更多种族否认主义可怜的旧纽约时报? 他们射击马,不是吗?

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改编自最新的Radio Derb,可用 在VDARE.com上

撒哈拉以南非洲人和他们的 后人 在新世界里, 我们物种的本地品种 智人. 他们表现出自己的特殊性 统计 对可遗传特征(包括行为,智力和人格特征)的描述是绝对不足为奇的。 也是 狗的品种; 还有什么 人造的 选择 狗狗 已经产生了数百年, 雅康果中的天然抗氧化成分得以留存, 人类之间的选择当然可以在数十万年中完成。

这就是VDARE.com读者熟悉的东西。 有没有机会 种族现实主义 在整个社会扎根?

如果 “纽约时报” 具有 关于它的任何话。

目前 卫冕 种族否认主义的堡垒 是一个 艾米·哈蒙 [鸣叫她] 带线的 被誉为“国家通讯员……涵盖了科学与社会的交汇处。”

Harmon女士最近为该活动捐赠了两件作品。 短缺 of 黑人数学家.


我可以对此发表一些谦虚的看法。 游览大学以促进 我的一本数学书 (首要的痴迷:伯恩哈德·黎曼(Bernhard Riemann)和数学上最大的未解决问题s十五年前,我通常可以在任何给定的大学中找到一位数学系的人,他是一位志同道合的人,会诚实地对我说话。

我应该解释一下,有一些VDARE.com读者不知道的机会, 美国大学的教职员工向左走,向左走。

我在为 国家评论 当时在大学里被介绍为 国家评论 功臣。

对于某些教师来说,这太过分了。 他们认为自己的校园应该被一个顽固,法西斯主义,充满仇恨, 新纳粹商店 喜欢 国家评论.

不,别笑了; 我没有弥补。

但正如我所说,通常至少有一个 壁橱 数学系比较保守。 第一个机会,他会邀请我进入他的办公室,小心翼翼地关上门,倒给我喝一杯,然后卸除他所在机构中普遍存在的各种左派校园疯狂现象。

为了公平对待这些可怜的陷入困境的人,他们最大的挫败感不是针对他们的同事,而是针对他们的同事。 大学行政。 就一般教师而言,大学行政人员是 方式 更远。 我听到了一些可怕的故事。

我记得其中一个人-是的,当然都是人-向我讲述了他在数学系招聘委员会中的经历。 该委员会在聘请黑人讲师方面承受着巨大的压力。 但是要找到一个人并不容易,因为数学博士的数量很少


在20月XNUMX日的文章中,哈蒙女士将黑人研究数学家的人数定为 十三在0.7个国家中,即全国范围内,即XNUMX%。

黑人占总人口的XNUMX%,这的确令人震惊 代表性不足。

看来,这种偏执的种族主义偏见不仅是美国人。 它在世界范围内。 自从1936年创立以来,菲尔兹奖就相当于诺贝尔奖的数学奖。该奖仅授予XNUMX人。 一种 这些人中有黑人。

Harmon女士对此处的因果关系在科学上一无所知。 她举例说,有些人是坏人! 可怕的人!—造成差异的生物学原因。 但!!!-


答案 是那个 人文科学博主JayMan 给出:“您不需要知道工厂中每个工人的名字就知道它生产小部件。”



当然,科学没有任何线索,也不是线索的最微妙的暗示! 根本没有头绪!-关于什么,确切地说,是父母将自己的子女传给了孩子。

最有可能的是什么也没有。 那些受精卵从理想中诞生为完美的空白石板,对不对? 只有纳粹分子不同意。


这也是我在 国家评论。在 准备 参加2012年竞选 赫尔曼·凯恩 在... GOP字段, he 下降了 像共和党候选人一样给我们一些时间。

该隐与我同年出生,同我一样,拥有数学学士学位。 不过,他比我聪明,后来又获得了计算机科学的硕士学位。 在那附近的某个地方,他为美国海军研究数学问题。


他从事过什么样的问题? 我问他(过去式。 “弹道”,他说; ”导弹弹道 等等。”

我:“洛塔 微分方程?”


我,有点偷偷摸摸:常微分方程 or 偏二氟乙烯?“


如果您不了解这种交流,请从我这里获取: 弹道,该隐的答案是正确的。


与政客的成就一样令人印象深刻,但是,微分方程是一项艰巨的数学工作。 要成为一所好大学的数学系的老师,您需要达到几个以上的水平。

通过分布的尾巴的众所周知的属性, 统计人员一直在努力解释,则比例差异实际上会在极端情况下迅速变大。


Plus 成为数学教授 付得不好。 如果您是拥有数学博士学位的黑人,那么华尔街上也有一些公司也会像猫一样在您身上争夺,提供的资金比学院还多。

艾米·哈蒙(Amy Harmon)一无所知。

她什么都不知道 什么 许多。

有人可以把 “纽约时报” 摆脱苦难? 它曾经是一本非常好的报纸。 我记得我在1973年到达这些海岸时的第一次接触。给我留下了深刻的印象。 您可以在星期日版上度过一整天,这对您提高知识和理解力很有好处。

现在 纽约时报 远远没有消失。 现在,它只是一个虚假的,虚假的意识形态的宣传机构。

快点,把这不幸的东西关掉。 他们射马,不是吗?

2010-12-24dl [1]约翰·德比郡[给他发电子邮件]写一个 数量惊人 关于各种主题适用于各种网点。 (这 不再包括 《国家评论》,其编辑发脾气和 解雇了他。) 他是 作者 of 我们注定要失败:恢复保守的悲观主义 和其他几个 图书. 他拥有VDARE.com com出版的两本书: 异议权(也可以在Kindle中使用) 以及 异议人士权利第二卷:《 2013年议论录》.

(从重新发布 威达 经作者或代表的许可)
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Gringo 说:

    这一切都在《高等教育黑人杂志》中。请参阅史蒂夫的博客。在 SAT 数学 0.7 分或以上的学生中,黑人占 750%。可以肯定的是,大多数数学博士。 SAT 数学成绩达到 750 分或以上。


    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Jett Rucker
  2. 我认为德比郡等人忽略了像哈蒙这样的人的产出的关键点。

    It isn’t intended to be read critically; nor is it likely to stand up to such criticism.

    Rather, it is produced to confirm preferences, to allow people to continue to believe that their wishful thinking has a rational foundation. All parents are wise and loving, our politicians are selflessly working for the common good, and if there aren’t many black mathematicians, it’s because somehow they’re not being given a fair shake. No need for any unpleasant suspicions or unsettling doubts. Mommy loves you.

    • 同意: Hail
  3. Truth 说:

    You and Steve’s writing style is sometimes so hard to tell apart.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  4. Mr McKenna 说:


    “少于一半。”那里有有趣的“人物”。我们是否应该相信这个比例是 40% 或 45%?



    • 哈哈: DFH, Mr. XYZ, Jett Rucker
    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @IQ
  5. llloyd 说: • 您的网站

    只是为了逗弄一下。 也许连续几个小时、甚至可能连续几天解决数学问题对有色人种来说不会或很少有吸引力。 这会让他成为一个脾气暴躁、厌世、干巴巴的人,就像约翰·德比郡一样。 赫尔曼·凯恩也有时间从事政治生涯。 脾气暴躁、厌世的干黑人很难找到。

  6. dearieme 说:

    “New York Times … used to be a very good newspaper. I remember my first encounters with it …”

    And I mine: I was a university fresher at the time. “Duller than Le Monde” was my verdict.

    • 回复: @Prester John
  7. It used to be a very good newspaper.


    You used to have lower standards, is all.

    • 同意: Buck Ransom
    • 回复: @Realist
  8. Realist 说:

    Correct. The NYT has always been a shit rag.

    • 回复: @TomSchmidt
  9. TomSchmidt 说:


    I’m limited to reading 5 stories a month without paying. I rarely exceed that number.

  10. anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:

    唔。 我会说实质上可能占 50%,但风格上只有 5% 左右。


    两人都喜欢消除神话。 但塞勒先生似乎对种族以外的问题真正感到好奇,而德比郡先生则努力想出一些东西来满足那些不能经常听到自己比黑人更好的人。

    • 同意: llloyd
    • 哈哈: Truth
    • 巨魔: MBlanc46
  11. @Mr McKenna


    Hey, getting more people to hate FDR – that can’t be a bad thing. (Whether he had squat-all to do with making bank loans is quite another story….)

  12. @anonymous

    IMO, as far as style, Steve Sailer can be more snarkily LOL-sarcastic than John Derbyshire. However, Mr. Derbyshire’s writing all flows together and is just more well thought-out and organized. Steve Sailer writes great medium-length articles in Takimag, but, for whatever reason (word limit?) he doesn’t usually have a good conclusion paragraph or two. His articles often end abruptly.

    • 回复: @Hail
  13. Regarding the post here itself:

    Amy Harmon purports to be the NY Times writer that covers the “intersection of 科学社会. She’s not a scientist and she doesn’t live in society (most of us don’t count NY City as part of decent society). Therefore, she knows not of what she writes.

    I well remember, with a few friends that switched from engineering/science to the major as exceptions, that Journalism majors were not the brightest people in college. That school was just above the bottom, “General Studies” (for the football players), in difficulty of the fields of study. I think journalism was a more honest field when it was practiced by people called “reporters”.

    I don’t have any memory of EVER taking the NY Times seriously, but I didn’t feel the need to buy a 2″ stack of paper on Sunday mornings to waste the whole day, when there were certainly better things to do… like, say, now here on the internet! (OK, I’m headed outside to get work done, as soon as I write a Peak Stupidity post and it gets a little warmer.)

    • 回复: @Hasdrubal Plenum-Smith
  14. Calvin Hobbes [又名“ Calvin X Hobbes”] 说:

    “In her February 20th article, Ms. Harmon gives the number of black research mathematicians as thirteen—nationwide—out of a total of eighteen hundred i.e. 0.7 percent. With blacks at thirteen percent of the population, that is indeed a striking under-representation.”

    评论者 utu(在 Sailer 帖子上)给出了以下数字:


    27 American(白色)
    3 美国人(犹太人)
    3 南美洲/西班牙

    Assuming those numbers are roughly correct, only about a third (31 out of 91) of Purdue math profs are white or black Americans. Probably the the situation is not so different at other research universities. So, the black percentage among these research mathematicians shouldn’t be compared to the black percentage of the population to assess black under-representation. White Americans are also under-represented among these research mathematicians relative to their percentage of the American population.

    此外,卡米拉·本博 (Camilla Benbow) 还获得了关于在万分之一的聪明水平下测试的孩子与在百分之一的聪明水平上进行测试的孩子会发生什么情况的数据。 超级聪明的孩子获得 STEM 博士学位和成为成功研究人员的几率要高得多。 几乎可以肯定,超级聪明的孩子中黑人的比例远低于相当聪明的孩子中黑人的比例。

    • 回复: @Miro23
  15. I’m not sure the Times was ever good. In the 70s, it was a CIA leak sheet, and a number of its top reporters were actually CIA assets. It’s always been terrible on Israel. Back in the day, the best things about the Times were the real estate ads and Red Smith. Everything else was straight garbage.

  16. Priss Factor [又名“ Asagirian”] 说: • 您的网站

    • 同意: By-tor
    • 回复: @By-tor
    , @Alfa158
    , @El Dato
  17. Realist 说:

    Now the number of grammatical errors simply astounds.

    I don’t care about the grammatical errors….I talking about the god damn bullshit.

    • 同意: Kratoklastes
    • 回复: @TomSchmidt
  18. Old Prude 说:

    How many books/novels has Sailer written? I like Sailer a great deal, but Derbyshire’s style is lovely and his scope is vast. His understanding of human nature is spot-on, and his intelligence, logic, and insight, nonpareil.

    • 同意: Joseph Doaks, Hail
    • 回复: @Rich
    , @anonymous
  19. obwandiyag 说:


  20. Calvin Hobbes [又名“ Calvin X Hobbes”] 说:




  21. Somewhat OT, but I’ve wondered lately if our elites have promoted this “Green New Deal” nonsense, not just because of their ignorance of thermodynamics, but also because they see the need to dismantle and dumb down the nation’s energy system in preparation for their plan to replace the white population. They understand on some level that the browning of the United States will deplete the smart fraction needed to run the system we have now.

    Nuclear power, especially, makes a big cognitive demand, and the U.S. won’t have enough smart people to maintain and operate nuclear power plants competently it when the population turns over demographically in another generation or two and we become a nation of brown dumbasses best suited for stoop labor.

    • 回复: @SafeNow
    , @europeasant
  22. @obwandiyag

    Humboldt died in 1859, so he missed out on Darwin’s theory of evolution, the invention of modern statistics and the study of intelligence (both pioneered by Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton), and the discovery of the mechanism of heredity. What we have learned since Humboldt’s time has revolutionized our understanding of human biodiversity beyond Humboldt’s comprehension.

    • 回复: @IP Freely
  23. Hail 说: • 您的网站
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Mr. Derbyshire’s writing all flows together and is just more well thought-out and organized

    I agree, and would say Derbyshire’s writing is another example of the superiority of British rhetoric over American. As an American with no ties to Britain, I would have to admit this.

    Assign a Briton and an American, who have the same ideas and same IQ, to write an x-word article about y topic in z time and the Briton will simply tend to say it better, nicer, more aesthetically.

    It is not some mystery why Americans attribute +10 or +15 IQ points to (most forms of) a British accent. It is the latter’s way with words, their cultural tradition of, and emphasis on, strong rhetoric. We White Americans of Christian origin are a straightforward, plain-speaking people.

    • 回复: @Patrick in SC
  24. fondolo 说:
    @Calvin Hobbes


  25. Not only do most people not understand tails of distributions, but the average person is really quite resistant to the idea that different groups might have different distributions, different averages and so forth. But if you stop even for a second to think about it, it would be quite amazing if different groups of people had the same distribution of characteristics and the same averages. If individual people differ, then why should any two groups of people be the same? It would be extraordinary if they were.

