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Shops set ablaze, looted as xenophobic attacks spread in South Africa
By Faith Karimi and Diana Magnay, CNN

Johannesburg (CNN)South African police fired rubber bullets Friday to disperse crowds setting immigrant businesses ablaze as attacks against foreigners spread to Johannesburg.

Chanting and singing, machete-armed residents burned down shops owned by foreigners, including a Nigerian dealership in the nation’s largest city.

Immigrants carrying bricks accused police of not doing enough to protect them as businesses smoldered.

Violence targeting immigrant shops started recently in the port city of Durban, where two foreigners and three South Africans were killed. Residents have accused African immigrants of taking their jobs and committing crimes. The unemployment rate in South Africa is 25%, according to government figures.

早在 2009 年 塔基杂志, I pointed out that the Best Picture-nominated 区9 by Boer refugee Neill Blomkamp wasn’t wholly the “apartheid allegory” that American reviewers automatically assumed. Blomkamp kept explaining that his movie was also a metaphor for black v. black tensions over immigration in Johannesburg. Here’s an interview in 根管培训工作室 from the time:

O’Hehir: “You know, these images are pretty uncomfortable, especially for Americans who tend to be so careful in public discussions of race: Here’s a white guy from South Africa making a movie with scary, murderous black African villains.”

Blomkamp: “Sure, I’m totally aware of that. … Unfortunately, that’s the reality of it, and it doesn’t matter how politically correct or politically incorrect you are. The bottom line is that there are huge Nigerian crime syndicates in Johannesburg. I wanted the film to feel real, to feel grounded, and I was going to incorporate as much of contemporary South Africa as I wanted to, and that’s just how it is.

“… I wanted these impoverished black citizens of South Africa to have this disdain for another group.

“… Another part of recent South African history that isn’t world news is that the collapse of Zimbabwe has introduced millions of illegal Zimbabwean immigrants into South African cities. … Now you have this powder-keg situation, with black against black … [W]e woke up one morning to find out that Johannesburg was eating itself alive. Impoverished South Africans had started murdering impoverished Zimbabweans, necklacing them and burning them and chopping them up.”

•标签: 电影 
  1. Let’s see: a group of people organized along ethnic/racial/tribal lines tries to protect its economic interests. Oh! I thought this was the thread about Marin county residents quashing the importation of low income people.

  2. I now think the flow of immigrants across the southern border will finally be halted not by Anglo Americans, but by Nortenos who don’t want those lousy Mayans/Guatemalans/Salvadorans coming in and taking their jobs.

    I did some research into the immigrant children issue last year, and I found that many of the Salvadoran commenters complained of racism in the US. It turned out that they weren’t talking about racism coming from whites, but rather from fairer skinned Mestizos who looked down on their little brown neighbors to the south.

    • 回复: @The Z博客

    Many of the latest batch of migrants don't speak Spanish, they speak Mam or one of the other Mayan languages. It does not appear that they are being driven out of their lands and sent to the US, but it would not be surprising if there was some of that. The volume of migration from these areas in Guatemala suggests something awful is happening in the source country.

    But, it could simply be a new racket. We know that the US is actively recruiting migrants from this area. Obama has a new program where DHS sends planes down to these countries in the isthmus to pickup migrants and fly them to the US for "reunification" with their families.

    As far as this being halted, it will never be halted. It will accelerate over the coming decades.

    , @大比尔

    I found that many of the Salvadoran commenters complained of racism in the US. It turned out that they weren’t talking about racism coming from whites, but rather from fairer skinned Mestizos who looked down on their little brown neighbors to the south.
    Yet black folks are silent (collectively) about the Mexican invasion of the US. Since Barbara Jordan, no significant leader of blacks has spoken out against open borders or the obvious black job loss. Where is Booker T. Washington ("cast down your buckets") when you need him?


  3. 由于上层阶级的贪婪,南非白人错过了拥有自己国家的机会,他们不想放弃廉价的黑人劳动力,也不想放弃在黑人地区拥有的大量土地。

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    • 回复: @ unit472

    The world wasn't going to let the whites of South Africa have an Anglo/Boer state in Africa. It would have been successful and would be a source of embarrassment for the rest of black Africa. South Africa might have survived as an Israeli style ethno state for awhile but it would have been even more isolated than Israel and with borders almost impossible to defend.

    Now the rest of Africa is fighting over the carcass of the only advanced nation on the African continent and 5 million whites did not leave enough for even the 40 million non white South Africans to live off of much less the tens of millions of outsiders seeking to live there. The Boers are moving to Western Australia.

    Replies: @Jfr

    , @中性的

    Assuming that whites in South Africa actually did what you said (they are just as liberal and uncaring for their own group as in America and Europe), this could never work. A white nation in Africa would be intolerable for most of the world, it would be under an economic blockade from most states, it will face the problem of millions of Africans that would want to get in, the current regime in America would probably consider military actions against it.

    Unlike a certain country in the middle east that can get billions from America and complete immunity from the UN and other international bodies, a white African state would not last five years before it is dismantled.

    , f


    , @鲍勃

    Haven't we learned yet that the only place all negros find tolerable to live is among white racist oppressors?

    Their doom is that oppression is going extinct or escaping. They must pursue it. Why should any white South African's imaginary lines give sanctuary?

    回复:@Art Deco,@ Lot

    , @ABN

    我想知道 50 年后人们是否会对美国(南非北部)说类似的话。

    One of the chronic worries that I have is that there may be no way out for those of us with a national-conservative vision for the country. In this scenario, we'll keep telling ourselves year after year that the Sailer Strategy is still viable even as it becomes less and less so with every passing year. The demographic and political position of the generic American nation is worse today than it was 5, 10, 15 years ago. It will probably be even worse 5, 10, 15 years hence. We'll keep pointing out how full of crap the Narrative is, and the Narrative will just be cranked up to 11.

    Who's going to be President in 2017? Hillary? Jeb Bush? Rubio? The GOP and the USA may both be irreparable.

    I can very easily imagine Core-Americans saying a half century from now, "If only we had given up parts of the West Coast and southern borderlands, the Bos-NY-Wash corridor, and some interior enclaves like Chicagoland, we could have retained sovereign control over the vast majority of the country's historical extent."

    The question I ask myself is, if this is indeed the trajectory we're locked into, then wouldn't it be better to act sooner rather than later or never? Call me a romantic, but I'd like to hold onto as much of that shining sea and purple mountains' majesty as possible.


    , @特朗普普罗尔

    Bull! South Africa was a country, and they lost their country the same way we are losing ours. When white men voted to give suffrage to women it was as if they took western civilization outside and shot it in the head. Generally speaking women are, physically, mentally and morally weaker than men. They are irrational and illogical. They care more about feelings and sentiment then about truth. Immediately after getting the vote, they began voting against the interests of their own people, and against their own men. They, along with white knights, hold together the coalition of the fringes. Do you think white South African men would have voted for the dissolution of their country? Do you doubt that we wouldn't have illegal immigration if men were in charge like THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE?
    , @G 针折叠

    It's a nice thought but I believe you fail to take account of the historical context.

    The 'two state solution' would have needed to be brokered, or at least administered, during the high Cold War decades post WW2. The ANC was a pan-African movement, in which historically warring tribes coalesced to oppose a greater enemy. The ideological glue that held such an unlikely thing in place was Marxism - at the time, not effete Cultural Marxism, but full blooded Soviet/Maoist Communism. It a footnote now that Mandela was voted president in 1994 as head of the ANC/SACP alliance - an ironic start to the 'End of History'.

    It's impossible to see the cozy fraternal relations between a solid CIA proxy and a bitterly contested neighbour. If 'SA Noir' did somehow manage to remain pro-Western, its blackness would in no way have appeased the usual suspects. Internally, the result would be perpetual civil war. Externally, 'SA Blanc' would be a pariah and 'SA Noir' would be denounced as a puppet state and subjected to relentless destabilisation.

    , @特里

    I worked in Bantu homeland in the 1950's. Verwoerd would not allow private enterprise to develop these areas nor would he allow private ownership of the farmland. This is what Dr. Eiselen who was one of the architects of Apartheid said after he retired:
    'Dr Werner Eiselen, a leading Broederbond theorist and Verwoerd's Secretary of Native Affairs, resigned his post in 1960 and became High Commissioner for Bophutha Tswana. Some said it was because of his general disillusionment that so little had been done to promote genuine separate development. Some time later he gave an interview to a French journalist who wanted to know why the government had not practised what it had preached. "My dear sir, you can't imagine the bitterness of our internal political struggles. The opposition criticizes us when we put into practice what they demand in theory, that it to say when we improve the lot of the Bantu. The farmers lose sight of our aim, they do not think ahead. When the state purchases land for the Bantu they say: ' Perhaps it is my farm they are going to buy up tomorrow. ' Our people... only think of their daily comfort. They accept the theory. But at the same time they want comfort. Obviously a generous theory and unchallenged comfort are incompatible.

    回复:@PV van der Byl

    , @丹尼尔·H




  4. It’s strange but I haven’t heard one single word of condemnation uttered by the lefties against these ‘appalling heartless racist xenophobic attacks’ against ‘poor innocent migrants who have only come to enrich South Africa and to seek better lives’.

    Evidently, the Totem Pole works here too, and blacks being the supreme deities of the cult of victimology can never have their names taken in vain, even if the gods in their capricious sport, start murdering one another.

    Compare and contrast the incessant vilification, hatred, contempt, ridicule, abuse, verbal and physical attacks etc meted out in UKIP by all sections of British society from the BIG bastards of the Daily Mail, BBC, The Times, Telegraph, The Sun etc who have made common cause with the the hardest of hardest lefties in doing everything humanly possible to try to derail and defuse UKIP ahead of May’s General Election. Their big tactic now is to deliberately talk down UKIP’s poll ratings in order to dissuade voters from voting for them, in a kind of self fulfilling prophecy.


    • 回复: @ 22pp22

    I have noticed that, too. The BBC , UK Polling report and Wikipedia all have running averages that show UKIP's vote as flat. The Telegraph's poll of polls shows it falling. The DT used to be a great paper. Now it's even more of a syphilitic rag than the Guardian.

    , @Jfr

    Actually, in South Africa, most lefties (and most South Aftican whites, who are decidedly not lefties, at least not in private) have been extremely vociferous in vilifying and condemning the "xenophobia" of local blacks in exactly those terms, along with the white-oriented English-language media.

    The government, whose incompetence and corruption in enforcing migration policy leads to periodic explosions has been pushing hard to shut down discussion, with the ANC premier of Gautemg province tweeting that any attempts to "intellectualise" the attacks are "political opportunism". South African blacks outside the ruling party have been more ambivalent. The ANC is making belated moves to tighten up on migration, but shrill voices from its own left-wing prevent too much of that. A suggestion that refugee camps be set up for newly arrived "refugees" was greeted with hysterical accusations of "apartheid" by lefties close to the party (why refugees from places like Somalia and Bangladesh need to travel all the way to a South Africa is another mystery).

    It is an interesting situation- SA whites are taking the side of foreigners over their own countrymen. Part of this is self interest, since foreign blacks form a useful buffer, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that foreign blacks are perceived as more docile, and because South African whites buy into the "hard working illegal immigrant taking the initiative" narrative (which is true to some extent, but beside the point).

    South African whites are also likely to complain about massive black unemployment (25% or higher), about crime, and about the massive welfare bill, but fail to make the connection to illegal immigration.

  5. What do these black South Africa fools know?

    Don’t they know that ‘it has been proven’ that there is ‘absolutely no link whatsoever’ between unemployment and immigration – ‘lump of labor fallacy’ and all that – by some very, very clever economists, and that they should kiss the asses of the immigrants whom they despise for ‘creating wealth and thus work opportunities’ with their ‘hard work’.
    At least that’s what that ‘clever’ man in ‘The Economist’ keeps lecturing me nonstop, and ‘my’ politicians are dumb enough to believe it.

    • 回复: @The Z博客

    Please. Everyone knows that studies prove that when it comes to immigration, the laws of supply and demand do not apply. http://www.vox.com/2015/4/12/8387003/i-am-an-immigrant

    Studies done in the United States show that immigration raises average incomes of native-born Americans, including native-born Americans with low skill levels. Immigration is, of course, even better for the incomes of the immigrants themselves, which makes reduced barriers to migration one of the biggest possible game changers for overall global growth. What's more, as the Economist's Ryan Avent has recently shown, more immigration could be a highly effective fix to the currently hot topic of secular stagnation.
    As an aside, is there a more poorly designed site than Vox?
  6. 这些事件是南澳北部国家生产的人口超过当地雇用人数的结果。

    • 回复: @任
    @ 5371


    回复:@ 5371

  7. Derb has spoken of the demographic hell hole that is Africa, what happens when those overloaded boats start crossing the Atlantic? Will the immigration fantasists have finally come to their senses? One can only hope.

    • 回复: @匿名的
    @ Blobby5


    Overloaded boats are already making their way across the Med to Italy... and all the Left can do is bitch because the EU is not doing enough to help them make it across safely.

  8. @比尔P
    I now think the flow of immigrants across the southern border will finally be halted not by Anglo Americans, but by Nortenos who don't want those lousy Mayans/Guatemalans/Salvadorans coming in and taking their jobs.

    I did some research into the immigrant children issue last year, and I found that many of the Salvadoran commenters complained of racism in the US. It turned out that they weren't talking about racism coming from whites, but rather from fairer skinned Mestizos who looked down on their little brown neighbors to the south.

    Replies: @The Z Blog, @Big Bill

    Many of the latest batch of migrants don’t speak Spanish, they speak Mam or one of the other Mayan languages. It does not appear that they are being driven out of their lands and sent to the US, but it would not be surprising if there was some of that. The volume of migration from these areas in Guatemala suggests something awful is happening in the source country.

    But, it could simply be a new racket. We know that the US is actively recruiting migrants from this area. Obama has a new program where DHS sends planes down to these countries in the isthmus to pickup migrants and fly them to the US for “reunification” with their families.

    As far as this being halted, it will never be halted. It will accelerate over the coming decades.

  9. @匿名的
    What do these black South Africa fools know?

    Don't they know that 'it has been proven' that there is 'absolutely no link whatsoever' between unemployment and immigration - 'lump of labor fallacy' and all that - by some very, very clever economists, and that they should kiss the asses of the immigrants whom they despise for 'creating wealth and thus work opportunities' with their 'hard work'.
    At least that's what that 'clever' man in 'The Economist' keeps lecturing me nonstop, and 'my' politicians are dumb enough to believe it.

    回复:@The Z博客

    Please. Everyone knows that studies prove that when it comes to immigration, the laws of supply and demand do not apply. http://www.vox.com/2015/4/12/8387003/i-am-an-immigrant

    Studies done in the United States show that immigration raises average incomes of native-born Americans, including native-born Americans with low skill levels. Immigration is, of course, even better for the incomes of the immigrants themselves, which makes reduced barriers to migration one of the biggest possible game changers for overall global growth. What’s more, as the Economist’s Ryan Avent has recently shown, more immigration could be a highly effective fix to the currently hot topic of secular stagnation.

    As an aside, is there a more poorly designed site than Vox?

  10. Mike Smith from the blog “Mike Smith’s political commentary” had posted a rant about this on his blog and he’s from South Africa, it could be interesting to see it from a South African point of view.

