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America’s Uncle Omar problem

由米歇尔·马尔金(Michelle Malkin)



“Always remember. Never forget.” The phrase is now emblazoned in red across the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website. But as the Obama administration disseminates its talking points to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 jihadist attacks, the White House remains stone-silent about the president’s Uncle Omar problem.

The refusal to deal with Uncle Omar tells you everything you need to know about the emptiness and impotence of Washington’s 9/11 platitudes.

“Omar” is Onyango Obama, the illegal alien deportation fugitive who is the long-lost Kenyan half-brother of President Obama’s father. The president mentioned him in his best-selling book, “Dreams from My Father.” But these days, he’d undoubtedly prefer to whitewash him out of the public eye. Last week, Uncle Omar was 被捕 for drunk driving in Framingham, Mass., and held on an immigration detainer.

liquor store employee — yes, he was apparently drinking the inventory that legal Americans weren’t drinking — nearly crashed into a police car and belligerently demanded to ring up the White House. Few in the neighborhood are laughing it off. Just two weeks ago, an illegal alien drunk driver with a mile-long rap sheet mowed down and killed a 23-year-old Milford, Mass., man.

开放边界的倡导者会称奥马尔叔叔“无害”。但事实证明,他不仅是一个多次无视法庭下令离开该国的驱逐出境潜逃者,而且还是一个游手好闲的人。 欠数千税款 以及一个诈骗者 社会保障卡持有者 半个世纪以来,他一直设法逃避当局的追捕。

让奥马尔消失的政策是 “自愿离开” - 一种破坏安全的机制,允许非法外籍越境者和签证逾期居留者在通过联邦移民法院系统后将自己驱逐出境。 1989年,奥马尔在留在该国的第一场官司中败诉;他在第二次投标中失败了 移民上诉委员会

然后,作为 400,000万至700,000万非法移民潜逃者 尽管奥马尔在过去二十年里所做的一切,只是再次对法律嗤之以鼻,并将他进入美国视为一种权利,而不是一种特权。

Omar will now appeal any deportation proceedings a 第三 time with the help of the same Ohio law firm that represented his illegal alien deportation fugitive sister, 泽图尼奥尼扬戈. Aunt Zeituni arrived in the U.S. in 2000 on a temporary visa. Her asylum request was rejected in 2004. She defied the immigration court order to go back to Kenya, moved into Boston public housing, and hid with relatives for years before 胜利 a second bid to stay in the country she’s since 丢了 publicly numerous times.


就像我 reported exclusively in November 2008, when Aunt Zeituni’s case exploded before Election Day, 有同情心 布什政府官员 ordered immigration authorities across the country to all deportation enforcement actions until after the campaign season was over. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) source familiar with Western field offices told me at the time: “The ICE fugitive operations group throughout the U.S. was told to stand down until after the election from arresting or transporting anyone out of the U.S. This was done to avoid any mistakes of deporting or arresting anyone who could have a connection to the election, i.e., anyone from Kenya who could be a relative. The decision was election-driven.”


更可恶的是,我们知道共和党和民主党政府都继续在国土安全问题上玩弄政治,同时对 9/11 死难者口头上表示支持。

袭击发生后,国土安全部官员发现 完全危险 那是驱逐逃犯的汪洋大海所构成的。以加齐·易卜拉欣·阿布·梅泽尔 (Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer) 为例,他是一名巴勒斯坦炸弹制造商,于 1996 年和 1997 年通过加拿大非法进入美国。他因涉嫌受到以色列人的迫害而申请政治庇护,但一名男子交纳了 5,000 美元的保释金后获释。他自己是非法外国人,然后在给律师打电话并谎报了自己的行踪后跳过了庇护听证会。 1997 年 1997 月,在他的律师撤回梅泽的庇护申请后,一名联邦移民法官命令梅泽以“自愿离境令”离开美国。梅泽尔忽略了这张无用的纸。 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月,他因一名室友向当地警方举报而被捕,随后他参与了纽约市的一次爆炸阴谋。

无数圣战分子从驱逐令执行不严和庇护漏洞中获益匪浅。圣战策划者拉姆齐·优素福(Ramzi Yousef)和米尔·艾马尔·坎西(Mir Aimal Kansi)也利用我们的抓捕释放制度,在策划和执行圣战袭击之前寻求庇护并躲避当局的追捕。

9/11 事件后潜逃者逮捕行动已被彻底挫败。这 移民执法机构逮捕的非法外国人总数不到一半 根据移民研究中心的数据,情况与五年前持平。白宫正在大规模发放像佩斯糖果这样的驱逐豁免。


• 类别: 思想 •标签: 美国总统奥巴马, 移民与签证