  26. @Achmed E. Newman


    What, you mean academic institutions still call it journalism? I thought by now it would be “public information dissemination studies.”

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
    , @Hibernian
  27. By-tor 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Harmon’s version can only be depicted in a Hollywood movie, such as the one celebrating the futuristic spear throwers of Wakanda ( Wauconda, IL ) and Atlanta. Black children in the US are predominately wards of the Leftist Ruling Class’ Welfare State because of the crude ghetto culture and low IQ.

  28. 这是一个有点话题,但我读到男性获得 12 分或更高分数的可能性是男性的 700 倍
    SAT 数学部分的成绩高于女性。然而,菲尔兹奖获得者几年后

  29. @Aryan Racist

    Criticized hell, he was ousted as President of the University, after he went so far as to stupidly apologize. One woman professor said she almost fainted straight away after hearing Mr. Summers’ scarily-biased speech. I think it’s high time for those of us in academia to all go around carrying smelling salts for these occasions, in addition to the usual pepper spray and 9 mm CCW on some of our more vibrant campi.

  30. Mac 说:






    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @ia
    , @anonymous
  31. @Hail


    The difference in political speech-making is painful. It’s not that British pols are marvelous human beings, it’s just that they can actually speak. Imagine Prime Minister’s Question Time in this country. Ouch.

    • 回复: @MBlanc46
  32. @TomSchmidt

    My memory may be slightly at fault here, but I read The Wheezing Old Grey Yenta regularly all through the ’80s and it seemed to me they could not get through a single issue without at least 6 references to/or maudlin articles about Kristallnacht. I wonder if it is even worse than that now.

  33. @obwandiyag


    • 回复: @El Dato
  34. Daniel H 说:


    And woe to the researcher who actually does seek out the genetic evidence. Amy Harmon will be at the front of the pitchforks, ready to grab and defenestrate him.

  35. Rich 说:
    @Old Prude

    Sailer has only written one book that I’m aware of, it was called “America’s Half Blood Prince” about a former American president.

    • 回复: @Hail
  36. Hail 说: • 您的网站

    He has talked of publishing a Best of Steve Sailer book. I don’t know why this hasn’t happened. It would be a good way to supplement his donation drives.

  37. @Colin Wright

    大体正确。我认为 Z-Man 说得对。像哈蒙女士那样的文章是关于不惜一切代价将道德强加于社会的。


    Derb 就像 Sailer,一个 CivNat。他们拒绝拒绝左派的道德。当然,他们嘲笑左派的愚蠢,希望他们的事实和逻辑能够获胜。但通过讨论,他们承认事情就是这样。事实是,在欺凌者背后窃笑永远不会阻止欺凌者。



    • 同意: Monotonous Languor
  38. llloyd 说: • 您的网站

    当约翰·德比郡(John Derbyshire)远离种族和移民问题时,他的著作读起来既有趣又富有启发性。 然而最近,他似乎只写了这些。 如果似乎是那些主题,我将停止阅读他的作品。 如果约翰环顾四周,发现美国所有的数学家都是亚洲人,他会感到困扰吗? 也许有一半亚洲人。 当约翰和我离开这个凡人的地方时,这似乎就是将会发生的事情。

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @attilathehen
  39. Alfa158 说:
    @Priss Factor

    I recall decades ago one of those Popular Science type magazines ran a how-to story on making one of these in your garage. Impressive as a project for the local school science fair, but I think it involved high voltage, and science fairs these days have probably become very cautious about things that might burn, bang or zap, and the occasional neutron or gamma ray that is emitted freaks people out. I would imagine that entries today lean more toward subjects like the effects of climate change on non-binary gender indigenous peoples in Asia-Pacific.

  40. @dearieme

    Yeah, better than Ambien. Usually only read The Gray Hag for the editorials, back when they had decent chaps on the OpEd section (Safire, Reston etc.). Haven’t bothered to buy the damn thing in over twenty years. It always tilted left but guys like Reston, Rosie (A.M. Rosenthal) etal would at least try to be fair. Now? Fuggedaboudit! Just another arm (along with the WaPo) of the demokrat party propaganda machine.

    • 回复: @John Conner
  41. MBlanc46 说:
    @Patrick in SC

    I worked in London for a couple of years in the 1980s. I remarked to an English colleague that I thought that British political debate was of a much higher caliber than American. My colleague, who had taught in the US and was here quite often, said that he thought it was just the opposite. I still think that I was right, but his disagreement does make me think. Perhaps familiarity-breeds-contempt is a factor.

  42. @Buck Ransom

    I don’t know about worse, but the go-to reference these days is Emmett Till, not Kristallnacht.

    • 回复: @jack daniels
  43. @Calvin Hobbes

    Ol’ obwandiyag makes Amy Harmon look like Demosthenes, Aristotle and Newton all rolled into one.

  44. @Buck Ransom

    I believe it was SPY Magazine who suggested, back in the 80s, that a more fitting name for the NY Times would be “Holocaust Update”.

    Forget which wag it was who quipped, “The NYT doesn’t have a funnies page… but it /does/ have Abe Rosenthal.”

    It’s been Unforgiveable horsesh!t ever since I was a lad.

    • 回复: @Wally
  45. @Hasdrubal Plenum-Smith

    It’s been a while, Mr. Smith. Maybe it is already for all I know – PIDS 101: The Government as the source of All News, 3 credits + 1 credit lab (student must supply own kneepads).

  46. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    I compared the writing styles earlier, CoaSC. On their material, I agree that Mr. Sailer doesn’t seem to think that America’s problems can’t be reversed with just a little bit better understanding by the ctrl-left. Mr. Derbyshire, however, did write 我们完了 相反。

    What I think is that both of these writers had never really understood the role of Big Gov’t/Socialism as the major cause of our downfall, Mr. Derbyshire because he’s still British in some ways, and Mr. Sailer because he doesn’t put much thought into that stuff. I also think both guys are great reading and good people, but one minor thing about Steve Sailer that irks me is his awe for Hollywood people. Yeah, he lives in Los Angeles, but c’mon!


  47. SafeNow 说:

    Yes, nuclear power requires pre-replacement types. But the Green New Deal’s elimination of air travel is also not just for climate reasons. A big reason is who will be able to pilot the planes and work the air traffic control.

  48. One of the smartest math students I have met is black. I told him he should try to get into Harvard but he didn’t seem interested. He got a good job doing something with computer networks. The thing is, few blacks are 100% black, so even if black genes are bad at math there should be some white math genes sneaking through. I think sociological factors play a larger role than JD does. Also, in today’s money-mad society someone who is good at math will likely skip pure math in favor of investment banking or some other specialty that pays well. Probably feudalism is a better environment when it comes to nurturing mathematicians.

  49. @Oleaginous Outrager

    Maybe so, but the go-to reference will be decided on by the same crowd.

  50. @Achmed E. Newman

    True about the Derb. A man who wrote an entire book on the fact that we’re doomed due to our immigration policies and other issues knows the score. That said, Derb hasn’t followed his own logic and moved on to what’s next.

    That’s my issue with Steve and Derb. Either they think that we can debate our way out of this (Steve), in which case they’re delusional, or they know that the old world (the white world) that we once knew is terminally ill (Derb) but refuse to think and write about what whites can do to survive and even flourish in the world that’s coming, in which case they’re either lazy or cowards (not wanting to lose what small place they retain among public intellectuals).

    Either way, I am a rapidly losing respect for two guys that I have greatly respected for years.

    The best that I can hope is that Steve and Derb very much understand the situation but see themselves as a soft landing ground for normie whites who are new to all of this. Someone needs to gently explain to them that their world is not as it seems and, indeed, is rapidly crumbling around them. It takes time. (Trust me, I know because I was one of them.) And it’s an easier pill to swallow with Steve and Derb’s wit.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  51. @jack daniels

    You may be right about feudalism being a better environment for fostering mathematicians dedicated purely to math and not Wall Street wizardry, but you’re laughably wrong about everything else that you wrote.

    First, environment at best accounts for 50% of intelligence and likely far more, probably closer to 80% by the time that we’re adults. Indeed, in first world countries where food and shelter aren’t an issue, environment becomes even less important. So, no, American blacks aren’t being held back by their environment, at least not by more one or two IQ points, i.e. not enough to move the needle. (Also, who do you think creates that environment? Yeah, other blacks.)

    Second, American blacks are on average 85% African, which, of course, is why they’re not quite as low IQ as their full African cousins. Not sure your point here. I guess that you’re saying that some half-blacks have a shot at being PhD-level mathematicians if they get lucky enough to have a lot of very smart white genes. Well, yeah.

    Related, are you saying that there would be more black PhDs in math if not for the temptation of more money on Wall Street or other endevors? Two issues here. First, the same can be said for whites and Asians, so it’s a wash.

    Second, remember the numbers (we are talking about math), the numbers of blacks scoring a 750 or above in math – what you need to have a shot at being a PhD in math – are tiny and correspond with the number of black mathematicians. So, no, there’s not some pool of black math geniuses that are being sucked into other fields.

    Btw, congrats on having such a smart black friend. Maybe he can explain what “on average” or “outlier” mean.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @res
    , @Franklin Ryckaert
  52. Truth 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country

    I guess that you’re saying that some half-blacks have a shot at being PhD-level mathematicians if they get lucky enough to have a lot of very smart white genes. Well, yeah.

    Gotta love those Mulattoooooeez!


  53. res 说:

    For people who care about references (and truth), here is a relevant paper: Alexander Von Humboldt on Slavery in America
    Full text available on libgen.

    This looks like a pretty good take on Humboldt’s views (concluding statement of the paper):

    Finally, we should not forget that it was Alexander von Humboldt who
    wrote in his Kosmos:

    In maintaining the unity of the human race we also reject the disagreeable assumption of superior and inferior peoples. Some peoples are more pliable, more highly educated and ennobled by intellectual culture, but there are no races which are more noble than others. All are equally entitled to freedom: to freedom which in the state of nature belongs to the individual and which in civilization belongs as a right to the entire citizenry through political institutions.34

    Seems much more like an anti-slavery statement than commentary on group differences.

    Feel free to provide your own references, obwandiyag.

    • 回复: @obwandiyag
  54. res 说:
    @Aryan Racist

    Based on this paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160289610000346


    桶_____V 700 名男性__V 700 名女性__M 700 名男性__M 700 名女性
    在 5 年中,没有哪个性别组在任一分项测试中获得 100 分的人数超过 800 人。 1981-1985 年正好有 0 800 个。 1981-1995 年,语言 0 分恰好为 800 分,女性数学 0 分为 800 分,男性数学 8 分为 800 分。

    所以实际比率更像是 4 倍。

    重新审视原始论文,看起来有人在重复这里的 13/13.5 数字。

    从1981年到1985年,≥500、≥600和≥700水平的男女比例分别为2.61比1、5.82比1和13.5比1,从而重复了以前的发现(Benbow&Stanley,1980,1983;分别为 2.1 比 1、4.1 比 1 和 13 比 1)。从1986年至今,男女比例在多个层面、多个时期都有下降。从图 1 中可以看出,SAT-M 成绩≥700 分(前 0.01%)的学生比例在 1981-1985 年之后立即开始下降,但在过去二十年中一直保持相对稳定,大约为 4 比 1 ,最近一段时间(2006-2010)的比率为 3.83 比 1。因此,我们确认了下降,尽管没有达到 Stanley 给出的和研究文献中普遍引用的水平。 800-6.58 年 SAT-M 满分考生(1 名)中,这一比例为 2006 比 2010,这表明即使在最右尾,男女比例现在也远低于 13 比 1。

    I think Wai et al. may have made a mistake here and that Benbow & Stanley 13 number was for the SMPY (13 year olds, so a much higher threshold, with a correspondingly higher M/F ratio), but I can’t find the right reference to be sure. But see the caption of Figure 1 which indicates how they got their 13.5 number for 1981-1985:

    类似于 SAT-M 500(前 0.5%)和 700(前 0.01%)的智力水平基准是根据 SAT-M 总体平均值和标准差,使用分布内 z 分数近似值计算的。

    Chased down a reference. The 13 number was for the SMPY as I thought: https://www.gwern.net/docs/iq/smpy/2000-benbow.pdf

    比例为 2:1 青少年 SAT-M 分数至少为 500 分,分数至少为 4 分的学生为 1:600,分数至少为 13 分的学生为 1:700。

    但 13.5 这个数字似乎是合法的。所以你可以为你的 12 倍数字做一个薄弱的理由。 4x 看起来是一个更好的估计。

    This is a good reference for both sex and race differences on the pre-1995 SAT: https://www.ets.org/Media/Research/pdf/RR-02-04-Dorans.pdf
    More about this paper at https://www.unz.com/jthompson/tilting-at-sex-differences/#comment-2229909

    So what does Maryam Mirzakhani’s Fields Medal make the overall M/F ratio there? 67:1 by my quick count (may be off a few). Seems consistent with the other numbers here.

  55. res 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country

    Btw, congrats on having such a smart black friend. Maybe he can explain what “on average” or “outlier” mean.


  56. Reg Cæsar 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country



    Since when does a lust for absolute power constitute a “morality”?

    Morality is found mostly on the right. There are moralists in the center, but that’s where the amoral concentrate, too (e.g. publicly-funded stadia, tax abatements).


  57. anon[119]• 免责声明 说:

    The purpose of a person like Amy Harmon is to push a narrative akin to a religion while making the lily good whites who read the Times feel intellectually (and morally) superior in the process. The fact that Harmon is a laughing stock among those with actual understanding of the subject is not important. The fact that she keeps wealthy, influential people of middling intellect on the right side of history is what matters.