  11. @很多

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    回复:@unit472、@Neutral、@foxy、@Bob、@ABN、@Trumpenprole、@G Pinfold、@Terry、@Daniel H

    The world wasn’t going to let the whites of South Africa have an Anglo/Boer state in Africa. It would have been successful and would be a source of embarrassment for the rest of black Africa. South Africa might have survived as an Israeli style ethno state for awhile but it would have been even more isolated than Israel and with borders almost impossible to defend.

    Now the rest of Africa is fighting over the carcass of the only advanced nation on the African continent and 5 million whites did not leave enough for even the 40 million non white South Africans to live off of much less the tens of millions of outsiders seeking to live there. The Boers are moving to Western Australia.

    • 回复: @Jfr
    @ unit472

    The idea that Boers are moving to Western Australia is often heard, and many whites are indeed leaving South Africa for Australia, NZ and Canada, but they won't be able to preserve their Boerness for long in those countries. Australia has high English language requirements, tested by means of an exam, and limited opportunities for Afrikaans education. Afrikaners or Boers will have to assimilate, which is tough for a people who value their language so highly.

  12. • 回复: @戴夫·品森

    It looks like that African Harvard professor may have deleted the tweet I linked to there, but here's the Quartz article hus tweet had linked to, which makes the same point: http://qz.com/384403

  13. OT:

    More media triumphalism on White America’s death.

    • 回复: @杰斐逊


    More media triumphalism on White America’s death.


    Notice how they bring up the KKK in that video as they try to paint that organization as the epitome/face of White America. They completely ignore the fact that out of 195 million White Americans, only a mere 5 thousand are members of the KKK which is not even a blip on the radar. I have been to World Wrestling Entertainment events that have drawn way more people than that. ISIS has way more members than the KKK. MS-13 also has way more members than the KKK. Yet the Left Wing are paranoid enough to be believe that the KKK is still the true threat to world peace, lol.

    Also I find it funny that they say in the video that Blacks are forced to live in high crime neighborhoods, as if these neighborhoods will always have high crime no matter what demographic inhabits that area. As if the houses and buildings commit crimes and not the actual residents who inhabit these areas. If you replace the population in Houston, Texas's predominantly Black 5th Ward neighborhood for example with mostly Italian American or Jewish American residents, I guarantee the 5th Ward would lose it's reputation of being a high crime neighborhood that White people should avoid at all costs.

  14. @很多

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    回复:@unit472、@Neutral、@foxy、@Bob、@ABN、@Trumpenprole、@G Pinfold、@Terry、@Daniel H

    Assuming that whites in South Africa actually did what you said (they are just as liberal and uncaring for their own group as in America and Europe), this could never work. A white nation in Africa would be intolerable for most of the world, it would be under an economic blockade from most states, it will face the problem of millions of Africans that would want to get in, the current regime in America would probably consider military actions against it.

    Unlike a certain country in the middle east that can get billions from America and complete immunity from the UN and other international bodies, a white African state would not last five years before it is dismantled.

  15. @戴夫·品森
    White people to blame: https://twitter.com/calestous/status/589294501765771264

    回复:@Dave Pinsen

    It looks like that African Harvard professor may have deleted the tweet I linked to there, but here’s the Quartz article hus tweet had linked to, which makes the same point: http://qz.com/384403

  16. South Africa is facing a backlash from the rest of the continent over the targeting of immigrants in a wave of xenophobic violence.

    South African vehicles were pelted with stones in Mozambique on Friday and South African companies are reportedly being threatened with closure in Nigeria. Protests have been held at various South African embassies across the continent, and several South African musicians have been forced to cancel concerts abroad.

    At least SA should be used to dealing with cultural boycotts. Plus ça change…

  17. @很多

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    回复:@unit472、@Neutral、@foxy、@Bob、@ABN、@Trumpenprole、@G Pinfold、@Terry、@Daniel H


  18. 我看到的那篇文章有愤怒的黑人移民拿着砍刀的照片。 挥舞砍刀是一种爱的行为。

  19. And it was for *这* that Nelson Mandela was forced to blow up innocent civilians with terrorist bombs?

    The “international community” can turn anyone into a “hero”-especially when they can blind the masses with POC-worshiping gibberish. A more curious case is the post-1970 (more or less) bombers of IRA/Sinn Fein. Wasn’t that operation a transparent blend of Sopranos-style gangsterism, Marxism-Leninism and fake tribalism? Yet many or most of them got away with it and went on to enjoy conventional political careers. There’s the old saw about every cause degenerating into a racket-but this was simultaneously a cause and a racket early on.

  20. Funny how black Africans hate colonialism, but yet can’t get enough of it. Why else move to South Africa?

  21. White population in South Africa has grown from 4.3 million in 2000 to 4.5 million presently.

    The ANC has done a good job of not taking any radical action economically especially with regard to redistributing white wealth. In turn whites have shown confidence in the future of South Africa based on increasing numbers.

  22. Off topic. Are you familiar with this episode of Good Times?

    It’s about iq tests

  23. @比尔P
    I now think the flow of immigrants across the southern border will finally be halted not by Anglo Americans, but by Nortenos who don't want those lousy Mayans/Guatemalans/Salvadorans coming in and taking their jobs.

    I did some research into the immigrant children issue last year, and I found that many of the Salvadoran commenters complained of racism in the US. It turned out that they weren't talking about racism coming from whites, but rather from fairer skinned Mestizos who looked down on their little brown neighbors to the south.

    Replies: @The Z Blog, @Big Bill

    I found that many of the Salvadoran commenters complained of racism in the US. It turned out that they weren’t talking about racism coming from whites, but rather from fairer skinned Mestizos who looked down on their little brown neighbors to the south.

    Yet black folks are silent (collectively) about the Mexican invasion of the US. Since Barbara Jordan, no significant leader of blacks has spoken out against open borders or the obvious black job loss. Where is Booker T. Washington (“cast down your buckets”) when you need him?

    • 回复: @RegCæsar

    Yet black folks are silent (collectively) about the Mexican invasion of the US.
    As with "gay marriage", Jesse and Al told them to shut up about it, and they did.

    Black leadership is even more corrupt than white.
  24. One of the books Cochran recommended, “Washing of the Spears” on the rise and fall of the Zulu nation, is quite revealing – this kind of slaughter is hardly a new phenomenon among South African Bantu.

  25. Things must be really bad in other African countries if people there go to South Africa for a better life. South Africa with astronomical unemployment rate.

    Why is it okay for a people to resist imperialism but not okay to resist immiperialism–demographic imperialism via massive immigration–when the latter is clearly more dangerous?

    After all, Hindus got rid of Brits and Viets got rid of the French, but Serbs lost Kosovo and Palestinians lost Palestine forever. Why? Immiperialism. Demography is destiny.

    I don’t like violence. But I support blacks in SA using whatever means necessary to keep the invaders out.

    Resisters and defenders of the nation are more honorable than chickenshit white-flag-wavers like Europeans and American Cons who can’t even defend Indiana from the globo-homo agenda.

    In THE SEARCHERS Ethan is angry that Debbie’s white womb will be used to create baby warriors for the tribe that wiped out his brother’s family.

    The GOP, the political womb of American Conservatism, has been totally hijacked and is being used to hatch the very forces that only further the death of White America,

    Ethan thought it better that Debbie die than live as sex slave of the reds.

    GOP is a sex slave of the globo/homo forces.

    It’s best to put it out of its shame and misery.

    • 回复: @ BB753

    "GOP is a sex slave of the globo/homo forces.

    It’s best to put it out of its shame and misery."

    Well put! GOP should be abolished, to use leftist speech, so the American regime stands naked for all the world to see in its ugly despotism and corruption.

  26. “Let’s see: a group of people organized along ethnic/racial/tribal lines tries to protect its economic interests.”

    So, what “tribe” do Americans belong to?

    “White people to blame…”

    They assuredly contributed to the current problem with their past practices, but I say it is primarily on the shoulders of Zulus who, like any group, is looking out for their own interests.

    “It’s strange but I haven’t heard one single word of condemnation uttered by the lefties…”

    Yes, typical. BUT, Do you condemn Christians when they butcher Muzzies? condemn darkies when they butcher whities? condemn non-Jews who butcher Jews? etc. etc. etc.

  27. This is a really interesting way to fight back against the Zeitgeist. As it happens, I just chose a news a report about this as a listening exercise at my school.

    It’s good for the students to see blacks behaving badly toward blacks. Otherwise, they just absorb the party line from the other teachers and lesson materials, which are overwhelmingly leftist.

  28. It’s specifically Zulus who are doing the killing, hence why the violence is concentrated in north Johannesburg and Durban.

  29. The blacks in South Africa know what happens when you allow in millions of immigrants and allow them to vote; they take over your country. They are just trying to keep what they did to the whites happen to them.

    • 回复: @Drapetomaniac
    @内森·沃图斯(Nathan Wartooth)

    "The blacks in South Africa know what happens when you allow in millions of immigrants and allow them to vote; they take over your country."

    Just what happened to the freedom and individualism that was the basis for America.

    Liberty minded people are in a numerical position towards the rest of the world that is similar to what the early settlement people were versus the hunter-gatherers.
    Unfortunately the freedom culture isn't competing with low tech savages, but a chain of command hierarchy that controls most of the world economy.

    America was anomalous, successful, and doomed to fail.

  30. @很多

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    回复:@unit472、@Neutral、@foxy、@Bob、@ABN、@Trumpenprole、@G Pinfold、@Terry、@Daniel H



    • 回复: @艺术装饰



    , @很多

    感谢您的所有回复。也许极左派会遇到问题,但在我的设想中,该国中部 55-60% 的地区将完全独立,拥有自己的军队等。它可能需要与富裕的白人邻国保持友好关系,这将是一个远更强大的自己的军队。

    在 80 年代初这样做就意味着不会赢得左派的青睐,而是会赢得里根和撒切尔的青睐,他们对白人少数族群的统治相当满意。

    新政府可能在大多数方面都相当自由,完全民主,但想要一些边界墙和内部控制。大概是 45% 白色、30% 彩色和 25% 黑色。当地黑人的生活水平将会高得多,他们可能会像现在一样反对更多的黑人移民。

    同样的做法在阿尔及利亚也可能有效:将殖民地缩小到阿尔及尔周围的围墙区域以及肥沃的沿海地带的一部分,其中 80% 以上是白人。

    以色列已经展示了一群白人可以在 20 世纪成功殖民非白人地区的方式。它最需要的是白人占多数,尽量减少非白人劳动力的使用,并保持实际的小规模。

  31. Off topic, but an example of the blessings of bad immigration policy:

    “IT services firm alleged to have overwhelmingly South Asian workforce in U.S.”,Patrick Thibodeau,Computerworld,15 年 2015 月 XNUMX 日:

    “An IT worker is accusing Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) of discriminating against American workers…

    …95% of the 14,000 people Tata employs in the U.S. are South Asian or mostly Indian. It says this practice has created a “grossly disproportionate workforce.”

    …the company hires large numbers of H-1B workers. Over from 2011 to 2013, Tata sponsored nearly 21,000 new H-1B visas…

    …the lawsuit describes a miserable experience during his 20-month employment period, despite a bachelor’s degree in economics, a master’s degree in IT, numerous certifications, nearly two decades of experience, and “service with distinction” in the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division.

    …shuffled around to jobs that “often involved only menial responsibilities” and experienced “substantial anti-American sentiment” along the way. The lawsuit contends that one top Tata HR manager instructed recruiters to focus on hiring Indians, and that this official “has expressed his dislike for American workers,” and “believes Indians were smarter and better qualified than Americans.”

    …With this lawsuit, Conroy said, “we can start the process of exonerating the American IT workforce who have been relentlessly denigrated in order to hide the tech industry’s widespread practice of discriminating against Americans.” …”

    “substantial anti-American sentiment.” The blessings of diversity!

    Diversity === deprecate, disparage, and denigrate American IT workers and Americans.

  32. I got this hobby of looking at real estate web pages. I have done it for years. And you can determine the economic health of a place using big house as the bellweather indicator. I sort of start in New York, then Los Angeles, Miami, Vegas (still sucks), then Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Paris, then often I use Engels Volkers, this German firm for a world wide glance at the bigs. Houses and apartments from 700-1000 sq meters (7700-11000) are not all that common. They exists but are some percentage smaller than 1% on most of these pages, which are the elite of real estate listings. As you would expect, the US, UK, France, Italy, all dominate the top priced listings. New York has gotten ridiculous even by New York standards. The good stuff in Miami has sold and now what’s left is far north of Miami Beach like Aventura. LA is very ridiculous and now the best pages are showing Tarzana where in 2009 it was all L.A proper. Vegas still sucks.

    At the bottom typically, in price are Chile (lots of big houses surrounding Santiago, Dominican Republic (particularly older big houses in Casa de Campo but mostly it is an American retiree destination as fares as the economy fares. Newer stuff on the north coast of the DR do well), a lot of junk ugly stuff in Costa del Col and the Barcelona coasts in Spain, some older stuff in Mallorca (Spain in general still hasn’t recovered). And surprisingly Belgium kept popping up with some really neat attractive big lofts, neat renovations in villas, particularly in Flanders, and in Antwerp like stuff that would sell for 15,000,000 in Paris goes for 2.5-3.0 million in Antwerp. Go figure.

    Then there is South Africa.

    Before getting all iSteve educated, I would see those South Africa houses and not notice. I figured, “yeah well Africa or something. Maybe Cheap land. Cheap Labor.” But then there is this recent news about Kill The Boers, all the murders of the “settlers” the rape rate, and last night I noticed something.

    It is a dumping ground. It is beyond just cheap houses. Houses costs what houses cost. Labor is labor. Land is land. But there is a limit. A door costs what a door costs. Windows same. And especially in a place like South Africa, Chile, the DR that aren’t famous for making sinks, bathtubs, stoves, ovens, even windows, those things can even be more expensive because they often are brought in. Colombia is surprising “costly”. A big house in Bogota is cheaper than the US and UK, but often is 3 million for 600 mts and competes with a US house outside of those big famous areas. Cali is cheap, Cartagena, Barranquilla are not. Heck, there is still an unresolved war going in Colombia. Yet I would consider it in a heartbeat before ever thinking of South Africa.

    And South Africa is beyond cheap and it is sheer numbers of those big houses in those pages. Engels Volkers is a German company, there 4400 German listings, 1500 Lux properties in the US and Italy. There are 6600 in South Africa.

    And the number of big properties, larger than 700 mts is staggering. 260 out of 1200 worldwide. Almost 1 in 5. Literally once you get below the 2 million euro level in Engels Volkers, 90% of the listings for page after page in houses 700-1000 meters are South African. It is beyond just that they can build them cheaper. I read these pages so often, for so long, you can recognize hardship and dumpage vs even a slump or an affordable market.

    It is a like a whole country is doing what white homeowners in Ferguson, Mo are doing. Except the Fergie people are gonna lose their shirts. The Boers, at best will lose their country and many will lose their lives.

    • 回复: @silviosilver

    Parts of Brazil are very similar. Homes in the nicest parts of cities like Rio and Sao Paulo that sell for US$1 million are complete rubbish compared to what that price tag could buy you in Los Angeles. Heck, a $250,000 apartment in LA is often much nicer than a $750,000 apartment in Rio.

    , @伯特

    Are you familiar with the Internet term tl:dr?

