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在崇拜犹太人的盛行氛围中,一些勇敢而高尚的人挺身而出,向权力和群众说出真相,这是件好事。历史上不说太远,本世纪初这样的顽固鲁莽之徒还有很多。我写 点击此处 on 当受害者统治时:对犹太人卓越地位的批评 美国, 一个巨大的互联网项目遗憾地从它原来的地方消失了,而且至少有十年没有更新了,但仍然可以找到它 点击此处,尽管是在不安全的旗帜下。

Ron Unz提到了他的前辈,加州大学的Albert Lindemann教授、加州州立大学的Kevin MacDonald教授、耶路撒冷希伯来大学的Israel Shahak、Elliot Horowitz、希伯来大学的Israel Joseph Yuval教授等研究人员。这些科学家怀疑犹太人对外邦人的永恒仁慈。

乌兹勇敢地应对德国反犹太论战 我的奋斗,以及,他将其发布在他的网站上。不过,如果您对希特勒对此主题的想法感兴趣,您可以选择更短(22 页)且更清晰的内容 ,阿道夫·希特勒和他的老师、早期国家社会党思想家迪特里希·埃卡特之间的讨论, 从摩西到列宁的布尔什维主义.

乌兹还没有达到左派对犹太人的批判,还有真正的珍珠在等着他,就像卡尔·马克思的珍珠一样 关于犹太人问题,一份简短的(22页)而有力的条约,以及艾布拉姆·莱昂的 犹太问题。有左派基督教观点的精彩 西蒙娜·威尔众所周知,他拒绝进入天主教堂,认为它“太犹太化了”,而他的 需要根源 结合了共产主义和拒绝大规模移民。

GK Chesterton 和 Hilaire Belloc 持有右派基督教观点。 E·迈克尔·琼斯 文化战争 是天主教反犹太传统的当代承载者(他的最新文本被注释为“天主教徒和犹太人的禁忌 作者:E·迈克尔·琼斯。 50多年来,天主教会在文化战争中屡战屡败。孙子说,如果不知道自己是谁,不知道自己的敌人是谁,那么每战必败。教会的记录证明孙子是正确的。是时候采取不同的方法了。是时候打破犹太人的禁忌了。”)


关于这个问题最好的批判性思想家之一是 20 世纪最伟大的历史学家th 世纪,阿诺德·汤因比。如果不参考他的开创性的《历史研究》第 8 卷,任何关于犹太人和纳粹的讨论都是不完整的(可以阅读 点击此处)。汤因比解释了为什么犹太人希望从第三世界大规模移民到欧洲:在一个由索马里、阿富汗、叙利亚等社区组成的欧洲国家,犹太人本身将成为常态。汤因比认为 1948 年驱逐巴勒斯坦人的 Naqba 是与纳粹迫害犹太人同等的可怕罪行。由于他的道德立场,他的名字已从推荐文学名单中删除,他不再被引用,几乎消失了,同时将空间让给了他的三年级犹太同辈。

简而言之,有犹太人和外邦人、左派和右派,他们试图解构犹太叙事并削弱犹太影响力。如今,这样的声音越来越少;这就是为什么上帝保佑 Ron Unz 接过火炬。希望他能在别人疲惫不堪的地方坚持下去。犹太人和外邦人都需要它,尤其是在美国。


这并不是说 Unz 总是对的。据称,俄罗斯革命是由犹太人和/或德国资金实施的,但这些说法仍然属于黑人公关领域。 1917年,雅各布·希夫与克伦斯基政府的主要部长、布尔什维克的敌人米留可夫有书信往来。有关列宁从德国军方拿钱的说法早已被驳斥。安东尼·萨顿的 提出了这些主张的总和,而俄罗斯人则令人信服地反对它。



列宁的态度简单明了:谁给谁钱,就拿谁的钱,只做自己该做的事。列宁会毫不犹豫地从希夫、罗斯柴尔德或锡安长老会那里拿钱。他相信资本家会把绞死他们的绳子卖给布尔什维克。但布尔什维克获胜后,那些试图收取他们认为是影响力债务的人立即遭到枪杀。犹太人参与了俄罗斯革命的各个方面:支持列宁和反对列宁,但显然大多数俄罗斯犹太人支持温和的社会民主党孟什维克,但孟什维克在 1918 年输给了列宁的布尔什维克。布尔什维克甚至成功地使俄罗斯犹太人去犹太化:他们很快被同化,他们的语言意第绪语消失了,他们的犹太教堂被摧毁;他们通婚,取了俄罗斯名字,其中许多人加入了俄罗斯教会。


革命后,犹太人从他们的小村庄搬到了莫斯科和彼得堡,他们非常引人注目,就像 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代纽约的拉丁裔,或者像内战后的黑人一样。然而,他们不能也没有接管俄罗斯国家。在随后的斗争中失败的反共主义者(“白人”)将他们的失败归咎于犹太人的干预——就像民主党将他们的失败归咎于普京的俄罗斯一样。事实上,他们不得不责怪自己。


犹太人不仅仅只关心金钱。许多代人以来,聪明的犹太孩子都被训练成律师、神学家、牧师,而第二好的孩子则去经商。 (最接近的比较是由印度的婆罗门提供的。)对于许多代人来说,他们的能力除了在犹太教堂里争论之外几乎没有什么用处。仅19年th 二十世纪,当犹太人集体加入外邦社会时,他们可以大规模地实践这些经过磨练的技能。他们开始建立一个神权社会,这是他们接受训练要建立的唯一一个社会。在这个神权政治中,他们被认为是立法者、法官、传教士;因此,犹太人在法律界和媒体界担任职务,担任法官和传教士。








最高法院是美国真正的最高权力机构,正如犹太人所喜欢的那样——尤其是有 犹太人。现在,特朗普总统希望任命一名天主教徒来代替辞职的天主教徒肯尼迪大法官,犹太人对此感到不安。加州老巫婆,参议员黛安·范斯坦 攻击 天主教法官艾米·科尼·巴雷特的信仰。他们想要另一位犹太法官,奥巴马提名了他;唉,共和党人阻止了他的任命,否则犹太人就会占多数,他们就可以通过声称这就是宪法的含义来宣布美国是另一个犹太国家。在他们宣布宪法规定两个男人的结合就是婚姻,或者每个女人都有权谋杀她未出生的孩子,或者总统不得阻止非法移民之后,他们可以决定任何事情。





因此,确实非常需要通过恢复总统的宪法权力和严格限制违宪的犹太人权力来给美国带来民主。罗恩·乌兹 (Ron Unz) 的精彩文章可能是通往真正的美国独立之路的良好开端。

PS 为连环杀手辩护是很痛苦的,尤其是免费的,但最近 孟山都案,这家流氓巨头被勒令向生病的园丁支付 290 亿美元,这正是要求的。法律机构希望展示其人道性和对我们感受的回应。这是好暴君讨好百姓的一种方式。




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本文最初发表于 Unz评论.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 反犹太主义, 犹太人 
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  1. 关于以色列沙米尔上面所写的内容,


    This is only true in practice but not according to the (neglected and essentially dead) US Constitution, which makes the Congress quite ‘supreme’ over the judges

    According to that 1789 piece of paper, the US Congress has full unlimited authority to remove from office any and all federal national judges, including all those of the Supreme Court, for ‘lack of good behaviour’, i.e., for not honouring the Constitution, for making bad & ugly decisions, etc – No accusation of crime or misdeeds is needed at all


    But that power is almost never exercised, with only a handful of US judges removed in this way in USA history … the US Congress in general submits to the oligarch game of making a fetish of ‘the law’ as something they pretend they cannot control whilst it serves oligarch interests

  2. 但是,他们 [犹太人] couldn’t and didn’t take over the Russian state

    Others see it differently:

    ‘According to data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 566 important functionaries of the Bolshevik state in 1918-1919 there were 17 Russians … and 457 Jews.’—附录D to Robert Wilton’s 罗曼诺夫家族的末日

    ‘…the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish.’—President Putin, reported in 以色列时报

    ‘[I M] Bikerman wrote with evident concern in 1923 that “the Jew is in all corners and on all levels of power. … The Russian sees him as a ruler of Moscow, at the head of the capital on Neva [Leningrad], and at the head of the Red Army, a perfected death machine. … The Russian sees the Jew as judge and hangman; he sees Jews at every turn, not only among the communists, but among people like himself, everywhere doing the bidding of Soviet power.”’—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 一起两百年, 章节 18

    • 回复: @Israel Shamir
    , @anon
  3. anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:


    I’m no expert, but it seems this would, under a truly federal system that once had the Senate elected by state legislators, have been included as a further check on the national government’s arrogation of authority.

    Many here mock “Muh Constitution,” and they have a point. But your observation that many problems have been caused by its neglect, not its inherent flaws, is correct.

  4. @Johnny Rottenborough

    革命前,犹太人普遍不在莫斯科和国家警察局,这就是为什么他们向首都城市的大规模迁移引起了一些恐慌和担忧。同样,1990 世纪 1930 年代来自高加索和中亚的大规模移民让人产生一种俄罗斯被这些黑暗的陌生人接管的感觉。在这两种情况下,都是人口变化和观念的问题。事实上,当年轻的俄罗斯工人和农民获得社会提升时,犹太人很快就失去了布尔什维克俄罗斯的较高地位。到了 1970 年代,犹太人已经失去了权力,到了 XNUMX 年,最高层根本没有犹太人了。
    Putin’s words may be seen as his attempt to ingratiate himself and Russia with the Jews.
    威尔顿不是一个可靠的消息来源:他是一个狂热的反共分子,他想声称俄罗斯是由 ZOG 统治的。

  5. @Israel Shamir

    Israel Shamir—A review by Kevin MacDonald of Yuri Slezkine’s book 犹太世纪 contains a section entitled ‘Bolshevism As a Jewish Revolution’, beginning on p82 of 此PDF.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  6. @Johnny Rottenborough


    Kevin MacDonald is NOT a “scholar” of Russian Revolution (there were THREE of them between 1905 and October 1917) because he is not a scholar of Russian peasantry and warfare. US historiography is remarkably sterile whenever the only issue which matters–war and a conflict–comes up, since overwhelming majority of these scholars have no clue on the nature and application of military power. They also have no grasp of scale of the 20th century warfare and conflict in general. Israel Shamir is spot on when states that Jews were out of power in USSR by 1930s. They were flushed out, together with Civil War leftover nutjobbery. Jews are a popular and necessary topic to discuss but general Western ignorance on Russian peasantry would be comical, if not for it being so damaging to the, otherwise pathetically inadequate American “Russian Studies” field. Imperial Russia lost millions upon millions of people in WW I, millions more were maimed, and that had very little to do with Jews.

  7. @Andrei Martyanov

    Andrei Martyanov—In this instance it is Yuri Slezkine who lays claim to scholarship; Kevin MacDonald is simply the reviewer. Jewish power had indeed waned by the end of the 1930s but by then, as MacDonald writes on p84 of his review, ‘the worst of the slaughters in the Gulag, the purges, and the contrived famines had been completed.’ The extent of the slaughter is considered in Sever Plocker’s 2006 Y网文章, ‘Stalin’s Jews’.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
    , @ivan
  8. @Johnny Rottenborough

    Sever Plocker’s 2006 Ynet article, ‘Stalin’s Jews’

    You know, I don’t know, maybe it is just me–but I prefer not this BS by some fringe “scholar”


    But actual reliable data from opened Russian archives, starting from Zemskov’s seminal study and ending up with such works of statistical analysis as Krivosheev. Dyukov may also do, among many others. All this data blows out of the water these BS myths about “tens of millions” killed in GULAG, which from 1923 through 1953 saw 850, 000 executed for a political reasons. What was that (“political reasons”) is a separate issue. I will reiterate–US “academe” on Russia is largely not scientists but ideologues for a variety of reasons. Again, a sequence (three) of Russian Revolutions (albeit February 1917 coup was not real revolution) had very little to do with Jews but with a horrendous state the Empire found itself first by losing Russo-Japanese War in 1905 and then bleeding white on the fronts of WW I and later of the Civil War. As I stated, most US “academe” on Russia has no concept nor reference points on what the loss of combined 5-6 million in WW I alone can lead to. Hence, as strange as it may sound, the other extreme of these “scholars” who go full Monty in inflating “GULAG” numbers into statistical absurdity which precludes procreation of the nation and leads to its demographic demise, yet–here we are with those pesky Russians still around. So, yes–with some exceptions (such Thurston, as one example), most of what passes in the US as “Soviet history” is a BS. Or, to put it politely, is nothing more than projection by humiliated and subdued WASPies who still cannot grasp how did they get owned by Jews so easily–this is a historic fact. This is known as a butt-hurt.

    • 回复: @Israel Shamir
    , @animalogic
  9. I knew Sever Plocker personally; he was the chief editor of Al Hamishmar, the newspaper of MAPAM, left zionists, while I wrote a column in this newspaper. He was a Polish journalist who had to leave Poland after some anti-Jewish campaign. MAPAM was excited to take the guy with such impeccable credentials. He had brought the newspaper to untimely collapse and death, and then he switched the camps and became a right-winger. His anti-Communist articles gave him a new lease of life. Sever Plotcker is a real sleaze, a small treacherous Polish Jew. Not a man of knowledge nor of integrity.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  10. @Andrei Martyanov

    projection by humiliated and subdued WASPies who still cannot grasp how did they get owned by Jews so easily–this is a historic fact. This is known as a butt-hurt.

    Very correct! Russians couldn’t be subdued by Jews, whom they considered as “useful but tricky”. Jews tried to take over ideology in 1920s, but they lost this niche pretty soon, when Stalin famously answered one of their vehement attacks on a Russian writer with “I haven’t got other writers”.

  11. @Israel Shamir

    Not a man of knowledge nor of integrity.

    Which is basically a defining characteristic of majority of the so called Western “Sovietologists”. My wish, of course never to be fulfilled, was to see Elena Prudnikova “debate” Solzhenitsyn on the issue of RKMP. Sad, sad, sad–old geezer died before seeing his RKMP being demolished by actual science and knowledge.

  12. @Israel Shamir

    Very correct! Russians couldn’t be subdued by Jews, whom they considered as “useful but tricky”

    Many in local “Sovietologist” commentariat here will have a cognitive dissonance so strong when recognize the volume (huge) of anti-Zionist literature published in the USSR, that they may end up on anti-depressants. Obviously, we made a little of a progress when finally “learned” that first Sovnarkom had only one Jew in it–this is a good step in “healing” process. They may try to do a next step and at least try to learn what was War and post-War Soviet culture from literature to cinematography to have their brains re-arranged, but I doubt they will. In the end–maintaining closest association between “Bolsheviks”-Jews-GULAG-USSR is, for the most part, driven by a barely hidden Russophobia of Western elites. Some of them still use term Soviet when speaking of Russia. Again, they got shafted big time–can you imagine what it does to one’s self-esteem? A historic irony of a massive proportions.

  13. I asked a Russian historian Dmitry Pokrov to write a few words about Sutton’s book.

    Тут мне был задан вопрос о книге Энтони Саттона "Уолл-стрит и большевицкая революция" – что там правда, а что там…

    发布者 Дмитрий Покров on 星期一,八月13 2018;

    Is there any truth there? Maybe there is, but lies and fancies are much greater. In something a minuscule role was played by a simple ignorance of the author, in some way his bias, and in some way his desire to create nonsense into logic – this gives an excuse for liberties.


    “Robert Minor was a talented artist and writer, under the guise of which the Bolshevik revolutionary was hiding, in 1915 he was arrested in Russia on charges of subversion and later rescued by prominent Wall Street financiers.”

    Strangely enough, Minor never concealed his left-radicalism – he was a member of the US Socialist Party, a trade unionist, an anarchist, an active and open opponent of the imperialist war (all in a short time). And this was before October 1917.
    嗯,1915 年,当然,没有人在俄罗斯逮捕他。此时他在纽约,在一家社会主义报纸工作。
    1919 年,他因从事颠覆活动(呼吁破坏俄罗斯干预部队的武器供应)而在法国被捕(在此之前,他于 1918 年 XNUMX 月至 XNUMX 月期间成功访问了俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟),但他的救命并非来自华尔街的干涉,而是他自己的父亲,他是德克萨斯州地方法院的法官,并为此联系了他的关系。

    So, in one sentence at once a lot of mistakes or deliberate lies (it is difficult to say what the author did and how conscious). Is it possible to believe after such a Sutton or simply take seriously his “works”? Of course not.


    “The National City Bank branch in Petrograd was released from the Bolshevik decree on nationalization – the only such case among foreign and domestic banks in Russia.”

    Not the only one, but the other way around. Societe General, Credit Lyonese, National City Bank – these three selectively taken banks of different countries (France and the USA) worked in Soviet Russia until 1920. And in 1920 the branches of these banks in the territory of the RSFSR were liquidated. But Sutton probably did not know about it. And if he knew, then religion did not allow him to mention French banks , because then the whole harmonious construction of the Bolsheviks-Wall Street would begin to crack.

    “One group of the Trotskyists immediately gained considerable influence in Mexico and wrote the Constitution of Queretaro for the revolutionary government of Carranza in 1917, thus giving Mexico the dubious honor of having the world’s first government that adopted the constitution
    Soviet type. ”

    Soviet type? So there were Soviets, then? It is interesting, however. And the Zapatists are Trotskyists, for example. That is, there was still no Trotskyism (well, in the sense that Trotsky had not yet become a bronze one), and the Zapatists had already struck Trotskyism? Well, yes, agrarians who actively participated in the Mexican revolution should not have insisted on their rights, according to the author. Yes, and it was Trotsky and the Trotskyites who prompted (through the Telegrams) the Liberal Party of Mexico to include in its 1906 program an eight-hour working day, a mandatory Sunday holiday and other “Trotskyisms” that later fell into the Mexican Constitution in 1917. And Andres Molina Enriquez (author of one of the articles of the Constitution) was probably also a prominent Trotskyite who came to Mexico.

  14. @Brabantian

    It’s not for nothing that the first of the seven articles in the US Constitution references the legislative branch–not the executive or judicial (“All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives”). The Founders knew what they were doing. They had intended that REAL authority was to emanate from the citizenry through their representatives in the legislature acting within a republican form of government (not a “democracy”).

    And it is to their undying shame (and to the detriment of this country) that the US Congress has abdicated its constitutional authority.

  15. nickels 说:


    Bingo. This thing goes one way or the other. Christ or AntiChrist.

    • 同意: Felix Culpa
    • 回复: @Anonymous
  16. utu 说:

    Shamir’s love for communism and its icons incurable.

    Claims that Lenin took money from German military had been disproven long time ago.

    Moreover, there is nothing wrong about taking money from wealthy Jews.

    Lenin’s attitude was simple and straightforward: take money from whoever gives, do only what you should.

