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恋犹太主义,即对犹太人的热爱,是一种危险弊病的令人烦恼的症状,是精英与其工人阶级疏远的一种症状,这种弊病目前在法国和英国盛行。恋犹太主义袭击了分裂的社会,并可能比其孪生的暹罗反犹太主义更快地导致社会崩溃。过去也曾这样做过,最著名的是在波兰王国,在那里 什拉赫塔 (贵族)热爱犹太人而鄙视普通百姓, 比德洛(乡下人),直到他们的国家崩溃。在基督教或后基督教社会中,犹太人是一种象征,是某种完全非基督教的态度和行为的象征。




在英国,犹太人对鲍里斯·约翰逊的看法存在分歧。他们不希望英国脱欧成功,但科尔宾的加入让他们更加害怕。科尔宾是……不,不是犹太人,而是新自由主义的公开敌人。将其与他对以色列政治的拒绝结合起来,你就会得出反犹太态度的总和。是的,科尔宾是反犹太人的,如果你愿意的话,甚至是反犹太主义者,即犹太人讨厌的人,因为他反对犹太人的运作方式,即资本主义和犹太复国主义。他对犹太血统的人完全没问题,他没有偏见,他不是种族主义者,但这无关紧要。他的胜利不会“对犹太人有好处”,对那些让巴勒斯坦流血的犹太人来说,也不对那些以牺牲英国工人为代价而繁荣的犹太人有利。也许科尔宾对犹太工人来说会很棒,但他们在议会中没有代表。 众议院,而首席拉比并不关心他们。







你无法逃脱这个标签;如果他们愿意,他们会将其附加到您的名字上。同样,一个男人也无法避免被称为大男子主义,并被激进女权主义者指控骚扰。瑞典女权主义者安娜·阿丁(Anna Ardin)指控朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)强奸并毁掉了他的生活,就像她用刀刺伤了他一样,她还指控一名学生骚扰,因为他避免看她。对于这样的指控应该不予理睬。


这些奸诈的人并非都是犹太人,而且相差甚远。但在这种不愿公开宣传的计划中,犹太人是非常宝贵的合作伙伴,这就是为什么:“大屠杀纪念馆是整个法国后基督教精英的世俗寺庙。大屠杀基金会、犹太社区项目、犹太慈善团体和犹太慈善机构让犹太社区不鼓励报道他们所参与的事务。他们可以在默默无闻的情况下促进交易”——一位知识渊博的犹太人告诉我,他非常了解事情的进展在法国犹太社区以及共和国的高级商业、银行和政界。我称他为 JT(我将在下一篇文章中分享更多他的知识 – ISH)。 –“犹太身份再次成为逃避审查和问责的一种方式。只有反犹太分子才敢将阿尔斯通的出售、马克龙的职业生涯、罗斯柴尔德家族和犹太社区联系起来。”眨眼眨眼。


JT 对法国和法国人民非常批评:“法国白人外邦人对自己的过去和身份感到羞耻,陷入享乐主义、挥霍、毒品、抗抑郁药、放荡主义、色情和同性恋。他们的斯德哥尔摩综合症是由欧洲以外的出生群体造成的,其人数现已超过本地人口。他们不愿意为自己的土地和遗产而战,对自己的过去一无所知,而且越来越文盲,他们对法国的热爱充其量是徒劳、多余和语无伦次的。


JT 表示,法国犹太人帮助美国抢劫法国。拥有无所不能的司法部支持的美国公司是法国不繁荣的主要原因。当法国试图对美国互联网公司(亚马逊、谷歌、Facebook)征税时,特朗普威胁要对法国葡萄酒征收 100% 的关税。对法国来说,正确的选择是与美国掠夺者分道扬镳,停止因违反美国不合理的单边“制裁”而支付数十亿美元的罚款,与北约分道扬镳,并嘲笑特朗普要求为不必要的美国保护支付更多费用。但法国和其他欧洲国家却犹豫不决。他们并没有抓住特朗普的愚蠢和傲慢所提供的机会,尽管这位橙子已尽其所能来解放欧洲人。他打开大门,侮辱他们,踢他们,但他们拒绝离开马厩。




对犹太人的爱似乎是这种忠诚的一个组成部分,还有 LGBT 的废话和其他美国特有的东西。对犹太人的爱和对美国的爱——它们是分开的吗?如果法国和英国重新获得独立,他们的犹太人将恢复他们在社会中的正常地位。诚然,它不会是一个最高的地方,但它将是一个健康社会中平等的受人尊重的地方,而不是像现在这样成为欧洲废墟上外国影响力的象征和促进者的地方。

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  1. Gyre07 说:


    • 回复: @Trevor Hardy
  2. 喜欢阅读这篇文章。非常发人深省,这就是我来这里的原因。

    • 同意: Tom Welsh
  3. Lot 说:

    “ with Labour and Tories competing who will express their love of Jews more profusely, while the Jews can’t decide whom they loath less”

    Retarded as always, Israel.

    Corbyn has always made his distaste for Jews, aside from a few deracinated commie friends, as explicit as he can get away with. Like racist blacks he also associates with, Corbyn sees Jews as “superwhites.”

    This election Jews are going to block-vote for Tories at 80% levels.

    On France, it is much the same. Jewish voters love FN, as they should since the Marine took over.

    I am sad US Jews are still mostly Dem voting idiots, but it is changing. NYC Jews in Brooklyn all voted Trump.

    Le Pen + Wilders + Salvini + Orban + Trump + Bibi + Jair + BoJo = Your commie-dhimmi worst nightmare!

    • 不同意: Alfred
    • 哈哈: Kolya Krassotkin
    • 巨魔: Truth3, Herald, neutral
  4. @Lot

    Corbyn has always made his distaste for Jews, aside from a few deracinated commie friends, as explicit as he can get away with.

    There have been a few articles which show that what you say isn’t true. Just the last one or one of the last:

    Smoke without fire: the myth of a ‘Labour antisemitism crisis’
    by Jamie Stern-Weiner and Alan Maddison


    …….that elected party leader Jeremy Corbyn is himself an antisemite.

    This last claim—a recent invention even in the context of the “Labour antisemitism” campaign—is the most tenuous, flying as it does in the face of Corbyn’s entire documented political career. From April 1977, when he helped organize the defense of Jewish-populated Wood Green from a National Front rally

    Even Alderman confirmed this :

    “From the other end of the political spectrum, distinguished British Jewish historian Geoffrey Alderman observes that, “[a]s a matter of fact, Jeremy Corbyn has an impressive demonstrable record of supporting Jewish communal initiatives.””

  5. AaronB 说:


    犹太人的想法只是精英主义。 祭司之国等等。

    People who hate Jews see themselves as inferior and resent Jews for being elite, or are competing for status and somehow see Jews as an obstacle. That’s basically the whole of anti-Semitism.

    But most elites simply cooperate and join with Jews. This is why I think there is a permanent fusion between elites and Jews in the West. Jewish power isn’t going away anymore.

    The Jewish idea is powerfully appealing to elites – it is basically the private ideology of all elites anyways.

    Now, being elite can have its dark side, but it can be very positive as well – paternalism, nobless oblige, stewardship, guardianship, responsibility, charity.



  6. 我完全赞成这样的定义;如果有的话,他们的范围也太窄了。我更喜欢一个广泛的定义,将任何去教堂或清真寺的人描述为反犹太分子;谁不为犹太人定居点做出贡献;他不相信上帝选择的犹太民族高于一切凡人的法律。也许到那时,外邦人就会不再害怕被贴上“反犹太分子”的标签。这种恐惧比指控更能扼杀他们的灵魂。尽管莎士比亚、圣约翰、陀思妥耶夫斯基和切斯特顿等最优秀的人都被认为是反犹太主义者,但这并没有削弱他们的名声和荣耀。



  7. Lucas 说:

    凯文麦克唐纳教授出于某种原因将犹太人归类为敌对精英。 Israel Shamir 以他一贯的娱乐性和信息丰富的方式回顾了与目前在英国和法国发生的灾难有关的原因。 显然,为了让自己的精英们“从积极的一面”行动,就必须打破犹太人对他们施加的魔咒。 Shamir 称之为 Judeophilia 的咒语。


  8. @Lot

    Lot, like the rest of the Hasbarists here, is trying desperately to insinuate himself into what he sees as an alt-right audience. They all push faux-alt-right themes and try to associate themselves with pro-whiteness. All of this, of course, is merely a cover for their authentic objective–pushing pro-Jew views and co-opting the “alt right” in order to harness it to the goals of Jewry. It’s worked with a large section of the Christian Right so why not the alt-righters, reason these dear elders of Zion.

    Le Pen + Wilders + Salvini + Orban + Trump + Bibi + Jair + BoJo = Your commie-dhimmi worst nightmare!

    In the mid-2oth century the Jew party line was that Islam had treated Jews better than Christianity historically, and since treating Jews well is, in the Jew’s mind, the ultimate moral achievement, well, wasn’t it clear that Islam was morally superior? This meme was part of a larger campaign to reshape Christianity to suit the Jew’s needs.

    Flash forward to the present when Muslims no longer seem to serve the Jew as a rhetorical device nearly as well as they once did. First, the Jew has been fairly successful at saddling and bridling institutional Christianity. Second, it has become clear to the Jew that they will never willingly accept the imposition of the Judenreich in Palestine, and third, the immigration tidal wave that the Jew did so much to bring about is now starting to be seen as a problem for Jews. And so our sweet jew hypocrites have commenced a 180 degree turn. Now all our sweet ones want to talk about is “Judeo-Christian” this and “Judeo-Christian” that. Even 50 years ago, the word “dhimmi” would virtually never have passed a Jew’s lips. Now it’s all the the conniving, insinuating Jew can talk about.

    It’s typical Jew Orwellianism: “We’re at war with Islam. We’ve always been at war with Islam.” (The word “antisemitism,” by the way, derives from the notion that Jewish semites were historically a fifth column inside Europe aiding the larger Semitic demographic in the Middle East and North Africa, especially Arabs, in its fight with Christendom.)

    Lot thinks that this shtick will play well in these parts. Since the aggressive, Israel-promoting, war-loving Jew has been alienating the left more and more, he is desperate to worm his loathsome way into the ECHT right. And since so many grass-roots conservatives and reactionaries reject Jew neoconservatism, the Jew is now trying to wheedle his way into the right writ large, which, of course, our sweet Jews have traditionally despised and denigrated. So what we see taking place is a gradual Jew migration from subversive, anti-establishment faux-left to establishment faux-left to Neo-conservative faux-right to Likudnik, “nationalist” faux-right, which is what Lot, AaronB, our resident Medusa, Fran Taubman, et al. Notice how “faux” and “Jew” just go naturally together.

    In some places the conniving Jew has had some success. At American Renaissance, shabbosgoy Jared Taylor has implemented an unwritten and unspoken policy of barring Jew-critical comments while encouraging without restraint negro-critical, Islam-critical, feminist-critical and other such comments. Here though, he faces quite a bit more of a challenge, trying to bamboozle an audience that is very well versed in Jew machinations and all manner of Jew pilpul and with no top cover for his conniving.

    In his comment, Lot tries to ingratiate himself by pushing the Jew’s typical anti-Corbyn line. Corbyn, in point of fact, is way too soft to harbor any real animosity for scheming Jewry, much less to make any such distaste explicit. Corbyn has allowed a number of key Labor leaders like Ken Livingston to be lynched by the Jews. Yet organized Jewry still detests Corbyn, because he won’t kuckle under completely on Palestine, which is a good enough reason for me to feel some sympathy for him despite the unreality of much of his platform. My general rule of thumb is that anything the Jews dislike can’t be all bad.

    In any case, I doubt that the deceitful Jew Lot or the rest of the satanic minyan that loiters around these premises is fooling much of anyone with their faux-alt-right confections.

  9. @AaronB


    The aristocratic elite of the medieval and early modern period certainly did not identify with Jews. They were willing to cooperate with Jews who composed ready-made networks that could be used for commercial and financial undertakings. The idea of aristocracy identifying with Jews is laughable.

    In Poland the Szlachta did forge a closer partnership–and it ended up wrecking the Polish state, leaving it prey to Russia and Prussia.

    JP Morgan did not identify with Jews. Henry Ford did not identify with Jews. Thomas Edison did not identify with Jews. Quite the opposite. Jews were not wanted in the elite universities, clubs and other social organizations until after WW II.

    Ultimately an elite who found the Jew to be generally distasteful was too weak to prevent the Jew from subverting it and taking destructive control of much of the culture. None of this suggests that non-Jew elites ever saw the Jew as anything other than a necessary or useful evil.

    The problem for western elites is that the individualism of the West gives the tribalist Jew networks maximum opportunity to subvert the culture and achieve power within it. That was happening in Weimar Germany until the Depression provided an opportunity to shut down the attempt.

    And back to the point about elites–much of the German and French elites were willing to side with Fascism rather than allow the Jewified Left to gain a purchase on the culture. The Soviet elite ultimately recognized the disloyalty of Jews post-WW II and took systematic action against them.

    No, sweet Jew, your bogus argument goes nowhere. All we see now is that Jews take advantage of an open society to subvert and reshape its culture to suit Jew ends. Right now, we are at peak Jew, and a diseased society grovels before Shylock, but that too shall pass, as it has in the past. The power of the Jew is vested in the stability of the American state which is now showing considerable stress due largely to the destabilizing cultural impact of the Jew over most of the last century. And the Jew will never have any significant impact on the actions of the Chinese state and its impregnable culture.

    As I said, we are at peak Jew.

  10. Lot 说:

    “但大多数精英只是与犹太人合作并加入。 ”


    克林顿夫妇的独生子和特朗普的最爱都嫁给了犹太人。 150年来,精英阶层与他们的通婚率一直很高。




    • 同意: AaronB
    • 巨魔: Truth3
    • 回复: @Exile
    , @Lol
    , @Bookish1
    , @renfro
  11. @AaronB

    Elites identify with Jews when they consider low classes – disposable and untouchable. If they relate to low classes as to their wards or brothers-in-Christ they share communion with – then they do not identify with Jews. Communion is the point

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Anon
  12. AaronB 说:

    The idea that elites would not exploit their lower classes if Jews weren’t involved is pretty dumb. Elites typically perceive their lower classes as a foreign race almost. I forget which British aristocrat said two nations live in Britain, the poor and the rich.

    君主和贵族利用犹太人来剥削他们的人民这一事实表明了他们的态度。 有史以来无数次百姓起义,应该是一条线索。

    你所说的犹太人对非精英的敌对态度是精英对社会大众的普遍态度。 精英们也常常来自外国的征服种族,比如英格兰的诺曼人。 同样,来自外国种族的敌对精英很常见,而精英通常会剥削。

    因此,让精英善待下层阶级是一个困扰所有社会的基本历史问题,与犹太人无关。 我们看到,即使犹太人作为外来种族的地位也不是独一无二的,因为许多精英都来自外国征服种族。

    Anyways, from the point of view of the native elites in Europe or America, it makes no sense to get rid of Jews rather than join them – because they also see the lower classes as unrelated to them. So there is no real conflict between Jews and European elites on this score.

    摆脱犹太人的唯一方法,就是让那些在现有制度中无法获得地位的有才华和精力充沛的群众组织起义并推翻它。 这不太可能,因为现有系统非常擅长为真正有能力的人提供机会。

    Moreover, were that to happen, that new elite would just become exploitative, because that’s what elites do.

    This isn’t really a soluble problem, nor is it specifically tied to Jews, and at best we can hope for better and worse periods.

  13. Lot 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    “ the Jew is now trying to wheedle his way into the right”

    That ship has long ago sailed.

    Accusing me of trying to appeal to the “alt right”???

    1. This is a Shamir thread, he’s admitted to being a communist who wishes the USSR had never fallen.

    2. In case you didn’t notice, I only express contempt and mockery for right-wing antisemites. I can be charming when I want to, but I am not trying to convince you of anything, I’m gloating. Once again, pro-Israel nationalists:

    Le Pen + Wilders + Salvini + Orban + Trump + Jair + BoJo

    Successful anti-Israel conservative nationalists in rich civilized countries…. {}. You say Corbyn isn’t all bad, well that’s all you got. No need to go to England though, you can fall in love with Ilhan Omar just like Kevin MacDonald and Phil Giraldi!

    • 回复: @Oscar Peterson
    , @barr
  14. AaronB 说:
    @israel shamir

    Elites always consider lower classes more or less untouchable. The thing is to get them to see them as their wards, as you say. And this doesn’t have anything to do with Jews specifically, but it is a problem with elites everywhere.

    Japanese elites, for instance, reached peaks of treating their lower classes subhumanly rarely seen elsewhere, where the Samurai were allowed to kill commoners for sport.

    Examples could be multiplied ad infinitum, but the point is clear – elites have a tendency to mistreat the lower orders, and its beyond race. Or rather, most elites see themselves as practically a different race anyways.

    You surely know that Judaism encourages treating the lower orders and the especially vulnerable – the poor, the orphan, the widow, the stranger – with especial consideration and kindness.

    So the task is to get both Jews and non Jewish elites, to live up to their better natures and ideals. And thus is always tough and only partially successful.

    Separating Jewish elites from native elites would accomplish nothing – and in any event is not going to happen. As lot says, the two groups have been fusing for over 150 years.

  15. AaronB 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    This is true. Historically, Jews and native elites in Europe were two factions competing for power, now cooperating and using each other, now fighting.

    The process of finally fusing is only about 150 years old. It’s pretty inevitable, if you ask me.

  16. @Lot

    What a mish-mash of nothingness.

    Me: “ the Jew is now trying to wheedle his way into the right”

    You: That ship has long ago sailed.

    And yet you and the other operatives show up day after day to tell us how you identify as white (Fran Taubman) and how the left sucks (as though anyone needed a Jew to tell him that) etc, etc. If the ship had really sailed, you wouldn’t need to work so hard trying to convince us of it.

    Your rhetoric is typical Jew pilpul. Everything you want to see come to pass is presented as inevitable: “That ship has long ago sailed.” Yet your obsessive, hasbarist need to grab the readership by the collective lapel and repeatedly make an unpleasantly garlicky case for the metaphysical certitude of your desired outcomes betrays your insecurity as to what they will really be in the end.

    Deep down, you aren’t able to convince even yourself of the inevitability of the Jew-friendly eschaton you are trying to hawk–quite the opposite, one suspects. And so, like a used-car salesman, you push the hard-sell no matter how laughable and/or irritating it is to the customers in an effort not only to make the sale but also to reassure yourself.

    • 回复: @Lot
  17. Rahan 说:

    ” If and when France and England regain their independence, their Jews would recover their normal place in their societies. Admittedly, it won’t be a place at the top, but it would be a respectful place of equals in a healthy society, rather than a place of a symbol and a facilitator of foreign influence on the ruins of Europe, as it is now.”

    — Gut bacteria. If it stays in the gut, it helps the organism be healthy. If it spread all across the body–very bad. If it’s completely gone–also bad. If it stays in its place–good.

  18. @AaronB

    “The process of finally fusing is only about 150 years old. It’s pretty inevitable, if you ask me.”

    The “fusion” you speak of is not fusion–it’s subversion and a general cultural decadence that the Jew has played the central role in introducing into the US and which now is leading to increasing levels of instability.

    The Jew played a central role in the collapse of the decadent Polish state in the 18th century and the decadent Weimar Republic in the 20th. Now he drives the American state toward the precipice in the 21st with his self-seeking, tribalistic impulses.

    As for “inevitability,” we’ve heard it all before–wild-eyed Jew prophets ranting about inevitable destruction of this, that and the other thing, Jew Marx claiming the inevitability of his ludicrous notions, Jew neocons babbling about the inevitability of a “march to democracy.”

    And none of it turned out to be inevitable.

    Der ewige 裘德.

    • 同意: Druid
    • 巨魔: TKK
    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Anonymous
  19. Adrian 说:

    I forget which British aristocrat said two nations live in Britain, the poor and the rich.

    That British Aristocrat was a Jew – Benjamin Disraeli in his novel Sybil or The Two Nations.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  20. JUSA 说:

    For all intents and purposes, America is now a Jew nation. We are just a bigger, richer version of Israel. Jews now have total control of both parties, as well as all institutions of import in the US: Wall Street, Hollywood, deep state, tech, media, academia, medicine, the judiciary. Thanks esp. to their control of academia, media and Hollywood since the 60s, they’ve brainwashed generations of whites into eschewing WASP traits of integrity, hard work, self-restraint, and adopting Jewish traits of narcissism, over sensitivity, unscrupulousness, pleasure seeking, always blaming others for their problem, total lack of self-restraint, shameless greed and sexual deviance. A country full of such people is obviously ungovernable, that’s why the US is the banana republic that it has become.

    France and the UK are there too. The French have always been more like the Jews than the WASPs. Catholics are much more corruptible, and the Rothschilds are extremely powerful in both countries. That’s why they are in the worst shape among FUKUS.

    Most of the people profiled in this show are whites, not Jews. But Jews did this to them, through their reckless policies since Clinton of endless wars, endless immigration, and holding interest rates artificially low for prolonged periods to inflate asset prices and consolidate wealth in the hands of (((Wall Street))) while impoverishing the rest of the country:

    • 同意: Exile, Druid, Durruti, Saggy
    • 回复: @Durruti
  21. animalogic 说:

    “Clearly, in order to get one’s elites to act “on its positive side” one has to break the spell the Jew has over them.”
    “Spell” is a great word here. Israel & Jews generally are THE verboten subject. They thrive in this “darkness”. Only the disinfection of light can begin a healing process.
    In short a “naked emperor” moment is called for.
    The beginning of “McCarthyism’s” END began in just another one of McCarthy’s interminable Hearings: special council for the US Army, Joseph Welch, out of patience,. asked McCarthy : “Have you no sense of decency?”.
    So, stand-up today’s Joseph Welch.

    • 回复: @byrresheim
    , @Craig Nelsen
  22. AaronB 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    没有犹太人,你们所有的领导人都会是人民的高贵而公平的守护者,所有的女孩都会美丽,所有的男孩都会勇敢。 没有犹太人,你永远不会颓废,你将永远年轻、新鲜,永远不会变老。


    • 哈哈: TKK
    • 回复: @PPB
    , @geokat62
    , @Doesto_whatever
  23. ‘… but it would be a respectful place of equals in a healthy society…’

    Isn’t this simply an evasion? No matter how one looks at your paradigm, in it such a respectful relationship seems improbable.

    Without deciding whether or not I agree with you, it’s impossible to imagine Jews as you define them assuming the position of equals who respect the larger society.

    You define Jews as a blight on society and decry their effect. Alright; what is it that you propose as the alternative?

    • 回复: @israel shamir
    , @Skeptikal
  24. TKK 说:
    @Oscar Peterson




    • 巨魔: Twodees Partain
  25. TKK 说:

    It’s hopeless. You’d have better luck teaching a jellyfish calculus-


    These troglodytes are deeply envious of and therefore hate Jews. There’s no other opinion permitted ( you are deemed a troll- the horror!!!) It’s ironic when you can glean from their rabid frothing rants- they have never been to Israel. They don’t know one Jew.

    他们是被牵着鼻子走的乡巴佬,仇恨一群不以任何方式考虑他们的人。 相反,他们正在生孩子、赚钱并巩固家庭纽带。

    Unz has no end to his appetite in baiting them. Perhaps they should be worried he is reporting their IP addresses to B’nai B’rith. He already showed his hand that he tracks how much time individual users spend on the site.

  26. Rebel0007 说:

    @IsraelShamir @Ron Unz

    Having lived in areas with heavy Jewish populations most of my life, I’ve had many Jewish friends, the overwhelming majority of whom were non-practicing Jews. Israel was never discussed with most of them, it was a non issue for 90% of the Jews that I knew. This is hardly an echo of the national narrative. Yes, I do know a few that are solidly Zionist to the death, but they are in the minority.

    Just out of curiosity, does publicly condemning Zionism, the holocaust narrative, and the Israel lobby isolate you from the Jewish community?

    I have seen videos of Norman Finkelstein heckled and jeered.

    Richard Pereman says that truth is a lonely warrior, and I have to agree with that!

    If this makes you uncomfortable, I sincerely apologize, and please do not publish it.

    • 回复: @israel shamir
  27. Jews prosper when the majority regresses.

    Think Weimar Germany.

  28. Adrian 说:

    The Italian economist-sociologist Vilfredo Pareto coined the phrase “history is the graveyard of elites”. Elites disappear not by the victory of the dominated mass but by the appearance of another top group. The process leading to it he called “the circulation of elites”. Elites of a different nature alternate. Pareto called them “lions” (who believe in authoritarianism and “the heavy hand”) and “foxes”(who rule through cunning and deceit and, sometimes, diplomacy).

    Israel Shamir recently drew attention to the fact that Trump is besieged by a cabal of Jews – in spite of all the goodies he has bestowed on Israel.. Guess who are the “lions” and who are the “foxes” here.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  29. Exile 说:

    Communism and radical Islam are both Jewish imports to the West, in Europe and the US.

    Why must we be Jews’ Greatest Allies and let Jews dominate and auction off our homelands?

    Because of Communist and Jihadist problems the Jews themselves invited into our homelands?

    Who is agitating for actual communism anymore? No one but a handful of Jewish academics, non-White minorities and immigrants funded by the Jewish multi-cult/open borders lobby.

    Who has weaponized Western welfare policies to benefit only non-Whites and conflated White-worker-friendly institutions like trade unions, worker’s compensation and anti-trust with “socialism/communism?” Jewish-led vulture capitalists.

    Kosher-sandwich Sunday. Heads they win, tails we lose.

    Jews’ worst nightmare – WGTOW. Whites saying “no” to the sandwich and going their own third way.

  30. Ghali 说:

    Always on the spot and incredible. I would also add, while “Arab food roles”, Arab (mostly Egyptian) movies, and TV series everlast.

  31. Exile 说:

    “You surely know that Judaism encourages treating the lower orders and the especially vulnerable – the poor, the orphan, the widow, the stranger – with especial consideration and kindness.”

    Palestinians would disagree.

    Why is it that virtually every one of the 109 historical expulsions of Jews and the progroms Jews themselves constantly throw in our faces resulted from populist discontent with Jews, not from the elites?

    Andrew Joyce has extensively documented the real roots of historic European anti-Semitism – see his work here and at Occidental Observer. Spoiler – it’s not because Jews loved the “lower orders” too much.

    Whenever a hasbarist says “you surely know,” you know there’s a hook buried in the next sentence.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  32. Exile 说:

    “It’s hopeless for an American antisemite!”

    Then why are so many Jews I know so upset that their dwindling numbers of cis-sons and daughters are marrying Gentiles?

    Jews are caught in their own poetically-just demographic vise. High-caste Jews are outmarrying at a fatal rate or opting for pan, tran, or man-sexuality (or carousels, careers & cats for the yentas). More fecund low-caste Jews don’t have the connections, wealth or IQ to maintain the Inner Empire.

    If your Tribe genuinely felt secure and ascendant, it wouldn’t pay trolls to dog-pile every Shamir post with agitprop.

    • 回复: @Anon
  33. Lot 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    “ Everything you want to see come to pass is presented as inevitable”

    Not at all. The marginalization and irrelevance of right wing antisemitism is something I am glad for and is permanent and inevitable. But you’ve been marginal and irrelevant my whole life! It isn’t something that has ever concerned me.

    But the growth of Third World populations is very unfortunate, even if they stay in the Third World, which seems unlikely.

    Keeping the Muslim and African hordes out of the West is civilization’s biggest problem, and I devote a fair amount of energy to stop it as best I can: by supporting Trump.

    • 巨魔: Druid
  34. @AaronB


    See? Slavery ain’t all bad.

    Only a Jew could come up with this …

  35. uradel 说:

    The Kike Pack had shored the New World this way or another since the dawn of American History. Because of the big “white-people-fault”, they historically turned Zionists proceeded by stages and found themselves on easy street nowadays. At the end of the day, and after very possible avenue has got to be explored (domination, liberation, migration, funds and organizations) the Zionists will soon file a suit against USA (as a country) by right of Founding Fathers. Upon fighting it out the Third Temple will be from here on. The World will then be crushed.

    Destroying of the White Population in the United States… it’s only the beginning. The main purpose is literally suing the USA as a “White Country” in Nurnberg-like Trial for the same “atrocities”.it is going on. ..

  36. Anonymous[229]• 免责声明 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    The problem for western elites is that the individualism of the West gives the tribalist Jew networks maximum opportunity to subvert the culture and achieve power within it.

