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极权主义最显着的特征是对行动的控制,这需要跟踪每个公民。 在互联网时代之前,这只能粗略地实现。

国家知道约翰史密斯住在卢蒙巴街,在斯大林大街工作。 如果史密斯想在一个女人的公寓里过夜,她必须在附近的警察局给他登记。 大哥进了卧室,但不是完全,因为他听不到所有的嘶嘶声、呼气声和挤压声。 白天的活动通常不受监控,但国家总是知道你晚上在哪里。



现在,该州一直都知道史密斯在哪里。 下午 5 点 51 分 15 秒,这个皱眉头的人再次出现在布拉瑟酒吧,旁边是红莱文,尽管他的名字,他也有另类的正确倾向。 Steve Sailer 的狂热粉丝,每个人都在“sigofnig”和“xxxxrabbi”下留下了数百条拳头评论。

对于国家来说,跟踪的全部目的是奖励或惩罚,主要是后者。 过去,你会被邀请到警察局,或者只是被拖出街。 现在,即使是最轻微的罪过,惩罚也可以更整洁、更即时。 这就是疫苗、绿色、访问或健康护照的用武之地。

需要有一个,史密斯可以被阻止进入布拉瑟或任何酒吧,就此而言。 如果他的违法行为足够严重,史密斯将被禁止进入任何室内空间,除了鞋带工厂、街角杂货店和他的地下室公寓,尽管即使是这最后的特权也可以被撤销。

一个冬天的晚上,在疲惫不堪的回家途中,史密斯发现他的护照不再能打开他大楼的门。 他一定是在工作中或前一天晚上在布拉瑟说了什么。 可能是网上的评论。 史密斯应该知道。 他的几个邻居都被关在外面。 他应得的,史密斯想到了一个他非常不喜欢的人,而不仅仅是政治上。 让他死! 现在,轮到他了。

为了防止出现这种情况,我们必须拒绝新推出的生存权通行证。 比苏联时代的内部护照更糟糕的是,它甚至可以阻止我们购买芝士汉堡。 与旨在使人生病、致残、消毒或杀人的刺戳一样,这与我们的健康无关。 没有通行证,没有进入意味着我们一直在他们的摆布。

他们已经杀死了数百万人,还想杀死我们数十亿人并扼杀其余的人。 地球的一半必须回归自然,他们布道,但他们不会去任何地方,也不会抑制他们的放纵。 当他们在金叶阿伯丁安格斯的平板上挥霍时,我们将不得不吞下木虱和棕色marmorated臭虫,以及各种升级改造的狗屎。 相信科学!

Covid 旨在引导我们达到这一点。 他们用夸大的死亡数字和世界末日的预言吓坏我们,把我们赶进疫苗室,同时荒谬地解释说,只有纳粹才会抵抗。




尽管据说左派对动物权利最敏感,但他们只是对 Fauci 的小狗耸耸肩,他们的声带被切断,被蚂蚁活生生吃掉。 这些“有色人种”的坚定捍卫者也对福奇在可疑实验中对黑人和棕色婴儿的大规模谋杀无动于衷。

如果您的亲戚或朋友仍然不确定 Covid 刺戳,请立即给他小罗伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) 真正的安东尼·福奇——比尔·盖茨、大型制药公司以及全球民主和公共卫生战争. 你可能会挽救他的生命,也可能挽救他的孩子的生命。

与此同时,辉瑞公司的老板阿尔伯特·布拉(Albert Boula)愤怒地宣称,那些抵制他的种族灭绝疫苗的人都是罪犯! 撒旦教倒置,确实如此。

在这种疯狂上演之前,他们用太空旅行和火星殖民的故事取笑我们。 他们知道我们不会去任何地方,除了一群人。


“我绝对不会白白伸出我的鸡脖子! 我不会自暴自弃!”

默许后,您将被迫佩戴“健康”手镯,或者在您的头骨中植入一枚硬币大小的芯片。 由于可以测量幸福、解脱、愤怒或兴奋等,因此当您对三星或 Apple 跟踪设备发出的面部、文本或声音的错误反应时,状态会立即收到警报。


我们的生活已经大部分是虚拟的。 我们一直都在放松,进入封锁状态,但生活,所有这一切,都必须恢复。

琳·丁(Linh Dinh) 最新的书是 来自美国末日的明信片。 他维护着一张定期更新的照片 新闻.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 反vaxx, 民权, 阴谋论, Covid, 政府监督 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 出色的。必须正面攻击的漏洞之一是“科学”。与流行的观点相反,即使在公立学校,至少在我接受处理时,没有人强调 相信科学。相反,他们强调了 遵循科学方法。而这正是在这种大流行的紧急状态下被放弃的。科学方法的关键要素是重复观察,这也是我们在集体实施新的医疗方法之前要求长期安全数据的原因之一。实际上,科学方法中的任何一点都不需要达成共识。事实上,该方法鼓励您自己证实或反驳任何科学结论。它是怀疑主义的本质,也是启蒙运动的基础。但TPTB宁愿把它变成一个黑色的立方体。

    不要“相信科学”。相信 方法。我的子堆栈上有一篇新文章,考虑了加利福尼亚州的最新言论,该文章极力避免承认 ICU 里挤满了“接种疫苗”的人,同时又预测冬季流感和新冠病毒将大幅激增。没错,尽管流感在上一季的新冠肺炎统计狂欢中“消失”了,但本季流感将被归咎于被注射者中出现的任何严重肺炎病例。

  2. Most will accept the chip in exchange for convenience and other “perks.” Surveillance is ubiquitous and inescapable. The state and Big Data will persecute rebels, and the vast majority will look the other way. Sheep.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    , @lysias
  3. Palinurus 说:

    Linh,你的文字越来越悲观和悲观。 在我看来,你是在根据信仰创造一个没有任何科学依据的叙述。 是时候盘点了? 只关心你的健康。

  4. Chester 说:


    我预测我们邪恶的霸主将会施压得太猛烈太快。全球经济/庞氏骗局已经消亡。 “Covid Relief”是对绝望系统的最后一次救助/抢劫。如果没有对大众的金融控制,他们需要过渡到生物和技术控制。银行家对生物学或技术一窍不通,所以他们会失败,而且会失败。唯一的问题是,在他们多次搬起石头砸自己的脚而流血之前,他们会造成多少伤害?

    • 回复: @Wild Bill
    , @Marshall Lentini
  5. Anonymous[174]• 免责声明 说:

    Linh,你的文字越来越悲观和悲观。 在我看来,你是在根据信仰创造一个没有任何科学依据的叙述。 是时候盘点了? 只为您的健康着想


    当你让开发 mRNA 疫苗的人(罗伯特·马龙,医学博士)和哈佛医学院教授(马丁·库尔多夫)在推特上被审查,因为他们不符合 Covid 协议的叙述,当你听到著名的耶鲁大学教育的犹太女权主义者关于奥威尔式 Covid 封锁和政策的警告,您知道这不仅仅是亚历克斯·琼斯的一些谈话要点:


    • 同意: Liosnagcat
  6. Palinurus 说:
    @gay troll


  7. usNthem 说:

    I’m reading Kennedy’s book right now. Though I’m only in a 100 pages or so, it’s a wonder (well not really) that fauci isn’t sitting in a prison cell awaiting his forthcoming demise.

    • 同意: Notsofast
  8. jimbojones 说:

    我们中的许多人都拥有真正的科学博士学位和/或大量分析学科的背景和/或做出正确决策的历史。 我们天生就有强大的心智能力,我们不怕使用它们。 我们可以并且确实阅读了科学文献,并根据其优点和现实世界的数据对其进行了判断。 我们可以从谎言中辨别真伪。

    在这一点上,我们甚至不再需要“科学”。 当地的事实是有目共睹的。 如果注射器有什么好处,肯定很难看到。 尽管进行了所有的射击和助推器,但今年我们在美国的死亡人数与去年一样多。 冰岛、以色列、爱尔兰和新加坡等重灾区国家正在掀起巨浪。 直布罗陀 100%+ vaxxed 和取消圣诞节。 如果 vaxx 这么好用,为什么它根本不起作用?

    同时,官方统计数据清楚地表明,40岁以下的健康人不受“病毒”的威胁。 尤其是儿童,实际上对这种东西是无懈可击的。


    你不需要“科学”就能意识到这是我们在这里处理的世界末日的东西。 我的意思是,如果媒体和政府可以强迫我们毒害自己,那么我们就不再是人——我们是牛。

  9. Wild Man 说:
    @gay troll

    “Instead, they emphasized the importance of following the scientific method. And that is exactly was has been forsaken in this pandemic state of emergency.”

    I worked for a very large Canadian commercial real estate developer and manager. I was in management there (inclusive of management responsibility for operating sub-businesses associated with this real estate; and maintaining asset integrity – which for me, included management of many fairly large rehabilitation, renovation, and real estate development projects; and revenue-enhancement efforts & cost-controlling efforts; ….. and everything mentioned all meant to further the primary goal ….. which is to enhance the value of the asset). These efforts were extremely well-measured by the company I worked for. It was crystal clear, what the job was (enhance the company’s fortunes). One could not survive in this type of management environment, if one did not perform (in every way, … inclusive of savvy negotiations with superiors as to annual budget preparations, …. the company featured very heavy upper management analysis of asset value and net income, vs. budget, every quarter). Of course, this environment required many many pro-forma work-ups, of various ideas, …. working out the probable benefits vs. costs, …. and the uncertainties. Personally, I never had any of my own substantial pro-forma work turn-out to be sour. Through this method, I did find the company some stellar deals and opportunities to entertain, as well.

    Here is the deal, ….. you can’t be good at this pro-forma analysis if one does not approach it as per the scientific method. The scientific method features both empiricism, and synthetic thinking modes (i.e. – how does one come up with hypotheses to treat by way of empirical methods without synthetic thinking modes eventuating said hypotheses?).

    OK, …. if you are with me so far, …. here is a bit of a quandary:

    The very large Canadian commercial real estate developer and asset manager that I worked for knew all about the truth of the scientific method (because they rewarded people like me that skillfully wielded it). And this was a company tied into the Canadian corporate world at the very highest levels (which being a Canadian company, is not in the same category as the very largest American real estate developers and asset managers, ….. by American standards it is more of a middling size).

    I don’t think we can really claim that the globalists running this Covid Officialdom racket are devoid of skills around the scientific method. That is the truly frightening thing about all this. It seems to me, …. that some very critical and important aspect of reality-truth is being kept hidden from us, somehow (like the globalist elitists know something we, the general public, still don’t know).

    It was a long while back since I semi-retired early from that career. There was no need to consider pro-forma hypotheses that feature the recommendation of criminal intent by the company, … it was well understood by all managers that any such risk (going offside as to the law) was an unacceptable consideration. I would like to think that is what is still occurring at this company I used to work for. But at any rate, …… the globalists controlling the Covid Officialdom narrative DO obviously feature pro-forma hypotheses that feature the recommendation of criminal intent by involved corporatist parties. Without lawful constraints on their pro-forma hypotheses-making ….. nearly anything is now possible ….. it’s humanity’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice moment, …. the moment of astounding human hubris borne of the ontological conceit of the few (to my mind anyways), as enabled by the globalist-corporatist power structure, ….. a structure the features both personal-responsibility-anonymity by way of the lawfully sanctioned personhood of corporations, which such condition then enables the slicing and dicing of the personal responsibility that stems from said ‘personhood’, in such a way, that said ‘responsibility’ is just passed around, among corporate entities, more or less saying (when things go sour) … ‘not my bailiwick’ … which is a power-dispersing condition, … however this is paired with what is otherwise a very power-centralizing structure, …… top corporate managers and asset owners otherwise posses hugely concentrated power, …… just not the ‘responsibility’ stemming from that power, so much).

    • 谢谢: beavertales
  10. follyofwar 说:

    Linh’s columns have been coming fast and furious lately – Love it! I look forward to every one. He’s been reporting from Africa for a while now, which is most interesting, as he claims that things are worse in the US than in South Africa. After all the organized black looting and rioting going on in the States, plus open borders, signs of total societal collapse, I believe it. From his missives, it appears that Namibia, formerly part of SA, and Linh’s current hide out, is doing swimmingly with its low vaxx rate. Whites, a small minority, are actually moving there. That’s telling you something.


    Blacks, remembering outrages like the Tuskegee Experiment, are wisely vaxx hesitant. In that, they are smarter than gullible whites. All they need do is stand their ground and refuse the death jab. As formerly healthy young and middle age whites succumb to disability and death, they’ll eventually come out on top. Is this The Plan or has it gone totally awry? Surely Gates/Fauci/ Schwab, et al., hardly humanitarians, have something else up their sleeve.

  11. Emslander 说:

    Thank you, Linh. I second your recommendation of Bobby Kennedy, Jr.’s book. It is a courageous and painstakingly resourced work. I just got it from Amazon. Order it before it’s banned.

    Fauci and his ilk in the government medical Soviet MUST be jailed and or executed by any honest system of justice.

    Can the Fauci fraud continue to hold power in this world of immediate information? God, I hope not.

    • 同意: Notsofast
  12. Emslander 说:
    @gay troll

    This business of “trusting the science” or “following the science” is an altogether new phenomenon. No one ever “believed” in science. Trusting science is like trusting the guy down the street who gets regularly plastered and knocks on the neighbors’ doors at night to warn about UFO’s.

    Fifty years ago, “science” gave us margarine to eat instead of butter. It was better for your heart it said. Now margarine is considered a sure artery blocker. Eat butter. Eggs were declared poison as was red meat. Grounded people never listen to these things and live long and healthy lives of moderation in all things.

    Science is like a drunk or a madman. Giving it more money every year only makes its binges more frightening and dangerous. No one believed the distant threat of “climate” madness, so it came up with fear of the flu. Keep your children from the STEM courses unless they have a very healthy skepticism to guide their personal educational growth.

    The addition of government into this “science” madness has had the dangerous effect of handing the drunk madman a variety of weapons.

  13. gay troll 说:


    • 同意: JohnnyGodYilmaz
    • 回复: @Emslander
    , @Robjil
  14. anonymous[139]• 免责声明 说:

    The history of medicine when one looks at it entails a huge amount of quackery and bizarre beliefs. They mostly killed their customers with toxic substances described as medicine. It hasn’t been all that long that medicine has become more grounded on facts. But what is the accepted wisdom of today that’ll be considered nonsense tomorrow? There’s a lot of fraud and fakery in science, studies can’t be replicated, etc. This follow the science slogan has its pitfalls. Now is the opportunity for the rulers everywhere, no matter their professed ideology, to milk the masses and squeeze them for all they’re worth in a scientific way. They and their families will be living large for the next hundred years. It’s the science of dictatorship.

  15. @Anonymous

    生活的一般规则是,如果像 Naomi Wolf 这样奇怪的左撇子相信某事,你可能会安全地站在相反的一边。 跟随像 Richard Hanania 这样真正的保守派。 Linh 已经开始在不知不觉中落入那些想要剔除白人保守派的人的手中。 死亡数字非常清楚,尤其是在欧洲。 未接种疫苗的农村白人,包括中年人和年轻人,正在医院里惨死。 接种疫苗的移民身体健康,并接受了接管工作的培训。 我们已经听说西方世界的“劳动力短缺”被抛到我们面前,作为开放边界和让棕色劳动力进入的直接理由。

  16. Charles 说:

    That is some truly great writing, among Lihn’s best I believe. If, if, the sane people conduct their lives in the attitude of “I can be killed, but I cannot be made to submit”, there’s a chance. If that attitude is dead – or dying – then there is no chance.

    • 同意: Notsofast, Kali
  17. @follyofwar


    Nothing, because that is not a “fact”. In the US blacks are dying at much higher rates than whites. No one really knows how many black Africans are dying.

    Do you think it is a coincidence that once vaccinations started in earnest we immediately got a “variant” that kills younger unvaxxed people at a much higher rate than the original virus did?

    • 哈哈: Marcion
    • 回复: @follyofwar
    , @Ben Sampson
  18. anonymous[342]• 免责声明 说:

    在叛逆的巴尔干地区,Linh Dinh 一直在探索, 斯洛文尼亚医院员工 30 月 XNUMX 日,她说她看到的新型冠状病毒疫苗有代码:
    政治人物和精英的代码 1 生理盐水安慰剂
    代码 2 mRNA 慢毒
    代码 3 可能在 2 年内患上癌症
    她得到了相当的证实 弱的斯洛文尼亚媒体揭穿,只是说她的故事是在“不可靠”的俄罗斯、美国和冰岛网站上发表的,但承认


    哈。 在英语中,故事从哈尔·特纳 (Hal Turner) 到 电报.
    顶部链接的 Rumble 视频中还没有字幕。 视频和图片中的徽标是斯洛文尼亚组织“停止说谎的媒体”

    亲眼目睹了政治家和大亨的猛烈抨击,他们获得了 1 号盐水溶液和安慰剂。 这就解释了为什么同一个人在为媒体拍照时对政客进行刺戳。

    • 谢谢: tomo
  19. For the first time in about 15 years I met up with an old friend who’s also a successful tech entrepreneur. (He employs a full-time mechanic to tend to his fleet of cars!). Naturally I raised the scamdemic and after a brief flurry he said he doesn’t “want to go down that rabbit hole”. Fair enough and we went on to spend a very pleasant couple of hours together.