  17. @Israel Shamir


  18. animalogic 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    “had very little to do with Jews but with a horrendous state the Empire found itself first by losing Russo-Japanese War in 1905 and then bleeding white on the fronts of WW I and later of the Civil War. As I stated, most US “academe” on Russia has no concept nor reference points on what the loss of combined 5-6 million in WW I alone can lead to.”
    There have been a number of articles on Unz recently suggesting/implying that Russia was doing 结束 in 1917, the army was doing wonderfully, Russian industry was on the way to becoming a major capitalist player, & so on…if only the Bolsheviks hadn’t tricked their way to power.
    Silly peasants, silly workers, & silly soldiers…
    It is also useful to lower the “jewish” influence on the Revolution. Trotsky has become the personification of the simple arithmetic: Globalist = Bolshevik = Jew. Trotsky was a “globalist” not because he was a Jew but because he realised (among other things & accurately as it turned out) that Socialism, isolated in a few nations was a “sitting duck” for capitalist counter revolution, undermining etc.

    • 同意: Andrei Martyanov
    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  19. @animalogic

    There have been a number of articles on Unz recently suggesting/implying that really Russia was doing fine in 1917, the army was doing wonderfully, Russian industry was on the way to becoming a major capitalist player, & so on…if only the Bolsheviks hadn’t tricked their way to power.

    Yep, delusion bubbles are difficult to burst for people who have no clue. My favorite example is Averchenko’s hilarious Specialist in Military Affairs.

    Silly peasants, silly workers, & silly soldiers…

    Absolutely, they never knew what’s good for them. Instead of continuing to die in millions or accept the fact that the hunger became a defining feature of Imperial Russia they decided that they had enough. Obviously, the people who write about how good those stupid Russians had it would shit their pants even from the sound of 76-mm gun near them or would cry mommie dearest after 48 in the trenches but it is all good and dandy when one “educates” oneself on all kinds of fringe ahistorical BS.

  20. @Israel Shamir

    That was one of the impressions I got from Unz’s writings – that Jews predominated in early Bolshevism, and their viciousness had a component of tribal hatred. Perhaps that also explains why the modern intelligentsia gives Lenin (part Jewish) and Trotsky (Jewish) a pass for their early bloodbaths. Of course, the Bolsheviks also had lots of Poles, Baltics, and other ethnic minorities who hated the Russian people, too.
    I have heard my fellow libertarians say that leftists hate Stalin not because he massacred the peasantry but because his purges killed his fellow Communists. Might they also hate him because he ended Jewish dominance of the Communist party?

    • 回复: @Israel Shamir
  21. Interesting that Shamir mentions the anti-tobacco jihad of recent years. We all know smoking is bad for one’s health, but I’ve long had the impression (perhaps because I’m an ornery libertarian) that tobacco is being demonized out of proportion to its actual harm to society, while problems like prescription drug abuse get minimized. I’ve often speculated that it’s because tobacco is grown by evil white southerners.

  22. @Fidelios Automata


    ended Jewish dominance of the Communist party

    He ended what perhaps could become Jewish dominance, but never became. Lenin was not a Jew no way (his one Jewish ancestor had been received into Church), not more than he was a German, a Swede, a Kalmyk, and ethnic Russian. Trotsky was so non-Jewish, he didn’t even understand Yiddisch. Stalin used to say that parting with Mensheviks had an effect of a pogrom, as the party had got rid of Jews.
    Stalin rolled back Jewish positions in the Party and in the state down to normal, still much more than by their share in population, but not like in the US. Stalin was ok with good loyal Jews. Kaganovich remained loyal to Stalin till the end of his days.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  23. @Fidelios Automata

    tobacco is grown by evil white southerners.

    Could be good explanation! Or perhaps they wanted to show they can do anything – from banning smoke to enforcing buggery. Now they attack Monsanto – surely evil company, but I’d say – it is not courts’ business.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @mcohen
    , @mcohen
  24. Re: “For more than 50 years, the Catholic Church has lost every battle in the culture wars.”

    Of course. It has been destroyed byVatican II. The last Pope was Pius XII.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Notanisraeli
  25. Alden 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Dr MacDonald makes no pretensions to being a historian or Russian studies scholar. His subject is Judaism as an enemy of the European peoples. He includes the Jewish influence on both Russian and American communism.

    American communism was a Jewish affair from its founding by Russian immigrants in 1918 until 1930.

    In 1930 Stalin realized that a communist party consisting of foreigners who didn’t speak English concentrate. In NYC wouldn’t win many converts

    So Stalin made 4 decrees for the CPUSA

    1 40 percent Jewish quota for the CPUSA

    2 move headquarters to Chicago

    3 official language to be English and only English spoken among members

    4 head of the party not Jewish hence Gene Dennis and Gus Hall

    Maybe in Russia communism wasn’t a totally Jewish affair, but it certainly was in America.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  26. Kiza 说:
    @Fidelios Automata

    Yes I had very similar thoughts. However, the hate-tobacco is a global phenomenon and thus has a soft connection to the Southern US tobacco growers. For me, tobacco was more like test of mind control over the population, once the levers of influence tools were in the right hands, the so called banning brigade.

    As a never-smoker and a libertarian my first thought about tobacco has always been – put your head within a meter of a vehicle exhaust pipe in any city and check out what happens to your life expectanxy. At least the smokers breath a natural product and through a filter.

    One elementary societal rule is: ban things that are less important to avoid banning things which are more important but earn the rullers a tidy profit. Banning of fat when sugar was a much bigger health risk is a wonderful other example, with huge health impact over several generations.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Wizard of Oz
  27. Alden 说:
    @Fidelios Automata

    Prescription drug abuse is just another liberal crusade so useless liberals with useless grievance studies degrees can become grant hustling non profit foundation busybodies.

    If a patient gets 30 pills a month, 1 a day and can’t get more than 30 pills a month how can they abuse them? Take 3 a day for 10 days and then have none for the rest of the month?

    Prescription pill hysteria is no different than the second hand smoke hysteria and driven by the same Carrie Nation Puritan busybodies that brought us prohibition, feminism, school bussing and affirmative action ; puritanical liberal grant hustlers.

    Leave medical treatment and prescription medicine to the experts, the Drs and their patients, not the Hildabeast Clinton voters.

    Don’t believe anything about medicine on the internet unless a Dr gives you his or her password to a Drs only website. Also, subscribe to medical magazines for Drs, not amateur “ health” magazines

  28. Alden 说:

    My old Congress critter, Henry Waxman was the anti tobacco point man in congress for 30 years. It may be true that the Jewish attorney attack in tobacco was anti southern and anti rural. Tobacco is very easy to grow and very profitable as long as you have enough land to keep rotating and replenishing the tobacco fields. Jews really hate the idea that anyone doing manual work can make a decent living

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  29. Alden 说:
    @Fidelios Automata

    I also believe the liberal anti pain medicine crusade is just an excuse to create more government drug enforcement jobs for liberals and another burden in the tax payer.

  30. ‘Adoration of the jew’.
    It reminds me of that jews are capable of huge self delusion.
    In each UN General Assembly or some similar election the world is against Israel.
    Even in Germany, where since 1953 anyone has been brainwashed with the holocaust guilt, Israel is more and more under criticism.

    Even with British Labour Israel is seen by some of having perpetrated Sept 11.
    The brave IDF warriors killing inmates of the concentration camp Gaza caused disgust around the world.
    Hungary does anything it can to keep Soros out of the country, Polish socialists call the followers of Soros Sorosjugend.
    In France, Belgium, the Netherlands, even Germany, jews or jewish property is attacked.

    Of course control by jewry of politicians and media may make jews think they’re adored.
    Soros is said to control 230 members of the European parliament.
    British BBC, and Dutch NOS, led by jews.
    Media kings as Murdoch, Chaim Saban, Fox, Soros bought the Guardian, control 80% or more of western media.
    So indeed, jews who do not take into considerations all these things may think they’re adored.

    The Corbyn speech should have been a warning, if the Labour leader is of the opinion that it is necessary to fight antisemitism, adoration of jews, in my opinion, does not exist at all.
    Historians know that when it is necessary to speak out on things that were selfevident, that selfevidence is gone.
    Around 1870 the pope was declared infallible, this meant that his infallibility did no longer exist.

  31. Alden 说:
    @Prester John

    Ummm. The constitution gives authority to make laws to the congress, but President Madison caved in to judicial supremacy as early as 1804 Marbury vs Madison.

    Only 2 Presidents have refused to obey a Supreme Court order. President Jackson in the 1830s refused to obey a Supreme Court order to leave some of the tribal Cherokees on their Tennessee lands.

    President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus in 1861, soon after he became President. A lawsuit was filed to overturn the presidential executive order. The Supreme Court ruled against Lincoln that the president does not have the authority to suspend habeas corpus.

    Lincoln ignored the Supreme Court order and kept more than 40,000 dissidents in prison until he died.

    The founders were elites. They wrote the constitution to ensure judicial supremacy by a Supreme Court that represented the elite. As early as possible, Marbury vs Madison established judicial supremacy in 1804.

    Rule by law suits and judges is nothing new n America. Look at gay marriage look at judicial orders about public bathrooms and trans gender freaks.

    Judges rule and have since 1804

    • 同意: jacques sheete
    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  32. Alden 说:

    Decades before Jewish attorneys went after tobacco smoking they effected school desegregation school bussing affirmative action and uncontrolled black on White crime.

  33. Respect 说:

    Thomas Hobbes , 1588-1679 , an englisman , said that ” Auctoritas non veritas facet legem ” , or Authorithy , no truth , makes the law . And he agreed with that . He thought that the Authority of the State is above the truth , above everything . He also said that ” The State of the rule of Law must control people authoritarily ” .
    So he was a despot ,a tyrant , a liar , at the service of a totalitarian English State .

    Enmanuel Kant , 1724-1804 , a german , preached the Rechtstat , the State of the rule of Law , in which ” the Law is above everything , and the State is above the Law ” . He proposes that a legal administration , a legal normativism , must say whats is good and evil , He defends the absolute tiranny of the Law at the service of the Absolutist State .
    So he was also a tirant ,a despot , a liar , at the service of a totalitarian Prussian State ,

    So do not blame averything on the jews , western lawyers and politicians have created along the last 4 centuries a totalitarian monster , that puts himself above the truth , above logic, above reason , above the people , above reality , above common sense , above God .

    No wonder that a despotic and demented west is producing more and more rejection both in non western countries and in its own population .

  34. We’re all ‘of a type developed by Adam and Eve’, and although stereotypes – like the Schrödinger equation – can describe an ensemble of people, they are useless for the individual. This is why you can’t use previous data to classify newly met individuals – only personal data classifies a person.

    But it’s fair to say the closer the individuals are to their group, the more united and less varied the group is. Insularity brings unity. That’s why the Japanese. That’s also why you can even remove a sura of the Quran if the whole Ummah agrees – perfect agreement is like God’s voice within a direct democracy.

    Roman Law is by no definition always better than the law of custom. Oral law is important too. It doesn’t works for jus cogens because there is no jurisdiction, it worked for (pre 19th century) the UK’s law of custom, before the state butted in and made everything much more statutory and puritan.

    When they had cities, Roman law was better. When they wandered, oral law was better. Now that they have cities, why are they still wandering spiritually?

    Lenin was an idiot whose Bolsheviks seized the media/communication lines in Russia, and finally went back to the NEP. Stalin was the real genius.

    If Trump could write or converse better than a four year old, he could just try ask them to power share on TV, give the %es to the public and say I’m nominating a Catholic (clean one, somewhere – get a woman, better odds).

  35. Seraphim 说:
    @Fidelios Automata

    Many smokers had this impression at the very beginning of the crusade. Your truly yours and his better half among them, although we have no partiality for or against southerners because of their whiteness or lack thereof. We thought that was a war against ‘old money’ and an iconic industry of America.

    • 回复: @utu
  36. utu 说:

    We thought that was a war against ‘old money’ and an iconic industry of America.

    It would be good to research who is behind marijuana industry.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  37. utu 说:


    Kevin MacDonald’s review of Yuri Slezkine’s “The Jewish Century”

  38. @Alden

    …Look what they’ve done to all those Italian mechanics and construction workers on the Northeast Coast. Not to mention Irish-American bar-owners.

    Damn Jews really crushed those unions in the Northeast.

    Especially since they vote Democrat and these folks always try to bring up the minimum wage.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  39. @Israel Shamir

    Why do Jews want to destroy Southern whites as oppose to the “white ethnics” they live elbow-to-asshole with (Irish, Italian, Polish, even Arab) in the Northern cities?

    Since the South is so far away compared to Irish-Catholics in Boston or Italians in Jersey?

    • 回复: @bj
    , @Crawfurdmuir
  40. Bruno 说:

    The Christian faith seems to be an invention by Jews (Saint Paul) to destroy Roman and create a favourable mindset among barbarians. Universalism, individualism and shaming and guilt control is what can be hacked by ethnic interest.

  41. mcohen 说:
    @Israel Shamir

    Tobacco will be phased out because you cannot eat it.the land is needed to grow food.it is that simple.

    • 回复: @Alden
  42. @utu

    Did anybody here ever GO TO COLLEGE? Pot fries about half the people that use it? I was a pothead in college.

    Most people quit getting high everyday after they graduate from college. But we all know those guys that dropped out and drifted to Washington state and live in a tree somewhere.

    Some people are wasted as bad on pot as they would be on any other drug-and I was toking in the 90’s on common-or-garden pot.

    Many smokers are successful people. Not now, because less people smoke in general, but tobacco does not turn a person into schizophrenia. Psychoactive drugs do that.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  43. anon[317]• 免责声明 说:
    @Johnny Rottenborough

    Yes Mr. Israel Shamir, but why did these mass migrations take place?

    Track backward from the Jewish domination of previous Irish NY and the Russian Jewish Red October to Salonika, Ottoman Empire where the Ottoman hosted the Jewish traders and bankers, since Spanish, 1392 and Portuguese expulsion 1401) . I have been trying to track Portuguese and Spanish Jewish back to the 1250(?), British expulsion of the Jews) where did that come from, decendants of the same booted from Britain (1250?) group??…
    The attempt (CUP) to overthrow their Ottoman Host, failed, three million migrated by 1910 in either to NY, USA or to St. Petersburg, Russia? The coup attempt was a direct result of the 1896, Hertzl Zionist Congress Group, mostly German, French and British Bankers and Traders. Many of these migrants replaced the officers and administrators of the Russian Government (during the fighting days of the revolution, a neat way to make the coup successful, and were the Russian migrant half of the 3 million that sent letters to the USA president encouraging American intervention in WWI, Its all part of the bankersters and Jewish traders (corporations) and a global network that works like an octopus. The Story of the East Indies companies is illuminating ( a corporation became British and Indian government as far as India was concerned).

    This story has not yet been fully explained in my opinion. Some of this story is hazy, but I believe its there?

  44. mcohen 说:
    @Israel Shamir

    以色列沙米尔 说

    “So indeed there is a great need to bring democracy to the US by restoring President’s constitutional powers and by severely curbing unconstitutional Jewish powers. And fine articles by Ron Unz could be a great start for this road to real American independence.”



    • 回复: @Josecanuc
  45. Desert Fox 说:

    The fact is that Zionist bankers in New York and every European country were the ones who furnished the money to overthrow the Russian government and Zionist Bolsheviks were in the overwhelming majority of the communists that ruled Russia and murdered some 60 million Russians in the years from 1917 to 1957.

    The attempt to mislead about the zionists who tool over Russia and murdered some 60 million is in itself a crime and anyone who has read Alexander Solzhenitsyns Gulag Archipelago and Robert Conquests Harvest of Sorrow knows the truth about the zionist bolshevik butchers that destr0yed a christian nation for their satanic bolshevik communist ideolgy.

    This is the same mindset that is behind the creation of terrorists like ISIS aka AL CIADA and all of its off shoots which in fact are a creation of the zionist controlled U.S. gov and ISRAEL and BRITAIN with help from zionist controlled FRANCE and NATO and the SAUDIS.

    Proof of this is the fact that Israel and the zionist controlled deep state did 911 and murdered 3000 Americans and got away with it, and it is also a fact that the communist style destruction of America is being done by the same type of zionist bolsheviks that destroyed Russia.

    Those who doubt this, just read the 10 planks of the communist manifesto and see how far down the road to communism and the destruction of America we have come.

  46. @Alden

    Dr MacDonald makes no pretensions to being a historian or Russian studies scholar. His subject is Judaism as an enemy of the European peoples. He includes the Jewish influence on both Russian and American communism.

    Again, this is precisely my point–Dr. MacDonald cannot possibly make any sound judgements on “Jewish influence” on Russian “communism” precisely for the reasons of Russian history of the 20th century being nothing more than Solzhenitsified caricature. It was my both human and academic position for years now, and with each day I find more and more evidence in support of it, that the so called “Russia Studies” field in the US is generally dead because it completely and blatantly disregards main driving forces behind Russia’s 20th century history and turns Russian history in nothing more than Disney cartoon about palace intrigue by Jews, Bolsheviks, Evil, what have you. It is a-historic and anti-scientific. In other words: wind doesn’t blow because crowns of trees are moving, it is the other way around. But then again, generally Western “humanities” and policy fields have issues with causalities–the empirical evidence of this is overwhelming. This is one of the major reasons why the US finds herself where it is and why her decline continues and, in fact, accelerates.

    • 同意: FB
    • 回复: @Mike P
    , @renfro
  47. @Fidelios Automata

    that it’s because tobacco is grown by evil white southerners.

    Very well could be. I am a former smoker–smoked for 20 years. Yet, I was outraged when a-holes forbade smoking in the bars. I can tolerate second hand-smoke for an hour or two if need be in the bar, which is the perfect place to drink and to light one. Hell, this is why bars were created.

    • 回复: @Aramis Kretzer
  48. @Israel Shamir

    He ended what perhaps could become Jewish dominance, but never became. Lenin was not a Jew no way

    In fact, his lineage was that of low-level nobility which absolutely precludes him being Jewish since Jews were verboten from any noble titles in Russia. Simple as that. Moreover, I am always fascinated by the fact of total disregard of, say, Maxim Gorky’s (Peshkov) immense ideological influence and role in Russian Marxism, together with Savva Morozov’s support of revolutionary movement.

    • 回复: @ploni almoni
    , @Alden
  49. Respect 说:

    I have young patients with their brain functions diminished and symptoms like academic failure
    , anxiety , depresion , paranoia , psychosis etc….. who tell me that that they have very healthy habits because they don`t smoke tobaco , or drink alcohol . They recognise to smoke marihuna but they insist that marihuana is healthy and they reject that their symptoms can be produced by marihuana .

    The marketting of the drug dealers is excellent .

  50. Looks like Zionist Globalist Jews are singing “Its now or never…..”
    They are now attacking even Catholic church. ( Proverbial kitchen sink)

  51. Israel, just paid attention to this in your tweet:

    Восстановили Рабиновича в партии))

    Cannot stop laughing, LOL!

  52. @Israel Shamir

    “By 1930s, the Jews were already out of power,” As Ron Unz pointed, 3 out of 5 of the contenders for leadership of the USSR after Lenin’s death were Jewish. If any of them had won, the USSR would be a totally Jewish fiefdom. As it happened, the Gentile Stalin took power. But he still permitted Jews to hold high positions provided they were loyal to him.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  53. AaronB 说:

    Israel Shamir, you are focusing on a political solution to a spiritual problem, like all the stupid materialist whites.