    The rest of your comment is great, but this paragraph is the highlight. Mixed western countries like USA and Australia will in future become fuedal and tribalistic, while European nations will need to regain their national identities in order to survive.

  37. Lol 说:


  38. I’d prefer a broad definition that would describe as anti-Semite any person who attends a church or a mosque ….

    You realise there are a sizeable number of semitic muslims?

    Watch this, and make a contextual substitution of “goyim” for “men” at the end.

    • 同意: Old and grumpy
  39. gotmituns 说:

    Why have the Germans going way back (even before Martin Luther) always known the Jews were a disease?

  40. Tom Welsh 说:

    I couldn’t reach the linked item, unfortunately. It’s been DDoS’d or something – unsurprisingly.


  41. Gordo 说:

    An excellent article, I wish more people in the UK could read it.

  42. Tom Welsh 说:

    “…the Samurai were allowed to kill commoners for sport”.

    I think you must be thinking of Israel, which kills Palestinians for sport.

    The Samurai certainly had immense privilege, and could certainly kill a peasant, fisherman, or trader with impunity. But, as I understand it, only if the lower-class person had committed some offense.

    Because such offences were very unobvious to the Western eye, it might sometimes have seemed that the Samurai were killing for fun. But that would be quite contrary to their way of life and duty.

  43. @Oscar Peterson

    As non western commentator on this site it is very impressive how much I have learned from your comment. Your comment can be the cornerstone of any study of Judaism through the ages.

  44. Alianz 说:

    Wish the French knew about this. About the Jewish sell-off of France:

    ““As France increasingly resembles a North African backwater, its Jews, the chief facilitators of this demographic shift, have become its chief losers, and a process of Jewish de-assimilation from the Republic has began.”

    bloody brilliant!

    Who is this JT?

    • 回复: @TKK
    , @Laurent Guyénot
  45. @Oscar Peterson

    [First, the Jew has been fairly successful at saddling and bridling institutional Christianity.]

    An examination of Vatican II is the clearest proof:

    -Condemnation of anti semitism without any parallel condemnation of anti goyism.
    -Considering Jews as exempt from the need of Christ’s salvation by virtue of them being the descendants of Abraham.

    [Second, it has become clear to the Jew that they will never willingly accept the imposition of the Judenreich in Palestine, and third, the immigration tidal wave that the Jew did so much to bring about is now starting to be seen as a problem for Jews. And so our sweet jew hypocrites have commenced a 180 degree turn. Now all our sweet ones want to talk about is “Judeo-Christian” this and “Judeo-Christian” that. Even 50 years ago, the word “dhimmi” would virtually never have passed a Jew’s lips. Now it’s all the the conniving, insinuating Jew can talk about.]

    Dr. Michael Hoffman had a fine video on YouTube about the oxymoronic term Jude0-Christian which was not spared by censorship by the masters of discourse.

    • 同意: Druid
  46. byrresheim 说:


    • 回复: @animalogic
    , @Hibernian
  47. utu 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    Excellent comment. You could add to the list Sailer, Derbyshire, commenter Jack D….

    And here about Corbyn from todays Daily Mail

    Jeremy Corbyn is the biggest global threat to Jews, warns Simon Wiesenthal Centre – the world’s leading Nazi-hunting organisation – as Boris Johnson urges voters to save Britain from a ‘nightmare’

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @annamaria
  48. Realist 说:

    Most Whites are just not as smart as Jews…it is painfully obvious.

  49. Truth3 说:

    Jews are a small minority that defies the large society and opposes it. Jews care for themselves and disregard the majority and its needs; they have no scruples beyond prescribed by the criminal law...


    They feel themselves above the Law.

    That is why they insist on controlling the judiciary, and need the escape hatch to Israel when the wrong judge looms.

  50. Anonymous[196]• 免责声明 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    JP Morgan did not identify with Jews. Henry Ford did not identify with Jews. Thomas Edison did not identify with Jews. Quite the opposite. Jews were not wanted in the elite universities, clubs and other social organizations until after WW II.

    The progenitor of symbolic logic, Gottlob Frege, hated Jews but they all quickly appropriated his work because it fostered a new form of nominalism and positivism in metaphysics (essentially undermining it).

    Jews are intellectual middlemen who cull/appropriate that which they think is good for the Jews, whether it’s enriching themselves or hurting and undermining the host population. As Ron Unz pointed out with the development of telecom and computer technology laid out in Tim Wu’s 主开关. All the people behind the development of this technology were gentiles yet Jews quickly exploited this technology and now are the billionaire controllers of this tech (Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc.).

  51. George 说:

    “a mentally impaired man in the White House. ”

    The buildings and the golf courses really exist. He really did manage their construction. He really did hire women to responsible construction positions. But back to your original comment, deep down inside, I am hoping Biden goes all the way, please god make it be possible.

  52. Anonymous[196]• 免责声明 说:

    Excellent comment. You could add to the list Sailer, Derbyshire

    Both Sailer and Derb are ass-kissers of the Jews yet ironically the reason for their marginalization from NR and mainstream conservatism is due to the Jews. Ziocuck Sailer won’t post my comments when they contain criticism of Jews.

    Sailer and Derb are also two of the biggest promoters of psychometrics/HBD which makes me suspicious of it. And also makes me more inclined to trust a renowned statistician (and U. of Paris Ph.D.) on this like Nassim Taleb when he calls psychometrics/HBD bullshit pseudoscience.

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @utu
  53. animalogic 说:

    Maybe McCathy was correct to some extent, but so was Welch. What McCathy did was UGLY — & self serving. He had NO decency. His effect on society was toxic. Being “right” does not excuse immoral methods.

  54. Anonymous[627]• 免责声明 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    At a fairly recent Ivy League reception, with ambassadors and chairmen mingling with their own and so on, there was, probably, not one Jew present. I’ll say these people play ball and socialize with Jews only when necessary, and that it’s a two-way street by choice.

    In my own years of experience working with and for Jews in NY, I cannot recall one non-Jew genuflecting before them or seeming compelled to venerate Israel the way members of Congress and the likes of Pompeo and Pence do, nor do I know of one instance where someone was fired for saying something somewhat critical but reasonable about Jewishness or Israel. Furthermore, no takes the anti-Semitism canard as an argument seriously, or ever did.

    It was Perle, as I recall, who, when visibly piqued by a question about Jewish power, said there aren’t more than five seats in both houses of Congress that the Jews don’t own. I’d take a man like Perle at his word unless there was good reason not to and recognize this means there is virtually no representation of America’s non-Jews in Congress. Eyewash, topical political theater about race or gender, and crumbs for the plebes, there’s plenty of that, of course, but representation, no.

    All the rest falls into place as the predictable flunkyism of empty suits who were identified and groomed for candidacy in both parties behind closed doors. This baked-in flunkyism would hold doubly so for appointees confirmed by such a Senate for the diplomatic corps, DOJ, and courts. How long we remain living under Jewish political tyranny and moral subversion remains to be seen.

    • 回复: @Hibernian
    , @Irish Savant
  55. Anon[388]• 免责声明 说:

    Then why are so many Jews I know so upset that their dwindling numbers of cis-sons and daughters are marrying Gentiles?

    The biggest threat to Jewish genetic purity:

  56. Anonymous[165]• 免责声明 说:

    The American insistence on calling Britain “England” is very odd, considering in Britain it’s considered very much a faux pas to refer to Britain as “England”.

    “England” is a term I mostly see in American outlets, you almost never see the term used in the British media outside of the context of England sports teams (the last remaining arena where England exists as a nation).

    • 回复: @Anon
  57. Anonymous[194]• 免责声明 说:

    I don’t think any direct comparison can be made between the UK and France, France is much further down the “failed state” road than the UK is.

    The UK with some decent governance could still be salvageable, France however is past the tipping point and will just become more and more third world, dysfunctional and violent.

  58. Hibernian 说:

    With the exception of a handful of cases, you’re right. Also McCarthy’s habit of not making a distinction between card carrying Communists, fellow travelers and security risks was used against him.

  59. Caligula 说:

    I agree with the state of affair described in this article.
    Still, by focusing on the mix of non-jew elite with jews, it tends to exonerates the jews of the misdeeds of judaic supremacist messianism.
    The jews are the one who followed and promoted a project for centuries (Biblical Israel & world Supremacy), triggering world wars and economic disasters, not the decadent white non-jew elite.
    The failure of their project (thanks to Russia and China) will be used by jews as a means to cover their ass and pretend there was no project, and that they have no more guilt than the gentile-elite. Plain wrong.

  60. Anonymous[151]• 免责声明 说:

    I find it bizarre how Boris Johnson is now perceived as some sort of right wing nationalist on par with the likes of Le Pen and Orban. Boris is nothing of the sort, he is a typical upper class mainstream politician who has openly said he wants amnesty for illegal immigrants and increased mass immigration from India.

  61. These kinds of articles are always hit or miss, but the hilariously un-self aware Hasbara posts in the comment section are always pure gold.

  62. @Lot

    “Keeping the Muslim and African hordes out of the West is civilization’s biggest problem, and I devote a fair amount of energy to stop it as best I can: by supporting Trump.”

    Ah yes, all the “Come the Revolution” Jews are gone. The once much sought-after revolution is no longer “good for the Jews.” The “Come the Revolution” Jews are now the pro-immigration, diversity-user-alles Jews and soon, like Lot, they’ll all further transition into the defenders-of-West-against-third-word-horde Jews.

    But they’re still the same Jews. Whichever meme is “good for the Jews” at any particular moment is the one they’ll gravitate to.

    The Jew creates existential problems for the West and then presents himself as the solution to the crises he did so much to bring about.

  63. Durruti 说:

    Jews now have total control of both parties, as well as all institutions of import in the US: Wall Street, Hollywood, deep state, tech, media, academia, medicine, the judiciary. Thanks esp. to their control of academia, media and Hollywood since the 60s, they’ve brainwashed generations of whites into eschewing WASP traits of integrity, hard work, self-restraint, and adopting Jewish traits of narcissism, over sensitivity, unscrupulousness, pleasure seeking, always blaming others for their problem, total lack of self-restraint, shameless greed and sexual deviance.


    • 回复: @SafeNow
  64. @TKK

    “Your argument is absurd.”

    You have referenced none of my arguments. Quote whatever it is you are talking about.

    At this point, your unfocused whining requires no response from me.

  65. Guyan 说:

    白人必须成为部落人。切断电视服务。别再去看电影了。别再去听音乐会了。别再去游轮了。停止向向黑人和棕色人种提供援助的慈善机构捐款。停止上大学和职业体育赛事。停止购买太贵的汽车。停止购买 ATV 车辆。腾出脸书。偿还个人债务。支持唐纳德·特朗普。扩大家庭教育。鼓励更大的白人家庭。支持欧洲裔美国人传统月,加州斯托克顿学区自 2000 年以来一直庆祝这一活动。

    开始帮助我们自己的白人朋友。尽可能雇用白人。去超市、餐馆、百货商店、对白人友好的牙医、验光师、医生和理疗师。支持红冰电视、番茄泡泡、复仇者荷鲁斯、尼克·富恩特斯、政治污水池、美国文艺复兴、凯文·麦克唐纳博士、Eric Striker、Daily Stormer、Colin Flaherty、No White Guilt、RAMZPAUL、The Unz Review 和 Tru News。底线是支持任何赋予白人权力的实体。

  66. 以色列·沙米尔 (Israel Shamir) 的杰出文章。我对 JIDF 的一系列尝试感到好笑。我认为他们没有意识到他们在这个网站上的努力是多么徒劳,Unz 的《美国真理报》系列已经抹去了他们几千年的哈斯巴拉尝试的根基。

    据我所知,这些 JIDF 中的许多人都是以色列的学生,他们因工作而获得报酬和/或学分,但当事实已经摆在眼前时,要捍卫站不住脚的立场是完全不可能的。那种自吹自擂的语言智商只能做这么多。


    • 回复: @annamaria
  67. @TKK

    “Aaron-It’s hopeless. You’d have better luck teaching a jellyfish calculus-for you are citing reason and lucid ideas, and a shimmer of hope.

    …Unz has no end to his appetite in baiting them. Perhaps they should be worried he is reporting their IP addresses to B’nai B’rith. He already showed his hand that he tracks how much time individual users spend on the site.”


    Rabbi TKK is sad. He commiserates with Rabbi Aaron: “We’ve tried so hard to teach these goyim that 1+1=3, but their hatred prevents them from seeing the truth of it. If we can’t convince them of the moral need to subordinate themselves to the Jew, perhaps we can scare them away by evoking the Jew-friendly, panopticon security state we have spent so much time promoting. Poisoning the well is always an option–just like in the good old days.”

    What a repulsive Jew you are.

    • 同意: Poco, Druid
  68. annamaria 说:

    Elite? This filth? — Epstein, Dershowitz, Ghislaine Maxwell, P. Karlan, and before them Lazar Kaganovitch, Yagoda, Bronshtein (Trotsky), Naftali Frenkel, Leo Frank, Frankfurter, Brandeis… You are joking. People are trying to hide their Jewish roots nowadays. The bios on Wikipedia are filled with the ethnicity-wise “corrections.”

    • 回复: @Druid
  69. Z-man 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    “Lot, like the rest of the Hasbarists here, is trying desperately to insinuate himself into what he sees as an alt-right audience. They all push faux-alt-right themes and try to associate themselves with pro-whiteness. All of this, of course, is merely a cover for their authentic objective–pushing pro-Jew views and co-opting the “alt right” in order to harness it to the goals of Jewry. It’s worked with a large section of the Christian Right so why not the alt-righters, reason these dear elders of Zion.”

    They infitrate and then take over, ‘Tea Party’, ‘GOP’, ‘National Review’ and so on.
    Excellent post BTW.
    Haven’t heard much from the great Scott, George Galloway lately and why isn’t Nigel Farage’s party running against that mutt Boris?

  70. Observator 说:

    Judaism is the originator of the pernicious myth of patriarchal monotheism. The brutal god it invented is a repellent entity whose cruelty and capriciousness mirror the harshness of the ancestral nomads’ desert environment, so unlike the gods imagined by people who inhabited more salubrious regions. His presence is invasive: he demands ultimate authority over what foods you eat, what clothes you wear, whom you love and how, and the ways you think, feel, and behave. Even death cannot free you from his baleful influence. And his wiles could only be interpreted by a hereditary priestly caste that ruled their unlucky Jewish subjects absolutely.

    Historically, the cultural traits that have flowed from this belief system are ethnocentrism, misogyny, homophobia, intolerance, and the worse curse, dualistic thinking and relentless judgmentalism. We feel free to condemn the extremist Christian and Muslim advocates of these practices today but it is a mighty cultural taboo to honestly critique the Judaism that inspired them.

  71. annamaria 说:

    “You surely know that Judaism encourages treating the lower orders and the especially vulnerable – the poor, the orphan, the widow, the stranger – with special consideration and kindness.”

    — Surely, we do. Look at the orphaned children, widows, impoverished populations of the Middle Eastern countries attacked by ziocons for the glory of Eretz Israel. So much “consideration and kindness.” The Israel-occupied territories like the Gaza Ghetto are a picture of what Judaism does encourage.

  72. PPB 说:


    用你选择的任何国家代替英国,用任何其他选区代替犹太人,用任何其他政客代替鲍里斯·约翰逊,这听起来对任何国家来说都是一个健康的食谱。 换句话说,为什么要支持那些过度受制于其中的特殊利益集团或派系的政客呢? 如果你能得到它,那就太好了,不是吗?

  73. Desert Fox 说:

    Zionists are in reality Bolshevik/communist wreckers of nations and cultures, as is proven by what they did in Russia and what they are doing in the mideast and what they are doing to America.

  74. Bookish1 说:

    It is hopeless for anti semites now you say. But if the bottom drops out of the system things are going to be much different. For some reason people always blame the people of money when money gets short.

  75. @Realist

    Don’t know about that. Can’t help but notice that the nomadic Jew has always opt to latch onto the successful white gentile society. I guess you can say those societies were stupid for letting them in, but that’s the fault the ancient church’s anti usury stance. What better way does the elite have to enslaving the masses than thru debt? Thank Lucifer for war and taxes.

    A little fact no Jew can quite grasp is they’re tools. Better kept ones than the grunt gentlile, but still tools. So while pushing the open society nonsense, they’re really are seeding a mutual destruction. The kicker is the elite who use the Jews, and hate people like me, will get away it once again. As much as I bemoan about the Jews, silly me can see that. But can a Jew? (Yes neo Nazis, I am aware some of the evil elite are “Jewish”.)

    • 回复: @Realist
  76. PPB 说:

    我同意,将矛头指向犹太人通常是逃避建立或重建表达更健康的人类规范的文化的责任的一种方式。 我的意思是,犹太人怎么会具有如此强大的颠覆性和如此明确的邪恶意图,以至于他们能够神奇地压制所有非犹太人决定自己命运的自主意志? (为了便于讨论,我们将忽略许多犹太人和非犹太人共同的基本人类价值观)。



    • 回复: @jsm
  77. geokat62 说:

    People who hate Jews see themselves as inferior and resent Jews for being elite, or are competing for status and somehow see Jews as an obstacle. That’s basically the whole of anti-Semitism.

    What a load of crap! There will be a backlash not because of envy, but because Jewish Supremacists have put in place a program to destroy European and European-derived homelands, by promoting mass immigration and mass miscegenation. They have been pushing the Big Lie #1 that 多样性是我们最大的优势 while at the same time erecting barriers preventing sub-Saharan shvartzes from entering the Apartheid State.

    That’s basically the whole of your bogus charge of 反犹太主义.

  78. Trinity 说:

    The Jews are nothing more than glorified gypsies and can’t survive that well on their own. IF not for America and other CUCKOLD White nations, Israel would have fallen prey to the Arab nations that surround the stolen land formerly known as Palestine. This whole thing about Jews being some sort of super human or clever race is LAUGHABLE. I remember reading Patton remarked on the Jews he encountered in post war Germany and he was appalled at their foul and filthy living habits. Hitler was right, their need for Israel is a central location to carry out their crimes against humanity, and nothing more, most Jews have no intention of returning to their supposed homeland. The African American has adopted the same Jewish habit of “crying out in pain as they strike you.” Both groups cry out they have to endure the white man’s inherit “racism” or “anti-Semitism” and yet both choose to live in White nations instead of returning to Africa or Israel, or any other nation for that matter. The Yellow race and other peoples of the world WOULD NOT BE SO STUPID as to buy into the ridiculous idea of kissing the Jews or Black man’s ass like Whitey. The rest of the world wonders what the hell is wrong with White Gentiles to be honest with you.

    The West needs to WAKE THE HELL UP and stop being RULED OVER by a glorified parasitical gypsy who can only survive and live in a first world environment by living among the Whites who it seems that along with the Japanese and a scant few others, are the only races capable of building and maintaining industrial and modern societies. Ask yourself this question, what sort of society or nation would the Jew be capable of building on his own? Pull back that curtain and like the in the Wizard of Oz, you will see the people ruling over you are not at all powerful but they are just like the little old man who claimed to be the great and powerful Oz in that classic movie.

    • 同意: Truth3
    • 回复: @Bookish1
    , @annamaria
  79. Bookish1 说:

    Not only Palestians would disagree but disabled american veterans would disagree since the jewish controlled VA treated vets like shit and especially white vets.

  80. Nodwink 说:

    Ron, we need to get a ‘Retard’ button.

  81. @Realist

    Most Whites are just not as smart as Jews…it is painfully obvious.

    Most Jews aren’t as smart as elite whites, and there are far more intelligent whites than Jews. For some reason, most Jews don’t seem to be able to grasp that fact.

    Jews, and increasingly elite whites, seem to have an inability to see the value in having group members of different abilities and levels of intelligence, which is the difference between being the builders of functioning civilizations and of being obnoxious parasites.

    I think it’s also obvious that Jews vastly overestimate their own intelligence, usefulness to others, and ability to dominate others alone. Jews tend to be the makers of their own “tragedies” and deserve all they get.

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Anonymous
  82. Trinity 说:

    We all saw HOW THE “ELITES” AND THEIR JEWISH MASTERS OPERATE IN THE EPSTEIN AFFAIR. YOU PEOPLE can call THESE PEOPLE “the elite” IF you want to but I choose to call them scum. It doesn’t take a genius to BLACKMAIL his way to the top or USE NEPOTISM to squirm his or her way into power.

    What takes genius is to build and invent. Last time I checked, people like Henry Ford, Edison and Tesla, the Wright brothers, etc., were all White Gentiles. And we all know what a FRAUD Einstein turned out to be as well as a perverted weirdo to boot.

    • 同意: anarchyst
    • 回复: @Anon
  83. jsm 说:

    Boring. All you jews love to do this: “Jews are not harming your society, at all, ever. If you say so, you’re either a loser and just looking for a scapegoat for your own disappointing life, or psychotic who’s obsessed with jews.”



    You say, we dindu nuffin’. You’re just a loser.

    So, we give a few examples of what you jews have done that’s not affected me personally but HAS hurt my society.

    You say, that’s only a couple examples. Of course there are a couple jews have done something bad, but you have bad apples too. Doesn’t prove that we’re all doing it.

    所以我们举了几千个犹太人做坏事的例子。 其中一些,真的非常糟糕。

    You say, “Why are you so obsessed with jews? Are you mentally ill?”

    你们是最顽固、最顽固的否认者和骗子。 你确实需要控制住自己。

    • 回复: @PPB
  84. geokat62 说:

    Without Jews…

    … we would still have our homelands.

    • 回复: @Truth3
    , @neutral
  85. Hibernian 说:

    At a fairly recent Ivy League reception, with ambassadors and chairmen mingling with their own and so on, there was, probably, not one Jew present. I’ll say these people play ball and socialize with Jews only when necessary, and that it’s a two-way street by choice.

    Wasn’t this at least a 40th reunion? (My next high school reunion will be the 50th.)

    Also wouldn’t this have been Dartmouth or Princeton, maybe Yale?

  86. Realist 说:

    Most Jews aren’t as smart as elite whites, and there are far more intelligent whites than Jews. For some reason, most Jews don’t seem to be able to grasp that fact.

    Right, that’s why Jews have so much power…you’re living in a dream world.

  87. geokat62 说:

    Keeping the Muslim and African hordes out of the West is civilization’s biggest problem, and I devote a fair amount of energy to stop it as best I can: by supporting Trump.

    LOL. Who cares what you do… it’s what Jewish Supremacist Organizations (JSOs) do that matters. They’re the ones that are responsible for destroying our homelands by opening up the floodgates and promoting diversity and miscegenation to ensure NEVER AGAIN!

  88. @AaronB

    ‘…You surely know that Judaism encourages treating the lower orders and the especially vulnerable – the poor, the orphan, the widow, the stranger – with especial consideration and kindness…’

    We see this in the West Bank and Gaza.

    Why, when it’s cold in the winter, concerned Jews have even been known to burn the children of the lower orders alive.

    • 回复: @neutral
  89. @AaronB

    You try to say that elites and Jews are more or less the same. But there are lots of differences between national elites and Jews. An obvious difference is that the group of Jews includes Jews which don’t belong to the elite. They are neither members of the national elite of a country nor are they a part of the internal Jewish elite because they are poor. But they are still Jews. On the other hand, people who are not rich are not a part of the elite of a country. A poor American isn’t a part of the American elite, while a poor Jew is a part of the group of Jews. This means that you cannot identify in a simple way Jews with national elites.

    There is still another fundamental difference. People who were poor and came from poor families are able eventually to become rich or to marry rich people and to become a part of the elites of a country. But as a non-Jew you will never become a part of the Jewish elites or of the Jewish community. Jews may become automatically a part of the elites of a country if they have power but non-Jews are not a part of the Jewish community.

    Your attempt to say that Jews are just a part of the elites of a country isn’t right. Jews want to be a part of the United States or Germany or France as Americans, Germans or Frenchmen(welcome), but Germans or French or Americans simply aren’t Jews and are not a part of the Jewish community.

  90. Trinity 说:

    I’ve heard it said that Judaism is really nothing more than an organized crime syndicate masquerading as a religion. While I am sure that not all Jews who practice Judaism are criminals, I do feel far too many are silent in speaking out against crimes committed against the Palestinians and crimes committed by Zionist globalists. It is peculiar that so many of the Jewish Bolsheviks claimed to be atheists and anti-religion but their actions were definitely pro-Zionism, in fact so-called, “communism” is Zionism. Anti-Semitism was a crime in the former Soviet Union at one time and even punishable by death. I also find it quite revealing at how the very people who were promised a working man’s paradise, the working class, were the most abused in the Soviet Union. Millions of Ukrainian farmers and others starved to death or put in gulags to be tortured. Yes sir, the working class sure were given equality under “communism” aka Zionism.

  91. 盟维斯网 : “‘ Ali is on the grill’- Jewish settlers celebrate burning of Palestinian baby ” By Jonathan Ofir

    • 同意: Desert Fox
  92. Pheasant 说:

    Extreme paranoia on the part of the Jews. QED.

  93. Right, that’s why Jews have so much power…you’re living in a dream world.

    It’s temporary power that didn’t build a damn thing. Jews are apparently even too stupid to maintain the societies in which they were allowed entrance. It all comes down to who needs whom, and Jews are not needed. The West would be far better off without Jews. Israel would have died long ago without the West.

    • 同意: Trinity
  94. Wally 说:

    rejection of the scientifically impossible, utterly fake “holocaust” narrative

    • 哈哈: Trinity
  95. Wally 说:

    “Clearly, in order to get one’s elites to act “on its positive side” one has to break the spell the Jew has over them. A spell Shamir calls Judeophilia. ”

    – A spell called the absurdly impossible “holocaust”.

  96. @AaronB

    ‘This is true. Historically, Jews and native elites in Europe were two factions competing for power, now cooperating and using each other, now fighting.

    The process of finally fusing is only about 150 years old. It’s pretty inevitable, if you ask me.’

    Hmm. Well, the part of that process that’s unfolded so far has led to the extermination or expulsion of about ninety percent of European Jewry.

    How do you see the rest of the process playing out? Any more winning strategies in your quiver? Israel, perhaps? Promoting ‘diversity’ in the US? Massive rates of intermarriage and leaving the faith?

    The diabolical genius of it all is overwhelming, isn’t it Aaron? True brilliance…

  97. @AaronB

    ‘… Japanese elites, for instance, reached peaks of treating their lower classes subhumanly rarely seen elsewhere, where the Samurai were allowed to kill commoners for sport…’

    It’s morbidly amusing that we could rewrite this as reasonable accuracy as…

    ‘…Jewish elites, for instance, reached peaks of treating the gentiles at their mercy subhumanly rarely seen elsewhere, where Israelis were allowed to kill Palestinians for sport…’

  98. Mulegino1 说:

    一个国家拥有应有的犹太人。 就像蚊子只能在沼泽中壮成长一样,前者也只能在我们的罪恶沼泽中壮成长。

    We have studied the Jewish problem scientifically. Essentially it is an abnormal situation that the Jews should live among other races, whereby they violate the great natural law that every race shall live in its own country.

    The Jewish problem is no utopia, but a grave life and death problem for the… nation, the country’s leaders grouped by political parties becoming more and more like toys in the hands of the Judaic manipulators.

    Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

    I would add to the great Codreanu’s words, that Jewry thrives also in our ignorance, in our benighted and somnolent acceptance of mendacious narratives and even in our own misdirected attempts at exercising charity and forbearance towards Jewry in the face of its criminality. Charity and forbearance are laudable virtues where individual Jews are concerned, but not when exercised towards the Jewish collective, since the latter really is the synagogue of Satan and there can be no fellowship between Christ and the devil.

    No one can blame individual Jews for their 遗产 or 教养, since these were not of their own choosing. It is the Jewish 身分 that, once accepted, naturally implies an adhesion to the Jewish collective or hive, the latter cohesion being the source of Jewish criminality, corruption and exploitation of the gentiles.

    Rampant Judeophilia is a sure symptom of a senescent and moribund society or culture. By contrast, antisemitism or anti-Judaism is a sign of a culture at its most healthy and flourishing stage.

    • 同意: Trinity
  99. annamaria 说:

    “These troglodytes are deeply envious of and therefore hate Jews.”
    — Sounds like sub-Saharan African. Whites are baaad. And yet, Jews hate living among other Jews; they prefer western civilization every day!