    Then – about two hours after we parted I got a Whatsapp flamer, an unmitigated torrent of vitriol, accusing me of being a lunatic right-wing Trump-loving Tucker Carlson-watching conspiracy theorist who is literally causing people to die. I could hardly believe what I read as we had left on good terms promising to meet again soon. Truly there’s a mind-fuck of unprecedented scale underway.

    • 同意: Emslander, Curmudgeon, TKK
  20. mh505 说:




    • 回复: @Wild Bill
  21. follyofwar 说:
    @Peter Akuleyev

    Hi Peter, I shouldn’t have used the word ‘fact.” I’m no researcher. I was referring, in part, to Linh’s 11-21 essay, when he talked of all the white kids dying from heart attacks, and that most black Africans live vax-free. I wasn’t referring their American counterpart.

    As to your last sentence: No, not a coincidence. And, thanks so much for your response.

  22. @Palinurus

    Nonsense. He has his finger on the pulse. Surely you must get a sense that we’re undergoing some form of apocalyptic change?

    • 同意: Rogue, emersonreturn
  23. Notsofast 说:

    lihn,imo 这是你写过的最好的东西,你写作的演变就像看着一只泥虫爬上香蒲变成了蜻蜓。 终于有一位 unz 作者在讨论鲍比肯尼迪的书,我一直在等待这样的一天。 鲍比将这本书编排成只有出庭律师才能做到的,这不仅仅是一本书,而是对这些凶残的混蛋(谋杀他父亲的同一批人)的控诉。 如果他说的不是真的,让他们以诽谤罪起诉他,但他们不会,我敢肯定他很乐意接受这个案子,并且会无偿代表自己。 荣誉,lihn,谢谢。

    • 回复: @gsjackson
  24. Emslander 说:
    @gay troll

    If the culture were as skeptical of science as it currently is of religion, I’d have to agree. There’s no real separation possible in either case and the border line will be constantly changing. It’s the excessive funding that’s the real danger.

  25. Notsofast 说:

    现在我必须回复,因为我试图按哈哈按钮,但不小心按了谢谢。话虽如此,LMFAO 😂

  26. @Peter Akuleyev


    That’s a thing now, you know – although once the media gives you a semi-plausible explanation (“it’s always been like this, studies say“), you’ll parrot it as if it’s Gospel without looking at the data tables.

    最容易上当受骗的流产将是另一个 仪式, but it’s hard to tell if that’s happening – it’s difficult to get data on ΔX,当大部分 X usually goes unreported. Most miscarriages happen before anybody knows the seed has been planted, so we can only hope that the ‘delta’ is positive in the jabbed.

    For me and my ilk, the whole thing is whelmingly Eugenic. That’s because I 偏爱不顺从的人格并强烈惩罚顺从的人格的选择性压力。

    (inb4 “关于 慢跑? They’re non-compliant as fuck!=

    Bullshit. They are among the most herd-like male humans in existence. They all subscribe to a template written for them by a subset of Massah – including pretending that it’s impossible for them to speak properly.

    • 同意: Robert Bruce
    • 回复: @Robert Bruce
  27. Notsofast 说:

    ….have something else up their sleeve….this is what most worries me. fauci, gates and fellow billionaire scumbag warren buffet, have all warned us of “an even worse pandemic” to come. gates is demanding billions from the u.s. and u.k. to war game a response to a small pox based bioweapon, just as 5 viles of freeze dried small pox were found in a merck warehouse near philadelphia, prompting a lockdown of the facility. ivermectin is effective against all coronaviruses so they may have to change direction entirely and bring back a new and improved version of a deadly disease (30% mortality) to burn the house down before they get brought down by their malfeasance during covid.

    • 同意: Joe Levantine
    • 回复: @InnerCynic
  28. @Peter Akuleyev

    奇怪的是,在欧洲,你会看到一波未接种疫苗的年轻人在 Covid 医院死亡。 加拿大艾伯塔省没有这样的情况,那里有大量 45 岁以下的男性死于 Covid 以外的其他原因,但本质上没有人死于 Covid。
    在 Covid 的 129 个月内,50 岁以下的男女共有 20 名 Covid“死亡”,来自该年龄组的数百万人。


    • 回复: @Johnny Smoggins
  29. @jimbojones

    “监视谷试图恢复这段失去的历史的一部分。 但不仅如此。 这本书从过去开始,追溯到越南战争期间我们现在所说的互联网的发展。 但它很快进入了现在,着眼于为硅谷大部分地区提供动力的私人监控业务,调查互联网与半个世纪前催生它的军工复合体之间持续存在的重叠,并揭示两者之间存在的密切联系。美国情报机构和在爱德华·斯诺登泄密事件后如雨后春笋般涌现的反政府隐私运动。 Surveillance Valley 表明,这些年来几乎没有什么变化:互联网是作为一种武器开发的,今天仍然是一种武器。 美国的军事利益继续支配着网络的所有部分,即使是那些据称是反对派的人。”

    “在冠状病毒危机前几个月发生的两个有争议的大流行模拟——事件 201 和深红传染病——的领导者有着共同的历史,即 2001 年的生物战模拟黑暗冬天。 黑暗的冬天不仅预测了 2001 年的炭疽袭击,而且其中一些参与者对这些袭击有明确的预知。”

  30. Rogue 说:

    Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and the MSM in general won’t allow the scientists and doctors who don’t subscribe to the vaxx and other Covid mandates to have their say on these platforms.


    You don’t find that a bit odd? Or somewhat ominous?

    • 同意: HbutnotG
  31. @Palinurus

    Linh,你的文字越来越悲观和悲观。 在我看来,你是在根据信仰创造一个没有任何科学依据的叙述。 是时候盘点了? 只关心你的健康。

    您的回复称为被动攻击行为。 你假装关心来掩盖你对 Lihn 疯了的诽谤性暗示。 两年前,如果有人告诉你,你很快就会需要政府批准才能进入餐厅、公共汽车、酒吧或活动,或者找到一份工作,你会说他们疯了,或者在你的情况下“不好”。

    • 谢谢: rufus clyde, tomo
  32. Notsofast 说:
    @Irish Savant

    send him a copy of “the real anthony fauci” for a holiday gift, inscribe it to your friend, telling him that you would be happy to discuss any element in a rational and friendly manner and that you hope he and his family have a wonderful holiday.

    • 回复: @Irish Savant
  33. 非常好的文章,Linh。


    • 回复: @Wielgus
  34. One-off 说:



    The virus is real but not a major danger, the vaccine is marginally effective but largely useless, and the plans to dominate the world through Covidmania are doomed to fail as all utopian and greed-based plans fail. I’m actually optimistic as to how this plays out and for the first time understand the attraction of guillotines.


    • 同意: TTSSYF, Joe Paluka
  35. ricpic 说:

    阿尔伯特·布拉是瑞士人吗? 不知何故,我感觉到瑞士人是这场反人类攻击的核心。 那个国家太阴险了,不可能不邪恶,至少是邪恶的。

    • 回复: @JasonT
    , @Joe Paluka
    , @tomo
  36. obwandiyag 说:
    @gay troll

    The “method” is always administered by people. Usually crooked people. You can’t have a method without a people. Thus, don’t trust “the method” either.

    Or look at it this way. Let’s stipulate that someone does an experiment, following your scientific method to a T (perfection is impossible, but let us gloss over that, for the sake of argument). OK. So you have this perfect experiment, perfectly objective, perfectly conceived and carried out, giving substantive, unimpeachable results.

    There are still two crooked parts to this little scenario.

    Imagine the experiment as being a line: ________________

    Now what happened before the line and after the line?

    Why this experiment and not some other? __________What are you going to do with the results?

    Neither the before the line question, nor the after the line question is “scientific.”

    It is personal. People choose to do things (say, experiments) for selfish, monetary, trendy, irrational, crazy, and many other totally un-scientific reasons. And people also take the results of something like an experiment and put it to selfish, monetary, trendy, irrational, eracy, and many other purposes.

    • 回复: @InnerCynic
  37. JasonT 说:

    Switzerland is the location of the Bank of International Settlements, the WEF, the UN and many of its agencies, and the home, or at least one of the homes, of the European billionaire crowd. It was conveniently ‘neutral’ in both world wars and has natural protection (mountains).

    You are correct that Switzerland is a key heart of this anti-human activity, although I would also suggest that China is ultimately the head.

    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
  38. animalogic 说:

    But one point – I was led to believe that the UK’s “back to school” had seen over a 100 kids die of covid.

    • 回复: @Kali
    , @James Forrestal
  39. animalogic 说:

    Be damned if I’ll give up butter & eggs (or cheese & milk) . Tho, I’m willing to cut 向下 a bit on red meat.

    • 回复: @Emslander
  40. @usNthem

    Wait until you get to the section on HIV/AIDS. Fauchi as a proven mass murderer.

  41. @gay troll

    关于用户名“gay troll”,我永远无法阅读这两个词之外的内容。我猜我是老派。谨此向所有人致敬,这个绰号在未来几年肯定会赢得人们的尊重和钦佩。在英语语言的所有选择中,你很难想出更多的选择。即使我多次试图采纳你的评论,但总是徒劳。我所听到和看到的都是“同性恋巨魔”。我一生都伤痕累累,甚至比以前更严重。多谢。

    • 同意: Vinnyvette
    • 回复: @gay troll
    , @Fox
  42. 顺便说一句,我们现在所说的“科学”(或“科学主义”)显然是一种错误的宗教——在脱离现实和人性的意义上是错误的,在声称对大问题有答案的意义上的宗教是错误的。问题。 它有创世神话(大爆炸/多元宇宙/化学汤)、原罪(牙齿和爪子都是红色的)、末世论(全球变暖)、教堂(大学系统)、牧师(“教授/科学家/智囊团/专家”) ”)等。这种假宗教主要是在 17 至 19 世纪由边沁、马尔萨斯、达尔文、赫胥黎和斯宾塞等人在英格兰的巅峰时期发展起来的。 它宣扬一些人本质上比其他人更好(“进化得更多”)基本上是牛的人,地球是一种有限的资源,正在耗尽(马尔萨斯主义 -> 人为全球变暖),人性是无限可塑性的(超人类主义) ,生活的意义在于拥有尽可能多的刺激,因为无论如何我们基本上都是肉(功利主义)并且这可能是正确的(实证法)。 在我们根除这个错误的信仰体系之前,我们将继续面临像当前奴役/人口减少这样的问题。

    另一方面,对 Linh 有利,非洲现在看起来很棒,我担心的两件事是粮食不安全和疾病。 我怀疑这个想法是在世界其他地方屈服后让非洲饿死。 但是在一个基督教徒(穆斯林也可以工作)的非洲国家定居一段时间可能是个好主意。 我对俄罗斯抱有很大的希望,但他们现在已经失败了——至少在某种程度上是这样。 白俄罗斯和佛罗里达看起来很棒,但在很大程度上取决于卢卡申科和德桑蒂斯的掌权。 我对巴尔干地区抱有希望,但那里的情况也不确定,尽管比其他地方好。 我想我们很快就会看到什么是什么。 祝你们万事如意。

    • 同意: Emslander, Irish Savant
    • 回复: @William Brennan
  43. Globo-Gaza. Trump is delighted. He did it.

  44. Renoman 说:

    很高兴看到你仍然和我们在一起 Linh!

    在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省 (BC),举报者聚集在一起集会,以引起人们对这一普遍问题的关注,并关注狮门医院在 13 小时内发生约 24 例死产的消息。所有死亡均发生在完全接种疫苗的婴儿中
    母亲们,尽管如此,许多公众仍然不知道发生了这种情况。作为回应,梅尔·布鲁切特 (Mel Bruchet) 博士和丹尼尔·长濑 (Daniel Nagase) 博士以及其他相关公众聚集在北加拿大皇家骑警 (RCMP) 办公室前提出投诉


    • 谢谢: Peripatetic Itch
  45. ariadna 说:

    Another excellent Linh Dinh piece of thought, no surprise there.
    The better his essays the more pathetic the baying of the trolls.
    Buy JFK, Jr’s book, but NOT from Amazon. Bezos has several billion times more money than he can possibly use in his universally regrettable existence and excessive opportunities to use it for maign purposes.
    Buy it from independent book sellers!

    • 同意: Irish Savant, Fart Blossom
    • 回复: @republic
  46. Reading through the text, I thought Linh was portraying George Orwell’s 1984 in a new style. Then it dawned on me that 1984 has been superseded courtesy of high tech which has become a powerful tool against We the People who like addicted automatons are unable to break the spell of the virtual world we are living in while travelling the old fashioned way has become the privilege of the controllers and the gate keepers.

    Thanks Linh for mentioning the book authored by RFK junior. The Kennedys have been in the crosshairs of the deep state ever since Joe father resisted America’s involvement in WWII and JFK’s daring to put restrictions on the CIA starting with the firing of CIA head Allen Dulles. JFK, being a leader with the interest of the people at heart did not shy away from expressing his admiration of Adolph Hitler for the latter’s achievements in the service of the people. All the crimes attributed to Hitler have proven to be nothing more than self projection by the TPTB of the Anglo Zionist Empire who are blatantly displaying their contempt and hatred to the people now that the noose of the police state has gotten very tight around the necks of the people.

    Linh has been loudly shouting his wake up call; but then, do people of the West have ears to listen?

  47. TTSSYF 说:

    If his writing weren’t becoming more and more apocalyptic and pessimistic, it would mean he was losing touch with reality.

    • 同意: ariadna, Robert Bruce
  48. Emslander 说:

    You may have missed my point. Butter, eggs, cheese, red meat, unpasteurized fresh milk and animal fats are all very good for you if eaten in reasonable portions. It’s “science” that has said, over time, always yanking you back and forth, that they are poisonous substances.

    “Science” is a madman or, more likely, a madwoman.

    • 不同意: TTSSYF
    • 回复: @animalogic
    , @TTSSYF
  49. TTSSYF 说:
    @Peter Akuleyev

    You quite obviously have not listened to any of Bannon’s podcasts featuring Naomi Wolf because, otherwise, you would not be referring to her as a “weird lefty” — at least, not as far as the jab is concerned. Personally, I don’t care if she’s a weird lefty on other topics. She’s entirely correct on this one and was one of the first public figures to predict, months ago, vaccine mandates and passports. She’s even made friends with Bannon.

  50. @AFugitiveTurkey

    Most will accept the chip in exchange for convenience and other “perks.”

    Now, more than ever …

    • 同意: The Wild Geese Howard
    • 回复: @James Forrestal
  51. @follyofwar

    黑人记得像塔斯基吉实验这样的暴行,明智地犹豫不决。在这一点上,他们比容易受骗的白人更聪明。他们所需要做的就是坚守阵地,拒绝死亡的刺击。 ”

    发现。只要看看瓜德罗普岛正在发生的事情就知道了。这是法国的一个地区,当马克龙命令他们注射疫苗并试图强行发放医疗通行证时,医疗机构和人们对那个小POS大发雷霆。不管你喜欢 POC 还是讨厌他们,不可否认的是,西方白人仍然可以从他们认为不太文明的人身上学到一些东西。

    • 谢谢: follyofwar
    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  52. @gay troll

    To paraphrase Lavrentiy Beria,

    Show me the desired outcome, and I’ll show you the science.

  53. TTSSYF 说:

    Exactly right, and thanks for putting it so succinctly. I can’t help thinking that the “mandate” to get jabbed or lose your job is going to fall of its own weight within the next six months, because that’s about how long it’s going to take for the “boosters” to wane. Companies that have been sending out notices of their intention to comply with the “mandate” and that all subcontractors must do the same are going to be hugely embarrassed when this whole thing collapses. I’m embarrassed to read these pronouncements from supposedly private corporations even now.

    • 同意: The Wild Geese Howard
  54. @Emslander

    Fifty years ago, “science” gave us margarine to eat instead of butter. It was better for your heart it said. Now margarine is considered a sure artery blocker

    Science! also told new mothers that their own breast milk was not as healthy as Nestle’s baby formula. It also told pregnant women that Thalidomide was perfectly safe to take.

    • 同意: Emslander
  55. Jews did this, obviously not by themselves.

    Violent revolution is preferable to what they have planned.

  56. @rufus clyde

    在 Covid 的 129 个月内,共有 50 名 20 岁以下的 Covid“死亡”,男女皆有

    How many of those 129 people died *of * covid, rather than *和* covid? If the Italian health data is anything to go by, it should be around 5.

  57. Nat X 说:

    My daddy “bought the farm” at LZ Albany and ever since I have had an extreme dislike of slopes.

  58. Houston Methodist Hospital doctor resigns after her hospital suspended her for speaking out against vaccines.

    • 谢谢: Alfred
  59. Wielgus 说:

    Last year in Greece during lockdown, you had to notify the police that you were going out to the supermarket via some smartphone app. Supermarkets and food shops do not demand proof of vaccination, unlike most others – my guess is that if they did, riots would break out. There is of course no reason why Covid could not be spread by going to such markets, but there is so much bullshit about this.

  60. @Notsofast

    That’s the point: He won’t look at or read anything. I sent him the link to Corbett Report ‘The Great Reset Explained’ (the best intro that I know of) and he refused to look at it. Just today I got another message saying he wouldn’t allow unvaxxed people (i.e. me) into his house. Just to repeat, we parted on good terms after our in-person get-together.