    回复:@Charles Erwin Wilson

    , @Jfr

    The ZAR is a weak and volatile currency, which is why high-end property is so cheap in South Africa currently (it isn't particularly cheap by local standards). The South African government has started preparing legislative restrictions on foreign agricultural land ownership for this reason-too many rich Europeans were supposedly snapping up Cape wine farms for a song.

    There is also the fact that estate agents actively market properties overseas (which is why South African estate agents panicked when they got wind of the foreign ownership restrictions, and the government had to issue a quick clarification that they were intended to apply only to agri land). South Africa is a strange country like that: third world savagery coupled with sophisticated property and financial markets.

    You are probably experiencing some kind of sampling bias because of this. I wouldn't read too much into those real estate listings.

  33. It amuses me how Corvinus doesn’t know how to use Blockquote.

  34. How did they not get the message that the immigrants are fellow Oppressed People of Color and that they will naturally ally to overthrow the evil white oppressor?

  35. @很多

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    回复:@unit472、@Neutral、@foxy、@Bob、@ABN、@Trumpenprole、@G Pinfold、@Terry、@Daniel H

    我想知道 50 年后人们是否会对美国(南非北部)说类似的话。

    我长期担心的问题之一是,对于我们这些对国家抱有民族保守愿景的人来说,可能没有出路。在这种情况下,我们会年复一年地告诉自己,赛勒战略仍然是可行的,尽管它随着时间的推移变得越来越不可行。今天,美国整体的人口和政治地位比 5、10、15 年前更糟糕。 5年、10年、15年后情况可能会更糟。我们会不断指出叙事是多么的垃圾,而叙事只会被调到 11。

    谁将成为 2017 年总统?希拉里?杰布·布什?卢比奥?共和党和美国可能都无法挽回。



    • 回复: @安安农


  36. @鲍勃

    Haven't we learned yet that the only place all negros find tolerable to live is among white racist oppressors?

    Their doom is that oppression is going extinct or escaping. They must pursue it. Why should any white South African's imaginary lines give sanctuary?

    回复:@Art Deco,@ Lot

    Barbados is run by ‘white racist oppressors’?

    • 回复: @鲍勃

    Please continue .... Barbados and ...


    , @杰斐逊

    "Barbados is run by ‘white racist oppressors’?"

    Barbados is such a small country that their population size is similar to that of the city of Reno, Nevada. The only Black country on the planet that is not a total 3rd world toilet, but make no bones about it the only reason they are better off than other Negroid countries is because their population is so miniscule.

    Even the least populated state in the U.S Wyoming still has a larger population than Barbados.

  37. @鲍勃

    Haven't we learned yet that the only place all negros find tolerable to live is among white racist oppressors?

    Their doom is that oppression is going extinct or escaping. They must pursue it. Why should any white South African's imaginary lines give sanctuary?

    回复:@Art Deco,@ Lot

    感谢您的所有回复。也许极左派会遇到问题,但在我的设想中,该国中部 55-60% 的地区将完全独立,拥有自己的军队等。它可能需要与富裕的白人邻国保持友好关系,这将是一个远更强大的自己的军队。

    在 80 年代初这样做就意味着不会赢得左派的青睐,而是会赢得里根和撒切尔的青睐,他们对白人少数族群的统治相当满意。

    The new government probably would have been pretty liberal in most respects, fully democratic, but want some border walls and internal controls. It would be something like 45% white, 30% colored, and 25% black. The standard of living of the local blacks would be so much higher they’d likely oppose further black immigration, just as they do now.

    同样的做法在阿尔及利亚也可能有效:将殖民地缩小到阿尔及尔周围的围墙区域以及肥沃的沿海地带的一部分,其中 80% 以上是白人。

    以色列已经展示了一群白人可以在 20 世纪成功殖民非白人地区的方式。它最需要的是白人占多数,尽量减少非白人劳动力的使用,并保持实际的小规模。

  38. “The standard of living of the local blacks would be so much higher they’d likely oppose further black immigration, just as they do now.”
    If only Mexican-Americans opposed immigration for the same reason.

  39. Africa is a disaster, and the ethnic cleansing/riots/looting/killing are a symptom of the larger cause.

    1. South Africa is not a country. It is a bunch of African tribes, nearly all who hate each other, jockeying for power amidst massive economic decline as White talented people leave: South Africa’s utility Eskom faces rolling blackouts. There is no shared nationalism based on tribe and history as say, Rwanda under Paul Kagame has as a defacto majority Tutsi nation.

    2. The rest of Africa is a disaster — population increase but no jobs or income from farming, herding, or factory work to provide self-support. Hence the migrations into South Africa as the most intact lifeboat.

    The verdict on decolonization of Africa is definitive. It has failed, as Africans left to their own devices have been unable to even feed their own people; or produce societies that don’t depend on massive exports of surplus people as a viable solution. Unlike the 19th Century there are no frontiers in America and Australia to support Irish-style mass population exports (or earlier, German and later, Italian and Eastern European).

    Already, police in Malawi are shooting on sight would-be abductors of Albinos, so many have been abducted, killed, and eaten.

    Western liberals like to ignore reality, but sooner or later it will be simply too big and close by to ignore.

  40. @ Blobby5
    Derb has spoken of the demographic hell hole that is Africa, what happens when those overloaded boats start crossing the Atlantic? Will the immigration fantasists have finally come to their senses? One can only hope.



    Overloaded boats are already making their way across the Med to Italy… and all the Left can do is bitch because the EU is not doing enough to help them make it across safely.

  41. I didn’t think black Africans were incapable of hate, intolerance and xenophobia. I thought once the white man was deposed and apartheid ended that negro ANC ruled S.Africa would be a literal heaven on earth and a model of interracial tolerance, amity and economic progress.

    We need Ivy league researchers to explain why this isn’t so.

  42. Competition in the labor market doesn’t explain all of this “xenophobla”. There’s also the targeting of the foreign shopkeepers, who far from competing with the locals are providing services they otherwise wouldn’t have. But this is how it worked in Kenya and Uganda and elsewhere after independence. Some kind of instinct for destroying civilization root and branch…

    • 回复: An

    劳动力市场的竞争并不能解释所有这些“仇外心理”。 还有针对外国店主的目标,他们远没有与当地人竞争,而是提供他们原本不会有的服务。 但这就是它在肯尼亚和乌干达以及独立后其他地方的运作方式。 某种毁灭文明根枝的本能……
    “仇外心理”当然是完全自然和理性的。 人们为自己的领土——他们的家庭、部落、国家、种族——做出了巨大的牺牲,并且相当理性地不想分享它。

    此外,中间人的少数群体很糟糕——从字面上看。 假设中间人少数民族是种族分离的——例如犹太人、华侨、黎巴嫩人、中南部的韩国人等等——中间人少数民族对东道国人口*不是*积极的。 它们充当资本和技能(以及更深奥的中间人技能的遗传选择,包括智商)*离开*社区,而不是在其中建立。 它实际上是在抢劫,即使服务一流。

    我承认,在非洲,当地人在提供服务方面似乎如此绝望\低劣,以至于您开始认为……即使印度人在那里,他们会不会过得更好? 但即使在非洲,情况仍然不是这样。 如果没有中间人,就会有聪明的黑人能够站出来提供这样的服务——诚然不是这样。 他们这样做是为了让你最终发展出一个称职的本土商业阶层。 中间人少数民族只是消除了这一点,让东道国人口*永久*依赖和贫困。


    话虽如此,在这种情况下,外国人是班图人,他们可能会留在南澳,并可能在一两代人之内与东道国人口结婚,他们建立的任何财富和技能将主要留在“社区”中。 (例外情况是那些只汇出所有钱并打算将财富用回本国的人。)




    , @anonymous

    Don't overlook the power of jealousy which sometimes overshadows any rational calculation, that is, if they're capable of rational calculation to begin with. Primordial emotions are not gone at all, just usually dormant.

    , @猪肉派帽子

    Oh man - want concrete illustration of this, watch 非洲addio, an Italian documentary of the de-colonization of Kenya (and environs) around 1964 - 1966. It rightly has a reputation for shockingness but it's informative as well. And, Roger Ebert railed against it as racist, so you know it's good. One interesting side thing is that the hutus and tutsis ('Watutsis') were fighting even then. Genocide, hand-chopping, massacres of Arab immigrants in Tanzania, cannibalism - none of it new.

    , @史蒂夫·塞勒

    A few years back there was a big anti-Chinese shopkeeper pogrom on Guadalcanal. The next afternoon the hungover rioters showed up, hungry, at the burnt-out shops wondering who was going to sell them food.

    回复:@International Jew

  43. @国际犹太人
    Competition in the labor market doesn't explain all of this "xenophobla". There's also the targeting of the foreign shopkeepers, who far from competing with the locals are providing services they otherwise wouldn't have. But this is how it worked in Kenya and Uganda and elsewhere after independence. Some kind of instinct for destroying civilization root and branch...

    Replies: @AnotherDad, @anonymous, @pork pie hat, @Steve Sailer

    劳动力市场的竞争并不能解释所有这些“仇外心理”。 还有针对外国店主的目标,他们远没有与当地人竞争,而是提供他们原本不会有的服务。 但这就是它在肯尼亚和乌干达以及独立后其他地方的运作方式。 某种毁灭文明根枝的本能……

    “Xenophobia” is of course completely natural and rational. People have made great sacrifices to acquire territory for themselves–their family, tribe, nation, race–and quite rationally don’t want to share it.

    Furthermore middle man minorities suck–literally. Assuming the middle man minority is ethnically separate–e.g. Jews, oversea Chinese, Lebanese, Koreans in South Central, etc. etc.–middle man minorities are *不是* positive for the host populations. They serve as capital and skills (and more esoterically genetic selection for middle man skills, inc. IQ) *离开* the community, rather than building in it. It’s effectively looting, even if the service is superior.

    I’ll grant that in Africa the local population seems so hopeless\inferior at providing services that you start to think … wouldn’t they be better off even if the Indians were there? But even in Africa that’s still not the case. Absent the middle man, there would be smart blacks able to step up and provide such services–admittedly not as well. And it’s out of them doing so that you’d eventually develop a competent indigenous commercial class. Middle man minorities just eliminate that and leave the host population *永久性* dependent and impoverish.


    All that said, in this case where the foreigners are fellow Bantu who will likely stay in SA and would likely marry into the host population within a generation or two, any wealth and skills they build will mostly remain in the “community”. (The exception would be those who just remit everything and intend to use the wealth back in their home country.)

    There is likely a tribal element here, where even though “black”, the foreigners are not really the same people.

    But beyond that i think the shopkeepers are just a visible face of the foreign incursion, so attacking them serves the purpose of saying “foreigner get out”–an entirely understandable desire.

    • 回复: @silviosilver

    此外,中间人少数群体很糟糕——从字面上看。 假设中间人少数民族在种族上是分开的——例如犹太人、华侨、黎巴嫩人、中南部的韩国人等等——中间人少数民族对东道国人口*不是*积极的。 它们充当资本和技能(以及更深奥的中间人技能的遗传选择,包括智商)*离开*社区,而不是在其中建立。 它实际上是在抢劫,即使服务一流。


    , @匿名的

    Maybe you mean market-dominant minorities, not middle-man minorities. They're different concepts.

    , @匿名的

    These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren't that rational though, since they'll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food:


    " Zimbabwe: Govt to cede land to Chinese"

    GOVERNMENT is next week expected to sign an agricultural agreement with China that could see vast tracts of land being ceded to the fast-growing nation.

    The deal, envisaged to boost agricultural production, should be signed on November 8 and will be guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance.


    Government's chaotic land reform programme that involved the forcible take over of white-owned commercial farms to "correct colonial land ownership imbalances" has been a recipe for disaster. It has reduced Zimbabwe from a net grain exporter to a net importer in a space of five years.

    Agricultural production levels dropped sharply as commercial farmers took their skills to countries as far flung as Nigeria, Zambia and Mozambique.

    Replies: @Kylie, @Nathan Wartooth, @Fredrik, @Wilkey

    , 泰德

    综上所述,在这种情况下,外国人是班图人,他们可能会留在南澳,并可能在一两代人之内与东道国人口结婚,他们建立的任何财富和技能将大部分留在“社区”中。 (例外情况是那些只汇出所有钱并打算将财富用回本国的人。)
    It isn't only Bantu migrants. Pakistani and Indian migrants also impregnate and marry black women and live in townships (much to the horror of South African Indians, who were conditioned under apartheid to not view blacks sexually).
  44. @国际犹太人
    Competition in the labor market doesn't explain all of this "xenophobla". There's also the targeting of the foreign shopkeepers, who far from competing with the locals are providing services they otherwise wouldn't have. But this is how it worked in Kenya and Uganda and elsewhere after independence. Some kind of instinct for destroying civilization root and branch...

    Replies: @AnotherDad, @anonymous, @pork pie hat, @Steve Sailer

    Don’t overlook the power of jealousy which sometimes overshadows any rational calculation, that is, if they’re capable of rational calculation to begin with. Primordial emotions are not gone at all, just usually dormant.

  45. South Africa is pretty much a walking rebuke to every aspect of “the narrative”.

    So the best policy is to ignore it as much as possible.

  46. An

    劳动力市场的竞争并不能解释所有这些“仇外心理”。 还有针对外国店主的目标,他们远没有与当地人竞争,而是提供他们原本不会有的服务。 但这就是它在肯尼亚和乌干达以及独立后其他地方的运作方式。 某种毁灭文明根枝的本能……
    “仇外心理”当然是完全自然和理性的。 人们为自己的领土——他们的家庭、部落、国家、种族——做出了巨大的牺牲,并且相当理性地不想分享它。

    此外,中间人的少数群体很糟糕——从字面上看。 假设中间人少数民族是种族分离的——例如犹太人、华侨、黎巴嫩人、中南部的韩国人等等——中间人少数民族对东道国人口*不是*积极的。 它们充当资本和技能(以及更深奥的中间人技能的遗传选择,包括智商)*离开*社区,而不是在其中建立。 它实际上是在抢劫,即使服务一流。

    我承认,在非洲,当地人在提供服务方面似乎如此绝望\低劣,以至于您开始认为……即使印度人在那里,他们会不会过得更好? 但即使在非洲,情况仍然不是这样。 如果没有中间人,就会有聪明的黑人能够站出来提供这样的服务——诚然不是这样。 他们这样做是为了让你最终发展出一个称职的本土商业阶层。 中间人少数民族只是消除了这一点,让东道国人口*永久*依赖和贫困。


    话虽如此,在这种情况下,外国人是班图人,他们可能会留在南澳,并可能在一两代人之内与东道国人口结婚,他们建立的任何财富和技能将主要留在“社区”中。 (例外情况是那些只汇出所有钱并打算将财富用回本国的人。)




    Furthermore middle man minorities suck–literally. Assuming the middle man minority is ethnically separate–e.g. Jews, oversea Chinese, Lebanese, Koreans in South Central, etc. etc.–middle man minorities are *不是* positive for the host populations. They serve as capital and skills (and more esoterically genetic selection for middle man skills, inc. IQ) *离开* the community, rather than building in it. It’s effectively looting, even if the service is superior.



    Come on now, it's not 完成 废话。

  47. “O’Hehir: You know, these images are pretty uncomfortable, especially for Americans who tend to be so careful in public discussions of race: Here’s a white guy from South Africa making a movie with scary, murderous black African villains.”