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
  58. obwandiyag 说:

    Thanks for confirming what I said while not even knowing your doing it, genius.

    • 哈哈: res
    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  59. obwandiyag 说:
    @Aryan Racist

    Larry Summers said that catholics make bad bankers. Larry Summers is an idiot. All university presidents are idiots. But Larry Summers is idioter than others. I would fire him just for the way he looks–like a wombat.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  60. obwandiyag 说:

    I can’t believe you idiots, with all your graphs and statistical mumbo-jumbo, are confusing SATs, which are supposed to measure cumulative knowledge, with IQ tests, which are supposed to measure innate intelligence. The stupidest among you are the ones who post the most statistics. Or should I say “statistics.”

    • 回复: @res
    , @anonymous
    , @anonymous
  61. Anon[288]• 免责声明 说:

    “confusing SATs, which are supposed to measure cumulative knowledge, with IQ tests”

    There’s a correlation between the two; high SAT scores usually indicate high IQ scores. It’s not one-to-one, but it’s significant nonetheless. And since more people are familiar with SATs, and we can see group breakdown by year, it’s a useful measure. Further, SATs don’t necessarily measure “cumulative knowledge”. That’s the ACT. The Bell Curve explains that the highest SAT score a student can reasonably expect generally increases in ~logarithmic fashion (slowly towards some value) with study time, so innate genetic potential plays a role. There are exceptions, of course, but the law of large numbers shows that these exceptions will be smoothed out over a large sample size. The mean of a large group is what’s important here, not whether or not there is a rare genius who simply cannot take a standardized test for the life of him due to crippling social anxiety or PTSD.

    “The stupidest among you are the ones who post the most statistics.”


    • 同意: Hibernian
    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Hibernian
  62. res 说:

    We get that you don’t understand statistics. No need to confirm that. Any real arguments or do you only have hot air?

    • 同意: Wally
  63. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    I may have written this before to you, CoaSC, but this is not a prepper site (I’ve read flat-out Mao-sack-hanging Commies on here, but never preppers!) These two excellent writers can do a great service in opening people’s eyes, and they both have a fair amount of courage and integrity to have avoided, or been purged by, the mainstream Lyin’ Press.

    Although often the prepper/survivalist writing gets into the best rocket stoves, how to modify a carburetor to run the generator on natural gas. best ways to store veggies … etc… – very good stuff mind you – they often do have commenters who try to help each other realize the best bet for a course of action to best ride out the shit-storm coming our way. It is VERY difficult for me to decide whether this country is worth fighting (in some fashion) for. There is no clear vision of how things will go down, so that impedes my decision-making.

    Unfortunately, as Geddy Lee sang, “如果你选择不做决定,你仍然已经做出了选择。”:

  64. niteranger 说:

    Derbyshire leaves out two of the most important points: 1) NY Times is a Jewish controlled propaganda of the Deep State. 2) Harmon (I think) is Jewish too. This is a 24 hour hateorama against all whites, white science and Western Civilization. What are you missing Derb?

    If you read Harmon carefully you will find she appears mentally ill and uses the same cultural meme in all her work. She doesn’t understand basic science and basically uses other cultural communists as her sources. She has no understanding of STEM majors at the university level and with her magic belief system that the reason for blacks not in enough position is because everything is white privilege. Yet, I wonder what she would say about Jews controlling entire departments in the social and humanities areas? Is that Jewish privilege? Oh, I forgot that doesn’t apply to them including the fact that in the Ivy Leagues over 75% of presidents, dean, and higher ups are…..Jewish. Blacks should aim not for STEM degrees because they really don’t pay much as compared to these administrative jobs which require bullshit and mickey mouse degrees.

    This will never end until they equalize our society…whatever that means. There is one basic rule about academia: You can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit. You can give them fake degree, fake positions but that won’t make them any smarter!

  65. It was Jihad against elements and competition, That made faster development of Eurasians in comparison to African population. To catch up Africans would need a millennia to catch up and it would be possible under experience of the same conditions. Knowledge of Blacks is only superficial. It is as we say monkey see monkey do. After all even animals have some memory capability. To have an innovative logical brain functions black will never achieve.

  66. Reg Cæsar 说:

    The fact that she keeps wealthy, influential people of middling intellect on the right side of history is what matters.

    Or on the right side of hysterectomy.

  67. Reg Cæsar 说:

    Who’s his Web designer? What’s the significance of the pee stains? Is he a Who fan?

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @Commentator Mike
  68. They shoot horses, don’t they

    Priceless, Brilliant.

  69. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    “…Btw, congrats on having such a smart black friend. Maybe he can explain what “on average” or “outlier” mean…”

    Or perhaps that “black” friend was only a “one drop” Black ?

  70. ChrisZ 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    Achmed, do you have any reading recommendations to supplement the knowledge I’ve gained from Sailer and Derb in a more practical way? I’d be most obliged by your thoughts.

    Perhaps you’ve dealt with the subject of the world that’s coming on your own blog?

  71. dearieme 说:

    “Alexander von Humboldt, who was infinitely smarter than you, thought that scientific racism was pathetic and ludicrous and vile.”

    Yeah, but Isaac Newton, who was infinitely smarter than me – and probably everyone else who has ever lived – thought it made sense to spend much of his time on alchemy and the occult.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
    , @dimples
  72. @Prester John

    如果 Roseanne Barr 使用这块抹布而不是 Ambien,她可能仍然拥有自己的节目……。

  73. @Mac


  74. @llloyd

    Why do you think it would bother him if half the academic mathematicians in the US were Asian? Or if, as well 20 per cent were black? Of course he – and you – would rationally have to conclude that something very strange had happened to America, and that it might not be good.

  75. @Truth

    Maybe your black mathematician can be like Jack’s smart black buddy and explain what “average,” “standard deviation” and “outlier” mean to you.

    I know a woman who’s 6’1. In your mind, I guess that proves that women are the same height as men on average.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @Mike Tre
  76. @Achmed E. Newman

    Agreed that I was a bit harsh. Derb and Steve have fought the good fight for decades – using their own names – giving up much in terms of career and money. They also do God’s work opening the eyes of normies and helping them cross the great divide to our side.

    Btw, not sure why you think I’m some prepper type. I have no clue what the future holds, but I’d suspect that it’s not some Balkans-like civil war (although that’s no longer completely unthinkable, just extremely unlikely) or Mad Max scenario. I’m just arguing that we’re moving past the point where debate matters. AOC and the upcoming POC majority simply won’t care.

    My argument is that the very small number of European Americans who understand what’s happening need to start getting to the grunt work of building our own community within the larger society that’s coming. We need our own business associations, community groups, schools (or, at least, programs for our children to learn about their heritage), political organizations, even ethnic churches, etc.

    Talk of civil war and fighting on the street is childish. We need to build. It’s not glamorous or glorious, but it’s what needs to be done. That’s not prepper stuff. Preppers are living in a fantasy world.

    My issue with Steve and Derb is that they don’t ever – ever – bring up what whites should be DOING. They just mock the other side using facts and logic hoping it will persuade them. It won’t. And even if Steve and Derb are doing this for the benefit of newbies, they should occassionally throw in some advice for what to do next.

  77. ia 说:



  78. @ChrisZ

    Chris, I used to visit the survivalist sites, and even Zerohedge used to have some articles, but moreso, very good commenters, that would discuss these worries and the making of concrete plans based on how each thought things will go down. You can find these type of sites, but I’d rather not suggest any, as it’s been a while and websites often morph. (I do remember survivalblog – by a guy named Wesley Raules(?), and the SHTFplan, written by a guy who experienced the misery in Bosnia, but wrote in bad English – on purpose I think, to make people believe him more!)

    Peak Stupidity is not a survivalist/prepper site, Chris*. I really wish I lived in a place with more with-it independent, survivalist types, such as I’ve met, and even read words from right here. I can’t move right now though, but that’s just it: I really want to know more about how things will pan out, whether it’s worth it to care about traditional America, etc. before I make a plan. I guess you’ve got to hedge and guess, though ….


    * although I do maintain that the Peak of Stupidity comes when the financial stupidity reaches a head, and a big financial crisis occurs, most likely leading to political crises. I don’t think the world will have time for any of the stupidity (feminism, genderbending, race hustling, etc…) at that point. I wish I could tell you when, but in 2010 I reckoned America wouldn’t last the way it is now for even 5 years.

    • 回复: @ChrisZ
  79. 现在是谁在开玩笑?艾米·哈蒙(Amy Harmon)知道黑人无法达到必要的数学水平,但她有工作要做,根据《纽约时报》文化马克思主义者的议程来促进黑人的发展,你知道这就是她正在尝试做的事情,那么,为什么假的暴行?如果你有木箱鼓,Limey,你会用燃烧弹轰炸灰女士,而不是在这里占据空间!

  80. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    Preppers are living in a fantasy world.

    There are various levels. You can go by the people on those Doomsday shows on TV, but you know that the media wants to make them look bad. Some are ready for Mad Max/TEOTWAWKI*, the SHTF, or simply a very bad economy for a long time. Then again, I see the people that do want to start their own schools, maybe some local civil defense, etc, as preppers too, just at a different level.

    Yeah, CoaSC, I didn’t assume you were storing diesel on 1000 gallon tanks, dehydrating venison, and burying guns (yet!), but I do know from your comments that you are in the same quandary as me, wondering whether America will go the Brazil route or what, and whether Americans will ever get enough of a clue in large enough numbers to do what you suggest, etc.

    And even if Steve and Derb are doing this for the benefit of newbies, they should occasionally throw in some advice for what to do next.

    That’d be good, but I guess it’s just not their thing. For one thing, as I believe I wrote above, they are really not anti-Socialism enough for my tastes. You can’t support Socialism, yet still argue for the good traditional-America-building ideas that you stated in the one paragraph.


    * In case anyone doesn’t recognize that, I’ll just put a song in here:

  81. @ChrisZ

    For both you and Citizen of a Silly Country – Equal time here for a real prepper song. This guy Corb Lund is from Alberta, Canada:

    No one wants paper money, son, so you just better stop countin’.

  82. Truth 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country

    No, but I can reasonably assume that Mr. Farley is smarter than you are.

  83. Harbinger 说:

    I remember going out for a drink, with a black woman while in London, about 12 years ago. While talking profession came up and I found out she was a math teacher. I asked what drew her to want to teach math and she told me that not only was she not a math professor, having not studied in university, she was a physical education teacher who was offered more money to teach math.

    London and positive discrimination (affirmative action in the US) has brought about the insanity of people in professions they haven’t the skills for, while those who do work in a 9-5, outside their profession because they’re white. Positive Discrimination murdered meritocracy, all in order to fool the west that blacks have the same intelligence as whites.

    • 不同意: ben sampson
    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
    , @ben sampson
  84. awry 说:
    @Buck Ransom

    Sándor Márai, a Hungarian writer who lived in the USA after he fled from Communism had this to say in his diary about the NYT (sorry for the raw translation based on Google Translate):

    The New York Times. I haven’t seen it for four years. Not that I missed it, but now, as I take the pound-weight Sunday copy, the bitter-stuffy ghetto smells from the pages – and from its readers, the New York Jewry -…. 90% advertisements, 10% hate, defamatory hostility against everything and everyone who is not a Jew. There is a Jewish conspiracy in the world – New York is the not secret bunker of this conspiracy – a ruthless, hardy, all-rage breeding, fascist Jewish conspiracy that uses communism as a tool (like the Nazis) for Jewish racial domination purposes. The New York Times is an English-language mouthpiece of this racial conspiracy – they might as well printed it in Hebrew letters for Zionists

  85. @Truth

    You got me, Sport. I’ll listen to it, and try to make something out of it. Yes, I do know almost everything played by Rush, but, as with most music, it’s the tune and sound that really matter. Good lyrics are just a flourish … unless you’re singing folk songs about hammering in the morning and shit.

    See Peak Stupidity’s 什么是一首好歌?

    • 回复: @Mike Tre
  86. anonymous[273]• 免责声明 说:
    @Old Prude

    Sailer has a very powerful way of cutting through bullshit even if it is sometimes less than eloquent. Derbyshire just sounds angry about blacks.

  87. this as is anything concerned John Derbyshire in these pages is gitz, impsy, arsehol-ish. I am pissed at myself for even getting to a Derbyshire article… but here I am anyway

    what is the truth relative to Blacks and math?

    I am sure this article and all the replies under it, contributed zilch to further clarity on this issue… if it is indeed an issue

    I don’t have the faintest clue as to the true state of math awareness and capability among Black people the world over. I know there are a lot of Black american scientists in american industry, government, schools etc. you do not become a scientist of any kind unless you are facile in math.

    it is the same all over the world..many Black scientists..an increasing factor not a decreasing one. guys apparently are simply choosing not to become mathematicians for whatever reasons

    I grew up in a majority Black country. all the teachers were Black and all were facile in math..ALL..right through the levels. I don’t know no Black people who do not have high school math..and beyond. All are facile in math. why at least some did not on to become mathematicians I don’t know. I can think of at least 3 who can be if they wanted to be

    we have a world that has been driven off the rails by white domination. any unusual thing is possible given massive white depredations on humanity, on planet earth for at least 400 years now. white people have been super destructive not positive. all the ills can be traced back to white planetary destructiveness.

    look at what Derbyshire complains about here..the degradation of a supposedly once classy and proud newspaper, into a garbage publication.

    Black mathematicians did not do that. there aren’t even enough to go around. its white people themselves did that.

    and it is arguable of course whether the Times, the newspaper in question was ever a good publication..or well meant and intended, relative to the whole population it addressed. I for one never saw the NYT as anything but a tool of white domination, imperialism in the world, elitist and racist. that is what it was and is even in its technical decline.