    • 回复: @Wild Bill
    , @TKK
  61. Polemos 说:
    @Irish Savant



    当然,你也可以只是告诉我们一个故事,意在为自己制定逃离山羊的自我拥抱过程。 所以,你知道,在所有事情上都要对自己有信心。

    • 回复: @bike-anarkist
    , @Irish Savant
  62. Joe Paluka 说:
    @Wild Man

    The type of company you worked for (especially if it develops or manages residential projects) would be under the thumb of government. Any story that affects the renter class is like a lightening rod to the press and is under a constant watchful eye. When these companies get out of line, the press and politicians are all over them. The larger companies are at loath to have a bad reputation as it affects their bottom line, hence the strictness in the ethics of the company you worked for. There are other industries that can hide malfeasance much easier and the bigger they are the more they are able to control politicians. One industry where this is obviously going on is big pharma, all the major players seem to be joined at the hip. We can only imagine what is going on behind the scenes.

    • 谢谢: Wild Man
  63. Curmudgeon 说:

    “Switzerland” is a geographic entity. There is, undoubtedly, a cadre in Switzerland that subscribes to what is happening. However, while the banking may be physically located in Switzerland, that cadre, like the cadre in every (((western liberal democracy))) takes its orders from the “shitty little country” – the Rothschild project on the Mediterranean.
    The citizens in Switzerland, in their direct democracy model, have forced a referendum on “vaccine passports”. Their cadre have not yet won the day.

    • 谢谢: chris
    • 回复: @skrik
  64. republic 说:

    The book is also free to download.

    • 谢谢: ariadna
  65. Joe Paluka 说:
    @Irish Savant

    I think that we all have seen this, people that we supposedly thought were smart, thoughtful, intelligent people have turned into unhinged covid lunatics stirred up by the lugenmedia’s unrelenting propaganda. It’s easy to determine someone’s main source of information by their attitude to the whole covid thing. The ones that have the most calm and reasoned attitude to it don’t watch MSM and get their news from other sources.

    • 回复: @Tom Ratliff
    , @Irish Savant
  66. Linh Dinh is a writer, writing skills do not matter if one cannot produce content. The author does both here, and measures the fodder to the crowd. Thanks for journalism as it is meant. Circumferential evidence must have been enough for the author to smell a decaying rat these last years, and surprisingly he has the balls to speak out.

    Why did he pass the editor? Probably because of the balancing act between unz.com posing as the daring “rebel”, and Linh being harmless because his twelve thousand words are not in the tone and rule of “science”.

    Unvetted, not peer reviewed, refreshing.

  67. Wild Bill 说:

    亲爱的 Linh,这个专栏听起来不像你。 有时我们都会陷入困境,但这似乎是其他人用你的名字写的,并试图模仿你。 (如果可以,请提供证据证明你还好。)至于生命的复垦,它会发生,但代价可能比我们准备的要大得多。 人们总是非常厌恶暴力,几乎没有人会跳过“我不提倡暴力”的免责声明,但实际上,我无法理解替代方案是什么。 面对致命的暴力,有什么选择? 他们说将军死在床上。 他们曾经。 确保奴才与他们交换位置可能取决于我们。 享受那里宜人的春天天气。 你的生命中永远不会有太多的泉水。

  68. Joe Paluka 说:

    Albert Bourla is a Greek-Jewish veterinarian born in 1962.

  69. obwandiyag 说:

    Margarine butter red meat are all still artery-blockers.

    Milk is mostly pus. (Investigate what artificial hormones do to milk)

    Fruits vegetables and seafood have always been the healthiest foods. Period.

    You just “like” red meat and butter and so you grasp at any straw that says your “like” is “good.”

    Not that I don’t agree with you that “science” is mostly bunk. In fact, it doesn’t exist. It is an abstraction. What exists is fallible people doing fallible things.

    I like how all the science boosters on here, who used to gleefully trot out all the wonderful early 20th-century inventions that science has condescended to give us, are suddenly being given pause . . .

    How bout that there Covid vaccination invention, science boosters? How bout that?

    Can’t wait to hear the rationalizations.

    • 哈哈: Emslander, Marcion
    • 巨魔: Vinnyvette
  70. Fox 说:

    Have had my thoughts on that name as well. I decided that it’s an allusion to ‘cheerful troll’, with troll deriving from the Nordic ghostly being (therefore: ‘cheerful specter from the far Northern forests’), or alternatively an elephant in a porcelain shop.

    • 回复: @gay troll
  71. Wild Bill 说:

    “对不起,没有‘集体意志’来结束这一切。 没有什么可以“收回”的。 西方人是没有灵魂的,行尸走肉。 他们心甘情愿地排队注射凝块,当他们面前的人抽搐时不会退缩。” 你真有见地。

    然而,这不仅仅是西方。 无论你走到哪里,似乎都不乏发展僵尸。 尽管如此,随着这件事的进展,我认为会有一些卑鄙的混蛋想要报复并且会努力这样做。 毕竟,当你亲爱的人死了,生命还有什么别的意义?


    • 同意: The Wild Geese Howard
  72. Wild Bill 说:

    “没有其他方法可以结束这场混乱。 ”

    我不敢苟同。 很长一段时间,我认为缓慢的木材削片机是答案,但现在,我从“科学”工具自己那里了解到,比格犬方法是必须占上风的。

  73. Wild Bill 说:
    @Irish Savant


    冷静下来,意识到你无能为力。 你的朋友正在尽最大努力生活在否认中。 就像耍蛇人一样,他购买了一直对他有用的生产线,现在他被咬了。 他知道自己没有未来,他的劳动成果是尘土。 你觉得如何? 引自《普通人》——“哦,死神,当我最不记得你的时候,你就来了。”

    • 谢谢: Irish Savant
  74. Well, Linh, you have outdone yourself.

    I do not really understand much of what you have said, but it does flow.

    what I am waiting for, Linh, is this mass die off. When Governor Newsom and Joe Biden drop dead?

    Now we are talking!!!

    Good luck wherever you are and wherever you may go. I like your writing no matter whether it makes sense or not.

    It makes sense to me. Even if it makes no sense at all.

  75. JimDandy 说:

    That’s exactly why I always wear a mask or don’t.

    • 哈哈: Emslander
  76. Wild Bill 说:


    “第四只小猪的房子是用狼头骨做的。 他们不是很坚固,但他们传递了一个信息。”

    • 谢谢: JimDandy
  77. 全新变种今天周五上市,新鲜来自南部非洲。我想它叫 OMNICON,或者类似的东西。

    • 同意: TTSSYF
    • 哈哈: Grasshopper Kaplan, Emslander
  78. Anonymous[178]• 免责声明 说:

    My day always seems a little brighter when I see a fresh article from my favorite Unz writer!

  79. TKK 说:
    @Irish Savant

    What do you think it means?

    Does he have inside baseball we don’t have, or is the truth so unbearable to his idea of the world that he has to make you a villain?

    • 回复: @Irish Savant
    , @Irish Savant
  80. @Joe Paluka


  81. 他们喜欢二维码。 了解它。 这是一个稍微复杂的条形码。 它很快就会控制你的生活。

  82. @Anonymous

    Some thing funky
    In Nantucky
    From Joe monkey BidenHo
    I can’t go for no
    No needle no mask no
    I ain’t no junky
    Something smell real rotten
    In Nantucky

  83. Wielgus 说:

    I see it as a religion substitute in which the goalposts are constantly being moved.

    • 同意: Emslander
  84. HeebHunter 说:

    (((科学))) 说有两种以上的性别,而且注射疫苗是健康的。



  85. I wanted to commend the author and never mind the naysayers Sir

    The commonality with totalitarianism this go round in the medical tyranny and the Arbitrary Arrogance that knows no bounds must be the need to have Kontrol and total control at that
    No Freedom can be tolerated apparently

    Least of all freedom of thought…

    Are we to willingly relinquish our voice to cry out ? That is the mask

    We got too digitized we best reverse course…

    Bring back womanity
    Crapitalism is a murder of love and smells bad rotting

    We are supposed to bludgeon our own damm selves
    I trust AlBourla has my best interests in his heart
    Do you think some folks take a vaxx every day ? To keep the doctor away

    They had extras after some of us declined so they want to be sure and spread that poison around

    How kindly

    Oh and it has always been a ghost town most of the time
    Hasn’t it?

  86. 这是我所见过的对当前灾难的真实情况最好的概述之一。

  87. 如果我们不能提出正确的问题,问题就无法解决。

    What are America’s biggest problems?



    Having worked for all the political parties (Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian), I’ve learned why no political party will address the fundamental problems that must be solved if America is ever again to be a healthy and prosperous nation.


    事实上,没有政党能够解决这些问题的原因有很多。 但也许最重要的是:







    Like most Americans, I’ve experienced our nation’s growing problems for many decades. I’ve seen America sink like the Titanic from being a beacon of liberty to an authoritarian post-industrial Third-World theocracy.

    Only the appropriate remedies have any hope of solving America’s problems.

    With extraordinary fortune, I’ve identified the most practical solutions with the most effective means of implementation.






    1 – 结束美联储。

    2 - 零税收。

    3 – 瑞士中立。

    4 – 文化保护。

    5 - 制宪会议。

    6 – 国民红利。

    7 – 重新工业化我们的经济。


    • 回复: @Wild Bill
  88. GMC 说:

    Unfortunately, Crimea is looking like this staged event that Linh’s article is all about. The MaiDan, the Crimea headed towards Russia, Civil War next door, and the lockdown started within 6 mos.Even had multiple acts of terrorism on water and electric infrastructure to keep the fear level and ” inconvenience ” at a high level. No longer able to take a train or board a bus headed through Ukraine and on to Moldova, Hungary, Czech Rep. etc. The ferries that used to be were long gone. The Simferopol airport stopped ALL of its flights to outside destinations and primarily only flies to Moscow, in the new/old WHOs Soviet Union.

    So, we do have a nice new bridge to cross , but of course it has two large customs borders on each end, which means anyone from Crimea is suspect, only because of the War in Donbass that seems to never have an ending { how appropriate}. Now, Santa is bringing in a new present called a Q R code and even the nice people { politicians and politbureau } in Simferopol have endorsed it – because of the high death rate from the Corona Virus – no offense. It’s beginning to look like many of us could be trapped like rats in the very very near future. And Linh nailed it.

  89. Alfred 说:
    @Wild Man

    Thank you. The business you were in, real estate, is closely allied to the construction industry.

    I am originally a civil engineer. But I got out of it almost immediately as it was blatantly obvious that no honest business can survive for long in that environment. I worked on a nuclear power station (briefly), a hotel in central London and a road close to London.

    Almost all civil engineering contracts originate from local government or from the state. Even the construction of private housing requires endless interactions with officialdom – from planning permission onwards.

    The room for corruption is huge. Knowing the right people and rewarding them well is crucial to getting contracts. Most contracts are loss-making as the winning bids are deliberately too low. To make profits, it is essential to have modifications to the original contract. These modifications are charged at an altogether different rate. At the site level, it is essential to reward those who approve the hours worked, those who approve the quality of materials, the testing and so on.

    Frankly, it is amazing at how things do get eventually built. Stretching out and delaying completion is an art in itself. I find it hard to believe that Canada is completely different. Australia is certainly no different from the UK.

    Here is an example of British genius, the nuclear power station that I worked at. Construction was supposed to take 5 years. I was there at year 8. It took 23 years to complete and never worked at 100% of its rated output. It was originally costed at £83 and ended up costing £685.

    Personally, I think it is dead easy to get on board the top management of a real estate company.

    Dungeness B

    • 回复: @GMC
  90. JWalters 说:

    Linh’s scenario of such detailed control may seem far-fetched, but it is not beyond the thinking of the oligarchy. We know experiments are being done on injecting electromagnetic nanoparticles into the body which can find their way to specific sites in the body, including in the brain. These particles can respond to external electromagnetic pulses, and trigger responses in nearby neurons. They can also respond to the electromagnetic pulses of nearby neurons in the brain, and be detected by external devices. We also know from electrode implant experiments that a charging bull can be stopped in its tracks by a remote signal to an electrode implanted in its brain.

    Thus it’s conceivable that a person’s emotions could be read by their pocket computer. And if their emotional response to an internet article they’re reading was deemed “undesirable” by the PTB, they could be given a signal that would make them feel nauseous. So they would avoid material that made them feel nauseous. They may even believe the nausea was their own reaction to that material, and decide they didn’t like it for some intuitive reason. Conversely, if the person is reading or watching material favorable to the PTB, they could be given a signal that would trigger a pleasurable feeling. This would steer the person toward such material. They may even believe this reaction was their own natural reaction, and that they do really like this material for some intuitive reason that they don’t understand. And they may decide to trust what they believe to be their intuition. The current state of the art may not include that level of control. But it’s conceivable that a forced mass vaccination program is setting a precedent for a future mass vaccination that would include such electromagnetic nanoparticles.

    We know the corporate media is tightly controlled because of its blanket coverup of JFK, RFK, 9/11, and the Afghanistan war. So we know it’s owned by the perpetrators of those crimes. And we know there has been a large amount of information suppression by the corporate media regarding the Covid virus and the mRNA vaccines. So it looks like the people in charge are sociopaths who cannot be trusted.

    • 同意: Grasshopper Kaplan
  91. JWalters 说:
    @Wild Man

    Excellent post, thank you. Regarding the “very power-centralizing structure”, a hypothesis about that central coordinating structure, based on historical data, and some key steps to disable it, are given in “战争奸商和以色列银行”

  92. peterAUS 说:



    1. All citizens must think for ourselves, do our own research, and question more.

    The “Scamdemic”, if anything, proved beyond any doubt that around 80% of populace do not think.

    You appear genuinely concerned, interested in practical politics and of proper age.
    I’d recommend reading Burnham’s “The Machiavellians”. Then relevant parts from Mosca, Pareto and Sam Francis.
    Could help your effort.


  93. some_loon 说:



    西方人的平均年龄已接近 40 岁,许多人是这个数字的两倍甚至更多。

    • 回复: @Sisifo
  94. animalogic 说:

    The “yanking back & forth” ? Yes, I agree.
    Although, I wonder whether the media & big Pharma is more to blame….

  95. @TKK

    Most definitely no insider knowledge even though he has in-depth knowledge of information technology. All his positions are boilerplate by rote MSM repeats. His flamer response tells me he senses that something unspeakable is underway but is afraid to address it.

  96. 我买了小罗伯特·F·肯尼迪文章中提到的书。它并不便宜,但你可以从亚马逊购买 Kindle 版本。大约18美元,但是他们收取手续费和其他费用

  97. @One-off


    如果 2022 年出现“欧洲之春”,政府被推翻……从而导致欧盟解体,我不会感到惊讶。

    • 同意: Alfred, Fox
  98. @Joe Levantine

    他们支持巴黎谈论自治—— https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20211127-french-government-ready-to-discuss-autonomy-for-guadeloupe-after-protests-covid






  99. Herald 说:


    我们首先不相信福奇、盖茨、布拉等明显邪恶的混蛋,然后乘以 VAER
    对人物造成大约 100 点伤害,你就可以顺利上路了。

    此外,如果像彼得·麦卡洛或迈克·伊顿这样的人告诉你一些可能会破坏他们的职业和/或声誉的事情,那么你不必是爱因斯坦就能发现发生了什么。更多的只是追随金钱、迈克惠特尼和林丁。 Unz 现在已经覆盖了。

  100. @Chester




  101. 如果您的亲戚或朋友对 Covid 刺戳仍然不确定,请立即给他小罗伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) 的《真正的安东尼·福奇 (The Real Anthony Fauci)》——比尔·盖茨 (Bill Gates)、大型制药公司 (Big Pharma) 以及全球民主与公共卫生战争。


    那些认为我和其他人应该被关进监狱或被枪杀的家庭成员,他们使用了生物武器(并且相当一部分人已经发布了他们的“疫苗”),无法倾听、阅读或查看我们的数据,在这个 21 世纪,没有愤怒地爆发并呼吁“烧死女巫”的圣歌!


    我只服用维生素 D & C、锌、槲皮素(和动物伊维菌素,小心服用,当我再次生病时),如果有人想询问,我会提供给他们——就像古代的女巫天,并期望被当作一个人对待——也许没有赌注,但肯定会受到耻辱和监禁。




    • 谢谢: Alfred
  102. Robjil 说:
    @gay troll


    The use of the word “church” does not include all religions. Thus, the US military can “Destroy Seven Nations” wars in the Muslim world in the 21st century without any outcry. The Destroy Seven Nations wars are based on the way Israel was created in the Torah. It is a religious theme not a church theme. So it gets a pass from our faux free MSM.

    “Separation of religion and state” would be a better term to protect us every type of religion from getting control of our government. The first clause of the Bill of Rights does not say anything about “churches” being a problem. It says “no law respecting an establishment of 宗教“。



    • 回复: @anarchyst
  103. gay troll 说:


    • 同意: Polemos
    • 回复: @Fox
  104. @Palinurus


    We have people doing what appears to be scientific research and even getting awards for their work but they aren’t actually using the scientific method.



    Mismeasure of Man has been revealed as a fraud and it is still heavily used in the social sciences. It was “peer reviewed” by thousands and yet that didn’t matter at all.

    They don’t care about what is true. Race must not exist.