    If I was conspiracy minded, I’d say you’re trying to deflect whites attention from what’s wrong with them and focus on useless political issues instead 🙂

    White intellectuals create despair and apathy in their own people. Guys like James Thompson tell whites striving is useless and their fate is set in stone (genes), surrendering the field to Jews who know better. Guys like Steve Sailer tell whites pretty much the same thing. But these guys are low level people.

    Meanwhile, the spiritual and intellectual white elite are all Leftist – men and women of idealism, character, and high intelligence who see white culture as a desert of materialism and science and who turn to Jews as the only source of idealism they see around them, however twisted.

    A typical alt-right thought leader is a guy like Vox Day – who is of average intellect and low character.

    But these guys don’t matter so much – what whites need to do is win back the high quality people whites, who are all Leftist, and convert them to their side.

    But as long as “white” culture stands for capitalism, science, materialism, and the like – high quality whites will continue joining the Left, however twisted and perverted it is.

    • 不同意: Vojkan
    • 回复: @Vojkan
  54. @Jon Halpenny

    If any of them had won, the USSR would be a totally Jewish fiefdom

    And if the grandma had testicles, she would have been a grandpa. Have it ever occurred to anyone to ask a simple question–but WHY did Stalin win?

    But he still permitted Jews to hold high positions provided they were loyal to him.

    Yes, like sending Polina Zhemchuzhina into the labor camp in 1948 for proposing Crimea to be given to Jews. FYI, she was a wife of Vyacheslav Molotov, whose grandson–Vyacheslav Nikonov is an influential State Duma MP and, quite frankly, strong and consistent Russian nationalist. And I mean not some fringe “nationalist”.

    • 回复: @Jon Halpenny
  55. nsa 说:

    Patrick Quillin treated over 5000 cancer patients and observed that he never witnessed a recovery by a smoker. Not one….they all died……poisoned from the inside out. Only a pompous blowhard like Izzie Shamir could justify a stupid activity like smoking because a few vile jooie shysters made a buck going after the tobacco companies. Is anyone else tired of foreigners like Izzie carrying their obscure crappy old world disputes over here to the new world? And his prose is terrible…….needs a course in remedial English at some junior college.

  56. Che Guava 说:

    As usual, an article worth the time to read.

    together rule the US, just like the Jews did in the Biblical times.

    Does this mean that you believe in the 摩门经?

    AFAIK, they are the only people claiming that what is now Nth. America was ruled by Jews

    in the Biblical times.

    Can’t help it, your phrasing is begging for it.

  57. @nsa

    Not one….they all died……

    Just last Fall we bid farewell to one of our dearest friends in the US, almost a relative by all metrics. She was 82, she smoked all her life prior to the event. In 1996 she had operation on her lung–cancer. 2017-1996=21 years. So, this is one already. This makes your, most likely BS statistics, flawed. But it is just me with my single anecdotal evidence. So one did recover, after all.

    • 回复: @ploni almoni
    , @ploni almoni
  58. Respect 说:

    Stalin won because all the russian peoples ( well except the nazi hiwis from western ukraruina ) fought like lions for Russia , for Stalin , for life and honor , against the miserable invaders from Germany , Austria Hungary , Rumania , Italy , Eslovaquia , Croacia , Finland , Baltics …..

    The western mind ,spetially the anglo and german mind , is so ” sophisticated ” , that`s to say so deformed by propaganda , by overschooling , and by their own catathimia , that no longer is able to formulate simple , creative , questions and extract the logic consecuences . Like the one you propose Why Stalin won ? , obviously he won because the Russians did not desert Stalin and fought like lions , with great suffering , obviously because the russians backed Stalin …. and still back him and love him .

    ( too complicated for western idiots , since most of the westeners are unable to ask themselves that simple question Why Stalin won ? , and extract the logic consecuences )

  59. Sparkon 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Imperial Russia lost millions upon millions of people in WW I, millions more were maimed, and that had very little to do with Jews.

    Really? Why then did Zionist co-founder Max Nordau speak with such eloquent confidence in “the future world war” already by 1903?

    In that speech before a packed house of Parisian Jews, Nordau explained how the English offer of Uganda to the Jews for their homeland was just a step on the ladder to a world war leading to the establishment of a Jewish state:

    …let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, The Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created.

    亨利·福特, 国际犹太人, Chapter 14, Did the Jews Foresee the World War?


    For Nordau to speak so confidently and indeed accurately in 1903 of momentous events a decade or more in the future — including a bloody world war — underlines the fact that this plan must have been in motion already for some time well before Nordau’s speech.

    The other part of the bargain, of course, was that Germany would be crushed — not once, but twice — while millions upon millions of Russians and Europeans died in the orgies of blood, and all of it just so the Jews could have Palestine.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  60. @Respect

    Stalin won because all the russian peoples ( well except the nazi hiwis from western ukraruina ) fought like lions for Russia

    Very true but the question was not about WW II, albeit this is too very relevant. The Polichinelle Secret is that Stalin after the death of Lenin, being effectively in charge of Party cadres started to promote people from the “bottom”, primarily workers and peasants, to the local and mid-rank Party positions. Needless to say that those cadres were overwhelmingly Slavic and they were loyal to Stalin. In terms of Party proceedings it gave him an enormous leverage since he always could get votes of delegates when he needed. So, “Jews” were doomed from the start–can you believe it, an Orthodox Seminary dropout outmaneuvered and outsmarted all those (I am sure very high IQ) Jews. This is how NEP was stopped and industrialization and collectivization started. This is also how major Soviet social lifts began to function for which overwhelming majority of Russian people fought to the death in WW II since, especially, generation born late-19th-early 20th century could still vividly recall what life was before 1917. Obviously most “Russian” so called scholars in the West have no clue that Revolution of 1905 was in effect the largest peasant uprising in the Russian history and what happened to Russian populace after it was suppressed. Russia was literally “Porota” that is mass-whipped, village after village. This is about those who lived. Paradoxically, these were SRs, many of them Jewish who decidedly refused to take the power which was literally dropping into their hands then for a purely doctrinal reasons–they thought that industrial capitalism in Russia was not developed well enough to provide conditions for socialist revolution. Bolsheviks WILL NOT make this mistake in 1917 and Russian peasantry followed them.

    • 回复: @Hunsdon
  61. Mike P 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    … the so called “Russia Studies” field in the US … turns Russian history in nothing more than Disney cartoon about palace intrigue by Jews, Bolsheviks, Evil, what have you. It is a-historic and anti-scientific

    I think that holds for a lot of countries, not just Russia (and not just in American academia).

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  62. FB 说:

    What a load of crap…

    Here’s a news flash for most of the ‘writers’ on this website, including Mr. Unz…the vast majority of normal people everywhere care not one whit about ‘the Jews’…

    The constant stream of ‘Jewish Supremacy’ articles on this website makes one think that the authors take a perverse delight in this supposed ‘mastery’ of the ‘Jewish race’…

    In reality no such ‘mastery’ exists…with the possible exception of Smellywood…and even here we see that the agenda that infuses the propaganda comes from the Deep State, not some ‘Jewishness’…

    In short…just about everything here on this website is much ado about nothing…yes some small portion of the American Jewish population have done very well in the United States and punch far above their weight in many important spheres, especially finance, foreign policy and the so-called ‘culture’ [which is anything but in reality]…although most of the Jewish population is in fact quite ordinary, both in terms of wealth and social status…

    The Greeks similarly had a disproportionate influence in Rome…and eventually ruled it for 1,000 years…the so-called ‘Eastern’ Roman empire…which was not actually called such in its own time [simply Rome]…and the name ‘Byzantium’ was invented in the 17’th century and was completely unheard of in Roman times…

    Maybe ‘the Jews’ will eventually rule what is left of the United States empire too…but there will not be much left to rule over..since that empire is fading quickly into irrelevance…The Brics countries already account for over 40 percent of the world economy and there is no viable path back in time…

  63. Anon[973]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站


    I appreciate David Rothkopf’s critical stance on Israel but I find this disingenuous.

    The passage of the nation-state law attacks and effectively demolishes every reason for supporting the state of Israel that once existed for many American Jews and for an increasing number of Americans. It puts the lie to the idea that Israel is a democracy by denying full-privileges of citizenship to long-time residents within the borders Israel controls. It creates an apartheid society in which ethnic identity trumps fundamental human rights. Hardest still for many American Jews, it flies in the face of cherished Jewish values and the lessons of Jewish history – so much so that it makes Israel in many respects, an un-Jewish state…
    Indeed, the decision of the Israeli government to join with ethno-nationalists worldwide, including those in the Trump administration, makes the country part of one of the most dangerous movements afoot on the planet today – and also now, damagingly, foolishly, a partisan player in U.S. politics.

    What? Israel was founded as an ethno-national state from the beginning. Unlike whites in South Africa, Zionism was about Jews hiring Jewish workers. It necessitated the ethnic expulsion of Palestinians. It had Jewish Immigration Only policy. The recent laws only made more explicit what had always been the case in Israel.

    Also, it wasn’t ethno-nationalism that messed up the world. It was globo-imperialism. Ethno-nationalism is a reaction to globo-imperialism that invades and destroys nations and then steers refugees all over the world.

    After all, how nice for Palestinians if they could have maintained Palestine as their ethno-national state. Instead, they came under imperialist rule, and the British imperialists opened the way for Jewish migrant-invaders.

    As for Israel playing a role in US politics NOW, at whose behest did Bush and Obama smash the Middle East?

  64. @Andrei Martyanov

    I would estimate Jews came close twice in 20th Century to a takeover of USSR/Russia. The first time was after the death of Lenin but ultimately they lost to Gentile Stalin. The second time was in the 1990s when they had enormous influence over the government of Yeltsin.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  65. @Mike P

    I think that holds for a lot of countries, not just Russia

    Russia occupies a very special place in Western post-WW II academia in general, and US “scholars” in particular. I will add–especially among US “scholars”.

  66. @Prester John


    Inasmuch as Congress is composed of wealth-seeking curs operating from a platform of pecuniary gain, I can’t see as how they have “abdicated” authority they had no intention of applying. They are scoundrels, plain and simple. Who expects scoundrels to carry out Constitutional responsibilities?

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @Josecanuc
  67. Fascinating. I love the shift in viewpoint presented by Shamir, in contrast to the tired, bedraggled chestnuts from Giraldi and Sailer. Much more analytically considered, much more useful exposition of fact.

  68. @Sparkon

    Really? Why then did Zionist co-founder Max Nordau speak with such eloquent confidence in “the future world war” already by 1903?

    Have you ever tried to read not just Zionists or about Zionists? Truck load of intellectuals ranging from non-Jewish conservatives to Marxists felt the approach of the war. Hell, after reading Househofer, Mahan or Mackinder and what Imperialism looked like even people with an average IQ kinda can get the idea that a big brawl was just the matter of when, not if.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  69. @Andrei Martyanov

    I can tolerate second hand-smoke for an hour or two if need be in the bar, which is the perfect place to drink and to light one.

    That is amusing. Good of you to speak for all citizens who patronize bars and restaurants. One option, apparently rejected by legislature, would have been to require “Smoking Permitted” (Or “Smoke If You Got ‘Em”) signs at bar and restaurant entries.

    While I, personally, believe the bad effects of tobacco are in ample evidence, and proscription justified throughout, still … leave it to the self-destructive impulses of the user, and those who would benefit from the bad habits of others.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  70. bj 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    You are probably familiar with E Michael Jones’s work on ethnic cleansing of American cities, but for those not familiar here is one of his talks……

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  71. Anonymous[209]• 免责声明 说:

    I’m not sure what you mean by “treatment” . As Patrick Quillin is a nutritionist and not a medical doctor it is unsurprising that his “patients” did poorly. Especially on some fad diet designed to sell books. They probably would have been better off praying for a cure like Jobs.

  72. 好文章,但请考虑纠正这个经常重复但基本上是虚假的主张:

    1948 年驱逐巴勒斯坦人,这是与 纳粹对犹太人的迫害。




    “...... 声称 纳粹迫害犹太人”?


    • 同意: mark green
    • 回复: @bjondo
  73. Jeff77450 说:

    “汤因比解释了为什么犹太人希望从第三世界大规模移民到欧洲:在一个由索马里、阿富汗、叙利亚等社区居住的欧洲国家,犹太人本身将成为常态。” 我看到欧洲的犹太人有很大的潜力对这种策略感到后悔。 你现在可以看到它在法国上演。 “小心你想要的——因为你可能会得到它。”

  74. @Aramis Kretzer

    While I, personally, believe the bad effects of tobacco are in ample evidence

    Absolutely! That is why I quit smoking but you are absolutely correct here:

    leave it to the self-destructive impulses of the user, and those who would benefit from the bad habits of others.

    Damn right! I would freaking organize resistance group if they will decide to forbid Jack Daniels and good reasonably priced cigars;-)

  75. Perhaps the first struggle of Jews for superiority was the fight against tobacco companies.


    You have to be kidding. First of all, certain individuals fight for superiority, not all Jews fight or fought for it.

    Second, there are a lot of examples demonstrating that some Jews were fighting for superiority prior to that. Does the name, “Rothschild” mean anything to you? What do you think Prohibition was all about? Have you ever read any of Josephus’ works? What do you think the world wars were about? The Zionist movement? (I’m talking real motives, not petexts.)

    Your attempted distortion of history is nauseating and pathetic.

  76. @Prester John

    The Founders knew what they were doing.

    Yes, they did, and it wasn’t purdy, at least from a freedom lovers point of view. In fact, the antifeds warned of what it would do, and in particular, some were none too happy with the power placed in the judiciary,as I recall.

    They had intended that REAL authority was to emanate from the citizenry through their representatives in the legislature acting within a republican form of government (not a “democracy”).

    You really must provide support for that contention otherwise it’s just an old myth, and a very silly one as well.

    《宪法》在纸面上看起来还不错,但它不是一个受欢迎的文件。 人们对此表示怀疑,并对正在制定的授权立法也表示怀疑。 有一定的理由。 宪法是在不可接受的主持下制定的; 它的历史一直是政变。

    它最初是由代表特殊经济利益的人起草的。 其中五分之四是公共债权人,三分之一是土地投机者,五分之一代表对运输,制造和销售的兴趣。 他们大多数是律师。 他们中没有一个人代表生产的利益-Vilescit起源的塔利。 (骰子从一开始就被加载)

    阿尔伯特·杰伊·诺克(Albert Jay Nock),《自由与宪法》:早期斗争

    mises.org/每日/ 4254

    Read it and be duped no more.

  77. @Alden

    Great comments there!

    One tiny clarification, sorry.

    Judges rule and have since 1804


    They seem to function as agents for certain elements of the money bag crowd and they undoubtedly do as they are told, or else. I think they are 工具 of our rulers.

  78. @Jon Halpenny

    in the 1990s when they had enormous influence over the government of Yeltsin.

    Strangely, lowlife Berezovsky, was “vykrestok”, he was Russian Orthodox by religion. It was not so much to his, Gusinsky or any other Jewish oligarch’s “smarts” as per Yeltsin being a mindless drunk animal who literally refused to govern, being most of the time incapacitated, that they exercised such a homicidal influence over Russia’s fates in 1990s. But, but, having said all that–I recently read a tear-jerking interview of poor-poor dear Bobkov, a former KGB’s 5th Directorate big honcho, Russian, who had no inhibitions of working for Gusinsky’s criminal organization and when, in the end, he got shafted (deservedly so) he started to cry rivers on how all this was with good intentions and only with one thought of preserving Russia. Right, and I am an alien from planet Zoltar. While Jews did exercise such an influence, the role of the very many Russians who rose from the social recesses of the collapsing Soviet Union to the positions of power and money must not be overlooked–they loved it all along and laughed all the way to bank, that is those who have not been gunned down by criminal civil war which took place in Russia in 1992 on. But that is the separate, and way more important than Jewish influence, history of Russian “liberalism”.

    • 回复: @bjondo
  79. @Respect

    I don’t pretend to know why Stalin “won, ” but to the extent that he did, part of the answer is that he knew how to play the pompous, ignorant, stupid uber-assholes like FDR and Churchill like the fools they were.

    For that and his elimination of Old Bolshies I give him high grades.

    • 同意: byrresheim
  80. @bj

    Whites are not cleansed from Manhattan or Brooklyn. Trump lives there.

    From Detroit? Yes, but that was partly economics. South Chicago? Yes. Miami? No.

  81. @Aramis Kretzer

    Inasmuch as Congress is composed of wealth-seeking curs operating from a platform of pecuniary gain…

    That’s a brilliant summary which pretty well describes the constitutionalist motive for imposing that thing on the rest of us in the first place. The current parasite class is cut from material similar if not identical to those who advocated the thing from the beginning.

  82. @Aramis Kretzer

    Fascinating. I love the shift in viewpoint presented by Shamir, in contrast to the tired, bedraggled chestnuts from Giraldi and Sailer. Much more analytically considered, much more useful exposition of fact.


    Moreover, there is nothing wrong about taking money from wealthy Jews. I did it.

    The guy is still pure as freshly fallen snow, right? Psst, I have a ski resort in Florida that I’ll let you have cheap. Cuz yer a 特别 fella…

    • 回复: @Aramis Kretzer
  83. bjondo 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Strangely, lowlife Berezovsky, was “vykrestok”, he was Russian Orthodox by religion


    Boris Abramovich Berezovsky was born in 1946, in Moscow, to Abram Markovich Berezovsky (1911–1979),[28] a Jewish civil engineer in construction works,[29][30] and his wife, Anna Aleksandrovna Gelman (22 November 1923 – 3 September 2013).[31] Berezovsky always stressed his Jewish heritage, although by Orthodox Jewish law he was not Jewish, as his maternal grandmother was not Jewish.

    Where else do you deceive?

    Maybe I have misread?

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  84. bjondo 说:
    @jacques sheete

    一年之内,加沙的巴勒斯坦人, history’s largest concentration-extermination-weapons-testing prison,而西部监狱中的巴勒斯坦人所遭受的苦难比犹太人在 2500 年来所遭受的苦难还要多。

  85. Wally 说:

    Except the German ‘invaders’ were forced to ‘invade’.

    I suggest a less Zionist manipulated view of WWII for you.

    Barbarossa行动是预防性袭击: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7999
    希特勒战争简介: https://www.unz.com/article/introduction-to-hitlers-war/

    The Communists ‘won’ because they had vast material support from ‘the Allies’.


    • 回复: @Respect
    , @byrresheim
  86. @Aramis Kretzer

    to the tired, bedraggled chestnuts from Giraldi

    The United States, unlike Russia, DOES have Jewish and Israeli influence problem. It is difficult to deny it after 26 standing ovations by the joint session of US Congress to Bibi. I cringed from disgust and I am Russian. So, I wouldn’t call what Phil Giraldi does “tired”. Another matter that, and Phil addresses it once in a while, Israeli influence issue must always be used in connection to Christian Zionist enablers of this atrocity and those, so called “Christians”, are a very large strata of the American society. Their loyalty to Israel trumps that to the United States. It is impossible to ignore and it is revolting.