    South Africa is 79 percent Black and another 9 percent Coloured/Mulatto types who look like Eric Holder and Hussein Obama. By American standards South Africa is 88 percent Black. Why is it racist to for a film about South Africa to portray the scary murderous villains as being Black when South Africa is nowhere close to being a Whitopia.

  48. @国际犹太人
    Competition in the labor market doesn't explain all of this "xenophobla". There's also the targeting of the foreign shopkeepers, who far from competing with the locals are providing services they otherwise wouldn't have. But this is how it worked in Kenya and Uganda and elsewhere after independence. Some kind of instinct for destroying civilization root and branch...

    Replies: @AnotherDad, @anonymous, @pork pie hat, @Steve Sailer

    Oh man – want concrete illustration of this, watch 非洲addio, an Italian documentary of the de-colonization of Kenya (and environs) around 1964 – 1966. It rightly has a reputation for shockingness but it’s informative as well. And, Roger Ebert railed against it as racist, so you know it’s good. One interesting side thing is that the hutus and tutsis (‘Watutsis’) were fighting even then. Genocide, hand-chopping, massacres of Arab immigrants in Tanzania, cannibalism – none of it new.

  49. Italy is clearly starting to get feed up with Open Borders style immigration non-policy:

    “Mediterranean migrant deaths: EU faces renewed pressure”, BBC, 19 April 2015:

    “Italian PM Matteo Renzi has led calls for more European Union action on sea migration…

    …The 20m (70ft) long boat was believed to be carrying up to 700 migrants, and only 28 survivors have been rescued. …

    …Up to 1,500 migrants are now feared to have drowned this year alone. …

    Mr Renzi… said more rescue boats was not the issue, rather it was stopping the boats from departing.”

    Seriously, if there’s no stop to this, maybe all those old colonialists were right. It’s a crime for these immigrants to live in a place ruled by people like themselves, a horror worthy of asylum. By that logic, wouldn’t it be best to rule these people’s countries for them? Is it a crime to deny them the benefit of Western rule?

    Better to say clearly “good fences make good neighbors”, “clean your own house first”, “live in the bed you make”, etc.. With a lot of willingness to help, but not just by helping them loot the place and flee… and then, of course, be willing to tell us how racist we are, over and over.

    • 回复: @大卫

    1500 this year? Ha! 12,000 children under the age of 5 die every day in Africa.

    The grim reaper reaps by the bushel. If every soul were a grain of rice (that's about 2mm souls to the bushel), the only exceptionally heavy lift in our lifetimes is the Dec 26, 2004 tsunami.


  50. 大西洋 on the getting rid of Jackson on the 20 campaign:


    • 回复: @ anonymous-antimarxist

    Got rid of The Atlantic 12 years ago after being a subscriber for over 15 years. Can't believe anybody wastes any time on it any more. A once great and nearly essential magazine for over a 150 years is now just clickbait barely above Gawker or Salon level of seriousness. Don't even read their free stuff.

    Sorry Syon unless you fill me in on what the The Atlantic is saying, I have nothing to add because I refuse to go there.

    回复:@SPMoore8,@Jim Don Bob

  51. An

    劳动力市场的竞争并不能解释所有这些“仇外心理”。 还有针对外国店主的目标,他们远没有与当地人竞争,而是提供他们原本不会有的服务。 但这就是它在肯尼亚和乌干达以及独立后其他地方的运作方式。 某种毁灭文明根枝的本能……
    “仇外心理”当然是完全自然和理性的。 人们为自己的领土——他们的家庭、部落、国家、种族——做出了巨大的牺牲,并且相当理性地不想分享它。

    此外,中间人的少数群体很糟糕——从字面上看。 假设中间人少数民族是种族分离的——例如犹太人、华侨、黎巴嫩人、中南部的韩国人等等——中间人少数民族对东道国人口*不是*积极的。 它们充当资本和技能(以及更深奥的中间人技能的遗传选择,包括智商)*离开*社区,而不是在其中建立。 它实际上是在抢劫,即使服务一流。

    我承认,在非洲,当地人在提供服务方面似乎如此绝望\低劣,以至于您开始认为……即使印度人在那里,他们会不会过得更好? 但即使在非洲,情况仍然不是这样。 如果没有中间人,就会有聪明的黑人能够站出来提供这样的服务——诚然不是这样。 他们这样做是为了让你最终发展出一个称职的本土商业阶层。 中间人少数民族只是消除了这一点,让东道国人口*永久*依赖和贫困。


    话虽如此,在这种情况下,外国人是班图人,他们可能会留在南澳,并可能在一两代人之内与东道国人口结婚,他们建立的任何财富和技能将主要留在“社区”中。 (例外情况是那些只汇出所有钱并打算将财富用回本国的人。)




    Maybe you mean market-dominant minorities, not middle-man minorities. They’re different concepts.

  52. South Africa’s open borders nightmare under the ANC is pretty well covered in Louis Theroux’s BBC documentary which was made a year before District 9 in 2008.


    Louis Theroux Law and Disorder in Johannesburg YouTube

    The Cultural Marxist Media has been willfully blind on SA.

    Well worth an hour’s time.

  53. “Italian PM Matteo Renzi has led calls for more European Union action on sea migration…”

    “…Mr Renzi said… the trafficking was “a plague in our continent – the slavery of the 21st Century“。 …

    …Maltese PM Joseph Muscat told the BBC: “…if the global community continues to turn a blind eye… we will all be judged in the same way that history has judged Europe when it turned a blind eye to the genocide of this century and last century.”

    …Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy said: “…Words won’t do any more.” …

    …One survivor… said there were as many as 950 people on board… He said many were locked below decks and not allowed to leave.

    …Last year, a record 170,000 people made the perilous crossing to Italy. Thousands died on the journey.”

  54. @syonredux
    大西洋 on the getting rid of Jackson on the 20 campaign:


    回复:@ anonymous-antimarxist

    Got rid of The Atlantic 12 years ago after being a subscriber for over 15 years. Can’t believe anybody wastes any time on it any more. A once great and nearly essential magazine for over a 150 years is now just clickbait barely above Gawker or Salon level of seriousness. Don’t even read their free stuff.

    Sorry Syon unless you fill me in on what the The Atlantic is saying, I have nothing to add because I refuse to go there.

    • 回复: @ SPMoore8
    @ anonymous-antimarxist

    It's just the same old silly argument about how Jackson has to be removed from the $20 bill and replaced by a woman because of Indian Removal, Trail of Tears, etc., which I consider complete nonsense since he was hardly the prime mover and everyone wanted it to happen (I think I might have had ancestors victimized by the way so it's not like I'm trying to downplay it.) Even so, as unjust as it may have been, it was hardly a "genocide".

    However, you have missed the best suggestion, which is to replace Jackson' visage with a picture of Mohammed. I am totally down with that.

    , @吉姆·唐·鲍勃
    @ anonymous-antimarxist

    Yep. The Atlantic went straight down the toilet after Micheal Kelly got killed in Iraq. They hired Andrew Sullivan and fired Mark Steyn.

  55. 无论非洲发生什么麻烦——南非的反移民骚乱、利比亚的无政府状态、几乎无处不在的饥饿——最终都会导致更多的人逃往欧洲。 在接下来的 35 年里,非洲平均每十到十一天就会​​增加 XNUMX 万人口。 如果不采取行动阻止过剩人口继续前进,欧洲将面临种族灭绝。

  56. An

    劳动力市场的竞争并不能解释所有这些“仇外心理”。 还有针对外国店主的目标,他们远没有与当地人竞争,而是提供他们原本不会有的服务。 但这就是它在肯尼亚和乌干达以及独立后其他地方的运作方式。 某种毁灭文明根枝的本能……
    “仇外心理”当然是完全自然和理性的。 人们为自己的领土——他们的家庭、部落、国家、种族——做出了巨大的牺牲,并且相当理性地不想分享它。

    此外,中间人的少数群体很糟糕——从字面上看。 假设中间人少数民族是种族分离的——例如犹太人、华侨、黎巴嫩人、中南部的韩国人等等——中间人少数民族对东道国人口*不是*积极的。 它们充当资本和技能(以及更深奥的中间人技能的遗传选择,包括智商)*离开*社区,而不是在其中建立。 它实际上是在抢劫,即使服务一流。

    我承认,在非洲,当地人在提供服务方面似乎如此绝望\低劣,以至于您开始认为……即使印度人在那里,他们会不会过得更好? 但即使在非洲,情况仍然不是这样。 如果没有中间人,就会有聪明的黑人能够站出来提供这样的服务——诚然不是这样。 他们这样做是为了让你最终发展出一个称职的本土商业阶层。 中间人少数民族只是消除了这一点,让东道国人口*永久*依赖和贫困。


    话虽如此,在这种情况下,外国人是班图人,他们可能会留在南澳,并可能在一两代人之内与东道国人口结婚,他们建立的任何财富和技能将主要留在“社区”中。 (例外情况是那些只汇出所有钱并打算将财富用回本国的人。)




    These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren’t that rational though, since they’ll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food:


    ” Zimbabwe: Govt to cede land to Chinese”

    GOVERNMENT is next week expected to sign an agricultural agreement with China that could see vast tracts of land being ceded to the fast-growing nation.

    The deal, envisaged to boost agricultural production, should be signed on November 8 and will be guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance.


    Government’s chaotic land reform programme that involved the forcible take over of white-owned commercial farms to “correct colonial land ownership imbalances” has been a recipe for disaster. It has reduced Zimbabwe from a net grain exporter to a net importer in a space of five years.

    Agricultural production levels dropped sharply as commercial farmers took their skills to countries as far flung as Nigeria, Zambia and Mozambique.

    • 回复: @凯莉(Kylie)

    These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren’t that rational though, since they’ll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food:
    Exactly. We saw something similar here when the rioting by blacks in Ferguson included burning and looting black-owned and run businesses.

    Saying this violence has to do with economic conditions, etc. is ascribing a level of abstract thought to the participants that I suspect is largely absent. I would characterize it as opportunistic in origin rather than economic.
    , @内森·沃图斯(Nathan Wartooth)

    诺姆·乔姆斯基今天和塔维斯·史迈利一起出现在 NPR 节目中,所以自然而然地都是关于白人有多么邪恶。



    , @弗雷德里克

    "These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren’t that rational though, since they’ll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food"

    Zimbabwe was perfectly rational. Mugabe is still president and that is all that matters.

    , @威尔基

    "These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren’t that rational though, since they’ll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous."

    Because South Africans, unemployment rate 25%, are doing so splendidly now.

    The attacks on immigrants will accelerate South Africa's decline, but it doesn't alter the destination. Whether or not these attacks continue, fifty years from now South Africa will be no better than any other African country.

  57. @ABN

    我想知道 50 年后人们是否会对美国(南非北部)说类似的话。

    One of the chronic worries that I have is that there may be no way out for those of us with a national-conservative vision for the country. In this scenario, we'll keep telling ourselves year after year that the Sailer Strategy is still viable even as it becomes less and less so with every passing year. The demographic and political position of the generic American nation is worse today than it was 5, 10, 15 years ago. It will probably be even worse 5, 10, 15 years hence. We'll keep pointing out how full of crap the Narrative is, and the Narrative will just be cranked up to 11.

    Who's going to be President in 2017? Hillary? Jeb Bush? Rubio? The GOP and the USA may both be irreparable.

    I can very easily imagine Core-Americans saying a half century from now, "If only we had given up parts of the West Coast and southern borderlands, the Bos-NY-Wash corridor, and some interior enclaves like Chicagoland, we could have retained sovereign control over the vast majority of the country's historical extent."

    The question I ask myself is, if this is indeed the trajectory we're locked into, then wouldn't it be better to act sooner rather than later or never? Call me a romantic, but I'd like to hold onto as much of that shining sea and purple mountains' majesty as possible.



  58. I think the country does break up, though Core Americans will be on different sides of the various lines when it does

    Which I’m sure has been the plan all along. If they were all on one side none of this would be happening.

  59. 思想实验:

    What would happen if Honkocaust were to happen in South Africa?

    Suppose the crazy Negroes get extra crazy and wipe out all the ‘honkeys’.

    How would the globo-homo media respond to that? What would the Narrative say?

    How would conservatives respond?

    My guess. Narrative will go on as usual, and even Cons will say, “Well, whites sort of deserved it cuz they were ‘racist’.” Time to move on… with the latest news on Kanye West and Kardashian.

    So, we’ve gone from “Genocide is inexcusable because the perpetrators are ‘racist’” to “Genocide is excusable because the victims are ‘racist’.”

    Consider how NYT covered the deaths of Eugene Terreblanche and the white victims of Omar Thorton. And the Bosnian victim of black violence in Ferguson. And UVA frat was attacked as if it was Hitler’s bunker.

    No outrage when whites are killed by certain favored ‘victim’ groups.


  60. @马克·敏特
    I got this hobby of looking at real estate web pages. I have done it for years. And you can determine the economic health of a place using big house as the bellweather indicator. I sort of start in New York, then Los Angeles, Miami, Vegas (still sucks), then Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Paris, then often I use Engels Volkers, this German firm for a world wide glance at the bigs. Houses and apartments from 700-1000 sq meters (7700-11000) are not all that common. They exists but are some percentage smaller than 1% on most of these pages, which are the elite of real estate listings. As you would expect, the US, UK, France, Italy, all dominate the top priced listings. New York has gotten ridiculous even by New York standards. The good stuff in Miami has sold and now what's left is far north of Miami Beach like Aventura. LA is very ridiculous and now the best pages are showing Tarzana where in 2009 it was all L.A proper. Vegas still sucks.

    At the bottom typically, in price are Chile (lots of big houses surrounding Santiago, Dominican Republic (particularly older big houses in Casa de Campo but mostly it is an American retiree destination as fares as the economy fares. Newer stuff on the north coast of the DR do well), a lot of junk ugly stuff in Costa del Col and the Barcelona coasts in Spain, some older stuff in Mallorca (Spain in general still hasn't recovered). And surprisingly Belgium kept popping up with some really neat attractive big lofts, neat renovations in villas, particularly in Flanders, and in Antwerp like stuff that would sell for 15,000,000 in Paris goes for 2.5-3.0 million in Antwerp. Go figure.

    Then there is South Africa.

    Before getting all iSteve educated, I would see those South Africa houses and not notice. I figured, "yeah well Africa or something. Maybe Cheap land. Cheap Labor." But then there is this recent news about Kill The Boers, all the murders of the "settlers" the rape rate, and last night I noticed something.

    It is a dumping ground. It is beyond just cheap houses. Houses costs what houses cost. Labor is labor. Land is land. But there is a limit. A door costs what a door costs. Windows same. And especially in a place like South Africa, Chile, the DR that aren't famous for making sinks, bathtubs, stoves, ovens, even windows, those things can even be more expensive because they often are brought in. Colombia is surprising "costly". A big house in Bogota is cheaper than the US and UK, but often is 3 million for 600 mts and competes with a US house outside of those big famous areas. Cali is cheap, Cartagena, Barranquilla are not. Heck, there is still an unresolved war going in Colombia. Yet I would consider it in a heartbeat before ever thinking of South Africa.

    And South Africa is beyond cheap and it is sheer numbers of those big houses in those pages. Engels Volkers is a German company, there 4400 German listings, 1500 Lux properties in the US and Italy. There are 6600 in South Africa.

