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Anyone know what the French word for moonbat is?

It’s that time of year again when they flock to the French Riviera for the Cannes Film Festival.

Sean Penn opened up the circus with a Spicoli-esque rant about Barack Obama. Actress Natalie Portman served as arm/eye candy and a mob of 大熊猫 appeared to lighten things up.


At a press conference beforehand, the actor, an outspoken critic of the Bush administration, offered his views on the Democratic nomination race.

Asked if he would be joining other Hollywood A-listers in pledging support for Obama, Penn gave him a less than ringing endorsement and warned that he has an awful lot to live up to.

”I don’t have a candidate I’m supporting and I’m certainly interested and excited by the hope that Barack Obama is inspiring,” he said, but went on to accuse him of a “phenomenally inhuman and unconstitutional” voting record.

”I hope that he will understand, if he is the nominee, the degree of disillusionment that will happen if he doesn’t become a greater man than he will ever be,” Penn said. “This is the most important election, certainly in my lifetime, and maybe ever.”

What is Sean Penn 抽烟? I mean, what 其他 is he smoking?

啊, 没关系.

Eric at 古典价值观 attempts to deconstruct the un-deconstruct-ible.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 美国总统奥巴马, 西恩潘