    • 同意: renfro, RadicalCenter
    • 回复: @Aramis Kretzer
  87. escobar 说:

    创建一个崇拜金钱的社会,在这个社会中,“金钱万能”,道德——基于宗教的或世俗的——被抛弃或蔑视,犹太人将占据领导地位,并强化他们所体现的粗俗的唯物主义。 正如高盛首席执行官曾经打趣的那样:“我们正在做上帝的工作。”
    还记得克林顿被称为第一位“黑人总统”的时候吗? 并非如此,但也许他是第一位“犹太总统”。 (犹太人中也有常见的例外。现在比 50 年前少了。权力导致腐败。)

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  88. renfro 说:

    Today, there are fewer and fewer such voices; and that’s why God bless Ron Unz for picking up the torch.

    Fewer is becoming more……put your ear to the ground and hear the hoof beats. The Israel problem and therefore the Jewish problem is a world wide matter , not just a US or gentile vr jew matter.

    In rare step, International Criminal Court reaches out to ‘Palestinian victims’


    In an exceedingly rare move, the International Criminal Court last week launched a campaign to reach out to “victims of the situation in Palestine,” raising the ire of Israeli officials and criticism from a former Foreign Ministry legal adviser.
    In a little-noticed press release issued Friday, three judges who are members of the so-called pretrial chamber dealing with Palestinian complaints of alleged Israeli war crimes ordered the court’s registry “to establish, as soon as practicable, a system of public information and outreach activities for the benefit of the victims and affected communities in the situation in Palestine.”
    Furthermore, the judges required the registry — a neutral organ of the court providing administrative support — to open an “informative page on the Court’s website” geared exclusively to Palestinians, and to report on the progress of its activities every three months.
    “The Registry shall establish, as soon as practicable, a system of public information and outreach activities among the affected communities and particularly the victims of the situation in Palestine,” judges Péter Kovács, Marc Perrin de Brichambaut and Reine Adélaïde Sophie Alapini-Gansou wrote.
    The judges’ goal is the creation of a “continuous system of interaction between the Court and victims, residing within or outside of Palestine,” they added.
    Victims “play an important role” in the court’s work, the judges noted.
    “Victims have therefore the right to be heard and considered, at stages of the proceedings determined to be appropriate, and the Court has the duty to effectively enable them to exercise this right.”

    Alan Baker, a former legal adviser to Israel’s Foreign Ministry who was involved in negotiating the ICC’s founding statute, slammed the statement as “quite crazy,” arguing that the court has allowed itself to become a tool of pro-Palestinian propaganda.”

    *This statement is perfect example of how Israel/jews make up their own alternate reality …Jerusalem has long argued that the ICC has no jurisdiction over matters related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, since it has no jurisdiction over Israel (which is not a member state) and because Palestine is not a state and therefore cannot exercise jurisdiction over the West Bank. /i>

    The ICC does have jurisdiction over Israel regardless of whether it is a member state or not if it commits crimes within a member state–The International Law statues very plainly state that non member state actors can be charged by the ICC when they commit crimes in a member state…..and Palestine is a member state and signatory to the ICC and Rome Statues.
    Palestine was recognized as a “State by the UN on 29 November 2012, the UN General Assembly passed a motion making Palestine an offcial “non-member observer state” by a vote of 138 to 9, with 41 abstentions.
    As of 3 August 2018, 137 of the 193 member states of the United Nations and two non-member states have recognized the State of Palestine.

  89. @bjondo

    Where else do you deceive?

    So, you have no clue. Neither does Wiki, which in such issues is as reliable as Ford model T .


    Google Translate will help. Obviously you are also cut off Russian TV to know anything but Russian Orthodoxy and re-baptizing of Berezovsky was a huge issue in Russia when SOB was killed by British.

    • 回复: @CalDre
  90. @jacques sheete

    The guy is still pure as freshly fallen snow, right? Psst, I have a ski resort in Florida that I’ll let you have cheap. Cuz yer a special fella…

    Shamir’s opinion is basic, untrammeled by Giraldi’s vendettas and Sailer’s need-to-please his groupies.

    Disabuse yourself of any belief that your opinion of my opinion troubles me. Gripe about adolescent merde like that to your fellow adolescents. Don’t waste my time.

  91. Anonymous[346]• 免责声明 说:

    I personally know two people who survived tobacco-induced lung cancer, and I’m not even a doctor.

  92. Anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:

    耶稣实际上很受犹太人欢迎。 犹太约圣经是这么说的。

    路加福音 4:15 耶稣在会堂里教训人,众人都称赞他。

    Sure the Jews had an internal spat, and the Jews killed Jesus, another Jew. Communists had internal spats too, and killed Trotsky, another Communist. Surely you don’t think we have to support Trotsky to be anti-Communist, do you? The whole 敌人的敌人 逻辑是稀粥,尤其是当应用于犹太人对犹太人的暴力时。 谁在乎哪一方更正确呢?

  93. @Andrei Martyanov

    So, I wouldn’t call what Phil Giraldi does “tired”.

    How about “shop-worn”?

    I agree with Giraldi, for the most part. But, it’s like the old Art Buchwald columns. Same jokes, different day. I like to see a different POV be expressed, and Shamir is a good addition. Can’t say as I agree with everything Shamir says, either. So what’s the problem?

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  94. Sparkon 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    That wasn’t the point, but now that you’ve referred to this “truck load of intellectuals,” predicting “a future world war,” as Zionist co-founder Nordau did, would you mind providing a direct quotation or two from that truckload of intellectuals to support your argument?

    You stated that WWI had “very little to do with Jews.”

    In response — to contradict your claim — I provided a direct quotation from the co-founder of Zionism showing that by 1903 already, a plot was underway to ignite a world war by which the Jews would get Palestine.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  95. CalDre 说:
    @Israel Shamir

    Aside from what others have written on the evidence that Jews dominated the Bolsheviks (including half-Jew Lenin and rabid Jew Trotsky, who spent the years prior to the “Revolution” (Carnage) collecting money from Jewish bankers on Wall Street, the fact is Jews dominated the Bolsheviks and especially the genocidal anti-Christian terror squads.

    Stalin beat Trotsky to power by a historical coincidence, and purged a good number of Jews, leading to their reduction in the Bolshevik leadership as Shamir points out.

    But, he did not purge them all, and the most vicious and violent among his remaining servants were Jews. E.g., Lazar Kaganovich was responsible for the Holodomor, the grand theft of food from farmers which led to millions and millions of deaths (ironically, though it was the Jew Kaganovich and the Georgian Stalin who made the decisions, and it was carried out largely by Ukrainian nationals in Ukraine (the famine also decimated parts of Russia and other Soviet Republics, and even in Ukraine, it was most egregious in the more Russian Eastern oblasts), Ukrainians blame Russians for the crime – and we may note that Jews to this day control virtually all of the mass media in Ukraine, which is responsible for creating this impression and in general the vicious Russophobia in Ukraine).

    Kruschev purged even more of the maniacal Jews, including Lazar Kaganovich. Finally after all Jews were purged from Communism, it became a tolerable system. Gone was the Red Terror, mass murdering and gulags. (That is, until Jews once again seized power in Israel, now they do it to their Palestinian neighbors under the Jew supremacist banner of Zionism, though less “roughly”, not out of morals, but out of politics, being too cruel (although they are already immensely cruel) to their Palestinian “subhumans” would not be “good for the Jews”, given limits on their global power at this juncture.)

    Shamir is pushing fake history here.

  96. @Sparkon

    I provided a direct quotation from the co-founder of Zionism showing that by 1903 already, a plot was underway to ignite a world war by which the Jews would get Palestine.

    Sure, whatever floats your boat. I was wrong, you were right.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  97. CalDre 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Apparently it is you who has no clue. According to Russia’s “official” media arm RT:

    Berezovsky has always stressed his Jewish origins, although under Jewish law he is not a Jew, as his maternal grandmother was not Jewish. However, aged 47, he got Israeli citizenship and became an orthodox Christian a year later.

    并根据 Haa’retz:

    The Moscow native, the son of a Jewish father and a mother with Jewish roots, immigrated to Israel in 1993 but later renounced his Israeli citizenship, according to the Israeli news website Walla.

    Of course everyone knows that sub-human cattle (like Russians) do not get Israeli citizenship, and the test for that itself is pretty strict.

    More “fake history” … Are you Communist? Jewish?

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  98. Anonymous[295]• 免责声明 说:

    Catholics worshiped Jews, long before 梵蒂冈二世 or any other lame excuse you may concoct.

    属于犹太人 儿子身份,荣耀,立约,法律的赐予, 崇拜…'”


    Just like the Jew Testament says. No theological hairsplitting can undo such a horrible foundation.

    我们崇拜 我们所知道的,因为救恩来自 犹太人。” 约翰福音4:22

    What white man needs “saved,” anyway, by a Jew or otherwise? Saved from what?

  99. @CalDre

    Apparently it is you who has no clue. According to Russia’s “official” media arm RT:

    Hey, sure–poor Jewish me for whom English is a second language, but you, obviously, have no comprehension of it at all. I quote your quote from RT.

    he got Israeli citizenship and became an orthodox Christian a year later.

    What do you think, did you show me, ah? I will return you to my original post–I know, English language is an issue for you, but here it is, I quote myself:

    Strangely, lowlife Berezovsky, was “vykrestok”, he was Russian Orthodox by religion.


    I guess, I can now rest calmly in my uber-Jewishness (having, of course, low Russian nobility lineage and Cossacks too), but what do I really know about Russian history and media after you utterly “destroyed” my Berezovsky argument, LOL.

    • 回复: @CalDre
  100. Anonymous[295]• 免责声明 说:

    Jesus himself, a typical Jew, was a Jewish Supremacist. He made a goyim female beg like a dog to a foreign Jewish “Master” for crumbs from a table set “只要” for Jews in Matthew 15:21-28. And he specifically denounced white Goyim patriarchy in Matthew 20:25, Mark 10:42, and Luke 22:25.

    But muh 不适用((((J)))ALT! kek!

    Jesus didn’t have dual loyalties to both Jews and Whites. Nobody does, no matter how sincere they proclaim their Dual Loyalty. Jews gonna Jew.

    No white man ever needed Jesus, or any other Jew. Quit being so pathetically 有需要的。

    • 回复: @Alden
  101. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说:


    The Liberal media and Hollywood that decry alternative news people on the Internet as ‘conspiracy theory’ lunatics once harbored the same kind of mentality.

  102. @Jeff Stryker

    You mean to say that “fewer” people smoke nowadays. As to marijuana, however, I doubt that’s true in the USA.

    In any event, I know that my psychological and emotional issues have nothing to do with pot. I have plenty of people who will testify that I was this messed up before I ever smoked 😉

  103. Alden 说:

    Most weed’s been grown in grow houses, not outside for decades now. Now that weed’s legal taxed and certified, the profit will be less.

    But just 5o primo plants of high THC weed can bring a profit of $100,000 a year. The 99 legal medical marijuana plants can double the profit. It’s a lot of hard work but isn’t difficult to manage if you have a regular job. The electricity bill will be very high unless you have an electrician friend who will “adjust” the wiring for you. It’s also possible to mess with the water meter.

    The 99 legal medical plants can be grown in a 8 by 10 space even with the water light and electrical motors hooked up. The stripping and packaging can be done anywhere.

    If you don’t have a garage use a small bedroom next to a bathroom and do your own piping. You can save on electricity by building a just big enough box for the plants and grow lights If you are growing just a few plants for personal use all you need is a few pots, a grow light and you can manually water, fertilize and squirt pesticide in the bugs.

    I think the only people who grow weed outside are the illegal Mexicans who grow it in the national forests. But it’s vsry low quality because of lack of grow lights and bugs.

    Medical marijuana for pain is bogus. It really doesn’t break the contact between the site of the pain and the brain. Only the prescription pain killers do that. For lesser pain, aspirin Tylenol and muscle relaxers are as good or better as marijuana.

    The growers might do ok with legal marijuana. The certification, testing, and incredible taxes might, just might mean that no one will buy legal weed and just go on buying it from the illegal growers. Some liberal California politicians have proposed a 45 percent tax on legal weed.

    It’s probably possible to grow low THC hemp for paper cloth and things outside. But I really can’t see growing primo high THC weed outside.

    • 回复: @mcohen
  104. Alden 说:

    For someone who doesn’t like Jews Christianity and Jesus you sure know a lot about the Bible.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  105. mcohen 说:

    Normally i never read the articles on unz.they are mostly tedious and repetitive.i go straight to the comics section because laughter is the best medicine.
    This time round I found the opposite.the comics secton came first.”israel shamir” is actually quite amusing in this parody of churches.a parade of statements of excitable buffonery, a touch of brown bled by a clown. A judge all dressed up in a red gown.the jews rolled the world back to the dark ages,he uttered to rattle the cages.like soft cheese squeezed from a tube,he presents “facts” in need of a lube.
    If only you knew what lies ahead, for the truth is long dead

  106. Sean 说:

    Goods were exported to Denmark (which was legal), the packaging was changed (illegal), and then they were resold to countries where imports from Germany were banned. Part of the profit found its way into the Bolsheviks’ coffers via businesses in Stockholm. A key part here was played by Yakov Fürstenberg, the manager of a Scandinavian-based import-export company whose directors, Alexander Helphand and Georg Sklarz, were known agents of Germany. Though Lenin publicly disdained Helphand, Fürstenberg was one of his closest contacts, his north European fixer.

    They got him there and they financed him once he was there, and he got Russia out the war, which is what they wanted. He 思想 of himself as an agent of international Marxism, so the idea that he could be pro Germany (or pro Russia) never entered Lenin’s head.

    Lenin’ … protested that he had snubbed every agent the Germans sent him. He insisted (rightly) that his party had triumphed by giving voice and shape to real passions and despairs. Still, cash had been essential. In the summer of 1917, the British estimated that it would cost them 2 million pounds a month to match Lenin’s propaganda effort. The high price had to take account of Bolshevism’s genuine appeal, but even Lenin knew that newspapers and posters did not print and distribute themselves.[..]At the end of 1917, Germany’s foreign minister, Richard von Kühlmann, gloated about his country’s role in November’s Bolshevik coup. Berlin, he said, had long schemed to subvert Russia. The challenge had been to find a person who could do the job. The Germans had backed a range of hopefuls, from Finnish nationalists to Central Asian jihadists. “It was not until the Bolsheviks had received from us a steady flow of funds through various channels,” Kuhlmann explained in a frank memorandum, “that they were in a position to build up their main organ, Pravda, to conduct energetic propaganda and to extend the originally narrow basis of their party.”

    Trump could insist (rightly) that he triumphed by giving voice and shape to real passions and despairs. Trump also had rhetorical skills and brand recognition honed in a decade on his TV show. Crucially, the MSM gave him early coverage (for the ratings he brought) out of ignorance of his chances, and once he started winning it was too late to deny him the nomination. His rating draw powers, personal recognition and wealth equaled a billion dollar campaign. Clinton could still have won if she had listened to her husband. The Tsarina was regarded as German whore, just as Marie Antoinette was before the French revolution (there are other simulates that cannot be gone into here), Tsarist Russia’s major mistake was very simple: they had a small police force relative to the population. Their minor mistake was not going after the families of those who tried to kill the Tsar.

    The gardener is not old he is 47, and he may, or may not, be dead in weeks. The judgement against Monsanto is due to films like Erin Brockovich. Just kidding the woman in Erin Brockovich had Hodgkin’s lymphoma, whereas the black gardener has non Hodgkin lymphoma so there obviously is no connection.

    • 回复: @CalDre
  107. @Aramis Kretzer


    • 回复: @Old Jew
  108. Respect 说:

    stop thinking the other way around , paranoid western idiot

    A paranoid believes in his sick mind that everyone is against him , so he may feel entitled to attacks others ” preventively ” , but he is a paranoid psychopath .

    The facts : Hitler invaded Russia , Russia did not invade Germany , period .

    Maybe Hitler was under the effects of Pervitin , as a good part of the german armies , they were drug adicts , maybe he was having a paranoid amphetamine ( Pervitin ) psychosis .


    Probably you will say that zionists put Pervitin and other drugs in the soup of the nazi armies , and that the poor good nazis did not know they were taking it , western idiot .

    • 回复: @CalDre
    , @Wally
  109. CalDre 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Hey, sure–poor Jewish me for whom English is a second language, but you, obviously, have no comprehension of it at all.

    For me English is a third language, but yet, quite honestly, your comprehension problem is not with English, your problem is that you are being a dogmatic know-nothing. I hope you are not always like this – does your unjustified arrogance also reflect your understanding of military matters?

    So let’s get to the point, shall we. The context of the thread was whether Jews had twice conquered or almost conquered Russia. the second time being in 1990s under Yeltsin. To which you 回答 that Berezovsky was an Orthodox Christian. But being Orthodox Christian in name does not make you not a Jew, nobody claimed he was a religious Jew (most Jews, certainly in the “West”, are in fact atheists, even while maintaining the hyper tribalism of classic Judaism). He was a Jew by birth and in 1993 he claimed Israeli citizenship. So your distraction by pointing out that he apparently converted to Orthodox Christianity by undergoing some simple rituals doesn’t mean much. From what I can tell from that lowlife’s actions, he probably thought that was better for business, given that everyone in Russia was starting to realize the Jewish oligarchs were seizing control, a bit of diversion that “Cossaks” like you fall for like awed children.

    Apart from tribalism and identity, if you are so dumb as to think a professed Christian cannot be a religious Jew I suggest you study the term crypto-Jew (hint: it’s a fake conversion for convenience). Did he attend a Russian Orthodox church in UK? Or was his “public conversion” the only connection? Did he even go through the catechism?

    As to your alleged “nobility lineage”, nobody cares. And speaking Russian does not make you undisputed king of Russian history – in fact many Russians disagree with you and beside that I am sure you have opinions about histories of other peoples do, no? Being of the same ethnicity does not make you an expert (except only Jews can speak about Jewish history, oy vey).

    You answered indirectly you are not Jewish, and given your silence on the Communist question, you have also indirectly answered that.

    • 回复: @I.M
  110. CalDre 说:

    Hitler invaded Russia , Russia did not invade Germany , period .

    Nobody is denying that. The question is whether the invasion was in preemptive self-defense. An example would have been Iraq attacking US troops as they were being amassed in the Kuwaiti desert.

    Stalin and his Red Horde was poised to invade Europe to try to conquer it all, and thereby the world, culminating in Lenin’s Imperialist Strategy of world conquest. The evidence is overwhelming. Nazi Germany’s greatest contribution to humankind was to respond to that existential threat.

    • 回复: @Respect
    , @jilles dykstra
  111. CalDre 说:

    “Sealed train” with $20 million in gold from (((NY))) bankers, arranged by (((Trotsky))), enabled by the (((Warburg))) family.

    There is little doubt that Bolshevik Jews and Germany had a common interest here – Germany to end the war and Jews to begin their Bolshevik (Jewish Communist) totalitarian dictatorship under the fraudulent banner (which they still carry to this day) of “liberty” and “equality”.

  112. 从哪里开始? 让我们首先欢迎您回到您真正属于的地方,向您展示 Goyim 不知道的关于犹太人的事情。 而且,你做得很好,很自然,因此我错过了你关于你从前的人的专栏,而不是让所有人都对他们的恶作剧大肆宣扬,这可能比其他人的总和更大,去熟悉唯一值得了解的游戏.