    And the number of big properties, larger than 700 mts is staggering. 260 out of 1200 worldwide. Almost 1 in 5. Literally once you get below the 2 million euro level in Engels Volkers, 90% of the listings for page after page in houses 700-1000 meters are South African. It is beyond just that they can build them cheaper. I read these pages so often, for so long, you can recognize hardship and dumpage vs even a slump or an affordable market.

    It is a like a whole country is doing what white homeowners in Ferguson, Mo are doing. Except the Fergie people are gonna lose their shirts. The Boers, at best will lose their country and many will lose their lives.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Bert, @Jfr

    Parts of Brazil are very similar. Homes in the nicest parts of cities like Rio and Sao Paulo that sell for US$1 million are complete rubbish compared to what that price tag could buy you in Los Angeles. Heck, a $250,000 apartment in LA is often much nicer than a $750,000 apartment in Rio.

  61. @ anonymous-antimarxist

    Got rid of The Atlantic 12 years ago after being a subscriber for over 15 years. Can't believe anybody wastes any time on it any more. A once great and nearly essential magazine for over a 150 years is now just clickbait barely above Gawker or Salon level of seriousness. Don't even read their free stuff.

    Sorry Syon unless you fill me in on what the The Atlantic is saying, I have nothing to add because I refuse to go there.

    回复:@SPMoore8,@Jim Don Bob

    It’s just the same old silly argument about how Jackson has to be removed from the $20 bill and replaced by a woman because of Indian Removal, Trail of Tears, etc., which I consider complete nonsense since he was hardly the prime mover and everyone wanted it to happen (I think I might have had ancestors victimized by the way so it’s not like I’m trying to downplay it.) Even so, as unjust as it may have been, it was hardly a “genocide”.

    However, you have missed the best suggestion, which is to replace Jackson’ visage with a picture of Mohammed. I am totally down with that.

  62. 意大利显然开始厌倦开放边界式的移民非政策

    是: The leader of the anti-immigrant Northern League party, Matteo Salvini, called for an immediate naval blockade of the coast of Libya while Daniela Santanche, a prominent member of Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party said Italy’s navy must “sink all the boats.”


    But have no fear the Papists are on the case. Pope Francis is calling on the rest of Europe to help Italy deal with the refugee invasion. Of course, he doesn’t mean help Italy sink the boats full of invaders; he means welcome them to our towns and cities. The Catholic Church hates Europeans.

    • 回复: @ABN

    There's really only three choices:

    1. The status quo, in which Europeans send mixed signals to illegal immigrants/asylum-seekers. People keep coming to Europe by the back door, and keep dying by the dozen or hundred in these Mediterranean episodes. Pretty much everyone agrees that this situation shouldn't continue.

    2. Europeans disambiguate their policy on migrants by welcoming the asylum-seekers formally. Nobody pays human smugglers or makes a dangerous crossing. An inexhaustible flow of migrants swamps Europe until European living standards are scarcely better than those in Africa. The end result is the cultural, demographic, economic, and political destruction of the European nations. And in the long run the number of poor people in Africa won't even be reduced because fertility rates are more than high enough to pick up the slack of emigration.

    3. 欧洲人明确表示,乘船而来的任何人都没有机会留在欧洲,从而消除了他们对移民政策的歧义。把船送回来,也许还带着装满食物、水和避孕套的礼品篮。登陆岸上的移民在被监禁、鞭打或受到其他激励后将被遣返回国。然后他们将被送回祖国或原籍海港。在几年内严格执行这项政策,无一例外。

    Harsh? Maybe, but the end result is no mass drowning events, unlike with today's non-policy. As for option #2, people who subscribe to that view should explain why they either (1) don't think this ends in the ruination of Europe or (2) don't care that that this ends in the ruination of Europe. Someone needs to challenge the Vatican on this; is Christianity a national suicide pact? Or is self-preservation something that gets rendered to Caesar?

    , @哈

    "The Catholic Church hates Europeans."

    Give me a break. The Catholic Church has been one of the rare voices in the modern world arguing against the birth dearth and urging Europeans to put an end to it. If Catholic Spaniards and Italians were more devout, then there’d be a lot more of them (and the canard about how we have to import immigrants to beef up the work force would be even more obviously false).

    Moreover, whereas the Pope is always going to encourage Catholics to be charitable towards those with less, it’s ultimately up to the layman to determine how much of his paycheck he or she will fork over and when enough is enough – any authority the Pope has does not extend to usurping that final decision. And there’s nothing un-Christian with arguing that there are better solutions to the refugee problem than draining Africa of its most entrepreneurial citizens and turning them into Europe’s underclass and/or its new Bosnias.

  63. @匿名

    More media triumphalism on White America's death.




    More media triumphalism on White America’s death.


    Notice how they bring up the KKK in that video as they try to paint that organization as the epitome/face of White America. They completely ignore the fact that out of 195 million White Americans, only a mere 5 thousand are members of the KKK which is not even a blip on the radar. I have been to World Wrestling Entertainment events that have drawn way more people than that. ISIS has way more members than the KKK. MS-13 also has way more members than the KKK. Yet the Left Wing are paranoid enough to be believe that the KKK is still the true threat to world peace, lol.

    Also I find it funny that they say in the video that Blacks are forced to live in high crime neighborhoods, as if these neighborhoods will always have high crime no matter what demographic inhabits that area. As if the houses and buildings commit crimes and not the actual residents who inhabit these areas. If you replace the population in Houston, Texas’s predominantly Black 5th Ward neighborhood for example with mostly Italian American or Jewish American residents, I guarantee the 5th Ward would lose it’s reputation of being a high crime neighborhood that White people should avoid at all costs.

  64. “But have no fear the Papists are on the case. Pope Francis is calling on the rest of Europe to help Italy deal with the refugee invasion. Of course, he doesn’t mean help Italy sink the boats full of invaders he means welcome them to our towns and cities. The Catholic Church hates Europeans.”

    Since the current Pope is from Argentina, I hope he is also open to Argentina receiving masses of Sub Saharan African and MENA Muslim immigrants so that Argentina can quickly lose it’s Catholic European majority. After all I am sure The Pope agrees that DIEversity trumps Catholicism.

  65. European restrictionists should campaign to build a Great Wall of Sahara along the southern borders of the N. African Arab countries and pay the Arabs to police it. While N. African immigration is obviously a huge problem too, for now it’s more important to split the ranks of the anti-white coalition. It is reasonable to believe that pointing out to the Arabs that building the wall would also contribute to sparing N. Africa the cruel fate of negrification could see them change their allegiance from anti-white to anti-black.

  66. “These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren’t that rational though, since they’ll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous.”

    It’s irrational to think that humans are rational, not rationalizing, creatures, as the man said, so this claim is probably irrational. And xenophobia might actually be more rational then trade calculations from the point-of-view of your gametes. What do they care if you are more prosperous now, but 5 generations on they have been displaced?

    Then, of course, these outbursts are probably rational by calculation of the people who are literally in economic competition with the new-comers. Why shouldn’t the losers escalate from economic competition to violent competition? What have they got to lose? It’s all a rational calculation, right?

  67. @国际犹太人
    Competition in the labor market doesn't explain all of this "xenophobla". There's also the targeting of the foreign shopkeepers, who far from competing with the locals are providing services they otherwise wouldn't have. But this is how it worked in Kenya and Uganda and elsewhere after independence. Some kind of instinct for destroying civilization root and branch...

    Replies: @AnotherDad, @anonymous, @pork pie hat, @Steve Sailer

    A few years back there was a big anti-Chinese shopkeeper pogrom on Guadalcanal. The next afternoon the hungover rioters showed up, hungry, at the burnt-out shops wondering who was going to sell them food.

    • 回复: @国际犹太人

    In VS Naipaul's _A Bend in the River_, after the foreign shops are, by edict, "Africanized", the existing inventory is sold and consumed, and after that nothing gets restocked.

  68. @艺术装饰



    请继续 …。巴巴多斯和…


  69. @匿名的

    These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren't that rational though, since they'll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food:


    " Zimbabwe: Govt to cede land to Chinese"

    GOVERNMENT is next week expected to sign an agricultural agreement with China that could see vast tracts of land being ceded to the fast-growing nation.

    The deal, envisaged to boost agricultural production, should be signed on November 8 and will be guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance.


    Government's chaotic land reform programme that involved the forcible take over of white-owned commercial farms to "correct colonial land ownership imbalances" has been a recipe for disaster. It has reduced Zimbabwe from a net grain exporter to a net importer in a space of five years.

    Agricultural production levels dropped sharply as commercial farmers took their skills to countries as far flung as Nigeria, Zambia and Mozambique.

    Replies: @Kylie, @Nathan Wartooth, @Fredrik, @Wilkey

    These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren’t that rational though, since they’ll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food:

    Exactly. We saw something similar here when the rioting by blacks in Ferguson included burning and looting black-owned and run businesses.

    Saying this violence has to do with economic conditions, etc. is ascribing a level of abstract thought to the participants that I suspect is largely absent. I would characterize it as opportunistic in origin rather than economic.

  70. @马克·敏特
    I got this hobby of looking at real estate web pages. I have done it for years. And you can determine the economic health of a place using big house as the bellweather indicator. I sort of start in New York, then Los Angeles, Miami, Vegas (still sucks), then Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Paris, then often I use Engels Volkers, this German firm for a world wide glance at the bigs. Houses and apartments from 700-1000 sq meters (7700-11000) are not all that common. They exists but are some percentage smaller than 1% on most of these pages, which are the elite of real estate listings. As you would expect, the US, UK, France, Italy, all dominate the top priced listings. New York has gotten ridiculous even by New York standards. The good stuff in Miami has sold and now what's left is far north of Miami Beach like Aventura. LA is very ridiculous and now the best pages are showing Tarzana where in 2009 it was all L.A proper. Vegas still sucks.

    At the bottom typically, in price are Chile (lots of big houses surrounding Santiago, Dominican Republic (particularly older big houses in Casa de Campo but mostly it is an American retiree destination as fares as the economy fares. Newer stuff on the north coast of the DR do well), a lot of junk ugly stuff in Costa del Col and the Barcelona coasts in Spain, some older stuff in Mallorca (Spain in general still hasn't recovered). And surprisingly Belgium kept popping up with some really neat attractive big lofts, neat renovations in villas, particularly in Flanders, and in Antwerp like stuff that would sell for 15,000,000 in Paris goes for 2.5-3.0 million in Antwerp. Go figure.

    Then there is South Africa.

    Before getting all iSteve educated, I would see those South Africa houses and not notice. I figured, "yeah well Africa or something. Maybe Cheap land. Cheap Labor." But then there is this recent news about Kill The Boers, all the murders of the "settlers" the rape rate, and last night I noticed something.

    It is a dumping ground. It is beyond just cheap houses. Houses costs what houses cost. Labor is labor. Land is land. But there is a limit. A door costs what a door costs. Windows same. And especially in a place like South Africa, Chile, the DR that aren't famous for making sinks, bathtubs, stoves, ovens, even windows, those things can even be more expensive because they often are brought in. Colombia is surprising "costly". A big house in Bogota is cheaper than the US and UK, but often is 3 million for 600 mts and competes with a US house outside of those big famous areas. Cali is cheap, Cartagena, Barranquilla are not. Heck, there is still an unresolved war going in Colombia. Yet I would consider it in a heartbeat before ever thinking of South Africa.

    And South Africa is beyond cheap and it is sheer numbers of those big houses in those pages. Engels Volkers is a German company, there 4400 German listings, 1500 Lux properties in the US and Italy. There are 6600 in South Africa.

    And the number of big properties, larger than 700 mts is staggering. 260 out of 1200 worldwide. Almost 1 in 5. Literally once you get below the 2 million euro level in Engels Volkers, 90% of the listings for page after page in houses 700-1000 meters are South African. It is beyond just that they can build them cheaper. I read these pages so often, for so long, you can recognize hardship and dumpage vs even a slump or an affordable market.

    It is a like a whole country is doing what white homeowners in Ferguson, Mo are doing. Except the Fergie people are gonna lose their shirts. The Boers, at best will lose their country and many will lose their lives.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Bert, @Jfr

    Are you familiar with the Internet term tl:dr?

    • 回复: @查尔斯·欧文·威尔逊

    How about you work on your attention span? Or did I lose you after the first three syllables?

  71. Maybe you mean market-dominant minorities, not middle-man minorities. They’re different concepts

    No, I think he got his point across. Interlopers. Peoples who insinuate themselves into high-trust societies to cull all they can while marveling at that own superiority over the people who created the very society, the only society, in which these interlopers can excel.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    He is talking about Africa, not high trust societies. How did you get that idea?

    Anotherdad appears confused. Middle man minorities are those who facilitate corruption and do not create wealth. They broker deals between a government and a buyer of a mining license for instance.

    Merchant minorities are market dominant minorities who are wealthy because they create wealth like opening a retail shop that competes with other retail shops in the area, driving down the cost of living for all consumers.

    That is these African shopkeepers in South Africa do. Anotherdad's comments are dumb.

  72. @马特拉

    是: 反移民北方联盟党领导人马泰奥·萨尔维尼呼吁立即对利比亚海岸进行海上封锁,而西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼领导的意大利力量党的重要成员丹妮拉·桑坦奇表示,意大利海军必须“击沉所有船只”。





    1. 欧洲人向非法移民/寻求庇护者发出混合信号的现状。人们不断从后门来到欧洲,并在这些地中海事件中不断有数十人或数百人死亡。几乎每个人都同意这种情况不应该继续下去。

    2. 欧洲人通过正式欢迎寻求庇护者来消除其移民政策的歧义。没有人付钱给人口走私者,也没有人进行危险的穿越。源源不断的移民潮淹没了欧洲,直到欧洲的生活水平几乎不比非洲好。最终结果是欧洲国家的文化、人口、经济和政治遭到破坏。从长远来看,非洲的贫困人口数量甚至不会减少,因为生育率高得足以弥补移民的疲软。

    3. 欧洲人明确表示,乘船而来的任何人都没有机会留在欧洲,从而消除了他们对移民政策的歧义。把船送回来,也许还带着装满食物、水和避孕套的礼品篮。登陆岸上的移民在被监禁、鞭打或受到其他激励后将被遣返回国。然后他们将被送回祖国或原籍海港。在几年内严格执行这项政策,无一例外。


  73. @棱镜系数
    Things must be really bad in other African countries if people there go to South Africa for a better life. South Africa with astronomical unemployment rate.

    Why is it okay for a people to resist imperialism but not okay to resist immiperialism--demographic imperialism via massive immigration--when the latter is clearly more dangerous?

    After all, Hindus got rid of Brits and Viets got rid of the French, but Serbs lost Kosovo and Palestinians lost Palestine forever. Why? Immiperialism. Demography is destiny.

    I don't like violence. But I support blacks in SA using whatever means necessary to keep the invaders out.

    Resisters and defenders of the nation are more honorable than chickenshit white-flag-wavers like Europeans and American Cons who can't even defend Indiana from the globo-homo agenda.

    In THE SEARCHERS Ethan is angry that Debbie's white womb will be used to create baby warriors for the tribe that wiped out his brother's family.

    The GOP, the political womb of American Conservatism, has been totally hijacked and is being used to hatch the very forces that only further the death of White America,

    Ethan thought it better that Debbie die than live as sex slave of the reds.

    GOP is a sex slave of the globo/homo forces.