  105. InnerCynic 说:
    @gay troll

    “Follow the science”. I’ve heard this blather so much it makes my head spin. Which “science” would that happen to be? The science of lying and covering up or the science of the evidence so far? Is it the science if Australia or the one in Africa?

    • 回复: @Eagle Eye
    , @Fart Blossom
  106. InnerCynic 说:

    Surprisingly, or not, the corporate propaganda outlets have been as silent as the grave about the vials.

  107. GMC 说:

    Agree Alfred , all the Federal Government jobs I worked on in the US were nothing but a money buffet for the Companies, as in Fluor, its subsidies and a few others. The ” modifications ” that you called in Britain are Change Orders, Unforeseen additions, etc. and usually there is a certain 20 %+ in the contract for these contingencies, but not in Federal Jobs because the sky is the limits.

    I listened to a General speak about procuring more financing for the Missile Defense Program , when I was working on Shemya Is. in the Aleutians , and he was certain that there would be another Billion , in order to finish the project { that knowbody knew, would even work or not }. lol I won’t even get into the Sleazy Mining Corporations from Canada working in Alaska. lol Again.

    I worked for 2 British Companies, one in Alaska and one in Florida, and the Brits were good for their word, but the Americans in charge were all snakes.Typ.

    • 谢谢: Alfred
  108. InnerCynic 说:

    You could say that the very act of performing any experiment is personal. Heck… the act of simply living is personal.

    • 回复: @obwandiyag
  109. Observator 说:

    The heavy-handed totalitarian dictatorship described in the book “1984” is a red herring rather than a caution. Author Orwell was a disillusioned former socialist employed by MI5 during the second German war. The horrors of a monstrously intrusive state make for a great read, but in reality such measures are unnecessary and counterproductive. The state does not care what you believe or who you sleep with. All it wants is your obedience. It wants you to be just well educated enough to work in the businesses the ruling class owns, because your labor is the source of its great wealth. The state wants you to consume all the bright shiny toys you get to compete with your fellow drones to play with. The state wants you to salute the flag at the start of every sporting event, and feel your heart swelling with pride for your country and the glorious freedom it bestows on you.

    Secret police and concentration camps are unwieldy, expensive, and ineffective. The strongest prisons are the ones the prisoners create in their minds, so they never notice the bars on their cages. I have no use for the christians’ bible but I can’t help but think of the scene where Old Scratch shows jesus the world and tells him, all this you can have if you bow down and worship me. This is the devil’s bargain that has us all in its web. This is the one, short little life that we get – why do we want to make waves, even when we can feel deep down inside that something is seriously wrong. Heck, must just be those Marxists and the socialists and those darn pesky darkies and old Putin and the Red Chinese, all those folks who hate and envy us for being so great and free.

    • 谢谢: RedpilledAF
  110. 任何国家的公职人员的收入不得超过最高级别官员的收入。就美国而言,必须是总统。福奇如何获得更多补偿是一种异常现象,我不明白,但无论如何,如果他像所声称的那样伤害人民,我认为与他密切合作的人会很快让他摆脱痛苦对于阿尔伯特·博拉或比尔·盖茨来说也是如此,无论他们的权力如何。

  111. @Peter Akuleyev

    “What are we to make of the fact that black Africans, with very low vaxx rates, are not dying of covid, while highly vaxxed Caucasians (and Jews) are dying in great numbers?”

    ‘That Fawchi and company already have another ..or will get one soon..to deploy on Africans!’

    What! are they going to get everyone and leave Africans alone?
    African superiority kicks in here…the existential qualities white people disparage about Blacks… like existential immunities, quick responses to poisonous stimuli, indeed any stimuli that requires quick biological responses.

    Also endless uses developed naturally to any harmful attack that would be natural and free of deleterious responses.

    I am Black but not African… but grew up rural and I never saw a doctor until I was a grown man. I got sick many times but my mom kept rolling them out! what we call ‘Bush Medicine’ – and here I am?

    I could run a long list here from memory. But I am sure Fawchi will have something that slips past them all in time if not already. Yet I don’t know if ‘whatever’ can be prepared by Africans to preempt even whatever. They are prolly going to have to go in and exterminate directly.

    I can think of several African responses already. But Africans would have to realize someone is trying to kill them… which should be instant given our long experience with that intent by others in the world

  112. TTSSYF 说:

    Science is no more a madman (or madwoman) than is a power tool lying on the counter…or, for that matter, a red SUV parked on the street.

  113. gotmituns 说:

    The reason this covid malarkey can keep going is that the people/sheeple are constantly being brainwashed. The brainwashing is coming from the TV and now handheld gadgets. All you have to do is look at so many people walking around like zombies looking at their handheld gadget not paying attention to anything around them.

  114. Wild Bill 说:
    @Jon Chance

    我会投票给你。 靠近窗户一点,窗帘仍然挡住了我的投票线。

  115. @Peter Akuleyev






    • 同意: Irish Savant
    • 谢谢: JimDandy
  116. Thank you for plugging Bobby Jr.’s book, still #1 on Amazon which is perhaps a sign of hope. I intend to plug it in the Christmas letter this year, but obliquely so as not to alienate anyone still on the fence. The sheeple are not all bad, and all are our brothers and sisters on the sinking ship of the industrial technosphere.

    And with that, instead of reading ALL the comments on this story just now, an engagement with a rake, leaves and passing Canada Geese overhead beckons. Excellent as usual, Linh! Thanks!

  117. Anon[303]• 免责声明 说:
    @Marshall Lentini


    不幸的是,它已经被淘汰了。各种类型的抵抗,如拉乌尔和肯尼迪等权威人物、假通行证、大规模街头抗议、像阿博特和约翰逊这样不会封锁的顽固政客,以及我为家人购买的 HCQ。他们有一个备用计划来应对所有此类情况。


  118. @Marshall Lentini

    I met a black guy on a plane very many years ago who was actually from Tuskeegee. He knew nothing whatsoever about the eponymous experiment, never heard of it! Admittedly he was a basketball player….

  119. tomo 说:

    所有“疫苗”的 CEO 都是犹太人——MURDeRNA、Sheizer 和 AstraSatanica
    和 MSM 一样
    还有那个 JUSA 陆军的变性海军上将

  120. Bert 说:

    The link shows the phylogeny of SARS-2. The red branch (technically, clade) is Omicron. Most biologists don’t think that evolution occurs by saltation, which is an instantaneous appearance of a coadapted set of new traits.

    Is the appearance of Omicron natural saltation, or is it another release from a laboratory?

  121. Nat X 说:

    My pops “bought the farm” at LZ Albany, never have cared much for slopes.

  122. @Peter Akuleyev


    Bunkum! I am an unvaccinated rural white, and many of my family and neighbors also remain unvaccinated. There are no mass deaths here. The obituary section doesn’t occupy any more space than usual; and the death demographics are the same: the old and the infirm, with the occasional younger person lost to accidents and dope (a much worse plague than this ginned-up one). An uncle who took the Pfizer shots was recently diagnosed with heart inflammation, despite no previous history—but he laughs at us for believing in “conspiracy theories”!

  123. gsjackson 说:

    Linh’s actually the second Unz author to review the book, after RU himself, who gave it an even-handed, generally positive review. I keep reading speculation that the controllers are going to flip the script soon when the carnage becomes too obvious to ignore, send the presstitutes after the jab and direct everyone’s ire toward the national governments. We just happen to have a one-size-fits-all form of world government to replace the corrupt and perfidious nation-state entities — the resolution to the problem, or so the speculation goes.

    • 回复: @Wild Man
  124. Kali 说:
    @Irish Savant

    I hope you responded appropriately.


    • 回复: @Irish Savant
  125. Si1ver1ock 说:

    这几天发生了很多奇怪的事情。 关于 Vax,有太多的危险信号被抛出而无视一些非常可信且消息灵通的人的警告。

    Also, the level of psychopathy shown by Fauci’s beagle experiment is deeply disturbing. It goes beyond the realm of dispassionate science and into real evil.

    对狗做这些事情的人没有人用针靠近我。 他们也可能是查尔斯·曼森(Charles Manson),额头上有一个卐字。

    Cray Cray 超越了 Vax。 例如,如果您查看佛罗里达州 Coral Gables 的房屋,您会发现 4 年(三年前)售价为 5 至 2018 万美元的房屋现在售价为 12 至 15 万美元。


    如果人们在等待一个迹象,我猜这将是第一个亿万富翁受到打击的时候。 这将是对权力结构的直接攻击。 在此之前,人们将继续随意地互相射击,并开着 SUV 互相碾压。


    • 同意: bike-anarkist
  126. @Wild Man



    以下是对加拿大典型名义抵押贷款证券和交易的广泛法证分析和报告的总结和结论(证券发行人的名称和地址更改为“Smith”和“Main Street”):



    从法证上或根据其条款,名义上的协议和交易是,如果 [Smith] 女士首先无条件承保并承担 VERSATILE / UPTON 的债务和登记费用 800,000 美元,并无条件转让所有权利,因此,她将其位于维多利亚州 [111 Main Street] 的财产的所有权和利息交给 VERSATILE / UPTON 作为担保,并在指定的到期日向 VERSATILE / UPTON 进一步支付 800,000 美元,那么 VERSATILE / UPTON 可能会,但不会根据合同义务或责任,向 Smith 女士预付净额 718,000 美元或任何金额。

    名义上的协议从表面上看是一种不协议,除其他几个致命缺陷外,它已被 表面上 投注非法或 机会游戏 如此定义。

    除了要求事先向 VERSATILE / UPTON 转让和交付上述资产(作为推定入场费或申请费)外,名义协议和注册担保中突出规定的基本考虑因素是:

    2 (1) 作为贷款人的回报 同意借出 借款人的本金,...

    6 (13) 贷款人 不必提前...借款人的本金




    s。 206(1)(a)(通过任何偶然方式贷款或预支信贷的计划或建议),
    s。 298(1)(诽谤性诽谤),
    s。 《刑法》第 347(1)(a) 条(签订协议或安排以刑事[无限或天文]利率收取利息),
    s。 《刑法》第 347(1)(b) 条(以刑事[无限或天文数字]利率收取或部分支付利息),
    s。 《刑法》第 362 条(通过欺诈或虚假借口获得信贷(承销/承担证券发行人(名义/假冒借款人)的债务)),
    s。 《刑法》第 363 条(通过虚假借口获取执行有价值的担保),
    s。 《刑法》第 366 条(故意制作[和/或索取]虚假文件(伪造法律)),
    s。 《刑法》第 368 条(伪造法律文书),
    s。 《刑法典》第 375 条(通过基于伪造法律文件的文书获得(随后的象征性付款)),
    s。 《刑法》第 380(1) 条(欺诈),
    s。 《刑法》第 380(2) 条((金融)市场上的(初期)欺诈)。
    s。 《刑法》第 386 条(虚假陈述/遗漏特定材料以欺骗登记员),
    s。 《刑法》第 388 条(虚假/误导性收据),
    s。 《刑法》第 397(1)(a) 条(伪造会计记录),
    s。 《刑法》第 397(1)(b) 条(欺诈性遗漏有价值的安全材料),
    s。 《刑法》第 462.3(c) 条(怂恿实施企业犯罪/指定犯罪),
    s。 《刑法》第 462.31(1) 条(犯罪所得的洗钱)。


    本协议项下所述的所有行为和行动均属非法或 ,以及刑法规定的犯罪行为。



    这就是为什么名义证券中名义免责声明和意外事件的一致性持续恶化,以至于它们似乎是由卡通恶棍起草的,例如 邪恶博士 (来自不同的交易和报告):

    “4.3 如果除本条款外,本文规定的利率 [7.75%] 属于刑事利率 [每年超过 60%] 或因不确定性或因任何其他原因无法执行而无效,则对预付信用证收取的利率或由该抵押贷款担保的年利率将比根据普遍接受的精算实践和原则计算的刑事利率低百分之一 (1.00%) [即每年 60% – 1% = 59%] ”。

    简而言之,该条款/免责声明规定,银行已遵守联邦证券法,声明预付给抵押贷款发行人(名义借款人)的实际金额或净额为 2.1 万美元,并且利率由规定付款额为每年 7.75%。

    然而,如果发现或提出银行的声明是虚假的(这两种情况都是如此——而且是公然如此),那么利率就会被修改并提高到每年 59% 并适用无论实际预付金额如何(执行和转换时为零),均以担保金额为抵押。

    就其本质和实质法律要素而言,它与 提货单 声明其所载集装箱/货物含有 面粉,但是如果发现或提出容器实际上包含的问题 可卡因海洛因,那么就需要添加某种化学物质,从而将化学结构改变成不违法的东西!这种至少是令人震惊和极其危险的无能已经感染并渗透了整个金融和法律世界。

    例如,这就是麦道夫投资公司 (Madoff Investments) 能够在光天化日之下运作赤裸裸的庞氏骗局长达 25 年之久的方式和原因。没有人注意到,因为这都是庞氏骗局。

    否则,宣誓和注册担保中的免责声明唯一缺少的是,如果将其写成 蜡笔,并承认源自 游戏室 精神病院的。


    “4.3 如果本文规定的利率……因任何……原因而无法执行,则该抵押贷款所担保的信贷所收取的利率……将是……每年 59%]。”


    这一直都是犯罪行为,至少从 1981 年起就一直如此,当时英国政府恢复了这种可耻的错误和非法行为。 非实质性 给予选择 事实上的王室之友 允许违法——然后将其扩展到刑法领域。




    黄先生……理论上是的。 这就是本节不寻常的原因之一,因为它在[刑事]起诉开始之前需要获得总检察长的同意,从而阻止了本节适用于 [刑事] 商业实践 [通过银行家和货币/信用系统的其他控制者]它适用。 然后它成为司法部长的自由裁量权的问题。 (银行、贸易和商业选择常务委员会)(SSCBTC)成绩单; 4-11-1980 [4 年 1980 月 24 日],28:XNUMX)

    当时(1970 年代末和 1980 年代初)加拿大的私人金融体系几乎已正式资不抵债并破产,唯一的出路就是通过非法提前资本化和交叉杠杆化利息来大规模做假账。根据 GAAP 已经违法)。



    这就是新冠疫情的意义所在。至少自 1971 年英国克劳瑟委员会的报告发布以来,他们就已经看到了这种情况的发生,该报告将名义债权人据称计算利息的最常见方法定性为民事和刑事欺诈,理由是该方法是虚假的且具有严重误导性。 。


    That is why even as a financial professional, you likely cannot tell me what is wrong with the following CBC website article nominally advising Canadians on the high cost of payday-loans (cbc.ca website, Payday Loans: Short-term money at a hefty price. October 4, 2006) (in material part):

    通常,您可以期望为$ 100的发薪日贷款支付最多$ 300的利息和费用。 加拿大金融消费者管理局表示,这笔435天的贷款的有效年利率为14%。

    全文暗示年利率为 870%,但没有直接说明——然后断言,通过提前支付一半的利息费用,利率将降至仅 435%。

    不管怎样,该交易客观定义的年利率刚刚超过 180,000%。同样,这是一个相当简单的计算并且很容易验证:


    = 1807.54或每年180,754%。

    如果病毒或价格通货膨胀以每 33.3 天 14% 的速度增长/发生,那么几乎没有受过教育的专业人士会在确定年增长率/传播/通货膨胀率为 180,754% 时遇到任何问题。但如果在数字前加上一个(基于信用的)美元符号,人们的大脑就好像短路了,或者无法完全理解现实,而是陷入了一种系统性的否认。

    如果价格通货膨胀以每月 100% 的恒定速度发生,那么今天花费 100 美元的东西一个月后将花费 200 美元,一年后将花费 409,600 美元。年通货膨胀率实际上是 409,500%。如果我回答现实:“是的,但是 100% 乘以 12 就是 1,200%,而且实际上一年有 XNUMX 个月”,那么我就会因为不付钱而被送回初中。注意和/或不做作业。这简直是​​愚蠢至极,但这种彻头彻尾令人尴尬的逻辑缺陷已经根深蒂固地融入了由同一个根深蒂固的货币势力拥有和运营的全球金融体系中,而这个体系也从大众的欺骗和蓄意不良教育中获益。 。

    假设我们站在路边,一辆汽车以几乎难以想象的 400 英里/小时的速度从我们身边驶过。我们可以感觉到汽车正在接近,因为振动越来越大,发动机尖叫声不断增强,产生了所谓的多普勒效应,因为汽车本身以大约一半音速向我们移动,我们可以感觉到巨大的声音。空气经过我们时尾流的运动,并且视觉模糊,因为它的运动速度超出了我们正常的参考系。

    然后我转向你,我认真地向你坚持,我是一名从事测量速度业务的专业人士,刚刚从我们身边驶过的车辆以每小时 1 英里的速度行驶。


    那么,当一些权威人物告诉他们利率(年利率 180,754%)比实际利率低 400 倍(435%)(或者反之亦然)?难道只是金钱和利息不那么重要,连这些事情都值得担心吗?

