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几个小时后,我将飞往欧洲,我最喜欢的大陆,为什么不呢? 我的大多数知识分子和艺术英雄都是欧洲人,卡克法、贝克曼、基彭伯格、西巴尔德、拉伯雷、兰波、席琳、奥威尔、昆德拉、陀思妥耶夫斯基和米沃什等。我在意大利、英国和德国度过了很长一段时间,并且很喜欢至少十几个其他欧洲国家的记忆,彼此之间都非常独特。 仍然。

几个世纪以来,白人文化一直统治着世界大部分地区,但它正在因自我仇恨而逐渐衰落。 左派白人大多仇恨白人,而右派白人大多蔑视其他人。 那么,一半的白人讨厌另一半,当代白人文化是一团糟。 想想凯蒂·佩里 (Katy Perry) 被裹上面包屑、揉捏、装饰然后煮熟。 没有战争和殖民主义,白人在自我毁灭方面做得很好。

许多人在欢呼。 是时候了! 苏珊·桑塔格 (Susan Sontag),1967 年,“白种人 is 人类历史上的癌症; 正是白种人——它的意识形态和发明——消灭了它传播到的任何地方的自主文明,破坏了地球的生态平衡,现在威胁到生命本身的存在。”

在白人霸权出现在中国领导层之后,许多白人自己也抱有希望。 2015 年我在莱比锡时,一位德国朋友坚持认为中国人正在举起第三世界。 他说,这是一种建设性的伙伴关系,不同于凶残剥削的白人殖民主义。 经常引用 Andre Vltchek,这个人相信复兴的共产主义将由 俄罗斯中国. 他不在乎我的观察,即由于民族主义,俄罗斯人和中国人重新站稳了脚跟、信心和方向。 他认为,民族主义是反动的。 他自己感觉不到德国人的感觉,也不太关心这个概念。 最能说明问题的是,此人从未离开过德国。 他不知道他对德国有多扎根。

任何地方的人口都不需要全球意识形态。 全球团结不仅无法实现,而且不可取。

由于失去了祖国,许多犹太人梦想建立一个国际兄弟情谊,因此成为共产主义噩梦般的幻想,直到今天,最情绪化的人、历史遗忘者或干脆虚伪的人仍在捍卫它。 许多颂扬国际共产主义优点的人也会狂热地捍卫以色列的极端民族主义和种族主义国家。

在大众心目中,白人文化的邪恶是纳粹德国的缩影,德国人永远被污名化为最坏的白人。 然而,当代德国据称在 500 年除夕期间允许 2016 多名德国妇女在科隆遭到穆斯林的性侵犯。德国真的被绝育了,叙述如此。

也许受此鼓舞,越南最近从柏林市中心的蒂尔加滕绑架了一名越南寻求庇护者,然后将他偷运回河内接受审判。 国有石油公司前负责人 Trinh Xuan Thanh 被指控贪污 150 亿美元。 说不定土耳其也会效仿,抢几个埃德干的敌人呢?


我将在早上到达巴塞罗那。 2003 年从火车走上加泰罗尼亚广场时,我遇到了很多非洲人和中国人兜售商品,我以为我在巴黎的那不勒斯或贝尔维尔。 我的思绪在西班牙已经好几个星期了。 阅读西班牙报纸,我了解到一名塞内加尔人在萨洛被其他四名非洲人殴打致死,萨洛距离塔拉戈纳仅 15 分钟车程,我将在那里住宿 乔纳森(Jonathan Revusky).

2015 年,在萨洛,一名贩卖盗版 DVD、假冒太阳镜和假冒手袋的塞内加尔小贩在警察突袭他的公寓时从三楼的阳台跳楼身亡。 这导致 100 多名塞内加尔人与警察发生了两天的冲突。

十多年前在佛罗伦萨,我经常遇到非洲人在附近的普拉托出售中国制造的假冒商品。 人口191,104人,其中华人45,000人。

塔拉戈纳省和巴塞罗纳省有 10% 的穆斯林是西班牙最高的。 雷乌斯 (Reus) 于 2014 年通过了一项禁止罩袍的法律。 当它被西班牙最高法院否决时,该法典被修改为禁止所有的全脸遮盖物,所以你最好不要戴着摩托车头盔、果仁蜜饼或面基尼在 Reus 麦当劳闲逛。

我读到在人口 8,990 的皮萨拉,一名三岁女孩被火车撞了。 最引人注目的是,她失踪的消息在午夜时分传开,立即有300名当地人自告奋勇寻找她。 这就是我记忆中的那种欧洲小镇,我在意大利切塔尔多呆了两年,人口 16,000。

您会发现,在每块石头都讲述一个故事的地方,人们对自己的主场非常忠诚。 共同的历史很重要。 购物中心没有。 欧洲只有在具有腐蚀性意识形态和疯狂的美帝国崩溃时才能得救,而且这种情况很快就会发生。 还有希望。

琳·丁(Linh Dinh) 来自美国末日的明信片 刚刚由《七篇故事》出版社发行。 他保持着一张活跃的照片 新闻.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 从怀特飞, 政治上的正确 
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  1. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Europe will only be saved if the American empire, with its corrosive ideologies and madnesses, collapses, and this will happen soon enough. There is hope.

    No, the contemporary “American empire” is a flailing, Jewish golem. Its “corrosive ideologies” and “madnesses” will have to be addressed first. Both Europe and the US will have to solve that problem before moving on to a better future.

    Chances are we’ll all die before that happens (40/60%). Western Europe is just a lesser golem ATM.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  2. I don’t know why anyone would want to wear baclava on the face. It would be very sticky. But then again, if one is a sloppy eater…..

    • 哈哈: Logan
  3. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    Leftist / Zionist liars use the ‘holocau$t’ fraud as a cover to destroy white gentiles and their cultures.

    The problem is that belief in the ‘holocaust’ = belief in the impossible, a la witchcraft where “eyewitnesses”, “confessions” and courts of law worldwide stated that witchcraft was a proven fact.



    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。

    ‘holocau$t’ logic:

    “一个人不应该问,这场大屠杀是如何成为可能的。 从技术上讲是可能的,因为它发生了。 这必须是任何有关该主题的历史研究的强制性起点。 我们只想提醒您:关于气室的存在,没有争议,而且永远不会有。

  4. You might not recognize it if you were to live that long, but there will be a United States for another millennium.

  5. utu 说:

    is one that supposedly allowed 500+ German women to be sexually assaulted by Muslims in Cologne during New Year’s Eve of 2016.

    Not even supposedly. Change it before Revusky finds out. Cologne never happened. Revusky’s razor, proves it beyond any doubt. It is the ultimate Wunderwaffe against any accusations tarnishing reputation of Muslims.

    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Jonathan Revusky
  6. Randal 说:

    Accurate, inspiring stuff.

    您会发现,在每块石头都讲述一个故事的地方,人们对自己的主场非常忠诚。 共同的历史很重要。 购物中心没有。 欧洲只有在具有腐蚀性意识形态和疯狂的美帝国崩溃时才能得救,而且这种情况很快就会发生。 还有希望。

    You’re an incurable optimist. Probably not a bad thing to be, I suppose.

    I fear that the triumphant internationalist left, with its firm grip on the commanding political, social, academic and corporate heights of US sphere societies, is managing to get its totalitarian institutions in place to suppress the inevitable growing dissent – “hate speech” laws, institutional and corporate speech- and thought-crime policies, sackings and blacklists, etc.

    I believe we will rue the loss of our religion, Christianity, its tenets first ridiculed and undermined and then its institutions infiltrated and corrupted, by the same internationalist, materialist left, in particular.

  7. Realist 说:

    When white people go the world is screwed.

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
    , @Wally
  8. To see where western European civilization is headed, take a look at Zimbabwe. That is the destination the Left has in mind for us. Obama was the U. S.’s. Robert Mugabe the First. There are more to come.

    请参见: http://fosterspeak.blogspot.com/2017/03/the-exterminationist-left-happy-trails.html

  9. Anonymous [AKA "Glasgow Ned"] 说:

    This twinkie really hates himself.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  10. “There is hope.”

    Doesn’t sound like it. That whole last paragraph was non sequiturs. You can’t write a couple hundred words detailing why the white man is finished in Europe – 他是 – then tell an anecdote and reverse course for the close. That will to band together to find a missing child in Certaldo is the same impulse to band together and serve pasta to skinnies just off the boat in Ragusa. Europeans have succumbed the voluptuous rapture of martyrdom: the end.

  11. @Realist

    Even if this were true in the utterly simplistic sense in which you mean it – i.e. that white civilization is some sort of “glue” holding literally everything together, rather than having been the catalyst for the very forces now consuming it – it might be enormously helpful for this world for which you so blithely profess to care, if whites along with their humanitarian and watchdog organizations actually disappear, leaving the rest of mankind to revert a little to that essential barbarity – of which the altright are so fond of reminding us! – that might at last allow Malthus to take his course …

    • 回复: @Realist
  12. Fantastically poignant:

    White culture has dominated much of the world for several centuries, but it is winding down through self hatred. The white left mostly hate whites, while most of the white right are contemptuous of everybody else. Half of whites, then, hate the other half, and contemporary white culture is a degraded mess.

    Utterly cryptic:

    您会发现,在每块石头都讲述一个故事的地方,人们对自己的主场非常忠诚。 共同的历史很重要。 购物中心没有。 欧洲只有在具有腐蚀性意识形态和疯狂的美帝国崩溃时才能得救,而且这种情况很快就会发生。 还有希望。

  13. ‘…In a few hours, I’ll fly to Europe, my favorite continent…’

    ‘…Europe will only be saved if the American empire, with its corrosive ideologies and madnesses, collapses, and this will happen soon enough. There is hope…’



    • 回复: @anonyomous
  14. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    That first “r” in “razor” is also to be capitalized, isn’t it?

  15. Che Guava 说:

    Evening Linh.

    Probably good afternoon where you are. I am interested by your mention of Vltchek. Used to think he was a more optimistic version of Pepe Escobar (whose writing I still read, although I think he is wildly over-optimist re. BRICS at times, at least the parts that aren’t R and C).

    I think his heart is in the right place.

    With Vltchek, came to doubt any sincerity, a long rant he posted about how bad it was to stay at the Imperial Hotel, i think it was on Counterpunch, it disgusted me. I never stay there, because of having a flat here. Have met staff and managers from there when eating and drinking in the area. They seem to be pleasant people.

    Never stay in similar places on domestic travels (although there is only one Imperial Hotel), because being not so privileged and entitled as Mr. Vltchek, much closer to and from the 无产阶级, I can’t afford it.

    His extended whine about staying there finally convinced me that he is as phony as a three-dollar bill.

    • 回复: @jimbojones
  16. helena 说:

    I agree that a world government is looking scarily possible but having already rued the loss of my religion and returned to church I am faced with the following choices:
    1. convert to Catholicism or orthodoxy
    2. join a bunch of exhaustingly positive young people who like to sing nursery songs in big crowds
    3. join a very nice but small group of octogenarians seemingly oblivious to 21st century society but with fab choral music
    4. join an equally isolated group of younger people with dreary songs and food on their clothing

    Protestantism needs a revolution!

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  17. Che Guava 说:

    Apologies to mods, thought that I only made similar coments in an e-mail message to a different writer.

    Suppose I accidentally hit ‘Publish Comment’ twice tonight. Sry.

  18. So Europe’s self-immolation is all America’s fault? Funny, I thought Europe had a long and glorious history of destroying itself. And other countries as well. Thankfully historian Dinh is here to set us all straight.

    • 回复: @neutral
  19. @Anonymous

    No, he doesn’t. I’m Asian too. You can admire other cultures and wish them to be without hating yourself.

    I like marsupials and don’t want them to be destroyed by an incoming wave of rabbits, for example. Does that make you self-hating? Quite a few environmentalists and animal conservationists wish to keep certain animals alive in their habitat, does this make them anti-human?

    • 回复: @Truth
  20. Oldeguy 说:

    《每日邮报》上周刊登了一段视频片段,内容是玛丽亚·奥巴马(前总统的女儿)在哈佛开始一年级之前的一场摇滚音乐会上,在地板上痉挛地打滚,并用头撞地。 年轻的奥巴马女士或哈佛招生委员会的问题在哪里?

    • 回复: @Truth
  21. “In a few hours, I’ll fly to Europe…”

    Well, there’s the problem, right there.

    If anybody’s interested, here’s a really fine article about how shipping costs have shaped trade over the last 50 years.


  22. jimbojones 说:

    Fun facts about “white culture”:
    – It invented the entire modern world – cars, airplanes, computers, electricity, antibiotics, telecommunications, industry, advanced agriculture, everything. Curiously, people who complain about “cultural appropriation” never shy from using all of the many fruits of “white culture”.
    – It invented and perfected science. (The Chinese had some inventions. The Europeans had science. That’s why the Europeans invented the modern world and the Chinese didn’t.)
    – It was the only major culture to destroy slavery. (Check for yourself.)
    – For what they are worth, democracy and human rights are “white culture” things.
    - 以及更多。

    So yeah, haters of “white culture” should stop and think for a moment.
    That “white culture” has committed its share of crimes and atrocities is a separate issue.

    Mr. Dinh is quite right that many hate “white culture”, which they don’t understand, with a passion. And many think that China will be some sort of an angelic new harbinger of peace, prosperity and love. I much admire what the Chinese have achieved to better themselves in recent decades; but surely to expect them to be any sorts of angels is optimistic at the least.

    • 回复: @Santoculto
    , @Anonymous
    , @Corvinus
  23. @The Alarmist

    Do not worry, Sweden shall be the next humanitarian superpower to bring us a world of free of patriarchy, homophobia and racism!