    I don’t care about the NYT at all..never did and don’t now for all those reasons. never did and never read it unless I got a free copy. I would not pay for the dam paper.

    and look! we cant get a grip on the issue at all from what is offered here as an issue..a dearth of Black mathematicians… which may not be an issue at all. as a matter of fact I am happy that there are only vanishingly few Black men and women mathematician, who would be of course in the american military making that military more capable of killing people of color the world over

    this talk here issue pisses me off because it has nothing to do with the truth of Black people relative to the study and profession of math in the world..about the facility of Black people in math the world over. i don’t know what that facility is but no one here does either.

    but I am confident however, on and by my experience of life as Black human being..that reality is nowhere near any projected negative as on this page..to be found in the overall bigoted irrelevance
    here starting with Derbyshire

    • 回复: @By-tor
    , @awry
  88. anonymous[273]• 免责声明 说:


  89. crimson2 说:

    最有可能的是什么也没有。 那些受精卵从理想中诞生为完美的空白石板,对不对? 只有纳粹分子不同意。


    主要问题是,自从智商作为一种衡量标准诞生以来,它已经发生了很大的变化。 弗林效应表明,智商每十年上升约 3 个百分点。 这在任何方面都没有争议。 另外,没有争议的是:黑人和白人的智商差距一直在缩小。 例如,查尔斯·默里就承认这一点。

    由于我们知道弗林效应的价值,我们可以说,今天美国黑人的平均智商略高于美国白人祖父母的平均智商。 这又是没有争议的。

    所以有什么问题? 看来,如果智商完全取决于遗传,那么今天的黑人的基因比娜娜和皮爪略胜一筹? 为什么还有担心呢?

    这一事实往往会让像德比郡这样的种族主义者陷入困境。 我还没有听到一个好的答案,我也不期望在这里看到一个好的解释。

  90. @Harbinger

    It is not uncommon for people with a degree in one field have the prerequisite education and background to teach another subject. Hence why when applying for teaching positions, it is not uncommon that a complete CV and course breakdown be submitted.

    The assumption that a degree in one field but teaching in another reflects some manner of affirmative action is a failure to comprehend the academic teaching community. It’s akin to the assumption thata degree in any particular field equates to the ability to teach period.

    That practice (cross discipline teaching) has existed since there has been education.

  91. @Reg Cæsar

    If it was the Georgia Guidestones it’d be understandable but I don’t think they were built yet. Still the symbolism is obvious – concrete as opposed to nature – and they’re showing you what they think.

  92. anonymous[273]• 免责声明 说:

    ‘Larry Summers said that catholics make bad bankers.’

    Twll him who the fugger family were. Whilst you are at it tell him who the lombards were.

    • 回复: @Alden
  93. anonymous[273]• 免责声明 说:

    ‘with all your graphs and statistical mumbo-jumbo’

    Unfortunate choice of words.


  94. anonymous[273]• 免责声明 说:

    ‘I can’t believe you idiots, with all your graphs and statistical mumbo-jumbo, are confusing SATs, which are supposed to measure cumulative knowledge, with IQ tests, which are supposed to measure innate intelligence. ‘

    Find a dictionary and look up the word correlation. Then get yourself a copy of the bell curve.

  95. anonymous[273]• 免责声明 说:

    ‘Your understanding of the subject seems rather limited, as evidenced by your rather ignorant comments.’

    In several decades this will be his epitah.

  96. @Harbinger

    that is nonsense isn’t it! what the hell is this then..Harbinger just wanted to say something, had nutten of value to, and just cut loose with that crap?

    if she teachers math she has the facility to so..or she would not be teaching it effectively… so that she was still doing it at the doing of that listed conversation at least. if she was not effective, was not facile at math she would not have been asked to do it..and the kids would rebel

    that happens all the time everywhere..where people with facility are often asked to fill in due to local need in areas for which they are not specifically traine.. but are nevertheless very capable at it

    and that Black woman surely was capable at math.

    what struck me is that she actually went for a drink with Harbinger eh? not on your life! or if she actually did I bet she never went again..and learnt something by that experience about the men she ought to avoid in future

    • 回复: @Harbinger
  97. Calvin Hobbes [又名“ Calvin X Hobbes”] 说:

    Mr Farley is a smart guy. An underachieving a-hole, though, in my opinion. Do you have any idea where he is now and what he’s up to? A quick googling did not tell me.

    What’s your opinion about racial differences in mental ability? Do you think that it’s likely that blacks are genetically just as smart as whites and Asians? There are obviously some extremely smart blacks, but they’re relatively rare. Why do you think it is that even blacks who grow up in prosperous families are usually not all that bright?

  98. anonymous[273]• 免责声明 说:

    ‘The assumption that a degree in one field but teaching in another reflects some manner of affirmative action is a failure to comprehend the academic teaching community.’

    In terms of composing verbose comments to make yourself sound smart…less is more.

    The point of the anecdote is that teaching gym class and teaching mathematics are not in any way correlated. My gym teachers were not fit to do anything more than run a boy scout troupe. The woman should obviously not have been offered the job. The commenter says it is due to affirmative action but we cannot be sure as he supplies no evidence. It is however the exact type of thing affimative action might lead to.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  99. @Truth

    Along with basic statistics, maybe the very smart, very black Mr. Farley can teach you what ad hominem means.

    When the NFL finally gets a white cornerback, you can tell me all about how whites are as fast as blacks.

  100. res 说:

    Farley sounds impressive (summa cum laude at Harvard majoring in math).

    But I kind of laughed at this: “Farley’s heroes include the African military genius Hannibal”

    I wonder if he thinks Hannibal was of sub-Saharan ancestry?

    I get a good chuckle out of language like: “it is just possible that Hannibal looked more like Washington.” That’s nice. Would you bet your hard earned cash on it? Say if we were to find a DNA sample.

    But back on topic, maybe Amy Harmon should interview Farley about his experiences. It sounds like he has received plenty of recognition.

    Dr. Farley is the 2004 recipient of the Harvard Foundation’s Distinguished Scientist Award, a medal presented on behalf of the president of Harvard University for “outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of mathematics.” The City of Cambridge, Massachusetts declared March 19, 2004 to be “Dr. Jonathan David Farley Day.” In 2005, he was named a Science Fellow of Stanford University’s Center for International Security.

    I wonder how that compares to the recognition accorded to white (or Asian) mathematicians of similar (or greater) ability and accomplishment?

    • 回复: @Calvin Hobbes
  101. Wally 说:

    “No, it really was better. Left-liberal, annoying, but spelling errors and outright bias in reporting was not tolerated, or at least blatant.”

    How can any newspaper which praised Communism and Stalin be “better”?

    • 回复: @TomSchmidt
  102. @EliteCommInc.

    exactly! totally true! the school would know her educational facilities because of her cv and in a pinch ask her to fill in to get over a school difficulty… which could simply have been inability to find a qualified candidate just yet to do the job

    Harbinger must have been pissed because halfway through the drink she realized she made a mistake and took off

  103. @dearieme


    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  104. @Reuben Kaspate

    Wouldn’t shock me to discover that Steve and Derb were unknowingly being used as safe release valves. Give race-aware whites some place to vent without actually doing anything.

    But that strategy seems a bit dangerous. Letting people wake up at all can lead them to go off the reservation. I’m an example of that. However, that said, I have noticed that my comments criticizing Steve’s unwillingness to promote any course of action for whites are either not posted on iSteve or held for so long that they don’t matter. He seems very wary of any call to action, even the mild, non-violent goals that I list.

    • 回复: @Mike Tre
    , @Truth
  105. @Calvin Hobbes

    Truth isn’t hear to debate or exchange ideas. He’s here to obfuscate.

  106. @anonymous

    Get your hands on crime statistics, and you’d be angry about blacks as well.

    • 回复: @Mike Tre
  107. “Also, not controversial: the black-white IQ gap has been shrinking. Charles Murray, for example, acknowledges this.”

    and the reason for this is that after close and dominated association for 400 year, Black people Have become white people.

    the disappearing disparity between Black and White IQ and what it means, is no positive thing to me..unless whites too have changed to have imbibed the old Black humanitarianism that would make them more human than they have been

    if the change means the loss of our old humanitarianism..and it does appear that is indeed what has happened.. we are in trouble, the world is in trouble when Blacks and Whites are of the same cruel and destructive type of human beings

    the merging of white and black IQ levels may not be a good thing at all

  108. Harbinger 说:
    @ben sampson

    And you were there?
    How about you don’t get into conversations you are clearly ignorant upon?

    • 回复: @ben sampson
  109. @crimson2

    Lying isn’t nice. 😉

    The Flynn effect is more about children learning how to take tests better than their parents and grandparents via the use of technology, which requires a logical line of thinking, rather than an increase in actual intelligence, “g”. Regardless, the black-white IQ gap isn’t shrinking.



    • 回复: @crimson2
  110. Harbinger 说:

    There was a shortage of maths teachers in the school she was at. She was asked to teach maths, from doing PE.
    I asked her what her qualifications were and she had a GCSE in maths and that was it. I’m merely telling you what she told me. She was not math professor and when I asked how she could teach math, without the knowledge, she simply stated “They give me a syllabus to teach and I teach it. There is no ‘outside the box’ requirements. I simply write down on the board, what they tell me to.”

    That’s the state of teaching in the UK today. It’s just programming. Long gone are the days where teachers brought out the individual within the human. Now it’s all collectivist ‘part of the group’ indoctrination that’s being foisted upon students. They are simply being programmed to be wage slaves and nothing more.

    • 回复: @ben sampson
    , @EliteCommInc.
  111. Wally 说:
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Indeed, the “holocau$t’ story which is simply impossible, laughably so.
    Just a few of examples from the Zionist NYT:

    Atrocity Propaganda and the Holocaust, Is There a Lesson Here?,作者保罗·格鲁巴赫(Paul Grubach):

    “A young Polish Jew who escaped from a mass execution in Poland… repeated a story [told to him by escapees who allegedly saw the electrocution machinery at at Belzec]… Jews were forced naked onto a metal platform operated as a hydraulic elevator which lowered them into a huge vat filled with water. They were electrocuted by current through the water.”
    – February 12, 1944, “纽约时报”

    看到: NYT / Time – Life promote human soap and human skin lampshade lies,
    Soap and Lampshades: The Lies Persist, By Richard A. Widmann : https://codoh.com/library/document/628/?lang=en

    NYT / Christopher Browning and the “Nazi Gas Chambers” of Belzec, 保罗·格鲁巴赫: https://codoh.com/library/document/962/?lang=en#ftnref11

  112. res 说:

    主要问题是,自从智商作为一种衡量标准诞生以来,它已经发生了很大的变化。 弗林效应表明,智商每十年上升约 3 个百分点。

    We don’t know the exact reason for the Flynn effect (yet), but consider height. There was a similar trend in height throughout the 20th century. Do you think height has a strong genetic component? Perhaps you have noticed that tall parents tend to have tall children and short parents tend to have short children? (and of course, one can observe a similar phenomenon for intelligence)

    We can currently predict height from a person’s DNA with considerable accuracy. Between that and all of the other evidence height clearly has a strong genetic component and also demonstrates a trend similar to the Flynn Effect. The IQ GWAS are not to that point yet (they seem to require larger sample sizes), but heritability estimates indicate we are likely to reach that point soon for IQ.

    就弗​​林效应的解释而言,两个主要的竞争者似乎是改善营养(身高趋势的可能原因)和增加教育,提高对智商测试中出现的问题类型的熟悉程度。 恕我直言,这很可能是这些原因和其他较小原因的组合。


    1. 这件事的争议性比你愿意承认的还要大。 关于差距的确切大小以及趋势的陡度和一致性存在很多争论。
    2. 这并不是反对智商具有遗传成分的决定性论据。

    Let’s look at a paper with a conclusion you will approve of: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324074343_Has_the_Black-White_IQ_Gap_in_the_United_States_Narrowed_A_Literature_Review


    我回顾了自心理测试开始以来美国黑人与白人智商差距是否有所缩小的证据。 我的结论是,大多数研究表明差距已经缩小,而那些得出矛盾结论的研究通常似乎是由于方法论缺陷而造成的。

    这听起来不像是一个没有争议的领域(第 1 点)。



    I’d say that is a strong affirmation of my point 2.


    例如,戈特弗雷德森(Gottfredson,2005a)认为,只要美国黑人和白人之间的成就差距缩小,就不会削弱世袭制的地位。 她写道(Gottfredson 2005a,第 313 页):“1971 年至 1999 年 NAEP 趋势系列中黑人与白人的成绩差距并不比 g 理论预测的更大或更小。 预期的最大标准差是 1.20 标准差(黑白 g 差距本身的大小),最小标准差是 0.80 +/- 0.04 标准差(1.20 乘以核心科目的智商与成绩相关性)。 (Gottfredson,2005b)这与 Rushton 和 Jensen(2006)提出的论点类似,他们认为虽然 BWIG 可能已经缩小,但对过去 3.44 年中可能缩小的最大幅度的最佳估计是 100 个点(即1906-2006)。 他们得出的结论是,与效应大小 0.23 相对应的估计缩小是“。 。 。 完全符合我们对美国黑人与白人 g 差异 80 的估计遗传力的预测。” 当然,这依赖于这样的假设:黑白智商的差异反映了黑白 g 的差异,
    这一假设与至少一项研究相矛盾(Fagan 和 Holland,2007)。

    I will add that final sentence is questionable given the entirety (not one cherry-picked example) of the literature surrounding Spearman’s hypothesis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spearman%27s_hypothesis

    P.S. Just wanted to emphasize this part of the big block quote above: “our estimated heritability of .80 for the Black-White g difference in the United States.” That’s on the order of the heritability of height.

