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巴西人嘲笑奥巴马:“是的,我们 Créu”



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Heh-heh. Brazilians are having fun popping Barack Obama’s bubble. Here’s your second 的TwitPic 当天:

“Yes We Créu” is now the hottest trending topic on Twitter.

Best of all? The Obama-bots can’t cry “RAAAAAAACIST!”


Here at home, the nutroots are hysterically 攻击 Olympics bid critics as, you guessed it, “非美国人。”

To which I say: What do you have against people of color in a developing nation on a continent that has never hosted the Olympics?


伦敦时报: “Obama’s Olympic failure will only add to doubts about his presidency.”


What The Trend:

Brazilian twitter-ers’ creation, It’s a pun on Barack Obama slogan “Yes, we can” (http://bit.ly/H16PF) and brazilian funk (musical style) performer MC Créu music (http://bit.ly/ZQypq). It’s like “Yes we nail it”, but in a funny way. Refers to Rio de Janeiro being chosen as the host of the 2016 Olympics.

The man on the photo is Mussum, a deceased Brazilian humorist (http://bit.ly/H16PF).

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 奥运会