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湾流自由女皇网站的Blogger攻击了保守的驾驶习惯。 随之而来的是欢闹。



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A sanctimonious liberal (redundancy alert!) blogger 责难 various conservatives who all presumably own massive, gas-guzzling vehicles like the Ford F-150:

As the American economy falls to pieces, oil is hovering in the $100 per barrel range and gas prices are a few days away from shattering all-time high records. Forecasters are predicting that gas will surpass $3.22 per gallon by next week. Mad Money’s Jim Cramer told Chris Matthews last week that gas prices might top $4 per gallon within the next six weeks.

Even with this brutal economic news to serve as an incentive, will Michelle Malkin, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and their ilk sacrifice for the war effort by purchasing less Islamofascist gasoline for their Ford F-150 Microphalluses? No way. Too moonbatty. Devising new and hilariously clever agitprop words like “Defeatocrats” is clearly more patriotic than actually addressing the principle source of global and domestic instability: oil and gasoline.

The blogger, one Bob Cesca, published his post at the Huffington Post, founded by the Queen of gas-guzzling Gulfstream Liberals, 阿里安娜·赫芬顿. Yes, the same Arianna Huffington who was caught driving this Chevy Suburban beauty to get to the Sierra Club’s national summit in San Francisco a few years ago:




Time and again, the Left paints a bogus caricature of conservatives destroying the environment with awful SUVs while they tool around in…awful SUVs.

I drive a minivan and a Subaru wagon.

government-subsidized, Bush-bashing Frost family 驱动器:

a Volvo SUV…


a GMC Suburban…


and a nice, big Ford F250 Pickup work truck…


Tell you what, Bob Cesca. When Arianna swears off all private jet travel and the Frosts cram their kids into a Prius, I’ll buy a scooter.

Until then, take your eco-sanctimony and drive it off a Malibu cliff.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 环境机智, Huffpo