolem not created

    Stole technology from Africans? Are your out of your mind?

    but at the expense of their freedom and natural resources.

    Expense of their freedoms? What ganja are you smoking? Europeans banned slavery in Africa. Without Europeans coming in at the right time, all of Africa would have become a source of eunuchs and sex slaves to the Islamic world.

  271. Crimson2 说:
    @Stripes Duncan

    So Obama supposedly incites violence, but the murder rates go down. How stupid do you have to be to believe that?

  272. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Gujarati are also stereotypical Indians-slimy, rude, haughty, bellowing, skinny with pot bellies, sweaty…and so on.

    True, they are quintessential desis. So are Marwais. Strangely there are few Marwaris outside of India compared to Gujrati but in India Marwaris give the Gujjus a run for their money. Gujjus have taken over the country as we speak. Industrial tycoons Ambanis and Adanis are basically the shadow government of the country. Now we have the Modi- Amit Shah Gujarati gang who dominate the BJP government politically. Modi is in love with Jews and Israel. In one instance it seemed like Netanyahu and Modi would even smooch each other. Modi, Satanyahu’s new girl friend. hehehehe.
    Freaking disgusting. I feel like puking.

  273. Okechukwu 说:

    No by a poster named Art Deco.

    LOL. I vaguely remember that name. I don’t believe you have the intelligence to appreciate what constitutes effective debating. Post the link and let’s judge for ourselves.

    Only in your dreams. that is not how exactly it happened. The Communist agents riled up the blacks as Douglas Reed has shown in his books. The Communists riled up the blacks against the Whites not because they cared about blacks but because they wanted the Whites gone. before that blacks were more or less happy with White rule.

    Actually, my dimwitted friend, Africans had been fighting and often defeating European colonial powers for hundreds of years before the advent of communism. (See Warfare in Atlantic Africa by John Thornton and The African Wars by Chris Peers). It wasn’t until the Europeans developed modern weapons in the mid to late 19th century, and made a pact among themselves to keep those weapons out of African hands, that they were able to gain a strong foothold within Africa. Prior to that time Europeans served as vassals to African kings are were confined to coastal enclaves at the kings’ pleasure. But even after Europeans introduced modern weapons, resistance persisted. The Basuto Gun War was one such conflict which Britain lost and sued for peace. There were many others, including the Anglo-Zulu wars, the Anglo-Ashanti wars, the Anglo-Aro war, the first Chimurenga in Zimbabwe, the Adwa war, etc. All of these conflicts pre-date communism.

    I am stunned that you would regurgitate the unsophisticated propaganda slogans of cold war-era European colonialists whereby revolutionary nationalist movements were described as communist inspired with an aim to drawing the United States into the conflict. Brutal dictators throughout the world would adopt the same language, branding all forces in opposition as communist conspiracies.

    When the Indians were revolting blacks were happy with their condition.

    Indians were meek and subservient. The only revolt they participating in was the Bambatha Rebellion. Even then they sided with the British against the Zulu after special pleadings from Gandhi himself. Here again Gandhi demonstrated his unique talent for obsequiously licking the asses of his white masters. But the servile Indians could not be trusted with weapons or command so the British allowed them to act as stretcher bearers and latrine cleaners.

    Indians wanted separation with blacks because blacks had a higher propensity to commit crime, were more violent, and were from a tribal background as against Indians who come from 3000 years of civilization.

    Everybody has a 3000 year old civilization. And Indians are not without their criminal proclivities as anyone who’s ever encountered their call center scammers can attest. Btw, Indians are more tribal than Africans.

    Indians do not even like living with Whites and Chinese, forget blacks by a thousand miles.

    Let me ask you, who likes living among Indians? They’re a dirty, filthy, smelly people. And their ridiculous so-called religion enjoins them to worship all kinds of vermin as sacred and sacrosanct. So living among Indians comes with a real likelyhood of an infestation of rats, cockroaches and other disgusting creatures.

    LOL the whole of Africa isn’t much better. Even though Africa has ten times the land as the Indian subcontinent with the same population and loads of resources.

    There’s a vast desert ocean in Africa called the Sahara. Below the Sahara the rest of the continent is extremely inhospitable to human life. Most of the interior is a vast, elevated plateau cut off from the narrow coastal plain by mountains and escarpments. The coast has few useful harbors, and rapids make most of the rivers unnavigable. Deserts and jungles cover huge areas. The soil is often too poor to support agriculture and droughts and floods make farming precarious. Furthermore, malaria and a host of other endemic diseases are ever-present, affecting people and their livestock.

    Shiny objects aren’t real resources. Africa has a dearth of the critical resources required to sustain life and to flourish, among them location. India has always been in the middle of all the action, has always had a much more livable environment and has always been along corridors of trade, commerce and the exchange of ideas. Yet it remains a reeking shithole of a nation.

    Your stupid braying of docile Indians is proven flat wrong by the fact that Indians were never enslaved in the same way as blacks, because White knew that Indians cannot so easily be enslaved.

    If you seriously believe that indigent, illiterate Indians cannot be enslaved then you’re even dumber than I gave you credit for. In fact Indians were enslaved in South Africa by your beloved white masters.

    INDIAN SLAVES IN SOUTH AFRICA: A little-known aspect of Indian-South African relations by E. S. Reddy

    Soon after Jan van Riebeeck set up a Dutch settlement at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652 to supply provisions to Dutch ships plying to and from India and the the East Indies, people from India were taken to the Cape and sold into slavery to do domestic work for the settlers, as well the dirty and hard work on the farms.


    Gee, I wonder why on a continent teeming with black Africans the Boers went out of their way to import Indian slaves .Well the obvious answer is that the pliant and submissive Indians were born for servitude. If they tried to enslave a Zulu they’d get an assegai to the heart.

    This is true for both Asian Indians and American Indians. As an American general once said‘The Red Indian resisted and perished, the blackman submitted and survived.’.

    Native Americans were slaves in America, dummy. And they suffered an even more horrific form of slavery in South America under the Conquistadors. Everybody can be enslaved. Everybody has been enslaved. Over a million Europeans were enslaved in North Africa. Many of their owners and overseers were black Muslims (See White Gold by Giles Milton).

    Battle-hardened white POW’s were enslaved in WWII. If it can happen to soldiers, it can happen to anyone.

    What you clowns do not realize is that had the transatlantic slavery not taken place, the Caribbean would now be full of Asian Indians not blacks.

    That would be the same black Caribbeans in Haiti that kicked the asses of the three strongest European armies of the time, conducting the ONLY successful slave revolt in history? Here, let’s take a look at how “weak” those black Caribbeans were:

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  274. Crimson2 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The tough and Alpha Norwegians all moved to the Upper Midwest in the 19th century.

    The toughest moved to Montana, which is where my family is from.

  275. Crimson2 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I love reminding fuckwits like you that your time is up. If you can’t handle it, tough.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Jeff Stryker
  276. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    What I meant was Indians who succeed in the UK or USA or Singapore tend to come from Middle class intellectual mercantile elite background. Slum dweller background people remain poor and crap in these countries. Same with Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. The reason why Bangladeshis and Pakistanis do so much worse in the UK compared to Indians is because most of them Mirpuris (Pakistanis) and Sylletis (Bangladeshis) are peasant slum stock. Middle class background Pakistanis and Bangladeshis do just as well as Indians. But in Africa and Caribbean, it seems any slum dweller rat from India/Pakistan/Bangladesh can go and become a king.
    If we Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis export our Middle classes to the West/Singapore and our slum dwellers to Africa/Caribbean, we will the richest population group on earth.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  277. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Indians are not allowed to own businesses in Saudi Arabia.


    Top 100 Indian Business Owners In The Arab World 2018, Forbes List

    “Billionaires of Indian origin, based in the Gulf, have a collective net worth of $26.4 billion, according to Forbes’ World’s Billionaires 2018.

    Having made their fortunes these top businessmen are now investing heavily, both in the region as well as in India. Lulu International Group is ramping up its presence in Saudi Arabia and now has 30 stores in the kingdom. The company plans to pump in more funds to the GCC’s largest economy with $136 million earmarked for investment in the next two years. Billionaire B.R. Shetty, who founded both UAE Exchange and NMC Health, is investing millions in education and healthcare within the Middle East and in India through public private partnerships model.”

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  278. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Also it seems Gujaratis have driving the Ultra orthodox Rabbis in Antwerp out of their diamond business and taking over. Even in New York, Indians are taking over, out competing Orthodox Jews. Idiots like Ochwuku does not realize while his rag tag Africans dig holes in the ground to get the diamonds, there are Gujrati Indians doing the wheeling and dealing and making millions of dollars a day of them diamonds in the international market with Jews. Dumb blacks shoot each other over diamond wars, go down dynamite infested mines and poor half naked black African kids are panning leech infested streams while rich Gujarati Indians smoke Cuban cigars, wearing Italian suits and make billion dollar deals with orthodox Jews in London, Antwerp and New York over those same diamonds.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  279. @Malla

    In my experience (Which is that of a Gora, however) most Indian Muslims are criminal types.

    Because only Brahmin and Gujarati merchants or white-collar type Indians can get through the US immigration system, of course whites will not be mugged by Brahmin kids in Edison, New Jersey.

    This has a backfiring effect, because American whites who go up to Canada have been known to be mugged by Sikhs in Brampton or East Vancouver.

    So you gauge a country by the wealth/caste of the Indians that are admitted. Whatever Brahmin have done in India do diminish the advancement of the general population, I’d rather have them as immigrants than low-caste Bangladeshis whose kids are going to form gangs and sell drugs.

    • 回复: @Malla
  280. @Malla

    I know Lulu Hypermarket well through my time in Kuwait and because he was Malayalam Muslim he was able to get Kuwait backing.

    In Dubai-and I ran a business there-you have to have a local partner/sponsor. You cannot simply open an LLC with no local partner. That is impossible. Franchises will have local sponsors in Saudi.

    Of course LULU caters to Keralites and Tamils so Saudi will consent to allow the business to operate on some profit share split.

    But no Indian can just show up with NO SPONSOR or local partner and open a business in the Arab Gulf.

    • 回复: @Truth
  281. Okechukwu 说:

    Anyways Indians have gone back to Uganda and are again the main pillar of the economy which is recovering.

    A fraction of their original numbers have returned. They played the victim card masterfully in a way that would make the Jewish lobby green with envy. The Ugandans made concessions to them and created an atmosphere conducive to their success. But they’ve learned a very hard lesson and are walking on eggshells there, careful this time not to insult the dignity of their hosts. If they step out of line again the pogrom will be much more intense.

    What filth and squalor? Lagos, a tiny city in India is as clean as Tokyo. Have a look.

    This filth and squalor.

    You would think that people who live like this would not waste precious resources launching useless objects into space with stolen 60 year old technology.

    Very true. Not only third world, even first world governments are vulnerable to this.

    Not really. They do struggle with certain forms of internal corruption. But it’s much harder for outsiders to gain influence or promote certain objectives. The developing world has fewer safeguards and their functionaries are much less disciplined. We have business interests in many of these countries and almost every day we’re solicited by officials who want us to engage in certain practices that are unlawful for a US person.

    It is less vulnerable but vulnerable none the less.

    India is a cesspool of runaway corruption. It is very vulnerable. I know this from personal experience. I have an Indian-American associate whose uncle is a honcho in a certain government ministry. This uncle is hungry wolf with his hand constantly out for graft and under the table payments. If I were to give this guy a million bucks or even less, I could take over that entire ministry from behind the scenes. But I don’t operate that way. Even if I were so inclined, The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act provides a powerful disincentive.

    LMFAO. I would love see some such billionaire try. No really.

    Any person of means can do it. Europeans and Americans do it constantly but surreptitiously. You Indians do it infrequently but loudly. And then you go on to openly brag about it like the morons you are. You are simply overcompensating for your justifiable lack of self-esteem.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Malla
  282. @Crimson2

    That’s why blacks brains were damaged by lead-poisoning in Flint and other post-industrial cities…the whites fled and there was no longer any sort of economy that could sustain an infrastructure or basic amenities.

    Of course it happened in Haiti when all the whites were killed or fled. It is nothing new.

    Even if every black votes Democrat once the whites are gone the welfare will run out.

    And the world will look like Brazil.

    However, I’m not sure China or Russia will tolerate nuclear weapons in the hands of a veritable Brazil of Mestizo black Mulatto like the favelas.

  283. @Crimson2

    Apologize. You’re British by citizenship, so Flint does not apply.

    But look at Jamaica now compared to when Ian Fleming lived there.

  284. @Malla

    Jewish kids don’t want to run whore motels or sell shove diamonds in the road. They’ve gotten out of those business to become media moguls, lawyers, doctors, publishers etc.

    Gujarati are not going to take over the media or publishing from Jews. They don’t have the verbal dexterity or charm.

    They just developed excellent trading skills from living in the Thar desert where your life depends on buying and selling.

    Having said that, LULU is Muslim Malabari, so there are exceptions.

    • 回复: @Malla
  285. @Okechukwu

    I lived in India and I am white, so let me run it down-:)

    1) Kerala actually is cleaner and safer than Detroit where I am from. I’m a big white guy and not many Nair wanted to rob me but Kochi is quite clean and safe compared to some parts of the States.

    2) In the North, poverty is a result of a bunch of sub-groups who hate one another. Hindus, Muslims, low-caste, high-caste etc. In the South, the Brahmin were kicked out and things improved immediately.

    3) Indians have an odd cerebral makeup-they have high IQ but have the same impulse-control issues as blacks. As a result, their politicians steal. You can generally gauge the IQ of nations by the degree of corruption-Africa has so much that the shit is a joke and India has less and Sicily has less than Indian and Norway has less Sicily.

    4) Much of this is the result of high-birthrates. Brahmin women actually sterilize themselves after one or two children-I know because I have rooted them. Additionally, many Brahmin males are homos or child-molesters. Low-caste Indians on the other hand, have many children.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
    , @Malla
  286. Okechukwu 说:

    Yeah that’s true. Indians dominate black economies very easily.

    Funny how none of the African Lion economies that are experiencing robust growth have much of an Indian presence. Maybe that’s why they’re experiencing robust growth.

    • 回复: @Malla
  287. Okechukwu 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I appreciate your personal insights. One thing I would dispute though is the notion that Indians have a high IQ. I’ve had extensive dealings with these people and it’s like babysitting toddlers.

    • 回复: @Malla
  288. Malla 说:

    Indians were meek and subservient.

    Funny you say that. Asian desi gangs in the UK are beating blacks like a drum. Blacks are all terrified of desis.

    Blacks are terrorized by desi Asian gangs
    Check out 2.00 minutes where all the blacks bitch about Asian gangs
    3:03 Blacks cannot enter Asian areas
    8:56 to 10:40 minutes blacks crying like bitches and asians laughing like lords
    11:34 The black guy made the same mistake that you make, he though asians are passive and now when the asians fought back (tired of black crime and savage behaviour) and now the blacks are complaining like bitches.

    And maybe you should read about our great king Bajirao Peshwa


    In his military career spanning 20 years, Baji Rao never lost a battle. Docile yeah?

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
    , @Truth
  289. Malla 说:

    Indians were meek and subservient.

    Indian armies of the Sikhs, marathas, Mughals would have decimated joke African homo ‘armies’ on any damn battlefield. If all subsaharan African ‘armies’ of the 1800s were to land on Indian shores, they would not last a day with Maratha, Sikh, Mughal, Jat armies cutting the black africans up with ease.Would be a non event in Indian history, really.

    Indian armies on the other hand would conquer Africa with ease.

  290. Malla 说:

    Funny how none of the African Lion economies that are experiencing robust growth have much of an Indian presence. Maybe that’s why they’re experiencing robust growth.

    Thank the Chinese. Does not change the fact that Indians dominate black economies very easily.

  291. Okechukwu 说:

    Did you even watch the video? I saw blacks behaving like civilized human beings while the Pakis behaved like animals.

    I saw 20-something Paki thugs trying to intimidate an old black man who pretty much dismissed them as harmless wannabees.

    I saw a dignified black guy who said he was surrounded by a pack of Pakis but stood his ground, daring them to try something.

    I didn’t see anyone crying whatsoever.

    Hopefully your people won’t destroy this nice country I visit often. It may be time to round them up and ship them back to the Hindu Kush where they can get back to fucking their goats and young boys. They are meant for the civilized world.

    • 回复: @Malla
  292. Malla 说:

    Everybody has a 3000 year old civilization.

    Not really but I can understand your complex in this issue. Needless to say the royal structures of the blacks looked like this

    Where the Indians came from royal structures look something like this.

    Only a fool like you would think that there was any parity in civilizational achievements. Indians were a civilized people with 3000 years of civilization unlike the primitive blacks.

    Africans had been fighting and often defeating European colonial powers for hundreds of years before the advent of communism.

    You keep on proving to everybody that you are a low IQ idiot. I am talking about all those modern popular African nationalist movements post WW2. All supported by communist arms and American money.

    It wasn’t until the Europeans developed modern weapons in the mid to late 19th century, and made a pact among themselves to keep those weapons out of African hands, that they were able to gain a strong foothold within Africa. Prior to that time Europeans served as vassals to African kings are were confined to coastal enclaves at the kings’ pleasure.

    Europeans had very little interest in Africa except in the Southern parts. When they decided to show interest they conquered it with ease. There are far more examples of Indian armies defeating European armies than that. And black sub saharan Africans could do anything against Arabs and Muslims. Muslims and Arabs conquered blacks with ease whom they enslaved in droves. There was no Maharaja Maharana Pratap or Shivaji Raje Bhosle in Africa. The blacks fell down and kissed Arab feet. LOL

    Let me ask you, who likes living among Indians?

    Nobody likes living with blacks. When blacks move into a neighborhood, the prices go down.
    Who wants to live with smelly low IQ violent, animistic primitive people?

    There’s a vast desert ocean in Africa called the Sahara. Below the Sahara the rest of the continent is extremely inhospitable to human life. Most of the interior is a vast, elevated plateau cut off from the narrow coastal plain by mountains and escarpments….. Furthermore, malaria and a host of other endemic diseases are ever-present, affecting people and their livestock.

    blah blah blah excuses. Next.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  293. Malla 说:

    Native Americans were slaves in America, dummy…..

    If you seriously believe that indigent, illiterate Indians cannot be enslaved

    None of the non blacks became enslaved so easily as blacks. Indeed the arabic word for slave is ‘abeed’ which is also a word for blacks. native Americans and Whites were enslaved yeah, but they were too proud to be good slaves. So it did not last long and was a lot of trouble if it did. In South Africa, Indians were freed really fast as it was hard to make the proud Indian a slave. Blacks were naturally submissive but even then they did not make profitable slaves because of lazyness, greed and “give me dat” attitude..
    Eustace Mulkins writes

    “Cheap labor was needed, but the Indians refused to become menials, so they were killed or put on reservations. The New Englanders imported negroes, but they proved to be less productive than the cost of their keep, so they were sold to Southern plantation owners, where the climate was more suitable and their owners less demanding. Even so, their importation was soon discontinued as impractical.”
    LOL Blacks could even become profitable slaves. Good for nothing people, really.

    Obviously they would not enslave blacks in South Africa as they knew the land and would escape back to their kraals.
    Indeed blacks were nice docile slaves to Arabs until the 1960s!!! And ti was the evil YT countries of Britain and America who forced the Arabs to stop.


    Blacks are slaves in Yemen as I write, getting auctioned on the cheap. Nice docile slaves, licking their Arab massas. Abeed as they come.

    That would be the same black Caribbeans in Haiti

    One of those freemasonic fake revolutions liek nearly all the revolutions in the Americas including the American revolution, allowed to suceed. Toussaint Louverture was a freemason like George Washington and Simon Bolivar. Do the gematria numerology analysis of Toussaint Louverture to understand what I mean.

  294. Okechukwu 说:

    Zimbabwe’s loss of talent has been to the benefit of other African countries. The idiot buffoon Mugabe, in order to hide his incompetence mismanagement of Zimbabwe decided to misdirect the anger of black Zimbabweans towards the talented White farmers bringing misery to his own country. But other African countries have been quick to pick up this White Zimbabwean talent like a kid in a candy store.
    Zambia for one

    This is not colonial farming, dummy. The terms and conditions are radically different and favorable to the government. The farmers do not own the land, they lease it. They can’t sell it, bequeath it or encumber it against financing. They provide capital, seed, animals, equipment and infrastructure. And this isn’t the serfdom of Rhodesia. The workers have rights and the farmer has obligations to his workers.

    These programs are offered to farmers all over the world. It isn’t unique to Africa.

    • 回复: @Malla
  295. Malla 说:


    Did you ever watch the video? I saw blacks wimping and crying of being beaten like a drum by Asians. The black reporter would obviously try to paint a victim image of blacks. Those blacks are not civilized, civilised only for the cameras. They are all thugs.

    I saw 20-something Paki thugs trying to intimidate an old black man who pretty much dismissed them as harmless wannabees.

    The behaviour of the asians was not something I approve (especially to an elderly man) of but I guess it was in reaction to a typical black behaviour of arrogance. what is with most of you black people, become something in life and become arrogant. Maybe because blacks do not have a history of much achievements, so then when they actually achieve something, they drip of arrogance.

    I saw a dignified black guy who said he was surrounded by a pack of Pakis but stood his ground, daring them to try something.

    Dignified my ass, an arrogant cunt with an agenda. The Asians sensed it behaved they way they did. Respect for elders is part of Asian culture.

    Hopefully your people won’t destroy this nice country I visit often. It may be time to round them up and ship them back to the Hindu Kush where they can get back to fucking their goats and young boys. They are meant for the civilized world.

    LOL LOL LOL. Britain will benefit a million times more if we kick their black asses back to the jungles where they came from. Crimes will reduce and the average IQ will go up.

    • 回复: @Bucky
  296. Malla 说:

    One thing I would dispute though is the notion that Indians have a high IQ. I’ve had extensive dealings with these people and it’s like babysitting toddlers.

    Classic case of projection. Nearly all Indians who live in black countries joke about blacks being a ‘childish race’. And Indians are not the only ones who have that opinion. Nearly all non blacks.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  297. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Jewish kids don’t want to run whore motels or sell shove diamonds in the road. They’ve gotten out of those business to become media moguls, lawyers, doctors, publishers etc.

    Jews were BIG in the business until very recently and still are up to an extent. Jews became media moguls nearly a century back. The 90% diamond business is controlled by only 3 communities in the world – Ultra Orthodox Jews, Gujarati Indians and Hakka Cantonese Chinese. All mercantile blood sucking communities.

  298. Malla 说:

    I know that, you low IQ clown. But according to you they are toilet cleaners who never farmed. Yet the African countries want them. Your bullshit gassings has been proven wrong as usual . Not very hard to do.

    And most farm workers in Rhodesia were treated as well as they will be treated i.e. well. There was no serfdom in Rhodesia.

  299. Bucky 说:

    With all due respect, what is your take on the rapes going on in India? Some of the stories are really horrific, like the gang of men who raped a random woman and killed her. Or the tech support scams?

    It is curious how in Britain, which doesn’t have a history of slavery, black criminality is at similar levels, per capital, as America. America blacks are about 7x more likely to be doing serious crimes like murder or rape. Britain’s blacks are similar.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  300. Malla 说:

    They played the victim card masterfully

    What card? They were victims. All their wealth was looted by envious black savages. Uganda is not forgiven yet. It has billions of dollars of compensation to pay to the Indians and with time we will have to work on getting our rightful money back. We have forgiven but not forgotten.