    What your tribe is ready to offer to the world? — The Hasidim and their weird habits? The IDF and the thuggish ADL created in the sacred memory of a rapist and murderer Leo Frank? More wars in the Middle East?
    We don’t need your Epsteins (and Einsteins as well since the patent bureau clerk was very good at appropriating other peoples’ research without admitting it), and we certainly don’t need your Mega Group of mega scoundrels and other ziocon scum of Wolfowitz kind that are keen on finding and cooperating with local scum like Cheney in the US and Banderites (self-proclaimed neo-nazi) in Ukraine.
    Your contribution to the US republic has been the assault on the First Amendment, zionization of government and military, and warmongering in the Middle East. We do not need your Eretz Israel — do your battles with your cousins on your own. And don’t forget to vacate the holobiz museums that remind day after day about Israelis’ crimes against the native Palestinians.

    • 同意: Mulegino1, Druid
  100. @Rebel0007

    I am a church-going Christian; so I definitely have nothing to do with Jewish community. But there are ex-Jews I mix with)))

  101. @Colin Wright

    Yes it is possible. In Soviet Russia, Jews had a place of equals, managed well, but not exceedingly so. I refer to 1960s, a period I remember. Then, a banker, even the manager of Central Bank, went to work and home by a street-car. Bankers had no villas. Jews went into science, and contributed to the space race. There were problems, but nothing excessive.
    In capitalist economy, it is also possible – to revert to Christian capitalism, as Sombart explained. I wrote about it http://www.israelshamir.net/English/shadowofzog.htm

    • 同意: Colin Wright
  102. annamaria 说:

    “Simon Wiesenthal Centre – the world’s leading Nazi-hunting organisation”
    — This is how the Simon Wiesenthal Centre presents itself. In practice, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre is the leading Jewish entity protecting neo-nazi: https://portside.org/2014-11-20/how-israel-lobby-protected-ukrainian-neo-nazis “众议员。 John Conyers 想要阻止美国资助乌克兰的新纳粹分子。 但反诽谤联盟 (ADL) 和西蒙维森塔尔中心拒绝提供帮助。”

    …staffers from the ADL’s Washington office and the Simon Wiesenthal Center rejected the amendment on the grounds that right-wing Ukrainian parties like Svoboda with documented records of racist extremism had “moderated their rhetoric.” An ADL lobbyist insisted that “the focus should be on Russia,” while the Wiesenthal Center pointed to meetings between far-right political leaders in Ukraine and the Israeli embassy as evidence that groups like Svoboda and Right Sector had shed their extremism.

    The Israeli embassy has been busy with selling Israel-made rifles to the self-proclaimed neo-nazi: https://therealnews.com/stories/israel-is-arming-ukraines-blatantly-neo-nazi-militia-the-azov-battalion
    Nothing is more dear for the Simon Wiesenthal Centre staff than seeing the Banderites armed with Israel-made rifles.

    • 回复: @Wally
  103. annamaria 说:

    Of course. This is exactly what the Nigerian scammers tell about these silly altruistic whites. Painfully obvious.

    • 同意: Realist
    • 回复: @Realist
  104. donut 说:

    The “elites” are feckless and as as false as you and your race . It’s only your rackets and innate criminality that have enabled you to temporarily achieve the dominance you are currently enjoying . You people are reigning in hell , your natural abode . You’ve tipped your hand to soon . All the groups you’ve so patiently worked to set at one another’s throats will turn on you one day and where will you find a bolt hole then ?

  105. TKK 说:

    Harvey the Rabbit- a fiction.

    The author just smugly stated in the comments he is a “Christian” ( work on the Jesus was a Jew problem) and “have nothing to do with Jewish community”

    His silly- I associate with ex Jews- is to cover his JT “in the know” persona who is whispering the secrets of the world to him- as he publishes on Unz for free.

  106. TKK 说:

    Israel Shamir(俄语:Исраэль Шамир,[jɪsrɐˈɛlʲ ʂɐˈmʲir];生于 1947 年或 1948 年),[1] 也被称为 Robert David、Vassili Krasevsky、Jöran Jermas 和 Adam Ermash–

    沙米尔说,他出生在俄罗斯的一个犹太家庭,并皈依了东正教。[3][10][11][12] 根据他自己的说法,他的出生名为伊兹莱尔·施默勒 (Izrail Schmerler)。[10][13] 沙米尔说他于 1947 年出生在西伯利亚的新西伯利亚,尽管《简明犹太百科全书》说一个叫施默勒的人出生于 1948 年。 [13] 沙米尔说他“在新西伯利亚大学学习数学和法律”。 他还说他于 1969 年移居以色列。[10]

    诺曼·芬克尔斯坦告诉平板电脑,沙米尔 “发明了他的整个个人历史。 他所说的关于他自己的一切都不是真的“.[14]

    Searchlight 将他描述为“瑞典反犹太分子”,[15] 并称他于 1984 年在瑞典注册,并于 1992 年获得瑞典公民身份。 [10] 沙米尔说,他于 1993 年离开瑞典前往俄罗斯,然后前往以色列,然后于 1998 年返回,并表示他已于 1994 年 15 月在以色列再婚。 [16] 然而,其他人则认为瑞典档案显示他在瑞典结婚了。 [2001] 2005 年至 XNUMX 年,他被称为 Jöran Jermas,之后改名为 Adam Ermash,但继续使用 Israel Shamir 作为笔名


    • 巨魔: Giuseppe
  107. @TKK






  108. 几十年来,我一直试图警告我的基督徒同胞注意果汁,但没有一个人会听。所以,我正在改变策略:我将转向黑暗面。很快我就会有基督徒舔我的靴子,向我扔钱,并珍惜我的每一句话。

  109. What Mr. Shamir references as “Judeophilia” is due largely to the worldview advanced through the two largest institutions of social conditioning: education and mass media. Public education is particularly affected by Jewish campaigns to prevent honest and open discussion of, among other things, current events, Palestinian history, and World War II. Any public school teacher who has attempted to engage his students in these kinds of topics learns very quickly that it’s simply not possible, at least in the vast majority of school districts.

    The late Paul Findley devoted much space in his groundbreaking 他们敢说出来 to Jewish intimidation campaigns waged against American schools for hosting speakers whose knowledge undermined the zionist narrative as well as for sponsoring programs that promoted further knowledge of the Arab and Muslim world.

    And the mass media? Simply naive to expect any alternative perspective from it given its ownership.

    This reality is really the crux of the matter: control the two most significant means of spreading information and you control the larger social narrative. This is the primary reason why so many people, elites and non-elites alike, tend to incline favorably toward Jews and Israel. It has nothing to do with the elites’ “inherent” identification with Jews, since, having been subject to Holocaust indoctrination, everyone is already predisposed to sympathizing with Jews.

    Now, those who wish to see a change in the curriculum must either labor to influence their local school districts to provide alternative curricula or set up alternative private schools where one can teach such material more freely. Additionally, the establishment and development of alternative media outlets is also needed to counter the saccharine pabulum of the mainstream venues.

    Unz is one step in the right direction. There are many more opportunities to affect change. We simply have to possess the will and determination to do so.

  110. AaronB 说:

    Yes, this is unfortunately true. There are a large number of people on this site who channel their sense of inferiority into irrational hatred of Jews, who they likely have never met.

    It is an old story. There is nothing much that can be done for them, except palliative care. They see themselves as passive victims and are easily controlled. But I don’t think they will be a historically significant force anymore.

    As for Ron Unz, I don’t know what his goal is in making this one of the premier anti Jewish sites, but a man who is obsessed with conspiracy theories is probably not going to be perfectly frank and upfront about his real intentions.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Art
  111. Staudegger 说:

    仇恨和嫉妒欧洲人民的是犹太人。 犹太人有一种病态的需要,去仇恨、迫害和谋杀那些从未伤害过他们的人,尤其是欧洲人,他们唯一的罪行就是愚蠢到让犹太人这个精神病患者种族生活在他们的社会中。

    “对犹太人来说,人类的一切都是骗局。 人们甚至可能会说,犹太人的面孔只不过是一张面具。 犹太人不是骗子:他就是谎言本身。 从这个角度来看,我们可以说犹太人不是一个人……他过着食尸鬼的伪生活,他的命运与耶和华摩洛赫息息相关。 他利用欺骗作为消灭人类的武器。 犹太人就是超凡脱俗的毁灭力量的化身。”

  112. AaronB 说:

    This seems very true to me.

    Elites grow decadent, and get replaced by another faction within the elite. The cycling of elites. Only, the new elite will also be composed of a mixture of Jews and whites, in our scenario.

  113. annamaria 说:

    “…many of these JIDF are students in Israel who are receiving compensation and/or credit for their work…”
    — The JIDF bosses should be mindful of the contamination by the truth, which the young hasbarists could suffer on this forum.

    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
  114. Bao 说:


  115. AaronB 说:


    If you think Jews are behaving badly, the solution is to get them to live up to their Jewish ideals better, not to make them stop being Jewish.

    So the premise of this article is wrong. Jews should be exhorted to be better Jews, if they are behaving badly. Attacking their identity will only make them defensive.

    But as I have shown, this is an elite problem in general, and you are living in a fool’s paradise if you think getting rid of Jews will create a non-exploitative elite. The dreamers of the French Revolution thought something similar.

    • 回复: @Hunsdon
  116. @TKK



  117. @TKK

    啊啊! 摘自维基百科!

  118. PPB 说:

    “你们这些人是最顽固、最顽固的否认者和骗子。 你确实需要控制住自己。”

    “你们这些人”是谁? 你是否假设我是犹太人,或者任何表达类似态度的人都一定是犹太人?

    参加像这样的互联网论坛的一个有趣的事情是,对于某些主题的观点和态度往往会出现强烈的两极分化,通过表达不拘泥于任何特定的立场,很容易引诱真正的信徒。党的路线,即使引发反应远非主要意图。 如果一个人发表批评某一特定犹太个人或机构的言论,就有可能被贴上仇视犹太人的标签。 或者,如果一个人碰巧对某些犹太人和犹太教或犹太文化的表达持积极态度,那么这种感情就会吸引相反类别的绰号。 如果一个人的观点包括这两个极点,它们绝不矛盾……

    但回到最初的主题,将批评和指责放在有明确依据的地方,无论目标是否是犹太人都采用相同的标准,并且有辨别力,不要通过有罪的方式给整个民族打上烙印,这有什么困难呢?联想反射。 更具挑战性,但也更有成效的是,培育自己的花园,而不是一味地指责,无论其目标是什么。

  119. Anonymous[886]• 免责声明 说:

    What do you mean by “white”? Whites are not a monolithic group. White nationalities vary considerably in terms of IQ. White average IQ ranges from about 102 to 85 depending on country, that’s a big difference.

    • 回复: @OilcanFloyd
  120. @AaronB

    The elite are only elite in their minds. Practically they are the same range of fools that are their supposed lowers. Just that they captured the flag first, built a moat, and declared themselves better.

    Practically, Copernical relativity still rules, and no human or human subgroup has a priveledged frame to observe or act in the Universe.

    Elitism is wrong view, exceptionalism, and fascism. Which is why wrong action so often correlates so well by how superiour a group feels about itself.. Jews here are at the top of that arrogant, self-loving, idolatry.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  121. Paul 说:

    Torquemada was a reformed Jew. He could be tough on Jews.

  122. If you think Jews are behaving badly, the solution is to get them to live up to their Jewish ideals better, not to make them stop being Jewish.

    The solution is to get rid of them. Jews are are living up to their ideals! When a group of people display open hatred of you, make war on you in every way but militarily, and do everything they can to destroy you, and for no good reason, you exile them at the very least.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  123. @Anonymous

    What do you mean by “white”? Whites are not a monolithic group. White nationalities vary considerably in terms of IQ. White average IQ ranges from about 102 to 85 depending on country, that’s a big difference.

    Do we really have to do this? Whites are generally meant to be Europeans in the West and their kinsmen in places in North America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.

    Which Whites have an average IQ of 85? I guess you mean the Irish, but I don’t buy that. And even if that is true, the Irish have a right to their homeland and culture, which are worth preserving.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  124. SafeNow 说:

    I think there is a “talking gene.” Glibness, verbal fluency. Yes, there is also an interest-rate gene (thus, economists). But it’s mainly the verbal fluency. This is the trunk or main root of taking control; everything else, branches and leaves.

    • 回复: @Durruti
  125. @TKK

    These troglodytes are deeply envious of and therefore hate Jews. There’s no other opinion permitted ( you are deemed a troll- the horror!!!) It’s ironic when you can glean from their rabid frothing rants- they have never been to Israel. They don’t know one Jew.

    I’ve been Israel, and there was nothing great about the country or the Jews living there. White America is far nicer, and without Gentile largesse and protection, what would Israel be?

    It’s Jews who appear to be jealous of whites. Why else do they flock to our nations? It’s also Jews who appear to be afraid of competition, since a major part of Jewish group strategy is to use lawfare and government to stifle any competition from whites by measures such as Affirmative Action, and every other law demanding quotas for non-whites.

  126. @Oscar Peterson

    Excellent analysis, spot on. Add a few more commenters (like TKK, who tries to stir animus toward ‘non-whites’) and Sean and you pretty much have the whole crew here on Unz. All they do here is divert, disrupt, deflect and insinuate themselves. All tactical, untouched by principle (if you don’t count tribal interests).

  127. @AaronB

    ‘Yes, this is unfortunately true. There are a large number of people on this site who channel their sense of inferiority into irrational hatred of Jews…’

    Are you genuinely unaware of the irony implicit in this statement?

    Uberjew notices that a sense of personal inferiority can cause people to opt instead for an identity as part of a putatively superior collective.

    • 回复: @OilcanFloyd
    , @Poco
  128. Bookish1 说:

    I agree with what you say except blacks are starting to blame jews instead of whites. The NWAACP recently blamed jews for the water problems in Flint Michegan because billions are being sent to Israel and there isn’t enough money to fix the water problems in Flint.

    • 回复: @Wally
  129. Art 说:

    They are rubes being lead by the nose into hating a group of people who do not consider them, in any manner.

    No – you, AaronB, and the like – are leading the parade to utter disgust with Jews. Elites rise and elites fall – humanity prevails. The Jews are stealing to much – they are killing the future. All the good of the US, UK, France have been confiscated and taken over – the Germans are ballless. Upheaval awaits you Jews.

  130. Anonymous[294]• 免责声明 说:

    Romanians and Montenegrins. Albanian average IQ is even lower at around 80 but I didn’t include them because they’re majority Muslim and many don’t consider them to be European any way.

  131. Art 说:

    Yes, this is unfortunately true. There are a large number of people on this site who channel their sense of inferiority into irrational hatred of Jews.

    Herr AaronB the First – pontificating in 1932.

  132. AaronB 说:

    But then your own white elites will act the same way. In fact, that’s what they have been doing. They hate you and see themselves as a different people than you, and always have.

    And if you install new elites, they will in short order act the same way.

    I’m not saying you shouldn’t try and change elites, but the idea that it is just about Jews is a fantasy.

    • 回复: @OilcanFloyd
    , @Art
  133. @Colin Wright

    Uberjew notices that a sense of personal inferiority can cause people to opt instead for an identity as part of a putatively superior collective.

    I don’t think that many whites are caught up in their ethnic or racial identity in the same way that most Jews are preoccupied with their Jewishness.

    Now that the nation is being overrun by non-white aliens that nobody asked for, and when whites are constantly reminded, in mostly nasty ways, that they are white, people start to take notice that they are white. Is that really a shock? Is it really due to a sense of inferiority? I don’t think so.

  134. Mr. Shamir, I realize this may be off-topic, but I’m curious …

    Is there any particularly entertaining account of having been labeled “anti-Semitic” or “self-hating” that stands out head-and-shoulders above the others?

    We’ve got some fairly anodyne antagonists here, but I’m sure you’ve got an anecdote or two to tell.

  135. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    Actually, what makes people act bad is a sense of inferiority and the resentment that comes along with it.

    The Germans in the two world wars were said to be suffering from an acute sense of inferiority. That is a dangerous feeling.

    The Jewish idea is that instead of trying to tear elites down to your level, everyone should be elite. A nation of priests.

    The anti-Semitic idea is that everyone should be taken down a peg and it is outrageous that anyone should strive for excellence. We should all be pigs together.

    The Jewish idea is that we should all be excellent together.

  136. annamaria 说:

    你的英语写得很不错。 你在哪里出世? 为什么你一边攻击西方文明,一边却偏爱按照西方文明的习俗说活、穿、学? 这里不欢迎像你这样的人。

    You have your apartheid theocracy — enjoy it. But please, try to solve your problems with your cousins on your own, without demanding-extracting western help. Stop leaching on western civilization. We do not need you — and you know that.

  137. @AaronB

    One problem at a time, Aaron. I’m old enough to remember when Jews weren’t so prominent, and I felt far less hated by my betters then. Life before Peak Jew was much better. Should I lie about that?

    • 同意: Kolya Krassotkin
  138. Wally 说:

    – Jews arming so called “neo-Nazis” is further proof that the “holocaust” story is BS.

    On the sleazy Wiesenthal Center:
    西蒙·维森塔尔中心如何伪造历史,主要大屠杀组织进行摄影欺诈 : https://codoh.com/library/document/2850/?lang=en
    faked photo

    real photo

    加斯范电影和摄影欺诈/《德国新闻》杂志和西蒙·维森塔尔中心的博物馆伪造了照片和电影字幕: http://codoh.com/library/document/3276


  139. Realist 说:
    @Old and grumpy

    I guess you can say those societies were stupid for letting them in,…

    Oh hell yes…and I do.

    … but that’s the fault the ancient church’s anti usury stance.

    And what race were these church members?

    A little fact no Jew can quite grasp is they’re tools. Better kept ones than the grunt gentlile, but still tools.

    Right…where the hell do you get this crap?

  140. Anon 2 说:

    Let’s recall that Christianity began as a sect, namely the Jesus movement,
    within Judaism. The early Christians accepted Jesus as the Messiah, while
    most of the remaining Jews did not. Hence the relationship between Judaism
    and Christianity was one of enmity from the very beginning. Thus it’s not
    particularly surprising that 2000 years later many Jews continue to dislike
    Christians and many Christians continue to dislike Jews. Christianity and
    Judaism are polar opposites – hence the term Judeo-Christian is an
    oxymoron – for example, eye for an eye vs. turning the other cheek or
    accepting Jesus as the Messiah vs. not accepting him as such.

    Therefore it is perfectly natural for Jews to be somewhat christophobic and
    antigentilist (although the Christian clergy being spat upon in Israel by Orthodox
    Jews is going too far, and would clearly qualify as an example of christophobic behavior).
    Similarly, it is perfectly natural for Christians to be somewhat counter-Semitic.
    Darwin wisely reminded us in 1859 that we are actually animals. We are part
    of nature, and as such we tend to be tribal, territorial, aggressive, revengeful,
    lustful, status-seeking, and so forth. Considering we are animals, we actually
    haven’t done too badly throughout history. It’s only when we abandon
    the Aristotelian/Buddhist/Catholic principle of moderation in all things, and
    begin to enslave and kill people that the mutual competition and dislike
    had gone too far. There is still some residual dislike between Protestants
    and Catholics in Northern Ireland that’s not likely to go away anytime soon.
    The Germanics and the Slavs in Central and Eastern Europe have been
    fighting wars for 1200 years, and ultimately it is the fact that there are 240 million
    Slavs and only 120 million Germanics that ended the last war with a massive
    German defeat. Christians and Muslims don’t particularly like each other either,
    and let’s not even get started on the relationship between Muslims and Jews.
    We’ve had extreme difficulty in rising above the animal (“smart chimp”) level,
    and I don’t see us creating Paradise on Earth anytime soon. Antigentilism and
    counter-Semitism are likely to continue into the foreseeable future.

    Jews are basically glorified Gypsies who had demonstrated massive levels of
    incompetence in failing to establish their own state after the fall of the Roman
    Empire, say after 600 AD when Europe was wide open for the taking, and
    were recently humiliated in Israel on the PISA exam. They are talentless in many
    areas, for example in engineering and in producing great political leaders.
    I think we should be compassionate toward Jews as history’s losers for if
    they had established their own state like normal people do, they would by
    now be a medium-sized country with a population of 50-100 million people
    (because of their high fertility rates), and not a measly 15-16 million.

  141. annamaria 说:

    “And the mass media? Simply naive to expect any alternative perspective from it given its ownership.”
    — Beg to differ. The zionized MSM is not naive — it is malicious. And the MSM will go to a great length to save the false narrative in order to defend the ziocon interests. https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/12/as-the-opcw-is-accused-of-false-reporting-us-propaganda-jumps-to-its-help.html

    The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) manufactured a pretext for war by suppressing its own scientists’ research:
    OPCW emails and documents were leaked and whistleblowers came forward to speak with journalists and international lawyers. Veteran journalist Jonathan Steele, who has spoken with the whistleblowers, wrote an excellent piece on the issues. In the Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens picked up the issue and moved it forward.

    Under U.S. pressure the OPCW management modified or suppressed the findings of its own scientists to make it look as if the Syrian government had been responsible for the alleged chemical incident in April 2018 in Douma.
    To save the propaganda value of the OPCW reports the U.S. -financed Bellingcat propaganda organization jumped in to save the OPCW’s bacon. … As the manipulation came to light the U.S. funded Bellingcat made a perfunctory attempt to muddle the issue. Thus another propaganda organization, the “纽约时报”, had to jump in to save Bellingcat and the false OPCW claims.

    It is not going to help. There will soon be more evidence that the OPCW management published two false reports on Douma, and likely even more on other issues. There will be a public recognition that the OPCW has failed.

  142. annamaria 说:

    Here is a slice from the life of the Judophobic Dutch: https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/12/as-the-opcw-is-accused-of-false-reporting-us-propaganda-jumps-to-its-help.html

    Dutch involvement in the February 2014 coup in Ukraine is well documented. … Dutch military intelligence is involved in drone targeting for the US in various conflict zones. …

    The Mayday Rescue Foundation, of White Helmets/Le Mesurier fame, is based in the Netherlands. Just like Bellingcat. Hundreds of millions were funneled via Mayday Rescue Foundation to various terrorist organizations in Syria. Including millions of Dutch taxpayer money.

    When a few journalists got the reply to their FOIA request, it turned out some parts that should have been redacted were in fact not redacted. There it was, in plain text, Dutch support to various jihadi groups. The whole dossier was labeled State Secret, case closed.

    James Le Mesurier knew too much and unfortunately stumbled to his death. Maybe some poor soul with Bellingcat training can find out if Eliot Higgins has a balcony.

  143. @Oscar Peterson

    I don’t get why Jared Taylor is so careful of the Third Rail. No matter what he does he’s loathed by Jews and despite his grovelling he and AmRen have suffered major deplatforming. I can only assume he has one or two major Jewish donors.

    • 回复: @Oscar Peterson
  144. @Anonymous

    Not my experience. I worked with a technology research company and everyone was conscious and fearful of the Third Rail even though the number of Jews was small.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  145. Realist 说:

    Another great Jewish scam, from Israel, is aimed at Evangelical dumbasses, here is ‘White’ Kenneth Copeland aiding and abetting the International Fellowship of Christians & Jews as they screw Whites out of money.

    Copeland’s net worth is $760 million, how does yours compare?

    Send in your donation now IFCJ needs your help…they apparently can’t the goddamn American billionaire Jews to help out. Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Sheldon Adelson among others.

  146. Anon[275]• 免责声明 说:
    @israel shamir

    Christian civilization will recognize the bonds between the powerful and the humble, born of their common humanity.
    That’s the true meaning of “noblesse oblige”. What I received free through God’s grace, I must give back to my less privileged neighbor.

  147. Rebel0007 说:


    Ok. Sorry for the assumption. What’s in a name?

    I’m a stay at home Christian and am boycotting society- it’s just too insane. Just a giant censorious and torturous psy-op.

  148. Agent76 说:

    11-16, 2019 Defeating the US / EU / NATO Axis of Domination: A Global De-Colonial Imperative Tour of Ajamu Baraka to Eastern Canada. By Canadian Peace Congress

    The Canadian Peace Congress, in cooperation with a number of local peace and anti-imperialist organizations, is pleased to announce the upcoming tour ofAjamu Baraka from November 11-16, 2019. During his visit, Mr. Baraka will visit five urban centres across Eastern Canada – Hamilton (Nov. 11); Toronto (Nov. 12-13), Ottawa (Nov. 14); Montréal (Nov. 15);and Halifax (Nov. 16).



    北约是一个犯罪实体,是五角大楼的一项文书。 没有“联盟”。 有军事占领。

    • 同意: Desert Fox
  149. utu 说:

    Sailer and Derb are also two of the biggest promoters of psychometrics/HBD which makes me suspicious.

    Listen to your intuition and follow it.

  150. Durruti 说:

    I think there is a “talking gene.” Glibness, verbal fluency. Yes, there is also an interest-rate gene (thus, economists). But it’s mainly the verbal fluency. This is the trunk or main root of taking control; everything else, branches and leaves.


    But my life experiences have allowed me to hear (in person), Malcolm X, Joan Baez, and over the radio & TV, Fidel Castro, Maria Callas, and our last Constitutional President, 约翰·F·肯尼迪. None were Jewish, and they were all eloquent.

    Kennedy’s sense of humor, and quick whit, combined with toughness and integrity, was only matched by Malcolm X. Maria Callas could sing, and converse and was eloquent.

    What the Zionist New World Order Oligarchs have is skilled and merciless Thieves, land thieves, money lenders, pedafiles, and terrorists. They feed on corruption, or murder innocence. They have been bankrolling wars – from the Middle Ages. They took control over the most powerful World Empire, Great Britain, in 1815, and America, on November 22, 1963.

    They have something. It is Evil. Tolkien named it Sauron.

    We Americans must restore our Sovereignty and our Honor, by Restoring Our Republic!

  151. annamaria 说:

    “The African American has adopted the same Jewish habit of “crying out in pain as they strike you.” Both groups cry out they have to endure the white man’s inherent “racism” or “anti-Semitism” and yet both choose to live in White nations instead of returning to Africa or Israel, or any other nation for that matter.”
    - 正确的。

  152. Israel Shamir is one of the few journalists unafraid to approach the subject of Jewish coercion in modern politics. He is incisive and brave, God Bless him and his.

  153. annamaria 说:

    Comparing the zionized MSM (that has long ago lost any pretense on decency) and the real journalists covering embattled Syria (coveted by ziocons): https://www.mintpressnews.com/mysterious-death-media-scrambles-white-helmets-founder-james-le-mesurier/263142/
    The names of some prominent presstitutes in service to ziocons:

    In January of 2017, Chris York of the Huffington Post launched a media campaign to attack the critics of the White Helmets. … York’s attacks were soon reinforced by Olivia Solon at The Guardian, The UK’s Times newspaper, former Guardian correspondent, Brian Whitaker, Bellingcat, the BBC, journalist Nafeez Ahmed, academic Idrees Ahmad, and a 48-page report from the White Helmet PR agency, Syria Campaign.

    The strange case of Le Mesurier who was “active in various areas of NATO intervention, suggesting he had links with British intelligence agencies:”

    To date, no official autopsy has been completed on Le Mesurier. Many questions remain unanswered. Why was his body repatriated so quickly to the UK while the Turkish investigation was presumably still ongoing? …

    Le Mesurier [OBE, Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire] played a pivotal role in organizing the witnesses used in OPCW inquiries into the alleged chemical attacks blamed on the Syrian government. …

    Who murdered the children and civilians who were used as macabre props in the White Helmet “chemical weapon” scenes in Douma? Where are the bodies? White Helmets leader Raed Saleh claimed that he disclosed their location to the OPCW. Where are they and how were they killed if indeed there was no chemical attack? … Claims of organ trafficking have been levied against the White Helmets by Syrian civilians…

  154. Art 说:

    I’m not saying you shouldn’t try and change elites, but the idea that it is just about Jews is a fantasy.

    This is 2019 – and today it is the JEWS.

    The problem is the elite Jews in the US, UK, France, Canada, and South America. Poor Germany has been de-balled by the Jews.

    Things go up and things go down – its nature.

    The Jews will be held responsible for their elitist deeds.

  155. @AaronB

    The idea is fine, the question is whether that nation acts in such a way. I would say the Jewish faith is not noble – aristocratic, elite maybe. It allows for aggressive war, and it is indifferent at best to other nations.

    Rabbinical Judaism is like a spore of Temple Judaism – designed for survival outside of a grounded nation. This is a faith of compromise, in every field. Nobility is not compromise.

    The Jewish idea is we should all be excellent together, as Jews. Otherwise the faith would not denegrate Christians or Muslims.

