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The HuffMobile

Reader Doug, who posts at 自由共和网, sent this photo, which he took while covering the Sierra Club’s national summit in San Francisco last weekend. The handsome, full-size sport utility vehicle pictured above is a 雪佛兰郊区. It was sent by the anti-SUV environmental puritans of the Sierra Club to pick up fellow, eco-zealot 阿里安娜·赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington), 谁给的 rousing, Bush-bashing, closing remarks at the eco-summit.

Yes, Arianna “Why I Drive a Toyota Prius” Huffington. Yes, Arianna “SUV drivers enable terrorism” 赫芬顿。

I interviewed Sierra Club national spokesman Eric Antebi by phone yesterday, who confirmed that the group sent the SUV. He blamed an “outside contractor,” which he declined to name, for the rather dissonant choice of vehicle.

“It is ridiculous,” Antebi admitted. “It’s something we regret and we’ve learned our lesson.”

Curious, I asked Antebi whether any of the staff at the Sierra Club headquarters owned and drove SUVs. He stumbled and said the group didn’t keep track of who drove what. It’s “a personal decision,” he explained. “People drive different cars for different reasons.”

Well, um, exactly. Now, wouldn’t it be nice if these anti-SUV green busybodies took the same attitude towards the rest of us and left our car choices alone?!



Mr. KABC 正在案件中。

KSFO elects The HuffMobile snapshot its Favorite Photo of the day.

格伦·雷诺兹: “Heh. Is that miles per gallon, or gallons per mile?”

The Bad Hedgehog: “All the stretch Hummer limos were taken already.”

抢港口 on Arianna then and now.

金色飞贼先生 on the celebrity politics of energy.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: Huffpo