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Tuesday quick links:

丹·拉瑟 has a crocodile tear-shedding, lip-quivering meltdown. Dry-eyed comments from Penraker,反白痴罗威纳犬, 罗杰·L·西蒙史蒂夫·J。

-Robert Spencer on The Hijab That Wasn’t.

FEC sues the Club for Growth. FEC statement 点击此处. Club for Growth response 点击此处. RedState, 博客杰克刘易斯 拉响警报。

-More ungrateful critics of the 红十字会 say it’s too white.

– David Lombino at 纽约太阳报 has a story on former Air America exec David Goodfriend, who’s gone public over the Gloria Wise loan scandal. My investigative blog partner 布赖恩·马洛尼 takes a look. We’ve got more coming. Stay tuned.

-For bloggers who have been following the 后果 Kelo decision, don’t miss the webcast of today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing at 10am EDT:

“The Kelo Decision: Investigating Takings of Homes and other Private Property.”

-And here’s your latest FEMA waste story: Truckloads of ice to be stored in Portland. 摘抄:

Rick Benn, who had been shepherding his load of ice from Indianapolis for two weeks, said he’s worked disaster relief before but this was the worst. He couldn’t understand why he trucked a load of ice all the way to the Deep South, waited for a week in Alabama, then hauled it to Northern New England.

“It’s the government. What do you expect?” he said.

Still, he’s being paid $800 a day. He would normally spend almost half that money on fuel but when he’s waiting instead of hauling, his operating expenses are minimal.

Reeves, who is from New York, said he’s gone from feeling upbeat about his disaster work, to feeling guilty.

“I thought I was doing some real good,” he said.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 航美, 丹·拉瑟, 枪炮