    (As for what makes people act bad – greed, hate, delusion.. for this degree of freedom, hatred of the inferiority of oneself, hatred for the superiority of another. Greed for the superiority of oneself, greed for the inferiority of another. Delusion in believing a superior inferior and vice versa)

    • 回复: @AaronB
  156. Skeptikal 说:

    “You surely know that Judaism encourages treating the lower orders and the especially vulnerable – the poor, the orphan, the widow, the stranger – with especial consideration and kindness.”

    If they are Jews.
    The Jews do protect members of the tribe.
    In fact, when i first lived in NYC I joined the Workmen’s Circle so that I could get access to a top Jewish physician on the East Side. Although I am a quadroon—not really a member of the Tribe.
    I thought this was a wonderful idea at the time.
    I still think “fraternal” organizations to take care of one’s own in the savage American “melting pot” is a great idea.
    But the purpose of the Workmen’s Circle was also to provide activities, camps, hotels, Yiddish classes—everything you can think of to keep Jews within their own . . . circle and reinforce their identity as Jews.

  157. Skeptikal 说:
    @Colin Wright

    “what is it that you propose as the alternative?”

    A bizarre question.
    Sounds as though some gropu has to play the role of the Jew even if the Jews are not there.

    I would say the “alternative” is to de-taboo-ize the discussion of the actual role of Jews in US society.
    First the diagnosis, then the cure.
    If people see the Jewish influence as disproportionate and negative, then they can take steps to reduce this: Don’t vote for Jews. Don’t let Jews promote other Jews without increased oversight. Demand that all who serve in appointed or elected public office give up Israeli citizenship if they have it and swear an oath of allegiance that specifies loyalty to the USA, not to the Jewish National State in Palestine. Etc. etc.

  158. @AaronB

    ‘… The Jewish idea is that we should all be excellent together.’


    • 同意: Oscar Peterson, neutral
    • 回复: @AnonStarter
    , @anonymous
  159. Poco 说:
    @Colin Wright

    You can always count on aaron to lack self awareness.

  160. @AaronB



    ‘The Jewish idea is that we should all be excellent together.’

    Rabbi Schneerson, the founder of Chabad:


    “在灵魂方面存在更大的差异。 存在两种相反类型的灵魂,一个非犹太灵魂来自三个撒旦领域,而犹太灵魂源于圣洁。”

    “正如已经解释过的,胚胎被称为人类,因为它既有身体又有灵魂。 因此,可以理解犹太人和非犹太人之间的区别。”

    “……犹太人和非犹太人之间的一般区别:犹太人不是为了某种[其他]目的而被创造的; 他自己就是目的,因为所有[神圣]放射的实质都是为了服务犹太人而被创造的。”

    “重要的事情是犹太人,因为它们出于任何(其他)目的都不存在; 他们本身就是[神圣]的目标。”

    “ [非犹太人]的整个创作只是为了犹太人而存在。”

    How can you be so incredibly dishonest?

    • 回复: @Truth3
    , @Dave Bowman
  161. Hunsdon 说:

    I do not require that Jews who behave badly cease being Jews. I would like them to be better humans.

    • 同意: Colin Wright
  162. Adrian 说:


    所以,正是这个名叫威尔·雅科维奇(Will Jakowicz)的人在一本犹太杂志上撰文,声称诺曼·芬克尔斯坦说沙米尔编造了他的自传。 在法庭上,这充其量被称为“传闻”。

    但即使部分属实那又怎样呢? 这是否会影响他对个人背景之外的其他问题的看法?

    我总是对那些“你知道,沙米尔不是他的真名”的说法感到好笑。 是这个、那个或那个。 他们轻率地提出了这一点,忽略了许多以色列名人的出生名后来被“希伯来化”,首先是本·古里安(大卫·格伦)。

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  163. Poco 说:

    “Actually, what makes people act bad is a sense of inferiority and the resentment that comes along with it.”

    That’s why we have so many bad acting jewish “elite.” As always your analyses are misguided.
    You say that the “elite” always exploit the masses. I would say this is a bad action and by your own definition therefore they do it out of a sense of inferiority and resentment.

    However, somehow, you twist this bad action into some kind of world where everyone should act like this together and jewish elites are acting in a meritorious manner and not out of a sense of inferiorty and resentment. Your logic is illogic.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  164. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    This is kinda what I mean.

    Your main desire seems to be to drag Judaism down, to tell me why it’s bad, worse than others, etc. To drag me into the mud.

    You don’t affirm and love yourself, whatever you are – your main motive is to drag me down, drag me into the mud.

    The funny thing is I am on record on this site saying appreciative and sympathetic things about Christianity and Islam, yet no Christian or Muslim has ever said a single kind thing about Jews or Judaism to me on this site (I think seekerofthepresence was the first Christian to say something kind about Judaism – I was startled.)

    I have even expressed sympathy for the white “deplorables” who post on this site.

    So once again – the Jewish idea is to try and lift everyone up (ultimately, save the world). The anti-Semitic idea is to drag anyone who aspires to anything back down into the mud. And you are once again providing an example of this.

  165. Trinity 说:

    IF you had a friend who was evicted 109 times from different homes/apartments and he/she said that it was NEVER their fault, it was ALWAYS the fault of the evil landlord, would you believe your friend’s story to be true all 109 times?

    IF you had a friend who was kicked out of 109 different bars/restaurants and he/she said that it was NEVER their fault, it was ALWAYS the fault of the manager, other patrons, etc., would you believe your friend’s story to be true all 109 times?

    IF I was kicked out of 2 or at the most 3 different establishments or evicted from the same amount of apartments, I would have enough sense to know that maybe I need to check my own behavior and that maybe the problem lies with yours truly, and not the people evicting me or removing me from their property. BUT then again, I am assuming others try and work others, try to be fair, give a little to receive a little kind of thing. Hmm, IF one has a habitual behavior of harming others and not caring about the people they harm, aren’t they what we call sociopaths?

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Kolya Krassotkin
  166. @AaronB

    ‘… Your main desire seems to be to drag Judaism down, to tell me why it’s bad, worse than others, etc. To drag me into the mud…’

    ‘Wahh’ would be more concise.

  167. Skeptikal 说:



    我继续他实际写的内容。 我发现他的文章很有趣,所以我总是阅读他的贡献。

    If something makes sense to me, I don’t suddenly change my mind and decide that it doesn’t make sense after all because now I know the author’s real name.

    • 同意: AnonStarter
  168. Skeptikal 说:

    Yes it is interesting how virtually all—I think literally all–of the first generation of Israeli leaders and terrorists changed their names. They started out with names like Greenblatt and ended up with these high-falutin monikers.

    Some more than once.

    Of course concealment, coding, and secrecy are central aspects of intra-Jewish communication. It is the easiest way to trick/exclude/misdirect/fool the goyim!

  169. alba 说:

    its just the contrary

    nazis and to a lesser extent the rest of western countries ideology at that time strived to create the ubermench in improved yourself to the very limit jews on the other hand are obsesed with degrading everyone to the lowest common denominator that creepy obsesion jews have trying to mix europeans and africans,the celebration of the weak obese and insane ,the feminization of man,the “liberation of woman …propagated by the jewish media are not sign of compasion for those group but a calculated way of weaken us

    thats why the west is weaker every day while the rest of the world grow stronger since the 60s your obsesion with creating the untermench have trasformed the west in a parody of what used to be

    and its funny that you speak about inferiority complex because the destruction of everything considered sacred and denigration of anything that ressemble european achieviment have only one motive the terrible inferiority complex yews have for declaring thenself the chosenites and being parias for thousands of years while europeans make the most masturbatory phantasy became reality .

    at this point i think you are only trying to convince yourself that you are the good guys .

    • 同意: Bookish1
  170. @Colin Wright

    You have to understand what it means to be “excellent together.”

    Don’t say or do anything critical of Jews or Israel and you’ll be “excellent together” with them.


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @FLgeezer
  171. @AaronB

    My motive is to analyze things as they are, or as they seem to me.

    Judaism has a good religion (ritualistic, but certainly pushing the faithful to better themselves), but if we speak of Judaism’s place in the world, then how it treats others – its ideology – matters.

    If I point out both the Torah (Deuteronomy) and Talmud (Sanhedrin) sanction aggressive war, show me where I am wrong.. Sure Islam and post Christ Christianity do too, as do Hindu teachings, and we can talk about those, but it would not be a denial that Judaism does so as well.

    The Jewish faith changes – techtonically as during the exile or fall of the second Temple, or slowly, as over the last 1500 years. Bar (and bat) mitzvahs were not celebrated until the middle ages I read for example.

    One misfortune rabbinical Judaism has had imo – by accident or by design – is its shying away from open debate as to its doctorine with other faiths. Christians debate Muslims, Buddhists Hindus, but Jews have historically not done so, and are generally not willing to do so now, without being first offended by the mere notion of debate.

    I root it to the lack of sovereignty and that at-most-indifference to other nations. Luckily Israel is now sovereign, so a debate can begin fairly. Yet the fear of it is still primary for Judaism.

    All faiths aim to raise their believers away from the base animal towards whatever they define as the other shore – unbroken man, fixed man, perfected man or acting in accordance with the god inside you, etc. No faith aims for laggards.

    But this refining takes a set of commitments, and it is reasonable to question the validity and reasobalness of such commitements. So if I criticise aspects of Judaism, I point out what I see as errors.

    Judaism has been stuck in two millenia without any input from the external to consider its faith. Now that the Talmud is translated, and people are learning from the source, Judaism will have to adapt to an open debate of all its aspects, as the other faiths have had done to them.

    This is a beneficial process, one that will improve Judaism, if Judaism allows itself to be open to debate, not just closed in the belief that every critique is the seed of antisemitism.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @AaronB
  172. @AaronB

    /yet no Christian or Muslim has ever said a single kind thing about Jews or Judaism to me on this site/

    Well, there’s a boldfaced lie.

    • 回复: @Druid
  173. What with all the CenSCHWARZship, is DLive the future?



    • 同意: the grand wazoo
    • 回复: @the grand wazoo
  174. @AaronB

    Universality sweetheart.
    Any more great ideas?

  175. @AnonStarter

    ‘You have to understand what it means to be “excellent together.”

    ‘Don’t say or do anything critical of Jews or Israel and you’ll be “excellent together” with them.

    iIt’s just that simple.’

    Actually, no you won’t be ‘excellent together’ — at least not according to the theology.

    You may well have a dog — and if so, he’s most definitely on your side.

    Does that make him your equal?

    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  176. Herald 说:

    It’s always great fun when you, or your “operative” chums decide to mix it with an Unz big hitter.

    You must be be feeling rather dispirited right now, but chin up, just think of the pleasure you’ve given us and remember that pushing Hasbara will always be easier than having to do honest work.

    • 回复: @Quantum
  177. Giuseppe 说:

    以色列·沙米尔 (Israel Shamir) 选择了一个希伯来语使用者可以立即认出的笔名 nom de plume。 它的应用范围不仅限于孤独的个人,因为它意味着 皈依的以色列,所以我想他打算让自己的名字代表皈依基督教的犹太人。 著名犹太作家阿舍·兹维·赫希·金斯伯格 (Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg) 也遵循类似的思路,选择了一个笔名,这个笔名的意思是: 人民之一,Ahad Ha'am, אחד העם。

    • 回复: @Giuseppe
    , @Seraphim
  178. @AaronB

    ‘… The funny thing is I am on record on this site saying appreciative and sympathetic things about Christianity and Islam…’

    Leaving aside what you may have said about the one true faith, your ‘appreciative and sympathetic things about Islam’ seem to boil down to agreeing that if they would only quit resisting and recognize their inherent inferiority, you might permit them to continue to exist as a servile race.

    …something like what Hitler had in mind for the Poles, now that I think about it.

    You’re all heart, Aaron. Sort of a kosher Adolf, now that I think about it. (apologies to any Hitler fans. I’m not serious in my comparison of our pet Jewish supremacist-manque to Hitler.)

  179. @Ilya G Poimandres

    ‘… I root it to the lack of sovereignty and that at-most-indifference to other nations. Luckily Israel is now sovereign…’

    Perhaps that’s because Israel is not truly sovereign. When I first started paying attention to it, I was struck by how pathetically dependent it was on ideological trends and fashions in the United States — and of course, how materially dependent it is on continued US approval and support.

    A 真实 nation — like, say, Franco’s Spain — can more or less say ‘screw you’ and follow its own path. Peron’s Argentina would be another example. So far, even Taiwan can claim the same.

    Israel is different. It’s tied to America’s teat. We yank it off, it’s dead.

    It has — at most — the independence of a very badly spoiled child…which, come to think of it, is about what it is.

    ‘Honey, honey, you’re not angry, are you? Should I get daddums to beat up the bad man for you?’

    It’s a sick farce.

    • 回复: @Ilya G Poimandres
  180. Wally 说:

    – Interesting trend:

    Black & Brown interest in “holocaust” Revisionism growing:

    非裔美国人“大屠杀否认者”奇科·克罗马蒂竞选公职: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12908
    African-American school principal seemingly denies “Holocaust” – gets fired: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=12583
    Raspect – Rapper of African descent – denies “Holocaust” publicly: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=12298
    27% of Mexicans believe “Holocaust” is a myth or greatly exaggerated: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?p=92440#p92440
    贾森·莫斯塔法·阿里诉伍德布里奇镇学区——教师因教授“否认大屠杀”而被解雇: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?t=12488
    犹太活动对美国黑人的恶性影响: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?p=94571#p94571
    纽约市黑人对犹太人的“仇恨犯罪”激增: https://archive.is/f0Yrg
    黑人领袖对美国犹太人的看法: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?p=91868#p91868%5B/quote%5D

  181. @Colin Wright

    /Does that make him your equal?/

    Who said anything about equality?

    It isn’t that you’ll both be excellent, it’s that you’ll be “excellent 一起,” the inherently dominant and the inherently subordinate, acting out their divinely-ordained roles.

  182. Wally 说:



    According to them it’s never their fault.

  183. Adrian 说:

    Shamir mentions one concrete fact in his autobiography that goes far to establish his Israeli identity and which, significantly, is not mentioned in his Wiki – that prefers to depict him as a lying Swede.

    沙米尔说,他曾在以色列国防军担任伞兵,并参与了赎罪日战争。 如果不是这样的话,以色列国防军不是早就出来说这个人从来没有在我们的队伍中吗? 据我所知,它从未这样做过。

  184. Seraphim 说:

    The Judaization of France begins with the granting by Pepin the Short of extensive privileges to the Jewish community of Narbonne in 756.
    The legend as relayed by Wikipedia) has that:
    “According to a tradition preserved by Abraham ibn Daud in his ‘Sefer ha-Qabbalah’, written about 1161, Makhir* was a descendant of the house of David. Ibn Daud wrote:
    ‘Then King Charles sent to the King of Baghdad [Caliph] requesting that he dispatch one of his Jews of the seed of royalty of the House of David. He hearkened and sent him one from there, a magnate and sage, Rabbi Makhir by name. And [Charles] settled him in Narbonne, the capital city, and planted him there, and gave him a great possession there at the time he captured it from the Ishmaelites [Arabs]. And he [Makhir] took to wife a woman from among the magnates of the town; and the King made him a nobleman and designed, out of love for [Makhir], good statutes for the benefit of all the Jews dwelling in the city, as is written and sealed in a Latin charter; and the seal of the King therein [bears] his name Carolus; and it is in their possession at the present time. The Prince Makhir became chieftain there. He and his descendants were close [inter-related] with the King and all his descendants”.

    *Makhir ben Yehudah Zakkai of Narbonne (725-765) was a Babylonian-Jewish scholar and later the supposed leader of the Jewish community of Narbonne in a region which at that time was called Septimania at the end of the eighth century.
    The dates do not perfectly accord to the legend, but:
    “The Makhir family enjoyed for centuries many privileges and that its members bore the title of “nasi” (prince). Benjamin of Tudela, who visited Narbonne in 1165, speaks of the exalted position occupied by the descendants of Makhir, and the “Royal Letters” of 1364 also record the existence of a rex Iudaeorum (King of the Jews) at Narbonne. The place of residence of the Makhir family at Narbonne was designated in official documents as “Cortada Regis Judæorum”. Makhir is said to have founded a Talmudic school there which vied in greatness with those of Babylonia and which attracted pupils from many distant points”.

    The process was long drawn, with ups and downs, but it achieved after wholesale massacres (of the Wars of Religion, Revolution, Napoleon, First World War, the massacres of the ‘collabos’ after WW2, which eventually cowed the Christian French into abject submission), the tremendous success that we witness impotently. There is a matter of time until the remnants of the Christian French will be replaced by Muslims.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  185. @Lot

    This election Jews are going to block-vote for Tories at 80% levels.

    If the playing field was a level one, the 80% of 2% would only manage to gain its’ due. But, the 2% own 100% of media, which sours the pot and spoils the stew.

    • 回复: @Biff
  186. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    You realize most of my comments here are about saying positive things about Jews and Judaism, not demeaning Christianity or Islam or focusing on the low class white anti-Semites, who I sometimes feel sorry for.

    Most of your comments seem to be about saying Judaism is mostly bad. That seems to be your main concern.

    It would be much healthier if you focused on the good things about your own beliefs, whatever they are.

    A person who is primarily negative is defined by a desire to bring others down because he hates himself. A positive person is inspired by self love, and only someone who loves himself can love others.

  187. Anonymous[229]• 免责声明 说:

    Interesting and thought-provoking read. But…

    Europe has been obedient to the siren call of Uncle Sam in following it over the cliff time after time – in Afghanistan, in Iraq (France excepted), on Russia, on Iran (by acquiescing in severe sanctions), on Saudi Arabia, in Yemen, in embracing Bolsonaro (invited Keynoter at Davos), even on Venezuela and Bolivia.

    No mention of Libya. Was that intentional or fortuitous?

    If and when France and England regain their independence, their Jews would recover their normal place in their societies.

    Having established the servile nature of European nations, their dependence must, by extension of the same logic, depend on whether or not the US regains its own independence. After all, that is the country that takes the lead in Europe’s lovefest with the Jews. He who controls America…

    Still, a question goes begging: why is antisemitism exclusively related to criticism of Jews or Israel? Over two million Semitic, non-Jewish Arabs (the overwhelming majority of Semitic peoples) have been murdered in the ongoing ME wars, yet none of the atrocities have been characterized as acts of antisemitism. Anyone care to explain?

  188. anonymous[222]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colin Wright

    having a hard time finding “we should all be excellent together” in



    starting point:
    Religions must change; it should take only a few generations:

    “Even more so than in other areas, in the world of religion, policies combating antisemitism should aim for a timeframe of several generations. It is near to impossible to erase the deeply rooted antisemitic stereotypes in Christian and Muslim traditions from the religious memories of these two religions. While a total absence of antisemitism in these two religious traditions might remain a utopian goal, it is nevertheless important to aspire to it as the most desirable condition toward which all policies combating antisemitism should aim. It is hoped that this goal might actually be achieved in a timespan of several generations.
    。 。 。
    Awareness-raising: Clergy and lay people need to be alerted to the anti-semitism inherent in their religion.”

    • 回复: @Robjil
  189. @AaronB

    “Japanese elites, for instance, reached peaks of treating their lower classes subhumanly rarely seen elsewhere, where the Samurai were allowed to kill commoners for sport”

    It’s complete lies like that which make you completely unpalatable.

  190. renfro 说:

    克林顿夫妇的独生子和特朗普的最爱都嫁给了犹太人。 150年来,精英阶层与他们的通婚率一直很高。

    Being a Jew you don’t understand how the upper class society views and ranks todays so called elites. Jews have never understood ‘codes of conduct’ or even general ‘manners’….throwing them out of acceptance by the real elite. Which is why Trump for instance was shunned because of his crudeness and pushiness by the NY Blue Blood society he desperately wanted to be accepted by …..that left him only the Jews of his same boorish type to associate with and why when he got to the WH he knew no one and has no one to appoint or call upon for advice except his NY Jews.

    Both Clinton and Trumps Jewish in laws are ‘convicted felons…hardly elite by higher class standards.
    The Clintons and the Trumps themselves can hardly be called elites except under the ‘Jews definition’…….in my region of the country and most regions they are seen as what is called ‘jumped up white trash’ down south….. jumped up white trash and Jews have the same low standards or lack of standards so they are natural partners.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  191. Giuseppe 说:

    我之前的评论出于某种原因没有附上,其目的是作为对 TPP 的回复: https://www.unz.com/ishamir/for-the-love-of-jews/#comment-3598819.

  192. @Priss Factor

    Dlive.tv, and Vox Day’s channel unauthorized.tv are excellent alternatives to youtube. Frankly, youtube, is a poor alternative to those 2 channels.

  193. Anytime a Jew (#), comments on bad Jewish behavior, every Jew withing a hundred miles shows up. KInd of like flies and corpses.
    Give a Jew a dollar he ‘makes’ two. Eventually, he tells you what you can do, say and how to behave and think IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY.
    There is one solution, they must all leave for Israel for quarantine.

    #sorry Izzy I don’t buy the Orthodox Christian angle as it is incompatible with Communism. Marx was an avowed satanist who wrote ‘his’ seductive ideology into law as a modern manual for societal takeover. The synagogue of Satan bears evil fruit.

  194. @TKK

    The impeachment of Trump is a jew affair. This is a fact and all you bs will never change this. Only morons believe jews have been scapegoated over 100 times.

    • 回复: @Kolya Krassotkin
    , @Skeptikal
  195. @Oscar Peterson

    As I said, we are at peak Jew.

    Fortunately unlike oil; Jew is not a renewable resource. Once they are gone … they’re gone.

  196. Seraphim 说:

    What would Christians have to say good about Judaism? That not all Jews spit on Christians, piss on Christ icons (on TV) and do not say that they would kill Jesus again? That not all Jews say publicly that Christians are ‘inferior’?

  197. @James Scott

    “Juku” – a new word for our 21st century American argot.

  198. Looks like Shamir is saying that politics in Britain and France is all about the Jews, and that the choice for anyone in the West is either to love Jews or to hate them. Very convenient. If you criticism the Zionists or the Jewish establishment for their concentration and consolidation of money and power to control your nation for their exclusive interests, like for instance the media, finances and the political spectrum, they imply it is their right because of their superior intelligence, or that they have always had superior capital to buy what they want.

    Then you say “Wait a minute. Look at your ruthless methods and how you teach your own children that you have a right and a duty exploit the goy and put him down for your own advancement. Look at what the Zionist teach their children about the Arabs saying that the only good Arab is a dead Arab.” The response from the Jewish establishment, with at least 98% of their community dutifully remaining silent, is that you are anti-Semitic and a hate monger. Then you respond, “Look, it has nothing to do with hate. I am a Christian and unlike you I am not aloud to do that, and I don’t do that, but do you think it is right to take advantage of people, who think it is selfish and wrong for any exclusive group to concentrate and consolidate their wealth and power in order to dominate and control the entire host nation or civilization to serve their own exclusive interests? What would you do if a bunch of Christians did the same in Israel?” And what do they say in response? “Yada, yada, yada, and if you make too much of a noise, just remember we own you and if you protest too loud we will snuff you out.”

    Populist people are generally fed up with the establishment running things in their nations, regardless of whether it is the Jews, the Masons, the Catholics, the Protestants, the Marxist, the secular humanist, or any other exclusive group running things. They are fed up with all the of lies, propaganda, brainwashing, the fake history, the outsourcing to make the rich richer and the middle class poor. They are tired of being fed upon and debt-rigged by banks and corporations, that are simply exploiters . Our dollar since the banksters took over our money supply in 1913 has shrunk to about 3% to 4% of its values, and it never lost a cent in the 100 years proceeding that.

    On one hand, the Jewish community wants to appear very much in the driver’s seat and on the other hand it does not want any criticism when things go sideways in our nations, while their “international” community has become incredibly rich at our expense. We are not to complain? If we do we are called hate mongers? Only Jews can be Nazis? If this is not true then what has the populist uprising in France have to do with the Jews, Mr Sahmir?

    Perhaps if the Jewish establishment, including the Rothschild banking network, is actually in control of French finances, banks, the media, the political system, and Macron, and jobs are gone, their borders are breached by migrants herded into their nation by Rothschild/Soros NGO’s in order to destroy their culture, then the people are waking up to the actual cause. They don’t want to hate anyone. They want their nation back, and not milked to serve any foreign or international interest. If this is not the case, then give us some evidence to deny the obvious.

  199. Truth3 说:

    Without Jews…

    Life would be far better for all.

  200. @Seraphim

    ‘… The Judaization of France begins with the granting by Pepin the Short of extensive privileges to the Jewish community of Narbonne in 756.
    The legend as relayed by Wikipedia) has that:
    “According to a tradition preserved by Abraham ibn Daud in his ‘Sefer ha-Qabbalah’, written about 1161,…

    Particularly for those dates, what someone in 1161 imagined had happened in 756 is hardly reliable.

    At best, it would indicate what they regarded as an impressive source. Abraham ibn Daud might as well have appealed to the acts of King Arthur.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  201. @Lot

    ‘… This election Jews are going to block-vote for Tories at 80% levels…’

    And Jews make up 0.5% of the British electorate.

    That’s…that’s 0.4% of the vote that will go Tory.

    Labour’s dead.

  202. bjondo 说:

    For love of Jew dancing?
    For love of Jew joy at dancing?

    these also stolen from Palestinians.



  203. @Trinity

    Most people would recognize that the person who claims himself blameless and that all the 109 landlords who evicted him were totally at fault was severely mentally ill.

    We recognize that there are individuals who are mentally unsound. Why shouldn’t the existence of nations, societies or extensive groups within societies who are mentally or emotionally unwell be a real possibility?

  204. renfro 说:

    Can we also get rid of the Indians…..I will deal with anyone in the world except Jews and Indians.

    President Donald Trump’s official in charge of Medicare and Medicaid, Seema Verma, came under fire after Politico reported Saturday that she submitted a $47,000 claim for reimbursement on the taxpayers’ dime for stolen, uninsured items , stolen jewelry https://t.co/lTJpP7sX9g

    — Rep. Pramila Jayapal (@RepJayapal) December 8, 2019

    The bulk of the claim—for which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ultimately reimbursed her $2,852.40—was for roughly $43,000 worth of jewelry. Among the roughly two dozen pieces was an Ivanka Trump brand pendant whose estimated value was $5,900, according to documents obtained by Politico. A $325 claim for moisturizer was also among the items included.

    The theft reportedly took place in July of 2018 in San Francisco when Verma’s luggage was stolen from a rented SUV as she delivered a speech in which she bashed Medicare for All and the Affordable Care Act.

  205. Biff 说:
    @the grand wazoo

    If the playing field was a level one, the 80% of 2% would only manage to gain its’ due. But, the 2% own 100% of media, which sours the pot and spoils the stew.
    Says The Grand Wazoo!

    I like your Schtick. ;^)

  206. anaccount 说:

    This shit is getting more obvious by the day.

    What has become known cannot become unknown. This knowledge is as unforgettable as it is forbidden.

  207. So many cons blame the ‘left’ as being in power, but the real Power is Jewish Globalism.

    Take Max Blumenthal. Like him or not, he’s a genuine leftie. If the Power is ‘leftist’, then it should embrace Blumenthal, but he’s been targeted by the most powerful people. Why? He’s been critical of Zionism and of Neo-Imperialism of the Deep State.

    The Real Power in the West is not ‘leftist’. It is the Glob. And even though the Glob will generally favor Jewish ‘leftists’ over goy ‘rightists’, it will also favor Jewish rightists over goy leftists and genuine Jewish leftists like Blumenthal.

  208. Seraphim 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Well, indeed the ascribing of the conquest of Narbonne by Pepin the Short is a supposition of a ‘controversial’ historian of the problem: Arthur J. Zuckerman, A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, 768-900 (New York, 1972).
    Abraham ibn Daud, the chronicle ‘Gesta Karoli Magni ad Carcassonam et Narbonam’, the Milhemet Misvah (a work of a Narbonnese Jew Meir ben Simeon), papal letters, all talk about the conquest of Narbonne and the bequest to the Jews by Charlemagne. Beyond any doubt is that Narbonne was an important center of Jewish life and Talmud. As to their influence at the court, enough to check the story of Agobard of Lyons.
    You may laugh but the ‘stories’ of King Arthur and the Grail may have something to do with the Judaization of England. But that’s another story.

  209. @Colin Wright

    True, Israel as it is now has always been a colonial enterprise, and Jews are barely more independent than before it. It rebirthed the desire to work the land though (even if mostly due to nostalgia), but for the most part it has pushed their mentality to that of the guards in the prison experiment.

    I agree with the Zionist position Jews need sovereignty, but Israel as it is, is more of a poison pill as you say. There is enough money in the tribe to agree directly democtatically with a peoples somewhere on the planet to get land fairly imo, and move on from there.