    但在我忘记之前,关于印度婆罗门的一两句话:尽管近年来既得人类学利益否认,但他们是一个真正可识别的局外人,他们一定在俄罗斯领土或附近有起源。 自从英国统治以来,部落一直对他们表示同情和支持,尽管他们的宗教信仰截然相反。 即使在今天,他们仍以百事可乐、谷歌和微软等公司的首席执行官的形式受到青睐,尽管他们带有明显的泰米尔人倾向,属于教士种姓……哈科恩家族确实认识他们友好的同行,如果他们对重新征服印度斯坦很有用,在卡片中。

    在移民美国之前,我曾在耶稣会办的学校上过几年,那里有一位与伊比利亚犹太人非常相似的教士,他是我九年级时一位自负的数学老师,后来成为大主教加尔各答(加尔各答)。 而现在,当我想到教团是如何被部落的一些成员俘虏时,我不禁不寒而栗,以为加扎瓦·伊因德在一千年内无法实现的目标,就在与阴谋集团新成立的伙伴关系中和客户,沙特之家,当地人不知道。 可怜的我!

    现在说犹太人! 我能够并且确实理解的是,与任何其他商业集团不同的是,一个积极进取的群体,拥有那种教育和资金,更不用说长期记录的连续性,可能会完全控制,也许即将通过现代技术的帮助,如臭名昭著的沙皇时代制造的议定书所述。 但是为了什么目的? 你和 Unz 没有回答这个关键问题。 在他们不择手段地征服了世界之后,他们对我们其他人的计划是什么……这些才是人们想要确定的真正谜团,为这种可能性做准备。

    如果你们中的一个人专注于流亡犹大的深奥细节,那肯定会有所帮助,这当然是受欢迎的; 然而,另一个人应该关注控制的最终目标,例如他们是否会建造第三圣殿,并在完成后,希伯来 GD,YHWH 会出现,以奖励他的人民并惩罚其余的人,或者只是让他们飞出去一个不同的,更丰富的星球,让其他星球在没有天选者的天才的情况下消亡? 我真希望有人能解开这些谜团!

  113. Anonymous[211]• 免责声明 说:

    Who would want to make a habit of being a loser?

    “如果你 认识敌人 and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”


    Or rather, who would want to be a habitual loser, other than the dupes of Rabbi Jesus?

    “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil…But I say unto you, Love your enemies.” -Schlomo on the Mount

    • 回复: @Respect
    , @Alden
  114. Respect 说:

    another western idiot , yea ,the yankees , the USA , have done ” preventive ” attacks against most of the nations on earth , the US does 50% of the military expenses of the world , the US
    has 1000 military occupation bases out of the USA , and the US has been in war for about 220 years out of its 242 years of existence .

    But it is ” preventive ” you know , all the endless US wars are ” preventive ” , of course , The US is a pacifist nation of course .

    and regarding Germany , you say ” Nazi Germany’s greatest contribution to humankind was to respond to that existential threat. ” , well Germany was a respected nation till Hitler and the nazis started WW2 , now Germany can be a rich country but Germany is a morally cursed nation for her horrible nazi genocide past .

    • 回复: @CalDre
    , @ploni almoni
  115. refl 说:
    @Israel Shamir

    I appreciate that the idea of a jewish take over of Russia in the revolution is being demolished here, as it simply leads historical revisionism (well, in the West it is revisionism – I suppose the discussion among Russian historians to be somewhat more advanced) down the wrong way and an unhealthy one at that.

    Still, I take away from Sutton that Trotzky was moved to New York to secure influence in Russia after the revolution for the banks. The timetable of his movements suggests that the overthrow of the tsar was premeditaded by the anglosaxon elite well in advance (he was expelled from France to Spain already in October 1916, I believe).
    And I would suppose that with this background he had no chance ever to become Lenins successor.

    By 1917 it was clear that Germanys defeat was aproaching and the British empire would bot allow Russia to have their share in the spoils of victory.
    The tsar might have accepted a separate peace with Germany and was indeed overthrown by a new government that was hellbent on keeping its catastrophic obligation to the Entente.
    This led to the complete military breakdown of the 1917 offensive and subsequent breakdown of any order in Russia. The goal to defeat Germany and demolish Russia in the same act was achieved.

    My source: firtsworldwarhiddenhistory (in a rudimentary summary).

    By the way, western historiography on Russia is certainly mainly infantile. For ever so many years I have tried to understand just the deathtoll of stalinism and wondered, why the numbers never really add up – well, they were not meant to add up, but to be HUGE.

  116. CalDre 说:

    the USA , have done ” preventive ” attacks

    I wrote nothing of the sort, and it’s quite contrary to my posting history. Talk about paranoid delusions ….

    Germany was a respected nation till Hitler and the nazis started WW2 , now Germany can be a rich country but Germany is a morally cursed nation for her horrible nazi genocide past

    WW II started when UK and France declared war on Germany. Certainly the invasion of Poland, which was not unlike hundreds of precedents in European history, did not start a WW, as Poland was quickly defeated.

    As to genocide, I think you Communists are better familiar with that. Even Soviet archives reveal the Holohoax is a myth but that the Bolsheviks launched the systematic destruction of Russian Christians, with vastly more Christians murdered then is even alleged in the absurd Holohoax. Though Stalin did get in the last laugh, starting this slander against Germany, with Jews more than happy to perpetuate the myth. Reminds one of the Katlyn Forest Massacre …

    • 回复: @Respect
  117. Respect 说:

    The holocaust existed , you western idiot , just an example of your german and ucranian friends


    you must be an ucranian idiot , or a polack idiot Katyn sucker , still worse than western idiots , are you taking Pervitin like you nazi masters ?

    • 回复: @CalDre
  118. Israel outdid himself. Excellent article. It was long time due to touch upon all this Jewish influence upon Russian revolutions and put it into real context. Andrei posts here were excellent in revealing and repulsing bs that I have to read non stop every day be it here , Russia insider and elsewhere. Agree with both of you.

  119. mcohen 说:

    Bogart that joint my friend….

    • 回复: @Alden
  120. Respect 说:

    In life we all end up losers , getting old , dying , and nobody carries with him beyond the riches , diplomas , positions , land … he had in this life …..

    Don`t you think it is a big mistery ? you ,winner , you übermesch ?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  121. CalDre 说:

    The holocaust existed , you western idiot

    If you are referring to your Communist idols genocide of Christians, yes, it did. Wikipedia has a lot to say about Russian involvement in Ukraine and your hero Stalin’s vast and unparalleled crimes against humanity, since this is your Bible, have a read of it.

    you must be an ucranian idiot , or a polack idiot Katyn sucker , still worse than western idiots , are you taking Pervitin like you nazi masters ?

    This kind of extreme hatred is exactly what characterizes Communists like you. If only your Stalin buddy were around to kill me, wouldn’t that be grand?

  122. renfro 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Russian history of the 20th century being nothing more than Solzhenitsified caricature. It was my both human and academic position for years now, and with each day I find more and more evidence in support of it, that the so called “Russia Studies” field in the US is generally dead because it completely and blatantly disregards main driving forces behind Russia’s 20th century history and turns Russian history in nothing more than Disney cartoon about palace intrigue by Jews, Bolsheviks, Evil, what have you.

    You are evidently reading the wrong American books or getting your opinion on this from what you see on blogs.
    I had to go dig out my old university world history book to check. What it says basically is the bad outcome of the Russia-Japanese War led to the Russian Revolution of 1905. And that by 1914 after Nicholas led his country into another war discontent in Russia grew as food became scarce, and soldiers and the populace became war-weary.
    What kicked off the Revolution and caused Czar Nicholas to abdicate was the army joining striking workers demanding relief and reforms.

    So are you saying this is not accurate?

    Solzhenitsyn wrote what he saw about the mainly Polish Jews who had been annexed into Russia and since he was there and saw and lived it I think he is more creditable than many others.

    According to your bio, if you graduated in 1985 you were likely born in the 1960s. So you have to depend on sources by people that may or may not have been on the ground during those past times or either may have their own basis. However I don’t see anything in your bio that indicates any professional or educational creds. Being Russian does not make you a historian on Russia. 5 years in the Soviet Coast Guard and now living in America also does not make you a Russian military expert. So if you have more and other qualifications list them and we might consider you more of an authority and tolerate your insults better.

    安德烈·玛蒂亚诺夫(Andrei Martyanov)
    Mr. Martyanov is a graduate of Caspian (Kirov) Naval Academy, class of 1985. Upon graduation he served on ships of the Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. He currently resides in the United States

  123. ohmy 说:

    伊斯雷尔·沙米尔谈到今天; “批判性思考者”越来越少。聪明的批评家愿意讨论犹太人问题。他从未阐述过这样做的原因。如果他有的话,这篇文章就会有 100 字。任何敢于解决这一问题的知名人士都会受到布奈兄弟的攻击,并被贴上反犹太分子的标签,如果没有因仇恨言论被捕,可怜的灵魂就会失去工作,永远不会被原谅。看看杰里米·科尔宾现在正在发生什么,或者看看有多少专业教育工作者失去了职位,这一切都是因为他们敢于质疑犹太历史或以色列的种族主义国家。

  124. Anonymous[117]• 免责声明 说:


    –Pre-Christian Norse poem

    Sumber: 死者的名望

  125. CalDre 说:

    if you graduated in 1985 you were likely born in the 1960s

    But don’t you see? He “ha[s], of course, low Russian nobility lineage and Cossacks too” so he is born with knowledge of all Russian history and knows exactly what happened, more than anyone who was there, more than all the history books of anyone else.

    It is sadly a typical claim of Russians that nobody can write about Russian history than Russians, preferably Communist ones. In this they join their Jewish comrades, who also seek to monopolize discourse of Jewish history. At the same time, these folks also pretend to be world experts on all other history as well, particularly German and other Western history.

    It is at once evidence to even an idle observer that this ridiculous attempt to monopolize history are the ravings of liars.

  126. Alden 说:

    So you read it to know the enemy. The whole thing is pretty sick and horrible. Kill slay slay slay the enemy. The enemy was every other tribe the Hebrews encountered wasn’t it? Kill all the Egyptian babies, con a guy into marrying both the daughters in exchange for 14 years of slave labor, on and on.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  127. Alden 说:

    If you ever need extra money go for it.

    • 回复: @mcohen
  128. @Andrei Martyanov

    How much of her lungs were removed and what was the rate of oxygen that she needed afterwards to stay alive? Did she enjoy life or was it like Ariel Sharon on life support for a few years? Did she go on smoking?

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  129. @Andrei Martyanov

    Some people survive shooting a bullet in their head. So much for bull shit statistics.

  130. Essence of the conflict!
    If somebody want know what is really going on, here it is.
    Title is a little bit bombastic, but thought is very factual.

  131. anonymous[372]• 免责声明 说:

    The Hebrew exploits are Fake News fictions, not real history. Yet the worst of the Hebrew’s Tanakh (Old Testament) is that the Jewish deity Jehovah despises the God that my northern European ancestors worshiped and that I worship today.

    But ye who forsake Jehovah, who forget my holy mountain, who prepare a table for 良好, and fill up mixed wine unto Meni. (Isaiah 65:11)

    European translations of the Jewmagic book conflate the Teutonic name 良好 and the Jewish deity 耶和华 that the Rabbi-followers worship, as if they’re one and the same. They’re not, if the Bible is correct.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  132. People who experiment with cigarettes in the 9th grade trash their future. But kids who start smoking pot in the 9th grade often times do trash their future.

    …Like you, maybe. What are you 25 or so? Living at home. Never traveled to another country or held any sort of impressive job. Just tokin everyday while more and more of your friends drift away to careers and so on.

    Not everyone who starts smoking pot at the age of 15 is screwed, but half of them are.

  133. @Andrei Martyanov

    There were a number of Jews, several thousands, who were ennobled as Jews (without pretending to convert) in the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire, was not, contrary to Zionist propaganda, “anti-Semitic.” (Without Anti-Semitism there can be no Zionism, obviously, so it was invented, and planted by hired Journalists and through Psy-Ops like the Dreyfus affair and other such things.) This ennobling of ethnic and religious Jews was part of the normal imperial policy, just as there were Tatar Moslem nobles, Yusupov was one, and Lamaist Buddhist nobles, and Lutheran nobles and Catholic nobles. When you take people into the Empire, you make some of them nobles, particularly if they were important in their community before. This is normal in all empires.

    Lenin’s Grandfather Alexander Dimitrievich Blank (originally Israel or “Shrul” Moiseyevich Blank, he took the patronym Dimitrievich from his patron, Moiseyevich obviously would not do) had “converted” first to Lutheranism (his first papers said “converted” from Judaism) and then to Orthodoxy (so that the final civil ID papers said that he “converted” to Orthodoxy from Lutheranism). This was a common procedure for a certain type of person who was converting with ulterior motives. What does the Psalm say? “By way of deception you will make your war.” Lenin’s Great Grandfather Moisey Blank, or, Weiss, or Beliy, or “White” from Turkic Ak, which signified the Khazar religious noble caste (established in Lithuania when they moved there from Crimea in 1391), converted at an old age when his wife died. He wrote to the Tsar Nikolai I in 1835 to say he held off from converting earlier because she was religious and he humored her. Why was he writing to the Tsar in Yiddish? Maybe because he was a secret agent. Wasn’t Stalin originally a secret agent? (Speaking of names, Kara, which is “Black” or Schwar(t)z in Turkic denoted a Khazar military noble caste, while Kizl, that is, Red or, in Yiddish “Roth” signified a particular Shamanistic function. “Blue” or Blau, “Yellow” or Gelb, also have their Turkic meanings.)

    Marx “converted” to Lutheranism. Disraeli converted to Anglicanism. He wrote in the novel Coningsby that this had no harmful effects. Actually it had no effect at all, and he recommended it to all Jews. It made no difference at all! Do you think these conversions had any effect upon them whatsoever? Would they have any effect upon you? The Waves of conversions starting in in 1759 and 1772 were due to Jacob Frank, the successor follower of Shabbatai Zevi, the Spanish Jewish Antichrist in Turkey who converted to Islam in Constantinople in 1665. Those thousands who converted with Shabbatai Zevi in Turkey are the Doenmeh, who overthrew the Sultan and ran Turkey from 1908 until recently. Louis Brandeis was a Frankist. He did not convert but he kept an icon that his mother gave him of Jacob Frank’s daughter who was the female divinity in Frankism, the Shekinah. The Hassids also come from Shabbatai Zevi, but every Hassid group has its own divinity in their dynasty. Plenty to go around and more Hassid groups are being started all the time. And there are also pure Shabbatians, very few know who they are, unless they do something like make Jewish blessings on Shabbat over Shellfish while pretending to be Buddhists.

    Jacob Frank himself first converted to Islam and then converted to Catholicism (twice in two months. The second time in 1759 at the hand of the King of Poland). And 25,000 Jews converted with him and were ennobled by the Poles, and adopted in their families. That explains a great deal, doesn’t it? Jacob Frank then offered to the Russians to convert himself and his followers to Russian Orthodoxy. He did not do it, but many did. And now some do nothing but pretend anyway. See: “The Mixed Multitude: Jacob Frank and the Frankist Movement, 1755-1816” by Pavel Maciejko.

    Madeleine Albright’s parents converted to Catholicism, and she says she is an Episcopalian. She says she did not know that her parents converted. She only read it in the newspapers but, she said that finally explains to her why her cousins are Jewish. She always wondered. Does she strike you as a pukka Christian? Moses Maimonides converted to Islam in Fez. Then in Egypt he said, “Just kidding.” Some Jews have pretended to be Catholics for five hundred years. And then they suddenly discover they are… Jews. Happens all the time. They are called Marranos. Often with the name Cruz, Bonfante (or Belafonte) or Sottomayor, or Castro. In fact, when you get down to it, the Caribbean is mostly Marrano, even as far as Texas and New Mexico. An Israeli Court recently declared the Chuetas of Majorca to be Jews after five hundred years as being accepted as Catholics. They said they were Catholics but they only married among themselves, so… This can only be done if you only strictly marry among other Crypto Jews of course; if you marry outside, you blew it. It is considered to be a genetic thing by the Jews, some kind of holy seed business. But it is really a state of mind. Once its fundamental principles take over, namely “nothing is true, everything is permitted,” once this essential condition takes over the mind, it is very, very hard to change it. You can convert all you want. But very, very few can escape. You have received the mark of Cain.

    Lenin was not a “believing” Jew. How many Jews are believing? But he had a monkey on his back. You know that atheist Jews are the majority, and there are many, many more Jews than the official numbers. Nor were Lenin’s sisters believing Jews. But they believed they were Jews. One of Lenin’s sisters wrote to Stalin that it was time to declare to the world that Lenin was a Jew. It is in the archives. So the family thought they were Jews, even if you don’t think so. Trotsky certainly was also not a believing Jew. But he was a Jew nonetheless. You don’t have to speak Yiddish. Many Jews even honestly believe that they are not Jews. But they are Jews none the less. For example, if they believe in reincarnation. That is a giveaway.

    There is a lot of make believe in life. Have you noticed? Max Nordau said there are no British Jews, American Jews, or French Jews. There are only Jews who happen to live in America, in Britain, or France. This is elementary.

  134. @Respect

    Who made Chamberlain sign a treaty with Poland in May 1939 to go to war if Poland was attacked? (Which happened in September.) It was not Chamberlain’s idea or wish, nor that of the British people. The British people certainly did not want a war, and over Poland of all things, a nation brought back into existence by the Germans at the end of of World War II as a strategic measure against Russia. And World War II was completely un-necessary. Germany was correcting the depredations of Versailles. And even after the French and British started the war by invading Germany for a few miles, the Germans proposed peace. And who was at Versailles? In September 1939 The Poles pointed out to the British that the Soviets also attacked Poland, it was not just Germany that attacked Poland, but the British Government, for some reason, saw no reason to declare war on the Soviet Union. Did the British people want a war with Germany for Poland? On the face of it they did not. But Samuel Untermyer declared war on Germany in 1933. He started with Economic sanctions. Whose tactic is that? Whose war was it?

  135. @CalDre

    Hitler’s attack was defensive
    Bogdan Musial,“ Kampfplatz Deutschland,斯大林斯·克里格斯普莱恩·根根·韦斯特恩”,柏林,2008年
    The book is based on Russian archives, already closed again

  136. @ohmy

    蒂洛·萨拉津(Thilo Sarrazin),2010年慕尼黑,“德国沙夫基地(Deutschland schafft sich ab),威斯康星州土地(Aufs Spiel setzen)”
    他指责西方教育,并通过 PISA 统计数据证明了他的观点。
    克里斯托弗·拉施(Christopher Lasch),《自恋的文化,期望值不断下降的美国生活》,1979年,1980年,伦敦
    瓦鲁法基斯认为,自 1970 年以来,世界上任何地方都没有教授过宏观经济学;衍生品灾难之所以可能发生,是因为模型构建者相信自己的幻想。
    There is no such thing in economics as ‘absolute minimum value’.
    One can see here what ‘discussion’ nowadays is, in stead of formulating an argument a few URLs are copied

  137. @Kiza

    I don’t disagree with your approach in so far as you are endorsing Labor Senator Pat Kennely’s fondly quoted words “in any race in which Self Interest is running bet your short on him”. However I am not sure about your sugar v. fat example. I’ve been as reliable a faddish as most and also an observer of medical fashions and limitations. I don’t see any lobbying by sugar interests (including those who may have wanted to sweeten drinks with sugar rather than artificial sweeteners) as having more clout or reason to use it than producers of butter, full cream milk or ice cream, or fat on the hoof – not to mention producers of polyunsaturated spreads which were medically fashionable for decades until recently.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  138. @Kiza

    I don’t disagree with your approach in so far as you are endorsing Labor Senator Pat Kennelly’s fondly quoted words “in any race in which Self Interest is running bet your shi8rt on him”. However I am not sure about your sugar v. fat example. I’ve been as reliably faddish as most and also an observer of medical fashions and limitations. I don’t see any lobbying by sugar interests (including those who may have wanted to sweeten drinks with sugar rather than artificial sweeteners) as having more clout or reason to use it than producers of butter, full cream milk or ice cream, or fat on the hoof – not to mention producers of polyunsaturated spreads which were medically fashionable for decades until recently.

