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“经济学家” 新闻部分,一位匿名的英国或印度或英属印度记者的一些圣诞节一厢情愿的想法:


20 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日 | 大草原城、莫里斯维尔和史泰登岛


回到 1970 年代末的莱斯大学,我在宿舍窗外观看了移民、研究生和医生在 Main St. 对面的德克萨斯医疗中心进行的板球比赛。


我相当着迷于体育运动,并且是一个狂热的亲英派,但板球一直让我感到莫名其妙,它的行话似乎是由 PG Wodehouse 设计来取笑的 星期六晚邮报 读者对它的极端难以理解的英语。 例如,这里有一些防御位置:



当然,规则已经现代化,允许游戏在几个小时内结束并完成。 这是好事。 我希望板球在受欢迎的地方打得好。

但如果蟋蟀得不到 me 稍有兴趣,它在已经人满为患的美国体育日历中有什么机会?

总的来说,在我的一生中,体育运动变得更加同质化。 半个世纪前,ABC 体育电视节目和体育画报杂志涵盖了许多鲜为人知但有趣的运动,例如投掷和步行。

以下是 Wide World of Sports 中的特色运动:

1961 年 8 月 5 日 边境日 圈地从 夏安
1961 年 9 月 2 日 世界滑水锦标赛
1962 年 1 月 14 日 世界跳桶锦标赛
1962 年 2 月 4 日 全国跳台滑雪锦标赛
1962 年 2 月 18 日 鲍勃雪橇锦标赛来自 德国加米许-帕坦克辛和男子冲浪决赛。[6]
15年22月1962日至XNUMX日 美洲杯罗德岛纽波特
1963 年 3 月 16 日 新英格兰狗拉雪橇​​邀请赛.
1964 年 1 月 25 日 世界自行车球锦标赛巴塞尔,瑞士。
1964 年 2 月 1 日 冠军大海鲢钓鱼从 佛罗里达州大松礁全国冰上赛艇威斯康星州绿湖
1964 年 2 月 8 日 总决赛 沃思堡牛仔竞技表演
1964 年 9 月 26 日 俄克拉何马州现场响尾蛇狩猎.
1965 年 4 月 17 日 NCAA 摔跤锦标赛.
1966 年 1 月 1 日 冰上赛马从 圣莫里茨 成为第一 体育世界 段的颜色。
1967 年 5 月 27 日 英语 橄榄球联赛Final.
1967 年 6 月 3 日 英国帆船运动员 弗朗西斯·奇切斯特爵士 完成了他 28,500 英里的环球旅行。
1968 年 3 月 9 日 国际悬崖跳水锦标赛阿卡普尔科.
1969 年 1 月 11 日 墨西哥 1000 越野公路赛车锦标赛.


在互联网时代,许多奇怪的性和/或政治迷信盛行,但不是奇怪的运动。 如果其他运动能卷土重来就好了,但这不太可能发生。

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 制作精良的板球视频游戏有市场,也许不是 PlayStation/Xbox 上的主机游戏,而是流行的统计数据驱动的 OOTP 棒球游戏风格的 PC/手机游戏,粉丝可以在其中模拟锦标赛和联赛,根据他们的喜好定制。

    我之所以提出这一点,是因为一家德国小公司(Out of the Park Developments)制作了 OOTP 系列,尽管自二战以来美国大量驻军,但棒球在那里几乎完全不受关注。如果一家德国小公司能够制作出比任何美国公司都更好的棒球模拟游戏,那么是什么阻止了这里或其他地方的开发商制作出色的板球模拟游戏呢?


    • 回复: @slumber_j

    事实上,他们非常痴迷于统计数据:就像棒球广播一样,电视板球评论员必须用大量的死气沉沉的空气来填补 东西,而且往往是晦涩难懂的统计数据。 威斯登板球运动员年鉴 (通常简称为 维斯登)总是列出大量统计数据,自 1864 年以来每年发布一次,使其(根据维基百科)成为“历史上运行时间最长的体育年度”。

    回复:@Che Guava

    , @R.G. Camara

    制作精良的板球视频游戏有市场,也许不是 PlayStation/Xbox 上的主机游戏,而是流行的统计数据驱动的 OOTP 棒球游戏风格的 PC/手机游戏,粉丝可以在其中模拟锦标赛和联赛,根据他们的喜好定制。

    当我还是个孩子的时候,我一辈子都无法理解 NFL 橄榄球的规则。我爸爸每周日都会看比赛,但从来没有真正告诉过我比赛是如何进行的,所以我从来没有和他一起看。即使在高中,当我在球队打了几年球(我是半运动型的)时,我也没有了解大部分发生的事情,而只是按照教练告诉我的位置去做(显然,我不是这里的四分卫或防守队长)。


    结果,我对 NFL 或大学橄榄球不感兴趣。从来没有看过完整的比赛,没有关注当地球队,也很少看任何超级碗。

    然后我在大学里玩了一款《Madden NFL》橄榄球视频游戏。它是如此详细和有趣,以至于我终于开始了解这款游戏并投入其中。它让我寻找各种东西来帮助我的比赛(例如五毛钱防守、跑投进攻等)。我什至从游戏中了解了 NFL 历史(你可以解锁各种历史球队来比赛,例如 '72 海豚队或文斯·隆巴迪的包装工队)。


  2. 运动的受欢迎程度与运动的“质量”几乎没有关系(达到可以定义的程度。)。 这是回忆和传统。 我为什么喜欢老鹰队? 因为我记得在 40 年的 NFC 锦标赛中,我和爷爷一起看过 Wilbur Montgomery 在牛仔队中驾驶匕首以 1980 码的 TD 跑动。 我还记得 2010 年德肖恩·杰克逊 (Deshawn Jackson) 和我儿子一起打败巨人队的比赛。 我可以回忆起几十个好的和坏的运动记忆,它们总是受到男性家人和朋友的喜爱。

    板球是一项很好的运动,我敢肯定,但对于美国人来说,没有值得回忆的记忆和传奇。 这是它要克服的挑战。

    • 同意: PiltdownMan, Redneck farmer
    • 不同意: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  3. yeah, thats never going to happen. reminds me of the mad men episode about jai alai. we already have baseball and nobody is clamoring for another one.

    rugby and lacrosse have a chance to be minor sports as more white kids have been getting into them.

    the flight from black in sports is real and it worked to make soccer now a fairly legitimate pro sport in this country.

    • 回复: @prosa123

    reminds me of the mad men episode about jai alai. we already have baseball and nobody is clamoring for another one.

    Even at its peak jai alai had very little appeal as a sport. It was strictly a form of gambling, much like horse racing, and declined with the growth of casinos and sports betting.

    , @ganderson

    我是一名 HS 松懈的教练——我的三个儿子都打出了高水平的比赛。 这是一项很棒的运动,在过去的 15 年里发展了很多,但我认为松懈的繁荣已经结束。 它很昂贵,更高级别需要与曲棍球一样多的旅行(尽管赛季较短),并且在非传统长曲棍球时代缺乏合格的教练。 (我的 Ted Lasso 式教练生涯就是证明)不过,它几乎全是白人。 中场是为黑人设立的位置——我原以为一旦兄弟们发现了这一点,它就像足球中的角卫一样,不会再有白人中场了。 还没有发生。 任何人都知道在 MD-DC-VA 或纽约西部上州是否有多数黑人高中拥有良好的松散团队?

    有 pro lax,但它一直在努力寻找自己的形式和受众。 没有多少人参加过大联盟的松散赛事,他们还没有进入松散的世界。


  4. 多年前,当我作为外籍人士在中东工作时,电视节目来自英国,那里的板球很突出。 起初我对这场比赛感到困惑,但球员的技巧和观众的热情让我进一步注意到了这一点。 一旦我理解了规则(史蒂夫,它们并不难学),我的欣赏自然而然地增加了。 我现在非常喜欢板球运动。

    对于还不喜欢游戏的好奇者,可以试试 Twenty20 游戏……一个缩短的版本,但与传统板球比赛的规则相同。 Twenty20缺少了测试赛的耐力和一些策略,但是一般一个下午就可以搞定。 Twenty20 板球可能对美国观众更具吸引力。


    • 回复: @I, Libertine


    回覆:@Jonathan Mason,@ RegCæsar

  5. 并且没有百分之一的土生土长的美国人可以解释板球的计分系统。

    没有百分之一的美国人可以解释 MSM 和社交媒体 24/7 没有对他们大喊大叫的任何事情,所以这并没有说明什么。


    板球是美洲殖民时期最受欢迎的夏季球类运动。 它不会很快卷土重来,但它确实不难理解。 就像您从小不熟悉的任何运动一样,词汇量将成为障碍,如果您小时候不是在一种文化中玩耍和观看这项运动,那么您成年后就不太可能欣赏这项运动欣赏所说的运动。

    但是作为一种学习练习,学习起来并不难,只是需要一些努力; 学习一门新语言或技能更难(但对大多数人来说可能更值得)。

    • 同意: Jonathan Mason
    • 回复: @Anon

    它并不难,但它很糟糕,所以没有人会费心去学习它减去几十亿低智商的印度人和巴基斯坦人。 简单如。

    , @Herman Hetherington

    你确定你不是在考虑rounders吗? 虽然板球肯定在美国打过,但我从未听说过它真的很受欢迎。

    , @kaganovitch


    看,如果他们是美国人,他们会一直以最佳发射角度将球抛向空中,并且会涌现出数十家板球击球学院,承诺教授三种真正的板球比赛,这样您的孩子就会有优势在他选择的大学入学。 与美国人接近板球运动时的勤奋不同,板球运动国家将时间花在漫无目的地从一个基地游荡到另一个基地,野餐等。愚蠢的共产主义者,他们中的很多人。

  6. Maybe they can combine cricket with Jai alai.

    • 回复: @Known Fact

    Pickleball is one sport that's really taking off -- apparently it's tennis for the old, infirm or just plain lazy. So maybe come up with Picklecricket.

    I went to jai alai once in Miami. Not knowing anything, my strategy going in was just to bet anyone named Salazar -- and it worked!

    Replies: @prosa123, @JimDandy

    , @Wade Hampton

    Better to combine cricket with ice hockey.

  7. 板球是 Silly Walks 运动系。

    • 哈哈: Sean, San Fernando Curt
  8. 我敢打赌,自 1996 年(大约伍兹时代开始)以来,高尔夫球杆的销量比上个世纪的所有板球设备都要多 20。

    • 谢谢: San Fernando Curt
    • 回复: @Kim



    回复:@RadicalCenter、@Barnard、@Alec Leamas(在家工作)

  9. 良好的观察力。适用于我们许多人,除了狂热分子

  10. and am a raging Anglophile

    More of the “I love white culture and spaces, but it’s just so 辛苦 to be openly loyal to white people” syndrome.

    A lot of you are like that. You like the great societies white people create but it’s so 烦人的 to, you know, openly support them. You’re like the Black pundits you mock for always being exhausted.

    You’re no better than they are. Actually, worse.

    • 回复: @Anonymous

    You know, if you're going to say the same thing every thread, hopefully Steve will allow me to copy and paste my response to you and Citizen Of A Silly Country from a previous thread as well:

    On the few core issues where white people overwhelmingly share the same interest–anti-white discrimination, anti-white media bias, immigration, stopping crime–Steve is 100% pro-white. Most of the commenters here are too. If you think otherwise, be more specific.

    On most other issues, as you may have noticed, white people are divided, and “loyalty to whites” doesn’t tell you the right path, or any particular path for that matter. Hence all the debate in these comments about COVID, Ukraine, abortion, etc.

    Really, this should be taken as a whitepill by you guys–uncrimestopped white guys can put aside their differences to support pro-white policies. But instead, you constantly virtue signal about a vague lack of white loyalty from Steve.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    , @Kylie


    如果我有办法,他们都会被驱逐到 SSA,这对非洲人来说是不公平的。 也许从那里,非洲人可以将他们送到西方国家以外的某个目的地。

    回复:@theMann,@Loyalty 智商崇拜

    , @Redneck farmer

    So, us paler Eurasian types need to act more like sub-Saharan Africans is what you're saying wigger?

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

  11. There is no author listed for the article, so he personally cannot be ridiculed 10 years-hence for being so comically wrong. This is pure-wishful thinking on somebody’s part, throwing a Hail Mary article wishing a few hipsters seen it, tried it out in an influential NY or DC park for a few weeks, and a few viral tik tok videos later, a new pickleball-like trend gets started, making some guy who is stuck in America probably feel more at home or whatever.

    Come to think of it, several Economist articles are globalist wishful thinking, telling the reader that this is how its gonna be, but it doesn’t quite happen that way

  12. 关于板球运动,我一直不明白的是比赛是如何结束的,为什么比赛有时会持续几天?我听过的每一个解释都归结为:“我们决定是时候结束了。”

    • 回复: @Zane

    A cricket match ends when the last batsman has been bowled out.

    , @Norm der Ploom


    , @Ed Case

    10 outs to end an innings, both teams get 2 Innings.
    99% of the time it's time limited, since Schools Matches are played over 1 afternoon and Grade Cricket is played over 2 afternoons.
    So, the most common result is a First Innings win to one of the sides.
    First Class cricket is played over 3 or 4 days and when there isn't an Outright Win, points are allotted depending on which team made the running in the Match.

    Test Cricket is played to a maximum of 5 days, but a Match may conclude in less than 2, as happened in the recent Australia vs South Africa Test at the Brisbane Cricket Ground.

    No result is called a Draw.
    It's not a huge issue, it just means that neither team was able to force a win.


    , @JayDee

    As a proud Englishman (with a capital E) I love the baffling aspects of cricket. For instance the fact that an international can be played for another whole day when everybody knows it is going to be a draw! Or the quote from an American (I don't know who ... can somebody enlighten me?) that internationals often last longer than Italian governments (though that could now be updated to 'UK governments'). My favourite Sports quiz is this: if every batsman in a batting side is bowled first ball, which number batsman is not out? You don't need to know the rules of cricket to realize that that should be easy for a cricket-lover. I only ever ask it of other cricket-lovers, yet only one of them has ever got the correct answer first time. BTW it will never catch on in USA. If it was invented right now it wouldn't catch on anywhere!

    , @Anon

    In addition to the other answers, limited-overs games can also end due to, well, being out of overs.

  13. 板球运动需要更多的端区围绕粘性三柱门跳舞。

    • 哈哈: p38ace
  14. Yeah but the wogs are fanatical about cricket, and they a major up and coming power in America, while white America and its interests are fading. Give it ten more years. America will have 50 million Indians and cricket will be a thing.

    • 同意: martin_2
    • 回复: @Sean

    I think it is clear the Indian CEO and political leader will become a fact of life that goes without saying. The West is importing has imported an overclass.

  15. 各大电视体育赛事场上人头攒动。但体育频道有足够的时间来填补,许多小型体育赛事都得到了电视报道。扔斧头、沙包、综合健身、极限飞盘、飞盘高尔夫和匹克球——据我所知,电视上几乎都是威夫球版的网球。他们甚至还有竞争标签!


    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    板球是棒球和曲棍球守门员之间的混合体,因此它不是棒球的一对一替代品。 令人惊讶的是,它没有在加拿大流行起来,而是在棒球运动中流行起来。

    回复:@Anon、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Pat Hannagan、@martin_2、@fish、@Another Canadian

    , @Reg Cæsar

    许多小型运动项目都得到电视报道。斧头投掷, 康沃尔、综合健身、极限飞盘、飞盘高尔夫和匹克球


    , @Ed Case



    , @JR Ewing

    距休斯顿市中心约 50 英里处正在开发一个奶牛牧场,一群印第安人正在将其改造成板球场。他们已经规划了大约 10 个场地,其中 5-6 个场地已经建成,配有椭圆形短链围栏和郁郁葱葱的绿色草坪。所取得的进展有点令人印象深刻。不知道如何支付费用。

    回复:@Steve Sailer,@The Anti-Gnostic

  16. @ThatsNotAll
    The field of major TV sports is crowded. But sports channels have so much time to fill that a lot of minor sports are getting TV coverage. Ax throwing, Cornhole, CrossFit, Ultimate Frisbee, Disc golf, and Pickleball - which as near I can tell is the wiffleball version of tennis are on TV. They even have competitive tag!

    The challenge for cricket is where to play? Baseball and football have a cultural tradition that sustains the expectation that communities will build fields for those sports. Who is building cricket fields? Since cricket involves a high velocity ball going in odd directions, it can't simply be played in a public park on a flat piece of ground. A wiffleball version of cricket could work, but to what purpose? What does cricket add to the American sport experience that athletes can't get out of baseball?

    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Reg Cæsar, @Ed Case, @JR Ewing

    Cricket is kind of a cross between baseball and playing goaltender in hockey, so it’s not a one to one substitute for baseball. It’s kind of surprising it didn’t catch on in Canada instead of baseball.

    • 回复: @Anon

    Steve, not sure if you know this but in Canada there was a baseball like sport called fungo. Apparently it was played with a cane-like bat.

    Most references to fungo on the web refer to it as a home run or flyball hitting game but ostensibly it was a separate discipline wholly its own.

    The Canadian priest who raised Babe Ruth at the orphanage his parents left him to — apparently was a fungo enthusiast and played with his young charges, both fungo and baseball.

    Supposedly the Babe was quite good, as would be expected

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    , @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Baseball’s direct ancestor isn’t cricket, but Rounders and other British/Colonial American games with a ball and stick that were known by various names such as town ball, old cat, one old cat, etc. in his majestic tome Baseball the Early Years, Dr. Harold Seymour, Ph.d (one of the first to get a doctorate in Sports History), fully details the origins of the National Pastime. Dr. Seymour wrote a number of well researched books on the early years of baseball—thru the late nineteenth century and into the first half of the twentieth century. Before the Society of Baseball Researchers and Historians existed, it’s safe to say that Dr Seymour was the one who made it possible. Put another way: there is no Bill James without Harold Seymour.

    Also, why exactly should the US follow a sport that hasn’t held interest for it for over 160 years? We have baseball, after all. And the Brits aren’t the least bit interested in MLB.

    Baseball, since it’s inception as a professional league in 1876, has always been aimed at capturing the working classes as its fan base. Cricket, for most of its history has been marketed to the upper classes. Soccer and Rugby are for the working classes.

    Perhaps in the ‘90’s when the SWPL demographic was getting started, and suddenly discovered soccer and rugby, cricket could’ve done the same here as well. But over the last few decades baseball has ceased to be seen as the US’s ideal sport—its more of the old geezer sport—dull and boring and takes to longer watch let alone play. People today see cricket and it reminds them not of something different and new, but like baseball—dull boring and not much going on compared to other more physical sports (NFL, MMA, even Rugby).

    “Nothing in here but baseball. You know, we used to call it Rounders. Children play it with a rubber ball and stick. Not a word about cricket. Americans have no sense of proportion.”—Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes (1938).

    回复:@RegCæsar,@ RegCæsar

    , @Pat Hannagan

    For when you join the international community


    , @martin_2

    You really need fine weather for cricket. It is only played in the Summer in the UK. Scotland doesn't do much cricket, partly I dare say because of the climate.

    , @fish

    棒球 赶上 在加拿大?

    , @Another Canadian



    并不真地。 伙计们喜欢谈论运动,而板球迷可以谈论玻璃眼睛入睡。
  17. 评分系统:
    T. 土生土长的美国人

  18. If I correctly understand the connotation of “It’s not cricket,” then cricket has an ethos of extreme sportsmanlike decency and good cheer. In fact, the linguistic expressions listed by Steve have an air of foppishness about them. This, as opposed to a baseball pitcher loading-up the baseball, and a score of other nasty aspects of baseball I could name. And don’t get me started on football and basketball. In sum, Cricket just does not suit the American sports character. It’s hard to imagine cricket fans getting into a fight at the stadium or parking lot. “Mom, Dad, meet my date, Trevor, he plays cricket”…okay, cricket wins that one.

    • 同意: Yojimbo/Zatoichi
    • 回复: @Anon

    Steve, not sure if you know this but in Canada there was a baseball like sport called fungo. Apparently it was played with a cane-like bat.

    Most references to fungo on the web refer to it as a home run or flyball hitting game but ostensibly it was a separate discipline wholly its own.

    The Canadian priest who raised Babe Ruth at the orphanage his parents left him to — apparently was a fungo enthusiast and played with his young charges, both fungo and baseball.

    Supposedly the Babe was quite good, as would be expected

    , @ganderson

    And in the NHL, the only major league (assuming it is garners the general interest that other major leagues do, which I don’t assume) where fighting is not an automatic expulsion: the other night Cale Makar of the Colorado Avalanche waved off a penalty called on the guy who was chasing him around the net: the ref called a trip, Makar went to the official and said that he was not tripped, he’d just lost an edge. Don’t see that kind of sportsmanship much anymore. Probably one never did see that kind of sportsmanship. And from (arguably) hockey’s best player. Granted, I’m biased; I’ve been a Makar fan since his UMASS days…

    回复:@Jack P

    , @AKAHorace

    If I correctly understand the connotation of “It’s not cricket,” then cricket has an ethos of extreme sportsmanlike decency and good cheer.
    It ought to, however this is increasingly outdated. See

    , @Janbar

    Cricket: 90mph+ balls targetted at the batsman. Baseball is for wimps.

  19. 我最满意的运动之一是我用澳大利亚室友的板球棒将垒球击出 200 多英尺。 太糟糕了,在游戏中使用它是非法的。

  20. @SafeNow
    If I correctly understand the connotation of “It’s not cricket,” then cricket has an ethos of extreme sportsmanlike decency and good cheer. In fact, the linguistic expressions listed by Steve have an air of foppishness about them. This, as opposed to a baseball pitcher loading-up the baseball, and a score of other nasty aspects of baseball I could name. And don’t get me started on football and basketball. In sum, Cricket just does not suit the American sports character. It’s hard to imagine cricket fans getting into a fight at the stadium or parking lot. “Mom, Dad, meet my date, Trevor, he plays cricket”…okay, cricket wins that one.

    Replies: @Anon, @ganderson, @AKAHorace, @Janbar

    Steve, not sure if you know this but in Canada there was a baseball like sport called fungo. Apparently it was played with a cane-like bat.

    Most references to fungo on the web refer to it as a home run or flyball hitting game but ostensibly it was a separate discipline wholly its own.

    The Canadian priest who raised Babe Ruth at the orphanage his parents left him to — apparently was a fungo enthusiast and played with his young charges, both fungo and baseball.

    Supposedly the Babe was quite good, as would be expected

  21. @Steve Sailer

    板球是棒球和曲棍球守门员之间的混合体,因此它不是棒球的一对一替代品。 令人惊讶的是,它没有在加拿大流行起来,而是在棒球运动中流行起来。

    回复:@Anon、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Pat Hannagan、@martin_2、@fish、@Another Canadian

    Steve, not sure if you know this but in Canada there was a baseball like sport called fungo. Apparently it was played with a cane-like bat.

    Most references to fungo on the web refer to it as a home run or flyball hitting game but ostensibly it was a separate discipline wholly its own.

    The Canadian priest who raised Babe Ruth at the orphanage his parents left him to — apparently was a fungo enthusiast and played with his young charges, both fungo and baseball.

    Supposedly the Babe was quite good, as would be expected

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    When I was a kid in the 1960s, the park superintendent had a flat fungo bat for reliably hitting fly balls to kids practicing their baseball outfielding.


  22. Can Greater Idaho as a sovereign country happen? Imagine widespread election fraud in 2024. White people in red states will want change.

    JULY 14,2022


    If white people in red states are willing to fight the Iran War in 2024, they have to get Greater Idaho in return.

    • 回复: @TWS

    We'd still have CDA, Boise and adding Spokane, Pullman, Ellensburg, maybe places like Cle Elum, or Pendleton and full of illegals and Indians. The only way to make it work would be to forcibly evict the illegals and encourage the liberal California types to self deport. As well as limit immigration from other areas.

    The US government would step in at the first sign of enforcing immigration law.

    It's simply a way to add two more senators probably democrats and further move Idaho towards California and the left coast.


  23. How do we work jumping chest bumps and 360 degree hop screams into cricket? Asking for the negroes.

    Seriously though, the need to bring in cricket, and soccer, and pretty soon the game where you throw the dead goat into the circle from horseback, is simply more invade the world (NFL, NBA, MLB games in other continents), invite the world (soccer, cricket, the game where you throw the dead goat into the circle from horseback) philosophy.

    • 回复: @Haxo Angmark

    bring back dwarf-tossing, the

    quintessential Australian sport:


    "reports of a 30-foot toss in Australia remain unconfirmed"

  24. I’m reasonably fascinated by sports and am a raging Anglophile

    Then you should drop your use of the racial epithet, “WASP.”

    • 回复: @Redneck farmer

    It's not an epithet if your group uses it.


    , @Hibernian

    Maybe we could drop all racial and/or ethnic and/or sectarian epithets. Oh wait, only 25% of the site would be left!

  25. @Steve Sailer

    板球是棒球和曲棍球守门员之间的混合体,因此它不是棒球的一对一替代品。 令人惊讶的是,它没有在加拿大流行起来,而是在棒球运动中流行起来。

    回复:@Anon、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Pat Hannagan、@martin_2、@fish、@Another Canadian

    Baseball’s direct ancestor isn’t cricket, but Rounders and other British/Colonial American games with a ball and stick that were known by various names such as town ball, old cat, one old cat, etc. in his majestic tome Baseball the Early Years, Dr. Harold Seymour, Ph.d (one of the first to get a doctorate in Sports History), fully details the origins of the National Pastime. Dr. Seymour wrote a number of well researched books on the early years of baseball—thru the late nineteenth century and into the first half of the twentieth century. Before the Society of Baseball Researchers and Historians existed, it’s safe to say that Dr Seymour was the one who made it possible. Put another way: there is no Bill James without Harold Seymour.

    Also, why exactly should the US follow a sport that hasn’t held interest for it for over 160 years? We have baseball, after all. And the Brits aren’t the least bit interested in MLB.

    Baseball, since it’s inception as a professional league in 1876, has always been aimed at capturing the working classes as its fan base. Cricket, for most of its history has been marketed to the upper classes. Soccer and Rugby are for the working classes.

    Perhaps in the ‘90’s when the SWPL demographic was getting started, and suddenly discovered soccer and rugby, cricket could’ve done the same here as well. But over the last few decades baseball has ceased to be seen as the US’s ideal sport—its more of the old geezer sport—dull and boring and takes to longer watch let alone play. People today see cricket and it reminds them not of something different and new, but like baseball—dull boring and not much going on compared to other more physical sports (NFL, MMA, even Rugby).

    “Nothing in here but baseball. You know, we used to call it Rounders. Children play it with a rubber ball and stick. Not a word about cricket. Americans have no sense of proportion.”—Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes (1938).

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    橄榄球工人阶级到底在哪里? 新西兰,它唯一要去的地方? 在英格兰、法国、阿根廷、南非,这肯定不是无产者……

    回复:@Kim、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@whahae、@sb、@David Jones

    , @Reg Cæsar
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    Baseball’s direct ancestor isn’t cricket, but Rounders
    我玩 奔放的 ("roundball") in Denmark and long assumed it to be rounders, but apparently it's the Swedish brännboll, 稍微不一样。

    On the rounders page at Wikipedia, there is this note:



    Safe haven games
    Stoolball [aka bittle-battle]



    They left out Schlagball, and the page for tsan is in Italian and French, not English. It shows that there are a plethora of bat-and-ball games to choose from. However, only cricket and baseball have been able to spread internationally.

    Cricket is the ideal for those who whine that there isn't enough scoring in baseball or soccer. Sri Lanka once beat India 952-537,在1938中, England beat Australia by 579 runs, still the record margin.



  26. @Anon

    Steve, not sure if you know this but in Canada there was a baseball like sport called fungo. Apparently it was played with a cane-like bat.

    Most references to fungo on the web refer to it as a home run or flyball hitting game but ostensibly it was a separate discipline wholly its own.

    The Canadian priest who raised Babe Ruth at the orphanage his parents left him to — apparently was a fungo enthusiast and played with his young charges, both fungo and baseball.

    Supposedly the Babe was quite good, as would be expected

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    When I was a kid in the 1960s, the park superintendent had a flat fungo bat for reliably hitting fly balls to kids practicing their baseball outfielding.

    • 回复: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Fungoes are for baseball, not for cricket. I think you just answered your own question (e.g. why don’t more Americans like cricket) — because there’s no history/fond childhood memories there with the sport in the US.