    But they’ve learned a very hard lesson and are walking on eggshells there, careful this time not to insult the dignity of their hosts. If they step out of line again the pogrom will be much more intense.

    This time India will not stand quietly by. This is not Indira Gandhi rule.


    50,000 年,前军事统治者伊迪·阿明 (Idi Amin) 下令约有 1972 名亚洲人被迫离开该国,后者指责他们“榨取乌干达的钱”。
    当时,他们拥有该国 90% 的企业,占乌干达税收的 90%。
    Since their return to the country in the 1980s and 1990s, Asians from the Indian subcontinent have once again become a pillar of the country’s economy.

    In the years which followed, Uganda’s economy slumped.
    But when President Yoweri Museveni, who recently won a fifth term in office, seized power in 1986, he encouraged the exiles to return.
    现在,尽管他们只占人口的不到 1%,但据估计他们贡献了乌干达税收的 65%。 One of those who came back is today the country’s richest man, Sudhir Ruperalia, worth an estimated $800m.

    But it’s much harder for outsiders to gain influence or promote certain objectives.

    Check out the the Indian tycoon Adani’s influence over the Australian government.

    India is a cesspool of runaway corruption.

    Africa is way worse.

    Any person of means can do it.

    I would like to see an African tycoon do it. Not gonna happen.

    You would think that people who live like this would not waste precious resources launching useless objects into space with stolen 60 year old technology.

    At least we can, you losers cannot. Useless objects? Low IQ moron as usual. You need satellites for a lot of things.

  301. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    they have high IQ but have the same impulse-control issues as blacks

    Isn’t that the case with all brown peoples? Higher IQs than blacks but impulse control issues as blacks?

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  302. Malla 说:

    Well what can I say. Men are raping women. Men are desperate for sex and they sometimes rape women unfortunately. That is what is going on. Besides India has a skewed gender ratio. Too many men for women. It is a sausage fest. Even though China has the same problem, Chinese men have much better impulse control in this respect. Even the more tropical South East Asians have more impulse control than South Asians.
    A lot of the rape has to do with village people and slum dwellers not used to attractive women wearing jeans and modern clothing raping middle class women. Or raping White or East Asian women tourists because on average they are more attractive. Even women from the North East who are more mongoloid, face rape as they are more attractive than the mainlander Indians on average.
    So you have this case of excess of men and lower class women and village women on being more ugly on average then middle class city dwelling Indians (villagers from the northern states can be very attractive though), lower class/ village/slum dwelling men seeing more attractive middle class city girls wearing more modern cloths and well, they cannot control themselves.
    In villages, rapes are committed sometimes to insult another caste members or clans as well as sexual gratification. Rape reduce the honour of a clan and can lead to revenge attacks. Mostly it is upper caste men rapping lower caste men but there have been reverse cases too. Upper caste women are on average more attractive than lower caste women on average but there are exception attractive lower castes communities like the OBCs (Other Backward Castes) who are earlier upper caste members demoted to lower caste due to some reason or never became part of caste system to begin with. The real lower castes are the SCs (Schedule Castes) who are dark and ugly. their women are raped by upper caste men only to show their dominance and to keep the SCs in their place. Or raping the women of some rival clan over some vendetta. Or just sexual gratification seeking on seeing a woman in a vulnerable situation. many reasons…..

    Even some Middle class guys can rape but the probability is lower (maybe higher than Whites, but cannot say for sure) and in the middle classes there are a lot of cases of ‘date rape’ where the woman goes willingly for a night stand but because of fear of reputation puts false charges on the guy. Middle class westernized youth face similar problems as youths in the west. Not so for the lower classes and villagers.

    It is curious how in Britain, which doesn’t have a history of slavery, black criminality is at similar levels, per capital, as America. America blacks are about 7x more likely to be doing serious crimes like murder or rape. Britain’s blacks are similar.

    What does slavery has to do with anything? This is partly a genetic tendency. This does not mean each and every black person is a criminal and that no Whites are criminal. There are many civilized black people. But in general this is a genetic tendency among blacks for high propensity towards crime including rape and has nothing to do with slavery.
    Also blacks in both the countries have faced major cultural destruction via welfare, single mothers and rap culture making things even worse. It is a rejection of traditional values which makes things worse than it would be.
    Poor Whites have seen similar cultural destruction due to media influence (MK Ultra!!!) and feminism but not as bad as blacks.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Jeff Stryker
  303. Malla 说:

    Or the tech support scams?

    Tech support scams? Well in India scamming and cheating is common. And the police is corrupt and can be bought off. They are just taking the scamming and cheatin prevalent in a low trust society across the telephone to English speaking Whites who are from more high trust societies. Simple as that. And most do not have more remorse.
    These scammers will scam non Whites too, even Indians living in the west. They think Westerners are all rich millionaires and do not really know about life in the West. Partially it has also to do with hatred and jealousy of White people. We are kind off taught from childhood to hate White people. Why? This is a long story involving global Jewish elites and Hindu fundamentalists and communism and our fake ‘independence struggle’ and propaganda in education and media. Partially it is jealousy.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  304. @Den Lille Abe


    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  305. Truth 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Went I left Kuwait 2 years ago they were moving toward unsponsored businesses; and a whole lot of other radical changes, such as electricity bills.

  306. Truth 说:

    Those little pussies are supposed to be scaring someone?

    • 回复: @Malla
  307. @Malla

    IQ will only take you so far if you are impulsive or unable to regulate your reptile brain. Swedes can do this a bit better than Sicilians and Sicilians can do this a bit better than North Indians…and so on.

    Many Northern Europeans are dumb as posts. But if you plant them in a bureaucracy they will simply act like automatons. Italians and Jews in the US for example, have always made New Jersey more corrupt than Kansas. South Miami, run by white Cubans from Spain, is more corrupt than the Anglo-Celtics of Georgia.

    If you have a society of white Nordics who don’t cheat on their taxes or look for ways to pull a scam or cut corners, generally you have more social stability.

    As Derbyshire noted, the African refugees do not want to hang around Malta or Greece. They want to get to Germany or UK.

    This would be the reason.

    • 回复: @Malla
  308. @corstopitum

    取决于具体的城镇。来自甘斯拜或内陆地区的人是 100% 的荷兰人,来自古老的创始家族。

  309. @Malla

    I don’t think Dravidian grasp Jews as being separate to other whites. White is white. They don’t even think of whites as being anything other than British.

    Its possible that educated Baniya types know the difference and of course Indian Muslim have political reasons, but to common-or-garden Hindus white is white.

    Parsi and Brahmin are under no illusion that life is splendid in a London or New Jersey rundown neighborhood. None of them want to really immigrate to Edison. They are happy in Jo-Jo or the nicer parts of Andheri.

    • 回复: @Malla
  310. @Malla

    Most Brahmin are so effete and homo that I cannot really believe that they rape women. They don’t seem to have the physical aggression for it.

    Punjabi are the product of rape, historically-speaking. Aryans raped the original inhabitants, then Iranians raped them, then Scythian invaders raped them…then the homosexual Greeks showed up and sodomized the males which introduced the joys of anal man-on-man rape…then the Afghans showed up and raped everyone down to the lowliest goat…

    Being the descendants of looters and rapists, one almost wonders if rape is the Punjabi genome.

    Goa has so many skank female Western druggies lying around topless on Anjuna that it is a miracle that MORE are not raped. And it is not just Indians who rape them, but also Western tourists who go to India specifically to rape Norwegian coke whores and then simply blow Goa 2 days later because the Tourist Police are a joke.

    • 回复: @Malla
  311. @Malla


    Go down to Vasco beach and you will see white men “flogging the dog” in the water standing waist-deep watching girls and young women defecate. I’ve seen this. At least Indian males are not doing that.

    Of course white males in Goa fuel prostitution and you’d surprised how many of the broads doing it are married.

    Rape has always been huge in Goa. There are white rapists from as far-flung as the US who fly to Goa in tourist season knowing that many Norwegian or English women will be half-nude on the beach. Most of the white women will not report the rape, unless it is violent, and most of the white rapists will just do a “Bill Cosby” and offer some sleeping pill to some woman who is bouncing off the walls on cocaine or Ecstasy. She won’t report the rape to the Tourism Police, as they are notoriously lax and incompetent.

    NB Goa also gets professional white criminals who fly there once a year to burglarize other Westerners. One famous burglar that everyone knew (But could not prove) was a Portuguese heroin addict of about 50 named “Carlos” who’d been coming to Goa since the 70’s to rob other Westerners (I’m showing my age because this was in the late 90’s when I was young and partying in Goa).

    • 回复: @Malla
  312. Wally 说:
    @Andrew E. Mathis

    Laughable. That’s only in comparison to itself.

    The WB lends them some money and bingo! It’s then called “economic growth”.

    • 回复: @Andrew E. Mathis
  313. Wally 说:
    @Andrew E. Mathis

    Maybe the aren’t nomads now, but they certainly were. Get your facts right.

    • 回复: @Andrew E. Mathis
  314. Malla 说:

    Wow look at what Feminism has done to society. His mom spread her legs for a football star without getting married. That fact screws up a kid’s mind. They should have made it illegal to give welfare to women who have kids outside wedlock.
    Don’t the bloods and crips have chapters in London. Maybe the black midland lads should contact them in their fight against the Asians.

  315. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Yes true. What I was driving at is that mixed brown Caucasians like Middle Easterners, Indian subcontinentals etc… and mixed brown Mongoloids like South East Asians etc… tend to combine many traits of ice peoples and sun peoples. In average IQ, impulse control, looks , skin colour etc. brown folk tend to fall in between Northern Europeans/North East Asian on one hand and African/Australian/Papuan blacks on the other. Southern Italians, Greeks, Armenians fall in between Northern Euros and Middle Easterners and Somalis fall in between Sub Saharan Africans and Middle Easterners. Iranians are more European like compared to South Asians. Vietnamese are more similar to North East Asians compared to Indonesians. These traits vary, bit by bit progressively, as one moves south or north with a few exceptions here and there.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  316. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    South Asia (with the exception of Bhutan) is a place where Jewish like elites rule over a Gypsy like majority population. The whole thing is a scamfest.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  317. Malla 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Very interesting. I remember a old Jewish lady in Britain telling me ‘These English are Germans after all’. I wonder what the British soldiers, sailers and airmen would have felt fighting their brothers, the Germans for the Satanic World Jewry.
    It is strange that even in a country like Britain where for decades Jews have been safe and totally accepted, a nation who fought against Germany and Italy for Jewry, a country which they have destroyed by multi racialism and financial usury looting, a country they use as a base and front to loot third world nations (and then hide behind the British flag blaming the average Brits for the loot), they had this sense of the British being the other and a threat.
    This war in between Aryans and Jews is ancient and even spiritual. We non-White brown blacks, are just tools used by Jews against Whites, only for us to later live under their direct dictatorship.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  318. @Wally

    The Khoi weren’t and aren’t nomads; nomadism is marked by consistent movement; the Khoi have been where they are for at least 150,000 years. They moved there once, sure, but your ancestors presumably moved here at one point from Europe. Were your ancestors nomads?

    • 回复: @Wally
  319. @Malla

    Jewish-like elites-

    To white guy, South and North India are different countries. If they were different countries, South India might be like Singapore.

    Of course Tamil Indians were foolish to meddle in the affairs of Ceylon, another country.

    But that was a British problem to begin with because they brought the Tamils to Ceylon in the first place.

    • 回复: @Malla
  320. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Most Brahmin are so effete and homo that I cannot really believe that they rape women.

    Not always true. Many Brahmins are big and well built, some as big as Nordics , tho a lot of them are weak pussyboy, Jewish yeshiva student like. Many Brahmins have been fierce warriors like the Peshwas who extended the Maratha Empire decimating the huge Mughal Empire. Also the Brahmani Sultans who attacked Vijaynagar Empire were Brahmin converts to Islam.
    Anyways rape of lower caste women by upper caste men in backward Indian villages are quite common but the upper caste men could be Thakurs, Kshatriyas etc… may not be Brahmins compulsorily.

    Punjabi are the product of rape, historically-speaking. Aryans raped the original inhabitants, then Iranians raped them, then Scythian invaders raped them…

    All those people came all the way into the interior of India, not only Punjab. Scythians ruled all the way to Gwalior which is middle India. Nearly all Indians have some Aryan ancestry.

    Being the descendants of looters and rapists, one almost wonders if rape is the Punjabi genome.

    Actually a woman is far more likely to be raped by a bhaiya villager from UP or Bihar than a Punjabi. A lot of rape happens in South India too but not to that extent as the North. In the famous ‘Nirbhaya’ case, where a woman was raped and killed in a bus, the rapists were all tiny, dark, ugly UP-Biharis types. Some years back a Swiss woman was raped in the state of Madya Pradesh (central India) by the same dark, weak, ugly illiterate villager types, not tall, fair Punjabis.

    Come to think about it a lot of ethnic groups are a products of rape. Arabs and Persians got raped by Mongols, Persians themselves got raped by Arabs, Jews repeatedly got raped by Cossacks, later the Arabs got raped by Turks, Black Saharan North Africans got raped by Arabs, Sicilians got raped by Arabs and later by the Normans, Southern Europe got raped by Germanics after the fall of Rome, Pygmies throughout Africa got mass raped by black Bantus, Xhosas and other blacks in South Africa got raped by Zulus etc …..Lot of rapist genes floating around.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  321. @Malla

    Actually, Jews could not make a go of it in India. I’m not talking about some St Thomas Christians who MIGHT be Jews that intermarried with Brahmin 1500 years ago in Kerala.

    I’m talking about the actual Jewish families from Iraq in Mumbai or Calcutta. None of them actually were able to make a living and left when Israel was founded.

    They did not fare as well as the Parsi, for example.

    And as you noted, the Gujarati have begun to nip at the heels of Jews.

    • 回复: @Malla
  322. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Yeah I know, Goa attracts the AntiFa, hippie, lefty, commie type White wierdos. And many of these lefty type Whites are pretty weird, with weird sexual habits and fantasies. Goa began as hippie commune. Also you get the Israeli, ex IDF members involved with some of the worst behaviour of all. After shooting some Palestinian kid, they come to Goa to get involved in orgies, rape, take drugs, deal in drugs, start mafias, prostitute. Cocaine, hash and ecstasy flowing all around
    Been to Goa a lot during my graduation days. My cousin was studying at the Goa Institute of Management and I would go often. And one of the Royal Prince of Belgaum (near Goa) was a school friend of mine. And since my mom worked for the RBI (Reserve Bank of India, the Indian version of the Fed),I would get posh government villas for cheap with servants and like. Very handy for getting posh Mumbai babes from Titos club at Baga beach back.

  323. @Malla

    How many Goa Indians want to move to Portugal? Compared to Germany or UK?

    • 回复: @Malla
  324. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I don’t think Dravidian grasp Jews as being separate to other whites. White is white. They don’t even think of whites as being anything other than British.

    No I meant Jews masquerading as British played a big part in initiating the mass Indian ‘Independence Struggle’ and anti White hatred. Like Viceroy Issac Rufus, Edwin Montagu, Secretary of State of India, high commisioner William Meyer.
    As well as the kabbalist Theosophical society.
    There is a theory that as Jews filled up the ranks of British India, Indians lost respect for the British. Indians respected the Nordic British because of their superior mental and physical abilities as well as moral superiority. The trick of British rule in India was sending some of the best Brits (taking the Imperial Administration Service exams) to India and Indians having a sharp eye for the quality of a man, respected them. Thus a tiny number of British could rule such a huge nation with such a huge population. All that collapsed after Edwin Montagu’s tenure.
    Also there was this warlike Arab Sheikh in Algeria who complained to a French general of something of the like ‘You French we respect as you have conquered us but Jews and businessmen we do not respect’. I do not remember the exact quote. The Algerian FLN ‘revolution against French rule’ was fake too, all supported by banking elites and commies.

    Parsi and Brahmin are under no illusion that life is splendid in a London or New Jersey rundown neighborhood. None of them want to really immigrate to Edison. They are happy in Jo-Jo or the nicer parts of Andheri.

    South Indian Brahmans emigrate in droves to the West as they face massive reverse discrimination under the quota system (Indian version of affirmative action) in South Indian states. Indeed the two major parties in Tamil nadu, AIDMK and DMK are all based on anti-Brahmanism. In the South, Brahmins were too tiny an elite minority unlike in UP where they make a significant population.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  325. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    To white guy, South and North India are different countries. If they were different countries, South India might be like Singapore.

    SINGAPORE!!!! Very doubtful. I am sure a South Indian guy told you that. Yeah South India is better than the North in many respects but not Singapore level different. Maybe a Thailand at the very best. The Sri Lankans are even better in many respects have have a higher per capita income than India, nearly double but not even Thailand level yet.

    But that was a British problem to begin with because they brought the Tamils to Ceylon in the first place.

    Yeah most Tamils were taken by the British to Ceylon, but even before the British Empire many centuries back, Northern Sri Lanka was colonized by Tamil Kings. So there was a small Tamil presence before the Portuguese, Dutch and British Empires came about.
    There is also a Hindu Tamil vs Sinhalese Buddhist angle in this.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  326. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    None of them actually were able to make a living and left when Israel was founded.

    Yes, many of them left after the British left for Israel or the West. The Jewish community of Kerala and Maharashtra was very small to begin with. There are also Jews in Mizoram, in the North East. There were Jews in the British Empire administration and there most probably, has been Jewish infiltration into India since ancient times. I remember a speech by Rabbi Schneerson, the ‘rebbe’ of Chabad Lubavitch about how Jews knew about the Americas all along from ancient times before Columbus, which is most probably true.
    And then he mentions the ancient Jews of Middle East and India!!! As in the other place outside the Middle East where Jews lived in large numbers was India. Normally you would expect Middle East and Europe as these are two areas where Jews lived in medieval times.
    There is a theory that the Jews are related to the Phoenicians and hence Carthage. In the ancient Rig Veda, the oldest book written in India, maybe 1500 BC there is a mention of a people known as Pani, merchant people who moved in caravans. Our ancient sages hated them and cursed them as evil people. There are theories that these ‘Pani’ were Phoenicians, merchants who traveled the world in ships. And guess what was the war in between the Romans and Carthagians called? Punic Wars. Pani-Punic.
    I don’t know but it is possible Jews have been in India from ancient times. After all Iraq (of Babylon, Sumeria) is not that far from the Indus valley where the earliest civilization rose in Indian subcontinent.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Jeff Stryker
  327. @Wally

    Measurements of economic growth tend to be charted against the previous years. It wouldn’t make much sense to compare countries except in rates of growth, which is what the list I posted does.

    • 回复: @Wally
  328. Malla 说:



    Misers and Robbers

    里格·韦达(1-33-3; 5-34-7; AV 20-128-4; VS 3-1)认为,潘尼斯或腓尼基人是非常坏的人。 潘尼斯




    4)他们是不幸的商人(RV 1-124-10; 4-51-3; 8-45-14)。

    5)They were called Dasyus RV 7-6-3 (Thieves)

    6)In some places they were called Dasas (RV 5-34-5; AV 5-11-6).



    9)They never give Dakshinas (fees) to the Vedic priests.

    10)They were called wolves (RV 6-51-14)

    11)They were grathin (nobody knew the meaning)

    12)In some passages the Panis are shown as mythological figures, demons who withhold the cows and waters of heaven and to whom Sarama (dog) goes on a mission from Indra (RV 10-108)

    (Story of Indra’s ambassador Sarama, the dog, has spread up to Greece and Iran, who was called Hermes.)

    • 回复: @Malla
  329. Malla 说:

    If the above is true, it looks like the Aryan-Jewish rivalry did not merely start with Hitler and the Third Reich but is at least 3500 years old. LOL

  330. @Malla

    Punjabi Brahmin are big guys but most of them use cerebral tactics as oppose to brute force.

  331. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Can’t say. Life in Portugal is better than India and life in Germany/Britain is better than Portugal, unless you want a lot of sun. It seems some Goanese (even non Catholics) who have documents showing grandfathers being in the Portuguese empire can apply of Portuguese citizenship. And many Goanese use this route to end up in Germany or Britain (I do not know the rules now after Brexit).

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  332. @Malla

    No, Judea was already around when Lebanon/Syria was known as Phoenicia.

    The early seafarers to India were Yemeni and Omani sailors, not Lebanese.

    Oman in particular, has had a long history with India and once used the Indian rupee as a currency.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  333. @Malla

    Few of them hang around Portugal very long. Everyone wants to end up in the Nordic satellite from UK to Finland.

  334. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Looks like there might have been some relationships in between Jews and Phoenicians.

    Homer, the Phoenicians and the Jews

    It looks like the ancient Greeks and Romans hated the Phoenicians too and described them as as greedy untrustworthy pigs similar to the description of the Phoenicians (Panis) by the ancient sages of the Vedic Rig Veda. What is with Aryans from Vedic India to Greece and Rome and their distaste for these Phoenician merchants?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  335. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Oman in particular, has had a long history with India and once used the Indian rupee as a currency

    The use of our currency was because of the British Empire as many Gulf states became protectorate of Britain. The Indian Rupee was currency in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman until the 1960s. This was from the British Raj days.

  336. @Malla

    The Rig Vedas were written centuries before the Phoenicians, who emerged as a seafaring power in Roman times.

    There is no evidence-apart from some obscure guy who wrote something on a blog, which is not vetted print documentation-that the Phoenicians ever reached India by sea. They operated in the Mediterranean with some forays into the Atlantic. That is the opposite direction.

    Greeks may have come across Aryans but by then they were absorbed into the Indian population-Aryans are particularly mysterious and we have no notion why they settled India or what part of Russia/Eastern Europe they were from.

  337. Okechukwu 说:

    Not really but I can understand your complex in this issue. Needless to say the royal structures of the blacks looked like this

    You’re an uneducated buffoon. Everyone has a civilization. loincloth wearing Andes Indians have a civilization.

    Only a fool like you would think that there was any parity in civilizational achievements. Indians were a civilized people with 3000 years of civilization unlike the primitive blacks.

    The Indians who drop their pants anywhere and everywhere and shit on the streets? The Indians who rape anything that moves? I don’t think so.

    You keep on proving to everybody that you are a low IQ idiot. I am talking about all those modern popular African nationalist movements post WW2. All supported by communist arms and American money.

    No one cares what you think you were talking about. We can only respond to what you actually say. To wit, you indicated that communism was the sole driving force behind African liberation movements. My response to you was that Africans had been engaging in liberation struggles against Europeans for hundreds of years before Karl Marx was even born.

    Europeans had very little interest in Africa except in the Southern parts.

    Wrong. They were very interested from the Age of Discovery onward but a combination of factors kept them at bay. Most importantly, African military resistance. Prior to the introduction of machine guns, repeating rifles, artillery and other advanced weapons European and African military structures were at relative parity. Many African kingdoms indeed were more advanced, better organized and stronger than Europeans in the period of the 15th to 18th centuries. European colonization in the late 19th century, serendipitously for them, coincided with the decline of some very powerful African kingdoms.

    There are far more examples of Indian armies defeating European armies than that.


    And black sub saharan Africans could do anything against Arabs and Muslims. Muslims and Arabs conquered blacks with ease whom they enslaved in droves.

    Arabs and Muslims had a much easier time in Europe. They raided Europe with ease and with impunity, taking away over a million white slaves. The men they worked to death, the women they assigned to harems.

    In Africa, the situation was much more complex. There they worked with allies and kingdoms to actually trade and barter for slaves. It wasn’t a conquest as such. Some Africans did take up Islam and Arabization voluntarily. Ironically, the black slaves would later revolt in the Zanj Rebellion and nearly conquered the entire Muslim world.