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  24. jimbojones 说:
    @Che Guava

    Vltchek’s writings read like Dostoyevsky’s “Notes From the Underground”.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  25. @Randal

    I agree. I do think that the major issue is a great spiritual crisis that has led to the extremes that Dinh is speaking of, the increasing polarization of whites into goodthink genderless SJWs or unironic Nazis.

    The era of men without chests is upon us.


    • 回复: @neutral
    , @Santoculto
    , @Talha
  26. neutral 说:

    So Europe’s self-immolation is all America’s fault?

    Look at the evidence, Western civilization existed for centuries, it had multiple wars but those wars did not destroy it. Then as soon as Western Europe became a vassal of the USA there was an incredibly rapid decline, so much so that one can now basically call Western civilization dead.

    • 同意: fnn
  27. neutral 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    or unironic Nazis

    They were fighting to fight the white race, one cannot say the same about their enemies such as Churchill or FDR. Since the establishment is hell bent on eliminating whites and fascism is their number one enemy, I regard fascism as the correct ideology to accept.

  28. Truth 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    Brilliant analogy there, Danny; but I really haven’t met a lot of men who were envious of something that carried it’s children in a pouch…

  29. Truth 说:



    我的意思是,老家伙,你现在 19 岁了,是不是如此圣人、才华横溢、地位稳固、绝对正确、苏格拉底式、环游世界?

    • 回复: @Oldeguy
    , @Sparkon
    , @Alden
  30. Well, the theory goes is that leftism had its initial plague in France where it did indeed destroy its patient with fanatical vigor.

    The disease moved to the Anglo culture, which was innately more robust and was thus able to carry it in a less destructive way, allowing it to eventually evolve in America until it reached an appropriate virulent stage where it has spread across the world.

    • 回复: @Truth
  31. anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    China and Russia Always have cooperated fully with the mass murderers at the Black House to receive a bone as concessions. These two colonies two days ago pleased the mass murderers in Washington by going after another victim, North Korea, but these criminals NEVER called on their ambassadors when the ziofacists were burning the toddlers in occupied Palestine with phosphorate BOMBS, but Venezuela did, that’s why this beautiful country is under attack by Clinton – Obama – Trump regime to topple the government. Shame on you all.



    Russia and China SOLD Libya that’s why these two countries have equal share in the destruction of Libya and massacre of Libyan people by not voting against the Obama regime.


    Every one must boycott goods MADE IN CHINA. Don’t buy their trash where these servants are giving advantages to trump regime, by voting for the sanction against North Korea to starve them to death. China has hundreds of nuclear weapons – like the criminal Russia and US – but goes against a North Korea that is under attack by the criminal Trump regime on daily basis. We spit at you all.


    Down with the enemy of humanity – China – US – Russia.

    • 同意: Druid
  32. @neutral

    Ridiculous comment. Europe is hardly a “vassal” to the U.S. Most Europeans mock the U.S. as a has-been country, floating the idea that China’s the real world power. If the U.S. is a “flailing zombie” in the unforgettable words of Linh Dinh, how can we be telling Merkel what to do? And why wouldn’t Hungary and Poland (also in Europe) be experiencing the same nonsense? No, Western Europe’s problems are entirely self-created, the result of decades of Frankfurt School ideology. (Note: Frankfurt is not in America.)

  33. @anonymous

    I can think of no better strategy for success than to simultaneously rage against Russia, China AND the US.

  34. @helena

    I’m a lifelong “Roman” Catholic and past sick of the infiltrated traitorous institution.

    Let’s both convert to Eastern Orthodox.

    • 回复: @helena
    , @anarchyst
  35. Santoculto 说:

    Other funny thing

    Those who invent or try to advance this things (and often not so advanced) were very few among “white people invent this”.

    And invent “modern world” also mean

    – huge exploitation of working (and middle) classes….
    – destruction of environment
    – increasing the amount of human trash
    – colonialism
    – two extremely dumb world wars
    And still today “religions” and “ideologies” governing in diverse wrong ways the mind of millions/billion people.

    • 回复: @Grandpa Charlie
  36. Anonymous [AKA "Jovetta"] 说:

    It will be over for Whites before the end of this century. Everything bad for Whites will escalate & grow. Pro immigration propaganda, anti-White propaganda, anti-White policies, hatred of Whites in culture & education, immigration, legal and illegal, low fertility (for Whites), race mixing etc.. The left will gain more & more power until democracy & voting is futile. They’ll become increasingly more radical & authoritarian. Once White nations are overrun with low IQ coffee colored people the Jews will get their world government. The minority of Whites left will be killed & imprisoned. Thats the goal, put Whites worldwide in the same position as current White South Africans then finish us off. This is where its headed, there is no hope. There will be reactionaries, especially as Whites increasingly suffer as minorities in their own lands, many will ‘wake up’, but it will be too late, they will not be able to take on the world gov, they will not have weapons to defend themselves & they’ll be vastly out numbered. The Jews are ready for the reactionaries, they will laugh..

    “We are not ramping down. We’re just getting started. Nothing stops this train, nothing.”
    ―Walter White

    The Alt-Right reactionaries today are mostly degenerates, some Jew infiltrators deflecting White indignation away from Jews. Their only avenue is the internet and that will not last much longer. The ADL is pushing for internet speech regulation. UN International Hate Speech Laws & they’ll eventually get it.
    As far as Trump is concerned, he’s basically the White man’s last hurrah. Right now he serves to motivate and inflame the left. After Trump we’ll get someone 10X worst than Obama.
    Honestly, only divine intervention can save the White race now.

  37. Santoculto 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    A narrative without Jewish issue is a controlled opposition–narrative.

    Already we have three types of white guilty

    Whites ARE evil (on the left)
    Whites ARE too good (on the right)
    Whites ARE too collectively stupid/self divisionists (on the non antisemitic center)

    Yes, those whites (((and Jews))) who did (((and do))) very bad things at macro-level of impact (creativity weaponize impact), are obviously evil.

    Those whites who are truly pathologically altruistic are obviously too good to their reason.

    Those whites who don’t understand that great part of divide and conquer is their own subconscious job, and they are majority.


  38. helena 说:

    It is rather lovely, gold and incense, and a healthy link with feasting. But I’m not keen on kissing objects previously kissed by other people and, I’m a big fan of the filioque. I’m looking for something choral with shades of Salvation Army and a bit of Taize!

    • 回复: @Anon 2
  39. helena 说:

    That’s pretty much how I see it. Somewhere years ago I read that the last blond hair blue eyes will be around the Baltic in 200yrs. I don’t envy the Europeans who live through the last stages. But I do think that European genes will be a huge part of society in the future. And Red will never disappear!

  40. 我有过访问其他非白人掌管非白人文化的国家的经历。 虽然“白面包美国”确实也存在因原罪、犯罪、愚蠢和暴政造成的问题,但它仍然“绝对”优于我所见过的任何替代方案。

    中国的腐败比我们还严重。 墨西哥正与毒枭展开一场不宣而战的内战,毒枭们力图在斩首方面超越伊斯兰国。 你怎么能夸大非洲是一个巨大的粪便堆呢? 阿拉伯的统治如此糟糕,以至于他们的难民席卷了欧洲,而且不少阿拉伯人实际上更喜欢住在以色列! 以印度教为基础的印度政府统治着一个贫穷和肮脏的帝国,并推行残酷的种姓制度,这使得美国奴隶制的过去看起来非常善良。

    事实是,你找不到一个非白人统治非白人文化的国家,那里的生活比这里更好。 哪些逃离美国压迫的难民逃往非白人统治非白人文化的土地?

    现在我只希望思想警察不要因为我说这些而追捕我。 但正如温斯顿所说,“他们会朝我开枪,我不在乎,他们会朝我后颈开枪,我不在乎”。


  41. @The Alarmist

    Just like the British Empire fell, so will The United Snakes of America. Yes, it will be just another country, without warmongers, and neocons’ power to destabilize the planet.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  42. Santoculto 说:

    Cryptonyte: the “ubermeschen blind spot”.

  43. Wally 说:

    There will be nobody to pay other peoples bills.

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @jacques sheete
  44. Santoculto 说:

    And conservs paralyzed, angry, disorganized, predictable, blinded by false gods & false rationals…

  45. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    It won’t collapse. What should scare you is that the progressives and the technocrats will actually succeed and the technocratic diverse global corporate dystopia will become a reality

  46. hyperbola 说:

    Perhaps the Spanish need to ban immigrants like Dinh and Revusky bearing divisive poisons? They are already subjected to a large dollop of PC propaganda by the CIA.



    然而,自 21 世纪初以来,在非洲大陆“严肃的”和名义上进步的日报的社论页面,如卫报、国家报、共和国报等报纸的社论页面上,人们可以大量地、自我满足地访问它。 、世界报和南德意志报。


    新自由主义帝国主义,该信仰的主要神职人员——像蒂莫西·加顿-阿什、尼尔·弗格森这样的人。 Moisés Naim、Mario Vargas Llosa、Hermann Tertsch、Antonio Caño、Joseph Joffe 以及昔日的哲学家小丑 Bernard Henry-Levi 更喜欢用“促进跨大西洋伙伴关系”和创建和维护“开放社会”来描述…… …

    • 回复: @utu
  47. fnn 说:

    The Germans hate themselves so much that (after they became part of the Judeo-American Empire) they embarked on a breeding program to turn the de facto national mascot (the German Shepherd Dog)
    into a grotesquely deformed and crippled wreck. People mostly hate and/or distrust or simply exploit each other (as the historical record shows), but it takes a special kind of masochism and self-hatred to maim your true best friend.

    GSD exhibition in Germany in 1936:

    Degeneration and planned torture of the GSD since 1945:

  48. anarchyst 说:

    Try the Society of St Pius X (SSPX). You may be pleasantly surprised. SSPX subscribes to pre-Vatican II “ecumenical council” teachings. There are SSPX churches all over the country…

    • 回复: @Jake
    , @attilathehen
  49. utu 说:

    I am sure they will remember to capitalize it when enshrining the Revusky’s Razor in the Hall of Fame of Universal Laws.

  50. @Santoculto

    Santoculto 说:

    QUOTE And invent “modern world” also mean

    – huge exploitation of working (and middle) classes…. [etc.] UNQUOTE

    The question is do you throw the baby out with the bath water?


    (Vide0 records how practical Chinese view post-colonial Africans, video by way of Unz Review, one of the “Open Thread” series )

    • 回复: @Santoculto
  51. hyperbola 说:

    Perhaps both sides of the Atlantic are suffering under the same abuse?

    A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks

    Artificial mass migration as imperial policy has a long history. To illustrate this, we will cite a few historical examples…..

    Austrian intelligence officials have reportedly revealed that US government agencies are paying for the transport of migrants to Europe. ….

  52. hyperbola 说:




    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @anonyomous
  53. fnn 说:

    FRankfurt School was expelled from Germany in 1933 and went to US . Frankfurt School ideology was imposed via on Germany by US occupation forces. Western Europe as a whole has been part of the American Empire since 1945.

    On the Frankfurt School:

    您应该阅读我的最后三本书,所有这些都强调威权人格深刻影响了美国的政治思想。 这对战后德国“公民文化”的重建至关重要,评论工作的发起人SM利普塞特(SM Lipset)和冷战自由主义者的军团对此工作深表赞赏。 我认为这不一定是马克思主义后左派的道德腐败根源,我认为这是在《马克思主义的奇怪死亡》中提出的。 威权主义人格特别阴险的原因在于,无论在这里还是在欧洲,它都被视为非极权主义民主的蓝图。 而政府和大学的领导者则以这种方式阅读这本书。 阿多诺(Adorno)和霍克海默(Horkheimer)(后来放弃了他共同编辑的著作的含义)当时是苏联的同情者,这一事实并没有削弱试图捍卫这项研究的反斯大林主义世俗主义知识分子的热情。 尽管法兰克福学派的犹太人身份可能不是导致他们反基督教,反法西斯主义伪科学的唯一因素,但否认其对法兰克福学派思想形成的影响简直是愚蠢的。 阿多诺只有一半犹太人,成长为天主教徒,但是尽管如此,他还是在解释自己的资产阶级,基督教社会的批判时宣扬了他的犹太基因。 假装犹太人在为我们的道德和社会解体加油打滑方面并没有扮演过分的角色,这是愚蠢的。 认识到这一点就是认识到现实。 更可疑的是,犹太人造成了这场废墟,而没有白人基督教徒多数派的热情支持或至少怯co的默许。 尽管注意到犹太人对当前的衰落做出了重大贡献是正确的,但天真地认为犹太人是您和我所痛惜的唯一罪魁祸首。

    克里斯托弗·拉什(Christopher Lash)的《只有天堂》(True and Only Heaven)的一长节详细介绍了1950年代和1960年代主流自由主义者对威权主义个性的支持。 Lipset,Hook,Daniel Bell,Arthur Schlesinger,Richard Hofstadter和赞助Adorno and Commentary杂志的美国犹太人委员会成员都是钦佩TAP并认为与TAP息息相关的反共自由主义者。 尽管您和我也许在这些名人的右边,但是很难说没有反共主义者对阿多诺的想法有任何用处。


    During the Second World War, three prominent members of the Frankfurt School–Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer–worked as intelligence analysts for the Office of Strategic Services, the wartime forerunner of the CIA. This book brings together their most important intelligence reports on Nazi Germany, most of them published here for the first time.

    These reports provide a fresh perspective on Hitler’s regime and the Second World War, and a fascinating window on Frankfurt School critical theory. They develop a detailed analysis of Nazism as a social and economic system and the role of anti-Semitism in Nazism, as well as a coherent plan for the reconstruction of postwar Germany as a democratic political system with a socialist economy. These reports played a significant role in the development of postwar Allied policy, including denazification and the preparation of the Nuremberg Trials.