    It's best to put it out of its shame and misery.

    回复:@ BB753

    “GOP is a sex slave of the globo/homo forces.

    It’s best to put it out of its shame and misery.”

    Well put! GOP should be abolished, to use leftist speech, so the American regime stands naked for all the world to see in its ugly despotism and corruption.

  74. @ 5371



    • 回复: @ 5371


  75. @匿名的

    These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren't that rational though, since they'll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food:


    " Zimbabwe: Govt to cede land to Chinese"

    GOVERNMENT is next week expected to sign an agricultural agreement with China that could see vast tracts of land being ceded to the fast-growing nation.

    The deal, envisaged to boost agricultural production, should be signed on November 8 and will be guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance.


    Government's chaotic land reform programme that involved the forcible take over of white-owned commercial farms to "correct colonial land ownership imbalances" has been a recipe for disaster. It has reduced Zimbabwe from a net grain exporter to a net importer in a space of five years.

    Agricultural production levels dropped sharply as commercial farmers took their skills to countries as far flung as Nigeria, Zambia and Mozambique.

    Replies: @Kylie, @Nathan Wartooth, @Fredrik, @Wilkey

    诺姆·乔姆斯基今天和塔维斯·史迈利一起出现在 NPR 节目中,所以自然而然地都是关于白人有多么邪恶。

    He was talking about the USAs plan to let Europe have Africa and exploit it for resources. I was laughing and said to myself “and now the Chinese are going to rule Africa with an iron fist.” I hope Africans like their new Chinese overlords.

    • 回复: @德罗格
    @内森·沃图斯(Nathan Wartooth)

    I'd imagine the African despots will love their new Chinese overlords. Why, without human rights requirements and Western NGO's no longer up their ass about poverty and abuse, I think they will get along just fine with a China that cares not a damn about those people.

    The Chinese are like Leopold II. Whereas the Belgians eventually grew a soul and realized Colonialism wasn't the hottest shit on the block the Chinese won't.


  76. @艺术装饰



    “Barbados is run by ‘white racist oppressors’?”

    Barbados is such a small country that their population size is similar to that of the city of Reno, Nevada. The only Black country on the planet that is not a total 3rd world toilet, but make no bones about it the only reason they are better off than other Negroid countries is because their population is so miniscule.

    Even the least populated state in the U.S Wyoming still has a larger population than Barbados.

  77. Uh-Oh Part 33 1/3: Truth goes into hiding.

  78. “A few years back there was a big anti-Chinese shopkeeper pogrom on Guadalcanal.”

    Being ignorant of all this, I googled, and I found more peace on earth. It turns out that Australia had to play colonialist, apparently very soft-voiced or with a well-managed press strategy, to overcome immigration problems getting out of hand on Guadalcanal…

    “Five Out of Ten: A Performance Report on the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI)”, CIS (Centre for Independent Studies–Ideas for a better Australia), Gaurav Sodhi, 31 January 2008:

    “......Large numbers of migrants moved from the island of Malatia to Guadalcanal in search of better economic opportunities, and came to be resented by Guadalcanalese who claimed the Malaitans were taking their land and jobs. From the mid-1990s, civil unrest turned to violence, with open fighting bringing economic decline and finally triggering collapse. In April 2003, then Prime Minister… requested Australian assistance. …an Australian-led assistance package became the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI).

    RAMSI landed military, police, and civilian personnel in the Solomon Islands in 2003. The immediate objective was to restore law and order by confiscating firearms… Those responsible for the worst of the violence were to be brought to justice.

    The RAMSI intervention marked a turning point for Australia’s relationship… After years of high aid flows that tried to assist development, Australia was reluctantly forced to, in effect, take over the running of one of its closest neighbours.

    This year will mark five years since RAMSI’s forces landed in the Solomon Islands, and their success to date has been mixed. The Australian Defence Forces’ pacification effort has been enormously successful. Over 6,000 militiamen have been arrested, over 9,000 charges have been laid, and more than 3,000 guns have been confiscated. Civil stability has returned, but the security gains will prove temporary if the underlying economic stagnation that led to the civil unrest is not addressed. …

    …most people do not even participate in the cash economy… More than 85% of Solomon Islanders live subsistence lives in rural areas. …

    …Honiara teems with unemployed youth idling in the shade, despondent and restless because they have no present and no future….

    …There is no indigenous informal sector. Chinese shopkeepers and other expatriates dominate commercial opportunities.”

    The Australians are probably never going to live down this evil imperialist colonial adventure. Patterns, patterns, everywhere, and not a thought to think!

  79. @内森·沃图斯(Nathan Wartooth)

    诺姆·乔姆斯基今天和塔维斯·史迈利一起出现在 NPR 节目中,所以自然而然地都是关于白人有多么邪恶。





    • 回复: @匿名的






  80. A bit more context on that modern island paradise, Guadalcanal, and its immigration problems with neighboring island of Malaita and with the Chinese:

    “Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands”:

    “…also known as Operation Helpem Fren…

    …international security contingent of 2,200 police and troops, led by Australia…

    …On 18 April 2006 Snyder Rini was elected Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands in a general election. This sparked rioting in Honiara amidst allegations that the election was fixed with the aid of money from Chinese businessmen. Parts of Honiara were razed and looted, with Chinese-owned property particularly targeted. With up to 90% of their shops burnt down in Chinatown, most Chinese have evacuated the country in fear of their personal safety. …

    …The last Australian infantry returned to Australia on 1 August 2013…

    …After arriving on 24 July 2003, a total of 7,270 Australian personnel deployed during that country’s support to RAMSI. …”

    These things do get expensive:

    “…Australian government spending on RAMSI is calculated at $2.6 billion in real terms to date…”

  81. @很多

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    回复:@unit472、@Neutral、@foxy、@Bob、@ABN、@Trumpenprole、@G Pinfold、@Terry、@Daniel H



  82. @很多

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    回复:@unit472、@Neutral、@foxy、@Bob、@ABN、@Trumpenprole、@G Pinfold、@Terry、@Daniel H

    It’s a nice thought but I believe you fail to take account of the historical context.

    The ‘two state solution’ would have needed to be brokered, or at least administered, during the high Cold War decades post WW2. The ANC was a pan-African movement, in which historically warring tribes coalesced to oppose a greater enemy. The ideological glue that held such an unlikely thing in place was Marxism – at the time, not effete Cultural Marxism, but full blooded Soviet/Maoist Communism. It a footnote now that Mandela was voted president in 1994 as head of the ANC/SACP alliance – an ironic start to the ‘End of History’.

    It’s impossible to see the cozy fraternal relations between a solid CIA proxy and a bitterly contested neighbour. If ‘SA Noir’ did somehow manage to remain pro-Western, its blackness would in no way have appeased the usual suspects. Internally, the result would be perpetual civil war. Externally, ‘SA Blanc’ would be a pariah and ‘SA Noir’ would be denounced as a puppet state and subjected to relentless destabilisation.

  83. The positive side to this Zulu xenophobia and Africans drowning in the Mediterranean is that Trevor Noah has lots of topical material to joke about on the Daily Show. He might even want to bring up why Obama is so concerned about Iranian nuclear enrichment when South Africa refuses to turn over almost 500 lbs of bomb grade enriched uranium they inherited from the Boer regime.

  84. @内森·沃图斯(Nathan Wartooth)
    The blacks in South Africa know what happens when you allow in millions of immigrants and allow them to vote; they take over your country. They are just trying to keep what they did to the whites happen to them.


    “The blacks in South Africa know what happens when you allow in millions of immigrants and allow them to vote; they take over your country.”

    Just what happened to the freedom and individualism that was the basis for America.

    Liberty minded people are in a numerical position towards the rest of the world that is similar to what the early settlement people were versus the hunter-gatherers.
    Unfortunately the freedom culture isn’t competing with low tech savages, but a chain of command hierarchy that controls most of the world economy.

    America was anomalous, successful, and doomed to fail.

  85. @anonymous
    Italy is clearly starting to get feed up with Open Borders style immigration non-policy:

    "Mediterranean migrant deaths: EU faces renewed pressure", BBC, 19 April 2015:

    "Italian PM Matteo Renzi has led calls for more European Union action on sea migration...

    ...The 20m (70ft) long boat was believed to be carrying up to 700 migrants, and only 28 survivors have been rescued. ...

    ...Up to 1,500 migrants are now feared to have drowned this year alone. ...

    Mr Renzi... said more rescue boats was not the issue, rather it was stopping the boats from departing."


    Seriously, if there's no stop to this, maybe all those old colonialists were right. It's a crime for these immigrants to live in a place ruled by people like themselves, a horror worthy of asylum. By that logic, wouldn't it be best to rule these people's countries for them? Is it a crime to deny them the benefit of Western rule?

    Better to say clearly "good fences make good neighbors", "clean your own house first", "live in the bed you make", etc.. With a lot of willingness to help, but not just by helping them loot the place and flee... and then, of course, be willing to tell us how racist we are, over and over.


    1500 this year? Ha! 12,000 children under the age of 5 die every day in Africa.

    The grim reaper reaps by the bushel. If every soul were a grain of rice (that’s about 2mm souls to the bushel), the only exceptionally heavy lift in our lifetimes is the Dec 26, 2004 tsunami.

    • 回复: @布鲁图塞尔

    The WHO says 25,000, not 12,000. Proving your point to the nth degree.

    I used to have a colleague from India, and whenever there was some sort of disaster there where a few hundred died, he'd say that no one there cared, that it takes 1,000+ deaths to get any Indian's attention.

  86. Middle Men exist as a function of the FAILURE of the host population to do anything requiring intelligence, hard work, and deferred gratification. For example, South Korea, Japan, Finland, Scotland, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada do not have a long history of middle men taking up positions in say, retail; finance; banking; baking-pastries; and transport to name a few.

    Populations prefer to ghost dance and look for scapegoats. Germany in the 1920s, rather than face the facts that the German military was superb save for logistics where it was a miserable failure and ended up fighting in the Western Front, Eastern Front, Italian Front (Alps), Balkans, and Turkey/the ME, preferred to blame Jews instead of over-reach and fundamental flaws in the military. Neither were fixed disastrously years later.

    Barack Obama has a passage in Dreams from My Father: A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE that Steve quotes repeatedly. In it, Obama and his half-sister sit in a Nairobi restaurant run by Indian Emigres and get lousy service mistaken for poor tipping natives compared to White tourists who get great service. Obama then muses in print how it would be good for his father’s dream of expulsion of all non-Blacks from Kenya even if it meant total economic chaos and poverty.

    Syriza in Greece feeds off the same instinct: kick out the Germans, IMF, ECB, etc. and all will be daisies and roses. After all, the EU means the Germans give Greeks money and Greeks spend it however they want, right?

    It is pretty unlikely that Africa will ever be a High Tech Hub but serious reforms by the people themselves could make them profitable exporters of chocolate, coffee, textiles, and other high labor input industries. Under investment, conflict, war, disease have cut places like Ghana, Ivory Coast, etc. output of chocolate to a fraction of its potential and has led Nestle to invest in SE Asia and Latin America for chocolate farming/production.

  87. I think that the Boers should do whatever the hell they can to get away from that disgusting continent. There might not be much time left.

  88. Ironically, with the fall of apartheid, Black South Africans lost control of their border and their country, as hundreds of thousands of foreign Africans poured into the country, mostly from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Somalia, Congo, Mozambique, Malawi and Ethiopia -to the tune of 5 million. Apparently, the foreigners completely dominate small retail and the informal economy in the black townships where unemployment is very high. The ruling ANC elite are not doing anything to stem the tsunami of illegals because they are ideologically vested into the notion of pan african nationalism. To make matters worse, illegal pakistanis, bangladeshis and CHINESE have also started showing up in South Africa in droves so now even the long established Indian and Malay South Africans are mad too!

    Native black south Africans are looting the foreign black owned businesses, and driving the immigrants out with violence, much of it which is terrible. Youtube has some pretty grisly videos of these xenophobic attacks.

    The ANC is sitting on a tinderbox, because the native Blacks were promised free housing and jobs once apartheid ended, and instead they got 5 million desperate, harder working, independent minded, mostly English speaking aggressive (think Somalis and Nigerians) competitors running circles around them. The only ones who are terrified seem to be White South Africans elite because those folks are thinking, “if the natives can do this to their fellow African brothers, what else are they capable off?” and “are we next?”.

    Black Africans have always had a deep resentment towards the Brown immigrant entrepreneurs class that the colonial powers had hoisted on them-the
    South asians (by the British), and Lebanese (by the French). Africans, especially Christian Africans in particular, resented how these foreigners dominated urban small businesses down to the SLUM level. The natives could only brew and sell beer. Africans were used to the traditional, female dominated, laid-back barter trade system, and could not yet compete with the foreigners. In muslim black africa, the threat from outsiders was not as much, as muslim africans were already experienced global traders-especially the Somali and Swahili. In time, native Africans eventually picked up modern business skills once they became urbanized. For example, now, the Kikuyu (Kenya) and Ibo (Nigeria) consider themselves like “Jews” , and in fact have become successful businessman who can better compete with the south indians and Lebanese (In Uganda, the natives inhumanely kicked out the Indians- a different story). The Somalis and coastal Africans simply intermarried with their Yemeni competitors, and that was the end of that. In the new South Africa, it is Africans immigrants that have become the new hated foreign small businessman. Adding insult to injury, African foreigners are also actually “taking away” low skill jobs from the natives because many White South African businesses consider them cheaper, and more RELIABLE than the native blacks. It also does not help that Nigerians criminals run the drug trade, and all kinds of scams.

    It does not get much attention in the media, but there is a massive movement of Africans going on in the world, into Europe, the Middle East, Asia.

    It is out of Africa all over again.

  89. Even in 2006 when I was on Vacation, many of the blacks in SA were complaining about the never ending flow of “immigrants”. Shanty towns were everywhere and the streets of Johannesburg were lined with these illegals like the Mexicans at the border selling trinkets and gum.