    There was no Maharaja Maharana Pratap or Shivaji Raje Bhosle in Africa. The blacks fell down and kissed Arab feet. LOL

    In the annals of human history, the British conquest of India ranks as the easiest conquest ever recorded. The Brits literally conquered that vast sub-continent with its vast population with just a handful of soldiers and technocrats.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  338. @FromSA



  339. @Malla

    Isn’t that the case with all brown peoples? Higher IQs than blacks but impulse control issues as blacks?

    Indian IQ is 82, dummy. Black American IQ is 91. Sierra Leone IQ is 91. Nigerian IQ is 84.


    I think they’re rating India too high based on my experience. But I’ll go with it.

    • 回复: @Malla
  340. Wally 说:
    @Andrew E. Mathis

    Except your link was very misleading. Now see 世界概况.


    Ethiopia is ranked 65th.

    电子邮件和短信 65日.

    As to rather Ethiopia is experiencing growth, we need to ask, ‘If so, then who is doing the investing? Africans? Or perhaps Indians?

    • 回复: @Andrew E. Mathis
  341. Wally 说:
    @Andrew E. Mathis


    So the Khoi are Europeans? LOL

    Their nomadic ways ceased in the 20th century, not “150,000 years” ago. LOL

    • 回复: @Andrew E. Mathis
  342. @Wally

    They were never nomadic. Your protestations notwithstanding, you are wrong.

  343. @Wally

    GDP isn’t economic growth. It’s size of economic. But you’re actually making my case for me: the size of Ethiopia’s economy is in the top third and they still topped growth, which means its high growth rate can’t be attributed to it starting out small.

  344. 奥巴马无视南非的种族灭绝

    也许是这样,但除非我错过了什么,奥巴马不再是美国总统了。 现任总统特朗普是否对这一所谓的种族灭绝采取了任何行动? 如果不是,那就别再对这位肯尼亚集体主义前总统喋喋不休,就像他现在作为一个普通公民所做的或所说的那样对政策有任何影响。 那些不停地用愤怒的语气喋喋不休地谈论肤色和种族的右翼人士是 SJW 级别的痴迷于这些东西的人,并且同样容易无意识地进行自我模仿。

  345. republic 说:

    已故伟大的白人民族主义者威廉·路德·皮尔斯博士在 1998 年谈到南非时这样说道


    also on utube

  346. Malla 说:

    Everyone has a civilization.

    Not true but if this belief gives you solace, you can have it.

    The Indians who drop their pants anywhere and everywhere and shit on the streets? The Indians who rape anything that moves? I don’t think so.

    My My , you are writing like a Victorian Englishman. But it does not change the fact that India has 3000 years of civilization, writing, philosophy, poetry……..

    To wit, you indicated that communism was the sole driving force behind African liberation movements. My response to you was that Africans had been engaging in liberation struggles against Europeans for hundreds of years before Karl Marx was even born.

    I stand behind what I write. Yes there was anti European uprisings but overall they all failed. The so called modern ‘liberation movements’ only worked with Communist help as well as support from the elites of Washington and New York. Most of the colonial empires as well as Rhodesia and South Africa were sabotaged from inside.

    Wrong. They were very interested from the Age of Discovery onward but a combination of factors kept them at bay.

    Not true you little imbecile.
    What were the great European trading companies called? British East 印度 company, French East 印度 Company, Dutch East 印度 Company, all formed during the 1600s.
    After the fall of Christian Constantinople to the Islamic Turks, the Europeans wanted to have a direct trade route to the Indies which meant Indian subcontinent and South East Asia so that they could defeat the Islamic-Venetian monopoly on the spice trade. Africa just fell in the way as before the Suez canal, the only way to reach these places from Europe was by circumnavigating Africa, hence the southern tip of Africa is called ‘The Cape of Good Hope’. It was India and Asia they wanted to come to. Africa just fell on the way. On the other hand, on their search for the Indies when the Europeans came across the Americas, in their mistaken belief that they had found the Indies, named the native America ‘Indians’, Not Africans. hence Cowboy and Indians. Where does the Indies in the West Indies comes from, you idiot?
    Africa was the DARK CONTINENT. When the Europeans really got interested in Africa, much later in the late 1800s, they conquered it like cake walk.
    Before this, the Islamic Middle East made a lot of money from the European – Asian trade. The Middle East and Central Asia are littered with medieval caravan stops built for this trade. Europeans used their superior naval skills and directly traded with South/South East/East Asia and thus cut out the Arab/Turkish middlemen and this led to the impoverishment of the Islamic world soon later.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  347. Malla 说:


    Yes but I am talking about facts here. It their battles against the Mughals, Marathas, Tipoo Sultan, Sikhs etc… there have been many instances when Indian armies defeated European Armies. Most African armies would not have survived a single day in India.

    Arabs and Muslims had a much easier time in Europe.

    Not true at all. The Arabs had the easiest time in black Africa. The Islamic conquest of Iberia was because of internal sabotage by Jews. Europeans fought like lions and made the Muslims bleed for every inch of their advance. May it be in Serbia, or in Tours where Charles Martel the Frank crushed many a Saracen skull with his hammer or be it Jan Sobeiski, the Polish king who along with the Germans, destroyed a massive Turkish army. These are just a few examples. Not only did the Europeans make the Muslims bleed for every inch, they took the war to the Middle East itself. Later European French and British conquered North Africa to put an end to Barbary piracy and the European Russians conquered huge territories which had belonged to the Ottoman Empire under the reign of Tzarina Catherine the great.

  348. Malla 说:

    In Africa, the situation was much more complex.

    LOL LOL LOL Basically it meant, black Africans fell at the feet of their Muslim massas and surendered as slaves. The Arabic word for slave is ‘abeed’, same as the arabic word of blacks. Think about that for a moment. Against the Europeans we see some black African military successes like the Zulus and Ashanti for example. But against the Muslims from the North we hardly see any resistance, just submission. The Muslims had a field’s day enslaving droves of blacks to become eunuchs and sex slaves of their Islamic overlords. India has Maharana Pratap, Shivaji Raje, Peshwa Bajirao, King Krishna Deva Raya and Prithviraj Chauhan to name few who valiantly fought Islamic armies making them bleed. Europe gives us Charles Martel, Jan Sobeiski, Miloš Obilić, George Castriot “Skanderbeg”, Richard the Lionheart to name a few, all of them fought Islamic armies and made them bleed. Black Africans gave us …….(cricket noises).Black Africans just prostrated and became slaves without a fight.
    The Sudan was a Christian country once and it became Muslim with ease.

    Blacks are still slaves in Yemen EVEN TODAY.

    At 10:35 to 14:08 minutes, the slave says he belongs to his master.
    At 21:40 we see black slaves of their Muslim massas.
    We learn that black slaves are seen as cattle, when they marry there is no ceremony, they are rightful properties of their massas.
    Check out the interview with the slave owner at 29:40 minutes.

    Luckily for blacks, the Europeans moved in or the Muslims were moving relentlessly doew and Africa would have ended as one big slave Disney teme park to the Islamic world, source of female sex slaves and enouchs. Hell many black slaves were brought to the Indian subcontinent too. In India and Sri Lanka, they live as lower outcastes today. In pakistan they live near karachi port.

    Europeans like the British Pasha Gordon of Khartoum gave up their lives for ending slavery in Africa.

    In the annals of human history, the British conquest of India ranks as the easiest conquest

    Not true , the easiest would be the European conquest of Australia followed by the Islamic conquest of black Africans……

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Okechukwu
  349. Okechukwu 说:

    I stand behind what I write. Yes there was anti European uprisings but overall they all failed. The so called modern ‘liberation movements’ only worked with Communist help as well as support from the elites of Washington and New York.

    The Africans resisted like they always had, just with better weapons. Just one AK-47 can take out 20 colonialists. It had nothing to do with communism, birdbrain. And the so-called elites were on the side of the colonial regimes. Up until his removal from the list in 2008. Nelson Mandela was a specially designated terrorist as per US government. Does that sound like a government in support of African resistance movements?

    Most of the colonial empires as well as Rhodesia and South Africa were sabotaged from inside.

    Otherwise known as war, dummy. War includes sabotage operations.

    Africa was the DARK CONTINENT. When the Europeans really got interested in Africa, much later in the late 1800s, they conquered it like cake walk.

    Which just happened to coincidentally coincide with the invention of the very lethal weapons that are still used today, eh genius? Quite a coincidence! Jesus, you’re an idiot.

    Once again, the African kingdoms and empires were too strong to colonize until the late 19th century when newer, more lethal weapons were brought online by the industrial revolution in Europe. Africa had great and powerful empires, each of which could field thousands of disciplined troops. This at a time when Europe was mired in the dark ages ignorance, when it was essentially a balkanized collection of fiefdoms, warring nobles and antagonistic city states. In fact these African empires were strong enough to colonize Europe if they had the means to get there.

    Why do you think the Europeans paid for slaves? Because they couldn’t take them by force. If Africa was such a walkover, why couldn’t the Europeans simply walk in and take what they wanted? Initially the Portuguese tried to take slaves by force and were roundly defeated.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @bucky
  350. Malla 说:

    The video for the last post

    At 10:35 to 14:08 minutes, the slave says he belongs to his master. Docile and subservient.
    At 21:40 we see black slaves of their Muslim massas. Docile and subservient.
    We learn that black slaves are seen as cattle, when they marry there is no ceremony, they are rightful properties of their massas.
    Check out the interview with the slave owner at 29:40 minutes.

  351. Okechukwu 说:

    Blacks are still slaves in Yemen EVEN TODAY.

    Man, you’re probably the most incompetent debater I’ve ever faced.



    Modern day slaves: How Indian Migrant Workers’ rights are violated in the Gulf


    DUBAI: A Skyline Built by Slaves


    Indian Engineer Sold As A ‘Slave’ In Saudi Arabia


    Indian brick workers treated ‘worse than slaves’: NGO

    Kingdom of slaves: Indian workers in Saudi Arabia lift the lid on the horrors faced by expats


    Doomed in the desert: How Indian women become modern day slaves in the Gulf


    Indian slaves of Dubai

    • 回复: @Malla
  352. Malla 说:

    Nonsense data.
    Other here mean browns.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  353. Malla 说:

    The Africans resisted like they always had, just with better weapons. Just one AK-47 can take out 20 colonialists. It had nothing to do with communism, birdbrain. And the so-called elites were on the side of the colonial regimes. Up until his removal from the list in 2008. Nelson Mandela was a specially designated terrorist as per US government. Does that sound like a government in support of African resistance movements?

    It had everything to do with communism numbskull. All those black movements would have been roundly defeated without the support of the ‘International Community’ or shall we we say elite bankers. The arms were supported by communist countries like China and Soviet RUssia and the money by the USA and UK.

    Otherwise known as war, dummy. War includes sabotage operations.

    Sabotage not by those low IQ black ‘resistance leaders’. LOL. Sabotage by the international community, by the UK , by the USA. The Rhodesians trueted them. they were back stabbed and the country given to the black terrorists.

    Once again, the African kingdoms and empires were too strong to colonize until the late 19th century when newer, more lethal weapons were brought online by the industrial revolution in Europe.

    Too strong to colonise? Africans had more primitive weapons than Asia or Europe a 1000 years ago. LOL weapons from 13th century India would have been lethal for most Africans in the 1850s. What a clown this guy is.

    In fact these African empires were strong enough to colonize Europe if they had the means to get there.

    LOL. Please put down that crack before coming on unz. You are embarrassing yourself. You guys laid down and kissed the feet of muslim invaders while Europeans made them bleed. Europeans launched the crusades, while blacks sold their asses to their Muslim overlords to be abused and used..

    Why do you think the Europeans paid for slaves?

    Why do you think the Europeans paid for spices in Asia? Paid for silk? Paid for fur in North America?
    Escaped out of a Nigerian circus?

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  354. Malla 说:

    Is this the best you can find? This is not the same as institutional slavery we saw in Yemen. There are many cases of Africans been abused in the gulf as servants. I have not brought them out yet.
    Always remember which people on this planet are called ‘abeed (slaves).We Indians are not called abeed, the Chinese are not called abeed, Englishmen are not called abeed, Native Americans are not called abeed, Thai are not called abeed, Dutchmen are not called abeed. How did the word abeed (slave) become synonymous with (abeed) black man?
    If you do not believe me check this video out at

    Also check out 1:23 minutes where the black Iraqi openly says that he is called ‘abeed’.

    Indians are called Al Hind. This can happen to only a docile and subservient people like blacks. If Indians were docile and subservient we would by synonymous with abeed. So remember, do not throw stones at others when you live in a glass hut. LOL.

    Anyways I have no hatred for black people in general nor do I look down upon African cultures. It is you who made a dumb claim that we Indians are docile and subservient. And I fought back. Fought back dirty. Debating with scum like you always tends to turn dirty.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  355. @Malla


    One Arab who really treated Indians like shit took a sex vacation to Chennai (Underage girls) and somehow an Indian in Dubai tipped off a disgruntled ex-employee and he was beaten up right in hotel.

    Another Arab had his money stolen by a Kerala accountant and flew to Kerala to the mansion the Indian had built (Interpol really ignores these embezzlement accusations for the most part) and the Nair beat the absolute shit out of him right there on the front steps. He kicked his nuts 10 times right on his step.

    One Filipino woman who’d been raped recognized the Omani in Mindanao at hotel and told her brother, who dragged the Arab into a tree swarming with ants where he and some other Filipinos smeared the screaming Arab with honey and tied him to it.

    A Texan recognized an Arab from oil rigs at a London airport and beat him up while he waited for a taxi and got an assault charge.

    You hear these things in Dubai as a long-time expat.

  356. bucky 说:

    Now, how did Europeans get these weapons? Were they handed down to them by aliens?

    No, they built them with their intelligence.

    Likewise with ships. Are ships just handed down by aliens? No, it takes intelligence and effort to build and pilot a ship.

    Africans never had the IQ to build these things. They never had the social structures or the discipline. The African way is dominance. It is not equality. It is slavery. The major error of the Europeans was in being multi-cultural when they encountered Africans. They adopted the African custom of slavery. Slavery was not imposed by Europeans, in a way slavery was imposed on Europeans by Africans.

    Which also means to say that as African people expand across the globe, which will occur over the next century, life will become worse. Africans are not benevolent. They do not have moral imagination. They treat others poorly because that is their nature.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  357. Okechukwu 说:

    Nonsense data.

    Yeah, let’s go with a homemade graph from some obscure website rather scholarly research.

    Once again, Indian IQ is 82. Nigerian IQ is 84. Suck on it.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Malla
  358. @Okechukwu

    From a white perspective, this is sort of irrelevant because the Igbo of Nigeria or Tamil Brahmin are so intelligent.

    Specific African and Indian subgroups produce nothing BUT geniuses.

    We also have to remember that African-Americans are 20% white. Moreover, they are the descendants of roguish British males-ROOTS was accurate enough in depicting this.

    To try and extract a median IQ from a population with as much variation as Africa or India is really pointless.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
    , @Malla
  359. Okechukwu 说:

    It had everything to do with communism numbskull. All those black movements would have been roundly defeated without the support of the ‘International Community’ or shall we we say elite bankers. The arms were supported by communist countries like China and Soviet RUssia and the money by the USA and UK.

    Every armed movement that has ever fought in the history of humanity has had allies, you dumb hindu. Why should Africans reject allies when their opponents had their own allies? Or do you think that the colonial regimes were without allies? Being a complete imbecile, you probably do think that. In fact the racist regimes had the world’s most powerful ally in the United States. Not to mention Great Britain. Not to mention Apartheid South Africa. Their support was often clandestine, but it was critical support nonetheless, which in addition to manpower and materiel, included such vital assets as satellite imagery of guerrilla formations.

    Sabotage not by those low IQ black ‘resistance leaders’. LOL. Sabotage by the international community, by the UK , by the USA. The Rhodesians trueted them. they were back stabbed and the country given to the black terrorists.

    The US and UK supported Rhodesia, you nitwit. The US was on an anti-communist crusade, believing that every rebel movement was communist inspired. And the UK wasn’t going to abandon its kith and kin.

    Too strong to colonise? Africans had more primitive weapons than Asia or Europe a 1000 years ago.

    You present a curious mixture of sublime stupidity combined with a severe lack of education. Again, many of the African empires (Mali-Songhai, Fulbe, Mande, Kongo, Zulu, Zimbabwe, Masai, Kanem-Bornu, Mutapa, Niger empires, Sudan, etc) had large well organized armies with fierce warriors. Some had heavy cavalry, guns and artillery, in addition to indigenous technology which at the time was equal to any weapons systems in the world in terms of their efficacy. So no one was going to colonize those people at that time. Often they were better fed, better led, better organized and better equipped than their ragtag feudal European counterparts.

    Africans didn’t just engage in disorganized raiding parties like American Indians. Though guerrilla tactics were utilized, Africans could also fight set-piece battles with fast movement of large formations. They built fortifications, set traps, had defense in depth, created kill zones, etc. Importantly, Africans didn’t see Europeans as anything special or god-like, just weird looking versions of themselves. People assume that the Zulus were the pinnacle of African warfare. But they weren’t. They were a primitive army that were far less advanced than African empires that preceded them by several hundred years.

    The Portuguese were the first serious European entrants into Africa in the 16th century. Well they were crushed and defeated in several battles against native forces in the Kongo and Zimbabwe. Fast forward 300 years later to the 19th century and it’s the British being defeated in the Anglo-Ashanti wars. In fact you can verify the impact of the new modern weapons by tracing the fortunes of the British armies in the Ashanti wars. There were a series of 5 wars. In the early 19th century, the British lost to the Ashanti. But as industrialization gathered pace and the British introduced maxim machine guns, repeating rifles and other advanced armaments, they were able to defeat the Ashanti in the later wars.

    You guys laid down and kissed the feet of muslim invaders while Europeans made them bleed. Europeans launched the crusades, while blacks sold their asses to their Muslim overlords to be abused and used.

    You’re much too easy, bruh. Hehehehe.

    Islamic Conquest Of India: The Greatest Genocide In History

    穆斯林历史学家 Firishta(全名 Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah,生于 1560 年,卒于 1620 年)是《Tarikh-i Firishta》和《Gulshan-i Ibrahim》的作者,他是第一个对印度中世纪大屠杀提出看法的人。穆斯林统治,他宣称超过 400 亿印度教徒在穆斯林入侵和占领印度期间遭到屠杀。幸存者被奴役并被阉割。据说穆斯林入侵时印度人口约为 600 亿。到 1500 年代中期,印度教人口已达 200 亿。


    Why do you think the Europeans paid for spices in Asia? Paid for silk? Paid for fur in North America?

    Well, my dimwitted hindu friend, if slavery was still extant after European colonization of Africa, surely the Europeans wouldn’t have had to pay for slaves. Am I right? Use your head, dummy.

    Which brings to mind, it was the transatlantic slave trade the distorted the image of Africa. Racism as we know it did not exist prior to the slave trade, only becoming necessary in order to justify slavery. Africans were on equal footing with Europeans and often were more advanced, as recorded by European explorers themselves. There was free and fair trade, mutual respect and exchanges of ambassadors.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  360. Okechukwu 说:

    Now, how did Europeans get these weapons? Were they handed down to them by aliens?

    Through access to the technology, which is how humans got everything from stone tools onward. You don’t think that the Europeans actually invented guns do you? Or gunpowder for that matter.

    No, they built them with their intelligence.

    The same intelligence that all humans have. Given access to the same history, environment and influences every human can create whatever the European environment was able to nurture. And if they gain access to it, they’re able to replicate it using the aforementioned human intelligence. This is what Europeans have done after all. They have been some of the greatest thieves, copiers and appropriators of the technology of others the world has ever seen.

    Likewise with ships. Are ships just handed down by aliens? No, it takes intelligence and effort to build and pilot a ship.

    Try to think a little more deeply so we don’t take you for a complete idiot. Humans respond to their environment. Africa is a vast continent that is as large as oceans. The distance from Europe to America is shorter than the distance between east and west Africa. So there was little incentive among Africans to sail to distant shores. Moreover, even if they wanted to they had few natural harbors and the inland waters were unnavigable. But Europe, on the other hand, was made for seafaring. It is small, crowded and surrounded by oceans. It has abundant natural harbors and placid interior waters. It was at the center of the great seafaring traditions of the Mediterranean from which it could learn. Africans were excellent craftsmen of small boats and war canoes suitable to their environment. Humans are all about their environment.

    Africans never had the IQ to build these things. They never had the social structures or the discipline. The African way is dominance. It is not equality. It is slavery. The major error of the Europeans was in being multi-cultural when they encountered Africans. They adopted the African custom of slavery. Slavery was not imposed by Europeans, in a way slavery was imposed on Europeans by Africans.

    I’m convinced you’re trying out your comedy routine with your posts. Either that or you’re just about the dumbest fuck on the Internet, with the possible exception of Malla.

    Which also means to say that as African people expand across the globe, which will occur over the next century, life will become worse. Africans are not benevolent. They do not have moral imagination. They treat others poorly because that is their nature.

    Yeah, well, a European might slit your throat while an African might be the one to save your life. Your writing doesn’t even make any sense. In your rage you seem to be transposing the attributes of Africans and Europeans.

    • 回复: @bucky
  361. Okechukwu 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    From a white perspective, this is sort of irrelevant because the Igbo of Nigeria or Tamil Brahmin are so intelligent.

    White perspective? So you speak for whites now, do you? That’ll come as a big shock to my white friends, associates, neighbors, employees and wife.

    Specific African and Indian subgroups produce nothing BUT geniuses.

    I think rather they have certain cultural practices that emphasize education and achievement.

    We also have to remember that African-Americans are 20% white.

    European genetic inputs do not render any intellectual advantage whatsoever to black Americans. Studies have actually been conducted which falsify this claim.


    Why rely on such misleading and indirect findings when we have much more direct evidence about the basis for the I.Q. gap? About 25 percent of the genes in the American black population are European, meaning that the genes of any individual can range from 100 percent African to mostly European. If European intelligence genes are superior, then blacks who have relatively more European genes ought tohave higher I.Q.’s than those who have more African genes. But it turns out that skin color and “negroidness” of features — both measures of the degree of a black
    person’s European ancestry — are only weakly associated with I.Q. (even though we might well expect a moderately high association due to the social advantages of such features).

    During World War II, both black and white American soldiers fathered children with German women. Thus some of these children had 100 percent European heritage and some had substantial African heritage. Tested in later childhood, the German children of the white fathers were found to have an average I.Q. of 97, and those of the black fathers had an average of 96.5, a trivial difference.

    If European genes conferred an advantage, we would expect that the smartest blacks would have substantial European heritage. But when a group of investigators sought out the very brightest black children in the Chicago school system and asked them about the race of their parents and grandparents, these children were found to have no greater degree of European ancestry than blacks in the population at large.

    Most tellingly, blood-typing tests have been used to assess the degree to which black individuals have European genes. The blood group assays show no association between degree of European heritage and I.Q. Similarly, the blood groups most closely associated with high intellectual performance among blacks are no more European in origin than other blood groups.


    To try and extract a median IQ from a population with as much variation as Africa or India is really pointless.

    The same variation exists in all populations. I could easily get an IQ of 60 for whites by testing attendees at a Trump rally or the people in backwoods Appalachia.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Jeff Stryker
  362. Malla 说:

    obscure website

    Only a low IQ simpleton like you will will consider that an obscure website.