    但这里真正的错误是假设它与数字有很大关系。想象一下,如果一个普通纳税人一年客观收入为 180,000 美元,然后提交纳税申报表,声称总收入为 435 美元。当受到政府质疑时,他们回应道:“180,000万美元只是我的真实收入。我的名义收入是 435 美元。政府随后回答:“是的,当然——我们怎么会这么愚蠢。”








    • 谢谢: GMC
  127. They skipped variant Xi for Omicron, so predictable it’s laughable. If it wasn’t clear what purpose a weaponize Corona Virus and it’s fellow mutants have, than let’s stop kidding ourselves. It’s for every human on the face of earth (except overlords and asshole crawlers) to be injected with DNA altering FrankenClot Shots, causing mass genocide of humanity of at least 50% – 75% over the next 10-50 years.
    Think about all the variants born in babies that must be stillborn, or variants in humans that escape detection, found and euthanized to prevent the spreading of endless variants into our dystopian future and beyond.
    Anyone who thinks this will all pass and we go back to normal is fooling themselves. That asteroid coming our way is just one of many heading at us. I’m sure dinosaurs 65 million years ago enjoyed the good life as they grazed in swamps of an ancient earth.
    Our overlords phuced up big time and are afraid to admit it, they know what punishment we will exert. We have become collateral punishment for them disobeying laws of the universe.

    • 回复: @Emslander
  128. Kali 说:

    Might be an idea to get your facts right before presenting/parroting half-baked supposition as if it had any merrit, don’tya think?

    An internet search for “100 British school children die of covid” shows your toxic claim (notwithstanding your half-baked disclaimer) to have been cut from whole cloth.

    If you have nothing worth saying, better to keep quiet. Let the adults talk. – That’s what my mum taught me, anyway.


    • 回复: @animalogic
  129. Treg 说:

    21st century totalitarianism will equal control of movement, place, words, friends, and feelings. We will learn to love big brother, or else.

    Our son turned 15 and to celebrate, he wanted have his birthday party indoors at a K1 electric go cart race track. What was great was the electric part – no gas fumes. What was shocking, at least to my wife and I, was how much control the race track manager had over everyone and the race in general. It was all for safety of course. When someone spun out of control or hit someone, with a simple press of a button he could “turn off” or “slow down” any of the drivers. When it came time to end the race, just like that he made everyone’s slow down to a crawl. Suddenly the power of it all became very real.

    While it was faster and cleaner and safer than old go carts of the past, it was also certainly LESS Free. Gone was our Autonomy. Gone was our Full Control. Gone was our anonymity on the race track. We were tracked and monitored at all times.

    When we all left the place, we all had a new vision of Tesla’s and Google’s (Waymo) autonomous cars. Once driverless cars are independent from us, we are dependent upon them. If Google can delete my youtube account for merely commenting on a political rally now today, they can and will tomorrow delete my destination to the political rally later.

    Is that upsetting? Well as Linn clearly sees, you should not get too upset or you will be called in for yet another booster shot, to calm your ass down. Why? For you must love Big Brother. You will agree that 2+2 = 5, not only verbally, but deep down emotionally. Heck you will be told inside your own house to take this pill that just arrived at your door thanks to a drone. Sorry, your TV will not work until you pop that pill. Yes, you will love Big Brother and you will be just human fodder for ovens churning out salient green wafers.

    • 谢谢: CelestiaQuesta
  130. obwandiyag 说:

    You could say anything is anything and nothing is nothing but you wouldn’t be saying nothing much of anything.

    • 哈哈: InnerCynic
  131. @Palinurus


    “Cuck, Troll and Control?”

  132. @Bert

    Omicron is Bill Gates personal patented Baby let loose upon mankind to fulfill his depopulation dream of 500,000,000 as carved and written into the Georgia Guidestones.
    One hundred years from now this stone will replace the Ten Commandments and Lord Gates shall live in infamy.

    • 哈哈: Je Suis Omar Mateen
    • 回复: @Wild Man
  133. @JWalters

    Electromagnetic nanoparticles? So I can stop them by placing powerful magnets on my body? Can I block their signal reception by wearing a tinfoil hat? How about a faraday cage that’s grounded?

    • 回复: @Polemos
    , @JWalters
  134. Weave 说:

    Agree 100% that this is Mr. Dinh’s best yet. This gentleman travels the world and shares his pleasure in small things sees it all being purposefully destroyed. I am grateful for his outrage and warning.

    • 同意: Alfred
  135. @Polemos

    These types of reactions do happen, especially after a reply of a simple, “I disagree.”

    The sheep, at least here in BC, Canada have turned a corner on the anger, to which I believe the seed of, “Oh shit! I screwed up!”, is beginning to cause indigestion.


  136. Wild Man 说:

    Yes – I still think this partial and slow-moving vaxx fiasco, was intended as such (partial and slow-moving) because that serves one of the globalist goals. This globalist goal is to extinguish all forms of nationalism within the west. As such, this partial and slow-moving vaxx fiasco will be used to crush MAGA, and Trump, and his followers, and civic nationalism, and the remnants of true-west, aka ‘classical liberalism’. I believe it very likely that that is part of this unfolding globalist plan.

    In the end, this vaxx fiasco will be featured as ‘all Trump’s fault’. I believe Trump got played.

  137. Wild Man 说:

    I think it is high time that someone who is alot more volatile than someone like me, finally goes to Georgia, and blows those guidestones to smithereens (so as to eventuate a contra-signal to the globalist shite, within the social environment).

    • 回复: @Anon
  138. Wild Man 说:

    You know …. crazy crazy crazy Charlie Manson …. got one important prediction right. And that was his idea that there is coming a ‘Helter Skelter’ (which I guess he was crazy-like trying to eventuate) …. the idea that there will be an American race war, mainly featuring whites arguing and then fighting each other over the treatment of blacks.

  139. Emslander 说:

    Anyone who thinks this will all pass and we go back to normal is fooling themselves.

    Correct. We crossed the border of normal in about 2018, when the rehearsal for Election Theft 2020 went so well that the California illegal electorate switched Congress over to the Bolsheviks. There is no normal. I see people who believe in normal occasionally. They wear paper masks when they’re alone in a car and shift their gaze away when they see you.

    Some catastrophe is afoot and everyone is only hoping that it’s their enemies who suffer the most from it. I suspect it will get us all.

  140. Anyone with a brain can see that C19/Variants/ClotShots is the biggest Ponzi/Madoff/Bolshevik scheme ever perpetuated upon a gullible brain dead indoctrinated mass of useless idiots.
    Until you realize this is an extinction event attack by GlobalHomoZioBIGsRxMIC3BLM, and we are at war, prepare to be forcefully jabbed to death for the benefit of a new world order, aka the great reset.

    • 回复: @Weave
  141. @usNthem

    A prominent African medical authority asserted some years ago that US efforts, vicious, thuggish, cowardly, as ever, to protect US BigPharma patents on AIDS retrovirals, and stopping cheap generics reaching poor world victims, had killed several million who could have been saved. Another day, another genocide, by the Exceptionals.

  142. @Si1ver1ock

    Many serial killers started out tormenting and killing animals.

  143. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说:

    It’s the ultimate business model. Market a bogus vaccine that not only doesn’t work but makes you sicker, and then claim that the disease has evolved requiring another such bogus vaccine. It’s a perpetual motion profit machine. You don’t even need slick Madison avenue artists to persuade a brain-dead manipulated and gullible public to buy into this scam!

  144. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说:
    @Wild Man

    The NRA should organize 1 million AR-15 armed members to march on Atlanta, surround the CDC building, give everyone 30 minutes to evacuate, and burn the building to the ground. Let’s see the NRA finally do something to defend our freedoms, as they constantly justify their existence.

  145. @Bert

    Fort Detrick or wherever the US constructed this bio-weapon, will, I am pretty convinced, have a stock of ‘variants’ produced by serial passaging through tissue cultures, ready for release. More contagious, but, probably, not more lethal. The ‘vaccines’ are for that. I still don’t see a mass cull-just mounting hysteria as a casus belli for war on China. NO lie, no matter how vile, transparent and refuted, is too extreme for the ‘hate China’ fanatics.

  146. gsjackson 说:
    @Wild Man

    That would be an interesting twist on things. Trump is positioning himself as the sane alternative to Biden administration insanity, but he does carry around the ultimate albatross in “operation warp speed,” and I don’t think he gets that yet. Similarly in other western nations it’s hard to find vax opposition or even skepticism anywhere on the mainstream part of the political spectrum.

  147. @Wild Man

    Trump is the dudeey who started the lockdown nationally
    After London locked down SF 3-11-2020
    Trumpee locked down the whole world by locking in US
    He said 2 weeks…


    Trump is the dudeey who started it after London in SF

    Did they have sex together?

    There wasn’t any coordinate it just all magically happened

    No one could really believe it for 18 months

    Still hard to see and if u can’t see it how can u believe?

    It ain’t fascism because it is medically Justified they purport

    No fascism to see here

    Put your mask on
    Get your spackle death shot

    If you scream we will silence your city

    The freeest place on the planet is


    • 回复: @Wild Man
  148. Fox 说:
    @gay troll

    所以我错了。 应该遵循直接而轻松的路径,并在理解其当代含义的情况下阅读这些文字。

    • 回复: @Polemos
  149. lysias 说:

    Convenience is not worth it when the price can be loss of life, or at least loss of health.

    Also, taking the jab means joining a system that will kill lots of people and destroy the liberty of all of us.

  150. Eagle Eye 说:

    “Follow the Science!”

    The give-away is always the definite article – to the quarter-educated (often mere ed school “graduates”), “the science” is a definite, limited set of prescriptions inculcated by the MSM through easy-to-remember phrases and slogans, e.g. “carbon neutral,” “green,” “Flatten the Curve!,” “Omicron Variant,” etc.

    The MSM messaging relies heavily on kindergarten-level authority figures such as Tony “HIV” Frauci, Bill Gates etc.

    Ed schools and colleges actively discourage any real questioning, especially challenges to prevailing conceptual frameworks. Real-world investigation and thinking outside the box is understood to be taboo.

    • 同意: InnerCynic
  151. anarchyst 说:


    …except when it comes to displays of the jewish “宗教” on public property–the menorah.
    Even the white house had a large menorah displayed on its grounds.
    我猜 “政教分离” only applies to Christians…

    • 同意: Robjil
  152. Polemos 说:

    此外,福奇的比格犬实验显示出的精神病程度也令人深感不安。 它超越了冷静的科学领域,进入了真正的邪恶。


    人们想相信动物祭祀在数百到数千年前就结束了,但如果早期关于新科学家的宗教信仰的评论完全正确,那么我们正处于祭祀时代实验室比之前移动的寺庙大许多数量级。 阅读任意数量的期刊文章,其中动物必须死才能被打开,以便研究人员可以进行观察(“是的,它没有得癌症!它起作用了!”),以及他们用来描述的动词是什么?杀戮,这个词意在委婉? 你已经知道了!

    这是 牺牲.


    一些科学家屈服于虐待狂的冲动并猛烈抨击动物的暴力抵抗; 从这个意义上说,那些实验室书呆子与街头警察没有什么不同。 但是几乎所有的科学家都必须学习如何关闭对其他生物的同情,即使是暂时的,以便从事搅动所有这些的工作 急冻肉类 为了占卜 data. 而且,一旦了解到,您是否认为科学家会在他们将实验室外套挂在钩子上时只会让他们的所有感觉重新开始-他们是否会发现比许多士兵更容易与人类同理心重新建立联系”为了不让那些运送餐巾纸、塑料叉子和手提箱的军事车队前往绿区,我是否不得不杀死和碾压儿童?

    我在场边看到了士兵、科学家和警察,足以看到脱敏和缓慢而微妙的精神病行进是如何形成的。我看到“普通人”随便走过无家可归的人,垂死的动物被汽车撞倒,孩子们被失控的父母殴打,沟渠中的垃圾堆扼杀了生命的溪流。 我们的星球是一个病态和令人沮丧的星球,到处都是人,他们应该在业力之轮上进行更多的轮回,以消除他们的无知、残忍、贪婪、冷漠、对所有大大小小的事物缺乏同情心——我是对的和你们在一起,转身又被转身,生病和痊愈,在优雅和沉默的引导下挣扎,以防止我屈服于精神病患者的轻松 高效.

    即使你们中的一些人以随意的方式互相交谈,互相侮辱,并且只是逃避任何责任来拥有自己的傲慢和羞辱性攻击,你甚至没有看到这些“小”事情是如何逐渐切碎和切割的打破你内在、通过你、与你并肩的超越? 有没有 联系你 你对待他人的方式 神的实例化?

    如果没有,那么不要把这一切都放在像福奇这样明显的残骸上,或者这些板上的任何人都是我们最明显的自我陶醉的自恋小丑。 如果你内心没有以任何方式被自己的良心引导开始将彼此视为神圣的、无限的、充满恩典的人而不被承认,那么你仍然在那些科学家谋杀猴子和那些警察殴打的道路上,并且拳打脚踢,大叫“别反抗了! 别反抗了!”


    如果这更“离题”,我很抱歉,但它只是让我觉得,在人类之中,甚至只是他们在虚拟空间中留下的迹象,当人类曾经是银河系这个地区最神奇的精神生物时,能够用他们的热情和真诚的意图在天空中建造大教堂。 如果您知道摆脱皮肤的方法,您仍然可以在那里找到它们,其中一些。 我讨厌他们对你们所做的,你们对自己所做的,你们通过彼此对所有仰望你们的小孩子所做的,但正是同样的仇恨让我被束缚在这个监狱里,永远踱步小圈子,直到最后我的典狱长承认是时候了,让我放手离开这一切。

    到那时,彼此相爱。 让你的爱站稳脚跟。 我们可以改变这一切,直到它再次被冲刷掉的那一刻。

    • 同意: Mehen, Grasshopper Kaplan
    • 谢谢: Emslander, Robjil, Kali
    • 哈哈: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  153. UpsideDown 说:

    Watch this video – a dark vision delivered by a pretty face.
    No one would support a ‘total control’ mechanism like a CBDC, if not for fear of covid & the advent of digital passport.
    This video clearly lays out the agenda in simple terms –

    • 谢谢: Robjil
    • 回复: @EmpireOfLies
  154. @gay troll

    Believe the science just means: disbelieve in God.

    • 回复: @gay troll
  155. Wild Man 说:
    @Grasshopper Kaplan

    I was watching all this very carefully. Trump’s instincts were, that he was being played on covid. He said plenty to reveal that was his sentiment. He was right about that. Nevertheless, … Trump’s weak spot was the upcoming 2020 election. He couldn’t win in the media environment he has to swim in, if he called the bluff. He would have been crucified (political-capital-wise). He knew that. Trump thought ‘project warp-speed’ would kill two birds with one stone. What an idiot (even though I really do like the guy, very much … because I believe Trump is a fellow believer in the power of ‘true-west’). He didn’t figure-in, the full level of deceit, duplicitousness, and all round douchbaggery he was always on the receiving end of.

    Now, ….. with his wrongheaded project warp-speed, he won the election (though this was stolen). So in effect, …. Trump did bet right …. but what he missed was that this vaxx was going to be worse than a do-nothing project, and if he did not prevail (in not having the election stolen from him) …. he would not be there to drive executive policy towards what otherwise, might have been just a so-so result (by way of making the vaxx program 100% voluntary, and not eligible for the younger cohorts once we knew for sure there was a negative self-interest quotient, vaxx-taking-wise, for the younger cohorts, ….. which we knew for sure by around June/21 … but there was plenty of evidence to suspect that would be the outcome, even long before that). I don’t believe Mr. Trump would have entertained any of this vaxx mandate nonsense, and I don’t think he would have been willing to sacrifice some of our youth for political gain. Trump possesses common sense. It’s other people that don’t, and as such, allow themselves to become monsters through the exercise of their misplaced ontological conceit.

    • 回复: @W
  156. Polemos 说:


    在最后的一个实验中,研究人员将万磁王注射到自由行为小鼠的纹状体中,这是一种含有产生多巴胺的神经元的深部大脑结构,这些神经元参与奖励和动机,然后将这些动物放入一个分裂成磁化 [和] 非磁化的装置中。磁化部分。 表达 Magneto 的小鼠在磁化区域花费的时间远远多于未表达的小鼠, 因为蛋白质的激活导致表达它的纹状体神经元释放多巴胺,因此小鼠发现在这些区域. 这表明万磁王可以 遥控 大脑深处神经元的放电,并控制复杂的行为。

    哈佛大学的神经科学家史蒂夫拉米雷斯,他使用光遗传学 操纵记忆 在老鼠的大脑中,这项研究是“坏蛋”。

    “之前的尝试 [使用磁铁来控制神经元活动] 需要多个组件才能使系统工作——注入磁性粒子、注入表达热敏通道的病毒、[或] 固定动物的头部以便线圈可以引起变化在磁性方面,”他解释说。 “拥有多组件系统的问题在于,每个单独的部分都有很大的分解空间。”

    “这个系统是 一种单一的、优雅的病毒,可以注射到大脑的任何地方,这使得在技术上更容易并且不太可能使移动的铃声和口哨声发生故障,”他补充道,“他们的行为设备经过巧妙设计,在适当的地方包含磁铁,以便动物可以自由移动。”

    他的意思是,他们的小头盔足够小且便于携带,老鼠不会被电线和管子束缚住。 这是卫报文章中描述的文章: https://www.nature.com/articles/nn.4265

    但显然还有更多的文章可以学习。 例如,



    但是,也有一些不需要磁转染或纳米磁性颗粒的方法。 一个可以用 超声波, 例如:



    许多年前,我在大学校园里当警察,也在那里上课。 我在课堂上认识的一个人告诉我,作为调查的一部分,他必须在口袋里随身携带这个小设备。 . 一天结束时,他会将设备连接到计算机,上传数据,然后在调查结束时收取少量费用。 快钱。 我想了很长时间:我的耳朵和思想多久被广告中的环境超声波攻击,这可能会做什么? 也许,我想,他只是在说笑,并且在愚弄我。

    好吧 十年后,有这个:

    为什么这很重要? 嗯,广告中使用的超声波是另一种方式,除了与 WiFi、蓝牙、cookies、浏览历史、物理位置信标、蜂窝网络集成之外,还可以实现 全渠道营销. 什么是全渠道营销? 让我们一起追赶行业。 . .