    , @JimDandy


  27. @Steve Sailer

    When I was a kid in the 1960s, the park superintendent had a flat fungo bat for reliably hitting fly balls to kids practicing their baseball outfielding.


    Fungoes are for baseball, not for cricket. I think you just answered your own question (e.g. why don’t more Americans like cricket) — because there’s no history/fond childhood memories there with the sport in the US.


    • 回复: @JimDandy
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    Hear me out. Now that soccer has of caught on in America, the hipsters need some new sport that they can follow without being confused with normie armchair jocks. That sport, my friend, might just be CRICKET! Look for cricket bars to pop up in Williamsburg and Portland soon.

  28. @Steve Sailer

    When I was a kid in the 1960s, the park superintendent had a flat fungo bat for reliably hitting fly balls to kids practicing their baseball outfielding.


  29. @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Baseball’s direct ancestor isn’t cricket, but Rounders and other British/Colonial American games with a ball and stick that were known by various names such as town ball, old cat, one old cat, etc. in his majestic tome Baseball the Early Years, Dr. Harold Seymour, Ph.d (one of the first to get a doctorate in Sports History), fully details the origins of the National Pastime. Dr. Seymour wrote a number of well researched books on the early years of baseball—thru the late nineteenth century and into the first half of the twentieth century. Before the Society of Baseball Researchers and Historians existed, it’s safe to say that Dr Seymour was the one who made it possible. Put another way: there is no Bill James without Harold Seymour.

    Also, why exactly should the US follow a sport that hasn’t held interest for it for over 160 years? We have baseball, after all. And the Brits aren’t the least bit interested in MLB.

    Baseball, since it’s inception as a professional league in 1876, has always been aimed at capturing the working classes as its fan base. Cricket, for most of its history has been marketed to the upper classes. Soccer and Rugby are for the working classes.

    Perhaps in the ‘90’s when the SWPL demographic was getting started, and suddenly discovered soccer and rugby, cricket could’ve done the same here as well. But over the last few decades baseball has ceased to be seen as the US’s ideal sport—its more of the old geezer sport—dull and boring and takes to longer watch let alone play. People today see cricket and it reminds them not of something different and new, but like baseball—dull boring and not much going on compared to other more physical sports (NFL, MMA, even Rugby).

    “Nothing in here but baseball. You know, we used to call it Rounders. Children play it with a rubber ball and stick. Not a word about cricket. Americans have no sense of proportion.”—Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes (1938).

    回复:@RegCæsar,@ RegCæsar


    Where on earth is rugby working class? New Zealand, where it’s the only thing going? It sure isn’t prole in England, France, Argentina, South Africa…

    • 回复: @Kim

    There are two "rugbies", rugby union and rugby league, and the differences are considerable.

    Of the two, rugby league is the traditionally working class sport, even in England, where its heartland is in England's north.

    In Australia, rugby union is played in the private schools. Overall, league is far more popular in the states where it is played (mainly New South Wales and Queensland) although there are a NZ and a (very successful) Melbourne teams in the national competition. And league, not union, is the tv ratings champion.


    , @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Wales (national sport for a nation largely comprised of proles).

    , @whahae

    Rugby ('though League not Union) is fairly working class in Australia and the islands Australia exported it to.

    , @sb


    , @David Jones



  30. @ThatsNotAll
    The field of major TV sports is crowded. But sports channels have so much time to fill that a lot of minor sports are getting TV coverage. Ax throwing, Cornhole, CrossFit, Ultimate Frisbee, Disc golf, and Pickleball - which as near I can tell is the wiffleball version of tennis are on TV. They even have competitive tag!

    The challenge for cricket is where to play? Baseball and football have a cultural tradition that sustains the expectation that communities will build fields for those sports. Who is building cricket fields? Since cricket involves a high velocity ball going in odd directions, it can't simply be played in a public park on a flat piece of ground. A wiffleball version of cricket could work, but to what purpose? What does cricket add to the American sport experience that athletes can't get out of baseball?

    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Reg Cæsar, @Ed Case, @JR Ewing

    许多小型运动项目都得到电视报道。斧头投掷, 康沃尔、综合健身、极限飞盘、飞盘高尔夫和匹克球


    • 回复: @anarchyst

    "Cornhole" is the successor to "horseshoes" which was popular in the last century. In today's "safety oriented world", the sport of horseshoes is seen as being "too dangerous" as an errant horseshoe throw (toss) can be dangerous to other players or spectators.
    A "cornhole" court is a pair of angled boxes on each end with a "hole" just large enough to accept a large "beanbag". The sport is governed by the same rules as horseshoes.
    "Cornhole" is an inappropriate name for such a sport.

  31. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    and am a raging Anglophile
    More of the "I love white culture and spaces, but it's just so 辛苦 to be openly loyal to white people" syndrome.

    A lot of you are like that. You like the great societies white people create but it's so 烦人的 to, you know, openly support them. You're like the Black pundits you mock for always being exhausted.

    You're no better than they are. Actually, worse.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Kylie, @Redneck farmer

    You know, if you’re going to say the same thing every thread, hopefully Steve will allow me to copy and paste my response to you and Citizen Of A Silly Country from a previous thread as well:

    On the few core issues where white people overwhelmingly share the same interest–anti-white discrimination, anti-white media bias, immigration, stopping crime–Steve is 100% pro-white. Most of the commenters here are too. If you think otherwise, be more specific.

    On most other issues, as you may have noticed, white people are divided, and “loyalty to whites” doesn’t tell you the right path, or any particular path for that matter. Hence all the debate in these comments about COVID, Ukraine, abortion, etc.

    Really, this should be taken as a whitepill by you guys–uncrimestopped white guys can put aside their differences to support pro-white policies. But instead, you constantly virtue signal about a vague lack of white loyalty from Steve.

    • 谢谢: Renard
    • 回复: @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    作为 racial bias in general is not the same thing as being FOR your own group. And in the current environment, it's a sleazy dodge.

    I'm sure he's against white people being stepped on. Probably frogs too. Big deal. When your people and ONLY your people are being targeted for harm across several generations, when you have witnessed them lose a country in your own lifetime, you don't respond with limp-wristed comments about "hey gee, that black crime rate though".

    More deeply, the reason all this harm happened to whites is specifically because of "moderate" pundits like Sailer and Charles Murray. They are much more responsible than any Illuminati Conspiracy could be. They insist on being pundits to whom whites who are worried about their people turn, and then they mislead them.

    Sailer is capable of passion about Covid and Ukraine. But it's missing when it comes to his people.

    As far as differences of opinion on abortion or whatever, that is no excuse for race treason. No Japanese person justifies being indifferent to the destruction of his people because they have strong debates on issues.


  32. @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Fungoes are for baseball, not for cricket. I think you just answered your own question (e.g. why don’t more Americans like cricket) — because there’s no history/fond childhood memories there with the sport in the US.



    Hear me out. Now that soccer has of caught on in America, the hipsters need some new sport that they can follow without being confused with normie armchair jocks. That sport, my friend, might just be CRICKET! Look for cricket bars to pop up in Williamsburg and Portland soon.

  33. @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Baseball’s direct ancestor isn’t cricket, but Rounders and other British/Colonial American games with a ball and stick that were known by various names such as town ball, old cat, one old cat, etc. in his majestic tome Baseball the Early Years, Dr. Harold Seymour, Ph.d (one of the first to get a doctorate in Sports History), fully details the origins of the National Pastime. Dr. Seymour wrote a number of well researched books on the early years of baseball—thru the late nineteenth century and into the first half of the twentieth century. Before the Society of Baseball Researchers and Historians existed, it’s safe to say that Dr Seymour was the one who made it possible. Put another way: there is no Bill James without Harold Seymour.

    Also, why exactly should the US follow a sport that hasn’t held interest for it for over 160 years? We have baseball, after all. And the Brits aren’t the least bit interested in MLB.

    Baseball, since it’s inception as a professional league in 1876, has always been aimed at capturing the working classes as its fan base. Cricket, for most of its history has been marketed to the upper classes. Soccer and Rugby are for the working classes.

    Perhaps in the ‘90’s when the SWPL demographic was getting started, and suddenly discovered soccer and rugby, cricket could’ve done the same here as well. But over the last few decades baseball has ceased to be seen as the US’s ideal sport—its more of the old geezer sport—dull and boring and takes to longer watch let alone play. People today see cricket and it reminds them not of something different and new, but like baseball—dull boring and not much going on compared to other more physical sports (NFL, MMA, even Rugby).

    “Nothing in here but baseball. You know, we used to call it Rounders. Children play it with a rubber ball and stick. Not a word about cricket. Americans have no sense of proportion.”—Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes (1938).

    回复:@RegCæsar,@ RegCæsar

    Baseball’s direct ancestor isn’t cricket, but Rounders

    我玩 奔放的 (“roundball”) in Denmark and long assumed it to be rounders, but apparently it’s the Swedish brännboll, 稍微不一样。

    On the rounders page at Wikipedia, there is this note:



    Safe haven games
    Stoolball [aka bittle-battle]


    They left out Schlagball, and the page for tsan is in Italian and French, not English. It shows that there are a plethora of bat-and-ball games to choose from. However, only cricket and baseball have been able to spread internationally.

    Cricket is the ideal for those who whine that there isn’t enough scoring in baseball or soccer. Sri Lanka once beat India 952-537,在1938中, England beat Australia by 579 runs, still the record margin.


    • 回复: @ganderson

    There’s a weird Finnish variant of baseball- sometimes played on “da Range” and the UP.


  34. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    and am a raging Anglophile
    More of the "I love white culture and spaces, but it's just so 辛苦 to be openly loyal to white people" syndrome.

    A lot of you are like that. You like the great societies white people create but it's so 烦人的 to, you know, openly support them. You're like the Black pundits you mock for always being exhausted.

    You're no better than they are. Actually, worse.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Kylie, @Redneck farmer

    I will never ever feel any loyalty whatsoever to leftists whites–from any country– all of whom are traitors to Western civilization and have therefore forfeited their right to live in it.

    If I had my way, they’d all be deported to SSA, which admittedly is kind of unfair to Africans. Maybe from there, the Africans can send them on to some destination other than Western countries.

    • 同意: Redneck farmer, TWS
    • 回复: @theMann

    在他们的屁股上系上降落伞,将他们从低空飞行的飞机上推下,飞越金沙萨或拉各斯。 这些生物不仅是他们国家的叛徒,而且是基因层面的叛徒,他们的惩罚应该与其罪行的严重程度相称。

    , @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    Are you saying your primary loyalty is to a Set of Ideas, not to your people?

    Or are you basically referring to anti-Whites as leftists?


  35. @anonymous
    I'll bet more golf clubs have been sold since 1996 (approx. start of Woods era) 20 than all the cricket equipment for the last century.




    • 回复: @RadicalCenter

    That seems obviously wrong.

    Cricket is the most popular sport in the world's most populous country, India, as well as Pakistan, maybe Bangladesh, and of course formerly-great formerly-britain ("the uk", lol).

    Other than those, is cricket popular in any other country of a sizeable population? And no, australia and the tiny jurisdictions of the "West Indies" don't county.

    Let's look at the other countries with large populations (100 million or more):
    Is cricket at all popular among the:

    1.4 billion people in China?
    350-400 million people in the USA?
    200-plus million in Brazil?
    200-plus million in Indonesia?
    200-plus million in Nigeria?
    145-150 million in Russian Federation (including recent restorations)?
    110 million in Philippines?
    110 million in Mexico?

    To summarize, huge India loves cricket, while equally huge China and all other populous countries except Pakistan and Bangladesh don't give a damn. Another 100-plus mid-sized and small countries likewise don't care about cricket except for the home country itself and a handful of former colonies that contain almost no people.

    It's cool if you like cricket, man, just don't pretend that anyone other than IndoPaks and limeys share your interest. I love baseball, but I have no illusion that it's popular around the world rather than concentrated in a single populous country.


    , @Barnard

    Cricket is popular in India as a spectator sport, but how many people play and how often do they have to replace their equipment?

    回复:@Jonathan Mason

    , @Alec Leamas (working from home)




    Well, a wrinkle is that a "set" of golf clubs is 12 to a maximum of 14, and frequent players update their clubs regularly. It's not a measure of the relative popularity of the two games but golf is more equipment intense.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

  36. @Reg Cæsar
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    橄榄球工人阶级到底在哪里? 新西兰,它唯一要去的地方? 在英格兰、法国、阿根廷、南非,这肯定不是无产者……

    回复:@Kim、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@whahae、@sb、@David Jones

    There are two “rugbies”, rugby union and rugby league, and the differences are considerable.

    Of the two, rugby league is the traditionally working class sport, even in England, where its heartland is in England’s north.

    In Australia, rugby union is played in the private schools. Overall, league is far more popular in the states where it is played (mainly New South Wales and Queensland) although there are a NZ and a (very successful) Melbourne teams in the national competition. And league, not union, is the tv ratings champion.

    • 回复: @ganderson

    Doesn’t Russell Crowe own a Rugby League team? The Boers are still wild for Rugby Union, no?

    If memory serves, Lindsay Anderson’s This Sporting Life was about a rugby league footballer- Richard Harris’ first starring turn. The movie also features the great Leonard Rossiter who went on to fame and fortune as Reggie in the criminally underrated “The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin”.

  37. @JR Ewing

    回复:@Zane、@Norm der Ploom、@Ed Case、@JayDee、@Anon

    A cricket match ends when the last batsman has been bowled out.

  38. @JR Ewing

    回复:@Zane、@Norm der Ploom、@Ed Case、@JayDee、@Anon


  39. @Reg Cæsar
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    橄榄球工人阶级到底在哪里? 新西兰,它唯一要去的地方? 在英格兰、法国、阿根廷、南非,这肯定不是无产者……

    回复:@Kim、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@whahae、@sb、@David Jones

    Wales (national sport for a nation largely comprised of proles).

  40. @Anonymous

    I’m reasonably fascinated by sports and am a raging Anglophile
    Then you should drop your use of the racial epithet, “WASP.”

    回复:@Redneck 农夫,@Hibernian

    It’s not an epithet if your group uses it.

    • 回复: @Anonymous

    It’s not an epithet if your group uses it.
    Whites have been brainwashed to espouse a lot of anti-White propaganda. Doesn’t mean it isn’t anti-White.
  41. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    and am a raging Anglophile
    More of the "I love white culture and spaces, but it's just so 辛苦 to be openly loyal to white people" syndrome.

    A lot of you are like that. You like the great societies white people create but it's so 烦人的 to, you know, openly support them. You're like the Black pundits you mock for always being exhausted.

    You're no better than they are. Actually, worse.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Kylie, @Redneck farmer

    So, us paler Eurasian types need to act more like sub-Saharan Africans is what you’re saying wigger?

    • 回复: @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    Cutesy comment.

    You white guys who like living in a white society, but have no loyalty to whites ... well what do you call that besides despicable? There is nothing more contemptible than an ingrate.

    I don't appreciate a black person who fails to recognize that living in a white society was great for him. But a white person who does that is far worse.

  42. @Kylie


    如果我有办法,他们都会被驱逐到 SSA,这对非洲人来说是不公平的。 也许从那里,非洲人可以将他们送到西方国家以外的某个目的地。

    回复:@theMann,@Loyalty 智商崇拜

    在他们的屁股上系上降落伞,将他们从低空飞行的飞机上推下,飞越金沙萨或拉各斯。 这些生物不仅是他们国家的叛徒,而且是基因层面的叛徒,他们的惩罚应该与其罪行的严重程度相称。

    • 同意: Kylie
  43. @Reg Cæsar
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    橄榄球工人阶级到底在哪里? 新西兰,它唯一要去的地方? 在英格兰、法国、阿根廷、南非,这肯定不是无产者……

    回复:@Kim、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@whahae、@sb、@David Jones


  44. @Kylie


    如果我有办法,他们都会被驱逐到 SSA,这对非洲人来说是不公平的。 也许从那里,非洲人可以将他们送到西方国家以外的某个目的地。

    回复:@theMann,@Loyalty 智商崇拜

    Are you saying your primary loyalty is to a Set of Ideas, not to your people?

    Or are you basically referring to anti-Whites as leftists?

    • 回复: @Kylie

    "Are you saying your primary loyalty is to a Set of Ideas, not to your people?

    Or are you basically referring to anti-Whites as leftists?"

    Basically the second. Leftists seem to me to be anti-white by definition. I have never met nor heard of nor read about a leftist who wished the white race well. I adamantly deny that white leftists are my people. They are not. They are race traitors.

    Put another way, I love dogs. But I would shoot a rabid dog dead on sight.


    Replies: @John Johnson, @Bill P

  45. @Peterike
    Yeah but the wogs are fanatical about cricket, and they a major up and coming power in America, while white America and its interests are fading. Give it ten more years. America will have 50 million Indians and cricket will be a thing.


    I think it is clear the Indian CEO and political leader will become a fact of life that goes without saying. The West is importing has imported an overclass.

    • 同意: J.Ross, mc23
  46. If one needs to see a ball whacked with a bat for entertainment, hurling (shinty) is infinitely more accessible than cricket:

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    曲棍球是一项引人入胜的比赛,如果必须坚持高杆的话,就像冰球一样。 但它似乎极易发生脑震荡。


    从理论上讲,团体手球应该是完美的比赛,但每当我在奥运会上观看它时,我都会对自己说:“所以这就是为什么这项运动从未流行起来的原因。” 美国人总是建议改变足球这项地球上最受欢迎的运动的规则。 但我怀疑美国的改革主义冲动可以为团队手球做更多的事情。

    回复:@S Johnson、@mc23、@Coemgen、@Coemgen、@Anonymous、@Anonymous

    , @Coemgen

    Shinty v. Hurling:

    It looks a lot more challenging than hockey because you can’t just glide on your skates to the sidelines to make swap for a fresh set of legs.

  47. @JR Ewing

    回复:@Zane、@Norm der Ploom、@Ed Case、@JayDee、@Anon

    10 outs to end an innings, both teams get 2 Innings.
    99% of the time it’s time limited, since Schools Matches are played over 1 afternoon and Grade Cricket is played over 2 afternoons.
    So, the most common result is a First Innings win to one of the sides.
    First Class cricket is played over 3 or 4 days and when there isn’t an Outright Win, points are allotted depending on which team made the running in the Match.

    Test Cricket is played to a maximum of 5 days, but a Match may conclude in less than 2, as happened in the recent Australia vs South Africa Test at the Brisbane Cricket Ground.

    No result is called a Draw.
    It’s not a huge issue, it just means that neither team was able to force a win.

    • 回复: @TWS

    This doesn't clear anything up

  48. @ThatsNotAll
    The field of major TV sports is crowded. But sports channels have so much time to fill that a lot of minor sports are getting TV coverage. Ax throwing, Cornhole, CrossFit, Ultimate Frisbee, Disc golf, and Pickleball - which as near I can tell is the wiffleball version of tennis are on TV. They even have competitive tag!

    The challenge for cricket is where to play? Baseball and football have a cultural tradition that sustains the expectation that communities will build fields for those sports. Who is building cricket fields? Since cricket involves a high velocity ball going in odd directions, it can't simply be played in a public park on a flat piece of ground. A wiffleball version of cricket could work, but to what purpose? What does cricket add to the American sport experience that athletes can't get out of baseball?

    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Reg Cæsar, @Ed Case, @JR Ewing


    • 回复: @kaganovitch



  49. @JR Ewing

    回复:@Zane、@Norm der Ploom、@Ed Case、@JayDee、@Anon

    As a proud Englishman (with a capital E) I love the baffling aspects of cricket. For instance the fact that an international can be played for another whole day when everybody knows it is going to be a draw! Or the quote from an American (I don’t know who … can somebody enlighten me?) that internationals often last longer than Italian governments (though that could now be updated to ‘UK governments’). My favourite Sports quiz is this: if every batsman in a batting side is bowled first ball, which number batsman is not out? You don’t need to know the rules of cricket to realize that that should be easy for a cricket-lover. I only ever ask it of other cricket-lovers, yet only one of them has ever got the correct answer first time. BTW it will never catch on in USA. If it was invented right now it wouldn’t catch on anywhere!

  50. . For instance, here are some defensive positions:

    Only deep fine leg and fine leg are defensive positions.
    Silly Mid Off is a good position to get killed in, I haven’t seen anyone stand there in big time cricket for a while.

    • 回复: @Kim

    Silly mid-off is where a captain puts the teammate who is fucking his wife.

  51. Are you really suggesting that it would be impossible to market a sport to Americans that has plentiful meal breaks?

  52. 对我来说很明显,这是另一篇针对印度市场的经济学人文章


  53. @Reg Cæsar
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    橄榄球工人阶级到底在哪里? 新西兰,它唯一要去的地方? 在英格兰、法国、阿根廷、南非,这肯定不是无产者……

    回复:@Kim、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@whahae、@sb、@David Jones


  54. @Reg Cæsar
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    橄榄球工人阶级到底在哪里? 新西兰,它唯一要去的地方? 在英格兰、法国、阿根廷、南非,这肯定不是无产者……

    回复:@Kim、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@whahae、@sb、@David Jones


    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar

    哦,是的,我忘记了这个人。 再一次,他可怜的妻子是工人阶级的妻子; 他比较有闲。


    回复:@Bill Jones

  55. 大多数奇怪的守备术语都是在 18 世纪中叶创造的,当时比赛刚开始组织起来。 当守场员离击球手太近以至于他不谨慎或愚蠢时,术语“愚蠢”被用作某些守场位置名称的修饰语。

    • 回复: @TWS


  56. 但如果板球不能让我产生丝毫兴趣,那么它在已经人满为患的美国体育赛事中还有什么机会呢?

    As an escape from the celebration of increasingly 黑色 role models of performative masculinity perhaps? Or if there is a great diminution in general econimic wellbeing stemming drom the instbilities caused by the Ukraine war sanctions, as an antidote to an American Dream turned bitter, in the same way as the tone of of Hollywood’s previously popular product (eg comedian Herold Lloyd’s go-getter characters) altered during the Depression. Even more decisive was the threat of boycott over the inappropriate role models in movies when the movie industry had borrowed vast sums to reequip for talkies and had already recouped far less than anticipated in the sudden nationwide economic downturn. Hence the Hayes Code , which led to actresses’ portraying career women. The women in preDepression film were to a large extent slutty bedroom accessories for male characters who were often gangsters. The modern sports star is increasingly a black gangsta in his personal life. American pro sports are part of the national dreamscape, and as such are 100% fake inasmuch every aspect is carefully designed to highlight hegemonic masculinity individually triumphant in an appeal to the spectator and increasingly highlight reel (even if he fouls on every dunk). Cricket is quite a bit less artificial and ‘professional’ in an everyday sense. That is the trouble: it is too real.


    For if the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, as the Duke of Wellington is erroneously supposed to have said, historians will doubtless record in future years that the EU referendum was won or lost here: on the narrow strip of grass that flanks the 120­yard brick wall that divides College Field from the Slough Road.

    David Cameron and Boris Johnson, respective leaders of the Remainers and Brexiteers, both went to Eton, and the referendum is merely the wall game writ large. It is played by a tiny elite. It is incomprehensible to most ordinary people. It involves two sides straining to push the other backwards, with only fleeting moments of drama or excitement and seldom a clear­cut winner.

    “The Eton wall game is exceptionally exhausting and is far more skilful than might appear to the uninitiated. The skill consists in the remorseless application of pressure and leverage as one advances inch by inch through a seemingly impenetrable mass of opponents. Few sports offer less to the spectator . . . ”

  57. Cricket is big because of South Asia. Otherwise, it would have been marginal.

    Essentially, there are only two global sports: association football/soccer for teams, and tennis for individuals. Everything else is parochial.

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer
    @巴顿·卡迪安(Bardon Kaldian)

    Basketball is the #2 team sport to soccer. It's not played much in India, but it's played a lot in China. Soccer has advantages over basketball in not being extremely biased toward tall West Africans. My impression is that basketball fits in well with southern European sports clubs like Barcelona and Real Madrid where soccer is the main outdoor sport and basketball is a good winter indoor sport. If basketball took off in northern Europe, which it might do, it would clearly be #2 to soccer.

    Golf is never going to be as practical as tennis, but it's strong in the English-speaking white countries, in continental western Europe north and south, in East Asia, especially in the coolest country in Asia, South Korea, and in the richest countries of the middle east. If you wanted to make up a list of countries of cultural influence, the countries where golf is popular would correlate well.

  58. ?5725283?

    Sperg tents wheeled in from fields formerly given over to fallow ground

    When Steve Sailer joins us who will stop us?

  59. @Steve Sailer

    板球是棒球和曲棍球守门员之间的混合体,因此它不是棒球的一对一替代品。 令人惊讶的是,它没有在加拿大流行起来,而是在棒球运动中流行起来。

    回复:@Anon、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Pat Hannagan、@martin_2、@fish、@Another Canadian

    For when you join the international community

  60. 下一件大事:机动滑板车赛车。

  61. @Coemgen
    If one needs to see a ball whacked with a bat for entertainment, hurling (shinty) is infinitely more accessible than cricket:

    回覆:@Steve Sailer,@ Coemgen

    曲棍球是一项引人入胜的比赛,如果必须坚持高杆的话,就像冰球一样。 但它似乎极易发生脑震荡。


    In theory, team handball should be the perfect game, but whenever I watch it in the Olympics, I say to myself: “So that’s why this game has never taken off.” Americans are always recommending rule changes for soccer, the most popular sport on earth. But I suspect that the American reformist urge could do more for team handball.

    • 回复: @S Johnson

    根据他的说法,很有文化底蕴的爱尔兰歌手皮特·多尔蒂 (Pete Doherty) 的问题始于他 12 岁左右(和他的军人父亲住在那里)时,在塞浦路斯被从罗马废墟上掉下来的一些砖石砸中头部。 他后来称他的首张专辑 上支架,俚语是一拳打在头上。
    , @mc23

    Not terribly safety conscientiousnes as far as sports go & always like rough games but watched a couple of Hurling games for the first time and thought was that Americans today would be appalled. Handsome athletic lads to whom safety is an afterthought.

    The crowds and the stadiums seemed enormous for such a small country.

    , @Coemgen


    The first thoughts that come to mind are hacky sack / teabag.

    Maybe it would sell with an edgier name? Maybe add in some danger like hardwood sticks…

    , @Coemgen

    I have this impression that Irish culture in general is concussion-prone
    Joe Biden should change his trademark gaffe from:

    I may be Irish but I’m not stupid.


    I may be punch drunk but, ah, oh, …, I may be Irish but I’m not punch drunk.
    , @Anonymous

    I get the same impression when watching hurling vs handball. Hurling strikes me as an impressive, serious sport. While handball seems to lack gravitas, and frankly, seems dorky as hell. Handball is like dodgeball - a game you play as 5th graders in PE class in the school gym.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    , @Anonymous

    When I visited Ireland, I was impressed by the locals' intense pride and interest in hurling and Gaelic football, which no other country plays. I was also struck by how much contempt they had for soccer and cricket, which they characterized as soft English games and not serious sports like hurling and Gaelic. They did seem to have some respect for rugby though.

    I was surprised by the relative popularity of cricket in Australia though. Australia is not really into soccer and prefer their own Aussie rules football which is like rugby and a tough game. Australia also has a more tough and working class type culture so I didn't think they'd be much into a game like cricket which is associated with toffs.

  62. @ThatsNotAll
    The field of major TV sports is crowded. But sports channels have so much time to fill that a lot of minor sports are getting TV coverage. Ax throwing, Cornhole, CrossFit, Ultimate Frisbee, Disc golf, and Pickleball - which as near I can tell is the wiffleball version of tennis are on TV. They even have competitive tag!

    The challenge for cricket is where to play? Baseball and football have a cultural tradition that sustains the expectation that communities will build fields for those sports. Who is building cricket fields? Since cricket involves a high velocity ball going in odd directions, it can't simply be played in a public park on a flat piece of ground. A wiffleball version of cricket could work, but to what purpose? What does cricket add to the American sport experience that athletes can't get out of baseball?

    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Reg Cæsar, @Ed Case, @JR Ewing

    距休斯顿市中心约 50 英里处正在开发一个奶牛牧场,一群印第安人正在将其改造成板球场。他们已经规划了大约 10 个场地,其中 5-6 个场地已经建成,配有椭圆形短链围栏和郁郁葱葱的绿色草坪。所取得的进展有点令人印象深刻。不知道如何支付费用。

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    I used to watch out my dorm window Indians play cricket 3 miles from downtown Houston in the 1970s. That Indians have relocated 47 miles further out of Houston to play cricket over the last 43 years doesn't strike me as much in the way of progress.