    Prodigy. That’s because the relationship between per capita GDP and mean IQ is not linear. The fit is the best that can be obtained with a line.
    Estraneo. Is nonlinearity important?
    Prodigy. Correlation indicates the degree of linear association between variables. Because, the relationship is nonlinear, the value 0.73 actually underestimates the strength of the relationship.
    Mentor. I notice several conspicuous outlying points. What is that about?
    神童。 其中一些是实验错误,但一些异常值是由于原因造成的。 例如,南非是世界上最大的铂、金、铬和钻石生产国。 这一切都与人力资源无关。 巴巴多斯和卡塔尔也因其创造财富的资产而受到青睐。 巴巴多斯经济主要以旅游业为基础。 全年气候宜人,加上靠近美国,无论智商如何,都加强了其经济基础。 同样,石油收入占卡塔尔非凡的国内生产总值。 最后,由于市场经济是繁荣所必需的,我们发现平均智商为 100 的共产主义中国的生产更像是一个平均智商为 83 的国家。
    导师。 去除四个异常值后,相关性会发生什么变化?
    神童。 它稍微增长到 0.79,因此 62% 的剩余 GDP 方差现在由 IQ 解释。
    导师。 智商与个人成就之间的关系是众所周知的。 没有比 Herrnstein 和 Murray 的钟形曲线(Free Press,1994 年)更好地记录它的地方了。 Lynn 和 Vanhanen 已将这种联系扩大到国家层面。 看起来他们为智商的含义增加了一个新的维度。
    Prodigy. I do have a few modest observations. In Figure 2, the data is divided into contributions from four groups: blacks, (European) whites, East Asians and “others.” I did not include the outliers: South Africa, Barbados, Qatar and China.

    Figure 2. Per capita GDP by racial group. “White” here means European white; “East Asian” means the racially homogenous polities: Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Japan.

    The assumption that national wealth is determined by the fraction of workers with IQ equal to or greater than some minimum value implies that per capita GDP depends sigmoidally on mean IQ. We can call this Smart Fraction Theory or SFT for short.
    Let’s see how the model shapes up quantitatively. The smart fraction, f, of a population is given by
    埃斯特拉内奥。 惊人! 智商按种族聚集。
    神童。 我想感谢这一发现,但不幸的是,它已经为人所知多年。 现在学者之间唯一的争论是关于智商有多少是可以遗传的。
    埃斯特拉内奥。 “其他人”是什么种族?
    Prodigy. Various. Indians, Latin Americans, Pacific Islanders, Middle Easterners, other Asians, etc. Many of these countries have racially or ethnically heterogeneous populations.
    埃斯特拉内奥。 为什么在图 2 中切换了 IQ 单位?
    神童。 标准单位很方便。 每个观察值都以与平均值的标准差数表示。 例如,平均 IQ 为 100,标准差为 15,例如,85、100、115 和 130 的 IQ 变为标准单位:分别为 -1、0、1 和 2,等等。
    埃斯特拉内奥。 还有一点。 我错了还是东亚的四个点偏离了趋势线?
    神童。 你是对的。 台湾、日本、韩国和香港这四个人口都同质化的国家,在这里报告的智商最高。 因此,我们可能会期望他们成为最富有的国家之一。 然而,他们的数字,尤其是台湾和韩国的数字,讲述了另一个故事。

    Country Avg
    IQ per cap
    香港107 20,763
    韩国106 13,478
    日本105 23,257
    Taiwan 104 13,000

    平均智商分别为 104 和 106,人均 GDP 约为 13,000 美元,这对台湾和韩国来说似乎太低了。
    埃斯特拉内奥。 坚持,稍等。 还有许多其他国家的 GDP 远低于预期。 为什么要挑出这四个?
    Prodigy. Because they form a distinct cluster of racially similar peoples. Each has a mostly homogeneous population. Though small, the group stands apart as a unit.
    我们不能基于四点得出确切的结论。 然而,这些观察确实引发了对东亚成就的质疑。 智商本身并不能决定财富。 也许东亚人还需要其他属性。 或者,也许东方文化的某些方面削弱了创造力。 这些问题都需要研究。 东亚异常很可能是人工制品,但目前问题仍未解决。

    导师。 您的图表上还有另一个有趣的功能 Prodigy。 黑人国家的人均 GDP 似乎几乎与智商无关。
    神童。 我也注意到了,导师,并计算了 15 个黑人国家作为一个群体的相关系数。 结果 0.034 证实了您的观察。 在一个国家在经济上起步之前,似乎需要达到一个智商门槛。 还没有一个黑人国家达到这个门槛。 这是黑人民族的数据。

    Country Avg
    IQ per cap
    Zambia 77 719
    Congo 73 995
    Uganda 73 1,074
    Sudan 72 1,394
    牙买加 72 3,389
    Kenya 72 980
    Tanzania 72 480
    Ghana 71 1,735
    Nigeria 67 795
    津巴布韦 66 2,669
    Guinea 66 1,782
    Congo 65 822
    Sierra Leone 64 458
    Ethiopia 63 574
    Equatorial Guinea 59 1,817
    Mentor. Estraneo referred to a “trend line.” The points in Figure 2 do look as if they could be described by a smooth curve. Could a model be lurking in the background?
    Prodigy. I have tried, without luck, to come up with a model that accounts for the data.
    Mentor. Let’s think a bit. As civilization becomes more complex, the demand for cognitive ability increases. Perhaps you can take this simple proposition, and from it fashion a model to explain the data of Lynn and Vanhanen.
    Prodigy. Interesting idea. Suppose, in order to contribute significantly to a nation’s productivity, a sophisticated economy demands of its work force some minimum cognitive ability, say IQ0. We might call the population fraction with IQ > IQ0 a nation’s smart fraction. A model can be constructed based on the simple assumption that per capita GDP depends on the size of the smart fraction. In the simplest case, per capita GDP would be proportional to the smart fraction. That is, writing G for per capita GDP, and f for smart fraction, such a model would assert that:

    The model contains only one important parameter, the threshold, IQ0 (implicit in f). The scale constant, c, merely accommodates the (arbitrary) units of GDP.
    Mentor. Will such a model fit the data of Lynn and Vanhanen?
    Prodigy. Maybe. We can easily reveal its essential properties. For a given population, it is safe to assume that lots of people will have IQs near the population mean, and not too many will have IQs much more than one or two standard deviations away from the mean.
    Mentor. Are you implying a bell-shaped IQ distribution?
    Prodigy. No, the qualitative features of the model can be fleshed out simply by assuming that IQ distributions peak up near their means, and fall off on either side. May I borrow a pencil, Mentor?
    Mentor. Take several.
    Prodigy. Let me sketch a typical IQ distribution. The smart fraction is represented by the area under the curve beyond IQ0. I’ve drawn a distribution for a low-IQ population with a rather small smart fraction.

    More clever populations will have bigger smart fractions. As we progress to smarter nations, however, constant increments in mean IQ will not produce constant increments in the smart fraction. At first, the smart fraction will increase quickly, accelerating until the IQ distribution peak passes IQ0. Thereafter, further increments in IQ will produce ever smaller smart fraction gains.

    The assumption that national wealth is determined by the fraction of workers with IQ equal to or greater than some minimum value implies that per capita GDP depends sigmoidally on mean IQ. We can call this Smart Fraction Theory or SFT for short.
    Let’s see how the model shapes up quantitatively. The smart fraction, f, of a population is given by

    where P is the IQ distribution function for the population.
    From (1) and (2), using Gaussian functions to do the arithmetic, we find the dependence of per capita GDP on mean IQ, , to be:

    We can adjust the scale constant, c, and the IQ threshold, IQ0, to give the best least squares fit of (3) to the data. One minute, Mentor, I need to set up my laptop . . . OK, here is the result. The best fit is obtained when c = $69,321 and IQ0 = 0.547 standard deviations or 108 IQ points.
    因此,对于一个技术先进的社会,SFT 断言一个国家的人均 GDP 取决于智商大于或等于某个阈值智商的人口比例。 与 Lynn 和 Vanhanen 的数据一致,该阈值 IQ 为 108,略低于过去学士学位所需的最低要求。 图 3 说明了 (3) 对 Lynn 和 Vanhanen 数据的拟合。

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  363. Malla 说:


    Most of this date is scam. NY times is a left website which wishes to hide all the truths about the racial difference in between race and IQ. The same leties who are now pushing pansexuality and sexual fluidity on everybody.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  364. Okechukwu 说:

    Only a low IQ simpleton like you will will consider that an obscure website.

    It is an obscure website. Only a hindu imbecile like you would take a white nationalist loon like La Griffe du Lion seriously.

    Let’s get a smart person’s take on the idiot:

    I had never before heard of La Griffe du Lion. His article was so full of egregiously bad methodology and other mistakes that I at first assumed it was a satire of racist pseudoscience, the sort of thing that might be written for the Annals of Improbable Research or (if you’re Alan Sokal) Social Text.

    To mention just one example, the article’s thesis is that a nation’s “smart fraction” of the population predicts per capita GDP better than average IQ, but then uses (highly questionable) “data” on average IQ to pretend to estimate the smart fraction by assuming a Gaussian distribution. As any competent scientist would notice, however, the assumption of Gaussian distributions can’t be used to estimate the “smart fraction” without the further assumption of a specific variance or standard distribution, for which there are no data available. In short, the article claims that data on average IQ are inadequate to predict per capita GDP, but then pretends to obtain a better prediction of per capita GDP from precisely that inadequate data by making a sequence of unsupported assumptions. We’re used to seeing that kind of argument in rmcg, but scientists recognize it as a form of scientific fraud known as drylabbing [2].


    This fraudster would be laughed out of any brick and mortar scientific conference. But to an unsophisticated nincompoop like you he’s a god.

    • 回复: @Malla
  365. Okechukwu 说:

    Most of this date is scam. NY times is a left website which wishes to hide all the truths about the racial difference in between race and IQ. The same leties who are now pushing pansexuality and sexual fluidity on everybody.

    Yeah, sure thing bud. Let’s believe a random ignoramus and top-level troll like yourself over a world-renowned scholar of impeccable credentials publishing authentic peer-reviewed data in one of the world’s most prestigious newspapers.

    I think you should adjust your cocktail of psyche meds. Stop using cheap Indian knockoffs. Pay for the real stuff.

    • 回复: @Malla
  366. @Okechukwu

    60 is a bit of an exaggeration. That is the IQ of the family dog. I’d put the IQ of the groups you refer to at 95-100.

    Nobody with an IQ of city could grasp trade with China or issues with immigration.

    Also, some of the Trump proposed policies make sense to a besieged middle-class. We have MS-13 and various illegals roaming around with machetes.

  367. Malla 说:

    In fact the racist regimes had the world’s most powerful ally in the United States. Not to mention Great Britain. Not to mention Apartheid South Africa. Their support was often clandestine, but it was critical support nonetheless, which in addition to manpower and materiel, included such vital assets as satellite imagery of guerrilla formations.

    LOL you stupid savage, if the USA and UK would have really been their ally and not have back stabbed them your so called ‘revolutionaries’ would have no chance in hell to win their ‘victories’. they were not allies, they backstabbed the Rhodesians.

    You present a curious mixture of sublime stupidity combined with a severe lack of education. Again, many of the African empires (Mali-Songhai, Fulbe, Mande, Kongo, Zulu, Zimbabwe, Masai, Kanem-Bornu, Mutapa, Niger empires, Sudan, etc) had large ….
    In the early 19th century, the British lost to the Ashanti. But as industrialization gathered pace and the British introduced maxim machine guns, repeating rifles and other advanced armaments, they were able to defeat the Ashanti in the later wars.

    Yes I agree that there were these big African Kingdoms but it still does not change the fact that Indians in the year 1300 were using weapons far superior to Africans in the year 1850. The weapons of Indians in the year 1300 would have been fatal to Africans let alone waiting till Europeans till 1800. In India we have primitive tribals called adivasis. Your African Empires are comparable to them but even they used more advanced weaponry. But the tribals would never have been stupid enough to consider themselves equal to civilized Indians in military strength. African tribal armies were impressive upto an extent but would have been a joke in front of major Indian armies. There was no need for the British to wait for any advancements in weapons. The Europeans were not that interested in the African interior until much later.

    Islamic Conquest Of India: The Greatest Genocide In History

    At least we fought back you stupid chump and made them bleed. Not like you abeed who bowed down and kissed muslim feet.
    Maharana Pratap, Rajput King


    Shivaji Bhosle, King of the Maratha Empire


    Not only that the Sikhs defeated the Muslims repeatedly
    Battle of Chappar Chiri
    Battle of Attock
    The battle took place on 13 July 1813, in which Sikhs utterly dominated the Durranis .
    Battle of Multan
    Battle of Multan started in March, 1818 and ended three months later on 2 June 1818 . Sikhs utterly dominated Durranis and captured Multan. The Afghan governor Muzaffar Khan Sadozai was killed. As a result, the Afghan power collapsed in Punjab and the regions to the east of Indus virtually came under Sikh influence.
    Battle of Shopian
    The battle took place on 3 July 1819 during the Sikh expedition to Kashmir. The Afghan governor Jabbar Khan fled and Kashmir became a province of the Sikh Empire.
    Battle of Nowshera
    The battle was fought on 14 March 1823 in which the Sikhs utterly dominated the Afghans and occupied the Peshawar valley.
    Battle of Peshawar
    The battle was fought on 6 May 1834. Under the command of Hari Singh Nalwa, Sikhs captured Peshawar resulting in the fleeing of the Muslims.

    Unlike the abeed who bowed down to their Muslim overlords and kissed their tunic, Indians (like the Europeans) made them bleed.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Okechukwu
  368. Malla 说:

    This fraudster would be laughed out of any brick and mortar scientific conference. But to an unsophisticated nincompoop like you he’s a god.

    Laughed out not for scientific reasons, but for ideological reasons. Laughed out by the same crowd who are pushing pansexuality down every one’s throat. That is why they would be your God.

  369. Malla 说:

    Well, my dimwitted hindu friend, if slavery was still extant after European colonization of Africa, surely the Europeans wouldn’t have had to pay for slaves. Am I right?

    European colonization stopped slavery in Africa, you stupid pig. Even after Europeans conquered Indonesia and South India, they were still paying for spices. Conquest in those days meant that other European powers would be kept out of the trade and thus you could have a monopoly.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  370. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Specific African subgroups produce nothing BUT geniuses.


    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  371. Malla 说:

    world-renowned scholar of impeccable credentials publishing authentic peer-reviewed data in one of the world’s most prestigious newspapers.

    Many such lefty world renowned scholars and newspapers are pushing pan sexuality now. No wonder they are your Gods.
    They have very little to do with facts but ideology.

  372. Malla 说:

    Racism as we know it did not exist prior to the slave trade, only becoming necessary in order to justify slavery.

    Oh please spare me all this commie post colonial B.S. my dim witted junglee friend. Racism is as old as mankind itself. From the beginning of time when people of different tribes, ethnic groups, races etc… have come across each other they have been forming all kinds of opinions of each others (correct or wrong) and racist systems. For example Yarubas and Igbos having stereotypes of each other, Tamils and Punjabis having stereotypes of each other. Racism is just a bigger version of tribalism. You do not need racism to justify slavery. Muslims enslaved a lot of non Muslims including Whites, Indians and Christian Arabs but blacks became synonymous with abeed because blacks were extra ordinarily servile and docile to their Muslim lords. Hence they were the favourite to be eunuchs and female sex slaves.


    最棒的 摩西·本·迈蒙 是一位中世纪的塞法迪犹太哲学家,他成为中世纪最多产和最有影响力的托拉学者之一,被认为是有史以来最伟大的犹太拉比之一。他被认为是犹太历史上最重要的拉比哲学家之一,他的大量著作构成了犹太学术的基石。他撰写了十四卷本《密西尼托拉》(Mishneh Torah),该书被认为是塔木德法中的重要权威。
    He was born in 1135 AD, centureis before the Trans Atlantic Slave trade.
    Even he wrote in the Rambam
    wrote in the Rambam
    “那些无法达到最高宗教价值观的人包括黑人和那些在气候上与他们相似的人。他们的本性就像沉默的动物。他们在现存事物中的层次,低于人,高于猴子。” (《蒙蒙尼德斯》,《困惑的指南》,希伯来语版本的翻译)

    For example, recently, the chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef compared blacks to monkeys
    “According to Ynet, Yosef referred to black people by the derogatory Hebrew word “kushi,” and then going on to term a black person a “monkey.”
    His office told Ynet that the comparison was a quote from the Talmud.”

    Is he going to go down to Africa and enslave blacks for his plantation? Do not be a fool.

    Ibn Khaldun ,was a fourteenth-century Arab historiographer and historian. Many modern scholars consider him one of the greatest minds historiography, sociology, economics, and demography.
    “在南部[黑人西非的知名民族]之外,没有适当意义上的文明。 只有人类比愚蠢的动物更接近理性的人。 他们生活在灌木丛和洞穴中,吃草药和未准备的谷物。 他们经常互相吃饭。 他们不能被视为人类。”


    The above quote may give some support to the theory of racism being invented to justify slavery but my opinion is there is no real connection in between the two. Blacks enslaved other blacks and Whites enslaved other Whites in the past.
    Though I do not agree with some of the ‘harsh’ observations above, also worth noting is Ibn Khaldun’s observation that blacks are submissive. Hence your assertion that Indians are docile and servile is wrong. Blacks are more likely to posses these traits and you are a idiotic man living in a glass hut throwing stones at Indians.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  373. @Malla

    The objective truth herb.

    I came across the Zanzibari Omanis in Dubai and they are another market-dominant minority (Albeit heavily mixed with Arab).

    The same is true of South Asia-Sikhs earn more than Jews in the UK while Pakistanis and Bangladeshi are at the bottom of the heap.

  374. @Malla

    In modern times, Muslims are pretty screwed in India.

    Even a Gora knows that majority of them are criminals and drug dealers and jail hounds.

    I’d say the Brahmin won.

  375. @Malla

    I said “might”.

    A great many Nair are despicable lying drunks-in the dawn of time they seem to have more in common with Australian aboriginals than any other human group.

    However, Kerala is relatively prosperous. It might be the only place where socialism made things a bit better. Overall in India socialism was doomed to fail because of the caste-system and 1,000 other reasons but Kochi did alright with Gulf remissions.

    Even the relations between Muslims and Hindus is a little better in the South.

    Now at the end of the day, I’m a white guy. But whites are sort of ignored in India, like a lamp or something, so nobody pushed any particular perspective on me.

    • 回复: @Malla
  376. @Malla

    Sorry, but I know too many Brahmin in Dubai who were so appalled by Brampton or New Jersey that they returned to the Gulf to believe that.

    South Indian Tamil Brahmin are not REAL Brahmin (In the sense that whites regard them as quasi-Europeans) and I’d believe this might be possible.

    But Baniya caste Indians in Jo-Jo or Parsi? They’re in no hurry to move to East Vancouver.

    You forget that Indian neighborhoods in Canada are fairly rough because of Sikhs. They’d give black crips or bloods a run for their money in terms of criminal inclinations.

  377. Okechukwu 说:

    LOL you stupid savage, if the USA and UK would have really been their ally and not have back stabbed them your so called ‘revolutionaries’ would have no chance in hell to win their ‘victories’. they were not allies, they backstabbed the Rhodesians.

    You’re a moron. This was at the height of the cold war. The African freedom fighters had their own allies in the USSR, China and the Eastern bloc, who were just as powerful as the US and UK. While the west was allied with Rhodesia, there were severe restraints on what they could do. They weren’t going to risk a wider conflict over a racist little shithole like Rhodesia.

    Yes I agree that there were these big African Kingdoms but it still does not change the fact that Indians in the year 1300 were using weapons far superior to Africans in the year 1850. The weapons of Indians in the year 1300 would have been fatal to Africans let alone waiting till Europeans till 1800.

    And what exactly were these weapons that the Indians had that the Africans didn’t have? Some African kingdoms traded with the Ottoman Empire and had access to the most advanced weapons in the world at the time. And again, their indigenous weapons were just as effective as anything anyone else fielded. Flintlock rifles are not more lethal than poison arrows.

    African tribal armies were impressive upto an extent but would have been a joke in front of major Indian armies.

    I’m not talking about tribal armies. I’m talking about kingdoms that could marshall tens of thousands of highly trained troops with some of the most advanced weapons in the world.

    Yeah, I’d like to see your Indians try to conquer these armies:

    Contrary to popular Western impressions, sub-Saharan Africa did produce significant cavalry forces where the environment permitted it. The savannahs of Western Africa in particular (Guinea, Gambia, Senegal, Niger etc.) and its borderlands into the Sahara and Sahel saw the development of several powerful cavalry-based states that dominated the region for centuries.[48] Where the tsetse fly was not strong, and the terrain was favorable, the mounted horseman came into his own, and emerged as the true aristocracy of the savannah. As they did further north in Carthage, Egypt and Libya, the introduction of the horse, (and to some extent the camel in desert areas) had a transformational effect on African warfare.

    On suitable terrain, the fast-moving horseman was the dominant force. When infantry operated on ground less favorable to cavalry however, and deployed firearms or disciplined archery, the mounted man was not as effective. Cavalry tactics were varied based on the mix of mounted and foot troops on hand for an operation. Infantry forces were usually larger, and the typical order of battle was a mass of infantry levies armed with hide shields, arrows, bows and spears, and a higher status mounted formation. Cavalry relied heavily on missile action, usually casting javelins in one or two passes, before closing in with lances for shock action. The infantry provided a steadying force if they could mass compactly enough to stand against cavalry charges. Raiding type tactics were standard, particularly in acquiring captives for sale. Generally the savanna cavalries used a “combined arms” approach, seldom operating without supporting infantry. Military operations of the savannah empires can be illustrated by the Mossi. Men of noble birth dominated the mounted units, and commoners were relegated to auxiliary foot formations, very similar to medieval European knights and foot soldiers. The main striking power of the Mossi forces rested in the cavalry, with the typical unit made up of 10 to 15 horsemen. The Mossi emperor delegated supreme command on expeditions to a field commander, or tansoba.

    Another example of an effective cavalry nation; the Mali Empire, deployed both footmen and cavalry, under two general commands. Supreme command for all forces rested with the ruler, but the two army groupings were under two assigned generals. Cavalry was the elite arm of the force and provided the stable nucleus of an army that when fully mobilized numbered around 100,000 men, spread throughout the empire.. Ninety percent of these were infantry. A cavalry force, the farai, supervised the infantry, under officers. The footmen could be either slaves or freemen, and were predominately archers. Three archers to one spearman was the general ratio of Malian formations in the 16th century. The archers generally opened a battle, softening up the enemy for cavalry charges or the advance of the spearmen. Sword and lance were the weapons of choice in the cavalry forces, sometimes tipped with poison. A large flotilla of canoes supported army movements on campaigns.


    I’d like to see your hindu forces negotiate these defensive fortifications:

    Defensive works were of an important part of warfare for these tropical militaries. In the Kongo region they often consisted of a type of field fortification, with trenches and low earthen embankments. These fortifications incidentally generally held up much better against European cannon than taller, more imposing structures, as they were very similar to modern trenches designed for such a purpose. In 15th century Benin, the works were more impressive. The walls of the city-state are described as the world’s second longest man-made structure, and the series of earthen ramparts as the most extensive earthwork in the world. Strong citadels were also built other in areas of Africa. Yorubaland for example had several sites surrounded by the same fully encompassing earthworks and ramparts seen elsewhere, and were situated in positions that improved defensive potential such as hills and ridges. Yoruba fortifications were often protected with a double wall of trenches and ramparts, and in the Congo forests concealed ditches and paths, in addition to the main walls, which were often lined with rows of sharpened stakes. Inner defenses were laid out to dampen a successful breach with a maze of defensive walls allowing for entrapment and crossfire on enemy forces.