    (一个adroll!一个*ing adroll!)



    “隐私问题仍然相关吗? 重新审视全渠道零售中的消费者行为”

    得到图片? 它一定会得到你! 资本主义监视模式是由旨在吸引、推动、强化和重定向个人消费者的广告活动驱动的,这些广告活动旨在吸引、推动、加强和重定向个人消费者,使其转向重复、可预测的消费。 这 数字 一个人通过参与在线和实体店创造的现实 经验 跨多种媒体变得虚拟、可用和“无缝”:这种相同的体验一致性奠定了认知思维的基础。

    人们记得笛卡尔试图论证我们可以在那里知道 是一个 现实是因为被幻觉迷惑是静止的 be 某物,怀疑时表达的被动语态变成了存在的主动时态,但他永远无法克服将梦与清醒生活区分开来的障碍——所以他干脆宣称梦是随机的,似乎没有那么可预测和平凡作为清醒的生活。 帕斯卡回应笛卡尔,他在十几岁的时候就认识了笛卡尔,他从未摆脱过笛卡尔是需要震动的人的感觉,我们可以想象一个人每天都面临着混乱和无序,过着与其他人不同的清醒生活,并且然而他们的梦想都回到了一个单一的、稳定的故事——我们甚至不需要 想像 这一点,所以帕斯卡的著作甚至指出,因为任何走出去并决定随心所欲生活的人都会立即发现有很多混乱和无序即将到来,我们愉快地潜入我们稳定有序叙事的虚假梦想中,如我们让他们在剧院和网络剧中看到它们,现在在流中狂欢。

    全渠道体验以及满足行业需求的所有技术掌握,围绕大众消费形成的各种行业:所有这一切都是为了创造一个稳定的现实,作为一个人在世时的认知体验。 受益于 5G 信号塔和监控的不是民族国家和无法无天的政府,而是迪士尼。 是瑞。 是沃尔玛。 是亚马逊。 这是诺德斯特罗姆的。 是宝马。 还有很多! 都是这样的公司 这些零售商和跨国公司; 这是所有的公司 保证 他们并管理他们的工资单。 疫苗护照是一张人的票,所以他们说, 从事营销和消费、娱乐和社交、买卖. 金票只是一张虚拟的纸,但它也是定义一个新现实的护身符,人类将下降并成为 完全集成 跨越 全谱 他们的存在,因为这将使他们能够穿越阻碍较小存在的限制,并统一他们存在的碎片。 每个人都成为他们自己叙事的关键主角,每时每刻都在被推动,同时被追踪每一微秒,成为他们数字、生物、经济、社会和物质自我的统一体。

    他们的精神存在的整体,无所不在和无所不知地观察并返回给他们, 都被慈爱的机器看守着.

    • 回复: @JWalters
    , @The_MasterWang
  157. Polemos 说:

    同性恋巨魔是最能直截了当的人之一。 交付中的讽刺意味,如果突然转向,就完全被忽略了,因此,其理性仍被激情所束缚的未觉醒头脑需要很长时间才能咬住这一点。 但是,如果知道至少还有另外一个人学会了嘲笑荒谬,在悲伤中找到安慰,并对傲慢的人嗤之以鼻,那么觉醒的心现在会被理性所驱使,他们的激情会得到陪伴和安慰。

  158. aleksander 说:


    它只是变得太荒谬和变态了。 砍掉你 8 岁男孩的球来表达美德信号,在图书馆时间玩弄 5 岁孩子的变装皇后,一年中的每一天都在游行,名人文化围绕着金·卡戴珊的屁股,我的意思是它必须走了。

    “寡头”帮了我们大忙。 没有什么能唤醒我们,除了可能是有毒的刺戳、死亡或从刺戳中快速发作的癌症。 这甚至不是这样做的。

    人们因第二次刺戳而患上严重的心肌炎,然后转身告诉每个人都接种加强剂。 我们要回到这个???

    是时候每个人都承认瘟疫骗局是人类发生过的最好的事情了。是时候摆脱 500 年来的谎言、诈骗、诈骗和无神论了。我把这一切都归咎于无神论者的脚下。



    • 巨魔: Je Suis Omar Mateen
  159. @Kali

    I did but inevitably it means that the rekindled friendship has fallen at the first hurdle.

    • 回复: @Kali
  160. @Polemos

    The likeliest explanation imo is that the terrible realisation is dawning that he could have royally screwed up. (Wife and kids jabbed as well). Why he waited though I just don’t know. He’s not the sort of guy to back down. Here’s what he did once. Berated his secretary for long delay in organisating carpark potholes to be filled in. To make a typical dramatic female point she went out on her lunchbreak and began filling in the holes herself. When confronted by the White Knights he replied that he’s an equal opportunity employer and left her at it. That took balls even if it was about twenty years ago.

  161. Thim 说:

    奥米克戎。莫罗尼克 (Moronic) 的字谜。


    • 哈哈: some_loon
  162. W 说:
    @Wild Man

    Trump cultists judge him based on what you think he’s doing, not what he actually does, there is nothing to support the nonsense you wrote.

    Tell me why the pos is enthusiastically pushing the killshot?

    I’ll ask you the same question I ask all you c*nts.

    Why did your “God emperor” lure his supporters to a protest and leave them to rot?


    Was he tricked, hoodwinked, and bamboozled?

    • 回复: @Wild Man
  163. gay troll 说:
    @Jeffrey A Freeman

    Well this is true; according to “the Science”, God is not real. I find this an absurd position for the Science to take, since the Science also frets about not having a unified theory of physics, and not knowing how to observe the majority of the universe that it calls dark matter and energy. The fact is that the Science does not understand the foundation of reality, because they admit the foundation of reality cannot be observed.

    A lot of this also has to do with the rejection of the “God” of the Bible, who must be assumed to be YHWH, who acts only with greed and malice in his heart. Rejection of YHWH is rational. But are we also to reject that which is real, simply because it is also invisible?

    Aside from YHWH, agnostics and atheists are skeptical that self, or mind, or intelligence is involved in the foundation of reality at all. This is the dogma of the Science: that intelligence and personality emerge from a substrate that is devoid of these qualities. But what if matter emerges from the self, and not vice versa?

    I have seen too much, I know that personality is not just on the inside, it is on the outside as well. The experience of consciousness is of looking into a mirror. I have had too dialogue with the universe, it has too often demanded my attention, provided an omen, or a caution, or a blessing. I know it is alive.

    God is quite simply the whole.

    • 同意: Mehen, Marcion
    • 谢谢: Kali
  164. @Kratoklastes

    No mask mandates in South Carolina anymore, and it has been that way for months, but blacks in public are 80-90 percent.

  165. @One-off



    当斯巴达克斯藐视罗马法律和制度时,他的 5,000 名角斗士军队沿着从罗马到卡普亚的亚壁古道(?)被钉死在十字架上。如果没有大量的数据,并且蔑视制图,我会说这是 100 英里的距离,因此十字架沿途的间距将是 100 英尺,如果放置在罗马道路的两侧,则间距为 200 英尺。

    现在我假设从列克星敦到华盛顿特区又大约有 100 英里。然而,我们还有很多很多的叛国篡夺者和唯唯诺诺的人要处决,所以刺穿的间距必须更近,如果高速公路两侧都被利用的话,大约三英尺。

    福奇和盖茨还不够。我们不仅有 99% 以上的国会议员,还有数千个学校董事会、数千名医院管理人员、疾病预防控制中心、谷歌、FDA、白痴医生、撒谎的政客……。如果我们完全支持雅各宾派,那么任何宣扬这种有史以来最恶毒、最致命的罪行的人都将被沿途刺死。一个人在火刑柱上最多可以存活 XNUMX 天,是时候给世界一个教训了。


    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @Sisifo
    , @Mulga Mumblebrain
  166. Sisifo 说:

    平均年龄(或者你可能指的是中位年龄?)没有相关性,唯一重要的数字是每个年龄段每 100,000 万人中的死亡人数。

    Old Africans are stubbornly **不是** 快死了

  167. Panadechi 说:


  168. sally 说:

    I am seeking to discover if there is a function (side effect) hidden, incorporated by mistake or by intention, within the mRNA scripts injected into vavxers that co produces with antiviral activity some other un-advertised outcome?

    Several literature articles have hinted the script functions to focus the adaptive immune system and in so doing, it narrows the range of epitomes the adaptive immune system will build antibodies against. I don’t understand this narrowing of the range of epitomes that the adaptive immune system is capable to recognize?
    How does it work; is it is real for these vaccines? Can something actually attenuate or narrow recognition?

    can anyone knowledgeably address this ?

  169. JWalters 说:





    进一步 高度 relevant info and links, including experimental control of pleasure using this technology, are in comment 161 by Polemos.

  170. JWalters 说:

    感谢您提供的重要信息和链接。 与 Richard Brautigan 的名言相得益彰。 显然,我们的隐私法需要在 21 世纪进行重大升级!

  171. @Polemos


  172. @InnerCynic

    Which “science” would that happen to be?

    In this case that would be the “science” bought and paid for by big pharma, which is apparently nothing new in the land of the free-for-all, where everything goes except that which makes sense.

    Dr. Smith omitted mention of the fact that it was the constant harassment by drug lawyers that caused the ΑΜΑ Council on Drugs to stop its longtime practice of testing and certifying new drugs for the benefit of AMA’s thousands of member physicians. After divulging the shocking truth that the current budget of the U. S. Food and Drug Administration allows government inspection of drug factories on an average of only once in five and a half years, Dr. Smith testified that PMA would support larger Congressional appropriations for F and DA but he doubted any enthusiasm for continuous drug inspection comparable to the rigorous inspection of meat at packing houses. In the face of avalanching evidence that too many inadequately tested “cures” are being marketed and th t consequent danger to the people’s health is mounting.

    周六评论,7 月 XNUMX 日, 1960,页码 53 57- https://www.unz.com/print/SaturdayRev-1960may07-00053/Contents/

    That was over 60 years ago and I’ll eat my socks if anyone can prove to me that things have not become worse over time.

    Additionally, I’ve read the 45% of the FDA budget comes from the drug industry itself. Science, they call it. Yup

  173. @The Alarmist

    Ah yes — the Fed Kennedys:

    Right up there with Rage For The Machine as pro-regime “rebels.”

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  174. @animalogic

    But one point – I was led to believe that the UK’s “back to school” had seen over a 100 kids die of covid.

    Really. Let’s see what that notorious COVID-denialist, 5G 阴谋 官网 自然 has to say about this issue:


    Deaths from COVID ‘incredibly rare’ among children

    A comprehensive analysis of hospital admissions and reported deaths across England suggests that COVID-19 carries a lower risk of dying or requiring intensive care among children and young people than was previously thought.

    In a series of preprints published on medRxiv1–3, a team of researchers picked through all hospital admissions and deaths reported for people younger than 18 in England. The studies found that COVID-19 caused 25死亡 in that age group between March 2020 and February 2021.

    关于我们 half of those deaths were in individuals with an underlying 复杂 disability with high health-care needs, such as 管饲 or assistance with breathing.

    The infection-fatality rate for COVID in patients <18 years old was a whopping 0.005% — clearly the Black Plague redux. For context, it’s useful to compare this to previous data on influenza deaths in children — or even to varicella (chicken pox) deaths. Did I mention pediatric all-cause mortality in the UK 大幅下降 during the first year of the deadly plague? Going from 25 deaths in the first year to “over a hundred” in a couple of months seems… highly improbable.

    The “hundreds of British kids felled by the deadly Rona!” narrative is out there — typically in articles like 点击例子, which is essentially a strung-together series of quotes from random people histrionically bleating about kids supposedly dropping like flies, but lacks even a single verifiable source for any of the numbers which it seems to spit out at random.

    • 回复: @Arthur MacBride
    , @animalogic
  175. Sisifo 说:

    Those “variants”, like the virus itself, are just the result of computer modelling, you know, the same computer modelling which gave us no rain in Australia (half of Sydney evacuated because the dams are 100% full), ocean levels raising (oceanfront prices raising) and winters on the Alps without snow (yeah, right).


    • 回复: @Bert
  176. Sisifo 说:

    福奇和盖茨还不够。我们不仅有 99% 以上的国会议员,还有数千个学校董事会、数千名医院管理人员、疾病预防控制中心、谷歌、FDA、白痴医生、撒谎的政客


    • 谢谢: JohnnyGodYilmaz
  177. @Fart Blossom

    The TOTAL dominance of health policy in the USA by BigPharma the health insurance parasites and private medical businessmen and mafiosi, purchased by political bribery, is yet another example of the deep, deep, Evil of the US system.

    • 同意: InnerCynic, Fart Blossom
  178. @Sisifo

    But that will change when the WHO ghouls get the ‘vaccines’ into them.

    • 回复: @Alfred
  179. @JohnnyGodYilmaz


    • 回复: @JohnnyGodYilmaz
  180. some_loon 说:





    也许 IVM 和 HCQ 在这方面也能发挥有用的作用。还有很少的疗养院。

  181. republic 说:


    Ten OMICRON “variant” predictions for 2022 and beyond… globalist authoritarian playbook stripped naked

  182. Bert 说:

    They are real. But you don’t understand enough biology to 真实调整它。

    • 回复: @JohnnyGodYilmaz
  183. InnerCynic 说:
    @Fart Blossom

    That’s shocking. And that was back in 1960? Years prior to my own appearance on the world stage. There really isn’t anything new under the sun as they say.

    • 回复: @Fart Blossom
  184. @Mulga Mumblebrain


    这些电视审判对于民众的康复和教育至关重要。我建议仅合法处决。让他们汗流浃背,每天提醒他们,多亏唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)现在身在地狱,但在新墨西哥州北部仍然拥有六座宏伟的住宅,酷刑在美国是合法的

    一些想要说话的新冠罪犯可能会以自己的生命为代价,或者更好的是,以他们的死亡方式为代价。我们可以肯定地知道,其中一些酷刑者和贪婪的败类已经运作了数十年,并且将参与 9/11 背后的行动。他们将掌握信息并提供针对其同谋的证词,以换取克劳斯猪施瓦布为我们提供的:轻松死亡。




    • 同意: usNthem, Irish Savant
  185. @Bert


    – 如果注射完全有效,它们也会对变体起作用,这些变体与原始版本的差异不到 1%





  186. @James Forrestal

    Deaths from COVID ‘incredibly rare’ among children

    Correct and Thank You.

    A few days ago I walked past a Grundschule in Berlin to see a wee toddler exiting with Mum and taking off her Mask … aside from the medium/long-term physical damage to this innocent child, how is one to evaluate the poisonous depraved shite she will be fed in the “education” system ? How can one not weep when considering how innocent children are being warped by very evil people, aided by their own parents/teachers ?

    This was just a 5-second snapshot in my day; it reminded me of the jewish boast that they would make the West a stink in the nose of the world due to the poison they have poured in specially following their victory in WW2. They have succeeded beyond their wildest imaginings, maybe even destroying their own power-base. Ironic.

    Thank You also, Linh Dinh.
    Your column are an inspiration.

    • 同意: James Forrestal
    • 回复: @James Forrestal
  187. Kali 说:
    @Irish Savant

    Yes, I read as much in your subsequent comments, but I’d used all of my tag credits already, so didn’t respond.

    Sad to say your friends reaction to having his beliefs challenged is all too common, and not only in regard to “the covids”.

    Please forgive me: there’s lots more I could say on this issue of cognitive dissonance but I’m a bit too tired to put anything coherent together.

    Also, I’m getting sticky marmalade splodges all over my screen. – Hot bread just out of the oven, smothered in butter and home made marmalade, following a very hot, hot-tub under the dappled shade of an olive tree, accompanied by reading the thoughts, insights and opinions of the UR commentariat. A moment off bliss that I’m happily savouring.

    Much love and appreciation,

    • 谢谢: Irish Savant
  188. skrik 说:

    The citizens in Switzerland, in their direct democracy model, have forced a referendum on “vaccine passports”

    Not only “vaccine passports.” The referendum was ‘lost,’ in that the ‘yes’ vote = 62% [the vax-rate = 65%], so the vaxxed have now ensured ‘hard times’ for the unvaxxed = a massive ‘bully operation’ can now get underway. The “vaccine passports” form a mechanism of 1984-like EID [= Electronic ID] control, and since the QR-code checker apps communicate with a govt. database, the govt. now will know where every person is, when each such person ‘checks in’; we’ll have to wait to see just how far the Swiss-regime goes 面对面的人 oppression of the said unvaxxed [who cannoi get ‘Zertifikats’].