  54. fnn 说:

    Nationalism is reactionary, he believed. He himself didn’t feel German and could care less for the concept. Most tellingly, this man had never been outside Germany. He didn’t know how grounded to Germany he was.

    How did you find such a defective/oddball? Today’s Germany is a small place, just a short train or bus ride will get you to a different country. It’s not like it’s the 18th Century and this guy is Immanuel

  55. Realist 说:

    That is correct. Or to discover/invent thing that keep them alive or make life better.

  56. German_reader 说:

    I believe we will rue the loss of our religion, Christianity, its tenets first ridiculed and undermined and then its institutions infiltrated and corrupted, by the same internationalist, materialist left, in particular.

    I don’t know about that…can you seriously believe in Christianity’s core doctrines (e.g. Original sin, Christ died for our sins/to reconcile us to God/to free us from the dominion of the devil, the Trinity etc.) and regard them as relevant to the present, or compatible with the vast increase in scientific knowledge since the 17th century? I certainly can’t, and it seems doubtful to me even most Christians today could make a coherent, let alone persuasive case for them.
    And even if one were to accept that the Christian churches have been subverted by materialist left-wingers, I’d say Christianity by its very nature is susceptible to such a takeover. It’s a universalist religion with global aspirations, and there are many elements in the Gospels that, if taken literally, would be deeply corrosive to order and morality (e.g. Luke 14,26 where Jesus says “If you’re not willing to hate your parents, brothers, sisters etc., you can’t be my disciple”…not exactly compatible with “family values”; also notable that the primitive church as described in Acts basically practiced communism). There’s little imo that’s inherently conservative or compatible with patriotism/nationalism in Christianity, and one way of understanding the present situation is that the compromises with and accomodation to the world that it entered during the Middle ages seem to be in the process of unraveling. In a way Christianity, with its future in the Global South, might be returning to its roots…and nationalists in Europe are the pagans in the Christian narrative now, a satanic obstacle to the realization of Christianity’s full meaning.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Digital Samizdat
    , @Truth
  57. Realist 说:
    @Marshall Lentini

    As I said when Western Civilization goes humanity is screwed.
    ‘Civilizations’ that ‘developed’ at or south of the equator are pretty much dumb ass.

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  58. Che Guava 说:


    You do a grave disservice to Fyodor D. there, though I understand where the sentiment is arising.

  59. Corvinus 说:

    “No, the contemporary “American empire” is a flailing, Jewish golem.”

    That would mere speculation on your part.

  60. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    No, the idea that modern science and technology is a uniquely western creation is highly contested, and will become more contested in future as rival societies increase in wealth and power. You’re naive if you think otherwise.

  61. neutral 说:

    If you have permanent foreign soldiers in your country then you are a vassal, no amount of rosy sounding terms (strategic partnership, allies, international community, blah blah blah) can change that. The Frankfurt ideology could only have spread so rapidly if there was the means to do it, that was clearly Hollywood and the other mass entertainment/media outlets that were deployed in Western Europe.

    As for the Hungary and Poland you mentioned, it proves my point, whatever one can say about the USSR, it was not anywhere near as destructive as the Western European states were under US control. The USA was the single most destructive thing that has ever happened to Western civilization.

    • 同意: fnn
  62. yeah 说:

    The world is as it is, I am afraid, and so is politics. Because we live in this imperfect world and need some politics or the other, the problems only get confounded. You are right, the behaviour of Russia and China is shameful by the yardsticks of logic and ethics. But then, you have to remember that Russia and China are (or at least view themselves as) “Have countries” while the middle eastern basket cases and North Korea are “Have-not” countries. There is plenty of in-fighting among the haves but, when dealing with the have-nots, they present a similar face. All the “Haves” are convinced that it is alright for them to possess enough nuclear weapons to blow up the planet 10 times over but how dare a pesky pipsqueak like North Korea aspire to have even a few? In the realm of international politics some animals are more equal than others. At feeding time, Russia and China, too, behave like ‘more equal animals’ just to keep up with the most equal of them all. As long as the nuclear club remains a privilege of the few, expect the members to close ranks to keep out new entrants. Entirely expected. Expect to see this scenario to play out again over Iran.

  63. Jake 说:

    “You see, where every stone tells a story, people are ardently loyal to their home turf. Shared history matters. Strip malls don’t. Europe will only be saved if the American empire, with its corrosive ideologies and madnesses, collapses, and this will happen soon enough. There is hope.”

    Every part of this paragraph is true.

    Why must the American Empire die, or at least be greatly diminished, for European cultures to survive?

    Start with the obvious: we are the Anglo-Zionist Empire. We are Part 2 of the British Empire, the 1st Anglo-Saxon Empire. And the foundational culture is Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, which right as it crystalized as a culture made its alliance 犹太人 all ‘other’ whites.

    WASP culture is, and always has been, about Anglo-Saxon Elites in bed with Jews in order to make war of various types on virtually all whites who are not WASP.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  64. Corvinus 说:

    “Fun facts about “white culture”:
    – It invented the entire modern world – cars, airplanes, computers, electricity, antibiotics, telecommunications, industry, advanced agriculture, everything. Curiously, people who complain about “cultural appropriation” never shy from using all of the many fruits of “white culture”.”

    You do realize that a number of prominent Alt Right thinkers, ranging from Mark Citadel to Brett Stevens, are opposed to modernity.

    Furthermore, it wasn’t “white people” who invented the modern world, but Americans, the English, the Germans, etc., with contributions by the Chinese and Japanese.

    Moreover, there were important discoveries made by the Nile River Valley, Mesopotamian, and Yellow River civilizations that human beings, namely Europeans, undoubtedly expanded upon.

    “It invented and perfected science. (The Chinese had some inventions. The Europeans had science. That’s why the Europeans invented the modern world and the Chinese didn’t.)”

    Again, not without key contributions from several societies.


    “It was the only major culture to destroy slavery. (Check for yourself.)”

    Actually, it was liberal Americans and Europeans who destroyed slavery, with these two groups expanding this scourge like the world had never seen.


    “For what they are worth, democracy and human rights are “white culture” things.”

    No, they are human being constructs.

    “Mr. Dinh is quite right that many hate “white culture”, which they don’t understand, with a passion. And many think that China will be some sort of an angelic new harbinger of peace, prosperity and love. I much admire what the Chinese have achieved to better themselves in recent decades; but surely to expect them to be any sorts of angels is optimistic at the least.”

    She is patently wrong. White people as a whole do not “hate” themselves, nor are they “destroying” themselves. Rather, it has been the nature of human beings to love/hate and create/destroy. The “evilness” of white culture is not represented by Nazi Germany, but by individuals and groups of people REGARDLESS of race or ethnicity foolishly insist, using God on their side, that they are superior. Pro-race, of course, is code for anti-humanity.

    Finally, when Dinh says “Europe will only be saved if the American empire, with its corrosive ideologies and madnesses, collapses, and this will happen soon enough. There is hope”, most Americans will find that sentiment to be anti-human and pro-hate. Who wishes for an entire nation to collapse? Who desires a civil war in which hordes of people, especially babies and children, will be slaughtered? Do you?

  65. Santoculto 说:
    @Grandpa Charlie

    I already watched and this video or this point of view, invariably correct, don’t change mine. Conservs luv “rationalize” their own historical faults. “their own”.

    • 回复: @Grandpa Charlie
  66. @Realist

    Ok, history doesn’t exist. No problem then. I love simple theories!

    • 回复: @neutral
  67. utu 说:

    the faith’s leading clerics—people like Timothy Garton-Ash, Niall Ferguson. Moisés Naim, Mario Vargas Llosa, Hermann Tertsch, Antonio Caño, Joseph Joffe, […], Bernard Henry-Levi


  68. @Corvinus

    You say “pro-humanity” like it has any meaning. Would womb machines cloning the maximal number of humans be pro-human enough for you?

    When humanity has become reduced to soulless dregs of flesh devoid of any of the innate beauty and essence that arose from, yes, among other things, a connection with blood and soil…its not a humanity worth saving.

    Let the corruption die and take its soyflesh beings with it.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  69. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    A rather poor understanding of Christianity. Somehow it reminded me of this, from Chesterton, a 20th century english convert to Catholicism:

    After one moment when I bowed my head

    And the whole world turned over and came upright,

    And I came out where the old road shone white.

    I walked the ways and heard what all men said,

    Forests of tongues, like autumn leaves unshed,

    Being not unlovable but strange and light;

    Old riddles and new creeds, not in despite

    But softly, as men smile about the dead

    The sages have a hundred maps to give

    That trace their crawling cosmos like a tree,

    They rattle reason out through many a sieve

    That stores the sand and lets the gold go free:

    And all these things are less than dust to me

    Because my name is Lazarus and I live.

    • 回复: @German_reader
  70. @in the middle

    You underestimate the Narcissistic Personality Disorder of the American Elite; if the Indispensible Nation is going down, they’re taking the world with them.

    • 回复: @republic
  71. Jake 说:

    I second this post.

    I only attend the Traditional Latin Mass. It is not at a chapel of the SSPX, in part because when I began, there was no nearby weekly SSPX Mass. But now that there is, I may soon be over there every week.

  72. @Stephen Paul Foster

    South Africa is the more apt analogy, though the ultimate difference is only one of time.

  73. @The Alarmist

    Not bloody likely. Take a look here: http://federal-budget.insidegov.com/l/119/2016. the FY 20156 federal budget: a half trillion dollar deficit; even eliminating the defense budget there’d be a deficit; the biggest items, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and interest on the debt are beginning accelerating growth.

    And higher tax rates will only make things worse. Corporate taxes are screwing American competitiveness. The middle class has no savings. Taking away ALL the wealth of the wealthiest 5% of private individuals would barely cover the deficit from one year of federal spending.

    The current federal debt is 17.4 Trillion dollars (over 100% of annual GDP) and growing at an accelerating rate which is currently 3% per annum. THe federal debt will almost inevitably double in about twenty years.

    Total state and local government debt and unfounded obligations are hidden quite well but probably at least equal, if not greater than, the federal debt. https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/8918e8f9-6a84-4534-9c59-c592469aa29e/the-looming-debt-crisis-a-state-and-local-perspective.pdf

    Private debt is also a major problem.

    And politicians still insist we can magically increase spending, start new wars all over creation, continue paying low IQ women for having bastards and paying those bastards to go to colleges whose names they can’t even spell, and yet hold steady or reduce taxes.

    We are living in a dying and delusional nation.

  74. @Daniel Chieh

    The Swedes have a real dark side, so if they snap out of this funk, there might be a bit of ethnic cleansing in their future.

  75. German_reader 说:

    I don’t care what Chesterton or some other intellectually mediocre 20th century Catholic apologist wrote. If you think my understanding of Christian doctrines is defective, you’re free to point out so in detail with reference to the Gospels, the writings of the church fathers, the decrees of councils or other relevant materials. Poems don’t qualify.

    • 回复: @J.M.
  76. Yesterday, the A.P. reported on Madrid police having arrested the Turk-Swede writer, Hamza Yalcan. This action was taken as a result of a “Turkish order, alleging terrorism.”

    A.P. noted that President Erdogan is pleased with his ability to reach “critical voices outside Turkey.”

    Mr. Erdogan did not have such success with our ZUSA police forces when he wanted the Pocono Mountain (N.E. Pennsylvania) cleric apprehended for instigating a coup against his government.

    (Sigh) ZUSA and Russia can cooperate in outer space but not at sea.

    I am fascinated by events in Spain. I recall how NATO lords became upset when the Spanish government agreed to allow Russian war ships to refuel on their way to the east Mediterranean basin.

    At any rate, I’m pleased to know Linh and Mr. Revusky will tour west Europe & chances of my becoming more aware are good.

  77. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Ridiculous comment. Europe is hardly a “vassal” to the U.S. … If the U.S. is a “flailing zombie” in the unforgettable words of Linh Dinh, how can we be telling Merkel what to do?

    Well, if we have the power to tell Merkel what to do, that would make her a vassal, wouldn’t it?

    • 回复: @Bragadocious
  78. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Wow. I bet you’re loads of fun at parties.

    Seriously, though: although the situation is indeed grave, you’re being way too pessimistic — defeatist, in fact. For openers, all the nations of Europe are still overwhelmingly white, and even with current demographic trends, probably will remain so for several generations more. As far as the US is concerned, we will probably have to ditch one-man-one-vote democracy and embrace the old Rhodesian model. Once the (((neocon empire))) is gone, and there’s no longer need for ‘democracy promotion’ as a cover for their globalist ambitions, we could easily scrap the current multi-culti model and establish white government.

    • 回复: @HogHappenin
  79. neutral 说:
    @Marshall Lentini

    He is right, other than the Inca civilization, there were no real civilizations south of the equator.

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  80. Corvinus 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    “You say “pro-humanity” like it has any meaning.”

    To religious minded folks, like Christians, pro-humanity is oozing with meaning.

    Matthew 6:26–Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

    “When humanity has become reduced to soulless dregs of flesh devoid of any of the innate beauty and essence that arose from, yes, among other things, a connection with blood and soil…its not a humanity worth saving. Let the corruption die and take its soyflesh beings with it.”

    You assume that today’s humanity is wholly corrupt and ugly. No, there are elements of our humanity that embody those vile traits. In essence, you are playing God here by injecting what you think are “soulless dregs of flesh” who deserve to die.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  81. Corvinus 说:

    “Start with the obvious: we are the Anglo-Zionist Empire. We are Part 2 of the British Empire, the 1st Anglo-Saxon Empire. And the foundational culture is Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, which right as it crystalized as a culture made its alliance with Jews against all ‘other’ whites.”