    These African armies were not a rabble. They had sophisticated tactics.

    For these types of army, and example of the basic deployment for battle comes from the Fulani, which consisted of groups of select spearmen that entered battle first, supported by archers in the rear, and in reserve would be a general purpose force readed their troops into compact columns, easy to maneuver on the march and remaining somewhat together when spread out for combat. Like the Fulani, the Fante also sent spearmen first into battle, with archers supporting. A general charge by warriors further back under their commanders, then ensued, with sword, club and axe. In both of these cases, leaders seem to have had little control over troop movement once the fray was joined. By contrast, the forces of some other states were better organized. In the Angola region, troops were divided into companies and regiments, each with their own unique insignia. Designated field commanders controlled troop movement with signals from drums, bells and elephant tusk horns. Unlike the Fante or Fulani, archers usually opened a battle with only a very limited volley of arrows. The main force was still the unit of spearmen. Deployment was staggered, so that initial fighting waves fell back on command when tired, and fresh contingents moved up from the rear to take their place.


    No European force was going to overcome these armies prior to the advent of modern weapons. That’s why they didn’t try and when they did try they generally failed. The Zulus, an unsophisticated African army, managed to wipe out 1300 elite British troops in the battle of Isandlwana. This was in the late 19th century so the Brits had all the accouterments of modern warfare, yet they were still destroyed by spear wielding Zulus. Imagine how much more lopsided that battle would’ve been had the British not had maxim machine guns, repeater rifles, rockets and artillery. Well, you don’t have to imagine it because without those weapons the British wouldn’t have had the balls to even go there.

    There was no need for the British to wait for any advancements in weapons. The Europeans were not that interested in the African interior until much later.

    The fact that the Europeans set up coastal trading posts under the aegis of African kingdoms belies that statement. They were very interested but they didn’t have the means to enter the African interior and take things by force. Once they developed the means, that’s exactly what they did.

    At least we fought back you stupid chump and made them bleed. Not like you abeed who bowed down and kissed muslim feet.

    The Muslims just didn’t respect the Hindus in the same way they respected Africans. In India they went in to rape, pillage, plunder, murder, enslave and castrate. In Africa they didn’t fight any wars of conquest. Instead they conducted mutually beneficial trade in gold, ivory and, yes, slaves. In East Africa they mingled their cultures and their languages to create Swahili. In West Africa Timbuktu became the preeminent center of scholarship in the entire Islamic world.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
    , @Malla
  378. Okechukwu 说:

    Even after Europeans conquered Indonesia and South India, they were still paying for spices. Conquest in those days meant that other European powers would be kept out of the trade and thus you could have a monopoly.

    So what commodities were the colonial Europeans paying the Africans for, you ignorant hindu cockroach worshiper? Did the Belgians pay the Congo for the rubber they forced Africans to harvest for them?

    • 回复: @Malla
  379. Truth 说:

    Those are good references, Malls, what you got to compare?

    • 回复: @Malla
  380. Okechukwu 说:

    Oh please spare me all this commie post colonial B.S. my dim witted junglee friend. Racism is as old as mankind itself. From the beginning of time when people of different tribes, ethnic groups, races etc… have come across each other they have been forming all kinds of opinions of each others (correct or wrong) and racist systems. For example Yarubas and Igbos having stereotypes of each other, Tamils and Punjabis having stereotypes of each other. Racism is just a bigger version of tribalism.

    You’re conflating xenophobia with racism, you uneducated buffoon. There’s quite a marked difference. The Yoruba may feel a certain disquiet toward Igbos (or vice versa), but neither one thinks the other is less than human or inferior genetically. Racism as we know it, is a wholly modern European construct that was unknown to the world prior to the Atlantic slave trade. The ancients certainly didn’t practice the same racism. The Ancient Romans were cultural imperialists. Sure, they believed that some cultures were inferior, but everyone could Romanize and become just like them. To the Romans, no people were innately inferior or innately incapable. There were black Roman legionnaires who helped put down European barbarian tribes.

    Don’t take my word for it. In early colonial America, before the inception of the African slave trade, Africans were free people with all the rights and obligations of citizenship. They could vote, own property and freely engage in commerce. They even owned white indentured servants.

    From Indentured Servitude to Racial Slavery

    One of the few recorded histories of an African in America that we can glean from early court records is that of “Antonio the negro,” as he was named in the 1625 Virginia census. He was brought to the colony in 1621. At this time, English and Colonial law did not define racial slavery; the census calls him not a slave but a “servant.” Later, Antonio changed his name to Anthony Johnson, married an African American servant named Mary, and they had four children. Mary and Anthony also became free, and he soon owned land and cattle and even indentured servants of his own. By 1650, Anthony was still one of only 400 Africans in the colony among nearly 19,000 settlers. In Johnson’s own county, at least 20 African men and women were free, and 13 owned their own homes.


    Your references and quotes reflect ethno-nationalism and xenophobia. The Ancient Romans and Greeks said much the same about blonde-haired barbarians.

    • 回复: @Malla
  381. Malla 说:

    This was at the height of the cold war. The African freedom fighters had their own allies in the USSR, China and the Eastern bloc, who were just as powerful as the US and UK.

    The Cold War was partially fake.

    While the west was allied with Rhodesia,

    Yes right, hence Rhodesia faced sanctions? That is why Britain would not accept the Rhodesian declaration of independence in 1967 until voting was given to blacks. No they did not. They back stabbed Rhodesia and hence Rhodesia lost.

    The fact that the Europeans set up coastal trading posts under the aegis of African kingdoms belies that statement. They were very interested but they didn’t have the means

    Nope they had no interest in the African interior until much later.

    I’d like to see your hindu forces negotiate these defensive fortifications:

    Some of the things you wrote about African kingdoms sure seem impressive. But in India you would be dealing with this.
    The ancient Mauryans are said to have owned more than 9000, war elephants, while Chankaya put this number at 21000. Just War elephants let alone cavalry and infantry.
    Asian armies at that time were far more powerful in technology and tactics. We had far more complicated fortresses which other Indian armies had an experience in besieging and taking over.

    For example this is the storming of Multan fort by Sikhs

    In the crusades, the Europeans built far more complicated fortresses than the Arabs. If one group of Europeans could build such complicated citadels then other Europeans would have developed siege weapons to counter this.

    No European force was going to overcome these armies prior to the advent of modern weapons.

    Only in your dreams. If they wanted, they would have conquered easily. They were just not interested at that time. They were concentrating on their Asian trade . Asia had far more powerful armies.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  382. Malla 说:

    Racism as we know it, is a wholly modern European construct that was unknown to the world prior to the Atlantic slave trade. The ancients certainly didn’t practice the same racism

    Your references and quotes reflect ethno-nationalism and xenophobia.

    Read the quotes correctly you stupid low IQ freak, they do not reflect ethno nationalism or xenophobia but classic racism. Racism is no modern European construct. The same Ibn Khaldun in his own book Muqadimmah, wrote about negative things about desert Arabs, his own people but praised England as a magnificent realm. How is this ethnocentrism or xenophobia? Racism began from the beginning of time. Most human kingdoms or societies rarely came across that many people of different races to create a more complete system of racism. The Islamic world stretched from Spain to the borders of China. They came across a variety of humans and thus had more populations to compare with each other with. Europeans traveled and explored the world from pacific Islanders to Inuits. Thus they had more raw data on their observation on various races.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  383. Malla 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    A great many Nair are despicable lying drunks-in the dawn of time they seem to have more in common with Australian aboriginals than any other human group.

    Nearly all South Asians are basically a combination race of black Australian Aborigines like hunter gather peoples and invading Caucasian Whites (Aryans, Scythians etc…) with a little bit of East Asian thrown in.

  384. Bear in mind I was pushed around a time or two.

  385. Malla 说:

    These African armies were not a rabble. They had sophisticated tactics.

    OK cool. Very interesting.

    Cavalry was the elite arm of the force and provided the stable nucleus of an army that when fully mobilized numbered around 100,000 men, spread throughout the empire..

    Yeah, I’d like to see your Indians try to conquer these armies:

    Would not be impossible, could be done.
    Emperor Aurangzeb’s army totaled more than 500,000 in number in his campaign against the Marathas (compared to total Maratha army in the ballpark of 150,000). With him he carried huge artillery, cavalry, muskettes, ammunition and giant wealth from royal treasuries to support this quest.

    The Zulus, an unsophisticated African army

    They were bullying and conquering all other black African nations around them including the Xhosas. Ndebele/Matabele a people related to the Zulus easily dominated the numerically bigger Shonas around them and treated them like pigs.

    managed to wipe out 1300 elite British troops

    The 1300 British troops faced 15,000 Zulu warriors. That is a 10 to one ratio and even with modern guns it is not easy to pull off something like that. It is likely that the British underestimated the Zulus and this played a part in their defeat. Only to followed by the Battle of Rorke’s Drift where 150 british soldiers fought off 3000-4000 Zulu warriors with a few with British guns.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  386. Malla 说:

    The Muslims just didn’t respect the Hindus in the same way they respected Africans. In India they went in to rape, pillage, plunder, murder, enslave and castrate. In Africa they didn’t fight any wars of conquest. Instead they conducted mutually beneficial trade in gold, ivory and, yes, slaves.

    The amount of gas talk here is extreme. Black Africa was the single largest source of slaves to the Islamic world. Sudan was Christian once. Where are they now? Muslims may not have respected black Africans but they sure liked you. Muslim lords were pleased with the servility and docility of black Africans. No resistance, no fightback. “Why can’t the Indians and Europeans be like these docile blacks”, they angrily muttered. Are you telling me that the Islamic forces who attacked Persia, Europe and India, went to Africa for picnic. There was virtually no effective black African resistance to the Islamic forces. You guys fell on their feet and submitted to them with awe. LOL. What docility!!!!
    In the above video on Arabs giving black slaves to their kids on their birthday (Post 307), check out from 5:18 minutes we see a Saharan black people who once owned many cattle but are now reduced to poverty and despair by the slave trade by the Islamic world.

    We were not as successful as Europeans who took the fight to the Middle East (who themselves were not as successful as the East Asian Mongols who destroyed the Caliph capital of Baghdad) but we were in the state of reconquest (like the Spanish/Portuguese) when the Europeans came to India.

    The Hindu Maratha Empire had reconquered a large part of India and the Sikhs were doing the same in the North West.

    Also we had great heroes like Guru Nanak

    And Ranjit Singh (may God bless his soul), who took the battle to the Muslims at the tender age of 12!!! Islamic forces fled in front of his armies and he brought terror into their hearts.

    His Majesty Ranjit Singh, Lion of Punjab and India. He made huge muslim armies bleed

    The valour displayed by the Hindu Marathas was praised by Ahmad Shah Abdali, Afghan King after the third Battle of Panipat

    “ The Marathas fought with the greatest valour which was beyond the capacity of other races. These dauntless blood-shedders didn’t fall short in fighting and doing glorious deeds. But ultimately we won with our superior tactics and with the grace of the Divine Lord.”

    There is no example of this in black African history.
    It were blacks who were bowing down to their Islamic overlords.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  387. Malla 说:

    Did the Belgians pay the Congo for the rubber they forced Africans to harvest for them?

    No clue about that. King Leopold had huge plantations. So they definitely fed the natives.
    In Asia even after conquest, Europeans paid for spices and other goods. The main aim of the conquest was to prevent other European powers to trade with that colony and thus have a monopoly. Even after WW2, the Government of Britain paid the government of British India for all the war material India contributed to the Empire in the War. This is even though India was to get independence in two years (it was known at that time) and Britain was quite bankrupt.
    Indeed the division of that money among India and Pakistan caused Gandhi’s assassination by Hindu fundamentalist Nathuram Godse. Gandhi asked for the money to be split equally in between Pakistan and India while the Hindus made the point that Pakistan having a lower population would be getting more money per capita.
    The British could have just taken all that war material and not paid anything but that is not how things happened.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  388. Malla 说:
    @jacques sheete

    Hey sorry I unfortunately missed your post. Well very hard to give a short summary because a lot of things were discussed in that video. Well it seems the Puritans were in many ways more Jewish than Christian. They followed the Old Testament rather than the New Testament, which is very weird for a Christian group. Cotton Mather, the guy who started Harvard was a Puritan. Same with Elihu Yale, the guy who founded Yale and close associate of Cotton Mather. The Puritans were big in Barbados along with Jews, involved in the slave trade. what the video claims was that the witch hysteria was more to do with human trials on inoculation than real witchcraft. The Puritans were involved in early Medical research. Also the video discusses the extremely shady Royal Society and its control on science. All this was related to the counter culture movement of the 1960s and LSD. It seems LSD is extracted from Ergot, a fungi which affects rye crops and was involved in the Salem Witch trails too. They even wondered if the Puritans were involved in spreading disease amongst Native Americans to genocide them out or if there was a similar conspiracy with the precursors to the Royal Society, Rosicrucianism maybe, in the witch trials in Europe.
    I hope that gives a good idea.

  389. Malla 说:

    Well, what can I say, yes he brings some good references. In these debates you learn a lot of new things even if it means learning from an arrogant cunt like Okechukwu.

  390. anarchyst 说:

    The Flint, Michigan “water crisis” was a result of city and county officials “jumping the gun” while planning to disconnect from the Detroit water system in order to utilize their (unfinished) Karegnondi regional system. Since their regional system, providing water from Lake Huron, was not completed, city and county officials decided to provide water to Flint residents from the Flint river. Anyone who lives in Michigan knows that the Flint river was heavily polluted in the past from industrial processes. Although since cleaned up, toxins are still leaching out of the Flint river.
    铅从现有的管道基础设施中浸出,因为该市选择不每天花费 50.00 美元购买防浸出化学品。这又是市政府官员的决定。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @bucky
  391. @anarchyst

    Flint is basically half ghost-town. The middle-class moved out in the 1980’s and the population dwindled down to retired whites on a set income, poor blacks, deadbeat whites, some public teachers and service sector types.

    You can be sure that if it were Manhattan, the Beltway or Malibu the situation would have been international news.

    But not all citizens are equal.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  392. anarchyst 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Actually it was international news…the democRATS blaming the republican governor all the way down to the republican politicians–who actually had nothing to do with the fiasco. Flint residents were screwed by their own democRAT politicians who attempted to shift the blame off of themselves.

  393. bucky 说:

    Well, currently European technology and European altruism is driving a very unfortunate population boom in Africa. The natural environment in African can’t support a tenth of the people coming out of there.

    Humans are also shaped by their environments for generations. African impulsivity and criminality is probably a relic of their environment as well.

    把一群非洲人带到欧洲,他们会创造伟大的事情吗? 也许一千年后他们就会适应环境。 但在短期内,他们只会造成破坏,因为他们的行为适合非洲的情况。

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Okechukwu
  394. bucky 说:

    Can we get a photo of the local officials who made the decision?

    Flint also is because African populations degrade any locale. The high costs of having to deal with Africans prevents anything from being done.

  395. Okechukwu 说:

    The Cold War was partially fake.

    Haha. Okay, sure.

    Yes right, hence Rhodesia faced sanctions? That is why Britain would not accept the Rhodesian declaration of independence in 1967 until voting was given to blacks. No they did not. They back stabbed Rhodesia and hence Rhodesia lost.

    Do you know anything about realpolitik? Colonialism was dead by the 1960’s. Not only that, the kind of colonialism practiced in Rhodesia, which harkened back to the 19th century, was noxious. No sane country was going to support it openly and officially. Even Apartheid South Africa didn’t grant official recognition to Rhodesia. In fact not one single country on earth recognized Rhodesia. Unofficial support, however, is another matter. You keep flapping your gums about the dark machinations of nebulous and omniscient global elites yet you don’t have the imagination to consider that Britain may have done some things for global consumption while doing other more meaningful things clandestinely.

    Nope they had no interest in the African interior until much later.

    I have already demonstrated abundantly that this is demonstrably false. Africa was a much harder nut to crack than the Americas or Australia or even India. Europeans’ avowed interest in Africa could not match their capabilities. So they were put to tribute by African kings and confined to small coastal trading posts.

    Some of the things you wrote about African kingdoms sure seem impressive. But in India you would be dealing with this.

    I never said ancient India wasn’t impressive in many respects. They had advanced civilizations when Europe was more or less a barbaric backwater.

    Only in your dreams. If they wanted, they would have conquered easily. They were just not interested at that time. They were concentrating on their Asian trade . Asia had far more powerful armies.

    No, dummy. Forget about African military power, which posed a significant deterrent to European ambitions. Disease was also important. Africans being genetically finetuned, largely had immunity to European diseases. These were the same diseases that cleared the path for Europeans in their conquests of other parts of the world. Not only were Africans largely immune, Europeans themselves had much to fear from African diseases like malaria. So as I’ve stated, it was a combination of factors, military resistance being key, that kept Europeans from realizing their manifest destiny aspirations in Africa. And the fact that Europeans were kept at bay so long and colonized Africa so late, meant that their foothold there was rather tenuous, which made them easier to kick out.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Malla
  396. Okechukwu 说:

    Racism began from the beginning of time.

    Jesus, you’re a simplistic moron. My reference is to modern racism. Have you read Othello? Othello is subjected to all manner of invective owning to his race, particularly from Iago. But that abuse does not descend to nadir that modern racism would usher in as justification for the African slave trade. The people who hate Othello on account of his race do not believe he is inferior or subhuman or stupid. They hate him because of his outsider status, which is further accentuated by his physical otherworldliness.

    I’ve proven to you that in colonial America of the early 16th century, systemic institutional racism against black people did not exist. The notion that blacks are inferior did not exist. All of that would change later in the century with the onset of the African slave trade as the perpetrators sought to justify their actions to themselves.

    • 回复: @Malla
  397. Malla 说:

    Haha. Okay, sure.

    Yes it was. Each anad every Communistr evolution was funded by Western banking establishments.

    Colonialism was dead by the 1960′s

    谁杀了它? 它本来可以尽可能地继续下去。

    Not only that, the kind of colonialism practiced in Rhodesia, which harkened back to the 19th century, was noxious.


    No sane country was going to support it openly and officially


    Even Apartheid South Africa didn’t grant official recognition to Rhodesia. In fact not one single country on earth recognized Rhodesia. Unofficial support, however, is another matter. You keep flapping your gums about the dark machinations of nebulous and omniscient global elites yet you don’t have the imagination to consider that Britain may have done some things for global consumption while doing other more meaningful things clandestinely.

    Britain destroyed Rhodesia. The British establishment worked with Communist countries behind the scenes to destroy Rhodesia. All you “African revolutions” were supported by the same mafia behind the scenes, without which none of your fake African revolutions would have survived.

    Africa was a much harder nut to crack than the Americas or Australia or even India.

    根本不是真的。 非洲黑人比亚洲人甚至一些美洲原住民要原始得多。

    They had advanced civilizations when Europe was more or less a barbaric backwater.

    过去 3000 年来,我们拥有先进的文明,甚至 1850 年代的非洲黑人也是一群原始人。

    Disease was also important.

    This is true, I agree on this. But this was most true for primarily Western Africa.

    military resistance being key,

    根本不是真的。 无论你如何宣称非洲的军事实力(以及富有想象力的计算机生成的骑在马背上的非洲战士的服装),欧亚军队的杀伤力要大得多。

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  398. Malla 说:

    Have you read Othello?

    Othello is the best you have got? I have quoted Arab scholars from the 14th centoury and we see a classic case of racism. How many black people had Shakespeare seen in his life.

    I’ve proven to you that in colonial America of the early 16th century, systemic institutional racism against black people did not exist. The notion that blacks are inferior did not exist.

    是的,现代形式的种族主义可能后来才出现,但奴隶制并不是其主要原因。 获得自由的黑人拥有其他黑人作为奴隶,如果奴隶制和种族主义如您所说的那样相关,这怎么可能。

    Top 10 Black Slaveowners

    William (April) Ellison

    1862年, William Ellison was one of the largest slave owners in South Carolina as well as one of the wealthiest. He was born a slave and was given the name April, after the month in which he was born. He was luckier than most and was bought by a white slave owner named William Ellison, who took the time to educate him. When he was 26 years old, he was freed by his master and began building his expansive cotton plantation. As a free man, he had his name changed to William Ellison, that of his former owner.

    What makes Ellison so despicable and earns him the number-two spot on this list is how he collected his wealth. Ellison was known to have made a large proportion of his money as a “slave breeder.” Breeding slaves was illegal in many Southern states, but Ellison secretly sold almost all females born, keeping a select few for future breeding. He kept many of the young males, as they were considered useful on his plantation. Ellison was known to be a harsh master, and his slaves were almost starved and extremely poorly clothed. He kept a windowless building on his property for the specific purpose of chaining his misbehaving slaves.”

    Black Slave Owner and Breeder in South Carolina ~ The Interesting Story of William Ellison

    “William Ellison was one of the wealthiest men in the South as well as being a black, former slave. He owned cotton gins, plantations, and 68 slaves. And from accounts of the time, he wasn’t very nice…At the peak of slavery in the United States, large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. 1860年 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some 8 million of them lived in the slaveholding states. The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves. Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 % of southern whites owning one or more slaves, however, around 30% for free blacks owned slaves).

    In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free Negroes is acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on blacks who owned slaves. These include individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more.”



    How was all this possible if modern racism is so closely intertwined with slavery? There are other reasons for modern racism.

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Okechukwu
  399. Malla 说:

    Sorry for my harsh words in my other response. I am not denying that African armies fought and defeated European armies in the past, I never denied that. Long ago I was aware of the Ashanti, Zulu etc… as well as the Kongo Kingdom. I was well aware that the Kingdom of the Kongo made independent alliances with European powers (with the Dutch against the Portuguese), hell even sent a petition to the Pope (this was centuries ago) with the Pope taking their side against the Portuguese. I am not denying that Africans had effective military forces.
    But the resistance movements post WW2 were different and not a continuation of the pre 1900 resistance movements. They were funded and created by other forces behind the scenes , who also funded the Irish revolution and revolutions all throughout the world including the Indian “Independence Struggle” and Algerian “Independence Struggle”. Many tribal chiefs had supported the Rhodesian government (they sent a delegation to Britain on it’s behalf) not because they loved to kiss Whitey ass nor because they were forced to by the Rhodesian government. It was because they knew exactly well what kind of forces were driving these so called “independence struggles” and the Rhodesian government was a better alternative for the present moment. Most colonial governments had treaties with African royal families and normally treated them well and their children went to some of the best European schools and universities, schools to which even poor Europeans could never hope to go. Indeed many of the African “revolutionaries” even opposed the traditional royal families. Kwame Nkrumah’s clash with the traditional chiefs is one of the best examples.

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  400. Malla 说:

    The main reasons for the rise of modern 奴隶制度 was the observation of the behaviour and other traits of other races as well the rise of an industrial society which was more tuned towards the’ice’ people of the North.

    Correction. The main reasons for the rise of modern 种族主义 was the observation of the behaviour and other traits of other races as well the rise of an industrial society which was more tuned towards the’ice’ people of the North.