    In general, sports have become more homogenous.

    , @The Anti-Gnostic


    回复:@Steven Carr

  63. @meh

    没有百分之一的美国人能够解释任何不是 MSM 和社交媒体 24/7 向他们大喊大叫的事情,所以这并不能说明什么。




    Replies: @Anon, @Herman Hetherington, @kaganovitch

    它并不难,但它很糟糕,所以没有人会费心去学习它减去几十亿低智商的印度人和巴基斯坦人。 简单如。

  64. @Bardon Kaldian
    Cricket is big because of South Asia. Otherwise, it would have been marginal.

    Essentially, there are only two global sports: association football/soccer for teams, and tennis for individuals. Everything else is parochial.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    Basketball is the #2 team sport to soccer. It’s not played much in India, but it’s played a lot in China. Soccer has advantages over basketball in not being extremely biased toward tall West Africans. My impression is that basketball fits in well with southern European sports clubs like Barcelona and Real Madrid where soccer is the main outdoor sport and basketball is a good winter indoor sport. If basketball took off in northern Europe, which it might do, it would clearly be #2 to soccer.

    Golf is never going to be as practical as tennis, but it’s strong in the English-speaking white countries, in continental western Europe north and south, in East Asia, especially in the coolest country in Asia, South Korea, and in the richest countries of the middle east. If you wanted to make up a list of countries of cultural influence, the countries where golf is popular would correlate well.

  65. @JR Ewing

    距休斯顿市中心约 50 英里处正在开发一个奶牛牧场,一群印第安人正在将其改造成板球场。他们已经规划了大约 10 个场地,其中 5-6 个场地已经建成,配有椭圆形短链围栏和郁郁葱葱的绿色草坪。所取得的进展有点令人印象深刻。不知道如何支付费用。

    回复:@Steve Sailer,@The Anti-Gnostic

    I used to watch out my dorm window Indians play cricket 3 miles from downtown Houston in the 1970s. That Indians have relocated 47 miles further out of Houston to play cricket over the last 43 years doesn’t strike me as much in the way of progress.

    In general, sports have become more homogenous.

  66. @meh

    没有百分之一的美国人能够解释任何不是 MSM 和社交媒体 24/7 向他们大喊大叫的事情,所以这并不能说明什么。




    Replies: @Anon, @Herman Hetherington, @kaganovitch


  67. The rules are incomprehensible.

    Jai alai seems like something invented to make more business to skeevy bookmaking operations.

  68. @Steve Sailer

    曲棍球是一项引人入胜的比赛,如果必须坚持高杆的话,就像冰球一样。 但它似乎极易发生脑震荡。


    从理论上讲,团体手球应该是完美的比赛,但每当我在奥运会上观看它时,我都会对自己说:“所以这就是为什么这项运动从未流行起来的原因。” 美国人总是建议改变足球这项地球上最受欢迎的运动的规则。 但我怀疑美国的改革主义冲动可以为团队手球做更多的事情。

    回复:@S Johnson、@mc23、@Coemgen、@Coemgen、@Anonymous、@Anonymous


    根据他的说法,很有文化底蕴的爱尔兰歌手皮特·多尔蒂 (Pete Doherty) 的问题始于他 12 岁左右(和他的军人父亲住在那里)时,在塞浦路斯被从罗马废墟上掉下来的一些砖石砸中头部。 他后来称他的首张专辑 上支架,俚语是一拳打在头上。

  69. 我们不要忘记“三柱门前的腿”(有关该内容的视频评论很搞笑)。

    撇开所有的讽刺不谈,看看一个叫做 Twenty20 的东西(如果我记得这是维基百科文章的拼写),这是一种非常有趣的短板球形式。


  70. @Ed Case

    . For instance, here are some defensive positions:
    Only deep fine leg and fine leg are defensive positions.
    Silly Mid Off is a good position to get killed in, I haven't seen anyone stand there in big time cricket for a while.


    Silly mid-off is where a captain puts the teammate who is fucking his wife.

  71. Surprised it hasn’t been mentioned but a big problem with cricket taking off in the US is that the live games in the UK and Australia are in the middle of the night.

    Lacrosse has increased in popularity since it can use a soccer field but cricket can’t use a baseball diamond.

    You’d need a wealthy fan to build cricket fields everywhere. We really need more ice arenas and not another sport.

    I could see it getting more popular in Canada but the US? Maybe a few areas with Dot Indians but even then I don’t see White people bothering. Most White people don’t want to spend their weekend listening to dukra durka. Dot Indians in the US can be assholes and would be elitist about the whole thing. They wouldn’t like Tyler dominating the team even if they are in America.

    In other news California legalizes jay walking but bans the sale of fur:

    • 巨魔: R.G. Camara
  72. @Anonymous

    You know, if you're going to say the same thing every thread, hopefully Steve will allow me to copy and paste my response to you and Citizen Of A Silly Country from a previous thread as well:

    On the few core issues where white people overwhelmingly share the same interest–anti-white discrimination, anti-white media bias, immigration, stopping crime–Steve is 100% pro-white. Most of the commenters here are too. If you think otherwise, be more specific.

    On most other issues, as you may have noticed, white people are divided, and “loyalty to whites” doesn’t tell you the right path, or any particular path for that matter. Hence all the debate in these comments about COVID, Ukraine, abortion, etc.

    Really, this should be taken as a whitepill by you guys–uncrimestopped white guys can put aside their differences to support pro-white policies. But instead, you constantly virtue signal about a vague lack of white loyalty from Steve.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    作为 racial bias in general is not the same thing as being FOR your own group. And in the current environment, it’s a sleazy dodge.

    I’m sure he’s against white people being stepped on. Probably frogs too. Big deal. When your people and ONLY your people are being targeted for harm across several generations, when you have witnessed them lose a country in your own lifetime, you don’t respond with limp-wristed comments about “hey gee, that black crime rate though”.

    More deeply, the reason all this harm happened to whites is specifically because of “moderate” pundits like Sailer and Charles Murray. They are much more responsible than any Illuminati Conspiracy could be. They insist on being pundits to whom whites who are worried about their people turn, and then they mislead them.

    Sailer is capable of passion about Covid and Ukraine. But it’s missing when it comes to his people.

    As far as differences of opinion on abortion or whatever, that is no excuse for race treason. No Japanese person justifies being indifferent to the destruction of his people because they have strong debates on issues.

    • 谢谢: Mike Tre
    • 回复: @Anonymous

    I'll be honest: I don't get it. I'm a white American. From my point of view, the problems that white Americans face in particular are those I listed above: anti-white discrimination, anti-white media bias, immigration, bad black behavior. On all of these issues, Steve Sailer has extensively argued for pro-white positions. Do you think there's some other issue he isn't addressing?

    As for blaming him and Charles Murray for the issues that harm whites, that's ridiculous. Do you really think Murray and Sailer control border security, civil rights law, or public safety? You're fooling yourself.
    You should be paying more attention to the very real politicians, judges, bureaucrats, media members, etc. who actually ARE responsible for anti-white policies.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

  73. @Anonymous
    yeah, thats never going to happen. reminds me of the mad men episode about jai alai. we already have baseball and nobody is clamoring for another one.

    rugby and lacrosse have a chance to be minor sports as more white kids have been getting into them.

    the flight from black in sports is real and it worked to make soccer now a fairly legitimate pro sport in this country.


    reminds me of the mad men episode about jai alai. we already have baseball and nobody is clamoring for another one.

    Even at its peak jai alai had very little appeal as a sport. It was strictly a form of gambling, much like horse racing, and declined with the growth of casinos and sports betting.

  74. @Redneck farmer

    So, us paler Eurasian types need to act more like sub-Saharan Africans is what you're saying wigger?

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    Cutesy comment.

    You white guys who like living in a white society, but have no loyalty to whites … well what do you call that besides despicable? There is nothing more contemptible than an ingrate.

    I don’t appreciate a black person who fails to recognize that living in a white society was great for him. But a white person who does that is far worse.

  75. 沟渠

    I can’t see what is complicated about these fielding positions.

    First of all you have to understand the simple concept of leg and off. The legside is the side of the batsman’s legs, and the offside is the side of the batsman’s bat. So he can hit the ball to leg or to off.

    “Silly” means very close to the batsman. The close fielder is hoping to make a catch if the ball pops up and falls close to the batter.

    “Square” means level with the batsman. You can be square on the offside or the legside. You can be forward of square or backward of square. Hence backward square leg. Square on the offside is also called point. So silly point is square on the outside and close to the bat. (The actual location of these positions on the field will therefore depend on whether the batsman is right-handed or left-handed, because his legs will be on a different side.)

    Even children know this.

    Gully is slightly behind square on the offside. I don’t know the origin of the word, but it probably refers to some historical cricket field that had a gully.

    • 谢谢: PiltdownMan
    • 回复: @Jonathan Mason

    Here is a simple diagram of the fielding positions in cricket. Once you understand the concept of leg and off and backward and forward, it all makes sense.



    , @Ralph L

    “Square” means level with the batsman.

    It's played on hillsides?

    , @The Anti-Gnostic

    The "top 10 best catches in cricket history" would be one of a hundred on the highlight reel for a single week in US baseball. It's just not nearly as athletic a game, not that there's anything wrong with that.

  76. Samoans used to play cricket in my south Seattle neighborhood back in the 80s. That remains the only place and time I’ve ever seen it played in the US.

    But speaking of diverse sports, I used to like watching the lumberjack Olympics years ago. Those guys were really impressive.

    I think people just don’t get out and around as much anymore. It’s part of the “bowling alone” phenomenon. Social trust is a shadow of what it once was, and sports are a social pursuit. I see people jogging all the time – alone and with headphones – but aside from youth teams I hardly ever see people out playing frisbee, softball, touch football, etc. Especially since COVID — boy did those lockdowns provide the death blow to whatever social cohesion remained.

    This general social atomization naturally ennervates the eclectic sports scene.

    • 同意: The Anti-Gnostic, PiltdownMan
    • 回复: @PiltdownMan

    I speculate that the social atomization that affects how American men relate to sports began more than half a century ago, when kids stopped spilling out of their homes after being fed by their stay-at-home mothers, and went looking for buddies in their then safe neighborhoods to play games, spontaneously, and unsupervised.

    Once parents (dads, mostly) started organizing that activity, and school sports or paid coaching lessons became about the only way boys played sports, a new generation of sports fans related to TV sports quite differently from earlier generations; it's much harder to imagine yourself out on the field if you haven't played the sport yourself, even if only in kiddie form. Most sports fans today, I daresay, have never played the sports they watch.

    I don't know if all that's factually true, but it could be ...

    Replies: @Bill P, @anarchyst

  77. 如果您不知道,作为一名前休斯顿人,休斯顿郊外的 Prairie View 有一个相对较新的、占地 86 英亩的板球场: https://www.chron.com/business/article/Major-cricket-complex-in-Prairie-View-is-Houston-13082900.php

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter


  78. File under Always gonna happen.

    “To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about Twitter turned out to be true.”

  79. 美国板球运动的主要问题是让人们参与其中。

    很简单,球太硬了,接球或接球很疼。 没关系面对一个快速的投球手。
    当孩子们开始踢球时,足球在美国的吸引力就开始了。 适合女孩玩的(男子)运动,以及适合男孩玩的安全(当然不是美式足球)运动。 很快,美国女子足球队就相当不错了(因为在欧洲或南美洲几乎没有或根本没有女子足球比赛,而且确实存在的女子足球队组织性较差,而且起步并不比美国大学女子足球队年轻多少)。

    • 同意: PiltdownMan
  80. @Jonathan Mason

    I can't see what is complicated about these fielding positions.

    First of all you have to understand the simple concept of leg and off. The legside is the side of the batsman's legs, and the offside is the side of the batsman's bat. So he can hit the ball to leg or to off.

    "Silly" means very close to the batsman. The close fielder is hoping to make a catch if the ball pops up and falls close to the batter.

    "Square" means level with the batsman. You can be square on the offside or the legside. You can be forward of square or backward of square. Hence backward square leg. Square on the offside is also called point. So silly point is square on the outside and close to the bat. (The actual location of these positions on the field will therefore depend on whether the batsman is right-handed or left-handed, because his legs will be on a different side.)

    Even children know this.

    Gully is slightly behind square on the offside. I don't know the origin of the word, but it probably refers to some historical cricket field that had a gully.


    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Ralph L, @The Anti-Gnostic

    Here is a simple diagram of the fielding positions in cricket. Once you understand the concept of leg and off and backward and forward, it all makes sense.


    • 回复: @dearieme

    That's not much good. He's got Cover and Extra Cover the wrong way round, his Fine Leg is what in my day was Long Leg, his Short Leg is actually Silly Mid On, and, inexcusably, his Forward Short Leg is actually Silly Mid Off.

    回复:@Jonathan Mason

  81. the extreme impenetrable Englishness of it

    I once tried to get an British Commonwealth co-worker to explain cricket to me. The last thing I remember is something about an “oval” that isn’t oval and then my eyes glazed over.

    • 回复: @Jonathan Mason

    The last thing I remember is something about an “oval” that isn’t oval and then my eyes glazed over.
    The Oval, now known as the Kia Oval, is the name of a famous cricket stadium just outside London. It is kind of oval. Has nothing to do with explaining how cricket is played.

    There is another cricket ground called the Adelaide Oval in Australia.


  82. Combat Juggling 在过去十年中越来越受欢迎:

    战斗或角斗士是杂耍者玩的游戏。 在其最典型的形式中,一些玩家每人玩弄三支球杆,试图干扰其他玩家的玩弄,获胜者是最后一个保持玩弄三支球杆的人——不一定是他们开始时使用的那些。”


  83. @JimDandy
    Maybe they can combine cricket with Jai alai.

    Replies: @Known Fact, @Wade Hampton

    Pickleball is one sport that’s really taking off — apparently it’s tennis for the old, infirm or just plain lazy. So maybe come up with Picklecricket.

    I went to jai alai once in Miami. Not knowing anything, my strategy going in was just to bet anyone named Salazar — and it worked!

    • 回复: @prosa123

    Pickleball is one sport that’s really taking off — apparently it’s tennis for the old, infirm or just plain lazy.

    It's less physically demanding than tennis, but it's way ahead of golf, especially if one uses the cart. It also has the advantage of being reasonably tolerant of skill differences, so a newcomer and a more experienced player can still have an enjoyable game in most instances.


    , @JimDandy

    Yeah, pickleball is huge. And getting huger. Pro pickleball would have an audience.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

  84. Forged in Fire 是一部关于使用各种类型的剑切开随机物体的电视节目

    我认为史蒂夫忽略了卫星电视、流媒体和扩展电缆(ESPN 2、History 2 等)如何为我们提供更多奇怪的内容

    此外,有竞争力的 rubix cubing 是巨大的

    • 回复: @Bill Jones

    Forged in Fire 是一部关于使用各种类型的剑切开随机物体的电视节目

    Forged in Fire 是典型的白人电视。



  85. @Jonathan Mason

    Here is a simple diagram of the fielding positions in cricket. Once you understand the concept of leg and off and backward and forward, it all makes sense.



    That’s not much good. He’s got Cover and Extra Cover the wrong way round, his Fine Leg is what in my day was Long Leg, his Short Leg is actually Silly Mid On, and, inexcusably, his Forward Short Leg is actually Silly Mid Off.

    • 回复: @Jonathan Mason

    This diagram is from an Australian source, and I too would disagree with a couple of points. For example what he calls Deep Cover, I would call Cover Point.

    You are right about the Silly Mid-On error, a silly mistake, though it would actually be Silly Mid-On for a left-handed batter.

    I think the Fine Leg is okay, although it ought to be a bit finer. The position indicated could also be called Backward Square Leg. I would have thought that Long Leg was Deep Mid On, or Cow Corner. On rustic cricket pitches, that area of the field was generally considered safe for cows to graze, as the ball would generally not go there, unless the batsman played a "cow shot". Of course if you had a left-handed batter, the cows would have to be moved from off to on.

    By the way I forgot to mention in an earlier post, that the terms legside and onside are synonymous. So the contrast can be between leg and off, or on and off.

    The offside would correspond to right field in baseball, except if the batsman was left-handed, then right field would be the onside.

    Replies: @dearieme, @RadicalCenter

  86. @meh

    没有百分之一的美国人能够解释任何不是 MSM 和社交媒体 24/7 向他们大喊大叫的事情,所以这并不能说明什么。




    Replies: @Anon, @Herman Hetherington, @kaganovitch


    看,如果他们是美国人,他们会一直以最佳发射角度将球抛向空中,并且会涌现出数十家板球击球学院,承诺教授三种真正的板球比赛,这样您的孩子就会有优势在他选择的大学入学。 与美国人接近板球运动时的勤奋不同,板球运动国家将时间花在漫无目的地从一个基地游荡到另一个基地,野餐等。愚蠢的共产主义者,他们中的很多人。

    • 哈哈: Hibernian, mc23, The Anti-Gnostic
  87. @Steve Sailer

    板球是棒球和曲棍球守门员之间的混合体,因此它不是棒球的一对一替代品。 令人惊讶的是,它没有在加拿大流行起来,而是在棒球运动中流行起来。

    回复:@Anon、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Pat Hannagan、@martin_2、@fish、@Another Canadian

    You really need fine weather for cricket. It is only played in the Summer in the UK. Scotland doesn’t do much cricket, partly I dare say because of the climate.

  88. @Anonymous
    yeah, thats never going to happen. reminds me of the mad men episode about jai alai. we already have baseball and nobody is clamoring for another one.

    rugby and lacrosse have a chance to be minor sports as more white kids have been getting into them.

    the flight from black in sports is real and it worked to make soccer now a fairly legitimate pro sport in this country.


    我是一名 HS 松懈的教练——我的三个儿子都打出了高水平的比赛。 这是一项很棒的运动,在过去的 15 年里发展了很多,但我认为松懈的繁荣已经结束。 它很昂贵,更高级别需要与曲棍球一样多的旅行(尽管赛季较短),并且在非传统长曲棍球时代缺乏合格的教练。 (我的 Ted Lasso 式教练生涯就是证明)不过,它几乎全是白人。 中场是为黑人设立的位置——我原以为一旦兄弟们发现了这一点,它就像足球中的角卫一样,不会再有白人中场了。 还没有发生。 任何人都知道在 MD-DC-VA 或纽约西部上州是否有多数黑人高中拥有良好的松散团队?

    有 pro lax,但它一直在努力寻找自己的形式和受众。 没有多少人参加过大联盟的松散赛事,他们还没有进入松散的世界。

    • 回复: @kaganovitch

    Anyone know if there are any majority black high schools in, say, MD-DC-VA or Western-Upstate New York with good lax teams?

    I seem to remember Buffalo Joe mentioning such a team in the Buffalo area. If you're reading this Joe, come back, we miss you.

    , @anonymous

    To respond to one of your observations - college lacrosse players do much much better in the business world than college football players - my guess is "by a factor of 10" would not be unfair, and "by a factor of 20" might be more accurate ---- and Belichik, and other NFL people who know what's what, hire lacrosse players as assistant coaches, so the few lacrosse players who really want to make big money in sports have that option.

    I don't think it is a nice thing to say, but it is true - 8 years of high school and college football or soccer are going to usually knock 10 IQ points out of your skull, through concussions. Lacrosse, maybe five points on average. We see the survivors, the great raconteurs like John Madden and his ilk, but trust me - if you lined up fifty fat old guys in their fifties and asked an average American to talk to everyone in the line, and then ask which of the fat guys had football-level CTEs and were sort of a lot more dull than they ought to be ---- the average American would pick out the guy who took a beating as a high school or college football player over the guy who didn't, nine times out of ten.

    It didn't use to be that way - several WWII four-stars spent time on the gridiron at the academies and did not lose more than five or so IQ points - but the rules were different, and more brutal but more fair then, it was more of a fair fight - and in a world where being slightly more dull-witted than you were born to be is a big deal, it is not a good idea to spend 8 years or more of your youth playing football with people who are bigger than you and who like to hit you hard when you are not looking.
    That is not the warrior way. Eventually, Americans will learn.

    Replies: @anonymous, @ganderson

    , @cthulhu

    我是一名 HS 松懈的教练——我的三个儿子都打出了高水平的比赛。 这是一项很棒的运动,在过去的 15 年里发展了很多,但我认为松懈的繁荣已经结束。
    The impression I got was that lacrosse became one of those niche sports that (a) looked good on a college application - especially for girls, and (b) if the person was actually good, there was a non-infinitesimal chance of a scholarship (again, especially for girls). And that’s why it boomed. Fencing was another of those niche sports. Has lacrosse become commonplace enough the college admissions bump for it has gone away?

    However, much to the chagrin and incredulity of swim parents, swimming never was one of those sports; even if your kid swam for the top club team in one of the largest metro areas in the US, and that team typically had a handful of swimmers reach finals at the Olympic trials and a couple make the team, those were the only ones to get scholarships - even if your kid made the final heat at Nationals, that often wasn’t good enough for a scholarship. The best a kid could hope for was to get admitted to a good school on an athletic letter of intent, but only a few ever got scholarships. Fortunately, my kids weren’t good enough to have that kind of pressure on them and just enjoyed a modicum of local success and camaraderie with their teammates, but every year there were parents indignant that their kid who won multiple events at the local area Junior Olympics but didn’t qualify for Nationals would almost certainly not get any boost from it come college application time. It was a topic every year at the team’s new parents orientation. But swimming is still pretty commonplace as a more-individual sport for teens, and some kids are just more suited to individual sports.


  89. @Patrick1982
    制作精良的板球视频游戏有市场,也许不是 PlayStation/Xbox 上的主机游戏,而是流行的统计数据驱动的 OOTP 棒球游戏风格的 PC/手机游戏,粉丝可以在其中模拟锦标赛和联赛,根据他们的喜好定制。

    我之所以提出这一点,是因为一家德国小公司(Out of the Park Developments)制作了 OOTP 系列,尽管自二战以来美国大量驻军,但棒球在那里几乎完全不受关注。如果一家德国小公司能够制作出比任何美国公司都更好的棒球模拟游戏,那么是什么阻止了这里或其他地方的开发商制作出色的板球模拟游戏呢?


    回复:@slumber_j,@RG Camara


    事实上,他们非常痴迷于统计数据:就像棒球广播一样,电视板球评论员必须用大量的死气沉沉的空气来填补 东西,而且往往是晦涩难懂的统计数据。 威斯登板球运动员年鉴 (通常简称为 维斯登)总是列出大量统计数据,自 1864 年以来每年发布一次,使其(根据维基百科)成为“历史上运行时间最长的体育年度”。

    • 回复: @Che Guava


    板球在 Nth 更受欢迎。是。当时,但斯伯丁的推动改变了这一点。然而,棒球运动的全面统治肯定需要几十年的时间。斯伯丁 (Spalding) 在 1860 年代左右制造了改良型或男子气概的圆形滚球机,直到 20 世纪初的某个时候才占据主导地位。



    棒球服之类的恋物癖特征,以及所有的军乐队和诸如此类的废话最终获胜。不过,在 19 世纪末,两者旗鼓相当。并进入 20 年初,坎迪迪亚和美国的情况似乎也是如此


    相扑在很多方面更像板球而不是棒球。相扑比赛需要 15 天。一场顶级板球比赛,五场。相似之处并不是唯一的。

  90. 我喜欢曲棍球,它刚刚度过了辉煌的十年,即使盖尔式足球变得过于防守。 在有人用投掷重击他之后,我的朋友多年来一直遭受严重的背伤。 在 1990 年代强制佩戴头盔之前,您偶尔会看到裂开的头部或脸部。




  91. @SafeNow
    If I correctly understand the connotation of “It’s not cricket,” then cricket has an ethos of extreme sportsmanlike decency and good cheer. In fact, the linguistic expressions listed by Steve have an air of foppishness about them. This, as opposed to a baseball pitcher loading-up the baseball, and a score of other nasty aspects of baseball I could name. And don’t get me started on football and basketball. In sum, Cricket just does not suit the American sports character. It’s hard to imagine cricket fans getting into a fight at the stadium or parking lot. “Mom, Dad, meet my date, Trevor, he plays cricket”…okay, cricket wins that one.

    Replies: @Anon, @ganderson, @AKAHorace, @Janbar

    And in the NHL, the only major league (assuming it is garners the general interest that other major leagues do, which I don’t assume) where fighting is not an automatic expulsion: the other night Cale Makar of the Colorado Avalanche waved off a penalty called on the guy who was chasing him around the net: the ref called a trip, Makar went to the official and said that he was not tripped, he’d just lost an edge. Don’t see that kind of sportsmanship much anymore. Probably one never did see that kind of sportsmanship. And from (arguably) hockey’s best player. Granted, I’m biased; I’ve been a Makar fan since his UMASS days…

    • 回复: @Jack P

    If true that says a lot about Makar, who is already one of the top players in the league and apparently has the right stuff mentally too.

  92. @Anonymous

    I’m reasonably fascinated by sports and am a raging Anglophile
    Then you should drop your use of the racial epithet, “WASP.”

    回复:@Redneck 农夫,@Hibernian

    Maybe we could drop all racial and/or ethnic and/or sectarian epithets. Oh wait, only 25% of the site would be left!

  93. @anonymous
    Can Greater Idaho as a sovereign country happen? Imagine widespread election fraud in 2024. White people in red states will want change.


    JULY 14,2022

    If white people in red states are willing to fight the Iran War in 2024, they have to get Greater Idaho in return.


    We’d still have CDA, Boise and adding Spokane, Pullman, Ellensburg, maybe places like Cle Elum, or Pendleton and full of illegals and Indians. The only way to make it work would be to forcibly evict the illegals and encourage the liberal California types to self deport. As well as limit immigration from other areas.

    The US government would step in at the first sign of enforcing immigration law.

    It’s simply a way to add two more senators probably democrats and further move Idaho towards California and the left coast.

    • 回复: @anonymous

    Greater Idaho is the last part of America outside of the missile field states where secession is possible. By 2040, the white Christian majority of Idaho will drop below 60%. At that point I assume secession is not possible. Instead of putting all the eggs in the 2024, 2028, or 2032 presidential election basket, conservatives need to think about Plan B.

  94. @Steve Sailer

    板球是棒球和曲棍球守门员之间的混合体,因此它不是棒球的一对一替代品。 令人惊讶的是,它没有在加拿大流行起来,而是在棒球运动中流行起来。

    回复:@Anon、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Pat Hannagan、@martin_2、@fish、@Another Canadian

    棒球 赶上 在加拿大?

  95. 我为您准备了一份体育运动大世界清单。来自某个斯堪的纳维亚国家的摩托车冰道赛车怎么样,使用尖刺轮子,但我没有想到。

  96. @Reg Cæsar
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    Baseball’s direct ancestor isn’t cricket, but Rounders
    我玩 奔放的 ("roundball") in Denmark and long assumed it to be rounders, but apparently it's the Swedish brännboll, 稍微不一样。

    On the rounders page at Wikipedia, there is this note:



    Safe haven games
    Stoolball [aka bittle-battle]



    They left out Schlagball, and the page for tsan is in Italian and French, not English. It shows that there are a plethora of bat-and-ball games to choose from. However, only cricket and baseball have been able to spread internationally.

    Cricket is the ideal for those who whine that there isn't enough scoring in baseball or soccer. Sri Lanka once beat India 952-537,在1938中, England beat Australia by 579 runs, still the record margin.



    There’s a weird Finnish variant of baseball- sometimes played on “da Range” and the UP.

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar

    There’s a weird Finnish variant of baseball- sometimes played on “da Range” and the UP.
    是的, 佩萨帕洛, which is close to how a Finn would pronounce "baseball", but translates as "nest ball". It adds the innovation that distances between bases increase as you advance. They thought third-to-home was too easy.

    They sometimes play it at the (roughly) biennial FinnFest, which will be held in Duluth this summer. In 2009 and 2016, that event was held on a cruise ship, which might have constricted playing options.




  97. @Ed Case

    10 outs to end an innings, both teams get 2 Innings.
    99% of the time it's time limited, since Schools Matches are played over 1 afternoon and Grade Cricket is played over 2 afternoons.
    So, the most common result is a First Innings win to one of the sides.
    First Class cricket is played over 3 or 4 days and when there isn't an Outright Win, points are allotted depending on which team made the running in the Match.

    Test Cricket is played to a maximum of 5 days, but a Match may conclude in less than 2, as happened in the recent Australia vs South Africa Test at the Brisbane Cricket Ground.