    A big part in the campaign was played by the wicked assertion: “It’s a pandemic of the unvaxxed!” – and similar such, heard across country-boundaries.

    The Swiss-regime may next try ‘mandatory vaxxing,’ which would be a violation of the Nuremberg principles – but they just got 62% ‘approval’ for ‘stricter measures!’

    IMHO, about 62% of the Swiss-bogans ‘just didn’t think.’ rgds

    • 回复: @skrik
    , @Mulga Mumblebrain
  189. Old Jew 说:



    . 他的堂兄是罗茨柴尔德。

  190. Alfred 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    But that will change when the WHO ghouls get the ‘vaccines’ into them.

    I thought you were about to say the following:

    But that will change when the Climate Changes for them. 🤣

    Historic Snowfall Hits South Africa …

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  191. Weave 说:

    I keep thinking it will come to a point where I am no longer given the choice to refuse the needle. Either I will have to hide in the wilderness and be hunted, and/or I will be restrained while they inject it. Sometimes I wonder if they’ll just kill me outright, though I suspect the fun is in making us suffer the chemicals they’ve chosen for us.

  192. Wild Man 说:

    Yes I agree that Trump seems to be in lalaland when it comes to speaking up for the vaxxes. He’s between a rock and a hard place on that one (as I already outlined).

    Drop the God-Emperor crap (this ain’t Vox Popoli here at this site).

    Revolver News has done a lot of good work revealing what actually went down on Jan 6th (FBI covert operation), as to luring protesters into the ‘reputational-kill-zone’ of the Capital Building. Why are you so sure that Trump did the luring, when the evidence shows it actually was the ruinous FBI that did the luring?

    I like Trump because, who else, at the level of power, has spoken truth-to-power, like this?:

    Nobody else. This guy (Trump) gets it (true-westernism).

    So what you gonna do W? You better than Trump? Can you call a spade a spade, like Trump did in that speech, in a convincing fashion, like Trump? Why not run for the presidency yourself then? If you aren’t going to do that ….. look around then, …. who has got MAGA’s back? Anybody? Maybe Ron DeStantis? MAGA is what is important. If someone can do it better than Trump, then, yes, he should get out of the way. Not convinced there actually is a proven alternate political personality, with any kind of chance, out there, like that, though (but I am watching Ron DeSantis, …. and I have always liked Tulsi Gabbard, pushing back on the other side of the uni-party, too). And to Trump’s credit he won’t let up on demanding Arizona election decertification, …. and much deeper audits on the other 5 states where very wonky things, election-wise, very obviously happened, that by criminal-intent, swung the overall results. Trump must not let up on that because this type of election shenanigans will just keep happening until there is massive punishment for the cheating.

  193. skrik 说:


    unvaxxed [who cannoi get ‘Zertifikats’

    1st, sorry; cannoi = cannot, but 2nd, wrong; the Swiss ‘Zertifikat’ system is 3G = [in corrected order] Genesen, Geimpft oder Getestet = ‘recovered, vaxxed or tested,’ but kindly note that any test is only valid for 2-3 days; at a current charge of ~SFR40 each test = makes going out to any ‘controlled’ event more than usually extra-expensive.

    Then, for some odd reason unknown to me, the referendum was posed in the opposite sense to the 200,000 signatories, who were objecting to a previously perceived injustice; the referendum was phrased as *为了* the objected-to measures, ‘sweetened’ by offered bribes, then backed by business and most political parties. And, as mentioned, ‘supported’ by [lying?] propaganda. Hardly a democratic process but worse, by backing this IMHO pro-vax *scam*, the Swiss have apparently at least partly killed off their 700+ year tradition of “Ds Rütli und d’Freiheit und d’Demokratie” [try Mani Matter – Dynamit].

    Musing: Given that mRNA vaxxes are ‘questionable’ to say the least, I find it odd that that vaxxing is the only ‘pushed’ option. Given that the Swiss vax-rate is about the same as Japan’s, why it that the Japanese rate of infection is approaching zero, while the Swiss rate of infection is zoomimg up?

    ‘What, me worry?’ rgds

    • 回复: @Bert
    , @Mulga Mumblebrain
  194. Bert 说:

    Nasal lavage with isotonic saline is a highly effective prophylaxis. It is widely practiced in Japan.


    Results Of 79 patients assigned to nasal irrigation (63.99[7.96] years, 36[45.6%] female, 43[54.4%]male), 0/37 assigned to povidone-iodine and 1/42 patients in the alkalinization group had a COVID-19 related hospitalization (1.26%). From September 22 to December 21, 2020, in patients 50+ years the CDC reported 1022977 cases with 197777 hospitalizations, or 19.33% (OR:0.054, 95%CI0.0074 to 0.38, P = 0.0036). Diaries were completed by 62 patients, averaging 1.79 irrigations/day.

    1.3% rate of hospitalization when early treatment was nasal lavage 19.3% rate of hospitalization with zero early treatment.

    Vaccines were never necessary. Vitamin D sufficiency, zinc and selenium sufficiency, anti-viral mouthwashes, and nasal lavage would have greatly reduced the case fatality rate.

    • 同意: Mulga Mumblebrain
    • 谢谢: skrik
  195. @skrik

    In Japan, from August 3, after the intervention of the Chair of the Tokyo Medical Association, Ozaki, ivermectin began to be widely dispensed. You can tell it was IVM that brought cases down, because Google is FULL of BigPharma trolls denying it. Proof positive.

    • 同意: skrik
    • 回复: @skrik
  196. @Alfred

    Alfie, that’s weather, not climate. How is it living as a moron? A fanatic moron, to boot. Every cold outbreak, and they are falling in number decade by decade, gets your insect ‘mind’ twitching, but every hot period, or any of the weather and climate disasters, all increasing, decade by decade, does not penetrate your reptile brain. If it wasn’t the fate of humanity in the balance, it would be hilarious, but you’re NO laughing matter.

    • 回复: @Alfred
  197. @skrik

    But, how are you threatened, when fully vaccinated and therefore safe from harm, as the medical Mafiosi assure us, by the unvaccinated? Simple logic, but once H.saps reptile mind is excited, logic and much more besides goes out the window. It will end in autos-da-fe and burning of the unvaccinated ‘witches’.

    • 回复: @skrik
  198. JimDandy 说:
    @Peter Akuleyev

    肥胖的黑人和棕色人种的死亡率更高。 如果你真的在意的话,可以用减肥代替实验性的药水。

    • 回复: @Peter Akuleyev
  199. Alfred 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    every hot period, or any of the weather and climate disasters, all increasing, decade by decade, does not penetrate your reptile brain.

    Do you see the same trend that everyone else can?

    Don’t forget that the Grand Solar Minimum has only started. 🤣

  200. Dumbo 说:

    The question you have to ask is, are they stupid, or are they evil? (Well, I think they are both).

    Everything that was done to “stop COVID”, from lockdowns to social distancing to vaccination, has been a complete failure. And yet they keep doing the same thing over and over again. Even some idiot commenters here (i.e. Peter Akuleyev) promote the same tired lines.

    Germany is in its fourth or fifth general lockdown, and that with 80% of vaxxed or so. Effect is zero.

    Since all attempts fail, and yet they keep being tried in the same way, that leads us to an inescapable conclusion: they don’t really want to end the pandemic. The fake “cure for the pandemic” is the real objective. It actually perpetuates the pandemic, and, for them, that’s good.

    Vaccine passports, tracking and lockdowns are and were the real objective of the Covid operation. Since “vaccine passports” do nothing to stop any pandemic, the fact that they keep being pushed nevertheless EVERYWHERE is the that that’s what they want, regardless of its effects.

    The vaccine itself, since it doesn’t stop spread and needs to be renewed every six months or so, is only understood as a device to institute such passports on a global scale. Because, as a cure to a disease, they are useless or worse than useless. (That so many people think that a vaccine that needs to be taken every six months, perhaps coinciding with flu season, and doesn’t even stop spread, somehow “works”, is a mystery).

    It’s not so much that “the virus was created for the vaccine”, and the “vaccine passports were created to push the vaccine”. It’s the opposite, “the vaccine was created to push vaccine passports”.

    And it isn’t going to be just about “Covid” either. Once an idea is imprinted in people’s mind, and a certain behaviour is learned, then it’s going to be there forever. We are all Pavlov’s dogs.

    (Note: Pavlov performed horrible tortures on his lab dogs, much like Fauci did.)

    • 谢谢: Emslander
    • 回复: @Peter Akuleyev
  201. animalogic 说:
    @James Forrestal

    I did admit I might have my facts wrong — the WSWS article you linked is possibly not the best source for medical facts. However, there is this (again maybe I’m wrong)
    “She adds that the number of deaths in children has vastly increased in the past few months since the spread of the delta variant and very high levels of infection, which were not seen during the period studied. The ONS says that there had been 68 covid-19 deaths in 0-19 year olds in England and Wales up to the end of October. Gurdasani estimates from Public Health England data that there have now been around 101 deaths in children.”

    • 回复: @James Forrestal
  202. animalogic 说:

    “half baked disclaimer” ?
    You know at first I thought, Gee, nasty little cup cake, this one. But then it hit me — ding dong — “Kali”.
    This one actually has the gall, the presumption the bloated ego to not only identify with a God, but with the actual Goddess of Death, time, end times.
    No wonder you were so pissy with my disputed numbers — no one plans to bother the Goddess of Death….

    • 回复: @Kali
  203. @Marshall Lentini



  204. skrik 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    but once H.saps reptile mind is excited, logic and much more besides goes out the window

    是; ’der, they didn’t think’, but the bogans have a sort of an ‘excuse’, that being the nature and content of the ‘excitation.’

    This has ramifications for this article and much wider.

    To make a rather long-story two-words short: 操作知更鸟.

    Almost across ‘the West,’ the only ‘solution’ on offer to the SARS-CoV-2 scam is to vax all, usually with the suspect, ‘experimental’ mRNA. The so-called leaders and the corrupt&venal MSM+PFBCs are all on the same ‘page.’ To achieve that, there must be some broad-based collusion process ‘in place’, and as the vaxxes are neither ‘safety & efficacy’ proven nor stop the spread of infection [= not an acceptable solution], all the elements of a West-wide tyrannical conspiracy *against us, we the people* are present. rgds

  205. skrik 说:
    @Mulga Mumblebrain

    Yes and thanks; I was aware of Dr. Ozaki, and ‘1st find’ credit [in here] should probably be attributed to:

    {70.Ultrafart the Brave says: • Website
    格林尼治标准时间27年2021月10日上午05:XNUMX • 1,300 Words}

    UftB cited:

    “Japanese medical association chairman told doctors last Feb. to prescribe Ivermectin for COVID”
    https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-japanese-medical-association-chairman-tells-doctors-to-prescribe-ivermectin-for-covid/ – missed by me on ‘1st pass’ but then I [serendipitously, following a 3rd-party tip (sorry; ~17min video)] found this:

    “Japanese medical chairman doubles down on ivermectin support after early calls went ignored”

    [Note the similarity of sources]. I found assorted ‘debunks’ including this rather sad ‘sideways’ attempt:

    “Japan’s success in smashing its latest wave of COVID has ‘puzzled’ health experts”

    A note on the AusBC: I once, now looong ago, ‘trusted’ them. Silly me; it was at the time of the now widely recognised Israeli aggressive war of 1967, whereby the AusBC spun this lie [paraphrased from hazy recall:] ‘The brave Israeli David defends Israel against the ugly, monster Arab ‘Goliath’ ’ Lies do not get filthier – nor less often.

    Now, it should be crystal-clear; IF Japan & others, India, say are successfully deploying ivermectin THEN those who have forbidden its use are directly responsible for the [up to 5mio?] deaths that could have been avoided. Talk about ‘autos-da-fe’! OR possibly survivor lawsuits. rgds

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  206. Kali 说:

    “half baked disclaimer” ?
    You know at first I thought, Gee, nasty little cup cake, this one. But then it hit me — ding dong — “Kali”.

    Well, I guess attacking me over my name (given to me by a very wise teacher) – which, honestly never gets boring, honest it doesn’t – is easier than actually engaging with the content of my comment. To wit: stop speading demonstrably stupid shit on the internet.

    Bye now,

    • 回复: @animalogic
    , @animalogic
  207. @JimDandy

    I am fine with fat people dying to be honest. From my POV the virus is doing a decent job cleaning out some of the dead wood in the population. In Russia they now estimate pension expense is going to be reduced by 7% over the next decade due to the number of old people that COVID has taken off the books. The number one reason to oppose vaccines is because vaccines work.

  208. @Dumbo

    I assume you are an African? Probably from Mozambique judging by your grasp of the facts.

    You know that in Europe vaccine passports have existed for years, no reason to introduce COVID vaccines if that were the rationale. The COVID passes provide no data that hasn’t already been readily available for decades.

    Germany has nowhere near 80% vaxxed, especially in Eastern Germany. Otoh, Sweden and Denmark do have over 80% adults vaccinated, and they aren’t locking down.

    I agree Germany’s lockdown is stupid – it is entirely for the benefit of unvaxxed people whom the doctors are too soft-hearted to let die. It is also, unfortunately, also for the benefit of the immigrant populations who are usually too stupid to get vaccinated, get very sick and now German citizens are forced to sit at home to protect idiot Syrians, Serbs and Turks. Sweden, again, is better on this count.

    • 回复: @skrik
    , @Kali
  209. @Peter Akuleyev

    And now, some recycled Anatoly Karlin pseudo-toughman stuff.

    Affecting disdain for those who haven’t followed along, yet unable to stop proselytizing.

    Scared, Peter?

  210. skrik 说:
    @Peter Akuleyev

    in Europe vaccine passports have existed for years

    Haw. You appear to be totally ignorant of how your so-called “COVID passes” are being implemented, which is a 3-part process; 1) a person needs to be formally ‘qualified,’ usually = a) via the country’s vax-records, b) proof of infection [PCR-test documentation, but in some jurisdictions now antibody-test documentation], or c) an ‘up your nose’ [ouch!] test, max 48 or sometimes 72 hours ‘young.’ Then 2) the end-result is a QR-code, usually stored within the mark’s ‘smart’ phone. The bogans with such rush up to ‘control-points’ with their phones thrust out, whereupon 3) the sub-contract-hire ‘controller person’ [any of ‘normals’ or LGBTIQA+ ‘oddities,’ take your pick] scans the QR using his/her/its smart-phone, which ‘validates’ the result [or not] via a wireless query to a regime-maintained database.

    1984, pure. *他们* then know who you are, where you are and when. Then, the ‘authorities’ may ‘up the ante’ to 2G, or 2G+, or whatever, and not just for entry to restaurants etc. = entertainment events, but to include supermarkets [food denied = starve to death], chemist-shops [medicine denied = get sicker, possibly die], petrol-stations and/or public transport [mobility denied] and banks [$s denied]. All of the preceding now *正式* approved by the CH-referendum this past w/e, coming to most/all ‘Western’ jurisdictions, just as soon as the tyrant rulers can manage it.

    *不是* really such good news, eh? rgds

    • 回复: @Dumbo
  211. Dumbo 说:

    Ignore him, like I do. This Peter guy is a troll and a liar. “Vaccine passports” as conceived today have never existed in Europe. At most, some countries would exceptionally require proof of vaccination when you entered the country (and even that was rare, unless you came from some country in Asia or Africa that was a hotbed for malaria or something, but even if you came from South America nothing was asked).

    Vaccination status was never required for anyone including citizens any time you just wanted to have an espresso somewhere.

    • 同意: Marcion, Robjil
    • 谢谢: skrik
  212. Johan 说:

    “Already, our lives are mostly virtual. We’ve been eased, all along, into lockdown, but life, all of it, must be reclaimed.”

    The democratic state(s) and the corporations (who got rich from democratic materialism) have seized control. De democratic state(s) are hyper mega governing systems created by the democratic people themselves. These mega control states are the product of a long term democratic process of empowering of the state, producing a thousand little dictators, armies of bureaucrats, tons and tons of laws and regulations for over a century etc..
    Building institutions and organizations is also an obsession of democratic people. The power of the media is also a product of the democratic states.
    Hence, democracy has produces several monsters, the mega large states, the power of the commercial class (corporations) (democratic and historically unprecedented materialism), the monster called democratic media, and the web and hierarchy of controlling institutions.
    In order to regain freedom (not the alleged pre-corona freedom, which was not freedom) one needs to destroy the monsters created and or allowed to grow out of proportion by democracy itself.

    Since about 98 percent of the opposition to the situation (lockdowns, etc) are democratic propagandists who only put the blame on elites and corporations, never touching their holiest of holiest democracy, there is little to cooperate with.


    It is a very stupid thing to address the comfort zombies of a collectivist democracy. In fact, an offence of the readers. Perhaps Lin thought if fit in a moment of frustration to address those whose name is Legion.. to intelligently sway them to his side…

    The first thing which needs to be done is to become aware that our democratic systems are not about freedom, that they never were about freedom, start to think about what freedom really is. Become aware what a ghastly mob rule system democracy really is.