  139. @ohmy

    Fight against the established church of the realm had never been easy. In the Middle Ages, heretics were burned alive, now they are just branded ‘antisemites’. People do not die, they just “lose positions”. So the dissent is cheaper nowadays, and still it is less popular than in AD 2000.

    • 同意: Andrei Martyanov
    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  140. I.M 说:

    there was an excellent article (or two) on here about the overwhelming subversion of the catholic church by the same groups mentioned, i looked for it but couldn’t find it. I wonder if somebody could link to it again.

    It completely validates your point that such “conversions” are a standard operating procedure and tactic for centuries. It also gives a dramatic insight into the degree of the subversive capabilities of such groups, at a much earlier point in time, to the point where absolutely nothing can be ruled out. Such capabilities have only grown stronger and more refined since.

    • 回复: @CalDre
  141. Vojkan 说:

    “High quality” whites don’t join the Left, the Left co-opts them. To be co-opted by the Left, you have to embrace its moral relativism and its dogmas. Being dogmatic is not what I consider being spiritual. Trying to win back “Leftist” whites is like trying to convince islamic radicals. Contradict any of their dogmas and you’re immediately labeled a fascist. Any debate with a Leftist inevitably sooner or later reaches the Godwin point and you have the n-word thrown at you.
    I don’t want to win any of those folks back. The fight is not about capitalism, science, or materialism. The foundation of modern leftism is Marxism and Marxism is materialist at its core. Marxist dialectical materialism is applied Hegelian dialectic idealism, it’s what applied mathematics are to theoretical mathematics.
    The fight is not there. The fight is for the younger generations and in preventing their indoctrination by the Left. That cannot be achieved by trying to prove that the Left is wrong, but by exposing ideas that are Right. And I really don’t care for the colour of skin, those ideas have to be equally appealing to whites and non-whites. This is not a racial fight, it is a fight for all human civilisations in all their real diversity as they have been built for thousands of years against a band of lunatics who want to end them and create a “new” Mankind. It is a fight for roots against spiritless globalism.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
    , @AaronB
  142. Seraphim 说:

    Your European Nordic ancestors were pure Hebrews. All Western European Gothic peoples are the descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  143. mcohen 说:

    Nah not for me.i am a straight down the line self employed hardworking tradesman.it is the one little bit of dignity that i have in this ever increasing upside down world.

  144. Anonymous[332]• 免责声明 说:

    Ah, the Village Yidiot speaks. We wuz Jewkangs’n’sheeit!

  145. @renfro


    M.S. with specialization in Gyro-Inertial Navigational Complexes of Naval Strategic Missile Systems, specific types for Delta I-Delta II (pr. 667B-BD) Strategic Missile Submarines. Qualifications for tactical command of the Naval Infantry (Marines) units. But you wouldn’t know what is VUS anyhow and what command-engineering stands for. Bachelor Degree in Military Sciences. Graduate thesis on Anti-Submarine Warfare operations with the focus on hostile diversionary forces operations. While in Coast Guard, which were known as Marine Units of Border Guards of KGB USSR–experience of different command levels on several types of ships, including service in the Staff of Separate Brigade of Escort Ships as flag specialist (F-1). Graduate of High Command Officer Courses. I can continue for a long time if you need my credentials and operational experience but, yes, I know a little bit more, just teeny-weeny more, than late Tom Clancy about Soviet and Russian Armed Forces maybe because I was educated as such? So, is it in a ballpark or you need in depth review of how weapon systems are integrated both on ships and ground? Or do you need the list of courses taught in Soviet/Russian naval academies–I may try by memory.

    根据您的简历,如果您于 1985 年毕业,您很可能出生于 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代。




    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  146. @ploni almoni

    Did she enjoy life

    Very much so, for 21 years. Continued to sing in her choir, play mandolin and even dived at the age of 80, traveled a lot. Her issues later were with her heart and she died in sleep from heart attack. So, is it good enough for your statistical “analysis”? She quit smoking.

    • 回复: @ploni almoni
  147. @renfro


    So, it is obvious that you didn’t read his Russian Question in The End of the XX Century, as well as most of his “geopolitical” and “historical” writing. If you would read that–you would have been amused how Solzhenitsyn, as one example of many, BSes public on the issue of two Russian naval squadrons in New York (Admiral Lesovsky) and San-Francisco (Admiral Popov) during US Civil War–this is just one of many examples of Solzhenitsyn’s “credibility”. Obviously, he is “credible” for a specific category of public whose world view is based on a “Jew controls everything”–it is mostly badly educated (not to be mistaken with credentials–I knew some Ph.Ds who were dumb as fvcks) crowd of armchair radicals who are afflicted with an incredible complex of inferiority (and cowardice, I may add) and instead of educating themselves on real history, waste their time trying to avoid understanding how they got shafted and outsmarted by Jews by addressing their OWN issues of being dumb and cowardly, thus resorting to following all kinds of BS concepts, instead of studying. It is sort of a mental therapy for people, who would never go public and state their position openly and take a stand. Such as Phil Giraldi, John Mearsheimer or Israel Shamir do. Obviously, you also didn’t read my writings and the newest book where I also write about Israel effectively controlling US foreign policy. But never mind, although it is Thursday–I take a day off tomorrow and it is slow at work, so I have a little bit of time to hang around discussion threads and have fun.

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
    , @renfro
    , @CalDre
  148. @Israel Shamir

    So the dissent is cheaper nowadays, and still it is less popular than in AD 2000.

    Bingo! Dissent also has to be very educated and here in the US we have a pathological case of ignorance of the outside world and its history thus making this “dissent”, mostly confined to all kinds of discussion boards (such as this one), not having a chance in actual substantive discussion. Enough to take a look how Stephen Cohen destroys, calmly and with a great knowledge of the issue, a hysterical neocon prostitute Max Boot. A delight, really and how it is supposed to be done, but don’t expect this from most (not all) people here.

  149. @Vojkan

    “High quality” whites don’t join the Left, the Left co-opts them.

    Small clarification–Western Left. There is Russian Left and Chinese Left and they look completely different next to Western Left. But we may move even further–so called Western Left is not really Left, it is a brand assigned to it by people who practice faux-scholarship. Reality and a driving force of the Western Left is not so much Marxism, to which this W.Left appeals when it suites it, but still good ol’ liberalism. Western Left is a pinnacle of liberalism, it is its final form which atomized society utterly and in doing so undermined its foundation. The United States was a perfect nation to do so, it is the same as it is a perfect nation, as an example, for organizing Holocaust industry and selling it as a guilt medicine and use it as a coercion tool, the practice also imposed on war-torn Europe by its alleged “liberators”. It is also a perfect country to subvert its foreign and defense policies because the United States doesn’t know what REAL war is. Even rabid Russophobe Richard Pipes openly admitted it. In the end, United States never formed as a true nation. In many respects popular American 20th “history” of Russia is so consistently associated with “Jewishness” (apart from obvious ignorance of those who write it) because it is projection of own complex of inferiority. Russia changed Jews, Jews changed the United States and this inequality will exist and this is one which bothers greatly many of those WASPies in the US who have to face the fact that Russia didn’t sell out to Jews, while the United States today is effectively run by them in key sectors of national activity. This Russia-USSR-Bolsheviks-Jews-GULAG mantra is needed as a therapy for very many Americans in order to block out how they, and others, sold out their country to these very same Jews. Especially against the background of once great country literally turning into the third world multicultural cloaca with grim or no prospects at all. Sad, especially when one looks at purely American phenomenon of a vast strata of Christian Zionists loyal to Israel–an exhibit A of America’s failure to form as a cohesive nation.

    • 回复: @CalDre
    , @gmachine1729
  150. Sam Shama 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    显然,对于一类特定的公众来说,他是“可信的”,他们的世界观是基于“犹太人控制一切”——他们大多没有受过良好的教育(不要误认为资历——我认识一些博士,他们蠢得要命。 )一群纸上谈兵的激进分子,他们饱受令人难以置信的自卑情结(我可以补充一下,还有胆怯)的困扰,他们没有自学真实的历史,而是浪费时间试图避免理解他们如何通过解决自己的问题而被犹太人欺骗和智取。愚蠢和胆怯的问题,因此诉诸于遵循各种BS概念,而不是学习。这是一种对人的心理治疗,


    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  151. AaronB 说:

    I see idealism on the Left. I see harsh materialism on the Right.

    The Right has no values – the Right is anti-black because blacks cause crime – a good practical concern, but if that’s all you stand for, then you’re just an average person concerned with day to day living and without any larger idealistic vision.

    In other words, you’re not part of humanitys spiritual or intellectual elite – and history is made by these people, not you.

    The Right is – and always has been and will be – irrelevant. Christianity and Islam were the Left of their day.

    History is made by different factions of Leftists – that is, people with character and idealism who are concerned with more than just practical things – fighting it out between each other.

    When things change, it will not be because Steve Sailer pointed out for the thousandth time that blacks cause crime and that whites have higher IQs, or because Vox Day prayed to St Breivik, but because some internal faction within the Left will come up with an idealistic vision that is saner, healthier, and more inspiring than today’s grotesquely perverted Left.

    The Right is always composed of the bottom half of humanity – either decent people who are just concerned with practical things, nothing wrong with such people but they are uninspiring, or people of no values and low moral character.

  152. @Sam Shama


    My favorite military truism is that War (conflict, in general) is a very democratic affair–the enemy has the say too. It is like in life, one has to be aware not only about others but primarily of him(her) self, with own weaknesses, failures and such. In the end, the existential Russian 19th century intelligentsia questions: What To Do and Who Is Guilty matters a great deal. We observe today an utter (self)destruction of what used to be Anglo-Saxon (dominated) world. It is a drawn out process but it is short in historic terms. It started in 1939 in earnest and these were not Jews who did it, they sure helped, the seeds of own destruction were carried within liberalism and financial capitalism its spawned. Same goes for hysterical Russophobia which fits WASP “elites” just fine–all that are symptoms, not causes. But then again, Russian is a new Jew today–it is well-known that Russians control everything in America, from sewer and garbage disposal to media and POTUS. Damn, Russians are good. Suck on it, Jews!;-)

  153. @Andrei Martyanov

    A person who sings in a choir after lung cancer is a miracle. Or make believe.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  154. @ploni almoni

    Or make believe.


    Her choir sang on her funeral. We were there. Read this:

    Win loved to perform and continued singing and playing the mandolin right into her final days.

    You are despicable troll.

  155. renfro 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Obviously, he is “credible” for a specific category of public whose world view is based on a “Jew controls everything

    Ah….but that is not what Solzhenitsyn said or wrote. He wrote 200 Years to set the record straight about e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e involved as the Jews ,as usual , claimed they were innocent and victims in the revolution. But he did not absolve all the Russians themselves for their part. He did claim that many perpetrators ‘were not Russian’ and in that he was referring to the Jews.
    And your attacks on Solzhenitsyn and other recognized writers on Russia is what I mean about your insults to others and to the board—you insist you are a better authority , insult others who question you…..and I see no basis for your claim to authority.

    Obviously, you also didn’t read my writings and the newest book where I also write about Israel effectively controlling US foreign policy.

    Yes, I saw you wrote that about Israel. And I have agreed with some things you write about Russia vr the US.

    然而 …you are also not giving us anything about Russian naval capabilities that we cant get from FAS or the releases of George Fedoroff, the Russia Senior Intelligence Officer. at the Office of Naval Intelligence. You want us to believe that you as a Russian working in a aerospace company lab have better intel straight from Russian sources than Fedoroff has?
    In your comments it appears you are getting some of your info from these US sources.

    Lastly , what undermines your authority claim is your very obvious dislike of America and Americans—-we wonder why you even live here with that resentment of us and why if you are so knowledgeable and expert you aren’t in Russa giving them the benefit of your brilliance. Or why you are not working for the US Office of Naval Intelligence. They are always hiring Russia experts. Your disgust with America , although I share some of it , makes your a non objective source.
    You are basically trying to be a big Russian frog authority in a very very small sector of online blogs.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
    , @Seraphim
  156. Josecanuc 说:
    @Aramis Kretzer


  157. CalDre 说:

    I stumbled upon a paper (“Bolshevism: From Moses to Lenin“) describing the Nazi’s view of Jewish infiltration of Christianity, including Paul the Apostle, as well as Luther’s role in enabling Jewry. It generally describes the alleged Jewish version of “embrace and extend”.

    Not what you were looking for directly but ….

    • 回复: @I.M
  158. CalDre 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    As in so many things, it is, really, quite remarkable how the Protocols are so absolutely prescient about virtually everything. Not only in what will happen in the future, hundreds of years from when these “obvious forgeries” were found, but also who is behind them all (hint: they belong to a highly tribalistic group or their agents).

    Reality and a driving force of the Western Left is not so much Marxism, to which this W.Left appeals when it suites it, but still good ol’ liberalism. Western Left is a pinnacle of liberalism, it is its final form which atomized society utterly and in doing so undermined its foundation.

    In history there have been three primary unifying forces: family, clan/tribe/nation, and religion. As is made clear in the Communist Manifestos, the goal is to destroy all three – and, boy, are Liberals doing an unbelievably fantastic job of that! Open borders, feminism, abortion, atheism, etc. The goal of Communism is to revert all humans to an undifferentiated state and form their minds as Communists deem fit – all those who cannot be totally controlled are, as the Bolsheviks and Stalinists and Maoists and other Communists demonstrated, to be “liquidated”. It is basically the world of Big Brother in “1984” – they form their human subjects as an artist forms clay.

    As to atomization and dissension, my guess is you have never actually read the Protocols, due to the self-censorship and cowardice associated with Communists. I dare you to open your mind and read them objectively. If they are not an actual blueprint for the future (which has since largely been implemented, both in Bolshevism and Western Liberalism, which is to lead to the former), please, do explain which (main) parts of it are inaccurate (of course over a 150-year span there will be some (minor) strategic and tactical adjustments in this eternal “war”).

    • 回复: @anonymous
  159. @renfro

    You want us to believe that you as a Russian working in a aerospace company lab have better intel straight from Russian sources than Fedoroff has?

    I don’t want you to believe anything. Or, rather–be my guest, feel free to believe anything you want.

  160. CalDre 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Obviously, he is “credible” for a specific category of public whose world view is based on a “Jew controls everything”–it is mostly badly educated (not to be mistaken with credentials–I knew some Ph.Ds who were dumb as fvcks)

    Actually the “Jews control everything” crows is the brave one, for speaking the truth (though it’s not that extreme) will get you in lots of trouble.

    The real cowards are those who refuse to put blame where it belongs, and thus get the blessings of the nefarious psychopaths in charge, of which you seem to be a committed member. Yes “brave” you writes the most obvious truisms about Israeli control of US ME foreign policy but frankly a coward stops at that most obvious and undeniable point that is actually mainstream. And this is not just as a matter of principle and truth, about which you obviously care not one iota, but also about surviving and winning the current advance phase of war against humanity by the nefarious psychopaths in charge.

    Again, read the Protocols, if you have the courage, and compare against reality. You will see that they accurately predict, decades in advance, exactly what Solzhenitsyn wrote. It is not those who are anti-Semitic but those who are Bolshevik enablers who are dumb as rocks, ignorant, lazy and cowards. They refuse to read works like Mein Kampf and Protocols because their cowardice coerces them to remain ignorant. They repeat the Holohoax because they deeply fear being labeled a “denier” and risking their emoluments of the Empire for conforming and obeying, without ever bothering to research it because, you know, how can war propaganda be questioned?

  161. Wally 说:

    My my, your little panties are in a twist.
    “Maybe Hitler was under the effects of Pervitin , as a good part of the german armies , they were drug adicts , maybe he was having a paranoid amphetamine ( Pervitin ) psychosis .
    Probably you will say that zionists put Pervitin and other drugs in the soup of the nazi armies , and that the poor good nazis did not know they were taking it , western idiot .”

    “也许“? IOW, you’re making it up.
    Your link provides no proof that they were “addicts”. The link is just some nutter making up Zionist propaganda. LOL

    Of course Germany manufactured drugs, like most countries.

    In spite of the ridiculously childish nature of your claims, there is no doubt that all parties in WWII, and all wars for that matter, used stimulants to keep their troops going. Not to mention pain pills, alcohol, you name it. Drug use in war is as old as war itself. Rather unsurprising really.
    However, as is required in our Jew dominated media environment, only the greatly exaggerated ‘Nazis on drugs’, is acceptable discussion when in fact the Allies were using drugs. That information is not news.

    Yes, Germany attacked the USSR, they had no choice.
    Your dodge of the information that I posted which shoots down your Zionist silliness is classic ‘I can’t hear you’. LOL
    But then you are a not so bright Zionist, a paranoid one at that. LOL



    “ 6,000,000万犹太人”的谎言和墨西哥笑声:

  162. Hunsdon 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Andrei, could you recommend one or two good English text sources for interested students of Russian 20th century history? While I can read Russian it is much easier for me to digest complicated texts in my native tongue, English. I thank you in advance for any assistance you can render in this

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  163. Josecanuc 说:

    “犹太教首先教导的是:“如果我不为自己着想,谁会为我自己呢? (如果我们不为自己,谁会为自己?)犹太教要求我们放弃任何掩盖我们自身利益的伪理想。我们以前的主人可能不知道的是,尽管我们看起来很不同,但我们和前几代人一样自豪地是犹太人。我们不仅是企业界的第五纵队,也是罗斯柴尔德家族和瓦尔堡家族的继承人:我们终于到了属于我们的地方。 “
    以色列迫切需要的是我们对其灵魂的关心。我们迫切需要的是一个敢于提出异议的以色列。我们不需要以色列比我们更有男子气概,或者比我们更加犹太化,或者因为我们经常失败而赢得战争。我们需要以色列成为一个犹太复国主义的犹太国家。这……不是诺曼·波德霍雷茨(Norman Podhoretz)(评论)的“即时犹太复国主义”,它不能忍受批评……而是一种从异议世界中产生的犹太复国主义。海姆·格林伯格、斯蒂芬·怀斯、路易斯·马歇尔和亚伯拉罕·赫舍尔的继任者在哪里?如果没有,那是因为没有合适的观众,因为我们蔑视我们的异议和不合规传统。
    “Ahavat Yisrael——爱其他犹太人——意味着愿意分担那些无法解决的问题,尊重犹太人同胞……这意味着记住 halbanat panim——禁止公开羞辱他人——是什么。这意味着记住所有犹太人都是兄弟姐妹,必须以这种方式对待彼此……”
    未完成的拉比阿诺德·雅各布·沃尔夫拉比精选著作,芝加哥,1998 年

    • 回复: @mcohen
  164. bjondo 说:

    Did I read somewhere above that Andrei Martynov is a West Bank occupant? Seems so. From Russia to occupy. From occupation to deception.