    No result is called a Draw.
    It's not a huge issue, it just means that neither team was able to force a win.


    This doesn’t clear anything up

    • 哈哈: kaganovitch
  98. @David Jones
    Most of the strange fielding terms were coined in the mid 18th Century, when the game first became organised. The term "silly" is used as a modifier to the names for certain fielding positions when the fielder is so close to the batsman that he is being imprudent, or silly.



  99. In my neighborhood there are a bunch of disc golfers which is the stupidest thing I ever saw. There is a hiking trail adjacent to the 圆盘高尔夫球场 I use all the time. It does not appear to do one damn thing to improve your physique despite the topographical relief on the course. Walking uphill the distance you can toss a frisbee isn’t going to boost your heart rate. These fat asses need to sprint that part if they want some benefit.

    • 回复: @John Johnson

    In my neighborhood there are a bunch of disc golfers which is the stupidest thing I ever saw. There is a hiking trail adjacent to the disc golf course I use all the time.

    Oh God don't me remind me. They are even worse than the ultimate Frisbee dorks that will take up a huge section of the park.

    If you want to piss them off then call it frolf. It drives them nuts.


    These fat asses need to sprint that part if they want some benefit.

    The real problem is that those guys go out for burgers and beers afterwards to talk about each shot.

    Golf and bowling have the same problem. You aren't gonna lose weight if you drink beers the whole time. But in all fairness I can't imagine bowling without beer.

    , @Stan Adams



  100. Monty Python once satirized cricket as ‘ritualised idioting’.

  101. “如果棒球是今天发明的。 . . ”

  102. @Almost Missouri

    the extreme impenetrable Englishness of it
    I once tried to get an British Commonwealth co-worker to explain cricket to me. The last thing I remember is something about an "oval" that isn't oval and then my eyes glazed over.

    回复:@Jonathan Mason

    The last thing I remember is something about an “oval” that isn’t oval and then my eyes glazed over.

    The Oval, now known as the Kia Oval, is the name of a famous cricket stadium just outside London. It is kind of oval. Has nothing to do with explaining how cricket is played.

    There is another cricket ground called the Adelaide Oval in Australia.

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar

    The last thing I remember is something about an “oval” that isn’t oval and then my eyes glazed over.
    The Oval, now known as the Kia Oval, is the name of a famous cricket stadium just outside London.
    Connecticut has that little thumb in the southwest because she traded something called the Oblong to New York. Gen Washington spent a couple of months there in 1778, so it must have been important. But it wasn't oblong, or even close.

  103. 好莱坞曾经有一个板球俱乐部

  104. @Kim

    There are two "rugbies", rugby union and rugby league, and the differences are considerable.

    Of the two, rugby league is the traditionally working class sport, even in England, where its heartland is in England's north.

    In Australia, rugby union is played in the private schools. Overall, league is far more popular in the states where it is played (mainly New South Wales and Queensland) although there are a NZ and a (very successful) Melbourne teams in the national competition. And league, not union, is the tv ratings champion.


    Doesn’t Russell Crowe own a Rugby League team? The Boers are still wild for Rugby Union, no?

    If memory serves, Lindsay Anderson’s This Sporting Life was about a rugby league footballer- Richard Harris’ first starring turn. The movie also features the great Leonard Rossiter who went on to fame and fortune as Reggie in the criminally underrated “The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin”.

  105. The past summer I was able to watch a fair bitof Cricket on a baseball field while walking my dog in the nearby park. Native American Whites may not be into Cricket but we’re importing Cricket players at a rapid clip from the former dominions of the British Empire. I could see it somehow breaking out in a much bigger way in the next 30 years and having some cross appeal. Nothing like the much bigger sports but now it’s virtually unknown.

    Interesting that soccer in the US is still such a minor sport in the US despite years of relentless promotion. They’ve managed to normalize Gay relationships and marriage in half the time. seems it all comes down to how well you can put it across on TV.

    • 同意: mc23
    • 回复: @Anon
    @ mc23

    Gayness comes more naturally to America than soccer.

  106. 我住在一个地区,在当地的公园里,有一个地区板球组织。 付钱让推土机将两个小型足球场变成一个巨大的板球场。 橄榄球场/足球场位于不同的高度,比如说一个比另一个高 30 英尺。
    很多地球被移动了。 花了大约 6 个月的时间。
    该公园是一个专门的马道公园,因此它与 uppa uppa 使命相得益彰。 城里的 Pop Warner 团队一直在周末慢慢渗透。 但不再。
    总而言之,这是一场胜利。 除了周末聚在一起打板球的巴基斯坦人之外,没有人关心板球,其余时间场地空无一人。
    有点像加勒特·哈丁 (Garrett Hardin) 所说的相反的“公地悲剧”,现在有一小部分用户在转变为巨大的空板球场之前在那里。

  107. @Redneck farmer

    It's not an epithet if your group uses it.


    It’s not an epithet if your group uses it.

    Whites have been brainwashed to espouse a lot of anti-White propaganda. Doesn’t mean it isn’t anti-White.

  108. @Steve Sailer

    板球是棒球和曲棍球守门员之间的混合体,因此它不是棒球的一对一替代品。 令人惊讶的是,它没有在加拿大流行起来,而是在棒球运动中流行起来。

    回复:@Anon、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Pat Hannagan、@martin_2、@fish、@Another Canadian


    并不真地。 伙计们喜欢谈论运动,而板球迷可以谈论玻璃眼睛入睡。

  109. @SafeNow
    If I correctly understand the connotation of “It’s not cricket,” then cricket has an ethos of extreme sportsmanlike decency and good cheer. In fact, the linguistic expressions listed by Steve have an air of foppishness about them. This, as opposed to a baseball pitcher loading-up the baseball, and a score of other nasty aspects of baseball I could name. And don’t get me started on football and basketball. In sum, Cricket just does not suit the American sports character. It’s hard to imagine cricket fans getting into a fight at the stadium or parking lot. “Mom, Dad, meet my date, Trevor, he plays cricket”…okay, cricket wins that one.

    Replies: @Anon, @ganderson, @AKAHorace, @Janbar

    If I correctly understand the connotation of “It’s not cricket,” then cricket has an ethos of extreme sportsmanlike decency and good cheer.

    It ought to, however this is increasingly outdated. See


  110. @Just Some JB

    对于那些还不喜欢比赛的好奇者,可以尝试一下 Twenty20 比赛......这是一个缩短的版本,但与传统板球对抗赛的规则相同。 Twenty20缺乏测试赛的耐力和一些策略,但通常你可以在一个下午完成这些。 Twenty20 板球比赛可能对美国观众更有吸引力。


    回复:@ I,Libertine


    • 回复: @Jonathan Mason


    实际上,比赛期限为 5 天,但如果没有下雨或恶劣天气中断,几乎肯定会在不到 5 天的时间内得出结果。
    , @Reg Cæsar



    密尔沃基父母指责地方检察官约翰·奇泽姆(John Chisholm)推动保释导致儿子死亡
  111. @Steve Sailer

    曲棍球是一项引人入胜的比赛,如果必须坚持高杆的话,就像冰球一样。 但它似乎极易发生脑震荡。


    从理论上讲,团体手球应该是完美的比赛,但每当我在奥运会上观看它时,我都会对自己说:“所以这就是为什么这项运动从未流行起来的原因。” 美国人总是建议改变足球这项地球上最受欢迎的运动的规则。 但我怀疑美国的改革主义冲动可以为团队手球做更多的事情。

    回复:@S Johnson、@mc23、@Coemgen、@Coemgen、@Anonymous、@Anonymous

    Not terribly safety conscientiousnes as far as sports go & always like rough games but watched a couple of Hurling games for the first time and thought was that Americans today would be appalled. Handsome athletic lads to whom safety is an afterthought.

    The crowds and the stadiums seemed enormous for such a small country.

  112. Surely what the article is saying is yes we know cricket won’t catch on among historical Americans but we don’t have to pretend to care any more because cricket is already the sport of tens of millions of Great Replacement Americans and of hundreds of millions just waiting for their visas. We don’t have to care about the identity or opinions of historical Americans, because that America, the existence and right to self-determination of that American people, are debunked myths, like the debunked myth of baseball being an purely American invention. The myth we don’t debunk, the myth we’re staking our future on, is of America being a nation of immigrants. Since we’re living by that myth a cricketer in flight from Bombay to JFK with a freshly printed visa is already as American, indeed more American, than anyone playing that dying sport of baseball.

  113. @Kim



    回复:@RadicalCenter、@Barnard、@Alec Leamas(在家工作)

    That seems obviously wrong.

    Cricket is the most popular sport in the world’s most populous country, India, as well as Pakistan, maybe Bangladesh, and of course formerly-great formerly-britain (“the uk”, lol).

    Other than those, is cricket popular in any other country of a sizeable population? And no, australia and the tiny jurisdictions of the “West Indies” don’t county.

    Let’s look at the other countries with large populations (100 million or more):
    Is cricket at all popular among the:

    1.4 billion people in China?
    350-400 million people in the USA?
    200-plus million in Brazil?
    200-plus million in Indonesia?
    200-plus million in Nigeria?
    145-150 million in Russian Federation (including recent restorations)?
    110 million in Philippines?
    110 million in Mexico?

    To summarize, huge India loves cricket, while equally huge China and all other populous countries except Pakistan and Bangladesh don’t give a damn. Another 100-plus mid-sized and small countries likewise don’t care about cricket except for the home country itself and a handful of former colonies that contain almost no people.

    It’s cool if you like cricket, man, just don’t pretend that anyone other than IndoPaks and limeys share your interest. I love baseball, but I have no illusion that it’s popular around the world rather than concentrated in a single populous country.

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar



    回复:@Steve Sailer、@smetana

  114. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    Are you saying your primary loyalty is to a Set of Ideas, not to your people?

    Or are you basically referring to anti-Whites as leftists?


    “Are you saying your primary loyalty is to a Set of Ideas, not to your people?

    Or are you basically referring to anti-Whites as leftists?”

    Basically the second. Leftists seem to me to be anti-white by definition. I have never met nor heard of nor read about a leftist who wished the white race well. I adamantly deny that white leftists are my people. They are not. They are race traitors.

    Put another way, I love dogs. But I would shoot a rabid dog dead on sight.


    • 谢谢: Loyalty Over IQ Worship
    • 回复: @John Johnson

    Basically the second. Leftists seem to me to be anti-white by definition. I have never met nor heard of nor read about a leftist who wished the white race well. I adamantly deny that white leftists are my people. They are not. They are race traitors.

    I knew quite a few leftists in college and they were all anti-White.

    Leftists (not liberals) don't actually believe in racial equality. They know full well that they are lying about race. Some will even openly avoid certain races and laugh about it.

    They don't believe in some combination of government programs that will unlock the Bantu. That is how they differ from liberals. The typical suburban liberal watching Law and Order really believes that "the man" is the problem and all groups would be basically equal if not for White men. Leftists snicker at such beliefs and simply want to take down Whites because they get in the way.

    What I found most unnerving about college leftists was their nihilism. Few realize how many leftists are basically ready to destroy 1917 style if the call goes out. They only pretend to be interested in intellectual arguments. In fact they get annoyed when they have to explain themselves. They are drawn to Marx as he provides an eloquent explanation as to why Whites should be robbed and even murdered if needed. Most of them don't even read Marx. They get a t-shirt of Che and hit the bong. Leftism went anti-rational with the Frankfurt school and it hasn't changed. These are really just people that want to destroy Western society and don't give a flying f if their replacement will be any better.

    , @Bill P

    I adamantly deny that white leftists are my people. They are not. They are race traitors.
    They aren't even traitors. The idea IS more important than the DNA, and these people's ideology is utterly alien. They absolutely can be racist against us without being "self-hating" (they are the opposite of self-hating; they love themselves rather too much) or hypocrites because they see us as a different, enemy people.
  115. 点击例子 在这里分享? (“外国人眼中的英国运动是什么样的。”)

  116. @Jonathan Mason

    I can't see what is complicated about these fielding positions.

    First of all you have to understand the simple concept of leg and off. The legside is the side of the batsman's legs, and the offside is the side of the batsman's bat. So he can hit the ball to leg or to off.

    "Silly" means very close to the batsman. The close fielder is hoping to make a catch if the ball pops up and falls close to the batter.

    "Square" means level with the batsman. You can be square on the offside or the legside. You can be forward of square or backward of square. Hence backward square leg. Square on the offside is also called point. So silly point is square on the outside and close to the bat. (The actual location of these positions on the field will therefore depend on whether the batsman is right-handed or left-handed, because his legs will be on a different side.)

    Even children know this.

    Gully is slightly behind square on the offside. I don't know the origin of the word, but it probably refers to some historical cricket field that had a gully.


    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Ralph L, @The Anti-Gnostic

    “Square” means level with the batsman.

    It’s played on hillsides?

  117. When I was a kid I saw a movie called “Hope and Glory” about a kid growing up in London during the Battle of Britain. I remember a scene about Cricket and that there was a certain pitch called a googly. For some reason that scene cracked me and my brother up and for weeks afterwards we would imitate the kid from the movie and randomly shout out “Oyy! That’s a googly!”

    • 回复: @PiltdownMan
    哈帕隆·卡西迪(Hapalong Cassidy)

    约翰·保尔曼的 希望与荣耀 was released at the same time (the winter of 1987) as the now much better remembered Empire of the Sun, which was directed by Steven Spielberg. Both movies were really good, and very similar in their theme—a young boy's experience of WWII, though Spielberg's was the bigger and more lavish production.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

  118. @JR Ewing

    距休斯顿市中心约 50 英里处正在开发一个奶牛牧场,一群印第安人正在将其改造成板球场。他们已经规划了大约 10 个场地,其中 5-6 个场地已经建成,配有椭圆形短链围栏和郁郁葱葱的绿色草坪。所取得的进展有点令人印象深刻。不知道如何支付费用。

    回复:@Steve Sailer,@The Anti-Gnostic


    • 谢谢: Coemgen
    • 回复: @Steven Carr


    回复:@The Anti-Gnostic

  119. @Kylie

    "Are you saying your primary loyalty is to a Set of Ideas, not to your people?

    Or are you basically referring to anti-Whites as leftists?"

    Basically the second. Leftists seem to me to be anti-white by definition. I have never met nor heard of nor read about a leftist who wished the white race well. I adamantly deny that white leftists are my people. They are not. They are race traitors.

    Put another way, I love dogs. But I would shoot a rabid dog dead on sight.


    Replies: @John Johnson, @Bill P

    Basically the second. Leftists seem to me to be anti-white by definition. I have never met nor heard of nor read about a leftist who wished the white race well. I adamantly deny that white leftists are my people. They are not. They are race traitors.

    I knew quite a few leftists in college and they were all anti-White.

    Leftists (not liberals) don’t actually believe in racial equality. They know full well that they are lying about race. Some will even openly avoid certain races and laugh about it.

    They don’t believe in some combination of government programs that will unlock the Bantu. That is how they differ from liberals. The typical suburban liberal watching Law and Order really believes that “the man” is the problem and all groups would be basically equal if not for White men. Leftists snicker at such beliefs and simply want to take down Whites because they get in the way.

    What I found most unnerving about college leftists was their nihilism. Few realize how many leftists are basically ready to destroy 1917 style if the call goes out. They only pretend to be interested in intellectual arguments. In fact they get annoyed when they have to explain themselves. They are drawn to Marx as he provides an eloquent explanation as to why Whites should be robbed and even murdered if needed. Most of them don’t even read Marx. They get a t-shirt of Che and hit the bong. Leftism went anti-rational with the Frankfurt school and it hasn’t changed. These are really just people that want to destroy Western society and don’t give a flying f if their replacement will be any better.

    • 同意: Kylie
  120. @Jonathan Mason

    I can't see what is complicated about these fielding positions.

    First of all you have to understand the simple concept of leg and off. The legside is the side of the batsman's legs, and the offside is the side of the batsman's bat. So he can hit the ball to leg or to off.

    "Silly" means very close to the batsman. The close fielder is hoping to make a catch if the ball pops up and falls close to the batter.

    "Square" means level with the batsman. You can be square on the offside or the legside. You can be forward of square or backward of square. Hence backward square leg. Square on the offside is also called point. So silly point is square on the outside and close to the bat. (The actual location of these positions on the field will therefore depend on whether the batsman is right-handed or left-handed, because his legs will be on a different side.)

    Even children know this.

    Gully is slightly behind square on the offside. I don't know the origin of the word, but it probably refers to some historical cricket field that had a gully.


    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Ralph L, @The Anti-Gnostic

    The “top 10 best catches in cricket history” would be one of a hundred on the highlight reel for a single week in US baseball. It’s just not nearly as athletic a game, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  121. I’d rather watch rattlesnake hunt or horse racing on ice than cricket.

    There are new sports like pickleball which is basically a cross between tennis and ping pong.

  122. @Patrick1982
    制作精良的板球视频游戏有市场,也许不是 PlayStation/Xbox 上的主机游戏,而是流行的统计数据驱动的 OOTP 棒球游戏风格的 PC/手机游戏,粉丝可以在其中模拟锦标赛和联赛,根据他们的喜好定制。

    我之所以提出这一点,是因为一家德国小公司(Out of the Park Developments)制作了 OOTP 系列,尽管自二战以来美国大量驻军,但棒球在那里几乎完全不受关注。如果一家德国小公司能够制作出比任何美国公司都更好的棒球模拟游戏,那么是什么阻止了这里或其他地方的开发商制作出色的板球模拟游戏呢?


    回复:@slumber_j,@RG Camara

    制作精良的板球视频游戏有市场,也许不是 PlayStation/Xbox 上的主机游戏,而是流行的统计数据驱动的 OOTP 棒球游戏风格的 PC/手机游戏,粉丝可以在其中模拟锦标赛和联赛,根据他们的喜好定制。


    When I was a kid I could not for the life of me understand the rules of NFL football. My Dad watched the games every Sunday but never really told me about how it was played, so I never watched with him. Even in high school, when I played on the team for a few years (I was semi-athletic), I didn’t get most of what was going on, but merely did what the coaches told me for my position (obviously, I wasn’t the QB or captain of the defense here).

    Why couldn’t I move after I put my hand down? What’s a nickel defense? Why is it called a draw play? Why can’t the punting team touch the ball until the other side touches it? None of these things were explained. And like the old joke goes, at a certain point you’ve got so much “experience” tha you feel too embarrassed to ask such basic questions.

    As a result, I just didn’t give a rip about NFL or college football. Never watched a full game, didn’t follow the local team, seldom watched any of the superbowl.

    Then I got a Madden NFL football video game in college. And it was so detailed and fun to play that I finally started to learn about the game and got into it. It made me look up various things to help my play (e.g. nickel v. dime defenses, run-and-shoot offenses, etc.). I even learned NFL history from the game (you can unlock various historical teams to play with, e.g.the ’72 Dolphins or Vince Lombardi’s Packers).

    So yeah, a well-made cricket video game along the lines of Madden would likely help to spread the game. And for those of you who say, “Oh, it’d be too slow and boring to play”, I’ll remind you there a multitude of golf video games that are pretty fun to play, even if you find live golf to be terribly boring (as I do).

  123. @ganderson

    And in the NHL, the only major league (assuming it is garners the general interest that other major leagues do, which I don’t assume) where fighting is not an automatic expulsion: the other night Cale Makar of the Colorado Avalanche waved off a penalty called on the guy who was chasing him around the net: the ref called a trip, Makar went to the official and said that he was not tripped, he’d just lost an edge. Don’t see that kind of sportsmanship much anymore. Probably one never did see that kind of sportsmanship. And from (arguably) hockey’s best player. Granted, I’m biased; I’ve been a Makar fan since his UMASS days…

    回复:@Jack P

    If true that says a lot about Makar, who is already one of the top players in the league and apparently has the right stuff mentally too.

  124. @Emil Nikola Richard
    In my neighborhood there are a bunch of disc golfers which is the stupidest thing I ever saw. There is a hiking trail adjacent to the 圆盘高尔夫球场 I use all the time. It does not appear to do one damn thing to improve your physique despite the topographical relief on the course. Walking uphill the distance you can toss a frisbee isn't going to boost your heart rate. These fat asses need to sprint that part if they want some benefit.

    回复:@John Johnson、@Stan Adams

    In my neighborhood there are a bunch of disc golfers which is the stupidest thing I ever saw. There is a hiking trail adjacent to the disc golf course I use all the time.

    Oh God don’t me remind me. They are even worse than the ultimate Frisbee dorks that will take up a huge section of the park.

    If you want to piss them off then call it frolf. It drives them nuts.


    These fat asses need to sprint that part if they want some benefit.

    The real problem is that those guys go out for burgers and beers afterwards to talk about each shot.

    Golf and bowling have the same problem. You aren’t gonna lose weight if you drink beers the whole time. But in all fairness I can’t imagine bowling without beer.

    • 巨魔: R.G. Camara
  125. @ginger bread man
    Forged in Fire 是一部关于使用各种类型的剑切开随机物体的电视节目


    我认为史蒂夫忽略了卫星电视、流媒体和扩展电缆(ESPN 2、History 2 等)如何为我们提供更多奇怪的内容

    此外,有竞争力的 rubix cubing 是巨大的

    回复:@Bill Jones

    Forged in Fire 是一部关于使用各种类型的剑切开随机物体的电视节目


    Forged in Fire is prototypical White Man’s TV.


    It’s real light on black Blacksmiths and wymen.

    Physics doesn’t give points for diversity.

  126. Why cricket and America are made for each other!


  127. @ganderson

    There’s a weird Finnish variant of baseball- sometimes played on “da Range” and the UP.


    There’s a weird Finnish variant of baseball- sometimes played on “da Range” and the UP.

    是的, 佩萨帕洛, which is close to how a Finn would pronounce “baseball”, but translates as “nest ball”. It adds the innovation that distances between bases increase as you advance. They thought third-to-home was too easy.

    They sometimes play it at the (roughly) biennial FinnFest, which will be held in Duluth this summer. In 2009 and 2016, that event was held on a cruise ship, which might have constricted playing options.


    • 回复: @ganderson

    Reg- you could be the only person in the world that knows more Minnesota stuff than I do. I hoist a Grain Belt to you.

  128. @slumber_j

    事实上,他们非常痴迷于统计数据:就像棒球广播一样,电视板球评论员必须用大量的死气沉沉的空气来填补 东西,而且往往是晦涩难懂的统计数据。 威斯登板球运动员年鉴 (通常简称为 维斯登)总是列出大量统计数据,自 1864 年以来每年发布一次,使其(根据维基百科)成为“历史上运行时间最长的体育年度”。

    回复:@Che Guava

    … and it offers far more interesting stats to work out than the Spalding company’s macho (marketed as such at the time to sell their products) version of rounders.

    Cricket was more popular in Nth. Am. at the time, but Spalding’s push changed that. However, the total domination of baseball must have taken some decades. Spalding made their modified or machoised rounders around the 1860’s, and it wasn’t dominant until some time into the early 20th century.


    I wish in Japan that cricket had been the choice, and some play, but it’s minor, though we have a national team, it’s on the lowest or second-lowest tier.

    棒球服之类的恋物癖特征,以及所有的军乐队和诸如此类的废话最终获胜。不过,在 19 世纪末,两者旗鼓相当。并进入 20 年初,坎迪迪亚和美国的情况似乎也是如此


    相扑在很多方面更像板球而不是棒球。相扑比赛需要 15 天。一场顶级板球比赛,五场。相似之处并不是唯一的。

  129. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    作为 racial bias in general is not the same thing as being FOR your own group. And in the current environment, it's a sleazy dodge.

    I'm sure he's against white people being stepped on. Probably frogs too. Big deal. When your people and ONLY your people are being targeted for harm across several generations, when you have witnessed them lose a country in your own lifetime, you don't respond with limp-wristed comments about "hey gee, that black crime rate though".

    More deeply, the reason all this harm happened to whites is specifically because of "moderate" pundits like Sailer and Charles Murray. They are much more responsible than any Illuminati Conspiracy could be. They insist on being pundits to whom whites who are worried about their people turn, and then they mislead them.

    Sailer is capable of passion about Covid and Ukraine. But it's missing when it comes to his people.

    As far as differences of opinion on abortion or whatever, that is no excuse for race treason. No Japanese person justifies being indifferent to the destruction of his people because they have strong debates on issues.


    I’ll be honest: I don’t get it. I’m a white American. From my point of view, the problems that white Americans face in particular are those I listed above: anti-white discrimination, anti-white media bias, immigration, bad black behavior. On all of these issues, Steve Sailer has extensively argued for pro-white positions. Do you think there’s some other issue he isn’t addressing?

    As for blaming him and Charles Murray for the issues that harm whites, that’s ridiculous. Do you really think Murray and Sailer control border security, civil rights law, or public safety? You’re fooling yourself.
    You should be paying more attention to the very real politicians, judges, bureaucrats, media members, etc. who actually ARE responsible for anti-white policies.

    • 回复: @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    You can look up the debates between Jared Taylor and Steve Sailer from 20 years ago.

    You should be paying more attention to the very real politicians, judges, bureaucrats, media members, etc. who actually ARE responsible for anti-white policies.
    These white guys who have no loyalty to other whites are the ones who make all that possible in the first place. It's like a guardian who is supposed to take care of a house of children, but takes a lackadaisical toward their welfare. He finds it 辛苦 to be an advocate for them.

    All the things you mentioned, like being free of an anti-white agenda, require white people who are on their own damn side. Name a group that successfully fought for its rights and privileges in this world that didn't have passionate advocates 对他们来说.

    Are you aware of how militant whites were in the past? We didn't just have a continent handed to us. Whites routinely put up signs warning non-whites not to let the sun set on them in their part of town. I'm not advocating that, but that's how it was. And only people who are on their own side can do that.

    Now, after the more devoted whites conquered a continent and built a country, other whites seem to think that living in a nice white society, with all the liberal values they love, is some free good that falls out of the sky, and can be maintained by being nice fair guys without any "nasty" tribalism ... or something.

    Finally, you must be aware that non-whites will always want to encroach on white spaces. You do realize the races are not equal, right? Blacks will always want to live in white neighborhoods and countries. So will people streaming up from Latin America. This means a permanent state of self-preservation as whites is necessary.

    回复:@RegCæsar,@ Anonymous

  130. @Mike Tre
    How do we work jumping chest bumps and 360 degree hop screams into cricket? Asking for the negroes.

    Seriously though, the need to bring in cricket, and soccer, and pretty soon the game where you throw the dead goat into the circle from horseback, is simply more invade the world (NFL, NBA, MLB games in other continents), invite the world (soccer, cricket, the game where you throw the dead goat into the circle from horseback) philosophy.

    回复:@Haxo Angmark

    bring back dwarf-tossing, the

    quintessential Australian sport:


    “reports of a 30-foot toss in Australia remain unconfirmed”

    • 谢谢: Mike Tre
  131. Cricket is like baseball without those distracting moments of excitement.

    Hurling is a great sport that will never catch on beyond Ireland, and Australian rules football combines some of the skills needed for basketball, soccer and even rugby. It won’t catch on anywhere else either.

    Unless. Pickle ball, ultimate frisbee, woodworking, yes, non competitive running etc are all part of the futile attempt by whites to find places free from abject negrophilia. They aren’t that much fun and there isn’t much opportunity for touchdown dances or pointing at one’s chest in self love, so they have that going for them.

    • 回复: @John Johnson



    我可以偶尔享受一场足球或棒球比赛,但体育崇拜需要结束。 没有什么比看到一些穿着足球球衣、带着啤酒肚的白人更可悲的了。

    回复:@Irish Romantic Christian,@anon

  132. @Steve Sailer

    曲棍球是一项引人入胜的比赛,如果必须坚持高杆的话,就像冰球一样。 但它似乎极易发生脑震荡。


    从理论上讲,团体手球应该是完美的比赛,但每当我在奥运会上观看它时,我都会对自己说:“所以这就是为什么这项运动从未流行起来的原因。” 美国人总是建议改变足球这项地球上最受欢迎的运动的规则。 但我怀疑美国的改革主义冲动可以为团队手球做更多的事情。

    回复:@S Johnson、@mc23、@Coemgen、@Coemgen、@Anonymous、@Anonymous


    The first thoughts that come to mind are hacky sack / teabag.

    Maybe it would sell with an edgier name? Maybe add in some danger like hardwood sticks…

  133. @Known Fact

    Pickleball is one sport that's really taking off -- apparently it's tennis for the old, infirm or just plain lazy. So maybe come up with Picklecricket.