    No, some Americans are able to trace their ancestry to the English. There were other colonists who came from various parts of Europe. There was no “Anglo-Zionist Empire” or “1st Anglo-Saxon Empire”, just the British Empire. Furthermore, the North, Middle, and Southern colonies had distinct cultural traits, so our foundational culture was not exclusively “Anglo-Saxon Puritanism”. Furthermore, the English were borne themselves out of a multicultural stew–Picts, Britons, Angles, Saxons, Romans, Jutes, Danes, and Frisians.

    You really need to study American and world history.

    • 回复: @Jake
  82. Oldeguy 说:

    不,我不确定我是否已经进步了这么多年,比我想象的要多得多 🙂
    然而,关键是,在很久以前的美国,进入哈佛并没有让你成为认知精英的一员——它标志着人们认识到,你已经是这样的人,主要基于 SAT 或 ACT 成绩的最高分(作为一个直(来自一所高中的学生,其学生群体几乎全部由文盲组成)有理由受到怀疑)。 换句话说,这是个人的择优选择。
    是的,我了解传统招生——查尔斯·默里(Charles Murray)在钟形曲线中很好地阐述了这一点。
    年轻的奥巴马女士完全有可能(尽管不太可能)既是前 2% 的得分手,又是真正富有创意的舞蹈的创造者,而像我这样的庸俗之人的品味太有限,无法品味。

    • 回复: @Truth
  83. Corvinus 说:

    Speaking of “heart-rending appeal”, on a previous thread you had insisted that “Remember that ca. 90% of slave trading to the New World was carried out by British, Dutch and Portuguese jews based in the respective colonies.”

    I asked kindly for a source. Sadly, you neglected to provide one. Interesting how when you are confronted you conveniently disappear. So, what is your source for that statistic?

    Remember, of the Dutch West India Company 3,000,000 florins in original capital, Jews contributed only 36,000, or 1.2 percent. In 1656, seven of 167 major shareholders were Jews; in 1671, ten of 192.
    And also consider that the 937 slaving voyages from Rhode Island launched from 1709-1807, Jews were responsible for only 21.

    Furthermore, you insisted that the Brazilian economy was run by Jews. You supplied a link, yet there was no indication that those two individuals were indeed Jewish. So do you have another source to submit into evidence?

    • 回复: @hyperbola
  84. Konrad Lorenz, the great student of animal behavior, made the observation that animals that form intimate pair bonds–friendship with the same and mating with the opposite sex–also rear their young with love and care and passionately defend their territory. So Love and Hate are opposite sides of the same coin.

    Other animals like fishes school in anonymous aggregations in which there is no intimacy between any two members. A herd of reindeer, wildebeests, a flock of starlings; there is no personal bond of affection or interaction on the basis of individual personality at all.

    It is the second type of aggregation that our Fearless Leaders propose as the basis for human societies. No one will be tied to a specific location or a particular neighbor by bonds of affection. Instead human interactions will be regulated by the impersonal contract of the “proposition nation”. You see what they’ve done here? Turned a 描述 of democracy into a 处方 for democracy. The have mistaken an effect for a cause.

    The prediction suggests itself. In the future there will be little to no individual expression of genius, since genius is grounded in passion and passion is for the particular.

  85. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Good points all. That matches a lot of my thinking about Christianity, too.

    But this troubles me: even if today’s Christianity is more part of the problem than the solution, and so we chuck it, what do we replace it with? I personally feel no connection to the religion beyond the cultural, but I think there will always be loads of people who need to believe in something. There are plenty of people with advanced degrees and prestige who never tire of laughing at all those ‘dumb Christians’ out there in Deplorable-land, but who themselves will read horoscopes, do meditation or fall head-over-heels for SJWism. I don’t think Odin-worship is going to cut it here.

    • 回复: @German_reader
  86. @Corvinus

    You assume that today’s humanity is wholly corrupt and ugly. No, there are elements of our humanity that embody those vile traits.

    A casual perusal of pop culture reveals this to be near universal. No point discussing it with a liberal, however.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Njguy73
  87. utu 说:

    The Alt-Right reactionaries today are mostly degenerates, some Jew infiltrators deflecting White indignation away from Jews.

    I would go further. There would be no alt-right w/o the Jewish stamp of approval.

  88. Truth 说:

    Well isn’t that the issue now Old Buddy;
    you good folks are constantly complaining about the watered-down standards the dusky folks have brought to your favorite institutions…

    …While simultaneously complaining about the job the white people, who came from those institutions before the standards were “lessened”, have done in running this country, and the policies they crafted to allow the duskies in in the first place.


    • 回复: @Oldeguy
  89. Sparkon 说:

    我的意思是,老家伙,你现在 19 岁了,是不是如此圣人、才华横溢、地位稳固、绝对正确、苏格拉底式、环游世界?

    True enough, but nobody fell on the floor for head-banging in previous generations. At least not in the places where I hung out.

    It’s a race to the bottom now, with stupid show-offs, and reckless nitwits striving to outdo each other with various silly stunts even risky maneuvers to stream live, and impress the world with their own special brand of idiotic folly.

    In 1960, the most shocking thing was the Twist, a dance craze that swept the nation, kicking off a wave of dance crazes, mostly of the stand-alone-and-wiggle variety. Who knew then there would turn out to be so many different ways to wiggle?

    Suddenly, the devious purpose of a previous craze became known — the Hula Hoop got everybody in shape for the Twist, and the succeeding wiggles like the Frug, Watusi, Jerk, Fish — whew! –and of course, almost everyone was thin then anyway, and a good thing it was to be fit and able –and young! — to do those kinds of dances.

    • 同意: Alden
    • 回复: @Truth
  90. @Digital Samizdat

    Um, this story was about immigration, not NATO. Obviously, immigration is an internal German matter. Unless you have some evidence that the U.S. 强迫 Merkel to bring in thousands of refugees. Which I doubt you do. Of course, I can see Germans and Europeans in general pointing fingers here. It’s what they do best.

  91. German_reader 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    But this troubles me: even if today’s Christianity is more part of the problem than the solution, and so we chuck it, what do we replace it with?

    I’m troubled by that as well and don’t have a good answer. A return to paganism probably isn’t possible (and in its cruder forms wouldn’t be desirable anyway); some vague form of Deism probably isn’t satisfying to most people. And being without religion is pretty depressing…in a way it amounts to admitting that there probably is no grand story giving meaning to it all and that all our struggles may be entirely meaningless in the end.
    I suppose though the “problem” might correct itself anyway, with Europe at least being overrun by the fertile masses from the Global South, who still seem very secure in their religious beliefs…maybe all the doubts that have plagued an increasingly secular West since the 17th century will be just a forgotten historical footnote, when Nigerian pentecostalists and Neo-crusaders battle against the forces of the caliphate in Europe’s ruins…

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
    , @Talha
  92. @The Alarmist

    The phrase “United States” refers to two different entities. There is the country known as the United States, which I know and (usually) love. Then there is the American empire, which I despise. The sooner we ditch the American empire, both us Americans as well as the rest of the world will be the better for it.

    • 同意: Realist
    • 回复: @Jake
  93. Oldeguy 说:


    • 回复: @Corvinus
    , @Truth
  94. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Vassals often are allowed to determine their own internal policies; it’s control of their 国外 policy that makes them true vassals. In other words, your counter-argument here is irrelevant.

  95. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Sadly, if we can’t figure a reasonable answer to that question, then your dark prophecy here stands a good chance of turning out to be true!

  96. neutral 说:

    The US regime supports mass immigration, since Merkel was doing something that adhered to US norms they would not need to get involved. Now if Merkel said all US troops must leave, the reaction from the US would be predictable. Or how about she decided to boycott Israel, yes I know this is not likely, but if she did, then it would be very clear how the US would respond to their vassal.

  97. Truth 说:

    and regard them as relevant to the present, or compatible with the vast increase in scientific knowledge since the 17th century?

    What vast increase? throw out a few examples.

    • 回复: @German_reader
  98. Corvinus 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    “A casual perusal of pop culture reveals this to be near universal. No point discussing it with a liberal, however.”

    More assumptions made on your part. First, just because there are elements of pop culture you personally distasteful does not mean that our society is other than humane. Second, I’m not a liberal. I’m a white married American man with children who makes his own decisions regarding race, politics, and society.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  99. Corvinus 说:

    “If those whose hands have a death grip on the levers of power are overwhelmingly white, male, gentile native born U.S. citizens ( which is undeniably the case ) , shouldn’t our angst be directed at them as opposed to whatever sub-group way down on the power food chain happens to be blissfully misbehaving due to the nonfeasance of the above societal leaders ?”

    不,考虑到这些绝大多数是白人、男性、外邦人出生的美国公民只是在行使他们的生命、自由和对幸福的追求。 如何建议剥夺他们这些基本自由?

  100. Truth 说:






    你看,整个左/右范式的事情是一个精心设计的海市蜃楼,制造问题的人正是你个人指望解决问题的人,所以在很大程度上,种族和性仇恨也是如此。 如果你向侧面看,你就会忘记向上看。


  101. Truth 说:

    True enough, but nobody fell on the floor for head-banging in previous generations. At least not in the places where I hung out.

    So what they did; showing up for a military draft in wars intended to make Exxon and The Bush Family rich, was better? Is being a simple-minded automaton, in your estimation, superior to being a “stupid showoff” or a “reckless nitwit”?

    The reason we have so many simpletons now, is because we had too many simpletons in generations past. This is, at least, my opinion.

    Ecclisiasties 1:9 KJV.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
  102. @Corvinus

    With ideas that just happen to coincide with all liberal positions. Hilarious.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  103. German_reader 说:

    Well, as an example, obviously what we know now about the evolution of humanity is hard to reconcile with an understanding of the fall of man as an 活动 that actually happened (and this view of the fall as a real event that actually took place, not just a metaphor for our depraved nature etc., was the view of at least the churches in the Latin West – I don’t know enough about the Eastern churches to make a judgement about their position – for the vast majority of the last 2000 years, and in some form I’d suppose still is the stance of the Catholic church at least; and indeed it’s hard for me to see how there could have been a need for reconciliation to God through Christ’s death, if there hadn’t been an actual specific offense committed against God by mankind).

  104. Talha 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    Hey DanielChieh,

    Yeah, the spiritual loss and polarization is indeed sad.


  105. Talha 说:

    when Nigerian pentecostalists and Neo-crusaders battle against the forces of the caliphate in Europe’s ruins…

    That is HBO-level Emmy Award winning stuff right there. Wait until GOT is over then capitalize on those that need another series to latch onto. King in the North! King in the North!

    Hatch a screenplay — somebody!!!


  106. @anarchyst

    SSPX is accepts black/Asian priests. They have huge missions in Africa. Any church that accepts black/Asian priests-popes is a problem.

    • 回复: @Alden
  107. Anon 2 说:

    Have you heard of A Course in Miracles? If not,
    look it up. It has millions of enthusiastic followers in the U.S.
    and Europe. Many claim ACIM is the future of Christianity

    • 回复: @helena
  108. Corvinus 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    “With ideas that just happen to coincide with all liberal positions. Hilarious.”

    Fake News Story. See, the problem with ideologues like yourself (and you are no different than lefties in this regard) is that anyone who says they are a moderate, you automatically label them as liberal…OR that anyone who takes your positions to task, you automatically label them–wait for it–a liberal.

    I favor limiting immigration.
    I am a 2nd Amendment advocate.
    I support the death penalty.
    Eminent domain in most cases is wrong.

    Do you comprehend that these positions are NOT liberal, or are you going to be your typical obtuse self?

  109. Alden 说:

    Truth is right. Malia is not a fictitious Dickens heroine.

  110. Alden 说:

    You’re Betty from Occidental Observer aren’t you? I recognized the obession with Asian/ black priests.

    • 回复: @Truth
    , @attilathehen
    , @Anonymous
  111. Jake 说:

    So which are you: NeoCon, or Liberal, Jew, or perhaps just average middle class WASP?

    If you are not playing water muddier, then you need to learn that nations always have a cultural Elite that sets standards. Various other groups either assimilate to the standards and biases of that elite, or else they are persecuted until they poise no threat.

    In America, for example, the Civil War meant that the American Elite would be WASP, which was the amalgam of New England Anglo-Saxon with PA Quaker. That is the source of American WASP, as Philadelphia native and scholar Digby Baltzell designated.

    Anglo-Saxon Puritanism was a Judaizing heresy, which lead naturally and inevitably to Cromwell leading the Puritan Commonwealth to take Jewish loans and in return allow Jews back into England, with more rights than the vast majority of British Isles natives had. That was the start of Anglo-Zionism, which became the largest Empire in world history.

    The US took over as London faltered.

    • 回复: @helena
    , @Corvinus
  112. Jake 说:
    @Abelard Lindsey

    When we went from writing and saying ‘these United States’ to writing and saying ‘the United States,’ we marked a new nation, one that was ready to explode into Empire.

  113. Njguy73 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    A casual perusal of pop culture reveals this to be near universal.

    Maybe you need to visit the streaming music site of your choice and download a Bach concerto. Or some Benny Goodman, or some John Coltrane. Yeah, uplifting music can come from anyone of any color.

    Maybe you need to go to your local library and check out the exploits of Robinson Crusoe, Cyrano, or Harry Potter, so you can regale in tales of heroism instead of self-pity. Maybe Amy Tan will do the trick for you, I’m open-minded.

    Maybe you need to rent blu-ray copies of 卡萨布兰卡, 七武士自由万岁, so you can see life-affirmations.

    And maybe you can see that not everything is as ugly as you claim it to be.

    As for me, the only thing I need to maybe do is leave you to decide which path to take.

    Njguy73 out.

  114. helena 说:

    ” Judaizing heresy”

    What does this mean in practical terms? What documentary evidence is there for it?