    Now I have to reread carefully a contributor who seems buddy-buddy with AM.

  165. @Hunsdon

    Andrei, could you recommend one or two good English text sources for interested students of Russian 20th century history?

    I would go with this:

    Robert Thurston:

    Most of what Stephen Cohen writes and, if available,

    Per GULAG and repressions, Varlam Shalamov and his Kolyma Tales (Stories) are a MUST.

    This is what comes to mind immediately.

  166. mcohen 说:








    谢谢你把我介绍给狼拉比。我会去看看他。我年轻时也很幸运能得到一位伟大的拉比的指导,尽管他认为我是个白痴。他曾经在讲坛上连续斥责了我 15 分钟在犹太教堂里阅读 ayn rand(自私的美德)。

    自私的美德。问题:当安·兰德将自私描述为一种美德时,她的意思是什么?回答:安·兰德拒绝利他主义,即自我牺牲是道德理想的观点。她认为,对于每个人来说,最终的道德价值是他或她自己的福祉。 4 年 2010 月 XNUMX 日


    • 回复: @renfro
  167. @Likeitornot

    It’s not a “lame excuse” you nitwit. It’s a very cogent reference to a crucial change inthe Church of the last 50 years. Think!

  168. renfro 说:

    Ayn Rand aka Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum born in Russia.

    Just like there are no atheist in fox holes…..there aren’t any libertarians on government programs until they need them.

    ‘In 1976, she retired from writing her newsletter and allowed Evva Pryor, an employee of her attorney, to enroll her in Social Security and Medicare”.

    Gore Vidal called her viewpoint “nearly perfect in its immorality”…….he should have added nearly perfect in her hypocrisy also.

    • 同意: Talha, AaronB
    • 回复: @mcohen
  169. I.M 说:


    Luckily i managed to find the article itself.


    Anybody referencing any kind of ‘conversion’ should read this first to put such things in their proper context. The fact that Berezovsky converted is proof towards his subversive activities on behalf of that group, not against.

  170. mcohen 说:

    [Commenters who make absolutely no effort at proper capitalization, spacing, or punctuation should not be surprised if their remarks are trashed.]

    Yeah i know.the ayn rand mention was teaser for the geezer
    I read a few of her books.great stories.which one did you read?

    • 回复: @renfro
  171. Anonymous[129]• 免责声明 说:

    Christ = Jew.
    Antichrist = Anti-Jew.
    Is anti-Jew a problem with you?

  172. anonymous[174]• 免责声明 说:

    Jesus was the original Bolshevist, openly advocating to destroy family and nation, e.g., Luke 14:26, Matthew 19:27-30.

    [Jesus] rejects everything that exists without offering anything to replace it. He arrives at dissolving all existing social ties…The motive force behind the purity and power of this complete negation is ecstatic inspiration and enthusiastic hope of a new world. Hence his passionate attack upon everything that exists. Everything may be destroyed because God in His omnipotence will rebuild the future order…The clearest modern parallel to the attitude of complete negation of primitive Christianity is Bolshevism. The Bolshevists, too, wish to destroy everything that exists because they regard it as hopelessly bad.

    社会主义,第。 413

    So it’s not surprising that the followers of Bolshevist Jesus were the original Communists.

    “他们中没有人声称属于他的任何东西都是他自己的,但所有东西都是他们的共同财产……并且根据每个人的需要分配给每个人。”使徒行传 4:32-35

    Bolshie Jesus is not the anti-communists friend.

    • 回复: @CalDre
    , @Seraphim
  173. CalDre 说:

    Acts 4 has nothing to do with Bolshevism or socialism. A small group of people with a common view and love for each other shared things together. That was quite common in tribal societies. There is nothing wrong with voluntary sharing, most people do it at least within the family, or is the family Boslhevik too in your view?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  174. Anonymous[214]• 免责声明 说:

    Nice try at creating an acceptable narrative, but the Communist Church wasn’t voluntary. See the next chapter, Acts 5, and how the Communists collected money via 强迫.

    Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events. Acts 5:11

    Being compelled to do give out of “great fear” is the opposite of “voluntary.” It’s coercion. You’re lying.

  175. SteveK9 说:


  176. mark green 说:

    以色列·沙米尔 (Israel Shamir) 撰写了许多有先见之明、原创且反传统的文章。这是他最辉煌的作品之一。他值得我们感激,也值得更多的认可。谢谢你,沙米尔先生。

    • 同意: Them Guys
    • 不同意: utu
  177. @Andrei Martyanov

    Lol I only really learned of (in English) “cultural Marxism” and its political connotation in America maybe the past year.


    Thank God I learned to read Chinese unlike 99+% of Chinese immigrant kids, so that I could expose myself to the Chinese Left. What do I think of the Western Left? Let me quote a guy with BS in Hebrew from Beijing University and PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from Harvard.



    Nations founded on colonialism and dispossession seem to be unable to not go to a fusion of pseudo left and far right as the social mainstream. America, Canada, Australia, and some Middle Eastern country.

    I also promoted you on my site: https://gmachine1729.com/quotes/anti-semitic-quotes/from-unz-review/.

    Finally, you will probably be interested to hear that a Chinese physicist who appears a genuine expert on Jewish/Israeli history believes that Israel will collapse alongside its dependency America within 30 years time, much out of an inevitable devaluation of the dollar. Hmm, the number of smart people who are VERY pessimistic about the prospect of the West may be much higher than I expected. For more context, see https://gmachine1729.com/quotes/anti-semitic-quotes/more-in-chinese/.

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @mcohen
  178. 犹太人一次又一次地带领外邦人做《托拉》教导犹太人避免的所有事情,比如高利贷和性自由,而他们一次又一次地被摧毁。幸存者转移到下一个无知但正在崛起的国家,并向他们传授各种罪恶,这样他们就会衰弱并允许犹太人剥夺他们的财富。你真的认为美国非犹太人会及时觉醒并参加聚会来阻止犹太人策划的崩溃吗?不见得。玩这个游戏的唯一方法就是隐藏你的资产,等待犹太人领导的美国不可避免的崩溃。我年轻时认识的大多数犹太骗子已经搬到了东南亚。当对犹太人的屠杀再次开始时,他们的大多数领导人和银行家早已离开,前往亚洲重新开始。

  179. Great article, always good to hear both sides. Lots of disinfo out there on tis subject.

    Everyone here screaming about the left, liberals, socialists, and communists being responsible for open borders, mass immigration, abortion, all the other “marxism”
    They tend to forget that all of this happens whether its a conservative republican, liberal democrat in office, doesn’t matter.

    Its all bullshit. Reagan was amnesty king, how many republicans are fighting mass immigration? How many are against the wars that cause it? Trump has done more harm to 2nd amendment than obama, all of the censorship taking place right now, what are republicans doing? Trump? 800 billion more to MIC, tax cuts for Wall St. Healthcare is still crap and unaffordable, 2 years in now.

    You’re a fool if you think republicans are against mass immigration or any of the other things you accuse the “left” of. They’re all the same. Quit voting for the traitors. They’re all owned by the same parasites. Why would they change and do something good for you? Idiots are gonna show up and vote for them no matter how badly they screw you. Why change?

  180. Capitalists have plenty of blood on their hands too.

  181. Alden 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Lenin’s lineage wasn’t low level nobility. His father got the title when he was promoted to chief of the school department of an entire province.

    That was the Russian custom. It was a perk for civil servants who were promoted to a certain level. Given that one son was hanged for revolutionary activities and Lenin was in exile most of his adult life his children didn’t inherit the title.

    It’s interesting that the revolution began in the 1860s among the newly established university professors and students as well as the teachers mostly women in the newly established state elementary and secondary school system. One of the covers used by the revolutionaries was the monthly elementary teachers meetings. That was where they met to discuss tactics and strategies and make their plans.

    The murderers of Czar Alexander all came out of the universities.

  182. Alden 说:

    I read Jewish publications regularly. They are looking to move to China. Their publications are full of praise for China and Chinese as well as endlessly proclaiming how much Chinese and Jews have in common. There’s even approval of Jewish man Chinese women marriages.

    They are also delving into history and finding various medieval and earlier Chinese Jewish connections in Central Asia. There were a lot of Persian Indian Armenian traders in medieval China so they make a big deal out of the Jews ami g those traders.

    And of course the state of Israel sells all sorts of American military information, armaments and technology to China and America can’t do a thing about it.

    China is the next Jewish target. So don’t be smug about America’s subservience to Israel and Jews They’ve got their eye on you, just as they had their eye on the USA in 1870 as their next conquest.

  183. Umberto Eco made my head ache.


    Regarding the courts vs congress: Lawrence Lessig is spokesman for a group for whom David Boies is (pro bono) legal counsel, in the attempt to get COURTS, the Supreme Court, to reform the Electoral College system.


    Lessig’s movement is Equal Votes
    Its goal is NOT to dismantle the Electoral College — Lessig agrees that small states require the Electoral College system if they wish to have impact against a few large states. Rather, the change Lessig seeks is from winner-take-all distribution of votes to Electors, to proportional distribution of votes.
    This would mean that a candidate would have to campaign just as hard in, i.e. Washington states as in Florida or Pennsylvania, which have large electoral voting blocks and typically vote in a lopsided fashion. If that is the case, then other issues would also take the stage: if a candidate needs worry only about winning, i.e. Pennsylvania, then he panders to Pennsylvania issues. If candidates are forced to campaign for ALL states electoral college votes, he might be forced to take a position on, i.e. solar panels, or wind turbines, or off-shore drilling.

    What Lessig seeks has merit, but it’s ironic that his group seeks to achieve their goal through the courts rather than through the representatives of the people.

    Also noteworthy is that Lessig’s legislation would put a small spanner in a long-standing zionist machine: in ~1955 Yale professor of political science H. Bradford Westerfield explained the rising power of “zealous, well-funded, and unopposed” zionists. They were successful in controlling elections, Westerfield said, precisely because of the winner-take-all system, and the fact that Jews tended to dwell in one of several swing states where the Jewish vote could force the decision for the whole state and thence, possibly, for the whole country.


    One more thought, re Judges: Kavenaugh the Catholic judge is, imo, a feint: he was a Bush man. Hard to imagine I’m on the same side as Schumer, but Kavenaugh has serious flaws.
    Roe v Wade is not the most important issue; Kavenaugh’s support for Bush decisions and policies are far more significant — Where would K. stand on the unitary executive ability to engage war vs. requirement that Congress declare war? How about torture? etc.

  184. Haha, they’re eternal parasites. Can you link me to some representative such publications?

    Reminds me of my white friend who was like:

    Jews are white because white people still rule the world. If Chinese people were triumphant you’d see a lotta Jews intermarrying and saying they were always Chinese.

    I’ve also been told that they fund pro-Israeli/Jewish commenters on Weibo.

    Their publications are full of praise for China and Chinese as well as endlessly proclaiming how much Chinese and Jews have in common.

    On the contrary, that Beijing University Hebrew major graduate writes how anti-China Israelis are. Though he also says that there are plenty of Jews/Israelis who trick Chinese into becoming pro-Israel.

    China is the next Jewish target. So don’t be smug about America’s subservience to Israel and Jews They’ve got their eye on you, just as they had their eye on the USA in 1870 as their next conquest.

    Lol wish them best of luck with that cultural, language, plus physical appearance barrier.

    Reminds of how Martyanov asserted that contrary to the popular American depiction, it was actually much more that Russia tamed Jews than the other way round.

    In many respects popular American 20th “history” of Russia is so consistently associated with “Jewishness” (apart from obvious ignorance of those who write it) because it is projection of own complex of inferiority. Russia changed Jews, Jews changed the United States and this inequality will exist and this is one which bothers greatly many of those WASPies in the US who have to face the fact that Russia didn’t sell out to Jews, while the United States today is effectively run by them in key sectors of national activity. This Russia-USSR-Bolsheviks-Jews-GULAG mantra is needed as a therapy for very many Americans in order to block out how they, and others, sold out their country to these very same Jews.

    Not that I know much about this, but I vaguely remember hearing that the Kaifeng Jews were pretty much fully assimilated into Chinese culture.

    Oh Товарищ Мартьянов did you know that I am a fan of Iosif Kobzon? And also many Soviet songs from the Stalin era that were composed by Jews, who are of course very artistically talented. 😉

    I also ask myself why American culture couldn’t tame me the way it did to all those other culturally delusional bananas.

  185. renfro 说:

    I read Atlas Shrug ….that was enough. ….wasn’t interested in her ‘gimmick ‘ books after that.
    She was probably one of the first modern gimmick writers…..i.e….seizing on some extreme ideology to make a name for herself……after she failed at screen writing in LA and at plays in NY.

    • 回复: @mcohen
  186. mcohen 说:

    I read both the fountainhead and atlas shrugged.great stories.Her “gimmicks” aside she was still a great storyteller.I never took her philosophy seriously as i realized it was just part of the show.
    Have you written much yourself ?

    • 回复: @renfro
  187. mcohen 说:

    Gspot machine

    I had a look at your blog and it is very informative.However i was surprised that there were no photos of you on facebook.I must recommend that you clearly identify yourself as most western bloggers do,as it helps to make your blog more believable.I am aware that you work for chinese intelligence and use your site to gain access to posters on unz.The giveaway is the nonsense about the pseudo left in china.Where were you at tianamen square.


    • 回复: @gmachine1729
  188. @Jeff Stryker

    Why do Jews want to destroy Southern whites as oppose to the “white ethnics” they live elbow-to-asshole with

    My impression is that it has a lot to do with the lynching of Leo Frank in 1915. That incident prompted the founding of the ADL.

    Many northern urban Jews who have never travelled south of the Potomac have the idea that the South is and always was a hotbed of anti-Semitism. This is historically untrue; one of the oldest Jewish settlements in the United States is the old Sephardic community in South Carolina, which has always been accepted and respected there.

    I remember several years ago, when 国家评论 still published the e-mail addresses of its writers, I responded to an article by John Podhoretz in which he had characterized the “old Confederacy” as a “hotbed of anti-Semitism.” I pointed out that Judah Benjamin had been a U.S. Senator before secession, and had occupied cabinet offices under the C.S.A., long before any Jew from the North held such positions under the Union; and that the most notorious act of anti-Semitism that took place during the War Between the States was Ulysses S. Grant’s General Orders No. 11, providing that –

    “The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled from the department within twenty-four hours of this order…”

    Grant’s General Orders No. 11 is well known to any serious student of the War, and so eminent an historian as Bruce Catton observed that it “would leave a queer enduring stain on his [Grant’s] own name.”

    Despite this, Poddy, in a churlish fashion that I have since learnt is typical of him, replied with a rude and vulgar e-mail to the effect that I must be the sort of person who saved his Confederate money in the hope that the South would rise again.

    Such people are captives of their preferred narrative to such an extent that they dismiss well-documented evidence to the contrary and consider anyone who brings it up to be an enemy. I always had respect for Norman Podhoretz’s intelligence, even though I disagreed with him – but his son appears (as Bill Kristol does in comparison with Irving) to be a textbook example of reversion to the mean.

    • 回复: @Them Guys
    , @renfro
    , @Jeff Stryker
  189. Them Guys 说:

    So, Jews then acted and did everything Jews are well known for, Grant was made aware of it, probably via first hand knowledge, then acts in good faith to halt Jewish abuses, and swindle scams to the I’nth degree against already destroyed southern folks, and then……Wait for It!!

    Grant gets labeled as an…..Antisemite!

    Antisemite= Anybody that speaks truth or facts about Jews.

    Antisemite= Everyone Jews Hate, which is All non Jewish Goyim Gentiles. Per their Talmud.

    Evil SS Nazi Antisemite Jew Hate Monger Racist= Anybody Jews cannot stiffle or corrupt or bribe or threaten enough to, get him or her to recant whatever truths and facts that person said or wrote. These are the few and the wide awakened who are very Jewised Up, and they infuriate and discombobulate Jews to the Max!….These type cause most Jews to so Hate these persons, that if one peers closely one can sometimes see actual Rabid Foaming at Mouth, when said Jews spew their vocal hatred at these “offenders” and Truth tellers. Just, the worst of the worst, in the beady eyed Jew mind.

    PS: It could also be mentioned that, IIRC, that Grant Order to prevent further Jewish Abuse and Swindling scams, caused NY Jewry to fast mobilize and within less than, 24 Hr’s. The US Prez agreed to negate Grants order, and once again after a slight delay, International Jewry was free to proceed and continue their typical swindle scaming as if no such delay occured. OyVey!

  190. @mcohen

    I am aware that you work for chinese intelligence and use your site to gain access to posters on unz.

    Haha I told my friend this and he was like

    yea people always assume anyone posting pro china stuff is a wumao, quite stupid

    I’m writing that blog much for my own entertainment/notes as well as, I’ll acknowledge, due to some form of disillusionment with what’s going on right now.

    The giveaway is the nonsense about the pseudo left in china.

  191. RI 说:


    • 回复: @Israel Shamir
  192. Anonymous[108]• 免责声明 说:

    Shamir, is this really what you think? Trump is fighting “the church” of jews? What a joke. All his children are in the tribe.

    • 回复: @Israel Shamir
  193. renfro 说:

    Have you written much yourself ?

    I have zero writing talent these days…lol.

  194. renfro 说:

    Why do Jews want to destroy Southern whites as oppose to the “white ethnics” they live elbow-to-asshole with

    If you are speaking of the current Jewish Fifth Column and extreme liberal wing of Jews as well as others , permit me to explain.

    First, the South or majority of Southerners are the last remaining strong hold of ‘traditional’ America.

    You can read into ‘traditional’ whatever meaning you want but it is really about preserving family and social values and country values. Southerners tend to be ‘old conseratives’ which are far different from todays conservatives and old conservatives do have a bit of liberal values, as in concern for their communities and will support some welfare to help people but not take it to the extreme that liberals have. They also do not go for using education for making students ‘feel good about themselves’, they want to stick to the classic curriculums .

    Second, although most are polite , they really don’t care what any one else thinks or what anyone thinks of them. If you are talking to a Southerner about something and he doesn’t agree, he will politely reply…..’well, there you go’….that means you’re dismissed.

    Third, although there are more Southerner Officers in the military most southerners are not for messing around in foreign countries.

    In short, the South has been the one of the nuts the Jews and liberals haven’t been able to crack yet.

  195. @Crawfurdmuir

    …There was also the case in Mississippi of the Jewish civil rights worker that was killed by KKK. That probably hardened attitudes.

    Overall, German-Americans and Arab-Americans who live side-by-side with Jews don’t seem to get the worst of their ire. I’m German-American and I can count on one hand the Jews who actually took exception to me. Maybe two.