    • 回复: @crimson2
  113. @llloyd

    西方的数学家不会是亚洲人。 约翰·德比郡拒绝面对亚洲人对数学没有任何贡献的种族现实。 原因就是他的中国家庭。

    • 回复: @Calvin Hobbes
  114. @Harbinger

    “How about you don’t get into conversations you are clearly ignorant upon?”


  115. @Harbinger

    she told you all of that!?

    • 回复: @ben sampson
  116. Calvin Hobbes [又名“ Calvin X Hobbes”] 说:

    But back on topic, maybe Amy Harmon should interview Farley about his experiences. It sounds like he has received plenty of recognition.

    It looks to me like Farley has received awards and recognition way out of proportion to his work in mathematics. A white or Asian professor of math with his record would be regarded as nothing special.

  117. Truth 说:
    @Calvin Hobbes

    I believe that on average, different “races” have different skillsets. Of course as individuals this does not count. I got biblical here for a second but decided against it and erased.

    In any event I think that it is true, most young black men are not suited to be Phds in Theoretical Math… and neither are most white men, Jews, or East Asians, but the nunber of blacks in lower.
    MHO most young black men excel making their livings in job fields which require communication, physicality or emotional exchange of some sort. Most African-Americans do not have any interest in doing math equasions, (or coding, or looking throught a microscope) for 12 hours.

  118. @ben sampson

    did she tell you the school she worked at also ?

  119. Derbyshire won’t know what to do with himself if the New York Times “shuts down”. He could try to write something instead of the screeds of button pushing group think. Say, maybe there’s an opening at the New York Times for someone with those skills. Higher pay instead of shoveling dirt at one of the satellite offices.

  120. By-tor 说:
    @ben sampson

    “I don’t have the faintest clue as to the true state of math awareness and capability among Black people the world over. I know there are a lot of Black american scientists in american industry, government, schools etc. you do not become a scientist of any kind unless you are facile in math.”

    If you ‘know’ there are black scientists, where are they besides in TV commercials and Hollywood’s ethno-propaganda movies? They are a mysterious, phantom sub-population to be sure. I believe that they are in Wakanda keeping the 22nd Century’s marvels hidden from Whitey. Who knows for sure?

    • 回复: @ben sampson
  121. TomSchmidt 说:

    I attended a school where the orientation was conservative, with a strong emphasis on rhetoric. Teachers would assign columns by William Safire and other writers because of the standard of their written words, regardless of content. I cannot imagine that use for it anymore.

    The problem is not that there’s political bias. It’s that it has crept out of Op-ed and Editorial and become the ONLY thing that the paper does consistently anymore. I can think of two or three NYT articles from the past few years that did the job the press is supposed to do, attempting to hold public officials accountable. For the rest, it’s just constant political haranguing.

    • 回复: @Realist
  122. TomSchmidt 说:
    @Buck Ransom

    I recall once that they had, ON THE SAME FRONT PAGE, an article complaining about Jorg Haider and the freedom party in Austria, wanting to be more Austrian nationalist, while a similar article about Israel backed its national aims.

    The interesting thing there is that for much of liberal Jewish America, Netanyahu’s Israel has become anathema.

  123. TomSchmidt 说:

    Yeah, they oughta give back the Duranty Pulitzer.

    Friedrich Engels was no slouch when it came to communism. Still, read his evaluation of what would happen to Prussia-led Germany in an upcoming conflict. He was spot on. The fact that millions died under his system does not make him completely wrong or useless.


  124. crimson2 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country


    如果这是真的,那么智商差距可能完全是由对技术的接触或兴趣造成的。 这并不是遗传论的胜利。


    如果你知道“g”没有增加,那么你为什么不在遗传智力论证中使用你的证据而不是在智商测试中呢? 答案当然是你不知道“g”是否在增加。



    毫无疑问,差距已经缩小。 有混合的证据表明差距继续缩小。 它缩小的事实很好地证明了环境因素在起作用。 但没有人知道它们是什么,或者它们是否仍在造成部分或全部剩余差距。

  125. renfro 说:

    I.Q. has nothing to do with being a good or bad person.
    So the I.Q. of races is meaningless in the end.
    Currently the ‘smart’ bad people are defeating the smart good people and ruining the world.

    But do keep on spouting crap inspired by articles here and the NYT by people of questionable intelligence obsessed with race and who’s smart and who’s not.

    That is exactly what the race and I.Q. obsessed ‘smart bad’ people want you to do.

  126. Calvin Hobbes [又名“ Calvin X Hobbes”] 说:


    In any event I think that it is true, most young black men are not suited to be Phds in Theoretical Math… and neither are most white men, Jews, or East Asians, but the nunber of blacks in lower.

    Most African-Americans do not have any interest in doing math equasions, (or coding, or looking throught a microscope) for 12 hours.

    So should university math departments make it a high priority to hire more blacks? Should people in mathematics think that the rarity of black mathematicians is some sort of injustice?

    • 回复: @Truth
  127. crimson2 说:

    这听起来不像是一个没有争议的领域(第 1 点)。

    你的引述表明,大多数研究表明种族差距已经缩小,而那些没有缩小的研究往往存在使他们的结论无效的缺陷。 当然,人们可能不同意,但我不认为德比郡等人会在这一点上反对穆雷。


    我也没有说是。 事实上,智商几乎肯定具有遗传成分。 这并不意味着种族智商差距有遗传原因。

    弗林效应和缩小的差距表明,环境因素会影响智商分数,而且影响的尺度与种族智商差距本身一样大。 此外,无法根据任何单一原因确定这些大的变化,这表明环境因素可能以许多未知和意想不到的方式起作用。



    他的证据是……工厂的类比和关于白板的稻草人? 就是这样?


    • 回复: @res
  128. @By-tor

    oh I know By-tor. I know very well and can prove it.

    but I wont do it for you. or with you here and now. you are not very smart and I like you just the way you are. why should I seek to change you

    but you can change yourself. I don have any control over that and don’t know what you actually do with your time

    • 回复: @By-tor
  129. Calvin Hobbes [又名“ Calvin X Hobbes”] 说:

    John Derbyshire refuses to deal with the racial reality that Asians contributed nothing to mathematics.

    Ever heard of Terry Tao?

    • 回复: @attilathehen
  130. @anonymous

    Then you have no clue about the nature of teaching in elementary and High school.

    You simply are making assumptions about what you don’t know. It is normal practice for teachers to teach in multiple disciplines. A gym instructor could be quite capable of teaching math despite that field not being their primary subject.

    How it works in the US



    It is highly recommended that instructors K-12 have the ability to teach more than one subject.



    Note the requirements, they are intended to cover a more than one subject if need be.

    While not the same certification process as in the US, an instructor can be qualified to teach a subject outside of their degree field. This is common practice, and our school systems in the US are built on that reality, especially in the midwest and rural areas where the one room school rooms were common or low income communities that could not afford the expense of hiring an instructor for every field. That diverse expectation is now now-unique to education in general.

  131. @Harbinger

    I suspect that you are filling in spaces with assumptions. That schoools have standardized academic content, and requirements does not deny the reality, that a set of basic skill sets would still be expected to teach a subject, even one in which the instructor is not degreed.

    How it works in the US



    It is highly recommended that instructors K-12 have the ability to teach more than one subject.



    Note the requirements, they are intended to covet a more than one subject if need be.

    • 回复: @Harbinger
  132. XTeacher 说:

    She was asked to teach maths, from doing PE.
    I asked her what her qualifications were and she had a GCSE in maths and that was it.

    My understanding of the 普通中等教育证书 is that it is an exam to determine if a prospective teacher has sufficient knowledge of a subject to teach it.

    I can’t speak for the UK, but I can speak for Texas. In Texas, if prospective teachers have passed the certification exam in the subject they intend to teach, and thus have become certified teachers in that given subject, they may take additional certification exams.

    For example, I initially became certified as a math teacher . While teaching math, I took the certification exam for teaching Spanish. I passed the exam, and thus became certified to teach Spanish. The test, which involved both written and oral components, took 2-3 hours. I had to speak for 15-20 minutes. As I had worked in Latin America, it should come as no surprise that I passed the certification exam in Spanish. As a teacher and substitute teacher, I also had plenty of practice using Spanish in the classroom- and in speaking with parents.

    I would also add that my use of the certification exam in Spanish was a good example of using personal knowledge instead of credentials to get certified. I had taken no Spanish courses after high school, but was fluent in Spanish.

    If that PE teacher passed the GSCE for math, which is the same one that prospective math teachers took, I would assume she had sufficient math knowledge for the job. I would also assume that the GSCE exams have sufficient rigor to insure that only those with sufficient knowledge of a subject would pass it. If the GSCE exams don’t have sufficient rigor, that could be a problem.

    As others have pointed out, it is not uncommon for high school teachers to be assigned courses outside their initial expertise. Some of these outside of expertise experiences are better than others. I had an Economics course in high school. My teacher, who was certified in history, told us that in his first year of teaching, he was assigned the Economics class. His major was in History, not in Economics. That first year, he told us, he was “a chapter ahead of my students. ” He was a very good teacher. As long as teachers take the extra time to get up to speed on the subject, the outside of expertise experience usually turns out well.

    On the other hand, I had an AP World History course from a middle-aged teacher who taught American History. While he certainly had been exposed to World History material- and more- in college, he hadn’t used the material for 20 years. Having a family and also not having the energy of someone in his twenties, he chose to not spend the evening hours needed to get back to speed on World History. As a result, his “lectures” were BS- just rambling conversations with more current events than World History. But his assignments were much more rigorous. That was the worst teacher experience I ever had as a student. Word got around. While the course had been in the school for a decade, it was cancelled the following year because too few students signed up for it. Lack of students had never been a problem before- I was one of 17 in that AP History class.

    Granted, PE to Math does seem a stretch. The rigor of the GSCE exam, I would hope, would screen out incompetents.

    • 回复: @res
  133. By-tor 说:
    @ben sampson

    Okay ben the Ukrainian, then post some proof. Show us that these ‘black scientists’ exist outside of US TV commercials and Hollywood’s ethno-propaganda movies. Name some names besides Geo. Washington Carver.

  134. @advancedatheist

    “Nuclear power, especially, makes a big cognitive demand, and the U.S. won’t have enough smart people to maintain and operate nuclear power plants competently it when the population turns over demographically in another generation or two and we become a nation of brown dumbasses best suited for stoop labor”

    South Africa has two working nuclear power plants supplying 5 % of the electrical power. South Africa dismantled itz nuclear weapons when the Africans took control of the country. Ain’t democracy and demographics a bitch!

    I suppose the USSofA will have to follow a similar course when the demographics change. But that will be a while off unless Sub-Saharan Africa unloads about 100 million of itz excess population.

    So no more nuclear weapons for America in the not too distant future. China will be very happy. Chinese have a lot of patience and 50 or 100 years is not too long to wait. Or it can happen a lot sooner with Sub-Saharan immigration. Maybe the Chinese can pay off some of our traitorous politicians to enact new laws increasing immigration from Africa.

  135. Joe Wong 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Derbyshire definitely is too harsh on NYT. NYT is a free market enterprise, its first obligation to give a return to its investors, to do that it has to produce something it can sell; the Americans wants something to show they are educated without effort, then NYT has to oblige that market demand in order to generate revenue that its investors mandated.

    Public funded schools and universities are the places to make the Americans do critical thinking or criticism, if the Americans cannot do critical thinking or criticism, blaming NYT is like closing the doors after the horses have left the barn. Derbyshire is committing Ad Hominem and Straw Man fallacies here, probably he believes the readers here are the as smart as NYT readers.

  136. res 说:

    Thanks for actually engaging. You are much better than most people on unz.com who post with your views.


    Keep in mind that I linked to a source in line with your views. If you asked the authors of those other studies I bet they would say the paper I linked has flaws. That’s what I call controversial. Which was my point.


    我也没有说是。 事实上,智商几乎肯定具有遗传成分。 这并不意味着种族智商差距有遗传原因。

    没错,但这也不是反对具有遗传成分的种族差距的决定性论据。 感谢您对 IQ 的遗传成分至少有一定的合理性。

    弗林效应和缩小的差距表明,环境因素会影响智商分数,而且影响的尺度与种族智商差距本身一样大。 此外,无法根据任何单一原因确定这些大的变化,这表明环境因素可能以许多未知和意想不到的方式起作用。

    足够公平,但这些都没有提供一个决定性的论据来反对很大一部分种族差距具有遗传原因。 我同意部分差距可能是环境方面的。 问题是:多少钱? 我也认为很明显,种族差距的一部分是遗传的。 但话说回来,多少钱? (顺便说一句,请在之前的评论中看到我的 PS 以获得一个答案)

    And why the redirect to Derbs point? I did not mention that and to my eyes it looks an attempt to introduce a strawman against me since you can’t respond effectively to what I 说过。

    不错的回应,但我会注意到你完全没有参与我的大部分评论。 尤其是身高比喻。

    I began my response with this quote from you: “I have yet to hear a good answer, and I have no expectations of seeing a good explanation here.”

    我的回答合格吗? 如果没有,为什么不呢?

    • 回复: @crimson2
  137. res 说:

    You do understand that the GCSE is intended to be a secondary school level ability test and is not a teaching certification exam, right? (I would have thought so given that you linked the wiki, but your first paragraph indicates otherwise)

    Would Texas consider a decent score on the SAT-M a sufficient qualification to teach math?

  138. Realist 说:

    The problem is not that there’s political bias. It’s that it has crept out of Op-ed and Editorial and become the ONLY thing that the paper does consistently anymore. I can think of two or three NYT articles from the past few years that did the job the press is supposed to do, attempting to hold public officials accountable. For the rest, it’s just constant political haranguing.

    Yes, it’s a sad state of affairs.

  139. Harbinger 说:

    No, I am most certainly not. She had a BASIC math SCHOOL qualification, which she will have attained at around 16. I’m not repeating myself but I will state they were her words not mine.