    Last time Judaism took half a millennium to crystalize. Buddhism took half a millennium to debate (and merge) with Hinduism in India. Christianity took a few centuries. Rabbinical Judaism will take long as well.

    Even with a truly sovereign, non parasitic, nation, Israel would bump up against Gentile planetary law, and have to start acknowledging its errors when they are present. Israel offers more rightful indignation due to its history than internal consideration.

    Imo Judaism needs to buy some land directly democratically off a people, leave the colony of Israel (decolonisation 2.0 really for all Western Empires), and grow naturally. They are a materialistically intelligent bunch, if a bit low on wisdom..

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  210. @annamaria

    The JIDF bosses should be mindful of the contamination by the truth, which the young hasbarists could suffer on this forum.

    他们可以去 克劳塞维茨 Auschwitz and not feel guilty, so there’s a bit of hope, although I’m sure the indoctrination to toe the Judaic lines runs bone-deep and might even be genetically fueled – Link to Futurity

  211. @AaronB

    This is a site for critical analysis, and I think that due to the insularity of Judaism for 1500 years, there is a lot to critique!

    If a person stayed away from an environment for 50 years, they would have to reintroduce themselves to it, and maybe with some assistance, if they wanted to live cordially with their neighbours, and not as outcasts.

    Judaism is afraid of assistance due to its memory. It is not ‘incapable of accepting’, but ‘unwilling to consider’ critique. I find it hard to see how it can live peacefully in a community of nations – and that is what it wants – if it is so touchy, sensitive – unconfident about itself.. the usual explosion of rightful indignation at even actual anti-semites is a sign of weakness, not strength.

    Legistlating away criticism of Israel in Gentile nations? Is that really solving discord, or building walls? How can you enlighten others’ minds behind defensive positions you yourself set up?!

    My beliefs, personally, benefit from debate. I don’t bother with insults or feeling insulted. I only really feel insulted if I say something stupid I later realise as stupid, but even then the solution is to change and improve, and the feeling is only temporary! I’ve come to accept through debate, in spirit – if not in the practice that Israel entailed, the Zionist dream of sovereignty, over the traditional position of ‘wait for a Metaphysical sign’!

    Whether critique intends to bring another down or up. If I were screaming ‘kill ’em all, they are incapable of change..’ (I obviously wouldn’t in that state), then I’d agree with you.

    But imo Judaism has a very soft touch on the Metaphysical, and is strong in its religious practice. I’d say Christianity is, for a long time, idea>practice, and Islam tends to that way too. Judaism has a better balance, but some of the ideas with respect to the nations need adjusting as the Jewish nation gains sovereignty, as it is now doing.

    In many ways, I would say Judaism should consider the 12th rule that entails suspension from the order of monks: https://suttacentral.net/pli-tv-bu-vb-ss12/en/brahmali

    If a monk is difficult to correct, and he makes himself incorrigible when he is legitimately corrected by the monks concerning the training rules that are recited, saying, “Venerables, don’t say anything to me, either positive or negative, and I won’t say anything to you, either positive or negative; please refrain from correcting me,” then the monks should correct him in this way: “Venerable, be easy to correct, not incorrigible. And please give legitimate correction to the monks, and the monks will do the same to you. For it’s in this way that the Master’s community has grown, that is, through mutual correction and mutual rehabilitation.” If that monk still continues as before, the monks should admonish him up to three times to make him stop. If he then stops, that is good. If not, he commits an offense entailing suspension.

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @AaronB
  212. yakov 说:


  213. Daniel.I 说:


    There’s a certain ethnicity to which that particular stereotype seems to stick.

    For a guy who fancies himself some sort of genius, you’re pretty lacking in self-awareness.

    • 回复: @Staudegger
  214. neutral 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Vile jews such Aaron and Lot will never respond to this. It really does show that jews are utter psychopath, preaching how wonderful they are while at the same time conducting a full scale ethnic cleansing.

  215. Robjil 说:


    Antisemitism needs to be erased from Christian and Muslim religions?

    The only thing that is “antisemitic” in both religions is calling out of the “mafia type of behavior” of Jewish culture.

    There is no antisemitism for Jewish people who are good in any of the books of these religions.

    There is only antimafia Jewish culture in the books of both religions.

    That is a good thing that should be kept in both religions for the sake of humanity and this planet.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  216. neutral 说:

    Without Jews…

    The world would be profoundly better.

  217. Anonymous[411]• 免责声明 说:

    France is a failed state, the rich in France have been jumping ship to London for some years now and I suspect many of these “French” are Jews. I doubt these ongoing riots in France are doing anything to stop the flow of money northwards across the Channel.

    The rich French have always seen London as a bolthole of stability, that may be the reason why the Channel Tunnel was largely a project the French elite wanted.

  218. Anonymous[627]• 免责声明 说:
    @Irish Savant

    Consider the predominance of girly men you worked with if you worked in tech.

  219. Staudegger 说:

    犹太人并不缺乏自我意识。 撒谎、投射和颠倒现实是他们用来迷惑和迷惑种族敌人的标准伎俩。 Aaron B 的 BS 甚至没有那么夸张,事实上他相当低调。 通常犹太人比他更笨拙、更歇斯底里。

  220. Anon[275]• 免责声明 说:
    @Oscar Peterson

    Perhaps attacks on Corbyn are really part of a longer term goal? I don’t follow British politics much, but taking down Corbyn could serve as:
    1) precedent for taking down a democratic leader speciffically for being perceived as anti-semite. Think of the me-too defenestrations, or trial by media, for sex crimes or homophobia. Targets go down without a fight, let alone a trial.
    2) there’s an interest in taking down the British royal family, thus a window for reshaping constitution and laws, which could be used for legal groundwork on antisemitism, hate speech, etc.

    • 回复: @Oscar Peterson
  221. anonymous[222]• 免责声明 说:

    结束反犹主义! [<— nb "!" ]
    基于参与者对国际会议的贡献 “An End to Antisemitism!”,
    Vienna, February 2018,
    the European Jewish Congress,
    the University of Vienna.

    1 Religious groups or institutions and combating antisemitism
    Religious groups and institutions have a special capability in combating anti- semitism given the religious character of the antisemitic ideology of most, if not all, antisemitic groups. As argued in the introduction to this catalogue, the very irrationality of antisemitism identifies it as a religious phenomenon, that is, as a belief system (see p. 20–23). In addition to fighting antisemitism inside their own organizational framework, religious groups and institutions thus have a responsibility to address antisemitism outside their own religious group or organization. This is all the more the case as the Christian and Muslim heritage is responsible for much of today’s antisemitism. Those religious groups and organizations whose level of antisemitism is low should therefore be actively involved in encouraging antisemites to change their religious orientation from a religion of hate to a religion of love and mutual respect that includes the love of and respect for Judaism. 第32页 https://anendtoantisemitism.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/p_anendtoantisemitism/PDF/Catalogue_FINAL_webversion_complete.pdf

    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @Anon
    , @annamaria
  222. Skeptikal 说:

    I think Ilya’s comments are apposite and perceptive.
    The essay is about Judaism and Jews, not about Christianity.
    But you cannot help but instruct others as to what is “healthy,” and what is wrong with the personality of a person who offered perceptive comments on the evolution (or lack of it) of Judaism qua religion.

    Even these are interpreted by you, Mr. Jewish Know-it-all, as a symptom of a personality defect.

    You seek to make discussion of Judaism qua religion off-limits.
    Which is funny, because this response of course reinforces the point of Ilya’s comment.

    But this doesn’t get through your filter, which is Jews get to be arbiters, gate keepers, and top judges of everything that is said or thought about them and the person who says them. No one gets to discuss Judaism qua religion on the basis of what can be read in its religious texts, and actual religious practices. One can only think of Judaism as the way Jews wish to project their image in the Gentile world. All else is anti-Semitism.

    It is quite transparent. You badly need a psychological reset, but I think you are beyond help.
    You cannot see outside your bubble.

    • 同意: Desert Fox
    • 回复: @AaronB
  223. Skeptikal 说:

    “Jews have never understood ‘codes of conduct’ or even general ‘manners’….throwing them out of acceptance by the real elite.”

    They don’t understand the nuances and hence are often pushy.

    “Pushy”–that is the general term for describing the off-notes of so much Jewish behavior and communication styles. You cannot “correct” this behavior. Just as one cannot correct other obnoxious behavior. One simply distances oneself

    Still, I do think there are a number of very smart people who happen to be Jews to whom Trump could have turned to populate his administration. Such as Stephen Cohen.

  224. Skeptikal 说:
    @James Scott

    “The impeachment of Trump is a jew affair.

    Well, it seems to be an affair of particularly rabidly anti-Russian Russian American Jews.
    At least, the “witnesses” such as Vindman and the Stanford woman.

  225. Trinity 说:

    The Jew and his shabbos goy self hating white cuckold pets had a bit of a problem with a minority of white South Africans having too much power in South Africa back in the day, but (((they))) seem to have no problem with a tiny minority of Jews ruling over the goyim in Europe and North America. Btw, I actually find the white cuckold pets of the Jew to be more mentally disturbed than their sociopath and psychotic Jew masters. Lest we forget it was basically OUR OWN PEOPLE that allowed the Jew to take power in OUR COUNTRIES. At one point and time, Whites made up close to 90% of America’s population and Europe was even whiter. WE CAN NOT EXCUSE THE Woodrow Wilsons, the Franklin Roosevelts, the Eisenhowers, and basically every POTUS of America to come along after the JFK assassination. Of course there are way too many politicians to even name that have helped destroy this country by going along with their Jew masters orders. Even JFK went along with integrating our schools which would result in many white children being assaulted, raped and even murdered by Blacks and other nonwhites.

    It would be bad enough to have such a tiny minority rule over the rest of any country even if their actions were totally benevolent, but what we have is a tiny minority waging war on the majority by instituting laws that discriminate against the founding stock of America, and the native people of Europe. We have a tiny minority literally waging war against Whites by flooding OUR countries with hostile invaders to be used as biological weapons of mass destruction against Whites, and using a media and Hollywood to promote anti-White hatred by demonizing and ridiculing Whites 24/7. Meanwhile that same media and Hollywood will NEVER show how the real world operates. They will NEVER tell you that interracial violent crime is overwhelmingly ALWAYS Black on White or Nonwhite on White, nor will they tell you about the epidemic of Black on White rape or the Brown/Black on White rape in Europe. And they definitely won’t tell you about what has happened in post apartheid South Africa where tens of thousands of Whites have been butchered by marauding Blacks over the years.

  226. geokat62 说:

    Speaking of For The Love of Jews, here is a very short interview of Jesse Lee Peterson who right off the bat asks his guest, a priest, if he loves Jews, to which the priest unhesitatingly responds in the affirmative. But, when asked if he loves white people, he starts of by stating, “Well…”

    • 回复: @bjondo
    , @Trinity
  227. Another great article by Mr Shamir. People should also read the one about Hong Kong protests by the same author.

  228. bjondo 说:

    Jesse Peterson is a Judaized, zionized skunk.

  229. Trinity 说:

    I swear as a Christian I find these Jew worshiping cuckolds that identify as followers of Christ to be the most retarded of all cuckold Whites with the exception of the Antifa type of “white trash.” These Zionist “Christians” absolutely WORSHIP A PEOPLE THAT DENY CHRIST, and EVEN DESPISE CHRISTIANITY for the most part while the Antifa white trash will fight alongside nonwhites against their own kind. Both of these totally brainwashed groups of loonies have sided with people who openly call for the demise of their own kin, their very own extended family of brothers and sisters. After these USEFUL IDIOTS have served their masters do they actually think they will be sacrificed the fate of the people they helped destroy. TRAITORS are never loved by anyone, even the people they served? Do you see any statues of Benedict Arnold in England? Do you think there will be any statues of Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, or Joe Biden IF or WHEN Whites lose their country/countries to the nonwhite hordes? Did not Blacks drop Hillary like a bad habit when she ran against Obama? Did every color blind conservative’s favorite “black guy,” Colon Bowel aka Colin Powell not drop the GOP white guy party for Obama? Me thinks Jesse Peterson is just another black guy who plays the role of the “good black guy” for hi$ own benefit, he knows damn well that all of the conservative White suckas will worship him and buy his books to prove, “see I am not racist.” Peterson probably voted for Obama as well. Honestly, how stupid are white people? WE have to take some of the blame for were we are today. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

    • 回复: @Bookish1
  230. Truth3 说:
    @Colin Wright

    How can you be so incredibly dishonest?

    Easy. He’s a Jew.

  231. Robjil 说:



    现在不是,自 12.23.1913 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日接管西方世界以来也从未如此。

    WWI – get the Balfour Declaration


    WWIII- get Eretz Yisreal – greater Israel

    锡安统治的第一个世纪于 12.23 开始。 1913年

    The second century of Zion rule began on 12.23.5761 ( 09.11. 2001) This was the beginning of WWIII for Zion’s last wish – Eretz Yisrael.

    Judaism needs to be reformed for the sake of humanity, for humanity’s intellectual growth and for the planet itself.

    自 12.23.1913 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日以来,基督教和伊斯兰教的势力微乎其微。

    • 同意: Desert Fox, Daniel Rich
  232. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    First of all, Judaism does have a tradition of debate, both with Muslims and Christians. There is even a book, called the Kuzari, still widely studied by Jews today, which is a record of a debate before Khazar nobles over which religion is best.

    But this is the problem with you Europeans – first you destroyed your own tradition through the wrong kind of analysis and rationality, and then you seek to destroy the rest of the world’s. Have you really no shame? After seeing where your kind of rational analysis has taken your own societies, can you still not stop trying to do this to others?

    However, the real problem with European rationality is not that it is too much, but that it is too little. You see that the spiritual isn’t real, but you don’t see that the physical isn’t real either. You see the supernatural isn’t real, but you don’t see the natural isn’t real either. You see that faith is false, but you don’t see logic is also false (as Kant showed).

    European logic stops at the half way point – it destroys everything outside itself, but refuses to look at itself. This is very different from religious logic, which goes all the way, and stops at nothing

    So this is the kind of debate you want to have with me – you want to subject Judaism to logical scrutiny, but you don’t want to subject logic to logical scrutiny. You will never consider that illogic may have a certain logic to it.

    You will criticize everything except logic, except criticism itself. But the truly rational person criticizes logic itself. Is it real? Can it be relied on? Does it produce incoherent contradictions? Can we discover the good life through logic? (The Greek Pyrhonnists answers an emphatic no).

    A Critique of Reason, as a certain great European philosopher put it lol.

    The person prepared to scrutinize logic realizes it is as false as anything – and opens the door to the usefulness of illogic. And then your whole epismetic foundation shifts, and you come full circle – religion is not about truth claims in the strict sense, because no language is about truth claims in the strict sense.

    So I am not prepared to have one of these classic modern European half-debates, where the answer is already assumed in the premise – that we agree to see through everything, except the idea that we can see through everything. By a tacit agreement, we will challenge everything but our ability to see accurately.

    • 巨魔: Druid
    • 回复: @Ilya G Poimandres
  233. @Robjil

    ‘I think the opposite needs to be done.


    It is not now and has not been since it took over the western world on 12.23.1913.’

    Perhaps. Contrary to popular belief, suffering isn’t actually good for you; it doesn’t make you at all virtuous. One could argue that Judaism is a faith and culture stunted and warped by centuries of marginalization and oppression.

    As such, so long as it was powerless, it was merely pathetic; now that it’s risen to a position of some influence, it’s a nightmare.

    The abused child has become a father from a nightmare. Do we really want this figure being a factor in our lives?

    Jews can be alright. I really have yet to see much good in Judaism. People are free to practice it in their private lives; but I’m very suspicious of the ideology receiving wider application.

    • 同意: Robjil
  234. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    Also, your invitation to a debate is not respectful – it is framed explicitly as you, or the rest of the world, having authority and Jews needing to submit to it.

    You even use the analogy of the recalcitrant monk, who does not submit to ‘correction’ from authority.

    So – just another naked bid for power on your part, just another person outraged that Jews ‘dare’ to go it alone and do not submit to the opinion and authority of mankind. This has been the complaint against Jews since ancient times. While Jews desire respectful and beneficent relations with the rest of the world, they certainly do not accept the authority and opinion of mankind. So you are just making another attempt to drag down.

    As I have explained above, a certain type of person cannot stand anyone aspiring to anything higher than the common level.

    If you were really interested in exploring aspects of Judaism on the basis of equality and for the purpose of honestly evaluating certain aspects if it, you would have framed your invitation completely differently – without any presumption of authority or necessity for submission to the common opinion of mankind.

    • 回复: @Ilya G Poimandres
    , @Daniel.I
  235. Staudegger 说:

    你无法改革犹太教,因为犹太教不是一种宗教,它是一种基于寄生的种族生存策略,极端程度的精神病促进了这一策略。 这个 AaronB 样本是精神病态犹太人的教科书例子。 他是那种在苏联各地跑来跑去,以任何理由折磨和谋杀任何他想要的人,然后抱怨“反犹太主义”的闪族人。

    看,犹太人对自己的了解与纳粹对他们的了解是一样的。 他们不是因为希特勒对他们说了谎而讨厌希特勒,而是因为他对他们说了实话。 对于我们白人来说不幸的是,希特勒并不像他的敌人那样坚定或无情,他最终付出了代价。

    • 回复: @Anon
  236. Anon[289]• 免责声明 说:

    NYC Jews in Brooklyn all voted Trump.

    Thbbft…. Lie.

    I live in Brooklyn.

    Brooklyn is one of the world headquarters for commie loving, White gentile hating, minority promoting Jewish supremacists. And that’s before we get to the Kabbalists.

    You’ve either never been to Brooklyn or are a shameless liar. Which is it?

    • 同意: Trinity
  237. Anon[339]• 免责声明 说:

    As an ethnonationalist religion, Judaism preaches hate of the non-Jew and takeover of their lands. Islam is similar.

    Perhaps Jews would be willing to compromise and do away with all Semitic religion, including their own.

    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  238. Anon[153]• 免责声明 说:


    Israel David Fishman, the son of a Rabbi, came up with the idea to use the ALA and library system to promote “gay liberation,” which in the 1970s and 80s included pedophilia.

    Barbara Gittings became its coordinator in 1971. During this time, the Task Force on Gay Liberation became very active, with pressure campaigns to have books about the gay liberation movement at the Library of Congress reclassified from their original status HQ 71–471 (“Abnormal Sexual Relations, Including Sexual Crimes”).

    The ALA has a long history of imposing social engineering and unpopular political activism, and Drag Queen Story Hour is no different

  239. Anon[203]• 免责声明 说:

    你无法改革犹太教,因为犹太教不是一种宗教,它是一种基于寄生的种族生存策略,极端程度的精神病促进了这一策略。 这个 AaronB 样本是精神病态犹太人的教科书例子。 他是那种在苏联各地跑来跑去,以任何理由折磨和谋杀任何他想要的人,然后抱怨“反犹太主义”的闪族人。

    看,犹太人对自己的了解与纳粹对他们的了解是一样的。 他们不是因为希特勒对他们说了谎而讨厌希特勒,而是因为他对他们说了实话。 对于我们白人来说不幸的是,希特勒并不像他的敌人那样坚定或无情,他最终付出了代价。


    The only thing that I would change is that Judaism is a racial dominance strategy, not a mere survival strategy. Per their god’s commands to the in the OT, they invade the lands of non-Jews for hostile takeover.

  240. I'm Tyrone 说:

    犹太人的想法只是精英主义。 祭司之国等等。

    亚伦一如既往地错了。世界上有很多经济上成功的少数群体,他们并没有招致大多数人的怨恨。印度的琐罗亚斯德教帕西人和伊斯玛仪派极其富有,但普遍受到印度教徒多数的尊重。马来西亚华人当然会与马来西亚大多数人发生一些摩擦,但总体来说相处得很好。另一方面,犹太人以牺牲他人利益为代价来推进自己部落的利益,这就是犹太人的与众不同之处。犹太人颠覆机构,使其服务于犹太人的目的,并普遍威胁大多数人的生活方式(阅读:文化马克思主义)。罗恩·乌兹(Ron Unz)在他的文章《犹太宗教的怪事》中出色地论证了,每当犹太人繁荣时,我们的重置就会遭受苦难。如果我们其他人需要得到提升,那么就必须打破犹太势力。

  241. @AaronB

    So – just another naked bid for power on your part

    That’s all up to you, I don’t believe in force or deceit as useful strategies. I suppose it is more Mahayana in that through engaging with the world, you affect the world, but have power over it.. if you see an accurate reflection of events, you can describe them accurately. You really don’t see how the colonial nature of Israel, the colonial aspirations on that region by Europe for millennia (bleh it was Roman, not for very long. Usually, it was just native – more aspirations), will be seen by the natives for centuries, and how much stress on the ME and Jewish mindsets it would bring?

    (btw just talking what you think is a useful strategy to effortlessly filter out everyone, you will find difficult to get along with in the world!)

    without any presumption of authority or necessity for submission to the common opinion of mankind.</blockquote

    So no jus cogens then? No aspect of law that can be asked of from all human societies that interact with the others? I just see that in general, debate moves both sides closer to some middle, but I don't think I'm excessively blunt usually.

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Seraphim
  242. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    In a world of constant conflict, that Jews have flourished in every country they have ever lived in is nothing short of astonishing. Whatever we are doing, it is obviously right, and I don’t think I need advice from a culture who had a 500 year run and are now declining into senescence. Thanks, though.

    I am willing to debate Judaism, but I don’t let you define the parameters of debate. If you are able to approach with me respect and on an equal basis, and dispense with your silly attempt to set your self up as the judging authority and your attempt to completely invalidate Israel and Judaism, I’ll happily discuss both with you.

    But anyone who refers to Israel as a “colonial” enterprise and cannot accept that Judaism is a valid religion with beauty and moral force, is simply someone who is irrational and irrelevant – your troglodytic side has lost and has no moral or political force anymore.

    So it’s completely up to you – if you can act like a decent human being and stop trying to invalidate me, great. If you’re just another has been troglodyte, no thanks.

    And btw, you do not know the first thing about Mahayana Buddhism.

  243. More actual developments
    Wiesenthal Center names UK’s Corbyn top anti-Semite of 2019
    Ahead of Thursday’s British elections, Labour chief placed above US synagogue killer on group’s annual list; rabbi warns electing him would make UK a ‘pariah’.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Art
    , @Daniel Rich
  244. Fenya 说:

    “我们犹太人,我们是破坏者,并将继续是破坏者。 你能做什么都不能满足我们的要求和需要。 我们将永远毁灭,因为我们想要一个属于我们自己的世界。” ~ 莫里斯塞缪尔

  245. Seraphim 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    You can’t be unaware that the “rule on being difficult to correct” is not only Buddhist:

    “… if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. 16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican” (Matthew 18:15).

    Jews did not want to hear the call for repentance:
    ” And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee: and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. 15 And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all. 16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read. 17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, 18 <>. 20 And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. 22 And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph’s son? 23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country. 24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country. 25 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land; 26 But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow. 27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian. 28 And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, 29 And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong” (Luke 4:14-29).

    You see from your ‘debate’ how AB progresses from simply refusing to hear you to verbal aggression, and that because you are not ‘respectful’ to him!

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  246. Truth3 说:

    Being thieves, liars and murderers describes what Jews do in “EVERY COUNTRY”…



    Twisted bastard sophist you are… Aaron Bastard.

  247. @AaronB

    ‘In a world of constant conflict, that Jews have flourished in every country they have ever lived in is nothing short of astonishing. Whatever we are doing, it is obviously right, and I don’t think I need advice from a culture who had a 500 year run and are now declining into senescence…’

    You’ve come to represent less than half of one percent of mankind, a third of your people were exterminated within the last century, half of what are left have herded themselves into a strip of semi-desert smaller than San Bernardino County and made themselves hated by all their neighbors, and you figure whatever you’re doing is obviously right?

    I wouldn’t do anything else obviously right if I were you. That’ll be the end.

  248. @israel shamir

    ‘Wiesenthal Center names UK’s Corbyn top anti-Semite of 2019’

    那个 is a hoot. If Corbyn’s the ‘world’s top anti-Semite’ the Jews are sitting pretty.

    Your worst enemy is someone who’s never said or done anything to hurt you and who is an unelectable politician in a second-rank power?


  249. @Seraphim

    ‘… You see from your ‘debate’ how AB progresses from simply refusing to hear you to verbal aggression, and that because you are not ‘respectful’ to him!’

    That does seem to be the pattern.

  250. anonymous[222]• 免责声明 说:


    Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism mentioned @ 194 sounds like a Jewish declaration of war on Christians and also Muslims.

    My reaction is more “hair on fire” than, “I think the opposite needs to be done.”

    Noticed this on a comment I forget where:

    Jews use public libraries for their social engineering

    maybe that’s not new news, but I makes me really really mad.

    That Catalogue is serious shit.
    We need to storm our public libraries and make it clear that the recommendations of the Catalogue are contrary to US Constitutional guarantees.

    • 同意: Robjil
  251. Dannyboy 说:

    This is our people 50 years ago.

    This is yours today.

    How’s that make you feel?

    After all the billions of dollars, shakedown schemes and stolen technology, you folks are still essentially just a gaggle of malicious retard grifters.

    I guess you should have hired some Nazis like we did, instead of killing them….lol

    • 同意: anarchyst
    • 哈哈: Trinity, Daniel Rich
    • 回复: @AaronB
  252. Art 说:
    @israel shamir

    Wiesenthal Center names UK’s Corbyn top anti-Semite of 2019
    Ahead of Thursday’s British elections, Labour chief placed above US synagogue killer on group’s annual list; rabbi warns electing him would make UK a ‘pariah’.

    The Big Jews and the Little Jew mob, chose Jesus to be killed – not the killer and thief Barabbas — some things never change.

    Why – Jew biological nature – Jew nurture – both?

  253. annamaria 说:

    When we hear that the Jewish Community at large excommunicates and condemns ziocons quilty of inciting the bloody wars of aggression in the Middle East as well as the geopolitically very dangerous putsch in Ukraine (accomplished by ziocons in cooperation with the CIA and Banderites), then your self-righteousness could gain some merit. For now, your protestations are profoundly hypocritical.

    • 同意: Kolya Krassotkin
    • 回复: @anon
  254. AaronB 说:

    I don’t begrudge you your achievements. I think they’re great.

    I have lots of criticisms of Westen culture, but I’m happy to admit there are many awesome things about it.

    • 回复: @Dannyboy
  255. anon[222]• 免责声明 说:

    then your self-righteousness could gain some merit. For now, your protestations are profoundly hypocritical.


    This commentator is not “self-righteously . . .protestating”; this commentator is attempting to draw attention to a deeply disturbing scheme that is afoot.

    My bad for failing to explain more pointedly.

    on the other hand, did you open the link and read the Catalogue?

  256. Bookish1 说:

    Dont worry about the christian Zionists(cz) because the jews are going to turn on them and you know what that means. The cz will support Israel until the 3rd temple is built and that is when the anti christ will come making these days we are living in seem like heaven. The cz will turn against the jews at that point but jews will be ready as they usually are. I wouldn’t want to be a cz when that happens.

    • 回复: @Daniel Rich
    , @Trinity
    , @Druid
  257. Populist people are generally fed up with the establishment running things in their nations, regardless of whether it is the Jews, the Masons, the Catholics, the Protestants, the Marxist, the secular humanist, or any other exclusive group running things. They are fed up with all the of lies, propaganda, brainwashing, the fake history, the outsourcing to make the rich richer and the middle class poor. They are tired of being fed upon and debt-rigged by banks and corporations, that are simply exploiters . Our dollar since the banksters took over our money supply in 1913 has shrunk to about 3% to 4% of its values, and it never lost a cent in the 100 years proceeding that.

    On one hand, the Jewish community wants to appear very much in the driver’s seat and on the other hand it does not want any criticism when things go sideways in our nations, while their “international” community has become incredibly rich at our expense. We are not to complain? If we do we are called hate mongers? Populist are not Nazis by Zionist actually are? If any of this is not true then what has the populist uprising in France have to do with the Jews, Mr Sahmir?

    Perhaps if the Jewish establishment, including the Rothschild banking network, is actually in control of French finances, banks, the media, the political system, and Macron, and jobs are gone, their borders are breached by migrants herded into their nation by Rothschild/Soros NGO’s in order to destroy their culture, then the people are waking up to the actual cause. They don’t want to hate anyone. They want their nation back, and not milked to serve any foreign or international interest. If this is not the case, then give us some evidence to deny the obvious.