    I went to jai alai once in Miami. Not knowing anything, my strategy going in was just to bet anyone named Salazar -- and it worked!

    Replies: @prosa123, @JimDandy

    Pickleball is one sport that’s really taking off — apparently it’s tennis for the old, infirm or just plain lazy.

    It’s less physically demanding than tennis, but it’s way ahead of golf, especially if one uses the cart. It also has the advantage of being reasonably tolerant of skill differences, so a newcomer and a more experienced player can still have an enjoyable game in most instances.

    • 回复: @Known Fact
    @ prosa123

    Pickleball does seem to fit an aging demographic, courts can be built in smaller spaces and you can play just to be sociable.

    And as you imply, one big problem with tennis is the players need to be pretty good and pretty evenly matched. I finally found a partner exactly at my own skill level, so every set was a grim extra-innings standoff -- until he got one of those newfangled metal rackets!

  134. @TWS

    We'd still have CDA, Boise and adding Spokane, Pullman, Ellensburg, maybe places like Cle Elum, or Pendleton and full of illegals and Indians. The only way to make it work would be to forcibly evict the illegals and encourage the liberal California types to self deport. As well as limit immigration from other areas.

    The US government would step in at the first sign of enforcing immigration law.

    It's simply a way to add two more senators probably democrats and further move Idaho towards California and the left coast.


    Greater Idaho is the last part of America outside of the missile field states where secession is possible. By 2040, the white Christian majority of Idaho will drop below 60%. At that point I assume secession is not possible. Instead of putting all the eggs in the 2024, 2028, or 2032 presidential election basket, conservatives need to think about Plan B.

  135. Baseball kind of caught on in Czech for some reason.

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    世界上有很多奇怪的地方,美国原住民运动非常受欢迎。 例如,美国职业棒球大联盟通常有几个澳大利亚人。


  136. @Known Fact

    Pickleball is one sport that's really taking off -- apparently it's tennis for the old, infirm or just plain lazy. So maybe come up with Picklecricket.

    I went to jai alai once in Miami. Not knowing anything, my strategy going in was just to bet anyone named Salazar -- and it worked!

    Replies: @prosa123, @JimDandy

    Yeah, pickleball is huge. And getting huger. Pro pickleball would have an audience.

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    Pickleball is the winner out of countless backyard games that evolved in the 1960s-70s from the invention of new plastic balls that initially go fast but don't go as far as traditional balls. It was invented by the family of a popular politician in the state of Washington and their many friends helped spread it in contrast to similar games dependent on new types of balls: e.g., I, like no doubt thousands of other people, invented Nerf Badminton in the 1970s. But pickleball happened to win out.

    Pickleball seems like a fine sport (assuming they can do something about the awful noise level) for the older and less athletic, much like softball compared to hardball. I'd like to give it a try. But I don't see the appeal of watching professional pickleball compared to watching tennis. It's like professional softball compared to major league baseball.

    Replies: @JimDandy, @Known Fact

  137. Calcio Storico 是我喜欢玩的运动。 它起源于佛罗伦萨,可追溯到 15 世纪。


    我第一次看到它是在一部关于文艺复兴时期的 BBC 纪录片中,解说员将其作为理解佛罗伦萨画家竞争精神的一种方式进行了反思。

  138. @Ghost of Bull Moose
    Cricket is like baseball without those distracting moments of excitement.

    Hurling is a great sport that will never catch on beyond Ireland, and Australian rules football combines some of the skills needed for basketball, soccer and even rugby. It won’t catch on anywhere else either.

    Unless. Pickle ball, ultimate frisbee, woodworking, yes, non competitive running etc are all part of the futile attempt by whites to find places free from abject negrophilia. They aren’t that much fun and there isn’t much opportunity for touchdown dances or pointing at one’s chest in self love, so they have that going for them.

    回复:@John Johnson



    我可以偶尔享受一场足球或棒球比赛,但体育崇拜需要结束。 没有什么比看到一些穿着足球球衣、带着啤酒肚的白人更可悲的了。

    • 同意: Bardon Kaldian, Kylie
    • 巨魔: R.G. Camara
    • 回复: @Irish Romantic Christian


    但我想知道现在的运动成瘾真的是一种对余生所缺少的公平的成瘾吗? 暂时忽略比赛造假和兴奋剂,并假设你有一场完全公平的比赛,比如冰球。

    与现代工作场所有多么不同,你必须正式让人们获胜 因为 they are weaker than you (and you're 'privileged').


    我同意男人应该回去学习技能和建造东西。 我会说,如果你有时间和精力,就开始手工艺品制造业务。 作为雇员,您可以从您的所得税中扣除业务损失和费用,因此小企业的风险很小。


    Don't wait for big-money people who hate you to create manufacturing jobs for you because they won't.

    回复:@John Johnson

    , @anon

    From a famous movie about Jesse James and Cole Younger:

    Cliff Robertson’s pipe-smoking Cole Younger is a congenial outlaw. Intelligent and reflective, he’s fascinated by new technology. A steam tractor on the streets of town stops him in his tracks with wonder – or “wonderment,” his favorite word. However, he does not see the appeal of baseball when he happens upon a game. “Our national sport is shooting,” he says, “and always will be.”
  139. “It’s not cricket” in the UK means it’s not morally right, not the done thing.


    But his Captain’s hand on his shoulder smote —
    ‘Play up! play up! and play the game!’

    红色,是一块破碎的正方形的残骸; —
    The Gatling’s jammed and the Colonel dead,
    But the voice of a schoolboy rallies the ranks:
    ‘Play up! play up! and play the game!’

    This is the word that year by year,
    While in her place the School is set,
    And falling fling to the host behind —
    ‘Play up! play up! and play the game!’

  140. @Steve Sailer

    曲棍球是一项引人入胜的比赛,如果必须坚持高杆的话,就像冰球一样。 但它似乎极易发生脑震荡。


    从理论上讲,团体手球应该是完美的比赛,但每当我在奥运会上观看它时,我都会对自己说:“所以这就是为什么这项运动从未流行起来的原因。” 美国人总是建议改变足球这项地球上最受欢迎的运动的规则。 但我怀疑美国的改革主义冲动可以为团队手球做更多的事情。

    回复:@S Johnson、@mc23、@Coemgen、@Coemgen、@Anonymous、@Anonymous

    I have this impression that Irish culture in general is concussion-prone

    Joe Biden should change his trademark gaffe from:

    I may be Irish but I’m not stupid.


    I may be punch drunk but, ah, oh, …, I may be Irish but I’m not punch drunk.

  141. @Coemgen
    If one needs to see a ball whacked with a bat for entertainment, hurling (shinty) is infinitely more accessible than cricket:

    回覆:@Steve Sailer,@ Coemgen

    Shinty v. Hurling:

    It looks a lot more challenging than hockey because you can’t just glide on your skates to the sidelines to make swap for a fresh set of legs.

  142. I understand why commercial interests want to expand the global reach of their sport, but for a fan to feel the same way seems weird to me. I mildy enjoy watching cricket, but have never wanted to see it spread like a missionary wants to spread their religion. There is too much globalisation as it is. I’d rather meet foreigners who were confused about aspects of my culture, because it means you have something that makes you unique and those differences are fun.

    Steve’s way into cricket would probably be more through cricket grounds rather than the game anyway.

  143. @John Johnson



    我可以偶尔享受一场足球或棒球比赛,但体育崇拜需要结束。 没有什么比看到一些穿着足球球衣、带着啤酒肚的白人更可悲的了。

    回复:@Irish Romantic Christian,@anon


    但我想知道现在的运动成瘾真的是一种对余生所缺少的公平的成瘾吗? 暂时忽略比赛造假和兴奋剂,并假设你有一场完全公平的比赛,比如冰球。

    与现代工作场所有多么不同,你必须正式让人们获胜 因为 他们比你弱(而且你有“特权”)。


    我同意男人应该回去学习技能和建造东西。 我会说,如果你有时间和精力,就开始手工艺品制造业务。 作为雇员,您可以从您的所得税中扣除业务损失和费用,因此小企业的风险很小。



    • 回复: @John Johnson

    但我想知道现在的运动成瘾真的是一种对余生所缺少的公平的成瘾吗? 暂时忽略比赛造假和兴奋剂,并假设你有一场完全公平的比赛,比如冰球。

    好吧,我说过体育的部分吸引力在于它是真实的。 在小丑世界中,我们没有一个真正想要报道新闻的新闻频道。 他们都有一个基于种族否认的议程,其中包括福克斯。

    我看的体育比赛不多,但如果我们这个时代的知识分子没有被现代主义腐蚀得那么厉害,我很少看足球或棒球。 在作为一名新生被拉到一边并且实际上告诉我们必须在种族问题上撒谎之后,我也对学术界失去了信心。 小丑城不断的虚构是累人的,体育至少是他们无法控制结果的领域。


    我见过平权行动的极端案例,但这并不能成为白人运动成瘾的借口。 我可能会在酒吧看半场比赛,最多在周一早上谈论它。 但本周剩下的时间里,工作的白人会谈论梦幻足球。 该死的每一天,他们都会谈论他们如何用 Lamar Jackson 换来 Shawnte,等等等等。

    因此,那些因自由理想主义而退缩的人并没有试图在工作之外取得进步。 当外部经理被带进来时,他们会受到加薪或观看,一周后他们又回到谈论梦幻足球。

    我的薪水不错,但我不明白为什么他们中的大多数人都为梯子烦恼。 如果您不是公司的专业人士或对公司至关重要,那么他们会很乐意将某人提升到您之上以获得多样性点。 更糟糕的是,他们会将彻头彻尾的白痴变成管理者,并摧毁整个部门。 为什么不加入交易而不是玩这个游戏呢? 我从不理解它,事实上我讨厌我周围工作的白人。 他们最终屈服于这个系统,并在幻想运动和大麻中找到了解脱。 他们是聪明人,这让事情变得更加令人沮丧。 他们不会跳出框框思考,而是花时间思考运动。


    好吧,我在 16 岁的时候就知道,你不能相信白人会在经济上帮助你。 点印度人和亚洲人在经济包容性方面要好得多。 太多的白人只关心赚钱和对他人施加某种权力。 很多白人女性都在同一个群体中。 我做得很好,但我真的不得不坚持一段时间。

  144. @Ed Case





    • 哈哈: RadicalCenter
  145. On the other hand, it’s probably beneficial to have sports that don’t “catch on” in your own culture. That way, you can dip into them from time to time and gain some perspective on the sports that have caught on in your own culture. When you get befuddled by a game of Foreign Ball and realize how arbitrary, superfluous, and profligate it is, then you can better realize how your own sports would look to them, and consequently how it all must look to a higher consciousness.

    Sports are fun to play and are beneficial both physically and psychologically, but the modern sports culture is a demonic thing that is way out of proportion.

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter

    That's actually quite an insight, and it applies to much more than sports.

    I'm not a moral relativist, but we could profitably adapt your observation to:
    "When you get befuddled by [foreign culture, religion and style] and realize how arbitrary [or funny or unnecessary much of it is], then you can better realize how your own culture/religion*/lifestyle would look to them, and consequently how it all must look to a higher consciousness."

    This is exactly why we recently picked countries with cultures generally "farther" from our own for some of our travel, and possibly for living part of the year.

    (Cultish groups with some absurd doctrines and silly rituals become "religions", somehow, when they're ours. When they grow big enough and last long enough, and we are raised and immersed in them, we come to unthinkingly equate adherence to them with moral goodness and decency itself. Looking at our traditional religion through the eyes of people who aren't immersed in it, and trying to explain it to them, makes you stop and realize, ok sometimes there is no good explanation for our bullshit anymore than "they" can rationally explain or justify theirs. We just have different-sounding conclusory assertions, guesses, and made-up terms for things we'll never understand or "solve", that comfort us, give us "answers" in a painful and uncertain world as we wait to die, and best of all make "us" feel superior to "them.")

    , @RadicalCenter

    Well yeah, except for baseball ;)

  146. 但如果板球不能让我产生丝毫兴趣,那么它在已经人满为患的美国体育赛事中还有什么机会呢?

    是什么让你认为自己思想开放,史蒂夫?这是每周的 Emett Till 参考文献吗?是否还在重复使用 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代的一些想法?拒绝接受过去两年发生的事情?

    似乎是由 PG Wodehouse 设计的行话


  147. @Hapalong Cassidy
    When I was a kid I saw a movie called “Hope and Glory” about a kid growing up in London during the Battle of Britain. I remember a scene about Cricket and that there was a certain pitch called a googly. For some reason that scene cracked me and my brother up and for weeks afterwards we would imitate the kid from the movie and randomly shout out “Oyy! That’s a googly!”


    约翰·保尔曼的 希望与荣耀 was released at the same time (the winter of 1987) as the now much better remembered Empire of the Sun, which was directed by Steven Spielberg. Both movies were really good, and very similar in their theme—a young boy’s experience of WWII, though Spielberg’s was the bigger and more lavish production.

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    Two excellent movies, Hope and Glory and Empire of the Sun about how boys tend to like war, awful as it is.

  148. @Bill P
    Samoans used to play cricket in my south Seattle neighborhood back in the 80s. That remains the only place and time I've ever seen it played in the US.

    But speaking of diverse sports, I used to like watching the lumberjack Olympics years ago. Those guys were really impressive.

    I think people just don't get out and around as much anymore. It's part of the "bowling alone" phenomenon. Social trust is a shadow of what it once was, and sports are a social pursuit. I see people jogging all the time - alone and with headphones - but aside from youth teams I hardly ever see people out playing frisbee, softball, touch football, etc. Especially since COVID -- boy did those lockdowns provide the death blow to whatever social cohesion remained.

    This general social atomization naturally ennervates the eclectic sports scene.


    I speculate that the social atomization that affects how American men relate to sports began more than half a century ago, when kids stopped spilling out of their homes after being fed by their stay-at-home mothers, and went looking for buddies in their then safe neighborhoods to play games, spontaneously, and unsupervised.

    Once parents (dads, mostly) started organizing that activity, and school sports or paid coaching lessons became about the only way boys played sports, a new generation of sports fans related to TV sports quite differently from earlier generations; it’s much harder to imagine yourself out on the field if you haven’t played the sport yourself, even if only in kiddie form. Most sports fans today, I daresay, have never played the sports they watch.

    I don’t know if all that’s factually true, but it could be …

    • 回复: @Bill P

    I remember an inflection point was the youth crime wave of the early 90s, which was perpetrated by my same-age inner-city cohort. Before that parents pretty much left us alone to go out and do what we pleased. In my case it was riding bikes with friends, pick up hoops, frisbee, etc.

    In '94 there was a huge crackdown and suddenly cops were everywhere. You'd get hassled by cops for being out unsupervised with other kids. I don't think baby boomers quite understand how heavy-handed the crime bill was, because they'd already aged out of that "hang out outside with friends" demographic. It also happened to be a national effort, so it also affected communities that didn't actually have a murder problem.

    Forced integration combined with possibly the most intensely policed public space in peacetime human history put an enormous damper on outdoors recreation.

    回复:@John Johnson

    , @anarchyst

    Too much emphasis is placed on "organized sports". That also goes for "professional sports".
    The death of “professional sports” (bread and circuses) would be the best thing to happen in the USA.
    It is sickening to see grown men collect sports cards and other overpriced sports “memorabilia”, “team jerseys” and other useless things, having the ability to quote sports statistics ad-nauseum, but not giving a damn about REAL issues affecting the country.
    Add to that, the adulation that many grown men place on their “sports heroes” (actually grown men playing childrens’ games) who quite often are brain-damaged, immature, bulked-up steroid-addicted poor excuses for human beings.
    This false flag “COVID19” virus may force people to wake up from their “professional sports” induced stupor and start to realize that there are many other things in life that really DO make a difference.
    Sports figures wear COSTUMES…those in military service, others with real responsibilities and true “heroes” wear UNIFORMS.

  149. @ganderson

    我是一名 HS 松懈的教练——我的三个儿子都打出了高水平的比赛。 这是一项很棒的运动,在过去的 15 年里发展了很多,但我认为松懈的繁荣已经结束。 它很昂贵,更高级别需要与曲棍球一样多的旅行(尽管赛季较短),并且在非传统长曲棍球时代缺乏合格的教练。 (我的 Ted Lasso 式教练生涯就是证明)不过,它几乎全是白人。 中场是为黑人设立的位置——我原以为一旦兄弟们发现了这一点,它就像足球中的角卫一样,不会再有白人中场了。 还没有发生。 任何人都知道在 MD-DC-VA 或纽约西部上州是否有多数黑人高中拥有良好的松散团队?

    有 pro lax,但它一直在努力寻找自己的形式和受众。 没有多少人参加过大联盟的松散赛事,他们还没有进入松散的世界。


    Anyone know if there are any majority black high schools in, say, MD-DC-VA or Western-Upstate New York with good lax teams?

    I seem to remember Buffalo Joe mentioning such a team in the Buffalo area. If you’re reading this Joe, come back, we miss you.

  150. @dearieme

    That's not much good. He's got Cover and Extra Cover the wrong way round, his Fine Leg is what in my day was Long Leg, his Short Leg is actually Silly Mid On, and, inexcusably, his Forward Short Leg is actually Silly Mid Off.

    回复:@Jonathan Mason

    This diagram is from an Australian source, and I too would disagree with a couple of points. For example what he calls Deep Cover, I would call Cover Point.

    You are right about the Silly Mid-On error, a silly mistake, though it would actually be Silly Mid-On for a left-handed batter.

    I think the Fine Leg is okay, although it ought to be a bit finer. The position indicated could also be called Backward Square Leg. I would have thought that Long Leg was Deep Mid On, or Cow Corner. On rustic cricket pitches, that area of the field was generally considered safe for cows to graze, as the ball would generally not go there, unless the batsman played a “cow shot”. Of course if you had a left-handed batter, the cows would have to be moved from off to on.

    By the way I forgot to mention in an earlier post, that the terms legside and onside are synonymous. So the contrast can be between leg and off, or on and off.

    The offside would correspond to right field in baseball, except if the batsman was left-handed, then right field would be the onside.

    • 回复: @dearieme

    I would have thought that Long Leg was Deep Mid On, or Cow Corner.

    Nope. In my day Long Leg is what he's called Fine Leg. Actual Fine Leg was finer. Sometimes it was used as a euphemism for Long Stop - the keeper would rather not admit to needing a Long Stop.

    I feel lucky to have grown up in a country where sports were largely for playing rather than spectating.

    , @RadicalCenter

    Just shoot us already.

  151. @PiltdownMan

    I speculate that the social atomization that affects how American men relate to sports began more than half a century ago, when kids stopped spilling out of their homes after being fed by their stay-at-home mothers, and went looking for buddies in their then safe neighborhoods to play games, spontaneously, and unsupervised.

    Once parents (dads, mostly) started organizing that activity, and school sports or paid coaching lessons became about the only way boys played sports, a new generation of sports fans related to TV sports quite differently from earlier generations; it's much harder to imagine yourself out on the field if you haven't played the sport yourself, even if only in kiddie form. Most sports fans today, I daresay, have never played the sports they watch.

    I don't know if all that's factually true, but it could be ...

    Replies: @Bill P, @anarchyst

    I remember an inflection point was the youth crime wave of the early 90s, which was perpetrated by my same-age inner-city cohort. Before that parents pretty much left us alone to go out and do what we pleased. In my case it was riding bikes with friends, pick up hoops, frisbee, etc.

    In ’94 there was a huge crackdown and suddenly cops were everywhere. You’d get hassled by cops for being out unsupervised with other kids. I don’t think baby boomers quite understand how heavy-handed the crime bill was, because they’d already aged out of that “hang out outside with friends” demographic. It also happened to be a national effort, so it also affected communities that didn’t actually have a murder problem.

    Forced integration combined with possibly the most intensely policed public space in peacetime human history put an enormous damper on outdoors recreation.

    • 回复: @John Johnson

    Whatever happened in the 90s is nothing compared to current generations.

    I can't believe how many parents will let their boys plays video games all weekend.

    It isn't that the parents don't see the value in getting them outside. What happens is that they submit to the will of the child.

    The single mom problem is real. They will do stuff like ask a 12 year old boy if he thinks it is a good idea to play video games all day instead of just kicking him outside to mow the lawn.

    Liberal moms with weak husbands are hardly any different. The kid doesn't respect either of them and only wants to drink mountain dew and play video games.

    These moms make excuses as to why junior plays 8 hours of Fortnite a day. The boys learn how to manipulate these women into getting what they want.

    Good luck getting any of those boys to watch sports. The public schools no longer push sports as they are mostly managed by women. The typical lib teacher would put every White boy on ADD meds if she could. Public schools are dominated by liberal women that fully buy into their Wakanda studies degrees and don't want the White boys to do well academically or athletically.


  152. @Jonathan Mason

    This diagram is from an Australian source, and I too would disagree with a couple of points. For example what he calls Deep Cover, I would call Cover Point.

    You are right about the Silly Mid-On error, a silly mistake, though it would actually be Silly Mid-On for a left-handed batter.

    I think the Fine Leg is okay, although it ought to be a bit finer. The position indicated could also be called Backward Square Leg. I would have thought that Long Leg was Deep Mid On, or Cow Corner. On rustic cricket pitches, that area of the field was generally considered safe for cows to graze, as the ball would generally not go there, unless the batsman played a "cow shot". Of course if you had a left-handed batter, the cows would have to be moved from off to on.

    By the way I forgot to mention in an earlier post, that the terms legside and onside are synonymous. So the contrast can be between leg and off, or on and off.

    The offside would correspond to right field in baseball, except if the batsman was left-handed, then right field would be the onside.

    Replies: @dearieme, @RadicalCenter

    I would have thought that Long Leg was Deep Mid On, or Cow Corner.

    Nope. In my day Long Leg is what he’s called Fine Leg. Actual Fine Leg was finer. Sometimes it was used as a euphemism for Long Stop – the keeper would rather not admit to needing a Long Stop.

    I feel lucky to have grown up in a country where sports were largely for playing rather than spectating.

  153. @I, Libertine


    回覆:@Jonathan Mason,@ RegCæsar



    实际上,比赛期限为 5 天,但如果没有下雨或恶劣天气中断,几乎肯定会在不到 5 天的时间内得出结果。

  154. @Reg Cæsar

    There’s a weird Finnish variant of baseball- sometimes played on “da Range” and the UP.
    是的, 佩萨帕洛, which is close to how a Finn would pronounce "baseball", but translates as "nest ball". It adds the innovation that distances between bases increase as you advance. They thought third-to-home was too easy.

    They sometimes play it at the (roughly) biennial FinnFest, which will be held in Duluth this summer. In 2009 and 2016, that event was held on a cruise ship, which might have constricted playing options.




    Reg- you could be the only person in the world that knows more Minnesota stuff than I do. I hoist a Grain Belt to you.

  155. @Kim



    回复:@RadicalCenter、@Barnard、@Alec Leamas(在家工作)

    Cricket is popular in India as a spectator sport, but how many people play and how often do they have to replace their equipment?

    • 回复: @Jonathan Mason

    Cricket is popular in India as a spectator sport, but how many people play and how often do they have to replace their equipment?
    India has about 3 million registered players, but that does not include millions more of school children or villagers who played recreationally.

    To play cricket at the most basic level, all you really need is a stick and a tennis ball.

    To play properly at club level you minimally need a set of 6 wooden stumps, 4 bails, 2 shared bats, some leg pads, gloves, and protectors for the genital area, and two brand new leather balls, plus some spare balls in case the original ball is lost or damaged. Plastic composite balls may also be used for practice.

    However players may have their own bats, gloves, leg pads, boots, box, jockstrap, shirts, caps, sun hats, helmets, sweatbands, pants, socks.

    New balls are required for every game, but bats can easily last a couple of seasons.

  156. @Emil Nikola Richard
    In my neighborhood there are a bunch of disc golfers which is the stupidest thing I ever saw. There is a hiking trail adjacent to the 圆盘高尔夫球场 I use all the time. It does not appear to do one damn thing to improve your physique despite the topographical relief on the course. Walking uphill the distance you can toss a frisbee isn't going to boost your heart rate. These fat asses need to sprint that part if they want some benefit.

    回复:@John Johnson、@Stan Adams


    • 哈哈: Emil Nikola Richard
    • 回复: @Shel100


    回复:@Stan Adams

  157. @Bill P

    I remember an inflection point was the youth crime wave of the early 90s, which was perpetrated by my same-age inner-city cohort. Before that parents pretty much left us alone to go out and do what we pleased. In my case it was riding bikes with friends, pick up hoops, frisbee, etc.

    In '94 there was a huge crackdown and suddenly cops were everywhere. You'd get hassled by cops for being out unsupervised with other kids. I don't think baby boomers quite understand how heavy-handed the crime bill was, because they'd already aged out of that "hang out outside with friends" demographic. It also happened to be a national effort, so it also affected communities that didn't actually have a murder problem.

    Forced integration combined with possibly the most intensely policed public space in peacetime human history put an enormous damper on outdoors recreation.

    回复:@John Johnson

    Whatever happened in the 90s is nothing compared to current generations.

    I can’t believe how many parents will let their boys plays video games all weekend.

    It isn’t that the parents don’t see the value in getting them outside. What happens is that they submit to the will of the child.

    The single mom problem is real. They will do stuff like ask a 12 year old boy if he thinks it is a good idea to play video games all day instead of just kicking him outside to mow the lawn.

    Liberal moms with weak husbands are hardly any different. The kid doesn’t respect either of them and only wants to drink mountain dew and play video games.

    These moms make excuses as to why junior plays 8 hours of Fortnite a day. The boys learn how to manipulate these women into getting what they want.

    Good luck getting any of those boys to watch sports. The public schools no longer push sports as they are mostly managed by women. The typical lib teacher would put every White boy on ADD meds if she could. Public schools are dominated by liberal women that fully buy into their Wakanda studies degrees and don’t want the White boys to do well academically or athletically.

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
    • 谢谢: Coemgen
    • 回复: @VivaLaMigra

    They don't want the "white boys" to "do well" with the white GIRLS, either; those are reserved for the very rapey Brutha's.

    回复:@John Johnson

  158. @Kim



    回复:@RadicalCenter、@Barnard、@Alec Leamas(在家工作)



    Well, a wrinkle is that a “set” of golf clubs is 12 to a maximum of 14, and frequent players update their clubs regularly. It’s not a measure of the relative popularity of the two games but golf is more equipment intense.

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer
    @Alec Leamas(在家工作)

    Golfers makes huge amounts off endorsements because the sport is equipment intense. Arnold Palmer was making the top 10 list in earnings by athletes into old age. In contrast, baseball players don't make much off endorsements unless they are charismatic superstars, in part because their isn't that much baseball equipment to sell. I doubt if, say, Mike Trout makes more than a few million off endorsements per year.

  159. 因为我不再看 MLB、NFL 或大学橄榄球,所以我可以使用一项新运动来观看。 我不会光顾那些讨厌我并想彻底改变我出生、长大和居住的国家的企业。 特别是当他们想以有害的方式改变它时。

    但我不认为板球是门票。 这几乎和棒球一样无聊。 我确实记得在芝加哥 UHF 早期在电视上看到 Jai alai。 我可能会选择那个。

    • 回复: @Jonathan Mason

    但我不认为板球是门票。 这几乎和棒球一样无聊。
    当我住在百慕大时,我经常去看板球比赛(以及打板球)。许多比赛都有很多人。 人们会花一整天的时间在那里野餐、喝酒、赌博(皇冠和锚),以及与朋友和家人社交。

    比赛只是吸引力的一部分,但人们在了解球员时会喜欢它。 有一年,百慕大十一人队与澳大利亚国家队进行了一场表演赛,其中有很多世界知名球员,他们已经停了几天,而在圣大卫的美好日子里,只有几十人在那里观看。


    , @Jack P

    不幸的是,在 UFC 和某种程度上的高尔夫之外,每个主要的体育组织都在某种程度上支持反美、反白人的议程。 我还在挣扎。 没有问责制。

  160. @Jonathan Mason

    The last thing I remember is something about an “oval” that isn’t oval and then my eyes glazed over.
    The Oval, now known as the Kia Oval, is the name of a famous cricket stadium just outside London. It is kind of oval. Has nothing to do with explaining how cricket is played.

    There is another cricket ground called the Adelaide Oval in Australia.


    The last thing I remember is something about an “oval” that isn’t oval and then my eyes glazed over.