    ” inevitably to Cromwell leading the Puritan Commonwealth”

    I’ve read this before but I’ve never seen it argued in full. Inevitable is a big word to use in relation to cultural shifts.

  115. helena 说:
    @Anon 2

    I had a quick look. Thanks for the info. Not sure I’m looking for inner peace so much as cultural sanity. I don’t have a problem with racial mixing but I do have a problem with subordinating the (global-minority) guilt-based European culture to the (global-majority) Afro-Asian shame-based culture.

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  116. @anonymous






  117. @Digital Samizdat



  118. 这篇文章忘记了一个重要的“细节”:外国因素——一个非常具体的群体——在知识界、媒体和电影摄影领域的反白人宣传中的负罪感和自恨中发挥了主导作用。



    • 回复: @Corvinus
  119. Corvinus 说:

    “So which are you: NeoCon, or Liberal, Jew, or perhaps just average middle class WASP?”

    I’m your typical American mutt.

    “If you are not playing water muddier, then you need to learn that nations always have a cultural Elite that sets standards.”

    The citizens of a nation establish norms, whether it be political, social, or cultural. These people may or may come from elite backgrounds. Current trends found on social media, for example, have been established by “normies”.

    “Various other groups either assimilate to the standards and biases of that elite, or else they are persecuted until they poise no threat.”

    You are being overly broad here. Americans generally assimilate to our dominant culture; it depends upon specifically what they are “persecuted” for. Remember, freedom to choose does not mean freedom from consequence.

    “In America, for example, the Civil War meant that the American Elite would be WASP, which was the amalgam of New England Anglo-Saxon with PA Quaker. That is the source of American WASP, as Philadelphia native and scholar Digby Baltzell designated.”

    The outcome of the Civil War actually resulted in a large immigration boom, with people entering our shores who would be other than WASP, with a number of them eventually gaining “elite” status due to their money making ventures.

    “Anglo-Saxon Puritanism was a Judaizing heresy…”


    “which lead naturally and inevitably to Cromwell leading the Puritan Commonwealth to take Jewish loans and in return allow Jews back into England, with more rights than the vast majority of British Isles natives had.”


    Because it would appear that the Jews who returned to England had conditions placed upon them, and thus did not gain “more rights”.


  120. Corvinus 说:
    @Captain Nemo

    “The article forgets an important “detail”: the leading role of a foreign element – a very specific group, in the guilt and self hate anti White propaganda in the intellectual sphere, the media and cinematography.”


    “The elite of that group dominates the Western culture for a long time now, and is actively working against White interests by relentlessly brainwashing and conditioning the simple minds, which are always in the majority.”

    Who are these “simple minds”? Are you not part of this group? In what specific ways? Did it ever occur to you that perhaps white Americans for the past 60 years have made their own decisions based on their knowledge and personal preferences about politics, race, and culture without being subject to “Jewish propaganda”?

    “On the other hand, those who try to resist, are demonized.”

    So “good whites” are those who resist Jewish temptations, and “bad whites” are those who befriend Jews and serve in their interests, right?

    So “good whites” are those who demand that their fellow whites are Christian, refrain from race mixing, and remove Muslim citizens from our nation by force, and “bad whites” are those who seek to practice their own faith, marry and procreate outside of their race, and oppose repatriation, correct?

    • 回复: @Captain Nemo
  121. @Corvinus

    “Who wishes for an entire nation to collapse? Who desires a civil war in which hordes of people, especially babies and children, will be slaughtered? Do you?”

    I do. And I mean that. Better than billions of neurotic apes cooped up in little boxes, ranting, jerking off, and waiting to die. Let’s revive the tragic. Let’s roll the dice. Let’s let the weak finally perish, and may the best chimp win.

    On the other hand, I admire your critical stance. So much simplistic, self-serving dogma and infantile wishful thinking on the right. But you won’t convince anyone. You must know that. Your comments are good, but your reliance on humanism gives them a note of bathos which ruins the whole.

    • 回复: @Truth
  122. @neutral

    Indisputable, but also beside the point.

    I’m not saying a world without white people will be pleasant. I’m saying maybe the reemergence of barbarism – and grand tragedy – is better than all of this.

    It’s hard for you alt-right guys to grasp because for the most part you’ve never been anywhere or done anything but comment online and fetishize white civilization. In the end, you’re as reliant on modernity as the bluehairs and trannies.

    Both sides would like to pick & choose the parts of modernity they like and totally abolish what they don’t. In other words, an infantile worldview.

    Nonetheless, south of the equator, they do manage a semblance of muh white civilization. It isn’t America in the 50’s but it works. And that’s all life as such boils down to. There was never some cosmic guarantee that history is perfectable or that “we” (not me or my people of course, always some other people) would be on top forever, and it doesn’t mean the world just stops spinning when we’re not. Sorry, but that’s rank narcissism.

  123. Rurik 说:

    I did some editing. (Much of this might be redundant as I didn’t read the entire comment section)

    contemporary ((white)) culture is a degraded mess.

    ((Many)) are cheering. It’s about time! ((Susan Sontag)) in 1967, “The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”

    In the popular mind, the evilness of white culture is epitomized by Nazi Germany, with Germans forever ((stigmatized)) as the worst of whites. Contemporary Germany, however, is one that supposedly allowed 500+ German women to be sexually assaulted by Muslims in Cologne during New Year’s Eve of 2016. Germany is really that neutered, goes the narrative.

    Europe will only be saved if the ((American empire)), with its corrosive ideologies and madnesses, collapses, and this will happen soon enough. There is hope.


    this is a conversation that’s worth having, as we all have a ringside seat to the death of the Western world, with all that will mean.

    For ((some)), it’s an imperative. For others, it’s the genocide of their fellow people and all hope for the future of their offspring and the preservation of our culture. For yet others, they’re simply content to feast on the carcass.

    I have to say I’m also intrigued by Mr. Dihn’s observations with JR vis-a-vis the glaring realities as this tragicomedy plays out.

    I recently asked one of the commenters here what he considered the definition of ‘white nationalist’ to be – when he spoke of some of the commenters on Unz being “white nationalists”.

    Ok, what is that? Are the Germans who’re apprehensive about massive Muslim and African immigration into their countries, ‘white nationalists’? Are the Swedes? Do they qualify?

    What I suspect, is that term is sort of reserved for 美国人 white men, for whom much of the world seems to have a seething hatred and resentment for. Blaming them not just for slavery and the treatment of the Amerindians, but also for all the wars and atrocities that the ZUS fecal government is relentlessly guilty of, (and for whom the white, American male is expected to kill and die in)

    I suspect.. (and this is necessarily going to include some hyperbolic exaggeration), but I suspect that what is being ((subtly done)), is that all the very real crimes and enormities that are being visited upon the planet’s people by the ((ZUS government and Goldman Sachs types of corporate thieving,)), are subtly being turned into the singular crimes of white, American men. Who are congenitally racist, unapologetic for slavery, militant, flag-waving, USA! chanting, Mexican wall-building, woman hating, beer drinking, pickup truck diving, causing all the global warming that will kill us all, Trump voting, gun owning, Bambi shooting, homophobic, darky loathing; caricature that is a constant meme coming out of ((Hollywood and Madison Ave, etc..)) seemingly daily, hourly, and by the minute.

    And, there’s probably some truth to that. But I’d say very little. Rather I suspect that most white American men are not too different than most Canadian or Australian men, but because the Fiend has made its nest in NYC and DC, we American men have the pleasure of hosting it, and therefor get to enjoy the brunt of its blowback on the world’s stage. And get to have our characters relentlessly maligned by ((Hollywood)) and ((ad agencies)) as the cause of all the world’s problems.

    The wars are not being waged for Israel and Lockheed by Obama/Hillary, no they’re being waged by congenitally racist “white nationalist” American men hell bent on bombing the darkies- or so it goes.

    So when you ask someone what they mean by ‘white nationalist’, if they don’t answer you, I suspect that it’s because the answer would be somewhat emotional-based.

    ‘they’re white American men who are bombing everyone because they’re racists and building walls on Mexico because they hate all brown people!!!!’

    不能 that ‘white nationalists’ are just like every other person on the planet, who “… are ardently loyal to their home turf. Shared history matters.”

    就像其他人一样。 But unlike everyone else, white (particularly American) men are not entitled to want to see their offspring persevere, because we alone are responsible for all the suffering in the world and all the wars and strife and misery that our ((government)) perpetrates all over the planet.

    Just like the hatred of the Germans as congenital Nazis, it serves a purpose to deflect the crimes of ((some)), onto a convenient scapegoat. And therefor whitewash their ((own)) bloody hands.

    ~ a rant

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  124. Truth 说:
    @Marshall Lentini

    Let’s revive the tragic. Let’s roll the dice. Let’s let the weak finally perish, and may the best chimp win.

    Inspirational speech from your cubicle at the coding farm, Bro.!

    OK, it’s 10:17, you’re late for your 20 minutes 10:15 break. Go to the breakroom and talk about Tom Brady.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Marshall Lentini
  125. Talha 说:

    I just knew a revival of the Planet of the Apes franchise would lead to these things.

    “You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!”


  126. hyperbola 说:

    Lots of research available that contradicts your statements. Here is one start about the Dutch jews.

    How culpable were Dutch Jews in the slave trade?

    …. In one area of what used to be Dutch Guyana, 40 Jewish-owned plantations were home to a total population of at least 5,000 slaves, he says. Known as the Jodensavanne, or Jewish Savannah, the area had a Jewish community of several hundred before its destruction in a slave uprising in 1832. Nearly all of them immigrated to Holland, bringing their accumulated wealth with them.

    Some of that wealth was on display last year in the cellar of Amsterdam’s Portuguese Synagogue, part of an exhibition celebrating the riches of the synagogue’s immigrant founders. Van de Kamp says the exhibition sparked his interest in the Dutch Jewish role in slavery, which was robust.

    On the Caribbean island of Curacao, Dutch Jews may have accounted for the resale of at least 15,000 slaves landed by Dutch transatlantic traders, according to Seymour Drescher, a historian at the University of Pittsburgh. At one point, Jews controlled about 17 percent of the Caribbean trade in Dutch colonies, Drescher said.

    Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary…..

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
    , @Corvinus
    , @utu
  127. @Truth

    Notwithstanding that I’ve never coded a day in my life, I was let go from an office job literally minutes before writing that. Guess ya gotta revise your ad hom, kiddo.

    • 回复: @Truth
  128. Sparkon 说:


    Keep Thy Bible to Thyself.

  129. BTampa 说:

    The continued existence of Europe has nothing to do with whether America’s empire collapses and everything to do with Europe’s own globalist traitors in political office. Keep letting in Muslims and nothing will save it.

  130. Sam Shama 说:

    I agree re: the guilt based European culture which seems to have gotten a foothold in some parts of England as well. I wonder what religion can offer in a rearguard action, when it seems to have been the avant-guard, seeking it out! At least to an extent.

    Perhaps I conclude too much, but in my recent visits to the U.K., greater London aside, Surrey, Kent and Essex seemed so nice. Quite English, culturally, I’d say.

    • 回复: @helena
  131. Truth 说:
    @Marshall Lentini

    Mana from God, Old Sport!

    I actually used “coding farm” as a synonym for “boring job with no future” so I wasn’t completely wrong, but in any event, now you are freed up to persue your Passion, and Gift, RALLYING YOUR PEOPLES TO A BETTER TOMORROW!…

  132. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    A lot of truth in what you wrote. Feel free to ‘rant’ like that again some time.

  133. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Arguably, those who were the most responsible for the slave trade were the Sephardic Jews of Spain and Portugal. They knew where the slave markets of West Africa were, having learned about them from the Moorish rulers of the Iberian peninsula — that’s where the Moors and the Arabs got their slaves from. Ostensibly, these Jews were forced to convert to Christianity after 1492 in order to be allowed to remain in Spain. However, many of them became ‘crypto-Jews’ who continued to practice their religion in secret, while only marrying other crypto-Jews in order to preserve their bloodlines.

    • 回复: @hyperbola
  134. doodahman 说:

    任何称其为“美国”帝国的人都是盲目的傻瓜。 它是一个百分之一的帝国,一个由反社会者或反社会型投资者组成的国际集合体,他们一直在利用美国人的鲜血和财富来充实自己。 在这些藏品中,占很大一部分的美国人并不比其中的沙特人更美国人。


    所以你知道,作为一名美国工人对全球即兴表演者说:你的,失败者。 美国力量投射的撤回将使我们变得更加富有,并看到你们像往常一样互相抢劫和谋杀。

    • 同意: Digital Samizdat, Rurik
    • 回复: @fnn
  135. @neutral

    You might want to stop and think about how the United States became the political and economic center of Western civilization before you claim it’s all America’s fault. Here’s a couple of clues. The United States didn’t start the First and Second World Wars and did everything they could to stay out of them, and the problems of the Mideast stem in large part from British and French meddling in the regioin after both the World Wars.

    • 回复: @fnn
    , @Digital Samizdat
  136. gT 说:

    After white hegemony comes Chinese leadership, many whites themselves are hoping.

    So after peak White Man comes peak Yellow Man? The Jews are going to be none too pleased about this, they consider the peak to be their rightful place on this planet.

  137. @Alden

    I read the OCC. I read Betty’s ideas and noticed that no one on this website brings up this point. I’ve read commentators on unz who are RCC and believe that the RCC is the answer. Betty’s comments are excellent and when I post them on unz, the RCCers are the ones who can’t refute my comments. Betty is correct in identifying the RCC as the worst problem because of its “universality.” Most comments are the same blather without getting to the heart of the issue. I like Betty’s comments because she always gets to the point on what is really important: IQ and universalism. I modify them, so I hope she doesn’t mind. But I bet she won’t mind, because the most important thing is to get these ideas out to more and more people. She is absolutely correct in writing that the RCC is a non-starter because of blacks/Asians.

