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(向评论者致敬 txvet2)

A reminder to conservatives: “Swift-Boating” does not equal smearing.

Swift-Boating means exposing hard truths about corrupt Democrats.

By using “Swift-Boating” in the context of the John McCain/NYT story, you are doing a grave disservice to the Swift Boat Veterans who courageously told the untold truths about John Kerry that the mainstream media wanted buried.

本篇 is a no-no–made all the more surprising by the fact that the conservative quoted in the article spearheaded communications for the Swift Boat Vets:

Greg Mueller, a veteran Republican strategist, said conservatives would side with McCain against the paper they love to hate.

“The New York Times is trying to swift-boat McCain,” Mueller said. “This is the first real salvo of the general election. Certainly, the Times cannot complain about a negative general election campaign since they fired the first shot.

“It was a poor and revealing attempt by The New York Times to try and smear McCain at a time when he is starting to define Obama as a inexperienced liberal, so The New York Time takes up for Obama’s defense. If anything, this helps energize conservatives to come to McCain’s aide in beating back attacks by The New York Times and other liberal MSM outlets.”

I hope this was a misquote.


Make sure you order a copy of To Set The Record Straight. Send one to your local newspaper editor–or to the next commentator or political operative whom you spot distorting the Swift Boat Veterans’ legacy.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 丹·拉瑟, 拉瑟盖特, 快艇兽医