  401. Malla 说:

    Paul Du Chaillu, the French explorer wrote in his book Ashango-Land Page 225
    “I HAVE been struck with the steady decrease of the population, even during the short time I have been in Africa, on the coast and in the interior ; but before I account for it, let me raise my voice in defence of the white man, who is accused as being the cause of it. Wherever he settles, the aborigines are said to disappear. I admit that such is the case ; but the decrease of the population had already taken place before the white man came ; the white man noticed it, but could not stop it. Populous tribes whom I saw for a second time, and who had seen no white man and his fiery water, have decreased, and this decrease took place before the terrible plague that desolated the land had made its appearance. The blacks themselves acknowledge the decrease. Clans in the life-time of old men have entirely disappeared ; in others, only a few individuals remain.”

    He further writes in his book Asliango-Land, page 435
    “The decrease of the African population is owing to several causes : the slave-trade, death among children, plagues, and witchcraft, the latter taking away more lives than any slave-trade ever did. The negro does not seem to diminish only in the region I have visited ; but in every other part of Africa, travellers, who after the lapse of a few years have returned a second time in the same country, have noticed a decrease of population. . . . The women of the interior are however prolific. The Southern States of America were, I believe, the only country in which the black people is known to have increased.”

    Paul Du Chaillu was a French-American traveler, zoologist, and anthropologist who was himself most probabaly 1/4th black, 3/4th white by ancestry, a quadroon.

    He was sent in 1855 by the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia on an African expedition. Until 1859, he explored the regions of West Africa in the neighborhood of the equator, gaining considerable knowledge of the delta of the Ogooué River and the estuary of the Gabon. During his travels from 1856 to 1859, he observed numerous gorillas, known to non-locals in prior centuries only from an unreliable and ambiguous report credited to Hanno the Navigator of Carthage in the 5th century BC and known to scientists in the preceding years only by a few skeletons. He brought back dead specimens and presented himself as the first white European person to have seen them.

    A subsequent expedition, from 1863 to 1865, enabled him to confirm the accounts given by the ancients of a pygmy people inhabiting the African forests. Narratives of both expeditions were published, in 1861 and 1867 respectively, under the titles Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa, with Accounts of the Manners and Customs of the People, and of the Chace of the Gorilla, Crocodile, and other Animals; and A Journey to Ashango-land, and further penetration into Equatorial Africa. While in Ashango Land in 1865, he was elected King of the Apingi tribe. A later narrative, The Country of the Dwarfs was published in 1872.

  402. Okechukwu 说:


    1300 是被杀的数字,而不是英国士兵的总数。

    这是一个 10 比 XNUMX 的比例,即使使用现代枪支,也不容易实现这样的目标。

    You’re joking, right? If that had been Indians armed only with spears if the British had fired a few rounds they would’ve scattered. It turns out that the Zulus out-thought, out-strategized and out-fought the British, who given the preponderance of their advantage in weaponry and fighting on open ground had no business losing the battle.


    Welcome to warfare. That’s how it often goes. So?

    随后发生的罗克漂流战役(Battle of Rorke's Drift),150 名英国士兵与少数使用英国枪支的祖鲁战士击退了 3000-4000 名祖鲁战士。


    • 回复: @Malla
  403. Okechukwu 说:


    不,印度是最大的奴隶来源国。 不要忘记,印度的穆斯林征服者不仅杀害了数千万印度教徒,还奴役了数千万印度教徒。 正如一个实际问题一样,印度人在整个次大陆和中亚被大规模地就地奴役,而非洲奴隶则必须被运输,因为穆斯林不敢像对待印度人那样在自己的土地上奴役非洲人。

    尽管他们被认为具有“齐米”地位,但在整个伊斯兰统治时期以及进入20世纪,大规模屠杀、大规模强迫皈依和大规模奴役以及由此产生的强迫皈依伊斯兰教的情况仍然存在,因为许多人要求偶像崇拜者/多神教徒皈依或死亡。 印度教战士和男性被屠杀,妇女和儿童被奴役。 对年轻男孩实行太监奴役。

    通常不会给出实际数字,只是诸如“无数俘虏/奴隶”或“所有妇女和儿童都被带走”之类的评论。 凡是有记录的数字都是可怕的。 穆斯林和人们一样,抢走了一切他们能得到的东西——硬币、珠宝、衣服、衣服、家具、偶像、动物、谷物等,或者毁掉了它们。


    苏丹曾经是基督徒。 他们现在在哪里?

    与印度次大陆的 XNUMX 亿穆斯林人口相比,北苏丹的穆斯林人口绝对是相形见绌。



    印度莫卧儿王朝 ~ 世界历史上最大规模的大屠杀

    “Hindus are like the mud; if silver is demanded from them, they must with the greatest humility offer gold. If a Mohammadan desires to spit into a Hindu’s mouth, the Hindu should open it wide for the purpose. God created the Hindus to be slaves of the Mohammadans. The Prophet hath ordained that, if the Hindus do not accept Islam, they should be imprisoned, tortured, finally put to death, and their property confiscated.”


    穆斯林领主对非洲黑人的奴性和顺从感到满意。 没有抵抗,没有反击。



    Zanj forces grew rapidly in size and power, absorbing the well-trained black contingents that defected from the defeated caliphal armies, along with some disaffected local peasantry. In October 869 they defeated a Basran force, and soon afterward a Zanj capital, al-Mukhtārah (Arabic: the Chosen), was built on an inaccessible dry spot in the salt flats, surrounded by canals. The rebels gained control of southern Iraq by capturing al-Ubullah (June 870), a seaport on the Persian Gulf, and cutting communications to Basra, then seized Ahvāz in southwestern Iran. The caliphal armies, now entrusted to al-Muwaffaq, a brother of the new caliph, al-Muʿtamid (reigned 870–892), still could not cope with the rebels. The Zanj sacked Basra in September 871, and subsequently defeated al-Muwaffaq himself in April 872.


    Let’s examine just a sampling of black slave rebellions in the new world, shall we?


    非洲奴隶于 1520 年代首次抵达,作为农业帮手和家仆。 1560年代以后,奴隶主要用于采矿。 到 1770 年代,哥伦比亚 60% 的人口都是自由的有色人种。 许多逃亡的奴隶组成了被称为帕伦克的守卫村庄。 许多获得自由的奴隶与白人、印第安人通婚,产生了哥伦比亚复杂的种族杂烩。 奴隶制于 1851 年结束。奴隶制结束后,非裔哥伦比亚人成立了名为“cabildos”的协会,该协会使非裔哥伦比亚文化得以长期发展。

    哥伦比亚第一次奴隶起义发生在1530年的圣玛尔塔。该镇被奴隶彻底烧毁。 它于 1531 年重建,在 1550 年的另一次叛乱中再次被烧毁。1545 年,一群采矿奴隶从矿井中逃出,占领了托菲梅镇。 他们杀害了 250 名白人,并将 1555 名印第安人质劫持到山上。 1556年和1598年,波帕扬也经历了叛乱。 4,000 年的波帕扬起义对西班牙造成了毁灭性影响。 1557 名奴隶摧毁了萨拉戈萨金矿,这是利润最高、产量最高的金矿之一。 XNUMX 年,胡安·梅伦德斯·德·巴尔德斯 (Juan Meléndez de Valdés) 率领的一支探险队重新夺回了矿井,并处决了重新捕获的奴隶。

    1732 年,逃亡奴隶再次在波帕扬在卡斯蒂略镇附近形成了帕伦克。 当地政府无法摧毁帕伦克,因此他们宣布大赦,前提是不再接受新的逃亡奴隶。 这个要求被忽略了。 由于后者,1745年,一支远征军发起摧毁营地。 住宅被毁,但前奴隶逃脱并建立了另一个营地。


    马莱起义(葡萄牙语:Revolta dos Malês,发音为 [ʁɛˈvɔwtɐ duz maˈle(j)s], [ʁeˈvɔwtɐ duz mɐˈle(j)s],也称为大起义)也许是巴西最重要的奴隶起义。 1835 年 XNUMX 月斋月期间的一个星期日,在萨尔瓦多巴伊亚市,一小群黑人奴隶和自由民在穆斯林教师的鼓舞下起来反抗政府。 此时,穆斯林在巴伊亚被称为 malê,来自约鲁巴语的 male,指的是约鲁巴穆斯林。



    最著名的西马罗内斯之一是巴亚诺国王。 1552 年,巴亚诺与一支由多达 1,200 名逃亡者组成的部队建立了帕伦克(即奴隶庇护所),并领导了与西班牙人的长达五年的战争。 据历史学家称,被称为朗孔乔隆的帕伦克本质上是民主的,甚至是社区穆斯林奴隶清真寺的所在地。



    从 250 年代开始,一直持续到解放前,美国殖民地发生了多达 1600 起奴隶起义。 其中规模最大的一次于 1811 年在新奥尔良举行。 被称为“德国海岸起义”的这场为期两天的暴乱,有多达 500 名奴隶参与,他们大多手持手工工具,这是奴隶们秘密策划了一段时间的事件。 两名定居者被杀,一些甘蔗种植园被付之一炬。


    1831年的纳特·特纳叛乱仅涉及弗吉尼亚州种植园的70名奴隶,但叛乱中有多达65名白人平民被杀,成为美国历史上最血腥的奴隶起义。 尽管叛乱在几天之内就被镇压,但仍有多达 200 名未参与叛乱的黑人奴隶被民兵和寻求报复的愤怒暴徒杀害。 这场叛乱在整个南方的奴隶主中引起了广泛的恐慌,并促使州政府禁止奴隶接受教育,并通过法律限制奴隶的行动。 叛乱还赋予地方当局虐待自由黑人的新权力。


    斯托诺叛乱是 13 个殖民地有史以来规模最大的奴隶起义。 9 年 1739 月 20 日星期日,在没有劳动的一天,大约 XNUMX 名奴隶在一位名叫杰米 (Jemmy) 的男子的带领下,给白人上了一堂关于非洲人对自由渴望的惨痛教训。 该组织的许多成员都是经验丰富的士兵,要么来自雅马西战争,要么来自安哥拉家乡的经历,他们在那里被俘虏并被出售,并接受过使用武器的训练。

    他们聚集在斯托诺河,袭击了一家仓库般的哈钦森商店,处决了白人店主,并将受害者的头颅放在商店前面的台阶上供所有人观看。 他们继续前往该地区的其他房屋,杀死居住者并烧毁建筑物,然后穿过殖民地前往佛罗里达州圣奥古斯丁,根据西班牙法律,他们在那里将获得自由。



    当然,如果不提及人类历史上最伟大、最成功的奴隶起义,奴隶起义的清单就不完整。 在海地之前,世界历史上所有其他奴隶起义都失败了。 斯巴达克斯失败了。 印度教奴隶甚至从未尝试过解放自己,所以他们当然失败了。 但在海地,他们不仅解放了自己,还击败了当时欧洲最强大的三支军队:法国、英国和西班牙。


    来源? 别再胡编乱造了。

    你是不是告诉我,进攻波斯、欧洲和印度的伊斯兰势力,都跑到非洲去野餐了? 非洲黑人实际上没有对伊斯兰势力进行有效的抵抗。 你们纷纷跪下,怀着敬畏之心向他们屈服。 哈哈。 多么顺从啊!!!!

    穆斯林没有在非洲进行征服战争。 他们以奴隶为贸易对象。 在印度,他们用武力征服并夺取奴隶。 他们知道这种方法在非洲行不通。 非洲王国太强大了,他们非常尊重非洲文明,而你们印度教徒则被视为非人类的污秽,必须被踩在脚下。

    伊斯兰教本身是一种宗教,从一开始就受到黑人/非洲人的帮助。 先知穆罕默德的许多早期弟子和同事都是黑人,后来的许多伊斯兰学者和法学家也是如此。 从这方面来说,是黑人宗教和文化征服了你们印度教徒。




    印度人温顺、顺从,英国人也知道这一点。 即使在技术上废除奴隶制之后,英国人仍然继续将印度奴隶出口到帝国的偏远角落。 没有选择其他英国臣民,只选择了温顺而奴性的印度人,他们似乎生来就是为了奴役。

    180 年前开始背井离乡的印度殖民地奴隶工被遗忘的故事

    Girmityas, the slave-like indentured Indian labourers numbering over a million who were taken to work across the colonies of the British Empire.

    尽管他们的名字源自“协议”一词的讹误——1807年奴隶贸易正式废除后,英国人转向契约劳工——但他们并没有受到什么尊严的对待。 次大陆大部分地区遭受饥荒后,他们被迫寻找工作,经常受到剥削和过度劳累,几乎得不到医疗服务,死亡率也很高。


    • 回复: @Malla
  404. Okechukwu 说:

    是的。 每一次共产主义的演变都是由西方银行机构资助的。

    So? I doesn’t matter who funded it or allegedly funded it. Marx himself was a German. Communism grew out of Western European thought.

    谁杀了它? 它本来可以尽可能地继续下去。

    The fact that you could fire a gun at a white person and kill him was what killed colonialism. To maintain colonialism white people would either have to be bulletproof or they’d have to affect a total arms embargo of Africa, which was impossible after WWII. Colonialism was on its deathbed worldwide in the aftermath of WWII because that conflict revealed to the entire world that white people could be killed in the multitudes like so many cockroaches. It also put a lie to European pretensions to moral superiority.

    英国摧毁了罗得西亚。 英国当权者在幕后与共产主义国家合作摧毁了罗得西亚。 你们所有的“非洲革命”都是由同一个黑手党在幕后支持的,没有他们,你们假冒的非洲革命就不可能生存。

    非洲革命者用武力摧毁了罗得西亚,傀儡。 在那次冲突的后期阶段,该国大部分地区都成为种族主义势力的禁区。 由于担心自己的生命安全,白人正在集体逃离,他们自己将这种现象称为“鸡跑”。 游击队的道路布满了地雷。 他们用单兵便携式肩扛式导弹击落了罗得西亚客机,这是第一支实现这一目标的部队。 罗得西亚人只能乘坐由全副武装的部队护送的车队出行。 简而言之,比赛结束了。 唯一剩下的问题是,在不可避免的损失之前,白人愿意接受多少死亡、破坏和羞辱。 结果本身已成定局。

    英国确实拯救了罗得西亚,因为他们与美国一起进行干预,以防止罗得西亚军队彻底失败和投降。 《兰开斯特宫协议》是一种保全面子的机制,允许罗得西亚在看似不投降的情况下投降。 然而,该协议实际上相当于罗得西亚投降。

    根本不是真的。 非洲黑人比亚洲人甚至一些美洲原住民要原始得多。

    Africans smelted iron and had iron weapons. Native Americans didn’t, which was one of the things that made them ripe for conquest. Africans had organized, centralized polities which could resist European aggression. Native Americans didn’t.

    Africans weren’t necessarily more primitive than Asians at various points in history. Some Asian cultures still lived a stoneage existence well into the 20th century.

    过去 3000 年来,我们拥有先进的文明,甚至 1850 年代的非洲黑人也是一群原始人。

    只有古印度有比较先进的文明。 然而,与努比亚和埃及的非洲黑人文明相比,即使他们也是穴居人,后者的文明时间可以追溯到8000年前。 事实上,希腊人和罗马人几千年来也是穴居人,而这些闪闪发光的黑人文明仍然存在。

    根本不是真的。 无论你如何宣称非洲的军事实力(以及富有想象力的计算机生成的骑在马背上的非洲战士的服装),欧亚军队的杀伤力要大得多。


    • 回复: @Malla
  405. Okechukwu 说:


    奥赛罗是中世纪和文艺复兴时期欧洲黑人经历的典型。 非洲奴隶贸易带来的蔑视、污名化和白人至上主义意识形态尚未扎根。


    Maybe more than a few. Africans and African-descended people were present in Elizabethan-era Europe. You’ll find many depictions of Africans in the artwork and heraldry of the period.


    这本书可能会让非专业人士感到惊讶,因为非洲黑人被认为参与了美洲的奴隶贸易,而文艺复兴被认为是纯粹的欧洲现象,以基本上同质的种族为中心。 这些断言都不是真的,这本优秀的书有助于解构这种历史刻板印象。 从十五世纪中叶起,欧洲定期接收大量非洲黑人。 甚至在古典希腊之前,地中海就是一个跨文化和跨种族的空间。 文艺复兴不仅反映了古典文化的重新发现,也反映了阿拉伯人带来的技术和思想的涌入。 洲际航行揭示了文化革新的同步过程,这有助于重塑欧洲



    众所周知,自殖民时代早期以来,黑人就一直居住在欧洲国家。 但即使在 15 世纪之前和罗马时代,肤色仍然不是种族主义的耻辱,而只是另一种身体特征,黑人就生活在欧洲。 最近在英国发现了一具具有非洲黑人特征的男子遗骸,其生活年代可以追溯到 13 世纪。 阅读这篇文章了解更多信息。


    是的,现代形式的种族主义可能后来才出现,但奴隶制并不是其主要原因。 获得自由的黑人拥有其他黑人作为奴隶,如果奴隶制和种族主义如您所说的那样相关,这怎么可能。

    The situation was far more complex than that. The law did not explicitly prevent anyone from purchasing slaves in those states where slavery was legal. The small numbers of black slave owners made any amendment of the laws unnecessary. Many black slave owners purchased their relatives. Some purchased women to marry, and failing to emancipate them them legally, those women were counted as slaves as were any children born of the marriage. Some blacks bought slaves in order to emancipate them while others bought slaves in order to work them as chattel. But free blacks, both in the north and south, still lived in the withering racist environment the slave trade had engendered. Free blacks were still subject to the Dred Scott decision, having “no rights a white man was bound to respect.”


    One of the places we have the clearest views of that “terrible transformation” is the colony of Virginia. In the early years of the colony, many Africans and poor whites — most of the laborers came from the English working class — stood on the same ground. Black and white women worked side-by-side in the fields. Black and white men who broke their servant contract were equally punished.

    All were indentured servants. During their time as servants, they were fed and housed. Afterwards, they would be given what were known as “freedom dues,” which usually included a piece of land and supplies, including a gun. Black-skinned or white-skinned, they became free.


    契约奴制度造成的混乱使种族奴隶制​​对南方奴隶主更具吸引力,因为现在的黑人奴隶是什么? 嗯,他们是一支永久依赖的劳动力,可以被定义为一个与世隔绝的民族。 他们在种族上是分开的。 他们是局外人。 他们是陌生人,在世界各地的许多方面,奴隶制已经扎根,特别是在人们被视为局外人并可能处于永久奴隶制地位的地方。

    契约奴役保证了 4-7 年后的自由以及此后的许多福利,要废除契约奴役并引入永久奴隶制取而代之,需要对那些被奴役者的看法进行彻底的范式转变。 实际上,他们需要被非人化。


    俄罗斯的农奴制与美国的奴隶制同时存在。 也在这一时期,欧洲人在北非受到巴巴里海盗的奴役。 维京人奴役了其他欧洲人。 奴隶制在印度已经存在了数千年,直到今天,印度仍然有最多的人生活在现代奴隶制之下。

    • 回复: @Malla
  406. Okechukwu 说:

    Well, currently European technology and European altruism is driving a very unfortunate population boom in Africa. The natural environment in African can’t support a tenth of the people coming out of there.

    How so? Europe and Japan are pretty savvy technologically yet they have the reverse of population booms. Their societies are rapidly aging as they suffer from sub-replacement fertility.

    Altruism? LOL.

    Humans are also shaped by their environments for generations. African impulsivity and criminality is probably a relic of their environment as well.

    Well here’s the thing. One can argue persuasively and present facts to back it up that it is Europeans who are excessively impulsive and criminally inclined.

    把一群非洲人带到欧洲,他们会创造伟大的事情吗? 也许一千年后他们就会适应环境。 但在短期内,他们只会造成破坏,因为他们的行为适合非洲的情况。

    You mean like these Africans?

    Britain’s Smartest Family is Black

    Twelve year-old twins, Peter and Paula Imafidon, are black children from Waltham Forest in northeast London. Nicknamed “the Wonder Twins,” Peter and Paula are Great Britain’s highest achievers. At 9-years-old they made history as the youngest children in British history to attend high school.

    The children became the youngest to ever pass the University of Cambridge’s advanced mathematics exam after participating in the Excellence in Education program. They set world records when they passed the A/AS-level math papers. Peter Imafidon, who is also a 100m and 400m relay champ in London, has said that he would like to serve as Prime Minister one day and his sister Paula, a county champion in rugby, would like to teach math. Both students are musicians.

    The twins joined the ranks of their gifted siblings, Anne-Marie Imafidon, who was the pioneering child among the young genii. Now 26 years old, Anne-Marie spoke six languages and graduated from high school at age 10. In 2003, when she was only 13, she was granted a British scholarship to study Mathematics at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. And at 17, Anne-Marie obtained her Masters Degree from Oxford University.

    Anne-Marie was the youngest person to pass the A-level computing exam. Just last year she was called a “serial world record breaker” in the September 2011 edition of “Higher Education Digest.” Anne-Marie has mentioned that she believes in mentoring children to help them succeed. She is involved in the S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program to help fulfill the need for math and science female leaders. She is currently working in a high-level position at an international investment bank in the United Kingdom.

    At 11 years old, Christina Imafidon (now 22) was the youngest student in history to attend a British university – the United Kingdom University. Christina is now working as an intern with the Citigroup Corporation as well as conducting research on mathematics with Oxford University.

    Fifteen year-old Samantha Imafidon had passed two high school-level mathematics and statistics exams at age 6. She became the youngest girl in the UK to attend secondary school at the age of 9. Samantha was the sibling who mentored the twins to pass their own math secondary school test when they were also 6 years old. She is a gold level champion in the 100m and 200m relays.

    Dr. Chris Imafidon and Ann Imafidon, their parents, raised the children with a guided discipline. The father emigrated from Edo State, Nigeria to London over 30 years ago. He is currently working as a renowned scholar and international education consultant to several governments. He also serves as a mentor and coach to American students at various academic levels using Skype and web technology.

    His family has been used as a model to improve scholarship in Europe and Asia. He strongly believes that anyone can achieve what he has achieved with his family through a specific model for education. In his own family, if one child had a reading assignment, there was a communal effort. “If you really want a child to learn anything, find out the best way that child learns,” says Imafidon. “Every human being has a unique way of learning.”



    • 回复: @Bucky
  407. Okechukwu 说:


    Now this is cute. You assert that African revolutionaries who wanted to free themselves of the yolk of white supremacy were manipulated by puppet masters. But co-opted, corrupted, compromised and traitorous figurehead puppet “tribal chieftains” were acting for the general good? LOL.

    Look, there are always collaborators. You Indians had quite a large number of them during your own independence struggle against Britain. A handful of Britons could never rule a huge country of 400 million people without a vast network of contemptible, self-hating collaborators. In fact India’s ruling party, the Bharatiya Janata, emerged from Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh movement, which collaborated heavily with the British during India’s freedom struggle.

    • 回复: @Malla
  408. Okechukwu 说:

    In Asia even after conquest, Europeans paid for spices and other goods. The main aim of the conquest was to prevent other European powers to trade with that colony and thus have a monopoly. Even after WW2, the Government of Britain paid the government of British India for all the war material India contributed to the Empire in the War. This is even though India was to get independence in two years (it was known at that time) and Britain was quite bankrupt.