    Bottom line – here in the UK (England) the more black teachers, the dumber the pupil and dumbing down of education. Low IQ among the Negro peoples and those who aren’t stupid aren’t because of white genes in their ancestry. It’s a fact. All one has to do is look at inner cities for proof – high Negro, low white population results in the domain of gang culture (choice) and morons.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
    , @Anne Lid
  140. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country

    Without reading his reply, Truth will counter that your female friend who is 6’1″ is probably a man. He thinks most women are men.

    • 回复: @Truth
  141. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    以下是 Rush 的歌曲 Witchhunt 的歌词。我想他们今年的表现与他们的作家尼尔·皮尔特(Niel Peart)的预期完全相反:




    That those who know what’s best for us

    And fear walk hand in hand…

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  142. allis 说:







    • 回复: @anonomy
  143. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country

    He’s the biggest censor here at Unz by a long shot.

  144. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country



    • 回复: @attilathehen
  145. @crimson2

    I notice that you didn’t mention the paper I cited and didn’t cite any of your own. Interesting.

    Besides, I don’t really give a shit if blacks are less intelligent than whites. They’re not my people. That’s all that matters. NE Asians appear to more intelligent than whites in special reasoning. Good for them. I still don’t want to live with them or be ruled by them.

    Anyway, sorry to break the news to you, but the the black-white achievement gap for 17-year-olds on the NAEP math test (you know, the one most associated with IQ) has remained steady since the early 1990s. This makes sense. I’d suspect that improvements in black environments and nutrition (yeah, it’s nature and nurture) in the 60s and 70s did help blacks, i.e. we closed the environment gap and left mostly genetics.

    Look, life is an IQ test, and blacks fail miserably – at least when asked to succeed in an environment designed for whites. (Other groups, NE Asians excel, btw.) I’m sure that you explain that away with white racism voodoo, which somehow doesn’t impact NE Asians and South Asians living in the U.S. Oh, right, slavery, Jim Crow, something, something.

    Face it. Blacks didn’t evolve in an environment that required planning. Jumping and humping worked best, so blacks became good at jumping and humping. Why you’re blaming white people for that, I don’t know.

  146. @Truth

    I believe that on average, different “races” have different skillsets. Of course as individuals this does not count.

    That’s only true if you’re dealing with only that individual and only for their lifetime. Otherwise, the average IQ, work ethic, level of violence, etc., for a race matters a lot. Regression to the mean.

    The decision to hire a guy to work at your shop is different from the decision to allow a guy and his family into your country for generations to come.

    Btw, blacks don’t like math and coding at a rate dramatically below whites and Asians because they’re not as good at it. You’re making it sound like they could do as well as whites and Asians if they wanted to. And that, my friend, is a lie, and lying isn’t nice.

    • 回复: @Truth
  147. @awry

    dis is more sensible dan wats his name by-tor wit’ his Wakanda references.


    我说我一生都经历过黑人在各个级别的数学设施。 这不是黑人不能做数学的情况。 黑人没有数学能力。 你们他妈的从哪儿弄来的? 如果我们对数学有恐惧症,那就是强加给我们的一种灌输的有组织的殖民主义事物。 但这可以而且将会被打破……已经是。

    Black people can do match, do do math and any dam thing we have to do..or can be done by any others in life. Black do not suffer from inability at anything and at all levels. I don’t know why that is even an implication here in these pages..in the UNZ review in where there is supposed to dwell high intelligence among the fry commentators, on the words of our intellectual masters, like Derbyshire. ( hahahaha )


    I don’t know. but it is not as if they they failed to become something professional in life. they did not and are just about completing successful bureaucratic careers as we speak. it could have been simple choices.

    南非的情况对我来说似乎是不言而喻的! RSA 发生了什么根本性的变化……一个黑人第五纵队现在可以控制 RSA 资本主义的堡垒,通过统治实际上仍然强奸整个非洲……为了西方白人精英的利益?

    在与白人世界有着 400 年的密切联系之后,黑人现在大部分是白人。 这个事实很难接受,但我因此经历了社会痛苦,这种痛苦迫使我仔细审视这一发展并接受我的发现。

    we have internalized a lot of the white people immersed in for so long and now behave, indeed live accordingly. there has been no Black cultural revolution, to cleanse the people of colonialism…our minds are still imprisoned in all the white colonialist bullshit and imposed limitations.

    文化运作的方式仍然加深了黑人的精神禁锢。 现在黑星很多,现在比以前多了十倍……还在增加。 但它们都表明并巩固了汤姆叔叔、精英主义的白人态度和生活方式。

    whatever cultural change the state of things may bring does not affect the masses of ordinary Black people save in bad ways…set up the uncle Tom and auntie as hero and model. the roads upward are clogged by those want to be, by that path. the roads are narrow and even if we see major increase in Black stars there is no room up there for a billion of them

    if what the former racist South African leader said was true back in the day..”why teach the Black child math when he will have no opportunity to use it!” it is still true today.

    RSA 正在做些什么来发展和扩大自己作为一个由所有人民的观点和观点驱动的国家? 没有什么!

    RSA 仍在为资本家及其全球利益工作。 黑人孩子对数学毫无用处,事实上,他们可能会学到很多东西,因为他们的国家并没有要求他们为自己的国家做这件事。

    他们的国家没有迎合他们,资本主义发展中的工作很少与他们无关或几乎没有关系。 他们接受的教育必须适合资本主义国家的需要……因此他们必须通过态度和举止为自己量身定制,否则就没有工作适合他们。 反正他们没有工作,因为只有这么多人可以四处走动。 他们必须是受雇或失业的叔叔阿姨

    现在,如果那些人突然移动并推翻社会局势,将西方主导的资本主义抛诸脑后,例如将 RSA 转变为集体民族主义利益,那么我们就会有一个不同的故事,一个真实的故事。新的民族主义目标和由此产生的人民需求。

    I don’t know what the overall education developments would be in such a situation, and what part and demand there would be for mathematicians. but the people are capable: that is the bloody point. they are capable of whatever they want to do with what they have. the point is for them to get to that..to take their whole dam country and bend it to their needs.. not those of exploitative foreigner

    所以 RSA .. 所以在同一个国家中,所有其他国家都摆脱了直接的西方殖民主义和白人统治 400 年,而且还在不断增加。

    你弄错了,作者专注于并关心黑人的数学。 在那篇大坝文章中的德比郡也是如此,不管他谈论的是什么数学。 谁他妈的说他们现在并且会如此关注由他们发展的任何文化分配,并为他们?

    美国培养数学专业人士可能很重要。 对你们来说,这似乎是一个很好的地位……但是,如果有大量数学专业人士挤在美国的街道上……这对任何地方都有多大用处?

    what would drive education and popular choice is the culture of the people, their nature/natural conditions, how they must make a living in their existential conditions…what and how they must develop to make themselves safe there.

    如果国家有石油,他们就需要地质学家、工程师、生物学家、化学家和所有相关专业人士。 他们需要一些他们很容易产生的数学家。


    they key would be for them to be totally in charge of their nations… in it, about it, how it is run internally, and their foreign policy..all their own business having absolutely nutten to do with anybody here… and what you think about them.


    who the hell the, would care how many mathematicians you and By-tor think Black people must have to prove prowess at math..and not be considered an inferior people…must have for you to stop calling them Wakanada?

    would do Black people care anyway what you think? I don’t! and I don’t think any Black people anywhere care at all what you call them? if even they heard what you say of them in the pages of the UNZ!” that would be of little concern your both and your opinions would be inaccurate and racist as they are.

    和先驱..我看他不会回答我的最后两个问题。 如果那个和他一起喝酒的黑人女人真的像他暗示的那样把她的情况告诉了他,她就真的很愚蠢。 如果他知道她工作的学校,他无疑会离开,给她带来麻烦,让她丢掉工作。


    it is either there was no date, no drink..or that stuff happened in different circumstances, more, or most likely and he fabricated the bar/drink circumstances to hide what he really did. that’s right what he did. he more than likely worked in the situation with the woman, discovered what he did and used it against the woman..prolly cost her her job

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @By-tor
    , @Old Prude
  148. Truth 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country

    Wouldn’t shock me to discover that Steve and Derb were unknowingly being used as safe release valves. Give race-aware whites some place to vent without actually doing anything.

    And they would have gotten away with it too; if it wasn’t for you meddling kids…

  149. Truth 说:
    @Calvin Hobbes

    No, elementary shcools should make it a high priority to find out at what kids are innately good.

    No. But you have to understand, people in admissions officers must earn their salaries also. It’s all moving dirt from one pile to another.

  150. Truth 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country

    Lots of white guys play basketball. I don’t think that they are under any illusion that will be as good as Michael Jordan.

    • 回复: @jeff stryker
  151. “I believe that on average, different “races” have different skillsets. Of course as individuals this does not count.”



    我在一个黑人占主导地位的地区长大,所有的数学都是由黑人完成的……老师,会计都是垃圾。 通信公司雇佣了很多数学人才。


    在美国,成为一名数学家并没有什么性感……根本没有。 很少有人想成为一名精通数学的人

    • 哈哈: Wally
    • 回复: @By-tor
  152. @Harbinger

    I would love to the analysis that links an increase to black instructors to inner city dysfunctions.

    I would hazard a guess that the dysfunctions of current inner cities, pales in comparison to the inner city life when the those cities were comprised of whites. I take it you think Charles Dickens, critic on the “deplorable” state of the nation’s inner cities was a discussion about blacks.

    And the history of Great Britain whose inner cities have always had various gangs suggests that what is now is endemic to city life, regardless of whether said teachers are black or white.

    Changing the subject won’t change the content or context of the contentions you advance. That simply, a black instructor whose primary field of study might be P.E. , might very legitimately be capable of teaching math or any number of subjects. And while I won’t challenge your narratives, they do not in any manner change the fact, that a particular degree somehow limits said knowledge and skill to teach other subjects. Nor is it an indication that said teacher is teaching merely as some manner of AA agenda. Furthermore, even if said agenda was in place, still would not be an indication that said teacher is incapable of teaching multiple subjects — even if said instructor is disgruntled on the matter. An instructor teaching basic math need only the skills and knowledge to teach the same.

    You simply don’t have enough information even to your example to make the conclusions you are advancing.

    Your attempt to change the subject notwithstanding.

    • 回复: @Harbinger
  153. Harbinger 说:

    Dickensian Britain cannot be compared to inner city, post, civil rights USA. How you could even contemplate the idea beggars belief. One word – Detroit, sums up blacks in the west in a nutshell. Once a bustling, white majority, city and now a crime ridden, black majority, ghetto.

  154. @Calvin Hobbes

    He has to move back to China and help the Chinese with their abacus calculations. We do not need him in the West.

  155. @Harbinger





    To the extent that inner city Detroit contained the same dysfunctions as those of England’s inner cities before the arrival of blacks, i think one can safely contend that any inner city environments tend to provide environments where dysfunction and gangs are more numerous than other environments regardless of skin color.


  156. anonomy 说:



  157. crimson2 说:

    不错的回应,但我会注意到你完全没有参与我的大部分评论。 尤其是身高比喻。

    由于各种原因,这不是一个非常有用的类比。 首先,高度非常容易测量。 当您测量高度时,这就是您正在测量的。 智商测试不衡量智力,因此有很多潜在的干扰。 然后你会有混杂的影响——因为身高营养似乎是唯一的,也许暴露于环境中的毒素或压力也可能是因素。. ,社会经济地位,也许还有更多。 这只是一个更复杂的过程,没有理由相信它的行为与高度相同。

    是的,大部分观察到的差距完全有可能是遗传的。 但是当你说:



    我的回答合格吗? 如果没有,为什么不呢?


    真正的问题是,为什么在 Unz Review 读者的狭隘政治议程之外,其中任何一项都很重要。 显然,通过改善教育环境可以提高黑人智商。 如果智商是一个如此重要的指标,那么即使差距主要是遗传的,那也将是一个起点。

    • 回复: @res
  158. By-tor 说:
    @ben sampson



    Wauconda 由来自新英格兰的白人于 1850 年创立,目前 90% 是白人吗? 不好了!





    • 回复: @ben sampson
  159. By-tor 说:
    @ben sampson

    你是 RT English 论坛上的乌克兰纳粹蛆虫 Jen 吗? 我以前见过你咆哮的风格。

    • 回复: @ben sampson
  160. @Truth



  161. @Harbinger

    底特律人口约占美国黑人总人口的 2.3%。你的论点是底特律犯罪分子代表了美国全体人民。


    在该案件中,45,000名黑人在底特律犯罪。这占整个黑人人口的 0.1047%。再次出于慷慨的考虑,我们得出这样的结论:整个美国监狱里的囚犯都是黑人,大约有 1 万人,我们将把他们指定为黑人。占黑人人口的 2.4%。

    根据您的说法,总体上有 0.1047% 的人犯罪,这代表了 42,999,999 人的犯罪行为。根据我不同意的数字。

    现在您提到了帮派,所以让我们看一下,相对于底特律总人口(占黑人总人口的 2500%),底特律的帮派估计数量为 0.25 个。因此,作为描述性的,它甚至没有反映底特律的黑人,更不用说反映美国的整个黑人人口了。

  162. 智商最初被定义为衡量你解决以前从未见过的问题的能力。


    “天才”黑猩猩精明管| 国家地理 -



  163. ChrisZ 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman


  164. Wally 说:

    “ 2016年,在巴尔的摩13所中学中的39所中,没有一个学生的州数学考试成绩达到了熟练水平。 在其他六所高中中,只有1%的人测试过数学水平。 原始人数中,有3,804名巴尔的摩学生参加了该州的数学测试,其中14名经过测试(http://tinyurl.com/y7f56kg2)。 全市范围内,只有15%的巴尔的摩学生通过了该州的英语考试。
    在全国 100 个最大的学校系统中, 巴尔的摩学校在学生人均支出方面排名第三。
    巴尔的摩的黑人学生获得的文凭证明他们可以达到 12 年级的水平,而实际上他们可能无法达到七年级或八年级的水平。这些学生及其家人没有理由怀疑他们的文凭是假的。因此,如果他们找不到好工作,不能通过公务员考试,在大学成绩不佳并大学退学,他们会将自己的困境归咎于种族主义。毕竟,他们有高中文凭,就像白人有高中文凭一样。在他们看来,受到区别对待的唯一解释就是种族主义。”

    • 回复: @europeasant
  165. @Harbinger

    更正:现在您提到了帮派,所以让我们看一下,相对于底特律总人口(占黑人总人口的 2500%),底特律的帮派估计数量为 0.0058 个。因此,作为描述性的,它甚至没有反映底特律的黑人,更不用说反映美国的整个黑人人口了。

    美国估计有 850,000 名帮派成员。假设他们都是黑人,那么这里的慷慨程度将占总人口的 2.o%,这意味着,事实上有 42,987,000 个无亲属关系的黑人有这样的联系。



  166. Biff 说:

    人们可能会认为 VDare 可以组织一个具有可识别格式的智能网站。有人会错的。

  167. @EliteCommInc.