  258. Seraphim 说:

    据说阿哈德·哈姆 (Ahad Ha'am) 才是《锡安长老议定书》的真正作者。

  259. @Ilya G Poimandres

    ‘True, Israel as it is now has always been a colonial enterprise..’

    I’d say the comparison of Israel to colonial enterprises is unfair.

    Obviously, one can’t generalize perfectly about a phenomenon stretching over five hundred years and covering half the globe, but generally, ‘colonialism’ has described systems involving inserting the conquerors as the ruling class (British India, Latin America) to cultural assimilation (Russia’s annexations in Central Asia) to simple nationalist vanity projects (most of subsaharan Africa).

    Perhaps generally deplorable, but certainly different animals from Israel, which aims at the complete expulsion and replacement of the indigenous population. The only thing it can be compared to is the Nazi annexations in Western Poland, and even those often fell short of the ‘ideal,’ simply declaring obvious Poles to be ‘Germans,’ and moving on.

    Israel’s special. It’s insulting to compare it to any other enterprise — except, as I note, perhaps Nazism in its theoretical form.

    • 回复: @Ilya G Poimandres
  260. @israel shamir

    rabbi warns electing him would make UK a ‘pariah’.

    Would the rebbe be so kind and provide next week’s Powerball numbers, so I’ll never be a ‘pariah’ again?

    No.1? Are they really that afraid of Corbyn?

    • 哈哈: Dannyboy
  261. @Bookish1

    …that is when the anti christ will come…

    I’m free this afternoon.

  262. @AaronB

    ‘In a world of constant conflict, that Jews have flourished in every country they have ever lived in is nothing short of astonishing…’

    The inaccuracy of that statement is staggering.

    Currently, of all the nations Jews have attempted to establish themselves in, large populations only exist in a handful — and I don’t think they could be described a ‘flourishing’ in any except the US and occupied Palestine.

    So…are you saying one and half out of twenty ain’t bad — or were you planning to describe the happy and numerous Jewish populations in Poland, Morocco, Spain, the Ukraine, Iraq, etc?

  263. Trinity 说:

    I try my best to talk to friends and family members who are devout Christians about the Jews. I have members of my immediate family who identify as both Catholic and Protestant and a close friend who is Pentecostal. ALL of them without exception will quote to me that verse in the Bible that says something along the lines of that God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel, or something along those lines. My apologies, I do believe in Jesus and identify as a Christian but as you can see I definitely am not up on my Bible reading, but I do tell them about the verses Revelation 3:9 and John 8:44 though. STILL, I just receive blank stares. I was even watching a program titled, “Frances and Friends” on the SBN channel, owned by Jimmy Swaggart, remember that guy? Anyhow I couldn’t believe a caller called into the show and was allowed on and he discussed the attack on the USS Liberty. You know what happened? Everyone on the panel, which consisted of 4-5 members, FLAT OUT DENIED THAT ISRAEL HAD EVER ATTACKED AN AMERICAN SHIP. Needless to say, WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH PEOPLE THAT ARE THIS DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND?

    I live in the Deep South and people are very racially aware for the most part, but we still have our share of “white trash wannabes” and SJWs, still nothing like NYC or a place like Seattle. HOWEVER, these people down here are CLUELESS when it comes to the JQ, either that or they want to bury their hands in the sand and think it is all a bad dream, that the people they worship actually hate them and Christianity for the most part. I counter the bless Israel line with how America has been cursed because of their alliance with Israel. I bring up the Muslim terrorist attacks on our soil, the REAL story of 9-11, who is behind the war on Christmas, who runs anti-Christian Hollywood, who is flooding our country with biological black and brown WMDs that rape, assault and murder Whites, etc., etc. Still just blank stares. BUT these people have no problem talking about the Blacks, the Mexicans, anyone BUT the Jews.

    • 回复: @barr
  264. AaronB 说:

    Well, I have tried many times discussing Judaism – based on the texts – with various people on this site, and I always ended up taking to rabid lunatics and regretted it.

    So now I employ a simply metric in assessing a persons sanity and good faith – anyone who accepts that Judaism is a valid religion with beauty and moral force, I am perfectly willing to discuss and even criticize aspects of Judaism with them. Many exciting things to explore.

    When I discuss Christianity and Islam with people here, I am always careful to mention that I find both religions valid, with beautiful aspects and a high morality, and then list what I find problematic – often, it is not the religion, just the behavior of its adherents. This is also true when I discuss Western culture in general.

    But if you are telling me that Judaism is completely invalid and pure evil, you are an irrational lunatic who will deny two plus two equals four, and are one of history’s rejects who there is no point engaging with, as your kind is completely marginalized and has no chance making a comeback.

    Likewise Israel – if you accept Israel is a perfectly valid country faced with difficult moral challenges that it often passes – but you find aspects of its behavior troubling and disconcerting, I’d be happy to discuss it with you.

    But if Israel is the most evil country in the world and the Jewish community there must be ruled by Muslims or destroyed – into the lunatic bin you go. Straight into the loony bin.

    And no, this thread is only tangentally about Judaism. It is primarily about whether eliminating a supposedly hostile foreign elite will leave you with a native elite that works for the interests of the lower classes rather than exploit them, which is a a general sociological question that can easily be answered with copious references to the extensive history of mankind on this subject.

    Does the conceit of a hostile foreign elite even make sense, or are all elites hostile in tendency at least.

    That could be an interesting discussion, but unfortunately the troglodytes are out in force.

    • 回复: @Truth3
  265. AaronB 说:

    I feel like I owe you an answer, because this is a half way reasonable point.

    I think all people act bad out of a sense of insecurity. And all humans feel insecure. Elites and non elites alike.

    The Jewish way of repairing this sense of inadequacy is for all to strive for spiritual and moral excellence. But Jews forget this, and then Jews should be recalled to their ideals. Elites are prone to forget this in general – and one way to get them to treat the lower orders as younger brothers, as Shamir says, is to recall them to the moral dimension of striving for excellence.

    The anti-Semitic way of repairing this feeling of inadequacy is to tear anyone who strives for excellence down to his level. It is, as Niezsche said, the politics of resentment. This typically results in far more savage bad behavior, as seen in the French Revolution and other phenomena of this kind.

    But elites who feel insecure and threatened, are prone to behavior as savage.

    That is why I said earlier as the current regime consolidates, we are likely to see a return of the moral dimension of elite behavior, although exploitation will never be fully eliminated.

  266. Probably it is too late to try and turn the discussion, but I’ll try anyway. The idea of my article is that people who love Jewry are people that you should not let into power. Jews can be good or less good, but Gentiles who love them usually are not good to their own Miserables, or to their working class. That’s why I would vote for a politician Jews do not like.

    • 回复: @AnonStarter
    , @AaronB
    , @barr
    , @bjondo
  267. Daniel.I 说:

    While Jews desire respectful and beneficent relations with the rest of the world

    I never saw slavery described in those terms before.

    Jewish chutzpah truly knows no bounds.

  268. @Anon

    /Islam is similar./


    There is no “ethnonationalism” in Islam. Islam doesn’t make ethnic background a requirement for being Muslim.

    Contrarily, Judaism is an ethnonationalist religion. Racial supremacy is hard-baked into it, and one can’t be of the faithful without first being a Jew.

    Moreover, Islam doesn’t preach hatred of non-Muslims. There isn’t a single command in The Qur’an or haddith enjoining one to hate.

    As for “taking over land,” it’s a conditional imperative, dependent upon the hostility of an aggressor. The manner of Muslim suzerainty is also vastly different, instituting a federalist paradigm of administration which is effectively more libertarian than not.

    Jewish imperialism doesn’t come anywhere close to it.

    • 同意: Druid
    • 回复: @Stan
  269. @israel shamir

    /Probably it is too late to try and turn the discussion, but I’ll try anyway./


    Wouldn’t it be better to speak of those who fail to acknowledge and respond appropriately to the flagrantly immoral aspects of contemporary Jewry (a.k.a. zionism) rather than speak of “those who love Jewry” 本身?

    I don’t see your motives or my motives proceeding from hatred of Jews, since you, as a Christian, and I, as a Muslim, aren’t commanded to act out of hate. Perhaps the Gentiles of which you speak do suffer from a naive type of Judeophilia, but for a man of faith, it’s not really possible to accept the converse — that is, hatred of Jews — as a viable alternative.

  270. @AaronB

    There is even a book, called the Kuzari

    Thank you, I will have a look.

    On logic. I like this one: death is seen as permanent by the logicians, and the human being impermanent. How can an impermanent object have a permanent property though? 🙂

    I am not a logician, it is useful up to a point, but in the end it all rest on X=X, which is a tautology, so it’s all swimming in a pool of 0 information.

    You see that the spiritual isn’t real, but you don’t see that the physical isn’t real either.


    Locality is a long established and observed physical principle, ‘realism’ is a philosophical idea.

    It’s not that things are not real, just that they are empty, from their own frame of reference. Rovelli carried on the relativities with his relational QM.

    I know what you mean though:

    “Master Gotama, I am of the view, of the opinion, that ‘All is not pleasing to me.’”

    “But even this view of yours, Aggivessana — ‘All is not pleasing to me’ — is even that not pleasing to you?’”


    We have to examine ourselves, in the end as Aurelius says, whether from an internal or external stimulus, our directing minds are what brings change about, so we are always our own masters, even when listening to external input.

    I don’t agree that illogic is useful though. Simply that ‘treating this as this, and that as that, rather than this as that and that as this’ is a good guiding principle, as it removes conceptualisation and word from the perception of experience.

    Violence brings violence (on average), so don’t engage with it. Illogic would argue with that. And aristocracy is more refined, less animalistic, than the common lot – so practice it less. Yet Israel – the people, not some one or two off elite dictator that pops up and rapes and pillages – democratically vote for the violence to continue. Same for Europe and America btw, as much as representative democracy is a weak sovereignty for all those electorates.

    And then your whole epismetic foundation shifts, and you come full circle – religion is not about truth claims in the strict sense, because no language is about truth claims in the strict sense.

    I go with the Pramanas here – I agree with the scientific method of observation/measurement, only allow what is directly observed (observable) to be counted as truth. Inference, no. And here is where the scientific method (not pure logic) has a limit – it needs an object and a subject, so it is silent on ‘One’. ‘Names can name no lasting name’ as the Tao Te Ching says. Of the reificationists, Judaism is closest here imo.

    Faith is about a belief in a complete world view. Atheism, theism – Hannibal Lecter had a complete world view, so he was never flummoxed! – these are world views. What they claim as truths depends on what level (observed, inferred) they claim those truths. Science is a faith – but it is a faith which only accepts direct observation as capable of producing truth. (global warming modelling is not the scientific method in this sense really – observable, but only 100 years in the future, so a bit borderline!). All faiths with a metaphysics claim truth at the inferred level. And that’s not bad – experience is regular, One makes more sense that the Many of paganism, and even the None of nihilism. A nice equivalent of Newtonian mechanics.

    Anyways, I am rambling. Spirituality is about letting go, loss as gain. Craving, grasping this experience only brings about unsatisfactoriness, and in the end suffering. But calling it ‘nothing’ and pushing it away also brings suffering – can’t push it away. Even the supposed nihilism of death (with the above contradiction in logic) is not a viable answer. I like the subtle difference between ‘nothing’ and ‘no thing’, the second one is more accurate, in pointing to that ‘word’, ‘description’, is only ever frame dependent. This is why I don’t see the boddhisatva path as being as productive as the arahat path – self improvement must always come before other improvement.

    So I only speak about force and deceit, since those things I am good at!

    • 回复: @AaronB
  271. Anon[398]• 免责声明 说:

    I love the Jews. I submit to the Chosen Race.

    Mossad pls don’t kill me.

    • 回复: @Anon
  272. @Colin Wright

    I suppose if we used that favourite modern notion of ‘spectrum’, then the colonialism of Israel would be at one extreme. I say it because that is how Herzl argued for it, and how it historically occurred – an acquiescence of the powers to grant the Diaspora land.

    Is it a colony now? There was an article here before about Empires taking from the periphery, whist nations give to the peripeheries (it was an argument for the USSR not being an empire), so on this level, Israel is an Empire, as it gets $$ from its colony of the US. I say kleptoparasitism for Judaism since the collapse of the Temple, but that is fairly Empire-y!

    perhaps Nazism in its theoretical form

    Certainly the common impression of what Naziism was anyways! That’s the pickle though – de-nazification of the German citizenry away from the hate of others (as much as Germany was suppressed into a vassal beyond this) was easy enough because of the modernity of the faith, getting that hate out of Judaism though – it is a faith that seems to miss the mark on human psychology, at least for a long while!

  273. @AaronB

    In a world of constant conflict, that Jews have flourished in every country they have ever lived in is nothing short of astonishing.

    I’m gonna use terms you won’t like, but I think them accurate.

    Jews have flourished – as Number 2. That is to say they have not ruled, but have accommodated rulers. An intermediary who does not much care for the chaff, or the ruler, can do well. I have a salesman Indian friend, and he tells me how corruption works for the middle man: you sell chairs, you get them for x cost, your customer asks for a price, you charge 2*x cost, and take the x from each chair. I can’t do that – I have been in intermediary roles, I refuse it. It’s vile.

    The state of Israel? It exists – and I mean that word – only because it has sizeable minority control in all the Empires 2.0. You are a Jew who wants a stress free life for the Jewish people – how can you not see the antagonism caused by Israel? On Palestinians, on their neighbours, on Syria, etc etc?

    It may be a profitable way to play as small stack, but you can’t play that way as leader.

    if you can act like a decent human being and stop trying to invalidate me, great.

    It’s interesting – my second partner was very similar to the common Jewish response of evasion to poking at her psychology. I came to the conclusion that I was possessive of her errors. We get along now anyways, but I don’t point anything out, and she keeps on repeating them!

    Am I invalidating you by critiquing you?

    your attempt to completely invalidate Israel and Judaism

    Along the same lines, I like Judaism, and the idea of a Jewish state – but on terms that are agreeable to the nations that should have a say in the matter.

    Palestine should have a say in the issue of modern Israel. Sorry, but buying up land does not grant sovereignty. Buying up land from individuals with the secret acknowledgement that some colonial overlord has acquiesced to your sovereignty over that land, doesn’t either. The use of force or deceit fail an idea. I understand that the Jewish longing for sovereignty is long, and Jewish memory is strong, but that is no excuse for state aggression.

    Also – do you not find that you critique those you agree with the harshest, because you tend to see them as most capable of seeing your point of view?

    How can Israel call itself a light unto the nations, yet see the nations consistently criticise it in the General Assembly? Where is the disconnect?

    you do not know the first thing about Mahayana Buddhism.

    Not so much, no – I read some of its old texts, but it is, to my mind, a reificationism – Dhamma mixed with the soft essentialism of Hinduism – an Indian Taoism! Better improve yourself before others, stick to the Pali canon (not that Theravada does for the most part, that is mostly ritual too!).

    • 回复: @AaronB
  274. nymom 说:

    I believe there could be some kernel of truth in this analysis of elites’ (either left or right) and Jewish alignment.

    Even the most radical of the environmentalist movements sees itself as a steward or guardian of the earth…similar to the tech billionaires and most of the royal houses of Europe with their ideas of noblesse oblige or chivalry…

    Could this be “the missing link”…

    Not laughing at your idea just couldn’t resist the analogy.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  275. nymom 说:

    Well the UN constantly attacks and undermines the US as well…

    I think with every country having a vote and the majority of countries being small, poor and semi-literate that is a given that any country in the Western canon can expect to be attacked by the UN.

    That is almost a requirement for UN membership.

  276. AaronB 说:
    @israel shamir

    No, we should return to your main topic.

    The sort of elites that ride popular prejudices about Jews into power, and direct popular resentment onto a scapegoat, tend to be the worst sorts of human beings and eventually destroy their country.

    Gentiles who love Jews are simply those who believe in striving for some kind of excellence, often spiritual or moral. Such people can often be exhorted to live up to their better nature.

    Gentiles who hate Jews are typically motivated by resentment and feelings of inferiority, which often masks itself as compassion for the common folk, but ends up being catastrophic for them. Vide Hitler

    So as usual, Shamir – the complete opposite.

    But then you too, do not like Jews – so what can we say about you 🙂

  277. @AaronB

    /Such people can often be exhorted to live up to their better nature./

    And what of the inverse?

    We just want Jews to live up to their better nature: stop murdering their neighbors, destroying their homes, stealing land and resources. Find a way to make peace with them that doesn’t necessitate wielding an iron fist at every turn. Surely, it’s up to those with the upper hand to demonstrate the grace required of a God-blessed people to take the first step in realizing a better tomorrow.

    If you want others to live up to their better nature, begin with yourself. Otherwise, you’re just blowing so much smoke.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  278. Anon[391]• 免责声明 说:

    To know this history of the names Britain and England is to know that there is no essential difference in terms of their being racial ephitets. Both are racial monikers. Only the rabble would think that the name Britain is somehow less racist than the name England, probably because they incorrectly think that both the word “Great” often put before it implies some sort of pan-racial unification and that the Angles are somehow more racial than the racially defined historical Brit tribe to which they belong. I’m fine with that lot continuing under their delusions. That type of simple distraction seems like something offered in the preface to the Art of War. It wouldn’t even warrant its own chapter.

  279. Anon[223]• 免责声明 说:

    The sort of elites that ride popular prejudices about Jews into power, and direct popular resentment onto a scapegoat, tend to be the worst sorts of human beings and eventually destroy their country.

    That’s a gross, self-serving generalization.

    Nations have enemies. Those enemies need to be dealt with. Does the Israeli State not have internal enemies? So do we. All minority mafias are our internal enemies.

    The Jews raise the scapegoat mechanism to the level of their highest ritual on their highest Holy Day of Yom Kippur, as you know.

    There is no group who reveres and maintains, through religion, the scapegoat mechanism more than the Jews. In that ritual, they literally scapegoat a goat to the Gentile God for their sins (not even to their own God; so much for monotheism).

    Which makes you a dishonest hypocrite for your above statement.

    Gentiles who love Jews are simply those who believe in striving for some kind of excellence, often spiritual or moral. Such people can often be exhorted to live up to their better nature.

    The stories that Jews tell themselves as self soothing mechanisms for their fragile egos are amusing but always pathetic at the same time.

    Gentiles who “love” Jews are more or less a phenomenon of the post WWII twentieth century, due to heavy funding of Christian Zionism, WWII trauma, and the psy-ops that were built on that (the communist cultural revolution, demonizing White interests, mass immigration propaganda, etc).

    Your so called “love of Jews” has risen in direct correlation with rising social degeneracy.

    Which correlates with what we have long claimed about Jews and Judaism, and

    which directly contradicts your implications about socially beneficial effects of Jeudeo-phillia.

    The correlation between rising Jewish influence, our inability to check it, and social degeneration is not a coincidence outside of those influenced by the Judeo-phillic protestant Bibles of the 19th century.

    Judeo-philism has nothing to do with “striving for excellence” (you’ve long lived on the backs of our societies without creating one of your own, and you still depend on our tech and need our help – Jewish “excellence” as an independent measure is mostly Jewish self-talk therapy and PR).

    Nor have Jews ever been historically associated with “better nature”, but rather our worst nature through their historical association with the Christian Devil (religious Jews associate non-Jews with the Jewish Devil) as well as their observable modern association with the institutional promotion of all things degenerate and harmful (LGBTQ, mass immigration, pornography, Communism, degenerate entertainment messaging, consistently socially and politically subversive media behavior, subversive political lobbying [ADL, SLPC, World Jewish Congress], feminism, etc).

    What you are telling yourself is a Jewish fairy tell meant to sere your fragile, frightened ego and are telling us in a vain attempt at promoting dated and weak PR for Jews.

    Gentiles who hate Jews are typically motivated by resentment and feelings of inferiority,

    Take us through the logic that has you dependent on our societies and tech but has us feeling inferior to you, rather than simply forced to not thrown you out by your curly hair and to rationalize why. You’ve lost me.

    Because if we ejected you from our nations you’d lose your collective ability to profit as an insular minority, which you do by the same essential sociopolitical mechanism as any mafia.

    Is it your claim that we also feel inferior to the Sicilians because they can similarly closely cooperate as an insular minority for exceptional gain?

    As we observe Jews losing their mafia profit mechanism within the social fabric of Israel itself.

    Whats with all of the Jewish trashmen and plumbers in Israel vs in European nations, schlomo? Did the Jewish achievment magic suddenly depart in Zion? Or are you simply a minority mafia everywhere else, operating due to the benefit derived from the same mafia advantages as every other?

    Is that what you are talking about when you note our supposed feelings of inferiority? That we resent not being able to, as a majority, gain the operations and cultural advantages of a minority mob similar to the Sicilians and (Jewish) Russians?

    You’re mistaken, because one of our essential differences is that we value morality and civic behavior over immorality and material gain. We are spiritual in nature while you are material. Which is why your group has been historically excluded whenever possible and why, if we were to colonize Israel as you’ve colonized us, we’d be more likely to blend in as upstanding, undifferentiated members of society rather than as the hostile mafia that your group has been accused of being for several millenia now.

    What’s the Jewish accomplishment next to gentile electricity, plumbing, aviation, computers, engine tech transportation, the printing press, and almost every other foundational tech? Theoretical (not actual) physics and world threatening nuclear weapons? Give us a break.

    which often masks itself as compassion for the common folk,

    What’s the correct qualification of any Jewish note of internal and external threats to Jews and their State?

    Not compassion for Jews, but instead scpaegoating and an inferiority complex?

    You are bad at this due to being a typical Jewish egotist who over-estimates his IQ. You should take up another past-time.

    but ends up being catastrophic for them. Vide Hitler

    Jewish threat noted.

    Fear is a nasty companion (enjoy it) that we don’t share for reasons that Jews can never understand. Your clue is stated above in my statements of our essential differences. Threaten away. Its only likely to accelerate what you are afraid of.

    • 回复: @Sin City Milla
  280. Anon[403]• 免责声明 说:

    I love the Jews. I submit to the Chosen Race.

    Mossad pls don’t kill me.

    That’s a tough ask.

    As a non-Jew, you are deemed legally impure and all impurity is mandated to be removed from the World before the Jewish Messianic Age.

    See the Zohar.

    If you are very lucky you can survive and be one of our slaves, “brought closer to (our) god” by us (see the slavery part). Though, according to our scripture you will beg to be a slave. So its all good.

  281. @Irish Savant

    “I don’t get why Jared Taylor is so careful of the Third Rail. No matter what he does he’s loathed by Jews and despite his grovelling he and AmRen have suffered major deplatforming. I can only assume he has one or two major Jewish donors.”


    My view is that Taylor essentially buys the “inevitability” argument that our local Jews here are making. He wants to build a culturally conservative coalition, but he also desperately wants the Jews on his side. The fact that these two goals are mutually contradictory is something he simply can’t and won’t face. Since the Jew detests the main pillars of Western cultural identity unless they are distorted beyond all recognition to his liking, Taylor is compelled to abandon them in pursuit of a partnership with Jews. But what then is the ideological basis for his cultural conservatism? All that’s left is the “free market” and of course the abstraction of “freedom” generally. And those are demonstrably inadequate to build the movement he seeks. Steve Bannon is in the same position.




    Our sweet Jews are quite demanding, aren’t they?


    • 回复: @mark green
  282. Poco 说:

    “But Jews forget this, and then Jews should be recalled to their ideals.”

    Kidding right, I believe we have been told this is anti-semitic.

    “the politics of resentment.”

    Isn’t this what jewish agency teaches to all so called minority groups against the white man.

    “But elites who feel insecure and threatened, are prone to behavior as savage.”

    Elites should never feel secure in their elitism, it leads to a false sense of impunity.

    “as the current regime consolidates, we are likely to see a return of the moral dimension of elite behavior.”

    The current regime has been consolidated for a long time. It acts as if it is immune from criticism and I see no indication of increased morality but decreased morality.

    I don’t believe our views of what is happening in the world are reconcilable.

  283. annamaria 说:

    “…Judaism is a valid religion with beauty and moral force…”
    — Parents of Palestinian kids murdered by IDF beg to differ. And it is Mossad, the defender of the “moral” Israel, which has been murdering civilians in foreign countries and providing protection to various Epsteins and Maxwells.

    “Jews have flourished in every country they have ever lived…”
    — Then what made the Soviet Jews run from Russia where the Jewish Bolsheviks took the upper hand in 1918? Here is a sample of the “flourishing” kind: https://meduza.io/en/feature/2015/08/04/i-wanted-to-be-the-devil-myself
    https://tarbaby.wordpress.com/2017/07/22/gulags-frenkels-efficiency-system/Naftaly Aronovich

    Frenkel was born in Haifa (back then part of the Ottoman Empire; now part of Israel) in 1883 and died in 1960 in Moscow at age 77.
    He was a Jewish businessman and member of the Soviet secret police.
    Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the GULAG, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands… One of Frenkel’s innovations in the labor camps is the “you-eat-as-you-work” system or the “nourishment scale”. This system resulted in a high death toll in the camps.

    Frenkel’s labor camp reforms: Linking of a prisoner’s food ration to production. Less hunger if worked more.

    Getting rid of prisoners after 3 months as prisoners were most productive only in the first 3 months. After this, they were too weak. This was done by killing the last person to join the line at work at a work detail. This person was called a laggard and taken out and shot.

    These reforms pleased Stalin greatly as it made the camps more “efficient”.

    The Frenkel family “flourishing” in Israel: https://thesaker.is/bloody-monday-grandnephew-of-gulag-organizer-stabbed-the-echo-of-moscow-editor/

    Grandnephew of GULAG organizer stabbed the Echo of Moscow editor

  284. @Anon

    “Perhaps attacks on Corbyn are really part of a longer term goal?”

    As I said in my recent reply to Irish Savant, the Jew is a very demanding creature. He wants lots of things from the goyim, and he wants them NOW!

    In summary, diaspora Jews want a “diverse,” globalized culture that maximizes political, economic and cultural opportunities for Jews and eliminates national cultures (except their own) which might foster hostility to the self-serving and alien Jew, AND they want total, unquestioning acceptance of Israel, because, well, it’s the Jew state. (Isn’t that a good enough reason, goyim?!)

    The problem is that “left” goyim–like Corbyn–will provide the former, and “right” goyim–like Trump–will provide the latter. But our sweet Jews want–and demand–BOTH! And those who are in a position to assume political power but fail to satisfy both of these two fundamental Jew demands, will be attacked by these vermin at every opportunity.

    That’s why our Jews are attacking and attempting to destroy both Trump and Corbyn. (Trump’s popularity in Israel and among the most Israel-focused of diaspora Jews–e.g., Adelson, Lauder, et al–as well as among Orthodox Jews is another issue that requires a separate post to explain.)

    • 同意: Robjil
  285. Alastair57 说:

    Some recent articles underscoring organized political influence of Zionist organizations and personalities.

    One great article by campaigner Alison Weir who runs 如果美国新闻网

    World Jewish Congress: Billionaires, Oligarchs, Global Influencers for Israel


    Ronald Lauder pumps $25 million into fight against anti-Semitism in US politics



  286. Dannyboy 说:

    I suppose you can take solace in the fact that you folks are still the world’s premiere pornographers.

    Now there’s an accomplishment to be proud of.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @geokat62
  287. Stan 说:

    VS 奈保尔论伊斯兰教

    “The cruelty of Islamic fundamentalism is that it allows only to one people — the Arabs, the original people of the Prophet — a past, and sacred places, pilgrimages, and earth reverences. … Converted peoples have to strip themselves of their past; of converted peoples nothing is required but the purest faith (if such a thing can be arrived at), Islam, submission. It is the most uncompromising kind of imperialism.

    • 回复: @AnonStarter
    , @ANON
    , @barr
    , @I'm Tyrone
  288. annamaria 说:

    More on the exceptional moral character of Judaism: https://russia-insider.com/en/conservatism-inc-completely-corrupt-think-tank-lied-pr-jewish-company-pushing-opioids-aei-tucker

    The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) has been involved in promoting false, Purdue-funded research that doubtless had a prominent role in creating the crisis. …

    Neocon think tanks such as the AEI have a great deal of cross-membership with Jewish activist organizations such as AIPAC, the main pro-Israel lobbying organization in Washington, and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy [which produces pro-Israel propaganda]. …

    Purdue essentially created a very large community of people who benefited financially from prescribing opioids. …

    Sally L. Satel is an American psychiatrist based in Washington, D.C. She is a lecturer at Yale University School of Medicine, the W.H. Brady Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and author. ” I have studied multiple surveys and reviews of the data, which show that only a minority of people who are prescribed opioids for pain become addicted to them, and those who do become addicted and who die from painkiller overdoses tend to obtain these medications from sources other than their own physicians. ” …

    The opioid phenomenon reflects aspects of Jewish activism in general. These are top-down movements that are well-funded, they have access to the most prestigious institutions of the society, and, because of this prestige, they are able to propagate fake science. …

    … a federal judge, Robert Drain of the Southern District of New York, has extended protection from lawsuits against Purdue. An issue was whether Richard Sackler himself was liable. The answer, of course, is a resounding yes, although his attorney claims that “was not involved in the marketing of opioid OxyContin.”