    To Understand the Nature of Britain’s Debt to India, We Need to Follow the Money

    The Raj prospered thanks to the economic loot of its richest colony and when the time came to pay up, it demurred

    自 1947 年以来,时间的流逝使当代印度与其殖民历史之间产生了时间和心理上的距离。 结果,许多人能够利用我们的无知来提出论点,要么颂扬英国的统治,要么减少其掠夺。 通过观察第二次世界大战期间印度经济剥削的故事,可以最容易地说明这个问题。 最近的一些书籍揭示了印度在二十世纪两次全球战争中的经历,但对其经济影响的清晰了解仅限于少数学者,尚未成为我们公众理解的一部分。 然而,虽然战争的血腥或饥荒的恐怖更容易被识别,但大规模金融操纵造成的破坏也同样严重。

    战争有着巨大的胃口,多条战线同时爆发的全球战争也不例外。 因此,英国决定帮助自己获取印度的资源,而不考虑这对印度本身的影响。 这些资源包括大量的食物、木材和其他原材料,最重要的是,约 2 万印度士兵。 英国从贫穷的印度获得的资源相当于或超过了日益繁荣的美国所提供的资源。 虽然美国的材料是在英国按照华盛顿的条件签署协议后提供的,但印度的情况却截然不同。 英国觊觎印度的资源,但又不想为此付出代价。 因此,英国持有未来可赎回的期票,而不是支付从印度提取的商品和服务的款项。 这类似于顾客走进杂货店并清理货架。 但他没有支付现金,而是写了一张承诺稍后付款的纸条。 而且,他决定将这张纸条留在自己身边,妥善保管! 这是印度英镑余额的相当简单但准确的故事。

    但如果英国推迟付款,这些货物仍然必须在印度购买,并以现金支付给个人卖家。 正是在这里,印度储备银行介入援助伦敦并印制了大量货币。 因此,1940年至1942年间,印度流通的货币数量增加了一倍多。 结果导致平均通货膨胀率高达 350%。 快速而持续的经济通货膨胀是隐性税收中最累退的​​一种形式,因为它对穷人造成了严重且不成比例的惩罚。 这种通货膨胀加上全面的商品短缺对印度的生活造成了毁灭性影响。 虽然 1943 年孟加拉饥荒造成数百万人死亡,这是英国对印度政策的严峻后果,但这只是全国悲伤和苦难的巨大冰山一角。

    1945年战争结束时,英国终于不得不正视其对印度和其他国家的债务问题。 因此,虽然在 1931 年,英国一直坚持偿还债务的重要性,但现在英国舆论已经转向“赖账主义”,并提出了各种反对全额偿付的论点。 正如英国争取印度自由的活动家雷金纳德·雷诺兹所说,这很像印度大绳子戏法——债务不断增加,直到消失!

    英国同意偿还卢比的债务。 1600 亿卢比,但其他计算显示的数字相当不同。 1947年,库马拉帕估计印度在部署士兵的费用中所分担的费用为卢比。 1300亿卢比。 类似金额的卢比。 与战争相关的开支共花费了 1200 亿卢比。 他认为这些费用和其他费用应该由英国承担,这导致了卢比的数字。 5700亿卢比,比英国的卢比数字高出许多倍。 1600亿卢比。 库马拉帕声称,英国不应被允许成为债务国以及法官和陪审团,他游说印度和巴基斯坦要求就此事建立一个公正的国际法庭。 结果,印度未能推动这样的国际解决方案,而英国的观点占了上风,这极大地损害了独立的印度。

    众所周知,18 世纪英国在印度领土上的势力不断增强,印度的财富也随之被掠夺。 但印度经济剥削的故事直到 1947 年殖民统治结束时才停止。那些甚至想反驳英国在世界大片地区殖民化所造成的道义负担的人,不妨考虑一下印度在 1940 年遭受破坏的事实。 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代。


    • 回复: @Malla
  409. Bucky 说:

    我遇到过像你这样觉得自己有资格进入欧洲的非洲人。 即使您没有参与构建它。 因为你内心深处知道非洲无法建造任何东西。 所以你否认否认并且从不承担责任。

    由于欧洲的医药和技术,非洲将在未来五十年增加大部分人口增长。 如果没有这一点,非洲的自然状况将使人口受到控制。

    至于这位尼日利亚神童,这是在欧洲白人背景和社会中。 作为尼日利亚人,他们在尼日利亚机构中并没有取得成功。 随着欧洲变得更加非洲化,你会发现成功的故事变得更加罕见,即使是这位尼日利亚神童也将因为混乱程度而无法成功。

    • 回复: @Malla
    , @Okechukwu
  410. Malla 说:

    不,印度是最大的奴隶来源国。 不要忘记,印度的穆斯林征服者不仅杀害了数千万印度教徒,还奴役了数千万印度教徒。 正如一个实际问题一样,印度人在整个次大陆和中亚被大规模地就地奴役,而非洲奴隶则必须被运输,因为穆斯林不敢像对待印度人那样在自己的土地上奴役非洲人。

    你的放气没有尽头。 奴隶的最大来源是黑人,你这个愚蠢的傻瓜,以至于“黑人”成了阿拉伯语中奴隶“阿贝德”的代名词。 阿贝德(Abeed)的意思是奴隶,大多数阿拉伯人称黑人阿贝德(Abeed)。 对于阿拉伯人和穆斯林来说,黑人意味着奴隶。


    哈哈 不敢奴役非洲人吗? 阿拉伯人在非洲内陆奴役黑人。 不敢吗? 阿拉伯人面对原始部落,他们害怕什么? 他们不会像印度那样面对强大的军队。 阿拉伯奴隶掠夺者深入非洲内陆。 如果欧洲人来得不是时候,他们也会到达南非。
    上面的黑人奴隶主安东尼·约翰逊是从阿拉伯人那里买来的,他来自安哥拉。 安哥拉在哪里? 它位于非洲南部,非洲深处。 阿拉伯人已经到达了南方!

    穆斯林没有在非洲进行征服战争。 他们以奴隶为贸易对象。 在印度,他们用武力征服并夺取奴隶。 他们知道这种方法在非洲行不通。 非洲王国太强大了,他们非常尊重非洲文明,而你们印度教徒则被视为非人类的污秽,必须被踩在脚下。

    又多了点气。 阿拉伯人轻而易举地征服了非洲人。 没有进行有效的抵抗。 阿拉伯人通过称黑人为“abeed”或“奴隶”来尊重非洲黑人。 我们不想要那种“尊重”。


    Many muslims considered all non muslims, kuffars as subhuman filth. Indeed Islamic scholars had a high opinion of Hindu civilization. Black Africans were considered apes.


    伊斯兰教不为人知的历史 10 – 大西洋与伊斯兰奴隶贸易

    事实上,伊斯兰奴隶贸易比跨大西洋奴隶贸易残酷得多。 伊斯兰贸易中奴隶的死亡率为 80% 至 90%,而跨大西洋奴隶贸易的死亡率为 10%。 大多数黑人男性被阉割,黑人女性被用作低级性奴隶。

    事实上,阿拉伯奴隶贸易中的许多黑人奴隶最终都来到了印度。 他们仍然留在印度、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡,被称为西迪人。 印度的西迪(Siddi)、巴基斯坦的希迪(Sheedi)以及现在的斯里兰卡卡菲尔(Kaffir)。 非洲没有印度奴隶的案例。 事实上,这些黑人今天生活在南亚社会的郊区,贫穷而悲惨,不像非洲的印度人成为亿万富翁和国王。
    南亚的黑人奴隶被英国白人解放了。 在此之前,顺从的黑人亲吻了他们的印第安主人的脚。

    伊斯兰教本身是一种宗教,从一开始就受到黑人/非洲人的帮助。 先知穆罕默德的许多早期弟子和同事都是黑人,后来的许多伊斯兰学者和法学家也是如此。 从这方面来说,是黑人宗教和文化征服了你们印度教徒。

    更多的非洲中心主义者放气。 仅仅因为你有穆罕默德忠实的黑人同伴,并不能改变任何事情。 伊斯兰教不是黑人宗教。 哈哈。 根据伊斯兰教,《古兰经》是从天使加百列传给先知穆罕默德的。 顺便说一句,穆罕默德是一名白人。


    显然他们做到了。 印度教徒是偶像崇拜者,因此受到的仇恨超过了对犹太人和基督徒的仇恨。 其次,与非洲黑人的顺从和原始不同,印度教徒有反击的坏习惯。

    事实上,正如东印度公司在印度站稳脚跟时所表明的那样,印度教马拉塔人已经从穆斯林手中夺回了印度的大部分地区。 锡克教徒也一样。 在黑非洲,我们看不到这样的抵抗。 黑人很容易成为奴隶并亲吻穆斯林主人的脚。

    印度人温顺、顺从,英国人也知道这一点。 即使在技术上废除奴隶制之后,英国人仍然继续将印度奴隶出口到帝国的偏远角落。 没有选择其他英国臣民,只选择了温顺而奴性的印度人,他们似乎生来就是为了奴役。

    这又是垃圾。 南非印第安人在很短的时间内就获得了自由,因为很难让印第安人成为奴隶。 正如我已经解释过的,在加勒比地区禁止奴隶制之前,被当作奴隶的是黑人,因为与美洲原住民不同,黑人极其温顺和顺从。 欧洲人从1600年就来到印度,为什么不把印度人当作奴隶呢? 因为他们知道,与天生顺从的黑人不同,印第安人不能那么容易被奴役。 但一旦奴隶制被禁止,他们就把印第安人当作仆人而不是奴隶,因为印第安人比懒惰的黑人更勤劳、更聪明。


    另一方面,非洲黑人是一个独特的民族。 被所有人奴役。 阿拉伯人、欧洲人、我城市里的猪,凡是你能想到的。 就连地球上唯一的澳大利亚原住民和巴布亚人,甚至比非洲黑人还要原始的人,也没有这个了不起的成就!

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  411. Malla 说:

    噢,请别再跟我说那些共产主义的胡言乱语了。 我可以很容易地证明英国的财富不是来自印度的任何掠夺。 事实上,英国在殖民地正在赔钱。
    Britain paid India all the money in full even though Britain was nearly bankrupt in it’s war with India. Indeed Prime Minister Nehru’s secretary Bajpai criticized him for spending the money too fast. Britain has protected India as well as all it’s colonies from outside threat as well as internal wars. If Britain charges us to pay for that we will have to pay a fortune. In this task, the world’s most powerful navy, the British navy was at the service. The British Indian army could not be increased in size beyond a certain point except during war to keep taxes low.


    一名学生向米尔顿·弗里德曼提出了一个问题,要求他评估所谓的“资本主义民主国家”现在的财富到底是如何获得的,以及这些国家如何如此迅速地变得如此富有。 具体来说,他要求弗里德曼解释奴隶制带来的自由劳动力如何让他们致富,以及拥有殖民地如何让富裕国家从其殖民领地流失财富。 弗里德曼回应称,西方国家的财富源于奴隶制的说法根本不真实。 奴隶制是美国历史上的耻辱和污点,但许多富裕的西方国家并没有奴隶制。 英国、日本发达时没有奴隶,今天的香港也没有奴隶。 他接着声称,事实与“财富是由于西方剥削其殖民地而创造的”这一观点相悖。 人们之所以这么认为,是因为他们有一种根深蒂固的倾向,认为世界是一场零和游戏,如果一个人获得,另一个人就会失去。 事实上,自由市场允许每个人通过互利的自愿交易获益。 当西方殖民非洲时,他们带来的技术极大地改善了那里人民的生活条件,实际上使他们的生活变得更好。 例如,19 世纪的非洲甚至还没有发明轮子。 由于与西方的接触,非洲的状况比以前有了很大的改善。 对于殖民者从殖民地流失财富的指控,弗里德曼指出,母国维持其殖民地的成本总是高于直接或间接经济利益。 以著名的印度为例,结论性的研究表明,如果英国从未拥有过印度,那么英国维持印度的成本要高得多。 此外,尽管如此,许多西方国家从未拥有殖民地却变得富有。

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  412. Malla 说:

    马克思本人是德国人。 共产主义源于西欧思想。

    马克思是犹太人。 共产主义是一种旨在摧毁所有文明但首先是传统西方文明的意识形态。 然而,共产主义是西方的毒瘤。

    非洲革命者用武力摧毁了罗得西亚,傀儡。 在那次冲突的后期阶段,该国大部分地区都成为种族主义势力的禁区。 由于担心自己的生命安全,白人正在集体逃离,他们自己将这种现象称为“鸡跑”。 游击队的道路布满了地雷。 他们用单兵便携式肩扛式导弹击落了罗得西亚客机,这是第一支实现这一目标的部队。 罗得西亚人只能乘坐由全副武装的部队护送的车队出行。 简而言之,比赛结束了。 唯一剩下的问题是,在不可避免的损失之前,白人愿意接受多少死亡、破坏和羞辱。 结果本身已成定局。

    那些非洲革命者不是革命者,而是华尔街和共产党资助的恐怖分子。 他们在与罗得西亚军队的战斗中没有取得任何胜利,而是像老鼠一样越过边境,回来杀害无辜的黑人和白人平民。

    非洲人冶炼铁并拥有铁武器。 美洲原住民没有,这也是他们被征服的时机之一

    这是真实的。 然而你自己也说过,武器就是武器,任何武器都可能是危险的。 此外,美洲原住民很快就轻易获得了欧洲武器。

    非洲人有组织的、可以抵抗欧洲侵略的中央集权政体。 美洲原住民没有。

    你抽什么烟? 印加人和阿兹特克人等一些美洲原住民拥有极其复杂的帝国,并建造了复杂的大城市。

    只有古印度有比较先进的文明。 然而,与努比亚和埃及的非洲黑人文明相比,即使他们也是穴居人,后者的文明时间可以追溯到8000年前。

    你又气喘吁吁了。 印度一直是一个文明,古印度,中世纪的印度,前伊斯兰和伊斯兰。 在印度,甚至在穆斯林到来之前,我们就已经开始写作、哲学、书面语言和高雅艺术。

    甚至在基督出生之前,我们就已经有了孔雀帝国,这个帝国远不是最古老的。 这是一个几乎统治整个印度的文明。

    像 Aryabhatt 这样的伟大数学家发明了零

    即使在中世纪晚期,印度也写下了伟大的文学作品,如《Amuktamalyada》、《Bhaktamal》、《Gita Govinda》、《Prabandha Kosha》、《Prithviraj Raso》,而大多数黑人甚至没有书面语言。 当时唯一拥有文明的非阿拉伯黑人是埃塞俄比亚人。

    埃及8000年啊!!! 首先,埃及的种族是有争议的,但即使我们假设它是撒哈拉以南的黑人,也给你带来了怀疑。 印度的文献记载了两万年前甚至更早的文明。 甚至有印度教派声称埃及是印度文明的前哨,但我还没有深入探讨这一点。

    至于穴居人。 哈哈,当阿拉伯人和欧洲人来到非洲内陆时,大多数非洲国王和酋长住在泥屋和茅屋里,而到伊斯兰入侵发生时,我们的国王住在巨大的城堡和宫殿里。 我们的农民过着像你们的酋长和国王一样的生活。 哈哈。 现在的穴居人是谁?

  413. Malla 说:

    事实上,印度执政党印度人民党 (Bharatiya Janata) 是人民群众团结运动 (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) 的前身,该运动在印度的自由斗争中与英国密切合作。

    是的,确实如此。 但现在他们散布对白人和英国人的仇恨,尤其是现在。 他们还散布对穆斯林、印度基督徒以及中国人的仇恨。 RSS 是由秘密机构创建的,全部由罗斯柴尔德等犹太银行家控制。 甚至获得独立的英属印度国民大会党也是英国人创建的。 犹太裔印度国务卿蒙塔古勋爵在1920年代的蒙塔古克莱姆斯福德报告中写道,英国政府自己会创造印度民族主义并自我毁灭英国政府。


    是的,他们是为了公众利益而行动。 他们知道恐怖分子,呃……“革命者”的危险,以及谁在资助他们以及为什么资助他们。

  414. Malla 说:


    奥赛罗是一位摩尔人大使,而不是居民。 关于他的种族存在争议,他是撒哈拉以南非洲人还是阿拉伯人等等……

    1600 年之前的欧洲也许有一些黑人,但并不多。 欧洲以白人为主。 但我仍然不明白,如果种族主义是为了奴隶制而发明的,为什么迟至 1800 年代才允许自由黑人拥有奴隶。 我同意许多自由黑人购买了他们的亲戚,在某些情况下甚至是朋友来释放他们,但这些人不会成为大奴隶主。 他们只会购买他们所爱的人并释放他们。 我上面发布的名单是拥有许多奴隶的自由黑人,不属于那些购买亲戚以释放他们的人的类别。 这种自由的黑人奴隶主一直存在到 1800 年代。 我本以为到那时,为奴隶制辩护的种族主义就会制度化,但我们仍然看到大量拥有奴隶的黑人。

    就种族主义而言,黑人总是有他们的帮手,而白人总是支持他们的事业。 确实比自己人还要严重。


    “查尔斯·达尔文的叔叔是一家工厂老板乔赛亚·韦奇伍德 (Josiah Wedgewood) 拥有一家企业,该企业在一家渗透着致命毒药的氧化铅的化工厂里为 5 岁的白人儿童工作。 韦奇伍德承认铅使孩子们很容易生病,但无论如何还是对他们有用。
    露丝·霍兰 (Ruth Holland) 在评论新英格兰工厂主参与废奴主义和南方黑人权利事业时观察到,有点难以相信那些无情地虐待白人儿童以谋取利益的北方工厂主对他们感到如此纯粹的道德愤慨黑人奴隶制。 从前一个奴隶“当我还是个孩子的时候”回忆沃尔特麦金托什,他曾在南卡罗来纳州萨姆特当过奴隶“我们曾经唱过,宁愿做一个黑人而不是一个可怜的白人”Tarquin 1488 pel

    俄罗斯的农奴制与美国的奴隶制同时存在。 也在这一时期,欧洲人在北非受到巴巴里海盗的奴役。 维京人奴役了其他欧洲人。

    当然,奴隶制从一开始就存在。 各种各样的人一直在互相奴役。 甚至印度的种姓制度也可以被视为低种姓的一种奴隶制。

  415. Malla 说:

    1300 是被杀的数字,而不是英国士兵的总数。


    你在开玩笑吧? 如果那是只手持长矛的印第安人,如果英国人发射几发子弹,他们就会四散。

    再次更多的气体和投射。 15000 名持矛锡克教徒在任何一天都可以轻松击败 15000 名祖鲁人。


    = 在他们的战争中,狡猾占据着最重要的部分。 他们嘲笑白人面对敌人的勇气,最喜欢伏击和突然的惊喜。 如果有人与人发生争执,他就埋伏等待,在他经过的时候开枪射击,然后立即撤退。 当然,死者的朋友们也会开始争吵。 然后又发生了其他伏击和谋杀; 经常有十几个村庄参与谈判,杀戮和抢劫持续数月甚至数年,各方视情况而行。” 杜夏鲁的
    赤道非洲,第 195 页。

    = 除了范斯和奥谢巴之外,非洲这一地区的战士们并没有勇气过剩。 他们鼓掌的是非人性的残忍和懦弱的伎俩,而且似乎完全没有能力进行公开的肉搏战。 在熟睡中袭击男人、女人或儿童,然后杀死他们; 在树林里埋伏一个人,在他还没有自卫之前,一矛刺杀他; 伏击并杀死一名到泉水取水的妇女; 或者在河上攻击比攻击者小得多、弱得多的独木舟,这些是我听过最受赞扬的战争壮举,也是我在非洲这一地区看到最常见的战绩。” Du Chaittu 的《赤道非洲》,第 131 页。

    = 在战争中,他们没有表现出勇敢,尽管在狩猎中他们确实足够勇敢。 他们鄙视大胆,崇尚狡猾; 更喜欢通过背叛来获得利益, 如果可能的话 ; 对敌人的妇女儿童毫不怜悯或体贴; 对那些拥有权力的人是残酷的。” Du Chaillu 的《赤道非洲》第 379 页。

    除了胆怯之外,他们的主要缺点是偷窃,他们总是表现出这种性格。 从大规模的抢劫到小规模的自吹自擂,他们什么事都没有做错。 就像真正的胆小鬼一样,当他们遇到比自己胆小的人时,他们就是恶霸设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“
    哈钦索夫非洲,卷。 II.,第 22 页。

    大约两点钟,当我躺在小屋门后的一张牛皮上睡着时,我被女人的尖叫声和居民们普遍的喧闹和混乱吵醒。 起初我怀疑班巴万人真的已经进入了城镇; 但当我看到我的儿子站在其中一击的顶端时,我打电话给他,想知道发生了什么事。 他告诉我,摩尔人第二次来偷牛,因为他们现在已经靠近城镇了。 我爬上小屋的屋顶,看到一大群公牛朝城镇走来,后面跟着五个骑着马的摩尔人,他们用步枪赶着牛群前进。 当他们到达靠近城镇的水井时,摩尔人从牛群中选出十六只最优秀的野兽,然后疾驰将它们赶走。 在这次交易期间,镇上有五百人聚集在城墙附近。 当摩尔人赶走牛群时,尽管它们距离牛群只有一枪的距离, 居民们几乎没有表现出抵抗。 我只看到四支步枪发射了,其中装有
    Mungo Park 的第 1 期杂志,第 85 页。

    = 这些不幸的人们很少想到保卫自己的住所,而是放弃它们,从而赢得逃跑的时间。” 德纳姆和 Clappertoris 非洲,卷。 II.,第 121 页。

    只有自利才能使非洲人变得勇敢。 我见过一头小牛,竖着尾巴小跑着,冲破了一百五十个人,运着不属于自己的货物。” 伯顿的
    非洲,第 242 页。

    = 传教士们自信地宣称,刚果国王召集了一支令人难以置信的九十万大军。 然而,当他们补充说这支庞大军队的主力完全被四百名葡萄牙火枪手击溃时,他们对这支庞大军队的勇敢和纪律却只字未提。” 威尔逊的非洲,第 322 页。

    ” 幸运的是,我能够买到两只骆驼而不是牛,这在旱季的路上会带来很大的麻烦,特别是如果没有得到适当的照顾,并为我的旅程准备好一切; 但是这些国家的人都是胆小鬼, 由于我要独自前往,没有商队,所以找不到好仆人。” 巴特尔斯非洲,卷。 一、第 503 页。

    ” 在离开皇家堡前不久,我目睹了他们的演习,这真的很有趣。 演习中,他们练习了武器手册、空弹的装填和射击; 和 当“开火”的命令发出时,近一半的队伍蹲了下来,被自己手中枪的声音吓坏了。 我还与七位人士交谈过
    他们中的一部分。 他们告诉我,他们从来没想到洋基队会让他们打架; 他们无法战斗; '我垂下来死了,我变得如此愚蠢
    ”。 对应一个
    密歇根州国家情报官员,13 年 1862 月 XNUMX 日。

    关于哈珀斯费里的黑人,特别是那些与约翰·布朗在哈珀斯费里袭击事件中更直接相关的黑人,以及后来被抓获并受到惩罚的黑人,当时的一般报纸报道都一致代表了他们所有人(所以非常不同于他们无所畏惧但被误导的英美领导人)完全是怯懦和恐惧的受害者。 因此 :

    ” The blacks made no resistance, but begged for mercy. . . They ran with all the swiftness that their fears could excite. 。 。 。 黑人格林身材高大,面容和表情都很糟糕,是个彻头彻尾的胆小鬼。 他对每一个接近他的人都感到畏缩和乞求。”

    30 年 1864 月 XNUMX 日,黑人军队在试图炸毁弗吉尼亚州彼得堡时的表现,可以参考纽约一家报纸正规军记者的以下联邦报道来了解:
    叛乱分子一看到黑人就被激怒了,他们以恶魔般的愤怒进行战斗,增援部队赶来援助,战局发生了逆转。 当叛乱分子击退了他们的冲锋后,他们又向他们发起进攻,然后他们就像一群惊慌失措、混乱不堪的逃亡者一样,跑到了我们白人军队的后方。 他们的军官们用舌头、刀和手枪试图劝说他们,但徒劳无功。 无论黑人本身受到怎样的耻辱,他们的白人军官都无可非议。”