  90. @很多

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    回复:@unit472、@Neutral、@foxy、@Bob、@ABN、@Trumpenprole、@G Pinfold、@Terry、@Daniel H

    维尔纳·艾斯伦 (Werner Eiselen) 博士是布罗德邦德 (Broederbond) 的主要理论家和维沃尔德 (Verwoerd) 的原住民事务秘书,他于 1960 年辞去职务,成为博普塔·茨瓦纳 (Bophutha Tswana) 的高级专员。有人说,正是因为他的普遍幻灭,才导致他在促进真正的独立发展方面做得很少。一段时间后,他接受了一位法国记者的采访,这位记者想知道为什么政府没有言行一致。 “亲爱的先生,你无法想象我们内部政治斗争的痛苦。当我们将他们理论上的要求付诸实践时,即当我们改善班图人的命运时,反对派就会批评我们。农民们看不到我们的目标,他们不思考未来。当国家为班图人购买土地时,他们会说:“也许他们明天要买下我的农场。” ’我们的人民……只考虑他们日常的舒适。他们接受这个理论。但同时他们也想要安慰。显然,慷慨的理论和无可争议的舒适感是不相容的。

    • 回复: @PV Van der Byl



    最后一次机会可能在 1956 年被放弃,当时维沃尔德(以及几乎所有其他有影响力的国民党人士)拒绝了汤姆林森委员会的建议。汤姆林森是斯泰伦博斯的教授,布罗德认为,如果黑人的家园要能够生存下去,两个步骤绝对是必要的。第一个是政府和私营部门(包括外国)对家乡工业的投资,第二个是将班图斯坦所有当时公有(即由酋长控制)的农田转变为个体黑人农民拥有的私有财产。

    我不太关心 William Beinert(UCT 退休教授),但他对汤姆林森委员会的描述密切支持你的言论:

    1956年,汤姆林森委员会向种族隔离政府提交了报告。这是一份雄心勃勃的非洲储备开发计划书,这位斯泰伦博斯农业经济学教授认为,如果种族隔离要取得成功,这一计划至关重要。只有国家对农村发展进行大规模投资,未来的家园才能腾飞。只有这样才能阻止非洲向大城市移民的浪潮 汤姆林森对替代方案很清楚:要么他的计划得到实施,要么种族隔离就会失败。

    他建议投资超过 100 亿英镑(现在是这个数字的 73 倍)。 在众多关键提案中,有三项脱颖而出。非洲的土地所有权应该得到巩固和私有化。应允许私人投资,包括外国投资。农村工业化的快速发展应该由国家提供资金。

    人们通常认为汤姆林森塑造了国土政策,但这只是部分正确。维沃尔德当时担任原住民事务部长六年。他精力充沛,将他的部门扩大为国中之国。他对这个由他的前任任命的广为人知的委员会感到不满,该委员会并不直接受他控制。维沃尔德经常被视为“独立发展”的理论家和坚定的主角。但他也是一位关心权力的实用主义者。 维沃尔德拒绝了这三项核心建议,部分原因是他认为这些建议对白人选民来说太过分了,但也因为个人土地所有权的愿景会破坏他将权力下放给非洲酋长的政策。 他认为,种族隔离最好围绕保守、传统主义的农村等级制度建立,并希望酋长成为他的客户。它们将成为南非荷兰语民族主义者控制南非农村黑人并确保顺从的卫星小国的主要机制。

    汤姆林森的提议将具有很大的破坏性,可能会减少数十万家庭获得土地的机会,从而在短期内造成大量贫困。令人怀疑的是,国家能否投入足够的资金来确保系统性的工业化。 但至少汤姆林森看到了农村地区的潜力,并提供了一条通往现代化和发展的道路。 维沃尔德获胜,巩固了僵化的传统领导、习惯法和地方政府的半功能性父权制度。
  91. @伯特

    Are you familiar with the Internet term tl:dr?

    回复:@Charles Erwin Wilson

    How about you work on your attention span? Or did I lose you after the first three syllables?

  92. 内特: 我认为布尔人应该尽其所能远离那个令人作呕的大陆。 剩下的时间可能不多了。

    没用。 永恒的模式将继续。 白人建立国家,黑人拖垮国家。 白人离开,黑人最终跟随他们——或多或少。 随着最后一批布尔人被赶出南非,它最终将回归野蛮状态,其许多黑人最终将前往欧洲。 如果我们不关闭边境,我们都会成为布尔人。

  93. @匿名的
    It's strange but I haven't heard one single word of condemnation uttered by the lefties against these 'appalling heartless racist xenophobic attacks' against 'poor innocent migrants who have only come to enrich South Africa and to seek better lives'.

    Evidently, the Totem Pole works here too, and blacks being the supreme deities of the cult of victimology can never have their names taken in vain, even if the gods in their capricious sport, start murdering one another.

    Compare and contrast the incessant vilification, hatred, contempt, ridicule, abuse, verbal and physical attacks etc meted out in UKIP by all sections of British society from the BIG bastards of the Daily Mail, BBC, The Times, Telegraph, The Sun etc who have made common cause with the the hardest of hardest lefties in doing everything humanly possible to try to derail and defuse UKIP ahead of May's General Election. Their big tactic now is to deliberately talk down UKIP's poll ratings in order to dissuade voters from voting for them, in a kind of self fulfilling prophecy.


    Replies: @22pp22, @Jfr

    I have noticed that, too. The BBC , UK Polling report and Wikipedia all have running averages that show UKIP’s vote as flat. The Telegraph’s poll of polls shows it falling. The DT used to be a great paper. Now it’s even more of a syphilitic rag than the Guardian.

  94. 具有讽刺意味的是,英国独立党是最温和的民族主义政党,也是最重要的民主议员,他们重视法律和秩序高于一切。


  95. @匿名的

    These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren't that rational though, since they'll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food:


    " Zimbabwe: Govt to cede land to Chinese"

    GOVERNMENT is next week expected to sign an agricultural agreement with China that could see vast tracts of land being ceded to the fast-growing nation.

    The deal, envisaged to boost agricultural production, should be signed on November 8 and will be guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance.


    Government's chaotic land reform programme that involved the forcible take over of white-owned commercial farms to "correct colonial land ownership imbalances" has been a recipe for disaster. It has reduced Zimbabwe from a net grain exporter to a net importer in a space of five years.

    Agricultural production levels dropped sharply as commercial farmers took their skills to countries as far flung as Nigeria, Zambia and Mozambique.

    Replies: @Kylie, @Nathan Wartooth, @Fredrik, @Wilkey

    “These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren’t that rational though, since they’ll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food”

    Zimbabwe was perfectly rational. Mugabe is still president and that is all that matters.

  96. @德罗格
    @内森·沃图斯(Nathan Wartooth)

    I'd imagine the African despots will love their new Chinese overlords. Why, without human rights requirements and Western NGO's no longer up their ass about poverty and abuse, I think they will get along just fine with a China that cares not a damn about those people.

    The Chinese are like Leopold II. Whereas the Belgians eventually grew a soul and realized Colonialism wasn't the hottest shit on the block the Chinese won't.






    • 回复: @伯特

    Well aren't we a special little snowflake.
    , @ABN

    In defense of the Belgians, the Congo Free State was a "personal fiefdom" of Leopold but 不能 比利时殖民地。正是因为1908年之前无法无天、暴利时期发生的暴行,它才成为比利时殖民地。

  97. @匿名的

    Maybe you mean market-dominant minorities, not middle-man minorities. They’re different concepts
    No, I think he got his point across. Interlopers. Peoples who insinuate themselves into high-trust societies to cull all they can while marveling at that own superiority over the people who created the very society, the only society, in which these interlopers can excel.


    He is talking about Africa, not high trust societies. How did you get that idea?

    Anotherdad appears confused. Middle man minorities are those who facilitate corruption and do not create wealth. They broker deals between a government and a buyer of a mining license for instance.

    Merchant minorities are market dominant minorities who are wealthy because they create wealth like opening a retail shop that competes with other retail shops in the area, driving down the cost of living for all consumers.

    That is these African shopkeepers in South Africa do. Anotherdad’s comments are dumb.

  98. @匿名的

    These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren't that rational though, since they'll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous. Zimbabwe for example drove away a lot of its white farmers, which resulted in its food production collapsing. The country subsequently had trouble feeding its citizens and turned to the Chinese in desperation to grow more food:


    " Zimbabwe: Govt to cede land to Chinese"

    GOVERNMENT is next week expected to sign an agricultural agreement with China that could see vast tracts of land being ceded to the fast-growing nation.

    The deal, envisaged to boost agricultural production, should be signed on November 8 and will be guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance.


    Government's chaotic land reform programme that involved the forcible take over of white-owned commercial farms to "correct colonial land ownership imbalances" has been a recipe for disaster. It has reduced Zimbabwe from a net grain exporter to a net importer in a space of five years.

    Agricultural production levels dropped sharply as commercial farmers took their skills to countries as far flung as Nigeria, Zambia and Mozambique.

    Replies: @Kylie, @Nathan Wartooth, @Fredrik, @Wilkey

    “These sort of xenophobic outbursts probably aren’t that rational though, since they’ll repel investment and trade and make the rioters less prosperous.”

    Because South Africans, unemployment rate 25%, are doing so splendidly now.

    The attacks on immigrants will accelerate South Africa’s decline, but it doesn’t alter the destination. Whether or not these attacks continue, fifty years from now South Africa will be no better than any other African country.

  99. @任
    @ 5371


    回复:@ 5371

    You’ll have to check that it isn’t being used the same way as in “Scoop”.

  100. You can buy a used copy of District 9 on Amazon for almost nothing plus postage

  101. @匿名的







    Well aren’t we a special little snowflake.

  102. 约翰·多兰/战争书呆子写了一篇很好的文章,利用这些南非骚乱来讨论低级别的种族清洗战争。值得一读:


    他声称到目前为止总共只有 6 人死亡。

  103. @silviosilver

    此外,中间人少数群体很糟糕——从字面上看。 假设中间人少数民族在种族上是分开的——例如犹太人、华侨、黎巴嫩人、中南部的韩国人等等——中间人少数民族对东道国人口*不是*积极的。 它们充当资本和技能(以及更深奥的中间人技能的遗传选择,包括智商)*离开*社区,而不是在其中建立。 它实际上是在抢劫,即使服务一流。


    来吧,这不是 完成 废话。

  104. @大比尔

    I found that many of the Salvadoran commenters complained of racism in the US. It turned out that they weren’t talking about racism coming from whites, but rather from fairer skinned Mestizos who looked down on their little brown neighbors to the south.
    Yet black folks are silent (collectively) about the Mexican invasion of the US. Since Barbara Jordan, no significant leader of blacks has spoken out against open borders or the obvious black job loss. Where is Booker T. Washington ("cast down your buckets") when you need him?


    Yet black folks are silent (collectively) about the Mexican invasion of the US.

    As with “gay marriage”, Jesse and Al told them to shut up about it, and they did.

    Black leadership is even more corrupt than white.

  105. @史蒂夫·塞勒

    A few years back there was a big anti-Chinese shopkeeper pogrom on Guadalcanal. The next afternoon the hungover rioters showed up, hungry, at the burnt-out shops wondering who was going to sell them food.

    回复:@International Jew

    In VS Naipaul’s _A Bend in the River_, after the foreign shops are, by edict, “Africanized”, the existing inventory is sold and consumed, and after that nothing gets restocked.

  106. @特里

    I worked in Bantu homeland in the 1950's. Verwoerd would not allow private enterprise to develop these areas nor would he allow private ownership of the farmland. This is what Dr. Eiselen who was one of the architects of Apartheid said after he retired:
    'Dr Werner Eiselen, a leading Broederbond theorist and Verwoerd's Secretary of Native Affairs, resigned his post in 1960 and became High Commissioner for Bophutha Tswana. Some said it was because of his general disillusionment that so little had been done to promote genuine separate development. Some time later he gave an interview to a French journalist who wanted to know why the government had not practised what it had preached. "My dear sir, you can't imagine the bitterness of our internal political struggles. The opposition criticizes us when we put into practice what they demand in theory, that it to say when we improve the lot of the Bantu. The farmers lose sight of our aim, they do not think ahead. When the state purchases land for the Bantu they say: ' Perhaps it is my farm they are going to buy up tomorrow. ' Our people... only think of their daily comfort. They accept the theory. But at the same time they want comfort. Obviously a generous theory and unchallenged comfort are incompatible.

    回复:@PV van der Byl



    最后一次机会可能在 1956 年被放弃,当时维沃尔德(以及几乎所有其他有影响力的国民党人士)拒绝了汤姆林森委员会的建议。汤姆林森是斯泰伦博斯的教授,布罗德认为,如果黑人的家园要能够生存下去,两个步骤绝对是必要的。第一个是政府和私营部门(包括外国)对家乡工业的投资,第二个是将班图斯坦所有当时公有(即由酋长控制)的农田转变为个体黑人农民拥有的私有财产。

    I don’t much care for William Beinert (retired UCT professor) but his account of the Tomlinson Commission supports your remarks closely:

    1956年,汤姆林森委员会向种族隔离政府提交了报告。这是一份雄心勃勃的非洲储备开发计划书,这位斯泰伦博斯农业经济学教授认为,如果种族隔离要取得成功,这一计划至关重要。只有国家对农村发展进行大规模投资,未来的家园才能腾飞。只有这样才能阻止非洲向大城市移民的浪潮 汤姆林森对替代方案很清楚:要么他的计划得到实施,要么种族隔离就会失败。

    他建议投资超过 100 亿英镑(现在是这个数字的 73 倍)。 在众多关键提案中,有三项脱颖而出。非洲的土地所有权应该得到巩固和私有化。应允许私人投资,包括外国投资。农村工业化的快速发展应该由国家提供资金。

    人们通常认为汤姆林森塑造了国土政策,但这只是部分正确。维沃尔德当时担任原住民事务部长六年。他精力充沛,将他的部门扩大为国中之国。他对这个由他的前任任命的广为人知的委员会感到不满,该委员会并不直接受他控制。维沃尔德经常被视为“独立发展”的理论家和坚定的主角。但他也是一位关心权力的实用主义者。 维沃尔德拒绝了这三项核心建议,部分原因是他认为这些建议对白人选民来说太过分了,但也因为个人土地所有权的愿景会破坏他将权力下放给非洲酋长的政策。 他认为,种族隔离最好围绕保守、传统主义的农村等级制度建立,并希望酋长成为他的客户。它们将成为南非荷兰语民族主义者控制南非农村黑人并确保顺从的卫星小国的主要机制。

    汤姆林森的提议将具有很大的破坏性,可能会减少数十万家庭获得土地的机会,从而在短期内造成大量贫困。令人怀疑的是,国家能否投入足够的资金来确保系统性的工业化。 但至少汤姆林森看到了农村地区的潜力,并提供了一条通往现代化和发展的道路。 维沃尔德获胜,巩固了僵化的传统领导、习惯法和地方政府的半功能性父权制度。

  107. @匿名的






    为了保卫比利时人,刚果自由邦是利奥波德的“个人封地”,但 不能 比利时殖民地。正是因为1908年之前无法无天、暴利时期发生的暴行,它才成为比利时殖民地。

  108. @大卫

    1500 this year? Ha! 12,000 children under the age of 5 die every day in Africa.

    The grim reaper reaps by the bushel. If every soul were a grain of rice (that's about 2mm souls to the bushel), the only exceptionally heavy lift in our lifetimes is the Dec 26, 2004 tsunami.


    The WHO says 25,000, not 12,000. Proving your point to the nth degree.

    I used to have a colleague from India, and whenever there was some sort of disaster there where a few hundred died, he’d say that no one there cared, that it takes 1,000+ deaths to get any Indian’s attention.

  109. @很多

    在 80 年代初,潮流显然对他们不利,但他们本可以突破约翰内斯堡周围国家的东北 1/5 地区,在那里他们只占多数,加上西部 1/4 地区,有色人种占多数,但白人仍然较多比黑人。

    他们与班图斯坦人进行了半心半意的尝试,但他们太小了,没有真正的独立性。如果少数白人人口离开该国 55% 的中心地区,他们本可以合理保留的 45% 地区的白人人口会变得更加强大。这样他们就可以在不失去国家的情况下废除种族隔离,并得到里根和撒切尔的友好支持。

    回复:@unit472、@Neutral、@foxy、@Bob、@ABN、@Trumpenprole、@G Pinfold、@Terry、@Daniel H

    Your analysis is 100% correct. White South Africans have themselves to blame for losing their country. They couldn’t imagine a world without cheap servile labor. Well now they have nothing.