    RCC commentators can’t deal with this stuff. So they blame the “Jews.” OCC blames the Jews too. But Betty is correct in that Jews are minor issue in the struggle to save the West. It is the RCC and Zioevangizers who are the problem. Did you read about that insane Zioevanger preacher Jeffress who said God had given Trump permission to take out Kim in North Korea? Madness!!! Betty always points to the Zioevangizers as evil degenerates.

    Who are you Alden? Are you RCC?

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  138. fnn 说:

    I’m glad you’re not one of the mopes who goes around thanking vets “for their service.”

  139. fnn 说:
    @The Plutonium Kid

    The United States didn’t start the First and Second World Wars and did everything they could to stay out of them

    FDR was the one mainly responsible for the outbreak of general European war in 1939. He bullied Chamberlain into making the March 1939 blank check guarantees to Poland (which the Brits knew they couldn’t live up to) and encouraged the Poles to reject negotiations with Germany. It’s not like Hitler invented the Danzig and Corridor questions-even the mildest Weimar Soc Dems complained about them. Neither did Hitler create a fantasy of persecution of ethnic Germans by the Poles. Polish persecution of its various ethnic minorities during the interwar period is well established. On Aug 17, 1939 there were 76,000 ethnic German refugees on the Polish-German border and another 18,000 in Danzig.

    Sources on FDR’s responsibility for the war:

    Respected mainstream liberal Jewish Zionist historian:

    Everything is fully documented and the sources are impeccable. The truth is readily available, it’s just that most people just swallow the govt, mass media and academic industry propaganda.

  140. Corvinus 说:

    “Lots of research available that contradicts your statements. Here is one start about the Dutch jews.”

    当然,犹太人参与了奴隶贸易。 我从未提出相反的主张。

    让我们提供背景。 在17、18世纪,荷兰允许犹太人有更大程度的自由参与经济和文化生活,因此参与奴隶贸易的荷兰商人中也有一些犹太人成员也就不足为奇了。 使事情变得复杂的是,新世界的早期犹太社区通常是遭受宗教迫害的葡萄牙和西班牙马拉诺人。

    Now recall YOU made a specific contention–“Remember that ca. 90% of slave trading to the New World was carried out by British, Dutch and Portuguese jews based in the respective colonies.”

    您刚刚提供的链接不提供该特定统计数据。 相反,它讨论的是一个包含奴隶的犹太人定居点。

    更重要的是,一位历史学家在该资料来源中给出的统计数据是,据报道荷兰犹太人控制了加勒比地区 17% 的贸易。 没有指出这是奴隶贸易还是非奴隶贸易。 无论如何,没有提及您声称的 90% 统计数据。


    布鲁克林学院非裔美国人研究教授威利·佩奇(Willie F. Page)指出,在荷兰巴西,犹太人经营的种植园少于6%。

    西摩·德雷舍(Seymour Drescher)在《移民与少数民族》(1993年0.5月)中评论说,犹太人在荷兰西印度公司的投资份额“仅占该公司资本的17%”。 荷兰历史学家彼得·埃默(Pieter Emmer)和约翰内斯·波斯特马(Johanes Postma)认为:“即使在XNUMX世纪荷兰奴隶贸易的鼎盛时期,犹太人的作用也非常有限和从属。”

    Are you prepared to retract your statement in light of the evidence here? Or do you have a source that definitively proves your claim–“Remember that ca. 90% of slave trading to the New World was carried out by British, Dutch and Portuguese jews based in the respective colonies”?

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @yyrvjh
  141. 巅峰白人已经遭遇了厄运。

    Why? It’s the Negro.



    In the end, it’s about organicism, not ideology.





    Afro and Freud = Afreudianism. It will destroy the white race. Sexual liberation means women seek wildest sex with wildest men. And that means white women will run to Negroes. White men are doomed… unless they wake up and demand safe space for their manhood to thrive again apart from the Negro.

    A tree cannot grow under shades of bigger trees. It has to planted where there’s plenty of sunshine. Negro shadow will destroy white manhood, and that mans white women’s wombs will be shut off to white males.


    Since childhood, I’ve seen racial dynamics play out. Whites were scared of blacks. Still, things were not so bad back then because whites had their own music/culture and blacks had their own. But rise of hip hop changed all that. White girls began to dance to black music by black thugs. End of history.

    This is the future of Living ‘Western’ Culture.


    There is living culture and dead culture. Most of European Culture is dead. It is in museums or for tourists. It no longer inspires. It’s just legacy.

  142. Talha 说:

    Bro – you kidding me? You’re accusing a guy with the handle “hyperbola” of inflated numbers??!!

    Pick thy battles.


  143. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    She’s Arab and Armenoid.

    • 回复: @attilathehen
  144. denk 说:

    ‘Down with China, Russia and US,and their stooges.

    Every one must boycott goods MADE IN CHINA

    So you propose to fight the 大撒旦 and its stooges by taking down one of its main opponents ?

    Funny thats exactly what the 印度人clamoring for months now.


  145. @Anonymous

    Anonymous (the 1/2 Jew who likes Derbyshire and his brown Chinese wife) – I am not Arab or Armenoid.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  146. helena 说:
    @Sam Shama

    Hi Sammy – my comment about guilt and shame was a reference to Frost’s work. I miss him.

    The hinterland is still English but the liberals have it in their sights; they are determined to mix it up because as we all know, people who oppose immigration live in areas where there are few migrants.

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  147. yyrvjh 说:

    对“双曲线”的毁灭性打击。 预测:双曲线现在将停用其 Unz 评论手柄,并重新出现在新的手柄下,重复使用相同的不受支持的说法。

  148. Invaders know Europe lacks the will. White men are cucks who don’t protect land and women. And women are whores who invite invasion.


    The migrant-colonizer song: Hey Hey We’re the Monkees.

  149. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Susan Sontag in 1967, “The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—
    Sontag ?? From the dung beetle bloodline tribe !

  150. @Priss Factor


    Hey Priss, did you know that, in the UK, people (at least if they want to be able to watch the telly) have to pay a tax to support the BBC?

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
    , @helena
  151. @utu

    Cologne never happened.

    I don’t think so, no. I looked at where this supposedly happened and it just doesn’t look possible. Cologne main railway station, serves 280,000 passengers on an average day. (As compared to Grand Central in NYC, which serves 750,000 a day, so it’s over 1/3 that level.) Granted, the 280,000 people aren’t all there at the same time, but it’s a crowded place.

    You are apparently willing to believe that hundreds of women were sexually assaulted there with no visual record of any sort. ZERO. Finally, you remind me of a little boy who clings to his belief in Santa Claus, that Santa is going to come down the chimney and bring gifts.

    Except the little boy lives in an apartment building and there is no chimney!

    It is the ultimate Wunderwaffe against any accusations tarnishing reputation of Muslims.

    Well, anybody with a functioning brain should realize that, what I dubbed Revusky’s Razor has nothing to do with defending Muslims 特别是. As a practical question, in the current day, a huge amount of the false accusations are being made against Muslims, but in principle, it has nothing to do with defending Muslims, as opposed to anybody else.

    In any case, what vicious little punks like you seemingly never understand is a concept that, in Eastern religions, is called “karma”. We also have the more long-winded formulation “What goes around comes around.” “Reciprocity” is another word. In this case, this amounts to understanding that if you advocate vicious tactics against others, those same tactics can (and probably will) eventually be used against you.

    So, if you think it’s a wonderful thing for the State to be able to round up Muslims, put them in some black hole like Guantanamo and torture them endlessly, with zero due process, it does not occur you that if the State can do that to some Ay-rab, they can do it to YOU too! Legally speaking, what’s the difference?

    The same little bitch who, for a few bucks, will claim that she was raped by the dirty Ay-rabs, for an extra few bucks, will claim that you raped her or that I raped her. What’s the difference to her? I mean, for example, this false accuser:


    Or this little Jezebel in training: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/31/teenage-girl-made-up-migrant-claim-that-caused-uproar-in-germany

    An intelligent military man is going to be opposed to torturing people they take prisoner because he realizes that he also could be taken prisoner and then would inevitably be tortured.

    Of course, you lack that intelligence, so your notion is that if I am standing up for people who are falsely accused, who, in this case, are Muslims, that it must just mean that I just have some agenda to defend Muslims, because I, for some reasons have some special love of Muslims.

    Well, anyway, the combination moral degeneracy, mendacity, and willful stupidity that you engage in is truly nauseating. You (and a few other people around here) really do make me want to puke.

  152. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:
    @The Plutonium Kid

    The United States didn’t start the First and Second World Wars and did everything they could to stay out of them …

    完全 true. FDR was hard at work in the late 30s deliberately trying to provoke the Japs into a war. The US had had designs on the far east going back as least as far as the Spanish American War, when they took over the Philippenes from Spain, and the Boxer Rebellion in China. And modern Washington still does harbor designs on E. Asia — hence the constant Kabuki theater with N. Korea.

    As far as Europe is concerned, you’re mostly correct, though both Woody Wilson, and later FDR, did game the situation as best they could to try and establish a beachhead on that continent as well.

    And in the ME, Franco-British meddling has not been a significant factor there since the Suez Crisis in the 50s. The vast majority of the ME-meddling since then has come from Washington. This goes back at least as far as the ‘Carter Doctrine’ of the late 70s, if not to the coup in Tehran in 1953.

  153. @anonymous

    That first “r” in “razor” is also to be capitalized, isn’t it?

    I suppose that’s true, since, uncapitalized, it would refer, properly speaking, to the Gillette shaver in my washroom. However, it is hard to imagine there would be many cases where this would lead to ambiguity in an sentence, so I don’t think it’s that important.

    I first defined Revusky’s Razor 点击此处。

    Revusky’s Razor: If an event of sufficiently large scale is alleged to have taken place in a wide open public space full of people, yet there is no corresponding video or photographic evidence, then it must be fake news.

    This refers to incidents that have happened in the last few years, when, to all intents and purposes, everybody has a video camera in his or her pocket.

    Even though I live not far from where it happened, I hadn’t been aware of the incidents with Senegalese migrants that Linh refers to in this article. So I looked for some visuals. Unlike Cologne, I came up with things very quickly. Specifically:

    This is from 2015, some months before the alleged Cologne event. Somehow there’s plenty of video of the incident in Salou with the Senegalese but none (and I mean really NONE) of the hundreds of women being sexually assaulted in and around Cologne railway station on New Year’s Eve. Why is that? My explanation would be that the Salou incident actually happened while the Cologne one did not.

    Not only is this the simplest explanation, it is, as far as I can tell, the ONLY explanation. The above is Revusky’s Razor (capital R) in action.

  154. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    The RCC is too cucked to be of any use to us anymore. But having grown up in the Bible Belt, I have to confess that I have been thoroughly unimpressed with Protestantism, too. It seems that all of the many, many Protestant denominations in the US basically fall into one of the following categories:

    1. Liberal SJW churches, which are no less cucked than the RCC.
    2. ZioRapture Christians (like Hagee) who worship at the alter of the ‘Chosen People’, and think the world’s about end (so why bother to save our civilization?)
    3. Get-rich-while-you-pray Prosperity Gospel types who basically worship Capitalism and call it God
    4. Obscurantists like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who have a powerful allergy to science and logic.

    Frankly, I don’t see our salvation 作为一种文明 coming from any of these.

    As far as universalism is concerned, that’s definitely not unique to the RCC. Historically and presently, most Protestant denominations sought and made converts in the Third World, too. After all, it does say in the New Testament, “He knoweth neither Greek nor Jew.” The only major exception to this that I can think of would be the Orthodox churches. They accept converts from other nations, but generally don’t 寻求 them. Of course, this is probably just a consequence of not having had overseas colonies.

    So they blame the “Jews.” OCC blames the Jews too. But Betty is correct in that Jews are minor issue in the struggle to save the West.

    Hmmm. So you’re cool with the (((banksters))), (((media moguls))), (((zionists))), and (((Cultural Marxists)))? Well then, keep on reading the OCC — you’ll wake up eventually.

    • 回复: @helena
    , @attilathehen
  155. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Priss, where do you live? Detroit? I honest to God don’t see all that many black/white MRCs either in Europe or America. I don’t deny that the Cultural Marxists are trying to push this, but the only white chicks I see with black guys are massively overweight — not the sort of chick a normal white man would be seen dead with.

  156. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Same as in Germany. And the German stations are even more wretched than the BBC.

  157. @Corvinus




    • 回复: @Corvinus
  158. @Priss Factor








    • 回复: @Truth
  159. Sam Shama 说:

    There’s a recording preserved at Harvard, of Frost reading 深夜相识, which I listened to only once, yet it still lingers, mostly when I catch that intonation of speech in New Hampshire or at the Cape. I understand why you miss him. Have you had occasion to visit his cottage at Beaconsfield?

    • 回复: @helena
  160. helena 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    Jonathan! Leave Priss alone!! 🙂 S/he may have a strident style but there is much bioanthropological intelligence behind the long rambling comments.

  161. helena 说:
    @Sam Shama

    Robert? No, Peter, the bioanthropologist who had a column here for a while and got into the same contretemps with Ron as Jonathan did regarding wanting to create a commentariat that he could professionally engage with individually like in a schoolroom.

    When I was just as far as I could walk
    From here today
    There was an hour
    All still
    When leaning with my head against a flower
    I heard you talk.
    Don’t say I didn’t for I heard you say
    You spoke from that flower on the window sill-
    Do you remember what it was you said ‘

    ‘First tell me what it was you thought you heard.’