    There might also be an ancient urban/rural conflict. Jews have always been urban traders and the poorest and least influential whites are rural in the United States.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  196. @RI

    老太婆露丝·巴德·金斯伯格 (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) 现年 85 岁,完全衰老了,不想退休。决不!她最近访问了以色列,并对强制法官在一定年龄退休的国家提出了反对意见。她说,令人高兴的是,在美国,我们可以永远自由地统治。

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  197. @Anonymous

    The Church of Jews fights him, anyway. It is still spiritual fight, not a tribal scuffle.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  198. anon[313]• 免责声明 说:

    On the American legal indemnity industry, just remember the case of Erin Brockovich, heroicized in Hollywood in a movie starring the greatest star of that time, Julia Roberts.


  199. Skeptikal 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    It is interesting that Jews suddenly got interested in farming when they could take over Palestinians’ lands to farm on. Many urban American Jews who have emigrated to Israel could have gotten a small plot somewhere in the USA to farm on if they wanted to farm. Even pretty close to NYC or another urban center. Or try some urban farming. Move out of Brooklyn.

    But that doesn’t seem to interest them. The idea of farming Palestinians’ lands, which they just went and squatted on, also camping near springs and preventing Pals from using their traditional springs (I am talking about in the thirties). Of course, nowadays every aspect of life for Israelis is subsidized by the state, and that means to a great extent by Americans. So, it’s a good deal.

    So, in a way the Israeli Jews kind of took over the Palestinians’ identity as a rural society. While also displacing them physically.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @renfro
  200. Skeptikal 说:
    @Israel Shamir

    “She said that Israeli women are treated like blacks in Jim Crow states/times. I think this is a clear proof she is certifiably insane, and should be committed, not just retired.”

    How so? this looks to me like a sign of sanity, actually.
    Israeli men are patriarchal jerks. Israeli women (a lot of them, anyhow) are expected to produce droves of children, wear wigs, have sex once/week, on Friday, the husband first going through a whole religious routine to “get in the mood” . . .

    • 回复: @Israel Shamir
  201. @Skeptikal

    They probably saw no money in it and additionally they tend to need a population center with a surplus economy.

    Nobody hires a lawyer or needs a financial analyst in a small town.

    Also the sleazy-but-legal professions like pornography, strip clubs, pawn shops (Well, in the past) are all in the city.

  202. anon[100]• 免责声明 说:

    Correct links about Erin Ebrokovich, icon of the american judicial indemnity industry (comment nr. 205):



  203. Veritas X- 说:
    @Israel Shamir

    I Shamir 先生,您错了,“……到 1970 年,高层根本就没有犹太人了。”。
    17 年 1999 月 9 日 上午 00:XNUMX

    莫斯科,17 月 15 日(JTA)——根据俄罗斯媒体最近的报道,前苏联领导人尤里·安德罗波夫有犹太血统。据报道,安德罗波夫曾执掌克格勃 1982 年,自 1984 年 15 月起一直领导苏联直至 1950 年 1956 月去世,他在年轻时加入共产党后隐瞒了自己的犹太背景。安德罗波夫的母亲叶夫根尼娅·费恩斯坦是俄罗斯南部的一名音乐老师。安德罗波夫父亲的命运仍然是个谜。他的母亲后来与一位名叫安德罗普洛的俄罗斯希腊人再婚。他的养子后来把这个姓氏改成了一个听起来更像俄罗斯人的名字。报道称,与许多其他苏联领导人不同,安德罗波夫从未写过回忆录,这在一定程度上可以用他的出身来解释。安德罗波夫去世 1967 年后,他在苏联历史上的角色仍然存在争议。 1982年代,他担任莫斯科驻匈牙利大使,并安排苏联坦克进入布达佩斯镇压1970年的匈牙利起义。XNUMX年至XNUMX年间,他担任苏联特工克格勃负责人,负责迫害异见人士,包括地下犹太运动的成员。然而,一些人认为他流放了一些著名的持不同政见者,而不是监禁他们,并且部分地为 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代犹太人移居以色列打开了大门。据《今日报》报道,人权活动人士安德烈·萨哈罗夫曾表示,安德罗波夫领导下的克格勃是苏联唯一不腐败的机构。一些人猜测,如果安德罗波夫没有这么快去世,他就会发起改革,为该国停滞的经济注入活力——后来安德罗波夫的门生米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫也采取了这一举措。


    • 回复: @Israel Shamir
  204. Old Jew 说:
    @Israel Shamir


    至于吉拉尔迪“он бешеный пес”。无论你是一名基督教皈依者,他都会咬你,只因为你的名字是“以色列”

    • 回复: @bjondo
  205. renfro 说:

    From 1949 to 1965 the US provided food aid to the Israelis…..and sent US agriculture experts to teach them farming practices.

    Even after stealing the most fertile farm land from Palestine , Israel still can’t feed itself

    Israel – Agriculture | export.gov
    https://www.export.gov/article?id=Israel-Agriculture Jul 20, 2018 – Israel is not self-sufficient in agriculture and is dependent on imports

    Israel is a Ponzi scheme in dozens of ways.

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  206. bjondo 说:
    @Old Jew

    No. Israel Shamir isn’t a traitor to America. IS hasn’t started any wars. IS doesn’t fabricate news to start wars. IS hasn’t bankrupted America. The name is irrelevant. Character is important.

    • 回复: @Old Jew
  207. Veritas X- 说:
    @Israel Shamir

    我使用 duckduckgo 作为我的搜索引擎,希望是最不常见的限制算法。
    下面的几个链接是stormfront,它当然属于((( )))-组。

    你未能解决 1980 年代之前许多来源所使用的众所周知的“事实”,再次表明你的……局限性。

  208. Skeptikal 说:

    Very interesting link.
    Provides a lot of food for thought for BDS.
    If Israelis were as smart as the Dutch, they would be exporting agricultural and horticultural products.
    They have the sun. All they would need to do is go vertical. Of course, they would have to steal that much more water from the Pals.

    Really, Israel is kind of like the American Southwest, cities such as Phoenix: a totally unsustainable lifestyle pursued by a population who want to “green” the desert for their own enjoyment and at the expense of other people, and the earth. In other words, the American Way . . .

  209. Anonymous[159]• 免责声明 说:

    Really, Israel is kind of like the American Southwest, cities such as Phoenix: a totally unsustainable lifestyle pursued by a population who want to “green” the desert for their own enjoyment and at the expense of other people, and the earth. In other words, the American Way . . .

    Compare the habitat and behavior of American rich prior to the Israelification of American gentry. The lifestyle of Israeli-dominated NYC rich, or the lifestyle of the Israeli-dominated Hollywood, er, sickness, are quite similar. Fact is, the lifestyle of present-day American rich is not the “American Way” at all; it is the Israeli Way.

  210. Anonymous[184]• 免责声明 说:
    @Israel Shamir

    Church of Jews?

    “因为割礼是我们[基督徒]。” 腓立比书 3:3

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  211. Sparkon 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Well thank you, but I really was hoping for a quotation or two, as I haven’t read Househofer, Mahan or Mackinder.

    Of course, there are always those who profit from war, including–strangely enough–even the munitions manufacturers, so no one should be too surprised that there is no monopoly on warmongering, nor shortage of warmongers and war profiteers, as anyone knows who’s read Smedley Butler’s classic 战争是一场闹剧。

    Meanwhile, I did find another gem from Litman Rosenthal about an even earlier prediction of an impending “great European war” from the other co-founder of the World Zionist Organization, Dr. Theodore Herzl himself:


    In 1897, just before the first Zionist Congress at Basle, according to Litman Rosenthal, in his “My Siberian Diary,” Dr. Theodore Herzl made the following prophecy of a great European war:

    “It may be that Turkey will refuse or will be unable to understand us. This will not discourage us. We will seek other means to accomplish our end. The Orient question is now a question of the day. Sooner or later it will bring about a conflict among the nations. A European war is imminent.”

    听到赫茨尔的最后一句话,我露出了讽刺的笑容。 他用他那神奇的目光转向我。

    “I see you smile,” he said. “You are sceptical of what I have told you. The great European war must come. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible moment. After the great European War is ended the Peace Conference will assemble. We must be ready for that time. We will assuredly be called to this great conference of the nations, and we must prove to them the urgent importance of a Zionist solution of the Jewish Question. We must prove to them that the problem of the Orient and Palestine is one with the problems of the Jews–both must be solved together. We must prove to them that the Jewish problem is a world problem and that a world problem must be solved by the world. And the solution must be the return of Palestine to the Jewish people.”

    These words of Dr. Herzl I will never forget. Seventeen years have now passed since those words were spoken and the great moment has come. The watch in Herzl’s hand has reached the expected hour. Will those who now represent us be able to use this great moment in the interest of our people? I would like to believe that they will, but doubts assail me. Sitting here, amid the snow and ice of Siberia, far away from my brothers, I remember that summer day on the banks of the Rhine when the great prophet foretold our future, and, remembering that scene, the tears well into my eyes.

    Kuznetsk, Siberia

    (my transcription from pages of the American Messianic Fellowship magazine 这里:)

    Herzl’s 1896 manifesto 犹太国家 is considered by many the promulgating document for the entire modern Zionist movement, and here he is already just a year later in 1897 predicting an imminent great European war — which is actually still 17 years in the future — so who could be blamed for thinking there might be a connection between Zionism on the one hand, and warmongering on the other?

    Of course, the bigger questions are: who has empowered the Jews, and who has profited greatly from their Zionism?

    Hint: Mightn’t it be Blighty — Perfidious Albion?

  212. Old Jew 说:


    …… “先生。吉拉尔迪并不傻。







    我有勇气回答吗? PG 是 RABI D。他可能会咬人,只是因为他的名字。

    • 回复: @bjondo
    , @SolontoCroesus
  213. @Old Jew


    • 回复: @Old Jew
  214. Seraphim 说:

    Do you want to insinuate that Christians are ‘the Jews’?

    See what St. Paul actually says:


    3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh (Phillipians 3:3).

    25 For circumcision benefits you if you observe the law, but if you are a lawbreaker, your circumcision has become uncircumcision. 26 Therefore if an uncircumcised man keeps the law’s requirements, will his uncircumcision not be counted as circumcision? 27 A man who is physically uncircumcised, but who fulfills the law, will judge you who are a lawbreaker in spite of having the letter of the law and circumcision. 28 For a person is not a Jew who is one outwardly, and true circumcision is not something visible in the flesh. 29 On the contrary, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart—by the Spirit, not the letter. That man’s praise is not from men but from God (Romans 2:25-29).

    2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. 3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. 4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. 5 For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. 6 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love (Galatians 5:2-6).

    12 Those who want to impress people by means of the flesh are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13 Not even those who are circumcised keep the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your circumcision in the flesh. 14 May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which[a] the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation (Galatians 6: 11-15).

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  215. Anonymous[157]• 免责声明 说:

    One doesn’t have to quote walls of text like an autistic Rabbi to know what the Jew Testament says. It’s funny how you try to dodge the fact that your Jew-worshiping cult is comprised of pathetic Jew-wannabees.

    •“我们崇拜 我们所知道的,因为救恩来自 犹太人。” 约翰福音4:22
    •“犹太人优先。” 罗马书1:16
    •“因为外邦人分享了犹太人的属灵祝福, 归功于犹太人 与他们分享他们的物质祝福。” 罗马书15:27

    And wasn’t it you who said above…

    Your European Nordic ancestors were pure Hebrews. All Western European Gothic peoples are the descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes.

    Funny watching you try to talk out of both sides of your mouth, just like the Jews you wannabee.

    • 回复: @Seraphim
  216. Seraphim 说:

    Guess who was Ludwig von Mises.
    “Ludwig von Mises was born to Jewish parents in the city of Lemberg, Galicia, Austria-Hungary (now Lviv, Ukraine). The family of his father Arthur Edler von Mises had been elevated to the Austrian nobility in the 19th century (Edler indicates a noble landless family); they had been involved in financing and constructing railroads. Ludwig’s mother, Adele (née: Landau), was a niece of Dr. Joachim Landau, a Liberal Party deputy to the Austrian Parliament…
    Later he was economic adviser to Otto von Habsburg…
    At one time, Mises praised the work of philosopher and novelist Ayn Rand (aka Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum).

    Duh, a Jewish liberal aristocrat capitalist who doesn’t love Jesus and Bolshevism. What a surprise.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  217. Seraphim 说:


    You may hide under as many ‘Anonymus’ you want, but your idiocy of your comments will always give you away. Better stay with your ‘Nordic’ gods.

  218. @Seraphim






    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Seraphim
  219. Anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:

    Funny how a Jew-worshiper like you finds merely quoting another Jew offensive. You really take the cake! I’m willing to quit quoting a Jew if you’re willing to quit worshiping one. Deal?

  220. Anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:

    Do you mean the Nordic Gods that are on your lips for the next four days?

    • 星期二,以纪念北欧战神Tiu 或Odin 之子Tyr 的名字命名。
    • 星期三,以纪念北欧神话中的主神奥丁(Odin)或沃登(Woden)而命名。
    • 星期四,以纪念北欧雷神托尔的名字命名。
    • 星期五,以纪念北欧的爱神弗里格或弗里亚而命名。

    Looks like they’re 选择您 Norse Gods to honor too. 欢迎参加派对,朋友。 🙂

    P.S. Why are you worshiping a Jew too?

  221. Old Jew 说:



    • 回复: @Anonymous
  222. Anonymous[184]• 免责声明 说:
    @John Jeremiah Smith

    塞拉芬 完美地说明了那些被基督教的胡言乱语所吸引的人的典型素质: 无耻的白痴,正如保罗在《犹太全书》中描述他的受骗者一样。

    1Corinthians 1:18-26 “For the message about the cross is nonsense…the nonsense of our preaching…Not many of you were wise by human standards…not many were noble…”

    • 回复: @John Jeremiah Smith
  223. @Anonymous


    嗯,是的,一如既往。耶稣教徒、半耶稣教徒和名义上的耶稣教徒可能占美国公民的 50%,以及居住在美国的普通救世主的 90%。因此,他们永远是普通民众中强有力的政治组成部分。



  224. Anonymous[312]• 免责声明 说:
    @Old Jew

    Sure, sure, fear of the dark is irrational. So let’s see you camp 在没有火光的旷野,勇敢的。

  225. Old Jew 说:











    • 回复: @Anonymous
  226. @Skeptikal

    Apparently you never visited Israel. Jewish women are very assertive, and Jewish men are quite meek in comparison to them. If we were able to control our women, controlling the world would be an easy thing.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  227. Skeptikal 说:

    I have never been to Israel, but there are Jewish woman all over the place!
    Certainly Jewish women can be very bossy. The Jewish mother meme didn’t come out of nowehre.
    But, this kind of “back leading” is not really controlling the world.
    As for “*我们的* women” . . . everyone at UR operates on the default assumption that he is talking to other H sapiens of the masculine persuasion. 😉

  228. Seraphim 说:
    @John Jeremiah Smith

    No, my friend. I didn’t say that all European peoples are Jews. You dishonestly misquote me.
    I was not talking about Western peoples in general and not at all about ‘Jews’. It was the British Israelites, Christian Identity, Aryan Nations, Identity survivalists, Kuck Klanists, ‘two seeds’ theorists, who invented the myth that the Anglo-Saxons are the descendants of the ‘Lost Ten Tribes’, the pure Hebrews, and the ‘Jews’ are the seed of Satan. You are just the infantile buffoons playing this myth in the circus that is the American political life, but getting angry when people laugh at you and rabidly so when they poke fun at you. No need to say that you are woefully ignorant about the matter anyway.

    • 回复: @John Jeremiah Smith
  229. @Seraphim



    • 回复: @Seraphim
  230. Seraphim 说:

    Being a specialist in one field does not automatically mean that you become one in other fields. Martyanov is an excellent military specialist. Unfortunately he is deficient at history. It is not entirely his fault. His views on the ‘History’ of the Revolution in Russia were moulded by the ‘History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks): Short Course’. Hard to cast them off when in America the history of Russia in general and of the Revolution in particular is viewed through the same lenses. Tsarism bad, Tsar’s ineptitude, Russia backward country, people good. No Jews in the picture other than victims of Russian antisemitism. No American Jewish bankers behind, revolution an exclusive Russian affair, we Russians did everything. Solzhenitsyn bad. The worse actually being a critic of both Communism and Western society and an antisemite to boot. His books are on the Index of Forbidden Books of the Russophobia.
    In the climate of demented Russophobia which views Russia’s history as a ‘Solzhenitsified caricature’ endorsed by Putin, it is simply prudence to show that you don’t read banned authors, so is doubtful that he ever read anything that he actually wrote.

  231. Seraphim 说:
    @John Jeremiah Smith


  232. Florin 说:



    • 回复: @Seraphim
  233. Seraphim 说:

    Neither of the leaders of the Hungary’s Bolshevik Revolution, Bela Kun (Kohn), Tibor Szamuely, or of the Comintern?

    “Kun fled to Russia and joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He was put in charge of the regional Revolutionary Committee in Crimea, which during the Russian Civil War changed hands numerous times and was for a time a stronghold for the anti-Bolshevik White Army. It was in Crimea that the White Russians led by General Wrangel fell to the Red Army in 1920. About 50,000 prisoners of war and anti-Bolshevik civilians subsequently were executed, on Kun and Rosalia Zemlyachka’s order, with Lenin’s approval. After having been promised amnesty, they had surrendered. Mass arrests and executions occurred while Kun was in control of the Crimea. Between 60,000 and 70,000 inhabitants of the Crimea were executed in the process.[So there were not only the ‘Latvian bayonets’ killing Russians].
    “Bela Kun became a leading figure in the Comintern as an ally of Grigory Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) and Karl Radek (Sobelsohn). In March 1921, he was sent to Germany to advise the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and encouraged the KPD to follow the “Theory of the Offensive” as supported by Zinoviev and other Kunerists.
    On 27 March, leaders of the Communist Party of Germany decided to launch a revolutionary offensive in support of miners in central Germany. Kun was the driving force behind the attempted revolutionary campaign known as “Märzaktion” (“March Action”), which ultimately ended in failure”.
    Throughout the 1920s Kun was a prominent Comintern operative, serving mostly in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia” (Wikipedia),

    He was executed in the Great Purges of Stalin along with Zinoviev and Radek, for ‘Trotskyism’.

    • 回复: @byrresheim
  234. ivan 说:
    @Johnny Rottenborough

    JR my old friend, a piece of perhaps superfluous advice: Do not engage in polemics with Andrei Martynov, one of the drones on this forum who will counter everything with a ‘ah but he is not a scholar’, and such like. Total waste of time.

  235. Ivan, dear friend. Good advice. In this case, though, it’s not so much engagement as taking the opportunity to quote from authoritative sources. My voyage on the good ship 克兰默 has come to an end, the captain having finally lost patience with my contributions.

    • 回复: @byrresheim
  236. byrresheim 说:

    He was executed in the Great Purges of Stalin along with Zinoviev and Radek, for ‘Trotskyism’.

    To my knowledge Sobelsohn was beaten to death by fellow inmates. Is that correct?

  237. @byrresheim

    byrresheim—The 克兰默大主教 blog, run by Adrian Hilton, who, in the blog’s early years, pretended to be the martyred archbishop. His typos were excused on the grounds, ‘You try typing with charred stumps.’

  238. @Andrei Martyanov






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