    As far as the notion that the world would not have accepted this partitioned white homeland, well, the world would have had to accept it because South Africans would have had a clean motive to fight and defend it. Besides, what is this “world” that we talk of? The west is dying, demographically and economically. Russia and China would have no qualms about doing business with a white South African state and would have likely sought them as allies to counter the west. White westerners, we are our own worst enemies.

    • 回复: @Tr

    A few commenters are painting South African whites as victims who "lost" their country. It's a common trope, especially on the internet, but South African whites enjoy their positions on top of the socio-economic heap in South Africa and are milking their status as the cognitive elite, and gatekeepers to the middle class, without any of the responsibility of ruling over masses of restive natives.

    Sure, SA whites have lost political power, and love whining about it, but they have triumphed in every other meaningful way, and have managed to keep the majoritarian impulses of the ANC in check (only South Africa's long-standing and smaller Indian community has arguably done better since the demise of apartheid). Things are probably better for whites in South Africa than any time since the 1960s. Some whites do whine about affirmative action and Black Economic Empowerment (online especially), but those were the tools that created the small black middle class that safeguards the white position. A case in point is the impending retirement of Helen Zille, leader of the white-dominated Democratic Alliance. Her annoited successor is black, but there is very little disquiet about this fact in the ranks-he won't rock the boat.


  110. Blacks in the USA have launched onslaughts against non-black shopkeepers in just about every one of their riots. Andrew Young even had the temerity to insult Asian and Arab shopkeepers when he had a job as a mouthpiece for Walmart. Foreign Zulus taking things to the next level that domestic ones can only dream of. Small shopkeepers of course don’t take jobs away since the locals don’t run shops as it is. Without the Koreans blacks would have to travel long distances for their hair weave kits. It’s just some primordial jealousy bubbling up.

    • 回复: @Jfr

    Blacks in South Africa have had shops called "spazas" for a long time. In fact, during apartheid, those were one of the only sources of black capital formation, and even led to a few millionaires (the original Wabenzis).

    But it is hard for a spaza owner supporting a family and small staff in South Africa to compete with traders from China, Somalia or Bangladesh, who have multiple cousins living in their storerooms, who manage to avoid paying taxes, and who remit all their money. I recall reading during the Soweto "xenophobia" recently about ethnic cartels undercutting locals to drive them out of business.- it is probably apocraphyl but not entirely unlikely either.

    South African blacks have not given up [*] the way that indolent American blacks who attack Korean shopkeepers have, but they have been squeezed out, in many sectors or the economy by people who are almost impossible to compete with.

    [*] although, to be entirely honest, a significant number of brighter South African blacks have found it more profitable to get involved in various forms of government corruption, aka "tenderpreneurism".

  111. @匿名的
    It's strange but I haven't heard one single word of condemnation uttered by the lefties against these 'appalling heartless racist xenophobic attacks' against 'poor innocent migrants who have only come to enrich South Africa and to seek better lives'.

    Evidently, the Totem Pole works here too, and blacks being the supreme deities of the cult of victimology can never have their names taken in vain, even if the gods in their capricious sport, start murdering one another.

    Compare and contrast the incessant vilification, hatred, contempt, ridicule, abuse, verbal and physical attacks etc meted out in UKIP by all sections of British society from the BIG bastards of the Daily Mail, BBC, The Times, Telegraph, The Sun etc who have made common cause with the the hardest of hardest lefties in doing everything humanly possible to try to derail and defuse UKIP ahead of May's General Election. Their big tactic now is to deliberately talk down UKIP's poll ratings in order to dissuade voters from voting for them, in a kind of self fulfilling prophecy.


    Replies: @22pp22, @Jfr

    Actually, in South Africa, most lefties (and most South Aftican whites, who are decidedly not lefties, at least not in private) have been extremely vociferous in vilifying and condemning the “xenophobia” of local blacks in exactly those terms, along with the white-oriented English-language media.

    The government, whose incompetence and corruption in enforcing migration policy leads to periodic explosions has been pushing hard to shut down discussion, with the ANC premier of Gautemg province tweeting that any attempts to “intellectualise” the attacks are “political opportunism”. South African blacks outside the ruling party have been more ambivalent. The ANC is making belated moves to tighten up on migration, but shrill voices from its own left-wing prevent too much of that. A suggestion that refugee camps be set up for newly arrived “refugees” was greeted with hysterical accusations of “apartheid” by lefties close to the party (why refugees from places like Somalia and Bangladesh need to travel all the way to a South Africa is another mystery).

    It is an interesting situation- SA whites are taking the side of foreigners over their own countrymen. Part of this is self interest, since foreign blacks form a useful buffer, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that foreign blacks are perceived as more docile, and because South African whites buy into the “hard working illegal immigrant taking the initiative” narrative (which is true to some extent, but beside the point).

    South African whites are also likely to complain about massive black unemployment (25% or higher), about crime, and about the massive welfare bill, but fail to make the connection to illegal immigration.

  112. @丹尼尔·H





    当然,南非白人已经失去了政治权力,并且喜欢对此抱怨,但他们在其他所有有意义的方面都取得了胜利,并成功地控制了非洲人国民大会的多数主义冲动(只有南非历史悠久且规模较小的印度社区才自种族隔离制度废除以来,可以说做得更好)。对于南非白人来说,情况可能比 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来的任何时候都要好。一些白人确实抱怨平权行动和黑人经济赋权(尤其是在网上),但这些是创造了维护白人地位的小型黑人中产阶级的工具。一个典型的例子是白人主导的民主联盟领导人海伦·齐勒即将退休。她备受赞誉的继任者是黑人,但这一事实在队伍中并没有什么令人不安的——他不会破坏现状。


  113. @anonymous
    Blacks in the USA have launched onslaughts against non-black shopkeepers in just about every one of their riots. Andrew Young even had the temerity to insult Asian and Arab shopkeepers when he had a job as a mouthpiece for Walmart. Foreign Zulus taking things to the next level that domestic ones can only dream of. Small shopkeepers of course don't take jobs away since the locals don't run shops as it is. Without the Koreans blacks would have to travel long distances for their hair weave kits. It's just some primordial jealousy bubbling up.

    Replies: @Jfr

    Blacks in South Africa have had shops called “spazas” for a long time. In fact, during apartheid, those were one of the only sources of black capital formation, and even led to a few millionaires (the original Wabenzis).

    But it is hard for a spaza owner supporting a family and small staff in South Africa to compete with traders from China, Somalia or Bangladesh, who have multiple cousins living in their storerooms, who manage to avoid paying taxes, and who remit all their money. I recall reading during the Soweto “xenophobia” recently about ethnic cartels undercutting locals to drive them out of business.- it is probably apocraphyl but not entirely unlikely either.

    South African blacks have not given up [*] the way that indolent American blacks who attack Korean shopkeepers have, but they have been squeezed out, in many sectors or the economy by people who are almost impossible to compete with.

    [*] although, to be entirely honest, a significant number of brighter South African blacks have found it more profitable to get involved in various forms of government corruption, aka “tenderpreneurism”.

  114. @马克·敏特
    I got this hobby of looking at real estate web pages. I have done it for years. And you can determine the economic health of a place using big house as the bellweather indicator. I sort of start in New York, then Los Angeles, Miami, Vegas (still sucks), then Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Paris, then often I use Engels Volkers, this German firm for a world wide glance at the bigs. Houses and apartments from 700-1000 sq meters (7700-11000) are not all that common. They exists but are some percentage smaller than 1% on most of these pages, which are the elite of real estate listings. As you would expect, the US, UK, France, Italy, all dominate the top priced listings. New York has gotten ridiculous even by New York standards. The good stuff in Miami has sold and now what's left is far north of Miami Beach like Aventura. LA is very ridiculous and now the best pages are showing Tarzana where in 2009 it was all L.A proper. Vegas still sucks.

    At the bottom typically, in price are Chile (lots of big houses surrounding Santiago, Dominican Republic (particularly older big houses in Casa de Campo but mostly it is an American retiree destination as fares as the economy fares. Newer stuff on the north coast of the DR do well), a lot of junk ugly stuff in Costa del Col and the Barcelona coasts in Spain, some older stuff in Mallorca (Spain in general still hasn't recovered). And surprisingly Belgium kept popping up with some really neat attractive big lofts, neat renovations in villas, particularly in Flanders, and in Antwerp like stuff that would sell for 15,000,000 in Paris goes for 2.5-3.0 million in Antwerp. Go figure.

    Then there is South Africa.

    Before getting all iSteve educated, I would see those South Africa houses and not notice. I figured, "yeah well Africa or something. Maybe Cheap land. Cheap Labor." But then there is this recent news about Kill The Boers, all the murders of the "settlers" the rape rate, and last night I noticed something.

    It is a dumping ground. It is beyond just cheap houses. Houses costs what houses cost. Labor is labor. Land is land. But there is a limit. A door costs what a door costs. Windows same. And especially in a place like South Africa, Chile, the DR that aren't famous for making sinks, bathtubs, stoves, ovens, even windows, those things can even be more expensive because they often are brought in. Colombia is surprising "costly". A big house in Bogota is cheaper than the US and UK, but often is 3 million for 600 mts and competes with a US house outside of those big famous areas. Cali is cheap, Cartagena, Barranquilla are not. Heck, there is still an unresolved war going in Colombia. Yet I would consider it in a heartbeat before ever thinking of South Africa.

    And South Africa is beyond cheap and it is sheer numbers of those big houses in those pages. Engels Volkers is a German company, there 4400 German listings, 1500 Lux properties in the US and Italy. There are 6600 in South Africa.

    And the number of big properties, larger than 700 mts is staggering. 260 out of 1200 worldwide. Almost 1 in 5. Literally once you get below the 2 million euro level in Engels Volkers, 90% of the listings for page after page in houses 700-1000 meters are South African. It is beyond just that they can build them cheaper. I read these pages so often, for so long, you can recognize hardship and dumpage vs even a slump or an affordable market.

    It is a like a whole country is doing what white homeowners in Ferguson, Mo are doing. Except the Fergie people are gonna lose their shirts. The Boers, at best will lose their country and many will lose their lives.

    Replies: @silviosilver, @Bert, @Jfr

    The ZAR is a weak and volatile currency, which is why high-end property is so cheap in South Africa currently (it isn’t particularly cheap by local standards). The South African government has started preparing legislative restrictions on foreign agricultural land ownership for this reason-too many rich Europeans were supposedly snapping up Cape wine farms for a song.

    There is also the fact that estate agents actively market properties overseas (which is why South African estate agents panicked when they got wind of the foreign ownership restrictions, and the government had to issue a quick clarification that they were intended to apply only to agri land). South Africa is a strange country like that: third world savagery coupled with sophisticated property and financial markets.

    You are probably experiencing some kind of sampling bias because of this. I wouldn’t read too much into those real estate listings.

  115. An

    劳动力市场的竞争并不能解释所有这些“仇外心理”。 还有针对外国店主的目标,他们远没有与当地人竞争,而是提供他们原本不会有的服务。 但这就是它在肯尼亚和乌干达以及独立后其他地方的运作方式。 某种毁灭文明根枝的本能……
    “仇外心理”当然是完全自然和理性的。 人们为自己的领土——他们的家庭、部落、国家、种族——做出了巨大的牺牲,并且相当理性地不想分享它。

    此外,中间人的少数群体很糟糕——从字面上看。 假设中间人少数民族是种族分离的——例如犹太人、华侨、黎巴嫩人、中南部的韩国人等等——中间人少数民族对东道国人口*不是*积极的。 它们充当资本和技能(以及更深奥的中间人技能的遗传选择,包括智商)*离开*社区,而不是在其中建立。 它实际上是在抢劫,即使服务一流。

    我承认,在非洲,当地人在提供服务方面似乎如此绝望\低劣,以至于您开始认为……即使印度人在那里,他们会不会过得更好? 但即使在非洲,情况仍然不是这样。 如果没有中间人,就会有聪明的黑人能够站出来提供这样的服务——诚然不是这样。 他们这样做是为了让你最终发展出一个称职的本土商业阶层。 中间人少数民族只是消除了这一点,让东道国人口*永久*依赖和贫困。


    话虽如此,在这种情况下,外国人是班图人,他们可能会留在南澳,并可能在一两代人之内与东道国人口结婚,他们建立的任何财富和技能将主要留在“社区”中。 (例外情况是那些只汇出所有钱并打算将财富用回本国的人。)




    综上所述,在这种情况下,外国人是班图人,他们可能会留在南澳,并可能在一两代人之内与东道国人口结婚,他们建立的任何财富和技能将大部分留在“社区”中。 (例外情况是那些只汇出所有钱并打算将财富用回本国的人。)

    不仅仅是班图移民。 巴基斯坦和印度移民还让黑人妇女怀孕和结婚,并住在乡镇(这让南非印第安人感到恐惧,他们在种族隔离制度下无法与黑人发生性关系)。

  116. @马特拉

    是: 反移民北方联盟党领导人马泰奥·萨尔维尼呼吁立即对利比亚海岸进行海上封锁,而西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼领导的意大利力量党的重要成员丹妮拉·桑坦奇表示,意大利海军必须“击沉所有船只”。




    “The Catholic Church hates Europeans.”

    Give me a break. The Catholic Church has been one of the rare voices in the modern world arguing against the birth dearth and urging Europeans to put an end to it. If Catholic Spaniards and Italians were more devout, then there’d be a lot more of them (and the canard about how we have to import immigrants to beef up the work force would be even more obviously false).

    Moreover, whereas the Pope is always going to encourage Catholics to be charitable towards those with less, it’s ultimately up to the layman to determine how much of his paycheck he or she will fork over and when enough is enough – any authority the Pope has does not extend to usurping that final decision. And there’s nothing un-Christian with arguing that there are better solutions to the refugee problem than draining Africa of its most entrepreneurial citizens and turning them into Europe’s underclass and/or its new Bosnias.

  117. @ unit472

    The world wasn't going to let the whites of South Africa have an Anglo/Boer state in Africa. It would have been successful and would be a source of embarrassment for the rest of black Africa. South Africa might have survived as an Israeli style ethno state for awhile but it would have been even more isolated than Israel and with borders almost impossible to defend.

    Now the rest of Africa is fighting over the carcass of the only advanced nation on the African continent and 5 million whites did not leave enough for even the 40 million non white South Africans to live off of much less the tens of millions of outsiders seeking to live there. The Boers are moving to Western Australia.

    Replies: @Jfr

    The idea that Boers are moving to Western Australia is often heard, and many whites are indeed leaving South Africa for Australia, NZ and Canada, but they won’t be able to preserve their Boerness for long in those countries. Australia has high English language requirements, tested by means of an exam, and limited opportunities for Afrikaans education. Afrikaners or Boers will have to assimilate, which is tough for a people who value their language so highly.

  118. @ anonymous-antimarxist

    Got rid of The Atlantic 12 years ago after being a subscriber for over 15 years. Can't believe anybody wastes any time on it any more. A once great and nearly essential magazine for over a 150 years is now just clickbait barely above Gawker or Salon level of seriousness. Don't even read their free stuff.

    Sorry Syon unless you fill me in on what the The Atlantic is saying, I have nothing to add because I refuse to go there.

    回复:@SPMoore8,@Jim Don Bob

    Yep. The Atlantic went straight down the toilet after Micheal Kelly got killed in Iraq. They hired Andrew Sullivan and fired Mark Steyn.

  119. It might be late to post this one, but a old saying said better late then never. I saw this clip on Youtube where a guy wonder if is South Africa heading to an IMF bailout?


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