    ‘Having found the flower and driven a bee away
    I leaned my head
    And holding by the stalk
    I listened and I thought I caught the word
    Did you call me by my name
    Or did you say…
    有人 said “Come”
    I heard it as I bowed.’

    ‘I may have thought as much but not aloud.’

    Well so I came.”

    ― Robert Frost, The Poetry of Robert Frost

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
    , @Marshall Lentini
  162. helena 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Moldbug’s Cathedral hypothesis laid the blame, I think, on the Unitarian churches. Did you read that? The idea being that once the Trinitarian idea evaporated, it became possible to dissolve all boundaries between people. Christianity became a force for goodness stripped of (identifying) ritual and decoration. Quakers. Lego. Humanitarianism.

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  163. Truth 说:
    @Captain Nemo

    …Well, you’re scratching the surface anyway…

  164. Anonymous [AKA "Who me"] 说:

    The Jews want to be the only pure race. They know the white man is there superior. They must mix the white and the rest to be on top.

    • 回复: @attilathehen
  165. Sam Shama 说:

    Thanks, me duck! 🙂 Love Frost’s inimitable simplicity; telephone chat with G’d. Or was it with his love?

    • 回复: @helena
  166. Talha 说:
    @Priss Factor


    Totally agree with you about the loss of morals in society, but this statement…

    unless they wake up and demand safe space for their manhood to thrive again apart from the Negro

    …demanding a safe space for one’s manhood is about as unmanly as it gets. Do white males really want to publicly make that statement?


    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Truth
    , @Priss Factor
  167. Rurik 说:


    I suspect that is just Prisses’ way of saying what Thomas Jefferson said not so long ago

    “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion have drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.”


    my problem isn’t so much with the blacks (or Negros or whatever we’re supposed to call them) as with the white liberals.

    I’d like to start a program called the’ Amy Biehl Foundation’, that will fund the emigration of white liberals to go live in Johannesburg or Harare, where they can go make their penance where it will do some real good.

    I would spend good money to send guys like this over there, and pronto!

    and he can go too


    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
    , @Talha
  168. Truth 说:


    Yeah, “let’s start a knitting circle where we can all learn to be virulent, masculine men together!”

  169. @helena

    One winter I lived down the road from the Robert Frost Interpretive Trail in Vermont. Always a good walk, especially useful in banishing a hangover.

    I think he sucks and it isn’t real poetry, but the signs on the trail were really pleasant, and put it in context.

    • 回复: @helena
  170. utu 说:

    It’s understandable that in America only Black slavery is talked about and historians who brought up the prominent role of Jews in slavery trade limit themselves to the period from 15 century and down when America was discovered and the largest demand for African slaves was created. Many people are surprised about it and wonder where did these Jews come from and why they happened to be involved in Slavery. They ddi not come out of nowhere. They were involved in slavery trade for many centuries before the discovery of America. One has to go back to the first millennium when Arab Muslims established themselves Northern Africa and Spain. Already then Jews were their favorite slavers, however the slaves were also white Europeans. They were getting slaves throughout whole Europe particularly form countries that haven’t become Christian yet and thus could not be protected by the Church because Church at least technically forbid slavery in some places. The largest slave markets were in Prague, Lyon, and Rome where slaves were brought from Germany and countries east of Germany like Poland, Bohemia and so on. At the slave markets males were usually castrated and together with women and children were send further to North Africa and Spain. This practice ended with Christianization of Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania,… Interesting is the story of St. Adalbert (born 952) who fought against slavery in Prague. Later he had to escape to Poland and got killed in Prussia in 997. In 1175 a bronze doors was erected in Gniezno Cathedral in Poland depicting his life where among others you can find these two stories:




    Also later when Crimea became a part of Turkish Ottoman empire it became a great center of slave trade where the slaves kidnapped usually by Tartars in Poland, Ukraine, Russia and even Finland were traded via mostly Jewish slavers to Turks and Arabs. Bagdad, Istanbul, Damascus and Cairo were full of Slavic and Finn slaves. There are quite a few books about it.

    I am bringing this up to broaden the scope and make those who did not know that slavery business was very Jewish from the very beginning. The slaves were white European pagans and Christians.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  171. helena 说:
    @Sam Shama

    I assumed, his love and I think I may have read that he wrote it for some woman or other.

  172. helena 说:
    @Marshall Lentini

    How about a bit of Spike?

    30,000 cannibals sitting down to lunch;
    gobble, gobble, gulp, gulp,
    munch, munch, munch.

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
    , @Sam Shama
  173. @helena

    They do not scan a jot,
    These errant lines vagous;
    Though I do have a soft spot
    For the anthropophagous.


  174. @Talha

    …demanding a safe space for one’s manhood is about as unmanly as it gets. Do white males really want to publicly make that statement?

    Manhood isn’t just about being like some Hulk Hoganish he-man. It’s the combination of sense and strengths.

    Consider sports. Why do high school sports exist apart from college sports? High school kids will get crushed by college athletes. And why do college sports exist apart from professional sports?
    Because pros will crush college athletes.

    So, manhood in high school needs safe space from college, and manhood in college needs safe space from professional sports.

    Indeed, this is true of humanity itself. Manliness can exist ONLY IN SAFE SPACE from wild animals that are bigger and stronger. This is true of African Negroes themselves. In African tribes, the men act tough with spears and drums and do their dance and stuff. But they do this in their own villages that are guarded from wild animals. Even the toughest Negro is no match for a lion, buffalo, hyena, leopard, or a hippo. Most hippos can outrun Negroes and stomp their heads into Aunt Jemima pancakes.

    So, manhood isn’t just about raw strength of brutal sort. It can only exist within a certain condition and context. Take manhood among coyotes. Coyote males fight for turf and sexual access. But they fight among their own kind. But when wolves appear on the turf, coyotes run like a mothafuc*a.

    Coyote manhood cannot exist among wolves. It can only exist among coyotes. So, coyotes need safe space from wolves in order to be coyote men.

    This is true enough in Greek mythology. Heroes are weaker than many monsters and enemies. They must use guile and trickery to win or make it to safety. Theseus, Perseus, and Odysseus all use guile. Theseus had the string. Perseus had the reflective shield. Odysseus made the wooden horse. And Odysseus used trickery and teamwork to get away from the One-eyed giant, Cyclops.

    Man to Man, the white man cannot win against the more muscular and more aggressive Negro. Negroes will dominate sports teams while white boy is reduced to cucky benchwarmer who sees best-looking white girls run off with Negro and have mulatto babies.

    So, white manhood needs to use guile, unity, solidarity, and other means to gain power and seek safe space from the Negro. It’s like what wolves do. A lone wolf’s manhood is no match against big moose or big bear or ferocious cougar. Wolf power comes from unity and cooperation. Wolves can have wolfmanhood only within the safety of the pack.

    White males are losing because their stupid pride prevented them from making that 声明 that you’re talking about.
    If white males had been honest during the Jack Johnson era, they would have said, “Look, that Africa-evolved Negro whose ancestors got tough by chucking spears at hippos are kicking white male butts in US, UK, and Australia. And look at all those white women who reject white male losers and go off to have sex with Johnson the big tough Negro. We can’t compete with such Negroes. We need to send them to Africa or give them a separate nation. Our white manhood need sanctuary from Negroes just like Negro manhood need sanctuary from hippos and hyenas.”

    Then, whites wouldn’t be facing the mess they are in.

    Also, if EU blocks black colonization on those grounds, white men in Europe can have manhood. But since white men are too ‘proud’ to say such and pretend races are equal, more Negroes come, beat up white boys, take over sports, and colonize white wombs.

    It’s like Negro Truth whupped all the slow white boys and impregnated all the white girls at his school. He be delighted in his mastery over the pitiful white boy.

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
    , @Truth
    , @Talha
  175. Corvinus 说:
    @Captain Nemo

    “Foaming from the mouth, I see…”


    “Anyway, my main point was related to the White “self hatred” underlined in the article.”

    I’m white and do not “hate myself”, nor label my fellow whites as “race traitors”. I do not feel “guilty” for what white people did in the past.

    Moreover, these “significant outside causes” you refer to, is it not conceivable that they are overstated?

    • 回复: @Captain Nemo
  176. Corvinus 说:

    “They were involved in slavery trade for many centuries before the discovery of America. One has to go back to the first millennium when Arab Muslims established themselves Northern Africa and Spain.”

    To what extent were Jews involved? Do you have any source material to provide insight?

    • 回复: @utu
  177. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I’m not Jewish and I don’t like Derbyshire nor his wife. You’ve admitted you’re part Middle Eastern.

    • 回复: @attilathehen
  178. @Priss Factor

    Looks like you’re the one who’s delighted. Pretty gay, or if you’re female, pretty gross.

  179. Truth 说:
    @Priss Factor

    It’s like Negro Truth whupped all the slow white boys and impregnated all the white girls at his school. He be delighted in his mastery over the pitiful white boy.

    Bro, did we go to school together? Are you from Queens?

  180. utu 说:

    To what extent were Jews involved? – Major, dominant. Muslims were not allowed to operate within the Christian Europe but Jews were permitted.

    By the turn of the 6th to the 7th century, Jews had become the chief slave traders in Italy, and were active in Gaelic territories. Pope Gregory the Great issued a ban on Jews possessing Christian slaves, lest the slaves convert to Judaism. By the 9th and 10th centuries, Jewish merchants, sometimes called Radhanites, were a major force in the slave trade continent-wide Jews were one of the few groups who could move and trade between the Christian and Islamic worlds.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  181. Sam Shama 说:

    Lol. You guessed well. He looking for Spike, the best remedy for hangovers as they say!

  182. anonyomous 说:


  183. anonyomous 说:


  184. anonyomous 说:




    对基督徒来说最糟糕的 25 个地方。以色列不在名单上,但伊朗、埃及、苏丹、索马里、伊拉克、巴基斯坦以及大家最喜欢的“叙利亚”都在名单上。







  185. @Santoculto

    Santoculto says to GrandpaCharlie:

    ‘I already watched and this video [Chinese engineer disses African who is about to explain how the ‘White Man’ caused all the problems of Black Africa] or this point of view, invariably correct, don’t change mine. Conservs luv [to] “rationalize” their own historical faults.”

    Every human loves to rationalize. It’s one of many cognitive communicative behaviors that characterize humanity. I guess that’s what you are doing when you say that what the Chinese critic of African culture says – although “invariably correct” – fails to change your views? So you consider that the Chinese fellow in the video is a “conserv”? Or are y9u just saying that you have already been of the opinion that when Africans blame colonialist exploitation for their lack of progress or development, that that’s a bogus argument?


    (traditional song, not attributed, but a version of it appears in The Fiddle Book by Oklahoma fiddler, Marion Thede, which has music and lyrics to more than 150 old time fiddle tunes)

    The po’ white man, the po’ white man,

    Livin’ up nawth in a cold white land.

    I’d druther be a nigger than a po’ white man.


    The po’ white man, the po’ white man,

    Never druv a Cadillac or heerd a jazz band.

    I’d druther be a nigger than a po’ white man.


    The po’ white man, the po’ white man,

    Never et chitterlins or possum in the pan,

    I’d druther be a nigger than a po’ white man.

  187. Corvinus 说:

    The source you neglected to cite comes from http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/13798-slave-trade

    from 1906. Please note that the same source stated that despite Church rule, many Christians also partook in the slave trade, with church officials in one part of Europe collecting taxes on this endeavor.
    How many Christians compared to Jews? I don’t know. But consider that Jews were a much smaller percentage of the total population in Christian Europe compared to Muslim dominate regions in the Middle East. No one knows exact numbers, but 250,000 Jews in a community of 10-15 million people has been a common estimate.

    One could infer from this source that non-Jewish involvement was also “major, dominant”.


  188. J.M. 说:




    • 哈哈: German_reader
  189. @Wally

    There will be nobody to pay other peoples bills.

    Wally, you are usually correct, but speaking of bills, guess who’s responsible for indebting 世界?

  190. Erebus 说:

    Um, this story was about immigration, not NATO. Obviously, immigration is an internal German matter.

    Not so fast, Braga.
    A month into the bombing of Yugoslavia, SACEUR Wesley Clark notoriously told a CNN reporter:

    “Let’s not forget what the origin of the problem is. There is no place in Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”

    It’s unclear why a SACEUR would comment on immigration policy at all, much less repeatedly use “我们” if NATO had no say in the matter. If the patently criminal bombing of Yugoslavia didn’t “force” Merkel, it surely coloured the thinking of not only German, but every other Euro politician. At any rate, his statement shows clearly that NATO was an active participant in a program that had started well before 1999.

    • 回复: @utu
  191. denk 说:

    Priss Factor is prolly watching too much
    白底黑字 porns.

  192. utu 说:

    Interesting. I do not remember hearing this. What’s ironic is that Yugoslavia was a multi ethnic state at some point. Its disintegration with the help of NATO created several mono-ethnic states. I could see him saying it when Kosovaars staged an exodus claiming that they were being ethnically cleansed. Whether they were being cleansed is another story. The end result was that mono-ethnic Kosovo was created.

    • 回复: @Erebus
  193. @Anonymous

    I’m not Middle Eastern. You compliment Derbyshire all the time (especially about his writing – you did this recently for one of his articles) and I remember the comment where you said you were 1/2 Jewish. Also, when I commented that Macron’s wife was white and not Asian (like Derbyshire’s China woman) you told me to lay off Derbyshire and his wife.

  194. @Anonymous

    The Jews are not a pure race. They are a miscegenated meshugah melange of Afro-Asia-European mixtures.