    The Oval, now known as the Kia Oval, is the name of a famous cricket stadium just outside London.

    Connecticut has that little thumb in the southwest because she traded something called the Oblong to New York. Gen Washington spent a couple of months there in 1778, so it must have been important. But it wasn’t oblong, or even close.

  161. @Steve Sailer

    曲棍球是一项引人入胜的比赛,如果必须坚持高杆的话,就像冰球一样。 但它似乎极易发生脑震荡。


    从理论上讲,团体手球应该是完美的比赛,但每当我在奥运会上观看它时,我都会对自己说:“所以这就是为什么这项运动从未流行起来的原因。” 美国人总是建议改变足球这项地球上最受欢迎的运动的规则。 但我怀疑美国的改革主义冲动可以为团队手球做更多的事情。

    回复:@S Johnson、@mc23、@Coemgen、@Coemgen、@Anonymous、@Anonymous

    I get the same impression when watching hurling vs handball. Hurling strikes me as an impressive, serious sport. While handball seems to lack gravitas, and frankly, seems dorky as hell. Handball is like dodgeball – a game you play as 5th graders in PE class in the school gym.

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    Right, my exact thoughts, better than I've been able to express them.

    Here's an idea for sport creation: pick out your favorite athletes in the world and then try to dream up a sport that would exploit as many of their talents as possible: e.g., the eye-foot coordination of Lionel Messi, the throwing ability of Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady, the eye-hand coordination of Cooper Kupp or Ozzie Smith.

    Maybe a soccer-like sport where you have to score not using your hands like in soccer, but where you can advance the ball between the red zones using throwing and catching with your hands like in American football. This would allow you to elegantly and quickly move the ball up near the goal without wasting a lot of time like in soccer, but actually getting the ball in the net would still be difficult, there'd just be more chances to score per game because less time is wasted in the middle of the field. The goal would be to have the typical game be, say, 4 to 3, which is roughly what soccer was like back in Pele's day. Look how everybody is still enthralled that the World Cup Final was 3-3 (and half of those were penalty kicks).


  162. @ganderson

    我是一名 HS 松懈的教练——我的三个儿子都打出了高水平的比赛。 这是一项很棒的运动,在过去的 15 年里发展了很多,但我认为松懈的繁荣已经结束。 它很昂贵,更高级别需要与曲棍球一样多的旅行(尽管赛季较短),并且在非传统长曲棍球时代缺乏合格的教练。 (我的 Ted Lasso 式教练生涯就是证明)不过,它几乎全是白人。 中场是为黑人设立的位置——我原以为一旦兄弟们发现了这一点,它就像足球中的角卫一样,不会再有白人中场了。 还没有发生。 任何人都知道在 MD-DC-VA 或纽约西部上州是否有多数黑人高中拥有良好的松散团队?

    有 pro lax,但它一直在努力寻找自己的形式和受众。 没有多少人参加过大联盟的松散赛事,他们还没有进入松散的世界。


    To respond to one of your observations – college lacrosse players do much much better in the business world than college football players – my guess is “by a factor of 10” would not be unfair, and “by a factor of 20” might be more accurate —- and Belichik, and other NFL people who know what’s what, hire lacrosse players as assistant coaches, so the few lacrosse players who really want to make big money in sports have that option.

    I don’t think it is a nice thing to say, but it is true – 8 years of high school and college football or soccer are going to usually knock 10 IQ points out of your skull, through concussions. Lacrosse, maybe five points on average. We see the survivors, the great raconteurs like John Madden and his ilk, but trust me – if you lined up fifty fat old guys in their fifties and asked an average American to talk to everyone in the line, and then ask which of the fat guys had football-level CTEs and were sort of a lot more dull than they ought to be —- the average American would pick out the guy who took a beating as a high school or college football player over the guy who didn’t, nine times out of ten.

    It didn’t use to be that way – several WWII four-stars spent time on the gridiron at the academies and did not lose more than five or so IQ points – but the rules were different, and more brutal but more fair then, it was more of a fair fight – and in a world where being slightly more dull-witted than you were born to be is a big deal, it is not a good idea to spend 8 years or more of your youth playing football with people who are bigger than you and who like to hit you hard when you are not looking.
    That is not the warrior way. Eventually, Americans will learn.

    • 回复: @anonymous

    and to be honest, as great an admiral as Halsey was, there is at least a ten percent chance that, if he had not been knocked senseless a few times on the football field, he would not have, later in life, needlessly lost several ships and hundreds of men in two challenges that required great sharpness and presence of mind, and undiminished strong practical wisdom - one against Typhoon Cobra and one against a not very tricky Japanese feint in the Philippines towards the end of the war.

    , @ganderson

    Well put. I’d observe that equipment changes meant to make football safer have had the opposite effect.

  163. @Reg Cæsar

    许多小型运动项目都得到电视报道。斧头投掷, 康沃尔、综合健身、极限飞盘、飞盘高尔夫和匹克球


    “Cornhole” is the successor to “horseshoes” which was popular in the last century. In today’s “safety oriented world”, the sport of horseshoes is seen as being “too dangerous” as an errant horseshoe throw (toss) can be dangerous to other players or spectators.
    A “cornhole” court is a pair of angled boxes on each end with a “hole” just large enough to accept a large “beanbag”. The sport is governed by the same rules as horseshoes.
    “Cornhole” is an inappropriate name for such a sport.

  164. @I, Libertine


    回覆:@Jonathan Mason,@ RegCæsar


    One’s patience!

    OT, but how did we miss this? Milwaukee DA John Chisolm’s bail policy has yet another young victim:

    密尔沃基父母指责地方检察官约翰·奇泽姆(John Chisholm)推动保释导致儿子死亡

  165. @Steve Sailer

    曲棍球是一项引人入胜的比赛,如果必须坚持高杆的话,就像冰球一样。 但它似乎极易发生脑震荡。


    从理论上讲,团体手球应该是完美的比赛,但每当我在奥运会上观看它时,我都会对自己说:“所以这就是为什么这项运动从未流行起来的原因。” 美国人总是建议改变足球这项地球上最受欢迎的运动的规则。 但我怀疑美国的改革主义冲动可以为团队手球做更多的事情。

    回复:@S Johnson、@mc23、@Coemgen、@Coemgen、@Anonymous、@Anonymous

    When I visited Ireland, I was impressed by the locals’ intense pride and interest in hurling and Gaelic football, which no other country plays. I was also struck by how much contempt they had for soccer and cricket, which they characterized as soft English games and not serious sports like hurling and Gaelic. They did seem to have some respect for rugby though.

    I was surprised by the relative popularity of cricket in Australia though. Australia is not really into soccer and prefer their own Aussie rules football which is like rugby and a tough game. Australia also has a more tough and working class type culture so I didn’t think they’d be much into a game like cricket which is associated with toffs.

  166. @PiltdownMan

    I speculate that the social atomization that affects how American men relate to sports began more than half a century ago, when kids stopped spilling out of their homes after being fed by their stay-at-home mothers, and went looking for buddies in their then safe neighborhoods to play games, spontaneously, and unsupervised.

    Once parents (dads, mostly) started organizing that activity, and school sports or paid coaching lessons became about the only way boys played sports, a new generation of sports fans related to TV sports quite differently from earlier generations; it's much harder to imagine yourself out on the field if you haven't played the sport yourself, even if only in kiddie form. Most sports fans today, I daresay, have never played the sports they watch.

    I don't know if all that's factually true, but it could be ...

    Replies: @Bill P, @anarchyst

    Too much emphasis is placed on “organized sports”. That also goes for “professional sports”.
    The death of “professional sports” (bread and circuses) would be the best thing to happen in the USA.
    It is sickening to see grown men collect sports cards and other overpriced sports “memorabilia”, “team jerseys” and other useless things, having the ability to quote sports statistics ad-nauseum, but not giving a damn about REAL issues affecting the country.
    Add to that, the adulation that many grown men place on their “sports heroes” (actually grown men playing childrens’ games) who quite often are brain-damaged, immature, bulked-up steroid-addicted poor excuses for human beings.
    This false flag “COVID19” virus may force people to wake up from their “professional sports” induced stupor and start to realize that there are many other things in life that really DO make a difference.
    Sports figures wear COSTUMES…those in military service, others with real responsibilities and true “heroes” wear UNIFORMS.

  167. @Anonymous

    I get the same impression when watching hurling vs handball. Hurling strikes me as an impressive, serious sport. While handball seems to lack gravitas, and frankly, seems dorky as hell. Handball is like dodgeball - a game you play as 5th graders in PE class in the school gym.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    Right, my exact thoughts, better than I’ve been able to express them.

    Here’s an idea for sport creation: pick out your favorite athletes in the world and then try to dream up a sport that would exploit as many of their talents as possible: e.g., the eye-foot coordination of Lionel Messi, the throwing ability of Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady, the eye-hand coordination of Cooper Kupp or Ozzie Smith.

    Maybe a soccer-like sport where you have to score not using your hands like in soccer, but where you can advance the ball between the red zones using throwing and catching with your hands like in American football. This would allow you to elegantly and quickly move the ball up near the goal without wasting a lot of time like in soccer, but actually getting the ball in the net would still be difficult, there’d just be more chances to score per game because less time is wasted in the middle of the field. The goal would be to have the typical game be, say, 4 to 3, which is roughly what soccer was like back in Pele’s day. Look how everybody is still enthralled that the World Cup Final was 3-3 (and half of those were penalty kicks).

    • 回复: @Known Fact

    Here’s an idea for sport creation: pick out your favorite athletes in the world and then try to dream up a sport that would exploit as many of their talents as possible:


  168. @Alec Leamas (working from home)




    Well, a wrinkle is that a "set" of golf clubs is 12 to a maximum of 14, and frequent players update their clubs regularly. It's not a measure of the relative popularity of the two games but golf is more equipment intense.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    Golfers makes huge amounts off endorsements because the sport is equipment intense. Arnold Palmer was making the top 10 list in earnings by athletes into old age. In contrast, baseball players don’t make much off endorsements unless they are charismatic superstars, in part because their isn’t that much baseball equipment to sell. I doubt if, say, Mike Trout makes more than a few million off endorsements per year.

  169. @anonymous

    To respond to one of your observations - college lacrosse players do much much better in the business world than college football players - my guess is "by a factor of 10" would not be unfair, and "by a factor of 20" might be more accurate ---- and Belichik, and other NFL people who know what's what, hire lacrosse players as assistant coaches, so the few lacrosse players who really want to make big money in sports have that option.

    I don't think it is a nice thing to say, but it is true - 8 years of high school and college football or soccer are going to usually knock 10 IQ points out of your skull, through concussions. Lacrosse, maybe five points on average. We see the survivors, the great raconteurs like John Madden and his ilk, but trust me - if you lined up fifty fat old guys in their fifties and asked an average American to talk to everyone in the line, and then ask which of the fat guys had football-level CTEs and were sort of a lot more dull than they ought to be ---- the average American would pick out the guy who took a beating as a high school or college football player over the guy who didn't, nine times out of ten.

    It didn't use to be that way - several WWII four-stars spent time on the gridiron at the academies and did not lose more than five or so IQ points - but the rules were different, and more brutal but more fair then, it was more of a fair fight - and in a world where being slightly more dull-witted than you were born to be is a big deal, it is not a good idea to spend 8 years or more of your youth playing football with people who are bigger than you and who like to hit you hard when you are not looking.
    That is not the warrior way. Eventually, Americans will learn.

    Replies: @anonymous, @ganderson

    and to be honest, as great an admiral as Halsey was, there is at least a ten percent chance that, if he had not been knocked senseless a few times on the football field, he would not have, later in life, needlessly lost several ships and hundreds of men in two challenges that required great sharpness and presence of mind, and undiminished strong practical wisdom – one against Typhoon Cobra and one against a not very tricky Japanese feint in the Philippines towards the end of the war.

  170. @John Johnson



    我可以偶尔享受一场足球或棒球比赛,但体育崇拜需要结束。 没有什么比看到一些穿着足球球衣、带着啤酒肚的白人更可悲的了。

    回复:@Irish Romantic Christian,@anon

    From a famous movie about Jesse James and Cole Younger:

    Cliff Robertson’s pipe-smoking Cole Younger is a congenial outlaw. Intelligent and reflective, he’s fascinated by new technology. A steam tractor on the streets of town stops him in his tracks with wonder – or “wonderment,” his favorite word. However, he does not see the appeal of baseball when he happens upon a game. “Our national sport is shooting,” he says, “and always will be.”


  171. @JimDandy

    Yeah, pickleball is huge. And getting huger. Pro pickleball would have an audience.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    Pickleball is the winner out of countless backyard games that evolved in the 1960s-70s from the invention of new plastic balls that initially go fast but don’t go as far as traditional balls. It was invented by the family of a popular politician in the state of Washington and their many friends helped spread it in contrast to similar games dependent on new types of balls: e.g., I, like no doubt thousands of other people, invented Nerf Badminton in the 1970s. But pickleball happened to win out.

    Pickleball seems like a fine sport (assuming they can do something about the awful noise level) for the older and less athletic, much like softball compared to hardball. I’d like to give it a try. But I don’t see the appeal of watching professional pickleball compared to watching tennis. It’s like professional softball compared to major league baseball.

    • 回复: @JimDandy

    Yeah, sure. But what about celebrity grudge match pickleball?

    , @Known Fact

    It’s like professional softball compared to major league baseball.
    One of the damnedest things I ever saw was The King and His Court, professional softball barnstormers -- just not very young or athletic-looking guys -- who would travel around challenging full nine-man teams and pounding the crap out of them.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

  172. @JimDandy
    Baseball kind of caught on in Czech for some reason.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    世界上有很多奇怪的地方,美国原住民运动非常受欢迎。 例如,美国职业棒球大联盟通常有几个澳大利亚人。

    • 回复: @sb

    I get the feeling that 19th century America shared the British view of games being character building and muscular Christianity and all that but felt that an independent nation should have it's own games




    Australia has always played cricket since English settlement although it must be said that in the battle for young sporting talent it often nowadays comes off second- there just aren't a lot of pro jobs compared to other sports.In the past cricket was supreme

    But the climate of hot summers suits cricket playing - it's a big community social amateur sport.

    棒球自 19 世纪中叶以来一直在澳大利亚,经常与板球交手,因为许多人同时参加这两种运动(相似的技能)

    回复:@Steve Sailer

  173. @RadicalCenter

    That seems obviously wrong.

    Cricket is the most popular sport in the world's most populous country, India, as well as Pakistan, maybe Bangladesh, and of course formerly-great formerly-britain ("the uk", lol).

    Other than those, is cricket popular in any other country of a sizeable population? And no, australia and the tiny jurisdictions of the "West Indies" don't county.

    Let's look at the other countries with large populations (100 million or more):
    Is cricket at all popular among the:

    1.4 billion people in China?
    350-400 million people in the USA?
    200-plus million in Brazil?
    200-plus million in Indonesia?
    200-plus million in Nigeria?
    145-150 million in Russian Federation (including recent restorations)?
    110 million in Philippines?
    110 million in Mexico?

    To summarize, huge India loves cricket, while equally huge China and all other populous countries except Pakistan and Bangladesh don't give a damn. Another 100-plus mid-sized and small countries likewise don't care about cricket except for the home country itself and a handful of former colonies that contain almost no people.

    It's cool if you like cricket, man, just don't pretend that anyone other than IndoPaks and limeys share your interest. I love baseball, but I have no illusion that it's popular around the world rather than concentrated in a single populous country.



    I don’t mean to carp, but…

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    High school baseball is as big in Japan as high school football in the US, maybe bigger. They have a national high school baseball tournament that's like the NCAA basketball tournament for fan excitement.

    , @smetana

  174. 古巴有板球队。 传统上,这项运动由牙买加人和其他西印度群岛客工和移民参与; 当地人喜欢棒球。

    2013 年,古巴因其国内组织薄弱而被国际刑事法院停职。 其他被暂停的国家包括文莱达鲁萨兰国和瑞士。



    • 回复: @sb


  175. @JimDandy
    Maybe they can combine cricket with Jai alai.

    Replies: @Known Fact, @Wade Hampton

    Better to combine cricket with ice hockey.

  176. @ganderson

    我是一名 HS 松懈的教练——我的三个儿子都打出了高水平的比赛。 这是一项很棒的运动,在过去的 15 年里发展了很多,但我认为松懈的繁荣已经结束。 它很昂贵,更高级别需要与曲棍球一样多的旅行(尽管赛季较短),并且在非传统长曲棍球时代缺乏合格的教练。 (我的 Ted Lasso 式教练生涯就是证明)不过,它几乎全是白人。 中场是为黑人设立的位置——我原以为一旦兄弟们发现了这一点,它就像足球中的角卫一样,不会再有白人中场了。 还没有发生。 任何人都知道在 MD-DC-VA 或纽约西部上州是否有多数黑人高中拥有良好的松散团队?

    有 pro lax,但它一直在努力寻找自己的形式和受众。 没有多少人参加过大联盟的松散赛事,他们还没有进入松散的世界。


    我是一名 HS 松懈的教练——我的三个儿子都打出了高水平的比赛。 这是一项很棒的运动,在过去的 15 年里发展了很多,但我认为松懈的繁荣已经结束。

    我得到的印象是,长曲棍球成为了那些 (a) 在大学申请中看起来不错的小众运动之一——尤其是对女孩来说,以及 (b) 如果这个人真的很好,获得奖学金的机会不是无限小的 (再次,特别是对于女孩)。 这就是它蓬勃发展的原因。 击剑是另一种小众运动。 长曲棍球是否已经变得司空见惯,大学录取高峰已经消失了?

    然而,令游泳父母感到懊恼和怀疑的是,游泳从来都不是这些运动之一。 即使您的孩子在美国最大的都市区之一的顶级俱乐部游泳队游泳,并且该队通常有少数游泳运动员在奥林匹克选拔赛中进入决赛,并且有一对夫妇进入该队,但只有这些人获得奖学金——即使您的孩子在国民锦标赛中取得了最后的胜利,通常也不足以获得奖学金。 一个孩子所能期望的最好的事情就是通过一份运动意向书被一所好学校录取,但只有少数人获得了奖学金。 幸运的是,我的孩子们还没有足够好地承受那种压力,只是在当地取得了一点成功,并与队友建立了友情,但每年都有父母对他们的孩子在当地少年队赢得多项比赛感到愤怒奥运会但没有资格参加国民队几乎肯定不会在大学申请时得到任何提升。 这是每年球队新父母迎新会上的一个话题。 但游泳作为青少年的一项更个性化的运动仍然很普遍,有些孩子只是更适合个人运动。

    • 回复: @ganderson

    我的小伙子们是那种董事会成绩比他们的 HS 成绩更好的年轻人,换句话说,典型的男孩。 Lax 可能帮助了两个年轻人的录取过程; 年长的那个在后来成为 DI 的学校打过俱乐部,所以长曲棍球是无关紧要的。DIII 级别没有运动奖学金,DI 也很少。 查看 DI 花名册,您会看到很少有完整的游乐设施。 我的孩子们打球是因为它很有趣——能够在大学打球是一种奖励,一个是常年前 15 名计划的预备队,另一个是一个较小的联盟中较小球队的所有联盟球员。

    Buffalo Joe 可以回答我的其他问题——希望他没事!

  177. @Stan Adams




    • 回复: @Stan Adams

    TLC 的优秀人士可能不同意。显示为 我的 600 磅。 生活 做得很好。


  178. @Anonymous

    I'll be honest: I don't get it. I'm a white American. From my point of view, the problems that white Americans face in particular are those I listed above: anti-white discrimination, anti-white media bias, immigration, bad black behavior. On all of these issues, Steve Sailer has extensively argued for pro-white positions. Do you think there's some other issue he isn't addressing?

    As for blaming him and Charles Murray for the issues that harm whites, that's ridiculous. Do you really think Murray and Sailer control border security, civil rights law, or public safety? You're fooling yourself.
    You should be paying more attention to the very real politicians, judges, bureaucrats, media members, etc. who actually ARE responsible for anti-white policies.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    You can look up the debates between Jared Taylor and Steve Sailer from 20 years ago.

    You should be paying more attention to the very real politicians, judges, bureaucrats, media members, etc. who actually ARE responsible for anti-white policies.

    These white guys who have no loyalty to other whites are the ones who make all that possible in the first place. It’s like a guardian who is supposed to take care of a house of children, but takes a lackadaisical toward their welfare. He finds it 辛苦 to be an advocate for them.

    All the things you mentioned, like being free of an anti-white agenda, require white people who are on their own damn side. Name a group that successfully fought for its rights and privileges in this world that didn’t have passionate advocates 对他们来说.

    Are you aware of how militant whites were in the past? We didn’t just have a continent handed to us. Whites routinely put up signs warning non-whites not to let the sun set on them in their part of town. I’m not advocating that, but that’s how it was. And only people who are on their own side can do that.

    Now, after the more devoted whites conquered a continent and built a country, other whites seem to think that living in a nice white society, with all the liberal values they love, is some free good that falls out of the sky, and can be maintained by being nice fair guys without any “nasty” tribalism … or something.

    Finally, you must be aware that non-whites will always want to encroach on white spaces. You do realize the races are not equal, right? Blacks will always want to live in white neighborhoods and countries. So will people streaming up from Latin America. This means a permanent state of self-preservation as whites is necessary.

    • 同意: Kylie
    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar

    Whites routinely put up signs warning non-whites not to let the sun set on them in their part of town.
    What were they doing there in the daytime? That's the problem. Alien minorities can't do anything the white man can't even better-- if you're willing to pay him.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    , @Anonymous

    It's foolish to dismiss Steve's pro-white positions and track record of advocacy because he is not a white nationalist. How exactly would that help close the border or maintain a high standard of living? Would third worlders all of a sudden be scared to move to LA because an old man who calls himself a white nationalist online lives there?

    As you point out, whites have frequently circled the wagons against external threats (literally, for instance.) Yet, these whites weren't white nationalists. They had no deep sense of kinship with the white masses around the world (evidence: all the millions of each other they killed.)

    Likewise, immigration restriction or cracking down on black crime today doesn't require a white nationalist worldview. It requires awareness of a common threat, and Steve and Murray have raised more awareness among people with influence than approx. 100% of white nationalists.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

  179. @anonymous

    To respond to one of your observations - college lacrosse players do much much better in the business world than college football players - my guess is "by a factor of 10" would not be unfair, and "by a factor of 20" might be more accurate ---- and Belichik, and other NFL people who know what's what, hire lacrosse players as assistant coaches, so the few lacrosse players who really want to make big money in sports have that option.

    I don't think it is a nice thing to say, but it is true - 8 years of high school and college football or soccer are going to usually knock 10 IQ points out of your skull, through concussions. Lacrosse, maybe five points on average. We see the survivors, the great raconteurs like John Madden and his ilk, but trust me - if you lined up fifty fat old guys in their fifties and asked an average American to talk to everyone in the line, and then ask which of the fat guys had football-level CTEs and were sort of a lot more dull than they ought to be ---- the average American would pick out the guy who took a beating as a high school or college football player over the guy who didn't, nine times out of ten.

    It didn't use to be that way - several WWII four-stars spent time on the gridiron at the academies and did not lose more than five or so IQ points - but the rules were different, and more brutal but more fair then, it was more of a fair fight - and in a world where being slightly more dull-witted than you were born to be is a big deal, it is not a good idea to spend 8 years or more of your youth playing football with people who are bigger than you and who like to hit you hard when you are not looking.
    That is not the warrior way. Eventually, Americans will learn.

    Replies: @anonymous, @ganderson

    Well put. I’d observe that equipment changes meant to make football safer have had the opposite effect.

  180. @Steve Sailer

    Pickleball is the winner out of countless backyard games that evolved in the 1960s-70s from the invention of new plastic balls that initially go fast but don't go as far as traditional balls. It was invented by the family of a popular politician in the state of Washington and their many friends helped spread it in contrast to similar games dependent on new types of balls: e.g., I, like no doubt thousands of other people, invented Nerf Badminton in the 1970s. But pickleball happened to win out.

    Pickleball seems like a fine sport (assuming they can do something about the awful noise level) for the older and less athletic, much like softball compared to hardball. I'd like to give it a try. But I don't see the appeal of watching professional pickleball compared to watching tennis. It's like professional softball compared to major league baseball.

    Replies: @JimDandy, @Known Fact

    Yeah, sure. But what about celebrity grudge match pickleball?

  181. @cthulhu

    我是一名 HS 松懈的教练——我的三个儿子都打出了高水平的比赛。 这是一项很棒的运动,在过去的 15 年里发展了很多,但我认为松懈的繁荣已经结束。
    The impression I got was that lacrosse became one of those niche sports that (a) looked good on a college application - especially for girls, and (b) if the person was actually good, there was a non-infinitesimal chance of a scholarship (again, especially for girls). And that’s why it boomed. Fencing was another of those niche sports. Has lacrosse become commonplace enough the college admissions bump for it has gone away?

    However, much to the chagrin and incredulity of swim parents, swimming never was one of those sports; even if your kid swam for the top club team in one of the largest metro areas in the US, and that team typically had a handful of swimmers reach finals at the Olympic trials and a couple make the team, those were the only ones to get scholarships - even if your kid made the final heat at Nationals, that often wasn’t good enough for a scholarship. The best a kid could hope for was to get admitted to a good school on an athletic letter of intent, but only a few ever got scholarships. Fortunately, my kids weren’t good enough to have that kind of pressure on them and just enjoyed a modicum of local success and camaraderie with their teammates, but every year there were parents indignant that their kid who won multiple events at the local area Junior Olympics but didn’t qualify for Nationals would almost certainly not get any boost from it come college application time. It was a topic every year at the team’s new parents orientation. But swimming is still pretty commonplace as a more-individual sport for teens, and some kids are just more suited to individual sports.


    我的小伙子们是那种董事会成绩比他们的 HS 成绩更好的年轻人,换句话说,典型的男孩。 Lax 可能帮助了两个年轻人的录取过程; 年长的那个在后来成为 DI 的学校打过俱乐部,所以长曲棍球是无关紧要的。DIII 级别没有运动奖学金,DI 也很少。 查看 DI 花名册,您会看到很少有完整的游乐设施。 我的孩子们打球是因为它很有趣——能够在大学打球是一种奖励,一个是常年前 15 名计划的预备队,另一个是一个较小的联盟中较小球队的所有联盟球员。

    Buffalo Joe 可以回答我的其他问题——希望他没事!

  182. @Enemy of Earth
    I could use a new sport to watch since I no longer watch MLB, the NFL, or college football. I don't patronize businesses that hate me and want to drastically alter the country in which I was born,raised, and reside. Especially when they want to alter it in detrimental ways.

    But I don't think cricket is the ticket. It's almost as boring as baseball. I do recall catching Jai alai on television in the early days of UHF in Chicago. I might could go for that one.

    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Jack P

    但我不认为板球是门票。 这几乎和棒球一样无聊。

    当我住在百慕大时,我经常去看板球比赛(以及打板球)。许多比赛都有很多人。 人们会花一整天的时间在那里野餐、喝酒、赌博(皇冠和锚),以及与朋友和家人社交。

    The game was just part of the attraction, but people liked it when they knew the players. One year a Bermuda XI played an exhibition game against the Australian national team full of world famous players, which had stopped by for a few days, and on a beautiful day in St. David’s there were only a few dozen people there to watch.


  183. @Barnard

    Cricket is popular in India as a spectator sport, but how many people play and how often do they have to replace their equipment?

    回复:@Jonathan Mason

    Cricket is popular in India as a spectator sport, but how many people play and how often do they have to replace their equipment?

    India has about 3 million registered players, but that does not include millions more of school children or villagers who played recreationally.

    To play cricket at the most basic level, all you really need is a stick and a tennis ball.

    To play properly at club level you minimally need a set of 6 wooden stumps, 4 bails, 2 shared bats, some leg pads, gloves, and protectors for the genital area, and two brand new leather balls, plus some spare balls in case the original ball is lost or damaged. Plastic composite balls may also be used for practice.

    However players may have their own bats, gloves, leg pads, boots, box, jockstrap, shirts, caps, sun hats, helmets, sweatbands, pants, socks.

    New balls are required for every game, but bats can easily last a couple of seasons.

  184. @Shel100


    回复:@Stan Adams

    TLC 的优秀人士可能不同意。显示为 我的 600 磅。 生活 做得很好。


  185. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    You can look up the debates between Jared Taylor and Steve Sailer from 20 years ago.