    • 同意: Dannyboy
  289. Daniel.I 说:

    Gentiles who love Jews are simply those who believe in striving for some kind of excellence

    I wonder if anyone around here is stupid enough to believe such a thing.

    • 哈哈: Dannyboy
  290. geokat62 说:

    Gentiles who love Jews are simply those who believe in striving for some kind of excellence, often spiritual or moral.

    You can’t be serious? Thanks to Jewish Supremacist Organizations, our homelands have been set ablaze after being flooded by economic migrants from all over the world… and you have the gall to write something like this?

    It’s too late for propaganda. Your lies are readily contradicted by the facts surrounding us!

  291. barr 说:

    I see 2 other baboons or monkeys are missing- Modi and MbS. Why didn’t you include them ? How could you forget them and forget Honduran misshaped figure but include Bolsarono ?
    Something wrong with you. Now do a penance and include Hitler . He was the best of them all.

  292. geokat62 说:

    Now there’s an accomplishment to be proud of.


    Meet Al Goldtein the self-proclaimed “Flesh Pioneer!”

  293. @Stan

    /VS Naipaul/

    A Hindu novelist with an axe to grind. Hardly an authority on the subject.

  294. ANON[117]• 免责声明 说:

    VS Naipal was given Nobel precisely for this reason.His ant Islam attitude jelled with post 911 sentiment well.

    Naipal is a shallow man with a few limited ranges of plasticity of mind . It was conditioned by displacement of anger on weaker section . He never tried to understand his own origin in slavery ,bonded labor,displacement and dislocation from native India. He without asking adopted each and every facet of US-UK zeitgeist and each and every fabric of UK-US narrative about the world of post 1600. He is an appeaser never heard anything from him about enhanced interrogation, Abu Gharib, Water boarding, Wikileaks’s publication on Iraq or torture of Snowden Chesea Manning or Assagne or other whistle blowers or Iraqi WMD . Neither did he write about Nazi like ideologies of Modi or BJP or RSS . You wonder why .

    A piece of shit at best he is . Nothing arouses more hatred than one who is inconsistent for a reason – for acceptance. He is a sham ,an imposter .

    He like Salman Rushdie belong to history’s dustbin and those Muslim who living in Indonesia Somaila or Nigeria or Azerbaizan or Uzbekisatn wearing native clothes speaking native tongues and holding to native culture will make that sure

  295. barr 说:

    Converted peoples have to strip themselves of their past; of converted peoples nothing is required but the purest faith (if such a thing can be arrived at), Islam, submission. It is the most uncompromising kind of imperialism.”

    He seemed to be talking of himself ,his own predicament and anger. He had to do it for acceptance and he did it well He managed to get a nobel

    Did he ever look at his own tongue at his own clothes at his own circles at his own residence at his own focus and at his life long silence on the current affairs that stretch from Vietnam war to Iraq war 2 , American embrace of Saudi Wahabi in pursuit of monetary interests , US creation of Israel out of motivation for personal profit and careerism or slow premeditated brush fire burning of local values culture language business and religion by Europe and USA?

  296. geokat62 说:

    Like an avalanche, the data is starting to roll in confirming that Diversity Is Indeed Our Greatest Strength!

    Italian Government Numbers Show 42% of Rapes are Carried Out by Migrants

    Italian women more likely to be victims of sexual harassment.


    The numbers show that Italian women are more likely to be victims of sexual harassment or so-called “minor sexual assaults” than foreign women are, but that migrant women are slightly more likely to experience major sex crimes like violent rape.

    “The rapes were committed in 62.7% of cases by partners, in 3.6% by relatives and in 9.4% by friends,” reports Il Giornale.

    The numbers are similar in many other European countries that have accepted large numbers of migrants from North Africa and the Middle East.

    Figures released last year found that 58 per cent of convicted rapists and 85 per cent of all convicted assault rapists in Sweden were born outside of Europe.

    In cases where the victim did not know the attacker, the proportion of foreign offenders was more than 80 per cent. Nearly 40 per cent of the convicted rapists are from the Middle East or from Africa.

    A study by the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet found that 88 per cent of gang rapists in the Scandinavian country over the last six years have had a migrant background.

    Still, apparently diversity remains a strength.


  297. Johan 说:

    Due to democracy, the level of the politicians is by now as such that they are by now almost all either corrupt or fully incompetent, they have no vision and no ideas, and what goes for vision and ideas consists merely of being stuck in the grooves of ideas which are conceived already centuries ago. They are imitators, study the history of ideas and you will see that the whole of the twentieth century is mere imitation.

    Democracy takes care that mediocrity rules everywhere, excellence has no chance at all, or it be the excellence of corruption. The voice of brutal and assertive mediocrity overshouts all excellence, which kills the spiritual impulse which started during the renaissance, working its way toward the enlightenment, represented by a minority of philosophers, artists and scientists (the excellent).
    So basically, people in favor of democracy get what they deserve.

    Politics and the institutions in Europe are wholly occupied by mediocres, armies of petty bureaucrats, the only thing they can do is to repeat worn out slogans and produce tons of regulations and policy documents (or to protest these). And since the narcissistic US has the biggest mouth, is the most materialistic, and invests the most in semi-barbarian technology (military industrial complex/IT), the European national and supra-national governments, incompetent and without vision can do little else than to complain, but follow. Incompetence, corruption, impotence and pettyness is what they represent.

    This is the theatre of democracy, all make belief, all imitation, all stuck in grooves, in decline and moving towards ever more decadence, petty bureaucracy and corruption. No peoples revolution is going to change this, peoples revolutions are always about bread and play, not about big ideas and progress.

    As long as this is the case, Zionism can parasitize on the West, they do keep relatively close ranks, and due to their fanaticism and foul play they have a grip on the corporations and policy makers (a grip on all corrupt power) , they are not in decline, and they do have a great deal of talent and intelligence. No change in this respect is going to come from the peoples politicians, as they are representatives of mediocrity, and these representatives, not being representative of the spiritual impulse which brought about modernity and progress will almost all submit if not fully, then to extends to what keeps them in power . All talk of humanist ideals by representatives in politics and business is by now the talk of corrupt hypocrites, as power makes corrupt, unless one is a representative of the real spiritual impulse. But such people now reside in the margins, unknown, unpopular, overshouted.

    When in the near future democracy has shifted to some form of tyranny, and tyranny to aristocracy, hopefully future societies will not try it once again, unless they want another experience of leaving the governing and progress of society to petty mediocres and the corruptable.

    Meanwhile, we have to ride the tiger..

  298. AaronB 说:

    I think the idea of stewardship goes together with the idea of an elite. It’s the good side if elitism that we should encourage.

    Dispensing with an elite altogether as Shamir wants is not possible. Instead you have populist demagogues who want more power than the current system gives them who cynically manipulate popular discontent in their bid for power.

    These are the most dangerous people. Beware any one who talks about “the common people”.

  299. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres



    You’re basically saying that others have a veto power over Jewish identity. That Jews need to negotiate their iidentity with others.

    Do you think Christians and Moslems should negotiate their identity with others – perhaps Jews should have a veto over what aspects of Christianity or Islam are legitimate? And which countries should be Christian or Muslim?

    You see, I wouldn’t even want that.


    I may criticize him – but the starting assumption would never be a demand for a surrender of his autonomy.


  300. AaronB 说:

    这是在 90 年代尝试过的。



    • 回复: @I'm Tyrone
    , @AnonStarter
  301. Art 说:

    I may criticize him – but the starting assumption would never be a demand for a surrender of his autonomy.

    Really — what crap — ask the Palestinians about your Jew attitudes about autonomy.

    One quick look at Israeli actions negates all your words.

    One look at AIPAC activity in America negates any notion that you Jews are Americans.

    Your job as a terrorist is understood on this blog.

    Attack us personally — then cry victim – is your Stockholm game. It is no longer working — we are not feeling sorry for you any longer.

  302. @AaronB

    “Instead you have populist demagogues who want more power than the current system gives them who cynically manipulate popular discontent in their bid for power. These are the most dangerous people. Beware any one who talks about ‘the common people’”.

    LOL. For most of the last two centuries, the Jew was promoting the idea that he was on the side of “the common people.” For a millennium the Jew exploited the peasant masses–especially in Eastern Europe. Then for 200 years or so, he presented himself as the champion of the people, inserting himself into the class seams of Western society in order to lever apart the culture he hated. Now, having achieved the subversion of the culture, guess what? The Jew is back to despising “the common people.”

    The Jew can never be a good steward of anything except Jewry and its parasitic needs.

    With the Jew at the apogee of his power, we see opioid addiction out of control, endless Jew-inspired wars for Israel in the Middle East, the marginalization of institutional Christianity as a core social stabilizer driven by the Jew’s hatred of it and the finally the Jew sexual predator as the symbol of our decadent era–Epstein, Weinstein, Polanski among many others–all protected by media Jews (as revealed in Ronan Farrow’s book) and a corrupt and servile judicial system that let Epstein essentially escape from justice.

    Polanski’s new film on Dreyfus is just out. How classic–the escaped Jew sexual deviant as pro-Jew moralizer.

    Meanwhile, we have the pro-Israel super-Jews–for example, the physically hideous Adelson who wishes he had served in the IDF instead of the US Army and Ronald Lauder who says he will be spending $25 million to interfere in the 2020 elections to ensure that the Jew agenda is carried through without any impediment.

    My God–it’s like some kind of carnival side show with each act more grotesque than the one before.

    • 同意: Robjil
  303. barr 说:

    Scofield bible and later day adherents popularized it . Now we have to de-popularize this . That means a lot of money. More money than Scofield bible promoter can spend .

    The truths are more contrasting . Jews have destroyed Moorish Spain, Wiemar Republic, British empire, pre Christian era’s Egypt , Persia and Assyrian . They made Jewish lives safe prosperous and invested in them .
    What did happen to these nations ?

    Are they trying also to say that Jesus “died” because he defied the Jewish power structure ? Are they saying Paul died because he had made the Jewish people his mortal enemy ? Is this line of thinking beyond the psychological tolerance of these devout Christians?

  304. @AaronB

    ‘You’re basically saying that others have a veto power over Jewish identity. That Jews need to negotiate their iidentity with others…’

    You’re free to believe whatever evil nonsense you please. Let’s not even get into the teachings of the Black Muslims, for example.

    The difficulty comes when you expect us to sponsor your little exercise in Kosher Nazism, and then fight wars for it to boot.

  305. @AaronB

    ‘Instead you have populist demagogues who want more power than the current system gives them who cynically manipulate popular discontent in their bid for power…’

    I suspect the only thing that bugs you about this is that unlike them, you haven’t even figured out how to do it in this small frog pond.

    Poor Aaron. He so 希望 成为 uberJew. That 115 IQ just won’t let him soar…

  306. @AaronB

    ‘I think the idea of stewardship goes together with the idea of an elite. It’s the good side if elitism that we should encourage…’

    The comic bit is that it’s a certainty you assume you’d be part of that elite.

  307. barr 说:
    @israel shamir

    More projects are in the offing. Some have blossomed and have started farting for the discerning nose They just don’t call it fart and like antisemitism ‘s fear there is fear to expose the entrails of the vampire squid.

    Philos Project is one . Love for everybody is being promoted by known mass murderers .

    “The Philos Project, a group dedicated to promoting “Christian engagement in the Middle East.” The tweet read: “Iran is known to sponsor #terrorism. Iran wants a nuclear bomb. What could possible go wrong? #StopIran.” A quick glance at the website reveals a heavy emphasis on rehashing fear-mongering clichés about Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
    Dan Senor, “Michele Packman ( works fro Singer) Paul E. Singe, Michael Makovsky are on board as member or financier or advocate .


    “A pluralistic Middle East based on freedom and the rule of law where nations, tribes, and religious communities can live beside each other as neighbors – that is the Philos vision” says Philos website

    Then there is this comment on lobelog’s article “Sounds like another Jewish front group formed for the purpose of targeting ignorant Christian fundamentalist. Literally hundreds of such groups exist in virtually every country containing any appreciable number of Jews.” By Carrol Price. That summarizes the moron known as devout Christian Zionist .

  308. bjondo 说:
    @israel shamir

    vote for a politician Jews do not like.

    Trump, Corbyn, Putin, Ahmadinejad.

  309. aandrews 说:

    Zionist Lobby LOVES Donald Trump

    Trump delivers remarks at Israeli American Council National Summit

    • 回复: @bjondo
  310. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    I think the point is, human language cannot convey reality, but can only be symbolic. Do you think the more intelligent Muslims believe heaven has 72 houris waiting for them?

    The word God merely points to something unknowable. The Law of Causality isn’t provable. Solid objects are really just fields of energy. And energy is – we don’t know. As some eminent scientist said, when you dig deep enough in science, all you can say is something we don’t understand is doing we don’t know what.

    As for working on oneself, that just builds the self. Surrender is better – the Muslims are right on this. Only, surrender is also impossible. When you realize that, you are free.

    The idea of surrender is useful to someone trying too hard to control – but if you strive too hard to surrender, you are no longer surrendering, but asserting yourself, striving, contending. That is the tragedy of Islam, and the reason why so much violence comes from the peaceful message of surrender.

    All these ideas are ‘upayas’ – skillful means. Medicines for some people. For some, surrender is just the message they need. For others, surrender will just become another source of self assertion, as it became for so many Muslims. But for many Muslims, it really was peace and bliss.

    Striving for any side involves you in duality – but so does not striving (trying to not try is ultimately trying). Only when you realize you can neither try not not try, can you wander freely without obstruction in any direction.

    Once you understand this, you can see religion for what it is – neither what its detractors say it is not what many of its adherents do. And analyzing it logically is pointless – an epistemic misunderstanding.

    Religion is simply a different way of relating to the world whose real nature we can’t know. It has proven itself over millenia and has stood the test of time. Neither logic nor illogic can say anything about it. Ways of speaking that defy logic – paradox – may best symbolize the unknowable reality.

  311. I'm Tyrone 说:



  312. I'm Tyrone 说:



  313. anon[356]• 免责声明 说:

    because your identity is pure and naked supremacism that involve other groups .

    higher towers has fallen, dont expect nothing more than the same treatment when the situation reverse and reach you or your descendants.

  314. @AaronB

    some kind of excellence, often spiritual or moral

    – at the expense of others. This is the Jewish paradigm: you may achieve excellence by undermining others. The concept of mutual prosperity, by prospering together is foreign to Jews. It is enough to visit Palestine to observe it, but I think you can see it in the NYC as well.
    As for liking Jews, Jews are not too bad, but Jewish organisations are absolute shit.

  315. @AaronB

    /That was tried in the 90s./

    That was tried after the 90s. Shlomo Ben-Ami himself said Israelis were to blame when it failed. The public’s disapproval of the Taba talks proved him correct.

    /Whether you agree with that or not, there is no general principle that the stronger party has all the responsibility./

    You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt. 出埃及记23:9

    /Absolving one party will only encourage its intransigence./

    Your word choice suggests parity while there is none between Israel and Palestine, neither morally nor materially:


    You also tacitly admit that Israel is encouraged in its intransigence as one party routinely absolved of its crimes by America and other western nation-states.

    Kind of odd, how your words implode like that …

  316. @AaronB

    /The idea of surrender is useful to someone trying too hard to control – but if you strive too hard to surrender, you are no longer surrendering, but asserting yourself, striving, contending./


    Note, for example, the 价格标签攻击 in illegally occupied Palestine. Now an example of Jewish violence that arises out of striving too hard to surrender. Same could be said of the 纳克巴, or all of the 不必要的战争 that Israel has fought since it declared statehood without a mandate, or every one of the many violent acts it has committed against Palestinians for over one century.

    One might easily imagine that such violence, given its frequency, is actually a 特集 of Judaism rather than a bug.

    But we’re all grateful that you’ve explained this as a matter of extremism, rather than blame the religion itself.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  317. @AaronB

    如果穆斯林和基督徒互动,并且基督徒可以证明穆斯林文本要求穆斯林伤害基督徒,那么基督教有权在伊斯兰教中指出这个问题。 伊斯兰教可以选择改变它,或者不与基督教互动。

    如果我们住在一起,这意味着我们最终会受到他人的影响。 如果这些影响明显是负面的,那么就有权利提出这个问题。


    但是习惯和信仰是不同的。 要求调整习惯是合理的,更不用说调整信念了。 这使得信仰之间的对话变得困难,因为对他们来说,许多习惯在仪式上都与他们的信仰联系在一起。

    如果这些信仰表面上是暴力的? 仅仅关于侵略战争——没有任何法律制度(甚至古兰经)——允许侵略战争。 托拉和塔木德确实如此。 你没有看到这样的裁决与其他不想要侵略性战争的人(同样,精英是他们自己的事)并制定法律来限制它的人意见相左吗?

    你说'不要告诉我们如何生活'。 好吧,犹太人希望与其他人分开生活。 所以就这样做吧。 不要参与外邦国家的政治或经济。 因为如果你这样做了,某个地方的某个人会打开塔木德并指出它提倡偏见和种族隔离。 但事实并非如此——犹太人不成比例地参与外邦政治。 因此,对“不要告诉我如何生活”的要求变得更像是来自一个追求权力的团体的暴虐声明,但随后不需要监督。

    • 同意: Miggle
    • 回复: @Miggle
    , @AaronB
    , @Seraphim
  318. @AaronB

    The word God merely points to something unknowable.

    If a word, conceived by some person, points to something that it can’t point to, and is therefore unknowable directly, the word by itself loses all of its initial purpose, and becomes just sound to confuse.

    The world is knowable within Dhamma, not through word though, but through direct experience. And every thing can be described and experienced. Only thing is that the sum of All that theistic faiths objectify as God, is in fact, ‘no thing’, and so it takes that approach of loss of self to get to it, and it can’t be described (maybe clumsily pointed to with negatives), but only experienced directly (so goes the teaching anyways, and I have faith in it).

    Working on oneself can be just removing – greed, hate, and delusion though. It has that ‘craving for not craving’ quality to it, but that is an issue for when one is much closer to the end of the path imo!

    Islam fails for the same reason faiths with a Metaphysical fail: you are a slave in a fully determined world, yet you are asked to change. It’s a contradiction from the get go, and it exists because the root of action lies axiomatically outside of all direct experience.

    Faith is seeing the nature of life around us, and realising we have an extra aspect to ours – generalised abstract thought, and freedom to control any and all impulses, using that thought. So some explanation for why we are where we are is necessary, and a path away from the animal is necessary, which is the religious aspect.

    All the faiths that depend on metaphysics are like the blind men around the elephant – they feel out some accurate aspect – awe (Judaism), love (Christianity), self-control (Islam), but they can never have a complete picture because as you say, a word not tied to an observable is not comprehendible, and so ignorance and doubt remains with respect to ‘no thing’, and therefore observable experience. Word can’t point to ‘no thing’, only a path that actively brings the human being in line with it, can. Such a path is only cessation, and as you said self-improvement is an inaccurate way to describe it!

    • 回复: @AnonStarter
    , @Seraphim
    , @AaronB
  319. @Ilya G Poimandres

    /you are a slave in a fully determined world, yet you are asked to change./

    When you enter an elevator, you don’t have any choice but to press a button. The elevator does the rest.

    Most conditions of our existence are beyond our control, but our agency has the capacity to move mountains.

    This is what Islam reveals.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  320. annamaria 说:

    The holobiz got crushed in Ukraine as soon as American zionists had embarked on full cooperation with Banderites in 2014. As always, the shamelessness of the Jewish community in the US/UK has no limits. While Ukrainians en masse have been suffering from the “democracy on the march” imposed by the usual suspects (first of all, the thoroughly zionized NED), the main target — Russian federation — has been adapting and searching for solutions to the US/EU created problems. Ironically, the problems became blessings in disguise. https://thesaker.is/making-sense-of-the-paris-summit-a-quick-analysis/

    …even though initially the Euromaidan coup was a huge crisis for Russia, this is not the case anymore. In fact, Russia really can afford to take a “wait and see” approach: the AngloZionist Empire is tanking, the EU is tanking, the Ukraine is tanking, but Russia is doing quite well, thank you, and time is on her side. Why?

    First, Russia has operated an immense change of course following centuries of Europe-focused policies, Russia has now turned to the South (Latin America, Africa, Asian subcontinent) and, especially, to the East and China. …

    Second, … the Russian agroindustry hopes that sanctions will remain in place. In reality, there are plenty of sectors of the Russian economy that are doing great thanks to these sanctions which have literally forced Russia to reform. This is ironical, but the Russian nation owes a great debt of gratitude to the leaders of the AngloZionist Empire which, with their sanctions, have mitigated the worst aspects of Russian membership in the WTO or its integration into political, financial and economic structures controlled by the USA.

    Finally, it is pretty clear that Ukraine has lost the war against the LDNR, and that WITHOUT overt Russian intervention. Which means that Putin’s original decision NOT to intervene was the right one.

  321. anon[117]• 免责声明 说:

    Free E-Book: The Israel Lobby Enters State Government
    Grant Smith Posted on December 11, 2019

    Israel lobby graft and corruption inside Virginia’s state government is rampant. Could it happen to your state?

    Free on the Web
    YouTube audio book
    Audible audio book

    The Israel Lobby Enters State Government chronicles the formation, rise and secret activities of the Virginia Israel Advisory Board (VIAB)

    http://www.antiwar.com 12/11/2019

  322. aandrews 说:

    “We have to get the people of our country, this country [he means the U.S.; note that he felt he had to clarify which country was the “ours” he was referring to] to love Israel more.”

    • 回复: @bjondo
  323. anon[117]• 免责声明 说:

    Your sincere attempt dovetails with earlier attempts by more prominent and more powerful Jewish individuals and groups who found faults with Soviet years after creating Soviet , who lately have found Shia power distasteful and destructive after claiming that Shia power would blossom in Iraq after Iraq war and destroy the naysayers to Israel, to democracy,to freedom whose members included Saudi Egypt PLO and so on.

    What next? Berating America in front of Chinese audience for emphasizing democracy and freedom of expression ?

  324. Miggle 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    很棒的评论,伊利亚。 最后一段真咬人。 谢谢!

  325. bjondo 说:

    in surprise to UK pollsters/polecats,
    Corbyn wins.


  326. Seraphim 说:

    ‘Per aspera ad astra’/”through hardships to the stars”. There is no elevator to God. Neither Buraqs. You have to climb on foot, experience, that is.

    “In the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. 3And many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us His ways so that we may walk in His paths.” For the law will go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 4Then He will judge between the nations and arbitrate for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer take up the sword against nation, nor train anymore for war.… (Isaiah 2:2-4).

    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  327. Seraphim 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    Christianity is not deprived of ‘experience of the Divine’. On the contrary, it is absolutely central, as a perusal of the writings of the Neptic* and Hesychastic** Fathers, of Dionysius the Areopagite, of Maximus the Confessor, of Gregory Palamas and many, many others Fathers would show. As well as a direct experience of Liturgy. And of course of the monastic ascetic life which is still alive in the Orthodox Church**. The roots of neptic life and of hesychia in accordance with God are found in the Old Testament. The Burning Bush experienced by Moses on Mount Horeb, the Prophets experiences, “Be still and know that I am God” (Ps. 45’ 11)”.

    *Nepsis (νῆψις) means wakefulness or watchfulness and constitutes a condition of sobriety acquired following a period of catharsis. The term comes from the New Testament’s First Epistle of Peter (5:8, νήψατε, γρηγορήσατε. ὁ ἀντίδικος ὑμῶν διάβολος ὡς λέων ὠρυόμενος περιπατεῖ ζητῶν τινα καταπιεῖν/ Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour). There nepsis appears in a verb form, in the imperative mood, as an urgent command to vigilance and awakeness: “be alert and awake”.
    **Hesychia: “The practice of silence of the Greek,hesychia,the withdrawal fromthe external world with focus on inward stillness, contemplation, and prayer, and hesychasm,the later Athonite movement of prayer and bodily positioning in Orthodox monasticism, is a method of experiencing God predicated on the belief that a direct spiritual experience and union with God is possible.Long lines of hesychasts,from the second century to the present day,spoke and wrote about the fruits of their experiences”

    It is true that the practice somehow withered out in the Catholic Church and disappeared completely in Protestantism.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  328. Seraphim 说:

    Actually, it must be stressed that Protestantism was a protest against the monastic neptic-hesychastic life against which it declared open war, with the devastating social, political, economic, cultural and spiritual consequences which afflicted the world ever since.

  329. @Seraphim

    Just as fools rush in where angels fear to tread, so do the Pharisim make folly of wisdom.

    The conundrum of God’s predetermination versus human choice is also a Christian one. Had your sword been beaten to a plowshare, you might have found in my analogy fertile ground, rather than grounds for contention.

  330. bjondo 说:

    At 45:17 of the video that I posted is Michael Savage Weiner lying per usual.

    What video are you watching?

    影片中 Nadler’s Goat Rodeo,

    Rick Wiles names a dumpster load of Jew involved in the impeachment. They occupy the positions of importance like they did for 9-11.


    • 回复: @aandrews
  331. aandrews 说:

    Trump Remembers He has Executive Powers, Signs Order Shutting Down Anti-Semitism on College Campuses!

    2019 年 12 月 12 日


    You have certainly rused me again, Donalduru-san.


    President Donald Trump planned to sign an executive order Wednesday that would effectively interpret Judaism as both a race or nationality and a religion under federal law so that the Education Department can take direct action against what he views as anti-Semitism on college campuses, administration officials said.


    This is absolute madness.

    The interpretation allows the Education Department, under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to withhold funding from college or educational programs it believes are discriminating in an anti-Semitic way. The law states that the Education Department can take such action against a program that discriminates based “on the ground of race, color or national origin” — but not on religion.

    So Jews are a race after all and not just a religion?

    • 回复: @aandrews
  332. aandrews 说:

    It’s probably worth pointing out a salient detail. From the Stormer post…

    The order comes largely in response to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against the Israeli government for its treatment of Palestinians. The movement has become prominent on some campuses and resulted in actions that have left some Jewish students feeling targeted. In making the change, the Trump administration would be recognizing Jews as having a collective national origin.

    BDS works. It’s what sunk South Africa. Of course, that was totally okay.

    • 回复: @AnonStarter
    , @Daniel Rich
  333. Trinity 说:

    Trump devoted to putting Israel First and Keeping Israel Great. The guy has been a HUGE disappointment as far as I am concerned. Promises made and none kept.

    • 回复: @bjondo
  334. @aandrews

    /BDS works./

    It is. Quite well, in fact:


    Note the comparison between the progress of the BDS movement when compared to that of the anti-apartheid movement.

    Now, I realize this may seem like small comfort, and there’s certainly no reason for any of us to rest on our laurels, but, as some have noted, that Executive Order is actually a sign of desperation. It demonstrates that zionists are fully aware of the momentum of the BDS movement and feel compelled to do whatever is within their capacity to criminalize it before it becomes a runaway freight train.

    Practically, it doesn’t 迫使 any court to use the IHRA standards by which to determine an act of anti-Semitism, but it isn’t quite as innocuous as some would have us believe, since it also 允许 those same standards to be used. Ultimately, it will come down to the judge(s) in each venue where a dispute is raised, and while many Americans have grown cynical of our courts, there is certainly cause for hope: of the four cases in which anti-BDS legislation has been subject to scrutiny, it has failed in three and one remains on appeal.

    If you’re aware of the history of American courts, you’ll know that they typically don’t look kindly upon any attempt to chill political expression protected by the First Amendment. I doubt that even this attempt will be received any better than current anti-BDS legislation has been.

    That said, none of this suggests that Americans of good conscience should discontinue their effort to oppose said maneuvers, even if they’re required to take the matter to court.

    • 同意: Daniel Rich
  335. bjondo 说:

    trinity and aandrews:



    caught between a rock and hard place.

    Zionist/Jew Lobby pretends to love Trump.

    Lunatic others can outright hate Trump.

