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Dede Scozzafava:骗子



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As if there weren’t 更多 reasons to oppose radical leftist Dede Scozzafava’s GOP candidacy in the NY-23 special election, add one more to the list:

She’s a liar.

奥尔巴尼时代联盟 报道:

Police questioned a reporter from a conservative publication after receiving a call that he harassed a Republican candidate for Congress who refused to answer his questions about her positions on tax and health issues.

Lowville Village Police Chief Eric Fredenburg said officers responded to a call Monday night saying state Assemblywoman Dierdre Scozzafava “felt concern for her safety” during questioning by reporter John McCormack of the Weekly Standard. He wouldn’t say who made the call.

“I don’t believe it ever escalated to anything that would ever be classified as an emergency,” Fredenburg said.

No charges were filed against McCormack.

…In the audio recording of the reporter’s questioning played for The Associated Press by McCormack, the reporter didn’t raise his voice, but repeated his unanswered questions several times, including one about abortion.

“I never screamed, I never yelled, I never shouted,” he said. “My voice was only loud enough so she could hear my questions.”

In a statement released Tuesday to the blog 政治, Scozzafava’s campaign said the reporter “repeatedly screamed questions (in-your-face-style),” but later issued a statement deleting the accusation.

Demonizing those who ask simple questions. Just like the White House and the Democrat majority.

有你 called Scozzafava’s GOP enablers out 然而?

Gingrich invoke Reagan again to explain this all away?