    You should be paying more attention to the very real politicians, judges, bureaucrats, media members, etc. who actually ARE responsible for anti-white policies.
    These white guys who have no loyalty to other whites are the ones who make all that possible in the first place. It's like a guardian who is supposed to take care of a house of children, but takes a lackadaisical toward their welfare. He finds it 辛苦 to be an advocate for them.

    All the things you mentioned, like being free of an anti-white agenda, require white people who are on their own damn side. Name a group that successfully fought for its rights and privileges in this world that didn't have passionate advocates 对他们来说.

    Are you aware of how militant whites were in the past? We didn't just have a continent handed to us. Whites routinely put up signs warning non-whites not to let the sun set on them in their part of town. I'm not advocating that, but that's how it was. And only people who are on their own side can do that.

    Now, after the more devoted whites conquered a continent and built a country, other whites seem to think that living in a nice white society, with all the liberal values they love, is some free good that falls out of the sky, and can be maintained by being nice fair guys without any "nasty" tribalism ... or something.

    Finally, you must be aware that non-whites will always want to encroach on white spaces. You do realize the races are not equal, right? Blacks will always want to live in white neighborhoods and countries. So will people streaming up from Latin America. This means a permanent state of self-preservation as whites is necessary.

    回复:@RegCæsar,@ Anonymous

    Whites routinely put up signs warning non-whites not to let the sun set on them in their part of town.

    What were they doing there in the daytime? That’s the problem. Alien minorities can’t do anything the white man can’t even better– if you’re willing to pay him.

    • 回复: @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    The signs I was referring to were in border towns that had some cross-border activity during the day.

  186. @David Jones



    …the North of England.

    哦,是的,我忘记了这个人。 再一次,他可怜的妻子是工人阶级的妻子; 他比较有闲。

    • 回复: @Bill Jones

    Dat was my yoof.


  187. @Reg Cæsar

    Whites routinely put up signs warning non-whites not to let the sun set on them in their part of town.
    What were they doing there in the daytime? That's the problem. Alien minorities can't do anything the white man can't even better-- if you're willing to pay him.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    The signs I was referring to were in border towns that had some cross-border activity during the day.

  188. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    You can look up the debates between Jared Taylor and Steve Sailer from 20 years ago.

    You should be paying more attention to the very real politicians, judges, bureaucrats, media members, etc. who actually ARE responsible for anti-white policies.
    These white guys who have no loyalty to other whites are the ones who make all that possible in the first place. It's like a guardian who is supposed to take care of a house of children, but takes a lackadaisical toward their welfare. He finds it 辛苦 to be an advocate for them.

    All the things you mentioned, like being free of an anti-white agenda, require white people who are on their own damn side. Name a group that successfully fought for its rights and privileges in this world that didn't have passionate advocates 对他们来说.

    Are you aware of how militant whites were in the past? We didn't just have a continent handed to us. Whites routinely put up signs warning non-whites not to let the sun set on them in their part of town. I'm not advocating that, but that's how it was. And only people who are on their own side can do that.

    Now, after the more devoted whites conquered a continent and built a country, other whites seem to think that living in a nice white society, with all the liberal values they love, is some free good that falls out of the sky, and can be maintained by being nice fair guys without any "nasty" tribalism ... or something.

    Finally, you must be aware that non-whites will always want to encroach on white spaces. You do realize the races are not equal, right? Blacks will always want to live in white neighborhoods and countries. So will people streaming up from Latin America. This means a permanent state of self-preservation as whites is necessary.

    回复:@RegCæsar,@ Anonymous

    It’s foolish to dismiss Steve’s pro-white positions and track record of advocacy because he is not a white nationalist. How exactly would that help close the border or maintain a high standard of living? Would third worlders all of a sudden be scared to move to LA because an old man who calls himself a white nationalist online lives there?

    As you point out, whites have frequently circled the wagons against external threats (literally, for instance.) Yet, these whites weren’t white nationalists. They had no deep sense of kinship with the white masses around the world (evidence: all the millions of each other they killed.)

    Likewise, immigration restriction or cracking down on black crime today doesn’t require a white nationalist worldview. It requires awareness of a common threat, and Steve and Murray have raised more awareness among people with influence than approx. 100% of white nationalists.

    • 回复: @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    I'm not a white nationalist. I am for my own people (not against others). Steve is in not pro-white and would reject such a label.

    Sailer and Murray told people that blacks aren't great at Algebra II and have higher crime rates. Everyone but naive Minnesotans already knew that. What they have both said, repeatedly, is that white people being on their own side is a bad thing.

    Charles Murray said white people being on their own side is the worst thing he can imagine.

    Whites are psychologically unable to stand up as whites and say, out loud, that they specifically, as a group, will not be battered anymore and demand the right to their own lives. That's where the battle is. Those who are on their side and those who try to get us off on some "color blind" crap that has failed for us since WWII. If you can't see how that was a scam, I can't help you.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ RegCæsar

  189. @Anonymous

    It's foolish to dismiss Steve's pro-white positions and track record of advocacy because he is not a white nationalist. How exactly would that help close the border or maintain a high standard of living? Would third worlders all of a sudden be scared to move to LA because an old man who calls himself a white nationalist online lives there?

    As you point out, whites have frequently circled the wagons against external threats (literally, for instance.) Yet, these whites weren't white nationalists. They had no deep sense of kinship with the white masses around the world (evidence: all the millions of each other they killed.)

    Likewise, immigration restriction or cracking down on black crime today doesn't require a white nationalist worldview. It requires awareness of a common threat, and Steve and Murray have raised more awareness among people with influence than approx. 100% of white nationalists.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    I’m not a white nationalist. I am for my own people (not against others). Steve is in not pro-white and would reject such a label.

    Sailer and Murray told people that blacks aren’t great at Algebra II and have higher crime rates. Everyone but naive Minnesotans already knew that. What they have both said, repeatedly, is that white people being on their own side is a bad thing.

    Charles Murray said white people being on their own side is the worst thing he can imagine.

    Whites are psychologically unable to stand up as whites and say, out loud, that they specifically, as a group, will not be battered anymore and demand the right to their own lives. That’s where the battle is. Those who are on their side and those who try to get us off on some “color blind” crap that has failed for us since WWII. If you can’t see how that was a scam, I can’t help you.

    • 回复: @Anonymous

    White identity hasn't failed to catch on as a political movement because of some psychological flaw of whites. The issue is that the threats against white people are still too diffuse, non-specific, and mitigatable (especially for well-off whites) for the "circle the wagons" response to kick in. But, calling attention to issues that impact whites implicitly boosts the threat response of white identity.

    I highly doubt someone like Stephen Miller reached his views because someone told him "Think of your obligation to all your white brothers and sisters! If there's one thing modern people crave more of it's unreciprocated obligations to strangers!" I think he started as a normie conservative concerned with fairness and logic, and people like Steve made him more aware of the realities of immigration and what could be done about it.

    , @Reg Cæsar

    Steve is in not pro-white and would reject such a label.
    他不是 -white, either. He is anti-anti-white.

    What they have both said, repeatedly, is that white people being on their own side is a bad thing.
    What does that even mean? Were the white women who put Cosby in prison (for a while, anyway) "on their own side"? How would emphasizing their whiteness have improved the outcome? The plaintiff was a Greek-Canadian lesbian.

    That recalls those Azorean pool-table rapists in Lusochusetts back in the '80s. The Portogee community rallied around the perpetrators precisely because they weren't color-blind. Actual guilt or innocence was a secondary issue, if even that. Were we to side with the " nice white ladies" who swallowed Anita Hill's rape fantasies, then went on to put an actual rapist in the White House? A 白色 rapist.

    Rather than insert race into every case and issue, let's simply inform non-whites (and non-males and non-straights) that "blindness" is the 更好 of the two options we have to offer them. The carrot, rather than the stick of open racial (or sexual or "orientational") advocacy, which we can always pull out if necessary. Make 他们 choose. Make 他们 遭受。

    Steve has done yeoman's work in pointing out, among other things, that just about everything in modern life was the work of white men, so what's the point of pointing this out? And, more importantly, this is why they resent us.

    Commenters here love to dismiss Steve's "citizenism" (or, as Peter Brimelow phrases it, civic nationalism). But the single most effective lobby on the American right in recent decades has been firearms owners-- and their approach has been pure, unadulterated citizenism. This increases the number of whites who will listen to them while lowering the number of non-whites who feel it necessary to oppose it?

    Other successful white lobbies employing this strategy are homos and, more recently, anti-abortionists. Let us know when those using your favored strategy (whatever it is) show a similar level of success.

    回复:@Loyalty 胜于 IQ 崇拜,@Loyalty 胜于 IQ 崇拜

  190. @Reg Cæsar
    古巴有板球队。 传统上,这项运动由牙买加人和其他西印度群岛客工和移民参与; 当地人喜欢棒球。

    2013 年,古巴因其国内组织薄弱而被国际刑事法院停职。 其他被暂停的国家包括文莱达鲁萨兰国和瑞士。





  191. @Steve Sailer

    世界上有很多奇怪的地方,美国原住民运动非常受欢迎。 例如,美国职业棒球大联盟通常有几个澳大利亚人。


    我感觉 19 世纪的美国和英国人一样认为游戏是性格塑造和强壮的基督教等等,但我觉得一个独立的国家应该拥有自己的游戏






    棒球自 19 世纪中叶以来一直在澳大利亚,经常与板球交手,因为许多人同时参加这两种运动(相似的技能)

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer


  192. @Reg Cæsar

    哦,是的,我忘记了这个人。 再一次,他可怜的妻子是工人阶级的妻子; 他比较有闲。


    回复:@Bill Jones

    Dat was my yoof.

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar

    Are you and David related?

    Bowie changed his name because there were four other David Joneses in the UK music industry at the time, including the future Monkee.

  193. @The Anti-Gnostic


    回复:@Steven Carr


    • 回复: @The Anti-Gnostic


  194. @Reg Cæsar



    回复:@Steve Sailer、@smetana

    High school baseball is as big in Japan as high school football in the US, maybe bigger. They have a national high school baseball tournament that’s like the NCAA basketball tournament for fan excitement.

  195. @Steven Carr


    回复:@The Anti-Gnostic

    They’re athletic, not very athletic.

  196. @sb

    I get the feeling that 19th century America shared the British view of games being character building and muscular Christianity and all that but felt that an independent nation should have it's own games




    Australia has always played cricket since English settlement although it must be said that in the battle for young sporting talent it often nowadays comes off second- there just aren't a lot of pro jobs compared to other sports.In the past cricket was supreme

    But the climate of hot summers suits cricket playing - it's a big community social amateur sport.

    棒球自 19 世纪中叶以来一直在澳大利亚,经常与板球交手,因为许多人同时参加这两种运动(相似的技能)

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    Victorian English speakers were good at organizing sports at the national level, so they didn’t need to import English sports like, say, the Argentines did.

  197. @PiltdownMan
    哈帕隆·卡西迪(Hapalong Cassidy)

    约翰·保尔曼的 希望与荣耀 was released at the same time (the winter of 1987) as the now much better remembered Empire of the Sun, which was directed by Steven Spielberg. Both movies were really good, and very similar in their theme—a young boy's experience of WWII, though Spielberg's was the bigger and more lavish production.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    Two excellent movies, Hope and Glory and Empire of the Sun about how boys tend to like war, awful as it is.

  198. 橄榄球类似于美式橄榄球,不同之处在于它要求所有 40 名球员做出无休止的敏锐决定,并像橄榄球四分卫一样快速思考。 橄榄球也需要 XNUMX 分钟的耐力,因为每半场比赛的休息时间都非常有限。 由于这两个原因,它既不适合美国黑人,也不适合白人。 它可能适合在美式足球比赛中被打败的美国白人孩子。

    • 回复: @sb
    彼得·约翰逊(Peter Johnson)


    回覆:@Steve Sailer,@ RegCæsar

  199. 出现了新的运动——滑板、单板滑雪、BMX 等,但我认为一个多世纪以来,任何“新”团队运动都没有在任何盎格鲁国家真正流行起来。

    NFL 花费巨资在英国推广美式橄榄球,并且有各种职业联赛,但它并没有真正影响到一般文化。 同上篮球,尽管大多数学校都在打篮球。

    棒球曾经是英国相当流行的一项运动。 德比郡足球俱乐部的旧体育场被称为棒球场。 二战后逐渐减少。



    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    足球在美国不再是小众运动,它是一项受欢迎的参与运动和排名第 5 的团队观赏性运动,这意味着它仍然远远落后于排名第 4 的冰球,但现在值得一提的是 Big 5 团队观赏性运动,它是即使在最近的过去也是如此。

  200. @jimmyriddle
    There have been new sports - skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX etc, but I don't think any "new" team sport has really taken off in any Anglo country in well over a century.

    The NFL spends a fortune promoting American football in Britain, and there is a pro league of sorts, but it doesn't really impinge on the general culture at all. Ditto basketball, although that is played in most schools.

    棒球曾经是英国相当流行的一项运动。 德比郡足球俱乐部的旧体育场被称为棒球场。 二战后逐渐减少。



    回复:@Steve Sailer

    Soccer is not a niche sport in the US anymore, it’s a popular participation sport and the #5 team spectator sport, which means it’s still well behind #4 ice hockey, but now it’s worth talking about the Big 5 team spectator sports, which wasn’t true even in the recent past.

  201. @JR Ewing

    回复:@Zane、@Norm der Ploom、@Ed Case、@JayDee、@Anon

    In addition to the other answers, limited-overs games can also end due to, well, being out of overs.

  202. @mc23
    The past summer I was able to watch a fair bitof Cricket on a baseball field while walking my dog in the nearby park. Native American Whites may not be into Cricket but we're importing Cricket players at a rapid clip from the former dominions of the British Empire. I could see it somehow breaking out in a much bigger way in the next 30 years and having some cross appeal. Nothing like the much bigger sports but now it's virtually unknown.

    Interesting that soccer in the US is still such a minor sport in the US despite years of relentless promotion. They've managed to normalize Gay relationships and marriage in half the time. seems it all comes down to how well you can put it across on TV.


    Gayness comes more naturally to America than soccer.

  203. @SafeNow
    If I correctly understand the connotation of “It’s not cricket,” then cricket has an ethos of extreme sportsmanlike decency and good cheer. In fact, the linguistic expressions listed by Steve have an air of foppishness about them. This, as opposed to a baseball pitcher loading-up the baseball, and a score of other nasty aspects of baseball I could name. And don’t get me started on football and basketball. In sum, Cricket just does not suit the American sports character. It’s hard to imagine cricket fans getting into a fight at the stadium or parking lot. “Mom, Dad, meet my date, Trevor, he plays cricket”…okay, cricket wins that one.

    Replies: @Anon, @ganderson, @AKAHorace, @Janbar

    Cricket: 90mph+ balls targetted at the batsman. Baseball is for wimps.

  204. @Peter Johnson
    橄榄球类似于美式橄榄球,不同之处在于它要求所有 40 名球员做出无休止的敏锐决定,并像橄榄球四分卫一样快速思考。 橄榄球也需要 XNUMX 分钟的耐力,因为每半场比赛的休息时间都非常有限。 由于这两个原因,它既不适合美国黑人,也不适合白人。 它可能适合在美式足球比赛中被打败的美国白人孩子。



    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    橄榄球在美国似乎很好:一群人玩它而且他们喜欢它,没有其他人纠缠他们。 有趣的是,美国人从来没有对橄榄球给予足够的关注,而没有就如何改变规则以使其更好地为“最佳运动员”提供建议,就像他们一直试图改变足球以确保没有梅西和罗纳尔多的未来一样。

    回复:@John Johnson

    , @Reg Cæsar


    这也解释了法国人、毛利人和南非白人对这项运动的迷恋。 当然,还有威尔士人。
  205. Cricket can never be a mass spectator sport simply because there is no “foul ground.” A ball hit in any direction is “in play.” That means no room for a profitable number of paying customers. Early baseball had no outfield fences hence no “bleachers” – the sad excuse for a “baseball field” at New York’s “Polo Grounds” almost followed that model with its absurd center field.

  206. @Steve Sailer

    Pickleball is the winner out of countless backyard games that evolved in the 1960s-70s from the invention of new plastic balls that initially go fast but don't go as far as traditional balls. It was invented by the family of a popular politician in the state of Washington and their many friends helped spread it in contrast to similar games dependent on new types of balls: e.g., I, like no doubt thousands of other people, invented Nerf Badminton in the 1970s. But pickleball happened to win out.

    Pickleball seems like a fine sport (assuming they can do something about the awful noise level) for the older and less athletic, much like softball compared to hardball. I'd like to give it a try. But I don't see the appeal of watching professional pickleball compared to watching tennis. It's like professional softball compared to major league baseball.

    Replies: @JimDandy, @Known Fact

    It’s like professional softball compared to major league baseball.

    One of the damnedest things I ever saw was The King and His Court, professional softball barnstormers — just not very young or athletic-looking guys — who would travel around challenging full nine-man teams and pounding the crap out of them.

    • 回复: @Steve Sailer

    I think the leader of the King and His Court lived around the corner from me. I talked to him a couple of years ago when he must have been about 90: he was extremely funny and told a great joke. Unfortunately, I am too old to remember his punchline.

  207. @Steve Sailer

    Right, my exact thoughts, better than I've been able to express them.

    Here's an idea for sport creation: pick out your favorite athletes in the world and then try to dream up a sport that would exploit as many of their talents as possible: e.g., the eye-foot coordination of Lionel Messi, the throwing ability of Patrick Mahomes or Tom Brady, the eye-hand coordination of Cooper Kupp or Ozzie Smith.

    Maybe a soccer-like sport where you have to score not using your hands like in soccer, but where you can advance the ball between the red zones using throwing and catching with your hands like in American football. This would allow you to elegantly and quickly move the ball up near the goal without wasting a lot of time like in soccer, but actually getting the ball in the net would still be difficult, there'd just be more chances to score per game because less time is wasted in the middle of the field. The goal would be to have the typical game be, say, 4 to 3, which is roughly what soccer was like back in Pele's day. Look how everybody is still enthralled that the World Cup Final was 3-3 (and half of those were penalty kicks).


    Here’s an idea for sport creation: pick out your favorite athletes in the world and then try to dream up a sport that would exploit as many of their talents as possible:


    • 回复: @Known Fact

    OK I admit I haven't thought this through quite yet, but it would certainly involve a keg

  208. @John Johnson

    Whatever happened in the 90s is nothing compared to current generations.

    I can't believe how many parents will let their boys plays video games all weekend.

    It isn't that the parents don't see the value in getting them outside. What happens is that they submit to the will of the child.

    The single mom problem is real. They will do stuff like ask a 12 year old boy if he thinks it is a good idea to play video games all day instead of just kicking him outside to mow the lawn.

    Liberal moms with weak husbands are hardly any different. The kid doesn't respect either of them and only wants to drink mountain dew and play video games.

    These moms make excuses as to why junior plays 8 hours of Fortnite a day. The boys learn how to manipulate these women into getting what they want.

    Good luck getting any of those boys to watch sports. The public schools no longer push sports as they are mostly managed by women. The typical lib teacher would put every White boy on ADD meds if she could. Public schools are dominated by liberal women that fully buy into their Wakanda studies degrees and don't want the White boys to do well academically or athletically.


    They don’t want the “white boys” to “do well” with the white GIRLS, either; those are reserved for the very rapey Brutha’s.

    • 回复: @John Johnson

    They don’t want the “white boys” to “do well” with the white GIRLS, either

    No they don't and being around liberal parents has convinced me that even some liberal moms don't want their own White boys to do well with women. They fill the heads of the boys with egalitarian bullshit about women that they know isn't true.

    Liberalism has become so warped to where some of the parents would actually prefer a gay or sexually confused White boy that they can parade around for smug points.

    Fortunately this isn't the norm as most liberal White women change their attitude after getting married and having a boy. They learn that gender isn't merely something that we can program like a tivo.

  209. @sb
    彼得·约翰逊(Peter Johnson)


    回覆:@Steve Sailer,@ RegCæsar

    Rugby in the US seems fine: a bunch of guys play it and they love it, and nobody else pesters them. Interestingly, Americans never pay enough attention to rugby to offer suggestions about how to change the rules to make it better for the “best athletes” the way they are always trying to change soccer to make sure there are no future Messis and Ronaldos.

    • 回复: @John Johnson

    Rugby in the US seems fine: a bunch of guys play it and they love it, and nobody else pesters them. Interestingly, Americans never pay enough attention to rugby to offer suggestions about how to change the rules to make it better for the “best athletes” the way they are always trying to change soccer to make sure there are no future Messis and Ronaldos.

    Rugby has an advantage over football which is that works better as a pick-up game. It's a game where you can show up and play.

    Pick up flag football really doesn't work unless it is co-ed and the better guys are being good sports about it. Otherwise it is too easy for a skilled QB/WR combo to completely dominate. Football also has a lot of rules and without refs it leads to arguments. Softball and amateur baseball have a similar problem. Without an ump you will get arguments right away.

    The problem I have with rugby is that it can really mess you up. Guys in intramural can lose teeth and without any glory or scholarships. Lacrosse is a much better pick up sport. You can play without a ref and it works with any soccer field. Lacrosse has actually become a networking sport. Statistically you are better off playing lacrosse than college baseball. You are more likely to meet someone with connections than go on to the MLB.

  210. @prosa123

    Pickleball is one sport that’s really taking off — apparently it’s tennis for the old, infirm or just plain lazy.

    It's less physically demanding than tennis, but it's way ahead of golf, especially if one uses the cart. It also has the advantage of being reasonably tolerant of skill differences, so a newcomer and a more experienced player can still have an enjoyable game in most instances.


    Pickleball does seem to fit an aging demographic, courts can be built in smaller spaces and you can play just to be sociable.

    And as you imply, one big problem with tennis is the players need to be pretty good and pretty evenly matched. I finally found a partner exactly at my own skill level, so every set was a grim extra-innings standoff — until he got one of those newfangled metal rackets!

  211. @Known Fact

    It’s like professional softball compared to major league baseball.
    One of the damnedest things I ever saw was The King and His Court, professional softball barnstormers -- just not very young or athletic-looking guys -- who would travel around challenging full nine-man teams and pounding the crap out of them.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    I think the leader of the King and His Court lived around the corner from me. I talked to him a couple of years ago when he must have been about 90: he was extremely funny and told a great joke. Unfortunately, I am too old to remember his punchline.

  212. @Bill Jones

    Dat was my yoof.


    Are you and David related?

    Bowie changed his name because there were four other David Joneses in the UK music industry at the time, including the future Monkee.

  213. @sb
    彼得·约翰逊(Peter Johnson)


    回覆:@Steve Sailer,@ RegCæsar



    这也解释了法国人、毛利人和南非白人对这项运动的迷恋。 当然,还有威尔士人。

  214. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    I'm not a white nationalist. I am for my own people (not against others). Steve is in not pro-white and would reject such a label.

    Sailer and Murray told people that blacks aren't great at Algebra II and have higher crime rates. Everyone but naive Minnesotans already knew that. What they have both said, repeatedly, is that white people being on their own side is a bad thing.

    Charles Murray said white people being on their own side is the worst thing he can imagine.

    Whites are psychologically unable to stand up as whites and say, out loud, that they specifically, as a group, will not be battered anymore and demand the right to their own lives. That's where the battle is. Those who are on their side and those who try to get us off on some "color blind" crap that has failed for us since WWII. If you can't see how that was a scam, I can't help you.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ RegCæsar

    White identity hasn’t failed to catch on as a political movement because of some psychological flaw of whites. The issue is that the threats against white people are still too diffuse, non-specific, and mitigatable (especially for well-off whites) for the “circle the wagons” response to kick in. But, calling attention to issues that impact whites implicitly boosts the threat response of white identity.

    I highly doubt someone like Stephen Miller reached his views because someone told him “Think of your obligation to all your white brothers and sisters! If there’s one thing modern people crave more of it’s unreciprocated obligations to strangers!” I think he started as a normie conservative concerned with fairness and logic, and people like Steve made him more aware of the realities of immigration and what could be done about it.

  215. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    I'm not a white nationalist. I am for my own people (not against others). Steve is in not pro-white and would reject such a label.

    Sailer and Murray told people that blacks aren't great at Algebra II and have higher crime rates. Everyone but naive Minnesotans already knew that. What they have both said, repeatedly, is that white people being on their own side is a bad thing.

    Charles Murray said white people being on their own side is the worst thing he can imagine.

    Whites are psychologically unable to stand up as whites and say, out loud, that they specifically, as a group, will not be battered anymore and demand the right to their own lives. That's where the battle is. Those who are on their side and those who try to get us off on some "color blind" crap that has failed for us since WWII. If you can't see how that was a scam, I can't help you.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ RegCæsar

    Steve is in not pro-white and would reject such a label.

    他不是 -white, either. He is anti-anti-white.

    What they have both said, repeatedly, is that white people being on their own side is a bad thing.

    What does that even mean? Were the white women who put Cosby in prison (for a while, anyway) “on their own side”? How would emphasizing their whiteness have improved the outcome? The plaintiff was a Greek-Canadian lesbian.

    That recalls those Azorean pool-table rapists in Lusochusetts back in the ’80s. The Portogee community rallied around the perpetrators precisely because they weren’t color-blind. Actual guilt or innocence was a secondary issue, if even that. Were we to side with the ” nice white ladies” who swallowed Anita Hill’s rape fantasies, then went on to put an actual rapist in the White House? A 白色 rapist.

    Rather than insert race into every case and issue, let’s simply inform non-whites (and non-males and non-straights) that “blindness” is the 更好 of the two options we have to offer them. The carrot, rather than the stick of open racial (or sexual or “orientational”) advocacy, which we can always pull out if necessary. Make 他们 choose. Make 他们 遭受。

    Steve has done yeoman’s work in pointing out, among other things, that just about everything in modern life was the work of white men, so what’s the point of pointing this out? And, more importantly, this is why they resent us.

    Commenters here love to dismiss Steve’s “citizenism” (or, as Peter Brimelow phrases it, civic nationalism). But the single most effective lobby on the American right in recent decades has been firearms owners– and their approach has been pure, unadulterated citizenism. This increases the number of whites who will listen to them while lowering the number of non-whites who feel it necessary to oppose it?

    Other successful white lobbies employing this strategy are homos and, more recently, anti-abortionists. Let us know when those using your favored strategy (whatever it is) show a similar level of success.

    • 回复: @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    The gun lobby was successful which is instructive. They focused on a single, simple issue. Liberals were poised to ban all handguns back in the 70s. Today, every state has concealed carry.

    It's proof that populist agendas can work. Because, Lord knows this wasn't accomplished by any Establishment or intellectual conservatives.

    A movement to end anti-White laws would be successful too. A highly motivated group need not be a majority to be successful. Many non-Whites would accept it. I would also note that the gun lobby didn't reach victory by winning over liberals.

    (Actually, the Gay Lobby is another example. They had more Establishment support, but it was the noisy street gays that made it happen. Not praising it, just noting that it works)

    回复:@John Johnson

    , @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    You already mentioned gays, I didn't see that.

    The singular focus on one thing, without apology, works. Gun & Gay folks are assertive, some say belligerent. The focus should be on ending the anti-white agenda. Period.

    No grand schemes about a New Rome or any other political fantasies. Just allow Whites the right to live as they please, with full freedom of association, no affirmative action, etc.

    The slogan should be: We're here, we're White, get used to it.

  216. @Known Fact

    Here’s an idea for sport creation: pick out your favorite athletes in the world and then try to dream up a sport that would exploit as many of their talents as possible:


    OK I admit I haven’t thought this through quite yet, but it would certainly involve a keg

  217. @Irish Romantic Christian


    但我想知道现在的运动成瘾真的是一种对余生所缺少的公平的成瘾吗? 暂时忽略比赛造假和兴奋剂,并假设你有一场完全公平的比赛,比如冰球。

    与现代工作场所有多么不同,你必须正式让人们获胜 因为 they are weaker than you (and you're 'privileged').


    我同意男人应该回去学习技能和建造东西。 我会说,如果你有时间和精力,就开始手工艺品制造业务。 作为雇员,您可以从您的所得税中扣除业务损失和费用,因此小企业的风险很小。


    Don't wait for big-money people who hate you to create manufacturing jobs for you because they won't.

    回复:@John Johnson

    但我想知道现在的运动成瘾真的是一种对余生所缺少的公平的成瘾吗? 暂时忽略比赛造假和兴奋剂,并假设你有一场完全公平的比赛,比如冰球。

    Well I have said that part of the appeal of sports is that it is real. In clown world we don’t have a single news channel that actually wants to report the news. They all have an agenda that is based in race denial and that includes Fox.