    Pressure from one forces Trump to other.

    Trump is pretty much alone.

    Who to trust and who will help?


  336. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres


    The only moral principle is that a person must satisfy his conscience and his God. And those people he accepts as God’s representatives (the Pope, the Rabbis, the Imams, etc).

    因为你无能为力,你试图说服我满足 选择您 需要。


    如果你能做到这一点,那就太棒了。 但这种策略只适用于信仰薄弱、道德不确定和困惑的人,很容易屈服于任何在道德上对自己有信心的人。

    至于在权力关系领域的犹太人,他们确实会针对任何权力关系调整自己的行为,并且总是如此。 他们必须,他们别无选择。 每个人都必须,或者灭亡。

    因此,如果您的反犹太派变得强大,那么满足您并相应地调整我们的行为将是一个简单的权宜之计和必要性问题。 我们会这样做。


    But if we had to accommodate those who hated us, we would do it. We’d go into hiding and lay low and publicly conform, until times were propitious. Only the flexible person can survive long term – the rigid always dies.


    但请理解,您不是在与允许理性破坏信仰并在道德上混淆的人打交道。 没有道德上的困惑,我不寻求你的道德领导。

    现在,你是否足够聪明地意识到你的策略失败了? 可以转专业吗? 我们会看到的。

  337. @animalogic


    美国的共产主义威胁是乔·麦卡锡造成的?麦卡锡 造成 美国内部共产主义者的问题?这就像说路易斯·巴斯德造成了公众的细菌问题,因为在他之前,细菌不是问题。

    • 同意: mark green
    • 回复: @animalogic
  338. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    Its not that self control control doesn’t work – its just that it applies to actions only.

    The self that is doing the transforming is the self that needs to be transformed. It’s the eye trying to see the eye – the eye can see everything but itself. The mind can see everything outside of itself, but not itself.

    The insight of Buddhism is that you cannot seek mind with mind, you cannot kill desire with desire (wanting to not desire is desire). That is why he rejected asceticism and opted for the Middle Way. Neither excessive self control nor excessive pursuit of desire – each is an act of self assertion.

    The Buddha did not recommend any action, but rather ‘insight’ – the insight that you and the world are not separate. The self that tries to control a world that is outside itself is an illusion.

    You can’t actively will yourself out of desire, but no more can you will yourself out of desiring not to desire, because that it is the same as the original attempt to will yourself out of desire!

    When you realize you can neither act nor not act – you realize ‘you’ are an illusion. The problem of how to stop desiring isn’t resolved – it is transcended. You realize it is based on a wrong premise.

    When you say this is something to be realized only towards the end of the Path, you are right. The Path is a means, a ladder to be discarded after its use, as the Buddha said. You get rid of the boat after you cross the river, not carry it on your back. One may have to follow a long and arduous path of self control before gaining the insight that the self trying to control is illusory, and there was no problem to begin with.

    There is also a school of Buddhism that believes in instantaneous awakening.

    • 同意: Ilya G Poimandres
  339. animalogic 说:
    @Craig Nelsen

    Do try closer reading. There was a problem with internal US communists — given the size & strength of the cultural commitment to US capitalism it was a SMALL one. With McCathy (for self serving reasons) the “problem” got “out of hand”. Thus the question about “decency”.

  340. Daniel.I 说:

    because of certain permanent changes in the world, is unlikely to ever be the case again.


  341. Seraphim 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres


    “Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in”.

    “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: 3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. 4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. 5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, 6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, 7 And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. 8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. 9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. 10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ”.

    “My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and my Father are one. 31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. 32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? 33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. 34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, Ye are gods’*? 35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; 36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? 37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. 38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. 39 Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand”.
    “When the chief priests therefore and officers saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him, and crucify him: for I find no fault in him. 7 The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God”.

    But Jews have only one moral principle: what satisfies their conscience and their God and his representatives on earth, the Rabbis. What’s good for the Jews.

    * Ps.81:6: “I have said, Ye are gods; and all [of you] children of the Most High”.

    • 同意: Ilya G Poimandres
    • 回复: @AaronB
  342. AaronB 说:

    Why falsify quotes in this day and age when they are so easily checked? I never understood why someone would would be openly dishonest when its so easy to catch.


    God presides in the great assembly;
    he renders judgment among the “gods”:

    2 “How long will you[a] defend the unjust
    and show partiality to the wicked?[b]
    3 Defend the weak and the fatherless;
    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
    4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

    5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing.
    They walk about in darkness;

    6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”;
    you are all sons of the Most High.’
    7 But you will die like mere mortals;
    you will fall like every other ruler.”

    8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth,
    for all the nations are your inheritance.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
    , @Colin Wright
  343. @AaronB


    My tactic is very much like your tactic though – you happily state that Judaism is the aristocratic faith of the world, and that Jews are chosen to enlighten/perfect humanity. You seem happy to preach, but unhappy when someone else does it as well.

    Except I don’t speak of a one sided, autocratic change – have the nations vote directly democratically on issues, as they do in the General Assembly, and watch who’s actions they criticize. Israel is way up there. But will such agreement be seen as an opportunity to reflect by Israel? Not historically, historically Israel screams ill-treatment and shoots the messenger whenever it is confronted by anything other than praise or grovelling. But this is exactly what one would expect of a haughty psychology built on self-worship, as chosenness imparts.

    My point isn’t ‘stop being Jewish’, but consider Judaism’s impact on others, and whether it is beneficial. Heck – it, as others, was the perfect teaching in 500BC, 0AD, 500AD, 1000AD, 1500AD, 2000AD, yet if you found Jews from those eras and let them mingle, they would likely stone each other as their laws and customs would have been alien and heretical to each other! And if there is something within the faith that is unbeneficial to either Jews or Gentiles, is that really something you want to keep, and consider part of ‘Jewishness’? A strictly constructivist nation is a dead nation.

    I mention the possibility of errors for example, and so am labelled an ‘anti-Semite’ and hateful. This is interesting – is pointing out errors hateful? Or is providing a violent, nihilistic, solution to those errors hateful? I suggest a non-violent solution – concord with the nations, sometimes that requires listening and acquiescing. If Israel wants to live amongst the nations, then it has to submit to norms that those nations accept, otherwise it will be ostracised. Not unlike that tribe on North Sentinel island in the Andaman islands – they kill anyone that steps a foot on their land, and so the rest of humanity accepts them as outcasts. Of course, if Israel wanted to do a North Sentinel sakoku thing, sure – enjoy. 🙂

    In this respect I am coming to agreement with you – it seems we won’t agree that if your actions have a direct impact on others, those others have some right to determine how you act. It seems that for the most part Judaism is stuck imagining external threats, when the biggest threat is its own behaviour and collateral damage – now sovereign and entirely visible to all on the planet.

    Problem is that if Judaism doesn’t choose to accommodate the opinions of others – when those others are impacted by Judaism – then there will be that snapback, as has happened countless times when Jews have been kicked out of nations. Except I don’t see where the next exile will be.

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 回复: @I'm Tyrone
    , @Daniel Rich
    , @AaronB
  344. Truth3 说:

    So now I employ a simply metric in assessing a persons sanity and good faith – anyone who accepts that Judaism is a valid religion with beauty and moral force, I am perfectly willing to discuss and even criticize aspects of Judaism with them. Many exciting things to explore.


    Judaism as a valid religion with beauty and moral force

    How about some Truth?



    *“如果'好汉'(外邦人)击中了犹太人,则必须将其杀死。” (桑黑德琳58b)

    *“如果犹太人发现了一个被'goy'丢掉的物体,则不必将其退回。” (巴巴梅齐亚(Baba Mezia)24a)

    *“如果一个犹太人谋杀了一个“同性恋者”,将不会判处死刑。” (山德林57a)

    *犹太人从他可能保留的“老兄”身上偷走了什么。” (山德林57a)

    *“犹太人可能会使用诡计来绕过'goy'。”(Baba Kamma 113a)

    *“'goyim'(外邦人)的所有孩子都是动物。” (耶巴莫斯98a)

    *“由'goyim'所生的女孩从出生时就处于'niddah'(月经不洁!)的状态。” (Abodah Zarah 36b)

    *“'goyim'不是人类。 他们是野兽。” (巴巴梅兹亚114b)

    *“如果您与'goy'一起吃饭,就和与狗一起吃饭是一样的。” (Tosapoth,Jebamoth 94b)

    *“即使最好的'goyim'也应全部杀死。” (Soferim 15)

    *“'goyim'之间的性交就像动物之间的性交。” (山德林74b)

    *“在和平时期涉及外邦人时,可能会间接伤害他,例如,在他掉入缝隙后卸下梯子。” (仅限Shulkan Arukh,Yoreh De'ah,158,希伯来语版)

    *““ Yashu”(对“ Jesus”的贬义)在地狱中沸腾了。” (吉汀57a)

    [“ Yashu”是犹太人诅咒的首字母缩写,“愿他的(耶稣)名字永远消失。”]

    * Yashu(耶稣)性不道德,崇拜砖头。” (桑黑德林107b)

    *“雅舒(耶稣)因其邪恶而与犹太人民隔绝,拒绝悔改。” (Sotah 47a)

    *“美发师米莉安(Miriam)与许多男人发生性关系。” (仅限Shabbath 104b,希伯来语版)

    *“她是王子和州长(原始的玛丽)的后代与木匠扮演妓女。” (桑黑德林106a)

    *“拒绝塔木德的基督徒将下地狱,并世世代代受到惩罚。” (犹太新年17a)

    • 回复: @Saggy
  345. I'm Tyrone 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres



  346. Druid 说:

    Brilliantly put. Aaron and TKK are living up to their disgusting reputation here

  347. Saggy 说: • 您的网站

    Issurei Biah – Chapter Twelve

    If, by contrast, a Jewish male enters into relations with a gentile woman, when he does so intentionally, she should be executed.23 She is executed because she caused a Jew to be involved in an unseemly transgression, as [is the law with regard to] an animal.24 [This applies regardless of] whether the gentile women was a minor of three years of age,25 or an adult, whether she was single or married. And it applies even if [the Jew] was a minor of nine years old, [she is executed].26

    • 回复: @AaronB
  348. Seraphim 说:

    What is ‘falsified’? The quote was of Jesus’ words to the Rabbis.
    BTW, putting quotation marks where there are not is falsification.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  349. @aandrews

    BDS works.

    Hence it being uprooted via legislation.

    How many laws are now in place to protect only ~2% of the population?

  350. @AaronB

    ‘…I never understood why someone would would be openly dishonest when its so easy to catch…’


    • 哈哈: AnonStarter
  351. @Ilya G Poimandres

    It seems that for the most part Judaism is stuck imagining external threats, when the biggest threat is its own behaviour and collateral damage…

    Why change ‘yourself,’ when ‘you’ can always blame others [goy] and make them pay for whatever ‘you’ do wrong?

    No, siree. That racket works too well to kick it to the curb.

    • 回复: @renfro
  352. @AaronB

    ‘The only moral principle is that a person must satisfy his conscience and his God. And those people he accepts as God’s representatives (the Pope, the Rabbis, the Imams, etc)…”

    Not at all coincidentally, this would be the moral formula adopted by someone who finds himself in a position to mistreat others and doesn’t wish to be criticized for it.

    The argument is ridiculous. Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, and Israel all become morally just fine.

    In fact, and incongruously, the only person who is not fine is the person who mistreats another but at least has the moral decency to realize he sinned.

    Your morality is a morality for monsters.

    • 回复: @Druid
  353. AaronB 说:
    @Ilya G Poimandres

    I understand your principles – you think one should submit to the majority. I mentioned at the beginning that this was your view, and that such a view will likely make you dislike Judaism and Jews.

    The majority is often wicked and stupid – Judaism thinks you should orient yourself towards God and moral excellence, not majority opinion.





    But one should not substitute a general policy of pleasing others in stead of one’s values and goals. That is cowardly, and history shows, will not save you in the long run.

    Nor should one be so cowardly as to sacrifice one’s values and goals to appease the weak and powerless today – because someday they may become powerful, and hopefully deal leniently with you!

    I am beginning to see there is no limit to your caution and risk aversion. Lets call a spade a spade – your cowardice. How far have Europeans fallen!



    I don’t really think there is anything more to say on this subject. You are plainly concerned here with ‘cutting Jews down to size’ – the politics of resentment. As I said, some people, instead of striving for excellence, seek to cut others down to size.


  354. AaronB 说:

    Your final quote from the Psalms was plainly meant to insinuate that Judaism think Jews are gods.

    Yet reading the whole psalm tells a very different story.

    I don’t know why you did that when you could so easily be found out.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  355. AaronB 说:


    If you read the whole passage, as anyone who clicks on your helpful link may easily do, it is clear that this applies to a gentile woman who seduces a Jew. (With intent to turn him away from Judaism. Various cases of sexual relations with gentiles that don’t result in execution are discussed immediately above this).

    The paragraph immediately above the one you quoted, says that a gentile man who seduces an unmarried Jewish woman, is not executed. (!). ( I believe this is the opposite in Islam).

    Clearly, the sages saw gentile women who seduce Jews as a particularly grave danger. (Islam, I think, takes the opposite view, and is more lenient to Muslim men with non Muslim women).

    It also says that gentile women who are ‘resident strangers’ in Israel – non-Jews who dwell in Israel and are to be treated with special kindness – who seduce a Jewish man, are not executed. (Presumably, because there is no intent to have the man join another nation).

    In the footnotes, it is explained that part of the context for this is a biblical incident where foreign women attempted to seduce Jewish men for the purposes of drawing them away from Judaism, and their men defeat the remnant in battle.

    This is probably all very arcane and involved for anyone uninterested in Judaism, but it is good to have the whole context for this legalistic minutiae.

    Incidentally, this interesting piece occurs down the page –

    Whenever any of the gentiles convert and accept all of the mitzvot in the Torah44 or a servant is freed,45 they are considered as Jews with regard to all matters,46 as [Numbers 15:15] states: “For the community: there will be one law [for you and the convert].” A convert may marry within the Jewish community immediately, i.e., a male convert or freed servant may marry a native-born Jewess and an Israelite47 may marry a female convert or a freed maid-servant.

    • 巨魔: Saggy
  356. Seraphim 说:

    ‘Found out’ what?
    If there might be an ‘insinuation’ is that Jews thought that they are the judges of the gods, since they accused Jesus of blasphemy and wanted to stone him.

  357. @AaronB

    /I believe this is the opposite in Islam./

    Islam doesn’t address seduction. It addresses adultery and rape, the former being punishable by lashes, and the latter of which is a capital offense. Gender is irrelevant.

    Conviction on an adultery charge requires four eyewitnesses to the act of copulation, confirming with certitude that it actually occurred. Needless to say, it’s a tall order to convict.

    • 回复: @Hibernian
  358. @AaronB

    Nor should one be so cowardly as to sacrifice one’s values and goals to appease the weak and powerless today – because someday they may become powerful, and hopefully deal leniently with you!

    My values don’t include acting differently to the weak and the strong. With respect to that dimension, I am indifferent.

    I understand your principles – you think one should submit to the majority.

    Not always – the majority can be wrong too, but for the most part the input should be considered. You argue categorically against even thinking about it, it seems to me!

    And even without a General Assembly, on a (Putinesque) bilateral basis: Israel has borders with other nations – are you saying Israel can act however it wants at those border, and those nations have no right to say ‘some things are a bit much for us’? The border is shared, so there should be a shared consideration of what is ok with respect to it.. it’s just a way to avoid conflict.


    Europe is indebted because of financialisation forced on it by terrible leadership. Nothing that can’t be fixed in a few decades once the bankers are cut down to size. It will get worse before it gets better though.

    Jews are doing fine, but are willfully blind (that Talmudic indifference) to how they act on others. Just look at a new development: they are being invited to “help” the fascist coup government of Bolivia with its citizenry! Another peoples that will soon express a whiff of negativity towards the faith, but I promise you they will, of course, be blamed for their opinion, the cause of which will simply be ignored. There’s a camel, and the faith is piling straw on it happily.

    As I said, some people, instead of striving for excellence, seek to cut others down to size.

    As I keep repeating – if you point out errors to someone, you wish for them to get rid of them and improve. So maybe there is some cutting down, but sometimes a bit of pruning is beneficial for further growth!

  359. @AaronB

    至于在权力关系领域的犹太人,他们确实会针对任何权力关系调整自己的行为,并且总是如此。 他们必须,他们别无选择。 每个人都必须,或者灭亡。

    因此,如果您的反犹太派变得强大,那么满足您并相应地调整我们的行为将是一个简单的权宜之计和必要性问题。 我们会这样做。

    Thinking of this: Judaism adjust to others’ power, why not others’ criticism? Seems to me changing oneself for the powerful is the exact definition of opportunism and cowardice. It also seems like the change will always be unwanted – since you are accommodating those you fear.

    That Judaism does not adjust its behaviour through reasoned discussion, to those that don’t hold a sword over their neck, seems strange – you are much more your own masters in this relationship, and reason is certainly less forceful than power, so if you can suffer changing when you need to, but don’t want to – why not also accept change that you want (that moves you forward)? And it’s entirely possible such change may be suggested by someone external to the faith.

  360. Truth3 说:

    Ow Wow.

    The A Bastard defends the gutter religion. By the way… your defense is pure obfuscation… not effective at all.

    More to the point… Didn’t deal with any of the original examples of gutterdom, though, that provoked the response… post 359.

    Take a crack at defending these, Bastard.



    *“如果'好汉'(外邦人)击中了犹太人,则必须将其杀死。” (桑黑德琳58b)

    *“如果犹太人发现了一个被'goy'丢掉的物体,则不必将其退回。” (巴巴梅齐亚(Baba Mezia)24a)

    *“如果一个犹太人谋杀了一个“同性恋者”,将不会判处死刑。” (山德林57a)

    *犹太人从他可能保留的“老兄”身上偷走了什么。” (山德林57a)

    *“犹太人可能会使用诡计来绕过'goy'。”(Baba Kamma 113a)

    *“'goyim'(外邦人)的所有孩子都是动物。” (耶巴莫斯98a)

    *“由'goyim'所生的女孩从出生时就处于'niddah'(月经不洁!)的状态。” (Abodah Zarah 36b)

    *“'goyim'不是人类。 他们是野兽。” (巴巴梅兹亚114b)

    *“如果您与'goy'一起吃饭,就和与狗一起吃饭是一样的。” (Tosapoth,Jebamoth 94b)

    *“即使最好的'goyim'也应全部杀死。” (Soferim 15)

    *“'goyim'之间的性交就像动物之间的性交。” (山德林74b)

    *“在和平时期涉及外邦人时,可能会间接伤害他,例如,在他掉入缝隙后卸下梯子。” (仅限Shulkan Arukh,Yoreh De'ah,158,希伯来语版)

    *““ Yashu”(对“ Jesus”的贬义)在地狱中沸腾了。” (吉汀57a)

    [“ Yashu”是犹太人诅咒的首字母缩写,“愿他的(耶稣)名字永远消失。”]

    * Yashu(耶稣)性不道德,崇拜砖头。” (桑黑德林107b)

    *“雅舒(耶稣)因其邪恶而与犹太人民隔绝,拒绝悔改。” (Sotah 47a)

    *“美发师米莉安(Miriam)与许多男人发生性关系。” (仅限Shabbath 104b,希伯来语版)

    *“她是王子和州长(原始的玛丽)的后代与木匠扮演妓女。” (桑黑德林106a)

    *“拒绝塔木德的基督徒将下地狱,并世世代代受到惩罚。” (犹太新年17a)

  361. Saggy 说: • 您的网站

    [This applies regardless of] whether the gentile women was a minor of three years of age,25 or an adult, whether she was single or married. And it applies even if [the Jew] was a minor of nine years old, [she is executed]

    Judaism is a degenerate religion like no other in the world, past or present.

  362. annamaria 说:

    The self-satisfied haughty hypocrisy your name is AaronB. His battle cry: “Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.”
    Your sanctimonious lecturing on morality is like barren sand: Picture a Palestinian child killed by the “most moral” IDF for sport & pleasure. https://theintercept.com/2015/05/04/samples-israeli-horrific-brutality-war-criminality-gaza/?comments=1
    Israelis’ actions on the Israel-occupied territory of Gaza:”

    The commander [gave that order]. “Anything you see in the neighborhoods you’re in, anything within a reasonable distance, say between zero and 200 meters – is dead on the spot. No authorization needed.”

    We asked him: “I see someone walking in the street, do I shoot him?” He said yes.

    Did the commander discuss what happens if you run into civilians or uninvolved people?

    There are none. The working assumption states – and I want to stress that this is a quote of sorts: that anyone located in an IDF area, in areas the IDF took over – is not [considered] a civilian. That is the working assumption. We entered Gaza with that in mind, and with an insane amount of firepower.

    Mazel tov, AaronB

  363. Truth3 说:

    Trump shows what a true Shabbos Goy he is…

    Note the criminal attendees.

    RIGHT NOW: President and First Lady Trump Hosting Hanukkah Reception…

    发布者 布赖特巴特 11年2019月XNUMX日,星期三

    Watching this may cause you to vomit, so have a bucket ready.

  364. @AaronB

    ‘The majority is often wicked and stupid – Judaism thinks you should orient yourself towards God and moral excellence, not majority opinion.’

    Right. Witness the treatment meted out to Toaff and Goldstone.

  365. I'm Tyrone 说:






    如果你能做到这一点,那就太棒了。 但这种策略只适用于信仰薄弱、道德不确定和困惑的人,很容易屈服于任何在道德上对自己有信心的人。


  366. melpol 说:

    Jewesses are in demand, they often marry a wealthy Goy. The Goyess searches for a Jewish provider and husband. In total most Jews are useful and loved. But the Orthodox Jew with the curls is detested by most Goys because of their Tribalism. Some say the Orthodox Jewess makes a good and sexy wife if a promise is made to keep Kosher. Jews have always been the talk of the town because they supply the best deiamond rings at a discount. Find a Jew and get a bargain.

  367. renfro 说:
    @Daniel Rich

    Why change ‘yourself,’ when ‘you’ can always blame others [goy] and make them pay for whatever ‘you’ do wrong?

    Why people hate Jews…..stupidest hypocrites on the face of the earth.
    Jews try to scare Christians..lol

    Jewish leader warns Christians amid rising anti-Semitism: ‘They start with Jews, but they never finish with Jews’

    Then they discriminate and persecute Christians……lol

    Israel bars Gaza’s Christians from visiting Bethlehem 和...
    https://www.reuters.com › article › us-israel-palestinians-gaza-christmas › i…
    23 hours ago – Christians in the Gaza Strip will not be allowed to visit holy cities such as Bethlehem and Jerusalem to celebrate Christmas this year, Israeli authorities said on Thursday

    Israel bars Gaza Christians from Easter worship | 这 …
    https://electronicintifada.net › blogs › tamara-nassar › israel-bars-gaza-chri…
    Mar 29, 2018 – Occupation army imposing nine-day closure on West Bank, Gaza for Passover holiday.

  368. anat 说:


  369. Hibernian 说:

    Islam doesn’t address seduction.

    It’s a safe bet that Islam doesn’t approve of seduction. Burkas aren’t very seductive.

    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  370. Druid 说:

    Yet you go so easy on Muslims, huh? Typical of a zio thief

    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  371. @Hibernian

    /It’s a safe bet that Islam doesn’t approve of seduction./

    Between a husband and wife, seduction is encouraged. Think foreplay.

    /Burkas aren’t very seductive./

    That, as always, depends on the eye of the beholder. Of itself, it may not be so. Attendant with God-consciousness, it can be 非常 seductive, just as wisdom is an attractive characteristic to the wise man.

    I realize that this doesn’t describe the vast majority of men, who have blood sufficient for the proper use of their mind or their penis, but seldom both simultaneously.

  372. Druid 说:

    Don’t be so daft. The anti-Christ is here and has been present for 2000 years. This crap about the anti-Christ hoopla coming is all balderdash.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  373. @Druid

    Is your comment directed at me? I’m afraid it seems a little cryptic.

  374. Druid 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Imams are not recognized as god’s representative. You really area moron. Disgusting. I mostly don’t read your posts.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  375. @Druid

    ‘Imams are not recognized as god’s representative. You really area moron. Disgusting. I mostly don’t read your posts.’

    Are you really drunk, or really high?

  376. Seraphim 说:

    Yes, and we know it for 2000 years:

    “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. 21 I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. 22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. 24 Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. 25 And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life” (1 John 2:18-25).

    “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. 9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. 10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: 11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds” (2 John 1:7-11).

  377. @AaronB

    Outliers and extravagant circumnstance, the only possible game changer.

  378. @Colin Wright

    How can you be so incredibly dishonest ?

    Perhaps not, actually, specifically… 不诚实.

    Perhaps – like so many unfortunate Jews – he’s simply as thick as pig-shit.

  379. mark green 说:
    @Oscar Peterson



    然而那些抱怨的人有祸了 太大声 关于这种恶意的不当行为(特别是使用 J 字词时。) 糟糕!你可能会谴责特朗普,但从未注意到精心策划他议程的机器。



    • 同意: Truth3
  380. Quantum 说:


  381. “if a man is against the State of Israel, it doesn’t mean he’s an anti-Semite. That’s the policy of the Israeli people, the leaders of the Israeli people; they like that. They make it appear, and all the Jews swallow their propaganda line, that if you’re not for the State of Israel then you’re an anti-Semite. But it’s foolishness! One thing has nothing to do with the other at all.” Rabbi Avigdor Miller (1908-2001)

  382. @AaronB

    Nietzsche was anti-Jew, or in the peculiar doublespeak of non-Semitic Ashkenazis, an “anti-Semite”. When he referred to the politics of resentment, he was discussing Jews, not anti-Semites.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  383. @Anon

    That does seem to be the crux of the problem. What’s good for the Jews always seems to end up being bad for their neighbors. And where they gain total power, their neighbors suffer total destruction.

  384. Seraphim 说:
    @Sin City Milla

    To see how ‘antisemitic’ Nietzsche was, you should ask… the Jews themselves. They don’t mince their word.
    The following article was published by ‘The Jewish Telegraphic Agency”, in Nov. 1934:

    ““Few men in modern times can have hated all the Nazis stand for as Nietzsche did,” the Manchester Guardian writes in an editorial article. “He was exasperated intolerably by the importunities of his sister, Elizabeth Forster-Nietzsche, who, under the influence of her husband, Forster, tried to win him over to support the mad scheme of creating a colony, called Nueva Germania, to be inhabited by pure Nordics”a kind of precursor to the Third Realm”in Paraguay.
    “福斯特是一位顽固的反犹太分子,曾经收集了超过 25 万个请愿书签名,其中要求将犹太人驱逐出德国。尼采厌恶福斯特和他所代表的一切。
    “Nietzsche’s hatred and contempt for anti-Semitism were such that even in his last frightful illness, when his mind was enveloped in darkness. he yet managed to scribble on a card, ‘All anti-Semites ought to be shot.’ He loathed nationalism and declared that the victory of Germany over France in 1871 was a defeat for German civilization.
    “With prophetic vision he foresaw what was coming upon Germany. His works are full of passages, some of them written fifty years ago, that relate what is happening now. No one wrote of Hitler and of National Socialism with such profound understanding and with such hatred, a hatred so strong that it was like a physical repulsion, as Nietzsche did.
    “He warned the world against Hitler long before Hitler was even heard of, and the combination of Nationalism and Socialism can be deduced from what he says in all its calamitous significance.
    “But all this does not prevent the Nazis from claiming Nietzsche as one of their own. He was born ninety years ago, and throughout the Nazi press this anniversary is acclaimed as though Nietzsche had been the principal precursor of the Third Realm. Actually, the Third Realm is Nietzsche’s nightmare come true”and that nightmare has now engulfed Nietzsche’s true mission in its own darkness, as it has engulfed so much else that is priceless in our civilization.”

    But let Nietzsche speak:
    “The Jews, however, are beyond all doubt the strongest, toughest and purest race at present living in Europe; they know how to prevail even under the worst conditions (better even than under favourable ones), by means of virtues which one would like to stamp as vices — thanks above all to a resolute faith which does not need to be ashamed before “modern ideas” (Beyond Good and Evil, 251)”.
    “That the Jews could, if they wanted — or if they were compelled, as the anti-Semites seem to want — even now predominate, indeed quite literally rule over Europe, is certain; that they are not planning and working towards that is equally certain (op. cit.).

    His insane hatred of Christianity is informed by the Jewish ‘arguments’ against Jesus and the Church. If he was critical of Jews and Judaism, it was because they generated Christianity, a Big Lie as it is.



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