  195. @Digital Samizdat

    I’m not cool with the banksters, cultural Marxists, etc. What I said is that I blame the RCC/Zioevangizers for giving the “chosen” their supposed power. The RCC/Zioevangizers think the Jews are smarter. They are not. But their universal Christianity keeps them from addressing the JQuestion because then race would be involved. The RCC/Zioevangizers will not criticize blacks/Asians. That’s why I say, collapse the RCC/Zioevangizers and you take care of the Jew/Muslim/black/Asian problems.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  196. Erebus 说:

    Its disintegration with the help of NATO created several mono-ethnic states.

    Yeah, more than one pundit has commented on that unintended consequence.
    Frankly, it’s unclear to me what NATO’s real purpose was. Their accusations against Milosovic et al, via which they invoked their hypocritical R2P doctrine, were eventually proved false. I never saw an analysis that explained it satisfactorily, but I haven’t looked very hard for one either.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  197. “Siebald” is Sebald, no?

    Try Enzensbeger! Start with Hammerstein, then 内战, then – – – Mausoleum, then other poems and a few essays.

  198. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    FYI: Mr. Unz forbids commenters from using multiple handles (“sock puppets”).

  199. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    The Unis are basically just another cuck church. But I really don’t see them as the driving force of SJWism. After all, is it they who control the banks, the media, education and foreign policy? No, not really.

  200. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Very disturbing graphics, Rurik. But thanks for posting them. Sukant Chandan is an especially vile POS. And BTW, I totally agree with your proposal!

    • 回复: @Rurik
  201. anarchyst 说:

    There are those of us in the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) that do not subscribe to the current teachings on the supremacy of the jews. We are Catholics who,do not subscribe to the changes that the Vatican II Ecumenical Council attempted to impose on us. It is no secret that jews and Protestants were involved in this “Council” and wrought changes in order to bring down the Church.
    Jews DID take responsibility for the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. No amount of “modernization” of the Catholic Church can change that fact.

    • 回复: @attilathehen
  202. Rurik 说:

    Frankly, it’s unclear to me what NATO’s real purpose was. Their accusations against Milosovic et al, via which they invoked their hypocritical R2P doctrine, were eventually proved false. I never saw an analysis that explained it satisfactorily, but I haven’t looked very hard for one either.

    this one from commenter Kiza is as good as I’ve seen:

    美国在前南斯拉夫的目标主要是复兴北约,而北约因苏维埃的灭亡而失去了意义。 同样,魔鬼们天生就有将帝国主义纳入“人道主义”干预的倾向,共和党人则不那么卑鄙-共和党人只是说你支持我们或反对我们,无论我们做的是合法还是非法。 因此,对于克林顿夫妇来说,这是一场完美的小战争:

    最后一个重要原因是美国对巴尔干地区的干预创造了一个新的行业,称为政权更迭行业(或者应该称为非政府组织生态系统)。 这是吉恩·夏普完成他关于“非暴力”政权更迭和色彩革命的书的时候。 因此,美国对巴尔干半岛的非法干预,是这个 NGO 生态系统第一次得到全面部署。 在随后的颜色革命和政权更迭之后,流动的非政府组织生态系统现在可能雇佣了大约 300-500,000 人,西方人担任管理和顾问,当地人在煤板上。 这就是为什么政权更迭不能停止的原因——因为现在整个行业都依赖于它们。

    这些是美国干预巴尔干地区的积极成果。 我们也不应忘记,以色列因转移注意力而受益匪浅,因为波斯尼亚战争暂时将什叶派和逊尼派联合起来对抗塞尔维亚人。


  203. Talha 说:
    @Priss Factor


    I was talking about manhood. You are mixing up “manhood” and “maleness”. There are plenty of males running around, but a dearth of men.

    Men recognize and honor the sanctity of other men – especially when it comes to the women under their care and guardianship. This requires self-discipline and self-control. The West lost much of this with the sexual revolution and thus is now dealing with various males running around (including ours) trying to hump things like the wolves and coyotes you speak about. And thus you need to cage the different breeds/species off from each other.

    In the past, men would recognize the role of the father and access to any of the women under his care would have to proceed with his blessings. Men did this and knew that it would be reciprocated when they became fathers and others came to seek the hand of the women under their care. This is not ancient practice – there are people alive today who saw these rules at work and the societies that these built. Whether black or white, the suitor had to approach the father and, whether black or white, the father was supposed to look out for his daughter’s interest in making sure she wasn’t going to get into a detrimental relationship because the purpose was marriage – not sex. And society honored that because they knew how important the family institution was.

    Someone like Jack Johnson was an anomaly like Erol Flynn or any other man of fame.

    What I keep hearing from you is that you don’t necessarily want to roll back the sexual revolution, you just don’t want to share White women with the darkies – though I don’t hear you mentioning anything about White males colonizing darkie wombs (a couple of my cousins are married to White men). Womb colonization only goes one way? That was never a problem in the past because of the role of the father who could interdict a pairing that he felt was culturally incompatible (White to Black, Italian to Irish, WASP to Catholic, etc.) – but you don’t want to bring that back because then no more fun times for you in getting with their daughters left and right without consequences because fathers might block you for not being serious or prepared enough or have enough income, etc.

    Eventually (I hope) some semblance of traditional manhood will arise again among the Whites in the West (and the phrase “patriarchy” won’t be considered a pejorative) and the structures and institutions that it informs, and its arrival may resemble something like this:


    • 回复: @Truth
    , @Anon
  204. Talha 说:


    Well, Jefferson certainly had a more intellectual way to approach the subject, eh? I got no problems with funding White liberals to help them resettle in the third world if that’ll help them finally deal with their guilt issues. I would however also like to see a bunch of neo-cons and politicians prosecuted for destroying those third world countries within our living memory and sent to the noose or to jail.


    • 回复: @Rurik
  205. Rurik 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Sukant Chandan is an especially vile POS

    certainly looks like it

    agree with your proposal!

    we can start a foundation!

    we’ll advertise on moveon.ass and dailykos and offer trips to Liberia and Rwanda. They can all get culturally equalized!

    Parents whose daughters get Amy Biehl’d will have to pay more of course. You don’t get that kind of absolution for your guilt unless you pay for it. I mean if the church can sell indulgences, then why can’t we?!

    It’ll sort of be like the Christians making pilgrimages to Israel to bolster their salvation. We’ll use the ‘Christians to Israel’ as our fund-raising model. We can even go straight to the churches and offer trips to Somalia. Just think, the Christians in Minnesota won’t have to settle all those Somalis in their communities, they can just take a junket and purge their guilt in one fell swoop.

    I can try to arrange for this Somali to be waiting, and we could advertise for liberals and Christians both!


    who’d have ever thought we could bring the religious right together with the SJW liberals in a cash cow for our endeavor?!

    it’s pure genius, no?

  206. Truth 说:

    What I keep hearing from you is that you don’t necessarily want to roll back the sexual revolution, you just don’t want to share White women with the darkies –

    No Talha, as a Feller who enjoys the company of Fellers, I don’t think that would be in his best interest…

  207. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    I haven’t read Priss’s comment, so I’m sure there’s some context, but this sounds painful:

    various males running around (including ours) trying to hump things like the wolves and coyotes you speak about.

    • 回复: @Talha
  208. Talha 说:

    LOL! Well, if you interpret it 办法。

    Though – I can see this being a new front on the sexual liberation front – inter-species consensual sex rights!!!

    • 回复: @Truth
  209. Rurik 说:

    White liberals to help them resettle in the third world if that’ll help them finally deal with their guilt issues.

    Seamus and I are working on a venture and I think we’re accepting partners. It’s sure to be a financial triumph, and save tones of souls and expunge unbearable guilt in the process!

    we’re going to bridge the chasm between the religious right and the progressive left and make lots and lots of sexually frustrated Somalis and guilt ridden liberals and do-gooder Christians all manifestly happy (and 满意! ; ) all while we’re cashing in on the good works!

    it isn’t wrong to make money while you’re ‘doing good’ in the world, is it?

    I would however also like to see a bunch of neo-cons and politicians prosecuted for destroying those third world countries within our living memory and sent to the noose or to jail.

    I’ve been told I harbor too much wrath for John McCain. That to wish suffering on such a person is a sin, and I’ll be worse off for it. True perhaps, but yet…

    I would have zero problem with sending every single neocon war pig criminal to meet their fate at the hands of the people whom they’ve so diabolically wronged.

    I’d send Bill O’Rielly to Fallujah

    I’d send Hillary to Benghazi

    I’d send Dick Cheney and W. Bush to hell itself if I could.

    and all the rest of them too

    they’re a vile stain upon the character of America, (if anything’s left of it) and an affront to simple human decency. May their souls rot in hell for all eternity. And may God have mercy on all of us who’ve watched with horror at what they have done (and why they’ve done it), and on so terribly many innocent men, women and children.

    It’s beyond monstrous, and I only hope somehow we end this zio-madness in our time.

    That is why, IMHO that the American people elected a guy like Trump, for whom there isn’t much respect as a noble paragon of virtue, but in whom we hold so much hope!

    I pray he’s an unlikely savior of sorts, who can leash the Fiend. If not him, who?

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  210. Talha 说:

    Oh man – gross!!! Is there a way to add a “Barf” notation??!!

  211. @anarchyst

    First, I am a cradler RCCer (post-Vatican II) and my family has been RCC for hundreds of years.

    Do you accept black/Asian priests-popes? Once you answer this, I can proceed to tell you the status of the RCC.

  212. 我永远不会养一只畸形狗。这么多的表演《心理戒指》已经毁了。

    • 回复: @Truth
  213. Truth 说:
    @Chris Dakota



    • 哈哈: Talha
  214. hyperbola 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    That is all true and probably sephardic groups were the main practitioners/purveyors of slavery in the British, Dutch and Portuguese colonies. The “financiers” however were mainly in London and Amsterdam (also partly sephardic).

    Rothschild 和 Freshfields 创始人与奴隶制有关

    … Niall Ferguson, Laurence A.Tisch professor of history at Harvard and author of The World’s Banker: A History of the House of Rothschild, said the documents showed “how pervasive slavery was in the structure of British wealth in 1830”.

    Remember also that Liverpool was probably the biggest shipping center involved in the “three-way” trade.

    International Slavery Museum, Liverpool museums

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
    , @Corvinus
  215. @Stephen Paul Foster


    几个世纪以来,犹太人一直控制着这一人口。 (自由、平等、博爱!)


  216. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    Again, Rurik: well put!

  217. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    All very true. But I was just referring to how modern slavery 开始, circa 1500 AD. That was a little before the Rothschild’s time.

  218. @Corvinus


    种种事情都是“可以想象的”,但实际上,如果你细心观察,而不是扮演“三只聪明的猴子”,你就会发现,到处都存在着损害白种人、“特定群体”成员利益的政治活动。 ”在他们的最前面,领导着羊群和其他“有用的白痴”……


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  219. Corvinus 说:
    @Captain Nemo

    “All kinds of things are “conceivable”, but in reality, if one cares to look instead of playing the “three wise monkeys”, one sees that everywhere there are political activities against the interests of the White race…”


    So, what makes YOU other than a “sheep”? How are YOU not a “useful idiot”?

  220. Rurik 说:

    one sees that everywhere there are political activities against the interests of the White race, members of the “specific group” are at their forefront,

    and right now they’re blowing a gasket- demanding that Trump refer to all white people who protest for their (by now evaporated) rights; as Nazis! and haters!

    He condemned the violence on “all sides”, and to the tribe, this is nothing less than a lynching

    equating white people’s rights with black people’s rights is like equating Palestinian rights with Jewish rights. As if they were in the same universe. Palestinians are terrorists and Jews are victims. 总是. They have spent billions of our dollars hamming that into all of us. Just as white people are guilty racists, and blacks are always victims. 总是。 And they have spent billions of our dollars hammering that meme in.

    it should be fun watching this unfold

  221. Corvinus 说:

    “That is all true and probably sephardic groups were the main practitioners/purveyors of slavery in the British, Dutch and Portuguese colonies. The “financiers” however were mainly in London and Amsterdam (also partly sephardic).”

    You are a classic SJW with your doubling down. The link is not accessible, there is a paywall.

    Regardless, you have yet to prove this specific claim–“Remember that ca. 90% of slave trading to the New World was carried out by British, Dutch and Portuguese jews based in the respective colonies.”

    Recall in a source you provided that Dutch Jews reportedly controlled 17% of the Carribbean trade. It was not noted that it was the slave trade or non-slave trade. Regardless, there is no reference to the 90% statistic YOU allege.

    布鲁克林学院非裔美国人研究教授威利·佩奇(Willie F. Page)指出,在荷兰巴西,犹太人经营的种植园少于6%。

    西摩·德雷舍(Seymour Drescher)在《移民与少数民族》(1993年0.5月)中评论说,犹太人在荷兰西印度公司的投资份额“仅占该公司资本的17%”。 荷兰历史学家彼得·埃默(Pieter Emmer)和约翰内斯·波斯特马(Johanes Postma)认为:“即使在XNUMX世纪荷兰奴隶贸易的鼎盛时期,犹太人的作用也非常有限和从属。”


    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  222. @Corvinus

    Dude, you’re wasting breath. The Single Jewish Cause theory is a pathological heuristic. You can’t refute pathology.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  223. Corvinus 说:
    @Marshall Lentini

    “Dude, you’re wasting breath. The Single Jewish Cause theory is a pathological heuristic. You can’t refute pathology.”

    You’re going to have to more than simply through out big boy words. What do you specifically mean? Elaborate, please.

    • 回复: @Anon
  224. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    You’re an idiot. Don’t you realize he agrees with you?

    • 同意: geokat62
  225. UtherWhys 说:

    No, anonymous, only the first word in your sentence [“That”] needs to be capitalized, and you’ve already done it. BTW, I’m looking forward to the publication of your first novel.


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