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Good morning, people. I’ve got your second snort-starter of the day.

上个月, the Left went nuts after I pointed out Bill Kristol’s honest error misattributing a quote from Michael Medved to me. Kristol’s detractors treated it like it was journalistic Armageddon.

那么, 纽约时报 did it again and printed another quote misattributed to me:

Michelle Malkin, the popular right-wing blogger, echoes the same sentiment and asks, “putting that aside for a moment, what is it that we’ve suddenly done to — finally — make her proud now? Allow her husband to enter a primary that he hasn’t even won yet?=

Hey, good quote! And they spelled my name correctly! Too bad I didn’t write it.

The NYT even included a hyperlink to the comments I supposedly made–a hyperlink which takes you to a post by Jeff Emanuel at 红州.

Jeff Emanuel at Redstate.com.

Michelle Malkin at MichelleMalkin.com.

Looking, looking for the similarity….

Nope, not seeing it.

It’s no biggie, of course. But go back and look at the 骚动 the nutroots raised over the Kristol misattribution (ear-splitting) vs. what they’ll say about this new misattribution (cricket-chirping).

Three words: Out of whack.


东部时间上午 9:44 更新. . They corrected their error.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: “纽约时报”, 坚果根