    15000 名手持长矛的锡克教、帕坦族或马拉塔战士被派往非洲王国,黑人会离开他们的小屋和部落领地逃跑。 15000名持矛的廓尔喀人和黑人将屈服并成为奴隶。 问问阿拉伯人就知道了。 哈哈


    你的评论表明这场战斗给你带来了刺痛。 不,不是真的。 4000 祖鲁人没有去参加余兴表演。 而且,英国军队中的黑人一看到祖鲁军队就像胆小鬼一样逃跑。 100名英国士兵留守并击败了4000名祖鲁战士。 这样的事情不需要提升。

  416. Malla 说:


  417. Malla 说:

    从马口。 正如我一直在说的。 整个黑人革命运动和反种族隔离都与共产主义的传播有关。

    “近一年后,在南非,问题有所不同,但吉恩的方法基本相同。 共产党刚刚摆脱了一场长期的派系斗争,其中全是白人的领导层和以白人为主的党员被指控种族主义。 1931 年,共产国际从莫斯科介入,以丽贝卡·邦廷 (Rebecca Bunting) 和她丈夫为首的领导层被驱逐。 然而,他们的影响依然存在,而且这些问题仍在争论中。 邦廷家族拒绝将种族和民族问题视为南非的首要问题。 他们反对共产国际建立一个独立的原住民黑人共和国并“为少数白人提供保障”的目标。 他们认为这将“有利于黑人种族的独裁统治,从而将受剥削的白人变成受压迫的种族。” 邦廷夫妇声称,战略目标不是占多数的原住民黑人的民族解放斗争,而是由黑人和白人无产阶级建立社会主义。=
    佩吉丹尼斯,美国共产党人的自传:1925-1975 年政治生活的个人观点


  418. Okechukwu 说:

    我遇到过像你这样觉得自己有资格进入欧洲的非洲人。 即使您没有参与构建它。 因为你内心深处知道非洲无法建造任何东西。 所以你否认否认并且从不承担责任。

    这一切都在你的脑海里。 我不觉得我有权利得到任何东西,我遇到的任何非洲人也没有权利。

    由于欧洲的医药和技术,非洲将在未来五十年增加大部分人口增长。 如果没有这一点,非洲的自然状况将使人口受到控制。

    随你怎样,伙计。 继续你悲惨的生活吧。 欧洲的自然状态是饥荒、无政府状态、肮脏、无知和肮脏,直到他们起航并开始掠夺和掠夺世界其他地区的资源。 资源使他们的财富呈指数级增长,人口激增。 如果没有上述被掠夺的资源,欧洲今天的人口可能只有现在的十分之一。


    无关紧要。 记住你原来的主张如下:

    把一群非洲人带到欧洲,他们会创造伟大的事情吗? 也许一千年后他们就会适应环境。 但在短期内,他们只会造成破坏,因为他们的行为适合非洲的情况。




    20 年尼日利亚 2018 名亿万富翁 + 尼日利亚首富



    让我猜猜,你希望欧洲人殖民并统治非洲,但你不希望非洲人在欧洲。 好吧,那些日子已经结束了。 至少非洲人不会去欧洲开枪、杀人、偷窃。 这就是欧洲模式。 非洲人去欧洲学习和工作,同时遵守所有相关法律。 事实上,欧洲的许多非洲人只是在追随被掠夺的财富,同时逃避欧洲殖民主义者和新殖民主义者造成的功能失调。

    • 回复: @Bucky
    , @Bucky
  419. Bucky 说:

    我不会移动球门柱。 你提出了一个异常值。 但重要的是人口动态,而不是单一的异常值。 一个家庭不等于一个群体。 群体动态将是国家层面的人口,而尼日利亚国家对于其他人来说并不是一个理想的居住地。

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  420. Bucky 说:

    Btw, lol at “obeying relevant laws”

    欧洲的黑人犯罪率与美国相似。 人均差距700%。 非洲人的冲动控制很糟糕,因为非洲人没有认知能力。

    哇哦,谈论不承担责任。 非洲人总是为自己国家的糟糕找借口。 现在你甚至声称欧洲的一切都是你的。 你甚至没有意识到你的人民造成的破坏,他们的人均犯罪率差距高达 700%。 你们不断要求欧洲人为他们的罪孽悔改,却从不承认你们自己的罪孽。 那是 *这* 非洲人的典型模式。

    非洲人总是拥有资源,但他们从来没有专业知识。 因为他们从来没有纪律或组织。 就像他们没有任何责任心来控制人口数量一样。

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  421. Okechukwu 说:

    你的放气没有尽头。 奴隶的最大来源是黑人,你这个愚蠢的傻瓜,以至于“黑人”成了阿拉伯语中奴隶“阿贝德”的代名词。 阿贝德(Abeed)的意思是奴隶,大多数阿拉伯人称黑人阿贝德(Abeed)。 对于阿拉伯人和穆斯林来说,黑人意味着奴隶。

    这在后勤上是不可能的,因为非洲奴隶是从非洲运来的,而穆斯林到达印度并开始屠杀或奴役全体人民。 我们从穆斯林的主要资料来源中得到了关于大规模印度奴隶制的记载。 事实上,印度奴隶数量如此之多,以至于出现了某种商品通货紧缩,因为他们的市场崩溃了,而他们只能以微薄的价格获得:


    “奴隶数量如此之多,以至于他们变得非常廉价; 人……被贬低了……但这就是上帝的善良,他赋予自己的宗教荣誉并贬低不忠行为”。 (穆斯林编年史家乌特比(Utbi)关于加兹尼苏丹苏布克提金(Sultan Subuktigin)的奴隶袭击[942-997],Sookdheo p166)



    苏丹菲罗兹·沙阿·图格拉克(Firoz Shah Tughlaq,1351-1388 年)拥有 180,000 名奴隶(他收集了年轻男性),其中包括 40,000 名宫殿守卫。 他告诉他的封地所有者和官员,只要发生战争,就捕获奴隶,并将最好的送给他。 (Sookdheo 第 165-167 页,Lal [c] 第 542 页)



    非洲的阿拉伯奴隶贩子与非洲统治者平等合作。 但在印度,阿拉伯奴隶贩子贬低和羞辱了印度统治者。

    当苏丹马哈茂德(997-1030)将喀布尔的印度教国王贾帕尔带到甘齐并对其进行极度羞辱时,贾帕尔跳进了火中。 (可汗,第 291 页)。 巴尔班(约 1260 年)将印度教领袖和有地位的人物捆绑、脚镣和锁链带到德里,苏丹纳西鲁丁在那里处决了印度教领袖——使其他人“驯服”。 (拉尔[c]第542页)


    哈哈 不敢奴役非洲人吗? 阿拉伯人在非洲内陆奴役黑人。 不敢吗? 阿拉伯人面对原始部落,他们害怕什么? 他们不会像印度那样面对强大的军队。 阿拉伯奴隶掠夺者深入非洲内陆。 如果欧洲人来得不是时候,他们也会到达南非。

    让我们坚持事实,好吗? 没有证据表明阿拉伯奴隶贩子像在印度那样将非洲奴隶当作战利品。 非洲的阿拉伯奴隶贸易是与非洲统治者合作进行的。 这是交易性的,因为阿拉伯人只是潜入那里已经存在的奴隶工业。 阿拉伯人还没有愚蠢到像在印度那样试图征服这些非洲王国并阉割他们的统治者。 有趣的是,印度也有一个蓬勃发展的本土奴隶企业。 但阿拉伯人选择推翻它并强加他们自己的严厉奴隶制。 这表明他们对印度教徒完全缺乏尊重和尊重。

    与欧洲人一样,阿拉伯人主要居住在沿海地区 交易/i> 为非洲奴隶。 阿拉伯人对撒哈拉以南非洲的任何地区都没有征服(甚至入侵)的记录。

    没有阿拉伯人入侵撒哈拉以南非洲,因为没有阿拉伯人可以入侵。 非洲帝国军队太强大了。


    加纳帝国由二十万名战士保卫,其中四万名弓箭手。 它的权力和声誉远至东方的巴格达,这不仅仅是传说:它实际上是一种现象,事实证明了这一现象:1250年来,黑人皇帝连续统治了一个幅员辽阔的西方国家的王位。亚洲没有任何外部敌人,也没有任何内部紧张局势能够肢解它。


    马里帝国的力量如此强大,以至于阿拉伯人有时会向它寻求军事援助。 埃尔马梅尔 (El Mamer) 的哈勒敦 (Khaldun) 表示,情况就是如此,他曾与北撒哈拉地区的阿尔格拉 (Uargla) 地区的阿拉伯-柏柏尔部落作战。 当康坎·穆萨从麦加返回时,他呼吁他提供军事援助。


    伊本·白图泰曾访问过马里帝国,他的一段话清楚地揭示了这一时期(1352年)非洲人的精神状态和自豪感。 帝国的边境地区,例如撒哈拉边缘的乌拉塔,由黑人法巴斯统治,他们对将商品带入该国的阿拉伯商队征收关税和其他税款。 抵达后,商人必须向他们办理行政手续,然后才能进行贸易。 正是在这种情况下,伊本·白图泰(Ibn Battuta)陪同其中一支商队遇到了乌拉塔(Ualata)的法巴侯赛因(Hussein)。

    “我们的商人在他面前站起来,尽管他们离他很近,但他还是通过第三者与他们交谈。 这表明他对他们的关心不够,我对此感到非常不高兴,以至于我非常后悔来到了一个居民表现出如此粗鲁的举止并表现出对[阿拉伯]男人如此蔑视的国家。”

    事实上,当阿拉伯人远离自己的祖国时,他们常常因为与世隔绝而适应非洲的环境。 因此,他们中的一些人传统上在非洲皇家宫廷中扮演小丑的角色。 尽管以前从未被强调过,但这两种文化之间关系的这一方面同样古老或普遍。 因此,哈勒敦讲述了两名阿拉伯廷臣阿布·伊沙克·托内延·埃尔·马梅尔的故事,他们是曼萨·穆萨从麦加返回时随行人员的一员。

    “我们是皇家随行人员的一部分,甚至比维齐尔和国家元首的地位还要高。 国王陛下很高兴地听了我们给他讲的故事,每到一处停留,他都会奖励我们几种食物和糖果。”


    事实上,伊斯兰奴隶贸易比跨大西洋奴隶贸易残酷得多。 伊斯兰贸易中奴隶的死亡率为 80% 至 90%,而跨大西洋奴隶贸易的死亡率为 10%。

    是的,这很残酷,但黑人奴隶在伊斯兰奴隶制中拥有向上流动的机会,这与种族化的大西洋奴隶贸易不同(穆斯林不分种族地奴役所有人)。 在伊斯兰世界,许多黑人奴隶和黑人奴隶女儿的儿子都取得了显赫的地位。

    更多的非洲中心主义者放气。 仅仅因为你有穆罕默德忠实的黑人同伴,并不能改变任何事情。 伊斯兰教不是黑人宗教。


    24 of the Most Influential Black Muslims in History



    哎呀,我想知道为什么穆斯林不像对待你们印度人那样在自己的土地上奴役非洲人。 相反,穆斯林被非洲国王纳贡,甚至充当宫廷小丑。 哈哈。

    在黑非洲,我们看不到这样的抵抗。 黑人很容易成为奴隶并亲吻穆斯林主人的脚。

    我的历史上文盲的印度教朋友,再一次强调,穆斯林并没有征服黑非洲。 穆斯林知道非洲人不像印度人那样容易被欺负。 这是通过力量实现的和平。

    这又是垃圾。 南非印第安人在很短的时间内就获得了自由,因为很难让印第安人成为奴隶

    哈哈。 印第安人在南非一直是奴隶,直到 1833 年英国废除了这种做法。事实上,整个大英帝国的所有奴隶都被解放了。 像往常一样,阿谀奉承的印第安人平静地接受了他们的奴役,也许是在哀叹英国废除奴隶制。


    你在辩论错误的人,兄弟。 你一定很喜欢被人踢屁股。


    1670 年至 1715 年间,通过查尔斯镇出口成为奴隶的[美国]印第安人比进口的非洲人还要多。



    那是因为当时印度是由穆斯林莫卧儿帝国统治的,莫卧儿帝国已经奴役了印度。 如果欧洲人遇到仰卧、匍匐的印度教徒,情况就会不同。



    在殖民时期,许多印度人被英国统治者带到世界各地作为奴隶。 随着 1833 年《废除奴隶制法案》的通过,大英帝国废除了奴隶制,并在英属印度 1861 年《印度刑法典》中将奴隶制定为刑事犯罪。


    废除奴隶制后,契约奴役(一种事实上的奴隶制形式)在印度人中非常普遍,以至于英国政府建立了国家记录档案,人们可​​以在其中搜索有关这些印度仆人的信息。 这些搜索推荐使用哪些关键词?

    最好的开始方法是使用关键字搜索我们的目录。 尝试使用关键字“Indian”加上术语,例如:




    如果我错了,请纠正我,但在我看来,即使是受过训练的猴子也可以扮演这些角色。 因此,印度人被选中并不是因为他们的勤劳和智慧,正如你所说的那样,而是因为他们的顺从、奴性和几乎完全缺乏自尊。






    契约工人试图摆脱英国殖民统治印度时期经常发生的贫困和饥荒。 但由于文盲率很高,很少有工人能理解他们用拇指印的合同条款(代替签名,因为他们不会写字)。 许多人通常在出发地点和工资方面受到误导。



    旅程需要 10 到 20 周,具体取决于目的地。 船上的条件与奴隶船上的条件相似。 1856-57 年,前往加勒比海旅行的印第安人因痢疾、霍乱和麻疹等疾病的平均死亡率为 17%。 他们下船后,在收容站和在殖民地适应环境的过程中,又有更多人死亡(Tinker,1993)。



    工作条件艰苦,工作时间长,工资低。 由于长途航行后,工人们的身体状况很虚弱,这对他们造成了一定的影响。 现有记录表明,1870 年牙买加的年死亡率为 12%,多年来几乎没有变化,三十年后,毛里求斯的死亡率也很常见。 孩子们从五岁起就应该和父母一起工作。

    前契约工人豪希尔达在接受《斐济太阳报》采访时回忆道:“我们因为小错误而受到鞭打。 如果你起床晚了,即晚于凌晨 3 点,你就会被鞭打。 无论发生什么,无论下雨还是打雷,你都必须工作——我们在这里工作,我们必须做工作,否则我们就会受到虐待和殴打”(《斐济太阳报》,1979 年,卡特和托拉布利,2002 年引用: 90-91)。

    1895年至1902年间,数千名印度契约劳工帮助修建了肯尼亚-乌干达铁路,铁路建设项目也将印度“苦力”带到了肯尼亚和纳塔尔(南非)。 据历史学家 Hugh Tinker (1993) 称,估计建造肯尼亚-乌干达铁路的契约工人中有 XNUMX% 在合同期间死亡。 食人狮还多次袭击铁路建设队,造成约一百名工人死亡。



    另一方面,非洲黑人是一个独特的民族。 被所有人奴役。 阿拉伯人、欧洲人、我城市里的猪,凡是你能想到的。

    但即使在技术上废除奴隶制之后,当英国人在他们的殖民地(甚至在他们的非洲殖民地)需要奴隶劳动时,他们也知道去哪里寻找,不是吗? 他们把目光投向了印度。

  422. Okechukwu 说:

    我不会移动球门柱。 你提出了一个异常值。 但重要的是人口动态,而不是单一的异常值。 一个家庭不等于一个群体。

    他们只是在英国社会普遍意义上的异常值这个意义上说是异常值。 英国当然还有许多其他成功的黑人。 查一下。 你在互联网上。

  423. Okechukwu 说:

    欧洲的黑人犯罪率与美国相似。 人均差距700%。 非洲人的冲动控制很糟糕,因为非洲人没有认知能力。













    但没关系,因为他们是白人,对吧? 哈哈。

    • 回复: @Bucky
  424. Bucky 说:



    你自己读一下吧。 但这种差距是存在的,而且这还没有像美国那样存在奴隶制的遗产。 如果没有这个借口,解释就会转向与生俱来的倾向。

    • 回复: @Okechukwu
  425. Okechukwu 说:

    噢,请别再跟我说那些共产主义的胡言乱语了。 我可以很容易地证明英国的财富不是来自印度的任何掠夺。 事实上,英国在殖民地正在赔钱。 尽管英国在与印度的战争中几乎破产,但英国还是全额支付了印度所有的钱。

    哈哈。 你就是那种把印度卖给英帝国主义者的卑鄙汤姆叔叔。

    让我们不要像你这样一个谄媚、自恨的印度白人民族主义者,让我们听听沙希·塔鲁尔(Shashi Tharoor),一位正义、自尊的印度爱国者的话:


    一名学生向米尔顿·弗里德曼提出了一个问题,要求他评估所谓的“资本主义民主国家”现在的财富到底是如何获得的,以及这些国家如何如此迅速地变得如此富有。 具体来说,他要求弗里德曼解释奴隶制带来的自由劳动力如何让他们致富,以及拥有殖民地如何让富裕国家从其殖民领地流失财富。 弗里德曼回应称,西方国家的财富源于奴隶制的说法根本不真实。 奴隶制是美国历史上的耻辱和污点,但许多富裕的西方国家并没有奴隶制。

    那么弗里德曼是个白痴,你也是。 殖民主义在许多方面比奴隶制更糟糕,因为它不仅提供自由劳动力,而且还提供财富。 如果没有英国殖民地财产被盗的财富,包括从印度掠夺的财富,即使是英国的工业革命也是不可能发生的。 请注意,在 17、18 和 19 世纪,甚至到 20 世纪,并非整个欧洲都很富裕。 即使在英国工业革命加快步伐之后,欧洲大部分地区仍然贫穷且不发达。 工业革命将从英国辐射出去,最终席卷整个欧洲。 因此,整个欧洲都从这些被盗的财富中受益。


    孟加拉就是这样融入其中的。1757 年 1760 月,东印度公司在普拉西战役中击败了不分裂的孟加拉人纳瓦布·西拉杰·乌德·道拉,因为纳瓦布总司令米尔·贾法尔背叛了他。 这刺激了英国对印度的统治。 美国历史学家布鲁克·亚当斯记载,孟加拉从纳瓦布国库中掠夺的数额如此之​​大,以至于推动了XNUMX年以来英国的工业革命,并永远改变了世界的生活方式。

    征服者向英国汇出约 1 亿美元。 罗伯特·克莱夫率军反抗纳瓦布,为东印度公司筹集了2.5万美元,为自己筹集了2,34,000万美元。 他的同事 William Watts 抓到了 1,14,000。 从这个数字来看,年收入800元对于当时的英国贵族来说已经足够奢侈的生活了。

    因此,历史记载,普拉西战役后对孟加拉的掠夺引发了工业革命,使英国纺织业迅速实现了自动化机械化。 1764 年至 1785 年间的发明包括 Hargreaves 的珍妮纺纱机、Arkwight 的水力纺纱机、Crompton 的走锭机和 Cartwright 的动力织机。 约翰·凯斯 (John Kays) 发明了飞行梭,煤炭开始在冶炼中取代木材,而瓦特 (Watt) 则在 1768 年使蒸汽机成熟。

    孟加拉的战利品提振了英国经济,但其后果是印度的去工业化。 一旦英国建立了工业资本,它就需要市场来销售其产品。 又是孟加拉,英国殖民的第一个印度地区,被迫吸收这些商品,以便英格兰能够维持其工业革命。 财富流入英国摧毁了印度的工业,贫困导致了一连串的饥荒。 历史学家 RC Dutt 写道,孟加拉人民已经习惯了暴政,但从来没有生活在如此深远的压迫之下,它的影响延伸到每个村庄的市场和每个制造商的织机。 他们……从未遭受过如此密切地触及他们的行业、职业和生活的系统。 他们工业的源泉停止了; 他们的财富来源枯竭了。 这种霸道的英国控制使印度在经济发展上落后了数百年。


    哈哈。 这些是你们工作中的白人主人,你们这些马屁精、阿谀奉承的傻瓜。


    考虑到非洲人在殖民之前比欧洲人更富有并且生活得更好,这种说法很奇怪。 欧洲是一个充满污秽、疾病、贫困、饥荒、无知、宗教极端主义和社会不平等的溃烂烂摊子。 毕竟,这些因素促使欧洲人逃离家园,这是历史上最大规模的人类迁徙浪潮。 没有人会收拾行李逃离一个运转良好、稳定的社会,尤其是在那个时候,这些旅程对我们来说就相当于去火星。

  426. Okechukwu 说:

    你自己读一下吧。 但这种差距是存在的,而且这还没有像美国那样存在奴隶制的遗产。 如果没有这个借口,解释就会转向与生俱来的倾向。


    根据一系列立法,警察有权拦截和搜查个人。 统计数据一致表明,黑人受到拦截和搜查的可能性要高得多。 [16] 2008/09 年,在英格兰和威尔士,根据《警察和刑事证据法》第 1 条,人均被拦下和搜查的黑人数量比任何其他族裔都要多,[17],黑人被拦下和搜查的可能性是其他族裔的七倍。搜索量高于白人。[18]

    你的答案就在那里。 监禁罪犯的第一步是拦截并搜查他们。 如果黑人被拦截和搜查的可能性是白人的七倍,那么不言而喻,这将导致逮捕和监禁率不成比例地偏向于黑人。 与此同时,白人罪犯却在街上游荡,没有被捕,也没有被监禁。

  427. Bubbles 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    我的父母于 1965 年来到南非——我是南非人——我可以获得英国护照,但我的孩子们花了很多钱试图获得一本,但他们被拒绝了,并损失了所有的钱。

  428. @APilgrim

    南非的故事 – 我们当时的总统祖马本应帮助卡扎菲逃跑,并用 90 次航班将卡扎菲的藏品偷运到这里。 我们与前财政部长戈尔丹就将其归还利比亚进行了谈判——当然祖马在议会中否认了这一切——一些藏品被存放在银行里,而银行的保险箱被抢劫了——巧合吗? -我们开玩笑说黄金和钻石都在祖马位于恩坎德拉的地堡里 - 卡扎菲的银行家贝奇尔·萨利赫在这里过着奢华的生活,并于今年早些时候被枪杀 - 他在这里投资了超过 1 亿美元的利比亚石油资金 - 他被国际刑警组织通缉法国当局和我们的政府似乎正在保护他。 南澳对他来说是一个安全的地方,因为他的同伙在这里负责分享战利品。

  429. @JackOH

    我们的水和卫生部门基本上破产了——在所谓的“转型”命令下,熟练的工程和其他专业人员被赶出水务局和市政当局。 市政当局现在每天向该国的河流和水坝排放约 4 亿升未经处理或部分处理的污水——瓦尔水坝充满污水、人类排泄物和死鱼——这是水的主要来源,净化厂几乎无法工作——如果你打开水龙头,它的棕色水闻起来像鱼——这就是危机级别。 他们没有维护任何水坝或下水道系统,也没有建造更多以适应不断增长的人口。 废弃的矿井没有被排干,这些水与被危险化学品污染的供水混合——约翰内斯堡和比勒陀利亚地区、林波波和姆普马兰加地区的洞穴由于这些矿井的水而形成了巨大的落水洞,约翰内斯堡市坐落于此一个非常大的空腔的顶部。



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