    您对普遍存在的黑人犯罪、暴力、帮派、懒惰和功能障碍的回应是指向维多利亚时代伦敦的白人犯罪、暴力和帮派(这是事实)并说:看到了吗?白人也这么干! (这又是真的。)




  168. dimples 说:


    • 回复: @Hibernian
  169. @By-tor





    一些白人替代者最近正在计算美国霸权政变……自“独立时代”以来哈哈哈哈。我想他们已经是 1945 年代了,从 XNUMX 年开始




  170. IQ 说:

    如果黑人和棕色人种可以算的话,到了 2019 年,他们就不会还生活在他们现在生活的狗屎坑里,从非洲到中美洲、中东、南亚、东南亚。作为殖民地白人,这些人仍然生活在他们的泥屋、洞穴和原始的石头结构中。他们所有的建筑和道路都是一个世纪前白人建造的,他们甚至无法维护。

  171. IQ 说:
    @Mr McKenna


  172. anon[382]• 免责声明 说:

    “在此案中,45,000 名黑人在底特律犯罪。这占整个黑人人口的 0.1047%。再次出于慷慨的考虑,我们得出这样的结论:整个美国监狱里的囚犯都是黑人,大约有 1 万人,我们将把他们指定为黑人。那是黑人人口的 2.4%。根据您的说法,有 0.1047% 的黑人犯罪过,这代表了 42,999,999 人的犯罪行为。根据我不同意的数字。”

    我不确定你在这里想说什么。您似乎在没有上下文的情况下包含了几个不同的数字,以夸大论点的有效性。例如,你一直提到“2.4%”的黑人人口,但这并不相关。黑人仅占美国人口的 13% 左右,但与其他人口相比,其犯罪数量却高得多。底特律很暴力,但广大黑人也很暴力。也许其他地方的黑人与底特律同胞相比犯罪率较低,但与几乎所有其他人口统计数据相比,他们在其他地方的犯罪率也高得多,因此您认为底特律并不代表整个黑人的论点(以及您隐含的断言底特律是某种异常值)并不完全正确。帮派代表也是如此。有鉴于此,底特律可以用来收集有用的信息,具体取决于正在讨论的内容。

    • 回复: @jeff stryker
    , @jeff stryker
  173. @By-tor


    我是被 Unz 本人吸引到 UNZ 的。我读到了他一篇关于犹太人的文章,发现他的能力很引人注目。这家伙有真正的能力..智力。令人印象深刻......就像我认识的一些黑人学者一样








    • 回复: @Franklin Ryckaert
    , @Truth
  174. @Harbinger




    • 回复: @anarchyst
  175. @anon

    “ 2.3%”


  176. @ben sampson



    • 回复: @ben sampson
  177. @The Germ Theory of Disease



  178. @anon





    • 回复: @Medvedev
  179. @ben sampson

    那么,全黑人的海地在独立 200 年后,周围没有邪恶的白人压迫他们,有多成功呢?

    • 回复: @ben sampson
  180. @ben sampson


    所以你知道所有黑人都这么做吗? (-x-=+)

  181. @Franklin Ryckaert





    • 回复: @By-tor
  182. El Dato 说:
    @Buck Ransom




  183. anon[409]• 免责声明 说:





    “弗林效应表明,智商每十年提高约 3 个百分点。这在任何方面都没有争议。另外,没有争议的是:黑人和白人的智商差距一直在缩小。例如,查尔斯·默里就承认这一点。”





    再次,你的误解。人们关心的是现代人群之间的相对认知能力,而不是与某些古代的、不相关的人群相比的绝对值。世界比过去复杂得多,并且与智力和成功(以及 GDP)直接相关。这里令人担忧的是,与外国竞争对手相比,一个人口智力相对较低的国家无法在未来复杂的高科技经济中有效竞争;这是一个合理的担忧。中国与非洲的成功似乎表明相对情报的重要性。毕竟,中国曾经和非洲一样贫穷,但中国的状况迅速改善,因为该人群具有更高的认知成就遗传潜力。更糟糕的是,你还误导了。没有人声称智商完全是遗传性的,只是说它具有可遗传的重要遗传成分。这毫无疑问是正确的——当然,除非你不同意世界上数百名最好的统计学家和遗传学家的观点。如果是这样,我们需要在第一行联系诺贝尔奖委员会,统计。



    *在“巨大的成功”中,科学家将 52 个基因与人类智力联系起来*














    但这并不能证明智商完全是环境因素造成的,就像你默认的那样。如果它在某种程度上是部分遗传的,那么就有理由询问该性状是否像许多其他遗传性状一样在群体之间存在差异。我认为没有理由不这样做。事实上,从多项双胞胎研究中收集到的大量统计证据以及跨多个大洲的数百篇科学论文中报告的结果以及巨大的累积样本量表明,认知能力至少有 50% 是由遗传决定的。如果我给雏菊多浇一点水,它又长了一英寸,那么如果我继续浇水,期望它能长得像红木那么高,是否合理?












    • 回复: @Truth
  184. @jeff stryker











    我们可以让我们在您的工作中尽情发挥,让您的生活变得成功。但你不会让我们的生活成功。 400年来,你们在全世界范围内全面阻止了我们









    • 回复: @Mike Tre
  185. @The Germ Theory of Disease



    一个又一个城市的白人一直是犯罪行为和功能失调的罪魁祸首——因此无论是意大利人、爱尔兰人、波兰人还是德国人。 。 。白人过去和现在都无法免受功能障碍的影响。不幸的是,黑人无法改变他们的通婚、同化、网络、改变他们的名字、发型、语言的位置,而白人可能会采用这些策略来规避同样的严重障碍。




  186. 修正案:





  187. Hibernian 说:

    过去,大学理事会/ETS 在一些科目中进行了成绩测试,以衡量特定知识。我们很少有人参加,因为大学一般不使用它们。我参加过的所有 SAT、LSAT、GMAT、ASVAB 和 GRE 考试都是比较专业的 IQ 测试,可能包含少量特定知识成分。其中一些(如果不是全部的话)已被门萨接受或至少被门萨接受。

    • 回复: @res
  188. Hibernian 说:


  189. Truth 说:


    • 回复: @res
  190. @Mike Tre

    谢谢,迈克。我想知道什么时候的歌词 红色巴切塔 将成为现实:

  191. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    让这家伙休息一下吧,罗祖莫娃小姐。微积分的发明/发现是否敲响了警钟? (当然他得到了小利普尼茨的一些帮助。)。他对对流传热——牛顿冷却定律的参与怎么样?



  192. @Wally


    恕我直言,智商 75% 是先天因素,25% 是后天因素。如果一个孩子被锁在壁橱里并喂食糖苏打水和糖果,他的智商将永远无法充分发挥潜力。他的身高也永远无法充分发挥潜力。在美国,营养不是问题,大多数儿童都吃得过多。甚至含糖早餐食品也是强化的。美洲的非洲人已经在这里生活了很多代,是世界上吃得最饱的群体。几乎每个角落都有炸鸡店。当然,这导致了他们的肥胖。是的,他们在这里吃得太多了。



    • 回复: @jeff stryker
  193. @europeasant




    • 回复: @Truth
    , @Wally
  194. res 说:



    首先,高度非常容易测量。 当您测量高度时,这就是您正在测量的。 智商测试不衡量智力,因此有很多潜在的干扰。

    一个很好的观点是,“智商测试不能测量智力”,更像是“无法像尺子测量身高一样轻松、精确地测量智力”。我相信测量智商的相对困难(以及遗传力的微小差异)是 GWAS 还没有足够的能力来“解决”智商但基本上解决了身高的加性 SNP 组成部分的原因。但我认为一个世纪的心理测量学在测量智力的智商测试方面做得不错,并且有大量证据支持这一立场。

    然后你会有混杂的影响——因为身高营养似乎是唯一的,也许暴露于环境中的毒素或压力也可能是因素。. ,社会经济地位,也许还有更多。

    另一个好点。 但是根据最好的数据,我们得到的身高、智商和智商差距的遗传力都是 0.8 级的。 这意味着可控环境正在与环境、错误等不可控因素进行斗争,以解释剩余 20% 的结果部分。

    因此,您描述的其他因素似乎比遗传因素的影响要小。 您的其他因素使类比复杂化并受到限制,但绝不会使它无效。


    身高和智商似乎具有相似的遗传力和多基因性程度。 他们不会表现 究竟 相同,但我认为这个类比作为近似值是相当合理的。我欢迎更好的想法,但身高是目前研究得最好的多基因特征,所以这就是我使用的。它也恰好比 IQ 争议少得多。 )在讨论为欧洲人创建的身高多基因评分为何不适用于非洲人时,这很有用。通常的影响(例如侏儒身高)似乎低估了差异(可能是通过不同的连锁不平衡和更多样化的非洲人口中的额外因果位点)。

    再一次,比我通常得到的更好(实际上提出有效观点而没有大量虚假修辞和人身攻击)的回应。 谢谢你。



    这是基于我们拥有的最佳数据的科学(考虑到该主题的第三轨性质,这远没有我想要的那么好)。 在这里回顾太长了,但我上面提到的 Jensen 和 Rushton 的文章是一个好的开始。 如果您对此(以及其他证据和研究)进行认真的讨论,我们可以拥有它。


    正确的。 我试图理解现实。 您是否认为智商差距只是环境因素? 我认为这与相反的情况一样不合理。 根据我的经验,有很多人相信这一点,但很少有人真正相信智商差距完全是遗传的。 许多人几乎包括整个美国媒体、学术界和政治阶层。 但请记住,我所看到的对遗传成分进行任何严格量化的唯一尝试是上面 PS 中 0.8 遗传力的 Jensen 和 Rushton 数字。 这与身高的遗传性相同。 值得思考。 我目前的个人估计是 50/50,直到有更多证据出现。

    真正的问题是,为什么在 Unz Review 读者的狭隘政治议程之外,其中任何一项都很重要。 显然,通过改善教育环境可以提高黑人智商。 如果智商是一个如此重要的指标,那么即使差距主要是遗传的,那也将是一个起点。

    因为它轮流不同的影响(任何 代表性的差异是由白人种族主义造成的),这实际上是血腥诽谤。另一个问题是,恕我直言,帮助黑人环保的一些最佳方法是改善黑人文化(例如,聪明就是表现得白人)和家庭结构。这当然让我“种族歧视”!因此,我们竭尽全力消除城市中最后 ppb 的铅,并试图改善学校而不改善学生。正如过去五十年来一再证明的那样,这注定会失败。


    • 回复: @crimson2
  195. res 说:

    对于任何对符合门萨资格的测试和分数列表感兴趣的人(智商 > 约 130),请参阅

  196. res 说:

    让真相用简洁的废话来回应 1800 字的深思熟虑的评论。


    • 回复: @Truth
  197. George 说:

    对于那些还没有到一定年龄的人来说,《灰姑娘倒下》是 70 年代众多灾难电影之一。


    另请参阅 HL Mencken 的美国水星号发生了什么。一旦出版物变得无关紧要,它们就会悲惨地死去。


    “它曾经是一份非常好的报纸。”就像当时的大多数报纸一样,它曾经是一份由订户支持的报纸。我记得每天花 1 美元或更多的钱买一份报纸。今天,《泰晤士报》得到了广告商的支持。就像《Menchen》的出版物一样,它的读者死了,而且没有被取代。例如,根据过去的表现,远洛克威高中可能是同等贵族奖的冠军,包括但不限于理查德·费曼, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_Rockaway_High_School#Notable_alumni 。那些日子。

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  198. Truth 说:
    @ben sampson



  199. Truth 说:
    @jeff stryker

    这类人得不到平权行动的帮助。那些想要取得一定程度成功的人会得到平权行动的帮助。 “对失业的赤贫黑人感到愤怒”通常不具备利用平权行动的技能或学位。

    平权行动是一项政府计划,旨在阻止 60 年代和 70 年代的黑人大学毕业生创办竞争性企业,并让他们为“Duh Man”创造收入而感到幸运。

  200. Truth 说:

    这个人在说科学,但我不是来聊天板看书的。 我有这方面的书。


    • 回复: @res
  201. res 说:

    这个人在说科学,但我不是来聊天板看书的。 我有这方面的书。




    • 回复: @Truth
  202. @Mike Tre


  203. By-tor 说:
    @ben sampson

    我想让你重复一下你在大学学习中认识的黑人科学家和数学家的名字,Jen。在此线程上列出它们。如果你不这样做,那么你就和 RT English 上的骗子一样,而且很可能仍然如此。

    • 回复: @ben sampson
  204. anarchyst 说:


  205. Agent76 说:

    21 年 2013 月 XNUMX 日 《延长童年》,约翰·泰勒·加托 (John Taylor Gatto)

    基于约翰·泰勒·加托 (John Taylor Gatto) 的著作《美国教育的地下历史》的一系列短视频的第七部分。

  206. Truth 说:

    嗯,从我对 FE 的理解来看,他/她必须比你聪明 30 分才能持平。我理解正确吗?