    I don’t watch a lot of sports but I would rarely turn on football or baseball if the intellectuals of our time weren’t so corrupted by modernism. I also lost my faith in academia after being pulled aside as a freshman and actually told that we have to lie about race. The constant fiction of clown town is tiring and sports are at least an area where they can’t control the outcome.


    I have seen extreme cases of affirmative action but that doesn’t excuse the White man’s sports addiction. I’d maybe catch half a game at the bar and at the most talk about it Monday morning. But the rest of the week the White guys at work would be talking about fantasy football. Every damn day they would talk about how they traded Lamar Jackson for Shawnte and blah blah blah.

    因此,那些因自由理想主义而退缩的人并没有试图在工作之外取得进步。 当外部经理被带进来时,他们会受到加薪或观看,一周后他们又回到谈论梦幻足球。

    I was paid decently but I didn’t understand why most of them bothered with the ladder. If you aren’t specialized or vital to the company then they will happily advance someone over you for diversity points. Even worse is that they will turn complete idiots into managers and wreck an entire division. Why not join the trades instead of playing this game? I never understood it and in fact loathed the White men I worked around. They ultimately submitted to the system and found relief in fantasy sports and marijuana. They were clever guys which made it all the more frustrating. Instead of thinking their way outside the box they would spend their days thinking about sports.


    Well I learned when I was 16 that you can’t trust Whites to give you a hand economically. Dot Indians and Asians are much better about economic inclusivity. Too many White men are just concerned with making a buck and lording some type of power over others. A lot of White women are in the same group. I do fine but I really had to slug it out for a period.

  218. @Steve Sailer

    橄榄球在美国似乎很好:一群人玩它而且他们喜欢它,没有其他人纠缠他们。 有趣的是,美国人从来没有对橄榄球给予足够的关注,而没有就如何改变规则以使其更好地为“最佳运动员”提供建议,就像他们一直试图改变足球以确保没有梅西和罗纳尔多的未来一样。

    回复:@John Johnson

    Rugby in the US seems fine: a bunch of guys play it and they love it, and nobody else pesters them. Interestingly, Americans never pay enough attention to rugby to offer suggestions about how to change the rules to make it better for the “best athletes” the way they are always trying to change soccer to make sure there are no future Messis and Ronaldos.

    Rugby has an advantage over football which is that works better as a pick-up game. It’s a game where you can show up and play.

    Pick up flag football really doesn’t work unless it is co-ed and the better guys are being good sports about it. Otherwise it is too easy for a skilled QB/WR combo to completely dominate. Football also has a lot of rules and without refs it leads to arguments. Softball and amateur baseball have a similar problem. Without an ump you will get arguments right away.

    The problem I have with rugby is that it can really mess you up. Guys in intramural can lose teeth and without any glory or scholarships. Lacrosse is a much better pick up sport. You can play without a ref and it works with any soccer field. Lacrosse has actually become a networking sport. Statistically you are better off playing lacrosse than college baseball. You are more likely to meet someone with connections than go on to the MLB.

    • 同意: Renard
  219. 象棋拳击。大脑有肌肉。

  220. @Enemy of Earth
    I could use a new sport to watch since I no longer watch MLB, the NFL, or college football. I don't patronize businesses that hate me and want to drastically alter the country in which I was born,raised, and reside. Especially when they want to alter it in detrimental ways.

    But I don't think cricket is the ticket. It's almost as boring as baseball. I do recall catching Jai alai on television in the early days of UHF in Chicago. I might could go for that one.

    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @Jack P

    Unfortunately outside of the UFC and to some extent golf, every major sports organization supports the anti-American, anti-white agenda at some level. I still struggle with it. There’s been no accountability.

  221. @Ann K.
    In case you didn’t know, as a former Houstonian, there’s a relatively new, 86-acre cricket complex just outside Houston, in Prairie View: https://www.chron.com/business/article/Major-cricket-complex-in-Prairie-View-is-Houston-13082900.php



  222. @Reg Cæsar



    回复:@Steve Sailer、@smetana



  223. @Reg Cæsar

    Steve is in not pro-white and would reject such a label.
    他不是 -white, either. He is anti-anti-white.

    What they have both said, repeatedly, is that white people being on their own side is a bad thing.
    What does that even mean? Were the white women who put Cosby in prison (for a while, anyway) "on their own side"? How would emphasizing their whiteness have improved the outcome? The plaintiff was a Greek-Canadian lesbian.

    That recalls those Azorean pool-table rapists in Lusochusetts back in the '80s. The Portogee community rallied around the perpetrators precisely because they weren't color-blind. Actual guilt or innocence was a secondary issue, if even that. Were we to side with the " nice white ladies" who swallowed Anita Hill's rape fantasies, then went on to put an actual rapist in the White House? A 白色 rapist.

    Rather than insert race into every case and issue, let's simply inform non-whites (and non-males and non-straights) that "blindness" is the 更好 of the two options we have to offer them. The carrot, rather than the stick of open racial (or sexual or "orientational") advocacy, which we can always pull out if necessary. Make 他们 choose. Make 他们 遭受。

    Steve has done yeoman's work in pointing out, among other things, that just about everything in modern life was the work of white men, so what's the point of pointing this out? And, more importantly, this is why they resent us.

    Commenters here love to dismiss Steve's "citizenism" (or, as Peter Brimelow phrases it, civic nationalism). But the single most effective lobby on the American right in recent decades has been firearms owners-- and their approach has been pure, unadulterated citizenism. This increases the number of whites who will listen to them while lowering the number of non-whites who feel it necessary to oppose it?

    Other successful white lobbies employing this strategy are homos and, more recently, anti-abortionists. Let us know when those using your favored strategy (whatever it is) show a similar level of success.

    回复:@Loyalty 胜于 IQ 崇拜,@Loyalty 胜于 IQ 崇拜

    The gun lobby was successful which is instructive. They focused on a single, simple issue. Liberals were poised to ban all handguns back in the 70s. Today, every state has concealed carry.

    It’s proof that populist agendas can work. Because, Lord knows this wasn’t accomplished by any Establishment or intellectual conservatives.

    A movement to end anti-White laws would be successful too. A highly motivated group need not be a majority to be successful. Many non-Whites would accept it. I would also note that the gun lobby didn’t reach victory by winning over liberals.

    (Actually, the Gay Lobby is another example. They had more Establishment support, but it was the noisy street gays that made it happen. Not praising it, just noting that it works)

    • 回复: @John Johnson

    The gun lobby was successful which is instructive. They focused on a single, simple issue. Liberals were poised to ban all handguns back in the 70s. Today, every state has concealed carry.

    They never had the votes to ban all handguns and are there are over a dozen counties that have a de facto ban on concealed carry. Biden only needed a few votes to ban AK-14 super assault guns and California/NY/NJ/DC/CT have already done it at state level.

    Concealed carry isn't legal if less than 5% of law abiding applicants are successful. In NYC it is less than 1%.

    We wouldn't say that alcohol is legal if requires multiple forms, fees, classes and even then you probably aren't getting a license and the gov doesn't have to explain why.

    Gun control has been a mixed bag for both sides. California and Idaho might as well be different countries when it comes to laws. Oregon just passed one of the most restrictive laws in US history thanks to their anti-gun lobby.

    A movement to end anti-White laws would be successful too. A highly motivated group need not be a majority to be successful. Many non-Whites would accept it.

    It wouldn't be successful when most Whites believe that race doesn't exist. They think it is merely skin color and crinkly hair aka paint job theory.

    Most conservatives are Christian and reject the evolutionary aspect of race. They find it offensive.

    Liberals need no explanation. They view themselves as "educated" but practically break into tears if you ask questions about race.

    Conservative Christians and liberals will actually ally to defeat any type of racial realism in politics. They both find it deeply offensive and prefer to argue over failed environmental solutions.

    Most White people simply don't believe in race outside of sports. I had Whites scold me in college for talking about the reality of race and medicine. Most Whites don't even believe that BiDiL exists. They will think you just read about some crackpot internet idea.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

  224. @Reg Cæsar

    Steve is in not pro-white and would reject such a label.
    他不是 -white, either. He is anti-anti-white.

    What they have both said, repeatedly, is that white people being on their own side is a bad thing.
    What does that even mean? Were the white women who put Cosby in prison (for a while, anyway) "on their own side"? How would emphasizing their whiteness have improved the outcome? The plaintiff was a Greek-Canadian lesbian.

    That recalls those Azorean pool-table rapists in Lusochusetts back in the '80s. The Portogee community rallied around the perpetrators precisely because they weren't color-blind. Actual guilt or innocence was a secondary issue, if even that. Were we to side with the " nice white ladies" who swallowed Anita Hill's rape fantasies, then went on to put an actual rapist in the White House? A 白色 rapist.

    Rather than insert race into every case and issue, let's simply inform non-whites (and non-males and non-straights) that "blindness" is the 更好 of the two options we have to offer them. The carrot, rather than the stick of open racial (or sexual or "orientational") advocacy, which we can always pull out if necessary. Make 他们 choose. Make 他们 遭受。

    Steve has done yeoman's work in pointing out, among other things, that just about everything in modern life was the work of white men, so what's the point of pointing this out? And, more importantly, this is why they resent us.

    Commenters here love to dismiss Steve's "citizenism" (or, as Peter Brimelow phrases it, civic nationalism). But the single most effective lobby on the American right in recent decades has been firearms owners-- and their approach has been pure, unadulterated citizenism. This increases the number of whites who will listen to them while lowering the number of non-whites who feel it necessary to oppose it?

    Other successful white lobbies employing this strategy are homos and, more recently, anti-abortionists. Let us know when those using your favored strategy (whatever it is) show a similar level of success.

    回复:@Loyalty 胜于 IQ 崇拜,@Loyalty 胜于 IQ 崇拜

    You already mentioned gays, I didn’t see that.

    The singular focus on one thing, without apology, works. Gun & Gay folks are assertive, some say belligerent. The focus should be on ending the anti-white agenda. Period.

    No grand schemes about a New Rome or any other political fantasies. Just allow Whites the right to live as they please, with full freedom of association, no affirmative action, etc.

    The slogan should be: We’re here, we’re White, get used to it.

  225. If you’ve ever played or had an interest in American football, soccer, or rugby, you might find Australian Rules football (“footy”) interesting. Many of us of a certain age remember it being on ESPN very late way back in the 80s, but it is a very exciting, fast paced sport, very similar to both soccer and Rugby.

    It’s the Judo of association football sports. There have been some minor leagues here and there in the US.

  226. @Intelligent Dasein
    On the other hand, it's probably beneficial to have sports that don't "catch on" in your own culture. That way, you can dip into them from time to time and gain some perspective on the sports that have caught on in your own culture. When you get befuddled by a game of Foreign Ball and realize how arbitrary, superfluous, and profligate it is, then you can better realize how your own sports would look to them, and consequently how it all must look to a higher consciousness.

    Sports are fun to play and are beneficial both physically and psychologically, but the modern sports culture is a demonic thing that is way out of proportion.

    回复:@ RadicalCenter,@ RadicalCenter

    That’s actually quite an insight, and it applies to much more than sports.

    I’m not a moral relativist, but we could profitably adapt your observation to:
    “When you get befuddled by [foreign culture, religion and style] and realize how arbitrary [or funny or unnecessary much of it is], then you can better realize how your own culture/religion*/lifestyle would look to them, and consequently how it all must look to a higher consciousness.”

    This is exactly why we recently picked countries with cultures generally “farther” from our own for some of our travel, and possibly for living part of the year.

    (Cultish groups with some absurd doctrines and silly rituals become “religions”, somehow, when they’re ours. When they grow big enough and last long enough, and we are raised and immersed in them, we come to unthinkingly equate adherence to them with moral goodness and decency itself. Looking at our traditional religion through the eyes of people who aren’t immersed in it, and trying to explain it to them, makes you stop and realize, ok sometimes there is no good explanation for our bullshit anymore than “they” can rationally explain or justify theirs. We just have different-sounding conclusory assertions, guesses, and made-up terms for things we’ll never understand or “solve”, that comfort us, give us “answers” in a painful and uncertain world as we wait to die, and best of all make “us” feel superior to “them.”)

  227. @Intelligent Dasein
    On the other hand, it's probably beneficial to have sports that don't "catch on" in your own culture. That way, you can dip into them from time to time and gain some perspective on the sports that have caught on in your own culture. When you get befuddled by a game of Foreign Ball and realize how arbitrary, superfluous, and profligate it is, then you can better realize how your own sports would look to them, and consequently how it all must look to a higher consciousness.

    Sports are fun to play and are beneficial both physically and psychologically, but the modern sports culture is a demonic thing that is way out of proportion.

    回复:@ RadicalCenter,@ RadicalCenter

    Well yeah, except for baseball 😉

  228. @Jonathan Mason

    This diagram is from an Australian source, and I too would disagree with a couple of points. For example what he calls Deep Cover, I would call Cover Point.

    You are right about the Silly Mid-On error, a silly mistake, though it would actually be Silly Mid-On for a left-handed batter.

    I think the Fine Leg is okay, although it ought to be a bit finer. The position indicated could also be called Backward Square Leg. I would have thought that Long Leg was Deep Mid On, or Cow Corner. On rustic cricket pitches, that area of the field was generally considered safe for cows to graze, as the ball would generally not go there, unless the batsman played a "cow shot". Of course if you had a left-handed batter, the cows would have to be moved from off to on.

    By the way I forgot to mention in an earlier post, that the terms legside and onside are synonymous. So the contrast can be between leg and off, or on and off.

    The offside would correspond to right field in baseball, except if the batsman was left-handed, then right field would be the onside.

    Replies: @dearieme, @RadicalCenter

    Just shoot us already.

  229. @Kylie

    "Are you saying your primary loyalty is to a Set of Ideas, not to your people?

    Or are you basically referring to anti-Whites as leftists?"

    Basically the second. Leftists seem to me to be anti-white by definition. I have never met nor heard of nor read about a leftist who wished the white race well. I adamantly deny that white leftists are my people. They are not. They are race traitors.

    Put another way, I love dogs. But I would shoot a rabid dog dead on sight.


    Replies: @John Johnson, @Bill P

    I adamantly deny that white leftists are my people. They are not. They are race traitors.

    They aren’t even traitors. The idea IS more important than the DNA, and these people’s ideology is utterly alien. They absolutely can be racist against us without being “self-hating” (they are the opposite of self-hating; they love themselves rather too much) or hypocrites because they see us as a different, enemy people.

  230. @VivaLaMigra

    They don't want the "white boys" to "do well" with the white GIRLS, either; those are reserved for the very rapey Brutha's.

    回复:@John Johnson

    They don’t want the “white boys” to “do well” with the white GIRLS, either

    No they don’t and being around liberal parents has convinced me that even some liberal moms don’t want their own White boys to do well with women. They fill the heads of the boys with egalitarian bullshit about women that they know isn’t true.

    Liberalism has become so warped to where some of the parents would actually prefer a gay or sexually confused White boy that they can parade around for smug points.

    Fortunately this isn’t the norm as most liberal White women change their attitude after getting married and having a boy. They learn that gender isn’t merely something that we can program like a tivo.

    • 谢谢: Coemgen
  231. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    The gun lobby was successful which is instructive. They focused on a single, simple issue. Liberals were poised to ban all handguns back in the 70s. Today, every state has concealed carry.

    It's proof that populist agendas can work. Because, Lord knows this wasn't accomplished by any Establishment or intellectual conservatives.

    A movement to end anti-White laws would be successful too. A highly motivated group need not be a majority to be successful. Many non-Whites would accept it. I would also note that the gun lobby didn't reach victory by winning over liberals.

    (Actually, the Gay Lobby is another example. They had more Establishment support, but it was the noisy street gays that made it happen. Not praising it, just noting that it works)

    回复:@John Johnson

    The gun lobby was successful which is instructive. They focused on a single, simple issue. Liberals were poised to ban all handguns back in the 70s. Today, every state has concealed carry.

    They never had the votes to ban all handguns and are there are over a dozen counties that have a de facto ban on concealed carry. Biden only needed a few votes to ban AK-14 super assault guns and California/NY/NJ/DC/CT have already done it at state level.

    Concealed carry isn’t legal if less than 5% of law abiding applicants are successful. In NYC it is less than 1%.

    We wouldn’t say that alcohol is legal if requires multiple forms, fees, classes and even then you probably aren’t getting a license and the gov doesn’t have to explain why.

    Gun control has been a mixed bag for both sides. California and Idaho might as well be different countries when it comes to laws. Oregon just passed one of the most restrictive laws in US history thanks to their anti-gun lobby.

    A movement to end anti-White laws would be successful too. A highly motivated group need not be a majority to be successful. Many non-Whites would accept it.

    It wouldn’t be successful when most Whites believe that race doesn’t exist. They think it is merely skin color and crinkly hair aka paint job theory.

    Most conservatives are Christian and reject the evolutionary aspect of race. They find it offensive.

    Liberals need no explanation. They view themselves as “educated” but practically break into tears if you ask questions about race.

    Conservative Christians and liberals will actually ally to defeat any type of racial realism in politics. They both find it deeply offensive and prefer to argue over failed environmental solutions.

    Most White people simply don’t believe in race outside of sports. I had Whites scold me in college for talking about the reality of race and medicine. Most Whites don’t even believe that BiDiL exists. They will think you just read about some crackpot internet idea.

    • 回复: @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    Most whites want to know if an area has "good schools" and we know what that's code for. White Flight is still going on. They understand race but are terrified to speak out because their lives will be destroyed.

    I'm talking about the mass of white people.

    If white people really believed PC dogma, why does it take a Police State and trillions of dollars to keep them in line?

    回复:@John Johnson

  232. 板球评论中最伟大的一分钟:

  233. Since iSteve used to live in Houston, where I leave nearby, he might be interested in something I saw a couple of years ago while driving to Austin on Highway 290.

    Just a little past the ever growing suburbs of NW Houston, I passed a huge park-like facility with some name I can’t recall, but labeled as The Largest Cricket Facility in America. Quickly driving by I didn’t see much detail but it looked very large. Many fields/pitches, etc. whatever those are called.

    I surmised this surprising park was the result of the very large subcontinent Indian local population liking the game of cricket, aided by the stray Britisher or Trinidadian or whoever came here to work in either the medical field or energy business.

    The weather here is pretty mild, hot and sometimes very humid. Probably a lot like many parts of India.

    In Texas, everything seems bigger than normal.

  234. @John Johnson

    The gun lobby was successful which is instructive. They focused on a single, simple issue. Liberals were poised to ban all handguns back in the 70s. Today, every state has concealed carry.

    They never had the votes to ban all handguns and are there are over a dozen counties that have a de facto ban on concealed carry. Biden only needed a few votes to ban AK-14 super assault guns and California/NY/NJ/DC/CT have already done it at state level.

    Concealed carry isn't legal if less than 5% of law abiding applicants are successful. In NYC it is less than 1%.

    We wouldn't say that alcohol is legal if requires multiple forms, fees, classes and even then you probably aren't getting a license and the gov doesn't have to explain why.

    Gun control has been a mixed bag for both sides. California and Idaho might as well be different countries when it comes to laws. Oregon just passed one of the most restrictive laws in US history thanks to their anti-gun lobby.

    A movement to end anti-White laws would be successful too. A highly motivated group need not be a majority to be successful. Many non-Whites would accept it.

    It wouldn't be successful when most Whites believe that race doesn't exist. They think it is merely skin color and crinkly hair aka paint job theory.

    Most conservatives are Christian and reject the evolutionary aspect of race. They find it offensive.

    Liberals need no explanation. They view themselves as "educated" but practically break into tears if you ask questions about race.

    Conservative Christians and liberals will actually ally to defeat any type of racial realism in politics. They both find it deeply offensive and prefer to argue over failed environmental solutions.

    Most White people simply don't believe in race outside of sports. I had Whites scold me in college for talking about the reality of race and medicine. Most Whites don't even believe that BiDiL exists. They will think you just read about some crackpot internet idea.

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    Most whites want to know if an area has “good schools” and we know what that’s code for. White Flight is still going on. They understand race but are terrified to speak out because their lives will be destroyed.

    I’m talking about the mass of white people.

    If white people really believed PC dogma, why does it take a Police State and trillions of dollars to keep them in line?

    • 回复: @John Johnson

    Most whites want to know if an area has “good schools” and we know what that’s code for. White Flight is still going on. They understand race but are terrified to speak out because their lives will be destroyed.

    You would actually be surprised by how many liberal parents tell themselves that all schools could be good schools if not for conservatives/Republicans/Christians/whatever. Conservative Christians convince themselves of a similar delusion. Must be "secular government" that ruins the public schools. Libertarians tell themselves that "da unions" are the problem. White people in general lie to themselves about race.

    I’m talking about the mass of white people.

    If white people really believed PC dogma, why does it take a Police State and trillions of dollars to keep them in line?

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits? Why do so many White people use the internet to check fantasy football or stock quotes instead of reading about how much the system lies about race?

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

  235. 互联网搜索告诉我,曾经像好莱坞板球俱乐部这样的英国地方现在已经完全印度化了

  236. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    Most whites want to know if an area has "good schools" and we know what that's code for. White Flight is still going on. They understand race but are terrified to speak out because their lives will be destroyed.

    I'm talking about the mass of white people.

    If white people really believed PC dogma, why does it take a Police State and trillions of dollars to keep them in line?

    回复:@John Johnson

    Most whites want to know if an area has “good schools” and we know what that’s code for. White Flight is still going on. They understand race but are terrified to speak out because their lives will be destroyed.

    You would actually be surprised by how many liberal parents tell themselves that all schools could be good schools if not for conservatives/Republicans/Christians/whatever. Conservative Christians convince themselves of a similar delusion. Must be “secular government” that ruins the public schools. Libertarians tell themselves that “da unions” are the problem. White people in general lie to themselves about race.

    I’m talking about the mass of white people.

    If white people really believed PC dogma, why does it take a Police State and trillions of dollars to keep them in line?

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits? Why do so many White people use the internet to check fantasy football or stock quotes instead of reading about how much the system lies about race?

    • 回复: @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits?
    If White people accept it, why is the police state needed to enforce PC dogma?

    回复:@John Johnson,@Mike Tre

  237. @John Johnson

    Most whites want to know if an area has “good schools” and we know what that’s code for. White Flight is still going on. They understand race but are terrified to speak out because their lives will be destroyed.

    You would actually be surprised by how many liberal parents tell themselves that all schools could be good schools if not for conservatives/Republicans/Christians/whatever. Conservative Christians convince themselves of a similar delusion. Must be "secular government" that ruins the public schools. Libertarians tell themselves that "da unions" are the problem. White people in general lie to themselves about race.

    I’m talking about the mass of white people.

    If white people really believed PC dogma, why does it take a Police State and trillions of dollars to keep them in line?

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits? Why do so many White people use the internet to check fantasy football or stock quotes instead of reading about how much the system lies about race?

    回复:@Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits?

    If White people accept it, why is the police state needed to enforce PC dogma?

    • 回复: @John Johnson

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits?
    If White people accept it, why is the police state needed to enforce PC dogma?

    We don't have a police state. It isn't illegal (yet) to talk about race. They don't care if you do it at home and more importantly without any influence.

    PC enforcement exists to maintain an establishment management class. That class is divided along liberal/conservative lines but both sides believe that the masses need to be deceived when it comes to human genetics. They believe the risk is too great in letting Whites know that race is not simply a social construct. Liberals fear an increase in racism and a loss of confidence in practically all of their interventionist theories. Conservatives fear a loss of confidence in various minimal government economic theories. Conservatives have also long opposed discussing evolution in humans as they believe in undermines Christianity. Both groups quietly agree that the lie needs to be told. In DC everyone knows it is a lie. You can't live around Blacks and believe the lie. It just isn't possible.

    If you want a public career in media or government then you have to support establishment dogma that exists to protect the great lie.

    To suggest that some inequality is even partly caused by biology will end access to management class privileges. That includes mainstream publications. Conservatives started blacklisting racial realists as early as the 1950s. The Supreme Court justices of the 1950s were Anglo-Saxon men that believed in lying about race. Nixon is even on tape talking about how race can't be discussed. Mainstream conservatism is a bed of lies.

    回复:@Intelligent Dasein

    , @Mike Tre

    john johnson a not white. he's another (or the same) on a long list of fake white trolls that pretend to be white and based at unz. jonathan mason is another. so is thomm. aside from thomm, they all use a similar generic white sounding first name last name pattern.

    john plywood
    sam coulton
    john arthur
    db sweeney

    there were more but all were fake whites and if you look at comment histories, often one of these names stop posting within days of another ones first post

  238. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits?
    If White people accept it, why is the police state needed to enforce PC dogma?

    回复:@John Johnson,@Mike Tre

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits?

    If White people accept it, why is the police state needed to enforce PC dogma?

    We don’t have a police state. It isn’t illegal (yet) to talk about race. They don’t care if you do it at home and more importantly without any influence.

    PC enforcement exists to maintain an establishment management class. That class is divided along liberal/conservative lines but both sides believe that the masses need to be deceived when it comes to human genetics. They believe the risk is too great in letting Whites know that race is not simply a social construct. Liberals fear an increase in racism and a loss of confidence in practically all of their interventionist theories. Conservatives fear a loss of confidence in various minimal government economic theories. Conservatives have also long opposed discussing evolution in humans as they believe in undermines Christianity. Both groups quietly agree that the lie needs to be told. In DC everyone knows it is a lie. You can’t live around Blacks and believe the lie. It just isn’t possible.

    If you want a public career in media or government then you have to support establishment dogma that exists to protect the great lie.

    To suggest that some inequality is even partly caused by biology will end access to management class privileges. That includes mainstream publications. Conservatives started blacklisting racial realists as early as the 1950s. The Supreme Court justices of the 1950s were Anglo-Saxon men that believed in lying about race. Nixon is even on tape talking about how race can’t be discussed. Mainstream conservatism is a bed of lies.

    • 回复: @Intelligent Dasein

    Conservatives have also long opposed discussing evolution in humans as they believe in undermines Christianity.
    Christians had no difficulty identifying racial differences for millennia before the nonsense of evolution was even propagated. This is another simplistic canard of yours that can only exist inside the hothouse of Americanism. Perhaps you should broaden your perspective a little bit.
  239. @John Johnson

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits?
    If White people accept it, why is the police state needed to enforce PC dogma?

    We don't have a police state. It isn't illegal (yet) to talk about race. They don't care if you do it at home and more importantly without any influence.

    PC enforcement exists to maintain an establishment management class. That class is divided along liberal/conservative lines but both sides believe that the masses need to be deceived when it comes to human genetics. They believe the risk is too great in letting Whites know that race is not simply a social construct. Liberals fear an increase in racism and a loss of confidence in practically all of their interventionist theories. Conservatives fear a loss of confidence in various minimal government economic theories. Conservatives have also long opposed discussing evolution in humans as they believe in undermines Christianity. Both groups quietly agree that the lie needs to be told. In DC everyone knows it is a lie. You can't live around Blacks and believe the lie. It just isn't possible.

    If you want a public career in media or government then you have to support establishment dogma that exists to protect the great lie.

    To suggest that some inequality is even partly caused by biology will end access to management class privileges. That includes mainstream publications. Conservatives started blacklisting racial realists as early as the 1950s. The Supreme Court justices of the 1950s were Anglo-Saxon men that believed in lying about race. Nixon is even on tape talking about how race can't be discussed. Mainstream conservatism is a bed of lies.

    回复:@Intelligent Dasein

    Conservatives have also long opposed discussing evolution in humans as they believe in undermines Christianity.

    Christians had no difficulty identifying racial differences for millennia before the nonsense of evolution was even propagated. This is another simplistic canard of yours that can only exist inside the hothouse of Americanism. Perhaps you should broaden your perspective a little bit.

  240. @Loyalty Over IQ Worship

    If White people rejected PC dogma then why are we a band of misfits?
    If White people accept it, why is the police state needed to enforce PC dogma?

    回复:@John Johnson,@Mike Tre

    john johnson a not white. he’s another (or the same) on a long list of fake white trolls that pretend to be white and based at unz. jonathan mason is another. so is thomm. aside from thomm, they all use a similar generic white sounding first name last name pattern.

    john plywood
    sam coulton
    john arthur
    db sweeney

    there were more but all were fake whites and if you look at comment histories, often one of these names stop posting within days of another ones first post


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