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Getting lots of alarmed e-mails asking about beheadings at the southern border and why they’re not being reported. Some readers are claiming the murder victims were US Border Patrol agents. Wrong. Others are attacking the media for ignoring it. Terrible crimes, no question. But there’s no cover-up. 这是故事。 这里的 更多. Q&O blogger 戴尔弗兰克斯 has good advice before sending out rumor-mongering emails: Search engines are your friends.

Meanwhile, there’s no need to overreach to find underreported stories of criminal gang activity spilling across the border. Check out MS-13 wreaking havoc in the Virginia suburbs, 北卡罗来纳, Frederick County, MDPGC,MD。

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 边境巡逻, 13S-XNUMX, 南部边境