    • 回复: @res
  207. res 说:

    我不太确定我是否明白你的意思,但我在想 FE 为 15 点(可能涉及的给定时间范围较少),W/B 平均差异为 15 点。我将其解释为意味着 Q 必须在 15 FE 点 + 15 点模糊点内才能给出合理的机会。然后假设 Q 接近黑色平均值,他甚至还没有接近。你会有更好的机会。

    关于 FE From 的一点说明 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect#Rise_in_IQ

    一些研究发现弗林效应的收益特别集中在分布的低端。 例如,Teasdale 和 Owen (1989) 发现该效应主要减少了低端分数的数量,导致中等高分的数量增加,而非常高的分数没有增加。 [15] 在另一项研究中,对两个西班牙儿童的大样本进行了30年的评估。 智商分布的比较表明,测试中的平均智商得分提高了9.7点(弗林效应),收益集中在分布的下半部分,而上半部分则可忽略不计,随着个人的智商增加。 [16] 一些研究发现,智商高者的Flynn效应反而降低。[17] [13]

    这表明我和我的祖父母可能并没有那么不同,即使 FE 使 Q 的机会比我最初的估计更差。

    • 回复: @Franklin Ryckaert
    , @Truth
  208. @TomSchmidt


  209. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:
    @The Germ Theory of Disease


  210. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:
    @ben sampson


  211. Old Prude 说:
    @ben sampson

    Derb 收集了最奇怪的恶毒评论者……如果你不喜欢 Derb 为什么要读他的东西?除非你喜欢骂人。很多女人都是这样的……

    • 回复: @attilathehen
    , @ben sampson
  212. @res


    • 回复: @res
    , @Anonymous
  213. res 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert



    我有时会这样说话,但这是一种危险的思考方式。遗传力为 0.8 意味着 80% 的群体内差异来自遗传学。但一般来说,种群内的环境变异小于种群间(或代际间)的环境变异。

    因此,即使西方人群的智商遗传力约为 0.8,智商的增长也可能比非洲可能出现的要大得多,因为西方和非洲之间的环境差异比西方群体之间的环境差异大得多。不过,我不确定这些成果还剩下多少,与过去几十年已经取得的成果相比还有多少。对于非洲以外的世界大部分地区来说,弗林效应(以及相应的身高趋势)似乎已经基本停止。


  214. @By-tor


  215. Miro23 说:
    @Calvin Hobbes




    27 American(白色)
    3 美国人(犹太人)
    3 南美洲/西班牙


    46 欧洲(美国白27 + 西欧9 + 东欧7 + 南美3)
    35 东北亚(中国 33 + 韩国 1 + 日本 1)
    3 南亚(印度/巴基斯坦)
    3 犹太人
    2 非洲人
    2 西亚(亚美尼亚 1 + 伊朗 1)


    – 中国人对在美国接受 STEM 教育的偏好夸大了他们的数字。
    – 俄罗斯在当地重视 STEM(并避开美国)的政策降低了欧洲的数字。
    – 犹太人在美国金融/银行业的特殊机会减少了他们的数量。





  216. @Old Prude



    当我第一次开始阅读德比郡时,我只是假设他娶了某种西方女人。他关于西方的著作很好。后来我了解了他的中国妻子和家人。这改变了一切。他写了一篇文章说亚洲人比白人聪明。他们不是。 https://www.unz.com/jderbyshire/of-course-harvard-discriminates-against-asians/




  217. Anonymous[219]• 免责声明 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert



    我们 不能 我们只使用了 80% 的大脑,直到有人“解锁”其余部分。

    • 回复: @res
  218. Avalanche 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country


    噢,盲目乐观,盲目乐观! “我们需要建造”?!




    不,这将是战争。血与火与死亡。只有当我们设法将他们赶走——并且让他们远离——我们才会拥有“我们自己的商业协会、社区团体、学校(或者至少是让我们的孩子了解他们的传统的项目)” 、政治组织,甚至民族教会等。”醒来!遇见你的敌人!

    • 同意: anarchyst
  219. res 说:




    接下来的问题是这是否足以赶上Q。 ; )

  220. res 说:


    – 大多数研究都是针对最近的西方人群进行的,那里弗林效应已基本达到顶峰。在非洲尝试同样的方法可能会产生不同的结果。
    – 让人们做出有目的的改变是很困难的。代际变化的幅度可能比我们有意做的任何事情都要大得多。即使在非洲。在尚未实行八年级义务教育的地方,这种义务教育可能会很接近。与预防人群中普遍存在的严重营养缺乏症相同。


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  221. J1234 说:

    我认识一位来自密西西比州的黑人高中数学老师。不过他没有称之为“数学”,而是称之为“maff”。严重地。他还告诉我,在大学期间,他强奸了他 13 岁的表弟。严重地。

    他在奥马哈南部的布莱恩高中任教。他的名字叫约翰什么的,但我不记得他的姓氏了(那是将近 40 年前的事了。)

  222. Anonymous[219]• 免责声明 说:

    营养不是问题——除了彻底中毒或灾难性的器官衰竭、婴儿营养不良程度之外。大多数非洲国家没有挨饿,不挨饿的程度与整个非洲大陆的平均智商无关。此外,韩国队的平均得分似乎相同,均为 106 分。我们是否有任何可靠的例子表明人们因饥饿而永久丧失智商?我们有科学认可的提高智商的饮食吗?不?


  223. res 说:

    此外,韩国队的平均得分似乎相同,均为 106 分。

    对此存在一些分歧。大卫·贝克尔的数据库是我所知道的国家智商的最佳来源: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Worlds-IQ

    以下是他的电子表格中 FAV 表的摘录(仅包含这两个条目的列):

    国家 QNW+SAS+GEO L&V02+GEO L&V12+GEO IQ(L&V12)-NIQ R
    PRK Korea, North 98.82 104.00 104.60 5.78 99.89
    KOR 韩国南部 102.35 106.00 104.60 2.25 104.96

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  224. Wally 说:
    @jeff stryker





  225. Anonymous[219]• 免责声明 说:


    当然,我的来源不同,但即使是你的也非常接近,为 3.5 分。当我有机会时,我会检查该文件(看看他们是否使用相同/相似的测试方法),但当我们考虑到两个韩国在饥饿和教育方面都非常不同时,名义差距很小。据我所知,朝鲜的大规模饥饿早已结束,但情况十分严峻,对智商的影响要么很小,要么根本不存在。


    • 回复: @res
  226. res 说:



    • 回复: @Anonymous
  227. @Gringo



  228. 当然,当其他一切都失败时,就让它变得个性化。




  229. crimson2 说:

    您是否认为智商差距只是环境因素? 我认为这与相反的情况一样不合理。

    我对此持不可知论。 这当然是可能的。 环境可能只覆盖了一半的差距。 这会让你大吃一惊——但有可能黑人在基因上比白人更聪明,而且环境对智商的影响比观察到的差距还要大。 这不太可能,但鉴于所有的不确定性,根本不能排除 ti。 (见鬼,也有可能真正的差距实际上比观察到的差距更大。)

    但是根据最好的数据,我们得到的身高、智商和智商差距的遗传力都是 0.8 级的。 这意味着可控环境正在与环境、错误等不可控因素进行斗争,以解释剩余 20% 的结果部分。

    你在这里滥用百分比。 如果身高 80% 是可遗传的,但父母和孩子都受到相同的环境影响,那么这并不能告诉我们什么可能导致与平均人口的任何差异。 遗传主义者经常犯这个错误。


    你让你的意识形态在这里扭曲现实。 白人种族主义不是“血腥诽谤”——几个世纪以来,它一直是这片土地的事实上的法律。 声称所有深沉的种族伤口都已愈合,一切都是那么的不现实。 去任何 90% 的黑人学校,并将其与 90% 的白人学校进行比较。 看看资源,基础设施。 或者看看歧视的客观衡量标准。 以下是关于准予保释时的种族偏见:





    失败? 至少黑人学生的智商增长与白人学生相同。 充其量他们已经显着缩小了差距。 尽管教育资源较差,家庭生活破裂,暴力事件频发,但所有这一切都发生了。

    • 回复: @res
  230. res 说:

    好的。浏览器崩溃毁掉了我给你写的很长的回复。我们稍后会看看我是否有动力重现它,但这里是 TLDR 版本。


    至少愿意承认,作为一个群体,黑人有代理权,应该对自己的行为和由此产生的结果承担一定的责任。 如果白人无缘无故如此种族主义,那么为什么亚洲人似乎没有这些问题?

    • 同意: By-tor
  231. @res






    • 回复: @res
  232. @res


    嗯嗯。 。 。让我看看 。 。 。难以回答的问题 。 。 。嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯



    • 回复: @jeff stryker
    , @res
  233. @EliteCommInc.



    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  234. @jeff stryker



    • 回复: @By-tor
  235. res 说:


    你是什​​么意思?黑人的受教育程度全面低于非西班牙裔白人。统计数据见表1 https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2016/demo/p20-578.pdf



    对他们有好处。我更多地思考了一些例子,比如迈克尔·布朗案中所有突然出现的骗子。还有媒体(更不用说像你这样的人了),他们坚持把所有黑人的缺点归咎于 YT。对黑人家庭的状况(例如结婚率和单亲母亲率)一无所知。更不用说任何关于犯罪是个人选择的讨论了。这不是 YouTube 从外部强加的。


    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  236. res 说:



    至少考虑一下这样一种可能性:对黑人的大部分反应是基于他们群体中许多人的不良行为。我为那些陷入其中的好人感到遗憾。现在,如果只有那些好人能帮助解决问题,而不是仅仅指责 YT 就好了。

  237. @res







    之前已经剖析过犯罪数字,我不想一次又一次地重做这件事。 。 。正如我指出的短视,即迈克尔·布朗案例,你过度地将一个非常小且独特的人口概括为整个人口 -



    你对我如何称呼美国黑人的评论是完全错误的。在陈述显而易见的事实时,我不会为犯罪行为、非婚生等行为找借口。你只是不愿意放弃你关于天生黑人的陈词滥调,去追求更现实的东西,比如环境等。这就是我的反驳– 一些遗传劣势。我无法帮助你或任何其他想要驳回历史记录的人。

    • 回复: @res
  238. res 说:



    我看到的唯一接近解决反驳它的问题(或者你认为落后 10 个百分点是一件好事吗?):


    PS 请至少了解一下你和你的区别。读一段时间后就会感到痛苦。

    PPS 真正让我害怕的是,我认为你真的相信你的合理化可以为黑人的不良行为开脱。

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  239. @res



    1. 历史很重要

    2. 黑色皮肤本质上并不是遗传劣势的表现




  240. res 说:


    2. 不确定毕业率持续 >= 9% 的差距意味着什么。即使两个比率大致平行增长。






  241. Anne Lid 说:


  242. @Old Prude




  243. 笑是因为这是我的简短回答。



    1. 他们表明黑人确实随着时间的推移而增加


    为了应对持续的差距,无需检查您的数字,就可以得出与人口规模一致的数字。如果黑人实际上占总人口的 13% 至 14%,那么尽管人口数量有所增加,但相似的差距可能仍然存在,这并不是一个巨大的飞跃。






    • 哈哈: res
  244. By-tor 说:


    • 回复: @jeff stryker
    , @EliteCommInc.
  245. @By-tor



  246. @By-tor


    多次处理犯罪数据。我不会再这样做了。我只是不想担心 3-5% 的人,我与他们的接触很少,这取决于他们住在哪里,或者与谁交往,无论是黑人还是黑人。



  247. Livemike 说:

     “[纽约时报]曾经是一份非常好的报纸。 ”

  248. 美国新纳粹分子读的是 DS,而不是 NR。自从他们解雇了你之后,不知道谁读过 NR。

  249. anarchyst 说:
    @jeff stryker

    与我的黑人“邻居”(他们没有维持自己的财产)对比我的维护工作和结果。 您会看到,在1970年代,HUD制定了“特殊计划”,将黑人搬入独户房屋,而不要求这些黑人拥有“游戏中的皮肤”。
    韦恩州立大学(Wayne State University)那些通俗的“城市研究”人总是为黑人,他们无能为力以及缺乏“日常维护”的借口。 他们的主要借口是“房屋过旧”…
    在几乎每个街区,无力搬走STILL的白人(大多数是波兰老人)都保留了自己的房屋,包括新鲜割草,维护良好的外墙等,尽管他们的房屋与黑人拥有的房屋一样“古老”。 无论您在底特律的何处,都可以始终知道白人的住处。 修剪整齐的草坪和保养良好的房屋是常态。
    经过多次入室行窃,警察很少或没有回应,我终于离开了底特律。 警察知道罪犯是谁,但对此却什么也没做。 您会看到,黑人被“压迫”并且“不可触摸”。
    另一个情况是我们白人所忍受的“代码执行”骚扰。 我们一直使用城市提供的垃圾箱(每两个住所一个)。 我们的黑人“邻居”懒得把垃圾丢进容器,把垃圾丢到小巷里。 猜猜谁多次因“垃圾处理不当”而被罚单? 不是黑人不当地处理了垃圾,而是我们白人。 好像他们(黑市政府)要我们搬家一样……

  250. Medvedev 说:
    @jeff stryker


  251. IP Freely 说:




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