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Remember when I said something nice about UC Berkeley finally getting tough with the illegal trespassers who’ve been idiotically perched in campus trees for 18 months? Never mind. Now, they are going to appease the law-breakers by feeding them energy bars.


UC Berkeley officials said Tuesday that the school would give 1,800 calories in the form of energy bars to each of the four people still sitting in the oak trees on campus.

The school had already been giving the tree-sitters energy bars and water for some months, but because the protesters may have begun to run out of food, school officials said they wanted to make sure that the tree-sitters stay healthy.

UC Berkeley Executive Director of Public Affairs Dan Mogulof said the school would continue to deliver water to the activists.

“Following a UCPD report that the protesters are depleting their previously stockpiled supplies, senior campus officials consulted with the campus medical director Dr. Brad Buchman and decided to provide each individual with the equivalent of 1,800 calories a day, an amount Dr. Buchman has determined to be sufficient to meet essential requirements,” a statement from the school read.

The previous energy bars did not have as many calories as the newer bars, which are made by QuakeKare Inc.

My sympathy for the university just went out the window.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 伯克利