  213. Johan 说:

    The most salient feature of totalitarianism is control of movement

    In the Western world there are no totalitarian forces at work as in the usual meaning, there are no special lone genius demagogue-dictators and totalitarian groups behind the situation. There are egomaniacs, corrupt elites and the puppets of continuous disruption (woke), that is all. The totalitarianism at hand is democratic totalitarian mob rule guided by a plutocracy, with the cooperation of the large democratic states and the lower democratic institutions.
    Since a democracy breeds only mediocrity, it is not even fertile ground for lone totalitarian geniuses. Hence, we have only incompetence, widespread corruption, imbecility, (democratic) collectivist uniformity (which is the real ‘dictator’), and egomaniacs of a lesser nature.

    The most salient thing is the absence of anything above the mediocre, the most salient thing is that it is a collectivist self-induced mediocre mob rule totalitarianism (which needs just a little push from above). Democracy on the long run works at the ultimate death of the individual, the death of the authentic, the original, during a long period of individual-killing asphyxiating democratic collectivism.

    People like Lin Dinh are applying the recent past to the present, they are clueless in the sense that they can only interpret what is happening through very recent history.

    Note that most of the alternative reporters (like on UNZ and elsewhere) are mostly from the generation who never read a book which was written before the 20th century, and if they read older material, they mostly think they know things better. They are part of the mediocrity, they are heavily influenced by the 20th century Western propaganda machine, if not products of it.

    • 回复: @Mulga Mumblebrain
  214. Truth 说:
    @Marshall Lentini



    Hell, things ain’t even gone downhill yet.

  215. @Peter Akuleyev

    They ‘allegedly’ work in reducing hospitalisation and death, so the known, recidivist, liars, tell us. But in preventing infection and transmission, they fail Big Time, and their efficacy falls rapidly and precipitously. And they have caused more vaccine adverse events than ALL other vaccines ever utilised, combined. And the adverse events will quite probably increase with time, and ever more ‘boosters’.

  216. @Johan

    Rule by a totalitarian elite, the situation in the West, has been called many things. Kakistocracy-the rule of the worst in society. Kakastocracy-the rule of shits. Pathocracy-the rule of psychopaths. Kleptocracy and plutocracy, of course. Democracy? It is to laugh.

    • 同意: Robjil
  217. @skrik

    The Australian ABC is a stinking sewer, a cess-pit of Imperial agit-prop. The ‘multicultural’ SBS is even worse. They ought to save money and simply re-broadcast Voice of America or Radio Free Asia. Yet the psychopaths at Murdoch’s media cancer STILL hysterically denounce it as ‘Leftwing’, a sad, sick, joke worthy of a sad, sick, dying society.

    • 同意: skrik
  218. @TKK

    Definitely the latter. I know he’d respect my standing in the tech field and he was thrown off kilter by my views. I’m still amazed at the turnaround.

  219. @Joe Paluka

    His ONLY source of information is the MSM. He admitted that he didn’t want to go down ‘rabbit holes’. And yes, this guy is super-intelligent. That’s why I think his reaction was driven by the awful realisation that he’s been had.

  220. @animalogic

    Your BMJ link is to an 社论, 不能 a scientific paper. It’s important to understand the difference. Compare to Free IntroductionFree IntroductionFree Introduction — all are similar pieces editorializing in support of regime-mandated, intrinsically-unfalsifiable political positions, rather than engaging in anything resembling science.

    That BMJ editorial does precisely 杰克狗屎 to refute the facts cited in the original paper — it just whines that they’re “bad for the narrative” and should therefore be suppressed because they might lead to “too little” fear and hysteria among the population. In the course of shrieking “Those kids are 所有 gonna die if they don’t get quadruple-vaxxed RIGHT NOW!” they mention in passing the number of previously-healthy children who died from COVID in the entire first year of the lethal scourge… SIX. Does that stop them? Of course not. They just keep on keepin’ on. The Narrative says “lethal” — 他们‘re gonna say “lethal.” Facts? What are those?

    The ONS says that there had been 68 covid-19 deaths in 0-19 year olds in England and Wales up to the end of October.

    The CDC says you’re lying. See how naked assertions work? Surely you’re capable of linking to an actual 资源 for this claim.

    Let’s assume for the sake of argument that number is official. The problem is that the “COVID deaths” category is actually a “number of deaths of people who had had a positive test result for COVID-19 ,要么 died within 60 days of the first positive test or have COVID-19 mentioned on their death certificate” {exact quote taken from the 英国卫生安全局). So if a kid tests positive for COVID via PCR, has the sniffles and a bit of a cough for three days… and dies in a car accident 2几个月后, that goes straight into the so-called “COVID-19 deaths” column. Them’s the rules — it’s right there in black and white. And given that COVID-19 is both:
    1. A very common condition, and
    2.无处 a leading cause of death in kids
    有时候是这样的 很多。

    的重要性 这张纸 is that it actually makes some effort to distinguish between “of COVID” and “COVID” — rather than just counting up positive PCR tests in kids who died from any cause, they actually reviewed the individual cases to evaluate whether the deadly plague was a significant contributing factor. As far as I know, no one in the US has even tried to do this with American data, so ya gotta give some credit to the Brits for that.

    …of 12,023,568 CYP living in England, 3,105 died, including 61 who were positive for SARS-CoV-2. Of these deaths, 25 were due to SARS-CoV-2 infection (mortality rate, two per million), including 22 due to coronavirus disease 2019—the clinical disease associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection—and 3 were due to pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2.

    Once again — an infection fatality rate of 0.005% — and a population-wide disease-specific mortality rate of 每百万2. Literally the return of the Black Plague, goy. It’s like, obvious.

    …the number of deaths in children has vastly increased in the past few months since the spread of the delta variant

    You’re behind the curve on this one — they’ve moved on already from t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ the last 5 times they trumpeted a putative “new, improved, vastly more virulent” variant. Now it’s “the latest Omega Prime 变体是 至少 10 times as lethal as the old kind!”

    It’s more of a recursive rhetorical technique than an actual argument. Also, while the published data does seem to indicate enhanced infectiousness/ 可传播性 for the delta version; the data supporting enhanced delta 杀伤力 is crap. Look it up.

    *For comparison, out of the 25 deaths caused by COVID in 0-17 year olds that first year, 13 had an accompanying “neurodisability.” That means epilepsy, or maybe Down’s syndrome, right? Nope — deaths in kids with those — or similar — conditions. “All 13 CYP[children and young people] who died of SARS-COV-2 with a neurological comorbidity had a 复杂 neurodisability due to a combination of an underlying 遗传 or metabolic condition, hypoxic ischemic events or prematurity.” Translation: these are kids that don’t walk, don’t talk, and are mostly fed via tubes in their stomachs [see also “life-limiting neurodisability” and “home respiratory support”]. And even that group, COVID-19 accounted for a small fraction of total mortality.

    • 回复: @animalogic
    , @Bert
    , @Kali
  221. @Arthur MacBride

    Thanks. The blind insistence on vaccinating kids and pregnant women strikes me as particularly evil. It should be obvious (but apparently isn’t) that part of basic risk/ benefit analysis for something like this is the principle that it’s very difficult to “cure” a healthy person.

    If you’re planning to use a drug (or any other intervention) to treat someone who just suffered a cardiac arrest, then significant — even major — side effects may be a worthwhile tradeoff for any significantly-increased chance of getting them back. If you’re planning to “treat” an entire population of healthy people for a disease that they 没有,他们 may never get, and which has a very low chance of mortality/ serious morbidity in those kids that do get it… you’d better be damn sure that your treatment is safe, because there isn’t a whole lot of potential benefit to balance out any risk.

    Another trick that you see a lot is the insistence on quoting the case fatality rate (chance of death for those with the disease — 0.005% for age 0-17 according to the English data) rather than the population level mortality rate (2 per million). They’ll insist that it’s somehow “not fair” to look at deaths/ total pediatric population, because not everyone gets the disease. Yeah, except that who are you planning to give the vax to again? That’s right — the 全部人口, not just the kids that you think will get it that year. So for looking at risk/ benefit of COVID vs. vax, population-level mortality absolutely is the appropriate comparator.

    参见 https://www.unz.com/ldinh/cull-track-and-control/#comment-5035446

    • 同意: Bert
    • 谢谢: Arthur MacBride
    • 回复: @anarchyst
  222. animalogic 说:

    Anyone who attacks me in such a fashion over an assertion I have made with overt qualification as to its factuality is not going to be treated with much respect — you don’t deserve it.
    If you have the gall to use the name of an important God you can wear the consequences — & the “half baked” excuse of a “wise teacher” is irrelevant to your actions.
    If you want people to engage with 选择您 “content” I suggest you cease being so RUDE.

    • 回复: @Kali
  223. animalogic 说:
    @James Forrestal

    Thank you for your thorough reply.
    “Covid” is an area that generates much passion.
    Expressing from memory what I thought was factual was clearly inadequate. Sadly “Covid” is such a minefield that there a but few “facts” — so much of the covid debate resists “factuality”.

    • 回复: @James Forrestal
  224. animalogic 说:

    And, Oh, catastrophic Goddess, if you are at all interested in writing a decent comment not diffused with arrogance & rudeness check the “James Forrestal” comments on Linh’s article.

  225. Bert 说:
    @James Forrestal

    This is not data, but it is relevant: Every single media photo that I have seen of a hospitalized youngster has been of an obese or morbidly obese kid.

    • 回复: @James Forrestal
  226. anarchyst 说:
    @James Forrestal

    Let’s not forget that the vaccine manufacturers, purveyors, and medical personnel who administer these vaccines are immune from prosecution for damages resulting from the use of their products.
    THIS is a major “red flag”…

  227. threestars 说:

    此评论与文章(我什至还没有阅读)没有任何关系。 我只是把这个留在这里是为了向一个曾经在 UNZ 上出现过的作家的愚蠢和烦人的愚蠢操蛋扔出当之无愧的污点。

    我现在懒得记住他的名字了,但他是一个保守的老家伙,他认为自己是某种军事分析员,(尽管他在战场上的表现非常糟糕,以至于你的表现真的很糟糕) -mill 航空爱好者脸红)他对种族和智商也有一些愚蠢的看法,并且对南美洲的非白人人口有一种实际上没有根据的高度评价。 他支持混血儿不是狗屎的令人畏缩的 AF 论点之一是提到巴西航空航天公司巴西航空工业公司。 现在,不要误会我的意思,我和下一个人一样喜欢巴西航空工业公司,他们制造了一些非常漂亮的飞机,但我偶然发现了一个网页,上面有他们上级的照片,他们看起来完全符合人们的预期(老实说,您甚至不必单击链接)。 inb4 你去“但是头晕目眩,而不是干线卷轴成就工程师!” 要知道,航空航天领域的大多数管理职位仍然由按编队担任航空航天工程师的人担任。


  228. Kali 说:


    YOU asserted the that 100 British school children had died after contracting “covid” in school, albeit that you tagged on your disclaimer that you had no idea if that narrative-reenforcing lie was factual! It took me all of 30 seconds to entirely dispell any doubt what so ever. Your assertion was an abject lie, and your disclaimer worthless.

    Yet there your lie remains, high in the comment thread, for fearful, befuddled and confussed parents to latch onto as they skim the internets for soundbites as they contemplate having their children used as lab-rats!

    You add to the “deadly pandemic” narrative without concern for what is true and factual, and without taking a few seconds to check the facts yourself.
    Demonstrating that you don’t care about the facts, only about hyping the pandemic narrative, reveals that you comment in bad faith.

    And now you attack me because I am called Kali, as if, after nine years of accepting that calling, I have no idea of the energy of it.

    You are upset because “Kali the Destroyer” destroyed your attempt to pervert the truth. Boo-fucking-hoo.

    Next time maybe you’ll take a few seconds to check the facts before spouting your lies.

    Tagging such lies with “This may be false, bit who cares” bullshit disclaimers in no way excuses them!

    So you, a peddler of disinformation, find me to be rude and arrogant. I’ll let you know when I start to care about that.

    诚实 的问候,

    • 回复: @animalogic
  229. Kali 说:
    @Peter Akuleyev

    You know that in Europe vaccine passports have existed for years,

    No they have not!

    In my entire 54 years long life spent exclusively in Europe, I can categorically confirm that never before have “vaccine passports” existed here.


  230. @UpsideDown

    Can you resend video link as it is no longer available

  231. Kali 说:
    @James Forrestal

    At least he’s right about one thing (ref. Animalogic): Yours is an excellent response.

    Thank you for taking the time to present the facts in order to counter the narrative-reenforcing lies.

    I am not worthy. 🙂


    • 谢谢: James Forrestal
  232. @InnerCynic

    It’s a lot of fun to research the UNZ archives. There are tons of gems buried there.

    Lear’s articles from back then are real eye openers and there are tons more.

    Here’s another fun one from that source. Note the author.

    What is now needed is a mini-Manhattan Project for a study of the optional adjuvant for this purpose and the optimal quantities of the different influenza-virus antigens.



    The Saturday Review, November 27, 1976, pp. 18-19

    The Ultimate Flu Faccine, by Jonas Salk, THE SATURDAY REVIEW – The Unz Review

    • 回复: @Dumbo
  233. @animalogic


    Sadly “Covid” is such a minefield that there a but few “facts” — so much of the covid debate resists “factuality”.

    Of course, outside of our direct personal experience, our understanding of the 正确 of a complex, geographically widespread issue like COVID is always mediated via the media 故事 of the problem. And in an age of ubiquitous visual media, these narratives almost establish an alternate “reality” — aka 超现实*.

    The best we can do is to check those narratives for internal consistency/ logic and for how well they correspond to the publicly available facts [or “facts,” given that we don’t have direct access to much of this information]. But in the case of pediatric vaccination for COVID, the dominant narrative and the consequent policy decisions are clearly not supported by their own numbers, so that doesn’t matter.

    But since the dominant narrative of the disease is not framed in terms of risk/ benefit analysis, but as a faux “moral” binary — a dialectic between the “good”/ “high status”/ “educated” max-vaxxers and “bad”/ “low status”/ “ignorant” vax skeptics — simply pointing out this inconsistency makes you an evil heretic.

    *This is partly an issue of bias/ unknown motives behind media narratives, but it’s also that complex issues necessarily 已可以选用 to be approached at a certain level of abstraction/ simplification in order to generate any sort of useful mental model. See also:

    • 谢谢: Emslander
    • 回复: @animalogic
  234. animalogic 说:

    Please go away you truly awful person.
    And what a god awful fuss over a topic like “covid” for which “facts” are as rare as hen’s teeth.

  235. animalogic 说:
    @James Forrestal

    “But since the dominant narrative of the disease is not framed in terms of risk/ benefit analysis, but as a faux “moral” binary — a dialectic between the “good”/ “high status”/ “educated” max-vaxxers and “bad”/ “low status”/ “ignorant” vax skeptics — simply pointing out this inconsistency makes you an evil heretic.”
    “heretic” is so appropriate. Those who have vaxxed themselves defend their decision & the practice of Covid vaxxing in general with a zeal approaching religious fanaticism & mania.

    • 回复: @James Forrestal
  236. @Bert

    Yeah good point — I haven’t seen any numbers on that for kids, but obesity is a significant risk factor for serious disease in adults, so it would make sense.

  237. @animalogic

    Those who have vaxxed themselves defend their decision & the practice of Covid vaxxing in general with a zeal approaching religious fanaticism & mania.

    And the “other” side is encouraged to adopt a mirror image “pureblood”/ “Ivermectin is the answer!” vs. “evil contaminated vaxxers” mindset. Like many “news” media narratives, it’s deliberately constructed as an artificial/ managed dialectic. The focus is on controlling the narrative and using it to manipulate people — rather than finding the best solution to the real world problem.

    Imagine if the issue was one of how to cross a body of water, and it was reduced to “Suspension bridges are the GREATEST! Anti-suspensionists and suspension denialists are EVIL, ignorant people who are trying to KILL YOU!” vs. “Suspension bridges are a big conspiracy! They NEVER work! Cable-stayed bridges are the ONLY answer!” Oy vey. Not exactly likely to result in an optimally-engineered solution.

    • 回复: @animalogic
  238. animalogic 说:
    @James Forrestal

    Your reply is entirely valid. The whole Covid ….mess has been fraught with politics from day dot.

  239. Reaper 说:



    他们的 covid 狂热是关于什么的(真正的背景是什么)?

    也不只是某些街区的利益(因为西方北约和中国 - 俄罗斯和半独立国家都参与其中)。





  240. peterAUS 说:

    …BUT all lack of the GLOBAL purpose/ background/ why…

    Maybe you could start with:
    If…IF…. it makes sense keep digging.
    Long term debt cycle, derivatives/Repo market……. stagflation, austerity…..CBDC, Universal Digital ID, Social Credit/panopticon…….


  241. Dumbo 说:
    @Fart Blossom

    I don’t care what anyone says, (((Salk))) was an evil guy.
    The more you research about him, the more you find bad stuff.
    He was a psychopath, check our his book “Survival of the Fittest”.
    And as for the polio vaccine:


  242. @jimbojones

    怎么是假的? 你在没有证据的情况下断言。 您列出的所有事情都大大提高了实施它们的每个国家的生活水平。 宗教狂热与人均 GDP 之间存在很强的负相关关系,即对“科学主义”的信仰与人均 GDP 之间存在很强的正相关关系——大多数例外是那些出售他们有幸发现自己的自然资源的国家坐在上面。 如果那是“奴役”,我将取代工业化前的生活,像猪一样生活,一周中的任何一天像苍蝇一样死去。


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